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5/12/2009 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda May 12, 2009 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for May 12, 2009. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important that anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540} 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Pastor Darren Potter Community of Faith Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD T0, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. BRIEFINGS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of support for the National Guard and Reserve and County employees who serve their country 2. Proclamation declaring the week of May 10 through 16, 2009, as Business Appreciation Week in the County of Roanoke 3. Proclamation declaring the week of May 17 through 23, 2009, as Emergency Medical Services Week in the County of Roanoke 1 E. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2507, Code of Virginia. (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Public hearing for the proposed budget for fiscal year 2009-2010 and the fiscal year 2010-2014 Capital Improvements Program. (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to amend (reduce) the appropriation of funds in the 2008-2009 fiscal year in the amount of $4,000,000 resulting from decreased revenues. (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Approval of an agreement regarding certain vacations, dedications and work related to the development of a shopping center in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke County, Virginia. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney} G. FIRST READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance to appropriate funds for the fiscal year 2009- 2010 budget and approval of the Classification Plan for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. First reading of an ordinance amending the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise or add regulations in the ordinance dealing with open space in Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option} developments, Section 30-82-13.1; the addition of regulations for portable temporary storage containers; Signs, Section 30-93, specifically temporary signs; Section 30-92, Screening, Landscaping and Buffer yards; and Section 30-91-2, Off Street Parking, Stacking and Loading; and related sections. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 3. First reading of an ordinance to adopt the Roanoke County Design Handbook which (a) provides recommendations for and illustrates zoning, development, and design concepts, and other standards and regulations, and (b} covers issues concerning site design, landscaping, transportation, and other features. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning} 4. First reading of an ordinance approving a residential lease at Happy Hollow Park, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner; Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) 2 5. First reading of an ordinance repealing section 13-14. Unlawful accumulations of trash and growth of weeds; public nuisances and abatement thereof and adopting a new Article IV. Entitled "Weeds and Trash" of Chapter 13. "Offenses-Miscellaneous". (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance approving the residential lease at the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology, Catawba Magisterial District. (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) 2. Clean Valley Council 3. Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board 4. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 5. Library Board (appointed by District) 6. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board (appointed by District) 7. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) for the ICLEI Program (appointed by District) 8. Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission 9. Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors 10. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDAAND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of committee appointments to the League of Older Americans Advisory Council and Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission 3 K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 0. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 2. Richard C. Flora 3. Joseph P. McNamara 4. Charlotte A. Moore 5. Michael W. Altizer P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to the Code of Virginia, as follows: Q. WORK SESSIONS (Training room - 4t" Floor) 1. Work session to discuss the Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits Policy. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning; Nicole Gilkeson, Planner II) 2. Work session to discuss the County's Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2009-2015 and Revenue Sharing Priority List for Fiscal Year 2009-2010. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development; Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning; Teresa Becher, Transportation Engineering Manager) 3. Work session to discuss proposed amendments to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to revise or add regulations in the ordinance dealing with open space in Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option) developments, Section 30-82-13.1; the addition of regulations for portable temporary storage containers; Signs, Section 30-93, specifically temporary signs; Section 30-92, Screening, Landscaping and Buffer yards; and Section 30-91-2, Off Street Parking, Stacking and Loading; and related sections. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning; John Murphy, Zoning Administrator) 4 4. Work session to discuss the adoption of the Roanoke County Design Handbook which (a) provides recommendations for and illustrates zoning, development, and design concepts, and other standards and regulations, and (b) covers issues concerning site design, landscaping, transportation, and other features. (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning; Megan Cronise, Principal Planner} 5. Work session to discuss Library issues, including the status of the South County Library project; options for maintaining library service in the Mt. Pleasant area; and the change in operating hours for fiscal year 2009-2010. (Diana Rosapepe, Director of Library Services) R. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION S. ADJOURNMENT TO TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2009, AT 6:00 P.M. FOR A SPECIAL MEETING FOR RECOGNITIONS 5 ACTION No. ITEM N4. AT A REGI~LAR MEETING 4F THE BARD aF SUPERVISORS OF R~AN4KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COI~NTY ADMINISTRATIQN CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, zoos AGENDA ITEM: Resolution ofsupportforthe National Guard and Reserve and recognition of County employees serving in the National Guard and Reserve SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY~F INFORMATION: Established in 1972, the Department of Defense group, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve ~ESGR}, is an organization that promotes cooperation and understanding between Reserve members and theircivilian employers. Desiring to reinforce the support of the County, Mike Kavanaugh, Chairman of the RoanokeArea Committee ofthe ESGR, has requested a Statement of Support for the Guard and Reserve be displayed by the County. Thousands of American employers visibly confirm support of their National Guard and Reserve employees by displaying this same statement. Mr. Kavanaugh will be in attendance at the meeting to present the framed statement, signed by the Board Chairman. He will also present a Patriot Award, given in recognition of outstanding employers of Reserve members. In addition, Mr. Kavanaugh will accept a resolution of support presented by the County. The patriotic men and women of the Guard and Reserve serve voluntarily, training to respond to theircountry intimes of need and deserve the support of ourcitizens. Several Countyemployees, who are presently or have been members of the Guard or Reserve, will attend the meeting to be recognized for their dedication and commitment to the safety and freedom of our nation. AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISORS GF RoAN4KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R4ANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 12, zoos RESOLUTION of SUPPORT FoR THE NATIONAL GUARD AND RESERVEAND ~oUNTYEMPLOYEESVI~HO SERVE THEIR~oUNTRY WHEREAS, since 1903, the National Guard and Reserve have been integral parts of our nation's military force; and WHEREAS, approximately 46°/0 of our country's total available military manpower is comprised of Ready Reserve components; and WHEREAS, the patriotic men and women serving in the National Guard and Reserve voluntarily train countless hours to maintain their mission of readiness; and WHEREAS, the National Guard and Reserve aid people of all nations in times of need and oppression; and WHEREAS, the members of the Guard and Reserve deserve the continual support and respect of all American citizens and employers; and WHEREAS, all citizens should acknowledge in appropriate manner the sacrifices made and services bestowed by the members of the National Guard and Reserve. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby confirm its support for the National Guard and Reserve and of County employees who serve their country in this vital role of preserving our nation's security. FUR-fHER, the Board of Supervisors declares its support of all of America's service members and their families in times of war, crisis or peace. ACTION N0. ITEM NO. ~- ~ ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CEN"fER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: APPROVED BY: May 12, 2009 Proclamation declaring May 10 through 16, 2009, as Business Appreciation Week in the County of Roanoke B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator C~UNTYADMINISTRAT~R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INF~RMATI~N: ~fhe Honorable Timothy M. Kaine, Governorofthe Commonwealth of Virginia hasdeclared the week of May 10 tf"irough 16, 2009 as Business Appreciation Week. This week con~imernorates all business community partners for their daily contributions and their leadership throughout four hundred years of commerce in our Commonwealth. The week's theme for 2009 is "Caring in Our Communities". Each locality in Virginia is encouraged to participate in Business Appreciation Week. Although Roanoke County continues this tradition, we feel strongly that every week should be business appreciation week based upon the daily contributions of our business community, Roanoke County also wishes to officially recognize the positive impact by our business partners who are the cornerstone for our citizens' quality of life. Jay Cummins, President of Kroger Mid-Atlantic, will accept the proclamation in appreciation and recognition of the Roanoke County business community. It is appropriate that Kroger Mid-Atlantic be representative of our business community as they are celebrating their 80t" year of continuous operation in Roanoke County. In the past five years, Kroger has invested over $53,000,000 in 314,000 square feet of retail space which supported 961 jobs in six stores. In addition, the warehouse and distribution for Kroger stores is also located in Roanoke County, and over the past five years, has invested over $12,500,000 within 100,000 square feet and provides employment for 220 citizens and just announced the creation of 50 more jobs in a difficult economy. Aside from the major impact of Kroger being a corporate investor in our community, the company also has a proud historyof charitable giving. From organizationssuch as United 1Nay, the SUV Virginia Food Bank, hunger relief, health, civic, schools to churches, Kroger makes a difference in the Roanoke Valley and serves as an outstanding ambassador of the theme of the 2009 Business Appreciation 1Neek theme "Caring in fur Communities." 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BOARD 4F SUPERVISORS OF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD ATTHE RGANGKE CDUNTYADMINISTRATION CENTER aN "TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 DECLARING THE WEEK OF MAY 1D THROUGH 1fi, 2~D9 AS BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK IN THE COUNTY GF ROAN4KE WHEREAS, Governor Timothy M. Kaine has recognized May 10 through 16, 2009 as BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and called this observance to the attention of all citizens; and WHEREAS, the Coi~inty of Roanoke is proud to have a thriving base of business and industry which contributes to a ~l~lourishing local economy; and WHEREAS, these business partners create wealth in the County of Roanoke by capital investment and the development of vital employment opportunities; and WHEREAS, these businesses generate revenues from which the entire local and regional citizenry benefit; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke recognizes that existing businesses play a pivotal role preserving the economic well being in building a sustainable, prosperous community; and WHEREAS, Virginia and its localities recognize the many charitable, civic, and philanthropic contributions made by businesses and support their involvement in sustaining communities; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to acknowledge their confidence in the leadership role embodied by the entire existing business and industry community and express its profound appreciation to these business partners. 1 N~VV THEREFORE, VIDE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co~~nty, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of May 1 o through 15, 2009, as BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, by this proclamation give notice to our citizens that the industrial and commercial enterprises of the County of Roanoke can state that this year's theme of "Caring in fur Communities" is responsive, affirmative and steadfast. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. - ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SLIPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2449 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring the week of May 17 through 23, 2449, as Emergency Medical Services Vlleek in the County of Roanoke SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator C4UNTYADMINISTRAT~R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department is requesting that the Board adopt the attached proclamation declaring the week of May 1l through 23, 2449, as Emergency Medical Services Week. Emergency Medical Services Vlleek brings together local communities and medical personnel to publicize safety and honor the dedication of those who provide the day-to-day lifesaving services of medicine's "front line." Presentto acceptthe proclamation will be Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Burch and Division Chief Dustin Campbell. Also expected to be present are EMS Battalion Chief Bill Duff and Volunteer Rescue Chief Doug Adams. ATA REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANGKE CGI.INTY ADMINISTRA"I"IGN CENTER GN TUESDAY, MAY ~2, 2449 PRGCLAMAI'IGN DECLARING THE WEEK OF MAY ~ l THRGUGH 73, 2009 AS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK IN THE COUNTY QF ROANOKE UVHEREAS, emergency medical services are a vital public service; and ~UHEREAS, the career and volunteer emergency medical service personnel of Roanoke County are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and UVHEREAS, access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and UVHEREAS, the emergency medical services system consists of emergency physicians, nurses, medical technicians, paramedics, firefighters, educators, administrators and others; and VIIHEREAS, the members of emergency medical service teams, whether career or volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and ~UHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of emergency medical service providers. N4UV, THEREFORE, SUE the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia do hereby proclaim the week of May ~7 through 23, 2009 as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, with the theme, "EMS: A Proud Partner in Your Community", we encourage the community to observe this week with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities. ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. E- ~ AT A REGI,ILAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISORS GF ROANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANOKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendment to the fiscal year 2008-2009 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2501, Code of Virginia SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director, Management and Budget APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III - CountyAdministrator CQUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INF~RMATI~N: This is a public hearing to secure citizen's comments concerning amending thefiscalyear 2008-2009 budget by adjusting the aggregate amountto be appropriated during the fiscal year. Section 15.2-2501 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that whenever such amendment exceeds 1 percent of the total expenditures shown in the adopted budget or $500,000, whichever is lesser, the County must publish notice of a meeting and public hearing. The notice must state the County's intent to amend the budget and include a brief synopsis of the proposed budget amendments}. This notice was published on May 5, 2009. 1. Request to amend reduce}the appropriation of funds in the 2008-2009 fiscal year in the amount of $4,000,000 resulting from decreased revenues FISCAL IMPACT: "there is no fiscal impact as a resi.~lt of the public hearing. Requests forthe appropriations will occur later on this agenda. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recon~imended that the Board hold the required public hearing. Board action appropriating funds, as provided in this notice, will occur later during this meeting. 2 ACTIGN NG. ITEM NG. '~-- AT AREGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD ATTHE RGANGKE CGUNTYADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2449 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing for the proposed budget for fiscal year 2449- 2414 and the fiscal year 2414-2414 Capital Improvements Program SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPRgVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator CgUNTY ADMINISTRATgR'S CgMMENTS: SUMMARY qF INFgRMATIgN: This time has been set aside for a public hearing for the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2449-2014 and the fiscal year 2410-2414 Capital Improvements Program. A summary of the proposed budget was advertised in the Roanoke Times on May 5, 2009 and a summary of the budget and information previously discussed with the Board regarding the proposed budget was distributed to all Roanoke County libraries. Beginning late fall, the Board and staff worked closely together to review local revenue estimates, state funding issues, capital improvement projects, and other costs of operations. In addition, the Board has met with the School Board, hosted presentations from operating departments and Human Service, Cultural, and Tourism agencies to hear and then consider each group's budget requests for fiscal year 2049-2410. This overview outlines the major issues and service levels that have been addressed in priorwork sessions. The remainder of the budget process is as follows: • May 26, 2009 2nd Reading of the Appropriation Grdinance • May 26, 2009 Adoption of Annual Budget and Capital Improvements Plan ACTION N0. ITEM NO. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE'~ING DATE: May 12, 2409 AGENDA ITEM: Request to amend reduce} the appropriation of funds in the zoos-2449 fiscal year in the amount of $4,044,444 resulting from decreased revenues SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director, Management and Budget APPRGVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY~F INFORMATION: At a work session on December 15, 2448 staff updated the Board of Supervisors on current year ~FY48-49}revenue estimates, which indicated that projected revenues would fall short of the current revenue budget by $2,918,959. On February 14, 2009 a public hearingwas held and the Board of Supervisors amended the FYD8-D9 budgetbyreducing revenue and expenditure appropriations by $2,918,959. Subsequent to this action, economic indicators and revenue collections continued to decline and indicated the need for further evaluation of revenue projections for the current year. On March 14, 2449 staff updated the Board of Supervisors on revised revenue estimates, which indicated an additional shortfall of $4,044,DDD in various revenue categories. These proposed revisions are as follows: Real Estate tax $( 280,000) Personal Property tax (3,300,000) Sales Tax ( 175,000) Hotel/Motel tax ( 125,000) Meals tax ( 100,000) Permits, Fees, and Licenses ( 120,000) Fines and Forfeitures 100.000 Total Revenue Adjustment $(4,000,000) In order to reflect these revised estimates, staff is proposing to again amend FY2008-09 revenue and expenditure appropriations. Based on staff's briefing of the board at the March 10, 2009 work session, expenditure appropriations will be red~~ced as follows: Contributions-carry forward balance School operating transfer Vinton gain-sharing Court Services Unit-detention costs Health insurance savings (current year) Drainage program-capital Glenvar library-account balance Illegal dump fund-balance NPDES capital Health Insurance reserves Total Expenditure Adjustment FISCAL IMPACT: $( 140,000) (1,000,000) ( 75,000) ( 200,000) ( 500,000) ( 200,000) ( 450,000) ( 50,000) ( 200,000) X1,185,000) $(4,000,000) General Government revenues will be reduced by $4,000,000 and General Government expenditures will be reduced by the same amount. STAFF REC4MMENDATI4N: Staff recommends amending FY2008-09 appropriations by reducing both General Government revenues and expenditures by $4,000,000. 2 ACTION NQ. ITEM NQ. - ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING QF THE BQARD GF SUPERVISQRS QF RQANQKE CQUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RQANQKE CQUNTY ADMINISTRATIQN CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 12, 2409 Approval of an agreement regarding certain vacations, dedications and work related to the development of a shopping center in the Clearbrook Area of Roanoke County, Virginia Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMiNISTRATaR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY QF INFgRMATI~N: "this agreement is betwee~7 Roanoke County, James L. Walker of Roanoke, LLC, and Wa1-Mart Real Estate Business Trust. It identifies the various actions to be taken by each of the parties for the vacation, abandonment, dedication and conveyance of portions of Stable Road, Clearbrook Village Lane and other real estate in order to implement the provisions of the Board of Supervisors' Qrdinance No. 102446-7, a 2001 Performance Agreement between the Board and James L. Walker, LLC, and to construct intersection improvements at Buck Mountain Road, Stable Road and U.S. Route 220 Franklin Road}. BACKGRaUND: The County entered into a Performance Agreement dated December 5, 2001 with Walker for the economic development of certain property located on U.S. Route 220 Franklin Road} in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke County, Virginia. Paragraph 6 of the Performance Agreement provides that the owner of the Walker Property will dedicate a 100-foot-wide right-of-way to the County for the construction of a public highway connecting a redesigned intersection of Buck Mountain Road ASR 679} and Stable Road ASR 766} at Franklin Road ~U.S. Highway 220}. The parties agreed that the location of the right-of-way would be determined at a later date by the owner of the Walker Property, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation, In 2001 the County placed the Buck Mountain Road intersection improvements on its 6- Year Secondary Road Plan. VDQT held a citizen's informational meeting in March 2005 to consider various options for improvements to the intersection of Buck Mountain Road, Stable Road and U.S. Route 220. 0n Qctober 24, 2006, the County adopted Qrdinance No. 102406-7 upon the application of Holrob Investments LLC, with respect to approximately forty-one X41 } acres of land located in the 5200 block of Franklin Road, between Stable Road and Clearbrook Lane, and to the east of the Walker Property. The Qrdinance rezoned a small portion of the property and granted Holrob a Special Use Permit to operate a retail sales establishment with a gross floor area greater than 50,000 square feet on the property, subject to certain conditions. Condition 9 of the SUP provides, in part, that the Franklin RoadlStable Road intersection and the alignment of Stable Road shall be redesigned to safely separate neighborhood and commercial traffic. -this Agreement provides for the construction of a new alignment for Clearbrook Village Lane and Stable Road, and its acceptance into the Commonwealth's Secondary Road System. It provides for temporary construction and slope easements for this new Stable Road construction, Wal-Mart will pay for the relocation of Walker's test track; it sequences the filing of subdivision plats} and dedications of new roads to the County, vacations or abandonments of rights-of-way, and exchange conveyances between Walker, Wal-Mart and the County. ~fhe County agrees to adopt resolutions requesting the Commonwealth Transportation Board to accept the new portions of Stable Road and Clearbrook Village Lane into the Secondary Highway System, and to adopt a resolution vacating portions of Stable Road, Clearbrook Lane and Clearbrook Village Lane. The County would also convey to Wal-Mart a small parcel of land approximately 1,913 square feet}, which the County acquired by donation in 2002. This Agreement would implement the provisions of the Performance Agreement and Qrdinance No. 102406-1. It would provide a framework for the various actions to vacate, abandon, dedicate and convey property by each of the parties to implement same, and it would provide for the timely constr~~ction of this project, intersection improvements and a new Stable Road. STAFF REC~MMENDATI~N: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the approval of the attached Agreement in substantially this form and content, and to authorize the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, to execute it on behalf of the County. If approved by the Board, fut~~re Board actions will be necessary to accomplish its purposes. 2 AGREEMENT REGARDING CERTAIN VACATIONS, DEDICATIGNS AND WORK RELATED TG THE DEVELGPMENT GF A SHOPPING CENTER IN THE CLEARBRGGK AREA GF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, THIS AGREEMENT REGARDING CERTAIN VACATIONS, DEDICATIGNS AND WORK RELATED TG THE DEVELOPMENT GF A SHOPPING CENTER IN THE CLEARBROGK AREA GF ROANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA this "Agreement"}, is entered into this day of , 2009, by and among WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, a Delaware statutory trust ~"Wal-Mart"}, JAMES L. WALKER OF ROANOKE, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ~"Walker"), the BOARD GF SUPERVISORS OF RGANOKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, a body politic the "County"), and joined solely for the purposes herein stated by CROSSROADS AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, a ~"Crossroads"). RECITAL No,1 The County and Sims Automotive, Inc., a Virginia corporation ~"Sims"}, predecessor in interest to Walker, and certain other parties entered into that certain Performance Agreement dated December 5, 2001 the "Performance Agreement"}, with respect to the economic development of certain real property now owned by Walker located on U.S. Route 220 Franklin Road) in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke County, Virginia the "Walker Property"). Paragraph 6 of the Performance Agreement provides that the owner of the Walker Property will dedicate a 100-foot-wide right-of way to the County for the construction of a public highway connecting a redesigned intersection of Buck Mountain Road S.R. 679) and Stable Road S.R. 766} at Franklin Road ~U.S. Highway 220} the "Intersection Improvements"}. The parties to the Performance Agreement agreed that the location of the Intersection Improvements on the Walker Property would be determined at a later date by ,the owner of the Walker Property, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation, an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia ~"VDDT"). RECITAL No. Z By that certain Assignment dated August 30, 2002, Sims assigned its rights and responsibilities under the Performance Agreement to Walker, and Walker agreed to be responsible for all of Sims' obligations thereunder, RECITAL No. 3 Dn October 24, 2006, the County adopted Ordinance No. 102406-7 the "ordinance"} upon the application of Holrob Investments LLC, a Tennessee limited liability company, predecessor in interest to Cullom Holrob Virginia, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ~"Holrob"}, optionee with respect to approximately forty-one X41 } acres of land located in the 5200 block of Franklin Road the "Shopping Center Property"}, between Stable Road and Clearbrook Lane, opposite Stable Road and to the east of the Walker Property. The ordinance rezoned a small portion of the Shopping Center Property and granted Holrob a Special Use Permit the "SUP"} to operate a retail sales establishment with a gross floor area greater than 50,000 square feet on the Shopping Center Property, subject to certain conditions. Condition 9 of the SUP provides, in part, that the Franklin RoadlStable Road intersection and the alignment of Stable Road shall be redesigned to separate neighborhood and commercial traffic the "SUP Improvements", and together with the Intersection Improvements applicable to the development of the Shopping Center, the "Road Improvements"}. RECITAL N4.4 In December 2005, Walker, as lessor, and Crossroads, as lessee, entered into a lease with respect to the Walker Property the "Crossroads Lease"}. Crossroads joins this Agreement solely to acknowledge that it has seen this Agreement, that it consents to the terms hereof, and that the terms or conditions of the Crossroads Lease will be amended without any further consideration to allow the actions described herein. RECITAL NQ. S Pursuant to that certain Purchase Agreement dated March 20, 2007, as amended by First Amendment to Purchase Agreement dated July 12, 2007, as amended by Second Amendment to Purchase Agreement dated January 28, 2005, as amended by Third Amendment to and Assignment of Purchase Agreement dated February 15, 2008, and as amended by Fourth Amendment to Purchase Agreement and Option to Assume Underlying Agreements and Purchase Property dated September 1 ~, 2005 together, the "Purchase Agreement"}, between Holrob and Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart is the contract purchaser and optionee of the Shopping Center Property has defined below}, RECITAL N4. G Title research has revealed that the portion of Stable Road addressed in this Agreement is a public right-of way pursuant to the conveyance of an easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia by deed dated April 1,1924, and recorded in Deed Book 130, page 243, by W. D. Campbell and N.C. Campbell, and the adjoining property owners have fee simple title to the center line of the right-of way. RECITAL No. 7 Wal-Mart has prepared a preliminary site plan for the development of the Shopping Center Property, a copy of which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference the "Site Plan"}. Among other things, the Site Plan depicts the area of the Stable Road Work and the Clearbrook Village Lane Road Work both as defined below}. Attached as Exhibit B is a plat showing the Dedication Areas and the Vacation Areas both as defined below} ~"Dedication and Vacation Plat"}. RECITAL No. g The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the obligations of the parties hereto with respect to the Stable Road Work in order to comply with the Performance Agreement and the ordinance as they relate to the development of the Shopping Center Property, including the Clearbrook Village Lane Road Work. AGREEMENT: N~VV, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises and benefits of attaining the common objectives stated in this Agreement the parties mutually agree to the following provisions, terms, and conditions, including, but not limited to, the dedications and vacations described below in the following order: 1. Closing on the Shop,~,g Center Property. Wal-Mart's obligations under this Agreement are subject to and contingent upon the consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and closing upon each of the individual parcels of real property comprising the Shopping Center Property the "Closing"}. 2. Road Construction. Wal-Mart shall design, engineer and construct ~i}anew alignment for Stable Road the "Stable Road Work"}, and iii}anew alignment for Clearbrook Village Lane S.R. 4077} the "Clearbrook Village Lane Road Work"}, both as shown on the Site Plan, to the standards required by VDOT for acceptance into the Commonwealth of Virginia's Secondary System of Highways the "Secondary System"}, and in compliance with the final version of the Site Plan approved by the County and in compliance with and subject to the final road development plans approved by VDC~T the "Road Plans"}, 3. Access, Temporary Construction and Sloe Easements for New Stable Road Construction. Ten ~ 10} days prior to the Closing, Walker shall execute an easement agreement suitable for recording in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference the "Construction Easement Agreement"}, and deliver the fully-executed and notarized Construction Easement Agreement to Chicago Title Insurance Company, Wal-Mart's title insurance company, at the address specified in Paragraph 10, below, to be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia the "Land Records"}. The Construction Easement Agreement shall grant to Wal-Mart, its successors and assigns, access, temporary construction and slope easements the "Construction Easements"} on, under, through, over, across and upon the Walker Property for the construction of the Stable Road Work in the locations on the Walker Property to be labeled as "Access Easement," "Temp. Coast. Easement" or "Slope Easement," as the case may be, as shown and depicted on the exhibit plat attached to the Construction Easement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C the "Construction Easement Areas"}. If applicable, Walker shall have any lender with a lien on the Walker Property join as a party to the Construction Easement Agreement. Walker's obligations under this Agreement are subject to and contingent upon the consummation of the transaction contemplated by the Purchase Agreement and closing upon each of the individual parcels of real property comprising the Shopping Center Property for for any of the owners of the individual parcels who need a post closing right of possession, then an escrow closing with such owners whereby such owner has delivered all of his or her closing documents into escrow and Wal-Mart has delivered its purchase price into escrow with the closing subject only to such owner vacating its property}, receipt by Walker of an agreement reasonably satisfactory to Walker assuring the completion of the existing VDT requirements without cost to Walker and receipt by Walker of a confirmation reasonably satisfactory to Walker that the previously existing non-VDOT requirements have been completed. 4. Test Track Relocation and Test Track Pa ment. In connection with the Stable Road Work by Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart shall, at its sole cost and expense, relocate that certain Land Raver test track the "Old Test Track"} located on the Walker Property from its current location to the new location depicted on the plats attached hereto as Exhibit D the "New Test Track"}. The final plans and specifications for the New Test Track shall be subject to the reasonable approval of Walker and Crossroads; rovided, however, that the plans and specifications for the New Test Track shall be substantially similar in size, shape and composition to the old Test Track and will comply with the requirements of Crossroads' Land Rover franchise agreement. 5. Ri ht-of Way Dedications. Following the completion of the Stable Road Work and the Clearbrook Village Lane Work, Wal-Mart, Walker and the County shall execute and record among the Land Records a subdivision plat the "Subdivision Plat"} for the purpose of, among others, dedicating to the County right-of way for the relocation of portions of Stable Road and portions of Clearbrook Village Lane together, the "Dedications"}, in the locations shown and depicted on the Dedication and Vacation Plat together, the "Dedication Areas"}. Walker and Wal-Mart shall execute and record among the Land Records any documents reasonably necessary to complete the Dedications. 6. Acceptance of New Stable Road and New Clearbrook Village Lane into Secondar S stem. Following the completion of the Stable Road Work, the Clearbrook Village Lane Work and the Dedications, the County shall adopt a resolution requesting that the Commonwealth Transportation Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia the "CTB"} accept ~i} the new portions of Stable Road, and iii} the new portions of Clearbrook Village Lane into the Secondary System. 7. Vacation of Ri ht-of Wa . Following the Dedications and acceptance of new portions of Stable Road and the new portions of Clearbrook Village Lane into the Secondary System by the CTB, the County shall adopt a resolution to vacate the portions of Stable Road, Clearbrook Lane and Clearbrook Village Lane shown on the Dedications and Vacation Plat as the "Vacation Areas" the "Vacation Areas"}. After a resolution is adopted, a plat executed by all of the appropriate parties, including Walker, Wal-Mart and the County, if necessary, shall be recorded among the Land Records the "Right-of-~Vay Vacation Plat"} to vacate and abandon the Vacation Areas. 8. Subsequent Conve ance of the Count~nterest in Portion of Clearbrook Lane. After the recordation of the Right-of Way Vacation Plat among the Land Records, the County shall convey to Wal-Mart in fee simple by special warranty deed to be recorded among the Land Records, all of its right, title and interest in and to that certain approximately 1,913.00 square foot portion of Clearbrook Lane S.R. 674} vacated pursuant to the Right-of Way Vacations Plat and owned by the County pursuant to that certain plat entitled "PLAT SHOWING PRQPERTY X36,246 S.F.} BEING DEDICATED TD THE COUNTY QF RDANnKE FDR STREET PURPOSES AND NEW TEMPORARY CnNSTRUCTIQN EASEMENT, 30' TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT #l, TEMPORARY ACCESS EASEMENT #2, PERMANENT UTILITY EASEMENT, PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT, PERMANENT WATERLINE EASEMENT, AND A NEW TEMPaRARY SL~PEIPERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED BY THE VINE AND BRANCH, INC. SITUATED ALONG U.S. RDUTE 220, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, RGANOKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA" dated December 10, 2002, prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., recorded among the Land Records in Plat Book 26, at page 145, and labeled "Area #2 To Be Dedicated for Street Purposes" thereon. 9. Subsequent Conveyance of Wal-Mart Interest in Parcel A to Walker. Promptly upon the recordation of the Right-of Way Vacation Plat among the Land Records and the prior vacation and abandonment by the County and VDOT of that parcel labeled as "Parcel A" on the Dedication and Vacation Plat, Wal-Mart shall convey to Walker in fee simple by special warranty deed to be recorded among the Land Records, all of its right, title and interest in and to Parcel A, and execute all reasonable and standard title and tax documents in connection with such transfer, including, without limitation, if necessary, a release from any lien encumbering the Shopping Center Property. 10. Subsequent Conveyance of Walker Interest in Parcel B to Wal-Mart. Promptly upon the recordation of the Right-of Way Vacation Plat among the Land Records and the prior vacation and abandonment by the County and VDOT of that parcel labeled as "Parcel B" on the Dedication and Vacation Plat, Walker shall convey to Wal-Mart in fee simple by special warranty deed to be recorded among the Land Records, all of its right, title and interest in and to Parcel B, and execute all reasonable and standard title and tax documents in connection with such transfer, including, without limitation, if necessary, a release from any lien encumbering the Walker Property. 11, Notices. All notices and communications required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in writing and hand delivered or mailed by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, or by Federal Express, Airborne Express, or similar overnight delivery service, addressed as follows: If to Wal-Mart: If to Walker: Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust 2001 S.E. 10th Street Bentonville, AR 72716-0550 Attention: , RE Manager Stare # 13 01-02 With copy to: Carl H. Bivens, Esq, Troutman Sanders LLP 1001 Haxall Point Richmond, Virginia 23 219 With copy to: G. Franklin Flippin, Esquire Gentry Locke Rakes & Moore LLP 10 Franklin Road, S.E. Roanoke, Virginia 24011 If to the County; Paul M. Mahoney, Esquire County of Roanoke If to Chico o Title Insurance Com an P. ~. Box 29800 Chicago Title Insurance Company Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 830 East Main Street Richmond, VA 23219 Attention; Carol J. Lunsford 12. Entire ~ A reement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement among the parties hereto, and there are no other terms, conditions, promises, undertakings, statements or representations, either written or oral or express or implied, concerning the sale contemplated by this Agreement. 13. Headin s. The paragraph headings are for convenience of reference only and do not modify or restrict any provisions hereof and shall not be used to construe any provisions. 14. Modifications and Waiver. This Agreement may be amended only by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parties hereto. This Agreement may be terminated only by an instrument in writing signed by all of the parties hereto. ]Vo waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor shall any waiver be a continuing waiver. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no waiver shall be binding unless executed in writing by the party making the waiver. 15. Successors. This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and bind the parties hereto and their respective executors, heirs, administrators, successors and assigns. 16. Attorney's Fees; Court Costs. In any action or proceeding arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs from the non-prevailing party incurred by such party in enforcing its rights hereunder. In the event of a legal dispute, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall prevail. 17. Enforceability. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be fully severable. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision had never comprised a part hereof. 18. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which, together, shall constitute one and the same instrument. [Signatures Appear on Following Pages] ACTION N0. ITEM NO. G~I AT A REGULAR MEE~fING OF ~fHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 12, 2009 First readingof an ordinancetoappropriatefundsforthefiscalyear 2009-2010 budget and approval of the Classification Plan for fiscal year 2009-2010 Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~, County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY 4F INFORMAI'14N: The fiscal year 2009-2010 budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors on April 14, 2009. A public hearing was held on May 12, 2009 to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed budget and fiscal year 2010-2014 Capital Improvements Program. Attached for your approval is the Budget Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal year 2009-10. The total County budget is $371,301,130. This includes all inter-fund and intra-fund transfers. The budget net of transfers is $261,839,515. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The format of the appropriation ordinance conforms to the reporting basis used atyear-end in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This presentation allows the same level of budget comparison as is required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for financial reporting purposes. This format will also consistently apply the appropriation on a fund basis for County funds as has been used to appropriate School funds in the past. Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the 2009-2010 fiscal year budget appropriation ordinance. Staff also recommends approval of the attached Classification Plan for fiscal year 2009-2010. The second reading and resolution adopting the budget is scheduled for May 26, 2009, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BARD GF SUPERVISORS OF RGANGKE CGUNTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANGKECGUNTYADMINISTRA"I"IGN CENTER GN "TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 GRDINANCE APPRGPRIATING FUNDS FGR 'SHE 2449-244 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FGR RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, a public hearing was held on May 12, 2009 concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2009-10; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 26, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.OZ of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 12, 2009, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 26, 2009, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT GRDAINED by ~~he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2009, and ending J~~ne 30, 2010, for the functions and purposes indicated: County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2009-2010 Budget May 26, 2009 Revenues: General Fund: General Government $ 166,793,434 Comprehensive Services 7,079,647 Emergency Communications Center 2,287,400 Law Library 46,648 Public Works Projects 182,922 SB&T-Social Services Building 444,580 Recreation Fee Class 2,954,856 Internal Services 4,758,751 County Garage 2,208,312 Total General Fund $ 186,756,550 Debt Service Fund -County $ 8,034,018 Capital Projects Fund 9,735,772 Total Capital Projects Fund $ 9,735,772 Internal Service Fund -Risk Management $ 949,956 School Funds: operating $ 137,909,128 Nutrition 5,521,806 Capita! 2,422,257 Debt l 1,341,461 Bus 810,000 Regional Alternative School 392,115 Laptop Insurance Reserve 406,500 Grant 5,448,137 Textbook 1,580,030 Total School Fund $ 165,831,434 Total All Funds $ 371,307,730 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2009-2010 Budget May 26, 2009 Expenditures: General Government: General Administration Board of Supervisors $ 353,750 County Administrator 254,636 Public Information 317,662 Chief Information Dff cer 155,420 Asst. Co. Administrators 347,687 Human Resources 723,409 County Attorney 547,279 Economic Development 539,569 Total General Administration $ 3,269,742 Constitutional Officers Treasurer $ 821,830 Commonwealth Attorney 1,005,533 Commissioner of the Revenue 753,299 Clerk of the Circuit Court 1,029,351 Sheriff s Dffice 3,140,211 Care & Confinement of Prisoners 5,531,135 Total Constitutional Dff cers $ 12,614,359 Judicial Administration Circuit Court $ 242,191 General District Court 44,375 Magistrate 1,655 J & DR Court 15,429 Court Service Unit 657,405 Total Judicial Administration $ 964,055 Management Services Real Estate Assessments $ 1,012,033 Finance 1,345,901 Public Transportation 550,000 Management and Budget 276,296 Procurement Services 437,1 SS Total Management Services $ 3,621,41 S County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2009-2010 Budget May Z6, 2009 Public Safety Police $ 11,036,761 Fire and Rescue 12,506,729 Total Public Safety $ 23,543,490 Community Services General Services $ 1,146,328 Solid Waste 4,646,556 Community Development 4,577,110 Building Maintenance 1,359,638 Total Community Services $ 11,729,632 Human Services Grounds Maintenance $ 2,237,675 Parks and Recreation 2,299,063 Public Health 523,935 Social Services 9,048,103 Contributions-Human Service, Cultural, Tourism,Dues 1,203,708 Library 2,829,875 VA Cooperative Extension 93,758 Elections 298,422 Total Human Services $ 18,534,539 Non-Departmental Employee Benefits $ 2, 7 09,103 Miscellaneous 1,516,500 Internal Service Charges 4,465,391 Total Non-Departmental $ 8,090,994 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2oo9-2UlU Budget May 26, 2oD9 Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt -General & Schools $ 16,501,324 Transfer to Capital X74,836} Transfer to Schools 60,066,059 Transfer to Emergency Communications Center 2,152,400 Transfer to Schools -Dental Insurance 477,299 Transfer to Internal Services 949,956 Transfer to Comprehensive Services 4,253,000 Transfer to County Garage 0 Total Transfers to ether Funds $ 84,325,202 Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency $ 100,000 Total General Government $ 166,793,434 Comprehensive Services $ 7,079,647 Emergency Communications Center $ 2,287,400 Law Library $ 46,648 Public Works Projects $ 182,922 SB&T-Social Services Building $ 444,580 Recreation Fee Class $ 2,954,856 Internal Services Management Information Systems $ 4,109,894 Communications 648,857 County Garage 2,208,312 Total Internal Services $ 6,967,063 Total General Fund $ 186,756,550 Debt Service Fund -County $ 8,034,018 Capital Projects Fund $ 9,735,772 lnternal Services Fund -Risk Management $ 949,956 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2009-2010 Budget May 26, 2009 School Funds: Operating $ 137,909,128 Nutrition 5,521,806 Capital 2,422,257 Debt 11,341,461 Bus 810,000 Regional Alternative School 392,115 Laptop Insurance Reserve 406,500 Grant 5,44 8,13 7 Text Book 1,580,030 Total School Funds $ 165,831,434 Total All Funds $ 371,307,730 2. -f hat tl~e County Administrator may authorize or delegate the authorization of the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one department to another. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 2009, are re-appropriated to the 2009-10 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. Tl~iis section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 2009, and appropriations in the 2009- 10 budget. ~. That all school fund appropriations remaining at the end of the 2008-09 fiscal year not lapse but shall be appropriated to the School Capital Fund in fiscal year 2009- 10 asfollows: a.) Two-thirds of the year end balance in the school operating fund will be allocated to the Major School Capital Reserve; b.) One-third of the year end balance in the school operating fund, not to exceed $1,000,000, will be allocated to the Minor School Capital Reserve; c.) If the one-third allocation to the Minor School Capital Reserve exceeds $1,000,000, the excess will be added to the Major School Capital Reserve. 6. That all General Fund unexpended appropriations at the end of the 2008-09 fiscal year not lapse but shall be re-appropriated, as provided by Resolution 122104-4, as follows: a) 40% of these unexpended appropriations shall be transferred to the un- appropriated Minor County Capital Fund Reserve; b) 60% of these unexpended appropriations shall be re-appropriated to the same department for expenditure in fiscal year 2009-10. 1. That all General Fund revenues collected in excess of appropriated revenues shall be re-appropriated, as provided by Resolution 122104-5, as follows: a.) Revenues in excess of budget will first be allocated to the General Fund Un- appropriated Balance, until the maximum amount forthe currentyear is met, as specified in the General Fund Un-appropriated Balance Policy, as adopted by Resolution 122104-2; b.) The remainder of revenues in excess of budget will then be allocated to 'the Major County Capital Fund Reserve 8. Rescue fees collected by the Fire & Rescue Department in excess of budgeted amounts will be re-appropriated and allocated to the Fire and Rescue Capital Reserve. 9. "that Two Million Dollars from the Unappropriated Fund Balance is hereby appropriated to a Reserve for Contingency for unanticipated or emergency expenditures that may arise during the 2009-1o fiscal year; and money allocated to the Reserve for Contingency must be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors before such money may be expended. 10. -f his ordinance shall take effect July 1, 2409. a~ 0 0 w 0 0 U c~ a c~ P~ c~ 0 . r.., c~ U . ,..~ C~ U 0 0 o~ 0 0 w a Q~ U O 0 a~ as ~ N f~ f~ f~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c'~ c~ c~ c~ r7 c~ r7 r7 r7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N (d (fl (D o N N N N N N r r r r r r r r 00 DO 00 00 00 DO 00 00 00 In N N N N N ~K ~ O 00 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ r r L'7 L+'] (~'] ('~] L+'] ('~] (+] L+'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (fl tD (fl (fl (D (fl +b N N N N C~ (+] {'') L'~ {'7 (+'] (+'] L'~ (+'] (+] (+] L'~ {'7 {'7 c'ri L'~ (+'] (+] (+] {'7 (+] {'7 {'7 {'7 L'~ {'7 (+'] (+] (+] L'~ ~+ C N 00 OD 00 OD 01 ~~~ 01 ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r r r r r r 'p o 0 0 0 o m c~ o c~ m c~ rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn ao ao 00 00 00 00 0o ro ao ~~~~~~ a 00 0 0 o N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ r r r r r r r r r fD cD (fl (fl cD (fl '~ N ~ ~ ~ N cD cfl cD cfl f0 cfl f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ f~ Oi Oi vi vi Oi vi ~ 01 01 0 o O ~ ~ ~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N (+'] c+] (+] c+] t''7 c~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ ~ ~ {~ ('7 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ~ ~ O 00 OD ~ N ~ {'7 N N N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r r r r r r r r C7 (~'] (+] (+] (+] (+] (r] {'7 {'7 o O O o 0 0 r: 'C GO ~ ~ 01 O r r r r ~ r N N N N N N N N ('rJ ('') ('rJ ('rJ ('rJ ('rJ L'7 C'7 C'7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r r r r N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 7 .C C d .C ~ ~ W f~ r r fD O r N N N N ~ N r r r (+] L+] N f~ r r L{? r r r (+') In r (+] L+'] r r N r v ~ o ~ z r m a~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ E E ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ o ~ c ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ c c ~ c ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ r xs a ~ ~ o ~ xs ~ U r r p o °~ U 'C N ~- N N~ N c~ c~ N c c~ ~ c c c ~~~ ~ m e ~ A~~ C ~ a~ a~ a~ r a o ~ ~ a~ a 3 N ~ .a o o ~ o a > > ~ •Y Z O ^ U U V = ~ L ~ Q1 U ~ N ~ Q1 (~ N c~ W L L Q1 N ~ a~ L C L L L L L C C L ~ ~ J ._ a~ a~ a~ v o v .~ ~' a ~ ~~ ~ a v ca ~ o a a ,~ ~ v ro o y N N N ~ a~ •~, L a~ c N a~ ~ o ~~ a~ a~ a~ o ~ ~ ~~, ~~, ~ c ~ a~ y, ~ Z ~ a o c o o ~ ~ vi E ~ vi ~ ~ vi w ro ~ ~ v; vi vi ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ c o ~ v; v '~ 0 N ~p ~ c ~ ~ r a ~ o ~ ~ o a~ ~ ai o 0 o c~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ o a ~ r ,~ o .~ o o ~ ~ ~ ii ~~ ~ N U a U~ a U~ a~ N a U a a a N~ U U U~ N~ U~ d U a .~ o ~ ~ ,d v o Qo~ `~ ~ ~ ~ N o t ~ ~ ~ ~ ro ._ ,~ ~ ~ ~, v ~ Q - ~ a ~, J ~ y a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a U a a a a a a ~ V ~ ~ a~i ~ a~i ~ ~ ~ a~i a~i m a~i ~ ~ a~i ~ a~i a~i a~i a~i a~i a~i ~ a~i a~i a~i a~i ~ ~ ~ a~i ~ ~ a~i a ~ a x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x a x x x x x x a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ m a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ ~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ m ~'` c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c o c c c c c c as ~ o a o o a a o a o a o o a a a o o a o a o o a o a a x o a o o a o ~= Z Z Z Z, Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z w Z Z Z Z Z Z ~ ~ 4~ v v j o ro ro~~ ~ ~ A~~~ - p ro Q) W N Q~ W L L ~ ~ N L L a ~~~ u, ~ o a o °~ ~ a o ~ _ ~ aai aai aai m aai o a ~ n - ~ o ~ aai U a a ~ _ U ~ ~ o ~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ U °' ~ aai a~ ~ ~~ _a _a ~ _ U Uj N N N Uj ~ a a c~ ~ N~= U~ N S W a L C L L L L L > > , ~ L C ~ L ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~' U ~ ~ ~ '~ a~ ro a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ o ~ ~ a w a~ .~ U ~ Y ~, o N a~ U ~ ~ ~ :~ ~ w ~, ~ ;~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w w ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ U 3 ~ - ~ w w a .~ ~ a m~ U N~ a o a o o~ a a d1 ~~ ~ n~ w U~~ o° o L a a C o ro a~ ~~ m a~ ro ~' ro~~~~~ o 0 o a~ a s u, a~ m ro~ a v~ c~ S a o U U^~ ~ U N N~~ a U U U U U a~~~ N~¢^~~~ U¢ U a~~~ ~ lt? oo (+'] N 00 (+] (+'] In d1 O r r r r r r Q Q o o cD ~ (fl N fD o N o N~ f~ N N ~ r r N N ~ o f~ f~ 00 00 N N N N N N (D ~~ cD f~ f~ O N (fl (0 01 0 o N N~ (~'] C7 V o0 (fl cD o0 cfl cfl cD cfl cD a0 cD cD cD f0 cfl cD oD oo ~? 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ITEM NO. (-~-Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BQARD OF SUPERVISQRS OF RQANQKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RQANQKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIQN CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of an Ordinance to Amend the Roanoke CountyZaning Ordinance SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Plar~ning APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS; SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Last summer, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff identified several areas of the zoning ordinance to review and update. These sections include open space for cluster subdivisions, temporary signs, landscaping and buffer yard standards, and parking requirements. In addition, there was a recommendation to develop standards for portable temporary storage containers. After several work sessions on these amendments, the Planning Comrr~ission I~eld a public hearing an April 1, 2009. No citizens spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments by a vote of 5-0. Staff will review the proposed zoning ordinance amendments with the Board at the work session today. The second reading and public hearing on these amendments is scheduled for May 26, 2009, FISCAL IMPACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: ~ . Approve first reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke Co~~inty Zoning Ordinance. 2. Take no action at this time. STAFF REC4I~I~ENDA1'I~N: Staff recommends Alternative #1, approval of the first reading and setting the date of the second reading for May 26, 249. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINSTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE INCLUDING OPEN SPACE FOR CLUSTER SUBDIVISION, TEMPORARY SIGNS, LANDSCAPING AND BUFFER YARD STANDARDS, PARKING REQUIREMENTS, AND STANDARDS FOR PORTABLE TEMPORARY STORAGE CONTAINERS WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice requires the amendment to Chapter 30 of the Roanoke County Code (Zoning Ordinance} by the adoption of these amendments; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission and planning staff have identified several areas of the zoning ordinance to review and update; and WHEREAS, these sections include open space for cluster subdivisions, temporary signs, landscaping and buffer yard standards, parking requirements and standards for portable temporary storage containers; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 7, 2009, on these amendments. WHEREAS, the first reading of the ordinance was held on May 12, 2009, and the second reading and public hearing was held on May 26, 2009. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following sections of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES SEC.30-28. DEFINITIONS. 1 (A) The following rules for general construction of language shall apply to this ordinance: The specific shall control the general. Addition: an extension or increase in floor area or height of a building or structure. Berm: A mound of earth designed to perform the function of a buffer, especially when used in conjunction with landscape plantings between adjacent parcels. Bioretention Planting Island: A planting island designed to collect stormwater via curb cuts and gradually remove pollutants from the water through the natural processes of the plants located within the island. Treated water is then naturally allowed to infiltrate into the surrounding soil, or is collected by an underdrain system and discharged to the stormwatersystem. Carport: a space outside asingle-family or two-family dwelling, and contiguous thereto, wholly or partially covered by a roof but without side enclosure(s), used for the shelter of motor vehicles. Change of use: means any use which substantially differs from a previous use of a building, structure or property. Conservation areas, :Areas within the one hundred-year floodplain, slopes greater than twenty-five (25) percent, lands within designated view sheds and .....,.,.... ~ ,.... ,,., .... ,......... ,. ~ ... ... ,. r .. ,..,... ..,.....,,...., ............ .... ,,.....,.. ,.,. ,.... ,,. .....,..., . , r,........ . Crown Coverage: The amount of ground area covered by tree crowns looking from above the trees. Ground Cover: Low growing plants, which are generally horizontal in nature, used to cover the ground to prevent erosion and weeds. Landscaped Median: Planting areas which generally run the length of parking aisles in a parking area. Low Impact Development: A land planning and engineering design approach to managing stormwater runoff emphasizing conservation and use of on-site natural features to protect water quality. Mass Transit: Transportation by a conveyance that provides regular and continuing general or special transportation to the public, but not including school buses, charter or sightseeing service. Mixed use: a development that provides multiple compatible uses in close proximity to one another. And/or a land use pattern that seeks to increase 2 Conservation areas include, but are not limited to the following: healthy woodlands, locations of species listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern, historic structures and sites, riparian zones outside the FEMA study area and productive agricultural and forested lands. concentrations of population and employment in well-defined areas with a mix of diverse and compatible land uses. Net Floor Area: The gross floor area of a building excluding hallways, stairwells, utility rooms, and other areas not meant for habitation or public service. For the purpose of this chapter, net floor area shall equal seventy-five (75) percent of the gross floor area Open space: Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved prior to the cluster request and set aside, dedicated or reserved for common use or eniovment of the residents of the development. ,,~~t~° ~~c° ~n~ °nin„m°n~ Open tennis and Parking, shared: when parking spaces are shared among different structures or uses or among mixed uses, and can include properties with different owners. Planting Island: Planting areas located within parking areas. These islands can also be designed as bioretention planting islands. Planting Strip: A landscaped area typically located between parking areas and adjacent right-of-way intended to screen parking areas from the right-of-way. Portable sign: A self supported sign that is designed to be moved easily, and is not permanently affixed to the ground, including but not limited to step stake signs, portable changeable message cabinets and sandwich signs. Row: An alignment of landscaping where plants are spaced so that they will touch at maturity. Temporary use: A use that is established for a fixed period of time with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of such time; and does not involve the construction or alteration of any permanent structure. Temporary uses may include but are not limited to Christmas tree sales, indoor and outdoor art, craft shows, plant shows, other similar exhibits and sales and other uses as approved by the Zoning Administrator Trail: A bicycle and pedestrian path separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space, barrier or curb. Trails maybe within the highway right- of-way or within an independent right-of-way, such as on an abandoned railroad bed or along a stream valley park. They are typically surfaced in asphalt or concrete, but may have hard-packed/all weather gravel or dirt surfaces as well. Tree, Deciduous: A tree which loses all of its leaves at some time during the year. Tree, Evergreen: A tree which retains some or all of its leaves throughout the year. Turf Grass: Grasses that, when regularly mowed, form a dense growth of leaf bides suitable for a lawn or recreation areas. ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30-32. AG-3 AGRICULTURALIRURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT. 3 space may include, but is not limited to, recreation centers, swimming pools, basketball courts, community gardens and similar facilities. Sec. 30-32-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* 3. Civic Uses SEC. 30-33. AG-1 AGRICULTURALIRURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT. Sec. 30-33-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Temporary portable storage confainers* SEC. 30-34. AR AGRICULTURALIRESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-34-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* SEC. 30-36. AV AGRICULTURALNILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT. Sec. 30-36-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* SEC. 30-41. R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-41-2. Permitted uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Temporary portable storage confainers* 4 SEC. 30-42. R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-42-2. Permitted Uses. ~A} The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* SEC. 30-45. R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-45-2. Permitted Uses. ~A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* SEC. 30-46. R-4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-46-2. Permitted Uses. ~A} The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*} indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* EC. 30-47. PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30-47-2. Permitted Uses. (A} The following uses are permitted in the planned residential development district. However, no use shall be permitted except in conformity with the uses specifically included in the final master plan approved pursuant to section 30-47-5. An asterisk ~*} indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage confainers* SEC. 30-58. CVOD CLEARBROOK VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT Sec. 30-58-6. Special Regulations in the Clearbrook Village Overlay District. 5 The following special regulations shall apply within the Clearbrook village overlay district: (F) Parking. All off-street parking, stacking and loading areas within the Clearbrook village overlay district shall comply with the provisions of 30-91 of this ordinance; rR t~~ ' n et~nrl~rrl r-rn~iieinne fni inrl in eor+ ' n '~n_Q1_R~~11 '~Tr• Ord. No. 121900-11, § 1, 12-19-00) ARTICLE IV. USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30-82. RESIDENTIAL USES. Sec. 30-82-3. Home Occupations, Type I and Type II. 10. Temporary portable storage containers shall not be used in conjunction with a Type 1 or Type 11 home occupation or used as a principal use or principal building or structure. Sec. 30-82-13.1. Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option. ~A) Intent. 1. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to consider the appropriateness of open space and conservation areas on individual site plans in terms of such factors such as location, size, shape and topographic (B) Applicability. (E) Open space and conservation area requirements. 1. Minimum open space: Thir+„_~i„o «~~ Forty-five (45) percent of the gross acreage of the tract. If the gross acreage of the tract is comprised of conservation areas equaling or exceeding fifty (50) percent, no more than fifty (50) percent of the open space and conservation areas shall be required to be conserved. '. To the greatest degree practicable, open space and conservation areas shall ~e designed in large blocks, connected wherever possible and designed to onstitute a contiguous and cohesive unit of land. Open space and conservation rea exemptions include-bay: . No minimum or maximum lot size, ~. No public or private road frontage requirements or . No lot width requirement regulations. or lots with no public or private road frontage, a minimum twenty (20) foot ccess easement shall be provided for maintenance, pedestrian and emergency ccess. 6 aC~o ~~~ of hie nrrlin~nr+o. Any such lot proposed for platting shall be clearly designated on a subdivision plat reviewed and approved by the county. This plat shall contain notations and covenants that clearly forbid, in perpetuity, the use of the conservation lot for any type of residential dwelling, or other use or structure as prohibited by these provisions. 4. ~. A sidewalk or trail shall be provided to and through the provided open space or conservation areas except for the following areas: a. Environmentally sensitive areas that may include locations of species listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern; historic structures and sites; delineated wetlands or riparian zones outside the FEMA study area; b. Unsafe areas including but not limited to sink holes, cliffs and areas prone to rock slides; and c. Other areas if approved by the Zoning Administrator. The location of any such trail shall be clearly marked, and the trail shall be constructed of a surface material that is appropriate to the terrain, and distinguishable to the user. 5. ~ Ownership and maintenance of open space and conservation areas shall be one of the following: a. Common land owned in perpetuity by the owners of lots in the development, through a homeowners, condominium or similar association. Provisions for the maintenance of the open space in perpetuity shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with plat approval. b. Open space or conservation areas privately owned and maintained shall be allowed in order to preserve those attributes that qualify as open space or conservation areas. Deed restrictions and/or covenants shall encumber the property to prohibit further subdivision, development, or any other use of the open space. The following uses maybe permitted in privately owned open space or conservation areas: 1. Agricultural uses in existence prior to application for a cluster subdivision as determined by the Zoning Administrator; and 7 3.-~ Open space and conservation lots may be created in compliance with the terms of this ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision 0$rdinance; . ... . .. .. . . .... . .. . . . . . . .. . . . 2. Forested areas. 6. ~ If required open space is located within a mapped greenway corridor, as depicted on the Ggreenway Conceptual Plan, as amended, at the time of submittal of the preliminary plat, then a greenway easement shall be dedicated to the County or their designated agent. The Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission, shall determine the exact location and dimensions of the easement to be dedicated. 7. Historic structures or sites may be included in open space or conservation areas. A plan shall be submitted detailing how the historic structure or site will be preserved and maintained in perpetuity. 8. ~. No building, building addition, structure, stormwater management area, street, driveway, parking area or any other type of physical land improvement shall be located within a required nrim~r~i nr eonn"rl~ni conservation area. Notwithstanding the above, gazebos, benches, or other sitting areas and trails may be developed in, and historic structures may be located within, nrim~r~i ~nrl eor+nnrl~r~i conservation areas. 9. During the site review process, the Zoning Administrator shall consider the appropriateness of open space and conservation area configuration in terms of ^ w ^ .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ Sec. 30-82-15. Two-family Dwelling. Sec. 30-82-16. Temporary Portable Storage Containers. (A) Intent. Temporary Portable Storage Containers provide residential property owners temporary storage space for home remodeling, relocating, fire and/or water damage; and cleaning out attics, basements, garages or other attached storage areas. (B) General standards: 1. Temporary Portable storage containers shall only be permitted on lots with a principal building or structure. 2. Temporary portable storage containers shall not be used in conjunction with a Type 1 or Type 11 home occupation or used as a principal use or principal building or structure. 3. All temporary portable storage containers shall display the container provider's contact information. Signs shall not contain any other advertising for any other product or services. 4. Temporary portable storage containers shall not be inhabited. 5. Temporary portable storage containers should be located on a property in accordance with Section 30-100-8, and shall not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or be located within any required landscaped area. Placement on Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) right of way property shall require written approval from VDOT. 6. Due to the temporary nature of temporary portable storage containers, location in a driveway or yard may be acceptable. 8 7. Temporary portable storage containers shall be permitted on a lot for a period not to exceed thirty (30) consecutive days within a six (6) month period. For extensive construction projects a written extension maybe granted by the Zoning Administrator. 8. Maximum cumulative size of temporary portable storage containers on a property shall not exceed 130 square feet. 9. There is a limit of one (1) portable temporary storage container per lot. 10. A zoning permit shall be required to be obtained prior to the placement of a temporary portable storage container by the Department of Community Development with sufficient information, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, to determine compliance with all applicable regulations such as: a. size of container b. location c. delivery date d. removal date e. purpose of container f. container provider contact information. SEC. 30-85. COMMERCIAL USES. Sec. 30-85-3. Automobile Dealership, New. (A) General standards: 1. Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off street parking areas as required in Section 30-19- 4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. Di ~hlin ~`~roof ~nr,l D~rl~inni no~~n-n C'f~nnl~rnl~ 2. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. Sec. 30-85-4. Automobile Dealership, Used. (A) General standards: 1. Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off street parking areas as required in Section 30-19- 4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. Di-hlin ~`~roof ~nr,l D~rl~in„- no~~n-n C'f~nrl~rnl~ 2. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. Sec. 30-85-9. Campground. (A) General standards: 5. The primary access road shall be Parking Area Surface Standards. 9 surfaced as required in Section 30-91-4.3, entrance station. Interior roads and access to individual sites shall consist at a minimum of an all weather gravel surface. All interior roads shall be eighteen (18) feet minimum width for two-way travel or ten (10) feet minimum width for one-way travel. No campsite shall have direct access to a public street. Sec. 30-85-12. Construction Sales and Services. (A) General standards: 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. • I. ~ 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . 1 1 . 1 1 11 1 . 1 v 1 V\ 1 1 r v V I v^ v 1 ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 •~ ` v v' 1 1 1 1 v V\ 1 1 v v\. Sec. 30-85-14. Equipment Sales and Rentals. (A) General standards: 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. V1MI IvVM V. VI~ VI 11I V~ `VV/ 111IVM1 IVVV• Sec. 30-85-19. Mini-warehouse. (A) General standards: 4. All interior driveways shall be at least twenty-six (26) feet wide when cubicles open onto one side only and at least thirty (30) feet wide when cubicles open onto both sides to accommodate loading and unloading at individual cubicles. Adequate turning radiuses shall be provided, where appropriate, for athirty-foot long single unit truck or moving van. Materials and design shall otherwise conform to the standards contained in Section 30-91-4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. D, -h--,, c Proof ~~,~ D~r1~-nn Sec. 30-85-20. Manufactured Home Sales. (A) General standards: 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. 1 w n. 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 ~1/. V\1.\\/M \/. V. ~ •1 .1. \~ `V V~ ..1 .\/V\. .VV\. \/M V1 . ~1/. V\1.\1. .1 . ~ . ~ . . . . . ~ ~ . . . 1 A ~ . Sec. 30-85-21. Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service. (A) General standards: 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. .. . . . . 1 . I . . . . . . . I I I I I . I ARTICLE V. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SEC. 30-91. OFF STREET PARKING, STACKING AND LOADING. 10 Sec. 30-91-1. Purpose. A) The purpose of this Section is to set forth off-street parking, stacking and oading requirements for permitted land uses in accordance with the intensity of >uch uses, in a manner that: I. Provides for the accommodation of vehicles in a functionally and aesthetically >atisfactory manner; ?. Minimizes external effects on adjacent land uses; 3. Provides options for the provision of adequate parking and alternative modes ~f transportation; ~. Is consistent with environmental goals such as stormwater management, clean sir and preservation of open space. Sec. 30-91-2. General Parking Regulations Sec. 30-91.2.1. Applicability ~-~ New t~ui-dings, unange of use, and~or unange of occupancy Limit: off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided for: I. Any new building constructed, ?.Any change of use, or 3. Any change in occupancy in an existing building that exceeds the minimum parking requirements specified in Section 30-91-3-3. 'B) Change of Use: Nhen there is a change in use where the new use has the same or lesser parking requirements than the previous use, no additional parking shall be required. 'C) Expansions with No Change of Use: Nhen an existing structure and/or use is expanded, off-street parking shall be provided for the expansion in accordance with the provisions of this Section, except for a parking increase of less than ten (10) percent or as provided in section 30-91-3-5, Shared Parking. 'D) Mixed-use: Nhere uses with different parking requirements occupy the same building, the parking spaces shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses ;omputed separately, except as provided in Section 30-91-3-5, Shared Parking. 'E) Site Redevelopment: Nhen a structure or building is constructed on a property on which an existing >tructure has been demolished and the parking area is to remain, the parking area shall meet the requirements of Section 30-91 and Section 30-92 of the ,. ~ .. .. Sec. 30-91-2.2 Recreational Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle Parking. (A) In the AR district and in all residential districts: 11 1. Except for vehicles parked within multi-family developments all recreational vehicles, shall be parked behind the front building line, unless space is provided in a completely enclosed garage or other building. For the purposes of this section only, a corner lot that fronts on two (2) streets shall have only one (1) front building line in accordance with section 30-100-7. In the case of a unique house configuration the zoning administrator shall determine the parking location for the recreational vehicle, based on having no interFerence on sight distance in accordance with section 30-100-8. 2. No truck or commercial vehicle with, or designed to have, more than two (2) rear wheels shall be parked except while loading or unloading on such premises. No construction machinery shall be parked overnight unless the machinery is incidental to improving the premises. These provisions shall not apply to pickup body type trucks, or to vehicles essential for an agricultural use associated with the premises. (B) No recreational vehicle shall be used for living or business purposes, or connected to utility services except for maintenance purposes or as otherwise provided for in this ordinance. sec. 30-91-2.3. Location of Parking A) Off-street parking spaces that are located on the ground and open to the sky nay be located in any required yard unless otherwise required for screening, suffering, landscaping or other provisions in the adopted Roanoke County honing Ordinance. '6) Parking structures and carports shall be subject to the minimum yard and >etback requirements applicable in the zoning district in which the structure is 2. Such required spaces are within five hundred (500} feet walking distance of a building entrance or use and such spaces do not require pedestrians to cross a road with a speed limit of thirty-five (35) miles per hour or greater. mihnr ~r 3. Contiguous lots providing off-street parking for more than one (1 }use shall provide sufficient spaces to comply with the parking requirements for all usages, except as ^ ^ ^ w .^ ~w ~i ~ r w^ ^ w ^ ^ Sec. 30-91-3. Number of Parking Spaces Required. Sec. 30-91-3.1. Computing Required Spaces. (A) Multiple uses: in cases of mixed use or where a combination of uses are developed on a site, the minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be 12 (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 22, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 111108- 13§1,11-11-08) the cumulative total of the requirements for each of the uses on the site, except as provided in Section 30-91-3-5, Shared Parking. (B) Fractional space computation: when the computation of the number of off- street parking spaces required by Section 30-91-3-2 results in a fractional parking space requirement, any fraction less than one-half (1/2) shall be disregarded and any fraction equaling or exceeding one-half (1/2) shall be construed as requiring one full parking space. (C) Number of employees computation: where parking is based on the number of employees, the number of employees shall mean the maximum number of persons working on any one shift. (D) Square footage: all references to square feet (sq. ft.) in the parking requirements shall mean the square footage of net floor area, unless specifically stated otherwise. (E) Maximum occupancy: all references to maximum occupancy shall mean the maximum occupancy as determined pursuant to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. (F) Unlisted Use Types: the Zoning Administrator shall determine the parking requirement for use types not listed in Table 30-91a. In such instances, the administrator shall determine the number of spaces to be provided based on requirements for similar uses, location of the proposed use, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use, and appropriate traffic engineering and planning criteria and information. Determination of requirements may be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Sec. 30-91-3.2. Spaces for Disabled Parking. (A~ Generally, the number of ~^nr°~~,~°n~~~~ parking spaces reserved for the disabled, except forsingle- and two-family dwellings, shall comply with the following table and shall count toward the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required. current dition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. 13 (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-91-3.3 g. Minimum Parking Required. TABLE INSET: USE TYPE PARKING REQUIRED (A) Agricultural and Forestry Use Types Agriculture No requirement Commercial Feedlots No requirement Farm Employee Housing 2 spaces per dwelling unit Forestry Operations No requirement Stable, Private No requirement Stable, Commercial 1 space per employee ~ ,plus 1 space for every 4 animals stabled vllayside Stand 1 space per 100 sq. ft., 3 spaces minimum ~B) Residential Use Types * Guest parking maybe constructed with ermeable or pervious pavers Accessory Apartment 1 additional space Home Beauty/Barber Salon 1 space per chair Home Occupation, Type I & Type II See Section 30-82-3 ~B) 5. Manufactured Home 2 spaces per dwelling unit Manufactured Home, Accessory 1 additional space Manufactured Home, Emergency No requirement Manufactured Home Park 2 spaces per dwelling unit Multi-family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit (lno horlrnnm i ini~e 1 ~ er»r+oe nor rl~n~ollinrr i ini~ Vein ~r-rl ~roo horlrnnm i ir~i~~ ~ni it nr mnro horlrnnm i ir~i~~ 11/li il~i_f~mily olrlorl~i hni i~inn 1 er»no nor 7 rl~e~ollinrr i ini~ r~li ie 1 er»r+o nor omr~ln~ioo nn m~inr ehif~ Multiple Dog Permit No Requirement Residential Human Care Facility 2 spaces per facility Single Family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit Townhouse 2 spaces per dwelling unit 14 (lno horlrnnm i ini~~ T~nin ~nrl ~roo horlrnnm i ini~~ ~ni it nr mnro horlrnnm i ini~~ Two Family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit (C} Civic Use Types Administrative Services 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet, plus 1 space per vehicle based at facility Camps See Schedule B Cemetery See Schedule B Clubs 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy Community Recreation See Schedule B Correction Facilities See Schedule B Crisis Center 1 space per 2 persons of residential capacity Cultural Services 1 space per 300 square feet Day Care Center 1 space per employee ~ ,plus 1 space per 20 students, plus 1 space for each vehicle associated with facility Educational Facilities, CollegelUniversity See Schedule B Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary See Schedule B, but no less than 1 space per employee ,plus 1 space per each 4 students in 11th and 12th grades Family Day Care Home 1 space per non-resident employee Guidance Services 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Halfway House 1 space per 2 persons of residential capacity I-Inmo fnr ~rli il~~ ~`T 1 en~no nor ~ roeirlon~e nli ie 1 er»r+o fnr o~nh omnln~ioo nn m~inr ehif~ Life Care Facility See Schedule B Nursing Home 1 space per ~ 4 residents, plus 1 space for each employee Park And Ride Facility No requirement Post Office See Schedule A Public Assembly 1 space per 4 seats or similar accommodations provided Public Maintenance And Service Facilities See Schedule A Public Parks And Recreational Areas See Schedule B 15 Safety Services 3 spaces per vehicle based at facility Religious Assembly 1 space per 4 seats in principal place of worship Utility Services, Minor No requirement Utility Services, Major See Schedule B (D} Office Use Types Financial Institutions 3.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft., plus required stacking spaces General Office 3~ spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. Medical Office 4.5 spaces per 1, 000 sq. ff. ~n~hir+ho~ior ie ~t~ nor nr 1 er»r+o r~or 7(1(1 en f+ .~ ~ Laboratories 1 space per 1.5 employees based on maximum occupancy load, plus 1 per company vehicle (E } Commercial Use Types Agricultural Services See Schedule A Antique Shops 1 space per 48~ 600 square feet Automobile Dealership, New See Schedule A Automobile Dealership, Used See Schedule A Automobile Repair Services, Major 1 space per service bay, plus 1 space per employee Automobile Repair Services, Minor 1 space per service bay, plus 1 space per employee Automobile RentallLeasing See Schedule A Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail See Schedule A Bed And Breakfast 1 space per guest accommodation, plus 2 spaces per permanent residence Boarding House 1 space per guest accommodation, plus 2 spaces per permanent residence Business Support Services 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ff. 1 c^~^~ nor inn ~n f+ Business Or Trade Schools See Schedule B, but no less than 1 space per 4 students Campgrounds 1 space at each campsite, plus spaces required for other uses Car Wash 1 space per employee ^~ m~inr ~hif+~ plus required stacking spaces ~ ~r»^a~ nor ov~mir» ' n nr +r~a or~+ rnnm r~li i~ 1 ~I'~,',, trFFhtt~ ~ ~r~~^o nor omr~ln~~oo nn m~inr phi + ir~r+li irlinrr rlnr++nr~ ~vrs 16 Commercial Indoor 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum Amusement occupancy load Commercial Indoor 1 space per 4 seats or similar accommodations, plus Entertainment 1 space per 2 employees Commercial Indoor Sports And Recreation Bowling alley 4 spaces per alley, plus 1 space per employee ~ Swimming Pool 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of water surface Tennis and Other Court 3.54 spaces per court Games 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum Other indoor sports occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Commercial Outdoor 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Entertainment Commercial Outdoor Sports And Recreation Miniature Golf 1.5 spaces per hole Swimming Pool 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of water surface Tennis and Other Court 3.54 spaces per court Games 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum Other outdoor sports occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Communications Services 1 space per 300 square feet, plus 1 space per company vehicle Construction Sales And See Schedule A Services Consumer Repair Services 1 space per 300 square feet 5 spaces per 1, 000 sq. ft. 1 er»no nor inn ervi i~ro food fnr 1 e~ 1 Mn erv f~ r~li ie Convenience Store ~ •~ 1 er»no fnr o~nh ~rJ~i ' nil 17F erv ~~ ,e,hi ~ ., m ~~ rti~e hi imr~ er»noe r~rnvirlorl F n~~ er»noe pro fi irniehorl 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum Dance Hall occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Equipment Sales And Rental See Schedule A Funeral Home 1 space per 4 seats in main chapel, plus 1 space per 17 2 employees ~ ,plus 1 space per company vehicle Garden Center See Schedule A Gasoline Station 1 space per employee, plus required stacking spaces 5.5 spaces per hole, plus spaces as required for Golf Course other auxiliary uses Cn ~r-~r+o~ nor Q hnlo~ r,li i~ ~r»r+o~ ~~ rorri iirorl nr ~ , vt~or i i~o~ 1 space per 2 beds, plus 1 space per employee ~ Hospital 1 space per guest accommodation, Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge ,plus spaces as required for other uses Kennel, Commercial 1 space per 600 sq. ft. Laundry 2 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. 1 er»r~o nor ~znn ~n f~ Manufactured Home Sales See Schedule B 2 spaces for live-in manager, ~~~ ~c 1 ~n~~o fnr o~nh plus 2 for the first 100 storage spaces Mini-warehouse plus 1 for each additional 100 storage units +h° Pawn Shop 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Personal Improvement 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Services Personal Services 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Recreational Vehicle Sales See Schedule A And Service 1 space per 4 seats, plus 1 space per 2 employees Restaurant General or, with night-time entertainment or , non-fixed seating, 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load Restaurant, Drive-in Or Fast Food With seats 1 space per 4 seats, plus 1 space per 4 employees ,plus required stacking space Without seats 1 space per 100 ~ sq. ft., plus required stacking space Retail Sales Shopping center 4 4-4 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. ~i--a mTtt11-~tra rrrP°~ai~a 1 ~ r» no r~o r C M ~ n f~. 18 All others 1 space per 300 ~ sq. ft. Studio, Fine Arts See Schedule B Surplus Sales 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of sales area accessible to the public Truck Stop See Schedule B Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. 1 er»r+o nor inn ~n f~ (F) Industrial Use Types Asphalt Plant See Schedule B Construction Yards See Schedule A Custom Manufacturing See Schedule A Industry, Type I 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. C~e-Qc Industry, Type II 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. C~e-Qc Industry, Type III See Schedule A Landfill, Construction Debris See Schedule B Landfill, Rubble See Schedule B Landfill, Sanitary See Schedule B Meat Packing Industries 1 space per employee Railroad Facilities See Schedule B Recycling Centers/Stations See required stacking spaces Resource Extraction 1 space per employee Scrap And Salvage Services See Schedule A Transfer Station See Schedule B Transportation Terminal See Schedule B Truck Terminal See Schedule B Warehousing And Distribution See Schedule A ~G) Miscellaneous Use Types Aviation Facilities, Private See Schedule B Aviation Facilities, General See Schedule B Broadcasting Tower 2 spaces per tower Outdoor Gathering See Schedule B Parking Facility, SurfacelStructure No requirement Shooting Range, Outdoor See Schedule B 19 Schedule A The schedule sets forth minimum parking requirements for uses with elements having different functions or operating characteristics. TABLE INSET: ~i ir~r~+inr~ of ~lomon+ FUNCTION OF ELEMENT REQUIREMENT Office or Administrative Activity 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. Indoor Sales, Display or Service Area 1 space per 500 sq. ft. Motor Vehicle Service Bays 2 spaces per service bay Outdoor Sales, Display or Service Area 1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. General Equipment Servicing or Manufacturing 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. Indoor or Outdoor Storage or Warehousing 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. Schedule B Specific requirements shall be determined by the administrator based on requirements for similar uses, location of proposed use, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use, and appropriate traffic engineering and planning criteria and information. Determination of requirements may be appealed to the board of zoning appeals. Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08 ~ sec. 30-91-3-4. Maximum Off-Street Parking. A) To avoid excessive surpluses that increase development costs and mpervious surfaces, impervious parking shall not be provided in quantities Treater than ten (10) percent above the required minimum, unless any parking above the ten (10) percent threshold is permeable or pervious, or is provided ~hrough the use of structured parking. 'B) The maximum number of off-street parking spaces permitted, as established n Section 30-91-3.4, shall not apply to parking areas utilizing a permeable or pervious paver surface or to parking structures. 'C) Parking that exceeds the requirements below shall comply with the following >tandards: Increase in Additional Standards quantity over minimum Landscaped Landscaped Islands Parking Surface re uirements Medians q Up to and Contain small, Comprised of at least None including deciduous trees 10% bioretention 10% planted every 20 planting islands in 20 linear feet accordance with Roanoke County's Stormwater Management Design Manual (or) Contain 3 small shrubs in addition to requirements of Section 30-92-3b. Over 10% Required every other parking aisle Contain small, deciduous trees planted every 20 linear feet Comprised of at least 20% bioretention planting islands in accordance with Roanoke County's Stormwater Management Design Manual (or) Contain 6 small shrubs in addition to requirements of Section 30-92-3b. Parking spaces provided above the 10% maximum shall be surfaced with a permeable or pervious paver system surface or other low impact design alternative in accordance with Roanoke County's Stormwater Management Design Manual or other permeable or pervious surface as approved by the Zoning Administrator. Sec. 30-91-3-5. Shared Parking (A) Shared parking is encouraged for different structures or uses, or for mixed uses, in any zoning district. At the applicant's request, shared parking may be provided, subject to the following conditions: 1. A reciprocal deeded agreement has been executed by all the parties concerned that assures the perpetual joint use of such common parking, a copy of which has been submitted as part of the Site Plan Review Process. 2. A parking study has been submitted that supports a reduction in parking spaces provided. The study shall include but is not limited to: a. The type and hours of operation and parking demand, for each use, b. A site plan displaying shared use spaces in the lot and walking distance to the uses sharing the lot, c. A description of the character of land use and parking patterns of adjacent land uses, and d. An estimate of anticipated turnover in parking space use over the course of 12 to 24 hours at the site. 21 3. Parking spaces to be shared must not be reserved for individuals or groups on a 24-hour basis. 4. Uses sharing the parking facility do not need to be contained on the same lot, but shall be a maximum of five hundred (500) feet from the closest parking space in the parking lot which is to be used and allow for safe, convenient walking for most parkers, including safe pedestrian crossings, signage, and adequate lighting. 5. If the conditions for shared parking become null and void and the shared parking arrangement is discontinued, this will constitute a violation of zoning regulations for any use approved expressly with shared parking. The applicant must then provide written notification of the change to the Zoning Administrator and, within sixty (60) days of that notice, provide a remedy satisfactory to the Zoning Administrator to provide adequate parking. (B) Where shared parking is provided among a mix of land uses, the Zoning Administrator may allow the following, at the applicant's request: 1. Up to thirty (30) percent of the parking spaces required for the predominant use on a site may be shared with other uses operating during the same time of day and days of the week. The predominant use is considered to be that which requires the most parking of those sharing the parking facilities. The predominant use, identified for parking calculations, may not necessarily be the primary use as defined in this ordinance . 2. Up to fifty (50) percent of the parking spaces required for uses such as theaters, public auditoriums, bowling alleys, nightclubs, movie theaters, and similar predominantly evening uses may be shared with uses such as banks, offices, and similar predominantly daytime uses. 3. Up to sixty (60) percent of the parking spaces required for uses such as churches and other uses predominately in operation during the weekend maybe shared with uses such as medical offices, banks, and other similar uses predominantly in operation on weekdays. Sec. 30-91-3.6. Temporary Parking. (A) Parking during construction: Temporary parking lots for non-required parking are permitted where new building construction is planned. Temporary lots are permitted for up to two (2) years and shall be removed prior to final Zoning Compliance. (B) Parking for a temporary use: Temporary parking lots are permitted for a period of no more than sixty (60) consecutive or non-consecutive days per calendar year, in accordance with the following criteria: 1. The parking area shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of and have the same zoning classification as the site which it serves. 2. The lot shall include adequate land to accommodate parking spaces, drives and a circulation pattern that complies with Section 30-91-4, Parking Area Design Standards. 3. Plans for a temporary parking lot shall be submitted for site plan review to Roanoke County Department of Community Development and include a timeline 22 and signed documentation of event information to be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. 4. All temporary parking lots shall: a. Use an unimproved or gravel surface, with sufficient dust control measures 1. If a temporary gravel surface is provided, such gravel shall be removed and the off-street parking area shall be returned to its prior condition immediately upon cessation of the temporary use. Sec. 30-91-4. Parking Area Design Standards. Sec. 30-91-4.1 ~. Access. (A) In general all off-street parking areas shall: 1. Provide safe and convenient access to a street; 2. Be designed to minimize on-site and off-site traffic hazards and conflicts; 3. Be designed to reduce or prevent congestion on public streets; and 4. Facilitate the provision of emergency services. (B) Except for spaces serving single family, two-family and townhouse dwellings, no parking space shall be designed that will require backing into a public street. (C) Parking maneuvers shall not restrict or impede the ingress and egress flow of traffic from the highway. (D) {~} Whenever a development abuts a street which is included in the State System of Primary Highways or a road designated as "Arterial" in the r'~~,hf-, Tr~n~r~nrF~finn Dl~n ~r ~~ latest Stafee Highway Plan, the following conditions shall be met: 1. A r°~ir~i~ frontage andlor shared access concept shall be utilized such that no site has exclusive access to the arterial highway at intervals of less than one access point every five hundred (500) feet, measured from the center line of the entrance(s). 2. If r°~ir~e frontage or shared access cannot be provided, the site shall be limited to one exclusive access point, or for shopping centers, one exclusive access point per five hundred X500) feet of road frontage. (E)~B~} Parking lot access driveways leading to and from the street where no parking is provided on either side shall meet the following width requirements: 1. For driveways serving thirty (30) or less parking spaces, the minimum width shall be eighteen (18) feet, exclusive of curbs. 2. For driveways serving more than thirty (30) parking spaces, the minimum width shall be twenty (20) feet, exclusive of curbs. 3. For one-way drives specifically designed for only one-way use, the minimum width shall be ten (10) feet, exclusive of curbs. 23 (F) {€~ Whenever parking is proposed adjacent to a structure, an emergency access aisle shall be properly marked in accordance with Chapter 9, Code of the County of Roanoke, Titled Fire Prevention and Protection. sec. 30-91-4.2. Circulation. A) In general, parking areas shall be designed to facilitate unimpeded flow of on- >ite traffic in circulation patterns readily recognizable and predictable to motorists and pedestrians. Parking areas shall be arranged in a fashion to encourage pedestrian access to buildings, and to minimize internal vehicular movements. 'B) Sidewalks measuring at least five (5) feet in width shall connect all parking areas to building entrances. Sidewalks shall also be located around buildings. 'C) Facilities and access routes for deliveries, service and maintenance shall be >eparated, when practical, from public access routes and parking areas. 'D) Aisles between rows of parking spaces shall comply with the geometric design standards in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Sec. 30-91-4.3. ~. Parking Area Surface Standards. ~A} All off-street parking and stacking areas~~~ oon ~1 ~l nr mnro r»rUinrr er~~noe mr~li irlir,n ~ieloe~ et~r+Uinrr er»r+oe ~nrl rlri~io~ni~~ie~ except for those required for single family and two family dwellings, shall be graded for drainage and surfaced with concrete, asphalt, bituminous pavement, brick or stone pavers, or a permeable or pervious surface in accordance with the Roanoke County Design Handbook.~t-~u~~°~' ~n~ m~in~~inorl ,n,i~~~ r„ I ei irf~no in . Where permeable or pervious pavers are used, when required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code ADA- compliantpavers shall be utilized. 1. Within the Clearbrook village overlay district, any parking areas or parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum requirements of this ordinance, shall be constructed with a s permeable or pervious pavement material in accordance with the Roanoke County Stormwater Management Design Manual. ~rlmir~i~~r~~nr Gravel shall not be accepted as an approved s permeable or pervious surface Sec. 30-91-4.4. ~ Parking Space Dimensions. ~A} All off street parking spaces and areas shall comply with the geometric design standards as specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. iri~G ~ r, ~n~ nv ~~oD~ihlin ~'~ of ~nrl D~rl~inrv 11ac+irvn C'f~nrl~rnlc+ ~nnl ~'r~a~ttlt=Ct 24 Ord. No. 121900-11, § 4, 12-19-00; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08} ~B) Where parking spaces lie adjacent to a planting island or other physical separation (but not a sidewalk), ~,~c~~°~' ~r°~c, the paved depth of all stalls may be decreased by two (2) feet to provide for a vehicle overhang area. (C) Compact vehicle parking will be permitted under the following criteria: 1. Compact spaces shall be located in groups of five (5) or more contiguous spaces, be appropriately identified by markings and be located in a manner affording the same convenience as standard spaces. 2. Dimensions for compact space are set forth in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. ~ ~ ~ ~n7 nv~~°D, ihlin C'~r°°f ~nrl D~rl~inn n°~inn ~'~~nrhrrl~ ~nr,l . The number of compact spaces shall not exceed: Twenty-five (25) percent of the spaces provided if the total minimum ~quirement is twenty (20) to one hundred (100) spaces, or .Thirty (30) percent of the spaces provided if the total minimum requirement is reater than one hundred (100) spaces. (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-91-4.5. Parking Structures. RESERVED Sec. 30-91-5. Alternative Modes of Transportation. Sec. 30-91-5-1. Bicycle Parking Standards. (A) In lots with greater than fifty (50) spaces, a minimum of one (1) bicycle parking space shall be provided on-site for each twenty (20) off-street automobile parking spaces. 25 (B) Bicycle parking spaces shall have minimum dimensions of six (6) feet in length and two (2) feet in width. (C) Fractional space computation: when the computation of the number of bicycle parking spaces results in a fractional requirement, any fraction less than one-half shall be disregarded and any fraction equaling or exceeding one-half shall be construed as requiring one full parking space. (D) When bicycle parking is required, there shall be a minimum of two (2) spaces provided but not more than twenty (20) bicycle spaces will be required at a single site. (E) For every four (4) bicycle parking space provided above the minimum requirement, the number of impervious vehicular parking spaces required by Section 30-91-3-3 may be reduced by one (1). The number of impervious vehicular parking spaces shall not be reduced by an amount exceeding five (5) percent. (F) If the vehicular parking area is lighted, the required bicycle parking shall also be lighted. (G) Bicycle parking shall be located within fifty (50) feet of an entrance to the building or within a building if the location is easily accessible for bicycles and shall comply with the design standards set forth in Roanoke County's Design Handbook. (H) Bicycle parking shall be accessed by an aisle that is a minimum of five (5) feet wide. (1) Areas set aside for required bicycle parking shall be clearly marked and reserved for bicycle parking only. (J) Bicycle racks shall be provided for all bicycle parking areas and shall hold bicycles securely by the frame and be securely anchored to the ground or to the building structure to prevent the racks from being removed from the location. See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for bicycle rack recommendations. (K) The Zoning Administrator may grant exemptions to bicycle parking requirements in connection with temporary uses or uses that are not likely to generate the need for bicycle parking. Sec. 30-91-5-2. Motorcycle Parking Standards. (A) Motorcycle parking is permitted subject to the following conditions: 1. A motorcycle parking space shall be no smaller than four (4) feet wide and eight (8) feet deep. 2. Motorcycle parking spaces shall be located according to the same siting criteria and standards that are applicable to other types of vehicle parking. (B) The minimum number of vehicular parking spaces required may be reduced by one space for every three (3) motorcycle spaces provided, up to a maximum reduction of five percent (5%) of the total required vehicular spaces. Sec. 30-91-5-3. Mass Transit Options. (A) The minimum number of parking spaces maybe reduced upon the approval of a mass transportation or alternate transportation plan, which details arrangements for the mass or alternate transit of potential visitors to the site, 26 including residents, employees and customers. Such plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Zoning Administrator, prior to the reduction of the number of required parking spaces. (B) The Zoning Administrator may allow for a reduction in the number ofoff-street parking spaces otherwise required by this Section if the site is: 1. In close proximity to an existing or planned mass transit station, or 2. Along a corridor served by mass transit. Sec. 30-91-6. ~ Stacking Spaces and Drive-Through Facilities. (A) Stacking spaces shall be provided for any use having adrive-through facility or areas having drop-off and pick-up areas. The following general standards shall apply to all stacking spaces and drive-through facilities: Sec. 30-91-1. ~. Off-Street Loading, Generally. (A) General Provisions. 1. All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use. Sec. 30-91-7.1. ~ Minimum Loading Spaces Required. SEC. 30-92. SCREENING, LANDSCAPING, AND BUFFERYARDS.* Sec. 30-92-5. Standards and Specifications. (B) Buffer Yards. 111~horo hi if~or v~rrl~ pro rani iirorl h~i ~i~ nrrlir»nno m° fnlln~e/lr~rr ~h~ll 1. Buffer yards shall be reserved solely for screening and landscaping. No proposed building, building addition, structure, parking area or any other type of physical land improvement shall be located in a buffer yard. Not withstanding the above, a driveway entrance or a public road may cross a buffer yard if it is necessary for safe and convenient access to the building site. In addition, buffer yards may be used for greenways. 2. When a proposed buffer yard has a variation in elevation of greater than six (6) vertical feet at any point, the required screening or landscaping within the yard shall be placed to maximize the effectiveness of the screening or landscaping, as determined by the administrator. 3. The maximum slope of any required buffer yard shall be 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). Sufficient vegetation and ground cover shall be established and maintained on any slope to ensure stabilization and re-vegetation. In areas where extreme slopes exist, retaining walls no greater than four (4) feet in height may be used. If more than one (1) retaining wall is used, a planting area at least six (6) feet wide with a slope no greater than 3:1 must be left between the retaining walls. 27 4. Existing vegetation within buffer yards shall be considered as a substitute for otherwise required screening, if in the opinion of the administrator, the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the following standards and the intent of this section. Any existing trees to be incorporated into the landscape must be adequately protected during construction to insure their survival (fencing around the drip line perimeter). 5. Where deemed appropriate by the county zoning administrator, buffer yards may be allocated for the present or future use as a greenway. ~C) Screening. 111~horo eC rorvi iirorl h~i ~ie nrrlin~nno h1° fnIlnlAllnrr eh~ll ''~~~~II,,II ~ ~P~PT~ 1. Screening shall be visually opaque, and constructed of a durable material. It shall be installed within a required buffer yard and shall be continuously maintained so as to meet the intent of this section. 2. Acceptable screening materials include stockade fences, decorative masonry walls, brick walls, earth berms, andlor a mix of evergreen/deciduous vegetation. See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for examples of these screening materials. Alternative materials may be approved, if in the opinion of the administrator, their characteristics and design meet the intent and standards of this section. (D) Berms. 1. Berm height shall be measured from grade elevation to the top of the berm. (See diagrams in the Roanoke County Design Handbook for more detail.) Where a berm is located between different grades, the berm height shall be measured from the base of the higher grade elevation. Berms are recommended for screening between adjacent parcels in different zoning districts. (E) {~-} Landscaping. ~A/horo I~r,rJ~n~r~inrr i~ rorvi iirorl h~i ~i~ nrrlin~nno m° fnlln,n,ir~rv 1. Existing vegetation shall be considered as a substitute for otherwise required landscaping, if in the opinion of the administrator, the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the following standards and the intent of this section. Any existing vegetation to be preserved and incorporated into the landscape must be adequately protected during construction to insure their survival, as specified in the protection and preservation methods section (Section 30-92-4(E)). 2. All plant material must meet American Association of Nurserymen Specifications for No. 1 grade. Native plantings are encouraged when compatible with the surrounding land use. Every effort should be made to incorporate healthy existing trees into the landscape and avoid the use of highly invasive species. (See Recommended Native/Naturalized Plant List in the Roanoke County Design Handbook.) 3. All plant species chosen shall be suitable for planting and growth within the proposed environment and shall meet the size requirements in the following table. Plants used for screening purposes shall be planted in accordance with the on-center requirements of the table. If spacing requirements are not specified, required landscaping shall be arranged within a buffer yard to achieve the intent of this section. 28 TABLE INSET: SizelSpacing/NumberlMinimums Height At Screening and Planting Final Height Spacing Requirements Small Shrubs 12" 2' minimum 2' on center Large Shrubs (Evergreen or Deciduous) ~ h r~rTra b~ 24 6 minimum , 5 on center Small evergreen trees 5' 15' minimum 15' on center Large evergreen trees 6--8' 50' minimum 20' on center Small deciduous trees 1 1 /2" caliper 15 minimum , 15 on center 2" ' ' Large deciduous trees caliper minimum 50 on center 30 (F) {~) Protection and preservation methods. 1. Vegetation designated for protection and/or preservation shall be enclosed in a protection zone which establishes limits of construction disturbance to the root area of designated plant material. All protection zones and measures shall be established to the satisfaction of the zoning administrator. During construction, plastic or wood fencing shall be installed at the perimeter of all protection zones. Vegetation of specimen quality, historic designation or cultural value: Provide extraordinary measures to ensure complete protection/preservation * Type of material specified may vary due to site-specific determinants. Silt, erosion control, or geotechnical fabric materials are not acceptable for use as vegetation protection. 2. Areas designated for protection and/or preservation shall not be violated throughout the entire construction period by actions including, but not limited to: a. Placing, storing, or stockpiling backfill or construction related supplies. b. Felling trees into the designated area. c. Burning within or in close proximity. d. Modifying site topography in a manner which causes damage by collection/ponding or flow characteristics of site drainage. e. Trenching or grading operations. f. Operating equipment or machinery. g. Parking of construction vehicles. h. Temporary or permanent paving or impervious surface installation. i. Temporary or permanent utility construction installation. j. Disposal of construction debris or chemical pollutants. 29 3. Work or construction related activities within areas designated for protection andlor preservation of existing vegetation shall be accomplished only with prior approval of the zoning administrator. (Ord. No. 111301-10, §§ 1, 2, 11-13-01; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-92-6. Applicability of Regulations and Requirements. (A) Screening, landscaping and buffer yards. 1. Requirements of screening, landscaping and buffer yards between zoning districts shall be determined by using the following charts. See the buffer yard illustrations in the Roanoke County Design Handbook for more detail. 2. The Zoning Administrator shall have final review of all buffer yards and will determine whether more screening is necessary based on site specific information such as terrain. 3. If the buffer yard area is smaller than the typical buffer yard section denoted in the following illustrations, the landscaping required shall equal a proportion of the typical buffer yard landscaping. Where a fraction is calculated, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. TABLE INSET: Ad i i Z i Site Zoning n ng on ng jo R-3 R-4 C-1 C-2 I-1 I-2 AG-3 D D D D D E AG-1 D D D D D E AR B B B or C B or C D E AV A A A A D E R-1 A A B C D E R-2 A A B C D E R-3 B B B D E R-4 A B D E PRD D E NC B C C-1 B C C-2 B B TABLE INSET: Type Option 1 (Large Buffer, Minimal Option 2 (Smaller Buffer With More Landscaping) Landscaping/Screening) A 20' buffer 15' buffer For every 75' consisting of: For every 75' consisting of: 30 One row of large deciduous trees One row of small deciduous trees (5) (3) One row of large evergreen shrubs (12-14) One row of lar e ever reen shrubs nr,° I~rrr° ~n~ ~ ~m~ll ~r°°~ fnr °„°r,i g g (12-14) $One row of large deciduous 6' screening shrubs (16-18) ~; ~ ~ I~rn° ~hri ih~ fnr °~i°r,i 1 n~ B 30' buffer 20' buffer For every 100' consisting of: For every 100' consisting of: One row of large evergreen trees One row of large deciduous trees (4) (5) One row of large evergreen shrubs (16-18) One row of lar e ever reen shrubs nr,° I~rrr° ~r,~l ~ ~m~ll ~r°°~ fnr °„°r,i g g (16-18) One row of large deciduous 6' screening shrubs (22-24) ~; ~ ~ ~hri ih~ fnr °~i°r~i 1 n~ C 40' buffer 30' buffer For every 100' consisting of: For every 100' consisting of: One row of large evergreen trees One row of large deciduous trees (3) (5) One row of large evergreen shrubs One row of small deciduous trees (16-18) (fi) One row of large deciduous shrubs ° ~ ~I ~ m ~ l l t~e~e~ L'r-ar (22-24) ~ One row of large evergreen shrubs nr,° I~rrr° tr°° fnr °~i°r~i ~zn~ (16-18) 6' screening One row of large deciduous ~ ~ ~ ehri the fnr °~i°r~i 1 n~ shrubs (22-24) D 50' buffer 35' buffer For every 100' consisting of: For every 100' consisting of: One row of large evergreen trees One row of large deciduous trees (3) (5) One row of small evergreen trees (fi- Two rows of small deciduous 7) trees, two different species (6-7 nr,° I~rrr° +r°° fnr °~i°r~i ~n~ per row) I ~rrr° ~nrl em~ll ~ 6' screening ~.nrl C, ehri the fnr °~i°r~i 1 n~ E 75' buffer 50' buffer For every 100' consisting of: For every 100' consisting of: One row of large deciduous trees One row of large deciduous trees (3) (3) One row of small evergreen trees (fi) One row of large evergreen trees One row of small deciduous trees (fi- (5) ~) One row of small deciduous trees nr,° I ~rrr° ;,,~ ~ em~ll tr°°e fnr ' (7) I ~rrr° ~r,~l ~m~ll t~ee~ 6'screening 31 (g) Q~ monf~ fir ~ adjacent right-of way/street side plantings. 1. Where a new or expanded development, or reconfigured parking area is proposed adjacent to a public street right-of-way, a planting strip shall be established between the parking areas and the adjacent right-of-way. The planting strip shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet. 2. Within this planting strip a minimum of one (1) large deciduous tree shall be planted every thirty (30) linear feet along the public street right-of-way. Small trees planted every twenty (20) linear feet, may be used where an overhead power line or other obstruction is present. In addition, a minimum of two (2) large shrubs shall be placed in the planting strip for every five (5) linear feet of frontage. This should not be construed as meaning that the plants must be uniformly planted. See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for illustrations. (C) Parking areas. 1. New parking areas shall include ~~C~~°~ morli~ne~ r,oninei il~e nr r,l~n+~~ planting islands and landscaped medians in combination with low impact design techniques that are planned, designed and located to channel traffic, facilitate storm water management, improve the appearance of parking areas and define and separate parking areas and aisles. In addition to accommodating vehicles, parking areas shall also provide for safe pedestrian and bicycle circulation. 2. The integration of low impact design alternatives, including but not limited to bioretention areas, infiltration devices, grass swales, vegetated filter strips and permeable or pervious pavers are encouraged to address stormwater quality and quantity and to improve the appearance of the parking area, in accordance with the Roanoke County stormwater Management Design Manual, as amended. 3. Islands. (See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for additional detail) a. ~ Rows of parking shall be separated by a planting island or bioretention planting island at least every fifteen (15) spaces and islands shall also be placed at the end of each row. +Islands shall be spaced throughout the parking area and have a minimum dimension of E'~^h+ nine (9) feet in width by nineteen (19) feet in length of planting area. To protect the plant material from vehicular damage, the island must be delineated by a clear physical barrier such as concrete curbs or set landscaping timbers. b. 4. A minimum of one (1) Jaffe small deciduous tree with surrounding turf grass or other ground cover shall be required in all ~e~ planting islands. , 4. Landscaped Medians. (See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for additional detail) a. ~ Where double rows of parking are planned, large parking areas shall have one landscaped median for every fifty (50) parking spaces to provide visual relief. 32 Each landscaped median shall run the length of a parking aisle and shall measure at least fifteen (15) feet wide. Where possible, landscaped medians shall be designed for every other parking aisle. L~rryo h~rUinrr ~ro~e eh~ll ho hrnl~on in~ b. Each landscaped median shall be planted with one (1) small deciduous tree and six large shrubs per 301inear feet with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches at the time of planting. c. Landscaped medians shall include sidewalks measuring at least five (5) feet wide to facilitate safe pedestrian circulation to and from destination(s). d. Wherever possible, parking area lighting shall be installed in landscaped medians. Lighting shall not conflict with required trees. 5. Additional Landscaping. In addition to the above requirements, three (3) large shrubs for every fifteen (15) parking spaces shall be planted around the perimeter of and/or adjacent to the parking area. 6. Large Paved Areas. Paved areas greater than five hundred (500) sq. ft. such as loading areas, that are not necessarily striped parking lots shall place one (1) planting island, as specified above for every seven hundred fifty (750) sq. ft. of area and at least one (1) landscaped median. Landscaped medians and planting islands ~j~ shall be located to screen the paved area from the public right-of-way or from adjacent properties, to channel traffic, and/or to define separate parking areas. The landscaped median shall not be required to have a sidewalk. . Parking Area Expansions. -ny expansion of a parking area shall require compliance with the requirements bove for both the existing parking area and the proposed parking expansion. xceptions are listed as follows: . Expansions of ten (10) percent or less calculated by existing parking area quare footage. . The existing parking area may remain unchanged if all proposed parking paces meet the landscaping requirements and are constructed of permeable or envious pavers. See the Roanoke County Stormwater Management Design _ . _ ._. .. (D) Parking Structures. 1. Parking structures located underground shall not be required to provide planting islands or landscaped medians within the parking structure. 2. Parking structures located above-ground shall not be required to provide planting islands or landscaped medians within the parking structure but shall provide: 33 a. Landscaping around all sides of the structure for screening, or b. Integrate landscaping into all exposed structure walls. (E)BB-} Landscaping requirements for new and expanded developments. Adequate minimum landscaping shall be provided as follows: 1. The area coverage of trees and shrubs to be planted, together with the existing crown area of those retained shall occupy at least thirty-five (35) percent of the total land area of the proposed project. Total land area for purposes of this paragraph shall be the area shown on the site plan as the area of the site plan under consideration. 2. The approved crown coverage allowances are listed below. They are based upon the anticipated size at maturity when located in a built environment. TABLE INSET: Type Minimum Height at Crown Coverage Allowance Maturity Large deciduous trees 50 min. height 1,250 square feet each (35') Large evergreen trees 30 min. height , 500 square feet each (22 } Small deciduous trees 15 min. height , 250 square feet each (15 ) Small evergreen trees 15 min. height , 250 square feet each (15 ) Large shrubs 5' min. height 10 square feet each (3') Small shrubs 2' min. height 5 square feet each (2') 3. Shrub planting which apply toward crown coverage allowance requirements shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total crown coverage allowance requirements. Shrub plantings proposed for use as screen plantings (such as related to refuse service areas, outdoor storage areas, mechanical equipment, etc.) do not apply toward crown coverage allowance requirements. 4. Groundcovers, perennial plantings, or turf grass do not apply toward crown coverage allowance requirements. 5. Trees and shrubs used in bioretention areas and in other low impact design alternatives maybe used to count towards crown coverage requirements. 6. Landscaping shall be provided around the base of any freestanding sign proposed. The size of the landscaped area shall not be less than one and one-half (1.5) times the square footage of the sign. 7. Landscaping shall be provided along the main entrance facade of all buildings, providing a vegetative area between the building and parking areas. The landscaped area shall be professionally designed and planted with a mixture of small trees, shrubs, and groundcover. (F) {€~ Additional screening requirements. 34 1. All refuse service (dumpsters/containers) and outdoor storage areas in all zoning districts shall be screened from surrounding views per section 30-92-5. Height of screening must be a minimum of six (6) feet. 2. Ground level and roof top mechanical equipment shall be screened or landscaped per section 30-92-5. 3. Commercial and industrial use types shall screen from surrounding views all articles and materials being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated, dismantled, or salvaged. Articles and materials available for retail sale by a commercial use type shall be exemptfrom this requirement. SEC.30-93. Signs Sec. 30-93-3. Exempted Signs. (A} The following signs shall be exempted from regulation, and may be displayed within the county without obtaining a sign permit. However, an electrical permit shall be required for any sign requiring or incorporating electrical service: 4. Directional signs provided that each such sign does not exceed three (3) square feet per sign, and is limited to one (1) per access to a public street. 7. Signs displayed on a truck, bus, or other vehicle while in use in the normal conduct of business. This section shall not be interpreted to permit the parking for display purposes a vehicle to which a sign is attached or the use of such a vehicle as a sign. 11. Political campaign signs provided that they are located outside of the public right- of_way~nrl pro romn~iorl ~nii~in~~ r, ~1 /I l rlwe ~ff~~o n~mr»irr ~, 15. Signs that are displayed by or promote civic, religious, educational or charitable organizations or causes, provided such signs are displayed no longer than thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar year, are placed on-premises and shall meet the existing size standards and number limit for temporary signs. Portable signs shall not be permitted as part of this exemption. Sec. 30-93-4. Prohibited Signs. (A} The following signs are prohibited within the county: 15. Any sign displayed on a stationary motor vehicle or trailer when the vehicle or trailer is parked or oriented for the purpose of serving the function of a sign, except when such vehicle or trailer is parked in the operator's driveway or when the vehicle is parked to the side or rear of a commercial building and is not visible from adjacent public roads or is loading or unloading. Sec. 30-93-8. Temporary Signs. (D} Any temporary sign secured to a temporary fixture or post must have a minimum sign setback of fifteen (15) feet d from the property line, adjacent to the right-of-way. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. 35 ACTIGN NG. .. ITEM N0. ~~~ ~-. AT A REGI.ILAR MEETING GF THE BGARD OF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANOKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANOKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM; SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 12, 2009 First reading of an ordinance authorizing the development and adoption of a Design Handbookto assist in the implementation of various features for chapter 30 of the Roanoke County Code Zoning Ordinance} Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INF4RMA'~I4N; This ordinance authorizes the creation of a Design Handbook to compliment the Zoning ordinance by illustrating certain design concepts. The Design Handbook is intendedto be useful for County citizens, design professionals, County staff, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. "fhe Design Handbook shows examples of site layouts, graphics showing screening, buffering and landscaping, recommended lists of plants and trees, and transportation concepts with parking grapf"~ics and illustrations for impervious and permeable paving surfaces. It is intended to be updated with additional information as needed. ~fhe Planning Commission held its public hearing on the adoption of the Design Manual on April 1, 2009. The first reading of this ordinance by the Board of Supervisors is scheduled for May 12, 2009, and the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for May 26, 2009. The draft DesigrM Handbook will be presented for discussion at the work session today. STAFF REC~MMENDATI~N: County recommends that the Board approve the first reading and schedule the second reading and public hearing for May 26, 2009. ATA REGULAR MEETING OFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINSTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DEVELOPMENT AND ADOPTION OF A DESIGN HANDBOOK TO ASSIST IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF VARIOUS FEATURES FOR CHAPTER 30 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE (ZONING ORDINANCE) WHEREAS, the public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice requires the amendment to Chapter 30 of the Roanoke County Code (Zoning Ordinance} bythe adoption of a Design Handbook; and, WHEREAS, this Design Handbook provides graphic illustrations and diagrams of various elements and features of the Zoning Ordinance, including site design, landscaping, screening and buffering, transportation, parking, and other features; and, WHEREAS, the Plarir~ing Comn~~ission held a public hearing on th~~is ordinance on April 1, 2009; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors held a first reading on this ordinance on May 12, 2009, and a second reading and public hearing on May 26, 2009. BE IT ORDAINED By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there is hereby established a Design Handbook for the County of Roanoke Zoning Ordinance. 2. That the County of Roanoke will utilize the policy, criteria and information including specifications and standards of the County of Roanoke Design Handbook for the proper implementation of the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. This document shall include illustrations and diagrams of acceptable elements and features, including the specific design criteria for various amenities, improvements and features. 1 3. That ~~he County of Roanoke Design Handbook may be updated and revised from time to time, based on improvements in design, landscaping, engineering, science, monitoring and local maintenance experience. The Planning Commission may recommend and the Board of Supervisors shall authorize and approve any updates, supplements, or modifications to the Co~~inty of Roanoke Design Handbook by Resolution. 4. That the elements, amenities, improvements and features that are designed and constructed in accordance with these design criteria will be presumed to meetthe minimum zoning ordinance performance standards. 5. That this ordinance shall be in effect from and after the date of its adoption. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SLIPERV{SORB OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA I'I•EM: First reading of an ordinance approving a residential lease at Happy Hollow Park Windsor Hills Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Janet Scheid, Greenway Planner Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism APPRQVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATQR'S CQMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Co~~inty Board of Supervisors acq~,iired a single-familydwe~ling as partof the acquisition of Happy Hollow Park. Over the course of the last ten years it has been leased. This pastwinter, when the housewas unoccupied, major renovationstyere accomplished including installing a vapor barrierand updating the kitchen and bath. The house, located at 6691 Mt. Chestnut Road, is now ready for lease again. The house was advertised for lease in the Roanoke Times for one week from April 12 to April 'I8, 2009. Many phone calls were received inquiring about the house. One application was received and Department of Parks, Recreation &Tourism staffinterviewed them. 'their name will be added to the lease and the ordinance for second reading. FISCAL IMPACT Based on the current market, the rent on the house will be $750 per month for the next year. This money will replenish the maintenance account for this property and provide for capital needs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board approve this first reading of the ordinance and set the second reading for May 28, 2009, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF -f HE BOARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2449 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING 'fHE LEASE OF THE HOUSE AND ONE ACRE OF REAL ESTATE, EXCLUDING 'SHE GUEST HOUSE, TAX MAP NO.15.00-2-36~ LOCATED AT HAPPY HOLL0~111 PARK VI~HEREAS, the County acquired asingle-family dwelling as part of the acquisition of Happy Hollow Park, which dwelling has been leased for the last ten years. VIJHEREAS, the house which is located at 6691 Mt. Chestnut Road was unoccupied this past winter and major renovations were accomplished including installing a vapor barrier and updating the kitchen and bath and the house is now ready for lease again. ~NHEREAS, pursuant to County policy this property was advertised for lease in the Roanoke Times for one week; and BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.4 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the disposition of the herein-described real estate was held on May 12, 2009; the second reading and public hearing was held on May 26, 2g49; and 2. That this property consists of approximately one acre of real estate with improvements, excluding the guest house, identified as Roanoke County Tax Map No. 15.4-2-36; and 3. That it is in the County's best interests to lease this property to in order to safeguard the valuable improvements thereon and 1 to receive fair market value lease payments until such time as it may be necessary to utilize said property in connection the Happy Hollow Park. This lease is subject to the provisions of Section 2.03 and 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. That funds generated through the rental of this property be placed in the Parks Ground Maintenance B~~dget; and 4. -that the County Administrator, or his designee, is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE'T'ING DATE: AGENDA T'~EM: SIIBMITTED BY: May 12, 2009 First reading of an ordinance repealing section 13-14. Unlawful accumulations of trash and growth of weeds; public nuisances and abatement thereof and adopting a new Article IV. Entitled "Weeds and Trash" of Chapter 13. "Offenses-Miscellaneous" Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINIS'TRATOR'S COMMENTS:~_ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance repeals Section 13-14 of the Roanoke County Code, and adopts a new Article IV "Weeds and Trash" of this Chapter "Offenses-Miscellaneous". BACKGROUND: This ordinance will improve the enforcement of weeds and trash violations in the County. It eliminates the criminal sanctions for these violations and substitutes civil penalties for violations. Staff believes that this substitution will make enforcement more efficient and effective. It improves definitions, establishes a civil penalty system, specifies violations, provides for reporting of violations, and clarifies inspection and notice requirements. The civil penalties are $50.00 for the first violation of failure to cut weeds exceeding 12 inches in height on vacant developed or undeveloped property. Civil penalties for subsequent violations within 12 months of the first violation cannot exceed $200.00. Civil penalties for violations on occupied residential property are $100.00. The County reserves the right to cut weeds or grass, or remove accumulations of trash, and to charge the abatement costs to the owner of the property, ~fhese costs shall be collected as other taxes or levies are collected. Alien for these costs may be placed against the property. An exemption is created for County owned property that is used for stormwater management, riparian buffers, floodplain preservation areas, and other environmentally sensitive areas. The first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for May 12, 2449; the second reading is scheduled for May 26, 2449. STAFF REC~MMENDATI~N: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING 4F THE BOARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE R~AN~KE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER QN 'TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 ORDINANCE REPEALING SEC'I'14N 13-~4. UNLAWFUL ACCUMULATIONS 4F TRASH AND GROWTH OF WEEDS; PUBLIC NUISANCES AND ABATEMENT THEREOF AND ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE IV. ENTI'~LED "WEEDS AND TRASH" OF CHAPTER ~ 3. "OFFENSES-MISCELLANEOUS" WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County finds that amendments to Chapter 13 "offenses-Miscellaneous" are necessary and appropriate in order to better serve the public health, safety and welfare of the County and to address public nuisances; and, WHEREAS, modifying the penalty provisions to eliminate criminal sanctions for violations of the accumulation of weeds and trash and to substitute civil penalties would be more efficient and effective; and, WHEREAS, these amendments are authorized by Sections 15-2-901 and 15- 21215 of the Code of V1950, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 12, 2009, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 26, 2009. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 13-14. entitled "Unlawful accumulations of trash and growth of weeds; public nuisances and abatement thereof' be repealed. 2. That a new Article IV. entitled "Weeds and Trash" be adopted to read and provide as follows: 1 Article IV. Weeds and Trash Sec. 13-151. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Abatement cosh: The county's cost of labor, equipment and supplies for, or the contract price of, and any charges to, the county, with respect to the removal and disposal of weeds or trash from a parcel. Fnforcemen~ agent: The county administrator or his designee. Owner. Any person shown by any public record to have an interest in real estate lying in the county upon which a public nuisance exists as of the date of the abatement of the public nuisance under this section. owner shall also mean the occupant of any parcel of real estate, including but not limited to, any person in possession thereof having charge thereof as an executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or agent, and the beneficiary of any easement or right of use thereof. Parcel: Any real estate or any interest therein, situate, lying and being in the county in any areas zoned for residential, business, commercial, or industrial uses or in any subdivision. Public nuisance: Any act or activity the causing or maintaining of which is such an inconvenience or troublesome matter as to annoy, inj~~re or damage the public at large or a substantial portion of the community or a considerable number of persons, and from which any resulting damage is not specifically apportionable to any one member of the community. Subdivision: Any tract or parcel of land divided into two ~2} or more lots or parcels, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, as otherwise defined in the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. Trash: Abandoned personal property, garbage, refuse, rubbish, litter or debris. Weeds means grass, weeds, bushes, poison ivy, poison oak or any other vegetable growth, other than trees, ornamental shrubbery, flowers and garden vegetables. 2 Sec. 13-152. Penalty. (a) Any owner who violates section 13-153(a) or any other provisions of this article pertaining to section 13-153~a}, or who violates Section 13-154, shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $50.0o forthe firstviolation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty for subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within 12 months of the first violation shall not exceed $200.00. Each calendar day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violations arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of $3,000.00 in a 12 month period. (b) Any owner who violates section 13-153(b) or any other provisions of this article pertaining to section 13-153(b) shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $100.00. Sec. 13-153. Cutting of weeds and grass required. (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner of any vacant developed or undeveloped property, including such property upon which buildings or other improvements are located, within the boundaries of platted subdivisions or any other areas zoned fior residential, business, commercial or industrial use, to permit weeds of more than 12 inches in height within 250 feet of property developed for residential use. fib} The owner of occupied residential real property shall cut the grass or lawn area of less than one-half acre on such property when growth of such grass or lawn area exceeds 12 inches in height. Sec. 13-154. Removal of trash required. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any parcel or property to allow the accumulation of trash on any parcel or property. The owner of any parcel or property shall maintain ail exterior property areas in a clean, safe condition free from the accumulation of trash. Failure to comply with this provision shall also constitute a public nuisance. 3 Sec. 13-155. Report of violation. Any person aggrieved by the presence of weeds or grass in violation of section 13-153 or the accumulation of trash in violation of Section 13-154 may report such presence to the enforcement agent. Sec. 13-156. Inspection of site of violation: notice to cut weeds or remove trash. Upon receipt of a report as referred to in section 13-155, the enforcement agent shall cause the site of the reported violation to be inspected pursuant to applicable constitutional and statutory provisions. When the enforcement agent has determined from such reports and inspections or otherwise that a violation in fact exists, he shall notify the owner of the land or parcel upon which the violation exists to cut or cause to be cut the weeds or grass complained of, or to remove the accumulation of trash, within ten X10} calendar days of the delivery, mailing or posting of the notice. Such notice shall be in writing, shall be delivered by hand or mailed to the last known address and if the owner of the property cannot be found within the Gounty after a reasonable search, notice shall be sent by certified mail, retrun receipt requested, to the last known address of the owner and a copy of the notice shall be posted on the property in a conspicuous place, and shall be complied with by such owner. Sec. 13-151. Performance of work by county; collection of costs. If such weeds or grass are not cut, or the acc~.~mulation of trash is not removed, within the required time as provided for in the notice under section 13-155, the enforcement agent shall cause such weeds or grass to be cut, or the trash to be removed, and the abatement cost and expense thereof to be assessed against the owner of such property. The assessment shall be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected. Every charge for cutting grass on vacant property or removal of trash wriich the owner of any property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property on parity with liens for unpaid taxes. 4 Sec. 13-158. Exemp~rion. "fhe Director of Community Development or hislher designee may exempt from the application of this Article any parcel which is owned by the County or upon which the County has an easement for stormwater management facilities, and includes riparian buffers, reserved open space, floodplain preservation areas, or other environmentally sensitive areas as defined in the Roanoke County Stormwater Management ordinance and Design Manual, or which are critical to the environmental health of the ecosystem. 3. That this ordinance shall become effective from and after its adoption on May 26, 2009. 5 ACTION N4. EM ~~~ T N4 AT A REGLILAR MEETING 4F rfHE BOARD 4F SUPERVISORS 4F R4ANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R4AN4KE COUNTY ADMINIS`fRAT14N CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Second reading of an ordinance approving a resider~tial lease at the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology Catawba Magisterial District} SUBMITTED BY: Anne Marie Green Director of General Services APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator CGUNTY ADMINISTRATaR'S CGMMENTS: SUMMARY GF INFGRMATIGN: The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors acquired four dwellings as part of the transaction for the property which became the Center for Research and Technology. Three of the houses have been demolished, but the fourth house, a log cabin, has been rented out until recently. The cabin is located on Glenvar Heights Boulevard, at the far southeast cornerof the property, and the area behind it provides access to the CRTsite in case of emergency. In the past, when the cabin has been unoccupied, there was evidence of poaching activity on the CRT site, as well as a break-in at the building. Staff believes that it is important to keep the cabin occupied, which will increase security at the back entrance of the property. The cabin was advertised for lease in the Roanoke Times and UVorld News and through email comm~~nication to county employees and two applications were received. General Services staff interviewed two applicants and selected Linda Diane Hillto bethetenantand her name has been added to the lease and ordinance. 1 FISCAL IMPACT: Based on the current market, the rent on the cabin will be $750 per month for the next year. "this money will replenish the maintenance account for the facility, and provide for capital needs. At this time, it is anticipated that a new well will need to be drilled witl~iin the near future. STAFF RECQMMENDATI~N: Staff recommends that the Board approve the second reading and adopt the ordinance. 2 ATA REGULAR MEETING GFTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISGRS OF RGANGKE CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RQANOKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRA"I"IQN CENTER GN "TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 ORDINANCE APPRQVING THE RESIDENTIAL LEASE QF THE LOG CABIN LYING GENERALLY IN THE SQUTHEAST CQRNER QF THE RQANQKE CQUNTY CENTER FQR RESEARCH AND TECHNQLQGY PRQPERTY TAX MAP NQ. 54,44-1-2~ IN THE CATAINBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Q11~NED BY 'CHE BQARD QF SUPERVISQRS QF RQANQKE CQUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is the owner of a tract of land containing 451.60 acres, being located in the Catawba Magisterial District and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No.54.00-1-2, which is being developed for economic development purposes as the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology; and WHEREAS, by Grdinance 031098-1, the Board of Supervisors authorized the continued rental of the three residences on the property until such time as construction would begin and require termination; and WHEREAS, it would serve the public interest for the County to have the log cabin occupied and maintained until such time as all or portions thereof may be needed for economic development pi~irposes; and WHEREAS, on December 2, 1991, the Board authorized the creation of a self balancing account entitled Glenn Mary Capital Account for acceptance of rent payments and expenditure of the funds on maintenance of the property; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs ~fhat the acquisition or conveyance of an interest in real estate, including leases, shall be accomplished by ordinance; the 'f rst reading of t~~is ordinance was held on April 28, 2009; and the second reading will be held on May 12, 2009. THEREFGRE, BE IT GRDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. ~fhat the County Administrator or his designee is hereby au~~horized to execute a lease agreement with Linda Diane Hill for the log cabin residence having the address of 4958 Glenvar Heights Boulevard, from June 2, 2DD9 to June 1, 2010, thereafter continuing on a month to month basis, for a monthly rental of $75D.DD to be paid into the Glenn Mary Capital Account. 2. That the County Administrator or his designee is authorized to exec~~te said lease agreement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such furkher actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 2 ACTION NG. ITEM NQ. ~ ~ ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS 4F R4ANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions, and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY; B. Clayton Goodman, III ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARYOF INFORMATION: ~. Board of Zoning Appeals appointed by District The five-year term of Kevin Barnes, Cave Spring Magisterial District, will expire on June 30, 2009. 2. Clean Valley Council `fhetwo-year terms of Dennis "Chip" Harris and Stephen McTigue will expire on June 3a, 2aa9. 3. Court Community Corrections Program Regivnai Community Criminal Justice Board Thetwo-year term of Sheriff Gerald Holt will expire on June 30, 2009. 4. League of Older Americans Advisory Council `fhe one-year term of Beverly Eyerly expired on March 31, 2009. As requested by Chairman Altizer at the April 28, 2009 meeting, Ms, Eyerly was contacted and has indicated her willingness to serve an additional term, Confirmation of her appointment has been placed on the consent agenda. 5. Library Board (appointed by District) Lisa Boggess, Vinton Magisterial District, is no longer a County resident. Herfour-year term expired on December 31, 2008. fi. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Board appointed by District The following three-year terms will expire on June 30, 2099: ~a} David U11att, Catawba Magisterial District; fib} Donna U1looldridge, Catawba Magisterial District; ~c} Deborah George, Hollins Magisterial District; ~d} Paul Bailey, VlJindsor Hills District; and fie} Roger Falls, Vinton Magisterial District 7. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC- CLEAR) (appointed by District) Each supervisor was asked to appoint two citizens who live, work or do business in the County to serve on this committee. The term for each of these appointments is t~~ree years and the initial terms will be staggered and expiration dates determined after all of the appointments have been made and confirmed. The Board needs to appoint two additional members as follows: ~1 }Supervisor Church, one member; ~2} SupervisorAltizer, one member. 8. Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission ~fhe three-year term of Lee Osborne, citizen representative, will expire on J~~ne 39, 2009. 9. Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors The two-year term of John M. Chambliss, Jr., will expire on June 30, 2009. Mr. Chambliss was appointed on July 8, 2008, to replace Elmer Hodge, former County Administrator. 10. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission -fhe three-yearterm of Charles Blankenship expired on April 8, 2009. As requested by Chairman Altizer at the April 28, 2009 meeting, Mr. Blankenship was contacted and has indicated his willingness to serve an additional term. Corrfirn~ation of his appointment has been placed on the consent agenda. 2 ~_~ ATA REGULAR MEETING QF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANQKE CQUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RGANQKE CGUNTY ADMINISTRA"I"IGN CENTER GN "f LIESDAY, MAY 12, 2aa9 RESGLU"I"IGN APPRGVING AND CGNCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FGRTH GN "rHE BGARD GF SUPERVISGRS AGENDA FOR "PHIS DATE DESIGNATED AS I'~EM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESQLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgii~iia, as follows: That the cerkain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 12, 2aa9 designated as Item J -ConsentAgenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forkh in said section designated Item 1, as follows: 1. Cor~~rirmation of committee appointments to the League of Qlder Americans Advisory Council and Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission committees That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to setforkh upon anyof said itemstheseparatevotetabulationforanysuch item pursuant to this resolution. ACTION NO. ~.~.~. ITEM NO. ~~ ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTYADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of committee appointments to the League of Older Americans Advisory Council and Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission SUBMITTED BY: Becky R. Meador Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS; SLIMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. League of Older Americans Advisory Council "fhe one-year term of Beverly Eyerly expired on March 31, 2009. Ms. Eyerly was contacted and indicated her willingness to serve an additional term. It was the consensus of the Board to re-appoint Ms. Eyerly and place confirmation of her appointment on the consent agenda. 2. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission The three-year term of Charles Blankenship expired on April 8, 2009. Mr. Blankenship was contacted and indicated his willingness to serve an additional term. It was the consensus of the Board to re-appoint Mr. Blankenship and place confirmation of his appointment on the consent agenda. GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $ 16,143,199 Addition for 2007-08 operations 906,609 Appropriation for staff at the Clearbrook Station X156,000} Balance at May 12, 2009 $ 17,493,808 N-i °/o of General Fund Revenue 9.51% n ~ ~ ni ~* Note: 0n December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. 2001-08 a range of 8.5°/0-9.5% of General F~~nd Revenues 2007-2008 General Fund Revenues $176,033,618 8.5°/0 of General Fund Revenues $14,962,863 9.5% of General Fund Revenues $16,723,199 *~ 2008-09 a range of 9.0°/0-10.0°/0 of General Fund Revenues 2008-2009 General Fund Revenues $185,259,899 9.0% of General Fund Revenues $16,613,391 10.0% of General Fund Revenues $18,525,990 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 9.44°/o which is within the range of our goal for 2008-09. The balance will be increased over time to the following ranges: 2009-2010 9.5%-10.5% 2010-2011 10.0%-11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B, Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY GF R4AN4KE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Audited balance at June 30, 2008 Addition for 2001-2008 operations Unappropriate funds for architectlengineering fees for the renovation of the former Southview Elementary School Appropriate additional funding for Bent Mountain Station Parking Lot Balance at May 12, 2009 Ma'or Count Ca ital Reserve Amount ~- L $1, 540,157.20 298,490.00 175,ooo.oa ~81,316.00~ $1,932,811.20 Projects in the C1P, debt payments to expedite projects identified in C1P, and land purchase opportunities.) Audited balance at June 30, 2008 $2,339,030.00 Balance at May 12, 2009 $2,339,030,00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III ~U~ County Administrator ~I-"3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CON'~INGENCY COUNTY OF RGAN4KE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2008-2009 Original Budget $ 300,000.00 June 24, 2008 Allocation to Art Museum of Western Virginia and Roanoke County X200,000.00} Public Schools for Education July 8, 2008 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison x$24,000.00} August 28, 2008 Appropriation for Development of a Regional Water Supply Plan x$11,100.00} April 14, 2009 Appropriation for the June 9, 2009 Primaries x$24,900.00} Balance at May 12, 2009 $ 40,000.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III ~`~ County Administrator ~'4~ ACTIN N0. ITEM NQ. , AT A REGULAR MEETING ~F THE BARD ~F SUPERVISORS OF R~ANQKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R~ANQKE C~LINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May ~ 2, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: 1Nork session on Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits Policy SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III ~, County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY 4F INF4RMA'f IAN: The Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program ~I_IHTC} is a federally funded program sponsored by the U.S. Treasury Department and administered by the Virginia Housing and Development Authority ~VHDA}. It was established by the Tax Reform Act of ~ 986 to encourage private investment in affordable housing. The LIHTC program is authorized under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of ~ 986. The competitive LIHTC is administered annually, resulting in the award of tax credits for proposed low-income multi- family developments. The program serves as an incentive for private investors to participate with developers in the construction and rehabilitation of low-income housing. Developers oflow-income multi-family developments are required by the Internal Revenue Service to provide localities an opportur~ity to comment on developments under consideration for LIHTC. Favorable comments supporting the application receive the highest number of points in that category, while opposition results in a range of points depending on the premise of the opposition, Staff will review with the Board the Low Income Housing Tax Credit LIHTC} Program along with suggested criteria for evaluating proposed LIHTC projects during the work session. f,~a yw ~ i E. ` 4 ~'~ ~. ~ a~ !~' F °i~ ~ 4 ~°~ ~, . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,,ems'.. ..~~ BUILDING PERMITS DIRECTOR, ARNOLD COVEY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, TAREK MONEIR ENGINEERING DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF PLANNING, PHILIP THOMPSON INSPECTIONS COUNTY ENGINEER, GEORGE W. SIMPSON, III, P.E. MAPPING/GIS BUILDING COMMISSIONER, JOEL S. BAKER, CBO STORMWATER MANAGEMENT TRANSPORTATION MEMORANDUM To: B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator Thru: Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning From: Nicole Gilkeson, Planner II Date: May 5, 2009 Re: Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Policy This memo outlines the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Program, discusses housing and land use components of the Comprehensive Plan, lists suggested criteria for evaluating proposed LIHTC projects, gives background information on the proposed Blue Ridge Club project, and suggests county policy on LIHTC projects. Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program The Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) is a federally funded program sponsored by the U.S. Treasury Department and administered by the Virginia Housing and Development Authority (VHDA). It was established by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to encourage private investment in affordable housing. The LIHTC program is authorized under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. The competitive LIHTC is administered annually, resulting in the award of tax credits for proposed low-income multi-family developments. The program serves as an incentive for private investors to participate with developers in the construction and rehabilitation oflow-income housing. The LIHTC is adollar-for-dollar reduction in tax liabilityto the owner of a qualified development for the acquisition, rehabilitation or construction oflow-income housing rental units. The tax credits can be claimed each year over a ten-year term once the development is available for occupancy and meets all regulations set forth in Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code. Credits become available when the development is placed in service. To obtain these credits, occupancy requirements mandate that a proportion of units must be occupied by households that earn a percentage of the area's median income. Further, the rent charged to these units cannot exceed 30% of the income limit of each unit, based on the number of bedrooms. VHDA monitors projects for compliance and failure to comply can result in the recapture of the tax credits. There are three types of tax credits available to developers who participate in the program, the first is the 9% tax credit which is typically referred to as the competitive LIHTC. The credit awarded to qualifying projects isbased on aten-year, present value calculation of 70% of the qualified basis of the low-income units. There are two other types of tax credits, which are awarded on a continuing basis and are not a part of the competitive program. These are the 4% tax credit for New Construction or Substantial Rehab and the 4% tax credit for Acquisition of Existing Development. These tax credit can be awarded to developments that are federally subsidized with tax-exempt bonds. This credit is determined based on a present value calculation on 30% of the qualified basis over ten years. For the Roanoke MSA, the income restrictions and maximum gross rent follow: 2009 LIHTC Income Limits 2009 Area Median Income: $61,900 Income Limits: Persons per household 1 2 3 4 50% of AMI $21,650 $24,750 $27,850 $30,950 60% of AMI $25,998 $29,712 $33,426 $37,140 Maximum rent per bedroom Efficiency 1 Bedroom 2 Bedroom 3 Bedroom 4 Bedroom 50% of AMI $526 $564 $677 $782 $872 60% of AMI $631 $677 $813 $939 $1,047 The 9% competitive LIHTC is awarded based on a scoring system. Developments are awarded points for various criteria. The projects are then ranked according to the number of points received and the credits are awarded to the highest-ranking projects, until credits for that pool have expired. A minimum of 500 credits are required to qualify for consideration of credits. Developments in the Roanoke Valley compete in the Small MSA pool. In 2009, this pool receives 16.31% of the available credits. The other pools include the Northern Virginia MSA Pool, the Richmond MSA Pool, the Tidewater MSA Pool, the Rural Pool, the Local HousingAuthority Pool, the Non-Profit Pool andthe At-Large Pool The developer is required by the Internal Revenue Service to provide localities an opportunity to comment on developments under consideration for LIHTC. Favorable comments supporting the application receive the highest number of points in that category, while opposition results in a range of points depending on the premise of the opposition. 2 Developers can earn credits in over 50 categories. A small sample of point categories are listed below. To view all categories, see the 2009 UHDA Tax Credit Manual (click for link or see copies available in Community Development Office): • Plan of development (final site plan approved): 0 or 40 points • Zoning approval: 0 or 40 points • Locality Notification Information form: 0, -50 points • Locality CEO Support Letter: 50, 25, 0 o If the CEO Support Letter states that the development will help meet housing needs and priorities of the locality and the locality supports the allocation of tax credits, 50 points are awarded. o If no letter is received from the CEO: or a letter is received from the CEO that does not meet the requirements of support (as described above) nor the requirements of opposition (as described below), then 25 points will be awarded. o If a letter is received from the locality, opposing the development, based upon the development not being consistent with current zoning or other applicable land use regulations, then the development will not qualify for points under this category. • Average unit size: up to 100 points • Proximity to public transportation: 0,10, or 20 points • Energy star appliances: 5 points • Negative points can also be awarded to developers with an unfavorable history Comprehensive Plan The Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan addresses housing namely in three sections: in the vision statements for 2010, among the Goals and Objectives for Neighborhoods, and within the discussion of future land use recommendations and design guidelines. The vision statements (attached) were created by focus groups, and there are two vision statements that directly address affordable housing: In 2010, Roanoke County has incentives and a sliding scale of fees to encourage affordable housing. In 2010, Roanoke County has a diverse housing stock meeting the demands of current and future residents. Dwellings are available in a range of prices, styles and designs to accommodate students, single persons, the elderly and families. Alternatives to single family ownership are being met by an adequate supply of apartments, duplexes, attached housing, senior services and nursing homes for rent. Within Chapter 3, Land Use Issues, the Comprehensive Plan stresses the importance of neighborhoods. The goal is to "Continue to recognize the importance of Roanoke County neighborhoods and workto preserve the institutions and natural, cultural and historical feature that help to define these communities. Objectives call for the protection of special characteristics of each neighborhood. The Neighborhoods section of Chapter 3 is attached to this memorandum. To address land use issues, the Comprehensive Plan designates land within the county into a series of future land use categories. The Future Land Use Guide is "a policy framework for future land use decisions within the County. The Guide serves as a reference for the most desirable location for 3 future land use activities throughout the county. The Guide also implements the design guidelines found in Chapter 3 of the Comprehensive Plan. Land use designations which may be appropriate for multi-family apartments include: Development: at densities of 6-1Z units per acre, with clustering, greenways, bike and pedestrian trails encouraged; Transition: garden apartments at densities of 12-24 units per acre More specifically, land designated as Development can be appropriate when paired with innovative land development practices and environmental sensitivity. Land use designations which would not be appropriate for multi-family apartments include: • Conservation (designated as areas of particular environmental sensitivity); • Rural Preserve (areas of mostly undeveloped, outlying lands); • Rural Village (limited development has historically occurred and suburban or urban development patterns are discouraged); • Village Center (serving as the commercial and institutional focal point of surrounding rural residential and farming establishments); • 1Veighborhood Conservation (areas of existing single-family neighborhoods, conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged) Additionally, as land suitable for commercial or industrial development becomes more scare within the county, areas designated as Transition, Core, and Principle Industrial are also not suitable for multi-family apartments. Neighborhood Conservation is traditionally the most protected land use. The preservation and enhancement of neighborhood character is critical to ensure the vitality of these communities. As many neighborhoods in Roanoke County are reaching middle-age, having been built in the late 50's, 60's and early 70's, the county must continue to find creative ways to maintain property appearances and housing integrity. Some older Roanoke County neighborhoods will continue to feel pressure for redevelopment as large tracts of commercial property become harder and harder to find. A community successful in managing growth will encourage and direct growth toward areas of the County that can support it while preserving viewsheds and open space and retaining an agricultural base. Project Evaluation Criteria As proposed projects are submitted to the County, staff would evaluate projects on the following criteria: 1. Zoning A. Is the project currently allowed by the zoning district? B. Does the project fall in or below the requirements for maximum density at X units/per acre? C. Does the project meet all of the required Use and Design Guidelines? 4 D. Does the project have access to public water and sewer? 2. How does the project conform with the Comprehensive Plan? A. Is the proposed used compatible with the Future Land Use designation? B. Are there existing sensitive neighborhoods in close proximity which are intended to be protected bythe Neighborhood Conservation District? C. Does the project adhere to other guidelines/goals or objectives in plan policies? 3. What is the current use of the property? A. Is the property currently developed or vacant? 4. What are the characteristics ofthe surrounding neighborhood? A. Ullhat are surrounding and nearby property uses? B. Are there natural, historic or cultural resources in proximity to the site which could be threatened by development or impact the environment of these resources? C. Are any low-income or subsidized apartments nearby? 5. Will the proposed development place a substantial burden on area schools? 6. Does the proposed project renovate or rehabilitate existing apartments or elderly housing? 7. Is the proposed development within 1/4 mile of public transit? 8. Does the developer propose to rent a percentage of the units at market rate? 9. What income limits is the developer proposing? Blue Ridge Club Project Background Roanoke County received an application for the 2009 LIHTC program on March 30, 2009. The project, called Blue Ridge Club, at 1120 Peters Creek Road, was also submitted for consideration in 2008 and 2005. In 2008, Roanoke County opposed the project due to the allocation of 100% of the proposed 60 units being for low-income housing, rather than amix oflow-income and market rate units in order to help "residents who qualify for housing assistance to feel a part of the broader community" (See attached memo). The property is zoned R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District. Preliminary reviews indicate the development would be able to meet all applicable regulations (setbacks, frontage, i.e.). R-3 zoning allows for multi-family residential at a maximum density of twelve dwelling units per acre. The sixty units proposed would be the slightly less than the maximum number of units allowed on the parcel. Additional use and design standards apply to multi-family dwellings. In an R- 3zoning district, the minimum lot size is 7,200 square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus 3,630 square feet for each additional unit. Sixty units would require 5.082 acres. Property in the surrounding neighborhood iszoned R-3, C-2, and C-1. While the project does have an approved site plan dated August Z3, 2007, no construction has occurred on the property. Some erosion and sediment control measures have been taken on the site, but neither the Erosion and Sediment Control nor the Subdivision Performance bonds were in conformance with county policy. Additionally, all previous permits have been withdrawn. Prior to the adoption of the revised Stormwater Ordinance, which went into effect after this site plan was approved, construction with an approved site plan must begin earlier than five years from the date of an approved site plan. Therefore, with the issuance of bonds that conform to county policy, and by obtaining all necessary construction permits, the developer could begin construction on the property. Based on the suggested criteria, the proposed Blue Ridge Club Apartments would be evaluated as follows: 1. Zoning: The propertyis zoned R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District. The project is allowed by right, is below the maximum density, meets the requirements of the Use and Design Guidelines, and has access to public water and sewer 2. How does the project conform to the Comprehensive Plan? The Future Land Use Designation forthis propertyis Development. Development designation is a future land use where mostnew neighborhood development will occur, including conventional residential, cluster residential, multi- family at amaximum oftwelve units per acre, planned residential developments, planned community developments, and community activity centers. Land that is designated as Transition is adjacent to this property and along Peters Creek Road. The proposed use could be compatible with the designation provided thatthe design is architecturally creative and environmentally sensitive. There are single-family neighborhoods designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the opposite side of Peters Creek Road. 3. What is the current use of the property: The propertyis currently vacant. 4. What are the characteristics ofthe surrounding neighborhood? Surrounding land uses include single-family dwellings, townhouses, garden apartments, office, commercial, medical building, mini-warehouse and religious assembly. Peters Creek Road Apartments located at 7266 Barrens Road, is an existing LIHTC tax credit property which contains 192 units;100% of the units are designated aslow-income. The developer was awarded tax credits in the competitive program in 1993,1997 and 2005. 5. Will the proposed development place a substantial burden on area schools? U.S. Census data suggests nationally, that an average of Z9 students per one hundred units occupy apartment complexes over twenty units (compared with 55single-family). According to this data, the apartment complex could be expected to house approximately 18 students. 6. Does the proposed project renovate or rehabilitate existing apartments or elderly housing? No. 7. Is the proposed development within 1/4 mile of public transit? A Valley Metro Bus Stop is located at the Wilmont Food Lion on Peters Creek Road, which is approximately 0.3 mile from the development. 6 8. Does the developer propose to rent a percentage of the units at market rate? No 9. What income limits is the developer proposing? Unknown at this time. County Policy Based on the information provided by VHDA regarding the LIHTC program, the county visions, goals, and design guidelines for future land use in the Comprehensive Plan, staff suggests that projects be evaluated using the proposed criteria. Should the project not be allowed by the zoning ordinance or meet the goals and objectives of the comprehensive plan and future land use designation, the county should submit a letter of opposition to VHDA. The county should continue to look favorably upon projects which rehabilitate existing units and/or contain a mix of low- incomeand market rate rental housing units but should consider the impacts of the proposed projects as outlined in the proposed criteria. New development projects which comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Comprehensive Plan should be evaluated on the proposed evaluation criteria. Attachments: 1) Memo from Community Development to Elmer Hodge, County Administrator, dated March 12, 2008 with attachments 2) Memo from Elmer Hodge, County Administrator, to Jim Chandler, VHDA, dated March 13, 2008 3) Comprehensive Plan Housing Vision Statements 4) Comprehensive Plan Neighborhoods Section CC: Paul Mahoney, CountyAttorney John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Dan O'Donnell, Assistant CountyAdministrator Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development Teresa Hall, Public Information Officer County of Roanoke Department of Community Development Memorandum To Ebner Plodge, County Administ~•atar Teresa Rall, Public Information officer Thru: Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning From: Nicole +~ilkeson, Planner II .~~~ ,~--~ Date. March 1 ~, Z008 Re: Blue Ridge Club 11~ulti-Family Rousing Development Proposal 'RDA} The Blue Ridge Club Apartment Complex as described in correspondence from the Virginia Reusing and Development Authority is proposed to be located south of East Drive and south and west of Brook Street in Roanol~e County, This appears to correspond to a 5,33 acres parcel of undeveloped land, .identified as tax map number 027.I3-OS-37.00-0000. The proper is zoned R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District. P~•elirnnary reviews indicate the level®pment would be able to meet all applicable regulations setbacks, frontage, i,e.}. R-3 zoning allows for• multi-family residential at a :maximum density of twelve dwelling units per acre. The sixty units proposed would be the slightly less than the maximum number of units allowed on the parcel. Additional use and design standards apply to multi-family dwellings. In an R-3 zoning district, the minimum lot size is 7,200 square feet for the first dwelling unit, plus 3,30 square feet for each additional unit. Sixty units would require S.OS~ acres. Properly in the surrounding neighborhood is zoned R-3, ~G-~, and C-1. The land is currently vacant. Surraund~ng land uses include single-family dwellings, townhouses, garden apartments, off ce, commercial, medical building, mini-warehouse and religious assembly, The Future Land tJse Designation far this property is Development, Development designation. is a future land use where most new neighba~•hood development will occur, .including conventional residential, cluster residential, multi-family at a maximum of twelve units per acre, punned. residential developments, planned community developments, and community activity centers, Land that ~s designated as Transition 1s adjacent to this property and along Peters Creek Road Using trip generation software, traffic generated by the development is not expected to be significant. It would not rewire a traffic study under Section 5~7 regulations. The development is expected to generate 403 average weekday trips and 31 daily in the morning pear hour and 37 daily in the evening peak hour. Pale 2 March 11, 24C~~ U.. Census data suggests nationally, that an average of ~9 students pe~• ane hundred units occupy apartment complexes over twenty units ~campared with 55 single-farriily). According to this data, the apartment camplex cauld be expected to house approximately 18 students, PGT;CNCr,cg Attachments Aerial 1Vlap Zoning dap Future Land [Jse NMap C N d N ~ ~ ~ N ~ C7 ~~•L~~ ~~ ~ ~ c~•~rv L O ~ ~ ~ ~.-, ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 44 (~ Q ~ ~ N C ~~ O ~ ~ QS Q ~ 4) '~ ^ '~ ~() C~7 N ~ ~ ~ C3" L rJ C r ~0 (y t- ro u c [~. O Q1 00 ~ ~ 47 v Ca ~~•~~ ,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~rV ~~~,~~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ a-r C U ~7 CJ ~~a ~' ~ N O ~' l4) C7! N ~~ A~ ~ W r ~_ iii rr r W ~..y ~ A~' I 0 G~~~ t f l 1 11 ~1 1 r ` ., ~. f ~ / ~ ~ ,~ r ~ i ~ ,~ J r t j i / i ~ I 1 I C) 7 c ~ •` O) ~ L ~ G') 0 ~ ~1 C ~ D ti ~ ~ ~ ~ cn ~ 0. 7 ~ D ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' c i l ~~ 1 _r f ~Y~ 4 c E d 4 fl) CO ~ ~ Q1 lU C.a ~` ~ 'L N ~ ~~~ R70 U ~~iCN ~1 N ~~~ d ~1 ~ ~ Q7 OG^^D yJ c~7 z~ U' .~ /~~1 •V p~ *..r L ~ W 1Y rh^ /~~~ W ,_ L ~ i ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ,}~ ~ ~ ~~ f~ L = ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ _~~ ~~~ ~~~a~u ~~-~ ~ ~ o~~ ~_~~~~~ ~.-~ a~~~ °' ~'_~~. L ca ~ r `ts~,~~',~~ _s=~'~c ~-~~N L ~},~ ~~ ~! ~~~~~~C c~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~0 ~~~ ~~~~L~t~ .,.. ~+~~_~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~' ~ a ~ ~' d ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C 4~ ~~~~ ~ _ ~ ~, z~_~c~~~ ~~~~~ ~,~~~~ ~ ~..-,~ Q ~~~~~~~+ ~~.r~C~ _ ,.. ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C .~? .' ~ ~ J LL s -~ V H DA 5M January 11, 2008 Elmer ~. Hodge ~Caunty Administrator County of Roanoke 8244 Bernard Drive, S,W. Roanake,l/A 24418 Re: Blue Ridge Club VHDA Tracking Number: 20g8~Z-7 Dear Mr. Hodge: The above referenced development may be submitted to the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) for a reservation of 2008 Low Income Housing Tax Credits. The tax credits apply to the owner's federal tax return, but the VHDA is responsible for allocating the credits to developments within Virginia. We are required by the Internal Revenue Code to provide localities with an opportunity to comment on the developments under consideration. You may have already written a letter, which gill be included in the application package submitted by the development sponsor, and if so, we appreciate that input. If nat, or if you would like to comment further, you may do so at this time. In order for us to~ consider your comments in our scaring, vine must receive your letter by March 14, 2448.. Letters that correspond to the attached letter of support will qualify the application for 54 points. if you send an opposition Fetter stating that the development is inconsistent with ~1} current zoning, or ~2} other applicable land use regulations, the development will receive no points in this category. Additionally, if you provide nv comments or if your letter does not meet the support ar opposition criteria discussed above, the application will receive a scare of 25~ points. For your reference, we have included development information sheets that briefly explain the development and identify the sponsor. {would encourage you to contact the person listed in section ~ of the information sheets to achieve a better understanding of the proposed development. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincer y, dames M. Chandler ~~ 'Director of LIHTC Programs ,~MC~dlg Enclosures vIRGINfA ~C~USiNG QEVEL(~PMENT ~.LJTHC~RITY 601 SOUTH 'RELVIDERE STREET I RICHMC~NQ, UiR~CNIA~ 23220 I PI~(~NE: 877IV1~QA123 1' TDQ:8041783-6105 11JI1WV11.V1~DA.C©M aEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SLEETS A, LOCATION INFORMATION Name of Development: Blue Ridge Club Address of Development: South of East Drive, and South and Uyest of Brook Street Circuit Court Clerk's office in which the deed to the property is or will be recorded: Roanoke Does the site overlap one or more jurisdictional boundaries? ^ Yes Q No Is the development located in a Metropolitan Statistical Area? ~ Yes ^ No Census tract development is located in CitylCaunty of CitylCvunty of 302,84 Census Tract Number Is this a Qualified Census Tract`? ^ Yes ~ Nv Is the develaprnent located in a Difficult Development Area? ^ Yes ~ No Is the development located in a revitalization area? ~' Yes ^ No Congressional District 8th htt :1lc11s is,state.va.uslcen ress12001PQFslcha lTab. df Planning District 5th htt~:Ilww~v.~apdc.c~rglabcautpdcs.htrr~#PDC°{p2(}h~a~ State Senate district 22nd h#tp:lJdlsQs.sta~e.va.usfsenate12U01 PaFsfCh~p2Tab.pclf State HauSe District llth http:lld_Isgis.state.va.usfHouse120U1HausePO~sl~hap1Tab.pd~ Name and title of local official you have discussed this development with who could answer questions far the Iocal GEC: Denise Sawder, Dev. Review Caar., Department of ~emmunit~~ De~elapr~ent Tax Credit Paol: LHA - CR -Another Pool - to be determined B. aEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION In the space below, give a brief description of the proposed development. Blue Midge Club will be an family development located in Raanake, Virginia. The property consists of approximately 5 acres. Development will be new construction and will consist of ~I= 80 family units. This development will consist of two residential buildings with bricklvinyl siding, and be garden style apartments. Amenities include balcanylpatvs, washerldryer hookups, dishwasher, garbage disposal, community building. Indicate development type: Family or Elderly Family C. OWNER INFORMATION Name Blue Ridge Club, L.I'. Phone: 813-682-0022 Contact Person Thomas J. McMullen, Jr. - CSR -John U'rgtahardt, to be determined Street Address 1314 E. Lumsden Road CISJZ Brandon, FL 33811 Type of entity: ^ Limited Partnership ^ Individual(s} ^ Cther: ~ or 2624 Salem Tpk. Nw, Raanake,VA ^ Corporation Principals} involved ~e.g. general partners, controlling shareholders, etc,}: Names Phone Tyke of Ownership % Ownersh i p Roanoke Valley Housing Corp. andlor Blue Ridge Club, Inc, ether carp -TBD 84(x-983-92E0 813-882-0922 General Partner General Partner A % of 1 % andlor a % of 1 % --- °/~S TBD D. SELLER INF~'RMATICN: Name Richard M. Hylton, et al. Address 503 Brahma Road Roanoke, VA 2401 is there an identity of interest between the seller and ownerlapplicant? ^ Yes ^ No If yes, complete. the following; Principal~s~ involved (e.g. general partners, controlling shareholders, etc.; Name Address E. C~EVEL~-PMENT INFt~RIVIATI~N A. Structure and Units: Total number of all units in development <l= 69 bedrooms <I=192 Number oflaw-incorne units <1= 69 bedrooms ~J=192 Percentage of units designated low-income 100°l4 Percentage of floor space attributable to low-income 1oD% The developments structural features are (check all that apply): ^ Row House/Townhouse Q Garden Apartments Q Slab on Grade ^ Crawl Space ^ Detached Single-family ^ Detached Two-family ^ Basement Age of Structure NA ^ Elevator Number of stories: </= 3 Number of new units Number of adaptive reuse units Number of rehabilitation units Total number of all. units Gross Residential Floor Area Commercial Floor Area Number of Buildings ~D 9 0 ~0 ~1=11,994 M.O.L. 0 2, plus a Community Building bedrooms 192 bedrooms a bedrooms g Total bedrooms 192 B. Building Systems: Please describe each of the following in the space provided Community Facilities: Community Building with l~itchen, Several Tenant Activity Rooms, Social Services Office, Rental Office, Laundry Raom, Maintenance and Stcrne,~re~, end Restro~n~ Exterior Finish; Vinyl Siding and Brick HeatinglAC System; Central Heating and A!C systems for each unit Architectural Style; Garden Style Apartments andlor Town~homes ~~ Appendix I: Locality CEO Support Letter {This Form ~ Be Included With Application - Tats l~ or This Letterer Be F~eceived by VHDA by March '14, ~0~8~ {This Fora l~l st Be Submitted Under Locality's Letterhead DATE TO: 1Jirginia Housing Development Authority 641 South Belvidere Street Richmond, '~irginia ~32~4-~5(~4 Attention. Jim Chandler l~E: L(~AL SUPf~~3RT VHDA Tracking Number: Name of Development: Noma of 4wnerlApplicant; The construction or rehabilitation of (NAME OF DEVELOPMENT) and the allocation of federal housing tax credits available under IRC Section 42 for that development will help meet the housing needs and priorities of (NAME OF LOCALITY). Accordingly, (NAME OF LOCALITY) supports the allocation of federal housing tax credits requested by (NAME OF APPLICANT) for that development. Yours truly, CEC~ Name Title NOTE TO LOCALITY: Any change in this form letter may result in a reduction of points under the scaring system. If you have any questions, please call Jim chandler at VH~A {8Q4~ 3A~3~~1~6~ NOTE TO ~EV'ELOPER: You are strongly encouraged to sut~rnit this certification to the appropriate local official at least three weeks in advance of the application deadline to ensure adequate time for review and approval. ~~ ~~~~~~ ti~ '~+~ *~ ~k,.l •. y `~. V ~~ ;,. +~J~ F`~IC ~~ T~~ C~UNTI~ ~.~i~~~I~I~TITC~ ~~04 B~RN~RD Dom, I?. B~~ 2980 ~t~~K~, ~~IFt~IN ~,4~1~-{178 CCU U~T~ ~L ~IIN ISTT~IR larch ~ , 2~f} Virginia Housing Development Authority D l South ~el~idetae street ichn~ond, A ~ ~~~ Attentions ~it~ Chandler .~ LQCAL S[~PP~.T ~~~ Trading Nu~ril~e~A; ~~~-~-7 Blue ridge Club Blue id~e Club, L.~. Dear IIr, Chandler; T~~: (~~~~ 77~~~~1~~ F~'~: ~54~} 77~-~~~~ e~lader~a~tae~~untyva.~~F I azn r~itin to pro~ride con~~nent on the application for federal lousing tax credits ~~~~ the Blue ide Club devel~pn~~nt in laanoke County. 'Vi'e first c~nsidcrcd the issue of housing tax c~+edits for flue ridge Cluh in ~'ebt~~ry ~~. Since that time, tine l~a~e Yearned t~iat housing assistance prog~•a~ns are tore effective and a bitter fit within existing neihborl~oods ben sued programs allo~~ qualified ~'eidents to apply for [~~S~nate~ ~lU-InCOn~e' units at apat~tn~ent complexes t111~~ug~lOlit t~i~e co~~a~~,unrty, ~"t~.lnl~ c~thel• units 1~lthln these salve complexes as Standard Mental un~ts~ Such a strategy avoids l~aving entire apat~#n~ent developments designated as `lor~incorr~e' and helps those 1'esidents who qualify for lousing assista~lce to feel ~ pa~~ of tl~e broader community. flue Ridge Clu'b's sixty unit de~clopment mill nearly mximi~e tl~e number of dwelling units p~e~~nitted on a parcel of this sire in an ~- zoning district and. the applicant designates l ~~°r~o of these units as `lo~~-income'. bile this concentration mill rr~axinize the tax credits a~railahie to the de~eloe~#, ~~e cio not beli~~~e teat it .~1~s ~'~r ~pti~.~l ~~~lic ~~li~cy. Th~er~ef~are, oan~~~e County apposes the application for federal housing tax. credits fc~~, this devl~prnent. Roanol~e Courtt~ continues to share VH~A' on~.rnitnlent to making more affordable housing available in our con~m~~nity. e hay=e suppo~~ed applications for lo~~-income housing tax credits ~irin~~ ~a~sing ~]a~elo~~ent ~Autho~kity Mich 1, 2a~ ~ age ~ in the fast and these c~edit~ ha~~ helped to reh~b~litate aging ap~rtxnent caxnplexes with a high number of vacancies in need ~f capital ~nvetrnent. a ~viil Iaal~ fa~arabl~ an future lOplications far fedcral housing tax credits a~n de~elapments that include a blend of designated la~v~income units clang Frith standard rental units, incerel ler ~. badge ~a~lnt~ dI~11n1StratO~' app: Roanoke County Boa~~d of uper~~sar CHAPTER 2 VISION STATEMENTS VISION STATEMENTS The following vision statements represent the work of the focus groups and are reprinted here exactly as they were developed by each group. Housin 1. In 2010, Roanoke County has developed incentives and a sliding scale of fees to encourage affordable housing. Housing costs have been addressed by controlling utility connection fees, erosion control requirements and waste disposal options. 2. In 2010, Roanoke County has a diverse housing stock meeting the demands of current and future residents. Dwellings are available in a range of prices, styles and designs to accommodate students, single persons, the elderly and families. Alternatives to single family ownership are being met by an adequate supply of apartments, duplexes, attached housing, senior services and nursing homes for rent. 3. In 2010, Roanoke County has managed a healthy economic growth while protecting and maintaining its natural resources. Through careful planning and orderly development, our natural resources have been protected to ensure the quality of life for future generations. Open spaces and greenways have been provided through the use of cluster development and innovative site design concepts. 4. In 2010, Roanoke County has taken a leadership role in valleywide cooperative efforts to hold the cost of public services to a relatively low level. Services have been extended, in a planned and orderly manner, to meet housing demands. Chapter 3: Land Use Issues 3. NEIGHBORHOODS Introduction Our basic instincts and human nature seek a sense of community, a sense of place where we live, work and play. In Roanoke County, neighborhoods are the backbone of the community. Residents of the County identify very closely to their own neighborhoods and especially to their elementary school districts. This is exemplified by the high attendance at elementary school Parent Teacher Association meetings and youth sports events, festivals and social events that are held at the neighborhood level. The results of the 1995 visioning citizen survey showed that residents associate more closely with their own subdivisions and neighborhoods than with the County as a whole. This makes it very important to preserve community meeting places such as neighborhood schools, fire and rescue buildings, community centers and community stores. These meeting places serve the same function as neighborhood taverns in more urban locales. It also becomes more critical to preserve those natural, historical and cultural features of a neighborhood that lend uniqueness and that feeling of being home - a sense of place - to the area. Many neighborhoods in Roanoke County are reaching middle-age -they were built in the late 50's, 60's and early 70's. These communities provide an abundant source of good, affordable housing to citizens throughout this region. It is important to preserve the stability of these areas by finding creative ways to maintain property appearances and housing integrity, thereby maintaining property values in these communities. Some older Roanoke County neighborhoods will continue to feel pressure for redevelopment as large tracts of commercial property become harder and harder to find. It is important to encourage community redevelopment and infill development along appropriate road systems and in appropriate commercial service areas. If we as a community are successful in managing growth -encouraging and directing growth toward those areas of the County that can support it - preserving viewsheds and open space and retaining an agricultural base, we need to recognize that there will be more and more pressure for infill development and the redevelopment of existing sites in the more urban areas of the County. This will require some changes in densities and uses in what used to be stable neighborhoods and must be done with appropriate design guidelines, citizen input and the involvement of commercial interests. Goal Continue to recognize the importance of Roanoke County neighborhoods and work to preserve the institutions and natural, cultural and historical features that help to define these communities. Chapter 3: Land Use Issues Issues and Opportunities Many Roanoke County neighborhoods have active civic leagues and community watch programs. In addition, as a part of the Community Plan process, neighborhood councils were formed in each of the twelve community planning areas around the County. Roanoke County elementary school Parent Teacher Associations often have participation at the one-hundred percent level. There is along-term tradition and commitment to neighborhood schools in Roanoke County. Many Roanoke County neighborhoods were built almost 40 years ago. These areas are, to some extent, beginning to show their age and require more and more maintenance and upkeep. The older neighborhoods in the County provide a good source of affordable housing. Some of the older Roanoke County neighborhoods, that are located in close proximity to commercial centers and primary road access, are subject to redevelopment pressures from commercial interests. Most Roanoke County neighborhoods are very dependent on the automobile with very limited pedestrian trails and sidewalks. County neighborhoods tend to be very stable. There are only a few neighborhoods in the County that have a mix of residential densities or commercial uses. The strong economic base of the County has meant that property values are steadily increasing. Youth sports events -such as little league, soccer and softball -are great opportunities for neighborhood friends and acquaintances to meet and greet. The Roanoke Valley provides a beautiful and relatively clean place to live. There are a good variety of housing options and price ranges in the County. Some types of housing and housing communities, such as cluster developments and mixed-use developments, are not widely available in the County. Chapter 3: Land Use Issues The County has a high quality of life that manifests itself in low crime, little traffic congestion, abundant natural resources and good schools. There are some areas of the County where substandard housing exists. There are not "housing maintenance or upkeep" provisions in the County zoning ordinance, County Code or Building Code. It is sometimes difficult to correct problems of this nature. Objectives A. Protect the uniqueness and special characteristics of each Roanoke County neighborhood. B. Protect the scenic beauty of Roanoke County while allowing for appropriate economic development. C. Require land development patterns that preserve open space. D. Ensure that all Roanoke County citizens have access to safe and affordable housing. E. Protect the property values of all citizens. F. Promote the use of a "liveable traffic" design model -one that values neighborhood appearance, saleability and pedestrian friendly aspects of transportation equally with ease of traffic movements. G. Provide all County residents easy access to community parks, ballfields and greenways. H. Encourage alternative modes of transportation around neighborhoods such as walking and bicycling. Implementation Strategies 1. Continue to support the concept of neighborhood schools, recognizing the important function they play in community identity. (Obj . A) 2. Continue to foster the neighborhood councils by expanding their role and developing neighborhood specific plans. (Obj. A) 3. Research the efforts of other communities and implement programs to assist in the maintenance and upkeep of our older neighborhoods. (Obj. E) Chapter 3: Land Use Issues 4. Develop planning strategies to guide commercial development, community redevelopment and infill development while preserving neighborhood stability and property values. (Obj. A, E) 5. Revise the County zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance to encourage, where appropriate, sidewalks and greenways throughout new residential developments and connecting neighborhoods and commercial and institutional areas. (Obj. F, G, H) 6. As we work to preserve the more rural areas of Roanoke County, revise the zoning ordinance to allow slightly higher infill development in existing neighborhoods. (Obj . A, B, C, E) 7. Continue to seek community input on all rezoning requests. (Obj. A, E) 8. Encourage community meetings for all rezoning requests. (Obj . A, E) 9. Make the necessary revisions to the zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance to allow by right, cluster developments and mixed use developments, where appropriate. (Obj . A, B, C, E) 10. Identify substandard housing and seek solutions to alleviate these conditions. (Obj. D) 11. Research the need for housing maintenance regulations to mitigate problems with unkempt property. Develop, if necessary, appropriate regulations. (Obj. D, E) ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. ~-Z AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERViSGRS 4F RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RGANGKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIGN CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Work session on the County's Secondary Roads System Six- Year Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2009-2015 and Revenue Sharing Priority L'rst for Fiscal Year 2009-2010 SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III . ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SLIMMARYOF INFDRMA'~IDN: During the work session, County and VDGT staff will review with the Board the County's Secondary Roads Six-Year Improvement Plan for FY 2009-2015 and the Revenue Sharing Priority List for FY 2009-2010. Discussion of the County's Six-Year Plan will include a review of: the reduction in state funds available for secondary road improvement projects; the countywide incidental improvements; the County's rural addition program; and the numbered projects listed in the plan. Discussion of the County's Revenue Sharing Program will include a review of potential projects for the County's 2009-2010 priority list, an update on existing Revenue Sharing Projects, discussion on the reallocation of previous Revenue Sharing funds, and the discussion of future Revenue Sharing Program projects including how projects are currently funded ~VDGT's Tiersystem}and the potential use of developerfunds as partof the County's match. County of Roanoke, Virginia Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2009-2015 Revenue Sharing Program for Fiscal Year 2009/2010 1 .~~"' _ n~ ; a :~~~~ r ,~ ~. :,~ o ~ ~', F ~ . ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ { ~~. : ; :. ~ ~ r ~ M ~' S Submitt~~. t `irn~a I~ep~.r~mer~~ ~~ Trar~~p~a~i~r~ ~ Salem :Q~strlct T'~ble of ~onten~s I. Secondary Roads System Six-dear Improvement Plan for FY 2009-2015 A, XrltroduCtl~n 1~. ~c~unty-vide ir~cider~tal construction items C. rural addition program • Prelirn~nary 2009-201 ~ .ural Addition Priority List D. Numbered Projects ~. 'VUt~T's secondary system imp~ove~ner~t Pragram submittal I~. Revenue Sharing Program for FY 2009/2010 A. Introduction ~, Projects C. Projects considered but not fu~,ded I. Secondary roads System Six-Fear Improvement Flan for FY 20o~-2oI A. Introduction Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation {VI~OT~ are continuously reviewing and updating the Secondary Roads System Six-Year ~ ~ provement Plan. Staff receives requests throughout the year concerning secondary roads in Roanoke County broads with route number 600 or greater}. These requests are then reviewed and classified as maintenance or construction. Maintenance items are activities involved in preserving or restoring the roadway, facility, or structure to its original condition. Maintenance requests are normally referred to VD+DT's Resident Administrator for immediate correction., In previous years, maintenance requests could be considered for placement on the Revenue Sharing list; however, maintenance projects can no longer be funded with Revenue Sharing funds. Construction improvements are operations which usually require mare than one fiscal year to complete, and which change ar add to the characteristics of a road, facility, or structure. Construction requests are placed on file to be reviewed during the Six-Year Plan and Revenue Sharing yearly updates. These requests normally require right-of way, additional funding andlor preliminary engineering. Each year, VD(~T and Roanol~e County staff review and evaluate each request for inclusion in the Six-Year Plan and Revenue Sharing Program, In deciding which projects to include, staff considers traffic counts, existing. and future development, pavement conditions, drainage, safety and the economic benefit of the project. All requests received cannot be funded due to budget constraints; therefore, requests are prioritized based upon the above criteria. The Board of Supervisors is required by the Code of Virginia to approve the priority of projects ldentxf ed within the Secondary Roads System Six-Year Improvement Plan, ~ order for a project to remain on the Six-Year Plan it must receive sufficient funding to advance the project to the next phase ~i,e. preliminary engineering, right-of way, construction. Roanol~e bounty received 3."~ million last year from VI~~T for its secondary raad system construction program, Roanoke County's expects to receive approximately X1.51 million for FY 2~~912~ 1 ~, a decrease of $2,1 ?' 1~,95~. There are two funding categories in the fix-dear plan: Counter-'cle Incidental Construction Items and Numbered Projects. These categories will be defined and the projects will be presented on the following pages. ~. County-wide Incidental onstrucl~on Items V~{~T defines incidental improvements as any operation, usually constructed within one year, which changes the type, width, length, location, or gradient of a road, facility, or structure. It could also include the addition of features not originally provided for such road, facility or structure The VAT categories of services included in Caunty-Wide Incidental Construction Items and the tentatively approved allocation to each category are presented below. DESCRYPTYaN C1F SERVICES CURRENT ALLOCATION TRAFFIC SERVICES ~~~,ooo PIPE INSTALLATIONSIPRIVATE ENTRANCES ~~o,ooo PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING AND SURVEYS X30,000 FER.TILIZATI(JN AND SEEDING -- SUBDIVISIf~N PLAN I~.EVIE~v -- RIGHT-OF-WAY ENGINEERING _- TRAFFIC CALMING -- RURAL ADDYTI4N -- Total. BBD, ~D~ C. Rural Addztion Pro ram VDDT is not allocating any funds to the County for the Rural Addition. Program for the FY ~00]~0 ~ o due to a balance of funds of approximately 53~,42~. County staff previously received the final report prepared by Engineering Concepts, inc. in 200 to determine the feasibility of seven Rural Addition Projects. lased on that report and correspondence with adjacent property owners, staff has completed an evaluation of the top seven projects and has updated the 200120 ~ o Rural Addition Priority List. ~Qn duly ~, 200 the Board of Supervisors passed Resolution ~O~~~oB-~-o.d to remove Cowman Road, Luckado Street and Raintree Road from the Priority List due to lack of citizen participation with regards to speculative interest. The Resolution also added Zvyland Road and Huffman Lane to the Rural Addition Priority List, Currently, staff has contacted the property owners along Kathryn Drive and Southview Drive anal recommends these projects be removed from the Rural Addition Priority List due to their lack of interest in contributing to speculative interest, Staff is proceeding with the preliminary engineering for Harmony Lane and Alcoa Road. Z0091~01~ Rural Additi~~ Priority List L'amrlies Comments *stimated Cast Year Added to ~aad ~Dsta~rce Served List Chestnut Mtn. Cr. _ 500' 6 Construction in Summer 2009. X65,437 1990 Williams VDQT is contacting citizens to obtain 300' ~ the necessary right-of way (RI~V} and $48,539 1991 Ave. easements, So~ithview RIW and easements are required.. Dr 800' S Citizens are not interested in $56,308 l 991. . contributing to speculative interest. Huffman Ln. 75' 4 Construction in Spring.. 200'9. - 2008 Kathryn RIW and easements are required. Dr 790' 4 Citizens are not interested in $ l 56,052 1992 contributing to speculative interest. Hemlock ~ and drainage easements are (1} A ve 1.500' 6 required. Significant private property $356,564 1990 . . damage. Harmony ' RIW and drainage easement are ~2} Ln 900 g required, Preliminary engineering is $147,365 1993 . underway, ~PCO lines, RIW required, ~3} Alcoa Rd, 1 109' 8 Stormwater Management. Preliminary $2.41,277 1993 engineering underway. (4} Willow 3600, 4 RIW required, possible speculative $509,297 1994 Valley interest, Stormwater Management. ~5} Falling 800 3 adjacent to Wolf Creek, RlW required, $133,996 1995 Creek Speculative Interest. (6} Rusty Rd. 300' 7 steep terrain, sight '~ required, $161,054 1995 ~ distance problems. Crescent (7} Ln. 1000' l 1 RAW required, Speculative fnterest, $161,054 1995 Woodland utility relocation. Ln. (8} Riverview Rd. 1200, 5 RJW required, Speculative fnterest. $187,65] 1995 ~~} Townsend Ln. 400' S Sight distance problems. $$0,542 1998 (] 0} Deerfield 1000, 6 Private Property Damage, Drainage $100,887 1999 Rd. Concerns, ~ 11 } Dow HolCow Rd. 300^0' 3 Widen,.. possible drainage concerns. $241,277 2000 Grey Fox (12} Ln.l[Jphill 2000' 11 Possible drainagelgrade problems. $154,370 2000 Dr. 13} France Dr. 900' 4 Speculative Interest, drainage issries. 133,706 2003 (14} Nyland Rd. 750' 12 R1W and easements are required. - 2008 The estimated cost is for construction of the road only. It does not include. utility relocation, right-of way, construction stakeout, engineering, or rock walls. The homeowner andfor Roanoke County are responsible for these costs, Mote: Project cost estimates adjusted 5% from 2008-2009 costs,} D. Numbered Proaects The bulk of Roanoke County's allocated funds are for Numbered Projects. This year, staff anticipates approximately ~.5 million to be allocated toward numbered projects. This value is a decrease of X2,11 b, 952 from last year. The entire six-year plan as submitted by ~'Dt~T is enclosed for your review. The following is a summary of the proposed plan for next year: 1. PRGJECTS SCHEDULED TC~ .RECEIVE FUNDING IN F'~ 09110 Priority projects numbered ~, ~, 3, ~ and 7 are scheduled to receive funding this year. They are McVitty Road, old have Spring Lane, colonial ~-venue, +Cata~vba Creek Road. and. Rocky Road, respectively. 2. PRG~rECTS NGT SCHEDULED TG RECEIVE FUNDING I FY 09110 Priority projects numbered o (Hollins Road and Boones Chapel Road} are projects that have peen constructed and are waiting to be closed out.. Priority number ~ Cotton Hill Road} is not scheduled to receive funds this year, but may receive funding in future years. Priority number b (John Richardson Road} has had the project rescoped and has sufficient funds to construct the revised. project. . PRG~ECTS ADDED TC~IREM~DVED FR~~uI THE FY 09110 PLAN There were no projects added to the FY 2.009-2015 Plan. Several projects were removed from the plan including Mountain View Road, Buck Mountain Road, Dry Hollow Road, Merriman Road, Shadwell Drive, Hardy Road and Moneap Trail. Mountain View Road construction was completed Fall 2007. Buck Mountain Road, Dry Hollow Road, Merriman Road, Shadwell Drive, Hardy Road and Moneap Trail were removed due to insufficient funds. 4. UNPAVED RQAD PR(~:IECTS IN PLAN FY 09110 Unpaved roads are a separate account and the allocation is based.. upon the number of qualifying lane miles within each County. Gn1y 2.27 miles of our unpaved roads ~~'~.21 total miles) qualify for funding because they meet the minimum 50 vehicles per day requirement, Those gravel roads that are part of the current Secondary Roads System. Six~Vear Improvement Plan are Rooky Road, Priarity #7. Rocky Road will receive funding in FY 200912010. VD+DT has informed the County that unpaved roads will no longer be funded in future years. Please renew the fallawingPaes of this dacarment for details andhighlihts of the aforementr'aned projects. PRIO~~'~' ~~~L~~~ - ATE ~~1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD~: ADDED Ta SIX-YR PLAN: Hollins 5,700 (2007 AADT) Prior to 1 ~~4 PROPOSES IMPROVEMENTS: Widen road and bridge to accommodate industriallcorra~nercial traffic along Hollins Load and increasing commuter traffic from ~otetourt County. Proposed improvements included five-lane section just past the bridge and adding a third lane to Hanover Direct and then reconstructing the existing two lanes to the intersection of Trevilian Road. VDQT has bought right-of-way for fve lanes to the residential homes, ~TAT~'S aI~ PROJECT: ADVERTISING DATE: TC}TAL ESTIMATED COST: PREVIOUS FUNDING: ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS: Construction was completed in Fall X407. llli12445 $13,33$,34 13,3~Q,~7 ~$21,g9g) FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/ 11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 FY 12/ 13 : $0 FY 13/14: $0 FY l4/15: $0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN ~r ~~~~~r PR~P~SED IMPRQVI~M~.I~TS H(~LLINS ROAD B04NE5 CHAPEL R4A~-~~t~r~ X14 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Cave Spring Ttia,FFIC COUrrT (VPD): 1$0 (2007 AADT) ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: 2000 PROEOSED IMPROVEMENTS; replace bridge and relaui~d approaches. STATUS OF PROJECT: A Design Pubic Hearing was held October 2005. ward of Supervisors appro~red a resolution of suppart in Dece~nher 2005. Construction completed Summer 200. A.DV~RTISING DATA: 1111312007 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: $904,235 PREVro~.~s FvND[~~vo: $9~1,0~5 ADD~T~ONAL F~ND~NO REQUIRED: ~7~,850~ PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR A.LLOCATX©NS; FY 09110: $0 FY 10111. ~0 FY 1 X112: ~0 FY X2113; 0 FY 13114: 0 FY 14115: 0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN a . y ~, t are #~ Ma F V'f a '~> ~.'. ~4 ~ t~. ~~~, M~• 1' r iy ~ W r ^~' _ 5~ ~ J y' • ti, ! ~ 1 ~I ~ C # ~ ~ ~~ a x 7' ~ ~~ r ' r ~ ~ ~"a~ - y~.~•s x # ~[ ~ i ~ iy ~ ~~ ~ {y~~'a`l~ a ~/ ~ Y• ~'~ •i ~' . .. , ly a ~ ~~ tl.. ~. ~ ~~! ~ ,~ tl'ja `' ''fir % ~ ~ ~ : ~,,~ S y°~ '' ~ - ~„~~ ~.E~ 1 ~ f~C.. ~ ~I ~ ea -~'' ~tiC ~;~ ~ ~If'i .# -~ °i~. 4 7 f ~ ~~~ C ~ 'S " x y „ir ~ ~~ **~aF a • ~ n °~' y ~ ~ ~! ~ +u ~~ ~ x r I~•' . ~ i ~ ! "~' S ~ ~ ~" ~, w a ~~,, ~~~ ~S ~ ~ ,,. ~ ~ ~ ^ ~~ ~ tl o! + ~~s ~ .~`~~ . y ~'°~' ~~ii~ ~~ n ."~ , ~~ ~ ~~,~{~. ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ x r ~i~ ~,1 y.r .A e.`aC~ l iy ~i,° J i '~y~~y j~~~} ~ '~ ~ '~, ~7~, CC,. a ~lk{,J f,_~' ~~ -. J'., w T, ~~ - r ~1[, ~~~ ~i "~'' h~-- '~4Y1~ '~ .. b 1r C~E' ~~'~ f 1.,I t~~.y~1, v C _ tltf ~~ Ntl,M ~~ °4 ', ~ l~~4y '~ i's•~-~ ~~tl~ C lug i~ tl.J C~~~ iA,~y ~~;fi~ ~~ ~j r`~"~ y`'~.~ ~ '~ ~ W~1~-+ ~ wr y b _ ~ ~" i t 1 y ~,x y ! !ry ~ 'a •_ + ~, ova - i41 . ,!• -j~~„ ~ p4. ~. ~ u,. ,g_ a y:. "~~'CM~~~"~~~ .-~S~p ' ~~~ ~ ~ ~`! ?~ ~b t R- ! ~a b ru ~ ~a. - C ~ ~~: ~','~~~IPh~ ~ - s ~ ~~ l J~I~,_ ~ w'~I~ ~c Via, ~ x! ~ ~ "~, ~ ~ ~~~ ~rh~ ~l ,~,. • ~ ~ n , ~, ~•~,~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~. ~I `~, • r ~ ~_ a ~ y~,,. • ~ '~ ~ • ~ u ~~ ,~ ~, ~.. ~~~ I~ . ! ~ .J~ d r ~ ~ - ~ ~~~~ 9 #a ~,r n~~ ~"C~' ~1 ~ k w* i y ~ b p ~ , A~ ' ~. M' .4 ~ ~i, ~-. - ° s'" y~ ` .~~~. ,.~ ,b~~'W '~R~ ~M / ~~', MY' F 1 f ~~~ •} 1,T ~'L ~~ ~ ~" -^~U M ~ ~ ~ ~ "~ ,~~y_ 'y~ ' S~~- ~'Fa~dh~~~ ~yTw s ~, '~, ~ '.~I•~ •~- ~,~,~` ~ tM ~ ~ ! C M _ y~ ~ + r iu~ ~n e Wy, ~ • n~ i , . , ~~ E ~ ~ ~ ~ " x C' ~. n c yr ~ ~ ~y~ M • 1~^4~'R dtl ~p ~ i i y~ i ~ k ' • ~~ ~ ~ . M '~ ~~ y ~ - !h f .. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ yti ~L,~iJ ~ ! ~ ., ~• ` .~ t~ ~ ~ ~ ~tl.~A ' ~~" y .'~ icy; ' ~' ~x~ ~~/ jy` I~ s ~ ~~._'~ ~# " ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~tl~ ~r ~, ~rA~"~•~ ~ ,,~ Sou „;. ~k-y 5 "~' P' +e~ C ~ . t • ~ - I .a 'ar ! ~.ei ~- +~ ~~.r++''{~- - _ ~/~~ ~' _- y~~( ~ l~µ is C ,'~"_ ~ !tl - ~ s+,l.'1 iLfY. ~t +° x~"~'x'. - 4r - ~'fa a x~ ~ ~ rr ~'~~ f M ~ , 7r T'~ ,1• ~ ~~ F'.- . ati1\fy tl - ~ ~ ~. '[ . - ~h` ~'~x ..~.' ~„ ' ~. *' ~. ~ ~- '~~ - tl~ ~ fi r { ~i 1 ~ .~ ~_ k ~ ,wry 1~ . _ ~,. MM J n ~d5 r10n qAn Faar Aerial phatc~gr~p~y f~owvn Springy 206 i i i I i i i I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS BOONES CHAPEL ROAD PR~~R~T'~ 1 MCV~TTY READ - ~T~ 1 Gfi~ MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD~: ADDED TO STX-YR PLAN: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: STATUS OE F~OJECT: ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: TOTAL ESTIMATED CAST: P~EVIOU FUNDING: ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS: windsgr ills 7,600 {2007 AADT~ Prior to ~ 994 Impxove alignment and drainage, widen roadway and replace e~cisting bridge. A design public hearing was held Janna~-y 2006. This project is c~z-rently in the Preliminary >~esign Stage. 12/1112012 ~8,09~,0~69 $5,9,3 $2,131,~~3 FY 09110: ~39~~3~ FY 1 Oll 1: 189,339 FY 1111 X943,543 FY 12113: X959,1 ~5 FY 13114; ~0 FY 14115; ~0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN 0 180 360 720 Feet Aerial photography flown Spring 2006 • ' ' MCVITTY ROAD, ~- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD PRIURITY #2 ~LI) "~.~A~ SPRING ROAD - R'rE 1663 I1~AGISTERIAL DISTRICT; windsc~r Hills TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD~: ADDED TO SrX-YR PLAN: PROPOSED vvIPROVEMENTS: STATUS OF PRO~EOT; ESTIMATED ADVERTISING SATE: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: PREVIOUS FUNDING: ADDITIONAL FUN-DING .RE~!U1,RED: PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS: 8,800 (2007 AADT) Prig to 1994 Zmprc~Ve alignment and drainage, widen roadway and replace existing bridge. A design public hearing was held January 200b. This project is currently in the Prelirnina~y design Stage.. 1 ~1111~012 $~,+~5~~~29 $1,355,199 FY 09110: $153,043 FY 10111: ~~ 1 x,703 FY 1111 ~: $557,453 FY 1 x,113: ~0 FY 13114: 0 FY 14115: 0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN ~_ , _ ~~ N ( Lf 4 .~4l _ _ ~i, S 4„0 "- ~ y. r '4~r 6 ~ Y Vim. Is ~ ~ ,yr, '~-t ~ ~~~1 ['s~ ~ ~ - _ tee.. ~~~~:.r~!'ilJ'l~lt~~+~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ *` ~ "gin, ~- -. ~`- 'kYl ~ ~,i'~.L' ,'g~? ~ i ~ ~ . ~. ~ Aid-fygJ, .~p~~ F ~ _~ ,~Y ~ • ..~I R' ~6~ # '~' r ~ ~ ~ m '~~ -~,,~ r1 r, ~f k ~° ~ ~ w ~,y ~ . M ~ f4 ~: .. ~ #" ~,~ - ~~ ~ ~ s ' ~.J _ 4 I • __ _ s ~" _ ~i. i ~ f ~ ~.iF fi ~ d ~ (u~ +~ i ~A, ~ ~ 3 (~i ~ f ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~` . ~ ~ - - ~' ~ _ s ~~~ t ~~ • '~ ~~ _ ~ ~ ~ °• ~- ~ i jS[`~~ ~.r Vi ? , ~ ,Y ~. ~ .y mar. ~ `~ ~~ ~~ - a~~~~~~ *~ , ift 1 ~ ~,`~'~1 ~ J , ~ ~ ' ' MCVITTY ROAD, -_- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD PRZORIT'Y #3 ~(3LONIAL AVENUE-RTE 720 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT ~VPD}: ADDED TOSIX-YR PLAN: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: STATUS OF PROJECT: ADvERTISI-NG DATE: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: PREVIOUS FvNDrNG: ADDITIONAL FUNDING REC~UIRED: PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS: Cave Spring 7,500 (2007 AADT) Prior to 1994 improve road and drainage. Plans were presented at a Design Public fearing held in October 2~Q5, Right-of way acquisition began in 2007. Project has been away°ded and is under construction. 1 ~ 11 12GQ~8 $7,178,17 $5,643,G89 $1,534,482 FY {9110: $1,1~2,3~D1 FY 10111; $389,134 FY 11112: $0 FY 12113: $~ FY 13114: $D FY 14115: C~ ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN ~, ~ - . - '~ - . - .rv~ '- i {., "~V i. ~ '~ ` ~_ r~. ~, ~~~ i ~ ~ y ~a ~.5 wry. ~ \ °l ! ~ - r / f ~ n r j,. ~ ~ yn ' ~ i1_ M L ~ ~' ! ~ ~ , -" ~ ~ ~ sd ~ z ~ ~ t • ~ ,~' ~ r ~ ! ~~ v ~r :y ~ ~ ~ ~' ~•'~[} ~ w rM. r. ' t~?"~ _ ~ J^' „~ .~ 'fir r ~'~ e«~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ i m. ~~ ` ~• {~. i / y ~. ~ .~ -~ . ~ "~ ~- ~ '~ _ 4+ ~" 1~ /~~ /I t e~ « U 1LJ L.JU JUU 1'GGl " ~~- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS COLONIAL AVENUE PRIORITY #4 COTTON ~IIL~, Ro.~D -RTE ~$$ ~_ _ _ ~ _ MA,GZSTERIAI~ DISTR[CT: Cave Spring T~ta,FFic CourrT (VPD): 3,100 (2007 AADT) ADDED TOSIX-YR PLAN: Prior to 1994 PROPOSED IM~'ROVEMENTS: Reconstruct 0.61 mile of existing roadway, STATUS OF PROJECT: There are some issues with the Blue Ridge Parkway that need to be resolved as the Blue Ridge Parkway bong Range Management inventory is updated. This project is in the Preliminary Design Stage. ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: 7/111213 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST: 5,28,$63 PREVIOUS FUNDING: 1,97, ~ 54 ADDITIC)NAL FUNDING REQUIRED: X3,381,709 PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALIIOCATIONS: FY 09110: ~0 FY 1 +111: ~ 125,183 FY ~ 1112: ~33,79~ FY 12113: $613,996 FY 13114: ~1,661,59~ FY 14115: X1,675,064 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN ~~ 2k ~ ~ r .`~ . i" '~ a it y.! is 1~ ,_~ !~ - , ~ ~ yy ~ F ~ i .~ ~ • t ~/.J, x . ~ ~« ~. 1 a ,* ~. ~ '.6CGr,~iT] [~~Y~ry{ ,1~ ~ ~., ~f F i` - t, R ..f.. " u~ _ J~ ~''~ .~ - -~ 4 '' _ ~~`"~Q~"~ ~ ~ ~" 1'.~T~I ,F ,~.~ ~ ~ ~, ~~" ~ ~y 'fib '~ ~;~~"~~ 1~"~d'/~ F ~'.~~ "-'~7 . . ! ^ ti. / Y" -_ N u~~; '1, ~ ~ -~i ~ '"4 ~~ R ~"'+ fir, ~-~. ~ ~ ice. Yr '~ ~ 1 ~. ~ n' ~ i} ~ ty~ s~ ~~ "+ J ~,ry"~. y I ~f !~y ~ a~~ - ~ ~~ ~ r~ ~ Vii`' ~ ~ * ~ ~ . C ` ~ ~#' i" • ,rat- ~-" ~~ i~ ~ ~-'~ ~ ~~~,' ~ ' ~ ~^ ~'' ' ~ J I+ ~~ ~ ~•W ~ ~ ~ 0 7F~ ~ 1e ~ • 1r ~N ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. 'sue '~ a _ _ ~I "" pp ,~~ -.9 1 ~ ~f tit ~~ ~ . 1 ~ A ~ ~ 3 1 r'~ti ., ~, ~ ~~ t ` ~~ `,'~ ~ lpf -~~ .~ ~ ~ Y' ~ II" M~ ~ " y ~ , ~ ~ ', ~+~ 1, M~., '~ ~ ~ ` _~ ~~s 1 - _ ~ ~ a~ ~` ~9 ~ ~.e ~ f t ' if. r ~ ,. _L -^, s ~ 1 ut'~ ~' ° +IF . i i ~ Y - ~. i~ ~ • ~. 1 !~ a r' 1~~ ~ v ~~A~9+'x~ '"~ r " -- f ~~~ ~ •~ ~~t~ ~ I°Y~a~r ~ a'~~,1 q ~ { \ ~ ! q IM ~ ~ ~ "' _~~~" ~'°~.~~tq~' ~~'s~.~l~": ~ ~+ ~ ~l " '~ ,..~ ~ ~*' ~, ~~~. ~ ~ r'' « j ~ < ,. rye •6' t~~r~-• s ~ .f ~' ^~ .. 1 ~Y4 -' j •- .~ %r Y ~ V~•~ ~. 1 ~ 1 ~ `,. ~~' i A~. - ~ ~t ~~'I of i~ ~i,, ~. ~~~ ~ ~ ~! ~ "~.. ~ I~j ^~. ". • ~a~`:y ••~', b.. " ~~ 1 ~~e'~." ^. n.. T ~ •~, rr , r ~ mot.. ~ ..~~ -~~ 1 ~ ~. .~~ F ~ a~ ~ ~ a}r .. w ~ - "' a ~,.. ~ ~~ ~'F ~,.._ .'.~ ~ _~a w ~',~ ~l4~ ~~.` ~_ R7t y+~ 7~I1 ~i' r }I ~ " i .5 1 1', + -w ; _ ~~w, ~'`:~~}4 ~ r y ~'.~. ~! ~. !+ Ikt: .. 1:~!'ar'`aLT. !'rYk "~ q+~ ~fZ ~l `l ~a 'j ~`~~~I- iF~. ~ "~ 4. ~. 3~ ~°~". a - tl '~~~ ~~1r1 inn ~~~t ~eri~l ph~t~~a~i~y ~~o~rn Springy ~Q(~~ -~---r-~- PxoPOS~.D iv~pROVCMENTS COTTON HILL ROAD P~xo~~~ #5 ~ATAWBA ~~~x Ro~D~- RTC 7~~ MA+~ISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT ~VPD~: ADDED TO SIX-R PLAN: PROPOSED ~IvIPROVEMENTS: STATUS OF PROJECT: ESTIMATED AD~lERTISINC DATE: TOTAL ESTIMATED COST; PREVIOUS FUNDING: ADDITIONAL FU~'~JDING ~.EQUIRED: PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS: Catawba 800 (2007 AADT) 2000 Reconstruction of .40 mile of existing roadway and replacement o the bridge. Scoping meeting held in spring of 2002, Project is in the Preliminary Design Stage. 12111/2012 1.,854,530 X1,404,582 $449,94$ FY 0911: ~219,s44 FY 1011 ~ . X230,103 FY 11112: ~0 F~ 12113; ~0 F 13114: ~0 ' F'~ 14115: ~0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN ,~ _ ~I ~ ~ ~`~ , ~ ~ A fir. ~ ~ d .~ 1. ' Y ,,. - " ~ f~ ,~ ~ ~ ~, } Y _ ~ ~~ ' N~^1 i ~ ~ it , ,, i' . "' e~ a'i~rr ~"`'.r r!i ~, ~ ry AIL ~ ~i ~ ~ ~ ~y ,+ ~ ~ , :. , FV _ F ~~ ~ ~' ~' .S ~ ~ ly. ~` } ~~ ~~ ~ l: : a, ~ 1 ~; ~.,,. ~~ t' ',;, ~ ,.' A 11 ,~ ~ ~ ...~ ~~~ ~ N ~, i ., ~~, ~~~ f ~~~.~ ~` ~ ~ r rr ~ ~ ~ : t ~, ,~ ~~ f . ~ P~ , V, 1 ~, ~ ~ ~ :~ f p « ° ~, 1 , ~ li_ ~ ° :~ .~ .~ ~ y * ti , t ` +~ ' ~ ~ ~_~ ~~ ~ f r ~' . f~ T4 i S~ "~f~tl ~'r~~t Aerial ~h~to~raphy down erring ZU(}b I i i i I i i i ". /`~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS CATAWBA CREEK ROAD ~~H~' I~~CHARD~C~N ~t~Ai~ - ATE 7~3 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: TRAFFIC COUNT (VPD~: ADDED TO SIX-YR PLAN: PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: ,STATUS OP' PR.~JECT: ESTIMATED ADVERTISING DATE: TOTAL ESTIMATED CAST: PREVIOUS FUNDING: ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUIRED: PROJETIJD FISCAL YEAR. ALI,OCAT~OI~S: Hollins 1,100 (2007 AADT) 2001 Replace existing bridge with pedestrian bridge and build cul-de~ sac. Bridge vas closed to vehicular traff c September 2007 due to safety reasons. Project is in the Preliminary Design.. ~tagc. 5114/2013 $1,755,1$6 $537,150 1,2Z 1,03+6 FY 09/10: $0 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 FY 12/13: $0 FY 13/14: $0 FY 14/15: $0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN p~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ " 4 ~~y1 ~ s~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~; n R _, E' ~ ~ a~ *~+ ~. ~~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ +V M ~ ~ 1 t n - ~ / - - ~ +~ _~ _ ~ ~ ~~ , i ~ p qy. ~ ~"s~ a ~y, ' ~ ~ -~ ~ ., r ~ ski •T ~ r ~~£~ p. ~ ~. a ~~ • ~]~ r f y ~. ,~ ~/ ~A1 ~ ~'~ ~~ ~~, ~ ail _ l'~ ~, ~~ `*~ ~N1~~~Ix~~JI ~ S ~, ~~ ~ ~"~ ~ ' ~ ~' ~; r ,~_ ~~~,~ AVM '+ ~~ V ~.~ ! 1 ~ A ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~. f y ,irk .,e ' ~ ~~ M 1~' f ~ rJ ; ~ f F ~.. 1 -1~ -;~ n nr , nn ~c~n r.....k ~1cr~a1 ntroto~ranhv flown Snrin~ 2C~+J6 11 lJ ,llW JUl1 1. LMuL ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JOHN RICHARDSON ROAD PR,IORYT'Y #7 Roc~Y R+~AD ~- RTE 744 MAG[STERIAL .DISTRICT: Windsor Hills T~FFrc CourrT (VPD): 60 (2007 AADT) ADDED TO Six~YR PLAN: Prior to 1~~4 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: Reconstruct and surface treat ~.5~ mike of existing roadway; replace existing pipe culvert. STATUS OF PROJECT: V~QT has requested a drainage study for the exiting culvert. Property owners have been contacted co~~cerning impacts to right- of way. It should be noted that we have received opposition from same property owners; therefore we may consider reducing the scope of the prod ect. ESTIMATED Ar~vERTiSiNG DATE: 8/~~~241Z ~'OTAL ESTIMATED COST: $~~S,~O~D PREVIOUS FUNDING: $2~Z,3'~3 ADDITIONAL FCJ~NDINC~R~UIRED: $~~2,b2~ PROJECTED FISCAL YEAR ALLOCATIONS: FY 09/ 10: $15,169 FY 10/11: $0 FY 11/12: $0 FY 12/13: $0 FY 13/14: $0 FY 14/15: $0 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN - - 1 ~ tom' ~A. ~ ;~i , iw. - w~ ~ t !. ~ F. o. _ °~ n r -~ ~ .`~''• ~ . ' ~, ~,y, , M~ ~ m ter, ~=+, - "'~'"~" _ -~. • ' '+~• - t ,~ ~ ; •2 _~ - ~ 94 ~ '~' • wl Y caw 1 #I ~ 7r ~. ~~A~ ,r .. + `' i* 1 ~r kl 'f\. Y\ ~ ~ V u 1 ~~~ . !w o y y~ A~•~ ~' ~ ~-. _>ryv'1 1.k 3 ~r~i /, ~~j ~~~, i-~~ ~~`~~~' ~~~~ #~ r s~ ~ 1 T~'.~~~~~Ilf~~e. ~~~y +s ~ ~ it a, ~~ ~''~ r }IK~i 11Lr'~ 1 % i¢ ~~ ~~ ~ l ~ ~~M,~ ~ ~15~ * 4 ,~ ; '~I. ~ t4i "~, ~". ~ ,~ ~. .-B ti. X1'1 + j M r "~r~- - ~ '~~' ~ •~,'~~ .y i '~1 .• - I - ` L~ ~ Fri ~#~ !,`~ ~~~~~ ~ q. ~R~ - k ~~~ '~ ~ ~ -- ~~ - ~~. ~ ~"9'•'-* ~ ~ ~, *~~' ' ~• _`~ 114.i1~ ?~ 'W ~ "C~. 1 'x + ~^M~w ~. ~ .~F ~ ~~f +,leu°wi ~"~ ~ ~_ n^+~^I~)F~ ~ ~~• -'~', J, ,gyp, t~` ! 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CO r CC ~ 0: U o L 7 7 ~ fi7 .G U r U ~' U r p ~ ^ fA Q U1 ^ ~ ti a~'i ' w ~~ w w ~~ w w ~~ r ~ ~ =z ~- zz ~ =z ~ w a C] a F - xk D 0 ~+ m cv ~ Q ~ ~w cn W ~ W ~ r W d 07 -w W ~ W rn ~ r W d 6Jl -w ~ ~ c cn ~ r W d ro Gfl ~ 0 ~ 0 'c a ~ ffi '~' ~ ~~7 p cTi a u7 Q~~ O ~ ° ~' ~~~ ~ ~ f~ 0. d H ~- 0. fl: ~ a, f.~ u~ lA tL W tla m ~ {~ ul t!? w W U3 ~ cn ~Y Oa ~ w W Z THIS PAGE ~NTENT.[UNALL~ LEFT BLAI~~. II. revenue Sharing Program fOr ~'Y 200912+010. A. Introduction The Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Revenue Sharing Program annually provides Roanoi~e County the opportunity to receive State matching funds far the construction and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the State's highway system.. Zn the past, the Commonwealth of Virginia provided $15 million for the matching program and limited localities to ~~oo,ooo each. last year, the State allocated $SO million for this program with the maximum state participation being $1 million per locality. The program also allows cities and towns the option to participate. Application for Revenue Sharing Program funding must be made by resolution of the governing body of the jurisdiction in which the road is located. Project funding is allocated by resolution of the Commonwealth Transportation Board. Construction may be accomplished by ~B-~T or, where appropriate, by the locality under an agreement with ~Jf?(~T. B. Revenue harlnJeCtS ~"he follow%ng is Roanol~e bounty's 2009~12~10 priority .evenue Sharing Project to be completed in the 201 o construction season... ~' ~ F, F" ~"' F H ~ ~ ~ Q ~ _ `O ~w ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O a .~ ~ -~ ~ U ~ .~ ~ Q ~ :~ ~ as ~~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ U~o a O0~ ~ . ca~oa~~ o ~ ~~~ .~~~ ~~~~~ ~ c U .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ova ao ~ ~ ~N~ > °~' ~ ~~•~ oUo`~`'~ ° ~ ~~° ~ ~ ~ ~~~, ~' o 'x a.~ ~ ~ ~' a~ ~~ ~•~~ ~ ~~ •~~ry ~c~a~~U'~ ~ ~ Via, ~~ ~`'~ ~U~ ~~ ~ao~~,~ ~~~;~o Q ~ '~ ~ ~~ ~ o~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ q ~ ?-~ ?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ q~ v ~~ . , ..~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ q~ o ~ ~ ° ~ U '~`~ ~, ~ ~ ~~ N N ~ ~ o ~ ~" ~ ~ ~" ~ •~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '[~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ ~ a N G O ai o ~ ~ N 1 ~Q ',~ ,.~ ,~ ,~ y '~ I +~~ ~~Q~ I ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~ b ~ „~ ~ ~ ° ~-a o a r--~ c~ ~ ry~~yy pper~,, n w ~ ~ 4M1 ~ r n.•+ Q o O .~[ -~ -~ f y y' ^V 'M Y ~ ~ ~--~ r ~,,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~VV`•' V1 W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [~ `~ ~i Q,~ ,,,_„ O +„~ ~ D U? ~., ~ U ~ C. Prod ects Considered But Not Funded The following projects were considered for inclusion in the ~"' 200912010 Revenue Sharing Program but were not added. Ardmore Drive, Rte. 1$35 County staff. received a request to repave and construct a new turn around on the road ~. site visit with VT~C~T confirmed that the existing pavenr~ent and cul-de-sac are in good shape. Carvins Cove Road, Rte. 74U County staff received a request to repave and widen the road. A site visit with VI~~T confirmed improvements are not warranted. Concord Place, Rte.1+~1~ County staff received a request to eonstruct a cul-de-sac at the end of state maintenance. The County will consider this project for inclusion on a future list. Hunting Rills Drive, Rte. 1.541 County staff received a request from VDT to replace the existing 48 inch pipe. The County will consider this project for inclusion on a future list. Mill Creek Road, Rte. 889 County staff recelVed a retluest to pave a portion ofth~s roadway. The current AADT is 40 ~JPI~; a road must have 50 VPD to qualify for the Rural Rustic Program. A traffic county was conducted by ~I~C~T in March 2008 showing a traffic county of 29 VP1~, Roanoke County will be counted in 2009 for the nor~~al year cycle. Pxnevale Drive, Rte.1C01 County staff received a request for traff c calming on this roadway. VDT performed a review and determined the average speed is at least P1~ over the posted speed limit, The County is waiting on the signed petition from the citizens requesting the traffic calming. Two Ford Road, Rte. ~9o County staff received a request to construct a cul-de-sac at the end of state maintenance. The County will consider this project for inclusion on a future list. Webb Road, Rte. f ~5 County staff received a request to pave a portion of this roadway and install guardrail. The current ~.~DT is ~0 VPD, Roanoke County will be counted in 2U~9 and if the A~DT is greater than 50 VPD the project can be added to the Rural Rustic .Program. Willetta Drive, Rte. ~~15 County staff received a request for traffic calming on this roadway.. VD~flT performed a speed study and the average speed does not meet the technical requirements to warrant traffic calming. ACTIGN NG. ITEM NO. (~/ AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BOARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANGKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R4AN4KE G4UNTYADMINISTRATI4N CENTER MEETING DATE: May 12, 2009 AGENDA ITEM: Work session on amendmentstothe RoanokeCountyZoning Grdinance SUBMITTED BY; Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III Count Administrator ~ Y COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS; SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Last summer, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff identified several areas of the zoning ordinanceto reviewand ~~ipdate. These sections include open space for cluster subdivisions, temporary signs, landscaping and buffer yard standards, and parking req~~irements. In addition, therewas a recommendation to developstandards for portable temporary storage containers. After several work sessions on these amendments, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 7, 2009. No citizens spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments by a vote of 5~0. Staffwill review with the Board the proposed zoning ordinance amendments. The second reading and public hearing on these amendments is scheduled for May 26, 2009. Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 ARTICLE II. DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES SEC.30-28. DEFINITIONS. (A) The following rules for general construction of language shall apply to this ordinance: The specific shall control the general. Addition: an extension or increase in floor area or height of a building or structure. Berm: A mound of earth designed to perform the function of a buffer, especially when used in conjunction with landscape plantings between adjacent parcels. Bioretention Planting Island: A planting island designed to collect stormwater via curb cuts and gradually remove pollutants from the water through the natural processes of the plants located within the island. Treated water is then naturally allowed to infiltrate into the surrounding soil, or is collected by an underdrain system and discharged to the stormwater system. Carport: a space outside a single family or two family dwelling, and contiguous thereto, wholly or partially covered by a roof but without side enclosure(s), used for the shelter of motor vehicles. Change of use: means any use which substantially differs from a previous use of a building, structure or property. Conservation areas, Areas within the one hundred-year floodplain, slopes greater than twenty-five (25) percent, lands within designated view sheds and • 1 • 1 • M 1 1 1 ~ .1 1 • 1 1 1 greenway corridors shown on the G~reenway Conceptual Plan. n N ~ °~ °~ »+, nr r n>1 ° +~, n„ n n ra .Conservation areas include, but are not limited to the following: healthy woodlands, locations of species listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern, historic structures and sites, riparian zones outside the FEMA study area and productive agricultural and forested lands. V111 VN~VVIIVK V1 Vl U~,JVV1N~1 VV11V V111, 111U 1~V11V Ul~1 VLV YKI VU {A~11K U1VV U, 11~./W11K11 L1V11VU VN~-~U1KV V11V 1 Lltll l Crown Coverage: The amount of ground area covered by tree crowns looking from above the trees. Ground Cover: Low growing plants, which are generally horizontal in nature, used to cover the ground to prevent erosion and weeds. Landscaped Median: Planting areas which generally run the length of parking aisles in a parking area. Low Impact Development: A land planning and engineering design approach to managing stormwater runoff emphasizing conservation and use of on-site natural features to protect water quality. Mass Transit: Transportation by a conveyance that provides regular and continuing general or special transportation to the public, but not including school buses, charter or sightseeing service. Mixed use: a development that provides multiple compatible uses in close proximity to one another. And/or a land use pattern that seeks to increase concentrations of population and employment in well-defined areas with a mix of diverse and compatible land uses. 1 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Net Floor Area: The gross floor area of a building excluding hallways, stairwells, utility rooms, and other areas not meant for habitation or public service. For the purpose of this chapter, net floor area shall equal seventy-five (75) percent of the gross floor area Open space: Any parcel or area of land or water essentially unimproved prior to the cluster request and set aside, dedicated or reserved for common use or enjoyment of the residents of the development. , . Open space may include, but is not limited to, recreation centers, swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts, community gardens and similar facilities. Parking, shared: when parking spaces are shared among different structures or uses or among mixed uses, and can include properties with different owners. Planting Island: Planting areas located within parking areas. These islands can also be designed as bioretention planting islands. Planting Strip: A landscaped area typically located between parking areas and adjacent right-of-way intended to screen parking areas from the right-of-way. Portable sign: A self supported sign that is designed to be moved easily, and is not permanently affixed to the ground, including but not limited to step stake signs, portable changeable message cabinets and sandwich signs. Row: An alignment of landscaping where plants are spaced so that they will touch at maturity. Temporary use: A use that is established for a fixed period of time with the intent to discontinue such use upon the expiration of such time; and does not involve the construction or alteration of any permanent structure. Temporary uses may include but are not limited to Christmas tree sales, indoor and outdoor art, craft shows, plant shows, other similar exhibits and sales and other uses as approved by the Zoning Administrator Trail: A bicycle and pedestrian path separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space, barrier or curb. Trails may be within the highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way, such as on an abandoned railroad bed or along a stream valley park. They are typically surfaced in asphalt or concrete, but may have hard packed/all weather gravel or dirt surfaces as well. Tree, Deciduous: A tree which loses all of its leaves at some time during the year. Tree, Evergreen: A tree which retains some or all of its leaves throughout the year. Turf Grass: Grasses that, when regularly mowed, form a dense growth of leaf blades suitable for a lawn or recreation areas. ARTICLE III. DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30-32. AG-3 AGRICULTURAL/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT. Sec. 30-32-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Residential Uses 2 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Temporary portable storage containers 3. Civic Uses SEC. 30-33. AG-1 AGRICULTURAL/RURAL LOW DENSITY DISTRICT. Sec. 30-33-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Temporary portable storage containers SEC. 30-34. AR AGRICULTURAL/RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-34-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage containers SEC. 30-36. AV AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT. Sec. 30-36-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage containers SEC. 30-41. R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-41-2. Permitted uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. Temporary portable storage containers SEC. 30-42. R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-42-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage containers 3 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 SEC. 30-45. R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-45-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage containers SEC. 30-46. R-4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-46-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage containers EC. 30-47. PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30-47-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted in the planned residential development district. However, no use shall be permitted except in conformity with the uses specifically included in the final master plan approved pursuant to section 30-47-5. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Temporary portable storage containers SEC. 30-58. CVOD CLEARBROOK VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT Sec. 30-58-6. Special Regulations in the Clearbrook Village Overlay District. The following special regulations shall apply within the Clearbrook village overlay district: (F) Parking. All off-street parking, stacking and loading areas within the Clearbroolc village overlay district shall comply with the provisions of 30-91 of this ordinance, ~„ (Ord. No. 121900-11, § 1, 12-19-00) 4 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 ARTICLE IV. USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30-82. RESIDENTIAL USES. Sec. 30-82-3. Home Occupations, Type I and Type II. 1 D. Temporary portable storage containers shall not be used in conjunction with a Type I or Type II home occupation or used as a principal use or principal building or structure. Sec. 30-82-13.1. Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option). (A) Intent. 7. The Zoning Administrator shall have the authority to consider the appropriateness of open space and conservation areas on individual site plans in terms of such factors such as location, size, shape and topographic characteristics to meet the intent of this ordinance. (B) Applicability. (E) Open space and conservation area requirements. 1. Minimum open space: T~.;,~~, ~;~,° ~2 c' Forty-five (45) percent of the gross acreage of the tract. If the gross acreage of the tract is comprised of conservation areas equaling or exceeding fifty (SO) percent, no more than fifty (50) percent of the open space and conservation areas shall be required to be conserved. '. To the greatest degree practicable, open space and conservation areas shall be designed in zrge blocks, connected wherever possible and designed to constitute a contiguous and ohesive unit of land. Open space and conservation area exemptions include: No minimum or maximum lot size, ~. No public or private road frontage requirements or . No lot width requirement regulations. { or lots with no public or private road frontage, a minimum twenty (20) foot access easement hall be provided for maintenance, pedestrian and emergency access. 3.~ Open space and cConservation lots may be created in compliance with the terms of this ordinance and the Roanoke Csounty Subdivision Oerdinance, , 5 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 .Any such lot proposed for platting shall be clearly designated on a subdivision plat reviewed and approved by the county. This plat shall contain notations and covenants that clearly forbid, in perpetuity, the use of the conservation lot for any type of residential dwelling, or other use or structure as prohibited by these provisions. 4. ~. A sidewalk or trail shall be provided to and through the provided open space or conservation areas except for the following areas: a. Environmentally sensitive areas that may include locations of species listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern; historic structures and sites; delineated wetlands or riparian zones outside the FEMA study area; b. Unsafe areas including but not limited to sink holes, cliffs and areas prone to rock slides; and c. Other areas if approved by the Zoning Administrator. The location of any such trail shall be clearly marked, and the trail shall be constructed of a surface material that is appropriate to the terrain, and distinguishable to the user. 5. ~ : Ownership and maintenance of open space and conservation areas shall be one of the following: a. Common land owned in perpetuity by the owners of lots in the development, through a homeowners, condominium or similar association. Provisions for the maintenance of the open space in perpetuity shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with plat approval. b. Open space or conservation areas privately owned and maintained shall be allowed in order to preserve those attributes that qualify as open space or conservation areas. Deed restrictions and/or covenants shall encumber the property to prohibit further subdivision, development, or any other use of the open space. The following uses may be permitted in privately owned open space or conservation areas: 1. Agricultural uses in existence prior to application for a cluster subdivision as determined by the Zoning Administrator; and 2. Forested areas. 6. ~ If required open space is located within a mapped greenway corridor, as depicted on the G~reenway Csonceptual Plan, as amended, at the time of submittal of the preliminary plat, then a greenway easement shall be dedicated to the County or their designated agent. The Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission, shall determine the exact location and dimensions of the easement to be dedicated. 7. I~istoric structures or sites may be included in open space or conservation areas. A plan shall be submitted detailing how the historic structure or site will be preserved and maintained in perpetuity. 8. ~. No building, building addition, structure, stormwater management area, street, driveway, parking area or any other type of physical land improvement shall be located within a required conservation area. Notwithstanding the above, gazebos, benches, or other sitting areas and trails may be developed in, and historic structures may be located within, conservation areas. 9. During the site review process, the Zoning Administrator shall consider the appropriateness of open space and conservation area configuration in terms of such factors as location, size, shape and topographic characteristics. 6 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Sec. 30-82-15. Two-family Dwelling. Sec. 30-82-16. Temporary Portable Storage Containers. (A) Intent. Temporary Portable Storage Containers provide residential property owners temporary storage space for home remodeling, relocating, fire and/or water damage; and cleaning out attics, basements, garages or other attached storage areas. (B) General standards: 1. Temporary Portable storage containers shall only be permitted on lots with a principal building or structure. 2. Temporary portable storage containers shall not be used in conjunction with a Type I or Type II home occupation or used as a principal use or principal building or structure. 3. All temporary portable storage containers shall display the container provider's contact information. Signs shall not contain any other advertising for any other product or services. 4. Temporary portable storage containers shall not be inhabited. 5. Temporary portable storage containers should be located on a property in accordance with Section 30-100-8, and shall not obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or be located within any required landscaped area. Placement on Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) right of way property shall require written approval from VDOT. 6. Due to the temporary nature of temporary portable storage containers, location in a driveway or yard may be acceptable. 7. Temporary portable storage containers shall be permitted on a lot for a period not to exceed thirty (30) consecutive days within a six (6) month period. For extensive construction projects a written extension may be granted by the Zoning Administrator. 8. Maximum cumulative size of temporary portable storage containers on a property shall not exceed 130 square feet. 9. There is a limit of one (1) portable temporary storage container per lot. 10. A zoning permit shall be required to be obtained prior to the placement of a temporary portable storage container by the Department of Community Development with sufficient information, as determined by the Zoning Administrator, to determine compliance with all applicable regulations such as: a. size of container b. location c. delivery date d. removal date e. purpose of container f. container provider contact information. SEC. 30-85. COMMERCIAL USES. Sec. 30-85-3. Automobile Dealership, New. (A) General standards 1. Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off street parking areas as required in Section 30-19-4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. 2. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of way. ~~ ., „ , ., „, 7 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Sec. 30-85-4. Automobile Dealership, Used. (A) General standards 1. Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off street parking areas as required in Section 30-19-4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. 2. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of way. ~~ . ,ti Sec. 30-85-9. Campground. (A) General standards 5. The primary access road shall be surfaced as required in Section 30-91-4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. . Such paving shall extend from the public street right-of way to the entrance station. Interior roads and access to individual sites shall consist at a minimum of an all weather gravel surface. All interior roads shall be eighteen (18) feet minimum width for two-way travel or ten (10) feet minimum width for one- way travel. No campsite shall have direct access to a public street. Sec. 30-85-12. Construction Sales and Services. (A) General standards 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of way. ~~ ., „ , ., „, Sec. 30-85-14. Equipment Sales and Rentals. (A) General standards 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of way. w~i ., „ , ., „, Sec. 30-85-19. Mini-warehouse. (A) General standards 4. All interior driveways shall be at least twenty-six (26) feet wide when cubicles open onto one side only and at least thirty (30) feet wide when cubicles open onto both sides to accommodate loading and unloading at individual cubicles. Adequate turning radiuses shall be provided, where appropriate, for athirty-foot long single unit truck or moving van. Materials and design shall otherwise conform to the standards contained in Section 30-91-4.3, Parking Area Surface Standards. 8 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Sec. 30-85-20. Manufactured Home Sales. (A) General standards 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of way. ~i V t Vl~ V1111 V~ \/ V J 1111V W1 1V V V~ AJ ViVll ~.J1N~11 V111 Sec. 30-85-21. Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service. (A) General standards 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of way. ,1 ' 1 • 1 1 • 1 1 11 1 • 1 ~ 1 11 1 ARTICLE V. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS SEC. 30-91. OFF STREET PARKING, STACKING AND LOADING. Sec. 30-91-1. Purpose. ~4) The purpose of this Section is to set forth off-street parking, stacking and loading equirements for permitted land uses in accordance with the intensity of such uses, in a tanner that: . Provides for the accommodation of vehicles in a functionally and aesthetically satisfactory tanner; . Minimizes external effects on adjacent land uses; . Provides options for the provision of adequate parking and alterna ~ansportation; . Is consistent with environmental goals such as stormwater management, Sec. 30-91-2. General Parking Regulations of (A) New Buildings, Change of Use, and/or Change of Occupancy Limit: Off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided for: 1. Any new building constructed, 2. Any change of use, or 3. Any change in occupancy in an existing building that exceeds the minimum parking requirements specified in Section 30-91-3-3. (B) Change of Use: 9 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 then there is a change in use where the new use has the same or lesser parking requirements han the previous use, no additional parking shall be required. C) Expansions with No Change of Use: then an existing structure and/or use is expanded, off-street parking shall be provided for the expansion in accordance with the provisions of this Section, except for a parking increase of ess than ten (10) percent or as provided in Section 30-91-3-5, Shared Parking. D) Mixed-use: there uses with different parking requirements occupy the same building, the parking spaces hall equal the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately, except as provided in Section 30-91-3-5, Shared Parking. E) Site Redevelopment: then a structure or building is constructed on a property on which an existing structure has peen demolished and the parking area is to remain, the parking area shall meet the • n iv ,• n n n ~ ~ ~v ,• ~ n n~ n ,~ r ~ r n • n ~• Sec. 30-91-2.2 Recreational Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle Parking. (A) In the AR district and in all residential districts: 1. Except for vehicles parked within multi-family developments all recreational vehicles, shall be parked behind the front building line, unless space is provided in a completely enclosed garage or other building. For the purposes of this section only, a corner lot that fronts on two (2) streets shall have only one (1) front building line in accordance with section 30-100-7. In the case of a unique house configuration the zoning administrator shall determine the parking location for the recreational vehicle, based on having no interference on sight distance in accordance with section 30-100-8. 2. No truck or commercial vehicle with, or designed to have, more than two (2) rear wheels shall be parked except while loading or unloading on such premises. No construction machinery shall be parked overnight unless the machinery is incidental to improving the premises. These provisions shall not apply to pickup body type trucks, or to vehicles essential for an agricultural use associated with the premises. (B) No recreational vehicle shall be used for living or business purposes, or connected to utility services except for maintenance purposes or as otherwise provided for in this ordinance. Sec. 30-91-2.3. Location of Parking (A) Off-street parking spaces that are located on the ground and open to the sky may be located in any required yard unless otherwise required for screening, buffering, landscaping or other provisions in the adopted Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. (B) Parking structures and carports shall be subject to the minimum yard and setback requirements applicable in the zoning district in which the structure is located. 2. Such required spaces are within five hundred (500) feet walking distance of a building entrance or use and such spaces do not require pedestrians to cross a road with a speed limit of thirty-five (35) miles per hour or greater. 3. Contiguous lots providing off street parking for more than one (1) use shall provide sufficient spaces to comply with the parking requirements for all usages, except as provided in Section 30-91-3-5, Shared Parking. 10 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Sec. 30-91-3. Number of Parking Spaces Required. sec. 30-91-3.1. Computing Required Spaces. A) Multiple uses: in cases of mixed use or where a combination of uses are developed on a site, the minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be the cumulative total of the requirements for each of the uses on the site, except as provided in Section 30-91-3-5, Shared °arking. B) Fractional space computation: when the computation of the number of off-street parking paces required by Section 30-91-3-2 results in a fractional parking space requirement, any Fraction less than one-half (1/2) shall be disregarded and any fraction equaling or exceeding one-half (1/2) shall be construed as requiring one full parking space. 'C) Number of employees computation: where parking is based on the number of employees, ~he number of employees shall mean the maximum number of persons working on any one shift. D) Square footage: all references to square feet (sq. ft.) in the parking requirements shall neap the square footage of net floor area, unless specifically stated otherwise. E) Maximum occupancy: all references to maximum occupancy shall mean the maximum occupancy as determined pursuant to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. 'F) Unlisted Use Types: the Zoning Administrator shall determine the parking requirement nor use types not listed in Table 30-91 a. In such instances, the administrator shall determine ~he number of spaces to be provided based on requirements for similar uses, location of the proposed use, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use, and appropriate ~raffic engineering and planning criteria and information. Determination of requirements nay be appealed to the Board of Zoning Appeals. Sec. 30-91-3.2. Spaces for Disabled Parking. (A) Generally, the number of ~,n~,r°n"a°N+~n' parking spaces reserved for the disabled, except for single- and two family dwellings, shall comply with the following table and shall count toward the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required. l nr ~,a ~t~~~r~~z~~~~~~~~ ., ,. B) Disabled parking aisle and space dimensions shall comply with the current edition of the 'irginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. 11 (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 22, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 042799-1 1, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 111108-13 § 1, 11-11-08) Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Sec. 30-91-3.3 ~. Minimum Parking Required. TABLE INSET: USE TYPE PARKING REQUIRED (A) Agricultural and Forestry Use Types Agriculture No requirement Commercial Feedlots No requirement Farm Employee Housing 2 spaces per dwelling unit Forestry Operations No requirement Stable, Private No requirement Stable, Commercial 1 space per employee ,plus 1 space for every 4 animals stabled Wayside Stand 1 space per 100 sq. ft., 3 spaces minimum B R T ~ O esidentlal Use ypes ~ Guest parking may be constructed with permeable or envious pavers Accessory Apartment 1 additional space Home Beauty/Barber Salon 1 space per chair Home Occupation, Type I & Type II See Section 30-82-3 (B) 5. Manufactured Home 2 spaces per dwelling unit Manufactured Home, Accessory 1 additional space Manufactured Home, Emergency No requirement Manufactured Home Park 2 spaces per dwelling unit Multi-family Dwelling 2 spaces pen dwelling unit n~° ~°~rnnm iir»~n T~ rnnm iir»~n 12 (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 F niir nr ~r° ~°~ nnrr~ iir~,+n Multiple Dog Permit No Requirement Residential Human Care Facility 2 spaces per facility Single Family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit Townhouse 2 spaces per dwelling unit n~° ~°~rnnm iir-,+r T t~~~e ,-„~ 1 niir nr r° ~°~ nnm iir-,+n Two Family Dwelling 2 spaces per dwelling unit (C) Civic Use Types Administrative Services 3 spaces per 1,000 square feet, plus 1 space per vehicle based at facility Camps See Schedule B Cemetery See Schedule B Clubs 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy Community Recreation See Schedule B Correction Facilities See Schedule B Crisis Center 1 space per 2 persons of residential capacity Cultural Services 1 space per 300 square feet Day Care Center 1 space per employee ' ,plus 1 space per 20 students, plus 1 space for each vehicle associated with facility Educational Facilities, College/University See Schedule B Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary See Schedule B, but no less than 1 space per employee ~ ,plus 1 space per each 4 students in 11th and 12th grades Family Day Care Home 1 space per non-resident employee Guidance Services 1 space per 250 sq. ft. Halfway House 1 space per 2 persons of residential capacity H~e~~fe~A~l~ ' Life Care Facility See Schedule B Nursing Home 1 space per ~ 4 residents, plus 1 space for each employee Park And Ride Facility No requirement 13 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Post Office See Schedule A Public Assembly 1 space per 4 seats or similar accommodations provided Public Maintenance And Service Facilities See Schedule A Public Parks And Recreational Areas See Schedule B Safety Services 3 spaces per vehicle based at facility Religious Assembly 1 space per 4 seats in principal place of worship Utility Services, Minor No requirement Utility Services, Major See Schedule B (D) Office Use Types Financial Institutions 3.5 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft., plus required stacking spaces General Office 3~ spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. Medical Office 4.5 spaces per 1, 000 sq. ft. , . ., Laboratories 1 space per 1.5 employees based on maximum occupancy load, plus 1 per company vehicle (E) Commercial Use Types Agricultural Services See Schedule A Antique Shops 1 space per 4~ 600 square feet Automobile Dealership, New See Schedule A Automobile Dealership, Used See Schedule A Automobile Repair Services, Major ~~ 1 space per service bay, plus 1 space per employee Automobile Repair Services, Minor 1 space per service bay, plus 1 space per employee cvv c,.~,v,a„~v n Automobile Rental/Leasing See Schedule A Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail See Schedule A Bed And Breakfast 1 space per guest accommodation, plus 2 spaces per permanent residence Boarding House 1 space per guest accommodation, plus 2 spaces per permanent residence Business Support Services 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. Business Or Trade Schools See Schedule B, but no less than 1 space per 4 students Campgrounds 1 space at each campsite, plus spaces required for other uses Car Wash 1 space per employee ,plus required stacking spaces ~ , 14 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Commercial Indoor Amusement 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load Commercial Indoor 1 space per 4 seats or similar accommodations, plus 1 Entertainment space per 2 employees Commercial Indoor Sports And Recreation 4 spaces per alley, plus 1 space per employee Bowling alley Swimming Pool 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of water surface Tennis and Other Court 3.5 ~ spaces per court Games Other indoor sports 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Commercial Outdoor 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load, Entertainment plus 1 space per employee Commercial Outdoor Sports And Recreation Miniature Golf 1.5 spaces per hole Swimming Pool 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of water surface Tennis and Other Court 3.5 ~ spaces per court Games Other outdoor sports 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Communications Services 1 space per 300 square feet, plus 1 space per company vehicle Construction Sales And Services See Schedule A Consumer Repair Services 1 space per 300 square feet 5 spaces per 1, 000 sq. ft. • • i C St ~ onven ence ore ., Dance Hall 1 space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load, plus 1 space per employee Equipment Sales And Rental See Schedule A 1 space per 4 seats in main chapel, plus 1 space per 2 Funeral Home employees ,plus 1 space per company vehicle Garden Center See Schedule A 15 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Gasoline Station 1 space per employee, plus required stacking spaces if r Go Cou se 5.5 spaces per hole, plus spaces as required for other auxiliary uses Hospital 1 space per 2 beds, plus 1 space per employee Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge 1 space per guest accommodation, ,plus spaces as required for other uses Kennel, Commercial 1 space per 600 ~ sq. ft. Laundry 2 spaces per 1, D00 sq. ft. Manufactured Home Sales See Schedule B Mini-warehouse 2 spaces for live-in manager, ,plus 2 for the first 100 storage spaces plus 1 for each additional 100 storage units Pawn Shop 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Personal Improvement Services 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Personal Services 1 space per 300 sq. ft. Recreational Vehicle Sales And Service See Schedule A Restaurant, General 1 space per 4 seats, plus 1 space per 2 employees ~; or, with night-time entertainment or non-fixed seating, /space per 3 persons based on maximum occupancy load Restaurant, Drive-in Or Fast Food With seats 1 space per 4 seats, plus 1 space per 4 employees ~, plus required stacking space Without seats 1 space per 100 ~9 sq. ft., plus required stacking space Retail Sales Shopping center 44:4 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. > > .. All others 1 space per 300 2~ sq. ft. Studio, Fine Arts See Schedule B Surplus Sales 1 space per 100 sq. ft. of sales area accessible to the public Truck Stop See Schedule B Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 3 spaces per 1,000 sq. ft. (F) Industrial Use Types 16 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Asphalt Plant See Schedule B Construction Yards See Schedule A Custom Manufacturing See Schedule A Industry, Type I 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. c°° c,.~,°,a„~ Industry, Type II 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. c°° c°'~°~'~~' Industry, Type III See Schedule A Landfill, Construction Debris See Schedule B Landfill, Rubble See Schedule B Landfill, Sanitary See Schedule B Meat Packing Industries 1 space per employee Railroad Facilities See Schedule B Recycling Centers/Stations See required stacking spaces Resource Extraction 1 space per employee Scrap And Salvage Services See Schedule A Transfer Station See Schedule B Transportation Terminal See Schedule B Truck Terminal See Schedule B Warehousing And Distribution See Schedule A (G) Miscellaneous Use Types Aviation Facilities, Private See Schedule B Aviation Facilities, General See Schedule B Broadcasting Tower 2 spaces per tower Outdoor Gathering See Schedule B Parking Facility, Surface/Structure No requirement Shooting Range, Outdoor See Schedule B Schedule A The schedule sets forth minimum parking requirements for uses with elements having different functions or operating characteristics. TABLE INSET: ~'i„r~n~~nr~ „~~~°,~,°,-,~ FUIVCTIONOFELEIVIEIVT REQUIREMENT ffi r A mini r i A i i 0 ce o d st at ve ct v ty 3 spaces per 1, 000 sq. ft. .. 17 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Indoor Sales, Display or Service Area 1 space per 500 sq. ft. Motor Vehicle Service Bays 2 spaces per service bay Outdoor Sales, Display or Service Area 1 space per 2,000 sq. ft. General Equipment Servicing or Manufacturing 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. Indoor or Outdoor Storage or Warehousing 1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. Schedule B Specific requirements shall be determined by the administrator based on requirements for similar uses, location of proposed use, expected demand and traffic generated by the proposed use, and appropriate traffic engineering and planning criteria and information. Determination of requirements maybe appealed to the board of zoning appeals. (Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22- 08) Sec. 30-91-3-4.1Vlaximum Off-Sheet Parking. (A) To avoid excessive surpluses that increase development costs and impervious surfaces, impervious parking shall not be provided in quantities greater than ten (10) percent above the required minimum, unless any parking above the ten (10) percent threshold is permeable or pervious, or is provided through the use of structured parking. (B) The maximum number of off-street parking spaces permitted, as established in Section 30- 91-3.4, shall not apply to parking areas utilizing a permeable or pervious paver surface or to parking structures. 18 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 (C) Parking that exceeds the requirements below shall comply with the following standards: Increase in Additional Standards quantity over minimum Landscaped Medians Landscaped Islands Parking Surface requirements Contain small, Comprised of at least 10% None deciduous trees bioretention planting planted every 20 islands in accordance Up to and linear feet with Roanoke County's includin 10% g Stormwater Mana ement g Design Manual (or) Contain 3 small shrubs in addition to requirements of Section 30-92-3b. Required every other Comprised of at least 20% Parking spaces parking aisle bioretention planting provided above the islands in accordance 10% maximum shall with Roanoke County's be surfaced with a Stormwater Management permeable or pervious Design Manual (or) _ paver system surface Contain small, Contain 6 small shrubs in or other low impact deciduous trees addition to requirements design alternative in Over 10% planted every 20 of Section 30-92-3b. accordance with linear feet Roanoke County's Stormwater Management Design Manual or other permeable or pervious surface as approved by the Zoning Administrator. Sec. 30-91-3-5. Shared Parking (A) Shared parking is encouraged for different structures or uses, or for mixed uses, in any zoning district. At the applicant's request, shared parking may be provided, subject to the following conditions: 1. A reciprocal deeded agreement has been executed by all the parties concerned that assures the perpetual joint use of such common parking, a copy of which has been submitted as part of the Site Plan Review Process. 2. A parking study has been submitted that supports a reduction in parking spaces provided. The study shall include but is not limited to: a. The type and hours of operation and parking demand, for each use, b. A site plan displaying shared use spaces in the lot and walking distance to the uses sharing the lot, c. A description of the character of land use and parking patterns of adjacent land uses, and 19 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 d. An estimate of anticipated turnover in parking space use over the course of 12 to 24 hours at the site. 3. Parking spaces to be shared must not be reserved for individuals or groups on a 24-hour basis. 4. Uses sharing the parking facility do not need to be contained on the same lot, but shall be a maximum of five hundred (500) feet from the closest parking space in the parking lot which is to be used and allow for safe, convenient walking for most packers, including safe pedestrian crossings, signage, and adequate lighting. 5. If the conditions for shared packing become null and void and the shaved parking arrangement is discontinued, this will constitute a violation of zoning regulations for any use approved expressly with shared packing. The applicant must then provide written notification of the change to the Zoning Administrator and, within sixty (60) days of that notice, provide a remedy satisfactory to the Zoning Administrator to provide adequate packing. (B) Where shared packing is provided among a mix of land uses, the Zoning Administrator may allow the following, at the applicant's request: 1. Up to thirty (30) percent of the packing spaces requited for the predominant use on a site may be shared with other uses operating during the same time of day and days of the week. The predominant use is considered to be that which requires the most parking of those sharing the parking facilities. The predominant use, identified for packing calculations, may not necessarily be the primary use as defined in this ordinance . 2. Up to fifty (50) percent of the packing spaces required for uses such as theaters, public auditoriums, bowling alleys, nightclubs, movie theaters, and similar predominantly evening uses may be shaved with uses such as banks, offices, and similar predominantly daytime uses. 3. Up to sixty (60) percent of the parking spaces requited for uses such as churches and other uses predominately in operation during the weekend may be shared with uses such as medical offices, banks, and other similar uses predominantly in operation on weekdays. -ec. 30-91-3.6. Temporary Parking. A) Parking during construction: Temporary parking lots for non-required parking ate permitted where new building construction is planned. Temporary lots are permitted for up to wo (2) years and shall be removed prior to final Zoning Compliance. B) Parking for a temporary use: Temporary parking lots are permitted for a period of no -~ote than sixty (60) consecutive or non-consecutive days per calendar yeas, in accordance vith the following criteria: '. The parking area shall be located within five hundred (500) feet of and have the same oning classification as the site which it serves. '. The lot shall include adequate land to accommodate parking spaces, drives and a ~itculation pattern that complies with Section 30-91-4, Parking Atea Design Standards. '. Plans for a temporary parking lot shall be submitted for site plan review to Roanoke County )apartment of Community Development and include a timeline and signed documentation of vent information to be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator. '.All temporary packing lots shall: ~. Use an unimproved or gravel surface, with sufficient dust control measures '. If a temporary gravel surface is provided, such gravel shall be removed and the off-street ~atking area shall be returned to its prior condition immediately upon cessation of the 20 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 Sec. 30-91-4. Parking Area Design Standards. Sec. 30-91-4.1 ~. Access. (A) In general all off-street parking areas shall: 1. Provide safe and convenient access to a street; 2. Be designed to minimize on-site and off-site traffic hazards and conflicts; 3. Be designed to reduce or prevent congestion on public streets; and 4. Facilitate the provision of emergency services. (B) Except for spaces serving single family, two family and townhouse dwellings, no parking space shall be designed that will require backing into a public street. (C) Parking maneuvers shall not restrict or impede the ingress and egress flow of traffic from the highway. (D) {~} Whenever a development abuts a street which is included in the State System of Primary Highways or a road designated as "Arterial" in the latest Stated Highway Plan, the following conditions shall be met: 1. A ~~ frontage and/or shared access concept shall be utilized such that no site has exclusive access to the arterial highway at intervals of less than one access point every five hundred (500) feet, measured from the center line of the entrance(s). 2. If ~~ frontage or shared access cannot be provided, the site shall be limited to one exclusive access point, or for shopping centers, one exclusive access point per five hundred (500) feet of road frontage. hlVVV1V11 VV I .VV V1 V11V 1 VVV VVV NVI VVV VVI VVV 1 VVI IVVIV~ LVN V~IV AJVVVI VVV VVI VVN VVI VVV I..J /J VVV/VVVVVVVIVN. (E)~} Parking lot access driveways leading to and from the street where no parking is provided on either side shall meet the following width requirements: 1. For driveways serving thirty (30) or less parking spaces, the minimum width shall be eighteen (18) feet, exclusive of curbs. 2. For driveways serving more than thirty (30) parking spaces, the minimum width shall be twenty (20) feet, exclusive of curbs. 3. For one-way drives specifically designed for only one-way use, the minimum width shall be ten (10) feet, exclusive of curbs. (F) {~} Whenever parking is proposed adjacent to a structure, an emergency access aisle shall be properly marked in accordance with Chapter 9, Code of the County of Roanoke, Titled Fire Prevention and Protection. Sec. 30-91-4.2. Circulation. (A) In general, parking areas shall be designed to facilitate unimpeded flow of on-site traffic in circulation patterns readily recognizable and predictable to motorists and pedestrians. Parking areas shall be arranged in a fashion to encourage pedestrian access to buildings, and to minimize internal vehicular movements. (B) Sidewalks measuring at least five (5) feet in width shall connect all parking areas to building entrances. Sidewalks shall also be located around buildings. (C) Facilities and access routes for deliveries, service and maintenance shall be separated, when practical, from public access routes and parking areas. 21 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 (D) Aisles between rows of parking spaces shall comply with the geometric design standards in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Sec. 30-91-4.3. ~. Parking Area Surface Standards. ~'n~r~r»n~in~ c~°~,a°r.ar. (A) All off street parking and stacking areas , ,except for those required for single family and two family dwellings, shall be graded for drainage and surfaced with concrete, asphalt, bituminous pavement, brick or stone pavers, or a permeable or pervious surface in accordance with the Roanoke County Design Handbook.~t~E~~ + ' °~' ~~»+~ !Y T /~ ~ 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 ~ 1 ~ /'V /~ A ~ n~ !~ 1 T ~ 1 . Where permeable or pervious pavers are used, when required by the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code ADA-compliant pavers shall be utilized. 1. Within the Clearbrook village overlay district, any parking areas or parking spaces provided in excess of the minimum requirements of this ordinance, shall be constructed with a ~ permeable or pervious pavement material in accordance with the Roanoke County Stormwater Management Design Manual. .Gravel shall not be accepted as an Sec. 30-91-4.4. ~ Parking Space Dimensions. (A) All off street parking spaces and areas shall comply with the geometric design standards as specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. ~~E+~~N ~n~ nQ ~~ ~~,°p„~,~;,~ Ctinnnt ~,~,~ ~~~~~~~ (B) Where parking spaces lie adjacent to a planting island or other physical separation (but not a sidewalk), ,the paved depth of all stalls may be decreased by two (2) feet to provide for a vehicle overhang area. (C) Compact vehicle parking will be permitted under the following criteria: 1. Compact spaces shall be located in groups of five (5) or more contiguous spaces, be appropriately identified by markings and be located in a manner affording the same convenience as standard spaces. 2. Dimensions for compact space are set forth in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. /"1 /1 /~ I"1 /~ !1 !~ , 1 T 1 1 • !`I . 1 T 7 • T • !`I . 1 7 T N . /'. ~. The number of compact spaces shall not exceed: r. Twenty-five (25) percent of the spaces provided if the total minimum requirement is twenty 20) to one hundred (100) spaces, or ~. Thirty (30) percent of the spaces provided if the total minimum requirement is greater than -ne hundred (100) spaces. 22 (Ord. No. 121900-11, § 4,12-19-00; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-91-4.5. Parking Structures. RESERVED Sec. 30-91-5. Alternative Modes of Transportation. Sec. 30-91-5-1. Bicycle Parking Standards. (A) In lots with greater than fifty (50) spaces, a minimum of one (1) bicycle parking space shall be provided on-site for each twenty (20) off-street automobile parking spaces. (B) Bicycle parking spaces shall have minimum dimensions of six (6) feet in length and two (2) feet in width. (C) Fractional space computation: when the computation of the number of bicycle parking spaces results in a fractional requirement, any fraction less than one-half shall be disregarded and any fraction equaling or exceeding one-half shall be construed as requiring one full parking space. (D) When bicycle parking is required, there shall be a minimum of two (2) spaces provided but not more than twenty (20) bicycle spaces will be required at a single site. (E) For every four (4) bicycle parking space provided above the minimum requirement, the number of impervious vehicular parking spaces required by Section 30-91-3-3 may be reduced by one (1). The number of impervious vehicular parking spaces shall not be reduced by an amount exceeding five (5) percent. (F) If the vehicular parking area is lighted, the required bicycle parking shall also be lighted. (G) Bicycle parking shall be located within fifty (50) feet of an entrance to the building or within a building if the location is easily accessible for bicycles and shall comply with the design standards set forth in Roanoke County's Design Handbook. (H) Bicycle parking shall be accessed by an aisle that is a minimum of five (5) feet wide. (I) Areas set aside for required bicycle parking shall be clearly marked and reserved for bicycle parking only. (J) Bicycle racks shall be provided for all bicycle parking areas and shall hold bicycles securely by the frame and be securely anchored to the ground or to the building structure to 23 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 prevent the racks from being removed from the location. See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for bicycle rack recommendations. (K) The Zoning Administrator may grant exemptions to bicycle parking requirements in connection with temporary uses or uses that are not likely to generate the need for bicycle parking. Sec. 30-91-5-2. Motorcycle Parking Standards. (A) Motorcycle parking is permitted subject to the following conditions: 1. A motorcycle parking space shall be no smaller than four (4) feet wide and eight (8) feet deep. 2. Motorcycle parking spaces shall be located according to the same siting criteria and standards that are applicable to other types of vehicle parking. (B) The minimum number of vehicular parking spaces required may be reduced by one space for every three (3) motorcycle spaces provided, up to a maximum reduction of five percent (5%) of the total required vehicular spaces. Sec. 30-91-5-3. Mass Transit Options. (A) The minimum number of parking spaces may be reduced upon the approval of a mass transportation or alternate transportation plan, which details arrangements for the mass or alternate transit of potential visitors to the site, including residents, employees and customers. Such plans shall be subject to the review and approval of the Zoning Administrator, prior to the reduction of the number of required parking spaces. (B) The Zoning Administrator may allow for a reduction in the number of off-street parking spaces otherwise required by this Section if the site is: 1. In close proximity to an existing or planned mass transit station, or 2. Along a corridor served by mass transit. Sec. 30-91-6. ~ Stacking Spaces and Drive-Through Facilities. (A) Stacking spaces shall be provided for any use having adrive-through facility or areas having drop-off and pick-up areas. The following general standards shall apply to all stacking spaces and drive-through facilities: Sec. 30-91- 7. ~. Off Street Loading, Generally. (A) General Provisions. 1. All required off street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the structure or use. Sec. 30-91- 7.1. ~ Minimum Loading Spaces Required. SEC. 30-92. SCREENING, LANDSCAPING, AND BUFFER YARDS.* Sec. 30-92-5. Standards and Specifications. (B) Buffer Yards. 1. Buffer yards shall be reserved solely for screening and landscaping. No proposed building, building addition, structure, parking area or any other type of physical land improvement shall be 24 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 located in a buffer yard. Not withstanding the above, a driveway entrance or a public road may cross a buffer yard if it is necessary for safe and convenient access to the building site. In addition, buffer yards may be used for greenways. 2. When a proposed buffer yard has a variation in elevation of greater than six (6) vertical feet at any point, the required screening or landscaping within the yard shall be placed to maximize the effectiveness of the screening or landscaping, as determined by the administrator. 3. The maximum slope of any required buffer yard shall be 3:1 (horizontal:vertical). Sufficient vegetation and ground cover shall be established and maintained on any slope to ensure stabilization and re-vegetation. In areas where extreme slopes exist, retaining walls no greater than four (4) feet in height may be used. If more than one (1) retaining wall is used, a planting area at least six (6) feet wide with a slope no greater than 3:1 must be left between the retaining walls. 4. Existing vegetation within buffer yards shall be considered as a substitute for otherwise required screening, if in the opinion of the administrator, the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the following standards and the intent of this section. Any existing trees to be incorporated into the landscape must be adequately protected during construction to insure their survival (fencing around the drip line perimeter). 5. Where deemed appropriate by the county zoning administrator, buffer yards maybe allocated for the present or future use as a greenway. (C) Screening. 1. Screening shall be visually opaque, and constructed of a durable material. It shall be installed within a required buffer yard and shall be continuously maintained so as to meet the intent of this section. 2. Acceptable screening materials include stockade fences, decorative masonry walls, brick walls, earth berms, and/or a mix of evergreen/deciduous vegetation. See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for examples of these screening materials. Alternative materials may be approved, if in the opinion of the administrator, their characteristics and design meet the intent and standards of this section. (D) Berms. 1. in the Roanoke County Design Handbook for more detail.) Where a berm is located between different grades, the berm height shall be measured from the base of the higher grad elevation. Berms are recommended for screening between adjacent parcels in different zoning districts. (E) {~} Landscaping. , 1. Existing vegetation shall be considered as a substitute for otherwise required landscaping, if in the opinion of the administrator, the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the following standards and the intent of this section. Any existing vegetation to be preserved and incorporated into the landscape must be adequately protected during construction to insure their survival, as specified in the protection and preservation methods section (Section 30-92-4(E)). 2. All plant material must meet American Association of Nurserymen Specifications for No. 1 grade. Native plantings are encouraged when compatible with the surrounding land use. Every effort should be made to incorporate healthy existing trees into the landscape and avoid the use Berm height shall be measured from grade elevation to the top of the berm. (See diagram 25 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 of highly invasive species. (See Recommended 1Vative/Naturalized Plant List in the Roanoke County Design Handbook.) 3. All plant species chosen shall be suitable for planting and growth within the proposed environment and shall meet the size requirements in the following table. Plants used for screening purposes shall be planted in accordance with the on-center requirements of the table. If spacing requirements are not specified, required landscaping shall be arranged within a buffer yard to achieve the intent of this section. TABLE INSET: Size/Spacing/Number/Minimums Height At Final Height Screening and Spacing Planting Requirements Small Shrubs 12" 2' minimum 2' on center Large Shrubs (Evergreen or Deciduous) 24" 6' minimum 5' on center Small evergreen trees 5' 15' minimum 15' on center Large evergreen trees 6--8' S0' minimum 20' on center Small deciduous trees 1 1 /2" caliper 15 minimum , 15 on center ~~ 2 ~~ ' ' Large deciduous trees caliper minimum 50 on center 30 (F) ~) Protection and preservation methods. 1. Vegetation designated for protection and/or preservation shall be enclosed in a protection zone which establishes limits of construction disturbance to the root area of designated plant material. All protection zones and measures shall be established to the satisfaction of the zoning administrator. During construction, plastic or wood fencing shall be installed at the perimeter of all protection zones. Vegetation of specimen quality, historic designation or cultural value: Provide extraordinary measures to ensure complete protection/preservation * Type of material specified may vary due to site-specific determinants. Silt, erosion control, or geotechnical fabric materials are not acceptable for use as vegetation protection. 2. Areas designated for protection and/or preservation shall not be violated throughout the entire construction period by actions including, but not limited to: a. Placing, storing, or stockpiling backfill or construction related supplies. b. Felling trees into the designated area. c. Burning within or inclose proximity. d. Modifying site topography in a manner which causes damage by collection/ponding or flow characteristics of site drainage. e. Trenching or grading operations. f. Operating equipment or machinery. g. Parking of construction vehicles. h. Temporary or permanent paving or impervious surface installation. 26 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 i. Temporary or permanent utility construction installation. j . Disposal of construction debris or chemical pollutants. 3. Work or construction related activities within areas designated for protection and/or preservation of existing vegetation shall be accomplished only with prior approval of the zoning administrator. (Ord. No. 111301-10, § § 1, 2,11-13-01; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-92-6. Applicability of Regulations and Requirements. (A) Screening, landscaping and buffer yards. 1. Requirements of screening, landscaping and buffer yards between zoning districts shall be determined by using the following charts. See the buffer yard illustrations in the Roanoke County Design Handbook for more detail. C~ 2. The Zoning Administrator shall have final review of all buffer yards and will determine whether more screening is necessary based on site specific information such as terrain. 3. If the buffer yard area is smaller than the typical buffer yard section denoted in the following illustrations, the landscaping required shall equal a proportion of the typical buffer yard landscaping. Where a fraction is calculated, the number shall be rounded up to the next whole number. TABLE INSET: i i i d Site Zoning A n ng Zon ng jo R-3 R-4 C-1 C-2 I-1 I-2 AG-3 D D D D D E AG-1 D D D D D E AR B B B or C B or C D E AV A A A A D E R-1 A A B C D E R-2 A A B C D E R-3 B B B D E R-4 A B D E PRD D E NC B C C-1 B C C-2 B B 27 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 TABLE INSET: Type Option 1(Large Buffer, Minimal Option 2 (Smaller Buffer With More Landscaping) Landscaping/Screening) A 20' buffer 15' buffer For every 75' consisting of.• For every 75' consisting of.• One row of large deciduous trees (3) One row of small deciduous trees (5) One row of large evergreen shrubs (12-14) One row of large evergreen shrubs (12- ' 14) 6' screening $One row of large deciduous ' shrubs (16-18) B 30' buffer 20' buffer For every 100' consisting of.• For every 100' consisting of.• One row of large evergreen trees (5) One row of large deciduous trees (4) One row of large evergreen shrubs (16-18) One row of large evergreen shrubs (16- ' 18) 6' screening One row of large deciduous ' shrubs (22-24) C 40' buffer 30' buffer For every 100' consisting of.• For every 100' consisting of.• One row of large evergreen trees (5) One row of large deciduous trees (3) One row of small deciduous trees (6) One row of large evergreen shrubs (16-18) One row of large deciduous shrubs (22- One row of large evergreen shrubs (16- 24) 18) ' One row of large deciduous 6' screening shrubs (22-24) ' D 50' buffer 35' buffer For every 100' consisting of.• For every 100' consisting of.• One row of large evergreen trees (5) One row of large deciduous trees (3) Two rows of small deciduous trees, two One row of small evergreen trees (6-7) different species (6-7 per row) ' n~rl7~rl7~t~ n~ ~on~~i ~r~i~~ 6' screening I E 75' buffer 50' buffer For every 100' consisting of.• For every 100' consisting of.• One row of large deciduous trees (3) One row of large deciduous trees (3) One row of large evergreen trees (5) One row of small evergreen trees (6) One row of small deciduous trees (7) One row of small deciduous trees (6-7) no,-~o~t~ ~~ ,ao,,;,a,,,,,, n n i~n ~~ ~$ 6' screening 28 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 (B) Adjacent right-of-way/street side plantings. 1. Where a new or expanded development, or reconfigured parking area is proposed adjacent to a public street right-of-way, a planting strip shall be established between the parking areas and the adjacent right-of-way. The planting strip shall have a minimum width often (10) feet. 2. Within this planting strip a minimum of one (1) large deciduous tree shall be planted every thirty (30) linear feet along the public street right-of-way. Small trees planted every twenty (20) linear feet, may be used where an overhead power line or other obstruction is present. In addition, a minimum of two (2) large shrubs shall be placed in the planting strip for every five (5) linear feet of frontage. This should not be construed as meaning that the plants must be uniformly planted. See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for illustrations. (C) Parking areas. 1. New parking areas shall include planting islands and landscaped medians in combination with low impact design techniques that are planned, designed and located to channel traffic, facilitate storm water management, improve the appearance of parking areas and define and separate parking areas and aisles. In addition to accommodating vehicles, parking areas shall also provide for safe pedestrian and bicycle circulation. 2. The integration of low impact design alternatives, including but not limited to bioretention areas, infiltration devices, grass swales, vegetated filter strips and permeable or pervious pavers are encouraged to address stormwater quality and quantity and to improve the appearance of the parking area, in accordance with the Roanoke County Stormwater Management Design Manual, as amended. 3. Islands. (See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for additional detail) a. ~ . Rows of parking shall be separated by a planting island or bioretention planting island at least every fifteen (15) spaces and islands shall also be placed at the end of each row. ilslands shall be spaced throughout the parking area and have a minimum dimension of nine (9) feet in width by nineteen (19) feet in length of planting area. To protect the plant material from vehicular damage, the island must be delineated by a clear physical barrier such as concrete curbs or set landscaping timbers. b. ~ A minimum of one (1) ~ small deciduous tree with surrounding turf grass or other ground cover shall be required in all planting islands. , 4. Landscaped Medians. (See the Roanoke County Design Handbook for additional detail) a. ~ Where double rows of parking are planned, large parking areas shall have one landscaped median for every fifty (50) parking spaces to provide visual relief. Each landscaped median shall run the length of a parking aisle and shall measure at least fifteen (1 S) feet wide. Where possible, landscaped medians shall be designed for every other parking aisle. ~ ~. Each landscaped median shall be planted with one (1) small deciduous tree and six large hrubs per 30 linear feet with a minimum caliper of two (2) inches at the time of planting. ~. Landscaped medians shall include sidewalks measuring at least five (5) feet wide to 'acilitate safe pedestrian circulation to and from destination(s). 29 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 d. Wherever possible, parking area lighting shall be installed in landscaped medians. Lighting shall not conflict with required trees. 5. Additional Landscaping. In addition to the above requirements, three (3) large shrubs for every fifteen (15) parking spaces shall be planted around the perimeter ofand/or adjacent to the parking area. 6. Large Paved Areas. Paved areas greater than five hundred (500) sq. ft. such as loading areas, that are not necessarily striped parking lots shall place one (1) planting island, as specified above for every seven hundred fifty (750) sq. ft. of area and at least one (1) landscaped median. Landscaped medians and planting islands shall be located to screen the paved area from the public right-of-way or from adjacent properties, to channel traffic, and/or to define separate parking areas. The landscaped median shall not be required to have a sidewalk. 7. Parking Area Expansions. Any expansion of a parking area shall require compliance with the requirements above for both the existing parking area and the proposed parking expansion. Exceptions are listed as follows: a. Expansions of ten (10) percent or less calculated by existing parking area square footage. b. The existing parking area may remain unchanged if all proposed parking spaces meet the landscaping requirements and are constructed of permeable or pervious pavers. See the Roanoke County Stormwater Management Design Manual for standards and specifications. (D) Parking Structures. 1. Parking structures located underground shall not be required to provide planting islands or landscaped medians within the parking structure. 2. Parking structures located above ground shall not be required to provide planting islands or landscaped medians within the parking structure but shall provide: a. Landscaping around all sides of the structure for screening, or b. Integrate landscaping into all exposed structure walls. (E)~} Landscaping requirements for new and expanded developments. Adequate minimum landscaping shall be provided as follows: 1. The area coverage of trees and shrubs to be planted, together with the existing crown area of those retained shall occupy at least thirty-five (35) percent of the total land area of the proposed project. Total land area for purposes of this paragraph shall be the area shown on the site plan as the area of the site plan under consideration. 2. The approved crown coverage allowances are listed below. They are based upon the anticipated size at maturity when located in a built environment. 30 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 TABLE INSET: Type Minimum Height at Maturity Crown Coverage Allowance Large deciduous trees 50' min. height 1,250 square feet each (35') Large evergreen trees 30' min. height 500 square feet each (22') Small deciduous trees 15' min. height 250 square feet each (15') Small evergreen trees 15' min. height 250 square feet each (15') Large shrubs 5' min. height 10 square feet each (3') Small shrubs 2' min. height 5 square feet each (2') 3. Shrub planting which apply toward crown coverage allowance requirements shall not exceed more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total crown coverage allowance requirements. Shrub plantings proposed for use as screen plantings (such as related to refuse service areas, outdoor storage areas, mechanical equipment, etc.) do not apply toward crown coverage allowance requirements. 4. Groundcovers, perennial plantings, or turf grass do not apply toward crown coverage allowance requirements. 5. Trees and shrubs used in bioretention areas and in other low impact design alternatives maybe used to count towards crown coverage requirements. 6. Landscaping shall be provided around the base of any freestanding sign proposed. The size of the landscaped area shall not be less than one and one-half (1.5) times the square footage of the sign. 7. Landscaping shall be provided along the main entrance facade of all buildings, providing a vegetative area between the building and parking areas. The landscaped area shall be professionally designed and planted with a mixture of small trees, shrubs, and groundcover. (F) {~} Additional screening requirements. 1. All refuse service (dumpsters/containers) and outdoor storage areas in all zoning districts shall be screened from surrounding views per section 30-92-5. Height of screening must be a minimum of six (6) feet. 2. Ground level and roof top mechanical equipment shall be screened or landscaped per section 30-92-5. 3. Commercial and industrial use types shall screen from surrounding views all articles and materials being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated, dismantled, or salvaged. Articles and materials available for retail sale by a commercial use type shall be exempt from this requirement. 31 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance 2008-2009 Draft Amendments 5/12/09 SEC.30-93. Signs Sec. 30-93-3. Exempted Signs. (A) The following signs shall be exempted from regulation, and may be displayed within the county without obtaining a sign permit. However, an electrical permit shall be required for any sign requiring or incorporating electrical service: 4. Directional signs provided that each such sign does not exceed three (3) square feet per sign, and is limited to one (1) per access to a public street. 7. Signs displayed on a truck, bus, or other vehicle while in use in the normal conduct of business. This section shall not be interpreted to permit the parking for display purposes a vehicle to which a sign is attached or the use of such a vehicle as a p+~ sign. 11. Political campaign signs provided that they are located outside of the public right-of way; 15. Signs that are displayed by or promote civic, religious, educational or charitable organizations or causes, provided such signs are displayed no longer than thirty (30) consecutive days per calendar year, are placed on premises and shall meet the existing size standards and number limit for temporary signs. Portable signs shall not be permitted as part of this exemption. Sec. 30-93-4. Prohibited Signs. (A) The following signs are prohibited within the county: I5. Any sign displayed on a stationary motor vehicle or trailer when the vehicle or trailer is parked or oriented for the purpose of serving the function of a sign, except when such vehicl or trailer is parked in the operator's driveway or when the vehicle is parked to the side or rea Sec. 30-93-8. Temporary Signs. (D) Any temporary sign secured to c~ temporary fixture or post must have a minimum sign setback of fifteen (15) feet ~ from the property line, adjacent to the right-of-way. 32 ACTION No. ITEM NO. ~-Y -T AT A REGI,ILAR MEETING GF THE BGARD GF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA I'~EM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 12, 2009 Vllork Session on the development of a Roanoke County Design Handbook Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning B. Clayton Goodman, III ~~ County Administrator C~UNTYADMINISTRAT~R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F INF~RMATI4N: The Design Handbook is being developed to compliment the Zoning Ordinance by illustrating certain design concepts. The Design Handbook is intended to be useful for County citizens, design professionals, County staff, the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. The Design Manual shows examples of site layouts, graphics showing screening, buffering and landscaping, recommended lists ofplants and trees, and transportation conceptswith parking graphics and illustrations for impervious and permeable paving surfaces. It is intended to be updated with additional information as needed. The Planning Comn~~ission held its public hearing onthe adoption of the Design Manual on April 1, 2409. The first reading of this ordinance by the Board of Supervisors is scheduled for May 12, 2009, and the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for May 26, 2009. Staff will review with the Board the various aspects of the Design Handbook during the work session. P ~ 4 R°A"°~F Roanoke County a Design Handbook ,s3s DRAFT May 12, 2009 (Page intentionally blank) Table of Contents DRAFT ELEMENT May 12, 2009 ~ i PAGE Chapter 1: Site Design Section 1 Site Layout Chapter 2: Landscaping Section 1 Screening Materials 2 Landscaped Buffer Yards 3 Right-of-UVay Planting Strips 4 Landscaped Medians within Parking Areas 5 Recommended Native/Naturalized Plant List b Highly Invasive Species List 7 Native Plant Guide for Stormwater ManagementAreas 8 Street Trees -Reserved Chapter 3: Transportation Section 1 Parking Area Design 2 Typical Paving 3 Permeable Paving 4 Sidewalks -Reserved 5 Trails and Shared Use Paths -Reserved b Bicycle Lanes -Reserved 7 Private Roads -Reserved 8 Public Roads -Reserved Chapter 4: Other Features Section 1 Pedestrian Lighting -Reserved 2 Street Furniture -Reserved 1 22 2b 26 Roanoke County Design Handbook (Page intentionally blank) Chapter 1: Site Design DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 1 Chapter 1: Site Design Section 1- Slte Layout Example ~x~sr~~v~ ~~ PRC]PER71f uFFE~ v~~o ~a Roanoke County Design Handbook 2 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping Chapter 2: Landscaping Section 1-Screening Materials (A) Stockade Fence: (B) Decorative Masonry Wall (C) Brick Wall .. ._.,~ ~ ~ .~.~ ___ '~ ~,°~ ~~ E ,, i •`~" ~~ 4 -~ ~ ~. ~ ~_ ~~~~ , -~ ~ ~~~~ , ~~~ ~; Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 3 (D) Earth Berms 1. Three (3) Foot Tall Berm ~E ~L~IIT TOP OF BERM -III-III -III-III-III-III- 2. Six (6) Foot Tall Berm ~~ ~IEIGHT TGF~ GF DER EERM HEIGHT 3. Varying Height Berm spanning two different grade elevations TGP GF BERM 3' BERM HEIGHT GRADE ELEVATION #1 ~6" BERM HEIGHT GRADE ELEVATIC?{~ #~ Roanoke County Design Handbook 4 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping Section 2 -Landscaped Buffer Yards (A) Type A Buffer "Row" should not be construed as meaning thatthe plants must be uniformly planted. TYPEA BUFFER ~PTI~N ~ o' Buffer For ~ver~ ~0' c~r~sistin0 of: one raw of Inge deciduous trees ~3} one raw of I~rr~e ev~rgre~n shrubs X12-14} Una row of large deciduous shrubs ~~ 0-~ 8} f~P'TIC~PJ 2: 1~' duffer Far ~~rery~ ~5' c~r~sisting of: one raw of smell deoiduous tries ~ +Dn~ raw of I~rge everOre~n shrubs X12-14~ ' screening ~' F~L~4N 1~1 Ew ELEIIATIDI~ Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 5 (B) Type B Buffer "Row" should not be construed as meaning thatthe plants must be uniformly planted. TYPE B BUFFER C~FTI~N o~ ~~frer For e~rer ~(~0' ~or~iting of: ~n~ row of IarOe errer0een trees {5~ C~nc row of everc~eon shruk~s ~~ -~ 8~ Cane raw cf deciduous shruk~s ~~2-~4~ ~~ UFTI~N 2: ~o~ E~ff~r For e~rery 100' cor~~i~tinc~ of: Gne row of I~r~e deciduous treys ~4~ one row of evergeen shrubs ~~0-~~}~ 0' crooning FLAN ~'IE ELEI~AT1C Roanoke County Design Handbook b May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping (C) Type C Buffer "Row" should not be construed as meaning that the plants must be uniformly planted. TYPE C BUFFER t~PTl~l~l 1: 4th' Buffer For every 100' consisting c~f= one raw cif large evergeens tree {0~ (one rew cf small deciduous trees ~0~ (one rew of large evergreen shrubs X10-18~ Una rew of large deciduous shrubs X22-2~} C~~TI~-N 2: 00' Buffer Fc~r every 100' consisting of: one row of I~rge deciduous trees ~} one row of large evergreen shrubs X10-1~~ one row oflerge deciduous shrubs X22-~~4} 0' screening L~ N X11 Ew _EVATI~N Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 7 (D) Type D Buffer "Row" should not be construed as meaning thatthe plants must be uniformly planted. TYPE D BUFFER ~PTI~N ~~' ~ufC:er Fcr every ~ ~~!' consisting af: ~lne rcw of large evergreen trees ~5} Twn rews of smell deciduous trees, tvvc different species ~~-7 per raw ~PTI~N 2: ~~' Buffer Fnr every 1 Q+~' cnnsisting cf: one rcwcf large deciduous trees (3~ ®ne raw of small evergreen trees ~~-~} ~' Screening FLAN VIEW ELEVATIC~C Roanoke County Design Handbook 8 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping (E) Type E Buffer "Row" should not be construed as meaning thatthe plants must be uniformly planted. TYPE E BUFFER ~PTIC~I~ For every ~ 0(~' oonsisting cif: one row ~af large deci~uc~us trees ~~} Cane row cf large evergreen trees {~~ one row of smell ~ieci~iuous trees ~7~ ~~ ~p~ C~PTIN : Far every ~ D~}' consisting of: Cane raw of large deciduaus tree ~~ one row ref small evergreen trees ~0~ C}ne row t~f smell ~eci~u~ous trees ~~-~ 0' screening PL~4N I Ew LEA' Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 9 Section 3 -Right-of-Way Planting Strips (A) Typical Planting Strip I' O'::; Roanoke County Design Handbook New ~r ~xp~a~ded PLANTIhJ~ D~e+r~l~~n~~nk STRIP: RIGHT ~F ~r 14' '~l~4Y Re~onfgure~i lir~i~num Parking. V~`i~th r~~ 10 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping (B) Planting Strip with Overhead Power Lines ~~~ ~~~tn~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~ Pr~e~en~ 0 Roanoke County Design Handbook ~~~u ~r Ex~~nded ~LANTIN D!~u~l~~rr~~nt STRIA: f~f~HT L~F ~r 1 ~' USIA'( Rer~fi~a,r~~i nirrNUm Rarlcin~ ww~tl~ Aria Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 11 Section 4 -Landscaped Medians within Parking Areas IGEL L~C~HT PL-~TII~ ILD L~1D~E 14~E~IAN ~Ef~H TH ~~~~1LE Roanoke County Design Handbook 12 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping Section 5 -Recommended Native/Naturalized Plant List (A) Large Deciduous Trees: ATIN NAME OMMON NAME w w ~ ~" w w ~ ~ ~ z ~ z w ~ v F o w ~ zA xz ~a a~ ~ z F z~ ~~ a~ ~ z a w ~ ~~ wA wz ~a Acerrubrum Red Maple X X Acer saccharum Sugar Maple X Aesculus flava Yellow Buckeye X Betula alleghensis Yellow Birch X Betula lenta Sweet Birch X Betula nigra River Birch X Carya glabra Pignut Hickory X Diospyros virginiana Persimmon X Fagusgrandifolia American Beech X FraxinusAmericana White Ash X X Fraxinus pensylvanica Green Ash X X Liauidambar styraciflua Sweetgum X Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip Poplar X Magnolia acuminate Cucumber Magnolia X X Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum X X Prunes serrulata Oriental Cherry X Quercus alba White Oak X Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak X Quercus falcate Southern Red Oak X Quercus palustris Pin Oak X Quercus rubra Red Oak X Quercus stellata Post Oak X Quercus velutina Black Oak X Tilia cordata Littleleaf Linden X X Tilia americana American Linden X Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 13 (B) Small Deciduous Trees: ATIN NAME OMMON NAME w ~ H H w x ~ ~ z z w x ~ F o ~ zA xz x~ a~ z ~ z~ ~x a~ ~ z ~ a~ ~ V wA zz ~a ~ z w ~ o w AmelanchierArborea Downy Serviceberry X X X X Amelanchier Canadensis Canada Serviceberry X X X X Amelanchier laevis Smooth Serviceberry X X X X Asimina triloba Paw Paw Tree X Cercis canadensis Eastern Redbud X X X X Chionanthus virginicus Fringetree X X X X Cornus alternifolia Alternate Leaf Dogwood X X X X Cornus Florida Flowering Dogwood X X X X Crateagus crus galli Cockspur Hawthorne X X X Crataegus flava October Hawthorne X X X Halesia tetraptera Carolina Silverbell X X X Mores rubra Red Mulberry X X X Ostra virginiana Eastern Hop Hornbeam Prunes americana American Wild Plum X X X X X Rhusglabra Smooth Sumac X X X Salix nigra Black Willow X X Syringa vulgaris Common Lilac X X Roanoke County Design Handbook 14 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping (C) Large Evergreen Trees: w w F o ~ z LATIN NAME COMMON NAME ~ F ~, ~ z ~ z w ~ z A z ~ w~ ~ ~ w w w ~z ~ F za ~ wA ~ ~ ~ v a a~ ~~ a~ wz ~a Ilex opaca American Holly X X Juniperus virginiana Eastern Red Cedar X X Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia X X Picea Glauca White Spruce X X Picea abies Norway Spruce X X Picea orientalis Oriental Spruce X X Pines bungeana Lacebark Pine X X Pines echinata Shortleaf Pine X X Pines koraiensis Korean Pine X X Pious virginiana Virginia Pine X X Thuja occidentalis White Cedar X X Tsuga canadensis Eastern Hemlock X X Tsuga caroliniana Carolina Hemlock X X (D) Large Evergreen Shrubs & Small Evergreen Trees: w F o ~ z LATIN NAME COMMON NAME ~ H ~, ~ z z ~ z A z H a~ ~ ~ w x w x xz x~ z~ ~x wA zz ~ ~ a~ a~ ~a Buxus sempervirens Common Boxwood X X X X Camellia oleifera Tea Oil Camellia X Chamaecyparis obtuse Hinoki Falsecypress X X X Ilex x attenuate Foster's Holly X X X X Ilex verticillata Winterberry Holly X X X X Juniperus chinensis Chinese Juniper X X X X Magnolia virginiana Sweet Bay Magnolia X Picea glauca 'conica' Dwarf White Spruce X X X X Thuja occidentalis Eastern Arborvitae X X X X Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 15 (E) Large Deciduous Shrubs: LATIN NAME COMMON NAME w H H w w H v~ z z w w ~ ~n o a z ~A ~~ ~~ a ~ ~ z H z~ aH a v~ z a ~" ~ ~~ ZA w~ ~ a ~ z ~ w ~ ~ w Acer palmatum Japanese Maple X Aronia pyrifolia Red Chokeberry X X Callicarpa americana American Beautyberry X X Calycanthus floridus Eastern Sweetshrub X X Chaenomeles x superb Flowering Quince X X X Clethra alnifolia Summersweet X X X Cornus amomum Silky Dogwood X X X X Cornussericea Redosier Dogwood X X X X Cornus alba `Sibirica' Tatarian Dogwood X X X X Cotinus coggygria Smokebush X X X Fothergilla major Large Fothergilla X X Hydrangea paniculata Panicle Hydrangea X X Hydrangea quercifolia Oak Leaf Hydrangea X X Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle X X X X Morelia pensylvanica Northern Bayberry X X X Physocarpus opulifolius Ninebark X X X Rhododendron calendulaceum Flame Azalea X X X X Rhododendron Pinxterbloom Azalea X X X X Rhododendron prinophyllum Roseshell Azalea X X X X Rhus aromatic Fragrant Sumac X X X Salix purpurea 'Nana' Dwarf Purpleosier Willow X X Sambucus nigra `Variegata' Variegated Elderberry X X X X Spiraea prunifolia Bridalwreath Spirea X X X X Viburnum carlesii Korean Spice Viburnum X X X X Viburnum burkwoodii Burkwood Viburnum X X X X Viburnum juddii Judd Viburnum X X X X Viburnum dentatum Arrowood Viburnum X X X X Viburnum macrocephalum Large Flowered Chinese X X X X Viburnum nudum Possumhaw Viburnum X X X X Viburnum acerifolium Mapleleaf Viburnum X X X X Weigela florida Flowering Weigela X X X X Roanoke County Design Handbook 16 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 2: Landscaping (F) Groundcover & Small Shrubs (Evergreen & Deciduous): w F o ~ z ~ LATIN NAME COMMON NAME ~ H ~ z ~ z ~ a~ V z w H w z w zA xz ~ z~ ~ wA ~ x ~ x ~ x~ a~ ~x a~ zz ~a o w Cotoneaster dammeri ' Coral Beauty Cotoneaster X X X Coral Beau Festuca glauca 'Boulder Blue' Boulder Blue Fescue X X Hosta Hosta, Plantain Lily X X Hypericum reptans Creeping St. John's Wort X X X X Iberis sempervirens ' ' Little Gem Candytuft X X X Little Gem Juniperus horizontalis Creeping Juniper X X Liriope muscari Liriope X X Pachysandra terminalis Pachysandra X X X Phloxsubulata Moss Pink X X X Sedum Stonecrop X X Yucca filamentosa Yucca X X Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 2: Landscaping DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 17 Section 6 -Highly Invasive Species List It should be noted the list is not regulatory in nature, and thus does not prohibitthe use of the listed plant species. LATIN NAME COMMON NAME Ailanthus altissima Tree-of-Heaven Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Alternanthera philoxeroides Alligator Weed Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Porcelain-Berry Carex kobomugi Asiatic Sand Sedge Celastrus orbiculata Oriental Bittersweet Centaurea dubia Short-Fringed Knapweed Centaurea biebersteinii Spotted Knapweed Cirsium arvense Canada Thistle Dioscorea oppositifolia Chinese Yam Elaeagnus umbellata Autumn Olive Euonymus alata Winged Burning Bush Hydrilla verticillata Hydrilla Imperata cylindrica Cogon Grass Lespedeza cuneata Chinese Lespedeza Ligustrum sinense Chinese Privet Lonicera japonica Japanese Honeysuckle Lonicera morrowii Morrow's Honeysuckle Lonicera standishii Standish's Honeysuckle Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife Microstegium vimineum Japanese Stilt Grass Murdannia keisak Aneilema Myriophyllum aquaticum Parrot Feather Myriophyllum spicatum European Water-Milfoil Phragmites australis Common Reed Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese Knotweed Polygonum perfoliatum Mile-A-Minute Pueraria montana Kudzu Vine Ranunculus ficaria Lesser Celandine Rosa multiflora Multiflora Rose Rubus phoenicolasius Wineberry Sorghum halepense Johnson-Grass Roanoke County Design Handbook h Qw aC Q O O N f~ m V O '~ x ~ N +~ v~ O ~ O ~' N ~ N ~ ~ ~~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ . ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O •~ ~ cd , ~ v~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ a. ~ ~ ~ v~ "~ Z ~ "~ U ~ OJ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ¢~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ' ~ O a~ o •~ o ~ ° o ~ c~ v ~ a~ ~ a o ~ ~' ~ ~ o •'"~ ~ ~° ~ ~~ o 3 ov, ~ o ' ~ ~ ~, ~ U ~ ~: ~ ~ td cd G '~ , ~ O . .~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ Q. bA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ O ~ ~ ~ ' ~ v ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ O ~ u o ~ ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ O v ~ ~ i O ~ ~ v ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~, i ' 7 ~ ~ f1~ ~ U ~ ~ L7 f U ~ E-~ f1. E-~ ~ U i f f ~ C (~ /~ c '~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 p ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ v~ ~ ~ ~ ~" ~ ~ w ~ ~ O .~ ~ ~ bA N ~ N O ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ +~ +' ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p O '~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ cd ~ ~ cd ~ ~ O ~ N N ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ''" ~ ~ ~ vi ~ ,-~ ~ ~ .~ ~ O ~ O O b ~ ~ N ~ ~ .~ bA ~ ~ ~ s ' ~ ~ ~ p N A . •''" to . - N cd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O bA O ~ ~ ~ ~ O O ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ v O '~ ~ ~ U ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ tn O ~ ~ ~ x x~ ~ x ~ ~1, x 0. x x~ x x ~. x~ x V] x x u ~ o~ +~ ~ a~ a~ ~ ~ ~ v ~ o ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o `~ ~ ~ o ~H ,~ ~~ o ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ a~ a ° ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ v ~ a~ a o ~ o ~ a~ ~ ~ a~ a~ a~ ~ a~ ~ a~ a~ a~ a~ a~ ~ a~ a~ ~ ~ c a~ ~ a~ ~ v ~, ~ ~ a~ ~ ;~ ~ a~ ~ a~ ~ v ~, a~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ w F . H . F . ~ . H . ~ . H . F . F . F . F . ~ . F . 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Standard Parking Spaces f ~~ f ,~ r ~~ 1.i~ ~~~ ~ ~. ~. ~~.~ r ~~~} ENE-~~~Y ,~I'~LE 1 ~, ~~ ~~If ~ 19.0' 1 d3.0" TWO WAYAISLE 24..0' ~0' PARKING I 9.0' 9.0• ~ ~ a,.4~ i z.o~ PARALLEL PARKING QNE-4VAYAISLE Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 3: Transportation DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 23 2. Compact Parking Spaces ~~~~ ~ ~~W~s~~ ~ ~. ~~~6 ~1 ~~ ~ ~' f ~r~~-~~r A~~LE ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~,~ ~35,.g. ~N E-~V~lAY AI S LE 98.0' ~~ ~i ~~ ~~~ ~ s-~' I xs,~ 4NEWflY AI5LE ~a.a~ ~g Vie, ~~# 'I ~.~' 44 t]' TWC1-WAY AI5LE 2~.0' 1 9 . Q' ~ ~.. ~, '1 ~n~~s Roanoke County Design Handbook 24 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Chapter 3: Transportation (B) Bicycle Parking 1. Bicycle Parking Table Impervious S aces Provided Bicycle S aces Required* Extra Bicycle Spaces Provided Total Bicycle Spaces Provided Maximum Impervious Space Reduction** (Extra Spaces / 4) 20 0 4 4 1 50 3 4 7 1 75 4 12 16 3 100 5 20 25 5 150 8 28 36 7 200 10 40 50 10 250 13 48 61 12 300 15 60 75 15 350 18 68 86 17 400 20 90 110 20 *No more than 20 bicycle spaces shall be required ** The number of impervious spaces that can be reduced is calculated by dividing the extra bicycle spaces provided by four. Impervious vehicular parking spaces reduced shall not exceed 5% of the total impervious spaces provided. 2. Bicycle Sign Examples ~~ ~-" ~~~ F~R~ R B i ~-e1~ P~t~l~~~ ~~~ E~~~r~~l~~ ~ ~a ~iLl ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~I ~ E ~.~~ ~II~E L~~I ~ Roanoke County Design Handbook Chapter 3: Transportation DRAFT May 12, 2009 ~ 25 3. Bicycle Rack Recommendations a. The bicycle rack is intended to:, i. Support the bicycle upright by at least two points of contact; 11. Preventthe wheel of the bicycle from tipping over; 111. Enable the frame and one or both of the wheels to be secured; iv. Accommodate a U-Shaped locking device, or v. Lockthe frame and both wheels to the rackwith a chain or cable not longer than six (6) feet. ~, 1 ~~, ~~ ~ ~~ ~a~ ... . .~~ ', ,_ ~~ ~~~ ~ C F.rn~l~~ ~F ~ B i ~zl ~ F~~~ ~ Fit a ~ [~ ~t ~h~ ~~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ .. -- - .. _ r - ~ r , '' ' i I I .y '~', .° ~ yy j ~ q .~.w ® ~_ ~~. E:. ~ @ *~ . ~i ~rl gar F~f~~`~r ~~S~IY ~~~dk5 '~4~~~r~~rAll~l~i~ ~~~I~ ~,yt~:i ~li~~~ ~~ ~ti I~1~ i~~u,~~~~ r ~~f rl~~ V-jtti ~"4~ ~~~~~ t'r,~iiifi,tin~l rl~ r~~ak,yls~~~' Iti~~l~9ii~ ~i~~1 Ci ~'I~~~~~I .;~a~~Ir~.O~~~~~. F~€.ar~l~ ~ ~ ~ B ic~-~l ~ F~~cl~ t~h~a~ ~ ~ 1~~T [~~~ t~ ~ a ,~ .i~ Alin ~~ Roanoke County Design Handbook 26 May 12, 2009 DRAFT Section 2 -Typical Paving (A) Impervious Pavement Cross-Section ,J r~ `~ ti ~.~ ~ _ ~ `~ A ~ ~'_ rat Chapter 3: Transportation ~ _ = I I ~- I~~ ., II_II II , ~~7~p~~~e ~ ~~b- ~1' ,~ Section 3 -Permeable Paving (A) Permeable Paver Cross-Section ~]'~~~ ~T~If~ ~~~d n~ ~~~ -~~ ~I~~ - ~~ ~ ~~~ ti~~ .. ~~ ~~^r'}r 9'~Fti.E'.. ~'. ~+~ r r~r}}} ^ ^ ~~e w~; l~ . ti ~,w a~ c~ ®~'~~~ti ~ ~ ~~~ ~~` ~ ^~ d - ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ .~ `~ ~ ~ Roanoke County Design Handbook F- w Q ~~! r ~ r ~' X1.1 '.:? ~ ~ r ~"1 1'..tl 1., ~ r •r-. ~ Ifs ~ '{J~ .~ ~ ~'I ~~~ ~_ ~ i~~I ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ 1 I"? _ ~ ~ ~ ~ i= 1 i--1 i--1 ~ ~ r•~'1 ~ y r~ ~, ~ ~ r~•1 r-r ~ {~ ~ . ~ ~ .~ ~ X1..1 ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ •.-1 ~! r ~ ~ ~-' .~ . r- ~ ~.1 ~ ~ j~ L Po ~ ~ ^ ~ i ~ ~,~ y T L ~ ~L • 1~ 11..1 ~ ~ ~ y p °._ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ELI ~ ~ ° " °I ° If .~ .~ ~} ~ ~ ~ rte--' ;L r~ ~, ~ ~ ~ [,~ ~ i !~C ., r' J: .~ r r 1 1 • ~ r-~ ~' ~ r~i ~..1 .~ ~, ~ { r ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ,. °L? 211 ~ r l 1 17 ~ ~ ~_ x y ~r ~ {~ it li..u 1 1 1 C1'~~ ~ ~ ~ ' L.' ~•~ ~ 1.~! 7 ~ 1 .~ ~ N°9 ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ Ir"1 Y 1 y' ~ ~ '~1~ - - ,~ 1~N ~ ~~I ~ 4i~ J1.~.! ~ ' ~ ~~J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ is ~" i ~..1 S+-s ~ ~` ~ r~ i--1 4u ~ r ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I J..~ Frl ~.F i r~ l =1 ~ ~ Y 1 ~.dl If'!°I ~ ~~ ' 1 1 J 1 '. ~ J .`~ ~1 ~ID..4 VI {~ i.i $,~, rJ ~ ,'~ ,~~'1 p ~1 _ .~ _ ?~ ~ "~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ 1~ ~;. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ 6y 1••1 ~"1 ~ ~ ~ ~' *~ ~ ~' ~ YI r °F.~' J..1 ,SeY~ F~ Ly -~y 1j~ fn '~ r ~ < ~ r~ rPl yl -1 y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~a ~ ~ ~i ~ ~ ~i 1~l.'1 ^~ ~ 11 f ~ '~ V ~ ~ IiIF ~`di ~ . ~. . a."s ~ r~ r~r J..1 {~ ~ r}y F^ ~ L ,- ~` r~ ~1 I Iq ~~ ' " = ~ ~ ~ r~l ~i ~ • q ~ - ~ ~d rte-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 4€; .Ft i-9 • ~ ~~ . ~~~ ~ 1~ 't°9 ~`'~i . J f '1 , ~~ ~ q~{i ', ~ '~ n yh r ' ~~ e+ '~ ~ c~ ~ ~dLl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~... f ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ i 4..1 •~ Pte-' ~ ~ ~~ ' ~ ~1 6 ~ { .~ ~~ ,L~ ~ °f`1 ~ . ~ ~ r.. ,F' ?' 1 j~ .~ y YI r 1 ~ ~ Y°7 ,~ it ~ ~ La ~ ~ n ail {~ t' ~ ":~ ~~ ~ •~ ~~ l'% S ~ ~'~~ ~~ "~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l IM ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~~I ~ ~ ~ ~ 4r1 ~ ~I • ~ ~ •- t 1 ~rr ~'L ~~ r'? ~ ~j "e~'"'~a ~ ~,1~, ~ ~ ~ 1.1! ~ :~. ~ ~ ~~ -r-V ri {~ ~ ~ ~y ~ ~',~ ~ i--1 ~' . ~ r •r~~ ~~ ;.1 ~ ~ y t ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ Fil rL1 '~ 1 ll ~Y~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' l ^ 7 5 7 y 1 ~ !~=~ r , ~; ~~, l 'l l f 1 • ~ r-± .~ 1~1 ~~.I r ~ •~ ~ ~ 5 r ~I r'-1 1~ ;~, i.~ 1' °I'1 ~ r i ~ ~_ ~ .~ `~' +~ ~ r ~ 1~ '~ -~ p~ ~' o it ~ :-d ~ ~ 1~ ~: +~ '_`~ ~~ ' 1 ~ ~ {~ ~ ~ {] J.! i ~ ~ ~ ~ r-r •~ r ~ ~ ~ T ~ ~ ~ ~ • r 1 ~ ~ 4 .1 " r .~ ~ 1 ~ ~~.{ r 1 ' Y ~~ ~ Fry 1 ~ '° Y 1 r' {] ~ ~ ~i ~~.1 ~ . r •M 1 rl ~~~ °.'~J . ~„ 'L f.~ f'1 Y"1 rrr~ ~ L p's 1~ r ~ 1 _ ~, 1 1 1] i <t s+9 r61 I~ ~ 1- --1 t~ ~ ~~" r-1 ~^ ~. ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ i i r~' ~ ~~~ ~ ~ r ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~' r 1 .~ •.®1 i--1 ~:1~ ' 1 it ~ ~ L~ ~" I °7 SCI 4 i~ ~ ~+ ~ ~y l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ ~~.yy ~ ~ f~~ i.l {~ ~k-1 r ~ it ~ ly r" 1~ L! ~L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ rat-L~1 ~ •d'"11 ~ "il ~ p~p' , ~"1 IJ~` S r ~..I J..1 ~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~ ,r {~ . ~ ~ ~ r-1 ~1 ti J !~E 1 . J ~ y L' . ~ 3~r1 28 May 12, 2009 DRAFT (C) Examples of Permeable Pavement Applications: ~ a~ r ~ -~ - ^ ~~ a 3 - e~ a ~ ~ . u ~ ~- a ~ c v. 3 ~i,o ' ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~-. ~' ~ _ ~ . n~ .~ - ~ ~ ~. P r ~~ u~~ y u a~ ~~ ° • ~ R~~ r~ i i~ Lit it~~ ~'~r~ ~i~f~ ~ d,~ ~~. "~ ~ ~~ ~- ,p ^ ~~ ~~ ~~ r~ 2 , ~_~ tt ~ ~". ~~~ ~~ s a~~' - 1 - - a. _ - ~E "~ ~ _ _ p~ P ~ „~ ~,~ ,- E -, ry_ 9 a -; ~, 4 = 'E ~'~ ~ ~~ ~. ~~~rfl ~ ~fi r~ r Chapter 3: Transportation ~~~ ,~ ~~ ~~, ~. 2~~F. ~~E_` ~~ ~ r~~, ~~ ~~ ~~n~~~ R{~~~~r ~ri~r~~~ W`~ ~ ~ F .~ ,~. ~~- ~fi - t~ h®,, i-V.~ ~ ~~ . ~. ~~ ~~l~ ~ s ~ .mom "~ ~ ~ Roanoke County Design Handbook L ~~ ~~~ ~r1~ii~ ~ ~f~~ ~ I{~~ti ~ L:.:tk i~ ~~rf ~~ i~nt Chapter 4: Other Features DRAFT May 12, 2009 29 Chapter 4: Other Features Roanoke County Design Handbook ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 12, 2009 V11ork session to discuss Library issues, including the status of the South County Library project; options for maintaining library service in the Mt. Pleasant area; and the change in operating hours for fiscal year 2009-2010 Diana Rosapepe Director of Library Services B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to update the Board on the Library capital project and to discuss library operational issues which will affect public service: 1. The South County Library Project The South County Library project has a budget of $18 million. Of this amount, $12,339,990 is related to construction and sitework. Since the bids that were received in August, 2008 were significantly over budget, staff and the architectural and engineering firm conducted a comprehensive analysis to determine the causes. Based on that information, the project has been redesigned. The building plans now reflect a simplified exterior, a smallerfootprint, and an altered floorplan butthe full functionality of the public spaces, the community center, and the staff areas has been maintained. The revised floorplans and renderings of the exterior and proposed interior will be presented during the work session. The project is scheduled to go out for rebidding on June 15, 2009. 2. Options for Maintaining Library Service in the Mt. Pleasant Area The Mt. Pleasant Branch Library currer~tly occupies a classroom in the Mt. Pleasant Elementary School, which is one of four renovation projects identified by the Roanoke County Schools. According Dr. Misicko, Director of Operations, Mt. Pleasant Elementary School will be closed by June 6 so asbestos abatement can begin. There will be no access to the building during the summer and a staged renovation process will follow in the fall. Although the plans include eventual classroom spaceforthe public library branch, Dr. Misicko estimated that itwill be at least24 months before the library can reopen inside the school. Meanwhile, the parking lot and all the adjacent areas will be needed forschool or construction purposes. With school property unavailable for two years, the options for relocating the branch are limited in the Mt. Pleasant area. They include using a classroom trailer loaned by the schools or leasing a modular building from a vendor. Both would require finding an appropriate alternative site. The third choice would be to lease space inside an existing commercial building, Each of these options would require an appropriation to cover relocation expenses andlor the cost of a lease. I~f none of the options are acceptable, the Board may also choose to suspend service at Mt. Pleasant until the school renovations are completed. The contents of the library would be put into storage and patrons would be asked to use other area libraries in the interim. 3. Change in Operational Hours for FY2009-20~ 0 As part of its departmental budget reduction for FY2009-10, the Library has proposed reducing its operational schedule by 5 hours per week, including eliminating Sunday afternoon hours X1:00 PM - 5:00 PM} at HQ1419 and closing at 5:00 PM on Wednesdays at all branches. Although the 5:00 PM - 9:00 PM period on Wednesdays is well used by patrons, it was selected because it is often the least-b~~sy of the four nights the libraries are open. Supervisor Moore has raised the concern that closing early on Wednesdays may negatively impact students who have daily homework assignments that need to be completed on laptop computers butwhomay not have broadband access in their homes. The early closing also could be a disadvantage for students who do not drive and are dependent on working parents for transportation. As an alternative, she has suggested closing the libraries at 5:00 PM each evening. The Library is prepared to discuss both options and will adjust its schedule as the Board directs. 2 ~~ Vt ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS"fRATION CENTER ON "TUESDAY, MAY 12, 2009 RESGLUTIGN CERTIFYING 'SHE CLGSED MEETING 1NAS HELD IN CGNFGRMITY 11111TH THE CGDE GF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, ~khe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3112 ofthe Code ofVirginia requires a certification bythe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, -THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Onlysuch public business matters aswere identified inthe motion conveningthe closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia.