HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/2/1992 - RegularFR ANS. F F. ~ 1 38 (~.aixxt#g .af ~Z~~tn~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JUNE 2, 1992 ~ff.IRl6 T)E ~IrE f~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THIS IS AN ADTOURNED MEETING FROM MAY 26, 1992. FOLLOWING THE MEETING, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL TOUR PROTECTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED BOND REFERENDUM. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (8:00 A.M.) 1. Roll Call AT 8:05 A.M.. HCN ABSENT B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS NONE C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Agreements and Acknowledgement of the Issuance of Solid Waste System Bonds for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. R-6292-1 BIJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO ® Recy~,e P,Pe, AYES-BLJ,EGK,FM,LBE NAYS-NONE ABSENT-HCN D. ADJOURNMENT AND TOUR OF PROPOSED BOND PROJECTS ADTOLTRNMENT FOLLOWING TOUR 12:25 Garst Mill Park Note drainage concerns and proposed park development 12:40 Starkey area • View Starkey Road/Merriman Road drainage situation • View Starkey Treatment Plant property potential for park • View Starkey Park 1:00 Return to Administration Center ~ ROAN ~. F .a ~ ~ ,a z O 2 a 1838 C~o~ixxt#~ .a#~ ~.o~~x~.o~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JUNE 2, 1992 r,~r.r.3.:, ~ s ,,. ~:~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THIS IS AN ADTOURNED MEETING FROM MAY 26, 1992. FOLLOWING THE MEETING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL TOUR PROTECTS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE PROPOSED BOND REFERENDUM. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (8:00 A.M.) 1. Roll Call. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. NEW BUSINESS 1. Approval of Agreements and Acknowledgement of the Issuance of Solid Waste System Bonds for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. D. ADJOURNMENT AND TOUR OF PROPOSED BOND PROJECTS ® qq~Y~~ TENTATIVE ITINERAKY' BOARD OF SLPERVISORS TOUR TUESDAY JUNE 2, 1992 The tour will be a driving tour in a van with the only scheduled stop being at the Hollins Library. Times noted are approximations based on the use of a van instead of automobile. 8:15 Leave Roanoke County Administration Center 8:40 Il.oanoke County Career Center Drive by Gearhart Park maintenance faci:Li.ty, ball field lights at the Career Center fields 8:55 Stonebridge IT Park Drainage concerns along Fvo1f Creek area 9:10 Vinyard Park Drainage and erosion along Glade Creek, Development of the original. Vinyard Park site, look at new Vinyard site, review relationship of distance to the suggested Bonsack area. 9:30 Bonsack Area Park (School Board property - Orchards) Observe location of the School Board property to the Vinyard area and consider for development. 10:00 Walrond Park Soap Box Derby Track development, and suggested development in the Bond Proposal 10:20 Sierra Drive Sink Hole Drainage problems 10:35 Hollins Branch Library See existing facility and take break 11:00 Northside School Property Site of Forensics Lab and ball field improvements 11:30 Dixie Caverns Landfill sigh t View Fl,y-ash piles to be removed 11:45 Valley TechPark 12:20 Garst Mill Park Drainage concerns and proposed park development 12:35 Starkey Park area View Taylor trac t, Starkey Park, old Starkey Treatment plant, and drainage problems along Merriman Road 1:00 Return to Administration Center AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1992 REBOLIITION 6292-1 APPROVING AND RATIFYING CERTAIN AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE ROANORE VALLEY REBOIIRCE AIITHORITY AND ACKNOWLEDGING THE ISSIIANCE OF THE AIITHORITY~S SOLID WASTE SYSTEM REVENIIE BONDS, SERIES 1992 IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGREEMENTS The County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") is a member of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") pursuant to the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 28, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act") and has entered into the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement, dated as of October 23, 1991 ("Members Use Agreement") among the Roanoke County Resource Authority (as predecessor to the Authority), the County, the City of Roanoke, Virginia ("City") and the Town of Vinton, Virginia ("Town"). The Authority proposes to issue its Solid Waste System Revenue Bonds, Series 1992 ("Bonds") in an amount not to exceed $40 million to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping a sanitary landfill, transfer station and related facilities to provide a regional solid waste disposal system for members of the Authority ("Project"). To facilitate the sale of the Bonds, the parties to the Members Use Agreement desire to amend certain of its terms by executing a First Amendment to Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement dated as of June 1, 1992 (the "First Amendment"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Approval of Agreements. The Board of Supervisors hereby approves the First Amendment and approves and ratifies the Members Use Agreement, the Assignment Agreement, dated as of October 23, 1991, among the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board, the Roanoke County Resource Authority (as predecessor to the Authority), the City, the Town and the County, and the Distribution and Indemnification Agreement, dated as of October 23, 1991, among the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board, the Roanoke County Resource Authority (as predecessor to the Authority), and the City, the Town and the County; all of which were previously approved by the Board of Supervisors by Resolution No. 102391-1 dated October 23, 1991. 2. Acknowledgement of Authority Financins. The Board of Supervisors acknowledges the Authority's intention to issue the Bonds in June of 1992, and further acknowledges that the Authority is issuing the Bonds in order to undertake its duties and obligations under the Members Use Agreement. 3. Pro Rata Share. The County Administrator is authorized 1 and directed to include in the budget to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors in each fiscal year or in such supplemental requests for appropriations as may be necessary, an amount equal to the County's Pro Rata Share (as defined in the Members Use Agreement), if any. The County's obligation to make Pro Rata Share payments under the Members Use Agreement is subject to and dependent upon annual appropriations being made from time to time by the Board of Supervisors for such purpose. Nothing in the Members Use Agreement or this Resolution shall constitute a pledge of the full faith and credit of the County or require or be deemed to require appropriations to be made. The facilities and services to be provided by the Project are essential and necessary to the operations of the County. 4. Further Actions. The County Administrator and such officers and agents as he may designate are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the First Amendment with such modifications as they deem necessary or appropriate to facilitate the sale of the Bonds, and such officers are further authorized to prepare, executed and deliver any and all instruments, certificates and other documents and to take such action as they deem appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Resolution and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Eddy NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisors Nickens A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: Diane D. John R. Gardner Carolyn Mary F. File Hyatt, Director, Finance Hubbard, CEO, RVRA W. Smith, Chairman, RVRA S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER '-'" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 2, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Agreements and Acknowledgement of the Issuance of Solid Waste System Bonds ~'OUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In order to enhance the sale of the Solid Waste Management Bonds through the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority it is necessary to strengthen the provisions of the Member Use Agreement, dated October 23, 1991, among the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton. This First Amendment addresses the following concerns: 1) The localities will commit to the disposal of waste delivered by or on behalf of the locality to the facility. 2) In the event that a new annual budget has not been approved at the beginning of a fiscal year, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority will continue to operate under the annual budget of the preceding year until the new budget is approved. 3) The Termination on Default provision cannot be used while there are outstanding bonds. The attached resolution ratifies the existing documents that are a part of the bond sale documents, acknowledges the sale of bonds by the Resource Authority, authorizes the County Administrator to include any pro rata deficits in the budget process, and approves the First Amendment to the Member Use Agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution. 1 Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Y~J C.Q,7t~2J ~ • ~j Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Kohinke Ref erred ( ) Johnson To Minnix Nickens 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1992 RE8OLIITION APPROVING AND RATIFYING CERTAIN AGREEMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE ROANORE VALLEY RESOIIRCE AIITHORITY AND ACKNOWLEDGING THE ISSIIANCE OF THE AIITHORITY'8 SOLID WASTE SYSTEM REVENIIE BONDS, SERIES 1992 IN CONNECTION WITH THE AGREEMENTS The County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") is a member of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") pursuant to the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 28, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act") and has entered into the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement, dated as of October 23, 1991 ("Members Use Agreement") among the Roanoke County Resource Authority (as predecessor to the Authority), the County, the City of Roanoke, Virginia ("City") and the Town of Vinton, Virginia ("Town"). The Authority proposes to issue its Solid Waste System Revenue Bonds, Series 1992 ("Bonds") in an amount not to exceed $40 million to finance the cost of acquiring, constructing and equipping a sanitary landfill, transfer station and related facilities to provide a regional solid waste disposal system for members of the Authority ("Project"). To facilitate the sale of the Bonds, the parties to the Members Use Agreement desire to amend certain of its terms by executing a First Amendment to Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement dated as of June 1, 1992 (the "First Amendment"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Approval of Agreements. The Board of Supervisors hereby approves the First Amendment and approves and ratifies the Members Use Agreement, the Assignment Agreement, dated as of October 23, 1991, among the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board, the Roanoke County Resource Authority (as predecessor to the Authority), the City, the Town and the County, and the Distribution and Indemnification Agreement, dated as of October 23, 1991, among the Roanoke Valley Regional Solid Waste Management Board, the Roanoke County Resource Authority (as predecessor to the Authority), and the City, the Town and the County; all of which were previously approved by the Board of Supervisors by Resolution No. 102391-1 dated October 23, 1991. 2. Acknowledgement of Authority Financing. The Board of Supervisors acknowledges the Authority's intention to issue the Bonds in June of 1992, and further acknowledges that the Authority is issuing the Bonds in order to undertake its duties and obligations under the Members Use Agreement. 1 3. Pro Rata Share. The County Administrator is authorized and directed to include in the budget to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors in each fiscal year or in such supplemental requests for appropriations as may be necessary, an amount equal to the County's Pro Rata Share (as defined in the Members Use Agreement), if any. The County's obligation to make Pro Rata Share payments under the Members Use Agreement is subject to and dependent upon annual appropriations being made from time to time by the Board of Supervisors for such purpose. Nothing in the Members Use Agreement or this Resolution shall constitute a pledge of the full faith and credit of the County or require or be deemed to require appropriations to be made. The facilities and services to be provided by the Project are essential and necessary to the operations of the County. 4. Further Actions. The County Administrator and such officers and agents as he may designate are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the First Amendment with such modifications as they deem necessary or appropriate to facilitate the sale of the Bonds, and such officers are further authorized to prepare, executed and deliver any and all instruments, certificates and other documents and to take such action as they deem appropriate to carry out the purposes of this Resolution and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 5. Bffective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. 2 MWBB DRAFT OF 5/2.7/9: r• zTt~'i~ ~m~irl~mEtaT T~ ROLINOKE VALLEY RF~;OiTT2t:E AU'!'11U1t1't'Y r1E1vI13EfiS USE 11Ckt1uM~NT THIS FTRr~T AMLNllMI;NT TO ROANOKE VAT~T~~:Y RESUUkCl~ AUTHORITY MEMBERS CTSE AGT;EEMENT (the "First Amendment") i~ ttiade as Qf June 1, 192, by arld among the R4ANOKE VALI,F.Y RE~~C7URt~E AU'1'tlORITY, a~ : UCCCG~DY to t}1~! Rc~t~noke County R~t~c:UuYL~ Au L},c~c'.i l.y (l.}ie "Authority") , the COUNTY U!~' hO11NOKE, VIRGINIA (the "County°) , the C`I`!'Y OF ROIINOKE, VIT2UTNTA (k.Y~~ "CltY") 311 C1 thC: TL?ti4N S}F VTTaT~Pd, VIRGTNTA (the "Town") ; each of w}iir-:h are political subdivisions of the C:nmm,ar~~..~e~~lth of Viruinia. ._ fiECIT1IL wHEx}.iAS, the pert Les hereto eiltervd into the Roanolte viz 1 1 ey Resr~urcc Authority MPmbnre. Uce 1lyiccmcnt doted October ?.:s, 159] (the "Meltibcr~ Use AgrPPm?nt") undez• w}1i~~.i thc: Authority agreed to acquire, aur~~kruct and equip ~ regional waste di;;~vsal system con~irtir~g <~f a landfill and transfaz- station and related 5tructurc, anci equil3rnet~t (tlic "System") , .end to ~,~-ovide financing therefor in 4tC~?r t~~ di~~rUe,~c: of ~~~I I nnnh,~T;,rr3ni~a snlir_1 c~3aste delivered to the ~yetem }~y Ur can bch3lt of the Crnlnty, t.hr City and the Town (aQ1lFctively, the "Charter Members"}. WHERRA~, t'.ha Autt~~~x~ity has starters the design at~d planning o£ the System, ha t~c~~~uired certain land theret~or and haq developed a propor~=:~a ~~l:tn tit tindnu.i,ncl for thQ Sy.;tpm t,hrni~c~h t-hP 1 ;~t1,1T1C:E: [)f 1 t",R ;~ I. ]. r{ W't5tr S~j~tCY'A kcV'utiuc.: Liui,c3~ , Sit i ~h 1 ~~~ (the "hevenue F3oncl ,") . WHEREAt~, in order to facilitate the sale by the Aul.h~:~t•jty of • the Revenue Bonds and enhance their creditworthiness, the parties hereto desire tv enter into this i'ir5t Amendment to make ccrtz2in modifications to the Members flee Agreement- zn consid?ratinn of 1-,hP fnrs~c~c~ i ny, k„}1e AuLt2U2:iLy aria G1'~~ Charter Members each agree as fallow ARTICLE I Definitii~n:~ The r_ aPit: ali zeri t: er•rn~; i n t,h i s First: Amendment have the meanings given to them in the Mcmbcro Utie I~gx•ee2nent. tlnl Pss otherwise defined. ARTICLE II Amendment of Me2r2k~ers Llse Actreert?nt Section 2.1 Amendment tU section ~.1. Ser..tion 4.1 of the Member::. Uso Ac7re<<~ment i;~ amended in its ?ntirety to read as follows: ?;ei:t.i nn .~ . 1 riF I iver1r .end Ac:c:~~La~u:~. (dy Br'{~lnlYin{~ tiri the start--i.)p i}atP and continuing throughout the term of this AgrEement the Authority agrees to ac+~ept and ~lisf,ose of Acceptable Waste delivered by or on behalf Uf the UsAYS in accordance with the terms ot~ this Agrc:emr2'~t for the us~f~21 .life of the L,anda` i 11 "' , and a sees to do so at and throw h the Facility unless an Uncantro le Circumstance renders all Or a portion of ~.he Faail~~iity inoperable. In_.suoh cane the Authority ~-_~~l urovid ~,~far disposal at an alternative Bite after con~u t' with the Charter Members. The _~_ Authority further agrees to use its best eft~orts to operate the Facility t3s ~sc:r,tt~mically as possible and to maintain a com~etitiv~ mi~~~~itt{~ l~~e structul~ t~5 ~1~~8uYa~~. u~~ ~f tl~i~ Facility by Private HaU l.~:r's. (b) E.a~ch tT:;er shall have the right to dolivcr, or cause to be delivered, to the r'a~~ility all Acceptable Waste generated within its political jurisdiction. °" Except for waste that is to ne recycled, each Charter Member User furt,Yrer ar~rPQ~; to deliver,., or cause "~ to b4 daliv~red, to the Facility all Acceptable Waste whicn__is generated or ucllccted by thN Charter Member User, collected by a Designated H~~ul.erl or collected by any other waste hauler who collects Ac~~:eptable Waste "' on behalf,. of the Charter Member User, ana each Charter Member User agrees to da so to pi~vi~14 a ~:vii~LurcL r cv~!nue Stream to the 1SUthorlty 1ri reGc~gnitian cat the fact that Priv~tp Haulers have no legal obligation to use the: r'acility. Section 2. 2 11meIlC}mc:nt to Section 5. ~, rertiarl 5. 9 cif the Members iJs? AclreemNr~t is hereby amended to read in its wntire.ty 3S f~~ 7,AWS: ~er_.tian 5 , 9 . Annual. Budget. Tk-c~: Aixtllc:~z•it.y shall provi cP to the Charter Mcmbcr Users far ~~~,prc~v~~ 1 fart cat' before eaeM April 1 its annual budget for the upcomincJ Fiscal Year ("Anrnial Isud~Jet") . '1'he Authority shall alsa prc~v ir}r. tc~ t',hP C:h~rter Member LTSers Lvr dp~roval in advance any amendment cif any kind to the Rnnual F3udgct. '1'hc Annual J P~idc3et sh.~11 ;ct forth (a.) ttie budgeted Operatin~~ Costs tc~r ~xu: h Fiscal Year , itemizing each category of expend i 1=~1r~ 1r1~: iucling the ,~mnl~nt'. of n+.+k51 L~erv~.Ce P~'~~11u1'it~ ~:~~'wiriy clue lrl the i~~xt. fiscal YCai ; (ii) tli~ budc~etecl QpeYatittg Revenues for such F':i.c_al Year; attU (iii) tY1e budgeted expenditures fvr such Fi.sc:a1 Year. '1'hc Authority ;hall also provide Operating Costs ctnc_i C-peratinq Revenues f~c~r tYie then current I~'isc.al Ycar. Ti~r~ Annual $udget 1=or an upc:oiniilg Fiscal Year ana c~n~ r~mPniimc~lits t_tiereto stall not L-~a ef~("ec-:t.iv~~ ~,nd no cxp~ii~li Lui e~ 51<<~ 1 ), k3~ mc:de by Htlr.hnri r.y .^, undar. the proDOSed ~~~~~.. Annual Budget unJasti anti until such Anttual Budget aTl~i any ~~~~ ame»r:]u,rirLb liav~ been apprc,ve~~ by the governing bodies of County, C:i t-y r~tir.i '1'ntivn, such ~,pi~.rc'~Val not to be unroason3bly withhPlc], Tt~,e l~uthority sh~i I 1 r.:c~nt.inue operating. within the expenditure levels a roved r_lricier the 1lnnual t3udget _. _ Pp .-- for thF immedic~t<ely preceding Fis~:al Year until such time as d new Annual Budget iu approved. S~_ction ? . 3 , Amy?~~~liucnt to Arti c I P VI , Article VI of the M~mber5 U:~r~ hyr~~ment i~ here}~y aitwnc~cd in its enr_i t'ety' t.U read as fallow~• ARTIC')~E Vl 17RfiALTLT AND '1'1rl~M1NATION Scotion 6.1. Nernedie~ fc~r Ucfault; I~i.mit~~tion:~ an TermiF~ation. (a) In the? evAnt. +7£ ti1,e k~r-cac:h by any party of ~~n cablic~<<tiuT~i Under th i S AgrAr~ment , the L'iyht to recover -4- damages ~r to be I"~lllll)l!t'tiE!l3 will ordinarily~COnstitute art adequate x'eiu~dy. The parties herata ac7ree-,that as long as nny Bonds remain unpaid or their xpaymerlt__has not .been p.rovidad for in nccordanoe with thQ Indenture, no party. may. terminate its o)~liyations under this A~ire.ement. (bj `Fh~ tluthority Tllily 2'efu5e tcl at.c:ept any Aeccptab l P Waste that i;~ collected by a CFs~i• i£ su~:h User fzila to pay nr~y Am~_,ttilt auG litLUUiia+ri utlLi l Ltir anic~ur~i. ctnd ~Zny late payment intrt-e~t un it liavc been paid it the Attthc~t:'ity has m~ i i ~cl a written r<<~ticc of the t~~ i I urF tr., pay the titnount due uncJ~r this A~~r'een~cnt to such User r)t the adclre~~ to which invnir;~s are s~t~t by certified mail arrnmpzniecl ~,y a copy of the invoice for• th< unpaid amount. (c) '1'}l~v parties nPT-er.-e~ acknowled~_}~ that, in the event of .any Everyt of llei=aul.t the? J~c.:»-~~~fnltltirig Faarty shall be enti.tl~?ci to rec~~v~:r, to the extPnr £,t•nvan, all o£ their respective clam~t~~es, iTfc:ludinq incidental and cr~nsYquetltial dam~gns, r.-ltls~~1 }_+y auc~h Lvant ot~ T7pfattlt.. The p~•~rtiou hereto agrc_~_ .hat ~~1<<nti~y~_•~ fc)r zany s~ir.h Rvent of Default may include, withnut. limit4lliUn: (i) amounts payable under th1s Ailz•eement (incE~ldinr~, wit}iUUt limi-tat ion, Ti}~1~1.ttg F?es); (ii) Zvr~t revenue:; end dalu<<c3e~ urTdcr any contract unahl e to l~~ prz•tu;~ui~~i ~.c~ rc:3 I i rr~3, in whc+le Ur' in part, by reason of r,~.trh >=veni* ~+t llbfault; (iii) ~lUUU1Lx,.tl.u~~ umcunt:~ if required t.incler atty c;ontraet CST- ~3C~YPP.1Zl~'T1t ~~:~ ci result of an Event of Def~cult ~pecitied in Section 6.3 a~; (iv) interest from -~- the d~~tp of r~aymsnt GT1 arty amount borrowed Ur required to be advaT-~ord iii u~nncction wik.ti such ~'vcnt of T~FfaT.~lt., including i ntwrest ~n amounts ~~aia tc~ mitigate d~~mages or prevent a default. tx~UUi arising unc~~?r any agreement retatirYy to ttic I'ac i 1 i ty or i t:~ c.~p~:rat i c.:r7~ ; (v) increased opPrat ing CU~ts, and (viy reimbursement £c~r all reasonable expenses at~d costs, inc.luc~ir:q the fee: and expenses of its coun:~el, incurred in connrc.tion Witt: any prr~ceeding brought to rerc~~~er such damagPS or to ~rrtorce the ~~rc.~visions of this l~gl"c_C'mP..nt. '1'v the c~:Xt:r',-.Sit 1~e:r1iT1~tCC1 by A1~~~,11.c::aY~le Law, the partiE~e Letela hereby waive the right to trial by jury in any action or proc.eedinr~ k~r~c:u~~ht to entc~rc_:e, ~anstrue or recover dGZnrayc:s ror ~~riy bre~4Y~ Vf this Agr~~TT~ent,. Section f;.z. Fv~nt.s t"f ~cFdult Ly A,utrlr:t•ily. The r~llowing :;hill ~~vnatitute ~n EveTit ~L Uctault by the Authority ("Authuril.y Ucfault"): (Z) The 11uthGrity's persistent ~r repeated failure or refusal :~ubstanti~al ly to fu1Li11 any of its material obl igatio~-cs tU any User in ar_.corclc~nce with this Agreement un I ~,r~ :,~.:c:h failure or ref><~sal shell be excused or justified by an [Tticni7tx`c~lld)::le CirrtTmst.ance or• d default by ~ i1Sf'I 1JwreundL~Y~ 1?rG'J1t~~~'~~i, f1D~dF-"v'87'r rhr~t n~~ $u41't tdiluL~ Vt refusal s2ia11 conwtit.ute ~Trr Authority n~:fault uiile~~ and until: (i) Sti~~:h User tja;; given writt~?rr notice to Author' ity f.;tit i nc~ that ir7 its opin i are ~~ ~~arti~Ulai -~- default or dcf~ulr_s (+:ies~_ribe~i in reasonable detail irl ~s>,t+.~tt n+~ti,c4) ~:xiSL Ll+;il. will, unless corrected, c«I1sGitute a material t]r~e~+c.h ref this Iic~reement by the Authority art+~ thti~t wi 3 1 i ti i t-.s npi n i+.~r- +~i~e ~}ser a right to rei trrr~t.irsement or to recover d~-~m~~g~~; under this llyrceme~zt, c~r~ fter aYl Bonds have ?peen laid, a right to_terminate its ob~.igations hereun~e~ tit~l~~s sue:h cicfault i r: i.t~rrc~c;i-n~1 within Z reason~~b I ~a pat'iUC_i Uf tizn«_, and (i i) Author i.t-.y ti~ti neithex' corrected such c3efaull si~~r initieteil r•Hr~~;c~nable steps to correct It within a r~a~onable per i c'];i c:~f time (which shall in any event be t7UL less then th i rt.y clays from the date or YP_Cc?1~?t. UL tti< notice given E~>ur:~~i~trt to clause (i) of this Cer.t.ic>n) ; ~]s+~viclocl that it thr A+it.}rcrrity has C0111?11QT1C?~ti~ ti} t_lke 1'~~i~Ol~c'a1:rlE Stc~i~ t'~~ c:cJiLYC.:~. 5ut:1] de~au l t within sir~fi reasonable period r~!' t_ ; mom, it shall not c:on~t,i t7~#•N ~r; nuttir~rity ^etau I t 1 csr ~~ lt~nc3 as the luthority i s rnnt.ii7uin+~ tU tulcc reasonable step: to ° cuxx-ect it. _., ~b ) c ~ ~ ~ +~J' ~e<:~i.inn G . 3 . FvFnt~ cif Uefault< bx U:,CL ;. Eoch of the 1 ~ ?i~ ., ~ „r . followinta shall const'.a.t.ttt.? air Everit~ of Uc:fault by a iJser r .1y ' ~ J ~ U'~" ir[7se - ~~ ~(J~ ,; ~ ! ~~ ' ~ (a) The fr'~ i 1 rrt-w k?y a U~:e~• tv day any amount under this; Agreeinet~L within GO c•1~y~ after re+_eiYat +ar written invni~:Q ther?fOZ'; provided that: .f.111L1~r• to pay Such User's -'l - Pro t~;~ta ~hai-r t~~ ti result of l ~'i. I u.[ ~! UL the governing bony . of such U~cr to ~~~~~}rc~priate the n2cPSSary monies shall not cntlfititute a User f?~rsi~tZt ~ pr (L) ~!'~ic failure i~Y• refusal by a User to Cttltill ~tty of its C~hl icl~tic,nP1 to ~uti~c~r~i+`y in aecor~]~ncc with tltiy dlgrcement unless ::.uc:ti failure oz' refuwal is excused ar justit i Pri }.~y ail Liriuantro 1 I Zk:,1N U.it?cumstan~c; pt~avi cletI that ttv such failure ~r refus<~ l ~l~iall constitutz at1 Event oL Def dult un f rfis an~~ unti 1: (i) ~ut}iority hos Ui vatl prior written notice tC~ auc:}: t!.^,nr .,t;,t in~~ their ir: its opi r~i c>n ~ particular deftaulL or clefin~alt,s (de~ci•i)Ja~u in z-e~,~,~,t•~af,lY. cleLetil in su4~~i rt~tice) ~xi sr, wf-~i c-.h will, unless rc7rt•Wr_~tyd, cozistilute a mgt?rial k~t;~eac;tz of this A.greetnent on the part et the User r,r~d which will in its opi ni c~~t7 give Attthority a right t-.n reimbursement, recover damages P :.- I I~ or refu~~vice,_under i-1-~i~, l~ctr-r~r,mcnt r~or c~~~u~r~ under thi Se~tit~rt unless sirr..h cl+=fau].t is corrected within a reasona~,l~ pFric~~~ cif '' timQ, ~nrl (ii) much User has n«-ither cUz'z'ec~t~_d such default War init is tc:d reason~~ b 1 ~? st.elas tq CU't-rcct it within :~ re~sf~t~a}plc per iac~ csf time (whi~2i in any event sha 1 t not 1_~e le:~•s t}~an t' i vP days froth t~~ie d;~tc of the Writ i r€~ rxi ~rnri puryu:crit t~ ol~uc^ (a.) c,f this E=:tee-tiesn} ; provided that if the User has commenced tc~ tike reasu77d}~le step; tc, correct suc~i default within such -8- t'ires~c~„a}~le Pe,~~iUd ~f time, it shall not can=~titllt~? an event of Default for as long as the User is cdntitiuing to take reasonable steps to correct it, unless such default creates an emergency situation which may endanger public health t,r safety, threaten the environment or~ endanger the continued operation of the Landfill, in which ca:~~? an Dvent of Default shall be deemed t~~ have occurred if su~~h cierault_ is not. rnrrwr?-;r~~ within twn d;~,~c or loco. ;BCt 1 cri (', . •'~ . ~'el'At13YativlY vIY..,Dcraul L. __Ar Ler X11 8c~t,ds have been paid or their pa~,rment provided for and they are no longer considered aUtstandinG under the Indenture env User, after giving written notice. to all t~arties may terminate this Agreement with respect to itself upon~the oaGUrrence of an Author~.ty befault to thQ oxtent permitxea by Applicable Laws„ The termination of this Agreement by env User sht~ll not term~.nate this_Agreement as to env Qthe,r User. The prover exercise of the right of termination Shall be in additioY~ 4v and not in substitution for, such other ~~ remedies, whether,~lamages or otherwise, of the party clCcrcisinq the right o£ termination. 8ub'}ect to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any User fails to pay its Tippincx Ftcs_ar fails to pay its Pro Rata share after a o riations therefor have been made, such User shall remain liable for such amounts and ahall_ ti.VVil_L11lVC 4ta ]aa Luut,[~ ~JY f.hit3 7iyreemCnt._ -~- section 5.5. survival of Certain Ricfhts and nt~liq~t.ions. `phis AgrAamPnt, shall remain in hull force and efrect a~ long as any Bonds rennin unpaid o,ir their payment has not laaen pre~rided for under th8 Indenture. Thereafter, this Agreement may bC terminated, but r7o termination of this Agreement strall limit or otherwise a££ec:t the rights and obligations c~£ ~tny party that have accrued kae£Ure the date of such termin~~ti.on. Additionally, all obl ig~~ti ons of Users with regard to ~~ny Un~rcceptable WaJtes shall survive the termination ot~ this Agreement. Section 6.6, kesolution of llisputes. The parties agree that should any c~ii~si.i~~n arise between the Author i tl• and a User w11c;~ i~ u signatory to this Agreement relative to eithFr Fngineerittt# c.~r accounting, it shall be resolved as follows: (a} If a~ to engineering, them by a majority of a committee of three c;amPosEd of an Nnginc~er appointed by the Authority, an engirieF~r appointed by the User affec=ted, and ate independent Pngineer, to be ohoscn by the tnrPgoing twa; provi_~ea, howe~,•er, shnuld the first two appointees not riE? Zble tc~ select thF thirr3 appointee within thirty (30} d~~ys fallowing the d~tP of appc~int~tlet~t of the last of the fi i rst t.wa appointees, then and in that event, application far ~Zppail~lttuent of the thi ~-~1 arbitrator ;;hall bc: made to the Cirr_.t_iit Caur~~. judges ot" the 23rd Judicial Circuit of the -10- Cc~tttmonwealtl"i ~~f V~.rginia which til'lall ~Tppoint the third arbitrator. (~} If :ts to 3CCOUnting, t.Y1en by a majority of a Conllllitt4c of thr~~ ~_Umppsed of the Ct1ieL !Financial officer of the of tected i.r:~;~r, the authority ~ s chief financial officer, and ~~n intl~F~endent ccrtifi.ec~ put~lic~ accountant, to h~ ~.hos~.el1 by the fcl7•c~c~c~ing .two; pravidecl, however should the first. twu a~pointee5 nc>t. be able to select thc~ third appni"ntee within th.i rty (3 ~ } days following the rlate ~zf appointment r_,f llic last af' tliE., first two appointees thetl applicotinn far dll~.~ointment. ~,l" t.11~ third arbitrator shall kTe m;~de to t.hr= C'ix•4uit Coui-t jt~cic~~s of t~':e ~:ird ,ludici~:l Circuit of the Cuinu,Urlwcalth of Viz~yinia which sYlall appoint the third t]T"hl ti: r-it~~L' . {c) Tt1 eitliel' uric:, the char-yti cif the Independent ittcliviaual shall hP borne e~luctlly by the aff~!c_:t.~ci t:bex' and the Autli~rity. ARTICT,R TTT Mz.scellanNC~u~ Scrtion 3. 1. ~cver°~~bi .l i.t.y c1f ztiyalid provisions. If at7y olause, prnvii~~n vr" :;cction of this First llmcndment is hP1r~1 to be illEgal c,i invalid by any :-nT~rt., the invalidity of the cl~~use, 1_}r`a~ision c,r rr_+c~ti~~n 4~ri11 act nf~fr~,-t any of #.114 t~:lllallilliy cldubes, prov7 ;lnn5 ux' ;;~:c:tions, ~~1nd this Fii~~•.t 1lmuncimc:nt will be coi7strued and rnforc,eci 4;;~ if the i I 1 Pg~1 or invali~3 clause, provision or. cc~r..tic}n h~iti riot been aonta ine.d in it . -11- Sect iUn :3 . 2 C:<~~~riter dr t~ . Ti1.i s F i~'~ t. Amendment may be executed in atYy number at c::~urr~erpart~, each at' wtlicti, when so cxecute~-i ana cielivcre~l, wi 1.1 be ~n original, anii ttie counterparts taken together will. ~.en~titute i~t1e ~~nd the same instrument. ~cction .~ , 3 Goyern.inq T,~~w. 'T~~is First Amendment will be gover~ticd by the laws of triz Comanru~wealth of Virginia. ~cetion .3 . ~ 11in~~ruarnents . T1iis ri= st Amendment n-~~~y be amended only i n aGC:Ux"C.~~ir1C:C with t}~1N Farovision~ of trie Memk~ers Use Agreement. Section 3.5 ~ffec:tivc:ness of Memk~ers Uee R reemunt. Except ~~s ex~~rcusly amPr,clacl in ttii~ First Amen~.lm~nt, all terms and prnvisioi~~ Uf the MPmha.rs Use l~~~roc:~er.t sh~~ 1 1 r~~m~in in eftecL and the Members II:;e F.~:L'FeiuLrit: shall bP r3~-~~>c~r:c9ed hereto and is incot-pnrate,~ Yiercin ley thi=. z•e~cx-enc:c. -1.2- IN WZTNEU~ 4dnhhEOF, tl7Y ~~~rLieS Have caused this Fi7'st Amendment to k~e ~xGC:utec± a:~ cif tt1H date above written. ROATIC~KR VAr LEY RE~~C~Uh~'L•' l1U'1'HOHTTY R7 . rte, ~UUri'1'Y OF ROANOKF, VIRGINIA ~~,r r ILA. c~7T`c' Oi' RUnI`UK~;, 'J11~GIt'1IA u `,~ Ltc: TOWN OF VIT~TOt~1, ~'IkGIN1~A Fy: T t'.:-; ; -13- O~ ROANp~.~ ti ~ ~ A z ~, ~ a? 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 June 2, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MIN NIX GAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Gardner W. Smith, Chairman Roanoke Valley Resource Authority 1216 Kessler Mill Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Gardner: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 6292-1 approving and ratifying certain agreements with respect to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority and acknowledging the issuance of the Authority's solid waste system revenue bonds, Series 1992. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, June 2, 1992. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: Diane D. Hyatt, John R. Hubbard, Carolyn S. Ross, Mary F. Parker, (~~~trt#~ ~~ ~~~xxt~~.e Director, Finance CEO, RVRA Clerk, Vinton Clerk, Roanoke Town Council City Council ® Recycled paper