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4/14/1992 - Regular
~ POAN ~ F i Z A 2 a ~3 14.~fl 071E E!L fmQ' (~~rixx~tg .a~ ~.nr~t~.~C~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA APRIL 14, 1992 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THE MEETING THIS AFTERNOON WILL BEGIN AT 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE BUDGET AND PROPOSED TOBACCO TAX WILL BE HELD THIS EVENTING AT 7:00 P.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (2:30 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 2:40 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Laney Mofield Colonial Avenue Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS LBE ADDED ITEM 6 TO CONSENT AGENDA APPROVAL OF i ®R P~ RAFFLE PERMIT FOR CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE, INC. LBE ADDED EXECUTIVE SESSION (1) AGREEMENT WITH TOWN OF VINTON AND (21 AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN AUDIT SERVICES C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Prentiss A. Webb for his service to Roanoke County through Activities on the League of Older Americans. NIR. WEBB WAS PRESENT R-41492-1 BI{T MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC 2. Receipt of Safety Performance Award from the Virginia Municipal Liability Pool. PRESENTED BY STEVEN CRAIG VML ACCEPTED BY BOB TERNIGAN, RISK MANAGEMENT 3. Proclamation declaring the week of April 12 - 18 as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. ACCEPTED BY DEBBIE ROBERTSON, TENiVIFER HADDOCK, AND SUE FORE, DISPATCHERS s 4. Proclamation declaring the week of April 19 - 25 as Professional Secretaries Week. ACCEPTED BY SUSIE OWEN CPS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation by the Roanoke Valley Cornention and Visitors Bureau. (Martha Mackey, Corrvention and Visitors Bureau) PRESENTED BY MARTHA MACKEY DAVE SAUNDERS LARRY . GERALD CARTER, E. C WARREN, RICHARD WELLS, AND DICK CRANWELL. 2. Report from Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) (C. Flippo Hicks, VACo) WENDY WINGO VACO BOARD OF DIRECTORS WAS PRESENT. 3. Request for Approval of 1992-93 Employee Health Insurance Plan. (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) A-41492-2 BIT MOTION TO APPROVE BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD URC 4. Request from School Board for Acceptance of $52,000 in Grants and Donations and Appropriation to the School Grants Fund. (Pat Sales, Principal, Penn Forest Elementary School) 3 A-41492-3 FM MOTION TO APPROVE URC 5. Approval of 1992-93 Operating Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (Diane Hyatt, Resource Authority Treasurer) A-41492-4 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC 6. Request for Appropriation of Funds for Repayment of Sewer Deficit (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) A-41492-5 BIT MOTION TO APPROVE AYES: BI;T, FM, LBE NAYS: EGK, HCN 7. Request from the River Foundation for Funding of Well for Hofauger House (Explore Project). (Tim Gubala, Economic Development Director) A-41492-6 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE THE ACTUAL COST OF WELL DRILLING UP TO $10,000 URC 8. Request to Approve the Expenditure of Up to $10,000 from the Cable TV Capital Grant Fund for Character Generators. (Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer) 4 A-41492-7 BI;T MOTION TO APPROVE THE REQUEST URC LBE REQUESTED A COPY OF THE BUDGET FOR THE ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 9. Resolution Adopting the 1992-93 Real Estate Tax Rate. R-41492-5 FM MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC 10. Resolution Adopting the 1992-93 Personal Property Tax Rates and Machinery and Tools Tax Rate. R-41492-9 FM MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for Work Session on Proposed Open Burning Ordinance 2. Request for Work Session on Proposed Noise Ordinance. STAFF TO SET WORK SESSIONS BASED ON FUTURE AGENDAS HCN SUGGESTED WORK SESSION ON EMPLOYEE SURVEY, ECH SET FOR MAY 12, 1992 5 F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC F[EARINGS NONE G• FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing the Lease of Real Estate, a 0.680 Acre Parcel for Parking Facilities at the Roanoke County Courthouse and Jail. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) FM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/28/92 AYES: BI~T~ EGK, FM, LBE NAYS: HCN 2. Ordinance enacting Section 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of Chapter 13 of the Roanoke County Code, Offenses, Miscellaneous, pertaining to hunting and firearms. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/28/92 - URC 3. Ordinance Authorizing the Vacation of a 10 and 15 foot Public Utility Easement located on Tracts 10 and 11, Jamison Industrial Park, Situated in the Hollins Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Engineering & Inspections.) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/28/92 - URC 4. Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to Exhibit "A" of 6 the Cable TV Franchise Agreement with Cox Cable. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/28/92 - URC 5. Ordinance Authorizing the Refund of Certain Penalties Imposed for the Failure to File Tangible Personal Property Tax Refunds or to Pay Personal Property Taxes, Erroneously Paid or Assessed. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) BST MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/28/92 - URC H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of 29.634 Acres of Land from Appalachian Power Company for the Water Treatment Plant. (Clifford Craig, Utility Director) 0-41492-10 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC I. APPOINTMENTS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER T]E~ CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY O1VE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-41492-11 ITEM T.2 FOR SEPARATE VOTE. URV 1. Approval of Minutes -March 10, 1992, March 24, 1992. 2. Request for Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Larson Oaks. A-41492-11.a HCN MOTION TO APPROVE AYES: EGK, FM. HCN~ LBE ABSTAIN: BSI j 3. Request for Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Windemere. A-41492-11.6 4. Acknowledgement from VDOT of the acceptance of the following roads in Secondary System: 0.06 miles of Blueberry Ridge Drive; 0.12 miles of Praline Place 0.31 miles of Buckland Mill Road; 0.09 miles of Copper Circle; 0.09 miles of Past Times Lane; 0.22miles of Huntridge Road; 0.06 miles of Golden Circle and 0.06 miles of Louise Circle A-41492-11.c 5. Request for approval of a Tip Board Raffle Permit from Roanoke Moose Lodge 284. A-41492-11.d 6. Request for approval of Raffle Permit from Cave Spring 8 American Baseball League, Inc. A-41492-11.e K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR EDDY: (1) COMMENDED ECH FOR SETTING UP MEETINGS WITH EMPLOYEES. 2 ASKED ECH TO UPDATE THE BOARD ON COUNTY GOVERNMENT DAY AND OPEN HOUSE. (3) ASKED ABOUT SENATE BILL #270. PMM WILL SEND MEMO. (4) ASKED ABOUT LEGAL COSTS ON GRUMMAN LITIGATION. PMM WILL PROVIDE INFORMATION. 5 HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION DAY WAS A HUGH SUCCESS. ENCOURAGED STAFF TO DEVELOP PROCEDURES FOR DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE. L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND C011~IlVIUNICATIONS C. E. THORNTON SPOKE IN OPPOSITION TO THE DILLON RULE. M. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -March 1992 5. Proclamation Declaring April 1992 as Child Abuse Prevention Month. 6. Statement of Expenditures and Revenues as of 3/31/92. N EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL CONCERNING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF VINTON AND ROANOKE CITY (7) CONSULTATION WITH LEGAL COUNSEL CONCERNING AN AGREEMENT FOR CERTAIN AUDIT SERVICES EGK MOTION AT 5:40 P.M. URC EVENING SESSION (7.01 P M O. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-41492-12 BI;T MOTION TO ADOPT RESO AT 7.02 P M. URC P. PROCIAMAI'IONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Botetourt County Administrator John Williamson for his contributions to Regional Cooperation. John Williamson was aresent R-41492-13 BI;T MOTION TO ADOPT RESO io URC Q. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment on the Proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93. 20 CITIZENS SPOKE R. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by the Addition of Article X, Cigarette Tax by Providing for the Levy of Such Tax, Administration, Enforcement and an Effective Date thereof. NO CITIZENS SPOKE HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 4/28/92 AYES-BL.T,HOM,HCN,LBE NAYS-EGK S. CITIZEN CONIlVIENTS AND C011,IlVIUIVICATIONS NONE T. WORK SESSIONS ii 1• Smith Gap Landfill PRESENTED BY OHN HiJBBARD, CEO, RVRA 2• Spring Hollaw Water Project PRESENTED BY CLIFF CRAIG DIRECTO UTILITY 3. Budget O IJ. ADJOI;fRNMENT BI;T MOTION TO ADTOURN AT 10 40 P M UW 12 O~ ROAN ,~.~ ~• ~y Z ~ 2 ~ a~ 7838 (2~~ixx~tg ~~ ~~~tx~~~P ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA APRIL 14, 1992 ~~~~~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THE MEETING THIS AFTERNOON WILL BEGIN AT 2:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON THE BUDGET AND PROPOSED TOBACCO TAX WILL BE HELD THIS EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (2:30 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Laney Mofield Colonial Avenue Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND i ® Recyded Paper AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Prentice A. Webb for his service to Roanoke County through Activities on the League of Older Americans. 2. Receipt of Safety Performance Award from the Virginia Municipal Liability Pool. 3. Proclamation declaring the week of April 12 - 18 as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. 4. Proclamation declaring the week of April 19 - 25 as Professional Secretaries Week. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Report from Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) (C. Flippo Hicks, VACo) 2. Presentation by the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. (Martha Mackey, Convention and Visitors Bureau) 3. Request for Approval of 1992-93 Employee Health Insurance Plan. (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) 4. Request from School Board for Acceptance of $52,000 in Grants and Donations and Appropriation to the School Grants Fund. (Pat Sales, Principal, Penn Forest Elementary School) 5. Approval of 1992-93 Operating Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (Diane Hyatt, Resource Authority Treasurer) 2 6. Request for Appropriation of Funds for Repayment of Sewer Deficit (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) 7. Request from the River Foundation for Funding of Well for Hofauger House (Explore Project). (Tim Gubala, Economic Development Director) 8. Request to Approve the Expenditure of Up to $10,000 from the Cable TV Capital Grant Fund for Character Generators. (Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer) 9. Resolution Adopting the 1992-93 Real Estate Tax Rate. 10. Resolution Adopting the 1992-93 Personal Property Tax Rates and Machinery and Tools Tax Rate. E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for Work Session on Proposed Open Burning Ordinance 2. Request for Work Session on Proposed Noise Ordinance. F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing the Lease of Real Estate, a 0.680 Acre Parcel for Parking Facilities at the Roanoke County Courthouse and Jail. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Ordinance enacting Section 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of Chapter 13 of the Roanoke County Code, Offenses, Miscellaneous, pertaining to hunting and firearms. 3 (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) 3. Ordinance Authorizing the Vacation of a 10 and 15 foot Public Utility Easement located on Tracts 10 and 11, Jamison Industrial Park, Situated in the Hollins Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Engineering & Inspections.) 4. Ordinance Authorizing an Amendment to Exhibit "A" of the Cable TV Franchise Agreement with Cox Cable. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 5. Ordinance Authorizing the Refund of Certain Penalties Imposed for the Failure to File Tangible Personal Property Tax Refunds or to Pay Personal Property Taxes, Erroneously Paid or Assessed. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of 29.634 Acres of Land from Appalachian Power Company for the Water Treatment Plant. (Clifford Craig, Utility Director) I. APPOINTMENTS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS 4 DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -March 10, 1992, March 24, 1992. 2. Request for Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Larson Oaks. 3. Request for Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Windemere. 4. Acknowledgement from VDOT of the acceptance of the following roads in Secondary System: 0.06 miles of Blueberry Ridge Drive; 0.12 miles of Praline Place 0.31 miles of Buckland Mill Road; 0.09 miles of Copper Circle; 0.09 miles of Past Times Lane; 0.22 miles of Huntridge Road; 0.06 miles of Golden Circle and 0.06 miles of Louise Circle 5. Request for approval of a Tip Board Raffle Permit from Roanoke Moose Lodge 284. K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COA~IlVIUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 5 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -March 1992 5. Proclamation Declaring April 1992 as Child Abuse Prevention Month. 6. Statement of Expenditures and Revenues as of 3/31/92. N EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A O. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) P. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Botetourt County Administrator John Williamson for his contributions to Regional Cooperation. Q. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment on the Proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93. R PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code by the Addition of Article X, 6 Cigarette Tax by Providing for the Levy of Such Tax, Administration, Enforcement and an Effective Date thereof. S. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS T. WORK SESSIONS 1. Smith Gap Landfill 2. Spring Hollow Water Project 3. Budget U. ADJOURNMENT F' ?~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-1 OF APPRECIATION TO PRENTISS A. WEBB FOR SERVICES TO ROANOKE COUNTY THROUGH ACTIVITIES ON THE LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS WHEREAS, Prentiss A. Webb has given countless hours and boundless energy to serving the elderly in Southwest Virginia, particularly through his work with the League of Older Americans, which provides various services to senior citizens in eight jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, Mr. Webb has worked in various capacities with the League, beginning as a volunteer in 1974, and recently served as President of the organization; and WHEREAS, the contributions made by Mr. Webb over the past eighteen years are numerous, and have served to improve and enrich the lives of many of our elderly citizens; and WHEREAS, Mr. Webb has stepped down as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the League of Older Americans and plans to remain active in the league as a volunteer with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to PRENTISS A. WEBB for his years of volunteer service to the League of Older Americans and to the elderly of this Valley. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, r~ NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Ci~-Q~2/JC~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Y ,` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-4 APPROVING THE ROANORE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1993, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 5.9 of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement provides that the Authority shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County, the City Council of the City of Roanoke, and the Town Council of the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 20, 1992, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board, the Chairman of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority has submitted a request that the County approve the budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for the year ending June 30, 1993. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the budget for the year ending June 30, 1993 for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority as set forth in the March 20, 1992, report of the Authority Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, r NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: y~`~Jd~ Q-~ee-xJ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Gardner Smith, Chairman, RVRA John Hubbard, CEO, RVRA Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Town of Vinton ~-/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO PRENTISS A. WEBB FOR SERVICES TO ROANORE COUNTY THROUGH ACTIVITIES ON THE LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS WHEREAS, Prentiss A. Webb has given countless hours and boundless energy to serving the elderly in Southwest Virginia, particularly through his work with the League of Older Americans, which provides various services to senior citizens in eight jurisdictions; and WHEREAS, Mr. Webb has worked in various capacities with the League, beginning as a volunteer in 1974, and recently served as President of the organization; and WHEREAS, the contributions made by Mr. Webb over the past eighteen years are numerous, and have served to improve and enrich the lives of many of our elderly citizens; and WHEREAS, Mr. Webb has stepped down as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the League of Older Americans and plans to remain active in the league as a volunteer with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to PRENTISS A. WEBB for his years of volunteer service to the League of Older Americans and to the elderly of this Valley. ,, C'- 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 PROCLAMATION OF APPRECIATION TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY DISPATCHERS OF ROANORE COUNTY AND DECLARING APRIL 12 - 18, 1992 AS PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEER WHEREAS, the Public Safety Dispatchers of Roanoke County daily serve our citizens by answering their telephone calls for police, fire and emergency medical services and by dispatching the appropriate assistance as quickly as possible; and WHEREAS, the critical functions performed by the Public Safety Dispatchers also include those related to utility operations, highway safety and other non-emergency activities, and many other operations performed by federal, state and local government agencies; and WHEREAS, the Public Safety Dispatchers often work long, hard hours without recognition by the citizens, yet they provide a critical service needed by all citizens; and WHEREAS, the Public Safety Dispatchers work to improve the emergency response capabilities of these communications systems through their leadership and participation in training programs and other activities; and WHEREAS, the week of April 12 - 18, 1992, has been designated as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week to honor and recognize the vital contributions made by the Public Safety Dispatchers to the safety and well-being of all citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of its citizens, does hereby express its deepest appreciation for the C-3 services provided by the Public Safety Dispatchers; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does hereby declare the week of April 12 - 18, 1992, as PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEER in Roanoke County, Virginia. c-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEER OF APRIL 19 THROUGH APRIL 25, 1992 AS PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEER WHEREAS, professional secretaries are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards; and WHEREAS, professional secretaries contribute greatly to office excellence; and WHEREAS, professional secretaries are valued members of businesses throughout our community; and WHEREAS, the week of April 19 through April 25, 1992, has been designated Professional Secretaries Week, by Professional Secretaries International, its originator and sponsor. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of April 19 through April 25, 1992, as PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEER in Roanoke County, Virginia; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors urges management in the County of Roanoke to join in recognizing these outstanding professionals in their employ, especially on Wednesday, April 22, 1992, which is PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES DAY®; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors urges all the citizens of Roanoke County to acknowledge the vital contributions of the secretaries in their offices. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Receipt of Safety Performance Award from the Virginia Municipal Liability Pool COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Each year the Virginia Municipal Liability Pool recognizes members which have made a significant contribution to the program by reducing and controlling liability losses. Roanoke County has been selected as a recipient of the Safety Performance Award for the year ending June 30, 1991. Steven Craig, Assistant Administrator for the VML Insurance Program, will present the award to Risk Manager Robert Jernigan. ~~ ~ ~~. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER .LJ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report from the Virginia Association of Counties COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Jim Campbell, the VACo Executive Director has begun a program of visiting each of the localities sometime during the year. We have scheduled this time for their annual visit. C. Flippo Hicks, General Counsel for VACo will make a brief presentation to the Board. At that time the Board may wish to ask questions about VACo's legislative program or other issues. ~. ~~ ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ^ _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Presentation by the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a presentation by the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. The Board may recall that during the General Assembly, state tourism representatives requested that an amendment be added to the County's proposed charter change that would increase the transient Occupancy Tax. The amendment would allow 25% of all proceeds from the hotel/motel tax to be earmarked for "tourism media advertising Because of this amendment, I asked the Convention and Visitors Bureau to discuss with the Board of Supervisors the purpose of the funding. Roanoke County has been highly supportive of tourism in the Roanoke Valley as evidenced by our financial support of the Explore Project the Commonwealth Games and the Visitors Bureau. The Economic Development Strategy Work Session originally scheduled for this meeting has been continued to April 28. This will provide an opportunity for the staff to incorporate suggestions offered by the Convention and Visitors Bureau or the Board of Supervisors into our overall economic development strategy. ,,~,.,,~ o-c~ E mer C. odge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ~ - ~ ~~~' ~ ---= Tl~e \ Roanoke \°- ---~ Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau AGENDA April 14, 1992 PRESENTATION TO ROANOKE COUNTY 2:30 pm I. Introduction - Martha Mackey II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Trends - The Roanoke Valley's Future as "Hub of the Blue Ridge" - Dave Saunders Larry Framme Tourism Related - Gerald Carter Businesses are important to Rke County Revenue Implication - E.C. Warren What we are asking - Richard Wells What we will do with the money Conclusion - Dick Cranwell P.O. Box 1710, Roanoke, VA 24008-1710, (703) 342-6025 Marketplace Center 114 Market Street, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 1989 Economic Impact of Travel Analysis A f3 C 1 Vir inia I ~ Roanoke Coun E Locali Share 2 ~ ~i 3 Total Taxable Sales ; $40,589,786,1651 $449,557,455 1.1% 4 Ex enditures $7,904,100,000 $52,870,000 0.7% 5 Travel Share 19% 12% 6 7 Totals OOO,OOOs 8 Total Ex enditures I $7,904.1 $52.91 0.7% 9 'Public Trans ortation ~ $1,350.4 $1.7 0.1 10 iAutOTranS ortation i $1,490.3] $5.6 0.4% 11 ,Lod in ~ $1,500.0 $10.4 0.7% 12 i Meals &Groce I $2,184.8 $24.71 ~ 1.1 13 i Meals I $1,367.8 $11.1 0.8% 14 Groce $829.9 $13.61 1.6% 15 IAmusement & Recreation ~ $604.21 $2.7 0.4% 16 Retail I $774.41 $7.8 1.0% 17 ! I I 18 Shares % of Total 19 ~Totat Ex enditures 100% I 100%j 20 ~ Public Trans ortation i 17% 3% 21 :Auto Trans ortation 19% j 11 22 ;Lod in i 19% j 20% 23 Meals &Groce 28% j 47% 24 ~ Meals 17% 21 25 ! Groce 10% 26% I 26 IAmusement & Recreation I 8% 5% 27 I Retail ~ 10% 15% 28 I 29 Pa roll I $2,310,040,000 $12,400,000 0.5% 30 Em to ment I 162,210 1 1,130 ) 0.7% 31 State Tax Revenue I $369,620,000 1 $2,550,000 0.7% 32 Local Tax Revenue I $193,250,0001 $1,130,0001 0.6% 33 ~ ~ 34 ~ $4,230,506,3151 $44,621,994 Eatin & Drinkin Tax. Sales 1 1.1 35 ;Travel Share % i 32% 25% 36 Grocer Tax. Sales $8,122,764,988 $124,584,453 1.5% 37 I Travel Share % ' 10% I 11 n m v Z ~~~m ~~ ~~ ~p ~ 7m0 70 m ~ o oN~~ ~cn~~<?~m~~D ~ Z ~ can ai ~ a~i ~ ~ ~ m n Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ° ~ C D ~ C1 -~ D n y _ ~ ~ ~Tr'~ c~wX~ O ~ ~° m r ° m~ ~ ~ -~ Z 0 ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~. ~ m ~m r C ,~ ~ ~ 4 , ~ m ~ ~' c „moo,,, ~o~o~ 0 -. -am~~m m ~ ~~ cn o G? ~ n ~ ~, o ~ Z ~ ~~oN ' ~ ~: ~ N z ~' ~o~ ~ ? o<°c_.D C ~ 'c Z N c ~~ ~ w ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ' p~ vii m cn u~i' m ~ ~ ~ n~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m N N m rF 3 ~ Q °- ~ ~ C m~~m~ ~ mcQ z `` m`~°`~~.~ <.c~n can m ~ N D ~ m •• ~ c'c ~p DN m ~-•-~m~~-1 ~ a a ~. c...• ~' ~ fA r2C~~~ wt° ~o ~ wn c°n ~ Ali D ~° ~ ca. ~ ° ~ 'i u~ -p o a X ~ cu cn ~ cn ~ ~. r: O m ~ c~D cQ ai sv cn N -, ~ Z N p~' (D N N US TRAVEL DATA 1991 * OUT OF EACH TOURIST DOLLAR .ZZ LODGING ,30 FOOD SERVICE .18 PUBLIC TRANSP. .13 AUTO TRANSPORTATION ,09 MISC. RETAIL STORES VA DIVISION OF TOURISM (FOR ROANOKE COUNTY) * OUT OF EACH TOURIST DOLLAR ,0$ RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT .2O LODGING .47 FOOD SERVICE .O3 PUBLIC TRANSPTN .11 AUTO TRANSPTN .14 MISC RETAIL .OS RECTN & ENTMT ;1,00 TOURIST DOLLAR S1.OO TOURIST DOLLAR A W H 0 H w a H w !~~ .~ ~ '1 ~ W O O O ~ '""~ a z ~ ~, ~, o ~ w .~-i O ~7 ~ N ~' [~ C-' o ~ w .~ ~, I~ ~ O~ ~, r'1 ~ v1 z 0 H ~ o ~ ~ o 0 0 N ~ ~ 00 ~ H ~ 0° ~ ~ ~ ~ °° A C7 W H ~ o 0 0 0 0 o ~ rn o ~, o .~ ~ A H o a w 0 ~ .~ N D\ O ~ O z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. W N W O~ ~„~ ~ O o O 0 O o ~-+ rn `'"~ z .~ ~ ~; ~, w ~ .~-~ ~ O O N 1~ N .-~ 4-I ~ w ~ ~ N ~, ,~ M a w w N o U U +~ ~ A u1 Q~ ~ ~ ~ W a ~j N O ~ P. N O ~ R; •ri U E ~ (/J ~ O d ~ ~ ~ •~ a 0 H w 0 z 0 H H A z V a w a CONVENTION BUREAU BUDGETS VIRGINIA BEACH RICHMOND NORFOLK GREENSBORO LOUISVILLE ASHEVILLE ROANOKE $ 4.2 MILLION $ 1.8 MILLION $ 1.2 MILLION $ 1.1 MILLION $ 2.7 MILLION $ 2.8 MILLION $ 287,000.00 INVENTORY OF ROOMS LOCATION ROOM COUNT ~ OF TOTAL ROANOKE CITY 2x$50 .68 ROANOKE COUNTY 707 .17 SALEM 429 .10 TROUTVILLE 182 '04 CLOVERQALE 4O .O1 TOTAL ROOMS 4.208 1.00 CURRENT RVCVB BUDGET 5287,165 91/92 GOVERNMENT AMOUNT PERCENTAGE ROANOKE CITY 5223,465 78~ ROANOKE COUNTY 5 28,000 10~ SALEM CITY 5 7,000 2~ PRIVATE MEMBERSHIPS 5 26,000 9~ INTEREST 5 2,500 1~ TOTAL 5287,165 1.00 TROUTVILLE 0 0 CLOVERDALE 0 0 VINTON 0 0 PRESENT GOVERNMENT PARTICIPATION GOVERNMENT DOES ~ HAS ~ RECEIVES ~ OF BUDGET OF ROOMS OF REVENUES ROANOKE CITY 78~ 68~ 58~ ROANOKE COUNTY 1®~ 17~ 22~ SALEM Z~ 10~ 15~ VINTON -0- -0- 4~ (FOOD ONLY) BOUTETOURT -0- 5~ 1~ GOAL 51,000,000 BUDGET REVENUE BASE 58~ 5580,000 CITY 22~ 5220,000 COUNTY 15~ 5150,000 SALEM 1~ 5 10,000 BOTETOURT 4~ 5 40,000 VINTON ;1,000,000.00 (CHART) PROPOSED ADDITIONAL 5200,000.00 ADVERTISEMENT PLACEMENT St DEVELOPMENT FAMILIARIZATION TRIPS (5,000 EACH FOR TRAVELWRITERS, TOUR OPERATORS AND 5,000 FOR MEETING PLANNERS PROFESSIONAL MARKETING PIECES COMPUTER ADDITIONAL STAFF & BENEFITS OFFICE EQUIPMENT St FURNITURE AND ADDITIONAL UTILITIES TOTAL 5125,000 5 15,000 5 15 , 000 5 8,000 5 30,000 5 7,000 5200,000 ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTI~IN 1991 - 2000 Roanoke ~~ Valley Corn~n & Visitor TOURISM_ '~~ ~I r ~', ~~ B ~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~ A BLUE CHIP INVE ~ TME~'1` IN THE BLUE RIDGE IDUN`'~'" i rt R ial Confide It The Roanoke Valley & Visitors Bureau ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION A VISITORS BUREAU CONVENTION CALENDAR This confidential Convention Calendar is published as a marketing and sales tool. It is for the exclusive use of the members of the Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau. It contains information on conventions, meetings, trade shows and events scheduled for 1991 through the year 2000. With this information you will be able to work with the contact persons in selling your product or service. Tourism in the Roanoke Valley produces over 4,000 jobs and accounts for over 8 million dollars in tax revenues! You can help bring more conventions to Roanoke! Suggest to the leaders of organizations to which you belong that they bring their next convention to Roanoke. The availability of an interested and willing local group to host a convention is the key to many bookings. The Bureau is ready to assist your organization in all aspects of inviting and hosting the convention. The support of the business community is vital to the success of the Convention Bureau. The effectiveness of the Bureau's activities is a result of your membership and the benefits of it will accrue to you and the entire community. We gratefully acknowledge your continued support. Sincerely, ~a Martha Mackey Executive Director P.O. Box 1710, Roanoke, VA 24008-1710, (703) 342-6025 Marketplace Center 114 Market Street, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 GENERAL INFORMATION This Master Calendar provides the following sales information: 1. The dates as reported to us by the Meeting Facilities 2. The name of the meeting/event/trade show 3. The headquarters hotel/meeting site 4. The anticipated attendance 5. The type of meeting or geographic draw of the meeting (scope). N = National R = Regional S = State C = Corporate T = Trade Show E = Event SCC = Salem Civic Center RCC = Roanoke Civic Center Further information on Bureau bookings can be obtained by calling (703) 342-6025. The Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau has made every effort to maintain the accuracy of information presented in this Convention Calendar, but assumes no responsibility for errors, changes, cancellations or omissions. 1.1/1/91 ROANOKE VALLEY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU BOARD MEMBERS EXECUTIVE COM1~iITTEE President.........Richard Wells, Publisher/Owner, Leisure Publishing Vice President....Gerald Carter, General Manager, Holiday Inn Tanglewood 5ecretary.........Robert Archer, General Mgr., Blue Ridge Beverage Co. Treasurer.........E. C. Warren, Owner/Manager, The Roanoker Restaurant OTHER EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Brian Wishneff..........Chief Economic Devel. & Grants, City of Roanoke Tim Gubala .............Roanoke County Economic Development BOARD OF DIREC'T'ORS W. Robert Herbert.......City Manager of Roanoke John Lambert.......... Owner, John Lambert Associates Pete Parsons............General Mgr., Roanoke Airport Marriott Chuck Crowe .............Executive Director, Smith Mtn. Lake Partnership Michael O1sen...........Department Head, Virginia Tech Tom Wallace .............President, Wallace Enterprises Elmer Hodge .............Roanoke County Administrator Franklin D. Kimbrough...Executive Director, Downtown Roanoke, Inc. Sam Oakey, III..........Oakey Funeral Service Jim Lindsey .............Blue Ridge Regional Business Journal Rindy Lionberger........Lionberger Construction John Poff ...............Sr. Vice President, Krisch Hotels, Inc. OFFICE STAFF Martha Mackey........... Executive Director Catherine Fox........... Visitor Services Coordinator Kelly Burd-Adams.........Convention Sales Manager Joy Tarta ................Convention Coordinator Pat Walters ..............Administrative Assistant BOOKINGS FOR 1991 DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Nov. 2-3 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Nov. 6-10 Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Ms. Jodi Koste Tompkins McCaw Library Medical College of VA Box 582 Richmond, VA 23298 804-786-9898 Nov. 6-8 VA State Board of Accountancy Ms. Roberta Banning 800-5520-3016 Nov. 7-il Southeast Blind Bowlers Association Ms. Debbie Helms 2432 Maiden Lane Roanoke, VA 24015 703-857-7122 Nov. 9 VA Tech Football Game Home/vs. Akron, 1 p.m. Nov. 9-10 The Big Flea Market Ms. Joan Sides P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Nov. 9-13 VA Parks & Recreation Mr. James Stutts Rt. 4, Box 155 Mechanicsville, Va 23111 804-730-9447 Nov. 11-13 VA Baptist Assoc. Mr. Wm. H. Jenkins P. O. Box 8568 Richmond, VA 23226 804-672-2100 In VA 800-255-BGAV HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Valleywide RCC Marriott 300 Attendees Valleywide RCC Marriott Valleywide 750 Attendees Valleywide RCC Marriott/Sheraton 800 Attendees Valleywide 2600 Attendees SCC SCOPE E R C R E E S S Page 1 (1991) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Nov. 16-17 Soccer Tournament Valleywide E Mr. Danny Beamer 5000 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Nov. 15-18 The Christmas Show Valleywide E Mr. Mel Fuller RCC Southwest VA Enterprises P. O. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 Nov. 16 VA Tech Football Game Home/vs. East Carolina, 1 p .m. Nov. 18-20 Blue Ridge Venture Forum Marriott C No Contact Info. Avail. 150 Attendees Nov. 19-20 Southern States Coop 200 Attendees C Mr. Carroll Gilbert, Dir. P. O. Box 26234 Richmond, VA 23260 804-281-1221 Nov. 22-23 Dept. of Fire Progs. Holiday Inn Airport N Ms. Lois Dearman 400 Attendees Commonwealth of Virginia 2807 Parham Rd. Richmond, VA Nov. 22-24 Roanoke Valley Crafts Valleywide E Festival RCC VA Museum of Fine Arts 703-342-5760 Nov. 24 Star City Striders Valleywide E 1/2 Marathon Mr. Barry Brewer P. O. Box 8331 Roanoke, VA 24014 703-389-0165 Nov. 29-30 VA Christian Teen Marriott S Convention 100 Attendees No Contact Name Available Dec. 2-4 Southern States Holiday Inn Civic Center C Mr. Ed Scharf Valleywide Director of Merchandising 1500 Attendees 6606 W. Broad St. RCC Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 Page 2 (1991) DATE Dec. 5 Dec. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. 6-8 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Vinton Christmas Parade E 983-0613 Salem Christmas Parade 387-0267 CorEast Christmas Valleywide Sing-Along RCC No Contact Name Available Republican Party of VA Marriott Mr. Ron Butler 500 Attendees Dir. of Political Organization 115 E. Grace St. Richmond, VA 23219 Roanoke Christmas Parade 981-2889 VA Tech Fall Commencement 10 a.m. E E S E Page 3 (1991) 1992 BOOKINGS DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Jan. 3-5 Budweiser Stampede Rodeo Valleywide E Mr. R. C. Alexander SCC Rt. 2, Box 2060 Kents Store, VA 23084 804-589-5238 Jan. 4-5 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide T Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Jan. 11 Round Ball Classic Valleywide E Mr. Woody Deans RCC Patrick Henry H. S. Roanoke, VA 703-981-2255 Jan. 17-19 TNT Tractor Pull Valleywide E TNT Motorsports RCC Mr. Dan Hodgson 5515 Poplar Park Blvd. Louisville, KY 40228 Jan. 17-19 Bass Anglers Expo Valleywide E Mr. Steve Elliott Salem CC 1204 N. Main St. Blacksburg, VA 24060 703-953-2550 Jan. 18-19 Soccer Tournament Holiday Inn Tanglewood E Mr. Danny Beamer 2500 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Jan. 18-19 The Big Flea Market Valleywide 'r Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Jan. 24-26 New Auto Show Valleywide `r Mr. Danny Taylor RCC American Shows 703-366-6679 Jan. 28 Stars on Ice Valleywide E 981-1201 RCC Page 4 (1992) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Jan. 31- Shrine Circus Feb. 2 Mr. Don Garlock Kazim Temple P. O. Box 835 Roanoke, VA 24004 703-343-9838 Feb. 7-9 Amer. Saddlebred Horse Assoc. Mr. Dale Sheets 2526 Willowlawn St. Roanoke, VA 24018 703-989-7800 Feb. 9-10 Moore's Bldg. Sply. No Contact Name Available Feb. 9 Southern Cards Baseball Card Show Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Feb. 10-11 Cincinnati Insurance Co. No Contact Name Available Feb. 13-15 VA Beef Industry Assoc. Mr. Reggie Reynolds Box 176 Daleville, VA 24083 703-992-1009 Feb. 15-16 The Big Flea Market Ms. Joan Sides P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Feb. 15-16 Ronald McDonald House Mr. Jesse Kent 213 McClanahan Ave., St. 101 Roanoke, VA 24033 Feb. 20-23 Young Women of the Year Mr. Larry Poteat 5240 Valley Park Dr. N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 ?03-265-3700 Feb. 25-29 Old Dominion Athletic Conf. Basketball Tournament Mr. Dan Woolridge 425 S. College Ave. ,Salem, VA 24153 Page 5 (1992) HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Valleywide E RCC Holiday Inn Tanglewood S 250 Attendees Sheraton 135 Attendees Valleywide RCC Marriott 200 Attendees Sheraton/Marriott 500 Attendees Valleywide RCC Holiday Inn Tanglewood 300 Attendees Holiday Inn Tanglewood 100 Attendees Valleywide SCC C T R S T R S S DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Feb. 26- VA Waterwell Assoc. March 1 No Contact Name Available March 4-7 Natl. Certified Alfalfa No Contact Name Available Feb. 28- Southwest VA Boat Show March 1 Mr. Ed Graves Valley Marine Center Roanoke, VA 703-343-4409 March 11-14 VA Plumbing, Cooling & Heating Mr. Jim Muncy 2103 Lake Avenue Richmond, VA 23230 804-288-2080 March 6-8 MDA Car Show Ms. Joyce Michael Rt. 1, Box 505-C Daleville, VA 24083 703-772-3237 March 7-8 Roanoke Kennel Club Dog Shows Mr. Dane Wright 5113 Victoria St. Roanoke, VA 24017 March 13-15 American Women's Show Mr. Danny Tayler 2823 Williamson Rd. N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-6679 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Marriott 250 Attendees Marriott 300 Atendees Valleywide RCC Marriott/Sheraton 500 Attendees Valleywide RCC Valleywide SCC Valleywide RCC SCOPE S S T S T E T March 13-15 Roanoke Valley Kiwanis Valleywide E Antique Show & Sale SCC Otis Young 703-774-3748 March 13-15 VA Chess Federation Holiday Inn Apt/Sheraton S Mr. Rich Jackson 600 Attendees 2263 Mountain View Terrace, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24015 703-344-2373 March 14-15 Church of God In Christ Valleywide R Reverend David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. RCC Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 Page 6 (1992) DATE March 17 March 18-20 March 18-21 March 20-21 March 20-22 March 21-22 March 23-25 March 25-26 March 26-28 March 26-27 March 26-29 March 27-29 March 27-28 ASSOCIATION/GROUP Saint Patricks Day Parade 703-981-2889 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE VA State Bar No Contact Name Available Prof. Insurance Agents No Contact Name Available VA Wesleyan Ladies No Contact Name Available Lawn, Garden & Farming Expo American Shows 703-366-6679 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Delta Phi Beta No Contact Name Available Friendship Publications Ms. Linda Metcer P. O. Box 1472 Spokane, Washington 99210-147: VA Rural Water Assoc. No Contact Name Available VA Council of Learning Disabilities No Contact Name Available VA Desert Conference Mr. Gilbert Tyler 2331 Pathfinder Circle Richmond, VA 23294-3543 804-772-2180 Roanoke Regional Homebuilders Expo No Contact Name Available VA Area Committee Ms. Liz McElroy 2616 Occidental Dr. Vienna, VA 22180 703-560-4461 Page 7 (1992) Marriott Marriott 100 Attendees Marriott 250 Attendees Valleywide SCC Valleywide RCC Sheraton 275 Attendees H.Q. Hotel TBD 900 Attendees Sheraton 160 Attendees Marriott 100 Attendees Holiday Inn Tanglewood 100 Attendees Valleywide SCC Holiday Inn Airport 450 Attendees E S C S T T E C S S S T S DATE Apr. 1-5 Apr. 8-9 Apr. 8-12 Apr. 9-12 Apr. 10-11 Apr. 10-i1 Apr. 11 April 12-15 Apr. 13-14 Apr. 18-19 Apr. 21-24 Apr. 23-24 tpUp HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE -s Program Holiday Inn Tanglewood R i, Jr. 450 Attendees ~sity 7 ~, X142 7-- -- VA Dietetic Assoc. Sheraton No Contact Name Available 130 Attendees VA Psychology Assoc. Marriott Dr. C. J. Adkins 240 Attendees Old Dominion University Dept. of Psychology Norfolk, VA 23529 804-683-4439 Capitol Dist. of City Clerks Marriott No Contact Name Available 400 Attendees Roanoke College Alumni Weekend Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch 2000 Attendees P. O. Box 158 RCC Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 VA Skyline Girl Scout Valleywide Council SCC Ms. Rose Allen or Ms. Kate Giatanus 413 Apperson Dr. Salem, VA 24153 703- 389-0493 VA Superintendents Mtg. Marriott No Contact Name Available 375 Attendees Rockingham Poultry Sheraton No Contact Name Available 125 Attendees The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Financial Women Intl. Marriott No Contact Name Available 150 Attendees VA Assoc. of Science Sheraton Teachers No Contact Name Available Page 8 (1992) S S S C S S R T I S DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Apr. 25 Jehovah's Witnesses Valleywide 3CC Apr. 23-26 VA Assoc. of Legal Marriott Secretaries 200 Attendees No Contact Name Available Apr. 22-24 VA Municipal Clerks Assoc. Patrick Henry Hotel Ms. Mary Parker 125 Attendees Roanoke City Clerk 215 Church Avenue Roanoke, VA 24011 Apr. 24-26 Catholic Daughters of Amer. Marriott No Contact Name Available 125 Attendees Apr. 25-26 Southern Cards - Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Apr. 26-29 VA Water Pollution Control Marriott No Contact Name Available 350 Attendees Apr. 28-29 Southwest VA Business Show Valleywide Mr. Mel Fuller RCC Southwest VA Enterprises P. 0. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 Apr. 30- VA Press Assoc. Marriott May 3 No Contact Name Available 300 Attendees May 1-3 E.A.N.G.U.S. Council Mtg. & Marriott Presidents Workshop 100-125 Attendees MSG Michael P. Cline Executive Director 1219 Prince St. Alexandria, VA 22314 1-800-234-EANG 703-519-3846 May 1-2 Community School Strawberry Festival 703-563-5036 May 2 The VA Chili Cookoff 703-981-2889 May 2 Annual All-Class Reunion Party 703-981-2889 SCOPE R S S S T S T S S E E E Page 9 (1992) DATE May 2 May 2 May 2-3 May 2-3 May 4-8 May 6-8 ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Roanoke College Commencement Radford University College Commencement Carousel Family Fair 982-2735 VA Mountain Crafts Guild Show Valleywide No Contact Name Available SCC VA Safety Assoc. Marriott/Sheraton No Contact Name Available 600 Attendees VA CPA Exams Valleywide M Roberta Banning RCC s. 800-552-3016 May 7-10 VA Assoc. of Community B.A. Marriott No Contact Name Available 200 Attendees May 7-10 V.A.P.E.H.R.D. Holiday Inn Tanglewood VA. Dept. of Education 600 Attendees Ms. Eleanor Bobbitt V.C.U. 817 W. Franklin St. Richmond, VA 23284-2037 804-395-2539 May 9 VA Tech Commencement 9 a.m., Lane Stadium May 12-15 VA Assoc. of Community Ser. Marriott No Contact Name Available 250 Attendees May 13-16 VA Soc. Prof. Firefighters Sheraton No Contact Name Available 125 Attendees May 13-17 Telephone Pioneers of C & P Marriott No Contact Name Available 500 Attendees May 14-17 Virginia Bowling Holiday Inn Tanglewood Mr. Garnett McCrady 100 Attendees 1022 E. Main St. Salem, VA 24153 703-389-1214 May 15 VA Synod Lutheran Church Valleywide Ms. Jean Bozeman SCC 703-389-8646 May 16-17 Hollins College Commencement 10:30 a.m., Front Quadrangle E T S S S S S S R S S Page 10 (1992) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE May 17-20 VA Assoc. of Housing & Marriott 5 Community Development 200 Attendees No Contact Name Available May 17-21 Order of the Eastern Star Holiday Inn Tanglewood S Mrs. Peggy Caldwell Valleywide Grand Chapter of VA 1600 Attendees 104 E. Memorial Blvd. RCC Narrows, VA 24124 703-726-3169 (1992 Contact) May 19-24 Lions Club International Marriott/Sheraton S Mr. Ernest L. Johnson Valleywide 5004 Colonial Ave. S.W. 1000 Attendees Roanoke, VA 24018 703-774-2495 May 21-31 Roanoke's Festival in the Park E 703-342-2640 May 22-24 VA Associated Press Patrick Henry Hotel 5 Ms. Joyce Dewitt 100 Attendees 700 E. Main St., St. 1380 Richmond, VA 23219 1-800-552-9935 May 22-24 Rke. Val. Youth Soccer Valleywide E Club Tournament 9000 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 May 26-31 James H. Drew Exposition Valleywide E No Contact Name Available RCC May 28-30 Republican Party of VA Marriott/Sheraton 5 State Convention 3000-5000 Attendees Mr. Ron Butler 115 East Grace St. Richmond, VA 23219 804-780-0111 June 5-6 VA Democratic Convention Patrick Henry Hotel S Ms. Kathy Bowles 5000 Attendees 1001 E. Broad St., Suite 1125 Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-1966 June 10-14 Livestock Marketing Marriott 5 No Contact Name Available 400 Attendees Page 11 (1992) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE June 13-14 Southern Cards Valleywide T Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 June 15-20 Roanoke Valley Horse Show Valleywide E P. O. Box 8656 15,000 Attendees Roanoke, VA 24014 SCC 703-389-7847 June 26-28 Gem Show Valleywide T SCC June 15-19 Presbyterian Church Sheraton N In America 2000 Attendees Mr. Ross E. Cook RCC 1852 Century Place, St. 190 Atlanta, GA 30345 404-320-3366 June 19-21 Tri Chapter Workshop Sheraton R No Contact Name Available 125 Attendees June 22-24 Soc. of American Forestry Sheraton R No Contact Name Available 125 Attendees June 22-25 Southern States Co-op. Holiday Inn Civic Center C Mr. Edward Scharf 1500 Attendees Dir. of Merchandising RCC 6616 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 June 24-30 VA Commonwealth Games Valleywide S Mr. Doug Fonder 2000 Attendees VA Amateur Sports, Inc. 305 First St. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-343-0987 July 42nd Army Reunion 567th AWBN Location TBD (Date TBD) Mr. Brady Poindexter 313 Novle Ave. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-0444 July 2-12 Salem Fair & Exposition Valleywide E Mr. John Saunders SCC P. O. Box 886 Salem, VA 24153 July 4 Vinton 4th Celebration 703-983-0613 Page 12 (1992) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL July 2-5 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch 2000 Attendees P. O. Box 158 RCC Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 July 8-9 VA Board of Nursing Exams Valleywide RCC July 9-11 Miss Virginia Pageant H.Q. Hotel-TBD Ms. Margaret Baker 2500 Attendees Roanoke Regional Chamber Valleywide of Commerce 310 First St., S. W. Roanoke, Va 24004-0700 July 10-12 Watchtower Bible & Tract Valleywide July 17-19 Society of N.Y., Inc. 1000 Attendees Mr. Dan Roncaglione RCC P. O. Box 621 Gretna, VA 24557 804-432-2331 July 9-11 Miss VA Pageant H.Q. Hotel - TBD Ms. Margaret Baker 2500 Attendees Roanoke Regional Chamber Valleywide of Commerce 310 First St., S. W. Roanoke, VA 24004-0700 703-981-1201 July 10-12 DAR Antique Show Valleywide Mrs. John R. Cooper RCC 2621 Sweetbriar Ave., S.W. Roanoke, VA 24015 703-989-4477 July 18-19 Salem Gun Show Valleywide Mr. Steve Elliott SCC 1204 N. Main St. Blacksburg, VA 24060 July 28-29 VA Bar Exams Valleywide Ms. Mary Altizer RCC Suite 303, Mutual Bldg. 9th & Main Sts. Richmond, VA 23219 804-796-2850 July 25-26 Roanoke Valley Coin Show Valleywide RCC SCOPE C S S C S T T S E Page 13 (1992) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Aug. 1-2 Roanoke Kennel Club Valleywide Dog Shows SCC Mr. Dane Wright 5113 Victoria St. Roanoke, VA 24017 Aug. 2 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Aug. 3-6 VA Dept. of Industrial Marriott/Sheraton Education 600 Attendees P. O. Box 60 Richmond, VA 23216-2060 804-225-2692 Aug. 8-9 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 7371 804-422-9500 Aug. 15-16 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Aug. 23-27 E.A.N.G.U.S. Marriott/Sheraton Sgt. Major Robert S. Carter Valleywide 304 Spring Dr. 2000 Attendees Huddleston, VA 24104 RCC 703-857-7028 Aug. 27-30 Nelson Roanoke Valleywide Mr. Louis Showalter, Jr. RCC P. O. Box 13046 Roanoke, VA 24030 703-982-7575 Aug. 28 11th Annual Roanoke Beach Party 703-981-2889 Aug. 30 Roanoke College Student Orientation Sept. 4-7 1992 Mens Class C ASA Natl. Valleywide Fast Pitch Softball Tourn. 1600 Attendees Mr. Bob Ayersman Salem Parks & Recreation Dept. 216 S. Broad St. Salem, VA 24153 703-375-3057 Page 14 (1992) SCOPE E T S T E S C E S DATE Sept. 4-8 Sept. 12-18 Sept. 17-20 Sept. 18-20 Sept. 20-23 Sept. 25-27 Sept. 17-18 Sept. 26-27 Oct. 2-4 Oct. 2-4 ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE 29th Infantr Div Assoc Marriott N Y No Contact Name Available 500 Attendees Most Worshipful Prince Hall Holiday Inn Tanglewood Grand Lodge of VA 450 Attendees Mr. Hermanze E. Fauntleroy, Jr. Grand Secretary P. O. Box 14646 Richmond, VA 23221-4646 804-733-7279 VA Dental Assoc. Marriott/Sheraton Mrs. Pat Watkins 500 Attendees P. O. Box 6906 Richmond, VA 23220 804-358-4927 Roanoke Valley Women's Valleywide Club Antique Show RCC c/o King Antique Shows Ms. Norma King P. O. Box 7129 Orange Park, FL 32073 904-269-2431 Kroger Food Show Valleywide RCC VA Area Committee Valleywide Ms. Judy Yates 1000 Attendees 2504 Oakland Blvd. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-0?47 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Salem Gun Show Valleywide No Contact Name Available) SCC VA-Carolina Craftsmen Valleywide Fall Classic RCC Mr. Clyde M. Gilmore 1240 Oakland Ave. Greensboro, N. D. 27403-2743 919-274-5550 ROVACON Science Fiction Show Valleywide Mr. Fred Eichelman SCC 545 Howard Drive Salem, VA 24153 Page 15 (1992) S S E E S T T T DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Oct. 7-10 VA Community College Assoc. Marriott No Contact Name Available 500 Attendees Oct. 8-11 Gold Wing Road Riders Valleywide Mr. & Mrs. Earl Banton 1000 Attendees 909 Francis Road Glen Allen, VA 23060 804-672-2100 Oct. 9-10 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch RCC P. O. Box 158 Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 Oct. 10-11 VA Railfair Valleywide Ms. Ann Marie McHugh Downtown Roanoke, Inc. 310 First St. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-342-2028 Oct. 9-11 Radford University Parents Weekend Oct. 11-12 VA Coal Council Marriott No Contact Name Available 200 Attendees Oct. 16-17 Pilot Club Sheraton No Contact Name Available 135 Attendees Oct. 18-23 VA Assoc. of Realtors Marriott Mr. Dennis Cronk 220 Attendees 3502 Broadway Ave. S. W. Roanoke, VA 24014 703-342-0544 Oct. 27-30 Industrial Shows of America Valleywide Ms. Jean Williamson RCC Kinston Bldg., Suite 20 2303 W. Meadowview Rd. Greensboro, NC 27404 703-342-7972 (Roanoke) 919-294-3080 (Greensboro) 800-638-6396 (Toll Free) Oct. 31- Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Nov. 1 Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-26-7835 Nov. 4-6 VA CPA Exams Valleywide Ms. Roberta Banning RCC 800-552-3016 Page 16 (1992) SCOPE S R C E S E S T T C DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Nov. 4-6 Manufacturers Agents Natl. Marriott S Not Available 100 Attendees Nov. 6-8 VA Mountain Crafts Guild Valleywide T Craft Show SCC Nov. 7-8 The Big Flea Market Valleywide T Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Nov. 13-15 The Christmas Show Valleywide 'r Ms. Dottie Fuller RCC Southwest VA Enterprises P. O. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 Nov. 13-15 Junior League Stocked Valleywide T Market Show SCC Junior League of R.V., Inc. 4504 Starkey Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 Nov. 20-22 N.A.P.A. Marriott C Contact Name Not Available 200 Attendees Nov. 21-22 Soccer Tournament Valleywide E Mr. Danny Beamer 5000 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Nov. 29 Southern Cards Valleywide Z' Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Nov. 29- VA Farm Bureau Sheraton/Marriott C Dec. 3 Jonathan Shouse 250 Attendees P. O. Box 27552 Richmond, VA 23261 804-788-1234 Nov. 30- Southern States Co-op Holiday Inn Civic Center C Dec. 3 Mr. Ed Scharf 2000 Attendees Dir. of Merchandising Valleywide 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 Page 17 (1992) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Dec. 4-5 VA High School League Valleywide E Girls Basketball SCC Ms. Claudia Dodson P. O. Box 41 Charlottesville, VA 22902 Dec. 4-6 Republican Party of VA Marriott S Mr. Ron Butler 500 Attendees 115 E. Grace St. Richmond, VA 23219 804-780-0111 Dec. 4-6 VA Assoc. of Health, Holiday Inn Tanglewood S Physical Education, 500-700 Attendees Recreation & Dance Ms. Katherine Bennett VA State Univ. P. O. Box 322 Petersburg, VA 23803 804-524-5033 Dec. 31- Squires Marriott E Jan. 1 No Contact Name Available 375 Attendees Page 18 (1992) BOOKINGS IN 1993 DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Jan. 9-10 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Jan. 15-17 TNT Tractor Pull TNT Motorsports Mr. Dan Hodgson 5515 Poplar Park Blvd. Louisville, KY 40228 502-969-6111 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC SCOPE T E Jan. 16-17 Soccer Tournament Valleywide Mr. Danny Beamer 2500 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. BOX 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Jan. 23 Roanoke Round Ball Classic Valleywide Mr. Woody Deans RCC Patrick Henry H. S. Roanoke, VA 703-981-2255 Jan. 23-24 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 Va. Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Jan. 29-31 Shrine Circus Valleywide Mr. Don Garlock RCC Kazim Temple P. O. Box 835 Roanoke, VA 24004 703-343-9838 Feb. 4-10 Masonic Lodge Holiday Inn Tanglewood Mr. John Robert Dean 400 Attendees Grand Senior Warden Rt. 3, Box 206 Max Meadows, VA 24360 703-637-3011 Feb. 5-7 New Auto Show Valleywide Mr. Danny Taylor RCC American Shows 2823 Williamson Rd., N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-6679 E E T E S T Page 19 (1993) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Feb. 6-7 Young Farmers of Va. Conv. Mr. Sonny Meyerhoeffer Rt. 1, Box 99 Mt. Crawford, VA 703-234-8657 Feb. 8-9 Cincinnati Ins. Co. No Contact Name Available Feb. 14 Southern Cards Baseball Card Show Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Feb. 20-21 The Big Flea Market Ms. Joan Sides P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Feb. 26-28 Southwest VA Boat Show Mr. Ed Graves Valley Marine 703-343-4409 March 5-7 MDA Car Show Ms. Joyce Michael Rt. 1, Box 505-C Daleville, VA 24083 703-772-3237 March 13-14 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 March 13-14 Church of God in Christ Reverand David A. Powell 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 March 17-21 VA Daughters of American Revolution Contact Name Not Available March 19-21 American Women's Show Mr. Danny Tayler 2823 Williamson Rd., N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-6679 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Holiday Inn Airport 150 Attendees Marriott Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide 2000 Attendees RCC Marriott 400 Attendees Valleywide RCC SCOPE S C T T T E T R S T Page 20 (1993) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE April 3-4 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 April 9-10 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch RCC P. O. Box 158 Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 April 14-16 VA College Placement Assoc. Marriott No Contact Name Available April 15-18 VA Federation of Women's Sheraton/Marriott Clubs 400 Attendees Ms. Vicki Marks 300 W. Franklin St., St. 402W Richmond, VA 23220 804-644-2558 April 16-17 VA Assoc. of Vocational Valleywide Industrial Clubs of Amer. 2000 Attendees Dept, of Education P. O. Box 6Q Richmond, VA 23216 804-225-2090 Local: Mr. Monty Johnson Arnold L. Burton Vocational School 703-342-6084 April 17-18 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 April 22-24 Virginia Education Assoc. Marriott/Sheraton Ms. June Smith 1600 Attendees 116 S. Third St. Richmond, VA 23219 804-648-5801 April 29- Future Business Leaders Marriott May 2 of America 800 Attendees (Tentative) Ms. Sara Lowe Thompson P. O. Box 6Q Richmond, VA 23216-2060 804-225-2692 May 1 Radford Univ. College Commencement T C S S S T S S Page 21 (1993) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP May 5-7 VA CPA Exams Ms. Roberta Banning 800-552-3016 May 14-16 Royal Order of Jesters Dr. Wallace Nunnley Kizim Temple 628 W. Campbell Ave., S.W. Roanoke, VA 24016 703-344-9306 May 15-22 Order of the Eastern Star Ms. Helen Tripp Grand Chapter of VA Rt. 2, Box 160 A New Castle, VA 24127 703-864-5260 May 29-30 Rke. Val. Youth Soccer Club Tournament Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 June 1-6 James H. Drew Exposition Contact Name Not Available June 5 Southern Cards Baseball Card Show Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 June 10-13 Watchtower Mr. Dan Roncaglione P. O. Box 621 Gretna, VA 24557 804-432-2331 June 14-19 Roanoke Valley Horse Show P. O. Box 8656 Roanoke, VA 24014 June 17-20 Watchtower (see June 10) June 21-24 Southern States Co-op Mr. Edward W. Scharf Dir. of Merchandising 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 Page 22 (1993) HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Valleywide S RCC Holiday Inn Tanglewood S 400 Valleywide 1600 Attendees Valleywide 9000 Attendees Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide 800-1000 Attendees RCC Valleywide SCC Valleywide 800-1000 Attendees RCC Valleywide RCC S E E T C E C C DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP July 1-4 Church of God of Prophecy Rev. David Risch P. O. Box 158 Troutville, Va 24175 703-992-3696 July 3 Southern Cards Baseball Card Show Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 July 7-8 VA State Board of Nursing Exams July 9-10 DAR Antique Show Mrs. John R. Cooper 2621 Sweetbriar Ave., S. W. Roanoke, VA 24015 703-989-4477 July 15-17 Miss Virginia Pageant Ms. Margaret Baker Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce 310 First St., S. W. P. O. Box 0700 Roanoke, Va 24004-0700 703-983-0700 July 27-28 VA Bar Exams Ms. Mary Altizer Suite 303, Mutual Bldg. 9th and Main Sts. Richmond, VA 23219 804-796-2850 Aug. 7 Southern Cards Baseball Card Show Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Aug. 14-15 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 1457 703-236-7835 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Valleywide 1500 Attendees RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC H.Q. Hotel-TBD Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC SCOPE C T S E S S T T Page 23 (1993) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Aug. 21-22 The Big Flea Market Valleywide T Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Aug. 26-29 Nelson Roanoke Valleywide C Mr. Lewis Showalter, Jr. RCC P. O. Box 13046 Roanoke, VA 24030 703-982-7575 Sept. African American Museum 100 Attendees N (Date TBD) Assoc. Ms. Melody Stoval 523 Harrison Ave., N. W. P. O. Box 194 Roanoke, VA 24002 703-345-4818 Sept. 13-15 Kroger Sheraton C No Contact Name Available 250 Attendees Sept. 14-17 VA Economic Develop. Assoc. Marriott S Mr. Brian Duncan 250 Attendees Rke. County Economic Dev. Off. P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 703-772-2069 Sept. 17-19 Roanoke Valley Women's Club Valleywide E Antique Show RCC c/o King Antique Shows Ms. Norma King P. O. Box 7129 Orange Park, FL 32073 904-269-2431 Sept. 20-22 Kroger Sheraton C No Contact Name Available 250 Attendees Sept. 26 Southern Cards Valleywide T Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Oct. 1-3 VA/Carolina Craftsmen Valleywide T Fall Classic RCC Mr. Clyde M. Gilmore 1240 Oakland Ave. Greensboro, NC 27403-2743 919-274-5550 Page 24 (1993) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Oct. 8-9 Church of God of Prophecy Rev. David Risch P. O. Box 158 Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 Oct. 8-9 VA Railfair Ms. Ann Marie McHugh Downtown Roanoke, Inc. 310 First St. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-342-2028 Oct. 25-28 Industrial Shows of America Ms. Jean Williamson Kinston Bldg., Suite 20 2303 W. Meadowview Rd. Greensboro, N. C. 27404 703-342-7972 (Roanoke) 919-294-3080 (Greensboro) 800-638-6396 (Toll Free) Oct. 30-31 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. BOx 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Nov. 3-5 VA CPA Exams Ms. Roberta Banning 800-552-3016 Nov. 6-7 The Big Flea Market Ms. Joan Sides P. O. Box 7371 Va. Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Nov. 12-14 The Christmas Show Valleywide Ms. Dottie Fuller RCC Southwest VA. Enterprises P. O. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 Nov. 19-21 N.A.P.A. Marriott Contact Name Not Available 200 Attendees Nov. 20-21 Soccer Tournament Valleywide Mr. Danny Beamer 5000 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 SCOPE C E T T S T T C E Page 25 (1993) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Nov. 29- Southern States Co-op Holiday Inn Civic Center C Dec. 2 Mr. Edward W. Scharf 1500 Attendees Dir. of Merchandising RCC 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 Dec 3-5 Republican Party of VA Marriott S Mr. Ron Butler 500 Attendees 115 E. Grace St. Richmond, VA 23219 804-780-0111 Dec. 5-8 VA Soil & Water Conservation Marriott S No Contact Name Available 450 Attendees Dec. 30- Squires Marriott E Jan 1 No Contact Name Available 375 Attendees Page 26 (1993) BOOKINGS IN 1994 DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Jan. 8-9 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Jan. 14-16 TNT Tractor Pull Valleywide TNT Motorsports RCC Mr. Dan Hodgson 5515 Poplar Park Blvd. Louisville, KY 40228 Jan. 15-16 Soccer Tournament Valleywide Mr. Danny Beamer 2500 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Jan. 22-23 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. 0. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Jan. 28-30 Shrine Circus Valleywide Mr. Don Garlock RCC Kazim Temple P. O. Box 835 Roanoke, VA 24004 703-343-9838 Feb. 4-6 New Auto Show Valleywide Mr. Danny Taylor RCC American Shows 2823 Williamson Rd., N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-6679 Feb. 13 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Feb. 19-20 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 SCOPE T E E T E T T T Page 27 (1994) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Mar. 4-6 Southwest VA Boat Show Valleywide Mr. Ed Graves RCC Valley Marine Center 703-343-4409 Mar. 12-13 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 March 12-13 Church of God in Christ Valleywide Rev. David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. RCC Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 March 15-16 Woman's Missionary Union of VA Ms. Kathryn Bullard 2828 Emerywood Parkway Richmond, VA 23229 804-672-2100 March 18-20 American Women's Show Mr. Danny Tayler 2823 Williamson Rd., N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-6679 Apr. 1-2 Church of God of Prophecy Rev. David Risch P. O. Box 158 Troutville, VA 24179 703-992-3696 Apr.7-10 Sweet Adelines Ms. Elizabeth Stone 1605 B. South Hayes St. Arlington, VA 22202 202-682-9110 W 703-920-8814 H April 16-17 The Big Flea Market Ms. Joan Sides P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-730-9447 Apr. 23-24 Southern Cards Baseball Card Show Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Valleywide 2200 Attendees RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide 2000 Attendees Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC SCOPE T T R S E R S T T Page 28 (1994) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Apr. 26-27 Southwest Virginia Valleywide T Business Show RCC Mr. Mel Fuller P. O. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 May 4-6 VA CPA Exams Valleywide S Ms. Roberta Banning RCC 800-552-3016 May 7 Radford Univ. College Commencement May 2 8-29 Rke. Val. Youth Soccer Valleywide E Club Tournament 9000 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 June 4 Southern Cards Valleywide T Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 June 13-18 Roanoke Valley Horse Show Valleywide E SCC June 20-23 Southern States Co-op Valleywide C Mr. Edward W. Scharf RCC Dir. of Merchandising 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 July 7-10 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide C Rev. David Risch RCC P. O. Box 158 Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 July 8-10 DAR Antique Show Valleywide E Mrs. John R. Cooper RCC 2621 Sweetbriar Ave., S. W. Roanoke, VA 24015 703-989-4477 July 13-14 VA State Board of Nursing Valleywide S Exams RCC Page 29 (1994) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL July 14-16 Miss VA Pageant Valleywide Ms. Margaret Baker RCC Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce 310 First St., S. W. P. O. Box 0700 Roanoke, VA 24004-0700 703-983-0700 July 26-27 VA Bar Exam Valleywide Ms. Mary Altizer RCC Suite 303, Mutual Bldg. 9th and Main Sts. Richmond, VA 23219 804-796-2850 Aug. 6 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Aug. 13-14 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Aug. 20-21 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Aug. 25-28 Nelson Roanoke Valleywide Mr. Louis Showalter, Jr. RCC P. O. Box 13046 Roanoke, Va 24030 703-982-7575 Sept. 10-21 Kroger Sheraton No Contact Name Available 250 Attendees Sept. 16-18 Roanoke Valley Women's Valleywide Club Antique Show RCC c/o King Antique Shows Ms. Norma King P. O. Box 7129 Orange Park, FL 32073 904-269-2431 Sept. 18-21 Kroger Food Show Valleywide Roanoke Civic Center SCOPE E C T T T C C C Page 30 (1994) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Sept. 25 Southern Cards Baseball Valleywide Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Sept. 30- VA-Carolina Craftsmen Valleywide Oct. 2 Fall Classic RCC Mr. Clyde M. Gilmore 1240 Oakland Ave. Greensboro, NC 2740-2743 919-274-5550 Oct. 7-8 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch 1200 Attendees P. O. Box 158 RCC Troutville, VA 24175 703-992-3696 Oct. 8-9 VA Railfair Valleywide Ms. Ann Marie McHugh RCC Downtown Roanoke, Inc. 310 First St. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-342-2028 Oct. 15-16 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Oct. 24-28 Industrial Shows of America Valleywide Ms. Jean Williamson RCC Kinston Bldg., Suite 20 2303 W. Meadowview Rd. Greensboro, NC 27404 703-342-07972 (Roanoke) 919-294-3080 (Greensboro) 800-638-6396 (Toll Free) Oct. 29-30 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Nov. 2-4 VA CPA Exams Valleywide Ms. Roberta Banning RCC 800-552-3016 T E C E T T T S Page 31 (1994) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Nov. 5-6 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Nov. 11-13 The Christmas Show Valleywide Ms. Dottie Fuller RCC Southwest VA Enterprises P. O. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 Nov. 11-16 Grand Lodge of VA Marriott Mr. Werner Morlock 400 Attendees 6459 Silver Ridge Dr. Alexandria, VA 22310 800-592-2200 Nov. 19-20 Soccer Tournament Valleywide Mr. Danny Beamer 5000 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Nov. 26-27 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Dec. 5-8 Southern States Co-op Valleywide Mr. Edward W. Scharf 1500 Attendees Dir. of Merchandising RCC 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 SCOPE T T S E T C Page 32 (1994) BOOKINGS IN 1995 DATE Jan. 6-8 Jan. 20-22 Jan. 21-22 Jan. 21-22 Feb. 3-5 Feb. 12 Feb. 18-20 Feb. 24-26 ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 SRO/Pace Tractor Pull Valleywide U.S. Hot Rod Assoc. RCC Mr. Tom Carter 5515 Poplar Park Blvd. Louisville, KY 40228 502-969-6111 Soccer Tournament Valleywide Mr. Danny Beamer 2500 Attendees Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Shrine Circus Valleywide Mr. Charlie Ralston RCC 703-343-9838 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol or Mr. Jeff Prillaman 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Southwest VA Boat Show Valleywide Mr. Ed Graves RCC Valley Marine Center 703-343-4409 T E E T E T T T Page 33 (1995) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Mar. 10-12 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Mar. 13-14 Woman's Missionary Union of VA Ms. Kathryn Bullard Exec. Director/Treasurer 2828 Emerywood Parkway Richmond, VA 23229 804-672-2100 HEADQUARTERS. HOTEL Valleywide RCC H.Q. Hotel TBD 2200 Attendees March 11-12 Church of God in Christ Valleywide Rev. David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. RCC Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 Mar. 17-19 American Women's Show Valleywide Mr. Danny Tayler RCC American Shows 2823 Williamson Rd., N.E. Roanoke, VA 24012 703-366-6679 April 1-2 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol or Jeff Prillaman 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 April 7-8 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch RCC 703-992-3696 April 15-16 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 May 2-5 VA CPA Exams Valleywide Ms. Roberta Banning RCC 800-552-3016 May 6 Radford Univ. College Commencement SCOPE T S R T T T S Page 34 (1995) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL May 27-28 Rke. Val. Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 9000 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 June 3 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol or Jeff Prillaman 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 June 14-18 United Methodist Conference Valleywide Dr. Eugene Carter 3000 Attendees District Superintendent RCC Professional Bldg., Suite 101 4502 Starkey Rd., S. W. Roanoke, VA 24018 703-989-3335 June 19-22 Southern States Coop. Valleywide Mr. Edward W. Scharf RCC Director of Merchandising 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 July 6-8 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch RCC 703-992-3696 July 12-13 VA State Board of Nursing Valleywide Exams RCC Ms. Corinne R. Dorsey, R.N. 804-662-9909 July 13-15 Miss VA Pageant Valleywide Ms. Margaret Baker RCC Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce 310 First St., S. W. Roanoke, VA 24004-0700 703-983-0700 July 14-16 DAR Antique Show Valleywide Mrs. John R. Cooper RCC 2621 Sweetbriar Ave., S W. Roanoke, VA 24015 703-989-4477 SCOPE E T R C S S T Page 35 (1995) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP July 25-26 VA Bar Exams Tentative Ms. Mary Altizer Suite 303, Mutual Bldg. 9th & Main Sts. Richmond, VA 23219 804- 796-2850 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Valleywide RCC Aug. 5 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol or Jeff Prillaman 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Aug. 12-13 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 Aug. 17-20 Kiwanis Intl. Capitol Marriott/Sheraton District Convention 800-1100 Attendees Mr. William T. Stack 3523 Farmington Dr., S. W. Roanoke, VA 24018 703-345-3520 Aug. 18-20 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Ms. Joan S. Davis P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Aug. 24-27 Nelson Roanoke Mr. Louis Showalter, Jr. P. O. Box 13046 Roanoke, Va 24030 703-982-7575 Sept. 10-13 Kroger Food Show Mr. Jim Garrison Asst. Advertising Mgr. Kroger Food Stores P. O. Box 14002 Roanoke, VA 24038-4002 703-563-3500 Sept. 15-17 Roanoke Valley Women's Club Antique Show Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC Valleywide RCC SCOPE S T T R T C C T Page 36 (1995) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Sept. 20-23 VA Assoc. of Volunteer Tentative Rescue Squads Mr. Fort Wirt P. O. Box 457 Floyd, VA 24091 703-745-2800 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Sheraton 3,000 Attendees Sept. 24 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol or Jeff Prillaman 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Sept. 28- VA/NC Craftsmen Craft Show Valleywide Oct. 1 Mr. Clyde M. Gilmore RCC 1240 Oakland Ave. Greensboro, NC 27403-2743 919-274-5550 Oct. 6-7 Church of God of Prophecy Valleywide Rev. David Risch RCC 703-992-3696 Oct. 7-8 VA Railfair Valleywide Ms. Ann Marie McHugh RCC Downtown Roanoke, Inc. 310 First St. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-342-2028 Oct. 22-27 Industrial Shows of America Valleywide Ms. Jean Williamson RCC Kinston Bldg., Suite 20 2303 W. Meadowview Rd. Greensboro, NC 27404 703-342-07972 (Roanoke) 919-294-3080 (Greensboro) 800-638-6396 (Toll Free) Oct. 27-29 Roanoke Valley Gun Show Valleywide Ms. Joan S. Davis RCC P. O. Box 1457 Galax, VA 24333 703-236-7835 Oct. 31- VA CPA Exams Valleywide Nov. 3 Ms. Roberta Banning RCC 800-552-3016 Nov. 4-5 The Big Flea Market Valleywide Ms. Joan Sides RCC P. O. Box 7371 VA Beach, VA 23458 804-422-9500 SCOPE S T T E T T S T Page 37 (1995) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP Nov. 10-12 The Christmas Show Mr. Mel Fuller Southwest VA Enterprises P. O. Box 15 Salem, VA 24153 703-389-9895 HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Valleywide RCC Nov. 18-19 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 5000 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Nov. 25-26 Southern Cards Valleywide Baseball Card Show RCC Mr. Marco Rol or Jeff Prillaman 703 W. Main St. Charlottesville, VA 22901 804-293-4151 Dec. 4-7 Southern States Coop. Valleywide Mr. Edward W. Scharf RCC Director of Merchandising 6606 W. Broad St. Richmond, VA 23230 804-281-1375 BOOKIH6S IN 1996 Jan. 20-21 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 2500 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 March 9-10 Church of God in Christ Valleywide Rev. David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 April 25-27 VA Education Assoc. HQ Hotel TBD Ms. June Smith 800 Attendees 116 S. Third St. Richmond, VA 23219 800-552-9554 804-648-5801 May 4 Radford Univ. College Commencement SCOPE E E T C E R S Page 38 (1995-1996) DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL SCOPE May 13-15 VA Baptist State Convention 400-500 Attendees S Reverend E. T. Burton HQ Hotel TBD 1st Vice Pres., VA Baptist Assn. Sweet Union Baptist Church 521 Madison Ave., N. W. Roanoke, VA 24016 703-345-3520 May 25-26 Rke. Val. Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 9000 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 Nov. 16-17 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 5000 Attendees Address - see above BOOKINGS IN 1997 Jan. 18-19 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 2500 Attendees Address - see above March 8-9 Church of God in Chri st Valleywide Rev. David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 May 24-25 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 9000 Attendees Address - see above Nov. 15-16 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 5000 Attendees Address - see above E E E R E E Page 39 (1996-1997) BOOKINGS IN 1998 DATE ASSOCIATION/GROUP HEADQUARTERS HOTEL Jan. 17-18 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide Club Tournament 2500 Attendees Mr. Danny Beamer P. O. Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 703-366-1803 March 14-15 Church of God in Christ Valleywide Reverand David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 May 23-24 Roanoke Valley Youth Valleywide & Soccer Club 9000 Attendees Nov. 21-22 Address - See above 5000 Attendees BOOKINGS IN 1999 Jan. 16-17 Roanoke Valley Youth Valleywide Soccer Club 2500 Attendees Address - See above March 13-14 Church of God in Christ Valleywide Reverand David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. RCC Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 April 22-24 VA Education Assoc. Ms. June Smith 116 S. Third St. Richmond, VA 23219 May 29-30 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer & Club Tournament Nov. 20-21 Address - See above BOOKINGS IN 2000 Jan. 15-16 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Club Tournament Address - See above HQ Hotel TBD 800 Attendees Valleywide 9000 Attendees 5000 Attendees Valleywide 2500 Attendees March 11-12 Church of God in Christ Valleywide Reverand David A. Powell 2000 Attendees 1220 Rugby Boulevard, N.W. RCC Roanoke, VA 24017 703-344-9168 May 27-28 Roanoke Valley Youth Soccer Valleywide & Club Tournament 9000 Attendees Nov. 18-19 Address - See above 5000 Attendees Page 40 (1998-2000) SCOPE E R E E E R S E E E R E E ACTION NO. A-41492-2 ITEM NUMBER ~ '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Selection of Health Insurance Coverage for County and School Employees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: •~-•x ~~'~¢~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In order to represent many diverse views of County employees, a committee was formed to review health insurance proposals. These committee members were Diane Hyatt and Penny Hodge (Finance), Elaine Carver and Bonnie Preas (Procurement), Keith Cook (Human Resources), Dr. Jerry Hardy (Schools), Doris Boitnott (RCEA), and Todd Booth (Employee Advisory Committee). The committee also employed George Weikel as a consultant to help analyze and negotiate the bids received. A Request for Proposal was mailed on February 10, 1992, with a deadline for submittal of March 17, 1992, which allowed five weeks for a response. The RFP was also advertised in the newspaper. RFP's were mailed to twenty-nine providers. All questions from the providers were answered on a timely basis. The County received seven bids for health insurance coverage. These proposals are outlined in Attachment A. These bids were carefully reviewed and three companies were selected for interviews and final negotiations. At the close of these negotiations it was decided that the employees would receive the greatest value from the Blue Cross/Blue Shield minimum premium plan. The bid from Blue Cross/Blue Shield reflects a 13.37% increase over the 1990-1991 premiums. Earlier in the budget process, we had anticipated an increase of 30%-40%. Attachment B shows premiums for the County and the Schools in comparison with the current rates. We included several cost containment changes in the benefit structure which should save the County money in the future through better claims experience. These changes are outlined below: 1) Change outpatient surgery from 100% to 80% until the stop loss is reached. When this 100% benefit was put in place, we were trying to discourage inpatient surgery which, at the time was more expensive. Now outpatient surgery is as costly as inpatient care. In addition, the Pre- Admission Review policy will not allow patients to choose ~J' ~ inpatient surgery if it can be performed on an outpatient basis. 2) Implement a no transfer credit policy. Currently a new employee that had previous coverage under another Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan can join our plan without a waiting period for pre-existing conditions. If that same individual had previous coverage with another insurance company, or had no previous coverage, they would have a 12 month waiting period for pre-existing conditions. Since our plan is a self-insured plan, it makes no difference to us if the individual was formerly with another Blue Cross plan or another company. COBRA laws have also now made insurance coverage available to these individuals from their former employers during this waiting period. Roanoke City and Salem have also eliminated transfer credits from their health insurance plans. 3) Implement the Rx Alternative Drug Network - The Rx Alternative Drug Network is a group of pharmacies which have agreed to provide prescription drugs at a reduced cost in order to encourage volume. Under this plan, the individual must have their prescription filled by a participating pharmacy. Participating pharmacies include all of the chain pharmacies, and some mail order pharmacies. Employees will have the added benefit of ordering 90 day supplies of medication at a reduced rate through mail order. The cost of medication to employees will be: a) 34 day supply of medication $10.00 Deductible Standard $2.00 Deductible Generic b) Mail order 90-day supply $16.00 Deductible Standard $4.00 Deductible Generic c) Maintenance Pharmacy 90-day supply $19.00 Deductible Standard $5.00 Deductible Generic In addition, we have added two areas of increased benefit for the employees. 1) Eliminate the $100 pre-admission deductible for the Roanoke County School Employee Group - This is currently the only remaining benefit difference between the County and the School plan. 2) Mammogram screening - Mammograms will be covered 100% up 2 .. °.~}-3 to $50 per screening, waiving any deductibles based upon the following schedule: Acie Coverage Less than 35 None 35 through 39 One screening 40 through 49 One screening biennially 50 and over One screening annually FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are included in the County budget to pay for the entire increase in health care cost for the County employees. Funds are included in the County School budget to pay for the entire increase in health care cost. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The health insurance selection has been approved by the Health Insurance Selection Committee, the School Health Insurance Committee and the School Board. It is the unanimous choice to select the Blue Cross/Blue Shield minimum premium policy outlined above. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Denied ( ) staff recommendation Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Johnson x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools 3 ., ~ _3 ,N 'Z j M d' I~ Ln ~i N Ln l4 M Ol 4) ~Jr•rl Ol l0 N l~ rl ~ W R1 •rl •rl N 00 d' l~ d' v +~ r-I rl '~ o r ~ ~ ~d O •rl tC •r1 ~o .-i ao co +~ H A ~ W ~ -~ yr N ao ~ `~ w a~ 0 ~ U ~ O ~ 0 0 ~ ?, ''~ ~-+ 0 O .1.~ U ~ rU •r•I l~ r ~ w •~ ~ ~ 'z3 +~ ~--~ ~ ~ A U U ~ o 0 0 ~ ~ •rl ~-1 fd H •ri r-1 t/} tr ~ awa o o ~ 0 ~ v ~ 3 N •~ ~ (~ ~ M In CO ~ ~ v t!1 tf1 N CO ~i o~ ~~ ~ o ~; z ~ z z ~, b .~ o o co ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c'~ of rn U o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~n o H • N t"i a ~ ~ ~" ~ ri d P4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x' ~ ~ '~ •r .{ O +~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U d ~ U r -1 ~1 • r fC ~ ~~ a a ~•~ o x o .r., ro +~ o a~ ~ ~ •~~~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ V] ~ ~ ~ ~ N r-I ~ ~ f2. ~ r0 N ~ •~ a a b~~ a acs a~ ~ ~, b H ~ N H S a o H N U ~ U o o '~ a .r., ~ ai ,~ r-1 N U .~ ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . F { r -I S~ N ~ x N U N ~ ?~ U ~ UI .-1 ~ Ul ~ U r-1 ~ r-I ~ S-~ W Ul ~ rti •~+ RS ~ ~ ~ +~ N (A +~ ~ ~I ~ O v ono ~ ° o ~ z i m u v i u ~ a ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ a i v • ~ • • - •~ ~~a~ o~ a~ ~ w o z ~ a~ ~ •~ ~ a-~ x ~ a~ •~ ~ ~ +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ +~ ~ U O ~ U f~ v E-+ ~ U ~ f A ~ a1 v G1 U ~d rn O N O ~ .4 ~ U ~ ~' a 9+ ~ '~'~ U C'i ~ ~ b O ~ U ~ C1 ~ ~~ G ~"~ ~i ~r 1d ~ 0 ,~ ab b ~ ~x b ,1,,, ~, o +, ~ ~o U ~ N G1 Id .~. ~ ~ ~U b O a ~y O~O O~O OHO OHO OHO OHO OHO O~O OHO OHO ~ .-i CO Ol ~O In M M O~ l0 tf1 •rl Jy \ U1 In In lU O l~ N ~ O lf'1 l0 ~ A ?~ rl O ~ O ~--IM MOl l~~i'N d'00d' !y b ~ O CO lfl a0 lf1 lf1 d' M l~ l11 d' a •~I ~ .~ a ~ v w v i 0 o\~ O d'd' d'd' dllnM plLl1M ',fir N N rl N r-I r-1 d' M rl d' M O 100 100 NO~111 l~d'O ~ r-I N l4 N ~0 00 LC) M t!1 M e-i •rl r-I r-I .--I M ~ M f~ ~ t? aw 0 O CO1fl l0O N(~N d'NM ,~ }~ l0 00 ~0 O M d' l~ lfl O M U •rl [n W lfl d' d' ~-1 N l0 00 M O O \ N .--I W M M ~-1 N lf1 l0 Ol t!1 ;~y ~ .-1 '-i ~-I N r-1 r-1 .--I .--I ~-i N ~ ~ ~ O U ~ NO Od' ~-INI() MI~IO ~ 0~ O d1 r-I lC1 Ol O l~ d' l0 .r1 ~ ~~n orl ~~~ od'o O d' d' ~0 d1 01 CO Ol N N l0 I..~ r-I M ri M r-i N d' N M In a yr N w err ~r ~~M inoM O ao o co o ~ ~o 00 ~ rn co O M N M N l0 ~ l0 rl ~ r-i W >~ ~ 0 0 :~ ~ .r., .r., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ a~~ a~a~~ va~~ N rl rl M rl rl N ~--I r-I r-I M r-I rl r-~ Ol CT•rl 61 ~-rl Ol ~ ~'T•rl Ol 01 01•ri ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ r-I -rl fd r-I •rl f~ ~-1 -ri -ri f~ r-1 •rl •rl (d I fn (~ I C/1 fir I U1 (A fia I U1 t!1 FTC rl N N r-1 N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ri ~-I O .-~ rl ~ ~ O U U tJ~ ~-3 ACTION # A-41492-3 ITEM NUMBER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Approximately $52,000 in Grant Funding and Donations, and Appropriation to the School Grants Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~~~. l~ 1 BACKGROUND The Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity and PUSH (People Understanding the Severely Handicapped) Pi Kappa Phi National Committee have selected Penn Forest Elementary School as the first Virginia site to develop an outdoor recreational area with facilities totally accessible to the handicapped and nonhandicapped. The Penn Forest community has endorsed the project, and a steering committee has been working closely with Jim Jones of Parks and Recreation and athletic leagues. The facility use and design is being interfaced to maximize the available area. Other organizations and foundations in the valley have shown interest and enthusiasm in the project. Anticipated revenues to be received from Pi Kappa Phi, businesses and parents are $52,000. The project will be constructed in October 1992 by 150 to 200 volunteers. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County School Board welcomes the construction of this facility at the Penn Forest School site to enhance the school physical education program and the recreational opportunities for the Penn Forest community and Roanoke County citizens. Roanoke County Schools will serve as the sponsoring organization to receive revenues and make expenditures for the project in accordance with Roanoke County's procurement policy. Accordingly, an appropriation by the governing body must be made to the grant fund. FISCAL IMPACT: None. No county matching funds are required. Total funding will be provided by the groups mentioned above. Revenue would be recorded to reflect $52,000 in the School Grants Fund. Related expenditures would also be recorded. .~-`~ -2- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: grant funding and donat Sch of Grants Fund. Pat Sales, Principal Penn Forest Elementary Staff recommends acceptance of $52,000 in ions and appropriation of said amount to the ~~~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge School County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Eddy ~ Denied ( ) Minnix to approve Johnson x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Minnix x To Nickens x cc: cc: File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance John Chambliss, Acting Director, Parks & Recreation Abs ~'`~ FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANORE COUNTY MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7 P.M. ON MARCH 26, 1992 IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA. RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN APPROPRIATION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS TO THE SCHOOL GRANT FUND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL AREA ON PENN FOREST SCHOOL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity has chosen the Roanoke Valley, specifically Penn Forest Elementary School, as a site for the development of an outdoor recreational area with facilities that will be totally accessible to the handicapped and non-handicapped, and WHEREAS, the project, a first in Virginia, has received the support of the Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation, PUSH (People Understanding the Severely Handicapped) of the Pi Kappa Phi National Committee, parents, businesses and corporations and a commitment of approximately $52,000 for construction in October 1992 by 150 to 200 volunteers; BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County on motion of Maurice L. Mitchell and duly seconded welcomes the development of said project at Penn Forest Elementary School and agrees to be the sponsoring organization for the receipt of revenue and expenditure for purchases in accordance with Roanoke County's procurement policy, and FURTHER, requests an appropriation of $52,000 to the School Grant Fund by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Adopted on the following recorded vote: AYES: Paul G. Black, Maurice L. Mitchell, Charlsie S. Pafford, Barbara B. Chewning, Frank E. Thomas NAYS: None TEST: `J~ S ~„_.~c. (~ j ~~~-- -- Clerk ~. ~"~ FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7 P.M. ON MARCH 26, 1992 IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA. RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN APPROPRIATION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS TO THE SCHOOL GRANT FUND FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL AREA ON PENN FOREST SCHOOL PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Pi Kappa Phi National Fraternity has chosen the Roanoke Valley, specifically Penn Forest Elementary School, as a site for the development of an outdoor recreational area with facilities that will be totally accessible to the handicapped and non-handicapped, and WHEREAS, the project, a first in Virginia, has received the support of the Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation, PUSH (People Understanding the Severely Handicapped) of the Pi Kappa Phi National Committee, parents, businesses and corporations and a commitment of approximately $52,000 for construction in October 1992 by 150 to 200 volunteers; BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County -. .. ~ J 1 .. _ ~ _. ' C on mn~ i nn n~ M~„ri n.+ T nR~ .1-..1...1 l ...,.a a.. l -- Ca ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER .. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Approve the 1992-1993 Operating Budget for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~!-c~crri•~'u~ BACKGROUND: On March 20, 1992, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority adopted an operating budget for the year ending June 30, 1993. As specified in the Roanoke Valley Members Use Agreement, this budget must now be approved by the Charter Member Users before it can be placed in effect. SUNII~IARY OF INFORMATION: The budget for the year ending June 30, 1993 totals $320,321. This budget includes salary and fringe benefit amounts for the Executive Director and Secretary, leased office space, insurance and office supplies. Operating expenses include a $50,000 payment to the County of Roanoke for services (ie. legal and accounting) provided during this time period. The money to fund these expenditures will come from the Roanoke Valley Solid Waste Management Board (RVRSWMB). The RVRSWMB appropriated $250,000 to fund the 1992-1993 operations. The remaining $70,321 will come from the $3 million Assignment Agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: The RVRSWMB will pay for these operating expenses. The County of Roanoke will realize $50,000 in recovered costs from the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution approving the operating budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for the year ending June 30, 1993. ~~ Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------- ------------------------ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Kohinke Referred ( ) Johnson To Minnix Nickens ...Y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLIITION APPROVING THL ROANORE VALLEY RE8OIIRCE AIITHORITY BIIDGET FOR THL YEAR ENDING JIINE 30, 1993, IIPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 5.9 of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement provides that the Authority shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County, the City Council of the City of Roanoke, and the Town Council of the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 20, 1992, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board, the Chairman of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority has submitted a request that the County approve the budget of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for the year ending June 30, 1993. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the budget for the year ending June 30, 1993 for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority as set forth in the March 20, 1992, report of the Authority Chairman, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORI~`Y 3433 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 ~' (703) 772-2130 March 20, 1992 Ms. Diane Hyatt County of Roanoke 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, VA 24018 Re: Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 1992-93 Annual Budget Dear Diane: On March 19, 1992, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority approved its 1992-93 Annual Operating Budget. The budget totals $320,321 and will be funded by an appropriation from the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board in the amount of $250,000 and $70,321 from the current $3 million Assignment Agreement. Attached is a budget summary for your information. In accordance with the Member Use Agreement, this annual budget is being submitted for approval by the Board. The Resource Authority looks forward to serving the Board in the upcoming years. If you have any questions or need additional information, please let me know. Respectfully, ,- -, r _. /` ~ardner W. Smith Chairman JRH/GWS:wr Attachment ROANORE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY i BUDGET SUMMARY HUDaET PROJECTIONS CATEGOQr S-MONTHS FEB-JUNE 1992 F.r. 1992-93 F.Y. 1993-9i Personnel S 52,095 S 124,921 Operating 101,060 190,400 Capital Equipment 32,000 5,000 TOTAL S 185,155 S 320,321 ~ -S ACTION NO. A-41492-5 ITEM NUMBER .1.~ ""tO AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Funding to Cover Increased Sewer Fund Costs for 1991-1992 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S ,COMMENTS : ~ ~ ~c,QZ;~~y~v~c,,-'~~,',ic'`~z~cy~.rJ BACKGROUND• While sewer revenues have remained the same, there are now more restrictive treatment requirements, increased costs at the treatment plant as well as increased costs to the County. This has created a $350,000 deficit in the Sewer Fund. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At this time, staff is estimating that the sewer fund will generate a deficit of $350,000 in the 1991-1992 fiscal year. During the 1991-1992 budget process, it was anticipated that the County would initiate a sewer rate increase during the year to fund the sewage treatment plant expansion and to cover the existing sewer fund deficit. Because of delays in the sewage treatment plant expansion this rate increase has been postponed. However, the sewer fund deficit will need to be funded from another source. Sewer fund deficits in the last two years have depleted all of the capital money that was available for sewer repair and replacement projects. Therefore, there are no sources of funds within the sewer fund to cover this deficit. Net revenues of the water system are at the level that we had anticipated in the Water Revenue Bond Feasibility Study to cover future debt service on the Revenue Bonds, and these amounts are pledged in the Bond Indenture. Therefore, the water fund does not contain any funds that can be applied towards this deficit. The current budget was prepared several months before the Board chose to increase the consumer utility tax for the new water system. Because of this, we collected additional revenue during the year of approximately $750,000. This provides a one-time source of revenue that can be used to offset the sewer fund deficit. The Board may recall that we have already used $400,000 to cover the mid year adjustment. The balance of approximately $350,000 could be transferred to the General Fund to offset this 1 r r ~, . -~ deficit. These funds are a one-time source of revenue and in future years, this tax will be needed to pay debt service on the water bonds and fund capital expenditures. FISCAL IMPACT' The sewer deficit of $350,000 for the 1991-1992 fiscal year will need to be funded from the General Fund. The deficit for 1992- 1993 is included in the proposed budget. This deficit will continue until a sewer rate increase is adopted. This transfer will only cover the operating deficit of the Sewer Fund and does not provide any capital money for major repairs to the system. ALTERNATIVES' 1. Transfer $350,000 from the General Fund to the Sewer Fund. 2. The Board could chose to raise sewer rates, but it would be difficult to raise them high enough to cover the $350,000 deficit in the current year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the transfer of $350,000 from the General Fund to the Sewer Fund. Staff further recommends that we postpone increasing the sewer rates until later in the year when we know more about the cost of expanding the treatment plant. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to Denied ( ) approve Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Johnson x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Cliff Craig, Director, Utility 2 ACTION # A-41492-6 ITEM NUMBER .~/"' 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for funding for well for Hofauger House (Explore Project) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ,~~~~~,,~,,,~ ~~~-~ ~ p EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' The River Foundation is requesting reimbursement from the County of Roanoke in an amount up to $10,000 for the costs of drilling a well to serve the Hofauger House in Explore. BACKGROUND' Roanoke County previously assisted the Explore project with the drilling of a well during the spring of 1991. This activity was requested by Explore and covered under a County contract for well drilling services. A second well was planned for the Hofauger House but delayed because an archaeological survey was required to be completed prior to drilling. By the time the archaeological clearance was given, the County's contract had expired. Funds are not available within the Utility Department budget for this purpose. County staff has examined other alternatives with Explore staff, including the feasibility of extending water lines from Vinton and/or a line from the other well. Neither is financially feasible at this time. The long range plan for utility services include an extension of water from the Town of Vinton (as Explore is in their service area) and sewer being extended by Roanoke County. Planning for these utility projects would occur after 1994. Construction would occur later as private sector funding increases for the realization of the Explore Master Plan. Costs estimates for engineering and construction have not been determined at this time. ~-7 The staff recommends that up to $10,000 from the Economic Development Fund (26-102320) be expended to complete the second well and make the Hofauger House a functional unit within Blue Ridge Town. The River Foundation will purchase the well pump, perform water testing, and install lines to the house at their cost. FISCAL IMPACT' There is a $52,970 balance in the FY 91-92 Economic Development Fund. Several other projects have been appropriated or identified for funding from the $100,000. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Fund the cost of well drilling up to $10,000. 2. Fund a portion (50/50) of the well drilling cost. 3. Do not fund the well drilling cost. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors consider Alternative 1 and approve an appropriation up to $10,000 from the Economic Development Fund to The River Foundation for well drilling costs. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~- ~ Timo by W. Gubala, Director Elmer C. Hodge Economic Development County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred to ACTION ( x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens ( ) to approve the actual cost of ( ) well drilling up to $10,000 cc: File Timothy W. Gubala, Director, Economic Dev Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget VOTE Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs x x x x x ACTION # A-41492-7 ITEM NUMBER~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 SUBJECT: Report on Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee and Request to Approve Expenditure of up to $10,000 from the Cable Television Capital Grant Fund for the Purchase of Equipment. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~~.,,,.,,~~ :?-~~~~`~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On April 7, a meeting of the Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee was held. All three County representatives, Dr. Harry Nickens, Don Terp and Anne Marie Green were present, along with Dr. Jane James from the Roanoke County School System. The Committee received and discussed a report from the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee. This Subcommittee had been charged with investigating possible locations for the govern- ment/education studio site as well as reviewing equipment needs and operating conditions. A copy of the Subcommittee's report is attached. The Committee voted unanimously to proceed as follows: o Take to each of the three participating governments a request to appropriate up to $10, 000 from the Cable Television Capital Account. These funds are to be used to purchase two character generators, one to be located in the Roanoke County Public Information Office, and one to be located at Cox Cable' s studio . ( It is necessary to have a machine at Cox Cable to receive the messages transmitted from the one located in Roanoke County.) The Roanoke County Procurement Department has been working with the Subcommittee to identify the best type of machine for this situation. If the expenditure of funds is approved, Procurement will begin the process used to purchase the equipment, and they will be installed as soon as possible. Character generators are used to type information which is then scrolled across a television screen at fixed intervals. Cox Cable will carry this information on Channel 17, which is ~D 8 already available for this purpose. The Subcommittee envisioned that this channel will be used for broadcasting information concerning meetings, events, and other topics of general interest. For example, routine listings would include Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission meetings, special informational meetings, such as those on the Zoning Ordinance, and events such as County Government Day, the Family Fun Festival and the Christmas Tree Lighting. Because only one channel is presently available, it was recommended that one character generator be purchased at this time. Eventually, each government and school system will have its own machine, and the receiving machine will be located at the Government Access studio. The County has agreed to receive and transmit the messages during the start-up phase, although this may be rotated if it becomes too onerous. o Take to each of the three participating governments an ordinance changing Exhibit A of the franchise agreement. This exhibit lists the injection points which will be installed by Cox Cable, and the Subcommittee agreed that four changes are necessary. That ordinance will be considered by the Board later on this Agenda. o Directed the attorneys for the three localities to meet and return in 30 days with a draft operating agreement for the proposed television studio. This agreement, while less complex, would be similar to the agreements operating the Regional Airport and landfill. The Committee will meet again on Thursday, May 7 at 3:30 p.m. to review the draft agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no impact on the County's budget. Under the franchise agreement, Cox Cable agreed to provide the three governments with a capital grant of $480,000 to design and equip a government and education access studio. To date, Cox has paid $200,000 of this into an account which is being maintained by Roanoke County. The two character generators would be purchased from this account. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the appropriation of up to $10,000 from the Cox Cable Capital Fund for purchase of two character generators. 2. Do not authorize this appropriation. This alternative prevents Roanoke County from having access to Channel 17, which is already available for use by the local governments. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. ~-g ~~ nne Mari Green Public Information Officer ~~~- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (~) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) to approve Alternative #1 Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred Johnson x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance ~-8 Roanoke, Virginia April 7, 1992 Honorable Chairman Howard Musser and Members of the Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee Dear Cable Television Committee Members: Subject: Recommendations from the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee I. Background A. On September 25, 1991, at the first meeting of the expanded Regional Cable Television Committee, members were named to a variety of sub-committees including the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee. This committee was charged with investigating possible locations for a government/education studio site (referred to in the franchise agreement as the institutional studio), as well as looking into equipment needs and operating recommendations. B. Sub-Committee members are: Michelle Bono, chair, City of Roanoke; Anne Marie Green, Roanoke County; Mary Beth Layman, Vinton; Dr. Jane James, Roanoke County Schools; David Baker, Roanoke City Schools; Don Terp, County citizen; and Al Beckley, City citizen. C. Under the current franchise agreement, Cox Cable Roanoke will provide the three local governments with a capital grant of $480,000 to design and equip a govern- ment and education access studio. This is not to be used for the community studio, which Cox Cable must provide for public access. A check for the first $200,000 has been received and is being maintained in an interest bearing account by Roanoke County. An additional $100,000 is due May 31, 1992, an additional $100,000 is due May 31, 1993, and the final $80,000 is due May 31, 1994. D. In the original negotiations for a cable franchise agreement, it was anticipated that the three govern- ments would use the additional one percent of the franchise fee from Cox Cable Roanoke~to pay for salaries and operating expenses associated with running a government and education access studio. E. No operating expenses have been incurred to date. F. The Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee has been meeting since October 1991, on the following issues: ~-~ 2 1. Evaluating and recommending a system for character generation in order to be able to run government and school messages on the government access channel. Currently, Cox Cable has offered Channel 17 and Channel 2 as government access channels. Because Channel 2 currently carries C-Span, present plans are to only utilize Channel 17. 2. Evaluating and touring potential studio sites. 3. Talking with other Virginia governments operating access studios regarding policies, standard operating procedures and equipment. II. Current Situation A. At a Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee Meeting on March 13, 1992, the committee unanimously voted on the following recommendations to take back to the Roanoke Regional Cable Television Committee: 1. That bids be publicly advertised for two Texscan MSI Spectragen 3B High Performance Character Generators, plus necessary cable interconnect and a fax modem. One character generator would be maintained at the Roanoke County Administration Offices and the other at Cox Cable (head-in). Messages from the three governments and two schools would be sent to Roanoke County to be put into the system of running messages. Because only one channel is currently available on Cox Cable for government access, all messages would run on Cox Cable Channel 17. Estimated Cost: $7,000. The system could later be expanded and/or improved once the studio came on-line. 2. That four insertion points be changed in the franchise agreement to better meet the government and school needs. (See attached letter from Cox Cable.) 3. That because no operating expenses are expected to be incurred in the current fiscal year, that the additional one percent of the franchise fee not be set aside for operating expenses. Instead, the one percent franchise fee would be allocated for these purposes beginning in fiscal year 1992/1993. Cox Cable estimates the additional one percent to generate $180,000 in calendar year 1992, which equates approximately to $104,000 from the City of Roanoke, $62,000 from (1 Roanoke County, and $14,000 from Vinton. 3 4. That beginning immediately, the Cable Television Committee would begin a search for a government/ education access studio manager to begin work July 1, 1992. A job description will need to be developed. 5. That upon hiring the government/education access studio manager, direct that individual to work with the cable television committee to develop a request for proposals to procure a contract for engineering services for studio site selection and design. 6. That the five top recommendations for potential studio sites are: (In no particular order) Roanoke County Occupational School Jefferson High School Patrick Henry High School William Fleming/Rufner Breckinridge Middle School B. Any funds spent by the Cable Television Committee must be approved by all three governments. A next logical step would be to set up a reporting structure for the studio manager (i.e., how paid, reports to whom), and an initial operating budget to be approved by the three governments. C. A subcommittee or individual would have to be named to lead the job search for the cable studio manager. III. Issues A. Need B. Cost C. Timing IV. Alternatives A. Approve the recommendations of the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee. 1. Need for government/education access would be met. 2. Initial cost for equipment and studio would be paid by the initial $200,000 of the $480,000 capital grant from Cox Cable. Operating costs '' Q 4 would be covered by allocation of the additional one percent of the franchise fee from area governments, as previously discussed during franchise negotiations. 3. Timing is such that local governments need to plan for allocating the one percent franchise fee to be included in the fiscal year 1992/1993 budgets. In addition, Cox Cable has requested a decision on insertion points by April 10, 1992. B. Do not approve the recommendations of the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee. 1. Need for government/education access would go unmet. 2. Cost would not be an issue, however capital grant from Cox Cable would go unused, as it cannot be used for any other purpose. The additional one percent of the franchise fee would remain with local governments. 3. Timing would not be an issue. V. Recommendation Concur in Alternative A, thereby approving the recommenda- tions of the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee. Respectfully Submitted, L~c,~~.~ k~~°7LG' M. Michelle Bono, Chairman MMB:mp Attachment cc: Ms. Mary F. Parker, City Clerk Mr. Robert E. Glenn, Attorney, Roanoke Valley Cablevision, P.O. Box 2887, Roanoke, VA 24001 Mr. Bernard W. Langheim, General Manager, Roanoke Valley Cablevision, Inc., P.O. Box 13726, Roanoke, VA 24034 Mr. Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant.County Attorney, P.O. Box 29800, Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Mr. Wilburn C. Dibling, Jr., City Attorney Mr. Mark A. Williams, Assistant City Attorney Dr. Jane W. James, Supervisor, Library Media Center Services, Roanoke County Schools, 526 College Avenue, Salem, VA 24153 Cox Goble Roanoke. Inc. March 17, 1992 Cox Cable Roanoke. Inc. 1909 Salem Avenue S.W. P.O. Box 13728 Roanoke, Virginia 24036 Ms. Michelle Bono, Public Information Officer Chairman, CATV Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Room 364 Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Re: Franchise Agreement Lnstitutional Cable Distribution System Igjection Points Substitutions Dear Ms. Bono: 1~1~ ~8192~J?7~~ ~• G? ti y ~ ~~~ MAR 19Q2 y RECErYEp Crfy Manager's .U ~\ ~' Office `c/ i ~ G 7 ~, / / In the meeting on March 13,1992, the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee made a request to make changes/ substitutions in the Franchise Agreement with regard to injection points for the Institutional System. A list of the requested changes are attached. Please review this list for accuracy. We are very willing to accommodate the changes as requested; however, our concern is timing. The engineering and design of our system is presently underway to be upgraded to 450 MHz (62 channels capable). The fiber optics network for the Institutional System will be designed and constructed simultaneously with the system upgrade; therefore, enact locations are imperative. We will begin our construction May 4, 1992, with completion scheduled within thirty months. Our plans are to begin work in the Southwest portion of our system, from our headend to the system extremity. ~a Ms. Michelle Bono Page Two In order to not delay the system upgrade and enable us to meet the franchise requirements, we would respectively request approval for the injection point substitutions by April 10, 1992. Although this will require adjustments in our system design and engineering, we feel we can accommodate the changes as requested. The franchise agreements with each of the governments specify the location of the injection points and accordingly appear to require amendment to satisfy your request. We would not want to make the design changes if there were any chance that the governments would not approve the amendments. Perhaps your attorney should speak to our attorney, Bob Glenn, regarding the actions to be taken. We look forward in continuing to work very closely with you in this very important project. If I may be of further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Bernard W. Langheim Vice President /General Manager BWL/ sp Enclosure cc: Mr. Robert E. Glenn, Attorney -Glenn, Flippin, Feldmann & Darby Mr. Howard E. Musser, Chairman - Regional Cable Television Committee Mr. Johnny W. Benson, Plant Operations Manager - Coz cable Roanoke, Inc. ~-g INSTITUTIONAL CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INJECTION POINTS _ . EXHIBIT A 1) Va. Western Comm. College 12) Roanoke Civic Center 3095 Colonial Ave. 710 Williamson Rd. Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA 2) Patrick Henry High .School ~ 13) William Byrd High School 2102 Grandin Rd. 2902 Washington Ave. Roanoke, VA Vinton, VA 3) Governors School ~ 14J Roanoke County Career Center 2102 Grandin Rd. Old William Byrd High School Roanoke, VA Vinton, VA (Potential -Studio Location) 4) Roanoke City Main Library 15) Vinton War Memorial 706 Jefferson St. _ Vinton, VA Roanoke, VA 5) Roanoke Municipal Bldg./ 16) Vinton City Hall• Police Department 311 S. Pollard St. 215 Church Ave. Vinton, VA 309 - 3rd St. Roanoke, VA 6) Old Jefferson High School 17) Roanoke County Main Library 500 Block Campbell Ave. 3131 Electric Rd. Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA 7) Roanoke City School Admin. Bldg. 18) Hidden Valley Jr. High School 40 Douglas Ave. 4902 Hidden Valley School Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA 8) Roanoke Airport 19) South View Public Safety Main Terminal 3568 Peters Creek Rd. Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA 9) William Fleming High School 20) Roanoke County Admin. Bldg. 3649 Ferncliff Ave. Brambleton Ave. Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA 10) WBRA Public TV ~ 21) Cave Spring Rescue 1215 McNeil Dr. Brambleton Ave. Roanoke, VA Roanoke, VA 11) Raleigh Court Library 2112 Grandin Rd. Roanoke, VA ~~~EsTFfl ~~yFS - 3 - ~ae, ~4Z-r~.c,1+.w~E~-r ~l ~-a I~1tANCCBISE AG REQUESTED ('~ANGFS TO INJECTION FOINIS Exhibit A • Number 11 Cave Spring Junior High School 4880 Brambleton Ave., S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 • Number 13 William Byrd Middle School 2910 Washington Ave. Vinton, VA 24179 • Number 14 Roanoke County Occupational School 5937 Cove Road, N.W. Roanoke, VA 24019 • Number 21 Cave Spring Fire Station 4212 Old Cave Spring Rd., S.W. Roanoke, VA 24018 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-8 SETTING THE TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 1.13 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate and mobile homes classified by §§ 58.1-3200, 58.1-3201, and 58.1-3506.B of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution setting the real estate tax rate at $1.13, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~za.~.~. ~.~J Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment r ~ ~~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Adoption of Calendar Year the 1992 Real Estate Tax Rate for the COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMME NTS: ~,~ ~~-~'-"'~" ~ a/ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Real Estate Tax Rate for the twelve- month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, was advertised on March 23 and March 30, 1992 at $1.13 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The public hearing for citizen comment on the advertised tax rate was held on April 6, 1992. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the proposed budget for fiscal year 1992-93 is predicated on the current Real Estate Tax Rate, staff recommends that the Real Estate Tax Rate again be established at the rate of $1.13 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the calendar year 1992. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~ / Y or~ Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodge Director of Management County Administrator & Budget ---------------------------------------------- ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Kohinke Johnson Minnix Nickens r. ~9 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 1.13 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate and mobile homes classified by §§ 58.1-3200, 58.1-3201, and 58.1-3506.B of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. c:\wp5]\agenda\general\taxrnte.re AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-9 SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON ALL CLASSES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 3.50 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property, excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in §§ 58.1-3504 and 58.1-3505 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, but including the property separately classified by §§ 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502,.58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. 2. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County thQSe items of personal property set forth in § 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 3. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as ~. more fully defined by § 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution setting the personal property tax rate at $3.50 and the machiney and tools tax rate at $3.00, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget John Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Adoption of the Personal Property Tax Rate and Machinery and Tools Tax Rate for the Calendar Year 1992. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~,cc-r~~'-`^~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Personal Property Tax Rate for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, was advertised on March 23 and March 30, 1992 at $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The Machinery and Tools Tax Rate was also advertised on the above dates at $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The public hearing for citizen comment on the above advertised tax rates was held on April 6, 1992. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the proposed budget for fiscal year 1992-93 is predicated on the current Personal Property Tax Rate and Machinery and Tools Tax Rate, staff recommends that the Personal Property Tax Rate again be established at the rate of $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation and the Machinery and Tools Tax Rate at $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the calendar year 1992. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Reta R. Busher Elmer C. Hodge Director of Management County Administrator & Budget ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: Eddy Kohinke Johnson Minnix ,~_iU AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON ALL CLASSES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1992 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, be, and hereby is, set for a tx rate of 3.50 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property, excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in §§ 58.1-3504 and 58.1-3505 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, but including the property separately classified by §§ 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. 2. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in § 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 3. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1992, and ending December 31, 1992, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as r ~~i~ more fully defined by § 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. c:\wp51\agenda\genera!\taxrate.pp ACTION NO. ITEM NO . ~ "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE• AGENDA ITEM: Request for Work Session - Proposed Open Burning Ordinance COUNTY ADMINIST ATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County Attorney requests the Board of Supervisors to schedule a work session to consider the proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, rn. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. i-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: Request for Work Session - Proposed Noise Ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County Attorney requests the Board of Supervisors to schedule a work session to consider the proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, o~YM,'~ aul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix Vote No Yes Abs 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~s AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF A 0.680 ACRE PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE FOR PARKING FACILITIES AT THE ROANORE COUNTY COURTHOUSE AND JAIL COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : „„~ ,~~~'`°"'``~ -ct~~"'` EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY This ordinance would authorize the lease of a parcel of real estate for parking needs at the Roanoke County Courthouse and Jail. BACKGROUND' Over the past several months and with Board approval granted on November 19, 1991, County staff has been negotiating a lease of certain real estate located in the City of Salem and bounded by East Main Street, Craig Avenue, and Clay Street to provide parking facilities for employees and those with business to transact in the County Courthouse and Jail. As a result of these negotiations, this ordinance is submitted to the Board of Supervisors for consideration. SUNIIKARY OF INFORMATION § 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter requires that the acquisition of any interest in real estate be accomplished by ordinance. Statutory authority for this transaction is found in §§ 15.1-262 and 15.1-897 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The first reading of this ordinance will be held on April 14, 1992; the second reading will be held on April 28, 1992. This lease agreement identifies the real estate to be leased from William Watts and Elizabeth B. Watts for an initial five year term until April 30, 1997. The lease provides that the tenant shall have the option to extend the lease for an additional five (5) year term. This lease provides the County with a "right of first refusal" on any sale of the property. 1 G -i FISCAL IMPACTS' $750.00 per month ($9,000 per year), subject to annual appropriations. Staff recommends that the lease payments be made from the revenues derived from the Courthouse Maintenance fees. Annual rental increases based on Consumer Price Index Detailed Report for all urban consumers published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Any improvements that the County may make to this property shall remain the property of Roanoke County upon the termination of the lease. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~- ~~t ~ '~~~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens cc: Gardner Smith Reta Busher c:\wp51\agenda\realesc\watts.rp[ 2 . ~~i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE E%ECUTION OF A LEASE OF REAL ESTATE FOR PARKING FACILITIES AT THE ROANORE COUNTY COURTHOUBE AND JAIL BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the acquisition of any interest in real estate, which includes a lease of real estate, shall be accom- plished by ordinance and pursuant to the authority found in §§ 15.1-262 and 15.1-897 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County the first reading on this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on April 28, 1992, concerning the lease of real estate to meet parking needs at the Roanoke County Courthouse and Jail; and 3. That this lease is with William Watts and Elizabeth B. Watts of a tract of land containing approximately 0.680 acre for a term commencing the 1st day of May 1992, and ending the 30th day of April 1997, for an initial annual rental of $9,000.00 payable in equal monthly installments of $750.00; and 4. That the lease agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of this lease is incorporated herein by reference. 5. That this lease has been negotiated and awarded without competitive sealed bidding or competitive negotiation upon a determination that this parking space is the only parking space 1 G-~ practically available based upon the following factor: location and proximity to existing County courthouse and jail; and 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute this lease on behalf of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such other actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. c:\wps I ~agenda~reatesc\wacu.lae 2 G-~ This LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this -day of 1992, by and between WILLIAM WATTS and ELIZABETH B. WATTS, (hereinafter referred to as "Landlord"), and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant"), and ELMER C. HODGE, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, parry of the third part. WITNESSETH That for and in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The Landlord agrees to lease to the Tenant and the Tenant agrees to lease from the Landlord, in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, the following described premises owned by the Landlord, to-wit: That tract or parcel of real estate containing approximately 0.680 acre of land bounded by East Main Street, Craig Avenue, and Clay Street, as shown on a plat dated 3 April 1974 by David Dick & Associates. 2. The term of this lease shall be for a period of five (5) years, said term to commence 1 May 1992 and to continue until 30 April 1997. The Tenant shall have the option to renew this Lease for an additional successive five (5) year term commencing upon the expiration of the original five (5) year term and upon the same terms and conditions as the original lease. Said Lease may be renewed by providing written notice to the Landlord at 1272 Rockland Avenue, N.W., Roanoke, VA 24012 on or before the 31st day of January, 1997. 3. The Tenant shall pay as rent the sum of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) per month, payable each month in advance by Tenant to Landlord at 1272 Rockland Avenue, N.W., Roanoke, VA 24012 without demand therefor. The Tenant's G-i obligation to pay is subject to annual appropriations being made for such purpose by the governing body of the County of Roanoke. Every year from the date of this lease, the rental shall increase by the total annual increase reflected by the Consumer Price Index Detailed Report for all urban consumers published by the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in January of the anniversary year. 4. During the term of this lease, Landlord shall remain responsible for the payment of all taxes and assessments imposed on the premises. 5. It is understood and agreed by the parties that the premises shall, during the term of this lease, be used for the construction of certain improvements by the Tenant for the purpose of the parking or storage of motor vehicles. Any structures or other improvements placed upon the property by the Tenant shall remain the property of the Tenant and may be removed at any time prior to the expiration of this Agreement, but no such removal shall be deemed an abandonment or waiver of Tenant's rights under this Agreement. Tenant agrees not to install underground storage facilities for petroleum products on the property. 6. The Tenant has examined and knows the condition of the premises and has received same in good order and repair, and that no representation as to the condition or repair thereof has been made by the Landlord or the Agent of the Landlord, prior to or at the execution of this lease that are not expressed herein. The premises shall be returned to the Landlord at the expiration of this lease in good condition and state of repair, ordinary wear and tear allowed for. 7. During the term of this Lease, Tenant will provide and pay for all utilities 2 G-I which may be necessary to Tenant for the reasonable and proper use and enjoyment of the demised premises by the Tenant. Landlord agrees to grant such approvals to the utility companies as may be necessary for the installation of utility services. 8. The Tenant covenants that it shall, during the term of this lease, keep in full force and effect a policy of public liability insurance in an amount not less than $1,000,000, or such self-insurance as maybe authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 9. The Landlord covenants and represents that he has the full and complete ownership of the leased premises; that he has the full power and right to execute this lease and to perform the obligations hereunder; that no private restrictions exist with respect to the said premises or the use thereof; that no one, exclusive of the Landlord and Tenant and their respective successors in interest, has any interest in or claim against the leased premises; and that the proposed use of the leased premises by the Tenant is lawful and permissible under all laws and regulations. 10. In the event that the Landlord intents to sell the leased premises, the sale and conveyance thereof will be made subject to the provisions of this lease. Landlord hereby grants to the Tenant the right of fast refusal on any sale of the leased premises. Any proposed sale of the lease premises will be submitted to the Tenant, and Tenant shall have the right to purchase the leased premises on the same terms and conditions as the proposed purchaser. All such proposals of any kind shall be presented to Tenant in writing and Tenant shall have thirty (30) days upon which to enter into a contract with Landlord to purchase said premises upon the same terms and conditions as 3 G-~ the proposed purchaser. 11. The Landlord acknowledges that no real estate agent was involved in this transaction and agrees to hold the Tenant harmless for any claim for a commission by reason of any action on their part. 12. This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the parties and may not be modified or changed except by written instrument executed by the parties. 13. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, personal representatives, successors, and assigns. 14. This Lease Agreement is executed by the County Administrator of Roanoke County and is subject to the approval of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: i WILLIAM WATTS -~~'~ ELIZ ETH B. WATTS BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By. 4 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator G-i Approved as to form: Paul M. Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney State of Virginia, ~'' ~~ of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ .j day of ~c L~=~ 1992, by William Watts and Elizabeth B. Watts. ~, ~ Notary P lic My Commission Expires: // ' ~3c' _ ~l%S_ State of Virginia, County of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -day of 1992, by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 5 !, ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ " AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE ENACTING SEC. 13-5.1, TRANSPORTING A LOADED RIFLE OR SHOTGUN; SEC. 13-5.2, PROHIBITING HUNTING OR TRAPPING NEAR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HIGHWAYS; SEC. 13-5.3, PROHIBITING HUNTING NEAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND COUNTY, TOWN OR REGIONAL PARKS; AND SEC. 13-5.4, PROHIBITING POSSESSION OF LOADED FIREARMS IN CERTAIN CASES, OF CHAPTER 13, OFFENSES- MISCELLANEOUS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /~ //a ,.~ ~~c-t~c~~m.~~r~' a40 "~~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: These additions to the County Code will improve the ability of County Police to deal with weapons possessed by juveniles upon or near County schools, parks and other public places. This ordinance should encourage responsible use and transportation of firearms. BACKGROUND• The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries recently notified localities of the need to reenact certain ordinances regarding the use of firearms while hunting as a result of recodification of portions of state law by the General Assembly. A recent tragic incident in a near-by jurisdiction focused public attention on the County's authority to regulate the transportation of loaded rifles and shotguns on the public highways. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance adds the four following sections to the County code, as follows: 1. Sec. 13-5.1 prohibits individuals, with certain excep- tions, from having a loaded shotgun or rifle in their vehicle while on a public street or road. This prohibition does not apply to police officers or military personnel on duty. 2. Sec. 13-5.2 prohibits hunting within 100 yards of a road or trapping with 50 feet of a road. This section parallels § 18.2-286 of the Code of Virginia which prohibits discharging a firearm along or within 100 yards of a road. 3. Sec. 13-5.3 prohibits hunting or shooting or possessing a 1, G-~. a loaded firearm within 100 yards of a public school or County park. 4. Sec. 13-5.4 prohibits minors from carrying or having in their possession a loaded firearm in any public place or highway. FISCAL IMPACTS• None. ALTERNATIVES• 1. Add these sections to the County's Miscellaneous Offenses. 2. Leave enforcement of possession of loaded firearms to state code provisions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1 and the adoption of this Ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Jo ph Obenshain S for ssistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs /jbo ~. ~-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE ENACTING SEC 13-5.1, TRANSPORTING A LOADED RIFLE OR SHOTGUN; SEC 13-5.2, PROHIBITING HUNTING OR TRAPPING NEAR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HIGHWAYS; SEC. 13-5.3, PROHIBITING HUNTING NEAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND COUNTY, TOWN OR REGIONAL PARKS; AND SEC 13- 5.4, PROHIBITING POSSESSION OF LOADED FIREARMS IN CERTAIN CASES, OF CHAPTER 13, OFFENSES- MISCELLANEOUS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia has recently repealed and reenacted certain sections of the Code of Virginia pertaining to authority of local governing bodies to prohibit certain activities involving the transporting of firearms and hunting in certain locations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to adopt certain ordinances to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens against improper hunting activities in close proximity to highways, schools and parks or with weapons which unreasonably increase the risk of injury to innocent by-standers; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on April 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 13-5.1. Transporting a loaded rifle or shotgun. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to transport, possess or carry a loaded shotgun or loaded rifle in any vehicle on any 1 G-a public street, road or highway in the county. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). (c) This section shall not apply to duly authorized law- enforcement officers or military personnel in the performance of their lawful duties, nor to any person who reasonably believes that a loaded rifle or shotgun is necessary for his personal safety in the course of his employment or business. [,State law reference, § 18.2-287.1]. Sec. 13-5.2. Prohibiting hunting or trapping near primary and secondary highways. (a) It shall be unlawful to hunt any game bird or game animal while on or within one hundred (100) yards of any primary or secondary highway in the county. (b) It shall be unlawful to trap any game animal or furbearing animal within fifty (50) feet of the shoulder of any primary or secondary highway in the county. This shall not prohibit such trapping where the written permission of the landowner is obtained. (c) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 3 misdemeanor. (d) For purposes of this section, the terms "hunt" and "trap" shall not include the necessary crossing of highways for the bona fide purpose of going into or leaving a lawful hunting or trapping area. [State law authority, § 29.1-526] 2 ~ `~ sec. 13-5.3. Prohibiting hunting near public schools and county, town or regional parks. (a) It shall be unlawful to shoot or hunt, or to traverse an area while in possession of a loaded firearm, within one hundred (100) yards of any property line of any public school or of a county, town or regional park. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 4 misdemeanor. (c) This section shall not be enforced on lands within a national or state park or forest, or wildlife management area. [State law authority, § 29.1-527] sec. 13-5.4. Prohibiting possession of loaded firearms in certain cases. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) to carry or have in his possession a loaded firearm while in any public place or upon any public highway. (b) This section shall not apply to a person (i) in his own home or curtilage thereof, (ii) acting at the time in lawful defense of persons or property, (iii) engaged in lawful hunting, nor (iv) engaged in marksmanship practice at established ranges. (c) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the weapon may be forfeited to the Commonwealth pursuant to the provisions of § 18.2-310. [State law authority, § 18.2-287.3]. 3 ~-a 2. The Clerk of this Board is directed to notify the Director of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries of the adoption of this ordinance by registered mail prior to May 1, 1992. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after May 1, 1992. c:\wp51\agenda\code\firearm.ord 4 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: To Vacate a 10 and 15 Located on Tracts 10 and 11, Jamison Plat Book 2, Page 21, Situated in th COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: foot Public Utility Easements Industrial Park, Recorded in e Hollins Magisterial District The petitioner, Mr. Dallas T. Byrd, is requesting that the Board of Supervisors vacate the public utility easements. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Mr. Dallas T. Byrd's request involves vacation of a 10 foot public utility easement which is located on the common boundary line of tracts 10 and 11, and a 15 foot public utility easement along the southerly boundary line of tracts 10 and 11 as shown on the attached map. Mr. Dallas T. Byrd has made this request in order that he may remove the encumbrance on his property. Roanoke County staff is requesting that the above described public utility easements be vacated in accordance with Chapter 11, Title 15.1-482(b), Code of Virginia, 1950, amended, by the adoption of the attached Ordinance. The county staff and public utility companies have no objections. The first reading of the proposed ordinance is to be held on April 14, 1992; public hearing and second reading is scheduled for April 28, 1992. ~"~'"' STAFF RECOMMENDATION County Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed Ordinance to vacate the reference public utility easements and instruct the County Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ` ~ 77y Arnold Covey,` Directo Elmer C. Hodge of Engineering & Insp ctions County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred Kohinke To Minnix Nickens pc: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney VOTE No Yes Abs 2 .,.yirgf i ~, far' ,S ~~/ ~ t )1, u fNy[ fNA- ~~~ ' ~ .. ,=+~s`Rv ~._ ` M`f--~P~_~ ~q+."~`N p„ c,r.n ~~ ~F~ \qf P`'`O~ ,~ ~v~" .rS ..'`~. ,/ ~'FQ' j „p. 4 ~ ~OGC f :1 .Y C _ro ~) ~ g ; QED b ( y P E lr `~ .t Hf ~ ri O '~of.,f o` J~ .tom 5. '^i ~ ' l E (FS ! \ `y,I~J~MEROC.IN ~iM 0 O ? ) Imo. r ~x ~j C y M ~~ \ rf ~_ (~~~l~y(~~~•~,,~~' ' ~~ VICINITY 1KAP ~ ~ ~ }-- ~Mn.. ' anc 1 G ~9~tJ ~ \y~ 1 P~ (; -3 V NORTB ....~.~. i1 / ~ / ~ ~-~ / lo' P u E. a~ 2 / ` ~,~.P',µoY 1.41Ac ~ ~ 6 ~` / ~ ? I.30Ac (O) / ? 525 / 1.62 Ac (C) o I ~a ~ 71oj 7561 VACATE / ~ ' (a: ~,,. `9 °~= ,Ac ~ ~ 5 0 s • ~f~ I.84 Ac r ~ / o / 2 • ~ ' Y / a P.U.E 15 ~A 8 Boo~is~ Gnwcn ~ O Si/~ / 7669 1` °r / ~1 n ~ _ -, 1 53Ac 7J13 ~1 M ~ t s~ 1S, n 0 ~~ s~ t ~ • \ P ~/ /~ TO VACATE A 10 S 15 FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED ON BNGu'BBRINV TRACTS 10 AND 11, JAMISON INDUSTRIAL PARK, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 21, SITUATED IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 3 °` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE VACATING 10-FOOT AND 15-FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS LOCATED ON TRACTS 10 AND 11, JAMISON INDUSTRIAL PARK, (PB 2, PAGE 21), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Engineering Staff has requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia to vacate a 10-foot public utility easement and a 15-foot public utility easement located on Tracts 10 and 11, Jamison Industrial Park Hollins Magisterial District as shown in Plat Book 2, at page 21 of record in the Clerk's Office of the Roanoke County Circuit Court; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.1-482 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, requires that such action be accomplished by the adoption of an ordinance by the governing body; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by Section 15.1-431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and a first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on April 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a 10-foot public utility easement located along the lot line between Tracts 10 and 11, Jamison Industrial Park, and a 15-foot public utility easement located along the southeast lot lines of Tract 10 and 11, Jamison Industrial Park, Hollins Magiste- rial District of record in Plat Book 2, at page 21, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and hereby are, vacated pursuant to Section 15.1-482(b) of the 1950 ~. Code of Virginia, as amended; and, 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. 3. That Roanoke County shall record a certified copy of this ordinance with the Clerk of the Circuit Court and shall pay all fees required to accomplish this transaction and in addition, shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated herewith. c:\wp51\agenda\vacatbn~jamison A ACTION # ITEM NUMBER • AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 SUBJECT: Ordinance Authorizing Amendment to Exhibit A of Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Cox Cable Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~`~~`"J~l~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee of the Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee has met and reviewed the franchise agreement and its Exhibits. Exhibit A, pertaining to Injection Points (those places where live programming may be injected into the Cox Cable System), did not meet the needs of the Subcommittee, which has recommended the following changes: o Number 11, Raleigh Court Library, should be changed to Cave Spring Junior High School. The City agreed that it does not need live capacity at this library, since that capacity would be available next door at Patrick Henry High School, while the County School system believes that this location would be convenient for use by its staff and students. o Number 13, William Byrd High School, should be changed to William Byrd Junior High. This was apparently a mistake in the original Exhibit. o Number 14, Roanoke County Career Center, should be changed to Roanoke County Occupational School. The Career Center had been considered as a studio site at the time the Exhibit was prepared; however, the Subcommittee has agreed that the Occupational School would be more appropriate, as it has more available suitable space. o Number 21, Cave Spring Rescue, should be changed to Cave Spring Fire Department. Live capability is not needed at Cave Spring Rescue, due to its proximity to the Administration G-`f Center. The Cave Spring Fire Department, however, has a generator which would allow broadcasting capability even during a power failure in that portion of the County. A copy Exhibit A, with the proposed changes is attached. The Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee agreed unanimously to these changes. It is recommended that the changes be made now, because Cox Cable is in the process of designing the remainder of its system for Southwest County, and the change in injection points will be cost-free if included in the original plans. If the injection points are changed at a later time, Cox would charge for the additional design and labor necessary to make the changes. FISCAL IMPACT: If these changes are made at the present time, there is no fiscal impact. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Enact the attached ordinance amending Exhibit A of the Cable Television Franchise Agreement. This will change the injection points to those recommended by the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee. 2. Do not enact the attached ordinance. This will carry a cost if the changes need to be made in the future. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. ~~ll~t ~uJ o-z, Anne Marie Green Elmer C. Hodge Public Information Officer County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION VOTE Motion by: No Yes Abs Eddy Kohinke Johnson Minnix Nickens cc: File Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer Paul Mahoney, County Attorney G-Y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE AIITHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROANORE VALLEY CABLE TELEVISION ORDINANCE, BY AMENDING E%IBIT A OF THE CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FOR CHANGES IN CERTAIN INSTITIITIONAL CABLE DISTRIBIITION SYSTEM INJECTION POINTS WHEREAS, on April 23, 1991,the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia adopted Ordinance No. 42391-15, which enacted the Roanoke Valley Cable Television Ordinance for Roanoke County, and which authorized the County Administrator to execute the Cable Television Franchise Agreement on behalf of the County; and, WHEREAS, the Equipment and Facilities Subcommittee of the Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Televison Committee recommends that Exhibit A of the Cable Television Franchise Agreement be amended to change certain injection points as provided therein; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Regional Television Committee unanimously agrees with and recommends these changes to the local governments parties to this agreement; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on April 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: 1) That the Roanoke Valley Cable Television Ordinance, Ordinance No. 42391-15, adopted on April 23, 1991, is hereby amended, including the Cable Television Franchise Agreement, and that the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute an amended franchise agreement and such other documents as may be G-Y necessary to accomplish the purposes of this ordinance. 2) That the amendment authorized by this ordinance pertains to Exhibit A of the Cable Television Franchise Agreement, and the identification of certain Institutional Cable Distribution System Injection Points (those places where live programming may be injected into the Cox Cable System). Exhibit A, with amendments, is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3) That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after April 28, 1992. C:\WP51 WGENDA\CA'MAMEND G-Y INSTITUTIONAL CABLE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INJECTION POINTS EXHIBIT A 1) Va. Western Comm. College 11) 3095 Colonial Avenue ~ ~ ~ ^ ^-~----a ~ -- ^~---~ Roanoke, Virginia 2) Patrick Henry High School 2102 Grandin Road Roanoke, Virginia 3) Governors School 2102 Grandin Road Roanoke, Virginia 4) Roanoke City Main Library 706 Jefferson Street Roanoke, Virginia Cave Spring Junior High School 4880 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 12) Roanoke Civic Center 710 Williamson Road Roanoke, Virginia 13) 5) Roanoke Municipal Bldg./ Police Department 215 Church Avenue 309 3rd Street Roanoke, Virginia 6) Old Jefferson High School 500 Block Campbell Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 7) Roanoke City School Admin. Bldg. 40 Douglas Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 8) Roanoke Airport Main Terminal Roanoke, Virginia 9) William Fleming High School 3649 Ferncliff Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 10) WBRA Public TV 1215 McNeil Drive Roanoke, Virginia William Byrd Middle School 2910 Washington Avenue Vinton, Virginia 24179 l- Roanoke County Occ. School 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, Virginia 15) Vinton War Memorial Vinton Virginia 16) Vinton City Hall 311 S. Pollard St. Vinton, Virginia 17) Roanoke County Main Library 3131 Electric Road Roanoke, Virginia 18) Hidden Valley Jr. High 4902 Hidden Valley School Road Roanoke, Virginia r 19) Southview Public 3568 Peters Creek Roanoke, Virginia Safety Center Road 20) Roanoke County Admin. Bldg. Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 21) ~ ~e~e~~e~tre Cave Spring Fire Dept. Old Cave Spring Road Roanoke, Virginia p~ ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO . ~ _S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF CERTAIN PENAL- TIES IMPOSED FOR THE FAILURE TO FILE TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REFUNDS OR TO PAY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES, ERRONEOUSLY PAID OR ASSESSED COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : G ~~~~i2'~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This proposed ordinance implements the refund of tangible personal property tax penalties, as directed by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on March 24, 1992. BACKGROUND' In April of 1990 a dispute arose concerning the method of assessing late filing penalties for personal property tax returns. After a report from staff, the Board declined to take any action on this matter or on any request for refund. In January of 1992 the Board revisited this matter. Several opinions of the Attorney General have been considered. On March 24, 1992, the Board directed staff to prepare an ordinance to provide for refunds to individuals petitioning for refunds. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This proposed ordinance implements the direction of the Board in accordance with Section 58.1-3990 of the State Code. It authorizes the refund of certain penalties imposed upon the failure to file tangible personal property returns and penalties imposed upon the failure to pay assessed tangible personal property taxes for the tax years 1989, 1990, and 1991. These refunds would apply only to those identified penalties and only where the minimum $10.00 penalty was greater than the penalty of 10~ of the tax due.. No refund or exoneration of these penalties shall be issued G-s unless specifically requested in writing by the taxpayer. This refund shall also include any interest assessed by the County and actually paid by the taxpayer, but does not include interest on the penalty. FISCAL IMPACTS• $11,300 is the estimated amount of refunds for the tax year 1990. The County does not have computerized data for prior tax years. The County has approximately 40,000 personal property taxpayers; 5595 were assessed late filing penalties; 1350 of these taxpayers may be affected by this refund ordinance; 880 could receive refunds greater than $5.00. Staff estimates that 1.5 additional employees would be required in the offices of the Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, and Finance Department to review and verify the records and prepare appropriate refunds. Staff has no estimate for administrative overhead costs (postage, envelopes, correspondence, etc.). Since the number and timing of petitions for refunds are unknown, staff will return to the Board at a later date for a supplemental appropriation to fund these additional costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This ordinance is submitted to the Board for its considera- tion. Respectfully submitted, /'\(~ n, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers vote No Yes Abs c:\wp51 \agenda\code\pprefut~d. rpt ~.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF CERTAIN PENALTIES IMPOSED FOR THE FAILURE TO FILE TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX REFUNDS OR TO PAY PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES, ERRONEOUSLY PAID OR ASSESSED. WHEREAS, Section 58.1-3990 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended authorizes the governing body of any city or county to provide by ordinance for the refund of any local taxes or classes or taxes erroneously paid; and, WHEREAS, it appears that certain penalties imposed for the failure to file tangible personal property returns or penalties imposed for the failure to pay tangible personal property may have been erroneously assessed; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County intents to adopt an ordinance to provide for the refund of erroneously assessed penalties; and, WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992, and the second reading on this ordinance was held on April 28, 1992. BE IT BE ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AS FOLLOWS: 1. That pursuant to the authority found in Section 58.1-3990 the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended there is hereby authorized the refund of certain penalties imposed upon the failure to file tangible personal property returns and penalties imposed upon the failure to pay assessed tangible personal property taxes for the tax years 1989, 1990, and 1991. 2. That this refund ordinance for personal property tax G.5 penalty shall apply only to those penalties assessed on tangible personal property and where the minimum ten dollar penalty was greater than the penalty of ten percent of the tax due. Further this ordinance shall apply to those penalties imposed by Section 21-16 (b) and Section 21-18 (b) of the Roanoke County Code, before their amendment by Ordinance 12490-3. 3. That no refund or exoneration shall be issued to a taxpayer unless specifically requested in writing by the taxpayer. That if the penalty has not been paid, then the taxpayer/applicant shall be exonerated from payment of so much of the penalty as is erroneous. The Commissioner of the Revenue is authorized to accept written applications for refunds or exonerations from taxpayers who believe that they may be entitled to such refund or exoneration, and that the Treasurer is authorized to refund or exonerate amounts erroneously paid upon certification by the Commissioner of the Revenue, together with interest actually paid thereon. 4. That in determining whether or not a penalty was erroneously assessed or paid, the Commissioner of the Revenue shall be guided by the June 19, 1990 and March 12, 1992 opinions of the Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Virginia and Ordinance 12490-3. 5. That the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is hereby directed to publish a notice of this ordinance and the procedures necessary to apply for a refund or exoneration of erroneously assessed penalties in the Roanoke Times & World News. c:\wp51\agenda\code\pprefund.o~d tl AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE 41492-10 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 29.634 ACRES OF LAND FROM APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT WHEREAS, in order to construct a water treatment plant, staff has located a site near the reservoir, consisting of 29.634 acres in the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County, presently owned by the Appalachian Power Company; and WHEREAS, staff has negotiated the purchase of said property from Appalachian Power Company for the sum of $89,900.00, being the estimated fair market value based upon an appraisal; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 24, 1992; the second reading was held on April 14, 1992. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to acquire from Appalachian Power Company a 29.634-acre tract of land, identified as a portion of Tax Map No. 72.02-02-03, for an amount not to exceed $89,900.00, which shall be paid out of the funds available from the Water Treatment Plant project budget. 2. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /V Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance r' ~~ .~ ACTION # ITEM NUMBER / /''iI AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: SECOND READING OF AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 29.634 ACRES OF LAND FROM APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~,~~,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,~~,~~ ~, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is the second reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize acquisition of a parcel of land, consisting of 29.634 acres from Appalachian Power Company as the site for construction of the water treatment plant. BACKGROUND• On November 19, 1991, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors authorized staff to proceed to secure an option for this land, subject to testing and approval by the Board of Supervisors. The first reading of this ordinance was held on March 24, 1992. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Appalachian Power Company (APCO) is the owner of a tract of land, consisting of 29.634 acres, located along Rt. 460, 2, 000 feet north of the Spring Hollow Reservoir site. Said tract is shown on a plat entitled "Boundary Survey for County of Roanoke," a copy of which is attached hereto. It is a portion of the property designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 72.02-02-03. Staff has negotiated with APCO for the purchase of this site for the water treatment plant and an agreement has been reached, subject to Board approval, to acquire the property for the sum of $89,900.00. An appraisal has been obtained from Dewey R. Robertson and Associates of the estimated fair market value for proposed acquisition, which provided the basis for the proposed purchase price. y_! An Environmental Hazard Assessment has been completed for this property by HDH Technical, Inc. The assessment does not identify any environmental hazards relative to this property. A sub-surface investigation of the property indicates acceptable soils to a depth of 40 feet as determined by fifteen (15) test borings on the property. The 29.634 acre tract is suitable for use as a site for the water treatment plant and associated facilities. FISCAL IMPACT' Funds are available for the purchase of this property from the Water Treatment Plant project budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the ordinance after the second reading authorizing the acquisition of the tract of land, consisting of 29.634 acres, from Appalachian Power Company as the site for construction of the water treatment plant for the sum of $89,900.00. SUBMITTED BY: Cliffor C aig, P.E. Utility Director Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION APPROVED: ~~' 0 V ~~~ Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ~ - ~,~ ~ I h„~0~ ' '.•< ` I ~~ o ° ~"~ "' ~< omr - q II '~1o `l .~ 1 S e1`- / ~ p zw ~p <o 0 zz °~i H~ ° O O z 'o In O z I3 c ~B3 b a ~~~ tf. a/~ U tJ r jp ~1 T « ~~~'~~jx ~° 7m~ ~ n° ~ Q Y p o~ oK N rc S ° n l u~ VIa p 4 j N O p _ J ~ ` ~ k ~ ob ~ '~Nyd CO~ZO~~d Z ~0 gtQ ~ZZZN ~< °'^<Fi<7doY ~ b °~- ~ ~- ih ~_ w > ~~O r'~u pz C ~ \ ~ ~ O2 9 ~'3M0 C Oryk ,0 dN -i p0 ~-p~Uw gsWZ ~ ^ Z ~WS~g> '°~ 'FM1m~~~.-~ 2 0 o (C <n CQV S~ ~~ ~`~ Lti a m5 ''m: n° r \~ \ `` b ~tcy~ lN~ o } ~ ~bd ~ b~bd 1_nm = ~>°~~~~oa ~ ~ <° ~~_ w a ~ I!,u O .~\ ~ O O ~~ U ' ~ \ pj~.i°~UQo ~ > ~ N U W O~ U ~ U• p `S y{T NNW 8W !!! .~ ~ ; \ n ~ L.+ o .: rl n 0 garner \~~ \W Y 1 Or mo_ W 7 Z O ~~ ~ . nY KJU ~ ZO `,~ S g O O< ~ h .OI~6- 8 7 H ~ 7 vi ~ zn O ..j ~ V z~ ~ U W WW2 W n < ; ° ~: ~ ~F Uy~~ 2 m K J W ° 4 l4 ' U~ ~7 ; Z y j y j Y ~; ~ . 3 i m ~ W mN 1 p $ O~HNn Vj Y . N °~ON ~ W CZ ~ Q 00~ ~n 1 W 1 1 ~ CJU i fA U ~ > ~ ~ 3 In m~ ~ m ~~ m°~ ~~ O °~ N Qj m z ~ N ° O C (\) '~ m ~SU (D ' C~ d W ' I I ~ tb C N W • O. .' w N G ~ O~ ~ ~ Q _ iN W / I ~ LL / \ i ~ ~ / r> ~ \ fl C O ! ~ ' 176 5 ~ ~ ~ j _ 5 ~ ~} ~/ IN ~~ ~ / = ~I ~c~ ~ a'~ I ~ °~~ ~ ' ~ ° ~ a / ` / \ ~ ~ ce~'~ e~` ~ U7 y 5 o i ~ ~ ~ bf ~,~~ ~ /~ Z ~~P~ G ~~' ~ ~ j .ry 8 ~ s ~ ~ am ~ Q ~ ~~ yy .. P n < 1~~' Z U W W ~_ / ; 1 \ U W J \\ / , ^ ;~ kn 13 , ao,~0 ~ c ' ~ d ~ ~ u ^' i ~ a ~ ~ d p ~ 1 ~S - - -'~ \ ,- ,_, -- SEA R ~~ RiW V ~ ~ _~\ \ ~ \ ~ . .o ~- ~ I ~ I / ~~ i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 29.634 ACRES OF LAND FROM APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT WHEREAS, in order to construct a water treatment plant, staff has located a site near the reservoir, consisting of 29.634 acres in the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County, presently owned by the Appalachian Power Company; and WHEREAS, staff has negotiated the purchase of said property from Appalachian Power Company for the sum of $89,900.00, being the estimated fair market value based upon an appraisal; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 24, 1992; the second reading was held on April 14, 1992. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to acquire from Appalachian Power Company a 29.634-acre tract of land, identified as a portion of Tax Map No. 72.02-02-03, for an amount not to exceed $89,900.00, which shall be paid out of the funds available from the Water Treatment Plant project budget. 2. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. c:\wp51\agenda\realest\apco AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-11 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 14, 1992, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - March 10, 1992, March 24, 1992. 2. Request for Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Larson Oaks. 3. Request for Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Windemere. 4. Acknowledgement from VDOT of the acceptance of the following roads in Secondary System: 0.06 miles of Blueberry Ridge Drive; 0.12 miles of Praline Place 0.31 miles of Buckland Mill Road; 0.09 miles of Copper Circle; 0.09 miles of Past Times Lane; 0.22 miles of Huntridge Road; 0.06 miles of Golden Circle and 0.06 miles of Louise Circle 5. Request for approval of a Tip Board Raffle Permit from Roanoke Moose Lodge 284. 6. Request for approval of Raffle Permit from Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution with the addition of Item 6 and removal of Item 2 for a separate vote, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Nickens to approve Item 2, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: ~. .J Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Cliff Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections March 10, 1992 j-- __ ~ `'{ ,, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 10, 1992 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 1992. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Sr., Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; John R. Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator; Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Information Officer March 10, 1992 a ~. ~ w carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLOTION 31092-1 OF APPRECIATION TO TAE ROANORE MOOSE LODGE #284 FOR DONATION OF A VEHICLE TO THE MASON COVE FIRE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 has provided a variety of benefits to the people of Roanoke County, and in particular to the residents of the Catawba Valley; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 recently donated a utility vehicle to the Mason Cove Fire Department; and WHEREAS, the new vehicle will allow the Mason Cove Fire Department personnel to respond more efficiently to fire and disaster scenes, by providing transportation to a number of firefighters along with the necessary gear for emergency situations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of Roanoke County, does hereby extend its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the ROANORE MOOSE LODGE #284 for their generosity and community service to the residents of the Catawba Valley. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 2. Resolution of Anoreciation Orson the Retirement of Hetty March 10, 1992 e =`i :.° . y improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to BETTY M. LIICAS for twenty-nine years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FIIRTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None IN RE: NEW BIISINESS 1. Recuest for Reconsideration of County Position on APCO Power Line. (REOIIESTED BY SIIPERVISOR NICRENS) A-31092-3 Supervisor Nickens moved to reconsider the vote at the February 25, 1992 meeting. The motion was denied by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Nickens NAYS: Supervisor Kohinke, Minnix, Eddy Following a discussion about the appropriateness of the motion, Supervisor Nickens moved that the matter be brought back for debate. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: March 10, 1992 but expressed his concern that the County was asked to contribute after the project was established. He also expressed his concern that the County does not make provisions for citizens to dispose of household hazardous waste on a weekly on-going basis. Chairman Eddy requested that Mr. Hodge bring back a report on how County citizens can dispose of household waste on a regular basis. 3. Presentation of 1992-94 Economic Development Strateq~ Director of Economic Development Tim Gubala advised that the economic development strategy examines six economic opportunity areas with proposed recommendations, and presents a tourism strategy. The six areas are: (1) I-81 corridor; (2) Hollins Road Industrial Area; (3) Route 460 East Corridor; (4) West County (5) Explore Project Area; and (6) Southwest County/419 Corridor. Mr. Gubala requested that the Board adopt the strategy by resolution at the next meeting. Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file the report and set a work session to discuss the strategy before adoption of the budget. The motion carried by the following unanimous voice vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 4. Presentation of Proposed Zoninq ordinances. Mr. Harrington presented copies of the proposed 1992 Zoning March 10, 1992 IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Buildinc Code Board of Adiustments and Appeals Supervisor Johnson nominated Robert A. Williamson to another four-year term which will expire April 13, 1996. Supervisor Eddy nominated Larry Lester to become a regular member for a four-year term which will expire April 27, 1996. Supervisor Eddy nominated Richard E. Evans to become an alternate member replacing Larry Lester whose term will expire July 25, 1994. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-31092-5 Supervisor Kohinke moved to approve the Consent Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 31092-5 APPROVING AND CONCIIRRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE HOARD OF SIIPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: March 10, 1992 r Cox Cable facilities. Supervisor Minnix: Reported on attempts to resolve the off- street parking of students at Cave Spring High School. Supervisor Nickens: Invited everyone to attend the May 2, 1992 Annual Dogwood Festival in Vinton. The theme this year is "It's A Small World". Supervisor Eddy: (1) Advised that he supported Mr. Hodge's proposed changes in the County's administrative structure. (2) Advised that a commission headed by Granger Macfarlane will hold a discussion on the Dillon Rule, on April 14, 1992, at Virginia Western Community College. Mr. Hodge and Mr. Mahoney advised that they will attend and are working on a presentation. (3) Advised that County Government Day will be held on April 4, 1992 at Tanglewood Mall. (4) Requested that Supervisor Nickens ask the Social Services Board to reconsider the commodity surplus food program which was eliminated in 1990. IN RE: CITIZENB~ COMMENTS AND COMMIINICATIONS Mr. Charles Thornton, 1007 Barrens Village Court. was concerned that local self government is disappearing. Chairman Eddy and Supervisor Johnson answered several questions from Mr. Thornton about the relationship between Roanoke County and the State government. IN RE: REPORTS ~~ March 10, 1992 ~~ ~ .:_ according to present State funding information, the County will receive $200,000 less while the Schools will receive an increase of $2.8 million and a $200,000 maintenance supplement. The Schools will also receive an estimated $400,000 revenue from the tobacco tax. She reported that the library will receive 95~ of its requested funding and there will be a slight increase in the amount for the Police Department. Ms. Busher distributed a budget calendar. She advised that the public hearing scheduled for April 7th will have to rescheduled for .April 6th at 7:00 p.m. due to a conflict with the Planning Commission public hearing on the proposed 1992 Zoning Ordinance previously scheduled for April 7th. Ms. Busher advised that the school budget will be presented at the School Board Meeting on March 12, 1992, and to the Board on March 24, 1992. Supervisor Johnson and Supervisor Nickens requested that a copy of the School Board presentation be provided to each supervisor as soon as possible. There was a discussion concerning the possibility of a bond issue referendum being held in November, and the Schools' suggestion of issuing bonds through the Virginia Public School Authority. 2. yircinia state Games Mr. Hodge reported on the meeting that he attended in Richmond on March 6, 1992, concerning the Virginia State Games. He advised that the Governor's Commission and National Congress on Youth March 10, 1992 ~~ IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF EBECIITIVE SESSION R-31092-6 At 5:55 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to return to Open Session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None RESOLIITION 31092-6 CERTIFYING E%ECIITIVE MEETING WA8 HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or ,~~ - 1 March 24, 1992 ~ ~ ~~ -~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 24, 1992 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 1992. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don M. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Information Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend Dr. Michael Nevling, Colonial Presbyterian Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. March 24, 1992 ~ .. i ,~ ~~ of major projects which will serve Roanoke County into the 21st Century; among them the Smith Gap Landfill, and the County's water supply; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hubbard has consistently worked with the citizens of the County to plan and improve those projects through organizations such as the Citizens Landfill Advisory Committee which received numerous awards; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hubbard has now accepted the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, where he will be responsible for the construction and operation of the regional Smith Gap Landfill. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on its own behalf, and on behalf of the citizens and staff of Roanoke County, does hereby express appreciation to JOHN R. HIIBBARD for his many years of dedication and service to Roanoke County; and FIIRTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors extends its sincere congratulations to Mr. Hubbard on his new position as Chief Executive Officer of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None IN RE: NEW BIISINESS March 24, 1992 development; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Amateur Sports has created a festival of games (named the Commonwealth Games of Virginia), which has been sanctioned by the National Congress of State Games and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Games of Virginia brings approximately 4.5 million dollars in economic impact to the Roanoke Valley and surrounding areas. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, encourages our local and state legislators to designate the Roanoke Valley as the permanent site for the Commonwealth Games of Virginia, and that this program of economic development initiated by our community remain in our community; and 2. That the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors supports Virginia Amateur Sports continuing to serve as the solely designated group to organize and conduct the Commonwealth Games of Virginia; and 3. That the Chairman of the Board is authorized to execute the appropriate documents with the other Valley jurisdictions, evidencing County support for the Commonwealth Games continuing in the Roanoke Valley; and 4. That the Clerk to the Board is directed to forward attested copies of this resolution to the Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Roanoke Valley legislators in the General Assembly. ~. ,,~ March 24, 1992 community at large; and WHEREAS, the governing body is prepared to support appropriate efforts within the community to become totally prepared to promote tourism and related economic development; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Economic Development, through its Tourism Development Group, is offering a program which is specifically designed to assist Virginia communities to become better prepared for tourism and related economic development; and WHEREAS, this program is entitled the VIRGINIA TOURISM ACCREDITATION PROGRAM; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that our community, Roanoke County, wishes to participate in the VIRGINIA TOURISM ACCREDITATION PROGRAM, and that the leadership of this community is fully cognizant that the aforesaid program requires dedicated effort; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that by entering the aforesaid program, we are pledging our best and honest efforts to achieve designation as a Virginia "Accredited" Community; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforesaid program requires either the existence or formation of a Tourism Promotion Organization which will be charged with the responsibility of completing the requirements of the aforesaid program, and that this governing body hereby designates the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau as representing this community for the purpose of participating in this program. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, March 24, 1992 $11,300 that could be refunded for tax year 1990. The alternates were: (1) Decline to take action and allow the challenger to petition a court to decide the issue. (2) Direct staff to prepare an appropriate ordinance to provide for refunds to all taxpayers for the tax years in question. (3) Direct staff to prepare an ordinance providing for refunds to those taxpayers who petition for a refund. Supervisor Nickens moved to direct staff to prepare an ordinance to provide for refunds to those taxpayers who petition for a refund. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None 5. Rectuest for anoroval to nay legal fees regarding Grumman Litigation. (Paul Mahoney, County Attornev~ A-32492-6 Mr. Mahoney reported that this is the second payment for legal fees regarding action against Grumman Emergency Products. The billing is for $1,151,95 and represent half the legal costs. The Town of Vinton is paying for the other half. Staff recommended that the Board authorize payment from the Board Contingency Fund and that future billings be paid from the this fund and not brought back to the Board for approval. In response to questions, Mr. Mahoney advised he did not know how much the legal costs may be, but they could be as high as $20,000. March 24, 1992 , ,- ,. .=~. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on February 25, 1992, to receive comments on the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Year 1992-98; and WHEREAS, The Board does hereby approve the Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Year 1992-98 as set out on the attached construction program estimated allocations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Year 1992-98 by the Clerk to the Board. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy,. NAYS: None 7. Request to Oppose Senate Bill 270 and Ask Governor Ailder to Veto the Proposed Legislation R-32492-8 Mr. Mahoney reported that a bill was recently passed in the state senate that all approved final subdivision plats and site plans will be valid for five years with certain exceptions. This could have a negative affect on Roanoke County because the County's March 24, 1992 .; `fi NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Attorney is hereby directed to communicate the Board's concerns with respect to Senate Bill 270 to the Honorable Douglas Wilder, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia. 2. That the Board hereby requests the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to veto Senate Bill 270. 3. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Governor and to the members of the Roanoke Valley legislative delegation by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. On motion of Supervisor Eddy, amended by Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None ZN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Chairman Eddy announced that there would be a public hearing on the tax rates on April 6, 1992. Supervisor Nickens moved to schedule a public hearing on the proposed tobacco tax on April 14, 1992. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. IN RE: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES - CONSENT AGENDA March 24, 1992 ordinance. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 32492-9 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF A WELL LOT LOCATED IN THE WOODLANDS SUBDIVISION OF ROANORE COUNTY TO RANDY S. PETERS ~, WHEREAS, the County has ceased to use the well located on a certain well lot and the subject parcel will no longer be used for this specified purpose; and WHEREAS, the County has received an offer to purchase this well lot for a price that reflects the fair market value of the property. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of § 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on March 10, 1992; a second reading was held on March 24, 1992; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of § 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the remaining rights in the subject parcel of real estate are hereby declared to be surplus and the condition applicable to the property renders it unacceptable and unavailable for other public uses; and 3. That the offer of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) from Randy S. Peters for this well lot is hereby accepted and all other 15 March 24, 1992 ~~ County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 24, 1992, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - February 11, 1992, February 25, 1992. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke Academy of Medicine Auxiliary. 4. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Mason's Cove Civic Club. 5. Request for Acceptance of Cavalier Drive, Sulgrave Road, Trinity Court and Wimbledon Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acknowledgement from the Virginia Department of Transportation of the acceptance of 0.24 miles of Valleypointe Parkway. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy 17 March 24, 1992 n -; ~: consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said drainage easements and a right-of-way for the street. 3. That said roads known as Cavalier Drive, Sulgrave Road, Trinity Court and Wimbledon Court and which are shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Resolution, be, and the same are hereby established as public roads to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, only from and after notification of official acceptance of said streets or highways by the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Rohinke• (1) Announced he enjoyed the Tabletop Disaster Exercise and commended Fire Chief Tommy Fuqua and the other staff involved. He suggested having this exercise every year. (2) Advised he attended the Virginia Department of Transportation Preallocation Hearings and presented the County priorities. He suggested that this be done by resolution in the future. He also advised he did not include support for the Smart Highway in his comments. Supervisor Nickens suggested that there be a briefing at a future meeting for the new Board members. Mr. Hodge will bring back a report on April 14, 1992. March 24, 1992 4 .• ,,~, 5. General Fund IIna ppropriated Balance 6. Capital Fund Una ppropriated Balance 7. Board Conting enc y Fund 8. Statement of Exp enditures and Revenue as of March 5. 1992. IN RE: RECESS At 4:20 p.m., Chairman Eddy declared a brief recess. IN RE: RECONVENEMENT At 4:35 p.m., Chairman Eddy reconvened. Members of the School Board and Superintendent Bayes Wilson were also present. IN RE: BUDGET WORK SESSION 1. County Budget Mr. Hodge reported that the funding from the state improved considerably over projection in January and local revenues are projected to increase by $1.9 million. The tobacco tax was also approved by the General Assembly which will generate $300,000 for the schools. He outlined the highlights of the budget including: (1) balanced within present tax rates; (2) maintains all service levels; (3) continues or improves support of regional programs; (4) includes a 3$ salary increase; (5) include funds to offset most of the expected increase in health care costs; (6) includes $100,000 for economic development; (7) increases contribution to tourism from $25,000 to $35,000; (8) funds arts and human service agencies at previous levels; (9) proposes funding of two ambulances March 24, 1992 Elementary School, improvements to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act; and Tennis court renovations at each high school. Supervisor Nickens expressed concern about including funding for cable TV service when the schools don't have paper and other instructional supplies. Supervisor Eddy asked for more information on how the schools would utilize cable TV. Mr. Hodge suggested that the School Board and Supervisors discuss the potential of a bond issue at the April 6, 1992 meeting. 3. oolunteer Fire and Rescue Chiefs Fire and Rescue Chief Tommy Fuqua presented an overall picture of his department and what was already included in the proposed 1992-93 budget. Present for the Work Session were Chief Fuqua, Volunteer Fire Chief Gene Wagner, Volunteer Rescue Chief Howard Hartman and Deputy Fire and Rescue Chiefs Mark Light and- Larry Logan. They presented their list of add-backs which were: (1) 1 pumper-Mason Cove ($240,000), (2) replace 2 ambulances-Mason Cove & Hollins ($130,000); (3) funding for voluntary rescue squads to equal level of voluntary fire ($92,500); (4) self-contained breathing apparatus ($60,000). Mr. Hodge advised that the County has added funding for the two ambulances and the breathing apparatus in the proposed budget. Chief Wagner reported that their top priority is for the pumper for the Mason Cove Fire Station and they will definitely need it by the time the Smith Gap Landfill opens. Supervisor Minnix suggested that the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority might be willing to assist funding the pumper. Mr. Hodge responded he March 24, 1992 ~ ~t ..t by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None ORDINANCE 32492-11 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 1.0 ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 2965 WASHINGTON AVENIIE (TAX MAP NO. 61.12-1-27) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-3 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF B-2 WITH CONDITIONS IIPON THE APPLICATION OF HENRY MORGAN WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 25, 1992, and the second reading and public hearing was held March 24, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 3, 1992; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 1.0 acre, as described herein, and located at 2965 Washington Avenue, (Tax Map Number 61.12-1-27) in the Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of B-3, Special Commercial District, to the zoning classification of B-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Hemp Morgan. 3. That the Owners, Kent E. Marsh and Gail C. Marsh, have voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the March 24, 1992 . ~. NAYS: None ZN RE: EBECIITIVE SESSION At 7:20 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) discussion by legal counsel and briefings by staff members pertaining to a specific legal matter requiring the provision of legal advice, contractual negotiations with other political subdivisions regarding the Smith Gap Landfill; (7) consultation with legal counsel regarding a contract with the City of Roanoke; (1) discussion of personnel matters, and (7) consultation with legal counsel regarding pending litigation, i.e. 301 Gilmer Associates. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Robers, Johnson, Nickens, McGraw NAYS: None IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF E%ECIITIVE SESSION R-32492-12 At 8:50 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Open Session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion was carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None RE80LIITION 32492-12 CERTIFYING EBECIITIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant ACTION # A-41492-11.a ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Larson Oaks COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~>.~~.,,,,~~ ~,~r~~n~s-~`.~t SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Larson Oaks, requested that Roanoke County and sanitary sewer facilities all necessary easements. Oaks Development Corporation, have accept the Deed conveying the water serving the subdivision along with The water and sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Larson Oaks, dated January 5, 1990, which are on file in the County Engineering Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT' The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $65,000 and $80,000 respectively. RECOMMENDATION' Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Larson Oaks along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. V "" SUBMITTED BY: Clifford a'g, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: ;~/ J'V ~~ Elmer C. Hod County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs tain Denied ( ) to approve Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred Kohinke x to Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections --.' , -t ,~.r f'"' DEED OF EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT THIS DEED, DEED OF EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT, made this 12 day of March 1992, by and between: Oaks Development Corporation hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part; and ELMER C. HODGE, County Administrator of Roanoke County, VIRGINIA, party of the third part. W I T N E S S E T H THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits to accrue, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues and public utility, water and/or sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown and described and designated as follows, to wit: As shown on the plan entitled Larson Oaks dated January 5 1990 made by Lumsden Associates and nn file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. Page 1 of 3 r a ~' The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches far a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, party of the third part, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. WITNESS THE FOLL~IIt~ signatures and seals: Developer: By: By: .~ As: State of: LG County/C-~i~j of: to wit: Thg foregoing deed wa~ac~ledged before me th19: g ~ ~h _, day of ~_~ Duly authorized officer Title on beha l f of IYu~G:r; l ,ui/ra2yi t~l~~ --~ ~a),v _..J , ~_ ~ __ . Notary Public My Commission expires: ~ ~c~ ~- / ~~i,~' Page 2 of 3 r • . . ~ ~ :.. ~~ Approved as to form: County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia County Attorney By Elmer C. Hodge State of: County/City of: to wit: The foregoing deed was acknowledged before me this: day of ~ 19 by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Puhlic My Commission expires: Revised 10/16/90 Page :~ of 3 a ~s ~ ~~~ t w ~ \~ r~~ ~ B~I~ a ~ \ ~O ~~ ~ ~ ~o ?$. ~ 0 's ! vV ~r s+n ~~ '~V ~~r i ~,'~ ~, c9Fcc !I `fit ~ ~ ~. ~L/~ ~ C NW wy ~, ( ~i JyJ C~ 'r\ ~ ). rO~ A'O~{' 4 ±Y~' I • ~ ~ ~ A lyr8 \ 6 ~ ~ s O \ % ~, o , ~` eu.n.w• ~ .`" N OIYTIS• w b7.N' ~ PROPERTY OF F ~ • ~ ~'. S ELENOR J• NOBLIN /~~ ' '~ m \'• w *.. ~ W.B. 28. PO. 473 ~ s A` ~ o, M t ~. o'~a~ 4 y U \ \ / O ZONED R-1 ~ wr,~.~w~"" ~ ~ »vz',b• S TAX 1 77.06-2-47 TRACT 'A' a ~ ~ ~^ 1 K PROPERTY OF M µ F ~ i j MARCIA L. CARSON n ~ ~__~,~ ,i~Q P.B. ~o~s. ~•~ ~ •; i i rra. ¢ 4 ``~ a ~~ R ~~~i~~i..w~ ~ ran... ~ ~£' n "'~ wrr.n+ • Iy~ ~ r i`; ~~ 5 897J'se• E r^ .. Fes! IIM1 •~ kl g g i t _ ~ , \ ~ t mss'- ~ ~ww 1 BNGINBBRINO ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES SERVING CARSON OAKS SUBDIVISION ACTION # A-41492-11.b ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Windemere COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~ ~,~,~Y,~,,~,,,~ ~y~~~' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Windemere, James H. and Virginia H. Buckland, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Buford T. Lumsden and Associates entitled Windemere, dated April 1, 1988, which are on file in the County Engineering Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT• The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $46,000 and $25,000 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Windemere along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~ s ~ s Clifford a g, P. . Utility Director y-r~s-f' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ~ ) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred Kohinke x to Minnix x Nickens x Abs cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ~f DEED OF EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT THIS DEED, DEED OF EASEMENT AND ASSIGNMENT, made this 10 day of March 19 92 by and between: _James H. and Virginia H. Buckland hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part; and ELMER C. HODGE, County Administrator of Roanoke County, VIRGINIA, party of the third part. W I T N E S S E T H THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits to accrue, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues and public utility, water and/or sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown and described and designated as follows, to wit: As shown on the plan entitled Windemere dated April 1 1988 made by Buford T. Lumsden and Associates and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. Page 1 of 3 The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, Gounty Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, party of the third part, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: /Developer: By . ~-, ~GC.C,~.Li "C By: As: State of : U _ County/City of: to wit: Tie foregoing deed w s ack owledgad before me this: 13 day of t 9 4 a Duly authorized officer Title on behalf of Notary Public My Commission expires: _ ~ V' 3 ~~ 9~ Page 2 of 3 .,.... °" Approved as to form: County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia County Attorney By Elmer C. Hodge State of: County/City of: to wit: The foregoing deed was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Revised 10/16/90 Page 3 of 3 F ISC N~~pp''MdtlC''9_\ ? I ~GaVf~_ DPi s~~/5 "d 4 oA44~ n',+,,r•'~°o ~C 'D 0~ s'+ctpo~o' ,~ tip O+? 6$ r ~ ~~Q S~ ~ (. ~t•~!~~~` ~ ~~ °s~3~„ ~,. a `q y~ p'9~. ° 'a -. _ye+'s ~ <~Ts r <, v. i. ',~9/9 °~~ ~'f , c ,~~E[ Js~~ vrcrNrrr ~ ~` j ~ C `~ ~-~'' A, ~l'L _ 'P ~+~. ~~~lm..~. •~ ~YS ~,~ NORTB ~ ,'` , ~: ;;, ... .~ - ` •~,~ , • ~ \ F' a~s<t.? i~~•~ iii: ~ \\ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ ~',~rYl~.~4-¢) ~ ~, ...~?~~:~ ~~ 041 '\ _. ~ I \ ~~ ~ ~ , 1 1 ~ i ; 1111 J~ ' ; 1\ ' \,`` ~ /1 1 M1V~•, ~ + \ 1~ ~ 4 ` , '~ ~\'~ , ~j `JjE 1 ~`\\ ~ . ~~~%' w`~L {may YI1[%[n ~ `^ -- •-- ~- . •., \~\~\. \ 1 , ` \..' '~O `{~~ •._ / . -,... -~~. i•. ~ ~ o,, ~~• ~ - \, f ~ i ~ %~ ` .~~~ FFF ,.a„~ 777 - urns WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES SERVING BNGINBBRING WINDEMERE SUBDIVISION ry~ r ACTION NO. A-41492-11.c ITEM NUMBER ^~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Blueberry Ridge Drive, Praline Place, Buckland Mill Road, Copper Circle, Past Times Lane, Huntridge Road, Golden Circle and Louise Circle into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received acknowledgement that the following roads have been accepted into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation: 1. Glade Hill Estates - Section 2 - Effective March 9, 1992 0.06 miles of Blueberry Ridge Drive (Route 992) 0.12 miles of Praline Place (Route 993) 2. Buckland Forest Section 4 - Effective March 13, 1992 0.31 miles of Buckland Mill Road (Route 1858) 0.09 miles of Copper Circle (Route 1977 3. Junipine - Effective March 13, 1992 0.09 miles of Past Times Lane (Route 2075) 4. The Orchards - Applewood Sections 6 & 7 - Effective March 17, 1992 0.22 miles of Huntridge Road (Route 1220) 0.06 miles of Golden Circle (Route 1225) 5. Campbell Hills - Section 3 - Effective March 18, 1992 0.06 miles of Louise Circle (Route 1193) ~... cc: Respectfully submitted, ~~• Mary H. Allen Clerk V ~ Approved by,,,~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x _ File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections A-41492-11.d ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Tip Board Raffle Permit for calendar year 1992 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge 284 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Moose Lodge 284 has requested a permit to hold tip board raffles in Roanoke County for the calendar year 1992. These raffles are to be held at any time the lodge is open to members only and are permitted by the amended bingo-raffle law. Attached is a copy of the amendment. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application from the Roanoke Moose Lodge 284 for a Tip Board Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1992 be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File ` VIRGINIA ACTS OF ASSEMBLY -- CHAPTER 43 An Act to amend and reenact !! 18.2-340.1, 18.2-340.3 and 18.2-340.9 of the Code of Virginia, relating to bingo and raffle definitions; permits; prohibited practices. {H 35} Approved Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That !! 18.2-340.1, 18.2-340.3 and 18.2-340.9 of the Code of Virginia are amended and reenacted as follows: ! 18.2-340.1. Definitions.--The following words shall have the following meanings: 1. "Organization" means any one of the following: (a) A voluntary fire department or rescue squad or auxiliary unit thereof which has been recognized by an ordinance or resolution of the political subdivision where the voluntary fire department or rescue squad is located as being a part of the safety program of such political subdivision. (b) An organization operated exclusively for religious, charitable, community or educational purposes; an association of war veterans or auxiliary units thereof organized in the United States, or a fraternal association operating under the lodge system. 2. "Bingo" means a specific game of chance played with individual 1 2 cards having randomly numbered squares ranging from one to seventy-five, in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated numbers on such cards conforming to a predetermined pattern of numbers selected at random. Such cards shall have five vertical rows headed respectively by the letters B.I.N.G.O., with each row having five randomly numbered squares. 3. "Raffle" means a lottery in which the prize is won by a random drawing of the name or prearranged number of one or more persons purchasing chances. <Provided,>However,<that>nothing in this article shall prohibit an organization from using the State Lottery Department's Pick-3 number as the basis for determinin the winner of or purposes of this definition, "raffle" shall include determining the winner of a lottery by use of prepackaged pull-tab devices which are devices made completely of paper or paper products with concealed numbers or symbols that must be exposed by the player to determine wins or losses and may include the use of a seal which conceals a number or symbol that has been designated in advance as a prize winner including but not limited to pull-tab devices commonly known as tip boards or seal cards Ingo means a specific game of chance played by the random selection of one or more individually prepacked cards, with winners being determined by the preprinted appearance of the letters 1 2 B.I.N.G.O. in any prescribed order on the reverse side of such card. 5. "Jackpot" means a bingo card played as a part of a bingo game defined in ! 18.2-340.1 (2) in which all numbers on the card are covered, each number being selected at random, and with no free or "wild" numbers. ! 18.2-340.3. Requirement for issuance of permit; where valid; duration; permits subject to local regulation.--Prior to the issuance EHB3 5 ~•• `"" MORE EHB35 MORE EHB35 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the under- signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accura- cy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se~C. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investga- tion prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any perscn violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifi- cally organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION I FOR: (ch ck one) ~~/~ _ CG` RAFFLE PERMIT ~ --~~"9`~~ INGO GAMES r~ Name of Organization ~~`'~-~.~°,r~-~ '^7n..J%' ~~~~~E ~~`~ Street Address -~~ ~~ 3 ~~,~i~w',~~r~ ,~y"~_,e,~:-f~" ,(/%1~~= Mailing Address f~~ ,~,- x _S3t; City, State, Zip Code -~~~ ~= ~~, ~ ~~ ~' y ~`~ ~ Purpose and Type of Organization fJ'•r~ J C t ;¢ AIL ~i~i~h~J~/i l_fa /_ When was the organization founded? / l l.~/ 1 Roanoke County meeting place? i'1~~~~%' ~~"f/r Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES X NO Is the organization non-profit? YES X NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # ,.j `~' l'=~ ~' i7-~~2 Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: President: .C~'/'l_= r'~. ~~~',~~~==1~ Address : ,fir, ,~i2C,~/ ~~'~~'r= Secretary:.~,~%rrTf~i) ~~•/4~z~Ixr.c- <.1~~ Vice-President ~~~~~~~ //~/_,ti.2'.S Address :.~~61-" 1;~~;~~k',~,~+ ~r~,~1_r~" ~I~'~ Treasurer : ~~:~~~•~~%= ,~~1'~. J Ilri'I~'-' Address: 'f~~/~ ~,4?9y~'.~Z-.s ~~'.~.ric %[1~ Address: ,~~/9 C.£~~.~k'{a'L~1~%~ .~,~'/l;~_ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name ,C~~lwi'~~~~ ~.~ ,r'~-~~~[~k/.c' °~12 Home Address ~~%~ ~/~"~~~1=~'-~" ~/'~~k ~~~~ Phone ~~ ~~ ~ ~'~ ~' Bus . Phone -1'~~-~- 7i ~~ A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST EE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. r Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing J%=t ~'~~''~` Time of Drawing BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From To From To From To From To 2 ~f'O~lj X17-cif=,t ,~,~ .C~ %3i/~lrL`~~•''FFL~ .(`f~ ~t / State specifically how the proceeds from the Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimates amounts if necessary. ,fit ~~j" Ti_'-' ,=r /-'.~c .y~i ~~a r~ ~ ~ ~ ~" 7- /`%~~i2's'~iL =I,L `G 1' d't' i"'f'Ef:c`'i.'/ .` A=7 S ~`l:.l C`li ~-'' /J %3i'` Si`~!L 3 BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name : ~ Address: County State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: Parking spaces for each location: ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calen- dar year period. BINGO INSTANT BINGO r-. - ,; 1st Quarter •-S ~ Jr~, 2nd Quarter ~' ~'- ~' %~ ~ 3rd Quarter ~~`%; ~39`'~ 4th Quarter ~ ~ ~~ ~~' / Total ~-~~~ 7, /~ "3 lst Quarter ~ ~ ~ ~'• ~L' 2nd Quarter /~5~ ; ~s~. ~~ G 3rd Quarter ~/~ ~' ~^~ ~`' 4th Quarter ~ ~ ~~~~~~'~ ~~ Total ~~%, ~"6% ,~C' 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose o,f organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles? i~-"3 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? i"~ s 4. Does your organization understand. that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~= ...5 4 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? ~ ,E ~ 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex- ceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- tional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter? f~~ S 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? t~ S 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, commu- nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? '.E S' 9. Does your organization understand that a ~w~ percent audit fee of the 'gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the,, annual financial report due on or before the first of November?%C-' S 10. Does your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application?,S'~'s 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, opera- tion, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? ~ ~' 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke, Virginia? IFS 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or §18.2- 340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member o.r employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization why violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~ ~=s 5 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? Q":~~` f=/~~" 15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? ~%t~ %~~~~ 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxa- tion under the Virginia Constitution or statutes? ,~~:t If yes, state whether exemption is for, eal, ersonal property, or both and identify exempt property. .~~%a-C ~T~'fI i~= 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? If yes, name and address of ~tegistered Agent: ~ ~=-s 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-4£~ of the Virginia Code? ~'~'~~ (If so, attach copy of registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer .Affairs? .~!-; (If so, attach copy of exemption.) ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value 6 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on X18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of in- stant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization be conducted at such time as and only at such locations this application? understand that instant Bingo may only regular Bingo game is in progress, and at such times as are specified in 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3$ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen _years of age? 25. Does your organization understand that an organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are ex- pected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 7 26. Does your organization understand that a Certificate of Occu- pancy must be obtained or be on file which authorizes this use at the proposed location? 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One Thousand Dollars. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTARIZATION: TAE FOLLOWING ,OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §"18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by: ame ~~ .. Gll~i7rt ur a~~ ~i-z-, ~~!/~ l %~~~ r_",t's (.~.t~t~~ ~,D ~~i~'f_" ~ ~G' Title Home Address Subscribed and sworn before me, My commission expires: ~z ~~ L this ,~1-day of19 `/Y ~ ~ - -~ .~~ _ , ~ ~~~ otary Publ c-- RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION T0: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 8 f ~ ~ NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. y ' --~ ~ ~- c -~ Date Commissi ner of th Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue 9 AGENDA ITEM NO. ~- APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ,CITIZENS COMMENTS ,~: .: SUBJECT: ~ ~"~. ~~ ~. ti.~ (; ~ ... I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII~L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIC GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~- ,_ ,. { 1 ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' 1 ' ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 A ~ 1 ~ ~ ' ~ ~ A f COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FIIND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Audited Balance at July 1, 1991 January 28, 1992 Mid-year budget review Balance as of April 14, 1992 Amount $5,060,731 (771,314) $4,289,417 Submitted By Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~ of General ~ 1> Fund Expenditures 7.23$ 6.12$ Note: On December 18, 1990 the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25$ of General Fund expenditures ($70,036,927). /-1- ~ COUNTY OF ROANOICE, VIRQINIA CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 $ 6,097 August 15, 1991 Sale of Shamrock Park (Board approved sale on March 26, 1991, Sale Finalized August 1, 1991) 34,914 November 19, 1991 County Share of Traffic Light at Northside High School and Peters Creek Road (12,500) December 17, 1991 Roanoke County Career Center Ball Field Lights - Emergency Repairs (10,000) December 17, 1991 Green Hill Park Playground Equipment (10,000) Balance as of April 14, 1992 8,511 Submitted by ~ r•~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance w COIINTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1991 July 9, 1991 Additional funds for Allegheny Health District July 9, 1991 Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau November 19, 1991 Transitional Living Center December 17, 1991 Vinyard Park Addition - Environmental Assessment February 11, 1992 Legal Fees - Grumman Emergency Products February 28, 1992 Stop-Smoking Programs March 10, 1992 Contribution for Hazardous Household Waste Disposal Day March 24, 1992 Legal Fees - Grumman Emergency Products Balance as of April 14, 1992 Submitted by $ 50,000 (8,000) (3,000) (10,000) (10,000) (1,152) (1,500) (3,300) (1,438) $ 11.610 Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ACTION ,~ ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid - March 1992 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: STJNIIKARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $2,305,765.63 Payroll: 3/13/92 $ 456,863.28 3/27/92 446,059.24 $ 902,922.52 $3,208,688.15 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyat Director of Finance APPROVED: ..y JLC/~ ' i}!~~/ Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Kohinke Referred ( ) Johnson To Minnix Nickens PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1992 AS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH WHEREAS, the Incidence and prevalence of child abuse and neglect have reached alarming proportions In the United States, where 13,894 cases of child abuse and neglect were substantiated in Virginia during fiscal year 1990- 91; and WHEREAS, Virginia faces a continuing need to support innovative programs to prevent child abuse and assist parents and famlty members when child abuse occurs; and WHEREAS, Congress has expressed fts commitment to seeking and applying solutions to this problem by establishing April as Child Abuse Prevention Month nationwfde; and WHEREAS, in Virginia, we have dedicated individuals and organizations who work daily to counter the problem of child abuse and neglect and to help parents obtain the assistance they need; and WHEREAS, it is vital that we join forces to reach out to parents and children and prevent the reoccurrence of child abuse and neglect; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate and fitting to focus attention upon the problems of child abuse and neglect in Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, do hereby proclaim the month of April, 1992, as CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH in Roanoke County, Virginia, and call upon our citizens to observe the month with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and ee B. Eddy, Chairman ATTEST: Y~cz.~.-cam 1~. Mary H. Allen, Clerk anli~iifin~ N M1 0 0 o o ~• 0 0 W W t9 F Q ao i 3 r i c ~•. _ _ m I 7 1 C 4- I I a"O a# I > aaa 1 a\• q ~ 1 _ ro ~ i o I N 1- N { 1 a jr ro I 0 C t~J ~ ~ I a~. ~ I > \ I a N I a Nu I 0.M •-+ C I U ro o a ro I 7 L tiD I w W C 1 7~ Uh ~ I I ¢ d r C1 a~ v I ~' C LL oroo al '4 ~ 1 C1 ~ I O a Q F a I I r A t a I W E I ~ p •w 2 I ~ w N ~ T N Z ~•f W O ~ ~ ~ ~w i ~ a I O t1 Q ~ L G I i «U « q~ I I y~ ' o a I ( ELL ~ I ~ ~ I a I i w Q+ I ro o ; ~ i ~w I I I ~ ~ L « C a I I LL I ~ 7 1 ~ m ti 1 G ' a . ~ ! III I i i I o ~ r1 I I 2 O ~ Q ~ I ~% L [] O Z ~ O ~ a u. I-_ . - _- _._ . C. 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N~D ~NNM l11 ~NMM ~'C 111. ~1it tit' W V~ Z u, N N 0 0 N 00 0.~ A W 0 0 0 0 A O+ Q+ C~ T 0 0 0 o O`~ 0+ ~ d o 0 !'.~+ G~ G~ O+ 0 0 CI V w7 b t~ 9 ~9 O ^ N ~'1 C N ~0 1~ 0 A rv N N N t~ t~ N N N N n) ~t 11 m M I„~1 m ~ m tp~l Y Y Y V Y V Y Y V Q n L~ ii it i ,`~ AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-12 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: -- __ _- ..~ [mac-~e~J Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION 41492-13 OF APPRECIATION TO JOHN B. WILLIAMSON FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO REGIONAL COOPERATION WHEREAS, John B. Williamson has been Botetourt County Administrator since January, 1986; and WHEREAS, during that time, Mr. Williamson has worked with Roanoke County on a variety of regional projects, including the Hollins Community Development Project, the Blue Ridge Library, the Jack Smith Industrial Park, and the Read Mountain Fire Station; and WHEREAS, Mr. Williamson accompanied the Roanoke County All America City team to the awards competition in Chicago in 1989, participated in the presentation, and provided a major contribution to the winning of that award by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, today was Mr. Williamson's last day with Botetourt County, and he will be assuming a position shortly with Roanoke Gas Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of itself and the citizens of the County, does hereby extend its sincere gratitude and appreciation to JOHN B. WILLIAMSON for his cooperative efforts in serving the people of Botetourt County and Roanoke County; and further BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to Mr. Williamson in his new career. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy, NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File ~'-/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO JOHN W. WILLIAMSON FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO REGIONAL COOPERATION WHEREAS, John B. Williamson has been Botetourt County Administrator since January, 1986; and WHEREAS, during that time, Mr. Williamson has worked with Roanoke County on a variety of regional projects, including the Hollins Community Development Project, the Blue Ridge Library, the Jack Smith Industrial Park, and the Read Mountain Fire Station; and WHEREAS, Mr. Williamson accompanied the Roanoke County All America City team to the awards competition in Chicago in 1989, participated in the presentation, and provided a major contribution to the winning of that award by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, today was Mr. Williamson's last day with Botetourt County, and he will be assuming a position shortly with Roanoke Gas Company. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of itself and the citizens of the County, does hereby extend its sincere gratitude and appreciation to JOHN B. WILLIAMSON for his cooperative efforts in serving the people of Botetourt County and Roanoke County; and further BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to Mr. Williamson in his new career. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ -• AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing to Elicit Citizen Comment on the Proposed Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 1992- 1993 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 1992-93. Following the evening session, there will be a budget work session Input from the public will be included in the work session. `~i .~r~..J Elmer C. odge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens STATEMENT BY MAUREEN SCHNITTGER, R.N., PH.D. CATAWBA HOSPITAL CATAWBA, VIRGINIA IN SUPPORT OF FULL FUNDING FOR MHSRV ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS APRIL 14, 1992 Good evening, my name is Maureen Schnittger and I'm speaking on behalf of Catawba Hospital located in Roanoke County. Catawba Hospital, a 217 bed facility, is one of nine state mental health facilities serving the citizens of Virginia. We work closely with several community service boards, including Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley. Tonight, we urge full funding for Mental Health Services' budget request of $97,155. For the past 21 years, Virginia has been committed to an integrated mental health delivery system which relies heavily on community services to ensure treatment in the least restrictive environment. Virginia has made great progress in the last few years improving the quality of care of the mentally ill. Much of this progress has been the result of community service initiatives such as those provided by Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley. However, just to maintain that progress requires adequate funding of these community services. The services provided -- or in some cases not provided -- by Mental Health Services have a direct impact on the operations at Catawba Hospital. The provision of outpatient counseling and emergency outreach services may prevent a client from needing ~.- hospitalization and certainly the provid'ion of post-hospitalization case management and supported living programs are cruicial for our patients who need continued treatment following discharge. It is important that the community develop a better understanding of mental illness; how it crosses all ages, races, sexes, income levels and political boundaries. It is important that localities fund community services boards like Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley, the same as they support local health departments and it is important that these services be available for the citizens of Roanoke County. That can be assured only by full funding of the budget request submitted by Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley. The impact of a reduced funding will be the lack of sufficient ~-~ staffing and programs to meet client needs, and help the mentally- impaired live in the community. To help alleviate these problems, I urge you to fund the full budget request of Mental Health Services. Thank you. r Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you this evening. I am Diane Relly, Executive Director of the Mental Health Association of Roanoke Valley. The Mental Health Association is a non-profit, non- governmental organization with more than 500 members who work. to educate citizens of the Raanake Valley about issues related to mental health and mental illness and advocate for quality care and services for those who suffer from mental illnesses. As advocates, we support Mental Health Services' request for allocation of funds for the fiscal year. Mental Health Services of the Raanake Valley is, as the name implies. a service organization. It. is the Community Services Board which provides mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse services to the citizens of the counties of Botetourt, Craig, and Raanake and the cities of Raanake and Salem. The funding request submitted by Plental Health Services was prepared in accordance with the local match policy which calls for matching all state base funds at a 90:10 ratio with local tax dollars. Mental Health Services' request represents the amount necessary to maintain all programs at their current level of service. I urge you to consider three facts as ,you determine the amount of funds which you will allocate for Mental Health Services in Raanake County's budget for the coming fiscal year. i . First--Mental Health Services provided mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse treatment or counseling services to 913 Roanoke County residents in the fiscal year which ended in June, 1991. Over the past six yeax•s, this agency has provided an increase in services amounting to $662,186, a 96=, increase (from $689,786 in FY86 to $1,351.972 far the fiscal year ending June, 1991.) Secondly--This increase in services has been provided over this period of time with no increase in allocation of funds from Roanoke County. Finally--Roanoke County ranks second from the bottom among the 95 counties in Virginia which allocate funds to local community services boards. Roanoke County allocated slightly less than $70,000--only $0.91 per capita. Only three counties allocate less than $1.00 per capita. The Mental Health Association urges ,you to address this serious disparity as you consider ,your allocation of funds for Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley for the coming year. Appropriations in a lesser amount than that requested will jeopardize state funds and existing service delivery. The effects of local funding each year at less than the requested amount are cumulative. The unmet needs of clients throughout this system are staggering. We cannot continue to deny individuals with mental disabilities the services they need t.o enable them to live successfully in our community. On behalf of the Roanoke County citizens who continue to benefit. from the services of this agency, I thank you for your time and for your consideration. o~,l,An~J~ ~~ `'0 ~'/~~g2 MY NAME J: c, NAracY F'F;OFF T T"f . T F";EF='F,E.~EN7 l"HE ALLIANCE FOR THE MENTALL"r ILL OF 'TF•1E RGANOk::E VALLEY . THE AL_L T AhaCE I S COMF'F: I SED OF FAM T L T E5 AraD FF~ J: ENDS OF l"HE MENIALLY T L_L_ AND 7'HE MEraTAI_L'i~ I t_L_ THEMSELVES . OUR CaOAL T S TO I MF'ROVE THE taUAL I T`r OF LIFE FOR THCJSE AFF'L_ T t~:TE':D W T TH CHRGra T C MEraTAI_ T LLNESSES. THE ALL T ANCE WGLJLD L I F::E TO EAR I NG TO YOUR ATTEraT T Ora THE NEED FOFt SERtJ J: CES FOR THOSE COUNTY F:EE I DEl~ll"c3 r~UFFEF; I raG FF:Ot~I r'IEraTAL ILLNESSES. * CASE MAraAGEF~;S AF"•iE raEEDEI.~ 7'O SE E MENTAL HEAL"r'H CONSUMERS AS FF~;ECai ~EhaTl_"f AS haEEDED Ira THE T R F:ES I DEhaT I AL SE~rT I raC~S, WHETHER I T FEE J:N E='F~REI'al"AL HCiMES, F•1OME'S FOR ADIJL»TFJ OF"•i OWN APARTMENTS OR HOMES. ~k EMERGENC'r' SERVICES STAFF ARE NEEDED '7°O RESF='OND F='ROMF'l"L"r WI-{ERE A CR J: u~~ I. S T S OCC:,`URR I NCB 4 "r'O COLLADORAT'E W I 7'H THE r•~'OL I CE AT THE w3 T TET AND SUF`F'OR'T THE F'OL I CE Ira THEIR EFFORTS, AND TO BEGIN ASSESS1~1ErdT GF THE' (°1c:raT'AL HEAL_TE°f CONSLJME:R T N THE S J: "I"tJAT I ON. ~: AFFORDABLE HGUS I rata T S NEEDED TO F'ROV I DE A DECEra'T ENV I RGNMEhaT W I7'H AF'F'F;GF'R I AT'E SI.~F'F'CJF1T Arab ~~L.JF'EWR'v I S T ON TO EtiraSLJRE l"HAT REL_AF'SE DOES raC_Jl" OCCUR. * VC..iCAT I ONAI_ OF='F'ORItJra T l" I E'S ARE NEEDED FOR TF-IGSE WI-10 HAD OraSET OF ILLNESS F'RIOR TO FINISHING SCHOOL OR ESTABLISHING A VOCATION, AND FOR THOSE WHO WHNI' l O REl°URra TO l"HE WORF`: FGRCE DUT NEED ASS I S1°ANCE Ira DGZraG SG. ~K TRANSF'CJRI"AI T Ora T S NEEDED IC.I AS a T S7" MEra"f AL HEALTF•i COhaSL ~MERS T N OtJTL._`r' I NG AREAS GF 'THE CGUNT4` T N AL"CESS T NG SEF:'v' I CE:S . THE BGAF.:D Of= SLJF'ERV T SORS i-iAS "I°F°IF.~' F'OWEF; T ra SETT I raG THE L=~UDGE7 FOR ROAraOF~::E COUNT r' 'TO RECOGra I ZE "T"HESE raEEDS WITH DOLLARS. THE ALLTr~rdt:'E ASk::S 'fGU TO FUND MENTAL HEAL°fH SERVICES OF THE RGAraOk::E VALLE`r, THE AGEhICY RESF'GraS I BLE FOR DEL I VER T raG THE raEEDED SERVICES, 1"O A . CF'tF A"r'EF, IaE= C.~REE THAra YOU I-•IA V E 1 rd Ti•~E FAST. T THAhah:: YOU FOR TH T S OF'F'OR'TUN I TY TO SF'EAf~:: Arab ~`OLJF'; k:: I raL7 fi,l"'TENT I ON l'O GL.IR R[..GL~E•iT'. ~~ - ~ ~~ = = APPEARANCE RE UEST _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. - c SUBJECT .13lt.c~ Q.~- _ _ -_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to = recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES = LISTED BELOW. _ _ __ • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board t~ - - do otherwise. _ _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- c bons of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION _. FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT c THEM. - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK NAME ~ /GtI1 c~, 1/1/' 1 ~ Q ~ r rv~a r1 = s id ~~ ~~u~so = ADDRESS ~ Z ,3 S (~ - I s o n !~1-~n ~ D PHONE ~Z?- /ZS3 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim 1U11111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~11~1~~1~111111111,(J _ _ -~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ APPEARANCE RE VEST _ _ _ r _ _ _ _ .r, - AGENDA ITEM NO. ,I 1 ~~~ ~ ~~M',; ~ - _ r - .~~ ~ / = SUBJECT ~ ° ~~~ ~ ~ _ ,~ ~~ .. v ~ ~ ~, , ~ .~~ , .~.., . '; ~ - ~ ~ _ _ ~ _. I would like the Chairmen of the Boar ~~ ~~ d of Supervisors to _ recognize me during the public hearing on the above matter so that I may comment.WHEN CALLED TO THE PODIUM , I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW. c • Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed ~ry-the majority cif the Board to - = do otherwise. _ • Speakers will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Ques- bons of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ with the clerk. c • INDIVIDUALS PURPORTING TO SPEAK FOR AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION c FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT = THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO DEPUTY CLERK - ~ <. , NAME ~.~ ~,.- fir= ~- "~ r _ _ - _ J J / ~ ~`1 ADDRESS ~ ~- ~~ , ,s~ ~~ ~ ; " :~ ~- ~,.~ ~°'~ <~~ l~ ~'' f~~ ~ PHONE ~;;,~. ~ ~ j ~ _. ,~, milllilllllllllllllililllllllllilllllillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllillilllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllll~ ~ 3 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I!, AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT• Furd~„~ Sc4 / ~~L~ J I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE 6 ni~iuiniinnuinniininiiiiinininin~ininnininniii~iiin~~~~~~1 inniinninin~ininin~ninnininnn~~n~~~niiiuiinnnninniin #~ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~_ APPE CE REQUEST FOR --~ ,~ "PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~'fCITIZENS COMMENTS s~ SUBJECT: ~`~~~ ~ ~~ ~ f ~. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE °, ~, ,~-~ ~~ 4.. - .. j ,.. ~S IIil1IIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111 OO AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR ! ~UBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~i ~1 ~1 ~Qu n~G,11 ~ ~~ ~/ ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE F=~d~l~, ~ J~'~.k~ ~.%umer ~Irr 11111111111111111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111~111~1~! ~ ~ 111111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ ~ AGENDA ITEM NO~ APPE CE REQUEST FOR ;. ~! PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~ ~~ 119y~ cc . ~ D ~ ~ ~(~e. ~-~-~G~ / C1 - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO T'HE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE iiiiii~it~ii~i~i~ti~ii~t~i~~ii~i~iiti~i~i~~iiiii~iii~i~iit~iiii~i~~~~~~~wwr~~~ iuiin~ininiinnnniniiyut~in~n~innnnni~ninnininn ~ nn~ AGENDA ITEM NO. j APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR V PUBLIC HEARING _ORDINANCE _CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~~G~- 2F 47c~~S-- 1n~~2r~,~~~~ n~~ rt~~ E22~ ~ CE,.i~F2 v~ Svc,-N~~s~ /~2~,~„~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME I ~~ ASN~y - w~.~~,~~ ~F cJ,V.~.~~.;~ ~2~:u, ADDRESS ~oZ rA-•~~<<L A,~ S ~ 2 0 /~-~oKC /~ Ztioi6 PHONE g 8 z - ~ ~s illlillllillllllllllllilllllllill~llllllllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllw nnniiiniininnininin~niinnininn~ni~nuin~nini~iiini 3 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR _PUBLIC HEARING _ORDINANCE t/CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~', ,%~;~d~ ~,~~!~ _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~Iw~t~~ `~~~% ~~ ~9 iuiiuiiiiiii~i~t~iii~iiu~~~iiiiiiiii~t~i~in~niiiiuini~uiii~~ini AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ ~=;.ar~~'l;,-~,- ~'r-.._l~1~: ~f~ ~;,-1 ie`~„=~ ~~-~-y?~/ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME -~-~- ~. ~ 5 ~ l ~~~. •~r ~ -o ADDRESS _ ~7,~~ ':~ ~ J~ ~,,, PHONE ' 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ -~ i ~ 'I1111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~?rlvG<. / ~ ~~ fC ~ ~ ~~s~- ~~,-~1 ~ c~i7oy~ ~~ ~ ~ i~~ /~d /ef~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to rec~O nize g me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME lp. !/c'nl ~,~'v (ti' !V -- ~i4 ~ ADDRESS ~? o _ I.3 ~~ Z ~ (~ ~ PHONE ~ ~~ -~ ~ ~~~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ #' ll 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 .5r AGENDA ITEM NO. APPE CE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ (~IrQ~, G~--'~~ ~ 1~~.ti,~ ~ j~~s , l~ v I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIIE CLERK NAME ~ SGt.rn ~ ,.~ ~ ~ ~,~, ADDRESS ~ ~ I S1%~C,n.P~ ~ ~~ , ~~ PHONE ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ _ _ _ _, ~ ~~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~'i~"~"~ I would like the Chairmen of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WI-IEN CALLED TO 1'HE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME % ~c -~' ADDRESS ~~ ~ ,~. ~ ~ ~ PHONE ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~- ~ i' I11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~_~~ ~ ~3 I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPE CE REQUEST FOR ~~~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS t~ SUBJECT: ryt ~ ~ ~ 3 ; ~ ~ , -~ F ~ L 4 E '? ~~ ~ r _. ~' `~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO 1'HE LECTERN, I WII..L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY TIC GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE .~ . a. ~ A ~,~ , ~.~.. ._ , { .. iniin~niniiiuiininiinnnniinn~~nninnniiinnniinnniiin~~~l ~ / Ililllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllilllllillilllliilllllillllllllllilll X11111 ~~~~,. ~ ~~~ ~`~'"`~ ' .~ AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: worn I) Co. ~ r~ninof ~ ~ronnsorl TnI-v,~~r, Ian I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII~L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~;~ ~~-~-t-t ~ Ro nok C~ Ed ~~ o ADDRESS ~~~~ c~ .~.,,s ~;~,n st- .; ~,~ tea 24n~4- PHONE l ~n~~ 4~7 - - ~:~ 11111111111111111111111111111111~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~' ~` /~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 5 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR /PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~u~gef I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE ,--, . Jiav~e- el ~ 1, /Xeutif~~r~ ~ i~e~tov- evi~a ~ ~ ( ssoc~'afi~oh of oav~oke al( X20 S. ~efFeYSOV~ ~`fYee~` ll ~ ~Qo ah-o~C~ _ 7 03 3 U-+~ --0 931 111111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~,~ 111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~ , ~ -~~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WI-IEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~~.~~ f ~ ~ s~,~ ADDRESS '~-~ PHONE Tr./ ~11111111111111111111111111111111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~~~ ~ /7 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJ-I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 U AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE ~~TIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE IIIIIIilllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllillllllllll~llllwi1~11~11 0 ~-, g 111~111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ,:. AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR -PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: I~C~~esT ~'~ ~ ~uwc~.~wy -~~ w ~R-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME ~f } N I ~ ~ ~ ~1 A ~ ADDRESS ~~7U I~o,r~es~e cam. - S'~, PHONE ~~ - ~~7 11111111111111111111111111111111~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111~11~t ~ ~~ nnn~iiiinn~n~innni~i~~~uiiniinniiinnniiiiiiiiiiuinnun AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR V PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZENS COMMENTS __.~ : SUBJECT: ~~ '~'-~~ ,::~e.~-.~-~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WII.L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ADDRESS PHONE 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~1111~~~~ Illylllllllilllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllilill AGENDA ITEM NO. APPEARANCE REQUEST FOR ~-PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: C/L~ G~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO 'THE LECTERN, I WII,L GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a ppresentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TIC CLERK NAME ~/i m, ~J~,I ~H6 I~l~ k" ! ADDRESS 53~`~ C~V~- Jp~',~l ~ Ltil , J 1 4 PHONE ~~ `~ - ~7 l` l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIw1111~i~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21, TAXATION. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF ARTICLE X, CIGARETTE TAX BY PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF SUCH TAX, ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS • %~ ~ ~~.~ ~~~~ G~~` ~24.wG+'~q .~Gyl GY Yt~'~~C4?11--Q~-v <-~ _/lib< .~/i v~.v'-r~tr~~ ~~~Etd"3~~~f t~ (X~~2.t-woJJ~ivr~.~ D a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The 1992 session of the Virginia General Assembly adopted SB 212, which authorized any county with a population of at least 78, 000, but no more than 80, 000, to levy a cigarette tax of ten cents ($0.10) per pack. The attached draft ordinance implements this tax for Roanoke County. Notice of a public hearing on the adoption of this proposed ordinance levying this tax was advertised as required by law. BACKGROUND• One key element of the County's 1992 legislative program included an amendment to the County Charter allowing the levy of a cigarette tax. This provision was stripped from the draft legislation; however, SB 212 (which increased the cigarette tax authority for Arlington and Fairfax counties and authorized this tax for Prince William and Loudoun counties) was amended to include Roanoke County. At the meeting with the members of the local legislative delegation held on January 3, 1992, the Board committed to allocating the proceeds of the cigarette tax to education. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This proposed ordinance amends Chapter 21, TAXATION, of the Roanoke County Code by the addition of Article X, CIGARETTE TAX. This ordinance is based upon Roanoke City's ordinance in order to provide uniformity of administration and enforcement for local 1 ~-! merchants. This model was modified to reflect a division of responsibility and authority between the Treasurer and Commissioner of the Revenue (and includes their comments and revisions) and to incorporate certain provisions from the City of Fredericksburg's ordinance and the enabling legislation in Section 58.1-3832. Several provisions of this proposed ordinance are discussed or referenced for your specific information: Section 21-302 levies a tax equivalent to ten cents ($0.10) per pack or $0.005 per cigarette. Some vendors sell packs containing 25 cigarettes, instead of the standard 20 cigarette package. Section 21-304 authorizes a seven (7~) per cent discount of the tax for dealers or agents to cover the costs of the dealer affixing tax stamps to packages of cigarettes, and an additional discount for use of a meter machine equal to the County's cost of the stamps that would otherwise be required. Section 21-311 provides for seizure of unstamped cigarette packages, and for the sale of seized cigarettes. Section 21-313 directs that the tax derived from this ordinance be deposited in the general fund. Section 21-314 provides that any violation of this article constitutes a Class 1 misdemeanor. Section 21-315 enumerates unlawful or prohibited acts. Section 21-316 imposes certain presumptions for the purposes of enforcement, including possession of more than six (6) cartons shall be conclusively presumed for sale or use within the County. Section 21-317 applies this ordinance within the limits of the Town of Vinton, unless the Town imposes a Town cigarette tax. Town council may provide that the County tax shall apply within the Town, as well as the Town tax. On April 6, 1992, the Governor returned SB 212 to the Senate with an amendment requiring a local referendum before it can be effective. Since a local referendum is not required for cities and towns, staff recommends that the County oppose this amendment. Before adopting this ordinance the County must await developments in Richmond during the "veto session." If the amendment is rejected and the Governor signs the bill or if the Governor vetoes the bill and the veto is overridden, the effective date of this ordinance would be July 1, 1992, which is the effective date of legislation. The time between final adoption and the proposed effective date (approximately 9 weeks) 2 R-1 will allow the Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, and County staff to order supplies and materials and implement procedures to administer this ordinance, and allow the business community time to prepare for compliance with the ordinance. FISCAL IMPACTS• Staff estimates that a $0.10 per pack cigarette tax will generate $365,000 in new revenue. The operating cost associated with the new tax includes $30, 000 in fees to be retained by the vendor and $35,000 in equipment, supplies, and personnel costs. As mentioned above, the remaining balance of $300,000 has been allocated to education. In FY 1991-92, the County will need to appropriate $20,000 in start-up costs. A request for an appropria- tion will be made upon approval of the second reading of the cigarette tax ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board hold the advertised public hearing, receive citizen comments, and approve the first reading of this proposed ordinance. Board consideration of the second reading of this ordinance could occur after the "veto session." Respectfully submitted, l`n n ~~`~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by cc: Reta R. Busher c:\wps 1 agenda\code\cigtax. rpt Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens 3 ~-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21, TAXATION. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF ARTICLE X, CIGARETTE TAX BY PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF SUCH TAX, ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992; and the second reading and public hearing was held on April 28, 1992; and, WHEREAS, the 1992 session of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth adopted legislation authorizing Roanoke County to levy a tax upon the sale or use of cigarettes (SB 212); and, WHEREAS, this ordinance was adopted after notice and publication as required by law. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 21, "TAXATION", of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended by the addition of Article X, "CIGARETTE TAX", to read and provide as follows: Sec. 21-300. Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the following respective meanings, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Anent. The word "agent" shall mean and include every local dealer and other person who shall be authorized by the Commissioner of the Revenue to purchase and affix stamps to packages of cigarettes under the provisions of this article. 1 R- f Dealer. The word "dealer" shall mean and include every manufacturer, jobber, wholesale dealer or other person who supplies a seller with cigarettes. Package. The word "package" shall mean and include every package, box, can or other container of any cigarettes, irrespective of the material from which such container is made, to which the internal revenue stamp of the United States government is required to be affixed by and under federal statutes and regulations and in which retail sales of such cigarettes are normally made or intended to be made. Person. The word "person" shall mean and include any individual, partnership, society, association, joint stock company, corporation, estate, receiver, trustee, assignee, referee or any other person acting in a fiduciary or representative capacity, whether appointed by a court or otherwise, and any combination of individuals. Purchaser. The word "purchaser" shall mean and include every person to whom the title to any cigarette is transferred by a seller within the County. Sale. The word "sale" shall mean and include every act or transaction, irrespective of the method or means employed, including the use of vending machines and other mechanical devices, whereby title to any cigarettes shall be transferred from the seller to any other person within the County. Seller. The word "seller" shall mean and include every person engaged in the business of selling cigarettes who transfers 2 l~-1 title or in whose place of business title to any cigarettes are transferred within the County for any purpose other than resale. Stamp. The word "stamp" shall mean the small gummed piece of paper or decalcomania to be sold by the Treasurer and to be affixed by an agent to every package of cigarettes sold at retail in the County. It shall also denote any insignia or symbol printed by a meter machine upon any such package under the authorization of the Commissioner of the Revenue. Sec. 21-301. General powers of the Commissioner of the Revenue under article. In addition to the powers granted to him in other sections of this article, the Commissioner of the Revenue and the Treasurer are hereby authorized and empowered to prescribe, adopt, promulgate and enforce rules and regulations relating to the delegation of any of their powers granted by this article to their representatives; and any other matter pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this article. Sec. 21-302. Levied; amount. a. In addition to all other taxes of every kind now imposed by law, there is hereby levied and imposed by the County, upon each and every sale of cigarettes, a tax equivalent to $0.10 (ten cents) per cigarette package (or $0.005 per cigarette) sold within the County, the amount of such tax to be paid by the seller in the manner and at the time prescribed in this article. b. If any person fails or refuses to pay the tax required to be paid under this Article within the time and in the amount 3 re-i specified herein, there shall be added to such tax by the Treasurer a penalty of ten (10~) percent per month of the tax due. Any such penalty when so assessed shall become a part of the tax. Interest at the rate of three quarters of one percent per month shall be assessed and collected on the principal of and any penalties on tax found to be overdue and unpaid. If any person willfully or fraudulently evades the payment of any tax imposed by this article, a penalty in the amount of fifty (50$) percent of the tax due shall be imposed. This penalty shall be in addition to any other penalties imposed herein. Sec. 21-303. Method of payment; appointment of agents to affiu stamps. a. The tax imposed by this chapter shall be paid by a local dealer or other agent affixing a stamp or stamps, or causing a stamp or stamps to be affixed, to each and every package of cigarettes in the manner and at the time or times provided for in this article. Every dealer in the County shall have the right to buy and affix such stamps as an agent, and the Commissioner of the Revenue may appoint, in addition to local dealers, such other persons as agents for the purpose of buying and affixing stamps as he may deem necessary. Every agent shall at all times have the right to appoint a person in his employ to affix the stamps to any cigarettes under the agent's control. b. The Commissioner of the Revenue is hereby authorized and empowered to prescribe the method to be employed and the conditions to be observed in the use of meter machines for printing upon 4 /~i'- f packages of cigarettes insignia or impressions to represent the payment of the tax imposed by this article. c. The Commissioner of the Revenue is authorized to enter into an arrangement with the Virginia Department of Taxation to allow a dealer who is a tobacco wholesaler to use a dual die or stamp to evidence the payment of both the County and the state cigarette tax. The Commissioner of the Revenue shall have the authority to determine the procedures by which such an arrangement may be agreed upon by the County and the Department of Taxation. Sec. 21-304. Preparation and sale of stamps generally. For the purpose of making the stamps referred to in section 21-303 available for use by local dealers and other agents, the Treasurer shall prescribe, prepare, furnish and sell, stamps of such denominations and quantities as may be necessary for the payment of the tax imposed by this article. In the sale of such stamps to a local dealer or other agent, the Treasurer shall allow a discount of seven (7) percent of the denominational or face value thereof to cover the costs which will be incurred by such dealer or agent in affixing the stamps to packages of cigarettes. In the event that printing by a meter machine is used in lieu of gummed stamps, there shall be allowed a further discount equal in amount to the cost to the County of the stamps that would otherwise be required. The Treasurer may, from time to time and as often as he deems advisable, provide for the issuance and exclusive use of stamps of a new design and forbid the use of stamps of any other design and he may make and carry into effect such reasonable rules 5 IQ - i and regulations relating to the preparation, furnishing and sale of stamps as he may deem necessary. sec. 21-305. General duties of dealers, agents and sellers with respect to stamps. a. Every local dealer in cigarettes and every agent appointed under this article is hereby required, and it shall be his duty, to purchase such stamps at the office of the Treasurer as shall be necessary to pay the tax imposed under the provisions of this article, and to affix a stamp or stamps of the monetary value prescribed by this article, or cause such stamp or stamps to be affixed, to each package of cigarettes prior to delivering or furnishing such cigarettes to any seller who is not also an agent. Nothing herein contained shall preclude any dealer from authorizing and employing an agent to purchase and affix such stamps in his behalf or to have a stamp meter machine used in lieu of gummed stamps to effectuate the provisions of this article. b. Every seller is hereby required to examine each package of cigarettes prior to exposing it for sale for the purpose of ascertaining whether such package has the proper stamp affixed thereto in compliance with the provisions of this article. If, upon such examination, unstamped or improperly stamped packages of cigarettes are discovered, the seller, when such cigarettes were obtained from a local dealer, shall immediately notify such dealer, and upon such notification, such dealer shall forthwith either affix to such unstamped or improperly stamped packages the proper amount of stamps or shall replace such packages with others to 6 ~i- i which stamps have been properly affixed. c. If a seller, who is not also an agent, shall obtain or acquire possession of unstamped or improperly stamped cigarettes from any person other than a local dealer, the seller shall forthwith notify the Commissioner of the Revenue of such fact and the Commissioner of the Revenue shall thereupon designate an agent to affix the proper stamps to such cigarettes, the funds required to purchase such stamps at face value to be advanced to such agent by such seller. The agent so designated shall thereupon affix the appropriate stamps at such agent's place of business. d. In the event any seller elects to purchase and affix such stamps or the imprints of a meter machine before offering cigarettes for sale, any local dealer delivering and furnishing cigarettes to any such seller shall not be required to purchase and affix the stamps or imprints to such cigarettes so sold or furnished; provided, however, that any such local dealer shall, on the day following the day of such delivery and furnishing, file with the Commissioner of the Revenue a copy of the delivery memorandum showing the name and address of such seller and the quantity and type of cigarettes so delivered and furnished. Sec. 21-306. Visibility of stamps or meter markings. Stamps or the printed markings of a meter machine evidencing payment of the tax imposed by this article shall be placed upon each package of cigarettes in such manner as to be readily visible to the purchaser. Sec. 21-307. Cancellation of stamps. 7 ~q- a. The Commissioner of the Revenue is hereby authorized to prescribe, adopt, promulgate and enforce rules and regulations relating to the method and means to be used in the cancellation of stamps provided for in this article. b. In the event that the Commissioner of the Revenue shall promulgate rules and regulations so requiring, every local dealer, agent or seller is hereby required, and it shall be his duty, to cancel all stamps upon all packages of cigarettes in his possession in accordance with such rules and regulations. Sec. 21-308. Redemption of stamps; refund for destroyed stamps. The Commissioner of the Revenue is hereby empowered to make and carry into effect such reasonable rules and regulations relating to the redemption of stamps provided for by this article as he may deem necessary; provided, however, that in redeeming stamps or making refund for destroyed stamps, the Treasurer shall in no case refund more than ninety (90) percent of the face value of such redeemed or destroyed stamps. Sec. 21-309. Dealers and sellers records generally. It shall be the duty of every local dealer and seller to maintain and to keep, for a period of two (2) years, such records of cigarettes received and sold by him as may be required by the Commissioner of the Revenue, to make all such records available for examination in the County by the Commissioner of the Revenue upon demand, and to make available the means, facilities and opportunity for making such examination at all reasonable times. Sec. 21-310. Examination of books, records, etc. 8 ~-~ The Commissioner of the Revenue is hereby authorized and empowered to examine books, records, invoices, papers and any and all cigarettes in and upon any premises where the same are placed, stored, sold, offered for sale or displayed for sale by a seller. Sec. 21-311. Seizure and sale of unstamped cigarettes. In the event the Commissioner of the Revenue discovers any cigarettes which are subject to the tax imposed under the provisions of this article, but upon which such tax has not been paid and upon which stamps have not been affixed or evidence of payment shown thereon by the printed markings of a meter machine in compliance with the provisions of this article, such officers, or any of them, are hereby authorized and empowered to seize and take possession forthwith of such cigarettes, which shall thereupon be deemed to be forfeited to the County. The Treasurer may, within a reasonable time thereafter, and after written notice posted at the front door of the courthouse, at least five (5) days before the date of sale, sell such forfeited cigarettes at the place designated by him in such notice, and from the proceeds of such sale shall collect the tax due thereon, together with a penalty of fifty (50) percent thereof and the costs incurred in such proceedings, and shall pay the balance, if any, of such proceeds to the seller in whose possession such forfeited cigarettes were found. Such seizure and sale shall not be deemed to relieve any person from any of the penalties provided in this article. Sec. 21-312. Administration of oaths, examination of witnesses, etc., for enforcement of article. 9 ~-i The Commissioner of the Revenue is authorized and empowered to administer oaths and to take affidavits in relation to any matter or proceedings in the exercise of his powers and duties relating to the tax imposed by this article, and he shall have power to subpoena and to require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, papers or documents, and to examine such witnesses, books, papers and documents, for the purpose of securing information pertinent to the performance of such duties. Sec. 21-313. Disposition of tax money. All money derived by the County from the tax on the sale of cigarettes imposed under the provisions of this article shall be deposited by the Treasurer to the credit of the general fund of the County for utilization for such legal purposes as the Board of Supervisors may from time to time determine. Sec. 21-314. Violations of article-Generally. Each violation of, or noncompliance with, any of the provisions of this article shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. Conviction and payment of a fine under this section shall not relieve any person from the payment of the tax imposed by this article. Sec. 21-315. Same-Prohibited acts enumerated. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this article: (a) For any person to perform any act, or to fail to perform any act, for the purpose of evading the payment of the tax imposed by this article, or of any part thereof. (b) For any dealer or seller, with intent to violate any 10 IQ- f provision of this article, to fail or refuse to perform any of the duties imposed upon him under the provisions of this article, or to fail or refuse to obey any lawful order which the Commissioner of the Revenue may issue under the provisions of this article. (c) For any person falsely or fraudulently to make, forge, alter or counterfeit any stamp or the printed markings of a meter machine, or to procure or cause to be made, forged, altered or counterfeited any such stamp or printed markings of a meter machine, or knowingly and willfully to alter, publish, pass or tender as true any false, altered, forged or counterfeited stamp or stamps or printed markings of a meter machine. (d) For any person to sell and dispense, through a vending machine or other mechanical device, any cigarettes upon which the tax imposed by this article has not been paid and upon which evidence of the payment thereof is not shown on each package of such cigarettes. (e) To reuse or refill with cigarettes any package from which cigarettes on which the tax has been paid have been removed. (f) To remove any stamp or the printed markings of a meter machine from any package with intent to use or cause such stamp or printed markings to be used after the same has already been used, or to buy, sell, offer for sale, or give away any used, removed, altered, or restored stamp or printed markings of a meter machine to any person or to reuse any stamp or printed markings of a meter machine which has theretofore been used for evidence of the payment of any tax prescribed by this Article, or except as to Treasurer, 11 ~- i to sell or offer to sell any stamp or printed markings of a meter machine provided for herein. Sec. 21-316. Same-Possession by seller of unstamped cigarettes as presumption of violation. a. In the event that packages of cigarettes are found in the possession of a seller without the proper stamps being affixed thereto or without authorized printed markings of a meter machine thereon, and the seller shall be unable to submit evidence establishing that he received such package within the immediately preceding forty-eight (48) hours and that he has not offered the same for sale, the presumption shall be that such packages are being kept by such seller in violation of the provisions of this article and shall subject him to all of the penalties provided for such violation, even if such seller is also an agent. b. That tobacco products found in quantities of more than six cartons within the County shall be conclusively presumed for sale or use within the jurisdiction and may be seized and confiscated if: 1. They are in transit, and are not accompanied by a bill of lading or other document indicating the true name and address of the consignor or seller and of the consignee or purchaser, and the brands and quantity of cigarettes so transported, or are in transit and accompanied by a bill of lading or other document which is false or fraudulent, in whole or in part; or 2. They are in transit and are accompanied by a bill of 12 n-i lading or other document indicating: (i) A consignee or purchaser in another state or the District of Columbia who is not authorized by the law of such other jurisdiction to receive or possess such tobacco products on which the taxes imposed by such other jurisdiction have not been paid, unless the tax of the state or District of destination has been paid and the said products bear the tax stamps of that state or District; or (ii) A consignee or purchaser in the Commonwealth of Virginia but outside the County who does not possess a Virginia sales and use tax certificate, a Virginia retail cigarette license and, where applicable, both a business license and retail cigarette license issued by the County of destination; or 3. They are not in transit and the tax has not been paid, nor have approved arrangements for payment been made, provided that this subparagraph shall not apply to cigarettes in the possession of distributors or public warehouses which have filed notice and appropriate proof with the County that those cigarettes are temporarily within the County and will be sent to consignees or purchasers outside the County in the normal course of business. The mere possession of untaxed cigarettes in quantities of not more than six cartons shall not be a violation of any such ordinance. c. That cigarettes and all other property, other than motor vehicles, used in the furtherance of any illegal evasion of the tax so seized and confiscated may be disposed of by sale or other 13 ~-I method deemed appropriate by the County. No credit from any sale or other disposition shall be allowed toward any tax or penalties owed. d. Any coin-operated vending machine in which any cigarettes are found, stored, or possessed bearing a counterfeit or bogus cigarette tax stamp or impression or any unstamped tobacco products or any cigarettes upon which the tax imposed under this Article has not been paid, may be declared contraband property and shall be subject to confiscation and sale as provided in this Article. When any such vending machine is found containing such cigarettes, it shall be presumed that such cigarettes were intended for distribution, sale or use therefrom. In lieu of immediate seizure and confiscation of any vending machine used in an illegal evasion of the tax, it may be sealed by appropriate enforcement authorities to prevent continued illegal sale or removal of any cigarettes and may be left unmoved until other civil and criminal penalties are imposed or waived. Notice requirements shall be the same as if the machine had been seized. Such seal may be removed and the machine declared eligible for operation only by authorized enforcement authorities. Nothing in this section shall prevent seizure and confiscation of a vending machine at any time after it is sealed. Sec. 21-317. Town of Vinton. The provisions of this article shall apply within the corporate limits of the Town of Vinton, unless the Town now, or hereafter, imposes a Town cigarette tax. Town council may provide that the tax imposed by this Article shall apply within the limits 14 R-I of the Town, as well as the town cigarette tax. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after July 1, 1992. c:\wp51\agenda\code\tigtax.ord 15 ACTION NO. '~` 1 ITEM NUMBER 1'` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session - Smith Gap Landfill COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a work session on the Smith Gap Landfill. Staff, consultants and John Hubbard, Chief Executive Officer of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, will update the board on progress and will be available to answer any questions the Board members may have. This is the first quarterly work session planned on this project. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ACTION NO. .. . ITEM NUMBER "~'~"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session - Spring Hollow Water Project COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SIIMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a work session on the Spring Hollow Water Project. Utility Director Clifford Craig, consultants and the contractor will update the board on progress and will be available to answer any questions the Board members may have. This will be the first quarterly work session planned for this project. ri t~-F/) / .,...a.w /V Cf'~~O/7 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion b No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Y• Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Work Session COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a budget work session. On April 28, 1992, the Board will be asked to adopted the budget for fiscal year 1992-93. rrw/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion b No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Y• Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VIRGINIA'S m ®~ P A R K An outdoor classroom and living history museum enabli~ag vzsitors to learn about the lane wildlife, and early American civilizrttions through a diversity of experiences at the.• • American Center for Rare and Endangered Species • ~Che Environmental Education Center of Virginia • American Wilderness Park • Native American Park • Blue Ridge Town Administered by Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Virginia Code 810.1-1600 et. seq. L. H. Hamlar, Chairman in partnership with The River Foundation I. R. C. X501 (c) (3) Joseph E. Stephenson, President ] O1 South Jefferson Street Sixrh Floor Roanoke, Virginia 2401 I-1311 (703) 345-1295 Fax: (703) 345-6031 July 31, 1992 Mr. Tim Gubala, Director Economic Development County of Roanoke, Virginia P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Re.: Well for Explore Park Dear `Tim: /.~...,. < < - ` ~, f .. ; f F z:C- ° ~, ~. . On May 27, 1992, the contractor of Gilliam & Mundy Drilling Company, Inc., completed drilling a Class IIB well, 300 feet deep at Explore Park. The well is constructed to Roanoke County public water consumption standards and tests pure while pumping 10 gallons per minute. This well should provide the water needs to the historic Hofauger Farmstead in the pioneer settlement at Explore Park. At its April 14, 1992, meeting the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors generously agreed to reimburse Explore Park for the expenses accrued developing this well as the farmstead's primary water source. Please find attached to this correspondence the contractor's billing for the installation of the well. As can be seen by reviewing the attached statement, the well itself cost $5,269.50 to create. The pump installation, including water lines to the Hofauger house, a small storage tank, and electrical hook-ups for the operation of the pump and storage tank, cost $1,850.00. An additional $88.06 was needed to add water lines within the basement of the Hofauger house. The total installation cost for the complete water system was $7,206.56. These costs have already been paid by The River Foundation on June 26, 1992. Please consider this correspondence as Explore Park's request to the County to have these expenditures reimbursed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Richard B. Burrow Project Engineer RBB/pkl ..yam, ' ~`~~~ ~+ ~-~~ ~~ _ ~, ~, 1 38 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 V (~~'""'"' .. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (~(~ H. ODELL'FUZZY' MINNIX April 17, 1992 CAVE SPRING MAGISTERUL DISTRICT' HARRY C. N-CKENS VINTON MAGISTERUL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Rev. Laney Mofie/d Colonial Avenue Baptist Church 4165 Colonial Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Mofield: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1992. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. Since ely, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bjh C~~~xx~# ~#' ~~x~~.~~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 ® RelyCled Paper A w z ~'~xxt# .~~' ~~xxY~.~..e ~ 38 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 April 17, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDGY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERUJ. DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWeA MAGIS71t1t1AL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NIGKENS VINT'ON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. W. David Paxton 3152 Galloway Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Paxton: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1992, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on May 30, 1992. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1992. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT: YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYNOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMI75 EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~• Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenues Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ®R.crd.a Paa. O~ AOAN ~, a ~ ~ z o~ ai 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOOGE (703) 772-2004 April 20, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL OISTRICT H. ODELL'FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Gardner Smith, Chairman Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 1216 Kessler Mill Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Smith: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 41492-4 approving the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Budget for the year ending June 30, 1993, upon certain terms and conditions. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1992. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosure cc: Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance John Hubbard, CEO, RVRA Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Town of Vinton ® Recycled Paper AN ~: O ,~, ~3 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOOGE (703) 772-2004 April 17, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRKT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERWL DISTRCT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTE1tlAL DLSTRKT H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGI87ERULL. DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. W. David Paxton 3152 Galloway Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Paxton: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1992, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Cave Spring American Baseball League, Inc. for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on May 30, 1992. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1992. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, L~~J Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue- Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® ~yd.a ~- ~ R AN ,I, ' `, i+ a ~ s6 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 April 22, 1992 ~!~~_~_ LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBJI MAGISTERAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Edward F. Mullikin, Jr. 4016 Cravens Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Mullikin: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 1992, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Roanoke Moose Lodge 284 to hold tip board raffles in Roanoke County for the calendar year 1992. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1992. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY NOVEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, L~i~c~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisor Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Recycled paper .~c:C~~ ~~_ ~ ~ RAY D. PE'THTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 March 24, 1992 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolutions dated November 9, 1988 and November 22, 1988, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective March 13, 1992. ADDITIONS LENGTH BUCKLAND FOREST. SECTION 4 Route 1858 (Buckland Mill Road) - From Route 1808 to 0.31 mile Northeast Route 1808 0.31 Mi Route 1977 (Copper Circle) - From Route 1858 to 0.09 mile South- west Route 1858 0.09 Mi JUNIPINE Route 2075 (Past Times Lane) - From Route 849 to 0.09 mile North- west Route 849 0.09 Mi Sincerely, /~`/ ay D. Pethtel Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FCSR THE 21ST CENTURY C ~I y„ RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OFTRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 March 25, 1992 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated February 11, 1992, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective March 17, 1992. ADDITIONS LENGTH THE ORCHARDS - APPLEWOOD. SECTIONS 6 & 7 Route 1220 (Huntridge Road) - From 0.16 mile North Route 1224 to 0.17 mile North Route 1225 0.22 Mi Route 1225 (Golden Circle) - From Route 1220 to 0.06 mile East Route 1220 Sincerely, ay D. Pethtel Commissioner TRA.NSPORTA"PION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 0.06 Mi ~.. a~~ RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 March 23, 1992 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated January 28, 1992, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective March 9, 1992. ADDITIONS LENGTH GLADE HILL ESTATES - SECTION 2 Route 992 (Blueberry Ridge Drive) - From Route 991 to Route 993 0.06 Mi Route 993 (Praline Place) - From 0.06 mile West Route 992 to 0.06 mile East Route 992 0.12 Mi Sincerely, Ray D. Pethtel Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21 S7 CENTURY =i Cc . ~~~ Y ~.. .. RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 April 3, 1992 Secondary System Addition Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated January 14, 1992, the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County is hereby approved, effective March 18, 1992. ADDITION CAMPBELL HILLS - SECTION 3 Route 1193 (Louise Circle) - From Route 1191 to 0.06 mile Southwest Route 1191 Sincerely, ~ao~~~~ Ray D. Pethtel Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY LENGTH 0.06 Mi Post Office Box 1018 Roanoke, Virginia 24005 April 14, 1992 r'~.. HAND DELIVER (~ i Gerri K. Rorer ~ ~-~,,, ~' E ~l `~~ Tax Compliance Deputy `~, ,; ' Commission of Revenue ! L~~ County of Roanoke ~. 3738 Brambleton Avenue ~ ~ ~ `~~`~%~ ~`~'L~ Roanoke, VA 24018-0513 ~ ~'~,, RE: Application for Raffle Permit Dear Ms. Rorer: ~. ~'~~ Following up on our telephone conversation today, enclosed please find an application for Raffle Permit submitted on behalf of the Cave Spring American Baseball League. We have enclosed the following documents: 1. Check in the amount of $25.00. 2. Application for Permit. 3. The IRS Exemption letter is on file from previous raffle applications. 4. Articles of Incorporation are on file from last year's filing. 5. Bylaws of the Organization are also on file. 6. Exemption from Charitable Solicitation Laws is on file. 7. List of members by children's name for the current year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the enclosed materials. My work number is 982-8000. Thank you very much for your assistance with regard to this matter. Very truly yours, GENTRY LOCKE RAKES & MOORE ~. W. David Paxton WDP/kfk cc: Alan Klinger 9817/1/002.1tr .. a. xuur~_w. ~....~w.u.a.a...~eu~.ai.:.c.rra..uaM_.t+..r.r.+w.a.li...aa.a.s,a-..n.....m...r...~.~....c:..d._......a....3.ti_sr.+......._rvw4Vw^.~...u<.u..u.r.,..t~,a.~ _- _ rz+u.~..aui _- _ .tsrr.~~avWrraa~.ou.rrm: sera. ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR RAFFLE PERMIT SUBMITTED ON BEHALF OF CAVE SPRING AMERICAN BASEBALL LEAGUE Attached is a list of all players registered in our League for the 199 season as of March 15, 199. Under our Articles and Bylaws, the members of our organization are parents of these children. Since registration has just been completed, we have not compiled a listing of the parents' names yet. If necessary, a listing of the parents will be provided at a future time. 200/09817-001/add I:i-^+'v'E SF'RI!'dt~ i=~~!ERICri!`':! L-~ii~-~EL~ril_L LEi=iGUE~ I!`'d!~o ~zEG I STEF:ED - D I',? I ~3 I L"iP~.! 1 t`.IAC'~7E ADDRESS C I T`'.` Har'!E F't•i,,. H i~ t ~ r'-, T E L L a „ ~~ ~_i _ ? {_ ~• C1 r-s C`! H J ~~ r-,.~ Ir : ]. ''_f L 1':1 F~:O ", i'a tC F ~. E ~ `~,' ~', r . AL'A~iS„ '~CL~1"T 59'9 rRAHC'!t~y kaHU `:~11! F:ai~CaOF~..E, '~1~=i 98F'-~'L-,81 ADF~:II'~IS„ CHF:IS 5=8' CAt~~TEF: DR:[''E ~=11J RnAfaOK:E, '~;A 774-I3ii~?~' ADF~::Ih.l:~„ JOHhI !~1 5487 RIDGELEA ROAI:' S1•J RaAl~aaF~::E ~~.'A 774-76.?`~' ALDEt-~T„ F:C7D~ERT T F:E~;'rR T^~~T LEDGEI~IOnD AE%LhiUE RnA~IOF~~:E ~JA %74-49'=~5 ALFA-:HAI~F:A„ ZACI-IAF:Y 546:. LnNSDALE RD 5W F.:DANaF=::E4 ~JA 774-'?•4C's? ;~h1OS„ !=~:YACa =5~8 FQRESTER F'nAD Std F:nACdQF~~:Ea VA 7 7~4'-!~~4~~5 ANDEF;:`~iOr!„ E~EPa X555 SHARK?A!~: F:nr~D ROAh~OF~;E, ~lA 9%~~-':'~t~::L ARORA„ AnIIJJ '925 F':EhaT!_At~aD DRI~~JE 541 ROAC~itJF~::E, VA 7:?4~-,~`:"?~T ~,F: ; !-!iJF:„ L'H•; i:~. T J97~ RO.~ELt-;1~1C,! ^:(JHD ~?a~ E-:aHI~~Q}:,~. JH ~ . J - ASSr`,i_;D„ -i!-!n!`1i•=t'~ 51.=~=~ CARF:I;yCJE T:iF~rti'E 511 ROAr:1O}:;E„ '•~A °?f;9.~-I'.::7 ~.:~ AVEt~:'T'„ DAV:II? 75'7 ArF`LE aRO~;'E LACE S4J RnACaaF::E. ~ 'r'A 98=''_:'`'?r-i ~AL._.F:„ ? ~RE11J A b=C'? =SF'RIC~~ ~ RU!`•I L'F~:I'rE ~tll C t~ ` ~.` F: ~» Pa O F~~ '_ ,`A 8~=~-._ :"~::. SA ~.iD`, „ STEF'HEi`•! i CLA`T' i ? 1 19 EL ECTR I t~ ROi=;P. t1J #~:I F:nAP,tJ}:::E, ~: A 7 74 -8~= ~? :' ~;-;F:r-?E„ Lt~G-'r'=il''1 541 ' SHEILA LAC'~.IE SG~J Rni=ttanF-~:Eq `JA '?8G-~';8~~. Br,RNES„ 1~1EGAt`.I ?~?5' TAC'fARACF: TRAT!_ 541 F:nAt~•~!aF~::E„ :fA 774--'~'~~' S(+F:I`~~Hr=iF:T„ AC'IAi:IDA 54^'? 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ROAE4ak::E ~ t¢ A 989-9_b C01_EM(-;i`!„ JC_i SEF'H C°1 {JnE`f) 5J~)J GREEh1 !"!t=.ADn4~1 F:nAD 51+1 Rat=lha0~`:E, VA 774-.' u<r.~ COLLETTE„ TF:r1~iIS LEE 4776 i~HIF'F'ECaHi=,!'1 DRTi~='E„ SW F:ah=t1"aaF=:E„ ~s'A . -'~.'-._'bc~I COLLIi`.15„ ~.Jl.l~il"II'a DANIEL 5T'4 ~RAhaD:[N F:aAD E;~T SW RaANOk::E„ `JA 989-1111.3 COLL~IELL„ ROE~ER1' :'16~-1t~8 IERRY LANE S1J RaACaak;E„ ~%A 774-_ _b` CONDOPa , 1~1ELAhl I E 5t:~ 16 CAVE SF`R I hdG LANE SW ROANnF:'E„ VA 774-= 487 COr,INER„ Si'E~1EN 751 OLD tH T LL F:D ROAfanF:E K VA 7 74-.~'-" 1 COOF<: „ LAUREN AKIN 5~ 7~9 SUGAR LOAF C'IaUNTA I ni DR SWROANOF~;E q VA 774-=~•-" CORNELTSDN„ JOHN 18~?8 F'ELHAi"f DRI~~IE 51+1 F:OANOk::E~ ~!A 989-t~~447 COX „ CHR T STOFHER 4678 C'IE~1S HILL DR I UE ROAn10F~.:E, 'JA 7 74-1596 CRAFTS„ ALEXANDER 5:'~6 CANTER DRI~.JE 5W ROANOF-::E, ~lA 774-~>>78' CF:AhJWELL„ CAITLIN :644 LARSaN aAk::S DRI~JE SW RaACaOF:Eq 'JA 77C-~~57 CAVE ,'=~F'R.II'as~ r=aC'1ci-~:.i:(.~i~j`.i =i=1=~E~i~+LL L1=rI~~UE., Ii'•IC:. r I~-( 1 RE(azSTERED - D:r.",'zJI~_~ r.IAI''1E ADDr:ESS C T T'';' HOME F'ho CF:(.-il41I]EF;:, '.70`;~H(Jrl CUI"If='STOC•.(, SCO"!"T DA~.'IS, BEra•JAMII!1 C DODt~Or-i, r`!A'r.:`z` i:+!HITTEI~1 D O iJ (~ L r=i h :, D i-1'`-J I L? ~, r- r^ DOl11D ; :, JE;~:3ICA DF:Al='EF:,; ShlAr~aE DF;:I_Jh'!C-1E'Li._EF::, 5:. F.:USSELL y!i_;LL, F,Er,1.:JAr'!Ti'`1. r~AF~:+=lr~ ~ LJ I``.i i~~ la rl r•? „ f~:'~ t~y ra ni..`•.r1•=~~=; F:, TRAt% 5 l~J~;`rraE ti, (JF:i-~±far''i„ ~7E5`-,E i°1 cAl`IES:, ,70s.3H(JF EMEF:Y, 1=OF:F:EST : ~ r, _. _ .;_. ..., ._, cc_~ I`~_- . ErarL T ~_ H :, L,WI!.JF:Er,i r: :.;107"!~, !- h=1 i"; .[ i~~(iJ L 1-i ,, D A'~i L ~ H FL(=JF:A:, :70D:1: FOOR, C:OI_E~ FORD , M T CI-IAEL GALLAi~HER, SEAra s~ALL T , h'1ATTHEW uAF:LAI`.(D, i`••I I CHOLAS C e .~ . t~!rl'!' , :~rt!'1 iSLE:[jr`.IER:, CHRTSTIraA ~~LEr`.ir`1, i?L7 I r`ICY AikiDREW OOF:?=?Or`.I„ SET!-1 COULD, ~rAB I "rHA REr1EE rF:A`{, ~ DIES GUr`1TEF: , SC("lTT DAl' I D rUTTr1Ar'-I ,, JOSI-IUr-; HAHr1, BRAL''LE`{ HALL , I+JESLE'~' F'Ei`dDLETOn! HAMFt I CF; :, I•~;ATHER I r`1E r F~::AT`{ } HAr'1r: I CFA::, SSA[-~A MAR I E HAr•(SEra , I' . 11"(BEr;LY L`{rar~( HARMOi`1, BEr~IJAr'IIra I_ HAF;h1Ohi, E~R:[Ara L HARr10ra, JUL_TE Arara HARRIi:a, JUS T it-I HEILMAra,, 'JO'SH+JA HEPJDERSl=ir1, D`{LAr1 HEr`1DERS01~1, r'1ATTHE!{1 HEh1DR T Ck::., i"(I CHAEL HERGF:UETER, RYAra RESTER, BEM H I Ck:S , 4~+AY1~(E HODY, Ah(DREitJ HOFFMAra, F~:ARLA ROLL-~ErJ, ANDREW 582`.3 CASTLE !~ OCE<: !=:Oi~C' Sl~J ?0sJ6 FOREST EL?i3E DF: I "•1E Sa1 1 ?•~ GF:EEr`1F T EL L3 STREET v!~! ?i?:~ TICy(L=+EFiLIraE Ti~iAI!. 0ii42 '-.;' I STA F^F:EST DF4:I"~r'C SW 1615 SUP1C'EF:F:`! C I F:CLE 5141 ~?•?C? 1 EASTH T LL Di•~: I "=?E a~'a . . ?r.' H I GHf= I cLDS FAR!`1 D(=~: Z ",'E =';q~;' ~tti1:;JEF. Fi`fyL' }GJ cQ8(3 FOF:Et:~T ".'.? G(AJ ;;:(JiyD ;~L'1 2' 1 ; F L E ~= ~" s,':i i_ l l„ =`I":%E 5 . lrJ ,. ~±~~:? 1 BF:Er`1Tl~100L4 CT ~+b.=•~ h~::ETTr:=F:I i`ai= JOUF:T SW 7626 h'IT t_:HEST(~1UT F:OAD S9?9 WI1_L ET LAraE t?' -' 4 ti.j I I i [_ T I r=1 r`a E 5C!25 WOODr~!Or~i T DR T VE Sl~J ~~ ?25 WOODh10r1T DR I ";'E `,SW Vic.?~ ivLECvI~?I;:iJi~?I~:: L~Fi i'' E t:~4~ C- , , -- .Jt:it~ rtGF: r'~I("1n:L`4 `{ LHr4 rte: .,:. 5.~' 6? C A'~% E S F` F: I I'•a ~a L A r1 E S !~J ~.52~. Lrr::ELAr`Jli C 4!;: i {;'E SW 51 1 1 ":' I STA FrJF.:EST DF:I "•~'E St~J 7~?56 H I OHF I ELDS FARM TF:A I L Gett--?'2 BROOt~:F I ELD DRIVE SW 5025 ~.I-f Y'AL ~T EF° DR T ~;'E 5ir1 6521 MILL RUPa CIRCLE SW :c.?iob 1 ORCHARD ':~t-"LLE`? CIRCLE '6'8 BOl+-EF: ROAD Siv 6'211 F'OAOE '.'ALLE`r` F:D 5:'4? L!JWAraA DF: T "a'E 5(:11 5T?6 GLOUCESTEF: COURT SW ~-~ }~.~ Rurar'.(Yr'1EADE LAr1E 5622' t}JARWOOD DR I ~JE Si~1 I26 OLD Bn:00f~~: ROAD G:S2b SiJUTHWOODS DF: I t,~'E SW .-T8{_?5 F' I hlEVALE ROHD SW ~6 =' ? SUGAR Li7AF MOUlVTA I h( RD 56 ~'9 COUh(TRY LAr.IE ~' _ 10 WOODLAI,(D DRIVE SW 4R-_ i3 COF'DELL DRIVE SW 4 ~"8 GOF:DELL DRIVE SW 154-? 1 B L-~ERF.:`r' LAr1E 5W "64r~ O'v'ERBROOF~:: DRT~1'E SW .646 OVERBROOF~:: DF:I~,~E S+t1 .646 OVERJJRsJOE': DF:IG'E SW 4420?D L-~At`1L~i +RY L~Ir`.IE 54?? BF:AraD'r W T raE A~?E~lL+E 5W 5J6`~ ROSELAWr1 ROAD 5W ?562 BOXWOOD DRIVE Sl+l :' 155 TOMARAI~IhJE DF:I VE SW 1526 STRAWBERRY MOU(uTAIN RD 1742 ELBERT DF:IVE SW 5954 BLAC;::HORSE LA(dE Sti1 1811 ELBEF:T DRIVE SW 6 i 58 BURr~1HAM RD X662 COUhITRY LN SGI !:~r ! ! '.rcC.:...~ F:OAr`dOr:E, VA 7?'?-=?•~~"? VIi`-a7 iJra, `~;'A S9s_?-'_?'~';~'.!. ROAh10k;E, VA 989-'i1:i AI`~i OE~'E RO , VA ? %~-4565 -y 1 F:OAr-aOF<:E 5111 F:Or~~r'10r~::E, VA '~at~-~-!.-;,~,c:;s ROAr10C~:E, ~JA T~4-_'-'s-?:C BEraT MOi ~lTAlra, 929-4(35'=~ BEr~.IT i410Ur1T~Zrd, 929-;~.+,.5t? ~ !.~..~a `srr ~c~ bn: •-} c- r_ }~ nHr•1n}.E 4 'Y h-1 C"ipt•r-:~;',:'~~_~ F:aAr~sJC~::E 4 rl ~_ . S~ r ~' SIjJ ROAr10rCE, VA 989-6 = •~•' ROHr`aor=-." VH i ?4 5?t_1ti ROAl~IOr:E, VA ??E-?~?5cW rZDA(`10F-.E, ~:'H ! i ~--i7105 SW ROAr.IOr~:E, VA 989-4~'_? 1. u F:OAC~10F~::E , VA ?? 2-4b1 F:OAr10C~::E, ~:'A , -'4-sSs~4~7 (-. Ara E::E q /r: ROAr.(Of~::E, VA ? ? 2-1 "_?J J VIr1TOr`1. VA 8`?s:?-1_;04 ROA(~i(:~F-::E, "IA 989-6C?G•~ ROAr10k::E, VA 989-?-_9, SWROANOf`:E, VA --"'66-1842 ROAr10k::E, VA 989-8120 ROAriOF::E, VA ~~~-29'-~~? ROAh10f':E, VA / !'~-/i~J(:3 ROAr~IOf~::E, VA ??~•-?056 ROAr`1?~F~:E9 VA 909-9.;<~' ROAr`1CiFE, 'JA 989-t?.?~•2 ROAr~IOF~::E, VA 909-`a.?42 ROAr`10F=::E, VA ?:'~•-694s-> ROAr.IOk::E, `-1A .:'~-0495 ROAraOFEq VA 989-t5~?5~ ROAraOk::E, VA ??2--"J9 ~'4 ROArJOk::E, VA 989-5, ~' 1 ? SWROAraOF~::E, VA :~?6-~iii~? F:OAI~10k::E, VA 989-:a?~?-(If ROArdOk::E, VA 989-15:L9 ROAr~10(•~::E, VA ??2-1655 ROAraOk'E, VA 7? ~•-9:56 CAFE SF'F:Ir°:IG Ah1EF:I'~ACd '.3A3ECALL LE~i~!'E., II`ul:. ` ' ~ RE:7I STE~,C4,k - ~'I ~. tT r. ~.~~ s ~ .~ I i7r•.I 1 NAt`1E ADDf;ESS C I T`r NDLC01'~IC~, C'LrHF::E ~~AF:RETT HOL•T a L.AUF`EI'•J }:::;•ti'THLEI=r•l HOWELLa COL.CY "THOMAS HUFF, JARROD CRONSON HUrJDLE`f ~ DAtI I D HUNTy GEDRC3E F`. ~:TRIF'F'? HUNT, ;3TE~;'Erl JELLEFi`~C71`.i•, 'r::E~., II'~.i DOUGLAS JENf_L-I'•J, Mit_;F-fAEL D JOHriSOhl a CF:Ar.iDOra J i7F••IhJ;~iCir•J ~ c'E~: i rr~i A Jt7h.lESy r=,DAM JOr•JESy F:YArd HAVErd F::EI_!_[_H~_F:~ tlEi31'-It'il`~t ~;i~;T~il_EEC.1 4 `;_ }:; [~. F` C~i . t ~J I L. c_ :[ ~ I'°1 F•i U r•.L.r E R F`: I L~'Ai`:IE •, CHF: I ~TOF`HER ~::Ih.IG, ~~r~r°1E~~ F k:: l" R~TLE`f` 9 BRAr•JDON k::L I Nk:: y F'i=tUL F~:NIGHT, JUS'TIr•J k::F:AI~!" DREW J k::RUF' I N , {3HEA LAi.~C]URS i E>~;E , I`.i17t-;H R LAh•JCAS T ER, LAUF:Ei~J LAC~IL'GF:AF- , ~ E~::ErJC•J'Y Lr=rND:t~.~}, '.7A'r~::E LAt'JF:ErdCE 9 CRECdT T LEACH., STEPHEN i°i LEGGE"rTE 9 F~:::I M[~ERLY J LERO'v ~ J . ADAr1 LEROY ~ J ES`W3 I CA L . LOUGHR I DGE , SHArJNON LUCAS, L-{EN LUF:EPdS:, CF-IAF:LES LUM:~DEN, ANL''REW F'r=;TRICE:: LYrJCN , AMANDA MANGRUMq CRAr.IDON SCOTT MART I r~19 SCOTT MASON, DAVID F' MAYNARD, ALAr~I JAMES MCADE!+-i ~ CR :[ TTAN`f' MChiAMARA, JOSHUA MEHALSO, MICHAEL ME I NEC};;E , ANDREW M I LLEF:, CART MITCHELL, ALEX MOORS, BENJAhiIN MOORS, LANCE MODSARIF'ARAME~IL, MATTHEW MORSE, ADAM MOWRY~ SETH C. 191: F'F_L:'-iAr'i i~F:I'':'E .J~~J 5.8 tjREEN I`1Ei~,DOW F:tJAD SI~J 4'd5 L~HR~T ti:.LL F:OHD Std 5 =' ~• 1 F: `f` A N L r C•J E °S L•lJ 5.?2S CARi7L`f N C I l~ CLE StSJ 8~?87 MARTIN CREEE~; ROAD StzJ 4.T52 FDrdTA I r~E C I RCLc u~tJ 6526 CDRNTF=iSSF_L Li=+r~lE St1J 4r1~ ~~ MEWS HILL DR I'JE StaJ _'16'.~ Gi=~RST Ci~B.[C•I L'R.['':•'E 5829 LITTLEHORN DF:I'•.'E SW 48!?!? F'LEASArJT F-iILL DR:[VE SW 4? 1 `=-D iSAR'=T Ci I LL RiJ=;I:.' St+! 5T4':~ G:CESEF: ROAD ~aW 15?~_' LDhv~V I Etl~ !-:OAD ~~W big?-1 ~UF:h1HAt1 ROAL''~ SW .242 F~ROtiLE`f ROAD SW ~7~i F'AF:F-::WA` i,F:I'.;'E Ct~J 494 r°1T HOLL=,r.IL! DRI~~-'E '-~,t1J. 56..1 GREEC•1 C'1Ei~D0!~i F.:D ''~t~J 5T:1=? i:~IESEF: RfJAD' :;W 5416 SNObJ OtSJL DF:I'•:'E 561 ~? L~RAHt1A ROF"tD S~J T i i:~{? GAF:ST CALF I N DR I ~?E St1J 5.57 SUGARLOAF MOUNTr^~ I I'~i F:D SW 7821 HONE`{ S'UCk::LE ROAD 1 i HERRY LANE St+! AF'T # 1 1 1 i •T85 ROCE~::`f' F:OAD 2129 EAR I DLE LACJE SW 1 1 t_~87 F:OCF`:`r` RD F'O BO ~ 9 4841 BF:OOE<:t~JOOD DR I tf E Sri ?7 ='S CEVERL`r COULE'JAF:D T1C5 GAF:ST CASIr'•! DF:IVE :~i~l 4729 FOXHALL CIRCLE SW =845 GREECE! 'uALLE'f DRIVE =846 GREEN VALLEY DRIVE 5C:2t:r CAROLYN f~ I RCLE 6~? 18 TR I N I T`r` COURT SW J559 G'•!rdTHIA DRIVE SW 6521 WODDCF:tJDk: DF:I:,'E SW 62Ti ? LAUREL HILL 8~ 7•T4 CEDAR EDGE F:OAD 3937 VAUXHALL ROAD SW. b 12i:y CURNHAM RDAD SW 7893 CEDAR EDGE ROAD SW 2.117 STALLION CIRCLE ?:~ 18 CROOk::F I ELD DRIVE SW :722 COWER RDAD 4414 CRENTWOOD COURT SW 5477 WARWOOD DRIVE •J •.JC~' ONE OAk:: ROAD 3U1U GRANDER DRIVE b21.4 CHIP CIRCLE ti42~f CANTER CIRCLE SW 5757 EG?UESTRiAN DRIVE SW b65v SUGAR RIDGE DRIVE SW HfJME PI•~~~ ~„ EDH!'dDF'..Eq ''•IA g4t?_.~.~?f_l c;OANOk::E, VA 989•-~?'62 ROANOE=::E, VA 774-1??17 ROAt~aOR::Eq VA 984-9294 ROAr•JOk::E, VA 7 74-~1•~ ~ 5`? RDANOF:E, VA 776-~?~:?2~ ROAhJOE~:E„ VA 9139-~77 ROANOh::E, '•.;'A 96.39-.~ ~ i?:L ROAr•Ji71•~=:E, '•;'A , 7b-!:,c:?4= F ; ~:~ • r.:,~ F:OArlr}:::Eg ';'A ~'4•.._~_,47- F:riAr•10}:::E, `'~A :?(-=+`~-t~' 7 .'ij RDAruOE~::E, VA 772-~'-''24 ROHi•.tO~,.E C~I ~HI`a i~}::.E, '::A Qt:~4--.::I.;~i.i:l. n o _ ~_ f-. --.., '`~` n 1 Rn;:yr•.1CF::En 'V'(-1 _ '-7~{~-~J 1 ~3 ROi~NOF-::E, vA .. ~.-1~7:~ RiJi-+r•JOF~:.E 9 VH 989-1 R8° RDANOF:E, VA 989-7~8'? ROAr~IiJ}:::E, VA 7 ; 4-r~~~11 ROANOF=::E, ~:'A r-~29-5i_~52 '1 ~ l'^ 4^w--""^ CENT MOI I NTAIN , 929-4.~?`:7 RO+yND`r~..E, tdA . ~'~•-.?21`~ CEC•JT l~iT. , VA 929-~•."~'-' RUHr•JOF~..E~ u~ X99- , '-~ ROAr•JOF~::E, '•lA 77 2-~?>5~~~? ROANOF=::E, VA 989-749{x' RDANOE~::E 4 VA 7 r 4-544. ROAr•JOk::E, '•?A 774-544' ROA!`dOE~..E, VA 959--•35J? FOAr~OE:.E, ~,'N 989-1~?78 RDANO~F~::E, ttA 7??-~>849 RDANOE~:E, VA 774-i~79.~'~' ROANOF~::E, VA 999-94~::'~' F:OANOF~::E 4 VA 989-?t:;79 ROANOk::E, 1'A 989-3581 ROAr•JOk::E, VA 774-1548 RC?AraOk::E q VA 999-2g5i i ROANOk::E, VA 989-~._ 5~_~ RDANOF::E, VA 774-793'.' RDANOE:E, VA 989-45~?8 RDANOk::E, VA 772-8t:~ 14 ROANOk::E, VA 989-~ }944 ROAr•IOk::E, VA 774-5347 RDANOk::E, VA 989-95Cfb RDAhd0k::E, VA 774-9723 ROANDE~::E, VA 772-;365 RDArdOh::E, VA 7 74-6343 RDANOI~::E, VA 989-112x? CAVE , SF'R T i'dG AMER I GArd ` F;EG T STEF:ED - hlA>`1E ADDRESS MU T F: , AC,IL~REt<~1 MUNTON, MIC1-iAEL E. NAN', ERIC NANZ, ,JASON NEAL, RANDOM NE T GHE+ORS, SARA NELSOI`J, MICHAEL NEVIN, i-AUL NICHDLS, DREL{! NICHOLS, MATT NOBLE, DREW ND~JAk:: n C'lAR I A O' BF: I ECd a ER T C ORCUTT, F'ATt, I Cf~:: EDWARD OWEN, MATTI-IC.4~J OWENBY, RYA!'a F'ARTSCH , ER I P.i F'ATTON, DiyGf~a`~: F'ATTOr~a, JESSE F'tF'F.°0. JtJE rLICHTA, JDCEIATHAN T. F'DFF, ,~ rH'r' Li•-il3;F:~ hlf_.E F'OLLDCt•:::, RY'AC~I F' O F' I k:: ,, ~~:: A T I E PRUNER, LAURA F'UCk::ETT, 1~1EGAN RATGLIFF, ASHLE`r RA`{ III , BILLY F;EDI!=F`:, ~70NATHAP~I (RAY) REED , ALL I SOr~.i REED, ZACHAi~:Y 1~1TCHAEL RENEER, JOSEPH RICE , GRE!~~OR'{ R I CHARDS , h~::Eh~IN`{ ROACH, r~1Ei~:E'~""~ T Ti-! ROCF~::, ,TAME`{ ROSS, JDRDAI'•I CHRISTOPHER RUSSEAU, BEh.IJAI"1lhl C. F~USSEAUy DUSTIN RUSSO, MICHAEL JORDAN SAUNDERS, JAMES EDWARD SCHAAFF, ERIC WILLIAM SEAMON, EMILY SEr~aMON, LAUf,A J I LL I AN SEIDEL, JONATHAN D BHARRER, MATTHEW SHEPHERD, CDLE F SHEPHERD, JAMES L SHUMATE, JOHN IV BHUMATE, NICOLE SILVERSTEIN, ELISABETH SINGLETON, JOSEPH DREW BLUSHER:, RAI'~lDY SHALES, DANIEL 5 SMITH, CODY SOWDER, ADAM BRINIVASAN, RAJIV STACk:: , MARIA. BASEBALL LEAGUE:, INC. DIVISION 1 CITY --------------------- .' i 7 DAWr~d +! I RCLE SW ROr~i'dOk~:E„ VA 5415 CAVE SF'R I h1G LANE ROANOE~::E y VA 567 7 GRAND IN ROAD E?(T SW ROANOt::E, VA 5677 GRANDIN ROAD E:~TEI',1SION SWROANOk::E; VA 514U CANTER DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 5:.84 CANYON ROAD 5>t1 ROANOh~::E, VA bb25 SUGAR R T DGE DRIVE ROAI'dOF;E q VA 192t? CANTLE LANE SW ROANOk:E ~ VA ?8b F~:EI'dTLAND DRIVE 5W ROAP•IOf~:E, '~JA 555+5 WE5 T BF: I AR CT ROAC~IOE~:E M VA 5:'7b CANTEF: DR I t1E Si+l ROAt~1DF=::E q VA 5158 MEN=,DOW 'r'ALLE`~{ G I RCLE SW ROANOk~::E ~ VA _'8 MELODY AV'EtdUE SW ROAI`di at-:E, VA 64.'2 SUGAF: F:I DGE DR I ~JE F:OAh10h':E, VA 2759 H I LLBROOE~:: DR T ~JE SW F:OAi`dOh~;E y VA 6127 SADDLERIDGE CIRCLE SW ROANOt~E, VA 1 bb-124 BERRY LANE Sl+! ROANO C~'E, V A ?~9 J ~-FiU y. ('I f•'LL Rri Fi r~i '~Ia1 ~S R111-t r`.lDF~..E, 1 V!i =x-355 H'Y"DE F'ARI•~:: ~~RTi-E =3W ROHNUt::E, ~:'A 6519 F`OAGES r~1ILL DR ROANOh~::E, VA ,~ 519 F'! +AtSLS MILL i1]t=ti:,~ :3LJ ROrNNOF~:.E a tJi-H 452b VEST DRI'~:'E i~W F:OANO>•:::E, VA 4719 GLEI~IBF;OOt:: L~R I VE 'SW ROANOf~:E, VA .'484 D~JEF'BROOk:: DF:IVE SW RDA<`10F~::E9 VA :'1~G HTGHFIELDS FAF:t°1 TRAIL SW ROANOF~:E~ `~JA 648b FAIRWAY VIEW TRIAL SW RDA!'~10k::E , VA 54r?' GREEN MEADOW ROAD SW ROANOf~::E q VA 5179 LAP=:ELAND %~RIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 6586 ~ FOREST V T E!~1 ROAD SW ROAhdOF~:E, VA 7'6 H`{DE F'ARF~~: DRI'~JE ROANOi•i:E, VA 59i=}2 LOST i 10Ui'dTA I N ROAD SW ROAtdDk::E y VA 4b=? t~:IRt~::!~100D DF:IVE SW ROANOf`:E, tJA 48?5 k:.EHvY ROr-;D St11 RDANOf~.E N VA 51.? 1 HATHAi~1AY DRIVE SW ROANOf•~:E, VA 7 861 CEDAR EDGE ROAD, SW ROAI'dOr~:Eq VA b 5.':i; WOODBF:ODk:: DRIVE SW ROAhiOk::E, VA 4920 E•~EAF' F: I DGE C T RCLE 541 ROAI'dOF~::E 4 VA X796 BUCk~:IP1GHAhi DF;IVE SG1 ROANOF-::E, VA 5~ 14 FORDW T Ck~: DRIVE Sl+1 ROANOk~:E q VA 563.? CANYON ROAD SW ROANOF:E, VA 568' CANYON RD SW ROANOk::E 9 VA T9~?b THAMES DRIVE SW ROANOF::E a VA 5_~5 GIESER ROAD SW. ROANOk::E, VA 7259 WILLOW VALLE`{ ROAD SW F:OANOF~::E w VA 5??!? GROMWELL CT ROAnIDF::E 4 VA 5T2s+ CROMWELL COURT 5W ROANOk::E, VA 4759 CH I i~F`ENHAM DRIVE SW [-~OANOF-=:E y VA ?218 DAVIS AVENUE SW ROANOE~:E, VA 5.~8Ca LUWANA DRIVE SW ROAI'~IOt~:E q VA 5:8+? LUWANA DRIVE SW ROANO!•:E, VA 6589 P'I I LL RUt~1 C T RCLE Si+l ROANOk::E 4 VA 6589 MILL RUN G I RCLE SW ROAI~IOf~:E, VA 7~1 i 8 MAPLE COUF:T ROANOk:E, VR 3727 BUCk=:INGHAM DRIVE SW ROANOF':E, VA 22?^ •J +i POMMEL DRIVE SW ROANOk~:E q VA 726.E MT CHE5TNUT ROAD SW ROANOk~:E, VA 1 ~1r? MCV I TTY ROAD SW ROANOF~:E, VA 57r~4 BRAHMA ROAD SW ROANOF~::E, VA 7852 FOREST EDGE DRIVE SW ROANOk::Ea VA T52= FARMINGTON DRIVE ROANOF':E, VA HOME F'h,~ 989-i~1'?8 774-~ i9c.;8 989-781 ~> 989-781 + 774-486.= 989-7754 989-~'S64 989-8588 772-~:a98:L 774-7b29 77'~-692L 989-~85G 989-i"?bijr;. 7 r 2-i ;6,~. 989--81 16 989-77_ 989-8'._'i=}--~ T7i~-ill 5i_j? 7 7 : -7 a c~~ 7 72-942`c ~--i `-'74~~' -- 774-%911 77^_-~i 225 772-:t 88 989-5.54:` 989-1171 774-87-,,~_, 772-7 1 i a 989-?'.,_'-~i, 774-744? 989-9781 77~-78t:a.,. 989-~+'2~?4 989-~? 19r~+ 774-816~~• 989-69.' 1 989-= 774-9~?26 774-9r y26 774-4b48 772 2'7' 989-9594 989-1767 989-17c7 989-r:+82 989-ib4 989-b9 ~'4 989-694 774-'894 774-894 774-t i267 774-r=ab4 ~' 774-2216 774-5924 989-7r;a'2 774-4156 772-772-" 989-~~ai64 NtiME CA'~%E SF'R I1'dG AMER I CAr•J L ASEi-ii~:LL LEArUE q I rdC e REGISTERED - D I ~;' I S T ON 1 ADDFE'=S GIT`r' STARK-::, E='ATRTCJI': STTLL, AAF:ON LEirJIS St=JI~JDELL, J05EF'H TATS, ADAh1 L THi-~l.k,ER, CAhA T HOMAS, LAUF:Er-1 THOMAS, SAC THOMF'SOhd, ASHLEY BAWN TT!~IAGL.iA, DAVID T+~F:RE, MATTi-IE+~J TRE'`.~ I LL I AN , BRA111DON TF:OUT:, ?ACHAF:`r' F: TR1J1`•1L-ilJx;lER y ADAh'i vAr~J DE~a'Er•.ITER, JGSHUA ~;'ILLESCA~., i~R:[AI~J I"IICHAEL WAvNER, STE'•a'EN t=JAI-=:: E F I E i_.'~? , i"(i i:; i~f i~ E! Wi=±LDF:i~~~rt„ t•'IEL.~+r`JDY SHr•~i.~1r•I t{~ A f ti~~ y i.{j I L L i' i= r°I (~•~ I L L `~ .~ WALTE4'`S y ~.7 i-if':F i,~ t{IALTEi;:S, F'i=~Ti~I+_F~:: WAF:D, :•~;=',Mt iEl_ r-'F:E:~TOI{J t+i A F: D iii i~ i-f , r°11 C !-! ry E L WAIF: T r~is y LOt~JELL WATk:INS, TREY WATLE'f ,, t~::YLE t{IEFsEF:, JACCiB l" WELSH, r?LE:=: WELLS, ~.7OF:DAN WEFT=:, JASOI'•I WEST, f~LO~~N WHEELER, JEFFRE'~r wHI~TTELE`~, ~.7UST:[ra W H ~. 1 E r` (i-y ~_: l'° .:, _ R .[ Iti r'•! I'~; W I LF~:: I r•JS , J OHh-I i~l'~ID REt~J W I LL I Ah~iS, HEAL"HER WO'1(L'~FE, i~yh•lDREW D H WOODq BEN WF;:=,Y, LUF~;E A WR T+3Hl", BEN RICHARD WEIGHT, SETH CI•-IRISTIAN WYhdN, MATT YOF:F; , T`r'LER t'(ART I r`J 'fOUNG, SARA F` ~~ ~~ L I i'•JDA I_Ar~IE °BW 49~~ BEAR F:IDGE CTRCLE 501 ~ E~Rf?Hh1A RGAD Std '~44 F' I NELAND F:OAD 59:'5 HLACk::HORSE LANE b 1 ~0 BURhJHAM TOAD 5W SEii~ CAVE SFRIj~Ir LArJE 9~ ~0i~? F'OOF: r•1OUhJTA I hl F:OAL.' 5?i?9 LUWANA Dftl'`~E SW Ht?h1E 1='r~ ~a Ror;NC+E~::E, VA 774-:ta-~~:[ ['~OF1N1~1•~:.G, '~1A ! 7`?-i_7b ~ 7 ROAhJGI•:E, VA 774-4457 F:OANOk::E„ VA 774-18b9 F;OAh(OE~::E, VA 989-.'559 ROArdQk:E, tJ'H 774-819i~~ BENT MOUNTAINq 4~9-=~b4b ROANOk:E„ VA 489--274 5b5b OF:CHARD VAL_LE'{ C T RCLE SW F:OANOk::E, `v'A "-r.-,i-~ ~ 1 ~ 5 54s }b AF'F'L E BLOSSLih1 5i?5 i 12 Q' CLOCE:: h::NOB ROAD SW =STT HOLAND DF:IVE SW 7 79-= E!EraT MOUNTA I I`J ROAD =BST 'r~::ENTLAND DF:I`•JE SW 158 GALLOWAY' L'R I'JE SW ~~`~'~ I Tf••~1~7LG~i LHI-~I~ ~,~ i ~ ~ ti.F'R I NcL At=Jr~J i=;'`:'E ~;~<~ r-_~r_ESTF;IAr~; ~,F:I',~'~ °~W f395.' F'CIOR Ci?'!~J ROAD 5b4~~ GREErd r°iEADi~t=J F:D Sid c ~ -~~ r^ r: -• '`~ I S T A F!.=~:E'~ T D F: I `-;' E S t=J 557.^: CYNTHIA DR I ~-iE St~J 25i?4 HOLLOWDALE DR 557? C`,'NTH T A DF: I ~.•'E SW 7977 FOF:EST CREE1•~:: DF: I VE SW ...751 BIJCk:: I PJGHAM DRIVE St=J t3~ 15 t~ I NTERt~-OOD Ti~:A 1' L St{7 5b47 GREEr•J MEADOW ROAD SW 5bT9 SUGAR LOAF h1Ol!NTA I I`d RD 5b--=0 CAVALIER DF:I'`.~E 7944 FOREST E%'GE DRI°,~E St+l b.? 17 HIDDEN HILL CR ~b~•~' 1HAF:Ir`J!; iCF;ICS°B ?~~::C'-~E t~ 7i;~~ CROitJN ROAD 5~J ^'i=77 E~ROOk::FIELD DRIVE St=J 1051 ELL ERT DRIVE St=1 'S~?9 HYDE F'ARF-:: DR I'`JE SW '7~ 15 F' I NEVALE F:OAD St=J SbTi> HIGHFIELDS ROAD SW 5b'~ 7 H I GHF I ELD ROAD St=J 5918 CAVALIER DRI'•IE ROUTE 1 BOX ~'«,~•A X989 t~J I IVTERBERF:`r' DR I'`,'E SW 559 C'r NTH I A DRIVE St+! r : ~ h cY ~ RGAPJiJE~;Ew VA 48`?-:_'79:1 F;OANGk::E, VA ?7 ~•-bb 7 i ROArdOf~::Ey VA 439-59^8 F:r~Arlr-,x:::E, ' }A t.~:~x_,_:, °, >EI`~T ~°i+='U C•ITAI.~4 , °~~'4--~•~~.~:I. F:c,ANCa :E 4 , , s A r r.. 9?~ ~- Ji-~:~ ~~ L•?Er•J I r1Tr•I , t.1~i '~',?'~__;a.,~~;.~ F:nAr`JOE::E, '•.1A 9s9-c1~94 F:C~f=tr`aL~:::E, '.lA i;iiJti-i7i:i_~(_! ROANOr'.~, '~.%~~j 7717.-45~,~ ROANOk::E, VA 77C'-7{y'?t_; F:OANOF-::E, VA 772-~31C~2 ROAi~JOt:;E, ,.%A 774-.:~~ab'y, ROAtJOC~::E„ VA .7b-~?b~::~4 ROAr~JOk::E ~ VA 989-9~ ~ i -' r ~~ t~ I~ 1 1 F"E ~~ I~ I•'.. ~ 4 t-/ H .~ 7 1 _.1 ~ ~ y i.~ NtGt-"tr`.jCil'~::E, '•a'A 9~4~t~7~ ROAr~JOE~::E, VA 989-'?~"~ Iz:! I~At`~i_i;r::.E y ~a'A 9E~- i ~._ =•c; ROAhJOF~::E, `•1A 7!~•-7b=~• ROAN~7h~::E, VA 909-5E~C~ ROANO6~::E, ~V'A 77~-156i~~ ROANOK:E, VA 7 7 ~-4b-•=7 ROAPJON:E, VA 774-.'i ~i i9 ROANOk::E, VA 774-~'i~} 7 4 ROANOk::E, ~r'A 7 7 4-'?~ X79 ROANOE~:E, VA 77~-1b0b CHECK::, VA b51-b8E' f•;OAr1Ok::E, VA 77? ^"'i=; 1} ROANOF~::E, VA 774-~? 7 b`~ CA'~r'E , SF'R I IJ~~ i=if•1EF: T i=r'+r+i I~+ASr~E?r=iLL LEr`t~~UE » T l'•t~ : o ' F~:EG I STEF:ED - .i:i T ~~;~ I S I OhJ C h.lAl'!E ADDRESS C I ~I"Y' HOME F 'h o ADk::Iras~;y JAricS ALF'HIrJ, GRE'`r MONTGOMEF:`r` L~IE+DY, CHRIS BULLGCF~:, JUS'i"IhJ CHAN, ISAAC CHR I STLEY, SF'EhJCER LEIGH CLGi~ERS, JOSHUA FORE~ES ENGCH, STEF'HEh1 I_EE FGSSON, BR I r~N HAhiZEL4 ~.7GHN L~~ HAYES:, MARk:: HAYNES, S•rEr-'i-IEhJ l~~i T LL I :"a HEF:+~F:~_~L"'7'EF:, 'r~::F:I JGHNSCit~J, ~.IAruO~+ ALL_EhJ }`:FIBER, DA4'ID A k::E~SLEF:, HAF:R`r W I'•J }`:RAEMER, JOHPd M< LA`'rTUt~l, i~~Al1T" I'~€ r/IANhJ, ~~~~DAr~i t~l T L Lam. ~~: , G Fes: E G S lei I'=HER , f T IF1 O T i-I'~' T~.JF:F.L.!'`JLE, L{F:F•tD ALLEN, Gr;EG ANDERSON, AHRON E~AYRER„ T01~1P1Y BEF"1GEF:, MATT i~LA I S, CASE'Y` >LGOTHE, L=~RADLE`,~ BROOk::S, .~~AhdIEL THGr:1AS CAMF`L-~ELL, r`!:[CHAEL +~Or'IT-? I THS y Ar,.iDF:EW CGt°1F'TGhJ „ TGM(~~E`r CohJr.IELL`,~ ., k::E4' I r•J M CGhJNELLY. F'FyTF:ICk:: 11J `11-H L_''i ~ 4 I`'I T L,1-I r=~r I~ L G u DICF~::„ CHARLES "~.7EFF„ DIERk:EF:, RICHARD "RIC}~::Y" DOWD`r, .7i.~~Tlh~ ELLIOTT, BRIAN DONALD Eh1OR`r „ R(JSSELL FLGRA, ADAI`•1 FORTH, R L-~RADLEY GARLAr•JD, JUSTIN E GARF:ETT , CF~:A I G GEr•~€Ti~:Y,, JAY' GEOF:GE, TIMGTH`~ JOHN (TJ7 GR I Fi= I Pal, F:EV I I`d HARMGN, F'ATR I C}~:: HEDRICF~::, JEREMY F~:: HOLMES, RICHARD JOSHUA INGRAM, JONATHAN ANDREW JENk::S, CHF:ISTOF'HER k::ELLEY, JGSH k::ERN, WALLACE HENRY IIT k::IDDER, TODD k::L I LAGER, NATHAN LAGUEUX, JOHN EVANS LANCASTER, }`:URT 441i:? BREr~•JTWGOD COURT ~~1{l Ty~.T OAk::DALE ROAD SW 4417 BRErdT1tJOGD COURT S~fJ 5i:?~~~ WOODr'IOf,IT DR I'JE 58.'7 EG?UESTR T AN DRIVE SW b9:b STONE`r F'G I NT RD b~5i7 F=AIRitJAY i=OREST DF: X458 WEST F: T DGE ROAD '3W ~_ 8E'C F'ARh' LAME ~ SW T 154-7C BERRY LAhJE 511 Tb~` 1 E~O1jJE)"; F:OAD S1xJ 5555 H I GHF I ELD F.:GAD ''=l~J 1 ~~._, STRAWrERRY ~'Si?6 HOLLOI~JDALE DF:I'•,~E, S1jJ ~i7~~b LOFTOrd ROr1D S1~! b5b9 FOF:EST ',.%IEIyJ RD 52i-?? BAYBERF:'`f COURT SW i 1 i~?97 F:IJC}.'? F:D i''(J L~+( i;t ~ `~ b4.~,~ rATl,:l~ri`,~ LSTA1 L:~ .+~"F: 51iJ .'41 ;' }:::Er~.If'?+:~i~:E r~4''E ~1}J 1 bb-'? 1 `., rERF:`*' LAME S1SJ _ _7~? LA}~:ELAhdD DF:I~:E ~1~J .~.,5+ }5 GALLOI}.Iri~•i C I F.:C!_E S1=J ~'S2iJ CACJTEF: C I R+=LE ?81 CAVE SF'R I hiG LANE SW 477 WOODLEY DRI~•~`E SW ~.=' 17 LA}:cLAND' DR I ~.='E SW bi ~?C? CAVAL I EF: DR I ir'E 8b54 MAF:T i I+JS CREE}<: RD b 1 ~ H YDE F';AF: k:: D F: T ~~.,' E 51~J 4tj 4 SOUTHI~J T Gk:: CIRCLE 511 5719 L I TTLEHGRN T7F: I'JE SW 7G8'~ CART' I AGE HILLS DF: T V E S1•J ~~}Gi i 1 MERINO DF: I''~JE SiAJ ::=`8~?1 MERIr1G DRIVE SW 54~ yb CArJTER: DR T!. E S1-J .~ 175 GALLOWA`i DRIVE SW 5b~7 GF:ANDIN Fi17, EXT~ 1 b 15 SUNBERR`r CIRCLE SUJ =b~= BOWER ROAD 51+1 J. 7i iC ELBERT DRIVE SW 'S?9 LAk::ELAND DR I'1E S1~! _'=b DAWN CIF:CLE b8 E~OWER ROAD SW 47?b H I Ck:;OF:Y HILL DRIVE 51+1 57i?9 CASTLE ROCF~:: ROAD SW 541 CAVALIER COURT SW b~7~ FOREST VIEW FiOAD S1aJ ~'b4b OVERE+F:OOk:: DRIVE SWJ 4b8 1 O' CLOCk:: }`:NOB 5W 5841 OLD LOCk::E COURT SW 455i? GLENBROOF: DRIVE SW ?b+7b BOND STREET SW .':?5 BRANDYWINE AVENUE SW .'S9 F' I NEVALE ROAD SW 58{?b OLD LOCk::E CT 1841 F'ELHAM DF: ?4C5 CANTER DRIVE SW 9948 TINSL E`f LANE F:UAr'dGF~:.E, VH . 74-9 ~ i_? 1 F:OAhJOF`:E, VA 77C-~?7c~b ROAI`~iGF~::E, ~:A 959-45~> ROAhJGi'~::E, VA 989-•'{?C+~:~ F:OAPdOk::E, VA 959-5 7 4. RGANOk::E, VA 774-b18 ROAhdOk::E, ',JA 77 4-2??? ROAr~{OI'~::E, VA 99~-°'548 RGAhaGk::E, VA '45-1 i~C ROAhJOk::E:, 4~A 989-957' RGANOF:E, VA 77C-1C9~~ ROHI'.€I_iF~,~~, VFW . -','~-l~li::i`-' ROAhJO}~::E, `~lA 9ci9-;?i i9s.3 ROANOk::E, VA 959-78 ~' ROANOF;:E, VA 774-14.4 BENT ("ET ~ , ~.~'h ^'C9-4 ~ ~'_ ROAi`~;Gk::E. '•;'A x.189-1-~zi-; ROt~ihJO}c.E:, VA 959-s~,~,.~_ ROAh.IOk;Eq '•.1A ,- ;, ~ ~~- 774-~.~ ~. ROANGF~::E, VA 989-`C`~59 ROANGI~::E~ VA 77C-=~TBb ROAhJO}~::E ~ ~}A 989-.T 1 b RGAh.€Gk;E, VA 989-958:i ROANOk::E., VA 959-`:;~?7b ROANG}=::E, VA ;~`.~-1~b:L ;•, F:OAh~iGF~~:E, ~:t=i 7 % ^-F i'9". FiOt-ihJG}'•.E, ~d'H `98-~--?s_.ii ROAhJOk::E, ~ VA 959-7C's_ .t . ~ ~,:, _ : as-r ROANOk::E, VA 999-:Li~?8 F:OANOK:E, VA 989-`?'_784 ROANGk::E, VA 774-94413 ROAhJGk::E, VA 774-'~4'J+:? ROAt+JOk::E, 4'A 959- '17:t ROAhJOk::E, VA 774-985:x' ROAPdO}=:E , VA 7 7 C-sT..~ 1 i RGANOk::E, VA 989-i `•=~''~'? F:OAr•IGk::E, VA 939-':?~?Si:? ROANO}~:E, VA ?74-+:?959 ROANGk::E, VA 774-'~94: ROANOk::E, VA 989-9 ~'4'' F:GAhdOF~::E, VA 774-±~Si=i4 F:OAhdG}=::E, VA SEE-BEt_O ROANOk::E, VA 989-95:4 ROANOk::E, VA 989-u? 7 1 ROANOF~:E, VA 774-b?ij5 ROAhJOk::E, VA 989-971 ROANOk::E, VA 7 74-44~b ROANOF~::E, VA 989-44i ii> ROANOk::E, VA 989-~'8' BENT MOUNTAIN,9~9-4714 Ci=i'~IE SF'R I }~~(r r'~!"?ER I Cri ! F-'ASEEzr=+LL LEAGUE:, I tur= ,. F:EG:[STERED - DID;'ISIQt~•I NAME ADDRESS tJIT',' ~ HOME F'h~~ Lc,y EtiF:ir7t~d 't: ~,i~.~ !Jt'IF:VT CnBI1~JDF'TJE ~W r~.!_~~CdOt~;~N ~n , ~--. .'?{~~ L I C~~N ~ DOUGLr=;S E ~9~1 L LACF~::NCIF:SE LAC~~IE SW ROArIQ!•:E, VA 989-b588 LGVELL BR T A(~( •~ +^9 S F'ARk:: ~~ I RCLE ROANO>•=::E y VA 77^-~7 7 81 MALT~y JUSTIf+a 2?7 TUCF`:AWAIVR CIRCLE RGANOI•~::E, ~Pub JC:7~-'.'•.L? MARF~::S, DUST I hd •~ 7t:?~ F' I NE~IALE ROAD SW ROACdOi•~::E 4 VA r 74- 7 559 MARF~:S:, JE[~.EM`~ :.;7 i;^ F'INEVALE ROAD S(fJ ROANGk::E, VA 774-7559 MCtJ'OY, ~ACF~:: bb18 SUGAR +~IDGE DRIVE SiA.I Fir=1r•~i~a0f~::Eq '~IA '•''~--=~~~<; MGFAD`f Ehd 9 DA(~lN`{ 81 ~8 VISTA FOREST DRIVE SL~J RGAPaGF~::E , VR 77b-r71 ='s; MCFARLAI'~!D, BRADLEY 51.1 MEADOtx1 t;'ALLE'f CIF:CLE ROAtwOk::Ey VA 774-r:?7-'•-' h1IL(_EF;, ~.7rit~fES F'. ';JAMEYi b98~! NiGHFiELD FAR!"1 (;IROLE SW ROANOH~~:E, VA 774-8-~C", MORR i S q DAVID F' . J R ~ 42C? Fi=1F:M I C~aGT!7i~! CIRCLE S4~i ROAP•dQf:E„ '~'A `?`-~9-9,~9` MULL:[t~aSq l_L_OYLi 'bt-b (-f`~!iJE F'i=`~F:(<:: DF:IVE SW RL7f=ihiGF~::E, `s~A 98{x-t:;;a.C-° >`.(EI!~HBOR:~v '_iQt~lf-llf"1Hh( 5:84 Ivt-f(''.j'{'111( ;1:Qt-tD J~''(+a Rt~At~l~(':;:Ea ti'1-i ~S_-'i9-~-'--'J~ N I ~~HirLS , N_iJl•~::E ~8b.= t~::EN I Li~ND DIVE SW F:Q=ih~!!=!k::E ~ 'v'A . ~--r:f'='S 1 FATE, JOP~.lATHAt~i F;`r'At~l 5~}~?5 F'LEASAP~T HLLL DF:I'v'E SW RC!At~1Ok::Ew ~-'A 7?4-1~°9~' F'A~:TOI`~ly (MORE`f 15 GALLGt1JA'=' DRI'~.'Ey SW F;QAhaGF':E, VA ;~7~-b885 FERROTT, DAMON 5911 LAk~:EMON T DRI~.E SW ROAi`dOk::Eq ~%A 989-9"9 R~'rTT "t ?_- !„ ~ .~ N"1r~ ., ~ ~ r!_ H. ,T• i :9. ~ ~ ~ F-, 'I!~;f '_ 'F.. ~AC•~E ,r, r L:`Eo F.~.r-it•~ . '`r'C-1 7 ?~'t..' _.,=ice F:OC!tdE`,' q .f-it;!t~.,.r' b~+ 1 T H I DL'EC~ t~'ALi_E Y UDR I ~Y'E S!i- ROHt~frJF-::E 4 ~;'A '-?,~•=~-•~~,JB 1CHCjJAF~:.' ~ D,'~'v li,..~' SAC- CF:G("1t~ELL CT F:C!r~('dOk::E. `:'R . -'~_-,.~ =, `~ t' SE~;i1i_ .~„ NESS _ _ =, ? ~'~' -, != R' k~ t°i C~a E L L rr T F: rJ i-; i~.f Cir~:: E » r ~ v A :T,^-,_:1 . . T -, ' r'~ 5Hr-i~A.j 4 J ~ ~k~~H ~ I irii'.} l.r { J 4'Nt'`I ! Er. L.ri{T .15~ F.(7r-:It.!~ !~'..Ey YI•"( i ~-!~~•5 % .._ SH I RLEY`„ J UST I t•! M I (:HAEL b 1 b BOtdD STREET Sll~ RtJAi`~[7(~:E, 4JA . -'C-~+ gib? SHF:i=;DE F~ y I`'Ir~ i Tl-ifw~!1~ '!:~'.~_' H I !UHF I ELu~S FARM (v I RCLE ~SIj~RONtat~iC-::E q VA ? f'? ~ _~4~; S I I'aCLA'1' !_~: „ ROL~B~Y' °~ 1 ~~~- MEADOW CREEk:: DF:I'•1E SW F:!JAi aOk;E ~ ~irA qgG_ ~;~..~,_ S I Nk~:, F:'~ AN 71 C7 H I GHF I ELDS FARh1 TRA:[ L RGANOE~::E„ 'JA 989-415 SLACk::, JOSEPH CARL bb58 F'GAGES MILL DRIVE ROANO~~::E, VA >r?r;i:;-i;;i:ii:ii:? SNOW, BR:[AI'd 5945 BRAHC'IA ROAD SW RORNOE:E, VA 989-:L51r:~ THOMAS, n'fATTHEW 558 GALLQWr=tY ~ =IFCLE 541 RC!At~aQF~:E., VA 77~--?95r? THOMAS q Jr, I-H 5' 1 r ~ CAVE SF'RG Lh•( RCr=,CvQI-~::E q '-Y'A -' 7 4--81 ~='t? T I LLE•Y , J ORDA!'~( C . 5{'41 WLiODMOCdT DR I `~%E S4a1 F:OAi ~OF~:E 4 VA 98'-~-9 'S5 TOWNSEi`dD, ..i ~:~L-s'~' CbCI SCIUTHLjJOODS DRI~.~E 541 ROAra01~:E~ 'v'A 989-9~ 15 WELLS9 GREG =87' HYDE FA;~:F~:: DRItfE Std ROA(`JOk:E, VA 989--~1'~;?`. WEST:, MATTI-NEW 5b.='8 t~A'v'ALIE!=~: DR RG('il'•dGF~::Ey `-rA ~?8`~-c37i~': WHITE, JA~Ot'•d A •-'84i BOGJE;~: t10i-tD ~W Rr~i-iC~!UF~•.E, '-~'A 98~y--'4~~-' WIt~!i"1Eh:y ~!I(_..LIE J 9b15 .BENT MGUNTAIN ROAD BEI`aT MrU1~4T:";INa 9~9-45?5 'LJL1}~,Ni~, I-~S.'.~'.-'~~N JJ:,~r'' !~~Y h•~ ! f"I~!-f L~RI~~'E SW F:Qyt`~(I if::.E y ?:~l-t ~~.~._y 7~'7 AbBITT„ STUART 5b.T5 CAVALIER DR ROANOF~::E. VA 989-bob ADiiC•1S, ERIC 5177 MEADOW ~tALLEY GIRCLE SW F'OANGF~:E, VA 989-75b~: ADA("1S, R`rr'al'•a 599 BF:AHMA ROAD 5W RQAhaGE::E, VA 989-7L,81 AD~~::INS, VANCE W. 5487 RIDGELEA RrDAD Sbd RGANOF~::E, VA 7?~•-?b~.:' AGEEy D4~JAYC~aE MAF:k:: 17~~' ELBEF;T DRIVE S1+1 ROAhl04::E, VA 989-5.~'?~? Ak::EF:S, SCDT•T' A '7b.? ~SUCt~::ICaGHAM DRIVE SW ROAI~~Gk::Eq VA 7?4-7b~~!:; ALDR I DGE y -i`F;AV T S F'G BGX 88 ErEC,(T MGUrJTATN, 9^9-4895 ARI'dOLD, JACE`: br711 TRIr~IT',' COURT SW ROAI'dOb::E, VA 77 4-748'.' WALLARD, F::ELLY RYAN 5115 HAGf•`:NE'{ LAf~4E SW RORI~~GF-::Ey VR 774-9r:;75 E{ALZER y CRA I t~ b.'?9 SF'R I I~IG RUN DRIVE SW RGAC~aOF~::E ~ 4'R 989-.? ;?5~ BARLGW, TOMI`1Y ?'~5 BROOF;FIELD DR RGANC!F~::E, VA 989-7?4~' i~r+F:tdHAF:T y R I Ck::'r 54~r=> LINDA LANE SW ROANOF~::E, VA 774-889 EsEA~LE`~ , N I CH(7LAS b~s;b SADDLER I DGE RD ROANOE=::E 9 VA 989-b 1 r:~ 1 WELCHER„ RYAhd 5849 SADDLERIDGE RGAD SW RGANOk=:E, VR ^~'C-=(•~1~' BELL, TODD ~7! i5 H I LLBROOk:: DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 989-b771 BLAF`:E, JASOhI br7~~2 TRICdITY COURT SW ROANOF~::E„ VA 989-5'91 ErGWERS , J MICHAEL 18 ~':~ ELBERT DRIVE SW ROAhIOF::E, VA 989-E;484 LiOWLES q E~RETT 41717 FENTLAND DRIVE SW ROANOF~:E, VA 772-7c7bb BFrADSHAW , MICHAEL 6b 19 OLD BARN CIRCLE 5W RGANOF~::E, VA 989-85~ ~5 BF;ATCHERq STEVEN 54~ ~~' GREED( MEADOW RGAD SW ROANOE~::E, VA 774-15bb BFt I GHT q CI-iR I 5 t 51 b5 CANTER DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 989-8~4~ ~ E+FtYAt~aT, SETH b'85 GHF:ISTIE LANE ROANOt-::E, VA 989-t~~C?7 HFYANT, TGDD ALLEN 5?97 MCVITTY RGAD SW ROANGk::E, VA 772-!7488 (~A'~r'1:=',SF'RIl:?G i=iME~T(=iyi~1 S:"=;`~EBi=1LL i Er~GL!E„ i;`:iC., ' RE!~ISTEF:ED - D:I'•;'ISIO!'~I _ NAME ADDRESS C I T`r HOME F'ti f~ BUCI<::t~IERN aASOh? r=~ BUF:l"Ohi„ COWARD ALAhI GANTOR, F'AUL CARR, GERALD 4~? CHESEBROUGHy aASON ROSS CLARk::, DAVID REESE G'L`~ BUR('~I q aOSH!JA AU57I t+i CDHEhI„ tJDh?A"rHDt~a coMF'Tl~h(„ aDE COYER:, CHASE CREASY, .]USTIh.I C!Jh1F'S'?'ON, MATTHEW DALTOtd, AARi~hl Dh'iL `i , F.`z~Ah.l DA~J1~, arat:;:E D E 5 i=+ I ,, h"! T H T R DRUtM~7HELLER, THOMAS A ~'~ I(~I lhir': i}~E, t". t',''(-il`.( ~"'F:ErTt.~~r~l D!J iv l-i A F: h? E , I"I i=+l' H I E GJ EM:[C~;,, -r :I1Yf(::;TH`r' ..7ClNA'THAN ;. AF~:LE Y ., ,a 1~Ht'`li=+ ~(~HAt.( FILIF'!_;~~`fk::q 1='ICi~T~R FITZC~:[t=+1~(~C`.I, F'r^~TF;IC t:: FOhdDER, >rrF:ET'T FORTH, CHRISTDF'I-lER D FGX, ARI FRANZq EF;IC JDSEF'H FREEDMAhd y COURT F!JLLEF:, ,:JEFFF?E'`r` L~ II GALL; ++SHEF;, DF: I Ah^i GAi'~!hlOh? q r~sRYCE GAYS SILL GA`rh?DF~:, CLA`r ~SI_~'SOhi, ROE+BIE GLE I (`^?ER 4 EATHAhi G O r. ~~ i=i (`:I ~ %? F: A I'•.i T,~ O C:I F' A T R I += t~:: GDODq DAVID rRAVES„ ELF;YAt~! GR(aSSD 9 DAV I D ~F;U~~, MATHEU! GRUh?EWALD ,, GLEI'•?hl HAGAPJ, Tarp HAGEMES„ k::'1LE HAILE`r, JOSH HANISCHq ALEXAh?DER HAPd I SCH, F'ETER HARF'OLD, MATTHEW HARTMAhdy :70Hhd SAMUEL II -1EhaDEF.:SDha y t~::E~J T (u HENk::EL 9 DA~~' T D A HOF'k:: I NS , C'I I I_ES HDTZE, BENaAMTN HDTZE, MICHAEL HOWARD, JDh?ATHAN I NGRAM, F'H T L T F' EDWARD JACk::SON, SHANE JAIN, ANIMESH J(7Hhd5Ohl, CRAIG JDNES„ ERIC S ?54 r' GF;r=;tdi~~ I i~~i t~:OAD ~aW 54(f6 AF'F'LE BLOSSOM LAME SW 1'~' GARST iL;=;Ej i i•? DF.I VE 5CA? ? 1 8 F' I F' F' I N LANE S!r? 5c i4 HYDE F'ARk:: DRIVE SW 2?~;9 HILLL~RDOk:: DR SW 4? i 2 CDRDELL DRIVE Sla? 2615 CHAR I h1G CROSS SW ??82 CARR I r=,+.~E H T LLS DRIVE 498 ~~ WAL T ON LAI`•.(E Sty? 2112 CAt~.ITI_E LAI'~dE 541 ?8{ ~6 FDF;EST EDGE DR I ~'E Sti? 6b?" OLD BAR: td CIRCLE S(~? 54+:;6 CANTER DR'It,'E Sta? 5?T5 GF:AhIDIi`d RD E;~T 4985 FOX F:IDGE. ROAD SW5t11 (i?i7 HIGHF[TELDS FARM DRIVE i_Jr_.C !-`Et':1 (_i'"(1=1~t'.. CI;-';!_L~ ~t~ 65'5 F'E!'~?i~HECt~:: C I I;CLE ?~ ? L:~ESF:A LAI`'?E 65i!_; taifJiJD~tR1~O(~. L'RI°'JE ::i('? ?888 CEDAF: i=DGE ROAD St'd 4418 FOi'dTii i i:lE DR T''.~'E 5W `'89 i H`I`DE F'AF:t-:: L~~F; I'•JE '4--?9 HALE':%At•~ F;D SW _ :~ Tb DAt{1N CIRCLE 6111 BURI`dHAt~i ROAD SW 4542 WYh.IDALE A4JEhlUE 5W 1849 F'ELHAt1 DRIVE SW 11? FLEETt~InDD A4'E SW 5825 CAVALIER DRIVE SW 5b6 i OF:GHARD 'IALLE`f C I F:CLE 5 ~'=~? LUWA(`dA DR T'•JE t+l 5T?b GLOUCESTEF: COUF:T St~1 c46.~ CASTLEROCt~:: ROAD St+! 1 x;18 5 L-~OTTOh1 !LREEt: ROAD ?~_;~= E'ROOk::F ? ELD DF: I °•%E Sta? 65 ~ FOAGES M T LL DF: I VE Sta? 565 =' ORCHARD ~•iALLEI'` DF: I `•IE ~ 129 BURN?HAM F'Oi~D Sly? 91? ADAIR CIRCLE SW 34?1 FAIF;WAY ESTATES DRIVE 59.9 SUh`ihiYCREST RD 5218 SUGAR LOAF DF:IVE SW 5b2? GREEhi MEADOW ROAD SW 71.'1 H:IGHFIELDS FARM TF:AIL ?121 HIGHFIELDS FARM TRAIL 5757 CLUB LANE 2~i2? WYNMERE AVE SW 5244 LAt`:ELAI'`?D DF: I'JE Sta? 6(i.52 E~UF:P•?HAM ROAD 5W 646.' FAIRWA'~ ESTATES DRIVE 5211 CAVE SPRING LANE SW 521 1 CAVE SF'R I h.IG LANE St+l 5i ~' 1 MEADOW CREEt`: DRIVE SW 4850+ GLEN?BROOt-:: DRIVE SW 4:'56 CRESTI-I I LL DR I iJE SW .11b2 GARST CABIN DRIVE SW b44' FAIRWAY ESTATES DRIVE ~~ 19 CAVE SF'R I NG ROAD i'tO1-'II':(Ot'..E, 'yA 7~~y-~7J~i 1 ROANDk::E q VA 989-8?~~::; F:OAi`dGt~::E:, VA ??2-~:=6 RDAh.(Ok::E, '•JA ? ?4-8b'=b ROArdOt~::E, VA 989-55(?8 ROANOk::E, VA 9(~9-.~25b ROANGk::E„ ~.1A 989-~32~:? RDANOt`:E, ''JA ? ? 2-2b46 SW I,DHNOt..~, VA iii-~;^8i ROAN?Ot~::E, ~JA 989-~`~'1':: F;+=i;at~(Ot~::E, l1A 9;54-~'rSi~ii"; ROAh.(Ot~::E, '•'JA ??2-491 <} r:l-?i=thd+7t~`E, '•1 r'=t ~':f ?-~' = :L ~~ ROAt^?Dt::E 9 '•.'A 989-' ~ 1 `~ ~W F:+JH(vDt'.E, ~f'r-, 989-~._}~~_.~8 r-•,: !_i i~y I `.1 l_~ t~:: E ~ H 9:~ :J `'Y i~ ~ i Sr-,LEI`1„ :' f n. ice -?'r --- '1 ~ ' = ,r,.: "TJO.J F:OAI',IOt~::E, `':'r=t . ?~---c';1 E';:) +~-t`L~!tit'~I(_it~:r :; ~r'A "7dG-~;d:~.Q-! F'OAr•?Cik::E, ~:; i=i ?r'y_1.~gc.7 ROAN?Ot~:Eq '.~'A ??4-c38:°i-' ROHh(i~F:.E, VA 989-92(_;2 RDANOt:.E„ VA 989-~~569 ROANOk::E y VA 989-C;? ? =I' RDAh.IOt~::E, VA ~'?4-+:;489 St+l RDAh?Ok::E, VA 989-9016 RDi•-;I~IDi'~..E, '4'r~ ?: ~'-r~84'f~ ROAhiOk~:E, VA 989-i75~' L'Eh?T h1n!JhaTATh?, 9C9-4G0(~ ~ . - --emu RDANOk::E, 'JA ?74-?4i 1 SW Rt7rtl~(E=lt~::E, '~lA ?74-b-'~' ROAh(Ot~::E, '1A ??~'-8? 9+"? RIJAt;?OF..E, VA 9S9-t? ! C SW RDAh?+Jt~::E, VA ??4-~'i;1 ~' r.UAh?+JC'..~q VA a e~4-:~9!'~ RnAr?Dt:E, VA ?? 4-4C41 SW ROANOk::E, VA ??4-C;T+~~`:~ SW F;rJAt~lt)t~::E q '•Jr-~ ? ? 4-+;;._ C;C RDANOt~::Eq VA :'? 4-:L84? RDANOt~::E M VA ??~-?859 ROANDt':E, VA 989-464c RDAPtIOt~::E, VA 989-x686 SW ROANDFE, VA 989-5,76x' ROANOk::E, VA 772-2?15 ROAhIOk:.E, VA 7??-'?'15 ROANOt~::E, VA 989-560;8 RDANOk::E, VA 989-9874 ROANOk::E, VA 772-29.8 ROANOk::E, VA 989-5776 SW ROANOt~::E, VA ?74-249b ROAN?OK:E, VA 989-681 ? i~i-i'`:?E ~r'F:I I`at~ i-;i•1EF: T t~;~r:J ~h=t.~ErHLL LEi-It~UE, l hdl., . -REt~ I STEF:EI:' - D I ~i I S T O!'`J 2 hlAr'IE ADDRESS i=IT''f HOME F'ho :J I!L I HI`J q I!tf-I 1 I'I (-I l~'+l ?•~•~~'7 I_IJLIJ i'~ T u1_ I-I Y'~. =4ro I~.tJHI'*ll th~..~ y a ht ~-~~~_t ~"% h`:EIL;IAN„ I•`:RIS 477 i:? HICh::OF:Y HILL DRI'`JE SW ROAhJOhE, ''`:A 774-."??~-~ h~:: T h~::UCH T „ H I F:OAk?: I b42 i ORCHARD ~.` I EW LAiJE StjJ ROAtdOk::E, VA 774-961 F~ k:: I LL I hJGE.R , )I-~EfiiU ^4 7 5 MEi=iDOitlHROOh~; RD 54;1 ROAhiOh~::E, VA CoC-i:? 1 ~?rte k?:RAEI`~1ER, M T CHAEL 8?{?-? BAYDERRY COURT SW ROANOF~::E, VA 774-:L 4 y ~- LyLh+.ly , RODS I E 'T76 MELOD`{ A'VEh.IUE SW ROAI'`~IOk:E, VA 77~?--T ~.'7 LAhIDF:+JM, JARED THOMAS 54~ O'•1ERE~ROOh:: DRI``:-E SW RGAI'~lOF~:E9 ~:1A 77a~-`aS~••4 AI'`JDF:UMq JASOh.I ~54b OVERErtR00h~: DF:I4'E St11 ROANOk::E, VA 774-~94.:~ LASS I TER, DAVID Ss ?22 IjJGODMONT DRIVE S!rJ ROAhlGk::E a VA 939-~ i:~9~ LATSTETTEF:, MATTHEW b.Y ~ ~ CHR I ST I E LAh~IE SGi RGAt`JOh~~:E q Viy 7 ; •~:-i;)~.-r_, LEOI`dARDg E~F:At~IDOi-'J 7 ~~?41 CROWr•l RiJAD SW ROArdilh:::Ew '`1A 93;'-2784 LEC1J I .S ~ I~IATTHEUI TODD 4 7 33 CH I F'F'ENHAI'1 DF: I t.'E SI~J F:OAhaOh :E, VA 9E:34-9-~`+:~~` LUT'1-FELL, CLiyY ~c"r' _' HIISHFTLEi)S FAF;C't DF:Tt?E S~-~J F:OAi''dOh~~:cy VA .. ,_-~'~~~C? LYh•ICH , -1EAta r~2.~ U L;=tUF:EL HILL ROAPdOh~:E y VA 9E4-'~14•~=? MCFALLy 3OEji=j`;' ~~ii~'~.r ELEi=TF:TC RiJAD SW ROAI'yOh::E4 VA ~S~?-`_3;'C~: Mc 0 I NN I S, JOE'{ a^ i - D TOt~JNS I DE ROAD SItJ RDANGh~::E, ''•rA -'74-{? ~Si? McLEOD , GEOFFRE'Y' •255 H T DDEhI ~:'ALLE`'% DR RGANt~h;:E q 'v'A 989- 7~:?9i? _ Mj i : T I .~ E=1Di= R , F:~ .~ ~..~_ F: v ? 7 ~.,:~ i r 1~ r rr_ hc:Eh TLAhlD F° I `, ~ SW ~ RO;=;i•i=11-~ } ti A i7r ~-i lr ~t t ~.~ ;`3~. M T LLEF:, L~F:At.~`~ 4 7?:' C1H I F'F'Ei~iHA!"! L?R I'`:'E SW ROAP:II=~F::E a '•~ A `-=5~=-~'3~-(:? • r i r r~ r:. MILL_Er~: j "f i~~:y`.:.;_ ;'1 r: o?~i? r r r. HItSHFIrLD FARC<i CIF:Ci_c ~:W F:r~At•lOh:::E~ ~ 4A r-• ~ c . 74-~4~.1 t°II?'CHELL:, Eiib~JAF:T.'~ _ = 11 M ~AWra I;IRCLE SW RI~IAt`JI-h:E„ •.'A '=S'?-i'~ .:_ "1ITCHEi'•1, EsF:i~~l'`.iDOhJ "i~tILL_'~" -;~;:?'~ hJOF:t~!AND`i' LAI``.-E SIjJ F:Oi~hlt~~h~::E, VA 77:x,-i:?54;' r11'ELLEF:,, DAVID •Ji=t`t' b716 F'cA+~HTF'EE Cil?°CLE S4~J !~:GAP',Iflh~::E„ Vi=i . -'~-7 ~S`?'~ MIJIr:, i"''. Ti-NCIP'1AS _."17 DAUJhJ CIRCLE ROAhiGh~::Ea VA 939-i:?Y=~i.; , LL li ;;=;'= h11JLL I hiS i 4-=9 F'ELHAt~I i~R I'v'E vt~J F:L ~AI'a0h~::E ~ `•; A 7 7~-- :L `? 71 _ M- JNTGN, DAVID "ALLEN" 5415 CAVE SF'RG LAME SW ROAf~IGh`:E, VA 774-i:?9i?3 PdEAL, RYAhI 514 ~ CANTER DR I'`1E S1~! ROANOk::E 4 VA 774-43b"'~ NEIL, ROBD I E 5s ii?7 CAVE SF'F: I NG LANE SW F;OAhJOh::E, t:'A 77^-1 ?• CIEWTnCa, E~RAD 47~:?3 H I Chi:GRY HILL DR ROANOk:E w VA 774-9278 NOVAh~;q CAF:LOS 5153 MEADGLiJ 'Y'ALLE~{ CIRCLE SW F.'OAhfOh::E9 VA 939-8858 GWEh.lD`:- , :.1 A:71Jha 1 •~6 -12.4 DEr:F:`{ LAhJE 541 ROAC`JOP~:E 4 `d'A ?`?9-32':; -. OWEP~IS ~ L-sF:AhJDOhI SCOTT 4?t? 1 L~+ QAF:ST t1I LL ROAD SW RGfitNOh:E, VA 774-x"49 ~' F'AF:h~.:ER , D~AV I ~D _ x'22 LOr•JGHORN ROAD SW RLiAhdOh~:E, VA 989-:~ 124 PO"I-TEn:} SI-IAI~JP`J 7.42 E~O~:WOOD DF:It:'E SW F;Or=;fdOh~:E, VA 77^-9~?a.2 FOG=JELL, F?REtJI" :JOSEF`H =74C? F`ICCADILLY LAhdE `Sir~J ROAt~JGk::E4 VA 772-iC?74 F'UCh~::E"f T, MATTHEW 5179 LAh~:ELAt~1D DF:Itf'E SW Rt.~lAhlOF`:EQ VA 93R-1 :L7:1 RAF`F`OLL?„ T•iJl-°11"iY .~~~~2' CUJL-i Lr;C~IE SW F:~JAi`Il:~h~::E„ ','A 9S~-+':?77 t RA T HL-iGNE, DAVID 51bEj MEADOW VALLEY CIRCLE 5W RGAPJGh~::E~ VA 774-1~?'~? REED q FRED III 65~?.= ROSELAWI`d RD ROAPdOk::E, VA 489-b5 r ~ REhaF_EF: ~ M I (=HAEL 51.1 HATHAWA`{ DRIVE SW RGAhJOh~::E a VA 772-78C>:' R I CHARDSON, E~ I LL`{ 2 i?2 STALLI OPd CIRCLE SW ROANOF~:E 9 VA 989--?b-_ 4 RrJI~SERTS , MATTHEW 4824 FONTA I NE DRIVE RGANOk::E, VA 484-" i8 ROBERTSOhI, SRANDGN =?2'S DAVTS AVEhdUE StjJ RGAI•dOh~::Eq VA 7 74-52=~~ F:OSS , CARTER ha I CHOLSON 52 i 4 FORDW I CEO:: DF: I t~'E SW ROAhaGh~;E, VA '~89-.= 22'? RIJSSO , CHR I STGF'HER '9i~6 THAMES DR RGAJ'dOk::E ~ '`JA 774-4043 SAF:GEi'`JT y RGL-~ERT +: L-~OEtE~Y } 52~;^ FORDW I GF`: DRIVE SW ROANOh~~:E, 't'A 774-4 5io =SCI-LOCH, JEF:EI'•1 I AH THOMAS 4.S 18 DYER COURT 'aW RONAO~::E, VA 772-~?h i 7 SEAh10hl, ALE?. 5=2~? CROMtiJELL CT F:GANOE=::E, VA 989-17o:r SEL~'E`{, STEF'HEt~J b427 SUGAR RIDGE DR ROAt~IOh~~:Eq VA 939-4-,~?'? SHAF:RER, DAVID '?18 DAMS AVENUE RGANOE~:ER VA 939-:164' SHAVER, BRANDON _ T~'6-1 H C I RCLEDROOk: DRIVE SW ROAhUJh~?:E y VA 989-- 221~- SHELTONq F'ETER C. 48t?8 EASTHILL DRIVE SW ROAh10h~::E, VA 774-.'-?77 SHEPHERD 9 JOSHUA 5 ~ 8~? LIJWANA DRIVE SW ROANOk::E q VA 989-,59.?4 SIFERS, AARON 5c:;45 GATE~JOOD ROAD SW ROAhJOk::E, VA 774-~i~j~?~' SINGLETGhI, k::YLE '727 BUCE~-`INGHAM DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 774-~?64~' S I SLER :, ALLEN ;;c_;i a4 HEREFORD ROAD SG1 ROAhIGE`:E, VA :~ 74-b~?28 SHALES, EF:Ih~:: To 7~b:1 MOUhJT CHESTNUT ROAD SW ROAPaOh=:Eq VA 774-~9~4 SMITH, COLE DGUGLAS -3725 BUCk::INGHAM CIRCLE SW RGANGk::E, VA 772-7725 SF'Ei`dCER, MATTHEW ?674 WILLOWLAWN ST ROArlOk~:Eq VA 989-~)76b STARk::, F:GBEiY 54?6 LINDA LANE SW ROANGk::E, VA 772-2:67 CAVE . SF'Fi I ~•11S AMER I Cr;i`a BASEJ~ALL LEA~;UE„ :[ I~IC F:EOISTERED - DI~,'ISIOt~a ~aAi`1E ADDF:ESS CIT'v` HOME F'h~~ ~TEFLa DA1'•iTEL STRAUB, F'RESTO(~i THOMAS STRAUSBAUGHa MICHAEL SWAFFIELD, BRE~IDO!'d SWIhiDELL, ROBERT TAHERa SHAREEF THCIRNTOtd a BART LEOI*a I I I T I I~iAGt_ I A a JOSEPH TOi~:RE a CHR I STOF'HER TF`i=;C'~' a SEAP~I T ROMF'ETER a J ASOPa VAt~a C~EVE~aTERa JAPi MICHAEL %ER!'aOfi•l a F'AUL T e i=1ALTEF:S a CUF:T.L S h~IATHryC~a WALTEi~:Sa JAt•1ES WARD a J F,t~1ES 4~! I LSOI~a WAR DACH a JOHtd WH T TELE`v a i°1H"CTHEW -•-,- W I LLE-i""i a ..7Oi~EF'i-•I W~?HLFORD a L;A'•.l T D, =JOLFEa Jt~SHUA D W WQODa JEFF ~rESSiAr~a f~::. C. _?15 OCHE OHE~.. ,ROAD ~cia 1:~ 1? ~%ICTORIA STREET '6-~ GAYLORD ROAD SW 6?90 CHR I ST T E LAhaE Sl=1 5819 BRAHMA ROAD SW 5418 BLACk::HORSE LAME ;• 907 FOREST CREEi•~:: DR I ~JE S4J SCr.?9 LUt=JAr~IA DR I ~fE SW 5050 ORCHARD VALLEY CIRCLE BCC ? W I t`aTERWOOD TRAIL SW ~{.?C1 SADDLEn:IDGE ROADq SW 77?5 '~sEI~aT MOUC~lTAIi~i ROAD F°1~ BO V _?~?-~ 849? l.~IILLETT LAi'•aE 5.540 l3REEi`a MEADOW RD SW :~5i i0 SHARMAF: F:OAD SLiJ 8t~T1 VISTA FOREST DRIVE SW ,~St?~- ~1=f~~GvtID1-1L- =11"': 0-? :l 7 H i ~ ~DEC-a HILL CIRCLE S~=a •5:'I7 HI=~DEha HILL CTRCLE 511 11i?'?:~ ROI~!•'::'r FOAL' _~~?41 F:Eh~4TLr=1i`dD DF°I~Y'E W '~~~?04 F'OOR C°1T RD 744_? (=ERta1~1A`{ DF'ri.;:E ~,L=1 57 ~ F' T haE ACRES LAI'dE 851 ELBERT DRIVE SGa ~'?~? FLEETWOOD AVEhaUE SW 45~?7 BREhaTWOOD CIRCLE Slit F:or=;C-aIJF:::Ea `~A ~?4-ba~~~4 SALEMa VA x'41-08~?9 ROAraOk::E a VA ; : ~•-..?'1 t? ~' ROAniOk::E a VA 984-bS I 0 ROANOi•~::E, VA 77C-<?079 RoAraok::E; VA 989-~_?J•15 ROAI~OE~::E a '•~'A :'74-.= 177 ROAt`aOF~::E a VA 989-~?74 5W ROAPJOk::E a ~,%A : 7~-~? 17 ROAC`aOE~::E a 'JA 989-861.9 l~:OAi~iOk.E a `~'A 989-91 bE ROAPaL1k::E a VA 489-5 t I=? 1 L Ei~T C~iFJ~Ui~a TA I h! a 9~9-~•.° 1 "' ROAh~Ot;:E a VA 959-5~9-~- ROANOF`:E a VA 771-5094 RIJAt~ll=f':Ea VA 77~-75It~ ROHraOE::E ~ ~A 959-7 ~<<::?J RO!~h•-IO'r:E a VA 454-%Y~:?5 BEC~aT t~E?~'Uta TA I(~a, ~ =`9-'=t~~=•51 BEi`•IT h'IT o , '~~'A 9~9-~•:= G 1 F:(=iAt`.IC1N::E a '_'H 774-1>S•5 I"'.. 1 1 i"'t I '~IJ I''..Ea t-A ?i:~~'~~_i ~~i~-'. t ~ h RUtiila O{'~~:Ca VA t 77~-.LJ~I~? ROAtdOh.E a ~J'F1 771-•5474 ROAtaOF~:E 4 VA 770-{ ?04-'' NAit!r_ I jfy'`.•'E `~~i='F; I l`i!~ Ai'1E! i!~rtC•i ~~A"~Ei~ALL LEr+GUE„ I i'.!!_ ,: F:ECa I S T EF:1D - D I'.? I':~ I ON _. ADDRESS C I °i '`r HOME F'h~~ AL~i I ZER y JE':SS I Ci=; L`r'raCa Ar1pS y f<:: I 1`'!BEF:L'~' ASHLAJEL~., TESSA h.IEDE ySSA i D, ~AF:A AF:R I ER, ELIZABETH BARF:IER, MEGHAN D'i=iSSETT y SAF.:AH BAUDF:EAU., LAUREN ~AUMAN, rAROLYC.i riHUTTry„ 3.~ABOOC~:A BLE~JI!`•iS,, '=?ALE!-~IE BC;UTH, COUR~TNL.E RAE L-~ F:1 Ir i'"I I y J LJ L I H BROWN, HEATHEF: ~sR`r; ;N y CHF~: I ST`r CALDW-ELL, EMILY R . i-t P'! F' F~ [~!_.!._ > F-1 i_.. ~..C r-; I_J i'•.( !:=, ('`a 1 `.I Cr=tl`~!!-':~!,=LL, ~~:ji-il I i``~EY1' L!- I!=H ~Lr!1' TOF:,, l_i=~TO'~`a LE i i~H C'Oi_E, ALLI SCJN CR:[TES,, DEBF"1A CRITE;a, JENnIIFER GROWDER y ASHLE'Y' DELAC-fEY ~ 4`:A T T E SHACaNON ~IG,~::I°~Gr•.i,; nl_ OF:AH Arar~aE DIGk::ISOta. JENi'aTFEF; r'1. DI!Sr•1Ai`aE`=E, DAI°~;''r i?ODDy :JACaET"T"E ~!~L t: y h~: I r1SEF:L.~. Dr1U(Nf-i~fY a ALL I sClr~l I7pt1JB`r, JESSIGFy REraEE DOtAiD`r ., LAL!REra DUCa•~::Wf~F.:TH, SA F:A DYER, k::ELL~' EDWAF;DS, ra z F:f:: I L 'ri<ir~E FAIT=:, 'r~::Ef~RY FARIraOLA, FyL.I!_.'IA lh FELDVAR`~r, k::ATF_ FILSOra, E::I~•{ FLESHMAra, JENNIFER {=RANGE LOR`rAN, AMY F 0:~ , L I hdBSEY FOY, E:ELLY FF:Ai~~: , J ENN I r- ER (J EraraA a FRAZER4 E!ROOk::E FREANEY y f~:ATHRYN FREEMAN, WHITI~IE`r FUl:lk::, JAMIE FUNf:, WHITNEY GOF:DON, JULIE GF:EENWA`r, k::AY GF:IFFITH, WHITNEY GRIM, E:RISTIN ~Gi: i? HOLUJWBALE DR I °JE SW ~'Gy8 FORESTER F:pAD SW ~'4~' 1 WESTMORELACaD DR SW ,~1•?i? CAF:F~IAGE DFI~:`E SW "~:;G NOLLYE~ERRY ROAR 72~?~ HOLL`r"BERR'r ROAD 1 1 i~, RAE~B I T RUC:i ROAD SW 787E F'OOF: MOUC(TAIN ROAR G ~8 ~ ROSELAi•~N DR I ~:?E Sl'~ ^`~,~~• F'EC1hl FOREST L-~OULEVARD SW ~~i4i:~ FLAMIiurp DRI°JE SIxJ y~=i?4 WOOBTHRUSH DF:I'`:'E SW 4i=;1 ~' F::EraTLAC•.ii:, BR I VE Jt~'r._ C'~'raTH I A BF: I':?E SW 61 t.;9 SADBLER i DGE ROAD Goy 1 SraOW OG1L DF: I'`:'E 4i:;Gt:; SNOWGOOSE C i RCLE 541 ~,~~•4 TERRHF' I tea ! F.H i L .~l~J ~4.~-~ !_,nL ~tralrL r-+``JI_ `=iti .j =~::: yy'~ C1T ih1HEST!+lU-r READ SW _ ~{::~ ~ RED Zj! iB ' . I F:CLE ._ • '.Z6 VEF'OCdA TF:rf I L _ , ._:=~ TH+=ir1F°snra LAhaE SW 44? ' UMM I T STREET S41 ..?48 SOUTH F'AR1•~:: CIF:CLE =6y6 k::EraTLAtiD DRI~~JE SW .T6y6 k::ENTLAND DRIVE SW .76~} AF'F'LE GROVE LANE 5G•?'~~ I~JARIj~puD BR I ~.'F_ S!•J G561 is1E'STZ,R I AR COURT GG~ 1 WESTBR I AF: COtJRT G~ ~'7 +_,Hi`d ! ~F: 1.J1; I '''JE .^rW 18yG L-~F: i Bi_E LAttlE Sll~ 18._5 i-~R1L~LE Li-t{r!E ~W T J-?~• IS~EDGEWOOD ROAD SW yTi=~'- ~wAr`1TLE LAC?E `~W :2?i; LOraGHGRN RD SW 2945 TAMARACk:: TRAIL S4J 6527 TALLWOOD DRIVE SW 5 ?8 F`EREGR I h~E CF:EST G I RCLE 1 i; ='i ; FORTUNE RIDGE RD ~.IJU~ H I GHF I ELDS RD Sl+l G ~:6 7 CAVE SF`R I NG LANE SW 7 ["~i;t; HOLL'rBERRY ROAD SW 57G= CHAUGERS CT SW T44 WOOBLANB DR I'`;'E SW 8111 VISTA FOREST DRIVE G?^ 1 SCENIC HILLS DR I °JE St+! G91y FLAMINGO BRIVE SW 4867 HUNTING HILLS DRIVE SW 24.4 CHAT:I t`IG GROSS Ti? 1 i? F'EC.lN FOREST BLVD 5C.'6 CROSSBOW CIRCLE SW 461':~ BUC1•:' RUN GT #C 461+:; BUCk:: RUN CT #C :' 142 LONGHORCd ROAD SW 2932 F'URF'LE FINCH ROAD SW 6795 BACF~' CREEF: ROAD 41 U6 !•~:EAGY ROAD '1 t LL ~,~ ~~ « t ROACaOk::E, VA 7-'4-i~4•>>-~_J F:ClAI`•1pf~::E4 ~J(~ ?74-1619 RCiAraOF~::E, ``JA ~':4-657' ROAraOf~;E N '`JA 9139-1 yi ~-' ROAi~aOF-::E, '`JA 989-:1~~~< ROAC~pE-::E, J A ,7y :C.'6. BENT MOUN TAIN, 9y9-^~9.?=+ RGAC.iOF~::Ey VA 774-'~9:L ROAra!_~k;E., , ., °:e-t ~ - 989-~:.~._~i_;-' ROAPaUt..E y '4'i-i 9~9'_`_J°i?^~ Rf~AC`~iOk::E '`JA `989-,':,,:::,.<~. ROAt`JO~:::E v '`JA 774-4~=5 ROAraOi•:::E4 t?A 7:4-Gr~7~= L,'L_1hi~`~LJi'; E y i:JA 9%~r:-i~+i:~ r tz:tJti~•11'`.11 •.!•:.~. ~ 'V A .'^+-.'r-a 1 _J F;f'IAi``Ii=1F~::E y `-'A -'~--~~i':l = _ -, :.. ~ , ROANOF~::E, '`JA 77^-~' 1 C;1 ROAC•IOt~::E:. ~ VA ?74-y59Y M 1 i:t ~.'~-~~C T-r F:!JArd!JF:::E q t1A . ~'y-4^ :? 1 ROF-;raOF~•.E, VH 9^o9-ii9r R!_~Hr`d0i•:;E„ ':'A 989-:J41- ROAi'dOF~::E, VA 989-~41~' RC!Ar`.11=+1•-::E, ~JA 7?4-%~T t'=~ F:pAraOk::E a VA 989-a~•G' `` ROArai~F~::E, VA 989-7-~'8? ROACaOf~~:E, VA 989-794, F:pAC1pk~:E, °.1A 989-G~c} 14 ROACdOF:'E, ~JA 772-.155`, BECiT MT. , VA 929-~~11 1 ROAraOf:::E~ ::A 989-i:;9i::;9 ROAi`IOt=::E, VA 989-44G ROAraOP~::E, VA 774-i>>9:~8 F:pACdOt~::E R VA 774--_ y6t3 ROANOk::E, VA 774-1 1 ~~_~ ROANOk::Ey VA 989-8577 ROANOk::E y VA 774-1 T? 7 ROANOk::E y 'JA 989-6G4 :1 RoaraOE~::E y vA ; ~2-:~-_ 6~a~ ROANOh~:E, VA 774-y599 ROACdOk::E, VA 989-8525 ROAraOk::E, VA 774-=471 ROANOk::E, VA 772-6516 ROANOk::Ey VA 77y-6516 ROANOt':E, VA 774-~GGB ROANOk::E, VA 774-4i;7G BOOCdES MI LL, V 7 74-9789 SALEM, VA 989-:489 i r~~:'E . SF'F:I i`aG Ah1Eri I i_,;=tt\.I F~AEESALL Lc;~iL~UE:, 1' C•.ft r~:E!~ I STEF:ED - L' I ~:' I S I1~1PJ _ C\IAC~(E ADDRESS C I T'r HOC'lE F'f-i n ~Rt_iC•.iE4~!ALD q h~;R I STt=C•I b4:' 1 FA I F:WA'r ESTAT(.S T~~F::L VE SW ROAC.IOh~::E 4 '•;'A -74-4i;; 1 "= HAhI =`Gt~i . SHEF'~'`r 51 !:~ ^LD TOWC•JE RD SW ROAC~~10h:E ~ VA 772-4ra.= `_? HE I t`IEI~IAhIN CARR I E !~ . 4r?r i5 WHITE DO4'E LAI~(E Si+i RLt_~AC•lOk::E, VA 774-b i ~ 4 HEELER y Ei`1 I LY 1 Sb GAF:ST C`AE~ I I~ DR I'•JE 'SW ROAhJOF~~:E 4 VA 77~-1 bS4 HEl`IDERS0~1, SHAh.IhIOCJ .?c=~TB C'IER I NO DR I'JE Si~J ROAI~dOh~~:E 4 VA 7 7 4-1 ~ 1 HERGF:UETER n J ACF~::EL'{~{ 15?b STRAWBERRY MOUhITA I hJ DR SWF:OAhlOk::E, VA 776-~,i ~C7 HOFFCIAI`d w ER I h~~:A b 108 BUR~IHAC1 RD ROAhJOh`:E q 'JA 7 7?-16 S5 HOLCDh1B g LAUF:EI`! ELIZABETH 191 ~ F'ELHAh`I DF: I'~~ E SW ROArJO}E q VA 774-bbb': HOWARD, ~7Ei`Jtu`'~ 5C}?1 C°fEAI;~OW GREEf': DF.'I`.'E SW ROt=;C•!+_~}~:Ea '~~A g89-Sbt:~B HRDL I t~h~::s=i k ,7EC~lI'\I:L FEF: 81 ~:~%~ W I i`aTEF:ijJISOD TRAIL Si~J F:Or~;C~.IG{~::E , `lA ?~'.~-%+:' S S ,~ ARIES 4 •~ ~r~rJ I i= EtR ? <}~ +8 FARC°1 I C\Ii~TO('J C I F:CLE SIB ROAC-dOh~~:E 5 ~~"A 77'~-4•~-~ 1 ,7 EF'C~! I Gi•7i~1 y h; I C'IB C='F:L`'r` 7t:~ 1 1 STr~RL I GHT LAC~JE R(~1A1`.iOh~:E, `•.~A ='i~b-+:}~1.4~;' .~+~riES9 F=iP'I`( E `_=,r'L BEF:R~t'1-i1LLCF:I~,`E W 1='QAC~J+'h~-.., ;:A -74-'=~~'`~~~"' :70141ES:, C•iEGAhI r~:i~=~CHELLE _C'4=' BF:Oh1LE`{ ROAD SiiJ F:Qi=~+C\ICi}~~:E, VA 77~-. ._C~l F::EC'li=' 9 C~IC)~;'A ~TG 1 ~ ~ F'OFF LACJE SW Ri1Al'dQh:::E t VA 989-85.7 }:::E'i'E8. i ~IEL i SSA f=;. 4' 1 b CORDELL DRI ~.'E ROFtC~.10i-~::t`., '~~A ;'7~}_ -r-~-'-- K:OhJEJ'd . .Jr=ttdl I E ~= -~• 14 h10RiV I i`JR; ~~O'~'E R+CAD F:CiAC•Ii1f~:E Y '~1A 7 7.^_-71 ~?8 • r^ r: r^~ -r ~ h ~-n-,-..- ,-. r. r•. c -. c ~ r. ~~_ i) (= h f ~,' i ' -} :~ r~ ~ ~! +~~~ ~- `'r t-+ '.7 rr~.' Q - ! ~ <;. ;~. }:::R z ~~TA :. !~~~ I cHELLt,~ ;..I .:E~:::; i - ~: -~ ~- :, ;. u T'.' ;,., r:t~iAra~ tt}:::~= =-~i/ .. ,_--+_~,_ _. LFyI a~.., . i-• i L_ ._r'!R''f ~_,},.i_if il•~:.i= :'~~~:• ._ iJ ~ I HL ri•- t IUE J ~. i~.f[.f~.i:= : ~ 4-:-_,-,..~!:~ r _.I.._4 L~=',F;r~ -'I - ~~F:ILiL E Lr~C•IE 'SiLJ ~~,~~AC.It~~f._~.s ;•A ~`~--=:;' L 7h.(F'HEr~;R• L;-',~ iF:r::i "Li~~t:Ir-." b~:_~:1= WOODi=i Ch.: CIRCLE F:C i-;C.{±,i}:'E ~~'A 77=-.:s~:~S~ LE~~+=SET T Ey ~~El'~4C\IIf=Ei•~: 4?=::~ F+~;; HALL +=IF:CLE Si•J F:+,AC•?i~f:E. ~w'A ~89_'?~'"=~ 'E? i"!T.C:I-!F_,_i_~:: 4. T'._tf F'I!`JG HILL DF`I'~1E F:!"i~p\Ii i ,L. ~~ 9_ I"1CMDEC.:! q C°ir=;t=;L i ~' 1 :~ S t rLL i t~i`J G ~ t1CLE SW F..tJHC•aOf~.E 4 ; r~ : ti ; -._.,~_,._~ .. MCGriRRY ~ h~:F: I STEC~J ' N4S i`1E~sD0i~lLi=`iF:h~:: ROri>.:i Sl~.t F~:OF`~C•.IO}~::E, G'A 77C- ~ `fir=~`:' ~ICh~::A'v' ., C1ARY ALICE 4+_+51 S~IOi•~ GOOSE C I I~:CLE Si-J ROAC:f+~}:::E, ~1t=r '?89-4417 C1E;~DOf~: 9 CARR I E LEIGH 7~ 1 b BEAT f~10UhJTA I N ROAD ROAItifOF=::E q VA 77 ='-t ?8b M I C'JTOni y i+JEELEY 1? S i SEiiELL LArdE SttJ ROAC•JOh :E, ~~lA ~'45-b8 ~.8 C•1OF:F: I S ~ EL I ~ZABE"1"H 4'.~?5 AF:L I C,JGT01`J HILLS DRIVE SW RL~?AC~10}:::E 4 VA 989-~•'.~ =.- I. I'1 I"IOF:F: S. I•:: P':BEF:L`t 4'? 1 IF:C j1~ CACd T Er: C LE F:QACdOh~:.E. '.iA 774-CC~"= - - C~1UL L i i~IS y :7UL I E 199 F'ELHA1~1 DF: I'•:'E SW ROAI~IOh~::E, ~,='A ? 7 4-1 ~ :' :C I~Ii~SC.A„ LAURA ~=~~:~1 ' UF`LAC.(D +~AC1E ROAD `CW r:OAC'J+Jh=::E„ ~;'A 9S9-.b,_1~':~ P~JASH. AC~!C•aE ,~.a'~4 LJJi+!AI~.IA DRIVE SW F:QAi`!Oh~::E4 '~-'A 989-!:~GSi_t C•IEII_, ACIBEF: C°1ii~h-(FLEE S~jC~7 CA~='E SF'RICIG Li=~CJE SW Ri?AC\.itCf-:E, `.'A 7-'_-i'~~?•'= J`i I CHO!_S :, i.~ARF': I h\It~TGC~I ?3b' f~::E~ STL AI`JD DF:I ~;'E SW F:uA{'~C~}:::E ~ VA 77~-;?`:~81 =_+' I`~IE ~Ri-i , C°1A[=~'i= b~4`=:;' ~I .ti~AF: F:Ii ~i~E _iRI`•.,?E F'fiAC\;ih::.E~ ~,'A ~-t r~? _ O'ZAC~Ii1f-i, If`JGRI?'~ 59b+:+ FLA(~tIf,JGO DRIVE F:QAI`JOh=:E, VA 774-.~1bb F'AGU I I`J 9 RACHELLE bb~ ?~ ~ PEACH TREE CIRCLE ROACdOh~::c 4 ~JA 774- i b4%~ F'A`r`I`JE :, SAF:AH b 1 ~? FLAh1 I i`JGO DF: I VE SW ROA1VOh~=:E, ~'A 989-449b P'ECh~;, I`~AUREEi~! ~5i_~? VERO~(A TRAIL SW ROAC`(Ok~:E, UA 77~-!=+7~8 F'HELF'S~ L_IC~lDSA`r` bb5^ F'ARh~~:WA'r DRIVE 54\1 F:Or=;NQf~:E, '•~A 77^-~:j9^S 'P'HELP'S., Si=tRAH bbS~ F'AF,'}:'trJAY DRI'•lE SW Rt~AC~IQf:E„ VA 77E-r~f~?^C F' T TCaER q CLA I F:E 5C~•Y BALSAt~1 DRIVE SW ROAhIOh~::E, VA 989-4 ~' P' I TTCIAC~1 R T I Et\JI`JA 1 S48 BRIDLE LAC~IE ROAtd+Dh~:E 4 VA 774--+~~^Cb P'OWELL 9 EI\`} I LY i. 58.T 1 F'EI`aGU I I`J DRIVE SW ROAt`JO}~::E, VA 7: 4-?55 .' F'RETT'iC~1Ai`J, AC~IAC~IDA Cd. T59b GF:ACdDICJ ROAD EXT SW ROAtdOh~::Ey l'A 989-'?1?~~ P'R I CE q GATHRYi~i b7~ y 1 F'ARh~::WA'~ DRIVE ROAI~101•~::E, VA 77^-1 Ub-' RED I CH q AL'v SSA 59c>>2 LOST ~I^UhJTA I I'~ ROAD SW ROAI~IOh~~:E, +:'A 98?-72 i:? F;ED I CH n CAT I E 59~ >~ LOST 1~10UhJTA I N ROAD SW F:OAfuOE::E, VA 989-7^~~'+:~ ROACH q C`i I CHELLE LORRA I I`dE 492G BEAR RIDGE CIRCLE SW ROAC~IOk:E, VA 7 74-81 b4 F:OBERTS, SARAH 4TC4 FOC~iTAII~E DF,'IVE ROAhIOk::E, VA 989-R~8? ROOF', CARF:I E ? 1 b 1 SHORTHORI`d DRIVE SW ROAPJOk::E, VA 774-i +b~t i FiOTHROChi: WH I ThJEY 51 19 SUGAR LOAF DRIVE SW ROAI~!0}~=:E, VA 774-'bb9 , ~;USSELL µ HAI~I~IAH b~=~79 OF:I OLE LAiuE S-rJ ROAl~IOh~;E 4 VA 77~-~99? R:USSO, NICOLE =9C}b THAh1ES DR ROANOk::E, VA 774-4b4{~ SA I ~I , STACEY 4i ~t> 1 BUI`JF~ERH I LL DRIVE SW ROAI~IOh`:E q VA 989-8529 SARGEhJT , AitJhJA 52+~2 FOF,`DW I G}~:: DRIVE SW ROAI~Ok::E, VA r 74-45bG SAUI'dDERS, h~::ELLY 454.' GIRARD DRIVE SW ROAh1Oh~;E, VA 774-19T5 SGRO I , STEF'HAnI I E 6'7r_> CHF:I ST IE LAf~JE SW ROANDh~::E, VA 989-9 S :l ~~at: E :~F'R I rho at'1Ei~` I Ci~(`.I ~~aSEB~i~LL LEaB-JE, I (••IC F:E{~ISTEF:EIi - I7:i',~ISTOr{ _ r~lat'IE iyI?L~RESS C T -r `r HOi~1E r'ho OHar•J!•:: y I-~IEiyTHER SF~:: I rJraE?_L y L OrJl~l I E SLaC1~~::, ~JULIa SLO'~lEI~ISI~`:Y y Saf~:aH SMITH, STaCY SF'ardGLEFi y DaI~I T ELLE ST;~r3GS y F`:R I ST I ST~_~LL y I-IUI~ITEF~-EL I ~aBETH Ta`{L~DR, }:::ELL'{ SUEarfraE THE4~!S. RESECCr=i THrMasy MaR~Y' THOMaS q STEF'Hard I E M TOkiJrJSEriD y aU T UMrJ TRE?~! I S y SaRaH T~JF:ftilER, F::aT'v TYREEy ~7Er•JrJ`r UrJDERW00D y "rRaCEY k~!ah:Sak.l y I`~larl%~Y :~ EarJ s~} E~ h~~ L E S i I E i=a i'••11`a E l~.iEL~STEF: y LOR`r' k~lEEl•~::L`r , aMarlDa WIL}:TrdSy LUC`r' f~~:: WTLLIaMS, DaWr~l WIL SO1~l, -JEt~If~IIFER D. W I RE y LaUF:a h::aTHLEEN W I SEMaN y F~::R I ST'r WOLFEy asIGaIL 1 c~4r_~4 :, ',~~',~ R I DvE R~~az~ ROUTE E ~ BOA 1 S -F b658 F'OaGES r'IILL DRI~1E =758 '•,~EROI~Ia TRa I L SW 1 ~.:9y~ ROCt:.Y ROHD '471 CREEC~ICL I FF ROaD SW 4or?E HaMr'lOr~iD Lal~lE SW :: tjb HOLLYF I ELD C T RCLE Sk~l 599i? :l ^ O' CLOCh~:: k::rJOE+ RD 5445 Ft_ I rJTLOCI<:: Lar•JE SW 575? F'EP:(G~U I id DR I';'E SW ?49 SF'R I rJr Rl_~ri DRIVE SW ?~~?1 SOUTHWt70DS DRI~:'E SW 55~s5 CF;ESCEf~IT L~OULEVARD 8r:?4o V I STa FOREST DF:I VE 49~ ~ T' GF:aF'E TREE LarJE Sk~l 5347 STHRF~:EY ROaD S~tJ 571. F'Era~~ ~ I t~l iv~h I'•;'E SW 51;54 i'~1E;;i,~C~k=.t 'JaLLE`!` CI~;:CLE SW 4r> 1'? l.~lH T TE D( 1~?E LarJE SW 9 i o8 LOOF~~: OUT Li=+r•IE 57"4 CRESCEI`•IT LL°;'D r?~~ cl=~:i~Wra r;r~aL~ ~W ^.= t i7 BROOF~::F I ELD DR T VE SW 57i i4 CaVaL I ER DR I ~JE SW 5'6? CHaU(~ERS COURT _~ r? 1 GF:EErJ MEHDOW RD SW 1851 ELBERT DR I'JE SW SErIT w1~~~i_~rJTaTi'J, =E9-4',•78 S r'II OI'•I E BO L L, '•l.1?~-191;1 y ~ Si ROHI~?OF~.E, ~~IH l_)r_)l)-t_tl_)lll_1 Rc!ar.IOk::E, '•~a 989-~;.~~~ BEPdT MOUNTa I rl, 9~9-4 ~ 14 ROai~lOk::E, VA 989-5164 F;OarJOF~~:E, ~:~a 989-<~761C'? ROarlOk~:Ey ~aa 989-.'9r?~' F.:Oar~?OF~:E, ~1A 9?39-<~75i5 RoaraOF:E 4 ~~a 989-..="~ 16 ROar.IOF~::E, ~;~a ; 74-159? F:OarlOk::E y '•.'r=i 9S9-9b 1.-ri ROt=thd0l~~;E, VA 989-4~5' Ri ar•JOI~~::E y 4';~H 774-4`? 1 ~? ROaP•JOF~::E, '•aa -?74-97b8 ROat~JOk:E y Va 774-r~;468 r~oarJOF::E, Va ;~ 74-,:~~b8 ,- L~ErIT' h10UriTa I rd , 929-475T F:O;=?r.IOF':E, tla 909-4~'~ 1 r~; , Rr~ar?oF~::E y va 9s9-~~t ROt=+t;If1F:::E, Va ?;~^-i=?i>>i ROar~IOF~:E. Va 774-E'9= ~' Roaran}:::E, ROaraOI~;E, Va 77~-15ior? Cr=i'•,%E, ~~~F'F:T,!~!~~ i"~t~-EciTCi=~r! c+ASEBtiLL LEA~SUE„ I!`'•!Cu r REG,ISTET:E~~ - DIU'ISTDra ~ ~IAtd!E ADDRESS CITY HOME F'h ~~ ALBEF:T , l+! 1 LL 1' Art J05EF`H _ ~~:=? L E DGEWOOD AVEC~!UE ROA!''a0E`:E 4 'v'A :~ : ~•-.~,a9`5 AI~!DEF:SON q M I CI-iREL 5'81 CR'•.'E SF'F: I PdG LANE SW ROAr.IOk::E ~ VA ?~~-8?C'? ATHEY , AARON X518 STEELE ROAD SW RORNDE~::E, VA %~•-8 ~? ATE-:: I NSDN 9 E~::EraNETH R 555... CYNTHIA L F; I VE SW RDHI4!Dk~.E, '•1A 989-6~ ? 1 L'LA I S y TYSGrd bi?C~? CRVAL i ER DR I ~~JE ROAraOE~?:E, VA 984-= 16' L-?EAk::E, MICHAEL W 4r i5y RUNra`r MEADE L; +NE SW F~OAr!DE~::E, VA 989-:~45i ~ L~RO4{!raLEE, EBi 51 ~ 1 SiJ8ARL0AF MOUPITA I ra RD Sl{! ROAniOE~:E y ~a A ?:' ~•-~5r ~7 CARR, TODD %C`?E' r1T C HESTr~IUT RDAD SW RDANDh::E, VA 774- "915 CA!JSE`r, TREY ;SC:' DOXbdDOD DRIVE SEi~ RDANOE:E, VA 77C-~;CS% COLE ,, L1JESLE'r F: '4~T8 50UTH F'ARE': C I F:CLE S(.d Rai==NDE~::E, VA 7 %~--'' 1 ~ ? 1 COEL i t'.IS g r1 i CHAEL '456 CANTER C i F`CLE Rar=tr~aE::E o ~!A 7?~•-~~78 COOF`ER, TF;AVIS 7108 MT CHESTraUT F:DAD RDAi,IDE:::E, '.'A 989-{?G~i? ~;~E`AT !'-1OL!LIN 4985 FO `; F:ID~~E F:aAD SLAB RDAraaE::E, '•~'A '989--~51'~ DDI~dI:~`r, L-~Er.!,7Ah1It~l '94~ TAt°1ARACF:: TRAIL Sod RDANDE~~:E, 4'A 989-79'4. FADES , D'r'+'v T D ~• = { ?io FONTA I raE DR i ~f'E SW ROAraaE~::E, 'y A 774-x^,:58 E r-+DES ,, J I 1"1 2'.? i 8 SORREL LANE SW RDAr.!aE~::E, VA % -'4-414cS ELDEF: , MICHAEL 5?' i SUGARLOAF MT RD SW Rar'.I'JDE:E y ~~'A 989-4647 !=F:,•.i~, ~ i.:~;E~...;.._. ,._,~ Fa ~_. ;E F:n ;l. RDr-r•.laE;:~- ~4-~ a5.. ~'~`Ata5i CHRT.`-l"DEREK ~•44~' CORDELL DRI~t'E 5W RiiArai_~E:::Ez ~'A 98=~-i;~9`; FIi_.=i(~ri:, F:'„~~!'•! ~=. _ r_.HA(JCEF:S CT 5'}~. RDAt•.!E~~I'~::E4 `,•'A ,?4-_~~i~~ i_ I t_L I !_At•a'i ? ~ (:.- I-IUf~!:;: b-'b;3 CaF:r1Tr=;SSEL Li=irdE l=! RC~At•1aE~;E . °;'A . -`;+-1 ~ i ~:-; GF:EEt~i, C!aRI? 8459 MART.ita CREEE~:: F:DAD Std Rf~r::,{~.!(~F::Eu VA '~!•'-~?60"~=' Etir=iF:C'!!Sr•.l 9 E~::`t LL-' = b•~b a'•aEF:DRODE~:: L R I °•.'E .=W F:ai~r•(?JE~:E ~ VA 98'-~-`= ='1~•`.~_' Hr'iF:!''1~; a Dr~''•:' :i. D 49~.~ 't~RI~F'E TREE LAraE 'SW RDAt•~a!•:::E `dA 989-5560 HARPER ='A T E~:ICE:: . . 1 _ _ LOrdGHDRra F:DAD SFd ROAraak::E. '~JA . ?4-194• !"'!RYES„ SCOT"f 468U MEIiJS HILL DRIVE SW RDArdak::E4 V~-i 989-7~?8. HEELER, DENJAi~IIr~ 15b GARST CABIra DRIVE RDAraOE~:E, VA ; 72-1654 HERCHEraR I DER , RDEsERT 45~?5 FDNTA I NE DR I'•1E Sly! F:DAi~~al-`:E; VA 774-7484 HEI;J I TT 9 CHR I S 47t? H I CE':rSRY HL RaAraaE~;E 9 ~1~A 989-i?516 HDLDDY, F:Y•Ar~ 548 GRAr1DIN F:D RaAr~iDE~::E, VA 989-5511 JDHr•!Sar.(, HL!tdTER b49~ RAW L'~rara DRIVE `SW RADt~'aOE':E; VA 989-5887 JDHI~!SDN, ~.7Ar''!E5 r1 9964 F'RTTEF:`SD!r( DF:IVE BEI'•~T r1D(Jr~TAIit~y 9~9-~~•=? JDHt'aSTOP•aq ErE!'a,7At°1I!~I TRACEY 5565 !~YtdTHIA i?RIVE S4+! RDArai'E~~:E~ VA ~'~'4-11 ~ ~ DHNSTOra 4 CHR I STOF'HEF: JJ~S C't NTH I A DRIVE 5W RaAraDE:E 5 V A 7 7?-1 1 19 E::Ei`at'~dEY, DDUGLr'a5 ':'_b^6 CHARIraG CF:OSS DRI'{E SW ROA!`aak:E9 °~~'i i 989-79i:!t+ E~::iEl_GOF~:E. JEREh1Y` b7~?1 E-rErJT MOUNTRira RDAD RDAt•aOE:E, ~:'A 774-5:89 ~r- n E::R :E ~; , ~_ i ~F:E~, , 4~:; ~ :' .t-y~~-t 'rr E:c~•, ~ ~_AraD DR. ,`E sW r. Ran,.~a!'~::E ~ ~iR -. ~-7i:?• E-::RDF'FF I I y L-sRUCE E. =66.' E~DWEF: ROAD ROAraDE~;E, VA 774-5b4 E~::IiNE~;LE, STEPHEN T4 ?5 DRWN CIRCLE SW RORNGk:c, VA 989-9549 LANG, JEFF 59?^ FsIG HORr~ DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 774-'t?66 LEW I 5, JEFFREY SCOTT 4788 CH I F'F'ENHAM DRIVE Sl~i ROANOE=::E, VA 989-9~~ ?.? LIMN, ,7OHN E~: 5954 L-+LACk::HORSE LANE SW ROANOE:E,, VA 989-0588 LGVELL, THOMAS E "TEDDY" :~4^9 S. F'ARE~:: CIRCLE RaRNGh;E4 VA 77C-~?781 MAF:E~~:S, JASON T7i~^ F'INEVALE ROAD SW F:QANOE~::E, VR 774-7J5~~ MART I ra, STUART 42~' H I LLBROOk:: CIRCLE RGAraoE::E, VA 774-95C?•,' MATNE`r N E~F:APdDON 5~4~ 3 BRAND I N ROAD E:~T SW ROAI'•aOE::E, VR 774-C?887 MCGALL, ASHLEY E~ 594b F'OABE VALLE`r ROAD RGArdak::E 9 '•~'R 774-E31 7 9 MCFARLAND 9 L-+R I AN 51.Y 1 MERDOW VALLE`f CIRCLE RDANOE~;E ~ VA 774-~ ?7?•? MGLOF~::ACH, JOE '1,5i_7-92 E~ERRY ERNE SW ROAraOE~~:E„ VA 774-8859 MULL I NS, JOE ?? 1 r=?-C CIRCLE 1 RODE': DR SW F:DANDE~::E, VA 989-1517 rdEV I N, F'ETER 19~t> CArdTEE LANE 5W ROAraOE~~:E ~ 4'A 989-8588 GHENCHA T N, CHRIS 5 7 ~ 7 CA1~ I N CREEE~; DRIVE RGAr~IDk::E, VA 989-1 9T F'ATR I CE,: q SRVARD .;~,?i?9 W I NTERBERRY DRIVE SW ROAraOk~:E q VA 774-~ ?979 F'DFF, JONATHAN S 474 FDXHRLL CIRCLE SW ROANOk::E, VA 774-(3.?9`' F'OF'IE~::, DOUG 648b FAIRt+1AY VIEW TRAIL SW ROANGk::E, VR 77~-15.8 RAY, JOSHUA DANIEL ~ 7'b HYDE F'ARE~:: DRIVE ROANaE~::E 9 VA : 7~-7=11 { RGEsERTS y TIMMY 4. ~4 FONTR INE DRIVE SW ROANOE~::E g VA 989-:'28? SALMON, JOSH ~~7?1 BUCE~;INGHAM DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VR 774-498 vE-! I RLEY , F'H I L I F' SCOTT :'•.616 ~sOraD STREET SW RDA(~!Ok::E y VA 77~-45b7 S!-!DRYER, L-sRENT b'T7 FAIRWAY FOREST DRIVE SW ROANOk::E, VA 774-14~!:? C i~i'~,' E . '~ F' F.: I,i`:) t~ r=i I`'1 E Fi i ~~ i=i i'•I , , REii:ISTEF:ED l~iAt'1E HDDF:ESE~ SF-1OI~: i'ER„ ~JO1'dATI-iAra Sh1:iTH„ CHAD SMITH„ ROE~BV SFEDE, MII'~::E STOVER„ C-sF:Ei~IT STUMP„ JAS01'~l THOMAS„ t=JTLLIAi~1 FRAr~IF~::LIha THOMSOr:I„ SF'ErdCER TOIL''„ :7E!=t= T+~~F:F:E:~ICE „ !~Hr-i T S Tr,: I'~,'ET"f „ IYi I iIHAEL A T R U C'! C-s +_1 {.•~I E n: a D r~'~/ I .~:;' Ur~IROE, tvl-!F~:.ISTOF'HER D V I r~~ALES„ 'SHArdE Wt=,LTERS„ RUD`r ,TAMES WiLU=OX„ CHARLES r-: -- E+i-; I LE`~,' „ SCOTT ~sERGER „ CHR T := L-+O T Tr~aOTT„ HDAI'°1 E+Q I TIVOTT„ R',~Ar~l BUF:T T S ; S'TEF'HEh~ CALDWELL„ ROEsE'Y' DA`d'IS; JAh1ES rLOF:A„ LEE F~;t~C_>`1ARF_'P~:„ RODERT Li~RSOra„ ERIF~:: t'`1If';E~::EL MAr~al~{ T r~aG „ I~.IA THAr~I MiLLEF:„ I~H(-iT1 s}~~:EEr~~:, c:HAr_~ '~T'r=?ray:' T i= F~i~'„ l==~G.l;~`F;;'i 7OLLE`r :, GEC:IFF VIA „ E7'HAn~ r~ ?~ASEL~ALL LEr=1+~UE„ II'~l~a~ - DTVISIOr~I C I'T`S HOME F'n~ ~=~'~' i=AIRWr+r` FOREST DRI'•;' O4.?9 C:=iVFyLIE.~~: DFiI~r'E 55~"~ C'rr~lTHTA DRIt!E SW 5945 EiF:AHMA ROAD SW '479 JVERBF'OOi•~:: DRIVE SW v 1 _^:.5 MEi~DO-,t- CREEE~:: DR I'•rE _ . Cb REGEi~IC`,~ CIF:CLE SW '?~8 4dO0DV I EW ROAD SW ~;':='-' CA'•i'AL I ER DF:I VE EW :l "8 GAIL^i~aA't DR I ~;'E SW cc~•r_ . ~~'_~L~ !_~r=;LL'Dl~1r~~`! ~_ I RCLE :~tLJ '?o^^t.it' EA<JTHILL LR:IVE ~T46 ~vi=;rdTER DR J9?J LAt~.ID~;'TEI~J DF:I`JE b~C9 SADDLERIDGE LAtdE ~•=~?~' LA`•a'E SF'R:IraG LAr~lE SW 56.9 GREErd MEADOW n:D SW r7T,~: r-' I r•~E Ar.-F:ES L r~~E ~4?9 i:~F:j_HARD5 '~;' I Et-; LAPSE S _,'1j~ ~-~ EF. i W+~i..!L' A~'Ell{I ~E .=;_;; ; 'ld T I_L! l~.iLritJl~! .=TREET .~ _ _ ~.. Dr7Wrl ~~ T R!:L 5~'1" LAk::ELAraD DF: =~~1 448 SOUTH F'ARt-:: G I RCLE '448 SOUTH F'ARt~:: CIRCLE ?b =' 1 SOUTH4~l0ODS DF:I VE SW T~~B~ DOWER RD =t:~ F':IhaEVALE ROAD "'S~9 Lr;F:ELi=+r'dD DR I'~:'E SW _1 ~? STROTHER F:QAD 4907 GRAF`E TREE LArdE SW 476 > H I CF:OR`f HILL DF.: I VE 644 T,=iLLWOOD DRI`rE SW 54? 1 ROSEI_titjJ>W ROAD ci.,.<~-`.°~ MEA~'!~4=? i;F:EEF~: i,F:I`-~E 15j? GARST CABII~1 DF:. 16b-1~5 EsERR`r LArt1E ROAr~IOf~:E„ ~1A 989-s?96i~+ ROAt~101'~::E„ VA 989-1 v 1 t ~ ROArdOf`:E„ '~tA 989-4794 S~tJ ROAr~101':E, VA 989-8611 ROAraOF~::E„ `%A 999-'147 ROAI~IOF~::E„ '•aA ?:'rf--''; 13 ROAP~IOE'~:E„ `JA .74-'47~ F:OAi~IOi'::E„ VA 774-5~.:''~;; F:OAr,IOI'~:E„ 'v'A '?4-h+_;9? 4 ROAr,~IOF~::E q `,'~+ 989-7c~:~ 1 ROArdOt~::E:, `.IA :'74-115 ROAr~a0h~;r~„ VA 989-;844 ROAItifOt~~:E9 '~JA 989-~_~98 tt1 R!DAr:.IC!F.: +,~ ~ tlA ,;:~~_i i?9 :1 t,:Orir.lf jl•..`~i :. ~`r-f ~_ - +-.,J4`'_>~.~ I ,'' ,q T Roi~ri+~f:E„ `~i-1 989-,-_,'~ ROAt`a0h~::E; VA 774-856 ROAI`~OF~:.E„ ~;'A 774-8~~6 ROAr'dOk~:E, VA 7:j 4-7199 F:OHh~IOF::E„ VA 989-+~+~•~'~? RC!ACdOI~~:E„ `JA 999-'17i ROAr~.10!':E„ VA 999-6774 Rr~r=+r:IOt:::E„ ~;r 999-4.?4~~ ROAI'~IL+h.L„ Vi-i 7; 4-`?41#~ ROAr•IOk::E„ VA 989-649 ROAraGh..~ „ Vr+ 989'-9~0.~ RAOr~~OE':E. '•1A X74-7?b9 ROAr~l+=ih~~:E„ VA 7; 4-87.6 CA~!'E , 3PF: I,NG At'IEF: I CAN ~, , -~:E'a i STET--iED NHr'!E r-iL'DRESS L~i~Fir•iEi~„ Hi"iAr•IDA BAF:rJES, +~HRIST'f L-iEF:r.IYS, VALEF:IE BLA}~:E, BETSY ~-rLEV I NS, LAUF"•iEN E+OOTH, SABRINA LEIGH I•~R I T"f A I 1~i y h::ATHEF: I rJE ciF:ITTAIr~I, REE~ECCA "L~ECk::~(" BRUCE 9 BRANDY BR'~'APd 9 LISA L~sURLE'i', LAUF;A I_'r`r.ll~I BURL_E'v' , M I GREECE ~=~EI~AE CL +. FT(~?rd y CI-iF: i `~~'T•'i COLLIr~JS„ NIC+CLE Fe COx, ~}w~~;A-1 CRL +i II:!L; Ems: q FOR I r'JE `'i L CRC~l,1DEF'„ t~rlAr•.INOrd r'1 ~~Asc.r~F:I:~„ ..rALi(~=iTi-!A DIEF:}:ER„ }~::ATI-lER:[hdE DOWI:iY` a EF: I rJ PAT (.ac DROM;~E~TTA„ L"sETH EARLY :. }~::R I 5T`r RENAE F I CI~::LER, JEr~ihl I FER FREE~Ey LEIGH GRH'•;'ES ~ STAC'v GF:EEr.I y AF'F: T L t'i GRIFFITH4 JESSICA HALL., DF~,NA HANSErd 9 DA4dr•JSHArdrJON HAF:FOLD a Ar`1Ar.IDi~ HARTr•?Ar:i, 't~::i=iT I E HEr;;CHE=r'iR~~'ER:, t'1r-i(~L=iiE HOLDREr~i, SHERI HUDSON, DA(~1 T ELLS ,JANr'dl=`r ~ AMEiER ,7ERnlI GAr~i, LEANNE }:::ALL I O, r~IAR'T` F~::EMF' ,, F'F: I NC:ESS F~::IELTYy MARIE F<:IF`:UCHT, RIE h~~:OriErd, SHERI k::RAUSE ~ HEATHEF: LAPdD , BRANDY N I CHOLE LEE, STEF'HAN I E LILLYy NATALIE LUF'TOr•Jq JENhf:[FER LYNCH, BRIDGIT LEIGH MARRACCINI, JOY MAl''HUE, LISA MCCONNELL, }~::IMEtERLY SUE MCCO`f , ER I Ck::A MOLOk::ACH, CARR I E ANN MC3R I Ok::A , STAG I E MURF:AY 4 AMEE r.iaSH, COLLEErl ~;ASEi+ALL LEAGUE, :+:I`'~J(=, - DT1JTSION 5 C I T'.' HOME Ph a ~ ~5 TAIy1AF:AC}`; TF;AIL SW ~.r:;ST TAMARACk:: TRAIL SW 42r?~ COF:DELL DR SW bC":.:2 TR I N I T•r-' COURT SL~J 5+:~ 1 1 CAVE SF'R I NG C T RCLE SW ^9i!4 WOODTHRUSH DRIVE SW =459 MEADOWLARh~:: RD '459 MEADOWLAR'r:: RD T51~+ OLD TOWNE RD SW 5421 Sr~!+=.14a! +OWL DF: I;•; E 451 ~: FARMl1JOOD DF: I ~: E SW 4512 FARMWOOD DRIVE SW 1 `.~29 BF: I GHTOrJ ROAD bb SHINGLE F, I DGE R+CAD 4 :~ 22 WH I F'F'LEljJOOD DR I ~.;'E SIyJ 5451 STEARNES A4'Er~IUE ~'> 28 WH I F'PLEWL"lOD DRIVE SW ~'92~ LEra+CRA F'+]Ai, °S4'.! =~~~= LENOF:A ROAii °SW ;~i_i5(_i ~T1`-E1f~~~~I GCHI-ijtC ~F: :. VIw 31?5 GALUCWAY DF::['•JE Sl1J J,~2-.. ~;RAr;Z:'Ir~! F;D E'T 'ter:! LOrJGHORr~J RD ~W 5222 FALCON F:IDGE ROAD SW 1 i }4~;4 IVY RIDGE ROAD x'84 SrdO+~J OWL DRIVE ?455 COLONIAL AVE SW 5b5= ORCHARD VALLEY CIRCLE 8459 MAF.:T I hi CRcE}~:: ROAD SW 4~?4' SNOWGOOSE CIRCLE SW 1858 ELBE^:T DRIVE SW .154-? 1 D EiERR~~' LANE L-~4J 5?5? CLUB LANE 5T4? RYArJ LArdE 4.5+:?;? F~OrJTA I rJE L`'F: i VESL•J 4.? ~' ELECTRIC ROAD #~. -h C56~ ~ I NGLEWOOD l~D SW 5721 STARF~:EY ROAD .957 CHAPARRAL DRIVE '954 SANDP'IP'ER DR 51+~ F'OFF LANE SW 5r?49 WILLIAMSBURG COURT 6421 ORCHARD VIEW LANE SW ~• 14 M+CRrJ I I'dG DOME ROAD ^? 17 BOBOL i r~iF~:: LArJE S4~J Tb7'1 COLONIAL AVE Si,~) 4i::;.= 1 CRA~tJFORD RD SW 1229 LONGV I E4~! ROAD 91 1 FLAMINGO DF: I VE S~tJ 2? 49 LABURNUM AVErJLiE SW b477 F`OAGES MILL DRIVE SW 4T2r? CORDELL DRIVE 4~?88 BUC}~:: MOUNTAIN ROAD SW bbi8 SUGAR RIDGE DRIVE SW 1 b0-92 E+ERR'{ LANE SW 54r~~~ BERNARD DRIVE AF'T Es-1 4<_>~ ~9 BUNk::ER HILL DRIVE SW 5b81 CRESCENT BLVD I"{rJArJrJ}::.E, VH , ?4-~?5 ROArdO}~::E y '•JA 7?4-7? F:OA~IO}~::E ~ ''JA 989-9•~8'~ ROAr~IOk::E, VA 989-5'9 i F;Ot=+I~lOt~::E q VA 989-~ 1 ~= 5 ROAr~iOk::Eq VA 989-59t?4 ROHNOk..E 9 VA ??4-y~ ~~4 ROAr•JGI~::E, VA ??~-4b•9 F:oArlO}~::E., '''JA 989-051 F:OAt••IO}~::E, '•='A 9E~'=-001 OAriO}':E, R '.'A 45-bo14 n RuI=1raO};.E y 'V'1-1 989"'~~ ~~"%J ROAr_IO}~::E, 4'A ? ?2-449 R+CAr'JO}:::E, ',JA 989-?iii?~ i ~ ~ ~-'~'~-C"Tl 'I o -` ` _ ~ +~,:OArJiC}i:E, '.''A 989-, Ta; R+CArdO}.::E a '•1A 989-? Y ~'9 L-+ErJT r~fOU rJTAIIUy 9E'9-45?G ROAr'10}:E, 1JH X89-9189 ROA{~IOk::E ~ '•JA 989-b959 F :C)Ar,jOF:::E. VA . ?~'-+:?bb:? F:OANO}~::E, 'JA ??4-298b RGAr~10k;Eq VA 989-='97b ROAr'.JO}`:E, `~'A ?? 4-?i:;b9 ROAr~iOt::E, VA ??4-184 ROAr•1OF~:E, '~~'A 989-bi=;%-" ROArdOk..E 9 ~'A 989-' bb9 RDAI~~IC!}~;F_, VA 989-9175 R+CAN+C}:E, ~JH 989-b`?r:?~ ROr=1r~lOF~::E~ VA ??4-?7~'~ ROAr,{O}~::E N ~JA ??4-8?51 ROArJO}`:E, 4'A 989-85.=? ROAr~fO}~::E ~ 4'A 7,~ 4-7422 ROANO}~::E 4 VA ? 74-9b 14 F:OAraO}~::E, 4'A 7?~-? 1 i?8 F:OAr~fO}~::E, VA 989-4+=~4i~ ROArdO}~::Ey VA ??~•-~a648 ROANO}=::E4 VA ??~•-b84~; RC]ArdO}:Ea VA ?74-984b ROArJOk::E, 4'A ??~•-b•= 15 ROAi~10k::E, VA 342-b94b ROANOk::ER VA 989-r:~~7~>7 ROANOF~::E, l'A ?74-i;2t;:~ ROAN01•~::E, VA 7?4-'44~ ~ ROAhJO}~:E, VA ??4-8859 c~4 ROANOH::E, VA 989-7982 ROANOF:E, VA 989-7928 ROANOk::E, VA 989-7514 CH'-.;E SF'F:I rIG r~~r~lEF: I Ci=t*i L HSEB~LL LEHUUE y I r.IC '` i~:EG:i~~TEF:ED - ~~I~}rBiLri v rlhME r~D DRE ~ ~ C :[ T`r HOME F'h o r.i6~':~H, '•;'AP•IE5;5f-i LEIGH 04 i BTEr=; F:r~~EB ~;'~.•'ErIUE 5W F;tJryr•I~~h':E 4 ~:'i=; ~ : ~ -l~ 'i~ :l r~a I :{.Or1 y EL I ~ABETH ~ e 4~:~ 1 ~• Hr~r~iMOrdD LHNE SW RO~rdOk::E y ~~~; 989-b49T OGILV:IEy Sr~RfiH J 4718 HIi~h~::OR'r' i-{ILL DF:IVE SW F;Or=:r~Oh~:Ey Val ?7~•-~=-'t-~ ~~GTLVIEy STEF'H»NIE C1 4; 1~3 HICk::OR`( HILL DRIVE Std RO~1r~dOF::EM '•'~ -'74-b=~~=' F'F_F'F:OTT , Rr CHAEL 091 1 Ltik::EC'iONT DRIVE 511 RO~;(!IOF::E 9 V~ 989-~? ~'? F'OFF, MFR I ~ LYNN h913 COTTON HILL ROHD SW ROHt•IOF~:E 9 VA 989-4~0 F'OF' T h~:: ,, iyM'i o43~~ F(-'i i Ri,11r.;Y V I El+! TF;r^-F I L S~~ F;OANOF::E y ,~r=+ 7 % ^-18'8 F'R I CE y ER I rd ? 10~ -120 BERT=:Y LArdE SW RO~rdOt~::E w Vii 989-1 ~ 4 RHF'F'OLD ~ EM I L`r Ob2~' CL'UC-! LHhJE 54~! hOAr~lOh~::E 4 UH q89-~ l :': 1 R;~F'F'iGLL? „ ~JENra I f= Ei; 0~2? CLUB LrNE God ROHt~dOh~::E 4 }~'~ 939-+'1~'~' ~ F:1=iYL'~UF:~I~ r~;MBEF: ~=' % ' 1=ORE3T CF:EEh': LE'IVE ROr~riOl~~::E, 'JH 7; ^-Q1~::-2 sh~H« y C~~THER I I~aE s~ s caNTER ~~: S4d Roaraoh~::E ~ '~;'A ~•-~,~~-- Si~-I :i:'~;'EF:i3 y {~r,RHi•-! ~•'=~=a•r~ TOFF' I t~!G HILL DRIVE Stal ROi=;rflJh::E 4 '~,~s~ %;'~-f.~ 1 ~= , S T hih~::r= i=~F:D y LYIT I ~H4-`i '3~ 1 OLD ~TE~.'Er.IS RD ROHrdOh~~:E y '•~ H T42-<;i,~-, 5Li~'.;'EraSK:'r' y SHr=+NI~ION '?53 '•1EFi0tdH T Fir, I L SW F:OHNOh=:E ~ `JH 98`?-i;?c'? SM I TH y h=::R T ST I N 42~ ?~~ CORDELL DR F:OrirdOh~::E R VH ?4-: 94'::; 5M I TH50N y SHr~rfNGrd 4820 HUNTING HILLS DR F;OAnIOh~::E y 'Jr~ 989-4c~.?.= '_}F'rPd~~LER „ ~i i=;Chi:: I E ?~~• 1 (~F:EErai~L I FF RZ;~ F:O~;i'~i=!k::E, '~-'~+ ? 19__01 b<~ BTEIA.Ii=~l•~'-1• y ~ i~::ELi _`~ `~'~o:~ ~.+1 T LL~i+iLr=~i;.1r! 5 T BEET F:Clr~i•~(ah::t= ':~li ~ ~-~• 18 '_~T!~Gr_iEF:,,JULIE _-'•~•~ h~.Il".i~~'u 4dUl?ii DF;I`,'E ~k+l RONt'dUh,Ey '~'f-1 `~-'J~_~`-'~ -Tr+'~-~r-~~- r- ~ .~ - 1 L":jJC~~L~ art l- y `I'-I l_~1". F=1 - -~r- ?'~..:. 'l ~~i-i r4 i~i_F. ~.~TF:LLi= ~NF r~ h f;r~H1~.i L{l'.. r~..a ~ ~±. YF-I rr-~-~-~-~r-~. 9~':f ~. THw_h~.:Eny ~1LLI -cra ~:~2~ DLr~Ch:::HOR~GE LANE F:rHi-,lnh~::E, ';'~ .:~a•-~~=--. TURNEF; y t•.i I k:: I 8r r4.~ ':' I :~Tiy FORF_ST DF: I VE hi0r~r~l01•~;E a VH x'74-421'=~ .~_ ,,,,.;E~.. ^,..,~ ,'~~:ora~ TF:HIL ~i<=~ F;~r=,r.inh~::Ey ~.:r~ ~a~-~,~., VEL7T y ..I L"=~-iS I C~ ~'~9'~ F I ~.lE (~F~k::S F:O~,D 8;.+t ROht•.IOh:::E ~ 4'H %~'~•-s.~b" 4dAh~::~HyR~, FUr'lI 'C~1i? 4dO0DTHRUSH %~RI~.'E Std ROAhI>7F~::E., ~~F~ 772-4801 WAh~:HHAF:~; y SA`r0 ~i ~ 1 E f I~OODTHRUSH DRIVE SW ROANOh~::E, VA ?2-4801 ? 4~J~,LLACE y EMILY 0211 } SF'R I NG LAl~ird HVE RO~,rdOh~::E y VH p 909-J~ } ~ J l+IH i TE ~ JErdr~lY M ?84 ~' E+O41JER ROAD Sl+t ROHNOk::E, VH 989-hr}.-'7 WH I TNE`~ , tdIEL T SSH h:AR I 0.= 4u CaSTLE ROCh~=: ROt~D Sod ROt-1i`dOh~;c` q '•,'r~ 989-b00~;3 ~,d I LL I t~,r'15, :~USHr_I =~ 122 ;=F'F: I t•~GLHl~1N AVE RQF1Nl.Ji'~•.C y V~; 989-~ ~`~`_~` CA~,'E .OF`F;1,~1~~ r~l'~tER I ~~Ai`~a BHSEE?t=rLL LE;=}~~UE q hEr I STEF~ED - CNAi_LEl~~CEF: !\iAC9E ADDRESS -------------------------------------------------------- CAMF'CsELL, JOSHUA :~ii:a.8 RAf`dCNCF:EST DRI`•~`E SW SWANSOhI, JESSICA L`fra~l J'~J1 L OI+aSDALE ROAD SW IPdCy C I T'f ROAt~IOk~:E, ROA~IOE~::E 9 HOME F'ho NEIRT tx T/tt' BILE R@LE County of Roanoke FY 1992-93 Budget Public Hearing April 14, 1992 Budget Priorities FctAhliched by the Board of SuQ rvisor • Balance the budget within existing tax rates. • Maintain all service levels. • Increase the contribution to tourism. • Maintain level funding for the arts and human service agencies. • No increase in health care cost to County and School employees. • Provide a salary increase to all County and School employees. • Continue or improve our support of regional programs. Tax Rates Adopted Proposed 1991 1992 Real Estate $ 1.13 $ 1.13 Personal Property $ 3.50 $ 3.50 Machinery and Tools $ 3.00 $ 3.00 Proposed General Fund Revenues Dollar Budget Projected Increase Percent FY 1991-92 FY 1992-93 (Decrease) Change Local Revenue Sources: Real Estate Tax $ 32,243,174 $ 33,850,000 $ 1,606,826 5.0% Public Svc. Corp. Tax 1,450,000 1,550,000 100,000 6.9% Personal Property Tax 13,900,000 12,800,000 (1,100,000) (7.9)% Sales Tax 4,450,000 4,300,000 (150,000) (3.4)% Utility Consumer Tax 1,600,000 3,300,000 1,700,000 106.3% Business License Tax 2,480,000 2,500,000 20,000 .8% Motor Vehicle License Tax 1,370,000 1,350,000 (20,000) (1.5)% Meals Tax 1,850,000 1,800,000 (50,000) (2.7)% Other Local Revenues 3,065.075 3,349.800 284,725 9.3% Sub-Total Local $ 62,408,249 $ 64,799,800 $ 2,391,551 _ 3.8% Other Revenue Sources: Commonwealth $ 5,163,850 $ 5,012,532 $ (151,318) (2.9)% Federal 1,215,500 1230.500 15.000 12 Sub-Total Other $ 6,379,350 $ 6,243,032 $ (136,318) (2.1)% Total General Fund Revenues $ 68.787.599 $ 71.042.832 $ 2.255.233 ~. ~. r~ COIINTY OF ROANORE PIIBLIC HEARING ON THE 1992-93 FIBCAL YEAR BIIDGET The County of Roanoke will hold a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on Tuesday, April 14, 1992, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. The purpose of this hearing is to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 1992-93 summarized below. All interested citizens, groups, senior citizens, and organizations representing the interest of senior citizens are encouraged to attend and to submit comments. BIIMMARY OF PROPOSED 1992-93 BIIDGET COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA REVENIIES Source Amount General Fund: General Government General Property Taxes $ 48,640,000 Other Local Taxes 14,950,000 Permits, Fees & Licenses 428,000 Fines and Forfeitures 215,000 Charges for Services 225,800 Commonwealth 5,012,532 Federal 1,230,500 Other 341.000 Total General Government 71-X042,832 Youth Haven II 352,552 Law Library 30,000 Recreation Fee Class 452,848 Internal Services 1,222,527 Garage II 232,218 Total General Fund 73,332,977 Debt Service Fund 7,932,199 Capital Fund 325,000 Water Fund 7,565,359 Sewer Fund 3,526,156 School Operating Fund 66,406,683 School Cafeteria Fund 2,861,370 School Grants Fund ~ 2,125,671 School Textbook Fund 532,858 School Capital Fund 67,500 Total Revenues All Funds X164,675,773 Less: Transfers (45,131,0432 Total Net of Transfers $119,544,730 Source Amount General Fund: General Government General Administration $ 1,516,788 Constitutional Officers 4,983,213 Judicial Administration 162,758 Management Services 2,676,248 Public Safety 6,951,263 Community Services 4,334,375 Human Services 6,943,457 Non-Departmental 2,303,183 Transfers to School Operating Fund 33,221,346 Transfers to Debt Service Fund 6,134,125 Transfer to Internal Service 721,686 Transfer to Sewer Fund 644,390 Other Transfers 400,000 Contingent Balance 50,000 Total General Government 71,042,832 Youth Haven II 352,552 Law Library 30,000 Recreation Fee Class 452,848 Internal Services 1,222,527 Garage II 232,218 Total General Fund 73,332,977 Debt Service Fund 7,932,199 Capital Fund 325,000 Water Fund 7,565,359 Sewer Fund 3,526,156 School Operating Fund 66,406,683 School Cafeteria Fund 2-,861,370 School Grants Fund 2,125,671 School Textbook Fund 532,858 School Capital Fund 67,500 Total Expenditures All Funds $164,675,773 Less: Transfers (45,131,043) Total Net of Transfers $119,544,730 y VIRGINIA ACTS OF ASSEMBLY -- CHAPTER 43 EHB35 An Act to amend and reenact !! 18.2-340.1, 18.2-340.3 and 18.2-340.9 of the Code of Virginia, relating to bingo and raffle definitions; permits; prohibited practices. {H 35} Approved Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: 1. That !! 18.2-340.1, 18.2-340.3 and 18.2-340.9 of the Code of irginia are amended and reenacted as follows: ! 18.2-340.1. Definitions.--The following words shall have the ollowing meanings: 1. "Organization" means any one of the following: (a) A voluntary fire department or rescue squad or auxiliary unit :hereof which has been recognized by an ordinance or resolution of the political subdivision where the voluntary fire department or rescue ;quad is located as being a part of the safety program of such -olitical subdivision. (b) An organization operated exclusively for religious, :haritable, community or educational purposes; an association of war -eterans or auxiliary units thereof organized in the United States, or i fraternal association operating under the lodge system. 2. "Bingo" means a specific game of chance played with individual MORE 1 2 cards having randomly numbered squares ranging from one to EHB35 seventy-five, in which prizes are awarded on the basis of designated lumbers on such cards conforming to a predetermined pattern of numbers selected at random. Such cards shall have five vertical rows headed respectively by the letters B.I.N.G.O., with each row having five randomly numbered squares. 3. "Raffle" means a lottery in which the prize is won by a random 3rawing of the name or prearranged number of one or more persons purchasing chances. <Provided,>However,<that>nothing in this article shall prohibit an organization from using the State Lottery Department's Pick-3 number as the basis for determining the winner of a lottery. For purposes of this definition, "raffle" shall include determining the winner of a lottery by use of prepackaged pull-tab devices which are devices made completely of paper or paper products with concealed numbers or symbols that must be exposed by the player to determine wins or losses and may include the use of a seal which conceals a number or symbol that has been designated in advance as a prize winner including but not limited to pull-tab devices commonly known as tip boards or seal cards. 4. "Instant bingo" means a specific game of chance played by the random selection of one or more individually prepacked cards, with winners being determined by the preprinted appearance of the letters MORE 1 2 B.I.N.G.O. in any prescribed order on the reverse side of such card. EHB35 5. "Jackpot" means a bingo card played as a part of a bingo game defined in ! 18.2-340.1 (2) in which all numbers on the card are covered, each number being selected at random, and with no free or "wild" numbers. ! 18.2-340.3. Requirement for issuance of permit; where valid; duration; permits subject to local regulation.--Prior to the issuance any permit, the organization must meet the following requiremen s: 1. Except for recently established volunteer fire and rescue ~mpanies or departments, as defined in this article, after county, qty or town approval, the organization shall have been in existence zd met on a regular basis in the county, city or town or in a county, ity or town adjacent to the county, city or town where application is ode for a period of at least two years immediately prior to applying ~r a permit. In no case shall the organization apply for or receive ire than one permit. However, this requirement shall not apply (i) to ny lodge or chapter of a national or international fraternal order or national or international civic organization which is exempt under ! 01 (c) (3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and which has a odge or chapter holding a bingo permit issued under the provisions of his article anywhere within this Commonwealth, or (ii) where the ocal governing body of a county, city or town provides for the 1 2 issuance of a bingo or raffle permit to booster clubs which have been operating for less than two years, and which have been established solely to raise funds for school-sponsored activities in public schools which are less than two years old. 2. A permit shall be valid only in the jurisdiction wherein the application is approved and only at the locations designated in the permit application. However, a permit may be issued to an organization which relocates its meeting place on a permanent basis Erom one jurisdiction to another and complies with the requirements of subdivision 1 of this section and provided further that the organization was the holder of a valid permit at the time of its relocation. An organization which has obtained a permit under this article to conduct a raffle may sell raffle tickets both in and out of the jurisdiction issuing the permit except that pull-tab devices as defined in ! 18.2-340.1 used as part of a raffle may be sold only upon the premises owned or exclusively leased by such organization and at such times as it is not opened to the public, except to members and their guests . 3. The organization shall be operated currently and shall have always been operated in the past as a nonprofit organization and shall have been in existence as a nonprofit organization for a period of at least two years immediately prior to seeking a permit as hereinafter 1 2 provided. 4. Any organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations exceed or can be expected to exceed $75,000 in year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to d St tes Internal Revenue Code. any calendar ! 501 (c) of the Unite a 5. An organization shall designate an individual who shall be responsible for filing the annual or quarterly financial report required by this article if the organization goes out of business or otherwise ceases to exist. All permits shall be issued on a calendar basis and unless otherwise provided shall be valid for one calendar year beginning on January 1. All applications for a permit shall be acted upon by the governing body, or its designated official, within sixty days from the filing thereof. MORE EHB35 MORE EHB35 11-14. H. Any bingo game in which all the gross receipts from players or that game are paid as prize money back to the players shall not be ubject to the limitations of subdivision G of this section, but there hall not be more than one such game per calendar day of play and the prize money from any such game shall not exceed $1,000. I. Any organization composed of or for deaf or blind persons that :mploys a person not a member to provide clerical assistance in the :onduct of bingo games or raffles shall have in force fidelity .nsurance, as defined in ! 38.2-120, written by an insurer licensed to to business in the Commonwealth. 2. That an emergency exists and this act is in force from its passage. # *END* 1 2 ~pori compliance by the applicant with the provisions of this rticle, and at the discretion of the governing body or its designated fficial, a permit may be issued. All permits shall be subject to easonable regulation by the local governing body or its designated oval official to ensure the public safety and welfare in the Aeration of bingo games and raffles. ! 18.2-340.9. Prohibited practices.--In addition to those other MORE 1 2 practices prohibited by this article, the following acts or practices EHB35 hall also be prohibited under the provisions of this article: A. Except for reasonable and proper operating costs, including osts associated with providing clerical assistance in the conduct of Ingo games or raffles for organizations composed of or for deaf or lind persons, publicizing the time and place of bingo games and affles, and prizes, no part of the gross receipts derived by an organization, as herein defined, permitted to conduct bingo games or ~affles may be used for any purpose other than (i) those lawful ~eligious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized and (ii) expenses elating to the acquisition, construction, maintenance, or repair of any interest in the real property involving the operation of the organization and used for lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes. B. No organization shall enter into a contract with, or otherwise :mploy for compensation any person, firm, association, organization, >artnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting bingo games or raffles. iowever, this subsection shall not prohibit the joint operation of jingo games under ! 18.2-340.13. C. No person, firm, association, organization, partnership, or MORE 1 2 corporation shall pay or receive for use of any premises devoted, in EHB35 whole or in part, to the conduct of bingo games or raffles any :onsideration in excess of the current fair market rental value of such property. For purposes of this article, no fair market rental value consideration shall be based upon or determined by reference to ~ percentage of the proceeds derived from the operation of bingo games ~r raffles nor shall such consideration be based upon or determined by any reference to the number of people in attendance at such bingo dames or raffles. Each day in violation of this subsection shall constitute a separate Class 1 misdemeanor as set forth in ! 18.2-340.10. D. No building or other premises shall be utilized in whole or in part for the purpose of conducting bingo games more frequently than two calendar days in any one calendar week, and the local governing body of any county, town, or city may adopt an ordinance establishing a reasonable limitation on the number of bingo games that may be conducted in any one calendar day. However, the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to the playing of bingo pursuant to a special permit issued in accordance with ! 18.2-340.4. The local governing body of any county, town, or city may adopt an ordinance establishing reasonable hours during which bingo games held pursuant to this article may be played within such jurisdiction. No building or MORE ,---. .~ MEMORANDUM TO: Francis W. (Skip) Burkart Commonwealth's Attorney FROM: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant Coun y A orney DATE: March 19, 1992 SUBJECT: County ordinances pertaining to hunting and firearms I am forwarding the latest (and hopefully final) draft of a proposed ordinance to toughen the county's code provisions dealing with transporting and possession of certain loaded weapons and certain prohibited hunting (and trapping) activities. The Public Safety Team concurs with your recommendation to remove the proposed prohibition against hunting with certain calibre rifles or shotgun slugs. This was included in the original draft primarily for informational purposes. I would mote that the County Code contains no exact counterpart to § 18.2-287 but that the proposed sections 13-5.1 and 13-5.2 address similar concerns. Unless you have further suggestions for improvement or expansion of coverage, this proposed ordinance will go to the Board in April with the endorsement of the Public Safety Team. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. cc: Elmer C. Hodge Chief John H. Cease Chief Thomas C. Fuqua Paul M. Mahoney Mary Allen AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE ENACTING SEC 13-5.1, TRANSPORTING A LOADED RIFLE OR SHOTGUN, SEC 13-5.2, PROHIBITING HUNTING OR TRAPPING NEAR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HIGHWAYS, SEC. 13-5.3, PROHIBITING HUNTING NEAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND COUNTY, TOWN OR REGIONAL_PARKS, AND SEC 13- 5.4, PROHIBITING POSSESSION OF LOADED FIREARMS IN CERTAIN CASES, OF CHAPTER 13, OFFENSES- MISCELLANEOUS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia has recently repealed and reenacted certain sections of the Code of Virginia pertaining to authority of local governing bodies to prohibit certain activities involving the transporting of firearms and hunting in certain. locations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to adopt certain ordinances to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens against improper hunting activities in close proximity to highways, schools and parks or with weapons which unreasonably increase the risk of injury to innocent by-standers; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on April 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 13-5.1. Transporting a loaded rifle or shotgun. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to transport, possess or carry a loaded shotgun or loaded rifle in any vehicle on any public street, road or highway in the county. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars-($100.00). (c) This section shall not apply to duly authorized law- enforcement officers or military personnel in the performance of their lawful duties, nor to any person who reasonably believes that a loaded rifle or shotgun is necessary for his personal safety in the course of his employment or business. [State law reference, § 18.2-287.1]. sec. 13-5.2. Prohibiting hunting or trapping near primary and secondary highways. (a) It shall be unlawful to hunt any game bird or game animal while on or within one hundred (100) yards of any primary or secondary highway in the county. (b) It shall be unlawful to trap any game animal or furbearing animal within fifty (50) feet of the shoulder of any primary or secondary highway in the county. This shall not prohibit such trapping where the written permission of the landowner is obtained. (c) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 3 misdemeanor. (d) For purposes of this section, the terms "hunt" and "trap" shall not include the necessary crossing of highways for the bona fide purpose of going into or leaving a lawful hunting or trapping area. [State law authority, § 29.1-526] sec. 13-5.3. Prohibiting hunting near public schools and county, town or regional parks. (a) It shall be unlawful to shoot or hunt, or to traverse an area while in possession of a loaded firearm, within one hundred (100) yards of any property line of any public school or of a county, town or regional park. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 4 misdemeanor. (c) This section shall not be enforced on lands within a national or state park or forest, or wildlife management area. [State law authority, § 29.1-527] Sec. 13-5.4. Prohibiting possession of loaded firearms in certain cases. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) to carry or have in his possession a loaded firearm while in any public place or upon any public highway. (b) This section shall not apply to a person (i) in his own home or curtilage thereof, (ii) acting at the time in lawful defense of persons or property, (iii) engaged in lawful hunting, nor (iv) engaged in marksmanship practice at established ranges. (c) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the weapon may be forfeited to the Commonwealth pursuant to the provisions of § 18.2-310. [State law authority, § 18.2-287.3]. 2. The Clerk of this Board is directed to notify the Director of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries of the adoption of this ordinance by registered mail prior to May 1, 1992. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after May 1, 1992. MEMORANDUM TO: Francis W. (Skip) Burkart Commonwealth's Attorney /~ FROM: Joseph B. Obenshain j ;,G~-- Senior Assistant County Att rriey '~ DATE: March 3, 1992 V SUBJECT: County ordinances pertaining to hunting and firearms The Department of Game and Inland Fisheries has recently brought to the county' s attention the need to up-date or strengthen our code as it pertains to certain hunting activities. Our office has been requested to draft the necessary ordinance language. This would appear to us to be an opportune time to enact additional sections dealing with the possession of loaded weapons as authorized by § 18.2-287.1 and § 18.2-287.3. I would appreciate you or your office reviewing the proposed ordinances and giving us any criticisms or suggestions. I am also forwarding these proposals to the Public Safety Team for their review. Thank you for your assistance. cc: Elmer C. Hodge Chief John H. Cease Chief Thomas C. Fuqua Paul M. Mahoney Mary Allen /jbo AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1992 ORDINANCE ENACTING SEC 13-5.1, TRANSPORTING A LOADED RIFLE OR SHOTGUN, SEC 13-5.2, PROHIBITING HUNTING OR TRAPPING NEAR PRIMARY AND SECONDARY HIGHWAYS, SEC. 13-5.3, PROHIBITING HUNTING NEAR PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND COUNTY. TOWN OR REGIONAL PARKS, SEC 13-5.4, PROHIBITING HUNTING WITH CERTAIN FIREARMS, AND SEC 13-5.5, PROHIBITING POSSESSION OF LOADED FIREARMS IN CERTAIN CASES, OF CHAPTER 13, OFFENSES-MISCELLANEOUS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia has recently repealed and reenacted certain sections of the Code of Virginia pertaining to authority of local governing bodies to prohibit certain activities involving the transporting of firearms and hunting in certain locations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to adopt certain ordinances to protect the safety and well-being of its citizens against improper hunting activities in close proximity to highways, schools and parks or with weapons which unreasonably increase the risk of injury to innocent by-standers; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 14, 1992, and the second reading was held on April 28, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: sec. 13-5.1. Transporting a loaded rifle or shotgun. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to transport, possess or carry a loaded shotgun or loaded rifle in any vehicle on any public street, road or highway in the county. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00). (c) This section shall not apply to duly authorized law- enforcement officers or military personnel in the performance of their lawful duties, nor to any person who reasonably believes that a loaded rifle or shotgun is necessary for his personal safety in the course of his employment or business. y [State law reference, § 18.2-287.1]. sec. 13-5.2. Prohibiting hunting or trapping near primary and secondary highways. (a) It shall be unlawful to hunt any game bird or game animal while on or within one hundred (100) yards of any primary or secondary highway in the county. (b) It shall be unlawful to trap any game animal or furbearing animal within fifty (50) feet of the shoulder of any primary or secondary highway in the county. This shall not prohibit such trapping where the written permission of the landowner is obtained. (c) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 3 misdemeanor. (d) For purposes of this section, the terms "hunt" and "trap" shall not include the necessary crossing of highways for the bona fide purpose of going into or leaving a lawful hunting or trapping area. [State law authority, § 29.1-526] Sec. 13-5.3. Prohibiting hunting near public schools and county, town or regional parks. (a) It shall be unlawful to shoot or hunt, or to traverse an areas while in possession of a loaded firearm, within one hundred (100) yards of any property line of any public school or of a county, town or regional park. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 4 misdemeanor. (c) This section shall not be enforced on lands within a national or state park or forest, or wildlife management area. [State law authority, § 29.1-527] Sec. 13-5.4. Prohibiting hunting with certain firearms. (a) It shall be unlawful to hunt in this county with a shotgun loaded with slugs or with a rifle of a caliber large than .22 rimfire. However, the hunting of groundhogs with a rifle of a caliber larger than .22 rimfire between March 1 and August 31 shall be permitted. Further, the use of muzzle-loading rifles during the prescribe open seasons for the hunting of game species shall be permitted. (b) Any violation of this section shall be punished as a Class 3 misdemeanor. [State law authority, § 29.1-528]. Sec. 13-5.5. Prohibiting possession of loaded firearms in certain cases. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of eighteen (18) to carry or have in his possession a loaded firearm while in any public place or upon any public highway. (b) This section shall not apply to a person (i) in his own home or curtilage thereof, (ii) acting at the time in lawful defense of persons or property, (iii) engaged in lawful hunting, nor (iv) engaged in marksmanship practice at established ranges. (c) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and the weapon may be forfeited to the Commonwealth pursuant to the provisions of § 18.2-310. [State law authority, § 18.2-287.3]. 2. The clerk of this board is directed to notify the Director of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries of the adoption of this ordinance by registered mail prior to May 1, 1992. 3. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after May 1, 1991. a MEMORANDUM TO: Paul Mahoney John Cease mk ~ FROM Mary Allen DATE: February 28, 1992 SUBJECT: County Ordinances regarding Use of Firearms Elmer Hodge received the attached letter from the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries advising that the Board must reenact any ordinance regarding the Use of Firearms while hunting. I assume these ordinance changes will have to come before the Board for Adoption. I have placed them on the agenda for April 14. Please let me know if that date is appropriate. .. ~ ~1 ~~ ~~~,~ ~ ,.~.; ..~~..R~N,~ ~L// / / / ~~'~{ Vim. Y'2.~y~ ~~-.. ~./®6 V Y~®~~LLO~~~~ ®~ ~Jl~~.ll ~6 'I ~6 ~ Department of Game and Inland Fisheries TO: County and City Administrators FROM: Bud Bristow, Director Department of Game and and Fisheries DATE: February 14, 1992 _ ~ /r ' SUBJECT: County Ordinances~.Re arding the Use of Firearms While Hunting It has come to our attention that your county ordinances regarding the use of firearms while hunting if enacted prior to July 1, 1987 will require reenactment in order to again become law. This is due to recodification of Virginia state law that occurred in the 1987 General Assembly session. Any county ordinance that reference titles 29.144.5 (hunting near highways) 29.144.5:1 (hunting near schools), or 29.1-144.6 (pro- hibiting hunting with certain weapons) as their authority are no longer law because the General Assembly repealed these sections and reenacted them under different code sections. In order to correct this matter, your County's Board of Supervisors will need to reenact these ordinances according to the current existing statutes. We have outlined the appropriate code sections below. This action must occur and notification has to be made to this agency prior to May 1, 1992. 1. Previous title 29.1-144.5 - change to reference title 29.1-526 2. Previous title 29.1-144.5:1-change to reference title 29.1-527 3. Previous title 29.1-144.6 - change to reference title 29.1-528 If your Board of Supervisors takes this action, please send a copy of the ordinance to: Mr. Bud Bristow, Director Department of Game and Inland Fisheries PO Box 11104 Richmond, VA 23230 Thank you for your attention to this matter. BB/hps cc: Larry Hart Major Joe Cooke 4010 WEST BROAD STREET, P.O. BOX 11104, RICHMOND, VA 23230-1104 (804) 367-1000 (V/TDD) Equal Opportunity Employment Programs & Facilities FAX j804) 367-9147 ;' ,, ~t ACTION NO. ~- ITEM NO. ` --`~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AIITHORIZING THE LEASE OF REAL ESTATE, A 0.680 ACRE PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE FOR PARKING FACILITIES AT THE ROANORE COIINTY COIIRTHOIISE AND JAIL COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' This ordinance would authorize the lease of a parcel of real estate for parking needs at the Roanoke County Courthouse and Jail. BACKGROUND' Over the past several months and with Board approval granted on November 19, 1991, County staff has been negotiating a lease of certain real estate located in the City of Salem and bounded by East Main Street, Craig Avenue, and Clay Street to provide parking facilities for employees and those with business to transact in the County Courthouse and Jail. As a result of these negotiations, this ordinance is submitted to the Board of Supervisors for its consideration. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: § 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter requires that the acquisition of any interest in real estate be accomplished by ordinance and pursuant to the authority found in §§ 15.1-262 and 15.1-897 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The first reading of this ordinance will be held on April 14, 1992; the second reading will be held on April 28, 1992. This lease agreement identifies the from William Watts and Elizabeth B. Watts term until April 30, 1997. This lease shall have the option to extend this successive five (5) year term. FISCAL IMPACTS' real estate to be leased for an initial five year provides that the tenant lease for an additional 1 ~~ Tl~e -- Roanoke Valley Convention & visitors Bureau March 23, 1992 MEMO TO: Board of Directors `~ FROM : Martha Mackey ~~ ~, ". RE: Presentation to Roanoke County The Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau will be doing a presentation on: TUESDAY, APRIL I4, @ 3PM at the Roanoke County Administrative office. This presentation will be directed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Your presence will be appreciated. Thank you. P.O. Box 1710, Roanoke, VA 24008-1710, (703) 342-6025 Marketplace Center 114 Market Street, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 • ACTION # :' IfiEM NUMBER ~. T - `;~° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTYr'ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 14, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for an appropriation of Forty Seven Thousand Five Hundred ($47,500) to renovate the lower floor of the Roanoke County Administration Center COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The County Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to appropriate $47,500 to renovate the lower floor of the Roanoke County Administration Center. This renovation is support of recent reorganization in the Engineering and Inspections Department, and as a part of our continuing effect to improve customer service. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In April of 1991, as part of the county's effort to improve customer service, the Engineering and Development/Inspections Departments were merged. During this transition, the staff was given the task of finding ways to improve operations and enhance customer service. One of the recommendations suggested was to renovate the lower floor of the Roanoke County Administration Center. The staff, with input from the other departments affected by the proposed renovation, developed a floor plan which will provide several benefits including: 1. Improved operation of the department of Engineering and Inspections. 2. Improved customer services by centralizing informational material and staff associated with construction. 3. Reduced disruption of other departments not associated with the general public. The staff has worked with various contractors to determine the cost of construction. For your information, attached are the scope of work and the proposed floor plan. FISCAL IMPACT: The staff is requesting an allocation of $47,500 for this renovation and asking that these funds be taken from the capital unappropriated balance. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPA ~~ . ~`.: / ~ ~ }r~~ Alternative Numb lower floor of the Rc °g d~ t .~~ Alternative Numk operations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommend: ~3~MITTED BY r ~ ..~, Arnold Covey, Director of Engineering & Inspections Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 2 Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson McGraw Nickens Robers VOTE No Yes Abs pc: Reta Busher, Director of Management & Budget Donnie Myers, Assistant County Administrator Terrance Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning Timothy W. Gubala, Director of Economic Development 3 ~ FtOANO~ F >. ~ ~ Z C1 a? t OFFICE OF DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT s !,' 4• ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS 526 SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 March 27, 1992 TO: Mrs. Mary Allen FROM: Ruth Wade Enclosed is an item for the April 14, 1992 meeting of the Board of Supervisors. Mrs. Pat Sales will appear to answer any questions relative to the project. Thanks. Enclosure c: Mrs. Pat Sales Mrs. Penny Hodge ~~;~,~~. E ~ F~ ~2 7 ~ 1 T0: Elmer Hodge M E M O R A N D U M FROM: John Hubbard ~o~ DATE: February 13, 1992 RE: Water Well for Explore ~ Q~~~~ As we have discussed previously, Roanoke County had agreed to drill two wells for Explore. One well was drilled last summer and the second is ready to be drilled. Cliff has questioned how this will be paid. He anticipates a cost of $10,000. He also points out that the Utility Fund cannot pay for it unless approved by the Board. If Economic Development Funds are used, we do not need approval from the Board. Please let Cliff know how to proceed. The work on the well is on hold until resolved. JRH:wr I Qaa`va~~ ~c,wJ~.l Q~~ 7~ LoxnlG~a ~ ~~.a~nAwo~NL'fZ RT 7-l.~~v,e.~ sr7~. 7"4 ~n (~~S T S.~e.~-T~~ 7~.uc, pYossi ~e Si7'~s ~T~ar"s /9-11~. CCU ~R/~~ec~ O ~,.~, 1, (, I ' A~ti+(J wc7.5 1,.Q7'~~a~ Q ccQSS 7a ~'-~ dTJno.2 r9-r-9'~/~. p v i 1~,~~ ~F Re~,~./J Sstca..p Ti1'~ wao1~. Pl~vin~ ,(.eSy 7~~ 5Gb»-vl s~rm ~1~. ,.,v'~- lam. q~ley,,o..~ ~ 0. P ~ 61« s~~/Y, ~ ~" 3 o Gf~n1, ~ nitsT ~e.~ I cc,,~ F-,~~T- c.t,elf f/~~c,ob PP~y- ~ ~-I,..aM~, z - i. 4 - 9z. W~~" ~~' CovNZy, `~ '~A ~ ~'Ro+J 4 ,`~~ ~!'J'1 v 4~ M E M O R A N D U M TO: Elmer Hodge FROM: John Hubbard ~o~ DATE: February 13, 1992 RE: Water Well for Explore As we have discussed previously, Roanoke County had agreed to drill two wells for Explore. One well was drilled last summer and the second is ready to be drilled. Cliff has questioned how this will be paid. He anticipates a cost of $10,000. He also points out that the Utility Fund cannot pay for it unless approved by the Board. If Economic Development Funds are used, we do not need approval from the Board. Please let Cliff know how to proceed. The work on the well is on hold until resolved. JRH:wr a-moo-ga c~~- ~~~~ ~-~ ~~ ~, '. ~ , '.,.. ~ ~ ~ ,~,; v~.._. ,, , ~, Y March 24, 1992 Joint budget work session with the Board of Supervisors and the School Board. County Administrator and School Superintendent to present the proposed County and School budgets respectively. April 7, 1992 Budget work session with Board of (Special Meeting) Supervisors. Public hearing to allow citizen discussion on the overall budget. Public hearing to allow citizen discussion on real estate, personal property, machinery and tools tax rates. April 14, 1992 Budget work session with Board of Supervisors. Adoption of real estate, personal property, machinery and tools tax rates. April 28, 1992 Budget work session with Board of Supervisors. Adoption of the FY1992-93 budget for both Schools and County. May 12, 1992 First reading of Budget Appropriation Ordinance. May 26, 1992 Second reading and adoption of Budget Appropriation Ordinance. June 26, 1992 Adopted budget printed and distributed to department directors. 2 t ~ . SAMPLE MAYORAL PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, professional secretaries are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards; WHEREAS, professional secretaries contribute greatly to office excellence; WHEREAS, the week of April 19-25 has been designated Professional Secretaries Weelcm, by Professional Secretaries Internationale, its founder and sponsor; NOW, TI~REFORE, I, ,Mayor of the City of , do hereby proclaim the week of April 19-25, PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEEKm and ask that management everywhere join in recognizing these outstanding professionals in their employ especially on Wednesday, April 22, Professional Secretaries Days. MQl~cehltg $OUl'CCb00IG Professional Secrctaries Intonational 1991 X8.5 SAMPLE STATE/PROVINCIAL LEGISLATURE PROCLAMATION Vf~IiEREAS, professional secretaries are committed to upholding the highest ethical and professional judgement; and WHEREAS, professional secretaries should be recognized for their outstanding contributions to business, education, and government; therefore be it RESOLVED BY THE (name of the legislative bodv~ of the (State/Province) of ,that the week of April 19-25, 1992 be proclaimed PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEEKm and Wednesday, Apri122, designated PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES DAYm throughout the (State/Province) of .The citizens of are invited to join with Professional Secretaries Internationalm, originator and sponsor of the Week and Day, as they acknowledge the vital contributions of secretaries in offices everywhere. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Sample Legislature and Governor/Premier proclamations should be coordinated through Division Professional Secretaries Week Committees or Division-appointed chairpersons in capital cities. Marketing SOUrccb00k Professional Secretaries International 1991 X8.6 a SAMPLE PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT PUBLIC AWAT3:NF.SS ANNOUNCEMENT FOR I11Z11~DIfATE RIQ.EASE PROFESSIONAL JEAN SMITH SECRETARIES WEEK 333/333-3333 Held April 19-25, 1992, Professional Secretaries Weelc~ promotes confidence in, and provides recognition for, secretarial professionals everywhere. In the United States alone, there aze 4 million secr~aries, and the Week provides an ideal opportunity to show appreciation for these professionals. Please shaze with your audience the following announcements on the Week. (25 WORDS) THIS IS (ANNOUNCER NAME) OF (CALL LETTERS), SALUTING THE SECRETARIES AND ALL ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF OF (CITY) DURING PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEEKm 1992. SECRETARIES ARE ESSENTIAL TO EVERY ORGANIZATION. LET'S SHOW THEM OUR APPRECIATION THIS WEEK, AND EVERY WEEK THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. ~~~ (55 WORDS) IT'S PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES WEEKm, AND WE AT (CALL LETTERS) SALUTE THE SECRETARIES AND ADMIIIISTRATTVE STAFF IN (CITY). THE WORD PROFESSIONAL SAYS 1T ALL. TODAY'S SECRETARIES ~ PROFESSIONALS, ESSENTIAL TO EVERY ORGANIZATION. MORE THAN A WEEK FOR CANDY AND ROSES, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO RECOGNIZE AND SUPPORT ALL THEY D0. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT ACTIVITIES PLANNED IN YOUR AREA, CALL THE ORIGINAL FOUNDERS OF THE WEEK-PROFESSIONAL SECRETARIES INTERNATIONALm. CONTACT (OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE) AT _- Marketing Sourcebook ~Professionai Secr~xacies Interna6anal 1991 X8.4 OF ROANp,Y~ ~ ~ ~ Z °.~ 'a 8 $ E50 $$ SFSQUICENTENN~P~ A Bcauti~ulBeginning BETA R. BUSHER. CPA DIRECTOR April 1, 1992 Ms. Martha Plank Roanoke Times & World News 201-209 Campbell Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Ms. Plank: MANAGEMENT & BUDGET Please publish the enclosed legal advertisement on April 7, 1992. Bill the cost of the publication to: County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 I would like to review a draft of the advertisement on April 6, 1992. Sincerely, /C,(~tG~. /C ~ J~C~~ Reta R. Busher Director of Management & Budget sb c: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Anne Marie Green, Public Information Officer C~vunt~ of ~nttnnkr P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 2 4018-07 9 8 (703> 772-2021 PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on April 14, 1992, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia, at the evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m. will hold a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21, TAXATION, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY THE ADDITION OF ARTICLE X, CIGARETTE TAX BY PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY OF SUCH TAX, ADMINISTRATION, ENFORCEMENT, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. u M. ahoney County Attorney Roanoke County, Virginia Publish on the following dates: March 31, 1992 April 7, 1992 Send invoice to: Board of Supervisors P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 l (:Sf. a3~~~v a ATTENTION: MRS. MARY ALLEN ~~~~ ~ ~ r 1f ~1 '.-~ ~~' ~° ~' - ~~= 3/10/92 Mary, We need to have the Board recognize Telecommuicators Week at their meeting on April 14, 1992. Legislation was approved to officially recognize the week of April 12-18, 1992, as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. I've enclosed some information and a sample proclamation if it's any help. If you need any more information, let me know. Thanks. Art LaPrade Telecommunicators Week SAMPLE PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, Thousands of dedicated Telecommunicators daily serve the citizens of the United States by answering their telephone calls for police, fire and emergency medical services by dispatching the appropriate assistance as quickly as possible; and WHEREAS, The critical functions performed by professional ~g Telecommunicators also include those related to utility operations, ~~' highway safety and other non-emergency activities, and many other operations performed by federal, state and local government agencies; and WHEREAS, Professional Telecommunicators work to improve the emergency response capabilities of these communications systems through their leadership and participation in training programs and other activities; and WHEREAS, The Associated Public-Safety Communications Officers, Inc. (APCO), an organization of nearly 10,000 people engaged in the design, installation and operation of emergency response communications, has set aside the second week in April to recognize Telecommunicators and their crucial role in the protection of life and property; now THEREFORE, The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors hereby proclaims the week of April 12-18, 1992, as "Public Safety Telecommunicators Week" in the County of Roanoke in honor and recognition of our County's Communications Officers and the vital contributions they make to the safety and well-being of our citizens and employees. PUBLIC ^~-' ~ V v \C ©° ( $AFETYj PRESIDENT-ELECT JOHN S. POWELL UNNERSITY OF CALIFORNIA POLICE DEPARTMENT I'.O. 60X 4342 LiF,RKELEY, CA 94704 S I Obd2~1530 FAX:510~642-6434 FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT FRANK L. HUGGINS NORTI I CAROLINA STATE HIGHWAY PATROL 600 TU\REL P.OAJ ASI IEVILI-E, NC 28805 7042981253 FAX: 704299-0626 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT STEVEN H. PROCTOR INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ' 'SERVICES: . 500o S'L`ATE oFilCe43UI1Dwc' SALTI.AICECffY,III'84114 ' • 801~3~3525 ' F)Vf: $1I1S383622 ' FJ~CITI7VE 1QIRECTOR .ROBERT E. TALL' ' 2040 S. RIDCEWOODAV£Nl1E SOITfFI DAYTONA, FL 32119 9a.3EZ zsoo.. -, Fax: 9oa3zz-zsot ~ . ASSOCIATED PUBLIC-SAFETY COMMUNICATIONS OFFICERS, INC. PRESIDENT RONNIE RAND CI"fY OF L17TLE ROCK OF'fICF: OP EMERGENCY SF:RVICI[S 720 W. MARKI I,~N I,IT"I~LF. ROCK AR 722'.)( 501 J71-4140 FAX: SOIJ71-140:1 MEMORANDUM DATE: February 25, 1992 T0: Executive Council Chapter Presidents Public Affairs Committee 0• rating Procedures & Training Committee FROM: nnie Rand ' SUBJECT.• a~ti6>r~al Public.~Safety~•.Telecommunicators Week Thanks. to all ~ ~of .you and ~count~l~ess ~ o.the>r APCO: metnbe~s.~~fcr ~makYriq~~ National Piib'lc ~ Siifety_ ~.TeLecommu~cators Wsek a ' reality! :~.~~~We ~ habe~just received ~ word' from Lew Hei~rn; - APCO',~s_ .Leq.isl ativa Represen,t~tive;~.~ that: ~~3: ~Sen~tors ; have- now signed ".as~ co-sponsors` of Senate 'Joint `Resolution 223. This is more than enough~signatures;to pass the:. measure, which will receive final approval on the Senate floor Thursday,- February 27. The dreams, hard .work. and efforts of a lot of people will finally come true with the official Congressional recognition of the Week of April 12 as National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week. Telecommunicators will at Tast receive. some of the recognition they deserve. It has been a long time coming, and I join with them in celebrating this event. Enclosed is a memorandum from Lew Helm with a listing of the 53 Senators who have signed as co-sponsors. Others will possibly be added before the measure goes to the Senate floor on Thursday. Also enclosed is a listing of the co-sponsors in the House of Representatives. Please call or write the Senators and Representatives from your state who co-sponsored the legislation and thank them for their support. . .. LEWIS M. HEL1~I '7000 Mrr.r.woan Rc~wn BETHESDA, MARYLAND 52081'7 301-229-1550 February 25, 1992 SUFL7F~T: National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week Joint Resolution About to Pass the Senate ~~ APCO Officers - A surge of Senators has signed up this week for S. J. R. 233, pushing the the total co-sponsors to 53. With the required minimum of 20 from each political party being met, National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week will be favorably reported by the Judiciary Committee and the receive final approval on the Senate floor Thursday; February 27. It now goes to the White House for Presidential signature. Sen. Strom Thurmond and Rep. Con- stance A. Morella, the two primary Republican co-sponsors, are contacting the White House to see if a signing cerertany might be possible. Because of the President's tight schedule, we should not count on this...just hope. The entire Senate Judiciary, led by Sen. ,Joseph Biden, its Chairman, sup- ported S. J. R. 233.. Many states persuaded both Senators to sign on. .Scores of last minute phone calls from members pushed the proposal through. .Cheryl Epps; Yohbyis.t of~the International Association of Chiefs of Police, • •waged a one-person blitz to he~.p us. _John Powell'S~former assistant, John Bentivoglio; ~a~Ju~iciary..~Canmittee"staff membe5:;. n~naged the'c~rpaign::, A • ~ : real t~sm,.effoct won!. Ttianks~to ally Apxi1.12~a-ill'••t5egin'a.great week! •. . .. . ~ . • '.Out supporters ~~ares . .. ... ~ . _ • '~: .. ". : sen •srocK Adams ~~;;(D-WA) • ~ _• ,. ~ . ~ .. ~ . . .. :''Seri flanfel lC.'•Akaka~ (D=#Zj~ ~ .' '~'~h~ Herb Kohl- tD-WI)~ • Sen"..Joseph R. Baden: (I)-DE) - •Sen drank R.~, Lautenberg. (D-NJ) , ... ~n ~~Bill. Bradley. ~(D-NJj.~~ .. S2[a i~atTiCk J.' Leah (D-VT) . '. ~. Sen. Hank Broz+-n:.(R-CO).: '- ~.•. sen Carl'Levin (D-MI). " ' • yen Ddle.'L. Bumpers (p-AR}•' ~ ~ ' . Sen+Joseph• Y.:Lieberrdan "(D-CT). .. . Sen Quentin N. Burdick (D-ND) ~ 'Sen Richard G. Lugar (R-IN) Sen Robert C. Byrd (D-~+1V) ~ ~ Sen Connf a Mack ~ (R-FL) Sen Kent Conrad (D-ND) ., Sen John McCain (R-AZ) " Sen Alan Cranston (D=CA)~. Sen Eioward M. Met2enbaum (D-aH) . Sen Alfonse M. D'Amato (R-NY) Sen Barbara A. Mikulski (C=MD) Sen Dennis DeConcini .{D-1~Z) ~ 'Sen Frank H. Murkowski (R-AK) Sen Christopher J. Dodd(D-CT) Sen Sam Nunn (D-G1~) Seri Robert J. Dole (R-KS) , Sen David H. Pryor (D-AR) Sen Pete V. Domenici (R-NM) Sen Donald W. Riegle, Jr..(D-MI) Sen Dave Durenberger•(R-MN) Sen Charles S. Robb (D-VAj Sen J. Jarr~s Exon (D-NE) Sen Wyche Fowler, Jr. (D-C,A) Sen William Roth (R-DE) Sen John Glenn (D-OH) Sen Terry Sanford (D-NC) Sen Charles E. Grassle Sen Paul Sarbanes (p-p1D) y (R-IA) Sen John Seymore (RSA) Sen Orrin G. Hatch (R-ITP) Sen Howell Heflin (D-AL) Sen Paul Simon (D-IL) Sen Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI) - Sen Alan Simpson (R-WY) Sen James M. Jeffords (R-VT) ~• ~ Sen Arlen Specter (R-PA) Scn Nancy L. Kassehaum (R-KS) ~ Sen Ted Stevens (R-AK) Sen Edward Kennedy (D-AMA) SCR Steve Symms (R-ID) Sen John F. Kerry (p-p~A) Sen Strom Thurmond (R-SC) _ Sen John W. Warner (R-VA} Co-Sponsors of Telecommunicators Week Resolution in the House ALABAMA Bevill, Callahan. Cramer. Dickinson, F_rdreich. Harris ARKANSAS Anthony, Hammerschmidt CALIFORNIA Berman, Boxer. Brown Dellums, Dixon, Doolittle. Oymally, Fazio. Langomarsino Lehman, Levine. Lewis, Martinez, Matsui. Mineta, Moorhead, Packard. Torres. Waxman CONNECTICUT Franks DELAWARE Carper 28 APCC)It(ILLF.TIN/,ArOI~EMGElZ I~)9] DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Norton FLORIDA Bilirakis, Fascell, Hutto, Lehman, McCollum, Peterson Higgs. Smith, Stearns GEORGIA Barnard, Darden, Gingrich, Hatcher, Rowland, Thomas HAWAII Mink IDAHO Stallings ILLINOIS Bruce, Costello, Hyde, Evans, Hayes, Lipinski, Michel, Savage INDIANA Jacobs, Jontz, Long, Sharp IOWA Grandy, Leach. Lightfoot. Naglr;~ KANSAS Meyers. Roberts, Slattery KENTUCKY Bunning. Hubbard, Mazzoli, Natcher, Rogers LOUISIANA Hayes, Jefferson, Tauzin MAINE Andrews MARYLAND Bentley, Byron, Cardin. Royer, McMillen. Mfume, Morelia MASSACHUSETTS Atkins, Frank, Kennedy, Markey, Mavroules, Moakley. Olver, Neal, Studds MICHIGAN Camp, Carr, Davis. Hegel, Levin, Traxler, Vander Jagt, Wolpe MINNESOTA Oberstar, Peterson, Ramstad, Sabo, Weber MISSISSIPPI Espy. Montgomery MISSOURI Emerson, Gephardt, Skelton NEVADA Bilbray, Martin NEW HAMPSHIRE Swett, Zeliff rC nrui;rrvc~d rur Pu,~e ~(Jf NEW JERSEY Andrews, Dwyer, Gallo SOUTH CAROLINA , Guarini, Hughes, Pallone Patterson, Spence, , Payne, Rinaldo, Roe Spratt, Talbng NEW MEXICO SOUTH DAKOTA Richardson Johnson NEW YORK TENNESSEE Boehlert, Downey Fish Clement. Cooper, Duncan, , , Hochbrueckner, Houghton, Ford, Gordon, Sundquist Horton, LaFalce, Lent, Manton, TEXAS McGrath, McHugh, McNulty, Brooks. Bryant, Bustamante Owens, Paxon, Rangel, Scheuer, , Coleman, de la Garza. Frost Serrano Slaughter, Solomon, , Geren, Gonzalez. Hall Towns, Walsh, Weiss , Stenholm, Wilson NORTH CAROLINA UTAH Coble, Hefner, Jones. Lancaster, Neal, Price, Hansen, Owens Rose, Taylor Valentine VIRGINfA OHIO Bateman. Bliley. Boucher, Eckart, Feighan, Hall, Hobson Payne. Sisiky. Wol , Kaptur, Miller, Oxley, Regula WASHINGTON , Sawyer, Stokes, Traficant, Wylie Chandler. Dicks, McDermott, OKLAHOMA Swift. Unsoeld Brewster, Synar WEST VIRGINIA OREGON Rahall, Staggers AuCoin, DeFazio, Kopetski WISCONSIN , Smith, Wyden Gunderson, Roth PENNSYLVANIA DELEGATES Gorski, Clinger, Coyne, Foglietta E31az of Guam. . Gekas, Kolter, Kostmayer, deLugo of Virgin Islands, Murphy, Murtha. Weldon, Yatron Faleomavaega RHODE ISLAND of American Samoa. Fuster of Puerto Rico Machtley ~~ ;~, ~~~,,y `~. 7 ~~~ ~ -x ~•~~ a PROCLAMATION OF APPRECIATION TO THE PUBUC SAFETY DISPATCHERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND DECLARING APRIL 8 - 14, 1990, AS PUBUC SAFETY TELECOMMUNICATORS WEEK WHEREAS, the Public Safety Dispatchers of Roanoke County daily serve our citizens !n a dedicated and professional manner, always striving to improve the emergency response capabilities of the communications system; and WHEREAS, these Public Safety Dispatchers often work long, hard hours without recognition by the citizens, yet they provide a critical service needed by all cItlzens; and WHEREAS, these professionals need and deserve the informed support of all citizens fo continually maintain and improve the quality of public dispatching services; and WHEREAS, the State of Virginia has designated the second week of April as a time to honor and recognize the vital contributions made by the Public Safety Dispatchers. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT PROCLAIMED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of its citizens, does hereby express deepest appreciation for the services provided by the Public Safety Dispatchers; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does hereby declare the week of April 8 - 14, 1990, as Public Safety Telecommunicators Week in Roanoke County. '~'Za-t-c~-.3v~. Q~i~F..t-~t__- Mary H. Allen, Clerk Richard W. Robers, Chairman Steven A. McGraw, Vice-Chairman Lee B. Eddy Bob L Johnson i i i Harry C. Nickens _.