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2/25/1992 - Regular
o~ aoaN ,~ F p ~ ALL-AMI~ICA CI11f Z ~ ~. tI~ ~~ ~tYt~ ~~ ~, ~ ~a ~~_~, as SFSDUICEN7ENN,P~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ A a Bmuuroi8cq~nrting ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 9 o i ACTION AGENDA FEBRUARY 25, 1992 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:05 P.M. 2. Invocation: Rev. John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH REQUESTED BRIEF DISCUSSION ON BUDGET BEFORE EVENING PUBLIC HEARING LBE MOVED ITEM C 1 TO CONSENT AGENDA ITEM T-4 SINCE MS. 1 CHAPPELLE WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND ECH ADDED ITEM D.0 STATUS OF CONTAMINATION OF WELLS IN NORTH COUNTY C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolutions of Congratulations for Winning Entries in "Heart of the Blue Ridge" Visual Art Contest. a. First Place -Ned Dowling, Cave Spring HS R-22592-1 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC NED DOWLING AND PARENTS WERE PRESENT. HE ALSO RECEIVED $100 SAVINGS BOND. b. Honorable Mention -Kim Hayslett, Cave Spring HS R-22592-2 HOM MOTION TO APPROVE - URC KIM HAYSLETT AND MOTHER WERE PRESENT b. Honorable Mention - Tason Fizer, Northside HS R-22592-3 HOM MOTION TO APPROVE - URC JASON FIZER AND PARENTS WERE PRESENT. a 3. Recognition of Susie B. Owen, Economic Development, for being Named Secretary of the Year for the Roanoke Chapter of Professional Secretaries International. SUSIE B. OWEN WAS PRESENT TO BE RECOGNIZED D. NEW BUSINESS 0. Status of Contamination of Wells in North County. (ELMER HODGE, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) REPORTS PRESENTED BY ECH, NEIL OBENSHAIN. REGIONAL DIRECTOR, WATER CONTROL BOARD, AND DR MOLLY HAGAN. DIRECTOR, ALLEGHANY HEALTH DEPARTMENT. HCN MOVED TO GRANT ECH REQUEST TO (1) EXTEND COUNTY WATER LINES TO RESIDENTS WHOSE WELLS ARE CONTANIINATED BY TCE AT A COST OF NO GREATER THAN $50000 FROM THE UTILITY FUND, BUT WITH AUTHORITY TO GO BEYOND THE CAP IN AN EMERGENCY IF NECESSARY. AND (2 GIVE RESIDENTS UNTIL TULY 1ST TO PAY WATER CONNECTION FEES. AYES: EGK, HOM, HCN, LBE NAYS: NONE ABSTAIN: BI DR HAGAN ADVISED THAT RESIDENTS WITH QUESTIONS SHOULD CONTACT HEALTH DEPARTMENT OR WATER CONTROL BOARD. 1. Request for Reconsideration of County Position on APCO Power Line. 3 (REQUESTED BY SUPERVISOR KOHINKE) A-22592-4 EGK MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION AYES: EGK HOM, LBE NAYS: BI,~T, HCN EGK MOTION TO APPROVE ALTERNATIVE #3 LEAVING IN PLACE THE LETTER OF OPPOSITION SENT TO SCC AYES: EGI~ HOM, HCN, LBE NAYS: BLJ HCN REQUESTED RECONSIDERATION OF THIS ITEM AT 3/10/92 MEETING 2. Request to Approve Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Fiscal Year 1992-1993 Budget. (DIANE HYATT, DIRECTOR, FINANCE) A-22592-5 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 3. Request to Approve Five Month Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. (DIANE HYATT, TREASURER, RVRA) A-22592-6 HOM MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 4. Recommendations from the Smoking Committee Regarding the Smoking Policy. (ELMER HODGE, COUNTY ADMI1vISTRATOR) 4 A-22592-7 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE STAFF RECOMII~NDATIONS (1) ALLOW SMOKING IN DESIGNATED AREAS (2) ADOPT PENALTY PROVISIONS (3) $1,500 BE APPROPRIATED FROM BOARD CONTINGENCY FUND TO REIMBURSE EMPLOYEES UP TO $30 FOR PARTICIPATING INSTOP-SMOKING PROGRAMS AND (4) ASK SCHOOL BOARDS CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND TAIL TO GO ALONG WITH PLAN URC BARBARA COSGROVE PRESENTED PETITION FROM SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES FOR CONTINUATION OF NO SMOKING POLICY 5. Proposal to Request from the Roanoke Valley Governments Financial Participation in the Therapeutics Program. (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) A-22592-8 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE SENDING REQUESTS AYES: EGK~ HOM, HCN, LBE NAYS: NONE ABSENT: BI 6. Request from School Board to Purchase Special Education Bus. (DIANE HYATT, DIRECTOR, FINANCE) A-22592-9 B ~T MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 5 E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIItST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An Ordinance to Rezone 1.0 Acre from B-3 to B-2 to Operate a Firearms and Fishing Equipment Store, located at 2965 Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Henry Morgan. B --T MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING PUBLIC HEARING - 3/24/92 H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES NONE I. APPOINTMENTS 6 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council LBE NOMINATED FRANCES R HOLSINGER FOR ANOTHER ONE YEAR TERM 2. Planning Commission EGK NOMINATED MARTHA HOOKER TO FILL THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF 112ARIAN CHAPPELLE 3. Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board HCN NOMINATED DIANE HYATT AND ASKED FOR CONI+'IRMATION AT THIS MEETING -HCN WITHDREW MOTION PENDING DISCUSSION IN EXECUTIVE SESSION 4. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority HCN NOMINATED KATE SCHEFSKY AND ASKED FOR CONFIRMATION AT THIS MEETING -HCN WITHDREW MOTION PENDING DISCUSSION IN EXECUTIVE SESSION J. ~ CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-22592-10 EGK MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 1. Approval of Minutes -January 14, 1992; January 18, 1992; January 28, 1992. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. A-22592-10.a 3. Acceptance of Donations of Right-of--Way and Easements for Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. A-22592-10.b 3. Resolution of Appreciation to Marian Chappelle for Service on the Planning Commission. R-22592-10.c K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS HCN -ASKED THAT REQUESTS FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO CO1bIlVIUNII'Y HOUSEHOLD DISPOSAL DAY 4/11/92 BE BROUGHT BACK AS AGENDA ITEM LBE -REPORTED ON CONGRESSMAN BOUCHER'S 2/17/92 VISIT AND TOUR s L. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND CO1bIlVIUNICATIONS 1. Employee Advisory Committee Representative. DIANA WILSON CHAIRMAN EAC SPOKE IN SUPPORT OF SALARY INCREASE FOR ALL COUNTY EMPLOYEES TO BE INCLUDED IN 1992-93 BUDGET M. REPORTS HCN MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE ITEMS 1 - 6 - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of January 31, 1991. 5. Proclamations Signed by the Chairman. 6. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of January 31, 1992. 7. Report on Social Services Department's Request for Additional Funding for General Relief and Foster Care Programs. HCN MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AFTER DISCUSSION - UW 9 N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (1) TO DISCUSS ASSIGNMENT OR APPOINTMENT OF SPECIFIC PUBLIC OFFICERS, APPOINTEES OR EMPLOYEES (7) TO DISCUSS A SPECIFIC LEGAL MATTER CONCERNING DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL AND EPA BL.T MOTION AT 5:30 P.M. - URC O. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-22592-11 BL<T MOTION TO APPROVE AT 6:20 P.M. - URC P. BUDGET DISCUSSION ECH ASKED FOR GUIDANCE FROM THE BOARD CONCERNING THE BUDGET. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. APPOIlVTMENTS 1. Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board HCN NOMINATED DIANE HYATT TO COMPLETE THE UNEXPIItED io TERM OF TOHN HUBBARD AND ASKED FOR CONFIRMATION AT THIS MEETING - URC 2. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority HCN NOMINATED KATE SCHEFSKY TO COMPLETE THE UNEXPIRED TERM OF TORN HUBBARD AND ASKED FOR CONFIRMATION AT THIS MEETING - URC R PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment on the Establishment of the Six-Year Construction Plan for the Secondary System of the State Highways for 1992-98. (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS, STEVE BUSTON ACTING RESIDENT ENGINEER, VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) THREE CITIZENS SPOKE CONCERNING IVY RIDGE ROAD, UP GAME ROAD, AND HIGHFIELDS ROAD S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. 11 a (TERRY HARRINGTON, DIRECTOR OF PL.~INIVING & ZONING) 0-22592-12 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC THREE CITIZENS SPOKE IN FAVOR 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to Construct a Convenience Store, located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. (TERRY HARRINGTON, DIRECTOR OF PL,~INNING & ZONING) 0-22592-13 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD - URC T. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND CO1~~IlVIUNICATIONS NONE U. ADJOtitRNMENT B ~T MOTION TO ADTOURN AT 7:40 P.M. - UW is O~ ROAN ~ F ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ a~ Cn~a~~t~ ~f ~~~~~~~ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Brauumit3cgimm~g ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 25, 1992 Au-aM~ica cmr ~-~~ ~~9~8~9 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: Rev. John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Marian Chappelle for Service on the Planning Commission. 2. Resolutions of Congratulations for Winning Entries in "Heart of the Blue Ridge" Visual Art Contest. a. First Place -Ned Dowling, Cave Spring HS b. Honorable Mention -Jason Fizer, Northside HS c. Honorable Mention -Kim Hayslett, Cave Spring HS 3. Recognition of Susie B. Owen, Economic Development, for being Named Secretary of the Year for the Roanoke Chapter of Professional Secretaries International. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Reconsideration of County Position on APCO Power Line. (REQUESTED BY SUPERVISOR KOHINKE) 2. Request to Approve Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Fiscal Year 1992-1993 Budget. (DIANE HYATT, DIRECTOR, FINANCE) 3. Request to Approve Five Month Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. (DIANE HYATT, TREASURER, RVRA) 4. Recommendations from the Smoking Committee Regarding the Smoking Policy. (ELMER HODGE, COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) 5. Proposal to Request from the Roanoke Valley Governments Financial Participation in the Therapeutics Program. 2 (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR) 6. Request from School Board to Purchase Special Education Bus. (DIANE HYATT, DIRECTOR, FINANCE) E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An Ordinance to Rezone 1.0 Acre from B-3 to B-2 to Operate a Firearms and Fishing Equipment Store, located at 2965 Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Henry Morgan. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES I. APPOINTMENTS 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 2. Planning Commission 3 3. Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board 4. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WII.L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -January 14, 1992; January 18, 1992; January 28, 1992. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. 3. Acceptance of Donations of Right-of--Way and Easements for Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS a L. CITIZENS' C011~IlVIENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Employee Advisory Committee Representative. M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of January 31, 1991. 5. Proclamations Signed by the Chairman. 6. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of January 31, 1992. 7. Report on Social Services Department's Request for Additional Funding for General Relief and Foster Care Programs. N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (1) TO DISCUSS ASSIGNMENT OR APPOINTMENT OF SPECIFIC PUBLIC OFFICERS, APPOINTEES OR EMPLOYEES (7) TO DISCUSS A SPECIFIC LEGAL MATTER CONCERNING DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL AND EPA 5 EVENING SESSION P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment on the Establishment of the Six-Year Construction Plan for the Secondary System of the State Highways for 1992-98. (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS, STEVE BUSTON ACTING RESIDENT ENGINEER AND FRED ALTIZER, DISTRICT ENGINEER, VIRGIIVIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) Q. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. (TERRY HARRINGTON, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & ZONING) 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to Construct a Convenience Store, located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. (TERRY HARRINGTON, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & ZONING) R CITIZEN COMIVVIENTS AND CO1bIlViIJNICATIONS S. ADJOi;rRNMENT 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ~ ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions of Congratulations to the winners of the "Heart of the Blue Ridge" Roanoke County Visual Art Contest COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In 1991, Roanoke County sponsored a logo contest through the employee newsletter, The Countv Signal. The winner was chosen by vote of the employees and Roanoke Countv, Heart of the Blue Ridcte was named the winner. Heart of the Blue Ridge represents not only the geographic location of the County, but THE caring attitude of our citizens and employees. At that time, it was decided to sponsor a similar contest through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual that would represent the logo. The contest was coordinated by Dr. Stephen King, Supervisor of Fine Arts, and there were 31 entries from the high school art students. The contest was judged by Betty Jo Dehart, Supervisor of Leisure Arts for Roanoke County. Ms. Dehart has a master degree in fine arts from Hollins College and has taught art. The other judge was Suzanne Ross, an artist, former president of the League of Roanoke Artists and Representative to the President's Network of the Arts. Ned Dowling, a student at Cave Spring High School was the winner of the contest and will receive a $100 savings bond. Honorable Mention went to Jason Fizer, a student Northside High School and Kim Hayslett, a student at Cave Spring High School. The logo and visual will not replace the County Seal as the official logo but will be used when appropriate. As an example, The Customer Service Resource Committee plans to use the logo as part of its program to encourage customer service efforts by the staff . C •~ Q • ~- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached resolutions of congratulations be adopted and presented to the student who won the contest and the students who received Honorable Mention. Submitted by: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board Approved by: ~ . e4~' .~'' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION 22592-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO NED DOWLING UPON WINNING THE ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL LOGO ART CONTEST WHEREAS, in 1991, Roanoke County in a contest among County employees adopted as a slogan, Roanoke County, Heart of the Blue Ridqe, representing both the geographic location of Roanoke County and the caring nature of its citizens and employees, and WHEREAS, at that time, it was determined that a similar contest should be conducted through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual design that would portray the image of the slogan, and WHEREAS, an art contest was sponsored by the Roanoke County Schools in which there were 31 entries in the contest from high school art students, and WHEREAS, Ned Dowling, a student at Cave Spring High School was chosen by the judges as the winner of the contest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its sincere congratulations to NED DOWLING for winning the Roanoke County School Logo Art Contest, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors supports the future use of the slogan and visual design by the County in ways that may be deemed appropriate. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~~~~ Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools ~ .Z ~ Q.. FIRST PLACE NED DOWLING CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL ~;,,Z e. GL AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO NED DOWLING UPON WINNING THE ROANORE COUNTY VISUAL LOGO CONTEST WHEREAS, in 1991, Roanoke County in a contest among County employees adopted as a Logo, Roanoke County. Heart of the Blue Ridcte, representing both the geographic location of Roanoke County and the caring nature of its citizens and employees, and WHEREAS, at that time, it was determined that a similar contest should be conducted through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual that would adequately portray the image of the logo, and WHEREAS, an art contest was sponsored by the Roanoke County Schools in which there were 31 entries in the contest from high school art students, and WHEREAS, Ned Dowling, a student at Cave Spring High School was chosen by the judges as the winner of the contest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its sincere congratulations to NED DOWLING for winning the Roanoke County School Logo Art Contest, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors supports the future use of the logo and visual by the County in ways that may be deemed appropriate. ~~RST PLACE NED DOWLING CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL ~~'"~~ia AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION 22592-2 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO RIM HAYSLETT, UPON PLACING HONORABLE MENTION IN THE ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL LOGO ART CONTEST WHEREAS, in 1991, Roanoke County in a contest among County employees adopted as a slogan, Roanoke County, Heart of the Blue Ridqe, representing both the geographic location of Roanoke County and the caring nature of its citizens and employees, and WHEREAS, at that time, it was determined that a similar contest should be conducted through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual design that would portray the image of the slogan, and WHEREAS, an art contest was sponsored by the Roanoke County Schools in which there were 31 entries in the contest from high school art students, and WHEREAS, Kim Hayslett, a student at Cave Spring High School was chosen by the judges to receive Honorable Mention in the contest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its congratulations to RIM HAYSLETT for winning Honorable Mention in the Roanoke County School Logo Art Contest, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors supports the future use of the visual design by the County in ways that may be deemed appropriate. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A en, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools HONORABLE MENTION I~1VI HAYSI.ETr CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL ~ ~ ~ 1 /~~ co~rrr~r ~' • z. C. w -~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO RIM gAYSLETT, UPON PLACING HONORABLE MENTION IN THE ROANORE COIINTY VISUAL LOGO CONTEST WHEREAS, in 1991, Roanoke County in a contest among County employees adopted as a Logo, Roanoke County. Heart of the Blue Ridge, representing both the geographic location of Roanoke County and the caring nature of its citizens and employees, and WHEREAS, at that time, it was determined that a similar contest should be conducted through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual that would adequately portray the image of the logo, and WHEREAS, an art contest was sponsored by the Roanoke County Schools in which there were 31 entries in the contest from high school art students, and WHEREAS, Kim Hayslett, a student at Cave Spring High School was chosen by the judges to receive Honorable Mention in the contest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its congratulations to RIM HAYSLETT for winning Honorable Mention in the Roanoke County School Logo Art Contest, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors supports the future use of the visual by the County in ways that may be deemed appropriate. C - z- c- HONORABLE MENTTON I~1VI HAYSLETT CAVE SPRIlVG HIGH SCHOOL ~ ~ ~ 1 /~~,~ Ij l ~OYI~TY ~' - ~.. C. i HONORABLE MENTION I~1VI HAYSI.ETT CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~ COYI~I'Y ~1 ~ `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION 22592-3 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO JASON FIZER UPON PLACING HONORABLE MENTION IN THE ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL LOGO ART CONTEST WHEREAS, in 1991, Roanoke County in a contest among County employees adopted as a slogan, Roanoke County. Heart of the Blue Ridqe, representing both the geographic location of Roanoke County and the caring nature of its citizens and employees, and WHEREAS, at that time, it was determined that a similar contest should be conducted through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual design that would portray the image of the slogan, and WHEREAS, an art contest was sponsored by the Roanoke County Schools in which there were 31 entries in the contest from high school art students, and WHEREAS, Jason Fizer, a student at Northside High School was chosen by the judges to receive Honorable Mention in the contest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia expresses its congratulations to JASON FIZER for winning Honorable Mention in the Roanoke County School Logo Art Contest, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors supports the future use of the visual design by the County in ways that may be deemed appropriate. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~ ~. Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools HONOFABI~ MENTION ,~~ „_, ;. ~- ° -~- ~ JASON FIZER NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL O v 18 O~ ROAN 01( f .. yFgRl ~~G ~~ ~F THE BLUE ",~. AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO JASON FIZER IIPON PLACING HONORABLE MENTION IN THE ROANORE COUNTY VISUAL LOGO CONTEST WHEREAS, in 1991, Roanoke County in a contest among County employees adopted as a Logo, Roanoke County, Heart of the Blue Ridge, representing both the geographic location of Roanoke County and the caring nature of its citizens and employees, and WHEREAS, at that time, it was determined that a similar contest should be conducted through the Roanoke County Schools for a visual that would adequately portray the image of the logo, and WHEREAS, an art contest was sponsored by the Roanoke County Schools in which there were 31 entries in the contest from high school art students, and WHEREAS, Jason Fizer, a student at Northside High School was chosen by the judges to receive Honorable Mention in the contest. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia expresses its congratulations to JASON FIZER for winning Honorable Mention in the Roanoke County School Logo Art Contest, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors supports the future use of the visual by the County in ways that may be deemed appropriate. HONOR~~B `' MENTION ..,. - . ~ JASON FIZER NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL O v 18 of ROpN01ff yF'~Rl / ~~ Gtr, ~~0 m ~F THE BLUE ACTION NO. ...'~.? ITEM NUMBER ~ ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Susie B. Owen, Economic Development Departments for being named Secretary of the Year COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Susie Owen, CPS, Administrative Secretary in the Department of Economic Development has been named the Secretary of the Year by the Roanoke Chapter of Professional Secretaries International. Participants were judged on their education, work experience, poise, appearance, activities in the chapter and their ability to answer questions asked during the judges' interview. Ms. Owen will be present at the meeting to receive recognition for this honor. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------ ------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens . f ACTION NO. A-22592-4 ITEM NUMBER ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Reconsideration of County Position on APCO Power Line COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: At the February 11, 1992 meeting, the Board of Supervisors withdrew their opposition and voted to take a neutral position on the proposed Appalachian Power Line. Following the meeting, Supervisor Kohinke submitted the attached letter requesting reconsideration of the matter. .Also attached are comments from the Planning Commission. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: I have asked Appalachian Power officials to attend the meeting in case the Board has questions. There will also be citizens at the meeting who may wish to speak. There are several alternatives if the Board chooses to reconsider this matter. 1. The Board could choose to leave the decision as it is and remain neutral. 2. The Board could choose to assume the role of intervenor. In doing so, the County would take no formal action but representatives of the Board or staff would attend the meetings of the SCC to express our concerns. This, however, would limit the Board's involvement. We would not be allowed to provide data or expert witnesses to support our position. Neither would we be on the mailing list for notices or information. 3. The Board could choose to leave on record the letter of opposition previously submitted. The County submitted two such letters: one on behalf of the Roanoke County Resource Authority, and the other on behalf of the County. Since the ...d/ -- Authority is now in place with representatives from other localities, they should be the ones to address the impact on the landfill. Attached is a letter from APCO assuring us there will be no detrimental impact on its operation or life. 4. Fully oppose the process with sworn testimony and possibly expert witnesses. With major construction projects of this type, Roanoke County should stay informed and we should do whatever we can to minimize the impact to the community. This can only be done if the Board of Supervisors chooses Alterative #3 or #4. The deadline for opposition is May 18, 1992. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: I prefer Alternative #3, leaving in place the letter of opposition sent to the SCC. This keeps us on mailing lists for notices of meetings, keeps us informed when the exact route will be determined, and does not require significant staff time. If the Board concurs, The County Attorney's office will prepare a one to two page summary that will incorporate the Board's position. A draft of the position will be brought back to the Board for approval before sending to the SCC. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION VOTE Motion by: ~1) Edward G. Kohinke, No Yes Abs Sr. motion for reconsideration Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x (2) Edward G. Kohinke, Sr. Motion to approve Alternative #3 AYES: Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: Johnson (3) Harry C. Nickens requested reconsideration of this item at the March 10, 1992 meeting cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Don Myers, Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Z ~~~~~ ~~ ~~x~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOOGE (703) 772-2004 MEMORANDUM ~-/ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HII1S MAAi1STOdAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN GTAWOA MAOISTOt1AL.OISTRICT BOO L JOHNSON MOUJNf MAOISTtItlAL DISTRICT H. ODELL'RUZZY' MINNIX GvE snelNO MAaasrtalA~ DISTIe~;T HARRI/ C. NIGItENS VINTON MAOIiT011AL OIS'TIIICT (703) 772-2005 TO; Lee Eddy FROM Ed Kohinke DATE: February 12 , 1992 SUBJECT: THE POWER LINE ISSUE I wish to have the power line issue reconsidered at our next board meeting. Even though the landfill is no longer a factor, I feel that there are many concerns of our citizens which need to be addressed by us as a County government: potential health hazards, the use of herbicides, erosion control, property devaluations, etc. I now favor opposing the project by registering our concern, and letting it go at that because the final decision rests with the SCC, and not with us. I don't favor a work session or anything else that will string people along on this issue, which is why I voted for the neutral position at our last meeting. However, I would accept a work session if it means getting the votes for my proposal. EGK/bjh cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney ~~ ~- i Discussion of APCO Power Line Proposal Ms. Chappelle: My personal comment is that I would like to solicit the help of those of you who know more since we need a good recommendation for the Board of Supervisors. I'm certainly not versed as some of you are and I would just like to ask you to help me make the best recommendation to the Board. Mr. Robinson: Quite honestly Mr. Chairman, the few questions that have been answered has generated so many questions that are unanswered that any comments that I would make, either for or against, would be both arbitrary and uneducated so I will not be making any comment. Mr. Gordon: First of all APCO is a business which supplies all of us in this valley with a very needed resource and has done so at a very economic benefit from what I've seen of other power companies, so I commend them on that. This day and age with the environment being as sensitive as it is and we're all seeing change in our environment, you only have to notice 70 degree weather in February to notice dramatic weather changes that are occurring. What the relationship is with the environment and how that's happening is way beyond my comprehension. I feel very strongly about trying to protect the environment as much as we can. The value impact on this power line to me is not justified--being the benefit is not worth the cost that will be incurred upon Roanoke County citizens; that cost is a loss of the aesthetic value. I think one of the people termed it as "the rape of the land:' I believe the technology in the future will probably advance far enough that we'll see things like satellites which would transmit power back down to earth stations with a lot less impact as far as tearing up the land that we've got here already. I believe that that would be a better chance of making it than stretching a power line across and tearing up the land in Roanoke County. I see no actual benefit. I would be extremely opposed to another power line that would affect the visual viewshed of the valley we live in. I simply don't see a need; the value is not there. Mr. Witt: I've got some real concerns about a whole series of issues, and I may not be educated on this, but so what. One, the concern with the watershed at Carvins Cove. As I understand it, the towers are going right by Carvins Cove. With the herbicides there, there's no way that they can keep the herbicides out of the city water supply; I don't see how that can be done. The second thing is, and this is relative to the County as a whole, we are struggling in this County to try to get business into this County, or into the whole valley, and one of the best marketing tools that we have in this valley is the beauty of the valley. And now we are asked to sacrifice one of the major marketing tools that we have in bringing business in here, of attracting people into this area, to hand over to Appalachian Power. It doesn't make sense to me. I have a lot of concern about the 1,000 foot corridor through our landfill. If Appalachian Power makes the selection of where it goes, it could be a severe detriment to the landfill in its function. The fill area certainly could be affected and I'm sure the Board of Supervisors and the engineering folks in the County are going to address that in more detail. 2 ~-i The other concern I have is the conservation factor. Back in the 70s, there was program after program for energy conservation because we didn't have the oil, we didn't have the fuel resources; there were threatened brownouts and blackouts, etc., and in particular, on the east coast. Gradually that went away and now very few people care about energy conservation. I don't see a whole lot of programs in that area. And there are a lot of good ways to reduce energy consumption, especially in the summer cycles, by ice storage and other techniques of utilizing electricity over in the evening hours, and then using that cooling at peak times to reduce your demand which is the biggest problem with electrical lines, you can't store electricity. So again, Roanoke County is being asked to subsidize the east coast in their electrical power demands. And I think the best solution to this is a little more energy conservation. Those are the comments I have. Mr. Massey: From my perspective, I'm very much pro-economic development and control development. I work in an industry that uses a lot of electricity. Having a redundant source to Roanoke has a lot of positives, if it's going to be used that way. I know we've gone through power outages in our area that have been detrimental to a lot of people. While it has a positive economic impact for future use, I also look at it as a land use impact as well. If any other company was coming in with a proposal for this type of intense land use in a rural area, we would throw them right out the door. So we need to look at that and treat it as a land use if at all possible. In that respect, I am very much opposed to, and as she so eloquently stated, "raping the earth," and particularly Roanoke County for someone else's benefit. I agree with Mr. Gordon about future technology; there should be a way to generate this type of power without stringing this type of eyesore across the country. And Don's comments on conservation, I think they are very appropriate, and if all possible, should be made mandatory within the Roanoke Valley. Our company recently installed the ice-making type of equipment and it has a very positive impact on electrical usage. Those are my comments. Marian, anything else; Don? Mr. Witt: One other comment, if the major reason to run the lines along the I-81 corridor is because of the fact that there is another line going along there, that line has so little impact compared to what is being proposed, that I don't think that's a valid reason. • Appalachian Power Company ~ . i PO Sox 2021 9oanoke.VA 24022-2121 03 985 2300 aPP~a~acHUia POWER Mr. Elmer L. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P.0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 February 11, 1992 Dear Mr. Hodge: Smith Gap Landfill This is to advise you that based upon the results of the preliminary studies completed by Roanoke County's consultant, Olver, Inc., and Appalachian Power Company's staff, there appears to be a line route within the preferred corridor of the proposed 765KV Wyoming-Cloverdale project that will cause very little impact, if any, to the life of the Smith Gap land- fill. Assuming that the Virginia State Corporation Commission certifies the preferred corridor as proposed, Appalachian is prepared to fully support construction of the proposed 765KV line through the properties of the Smith Gap landfill as indi- cated in our February 11, 1992, meeting with Roanoke County's staff and Olver, Inc. As I and my staff have verbally stated, Appalachian stands ready to cooperate to the fullest extent possible with Roanoke County before the SCC to ensure that the 765KV Wyoming- Cloverdale project will have minimal impact on the Smith Gap landfill project. Sincerely, C. A. Simmons Vice President CAS:et STATEMENT BY LEE B. EDDY REGARDING THE PROPOSED APCO 765 KV TRANSMISSION LINE - 2/25/92 APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY IS ONE OF OUR BEST CORPORATE CITIZENS. THEY HAVE PROVIDED LOW-COST, RELIABLE ELECTRICITY TO THEIR CUSTOMERS FOR MANY YEARS. AS AN ELECTRICAL ENGINEER I HAVE MADE MY LIVING DESIGNING ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS THAT USE ELECTRICAL ENERGY FURNISHED BY APCO. THEY HAVE BEEN VERY COOPERATIVE IN REGARD TO USE OF THEIR LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE COUNTY'S SPRING HOLLOW WATER PROJECT. APCO HAS APPARENTLY TAKEN ALL AVAILABLE STEPS TO ENHANCE THEIR POWER TRANSMISSION CAPABILITY OVER EXISTING LINES. THEIR REPRESENTATIVES HAVE BEEN VERY HELPFUL IN PROVIDING INFORMATION RELATED TO THE PROPOSED NEW TRANSMISSION LINE AND ASSURING THAT IT WILL NOT ADVERSELY AFFECT THE NEW SMITH GAP LANDFILL. I HAVE LOOKED AT ALL THEIR APPLICATION AND RELATED MATERIALS, AND AM FAVORABLY IMPRESSED BY THE THOROUGHNESS AND OBJECTIVITY OF THEIR PRESENTATIONS. THE STATED PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THIS PROPOSED NEW EXTRA HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION LINE IS TO STRENGTHEN ELECTRIC POWER SERVICE TO THIS PART OF VIRGINIA, TO PROVIDE FOR EXPECTED GROWTH OF ELECTRIC POWER USE IN THIS AREA, AND TO MINIMIZE THE POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS OR LOW-VOLTAGE CONDITIONS. ON THE NEGATIVE SIDE ARE POSSIBLE ADVERSE FACTORS RELATED TO THE ENVIRONMENT, PROPERTY VALUES AND HEALTH CONCERNS. S0, THE QUESTION BOILS DOWN TO CONSIDERING THE POTENTIAL BENEFITS IN COMPARISON TO POTENTIAL SACRIFICES. AFTER REVIEWING ALL THE MATERIALS I AM LEFT WITH THE IMPRESSION THAT A MAIN PURPOSE OF THIS NEW LINE IS TO IMPROVE APCO'S ABILITY TO TRANSMIT POWER GENERATED IN THE COAL MINING AREAS WEST OF HERE TO UTILITY CONSUMERS LOCATED EAST OF HERE. IN BROAD ECONOMIC TERMS, IT MAKES SENSE TO GENERATE POWER WHERE THE FUEL IS CHEAP AND TO SELL IT WHERE ELECTRICITY COSTS ARE RELATIVELY HIGH. FURTHERMORE, VIRGINIA STATE OFFICIALS HAVE ENCOURAGED THE CONCEPT OF BUILDING POWER GENERATING PLANTS IN ECONOMICALLY-DEPRESSED FAR SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC ENERGY TO THE FAST-GROWING EASTERN CRESCENT. THIS IMPRESSION IS REINFORCED BY SOME HARD DATA. AT THE PRESENT TIME APCO AND ITS PARENT COMPANY, AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER, HAVE FIRM COMMITMENTS TO GENERATE AND TRANSMIT 500 MEGA-WATTS (MW) TO VIRGINIA POWER UNTIL 1999, AND 250 MW TO CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT PAST THE YEAR 2000. IN ADDITION, THEY ARE UNDER CONTRACT TO TRANSMIT 400 MW OF POWER GENERATED BY AN INDIANA UTILITY TO VIRGINIA POWER (TERMED WHEELING), ALSO DUE TO EXPIRE IN 1999. THE PROPOSED 765 KV POWER LINE IS SCHEDULED FOR SERVICE IN 1998. APCO ESTIMATES THE POWER DEMAND IN THIS AREA (EASTERN APCO SERVICE AREA) TO INCREASE BY APPROXIMATELY 600 MW BETWEEN THE YEAR 2000 AND 2010. IF THE 900 MW IN TRANSMISSION TO VIRGINA POWER IS TERMINATED IN 1999, THAT AVAILABLE CAPACITY WILL BE 50$ MORE THAN THE EXPECTED LOAD INCREASE OF OUR AREA IN THE 10-YEAR PERIOD FOLLOWING THE PROJECTED DATE THE NEW LINE WOULD BE PLACED IN SERVICE. AT THE PRESENT TIME, THE VIRGINIA SCC DOES NOT PERMIT UTILITIES TO OFFER REBATES TO PROMOTE DEMAND-SIDE ENERGY CONSERVATION, A PRACTICE THAT HAS BEEN VERY SUCCESSFUL IN OTHER PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. APPARENTLY THAT POLICY IS LIKELY TO CHANGE IN THE NEAR FUTURE. WITH AN AGRESSIVE CONSERVATION PROGRAM, IT SEEMS LIKELY THAT THE PROPOSED LOAD GROWTH WILL BE LESS THAN PROJECTED BY APCO. THEREFORE, THE FUTURE POWER NEEDS OF WESTERN VIRGINIA MAY NOT BE AS GREAT AS ANTICIPATED. I FAVOR A DELAY IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY NEW TRANSMISSION LINES UNTIL WE HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF THE EFFECTS OF A SIGNIFICANT DEMAND-SIDE CONSERVATION PROGRAM. ON A GLOBAL SCALE, CONSERVATION WILL HELP REDUCE THE PROBLEMS OF AIR POLLUTION, ACID RAIN AND THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT. CONSTRUCTION OF THIS NEW POWER LINE COULD WEAKEN THE INCENTIVES FOR AGRESSIVE CONSERVATION PROGRAMS. THEREFORE, I BELIEVE THAT ROANORE COUNTY SHOULD ALLOW ITS PREVIOUSLY FILED NOTICE OF PROTEST TO STAND, THAT IT SHOULD SAY TO THE SCC THAT TERMINATION OF POWER TRANSMISSION TO UTILITIES OUTSIDE APCO'S SERVICE AREA WILL MORE THAN COMPENSATE FOR THIS AREA'S PROJECTED LOAD GROWTH, AND THAT AN AGRESSIVE CONSERVATION PROGRAM IS A PREFERABLE ALTERNATIVE TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW 765 KV POWER LINE. iilllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllliillllllll AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ -- ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE M (:ITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII~L GIVE MY NAIVIE AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK ~, ' ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ NAMIJ ~~ lip-' ._. '~ ~---~' ~ ~_ ADDRESS "-'~ ~~'~ ,% ' ~ ; ; ~ '"~~ ~ ~,~. ~G~- PHONE = ~-> ~~- ~ __ `- ~ ~ ~1 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. C7 - / APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~r CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~ ''C~~ ~/~~ ~ ~- ~:,•~~ . I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to .recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR 'THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ,~ ~~ C~ i2 '~d ADDRESS ~'~ /.~ox' Zr1~ ~~° ? x~e ~cc- ~"a PHONE l~s -~ ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 iiii~~i~iiiiii~ti~~~ii~i~i~~i~i~~i~~~i~~~~iiiiiiii~i~i~~~ii~~t~~~ii~iii~~~~iii AGENDA ITEM NO. ` " ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~ CITIZENS COMMENTS i~ -- i SUBJECT: I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR T~~ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRES S PHONE ~~ I , ~~ ~~~~_~_ ~~~ ~j"f'"l- E.~LiI-- ~iunnnnuininniinininiinniininni~niiiinninnnuii~~iiniii AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE /CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ 'P c- ~ ~c ~," ~ ~ l-- ~ M ~, I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO TIC LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR TIC RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIC GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~ ~ >C ~-- , ~ ,~ ~~ S ~ ~ ~`C ADDRESS ~ Z ~ G.~ T ~ ~ b s 13 L' +~ `~ ~i; , ~~ ~ ti~ ~rd ~ PHONE ~ q ~ --~; a ~; Ililllliilllllllllllllllllllllll~lllllllilllillllillllilllllllllllllilllllllll ~nnnii~~iniinn~inin~nniiiini~innnnuiuiiuninninnniniin AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~- ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR _PUBLIC HEARING _ORDINANCE ~ITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~,~ '~ -~) %~ ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. VV~IEN CALLED TO 1~IE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR 1~ RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~~L _._.,, -7~7°1~~ Iliillllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ll~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. 1~ ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING _ORDWANCE ~C~'[~NS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~(~ 1" ~,;~,,.1 t ~~. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR T~iE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ACTION # A022592-6 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: / BACKGROUND• The Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is required to submit their budget to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke City Council for approval before it can be formally adopted by the Commission. At its meeting on February 13, 1992, the Commission approved the attached budget for fiscal year 1992-1993 to be forwarded to the governing bodies of the two localities. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 1992-93 budget for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission shows revenues of $4,483,231 and expenditures of $3,969,751. This reflects that airport operations are self supporting and do not require any additional supplement from either the County or the City. The Commission also adopted the attached proposed capital expenditure program. The Capital expenditures total $1,542,100. These expenditures will be funded as follows: Federal Grant $1,193,040 State Grant 239,480 Commission Funds 109,580 City and County Funds -0- $1,542,100 FISCAL IMPACT' -- The County will continue to make its annual payment of $264, 640 which constitutes our original ten year contribution to the airport. There will not be any additional monies needed as a result of this budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission budget for the fiscal year 1992-93. Diane D. Hya Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Kohinke Referred ( ) Johnson To Minnix Nickens t r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROANORE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 1992-1993, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Act and Section 17.(a) of the contract between the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County and City Council of the City; and WHEREAS, by report dated February 13, 1992, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board, the Chairman of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a request that the County approve the FY 1992-1993 budget of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 1992-1993 budget and proposed capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission as set forth in the February 13, 1992, report of the Commission Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. A~r~port Commission W. Robert Herbert, Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Joel M. Schlanger LR. (dell AZinnix Kit B. Kiser "' 5202 Aviation Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24012 (703) 362-1999 "; FAX (703) 563-4838 :: ~~ Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director Honorable Chairman and Members Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke, Virginia Honorable Mayor and Members Roanoke City Council Roanoke, Virginia Re Dear Mrs. Bowles and Gentlemen: February 13, 1992 Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Fiscal Year 1992-1993 Budget and Proposed Capital Expenditures Raava~ ~on~ ar~oar In accordance with the requirements of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Act, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Contract dated January 28, 1987, submitted for your approval are the Airport Commission's 1992-1993 proposed operating and capital budget, as well as a separate listing of proposed capital expenditures which are expected to exceed $100,000 and are intended to benefit five or more future accounting periods. The Commission has been advised by bond counsel that formal approval of the budget by resolution of each of the participating political subdivisions would be appropriate. The capital expenditure list also requires formal approval. Therefore, on behalf of the Commission, the fiscal year 1992-1993 budget and the proposed capital expenditures are enclosed for your approval by resolu- tion. I will be pleased to respond to any questions or comments that you may have with regard to this matter. On behalf of the Commission, thank you very much for your help and cooperation. BLJ:JLS:csp Enclosures cc: Members, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk, Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Paul M. Mahoney, Roanoke County Attorney Wilburn C. Dibling, Roanoke City Attorney Heman A. Marshall, III, General Counsel, RRAC budget.ltr '~ 10-Feb-92 ATTAC HMENT I ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT PROPOSED FY 92-93 BUDGET 1991-92 Budgeted 1992-93 Budgeted EXPENSE BUDGET Expenditures Expenditures 1. Ope rations and Maintenance Expenses A. Salaries, Wages and Benefits $1,161,848 $1,209,301 B. Operating Expenditures 1,148,279 1,165, 895 C. City Services 594,647 592,500 D. Other Projects 88, 000 41, 000 Total Operations and Maintenance 2,992,774 3,008,696 2. Non-Operating Expenses A. Interest 633, 721 613, 482 B. Debt Service 258,768 266,073 Total Non-Operating 892,489 879,555 3. Capital Expenses A. Capital Projects and Equipment 75,000 81,500 Total Capital Expenses 75,000 81,500 Total Budgeted Expenditures $3,960,263 $3,969,751 1991-92 Budget 1992-93 Projected REVENUE PROJECTIONS .Revenues Revenues 1. Operating Revenues A. Airfield $860,296 $858,174 B. General Aviation 107,356 112,225 C. Terminal Related 2,830,564 2,875,667 D. Other Revenues 159,900 124,525 Total Projected Operating Revenues 3,958,116 3,970,591 2. Non-Operating Revenues A. Interest from Debt Service 63,000 48,000 B. Interest on Investments 170,000 200,000 C. Roanoke County Base Service Fee 264,640 264,640 Total Projected Non-Opening Revenues 497,640 512,640 Total Projected Revenue $4,455,756 $4,483,231 ATTACHMENT II PROPOSED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (For projects expected to exceed X100,000 in cost and intended to benefit five or more accounting periods.) A. Projects: 1. Professional Services for Airfield Signage a) Description: Acquire professional services necessary to develop an airfield Signage plan acceptable to the FAA and to prepare bid specifi- cations necessary to implement the plan. b) Justification: New federal aviation regulations require the development and submission of an airfield Signage plan by November 1, 1992. The plan, once approved by the FAA, must be imple- mented by January 1, 1994. Est. $ 160,000 2. General Aviation Site Improvements a) Description: Construction of general aviation apron and taxilanes, including installation of storm sewers, access road and parking area, and the grading of future construction sites will be under- taken on approximately 5.6 acres of pre- viously undeveloped land in the general aviation area. b) Justification: This project will provide the infrastructure necessary to permit and encourage the development of up to two sets of T-hangars and up to three cor- porate hangars in an undeveloped section of the general aviation area. This devel- opment is in accordance with the 1985 Airport Master Plan and with the General Aviation Site and Redevelopment Plan adop- ted by the Commission in 1990. Est. $1,082,100 3. Professional Engineering Services for Air Cargo Ramp a) Description: Acquire professional en- gineering services necessary to perform tests and surveys, as well as to design and oversee bidding, for the construction of ramp for air cargo operations. ~ a ~f.f 'µ " Page Two b) Justification: While the 1985 Airport Master Plan recommended new and larger air cargo facilities, the General Aviation Plan adopted by the Commission recommended that cargo operations be removed from the general aviation area. Increased ramp space for cargo operations, which now account for almost one-forth (1/4) of all landed weights, is currently needed. Est. $ 300,000 Total Estimate $1,542,100 B. Funding Sources: Federal Airport Improvement Program Grant Funds Commonwealth Aviation Grant Funds Commission Funds City and County Funds $1,193,040 $ 239,480 $ 109,580 $ -0- Total Funding $1,542,100 ACTION NO. A-22592-6 ITEM NUMBER .L`"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Approve Five Month Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~,y, ~~ BACKGROUND: On February 4, 1992, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority held its organizational meeting and adopted an operating budget for the five months ending June 30, 1992. As specified in the Roanoke Valley Members Use Agreement, this budget must now be approved by the Charter Member Users before it can be placed in effect. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The budget for the five month period ending June 30, 1992 totals $185,155 and is shown on Attachment A. This budget includes salary and fringe benefit amounts for the Executive Director and Secretary, a vehicle for the Executive Director, furniture for their offices, leased office space, and start up expenses for forms and office supplies. Operating expenses include a $55,760 payment to the County of Roanoke for services (ie. legal and accounting) provided during this time period. The money to fund these expenditures will come from the Roanoke Valley Solid Waste Management Board (RVRSWMB) as part of the $3 million Assignment Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The RVRSWMB will pay for these operating expenses as part of the $3 million Assignment Agreement. The County of Roanoke will realize $55,760 in recovered costs from the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution approving the operating budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for the five months ending June 30, 1992. Respectfully submitted, ~,,, ~, Diane D. Hyat Director of Finance Approved by, ~~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x ) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix Denied ( ) motion to approve Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Johnson x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Attachment A Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Budget for the Five Months Ending June 30, 1992 Revenues Reimbursement from the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board Expenditures Personnel Operating Capital $ 185,155 $ 52,095 101,060 32,000 $ 185,155 `" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ROANORE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY BUDGET FOR THE FIVE MONTH PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 1992, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 5.9 of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement provides that the Authority shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County, the City Council of the City of Roanoke, and the Town Council of the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, by report dated February 10, 1992, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board, the Chairman of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority has submitted a request that the County approve the budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for the five month period ending June 30, 1992. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the budget for the five month period ending June 30, 1992 for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority as set forth in the February 10, 1992, report of the Authority Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. J~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~ 'LLAMERICACITj O~ ROANp~~ ~ ~. . ~ ~u~~ Z ~ ~ I~~I ° a 1979 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES 1989 150 0 0 1 ~ YEAFS SS SFS<?UICENTENN~P~ BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT A BeautifulBeginning COMMUNICATIONS GARDNER W. SMITH KENNETH L. HARDESTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR February 10, 1992 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke Post Office Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: At the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority meeting held on February 4, 1992, the Authority Board approved a 5-month budget for the period February through June 1992, for start up and operation of the Resource Authority. The 5-month budget is broken down as follows: Personnel $ 52,095 Operating 101,060 Capital Equipment 32,000 TOTAL $185,155 As per the User Agreement dated October 23, 1991, it is requested that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approve the 5-month budget as presented. Sr~ee-r,~lY, L+ __ . ... ardner W. Smith, Chairman Roanoke Valley Resource Authority GWS:wr ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER 1216 KESSLER MILL ROAD • SALEM. VIRGINIA 24153 • (703) 387-6200 A-22592-7 ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of Recommendations from the Smoking Committee regarding the Smoking Policy COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND On December 17, 1991, the Board of Supervisors adopted a new smoking policy by a vote of 3-1-1. The policy, as it was adopted by the Board, was effective January 1, 1992, and prohibited smoking in all County owned and County leased buildings. The policy would be adhered to by all County staff, volunteers and the public. The purpose of the policy was to address the documented health effects of smoking, and particularly, the effects of second hand smoke inhalation. That is the primary reason for the Clean Air Act, as well as the County Smoking policy. The Board directed that staff report back to the Board with the figures on percentage of County employees who smoke, recommended penalties for violations of the policy, and more specific recommendations for smoking cessation programs. At the January 28, 1992 Board meeting, staff submitted a report to the Board requesting an additional 30 days to work out some of the issues encountered during implementation of the policy. At that time we had received complaints from some of the staff and volunteers regarding the ability to enforce the policy. The Smoking Committee has been trying to develop the penalties for violation of the policy. Supervisor Nickens has recommended implementation in the form of an ordinance rather than a policy. The County Attorney's Office also feels that the policy, as adopted on December 17, 1991, is in conflict with the current ordinance (12490-4). If the Board of Supervisors wishes to keep the current policy in place, the ordinance will have to be amended. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Smoking Committee was expanded with the addition of three (3) 1 ~ -'~ volunteer fire and rescue personnel. A list of Committee members is attached. The Committee has met and the following issues were addressed: 1. The negative health hazards of smoking and second hand smoke inhalation. 2. The impact of smoking and second hand smoke to the County workers compensation and health insurance coverage, for volunteers as well as employees. 3. The fairness, consistency and uniformity in the application of any policy for employees, volunteers and visitors in County buildings, with unanimous agreement that employees and volunteers should be treated equally. 4. A uniform and progressive system of penalties for policy violations for employees, volunteer personnel and visitors in County buildings. 5. The ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 4, 1990, to regulate smoking in accordance with the Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act. (A copy of this ordinance is attached.) 6. The uniformity of smoking policies in the Roanoke County Courthouse and County school buildings. Approximately 178 County employees (or 29%) presently smoke. Volunteer Fire and Rescue Committee members estimate approximately the same percentage of the Volunteer Fire and Rescue personnel presently smoke as well. FISCAL IMPACT The cost of reimbursing employees for smoking cessation programs was discussed by the Smoking Committee, and it was recommended that the County should compensate each employee or volunteer who enrolls and completes an approved smoking cessation program. The compensation recommended by the Committee would be up to $30.00 toward the cost of the smoking cessation class or program. It is estimated that approximately 50 employees or volunteers would participate and request reimbursement, for a cost of $1,500.00. It was suggested by the Committee that the Community Hospital of Roanoke Valley "Smokeless" program be the recommended cessation program. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Smoking Committee recommends adoption of a new Smoking Policy to prohibit smoking in those buildings under County control with the provisions that (1) one area wherever practical and safe may 2 ~~~ be designated as a smoking area, (2) provision for penalties be provided for non-compliance, and (3) reimbursement be approved for a smoking cessation program. The policy would apply to all employees, volunteers, and visitors in County buildings. 1. DESIGNATED SMOKING AREAS The Facilities Management Team may designate one area in each County owned or occupied building as a smoking area. Decisions may be appealed to the Smoking Committee. 2. PENALTY PROVISIONS a. Employees who violate the County Smoking Policy would be given a reprimand, which could lead to suspension or dismissal, and the Handbook would be amended to reflect this. b. Volunteer Fire, Rescue and Police Auxiliary Personnel, who violate the County Smoking Policy, would forfeit points received towards the Roanoke County Length of Service Benefit Plan. A graduated scale will be developed by staff and the fire and rescue volunteers. c. Volunteer personnel not covered under the Roanoke County Length of Service Plan, who violate the County Smoking Policy, would be subject to loss of volunteer status. d. Visitors and other individuals for which penalties are not specifically addressed would be subject to the penalty provisions in the ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors, as may be amended, regulating smoking in accordance with the Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act. 3. REIMBURSEMENT FOR APPROVED SMOKING CESSATION PROGRAMS Reimburse employees or volunteers who satisfactorily complete an approved smoking cessation program. The reimbursement would not exceed $30.00 for each employee or volunteer. The Smoking Committee recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the recommendations, as listed above. This would bring the policy into conformation with the County ordinance. The Committee also recommends that the Roanoke County Courthouse and employees in the jail, be included in the policy adopted; that the County School Board be requested by the Board of Supervisors to adopt the provisions of this Smoking Policy. The Committee further recommends that funds in the amount of $1,500.00 be appropriated from the Board of Supervisors' Contingency Account for smoking cessation reimbursement for employees and volunteers. 3 APPROVED BY: L~ ~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: HarrX C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) moved staff recommendations Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred Kohinke x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: File D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources George Simpson, Chairman, Facilities Management Team Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 4 «. SMOKING COMMITTEE Mary Allen, Clerk, Board of Supervisors Steve Carpenter, Director of Parks & Recreation Keith Cook, Director of Human Resources Alice Carrico, Utility Department Steve Ferguson, Sheriff s Office Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer Joe Obenshain, County Attorney's Office Mark Light, Fire & Rescue Phil Patrone, Police Department Dianne Roberson, Social Services Diana Rosapepe, Libraries Gardner Smith, Director of General Services T.E. Wagner, Fire Department, Mt. Pleasant L. R. Thomas, Fire Department, Back Creek Anita Hammerstrom, Human Resources Thomas Fuqua, Fire & Rescue Howard Hartman, County Rescue, Ft. Lewis AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1990 ORDINANCE 12490-4 AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF PROVISIONS REGULATING SMOKING FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized pursuant to the provisions of Sections 15.1-510 and 15.1-839, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the 1990 General Assembly for the Commonwealth of Virginia adopted Sections 15.1-291.1 through 15.1-291.11 of the Code of Virginia, to require the Commonwealth and every county, city and town to establish reasonable no smoking areas in its buildings, considering the nature of the use and size of the building; and granting every county, city, and town the authority to regulate smoking according to the guidelines provided by Sections 15.1-291.1 through 15.1-291.11, commonly known as the Virginia Indoor Clean Air Act. WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on November 13, 1990; and the second reading was held on December 4, 1990. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. yThat a new~Article II, "Roanoke County Smoking Policy",of Chapter 3, "Air Pollution!' of the Roanoke Countlt.~Code is adopted r~ _ .. .. and enacted as follows: _ . ira ~ ~. ,~. '1 ~ ~ 1 .___.. ~-`/ ARTICLE II. ROANORE COIINTY SMOKING POLICYSec. 3-3. Defin itirns. As used in this Article unless the context requires a different meaning: "Bar or lounge area" means any establishment or portion of an establishment where one can consume alcoholic beverages and hors d'oeuvres, but excluding any such establishment or portion of the establishment having tables or seating facilities where, in consideration of payment, meals are served. "Educational facility" means any building used for instruction of enrolled students, including, but not limited to, any day-care center, nursery school, public or private school, college, university, medical school, law school, or vocational school. "Health care facility" means any institution, place, building, or agency, required to be licensed under Virginia law, including, but not limited to, any hospital, nursing home, boarding home, adult home, supervised living facility, or ambulatory medical and surgical center. "Person" means any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, or organization of any kind. 'Private work place" means any office work area which is not open to the public in the normal course of business except by individual invitation. 'Proprietor" means the owner or lessee of the public place, who ultimately controls the activities within the public place. The term "proprietor" includes corporations, associations, or 2 ~` partnerships as well, as individuals. "Public conveyance" or "public vehicle" means any air, land, or water vehicle used for the mass transportation of persons in intrastate travel for compensation, including, but not limited to, any airplane, train, bus, or boat that is not subject to federal smoking regulations. "Public place" means any enclosed, indoor area used by the general public, including, but not limited to, any building owned or leased by the Commonwealth or any agency thereof of any county, city, or town, public conveyance or public vehicle, restaurant, education facility, hospital, nursing home, other health care facility, library, retail store of 15,000 square feet or more, auditorium, arena, theatre, museum, concert hall, or other area used for a performance or an exhibit of the arts or sciences, or any meeting room. "Restaurant" means any building, structure, or area,. excluding a bar or lounge area as defined in this chapter, having a seating capacity of fifty or more patrons, where food is available for eating on the premises in consideration of payment. "Smoke" or "smoking" means the carrying or holding of any lighted pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind, or any other lighted smoking equipment, or the lighting, inhaling, or exhaling of smoke from a pipe, cigar, or cigarette of any kind. "Theatre" means any indoor facility or auditorium, open to the public, which is primarily used for the purpose of exhibiting any motion picture, stage production, musical recital, dance, lecture, 3 ^-~~" or other similar performance. Sec. 3-4. County Buildings. The County of Roanoke shall provide reasonable no-smoking areas, considering the nature of the use and the size of the building, in any building owned or leased by the County of Roanoke or any agency thereof. Sec. 3-5. Smoking Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke in any of the following places: 1. Elevators, regardless of capacity; 2. Common areas in an educational facility, including, but not limited to, classrooms, libraries, hallways, auditoriums, and public meeting rooms; 3. Any part of a restaurant designated as a"no-smoking" area pursuant to the provisions of this article; 4. Indoor service lines and cashier areas; and . 5. School buses and public conveyances. Sec. 3-6. Regulations -Reasonable No-Smoking Areas Designated. (A) The proprietors or person who manages or otherwise controls any building, structure, space, place, or area governed by this Article shall designate reasonable no-smoking areas, considering the nature of the use and size of the building, in the following places: 1. Retail and service establishments of 15,000 square feet or more serving the general public, including, but not limited to, department stores, grocery stores, drug .~-~ stores, clothing stores, and shoe stores; 2. Rooms in which a public meeting or hearing is being held; 3. Places of entertainment and cultural facilities, including, but not limited to, theaters, concert halls, gymnasiums, auditoriums, other enclosed arenas, art galleries, libraries, and museums; 4. Indoor facilities used for recreational purposes; and 5. Other public places. (B) smoking areas designated pursuant to Sec. 3-6 (A) shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. Designated smoking areas shall not encompass so much of the building, structure, space, place, or area open to the general public that reasonable no-smoking areas, considering the nature of the use and the size of the building, are not provided; 2. Designated smoking areas shall be separate to the extent reasonably practicable from those rooms or areas entered by the public in the normal use of the particular business or institution; and 3. In designated smoking areas, ventilation systems and existing physical barriers shall be used to minimize the permeation of smoke into no-smoking areas. However, this Article shall not be construed as requiring physical modifications or alterations to any structure. Sec. 3-7. Regulation of Smoking--Restaurants. (A) Any restaurant having a seating capacity of fifty or more 5 .7 -''f persons shall have a designated no-smoking area sufficient to meet customer demand. (B) In determining the extent of the no-smoking area, the following shall not be included as seating capacity: 1. Seats in any bar or lounge area of a restaurant, and 2. Seats in any separate room or section of a reataurant which is used exclusively for private functions. Sec. 3-8. Exemptions. A. Provisions of this Article shall not be construed to regulate smoking in the following areas: 1. Bars and lounge areas; 2. Retail tobacco stores; 3. Restaurants, conference or meeting rooms, and public and private assembly rooms while these places are being used for private functions; 4. Office or work areas which are not entered by the general public in the normal course of business or use of the premises; 5. Areas of enclosed shopping centers or malls that are external to the retail stores therein, are used by customers as a route of travel from one store to another, and consist primarily of walkways and seating arrangements; and 6. Lobby areas of hotels, motels, and other establishments open to the public for overnight accommodation. B. The provisions of this Article shall not be applicable 6 ~!J within the limits of the Town of Vinton. Sec. 3-9. Private Employer--Self Regulation. Employers may regulate smoking in the private work place as they deem appropriate under the following circumstances: (A) if the designation of the smoking and no-smoking areas is the subject of a written agreement between the employer and his employees, the provisions of the written agreement shall control such designation; and (B) a total ban on smoking in any work place shall only be enforced by the employer upon the affirmative vote of the majority of the affected employees voting, unless such ban is the subject of a contract of employment between the employer and the employees as a-prior condition of employment. The provisions of this Article shall not be construed to affect no-smoking policies established by employers prior to the adoption of this Article. Sec. 3-10. Posting Requirements. Any person who owns, manages, or otherwise controls any building or area in which smoking is regulated by this Article shall post signs stating "Smoking Permitted" or "No Smoking," and in restaurants, signs conspicuous to ordinary public view at or near each public entrance stating "No-Smoking Section Available." Sec. 3-ii. Penalties. A person who violates any provision of this Article may be subject to a civil penalty of not more than twenty f ive dollars 7 .~-y ($25) . No person shall smoke in a designated no-smoking area. Any person who continues to smoke in such area after being asked to refrain from smoking may be subject to a civil penalty of not more than twenty five dollars ($25). Sec. 3-12. Enforcement. The provisions of this Article shall be enforced by any department of the County duly designated by the County Administrator. Sec. 3-13. Construction. This Article shall not be construed to permit smoking where it is otherwise prohibited or restricted by other applicable provisions of the law. Sec. 3-14. SeverabilitV. The sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this Article are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, or section of tads Article shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by the valid judgement or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, and sections of this chapter shall remain valid. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 1991. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers 8 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR =PUBLIC HEARING _ORDIN.ANCE _CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~a n r~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~ ~ ' r ~?hnv~;r ~ btu I~~'_`~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII,L GIVE MY NAME A1vD ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~~ar ba~~.. (~ (~;~ ~~ ADDRESS _(~~Qn~,k~ Co ~~~~ PHONE ~~? -~ ©s5' ~v ~. yc~C ~ c~. l ~ 2Y~ ~ ; c ~,-S 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111 _ 111111111111 ~D- ~ WE, THE UNDERSIGNED EMPLOYEES OF ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, WISH TO SHOW SUPPORT FOR CONTINUATION OF THE NO SMOKING POLICY WHICH WAS ENACTED JANUARY 1, 1992 FOR ALL EMPLOYEES OF ROANOKE COUNTY. WE FEEL PAST POLICY WHICH ALLOWED SMOKING IN ROANOKE COUNTY OWNED OR LEASED FACILITIES WAS DETRIMENTAL TO EMPLOYEE HEALTH. WE PROTEST ANY RETURN TO ASMOKING-PERMITTED POLICY. ~f ~ ' iir'~ / ~ ~~ cgs .~ ~-r- ~ rte. t v l y 1 ~ r~~>~Y__t.~ `~, ~°~'l, Q ~. H ~~M ~ '~ ~---. _-_~~~ F ~~ ~~~ .y ~~~~ ~~~ ~r6~~c~!~. ~'~~'~; ~c,- ~~' ~ ,~~--- ,-,, ry - u ri~~ p ~ ~~ ~~~ .~ ACTION NO. A-22592-8 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Proposal to request Financial Participation from the Roanoke Valley Governments for the County's Therapeutics Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~'j ~ ~ ~~~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY• At the January 28, 1992 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, staff presented a report requesting permission to seek financial assistance for the Therapeutics program offered by our Department of Parks and Recreation. The Board asked staff to consider expanding our request to cover each of the Roanoke Valley governments whose residents participate in our program and to bring our request-back on February 25. The Therapeutics program offered by the County's Department of Parks and Recreation provides recreational and learning activities for handicapped residents across the Roanoke Valley. The program is currently funded by contributions from the General Fund of the County, Grants from the Mental Health Services program, fees paid by the participants, a small cash contribution from the City of Roanoke, and in-kind services (transportation, use of facilities, and supervisory assistance) provided by the City. Attachment A shows the levels of funding and participation in the program for 1991. Attachment B shows historical information related to this program. :The grants to the County are available because the therapeutics program is regional in nature and represents a program this department does well for the entire community. We should endeavor to provide services needed by our residents, yet avoid duplication of efforts. FISCAL IMPACT• The budget for the Therapeutics program will be presented with the other Fee type programs as a part of the Parks and Recreation budget. ,~ RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the County be authorized to submit a letter to the Roanoke Valley governments with documentation pointing out participation by residents of their community and requesting their financial assistance for the Therapeutics program. This assistance would help to ensure the uninterrupted service to the needs of this special population of our community. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ohn M. Chambl'ss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: ~-Iarr~ (` _ Ni r-~kanc motion to approve staff recommendation VOTE No Yes Abs ent X x x x x Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens cc: File John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator THERAPEUTICS BUDGET INFORMATION THERBUD1 FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHIATRIC HEAD HEARING GENERAL VISUAL ------------- FUNDS -------- DISABILITIES --------------- DISABILITIES INJURY IMPAIRMENTS PUBLIC IMPAIRMENTS GENERAL FUND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES GRANT 100,487 21 675 41,824 21 ------ 11 932 13 104 - 1 547 --------- 10 832 -------------- 21,248 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES GRANT , 12,000 ,675 12 000 FEES (EST) ROANOKE CITY CASH (EST) 13,950 3 040 8,000 , 800 200 2.500 2,450 ROANOKE CITY IN-KIND , 1,300 760 800 760 500 760 760 07AL --------- 152,452 --------------- 73,059 ---------- 25,992 14,064 1 547 13 332 24 458 REGISTRATION BY RESIDENCY JANUARY - DECEMBER 1991 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHIATRIC HEAD HEARING GENERAL VISUAL ------------ --------- -DISABILITIES ------------ DISABILITIES INJURY IMPAIRMENTS PUBLIC IMPAIRMENTS ROANOKE CITY ROANOKE COUNTY 825 47 -------------- 117 --------- 44 ------------- 58 -------- 0 359 SALEM 675 251 318 33 71 154 0 99 BOTETOURT COUNTY 22 44 2 7 40 41 0 119 OTHER/UNKN041N 0 5 0 0 15 0 5 --------- --------------- 0 0 225 100 0 TOTAL ,103 16 ------ -------- 157 --------- 155 ---------- --- 493 --------- 100 ------------- 5g2 X OF REGISTRATION BY RESIDENCY JANUARY - DECEMBER 1991 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHIATRIC HEAD HEARING GENERAL VISUAL ----------------- - - ---- DISABILITIES ------- DISABILITIES INJURY IMPAIRMENTS PUBLIC IMPAIRMENTS ROANOKE CITY ROANOKE COUNTY 39X ------ 40% -------------- 75% -------- 28% -------------- 12X -------- 0% ------------- 62% SALEM 32% 12% 52X 21% 46% 31% OX 17% BOTETOURT COUNTY 1% 7% 4% 26X 8% 0% 20% OTHER/UNKNONN 16% OX 1X 0% 0% 3% 0% 1% ----------------------- OX OX 46X 100X 0% T07AL 100% -- 100% -------------- 100% --------- 100% ------------- 100% --------- 100X ________ 100% RELATIVE SHARE OF T07AL COST JANUARY - DECEMBER 1991 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHIATRIC HEAD HEARING GENERAL VISUAL ------------- - - ---- - DISABILITIES ----------- DISABILITIES INJURY IMPAIRMENTS PUBLIC IMPAIRMENTS ROANOKE CITY ROANOKE COUNTY 67,926 54 265 -- 29,295 37 -------------- 19,370 - -------- 3,992 -'-" '------- 182 --------- 0 _ -------- 15,087 SALEM BOTETOU , 15,136 ,716 5,219 5,463 1 159 6,442 3 629 483 129 0 4,160 RT COUNTY 494 237 , 0 , 0 5,001 OTHER/UNKNOWN 14 631 93 0 47 0 210 , ---------- ------------- 0 0 706 13,332 p TOTAL ,452 -- 73,059 ------------ -- 25,992 --------- 14,064 ------------- 1,547 -------- - 13,332 ' ------------ 24 458 RELATIVE SHARE OF LOCAL COST JANUARY - DECEMBER 1991 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHIATRIC HEAD HEARING GENERAL VISUAL - - - ---- - - ---- ----- - --DISABILITIES DISABILITIES INJURY IMPAIRMENTS PUBLIC IMPAIRMENTS ----------- ROANOKE CITY ROANOKE COUNTY 42.5% 34 0% 42,671 34 199 ---- 16,770 21 -------------- 8,892 --------- 3,720 ------------- 182 ------ 0 13,707 SALEM BOTET . 11.3% , 11,374 ,591 2,987 2,508 532 6,002 3 382 483 12 0 3,614 OURT COUNTY 0.4% 365 136 , 9 0 4,345 OTHER/UNKNONN 11.8% 11 878 9 0 0 47 0 183 --- , ----- ----------- ---------- 0 0 706 10,832 p 07AL o 100.0% 100,487 ----- 41,824 --- ----------- 11,932 --------- 13,104 __ ----------- 1,547 ___ 10,832 ____ _ 21,248 t O~ ROAN ~F a L ~ S Z o J ~ 18 ~~uu~ 8$ sFSpO~1C~UU KN~P~ ~ 8CIYIIIY~uCQIRRIRO COUNTY Ap}„I~N~~ATOR ELMER C. HODGE TO: FROM DATE: SUB.IECT: ~IIltn~l~ II~ ~ilc~Yi~~P 1992 BOARD OP SUPERVISORS ~ a t:.ad.. chalrma. W lndsor Hllh Maw I?bbrkt Edward G. %obLnlrc, Sr_ Vke.C'ti..~.~...... Catawba Mrtq~islerlal Di~bict Bob L Johdoe Hallam Mla~saer}aj Distrlci H. Odell "FQay' MiaaJz Cave Spry M~ Q}~~ Harm G Nklicm Vlnbo Maaialcrial Qta<Lrfct ~~ ~~~ ''I I~~ 1979 1989 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS N A. MCGRAW. CwuRMAN GTAWaA WW~T~j~p~T HARRY C. ~ y}Cg.C}{NR~y,~ wasroes~ txsrm-r WlNnwie ~s LEE 8. EOOY txsTtecr BOB ~+o~u+s R~W7D W. R UVE g7~}q µA~ MEMORANDUM Members, Board of Supervisors ~~ 1 Harm C. Nickens ~,~, ~ ~. v ~ ~ January 21, 1992 'T'HERAPEUTICS PROGRAM Mr. Minnix asked ~f the count assistance from the Cit y had ever asked for funding attached letter A ri1 y regarding therapeutics. Please see the ( P 1990) to Mayor Taylor. I am asking that this matter be considered for our January 28, 1992 agenda. As we begin work on the 1993 budgets, timing is now. Attachment HCN/bjh cc: Elmer Hodge O~ F10AN0~~ .. p z ~8 ~ ~; as SFSOUICENTEHN~P~ Bmun/uiBtg~nnmg BOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR _! MER C. HODGE Mayor Noel Taylor City of Roanoke 215 Church Avenue Roanoke, va 24011 Dear Mayor Taylor: April 24, 1990 BOARD OF SUPERVI° RK1-IAFtD W. RC~BERS. C}U Gv[ saRS+o wAasrveAi t STEVEN ~ MdGRAW. V-CE•CI•U GTAW{A 14Aa7iTL)tlA~ LF..E 8 wINOBOR F(jf 14AGiTLR1Iyt 809 L Jp ~+CXl)tf 1tAGi7LIttAL f HARRY G NI r-rrsw w~aesrotui c As we begin our budget deliberations for the County of Roanoke and City of Roanoke, obviously there will be attention drawn to the amount of local funding going into various social service type programs for our community and the level of benefit being derived by our citizenry. One such program, which is administered through the County of Roanoke's Department of Parks & Recreation, is that of Therapeutic Recreation. This program provides recreational opportunities for the mentally retarded, visually impaired, head injury, hearing unpaired and other disabilities. During the 1988- 89 program year, a total of 1,219 residents of the Roanoke Valley were served by this department, of which 529 (43$) were residents of the City of Roanoke. I have attached a copy of a worksheet from the County's Department of Parks & Recreation breaking down the participation by programs. Funding for this program has been largely through the efforts of the General Fund of the County of Roanoke. During the current fiscal year, the General Fund provided $97,533, we received grants from the State Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation in the amount of $33,162, we received approximately $10,000 from fees charged to the participants of the program and received approximately $1,600 from the City of Roanoke. City staff also provides some assistance in the form of use of City owned facilities. The Board of Supervisors would appreciate any additional assistance which could be provided to the County in the form of. monetary contribution to the program, or perhaps having the City's Department of Parks & Recreation assume the responsibility for some of the specialized recreational programs needed to serve this special population. ~ -5 LIIixn~~ of ~nttnnk~e ' ~,~ Letter to Mayor Taylor (cont.) 4/24/89 Page 2 Your assistance within the budgetary process will certainly be appreciated. Yours truly, ichar W. Ro ers Chairman Board of Supervisors RWR/cw Attachment pc: Elmer Hodge, ~.ounty Administrator Members, Board of Supervisors ,~-S RQ~INJRE CGIINI'Y PARRS AI1D RHC~FATION DEPART1+~Nr 'IHERAPE~IC R]~TI~1 SDL'IrIQN The Zherapeutic '•~ecreation Section is designed to provide recreational and leisure services for irriividuals not effectively served by t~'~.e general recreation program. This includes icxiividuals with mental, emotional or physical limitations wt~o would not receive the needed structure or adaptations in general classes or activities. the Therapeutic Section was created in 1976, t'~rough the Comprehensive Fducat and Training Act (CETA), program activities were initiated, with funding assistan from Mental Health Services, in 1977, for individuals with developmental disabilit in the Fifth Plannirx3 District. Programs are open to any resident oz the Roanoise Valley area. F1~11 program services, including transportation, are available for iri3ividuals residing in Roanoiue Courtly, Roano}ae City, Salem and Vinton. Breakdown of services by residency and disability, for F.Y. 88-89: L V•a71L 11V1.1 S]~TICFS FOR II~IDIVIDC>AIS WITH: TOTAL pp~ [\[~Ca • CITY I p~ p R~ • COUNrY p~y~t uJ i . I SALIId CO~AJrY OT8 Develo Disabilities (MR) 735 36$ 263 59$ 432 3$ 23 $ 10 1 Visual 'rtaerits (VI) 406 233 283 290 0 Head In' (HJ) ` 32 (34$) (44$) (22$) Other Disab sties: H 11 14 7 0 earing I Impairments (HZ); Physical Disability (48$) (43$) (8$) (PI): is Disabilities (MI) 46 22 20 4 0 1 (43$) (45$) (10$) (7$) (i SUB- POTAI, SEENID 1 ,219 529 549 124 10 Si e P rams 113 (Res' not available ('Bearing Imapired HAI~Il76 Groans and•"Si rs") 20-40 (Resid not available) TOTAL SERVF~D 1,450 The Zherapeutic Section holds an average of 24 programs per quarter with an average of 15 participants per program. E°ac~ program meets an average of 8 weeks 3 hours each visit for an average of 34,560 hours. of service provided ann~~lly, In addition to programs for specific populations, the Therapeutic Section ofj opportunities for integration in general recreation programs. Interpreters are available for individuals needing sign language communication in order to sucoess• fully Participate in general program offeriux3s. The stiff of the Therapeutic Seca will work closely with general program instructiors to a~tish the needed ~~ tiorLS of recreational services to meet the participant's specialized needs. ~.s ~_CT I ON NO . ITEM NUMBER .' - Z AT _ REGULAR '•'EETING OF THE BOr'.RD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, `IIRGINIA :ELD AT THE ROANOi~E COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER '~`~'ETING DATE : April 9 , 19 91 ::GENDA ITEM: ;cork Session to Discuss th Program of the Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• BACKGROUND: e Therapeutic Recreation of Parks and Recreation The Therapeutic Recreation Section of the Depar-~ment of Parks and Recreation was established in September 1976 and contractual agreements with Mental Health Services began in 1977. Based on a needs assessment of the Roanoke Valley, the original focus of the program was to serve individuals with mental retardation. Current programs also include activities Lor individuals with visual impairments (VIP), hearing impairments (HANDS and SIGN), head injuries (HJ), psychiatric disabilities (TRIPS) and det:elo^*^~^tal disabilities (MR), as well as advocacy and educational programs which are offered to the general public. The mission of the Therapeutic Program is to provide specialized recreation and adaptive services for individuals with disabilities who reside within the Roanoke Valley. The programs provide citizens with the comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary to successfully participate in community recreation experiences and provides opportunities for socialization that meet their interests and needs. Every reasonable effort is made to provide adaptations or accommodations to enable individuals with disabilities to participate in non-therapeutic programs (mainstreaming). Educational and advocacy programs offered to the general public include sign language programs, the HANDS group, and awareness programs. Often, businesses and agencies enroll employees in these educational classes. We also offer in-house training for County employees. The Therapeutic Section is the only comprehensive municipal community program for individuals with disabilities operating in the Roanoke Valley or the Fifth Planning District. We receive two grants from Mental health Services of the Roanoke Valley to support our activities. These grant funds are available only b°cause '~`_~ ~.= a regicnai prcgram and must be used to provide services for individuals residing in the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, County of Botetourt, County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton. The general registration policy of the department allow- residents of Roanoke County to register for programs during = fi rct ,.,oolr .~,f .-..,.....~~_~. _ ~. _ ._ ..~ ,r~~ ~~ No Roanoke County residents have been denied Therapeutic Recreation Services in non-grant related programs. These recreation services are often the only respite for families and the only structured community recreational resource 4•:a~.abl-e t:: sere the citizens with special needs. This program has been recognized nationally, as one of four finalists, on three occasions by the National Sports Foundation and National Recreation and Park Society's Gold Medal Award for excellence in Therapeutic Recreation Services. Attachment A shows the related budget information for the Therapeutic Program for 1989-90 and 1990-91. Funding is provided by the County of Roanoke's General Fund, two (2) MHS grants, fees by participants, cash and in-kind donations by the City of Roanoke, and by other private contributions and donations which are used to help offset the cost of programs. The City's in-kind contribution includes staff assistance and the use of facilities. Attachment B depicts the participation level, demographic characteristics of the participants and the related costs of ouz various programs. The Therapeutics Program is an example of a program the Count does well for the residents of the entire c~~7rity int~~: likE Festival in the Park and the Fourth of July Celebration at Victor Stadium which the City sponsors. Similarly, the Science Museum Center in the Square, the arts and educational opportunities (whic are located in the City of Roanoke) as well as programs aimed a significant social issues are more strongly supported by the Cit of Roanoke, yet are open to all of the residents of the Valley. We need to focus on the services which are needed by oL residents, endeavor to avoid duplication of effort and, whet practical, to work together to meet these needs. By charging feE for services, we are attempting to let the population drive tl need for these services . This should offset the concern as 1 which locality where the participant resides. We-are providing valuable service to our community and the County should contin to support these efforts where our expertise lies. Resp ctfully submitted, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE APP=awed ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) lav a.l oll L!x No Yes Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers ~~ .D - ,S C7 O d Z O F-- w .~-. U N CL J V F- Q ~-r = z r- i Q w 2 1- d U W 1- p 4 m t=- 1 1 I 1 /r7 01 O I N GO 1 O 01 I t!) tD O I N M t O I 1 N N O 1 ~ N I f\ r o 1 1 - 1 li rn 1 o t''1 c I n c 1 rn 1 o m -. I e 1 ~ .-. 1 .--I 1 n 1 .-+ 1 1 I I I I O 1 P'1 N O O 1 ~ O 1 Lf1 Q1 1 1+1 tp O O 1 Q1 O I Q1 0 i ~!1 ^' O lp N O 1 N r 1 ; I LL CD 1 f~ T O .--1 1 N N 1 Q' Q1 I Ql fr] .~-~ I C 1 Q 1 I I O_ F 0 1.. F- G7 O W 1'- ~ F- Z ~ F- O In U W W X V1 }- O 1- 1~r Z z 6 1- ¢ U ~ ¢ ~ w ~+- c~~ ~ o O = ~ ZG ~ 1- G O 2 J o. ~ ~ a li W_ J d' OC Q t 4. Ll.. W 1-- N S Z Z W VI W W W Q L7 = 4.. U C7 O m Q H 0 H r f... U W Y O Z Q O S O W J 6 1- x W >- J U O H d .Z 0 O C7 O S n. lL O Q .-I N O O I th J I fr'1 l0 O O 1 .'l, G 1 ~ O ~O i N y.._ O I n f*1 O -"~ ; N Ql frl Q I I I ^ 1 1 J I t!') O I 1!1 ~ 1 O I N O I -.. [O 1 O W J 1 I Z © I t:J N 1 Q1 W ~ 1 I C7 d 1 I I 1 1 1 r l o 0 0 0 t o J ~ O O It7 1 tp J J I .-+ O tp I n Q J I 1 }- .-+ I CO N I O Z I .-+ I N W 1 I = i 1 f.7 O~ I N O O I N Z W to I O O I ^ d' O I N C7 .--1 1 t0 CL ~--~ Z I 1 Q ¢ Q 1 (I~ I C~ W O. ~ I 1 _ u ^ 1 1 1 I 1 t n O O t n ~- 1 C O CD 1 N C] CC 1 CQ O 1 01 C = I 1 w ^7 1 r~ -• 1 v x Z I .--. 1 .-. .--. 1 1 1 I >- O i In o O i N J W I C N N'1 1 J d' 1 f~'1 f~ ~ 1 ~ ~ Q I 1~ N 1 O N d 1 .-1 1 N ~-+ S 1 1 ~ -~ 1 1 Z 1 N N O O I v O I O t0 O ~--1 1 n I Ql .r t!1 67 1 M J 1- 1 I Q •[ 1 P"1 ~--1 N I O ~ O I C N 1 l0 Z d' I 1 W Q 1 I = 1-- I I W 1 I ~ I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 F- 1 I Z 1 1 ~ I I O 1 1 U 1 I 1 1 W 1 1 X N r I O t O H ~ 1 Q1 N ~ -1 I Z Z 1 ~ -. d ~"~ in a+ i o i n . r w 1~ 4 .-• W 1 J Q1 1 aG ~ X 1 i~ i o 0 i i 1- Q 4. 1 O F- < O 1 1 Z J d CL 1 1 ~ Q 1 1 li W Z S O 1 1 S 1 J d' OC I 1 1 J la. 4. ~ / 1 Q 1 J I W 1- N S 1 Q 1 Z Z W N 1 F- 1 W W W 6 t o 1 L7 = lL U 1 )- G-Q ~_.S ,a~ ATTACHMENT 8 ANALYSIS OF PROGRAM BY REGISTRATIONS INDIVIDUAL MA Y PARTICIPATE IN MORE THAN ONE ACTIV ITY PROGRAM TOTAL SHARE OF REGISTERED CITY COUNTY SALEM BO TE CO OTHER BUDGET MR SERVICES 68,374 TOTAL REGISTERED 712 264 402 32 7 1 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00: 37.08% 56.46k •;. 49% 0.98% 0.98% SNARE OF BUDGET 68,374 25,352 38,604 3,073 672 672 VIP SERVICES 20,615 TOTAL REGISTERED 831 570 146 113 0 2 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00% 68.59% 17.51% 13.60k O.OO% 0.24% SHARE OF BUDGET 20,615 14,140 3,622 2,803 0 50 HI SERVICES 20,760 TOTAL REGISTERED 144 97 33 13 1 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00% 67.36% 22.92% 9.03% 0.69% 0.00% SHARE OF BUDGET 20,760 13,984 4,158 1,374 144 0 HJ SERVICES 14,927 TOTAL REGISTERED 184 74 83 27 0 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00: 40.22% 45.11% 14.67% 0.00% 0.00% SHARE OF BUDGET 14,927 6,003 6,733 2,190 0 0 GENERAL PUBLIC 9,005 TOTAL REGISTERED 529 87 350 52 22 18 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00% 16.45% 66.16% 9.83k 4.16k 3.40k SHARE OF BUDGET 9,005 1,481 5,958 885 374 306 HI SERVICES 8,612 TOTAL REGISTERED 15 1 7 1 0 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00% 46.67% 46.67% 6.67% O.OOk 0.00% SHARE OF BUDGET 8,612 4,019 4,019 574 0 0 GRAND TOTAL PARTICIPA NTS 2415 1099 1021 238 30 27 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00% 45.51:' 42.28~c 9.86% 1.24k 1.12% SHARE OF BUDGET 142,293 64,980 63,694 11,400 1,191 1,028 BASED ON PROGRAMS Of the approximately 40 active individuals in the "HANDS" group, ("H" Baring Impaired "AND" "S"igners), 16 individuals are deaf or hard of hearing. Special events through the HANDS group are attended by approximately 125 individuals who are deaf or have hearing impairments. ~ -5 ATTACHMENT 82 ANALYSIS OF THERAPEUTIC PROGRAM BASED ON RESIDENCE OF INDIVIDUALS INDIVIDUAL HAY PARTICIPATE iH MOR E THAN ONE ACTIVITY PROGRAM TOTAL S HARE OF INDIVIDUALS C [TY COUNTY SALEM ROTE CO O THER BUDGET 68,374 HR SERVICES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 528 185 290 37 8 8 PERCENTAGE Of TOTAL 100.00X 35.04X 54.92X 7.O1X i.52X 1.52X SHARE OF BUDGET 68,374 23,957 37,554 4,791 1 ,036 1,036 20,615 VIP SERVICES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 77 55 11 10 0 1 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 71.43X 14.29X 12.99X O.OOX 1.30X SHARE OF BUDGET 20,615 14,725 2,945 2,677 0 268 20'760 H1 SERVICES T07AL INDIVIDUALS 30 17 9 4 0 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL i00.00X 56.67X 30.OOX 13.33X O.OOX O.OQX SHARE OF BUDGET 20,760 11,764 6,228 2,768 0 0 14,927 HJ SERVICES TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 27 11 12 4 0 0 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.00X 40.74X 44.44X 14.81X O.OOX~ O.OOX SHARE OF BUDGET 14,927 6,081 6,634 2,211 0 0 GENERAL PUBLIC 9,005 TOTAL INDIVIDUALS 146 14 104 13 7 8 PERCENTAGE OF 707A1 100.00X 9.59X 71.23X 8.9QX 4.79X 5.48X SHARE OF BUDGET 9,005 863 6,415 802 432 493 HI SERVICES 8'612 T07AL INDIVIDUALS 15 8 3 3 0 1 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 53.33X 20.OOX 20.OOX O.OOX 6.67X SHARE OF BUDGET 8,612 4,593 1,722 1,TL2 0 574 GRAND TOTAL PARTICIPANTS 823 290 429 71 15 18 PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL 100.OOX 35.24X 52.13X 8.63X 1.8ZX 2.19X SHARE OF BUDGET 142,293 61,984 61,498 14,972 1,468 2,371 BASED ON PROGRAMS COMPARING THE HUMBER OF REGISTRJITIONS (ATTACHMENT B) 41ITH THE NlR48ER OF INDIVIDUALS IN THE PROGRAM (ATTACHMENT 82), STATISTICS.SHOLI THAT THERE ARE MORE COUNTY RESIDENTS SERVED AS CLIENTS, BUT CITY RESIDENTS PARTICIPATE MORE FREQUENTLY. ACTION NO. A-22592-9 ITEM NUMBER~C.Z-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE p,ONOKE COUNTYEADMINISTRATIONCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RO MEETING DATE: February 18, 1992 Request from School Board to Purchase Special AGENDA ITEM• Education Bus NISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~~'~"~` ~~ COUNTY ADMI staff presented the year end BACKGROUND• On November 19, 1991, orted a year end balances to the Board. The County Schools rep $12,500 was appropriated for surplus of $592,429• Of this amount, a stoplight at Northside High S ~ °coverdthe antic pat d shortfall remaining $579,929 was set aside for the 1991-1992 fiscal year. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Before the en °O ear short all s theyhhad surplus from 1990-1991 for the cuurchase of school buses. The already requested bids for the p School Transportation departs chairliftan Theecost of this one bus Special Education bus with is $46,000. The Schools curr d lli e to appropriate $14,500oof the Fund. At this time, they woul ecial 1990-1991 year end surplus for the purchase of this Sp Education bus. FISCAL IMPACT: After this appropriation, the Schools will still have $565,429 to cover the projected 1991-1992 deficit. At this time, the anticipated shortfall is $500,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriating $14,500 from ear end school surplus for the purchase of a Special the 1990-1991 y bus with a chairlift. Education ~'~ Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Hyat Director of Finance Approved by, ~~.~- ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------- ------------- VOTE -------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: g„b T Johnson-- Eddy X Denied ( ) Kohinke x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Minnix -x- To Nickens ~- cc: File Director, Finance Diane Hyatt, Roanoke County Schools Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~L AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for March 24, 1992. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. An ordinance to rezone 1.0 acre from B-3 to B-2 to operate a firearms and fishing equipment store, located at 2965- Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of Henry Morgan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for March 24. 1992. ~~o (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item 1, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, •v` ~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs \\Y/~ ~ r~ ,,.; .- Received By: A ~M \ Case No.: `~~ ~` ~ rd . No ~ .. ~' ~ Viz` - ROANOKE COUNTY REZONING APPLICATI ,!: `;~ . ;.' ;,,~ • j , ' ~ / ~ JJ ~. \ ~~~ 1. Owner's Name:__Kent E. Marsh & Gail r' r~-•-•T;,~Z`~~_ Phone: (803)249-7564 Address: 5400 Little River Neck Rd. North rtl Bea h 29582 2. Applicant's Name:_gan~ Nbrgan Phone: 342-2597 Address: 1322 E. Washington Ave., Vinton, VA 24179 5 _. 3 . Location of Property: 296' Washington Ave. , Vinton, VA 24179 Tax Map Number (s) : 61.12- 1-27 4. Magisterial District: Vinton 5. Size of Property: 1.0 acre 6 . Existing Zoning: B-3 (c) Existing Land Use: Sale of recreational c s & vehicles 7. Proposed Zoning: g_2 (c) Proposed Land Use: Sale of firearnts & fishing eguiurient 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation: core 9. Are Conditions Proffered With This Request? Yes x No (If you are voluntarily offering proffers as a part of your applica- tion, these proffers must be in writing. A member of the Planning Staff can assist you in the preparation of these proffers.) 10. Value of Land and (Proposed) Buildings: $127,900.00 11. The Following Items Must Be Submitted With This Application. Please Check If Enclosed. Application Will Not Be Accepted If Any Of These Items Are Missing Or Incomplete: x Letter of Application x Concept Plan x Metes and Bounds Description x List of Adjacent Owners of Property (Attach Exhibit A) x -' Vicinity Map x Application Fee x Written Proffers x Water and Sewer Application (If Applicable) 12. Signature Of Or Owner's A' Owner, Contract Purchaser, Signature_ ~~~T ~ ~,~~~ Date 1/23/92 ~v{~er' s Agent ROY V. CREASY ATTORf1EY AT IAW 9UITt 913 DOMIniOIY BANK BUILDIIIO ROAHOKL' VIRAIn1A 24011 TELEPHOIYC (703) 342-0729 FACSIMILC (703)345-6383 January 23, 1992 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Salem, VA 24153 Gentlemen: G-~ Please accept this as application of my client, Henry A. Morgan, for the rezoning of 296 Washington Avenue, Vinton, Virginia, from B-3 (c) to B-2 (c) for the proposed sale of firearms and fishing equipment. Submitted with this letter of application are all items required for this proposed rezoning. RVC/en Very tru yours, Roy lV . Creasy U-/ 5 REZONING APPLICATION TO 2968 WASHINGTON AVE VINTON VA 24179 1. Easement on northwest boundary serves lot to be rezoned and adjacent lot on west side. 2. House dimensions are shown on plan, area is 896 square feet. House is two storied - first story 11 feet tall, second story is 8 feet tall, and top part of roof is 10 feet above second floor, garage dimensions are shown on plan, area is 1230 square feet and height of garage is 20 feet. 3. The front shaded portion of the lot is graveled completely across to a varying depth of 85' to 100'. The boundary line of the property fronting on Route 24 is fenced except for an entrance 10' in width plus access via the easement on the northwest side of the property. 4. There are no natural features to be conserved as lot is basically flat. 5. The lot to the south of this property has trees and underbrush near the boundary line. 6. Signs - see attachment. VIRGINIA: THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY RE: The rezoning of 1.00 acres lying ) and being in the Vinton Magisterial) Proffer of District from Business District ) Conditions B-3 (c) to Business District B-2 ) The Petitioners hereby voluntarily proffer to the Board o Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the following condition to the zoning request hereinabove set forth: Kent E. Marsh and Gail C. Marsh will not use the rezone premises for the following permitted use within the B- classification: 1. Public Dance Hall Kent E. Marsh -1LL;.f ` - ii~lf ~ .J ~. ail C. Marsh RDY V. CKEASY I ~nnw~+ett~r ur rta~no~ anomu f . ~ ~~ - 40 ~ '~ + o ~ C~:~, ..... a ~Q~ ~ ~ -~ fn mss' .~ - fi Q ~ fibvSE ~$ACl( "~ __"~~ .\ ~~5' ~~ 5' ~~ ,, -~-~... paw (a. ~~., ~ ~ ~ ,~ ' C7K~455 /7`izE~9 ay' X~, _ - ~ 3' -____ ~ ~7 "` / /o ~ ~ '~ .~ rt~ 19 ~ ~ ~' /4as~ ~~ . of ,C.y~~ec~su~~,~~- 9.~.i ~G NORTB . ROANO~CE COUNTY OTILITY DEPARTMBNT ~ - ' APPLICATION FOR WATER OR SEWER SERVICE TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date January 23, 1992 Name of Applicant Henry A. Morgan Phone 342-2597 Address of Applicant 1-322 E. washir~gton ~,ve., Vinton, .VA 24179 Name of Developer Pd/A Address of Developer Phone Name of Design Engineer N/A Phone Address of Design Engin eer Name of Contact Person Henry A. Nbraan Name of Proposed Development Henrv's min & Tackle Shop Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) Shop for sale of firearms and fishing equipment Location of proposed development (Furnish copy of map): attached - 2965 Washington Ave., Vinton, VA 24179 Size of proposed development in acres: 1.0 Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer service connections would be located: Minimum feet MSL. Maximum feet MSL P is in e 'Ibwn of Vinton service area and Curren y s private water ~sc a~'p~~cation for a development that will be a part or section of a larger future development? x No Yes If yes, provide map of entire area if available. (OVER) V _yrC l~at~ Si atur of Applicant ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 League of Older Americans Advisory Council One year term of Frances R. Holsinger will expire March 31, 1992. 2 Planning Commission Four-year unexpired term of Marian Chappelle, Catawba Magisterial District. Her term expires December 31, 1993. Ms. Chappelle is resigning effective March 1, 1992. 3 Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board Four-year unexpired term of John Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard has resigned following his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. His term will expire July 31, 1995. 4 Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Two-year initial term of John Hubbard. Mr. Hubbard has resigned following his appointment as Chief Executive Officer of the Authority. His term will expire December 31, 1993. Please see the attached for information on these committees, commissions and boards. ~/-~ SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED Y: `~-~-~ 1 ~.. ~ . ~.e~~ tiur/ ~~ Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hod e Clerk to the Board County Administrator ------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) Kohinke Referred ( ) Minnix To ( ) Nickens _ ~- J L-1 LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS: ADVISORY COIINCIL AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS A. COMPOSITION• To consist of nine (9) members on the Board of Director, representing the entire 5th Planning District. ADVISORY COIINCIL: To consist of twenty-seven (27) members; one (1) Roanoke County appointee; to serve a one (1) year term, and may be re- appointed. B. D~TIEB: To assure that a system of services for the aging be developed; To coordinate and evaluate existing services; To identify unmet needs of older persons; To serve as a strong advocate for the aging population; To educate the general public of the conditions of the elderly citizenry; To advise local planning bodies on all aging issues; Act as grantee and the the administering agency for programs and services. Serve as the Area Agency on Aging: Provide elderly persons and handicapped persons with housing facilities, and services specially designed to meet their physical, social and psychological needs. To buy, own, sell, assign, mortgage or lease any interest in real estate and personal property and to construct, maintain and operate improvements thereon necessary or incident to the accomplishments of the purposes set forth in the Articles. The Board of Directors shall: Carry out the policies and instructions of the League in a manner consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. Create committees and delegate authority to the committees for carrying out the objectives of this organization. C. MEETING SCSEDIILE: Board and Advisory Council meet on alternate months. S-a ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION A. COMPOSITION: (Summarized from State Code 15.1-437) To consist of not less than five (5),nor more than fifteen (15) members, appointed by the Board of Supervisors; all shall be residents of the county or municipality, qualified by knowledge and experience to make decisions on questions of community growth and development. One members may be a member of the governing body, and one may be a member of the administrative branch. B. DUTIES: To exercise general supervision of, and make regulations for the administration of its affairs; Prescribe rules pertaining to its investigations and hearings; Supervise its fiscal affairs and responsibilities, under rules and regulations prescribed by the governing body; Reep a complete record of its proceedings and be responsible for the custody and preservation of its papers and documents; Make recommendations and an annual report to the governing body concerning the operation of the commission and the status of planning within its jurisdiction; Prepare, publish and distribute reports, ordinances and other material relating to its activites; Prepare and submit an annual budget in the manner prescribed by the governing body of the county; If deemed advisable, establish an advisory committee or committees. C. MEETING SCHEDULE: Third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m., Roanoke County Administration Center. -r ~~. February 4, 1992 Mr, Terry T. Harrington, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission Roanoke, Va. Dear Mr. Harrington: I am writing this letter to resign my position as a Planning Commissioner for Roanoke County, effective March 1, 1992. I sincerely regret that I am unable to complete my term. However, I find that with my many responsibilities, I do not have enough time to effectively do what is necessary as a planning commissioner. I hope this will be a productive year as you help to guide the economic growth and development of Roanoke County. With deepe r ect, ~~' ~,~~v Maria' F. Chappel e cc: Ed Kohinke Catawba District Z- 3 ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD A. COMPOSITION (Summarized from Contract of July 29, 1975) The Board makeup shall consist of six (6) members; two (2)members from the County; three (3) members from Roanoke City and one (1) member from the Town of Vinton; to serve four year terms; appointed or elected by the respective governing bodies, none of whom shall be elected officials of the political subdivision. The local governing body within whose jurisdiction the facilities are located shall be authorized to appoint one additional ex-officio member, who may or may not be a member of such governing body, nor shall be entitled to a vote. At intervals of five years the composition and size shall be redetermined and there shall be one member from each political subdivision owning an interest in the real estate used as a landfill, but at no time shall the Board consist of more than eleven (11) members excluding the ex-officio member. B. DDTIES The Board shall administer the operation of a regional landfill and make policy. The Board shall hire or employ all persons necessary to operate the landfill; all employees shall be under direct control of the Board for all matters except for the payment of wages, salaries, workmen's compensation benefits and other fringe benefits which shall be contracted. The Board shall have the responsibility of purchasing all supplies, materials and equipment necessary for the proper operation of the landfill. C. MEETING SCHEDQLE Second Wednesday of each month at 8:30 a.m.;held at the Sewage Treatment Plant Conference Room. s- ~ ROANORE VALLEY RESOIIRCE AIITHORITY A. COMPOSITION (Summarized from Resolution RA91-13, Articles of Incorporation) The Governing Body of each participating political subdivision shall appoint the number of members who may be members of the governing body set forth as follows: County of Roanoke - four City of Roanoke - two Town of Vinton - one The governing body of the County of Roanoke shall always appoint a majority of the members, whenever an additional political subdivision shall join the Authority, Roanoke County shall be entitled to appoint one or more additional members to maintain the majority. B. T 8 After staggered initial terms, each member shall be appointed for a four-year term. The governing body may remove at any time, without cause, any member appointed by it and appoint a successor member to fill the unexpired portion of the removed members's term. C. DIITIES The Authority will exercise all the powers granted to the Authority to acquire, finance, construct, operate, manage and maintain a garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities. The Authority will fulfill other official documents establishing Authority on October 23, 1991. requirements outlined in the the Roanoke Valley Resource s MEETING SCHEDIILE The Resource Authority will meet on the third Thursday of the month at 9:30 a.m. and will establish future meeting dates at their organizational meeting in January. _~~~~ o~ aoaNO~,~ ~. ; Z .p v a? 18 '~°~ 88 SFSQUICEHTENN\P`' A Btaun~ulBcgimm~g JOHN R. HUBBARD. P.E. ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ~D1ItlT1J IIf 'LRAFl1tAJiP February 7, 1992 Members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Gentlemen: ~.~ '~II~' 1979 1989 COMMUNfTV SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENII This is to request acceptance of my resignation from the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board and the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority effective March 1, 1992. I appreciate the confidence you have placed in me with my appointments to these Boards over the past years. Sincerely, ~/~ John R Hubbard, P.E. Assist nt County Administrator JRH:wr on or+v nee.... _ ----•-•-- -------- ~!.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION 22592-10 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS BET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for February 25, 1992, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - January 14, 1992; January 18, 1992; January 28, 1992. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. 3. Acceptance of Donations of Right-of-Way and Easements for Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. 4. Resolution of Appreciation to Marian Chappelle for Service on the Planning Commission. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Clifford Craig, Director, Utility t' January 14, 1992 ~~ 0 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 14, 1992 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of January, 1992. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Sr., Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator; Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer i January 14, 1992 r, FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AND NINE MONTHS OF SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, James E. Robertson was first employed in April, 1966, as a Deputy Sheriff in the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS, James E. Robertson has served as a Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain of the Uniform Division, Captain of the Detectives, Narcotics Division, Youth and Family Services, and became Chief Deputy in 1984; and WHEREAS, James E. Robertson has enriched the community by participating in organizations such as the American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, Board of Directors of Retarded Citizens, Airport Lions Breakfast Club, and National Safety Council; and WHEREAS, James E. Robertson received an award from the Federal Law Enforcement Association for his participation and monitoring of seminars; and WHEREAS, James E. Robertson was one of the first SWAT Team members and the first radar instructor for the Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS, James E. Robertson, throughout his employment with Roanoke County, has shown dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors { January 14, 1992 ~ y~~ as a epu y eri in a eri s Depar ment; and WHEREAS, Charles E. Greer has also served as a Sergeant, Court Bailiff, Lieutenant and as Captain; and WHEREAS, Charles E. Greer received the first Police Traffic Award from the Roanoke Valley Safety Council in 1970; and WHEREAS, Charles E. Greer, throughout his employment with Roanoke County, has shown dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to CHARLES E. GREER for twenty-five years and two months of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FIIRTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 3. Resolution of Appreciation to the Cave SDriIIQ Volunteer Fire Department for service and Dedication upon its 50th Anniversary. R-11492-3 January 14, 1992 ~,~~5 - n mo ion o upervisor innix o a op a resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 4. Resolution of Aooreciation to the Catawba Ruritan Club for their Donation of "Rudy Ruritan Bears" to the Police Department. R-11492-4 Mr. Jim Martin, President, Catawba Ruritan Club, was present to accept the resolution. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 11492-4 OF APPRECIATION TO THE CATAWBA RIIRITAN CLIIB FOR DONATION OF "RIIDDY RIIRITAN" BEARS WHEREAS, the Catawba Ruritan Club donated 50 "Ruddy Ruritan" bears to the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, police officers will carry these bears in their vehicles, and use them to comfort and console children who have been involved in tragic or frightening situations; and WHEREAS, the Catawba Ruritan Club has exhibited care and concern for the children of the Valley, and has demonstrated that the spirit of volunteerism is alive and well in Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County January 14, 1992 Q•7 _. _ - pervisors o nson, o in e, innix, Nic ens, Eddy NAYS: None 2. Authorization for the County to Issue u~ to 510,000,000 Tab Anticipation Notes. R-11492-6 Finance Director Diane Hyatt and County Treasurer Alfred C. Anderson were present to answer questions. Ms. Hyatt advised that the short term borrowing this year is $1,000,000 more than last year due to the fact that the fund balance is lower than last year. Ms. Hyatt advised that $250,000 has been budgeted for interest expense and Mr. Anderson advised that the interest rate would probably be in the 3-1/2 percent range. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLUTION 11492-6 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA TA% ANTICIPATION NOTEB, SERIES 1992 IN THE MABIMUM AMOUNT OF $10,000,000 WHEREAS, Section 15.1-227.30 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Virginia Code"), authorizes the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") to borrow money in anticipation of the collection of taxes and revenues for the current year; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow a maximum of $10,000,000 on behalf January 14, 1992 o~~ orize o a ix or imprin a sea o e County on the Notes and to attest the same. The form of execution, imprinting of the seal and attestation may be by facsimile; provided, however, if the signatures of the Treasurer and County Administrator are both by facsimile, the Notes shall not be valid until authenticated by the manual signature of the Note Registrar. 4. Pledge of Taxes. The Board of Supervisors hereby pledges to the payment of principal of and interest on the Notes when due the taxes and other revenues available to the County for the current year. 5. Note Registrar. Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia is appointed Note Registrar and Paying Agent for the Notes. 6. Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants. The Board of Supervisors agrees that the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Notes will be invested and expended as set forth in the Non- Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants of the County to be delivered at the time of the issuance and delivery of the Notes and that the County will comply with such covenants as may be necessary in order to comply with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code") including the provisions of Section 148 of the Code and applicable regulations relating to "arbitrage bonds," and with the other covenants and representations contained therein. The County Administrator, the Treasurer and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, or any of them, are authorized and directed to execute a Non-Arbitrage Certificate and Tax Covenants setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Notes. ~~ 7 January 14, 1992 3. 1992 A~~ointments of Board Members to Committees, Commissions and Boards. A-11492-7 Supervisor Nickens moved to ratify the list of appointments and make the following appointments: (1) Fifth Planning District Commission - Supervisor Kohinke (2) Liaison VACo - Supervisor Eddy (3) Roanoke Regional Airport Commission - Supervisor Minnix (4) Liaison to Blue Ridge Region - Circuit Court Clerk Steven A. McGraw (5) Roanoke County Resource Authority - Supervisors Kohinke and Minnix (6) Audit Committee - Supervisor Kohinke (7) Liaison to Clean Valley Council - Supervisor Minnix. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None Supervisor Johnson requested that Supervisor Minnix take the oath of office for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission as soon as possible in order to attend the meeting scheduled for January 15, 1992, at 9:00 a.m. BOARD OF BIIPERVISORB COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 1992 LEE B. EDDY -- Fifth Planning District Commission (3-year term expires 6/30/93) -- Liaison to the Virginia Association of Counties -- Recycling Advisory Committee -- Roanoke County Resource Authority (4-year term expires 12/31/93) -- State Emergency Services Committee (As Chairman) -- Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership (As Chairman) 02 January 14, 1992 - ano a oun y is a igi a roug CORTRAN for a Department of Transportation grant of $20,000 which is the estimated cost of the vehicle, with the County providing a 20~ match of $4,000. The van becomes the property of Roanoke County and is leased back to CORTRAN for $2,400 annually. The costs would be recovered in two years. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve the commitment for the vehicle. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 5. Authorization for 60 Dav Extension to Continue Negotiations with Montgomery County and Citv of Salem rectardina Membership in the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority A-11492-9 Mr. Hodge presented the staff report. Supervisor Johnson asked that there be no additional continuances requested. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the 60 day extension. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None IN RE: REQIIE8T8 FOR WORK SESSIONS Supervisor Johnson requested a work session on affordable housing be held at a later date pending receipt of information from the County Attorney. January 14, 1992 02~ or finance. a mo ion Carrie y e o lowing recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: Supervisor Kohinke 3. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease for Real Estate, Office Svace for Roanoke County Administrative Offices. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance. There was no vote and Supervisor Nickens withdrew the motion. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading of the ordinance amended to provide for a one-year lease instead of three-year lease. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Minnix Supervisor Eddy suggested that a limited study be done on space during the budget process. Supervisor Nickens requested that staff bring back specific information on obtaining additional space either by building or purchasing instead of leasing. 4. ordinance Amending section 21-3 IItility Service Tax, of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by the Amendment of subsections (i) and (1), and by the Addition of Subsections (m). ln) and (o) Providiaq for Enforcement of such Tax and the Penalty for Late Remittance or False v 2 J January 14, 1992 1. Ordinance authorizing the lease of real estate for use as a temporary leaf collection and disposal site. R-11492-10 Mr. Mahoney advised that this is a temporary short- term lease. Mr. Hodge advised that this is a joint effort between Roanoke City and the County and the County will pay half of the $3,000 cost for the lease. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None ORDINANCE 11492-10 AIITHORIZING THE LEASE OF REAL ESTATE FOR IISE A8 A TEMPORARY LEAF COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SITE FROM BIIRADO IV BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of § 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the lease of a temporary leaf disposal site (Tract "A" of the "Criss Industrial Park," Tax Map No. 87.14-3-2.2) was held on December 17, 1991. The second reading on this matter was held on January 14, 1992. 2. That it is in the County's best interests to lease this property from Burado IV in order to facilitate leaf collection and disposal for a period of three (3) months for the rental sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) per month. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute ~2~ January 14, 1992 IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-11492-11 RESOLIITION 11492-11 APPROOING AND CONCIIRRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF BIIPERVISORB AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AB ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 14, 1992, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8, inclusive, as follows: 1. Request for approval of Bingo Permit for the Vinton Moose Lodge 1121. 2. Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities serving Waterford, Section 3. 3. Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities serving Edinburgh Greens Addition. 4. Request for Acceptance of Mallard Lake Drive and the southern portion of Mallard Lake Court into the VDOT Secondary System. 5. Request for Acceptance of Louise Circle into the VDOT Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Glade Hill Estates, Section 2. 7. Resolutions of Appreciation upon the Retirement of George Garretson, Library Director and Sarah Yeager, Social Services Department. r v 9 January 14, 1992 - , , u ivision w is map was recor a in Plat Book 13, Page 36, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on December 10,1990, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said drainage easements and a right-of-way for the street. 3. That said roads known as Mallard Lake Drive and Mallard Lake Court and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said street or highway by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 11492-11.e REQIIESTING ACCEPTANCE OF LOIIISE CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 8ECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of Louise Circle from the intersection of Malinda Road (Route 1191) to the cul-de-sac for a distance of .062 miles to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary v January 14, 1992 - as i rary irec or; an WHEREAS, George D. Garretson directed the opening of the Glenvar and Mt. Pleasant branches, the Catawba Book Station, and the Joint Library with Botetourt County, the first such project in the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, George D. Garretson initiated the valleywide library card and was involved in the automation of Roanoke Valley libraries; and WHEREAS, George D. Garretson strongly supported the library literacy efforts; and WHEREAS, George D. Garretson was instrumental in the remodeling of the Headquarters Library and Vinton Branch Library; and WHEREAS, George D. Garretson, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to GEORGE D. GARRETSON for twenty years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FIIRTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. v3~ January 14, 1992 upervisors o nson, Ko in e, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 11492-ii.i OF APPRECIATION TO W. DARNALL VINYARD AND CLAIBORNE VINYARD FOR DONATION OF LAND WHEREAS, W. Darnall and Claiborne Vinyard recently donated 45 acres of land to Roanoke County for use as a park; and WHEREAS, this is the second time that Mr. and Mrs. Vinyard have given park land to Roanoke County and this acreage will be added to the original gift, which is known as Vinyard Park; and WHEREAS, Vinyard Park will be used by generations of Vinton and East County residents for pursuing outdoor activities, and will provide countless hours of pleasure and healthy entertainment for the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of all the citizens of Roanoke County, does hereby extend sincere appreciation and gratitude to W. DARNALL VINYARD AND CLAIBORNE VINYARD; and FIIRTHER, commends them on their concern for the beauty of Roanoke County and the health and well-being of its citizens. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQIIIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Johnson: He commented on the report he received ~~ ~ January 14, 1992 - rig e a ance 2. Capital Fund IInapvrocriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid - December 1991 ZN RE: RECESS At 4:50 p.m., Chairman Eddy declared a five-minute recess. IN RE: BIIDGET WORK SESSION Mr. Hodge advised that there will be a budget shortfall of $961,000 - $1,561,000 on the County side and $500,000 on the School side because of the economy and reductions in state revenues. This shortfall is in addition to the $2.7 million reduction in state revenues to the County last year. Mr. Hodge advised that the expected shortfall can be offset for this year by using $771,3154 of the $791,000 budget surplus from last year; personnel savings of $149,009 from eliminating seventeen positions; and operating budget reductions totaling $329,677 from 5 percent budget cuts by each department for the remainder of the year. Mr. Hodge advised that Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent of Schools, will use $500,000 of the $579,929 left in last year's budget to accommodate the expected shortfall. Mr. Hodge advised that the sales tax revenues could be as much as $500,000 lower than budgeted and there could be another $150,000 reduction in state money this year. Supervisor Johnson requested that staff bring back a report with the following information: (1) prioritized list of cuts in A January 14 , 1992 ' '~ - on wi ega counse per aining to actual or probable litigation: 301 Gilmer Associates; (7) for consultation with legal counsel pertaining to actual or probable litigation: Contract with City of Roanoke; (7) for consultation with legal counsel pertaining to actual or probable litigation: Dixie Caverns Landfill. The motion carried by the following recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF EBECIITIVE SESSION R-11492-12 At 6:15 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Regular Session and adopt the Certification Resolution. He advised that discussion concerning the Contract with the City of Roanoke was postponed. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 11492-12 CERTIFYING EBECIITIVE MEETING WAB HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with January 18, 1992 ~4~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 18, 1992 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being an adjourned meeting from January 14, 1992 for the purpose of a planning retreat. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator, John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Information Officer, Reta Busher, Director of Management and Budget, Terry Harrington, Director of Planning and Zoning IN RE: REQIIESTS TO ADD TOPICS FOR DISCIISSION January 18, 1992 ~ ~ ti Supervisor Minnix suggested the possibility of exploring areas of regional cooperation with other Valley governments in an effort to reduce costs. Supervisor Eddy responded that the chief elected and chief appointed officials plan to meet in February. IN RE: COMMQNICATIONS 1. Communications with Citizens Supervisor Nickens suggested that since the County newsletter, Roanoke County Today is no longer published, written communication could be sent with mailings such as utility bills. Other suggestions included continuing efforts to speak at civic leagues and community meetings. Supervisor Nickens asked that Board members be informed of any community meetings in their district, and Supervisor Kohinke asked that Board members be involved in news conferences. 2. Internal Communications There was a general discussion on keeping the board members informed on issues. Several board members expressed a desire to streamline the Board meetings. Suggestions included making better use of the Consent Agenda for non-controversial and routine matters, and the elimination of staff presentations when discussion is not necessary. Supervisor Eddy suggested that future minutes include only action and not discussion. Supervisor Nickens requested a set of both "action only" minutes and discussion minutes for the Board members to review. IN RE: IIPDATE ON MAJOR PROJECTS January 18 , 19 9 2 v ~t :; At 12:15 p.m., Chairman Eddy declared a luncheon recess. IN RE: RECONVENEMENT Chairman Eddy reconvened the meeting at 1:15 p.m. IN RE: DZBCIISSION OF REGIONAL ISSIIES 1. Hotel Roanoke There was general consensus that the Board did not have enough information to make any decisions regarding participation in the Hotel Roanoke project. Mr. Hodge advised he would get a written update for the Board. 2. Upctrade of Sewacte Treatment Plant Mr. Hodge reported he had discussed this issue with the Fifth Planning District Commission in an effort to get the state to redefine the capacity. 3. Explore Proiect Mr. Hodge updated the Board on this project. Supervisor Nickens suggested that the Explore Management Team should begin meeting again. He also stated that there is a need for emergency access onto the Blue Ridge Parkway for emergency vehicles and school buses. 4. Water Assistant County Administrator John Hubbard reported that 60$ of the reservoir area has been cleared, the grouting has starting and the staff is interviewing consultants for design of the treatment plant. Supervisor Johnson asked for a list of the local subcontractors. 5. Solid Waste January 18, 1992 ~4. Supervisor Eddy asked the staff for preliminary planning on protecting the County's greenways along rivers. Supervisor Johnson suggested a policy statement and use of the zoning ordinance to protect greenways whenever possible. 2. Development of Position Statement Regarding New Services (Supervisor Nickens) Supervisor Nickens reported he was concerned about the possibility of the County participating in a government access channel and did not feel the County should fund a new service at this time. Mr. Hodge suggested a work session on this subject during the budget process. 3. Length and Format of Board Meetincts ( Supervisor Kohinke) This issue was discussed under Internal Communications. 4. Policy on Naming County-owned Facilities (Eddy) Supervisor Eddy stated he felt it would be desirable to have a policy on naming county-owned facility and presented a draft with his suggestions. Mr. Mahoney advised that the Board of Supervisors had no authority over the naming of school buildings. There was no consensus to develop a policy at this time. IN RE: EBECIITIVE SESSION At 3:40 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a) (1) to discuss a personnel matter regarding hiring. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None January 18, 1992 ~4~ 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None IN RE: ADJOURNMENT Following general discussion of miscellaneous issues, Supervisor Nickens moved to adjourn at 4:46 p.m. The motion carried by unanimous voice vote. Lee B. Eddy, Chairman January 28, 1992 U ~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 28, 1992 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of January, 1992. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator, John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John Chambliss, Assistant County January 28, 1992 equine cross-country course, and WHEREAS, this facility has been established in a public/private development concept where 100% of the development has been through private donations and volunteer labor efforts, and WHEREAS, this project has received State and National recognition for the excellence in community involvement in the development of this facility which has been enjoyed by hundreds of equestrian enthusiasts since its opening to the public in 1990. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of ti «: Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to THOMAS BROTHERS, INC., LIIMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C., SISSON AND RYAN, INC., NORFOLK SOIITHERN CORP., C ~ P TELEPHONE COMPANY, APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY, ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC., AND BERNARD HYLTON for their contributions of grading, survey, stone and related services; cross-ties; telephone poles; power poles; PVC drainage pipes; and design and installation of the cross-country equestrian course; all of which helped to make this facility available for the enjoyment of the general public of our community. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None IN RE: NEW BIISINESS January 28, 1992 A-12892-4 t~ Director of Management and Budget Reta Busher advised that on January 14 at a budget work session, the staff reported that funding cuts from the State will be approximately $1,250,000. To meet the shortfall, the department heads had reviewed their budgets and reduced expenses by five percent. There was additional savings of $149,000 from the frozen positions and use of the year end surplus to balance the budget. Supervisor Eddy asked for an update later in the year on how close the estimates had been. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve the staff recommendation amending the 1991-92 Budget Appropriation by $1,250,000. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None 4. Request from Valley Beautiful for an Ordinance that would protect trees. A-12892-5 County Administrator Elmer Hodge advised that the County had received a letter from Valley Beautiful requesting that the Board adopt an ordinance that would protect trees from destruction in Roanoke County. He recommended that the request be forwarded to the Planning Commission for their review and recommendation. Supervisor Kohinke asked that the County Forester be included in the review, and Supervisor Johnson suggested that the January 28, 1992 ~~ ~ ~ taxation" on local government taxpayers, for required governmental services; and WHEREAS, the National Association of Treasurers and Finance Officers and the Virginia Treasurers Association have endorsed the concept of a "local government postal rate". NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia endorses efforts to request that the Congress of the United States convene hearings on the impact of recent and potential postal rate increases on all local governments in the United States. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Roanoke County's representatives in the United States House of Representatives and United States Senate. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 6. Request for participation in Cable Television Community Studio. A-12892-7 Public Information Officer Anne Marie Green reported that after the new Cable Television Franchise Agreement was finalized with Cox Cable, a Regional Cable Television Committee was formed to deal with cable TV issues including allocation of the $480,000 grant which is being provided by Cox for a Community Studio. The Committee appointed a subcommittee to investigate equipment and January 28, 1992 05~ percentage of assistance reflecting actual usage by the locality. Following discussion, Supervisor Kohinke offered a substitute motion to postpone taking action until the February 25, 1992 meeting. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Eddy. NAYS: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: REQIIEST FOR POBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES - CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve first reading and set the public hearings for February 25, 1992. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Macisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R- 1 to B-2 to Construct a Convenience Store located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road. Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance authorizinc the Conveyance of a Nell Lot located in the LaBellevue Subdivision of Roanoke County to Lawrence E. McMahon. January 28, 1992 '~ z~ (~ ORDINANCE 12892-8 AIITHORIZING THE ACQIIISITION OF A 0.303-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM MARY VIOLA BIISH AND A 0.127-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND FROM GEORGE W. AND HELEN H. CYPHERS FOR THE BIISHDALE ROAD RIIRAL ADDITION PROJECT WHEREAS, Bushdale Road is a private road located in the Vinton Magisterial District of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, Bushdale Road has been placed on the Rural Addition Priority List for upgrade of the roadway to state standards for acceptance into the State Secondary System, requiring relocation of the initial portion of said road in order to provide adequate width and sight distance; and, WHEREAS, on December 19, 1989, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of right-of-way necessary for the upgrade of Bushdale Road to Secondary Road Standards and appropriated the sum of $15,000.00 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to proceed with right-of-way acquisition, and; WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.303 acre, together with all right, title and interest in and to the existing private Bushdale Road, from Mary Viola Bush for said improvements; and, WHEREAS, it is necessary to acquire a certain parcel of real estate consisting of 0.127 acre from George W. Cyphers and Helen H. Cyphers for said improvements; and, WHEREAS, Roanoke County Staff has negotiated agreements January 28, 1992 os 2 On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None 2. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of a Lease with Appalachian Power Company for Storage Site for Spring Hollow Reservoir Construction. 0-12892-9 There was no discussion. Supervisor Kohinke moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 12892-9 AIITHORIZING LEASE WITH APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR STORAGE SITE FOR SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR CONSTRIICTION WHEREAS, construction of the Spring Hollow Reservoir in western Roanoke County will require the utilization and temporary storage of large amounts of materials and supplies by the contractor, PCL Civil Constructors for the erection of the dam and associated facilities; and WHEREAS, after extensive negotiations, Appalachian Power Company has agreed to lease to Roanoke County for a period of four (4) years at a nominal fee a tract of five acres adjacent to the Norfolk Southern Railway and in close proximity to the Spring Hollow Reservoir site; and January 28, 1992 v Real Estate, Office Space for Roanoke County Administrative Offices. 0-12892-10 There was no discussion. Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss advised that the staff has attempted to renegotiate the lease. The owner has offered a three-year lease at $9.25 per square foot with no escalation clause, or a one-year lease at $9.50 with a 3~ escalation clause. Staff recommended accepting the lease for three years at $9.25. Following discussion, there was board consensus not to commit to a three year lease. Supervisor Kohinke moved to adopt the ordinance accepting the lease for one year at $9.50 per square foot. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Minnix ORDINANCE 12892-10 AIITHORIZING THE ERECIITION OF A LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, OFFICE SPACE FOR ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the acquisition of any interest in real estate, which includes a lease of office space, shall be accomplished by ordinance and pursuant to the authority found in January 28, 1992 v V execute such other documents and take such other actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt ordinance for one year at $9.50 per square foot, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Minnix IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals Supervisor Nickens nominated Thomas Darnall to another four-year term expiring January 22, 1996. 2. Grievance Panel Supervisor Eddy nominated Kenneth Lussen to another two- year term expiring February 23, 1994. 3. Library Board Supervisor Eddy nominated Charlotte Lavinder to a four- year term expiring December 31, 1995. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-12892-11 Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Consent Agenda with Items 10 and 11 added. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: U V J January 28, 1992 8. Acceptance of Water System Serving the Oakridge Subdivision. 9. Resolution Accepting the Employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff into the Roanoke County Personnel System. 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Margaret Reynolds, Finance Department. 11. Resolution of Appreciation upon the Retirement of Carl Catron, Parks and Recreation Department. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens with Items 10 and 11 added, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 12892-11.d REQIIESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BLIIEBERRY RIDGE AND PRALINE PLACE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY ROAD 8Y3TEM BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That this matter came this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application of .06 miles of Blueberry Ridge from the intersection of Cundiff Drive Route 991 January 28, 1992 it AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None RESOLUTION 12892-ii.ci ACCEPTING THE EMPLOYEES OF THE SEVERAL CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICES (CLERR OF THE CIRCIIIT COURT AND SHERIFF) OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE INTO THE PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND THE PERSONNEL SYSTEM OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the employees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Sheriff, each of said elected officers having heretofore agreed in writing that their employees be accepted into the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke, as authorized in Chapter 6 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke, be and such employees hereby are accepted into the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke; and 2. That all of the terms, provisions, and conditions of the pay and classification plan and the personnel system of the County of Roanoke as fully set forth in the Roanoke County Employee Handbook shall from and after the adoption hereof be applicable to each of the employees of the aforesaid offices; and 3. That the elected officer of the constitutional office shall be exempt from the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County personnel system. The Chief Deputy in each said office shall be exempt from the terms, provisions, and conditions of the County personnel system relating the application, y , January 28, 1992 WHEREAS, Carl R. Catron, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to CARL R. CATRON for twenty-two years and nine months of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None RESOLUTION 12892-11.h EBPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY TO MARGARET T. REYNOLDS FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS OF SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds was first employed in January, 1974 , as an Account Clerk II in the Finance Department; and WHEREAS, Margaret T. Reynolds has also served in the Finance Department and the Delinquent Tax Office on a part- time basis from July, 1967, through December, 1973; and January 28, 1992 ~ .~ IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Nickens moved to receive and file the reports, but he withdrew his motion to allow discussion of Item 5. Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file Items 1 - 4 and 6. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 1. General Fund Unap propriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unap propriated Balance 3. Board Contin gency Fund 4. Treasurer's Investment Report 5. Update on Smoking Policy Following discussion, Supervisor Nickens moved to receive and-file Item 5. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 6. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of December 31, 1991. IN RE: RECESS Chairman Eddy declared a recess at 4:45 p.m. IN RE: AORR SESSION 1. Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 Present from the Virginia Department of Transportation were Fred Altizer, Steve Buston, and Bill Manning. Staff from Engineering and Inspections were Arnold Covey, George Simpson and Steve Barger. Staff presented a summary of the Six Year Construction January 28, 1992 U matter regarding performance. IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-12892-12 At 7:05 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Certification Resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None RESOLUTION 12892-12 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH TAE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and ~% r January Z8, 1992 4 David Murray 5733 Santa Anita Terrace, Executive Director of the Julian Wise Foundation, asked for continued financial support for the museum. 5. Fred Corbett, 5511 Stearns Avenue, President of the Cave Spring National Little League asked for increased funding for Parks and Recreation. 6. Carmon Woodby, 3856 Shawnee Trail, Salem, asked for teachers' salary increases. IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Petition of Easter Seal Society of VA. Inc. to Obtain a Use Not Provided for Permit to Allow Summer Concerts located in Valleypointe, Hollins Mactisterial District. 0-12892-13 There was no discussion. Susan Knight, Executive Director of the Easter Seal Society was present to answer questions. Supervisor Johnson asked that a Resolution of Appreciation to Lingerfelt Associates be brought to the next Board meeting expressing the Board's appreciation for their contributions to the summer concerts at Valleypointe. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the Use Not Provided for Permit. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None January 28, 1992 AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None 2. Ordinance Amending Section 21-3 IItility Service Tax, of Chanter 21, Taxation, of___the Roanoke County Code by the Amendment of Subsections (i) and (1), and by the Addition of Subsections (m), (n) and (o) Providing for Enforcement of such Tax and the Penalty for Late Remittance or False Returns. 0-12892-14 There was no discussion. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 12892-14 AMENDING SECTION 21-3 IITILITY SERVICE TAX, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION, OF THE ROANORE COIINTY CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SIIBSECTIONS ( i ) AND (1) , AND THE ADDITION OF SIIBSECTION3 (m),(n) AND (o) PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT OF SIICH TAX AND THE PENALTY FOR LATE REMITTANCE OR FALSE RETIIRNS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke has levied a consumer utility service tax on purchases of certain utility services within the County pursuant to the authority granted by Article 4 of Chapter 38 of Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended and Section 2.02 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the Office of the Commissioner of the V~ ~ January 28, 1992 ~ ~ -~- -~ ` " ~ ~ ° - ~ " ~.. - ~ u... _ i.. , , ... a , .... a a ,.. ~ ~ .. '8 's'E ~- i~ 2- 6- l Yb -3~ 3~ei ~ ~ ~i9 1 ~ • h d *~ t-i - --t~ r €-* ~ ~ ~- } e ~Q ~ ~ : a~ s e~e~ -r~~ ra wee te~e e ~ ea~s e a ~ =r_ c (1) Whenever the tax levied by this section is collected by the seller acting as a tax collecting medium or agency for the county in accordance with paragraph (b), such seller shall be allowed as compensation for the collection and remittance of this tax, three (3) percent of the amount of tax due and accounted for. The seller shall deduct this compensation from the payments made to the county in accordance with paragraph (b) grtw~.de.;;,,t~teb~n ;,fie ~s tto ~ e nquent at ttte tame o~~ paymeriC. ..... (~~ If.. any.. se~.le~ those dut~r it ~,s ta...c~o....s~ sha~~``a~. January 28, 1992 ~8 ~ 3~.°'of '~`~le...ra&:1. Qf`'the`Otide a~. Virginia, 1.95, as amended, for. pt~rpos~~ of this Secttzon> (~i} If any seller,` whose duty ;it is< to do so shai3 ~~~1 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after February 1, 1992. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None 3. Ordinance Amending Section 21-4 Enhanced Emergency ~~~ ~~ January 28, 1992 tax; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, after publication and notice as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-4, Enhanced emergency telephone tax of Chapter 21, Taxation of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 21-4. Enhanced emergency telephone tax (g) It sh~ll'be unlawEui ani~ a:,~rialation of :this S~Ctfon January 28, 1992 ~ 8 (`~} ..;The Commissioner ;of the z'evenue shall,, promulgate ~8 9 January 28, 1992 to Colonial Avenue and the intersection of Hazel Drive. They also requested assistance regarding the speed limit and tractor trailers using the road. Petitions were presented to the Board members asking for road improvements to the intersections of Colonial Avenue and Hazel Drive and the intersection of Penn Forest Boulevard. Supervisor Nickens moved that a resolution be prepared asking the Virginia Department of Transportation to lower the speed limit and prohibit tractor trailers on Colonial Avenue. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 7:55 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to adjourn. The motion was carried a unanimous voice vote. Lee B. Eddy, Chairman ACTION NO. A-22592-10.a ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR~B COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the February 11, 1992 meeting, the Board of Supervisors made the following nomination: Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission Supervisor Johnson nominated Rita Watson to the three-year unexpired term of Karen Padgett. This term will expire on June 30, 1992. Ms. Padgett resigned effective January 30, 1992 because she is no longer living in Roanoke County. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above nomination be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. rn ~! Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ~~ G'7 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Edward G. Kohinke No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission File ACTION NO. A-22592-10.b ITEM NO. ~, ~"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF~THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING.. DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ACCEPTANCE OF DONATIONS OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS FOR THE BUSHDALE ROAD RURAL ADDITION PROJECT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~ ~,~`-ter;` ~ ^"-~2 ~~~~~ SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following rights-of-way and easements to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, in connection with the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project in the Vinton Magisterial District: a) Donation of all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road) from Forrest Wayne Poff, Sr. , and Pamela G. Poff, his wife, (Deed Book 1058, page 715). b) Donation of: (i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.038 Ac.)" on a plat, dated December 29, 1990, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached hereto; (ii) all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road); and (iii) a drainage easement, fifteen feet (15') in width, as shown on said plat; from George Russell Lawrence and Deborah Sue Smith Lawrence, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1313, page 247). c) Donation of: (i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.185 Ac.)" on a plat, dated December 29, 1990, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached hereto; and (ii) all right, title and interest in and to ~-3 the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road) ; from Samuel A. Smith and Mary Frances Smith, husband and wife, (Deed Book 406, page 137). d) Donation of all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road) from Peggy F. Poff, widow, (Deed Book 819, page 369). e) Donation of : ( i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.101 Ac.)" on a plat, dated December 27, 1990, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached hereto; (ii) all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road); and (iii) a drainage easement, varying in width from 10' to 5', and a storm water management easement, of variable width and rectangular in shape, as shown on said plat; from Bonnie Eppley Dean Bremner (formerly Bonnie Eppley Dean) and Charles Bremner, her husband, (Deed Book 1232, page 1235). f) Donation of all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road) from Charles H. Poff and Peggy J. Poff, husband and wife, (Deed Book 902, page 790; Deed Book 1254, page 1913). g) Donation of: (i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.023 Ac.)" on a plat, dated December 27, 1990, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached hereto; and (ii) all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road); from Maynard R. Owen and Dorothy P. Owen, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1303, page 1668). h) Donation of: (i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.063 Ac.)" on a plat, dated December 28, 1990, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached J°3 hereto; (ii) all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road); and (iii) a drainage easement, five feet (5') in width, as shown on said plat; from Rachel H. Arthur, widow (Deed Book 321, page 8 6) . i) Donation of: (i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.052 Ac.)" on a plat, dated January 2, 1991, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached hereto; and (ii) all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road); from Ronald D. Wood and Jennie P. Wood, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1172, page 832). j) Donation of: (i) a parcel of land shown and designated as "PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (.056 Ac.)" on a plat, dated January 2, 1991, prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, a copy of which is attached hereto; and (ii) all right, title and interest in and to the existing "Private Road", known as Bushdale Road, varying in width from twelve feet (12') to thirty-one (31'), leading to and from Virginia Secondary Route 659 (Mayfield Drive, formerly Gearhart Road); from Harold D. Kelly and Paulette W. Kelly, husband and wife, (Deed Book 1236, page 1076). County staff has inspected and approved the location and dimensions of the right-of-way and easements for the project. FISCAL IMPACT- No county funding is required for these acquisitions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donations of right-of-way and easements for the Bushdale Road Rural Addition Project. Respectfully submitted, Vick a L. Hu a Assistant County Attorney ~~~ .~ Action Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Edward G Kohinke c:\wp51\agenda\realeet\bmhdale.rt2 vote No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Nickens x Minnix x cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ~-~S /U~ BOUNDS DESCR~'~ ~~ ~ TES PLAT REPRESENT A C~O~tPO.StTE OF DEEDS, PLATS, Alm CAl.CULATFD ~pRMATJ4N A!~ QO MOT REf'LECTANAOGURATE BOUADARY SURVEY. • J 3 ` TAX NO.79.03-5-90 ~ pf' PROP. BUSHDALE ROAD /. ' TAX N0. T9.03-5-89 ~- N ~;~4,w .. 232.14' ±~2~ ± 72 PROPOSED RIGHT OF f~YAY (.056 Ac ~ 0 m d w Z J Z 0 Remoining Property oh ~ HAROLD D. D PAULETTE W. ti ~ .KELLY !2.944 Ac) S' o ti TAX N0.79.03-4-28 .. T14X ~pNQ. 79.03 -4-29 8 w ~ ~ - M ti o ~ M ~ ~ M Z O 1 O 2 X H 244.03 _ _ 21°40 E TAX N0. 79.03-4-27 ~ SCALE: I"= so' ____._ PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY- BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY HAROLD D. ~ PAULETTE W. KELLY DATE: I-2-9L PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGfNEERING DEPARTMENT . ~~tETES AND BOUl~iD3 DESCRI~AN SHOWN ON TK/S PLAT REPRESENT A CO~itPOSlTE OF DEEDS, p~„A~ AAA CALCtltAl'ED MiT1pN AND DO MOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SUAVEY. ~" ~ PROP BUSHDAL E RD. 20~ _ - - ' -+- S 5°02~ E 1D.8.1172, PG.832) COMMON _. _ - / ,227.91' t10 0 a oc 0 w a _ Z N ~ m O TAX N0.79.03-4-30 0- ~ N Z m o O V 111 O I ~ 1f> d' o~ ~ 2 +~ TAX NO. 79.03-4-30.1 PROPOSED . R/GHT OF WAY (.052 Act Property of.• RONAL O D. 8 /ENN/E P. 1~Y000 (3 258Ac) ,- N a TAX N0. 79.03-4-32 m. 3 o _~ . • ~ off... .. ~' +~ N °~O~ N 2 22~ Rp IN~~AY NEM ~, TAX MAP N0. 79.03 - 4- 31 SCALE: 1~~= 50~ PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY RONALD D. ~ JENNIE P. WOOD PREPARED BY: RDANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: ~ - 2 - 91 A~£TES Al+~ gOt/t;~pg pESCR1P'T10~N StfOWN ON THlS PUTT REPRESENT A C~M~IPOSITE OF DEE0.9. pU~ A1r~ ~,(XJU~p p~OR~tATI~ONMID D'0 MOT REFLECTANAC~CtlRATE BOU/VDARYStlRVEY. ~~~ ~ Of PROP. BUSHDALE ROAD ~° o '~' -~ N ~°35 - N~ PROPOSED 5~ D. E. m~ oa ~ ' o 3 °u N ti ~ o ti M ~ ti cA TAX N0.79.03-4-29 ! TAX N 0. 79.03-4- 25 SCALE: I" = 50' TAX 14tAP N0. 79.03 - 4 - 30 ' PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY RACHEL H. ARTHUR N PROPOSED R/GHT ~ a Remaining OF SAY (.063 Ac) m Property.' of: N RACHEL H. ARTHUR o 12.037Ac) '` W M R9 M ~ ~ r' x o W Q 2 244.6 `~' ~-- S~ It°04'42" E ~ o ~o ,TAX NO. 79.03-4- 30.1 ~ PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 12 -28-90 IIdETES AND 80UNDS DES ~~ RMA170N AND DO NO REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. PLATS, AND CALCULATED 0 ,~... .,~ .~~~ TAX N0.79.03 -5- 81 N8006 ~ S' ~~ O?. TAX N0. 79.03-5-85 1 _ PROPOSED -RIGHT A~ WAY (.023 Ac) ~~ ,. 20'l / ,~u N oN o) Z h ~~ O ^O 2 ti ~/ Remoining Porce/ I MAYNARD R. ~ DOROTHY P. Ol-S'EN (.24 Acl ~ S 4 0 33 E / ~.~2; ~ IO~I-- ~ OF PROP. BUSHDALE ROAD TAX MAP ND. 79.03 - 5 - 82 e~ 8~ h N M ~ 2 1 W TAX N0.79.03-5-81 Remoining Porce/ d f.037Ac1 SCALE: a~~= 30' PLAT SHOpING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY BEING CONVEYED TO ROANORE COIINTY BY MAYNARD R. ~ DOROTHY P. OWEN r "' ~2' PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 12 -27.90 METES AND BOUNDS DEB+CR~T10N SHOWN ON THl3 PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS„ .~~ Mp CAI,p,/LATEp p~IATtON Alm DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. BUSHDA L E RD. 120.5' S 03° 0 2' E ~ NATURAL ~~ ORA/NAGEWAY '~ w Property of o CHARLES ~ PEGGY N POFF ~ (V v- - ° Sri ~ ~ N TAX N0.79.03-5-88 1 1 1 ~ 20'ORA/NAGS EASEMENT lD. E.1 _ -147.88 - -' J N07°41'40'~H1 T~~gp~yp, 7s.o3-5-e9 asa.2 SCALE: I"= 50' PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY CHARLES ~ PEGGY POFF 3 -~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ N N 3 ~ N ~ M to ~ N ~ N TAX N0. 79.03-3-90 loo, N12°42~w TAX N0.79•p3~5~68 100' TAX N0.79.03-5-89 PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 12 - 27-90 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, ~iND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. 13~ ROAD OF ~OF PROP BUSHDAL E RD. S81°54'E COMMON F~ (D.8.1232,PG.1236 17.4' \ S 4° 33~ E -- -- ~ /, ~ 106.69' _ __ -> S 4° 3' 20' PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY (. l0/ Ac TAX N0. 79.03-5-83 2 PRIVATE RD. ~~ i/ / 10~- 1 N~ ~n co N Remoining ~, Property of: z CHARLES 8 80NN/E E. _ v ?~ DEAN BREMNER o ~' (1.959 AcJ m ~ STORM WATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT (S. M.E. ) ~ 12~E-.~ 120 ~- 10 5r.,~ .r {~' ''~N 12° 3_~ TAX N0.79.03-5-81 -• ^}I ti z ~ 3 . ~ v ~a ~ ~ t Z 11 ~ i I I ~~ 5 ~ ORA/NAGS EASEMENT (D. E. ) TAX N0. 79.03-5-87.1 NATURAL IyATERCOURSE ~~ 171.08 ~ N12° 33~ W TAX N0.79.03-5.70 TAX MAP NO. 79.03-5-85 SCALE: ~~~ = 60' PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY, DRAINAGE EASEMENT, ~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANORE COUNTY BY CHARLES ~ BONNIE E. DEAN BREMNER PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 12- 2790 RTES AND BOUNDS DESGR~PT10~1 SHOWN ON T~{!3 PLAT REPRESENTA CA~1[POStTE OF DEED9r ,~~ Ah,D ~LgJU~p 1Nf-~pR1KAT10N AND DO MOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURYEY. ~~ TAX N0.79.03 -4-32 W d' M p~ M ~? O ~ ~ N W N ~~ ~ PROP. BUSHDALE ROAD TAX N0. 79.03-4-31 1313, P~?4T * i?5 c 'f11~'' \ PROPOSED 2~ \ RIGHT OF WAY(/85Ac> Remoining Property of.• SAMUEL A. B MARY FRANCES SMITH (/.065AcJ 12~ PRIVATE ROAD ~ ~ S03°02'00~~ E g.60 31.3 4~ v N a Ki M_ [D M -N M Q~ o ti ~ N ~ N Z Y TAX N0. 79.03-5-88 a~ z 0 0 U TAX N0.79.03-5-87.1 249.98 ~ N 00°30 2 Tim ~pl-IA~79.03 - 5 - 87 SCALE: lu = 50' PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY BEING CONVEYED TO ROANORE COUNTY BY SAMUEL A. ~ MARY F. SMITH PREPARED BY: RDANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 12- 29 - 9 0 __ - -- _ -- -- 14~ETES /iND BOJNDS DESCRIPTION SNO WN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOST TE OF DEEDS, FLATS, AND C,(LCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE' BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~- OF PROP. BUSHDAL E RD. coMM~" R ~~ e ~3~3 P .,,;~, j1 ~ ~ SOQ,,~3~5? ~ ± ~3 0 ~, PROPOSED 20 ~ R/GHT OF WAY ~• 0•~8 ~cl :~ TAX N0.79.03-5-07 M 0 I O O ~ Z N ~ V ~ I ~ {Temoining w property ol~ n ~t GEORGE RUSSELL 8 DEBORAH SUE ao e I SM/TN LA~S'RENCE (2.462Ac1 c N ~ ~---• Zgg,98 ~ ~ I gp0'gp 22 E o ~ z F- -~ z ~ -~- y ~ z 3 M 'n +I ~ ~ M ~ M I N °. l5' DiFi'AINAGE EASEMENT I ~ ~ ~/~ / ~E NATURAL yyATERCIX/RSE ~c~l TAX N0. 79.03-b•6a ~N / 3Q\ g~.~i N \Zo TAX N0. 79.03-5-i8.1 \ . TAX N0.79.03-5-i9 TAX N0.79A3-S'f 70 TAX MAP ND. 79.03-5-87.1 SCALE: I" = so' PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING CONVEYED TO ROANOKE COUNTY BY GEORGE R. ~ DEBORAH S. SMITH LAWRENCE DATE: 12 -29-90 PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT '~.J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION 22592-10.c OF APPRECIATION TO MARIAN CHAPPELLE FOR HER SERVICE ON THE PLANNING COMMI83ION WHEREAS, Marian Chappelle has been a member of the Roanoke County Planning Commission since November, 1990, and has spent countless hours preparing for and attending the meetings of the Commission, carrying out her duties in an exemplary manner; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Chappelle has shown her devotion to the well-being of the Roanoke Valley as a whole, and has volunteered for a variety of activities, including Youth Haven II, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the High Street Baptist Church Choir; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Chappelle has also shown her dedication to the youth of Roanoke County through her work as a special education teacher at Northside Junior High School; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Chappelle has announced that she will be unable to continue to serve on the Roanoke County Planning Commission, due to the variety of demands on her time and energy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby express its sincere appreciation to MARIAN CHAPPELLE for her service on the Planning Commission and for her continued dedication to the welfare of the people of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 7''nQ/~t~, /~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO MARIAN CHAPPELLE FOR HER SERVICE ON THE PLANNING COMMISSION WHEREAS, Marian Chappelle has been a member of the Roanoke County Planning Commission since November, 1990, and has spent countless hours preparing for and attending the meetings of the Commission, carrying out her duties in an exemplary manner; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Chappelle has shown her devotion to the well-being of the Roanoke Valley as a whole, and has volunteered for a variety of activities, including Youth Haven II, the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, and the High Street Baptist Church Choir; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Chappelle has also shown her dedication to the youth of Roanoke County through her work as a special education teacher at Northside Junior High School; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Chappelle has announced that she will be unable to continue to serve on the Roanoke County Planning Commission, due to the variety of demands on her time and energy. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby express its sincere appreciation to MARIAN CHAPPELLE for her service on the Planning Commission and for her continued dedication to the welfare of the people of Roanoke County. M-~ COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Audited Balance at July 1, 1991 Amount $5,060,731 January 28, 1992 Mid-year budget review (771,314) Balance as of February 25, 1992 $4,289.417 Submitted By Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~ of General ~ 1> Fund Expenditures 7.23$ 6.12$ Note: On December 18, 1990 the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund expenditures ($70,036,927). m~, COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 $ 6,097 August 15, 1991 Sale of Shamrock Park (Board approved sale on March 26, 1991, Sale Finalized August 1, 1991) 34,914 November 19, 1991 County Share of Traffic Light at Northside High School and Peters Creek Road (12,500) December 17, 1991 Roanoke County Career Center Ball Field 000) (10 Lights - Emergency Repairs , December 17, 1991 Green Hill Park Playground Equipment (10,000) Balance as of February 25, 1992 $ 8,511 Submitted by ~-,~a,~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~-3 COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 $ 50,000 July 9, 1991 Additional funds for Alleghany Health District (8,000) July 9, 1991 Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (3,000) November 19, 1991 Transitional Living Center (10,000) December 17, 1991 Vinyard Park Addition - Environmental Assessment (10,000) February 11, 1992 Legal Fees - Grumman Emergency Products (1,152) Balance as of February 25, 1992 $ 17,848 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~ • O O O O W (J Q ,, ~x' ~>~ ; k .~ - ~ ~ --- .. ., ., n n n n A A 6` f` ~ ~I ! O O p .. N N Y p O h 0 0 O ~ N N A V N N N N ry O h O N ~ II A• fi i~ N A 1~ D P O O A /I Y - N Y Y Y d C~ 0 Y Y O R f N tr q YI n 1 ~ O O O O q d N .1 Q 0 0 0 C N O h m ~U O ~0 O O N ~ O t~ h 1~ ~ '1 ` A .~ A p ~. __ _ _ _ I i ~i ~~ I i 7I I 4~ V' O .O KU Ul QjM tr O lb ~ o h M .- h ~t C-i I N o o O v7 ~O ~f N ~ .o P 00 M .o o m o o lfY C'~w I N N h c~ ~ ? ~.c• ~ M:J' to h mo- of Mi ilil .- h o 0 0 0 7 f~• Q a0 ~ M o0 . . ° o i V'N~~N r-~~^o.o ~o]U1 N ~o G+~hV V' .- a1 111 tp a0 a0M N V' V' o !n ~ >i d I d\ U 1 V' ov~~.ONQ.ViM ICY-Ul h 'UI UI UI M~ ~ ~ U'1h PJ' U'1 Ul Ul~ ~ Ul a' i U I ~- I v j ~. I ;N 7 1 - I I q~ m l i w l, 1-:w 1 i - 7 ~ Tiro I ~ ~ ~ I I i I I I 1 1 I C .N ~ ' 1 I -M R - ~ mMM~c oai ~ tflo~ tin~M C~o V ~c+.- o Ytm h- I~ d ;4~ ! O 1 l N W . • MNOOtl1 N CA~ --•-N~7oOJ J' W mlMho ~ iNMUI ~,V V'.- UINo+ .-O.- or•0 7h 0 7.-U1 .~ v' > !\ ~d d N U I c+~ h f-- h V ~ O .o .- h ~ o lll 'h V ~^ ~ U1 h h ~ h ~~ O M~ o? 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V •« 7 E ro 0 0> a N a N x I lT 4- •.+ Y a W C ro> o W L a~ v o 1- •+ Ul O 7I !l+ O U I W 7 ~« E ~-+ ro W W W O C C C C p J¢UU acJwgo_x wEr-~<r~ UO.+ ., .-: z oooo I I Lr1ou11ooo out o~Ulolll oNU1 .-N ~ ~~ M ~V Ul a I ~ N fU ~ M V• U1 ! I .- N M:M V' V I n ut W .o ~ [9 i f` IF N N E O6 N N E O? Ql Oj I i O• L~ lT O+ .h P C P P P T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 io 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I m I0 O I ~ N I ~ N n N O I N. _, ~ -..n M M rAj ~ n Q _ ..... _ _. _. _1~.. n_n S- -~ _d d v : _ w ~-- Y V L ~ n ~~ n N - n n n r r c r U G r U c c O R C d 7 C C r rt a L W a ~t N s L ro o. 0 N O t N 1 .~ 1 2 p p L O Z a ~ LL ~ A A A A !'1 ~~ - In v r.1.a-r. M I t1 rt ~~ocCamat%n ~m s PROCLAMATION DECLARING MARCH, 1992 AS MUS/C IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH AND YOUTH ART MONTH WHEREAS, art and music programs are relevant to the needs of children and will reach and positivety influence each child; and WHEREAS, h Is fitting for the governments of the County of Roanoke, the Ci[y of Salem and the CJfy of Roanoke to recognize art and music Jn the schools as an essential part of the learning process and to encourage and support these signfficant arts which are powertu- channels for the innermost feeling and responses of every child; and WHEREAS, the governments of Roanoke County, Salem and Roanoke City encourage their respective school districts to rededicate themselves to Music and Art Education programs and endorse the observance of Music In Our Schools Month and Youth Art Month as an opportunity to support the purposes and practices of Music and Art Education and encourage teachers, students, and citizens to participate. NOW, THEREFORE, We, the undersigned, do hereby proclaJm March, 1992, as MUSIC IN OUR SCHOOLS MONTH AND YOUTH ART MONTH in observance of the vital place that music and art play in the schools, and encourage all citizens to actJvety participate in month-long activities which are scheduled to occur. Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mayor, City of Salem Mayor, Cify of Roanoke -~ .,. ._ ,.. - ,-: .. _.i u.~'. .si ,FLA., {... .'}i _.?__». ..~ _..: r•ts'i't_3',h C°. ~.. 1_t_. a. > :i}. ~. ... y.aJ,~r';- _.e ._._. .._. +~i :1~ .=1``Y'c.i>-'t ._ ..=',h47 ~ J~ ct~ t".'3fT$ii'. +'i: '"~ii~, ..~,f,f::%+3! .aY'f:"-'T ~ c~ ?-i=C::'C<<..?'f.,, ri.!:a ~ .. . 'r' ':E"!3'. y'?`i'Y f.~ C3 i.'f,'3E''ff ~. ~= sil'f{y .St.it'•' y i' {_: a :. (c r ._ .t _ .:'y' t c~ `.~ _"F ii'* .,:~ i::~';' .... ..':.9 5~.,... '~~ ~(..JLi>•f~-.. .s-~.Vi'~~.. '1 ~ ~'} ,'.)s ,~tii'K t ~7 ..J l:,:''~:rp.~::.;'i '~ ~i.ii~': k5"}~i',?~S i._' .. T4i'~>'ti 7~T~i~~~::'L ,ti _-, : 4 ._ 'K ~_'v~s's_ r' 'r= C. 7S ~,! -- YV_I ~~L =~~s:~rC:r' ''{~ ~=''f - - r~ ~C<Li'ff'~'j: }~f'33f? 3'fs :t ~~:'s''ec'~C<-t•. Y~ i i ~.3i'~ ''}~.3 i''~ ~~'s~'iY'C~'.%~t~ } ~Cc'~ 3 C:~fs ~s'yr' ~ -__-_..._.-.----- -- i3Ci 't~~5 ~uS -------- -- ~1C'3't~ft!'s -- a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~'~'~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Report on Social Service Department's Request for additional funding for General Relief and Foster Care Programs. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Recently the Board received a request from the Department of Social Services asking for additional funding for their General Relief and Foster Care Programs. The Board forwarded the request to me for review and recommendation. Since that time, staff has reviewed the department budget and have discussed the request with Betty Lucas. Her concern is a valid one if the economy does not improve. However, financial reports through the first seven months of the year indicate that her spending is within budget. Because of the economic uncertainty, I would prefer to continue to monitor this situation monthly. Should the shortfall become a reality, we will bring Ms. Lucas' request back to the Board with recommendations for funding. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 RESOLUTION 22591-11 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 25, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing for the Secondary Road System Six- Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 the Board of Supervisors are required to on the Secondary Road System Six Year comments. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION of the Code of Virginia, conduct a public hearing Plan to receive public Roanoke County Staff, in concurrence with VDOT Staff, has prepared a preliminary Six Year Road Construction Plan for Roanoke County for 1992 thru 1998. This plan was submitted to the Board of Supervisors and has been available for public inspection, since February 4, 1992. This public hearing has been advertised in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia. After receiving comments from the public hearing, VDOT and County staff will adjust, if necessary, the proposed Six Year Plan. The final plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors in April for their approval and formal adoption. Attached for your information is a summary of the proposed Six Year Construction Plan. ~-i ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS Conducting the public hearing involves no expenditure of County funds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors conduct the public hearing on the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for the purpose of receiving public comments. U~MITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~.. Arnold Covey, Direct Elmer C. Hodge of Engineering & Insp ctions County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred To Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens 2 -~ i SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANORE COUNTY (1992 THRU 1998) The following information will hopefully assist you in reviewing the proposed plan: I. Summarv of Six Year Construction Plan A. Countywide Items B. Incidental Items C. Numbered Projects II. Comparison of Existinct and Proposed Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan III. Additional Projects Requested but not Added A. Ridgelea Road B. Upland Game Road C. Ivy Ridge Road D. Lemon Lane IV. Funding ~~- i SOMMARY OF INFORMATION FOR SI8 YEAR CONSTRIICTION PLAN The Six Year Plan addresses those projects that need to be repaired or reconstructed in order to sustain a reasonable level of service and safety. I. Summarv of Sis Year Construction Plan In Roanoke County, the Six Year Plan is updated in even numbered years and each alternate year the Board reviews and approves allocation of funds. The plan is set up in a specific format to address various State requirements as well as VDOT funding provisions. The Secondary Road System is broken down into three distinct categories: A. Countywide Items: The total cost of $1.75 million is based on an allocation of $250,000 in 1992-93 and $300,000 per year over the next five years. This category includes such items as traffic service, pipe installation at private driveways, survey and preliminary engineering, fertilization and seeding, and Rural Addition. Rural Addition Projects are allocated approximately $86,000 per year. A priority listing along with location maps is in Section 3 of the notebook. The priority of roads have changed slightly, due to current directions from Board Members and failure of citizens to pay Speculative Interest cost. Staff is currently working on the top five roads. Five roads have been added to the list and they are: Raintree Drive, Chestnut Mountain Circle, Southview Drive, Williams Drive and Luckado Street. B. Incidental Items: The total allocation of $1.2 million is based on an allocation of $381,000 for 92-93 and $300,000 per year for the following five years. Incidental projects normally can be completed within the fiscal year. Generally, these funds are used for plant mix overlay of existing roads or to address specific safety concerns. A priority listing and maps are located in Section 4 of the notebook. 1 '~ A majority of the projects originated from last year's revenue sharing list. C. Numbered Projects: The allocation proposed for 1992-93 is approximately $1.7 million of which a small percentage is allocated towards unpaved roads. Numbered projects are required by VDOT to have 70~ of the estimated construction cost allocated before the project can be advertised. In addition, VDOT has one year after the completion of a project to fully fund the total expenses. No additional funding is needed this year to pay for completed projects. This year five projects will have the 70$ funding required for advertisement. They are Sanderson Drive, West River Road, Merriman Road, Starlight Lane and Cresthill Drive. •Florist Road and Hollins Road are not receiving any funds since these projects would require major improvements on primary roads; therefore, increasing their cost. This allows us to increase the funding on the Incidental Projects and several Numbered Projects. IIn~aved Roads: VDOT requires that these roads must have a minimum of 50 vehicles per day to qualify for this funding. Section 6 in the notebook provides the priority list, location maps and a list of all unpaved roads in the County along with their respective traffic counts. Three roads have been added: Patterson Drive, King Brothers and Rocky Road. Dawnwood Road has been deleted from the plan. Cox Hopkins Road will receive the necessary funding this year to be advertised for construction. II. Comuarison of Existing and Proposed Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan When comparing the numbered projects of both plans, eleven projects were completed and funded over the past two years. 2 "-~° ~ Crystal Creek Drive from Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to Merriman Road was tabled last year and has been withdrawn from the plan. The priority of projects have changed considerably due to the tabling of Crystal Creek Drive. III. Additional Protects Requested but not Added Personnel from VDOT and Roanoke County have met and discussed all citizens' requests and recommendations over the past two years. A majority of the requests made this year's plan, however, the following did not: A. Ridgelea Road - VDOT staff recommended that a portion of this road would be done with maintenance funds. B. IItiland Game Road - was requested to be paved, but, unfortunately, was not viewed as a higher priority than the proposed incidental list. C. Ivy Ridqe Road - was requested to be added to the unpaved road projects but was viewed as a lower priority. D. Lemon Lane - was also requested to be added to the unpaved road project list, however, it failed to meet the minimum requirement of 50 vehicles per day. IV. Fun1 The total estimated cost to complete all projects from 1992 thru 1998 is $14,366,575. Of this, an estimated $2.4 million will be allocated each year. Last year $2.4 million was estimated, but the State cut the funds back to $1.65 million. This year we can expect a lower allocation as well. Therefore, we will probably have to adjust the Six Year Plan funding in July, 1992. 3 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ I APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ - YI< ~- U /~,~ ~~? ~~~, i I (_ ~,~ I~_ fl %~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE i -~~ illllllllillllllllillllllllllllll~illlllllllllllllllllllllliilllllllllllillilll I 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~7 APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~cx~ chi ~1~ ~ t~t~c~ ~ C ~~C~ -(~',; ~ l~V + Y1 c~ ~, I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WI-IEN CALLED TO 1~IE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIC GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAIVlE ~c~~v ~A ~~ u~ur ADDRESS ~~~~-~ ~ ~ -~~i ,-,~~~ ~~~~ n, ,~ ~ ~a ~~~. PHONE - ` ` ~~G ~~~- 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ APPE CE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: (~ C ~ ~ `~' C > .~ ~ ~ i' ~-~- ~ ~ ~~,~ /`-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR TIC RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may pe entertained 6y the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE Ivy Ridge Road, Bent Mountain, Virginia All husbands and wives (thirty three persons) in all 16 households on the road petitioned the Board of Supervisors in Feb 1990 asking for improvement and paving. We request that the Board include future paving and improvement of the road in the current plan because: o The road is very steep, curvy, and narrow. This combination of characteristics causes several spots on the road in which a driver cannot see ahead (blind spots) for a safe distance. Large vehicles such as trash trucks and UPS delivery vehicles take virtually the entire road with their size. o We have several children who have to walk the road to reach the Junior and High School bus pick-up point. The narrow road and lack of shoulder or sidewalk is dangerous to them and to other vehicles using the road. o The situation is made even more acute by frequent fog or low cloud cover because of the relatively high elevation of the road compared to other areas of the county. o We exceed the State Highway Department traffic count to qualify for pavement of the road by as factor of 30 car trips above the minimum and another new home is about to be constructed. Thank you for your consideration of this request. f r ti. ~, .~ i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 ORDINANCE 22592-12 AIITHORIZING A IISE-NOT- PROVIDED-FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE A COMMERCIAL CAT KENNEL TO BE LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF 7226 BRANICO DRIVE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT IIPON THE APPLICATION OF JANE AND JOHN HOLMGREN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, and the second reading and public hearing was held February 25, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on February 4, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a use-not-provided-for permit to operate a commercial cat kennel on a certain tract of real estate located immediately north of 7226 Branico Drive, as described herein, and located on Branico Drive (Va. Sec. Rte. 763), (Tax Map Number 105.00-2-1.1) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby authorized. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Jane and John Holmgren. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point along the center line of Branico Drive (Va. Sec. Rte. 763) 387.31 feet south of the intersection of Branico Drive and Cotton Hill Road (Va. Sec. Rte. 688) to a Branch; THENCE following the centerline of Branch S 11 deg. 45' 40" W. 134.44' to a point; THENCE 5. 37 deg. 03' 30" W. 83.38' to a point; i THENCE S. 87 deg. 29' 38" W. 51.08 feet to a point; THENCE S. 52 deg. 51' 10" W. 45.56' to a point; THENCE S. 16 deg. 49' 05" E. 57.62' to a point; THENCE S. 17 deg. 10' 37" W. 43.45' to a point; THENCE leaving the Branch centerline S. 72 deg. 49' 23" W. to an iron pin set; THENCE S. 70 deg. 33' W. 182.95' to a point in the centerline of Branico Drive; THENCE along centerline of Branico Drive N. 17 deg. 10' E. to a point; THENCE N. 25 deg. 14' 20" E. 99.54' to a point; THENCE N. 63 deg. 11' 14" E. 78.22 feet to a point; THENCE N. 76 deg. 22' 19" E. 76.28' to a point; THENCE N. 82 deg. 06' 36" E. 65.21' to a point; THENCE N. 69 deg. 07' 15" E. 112.24' to the Beginning point on Branico Drive. Being 1.461 acres, more or less, as shown on a survey of property by T. P. Parker & Son for Oman Lee and Cynthia J. East dated May 14, 1986. 4. That the applicants have voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts: a. The kennel will only provide boarding for domestic cats. b. The building will be a single-story concrete block structure with dimensions of 24' x 42'. It will provide space to board up to 60 cats. c. The entrance from Brancio Drive will be shared with that of Sleepy Hollow Kennel. The driveway and parking area is 5,000 square feet with a loop driveway which will exit onto Branico Drive, 160 feet north of the entrance. d. The sign for the business will be located on the building. e. The business will be on the same property as a home on which construction will begin within thirty-six (36) months of the business becoming operational. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 1 I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~, ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR / PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ c~ -~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII~L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking .as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vv~th the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~ . L ~ ~~ ~_r~, ~ ~' ADDRESS 7 ~3 ~ ~~ t3 ~~ ~~ c.cs ~,~ , PHONE ~ -7 ~ - ~ s3~~ t 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. Q ~ APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR /PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: C~ 1 ~ CUB K~~ ~ ~ 1 > I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO TIC LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIIE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vc~th the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~ e e Eas~ ADDRESS ~zzc~ l~ ~-o.n; co ~. PHONE ~oa~n o k e ~o.. "7 ~7 L-l - ~ ~ ~ -7 II111111111111111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR ~UBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: Cw-~ K~~,~ ~ ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII~L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR 1'HE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME C ~, ~ h ~' A- ~as~ ADDRESS ~ ~zc~ 1~,-~..~, : ~o ~ r. _ o~nb ke , ~c, PHONE ~ ~ ~I - o ~ ~ ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 q_~ PETITIONER: JANE & JOHN HOLMGREN CASE NUMBER: 2-2/92 Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 4, 1992 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 25, 1992 A. REQUEST Petition of Jane & John Holmgren to obtain a Use Not Provided For Permit to operate a commercial cat kennel on the same parcel as a residence, located immediately north of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. J. C. Coleman spoke in support of the request. Lee and Cynthia East, operators of the adjoining dog kennel also voiced support for the kennel saying that a number of their customers have expressed a need for a place to board cats. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission inquired about the number of dogs at the adjacent kennel and were told that a maximum of 40 dogs are boarded there. In response to the Commission, petitioner said that her proposed kennel will board only cats and there will be no provisions for housing dogs in the building. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS None. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt stated that with a dog kennel located next to the site, the land use intensity in that area will not be changed and petitioners seem to have community support. He moved to recommend approval of the request. The Commissioners concurred with the exception of Mr. Massey who explained that he would abstain from voting because of his employment relationship with petitioner. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Gordon, Robinson, Chappelle, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Massey F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report _ Other Terrance arri on, Secretary Roano County Planning Commission Conditions Being Proffered For the Commercial Cat Kennel By Jane and John Holmgren The following conditions are being offered as proffers with the Use Not Provided For request for a commercial cat kennel. o The kennel will only provide boarding for domestic cats. o The building will be a single story concrete block structure with dimensions of 24' x 42'. It will provide space to board up to 60 cats. o The entrance from Branico Road will be shared with that of Sleepy Hollow Kennel. The driveway and parking area is 5,000 square feet with a loop driveway which will exit onto Branico Road, 160 feet north of the entrance. o The sign for the business will be located on the building. o The business will be on the same property as a home that will begin construction within thirty-six months of the business becoming operational. ~ ~ ~ ,. ' ~,. '~ Jane W. Holmgren 1 ~ ~~ ~ John A. Holmg en J L~-I STAFt~ REPORT CASE NUMBER: 2-2/92 REVIEWED BY: LYNN DONIHE " PETITIONER: JANE AND JOHN HOLMGREN DATE: FEBRUARY 4, 1992 Petition of Jane and John Holmgren to obtain a Use Not Provided For Permit to operate a commercial cat kennel on the same 1.461 acre parcel as a residence, located immediately north of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Petitioners are proposing a 1008 square foot (24' x 42') commercial boarding kennel for cats to be constructed on the southern portion of the property. Kennel will be a concrete block building with individual cages kennels inside for up to 60 cats. There will be no outside play areas or runs for the cats. The kennel building will also contain an office and bathroom. According to petitioners, the kennel will be open in the morning for a couple of hours and again in the evening for a couple of hours for people to drop off and pick up cats. Petitioners do not intend to expand the kennel operation into anything more than boarding and for no animals other than cats. Petitioners propose to begin construction of a residence on the same parcel within 36 months of the business becoming operational. Petitioner currently lives approximately 1 mile from the proposed kennel site and intends to be at the kennel site during much of the day. b. Concept plan and vicinity map describe request further. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. The property is zoned A-1 Agricultural. This district permits a variety of animal-related activities and businesses, including the keeping of animals and fowl, dairying, riding academies, livestock markets, and private kennels. However, commercial kennels are not a permitted use in the A-1 district, being permitted only in B-2 General Commercial District and M-1 and M-2 industrial districts. b. Section 21-102-5 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance states that an application for a Use Not Provided For Permit may be made to the County "if, in any district, a use is not specifically permitted." The combination of a residence and a commercial kennel is not a specifically permitted use in any district. c. VDOT commercial entrance permit may be required. d. Site plan review will be required in order to ensure compliance with County regulations. SITE CHARACTERISTICS TOPOGRAPHY: Site is level to gently sloping. GROUND COVER: Site appears to have been cleared previously, with a few mature trees scattered throughout. Stream at rear of site. 2 AREA CHARACTERISTICS ~ ,. FUTURE GROWTH PRIORITY: Situated within the Cave Spring Community Planning Area. Designated as an area in which growth should be stabilized. Not receiving, nor intended to receive urban services. GENERAL AREA is large lot single family residential with some small scale agricultural activities. Most of area is wooded with gently sloping to steep slopes. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 thru 5. 1 =positive impact, 2 =negligible impact, 3 =manageable impact, 4 =disruptive impact, 5 =severe impact, and N/A =not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 4 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Rural Preserve Land Use Category. This category lists as desirable the following use types: agricultural production and services; forest and wood products industries; parks and outdoor recreation facilities; rural residences; rural institutional uses; and mining and extraction operations. A commercial kennel for domestic cats is not consistent with the land use types desirable within the rural preserve category. 3 SURROUNDING LAND: Large-lot single family residential, undeveloped agricultural-zoned land, and a residence with a dog kennel on the premises. 3 NEIGHBORING AREA: Same as "Surrounding Land" with small-scale agricultural activities. 4 SITE LAYOUT: Petitioner proposes that kennel be constructed first and that construction on the residence begin with three years of the kennel becoming operational. The proposed kennel location and parking area is prominent to the street frontage. 3 ARCHITECTURE: Kennel -- single story concrete block. 3 SCREENING AND LANDSCAPING: The site is not naturally screened from adjacent properties. 3 AMENITIES: Since no parking requirements for kennels are specified in the parking ordinance, the Zoning Administrator will determine the number of parking spaces required for the kennel. 2 NATURAL AMENI'T'IES: A small stream runs along the rear property line. TRAFFIC 2 STREET CAPACITIES: 1986 ADT for Branico Drive between Cotton Hill Road and the dead end was 52. 1986 ADT for Cotton Hill Road between Merriman Road and Branico Drive was 350 and the average of all segments of Cotton Hill Road between Route 221 and Branico Drive was 425. There are no traffic generation estimates for commercial kennels, but if this facility remains aboarding-only kennel, the traffic should be minimal during most of the year and peak around holidays. ~~ ~ 3 3 CIRCULATION: Petitioners propose sharing the entrance to the site with the entrance to the dog kennel and home on the adjacent property. The driveway for the cat kennel would exit on the petitioners site. In addition, the concept plan indicates a parking area in front of the building. U'T'ILITIES 2 WATER: Private well. 2 SEWER Private septic system. DRAINAGE 2 BASIN: Back Creek. N/A FLOODPLAIN: PUBLIC SERVICES 3 FIRE PROTECTION: May not be within established service standard 3 RESCUE: May not be within established service standard N/A PARKS AND RECREATION: N/A SCHOOLS: ENVIRONMENT 2 AIR: 3 WATER: Neither Building Code nor Health Department have regulations regarding the safe disposal of animal waste within a kennel. However, the Health Department recommends that the kennels be constructed as far away as possible from any well and that any drains within the kennel empty into an approved sewage disposal system. Petitioner has suggested disposing of waste either by a septic tank or by taking the waste to the landfill. According to Roanoke County General Services Department and the Roanoke Regional Landfill, while animal wastes should not be put out with household trash for curbside pickup, the landfill will accept bagged animal waste. 3 SOILS: See "Water" 2 NOISE: 3 SIGNAGE: Per ordinance. Sign ordinance allows up to 50 square feet of signage for businesses in the A-1 district. Petitioner has indicated that signage will be located on the building. PLAN CONSISTENCY This area is designated as Rural Preserve. Commercial kennels are not consistent with the use types listed as desirable in Rural Preserve STAFF EVALUATION WEAKNESSES: (1) Commercial cat kennel, normally requiring commercial or industrial zoning could be operated on A-1 zoned property as the primary use of the site for up to three years. In similar Use Not Provided For Permit requests in the past, Petitioners had already been living on the site. (2) Petitioner's intent to begin construction within three years of kennel becoming operational will be difficult to enforce. ROANORE COUNTY "USE NOT PROVIDED FOR" PERMIT APPLICATION ~au~`~sgL~cc~ oaf ~~~i ~~d -~ 1. Applicant's Name: ~FM/~2 (,J. ~.~ohN p. ~oCrn4~~AJ Phone: 77Sl-~'/!~ Address: 7`/!(p ForT Yr7~ Sow J7/2,yE l~o~~a1~ .~~•ti ~~.P~ Zip: a~o~ 2. Location of Property: X22 <~ ~~anJ ; r,p ~or+D,, l~dr~wak¢ If~~~' T A ~~' ~ 3 . New Tax Map # : /OS •• 00 - a - 1 • ~ Old Tax Map # 4. Magisterial District Location: (~ArJE c~P12i N~ 5. Size of Property: f. ~/(al AGRE acres/sd-=-€~. Size of Proposed Use Not Provided For: /, y( / acres/sue-€-t. 6. Existing Land Use: //~ C~9 NT Existing Zoning: A/ 7. Proposed Land Use: C'pirl,aJ?,rZGi~. C~4T /~eNn~e.~' 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation: ~uR,wL 1~R~S ~~2(1~ 9. Are Conditions being Proffered? Yes V No 10. Proposed Annual Gross Revenue: hers T/~-xl~5~a,ooa 11. Value of Land: '~/~po0 Value of (Proposed) Buildings: ,~aO,ooo 12. Value of Machinery & Tools:,tT'S o~ Number to be Employed: ! 13. Check Completed Items: ~ Consultation Letter of Application / 8}" x 11" Concept Plan / Legal Forms / List of Adjacent Properties Application Fee ~15~~ Public Hearing Notic s Issued 14. Applicant's Signature: 15. Owner's Consent, if dif Arent than applicant: ~ ~ 1 ~ Name: Q~tA~1 ~~t~ ~~N~~,~ ~ ~~ Signature: ~ Caa( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY: Application Deadline: Hearing Date: Received By: Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: _ Date Received: Action: December 16, 1991 ~~ Mr. Jonathan W Hartley, Planner Department of Planning and Zoning County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hartley, Thank you for the time you sent with us discussing the Use Not Provided request that we are outlining in this letter. The type of business is a commercial cat kennel. The specifications for the business are as follows: o The kennel will only provide boarding for domestic cats. o The building will be a single story concrete block structure with dimensions of 24' X 42'. It will provide space to board up to 60 cats. o The entrance from Branico Road will be shared with that of Sleepy Hollow Kennel. The driveway and parking area is 5,000 square feet with the loop driveway which will exit onto Branico Road 160 feet north of the entrance. o The sign for the business will be located on the building. This business will be on the same property as a home that will begin construction within thirty-six months of the business becoming operational. We currently live in Fort Mason, one mile from the proposed kennel. The capital to construct the kennel is currently available. The capital for the construction of the house will be available at the time construction begins. Initial contact has been made with Moe Owens at the County Health Department concerning a septic system to serve both the house and the kennel. His requirements are that no living facilities be in the kennel and that there be no hose washing down of the kennel. Since the building will contain boarding facilities for cats only, there is no problem in complying with both requests. At the time of this writing a request for testing the land for a septic permit has been submitted, but the testing has not been done. We believe this business will provide a needed service to Roanoke and will not distract from the area in which it will be built. Thank you-for considering this request. Sincere~l/y, ~'r Jane W. Holmgren 1 1 G `1 1~ ~~ eeta GY 3~ ~b 6` ,` /O ~. ~'~ ~P~°/% ~ / ~~G ~~~ / ~~o ~ ` ~o 2 --.._ ~~ ~ Nb31Q7p'.2b f fl J ._ NN m ~l ; ~~ o w ~ °~ ~/ICINITY MAP t _... O 2 ~o O~ v~ W ~u n ~? Of : N a zZ Y7~X ~ av~$ 11 a2eh+4 n NO ~r ti L W O ~ N O ~ I E w7 ah ~ J Q Q F- t) N 81•L9't5'G• 82.1!' N 4q • OT VS' C 112.24' ~,~ ~N a2•o(:34 E ~ ~ ~ 4S. I' 4~ ~ / NT4.22'11'` / ,4.29' /TRACT 2 ' 4 ( 1 A~ ~ 1 G e . , F ~ U t.j• 11' 14' C ~e.22• ~ N ~ N2S'14'20'E ~ Q p ~q.an• 1 ~ G } N n•lo'! 41.ba' , ~ s ,j ew uua ~ ~ ~ F \ \ 1 2.•19~T C ' TRACT 3 N !o. 4 20 AC. / REMAINSN3 PROPERTY EDWIlU A.~ MYFiTI.t K. f3RIGG~ s11•ls'ao' w I~.t.aa• µotaa ~ DR<•.1.1GH 931.O'!'j0 W 69. j 9' ORICa1NAL \2.291 5C,•2q.9~•wI AG. TRACT sl.oe• ~ 92• er 10• w ls.4t~• ` S14.4q'oe'tFi, 6,.taL' 9 Il' 10' S1' W, ~•l.45 na o..-r 0-> i{2' oj' ~9' C LJ 'lg.14 M`*~ ' Dt•_ING CONVEYED TO 1 N >~ s;23• t OMAN lEE R CYNTbItA J. EAST `~~ TRACT 1 zs•o,'zl'e~~ ~ 9L.e9' \~aAVGI.~. 4.40(0 AC. 3C Rr4v I f oFely! 1 N IL•oa'tS'6~~~ L'YT. FRAM! 49.2 , ~ ~ tJMlL. '~w/ \~~ ' Peh 11 r, SOD go 0' ,q• d~' ••J O ~ai P~IvA. fP. ~~~ ypK H~ axe ~ZZ ~CRS•l, Pr+.G ~.O• nr :oucct roortati;t t rat YaYI• n• Ltktil 01 - lift Tktk ft.000 F.'o~FGUt y ftifitrt ,11 tilt Ci1W TL01y~ tK ~4tr Mf. t1lf.~tC:klr~liw^a Sf 11Riw"Q On m raw IaC'*sut lur .vo w rat r.al rnuttt r: KYGLS tlttr i4 tr ltr IOCf. 100' S0' d S00' SO' _ ~~ ...._ 1••100' La' 4uM r r Q` N h`O EJ~ O ~ sxx dOF nu eeT ru-+- we~~ d r~lu S' e~t:1. •ua rrzuv:P 9CT 3UP1Y1:Y FOR OMAN LEt G tYP~TUTA J. E~'ST gvowlUO ~IVlsto-.i fit= A f2.xe~ h+=~TiJ+GT i/JT0 NL:W TRACT 1 (d.lOli K~gqNGW TR/-GT 2(?,~vl Af_~~ ~ ASF.y.1 Tft~'T 3 tG.e°Q I•-C~ 5i't~ygl'L• ON Y2,. bC ~ ftYE. C Z.fi ~ `.4LSl•.G. RTF. TGj GAVE EPf~lt~l6 b :',a4~8'7Cir'L1AL Di4'T-~1CT .z011.:4}CY CJ::1~yiY1 V iaCallJiA, wa:-,etw~ ~ SuRVe~~,at~, I.Ta 9GALE: 1'•100 MAY 1a, t9L~l~ .~ .... ,~.v. wn *.,_,.n~,A Q _, i Co ~ c ~ pT ~L,a-,J T,e is c,T 2 v F SuKv 6 ~. :, ~~ j,~-1 m~, £N~rE~1 ~ Q•~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING A USE-NOT-PROVIDED-FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE A COMMERCIAL CAT KENNEL TO BE LOCATED IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF 7226 BRANICO DRIVE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT UPON THE APPLICATION OF JANE AND JOHN HOLMGREN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, and the second reading and public hearing was held February 25, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on February 4, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a use-not-provided-for permit to operate a commercial cat kennel on a certain tract of real estate located immediately north of 7226 Branico Drive, as described herein, and located on Branico Drive (Va. Sec. Rte. 763), (Tax Map Number 105.00-2-1.1) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby authorized. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Jane and John Holmgren. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at a point along the center line of Branico Drive (Va. Sec. Rte. 763) 387.31 feet south of the intersection of Branico Drive and Cotton Hill Road (Va. Sec. Rte. 688) to a Branch; THENCE following the centerline of Branch S 11 deg. 45' 40" W. 134.44' to a point; THENCE S. 37 deg. 03' 30" W. 83.38' to a point; THENCE S. 87 deg. 29' 38" W. 51.08 feet to a point; 9-~ THENCE S. 52 deg. 51' 10" W. 45.56' to a point; THENCE S. 16 deg. 49' 05" E. 57.62' to a point; THENCE S. 17 deg. 10' 37" W. 43.45' to a point; THENCE leaving the Branch centerline S. 72 deg. 49' 23" W. to an iron pin set; THENCE S. 70 deg. 33' W. 182.95' to a point in the centerline of Branico Drive; THENCE along centerline of Branico Drive N. 17 deg. 10' E. to a point; THENCE N. 25 deg. 14' 20" E. 99.54' to a point; THENCE N. 63 deg. 11' 14" E. 78.22 feet to a point; THENCE N. 76 deg. 22' 19" E. 76.28' to a point; THENCE N. 82 deg. 06' 36" E. 65.21' to a point; THENCE N. 69 deg. 07' 15" E. 112.24' to the Beginning point on Branico Drive. Being 1.461 acres, more or less, as shown on a survey of property by T. P. Parker & Son for Oman Lee and Cynthia J. East dated May 14, 1986. 4. That the applicants have voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts: a. The kennel will only provide boarding for domestic cats. b. The building will be a single-story concrete block structure with dimensions of 24' x 42'. It will provide space to board up to 60 cats. c. The entrance from Brancio Drive will be shared with that of Sleepy Hollow Kennel. The driveway and parking area is 5,000 square feet with a loop driveway which will exit onto Branico Drive, 160 feet north of the entrance. d. The sign for the business will be located on the building. e. The business will be on the same property as a home on which construction will begin within thirty-six (36) months of the business becoming operational. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect 9-i thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. c:\wp51\agenda\zoning\hoLngren w Affi A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 ORDINANCE 22592-13 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 2.061-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF ROUTE 24 AND FEATHER ROAD (PART OF TAX MAP NO. 61.18-2-25) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1 AND R-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-2 UPON THE APPLICATION OF STEVE BROWN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, and the second reading and public hearing was held February 25, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on February 4, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 2.061 acre, as described herein, and located at the corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, (Part of Tax Map Number 61.18-2-25) in the Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of B-1 and R-1, Office District and Single Family Residential District, to the zoning classification of B-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of STEVE BROWN. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Parcel A ~ ~` BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly right- of-way line of Washington Avenue (State Route 24) and the westerly right-of-way line of Feather Road (State Route 654); THENCE with the westerly right-of-way line of Feather Road (variable width right-of-way) S. 45 deg. 46 min. 55 sec. E. for a distance of 262.49 feet to the point of intersection of said right-of-way line and a zoning line marking the boundary between B-1 zoning and R-1 zoning, said zoning line being 200 feet south of and running parallel to Washington Avenue; THENCE with the zoning line S. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. W. for a distance of 454.27 feet to a point on the line of the property of the Town of Vinton; and THENCE with the property of the Town of Vinton N. 01 deg. 00 min. 46 sec. W. for a distance of 200.59 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Washington Avenue (variable width right-of-way); THENCE with the southerly right-of-way line of Washington Avenue N. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. E. for a distance of 268.86 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1.660 acres, more or less. Parcel B BEGINNING at a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Feather Road (State Route 654 - variable width right-of- way), said point being S. 45 deg. 46 min. 55 sec. E. 262.49 feet from the intersection of Feather Road and Washington Avenue (State Route 24); THENCE leaving Feather Road S. 39 deg. 44 min. 33 sec. W. for a distance of 20.76 feet to a point in the center of a small branch; THENCE with the center of the branch the following three (3) courses: (1) S. 44 deg. 55 min. 35 sec. W. for a distance of 45.83 feet; (2) S. 73 deg. 28 min. 23 sec. W. for a distance of 21.02 feet; (3) N. 82 deg. 12 min. 47 sec. W. for a distance of 35.39 feet; THENCE with a zoning line marking the boundary between R-1 and RE zoning and running parallel to Washington Avenue S. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. W. for a distance of 352.61 feet to a point on the line of the property of the Town of Vinton; THENCE with the property of the Town of Vinton N. 01 deg. 00 min. 46 sec. W. for a distance of 39.66 feet to a point on the line of Parcel A; THENCE with the line of Parcel A and parallel to Washington Avenue N. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. E. for a distance of 454.27 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.401 acres, more or less. 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul Mahoney, County Attorney ~-a PETITIONER: STEVE BROWN CASE NUMBER: 3-2/92 Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 4, 1992 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 25, 1992 A. REQUEST Petition of Steve Brown to rezone 2.061 a oute 24 andlFeatherR Road, Vinton Magisterial convenience store, located at the corner of R District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Richard Stone expressed concern that rezoning along Feather Road will open the door or other rezonings on this road which could lower property values. Jerry Fairchild stated that he intends to purchase the slocated in Vinton) has outgrown the explained that his present convenience store business parking lot. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION en neer The Commission asked how much area is located in the floodplain. Fred Shanks, gi indicated area of the floodplain on the concept plan and od d a nats60 deve opment twilltbe site is in the floodplain. He said that because of the flo p , regulated by the County and FEMA. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS None. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt said that the area is designated as development in thend a P royal of the pet tion. situated in a rather intense traffic area. He moved to recomm PP Messrs. Gordon and Massey agreed. Mr. Robinson sai dtCundiff WThe motiont arried fwith voting because of his association with Messrs. Brown an the following roll call vote: AYES: Gordon, Witt, Massey NAYS: Chappelle ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Robinson F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report -Other r Terrance H 'ngton ecretary Roanoke ounty Planning Commission STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 3-2/92 REVIEWED BY: Janet Scheid 1. NATURE OF REQUEST PETITIONER: Steve Brown DATE: February 4, 1992 c~-a a. Unconditional request to rezone 2.061 acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to cat the ccorner of Route 24 and FeathersRoade pumps, located Vinton Magisterial District. b. This site is a portion of a larger 17+ tract of land. The portion of this property at the corner of Route 24 and Feather Road is zoned B-1. Directly to the south is a strip of land that is currently zoned R-1. Further to the south, the remainder of the property was rezoned to R-E in 1990 for a future golf course. The portion of land covered by this request is currently vacant. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. General Commercial District, B-2 allows a wide variety of commercial uses. b. Development site is within the 100-year floodplain and therefore will have to conform to the applicable state and federal requirements. The floodplain designation will have an impact on the grading of the site and location of the building. c. VDOT will require entrance permits. d. If this property is subdivided, Section 200.05 of the Street Standards will restrict the site to one exclusive access point on Route 24 (arterial road) not two as shown on the preliminary concept plan. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topogrthen•levels offtto2a~more gradualoslopeasouthwardhe south b. Ground Cover: Property is mostly grasses and small shrubs. Site was bushhogged within the last couple of years. 4. AREA, CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Vinton Community Planning area. The initiative for this area is to stabilize growth. 1 Q-a b. General area: The area is a mix of residential and commercial. Across Route 24 directly to the north is B-1 and B-2. The southeast corner of Feather Road and Route 24 is zoned M-1 and is currently undeveloped. There is R-1 and R-E farther to the south along Feather Road. Directly to the west are parcels zoned B-1 and R-1. Wolf Creek, which een the TowntoffVinton and RoanokeeCountyic boundary betty 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 4 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Development designation. The Development designation delineates areas for planned residential communities. A mix of housing types and densities is encouraged and limited retail support to new communities may be permitted. The land use policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan for Development areas do not address or promote any commercial activities. The Land Use Compatibility Matrix in the Comprehensive Plan, which lists a mix of land uses according to the degree of compatibility from high to none, rates retail convenience facilities as moderately compatible with the Development designation. 3 b. Surrounding Lando mTn~•area is a mix of commercial and residential devel p 3 c. Neighboring Area: To the west and east along Route 24 are commercial developments. 4 d. Site Layout: This site is within the 100-year floodplain. At this time, a grading plan to show the feasibility of development on this site has not been submitted. As indicated on the submitted concept plan, the store is oriented towards Route 24 with access from both Route 24 and Feather Road. The store is shown as 10,400 square feet with 61 parking spaces. The concept plan is not being proffered, and as a result of the floodplain, building orientation rained b s an Apco power linet that crossestthe further cons Y site. 2 ~_a e. Architecture: N/A f. Screening and Landscape: As per the ordinance. 3 g. Amenities: Adequate parking is shown on the concept plan. h. Natural Features: None. TRAFFIC 3 i. Street Capacities: The 1986 Secondary Road average daily traffic count on Feather Road (Route 654) was 2,500. The average daily traffic in 1990 on Route 24, between the Blue Ridge Parkway and the east Vinton town boundary was 19,350. 4 j. Circulation: Traveling west on Route 24, this site would be accessed by a left hand, crossing Route 24 eastbound, and turning onto Feather Road. The intersection of Feather Road and Route 24 is not signalized. Concept plan is not proffered and therefore does not indicate final plans. As noted above, building orientation, access and therefore on-site traffic circulation could change as a result of floodplain constraints. UTILITIES 3 k. Water and Sewer: Adequate service supplied by the Town of Vinton. DRAINAGE 3 1. Basin: Wolf Creek 4 m. Floodplain: According to the Roanoke County Engineering Department this property is located within the 100-year floodplain. Applicant will have to comply with all applicable county, state and federal laws. PUBLIC SERVICES 3 n. Fire and Rescue Service: Service can be provided within the 5-minute travel time for fire service and 4-minute travel time for rescue service. Service is provided from the Vinton facility. 3 a-~ TAX BASE 2 0, Employment: Estimate 4-6 full and part time employees ENVIRONMENT p. Air: No impact. q, Water: No impact. r, Soils: No impact. s. Noise: No impact. t. Signage: As per the ordinance. 6, PLAN CONSISTENCY Limited retail This area is designated as development. support is alloweddvelohment of sDevelopmentt areasu do not future use and P address retail convenience. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: None b. Weaknesses: (i)Site is constrained by slope, APCO transmission line, wide VDOT right-of-way on the southwest corner of the intersection, and the 100-year floodplain restrictions. (2)Feasibility of this project due to topographical considerations and floodplain constraints is not known at this time. c. Proffers Suggested: None 4 ROANORE COUNTY REZONING APP~CATION •~~rvv ..... rj •~__ Case No.: No.. Ord. ' 1 a/do~9 ~~ Phone: (703)_344-5585 i. Owner's Name: W. E. Cundiff Realtor Address: 118 Pollard Street Vinton Vir inia 24079 Phone: (703)344-5585 2. Appl 's_ Na • Address: 118 Pollard Street Vinton Vir inia 24079 3. Location of Property: Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road Tax Map Number(s): Part of 61.18-2-25 4. Magisterial District: Vinton 5. Size of Property: 2.061 acres 6. Existing Zoning: B-1 & -1 Existing Land Use: Vacant 7. Proposed Zoning: B-2 Proposed Land Use: Convenience mart for the retail sale of as food appare of er merc an ise an related off-street parki- 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation: 9. Are Conditions Proffered With This Request? Yes offers as a of your appl3ca- ~If you are voluntarily offering Pi' Paz't tion, these proffers must be ~ ~ atjongof these proffers planning Staff can assist you ~n the prepay 10. Value of Land and (Proposed) Buildings: $ 220,000 11. The Following Items Must ~tienWilleNotlBe Accept d lIfaAnynOfPThese Check If Enclosed.OrPIncom lete: Items Are Hissing P _ Letter of Application Concept Plan Metes and Bounds Description List of Adjacent Owners ~E~v+. ~~ "~- of Property (Attach Exhibit A) .! Vicinity Map ~_ Application Fee N_ /~ - Written Proffers If Applicable) ,~ Water and Sewer Application ~ 12. Signature Of Property Owner, Contract Purchaser, Or Owner's Agent: Date 12/20/91 Signature for W.E. Cundiff ' Luck Avenue 0 ENGINEERS ,yoke, Virginia 24011 0 SURVEYORS 7031 343-6685 0 PLANNERS 7031 345-1519 tFax) . Municipal Services . Commercial & Resits hic,& Soa Su rveys ent . Boundary. Topog P . Water Systems . As-Built and Downtown Surveys December 20, 1991 Planning Department County of Roanoke 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Attention: Ms. Janet Scheid RE: W.E. Cundiff Rezoning Tax Parcel 61.18-2-25 Dear Ms. Scheid: Mr. W.E. Cundiff is requesting to rezone 2.601 acres of the referenced parcel for the purpose constructing a convenience mart. If arseoarate taxsparcelsfor thetrezoned propertyitted to establish p The land is undeveloped and is located at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Feather Road. It currently is zoned B-1 (1.660 ac.) and R-1 (0.401 ac.) and is bounded by Washington Avenue, Featiebelonding tootheeTownlofCVintontw•E' Cundiff) and a vacant parce 9 We fill that rezoning this property will lead to the development of this property in the near future, resulting in a more pleasing appearance, increased tax revenues, and additional jobs, both during construction and during operation. Please find enclosed an Application for Rezoning, a check in the amount of S 1041.00 for the application fee, a mlication bofive description (Exhibit A), a water and sewer app reduced copies of the Concept Plan, and a list of adjoining owners (Exhibit B). Please call if you need additional information. Cordially, i2~G1 Fred 0. Shanks, III, P.E. A,1 t•' -id%:: :±: fit ~ ~ 3 ,rte, . %'~ ~" ~ . c ., ` f ,;ms's,=~:.~ ,';/~ ,~ ; ,~~^y .~.-,~~'; ;~. ~ ~W 1 i / ~ 1 /,1 ~Q J 1 ; I ~ ~ R` - - -o , i~ ' s ~~ ,I,j~, ~ 111"' ti ~. l ' °i l ~ ~ 1~ ~ t ~ ~ ~, 'Ir i ~ l 1 J / 1 ~ I r 1' ~ I^) • 111 1 ~ 1 : ' / 3~` f~lyll ' ~ • 11 ~ 1 1 ~ \ 1 t 1 „ 1 ~~ '1 , ti ~~ 1 1 ~ • i~ ~ 11~. w ~~, i' f ~ 1 t 1 ~ ,` ; ~ 1 ~e ;1 „ ,i ; i; ~ ; 1i ~~ __ ~ I I' I I 1 ,1 1 ~\ ~1 ' 1 I \ ~ 1 Y~ 1 4 j 1 ~! ~ L1' ~ M`f ' ~I11 .7-.I'O/A' r ~3 pt t L~~ ~ 1 f ~ . .. °'~i NORTB 41. E. CUtJDIFF, REALTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES 6-1 i~ R-1 TO B2 ~ n-n n~v~r~o~~±F>~^ (~- ~. A~ A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1992 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 2.061-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF ROUTE 24 AND FEATHER ROAD (PART OF TAX MAP NO. 61.18-2-25) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-1 AND R-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-2 UPON THE APPLICATION OF BTEVE BROWN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 28, 1992, and the second reading and public hearing was held February 25, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on February 4, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 2.061 acre, as described herein, and located at the corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, (Part of Tax Map Number 61.18-2-25) in the Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of B-1 and R-1, Office District and Single Family Residential District, to the zoning classification of B-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of BTEVE BROWN. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Parcel A BEGINNING at the intersection of the southerly right-of- ~~ way line of Washington Avenue (State Route 24) and the westerly right-of-way line of Feather Road (State Route 654); THENCE with the westerly right-of-way line of Feather Road (variable width right-of-way) S. 45 deg. 46 min. 55 sec. E. for a distance of 262.49 feet to the point of intersection of said right-of-way line and a zoning line marking the boundary between B-1 zoning and R-1 zoning, said zoning line being 200 feet south of and running parallel to Washington Avenue; THENCE with the zoning line S. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. W. for a distance of 454.27 feet to a point on the line of the property of the Town of Vinton; and THENCE with the property of the Town of Vinton N. 01 deg. 00 min. 46 sec. W. for a distance of 200.59 feet to the southerly right-of-way line of Washington Avenue (variable width right-of-way); THENCE with the southerly right-of-way line of Washington Avenue N. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. E. for a distance of 268.86 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 1.660 acres, more or less. Parcel B BEGINNING at a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Feather Road (State Route 654 - variable width right-of-way), said point being S. 45 deg. 46 min. 55 sec. E. 262.49 feet from the intersection of Feather Road and Washington Avenue (State Route 24); THENCE leaving Feather Road S. 39 deg. 44 min. 33 sec. W. for a distance of 20.76 feet to a point in the center of a small branch; THENCE with the center of the branch the following three (3) courses: (1) S. 44 deg. 55 min. 35 sec. W. for a distance of 45.83 feet; (2) S. 73 deg. 28 min. 23 sec. W. for a distance of 21.02 feet; (3) N. 82 deg. 12 min. 47 sec. W. for a distance of 35.39 feet; THENCE with a zoning line marking the boundary between R- i and RE zoning and running parallel to Washington Avenue S. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. W. for a distance of 352.61 feet to a point on the line of the property of the Town of Vinton; THENCE with the property of the Town of Vinton N. 01 deg. 00 min. 46 sec. W. for a distance of 39.66 feet to a point on the line of Parcel A; THENCE with the line of Parcel A and parallel to Washington Avenue N. 84 deg. 35 min. 03 sec. E. for a distance of 454.27 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 0.401 acres, more or less. 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts #. ;~, of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. c:\wp51\agenda\zoning\brown OF ROAN kF • is z ~ ,; a2 ~ 38 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 February 28, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON MOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL'FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERALL. DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Diane Hyatt, Director Finance Department Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Ms. Hyatt: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board to complete the unexpired four-year term of John Hubbard. This term will expire July 31, 1995. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Lee B. Eddy, Chairm n Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: John H. Parrott, Chairman Jeffrey Cromer, Disposal Manager John Hubbard P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 ® Recycled Paper 0~ ROAN ~.~ ~ ~ p z` ~ o~ a l 38 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 February 28, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL'FUZZY MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL OISTRICT P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 Ms. Kate Schefsky 8385 Bradshaw Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Schefsky: (703) 772-2005 I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority to complete the unexpired two-year term of John Hubbard. This term will expire December 31, 1993. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Lee B. Eddy, Chai n Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: Gardner Mary H. Mary F. Carolyn John Hu] W. Smith, Chairman, RVRA Allen, Clerk, Roanoke County Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City S. Ross, Clerk, Town of Vinton bard ® Recycled Paper ~ p AN ,~, z • p 0 a 38 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 February 28, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MIIJ.S MAGISTERUL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE. SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN GTAW6A MAGISTlRIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTHRUIL DISTRKT H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. W. Robert Herbert, Chairman Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Mr. Herbert: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 22592-5 approving the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission budget for FY 1992-93. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 1992. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 7'Y)G~c~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: Ms. Jacqueline L. Shuck, Exec. Dir., Roanoke Regional Airport Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Paul Mahoney, County Attorney C~~~xx~# ~~ ~~xx~~a.C~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 ® R.I,ya.a Pav.r o~ aoaN ~.~ . ~, z 2 a~ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 February 28, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERALL. DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Gardner Smith, Chairman Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 1216 Kessler Mill Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Smith: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 22592-6 approving the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority budget for the five month period ending June 30, 1992. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 1992. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Hubbard Roanoke Valley Resource Authority File C~~~xxY# ~~ ~~xx~~.~.~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 ® Pte, O~~ ANA t, ~ 9 2 2 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 February 27, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODEL.L FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mrs. Marian F Chappelle 5120 Pin Oak Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mrs. Chappelle: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 am pleased to send you a resolution expressing our appreciation for your service to the Roanoke County Planning Commission. This resolution was unanimously adopted by the Board of Supervisors at our meeting on February 25, 1992. 1 am sorry that you were unable to attend the board meeting so that you could be personally thanked for your valuable contributions to Roanoke County. Please accept this resolution along with our best wishes for continued success in the future. Sincerely, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Windsor Hills Magisterial District LBE/bjh Enclosure cc: Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning ® pfd p~ O~ ROAN '~F ~ 9 z °v a2 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOOGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 February 27, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE. SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Rita Watson 6628 Wendover Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Ms. Watson: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission to complete the unexpired term of Ms. Karen Padgett. This term will expire June 30, 1992. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Lee B. Eddy, Chai an Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: John Chambliss, Acting Director, Parks & Recreation Department ®R~d Paper ~ Roan1 ~.~ .„ z a~ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 February 27, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Rev. John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 1887 Electric Road, S. W. Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Hartwig: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 1992. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. Sincerely, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bjh ®Recyded Paper pF P AN 'fco a ~ p 2 o a i 38 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 C~~a~xxY# ~#~ ~~xxY~.~.~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 February 27, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON MOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Karen Padgett 6434 Greenway Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Ms. Padgett: The members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service on the Parks & Recreation Commission. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on Commission. Citizens responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Roanoke County is fortunate indeed to have benefited from your unselfish contribution to our community. ' As a small token of appreciation, we enclose a Certificate of Appreciation for your service to Roanoke County. Sincerely, /~ Lee B. Eddy, Chairm Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosure cc: John Chambliss, Acting Director, Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission ® Recycled Paper H k ~M G ~Hw u p~;~ ~~ [--~. ~~ Q ~ O ~ .~~~ :~ O~ ~ -~~ w -:w w <~ - H ~ ~ ~ ~ ~D ~~ Q ~ ~~~ ~~ ~, ~ ~ o Q ~ ~ z ~~ o~Q w ~ ~ .~_o~ . ~ v`1'~ c~ ~w~„ w ~., N --~ GY ~C ~-' w ~ wUd U U w w ~- ZH~ ~ '~,~w z' H U w ~ z ~~ Q O ~ w H ~ cr~r w +~~ ~ ~ ~~ ---~ N ~H ~ C3 V ...~ ~~ ~~ o Q ..A w Z w ~ ~~ ~ w H ~z w~ ~ ~~ z w Q,-` ~ Q O •~ ~ ~ H z 0 v ~s~a. ~ ~ jr( ..` r` , ~„ ~nal® ~~ i 1~ ~1 I~Q F~ ~ ~ ~andon Avenue, SW sl ~ ~~'i/t ~ ~!~%' i;i.l,~-; lJ., L~~~ U`t. 1~~1~= ~~ :, VA 2401 ~`~'~I 1 Salem, VA 24153 Dear Susie: q ~ v ~~ ~ -v~ N ~ 19g2 R~~~ ~/U~~ 1\~ ~ N ~ ~~PM/}F~.N~1' Congratulations, Susie, on being named Secretary of the Year for the Roanoke Chapter of Professional Secretaries International. You did an excellent job with the interviews before the judges and we were all extremely proud of you. Being named Secretary of the Year is a professional and personal accomplish- ment and also a statement to the business community of what PSI is about and how secretaries feel about their profession. I know you will fill the role with integrity and competence as you have already demonstrated. You are an excellent representative of our Chapter, and I am sure you will do well at the Virginia Division SOTY Event in May in Winchester. On behalf of the SOTY Committee, congratulations on a job well done. Please know that you have our very best wishes and support! We know, too, that Mr. Gubala is also proud of you and that he will continue to support you as you pursue other offices and activities in PSI. Sincerely, Guyda H.'Hedrick, Chairman Se/cretary of the Year Committee ,~C: Timothy W. Gubala, Director VVY Economic Development, Roanoke County BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING SCHEDULE February 10, 1992 FEBRUARY 11 FRED LAFFOON, Communications FEBRUARY 25 EAC COMMITTEE MARCH 10 NANCY BAILEY, General Services CHRIS NIELSEN, Police MARCH 24 LARRY BOONE, Utility Department BILL WINNER, Real Estate Assessments APRIL 7 KAY CRAWFORD, Social Services TOM KINCAID, Police APRIL 14 WILLIAM SOWERS, Park and Recreation CHUCK BECKNER, Fire and Rescue APRIL 28 JOYCE HARVEY, Library Services VICKIE MCCORKLE, Sheriff Department MAY 12 STEVE HUFF, Sheriff Department TODD BOOTH, Engineering/Inspections MAY 26 DIANA WILSON, MIS (Clerks office representative) JUNE 9 SHARI VEST, Treasurer's Office NANCY BAILEY, General Services JUNE 23 FRED LAFFOON, Communications CHRIS NIELSEN, Police pF ~ AN ~F ~ ~ Z 7a ~ ,2 a s . ~m~ C~ (~mxxtt~ ~f ~.a~xxt~.C~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 MEMORANDUM K20-92 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDGY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE. SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERW.OISTRKT BOB L JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT H. ODELL FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL D45TRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERUL DISTRICT (709) 7722005 TO: Lee Eddy /~' FROM: Ed Kohinke ~ ~i~~%,~ / .Y! . DATE: February 6, 1992 SUBJECT: REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENTS I don't mind hard work, nor do I mind taking 'flak' or fielding complaints from citizens. This is all part of the job, and I wouldn't have run for office if I didn't feel that I could handle it. What I do mind, though, is catching grief for something over which I seem to have no control, and the best example of that is the real estate assessment process. My personal and political philosophy is a very simple one: If I can take the credit for something 'rf it goes right, I am also willing to take the blame for it 'rf it goes wrong. A close corollary to that: If I am going to catch it when something goes wrong (or in the case of real estate assessments, something that is very unpopular), I want to be given the power to change things; otherwise, I don't want to hear about it, and I certainly don't want to be a 'lightning rod' for someone else's setup. Now that the real estate assessment appeal process is almost over for this year, I propose that we, as a Board, do a fresh, new, and unbiased review of the entire real estate assessment process. Once done, we can then report our findings and/or conclusions to the public via the media. I would like this to be on the agenda for our next meeting. Even If we don't change things one iota, we at least will accomplish two things: (1) we and the public will become much more informed about the process (and thus be able to deal with it more effectivey); and (2) our taxpayers wilt be assured that their elected representatives are not just blindly upholding what they perceive to be a bureaucratic system of taxation. ~_ .__,\ EGK/bjh cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Willey, Director, Real Estate Asst Paps ~ AN ,). Z P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772.2004 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM DATE: SUBJECT: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HI J a MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL OISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Lee Eddy Ed Kohinke / ~- ~i`,~~~ ~ ~• February 12, 1992 THE POWER LINE ISSUE I wish to have the power line issue reconsidered at our next board meeting. Even though the landfill is no longer a factor, I feel that there are many concerns of our citizens which need to be addressed by us as a County government: potential health hazards, the use of herbicides, erosion control, property devaluations, etc. I now favor opposing the project by registering our concern, and letting it go at that because the final decision rests with the SCC, and not with us. I don't favor a work session or anything else that will string people along on this issue, which is why I voted for the neutral position at our last meeting. However, I would accept a work session if it means getting the votes for my proposal. EGK/bjh cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney ® p.cYa.e PapK rid R • ~ III '' ~ ~ ~~ ~~ 6, Adoption of a Resolution of Appreciation to Lingerfelt Associates for supporting the Easter Seal Summer Concerts at Valleypointe Park. R-21192-7.f B, REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Jane & John Holmgren to obtain a Use Not Provided For Permit to operate a commercial cat kennel on the same parcel as a residence, located immediately north of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: February 6, 1992 ~ Q~,~yc,, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, February 11, 1992 Tuesday, February 18, 1992 To be paid on delivery by: Jane or John Holmgren 7416 Fort Mason Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 774-8115 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Steve Brown to rezone 2.061 acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to construct a convenience store, located at the corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated : February 6 , 19 9 2 ~. ~~~c.J Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, February 11, 1992 Tuesday, February 18, 1992 Direct the bill for publication to: Steve Brown c/o Shanks Associates 313 Luck Avenue Roanoke, VA 24011 (703) 343-6685 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 P II B L I C N O T I C E Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at its meeting on the 25th day of February, 1992, at the Roanoke County Administration Center in Roanoke, Virginia at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, will hold a public hearing on the following matter, to-wit: Establishment of the Six-Year Construction Plan for the secondary system of the State Highways for 1992-1998. All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. A copy of the proposed schedule referred to above is on file at the Residency Office, State Highway Department, 714 South Broad Street, Salem, Virginia, and the Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia where it is available for public inspection during regular business hours. `y'Y~ ~. Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PUBLISH IN THE ROANOKE TIMES AND WORLD NEWS ON THE FOLLOWING DATES Tuesday, February 4, 1992 Tuesday, February 18, 1992 BILL TO: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 4. Request from Valley Beautiful for an Ordinance that would protect trees. (ELMER C. HODGE, COUNTY ADIVIINISTRATOR A-12892-5 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC BLJ REQUESTED THAT BZA BE INCLUDED IN PROCESS EGK REQUESTED THAT COUNTY FORESTER BE INCLUDED IN PROCESS 5. Request for Resolution of Support for a Local Government Postal Rate (ALFRED ANDERSON, COUNTY TREASURER) R-12892-6 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 6. Request for participation in Cable Television Community Studio. (ANNE 117ARIE GREEN, PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER) A-12892-7 EGK MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-BLJ,EGK,LBE NO-HOM,HCN S a,-y~ e.. rE~ ~ 7: P or posal to request from the City of Roanoke Financial Participation in the Therapeutics Program. '~.,.b (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ~ /ate ADMINISTRATOR) HCN MOTION TO SEND REQUEST FOR FUNDING TO ALL THREE LOCALITIES - NO VOTE 3 M EGK SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO POSTPONE TO 2/25/92 MEETING AYES-BI~,EGK,HOM,LBE NAYS-HCN E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC I~~ARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING PUBLIC F~ARINGS - 2/25/92 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to Construct a Cornenience Store, located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. N. REPORTS HCN MOVED TO RECEIVE AND FILE -WITHDREW MOTION BI;T MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE ITEMS 1 - 4 AND 6 UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Treasurer's Irnestment Report 5. Update on Smoking Policy ~-- ~~~ ,~' CN MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE _ UVV 6. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of December 31, 1991. RECESS - 4:45 O. WORK SESSION 1. Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for 1992-1998 (ARNOLD COVEY, DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS) P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding a contract with the City of Roanoke, (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding settlement of litigation (7) for consultation with legal counsel regarding contract for audit services and (1) Personnel matter regarding 9 January 27, 1992 @ 10:44 Mark Fuller, Chief of Clearbrook Rescue Squad, called. Says that at their Christmas banquet in December you invited him and other squad members to attend BofS meeting tomorrow night and be recognized as having the fastest reaction time in 1991. He definitely will be there and maybe a few others -- he doesn't know who or how many. ~---~ MH cc - MA~ _ n ~~ ~~ ~ C:-o ~~~ -z~-- L ...e_ ~.~/ U b ~'~ coo ~ - dn~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~-~- - Q~ ~ spa-or .. .. 5,-y~ o ~,~ ~~ ~-~1 ~j ~~ ~ ~ k Portion of the Old Starkey Sewage Treatment Plant Property to the Valley Soccer Club. (CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 19, 1991) (PAUL MAHONEY, COUNTY ATTORNEY) 0-21192-6 EGK MOTION TO ADOPT ORD iTU['' I. APPOINTMENTS 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council DELETED 3. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission ~~t rrn ~ _ ~ .~ BL.T NOMINATED RITA WATSON TO THREE-YEAR UNEXPIRED 4. Planning Commission EGK ASKED FOR RESO OF APPRECIATION FOR MARIAN CHAPPELLE. 5. Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board 6. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority . 7. Transportation and Safety Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS 4 0~ ROANp~.~ ~ L ~ ~ A 2 ~ V ? a rea8 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 C~~r~xxY# ~~ ~~xxY~.~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 February 6, 1992 LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Rev. John Hartwi Good Shepherd L heran Church 1887 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, YA 24018 Dear Reverend Hartwid: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~~ y_ S~~G This will confirm our telephone conversation of today. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for agreeing to give the invocation at their meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 1992, at 3:00 p.m. 7'he meetings are held at 3738 Brambleton Avenue, in the Roanoke County Administration Center Community Room. On Monday before the board meeting, I will call you as a reminder. If you find at any time that you are unable to do this for us, please let me know so that other arrangements can be made. My telephone number is 772-2005. The Board members are aware of how busy your schedule is, and they appreciate your volunteering the time to o,,~er God's blessing at their meeting. Sincerely, Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor ® Recyded Paper o~ aoa-vo~.~ ti p 2 ~ 2 O J a~ 18 E50 88 SFSQVICENTENN~A~ A Beauti~ul Beginning /~' ~, I ~~~~ `_'•vll• ~~ ,r ~~~~~~~ iLL-AMERIGC i II 1979 DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES 1989 BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMUNICATIONS GARDNER W. SMITH DIRECTOR February 10, 1992 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke Post Office Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: KENNETH L. HARDESTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR At the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority meeting held on February 4, 1992, the Authority Board approved a 5-month budget for the period February through June 1992, for start up and operation of the Resource Authority. The 5-month budget is broken down as follows: Personnel $ 52,095 Operating 101,060 Capital Equipment 32,000 TOTAL $185 , 15 5 As per the User Agreement dated October 23, 1991, it is requested that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approve the 5-month budget as presented. ly, ~~" _... ardner W. Smith, Chairman " Roanoke Valley Resource Authority GWS:wr ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE CENTER 1216 KESSLER MILL ROAD SALEM. VIRGINIA 24153 • (703) 387-6200 COMMITTEE VACANCIES IN 1992 JANIIARY BIIILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJIIBTMENTB AND APPEAL8 Four year term of Thomas A. Darnall, Vinton District, will expire 1/22/92. SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD Four year term of William P. Broderick will expire 1/1/92. TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Four year terms of Leo Trenor, Member at Large; Charlotte Lichtenstein, Neighborhood Representative; and Henry Gregory, Member at Large, will expire 1/1/92. FEBRIIARY ELECTORAL BOARD (APPOINTED BY THE COIIRTS) Three year term of Wilton B. "Webb" Johnson will expire 2/28/92. GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of Kenneth W. Lussen will expires 2/23/92. MARCH LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-ADVISORY COIINCIL One year term of Frances R. Holsinger will expire 03/31/92. LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-HOARD OF DIRECTORS One year term of Murry K. White will expire 03/31/92. APRIL BIIILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJIISTMENTS AND APPEALS Four year term of Robert A. Williamson, Jr., Hollins District, will expire 4/13/92, and Jon Walp, Windsor Hills District, will expire 4/27/92. MAY 1 JUNE JULY TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Two year terms of Elizabeth M. Stokes, and E. Cabell Brand, Joint Appointee, will expire 5/5/92. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Five year term of Carlton W. Wright, Hollins District, will expire 06/30/92. ~~CATV~~ ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL CABLE TV COMMITTEE Initial one year term of Don Terp, Member at Large, will expire 6/11/92. The subsequent term will be for three years. FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Three year terms of Richard W. Robers, Elected Representative, Alfred C. Anderson, Elected Representative, and Mrs. Pat Dean, Citizen Representative and Executive Committee will expire 6/30/92. PARRS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Three year terms of Vince Joyce, Cave Spring District; Karen Padgett, Hollins District; and Thomas Robertson, Vinton District; will expire 6/30/92. ROANORE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD SELECTION COMMITTEE Four year terms of Maurice Mitchell, Cave Spring District and Paul Black, Hollins District, will expire 6/30/92. ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Four year term of Mrs. Mikeiel T. Wimmer will expire 07/31/92. SOCIAL SERVICES BOARD Four year term of Betty Jo Anthony will expire 7/19/92. AUGUST COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD One year terms of Edmund J. Kielty, and Mrs. Chris Pickard, 2 Alternate, will expire 08/31/92. SEPTEMBER GRIEVANCE PANEL Two year term of R. Vincent Reynolds will expire 9/10/92. INDIIBTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AIITHORITY Four year term of J. Richard Cranwell will expire 9/26/92. OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER LIBRARY BOARD Four year terra of Carolyn Pence, Vinton District, will expire 12/31/92. MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY SERVICES BOARD Three year terms of Sue Ivey, Cheri Hartman, Member at Large, and Harriette Shivers, Member at Large, will expire 12/31/92. ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Four year term of Michael J. Gordon, Windsor Hills District, will expire 12/31/92. 3 APPOINTMENTS/VACANCIES TO BE FILLED FOR 1992 DISTRICT TERM EBPIREB BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carlton W. Wright Hollins 5 yrs 06/30/92 BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Thomas A. Darnall Vinton 4 yrs 01/22/92 Robert A. Williamson, Jr. Hollins 4 yrs 04/13/92 Jon Walp Windsor Hills 4 yrs 04/27/92 ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL CABLE TV COMMITTEE "CATV COMMITTEE" Don Terp At Large 1 yr 06/11/92 (Subsequent term 3 yrs) COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS RESOURCES BOARD Edmund J. Kielty Mrs. Chris Pickard, Alternate ELECTORAL BOARD (APPOINTED BY THE COURTS) Wilton B. "Webb" Johnson FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION Richard W. Robers, Elected Rep Alfred C. Anderson, Elected Rep Mrs. Pat Dean, Citizen Rep & Exe. Com. GRIEVANCE PANEL R. Vincent Reynolds Kenneth W. Lussen INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY J. Richard Cranwell 1 yr 08/13/92 1 yr 08/13/92 3 yrs 02/28/92 3 yrs 06/30/92 3 yrs 06/30/92 3 yrs 06/30/92 2 yrs 09/10/92 2 yrs 02/23/92 4 yrs 09/26/92 1 LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-ADVISORY COIINCIL Frances R. Holsinger LEAGIIE OF OLDER AMERICANS-BOARD OF DIRECTORS Murry K. White LIBRARY BOARD Carolyn Pence Vinton 1 yr 03/31/92 1 yr 03/31/92 4 yrs 12/31/92 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY SERVICES BOARD Sue Ivey Cheri Hartman, Member at Large Harriette Shivers, Member at Large PARRB ~ RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Vince Joyce Karen Padgett Thomas Robertson Cave Spring Hollins Vinton 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 3 yrs 12/31/92 12/31/92 12/31/92 06/30/92 06/30/92 06/30/92 ROANORE PLANNING COMMISSION Michael J. Gordon Windsor Hills 4 yrs 12/31/92 ROANORE COIINTY SCHOOL BOARD - APPOINTED BY SCHOOL BOARD 88LECTION COMMITTEE Maurice Mitchell Paul Black Cave Spring 4 yrs Hollins 4 yrs ROANORE VALLEY REGIONAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Mrs. Mikeiel T. Wimmer 4 yrs SOCIAL BERVICEB BOARD William P. Broderick 4 yrs Betty Jo Anthony 4 yrs 06/30/92 06/30/92 07/31/92 01/01/92 07/19/92 2 TAP HOARD OF DIRECTORS Elizabeth W. Stokes 2 yrs 05/05/92 E. Cabell Brand, Joint Appointee 2 yrs 05/05/92 TRANSPORTATION AND SAFETY COMMISSION Leo Trenor At Large 4 yrs 01/01/92 Charlotte Lichtenstein Neighborhood 4 yrs 01/01/92 Henry Gregory At Large 4 yrs 01/01/92 3 1991 UNFILLED COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS LIBRARY BOARD Jane Bryant Catawba 4 yrs 12/31/91 Dr. Paul Zeis Windsor Hills 4 yrs 12/31/91 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICEB OF THE ROANORE VALLEY COMMIINITY 88RVICEB BOARD Dr. Joseph Duetsch, at large, joint 3 yrs 12/31/91 ~-- ~ :~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 25, 1992 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: Rev. John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS i 1. Resolutions of Congratulations for winning entries in "Heart of the Blue Ridge" visual art contest. a. First Place -Ned Dowling, Cave Spring HS b. Honorable Mention -Jason Fizer, Northside HS c. Honorable Mention -Kim Hayslett, Cave Spring HS ~~ 2. Resolution of Congratulations to Fire & Rescue Departments for having the fastest response time in 1991. t. Resolution of Appreciation to Marian Chappelle for service on the Planning Commission. 4. Recognition of Susie Owen for being named Secretary of d the Year for the Roanoke Chapter of Professional ~~ Secretaries International. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for reconsideration of County position on APCO power Line. (REQUESTED BY SUPERVISOR KOHINKE) 2. Request to approve Five Month Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. 7(DIANE HYATT, TREASURER, RVRA) 3. The Smoking Policy. (ELMER HODGE, COUNTY AD1VIIlVISTRATOR) 4. Proposal to request from the City of Roanoke Financial Participation in the Therapeutics Program. (JOHN CHAMBLISS, ASSISTANT COUNTY 2 ADMINISTRATOR) E. F. G. H. ~. Request to approve Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Fiscal Year 1992-1993 Budget. (DIANE HYATT, DIRECTOR, FIN CE) ~~ t ~ . REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ~! ~. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An Ordinance to rezone 1.0 acre from B-3 to B-2 to operate a firearms and fishing equipment store, located at 2965 Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of Henry Morgan. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 3 I. APPOIrTI'MENTS 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 2. Planning Commission I ~t Roanoke Valley Resource Authority J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROiJTIIVE AND WII.L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WII.L BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WII.L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -January 14, 1992; January 18, 1992; January 28, 1992. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. ~,V /~ Sw K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 4 L. CITIZENS' COIVIlVIENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Employee Advisory Committee Representative. M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Statement of Revenues & Expenditures as of December ? 31, 1991. 5. Proclamations Signed by the Chairman. 6. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of January 31, 1992. 7. Report on Social Services Department's Request for additional funding for General Relief and Foster Care Program. N. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (1) TO DISCUSS ASSIGNMENT OR APPOINTMENT OF SPECIFIC PUBLIC OFFICERS, s APPOINTEES OR EMPLOYEES O. CERTIFICATION OF E ~ SESSION EVENING SESSION ~~ f''~ P. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment on the establishment of the Six-Year Construction Plan for the secondary system of the State Highways for 1992-98. QG~'~ Canr~ Q. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Use Not Provided for Permit to Operate a Commercial Cat Kennel on the same Parcel as a Residence, Located Immediately North of 7226 Branico Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Jane and John Holmgren. T. ~I, 2. An Ordinance to Rezone 2.061 Acres from B-1 and R-1 to B-2 to Construct a Convenience Store, located at the Corner of Route 24 and Feather Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the Petition of Steve Brown. 1• ~ R CITIZEN COMIVVIECNTS AND COMMU1vICATIONS S. ADJOURNMENT 6 ~~1~~