HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/22/1993 - Regular~ ROAN ,~, a ~ ' 9 Z a l3 C~~ix~#~ ~~ ~.~~x~~~.e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JUNE 22, 1993 BVelcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:03 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Richard Harris Chaplain, Roanoke County Jail 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS LBE ASKED THAT ITEM S: CITIZENS COMII~NTS, BE HEARD BEFORE ITEM R: EXPANSION OF BULK/BRUSH COLLECTION C. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS i ® Recyded Paper 1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of July 11 - 18 as Commonwealth Games of Virginia Week. PRESENT TO ACCEPT WAS CHERYL POE, ADNIINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FOR VIRGINIA AMATEUR SPORTS BLOT MOTION TO ADOPT PROC - URC 2. Presentation of Distinguished Service Award from Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, Crime Prevention Committee and Resolution of Congratulations. R-62293-1 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC PRESENTED BY CHIEF CEASE MR. LEE WAS PRESENT ECH INTRODUCED TANEK KUCHARZEWSKI, MAYOR OF OPOLE, POLAND, VISITING ROANOKE COUNTY AS PART OF A PROGRAM SPONSORED BY VLGMA D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Appropriation to Fund an Engineering & Feasibility Study to Expand the Roanoke County/Salem Jail (Sheriff Gerald Holt) A-62293-2 BLLT MOTION TO APPROVE $15000 FUNDING AYES-BI~T,EGK„HCN,FM NAYS-LBE 2. Request for Readoption of Public-Private Partnership Policy. (Timothy W. Gubala, Economic Development Director) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - NO VOTE z LBE SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO DEFER ACTION AND THAT STAFF STRENGTHEN THE POLICY SO THAT STAFF CAN APPROVE MOST REQUESTS -POLICY TO BE BROUGHT BACK TO THE BOARD URC a. Request for Public Private Partnership Funds for Lingerfelt Development Corporation. A-62293-3.a HCN MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-BI~T,EGK,HCN,FM ABSTAIN-LBE b. Request for Public Private Partnership Funds for Hampton Inn. A-62293-3.b HCN MOTION TO APPROVE AYES-BL~T,EGK,HCN,FM ABSTAIN-LBE 3. Approval of Resolution Urging the General Assembly to Enact Stronger D.U.I. Legislation. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) R-62293-4 EGK MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC ONE CITIZEN SPOKE 4. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Community Crime Prevention Services. (John Cease, Police Chief) A-62293-5 HCN MOTION TO ACCEPT GRANT URC 5. Request for Acceptance of Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Grant from the Virginia State Library & Archives. (Don Myers, Assistant County 3 Administrator) A-62293-6 BIT MOTION TO ACCEPT GRANT URC 6. Request for Appropriation for Unavoidable Expenses in the General Services Department, Solid Waste Division. (Elmer Hodge, County Administrator) A-62293-7 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE APPROPRIATION FOR STORM RELATED ERPENSES ONLY - NO VOTE EGIC T~ SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO APPROVE $223,296 FULL APPROPRIATION ~'°'~ AYES-B T,EGK,LBE,FM (`,,~'~q~ NAYS-HCN STAFF TO PROVIDE LIST OF ALL DEPARTMENTS WHO HAVE OVERRUN THEIR BUDGET UNDER "REPORTS" AT 7/13/93 MEETING E. OLD BUSINESS 1. Request for Approval Virginia Association of 1993) (Paul Mahoney, of Legislative Requests for the Counties (Continued from June 8, County Attorney) ACTION DEFERRED LBE AND HCN TO MEET WITH PMM TO DEFINE REQUESTS MORE CLEARLY AND BRING BACK TO BOARD FOR APPROVAL F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS BIzT REQUESTED WORK SESSION ON 7/13/93 TO DISCUSS GENERAL SERVICES DEPT. AND TO INCLUDE HISTORY OF ONE-ARMED BANDIT LBE REQUESTED WORK SESSION ON DRAFT LEGISLATION FROM THE COMMISSION ON POPULATION GROWTH - 7/13/93 4 BOARD CONSENSUS TO SET WORK SESSIONS FOR EVENING - 713 93 G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA B T MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING AND SET PUBLIC HEARING FOR 7/27/93 1. Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Expand an Existing Church Building, Located at 3917 Old Catawba Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Mason Cwe Chapel. 2. Ordinance to Rezone 0.410 Acres Construct a Duplex, Located West Haven Road, Hollins Magisterial Petition of Martha W. Cox. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES from R-1 to R-2 to of 6707/6705 Wood District, Upon the 1. Ordinance Authorizing Donation of 0.16462 Acre of Land, Together with a Permanent Drainage Easement and Temporary Construction Easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for Improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-62293-8 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 5 MHA TO CONTACT MR KIELTY 2. Social Services Advisory Board. A-62293-9 LBE MOTION TO APPROVE ESTABLISHMENT OF ADVISORY BOARD AND NONIINATED BE'I1'Y TOE ANTHONY AND DR HARRY NICKENS URC HCN NOMINATED ROBERT LEWIS FM TO CONTACT PATRICK S ~ ~ R REGARDING APPOINTMENT TO VA. WESTERN COr~IlViiJNI'I'Y COLLEGE BOARD K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-62293-10 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE WITH ITEM 2 REMOVED URC 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Clean Valley Council. A-62293-10.a 2. Acknowledge of Acceptance of 0.29 Miles of Rome Drive, and 0.06 Miles of McIntosh Lane into Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. A-62293-10.b HCN MOTION TO APPROVE - URC 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding 6 Grumman Emergency Products. A-62293-10.c 4. Resolution of Support for the AMTRAK Route from New York to Atlanta via the Roanoke Valley, Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee. A-62293-10.d 5. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Drug Enforcement Program. A-62293-10.e 6. Request for Acceptance of Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for Arts. A-62293-10.f L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Kohinke: (~ Asked about sign for Dry Hollow Road. ECH advised sign needs to be built but should be up sometime this week. ~2) Asked staff to contact the railroad about the May Tohnson Railroad crossing. Don Myers will check on this. (3) Announced he had received positive feedback from citizens on the Neighborhood Watch Program. (4) Expressed concern about the new FEMA Flood Plain designations and how it affect ~%perty values, etc. ECH advised he had talked to the Corps of Engineers and found out that FEMA is responsible. He has discussed two meeting dates in Tiny and August with FEMA to meet with the civic league. ~5) Encouraged broader participation in future budget public hearings in the future. ~6) Advised he attended the West County Civic League meeting. ~'n Complimented the staff on tours at Spring Hollow and how they handled the concerns about Tubilee Acres. Supervisor Eddv: (1) Asked PMM about memo he sent regardin nuisance claims. PMM advised he was waiting for comments from the Board and would then discuss at Board meeting or in exec. session. (3) Asked Board members if they support his suggestion that human service a¢ency contributions be recommended ~ a committee. Board consensus NOT to set up committee. (4) Asked about department mission statements. ECH advised that they are included in the annual budget document. (51 Asked about ISTEA funds deadline and whether the Coun is applying. Term Harrington advised deadline is now August 2 and the County will be appiying for funds. ~6) Asked about the Tudicial Sale. PMM advised that the County has collected over $41,000 from 29 individuals. Supervisor Nickens: ~1) Asked staff to investigate whether VDOT entrance and egress requirements are being met at the construction on Mountain View Road. ~2) Asked staff to research and provide more information on new legislation allowing regional decal enforcement. (4) Asked that the Commonwealth's Attorney investigate the Clerk of Circuit Court's relationship with staff and the Health Dept. as it relates to the Clerk's developments. Asked that the issue be placed on the agenda for a vote. Followin discussion and assurance from EGK that he is satisfied with Clerk's response and will not uursue or discuss this issue any further, HCN withdrew his request. Supemsor Minnix: Announced that evaluations for PMM and ECH will be held August 24 and asked MHA to provide evaluation forms to the Board members. M. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COMMUI~TICATIONS N. REPORTS B ~T MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AFTER REMOVAL OF ITEM 9 AND DISCUSSION OF ITEM 7 - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -May 1993 5. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of May 31, 1993 6. Report on Bond Projects. 7. Report on 1991 Water Project 8. Report on Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Solid Waste Facilities 9. Report on CORD Program LBE MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AFTER DISCUSSION AT THE EVENING SESSION - UW O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) To consider the acquisition of real property for public purposes and (7) discussion with legal counsel and staff pertaining to a legal matter; possible amendment to the Landfill Member-Use Agreement LBE MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 6:00 P.M. - URC P. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION A-62293-11 B ~T MOTION TO APPROVE AT 7:05 P.M. URC EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC FIEARING WILL NOT BE HELD. FIRST READING AND PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO JULY 27, 1993 AND SECOND READING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 24 1993 9 Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, The Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Provisions Concerning Amateur Radio Towers in the Various Zoning Districts of the County. Q. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Minor Amendments to Said Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 0-62293-12 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC 2. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County by the Adoption of Certain Miscellaneous Changes Throughout the County of Said Maps. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 0-62293-13 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC 3. Ordinance to Amend the Official Zoning Maps of Roanoke County by Rezoning 767.33 Acres of Land from AG-3 and AG-12 to EPD (Explore Park District), located in the Vinton Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 0-62293-14 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE URC R CITIZEN CObIlVIENTS AND CONIlVIiJNICATIONS 1. Margaret Crouse, Windsor West, Concerning Brush and Bulk Collection. ASKED THAT BULK AND BRUSH BE COLLECTED MORE io FREQUENTLY THAN ONCE A MONTH. ALSO ASKED THAT REGENCY CIRCLE STREET SIGN BE REPIACED. HCN ASKED STAFF TO FIND OUT WHY IT TAKES SO LONG TO REPLACE STREET SIGNS. S. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Expansion of the Bu1lcBrush Collection (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) CONTINUED TO 7/13/93 TO BE INCLUDED IN WORK SESSION ON GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT EGK LEFT AT APPROXIMATELY 7:15 P.M. T. ADJOiJRNMENT B ~T MOTION TO ADTOURN AT 7:35 P.M. URC WITH EGK ABSENT ii ~ pOAN ,~.~ ti ~ p Z Z a~ 1838 Fff.UPl 6 7HE' BLIE Rm~' C~~~x~#~ ~~ ~.~~xx~~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JUNE 22, 1993 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Richard Harris Chaplain, Roanoke County Jail 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of July 11 - 18 as Commonwealth Games of Virginia Week. 2. Presentation of Distinguished Service Award from Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, Crime ® Recycled Paper Prevention Committee and Resolution of Congratulations. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Appropriation to Fund an Engineering & Feasibility Study to Expand the Roanoke County/Salem Jail (Sheriff Gerald Holt) 2. Request for Readoption of Public-Private Partnership Policy. (Timothy W. Gubala, Economic Development Director) a. Request for Public Private Partnership Funds for Lingerfelt Development Corporation. b. Request for Public Private Partnership Funds for Hampton Inn. 3. Approval of Resolution Urging the General Assembly to Enact Stronger D.U.I. Legislation. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) 4. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Community Crime Prevention Services. (John Cease, Police Chief) 5. Request for Acceptance of Library Services and Construction Act (LSCA) Grant from the Virginia State Library & Archives. (Don Myers, Assistant County Administrator) 6. Request for Appropriation for Unavoidable Expenses in the General Services Department, Solid Waste Division. (Elmer Hodge, County Administrator) 2 E. F. G. H. I. J. oLD BUSnvESs 1. Request for Approval of Legislative Requests for the Virginia Association of Counties (Continued from June 8, 1993) (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Expand an Existing Church Building, Located at 3917 Old Catawba Road, Catawba Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Mason Cove Chapel. 2. Ordinance to Rezone 0.410 Acres Construct a Duplex, Located West Haven Road, Hollins Magisterial Petition of Martha W. Cox. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES from R-1 to R-2 to of 6707/6705 Wood District, Upon the 1. Ordinance Authorizing Donation of 0.16462 Acre of Land, Together with a Permanent Drainage Easement and Temporary Construction Easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for Improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) APPOINTMENTS 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 3 2. Social Services Advisory Board. K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Clean Valley Council. 2. Acknowledge of Acceptance of 0.29 Miles of Rome Drive, and 0.06 Miles of McIntosh Lane into Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Grumman Emergency Products. 4. Resolution of Support for the AMTRAK Route from New York to Atlanta via the Roanoke Valley, Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee. 5. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Drug Enforcement Program. 6. Request for Acceptance of Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for Arts. L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CITIZENS' CONIlViENTS AND CONiMU1VICATIONS N. REPORTS 4 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -May 1993 5. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of May 31, 1993 6. Report on Bond Projects. 7. Report on 1991 Water Project 8. Report on Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Solid Waste Facilities 9. Report on CORD Program O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the .Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) To consider the acquisition of real property for public purposes. P. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M. FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING WILL NOT BE HELD. FIRST READING AND PUBLIC HEARING HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO TULY 27, 1993, AND SECOND READING WILL BE HELD ON AUGUST 24, 1993 Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, The Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Provisions Concerning Amateur Radio Towers in the Various Zoning Districts of the County. 5 Q• R. S. T. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Minor Amendments to Said Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 2. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County by the Adoption of Certain Miscellaneous Changes Throughout the County of Said Maps. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 3. Ordinance to Amend the Official Zoning Maps of Roanoke County by Rezoning 767.33 Acres of Land from AG-3 and AG-12 to EPD (Explore Park District), located in the Vinton Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) NEW BUSIIVESS 1. Request for Expansion of the Bulk/Brush Collection (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) CITIZEN COM1ViENTS AND CO1~~IlVIUNICATIONS 1. Margaret Crouse, Windsor West, Concerning Brush and Bulk Collection. ADJOURNMENT 6 C-~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1993 PROCLAMATION DECLARING WEER OF JULY 11 - 18, 1993 AS COMMONWEALTH GAMES OF VIRGINIA WEER WHEREAS, Virginia Amateur Sports, Inc. was named the official organizer of the Commonwealth Games of Virginia by Governor Wilder as recommended by the Virginia Governor's Commission on Sports and Physical Fitness, and sanctioned by the National Congress of State Games; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Games of Virginia are recognized by the United States Olympic Committee, Virginia High School League, and National Collegiate Athletic Association, and provide an olympic-style sports festival for amateur athletes of all ages and skills; and WHEREAS, during 1992, the Commonwealth Games of Virginia brought 4.2 million dollars in economic impact to the Roanoke Valley and surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the 1993 Commonwealth Games of Virginia will have twice the number of sports and twice the numbers of athletics who participated during 1992; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County supports the Commonwealth Games with a financial contribution and through the use of its facilities and support services from the Parks & Recreation Department. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of July 11 through 18, 1993, as COMMONWEALTH GAMES OF VIRGINIA WEER in Roanoke County, Virginia, and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors expresses its best wishes for the continued success of the Commonwealth Games of Virginia. .r a AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION 62293-1 OF CONGRATIILATIONS TO MARK LEE FOR RECEIVING THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD FROM THE ROANORE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, crime prevention is an important function for any police department, and depends to a large extent on the alertness and responsiveness of the citizens of the area; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Police Department encourages the residents of the County to assist the Department in preventing and solving crimes; and WHEREAS, Mark Lee, a resident of Roanoke County, was recently instrumental in assisting the Police Department in arresting two suspects; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lee, without regard for his personal safety, rendered valuable aid to one of Roanoke County's law enforcement officers by detaining one of the suspects; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lee was recently honored by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce for his actions, and received the 1993 Distinguished Service Award from the Chamber. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby extends its congratulations to MARK LEE for the recognition he received from the Regional Chamber; and FIIRTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board also extends its thanks to Mr. Lee for his willingness to be involved in assisting the Police Department in their duties. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, r" ~' and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Cu..~-~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File John Cease, Chief, Police Department ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER °°` Y, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of Congratulations to Mark Lee for Receiving the Distinguished Service Award from the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce has announced that Mr. Mark Lee will receive their Distinguished Service Award for 1993. This is the second year that the Chamber has presented this award and the recipient was chosen by the Crime Prevention Committee chaired by Roanoke County Commonwealth's Attorney Skip Burkart. Mr. Lee received the recognition for his assistance to Officer Hoover of the Roanoke County Police Department. Mr. Lee detained one of two suspects and provided valuable aid to Officer Hoover in his arrest of the two suspects. Mr. Burkart will present the Distinguished Service Award to Mr. Lee. The attached resolution will also be presented by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. App//,,r~~ved b , ~~t'~,,.,./ Emer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens "` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO MARK LEE FOR RECEIVING THE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD FROM THE ROANORE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, crime prevention is an important function for any police department, and depends to a large extent on the alertness and responsiveness of the citizens of the area; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Police Department encourages the residents of the County to assist the Department in preventing and solving crimes; and WHEREAS, Mark Lee, a resident of Roanoke County, was recently instrumental in assisting the Police Department in arresting two suspects; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lee, without regard for his personal safety, rendered valuable aid to one of Roanoke County's law enforcement officers by detaining one of the suspects; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lee was recently honored by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce for his actions, and received the 1993 Distinguished Service Award from the Chamber. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby extends its congratulations to MARK LEE for the recognition he received from the Regional Chamber; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board also extends its thanks to Mr. Lee for his willingness to be involved in assisting the Police Department in their duties. f~ J ACTION NO. ITEM NO. A-62293-2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Appropriation to Fund an Engineering & Feasibility Study for Expansion of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 1 support Sheriff Holt's request for $15,000 fora feasibility study for expansion of fhe jail. Because of the long lead tine for projects such as this, if is wise fo begin the process now. 1 also believe the Sheriff has taken a conservative approach to the problen. He is not requesting a large regional jail as was proposed several years ago, or evenmajor expansion of the building. He anticipates being able tomeet fhe deriands of the jail for years in the future by double bunking and finishing an area provided for expansion when the jail was built. BACKGROUND' The Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility averaged a daily population of 140 during the calendar year 1992; and during the first five months of 1993, the daily inmate population has averaged 147. This is for Roanoke County and Salem prisoners only, and does not include any Federal prisoners. The facility has 104 beds designated for general inmate population. Our population has peaked to 190 inmates at times due to the large number of inmates sentenced to serve jail time on weekends. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Sheriff's Office recommends that an engineering study be conducted to determine the feasibility of completing the sixth floor in the design of a dormitory. This expansion would add an additional 37 beds. If the study determines that each of the 104 general inmate population cells can be double bunked per the minimum standards, we project this move would enable Roanoke County and the City of Salem to meet the demands in corrections through the year 2005, based upon the previous five years' inmate population growth in the Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility The Sheriff's Office requests that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors appropriate the necessary funds for the engineering and feasibility studies. The estimated cost for the study is approximately $15,000. When Requests for Proposals are returned, it is recommended that the County ask the City of Salem to fund their appropriate share of the cost or 22.72% per the existing contract. FISCAL IMPACT' The estimated cost of the study is $15,000. These funds could be appropriated from the Capital Fund Reserve. "` ~_ i STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors appropriate $15,000 from the Capital Fund Reserve to conduct an engineering and feasibility study on expansion of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail, and that the City of Salem be requested to reimburse Roanoke County for their share of the cost. Respectfully submitted, Gerald S. Holt Sheriff Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred ( ) To ( ) Appro d by, Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson motion to approve $15,000 funding cc: File Gerald Holt, Reta Busher, Diane Hyatt, John Cease, Sheriff Director, Management & Budget Director, Finance Chief of Police VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x Item No. " AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Readoption of Public Private Partnership Policy COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~~~.yry~..,.% ~~ ~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted a Public Private Partnership Policy by Resolution (22790-1) on February 27, 1990. Since the development of this program, County economic development staff have used this program to assist ten (10) projects in Roanoke County. A total of $201,626 has been expended in retaining or creating 473 jobs and resulting in an estimated $12 million of new private investment in Roanoke County. Funds have been used for public purposes; typically, water and sewer extensions and connection fees. The initial policy's emphasis has been aimed at manufacturing and major employers. During the past year, a variety of prospects have sought a Roanoke County location. The trend and type of prospects that have recently inquired about a Roanoke County location are both non-manufacturing and local Valley companies that are expanding. The staff's analysis supports an expansion of the Public Private Partnership to include non-manufacturing companies, tourism related industries and activities and employment training. Evaluation criteria based on new taxes, employment, payback, and other factors will be used to review applicants for assistance. The readopted Public Private Partnership Policy proposes that Roanoke County participate up to 50% of eligible costs for public improvements if payback from new taxes occurs within the first three years of the new project. This level of participation meets the intent of the partnership concept and provides funding opportunities for more partnerships. ~.. a FISCAL IMPACT: Currently, $95,427 is available in the Economic Development Fund for an allocation. The Board of Supervisors has added $75,000 to this amount in the FY 1993-94 Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors readopt the Public Private Partnership Policy by the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted: ~~ ~~' ~y~ Timothy W. Gub la, Director Department of Economic Development ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: Approved: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Attachment ~-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE READOPTION OF THE PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP POLICY WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds for the general purpose of promoting Roanoke County's commercial, industrial, and business development is a lawful, valid, public purpose; and WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 81286-169 authorizes the payment of a portion of the total water connection fee by resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, for certain commercial or industrial projects which are determined to be in the best interests of the County's economic development and which generate significant employment; and, WHEREAS, the adoption of a policy to specify certain guidelines for the application of this provision will prove beneficial in determining the scope of local incentives in the negotiations for economic development projects. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the Board hereby readopt and establish the following "Roanoke County Public Private Partnership Policy" in order to provide policy guidance in applying the provisions of the Roanoke County Code in negotiations concerning local incentives for economic development projects. ~-~. ~ o -a F a, oo a ° ao ao ° ~ °o °° '" u~yy QQa .-~ O O O O O O Cn V .~,i ~ O O O r. G u o •°- o 8 v v p~.. Q ~ % .., .., ~ o -, o .., .. o -~ o 0 00 _. V :~ u '~ .~ N .y ~ v G ~~ h v O O ~>,~ ~ ~ P. 0.. }~ ~ ~ •-• t~1 N t~1 N M1 N t~1 N N t~1 N G i' ~ o ~ _~~ ~ ~ ~~ G ~ W ~ N ~ N1 N M N •-. N t~1 N c'1 ~ O O ., ~ ,CJ ~~ ZOE- ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~o a °° 'O ~a V J C 0 ~ .~ y S .w.. N h •~ N .~ G ~y„ ~ yN G ~ O C .. ~ zCu. aF~ O o o r. 0 0 0 ~-+ O O •-• o ~ . O p try G b ~ G C .~ r ~ ~ -' ~, v o ~ ~ E E ~ ~ ~ ~ O O U N G~ v ~ ~ O G'+ a c~ .-. N N .~ . ^' N .~ N .~+ N N CO ~. w a - u O • ~ -. ~ N ~ v ~ y O O O O O O O O O ~ u O . ~ O G c ~ Q ~ ~ 0. c ~ ~ 0. ~ 0...h q v ~ ..r O o u ... H ~ 3 n V ~ G ~ ~ A r 7 u ti C ~ ~. ~ u = ' p u ~ 3 yc 0. 9 u e E a ~ A ~ C ~ :a ~ p ~ ~ u ~ u C y o G ° N o E ' o Ep ~ c~ C u ~ U O t ~ ~ x ` ~ w ~ x ~ a ~ ~ U g ~ `~ ~ cg ~ a c c ROANORE COUNTY PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP POLICY Purposes• 1. Roanoke County may fund all or part of site development costs for public improvements, roads, and off site facility fees for water and sewer for a qualifying industry or business that meets the evaluation criteria for public private (P/P) partnerships. 2 . Roanoke County may encourage the creation or retention of jobs of companies within the community which employ 200 or more employees through assistance with employment training. 3. Roanoke County may support tourism related industries/ destinations/activities that provide a range of activities to the visitor from outside the Roanoke Valley. Determination• A qualifying business or industry may apply for County assistance by addressing a letter to the Director of Economic Development that indicates: a. a description of the business activity to be conducted on the site b. total capital investment in real estate (land, building) machinery and tools and anticipated personal property and/or other taxes paid on site c. total employment and annual payroll and jobs to be created or retained d. specific water and sewer needs (i.e., size line and/or capacity) or other public facility assistance required e. date of construction and/or start-up (if in an existing building) f. if applicable, the terms of any lease to ensure that the company will occupy the building during the period calculated for payback. Impact Calculations: The Director of Economic Development, upon consultation with the County Administrator and other County staff, will review the request for participation to determine the extent of Roanoke County's funding. The County may either partially or fully fund participation for the project. An evaluation criteria based on anticipated taxes (real estate, machinery and tools and personal property), payback and other factors will be used. The County may participate in up to 50% of public improvement costs of the project .,~- ~. if payback occurs within the first three years of the new project. However, if the staff's analysis supports it, the County's participation may be greater. County participation with developers of leased buildings shall be limited to 50%. A recommendation for participation shall be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration of approval. Job training/retaining requests will be calculated on the basis of new jobs created/relocated from outside the community and jobs retained in the County. Areas of Partnership Assistance: If approved, Roanoke County may fund all, or part of; a. water and sewer line extensions b. water, fire, and sewer utility connection fees. c. public road construction and required drainage structures d. traffic control devices such as signals and related equipment e. employment training/retraining. Requests for assistance with employment training and retraining of new and/or relocated employees may be considered. Amounts and priority of funding will depend on the salary/wage rate to be paid, the number of permanent full time jobs created, relocated or retained, and availability of matching funds from the state of Virginia and federal funds. County training funds will not be directly paid to a company, but will be appropriated to a training agency, state agency or economic development organization recognized by the Board of Supervisors. Public Private Partnership funds shall be funded after the approval of the required site plan and at the time that a building permit is issued for the project. Industrial Park Development Off-site fees of jointly developed parks shall not be held as a portion of the total cost of the project and thus not a portion of the payback equation. Such assistance shall be funded after the approval of the required site plan and at the time a building permit is issued for the project. 2 L Limitations• Roanoke County will not pay for any private sewage pre-treatment facilities or waive any ordinances requiring fire protection or industrial discharge certification. Funding Sources: Roanoke County shall fund its participation from the General Fund from anticipated tax revenue, or from an Economic Development Fund or other special non-utility funds. There is an intent to continue the maintenance of a fiscally sound utility enterprise fund to provide water and sewer service to County utility customers. (This provision is authorized by County Code Chapter 22 as amended by Ordinance 8-12-86-169, Section 3b.) Agreement• A written agreement on a form provided by the County Attorney may be required to specify terms of the Public Private Partnership. 3 ACTION N0. A-62293-3.a Item No. ~ ~+~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: June 22,1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Public Private Partnership funds for Lingerfelt Development Corporation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~~ i,~~ BACKGROUND: Lingerfelt Development Corporation (LDC) is constructing an office building for the Jefferson National Forest (U.S. Forest Service at Valleypointe in the Hollins Magisterial District). Roanoke County has previously sold LDC a tract of surplus land for stormwater management purposes for this project. Alan Lingerfelt is requesting Roanoke County to fund utility connection fees for this project. FISCAL IMPACT: The Economic Development fund has an unallocated balance of $95,427 as of June 15, 1993. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Lingerfelt Development Corporation is constructing a 27,000 square foot office building on 3.64 acres at Valleypointe. Estimated value of the land and new facility is $1,125,000. Real estate taxes for the new facility are estimated to be $15,000. The Jefferson National Forest and several small federal offices will relocate about 100 employees from the Poff Federal Building to this new facility. The cost of connections for water and sewer are calculated to be $15,545. Payback for the County's investment of 50/50 Public Private Partnership funds for connection fees are $7,772.50. Payback would occur within the first year after completion of the project. :~.-a~. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Roanoke County. enter into a Public Private Partnership with Lingerfelt Development Corporation and invest up to $7,772.50 towards the cost of connections to Roanoke County's water and sewer systems. Respectfully submitted: IN Timot y W. G ba a, Director Department of Economic Development ACTION Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Attachment Approved: //. -~-~~ ~ . Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Motion by: Harry C. Nickens motion to approve No Yes Abstain Eddy x Johnson ~_ Kohinke ~ Minnix x Nickens ~_ cc: File Timothy W. Gubala, Director, Economic Development ~_ a cc., ~ p p o a ~° a ~ a r~ u a v _ O id E ~ G 8 O G C .~i 8 00 5 V G Pr ~ ~ .~ ..y .-. O O .+ .-i .+ O O O O "~ v ~~ v v p, n M h .[7 v O O u t~ir+N~t C a Y Y ~. a 4 ?+ ~ ~+ ..+ M N M N M N M N N M N G L ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~~ J A n ~ b'., ., U a oryG ~`!v~~ Y8~ ` C y W ~-+ N~ M N M N .~+ N M N M ~ ~y ~ ~ O ~ ~ Yf c~v ~~ xOF % 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -~ o o y a o0 a _ •~ a 4 C ~ V O ti 3 ~cu p _ ~ ~ N •Cr G w a ~ t~0 G ~ a ;, ~o~~^ '. ~ Z G. Gs. F .~ o 0 0 -+ o 0 0 -a o 0 0 ~ G o O h c ~ b c C u .~ ~. ~ R E E ~ ~°,,~~>. ° 0 0 Cc' `u U U A 7 C V 1O/_1I~~ •C n N ti .~-~ rr N Q ~C.,, V O O O O O O O O O ~ `. C1.S1 N a C Y ~[ Q ~ d C V r-1 G ~ °e '~° ~ ~ a u °. ~ a $ ~ r. ... A _., w °0 1? C ~ V H u W 4 F ~ C p 3 ~ Z e G. ~ u = q u ~-' ~ 0.. u e E C C N p V .O ~ ~ u u U N G N o E ~ w ~ u u U u ~ c ~ £ ~ ~'~ U cg C7 `~ ~ Cg .~~. ~ O ~ x a w x a ~ ~,a«~ LINGERFELT - April 30, 1993 Mr. Elmer Hodge County Administrator of Roanoke . 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 RE: Jefferson National Forest Project Dear Elmer: As we discussed, we are nearing construction start on the Jefferson Project referenced above in Valleypointe. The project is approximately a 25,000 square foot office facility which will house 110-120 employees. The tenant is relocating out of the City of Roanoke. Due to the considerable economic impact to the County of Roanoke created by this relocation, I am hereby requesting that the County .waive the water and sewer connection charges approximating $15,000 for this project. I appreciate very much your cooperation and understanding in this matter. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to an early reply. Sincerely, LINOER~ELT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION a~ ~ , ~, Alan T. Linger elt, P.E. Chief Executive Officer The Lingerfelt Companies 12 South Third Street • Richmond, VA 23219 (804 644-9111 Telecopier: (804 783-9969 ACTION N0. A-62293-3.b Item No . -° eat AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of Public Private Partnership funds for Hampton Inn COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: ~~~ ~ ~~y r EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Granger Macfarlane has requested consideration of Public Private Partnership funds for the expansion of the Hampton Inn on Thirlane Road (Catawba) Magisterial District. FISCAL IMPACT: The Economic Development fund has an unallocated balance of $95,427 as of June 15, 1993. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Granger Macfarlane has obtained a building permit to expand the Hampton Inn on Thirlane Road. Property improvements are planned for an increase from 48 to 72 rooms, the addition of a swimming pool and the development of a conference area. The new facility will total 21,363 square feet on 4.02 acres. Estimated value of land and construction is approximately $1.4 million. Real estate taxes on the land/building would be $14,908. Other taxes generated from transient occupancy tax, business license, and sales tax are estimated to be $63,663. The total annual estimated taxes on the project are $78,571. The cost of utility connections for water, sewer, and fire are $29,900. The readopted Public Private Partnership Policy would allocate $14,950 for this project. Payback from new taxes for the County's investment of funds for utility connection fees would occur within the first year after project completion and occupancy. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Roanoke County enter into a 50/50 Public Private Partnership with Granger Macfarlane for the Hampton Inn expansion and invest $14,950 into the utility fund for this project. A reimbursement of $14,950 would be made to Granger Macfarlane from the Utility Fund for his prepayment of connection fees. Respectfully submitted: vv~ Timothy W. Guba a, Director Department of Economic Development ACTION Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Attachment Approved: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Motion by: Harry C. Nickens motion to approve No Yes Abs tain Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Timothy W. Gubala, Director, Economic Development p 1 E`,~ ~~ si ~ ~ e ~ y ~ `Eastern ~~VIotor Inns, Inc. ~~~~~ ~~~~~- ,tl ~ ~ ~ ~~ Post Office Box 201 ~ :: ' ` s , ~~~' Roanoke, Virginia 24002 ~- (703) 344-5531 _ ,, ~ _ L ~ ~ ;r 1!, June 10, 1993 w ~,m~. ~ ,a .,~ Mr. Timothy W. Gubala Director, Department of Economic Development County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 RE: Hampton Inn - Thirlane Road Dear Tim: I have your memorandum of June 9 and I thank. you for it. As you have advised me, I have paid, under protest, the water and sewer connection fees of $29,900.00, so as not to be held up any longer and to obtain our building permit. It is my understanding that at least $14,950.00 will be refunded to Eastern Motor Inns. Eastern's protest is based upon an inconsistent county policy which unfairly and unreasonably favors certain business developments, while discriminating against other developments. Allied Signal Company and Cox Cable Company, among others, were not required to pay any water or sewer connection fees while Eastern Motor Inns is required to pay these same fees. The fact that the fees are exhorbitant and that Eastern has operated in the county for 21 years, are only small parts of our complaint. The overriding factor is we just feel we should be offered the same incentives for develop- ment and be treated on these matters as other companies are treated. I would appreciate the opportunity to visit with you, Elmer Hodge, Paul Mahoney and Chairman Fuzzy Minnix about these matters at your earliest convenience. I look forward to hearing from you. Very trul}~ ours, J. GranZ¢e~f Mac/fa/rlane JGM:sjo cc Elmer Hodge 1 `Eastern ~Ilotor Inns, Inc. Post Office Box 201 Roanoke, Virginia 24002 (703) 344-5531 May 10, 1993 Mr. Tim Gubala Director, Economic Development County of Roanoke, Virginia P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Tim: ,... .6~ ~'~°_ FG.; „v ~ ~v ~ ~ ~`~ ;~ly~ ~ ~ r ~r .~.\ ` As requested, following are some pro-forma figures at an aggressive, but reasonable, occupancy rate for our new Hampton Inn on Thirlane Road which will open in December, 1993. Our experience on Franklin Road indicates that I should be pretty close. 76 Rooms x 365 days 27, 740 Assumed Occupancy x 85% Average Daily Rate 23,579 x$45.00 Gross Sales $1,061,055. 5% Rooms Tax 1% from State Sales Tax x .06% Total County Sales Tax Revenue $ 63,663. Tim, plus real estate and personal property taxes yet to be determined. It looks like we are talking around $85,000 plus per year to triz County. I trust thi Very sincer J. Granger President JGM/rw e call me later this week. Thanks. 2 ~°' C"°` 0 F a o0 0~ ° o0 00 ° ° o0 00 ° .-. a, ~ ~u o _p .-. ` ~ V~ v -. 0 0 0 0 0 0 -. 0 0 0 .-+ a u O G O •.; O E ~ " a . Q .. ... ... O ... o .. .. o ... o 0 u '~ .-. ' a ~ ~ ~ -. -+ o o .~ .. .~ 0 0 0 0 .. .-..-. N .~ v v G r. N1 V) ~ v O O ~ u ...Nv R d .. r r A. iL }~ ~" ~" .-+ e~1 N M N e~1 N r•1 N N M N G r ~ ^ i. ~ ' G ~ 4 ~ ~ ! ~ p VV ~ ~ y ~ ~ t W •-~ N ~ N1 ti N t~ r1 rl N ~ N t~1 N c~1 "~~" V ~yu. ~ _ .O ~ ~ 1] _ z O F^ v O O O O O O O O O O r+ O v y C~') o a O ~ •c o ~, ^ a u w r ~ ~ •' 3 ~ r y O Q a ~.., • vl C. .~. y ~ .~ C c '~ v N ~ t0 C g ~ aw ~ Z C. a F .. 0 0 0 -+ 0 0 0 .. o o -+ o ~ e° v~ G 0 0 ~n c L C C u ~' ,~ u u ~ Tv O v ~ ~ E q G T ~ $ y NN E G1 ~ ~ p3 Ir ~ O CL ti N N N .ti .~~. N + N N N N ci C O O ~ ~ ~ ' ~i 1~ . O i i O C ' O 7 ~ ~ H u `O :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o r o ^" c a. H ~ .. o ~ O `° e ~ c ~ ~ y $ ~ R ~- y u a .h .9 .. -~ .. o ., ...~ ... _. .. ~-' ... ~ .. O .., c~ ti , ~ o u 3 U pp c ~ C c `e ~ C ~ c ~ n• •o •~ ° ~ ~ x v u u ti c O E ~ ~ ~ c o A p E u u w C~ ~ u cg u U r ~ ~ ~' ~ c E ° :e E 8 ~N ~ 3 ~ o ~ x 0. w x a ~ i AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION 62293-4 IIRGING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO ENACT STRONGER D.U.I. LEGISLATION WHEREAS, recent senseless and tragic deaths in the Roanoke Valley attributed to drivers operating their motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol have brought to focus the need for more effective D.U.I. legislation in the State of Virginia; and WHEREAS, these most recent accidents indicate a need for much stricter penalties for violations involving not only driving under the influence of alcohol, but also for persons abusing their limited privilege to drive on a restricted or suspended license; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Board wishes to strongly urge the Roanoke Valley's legislators to support stricter D.U.I. legislation in the upcoming session of the Virginia General Assembly. on motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A len, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 1 cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney John H. Cease, Police Chief George R. Pelton, 6520 Peters Creek Rd, Roanoke, VA 24019 The Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, Governor The Honorable Stephen D. Rosenthal, Attorney General The Honorable J. Brandon Bell, Virginia Senate The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo, Virginia Senate The Honorable G. Steven Agee, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable A. Victor Thomas, Virginia House of Delegates 2 ACTION NO. ;..~:.:.g~..M ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of Resolution Urging the General Assembly to Enact Stronger D.U.I. Legislation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Recently, three young adults and one young child were killed in separate automobile accidents in the Roanoke Valley. In both accidents the drivers of the vehicles were under the influence of alcohol and their licenses had been suspended for previous violations. At the June 8 meeting, Supervisor Kohinke asked that the Board of Supervisors include in their requests to the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) a request for stronger D.U.I. legislation. There was Board consensus to include this request in our proposed VACo legislative package. Additionally, Supervisor Kohinke has requested that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution requesting support from the Roanoke Valley delegation for stricter D.U.I.legislation when it is presented for consideration in the General Assembly. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached resolution be adopted by the Board of Supervisors and that the Clerk forward copies to the Roanoke Valley General Assembly delegation and to the County Attorney for inclusion in VACo's legislative package. irnti/ ~! Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~- 3 ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens ~_3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION URGING THE GENERAL ASSEM- BLY TO ENACT STRONGER D.U.I. LEGIS- LATION WHEREAS, recent senseless and tragic deaths in the Roanoke Valley attributed to drivers operating their motor vehicles while under the influence of alcohol have brought to focus the need for more effective D.U.I. legislation in the State of Virginia; and WHEREAS, these most recent accidents indicate a need for much stricter penalties for violations involving not only driving under the influence of alcohol, but also for persons abusing their limited privilege to drive on a restricted or suspended license; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Board wishes to strongly urge the Roanoke Valley's legislators to support stricter D.U.I. legislation in the upcoming session of the Virginia General Assembly. c:\wp51\agenda\general\dui 1 ~uiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ -_ -_ i AGENDA ITEM NO. -~ --~ _ APPE CE REQUEST _ - PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS _ c SUBJECT: ~ ~ ~ .'~ __ -_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: __ __ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will = = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority otgthe Board to = do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments __ vnth the clerk. _ c ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. -_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c I __ NAME ~~ ~- ~ ~ _ _ ADDRESS ;-~-~- _ c PHONE ~ ~ ~~ ~~-9 ACTION NUMBER A-62293-5 ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: June 22, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of a grant by the Police Department for Community Crime Prevention Services. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ BACKGROUND' The Roanoke County Police Department applied for a grant to expand the existing Crime Prevention Program with a full time civilian Crime Analyst for fiscal year 93-94. The grant has been approved by the Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) in the amount of $33,070.00. FISCAL IMPACT' The grant is for $24,801.00 in DCJS federal funds (75%) and $8,269.00 in local funds (25%). The criteria of the grant requires a hard dollar match of local funds. The local match will be taken out of existing police department funds for community crime prevention services. No additional funds will be requested. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends acceptance of the grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services. -4 Respectfully submitted, ohn H. Cease Chief of Police Approved by, <' Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens Denied ( ) motion to accept grant Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Minnix x To Johnson x Nickens x cc: File John Cease, Chief of Police cc: File Chief Cease ACTION NO. A-62293-6 ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of LSCA Grant from the Virginia State Library & Archives COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• ~~ ~~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Library staff and Board of Trustees request that the County accept a Library Services and Construction Act Grant in the amount of $32,576. This competitive grant has been awarded to the Library for the purpose of extending and improving services to older adults (those aged 60 to 65, and older). Acceptance of the grant will provide funds for personnel support to establish a variety of programs and to purchase materials and other items which can be used beyond the one year term of the grant. The grant includes funding for the purchase of a van. BACKGROUND: Over the years the Library has received a number of LSCA grants which have helped the County to improve library services. This grant~is the largest nonconstruction grant ever awarded to Roanoke County, and is one of the larger grants in the Virginia LSCA program. The project funded by the grant is designed to meet a broad range of needs among older adults, but will target some very specific needs identified in a survey of local nursing homes, life care centers, and retirement homes. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Public Library's service area contains more than 10,700 persons of age 65 or older. Census projections indicate that this segment of the population will continue to grow. Due to decreased mobility, health related problems, and changes in living status, this age group frequently requires assistance beyond the bounds of traditional library services. The expanding older population will increasingly need to have the library, and its services, brought directly to them, and it will also require a more intensive type of interaction in order to ensure the delivery of quality services. This grant project will provide personnel funds and equipment which will enable the Library to more effectively extend services to older adults. The initial investment funds to start such a program ~- 5 are not available in the Library's local budget. The project will take the Library to residents of the area's nursing homes, congregate care centers, senior meal sites, and retirement centers. All of these serve the senior community in a variety of ways and delivering traditional book related materials to these sites is one method of reaching the population group that this project addresses. Additionally, the specific needs of the elderly will be met through a variety of programs that are non-traditional and yet vital to the stimulation, involvement and participation that older citizens often need and seek. The project is designed to reach a population group which has been underserved in the past. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no fiscal impact in FY 93/94. Some costs associated with the operation and maintenance of equipment could be expected in future years, but the equipment will have numerous applications beyond the grant-initiated program. Programs and services introduced during the grant year will be labor- intensive in the design and implementation stages. Maintenance of these programs and services for the future, which will attempt to include the recruitment of volunteer assistance, will not require as great a commitment of staff resources after the initial year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the grant and expansion of the vehicle fleet to include the addition of a new van to be purchased with grant funds. Respectfully submitted, Appro d by, Spencer Watts Elmer C. odge Library Director County Administrator Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by Bob L. Johnson Eddy x Denied ( ) motion to accept grant Johnson x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred Nickens x to Minnix x cc: File Spencer Watts, Library Director Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget ;, ,;1~-5 H. Project priority - Of Title I proposals submitted, this one has a priority of: 1 Of Title III proposals submitted, this one has a priority of:~ I. Calendar - Use 1993-1994 LSCA Subgrant Calendar as format. Insert project calendar immediately following page 11. J. Letters of agreements and support - Include applicant library director and all cooperating libraries. Attach letters immediately following calendar. K. Budget - Will funding other than the LSCA be used to support this project? YES X NO If yes, provide that portion of budget in the "local" column. Round off all figures. Local LSCA Total (cash or in-kind) Request 1. Personnel salary $ 3,735 5 9,226 $12,961 2. Personnel benefits 564 706 (Exclude retirement) 3. Travel (gasoline & vehicle maintenance) 100 x 22 = 2,200 # trips # miles total miles 2,200 x = 528 miles $.24 budget 528 Reason for travel: this amount covers anticipated gasoline and maintenance expenses to visit a variety of sites in a geographically diverse county. 4. Library materials 7,125 4.000 11,125 Books 53,750 Large print books & magazines for deposit £~~ 4.875 Books on cassette tape for deposit Other 2.500 Specify: Bi-Folkal Kits 5. Equipment 8BE NEST PAaB FOR DETAZLB 6. Supplies 615 Specify: transport boxes, processing supplies 7. Contractual Specify 8. Other promotion & 100 Specify: training TOTALB $ 12,139 17.616 100 1.270 528 17, 616 715 400 500 5 32,576 $ 44,715 9 BUDGET DETAILS 5. Equipment: * Van Portable barcode trakker Slide projector Mobile displayers Hand truck TOTAL ;~ ,,l $13,921 2,500 595 500 100 $17,616 * The inclusion of a van in this proposal is crucial to its success. The Library has one 12 year old van which is used daily to provide delivery service between 7 libraries in the Roanoke Valley. In order to attain the goals of Project SOARING and to assure its continuance beyond the funding year, adequate, consistently available transportation is necessary. 9a VOTE CORRECTED 7/1/93 ACTION NO. p'-62293-7 ITEM NUMBER .,•~'" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Appropriation for Unavoidable Expenditures in the Solid Waste Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• I regret that it is necessary to bring this adjustment to you. However, the expenses were unavoidable due to storm related damage and the result of the aging fleet. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During the FY1992-93 fiscal year the Solid Waste Department incurred expenditures in several budget categories that were beyond management's control. On Friday, June 4, 1993, high winds and heavy rain hit the Valley causing widespread power outages and blocked roads due to downed trees. The National Weather Service clocked winds at 72 miles per hour. There was no damage to County buildings. The major cost to the County came in the form of extra refuse pickup due to trees, limbs and brush. The cost to the Solid Waste Department estimated thru June 26, 1993, are as follows: Truck rental - 2 trucks for 1 month Contractual Services - Brush Pick-Up Overtime (29 Employees x 3 weeks) Part Time (12 Employees x 3 weeks) Tipping Fees (220,000 lbs/2,000 x $20/ton x 3 weeks) $12,400 5,350 21,088 6,944 6,600 52 382 In addition, the age of the f leet and the need to keep the trucks on the road, has caused the department to overrun the Vehicle Maintenance budget by $104,567. A direct result of vehicles being out of service is the need for other vehicles and crews to pick-up the routes left uncollected by the out of service vehicle. The result is an overtime budget overrun of $50,396. Finally, due to unusual weather conditions throughout this year, the tipping fee budget has also been exceeded by $15,951. '~. d~ FISCAL IMPACT: The total unavoidable expenditures that could not be absorbed in the Solid Waste Department budget is $223,296. This amount could be appropriated from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends the appropriation of $223,296 from the General Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance to be allocated among the various budget categories identified above in the Solid Waste Department. Re~spectfPullcy, submitted, Appr ved by, Reta R. Busher, Director Elmer C. Hodge Management and Budget County Administrator ------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Edward G. Kohinke No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Substitute Motion to approve Eddy x Received ( ) X223,296 full appropriation Johnson x Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File Reta Busher, Director, Management Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance Gardner Smith, Director, General Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x & Budget Services ACTION NO. ITEM NO . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: 1994 Legislative Program, Virginia Association of Counties COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Virginia Association of Counties requested its membership to identify major legislative issues of statewide concern that should be considered in the 1994 session of the Virginia General Assembly. This agenda item suggests several issues for Board consideration. BACKGROUND• The Virginia Association of Counties has requested each of its members to submit to it any proposals for VaCO's 1994 Legislative Program by June 15, 1993. On June 8, 1993 the Board considered a report from staff on this topic. At that time the Board requested several amendments to that report. This report incorporates the Board's suggested amendments. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following is a list of legislative initiatives recom- mended for consideration by the Board: 1994 Legislative Program I. 599 Law Enforcement funding A. HB 2399 (1993 General Assembly) would have changed the method of allocating funds to local governments for law enforcement based on actual crime statistics. B. This change was recommended by 1992 study by the Depart- ment of Criminal Justice Services. C. Closely monitor any proposed changes in the method of allocating funds. D. Consider alternative approaches including: combine all ~~~ law enforcement funding (599 and Compensation Board), then distribute based upon actual crime statistics. II. FOI Study (SJR 238, Sen. Houck, 1993 General Assembly) A. VML supported study this study, which includes protecting taxpayer investment in collecting, developing, storing and maintaining public records. B. This may adversely effect the County's GIS system, if information must be disseminated at cost of reproduction and not actual cost of developing system. III. Recycling A. The 25$ State recycling goal adversely effects County finances, since the County is loing money recycling. B. The State should either: 1. waive this recycling requirement (25~ for 1995), or 2. guarantee market prices for recyclable materials, IV. Social Services A. Continue and Increase administrative funding for the Comprehensive Services Act. B. Oppose HJR 603 Restructuring Virginia's Long Term Care for the Elderly. V. Libraries A. Full funding of State Aid for Public Libraries B. Approximately 77~ of funds required under formula (Sec. 42.1-48) are appropriated in State budget. Full funding of state aid would result in $40,000 increase to Roanoke County. VI. Treasurer A. Amend Sec. 58.1-3013 to require credit card companies to honor local ordinances authorizing the payment of local taxes by credit card and imposing a service charge not to exceed 4% of the amount due. VII. DUI A. Increase penalties for DUI violations. B. Improve and toughen enforcement of DUI statutes. VIII.Equalize the taxing and borrowing powers of counties with those powers granted municipalities. IX. Support the recommendations of the Governor's Advisory Commis- sion on the Dillon Rule and Local Government. X. Support the reduction of unfunded regulatory and statutory mandates, and oppose any state mandates on local governments without sufficient funding to cover the costs of these mandates. XI. Expand the revenue powers and authority of local governments, including authority to levy a tobacco tax, and to provide for a local option income tax. XII. Continue the moratorium on any city annexation and city annexation initiated by citizens of counties. XIII.Grant local governments the authority to adopt growth manage- ment ordinances, including the power to impose impact fees, to restrict the authority of the courts to overrule local land-use decisions, and to allow reasonable procedures and time periods for the amortization of non-conforming signs. XIV.Support legislation establishing a deposit on beverage containers. XV. Support the following finance issues: A. Return a portion of lottery proceeds to local governments as originally intended, B. Increase State funding for local police departments. XVI. Support initiatives for economic development: A. Funding in the form of grants and loans for the develop- ment of industrial parks and the shell building program B. Legislation to allow revenue sharing (without referendum requirements) among participating local governments from jointly developed industrial parks. XVII. Public Education A. Enhance funding for public education, including increas- ing the funds available for distribution to localities through the Literary Fund for capital construction or renovations. B. Authorize local school divisions to establish opening dates for school. C. Amend Constitution to allow elected school boards to set ~- i and levy taxes to support local public education STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board endorse and adopt a recom- mended legislative program for the consideration of the Virginia Association of Counties for the 1994 session of the Virginia General Assembly. Since Explore funding is a local concern, perhaps this issue should not be included in the VaCO package of recommendations. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix Vote No Yes Abs ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~"~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND' The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for July 27, 1993. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: (1) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to expand an existing church building, located at 3917 Old Catawba Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Mason Cove Chapel. (2) An ordinance to rezone 0.410 acres from R-1 to R-2 to construct a duplex, located west of 6707/6705 Wood Haven Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Martha W. Cox. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERR'S OFFICE. G ~-a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for July 27, 1993. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1 and 2, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Minnix Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Vote No Yes Abs COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 Proposed Zoning: ~/ / Proposed Land Use: (.~'`""-G!`' dateleceived: %~-Z/ - c7 ~ received applica " nee: Z date: placards ' sued: Bo,S da~ ~~- - /~ Case Number: /~ .,,, /y For Staff Use Only Use Type: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO ...... - - - - - Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: I Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. rvs v ass v ws v Consultation 8 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan Application fee Application :.. Metes and bounds description X :.~ Proffers, if applicable ~' Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners Justification l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and con ent of the own r. //~~~~ ' I ~ Owner's Signature: lL~~ J ~~ ~` ~c-:~ For staff use only ~~~ For Staff Use Only: Case Number Applicant / ~/~dd"+'~ C~0 /E ~~t ~~tl The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the 'purpose found at the be inning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. ~ -~ ~' ~:~~C/t.Ey+ I.7` iG~~. ~ L„~.F~ Q~` ~ ~•l. ~~ ~/~s~ ...G ll.Ci'Z.C~ '4~~ rC~ ~1~'Qt~C&-~-UR! ~i'V-~~'yr~1~ C3~ - u""- J -e~tv~/1.P.C~Qt"it3 /(YI,lJ~~,C_ .f%1`- d"sG2 Gfu~Z.t~'~ 'G~.~ QtJ~it1-L .~i~ 1.t7~~ . Please explain how the project conforms to the general guid~eQline~s and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. / ,Q~,,~, ~.~+h ~ ~t c~~~ ~ . '' , I ~ / ~ ~ ~~ ~:C~'r~ / ~w c~~.~ Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services a d facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. ` ';~S ~,r+1. •1~'1- CL,.~~,t 4. /Z.O-ls ~ ~- ~ ~Z.G'^~ Qjc •~G"-- ~~• ~GtG~ O'7L ~~,~1I a- ,~.G; / ~C1..E ~-~/~' ~ .~^"-G.~ aC.OG"1 ..G,.b-~L .t:.> ~G" Cr;.c { `'~ ~~ti~ J ~-~-~~ . G-I The following names and signatures represent the bordering neighbors of T~lason Cove Chapel. Each of these people have been informed of the plans for an addition to be made to the existing church building. They have with their signatures indicated that they will not protest these expansion plans in any way. `~--~flsi Ruth Elizabeth Deel Otha and Esther Davis H. '~°d. and I~~argaret Bryant ~G.. Minnie Sledd~~~ Gary Bryant Gary and Brend Bryant George and M~xin ~ r~~ ~~,~ ,~ ~~ . , ~~,~~~ ~(~~~~ Pamela Painter Deel ~~~' Date ab ~a~ R3 ~''1 ~/~~ /x,93 ~ /G~ 1~~ 1 `3 11 n• SU[UECf f'RUrEIlf'( IS N~?1 ~[` _ s Y~IIfI1N THE LIMITS Uf 1'HE lt)0 F = ' .'[1":i%i Yie:1RfLWl)B~)liNl)l1,RYASS~IU'NN p:.:. ,* ;,• (itI 1HF FEMA FL(Kif) [k)U~•!1),;RY ~ ' !;,' ;:, . ~ ~ 1+1P,F'. JELLS f)ETf.RMIN~>fIUN IS ~ e i ~.. _ PR'OP~R'N OF (IAiI'U Ctl 1HF FIiXIb QUUNUIIRY ' ;: ~ ~ G. l3RYANT #A~.4' Atip 11.1.5 NUi BEEN VERIFIFO ~ Ci41~LY ~" ~~~ ffY A(:T(!AI. FIGLI) EIFVAFIUNS. ~y • N = ~ ~ D 8. 1059. PG. 415 4 O TAI( MAP'S 15.02 - I- I I + •. I _ M ~, 3rd = N I ~ ~ O ~. ,+ . LP.t: Q Q N ~ ~ $ .a 01~'fi . ~ .,. ~ ~ .F _~ 8. oS•o0'oo"E.-'+• 5.5.00' , "~.-.. ~ d ~LP.F. X I~o3. De ~ cowe. 19 T. e 7 • ~C FQ- • o ~~ ~ ~' ~'' C~1Ay '• - J ,j ,DES L°~ pou• .~ acx.~e ~ ® 34 r ~~ . ~• - ~ <;: , --- X00.37' .. ._._ p 3 LRE.~ ~" N, (05.00.00° W. PT. r- N. 65° 51' S 1 " W. •~ LFS. + i ~ OLD CA-TAWBA RG-4D (Rt. 6`a-) ~ ~ ~ao~3E t. ArMoL~ PAMELA P~;~/tE~ .Dfsl TD a~asHAw ; ~ / 20AD ~ M fiX 1 EVE C. /~/' ~o`° <7 s. O'~~~LT$ ~ O. 3 M I. -~~r . /5.02 - I -~ , ~ DJ . ~°~ ~c,. R k ~L,ZA~1~ , 41 - ''~' JOHN D. ADB,O,~TT~ ,~~- ~&EL ~`- . - - - ~ ~ Q l ~~f~4••~ n Z - I - 27 Rd. ~i~a- Ps. zzo y` ~~, 1462 ~-~° v~~T TAIL MA +~ 13, 02 - 1 - 1 O ~/Ep ~ cV~, ~ ~7, . :SURVEY FOR R~Mal~i~;r~ Res, ~ '~ ~T~ISTEES-MASON COVE CHAi'EL ` OF A 2.052 AGR6 TICAGT 51T~/'+TE ON ST IqT B1.4) a ~~n~-~''•;~ . SIO6 OF pl.p CATAW6A VALL6Y ROAD ( :rte 6~~c~-~'- IW 'Ti-IE CATAW6A Ml+~aIST6R1Al. DISTRICT, i20A1.lOKE CouuTY, V 11ec31 u I A. 4 No sc.4 ~~ eY: JOHN D ABBOTT - =~ ~ SCALE: ~'.- JOE 1:0.: r8B- D7 ~ P. E .~ .Ci. L. S. DATE: _JllIJE 23 190$ PEVISEO : NEW CASTLE, VIRGINIA Tftt• 5UF-JECi F'Rt)!'Eltf r IS r~~ ~( w!(IIIN TNc Llh{IIS f)F 11!E 1:'l1 YF::.R FL(.~UL'• ~~)I~,r~u~:~'r A:~ S~ ;Uv~r) (,r+ 1HF fEMA FLitOC [',E)U•!p,-.fZ'r ~ f.1~,1'. 14~IIS f.: F_1 F.Rh1!I`:' TIC%FJ IS PROF~~R'TY OF fi:1;l C! ~a9 1!-iE: FU).~C) EiUUfJU,~!;Y ~ Q• ~~ 1... ~ ~ElJ~4 G, BRYANT #A~~4~ AF~C~ HA5 11~;;i BFFN VERIFIED (V ~ ~ QIS ~~~'I•~~_FIf.LUELF:VAiIONS. D 8. 1059, PG, a N TAX MAP ~ IS. oZ - 1- I I ~a ~ ~ .~ d>,~~ ~NM 3~a ~ ~1.>?F ~ p ~ c I~~ N LlX 9 ~~O .~ ~ w ~~ ~~ ~_ ~-a 1 ~ S. G 5 O o E . --~- ~ I. P. F. ~ r~3, ea ~ ~oN~. 19 ~. s ~' ~ MOW. 4 ~., C9 Gp,Q ~~ ~~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ N - cN I 5~°~~- N; ° 4 O `~ n r In W o_ - o : ~; V; ~ ~ O o~ ~ °o~ ~ QpvE)'p'', .052 A ~~- O.N. k//RES "TtVI)J W. ~L p 3 LRSw~' N. X05°00'00" W. PT '+° N. 65° 51' S! " W. •o LRS ~ 1Z' OLD GATA-W 6~ RG1~D (fzr. 8 (.4) ~ MELA P,~„/T~~ .D.--£L -rte aRAosr-r~,w G£v.SF ~, ArNol~ P~ ~oAO D.B. 19L - P6. Zz? D.B. IG4- PG. 2zo TALC -,AAP "- 1°5.OZ - 1 - 1 O ~~ ~~ :~ I ~O,H~N ,D,,. ~ S 0 c '= ~`f% 146? -• ., ~~ ~~~ Ru1k ~~~zA~E~ ~EE~- S.~z 'x_27 ~\`' ~v /~\ 3° G~ 5~' ~~, ~S;~E LoN,f RASE Noy S~g1E ~~'= ao'~ . ~, - ~ eye an ~J 7ao ~~ T 0 "o ~-' i si vR zii a o 7 • y \ 86a 62 B 4 ~2 ~~a. 620 a 740 0f~1 szo 81 ~ a ass ~.~a 7 O 311 10 629 9 CP,~P~ 622 s e ~ VICINI MAPJ - s~ ~~r - ~, .. TY ~ ~• ~ ~ i NORTH _ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNIATG PETITIONER: MASON COVE CHAPEL >~ AND ZONING TAX MAP NUMBER(S): 15.02-1-10 .•. REQUEST: SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND CHURCH ~n~ ROANOKE COUNTY REZONING APPLICATION 1. Owner's Name: Martha Y/. Cox Address • 4912 Hunt i ~ H i I I s Drive, Rcanoke, VA 24014 Phone : 989-9544 2. Applicant's Name: Same as Owner's Address: Same as Owner's Same as Phone : Owner' s 0.410 acres situate on Woodhaven Road, NW (no 3. Location of Property: street number currently ac~ign~d) Tax Map Number (s) : 26 20-04-33 4. Magisterial District: Hol I ins 5. Size of Property: 0.410 acres 6. Existing Zoning: R-1 Existing Land Use: 7. Proposed Zoning: Vacant R-2 Proposed Land Use: Erect multi-family unit (one duplex two family unitl 8. Comprehensive Plan Designation: Neighborhood Conservation 9. Are Conditions Proffered With This Request? Yes No_~_ (If you are voluntarily offering proffers as a part of your applica- tion, these proffers must be in writing. A member of the Planning Staff can assist you in the preparation of these proffers.) 10. Value of Land and (Proposed) Buildings: $100,000.00 11. The Following Items Must Be Submitted With This Application. Please Check If Enclosed. Application Will Not Be Accepted If Any Of These .,Items Are Missing Or Incomplete: X Letter of Application X Concept Plan ~_ Metes and Bounds Description X List of Adjacent Owners of Property (Attach Exhibit A) X Vicinity Map X Application Fee N/A Written Proffers _~_ Water and Sewer Application (If Applicable) 12. Signature Of Property Owner, Contract Purchaser, Or Owner's Agent: MARTHA W. OOX Signature Date May 10, 1993 Of Counsel care xec.: ~~ Received By: Case No.: -~ 3 Ord. No. "` LAW OFFICES OSTERHOLIDT, FERGL.ISON, NATT, AHERON ~ AGEE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION CHARLES H. OSTERHOUDT 1919 ELECTRIC ROAD, S. W MICHAEL 5. FERGU60N p. O. BOX 20068 EDWARD A. NATT MICHAEL J. AHERON ROANOKE, VIRGINIA G. STEVEN AGEE 24018 MARK D. KIDD ELLEN KUO May 19, 1993 Terrance Harrington Director of Planning County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Terry: ~~~ TELEPHONE 703-774-1197 FAX NO. 703-7 74-0961 Enclosed you will find a check in the amount of $685.00 covering the application fee for the enclosed Rezoning Application, which is filed on behalf of Martha W. Cox with respect to Parcel No. 26.2004-33 according to the Roanoke County Tax Maps. I have signed this Application on behalf of the owner. I have also enclosed an Application for Water or Sewer Service. This will be a single duplex unit to be constructed along the north side of Woodhaven Road. This property was rezoned Residential R-3 immediately prior to the most recent comprehensive Roanoke County rezoning which took affect December 31, 1992. This property is presently zoned Resident R-1. It is directly adjacent to Tax Map No. 26.20-04-32 which is presently zoned Residential R-2. Considerable other property lying along Wood Haven Road between the location of the subject parcel and Peters Creek Road is already zoned Residential R-2. It is the property owner's intention to construct one single residential duplex (two family dwelling) upon the property in question. The design for such duplex will be similar to that of other properties already in the area. Should you need anything further, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you with respect to the processing of this application and the scheduling of the matter for hearing. CHO/mb Enclosures Very truly yours, ROAHO)tE COONTY OTILITY DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR WATER OR SEWER SERVICE TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date May 10, 1993 Name of Applicant Martha W. Cox N/A Address of Applicant 4912 Hunting Hi I Is Drive, Roanoke, VA 24014 Name of Developer Martha W. Cox Phone 989-9544 Address of Developer 4912 Hunting Hi I Is Drive, Roanoke, VA 24014 Name of Design Engineer None Address of Design Engineer Name of Contact Person G-a, Phon a 989-9544 Phone N/A Martha W. Cox Name of Proposed Development None Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) One single two family duplex unit Location of proposed development (FURNISH COPY OF MAP AND PLANIME'I`RIC NUMBER) Size of proposed development in acres: 0.410 Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer service connections would be located: Minimum feet MSL. Maximum feet MSL Not known. Lines presently existing except for connecting aterals to be installed* Is this application for a development that will be a part or section of a larger future development? ~_ No Yes if yes, provide map of entire area if available. *by developer. ~` W• O~X (OVER) BY: Signature of Applican t CHARLES H . OSTERI-i0l1aT of r.,. ~.,~o i NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE DISCLOSED BY A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ZONE "[`" AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP. THIS DETERMINATION IS BASED ON SAID MAP AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS. PIN -o ~ ~ ~O '° -9y ~ o s ~ s 205S TIMBER TRAIL NEW LOT 26 PROPERTY OF ANTHONY EDMOND & SUSAN ARMISTEAD BROWN TAX # 26.20-04-57 OLD PROPERTY OF BOBBY L. & SUSAN P. DOBYNS TAX # 26.20-04-34 W 0 0 ~N Z ~- 2~ SEC. 8 THE WOODLANDS ~~ 1~5 ~~ RO ?~ LOCATION MAP PROPERTY OF JAMIE D. COX TAX # 26.20-04-32 3 in or o v° ~ N IN N z DUPLEX CU .2 .2 °c W 10.8 O.B I o _ o '~ N ~ ~~ I 1?.7 17.5' OLD_ PIN g 6 g 31' 20" E 75.20' 0.410 AC. PROPOSED i' .'- T 30' M.B.L b o g g 75.00' ~15' P.u.E. ~--- N 64'19'55" W OLD 289.41' FROM THE LINE OF LOT 1, JAMES BUSHONG SUBD. WOODHAVEN ROAD 40' R/W 50' R/W VA. SEC. RTE. # 628 TAX # 26.20-04-33 N.B G-112 DRAWN LRD CALC. CHK'D JD _. _~~_ I Aft BUILDING PERMIT PLOT PLAN FOR MARTHA W. COX OF 0.410 ACRE TRACT SITUATE ON WOODHAVEN ROAD, N.W. VA. SEC. RTE. #628 ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TPP&5 T' P' PaR)i~R do SON EN OINEERS 818 HOUlQtalQ SURVEYORS 1?O~t Om~ ~= 99 P Lam. N N E R S Salem. VSlsiIIla 24169 ~~TH OF D~ r~ s~~ r v JOHN T. PARKER No. 1076 O L~~~/~ ~~ ~~ SCALE: 1 "= 40" DATE: FEB. 11 ,1993 p_ 41637 w n . 93-0168 t o ~ ~ s o9 F ti~ F s , m Z o E'aq c ~' `, y ,~~ m~ p~ o s z=ti „ o~ ~„a8 ~F • 'choy o9 z ~'~o y2~C'S'T~~ ~~'~99,,.,0 ~1 ti.~lQ 9~,c52 ~.~ ~p9 o Ai ~ . a~- '~~f-- *!~y ~ ~ ~ ~~, p ALEXAEiD T N ~i ::::.. gel a; :-' :.( .: "~'.i ~::.:i.:'ti;:~::..: .. 4 v to - _. ..., ...~;:t::: _ __. K ~ ..~:$~::°Q.: t:. •:,,_,.,...~E;.: fEOER .- LIN TON x i:~ 't iX.. _ 6 . ,,o (~, VICINITY MAP _, ~~ ~~ ~~~~:::::: ::::~~`~~='~ ~ ~~ vi clNrrY ~~~r MAP ~ ~'" ' V NORTH 31 _LL r°.e o w i ~ • ~ -~ /T x5aac •' I}~~gJ) ~ • ~\ Sa 9 nbf ' nor n.r 7y •.'/ ', a E4 I .63 ~_ ~_ .. >or. `~ ,•~ •_ Troll -- ` y: nr ~ :~ '' Y faro qt Vii/ /62 t ~/ ',, ezTa; c oan .> •~ roUl ,. ~l0 ~yi • w ta36 _ 61 ~,\~ 59 \ •~~~ c~ / ~~' fJrr \.~ ' a, fwf nos nu ~ ~ , / 76 rr 66 .- ,<r. 90 »u ,~ rva.. 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I r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 ORDINANCE 62293-8 AUTHORIZING DONATION OF 0.16462 ACRE OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH A PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT, TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA FOR IMPROVEMENT OF VALLEY FORGE AVENUE AND BUNKER HILL DRIVE WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has undertaken a project for the improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive; and, WHEREAS, VDOT requires 0.16462 acre of land in fee simple for the right-of-way, 0.03458 acre of land for a permanent drainage easement, and 0.06074 acre of land for a temporary construction easement, all as shown on Sheets 1-B, 3, and 4 of the project plans; and, WHEREAS, the proposed improvements will serve the interests of the public and will address certain public health and safety concerns. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on June 8, 1993; and a second reading was held on June 22, 1993; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the interests in real estate to be conveyed are hereby declared to be surplus, and are hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to the Commonwealth P t ~ S of Virginia for improvements to Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. 3. That donation of 0.16462 acre of land in fee simple for the right-of-way, 0.03458 acre of land for a permanent drainage easement, and 0.06074 acre of land for a temporary construction easement, all as shown on Sheets 1-B, 3, and 4 of the project plans, to the Commonwealth of Virginia is hereby authorized. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~ Q~t- ~ - Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~- "` / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING DONATION OF 0.16462 ACRE OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH A PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT, TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA FOR IMPROVEMENT OF VALLEY FORGE AVENUE AND BUNKER HILL DRIVE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,,.y ~~~ ~~ EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY This is the second reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize donation of 0.16462 acre of land, together with a permanent drainage easement and a temporary construction easement, to the Commonwealth of Virginia for improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, owns six lots or parcels of land, consisting of an aggregate of approximately 5.2 acres, and bounded by Brambleton Avenue, Valley Forge Avenue, and Bunker Hill Drive. These parcels are designated upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map Nos. 77.13-4-2, 77.13-4-3, 77.13-4-4, 77.13-4-5, 77.13-4-6, and 77.13-4-7. The current improvements located on these parcels include the County Administration Center, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad Building, and the building now or formerly used for the Registrar's Office. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has undertaken Project #1602-080-248, C501, for the improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. The project plans reflect that these roads are to be a minimum 50-foot right-of-way and a cul-de-sac is to be constructed on Bunker Hill Drive approximately halfway between Valley Forge Avenue and Kenmore Avenue. The pavement between the proposed cul-de-sac and Kenmore Avenue is to be demolished and discontinued. ~~ For construction of the project, VDOT has requested that Roanoke County donate the necessary right-of-way and easements along the northern side of Valley Forge Avenue and the northeastern side of Bunker Hill Drive, beginning approximately 150 feet southeast of Brambleton Avenue and extending to the proposed cul- de-sac. The project requires 0.16462 acre of land in fee simple for the right-of-way, 0.03458 acre of land for a permanent drainage easement, and 0.06074 acre of land for a temporary construction easement, all as shown on Sheets 1-B, 3, and 4 of the project plans. FISCAL IMPACTS' None ALTERNATIVES' (1) Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for donation of 0.16462 acre of land in fee simple, together with 0.03458 acre of land for a permanent drainage easement and 0.06074 acre of land for a temporary construction easement, to the Commonwealth of Virginia. (2) Adopt an ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for conveyance of the necessary right-of-way and easements, in exchange for the fair market value of the property, to the Commonwealth of Virginia. (3) Decline to authorize donation or conveyance of the right- or-way and easements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the proposed ordinance as provided in Alternative #1. Respectfully submitted, is ie L. fm n Assistant County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING DONATION OF 0.16462 ACRE OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH A PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT, TO THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA FOR IMPROVEMENT OF VALLEY FORGE AVENUE AND BUNKER SILL DRIVE WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has undertaken a project for the improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive; and, WHEREAS, VDOT requires 0.16462 acre of land in fee simple for the right-of-way, 0.03458 acre of land for a permanent drainage easement, and 0.06074 acre of land for a temporary construction easement, all as shown on Sheets 1-B, 3, and 4 of the project plans; and, WHEREAS, the proposed improvements will serve the interests of the public and will address certain public health and safety concerns. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on June 8, 1993; and a second reading was held on June 22, 1993; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the interests in real estate to be conveyed are hereby declared to be surplus, and are hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to the Commonwealth P z- ~ of Virginia for improvements to Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. 3. That donation of 0.16462 acre of land in fee simple for the right-of-way, 0.03458 acre of land for a permanent drainage easement, and 0.06074 acre of land for a temporary construction easement, all as shown on Sheets 1-B, 3, and 4 of the project plans, to the Commonwealth of Virginia is hereby authorized. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. ACTION NO. ~ `'~ ITEM NUMBER `--' "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Community Corrections Resources Board One-year terms of Edmund J. Kielty, and Mrs. Chris Pickard, Alternate will expire August 31, 1993. Both are eligible for reappointment. ~ .Q~~ Mary H. A len, CMC Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens i ACTION NO. A-62293-9 ITEM NUMBER S~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Appointment of the Social Services Advisory Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS' ~~~~~~ BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors at its January 26, 1993 meeting accepted the recommendation from the Social Services Board to allow the Roanoke County Department of Social Services to become a jurisdiction-wide (locally administered) agency. This change would enable Roanoke County to administer the classification, compensation and personnel plan for the employees of the Department of Social Services so that these employees would be treated equitably in accordance with other County employees. A further change would be that the Administrative Board would become an Advisory Board as described in section 63.1 of the Code of Virginia which would allow broader representation including a representative from the City of Salem. The responsibility for the Local Board (Administrative matters) are vested in the Director of Social Services as provided in section 63.1-43.1 of the Code of Virginia. The Director reports to the County Administrator like all other Department Heads and would receive input from the Advisory Board on policy and program matters. It is suggested that the Advisory Board be comprised of at least seven members, one representing each magisterial district, one liaison representative from the Board of Supervisors and a representative from the City of Salem. The County Department of Social Services provides service to the City of Salem under a contractual agreement and to date, the City of Salem has had no direct input into the administrative matters. The City of Salem has already been requested to appoint their representative to this Advisory Board. The members of the previous Administrative Board have indicated a willingness to continue to serve on the new Advisory Board. These members are Robert H. Lewis from the Vinton Magisterial District, whose term expires January 1, 1996; Betty Jo Anthony from the Windsor Hills Magisterial District whose term expires July 19, 1996; and Harry Nickens as representative from the Board of Supervisors, whose term expires January 1, 1994. ~„~` '" ~, The Local Board Member Handbook from the State Department of Social Services list the following duties and powers of Advisory Boards: monitor local social welfare programs; meet with the local department director at least quarterly; prepare an annual report (plus any other appropriate reports) to the governing body; display interest in all matters pertinent to local social services; (see section 63.1-43.1 of the Code of Virginia); act as an advisor to the local director. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no change in the funding methods of the Commonwealth of Virginia as a result of this change. RECOMMENDATION• Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors appoint one member to the Social Services Advisory Board from each Magisterial District and a liaison representative from the Board of Supervisors. It is suggested that the Advisory Board be appointed by the end of July so that they may be trained and be prepared to meet in September, 1993. Respectfully submitted, Appr ed by Dr. Bett R. McCrary ~ Elmer C. odge Director of Social Ser~3 es County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Lee B. Eddy Motion No Yes Abs Denied ( ) to approve establishment- of Eddy x Received ( ) Advisory Board Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Dr. Betty McCrary, Director, Social Services J ~"~~ t ~ b -~ ,~+y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION 62293-10 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM R - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 22, 1993, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Clean Valley Council. 2. Acknowledge of Acceptance of 0.29 Miles of Rome Drive, and 0.06 Miles of McIntosh Lane into Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Grumman Emergency Products. 4. Resolution of Support for the AMTRAK Route from New York to Atlanta via Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee. 5. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Drug Enforcement Program. 6. Request for Acceptance of Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for Arts. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution with Item 2 removed, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Nickens to approve Item 2, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John H. Cease, Chief of Police Reta R. Busher, Director, Management & Budget ACTION NO. A-62293-10.a ITEM NUMBER ^ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Clean Valley Council COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nomination was made at the June 8, 1993 meeting. 1. Clean Valley Council Supervisor Nickens nominated Vince Reynolds to another two- year term which will expire June 30, 1995. RECOMMENDATION• It is recommended that the above appointment be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, Approv d by, `~ .~. ~ Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Eddy ~ Johnson _~ Kohinke _~ Minnix -x- Nickens _~ cc: File Clean Valley Council File ACTION NO. A-62293-10.b ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Acknowledgement of Acceptance of 0.29 Miles of Rome Drive and 0.06 Miles of McIntosh Lane into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received acknowledgement that the following roads have been accepted into the Secondary System by the Virginia Department of Transportation effective June 1, 1993. The Orchards Applewood, Section 7 0.29 Miles of Rome Drive (Route 1226) 0.06 Miles of McIntosh Lane (Route 1089) SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: C')~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x ) Motion by: rr~~ C.r._I~Tic~®~s No Yes Abs Eddy x Denied ( ) Kohinke x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Minnix x To ( ) Nickens x cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections RAY D. PETHTEL COMMISSIONER ,. ~ . . t.. ~ . G {~ ~ .;~ ~ r : av~e-~~1 I< ~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 23219 June 9, 1993 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: As requested in your resolution dated April 13, 1993, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective June 1, 1993. ADDITIONS THE ORCHARDS APPLEWOOD, SECTION 7 Route 1226 (Rome Drive) - From Route 781 to Route 1220 Route 1089 (McIntosh Lane) - From Route 1084 to Route 1226 Sincerely, 4J ~ I E:I K~ ~tJ~ Ray D. Pethtel Commissioner TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY LENGTH 0.29 Mi 0.06 Mi ACTION NO. A-62293-10.c to, R ITEM NO. O "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Grumman Aircraft Company - Firetruck Litigation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The County agreed to share with the Town of Vinton the legal expenses for the litigation with Grumman Emergency Products Inc. over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck. BACKGROUND• In November of 1991, the Board agreed to join with the Town of Vinton in legal action against Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. and other possible defendants over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck which the County had jointly funded with the Town. Since this vehicle is titled to the Town of Vinton it was agreed that the Town Attorney should handle this litigation. The fees thus far approved by the Board are as follows: February 11, 1992 $ 1,151.95 March 24, 1992 1,437.59 May 26, 1992 2,363.43 June 23, 1992 1,779.16 September 8, 1992 228.71 September 22, 1992 868.75 October 27, 1992 941.00 December 1, 1992 289.00 December 15, 1992 843.00 February 23, 1993 3,835.00 March 23, 1993 6,648.60 April 4, 1993 480.10 May 25, 1993 1,315.36 Total $22,181.65 1 ~'-~ FISCAL IMPACTS• $751.00 (June 3, 1993 statement) in current fees to be paid from the Potential Litigation Account. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the payment of this invoice from the Board's Potential Litigation Account. Respectfully submitted, ~~ac.~ ~1- ~'1cc. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Harr ( _ Ni rkPn~ Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix File cc: Diane Hyatt, Paul Mahoney, c;\wp51\agenda\generalVegal.fee Director, Finance County Attorney Vote No Yes Abs x x x x x 2 TOWN OF VINTON P. 0. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHONE (703) 983-0608 FAX (7031 983-0621 June 10, 1993 TO: Toe Obenchain, Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke POB 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ~3 JOAN B. FURBISH FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER STATEMENT Statement From Natkin, IIeslep, Siegel and iiatkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company June 3, 1993 Statement -- $1,502.00 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $751.00 Statement From Natkin, Heslep, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company May 4, 1993 Statement -- $2,630.72 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To 315.36 Town of Vinton DUE UPON RECEIPT X2,066.36 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: TOWN OF VINTON cc: Diane D. Hyatt t r ~ i~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION 62293-10.d IIRGING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO SUPPORT THE EXTENSION OF AMTRAK RAIL SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ATLANTA VIA THE ROANORE VALLEY WHEREAS, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) has recently completed an internal study of proposed new rail routes, including a new line from New York to Atlanta by way of Roanoke, Bristol, Knoxville, and Chattanooga. WHEREAS, the proposed new route would connect major northeast cities with Atlanta through the western Virginia cities of Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke, and Bristol, as well as the eastern Tennessee cities of Bristol, Knoxville, and Chattanooga; and WHEREAS, such new line would serve as a logical expansion of AMTRAK'S national network and would link major population centers in western Virginia and eastern Tennessee with New York and Atlanta; and WHEREAS, because of declining air and bus service to many of these cities, the new AMTRAK route would provide badly needed transportation access and act as a catalyst to development of local economies; and WHEREAS, passenger rail service to the Roanoke Valley would provide additional support and increased visibility to local economic development projects and other attractions and businesses in the Roanoke Valley as well as in the entire region of southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of ~ i Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board endorses the proposal to extend AMTRAK service between New York and Atlanta via Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee. 2. That the Board urges the United States Congress to support the expansion of AMTRAK service to the Roanoke Valley as a part of the proposed New York-Atlanta Route. 3. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Roanoke Valley legislators in the General Assembly and the Roanoke Valley representatives in the United States Congress by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: `~n~--~~^ ,~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council The Honorable J. Brandon Bell, Virginia Senate The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo, Virginia Senate The Honorable G. Steven Agee, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable A. Victor Thomas, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable John Warner, U. S. Senate The Honorable Charles S. Robb, U. S. Senate The Honorable Bob Goodlatte, U. S. House of Representatives The Honorable Rick Boucher, U. S. House of Representatives The Honorable Jerry Allen Wolfe, Mayor, City of Bristol, VA The Honorable John S. Gaines, Mayor, City of Bristol, Tenn ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Adoption of a Resolution Urging the Extension of Amtrak Rail Service between New York and Atlanta Via the Roanoke Valley COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Cities of Bristol, Virginia and Bristol, Tennessee, have requested that the Roanoke Valley localities support the proposed New York to Atlanta via Southwest Virginia and eastern Tennessee AMTRACK route. They have requested that resolutions or letters be sent to our state and federal representatives expressing support for this AMTRACK route. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached resolution be adopted, and that the Clerk forward copies to the Roanoke Valley legislators in the General Assembly and our representatives in the United States Congress. Elmer C. o ge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ~y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLUTION URGING THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO SIIPPORT THE EXTENSION OF AMTRAK RAIL SERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND ATLANTA VIA THE ROANORE VALLEY WHEREAS, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) has recently completed an internal study of proposed new rail routes, including a new line from New York to Atlanta by way of Roanoke, Bristol, Knoxville, and Chattanooga. WHEREAS, the proposed new route would connect major northeast cities with Atlanta through the western Virginia cities of Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke, and Bristol, as well as the eastern Tennessee cities of Bristol, Knoxville, and Chattanooga; and WHEREAS, such new line would serve as a logical expansion of AMTRAK's national network and would link major population centers in western Virginia and eastern Tennessee with New York and Atlanta; and WHEREAS, because of declining air and bus service to many of these cities, the new AMTRAK route would provide badly needed transportation access and act as a catalyst to development of local economies; and WHEREAS, passenger rail service to the Roanoke Valley would provide additional support and increased visibility to local economic development projects and other attractions and businesses in the Roanoke Valley as well as in the entire region of southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: K-4 1. That the Board endorses the proposal to extend AMTRAK service between New York and Atlanta via Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee. 2. That the Board urges the United States Congress to support the expansion of AMTRAK service to the Roanoke Valley as a part of the proposed New York-Atlanta Route. 3. That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Roanoke Valley legislators in the General Assembly and the Roanoke Valley representatives in the United States Congress by the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. A-62293-10.e ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER / 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of a Grant by the County Police Department for a Drug Enforcement Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~~ /4'~ ~a~-ti~ °~~/ " BACKGROUND' The Criminal Investigations Division of the Roanoke County Police Department has been notified by the Department of Criminal Justice Services that it has been awarded a grant renewal in the amount of $17,185.00 for the purpose of enhancing the investigation and prosecution of persons who use Roanoke County motels as a temporary location to distribute drugs. The monies will be used to pay officers to work overtime and to pay informants and purchase drugs. Since this enforcement program is conducted during the officers' off duty time, the current level of law enforcement in the County will not be negatively affected. FISCAL IMPACT' The grant is for $17,185..00 in DCJS federal funds (75~) and $5,728.00 in local funds. The local funds will be provided from seized monies from a DEA Task Force operation and will not require any additional allocation from the County budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends acceptance of the grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services. K-5 Respectfully submitted, n H. Cease Chief of Police Approved by, r~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File John Cease, Chief of Police ACTION NO. A-62293-10 . f ITEM NUMBER _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of the Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ a ~„~„-,~ UUU SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County applied for a Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. The Commission will match up to $5,000, any donation the County makes to qualified art organizations in the valley. In the FY 1993-94 Budget, The Board of Supervisors approved an appropriation of $3,000 for the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge and $5,000 for the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Staff therefore, applied for the maximum grant allocation of $5,000. Roanoke County was awarded $2,230 for FY 1993-94. This amount is less than the maximum due to the budget cuts suffered by State agencies in the 1992-94 biennium. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff recommends dividing the $2,230 grant evenly between the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Combined with the County's appropriation, the following amounts would be available to the organizations referred to above: County VCA Organization Appropriation Grant 115 $ 1 Total 115 $ 4 Arts Council $ 3,000 000 5 , 1,115 , 6.115 Roanoke Symphony , 8 000 $ 2,230 10 230 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts in the amount of $2,230 to be distributed as indicated above. ~~. Res~~pect~.fully s//ubmitted, Reta R. Busher Director, Management and Budget Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved (~ Motion by: Harm c . Nickens Eddy Denied ( ) Received () Johnson Referred () Kohinke To () Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs X X X cc: File Reta Busher, Director, Management & Budget Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance N-~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE % of General Amount Fund Expenditures Beginning Balance at $5,419,414 7.51% July 1, 1992 (Audited) August 12, 1992 Dixie Caverns (100,000) Sept. 8, 1992 Cable TV budget (21,149) October 13, 1992 Bloodborne Pathogens Standards (33,800) October 27, 1992 Computer Upgrade (126,281) December 1, 1992 Hepatitis BVaccine - Volunteers (36,840) January 12, 1993 Hollins Rescue Squad (15,285) January 26, 1993 Rutrough Road Improvements 350 000 Balance as of June 22 1993 $4,736,059 6.56% Reserve Amounts November 17, 1992 Reserved for employee benefits (606,182) November 17, 1992 Reserved for building 350 000 $3,779,877 5.24% Submitted By ~.~~~~~~ ~~ l Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Note: On December 18, 1990 the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund expenditures ($72,151,291). N-a July 14, 1992 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1992 (Audited) Addition to Capital Reserve from original 1992-1993 budget Lighting of Green Hill Park Ball Fields October 13, 1992 Repair ladder truck at Cave Spring Fire Station 19 001 Balance as of June 22, 1993 Submitted by $ 24,705 114,760 (15,000) 105 464 Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~~ 4 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1992 July 14, 1992 Information Program for Bond Referendum July 28, 1992 Roanoke Regional Housing Strategy August 12, 1992 Outside Legal Assistance September 8, 1992 Grumman Litigation September 22, 1992 Grumman Litigation October 13, 1992 Space Study October 27, 1992 Grumman Litigation December 1, 1992 Grumman Litigation December 15, 1992 Grumman Litigation February 9, 1993 Incentive Fund to Cleanup Illegal Dumps Balance as of June 22, 1993 Submitted by $ 50,000 (18,250) (2,000) (10,000) (229) (869) (5,000) (941) (289) (844) 10 000 $ 1,578 Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -May 1993 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: Payroll: 5/07/93 5/21/93 $2,906,313.36 $ 472,064.14 461,851.19 933,915.33 $3,840,228.69 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: c,,--,~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy _ _ Johnson _ _ _ Kohinke _ _ _ Minnix _ _ _ Nickens ~'~- M ~l 0 0 o •~ o ~ 0 0 W w U F- ¢ ¢ a A C 7 C C S -~ =rte ~ ~ ~> __ - -, . . _ ~ _ .. _ _ _ ~... ~ . _. ~• ., . , ., ., r , ~ ,~ e I i L 0. 1 I o c~ MO W ODM h •MMM v9 .-h c+mo h Illo lflN~ CJ] O 1 O 11 1 II1N h PP o o~o ll lM ~ON MmM O No U1M d E V 1 d 7\ d I h 4~ h .n OD h h .O N N UI N .O O .D M M ~l m aD % U U I W l~ol h OD 111 [O O~O~O ~P OpO Th0 ~6+ O 0p d6 G~ w c ro v I w 7 I o m w I F- w ro I >^ I V 1 ~I i(f d 1 M OON N N ~00~ OD G+ NMN O P r~ - PNN W 4~ P.- C L d I -- N o6 N 00 P P, N l!1 ~O r- N o ~O ;.:: o o OD aD T OD .O ~ O. O d U l N h M M GN U ~ 0p ~ r-. p~. r. ~ M O M' h PO+ J] C +~ E ro I lli ro N .~ ~ N u1 .- ul UI ~O M .-. M o~ N a0 to ~- h .- ro 7 .. 1 N InN o h P .- P .-.h.- I!1 o Nh P oP L C Ql 1 , a d I _. o ~ I L ~ a M In O. O+ d I M .O O~ O~ h NW 00 N ~-Wh h h `~~~ P.O Op In ~~ P No ¢\ LJ] I o~ oGp ap o 0m o P ~-NCO h `._.N mM N~ P m-- J E 1 OP PP h h N00-' 0? IlI O P Ill ~ N olll T- P M- ~ M r 7 I . . . ' ro C\ •.. U ' O I h .-N ~ ap ON;' P O ~O ~ ~ 6+ oO~D O~ In hP ~ rotn O C t- I h oln M SO N G+ L~ OOh P PM O- M hh C o C W Y I ~ Ui .- 00 M 07 4~ OO N h G~ ~0 h 0 ~ d 1 , N W a d 1 P P ~ P N N o - L d F- x I ~~U¢ W I C CI d ro C U I P h 0 N h O - a0 W O M O :; ''': ~ h ~p p~ L4. •.. C I fi PO oD P a0 o P NP : ::. Mh 111 0 d J] O V ro l a0 M ~O h a0 OJ ~D M a0: h . h U~ 111 0 E C L I C U E v E l M P Ill N '. ~ •~ N ~0 C UI 7 I N ~, W I v U l 7 C I ~= O W ~ N F- O d Z N LO d I M NaO aD S OD OD M Ill W4~ P ':P 111 ~1 W Qi L~.- 7 L L I 00 N o .- (U 00 N P N o~ OD. ,:- h ~ ~O N P IJl 0 r+• J ~ 7 1 r 1 N oll) ap N Il1P N o PG~ hln P u PLO 7 V ¢ •.. I N OO O ~ tb !n N ~tn W -•ln h oL11 C U ~+ ~ I ~ M VI N h .- o u• O~ M .G o J d[A C C I M M P NN a.. o d I % LL. E O. 1 W x I W w ,:.. 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U t` ¢ E W UI E (q p, Z c o 00 olfl o~o N o No o oV olfl ~ ° ^ NM NN NM !- ~- NM P N MM LL o X ~ NN M MM M P PP P- V1 ~l Ul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ . .. e ~~ i ~I ••~ '" - - " L J LJ sweoJ ss3Nisne rao -. _ -- ~ °- -~ ~~ ear - M d O~ \ N In 0 4 O \ O ~ O O W W U' F~- 4 ¢ a^ ~ C d 1 I I o+ .O hh m t!1 o~ o M .n V hh~: _ ln~.~ oo Oo 00 W E r I h N m t!1 ~: M .D o 0 0 0 0 0 d7. d I m o~ oo v.- 1+10 1.. ~p o . x U ~ 1 M h W o h to G• ,.. o ap ~• o W C V 1 W 7 ^ m I H ~b r 1 . ~ N C I I a+ I m N to o c~ a+ N~ o o .O •. M o+ V 1 . N aU ' ..' c0 ~.- 0 h I o ~ o+ I I M o7 M O U I .a ~n aD c+ to .D N G• .- h o ~ va o o o+op v aD m- M y N ' C 1 M .- " o M M ~t M M r ro ro I v - oD l11 ~ .O to o M N 7 W o. G+ o h .r I h ~ ~ M h to M a0 V? ~ !n N ~- h d o 1 I v ui L dM N - d o+ ¢\ W L 1 I N - h ~t to M o M " m ~ I!1 .O h ti o M W .O ~ M N tr c+o M too N. lnv O~Q OM o Mef ~M r I 7 111 In 7. h111 "N N 17100 0 V'M o C\ ro In •.. 'O ^ I !- I N N ~ M W N h. m o --`. O N m-.o o L, o to c C ~ I .~ M 00 .u v !n N o 7 N ~J' P .O N ^ T M ' ~ h .-. N 0+ I M h N ~: ~- .- M M NW d I M ~ N _ tU . d F- U ¢ x W I I C A d ro L W U I C I M In M U' N 7 Q 01 .D N ~ 00 ~ ~ 1]O ro I M M ^h U' P ^ LL N ~ to E 7 N L I d l N W N - U ¢ E I ~ N C > I W 1 U I C 1 `S W I N F- d 2 N " L O 7 E d l L I M 7 N lfl 7 .n aD Q t!1 N o h o ~ h N M I o 1 W .o ~' 7 I N c+ htT O M 111M - T O OD th O ~ ~ "' J I r h00 0 ~ o p+ U ¢ C U . I V I t!1 N ~- O+ ^ W tT a0 111 h M U1 N OD M N tl 00 d I x LL d W x I "' W w O I I - of N 0+ M In N o M o to o 0 ~ 0..O a0 aV o ^ l!1 0 0 ~~ o N ~ r I 0+ In N V 1110 0 .- M o•M O. 00 .n ~. N N h N a+o R o vao O T MM Q' •+ 7 V C 7 LL d 1 ~ I V I .D 00 h R NT NN R ' --.- ~O M NOS afo 07O M N a' 7 1 h In .n W Ul ~ C M V T N 111 st 7 h .o ~ In O L _ m I ~ M T M N ~ N V U cn ro L i V .- N - ~ ? N W C w .. 7 d ` •^ U c v E ~. ,. ~ . o '~ ro C C C..; L . , L ..: o o c o c a ~" a °: c W O L r ~ O U .~ N O .r L ro a •. i a C C. .. ~ "' ro r ' N N r L.. .. 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" d I x u. a I ui W x I ^ v- ^ W G I N N ti N U 1 r I ~ O~ ~ P 7 OD G N I 7 7 U 1 ~T CO F ~ LL •O 1 7 O' a' 7 I .- M N L QI I U b I N N ~, N L I Q p~ a d U •+ 7 O r 7 N O o ~ ^ a N 4.. ~ N y C 4- N N !- C F- N L ' U ! - P C J 7 o Q 0. ~ F-. ~D .n p L o f- r C p .r Z p N ~ Z v. t, ~ P LL o N - - ° ' R ~ n !C R ~ ~ ~ ~' °' !' ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ swrsoa ssaNisne rao ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER /Y-~o AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Bond Project Status Report COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is narrative overview of the bond projects approved in the 1992 Bond Referendum (Attachment A) and a time line for the projected/actual activity of the various work components (Attachment B). FISCAL IMPACT• None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Questions may be directed to either the specific project coordinator listed on the time line worksheet or John Chambliss. Respectfully submitted, Approv d by, a hn M. Chambliss, ~ Elmer C. Hodge Assistant County Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens N-~ BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment A June 22, 1993 1992 BOND REFERENDUM PROJECTS PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS NORTH COUNTY LIBRARY The boundary and topographic survey of the Hollins site has been completed, and copies of the survey map have been received. The asbestos survey was completed and a report was submitted on May 25. Some of the asbestos is located in areas which will not be disturbed by the expansion and renovation; and all of the materials are non-friable. The report recommends that some asbestos material identified in floor tiles, mastic and linoleum be removed at a cost of approximately 517,850. The recommended abatement project would take up to four work days. The architect and staff continue to work on placement of functional areas and the allocation of space in the preliminary schematics. DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL RFP for engineering services is due on June 14, 1993. PARKS AND RECREATION Northside -Construction should occur in June, 1993. Lighting -Bids will be opened June 11, 1993, for lighting projects at Vinyard Park, Byrd field, Starkey Park and the Career Center lighting projects. Construction will be determined by availability of material with the intent to avoid conflict with sports schedules. ROADS Virginia Department of Transportation is actively pursuing right-of-ways for the incidentals projects. Once all right-of-ways have been obtained for the nine projects, the projects will be advertised. This will occur approximately from June to August, 1993. BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 NORTH COUNTY LIBRARY BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE E 1,500,000 S 14,444.20 PROJECT COORDINATOR: SPENCER WTTS ACCOUNT CODE: 104030 n.L TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC A & E PROPOSALS PLANNED .; `••••••••~••• •" •"~iF~~: nv; :: ACTUAL . F,.v: " ••'•"'"' `• BIDS PLANNED ~<~'~'~ ~"~•''~~'~'~~•`% ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION PLANNED ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: The boundary and topographic survey of the Hollins site has been completed, and copies of the survey map have been received. The asbestos survey was completed and a report was submitted on May 25. Sane asbestos containing materials were found in the Hollins Library. Sane of the asbestos is located in areas which will not be disturbed by the expansion and renovation; and all of the materials are non friable. The report recarmends that sane asbestos material identified in floor tiles, mastic and linoleum be removed at a cost of approximately 517,850. The recommended abatement project would take up to four work days. The architect and staff continue to work on placement of functional areas and the allocation of space in the preliminary schematics. N.~ BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 DIXIE CAVERNS LANDFILL CLOSEOUT BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE f 2,750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: GEORGE SIMPSON ACCOUNT CODE: 104040 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC • ...• • RFP ENGINEERING PLANNED '" r++ .. ~''~{~"'''''' SERVICES ''~{ ~ ~ % ~>:> ' ACTUAL '' ` "'~ $""~'~~' SELECT PLANNED ... ... . CONSULTANT ACTUAL y ~ 'V ~ j::...: ~~ PRELIMINARY PLANNED ' ''"' "' '" ' "''~L'••''•`•' ENGINEERING ACTUAL PREPARE PLANNED ?`~~~>„. ~~~i.;~:.:~~s.; CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS ACTUAL ADVERTISE PLANNED FOR BIDS ACTUAL AWARD CONTRACT PLANNED ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION PLANNED ACTUAL SUBSTANTIAL PLANNED COMPLETION ACTUAL PROJECT PLANNED CLOSEOUT ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: RFPs for engineering services are due on June 14, 1993. 2 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 DRAINAGE PROJECTS -SIERRA DR/FENWICK DR BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 90,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: BUTCH YORKMAN ACCOUNT CODE: 104050 N-~ TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC SELECT SURVEYING PLANNED #%>? <~c FIRM ACTUAL PRELIMINARY PLANNED ""~'{?'~`'~"~ ENGINEERING (FIELD) ACTUAL ACTUAL SURVEY PLANNED ACTUAL DESIGN PLANNED ACTUAL '•~~~r .;,. '/}?r;::: MEET WITH PLANNED .. F:' '~`~~ti~'?. CITIZENS ACTUAL PRE-BID BID PLANNED ............ ............ , CONFERENCE ACTUAL AWARD CONTRACT PLANNED ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION PLANNED ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: 1. No easements needed. 2. Coordinate with VDOT (95X Project in VDOT RN) 3 N-~ BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 DRAINAGE PROJECTS -GREEN VALLEY BUDGET E 75,000 CONTRACT E 97,500 PROJECT COORDINATOR: BUTCH YORKMAN EXPENDITURES TO DATE ACCOIl11T CODE: 104050 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ,•:~:~`:. SELECT PLANNED •i: ~•> . SURVEYING FIRM ACTUAL ~%%f''<~%`' PRE. ENGINEERING PLANNED (FIELD) PHASE I & II ACTUAL (AERIAL) :•~.~:: ,i.>•; ACTUAL SURVEY PLANNED `'?F~~%~'~x` `~~'~'~•'•'~f M1~ PHASE I I ONLY '•'~•'••'•'`•`::~ <~`:~`:':`'•.;.f: '~''' `j ~' ACTUAL ' '~~ DESIGN PNASE I & PLANNED '~<~'{~~"~~ ""'' •'• II ACTUAL f ~~ ~~ MEET WITH VDOT/ PLANNED `i ' " CITIZENS PHASE I ACTUAL `%'''~j~'~'~' •, 1:'/ ~,~:.::•i:•i: :xiiFff 1 •: iF ii:?{: r 'l G ? ~.r'+':'i: MEET W/CITIZENS- PLANNED ''i` ; . %~~~~a}~~+: ; , ~ ; z%•%;%%`•:` `~"''~`?'"~ PHASE I 1 '"''''' •'• AWARD CONTRACT - `: `:w~~~s> PHASE 1 ACTUAL ~~~~~<''~~ CONSTRUCTION TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: 1. No permanent easements needed. 2. Phase I Murray Run below F & W Bldg. F (Upstream from Phase II) 3. Phase II Trunk line along Colony Ln. & drainage easement 4. Discuss curb & gutter option w/VDOT along portion of Colony Ln. 5. Phase I - 57,500 from F & W 8 515, 000 from Drainage Budget; Phase II - 575,000 from Bond 6. P-120 to be constructed with Phase [I 7. Phase I to be constructed under hourly rate contract. 4 N_b BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 DRAINAGE PROJECTS -NOTTINGHAM HILLS AREA BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE f 45,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: BUTCH YORKMAN ACCOUNT CODE: 104050 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN fE8 MAR APR MAY JUN JUl AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC PRELIMINARY PLANNED ••`"'tip"`~ '``~''"'~` ENGINEERING (FIELD) ACTUAL •:::::: r•::: ""'''•""' MEET WITH PLANNED ~~• ••{^~^• CITIZENS ACTUAL HOURLY PLANNED ~:`'~:`:`' ~? ":^''??'~: CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: 1. No permanent easements needed 2. To be in conjunction with P-103 3. Projects are in three (3) locations -Cave Spring Ln., Cynthia Dr., ~ Farmington Dr. 5 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 n-~ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 300,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: GEORGE SIMPSON ACCOUNT CODE: 104050 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ' APPLY FOR FEMA PLANNED #::::::<~: ::•:•':<`:.:`:;; :;};f;:~ ;: GRANT OF ; 'J ~ # :h'~;%o:~; ' ;%> •";>> '~ ' ::%~'>%::; '~ ~''•:<>~:< MATCHING FUNDS ACTUAL £~E ~# ~ •'•. !:":: :<%~:: ;:~;~ :~ '::::'; .:~;:{h;: ~, ::;•:;:::~:f::. •`"+''' ~~~ t;:: '~`'•"`'•'• RFP ENGINEERING PLANNED <? ~ ' SERVICES ACTUAL SELECT PLANNED ~'''~'~' ~"''~''v" " ~'`'~~'~fff CONSULTANT ACTUAL PRELIMINARY PLANNED ENGINEERING ACTUAL PREPARE PLANNED WATERSHED PLANS ACTUAL REGIONAL POLICY PLANNED ACTUAL REMEDIAL PROJECT PLANNED INVESTIGATION ACTUAL REMEDIAL PROJECT PLANNED CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL C;UMMtN 15: The County is awaiting notification from FEMA on approval of matching monies. 6 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 ~~~ PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 1,750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: JOHN CHAMBLISS ACCOUNT CODE: 104209, 104201, 104203 104204 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 41ALROND PARK PLANNED 31 000 ''11I~S?' ~'~1^1f~-^> '`'~~ <: ; ::;GEC.. . SOCCER FIELD ACTUAL 41ALROND PARK PLANNED 62 000 ;:~1~is> >~#ft`x~: :::~E#?:~: ;>.:...;... : ... ......... ............ 2 BASEBALL FIELDS ACTUAL NORTHSIDE PLANNED 52 000 .. ::~1#F-:: :: :£1 ~E~s ~.:.:.. ? .. ............ <:: '011::::`• ...1r........ S N FIELD REALIG ACTUAL ?>LNG :>~ItGs; '~1~>': >~ME~.. $~`>: .. BONSACK PARK PLANNED 20 000 :3;~~~~:> »:~1~fCs3: ;:8~#i`3:' :;:GOfi? : :::.......... ............ LD ALL FIE 8 •: >:::: ACTUAL <.:~?CGi: ..£ t~.;. :.~1fFr.. £lft`s.. . BONSACK PARK PLANNED 15 000 ~<~NCs>: ~;'1ft4'r:< 'CIO: >~: ?.'GON'.... >GQN:.. ... ... PICNIC SHELTER ACTUAL BONSACK PARK PLANNED 10 000 fE~#1G'€ ?'13'CI1~:':<: >GlaN'? ~~~. ''#:Gi~C ~?. PLAYGROUND EOUIPT. ACTUAL VINYARD PARK I PLANNED 62 000 `$Iiili's «~~lt~r ~#~'IO>' : ':'.`~(#C `~ >`. `ON: ...~. 2 BASEBALL FIELDS ACTUAL VINYARD PARK I PLANNED 150,000 ~fFG ~£I~Ci BED~ ~~IN -::f;.... :._ .;;;:;:;..:;; LIGHT SOCCER FIELDS ACTUAL ~#Cr Efif~; TOTAL PLANNED 402 000 ACTUAL COMMENTS: Northside -Engineering services contract issued to Lumsden Associates, P.C., to design the realignment of the two baseball fields and one soccer field being displaced by the construction of the new Forensics Lab by the State. The engineering will include the site design, drainage issues, and master planning of the site for future consideration of such items as utilities for restrooms, parking, lighting, etc. Construction should occur in June, 1993. Bonsack Park -County and School officials have met with Engineering consultants to review the site and begin determining which part of the tract will be suitable for the development of the park facilities. Plans are being prepared for development review. Construction should begin in the Spring of 1993. 7 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 ri-~ PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE E 1,750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: JOHM CHAMBLISS ACCOUNT CODE: 104204, 104210, 101212 104205, 104207 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV ............. DEC ............ VINYARD PARK I PLANNED 25 000 . ........... ^>~~-~' ............ ~>~~'' PARKING ACTUAL VINYARD PARK I PLANNED 25 000 ~~ >£'QN~. « Ste':: RESTROOM UTIL ACTUAL VINYARD PARK I PLANNED 50 000 ''~~' ~~'~~~'~ LIGHT BASEBALL ACTUAL ........ VINYARD PARK I PLANNED 25 000 '`~~~ ;]i$lf(Cs"' rnYCFSSiOw/STORAGE ACTUAL MT. PLEASANT PLANNED 40 WU <::fintts:~:: ::;carr~;: ;:•:a+:.';' PARK BALL FIELD ACTUAL ....... . ............ STONEBRIDGE PARK PLANNED 25 000 <~~*~ "~~0'` RESTROOM UTILITY ACTUAL YRD SCHOOL LANNED 0 00 <:»>::>:::;:>::> 11~< ::>:«<:»»::>: ~kEF >::>::>:<.;;;:.; $tDy >GG1it`> '>£~l '' LIGHT BASEBALL <:>:::>; :>::::>::<:> <:<:::::>:<:: FIELD ACTUAL `"11fG: ~l~G> ~$;~~!<; WHISPERING PINES PLANNED 31 000 ;ANC:::> :#£1!Ef~ >:$SQ~~ : >~Qll.. >04~i. ... PARK BASEBALL FIELD ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED 281 000 ACTUAL COMMENTS: Lighting -Bids will be opened June 11, 1993, for lighting projects at Vinyard Park, Byrd field, Starkey Park and the Career Center Lighting projects. Construction schedule will be determined by availability of material with the intent to avoid conflict with sports schedules. 8 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 n-~ PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 1,750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: JOHN CHAMSLISS ACCOUIIT CODE: 104207, 104211, 104206, 104213, 104202 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MALI JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC WHISPERING PINES PLANNED 60 000 ~~` `'~~"~~ PARK LIGHT BALL FIELD ACTUAL WHISPERING PINES PLANNED 25 000 ~>i'!~?. £l~>: ~>8"[~~ '.€'.L~i:.. : >'1iOE~... . ' . PARK RESTROOM UTILITIES ACTUAL WHISPERING PINES PLANNED 36 000 1:l~ECi:~: ~~1~~'r?:: ~I~ID: ~> ~1OEt... `>~QN .. ... ... ~;p5~> PARK TENNIS/ BASKETBALL COURT ACTUAL GREEN HILL PARK PLANNED 30 000 ~~~ ~~~ 2 PICNIC SHELTERS ACTUAL ARST MILL PARK LANNED 24 000 IE~Z. ifE`r~: ~~$~1~ _: ::~`; ...:.. :> #~tli . .:.......... `~': ........... LIGHT 2 BALL FIELDS ACTUAL >s»:':> ~~ >::::>:>:~>: `~~~~" YINDSOR HILL PLANNED 50 000 ~~~~~? AREA PURCHASE LAND ACTUAL WINDSOR HILLS PLANNED 62 000 ''~~'~' :`'~~' ''~~~'` AREA 2 BALL FIELDS ACTUAL STARKEY PARK PLANNED 62 000 ~i~;<: :::$~£!'>'.~> ~>`~Oi:'.: ...~ >' s5 2 BASEBALL FIELDS ACTUAL 12 829 €`:~1f~>: :':~~1~' €~~tNl ° ~< TOTAL PLANNED 449 000 ACTUAL ~ 12,829 COMMENTS: Starkey Park -Engineering services contract issued to Balzer and Associates, Inc. One baseball field has been constructed. The realignment of one soccer field into two soccer fields and correction of drainage problems have been submitted to County Engineering for approval for construction during the Spring of 1993. 9 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 1,750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: JOHN CHAMBLISS ACCOUNT CODE: 104202, 104214, 104218, 104220, 104219 N-b TASK 1 9 9 3 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC STARKEY PARK PLANNED 31 000 `<`~1~?>. '<:TiNI#:~>: `s?is'It#.` 1 BASEBALL FIELD ACTUAL STARKEY PARK PLANNED 62 000 .. • :> <>': LIGHT 1 FIELD ............. ............ ACTUAL ':1i1~Et#::: :~:8 ~£1~ ............ ............. STARKEY PARK PLANNED 25 000 ' ~`' '' RESTROOM UTILITIES ACTUAL TENNIS COURT PLANNED 210 400 >:<~>:::::z >~#G? RENOVATIONS ~:~:z's:?>:> >:~>~>::, :;:>::::::::::> ACTUAL `~j¢~:> ............ ............. .... . 1±ift~?: ?6>i~fIG:> .......... BALL FIELD PLANNED 62 000 ::1:1~0's: >'S:ID':'•~ :<~~04f<'. ~~~~Oli:?• :.$1fG:... FENCING ::>::::>:::~: ::>:::;::>:<:» >::>:::<::> ACTUAL >~ilt~~:: :>~l~~ <~: z~1~-:: FACILITY REPAIRS PLANNED 41 000 >~ :'£~>'. <:~tQ`:: ;`~4it.. ?'1:: .... CRAIG AVENUE ~~~~'~ ACTUAL '1:1~C FACILITY REPAIRS PLANNED 11 000 »::»>::>::» :~t~x` >::>::>::>::>::>::: ~1~F-::: :>:::>::>::>::>s `$#~::: :>s:z:>::>::> s :I;:• . ~`~Olt€`:: ............. LEISURE ARTS ACTUAL FACILITY REPAIRS PLANNED 4 500 ~:: :~q~x> :~qG' `~~~1 ;>~t~11:: .:.;,......... LIALROND OFFICE BLDG. ACTUAL 2,115 ?>~ON > TOTAL PLANNED 446 900 ACTUAL 2 115 COMMENTS: Tennis Court Renovations -The County's consultant has reviewed the tennis courts used by the four High Schools of the County to determine the degree of repairs that will required and will help to evaluate the remaining courts in future phases. Repairs will occur during the Summer of 1993 after use by the school teams. The consultant is now evaluating all tennis courts so that the renovation projects may be bid during the summer of 1993. Ball Field Fencing -Technical specifications have been prepared and the inventory of fencing needs has been established. Bids will be taken to repair fences and to establish the fencing cost for new ball fields. 10 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 BUDGET S 1,750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: JONN CHAMBIISS n-~ ACCOIltIT CODE: 104221, 104216, 104217, 104208 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC `> t# ADA ACCESS PLANNED 15,100 3:~~~3#:r<1~I~?##; ~>N€~s.>`1ri~f.. . GROUND COVER FOR PLANNED 4Z ODU ~~':: <:?1=#d's>: ;iE4V!!~?>. >:~~:: :«"!"r'•:' PLAYGROUND EQUIP ACTUAL INFIELD SURFACE PLANNED 54 000 i~ffE`x;:: :;:8:f~3E;i ?:;~t1H ~ar~gl<>. 1~ MATERIALS FOR BASEBALL FIELDS ACTUAL 5 100 >;~Off€'. CAREER CENTER PLANNED 60 000 >::::>::>::>:f 1I~t`+< ~~... <:>:<>':>: ~~N. . REPLACE LIGHTS ~'< ~>~:~> :>~ ACTUAL €El~< ;'.SF~?: TOTAL PLANNED 171 100 ACTUAL I 5,100 COMMENTS: PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 ROAD PROJECTS N~ BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 500,000 S 500,000.00 S 1,000,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: ARNOLD COVEY ACCOUNT CODE: 104070 TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC B of S PLANNED APPROPRIATE FUNDS ACTUAL VDOT PREPARES PLANNED ••' •' •t:~ ~~~`'~%«" 'f ~'`•`"`•'' BIDS ACTUAL ~>~: '~'''•''%:'':': .......::::. :~~"'•.":: :'''`h+;i`•`3;~. :::..:.. . ': • .fr,;r~~,'•; •~;;~'>,;.;;~: ~#•"~'~:?`::::::`:: VDOT ADVERTISES PLANNED :%/;i2;;; `~::;%::~~• :~:i`~`:r,~::;. •44:::<;s:; ;;:;:;:::;;: ACTUAL //ii;•. ~:... ~~~~??• VDOT AWARDS PLANNED ............ CONTRACT ON ALL PROJECTS (57) ALL PROJECTS ACTUAL PLANNED '''"-'%ir`;? ~'~~•~~~~~~% `•'•`•'~~j~•~ ' {s'•'' :•: rii CONSTRUCTED AND COMPLETED ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: Plant mix projects (paving) bid month of April. incidental construction projects bid month of May. Incidental construction projects may take longer if right-of-way is not donated. 50 projects involving paving have been awarded to Adams Construction Company. Remaining incidental construction projects will be advertised in May, 1993. VDOT is actively pursuing right-of-way for the incidentals projects. Once all right-of-ways have been obtained for the nine projects, the projects will be advertised. This will occur approximately from June to August, 1993. 12 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 VALLEY TECHPARK BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 750,000 PROJECT COORDINATOR: TIM GUBALA ACCOUNT CODE: ~~~ TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC REZONING - PLANNED >:~:~?n:kw.~> •:.;<.. REMOVE 200' BUFFER (a.) ACTUAL MASTER PLAN PLANNED ::::•~:::• >.:?••`•s}:•}:•>: ACTUAL LAND PLANNED %`?%~`%?.'<~%: >'%'%%a%t%~• ACQUISITION/ EXCHANGE ACTUAL :.<f~:;':~': .• ;:~y .} ;.':.fey ..~/f { {•':•`:?i•`:: S•.',.2%iii DETAIL PLANNED ~••}~:,.: ::s'•:z~»:~:~ z; ENGINEERING (c.) ACTUAL ~~`~~" : % INDUSTRIAL PLANNED fi.. .~i ACCESS REQUEST (b.) ACTUAL {" ~• ` CONSTRUCTION PLANNED '`' ~~'•''' ~ ~•• '~"~ %~•• • ~••~"••> BIDS ACTUAL } . ~ .. ? ,..t. ,.. START ROAD, PLANNED i%:%r, , • ,} .: :• , UTILITY CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: (a.) Rezoning to remove the 200' buffer is not required due to the County Zoning Ordinance adoption on 12/31/92. (b.) On January 12, 1993, the Board of Supervisors authorized staff to seek Industrial Access Funds from VDOT using the bond allocation as front money. When qualifying tenants have located in the Park, the monies may be reimbursed to the County and returned to the project to further development efforts to enhance the site's marketability. Contract to conduct preliminary engineering and road design was awarded to T.P. Parker 8 Sons on March 4, 1993. Plans are due April 4, 1993. (c.) Detailed engineering underway effective March 4, 1993. Both a preliminary engineering and utility plan have been prepared. The District VDOT office has approved the road plans for the industrial access submittal as prepared by T.P. Parker & Sons. 13 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 BUDGET S 184,000 QQ h~Af ~A ~ 'If FIRE HYDRANTS CONTRACT To be awarded the end of November PROJECT COORDINATOR: RON EDWRDS EXPENDITURES TO DATE None until August ACCOUNT CODE: TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MA R APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC y .:• •, :. ~~ :: PREPARE SITE PLANNED 5::~:s:rx.•>:•: •.~:~•...::. . ..:~:: ••..::•~:.. ......::~:• ....... •;s:.:. LOCATION MAPS ~`'':'~59•' '•: , ' ' '~ '' ? '` •• ;.•rr+y.; ; ~.?r'' J~ '.%>~ ~• ACTUAL . •:::>....::. ; , ., . ' :;' f :..:. r. ,. .: :;;:<::' PREPARE PLANNED ?.;?Ll SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE HYDRANTS ACTUAL ' %~~' 81D FIRE HYDRANTS PLANNED `~ ~'•`• ACTUAL .::,•,. Y:• J . ~f BID INSTALLATION PLANNED ; 1 OF HYDRANTS ACTUAL '`"`~~'•~f4~ INSTALLATION PLANNED ACTUAL FINAL INSPECTION, PLANNED ACCEPTANCE AND PROJECT ACTUAL COMPLETION TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: To date all hydrant locations have been identified, the site maps are complete and meetings have been held with the cities of Roanoke and Salem. After meeting with the other jurisdictions and our Utility Director, some hydrant locations were readjusted and new maps are completed. Our next step will begin in August to prepare a hydrant specification and bid this in September. 14 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment B June 22, 1993 PURCHASE OF LAND FOR HIGH SCHOOL BUDGET CONTRACT EXPENDITURES TO DATE S 750,000 S 240,121.01 PROJECT COORDINATORS: JOHN CIIAlBLISS AID HOMER DUFF ACCOUNT CODE: 1551410 j~/ - (a TASK 1 9 9 3 BUDGET JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC PURCHASE OF LAND PLANNED 750 OOO ~•`•::h~;%~::,: ~;,f<:`;•.; ?;;;y,;;ii>;:,:: :<,i~•ryu,,c;}<;.; ACTUAL 240 121 '~~'~`•'' ~•''' '"'f`'''"~ TOTAL PLANNED ACTUAL COMMENTS: The first of several tracts of land to be purchased for the eventual building of a new Cave Spring High School has been completed. The site is located immediately in front of Penn Forest Elementary School and across from Starkey Park. Although there are no immediate plans to construct the school, the land will be preserved for the eventual development and will be used for Parks and Recreational purposes until that time. The acquisition cost including testing for the 28 acres tract was 5240,121.01. Meetings are being scheduled with other property owners concerning the remaining tracts of land. 15 r ~ ... ACTION # ITEM NUMBER l '~ ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: June Report on 1991 Water Projects COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• In order to keep the Board of Supervisors informed, staff will provide a monthly report on the progress of the Spring Hollow Reservoir Project, Water Treatment Plant Project and the Water Transmission Line Project. SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR PROJECT The construction of the reservoir is now in its nineteenth month and the project is on schedule. Construction activity during the last month included: ° Continued dental concrete on foundation ° Constructed drains and piezometers in gallery ° Continue RCC dam construction - now 150 feet high ° Continued quarry and crushing operation - now 530,000 ton ° Continued concrete and piping placement for river pump station ° Completed drilling six additional monitoring wells on APCO and County property. ° Completed Public Observation Area - opened to public June 12, 1993. The Public Observation Area will be open daily from 10 AM to 8 PM. During the first week we had over 1,000 visitors use the observation area. The current project contract total costs including existing and pending change orders is $25,044,000. This cost remains unchanged from the previous report. Funds expended to date for the construction phase of the reservoir are $17,134,422.75 and $1,629,474.23 for engineering construction phase services. During the next month, the contractor will perform the following: ~( ° Complete construction of RCC Dam ° Continue quarry and crushing operation ° Continue pump station piping and concrete placement ° Begin remaining intake tower construction ° Begin remaining tree removal. WATER TREATMENT PLANT The Water Treatment Plant continues in the design phase. Activity during the last month included: ° Final design of process facilities and details ° Completed the site plan which is being reviewed by County. The pilot water treatment plant was not operated last month and remains on standby. The plant will only be operated if the Health Department requests additional specific operating data or demonstration of treatment processes. During the next month, staff will perform the following: ° Obtain additional borings at site for specific foundation design ° Continue work with consultants on Process Control/Display System ° Continue work on construction plan details for process units ° Continue work on process equipment specifications. WATER TRANSMISSION LINE The following work continues on the Water Transmission Line: ° Title certification ° Easement negotiation ° Obtaining easements ° Preparation of construction drawings Work will continue on acquisition of easements during the next month. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVE ~---~ d~ ~- ~ ~ ! dc~ t... /7'~'1.~/ Clifford , P.E. Elmer C. Hodge Utility Director ~_ County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Minnix Johnson Kohinke Eddy Nickens ACTION # ITEM NUMBER "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: Tuesday, June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Status Report on Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Solid Waste Facilities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Construction on the rail spur, transfer station and Smith Gap Station continue to make progress. Grinding of the on-site shale material will begin the early part of July with subsequent construction of the liner system. The Department of Environmental Quality held its public hearing on May 27 to receive comments on the Part B permit. Both positive and negative comments were received. An approval is expected by July 7. Attached is a project update presented to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority at its regular meeting held June 17, 1993. Respectfully submitted: ~/~ '~ ~ ~~ ohn R. Hubbard Chief Executive Officer Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) to Motion by:_ ----------------------------------- No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ~° Y~ MEETING: June 17, 1993 PROJECT: Master Schedule STATUS: Substantial progress has been made this report period in all construction portions of the project. Below is a brief description of the progress on each portion of the work. Smith Gav: Part B Approval: The Department of Environmental Quality held a public hearing on May 27 and received public comments. Several people spoke for and against the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority efforts. No significant technical issues were raised. The Department of Environmental Quality has 30 days to take the necessary action. . Rough Grading: Excellent progress is being made. Approximately 77 % is complete. . Tipper Station: Foundation work has been completed for the tipper. Concrete work continues on other portions of the building. The dumper is scheduled to be installed during July. . Monitoring Wells: Sampling of all five wells has been completed. Additional samples will be taken quarterly through the end of 1993. . Landfill Liner: Bids have been received and reviewed. An award will be made in the near future and construction started after the final permit is issued. . Utilities: Construction has begun, with a substantial completion date set for October 8, 1993. Nz Transfer Station . Building: Construction continues to make visible progress. Work is being performed on the transfer building and office areas. Utility work is also progressing. Installation of the rail siding has begun. Rail Transportation: . Rail Spur: Grading is 95 % complete. Base stone has been placed on all but the remaining portion to be graded. Track and final ballast stone has been installed on the first two miles. . Stone Track: Grading and base stone has been installed. The stone dumping pit has been started. . Rail Cars: Cars have been ordered and delivery expected by August. . Car Dumpers: Dumper delivery has been delayed until July. Total assembly will take 45 days. Equipment: Heavy Machinery: Approximately one half of the equipment has been bid and ordered. The remaining is currently being bid or will be during June. Schedule: The final completion dates have been adjusted to reflect delays due to weather, construction problems and permitting. The system is projected to be operational by the end of November. Attached is a summary of the project schedule and status. Respectfully submitted: John R. Hubbard, P.E. Chief Executive Officer ~- ~~~ PROJECT STATUS ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY MASTER SCHEDULE SCHEDULE 1992 1993 % J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D C WORK ITEMS A E A P A U U U E C O E A E A P A U U U E C O E 0 N B R R Y N L G P T V C N B R R Y N L G P T V C M U R C I E Y U T 0 E E U R C I E Y U T O E E P A U H L S E B M M A U H L S E B M M L R A T M E B B R A T M E B B E Y R B R E E Y R B R E E T Y E R R Y E R R E R R I LANDFILL 5 9 Part B A royal pp ~ I I I I I I<€~>L>>t~~~>a~~>>~>~>>~>~<«<;I«<I<I>~~>II RAIL TRANSPORT 0 8 'S Rail ur P Rail Cars 10 50 Car Dum er P BOND PROCEEDS ONLY FINANCIAL STATUS COMPONENT ESTIMATED COSTS ACTUAL TO DATE % TOTAL Landfill S 12,046,204 S2,294,534 19% Transfer 6,297,614 S 1,781,666 28°k Transportation 9,000,000 -O- 0°k TOTAL S27,343,818 S4,076,200 15°,6 6/93 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. /~ ` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Report on CORD Grant Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Center on Rural Development (CORD) is currently offering their Innovation Grant Program to Virginia localities. The purpose of this program is to partially fund innovated approaches that address rural development issues. Funds are available for both feasibility studies and project implementation. The program requires a local match of at least 25% of the project cost. For FY 94, $350,000 is available statewide for this program. The maximum implementation grant award is $40,000; $20,000 for a feasibility grant. The application deadline for the FY 94 cycle is July 7, 1993. The objectives of the CORD program are to (1) encourage communities to develop innovative and model approaches that address community development needs; (2) encourage communities to expand and diversify citizen participation in community decision making; (3) increase the number of communities implementing rural development strategies; and (4) provide information and guidance to communities on rural development strategies and resources. A more complete summary of the program is attached to this report. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The departments of Economic Development and Planning and Zoning have been monitoring this program and have considered it's applicability for current county initiatives. We have reviewed the nature of the grants awarded last year to further ascertain the purposes of the program and the types of awards offered. To date, based upon our review, we have not identified a Roanoke County project or need that would correspond to the purposes of the program. r~-y 2 Respectfully Submitted, ;? ,. ::~. Terrance L: Harr''gton Director~~~of Pla Wing and Zoning Approved, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs Ny FY 94 CORD Innovation Grant Workshop Presentation Center on Rural Development 501 North Second Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 804-371-7075 ~m' ;'° ~ ~ o -~' ._ cn - ._ ~ > ~ -a ~ `~ o -~ U U t~S ~ ~ i ~ U Q) C~ ~ -a ._ ._ o - ~ ~ ~ a ~' U) - -~--+ C~ to U Q ~ -- a Q ~ ~ ~ ~ o U w U ~' - .~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v w U ^ ^ v ._ a~ ~' '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o g' Q N ~ i ~ ~ -- ~ ~ CfS ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ o `~ ~ ._ o ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ ^~ ~ -- ~ 1-- ~ .. ~ i ~ U ~ ~ a ~ ~ - c~ a~ ~- -a n ~ ~ o = c~ ~ ^ ^ i ~' c~ C~ ~_ a a U •'- ~, ~ .U a - QA o V / ~ ~ ~ N +-~ Q- a o ~ a~ o > ~~ ^ 1'''~ CORD'S Objectives N `i • Increase the number of model approaches demonstrated by communities • Encourage rural communities to expand and diversify citizen participation in community decision making • Increase the number of communities implementing rural development strategies • Provide information and guidance to communities on rural development strategies and resources f~~~ O O U a~ 0 U L L 0 L Q Q L O ^L, W c~ c~ U a 0 a~ z ~~ L 0 U .~ 0 L ~1--+ w a~ .~ Q U .~ U ^ ^ ^ ^ U 0 o W 0 (~ 0 .~- w ~, - ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~' ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~-- o a~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ oC ~ _ a~ . o ~ ~ > ~ o ~ ~ ~ p c~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z o ~ o U ~ +.~. -~ ~ cn c~ ~ ~ o ~ Q N • •> ~ o ~ ~ ~ ,,~ ~ ^ ^ ^ 0 a~ z -t-+ Ct~ O ~-- U .~ O U N W i a~ v ~ s.~ c~ c~ v ~ .- ~ ~ ~ `~ a~ c~ .~ ~ .~ ~ ~~~, ~ ~ a v ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ a~~ ~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o v, v ~ ~~ o ~ ~ ~ .cn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+- _ ~ ._ ._ Cll ~ ._ U vim- v~ a~~c~`~ .- ~ S~ U -- ~ ~ cn > ~ c~ ;~ > Q ~ a~ ~ .~ Q ~ _~ -~ -~o~ ._ ~ ._ o ._ -~ ~ ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~~ ~ • n-7 Innovation Grant Program N j • Improve rural communities • Encourage innovation & creativity • Support grassroots efforts • Build local capacity to create change • Develop models for others • Be a catalyst for further change • Build partnerships • Encourage regional approaches c a~ E Q. 0 a~ a~ D Ct~ a~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ i •- ('~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ -~ - c~ ~ -- c~ ~ ~ U ~ 0 ~ -~ Q u, cn U ~ ~, ~ - cn ~ ~ c~ a~ ~ ~. o ~ c~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ v -~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o c~ ~ = ~ ~.- o ~ c~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ p cn v ~ . - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U cn ~ ~ .O ~- a) C[S ~ -~ C~ ~ ~ ~ ._ ._ ~... ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ -~ ~ U ~ O ~ ~ cn ~ ~ cn c~ cn ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • - Q? v Q3 ~ ,~.., ~ Z3 ~ cn~ Z3 c~ (~ ~ .~ ~ • • • • • L 0 L +~ C'7 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 (~ ~ N O D O U 0 ._ :- v 0 U 0 a~ c~ .~ ~_ (~ 0 0 o~ Q .~ o~ ~ ~ ~ o {~' L 0 0 0 a 0 ~= a--+ 0 c~ U c~ 0 T v 0 L L 0 c~ c~ a ._ v 4) ~~ ._ U ~ -~ .~ ~ c~ > cn ~ ~ - ~ a~ o N U -~ -~ c~ U ._ (~ 0 0 0 N Q3 ~_ ~X 0 Q N-y N-9 c~ -~--+ i C'3 -~-+ (~ N ^ a 0 0 U_ 0 0 U W 0 U 0 a~ U L a U .~ .~ 0 U .~ c~ W 0 0 N 0 .i 0 C~ a~ c~ C~ U • L Q c~ U -~ U a ~. a ~_ a~ -~ c~ J .~ .~ U L 0 ~~-- O N T 0 0 L z ~r-a c~ E ~, c ~I C'3 c 0 c~ 0 c c rn ~.~.. +~ ~/~ V J L ~1--r ~ U ~ U •~ ~ -O '- Q ~ ~ O ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ U . ~ O O ~ O U W O ~ ~ • ~ + ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ O t~ 0 N T L .Q O Z O ".~... a ~ cr`- e '"r ~ ~ 8 ~~ • o ~ ° c ....,.,, ~ c > ~ e ~~.. "'a' 8 e N ° ~ ~ Ea W ozo CM~ L p \~~~ C C Q 5 ~„`^ Z Z ,r; '~ ...... '~ C C ~j~~ : ..v J ~ `\ .\~ ~ ^ o .. , • .,: .< .,: i '~. ... ` ~V Q N e ~ ~.„ ~ ~ pp __ ~•~~~ ..o fn W ~ C M .. ..._ .~ O Y ~ ,,,. ~ E '... . o Q ;. .. ` c U °,, :.. 0 7 ~ U m o ~ ...,.. .. Q o. m~. ~~ a Z ~ .~ e o "• .. - L 0 a L o. ~C ~. ~ C) a ._ L ~ ~i c - ~ V e C ~7Q C ~ C o cL v 'wa. e a ° c . _ ~ , o aao~~ U c~ a a~ e ~ a L = ~S ~• ~ ~~5 g 00 0 ..•' S'o C C o ~L U ~ ea . ' a. V o ~ c .~ o ~ c p'~,,.,,, c °~` ~ ~ .. o v~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ r N Q~ N N C a `o 0 r rn .5 .~ i~ c 0 a ~~ ~ Zp I G ~ ~~.:~`irC d. U ~, u :.~ . `_ x O v '~-'tt 4i. ~ we. =.~ cUp ~ U a ~., r. v" m U :r _ ... ~.. ~ /', ,~„e .~ ..fir' ` ~ , - ~ c c c° c ~ ~.°- C ~~ {{L.......1111 ~11`t ~ O C oa a g ~ ,~ z O ~ .. ~ _ ~~ ~ T _ _ `_ L J ~~` .. '• .}~ try ..... 'i 1 y C ~ .: ."~ m O HL \t`\\ ~ ~ N t ` r ,f ^L, ~ ~ W ~ ~ ma ~ `l ', ' Z m ~" ~ M Z .y E C1 ~ a ~~ r ~ Z ~ -~ f ~ ! c~, t i V c ~ ~ ~"~ ~~ c > ~ ~.O ~~ r^ _ ~ m y d ~ U ~ .:'~ ..Y" .j a ~ ~ m ~ U ~ ~ m ~~ 1 ~ N N Q CC O U 1 ,''~. ~ ~ m O L ~ ~ y ` ~ ~ 3 E `t ~ cn v t ~ ~ ~~ 9 m C 0 N Y m a a 0 m m 0 c 0 `m c m U r Program Highlights N~~ • $350,000 available • $40,000Implementation $20,000 Feasibility • Eligible grant recipients • Innovation is key • Applications due July 7 • Awards announced in late September Potential Topic Areas N"" • Educationallnitiatives • Employment, Training, and Literacy Programs • Expanded and Diversified Citizen Participation • Community Economic Development • Comprehensive, Holistic Support Services • Resource Protection and Promotion • Agriculture What is Innovation? N.~ • New idea in U.S., in Virginia or in the region • Creative approach to combining human, physical or financial resources • Ties together new actors in the community or works across communities for the first time • Uses holistic, comprehensive approach to link strategies i n a creative way Feasibility/Implementation N-y ~: Feasibility studies eligible Feasibility should be last step before implementation, not basis for future planning Implementation- demonstration programs; capital facilities to implement program Potential source of future funding Indicate which category on cover sheet No predetermined allocation Minimum Eligibility Criteria N-9 • Addresses rural need • Innovative or creative approach that can serve as a model • Enhances, supports or sustains economic vitality • Must be designed to be completed in one year from start-up • Applicant must be local government, PDC, CAP Agencies, or regional/local non-profit agency • 25% Match Match Requirements ~~y • 25% community match • No federal or state money or funds from a private foundation outside the community can be used for match • In-kind requirements • Cap on administrative overhead: 10% of CORD grant • Project budget can exceed CORD grant + match Evaluation Criteria Ny ^ Model Approach to Rurai Development - Innovative/creative - Regional approach - Transferability - Complements existing initiatives - Rural development issue linked to economic vitality Evaluation Criteria (~ i ^ The Project - Clearly described - Is feasible - Clear, reasonable budget - Plausible time line - Outcome evaluation clear - Addresses defined need - Potential future funding - Organizational capacity - Positive effect on vitality Evaluation Criteria n-ti ^ Community Support and Participation - Broad community participation - Community defined need - Builds Iocal capacity - Community support and match Application Questions N_~ 1. History 2. Rural need/ issue 3. The Project 4. Community participation and impact 5. Innovation 6. Capacity to implement 7. Budget 8. Implementation schedule Appendix A-1 SAMPLE BUDGET Budget Item Local Local CORD AESOP Total In-Kind Cash Foundation Overhead Expenses Director's administrative (150 hrs. 17.50) Telephone (12 mos.) Direct Office Expenses Office Furniture Copying Postage Program Operating Expenses Community Coordinator Fringe Benefits Travel (200 m. 12 mos. * .25) Brochure (1,000 copies @ .451 Staff Training Computer w/ software & printer Community Building Renovation Roof Plumbing Electrical Parking TOTALS 2, 625 2, 625 300 300 500 500 300 300 500 500 10,000 15,000 25,000 2, 266 3, 400 5, 666 600 600 450 450 500 1,000 1,500 2,250 2,250 4, 500 4, 500 6,000 6,000 2, 500 2, 500 3, 500 3, 500 2,925 20,416 31,850 1,000 556,191 ~~:y Appendix A-2 CORD has provided examples of two types of formats for timelines. Feel free to use whatever format will best describe the project. PROJECT TIMELINE September 8, 1992 School begins September 14, 1992 After School Day Care Program Begins • Tutorial Program Begins October 1, 1992 Parent Resource Center opened • Library on Wheels Begins • Adult Literacy Training Begins at new site November 15, 1992 Anticipated date for awarding of CORD grant November 16, 1992 Begin advertisement for Director's position • Order equipment and supplies December 16, 1992 Hire Director December 17, 1992 • Director begins review of grant & program guidelines • Orientation to programs, policies and procedures • Install playground equipment January 4, 1993 Family Center Opens January 18, 1993 After School Recreation Program begins February 1, 1993 Seminars begin on a bi-weekly schedule • Patenting Classes begin June 4, 1993 • School Closes • After School and Tutorial Programs Close June 14, 1993 Summer Recreation Program begins • Summer Day Care Program Begins • Family Center Now in Full Operation PROJECT TIME TABLE ~, u ~~ 1992 1993 1994 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jly Aug Sep Ocs Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Mav Jun Interview -Consult Consult -Selection Develop Master Plan Develop Construction Drawings on Initial Athletic Phase Athletic Out to Bid Planning of CORD Programs Implementation of CORD programs Nature, Historic Interpretive Seek Add Assist VDOT Seek Add G & F Seek Add LWCF Seek Add HLP Construct. Dev. road Construct Dev. SC Inn Construct Dev. of Remaining Facilities Future Dev. Beyond this Time Table Abbreviations: ffi.P -Historic Landmarks and Preservation LWCF • Laced and Water Conservation Outdoor Recreation VDOT - Virginia Department of Transportation G & F -Game and Inland Fislzeries Wildlife Division SC -Stage Coach Inn Application Logistics iv • Due July 7, 1993 • Postmarked by certified mail or delivered • Original and seven copies • Cover sheet signed by Chief Operating Officer • All letters and appendices included in application • No binders, folders or special packaging allowed • Announcements in late September AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 RESOLIITION 62293-11 CERTIFYING E%ECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session l l~f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 ORDINANCE 622 3-12 AMENDING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE 82592-12, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, BY THE ADOPTION OF CERTAIN MINOR AMENDMENTS TO SAID ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on August 25, 1992, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Ordinance 82592-12 which enacted a new zoning ordinance for Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, since the adoption of the new zoning ordinance the need for the adoption of several minor, technical amendments has been identified; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission for Roanoke County held its public hearing on this amendment on June 1, 1993, and has recommended approval of the ordinance adopting these amendments to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, in the interest of public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice, the Board of Supervisors hereby amends certain provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, and that the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 8, 1993, and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 22, 1993. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, adopted on August 25, 1992, be, and hereby is amended and reenacted, as follows: 1. That the provisions of Section 30-23-2, Non-conforming uses' be amended 1 to exempt minor additions and expansions from the special use permit requirement in certain instances as follows: Sec. 30-23-2 Nonconforming Uses of Buildings, Structures or Land (Page 18) *~:* (F) Any legally established use which existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance, or .::...................................................... :...:::.:::as:::tf:::Ala#es::::~c~>::~~u~:~.:.~~~;:> ...... ;:;:~~rl.;~e.> :.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.;:.::.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;::.>:.;:.>::: 2. That Section 30-29-5, Commercial Use Types, be amended by the revision of the use type description for Bed and Breakfast as follows: 2 ~ r Sec. 30-29-5 Commercial Use Types (Page 40) **~* g~ AND g~~~' _ ^ ,,;oa dwelling in which not more than 5 bedrooms are provided for overnight guests for compensation, on daily or weekly basis, with or without meals. **** 3. That Section 30-41-2, Permitted uses, be amended to allow Bed and Breakfast in R-1, Low Density Residential Districts, as follows: SEC. 301 R 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT .>;:.;~:.::t:.>:. ,:.::.:...;:.:;;:.;:.; ::........:::::.~:.:...: .:.: . Section 30-41-2 (B) xw:::<::>:<.~~~ ~~~~ ~~~` >:::~.`~~~:,;>`:.;.~':: ~~r:i`> 4. That the following minor revisions are made to the provisions of Section 30- 82-3, Home Occupations: **** Sec. 30-82-3 Home Occupations, Type I and Type II (Page 120 & 121) **** (B) General standards: **** 3. There shall be no outside storage of goods, products, equipment, or other materials associated with the home occupation. No toxic, explosive, flammable, radioactive, or other hazardous materials used in conjunction 3 / ~ with the home occupation shall be used, sold, or stored on the site. '~'~:€ 'I( °~:b~. :: ~.t~d ~' < b~.b ~~~ ~t **** (D) Additiora~ standards for all Type II home occupations: 5. That the following revision is made to the design requirements set out in Section 30-82-6, Manufactured Home, Class A is proposed: Sec. 30-82-6 Manufactured Home, Class A (Page 124) **** (B) General standards: **** 3. The manufactured home shall have a minimum width of ~3`:. feet. 6. That the following additions are made to the Use and Design Standards for Cemeteries to exempt family and church cemeteries. Sec. 30-83-1 Cemetery (Page 138) (A) General standards: 1. Minimum parcel size: 10 acres. 4 2. 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That the provisions in Section 30-92, Screening Landscaping & Buffer Yards be amended as follows: Sec. 30-92-3 Standards and Specifications (Page 186-188) (C) Where landscaping is required by this ordinance, the following shall apply: ***~ 6. Required small deciduous shall be species suitable for planting and growth within abuilt-environment. Acceptable species shall include dogwoods, bradford pears, and other dwarf varieties. These trees shall have an ultimate .. • • • Y4ii:FX iiYpvni}}i €theight of 15 feet at maturity. One tree shall be planted for eac 15 feet of buffer yard ?i. **** Sec. 30-92-4 Applicability of Regulations **** (C) New parking areas shall include landscaped medians, peninsulas or planter islands in accordance with the Table below. Such areas shall be planned, designed and located to channel traffic, facilitate stormwater management, and define and separate parking areas and aisles. Each landscaped area shall be planted with small .r.:;. deciduous trees with a minimum caliper of one inch at the time of planting> 8. That the number of districts which allow Day Care Centers by special use permit be expanded so as to coincide with districts which also allow places of religious assembly as follows: SEC. 30-32 AG-3 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT 6 r Section 30-32-2 (B) 2. ~#'%`x` (Page 48) SEC. 30-33 AG-1 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT Section 30-33-2 (B) 2. ~3a~ (Page 51) SEC. 301 R 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-41-2 (B) 3. (Page 61) 9. That the following sections be amended by the addition of the permitted use, Cultural Services (Libraries and Museums), by special use permit: SEC. 30-45 R 3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-45-2 (B) 2. 1 (Page 7 SEC. 30-46 R-4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ...:. ..... y.......:: Section 30-46-2 (B) 2. ~1>ts (Page 70) 10. That the following sections be amended, as indicated below, using the adopted setback requirement, to clarify definitively the setback requirement for accessory structures: SEC. 30-32 AG-3 AGRICULTURAL,/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT 7 Sec. 30-32-3 Site Development Regulations ~*** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: ~9-€eet i!4f:::::::::~`:2:`'::;:::,.~~t,~.,}~',.4{y„?4!!c ~::Ft::~,~,~~„R',~:,b,~.+4,~#4f~?W%R?:4;:::::y~4; .::;x:';:::::ii::`$>...:.;:i~;ra•:~:•:::a~:i:~.xx;yy::.,<.:i•.~:.>:!..<::.:i:.:/.+.:'.x.>:.;~:~r±~::y:~v;~.:~:.}{y : :. n+s:::y . yy¢ ...:::.»::>:.>::.>:.>' ~: ~Cr.4e%4?1T.M! !. ::~>~i '!r;4:?!r,.V!#;:::.4elzr,..~M;.::., ~„'~„',v,.;:;:~,F:~4~~:;:;{ SEC. 30-33 AG-1 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT Sec. 30-33-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 38 €eet :+~+~::.»:.»::.::.:::> q ~n~ ~r}~y .(y~t ~+ i~ y~ SEC. 30-34 AR AGRICULTURAI,/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-343 Site Development Regulations **~* (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 38~eet ~~k::::::Yiii?:i:::~1!!! :. `.::~~..t.~!F~~., ~~,~., ~~,.~j '~„~.., ~,.`,~J;.'•Y::::!A!;':~~ti: .............................::.':.'~};iiii:iiii::>::iiv:4ii:iii};:::::: i~i;+L;n;::: r iii::U3 8 SEC. 30-36 AV VII,I.AGE CENTER DISTRICT Sec. 30-36-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 3~ee~ }:. ~. iiiA:ii:Ji:;Y.4i?i}:, ;:y,;}i'?}4i:;i%.:}`'ii:r i:}':}'i::i:::iii•..{.••.!: ~i:ji:;Y•:i; i::}'::i:i~'.~f::i::.:: i:. ::i:;: ~y ~.} ... i:;.iiii'rii:>:i::::ii::: ..:.:yiii`:>'';i'::Fv:i:iii:}:.y;ii':.`i~ii:;i ~i":i$ ::i::: t:i" ::::Y::$: {i. .••'~ ~•' :~::>::<:<:<:::>::>::~.~c~ ~;. »:a.~~:tax`~~:::;1~~:~a:~::>:::::~?~' .:::::::::::.:;;:.;:.;;;:.>~.;:.;;:;;::.;:.;:. SEC. 301 R 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-41-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 39~eet SEC. 301}2 R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 301}2-3 Site Development Regulations **** 9 (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 39-€eet '>::::f'ii :::::::::iii";i'iiiii:S4iiiiiiii::^i:j':::::4iii::ii'r y: •i'~~iiti^j:::: i . ~ ii: : ..;4 .: .: i:''bf.LiL11R'i~. '`v:~~lZ7r7Gi1i SEC. 30-45 R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMII..Y RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 3045-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: meet ~e :>~~»:•>:•:.F:::::. ' .:. :::~ 'L'td :<:;:>::::»::>:::>;:ces::::..>:<actY:~~us...;:b.~d;:;~~:an~_:~€:::d:;:.;:.::::.:'.;:.: SEC. 30-46 RAF HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-46-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 3&€ee~ 10 NC District SEC. 30-53 C-1 OFFICE DISTRICT Sec. 30-53-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: SEC. 30-54 C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-54-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 11. That the citation on page v. of the Table of contents and on page 113 should be changed as follows to correct a typographical error. SEC. 30-74 ... 30-79 (RESERVED) 11 NC District 12. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTS: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 12 NC District ORDINANCE 62293-12 AMENDING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE 82592-12 - APPENDIX A OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Circuit Court C. O. Clemens, Judge Kenneth Trabue, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Family Court Services Joseph M. Clark, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge Peggy H. Gray, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George Harris, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Peery John H. Cease, Police Chief John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Gardner W. Smith„ Director, General Services Director, Parks & Recreation Elaine Carver, Director, Procurement John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Michael Lazzuri, Court Services Clifford D. Craig, Director, Utility Main Library Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book 13 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. °" 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22,1993 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading and Public Hearing on Miscellaneous Proposed Amendments to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~fJ~~ ~ _.~`2~-"'\ BACKGROUND: The Board held first reading on these proposed amendments on June 8, 1993. The amendments address a variety of minor areas including: allowing minor expansions of uses now only permitted by Special Use Permit; permitting Bed and Breakfasts in the R-1 district by Special Use Permit; prohibiting the sale of firearms as a home occupation; exempting family and church cemeteries under certain conditions; and expanding the districts in which Day Care Center and Cultural Services are allowed by Special Use Permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. Hold Second Reading and Public Hearing on this ordinance on June 22, 1993. { 2 Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~O`~ Terrance L. arrington, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning Approved, o~ Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs 4-I AT A REGULAR. MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE 82592-12, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, BY THE ADOPTION OF CERTAIN MINOR AMENDMENTS TO SAID ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on August 25, 1992, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Ordinance 82592-12 which enacted a new zoning ordinance for Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, since the adoption of the new zoning ordinance the need for the adoption of several minor, technical amendments has been identified; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission for Roanoke County held its public hearing on this amendment on June 1, 1993, and has recommended approval of the ordinance adopting these amendments to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; and, WHEREAS, in the interest of public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice, the Board of Supervisors hereby amends certain provisions of the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, and that the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 8, 1993, and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 22, 1993. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, adopted on August 25, 1992, be, and hereby is amended and reenacted, as follows: 1. That the provisions of Section 30-23-2, Non-conformin uses, be amended 1 q-I to exempt minor additions and expansions from the special use permit requirement in certain instances as follows: Sec. 30-23-2 Nonconforming Uses of Buildings, Structures or Land (Page 18) **** (F) Any legally established use which existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance, or any subsequent amendments, shall not be considered a nonconforming use where a special use permit is now required for establishment of such use. The use shall be allowed to continue operation, as well as reconstruct or structurally alter the building or structure without the necessity of obtaining a special use permit. However, approval of a special use permit shall be required f~~~3~t~rz ~...,,,~;,,,, v*~„~;,.,, „ „~.,,.,~„r,.,~,,,. „r *,~~ , ~*ri,,.*,,,.~ ::::::::;rl>~ace~rdac~~t ......................................................... ......................................................... bt~~``<<<>`>Sa' "'zzsrrn`>I'::>:;,<:>:e~'~nf>~n~<bsta~x~z~~l;.>::~~~::~::~tte::<de :::. ~i~>adver~l::>~ff~~u~rnd~.n.:>:: ; : ; .roes:: Staff Comment: When the ordinance was drafted, this provision was added to allow existing uses to continue 2 Q operating without obtaining a special use permit. Once "any" { expansion is proposed, it requires a special use permit. However, minor additions of little or no consequences (bathroom additions, small storage areas, etc.) should realistically also be exempt from the special use permit requirement. The above provisions are intended to parallel the provisions for when the Site Plan review process is required under Section 30-90 (A). 2. That Section 30-29-5, Commercial Use Types, be amended by the revision of the use type description for Bed and Breakfast as follows: Sec. 30-29-5 Commercial Use Types (Page 40) **** BED AND BREAKFAST - "-' ~••m~~- ~e~ied dwelling in which not more than 5 bedrooms are provided for overnight guests for compensation, on daily or weekly basis, with or without meals. **** Staff Comment: The language proposed for deletion conflicts with the use and design standards in Section 30-85-8, which requires that the property owner reside on the same parcel occupied by the bed and breakfast. 3. That Section 30-41-2, Permitted uses, be amended to allow Bed and Breakfast in R-1, Low Density Residential Districts, as follows: SEC. 301F1 R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAI. DISTRICT Section 30-41-2 (B) 3 -1 Staff Comment: There has recently been interest in establishing a Bed and Breakfast in one of the historic homes located in the suburban area that is zoned R-1. Staff believes that there are other properties similarly zoned that would be appropriate locations for this use, within the use and design standards under Section 30-85-8, and view the special use process as a safeguard for other less desirable locations. 4. That the following minor revisions are made to the provisions of Section 30- 82-3, Home Occupations: *~*~ Sec. 30-82-3 Home Occupations, Type I and Type II (Page 120 & 121) **** (B) General standards: *~~ 3. There shall be no outside storage of goods, products, equipment, or other materials associated with the home occupation. No toxic, explosive, flammable, radioactive, or other hazardous materials used in conjunction with the home occupation shall be used, sold, or stored on the site. 1a ...................... **~~ (D) Additional: standards for all Type II home occupations: Staff Comment: The sale of firearms requires a federal license 4 which, as a precondition, requires that you be open to the public during set hours. This allows ATF to anonymously inspect the premises to insure compliance with federal requirements. This conflicts with the intent of home occupations. The Police Chief has also indicated that such home occupations increase the risk of burglary in areas that are otherwise residential in character. The amendment to (D) is solely grammatical. 5. That the following revision is made to the design requirements set out in Section 30-82-6, Manufactured Home, Class A is proposed: Sec. 30-82-6 Manufactured Home, Class A (Page 124) **** (B) General standards: *~~* 3. The manufactured home shall have a minimum width of ~3' feet. Staff Comment: The proposed change coincides with revisions to the Code of Virginia made in 1990 requiring uniform regulations of manufactured homes. 6. That the following additions are made to the Use and Design Standards for Cemeteries to exempt family and church cemeteries. Sec. 30-83-1 Cemetery (Page 138) (A) General standards: 5 Minimum parcel size: 10 acres. 2. No interment shall occur within 25 feet of the property line. ~y :::, ..::.:. ~::::.;,..:::.;. :.:::.:::.:.: ..:. ~..:::~,.:::.:.. • :: ' . 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' .................. :;i:J? :YS::::>:1:::5::::f:>::'.:::::: ~:::::: _:~»>:::::c:.>:::>::>::::::::::::::: '.i:.:e.:.::.::.:'• ::.: >:;^:ti .:<t ::<:~::::: ~•»'.::.: ~:.:::;: ... i>xa: ':oaa: a+: ::.. .. ..:: r:>:::: >..; :.;....:.t:•:^>i: ::::::.:o: ;:::: w :::.:::: :::::.>:.>:.>::::t::;r::.r::: ::::::::::.'<:R::::?:F:Y::>:fS>1.` :;>` :.:i>i>ii.;::,,;,•:•:ii:ii::i:_:~:>'.»;>;;»i::iiiiiiii: is >:::~i:ii: .: :.>::>: ;::: iii;iiiiiiiiii:i»»> ~ < ~'> ua~~ : ~:;<: < :~.i~m:>: t~~ ;. ct~:ve:€::~n < €:fiztvr~:x~ <:~ :.' .'' ' tn~'. :. <::. ~ .<:: ; :........::..::...:.. . :::>::>:: <:;::~:.i»;;:.;::.:: :;;;>::.;:~.::.::.:::. .;;:.:i;;ii;;iiii>:i>: :; ...::'.::::.iii:P:<.: P... ' ~........ ~.:< .~ r~~~~ l~cafono>st~~~>cni?~ces Staff Comment: The exemption of the above types of cemeteries and the criteria cited coincide with provisions of the Code of Virginia. The last paragraph is included to require recordation of these exempt cemeteries. 6 ~_ i 7. That the provisions in Section 30-92, Screening, Landscaping & Buffer Yards be amended as follows: Sec. 30-92-3 Standards and Specifiications (Page 186-188) ~*~* (C) Where landscaping is required by this ordinance, the following shall apply: ~*~* 6. Required small deciduous shall be species suitable for planting and growth within abuilt-environment. Acceptable species shall include dogwoods, bradford pears, and other dwarf varieties. These trees shall have an ultimate ;nzheight of 15 feet at maturity. One tree shall be planted for each 15 feet of buffer yard 1z~Gc~. *~*~ Sec. 30-92-4 Applicability of Regulations **~~ (C) New parking areas shall include landscaped medians, peninsulas or planter islands in accordance with the Table below. Such areas shall be planned, designed and located to channel traffic, facilitate stormwater management, and define and separate parking areas and aisles. Each landscaped area shall be planted with small deciduous trees with a minimum caliper of one inch at the time of planting~r 7 ~- Staff Comment: The proposed revisions clarify and better link the landscaping requirements in parking areas. 8. That the number of districts which allow Day Care Centers by special use permit be expanded so as to coincide with districts which also allow places of religious assembly as follows: SEC. 30-32 AG-3 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT Section 30-32-2 (B) 3. 'ir~~eac (Page 48) SEC. 30-33 AG-1 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT Section 30-33-2 (B) 3. }~~C (Page 51) SEC. 30-41 R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-41-2 (B) 3. ~<>` (Page 61) Staff Comment: Staff feels that if places of religious assembly are allowed by special use permit, Day Care Centers should also likewise be allowed. 9. That the following sections be amended by the addition of the permitted use, Cultural Services (Libraries and Museums), by special use permit: SEC. 305 R-3 MEDIUM DENSI'T'Y MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-45-2 (B) 2. t':~~'a~?~ (Page 67) 8 (~- ~ SEC. 306 R-4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-46-2 (B) 2. €I~kr~I>~ (Page 70) Staff Comment: This would allow libraries and similar uses in multifamily districts, which staff feels is appropriate with the safeguard of the special use permit. 10. That the following sections be amended, as indicated below, using the adopted setback requirement, to clarify definitively the setback requirement for accessory structures: SEC. 30-32 AG-3 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT Sec. 30-32-3 Site Development Regulations *~** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: §A feet .........:::::: >>??'><>'_>:nnc~pal st~uc~ur>...:~p, f .;:.:.;. ;:.x.::.:;.::.:::.::.;:;;.;;::~:.:::: .:::.::.:.:.::<.:.:.:.:::::::....~::::::. SEC. 30-33 AG-1 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT Sec. 30-33-3 Site Development Regulations ~~~* (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 39-feet 9 (~- / SEC. 30-34 AR AGRICULTURAI,/RESIDEN'I7AL DISTRICT Sec. 30-34-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 38-feet ::::::::::::::::.::~~:~~s~.;::..:: ><stru<:~i~T~;n~d;<~o~~::b:::.: zn <>ame:°~ SEC. 30-36 AV VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT Sec. 30-36-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 3~--€eet g<>'>;~?;ICI : ::::~~T`t~~~[1Tfi~"~::>:::::~~~?~.~. Vii:«~' ;. ;;<.,;.:;:.:.:.;:::;: ::::;:.>:.;.. _: ce~.s..o':`' `>st~~.::;bebind:: he::fro~:::bu~d~n ::> .. ; ~ .:<: ::::::::.::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:;.:::::;:.:::.::.::;::.:~::.::.;:.:;.:.::.::::::::: ~::::::::::::::::::::..::1: SEC. 30~F1 R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT 10 Sec. 301-3 Site Development Regulations **** (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 39-€eet >:»::: ~,~~~~~~ ~~ c~~ ~d :~x<ax~~.:~taa~Ic~~x:~.: SEC. 30-42 R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30}2-3 Site Development Regulations **~~ (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: S8-€eet :.::.::.~ce~~Q;s~~~::uar~~l::~~~::;~~~;:b ::;l~x~~~ SEC. 30-45 R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 305-3 Site Development Regulations **~* (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 3A-€eet :.:;.:::.:.x;.;;;: ;:.;~.::.::.;:.:<.:.;;;:.;;:.;::.:.:.:.:;.;; :...:.:.::::::::..::::::::. ::'~::::iii::;::.:.::::.:.::x::.::.::;;.>:.;::>:;«<.;:<::::.»:>::>:;:.;;;::>:.»<>::~::i '~ ~ .::. ' : •:; :. ::.:. ~ . ::; . ~ : .: i....:....:, x.. ;,..:., 11 ~,_ SEC. 306 R--4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-46-3 Site Development Regulations **~* (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: 39-feet '^i: .~ •:i:•Y ii:v;i:;Yi.:Sj4:;. .}!~i'!j3i;{.::iii:iiiii:;%:::i:i~:::::'>.'~ . ~:.:v:, . , ..:.., ~ ,., ............................::::::~:: ii:.iii:.i:.i:.i:.ii:.i:.::.i::i:.i:.i:.i:.iii:.iiiii:.i:.:.:.:::.::.iii:.::.: ~iiii: iiY•i::4: ii::~: i:•i:•i:S: iiXi.iiii•::: ::::: •: •.:: ~::::. . x:::::.: ~':::::::i::::i::i::i::::i:::: ::i':•:.:t:::i::ii:i':iiy::iiiiyy'i::.:pi::i::Y..:: •i::i::ii::i:::::::i. .. .. .. .. .~.: :..:.i. :: 1....:....i. Y: ••.i"•i:• ...........................::.i:.i::<::::':.~.::::::iii:.i:.::.::.::.:;i:.i::.ii:.iii:.:.:.:.>;:>::.i:.:iii:'.is:::::::::._::::::::::::;:t~:It~ :.i~xi,~: SEC. 30-53 C-1 OFFICE DISTRICT Sec. 30-53-3 Site Development Regulations ~*~~ (B) Minimum setback requirements 1. Front yard: SEC. 30-54 C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT Sec. 30-54-3 Site Development Regulations ~~~~ (B) Minimum setback requirements 12 .~. .,. '~_ NC District 1. Front yard: i:; "';iiY.i}::i Y;ii{}+:i ::iii'i`::•i}i:::;i::.'ri::iii:^i::?i%::::ii::i >''>«»<~~.~E ;:~~~t'~~~ts~€30 feet or 20 feet when all arkin is located behind the front building line. ..:::: ~1.~~~~~~<>:>> ~~z~~r.:<:i:::beh~z~rd::::fi onl:::>b~€~c~.ux <<:: ; ~: Staff Comment: Questions have been raised about the setback requirement for accessory buildings on a lot. While staff believes that the above changes can be interpreted from other statements in each district, the above universal amendment would clearly state what was and should continue to be intended. The two industrial districts are excluded from these changes to provide greater flexibility. 11. That the citation on page v. of the Table of contents and on page 113 should be changed as follows to correct a typographical error. SEC. 30-74 ... 30-79 (RESERVED) 12. That the annotations identified as "Staff Comments" shall be deleted from the final, adopted ordinance. These annotations are designed to assist the Board of Supervisors and the citizens of the County in considering the purposes and intent of these ordinance amendments. 13. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this 13 c• ~~ NC District ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. c:\wp51\agenda\code\zoning.mis 14 3 ', , ~~ ~, Section 30-32-2 B ~ ~ , ",r ( ) ~ `<x`:.. (Page 48) , ~ ~~ .::::::. ......... .............::. ~ ~y _/~ t t ~~ SEC. 30-33 AG-1 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT ~ ~ ~ 7..- Section 30-33-2 (B) ~'~ (Page 51) .......................... SEC. 30-41 R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-41-2 (B) 3. ?~ (page 61) 9. That the following sections be amended by the addition of the permitted use, Cultural Services (Libraries and Museums), by special use permit: SEC. 30-45 R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-45-2 (B) 2. ~`~ (page 67) SEC. 30-46 R-4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Section 30-46-2 (B) 2. tit~ri~ (page 70) 10. That the following sections be amended, as indicated below, using the adopted setback requirement, to clarify definitively the setback requirement for accessory structures: SEC. 30-32 AG-3 AGRICULTURAI,/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT 7 i i ~~.:~ AT A REGDLAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, JIINE 22, 1993 ORDINANCE 62293-13 AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAPS FOR ROANORE COIINTY, BY THE ADOPTION OF CERTAIN MISCELLANEOIIS CHANGES THROIIGHOIIT THE COUNTY TO SAID MAPS WHEREAS, on December 15, 1992, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Ordinance 121592-10 which amended the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, citizens in various areas of the County have requested that the zoning classifications as reflected in the new zoning district maps of their properties be re-examined to address their questions and concerns; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 1, 1993, and has made recommendations to the Board; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice require that the following properties and zoning district maps be, and hereby are, submitted to the Board of Supervisors for amendment; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, and that the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 8, 1993, and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 22, 1993. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That "1992 Zoning District Maps (Master Set #1) of 1 Roanoke County, Virginia" are hereby amended and reenacted as the zoning district maps for Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) OWNER: William Brown, Jr. LOCATION: Harborwood Road; Catawba District MAP NOB. 65.00-2-17.1 FROM: R-1 TO: AG-3 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The requested AG-3 designation is not inconsistent with the current agricultural/rural characteristics of the area. (2) OWNER(S): Various LOCATION: Slate Hill Area of Roanoke County; Cave Spring District. (Elmview Road, Chevy Road, Almond Road). MAP NOS.: 77.20-1-42,43,44,45,46,47,48,50,51,52,53; 77.20-2- 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11; 87.08-3- 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28, 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48. FROM: C-1 TO: R-3 COMMISSION COMMENTS: This area was zoned C-1 to facilitate long term commercial growth in the Rt. 419/Rt. 220 area. The C-1 zoning created a significant number of non- conforming residences in this area and prohibits new residential construction. Although the area still may be suitable for commercial growth in the future, rezoning to R-3 Residential meets the current needs of the residents. (3) OWNER: Hinman Estate (Dominion Trust) LOCATION: Hollins Road; Hollins District MAP NOS.: 38.16-1-3.1 2 FROM: R-3 and I-1 TO: I-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The dual zoning of this property was the result of an error in the preparation of the zoning maps. The approval of this change will correct this error. (4) OWNER(S): Paul L.Roberts Gene and Velma Davis LOCATION: Catawba Valley Drive; Catawba District MAP NOS.: 25.00-1-28,29 FROM: C-2 AND AG-1 TO: AG-1 AND C-2 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The zoning of the two properties was "switched" on the adopted maps. The approval of this change will correct this map error. (5) OWNERS: Various LOCATION: Village Lane; Hollins District MAP NOB.: 27.19-4-48.2,48.3,48.4,48.5,48.6,48.7, 48.8. FROM: R-3 TO: R-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The original R-3 parcel was platted and developed as seven single family lots late in 1992. This rezoning will reflect the current land use of these parcels. (6) OWNER: Hobart Properties LOCATION: Starkey Road; Cave Spring District MAP NOS.: 87.19-2-6,7 FROM: C-1 TO: R-3 3 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The owner of these lots has requested R-3 zoning. These two lots lie within a Comprehensive Plan Development designation. R-3 zoning is consistent with this plan designation. (7) OWNER: Tara Clay Products Corporation (Old Virginia Brick) LOCATION: Wildwood Road; Catawba District TA% PARCEL(S): FROM: AG-1 44.04-1-13 TO: I-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: This area is not suitable for general industrial uses. The approval of the I-1 zoning would violate the comprehensive Plan and would not grant the owner the right to expand the quarry by-right. If the owner wishes to propose an expansion of the quarry, the Special Use Permit process is the appropriate method to evaluate the proposed expansion. (8) OWNER: Harold Wingate LOCATION: Catawba Valley Drive; Catawba District TAR PARCEL(S): 13.00-1-1,2,3,4; 14.00-1-12 FROM: AG-3 TO: AR and AG-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The property is located within a rural preserve area. No public utilities are available. Residential densities permitted by the AR district would be inconsistent with the character of the area. (9) OWNER: R. L. Moran LOCATION: Creekside Drive; Catawba District TA% PARCEL(S): 66.01-3-19 4 FROM: AR TO: R-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The property is located within a rural preserve area. Although public water service to this property is likely feasible after the construction of the Spring Hollow water transmission line, the steep topography and limited access to the property preclude the suitability of higher residential densities allowed by R-1 zoning. (10) OWNER: Merriam Sears LOCATION: Hidden Woods Drive; Windsor Hills District TA7C PARCEL(S): 66.00-1-2,7,8 FROM: AG-3 TO: AR COMMISSION COMMENTS: The property is located within a rural preserve area, and is served by public water. The property has a very steep mountainous terrain. The only potential access to the property is Hidden Woods Drive. Due to topography, access from Hidden Woods Drive is problematic. In addition, Hidden Woods Drive is a cul-de-sac that was designed to a lesser street standard. The development of the Sears property at an AR density would result in traffic volumes that exceed the design capacity of Hidden Woods Drive, and are inconsistent with the neighborhood character. 2. That said map or maps are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and 5 carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: yY)a~~ .J~ • ~ c~G.fc.~/ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors CC: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning John Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessments 6 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. l.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading and Public Hearing on Rezoning Ordinance; Minor Zoning Map Amendments COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~/ BACKGROUND• At their public hearing on June 1, 1993 the Planning Commission held a public hearing and made recommendations to the Board on a series of possible zoning map amendments. These possible map amendments emerged as a result of citizen comments, and in some cases, technical map errors that were discerned by the staff over the past four months. The Board held first reading on this ordinance on June 8, 1993 As a result of the modifications made by the Board at your first reading, the enclosed ordinance has been revised to be inclusive of all of the properties reviewed by the Commission. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board hold Second Reading and a public hearing of the prepared ordinance on June 22, 1993. Submitted, Approved, `~" ~ /~ / ~~CJ~-- Terrance L. H rington, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning --~' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs (~?_~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAPS FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, BY THE ADOPTION OF CERTAIN MISCELLANEOUS CHANGES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY TO SAID MAPS WHEREAS, on December 15, 1992, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted Ordinance 121592-10 which amended the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, citizens in various areas of the County have requested that the zoning classifications as reflected in the new zoning district maps of their properties be re-examined to address their questions and concerns; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 1, 1993, and has made recommendations to the Board; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice require that the following properties and zoning district maps be, and hereby are, submitted to the Board of Supervisors for amendment; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law, and that the first reading of this. ordinance was held on June 8, 1993, and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 22, 1993. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That "1992 Zoning District Maps (Master Set #1) of 1 Roanoke County, Virginia" are hereby amended and reenacted as the zoning district maps for Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) OWNER: William Brown, Jr. LOCATION: Harborwood Road; Catawba District MAP NOS. 65.00-2-17.1 FROM: R-1 TO: AG-3 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The requested AG-3 designation is not inconsistent with the current agricultural/rural characteristics of the area. (2) OWNER(S): Various LOCATION: Slate Hill Area of Roanoke County; Cave Spring District. (Elmview Road, Chevy Road, Almond Road). MAP NOS.: 77.20-1-42,43,44,45,46,47,48,50,51,52,53; 77.20-2- 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11; 87.08-3- 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28, 29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41, 42,43,44,45,46,47,48. FROM: C-1 TO: R-3 COMMISSION COMMENTS: This area was zoned C-1 to facilitate long term commercial growth in the Rt. 419/Rt. 220 area. The C-1 zoning created a significant number of non- conforming residences in this area and prohibits new residential construction. Although the area still may be suitable for commercial growth in the future, rezoning to R-3 Residential meets the current needs of the residents. (3) OWNER: Hinman Estate (Dominion Trust) LOCATION: Hollins Road; Hollins District MAP NOS.: 38.16-1-3.1 2 _~ FROM: R-3 and I-1 TO: I-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The dual zoning of this property was the result of an error in the preparation of the zoning maps. The approval of this change will correct this error. (4) OWNER(S): Paul L.Roberts Gene and Velma Davis LOCATION: Catawba Valley Drive; Catawba District MAP NOB.: 25.00-1-28,29 FROM: C-2 AND AG-1 TO: AG-1 AND C-2 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The zoning of the two properties was "switched" on the adopted maps. The approval of this change will correct this map error. (5) OWNERS: Various LOCATION: Village Lane; Hollins District MAP NOB.: 27.19-4-48.2,48.3,48.4,48.5,48.6,48.7, 48.8. FROM: R-3 TO: R-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The original R-3 parcel was platted and developed as seven single family lots late in 1992. This rezoning will reflect the current land use of these parcels. (6) OWNER: Hobart Properties LOCATION: Starkey Road; Cave Spring District MAP NO3.: 87.19-2-6,7 FROM: C-1 TO: R-3 3 .;., COMMISSION COMMENTS: The owner of these lots has requested R-3 zoning. These two lots lie within a Comprehensive Plan Development designation. R-3 zoning is consistent with this plan designation. (7) OWNER: Tara Clay Products Corporation (Old Virginia Brick) LOCATION: Wildwood Road; Catawba District TAX PARCEL(S): FROM: AG-1 44.04-1-13 TO: I-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: This area is not suitable for general industrial uses. The approval of the I-1 zoning would violate the comprehensive Plan and would not grant the owner the right to expand the quarry by-right. If the owner wishes to propose an expansion of the quarry, the Special Use Permit process is the appropriate method to evaluate the proposed expansion. (8) OWNER: Harold Wingate LOCATION: Catawba Valley Drive; Catawba District TAX PARCEL(S): 13.00-1-1,2,3,4; 14.00-1-12 FROM: AG-3 TO: AR and AG-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The property is located within a rural preserve area. No public utilities are available. Residential densities permitted by the AR district would be inconsistent with the character of the area. (9) OWNER: R. L. Moran LOCATION: Creekside Drive; Catawba District TAX PARCEL(S): 66.01-3-19 4 `,' ~'' FROM: AR TO: R-1 COMMISSION COMMENTS: The property is located within a rural preserve area. Although public. water service to this property is likely feasible after the construction of the Spring Hollow water transmission line, the steep topography and limited access to the property preclude the suitability of higher residential densities allowed by R-1 zoning. (10) OWNER: Merriam Sears LOCATION: Hidden Woods Drive; Windsor Hills District TAR PARCEL(S): 66.00-1-2,7,8 FROM: AG-3 TO: AR COMMISSION COMMENTS: The property is located within a rural preserve area, and is served by public water. The property has a very steep mountainous terrain. The only potential access to the property is Hidden Woods Drive. Due to topography, access from Hidden Woods Drive is problematic. In addition, Hidden Woods Drive is a cul-de-sac that was designed to a lesser street standard. The development of the Sears property at an AR density would result in traffic volumes that exceed the design capacity of Hidden Woods Drive, and are inconsistent with the neighborhood character. 2. That said map or maps are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. C:\WP51\AGENDA\CODE\ZONE.MAP 5 'o ~.0 ~A, / Ra j a JSN'~'I 'J~~` 4~~rL r 8• . • ow.SK~yIEW .,tao . uoo / C. ' 1619 Zt..~eoa, ~ s ~ ' ,i\ ~. 1 ~ •``` Z ~ 1~p~~fy R+ .` qL' 714 ~ ~ 'a. ,~ ~ n ass 91 w i~~i"' ~ ~ 1 „cam ~ ~ _ • o~ to Cuaq ~ I lips oq 26• o~~ ,•.. vt~ i~~:;,.=;:pef" ~ l;'.A 77'I~ I CROSSiN~ ? R +Awrs*s aRO~ •a.,..- _ = I PD• ~~:'aus~'w :- pO9 SEs~A9'~oe~~ v _~ ~~ \ .+.•Z,oUMYINN S,~SV1E`N .N -'. ~RNC• ~awwT~l41 ~qq Z~~~CF' ' 641' ~( r0 wn Sjl t'~ ... LN Qp4 ~.~ I ~ ~ wCRC •• ;~;,~~ •J~ ~ ......s` ~4 i ~• 1 Sat ~'•.~~ '"n SA L`r _ \ .cS ~ 1Y•is~'~~ .wo•~ ~anoss' sts .c. ICINITY MAP ~- ~~.~~ (~ ('~~ w>.. - ~• 1 y.~ ~_1„ >e s.. ` .'may / \ 4 ' .~ \~v, ~YY~` .~1 y~`~\i..~'. w~ , \ ~Y t r/ 3::.• ~ ti ~ K • 1' t. ~ .• ~T ~, Z, , ~~ Y .~ ~_ ~. , ~ >, Y w ~Y ~ y ~ / % ZtT 1K • ZZ r. r. ~ r fr i. ~~ „_ Z ~Cr Z!'"•1 ~ ~ n, ~ . b • : Zur ~ . .«. ..__ .~~ .~ 4 n r . ~i.. n ~ rw y._9 ~ ~ n r = = ? ~1 1 _ . + u ' ~ `_' a/ . \ °•~ ° h g n. ~ ~ ,, \ m •' y, a Z.:r rn' - 1 « S: ~ ;nom •,""' Zir /L ~ ...- ~ \ R ,rtI' ~~\ • r Y M. } Jay. ~ 30 .f.4[I ~• \ ~ sr4 4 Ztrc ~.~ ~U ~L :~ ~_ ' .., r, x Jt y .. ~ se.. ~. Z • 7! . ~ r~« c...., e.«.~ w e n Ms ... +~ v~\ M w ~. w .. •' Zir ']~( Y wt~ ~Z~I .tea."~~1 ~ I ~:~ ~---- ` ~ I r f • Zoo' . ~ \\ ,~G--l . ; • ~' n. r - i -I ~ } //~~ 1 ' . f C~ .i M, ~~ f ~~~~ ~~ :: \\ .\ ~~ N~ / / 1• ~ ~1'' `' `.~ i y ~^ '~i ~ \ M a O4~ * DEPt1RTP~NT OF PI.P,NNIA'G SITE: OLD VIRGINIA BRICK (FLETCHER SMOAK) ;jF 1 j;• TAX MAP NUMBER(S): 44.04-1-13 ?~ AND CONING EXISTING ZONING: AG-1 ~~„ ~ PROPOSED ZONING: I-1 1 • 4-< ~ ~~~ NORTH _.. - _ __--- = a.. ~ , ., -A 1Q]•1-JD I ~_ ., 27 !s Dl:e iq !1 T{ a<~U 1 704 ~J ~~ '~ ' - ~..' ..` /. -`. ,~ f.l •.~ 7. ~ `•~ )»noa• t01 1~/ 114 ICI .` ~ `\ \ ~ t ~~ O ~ ~ / •~ ~ / .` , ! .. ;; POay *. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING SITE: HAROLD WINGATE TAX MAP NUMBER(S): 13.00-1-1, -2, -3, -4 AND 14.00-i-12 AND ZONING EXISTING ZONING: AG-3~AND AG-1 ' PROPOSED ZONING: AR , ~rn 0.0i` SITE: R. L. MORAN DEPARThIENT OF PI~ANNIArG =#y ~ '~a ~ TAX MAP NUMBER(S): 66.01-3-1~9 03~ AND ZONING EXISTING ZONING: AR •` ~.,, PROPOSED ZONING: R-1 / P \\\ ~ T~nR.I : ~~ f0 /".~ . o -..~ w~L _ _ SST {r ~ if,r 7A. , c q, 1 Y Cti'N Cn-aK I erGR h~~ORn Th'P__r_ I +~L~ KYC9 y ` ~~ N4~ ~er~i-fie o.• ~• r _~ r Nx,i UAE ^~ '~~.a ~ t. ,...F,,T,~,r Ba ~nh '*d~ CONSERYANC7 VICINITY h1AP ~U3I p (~o) e IS •~S ~~ ~.~ PO~,y DEP.~RTNIENT OF PLANNING :y.~ ;_ PND ZONING .? r):) \! I J ' ~`O,~\~ ~i t '•:. SITE: MR. MERRIAM SEARS TAX MAP NUMBER(S): 66.00-1-2, -7, -8 EXISTING ZONING: AG-3 PROPOSED ZONING: AR AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 ORDINANCE 62293-14 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF TRACTS OF REAL ESTATE TOTALLING 767.33 ACRES LOCATED IN THE E%PLORE PARR IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF AG-3 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF EPD WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF THE VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 25, 1993, and the second reading and public hearing was held June 22, 1993; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 1, 1993; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tracts of real estate totalling 767.33 acres located at the Explore Park in the Vinton Magisterial District is hereby changed from the zoning classification of AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District, to the zoning classification of EPD, Explore Park District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of The Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. 3. That pursuant to Section 30-71 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Explore Park District) all of the written and graphic information prepared and submitted as part of this application shall constitute proffers pursuant to Section 30-15 of 1 the Zoning Ordinance. 4. That real estate affected by this request is as follows: Parcel Tax Map Number Acreage 1 71.00-1-3 47.70 2 71.00-1-6 5.93 3 71.00-1-8 2.00 4 71.00-1-12 9.00 5 71.00-1-13 33.05 6 71.03-1-10 24.16 '7 71.03-1-11 3.75 g 71.03-1-15 18.78 g 80.00-1-34.2 3.83 10 80.00-1-34.3 0.07 11 80.00-1-35 21.96 12 80.00-2-32 8.67 13 80.00-2-33 23.00 14 80.00-2-34 13.86 15 80.00-2-35 5.00 16 80.00-2-36 0.30 17 80.00-5-24 488.28 lg 80.00-5-26 10.00 19 80.00-5-27 18.12 20 80.00-5-29 22.66 21 80.00-5-30 1.00 22 80.00-5-31 2.23 23 80.00-5-32 2.23 24 80.00-5-34 1.75 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: 2 AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. en, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 C~_3 PETITIONER: VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORI'T'Y CASE NUMBER: 16-6/93 Planning Commission Hearing Date: June 1, 1993 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: June 22, 1993 A. REQUEST Petition of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority to amend the official zoning maps of Roanoke County by rezoning 767.33 acres of land from AG-3 and AG-1 to EPD (Explore Park District), located in the Vinton Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Robinson asked if the plans submitted are proffered. Staff stated that the Explore Park District was written in such a way that all materials submitted by Explore become proffered conditions and once approved become a final master plan. Any modifications would require amending the Explore Park District. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS Per the provisions of the Explore Park District (EPD), all information submitted as part of this application constitute proffered conditions. Please see staff report. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Robinson expressed his support of the Explore Park and moved to recommend approval of the request. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Robinson, Hooker, Massey, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other ~.n ~. Terrance Ha ngton, retary Roanoke C unty Planning Commission (~-3 STAFF REPORT PART I Petition: Virginia Recreational Facility Authority (Explore Park) File No: 16-6/93 A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Explore Park is proposing to rezone those properties totally owned by VRFA to the Explore Park district. These parcels comprise only a portion of the 1,500 acre site proposed for the Park. The Explore Park is intended to be an outdoor and living history museum where visitors can learn about the land, wildlife and early American civilization. Over time the project has evolved from an intensively developed profit- makingtourist attraction to a less intensive environmental and cultural learning center with some tourist attraction features. Many of the concerns and issues associated with this project have been identified through the extensive public process which has preceded this rezoning. The solutions and protective measures to address those issues are now proposed to be legislatively set as requirements of County consideration and approval. As the Explore project moves from concept to physical construction, issues of site design and site details will arise. Through the site plan review process all applicable County standards will be applied to this project unless specifically modified through the rezoning process. In addition, the larger impacts on the community, specifically the growth implications at the Route 24 and Route 220 intercha~5ges with the Parkway and the implications of expanding public services in the Mt. Pleasant area, need to be addressed by the County through the Comprehensive Planning process. B. DESCRIPTION This is a request of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA) to rezone 24 parcels owned by VRFA and containing 767.33 acres from AG-3 and AG-1 to the Explore Park (EP) district. The properties are scattered on the north and south sides of the Roanoke River, primarily east of tfie Blue Ridge Parkway in the Vinton Magisterial District. The largest area is located between Rutrough Road and the river (see attached location map). Ultimately the Explore Park is expected to contain approximately 1,500 acres with 2/3 in Roanoke County and 1 /3 in Bedford County. Those parcels acquired at a later date will require rezoning to the EP district prior to use in the Explore Park. The purpose of this request is to obtain the necessary local approvals for various components of the Explore Park. These components are the Blue Ridge Town, Native American Park, and the Environmental Education Center of Virginia and. Wilderness Petition: Explore Park File No: 16-6/93 Q_~ Lodge which are located entirely within Roanoke County, and the American Wilderness Park which is located in both Roanoke and Bedford Counties. Also included in this request is the American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES). (See attached application materials for a more complete description of these components.) C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The Explore Park district (Section 30-71) was specifically created in July 1991 in recognition of the unique nature and diversity of uses proposed in the Explore Park. The purpose of this district, as stated in Section 30-71-1, is to ensure "that areas surrounding Explore Park are afforded any protections necessitated by the Park's development and operation," and "ensure that public facilities and services are planned and are adequate to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the Park with a minimum of impact on the surrounding neighborhood and the larger community." The process outlined in the EP district requires the applicant to submit a preliminary master plan. This master plan, and all other materials submitted are used to evaluate the land use issues related to the Explore Park. Materials submitted automatically become proffered conditions and are binding upon approval. They also serve as the documentation upon which detailed site plans are compared to ensure conformity with County requirements. Also included in the EP district is a requirement that all County standards shall apply, unless specifically modified as a condition of the approved preliminary master plan. Once the EP district is approved, each phase of development will require submission of site plans for review and approval by the County prior to issuance of a building and zoning permit. Also entrance permits from VDOT will be required for any access points along the state road network. Petition: Explore Park 2 File No: 16-6/93 ~,~ PART II A. BACKGROUND Conceptually, the Explore Park is intended to be an outdoor and living history museum where visitors can learn about the land, wildlife and early American civilization. The idea was originally conceived in 1984 during an evaluation of alternatives for expansion of the Mill Mountain Zoo. Various subsequent events expanded the scope of the project and focused attention on the large undeveloped areas located where the Blue Ridge Parkway intersects with the Roanoke River. The zoo concept was expanded to follow a thematic approach where the animal collection would parallel the historic Lewis and Clark expedition (both Virginians). This was further expanded by adding visitor services and amenities to supplement and improve the economic viability of the project as conceived at the time. Between September 1986 and January 1987 the Explore Park concept went through an extensive community participation process to identify the project site, identify and mitigate community concerns, and develop an acceptable Master Plan which would guide the overall project. The outcome of the dozens of meetings held at that time was the Explore Park Master Plan of 1987. While this Plan may be ambitious in its entirety, representing the "ultimate" maximum development potential of the site, the conceptual framework and numerous elements are present in the proposed rezoning. However, the project has now evolved away from the intensively developed "glitzy" profit-making tourist park (referenced from Supplemental Information Set #2), to an environmental and cultural learning center with the addition of tourist attraction features like the a North American Wildlife Zoo, Native American Park, and a less building and commercially intensive Town settlement than was originally proposed in the 1987 Master Plan. The Explore Park has also been reviewed by a citizens committee, the Roanoke County Explore Advisory Committee (RCEAC), which issued their report in July 1991. A number of their comments and recommendations have been incorporated into this report. Finally, an Explore Management Group, consisting of Explore, National Park Service,, and County officials and staff, has been formed to oversee and coordinate between the different public and quasi-public entities involved. The Explore Park property is owned by the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA) which was established in 1986. It is composed of 13 members appointed by the Governor of Virginia. VRFA was established to provide a high quality recreational attraction in western Virginia, expand the historical knowledge of adults and children, promote tourism and economic development, set aside and conserve scenic and natural areas along the Roanoke River and preserve open-space lands, and enhance and expand research and educational programs. The project is being developed through contracts and agreements with the River Foundation, a not-for-profit organization established specifically for this purpose. Facilities and buildings, once Petition: Explore Park 3 File No: 16-6/93 Q-3 completed, are then turned over to the VRFA for operation and maintenance. One component added to the overall Explore Park concept is the American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES). The ACRES farm, containing approximately 50 acres is a joint effort between VRFA and the Blue Ridge Zoological Society. The purpose of ACRES is to supplement the Mill Mountain Zoo's activities by focusing on endangered species recovery and breeding programs. The ACRES farm, as shown on the conceptual plan, will include numerous outdoor animal pen areas intended to promote a natural setting and numerous support and research facilities. Public access to the site will be restricted to the visitor center along Rutrough Road, which will contain education displays and information. Currently the center houses endangered Red Wolves and Chestnut trees, as well as a few animals intended for the Blue Ridge Town and American Wilderness Park. B. BASIS OF EVALUATION The documents submitted for purposes of the rezoning application include the application forms, Supplemental Information (dated April 23, 1993) with referenced attachments, a schematic titled "Explore Project" (undated), a schematic of the "Town Plan" prepared by Hayes, Seay, Mattern &Mattern, Inc. (undated), and Supplemental Information Set #2 (dated May 17, 1993). These materials are generally consistent with the Explore Park Master Plan of 1987. While the 1987 Master Plan is referenced in the application materials, staff views this document as a resource and reference document rather than a part of the actual submittal in terms of the scope and intensity of development considered under this rezoning application. Therefore, the intensive commercial development of the Blue Ridge Town and other components (Grand Hotel, log flume ride, etc.) are not considered as a part of this application. C. CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The Explore Park is located within the Rural Preserve land use category as described in the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. The policies and guidelines for this category include promoting the establishment of large scale state and local outdoor parks and recreational facilities as a strategy to protect environmentally sensitive areas from more intensive uses. In July 1991, the Planning Commission reviewed the Explore Park Master Plan of 1987 to consider the conformity of the Park with the 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Section 15.1-456 of the Code of Virginia. While the Commission raised concerns about the inconsistencies of retail, lodging, conference and similar elements of the Park as potentially inconsistent with the objectives for areas in the Rural Preserve category, they determined that the overall Explore Park concept and Master Plan were in substantial conformity with the Comprehensive Plan. Petition: Explore Park 4 File No: 16-6/93 D. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT C~ 3 Existing Conditions and Characteristics The existing conditions and characteristics of the site have been studied numerous times over the last decade. Detailed descriptions and evaluation of the site characteristics can be found in the following documents: 1) the Explore Master Plan of 1987; 2) the Roanoke River Parkway Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the Parkway spur in 1992; 3) the Roanoke River Corridor Study prepared by the Fifth Planning District Commission in June 1990; and 4) the Reconnaissance Survey of the Roanoke River Parkway Corridor prepared by the National Park Service in 1987. In addition, an excellent brief summary of existing conditions is included in the application materials submitted for this rezoning. Open Space Natural and Buffer Areas One major concern voiced throughout the community planning process in 1986 and 1987 is the protection of the rural character of the area and particularly the adjoining private property owners. To address this concern, the 1987 Master Plan emphasizes the importance of buffer zones around the perimeter of the property. To fulfill this .public commitment, in October 1991 the VRFA Board of Directors adopted a resolution designating six basic natural areas within Explore Park. These areas are shown on the Natural Areas map included with Attachment III of the application materials and includes a Boundary Buffer Area which is to be 300' feet deep around the edge of the Park. Other areas include the River Gorge Wildlife Area, the Back Creek and Highlands Ridge Wild Areas, and the Pine Mountain and Hardy East Natural Areas. These areas encompass almost 2/3 of the Explore Park area. Development in these areas is prohibited except for foot and horse trails, hiking shelters, first aid stations and minor support centers. According to Richard Burrow, Project Engineer for Explore, many of the trails in these areas will be accessible without entering the fee areas of the Park. Exempted from this development restriction is the access corridor through the Pine Mountain Natural Area which would link the Blue Ridge Town with the American Wilderness Park. The Blue Ridge Parkway and Norfolk Southern right-of-way are also exempt. Independent of the buffer yards established by VRFA is the ACRES portion of the Explore Park proposal. The materials submitted indicate that a 100 foot buffer area would be maintained around the property with future development to occur adjacent to existing building areas. In addition to the various pen areas, perimeter fencing is proposed, as shown on the concept plan. This perimeter fencing will not only keep the ACRES animals in, but more importantly protect the ACRES animals from external domestic and wild animals which could disrupt breeding programs. Access The issue of access for the public has been another major concern since the inception of the Explore Project. This is due to the condition and nature of the existing road network and its inability to adequately and safely handle the volumes of traffic anticipated by this project. Public and employee access for the Explore Park will be Petition: Explore Park 5 File No: 16-6/93 ~3 provided by the proposed parkway spur from the Blue Ridge Parkway. This spur is located on the south side of the Roanoke River and is 1.5 miles long (see Explore Project schematic for exact location and route). The parkway spur has been approved by the National Park Service and is currently in the design stage. It is expected to be completed in 1996 at a cost not to exceed 515 million. Since Explore is scheduled to open in May 1994, all access will be via Rutrough Road until the Parkway spur is completed. A temporary intersection with the Blue Ridge Parkway has been approved and funds have been allocated by Roanoke County and VDOT (5700,000) to widen and improve Rutrough Road from the Parkway to the Explore Park entrance. Upon completion of the Parkway spur, the intersection with the Parkway will be closed and Rutrough Road will be used only for access by construction, delivery and service vehicles, since commercial vehicles are prohibited on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Included in the application materials are projected trip generation rates for the Explore Project. These projections generally coincide with those considered in the Roanoke River Parkway Environmental Impact Statement prepared for the Parkway spur. These figures indicated that with the Ultimate development in 2020 the level of service on the Parkway spur would approach Level C during weekday peak periods (stable flow conditions with low to moderate delays} with peak periods approaching Level D during weekends (approaching unstable flow conditions with moderate to heavy delays). Similar levels of service were projected by the Park Service for the Blue Ridge Parkway between Route 24 and Route 220, the two principal intersections north and south of the Parkway spur. While not directly related to this application, the projected traffic increases at these two interchanges will have major implications on land use patterns at each interchange. This was one of the concerns raised by the RCEAC in their report in July 1991. As the Explore Park becomes established a more detailed evaluation of these areas should be undertaken to plan for and accommodate these changes. Service vehicles, ranging in size from a step van to a large soft drink truck would continue to use Rutrough Road. Daily trips would average approximately 6-35 vehicles from park opening to ultimate development, with a peak traffic projected at 12-70 per day over the same period. Also utilizing Rutrough Road would be employees, service vehicles and public visitors to the ACRES farm. The landfill currently generates approximately 700 vehicle trips per day. With the closure of the landfill expected in the fall of 1993, the trips generated by the Explore Park should have little or no impact on Rutrough Road, particularly with the improvements proposed in 1994. Included in Section 30-71-6, Revisions to Final Master Plan, under subsection (A) 3., are provisions that would classify any changes in access as a major revision to the Master Plan. Any such revision would require amendment of the EP district approval following the same process required for this rezoning. Should the completion of the spur road be delayed or postponed, such amendments should be submitted no later than the fall of 1997. Petition: Explore Park 6 File No: 16-6/93 ~~3 Utilities Given the rural location of the Explore Park there are currently no public sewer or water facilities within the Explore Park site or in the surrounding areas. Initial phases of the project will rely on two wells located in the vicinity of the Blue Ridge settlement and conventional septic systems. According to Richard Burrow, a water storage tank will be constructed in conjunction with the construction of the Environmental Education Center to ensure adequate water supplies. As the park grows, the reliance on wells will continue but a sewage collection system will be installed with the waste water then hauled to the regional sewage treatment plant for disposal. The information submitted indicates that as the park matures, public sewer and water would be extended to the site as needed, with water "pledged" by the Town of Vinton and sewer "pledged" by the County. Public water is projected to be installed to the site by the year 2000. While some formal arrangement may have been made with Vinton, the County Utility Director has indicated that no formal commitment has been made to provide public sewer to the site. In addition, according to his estimates, such service would cost in excess of 52.6 million, but could vary considerably depending upon the route and design. Aside from the on-site issues and future need for sewer and water, the ramification of installing such services through areas presently designated as rural would be substantial. This could vary with the route, but would have considerable impact on the growth potential for the surrounding land, and along the route followed by these improvements. Therefore, any discussion to provide public utilities to the site should be weighed carefully with the growth implications and the demand for additional public improvements in the area such as schools, police, fire and rescue, roads, and similar services provided by the County and Commonwealth. In addition prior to any commitment of funds, such extensions should be reviewed to insure that they are in substantial conformity with the County's Comprehensive Plan. Police Fire, and Rescue Services Explore plans to provide on-site security and first aid services as part of their staff. This would be supplemented by the County Police Department and Mt. Pleasant Fire and Rescue Station when the need arises, with additional resources available in Vinton. Fire protection would also be provided by the Mt. Pleasant Station. The RCEAC pointed out in their final report that access and response time to Explore could be substantially improved if emergency access could be obtained via the Blue Ridge Parkway. Attempts to gain such access have been unsuccessful to date. Explore provides a unique challenge in terms of on-site fire protection and fire suppression. As envisioned, the Blue Ridge settlement will be composed of authentically recreated and reconstructed historic structures. The desire to maintain this authenticity deviates from the building and fire code objectives to protect the public where structures are open to the public. This is compounded by the extensive woodlands which surround the more developed sites and the potential for forest fires. At the same time, no public services are available to install conventional sprinkler and hydrant systems. Once the Environmental Education Center and water tank are Petition: Explore Park 7 File No: 16-6/93 constructed some limited fire suppression capabilities may be available on site. However, according to Richard Burrow, until public water is extended to the site around 2000, no extensive sprinkler or hydrant system will be feasible. Therefore, buildings used for public assembly, overnight accommodations and food services may require alternative methods of fire suppression in conformity with the Building and Fire Prevention Codes to protect the public from risk, until public water becomes available. One option that has been suggested is establishing an emergency fire suppression system based on water from the Roanoke River. This could be done with a simple dry hydrant system at first, or a more sophisticated pump and hydrant system in the Town. This and other alternatives should be investigated with the County Fire Marshall's Office and County Building Commissioner in advance of proposing buildings intended for public use. Site Lavout and Design Standards The sine layout and design are well documented in the application materials and the schematic plans submitted for this rezoning. In addition, by reference, the application incorporates the remedial actions described in the 1987 Master Plan that will be employed to offset the potential impacts associated with noise and lighting, the approach to buffering, and provisions for park security (animal barriers and security staff). As indicated under applicable regulations above, these materials are equivalent to proffered conditions and become binding upon approval. Since modification of proffered conditions can only be made by the Board of Supervisors, any deviation from those plans and materials would require amendment of the zoning approval process. In accordance with the EP district, the Explore Park project will also be subject to the site plan review and approval process. Detailed site plans will be required for all future phases of building and land development at the Park to insure conformance with the Final Master Plan approved by the Board and all County design and construction standards applicable at the time of submittal. Throughout the conceptual layouts and descriptions, Explore has presented an overall design philosophy that construction is to take place working with the existing topography with little grading and changes in landform. This sensitivity to the environment will require substantial planning and design in order to fully comply with existing County standards and maintain the historical character. While verbal comments have been made on alternative designs or materials that may vary from the required County standards, no formal listing of substitute standards has been submitted. For example, Richard Burrow has indicated that the internal road system intended for public use will be designed and built in conformance with VDOT standards. He has indicated that at this time dedication of these roads is not anticipated. An internal service and maintenance road network will also be established along the philosophy of minimum impact appropriate for the intended use. However, additional design details have not been disclosed at this time. Petition: Explore Park $ File No: 16-6/93 (~- 3 This creates the potential for conflicts between County standards and the design philosophy of Explore in the future when detailed site plans are submitted for review and approval. To minimize these conflicts, it is suggested that County staff maintain a higher degree of flexibility in applying specific design and construction standards when applied to Explore and focus on the public purpose, performance and functional objectives of those standards. This would allow Explore a great deal of flexibility in how to approach or resolve a site related design problem, in keeping with the environmental sensitivity and historical perspective, without compromising the County's based standards and protections for the public. PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS The Explore Park Project, as reviewed above, is an extremely diverse and complicated endeavor. The changes that have evolved in the design, philosophy, and intensity of development are more in keeping with the rural environment of the site. In addition, many obstacles have been overcome to move Explore from concept to physical construction. However, as actual land development occurs, a number site specific design issues will need to be addressed to comply with County standards. These and other site related issues are as follows: ~ Should the completion of the spur road be delayed or postponed, amendments to the EP district approval should be submitted no later than the fall of 1997. • Until public water is extended to the site around 2000, no extensive sprinkler or hydrant system will be feasible. Buildings used for public assembly, overnight accommodations and food services may require alternative methods of fire suppression in conformity with the Building and Fire Prevention Codes to protect the public from risk, until public water becomes available. Alternatives should be investigated with the County Fire Marshall's Office and County Building Commissioner in advance of proposing buildings intended for public use. • Since no formal detailed listing of substitute standards has been submitted, it is suggested that County staff maintain a higher degree of flexibility in applying specific design and construction standards when applied to Explore and focus on the public purpose, performance and functional objectives of those standards. This will allow Explore a great deal of flexibility in how to approach or resolve a site related design problem, in keeping with the environmental sensitivity and historical perspective, without compromising the County's based standards and protections for the public. Beyond the specific issues of Explore Park, any project of this size and character will pose growth pressures in other areas of the community and on the resources Roanoke Petition: Explore Park 9 File No: 16-6/93 ,~ County has to provide the level of services expected by the public. In particular, there are two potential areas of impact that the County may experience as a result of the Explore Park Project. These are: • The projected traffic increases at the Route 24 and Route 220 interchanges with the Parkway will have major implications on land use patterns at each interchange. As the Explore Park becomes established a more detailed evaluation of these areas should be undertaken to plan for and accommodate these changes. • Any discussion to provide public utilities to the site by Roanoke County should be weighed carefully with the growth implications and the demand for additional public improvements in the area such as schools, police, fire and rescue, roads, and similar services provided by the County and Commonwealth. In addition prior to any commitment of funds, such extensions should be reviewed to insure that they are in substantial conformity with the County's Comprehensive Plan. PREPARED BY: Jon Hartley DATE PREPARED: May 28, 1993 Petition: Explore Park 1 Q File No: 16-6/93 For staff use only ` '~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (x703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 date race' ~~ J received by: applicati n fe PC/BZA date: placards issued: BOS date: Case Number: „~ Check type of application filed (check all that apply): Explore Park Zoning ® REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^ VARIANCE Applicant's name: Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Address: 101 South Jefferson Street, sixth Floor Phone: 345-1295 Zip Code: 24011 Roanoke, Vir inia 24011 Owner's name: Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority Address: 3900 Rutrough Road, SE Phone: 345-1295 Zip Code: 24014 Roanoke Vir inia 24014 Location of property: Tax Map Number: See Attachment I 3900 Rutrough Road Magisterial District: Vinton Community Planning Area: Mt. Pleasant Size of parcel (s): 24 Existing Zoning: See Attachment I - AG3 and AG1 767.33 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant anu Open Space sq.ft. Proposed Zoning: Explore Park Zoning For Staff Use Only Proposed Land Use: As contained in the Explore Park Master Plan use Type: Dated: December, 1987 Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES X NO Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: N/A Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v rvs v Consultation 8 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan Application fee Application ><~f Metes and bounds description `' - Proffers, if applicable Justification ~~~ Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the o ner. Owner's Signature: /~/~~,G~i ~~ ,vt~ .C~6/AJ,~~~ For Siaff Use Only: Case Number r ~~ Applicant Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA) The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. The Explore Park District was established by Roanoke County to provide a designation reserved solely for activities associated with Explore Park. Explore Park is submitting the Master Plan activities within the 767.33 acres requested for rezoning. These five (5) basic activity .experience areas include: 1. American Center for Rare and Endangered Species. 2. The Environmental Education Center of Virginia and Wilderness Lodge. 3. American Wilderness Park (Zoological Park of North American Animals). 4. Native American Park (featuring.Eastern Woodland culture). 5. Blue Ridge Town (Buildings and Cultural Activities of 1750-1850). Also provided for reference is the Blue Ridge Town Plan showing cultural activity areas for an 1840s farm, 1803 tavern, 1850 church and school, late-1700 fort, variable bed and breakfast zone, and environmental education center. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The Explore Park District was established to provide for a diversity of activities all under one umbrella zoning classification. Explore Park is an outdoor classroom and livin history museum enabling visitors to learn about land, wildlife, and early American civi- lizations through a diversity of experiences. In Explore Park, visitors will experience period western Virginia culture of 1750-1850 interactive with plants and animals native to our area. Environmental education will also be taught at three levels--individually t visitors with high tech interactive computers; classrooms of school children from elemen- tary through high school to college; and, continuing education to adults to refocus on current issues of our time. Explore Park's "natural areas" will become the outdoor classroom so necessary to understand today's complex environmental issues. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. 'Explore Park is being developed in concert with its varied, existing topography. All development will be laid gently on the land so as to not interfere with most existing vegetation and rolling terrain. The VRFA has already declared over two-thirds of its parklands as natural, open space lands to be left basically untouched except for nature and walking trails. The entire circumference of the park is buffered from the surrounding neighborhoods with at least a 300-feet wide natural area. Public utilities (water and sewer) will be delivered to Explore Park only as needed as th park's growth matures. In the interim, wells and septic systems serve the park well. ROANOICE COONTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR WATER OR SEWER SERVICE TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date April 23, 1993 Virginia Recreational Name of Applicant Facilities Authority Phone 703/345-1295 Address of Applicant 3900 Rutrough Road Roanoke, VA 24014 Name of Developer Phone Address of Developer Name of Design Engineer Richard B. Burrow Phone 703/345-1295 K, - ~-~' Address of Design Engineer 101 S. Jefferson Street, 6th F1. ; Roanoke, VA 24011 Name of Contact Person Name of Proposed Development Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) No additional water or sewer service at this time. Location of proposed development (FURNISH COPY OF MAP AND PLANIMETRIC NUMBER) Size of proposed development in acres: Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer service connections would be located: Minimum feet MSL. Maximum feet MSL Is this application for a development that will be a part or section of a larger future development? No Yes If yes, provide map of entire area if available. (ovE~) Signature of Applican t ~' ~ ~~ ~~ ~ 1 v ~ o a P ~ ._ .. , ,~_ ~ ~.. ,~.o:.. ® .~ ~ ~~ • ~~/ c ice. 9, ~ ~ % .~ ~~ddd~~ ``„,,~~«.ro I ~ ~.aa+ ~ ~/I gk / M ~p'I' b yP ~c V +br~ 4- ~ g a ~l~ P~D~E YP _1 __- - f A.~// 4 ~~ .o, 6 V ~1 __, M..~ ~ v VICINITY MAP _ r ~;~ ~ ~~ t ,.a, .,~.~ w Ti.- -~_ / ... .f. ' W _ © - ~\ ~ 1 I - _ ''cl. ~ .O - :._. i ~ i_ ~ _ ~_ .~ s \~ ' .ter '. //~~1 .. __ '___'/ !dr-j :• ~w ~'a' NORTH 0.O4" +~ DEPAR'T'MENT OF PLANNING Y IRS (~ `~ {Z~R~AcTtD~~1-. 2.~ ~ ~ AND ZONING ~~ ~_~` Fi~t,~T'iE ~ A~~1 l~t~~Zl i Y le~~ ~r ..off Rezoning Application Supplemental Information by Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority for Explore Park District Submitted by: Richard B. Burrow Project Engineer April 23, 1993 C.~- 3 Supplemental Information for Rezoning Application Explore Park District Virginia's Explore Park is being developed in conformance with the Master Plan book published by The River Foundation in December, 1987. Copies of this now out-of- print publication are available for review in the Planning Department offices at Roanoke County. The rezoning application process for the Explore Park District (EP designation) suggests that the rezoning packet be accompanied by graphic and written information to supplement the basic application packet. With this in mind the following fifteen (15) statements should help to supplement and clarify the initial application package. TABULAR SUMMARY OF ALL TAX PARCELS PROPOSED FOR REZONING Attachment I is a tabular summary of all tax parcels proposed for rezoning. Additionally, county tax maps 71.00, 71.03, and 80.00 have been attached with the parcels proposed for rezoning designated by color. Lastly, an Explore Park Master Plan map is attached for reference. 2. CURRENT INFORMATION ON THE EXISTING ZONING AND LAND USE OF EACH PARCEL PROPOSED FOR THE EP DISTRICT Attachment I shows existing zoning and land use of each parcel proposed for the EP district. 3. CONCEPT PLAN SHOWING FUTURE ADDITIONAL PARCEL WHICH MAY BECOME A PART OF THE EXPLORE PARK DISTRICT Attachment II lists potential future acquisition parcels. In the case of four of these parcels, the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (VRFA) currently owns a portion of the parcels. For three parcels on Map 71.03, the VRFA owns 1 /6 of each parcel; and, for one parcel on Map 80.00, the VRFA owns 50%. Most of the remaining parcels to be potentially acquired in later years are on the north side of the Roanoke River adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway and Hammond Drive, Route 1029. 4. A DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. Explore Park is located on the north and south sides of the Roanoke River and mostly east of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Roanoke River enters a river gorge once its waters pass through the Roanoke Valley and flow east to Smith Mountain Lake. Therefore, for the two miles of river adjacent to Explore Park lands, from the Blue Ridge -2- Q_~ Parkway east to the confluence KTith Back Creek, the topography is sloping to the Roanoke River and several drainage ravines are noticeable. Most park lands are heavily wooded with forest about 35 years old. Much of the park area timber was last harvested in the late 1950s. The Roanoke River flood plain is easily identified on the site; and no development will take place within the flood plain. On the north side of the park, on tax map 71.00, the area is distinguished by an almost flat farming site near the Blue Ridge Parkway and Hammond Drive, Route 1029. South of the farm land, the topography drops about 160 feet on a steep slope to the river. The slope is interrupted by the Norfolk-Southern Railway main line traveling east- west through the gorge about 70 feet above the river elevation. East of the farm land, Pine Mountain rises to an elevation of about 1400 feet. Both the river gorge and Pine Mountain lie within natural areas designated by the VRFA. (Note Attachment III) The gorge is in the River Gorge Wildlife Corridor Area, and Pine Mountain is in the Pine Mountain Natural Area. On the west side of the park, immediately west of the Blue Ridge Parkway, on tax map 71.03, the area is mainly sloped farm and wood lands with a few residents. This area slopes north to the Roanoke River and the APCO Niagara Dam. This area lies within the Highlands Ridge Wild Area, as designated by the VRFA. The main acreage of the park contained in the rezoning application is east of the Blue Ridge Parkway, south of the Roanoke River, north of Rutrough Road, and west of Back Creek. This area slopes north toward the Roanoke River, contains several major natural drainages, is mostly wooded with hardwood trees. This area also contains the Back Creek Wild Area, and the Boundary Buffer Area (300 feet wide along Rutrough Road), as designated by the VRFA. The Back Creek Wild Area, located just west of Back Creek, and south of the Roanoke River, contains a potentially significant Native American encampment area originally identified by the National Park Service in the Roanoke River Parkway Environmental Impact Statement. This potential archaeological and historical resources site will be protected and slowly analyzed over time in full cooperation with local and state archaeological agencies and societies. If the potential site materializes as a historically significant area, educational programs will be developed for school children and adults to participate in and learn about archaeological surveys. The American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES) farm is located just east of Rutrough Road, south of the Roanoke Regional Landfill. The ACRES farm, about 51 acres in size, is currently an active farm for bison, draft horses, Red Wolf breeding, and Chestnut tree planting. The farm is mostly open space containing pasture and hay fields, with some wooded areas. The slope is eastward starting at Rutrough Road, with a drainage ravine through the middle of the property. Two houses are located near the stormwater detention/stock-watering pond. -3- _:~~ 5. GENERAL LAND USE PLAN The Explore Park Master Plan schematic is attached for reference. Explore Park is an outdoor and living history museum enabling visitors to learn about the land, wildlife, and early American civilization through a diversity of experiences contained in the five (5) basic activity experience areas including: 1. American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES) 2. The Environmental Education Center of Virginia and Wilderness Lodge 3. American Wilderness Park (zoological park for North American species) 4. Native American Park (featuring Eastern Woodland cultures) 5. Blue Ridge Town (buildings and cultural activities of 1750-1850 era) The American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES) is a cooperative venture with the Blue Ridge Zoological Society/Mill Mountain Zoo. The ACRES site provides the zoo with much needed space, off public view, with which to engage in rare and endangered species recovery and breeding programs. ACRES currently houses endangered Red Wolves and Chestnut trees, as well as bison and draft horses. Future endeavors will expand the breeding programs to other species. Explore Park is also the location of the Environmental Education Center of Virginia. The education center will offer learning opportunities for families of tourists visiting the park for recreational purposes; classes of school children using the park as an outdoor classroom; and adults taking in-service, or continuing education short courses to maintain their professional certification. The Wilderness Lodge will be located on the north side of the Roanoke River in Bedford County and will work with the education center to provide all levels of environmental learning. Other activity areas within the park will include a 500 acre zoo of North American wildlife (American Wilderness Park), and a Native American Park to tell the story of the Appalachian region's indigenous people from their viewpoint. The Blue Ridge Town is the park's first phase of construction and contains a number of historic buildings and associated activity areas. The settlement is described in greater detail in the next section. -4- ~,-- ~+ 6. PLANNED ACTIVITY AREAS DEVOTED FOR SPECIFIC USES The Explore Park Blue Ridge To~tiTn (settlement} sd~ematic is attached for reference. The settlement site is the first element to be under construction at the park and is the initial focus of activities. Explore Park's first historic buildings include the 1840 Hofauger farmhouse and the 1850 Wray barn. The historic farmstead complete with garden, orchard, and livestock is the first activity center within the Blue Ridge settlement to be completed. Other centers in the settlement will include a Native American outpost; a stone fort; several late 18th and early 19th century homes; a church; an industrial zone including a grist mill, a saw mill, and an iron forge; and a stagecoach inn and stable. All of these activity areas will use the buildings as the architecture around which to accurately portray the culture of the time period ...including period animals and plant life. As an example, visitors will enter 1840 as they approach the Hofauger farmstead. 1840s farm life will be portray using the Hofauger house, Wray barn, corn cribs, storage buildings, work shop and privy as the architectural backdrop. The farm will also house the animals of the time period including Ossabaw Island pigs, Dominique chickens, Pilgrim geese, shorthorn milking cattle, Hog Island sheep, and Mustang horses. The landscaping will include Golden Russet apple trees, American Chestnut trees, and a raised-bed kitchen garden with period plants and herbs. Interpreters will be in period clothing and will concentrate on hands-on education of visitors about mid-nineteenth century lifeways. Each activity area within the Blue Ridge settlement will be reconstructed to accurately present the period culture related to that area. The park's educational focus is on hands-on participation for the visitor. Lastly, the Blue Ridge settlement entry pavilion will be the 30,000 square feet Environmental Education Center of Virginia. The education center will double as the entry point for all visitors entering the settlement area. This modern building, blended into the naturally wooded environment, may not be available when the park opens in May, 1994. In the interim, the Houts barn and Brugh Tavern complex will serve as the visitor pavilion and education center. Once the new education center is completed, the barn and tavern will be renovated to their originally intended uses as a restaurant and performing arts pavilion. -5- ~~,,~~ 7. GENERALIZED STATEMENTS PERTAINING TO ARCHITECTURAL A'~TD ~ COMMUNITY DESIGN GUIDELINES All construction will take place working with the existing topography. Little grading and landform changing will take place. Constructior. in the 19th century generally did not reshape the land and Explore Park intends to accurately represent those techniques. The architecture is basically predefined by the preservation program of the VRFA. The VRFA currently owns 16 buildings originally built in the 1750-1850 period of time. Accurate reassembly techniques will be used to reconstruct the buildings and their original uses will be portrayed to the visiting public. The activity pods surrounding each building will culturally present the buildings for their respective periods of time. Interpreters will be present at most buildings during the park's active hours to verbally explain the architecture and uses of the various buildings. 8. GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS ENVISIONED FOR MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL OF USES AND ACTIVITIES NOT DIRECTLY OWNED BY VRFA The VRFA owns in fee simple the acreage included in this rezoning request. The VRFA fully expects to continue to o~vn and operate all activities associates with its lands. It is anticipated that some building leasing may occur in later development within the park. However, the VRFA intends to maintain control of exterior architecture and interior finishes associated with all buildings. Leasing might include sales space and shared income with the VRFA controlling items sold, operating hours, and employee parking areas. -6- ~~ 9. VEHICULAR TRANSPORTATION AND CIRCULATION OBJECTIVES ~p As the attached Master Plan demonstrates, all public access to Explore Park «Till be via the new 1.5 miles long parkway spur off the existing Blue Ridge Parkway. The new spur road will cross the closed regional landfill and terminate in the outer parking areas provided within the park. Employee access will be via this same new route. The new parkway spur will be available in 1996 and has a total of $15,000,000 to complete all budgeted costs. Explore is scheduled to open in May, 1994, however. For the interim two-year period of May, 1994, until 1996 when the new spur opens, public access will be via an improved and widened Rutrough Road. A temporary intersection has been approved by the Blue Ridge Parkway for Rutrough Road and improvements will be made to Rutrough Road for the 1.4 mile segment for the Blue Ridge Park to Explore Park and beyond. Seven hundred thousand dollars ($700,000) has been allocated by Roanoke County and VDOT to complete this task by May, 1994. In 1994 when the park opens to the public, the initial traffic counts will be low. There will be 20-25 employees producing about 32 trips per day along the Rutrough Road access and public travel will probably average 60 vehicles per day, with peak periods experiencing 360 vehicles per day. By the time public access via Rutrough Road ends in 1996, average daily traffic could be 150 vehicles per day, with peak periods of 900 vehicles per day. After 1996, public and employee vehicle access will be via the new Parkway Spur Road. By the year 2000, the average daily traffic is projected to be 570 vehicles per day with peak periods of 3,400 vehicles per day. Within the park area immediately adjacent to the terminus of the new parkway spur road will be outer parking lots. Recreational activities including hiking and picnicking will be provided at these outer parking areas. Additional internal two-lane roads will provide access for visitors from the outer parking/recreational areas to the Blue Ridge settlement parking areas close to the Roanoke River. These closer parking areas to the settlement will have foot trails and designated walking paths to guide visitors to the entry pavilion and into the settlement activity pods. (Please note the Blue Ridge settlement schematics.) Construction and delivery access to Explore Park will be maintained along Rutrough Road (Route 618) on the south side and along Hardy Road (Route 634) and Hammond Drive on the north side. Work on Explore Park north of the Roanoke River in Roanoke County is not expected to occur for many years. Delivery vehicles along Rutrough Road will generally be the size of a step-van or bread truck, up to the size of a large soft drink delivery truck. It is estimated that 12-15 delivery vehicles will visit the park on an average day, with 30 trips on a maximum day. -7- (~ _ 3 10. VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION BY PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION AI~~D TYPE OF TRIP TABLE 1 Trip Generation* Park Opening Year Ultai~e 1994 2000 2020 1. Public: a. Average Day 60 570 1,175 b. Peak Day 360 3,400 7,000 2. Employee: a. Average Day 32 160 335 b. Peak Day 40 200 425 3. Service: a. Average Day 6 T5 35 b. Peak Day 12 30 70 TOTALS: a. Average Day 9$ 745 1,545 b. Peak Day .412 3,630 7,495 * Average daily traffic is computed assuming 270 operational days per year -8- q_~ TABLE 2 People at Explore Park Park Opening Year L7iin 1994 2000 2020 1. Visitors: a. Average Day '192 1,825 3,760 b. Peak Day 1,152 10,880 22,400 2. Employees: a. Average Day 20 100 210 b. Peak Day 25 125 2b5 3. Service: a. Average Day 6 15 35 b. Peak Day 12 30 70 TOTALS: a. Average Day 218 1,940 4,095 b. Peak Day 1,189 11,035 22,845 c. Annual 50,000 490,000 1,015,000 11. PLANNING OBJECTIVES FOR ON-SITE PEDESTRIAN OR BICYCLE CIRCULATION Explore Park public access is via the new 1.5 mile parkway spur connecting with the existing Blue Ridge Parkway. It is anticipated that bicycle access would be by this same route. Access via Rutrough Road, after 1996, would be only for service vehicles and local, Rutrough Road residents, provided same safe and secure means could be established by mutual consent. Pedestrian access on site will be limited to well-constructed and marked trails leading from parking lots to the Blue Ridge settlement. Marked trails and paths already exist, and are in use by school children, within the settlement site. Several miles of nature and walking trails already exist within Explore Park. These trails mostly follow the logging road inherited with the purchase of the bulk of the property in 1988. Naturalists and Society of American Foresters volunteers have helped establish most trails in Explore Park. -9- ~~ T2. STATEMENTS OF PLANK-IlVTG OBJECTIVES AND CONCEPTUAL DESIGNS 7 « FOR BUFFER AREAS The VRFA has already declared t~vo-thirds of Explore Park's 1,300 acres as natural areas. These buffer areas were adopted by the VRFA on April lI, 1991 and are shown in Attachment III. 13. PROPOSED PLANS FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES Water and sewer services will be provided at Explore Park and services expanded in phases as the need arises. Generally speaking, when the park opens to the public in 1994, water will be provided by two, on-site wells and sewer disposal by septic systems approved by both Roanoke County and state officials. Both wells are located in the Blue Ridge settlement with the first being just east of the environmental education center along the Roanoke River and the second being just south of the Wray barn associated with the Hofauger farmstead. The septic system is located west of the settlement area on an adjacent slope and with a pump system servicing the drain field. The second phase of the utility system should occur around the year 2000. Wells will continue to be used as the water source for developments. Sewage, however, will be collected in sanitary lines and drained by gravity to a box storage facility down stream from the environmental education center. Once collected, waste water will be pumped into trucks and hauled to the sewage treatment plant for disposal and treatment. Ultimately, as the park matures, water and sewer mains will be extended to Explore Park, as needed. The Town of Vinton has pledged water main extension from its primary well system adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway, just east of the town and north of Explore Park properties. Roanoke County has pledged sewer main extension from a pump station to be located near Back Creek and the Roanoke River. All electrical and telephone service to Explore Park has been built via underground service from Rutrough Road to the Blue Ridge settlement. All future extensions of these utilities on site will be underground adjacent to existing roads to preserve the natural beauty of the site. -10- 14. EMPLOYMENT LEVELS BY TYPE (~-3 TABLE 3 Employment Levels 15. Park Opening Year Uliu~aie 1994 2000 2020 Administrative 4 8 15 Interpreters (Education) 6 50 70 Keepers (Animals) 2 14 45 Construction (Buildings) 3 6 8 Maintenance (Site) 1 4 30 Security 3 12 30 Other 1 6 12 TOTAL 20 INFORMATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS 100 210 Most of Explore Park's development areas are one-half (1 /2) mile or more from the nearest residential neighbor. This distance, combined with the six natural areas and low density of development, reduce anticipated noise, odor, and air pollution impacts to near zero. Storm water runoff from roads and parking areas will be filtered through detention ponds before being re-introduced into the natural drainage and flow to the Roanoke River. Explore Park's Master Plan book published in December, 1987 extensively reviews anticipated environmental impacts for the ultimate design of the park. The Master Plan also identifies the types of remedial actions to be employed by the park to offset these impacts. Again, copies of this now out-of-print publication are available for review in the Planning Department offices at Roanoke County. -11- Land Parcels to be Rezoned for Explore Park District Parcel Tax Map Number Acreage 1 71.00-1-3 47.70 2 71.00-1-6 5.93 3 71.00-1-8 2.00 4 71.00-1-12 9.00 5 71.00-1-13 33.05 6 71.03-1-10 24.16 7 71.03-1-11 3.75 8 71.03-1-15 18.78 9 80.00-1-34.2 3.83 10 80.00-1-34.3 0.07 11 80.00-1-35 21.96 12 80.00-2-32 8.67 13 80.00-2-33 23.00 14 80.00-2-34 13.86 15 80.00-2-35 5.00 16 80.00-2-36 0.30 17 80.00-5-24 488.28 18 80.00-5-26 10.00 19 80.00-5-27 18.12 20 80.00-5-29 22.66 21 80.00-5-30 1.00 22 80.00-5-31 2.23 23 80.00-5-32 2.23 24 80.00-5-34 1.75 Existing Land Use Farming Single Family Single Family Farming Farming Farming Farming Farming Open Space Open Space Open Space Farming Farming Farming Farming Farming Open Space Farming Open Space Open Space Open Space Single Family Single Family Open Space Attachment I Zonin AG-3 AG-3 AG-3 AG-3 AG-3 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 AG-1 (~ _ 3 24 Parcels Totaling: 767.33 "~ ,%' Attachment II Future Acquisitions for Explore Park District Parcel 1 2 3 4 Tax Map Number Acreage 71.03-1-9 13.70 71.03-1-13 22.50 71.03-1-14 18.78 80.00-5-4 258.00 5 80.00-5-17 13.95 Future Use Natural Area Natural Area Natural Area Nature Trails/ Festival Area Natural Area Current VRFA Ownershi 16.6% 16.6°l0 16.6% 0% 50% 6 71.00-1-1 88.53 Am. Wilderness Park 0% 7 71.00-1-2 46.38 Am. Wilderness Park 0% 8 71.00-1-4 28.56 Am. Wilderness Park 0% 9 71.00-1-5 4.35 Am. Wilderness Park 0% 10 71.00-1-7 8.86 Am. Wilderness Park 0% 11 71.00-1-11 92.49 Am. Wilderness Park 0% attachment III -~ lcr.l'Itr~:~ 'r , 1y\ r ... ,' t~ ~~ ~'N J' ~1 , \y ~~ ~- I ~~~- J''~ VIRGINIA RrCR1:I~hIONI~L Fr~~'ILI'rII:S ~U~I"1--LOh~1~CY I2ESOLU'1`:[ON '1'O DLStCtJl1'1'J. N11'1`UIt71L lL121:I>,S W1'1'H]:N V1l2GtNI1~' S J':Xt'( Oki.•: t'A1tK The hoard of- D:irector:~ oL tl-e Virginia Rucr.c:rltioru~l I'acilit.ie::; I',uthurity (Vltl•'11) at a qu..-rtc,rly mrsetitl~~ h~lca on OctoU,~r f1, Lr~91, makes l_he L-ulluwiny lt~cit~_lls: (,~, 3 1. Whereas, Zt its 1lpril 11, 1991 ,«eetinU, t_he V121~11 agr~ecl th~:-t action houlcl be t;lken >~o c=1~~:~i~]n~-te si~7niL Lc.-ilL- praccel~ oC the T?xp.Lore l'~l.r.k ~;ii-.c~ not to 1~e dr~vc~lot~ed, to r.oluain "1V.-tura.t Whereas "N~ltur~-il ~rC_'<1i" i31:(' (~lE'~ 1nE'-C1 .`1S ctri,~3S WhC?rC? d(3StrUCt1VC~ hum,-n lrllp~ll.t 1 tCJ 17c' ki'Pt tQ :.L tRlnlillllln. 1)eV~'lopmE'nt is pl:ollil~ited exce1~t 1:c~r {oot anc 11or.~~c~ tr<i:ilt.,, hiking sllelt~~rs, . tlr`;t a:Lcl ~;t~:ltlor-s, and m.Lrlor. ul~nort renter:; for the atOfC'lllCllt:LOnCd, iJan-con:;umptive .1C'tLVltlr?S iLll'IL a£; h1lClnr], Uirdw~ltc}l:incl, ccolo~]ic;Ll sl-.udy, ~~ncl wi1~11:iEe olJServat:iotl ~-rc ~•ncour;-c]ed. This r~rr~~,rr. ir>t loll an ~tevclol,~uu:;•r-t c acs not ~+pf?-Ly to V~'111c_'Lll:-r aCC4S•i rOUL'~:•s l~l~'ll-'.LtLC'Cl Lrl 1~t~ack C1OtS Olt the Ill._i17 nOr c:o t1lL: 13 .Luc Ridc~]~~ P•.-r.kw._-y ri~]ht at w.--y nnr to the Nor Lo.lk Southern r i.cPub of w~-y; and 3. W17isrea six Natltr.al I\rcar, 11:-ve bun i+lentit:ied zs sui teCl to l-.1l L E; L~urPo::e ill 1•.'xplo r. ~r Park . '1'hc~~i r Lounc.lar ies ~-r. c d,,iinc•d on the .Z000IIIp~-nyi.nd uulp. 'I'I-~~y h.-1vt• Lc'cr- c~:ivcn the i.o.Llowing n..lnl~~s :u1d rlululrere~: 11 .l . T_tc,l.lndary Llu C ter hrea (300' dehr~ around ed~le o£ p.:lrk) . It?. Jtiv~~~r Curge WiLd.Li1e Curridur. 113. l.t.:lck Creak Wild I~rua. it~l • Jti~~Yltancls Ric Ue W i l.d 1\re,:-. 1t5. C' inc Mo--nt~. in Natur. ~~l Arca. 11G. Jlarc.ly East P7atur,ll 1\.r.e~:-. NOW TLIf:RL:FO121. Lll IT RLSOLVI?D, that the Board oL Directors at thu Virginia Ttacreational T~acitit:ics 1~uthority dc~sic3n.:ltes the six 1•Jatur.al 1~rc~,ls as pr~:viously dr~tinecl ar-d sll-~wrl on the .:lccoml.~anyincl map and prollib:iL-s L-utur.e cluveloi~ment r_herein, c~xec~X~t ~ls notc~~9 aY~ove, with u:ic~ oL- t-hc ar~a;i limited to nan-con;l_nnptive r~~cre~ltlonal ~-rld educ<ltion,.tl t-ctiviti~::s; and IIIl IT 1:'UR'1'LIil2 I2I'.SOLVI:D that the VR1'1\ requ•:st , the :~trlft of The River Founc3~ation to j~,lrsuc furtl-«~r. study crL the des.i.~~n,ite~l 101 _~utl- Jcl•(~r~;~~n:'>tr~~'t•`ii~tlJ l~l-~c~r Ro;ii}~~kh,Vint;ilJia?~1011("l03)3~1~~-1"'c):~ ~- 3 Natural Areas and other Explore property, including but not limited to a biological inventory by faculty and students of Virginia Polytechnic Institute, the assessment of ecologically sensitive areas, and recommendations concerning boundaries of additional such areas; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the VRFA requests the staff of The River Foundation to contact the Virginia Outdoors Foundation and other state agencies regarding possible future designations oL the parcels as official Natural Areas, registered with the Commonwealth of Virginia, or equivalent status via dedication of conservation or open space easement. This resolution is adopted this 8th day of October, 1991. L. `!i. Hamlar, Chairman Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority _~ Rezoning Application Supplemental Information: Set #2 by Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority for Explore Park District Specifically Related to: 1. Blue Ridge Settlement Cultural Settings of 1750-1850) 2. American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES) submitted by: Richard Q. Burrow Pro,iect EngineE~r riay 17, 1993 Rezoning Application ~~ Supplemental Information: Set #2 by Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority for Explore Park District 1. Hlue Rid~}e Settlement (Cultural Settings of 1750-1654?: Early plans for Explore's Blue Ridge Town assumed both (a) a willingness on the part of private investors to risk millions of dollars to build the needed infrastructure in an Explore ~~ark incorporating elements of Silver Dollar City (a commercial fronti~=r town development in Arkansas) and (b) a large private protit-making potential at Explore. The national economic reces~~ion of the early '90s made both public and private capital difficult to come by; and, the citizens of the Roanoke Valley community let park planners know their dissatisfaction with the commercial theme park type of development concept. In response, the intensity of proposed commercial development (e.g., the Shenandoah Grand Hotel, the log flume ride) was scaled back, the 131ue Ridge Town plan was modified to meet many of the objections of histor-y preservationists, and the emphasis given that part of the park's program devoted to wildlife conservation, environmental protection, and youth education increased. The Explore Park concept has evolved over the past three years from an intensively developed, profit-making park to arc E~cotouri ern destination providing environmental and cultural learning opportunities as well as popular (if less glitzy) tourist-attraction features such as a 500--acrt~ IJorth American wildlife zoo, a Native American Park, and a less building intense blue Ridge Settlement. In Novernber, 1989, The Virginian Recreational Facilities Authority allocated X150,000 to initiate a preservation program to save, salvage, nand reuse historic buildings from tl~rouyh western Virginia to create a Blue Ridge Settlement as it might have appeared between 1750 - 1850. To date the preservation program has 16 historic buildings of various types already moved to the settlement and reassembled, or disassembled and in storage awaiting reassembly, or under ownership in their original location vaith the idea of dismantling and reassembling them at a later datE~. The pr-ograrn I~as been successful in saving historic structures that otherwise would have been lost new construction or vandalism. In September, 1991, Virginia's Explurc Park initiated construction. The River Foundation, working in partnership with the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority, has fundc:~d construction and reassembly efforts within the park, with additional ~fundir-cg pledged toward the continuing program. ~. C~ -3 To date, the Park contains roads, drainage structures, parking lots, nature trails, and hiking trails. Additionally, a historic farmstead, complete with three room Hofauger House; single-crib, double-bay Wray barn; chicken coop; corn crib; wank shop; storage shed; an orchard and kitchen garden; and 1-arm livestock, including period appropriate chickens, geese, sheep, pigs, cows and horses. Other construction program activity areas within the Blue Ridge Settlement will include the 1797 three-story Brugh Tavern and associated double-crib, Houts bank-barn; 1BS0 Presbyterian church/school building; Native American outpost; stone fort; bed and breakfast complex with houses of various Myles dating from 1776 through 1(350; as well as an industrial zone including a grist mill, a saw mill, and an iron forge. Explore park's Settlement is also the loc~tinn of the Environmental Education CentE~r of Virginia. The environmental education enter (30,000 sq. ft. in size) will offer learning opportunities for the families of touri=.ts visiting the park: for recreational purposes, classes of school children using the parr as ar outdoor classroom, and adults taking in-service, or corrtirruing education, short courses to maintain their- professional certification. 2. American Center for flare and Endangered Species (ACRES): The American Center for Rare and Endangered Species (ACRES) farm is located just east of Rutrough Road, south of the Roanoke Regional Landfill. The ACRES farm, about 50 acres in size, is currently an active farm for- bison and draft horses. It is also the location of breeding programs for rare plants (the American Chestnut tree) and rare animals (the Red Wolves). l~he farm is mostly open space containing pasture and hay fields, with snm~ wooded areas. Attachment III contains the site plan proposed for the ultimate development at the ACRES site. The Virginia Recreational Facilities-~ Authority and the Blue Ridge Zoological Society of Virginia have s?stablished a general framework: for cooperation between the two agencies in the development of the ACRES site over the years. The purpose of the two agencies is to work together to achieve a common goal of advancement of public awareness of the importance of conserving biological diversity through the captive breeding of wild and domestic animals, including rare specie sub~~pecies, and breeds, as well as through associated educational programs. Most of the farm will be Ncr~pt in natural open space. After all, the idea behind the ACRES program is to provide an atmosphere for breeding. Animals will be F;ept off-view, out of sight, and the animals should see most natural settings from their prospective. Future building development within ACRES will br= kept ad,iacent to existing building areas, at least 100 fer?t from boundary limits. Future pen and den development will all be buffered from surrounding lands to improve breeding responsiveness. ~,M' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1993 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF TRACTS OF REAL ESTATE TOTALLING 767.33 ACRES LOCATED IN THE EXPLORE PARK IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF AG-3 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF EPD WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF THE VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 25, 1993, and the second reading and public hearing was held June 22, 1993; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 1, 1993; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tracts of real estate totalling 767.33 acres located at the Explore Park in the Vinton Magisterial District is hereby changed from the zoning classification of AG-3, Agricultural/Rural Preserve District, to the zoning classification of EPD, Explore Park District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of The Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. 3. That pursuant to Section 30-71 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Explore Park District) all of the written and graphic information prepared and submitted as part of this application shall constitute proffers pursuant to Section 30-15 of the Zoning Ordinance. C~- 3 4. That real estate affected by this request is as follows: Parcel Tax Map Number Acreacre 1 71.00-1-3 47.70 2 71.00-1-6 5.93 3 71.00-1-8 2.00 4 71.00-1-12 9.00 5 71.00-1-13 33.05 6 71.03-1-10 24.16 7 71.03-1-11 3.75 8 71.03-1-15 18.78 9 80.00-1-34.2 3.83 10 80.00-1-34.3 0.07 11 80.00-1-35 21.96 12 80.00-2-32 8.67 13 80.00-2-33 23.00 14 80.00-2-34 13.86 15 80.00-2-35 5.00 16 80.00-2-36 0.30 17 80.00-5-24 488.28 18 80.00-5-26 10.00 19 80.00-5-27 18.12 20 80.00-5-29 22.66 21 80.00-5-30 1.00 22 80.00-5-31 2.23 23 80.00-5-32 2.23 24 80.00-5-34 1.75 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classificatio n authorized by this ordinance. c:\wp51 \agenda\zoning\explo re \~~-\ l..l J~l.' ~- y . ~ ~ ~ -- ~1 ~~ 0 0 n i o~ c a, -_ -- ~ _ ~ ~ p ~~\~• . o ~,- ~p ~ o 1 0 ~l ~~ n '( -~~ _ ~ ~ ~~ a 9 ~ "~ Q-~' wn Plan .0' 100' 200' n ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Expansion of Bulk/Brush Collection Service. ~nrn~y ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS • ~~ ~_~~ i tiv-c //rr t ~ BACKGROUND' As you are aware, there have been a number of discussions related to the possible modification of our bulk/brush pickup system. These dialogues date back to mid-1992 and include a work session with the Board. In each instance, it has been the position of the staff that the service is being provided efficiently and that it could not be expanded without additional resources. Currently, bulk and brush are collected throughout the County on a monthly basis. Two trucks with crews of three each are now dedicated to this purpose. If we were to change the schedule to twice monthly using the current combination of rearloaders and automated trucks, we would need to purchase two additional rearloaders and add two crews of three each, or a total of six additional employees, which would double the resources dedicated to the collection of bulk and brush. Concurrent with the planned purchase of three additional automated packers to complete the automation of refuse collection in the County, it will also be necessary to dedicate two additional rearloaders to once-monthly bulk and brush pickup. Then, to go one step further and collect twice-monthly, one additional truck and crew would be required. GLARY OF INFORxATION• During the budget process, I advised the Board that with the purchase of three new automated refuse trucks, we could eliminate four staff positions. There were several suggestions from members as to how those positions might be utilized. Among them were: o Transfer them to Parks and Recreation because of the growing need for resources there. o Increase the collection of bulk and brush collection throughout the County to twice a month. K- ~ In the approved budget, the four positions were funded for nine months to accommodate the transition from manual to automated pickup - the ordering of trucks and cans and the delivery of cans to the residents. It was estimated that this transition could be made by March, 1994. If the Board wishes to transfer the positions to Parks and Recreation, this can be done and the positions would be permanently funded there. If the desire is to expand bulk and brush collection, then the positions would be retained and funded in General Services. ($25,000 for the remainder of FY 93-94). Based on conversations with the Director of General Services, I indicated during the budget process that we felt we could accommodate twice-monthly bulk and brush pickup in conjunction with, and with the savings from, the automation of refuse collection in the remainder of the County. This is possible. However, it will be necessary to retain. one refuse truck that was to be replaced with the purchase of automated vehicles. We have sgent considerable staff time evaluating suggestions and alternatives and reviewing methods used in other localities. As a result, we feel the total budget for refuse collection in Roanoke County is considerably less than that of other localities surveyed, and, in addition, our job is complicated by the need to separate bulk and brush. If the Board wishes to have an independent review of the system, I am prepared to seek proposals for such a study and report back to you. However, based on our evaluation, we feel we can implement the twice-monthly brush collection schedule in the manner described. ALTERNATIVES• (1) Implement twice-monthly collection of bulk and brush. (2) Transfer the four positions resulting from automation of refuse collection to Parks and Recreation. (3) Reduce the County staff by four positions. FISCAL IMPACT• Alternative 1. 1993 - Fund four employees for 3 months $25,000 Operating cost for 1 rearloader 5,000 Annually - Fund four employees 100,000 - Operating cost for 1 rearloader 20,000 Alternative 2. 1993 - Fund four employees for 3 months $ 25,000 Annually - Fund four employees 100,000 ~-i Alternative 3. Reduction of four postions ($100,000) S,~AFF RECOMMEND~ITION: This is a Board decision. I am willing to expand the service to one additional pickup per month with the understanding that we will retain one rearloader that would otherwise be surplused, and that the four positions be retained in General Services. Respectfully submitted, ~J Elmer C.. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by; No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens 1 ~~~ FY 94 CORD Innovation Grant Workshop Presentation Center on Rural Development 501 North Second Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 804-371-7075 "'~° CORD'S Objectives ~ Increase the number of model approaches demonstrated by communities • Encourage rural communities to expand and diversify citizen participation in community decision making • Increase the number of communities implementing rural development strategies • Provide information and guidance to communities on rural development strategies and resources .~ i -t--+ z -E-+ (~ i 0 y-- U .~ O U N W i -F-~ V J -~ a~ ~+- ~+- 0 a~ .~ c~ c~ a~ c~ a U c~ .~ v c~ .? v 0 • c~ v N O c~ .~ a~ U U Cl~ 0 c~ a~ c~ 0 a~ U ~_ 0 0 ~+ c~ :~ v~ a~ ._ U i 0 a :~ c~ a ~+- a v c~ .~ c~ a~ U ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ .~ ._ ~3 U ~ -- ,.,,._ U ~ ~' ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~~ ~~ a Q. ~ a~ ~ ~ .- ._ a ~ ~ o. ~~ .~ U • ~- 0 ctS a~ -~ ._ -~--' U ~ U c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ' -' ~ ~ v ° ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~a ~ U ^ ~, _ ~ c~ ct~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~+- ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ .~ ~ v ~~ W ^~ W ~ i ~_ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ .~ - ~- c~ ~ U ~ -- o ~- U ~ Q3 ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ o v ~ ~._ ~ ~ -~ .- ._ ~-- ~ ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ c~ '~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tCS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;+= U) ~} ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ .~ ~ c~ ~ • • -~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ o ~ ~} ~ ~ ~ C} C~ ~- o ~ ~ ~, .o ~. c~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ._ -~ ~ o U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ Z3 ~ ._ ~_~ a~ ~ o~ .~ • 43 U U Q .~ a~ -~ c~ a~ c~ U CU .~ a~ oc • c~ E (~ i C'3 0 (~ 0 N LL. C Ll. N ~~ ~ ~ ~ o U Q a? 0 0 a~ > o- ~ U ~_ o ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 U W ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ • ~ ',_ (> ~ O ~ ~ i-- w -~ o ~ N ~ ~ ~ i 0 0 U ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ .V~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ U -~ ~ ~~ ~ Q U > ~ ~ a~ ~ o ~ ,~ i ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ «~ ~ ~S 0 N T 0 T y ! 0 L Z ~~ r z D m fD S T O O 3 0 a D N N <D 3 C .~ c ~ ~ f= ~ o o C!) ~ •• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o e , ,~ < ~; m r ` ~ f ~ ~ n ~ _ ~ o ; .... `,~ a OQ w ~ ~ ~ y O ~ •¢ ~ ~_ ~ ",' o A H .w ' ~ ~ ~. ^ C ~ fA off/ •" Y~ ~s ~ a ~g ~ a ~ ~ n ~ ° ~ , a o ~ a ~ '~~ m ~ ~ ~ e .~ o > ~ > o ~ s .. n ~ o S ~ ~~. w ~r~ Z :' .. ~ m 7 p • f0 O a ~ ~ .... ... .. C' _ b' :• ~ z C ~': ` .. : • : ~ O ~ .w 7 ~ ? ,. .. . . . '~' O D C fi t A ~ S r- • n "` ~.. "^ .. a: ~ n 0 v~ a N O ~ .ro .. .` ..ter 'c M ~.....,`.. O ~ O ~ ~ 3 ~'~ ~ ~ °~_~ ~~ ~~ 3 °,~ ~ ID / ^,M......, •.~, ~~ Z N ~ ~`~ Program Highlights • $350,000 available • $40,000Implementation $20,000 Feasibility • Eligible grant recipients • Innovation is key • Applications due July 7 • Awards announced in late September What is Innovation? • New idea in U.S., in Virginia or in the region • Creative approach to combining human, physical or financial resources • Ties together new actors in the community or works across communities for the first time • Uses holistic, comprehensive approach to link strategies i n a creative way Minimum Eligibility Criteria • Addresses rural need • Innovative or creative approach that can serve as a model • Enhances, supports or sustains economic vitality • Must be designed to be completed in one year from start-up • Applicant must be Iocal government, PDC, CAP Agencies, or regional/local non-profit agency • 25°/o Match Evaluation Criteria ^ Model Approach to Rural Development - Innovative/creative - Regional approach - Transferability - Complements existing initiatives - Rural development issue linked to economic vitality Evaluation Criteria ^ Community Support and Participation - Broad community participation - Community defined need - Builds Local capacity - Community support and match Appendix A-1 SAMPLE BUDGET Budget Item Local Local CORD AESOP Total In-Kind Cash Foundation Overhead Expenses Director's administrative 2,625 2,625 (150 hrs. 17.50) Telephone (12 mos.) 300 300 Direct Office Expenses Office Furniture 500 500 Copying 300 300 Postage 500 500 Program Operating Expenses Community Coordinator 10,000 15,000 25,000 Fringe Benefits 2,266 3,400 5,666 Travel (200 m. *' 12 mos. *' .25) 600 600 Brochure (1,000 copies @ .45) 450 450 Staff Training 500 1,000 1,500 Computer w/ software & printer 2,250 2,250 Community Building Renovation Roof 4, 500 4, 500 Plumbing 6 000 ' 6,000 Electrical 2, 500 2, 500 Parking 3,500 3,500 TOTALS 2,925 20,416 31,850 1,000 556,191 PROJECT TIME TABLE 1992 1993 1994 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jly Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Interview -Consult Consult -Selection Develop Master Plan Develop Construction Drawings on Initial Athletic Phase Athletic Out to Bid Planning of CORD Programs Implementation of CORD programs Nature, Historic Interpretive Seek Add Assist VDOT Seek Add G & F Seek Add LWCF Seek Add HLP Construct. Dev. road Construct. Dev. SC Inn Construct. Dev. of Remaining Facilities Future Dev. Beyond this Time Table Abbreviations: HLP -Historic Laadmarks and Preservation LWCF - Land and Water Conservation Outdoor Recreation VDOT - Virginia Department of Transportation G & F -Game and Inland Fisheries Wildlife Division SC -Stage Coach Inn O~ ROANp~,~ ~ ~ p z 7838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ELMER C. HODGE H. ODELL'FUZZY" MIN NIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2004 LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. June 2 4 , 19 9 3 cATAwBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 The Honorable J. Brandon Bell, Virginia Senate The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo, Virginia Senate The Honorable G. Steven Agee, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable A. Victor Thomas, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable John Warner, U. S. Senate The Honorable Charles S. Robb, U. S. Senate The Honorable Bob Goodlatte, U. S. House of Representatives The Honorable Rick Boucher, U. S. House of Representatives Gentlemen: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 62293-10.d supporting the AMTARAK Route from New York to Atlanta via the Roanoke Valley, Southwest Virginia, and Eastern Tennessee. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 1993. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, YY7cz Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Attachment cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council The Honorable Jerry Allen Wolfe, Mayor, City of Bristol, VA The Honorable John S. Gaines, Mayor, City of Bristol, Tenn ~k'', ® R~yaad Paper of a°AN ~- F ~ ; ~~ •~ z >7 az 1838 C~~~xxY# ~~ ~~xxY.~.~.~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 June 24, 1993 BOARDOFSUPERVISORS H. ODELL'FUZZY" MINNIX. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOW NS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 The Honorable L. Douglas Wilder, Governor The Honorable Stephen D. Rosenthal, Attorney General The Honorable J. Brandon Bell, Virginia Senate The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo, Virginia Senate The Honorable G. Steven Agee, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum, Virginia House of Delegates The Honorable A. Victor Thomas, Virginia House of Delegates Gentlemen: Recently, three young adults and one young child were killed in separate automobile accidents in the Roanoke Valley. In both accidents, the drivers of the vehicles were under the influence of alcohol and their licenses had been suspended for previous violations. Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 62293-4 urging the General Assembly to enact stronger D.U.I. legislation. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 1993. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Attachment cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney John H. Cease, Police Chief George R. Pelton ® Recycled paper O~ (iOAN ~, a ~ p 2 ~ ~ a2 1838 V.~~~~ ~~ ~~Y~~.~..~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 June 23, 1993 BOARDOFSUPERVISORS H. ODELL'FUZZY' MIN NIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Vince Reynolds 4229 Toddsbury Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Mr. Reynolds: The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Clean Valley Council. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 22, 1993, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Clean Valley Council for a two- year term. Your new term will expire on June 30, 1995. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~ . H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Enclosures cc: Ellen Aiken, Executive Director Clean Valley Council P. O. Box 3320 Roanoke, VA 24015-1320 4 ® Recycled Paper o~ aoanl ~.~ ~• A z az 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 June 23, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY' MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. George R. Pelton 6520 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mr. Pelton: I want to personally thank you for speaking at our June 22nd Board Meeting. It was gracious of you to come on such short notice. Your approach to this problem, despite the painful memories it causes you and your family, is absolutely correct. This is a problem that we can and must control. Your remarks were right to the point and well taken by everyone in attendance. If in any way I can be of assistance, you have but to ask. God bless you and your family and again, thank you for your efforts to make our highways safe for others. Sincerely, ~ 'v l . ~" ~ `~ H. Oder"'Fuzzy" Minnix, Roanoke County Board of Cave Spring Magisterial HOM/bj h Chairman Supervisors District ® aacydad Pape- ~ p AN O ti Z o a 1 38 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 June 23, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MA615TERUIL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Reverend Richard Harris Chaplain, Roanoke County Jail 401 East Main Street Salem, VA 24153 Dear Reverend Harris: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, June 22, 1993. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. Sincerely, . - ~~~~~ ~~ H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ® Recycled paper s ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Appropriation to Fund an Engineering & Feasibility Study for Expansion of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility averaged a daily population of 140 during the calendar year 1992; and during the first five months of 1993, the daily inmate population has averaged 147. This is for Roanoke County and Salem prisoners only, and does not include any Federal prisoners. The facility has 104 beds designated for general inmate population. Our population has peaked to 190 inmates at times due to the large number of inmates sentenced to serve jail time on weekends. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION• The Sheriff's Office recommends that an engineering study be conducted to determine the feasibility of completing the sixth floor in the design of a dormitory. This expansion would add an additional 37 beds. If the study determines that each of the 104 general inmate population cells can be double bunked per the minimum standards, we project this move would enable Roanoke County and the City of Salem to meet the demands in corrections through the year 2005, based upon the previous five years' inmate population growth in the Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility The Sheriff's Office requests that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors appropriate the necessary funds for the engineering and. feasibility studies. The estimated cost for the study .~is approximately $15,000. When Requests for Proposals are returne It is recommended that the County ask the City of Salem to fund th~i~-` appropriate share of the cost. ;~r ~~ ~~ ~ , FISCAL IMPACT: ~'-~ __ J• STAFF RECOMMENDATION: j Jti ~ C` : ~, ' ~'.G ~~ Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors appropriate $15,000 ~ - ~.C ~ ~.. . ~~ ;~ ~~ ( r / J ~~ ~~to conduct an engineering and feasibility study on expansion of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail, and that the City of Salem be requested to reimburse Roanoke County for their share of the cost. Respectfully submitted, Gerald S. Holt Sheriff Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Motion by: No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens ~~R~T -IS-93 ROANOKE CQL~NTY gpAR~ OF SUPERVISORS CSC/ to - ~~ ~~~~~ Welcome to ...~~~-t meetings ar p.m. Public month. Dev ~ J~~-~~~~ ~~r A_ ~~ ~' O 1 ~~ ~O m I'Y~ ~~ S 2 -' ~ ~~ 3. B. R O C. ieeting. Regular Tuesday at 3:00 Tuesday of each .ard Harris County Jail 'lag. CHANGE THE P] ___-_~ .~ j~a.uvi.U 11V1V1, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of July 11 - 18 as Commonwealth Games of Virginia Week, i ,~ ._~ ~ ~ _. ~ . ~ _m ~..,,~,,,,....~ ~ 2. eso ion of _Appteciatioa~' to re~ld'"`l~ichardson for ~~ ~ Se 'ce oard of Zonin ~ ea g p ls. 3. Presentation of Distinguished Service Award from Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, Crime Prevention Committee. D. NEW BUSINESS ,~ -~ ~,l~ ~ . f ; n ~. '~ ,~ ~ 1. Request for Appropriation to Fund an Engineering & Facility Study for Jail Expansion. (Sheriff Gerald Holt) 2. Request for Funds for Repair and Damage from June 4, ~~ ~~ /~~ 1993 Storm. (Elmer Hod a Coun ~~' ~ g , ty Administrator) 3. Request for Readoption of Public-Private Partnership Policy. (Timothy W. Gubala, Economic Development ~`,, Director) q~ ~° / Re or Ap p 'atio onc~rnin Year~'E`nd udget. a ushe iget and nagem ~i~ Director) (~, ~,. 5. Approval of Resolution Urging the General Assembly to C Enact Stronger D.U.I. Legislation. (Elmer Hodge, County Administrator) 6. Request for Appropriation for New Position for Clerk of Circuit Court. (Reta Busher, Budget and Management Director) ''' ' ~. 1 , ~, _ ,~ 7. Request for Legislation. Director) to Funding to Hire Attorney to Review Cable (Anne Marie Green, Community Relations ~• of _ _ (John /b. y Proper, M e Verndale Drive. r) ,; ~~~~_ .~~ ~' ~ : + ~ .a ~:~ ,o- r ~. t ~ .' 1 -'t'~ i j w~.~ `..~... ' i- I ~' 2 ~ A`. ~ -.. ~( C ! .. f 9. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Community Crime Prevention Services. (John Cease, Police Chief) 10. Request for Acceptance of Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for Arts. (Beta Busher, Budget & Management Director) 11. Request for Acceptance of Library Services and ~ ~ Construction Act (LSCA) G_ rant from the Virginia State ~.~- Libra & Archives. ~~._ -~ ~~ f , ry (~`"~-~ ' s -"-~ bib w °~ E. OLD BUSINESS 1. Request for Approval of Proposed 1994 Legislative Package for Virginia Association of Counties. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney). F. REQUESTS FOR WORg SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS K REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READIIIJG OF RE7.ONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA L FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Sections 5-21, 3 Definitions, and 5-44 Tax Imposed Adding Sections 5-26.1 to °10-26.5 and Repealing Section 5-26 of Article II. Dog_s~ Cats and Other Animals of Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl of the Roanoke County Code to Control Dangerous and Vicious Dogs. (Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer) __, ~~ . J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing Donation of 0.16462 Acre of Land, Together with a Permanent Drainage Easement and Temporary Construction Easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for Improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) I~ L. nrro~rs 1. Community Corrections Resources Board 2. Social Services Advisory Board. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOLD TO gE ROUTIl~TE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW, ~ DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILI, BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Clean Valley Council. 2. Acknowledge of Acceptance of 0.29 Miles of Rome Drive, 4 and 0.06 Miles of McIntosh Lane into Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Grumman Emergency Products. 4. Resolution of Support for the AMTRAK Route from New York to Atlanta via Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee. M. REPORTS AND INQUIItIES OF BOARD MEMBERS N. CTI'IZENS' COM1ViENTS AND COI~BVIiJ1VICATIONS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -March 1993 5. Report on Bond Projects. 6. Report on 1991 Water Project 7. Report on Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Solid Waste Facilities 8. Report on CORD Program 5 P• SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (4) ~ ~ ~ ~~ i Q- S. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES JULY 27~ 1993 Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, The Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Provisions Concerning Amateur Radio Towers in the Various Zoning Districts of the County. 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Minor Amendments to Said Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 2. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County by the Adoption of Certain Miscellaneous Changes Throughout the County of Said Maps. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 3. Ordinance to Amend the Official Zoning Maps of ranoke County by Rezoning 767.33 Acres of Land from AG-3 and AG-12 to EPD (Explore Park District), located in the 6 Vinton .Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) T. CI'I'IZIIV CONIlViENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Margaret Crouse, Windsor West, Concerning Brush and Bulk Collection. U. ADJO ;'7 f`~ s 6/ 7/93 ~/p~p~ ~~ V Mary Allen: I just remembered that Bob Johnson said something about Reso of Appreciation to Harold W. Richardson for service on BZA. But I don't recall if we made a note of not. When did he want this? I think his term actually expires June 30. I have already sent letter and certificate thanking him. Brenda o~ ~/~ l~~ ~ ~an~ ~Y-Q~. 1 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Members of the Board of Supervisors Edward G. Kohinke June 11, 1993 ,~ Support for Tougher DUI Legislation Thank you very much for your unanimous support for my request to add tougher DUI legislation to our VACo legislative package at our June 8 board meeting. In the tradition of "striking while the iron is hot", I ask that a resolution be brought forward at our June 22 meeting which asks our Roanoke Valley delegation to the General Assembly to also support such legislation when it comes up again for consideration. The passing of this resolution could be done in conjunction with the finalizing of our VACo package. In view of the recent tragedies in Roanoke County, or involving Roanoke County citizens, I can't think of a more appropriate time to be doing this. Attachment: Letter from George Pelton CC: Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen Anne Marie Green (Please fax to the media) c' - -- ... i _ ~r.= i .. !'. ', ~'{ .. ',. George R. Felton ~x~~t June 7, 1993 f703) 3G?~800 FAX (703) 563-2307 Mr. Edward Kohinke Catawba District Supervisor County of Roanoke P. 0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24015-0798 Dear Mr. Kohinke: I am writing to thank you for your memorandum of June 1, 1993. My son, Geoff, was a wonderful young man and it is in his name that his mother and I would like to begin our fight for tougher D.U.I. Legislation. our problem is that we don't know how to go a.baut it, so i would like to ask your help and guidance in telling us how to begin. We would be happy to make ourselves available to speak with you or anyone in the Legislature at any time. Please call cr write to me with any inFormation that you can as soon as possible Sincezely, `~ . - George R. Felton 65ZU NCtCrs C:1CCk F{~ad • Roanflke, VA 24019 r..... - TOTAL P.~~ ,0~ ,p9A ~{-~` z A ~ ~ 2 a rasa COUNTYADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 Mr. George R. Pelton 6520 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mr. Pelton: June 11, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Thank you for your letter of June 7, 1993. I plan to drop in and say hello to you the next time I'm over your way. There is actually not a whole lot that can be done about tougher DUI legislation at the local government level, other than for us to show support for it. To that end, I proposed at our last Board meeting that we include support for such legislation in our VACo package, and this received the unanimous support of my fellow supervisors. VACo, by the way, is an acronym for the Virginia Association of Counties, a group which, among other things, serves as a lobbyist to the General Assembly for county governments. Additionally, I requested that a formal resolution from us to the Roanoke Valley delegation to the General Assembly in support of tougher DUI legislation be considered at our next board meeting which is on June 22. You and other Roanoke County residents may wish to attend this meeting which starts at 3:00 p.m. If there are any changes, I'll be sure to let you know. Again, thank you. Sincerely, Edward G. Kohinke, Sr. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Catawba Magisterial District CC: Members of the Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen Board of Supervisors ® Recycled Paper ~' - ,%~ - AT A REGUL COUNTY, VIRGIr MEETING DATE• AGENDA ITEM• Purchase of Lc COUNTY ADMINI: BACKGROUND• {E ER Brookside Park on Verndale Drive has inadequate parking and the entrance is hazardous due to poor visibility. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Parks and Recreation Department has expressed an interest in purchasing a lot in Sun Valley Subdivision for purposes of improving access and expanding parking at Brookside Park. Mr. Richard H. Spangler owns a lot, tax map number 38.07-2-31, that is vacant and abuts the Park. When contacted, Mr. Spangler agreed to sell the lot for $2,000 and the County would prepare and file all deeds. The assessed value of the lot is $2,500. Copies of correspondence, the assessment record and a locational map are attached. FISCAL IMPACT• Expenditure of $2,000 from Parks and Recreation Budget. ALTERNATIVES' Deny purchase and transfer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION' Approve purchase and transfer. l3,espectfull submitted, f - ~ J hn D. Willey, ASA eal Propertager.. Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens 'f • N . ~ ~ . k,, . . • 1f ~~~~ ~ ~~ . ya•~~ ` ~ Iii r~;~ ~ , ~ ~ ~2 3 ' t,, ~ - ;~ tom '~~ ti ~~ _ q., n., ~ : ~ ~,,, .~ ~ , 2 tiro *, ~ ~, ~> ~ ', ._ ~ ~ p`L' ~~ ~ '~ - ~ O ' ~ ~ oksid rk n ~ . ' ~ ~~$ r ~~ ~~ ~ { e '~ . ~. B.,S. ~ ~" ~ , ~' a 37 ~- • ~~ (SAC ~ '~ Q ~ ` , ~ t ~ ~ ~ !~ +'~ ~: 0-0 ~ r X46 ~ \ ' \. 7 .R . - ~ ~ 36 .,. J- ~. • .. ~ ~ ~ • ~ .. 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O O c z I I-' C7 ~ ~ ~ O O ~ I z ~ O oo H~' ~ 1 1~ H O n 0 0 O O O m A DD DDD~ ~ C;O r r r r r m m ~ Z ~~ DD 3rO~ CZ7 Q vv az~~ m c~ ~ >~ m°?o -~ O o r ~ < A Q 00 D o w <rmC m r ~N D C \ ~-- ~ D H an r m x r ~,o ~ !-' r r m ~ O ' Q b mm ~ aaczi O'TJ W ~~~< ° ~ o N ~ D7cmD O ~~ o~ ~ r ~ A A "' c yH ~ m ~ ~ ~ ^ bd r ~ x ~ z y II y VN NN ,p ~ ~ ~~ z z ~0 00 ~ y ~0 00 :. P AN ,~ F /.~ ' A Z ~ 2 v a~ 8 ~ ~,~ 8$ g~$QUICENTENN\P\' A Bmuti~ul Beginning C~auntg of ~Rnttnnkr All-AMEflIU CITY ''I ~~1 1979 1989 June 3, 1993 Mr. Richard H. Spangler 5322 North Lakes Drive Roanoke, Va. 24019 Dear Mr. Spangler: JOHN D. WILLEY DIRECTOR OF REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENTS I had the opportunity to speak with you previously in regard to a lot you own on Verndale Drive, Tax Map parcel 38.07-2-31. Since our conversation I have spoken with the Parks and Recreation Department Director and it is his desire to purchase the lot if you still wish to sell. On behalf of Roanoke County, and per our conversation I would extend an offer to purchase based on the following terms and conditions: 1) A purchase price of $2,000. 2) Roanoke County will be responsible for deed preparation and all costs except for the Grantors tax. 3) Your ability to deliver a marketable title. 4) Approval and acceptance of the purchase by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 5) Any other conditions deemed acceptable by both parties. While a contract is unnecessary at this time I will need a letter from you agreeing to the above terms and conditions to allow me to begin formal approval procedures. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. Sincerely, ~~li~-~ ohn D. Wi11ey,ASA Real Property Manager JDW/snw REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT n n o!'1Y "BOO.-.... . C7 !~A ~tnvF ~nc~r;~r.lln -~nf1~c2 . f-7f~~~ 777 ?f'?'~r., itic,hard H. ;,pangler .`%:~22 ti~orth lake Drive, ~ . tV. }?oanoke, l.irginia X4019 .~_t;~e 7, 1993 ~~l~n r,. Zvi ley c,inty ;;f nr~r~noi-.e ~~~~ 7. -'~t.3te -;5se55ment . ;) . ~ir~x '?800 i~r~anoke, ~-`irginia ;_'4018-(1798 :'fear "'r. iVi ley: I., response to ~-,~ur letter ~iatecl ,tune 3, 1993, with regard to the purchase ,ir a Iot on Verndale Drive, I am rnore than glad to accept your proposal .ti-ith the terms and conditions stipulated in the original letter. Tti-lank your for ;giving this your attention and hope t~ }iear from you in the hear *~.iture. 71nCerelV, ,~ n Ri.c}-lard H. Spangler ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JUNE 22, 1993 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Richard Harris ,Chaplain, Roanoke County Jail 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCIAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of July 11 - 18 as Commonwealth Games of Virginia Week. _-~' 2. Resolution of Appreciation to Harold Richardson D. NE` 1. .~ ,lic-~-G~~ .c.~a ~ o ~ BUSINESS Request for Appropriation to Fund an Engineering & Facility Study for Jail Expansion. (Sheriff Gerald Holt) Request for Funds for Repair and Damage from June 4, 1993 Storm. (Elmer Hodge, County Administrator) 3. Request for Funding to Hire Attorney to Review Cable Legislation. (Anne Marie Green, Community Relations Director) 4. Request for Acceptance of a Grant for Community Crime Prevention Services. (John Cease, Police Chief) E. OLD BUSINESS 1. Request for Approval of Proposed Legislative Package for Virginia Association of Counties. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney). F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H• REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA I. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing Donation of 0.16462 Acre of Land, Together with a Permanent Drainage Easement and Temporary Construction Easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for Improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) K. APPOINTMENTS L. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WII.,L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Cealn Valley Council. M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 3 N. CITIZENS' COIVIlVIENTS AND COIbIlVILJNICATIONS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -March 1993 5. Report on Bond Projects. 6. Report on 1991 Water Project 7. Report on Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Solid Waste Facilities 8. Report on CORD Program P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (4) Q. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION (7.00 P.M S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 4 1TI~ FOLLOWING PUBLIC HEARING WILL NOT BE HELD AND HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO TLn~Y 13 WITH THE PUBLIC HEARING ON JiJLY 27, 1993 Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, The Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Provisions Concerning Amateur Radio Towers in the Various Zoning Districts of the County. 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Ordinance 82592-12, the Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, by the Adoption of Certain Minor Amendments to Said Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 2. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County by the Adoption of Certain Miscellaneous Changes Throughout the County of Said Maps. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 3. Ordinance to Amend the Official Zoning Maps of ranoke County by Rezoning 767.33 Acres of Land from AG-3 and AG-12 to EPD (Explore Park District), located in the Vinton Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) T. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUI~TICATIONS U. ADJOURNMENT s Brenda: (1) I called Bill Board per Dr. Nickens request for the following and he did not return the call. Please call and and tell him that: /Bill Board needs to send a request for payment by the County of dues to the Blue Ridge Region. Ask him to send it to me and I will try to get it paid as soon after 7/1/93 as possible. ~!~„ ~~ (2 ) 6/22 Agenda: ~k-e ~' ~`~~ 13 (a) There is (b) There is legislation - chec (c) There is the 7 p.m. session. because it has her (d) Agenda is Mary A. a new item from a memo from Ed k ECH on this. John Willey. Kohinke asking for reso on DUI a request to speak under Citizens Comments at Let ECH know and add to agenda. Keep the note number. in my PC in June Directory SS /2-R~,. ~~P Number: 270954 Posted: 06/10/93 09:43 Type: Regular Message Received: Subject: Agenda Items - 6/22 From: MHA - Mary Allen To: TLH - Terry Harrington According to my notes, there are two items that I've been carrying over from your department. Will you have either one of them for the June 22 agenda? (1) Report on the CORD Program (2) Adoption of the 456 Review Policy I will be on vacation Monday and Tuesday, so if you can let me know by tomorrow, I plan to prepare the first agenda draft...thanks. A 5/ 5/93 Terry Harrington ~' Would you prepare a brief staff report on the CORD Program as requested by Mr. Eddy in the attached memo. We could put this on the agenda at a future date. Elmer Hodge/bjh cc: Mary Allen MEMO - 5/5/93 To: Elmer Hodge From: Lee B. Eddy Subject: CORD Grants The following article from the May 1 issue of the VACo newsletter describes some workshops and the application schedule for CORD grants. I hope we can identify and apply for one or more projects that qualify. A presentation or brief staff report to the Board of Supervisors on the CORD program would be informative and welcome. A listing of the types of projects that qualify may generate some suggestions from Board members or staff. copy: Supervisors, Terry Harrington, Tim Gubala CORD offers grants he Center on Rural Develop- ment recently announced details of its FY 94 innova- tion grant competition. The program supports projects that em- ploy an innovative or creative ap- proach to rural development. A to- tal of $350,000 in grant funds is available. Local governments, local and regional non-profit organiza- tions, planning district commis- sions and community action agen- cies are eligible for the grants. To disseminate information about the grant program, the Center on Rural Development has scheduled seven grant workshops: • i:30-3:30 p.m. on May 5 at Vir- ginia Highlands Community College in Abingdon • 10 a.m. to noon on May 6 at Peaks of Otter Lodge in Bedford • 10 a.m. to noon on May 7 at New Market Battlefield Park in New Market • 10 a.m. to noon on May 11 at the Best Western in South Boston • 10 a.m. to noon on May 12 at Rappahannock Community College's North Campus in War- saw • 10 a.m. to noon on May 13 at Eastern Shore Community Col- lege in Melfa • 10 a.m. to noon on May 18 at the Jackson Center in Richmond Grant applications packets can be obtained after May 5 from CORD, at the application workshops or from planning district commis- sions. Applications must be re- turned by July 7. For more informa- tion, call CORD at (804) 371-7075. .~ LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22, 1993, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority to amend the official zoning maps of Roanoke County by rezoning 767.33 acres of land from AG-3 and AG-1 to EPD (Explore Park District), located in the Vinton Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: June 3, 1993 ~' ~~~J Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, June 8, 1993 Tuesday, June 15, 1993 Direct the bill for publication to: VA Recreational Facilities Authority c/o River Foundation 101 S. Jefferson Street, Sixth Floor Roanoke, VA 24011 (703) 345-1295 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOBt9800, ROANORE, OA 24018 ~~J LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 22, 1993, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, to receive public comments and suggestions on amending the official zoning maps of Roanoke County by modifying the zoning map classification of certain parcels throughout Roanoke County. Copies of the proposal, including maps of all parcels involved, are available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: June 3 , 1993 ,~~~ ~~ ~~'~°-~v' Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, June 8, 1993 Tuesday, June 15, 1993 Direct the bill for publication to: Roanoke County Planning Department PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 to - °~ a ~,y., a.~`° ~11P~ ~~~,.~,r~ o„"~ ~`~ D. NEW BUSIIVESS 1. Request for Adoption of the Emergency Operations Plan. (Emergency Services Coordinator Larry Logan) R-6893-1 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN URC 2. Request for Approval of Proposed Legislative Requests for `\,, Virginia Association of Counties. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) CON1'INLIED TO 6/22/93 BOARD TO PROVIDE INPUT AND REOUESTS PRIOR TO NEXT MEETING EXPLORE WILL BE DELETED FROM VACO REQUEST AND ADDED AS LOCAL REOUEST EGK REQUESTED AND BOARD CONSENSUS TO ADD STRONGER DUI LEGISLATION PMM TO PROVIDE MORE DETAILS ON PROPOSED REQUESTS LBE PRESENTED OTHER REQUESTS AND ASKED THAT THEY BE RE;~~IEWED E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinances Amending Ordinance 82592-12, the Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning District Maps for Roanoke County. (Terry Harrington, Planning & Zoning Director) 2 Temporary Construction Easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia for Improvement of Valley Forge Avenue and Bunker Hill Drive. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) EKG MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 6/22/93 URC H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Appropriating the Funds for the 1993-94 Fiscal Year Budget for Roanoke County. (Reta Busher, Director of Management & Budget) 0-6893-2 BI;T MOTION TO ADOPT ORD WITH ALT. A LANGUAGE WITHDRAWN HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD WITH LANGUAGE AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF (ALTERNATIVE A~ URC ~'~~ I. APPOINTMENTS ~~ ~i r/YL 1. Clean Valley Council HCN NOMINATED VINCE REYNOLDS TO ANOTHER TWO-YEAR TERM EXPIRING TLnvE 30, 1995. J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WII.L BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-6893-3 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA URC 4 JUNE 2 2 ~ ~ {~ Approve Leislative requests ~© ~ Reso of Apprec-Heald Richardson ~ rO~~ ~`~ Funding for engr. & feasibility-jail ' ~ oC ,,,~ Reso for Commonwealth Games ~ j- T/-~ ~ =lrrcz ~' I ~ ~~ o Report on CORD Program?? S~-r' _ _~_... ____~~t 4 5 Review _~°~•~' S e ~ ~"" T~-/ / PH -Amendments to Zoning Ord PH -Amendments to Zoning Maps PH -Rezone Explore property ~'~ "'~~-~ Report and Cost Estimates from Stormy 1st - Vicious Dog Ord 2nd -Donation of Easement -Valley Forge Police Dept. Grant ~~ ~ d r-i ~ 7`~e^ dam/ ~,~ t~ r~, ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 22, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Proposal to conduct an engineering study for double bunking of existing jail cells and completion of a dormitory on the sixth floor of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND' The Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility averaged a daily population of 140 during the calendar year 1992; and during the first five months of 1993, the daily inmate population has averaged 147. This is for Roanoke County and Salem prisoners only and does not include any Federal prisoners . ~~ ~~~~~, D ~ ~-~ e 5~~; ~~ The facility has 104 eds designated for general inmat population. ~F1C~ Our population has peaked at 190 inmates at times a to excess ~a,~,,,M inmates sentenced o serve their time on weekends. an U engineering study to determine the feasibility of completing the ~"~ sixth floor in the design of a dormitor would add an additional 37 beds. ~ii,~s~-, ~f the study determines tha each of the 104 general inmate population cells can be double nked per the minimum standards, we project this move would enable anoke County and the City of Salem to meet the demand in correctio s through the year 2005, based upon the previous fiv years' inmate opulation growth in the Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility. -T--~~ S SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: g--~ requester that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors appropriate the neces ry funds for the engineering and feasibility studies. could be done for approximately $15,000. When RFPs are returned to us, we should ask Salem City to fund their appropriate share of the cost. FISCAL IMPACT' Approximately $15,000 ALTERNATIVES' Continue to operate the facility in an overcrowded, understaffed condition which jeopardizes the safety and security for both the inmates and staff personnel, a condition which subjects both the Sheriff and County Government to potential civil liabilities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Gerald S. Holt Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. Sheriff County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens 1 June 14, 1993 TO: Elmer Hodge FROM: Spencer Watt SUBJECT: LSCA Grant for Services to Older Adults Enclosed is a Board Report for the LSCA grant awarded to the Library. This grant will allow us to purchase a new van and some computer equipment, as well as provide sufficient staffing to develop new programs for the target population. I am enclosing a budget for the program for your review, but not as an attachment for the Board Report unless you think that it should be included. Please note that I will not be in Roanoke on 06/22, and I will not be able to present a report if this is a regular agenda item. I am hoping that it will be included on the consent agenda. No other library staff member is prepared to take this before the Board, so if it is to be treated as a regular agenda item we will have to wait until the next Board meeting in July. If you have any questions about the grant, please call me. ~ .... r ll~' F} 1tc,1EUF ~. ~~c ~,,j I .. w. ~- .. 1 y (,\v 1 ... ~~ ... _.. ~I . .. ...... .. t .. ,r__ ,_ . _,_ ~..~Cj .r I~ ~:~. , .~~ _ .. e t.> r _~. ~ .~o ~~-- , -- ~ r ~ `.~ ~ ~, jerk a~ ..._._.._.,__ . _~. .~....,_... ,.. . .. -. ... h ,...~,. i~ >. w IBS i a _..~....,. .... _...,.__ _ ~. ~ ,T ..... ~ ... ., .. .. ~ ...., e. ,. .... . _. ,...~ r_. a c_u ,~„ ~'> ,~ ,--T-pT ~.y .~..~ u~\ ~_... _. .... ., ~ ~ ~, r- -- - r if P.` 1992 CpMMONWEALTH GAMES OF VIRGINIA ECONGMlC IMPACT STATISTICS 1. Direct Vlsttar Expenditures a. number of athletes that stayed overnight b, number of spectators that stayed overnight (1:3 ratio) c, average length of stay d, estimated average deity expenditures e, estimated overnight visitor expenditures (a+bxcxd} f, number of day athletes g. number of day spectators (1 :3 retie) h. number of day volunteers i. estimated average daily expenditures j. estimated day visitor expenditures (f+g+hxi) k estimated total visitor expenditures (e + 1) 11. Regional Multiplier and Turnover i. tum-over effect to local economy "see report m. full local economy economic impact (k x m} 111. Estimated Sales Tax Revenues n. percentage taxable sales o. local sales tax rate p. estimated local sales tax (kxnxo} total visitor related tax reven11es 3232 9696 2.14 $139.75 $3,666,312.32 5,212 15,636 1,500 $1 S.QO $335,220.00 $4,201.532.32 $1.66 $6,974.543.65 1 OQ°/a 4.5% $189,068.95 $189,Ofi8.95 ~- !'ir' 1Qt ca_~ ~~~ VIRGINIA AMATEUR SPORTS,INC. F' . 412 Shenandoah Bwlding Roanoke, Virginia 24011 (~a3) 343-087 FAX (703) 343-7407 Virginia p,mateur Sports, Inc. 1`/lission Statement Virginia Amateur Sp h sd~ve~oament orf ama eur~ athletics~r°olur 1ed in t98~. to promote t e P state: -Today, i# operates with four primary goals. 1. To develop and promote anti-drug programs for athletes of all ages within the state of Virginia. 2. TQ develop, promote and stage the Commonwealth Gar~~:~~~. rf Virginia under the jurisdiction of the National Congress of State Games, with the objective of making the Ccammonweatth Games of Virginia the best in the nation. 3. To attract other major amateur athletic events, such as national sport championships, pre-ofympic guaiifying events and major amateur exhibitions m Virginia. ~, To assist in the development and promotion of amateur sports activities in Virginia. SPQNSOR OF r~_I(~a ill ~._ :1 : -,i_t .-. ~- ~ ,_ ~~~ VIRGINIA AMATEUR SP08TS, INC. F' . 4 41 ~? Shenandoah ErUlldlilg Roanoke, Virginia 2~kU11 (703) 343-0987 FAX ('03) 343-7407 COMMONWEALTH GAMES QF VIRGINIA 1953 FACT SHEET What: An Olympic-style sports festival for Virginia's amateur athletes of all ages and skills. When; July 15 - t$, 1993 Where: Sporting venues throughout the Roanoke Valley and surrounding communities. Venues will extend from Lynchburg and Waynesboro to Smith Mountain Lake and Salem. Who: VAS was named the official organizer of the State Lames by Governor Wilder as recomrrrended by the Virginia Governor's Commission on Sports and Physical Fitnes:7. T!~e Commonwealth Lames are a sanctiUned member of the National Congress of State Games. Affiliations: The Commonwealth Lames are recognized by the Untied States Olympic Committee, Virginia High School League, National Collegiate Athletic Association, and by many of t•:`"ie nati~:na4 governing bodies. Funding: Local Governments, Corporate Sponsors, and Registration Fees. Sports: Archery, Autocross, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball, l~c`•~i,~-E,~t. Chess, Cross Country Run (SK & 10K}, Cycling, Disc Go!r, Fencing, Golt (Jr. and Sr.), Handball, Horseshoes, Juoc, ~~:a:'~i`+r, Lacrosse, Powerlifting, Race Walking, Racquetball, Read Race (5-mile and 1-mile Fun-Run), Ftoiler Skating, Sailing, Shooting, Soap Box 17erby, Soccer, Softball (slow- and fast-pitch;, Swimming, Masters Swimming, Synchronized Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Track & Field, UttimatE Frisbee, Girls Volleyball, 2-an-2 Volleyball, Water ` ~~ 1g, and Wrestling. Kickoff: Opening Ceremonies will be Friday, July 16, 1993 at 8:00 PSG" at Victory Stadium. Join in the celebration of our particle c~` athletes and the lighting of the torch. ;/olunteers: '~":: vv!:.1ntPer, call 703!33-09$7 or 800,333-$27~. SPONSOR OF - -- - ~._ _ - 7 7 1 1 _ - a a s. .a air •-_ ~~--~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ` T ~~ ~ ~~ Y~ ~~ ~ ! 1 l~ ~~) 1. '~• .____ . ~. . ___ __ - °n~~L Fr' _ _ aac _ __ s.. .. mt:u. Fri Est :,,_.. Ji.i i,Y 1 ~ 16 17 1 R 22 23 2~ 2S - _ _i r- Au[uc:ro5ti SuiE ?~Sa~, : ~ Y Ba~eb~.11 • • ~ .,..-,.~. - --- _._ Bowling * • y _ C~rcl~s Counmv k un • __ ...... _ - ~ ~ ~_ _ , I~1.1 ~~ C•~~)11 • ;~ at, ' .:, ,.:. ...~ ~a[l~~t~d'I' ~ • kt~?~{~~ - _-__ _-- • , .., lac ~~:n ~u~~`;~~il_, Sri _~f~ r:~+.. 1~ j+~- _ tit [ ~'!_ 1~ • r ._ : .. .. _ _ . _. - -. . ~.. _T ~ _~. .~..~._ rin ~__ , , ... _ .T-- __ y ~ .. . . .........__.__ t. . -- -- - __._- _- _ . _ _ _ _....~ _ . - r. ~ :: ,. ...mss ______ _.~-.~.._.. _ . ~:, ~;, __ , Jt~l4C~t~f~ +~it>~~ p2L~2k7 - ___ _, ~ ~ .. ._. u.._~__ _~ . ~ :: --___ u...._. - -._.______.~.._.~_ __ ~wiruktiiri!-' i ~l r ~ . • j { ~ ~.rA2ai~c~~3i~`l sT 5..~(TU l~7 - T + x`'11 T ~fw, ~~~ ~l~l.-a}F~..r~.~4T~~ 4eJ-~:: ~.~r Syr. hrt` .;r ,1 .>~'.it;rr;iit ~, ~ T~F1IP ~~~if:r "~enni~ • • • • • ~~~. ,. . _ ._ ~........__ - -- - - ~-_ __. 1 t. ~ilirlrai,r _.~~lCt" _ .._~ .. • _ -, _ _,T_- _. __ _....r t ...._ ~- --- ----- - - -----~, _. _.. - ~f i!1 M ~/iU t_~a' ~ ova-m~~'"~`"~`, C ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ . ~°~rv ~~ ~~ c.a-~--e- o, ~ 3 412 Shenandoah Building Roanoke, Virginia 2401 1 (703) 343-0987 FAX (703) 343-7407 %irginia ~mateur Sports, Inc. would like to thank the County of Roanoke for your support of the Commonwealth Ganes of Virginia. The County of Roanoke took a bold step forward when it began to support statewide, Olympic-style games in Virginia. i"lith the steadfast support from the County of Roanoke and many in the Roanoke Valley, Virginia Amateur Sports has been able to promote a premier sporting event in the Valley for all Virginians. Roanoke County's financial support of $25,000.00 and in-kind services of nearly $14,000.00 has enhanced our ability to create the Commonwealth Games of Virginia for her amateur athletes, and the citizens of Roanoke. From registration on Thursday, to the Opening Ceremonies on Friday night, through the competition at venues held throughout the county, Roanoke County's support is very evident. The Games have been overwhelmingly successful. From a modest beginning, we anticipate this year's games will have twice the number or sports and twice the athletes who participated in the first year. The dream has become a reality with help from folks like you. Thank you for your continued support. As in the past, we need your continued support. A list of our needs for this year is attached. ` On behalf of the board of directors, staff, volunteers, the thousands of athletes who participated, and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our "Thanks° for your thoughtful support. Sincerely, Virginia Amateur Sports, Inc. '~_ ~ ~---` ~4 _..= J ~ c ~ ~~ hc~---- Kennetir'E. King, Jr. ~~ P?ter R. Lampman Board of Directors, Chairman Executive Director ~ - ~. SPONSOR OF ..r'r ..~i VIRGINIA AMATEUR SPORTS, INC. COIINTY OF ROANORE STATEI~NT OF NEEDS Facilities 412 Shenandoah Building Roanoke, Virginia 2401 1 (703) 343-0987 FAX (703) 343-7407 • Cave Spring High School, Hidden Valley High School, Hidden valley Middle School, Green Hill Park, Northside High School, Walrond Park, William Byrd High School. Support Services • Roanoke County Parks & Recreation Department (Staff support, facilities and sport venues support). Marketing • County Board of Supervisor's resolution declaring the week of July 11-18 as Commonwealth Games of Virginia Week. • Participating in special events and oppor- tunities to recognize local government's support. Financial • Continued financial support. SPONSOR OF 6/14/93 Mr. Hodge: ~ ~~ __. Margaret Baker or Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, 983-0700, called and would like to present Distinguished Service Award from Chamber, Crime Prevention Committee, to County Citizen. Mark Lee. Skip Burkart will present the award. Said Tom Kincaid was supposed to call us. I told her I saw no problem but would take to Agenda Staff Meeting and call her back tomorrow. Brenda ~~ i~ ROANORE COUNTY POLICE DE] M E M O R A N D U TO: Margaret Baker Chamber of Commerce FROM: Tom Kincaid`~~~( DATE: June 3, 1993 SUBJECT: Distinguished Service Award (Mr. Mark Lee.) ~~~ ~v~~. ~-r~ ~~ On February 8, 1993 Officer John Hoover of the Roanoke County Police Department was working security at Tanglewood Mall in plain clothes. Shortly after 3:00 p.m. Officer Hoover responded to a call for service at Brendles regarding an attempt by two suspects to obtain money by false pretenses. While enroute, the management of Brendles directed Officer Hoover to two suspects fleeing on foot in the parking lot. Officer Hoover commanded the suspects to stop, which they failed to do. Hoover gave chase of foot. Mr. Lee was in the parking lot of Tanglewood Mall and had observed these activities. Without regard for his personal safety he started toward the individuals, one of which he had realized was a police officer. While Officer Hoover was struggling with one of the suspects, the second suspect turned to the officer and his accomplice, and started at the officer. Mr. Lee asked Officer Hoover if he needed assistance. Hoover acknowledged he did, not knowing the intentions of the second suspect.. Mr. Lee detained the second suspect. Both suspects were subsequently arrested by Officer Hoover and transported to the Roanoke County Jail. During the struggle Mr. Lee's glasses were broken and he was assaulted by one suspect. The Roanoke County Police Department wishes to thank Mr. Mark Lee on behalf of the citizens of Roanoke County for rendering aid to one of it's law enforcement officers. Without Mr. Lee's assistance more serious personal harm could have occurred to Officer Hoover or the suspects, had the use of force been escalated due of the suspects unlawful behavior. _ ~- Number: 270206 Posted: 06/08/93 16:41 Type: Regular Message Received: 06/09/93 08:24 Subject: Distinguished Service Award From: TWK - Tom Kincaid To: AMG - Anne Marie Green Mr. Mark Lee has been personally notified by me of the award to be presented by the Regional Chamber of Commerce for assisting Officer Hoover. Lee indicates he will be in attendence. Chief Cease will be there as well as Hoover. Kincaid 561-8062 s Mayor Jerry Allen Wolfe Vice Mayor Paul W. Hurley Councilman Larry B. Kirksey Councilman C. Farnham Jarrard Councilman James F. Rector Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: Mayor John S. Gaines Vice Mayor Fred R. Esser r C Councilman R. Elmer Doak Councilman Patrick W. Hickie Councilman Ken Messerole The Cities of Bristol, Virginia, and Bristol, Tennessee, encourage you to support the New York to Atlanta via Southwest Virginia and Eastern Tennessee AMTRAK route. This route would connect major northeast cities with Atlanta through western Virginia and eastern Tennessee. In order to kick off local support of this project, the Cities will be hosting a reception to promote and discuss the route on June 29, 1993, from 2:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. in the King College Dining Hall in Bristol, Tennessee (map enclosed). This route would serve as a logical expansion of the national AMTRAK network and would provide badly needed transportation access to our area as well as development of local economies. Any support you can contribute through letters to the Federal government, State officials or AMTRAK staff would be of great benefit. If you or a representative can attend this reception at the King College Dining Hall on June 29th, please call Donald Brown, Deputy City Manager for Development at (615) 989-5516 or FAX (615) 989-5717 by 5:00 p.m. on June 24, 1993. If you know of others who may be interested in attending, please give Mr. Brown a call so that he may extend them an invitation. We look forward to seeing you and to sharing ideas on how best to promote the development of the AMTRAK New York -Atlanta via Tennessee route. ~~} ~}~-~ e r A l n Wolf ~ V y ~ e, Mayor ohn S. Gaines, Mayor ' y of ristol Virginia City of Bristol Tennessee jd Enclosure June 11, 1993 yyy ~byy~~lbN F F ~ s ~ ~ ~ 1 S V. 2~ ~ l~ p ~ `~ X ~ ~ 3 (it .~ V~'~ rt• ~ ~H ri ~ A ~ c l O ~ Z -~ ~ .,^ ~ ~ h ~ ~ q (.i F nl ~ ~ D ~ ~ r R ~ ~~ ~ ~ :~~ ~ ;~ ~ ~. ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ,~ a ~ T lp ~ (t I f~ ~- ~ [[~T a W 8 -~ h ~. ~ n (0 C 3 i 1~ n n ~~ `~~. J h ~i 2 j 1 s °~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ e - ------ a - _- ~~~ CDMMo ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ oP ~~z ,"~ w~ w a^U ~~ °- p~+- ~.ewpa~'~ ~ n ~ ~ C~cO CAm y b ~ o 6 p (~ YAW ~ D2J ~ /l^JT.yv ~ l ~ M An~~O~/st( =-~_ .,. i- F ~ _-_ .~ p R A •p T ~ ~, s ~ ~ ;°QY~ S~~ ~ ccct.~'~ c /~ cy,! fie/d ~ (~ ~. Iyr''a NN 3~~~ ~Q a~y'~d ~~o v~ ~~'d m k ~~~< y~~' Beecti ' ~e ~ "` ~~ N ,t'no/l !~y O ~ ~ c .Vl ~ Q I ~ ~ m ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m e s't ~ o ~p a ~ ~ ~ i ~, ~ i ~ `^ J- ° ~ ~ ff r ~ a I ~ ~, r I ° ~ ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ I~ '^ `~b' ~ $ ~~ ~ n ~~ ~ F +o, CITY O~ BRI~TOL_ ~/IRGINIA r ti,_ A RESOLUTION urging the United States Congress to support the extension of Amtrak rail service between New York and Atlanta via Bristol. WHEREAS, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation ("Amtrak") has recently completed an internal study of proposed new rail routes, including a new line from New York to Atlanta by way of Roanoke, Bristol, Knoxville, and Chattanooga. WHEREAS, the proposed new route would connect major northeast cities with Atlanta through the western Virginia cities of Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke, and Bristol, as well as the eastern Tennessee cities of Bristol, Knoxville, and Chattanooga; WHEREAS, such new line would serve as a logical expansion of Amtrak's national network and would link major population centers in western Virginia and eastern Tennessee with New York and Atlanta; WHEREAS, because of declining air and bus service to many of these cities, the new Amtrak route would provide badly needed transportation access and act as a catalyst to development of local economies; WHEREAS, passenger rail service to Bristol would provide additional support and increased visibility to local economic development projects and other attractions and businesses in Bristol as well as in the entire region of southwest Virginia and northeast Tennessee; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bristol as follows: This Council endorses the proposal to extend Amtrak service between New York and Atlanta via Bristol and urges the United States Congress to support the expansion of Amtrak service to Bristol as a part of the proposed New York-Atlanta Route. The undersigned duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Bristol, Virginia certifies that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution, adopted at a legally convened meeting of the City Council of Bristol, Virginia held on the 25th day of May, 1993. Daniel L. ohnson City Clerk/Comptroller DISTRIBUTION LIST The Honorable Lawrence Douglas Wilder Governor of Virginia Governor's Office Third Floor, State Capitol Richmond, Virginia 23219 The Honorable Donald S. Beyer, Jr. Lieutenant Governor of Virginia 101 North Eighth Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 The Honorable John G. Milliken Secretary of Transportation 202 North Ninth Street Room 608 Richmond, Virginia 23212 The Honorable John W. Warner United States Senate 225 Russell Senate Building Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Charles S. Robb United States Senate 493 Russell Senate Building Washington, D.C. 20510 The Honorable Frederick C. Boucher United States House of Representatives 405 Cannon House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 The Honorable Robert W. Goodlatte United States House of Representatives 214 Cannon House Office Building Washington, li.C. 20515 Mr. Leo J. Bevon Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 The Honorable G. Steven Agee 1919 Electric Road, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 The Honorable J. Brandon Bell Post Office Box 11341 Roanoke, Virginia 24022-1341 The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell Post Office Box 459 Vinton, Virginia 24179 T'ne Honorably A. Victor Thomas 1301 Orange Avenue, N.E. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum Post Office Box 1371 Roanoke, Virginia 24007 The Honorable Linda A. Hawley Clerk of Manassas Post Office Box 560 Manassas, Virginia 22110 The Honorable Donna B. Foster Clerk of Culpeper 118 West Davis Street Culpeper, Virginia 22701 The Honorable Jeanne Cox Clerk of Charlottesville Post Office Box 911 Charlottesville, Virginia 22902 The Honorable Patricia W. Kost Clerk of Lynchburg Post Office Box 60 Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 The Honorable Teresa W. Hatcher Clerk of Bedford Post Office Box 807 Mr. W. Graham Claytor, Jr., President National Railroad Passenger Corporation 60 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20007 The Honorable John S. Gaines Mayor of Bristol, Tennessee Post Office Box 1189 Bristol, Tennessee 37621 Bedford, Virginia 24523 The Honorable Mary F. Parker Clerk of Roanoke 215 Church Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 DISTRIBUTION LIST Mr. Forest Jones Assistant City Manager City of Salem Post Office Box 869 Salem, Virginia 24153-0869 The Honorable Imogene G. Brumfield Clerk of Christiansburg Post Office Box 599 Christiansburg, Virginia 24073 The Honorable Roy I. Lloyd, Jr. Clerk of Radford 619 Second Street Radford, Virginia 24141 The Honorable Ruth A. Harrell Clerk of Pulaski Post Officer Box 660 Pulaski, Virginia 24301 The Honorable Sharon P. Cassell Clerk of Wytheville Post Office Drawer 533 Wytheville, Virginia 24382 The Honorable Dixie 0. Sheets Clerk of Marion Post Office Box 1005 Marion, Virginia 24354 The Honorable Linda Wilson Clerk of Abingdon Post Office Box 789 Abingdon, Virginia 24210 Mr. William J. Leidinger County Executive 12000 Government Center Parkway Suite 552 Fairfax, Virginia 22035-0066 Mr. James H. Mullen Administrator of Prince William County 1 County Complex Court Prince William, Virginia 22192 Page 2 Mr. G. Robert Lee Administrator of Fauquier County 40 Culpeper Street Warrenton, Virginia 22186 Ms. Norma K. Dunwody Administrator of Culpeper County 135 West Cameron Street Culpeper, Virginia 22701 Mr. A. Terrell Baskerville Administrator of Orange County Post Office Box 111 Orange, Virginia 22960 The Honorable Lettie E. Neher Clerk of Albemarle County 401 McIntire Road Charlottesville, Virginia 22901 The Honorable R. H. Moore Clerk of Nelson County Post Office Box 336 Lovingston, Virginia 22949 Mr. Stewart E. Shaner Administrator of Amherst County Post Office Box 390 Amherst, Virginia 24521 Mr. William C. Rolfe Administrator of Bedford County Post Office Box 332 Bedford, Virginia 24523 The Honora'~le Mary H. I~llen Clerk of Roanoke County Post Office Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Ms. Betty S. Thomas Administrator of Montgomery County Post Office Box 806 Christiansburg, Virginia 24073-0806 DISTRIBUTION LIST Mr. Joseph N. Morgan Administrator of Pulaski County 143 Third Street, NW Pulaski, Virginia 24301 Mr. Billy R. Branson Administrator of Wythe County 345 South Fourth Street Wytheville, Virginia 24382 Mr. Marvin R. Perry Administrator of Smyth County Post Office Box 188 Marion, Virginia 24354 Mr. Bruce E. Bentley Adminstrator of Washington County 205 Academy Drive Abingdon, Virginia 24210 Page 3