HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/12/1992 - RegularFP ANS. F ~ t ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA DECEMBER 1, 1992 ~aurr o ni ~ ~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regul meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:' p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on tl fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. BEG4 USE OF THE HOLIDAYS. THE DECEMBER MEETING WILL BE HELD ON DECEMBER I AT 3:00 P.M., AND ON DECEMBER 1 AT 3:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. A. RECEPTION HONORING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT (2:~ P.M.) THERE WILL BE A RECEPTION HONORING THE ROANOKE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR RECEIVING NATIONA, ACCREDITATION FROM THE COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES. B. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:04 P.M. 2. Irnocation: The Reverend James Beaver Penn Forest Church of God 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i ® Recycled Paper LBE ADDED EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM: LAND ACQUISITION FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES. LBE ADDED ITEM E-8 RESO SUPPORTING BOTETOURT COUNTY'S EMISSIONS ORDINANCE. D. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulations to the Members of the Roanoke County Police Department for Receiving National Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. R-12192-1 BL~T MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC RECEIVING RESO - TOHN CEASE, LEE ANN WLGAN, GARY ROCHE, ,TEFF SWORTZEL AND KEVIN MEREDITH. 2. Resolution of Congratulations to Edward L. Truett Upon the Occasion of Harshbarger House Being Named to the National Register of Historic Places. R-12192-2 BIT MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC - MR. TRUETT WAS PRESENT E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation on the Roanoke Regional Airport (Jacquelin L. Shuck, Executive Director) AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION BY JACQUELINE SHUCK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 2. Request for funding for Hepatitis B Vaccine for Fire an Rescue Volunteers (Tommy Fuqua, Fire & Rescue Chief; A-12192-3 HCN MOTION TO APPROPRIATE $36,840 URC HCN ASKED STAFF TO INVESTIGATE PURCHASING VACCINE RATHER THAN GOING THROUGH HEALTH DEPT. 2 3. Request from County Treasurer to Amend the Irnestment Policy. (Alfred C. Anderson, County Treasurer) A-12192-4 FM MOTION TO APPROVE AMENDMENT URC 4. Recommendation on the Loss of VPI&SU Extension Agent (John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator) R-12192-5 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO AMENDED THAT MATTER BE DELAYED UNTIL AFTER ACTION BY THE 1993 GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THAT COPIES BE SENT TO DR. SWIGER AND WILLIAM ALLEN URC 5. Request to Amend the Record of Decision for the Final Ernironmental Impact Statement, Roanoke River Parkwa3 for the Visitor Center Site Location Change. (Joyce Waugh, Economic Development Specialist) A-12192-6 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE SITE #3 FOR VISITOR CENTER LOCATION URC 6. Request for Approval to Install a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Chaparral and Penn Forest Boulevard. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) A-12192-7 FM MOTION TO APPROVE USING VDOT FUNDS URC 7. Request for Approval of Change Order #10 for the Sprin Hollow Reservoir Contract. (Clifford Craig, Utility Director) A-12192-8 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE CHANGE ORDER #10 URC 8. Resolution of Support for the Submission to the State Ai 3 Pollution Control Board by the Botetourt County Board o Supervisors of an Ordinance Regulating Emissions which Burn Hazardous Wastes. R-12192-9 BI;T MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the Acquisition of 3.395 acres of Real Estate, for County Office Facilities, Approving the Lease of Offices, Appropriating Funds Therefor, Authorizing the Manner of Tax Exempt Financing, Declaring Reimbursement Intention, and Such Other Measures As May Be Required to Accomplish This Project. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 12/15/92 .AYES-EGK,FM,HCN NAYS-LBE .ABSTAIN-BLJ LBE ASKED THAT HIS COMMENTS BE INCLUDED IN THE 114INUTF BL-T ASKED THAT HCN AND ECH'S COMMENTS BE INCLUDED__IN THE 1•~IINUTES I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinances amending Section 13-13 and 13-14 of the Roanoke County Code Clarifying Provisions with Respec to Illegal Disposal of Trash and Increasing Certain 4 Penalties. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) a. Ordinance amending and reenacting Section 13-13 "Unlawful Disposal of Rubbish or Other Waste Material" of Chapter 13 "Offenses -Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code by Providing for a Clarification of Provisions and Designation of Enforcement Personnel. 0-12192-10.a BLOT MOTION TO APPROVE ORD URC b. Ordinances amending and Reenacting Section 13-14 "Unlawful Accumulations of Trash and Growth of Weeds; Public Nuisances and Abatement Thereof' o Chapter 13 "Offenses -Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code by Providing for an Increase in the Penalty for Illegal Accumulation of Trash an the Designation of Enforcement Personnel. 0-12192-10.b BIT MOTION TO APPROVE ORD URC J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Library Board 2. Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Communil Services Board. BIzT ASKED THAT THE CLERK CONTACT MHSRV REQUESTING THAT SUSAN CLOETER BE CONSIDERED FOR APPOINTMENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 3. Roanoke County Planning Commission LBE NOMINATED AL G. THOMASON, SR. TO A FOUR-YEAR TERM EXPIRING 12/31/96 s K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSEN7 AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-12192-11 BIT MOTION TO APPROVE URC 1. Confirmation of Health Services Services Board. Committee Appointment to the Menta of the Roanoke Valley Communit; A-12192-11.a 2. Request from the School Board for Acceptance of General Electric Elfun Society Grant. A-12192-11.b LBE ASKED THAT THANK YOU LETTER BE SENT TO ELFUI SOCIETY 3. Acknowledgement of Acceptance of 0.28 Miles of Fore: Creek Drive and 0.11 miles of Millwood Drive into tl Secondary System by the Virginia Department i Transportation. A-12192-11.c 4. Acceptance of Donations of Drainage Easements fi Flintlock Road in Connection with the Hunting Hills Roy Project. A-12192-11.d 5. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees for Litigatii with Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. A-12192-11.e L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 6 SUPERVISOR KOHINKE (1) CONGRATULATED GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL AND NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL FOR THEIR ATHLETIC SEASONS. ~2) ANNOUNCED HE TOURED SCHOOLS IN CATAWBA DURING AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK (3Z ANNOUNCED HE HAD MET WITH THE ROANOKE SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION AND PROBLEMS HAVE BEEN RESOLVED (4) ATTENDED THE CHAMBER LEGISLATIVE FORUM ON 11/24 (~ ATTENDED THE QUARTERLY VALLEY GOVEI~.NMENT MEETING IN LBE'S PLACE. (6) ANNOUNCED HE SUPPORTED THE COMPLETION OF A POLICY MANUAL. SUPERVISOR 11Tnl~1NIX: (1) ALSO TOURED SCHOOLS DURING AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK ~2) EXPRESSED APPRECIATION Ta COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AT CLEARBROOK SCHOOL. SUPERVISOR NICKENS• (1) ADVISED HE RECEIVED LBE'S MEMO ON ROBERT'S RULES AND AGREED THAT HIS MOTION TO MOVI THE BALANCE OF THE AGENDA ON 11/17 WAS AN INVALIT MOTION. (2) STATED HE FELT THAT CHAIRMAN EDDY RUNS THl MEETINGS FAIRLY, BUT THAT THE 3-MINUTE SPEAKING RULI SHOULD NOT BE USED TO RESTRICT THE SPEAKERS BUT AS ~ GUIDE. HOWEVER, NO CITIZEN SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO SPEAK FROM THE AUDIENCE BUT SHOULD COME FORWARD. SUPERVISOR TOHNSON• ANNOUNCED THAT HE DID NO' NECESSARILY SUPPORT ELECTED SCHOOL BOARDS AND THA' THE ISSUE HAS BEEN EMOTIONALIZED. SUPERVISOR EDDY• (1) HAS SENT A LETTER TO TIC NEWSPAPERS THANKING THE CITIZENS AND STAFF FOR THEI] WORK ON THE BOND REFERENDUM. (2) ASKED ABOUT TH POSSIBILITY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY BUYING LAND FOR , LANDFILL NEAR BRADSHAW. (3) ANNOUNCED THAT ECH WILL B ON WFIR EVERY TUESDAY AT 7:50 A.M. (4) ASKED ABOU LEGISIATIVE PROGRAM. PMM ADVISED THAT BOARD ACTED 5~ MONTHS AGOG AND THAT HE IS SETTING UP MEETING WIT VALLEY LEGISLATORS AFTER THE ORG. MEETING ON 1/4/93. (! ANNOUNCED THAT HIS CHOICE FOR SCHOOL BOARD SELECTIO IS (1) APPOINTMENT BY GOVERNING BODY;,_(2) ELECTED WIT TAXING POWE 3 APPOINTED BY SELECTION COMMITTEE AND x,41 ELECTED WITH NO TAXING POWER. M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE N. REPORTS EKG MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE ITEMS 2-4, 8, 9 -UW HCN MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE ITEMS 5 6 7 AF'rEF DISCUSSION - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -October 1992 5. Report on Recorded Message Service HCN ASKED THAT STAFF MONITOR AND REVIEW MESSAGES T REMOVE THOSE NOT USED. 6. Summary Report -Water and Wastewater Needs in Roanoke Valley. HCN SUGGESTED THIS REPORT BE DISCUSSED AT NEXT LOCH GOVT OFFICIALS QUARTERLY LUNCHEON. 7. Report on Selection Alternatives for School Boa Members. EGK ASKED IF PARTIES COULD NOMINATE CANDIDATES Ft s ELECTION TO SCHOOL BOARD. PMM STATED THAT THEY COULD NOT BE SELECTED BY PRIMARY OR PARTY BUT BY PETITION. 8. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of Octo6e~ 31, 1992. 9. Status of the Roanoke River Parkway Spur O. WORK SESSION 1. Discussion and Prioritization of Bond Projects RESOLUTION FOR REVENUE ANTICIPATION NOTES WILL Bl PLACED ON 12/15/92 AGENDA LBE ASKED THAT FUTiJR] SCHEDULE BE DONE UNIFORMLY. P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (5) TO DISCUSS LOCATION OF PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY AND (3) T~ DISCUSS ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR SCHOO PURPOSES. HCN MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5:56 P.M. URC Q. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-12192-12 FM MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADOPT RESO A 6:50 P.M. URC ECH UPDATED BOARD ON PROGRESS AT TRAVELERS BUILDII~ AND ADVISED HE WOULD BE OUT OF TOWN ON 12/2 R ADJOilRNMENT AT 6.57 P M. FM MOTION TO AD TOURN TO 9:00 A.M. 12/10/92 F( PURPOSE OF TOURING TRAVELERS BUILDING - UW 9 1ff.~R1' 6712 &LE RmCf' O~ ROAN kF z ~ ~~ ~Or~ ~~Y~~~t.~ °v a ~~~ 1838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA DECEMBER 1, 1992 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisor rth Tuesda a 83100 meetings are held on the second re es h ld ndatt a 7:00 p.m on the p,m, Public hearrngs a fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations fromE DECEMBER MEETINGS announced. BEG4USE OF THE HOL DAYS TH ~~T T T T Ttr. r n n1V n Ff'F. MRF, R 1 AT 3:00 P.M. AND ON DECEMBER I S AT 3:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. A, RECEPTION HONORING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT (2:00 P.M.) A ACCREDITATION FROM THE COMMISSION ON B. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2, Invocation: The Reverend James Beaver Penn Forest Church of God 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i ® Regded Paper D. PROCLAMAI'IONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOG1vITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Congratulations to the Members of the Roanoke County Police Department for Receiving National Accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. 2. Resolution of Congratulations to Edward L. Truett Upon the Occasion of Harshbarger House Being Named to the National Register of Historic Places. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Presentation on the Roanoke Regional Airport (Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director) 2. Request for funding for Hepatitis B Vaccine for Fire and Rescue Volunteers (Tommy Fuqua, Fire & Rescue Chief) 3. Request from County Treasurer to Amend the Investment Policy. (Alfred C. Anderson, County Treasurer) 4. Recommendation on the Loss of VPI&SU Extension Agent (John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator) 5, Request to Amend the Record of Decision for the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Roanoke River Parkway for the Visitor Center Site Location Change. (Joyce Waugh, Economic Development Specialist) 6. Request for Approval to Install a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Chaparral and Penn Forest Boulevard. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) 7. Request for Approval of Change Order #10 for the Sprint Hollow Reservoir Contract. (Clifford Craig, Utility Director) a F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the Acquisition of 3.395 acres of Real Estate, for County Office Facilities, Approving the Lease of Offices, Appropriating Funds Therefor, Authorizing the Manner of Tax Exempt Financing, Declaring Reimbursement Intention, and Such Other Measures As May Be Required to Accomplish This Project. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinances amending Section 13-13 and 13-14 of the Roanoke County Code Clarifying Provisions with Respect to Illegal Disposal of Trash and Increasing Certain Penalties. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) a. Ordinance amending and reenacting Section 13-13 "Unlawful Disposal of Rubbish or Other Waste Material" of Chapter 13 "Offenses -Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code by Providing for a Clarification of Provisions and Designation of Enforcement Personnel. b. Ordinances amending and Reenacting Section 13-14 "Unlawful Accumulations of Trash and Growth of Weeds; Public Nuisances and Abatement Thereof' of Chapter 13 "Offenses -Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code by Providing for an Increase in the Penalty for Illegal Accumulation of Trash and the Designation of Enforcement Personnel. 3 J• K. L. APPOINTMENTS 1. Library Board 2. Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Community Services Board. 3. Roanoke County Planning Commission CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER Two BE R UTINE AND ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD T WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DIS ROMOTHE CONSE~NT~ THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED F AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Health Services Services Board. Committee Appointment to the Mental of the Roanoke Valley Community 2. Request from the School Board for Acceptance of a General Electric Elfun Society Grant. 3. Acknowledgement of Acceptance of 0.28 Miles of Forest Creek Drive and 0.11 miles of Millwood Drive into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 4. Acceptance of Donations of Drainage Easements for Flintlock Road in Connection with the Hunting Hills Road Project. 5. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees for Litigation. with Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 4 M. CITIZENS' COMI~~NTS AND CO1bIlVIUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1, General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2, Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3, Board Contingency Fund 4, Accounts Paid -October 1992 5, Report on Recorded Message Service (, Summary Report -Water and Wastewater Needs in the Roanoke Valley. 7, Report on Selection Alternatives for School Board Members. 8. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of October 31, 1992. 9, Status of the Roanoke River Parkway Spur O, WORK SESSION 1, Discussion and Prioritization of Bond Projects P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A Q, CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R, ADJOifRNIViENT 5 ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION 12192-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ROANORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR RECEIVING ACCREDITATION FROM THE COMMISSION ON THE ACCREDITATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Police Department was formed in 1990, and since that time, has worked toward the goal of achieving national accreditation for the Department; and WHEREAS, the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforce- ment Agencies (CALEA) is a national organization which accredits police agencies throughout the Country; and WHEREAS, there are less than 300 agencies nationwide which have received accreditation from CALEA, a process that subjects departments to scrutiny of the policies and procedures governing every aspect of their operation; and WHEREAS, on November 21, the Roanoke County Police Department received accreditation from CALEA, along with special recognition for the Neighborhood Watch Program, the Evidence and Property Tracking System, the Citizens' Police Academy and for the creation of the department itself; and WHEREAS, the members of the Accreditation Team within the Department spent many hours, in addition to their regular duties, planning for the success of the Accreditation process; and WHEREAS, accreditation provides assurances to the Roanoke County Police Department, and to the citizens which it serves, that standards of excellence are used for all facets of operation; and WHEREAS, in achieving this recognition, the Department has shown its outstanding dedication to the professionalism of law E AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ROANORE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR RECEIVING ACCREDITATION FROM THE COMMISSION ON THE ACCREDITATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Police Department was formed in 1990, and since that time, has worked toward the goal of achieving national accreditation for the Department; and WHEREAS, the Commission on the Accreditation of Law Enforce- ment Agencies (CALEA) is a national organization which accredits police agencies throughout the Country; and WHEREAS, there are less than 300 agencies nationwide which have received accreditation from CALEA, a process that subjects departments to scrutiny of the policies and procedures governing every aspect of their operation; and WHEREAS, on November 21, the Roanoke County Police Department received accreditation from CALEA, along with special recognition for the Neighborhood Watch Program, the Evidence and Property Tracking System, the Citizens' Police Academy and for the creation of the department itself; and WHEREAS, the members of the Accreditation Team within the Department spent many hours, in addition to their regular duties, planning for the success of the Accreditation process; and WHEREAS, accreditation provides assurances to the Roanoke County Police Department, and to the citizens which it serves, that standards of excellence are used for all facets of operation; and WHEREAS, in achieving this recognition, the Department has shown its outstanding dedication to the professionalism of law ~-J COMMISSION ON ACCREDITATION FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES Incorporated ,~- -~, ~; ~~i ~ ~ /,, ~ ~r .~~i *;~ ~~ 4242B Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, Virginia 22030 • Local (703) 352-4225 • Toll-Free (800) 368-3757 • FAX (703) 59 November 21, 1992 Mr. John Cease Chief of Police Roanoke County Police Department 3568 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Chief Cease: Congratulations! K. H. Medeiros, Executive D It is a privilege to advise you that your agency has met the requirements of a highly-regarded and broadly-recognized body of law enforcement standards, and on November 21, 1992, was accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. Your agency's accreditation represents the satisfactory completion of a process of thorough, agencywide self-evaluation, concluded by an exacting outside review by a team of independent assessors. It also represents your agency's acceptance of the obligation to continue the quest for professional excellence by working toward fulfillment of any remaining applicable other-than-mandatory standards with which you chose not to comply during this accreditation activity, and any future standards promulgated by the Commission that may be applicable to your department. Accreditation of the Roanoke County Police Department is for five years. During the period of accreditation, this day, November 21, will serve as the anniversary date for submission of yearly reports verifying your agency's continuing compliance with standards under which you became accredited. On behalf of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., we commend you and the Roanoke County Police Department for demonstrating commitment to professional law enforcement in policy and practice. Again, congratulations. Sincerely, Ronald Nelson R. F. l~,~tter,~fian,'Tr`. Actin Exe utive Direc "'+ri " r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTEI ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO EDWARD L. TRUETT UPON THE OCCASION OF HARSHBARGER HOUSE BEING NAMED TO THE NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES WHEREAS, preservation of our historic resources is important to the education, cultural enrichment and sense of community of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valle Y has a variety of historic structures which represent the lives of the people who settled the area in the 18th and 19th centuries; and WHEREAS, the Harshbar er House g located in the Hollins Magisterial District in Roanoke County, was constructed in 1797 with a brick addition built in 1825, and may be one of the earlies' homes still standing in the Roanoke Valle t Y: and WHEREAS, the Harshbarger House has been carefully restored b Edward L. Truett, was placed on the Virginia Landmarks Register iY 1991, and has recentl been a n Y pproved for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the County, hereby extends its congratulations to EDWARD L. TRUETT for receiving recognition of his sensitive and authentic restoration of this historic building;. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its appreciation to Mr. Truett for preserving an important part of Roanoke County~s heritage. 12 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOR] COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: December 1, 1992 Presentation on the Roanoke Regional Airport COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In 1986, the City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke established the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission to oversee the operations of the airport. The commission was a great example of regional cooperation between the two localities. Jacqueline Shuck, Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport, has requested time on the agenda to update the Board of Supervisors on activities at the airport. A similar presentation was made to Roanoke City Council on November 23. There will be a ten-minute audio visual slide presentation that the airport plans to use as a public relations tool. It presents a broad overview of airport activities and is intended to educate the public on the airport. The video will be presented to various civic and economic development organizations throughout the ten county region that is served by the regional airport. ~-r/ Elmer C. odg County Administrator ---------------- ACTION Approved VOTE ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) No Yes Abs Received ( ) Eddy Referred ( ) Johnson To ( ) Kohinke Minnix Nickens ~ a y N C v ' O ~ •N i ~ y • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R y o. w o ~ 'c ~ ~ c ~ ~ ~. ca 0 ~ ~ -o G) Q LL v L Q~ C ~ ~ y t ~ Z Y V W O ~ O ~ 7 Q U C ~ a C 0 0. ~ ~ •- O ~, C d t0 'C O ~ ~ ~ C ~ o O +, C ~. ++ ~ y ~d +~ N O L +, ~ L > ~ o a o > ~ ~ y ~ o•N `~ o o~ n O>~ . ~ , Cy ~' N C y , a i y'inO> O~ o O ~ p A N N ~L cp p `~. t S 3 y .p C1 C y U~ O~ y ~-- L :.~ \ ~ CO ~ +r I-- a~ y a ~ c ° f°'co~ Uaci O.~ c +O-'~ a~ MO O~ ° ~ ~ E ~ 3 c y a~ ~ aE~ ~ Q ° c '3 ~° ~ d ~ ~ j~ ~° > ~ O'' U ~ D L N ' 3 y -r v ,_ ~ ' •, D ~ j a+ N t0 ~ V ~ N N i ~ ~ ° ~ ~ Oa~~ a Q.~a~~ oyd3 y ~ ~~ 'm~y ~a > v i a~~a~ ~ u ~L N o ~ C~ O> ~, ~ ~ N N~ OL N E > y> ~+ Z Q t0 O N~ Ln L L c t0 C L ° o v~o ~ ocv'floY >' ~ c0 ~°;vOi 3 ' ~~ ~ ~'o Li ~.>> .~~ ~~ ? ~ a~ c s ~ t °~ ~ mo a~ axi `° QN O C y 'm ~ p V L +~+ C Q O O ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N C1 d C '~ C +' ~ t p C '+, ~ eC +'' O N cp ++ `y++O U f/f O •~ N C t +O+ ' ~ C O .y ~ ~ C ~ N L y C. 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C ~ •C ~ ~ ~ ~ L 0 ors 4- a~ ° ~~ O E Q ~+ a-+ N a ~ L 'O ~ '++ L~ N + O it O 01 N N O -p > Q C L a ~'' `oe`oe~3eo`~ oeo`Qa o o~° o oeo$oeo~ `ofd~o`QdQ3e deo~~3ene 3e~oea° 3e rnrnn~ ~ ~ O . 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The e° n the vacc the Iprogran Waver p who choose not to participat BACKGROUND' of Labor, Occupational • the U.S. Department the occupational 6, 1991, OSHA) issued On December CFR 1910.1030. Safety and Heao dborne1Pathogens Standard 29 Exposure to B1 and Health Codes Board inia Safety date of 25, 1992, the Virgstandard with an effective On February adopted the identical federal June 1, 1992. SLT1~ARy OF INFORMATION : an their October 13, 1992 meeting recall that at 800 to cover the The Board maY roved in the amoun and waste pickup. This was appropriation was app supplies, training pt that time, cost of vaccinations, to the Board of em loyees only and did not iacl~eportl back r others that for p requested to bring staff was to cover volunteers and any Supervisors on the costs OSHA may be at risk. ulated by not reg ersonnel are ens is the same. Volunteer fire and rescue p offered osure to the Bloodborin P the g County requirements but exp organizations 1992. They chose to use a All volunteer rescue to their members in July, Roanoke Coun y erating money provided by have been vaccinations fire organizations portion of their annual Volunteer to cover this cost. lating doing the same. contemp rovide the hepatitis vaccine, our fire and rescue Staff recommends that the Co di posal for to the kits and waste emergency This will be is will allow them to rational Costs r fun ing ent of volunteers. Th costs such as replacem purchase of equipment and other oper rogram with related an ongoing p ion of all new volunteers and biohazard was e supplies, vaccinat ~~ oin program costs will be handled in the budget pickup. These ong g process each year. FISCAL IMPACT' estimated•cost for this program in FY 1992-93 is as follows: The $29,340 Vaccine ( 326 x $90) (,,000 Supplies 1,500 Biohazard Waste Pickup $36,840 i ure of 326 includes the rescue volu i ced anrethe The vaccine f g would be p vaccinated. The appropriate funding volunteer account to cover reimbursement. Future costs will be included in the budget process each year. In the current year, however, an appropriation will be needed in the amount of $36,840 to cover the items listed above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends an appropriation of $36,840 from the Gene lies uto ro riated Balance to purchase the vaccine and supp Unapp P rotection to our volunteers as we do our provide the same level of p career personnel. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: T . Fu u Fi a an Rescue Chief ~ ~-r/ Elmer C. Hodge, r. County Administrator ------------ ---------------------- VOTE ----------------- ACTION No Approved (~ Motion by: Harry C Nickens Eddy Denied ( ) to appropriate $36.840 Johnson Received ( ) Kohinke Referred Minnix To Nickens cc: File T, C. Fuqua, Fire & Rescue Chief Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Robert C. Jernigan, Risk Manager D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources Pat Bryant, County Health Nurse Dr. Margaret Hagan, Roanoke County Health Dept Yes Abs x x x x x A-12192-4 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER '~ ` 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAR COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Amend the Investment Policy ~ ~Gz-CR a COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND : 1987 . It was amended on January 28 Investment Policy was lst adopted on May 12- tances and Commercial 1992 to allow greater investment flexibility•OOO p Ors Accep Paper are sold at a discount in blocks of $1, SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: rtfolio for these On page 12 under Deversification of Funds the maximim total po ht this to my attention and suggested we look at this. is 5%. The Auditor broug ht want to quadrupile the percentage as our They further suggested we mig rtfolio. investments of necessity are kept~she terfieldshassal$100,000r000 plus po e Chesterfield investment policy. rtfolio Whereas our portfolio seldom rises above $20,OOO,OOOcia'~Paper tofbe ~ causes the purchase of Bankers Acceptance or Conmie in the excess of 5o at the end of the fiscal year. If we are to continue to invest in these instr~nents, we should revise the percentage to 100. FISCAL IMPACT: reater return on this type of Bankers Acceptance and Commercial Paper offer a g investment rather than a CD or instrument of the Federal Government. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: investment The Treasurer recommends the attached =.amendment to the County policy. ~,3 f 1 ~' ~` ~~ Anderson Al red C• County Treasurer Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------- VOTE Abs ----------------------ACTION NO Y Xs Motion by: Eddy - --A' - Approved (~ Johnson - -~ - Denied ( ) Kohinke --~ - Received ( ) Minnix - --~ - Referred ( ) Nickens - - -- To ( ) cc: File County Treasurer Alfred C. Anderson, /r' i .../ (12) Local Government Investment Pool - State Pool No more than $15 million Commercial Paper No more than 25~ of the total portfolio with any one institution Deversification of Funds to be invested in any one issue: NO limit- FDIC, FSLIC, Collateralized Certificates of Deposit No limit- U.S. Treasuries and Agencies Maximum- ~ 10~ of total portfolio for any Bankers Acceptance and Commercial Paper issue II. Repurchase Agreements Definition A. Investing in Repurchase Agreements 1. The Instrument The repurchase agreements (Repo's) are an integral part of an overnment. Their investment program of state and local g market flexibility is unmatched by other short term money instruments. They provide the investor an excellent cash management tool. The sale by a bank of a government security with a simultaneous agreement to repurchase the security at a later date can insure safety of public funds while securing money market rates of interest. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE~B ~ OUNTY UADMINISTRATION CENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HON T ESDAY,R DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION 12192-5 OF SUPPORT G OE UCATIO AND THE 4~H ROGRAM ICE OF EgTENSION AND CONTINUIN WHEREAS, reduced funding by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Extension and Continuing Education program has resulted in the reduction of the number of extension agents assigned to local offices, delayed filling of vacancies and relocated agents to other offices statewide, causing the number of extension agents currently serving Roanoke County and Salem to be reduced from five agents to three, and WHEREAS, the most recent action to transfer one of the remaining Roanoke County extension agents serving the 4-H program to the Roanoke City office would further diminish the programming available to the residents of Roanoke County and Salem, and WHEREAS, there remains a disparity in the ratio of the number of extension agents to population served when comparing our local office and planning district to other regions of the Commonwealth, and WHEREAS, there is also a disparity in the percentage of the local share of salary paid by Roanoke County for some of the County Agents as compared to the local share paid by other localities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County strongly supports the efforts and programming offered by the Roanoke County/Salem Office of Extension and Continuing Education, especially the 4-H program and its benefit to the youth of our community, and `, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County urges the State to properly share in the cost and operation of the local office by retaining the existing positions and staff, to fill the vacant Agricultural agent position and to properly share in of the salaries of all extension agents, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the action to transfer the 4-H agent from the Roanoke County office to the Roanoke City office be delayed until the impact of the General Assembly action towards the projected budget deficit can be addressed and its full impact towards staffing known so as not to disrupt the levels of service currently being provided by the Roanoke County office, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Dr. James McComas, President of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Dr. L. Andrew Swiger, Interim Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Dr. William A. Allen, Interim Director of Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, Dr. Judith Jones, Associate Director of Field Operations and Administration of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, and to our state legislators with strong encouragement to carefully consider restoring the monies necessary to offset the projected budget shortfall within this program to ensure the continuation of this service to our community. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution amended that matter be delayed until after action by the 1993 General Assembly and that copies be sent to Dr. Swiger and William Allen, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy ~. NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: y-~ ~ ~__T___ Mary H. len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Dr. James McComas Dr. L. Andrew Swiger Dr. William A. Allen Dr. Judith Jones Jean Vandergrift John C. Chambliss, Jr. Roanoke Valley Legislators ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE• December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM• Discussion of the Proposed Loss of the VPI Extension Agent - 4-H COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: I do not reca»nend assuring responsibility for this state position. There are other reductions expected to bemade by the State and all of these should go through the County budget process. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY• Effective December 16, 1992, the Roanoke County unit of the Cooperative Extension Program is scheduled to lose one of its two 4-H Extension Agents. This staff reduction is part of a long series of budget and staffing reductions faced by this State program. Attachment A shows the chronology of events leading to the current status of this position. BACKGROUND• Since•February, 1990, there have been a series of budget cuts freezing of vacant positions, delays in hiring vacated positions, early retirement incentives and efforts to consolidate several local units of the Cooperative Extension Program across the State which have also impacted our local office. _ fiscal year, our local office had the follo inglnorganizational structure of Extension Agents compared to the staffing levels of today: Title 1989-90 1992-93 Extension Agent - Agriculture Extension Agent - Horticulture 1 Vacant Extension Agent - Home Economics 1 Eliminated Extension Agent - 4-H 1 1 Extension Agent - 4-H 1 1 1 1* * Position proposed to be eliminated effective December 16, 1992 by transferring the individual to the Roanoke City unit. In February 1992, District Directors were the budget reductions and some agents were asked ntou transfe veto other units to cover vacancies and needs in those areas. The 4-H agent in the Roanoke City unit was one such person (based on lower seniority) who was asked to transfer to another locality or her job would be terminated. The second 4-H agent of the County unit was then to be transferred to the City to fill the new vacancy. This transaction would result in the net loss of one 4-H agent in the 1 E-' f Roanoke Valley area. The County agent accepted this position in a letter dated May 20 essentially to preserve employment options. On October 8, 1992, a letter was sent to the City and County units outlining a merger proposal between the City and County units. Of the positions suggested in the proposal letter, one was a vacant Agriculture Extension Agent which we were later advised could only be considered for filling now with restricted monies (monies which expire as of June 30, 1993) and without normal benefits. This restriction is based upon the $3.4 million budget deficit projected for this agency statewide during the 1993-94 fiscal year unless additional monies are provided by the General Assembly during the budget process. Based upon the net reduction in positions in the consolidated unit, the anticipated reduction in programming ability, and the disproportionate sharing of costs, it was not felt that the specific consolidation proposal offered was in the best interest of either the City or County. Now, unless the State changes its stated position, the County's second 4-H agent must transfer to the City unit effective December 16, 1992. This reduction in full time staff will obviously reduce the manhours available for direct programming by our remaining staff and the levels of service to the community will be impacted. I have discussed this matter at great length with Dr. Judith Jones of the State office and have expressed two other concerns which should be considered in the County's case. The first is the disproportionate share of the salary of the unit director's salary that the County is paying when compared to some other localities. Dr. Jones has suggested that she is willing to discuss this matter further and that she will need a formal inquiry from the County. The second concern is the continued vacancy of the Extension Agent- Agriculture position. Staff continues to be concerned about the lack of staff on hand with expertise to respond to the inquiries of commercial agricultural or animal science issues to our local office. Dr. Jones has indicated that the filling of this position is a priority to her, but that she is not able to fill this position permanently until the anticipated budget deficit issue is resolved at the state level. If the deficit remains, an estimated sixty other agent positions across the state may be lost. Other concerns have been expressed about the ratio of agents to population in the Roanoke Valley area compared to other areas of the State. Dr. Jones has indicated that the State does not have the resources to provide such equity in staffing levels and attempts to cause this change would remove many of the existing agents from the southwest Virginia areas to staff more populated areas. This year, over 2,600 Roanoke County/Salem youth participate in 4-H clubs or programs offered in association with 4-H activities in the County and Salem Schools. Obviously, staff would like to retain the current level of programming and service to the residents of our community, but will not be able to do so with the loss of the position. 2 ~-~ RECOMMENDATION: Staff suggests that the County submit a formal response to the State insisting that the State comply with the budget proposal approved for the 1992-93 fiscal year, including the filling of the vacant Agriculture Agent's position; and retaining the current level of positions. The State should also be encouraged to amend its funding share of the unit director's position from its present 50/50 share to the more customary 1/3 local, 2/3 State ratio. Finally, we should encourage our Legislators to carefully consider the funding needs of this agency during the General Assembly's budget deliberations to minimize service impact to this agency should the projected budget deficit be allowed to continue. Respectfully submitted, ~ 1~ ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. / Assistant Administrator Approv by Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) No Yes Abs Denied Received Referred To Motion by: Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens 3 Attachment A E~ VIRGINIA COOPIsRATI:VE Ia,XTENSION SERVICE BACKGROUND INFORMATION BUDGET DEFICITF. FEBRUARY 1990 S'1'AI'E BUDGET CIJT VACANT POSITIONS FROIF:N OCTOBER- 1990 OPERATING FUNDS REDUCED i 9 L;MPLOYEF:S I_;AID OF.P' SI?P'I'E'~fBER 1991 STAI'li; EARLY R.E`I'IREMENT INCENTIVE :~8 EXTENSION EMPLOYF;ES RE~i'IRI~;D LOt~ELL C~OBBI~E ROANOKE CO. AGENT RETIRED OCTOBER: 1991 SHELLY' KAPITAN R.OANOKE C"O. AGENT RESIGNED (MOVED TO PENNSYLVANIA) FEBRUARY 1992 DIS"['RIC`I' DIRECTORS CTIVEN QUOTA SO~TE AC,ENTS ASKED TO `T'RANSFER. TO COVER. VACANCIES IN OTHER UNITS ~fAR:CH 1992 GENERAL ASSEMBLY FUNDED EXTENSION AT ~% REDUCTION FOR 92-93 BUT A 3.4 ~fIL_LION DEFICIT FoR. 93-94 MAY' 12, 1992 DISTRICT STAFF MET T4'ITH ROANOIE CO. STAFF PROPOSED MERGER. WITH ROANOKE CITI~ LESLIE R.OBINSON 2ND. 4-H AGENT TR.ANSI?'ER TO ROKE. CITY OR LOSE JOB JOHN ARBOGAST CITY HORT. AGENT' SERVE AS AGENT FOR ROKE. CO. AND CITY AUGUST 10, 1992 ROANOhE COUNTY EXTENSION STAFF MET WITH DISTRICT STAFF TO SHOW NEF'D FOR CO~f~fERCIAL HORTICULTURE AGENT AND 4-H AGENT AUGUST 13, 1992 DISTRICT STAFF MET WITH CITY AND COUNTY EXTENSION ACTING UNIT DIRECTORS AGREED TO HOURLY PROFESSIONAI~ 4-H AND COM~IERCIAL HORT. POSITION (NO BENEFITS) AUGUST 20, 1.992 STATE C)F THE COLLEGE ADDRESS FROM DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF AG.- DR. ANDY SWEIGER AND DR. BILL ALLEIvT - ACTING DIRECTOR OF EXT. AUGUST 31 , 1992 CITY AND COUNTY REPRESEN`PATI~ E FROhI EXTENSION AND LOCAL GOV. MET TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE MERGE OF OFFICES. CITY AGREED TO DISCUSS SOME JOINT PROGRAMMING 4 E-'{ OCTOBER 8, 1992 LE"1'TfsR SEN`[' TO LOCAL i70VEh~"ME:~;`I'S OUTLINING MERGER PROPO~,AI_: OCTOBER 28 , 1.992 ~~"IT5' AND COUNTI' REPRr SE_;N`TATI~'ES F'RO~f E~'T'ENSI~ON AND LOCAL GO~~ . ME"i WITH Ek`I'ENSION DISTRICT AND S`i'A'I'E REPRESF'NTA`)'~IVES TO DISCUSS PIERCER. C: 1."I'Y DECL=INED THE PROPOSAL ~-H POSITION ~iCST MOVE BY NOV. 16,1992 COI. HOR`T POSI:TIO\ WOL~LD }3E CONSIDE:RE'D FC!R P1: LLI Ntz AFTER JULY 1 1 993 . NOV"EPIBE;R 9 , 1992 DI STR1 C'1' S'I'AMF CALLED TO SAI' 4-f-i POSITION C'OUL~D MOVE DECEMBER 1 6 , 1 99L . 1993 LACfi OF 3 . ~} MILLION APPROPRIA7-'ION BY GENERAL ASSEPIBL~- WILL RESULT IN ESTIPIATED LOSS OIa' 6U EYT'ENSION POSITIONS 5 Attachment B ~"_ VIRGINIA COOPERATIVE ENTENSION SERVICE VIRGINIA TECH To P. 0. Box 158 Appomattox, Virginia 24522-0158 (804) 352-7114 October 8, 1992 VIRGINIA STATE ~~,~~/ _ J~~I J John Chamblis, Assistant Roanoke County Administrator `~1~~~ Jim Ritchie, Director, Human Resources, City of Roanoke From: ~%~,~~(,,/ Barbara A. Board, District Director Re: Extension Service Staffing in Roanoke City and Roanoke County Recently, Dr. Joel Plath, Central District Program Leader, and myself met with the Roanoke County and Roanoke City Extension staffs to discuss the programs in the units. In addition, we discussed the programming voids that have occurred as a result of staff reductions a~ld our inability to staff at previous levels due to budget constraints. After much discussion of possible solutions, it was the consensus of both staffs that the following staffing arrangement was reasonable, based upon prevailing conditions. It was also agreed upon by both staffs that present staffing arrangements limited the depth of programming that could be provided to the citizens of the Roanoke Valley. Therer'ore, it was the consensus of all that combining the two staffs would strengthen the programming service afforded to local clientele. The proposed arrangement is as follows: HOME ECONOMICS One Extension Agent would have primary responsibility for Nutrition and the Expanded Food and Nutrition Program which would entail the supervision of five EFNEP Technicians, Adult and 4-H. One Extension Agent would have primary responsibility for Family Economic Management and Consumer Education. Vtrgmia Cooperative Exansion Service is au Edunuonal Servitt o! the Virginia Polyttchnic lnxitute and Sate Universny and Virginia Sate University, Vogmta's l~nd~Grant Insumuons. wuh U.S. [hpanment of Agriculture and Local Governments Casopenting. Programs, activities. and employmetn oPPortnnntes arc available to all people regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, nutonal origin, handicap, or politics! a(GLanon. An equal opponunuyiaffirmauve action employer. 6 E~ AGRICULTURE One Extension Agent would have primary responsibility for Consumer Horticulture and Master Gardener training and management. One Extension Agent would have primary responsibility for Commercial Horticulture, Livestock Production, and Forage Production. One Extension Technician -Horticulture (currently jointly funded by state and local funds) 4- H Two Extension Agents, 4H Two Hourly Professionals One 4-H Urban Hourly Professional (currently funded by State 4-H Office) One 4-H Urban Hourly Professional (proposed joint funding by state and local funds) This arrangement would be best served if all staff were housed in one office. At our meeting on October 28 at 9:00 a.m. in the Roanoke City Extension Office, Dr. Judith Jones, Associate Director, VCES, Field Operations and Personnel, and I would like to explore the implementation of this arrangement. Charlotte Kidd and Jean Vandergrift, Acting Unit Directors, will also be at this meeting. Looking forward to our meeting with you. jdb pc: Dr. Judith H. Jones Ms. Jean Vandergrift Ms. Charlotte Kidd Dr. Joel Plath 7 PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION OF ROANORE CITY/ROANORE COUNTY EXTENSION STAFF PRESENT AND PROPOSED APPROPRIATIONS VCES ROANORE PROPOSED ROANOKE PROPOSED FY '92 & CITY ROANORE COUNTY ROANORE PROPOSED FY 92 CITY FY '92 COUNTY HE Staff Vandergrift Kidd $17,549 $ --- $ 8,775 $17,549 $ 8,775 23,398 12,554 6,277 --- 6 277 , ANR Staff Arbogast 23,398 11,726 5,863 --- 5 863 Vacant ANR 23,398 --- 5,850 11,699 5,850 4-H Staff Bass Robinson 23,398 17 130 --- --- 6,360 12,719 6,360 Vacant, 4-H , --- 8,565 4,283 --- 8,565 4,283 Technician Staff Brown Faulkner 1,377 13,772 --- --- 6,198 ___ 12,395 ___ 6,198 Gardner 17,207 --- ___ __ ___ Blusher 12,598 --- ___ _ --- ___ Wertz 17,207 --- ___ --- --- Woodson 17,207 --- ___ --- Clerical Staff Atkins 15,974 --- ___ - Spickard 16,457 --- ___ -- -- --- Sturgill 21,501 --- ___ - --- Wiley 14,399 --- --- --- Total Salaries 275,970 32,845 43,606 62,927 43,606 Fringes 82,482 5,071* 6,733* 9,716* 6,733* TOTAL 358,452 37 916 50,339 72,643 50,339 * Fringe Benefit Costs are figured at the rate of 15.44% for local governments. October 28, 1992 8 L_ _ .~, ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER on December 1, 1992 RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE'S OFFICE OF EXTENSION AND CONTINUING EDUCATION AND THE 4-H PROGRAM WHEREAS, reduced funding by the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Extension and Continuing Education program has resulted in the reduction of the number of extension agents assigned to local offices, delayed filling of vacancies and the relocation of agents to other offices statewide causing the number of extension agents currently serving Roanoke County and Salem to be reduced from five agents to three, and WHEREAS, the most recent action to transfer one of the remaining County extension agents serving the 4-H program to the Roanoke City office would further diminish the programming available to the residents of Roanoke County and Salem, and WHEREAS, there remains a disparity in the ratio of the number of extension agents to population served when comparing our local office and planning district to other regions of the Commonwealth, and WHEREAS, there is also a disparity in the percentage of the local share of salary paid by Roanoke County for some of the County Agents as compared to the local share paid by other localities. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County strongly supports the efforts and programming offered by the Roanoke County/Salem Office of Extension and Continuing Education, especially the 4-H program and its benefit to the youth of our community, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County urges the State to properly share in the cost and operation of the local office by retaining the existing positions and staff, filling the vacant Agricultural agent position and properly sharing of the salaries of all extension agents, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Dr. James McComas, President of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Dr. Judith Jones, Associate Director of Field Operations of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Services, and to our local legislators with strong encouragement to carefully consider restoring the monies necessary to offset the projected budget shortfall within this program to ensure the continuation of this service to our community. • ~r A 1~ ACTION NO. A-12192-6 Item No . ~ " .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request to amend the Record of Decision for the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Roanoke River Parkway, Blue Ridge Parkway for Visitor Center site location change. COL~'~'y ADMINISTRATOR' S COI~IIdENTS • ~ ~~y,,Q~ G~~2~ 7%~vr2~ ~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Record of Decision includes the National Park Service's decision to accept Alternative #4 (2 mile Blue Ridge Parkway extension to Virginia's Explore Park), and accept the proposed visitor center site #3 for future development. (Please see attached map and Report on the Status of the Parkway Spur.) Roanoke County supported site #3 in a letter dated January 25, 1991 to Tom Brown, Associate Regional Director, Southeast Region. Site #3, however, is not available for future visitor center development and is no longer considered the preferred site. To recommend a change in the visitor center from site #3 to site #5, as shown in the Final Environmental Impact Statement, an amendment request must be made to James W. Coleman, Jr., Regional Director, Southeast Region. BACRGROUND: The Record of Decision (ROD) for the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), Roanoke River Parkway, Blue Ridge Parkway, was signed on September 30, 1992 by James W. Coleman, Jr., Regional Director, Southeast Region, National Park Service. This action concluded the FEIS process and initiated the design and construction phase of the Roanoke River Parkway Spur. Included in the Record of Decision were the following statements regarding the proposed visitor center: In addition to the park road construction, five potential sites for development of a visitor center to orient travelers to the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Roanoke Valley were also considered. The construction of a visitor center at site #3 as discussed in the FEIS is environmentally preferred compared to the alternate sites ~_s and is the proposed action. Additionally, the proposed visitor center site #3 is accepted as the future development site of this facility. Since site #3 is not available, due to cost and desire not to use eminent domain, an alternative site #5 is preferred for the following reasons: 1) with the closure of the landfill by January 1994, and the knowledge of the parkway extension alignment, site #5 is more aesthetically appealing than originally thought. 2) cost of these sites would not be a factor, whether on unfilled landfill, or land held by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. 3) as included in the FEIS, if either of these sites were selected, adjacent to the parkway extension, any funds remaining from the parkway extension could be used to begin planning and construction of the visitor center. 4) topography and access by way of the parkway extension would be advantageous and would substantially reduce visitor center costs. 5) as one of the five originally studied sites, no delays would result (any additional sites considered along the parkway would require a new environmental impact statement). A visitor center in this region would reach a significant portion of the estimated 2.7 million travelers through this region, potentially resulting in increased tourism dollars throughout the Roanoke Valley. There is substantial regional support for a National Park Service Visitor Center along the Blue Ridge Parkway, near the parkway extension to Virginia's Explore Park. An amendment to the Record of Decision would make the possibility of a visitor center at that location more likely. FISCAL IMPACT• None STAFF RECOI~lrIENDATION • 1. Staff recommends that the County send a letter requesting an amendment to the Record of Decision for the Final Environmental Impact Statement, Roanoke River Parkway, Blue Ridge Parkway for a Visitor Center site location change. 2. Direct staff to draft letter for signature by the Chairman of the Board. E- 5 Respectfully submitted: Approved: ~ ~ ~ :~~ ~- Joyc Waugh Elmer C. Hod e Ec o c Development Specialist County Administrator ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ~ Motion by: Harry C. NickensEddy x Denied ( ) motion to approve Site #5 Johnson x Received ( ) for visitor center Kohinke x Referred Minnix x to Nickens x cc: File James W. Coleman, Reg. Dir., U.S. Dept of the Interior Gary Everhardt, Superintendent, Blue Ridge Parkway L. H. Hamlar, Chairman Va Recreational Facilities Authority Robert Hope, Resident Landscape Architect, Roanoke River Parkway Rupert Cutler, Director, Environmental Education Center Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Timothy W. Gubala, Director, Economic Development Joyce W. Waugh, Economic Development Specialist The Honorable John W. Warner, United States Senator The Honorable Charles S. Robb, United States Senator The Honorable James R. Olin, United States Congressman The Honorable Charles R. Hill, Mayor, Town of Vinton s A ~ ~ O M ~ N~ ~ Z > > > > ~ ~ JO ~ O 5Q O N 8~ ~ ~~V Q Wa y yqq<<11 ¢ y<p'~ YQ >' Q 6 6 6 8C ~U~W„ ~W FwU ~ F~ W~< ~~ ^ W ~j = G Z < <« ~W 8¢" 80 ~ CW ~¢f ~i a=te ~ F ~+ i c~,"~~ ~ ,y F~ - ~ ~ s J l i' C I ~ I ~\ u ,o ~_.: { ~., ~ `' r ~i i ,' .•.~~ I ¢ ~ _ :: U ~~ ~ ' ~~ o0 ~~~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ .-~ o-~ '~ ~ ~,~ DYE z~ `---- 1.~~ ~~ _~ ~.yb ~ r~ / ~•/. pPNpKE W v ,~~ 1L ~ ~ 11 ° r+r% .~ ~N . % too 1 3{lye .^e _ "~ ~ O jv L~ 'bbl~^ ~ - N~1 1 ^~ n ~ , l~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~~ I ia~ b = 8 \` S ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ ~f~ ~ ~~ ~ •~~ ~--~. .~, ~~ 8 a w';~ i € / b4 .\ a ~~ r ~~ U ~ 1 .~ ` ~„~ 7 e ~ `- 1 +~~d' Y E 5~ 2 \ ~ ~ A34 +~ ~~ A ~03;; \ . ~ j• ~~1 f ~~ ti ~t W w cn ~- S c J o >. _„ 3 !9 Y i m` ~ va 3 d~ ` ~ W a l0~ d ~ y Ol C Y ~ ~ O O m ~ a ~ 'm 0 °c `o Z °u aZ Gin N- u ~ ~_ ACTION NO. A-12192-7 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval to Install a Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Chaparral and Penn Forest Boulevard COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Department of Highways (VDOT) has determined from accident reports and traffic volumes that a traffic signal needs to be installed at the intersection of Chaparral and Penn Forest Boulevard. There has been a number of accidents and two fatalities at this intersection in recent years, and VDOT has advised that this location is one of their highest priorities for traffic signalization. Traffic at this intersection will increase even more when the County offices are relocated to the Travelers Building. It will cost approximately $75,000 to install this light and the staff has identified two possible methods for funding. One funding method is to ask VDOT to take the full amount from the Incidental Construction category of the Six Year Secondary Road budget. This category is established each year to make minor repairs and improvements. The County has not funded traffic signals out of this category before. However, due to the high priority placed on the intersection by VDOT and the relocation of the County offices, this could be an acceptable method. If the Board chooses this alternative, we will have to request an amendment to the Six Year Plan. This option will not require a General Fund appropriation. Another method for funding the signal is to use the same procedure that we have in the past. The County would approach the adjoining property owners for participation or full payment. The County usually participates and the project does not go forward until all funding is accounted for. The County contributed $25,000 for the signal at Northside High School and $30,000 for the signal at Colonnades Office Building using this method. I have discussed this with staff from Fralin & Waldron, the adjoining property owners. They are willing to participate in the cost of the new signal, but have requested that the County participate in the cost of upgrading the signal at Chaparral and Route 419. This alternative would continue the practice of participation by property owners who benefit, but would require funding from the County. Presumably, the County would contribute the same amount as Fralin & Waldron to the new signal. ALTERNATIVES AND FISCAL IMPACT: Alternative #1: Fund the traffic signal from the VDOT Incidental Construction Fund. There would be no cost to the County. Alternative #2: Fund the traffic signal by joint participation with adjoining property owners. This would require an appropriation of $37,500 from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1, that the Board of Supervisor approve the installation of the new signal funded from the Six Year Incidental Construction budget. This will not require an appropriation from the General Fund. j~~~ ~~ C/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: __ H. Odell Minnix No Yes Abs Denied ( ) motion to approve using VDOT Eddy x Received ( ) funds Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ACTION # A-12192-8 ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Change Order No. 10 for the Spring Hollow Reservoir Contract COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~e,~,C-v,~-rx w ''~ti~~ O~ ~~ BACKGROUND' The Board of Supervisors approved a procedure for approval of Change Orders on the Spring Hollow Reservoir Project. This procedure requires Board of Supervisor approval for Change Orders that will cost in excess of $200,000. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Change Order No. 10 in an amount of $524,179.64 is for material and construction required for adding 2,160 linear feet of 42 inch water line. This water line is required by the State Health Department in order to provide isolation between the water inlet and water withdrawal facilities. FISCAL IMPACT' Funds required for Change Order No. 10 the amount of $524,179.64 are available within the Spring Hollow Reservoir Project Budget portion of the 1991 Water Projects Fund. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve Change Order No. 10 in the amount of $524,179.64. It is further recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the County Administrator to execute Change Order No. 10 on behalf of Roanoke County. SUBMITTED BY: Clifford 'g, P.E. Utility Director ~~~ APPROVED: L%~~~ m~ ~- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) to approve Change Order Eddy x Received ( ) No. 10 Johnson x Referred Kohinke x to Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility ~~_~, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION 12192-9 SUPPORTING THE SIIBMISSION BY THE BOTETOURT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING EMISSIONS FROM INDUSTRIAL FURNACES AND BOILERS WHICH BURN HAZARDOIIS WASTES TO THE STATE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD WHEREAS, the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors is considering the adoption of a proposed ordinance to regulate emissions from industrial furnaces and boilers which burn hazardous wastes; and, WHEREAS, Section 10.1-1321 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, requires that any locality proposing to adopt an ordinance, or amendment to an existing ordinance, relating to air pollution, shall first obtain the approval of the State Air Pollution Control Board, and that the Board shall not approve any local ordinance less stringent than the pertinent regulations of the Board; and, WHEREAS, the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors has submitted said ordinance to the State Air Pollution Control Board, and that a hearing thereon has been scheduled for December 4, 1992 in Richmond; and, WHEREAS, the regulation by local government of the location, operation, and management of facilities which burn hazardous waste is essential to the public health, safety and welfare. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1) That Roanoke County hereby supports the power and authority of local government to regulate the location, operation and management of facilities which burn hazardous waste, and that such regulation is essential to public health, safety and welfare. 2) That Roanoke County supports the submission by Botetourt County of an ordinance regulating emissions from industrial furnaces and boilers which burn hazardous waste, to the State Air Pollution Control Board, and urges the State Air Pollution Control Board to approve said ordinance. 3) That the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is hereby directed to mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the State Air Pollution Control Board, the Chairman of the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors, each member of the Roanoke Valley delegation to the Virginia General Assembly, and to the Mayors of the Town of Vinton, the City of Roanoke, and the City of Salem. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Y ~ ~ Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File State Air Pollution Control Board Roanoke Valley Legislators The Honorable Wanda C. Wingo, Chairman, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors The Honorable David A. Bowers, Mayor, City of Roanoke The Honorable James Taliaferro, Mayor, City of Salem The Honorable Charles R. Hill, Mayor, Town of Vinton ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of Support for the Submission to the State Air Pollution Control Board by the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors of an Ordinance Regulating Emissions which Burn Hazardous Wastes COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors has drafted a local ordinance regulating industrial furnaces and boilers which burn hazardous waste. A portion of that ordinance deals with the emissions from the furnaces and boilers, and must be reviewed by the State Air Pollution Control Board before being brought to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors for adoption. A hearing has been scheduled on the ordinance for December 4, 1992 in Richmond, Virginia. Botetourt County officials ha Board of Supervisors adopt a authority of local government and management of facilities ve requested that the Roanoke County resolution supporting the power and to regulate the location, operation which burn hazardous wastes. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution and that copies be sent to the State Air Pollution Control Board and other individuals listed in the proposed resolution. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE SUBMISSION BY THE BOTETOURT COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING EMISSIONS FROM INDUSTRIAL FURNACES AND BOILERS WHICH BURN HAZARDOUS WASTES TO THE STATE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD WHEREAS, the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors is considering the adoption of a proposed ordinance to regulate emissions from industrial furnaces and boilers which burn hazardous wastes; and, WHEREAS, Section 10.1-1321 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, requires that any locality proposing to adopt an ordinance, or amendment to an existing ordinance, relating to air pollution, shall first obtain the approval of the State Air Pollution Control Board, and that the Board shall not approve any local ordinance less stringent than the pertinent regulations of the Board; and, WHEREAS, the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors has submitted said ordinance to the State Air Pollution Control Board, and that a hearing thereon has been scheduled for December 4, 1992 in Richmond; and, WHEREAS, the regulation by local government of the location, operation, and management of facilities which burn hazardous waste is essential to the public health, safety and welfare. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1) That Roanoke County hereby supports the power and authority of local government to regulate the location, operation and management of facilities which burn hazardous waste, and that such regulation is essential to public health, safety and welfare. 2) That Roanoke County supports the submission by Botetourt County of an ordinance regulating emissions from industrial furnaces and boilers which burn hazardous waste, to the State Air Pollution Control Board, and urges the State Air Pollution Control Board to approve said ordinance. 3) That the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is hereby directed to mail a certified copy of this Resolution to the Sate Air Pollution Control Board, the Chairman of the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors, each member of the Roanoke Valley delegation to the Virginia General Assembly, and to the Mayors of the Town of Vinton, the City of Roanoke, and the City of Salem. .. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THB BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of Ordinance Authorizing the Acquisition of 3.395 Acres of Real Estate for Relocation of County Offices. COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTB: E%ECUTIVE SUMMARY: At its meeting on November 17, 1992, the Board of Supervisors approved the acquisition of the property known as the Traveler's Building. Attached is an ordinance required for the first reading to complete that transaction. BACKGROUND: In compliance with that section of the County Charter dealing with the acquisition of real estate, the referenced ordinance is to be read at the December 1, and December 15, meetings of the Board of Supervisors. The purpose of the ordinance, which will be in effect from and after December 15, 1992, is to: 1. Authorize the County to enter into a lease and leaseback agreement for the property with the Roanoke County Industrial Authority. Total amount of financing for the transaction is not to exceed $4,750,000. 2. Authorize the use of $350,000 from the general fund unappropriated fund balance, which along with debt drop- off, will address the estimated operating shortfall for FY 1993-94. 3. Authorize the County Administrator to: a) select an underwriter to assist in marketing tax exempt financing and b) execute necessary documents to accomplish the purposes of the ordinance. M-~ STAFF RECOMNRNDATION: Staff recommends approval of this ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~~~~~~ ~n Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved by, ~'-1 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson _ Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens N-i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 3.395 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBER 87.07-3-8) FOR COUNTY OFFICE FACILITIES, APPROVING THE LEASE OF OFFICES, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, AUTHORIZING THE MANNER OF TAX EXEMPT FINANCING, DECLARING REIMBURSEMENT INTENTION, AND SUCH OTHER MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS PROJECT WHEREAS, on November 17, 1992, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia ("County") approved the acquisition of certain real estate identified as the "Traveler's Building" for the purpose of relocating County administrative offices from the Roanoke County Administration Center; and, WHEREAS, this relocation of County offices would eliminate the necessity of leasing private office space for certain County operations at the Brambleton Corporate Center; and, WHEREAS, this transaction would increase operational efficiencies, acquire a facility which addresses future growth needs of the County, eliminate rental expenses, improve working conditions, and improve service to County citizens; and, WHEREAS, the County has determined that it is necessary or desirable to advance money to pay the costs of acquiring, rehabilitating and equipping certain real estate and improvements thereon to provide office space for the County ("Project") and to reimburse such advances with proceeds of one or more financings; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 1992, and the second reading of this ordinance was held 1 N-i on December 15, 1992. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. That the acquisition of 3.395 acres of real estate and improvements thereon in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, located at 5204 Bernard Drive (Tax Map Parcel Number 87.07-3-8) for the purchase price of $2,400,000 from the Western National Life Insurance Company is hereby authorized and approved. 2. (a) That it is further approved and authorized for the County to enter into lease agreements for said real estate and improvements with the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority for the purpose of securing appropriate tax exempt financing for this Project. The total amount of financing for this Project shall not exceed the sum of $4,750,000. (b) The financing through the Authority shall not be a general obligation of the County as to which its full faith and credit are pledged, but shall be structured as a limited obligation of the County payable solely from certain revenues or as an obligation requiring an annual appropriation by the Board of Supervisors of the County, or a combination of the two, as the County Administrator and Director of Finance in their discretion shall deem appropriate. 3. That the sum of $350,000 is reserved from the general fund unappropriated fund balance which, in addition to the available County debt drop-off, will address the estimated 2 a-i operating shortfall for FY 1993-94. 4. The Board of Supervisors adopts this paragraph as a declaration of official intent under U. S. Treasury Regulations Section 1.103-18. The Board of Supervisors reasonably expects to reimburse advances made or to be made by the County to pay the costs of acquiring, rehabilitating and equipping the Project from the proceeds of its debt or the proceeds of the Authority's revenue bonds. The maximum amount of debt or other financing expected to be issued for such purpose is $4,750,000. 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to select an Underwriter to assist officials of the County in structuring the financing for this Project through the Authority and providing for the issuance and sale of the Authority's revenue bonds on behalf of the county in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,750,000. The County Administrator is authorized and directed to negotiate and execute and deliver a Bond Purchase Agreement with the Underwriter, providing for the sale and delivery of the Authority's revenue bonds on behalf of the County regarding the matters approved herein upon terms and conditions to be approved by subsequent resolution or ordinance of the Board. 6. The County Administrator, and such officers and agents of the County as he may designate, are authorized and directed to take such further action as they deem necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Ordinance and to assist the Authority in structuring the financing on the County's behalf and with the issuance and sale of the Authority's revenue bonds, all upon 3 ~-~ approval as to form by the County Attorney. All actions taken by such officers and agents in connection with the matters approved herein are hereby ratified and confirmed. The County Administrator, and such officers and agents of the County as he may designate, are hereby authorized and directed to assist the Authority in the preparation and distribution of an appropriate preliminary official statement, official statement, and such other disclosure documents as may be necessary to expedite the sale of the Authority's revenue bonds on behalf of the County, and such officers are authorized to execute and deliver such disclosure documents as may be necessary or appropriate. 7. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after December 15, 1992. 8. Beginning no later than 30 days after the adoption of this ordinance and ending on the date on which the debt or other financing is issued, this ordinance will be reasonably available for inspection by the general public during normal business hours at the office of the County Administrator. c:\wp51\agenda\realest\travlacq.ord 4 ~-/ STATEMENT BY LEE B. EDDY ON THE PROPOSED COUNTY PURCHASE OF THE TRAVELERS OFFICE BUILDING - 12/1/92 I am opposed to the planned purchase of the Travelers Building for use as a consolidated County office building. I agree that some County offices need more space in order for their personnel to work comfortably and efficiently, and to provide optimum service to our citizens. However, I believe this goal can be accyromplished at much less cost by renting additional space rather than purchasing an entire building. By my calculations, the debt service, operating costs and loss of tax revenue will require an increased annual expenditure of $360,000 for 20 years, compared to existing costs. In contrast, renting up to 10,000 square feet of additional nearby office space, the needed amount identified by a recent study, will cost in the order of $100,000 per year. I cannot justify the annual $260,000 net additional cost to our citizens in exchange for a consolidation that may or may not provide any significant improvement in the level of services over that which could be achieved by rented space. I fully support the planned addition to the Northside schools, the move of the School Board offices to an otherwise under-utilized Occupational School, and the relocation of the Salem Social Services and Health Department offices to the existing owned building to be vacated by the School Board. The Northside additions will improve services to our citizens and children. The moves of the School Board, Social Services and Health operations break even financially because of the resulting reductions in rent payments. I do not see corresponding benefits from the purchase of the Travelers Building. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~-~• ~ !L ~y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinances Amending Sections 13-13 and 13-14 of the Roanoke County Code clarifying certain provisions with respect to Illegal Disposal of Trash and Increasing Certain Penalties for Illegal Dumping COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,f~ Ow°~ ~`~~L~~t~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY These proposed amendments to County Code would clarify certain statutory provisions and increase the penalties for illegal dumping from a Class IV to a Class I misdemeanor. The first reading of these amending ordinances was held November 17, 1992; the second reading is scheduled for December 1, 1992. A recent problem concerning illegal dumping has highlighted the necessity for increasing the penalties for such actions from a Class IV misdemeanor (maximum fine $250.00) to a Class I misdemean- or (maximum fine $2500.00 and/or 12 months in jail). Sections 13- 13 and 13-14 provide two different approaches for two similar, but different offenses. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The amendments to Section 13-13 of the County Code clarify the language of this statute by bringing it more closely into confor- mity with the State enabling legislation. This ordinance addresses the person who dumps or disposes of trash on a street or road, or other public property, or on property without the owner's permis- sion, or on property not approved as a disposal area by the County. The amendment to Section 13-14 separates the "trash" offense from the "weed" offense, and makes the former a Class I mis- demeanor, while retaining the latter as a Class IV misdemeanor. This ordinance addresses the person who allows weeds or trash to accumulate on his property. Both ordinance amendments change the enforcing personnel from the superintendent of development or superintendent of public facilities (these positions no longer exist) to the County Administrator or his designee. At the Board meeting on November 17, 1992, Chairman Eddy requested the following changes: Page 3 of the ordinance amending § 13-14 - sub-paragraph (8) - changed "substantially all" to "a substantial portion" and "fifteen inches long" to "twelve inches long"; sub-paragraph (c) added "a parcel of" before "real estate situate." Page 5 of the ordinance amending § 13-14 - sub-paragraph (g) - added the following sentence - "A copy of a cost report shall be mailed to each owner." FISCAL IMPACTS' No direct impact is foreseen at this time; however, there may be some increase in criminal fine amounts if the sentencing judge imposes the higher penalty authorized by this amendment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of these amending ordinances. Respectfully submitted: _._rv~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix Vote No Yes Abs c:\wp51\agenda\code\rubbish.rpt ,,. .. ~~ ~... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 ORDINANCE 12192-10.a AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 13-13 "IINLAWFIIL DISPOSAL OF RIIBBISH OR OTHER WASTE MATERIAL" OF CHAPTER 13 "OFFENSES - MISCELLANEOIIS" OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE BY PROVIDING FOR A CLARIFICATION OF PROVISIONS AND DESIGNATION OF ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia finds that the illegal dumping and disposal of trash constitutes a significant problem for the County and poses a significant threat to the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens, and, WHEREAS, a clarification of this ordinance in order to more closely incorporate the provisions of the State enabling legislation is in order, as well as clarifying the enforcement personnel provisions, and, WHEREAS, State enabling authority for this ordinance is found in Section 33.1-346 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 17, 1992, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 1992. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That Section 13-13 of Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 13-13. Unlawful disposal of rubbish or other waste material. (a) No person shall dump or dispose of or leave or cause to 1 be thrown any rubbish,-~~~a==c, trash, garbage, litter or other waste substance or material in or upon and along any public property including a street, road, highway, right-of-way property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, park or alley in the county; nor shall anv person dispose of dump or throw anv rubbish, trash garbage, litter or other waste substance or material upon an rivate ro ert without the written consent of the owner thereof or his anent; nor shall any person dispose of, dump or throw any rubbish, };w ^ „^, trash, garbage, litter or any other waste material or substance upon any lots or property in the county which have not been selected, approved and designated as a garbage or trash disposal area by }~ ~ '}~ a-r---Lm-~L ^f the county. (b) In the event a person violating this section is known to the County Administrator or his designee the County Administrator or his designee shall give the violator ten (10) days' written notice, by certified mail, to clean up and remove such rubbish,rt~~~, trash, garbage litter or other waste substance or material. Should the violator not take appropriate action within such ten-day period, the =-L--a^-~ County Administrator or his designee shall, by use of county employees or by employing an agent of the county, have the rubbish, ~~- trash, garbage litter or other waste substance or material removed. The violator shall be liable for the charges and costs of such removal. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to bar the prosecution of any person for a violation of this section. 2 (c) A violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after December 1, 1992. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. lien, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Circuit Court C. O. Clemens, Judge Kenneth Trabue, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Family Court Services Joseph M. Clark, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge Peggy H. Gray, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George Harris, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri KrantzBetty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Asst Cty Adm Don C. Myers, Asst Cty Adm Diane D. Hyatt, Dir., Finance O. Arnold Covey, Dir., Eng & Insp Terrance L. Harrington, Dir., Plan & Zone Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer John R. Hubbard, CEO, RVRA Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Gardner W. Smith„ Dir., General Services Dir., Parks & Recreation Elaine Carver, Dir., Procurement John D. Willey, Dir., Real Estate Assessment Michael Lazzuri, Court Services 3 .L - /c.~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 13- 13 "UNLAWFUL DISPOSAL OF RUBBISH OR OTHER WASTE MATERIAL" OF CHAPTER 13 "OFFENSES - MISCELLANEOUS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY PROVIDING FOR A CLARIFICATION OF PROVISIONS AND DESIGNATION OF ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia finds that the illegal dumping and disposal of trash constitutes a significant problem for the County and poses a significant threat to the public health, safety and welfare of its citizens, and, WHEREAS, a clarification of this ordinance in order to more closely incorporate the provisions of the State enabling legislation is in order, as well as clarifying the enforcement personnel provisions, and, WHEREAS, State enabling authority for this ordinance is found in Section 33.1-346 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 17, 1992, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 1992. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That Section 13-13 of Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: 1 .~-ice Sec. 13-13. Unlawful disposal of rubbish or other waste material. (a) No person shall dump or dispose of or leave or cause to be thrown any rubbish, }'~' ~, trash, garbage, litter or other waste substance or material in or upon and along any public property includincta street, road, highway, right-of-way property adjacent to such highway or right-of-way, park or alley in the county; nor shall any person dispose of dump or throw any rubbish, trash garbage, litter or other waste substance or material upon an rivate ro ert without the written consent of the owner thereof or his accent; nor shall any person dispose of, dump or throw any rubbish, ~ "' ^ "", trash, garbage, litter or any other waste material or substance upon any lots or property in the county which have not been selected, approved and designated as a garbage or trash disposal area by ''~ '' "' ~'~' ''"~ '--~W"-=t "F -the county. (b) In the event a person violating this section is known to the County Administrator or his designee the County Administrator or his designee shall give the violator ten (10) days' written notice, by certified mail, to clean up and remove such rubbish,~in~e, trash, garbagel, litter or other waste substance or material. Should the violator not take appropriate action within such ten-day period, the County Administrator or his designee shall, by use of county employees or by employing an agent of the county, have the rubbish, } ~ -~ ^ , trash, garbage . 1 fitter or other 2 ~"- I~, waste substance or material removed. The violator shall be liable for the charges and costs of such removal. Nothing in znis subsection shall be deemed to bar the prosecution of any person for a violation of this section. (c) A violation of any provision of this section shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after December 1, 1992. c:\wp51\agenda\code\rubish13.13 3 '~7`, ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 ORDINANCE 12192-10.b AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 13-14 "UNLAWFUL ACCUMIILATIONS OF TRASH AND GROWTH OF WEEDS; PUBLIC NUISANCES AND ABATEMENT THEREOF" OF CHAPTER 13 "OFFENSES - MISCELLANEOIIS" OF THE ROANORE COIINTY CODE BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE PENALTY FOR ILLEGAL ACCUMULATION OF TRASH AND THE DESIGNATION OF ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, finds that the illegal disposal and accumulation of trash constitutes a public nuisance and poses a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare of the County, and, WHEREAS, the Board further finds that increasing the penalties for these violations would assist in the enforcement of and with this ordinance, and, WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by the provisions of Section 15.1-11 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 17, 1992, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 1992. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That Section 13-14 of Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 13-14. Unlawful accumulations of trash and growth of weeds; public nuisances and abatement thereof. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following words and 1 phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this subsection: (1) Abatement cost: The county's cost oz laAVr, equipment and supplies for, or the contract price of, and any charges to, the county, with respect to the removal and disposal of weeds or trash from a parcel. (2) Enforcement agent: The „}~ a~„} ~~ eit County Administrator or his designee. (3) Owner: Any person shown by any public record to have an interest in real estate lying in the county upon which a public nuisance exists as of the date of the abatement of the public nuisance under this section. (4) Parcel: Any real estate, or any interest therein, situate, lying and being in the county in any areas zoned for residential, business, commercial, or industrial uses or in any subdivision. (5) Public nuisance: Any act or activity the causing or maintaining of which is such an inconvenience or troublesome matter as to annoy, injure or damage the public at large or a substantial portion of the community or a considerable number of persons, and from which any resulting damage is not specifically apportionable to any one member of the community. (6) Subdivision: Any tract or parcel of land divided 2 into two (2) or more lots or parcels, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, as otherwise defined in the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. (7) Trash: Abandoned personal property, garbage, refuse, rubbish, litter or debris, --~~ ~~ "`"'" ~ c~u~~3~~6i~-9~-~~ a can i ,~~c ie'3z6~3~-6~ i . i . =I Yom,,. ,. ~ • (8) Weed or weeds: Any plant, grass or other vegetation covering '~ }~"''' '" " ~" a substantial portion of a parcel which is over iT€te~~--~~`; twelve (12 inches long, other than trees, shrubbery and agricultural plants. (b) All exterior property areas and premises shall be maintained in a clean, safe condition, free from any accumulation of trash and the failure to so maintain any parcel shall constitute a Class ~ 1 misdemeanor and each day the failure to comply with this provision continues shall constitute a separate offense and shall additionally constitute a public nuisance. (c) Weeds growing on ~~-~ any parcel shall constitute a public nuisance. It shall be unlawful to cause or maintain a public nuisance with respect to any parcel. An owner shall abate any public nuisance with respect to this parcel. Every owner of a parcel of real estate situate in the county shall cause to be cut therefrom all weeds ~d--fie-Tie-~e-~e~~-e~~'~sh Any owner who shall violate the provisions of this subsection shall 3 be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. (d) In addition to any applicable criminal sanctions provided in this code, whenever the enforcement agent determines that a public nuisance exists upon any parcel, he shall notify the record owner of such parcel of such fact by certified mail at the owner's last known address, as shown by any source available to the agent, and such notice shall constitute, for purposes of this section, due legal notice as made and provided by law. The notice herein required shall direct that the public nuisance be abated within fourteen (14) days following the mailing. In case the owner's address is unknown or cannot be found, the enforcement agent shall post the notice herein required at a conspicuous place on the parcel on which the public nuisance exists and the posting shall constitute, for purposes of this section, legal notice as made and provided by law. (e) The notice provided for in subsection (d) above shall advise the owner that if he objects to the proposed action of the county he may present, at the time and place indicated on the notice, his objection; provided that, within seven (7) days from the date of mailing or posting of the notice, the owner shall provide the enforcement agent a written statement of his objection. At the hearing, the enforcement agent shall hear and investigate any objection that may be raised and take such action as may be appropriate under the facts and circumstances established. (f) If the owner fails to abate the public nuisance as required, and the enforcement agent finds that the public health, 4 safety, order or convenience is impaired by the maintenance of the public nuisance, he may request in writing that the county abate such public nuisance. Upon such request, the appropriate county officials may abate such nuisance by county forces or through private contract. Any owner may abate the public nuisance himself without liability to the county, provided that he does so prior to commencement of abatement by county personnel or contractors. (g) The County Administrator or his designee shall keep an account of the cost of abating public nuisances under this section and embody such account in periodic reports with assessment lists which shall be transmitted to the ~~e~~e~de~ ez €~~~' „*' director of finance and the treasurer at convenient intervals. A copy of a cost report shall be mailed to each owner. The copy retained by the ~~~~d~-ez ~, -- ~ director of f finance and the treasurer shall be available for public inspection. The reports shall refer to each parcel as to which a public nuisance was abated by description sufficient to identify the parcel, and specify the following additional charges for each such parcel to be assessed against each owner: (1) A service charge of twenty (20) percent of the abatement cost. (2) Interest at ten (10) percent from date of accrual until paid. (h) No more frequently than twice a year, the ~ ate----'_ ~-~~~-~} enforcement agent shall hold hearings at the Roanoke 5 County Administration Center for the purpose of hearing objections to and comments upon reports and proposed assessments under this section, of correcting any mistakes or inaccuracies in the reports and of confirming the same. (i) Not less than fourteen (14) days prior to a hearing provided for in subsection (h) above, such reports and assessment lists shall be posted at the front door of the County Administration Center with a notice of the time and place the ~Fe~~e~d } ~ a^.•^1-^~,~^~~ enforcement accent will conduct the hearing on the reports and assessment lists, and the a^~-^~ ^„~^~ti enforcement accent shall send by certified mail to each owner, at his address as determined from county records, a notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing. The notice shall advise the owner of his right to object to, be heard upon, and to contest the confirmation of the report and assessment. The notice shall further provide that, upon the confirmation by the enforcement agent of the reports of abatement costs and service charges the same shall constitute special assessments against the owner and the parcel, a personal obligation of the owner and a lien upon the owner's parcel from the date and time of the recordation of a notice of lien, and bear interest at the rate of ten (10) percent. There shall be included with the notice a statement to the owner of the abatement cost, service charge and accrued interest. (j) At the hearing provided for in subsection (h) above, the enforcement agent shall hear any 6 objections which may be raised by any owner liable to be assessed and may confirm, modify or reject the reports, and assessment lists as he may deem appropriate and send those confirmed to the s~ee~de~~-ei--~~ director of finance and the treasurer for collection of the respective special assessment. (k) With respect to all such accounts remaining unpaid fourteen (14) days after the confirmation of the reports and assessment lists, the ~~e~-i-~e~de~-ez a~""' ~"""""'t enforcement anent shall cause a notice of the lien of the special assessment prepared by the county attorney to be recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of the county. The county attorney may take appropriate steps, including a personal or in rem suit or action, in the appropriate court to enforce the lien to satisfy the special assessment. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after December 1, 1992. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Circuit Court C. O. Clemens, Judge Kenneth Trabue, Judge 7 Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Family Court Services Joseph M. Clark, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge Peggy H. Gray, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George Harris, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer John R. Hubbard, CEO, RVRA Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Gardner W. Smith „ Director, General Services Director, Parks & Recreation Elaine Carver, Director, Procurement John D. Willey, Director, Real Estate Assessment Michael Lazzuri, Court Services ..z'- i~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 13- 14 "UNLAWFUL ACCUMULATIONS OF TRASH AND GROWTH OF WEEDS; PUBLIC NUISANCES AND ABATEMENT THEREOF" OF CHAPTER 13 "OFFENSES - MISCELI,ANEOUS" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE PENALTY FOR ILLEGAL ACCUMULATION OF TRASH AND THE DESIGNATION OF ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE THEREFOR WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, finds that the illegal disposal and accumulation of trash constitutes a public nuisance and poses a threat to the public health, safety, and welfare of the County, and, WHEREAS, the Board further finds that increasing the penalties for these violations would assist in the enforcement of and with this ordinance, and, WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by the provisions of Section 15.1-11 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 17, 1992, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on December 1, 1992. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That Section 13-14 of Chapter 13, "Offenses - Miscellaneous" is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 13-14. Unlawful accumulations of trash and growth of weeds; public nuisances and abatement thereof. (a) For the purposes of this section, the following words and 1 Z /~ phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this subsection: (1) Abatement cost: The counLy•s cosy ~l ~a.~.,L, equipment and supplies for, or the contract price of, and any charges to, the county, with respect to the removal and disposal of weeds or trash from a parcel. (2 ) Enforcement accent : The County Administrator or his designee. (3) Owner: Any person shown by any public record to have an interest in real estate lying in the county upon which a public nuisance exists as of the date of the abatement of the public nuisance under this section. (4) Parcel: Any real estate, or any interest therein, situate, lying and being in the county in any areas zoned for residential, business, commercial, or industrial uses or in any subdivision. (5) Public nuisance: Any act or activity the causing or maintaining of which is such an inconvenience or troublesome matter as to annoy, injure or damage the public at large or a substantial portion of the community or a considerable number of persons, and from which any resulting damage is not specifically apportionable to any one member of the community. (6) Subdivision: Any tract or parcel of land divided 2 .Z~ Ib into two (2) or more lots or parcels, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, as otherwise defined in the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. (7) Trash: Abandoned personal property, garbage, ~, • ~. ,.~. , u refuse, rubbish, litter or debris, (8) Weed or weeds: Any plant, grass or other vegetation covering '~ *"'~'} "" " ~ it a substantial portion of a parcel which is over i r€~e~} twelve (12) inches long, other than trees, shrubbery and agricultural plants. (b) All exterior property areas and premises shall be maintained in a clean, safe condition, free from any accumulation of trash and the failure to so maintain any parcel shall constitute a Class +4 1 misdemeanor and each day the failure to comply with this provision continues shall constitute a separate offense and shall additionally constitute a public nuisance. (c) Weeds growing on any parcel shall constitute a public nuisance. It shall be unlawful to cause or maintain a public nuisance with respect to any parcel. An owner shall abate any public nuisance with respect to this parcel. Every owner of a parcel of real estate situate in the county shall cause i-L. .. .. F- ..l l ~..... ..1. to be cut therefrom all weeds a~-~~=-~- i~ Any owner who shall violate the provisions of this subsection shall 3 z ~~ be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. (d) In addition to any applicable criminal sanctions provided in this code, whenever the enforcement agent determines that a public nuisance exists upon any parcel, he shall notify the record owner of such parcel of such fact by certified mail at the owner's last known address, as shown by any source available to the agent, and such notice shall constitute, for purposes of this section, due legal notice as made and provided by law. The notice herein required shall direct that the public nuisance be abated within fourteen (14) days following the mailing. In case the owner's address is unknown or cannot be found, the enforcement agent shall post the notice herein required at a conspicuous place on the parcel on which the public nuisance exists and the posting shall constitute, for purposes of this section, legal notice as made and provided by law. (e) The notice provided for in subsection (d) above shall advise the owner that if he objects to the proposed action of the county he may present, at the time and place indicated on the notice, his objection; provided that, within seven (7) days from the date of mailing or posting of the notice, the owner shall provide the enforcement agent a written statement of his objection. At the hearing, the enforcement agent shall hear and investigate any objection that may be raised and take such action as may be appropriate under the facts and circumstances established. (f) If the owner fails to abate the public nuisance as required, and the enforcement agent finds that the public health, 4 z-~a safety, order or convenience is impaired by the maintenance of the public nuisance, he may request in writing that the county abate such public nuisance. Upon such request, the appropriate county officials may abate such nuisance by county forces or through private contract. Any owner may abate the public nuisance himself without liability to the county, provided that he does so prior to commencement of abatement by county personnel or contractors. (g) The County Administrator or his designee shall keep an account of the cost of abating public nuisances under this section and embody such account in periodic reports with assessment lists which shall be transmitted to the ~~~d~~e~=°~~ ~ director of finance and the treasurer at convenient intervals. A copv of a cost report shall be mailed to each owner. The copy retained by the ,~,~d~_eF F ~ ~ --~~ ~'- director of finance and the treasurer shall be available for public inspection. The reports shall refer to each parcel as to which a public nuisance was abated by description sufficient to identify the parcel, and specify the following additional charges for each such parcel to be assessed against each owner: (1) A service charge of twenty (20) percent of the abatement cost. (2) Interest at ten (10) percent from date of accrual until paid. (h) No more frequently than twice a year, the ~t F a---.,., ~~~.~ ~;. enforcement agent shall hold hearings at the Roanoke 5 ~~. i.~ County Administration Center for the purpose of hearing objections to and comments upon reports and proposed assessments under this section, of correcting any mistakes or inaccuracies in the reports and of confirming the same. (i) Not less than fourteen (14) days prior to a hearing provided for in subsection (h) above, such reports and assessment lists shall be posted at the front door of the County Administration Center with a notice of the time and place the enforcement accent will conduct the hearing on the reports and assessment lists, and the e.~ a _~ ~~~„~ enforcement accent shall send by certified mail to each owner, at his address as determined from county records, a notice of the time, place and subject matter of the hearing. The notice shall advise the owner of his right to object to, be heard upon, and to contest the confirmation of the report and assessment. The notice shall further provide that, upon the confirmation by the +- ~a,.~• ~ a ~ -----~°~ enforcement agent of the reports of uc+ w abatement costs and service charges the same shall constitute special assessments against the owner and the parcel, a personal obligation of the owner and a lien upon the owner's parcel from the date and time of the recordation of a notice of lien, and bear interest at the rate of ten (10) percent. There shall be included with the notice a statement to the owner of the abatement cost, service charge and accrued interest. (j) At the hearing provided for in subsection (h) above, the enforcement anent shall hear any 6 ~~ I objections which may be raised by any owner liable to be assessed and may confirm, modify or reject the reports and assessment lists as he may deem appropriate and send those confirmed to the s~e~i.~be~rde~--eTZr ~~ director of finance and the treasurer for collection of the respective special assessment. (k) With respect to all such accounts remaining unpaid fourteen (14) days after the confirmation of the reports and assessment lists, the ~t~pe~~~e~e~-s` a~""' "'"`"""~ enforcement agent shall cause a notice of the lien of the special assessment prepared by the county attorney to be recorded in the clerk's office of the circuit court of the county. The county attorney may take appropriate steps, including a personal or in rem suit or action, in the appropriate court to enforce the lien to satisfy the special assessment. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after December 1, 1992. c:\wp51\agenda\code\nibish73.14 7 ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ..T ~ ~ 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: i• Library Board Four-year term of Carolyn Pence, Vinton District, will expire 12/31/92. Ms. Pence has served two consecutive terms and is not eligible for reappointment. ?• Mental Health Service of the Roanoke Valle Communit Services Board Three-year term of Cheri Hartman, Member at Large, will expire 12/31/92. This is a joint appointment with the Counties of Botetourt and Craig, the Cities of Roanoke and Salem and the Town of Vinton. Executive Director Dr. Fred Roessel advises that the Board will meet in December and make a recommendation for an appointment. The participating localities may then ratify this appointment. 3• Roanoke Planning Commission Four year term of Michael J. Gordon, Windsor Hills District, will expire 12/31/92. SUBMITTED BY: ~ ~~ Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~I-3 Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens '< AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, pIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION 12192-11 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMB SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM R - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for December 1, 1992, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive, as follows: 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Community Services Board. 2. Request from the School Board for Acceptance of a General Electric Elfun Society Grant. 3. Acknowledgement of Acceptance of 0.28 Miles of Forest Creek Drive and 0.11 miles of Millwood Drive into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 4. Acceptance of Donations of Drainage Easements for Flintlock Road in Connection with the Hunting Hills Road Project. 5. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees for Litigation with Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /~ • ~ 1~ ~v Mary H. Al en, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney ACTION NO. A-12192-11.a ITEM NUMBER ~ ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: MentalmHe 1thoServicestof then Roanoke Valley Board of Directors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the November 17, 1992 meeting, the Board of Supervisors made the following nomination: Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valle Board of Directors Supervisor Minnix nominated J. William Pistner to a three-year term expiring December 31, 1995. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above nomination be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Submitted by: Approved by: Mary H. Allen, CMC Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator -------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ~ ) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x Minnix x To ( ) Nickens x cc: File Mental Health Services of the Roanoek Valley Board of Directors File ACTION # A-121v92-ll.b ITEM NUMBER /~ "" •~•~ MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for an Additional Appropriation to the School Grant Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND Over the past several years the General Electric Elfun Society has donated funds to the Roanoke County School System for various designated projects. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A grant of $1,076 has been received for the purchase of four handscanners and related software to be used with the learning disabled (LD) students. The scanners will allow the regular classroom teacher and LD specialist to make modifications to the curriculum materials by scanning and importing text to the computer. LD students will also use the scanners to scan and import graphics to the computer. FISCAL IMPACT: No county matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends an appropriation of $1,076 to the School Grant Fund. C • ~. Q.~' Eddie L. Kolb, Director of Pupil Personnel Services ~~~~~ ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------- -------- ACTION VOTE A roved No Yes Abs PP ( x) Motion by: -8ab L a-a~~ EddY x Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) x Ref erred ( ) Kohinke x To Minnix x Nickens x cc: cc; File Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance f`"i - :~. FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 12, 1992 IN THE BOARD ROOM OF THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, SALEM, VIRGINIA. RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN APPROPRIATION OF $1,076 TO THE SCHOOL GRANT FUND FOR HANDSCANNERS AND RELATED SOFTWARE. WHEREAS, the General Electric Elfun Society has granted $1,076 to Roanoke County Schools for the purchase of four handscanners and related software; BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County on motion of Charlsie S. Pafford and duly seconded, requests an appropriation of $1,076 to the School Grant Fund for the purchase of said equipment and software. Adopted on the following recorded vote: AYES: Jerry L. Canada, Barbara B. Chewning, Charlsie S. Pafford, Maurice L. Mitchell, Frank E. Thomas NAYS: None TESTE ~~'~~ ~ ~ / ~ ,~~i i ~!-tt~;` -~~_~:,~ Clerk ~_ c: Mrs. Diane Hyatt Mrs. Penny Hodge ACTION NO. A-12192-11.c ITEM NUMBER ~ '~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Acknowledgement of Acceptance of 0.28 Miles of Forest Creek Drive and 0.11 Miles of Millwood Drive into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received acknowledgement that the following roads have been accepted into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation. 1. Forest Edge Sections 1 and 3 Effective October 30, 1992 0.28 Miles of Forest Creek Drive (Route 1951) 2. Woodbridcte Section 2, Effective November 13, 1992 0.11 Miles of Millwood Drive (Route 1159) SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~/~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ~ Motion by: Rnh T 7nhnGnn No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Johnson x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections "' 1 ~4. , ~~~ l °~ ,~ ~~ 4; ~ 4`~') I `~`, cC®~~l[®~TW~~~,"T~ ®f ~1~~~dI®T~A DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RAY D. PETHTEL RICHMOND, 23219 COMMISSIONER November 13 , 1992 Secondary System Addition Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated October 13, 1992, the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County is hereby approved, effective November 13, 1992. ADDITION WOODBRIDGE SECTION 2 Route 1159 (Millwood Drive) - From Salem Corporate Limits to 0.11 mile South Salem Corporate Limits Sincerely, ~. ~~~~ ~{ Ray D. Pethtel Commissioner LENGTH 0.11 Mi. TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY j 1i ~~~ , . ? _ L + ~__~ ®~~®~~~~~~~ o~ ~~~~~~~~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RAY D. PETHTEL RICHMOND, 23219 COMMISSIONER October 30, 1992 Secondary System Addition Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated September 22, 1992, the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County is hereby approved, effective October 30, 1992. ADDITION LENGTH FOREST EDGE. SECTIONS 1 AND 3 Route 1951 (Forest Creek Drive) - From Route 1950 to 0.28 mile North Route 1950 0.28 Mi Sincerely, I~. E~,~ Ra~D. Pethtel Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY A-12192-11.d ACTION NO. ITEM NO. /~ - t'1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of donations of drainage easements for Flintlock Road in connection with the Hunting Hills Road Project to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~ ~yyu+~ °L-P'-~'%~' - ---~'~c-~ t,L2~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of drainage easements for Flintlock Road in connection with the Hunting Hills Road Project, over and across properties located in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke as follows: a) A drainage easement, fifteen feet (15') in width, from Richard W. Robers and Mary Jane Robers (Deed Book 1329, page 1772) (Tax Map No. 87.12-2-13), shown and designated as "PROP. 15' DRAINAGE ESMT." on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, dated August 13, 1991. b) A drainage easement, of variable width and triangular in shape, from Carl E. McCurdy and Helen M. McCurdy (Deed Book 1018, page 153) (Tax Map No. 87.12-2-9), shown and designated as "PROP. DRAINAGE ESMT." on a plat prepared by the Roanoke County Engineering Department, dated August 8, 1991. The location and dimensions of these properties have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of these properties. Respectfully submitt d, is ie L. f an Assistant County Attorney ~- '~7'` Action Approved ( ~ Motion by Bah r, _ .7nhn Gc~n Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) Kohinke Referred Nickens to Minnix Vote No Yes Abs x x x x x cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Clifford Craig, Director, Utility METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO h'OT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. 11 ~/ N79~ 42'18'E / , '~7 -_ 17 4.05 c*~ 0 c~ ~ o I 3 c*~ ti N c~*~ N ~ ~ ~ ~, ' z N PROPER! Y ^F, ~, ~ cis CARL E, & HELEN M, N a MCCURDY ~ ~ x a ~ d d ~' X d , F-- CURVE 'J' R = 160,00 L = 15.00 CH=N71' 36'S0'W 15.00 PROP,DRAINAGE ~ cuFVE •M' ESM~ R = 251.63 J' ~ L = 50,00 CFi= N74' 37']4'W 49.92 N68 5S 4o'k~ M ~ I ., ~~ :., tv m ti m .tN T~ oc ~- 18 ~,D •3s TAX MAP N0. 87.12-2-9 SCAhE:__ 1'=G0' PLAT SHOWING PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT CONVEYED T^ RQAN~KE COUNTY BY CARL E. & HELEN M, MCCURDY n n~ n ~ n ~+ n R Y• R n A Nn KF, r. ~ UNTY ENGINEERING :DEPARTMENT DATg': 08-08-91 .. METES AND B 0 UNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHD PAN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFOR.,~fATlON AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~_y S`S6 v~~s 4SF •~ \ a w n d W ~D ~ W M o ~ ~~M z PROPERTY OF RICHARD W, & MARY JANE ROBERS 2~2~~! ~,,~' .3~~ ~ sh`~/ PR~7P, i5` DRAINAGE ESMT. «~ R ~ 14b.66 L ~ ll7A0 qi-tt82'31'39'V 113.D2 'N' ~~ TAX ~dAP NO FLINTLOCK RD. 8.7,12-~-13 PLAT SHOWING PR^P^SED DRAINAGE EASEMENT C^NVEYED T^ R^AN®CE COUNTY BY RICKARD W, ~ MARY JANE R^BERS SCALE: 1 `= 60' _ p R F PA R Fn F3Y.• ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE: 0 8 -13-91 2 0 ~~z/ 2~~ ,e • ,~ ~ ~~ S~~ j S Tax }{apf 8712-2-14 A-12192-11.e ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~,~~~a~~~''"~"" '"` EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' The County agreed to share with the Town of Vinton the legal expenses for the litigation with Grumman Emergency Products Inc. over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck. BACKGROUND' In November of 1991, the Board agreed to join with the Town of Vinton in legal action against Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. and other possible defendants over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck which the County had jointly funded with the Town. Since this vehicle is titled to the Town of Vinton it was agreed that the Town Attorney should handle this litigation. The fees thus far approved by the Board are as follows: February 11, 1992 March 24, 1992 May 26, 1992 June 23, 1992 September 8, 1992 September 22, 1992 October 27, 1992 $1,151.95 1,437.59 2,363.43 1,779.16 228.71 868.75 941.00 Total $8,770.59 FISCAL IMPACTS' $289.00 in current fees to be paid from the Board contingency fund. 1 ~-5 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the payment of this invoice from the Board's contingency fund. Respectfully submitted, `lr,~ , ~s Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action A roved ( ~ Motion by Bib T T~hn~on Eddy pp Johnson Denied ( ) Kohinke Received ( ) Referred Nickens to Minnix cc: Diane Hyatt c;\wp51\agenda\general\legal.fee cc: File Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Vote No Yes Abs x x x X x 2 TOWN OF VINTON P. O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHONE (703) 983-0608 FAX (703J 983-0621 November 4, 1992 TO: Joe Obenchain, Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke POB 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 p- tAi"'1""j"1_ t1t3 f i ii ~~~~ 0 ~ ~~~2 ~4 ~,. _ L JOAN B. FURBISH FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER STATEMENT Statement From Natkin, Hesley, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company November 3, 1992 Statement -- $578 Fifty Percent (50%) due From Roanoke County to Town of Vinton $289.00 Statement From Natkin, Heslep, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company October 2, 1992 Statement -- $1,882.00 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton 941.00 DUE UPON RECEIPT $1,230.00 MADE CIIFCK PAYABT E TO. TOWN OF VINTON CC: Diane D. Hyatt N- / COIINTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FiJND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1992 (Audited) August 12, 1992 Dixie Caverns Sept. 8, 1992 Cable TV budget October 13, 1992 Bloodborne Pathogens Standards October 27, 1992 Computer Upgrade Balance as of Dec. 1, 1992 Reserve Amounts November 17, 1992 Reserved for employee benefits November 17, 1992 Reserved for building $ of General ~ 1 ~ Amount Fund Expenditures $5,419,414 7.51$ (100,000) (21,149) (33,800) (126,281 $5,138,184 (606,182) (350,OOOZ $4,182,002 Submitted By ~.<.ar~.Q: ~. ~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 7.12$ 5.8$ Note: On December 18, 1990 the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25$ of General Fund expenditures ($72,151,291). N- ,Z COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND IINAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1992 $ 24,705 (Audited) Addition to Capital Reserve from 114,760 original 1992-1993 budget July 14, 1992 Lighting of Green Hill Park Ball (15,000) Fields October 13, 1992 Repair ladder truck at Cave Spring (19,001) Fire Station Balance as of December 1, 1992 $ 105,464 Submitted by ~~~~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance /1l'- 3 COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1992 $ 50,000 July 14, 1992 Information Program for Bond Referendum (18,250) July 28, 1992 Roanoke Regional Housing Strategy (2,000) August 12, 1992 Outside Legal Assistance (10,000) September 8, 1992 Grumman Litigation (229) September 22, 1992 Grumman Litigation (869) October 13, 1992 Space Study (5,000) October 27, 1992 Grumman Litigation (941) Balance as of December 1, 1992 $ 12.711 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ACTION #, ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid - October 1992 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIIKARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $3,331,472.00 Payroll: 10/09/92 $ 464,063.38 10/23/92 486,628.99 $ 950,692.37 $4,282,164.37 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: ~,c,~,~,Q._.~ /~ . Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance APPROVED: Fay' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: Eddy Kohinke Johnson Minnix Nickens ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Use of Automated Message System COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Supervisor Eddy has requested a listing of the usage of the automated message service by the citizens of the County. The attached listing is compiled from the statistics provided to the County from Voice-Tel, the vendor for this service. Prior statistics are not available due to a computer disk problem during the Fall of 1992 which eliminated some messages and call statistics. This information is being forwarded to the various County departments to consider in the development of the Blue Page listing of frequently called numbers in the telephone directory. Some of these messages are seasonal and would show other statistics during their peak season periods if a full year's data were available. This information should help the Department Head make a more informed decision as to the appropriateness of retaining their individual line. The cost of this service is $11 per line per month and is charged to the individual department's budget. RECOMMENDATION: Forward the statistical information to the Department Heads to be used in planning for the continuation of this service during 1993. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, a John M. Chamb iss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator -------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs r~nV-12-1~y2 1605 FRL1P~1 lJOICE-TEL TIDEL.~HTER Tn MAILBOX MAILBOX NAME/DE1'T_ 772$800 Frequently Galled Numbers 772-8912 Real Estate Taxes 772-8914 Automated ~2efuse Gollect~on 7728915 Brush & Sulk Collection 772-$916 Automobile De~a1.s 772-8917 Parks & Rc:creatior~ 772-8922 Marriage Licenses 772-8927 Voter PLeg-i strat:ion 772-8931 Clerk cif Circu.~t Court 772-8932 Jury Information 7728934 C1ork of Juvenile & Dom. Court 772-8938 Salem Jail 772-8939 Fire & Rescue 772-8941 J & D Court 772-8942 Solid Waste 772-8945 Recycling Information 772-8949 Beard of Sup., Public Hearing 772-8952 Auto Info/Cnty Employees 772-8953 Engineering & Insp. 772-895/~ Peal Estate Assessment 772-8918 Elderly, Disabled Tax belief 772-8923 I~uildreg Permits 772-8928 State Income Tax 772-8929 Junk Cax' Complaints 772-8930 Building Ir3specti~ns 772-8933 Clerk cif Gen~1 Distract Gour..t 772-8936 Cc:~rtran 772-$946 Region.a.1 Landfill 772-8951 Special Events Schedule 772-8955 Sc-hool Administration 772-8920 DOg License 772-8924 Local Tax Deadline 772-$925 Utility Billing Office 772-$940 Health Dcpt. Info 772-894$ LTtilir.y Dept. 17037722009 OGT 92 CALLS $7 48 3~ 24 17 25 20 1.7.2 17 7 6 2 29 a87 480 81 22 0 44 128 9 12 7 7 19 I2 2 I8 6 20 20 I8 29 Il P.02 N-~ SEPT 92 CALL S_ 16 7 10 l 1 13 12 na 46 na na na na 5 296 na I7 6 0 19 2 ~i 4 5 4 6 1 5 2 1 7 3 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Summary Report - Water and Wastewater Needs in the Roanoke Valley COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a Summary Report on Water and Wastewater Needs in the Roanoke Valley written by John T. Novak, Department of Civil Engineering, VPI&SU. The summary was sent to the members of the Board of Supervisors by Beverly Fitzpatrick, Vice President of Economic Development and Legislative Affairs for Dominion Bank. Mr. Fitzpatrick is also a member of Roanoke City Council. It was suggested that this report be included in the December 1 agenda packet. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens 1~ Summary -Water and Wastewater Needs in the Roanoke Valley ~ ~° John T. Novak Department of Civil Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0106 Water Supnly The officials in the Roanoke Valley have taken major steps to insure as adequate and safe water supply for the next several decades and beyond. The Spring Hollow Reservoir will meet the projected need for the County for about the next 50 years. Treatment plant capacity will be added as the growth occurs. Estimates as to future demands, especially for industrial growth, may be somewhat excessive but when major facilities such as dams are built, it is important to prepare for unforseen contingencies. With regard to the new treatment plant for the county, the decision to locate the plant at the dam and to pump treated water to the system is reasonable. The alternative was to use the dam to supplement the Roanoke River flow during low-flow conditions. This was thought to be less expensive than building a pipeline and pumping treated water to the demand areas. However, the treatment of reservoir water allows the utility to avoid the use of the Roanoke River when contamination occurs and also allows for natural treatment in the reservoir through settling, photo oxidation of contA,,,;nAn~ and dilution. In effect, treatment of reservoir water may increase costs somewhat but will substantially decrease the potential for drinking water contamination. For the City of Roanoke, proposed improvements in the Carvins Cove Treatment Plant and in the distribution system will substantially improve the capability for providing an adequate and safe drinking water supply over the neat 20 years. Further consideration N- C~ is needed of the adequacy of the Carvina Cove Reservoir supply. The Carvins Cove reservoir supply may be inadequate during drought years, especially if Roanoke grows or adds industry. A study should be made to locate a supplemental raw water source or an arrangement should be explored where water from the county can be shared on an emergency basis. Wastewater Regionalization of wastewater management is a reasonable approach to handling wastewater collection and treatment demands and has been successfully applied around the U.S. However, the current system in the Roanoke Valley appears to be less than a complete regionalization in that the City of Roanoke controls the system and treats other dischargers as "customers." Over the long term, a different management structure in which all the dischargers are represented in proportion to their wastewater contribution would seem to be appropriate, especially as discharges increase throughout the county. The nature of this management body should be decided by specialists in this field but many successful regional bodies exist throughout the U.S. and adaptation of one of these approaches to the Roanoke Valley seems appropriate. Issues of jurisdiction, allocation of capacity and coat for improvements and expansion could be resolved much more easily if an appointed regional management structure was used, and decisions could be made without direct political consequences or interference. With regard to the proposed expansion of the plant and improvements in the interceptor system, these changes will help improve the current situation but will not cure the large I and I problems Effluent quality from the treatment plant does not appear to ~- be a maEjor issue, even though N and P discharge limitations to the Roanoke River are very restrictive. The utility should continue to seek solutions to the I and I problems. However, these improvements will be costly. The inability of interceptors to carry additional flows will impact on the possibility of expansion in some areas of the county and may be a major hinderance to industrial growth in the Valley. Given that other regions in Southwest Virginia, such as the Dublin/Pulaski area have adequate capacity for wastewater treatment, the limited wastewater capacity appears to be a limiting factor for economic development in the Roanoke Valley. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE ®UNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Report on Method of Members COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Selection of School Board EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY Vice-Chairman Kohinke requested a report on the various methods of selecting school board members in the Commonwealth of Virginia. BACKGROUND' In the mid-1970s the County changed from the traditional form of County government to the county executive form of government, and school board members were appointed by the Board of Super- visors. The traditional form was readopted in 1980 and school board members were appointed by the school board selection commission (which is appointed by the judges of the circuit court). In May of 1980 a referendum was held on the question of changing the method of appointing school board members from the school board selection commission to the board of supervisors. This referendum was defeated 3,550 to 1,980. This question was placed once again on the ballot in 1988 and it was defeated 17,192 to 16,072. At the November 17, 1992, meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Nickens announced the commencement of a petition campaign to place the election of school board members on the ballot in Roanoke County at the next general election. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached to this report you will find an excerpt from the Virginia County Supervisors' Manual (Fifth Edition, revised) published by the Virginia Association of Counties and the Center for Public Service, University of Virginia, which summarizes the main methods of appointment of school board members. You will also find a table which summarizes the method of appointment by the /~ ~ 7 various counties in Virginia. Next you will find a copy of a memorandum dated 29 May 1992 which I sent to you concerning elected school boards. This summarizes the provisions of the recent legislation authorizing popular election of school board members (Section 22.1-57.1 et seq.) and highlights certain transition problems afflicting the legislation. Finally Chapter 12 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that the school board shall be appointed by the school board selection commission. Therefore any change in method of appointment would also require a charter amendment. Respectfully submitted, ~,r ~y 1 , l.. ~ ~~f ~``~~L v~~J Paul M. Mahoney ``°r~ County Attorney ~,\ Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix vvLe No Yes Abs c:\~+p51\agenda\geneial\sbselect.rpt N -~ '7 - =' C n n' £ ~ Oq 'O c* n o a' o ~ o O o cr 6' n m ~p C1 ~ n (/] A'+ m cr lV cn ~- ~ w o !~ ca m o o ~ ~' w o 0 5 ° ~ ~ 'cy .,, o ~ ~. o ° ~, ° o r' o Fy ° ~ p- ,~. o c _ ~ ~-• o ~s < ~ o m w r-] cr n ~ ~ "CS ~ m ~ N G c~ G ~ ~ ~] a ~' co r~ .P a~ '~~ cam? ~ m ~ ~ `"'~ „Y ~' ~•m ~ ~ o °'~ c r-K o ° ~.~°'ti ~' ~ ~, ° C ° m o o• p, ~y~° °w ~. ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cKC '°~ ~ ~ N ° ° o ~ ~ m o ~ '~ ~. ~ o `~ ~ ~ o n. ~ ~ W ~ ~ Q. c~ ~ ~ ~ C N ~' .°-y N ~ ~ ~. ~ o ~ ~' m y O.. ~ ~ `"- KO P~• ~ m ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ .Ci ~ O' (D O o G ~ c0-~ ~ '~~' W ~ ¢ O O ~ b ~ ° ~ O O ° fKD w ~ (bD ~ ~ ~ n ¢ ~ O c< ~ O O c•' P~ " "Y .. O ~'-h ~ ~ 'J (D ~ ~, '"_ ~ ~ ~ O ~C N O cC ~--~ c~ ~'. Cn ~ n ~ ~ ~ n ~ y O ~. ~ ~ ~ Co ~ ~ O ~ ¢: R. ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ [n O ~ ~ a cr Zy' ~ " w o ;~ ~ ~ cG ~G ~_ ~ ~. (pD ~ a"Yi O K ~ N ~ ~ a C .~. cM' O ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ N03° G ~ OK H a~~, p ~ m o ~ '~ '"' CA ° G. ~ O. Ui ,~.~, • M c°r ~. ,~~*„ ~' c0+- (D p ~~S cr ~ .CZ f~ 'J O O °O CD ¢• ~ Z <o K m K O' c* 'b '*+ ~ N .~ ~' m ~ N' c* L3. cr .... ~ ,J cr ~.y "~ O ¢ (D G °: v, b `n° ~ ~ c~ ~ ~s ~ `a. ~ w ~ ~• m o' ~ m co ~ Q. ~+ ~' ~ ° w ~ 'rs O v co ~ ~, n ~' ~ ° ~ a. . ~ ° o ~-* ~ r. co ° ~ ~' o' ° m ~C o ° K ° v, co y~ ~ d < :. o o -s ° .b ~ K ° a' o o tr' o ~ m co `C o c~. o ' K ~ C. 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O. _ ~C ° K ° ° TABLE 12.1 A .,..n:nlmanf of c~hnnl Rnarti Memhers in Virginia Counties, 1986-87 A~J ~I Va~.4 a.a~...~ v. vv~~v..- ~ ~_ _____. _ v Body Making Appointment Basis of Appointment Terns of Office School Local Length of Service Number of Boazd Selection Governing Body (county boazd Magisterial Election (if other than 4yeaz School District Members Commission of supervisors) Districts Districts At Lazge staggered term) Accomack 10 X ... 9 1 1 • • • Albemazle 7 • • • X ' 6 S6 ... 3` ... Alleghany-Highlands 8 ... X 'S . ... Amelia 5 X ... 5 .. 2 ... Amherst 7 ... X ... Appomattox 5 ... X 3 ... 2 5 ... Arlington 5 X ... ... 7 Augusta 7 X ... ... 5 ... . ... Bath 5 ... X ... ~ .. Bedford County 7 X "' • •' Bland 4 ... X 4 ... ... Botetotut S ••• X 5 5 '•~ 2 ••• ••• Brunswick 7 X ... ... Buchanan ~ X ••• ~ ... "' Buckingham 6 X ••• 5 •~• ~~• C~7 d C y O z a Five members are appointed by the board of supervisors of Allegheny County and three are appointed by the city council of Clifton Forge. b Allegheny County. ~ c Clifton Forge. N- 7 - TABLE 12.1 (continued) Aaaointment of School Board Members in Virginia Counties, 1986-87 Body Making Appointment Basis of Appointment Term of Office School Local Boazd Governing Body Length of Service Number of Selection (county boazd Magisterial Election (if other than 4-yeaz School District Members Commission of supervisors) Districts Districts At Large staggered term) Campbell 9 ... X ... 7 2 .•• Cazoline 4 ... X 4 ••• ••• ••• Carroll 5 ... X 5 ... ... 5 Yeaz Staggered Chazles City County 3 ... X 3 ... ... ... Chazlotte 7 X ... ... 6 1 ... Chesterfield 5 X •.• 5 ••• ••• ••' Clazke 6 X ••• 6 ••• ••• Craig 5 ... X 3 ... 2 ... Culpeper 7 X ... 7 ... ... ... Cumberland 3 X ... 3 ... ... ... Dickenson 7 X ... 5 ... 2 ..• Dinwiddie 5 ... X ... 5 ... •.• Essex 5 X ... 5 ••• ••• ••• Fairfax County 10° ... X 8 ... 2 2 Yeaz Staggered Fauquier 5 X ... 5 ••• ••• "' Floyd 5 ... X 5 ... ... ... Fluvanna 5 ... X ... 4 1 •.• Franklin County 7 X ... 7 •~• ••• ••• Frederick 5 ... X 5 ••• ••• ••• Giles 5 ... X 3 ••• 2 ••' d Plus one student representative elected by student advisory council. TABLE 12.1 (continued) . __..__....,.... „v c,.t,,.,,1 Rn~rrl MamhPrc in Viruini8 COnntleS. 1986-87 ~,Yr,.,..............- _------ - - - Body Making Appointment Basis of Appointment Term of Office School Local Length of Service Number of Boazd Selection Governing Body (county boazd Magisterial Election (if other than 4yeaz School District Members Commission of supervisors) Districts Districts At Lazge staggered term) Gloucester 5 X ... 5 ... 5 ... ... ... Goochland 5 ... X ... ... Grayson 4 X ... 4 3 ... ... • ... Greene 3 ... X ••• 4 •• ~~• Greeneville 4 ••• X "' ••• Halifax 9 ... X ... 7 2 ••• Hanover 7 ... X 7 5 ... ... . ... Pleasure of Governing Body Henrico 5 ... X 6 ... .. 1 Henry 7 X ... ... 3 ... Highland 3 X ... ... ... Isle of Wight 5 X ••• 5 '•• JamesCiryCounry 5 X ••• 5 "' "' „• King George 3 X ... 3 ... ... King and Queen 3 ... X 3 ... 4 ... 1 ... ... King William 5 ... X ... Lancaster 5 X ... 1` 3 4 1 1 ... ... Lee 5 X ... Loudoun 8 ... X 8 ... 7 ... ... ... Louisa 7 X ... 4 ... 1 ... Lunenburg 5 X ... ... e Town of Kilmamxk. C G~ z H O yzy ~C C b [~] C O z C; t" L=J d C~ a O z N_7 TABLE 12.1 (continued) Appointment of School Board Members in Virginia Counties, 1986-87 Body Making Appointment Basis of Appointment Terns of Office School Local Boazd Goventing Body Length of Service Number of Selection (county board Magisterial Election (if other than 4-year School District Members Commission of supervisors) Districts Districts At Large staggered term) Madison 5 X ... ... ... 5 ... Mathews 5 ... X ... ... 5 ... Mecklenburg 9 X ... ... 9 ... ... Middlesex 5 ... X ... 5 ... ... Montgomery 9 ... X ... 7 2 ... Nelson 5 X ... 4 ... 1 ... New Kent 4 X ... ... 4 ... ... Northampton 8 ... X 6 ... 2 ... Northumberland 4 X ... ... 4 ... ... Nottoway 5 X ... ... 5 ... ... Orange 5 X ... 5 ... ... ... Page 5 ... X ... 5 ... ... Patrick 5 ... X ... 5 ... ... Pittsylvania 12 X ... ... 7 5 ... Powhatan 5 ... X 5 ... ... ... Prince Edward 8 ... X ... 8 ... ... Prince George 5 X ... ... 5 ... ... Prince William 7 ... X 7 ... ... ... Pulaski 6 X ... 5 ... 1 ... Rappahannock 5 ... X 5 ... ... ... TABLE 12.1 (continued) A ....nSnfmnnh ..f Crhrv,t Rna rrl vtemhers in Virginia Counties, 1986-87 --rr-°--------- -- Body Making Appointment Basis of Appointment School Local Board Governing Body Number of Selection (county boazd Magisterial Election School District Members Commission of supervisors) Districts Districts A[ Lazge RichmondCounry 4 X ••• 4 "' "' Roanoke County 5 X • • • 5 "' "' Rockbridge 5 ... X S ••• ••• Rockingham 5 ... X 5 6 Russell 6 ••• X "' ••~ Scott 6 ... X ... ... 6 6 "' Shenandoah 6 X ••• ~ Smyth 7 ... X •• ~ '2 Southampton 9 X ••• "' Spotsylvania 7 X • • • "' Stafford 7 X ... ... 6 5 1 ... Surry 5 X ... ... 6 2 Sussex 8 X ••• 3 2 Tazewell 5 ... X 5 .•• 2 Warren 7 ... X ... Washington 7 ... X ... 7 S ... ••• Westmoreland 5 X ••• Wise 3 X ... 3 6 ... ... 1 Wythe 7 ... X ... 5 ... York 5 X ... Term of Office Length of Service (if other than 4-yeaz staggered term) 6 Yeaz Staggered SOURCE: Commonwealth of Virginia, Ikpanment of Education 0 Lz7 d C~ y O z tv cn r r m I, _, i~ ~• _l MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman and Members Board of Supervisors ~~ FROM: Paul M. Mahoney r SUBJECT: Elected School Boards DATE: 29 May 1992 ;~ iv- ~ ~~ As a result of recent legislation adopted by the Virginia General Assembly, I anticipate that you might receive questions from citizens concerning elected school boards. This memorandum will attempt to provide you with some background information concerning this topic. Ten percent of the eligible voters in the County may petition the Circuit Court ninety (90) days in advance of the November general election, to place the question of changing from appointed to elected school boards on the ballot. Elections for school board members shall coincide with elections for members of the governing body. In no event shall any election of school board members take place before 1994. Therefore the earliest elections for members of the school board would not occur until November 1995. The number of school board members who are to be elected will be the same as those for the local governing body. School board terms will be equal to those of the local governing body and will be staggered if those terms are staggered for the local governing body. The term of office will commence January 1 in counties following the election. Any person who is a registered voter and a one year resident of the election district can, by petition, be a candidate. Candidates may not be selected by primary or party nominations. All candidates will be required to complete public financial statements that are required for persons who run for local office. Once a referendum election is held to change the selection process it may be changed back to appointed boards in the same manner every four years. This legislation leaves several questions unanswered. In Roanoke County school board terms of office commence July 1 (not January 1) and one term expires every year (except two terms expire June 30, 1995 -Vinton and Catawba), while the .Board of Supervisors is on a staggered system with three terms expiring December 31, 1993 (Hollins, Windsor Hills and Vinton) and two terms expiring December 31, 1995 (Catawba and Cave Spring). This transition gap may require clarifying legislation. Vacancies in the office of a school board member shall be filled pursuant to Section 24.1-76 (appointment by the circuit court judges). /spb N i .-. 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This Parkway Spur is scheduled for completion in 1996, whereas Virginia's Explore Park is to be open to the public in mid-1994, leaving a 2-year gap in public access to Virginia's Explore Park. Meetings have been held with Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Parkway officials, Explore and County staff, and citizens in the community concerning an alternative access. Interim access from the Blue Ridge Parkway onto an upgraded portion of Rutrough Road has emerged as the alternative access. Blue Ridge Parkway officials have authorized an interim access to an upgraded Rutrough Road. FHWA has authorized use of Parkway Spur Road funds for the interim Parkway access. VDOT and the County Department of Engineering and Inspections are working to add the Rutrough Road upgrade to the Six Year Plan, with a report to the Board of Supervisors scheduled for mid-December or early January. Plans for the design and construction of the Parkway Spur Road are proceeding as scheduled. Approximately $12.35 million of the original $15 million authorized by Congress in the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act of 1987 remains to complete this project. At this point, FHWAs the lead agency in charge of coordinating design and construction. Preliminary design plans are scheduled for review this coming spring by VDOT, FHWA, and National Park Service (NPS). Right of way plans will follow. Design may include overlooks, trails, and parking areas or turn- outs. FHWA and NPS will work closely on the final design. • . FISCAL IMPACT• None STAFF RECOMiKENDATION: /Y`~ 1. Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors receive and file this report. Respectfully submitted: Approved: ~,~ ~ -~ cgu Joyc Waugh Elmer C. Hodg Ec no c Development Specialist County Administrator ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Eddy Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ --~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 1, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session for the Prioritization of the Bond Projects COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' A work session has been planned for the December 1 meeting of the Board of Supervisors to discuss the projects approved in the November 3, 1992 bond referendum. Staff will discuss the time line for the development of the various projects, identify the coordinator for each major section, discuss plans for temporary borrowing (bond anticipation notes), and consider any concerns identified to date. A monthly status reporting system will be implemented to track the progress of the various projects to keep the Board and staff informed as to the planned and actual dates of construction for the various items. Respectfully submitted, Appr ved by, John M. Chambl' s, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- _ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens o- ~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE 1992 BOND REFERENDUM PROJECT PLANNING DECEMBER 1, 1992 ~~ Z ~ O ~ ~ O m 2 O ~ m O ¢ } J W Z } O Z ¢ O Z M J °C ~~ ~~ a ''¢ ~ > m p Z O m z w O U ~ O ~ ~ O a, O m Q ~ O m ~ ~ ¢ W LL Oa U U H Q ¢ 7 o~o° s$oos o O 0 0 0 o pp M ~ ~ N ~A N ~ t9 O O O O ~ _ O O ~ °o ~ °o °o °o t~ ~ O N 0 °o_ O N O 0 ° 0 o O O N ~ iN 0 0 N N O O O r O O 0 O O st O 0 0 0 C~7 O o 0 0 0 0~ o$ o 0 0 0 0 0~ o 0 0 ~ O ~ M O O O p ~ O O .- ~-' O O O ~ O O T r O O O 8 r-. 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Y p J w W p ~-am¢~ >z ~ Q f- O = O p Y W ~ J W O Q~ O O W mpU>zw c7x~Om~Ua[~ a ¢ p~ m> Z ¢O ¢O H O F¢- O O U oC¢O¢Q¢O O? Zpp4.m>tiUm O H U cn ~ ¢¢¢ ~ mU w C7 ~ Z Um H F- 1 PRELIMINARY PROPOSAL FOR A DEVELOPMENT & CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FOR NORTH COUNTY/HOLLINS LIBRARY 12/21/92 RFP for A&E services 01/15/9 Site negotiations finalized; ready for option payment, with purchase set for date subject to funds availability 02/15/93 A&E proposals received 03/31/93 Following review, presentations, negotiations, A&E services selected and firm retained 07/15/93 Construction documents at 35~ review; initial site plan for County review 09/15/93 Construction documents at 90$ and specs review; final site plan approval by County 10/15/93 Out to bid date 11/15/93 Bids received 12/i5/93 Contract awarded; site development begins 09/15/94 Substantial completion of construction 10/15/94 Interior placement of all f&f completed; punch list; old facility closed Facility opens for public Special Consideration: 1) Schedule places construction start in middle of winter 2) Funding for site acquisition and A&E services prior to bond sale 3) Funds for construction dependent on proceeds from anticipated sale of current site (assessed value = $489,500) Total Protect cost: $1,950,000 (Bond funds $1,500,000) Funds needed prior to August: $185,000, 01/93 for land acquisition $135,000, 07/93 for A&E services c: Allen, Busher, Carver, ~ hambliss, Hodge, Hyatt, Myers 2 CLOSE-OUT OF OLD DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL Background Since the mid 1980's, Roanoke County has been working with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Virginia Division of Waste Management to clean-up the Old Dixie Caverns Landfill site. The EPA requires a long-term remedial solution to this clean-up. The County is currently in the process of cleaning up the landfill, while attempting to secure financial reimbursement for a portion of these clean-up costs from other responsible parties. Once the EPA accepts the final remedial clean-up, the County can begin to close-out the Dixie Caverns Landfill in accordance with current State and Federal regulations. Scope of Project The close-out procedure will include the development of a "cap" over the site in conformance with the specifications set out in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA Cap). The 22 acre site will require a clay covering of 2 feet in depth, drainage stone and 6 inches of top soil. A portion of the site, 6.2 acres, will require regrading and fill dirt because it is currently too steep for capping. A minimum of 4 monitoring wells will be necessary and must be monitored over a 30 year period. The present leachate collection system is sufficient. In fact once the site is capped, the leachate production will probably be reduced, thereby, reducing the County's yearly operating cost for leachate removal. The total proposed bond amount for close-out of the Old Dixie O Z O ~~ -~ f-- ~ U z I ~'-~ ~ ~~jj 0 a ~ U ~ ~- ~ d ~ J a a~ a~ a ~ a c z ~ w ~ z O 0 v ~ o ~ a ~ v 0 ~ ~ o n. a ~ v 0 ~ w p a a ~ v 0 ~ w p a a ~ v 0 ~ w p n. a ~ v 0 ~ w p a a ~ v o ~ w p a a ~ v a ~ ~ o a. a ~ v ~ ~ o n. a v 0 ° c O ~- U o W o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z t=-= ~ OU W z C O Q Y ~ W tWW3 Q ~ O Q Z R W~ Q ~- C7 tw-oZ ~ ~ W om~ w ~ ~ ~ w J Y ~ ~ ~ 55j t75 ? ~ c~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ v '~ ~ ? ~ ~Z r ~ ~ ~ vi ~ ~ ~6 U ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ a d $ v ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~-- ~ a ~ m c7~i ' -~ CJ v d o '~ v a~ ~ cii w ~ p ~. v 0 z U ZZZ O I- U Z ~ W ~ ~7 O a ~ v ~ ~-- ~ ~ z ~ - ~ Q a a a~ - ~ n z ~ w ~" F=- Z 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ o ~ a ¢ ~ v a 0 ~ ' o ~ a a ~ v a 0 ~ ~ o ~ ~ a ~ v a 0 ~ ~ o ~ a a ~ v a o ~ ~ o ~ ~ a ~ v a A ~ ~ o ~ a a ~ v a A ~ ~ o ~ a a ~ v a o ~ ~ o ~ a a ~ v a o ~ ~ o ~ a a ~ v a s „_. o c O ~- U o W o ~ ~ ~0~ ,~z W z ~, ~ Q ~ ~ w ~ j Q U ~ ~.LI ~ ~, Q Q ~ ~ I-- ~ Z ~ ~ W Om~ o ~ w~ cn ~ -~ W ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ Z ~ ~ `~ '+-~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ V ~ 7 z ?] ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ Ll ~~ U ~ V ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ Q Z ~j W 7 ~ ~ g ~ o a~ ~ ~ I-- W ~ 00 c3 O Z U ZZZ O ~ I-- U Z ~I ~ O a ~ v ~ a' ~ ~ ~ ~ a ad a~ -~ a ~ a c Z ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ a a ~ v ~' ~ o a a ~ ~ ~' ~ o a a ~ ~ ~`' ~ o a a ~ ~ ~`' ~ o a a ~ ~ ~`' ~ o a a ~ ~ ~`' ~ o a a ~ ~ ~' ~ o n. a ~ ~ ~' ~ o a a ~ ~ 0 `° ~ ..._ ~ O F- W o o ~ ~ ~~~ ~z O Z ~ N ~ ~ W ~ COQ Y~ W Q ~ ~ z ~I-Q Q ~ ~ W ~ ~ O W Z ¢~o ~ ~ W ~mU o w ~ ~ ~ Z ~ J W ~ ~ ~ ~ SS] f/7 ~ Z ~ t~ ~ ~ ~ Q -~ ~ ~ f-- U ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ Q Z ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~~.. Q Z O V ~ Z~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rj ~ ~ O ~ U ~ 0 ',~n ~- ~ a~ ~° v F~- W ~ O U DRAINAGE PROJECTS FOR THE BOND ISSUE Proiect Summa Development of a Regional Stormwater Management $ 300,000 Master Plan (County's Share) Remedial Projects Identified in the Master Plan 210,000 Major County Drainage Projects 490.000 $1,000,000 Regional Stormwater Management Master Plan In 1985, the Fifth Planning District Commission sponsored a study for Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton to determine the feasibility of implementing a regional stormwater management program. Due to the proposed high cost of studying all of the tributaries in the region, it was decided that the localities should concentrate on sixteen "high priority" watersheds that were deemed critical. These are as follows: 1. Glade Creek 10. 2. Cole Hollow Brook 11. 3. Mason Creek 12. 4. Tinker Creek 13. 5. Peters Creek 14. 6. Carvin Creek 15. 7. Lick Run 16. 8. Back Creek 9. Ore Branch Murray Run Mudlick Creek Dry Branch Gish Branch Butt Hollow Creek Barnhardt Creek Wolf Creek The total cost of developing a Regional Stormwater Management Master Plan is $690,000. Roanoke County's share is estimated to be $300,000. A comprehensive stormwater management program involves developing a watershed "master plan", which identifies the most appropriate control measures and optimum locations to control watershed-wide impacts. This approach typically involves combinations of the following: (a) strategically locating a single stormwater detention facility (as opposed to several smaller detention ponds); (b) providing stream channel improvements where necessary; and (c) nonstructural measures such as parkland acquisition and floodproofing to supplement structural control measures. The master plan approach offers significant advantages over the piecemeal approach, including: reductions in capital and in operating and maintenance costs; reductions in the risk of downstream flooding and erosion; opportunities to manage existing stormwater problems; increases in land development opportunities; 7 increased opportunities for recreational uses of facilities; potential contributions from land and real estate development; and conformity with land use planning issues. Should participation in the regional approach by the other localities not occur, Roanoke County would still pursue the Stormwater Management Master Plan for those "high priority" tributaries that have the most impact on the County. Limited involvement by the other localities could still be offered on an individual watershed basis according to fund availability. Remedial Projects Remedial action projects will be identified as a result of the master plan analysis. Such projects will include detention facilities, channel improvements, and other means to mitigate flooding or damage in flood-prone areas of Roanoke County. Once the alternatives for remedial action projects in each watershed have been selected, the projects will be screened to ensure that the proposed improvements will not result in the local flooding problem being transported to a downstream location. In addition, a remedial action plan must not only consider the measures required to relieve the existing flooding problem, but structural control measures must be designed and sized to account for the runoff from future development in the study area. The runoff impacts of future land use patterns can be predicted by applying the stormwater management model. Major Projects The Engineering and Inspections Department maintains an inventory of drainage problems throughout the County. Listed below are some projects that attempt to address these problems County-wide: 1. Sierra Drive/Fenwick Drive Description: County-owned sinkhole receives runoff from a subdivision which floods adjacent properties. A 36" storm sewer will have to be constructed along Sierra Drive to Carvin Creek. Estimated Cost: $90,000 Magisterial District: Hollins 2. Green Valley Description: Poor overall drainage contributes to property damage. A trunk line storm sewer will be installed parallel to Colony Lane and channel improvements made on Murray Run adjacent to the Green Valley subdivision. Estimated Cost: $75,000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring 8 3. Nottingham Hills Area Description: Severe erosion and flooding along the headwaters of Mudlick Creek create problems in the Farmington, Nottingham Heights, and Castle Rock Farms subdivisions. Channel improvements, including streambank stabilization are planned for these areas. Estimated Cost: $45,000 Magisterial District: Windsor Hills 4. Mason Creek Description: Residential flooding from Mason Creek along Catawba Valley Drive (Rte. 311) will require channel improvements and installation of rip rap at severely eroded areas. Estimated Cost: $75,000 Magisterial District: Catawba 5. Wolf Creek Description: Residential flooding and erosion in the Stonebridge Acres and Spring Grove subdivisions adjacent to Wolf Creek. Reconstruct channel from Stonebridge Drive to Stonebridge Circle. Stabilize channel adjacent to Spring Grove. Estimated Cost: $50,000 Magisterial District: Vinton 6. Mount Vernon Heights Description: Undersized storm sewer facilities contribute to residential flooding along Manassas Drive. Replace the existing storm sewer with adequate facilities. Estimated Cost: $20,000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring 7. Dwight Hills Description: Inadequate storm sewer causes residential flooding in this subdivision. Construct storm sewer system to serve this area. Estimated Cost: $40,000 Magisterial District: Hollins 8. Merriman/Starkey Road Description: Inadequate channel and undersized culverts have contributed to residential and commercial flooding in this area. Reconstruction of the channel and installation of proper storm sewer facilities along Buck Mountain Road to the Starkey area. Estimated Cost: $95,000 Magisterial District: Cave Spring 9 FIGURE 2-1 MAJOR WATERSHEDS IN ROANOKE VALLEY LEGEND 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 SCALE-MILES 4 WATERSHED AREA AND NUMBER LOCAL INFLOW AREAS FOR ROANOKE RIVER CDM ~...~....T... A- ,.._,..,_..o.... to Table 2-1 SUMMARY OF WATERSHED CHARACTERISTICS Drainage Area Prnamt of Watershed (s q. mi.) Jurisdictions Urbanization # 1: - ~~ 1 1.91 Roanoke Co. Low Low # 2: ~~ 2 3.29 Roanoke Co. Low # 3: ~~ 3 1.60 Roanoke Co. ~ # 4: Callahan Branch 3.03 Roanoke Co. Lo"~ # 5: Stypes Branch 3.42 Roarake Co. Low # 6: Big Bear Rods Branch 2.15 Roanoke Co. Low # 7: Butt Hollow - 2.67 Roanoke Co *, Salem * Medium # 8: Cole Hollow Brook 6.64 , Salem Roanoke Co. * Medium # 9: High School Branch 0.51 Roanoke Co., Salen Medium #10: Dry Branch North 4.22 Roarake Co *, Sal en * H #11: Williams Branch 2.10 Roanoke Co., Salerr #12: Mason Creek 27.20 Roanoke Co *, Sal en High #13: Peters Creek 9.00 Roanoke Co., Roanoke #14: Roanoke City Drainage 4.58 Roanoke * High High #15: #16: Lick Run Carvi n Credo 10.40 28.80** Roanoke Co., Roanoke Roanoke Co *, Roanoke L~'`'`~` #17: Tinkers Creek**** 37.60** Roanoke Co *, Roanoke Law #18: Glade Credo 32.40** Roanoke Co *, Roanoke, Vinton Low #19: Wolf Creek - 4.50 Roarake Co.*, Vinton N~di~ #20: Cove Hollow 2.51 Roanoke Co. ~ #21: South 2 0.85 Roanoke Co. Low Low #22: Dry Hollow 3.80 Roanoke Co. Low #23: South 4 1.35 Roanoke Co. Low #24: Dry Branch South 4.97 Roanoke Co. Low #25: South 6 4.46 Roanoke Co. Low #26: Mill Creels 0.65 Roanoke Co. #27: South 8 0.36 Roanoke Co., Salem* * Low Media #28: South 9 0.79 , Salem Roanoke Co. #29: #30: South 10 Bowman Hollow 0.29 2.30 Salem Roanoke Co., Salem* ~9~ #31: South 12 0.67 Salem Nf`di~ #32: Barnhardt Creek 4.24 Roanoke Co.*, Salem, Roanoke Law #33: Mud Lick Creek 9.30 Roanoke Co *, Salem, Roanoke High #34: Murray Run 2.90 Roanoke Co., Roanoke* High #35: Ore Branch 4.10 Roanoke Co., Roanoke* ~ 9h #36: Garrard Branch 3.20 Roanoke Co., Roanoke* Medium #37: South 18 5.39 Roanoke Co *, Roanoke Medium #38: Bads Creek 59.16 Roanoke Co. Low #39: Gish Branch 1.90 Roanoke Co *, Salem Low . ~A1.S 299.21 * Indicates jurisdiction in which major portion of watershed is l ocated. ** A large part of this area is located in Botetourt County. *** knamt of urbani ration is low due to large undeveloped area in Eotetourt County. *** * Drainage area does not include Carvin Creek, Glade Creek, or Li ck Run drainage area. it c U WW L~ O Z F~ W U Z O Q a U - ~ ~ W O ~ ~ d d~ ~ a ~ J - v Q E Z Q ~ W ~ Q ~ ~ ~ U Q 0 ~ U d 0 ~ U Q ~ ~ U Q 0 ~ V ¢ ~ Lr U Q ~ ~ U ¢ p ~ (~~ ¢ p ~ U O F- U W o ~ ° o ZOZ ~~ F : ~ O Z z N~~ p- Y~~ U Q H O~ z ~wQ Q~C.~ ~~ O w z ¢ o o ~ ~ W omU D ~ O ~ to z W w w Y ~ ~ ~ ~ d Q ~~ ~ ~,... z ~~ d~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ z `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v '~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ _. ~ Q ~ ~ ~ U ~ d Z ~ ~ F z Iv,~ d a ~ ~ F ~ ~ U,,~ 6 a ~~j tL w ~ o U 12 v O z ~- H Z O ~ d U ~ ~~• W 1 ~ ,~ ~ O ~ d~ ~ (~ -~ Q Z d (n z ~ ~" ~ Z ~ ~ W °~ n. ¢ ~ a ~ W ~ ~ a ~ ¢ ~ W °~ a a ~ a ~ W a a. a ~ a ~ W °~ a a ~ ¢ ~ W a ~ a ~ ¢ ~ W ~ a. ¢ ~ ¢ ~ W a o. ¢ ~ a ~ W ~ a a a O U ~ ~ ~- z z ~ - ~ O O ~ Zo U Z Z c~t~~ W W ~ ~gQ p ~ W ~F--Q Z Q z w~ ~ D W ~¢~U ~ ~ ~ ~ ? ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~ ~~ ~~ J~ ~ 5 ~ Z ~ 47 z ~ ~ ~ U Z ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ Q ~ - ~ ~ ~ F ~ z U ~ ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ Z ~ 13 cs O z Z~, W Z O d n U - ~ ~ W O ~ ~ d d ~ ~ C ~ J z Q °a' a z ~ w t=-- z ~ ~ a. a ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~,, ~ a. a ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ d a ~ ~ ~ o. a ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ a a ~ ~ ~ a a ~ O t- U ~ $ f~- Z ~ ~~~ ~Z O F.._. ~' ~ C~ z o U w z ~oQ W~~ v g p~ W ~HQ zQZ w~ Q~~ ~oz O w z ¢~o ~ D W ~mU ~ ~ C~1 ~ ~ z ~ W w Y o ~ ~ ~ ~ d~ ~c7 Z ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ 5 ~ U z ~ ~ ~ .._. a H ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ z ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~j ~- a ~ F ~ F z ~ IUD d ~ a ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~cy~ 6 ~ d ~ z ~ ~ 14 ~. ~ v 0 z t-- z o n ~ -- U ~ ~ W O ~ a~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ z o- - ~ v a a a z a ~ z ~-' W ~' F- O ~ U ~ O ~ ~ ¢ ~' U a U ~ O tr a. 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During the interim financing period, the primary focus will be on community meetings with Recreation Club leaders, School Officials (when the project is used by the school program or is located on school property) and Parks and Recreation Staff who are responsible for programming and maintaining the facilities. The purpose of these meetings will be to develop concept plans for the proposed facilities which can then be forwarded to the engineers. There are three construction projects which will be fast- tracked to alleviate needs and concerns in the community. The Northside High School site where athletic fields are being displaced by the construction of the Forensics lab; the development of two T-ball fields at Starkey Park to help alleviate some of the need for ball fields in the Cave Spring and Windsor Hills area; and the development of the neighborhood ball field on the Bonsack site. Other work during the interim financing stage will include engineering, bidding, and preparing for the construction and renovation of facilities. The suggested time line allows comparable construction to occur in a systematic and orderly sequence and to allow turf management to occur before actual play on the facilities begins. Staff has already begun meeting with the community groups and developing the concept plans for the first projects. The degree of engineering required will be determined on the topography of the site, drainage concerns, environmental concerns and the number of agency approvals required for the construction. The projected date for the facilities being available for use reflects the concept of letting the turf have at least one full year's growing season before playing on the surface to develop the root system and reduce the destruction on the turf during the first year. Most of the fields represent new facilities to offset growing demand in the community and are not available today, so there will be no net loss of play for most of the facilities. The two exceptions are the fields displaced by the Forensic lab and the use of fields at the Hidden Valley site. John Chambliss December 1, 1992 26 N a 0 0 m E OC O w N a Z O to O r a C U 1' 0 a Y a a Y O 6 O LL O Y z U N P a~i E 4/ U d O W ¢ D r d' O a r 1n U P O a u1 w ~~ W P t/f i V7 ~ C7 to a °~ J 111 ~ P ~ P ¢ P S as a ao x m 1n LL °, as wa 0 O P z U P O wa y ~ P J 1 P ~ U Q P S as a P wa LL Q P U M O P O P O Z U U P O O U W P O N U C7 M O Q P m J M C7 ~ P z ~ W ~ P 2 ~ w ~ P d P a tY M ~ P W P W ¢ P O W O J r O O C7 W O M x ~ y m Y O Y Q W Vl d ~-' ¢ W r o O W C' U J U ¢ O 3 N r s N K O_ K d W II 1n n ~ n u u u II II II 11 II II II II n II u u II 11 u u II II II 11 11 II II II II II 11 O II U II II O II U II 11 z 11 O II U II II O II ... 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Q ~ n. a ~ ~ a ~ a. a ~ a a C o O o 0 U ~S 0 ~ 6 ~ oo ~ ~~ ~ o~ >-- z ~ _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ z - Q'~~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ 1-- ~ 0 O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ pE ,J W W ~ ~~¢ ~ ~ 5Z ~ v7 H ~ ~ W Q~" Y ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ F v ~~ U~ N Z _Z w~ Q ~ ~ ~'oz ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ %~ ~~ ~ - ~ ~ Q Ca Q~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ W om~ ~~ m Q g g g ~ ~ Q ~ U > > > 33 Development Concepts for Valley TechPark 1. A phased development process is necessary in order to provide road access to the upper portion of the site and water and sewer improvements within the property. This action will enable the property to be developed in a planner manner. 2. The quality of development will be insured through the completion and approval of restrictive covenants by the Industrial Development Authority and their subsequent recordation in the County Court house. Building appearance, landscaping, and signage are several big issues to be addressed in the Restrictive Covenants. 3. Development financing is provided by Roanoke County funds (bond referendum funds and other County funds) being leveraged against available Virginia programs such as; Community Development Block Grant, Industrial Access, and Rural Economic Development. Grant staff estimates that County funds of approximately $815,000 can generate $1,915,000 in Commonwealth Virginia funds. 4. Industrial prospects that locate on the site must generate new taxes that will payback the County for its investment on that specific location. Normal payback period is three to five years unless otherwise authorized by the Board of Supervisors. 5. Grants received and proceeds from the sale of property at Valley TechPark will be accounted for in the Valley TechPark project fund (102450-8901). This will enable the County to accomplish the phased placement of public infrastructure improvements and complete Valley TechPark. Funds remaining in the project fund will be returned to Roanoke County to repay for the initial investment in land and the sewer extension. 6. The Community Development Team and Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority will be groups involved in overseeing development, marketing, and sale of the property. A chart of responsibilities and actions will be prepared for the overall development of the property. 34 M ~ Valley TechPark Use of Funds Source ofi Funds Virginia Other Red County County Grant Bond Funds VCDBG VDOT TOTAL Master Plan $25,OOOd Engineering/surveying $20,160 $30,000 $5,040° Road construction Rt 11/460 $40,0008 Access Road $300,OOOb Site development Erosion/sediment { Stormwater { Water/sewer { $360,000 Grading { Landscaping { Property/Right of Way $25,000 $55,200 $40,000° $80,000 $300,000 $300,OOOb $900,000 $400,000 $30,000 $200,000 $200,000 $310,000 $20,000 -0- Contingency $ 20,000 $33 OOe $ 53500 $20,160 $750,000 $63,540 $700,000 $340,000 $1,873,700 a. VDOT Revenue Sharing Funds b. VDOT Industrial Access Fund Program c. Virginia Housing and Community Development -Rural Economic Development (RED) Grant d. Roanoke County Economic Development Fund e. Valley TechPark Fund November 19, 1992 35 Preliminary Schedule of $vents Valley Techpark Element Project design Restrictive Covenants Rezoning -remove 200' buffer Master Plan Land acquisition/exchange Detail engineering Water Sewer Stormwater Private utilities Road on site Landscaping Road off site (Rt. 460) . Start Completion Milestone ~ Date Date -Meeting with County's engineering dept. 11 /27/92 11 /27/92 -Preparation of preliminary road plans 12/21 /92 12/21 /92 -Notification of RED Grant 12/21/92 12/21/92 -Detailed scope of work and Request for Proposal 01 /05/93 01 /05/93 -Review proposals and select engineering firm 01 /19/93 01 /19/93 Adoption by IDA Ongoing 12/31/92 and recordation Board of Supervisors action 12/18/92 2/23/93 Plan map 11 /30/92 1 /10/93 Deed executed Ongoing 1 /29/93 Plan/profile 1 /10/93 2/01 /93 Plan/profile ~~ Plan ~~ Plan/profile ~~ ~~ Plan/profile ~~ ~~ Plan 2/15/93 Plan/profile ~~ 36 L.J '~ / Fire Hydrant Installations Bond Project Funding in the amount of $184,000 has been approved for the installation of up to 71 fire hydrants on existing water lines (6 inch or larger main size) in the County. A staff person from Fire and Rescue has been assigned the responsibility of coordinating the project. Working with County engineering staff, various work elements for the project have been identified along with a tentative time line for completion. Staff will work on job elements and be prepared to award contracts once the bonds are sold. It is anticipated that the project will be completed by the end of July 1994. PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT PRIORITY LISTING 1. 2505 Electric Road -Our Lady of Nazareth Church 2. 1887 Electric Road -Good Shepard Lutheran Church 3. Colonial Avenue SW and Ogden Road SW 4. Main entrance to Cave Spring High School Chapparal Drive 5. 4203 Electric Road -Ogden and Electric Road SW 6. Williamson Road and Commander Drive NW 7. Water Fall Drive and Sundance Circle NW 8. Route 24 and Baker Drive 9. 6 hydrants between Salem line and #9 Fire Station -West Main Street 10. 2730 Ogden Road -Colonial American Bank 11. Colonial Avenue SW and Girard Drive SW 12. Colonial Avenue SW and Georgetown Road SW 13. Colonial Avenue SW and Overdale Road SW 14. Manassas Drive and Antietam Drive SW 15. Manassas Drive and Bunker Hill Drive SW 16. Route 24 and Maple Wood Drive 17. Route 24 and Linden Wood Drive 18. Plantation Road NW and Santee Road 19. Whipledale and Twilight Road NW 20. Finney Drive and Cambridge Drive 21. Pedigo Lane and Cambridge Drive 22. Woodland Drive and Colonial Avenue SW 23. Valley Forge and Bunker Hill Drive SW 24. Hardy Road and Finney Drive 25. 6231 Nell Circle NW 26. Manassas Drive and View Avenue SW 27. Sugar Ridge Road SW at Old Barn Circle 28. Hollins Road NE Roanalce Fish & Oster 29. Starkey Road SW and Eden Lane SW 30. Canter Drive and Lakeland Drive SW 31. Hugh Avenue NW and Peyton Street NW 32. 3203 Woodland Drive SW 33. Northlakes Drive NW and East Dale NW 34. Williamson Road NW at entrance to Roanoke Valley Christian School 35. 3340-3350 Block of Woodland Drive SW 36. Hugh Avenue NW and Estes Street NW 37. Whipledale Avenue NW and Quail Hollow NW 38. Peyton Street NW and Estes Street 39. Hollins Road and Garman Drive NW 40. 5265 Northspring Drive NW 41. 5416 Plantation Road NW 42. Deer Park Drive and Heather Hill NW 43. 602 Magnolia Street NW 44. Hollins Road and Carlos Drive NW 45. Williamson Road NW at Nelms Drive 46. Hollins Road at Trevillian 47. Hollins Road at Beaumont 48. Garst Mill Road at Hollowdale SW 49. 6339 Nell Drive 50. 7016 Plantation Road 51. Eveningwood Lane and Northlakes Drive 52. Summer Drive and Evening Wood Lane 53. 544 Water Oak Drive NW 54. Plantation Road and Petty Avenue 55. Williamson Road at Enon Baptist 56. Hollins Road at Shadwell Drive 57. 3434 Electric Road SW - K-92 58. Brambleton Avenue at Old Cave Spring Road-Central Fidelity Bank side 59. 4955 Northlakes Drive 60. Summer Drive and North Garden Lane 61. Mason Park Drive and Winter Park Drive 62. Willett and Hastings SW 63. Northlakes and Green Tree Lane 64. 5416 Plantation Road 65. Williamson Road and Dent Road 66. Tinker View and Shadwell Drive NW ~ ^ 3 m ~ Z N 05 ~.w ~ rt~ ~ °~ ~ rat N~ ~' ~ ro m a ~ ~+ ~ N w o ~ ~ ~ rt N rt ~ ° ~, o ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~~ mro ~m ~ m ~~ ~ f~-h n rat o~ ~ ~' m ~, rt F-' 0 ~i ~t o~ ~ ° ~ m (rTl ~ z ~ ~ ~ f*7 b n bd t~ f'l d Z7 zdDi ZfT10 --~ ci r*~ Gl -D D D~~ zDZ :Z7 O -~-1 D f! , ~ ---I T~ 3 Z f'l D ~ ;fl ~ ('rl pZN Z Z C7 ~ .~ ~ -i a z- C =ice QoOZ ~ ~l ~ .A H '""~ ~ 0 ~ ~ n H CD7 c rD- -p ~ ''~ m ti ~ c o ~ p m m d ~ c ~ "0 0 m m d ~ c om., '0 0 m m d "D ~ ~ c m r m d ~ c r -0 p '~ m d ~ c ~ 'D O m m ty n c ~.- '0 O m m d CD'1 c r- '9 O m m ty 0 Z = -~ D ~ z ~ w ~. N x ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ ~ w n ~ ~ ~ December 1, 1992 EXECUTIVE SESSION County staff requests the Board to adopt a motion to enter into executive session within the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act as follows: (a) to discuss the location of a prospective business or industry in the County in accordance with Section 2.1-344 A 5 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. ,l ~~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1992 RESOLUTION 12192-12 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session O~ pOAN ,I.~ ~. z ~ ~ a? 1 38 (~.~~x~#g a# ~.~~t~~~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 Mr. J. William Pistner 3216 Hartley Circle Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Pistner: December 1, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, December 1, 1992, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley Community Service Board for a three-year term beginning December 31, 1992, and ending December 31, 1995. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bjh Enclosures cc: Dr. Fred Roessel, Jr., Executive Director, MHS ®Re~yaed aape- ~ P AN ,). F ti• % ~ ~ o a ~ 8 ~.~ixx~t~ .~# ~.~~xx~aC~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOOGE (703) 772-2004 December 1, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN GTAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MA615TERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mrs. Sue Ivey 5120 Burnt Quarter Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Mrs. Ivey: The members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service on the Mental Health Service of the Roanoke Valley Community Service Board. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on Board. Citizens responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. Roanoke County is fortunate indeed to have benefitted from your unselfish contribution to our community. As a small token of appreciation, we enclose a Certificate of Appreciation for your service to Roanoke County. Since ely, Lee B. Eddy,'Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosure cc: Dr. Fred Roessel, Jr., Executive Director, MHS ® Recycled Paper F ~ AN '). F z 2 a, s P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 December 2, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERUL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NIGKENS VINTON MAGISrERL4L DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Rev. James Beaver Penn Forest Church of God P. O. Box 8112 Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Reverend Beaver: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 1992. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. Sincerely, ~, Lee B. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bjh e ® ReCyded Pier r of a A" ~F ~• • p z ~, a= t a Cn~~xx~# ~~ ~~xx~~.~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 December 2, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HIW3 MAGISTERW. DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGIST~t1AL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON MOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY' MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Wallace N. Davis, Executive Director Virginia Department of Air Pollution Control Ninth Street Office Building, 8th Floor Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Mr. Davis: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 12192-9 of support for the submission to the State Air Pollution Control Board by the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors of an ordinance regulating emissions which burn hazardous wastes. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, December 1, 1992. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: The Honorable Wanda C. Wingo, Chairman, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors Roanoke Valley Legislators The Honorable David A. Bowers, Mayor, City The Honorable James Taliaferro, Mayor, City The Honorable Charles R. Hill, Mayor, Town of Roanoke of Salem of Vinton ® Recycled Paper F~ AN ,I. z r ~~~~~ ~~ ~~C~~.~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 Dr. James D. McComas Office of the Presiders VPI&SU 210 Burruss Hall Blacksburg, Va. 24061-0131 Dear Dr. McComas: December 2, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWOA MAGISTERAL DIST111CT BOB L JOHNSON NOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRCT H. ODELL -FUaY MINND( CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS vINTON MAGIST®aAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted the attached resolution during their meeting on December 1,1992 concerning their support for the Roanoke County/Salem Extension office. The Board is requesting that the action to transfer the County 4-H position to the Roanoke City office be delayed until the General Assembly has had an opportunity to address the projected budget deflctt for the 1993-94 fiscal year, and any impact that budget will have on present or future positions. The Board has also expressed concern about the disparity in the local share of the funding of our existing Extension agents and I am formally requesting a review to reduce Roanoke County's local share from the current one half to the customary one third. Finally, the need to fill the Agriculture agent position remains a priority for our community in order to provide proper services to our residents. A copy of the resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors is being forwarded to the area State legislators with strong encouragement to consider restoring the funds necessary to maintain this program for our community. Also attached is a copy of a petition requesting that the 4-H position be continued in Roanoke County. This petition exhibits the strong community support for the 4-H programs and Its current staff. Please consider this request from our Board and let me know the action you will be taking as soon as possible so that I may keep my Board of Supervisors and area legislators informed of the status. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, C//~+~ / ` '~`, Elmer Hodge County Administrator cc: Dr. L Andrew Swiger Dr. William A. Allen Dr. Judith Jones Roanoke Valley Legislators Jean Vandergrift John C. Chambliss, Jr. ® Leo Pam PETITION of Support We, the undersigned, from the counties of Botetourt, Franklin, Craig and Roanoke, and other interested persons. wish to bring official attention to the potential loss of our area's 4-H Youth ~~ - - Leslie Robinson. It is our understanding that her position within the county of Roanoke is in jeopardy due to lost funding. It is with this petition of support for her position that we would like to formally protest ANY move of her from our area and point out how detrimental and negative such a move would be. We, the undersigned, are concerned for our youth, their future fillC~ the f»ture .+f g-.u. a:~d it'J ~iatGlaJ1VC: iivi3E EirUgiblaiS. L6Slle is personally one of those unifying agents who supports all of the area's local 4-H youth in their horse projects, horse shows, judging teams and horse hippology and camp. In addition, Leslie runs many other valuable community prograns for youth including 4-H camps and the Cloverbud program which ~1vP.R our youth a positive direction in which to grog and learn. The loss of such s fine extension worker would truly mean the death of many such programs, as the volunteers involved desperately need AND DESERVE the type of support that Leslie offers. We consider her expertise, professionalism and support absolutely invaluable to our efforts with our clubs and communities. To remove her would be a great injustice to the tax payers of this entire area and will not go un-noticed by all who sign this petition. We employ the opportunity to work out a solution where as Leslie retains her position as it stands now and will do what ever is necessary to help insure our future with 4-H as well as Leslie's future as our extension agent. Please consider this petition of support and do whatever is necessary to retain Leslie Robinson and our 4-H programs in this area. We thank you for your time, personal consideration of the matter and hope that you wili take appropriate actions to help us. c- ~ ~cu» t '~ ~n ;ice, ~.~ ~~ ~t ~1~ ~. ~-: ~~~, ~~~ ~~ <Q ~~ ~~~ 8C :~ eao y ~~ ~, ~~ , ~, ..:~~~Ul~-tom `r _ ;.i / J PETITION of Support We; the undersigned, from the counties of Botetourt, Franklin, Craig and Roanoke, and other interested persons, wish to bring official attention to the potential loss of our area"s 4-H Youth ~~ - Leslie Robinson. It is our understanding that her position within the county of Roanoke is in jeopardy due to lost funding. It is with this petition of support for her position that we would like to formally protest ANY move of her Prom our area and point out how detrimental and negative such a move would be. We, the undersigned, are concerned for our youth, their future and the future of 4-H and it's extensive horse programs. Leslie is personally one of those unifying agents who supports all oP the area's local 4-H youth in their horse projects, horse shows, judging teams and horse hippology and camp. In addition, Leslie runs many other valuable community programs for youth including 4-H camps and the Cloverbud program which dives our youth a positive direction in which to grow and learn. The loss of such a fine extension worker would truly mean the death of nary such programs, as the volunteers involved desperately need AND DESERVE the type of support that Leslie offers. We consider her expertise, professionalism and support absolutely invaluable to our efforts with our clubs and comaunities. To remove her would be a great injustice to the tax payers~of this entire area and will not go un-noticed by all who sign. this petition. We employ the opportunity to work out a solution where as Leslie retains her position as it stands now and will do what ever is necessary to help insure our future with 4-H as well as Leslie's future as our extension agent. Please consider this petition of sunnort and do whatever is necessary to retain Leslie Robinson and our 4-H programs in this area. We thank you for your time, personal consideration of the matter and hope that ou will take appropria actions to help us. ~- (~c~ v l }~ a.~ rv.:,.~.n R, . A v ~~ ~~~ ~~..~ °v I (?i; ;F ,. '~ ~ PETITION of Su r pport `~~'" ld :Xi:,: :.+_+:1~1Vr: :' tL._. ._~ ~ 1;~-;` ' :~lt?~ E:.it'_ (~ ",r:•;_„-: ,- ._ -, ~ _ _ ,_ r`_M• r _ _.:~ = ~:.,:: rl.t~, official .attentir_`r: to t!ie rotenta.l loss of our arcs"s ~-.~ ~outh and Horse :~Nei;ialist ~:~ctensio,~ i~Crit> :.~s? is ~:_:L-•ins:~n. Tt is r_:V~ understand in; ':hat her rc:sition withi:: the ~;.`unty :_f F:oanoke is in jeopardy d`se to ? o~=t f`~nd ir.o . I t is with thi= petition of support for 1'iFr position that we wou:.d like to formally protest ANY xiove of 1-:er from our area and point out low detrimental and negative such a move would be. We, the undersigned, are concerned for our youth, their future and the future of 4-H and i±"s extensive horse programs. Leslie is personally one of ±liose uriifying agents who supports all of t•tze area"s local g-H youth in their horse.:projects, horse shows, judging teams and horse hippo logy snd camp. In addition, Leslie runs many other valuable community programs for youth including 4-H camps and the Cloverbud program which gives our youth a positive direction im which to grow and learn. Tt-ie loss of such a fine extension worker would truly mean the death of many such r'rograms, as the voluntee~•s involved desperately need AND DESERVE the type of support that Leslie offers. We cc;nsider her expertise, professionalism and support absolutely invaluable to our efforts with our clubs and communities. To remove her would be a great irjusti~e t~ the tax payers of this entire area and will not go un-noticed by all wl:o sign this petition. We employ the opportunity to work out a solution where a.s.Lesiie retains tier position as it stands now and will do what ever is • ' necessary to hElp insure our suture with 4-H ss well as Le~li~"s future as our extension agent. PiEase consider this petition of support snd do whatever is. ne:~essary~to retain Leslie Robinson and our 4-H programs in this area. .. We thank you for your time, personal consideration ~f t!'ie matter and hope that you will take appropriate actions to help u:-. ~~ aaao Po~-~. ~ . ~~,c~-~-e.:~' W 5~+~dre ~ 77a-4~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ G Z 4fj ba~t~rn G-~ek ~ Cn. 1~rLF l~lfi~. ~4 ~~ 9Z9 - 43-1 ~, ~/''- (,~t;tit/,P~~ ?3oz-~ C~icc~C6~,~ /~~~,~•e, ~ov~~~ a~o~~ 98~i-; -~ 'Guy,-.,}~~re,~.~s t ~ °I ~ ~ a~~s--v~ Ct~ ~2e(~. ~-.~ . ~ enst ~. , ~-~f n5° 9cS°t - Y ~ ~~ ~, r ~~~t. C~~~.~r{~,t/ 744 ~ CQu~~e-~-c2 LAS ~'~ IVx~v~ok~ i VA ~yot~ ~Z 4 -~ - -~ ~~~ J .4 u~.vu-k. d~~1 'M Pad1.eC~~(~tcx~`~ \-~~lu.-~ ~lc,LC~S~.~c~2~~(g(7 ~'Z~5 ~ ~ ~cvQrrls 353(0 p~va•v~- °~ sLJ ~aac~alcsz~ V~- a4Ot~ hi ~ X09 ~r- s~.~ 1/~ a~is3 ~~~~~ ZG y~ ~/: //~/~ r~-~• S~ JI,~ ~ ~C o~.~~ Z yo i 6' 9~' 9- 5' y s 7 n,~ PETiTI~N of Support ...,~_~...".'.'"°___.._.___...__ . _ ... ale, the undersigned, Fron: the ~cunties of Botetnurt, Franklin, Craig ar,d RUanOl~;e, and other interested persons, wish tv bring official attention to the potential loss of our area's 4-H Youth and Horse Specialist extension agent, Leslie Robinson. It is our understanding that her position within the county of Roanoke is in jeopardy due to lost funding. It is with this petition of support for her position that we would like to formally protest ANY move of her from our area and point out how detrimental and negative such a move would be_ We, the undersigned, are concerned for our youth, their future and the future of 4-H and it's extensive horse programs. Leslie is personally one of those unifying agents who supgorts all of the area"s local g-H youth in their horse projects, .horse shows, judging teams and horse hippology and camp. In addition, Leslie runs many other valuable community programs for youth including 4-H camps and the Cloverbud program which gives our youth a positive direction in which to grow and learn. The loss of such a fine extension worker would truly mean the death of many such programs, as the volunteers involved desperately need AND DESERVE the -type of support that Leslie offers. We consider her expertise, professionalism and support absolutely invaluable to our efforts with our clubs and communities. To remove her would be a great injustice to the tax payers of this entire area and will not go un-noticed by all who sign this petition. We employ the opportunity to work out a solution where as Leslie retains her position as it stands now and will do what ever is necessary to help insure our future with 4-H as well as Leslie's future as our extension agent. Please consider this petition of support and do whatever is necessary to retain Leslie Robinson and our 4-H programs in this area. We thank you for your time, personal consideration of the matter and hope that you will take appropriate actions to help u~. ~~ ~1 \11~~~ ~. ~ tLli~ .. .- ` s_ ~~ ~~ ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ VJ c~Si~~ 5 ~ v ~ . ~~~~~~~ ~a. ~ ~~~~CQ/~'iC I aJZ~ - ~~4 ~-ra-~tc.~ `-c.) ~` ~ ~ AN 'rte` a ~' ~ z ~ ~ 2 a 1 38 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 Mr. James W. Coleman, Jr. Regional Director Southeast Region United States Department 75 Spring Street, SW Atlanta, GA 30303 LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON NOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Dear Mr. Coleman: December 2, 1992 of the Interior SUBJECT: National Park Service Visitor Center Request to amend Record of Decision for the FEIS Roanoke River Parkway, Blue Ridge Parkway At the February 12, 1991 meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, the Board unanimously endorsed the Visitor Center project to be built in Roanoke County near the Blue Ridge Parkway and the new Roanoke River Parkway. At that time, the Board adopted the staff recommendation for site #3 as outlined in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and was accepted in the September 30, 1992 Record of Decision for future development. Since then things have changed and site #3 is no longer a viable alternative. Site #3 is no longer available due to cost and the owner unwillingness to sell. We would prefer that site #5 become the accepted location for future development. Site #5 has become more attractive due to factors now known about the closing of the adjacent landfill and alignment of the parkway extension to Virginia's Explore Park, and offers many benefits: 1. It is aesthetically very appealing, offering scenic views in an attractive setting, adjacent to a landscaped, landfill (special restoration ecology project being conducted through Virginia Tech, Virginia's Explore Park, and the Roanoke Valley Regional Landfill Authority, with possible funding from Virginia Endowment on the Environment). P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ®p~~ per, Mr. James W. Coleman, Jr. Page 2 December 2, 1992 2. Before the ROD was made, level 3 environmental testing was completed on the landfill with no significant findings, allowing the Parkway Spur to remain the preferred alignment. Test results were not available in the earlier ranking of sites. 3. No cost for land would be incurred because site #5 is directly adjacent to the parkway extension alignment, and because landfill and Explore property needed for the property has been agreed to be given for the purpose of the parkway. This would substantially reduce total visitor center cost estimates, roughly by $1.5 -$3.0 million. 4. No additional cost would be incurred for the access road into the visitor center, if placed adjacent to the Parkway Spur, saving an estimated $.5 - $1.5 million. 5. No additional delay in time or cost would be incurred by the amended site change to site #5, as compared with significant costs of time, labor, expenses for an environmental impact study, if sites outside of the five studied were selected. 6. By amending the Record of Decision at this time, there is a opportunity to possibly utilize any remaining funds from the appropriated $15 million for the demonstration project. We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience regarding the amendment of the Record of Decision. Sincerely, .J . Lee E. Eddy, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors enclosure: Board Report c: The Honorable John W. Warner, United States Senator The Honorable Charles S. Robb, United States Senator The Honorable James R. Olin, United States Congressman Members of the Board of Supervisors The Honorable Charles R. Hill, Mayor of Vinton Mr. Elmer C. Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator Mr. Gary Everhardt, Superintendent, Blue Ridge Parkway Mr. L. H. Hamlar, Chairman, Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Mr. Robert Hope, Resident Landscape Architect, Roanoke River Parkway Dr. Rupert Cutler, Director, Environmental Education Center Mr. Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning and Zoning Department Mr. Timothy W. Gubala, Director of Economic Development Mrs. Joyce W. Waugh, Economic Development Specialist 0~ ROANp,(,~ ~ p z ~, o a s P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 ~c~I~v Rev Roger Smi Penn Fores urch of God P. O. Bo 8112 Roano VA 24014 Dear Reverend Smith: June 30, 1992 _l~Y~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS ''II VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Y I__ ... nn nn(703) 772-2005 V~1~-C~ On behalf of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for giving the invocation at the Board Meetings in the past. We would again like to call on you to present the invocation on Tuesday, December 1, 1992, at 3:00 p.m. Usually the board meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, but December is an exception because of the holidays. The invocation is always given at 3 p.m. If the date requested above is not convenient, please call me at 772-2005. I will be calling you soon to see if this time is acceptable to you or if you would prefer another date. The Board members are aware of how busy your schedule is, and they appreciate your volunteering your time to offer God's blessing at their meetings. Sincerely, Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ®R~yaad P~ ~~ ANA ti z COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 ~~~~~ ~~ ~ .aa~xx~~.C~ P.O. 80X 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 November 5, 1992 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I.F.E B. EDDY. CHAIRMAN WM~OR MILS MAfiIS71:R1AL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR.. VICE-CHAIRMAN GTAWeA MAQIi?EItU1L DISTRICT "OWNS w-o ~~Iw°~I~ H. ODp1.'~aY- MINNIX GVE SPRING MAOIS RR1AL DSSTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTDN MAGIS7'lRIAI. DISTRICT Beverly T. Fitzpatrick, Jr., C.E.D. Vice President, Dominion Bankshares Dominion Tower Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Bev: c7os) 772-loos Thanks very much for sending me a co evaluation of water supply and wastewater facilities,instheaRoanoke Valley. I will see that the other members of the Board of Supervisors and key staff personnel also receive a copy, In regard to potential limitations in the adequacy of the Carvins Cove Reservoir supply, the County has long felt that the Spring Hollow source could supplement Carvins Cove in the case of a future supply shortage. Ultimately it makes great sense for the City and County water systems to be interconnected, for normal as well as emergency operations. In regard to a regional management structure for Valley-wide wastewater interceptors and treatment, that has long been a the County, and we hear more and more comments to that effectofromf independent observers like John Novak. I hope some day the Cit government will see the wisdom of a regional approach to both water and sanitary sewer systems. Thanks again for your thoughtfulness. We stand ready to discuss the issues presented by John Novak at any time. I fear that economic development efforts for the entire Valley could be severely hampered if we do not soon take a regional approach to these serious infrastructure problems. Sincerely, Lee B. Eddy copy; Members, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Cliff Craig, Director of Utilities (each with copy of John Novak's Summary Paper> ®R~~ M E M O RAN D U M To: Dr. Bayes E. Wilson, and Messrs. John M. Chambliss, O. Arnold Covey, Thomas C. Fuqua, Timothy W. Gubala, Paul M. Mahoney, and E. Spencer Watts i From: Elmer C. Hodge ~ ;~"'~~ ~' Date: November 6, 1992 Subject: Work Session at December 1, 1992, Supervisors' Meeting As you know, the Supervisors' December meeting schedule has been revised due to the holidays. Instead of meeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays, their meetings next month will be held on the first and third Tuesdays. At 5 p.m. on December 1 there will be a work session to discuss coordination of the bond projects. Each of you should be prepared to present to the Board preliminary scheduling for the projects that you are responsible for. Diane Hyatt will be there to discuss with us when the funds will become available. I know that everyone would like to begin work immediately on all of the projects, but we plan to issue the bonds in July or August of 1993 and we need to be sure we do our planning with that in mind. I will ask Elaine Carver to attend the work session because, depending on the scheduling, Procurement could be heavily impacted. ECH/meh cc - Ms. Diane D. Hyatt Ms. M. Elaine Carver Ms. Mary H. Allen A-102792-10.c L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS SUPERVISOR NICKENS: (1) ASKED IF STAFF CONTACTED CARILLON ABOUT CHARGES FOR GIVING HEPATITIS VACCINE AS HE PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED. ASKED IF FIRE & RESCUE VOLUNTEERS WERE COVERED UNDER THE PROGRAM AND ECH ADVISED 'TIDY WERE. HCN REQUESTED THAT STAFF BRING BACK REPORT ON THE ADDED COST TO UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCE INSTEAD OF USING THE VOLUNTEER'S EMERGENCY FUNDS TO GIVE VACCINE. (2) CUT UP HIS MCI TELEPHONE CALLING CREDIT CARD. SUPERVISOR KOHINKE: (1) REPORTED ON THE 10/22/92 SPDC MEETING HE ATTENDED: (a) TABLED RESO TO OPPOSE LAKE GASTON PROTECT UNTIL TAN, (6) WILL CHARGE INDIVIDUAL USERS FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. (c) HEARD FROM NEW SEC OF ECON DEV. (d) UPDATE ON SERVICES FOR CO (21 R~UESTED FEEDBACK FROM BOARD AND REPORT FROM STAFF ON OFFERING CHILDCARE AS BENEFIT TO EMPLOYEES. ECH WILL BRING BACK A REPORT. SUPERVISOR 1~~IINNIX: (1) ATTENDED VML MEETING OCT 18-20 IN HAMPTON AND WILL SHARE IDEAS AT WORK SESSION. (2) WAS NOT IMPRESSED WITH BOOK "AMERICA WHAT WENT WRONG" DISCUSSED AT VML SESSION. SUPERVISOR EDDY: (11 RECEIVED BOND REFERENDUM BROCHURE IN MAIL TODAY. (2) ADVISED THAT EDITORIAL STAFF OF ROANOKE TIMES & WORLD-NL'WS ENDORSED THE COUNTY BOND REFERENDUM. (3) FIRST + + G OF WINDSOR HILLS ADVISORY COUNCIL HELD LAST WEDNESDAY WITH 16 MEMBERS. a Number: 196439 Posted: 11/13/92 15:04 Type: Regular Message Received: 11/13/92 15:56 Subject: Fred's Board report From: DDH - Diane Hyatt To: MHA - Mary Allen I discussed Fred's board report with the auditors and they are comfortable with the change he is suggesting. You can go ahead and put it on the Dec 1 Board meeting. thanks. MEMORANDUM TO: Lee Eddy nn (~ FROM: G ~ Elmer C. Hodge DATE: November 13, 1992 SUBJECT: Future Agenda Items Listed below are responses to your questions during our meeting yesterday afternoon: Landfill and Water Project Reports Because of the holiday meeting schedule, these reports are scheduled for December 15. In addition to the reports, we will have our quarterly presentation from the Resource Authority, Mr. Craig and the consultants. Forest Edae Cliff Craig advised me they are still working on the option and should start drilling within one week. Notification of Zoning Changes Terry Harrington plans to bring this to the Board of Supervisors at the first meeting in January (January 12). He plans to follow the` suggestions outlined in your November 2 memo. Recorded Messages By copy of this memo, i am requesting that John Chambliss prepare a report for the December 1 meeting on public usage of the recorded messages. Dixie Caverns By copy of this memo, I am requested that Paul Mahoney be prepared to update the Board on the Dixie Caverns cleanup. CC: Members of the Board of Supervisors Terry Harrington John Chambtiss Paul Mahoney Clifford Craig John Hubbard Mary Allen December 1 Agenda Audio Visual Slide Presentation on the Regional Airport Proclamation - Harshbarger House Recognition of Extra Mile Club nominees -Anita Hammerstrom "' ~v~//.~ i ~ Loss of VPI Extension Agent on ~a / Report on Bev Fitpatrick's letter adtwater r / Hepatitis B Vaccine for Fire and Rescue Volunteers -Tommy Fuqua ~ ~~,~~ s Acceptance and Appropriation of Grant from the Elfun Society 1st Reading Parade Permit Ordinance -Joe Obenshain 2nd Reading -Illegal Disposal of Trash and Dumping Work Session Bond Projects -Elmer Hodge, Diane Hyatt Amendment to Investment Policy -Fred Anderson Report on Recorded Messages -John Chambliss Appointment of County Administrator as Director of Emergency Services -Larry Logan Request for Work Session on 1993 Legislation Proposed by Commission on Population Growth and Development -Terry Harrington .~~~ioa/ ~1 C~ c~-~c_-~Q. ~P T.c-v-~`-° OF ROANp~~ ti ~, G Z {A., ~ 2 J .a 1$ E50 8$ SFSQUICENTENN~P4 A Beautiful Beginning T.C. FUQUA CHIEF TO: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., County dministrator ,~- L FROM: Deputy Chief L ~ . ~L an DATE: October 27, 1992 SUBJECT: Board Report and Information ~"~ ALLAMERICA CITY ''I ~~~ 1979 1989 LARRY A. LOGAN DEPUTY CHIEF CHIEF OF OPERATIONS EMERGENCY SERVICES EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FIRE SUPPRESSION TECHNICAL RESPONSE Enclosed is a draft of the board report, diskette, draft resolution prepared by the senior assistant county attorney and six copies of the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Laws. You may want to give each board member a copy to help them understand the request. These changes have been endorsed by the Public Safety Team. I talked with Chief Fuqua and he agrees with the board report and resolution. This is the way that we akeady operate; I stay available at all times. If I need to be out of service for any reason, I contact either Chief Fuqua or Deputy Chief Light and see if they can handle call back. If they are not available, then I change my plans. We work togather as a team to share the responsibility. I also take care of the planning and preparations for emergency response and the Emergency Operations Plan which is the responsibility of the coordinator. Chief Light assists me when necessary and Chief Fuqua stays available to assist you and keep the Board aware of what is going on during the emergency which is the responsibility of the deputy director. All three of us can handle all aspects of either positions. There are twenty two counties that have appointed the county administrator director. They are: Franklin, Henry, Pulaski, Tazwell, Chesterfield, Henrico, Isle of Wight, James City County, Westmoreland, York, Albemarle, Caroline, Fairfax, Fauquier, Hanover, King William, King George, Page, Prince William, Rockingham, and Stafford. As you can see very few suburban or urban counties still use a member of the Board as the director. If you need any further information please contact me. c: Chief Thomas Fuqua Deputy Chief Mark Light Joseph B. Obenshain C~nunf~ pf ~Ruttnnk~e FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT 3568 PETERS CREEK ROAD NW ROANOKE. VA 24019 (703) 561-8070 FAX TELEPHONE (703) 561-8108