HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/8/2009 - RegularRoanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda September 8, 2009 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for September 8, 2009. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. We respectfully request all electronic devices be turned off or silenced. Thank you. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Pastor Robert Mullen Shenandoah Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring Friday, September 11, 2009 as the tenth annual Hokie Pride Day in the County of Roanoke 2. Proclamation commemorating the 75t" Anniversary of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce 3. Resolution declaring the month of September 2009 as Preparedness Month in the County of Roanoke (Richard E. Burch, Chief of Fire and Rescue) Page 1 of 4 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to approve a memorandum of understanding between Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and Roanoke County Schools (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) E. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Section 2-3 of the Roanoke County Code, increasing the bad check fee (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Ordinance authorizing recordation of a sight distance deed restriction on County owned property adjacent to Tulip Lane, Vinton Magisterial District (Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) F. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing conveyance of a 20-foot wide drainage easement on property owned by the Board of Supervisors (Tax Map #079.02-01-67.00- 0000) known as Mount Pleasant Park to the School Board of Roanoke County in connection with renovations to Mount Pleasant Elementary School, Vinton Magisterial District (Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) G. APPOINTMENTS 1. Capital Improvement Program Review Committee (appointed by District) 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board (appointed by District) H. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDAAND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes-January 27, 2009 2. Request to establish a Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund 3. Request to appropriate funds in the amount of $119,204.50 from the City of Roanoke for the purpose of maintaining the City's analog emergency radio system Page 2 of 4 4. Resolution approving the Second Amendment to the Service Agreement between Roanoke County, the Roanoke County School Board and the Taubman Museum of Art 5. Request to appropriate grant funds in the amount of $96,646.66 for Roanoke County Schools 6. Confirmation of appointment to the Economic Development Authority I. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS J. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Proclamation and certificate of recognition signed by the Chairman M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 2. Richard C. Flora 3. Joseph P. McNamara 4. Charlotte A. Moore 5. Michael W. Altizer N. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2.3711.A.1, personnel, namely discussion concerning appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals and the Grievance Panel 0. WORK SESSION 1. Work session on the preliminary financial results of the 2008-2009 fiscal year (B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator; Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator; Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance; Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) Page3of4 2. Work session on the Department of Social Services staffing (Dr. Betty McCrary, Director of Social Services; Joyce Earl, Assistant Director of Social Services; Daniel R. O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator) 3. Work session on the condition of the Glenvar Branch Library and options for improvement (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator; Diana Rosapepe, Director of Library Services) P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Q. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 4 ACTION N4. ITEM NO. C` f AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BOARD 4F SUPERVISaRS 4F R4ANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANOKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DA'~E: September 8, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring Friday, September 11, 2009 as the tenth annual Hokie Pride Day in the County of Roanoke SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III '~~.. County Administrator CGUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMATIGN: The Roanoke Valley Hokie Club has requested that the County issue a proclamation declaring Friday, September 11, 2009 as the tenth annual Hokie Pride Day. Roanoke County is pleased to issue tl~ris proclamation and commends Virginia Tech, its alumni, friends and supporters for their continued spirit and determination while moving forward from the tragic events of April 16, 2001. Adam Shores of the Roanoke Valley Hokie Club will be present to accept the proclamation. Brian Wilson, President of the club, has also been invited to attend. ATA REGULAR MEETING OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 PROCLAMATION DECLARING FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2009, AS THE TENTH ANNUAL HOKIE PRIDE DAY IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley has had a long and mutually beneficial relationship with Virginia Tech, its alumni, and supporters; and is home to manythousands of Virginia Tech alumni and friends of the University; and WHEREAS, Virginia Tech has brought great positive attention to Southwestern Virginia in academics, research, and athletics; and the supporters of Virginia Tech feel great pride in the accomplishments of the University; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Tech Hokie Club, which extends membership to any and all supporters of Virginia Tech, is promoting Friday, September 11, 2009, as the tenth annual Virginia Tech Hokie Pride Day; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke wishes to recognize the positive impact of Virginia Tech on its community and to encourage all supporters of Virginia Tech, both individuals and businesses, to demonstrate their Hokie pride. NOWTHEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim Friday, September 11, 2009, as the tenth annual HOKIE PRIDE DAY in the County of Roanoke, and call its significance to the attention of all of our citizens; and FURTHER, we extend our best wishes to Virginia Tech, its alumni, friends, and supporters for continued success in future endeavors. ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANGKE CGUNTY ADMINIS'fRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation commemorating the 75t" Anniversary of the Salem-Roanoke Co~~nty Chamber of Commerce SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, Ill .. ~~- CountyAdministrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMA'~ION: The Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce was established in 1934 and is celebrating its 75t"Anniversaryon September 17, 2009. The attached proclamationwill be presented at the Board meeting in recognition of this outstanding accomplishment. Additionally, a celebration will be held on the anniversary date at Longwood Park to mark the occasion. Supervisor Church and members of staff are expected to attend the celebration. Debbie Kavitz, Executive Director, will be present at the meeting to accept the proclamation on behalf of the Chamber. ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 PROCLAMATION COMMEMORATING THE 75t" ANNIVERSARY OF THE SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce has been in existence since 1934; and WHEREAS, the Chamber serves businesses and business owners across the greater Salem-Roanoke Valley region; and WHEREAS, the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber hosts community events in Salem and Roanoke County for the enrichment of quality of life for all citizens; and WHEREAS, the Chamber works cooperatively with agencies, governments, and organizations across the region, and WHEREAS, the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber upholds the mission statement of the organization to create, develop, promote, and embrace quality business opportunities in the community; and WHEREAS, in honor of the Chamber's 75t" anniversary a celebration will be held for Chamber members and the community at Longwood Park on September 17, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby issue this proclamation to commemorate the 75t" ANNIVERSARY OF THE SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; and FURTHER, the Board recognizes the Chamber for seventy-five years of dedication to business and the community and calls this service to the attention of all Roanoke County citizens. ACTIGN No. ITEM NG, AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISORS OF ROAN~KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RoANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA~I•IGN CENTER MEETINO DATE: September 8, X009 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution declaring the month of September 2049 as Preparedness Month in the County of Roanoke SUBMITTED BY: Richard E. Burch Chief of Fire and Rescue APPROVED BY; B. Clayton Goodman, Ill ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATQR'SOOMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMArrION; The Department of Fire and Rescue requests that the Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution recognizing September 2DO9 as Preparedness Month in the County of Roanoke. While it is always important that county citizens and businesses are fully prepared for all disaster situations, now it is even more critical with the very real potential of the H 1 N ~ flu. STAFF RECOMMENDAT~oN: Staff recommends the adoption of a resolution recognizing Septe~~nber 2409 as Preparedness Month in the County of Roanoke, ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2009 AS PREPAREDNESS MONTH IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, the majority of our population is not ready to fully take care of themselves in a large scale disaster situation; and WHEREAS, September is National Preparedness Month, a great time to urge every person in Roanoke County to prepare themselves in the event an emergency strikes and to assemble an emergency "kit"; and WHEREAS, a kit should include various non-perishable food items, water, battery powered lights, a radio, medicines and a plan that includes copies of insurance policies, phone numbers and meeting locations where individuals could be self sufficient for the first several days of a catastrophe; and WHEREAS, a disaster could consist of various natural disasters, such as flooding, hurricanes or tornados; could be a man-made event, such as a pandemic; or could be a crisis, such as a fire that affects only a few individuals; and WHEREAS, during National Preparedness Month, the theme "Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Get Prepared" encourages all Americans to recognize the significance of and raise awareness of the importance of being ready in the event a disaster should occur. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia do hereby proclaim and recognize the month of September 2009 as Preparedness Month in Roanoke County and calls upon its citizens to take appropriate action to ensure their safety in the event of any emergency. ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANGKE CGUNTY ADMINIS~fRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve a memorandum of understanding between Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and Roanoke County Schools SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, I11 . County Adrr~~r~istrator CGUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S CQMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INF4RMATIGN: During the past budget cycles, the Board of Supervisors and the School Board have been sharing revenues with an informally agreed upon process for many years. This practice has worked well for both boards and results in a fair and equitable budget process. At a meeting with the chairs and vice-chairs of the County and School Boards, staff was asked to prepare a memorandum of understanding that documents oar current process. The attached memorandum was prepared by County and School Staff. The School Board considered this item at their meeting on August 2l, 2009, and will be taking action September ~0, 2009. FISCAL IMPACT: The attached memorandum of understanding documents the process that is currently in place. STAFF RECGMMENDATIGN: Staff recommends adopting the attached memorandum of understanding in substantially the same form as attached. Memorandum of Understanding between Roanoke County Schools and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Regarding Revenue Sharing This Memorandum of Understanding was made and entered into this day of , 2009 by and between the Roanoke County School Board and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors regarding the sharing of revenues. During each annual budget preparation time period, School Board staff and County staff shall meet along with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each board to determine the allocation of new revenues between these two governmental entities. It is the intent of this Memorandum of Understanding to develop a formula to share revenues and through the application of this revenue sharing formula to avoid unnecessary budgetary conflict. The key elements of this Memorandum of Understanding in the development of an allocation formula are as follows: 1. All of the incremental revenues in the general operating funds of the County and the Schools (excluding grants and designated revenue sources) are added together. Some examples of designated revenue sources which are excluded are: a. Amounts paid by the County for economic development incentive grants (since the intent is to expand the County's industrial/commercial tax base, which benefits both entities); b. Increases in the amount payable to the Town of Vinton per the gainsharing agreement; c. Increases in the amounts for tax relief or other tax credits; d. Increases in Fire and Rescue Fee for Service; e. Amounts received and identified as full or partial funding for mandated new positions. 2. The following expenses are subtracted from these new incremental revenues: a. Amount required for VRS increases; b. Amount required for health insurance and dental insurance increases (the county and schools have a combined health insurance plan and a combined dental insurance plan. Both offer insurance at the same price to employees of the county and the schools); c. Amount required for salary increases (the county and the schools agree to give the same average % increase to school and county employees); d. Increase in Comprehensive Services Act (CPMT) expenses (since this provides benefits to and satisfies obligations of both the school and general population); e. Incremental increases (decreases) in the amount deposited into the joint School/County Future Debt Service Reserve Fund. 3. The remaining net incremental revenues are split equally between the County and the Schools, to be budgeted and allocated by each entity to address its needs and policies. 4. This Memorandum of Understanding will be reviewed annually and amended as deemed appropriate by the Roanoke County Public School Board and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. It is the intent of the parties to allow for this continued flexibility within the agreed upon formula. If it is mutually agreeable to the School Board and Board of Supervisors, adjustments to the allocation formula to allow for joint funding of a new expenditure or proj ect may be made on an annual basis. 5. This Memorandum of Understanding and the allocation of revenues are subject to annual appropriations by the Board of Supervisors. 6. The School Board approved this Memorandum of Understanding on , 2009; and the Board of Supervisors this Memorandum of Understanding on 2009. Roanoke County Public Schools Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Chairman Date: Chairman Date: 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~ e~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA-f ION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA I'~EM: SUBMITTED BY: September $, 2009 Ordinance amending Section 2-3 of the Roanoke County Code, increasing the bad check fee Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMAI`ION: The 2004 Session of the Virginia General Assembly amended Section 15.2-106 of the Code of Virginia which authorized any locality by ordinance to provide for a fee not exceeding $35.00 for passing bad checks. The passing of any check for payment of taxes or any other sums due to the County which is subsequently returned for insufficient funds or because there is no account or the account has been closed places a financial burden on the citizens of Roanoke County. Imposing a fee for passing bad checks will help to recover some of the administrative costs and expenses for passing a bad check. The Treasurer handled 2T5 bad checks last year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt the first reading of the attached ordinance amending Section 2-3 of the County Code by increasing the bad check fee from $20.00 to $35.00; and schedule the second reading for September 22, 2009. ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 2-3 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, INCREASING THE BAD CHECK FEE WHEREAS, the 2004 Session of the Virginia General Assembly amended Section 15.2-106 of the Code of Virginia which authorized any locality by ordinance to provide for a fee not exceeding $35.00 for passing bad checks; and WHEREAS, the passing of any check for payment of taxes or any other sums due to the County, which is subsequently returned for insufficient funds or because there is no account or the account has been closed, places a financial burden on the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, imposing a fee for passing bad checks will help to recover some of the administrative costs and expenses for passing a bad check; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 8, 2009; and second reading was held on September 22, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDIANED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 2-3 of the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 2-3. Charge for bad check tendered to county. If any check tendered for any amount due the county is not paid by the bank on which it is drawn as the result of insufficient funds in the account or if there is no such account, the person by whom such check was tendered shall remain liable for the payment of such amount the same as if such check had not been Page 1 of 1 tendered and, in addition to other penalties imposed by law, shall be subject to a charge of .or,~„ rlnll~re ~~on nnl, thirty-five dollars ($35.00). 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTYADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance authorizing recordation of a sight distance deed restriction on Co~inty owned property adjacent to Tulip Lane, Vinton Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney APPROVED BY; B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'SOOMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County greenway staff has been working with ~rhe Virginia Department of Transportation ~VDOT} to improve safety on the Wolf Creek Greenway. Part of this process is to identify those areas where crosswalks are needed where the greenway crosses public roads. There are foursuch areas on the greenway-two on Leisure Lane, one on Spring Grove Drive and one on Tulip Lane. The road crossing at Tulip Lane requires same site distance improvements and parking restrictions to make it a safe area for pedestrians and motorists. This particular area, being nearthe high school and middleschool, is a pop~~ilarplaceforstudentstoparkandfordrop off and pick up of students. VDOT is requesting a sight distance deed restriction on Roanoke County property to ensure a rriir~imum of 250' of clear sight in both directions where the greenway trail crosses the road. County staff will clear and trim vegetation on County propertytoincrease visibility and improve the safety of this area. Upon completion of this work, VDOT will instal! the crosswalk and appropriate signage to notify motorists of the approaching crosswalk. The other three areas where crosswalks will be installed do not require deed restrictions, but will require some minor visibility improvements. Again, once this work is completed VDOT will install the crosswalks. Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT None STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the first reading and scheduling the second reading for September 22, 2009. Page ~ of 2 ATA REGULAR MEETING OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF A SIGHT DISTANCE DEED RESTRICTION ON COUNTY OWNED PROPERTY ADJACENT TO TULIP LANE, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Roanoke County has constructed the Wolf Creek Greenway which crosses Tulip Lane, State Secondary Route 1017, at a curve, between adjoining properties owned by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in the Vinton Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has requested a line of sight distance of 250 feet in both directions from the point where the Wolf Creek Greenway crosses Tulip Lane, and that Roanoke County establish a restriction upon its property for a line of sight distance of two hundred fifty feet (250') in a northerly direction across its property; and WHEREAS, the curve of Tulip Lane in a northerly direction from the point at which the Greenway crosses this public road necessitates a permanent restriction and dedication of the portion of public property within this curve to provide adequate public safety; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke desires to permanently designate and restrict the use of portions of its property consisting of 0.1393 acres, identified as a portion of Tax Map #61.02-01-55.00, as necessary for the construction and safe public use of the Wolf Creek Greenway as shown on the plat entitled "PLAT SHOWING SIGHT DISTANCE EASMENT BEING RESERVED FOR PUBLIC USE BY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, ROANOKE COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL #61.02-01-55.00 SITUATED ALONG TULIP LANE RTE. 1017, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, Page 1 of 3 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA", prepared by Roanoke County Department of Community Development, dated August 7, 2009 and attached as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the proposed designation and reservation of a sight distance easement will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of an interest in real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on September 8, 2009, and a second reading was held on September 22, 2009. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be restricted and preserved for public uses shall be permanently reserved and dedicated in connection with the construction of Roanoke County's Wolf Creek Greenway. 3. That the recordation of a permanent deed restriction for purposes of designating and setting apart a sight distance easement or restriction on the above- mentioned map, on the County's property (Tax Map No. 61.02-01-55.00) adjacent to Tulip Lane, Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the County Administrator, or Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. Page 2 of 3 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 3 of 3 # ~~ ~~' r' ~~ ' - ~~r ~,~ ~ ~ G~OUYTY GF RiA~INAKE I~1~5 T~ R~If 1n YA~VTA~V ~ ~~ SNOMN SIT dSTAMt',~ EAS~IIT. ANY ~T QR QBrECTS SHAT ,: NVTER~ MITH T~ A~JTY QF rlf~T~ VD'~E"5 GpfRATt~S QR `~~` ~~ ~ ~ ~q AQE~fJAnY I~M~ 1RAfFIC G~ G~V~ DE's ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ IMU aE ~~ .~ ~ ~ ti ~. w .~' ~a25.(~_~? ,~ CURVE "A` CURVE ~B° N ' `~J i~ ~,~' Py4gPfR1Y G~ _ .. 03 ~ ~• ~~.--~ ~a ' ~ ' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ . couNrrscHOOL aoaRD R= X95.00 R 245.00 ~ . ~~ .~~ -r ~~ ~ :.~ e L 299.50. *~376.Z9 , o ~ ~M~~ErH B~aziF ~~' ~ ~ ~O~ RoAnroxE cou~r-rr D~Oa o5 D-sso0 oQ ~ 1] ~,.~ ~ ~ \ ~, ~ D.B. 1105 PG. 81 f=188.31' T=236.59 ~ (~ 5, p .~ • oa 1344 P~ got P.B. 9 PG. 191 CH26'30`W CH=N04'26'231~I ~ 1~.' . ~ I'.8. 9, ~P'G. 281 , ~ ~; ~~ TAX X81.02-01-520 CHORD GIST.=270.92' CHORD DIST.~40.38' Z vs AX X61.02-W--D3.00 ~ ~ e~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ 3~6 ,~\ C~, ~, .~ CURVE 'C CURVE "D ~ a ~ ..... ~ ~,o. ~' ` .. R=245.OO' 1245.00' ~.. ~ ~ L~5O.00' L=i 3i.i8' Q (L ~ `~,,~~ ~' GF~~ ~~'` W~ D-11'41'37 a^30r4O'3T Q ~~` ~• ~~~ ~~~ - • ~~ `' `~` T=25.09' T=67.20' Z ~ W ~ ~` ~ ~ ' ~ ~ . ~' ~ CH=N33'06'D5 Q ~ ~, t~ , ~ ~ . ~ S ~ CH=N33'42 48~ DIY ~ eS +~p 1 CHORD DIET.=129.81' o . ~ •n1 ~ 3 . F~ CHORD DIST.~19.92 W W Cep gyp. 3~ ~~ ~~g ~ e ,1~ , ~. o w p ~~ ~, o ~ ,~ Q ~ ~, Roanro-rE counrrr :. ,, ~' p. Q ~ 0~ ,~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 , ~ 9oARD of SUPERY SQRS ~'~ ~. / G9. 1776 PQ m~ 1~ ~~~~, ,~ v ~ ~ N ~ V• ~ ~ti~p~~r ,~ ~~~ ~ ~ iN P.B. 9, PG. 2 ¢~ `,• ~ y ~ / ~i ~ TAX ~B1.02- -54.00 V ~• ~r~~ ' s~'24 ~ Q~'o~'a' ~ t / ~ ~i -~-~ G pRA1NACE 1 o~ 39. ~3' ~ N7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pq~N T ~ `L sp0• t t t 20.00 EA~~ l ~' 2 t ~ ::. :. •~ o CURVE "E' 7 4~Y t ~r S~ x: --kf.~ ~8749~52__ • Zs?' ~ 58749 52"W $ R=195.D0' f t t fiZ,0~0' I ~ ~' n ~~ 70'~ 1+ L=139.00' EXISTING SANITARY t t o y ~~ ;: ~ ~ ~ D=40'50'30" SEWER EASEMENT ; ! t m ~ _ _ ~ T=72.60' Pf~ER1Yi OIF'~ ~ ~ ~ ~. a CHxN28'01'17"W RoANO1~E C~(DL~NTY 149.4_7 1 CHORD DIST.=136.08' ~oARD oar SU E Y1SaRS L ~ y SIGHT D!S TANCE EASE~EN T ~~ ~, ~ 0,6,1 ~ PG. 33 w (6, 067. GO S.F.} n. X393 Ac. Pt.9 P.281\ .: R=195.00 t ~' ~ EXISTING w• - PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK ~'•~. L=66,97 ~ ~.8. ~, P'G. 204 ~./ DRAINAGE N ~ ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~~;, D=19'40'40* T~( ~I.O --01-55.00 EASEMENT ~ .. REQUESTED IN THIS :::~ LOCATION .` . CH=N 43'13'E ~;~•'~~:~ ~=.a:.:~;~,~•,w,;~•~.~rw«,ti-~•s ,~,:;:~ w'r:: ~ri....:~-~ ,~~..• CHORD DIST.=fifi.64 ~r~p~ ~ t s ,.. ~. •,.~' ~ ~. t WOLF r ... , ~~. ;;''~ ~ ! CREEK ; . ~. , ... ,. ~. .;• • '4 ~• ~' '~~ ~ ~ ~ '~ N~ GREEN WAY `~ ~ ~ : ~ :~" w~a~:~~ ,,t- ~ ~ ~ ~' . . ~ ~ ~ ! .rr l + r r 0 ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ..~! ~ PLAT SHOWING ~' *~ i~~ ~'4p , ~C i ~ ~. ~ ~ ~8' `~ SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT ~ ~ ~' i° ~ '~ ~' ~' ~ ~ Q~i ~ i i ~ BEING RESERVED ' ~ ~ ~° ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ FoR PuBUC usE ` ' ~ s ~ ~~ ~ ~ BY ~ ~. o~ . ~, .. ~ BEARD ~F SUPERVISORS, ,~ a, o '~ , ,,~, ~ ~~, P¢ R~AN~KE COUNTY ~~~ , ~° ~ ~`~ '~ ROANOKE CQUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL # fi~.02--Ot-55.00 ~ ' o° `~ ~ SITUATED A oNG TULIP LAN R .1017 ~, God ~d` c L E TE . ~ ~ G $' y°,~~ ~ ~ VINT4N MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ~ ~~ ,~~ ~ ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA ~ 4. , '~' ~ ~ o~¢°P~~' ~ SCALE: 1'~ fi0' DATE: AUGUST 7 2009 ~'~ G ~~ ' c~ PREPAREQ BY ROANOHB COUNTY DEPAR~7[ENT OF CO]~YUN~I'Y DEVEIAPYENT EXHIBIT A ACTIGN NG, ITEM NO. AT A REGI~LAR MEE1"ING GF THE BGARD GF SI~PERVISGRS GF RDAN4KE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R4AN4KE CGI~NTY ADMINISTRATIGN CEN"fER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPRGVED BY: September 8, 2009 Grdinance authorizing conveyance of a 20-foot wide drainage easement on property owned by the Board of Supervisors Tax Map #019.02-o1-fil.ofi-oooo} known as Mount Pleasant Park to the School Board of Roanoke County in connection with renovations to Mount Pleasant Elementary School, Vinton Magisterial District Joseph B. Gbenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATGR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY 4F INFORMATION: As part of the design work for the additions and renovations to Mount Pleasant Elementary School, the School Board's engineers with Gay and Neel have determined that a drainage easement is required across property owned by Roanoke County. See letter dated August 19, 2009, attached as Exhibit A. "fhe designed school additions and renovations will generate concentrated stormwater runoff which must be conveyed to and discharged into an appropriate stream or channel, The closest point for the anticipated water runoff is a stream which is just beyond the existing ball fields in the County's Mount Pleasant Park. This drainage item will not adversely affect the existing ball field on the County's property, The design and location of this 20-foot wide drainage easement has been reviewed by the County's engineering staff and determined to be necessary and adequate. The design for this drainage easement is required by both Roanoke County's stormwater management ordinance and design manual and similar Commonwealth of Virginia Page 1 of 2 standards. Therefore, Roanoke County Schools has requested the donation of this drainage easement by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. F{SCAL IMPACT None STAFF RECQMMENDAI'~QN: Staff recommends the approval of this ordinance to donate a 24-foot wide drainage easement located on County property to the School Board of Roanoke County. Page 2 of 2 ___ _ _. ~I~~GAY AND NEEL, INC. .. ~ ~! ~ 126Q RADFQRD STREET ~~ CNRISTIANSBDRG, VA 2~4~73 August t ~, 209 . t " I~r. Maxon ~. Misicko s Roanoke County Public Schools S i ~ X937 Cove Read - _ Roanoke, ~A 24U1~ . . RE; Mount Pleasant Elementary School ~ - " . .lob No. 245.0 ~ ~ . Dear Dr, Misicko: ~ ~~ The site design for the additions and renovafinns at Mount Pleasant will generate concentrated . stvrmwater runoff; in .order to responsibly ~ manage and discharge this runoff, the State and, County regulations req'uine, that the storm water be conveyed to and discharged ~ into an adequate receiving channel or stream,. In the case of this project, the closest point where the storm water runoff can be properly aid responsibly discharged is in the stream that is just beyond the existing ball fields in the Roanoke County Mount Pleasant Park. "This is the best and most responsible approach ~ to handling the storm drainage; however, the installation of the proposed storm drain line and ditch across the park properly cannot be ' done without a drainage went. A twenty foot wide drainage easement must be conveyed from the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~Dwner of the Mount Pleasant Park prapertyy to the R+oanoice County School Board ~4wner of the Mount~Pleasant Elementary School}: ~ ~ ~ ~ " . ~ The Drainage Easement Plat titled, "Plat from Records Showing" A 24' Drainage Easement for Tax Parcel 4T9.42-01-~7.4U-4UO~ Locate of Mount Pleasant Boulevard"reflects the needed easement . and was required as part of Roanoke County's drainage design requlremer~ts as set fortta by the Roanoke . . ,. County Stormwater Management ordinance and the Roanoke County 5tormwater Management Design Manual that require for ~tormwater to be discharged to an adequate receiving channel. This is also a requirement of the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation's Niuaimum S~ndaxd 19~ as detailed in the •~u~ginia Erosion and Sediment Control lVlancial and the Virginia Stormwater Management ' . ~a~adbook. This adequate receiving channel needed to receive stormwatex discharge from the ~Vlount ; Pleasant Elementary Scboal Additions and Renovations project is located on the above mentioned tax ' parcel owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. ~ .. - Roanoke County's Planning and Engineering staff have reviewed and approved Plans and .Calculations, which show this channel to be necessary and adequate: The addition of these drainage items . do not provide any additional risk to the above mentioned parcel, which happeas to be a bail field. Thank you' for youx time and consideration in reviewing this matter. . , Sincerely, Gay and Neel, Inc. ~~ Trevor M. Rimzey, P.E. . . Director of Engineering TMKlscw ~ ~ . PHQNE:~(~~0}~3~1-fi011 ~~ E-MAIL:INFO@GAYANDNEEL.GQM I~ FAX: (54oy 381-2773" ~~ EXHIBIT A ATA REGULAR MEETING OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF A 20-FOOT WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (TAX MAP #079.02-01-67.00-0000) KNOWN AS MOUNT PLEASANT PARKTO THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTYIN CONNECTION WITH RENOVATIONS TO MOUNT PLEASANT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Roanoke County Schools is currently renovating the Mount Pleasant Elementary School, which construction project requires a 20-foot wide drainage easement adjoining property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map #079.02- 01-67.00-0000) known as Mount Pleasant Park, as recorded in Deed Book 870, page 313, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, this drainage easement is necessary to ensure compliance with Roanoke County and the State of Virginia stormwater regulations; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County Schools requires a drainage easement from Roanoke County for their drainage onto the County's property to ensure proper drainage from the school site (Tax Parcels, #079.02-01-68.00 and #079.04-01-04.00-0000) as shown on the plat entitled "Plat From Records Showing a20' Drainage Easementon Tax Parcel 079.02- 01-67.00-0000, Located off Mount Pleasant Boulevard, Vinton Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia", dated 0811912009, prepared by Timothy S. Nash, land surveyor; and WHEREAS, the proposed easement will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County. THEREFORE, BE ITORDAINED bythe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 1 of 2 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on August 25, 2009, and a second reading was held on September 8, 2009. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made availableforother public uses by conveyancetothe County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia for drainage from the Mount Pleasant School building property in the Vinton Magisterial District of Roanoke County. 3. That donation to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia of a 20-foot wide drainage easement across County property identified as Tax Parcel # 079.02- 01-67.00-0000, on the above-mentioned map, attached hereto as Exhibit A, for purposes of improvement to the Mount Pleasant Elementary School (Tax Map No. 079.02-01-68.00- 0000 and No. 079.04-01-04.00-0000) is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ~ ZISIH~~ uro~ lo~upu°~°b~a~u~ I~°w~ erur$lr~ ~,ijuno~ axoveo~ N -~ a o 09SS-Sbf ~a+S) xD~ 0 t t Z -Sbf (O~S1 .~uo+~d ~ a h~ o .. gYfl~Z etut~at~ 'a~oueo~ ~aII~SIQ ~E,T_Ia~S~Ej~ [I~~[.II~ ' a ~~•~ anuaAd trte~unoy~ 8~£ prenarnog ~uESEald ~unoyu,~o pa~~ao~ ~; =~ H ~ aNl.~3n~ns DDDD-DD'L9- TD-ZD'6LD Iaa.red x~,~ ~ .. ~.. ~~IN~rtd aNn 4 DN12i33NI0N3 'i]AI3 ~ uD ~ua~as~ }~ a.Q~u~.~Q ADZ ~ ~~~ ~~'• Z ~ ~N~ Z~~u QN~ ~d~ ~ t;' ~QIM~ S ~0~~ [LION ~ ialW~ ~' m ~ CIS P ~ ,~ ~ ld ~ ~~~~o ~ ~ ca m N~?!ON ~~~r ~~~11 A ' _ ~, Z ~~ 0 ~ o z a ~ ~W D 7 Y • ~ z x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j. ~ Z ` ~ a4 oa ~~ ~ o N ~ ~°~~ m ,~~ G ~ so~~ >~ c Z a~ W ~ a ~ a ~w~ o~ o G W J1 ~g~ ~~s~y z ~ZC) ~c~ a y .old fb~ 1 ','SJ a a a ~.Q ~ a a c 1 1 ~ ~ =~a°~Ji w ~tias ~~~'~~ c n ~ Q ~ ^ ~ ~ ~~ o r V~j~4 3w N ~ Nuo b a ~ ~~ ~a O U ~- Q O ~ ~N ~` " ~Z~ ~ N ; Z4~ ~ O ~ ~ ~. o - ~;, ~ ~ s v N ~ ~ ~ N~ _` ~ ~ } ~o Z~~ ~ ~+~ W ~ < 5 ~~~ gad ~ o~ ~ J ~ ~~~~~w Y ~ ~ V1 ~ Q ~ ~ ~8~~~ 3m~w~~~W ~, ~ W _ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~~~;~~~iz~a ~ ~~ m ~ o ~ WN Z rQ r rr u r r~rr r o Z ~~a ~~_~zzzaaau~vi ~ ! 9 ~ II W C9 ~ z ~ w N ~ w °f o ~~~, ¢ ~- °~ Za~~W ~ ~ ~`~~ N ~_ ~ ~ ~ W 4~ W ~ ~ ~ W '~ W O ~DU zo ~ ~ ~ ~N ~~ ~' Q s~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~~ °s d Na~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~~~N N d Q ~ ~ W a W a o i°rv~~°, m° H J t7 ;~ ~Q~~~ ~ ~~ I I ~ J~~ = C] N'~Qa ~~~ /~ ~ o e r~ `^2$ ,f/ x a cr vc~m ~~ '~ Y ~~=~w t~U w~~O ~ p~~G ~~ ~~ ~2 oi~a ~ sta~~c~~ ~W k~~nN~ w~ .~ ~ v~ ~ ~~y~~~~ ~ ~' _ ~ ~~ ~~ VI ~ ~ ~ W O~GG v a~~y~~o- ~~ ~~~ U w VfW ~w o ~~~ ~ 8 ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~,~~ .~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~N~~~~ ,W ~# t #t N w W ~~,~sa ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ o ~,~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ z~ ~ ~~~ ~ '"~ ~~ ~2N ~~ ~ W~~ w~ w ~ ~ ~ ~t ~ z w ~ ~"W ~ Q ~5 0 .. ~~~ v-~ ~ ~Gjmp~, ~N ~~ ~~ O ~ ~daca~ ~ r- o~ a ~wY7 3 °~o~ ~ ~ ~~ M ~ ~L.1 ~p ~ O N~ .~ SmU p ~~ WC w~w Z (!J ~LJ ` z ~ W ` ~~ °~~3w ~~ poi ~~~x~ ~~ ~ ~~o ~ ~~ o~ m~ o ~~ .~ ~ caw a ,~ Z W ~ z ~~ ~ ~ $~~s ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, V ~wC~ ~ V1 WO Z W Z~0~~~ O ~~~,`.IIzz~~ ~~ ~~ 2~ ~,ljW ~V1 = ~ ~ J N ~~V~~~mr z~ wrO~Vl w] wV1 ~~ ~ W ~~~~~ z ~~~ ~ ti r ri ~; t ~; ~o ACTIN N4. ITEM NO. ~-~'- o~ AT A REGI~LAR MEETING ~F THE BARD ~F SI~PERVIS~RS ~F R~AN4KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R~AN~KE C~I~NTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 2449 AGENDA I'~EM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Clerk to the Board APPRGVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator CGUNTYADMiNISTRATGR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INF~RMAI'14N: 1. Capital Improvement Program Review Committee ~appoin#ed by District The following one-year term appointments expired on August 31, 2449: a. Steven A. Campbell -Hollins Magisterial District b. Wes Thompson -Windsor Hills Magisterial District c. Charles S. Wertalik -Vinton Magisterial District 2. Parks, Recrea#ion and Tourism Advisory Board ~appoin#ed by District The three-year term of Deborah George, Hollins Magisterial District, expired on June 34, 2449. The Board has been notified that Ms. George is moving from the district. ~f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISQRS OF RQANQKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT "fHE RQANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA1rION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 RES4LUTIDNAPPRnVINGANDC4NCURRING lNCERTAIN ITEMSSET FORTH nN THE BOARD 4F SUPERVISnR5 AGENDA FOR THIS DA'~E DESIGNATED AS ITEM H ~ CnNSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: ~fhat the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for September 8, 2009 designated as Item H -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval ofminutes -January 2l, 2009 2. Request to establish a Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund 3. Request to appropriate funds in the amount of $119,204.50 from the City of Roanoke for the purpose of maintaining the City's analog emergency radio system 4. Resolution approving the Second Amendment to the Service Agreement between Roanoke County, the Roanoke County School Board and theTaubman Museum of Art 5. Request to appropriate grant funds in the amount of $96,646.66 for Roanoke County Schools 6. Confirmation of appointment to the Economic Development Authority That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required bylaw to set forth upon any of said itemsthe separate votetabulation forany such item pursuant to this resolution. ACTION Na, ITEM No, ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of ROANOKE CoLINTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RoANOKE COUNTY ADM1N15TRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 2009 AGENDA I'~EM: Request to establish a Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund SUBMITTED BY: Bill Greeves Director of Information Technology Rebecca Owens Directoro~fFinance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INF~RMAI'IgN: In an effort to reduce costs and increase the quality of the service performed on the public safety radio system, the Information Technology SIT} department has assumed direct responsibility for the preventive maintenance and repair services for the public safety radio equipment, Staff requests approval to establish a Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund to maintain the revenues and expenditures associated with the radio system. Revenues may be generated by payments from any outside entity for use, maintenance and capital, sale of radios, transfers and other capital contributions, Expenditures may include, but are not lirr~ited to, equipment, tools, training and capital items. The funds in the Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund will be used for expenses directly related to the radio system. The Public Safety Team will be responsible for plar~ned expenditures of the radio systems and the Director of Information Technology for emergency purchases. Page 1 of ~ FISCAL IMPACT: Funds in the Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund will roll 100% atyearend to the Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund. Appropriations outside of the budget process will be broughtto the Board for approval. STAFF REC~MMENDATI~N: Staff recommends approving the request to establish a Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund. Page 2 of 2 AC1"14N N4, ITEM NO. ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BGARD GF SUPERVISQRS GF R4ANQKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROAN4KE COUNTY ADMINIS-f RATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate funds in the amount of $119,204.50 from the City of Roanoke for the purpose of maintaining the City's analog emergency radio system SUBMITTED BY: Bill Greeves Director of Information Technology APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III' County Adn~iinistrator CQUNTYADMINiSTRATQR'S CQMMENTS: SUMMARYQF INFgRMAI'IQN: Prior to this fiscal year, the County contracted with Motorola to provide in-person maintenance services for our public safety radio system. In an effort to reduce costs and increase the quality of the service performed on the public safety radio system, the Information Technology ~IT~ department reduced our services contract with Motorola and has assumed direct responsibility for the preventive maintenance and repair services of our public safety radio equipment. Roanoke City had a similar contract for maintenance with Motorola, but also opted not to renew this contract. Instead, in July 2009, Roanoke County agreed to assume responsibility for the maintenance of Roanoke City's analog public safety radio system, The full details of this agreement are located in a Service Level Agreement, dated July 1, 2009, which is attached, Roanoke City has agreed to pay an annual fee of $119,204,50 due on July 1St of each year. In exchange for this annual fee, the Roanoke County IT Department will provide maintenance and repair services to the City's Microwave Radio Communications, 800 MHZ Analog Radio Communications System and Emergency Dispatch 800 MHZ Radio Console Communications equipment. Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The County has received funding of $119,204,50 from the City of Roanoke for maintenance to be performed on their analog public safety radio system. VIle request these funds be appropriated to the County's radio maintenance and capital fund to offset costs incurred for handling this maintenance, ALTERNATIVES: 1. Appropriate funding in the amount of$119.204.50to the County's Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund for the purpose of maintaining the City's analog emergency radio system 2. Return the funding to the City and not handle their analog emergency radio maintenance. STAFF REC~MMENDATI~N: Staff recommends alternative 1. Page 2 of 2 ^ , f` ~ ~ r ' Roanoke County IN~ORMATIt)l~t~ TECHNOLOGY Service Level Agreement (SLA) Service Name: Radio Communications Maintenance and Support DesEgnated Customer: Ci#y of Roanoke Prepared By Documen# ownerts~ - - ~ ~ Projectlflrganiza~ion.:~Role Bill Greeves Director, Information Technology Bill Hunter Manager, IT Infrastructure Services Rodney Thompson Supervisor, Communications Shop Version Version Date ~ Author Change Description 3 7/1/09 Bill Hunter Addition of 800 MHZ Radio Repair 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 GENERAL OVERVIEW .............r.....................r..........,...........r.r..................r.........................,.. 3 2 SERVICE DESCRIPTION .....................................................................................r................... 3 3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ^..u^a...n.u.uun.n.u...^rr.^u.nruu,n^u,.^..r.na.-.nu.n.n..e......a..,,. 4 4 REQUESTING SERVICE .....r........r.,,r .......................r.......r............................r......................... 5 5 HOURS OF COVERAGE, RESPONSE TIMES & PRIORITI~ATION ...r.r ............................... 5 fi MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE CHANGES .......................r.....,r...r....................r.......,........,.. fi l PRICING ............................................................................................................r.r.................... 1 8 REPORTING, REVIEWING AND AUDI`I'ING .................................................rr.......,.r.......,...... 8 9 APPROVALS..,....unarm.unnr^u..^sr...^u^ruunrrrun,ur,uru...ru..ururr...rn.r,nr^u.....n..r,n..nuanun.nr.. 8 Page 2 General Overview This is a Service Level Agreement ~"SLA"} between Roanoke County, Information Technology Department County IT}and the City of Roanoke Department of Technology City DST}, This agreement is written under the authorization of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and County of Roanoke dated December 11,1991. Radio system management and dispute resolution shall follow those outlined in Section VII of the Intergovernmental Agreement. The objective of the SLA is to present a clear, concise and measurable description of the services provided. Below this document will define the following; • The technology service County IT provides to the designated customer. • The general levels of roles and responsibilities, requesting service, hours of coverage, response times and prioritization. • The responsibilities of County lT and it's Communication Shop, as a provider of these services and of the customer receiving services for maintenance & charges, pricing, reporking, reviewing and auditing. While the County IT Communications Shop will make every effort to provide the same high quality service and repairs the City DQT is used to receiving from Motorola Inc., the following should be noted; we are not a multinational company, but rather a local government committed to meeting the needs of our radio systems partner. 'there will be a period of adjustment as the City DST and County IT Communications Shop move from Nationally Contracted Maintenance and Repair Services to LocaE Service. We invite you to work closely with us as we refine our procedures, where passible, to meet your needs. We will plan Monthly service meetings to discuss current maintenancelrepairlssues and work order responselprioritization. This SLA covers the period from July 1, ZD09 to June 3D, 2010 and will be reviewed and revised at the end of this period. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time; however every effort will be made to give 160 days notice, delivered to the appropriate director, in writing prior to the termination of this agreement. 2 Service Description 2.1 Service Scope Microwave Radio Communications System Maintenance Microwave Radio Communications System Repair B00 M.HZ Analog Radio Communications System Maintenance 600 MHZ Analog Radio Communications System Repair Emergency Dispatch B00 MHZ Radio Console Communications Maintenance Emergency Dispatch 600 MHZ Radio Console Communications Repair ~' `This does not include ComputerAided Dispatch Systems, Emergency Telephone, or non- Emergency telephone systems. 2.2 Assumptions • Major upgrades will be treated as projects outside of the scope of this Agreement. • Funding for major updates will be negotiated on aservice-by-service basis. Page 3 • Changes to services will be communicated and document to all stakeholders via Email and updated SLA. • Scheduling of all service related requests will be conducted in accordance with descriptions listed in Section 4. • All current equipment and in-house wiring is in operational condition. 3 Roles and Responsib~Eit~es 3.1 Parties Res onsible Part TitlelRole Contact Information Bill Hunfer Owner of SLA and County of 540/711-8530 or Email Roanoke lnfrasfrucfure Bhunter~a Ro~no{~~~o~n~yVa.~oy Services Mana er Far! Linkous Cify of Roanoke Radio 540-853-?3l3 or Email Technoly Adminisfrafor Earl. Linkor~s roanokeva. ov Covnmunicafion Shap Service fo Customer Pager 540120?-2129 or Email compare airs roanokecoun a. ov Cray of Roanoke FCC Lead l~ispafcher 54x853-24? ? Ci of Roanoke Radio Sho Communications Technicr'an 540-853-2439 3.2 County IT Communications Shop Responsibilities County IT Communications responsibilities andlorrequirements insupport ofthis Agreement include: • Meet response times associated with the priority assigned to incidents and service requests. Section 5.1 } • Generating quarterly reports on service level performance. • Appropriate notification to Customer for all scheduled maintenance via the Tracklt system or by email notification, • IT will implement defned processes to deliver these service levels. • Schedule and conduct monthly service meetings, Recommend That These meetings be scheduled immediately prior fo monthly Nlofarola Service meefings. 3.3 Customer Responsibilities Customer responsibilities andlorrequirements insupport of this Agreement include: • Properly prioritize a service related incident or request Section 5.3}. • Identify the Technical Contacts FTC's} who are authorized to openlclose work orders . • Communicate specific service needs and requirements. • Attend and participate in monthly service meetings. Page 4 4 Requesting Service 4.1 Request for service will be routed through the Track IT Work Order request system, County staff will answer calls for service and suppork as soon as possible, prioritized in the order they are received. Normal business hours are Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. The work order system will respond to all requests with an a-mail from radiocall@roanokecountyva.gov that will supply the work order tracking number. This is not an e-mail address that can be communicated with directly. 4.2 The County IT Communication shop will provide 24 hours a day 365 days per year service response on all radio and microwave equipment as needed. After-hours, weekends, and County holidays a technician will communicate with City Dispatch Center within established response times. When a problem is discovered, Technical Contact will decide the priority ~5,3~ and submit a ticket as described above, Request, determined to be emergency, will page the County Communication Shop personnel at ~540y 207-229 immediately for response. 5 Hours of Coverage, Response Times & Prioritization 5.1 Hours of Coverage County staff will answer calls for service and support as soon as possible and will contact the City of Roanoke representative to schedule needed repairs or support. Every effort will be made to respond to emergency calls for service vn critical systems within the designated response times. 5.2 Response The County IT Communication Shop will provide 24 hours a day, 365 days per year service response on all analog radio and microwave equipment as needed. After-hours, weekends and County holidays a technician will communicate with City Dispatch within established response times, When a problem is discovered, the technical Contact will decide if the problem requires immediate response and wil! page the standby personnel at ~540~ 201-2129. Severity 1 Within 2 Hours from receipt of Notification, 2417 Severity 2 Within 6 Hours from receipt of Notification, Standard Business Day Severity 3 Within next Business Day, Standard Business Day 5.3 Prioritization `fhe City of Roanoke Radio Technology Administrator will serve as the IT Liaison for issues concerning this agreement. The City of Roanoke Director of Technology will appoint two Technical Contacts for operational purposes and they will make all requests for service and will determine the priority level the requests are to be submitted as. Priority levels are assigned as follows: Page ~ Severity 1 ~ Response is provided continuously Ma j ar System failure ~ 3 3 °fo of System dawn 3 3 % of Site channels dawn Site Bnviranment a~arrr~s ~smake, access, ~mF? AC power. This level is ~.eant to represent a m.ajar issue fiat results in an unusable system, sub-system, Product, ar critical features from tie Customer's perspective. Na'4vark-around ar i~nrnediat~ solution is available, Severity ~ ~ Response during Standard Business Day Significant System Impairment not to exceed 33% of system dawn System prablerr~ presently being monitored This level is meant to represent ~a moderate issue that limits a Customer's narr~al use of the system, sub-system, product, ar n~a' ar non crib cal features from a Customer's ers ective Severity 3 ~ Response during Standard Business Day Intermittent system is sues ~ rnfarmation questions ~pgrades~'reventative maintenance ~ This level is meat to represe~.t a minor issue that does not preclude use of the system, sub-system, product, ar critical features from a Customer's perspective, It may also represent a cosmetic issue, including documentation errors, general usage questions, recammenda~ans for product enhancements ar modifications, and sc~e~duled events such as preventative maintenance ar roductls stem u odes . 6 Maintenance and Service Changes 6,1 Maintenance The County IT Communications Shop will provide Quarterly maintenance inspections on the 800 MHO simulcast radio system components located at Poor, Fort Lewis, Mill Mountains, and Crowell's Gap. County staffs will also verify GPS and High Stability oscillator, check and clear the station error log as necessary. Semi-Annually; verify transmit and receive audio levels end to end. Verify transmit deviation levels on all channels and perform preventive maintenance on the transmitters. Glean ECC Dispatch equipment as covered in the previous Motorola contract. Inspect all sites for compliance with current radio standards, Page 6 6.2 Designated Customer Responsibilities o Maintain proper care of equipment o Use the equipment only for the intended purpose o Report equipment problems in a timely manner 6.3 Communication to customers on planned outages The County IT Communication Shop will notify the City Radio System Liaison and Technical Contacts by Email prior to removing equipment from service for maintenance or repairs, 6.4 Communication about emergency maintenance `rhe County IT Communication Shop will notify the City Emergency Communications center by phone prior to performing emergency maintenance or repairs. 7 Pricing l.1 Hourly Rates The current agreed upon hourly rates are: Hourly labor rates for Communications support will be $3?.0o per hour. These rates may be adjusted annually on July est. Notice of a rate change will be sent to the City of Roanoke DST prior to December 15th for consideration in. the City of Roanoke's annual budget, For service that is performed on nights, weekends or holidays the City of Roanoke DaT agrees to pay ~ % times the agreed upon rate for service and support. "rhe City of Roanoke DST will pay annual maintenance fee of $9000.00 x$225.00 per radios for mountaintop radio systems The City of Roanoke will pay annual maintenance fees of $8100.00 ~~ 350.00 per link} for the microwave system repair and maintenance. Parts not covered by warranty will be charged separately, The City of Roanoke DST will pay annual service contract fees of $102,104.50 for the 800 MHZ simulcast radio system and the associated City Dispatch Center equipment. This figure will be evaluated quarterly for sufficiency and will be the base point for future Service Level Agreements. Should it be determined that this fgure is not sufficient for the County to continue maintenance of the system the CitylCounty Directors will meet and determine an alternative course of action. l,2 Billing The County !T may bill the City of Roanoke DDT "as needed" or monthly for IT services ar~d materials for microwave materials and parts. The bills will include the following information: Date and time the service was performed, location where service was performed, description of the service performed, list of parts and materials used and the cost per unit, number of hours of labor charged and the rate, Normally, these bills will be in quarterly reconciliation documentation against the annual service contract fees. Bills will be sent to the attention of Radio Technology Administrator. Any charges not included in the annual fees wi#I be approved in advance by the Radio Technology Administrator. Page ? 18 Reporting, Reviewing and Auditing "this Agreement is valid from the Julys ~, 2009 outlined herein and is valid until June 30, 200. The Agreement should be reviewed at a minimum once per fiscal year; however in lieu of a review during any period specified, the current Agreement will remain in effect. In December of each year this agreement will be updated for the next budget year, ~fhe County Infrastructure Services Manager is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended as required. Designed Review owner: County Infrastructure Services Manager Review Period: Annually Previous Review Date; June 2009 Next Review Date: December 2009 9 ApprovaMs Prepared by Approved by ~ ~°~ County T Director Ci DOT Director ~ ~~ ROVE r S woo S~9 H Coy~Y A~o~~py Page B ACT1aN NG. ITEM NO. - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: September ~, 24D9 Resolution approving the Second Amendment to the Service Agreement between Roanoke County, the Roanoke County School Board and the Taubman Museum of Art Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney B. Clayton Goodman, III .. ~ CountyAdmin~stratar CGUNTYADMINISTRATGR"S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INFaRMA'~IGN: Current econon~iic conditions have required Roanoke County government to carefully examine a!I anticipated expenditures for the 2ng9-2o~g fiscal year. During the course of budget preparation fortF~is current fiscal year, the County administration looked carefully at the usage of the educational program at the Taubman Museum of Art by Roanoke County Schools. After extended discussion with the staff of both the school system and the museum, it was determined that 'the County would continue to fund this program at a level of $5o,4oD for the Zoo9-2g1 o school year. The submitted Second Amendment to the Service Contract reflects the level of services which the Art Museum will continue to provide to County students and teachers in accordance with this appropriation. STAFF RECGMMENDATIQN: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the attached resolution to authorize the County Administrator to execute the 5ecand Amendment to the Service Agreement with Roanoke County Public Schaois and the Taubman Museum of Art, ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2009 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT TO THE SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ROANOKE COUNTY, THE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD AND THE TAUBMAN MUSEUM OF ART WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on August 14, 2007, authorized the County Administrator to execute a service agreement with Roanoke County Public Schools and the Art Museum of Western Virginia ("Art Museum") to fund arts educational programming for students and teachers of Roanoke County by the Art Museum on an annual basis for up to ten (10) years subject to future appropriations; and WHEREAS, following the first year of operation under this service agreement during the 2007-2008 school year, an amended service agreement was negotiated between Roanoke County, Roanoke County Public Schools and the Art Museum, now the Taubman Museum of Art, to provide for funding of the Art Museum's education programming for the 2008-2009 school year; and WHEREAS, following the second year of operation under this service contract during the 2008-2009 school year, a second amended service agreement has been negotiated between Roanoke County, Roanoke County Public Schools and the Art Museum, now the Taubman Museum of Art, to continue funding of the Art Museum's education programming for the 2009-2010 school year; and WHEREAS, this Second Amended Service Agreement has been approved and executed on behalf of Roanoke County Public Schools and the Taubman Museum of Page 1 of 2 Art and requires formal approval action by this Board to authorize its execution by the County Administrator; and WHEREAS, the reading of this Resolution was held on September 8, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Second Amendment to the Service Agreement between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia and the Taubman Museum of Art, formerly the Art Museum of Western Virginia, attached as Exhibit "A", providing funding for educational services by the Taubman Museum of Art to students and teachers in Roanoke County is hereby approved. 2. The County Administrator is authorized to execute the Second Amendment to this Service Agreement upon such form as may be approved by the County Attorney's Office. 3. That this Resolution shall be in effect from its adoption. Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A THIS SECOND AMENDMENT to the Service Agreement between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia thereinafter "County"}, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia (hereinafter "School Board") and the Taubman Museum of Art, formerly the Art Museum of V1~estern Virginia thereinafter "Museum"}, for an Educational Program thereinafter ``Program"} is entered into this dayof July, zoo9, as follows: WHEREAS, the County, the School Board and the Museum have previously entered into a Service Agreement to provide funding for the educational program developed by the Museum for the benefit of students in the Roanake County School System and of residents of Roanoke County through participation in activities of the County's Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism; and WHEREAS, as a result of the second year of operation of this Program during the 2008-2009 school year, adjustments to the funding allocations and program utilization reporting schedules are considered advisable by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to this agreement due to general budget cuts and cuts specificallyto the fundingofthis Program; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the County and the School, with the concurrence of the Art Museum, to amend the existing Service Agreement in order to continue this Agreement in order to react to budget cuts related to the Program. NOS, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual benefit in continuing to attain the common objectives as set forth in their Service Agreement, the County, the School Board, and the Museum mutually agree to the following amendments totheirService Agreement, as follows; ARTICLE III, FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS, This Agreement shall not be construed as obligating the County or the School Board to expend funds in any contract or other obligation for the future payment of money in excess of appropriations authorized bylaw and administratively allocated for the purposes herein, unless stipulated by separate agreement. Subject to future appropriations, the County has indicated an intention to fund this Program for the remaining eight years of the original ten year commitment. Contracted Service Agreement costs for and payable to the Museum, subject to appropriations, are $5o,B~~ annually, Contracted Service Agreement costs for and payable to the School Board, subject to appropriations, are $ 50,OaD annually. The payments to the School Board are intended to provide for transportation costs for students to access the Program, for consumable supplies used in connection with the Program and in- servi ces. l~`~`~'l~~t, die a the doge ~~ 1'ding, ~hls ecand ~Arn~n~.ment ~o the or~ricc ~~ce~e~t sh~l~ cnd and n~ad~~ ~~ ~~ics p~ovidc to l~.oanal~~ ~o~nt~ l~ub~lc Schools b,~ the 'l~aub~n ~us~ ~~ Art. Those changes ~~at to ~~tlca ~~, oetlon ~, end ~nc~de~ ~use~n~ shall in~plernent the P~~og~a~~n and ~t i~~ staff and. sper~~se ~~ a.t~~~~les. l~[useu~ ~~~ n~ae a~a~Zab~e to the students and teacl~e~i ~~' toanol~e our~t ub~ic schools so~~.e of its educational services ~. follo~s~ A. ~nd~rarten and fz~st gxade loanol~e ount~` students ~~~ ~~ able to ~art~c~~ate in u~~li~.~ted and l~,iteraey ~ at tl~e ~~useum ~ ~~ add~t~Onal ~~'~ to tl~e students outside ~~ t~ans~ortat~on for the du~at~an ~~ the aree~nent. A record of use ~r~ll be ~~a~nta~ned ~ the ~useun~ a~~d subz~n~tted to the County ~.~~d the cl~ool 1~3oa~d b~ ~'eb~~~ ~ and dune ~ of each scl~ool year. It ~ the intention ~~' the ~a~~ie to this gre~~nent to ~~a~e the ~C~usen~'s ~~ and l~.ite~iacy ~rog~an~ available to all l~~ndergarten and ~~st grade stude~ats enrolled xn ~.oanol~e bounty ublie schools. ~. requested by the ount~ o~ the cl~ool o~d, the lueu~n ilk use its best ffo~~ts to ~ovide current information to use under this e~~~ce green~ent. 1r, the ~ueu~~ Studies u~~~~ieulun~ has been er~a.ted s~ecihcally fo~• ~oanolCe Counter students attending the ente~° for ~~sual ~~ts. T`his ~~•ogrn~ ~~~ offer the students the o~ortun~ty to learn about careers in ~. n~user~~n settl~g, the ~~: l~useur's collection and care ~' tl~e collection, 'phis rora~ mill lie offered in the months of Se~te~nber, ~ctohe~•, l~ove~r~ber, l~ ebr~a~~~r, larch, and ~~r~~ of each school year, ~`he ~rogra~. ~~~ expand to four groups by the 0090 . ~ school years a~.d mill ren~a~n at this level for tl~e duration of the .reen~ent, unless otheise ~~7odif~ed by ~~~itten agreement of all pa~ie~ ~`he luseu~ leas dtr~~ined Measurable goals and ob~eetive ~~ the first year of the progra.~ a.s deta.iled in l~ttach~ent ~ to the original Agreement. In addition} Attachment 2 includes an outline of the four, year p~rogr~, the ~ueu~ v~ill report a ~~•~~•~~ analysis along nth the results of the naasu~~ble goals and objectives to the School hoard on pr before ll~ay 1 ~~' cash year. ~'he ~ueu~a~ zl~ prov~~de tenth-nine a.~~t ~embersl~ip free ~~` charge. ~'~renty-five a.rt me~bership mill be for art teachers of l~oano~e County public schools, ore for the Suer intendent of ~oanoe County public schools, three fox ~onol~e bounty l~epa~~~~ent of 1'a~yl~, l~.ecreatia~~s and ~'our~srn~ ~ ~rr~tten ag~•een~ent, the parties ~~ay ~~odify tl~ distribution of these art n~e~x~be~~ships as tl~e circu~tances ~~ay require. ~~~ 4 ~~ , ~~ao ~u~t~ ~.a~~~ o,~a~ TAUBMAN MUS UM OF ART J i eckner, COD ACTIGN NG, ITEM NG. AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISORS GF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RDANOKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRA'fIGN CENTER MEETING DA`f E: September 8, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate grant funds in the amount of $96,646.66 for Roanoke County Schools APPRGVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III Co~anty Administrator CGUNTY ADMINISTRATGR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INFGRMATIGN: Roanoke County Schools requests that the Board accept and appropriate the following: 1. A grant in the amount of $1,675 was received from the Allstate Foundation to support the continuation of the Partnering for the Privilege Safe Teen Driving program initiated in 2006. The program is a parent education initiative for the Driver Education program in Roanoke County Schools. This initiative is a cooperative effort between the Roanoke County Public Schools, the Roanoke County Police Department, Allstate Insurance and the Allstate Foundation. The purpose of this program is to develop and improve safe driving habits for our teen drivers. The grant award of $1675 will cover the anticipated expenses. 2. The Race to GED grant in the amount of $59,760 is part of the Roanoke County Schools adult education program. Race to GED is an innovative approach to adult education based on two instructional programs: GED Fast Track and GED Prep. These two programs assess what a person already knows and prescribe instruction to prepare adults for success on GED Tests. ~fhe time it takes to earn a GED is dramatically shortened, from one year required in traditional adult education, to three months or less with GED Fast Track and only 180 days with GED Prep. 3. The Expanded GED grant is a competitive grant that may be awarded to school systems that administer a viable adult education program. The purpose of the grant is to give the division the ability to expand with regard to seats and test administration. Roanoke County has been awarded $9,236. Page 1 of 2 4. Roanoke County Schools is awarded funding under the Carl D. Perkins Act on an annual basis. This funding is used to support the Career and Technical Education programs. Roanoke County Schools budgeted $136,372 in anticipation of the Perkins award. Vlle received notification that Roanoke County has been awarded $140,191.16 under the Perkins Act. Staff is requesting an appropriation of the difference, which is $3,819.16. 5. 0n an annual basis, the Virginia DBE allocates funds for school divisions for secondary CTE equipment. 'rhe state calculates this allotment based on a base allocation of $2,600 followed by an allocation based upon per pupil enrollment in CTE classes. Roanoke County Schools conservatively estimated a budget appropriation of $8,096. Since the school system was awarded $18,875.28 by the state, staff is requesting that the difference be appropriated, which is $16,779.28. 6. The state recognizes credentialing reimbursements for CTE industry certification examinations, licensure tests, and occupational competency assessments at $4.79 per student enrolled in CTE classes eligibleforsuchexaminations. Given historical data the state recommended that $11,377.22 be granted to Roanoke County Public Schools. FISCAL IMPACT: 1. The driver education program budget will be increased by $1,675. 2. The GED program budget will be increased by $68,996. 3. The career and tecr~nology budget will be increased by $25,975.66. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF REC4MMENDATI~N: Staff recommends appropriation of funds in the amount of $96,646.66 as described above. Page 2 of 2 ACTION N 0, ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD 4F SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA~fION CENTER MEETING DA'~E: September S, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of appointment to the Ecanomic Development Authority SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, ill County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The four-year term of Billy H, Branch will expire on September 26, 2009. At the request of Supervisor Moore, the Clerk contacted Mr. Branch and he expressed his willingness to serve an additional faun-year term on the Economic Development Authority, Confirmation of appointment was placed on the Consent Agenda. ~-1 GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Unaudited balance at June 30, 2409 $ 17,493,808 Balance at September 8, 2009 $ 17,493,508 °/° of General Fund Revenue 9.65°/a 9.37°/a ** Note: 0n December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2008-09 a range of 9.0°/°-10.0°/° of General Fund Revenues 2008-2409 General Fund Revenues $181,259,899 9.0°/° of General Fund Revenues $16,313,391 10.0°/° of General Fund Revenues $18,125,990 ** 2009-10 a range of 9,5%-10.5% of General Fund Revenues 2409-10 General Fund Revenues $186,756,550 9.5% of General Fund Revenues $17,741,872 1 q.5°/° of General Fund Revenues $19,609,438 The unaudited Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County at J~~ne 30, 2009 was maintained at 9.65% which was within the range of our goal for 2008-09. ~fhe balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2014-2011 14.0%-11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. awens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III ~ County Administrator ~- a COUNTY QF RoANQKE, VIRQINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor Count Ca ital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architecturaUengineeringservices, and otfrerone-time expenditures.} Amount Unaudited balance at June 30, 2009 $1,932,871.20 July 14, 2009 Appropriate funds to compensate the City of Roanoke for the fair vale ~195,204.00~ of the firing range and driving range Balance at September 8, 2009 $1,737,667,20 Mayor Coin Capital Reserve (Projects in the C1P, debt payments fo expedite projects identified in ClP, anal land purchase opportunities. Unaudited balance at June 30, 2D09 Submitted By Approved By Balance at September 8, 2009 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance B, Clayton Goodman III County Administrator $2,339,030,00 $2, 339, 030.00 L-3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2DD9-2D1 D original Budget $1 DD,DDD.DD IUlay Z6, 2DD9 Appropriation of funds for the lease of property for the temporary ~15,5DD.D4} location of the Mt. Pleasant Library June 9, 2DD9 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison ~24,DDD.DD} Balance at September 8, 2DD9 Submitted By Rebecca E. nwens Director of Finance $ 6D,4DD.DD Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ~ ~f ,~ ~ 6 e r 'J I ~ ,~. ~'~ L ~ H F r ~ ~ ~ .. AcTIaN Na. ITEM NO. 0 AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BaARD aF SUPERVISaRS aF RDANQKE CaUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RQANaKE CaUNTY ADMINISTRA'fl4N CENTER MEE~'ING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPRQVED BY: September 8, 2000 Vllork session an the pre#iminary financial results of the 2008- 2009fiscal year Diane D. Hyatt Assistant County Administrator B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator CQUNTY ADMINISTRATQR'S CaMMENTS: SUMMARY QF INFQRMATIQN: This time has been set aside to review the preliminary financial results forthe fiscal year ended June 30, 2009. This work session will be led by Clay Goodman, Diane Hyatt, Rebecca Owens and Brent Robertson. At this work session, we will be discussing the following 1. Actual revenues compared to budget for the 200$-09 fiscal year 2. Actual expenditures compared to budget for the 2008-09 fiscal year 3. Qperational rollover requests based upon previously established County policy 4. Review of reserves and unappropriated balance Attached are the schedules that we will be reviewing at the work session. i O .~ N O .~ 0 ~U C~ L.L C L.L C6 L^, W W O O N O C'7 N (DtD0000 00 0000000 Of~ 01 (DtD0000 00 OOOOln00 O f~ N +~.i COOln000 r N In In In ltd 00 ~ 0000 f~ 00 ~ ~ O W ~ 0 0 O O In 0 00 N 0 ~ W 01 00 C ('~ 0 ~ ~ In N In O ~ ~ N In ~ ~ O 000 ~ . 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ITEM NG. ` AT A REGI~LAR MEETING GF THE BOARD OF SI~PERVISGRS GF RGANGKE CGI~NTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANGKE COI~NTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: September S, 2449 AGENDA I'~EM: Vllork session on the Department of Social Services staffing SUBMITTED BY: Daniel R, O'Donnell Assistant County Administrator APPRQVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator CGUNTY ADMINIS'~RAT4R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INFQRMATIQN: Due to the current state of the economy, applications and caseloads have dramatically increased on the eligibility side of the Department of Social Services, necessitating a request for additional staff. Administration has reviewed the trend data and has asked Dr. Betty McCrary, Director of Social Services, and Assistant DirectorJoyce Earl to share this information with the Board of Supervisors in a work session, Budget Director Brent Robertson will also present information regarding the budgetary implications of funding these positions, as a large portion of the cost would be shared with the Commonwealth and the City of Salem. This work session will cover information on both current needs and future needs for staffing should the application and caseload trends continue into the future. ACTION N4. ITEM N4. AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BOARD ~F SUPERVISGRS GF R~ANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R4ANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: September S, 2449 AGENDA ITEM: Work session on the condition of the Glenvar Branch Library and options for improvement SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Assistant County Administrator Diana Rosapepe Director of Libraries APPROVED BY; B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARYOF INFORMATION: This time is set aside to inform the Board about the status of the Glenvar Branch Library and to offer plans for improvement. Items to be presented are: 1. Update on the current Glenvar Branch Library, including a. Age, size, and general information b. Issues related to space and layout c. Handicapped accessibility d. Collection development e. Service limitations 2. Review of ~khe CIP plan for the Glenvar Branch Library a. Citizen CIP committee review and rar~king b. Feasibility of expanding the existing building c. Impact of road widening on Rte. 464 d. Appropriate size and features of a branch library e. Summary of input from meetings with Glenvar citizens f. Enhanced services to be offered Page 1 0# 2 3. Existing sources of revenue forthe project 4. Request to transfer funds from the South County project to begin the A&E process for a replacement branch library. FISCAL IMPACT The Glenvar Library currently has a budget of $199,509. There is $500,000 available to be moved from the South County library budget. STAFF REGQMMENDATI~N At the conclusion of the work session, staff will ask the Board to vote to transfer $500,000 from the South County Library project to the Glenvar Library project to begin architectural and engineering work for a new branch library. Page 2 of 2 ATA REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD aF SUPERVISaRS 4F R4ANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2409 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN C~NF4RMITY WITH THE CODE 4F VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification bythe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted inconformity with Virginia law, NOW, THEREFGRE, BE IT RESOLVED, thatthe Board ofSupervisorsof Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Gnly public business matters lawfullyexemptedfrom open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. ~r~lysucr~ public business matters aswere identified inthe motion convening~rhe closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia.