HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/21/1992 - RegularJOINT MEETING
JULY 21, 1992
Welcome to a joint meeting of the Vinton Town Council and the Roanoke
County Board of Supervisors. This meeting is being held at the Vinton War
Memorial, 814 East Washington Avenue, Vinton, Virginia.
1. Welcome: Charles R Hill, Mayor
Town of Vinton
2. Roll Call: Vinton Town Council
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors
3. Invocation: Dr. Harry C. Nickens, Supervisor
Vinton Magisterial District
4. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County,
Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to
an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions
of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and
WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia
requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke
County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in
conformity with Virginia law.
Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to
the best of each members knowledge:
1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from
open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the
executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and
2. Only such public business matters as were identified
in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed
or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County,
December 4, 1984
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December 4, 1984
T0: Members of the Board of Supervisors
of Roanoke County, and
Members of the Town Council of Vinton, Virginia
The attached report is a culmination of a six-month study by the
administrative staff of the County of Roanoke and Town of Vinton. The purpose
of the study is to review all sources of revenue of the County and all areas o~
expenditures in an effort to identify levels of service and to identify
potential areas of cost savings.
The scope of this study was a review of the 1984-85 budget of the County of
Roanoke specifically identifying the level of services provided to residents of
the County with particular emphasis to the residents of the Town of Vinton. The
review included not only the operating budget, but also the proposed Capital
Improvements Program and Enterprise Fund operations.
The result of this study is the recognition of major accomplishments by she
two governments, the identification of current projects, and a listing of
potential cost-saving projects and areas of cooperation which may be to our
mutual benefit.
We express our appreciation to the staff who have assisted in tiie
preparation of this data and hope that it will be an informative working ~ooi
for you, the governing bodies, as you attempt to establish policy and plan for
the needs of our citizens in the coming years.
orge Nester
Town Manager
Town of Vinton
Don ld R. Flanders
County Administrator
County of Roanoke
~q~L ~~~~
1. Recreation Program - Two years ago, the County of Roanoke agreed ~~
the park facilities located within the Town and to expand the coverage of
the County's parks and recreation program co include all residents of the
County. The recreation program includes a wide range of opportunity
including adult athletics (traditional organized sports such as football,
basketball, softball, etc.), community education, leisure activities (which
include exercise classes, ceramics, photography, etc.), therapeutics
programming for the handicapped and mentall;a retarded, programming for
senior citizens, and assistance in special events in activities such as the
Vintennial Carnival held this past summer.
While all County park facilities are available to the residents of the Town
of Vinton, every attempt has been made to provide a level of service to the
residents of Vinton which exceeds the level of programming previously
maintained by the Town.
~2. Maintenance of Parks - The Buildings and Grounds Division of the Department
of Public Facilities is responsible for maintaining all parks and
recreation facilities operated by the County including the parks leased
from the Town of Vinton. Mayor Hill noted in the Neighbors section of the
Roanoke Times and World News on November 1, 1984 in their report on parks
and recreation facilities in the Roanoke Valley that the Town of Vinton has
been able to save between $100,000 and $150,000 per year because it does
not have to pay salaries and maintenance costs for parks and recreation in
the Town of Vinton.
3. Animal Control - The Town of Vinton and Roanoke County each have their own
Animal Control laws which are enforced by the County's animal control
officers. The County's team of animal control officers includes four
people and approximately 60 percent of one of these officer's time and
energy is expended within the Town of Vinton.
4. Insurance Program - Approximately eighteen zonths ago, the County of
Roanoke retained the services of an insurance consultant to assist in the
preparation of specifications for bid and to make recommendation in the
levels or coverage in which the County should maintain. The consultants
also reviewed coverage provided by the Town of Vinton's policies to ensure
that adequate coverage was being provided. It should also be noted that
the County insurance program covers the facilities of the Vinton~Branch
Library, all schools located in Vinton, worker's compensation coverage for
fire and rescue squad volunteers, and Vinton fire and rescue squad vehicles
and equipment owned by the County. An offer was extended to the Town of
Vinton for their consideration to participate in a joint program for health
insurance for the municipal employees; however, the Town had recently
awarded Vinton for their consideration to participate in a joint program
for health insurance for the municipal employees; however, the Town had
recently awarded its own contract for these services. Assistance in safety
programs and risk management activities will certainly be extended to both
political subdivisions.
5. Accelerated 12veis of service to the .Town of Vinton from the Countv
Treasurer and the Commissioner of the Revenue during peak tax collection
periods - During the spring and fall tax collection seasons, the County
Treasurer and Commissioner of the Revenue send personnel to the Vinton
Municipal Building to assist the residents in the Vinton area with problems
they may have concerning the payment of taxes and in the purchase of County
auto decals. Discussions continue in an effort to facilitate both
localities in their tax administration efforts through the use of advanced
capabilities of computer equipment, forms design, and other opportunities
which may improve cost efficiencies.
5. Repair and enlargement of Vinton Branch Librarv facility - The Vinton
Branch Library was recently reopened after a substantial remodeling and
expansion resulting from the roof collapse in the summer of 1983. The
enlargement provides approximately 2,000 square feet of new space at this
facility to better meet the needs of the Vinton area residents.
~/ 7. Joint water svstem to service East Countv citizens - The Town of Vinton and
the County of Roanoke jointly developed a water system to service residents
in the Town of Vinton and the East County. This development includes
wells, storage Facilities, and distribution systems. It is anticipated
that this system should have adequate capacity to serve this area of the
County during the foreseeable future and should lend itself to improved
development activities.
8. Joint equipment support programs - The Town of Vinton and the County of
Roanoke have worKed together to jointly use some public works equipment
which reduces the duplication of effort in each locality owning similar
types of equipment. It is hoped that this concept can be extended in
future years.
P~ 9. Support of Vinton Health Department expansion project - The County
recognizes that the Town of Vinton is currently working with the Health
Department to provide expanded facilities to serve the needs of the
residents of Vinton and the East County service area and the County fully
supports the activities of the Town's staff.
10. Emergency relocation plan for Camelot Hall nursing home - 9 cooperative
arrangement has been developed between the County school system and the
Town of Vinton whereby the Hardy Road School would be used as a relocation
center for residents of the Camelot Hall nursing home during emergency
situations. This arrangement also includes the utilization of school buses
to transport the residents.
!. New advanced life support ambulance - The 1984-85 fiscal year budget of the
County of Roanoke includes an appropriation of $52,000 for the purchase of
an advanced life support ambulance to be located at the Vinton Rescue Squad.
This will provide appropriate equipment for the highly trained technicians
of the Vinton Crew as they support the residents of the Town of Vinton and
East County.
2. yew fire suppression equipment - The 1984-85 County budget also includes an
appropriation of $125,000 for the purchase of a new pumper to be stationed
at the Vinton Fire Department. This equipment is used not only within Town
boundaries, but also as the Town volunteers assist in fire suppression
activities in other areas of the County.
3. Establishing joint procedures to enforce erosion and sedimentation control
in the County and Town of Vinton - The County of Roanoke adopted by
ordinance the Virginia State Erosion and Sediment Control laws which the
County's soil and erosion inspection staff enforce in both the County and
Town of Vinton. Procedures are being finalized to ensure notification in
the plan approval process before development begins so that we may protect
the properties.
4. Implementation of economic development activities promoting Vinton and all
other areas of the County - Since the County of Roanoke and Town of Vinton
share the same tax base, it is recognized that economic development
activities accrue benefits to both localities. The County's Department of
Development is currently developing inventories of available properties
which can be referred to prospects to assist in the promotion of the
total Roanoke County area.
5. Developing a site in Vinton for a ioint fuel distribution facility to
accommodate the Town, County and School fleet - The County of Roanoke
recently ordered a card-operated fuel distribution system which will
provide a greater accountability for fuel used by the various vehicles
within the County fleet and provide better inventory control. The program
currently includes the County and School fleet and a site is being
investigated within the Town of Vinton to service the East County area
which would also allow the Town to participate in this program. It is
hoped that an early decision can be made on this site so that the
appropriate equipment can be ordered.
5. Studyin the feasibilit of int E911 sys em - Discussions are continuing
in the development of an E91 System f the entire Roanoke Valley and the
representatives from the County o oanoke and Town of Vinton are
discussing ways in which savings may be realized by coordinating several
activities. Items currently under study include the development of a
master street name and numbering system within the County and the Town to
facilitate the proper routing of emergency activity and secondly, a study
of the use of the radio dispatch system within the Town of Vinton to handle
the non-emergency after hours radio traffic of the County for the
dispatching needs of such activities as recreation, animal control,
utilities, public works, etc.
7. Working to develop a Vinton-Roanoke County ;Dint water supply pro ram to
provide bulk water needs to the ear 2040 - The County of Roanoke is
currently studying the water needs of all or its citizens to the year 2040.
This study includes not only the bulk water which may be provided by our
existing well system, surplus water from the cities of Roanoke and Salem
and the potentials of the West County Reservoir, but also includes the
availability and capacity of the water system of the East County and Vinton
service area thus responding to the needs of all residents or Roanoke
County including those of the Town of Vinton.
1. Acquisition of a new Ladder truck for the Vinton Fire Department - The
County and Town of Vinton have each agreed to share in the cost of a new
ladder truck to be used by the Vinton Fire Department. It is anticipated
that the County and Town would each provide S125,000 toward the purchase of
this equipment.
2. Supervision and staffing of Vinton Fire Station at the same level as
similar population areas at Vinton's request - The County Fire Department
currently uses twenty-five paid personnel to handle lire suppression
activities in the urbanized areas of the County during daylight working
hours on weekdays. At other times, these activities are performed by
volunteers in the same manner they are currently handled in Vinton. At
Vinton's request, the County will consider utilizing paid staff at the
Vinton station in the same manner it serves ttte oti7er populous areas within
the County.
3. Establish joint emergencv services pro ram - At the present time, the
County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton each have an emergency services
coordinator and an emergency response plan to handle the affairs and needs
of the respective jurisdictions in times of emergency and natural disaster.
Through the cooperative efforts of the Eire departments, rescue squads, and
other facilities, there may be some economies of scale through a joinC
services program.
4. Coordinate animal control ordinances of the County and the Town to
facilitate enforcement by County officers - At the present time, the Town
of Vinton and the County of Roanoke each have their own animal control
ordinances which are enforced by the County's animal control officers.
This, as in several other areas, may be easier to enforce and provide
uniformity if the ordinances were closely reviewed and written in parallel
fashion. This consideration should be given to all areas where mutual
services are involved.
5. Participate in the SPCA Animal Shelter to serve the needs of Vinton
population as well as the balance of the County - The SPCA Animal Shelter
currently houses and cares for the animals caught by the County's animal
control officers. At the present time, the SPCA is considering plans to
expand and modernize its facility. The County's participation in this
program would serve the needs not only of the Vinton residents but the
balance of the County residents as well.
6. Establisn joint wilding inspection services program including >'ee
structure - Administrative personnel from the County of Roanoke and Town of
Vinton have discussed the possibilities of a joint building inspection
services program including a review of the fee structures to see if there
are efficiencies and cost savings which can be accrued. This program, like
the animal control program mentioned in Number 4 above, would need to
generate similar ordinances in order to provide uniformity in the
administration of said ordinances.
7. Develop joint elevator inspection program - The County or Roano~e recently
entered into a contract whereby an independent inspector would inspect
escalators and elevators located in public buildings within Roanoke County.
This program could be expanded to include the elevators located i^side the
Town of Vinton in any buildings which may utilize said facilities. This
inspection program is for the public safety of those utilizing facilities
in buildings not owned by the locality.
8. Establish a joint economic development appreciation program - Tae County of
Roanoke currently issues certificates of appreciation signs acknowledging
new construction, and luncheon-type recognition programs to express its
appceciation to businesses participating in economic development programs
since the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke both share from the
benefits of economic development within the Town of Vinton. Consideration
is being given to the development of a Joint Economic Development
Appreciation Program to acknowledge and promote this type of growth.
9. Incorporation of County and Town Procurement Program to include bulk
purchase of supplies, warehousing operations, bid processes, and
specification writing - The County of Roanoke is currently renovating the
old Salem Frame facility located near Hanging Rock to be used as a public
service facility. One of the departments to be located at this facility
will be the Procurement Services Division of the Department of Fiscal
Management. Plans are currently being finalized for the development and
implementation of a warehousing operation and inventory control system to
serve the needs of the various departments of the .County. The Town of
Vinton is invited to share in any and all phases of our Procurement
Services Division including the bulk purchase of supplies jointly used by
the communities as well as the utilization of County staff in the
development of specification and other portions of the County's bid
processes. Several areas have already been identified in which the
County's general government offices, the school system for the County, and
even the governments of Salem and Roanoke City jointly purchase some
supply-type items.
10. Explore potentials for maintenance of Vinton communications equipment by
County staff - The County of Roanoke has its own communication services
division which maintains the radio system used by the various departments
of the County (excluding Schools). It has been suggested that a review be
made of the radio system used by the Town of Vinton to determine the
feasibility of being maintained by the County staff instead of maintaining
the equipment through a private contractor.
11. Coordinate the development of a ton -range communication pro ram - Any
etforts to develop long-range communications programs should include the
Town of Vinton as well as the County of Roanoke to provide the most
efficient use of the equipment purchased as well as back-up capabilities
during times of emergency. This coordination should not only include ttie
study of the E911 system, but all communication activities.
12. Develop joint program for tracking and projecting the financial trends for
the County and Town - With the assistance of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell &
Company (the independent audit firm retained by the County and Town), a
financial trend monitoring system is being developed for the County of
Roanoke to determine the financial :zeaith of the community. This study
which is endorsed by the International City Management Association monitors
various types of revenue and expenditure patterns and compares these trends
with demographic characteristics of t,.e locality to develop warning signals
which may impair the financial health of the community. The problem areas
may be generated by policies established by the governing body, a changing
demographic base, or economic circumstances beyond the control of the
governing body. Consideration should be given to including the Town of
Vinton in this type of study so that the entire health of the Roanoke
County/Town of Vinton community can be interpreted.
13. Study of indirect cost allocation systems which ma recover administrative
overhead in present and future Qranc oroQrams - In 1974, Congress
established guidelines whereby administrative costs may be recovered in
most grant programs. Many localities are only able to collect direct costs
(payroll cost and supply-type items specifically used in the administration
of the grant) instead of recovering their true expenditure of funds and
effort in the administration of the grant. Guidelines have been
established for the development of an indirect cost allocation plan which
recognizes the hidden cost (administrative effort, facility cost, legal
services, etc.) in a systematic fashion to recover your full administrative
cost to a maximum of 15 percent of the face amount of the grant. The cost
is prepared on the locality's entire expenditure profile and can be used as
the standard for the recovery under any of their grant programs for the
subsequent year. The County of Roanoke has developed such a program for
its use for the previous seven years and is willing to assist the Town of
Vinton in developing a similar program for any grant projects which it may
14. Study of enhanced office automation systems to im rove efficient and cost
effectiveness of both Localities - The County of Roanoke is currently
undertaking a study to identify and document the current applications
utilizing data processing services, to rate the efficiency of the
assistance being provided to the various offices of the County, to project
the expanded data pcocessing efforts which are needed and desired, to
identify data processing hardware Heads, and to develop a disaster plan t~
ensure the continued efficient operation of the various departments in the
event data processing services were interrupted or destroyed by
circumstances beyond uur control. The study will further be used as a
working tool to effectively budget manpower cost, hardware needs, and the
most efficient method of acquiring the additional automated services
Four major areas of equipment have been identified that have potential for
both the County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton in improving their
operating procedures. These items are data processing equipment, word
processing equipment, remittance processing equipment (used by the
Treasurer's office in much the same fashion as lock box operations are
handled by the banking institutions) and automated meter reading equipment
for use by utility department.
Some of the enhanced capabilities which are being studied include an
increased number of on-line computer applications including the expansion
of services to additional departments, electronic mail, low cost mail
distribution system, improved collection of revenues through the use of
electronic scan lines to record payments and encode checks in order to
maximize investment potential and improve the efficiency of the office
operations, and to use automated equipment by meter readers of the Utility
Department to minimize the effort required to record these meter readings
in the billing process.
15. Unified promotion for early development of an East Circumferential ~rimar
state highway route from 115 to 220 south - with the development that is
occurring in East County and Southwest County at the present time, there is
a strong desire and need for the County and Town to promote the early
development of an East Circumferential Primary State Highway Route to
expeditiously move vehicular traffic to the various parts of Roanoke County
including the Town of Vinton. This type of roadway would promote and
improve economic development in our communities and be a benefit to our
existing residents.
16. Joint planning of the revitalization of downtown Vinton - As mentioned
earlier, economic development within the Town of Vinton improves not only
the Town, but as well as the County's tax base. The County is willing to
utilize the efforts of its planning staff to assist the Town of Vinton in
its efforts to revitalize the downtown area.
17. Implementation of any other cooperative oro rams which may be identified
through this report on cooperative programming - While this report as a
working document has already identified accomplishments and current year's
budget activities which promote a cooperative spirit between the County of
Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, it has also opened the doors to awareness
Eor other areas to be studied for continued improvement of efficiency and
cost effectiveness between the two jurisdictions. It is the desire of the
administrative staffs that this type of study be an ongoing effort to
identify these potentials and provide the greatest level of service
possible to all residents of the County of Roanoke, especially those
residing in the Town of Vinton.
toy e.~-/ e~
~~ ~~
TO: Lee Eddy
Bob Johnson
Ed Kohinke
Fuzzy Minnix
Harry Nickens
FROM Mary Allen
DATE: June 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council
County staff has been discussing with the Vinton staff the possibility of a joint
meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of joint concern and
provide an opportunity for new members on the Board and new members on
Vinton Town Council to get to know each other.
Mayor Hill has suggested Tuesday, July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial, with a
meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. and a light dinner or refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.
If this date is agreeable to you, please let me know as soon as possible so we
can finalize plans and prepare an agenda.
Yes I can attend the joint meeting on July 21 at 5:00 p.m.
No, I will NOT be able to attend. I prefer another date. _
CC: Elmer C. Hodge
TO: Lee Eddy
Bob Johnson
Ed Kohinke
Fuzzy Minnix
Harry Nickens
FROM Mary Allen
DATE: June 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council
County staff has been discussing with the Vinton staff the possibility of a joint
meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of joint concern and
provide an opportunity for new members on the Board and new members on
Vinton Town Council to get to know each other.
Mayor Hill has suggested Tuesday, July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial, with a
meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. and a light dinner or refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.
If this date is agreeable to you, please let me know as soon as possible so we
can finalize plans and prepare an agenda.
Yes I can attend the joint meeting on July 21 at 5:00 p.m.
No, I will NOT be able to attend. I prefer another date.
CC: Elmer C. Hodge ~r
TO: Lee Eddy
Bob Johnson
Ed Kohinke
Fuzzy Minnix
Harry Nickens
FROM Mary Allen
DATE: June 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council
County staff has been discussing with the Vinton staff the possibility of a joint
meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of joint concern and
provide an opportunity for new members on the Board and new members on
Vinton Town Council to get to know each other.
Mayor Hill has suggested Tuesday, July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial, with a
meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. and a light dinner or refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.
If this date is agreeable to you, please let me know as soon as possible so we
can finalize plans and prepare an agenda.
Yes I can attend th '
_~ a joint meeting on July 21 at 5:00 p.m.
No, I will NOT be able to attend. I prefer another date.
CC: Elmer C. Hodge
TO: Lee Eddy
Bob Johnson
Ed Kohinke
Fuzzy Minnix
Harry Nickens
FROM Mary Allen
DATE: June 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council
County staff has been discussing with the Vinton staff the possibility of a joint
meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of joint concern and
provide an opportunity for new members on the Board and new members on
Vinton Town Council to get to know each other.
Mayor Hill has suggested Tuesday, July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial, with a
meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. and a light dinner or refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.
If this date is agreeable to you, please let me know as soon as possible so we
can finalize plans and prepare an agenda.
Yes I can attend the joint meeting on July 21 at 5:00 p.m.
No, I will NOT be able to attend. 1 prefer another date.
C: Elmer C. Hodge
~' . a',,: ~, ~,~ ~ t~ . ~`~~:~
~O:'"` Lee Eddy
Bob Johnson
Ed Kohinke
Fuzzy Minnix
Harry Nickens
~ ~-.~~
Mary Allen
DATE: June 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council
County staff has been discussing with the Vinton staff the possibility of a joint
meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of joint concern and
provide an opportunity for new members on the Board and new members on
Vinton Town Council to get to know each other.
Mayor Hill has suggested Tuesday, July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial, with a
meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. and a light dinner or refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.
If this date is agreeable to you, please let me know as soon as possible so we
can finalize plans and prepare an agenda.
*~ /
Yes I can attend the joint meeting on July 21 at 5:00 p.m.
No, I will NOT be able to attend. I prefer another date.
CC: Elmer C. Hodge
TO: Lee Eddy
Bob Johnson
Ed Kohinke
Fuzzy Minnix
Harry Nickens
FROM Mary Allen
DATE: June 23, 1992
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council
County staff has been discussing with the Vinton staff the possibility of a joint
meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues of joint concern and
provide an opportunity for new members on the Board and new members on
Vinton Town Council to get to know each other.
Mayor Hill has suggested Tuesday, July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial, with a
meeting from 5 to 6 p.m. and a light dinner or refreshments from 6 to 7 p.m.
If this date is agreeable to you, please let me know as soon as possible so we
can finalize plans and prepare an agenda.
Yes I can attend the joint meeting on July 21 at 5:00 p.m.
No, I will NOT be able to attend. I prefer another date.
CC: Elmer C. Hodge
Carolyn Ross (Vinton called)
Mayor Hill would like to have the joint meeting on
July 21 at the Vinton War Memorial. That way, if
the meeting runs long they will be right there for
their official meeting.
Carolyn and I suggest the following:
Meeting 5:00 - 6:00
Dinner or Reception at the War Memorial 6:00 to
The Vinton Town Council can continue their
meeting right at the War Memorial.
Do you want me to poll the Board members
tomorrow ?
Mary Allen
1 38
P.O. BOX 29800
(703) 772-2005
Mr. S. Bradley Corcoran
Vinton Town Manager
P. O. Box 338
Vinton, Virginia 24179
Dear Brad:
Since our last meeting with Mayor Hill and Dr. Nickens, I have
been trying to put together information for the staff and Board of
Supervisors on our proposed joint meeting.
As we decided, the meeting will be kept general in nature. I
thought we would cover some of the cooperative efforts already in
place and I have staff working on this. Board Clerk Mary Allen
advises that she and Carolyn Ross have tentatively chosen July 21 as
the meeting date. Since our last joint meeting was held at the
Vinton Municipal Building, I suggest the County Administration
Center for this one.
Please check with Mayor Hill to confirm and let me know if this
date is suitable.
Very truly yours,
~'~~ ~~
Elmer C. Hodge
County Administrator
cc - Ms. Carolyn Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council
Ms. Mary Allen, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors
® Recycled Paper
RE: Joint Meeting with Town of Vinton
I contacted Carolyn Ross with the Town of Vinton as you suggested.
She said that the last joint meeting was held at the Vinton Town
Hall . She also said that the f first of July was not a good time
because it will be their new board members first meeting.
We both agreed on the following and I was going to talk to you and
she was going to talk to Brad Corcoran.
WHEN: Tuesday, July 21 (their meeting date)
TIME: 3:00 P.M.
WHERE: Administration Center
They have an evening meeting at 7:00 p.m. on that date. We thought
we could meet hear from 3 to 4:30 or 5:00. We could then have
either refreshments here or go out. This would give them all time
to get to know each other. They could then go back to their 7:00
p.m. meeting in Vinton and our board members could go home.
What do you think? Let me know. If you want, I'll call HCN and
get his feedback.
Mary Allen
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