HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/14/1993 - RegularaoAN 2 p ~• ~~ ° = a2 ~~~~~ ~~ ~ cnuivrr, 1838 ~ ~~~~~ vn¢~mvu ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA DECEMBER 14, 1993 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board. of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. BECAUSE OF THE HOLIDAYS THE ONLY MEETING IN DECEMBER WILL BE DECEMBER l4 1993 AT 3:00 P.M. AND 7:00 P.M. NOTE: THE 1994 ORGANIZATION MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY. JANUARY 3. 1994, AT 9.00 A.M Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke Couniy, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (703) 772 2005 We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:05 P.M. 2. Invocation: Reverend John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. i ® Recycled Paper B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS COULD BE EXTENDED. FOR BOARD INDIVIDUAL COMII~NTS. RETREAT. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Dana "Skip" Lord for his Contributions to the Spring Hollow Reservoir. R-121493-1 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC MR. LORD PRESENT D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Approval of Resolution and Bond Document to Take Advantage of Virginia Public School Authority Refunding and Appropriating the Savings of $47,061 to Schools. (Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance) a R-121493-2 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE RESO AND APPROPRIATION URC 2. Request from Industrial Development Authority for Resolution Approving Issuance of Refinancing Bonds for C&B Associates. (Timothy W. Gubala, Director of Economic Development) R-121493 3 LBE MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC ONE CITIZEN SPOKE 3. Consideration of Virginia Housing Development Authority's Certification for Peters Creek Apartments on Barrens Road South of Peters Creek Road. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE _ NO VOTE BI;T SUBSTITUTE MOTION TO MOVE THE AGENDA HCN WITHDREW HIS MOTION TO APPROVE A-121493-4 BSI ,EMOTION TO MOVE THE AGENDA (TAIL NO ACTION AYES: BLT~EGK. FM NAYS: LBE. HCN E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE 3 F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA BL.T MOTION TO APPROVE FIRST READING AND SET PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR TANUARY 25, 1993 URC 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit for an Accessory Apartment, Located at 4925 Bower Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Charles Cooper. 2. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Construct a Church, Located at the Southwest Intersection of Merriman Road and Cartwright Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Church of the Holy Spirit. 3. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Establish a Retail Sales Facility for the Sale of Mobile Homes, Located at 3727 Challenger Avenue, Hollins Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of CMH Homes Inc. H• ~`IRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Section 21-17. When Due and Payable. of Article II. T_ axes on Tan ible Personal Property of Chapter 21, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code Concerning Exemption of Proration for Boats in Certain Situations. (R Wayne Compton, Commissioner of the Revenue) 4 LBE MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING AND SET 2ND READING FOR 1/11/94 - URC I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Section 12-34, Disnlav of Decal Generallxtof Article II. County Vehicle License. and Section 12-55, Parking Tickets Generally of Article II. Parkin, of Chapter 12 of the Roanoke County Code to Facilitate Enforcement of County Vehicle Decal Requirement by Parking Tickets. (Joseph Obenshain, Sr. Assistant County Attorney) 0-121493-5 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE ORD URC 2. Ordinance Declaring the Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center as Surplus Property and Authorizing Donation of the Facility to Total Action Against Poverty. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) TABLED AT NOVEMBER 30, 1993 MEETING BLJ MOTION TO BRING ITEM I.2 FROM THE TABLE URC 0-121493-6 EGK MOTION TO APPROVE ORD WITH CORRECTION IN DATES URC J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board NONE K. CONSENT AGENDA s ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WII~L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IIv THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WIi,L BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-121493-7 BL.T MOTION TO APPROVE RESO AFTER DISCUSSION OF ITEM 3 URC 1. Acceptance of a Grant by the Police Department from the Department of Motor Vehicles for DUI Enforcement. A-121493-7.a 2. Resolution Urging the Virginia Department of Transportation to Conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line. R-121493-7.b 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. A-121493-7.c 4. Authorization to Execute an Agreement to Share a Sanitary Sewer Easement with Sloan, Inc. A-121493-7.d 5. Request for Approval of Calendar Year 1994 from Cheerleading Booster Club. a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the William Byrd High School 6 A-121493-7.e 6. A-121493-7.f Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Northside Athletic Booster Club. 7. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. A-121493-7.g 8. Request for Approval of Bingo Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. A-121493-7.h 9. Request for Approva Calendar Year 1994 Chapter 1551 Vinton. A-121493-7.i 1 of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for from the Women of the Moose L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Eddy: (11 Reported on information from SPDC mtg last Thursday: (a) Low band radio -asked for budget considerations (b) I- 73 Route -asked that VDOT examine ro sals for I-64 and 220. ECH advised that VDOT has a inted committee to sta both routes. c Transit Development Plan Phase 3 Report -asked that staff consult re o~rt and talk to Valley Metro about extending service to North County. BIT advised that this has been done. (d) VDOT Enhancement Awards advised that none were given and workshop on criteria is scheduled for Tan 1994. Supervisor Nickens: (1) Asked for states of decal stu , . ECH advised this will be on agenda Tan 11. (2) Advised that there should be no alcohol at Parks & Rec special events, and this is inconsistent with du action for young people and park policy. FM advised that he disapproved. LBE advised he would withhold comment until he can review the memo. Supervisor Tohnson: (1) Advised that TLH's response to citizen was done professionally. (2) Advised that he forwarded citizen's request for 3-~r dog Lcense to Fred Anderson. Mr. Anderson agreed that this could be done. BLJ forwarded information to ECH. Supervisor Kohinke• (1) Requested a building master key. ~2~ Asked for response to memo about AK-47. ECH will send response. (3~ Advised lus a predation that highway sign on 419 has correct mileagee. (4) Advised that landfill opening was well done and thank you to all staff mvolyed. (~ Thanked ECH and CDC for coming to Red Lane Civic League meeting. (~ Agreed with HCN position on no alcohol in parks. ~'n Thank you for desk in office. N. REPORTS BI;T MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -November, 1993. O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (1) Discussion of a Personnel Matter. NONE P. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION NONE EVENING SESSION Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement between the Town of Vinton, County of Roanoke, and City of Roanoke Relocating the Boundary Line Between Said Governmental Entities. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) R-121493-8 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE RESO URC WITH BL.T ABSTAIN 2. Public Hearing to Elicit Comments Regarding Amendment of Roanoke County's Charter, Section 12.02 School Board and Section 12.05 Vacancies by the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) A-121493-9 BI;T MOTION TO ELECT SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS AS FOLLOWS: HOLLINS WINDSOR HILLS AND VIIVTON DISTRICTS FOR 3 YR TERMS IN GEN ELECTION NOV 1994 TO TAKE OFFICE AN 1995 AND CAVE SPRING AND CATAWBA DISTRICTS FOR 4-YR TERMS IN NOV 1995 TO TAKE OFFICE IN TAN 1996, AND ALL NECESSARY 9 CHARTER AMENDMENTS BE DRAFTED AND FILED WITH GEN ASSEMBLY AND CURRENT TRUSTEE ELECTORAL BOARD TO CONTINUE IN THAT CAPACITY UNTIL NO LONGER NEEDED AYES: BL.T~ EGK, HCN, FM NAYS: LBE THREE CITIZENS SPOKE R PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Operate a Car Wash, Located at the Northeast Corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) 0-121493-10 BL.T MOTION TO APPROVE ORD WITH FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 11 ONE 60 FOOT ENTRANCE OFF SON ROAD AND (2~ VEHICLE ACCESS TO THE SHOPPING CENTER ON EAST SIDE OF PROPERTY BE PROVIDED URC 2. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Operate Carry-Out and Delivery Service, Located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of W.F.L. of Roanoke Inc. D/B/A Papa John's Pizza. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) 0-121493-11 LBE MOTION TO APPROVE ORD WITH CONDITION THAT IT BE RESTRICTED TO APPROXIMATELY 1200 SOUARE FEET URC 3. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to io operate a Used Car Lot, Located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Kidd Auto Sales. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) 0-121493-12 BL.T MOTION TO DENY SPECIAL USE PERMIT URC S. CITIZEN COMII~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE T. ADJOURNMENT BL.T MOTION TO AD TOURN AT S P.M. ii ~ pOAN ,~.~ a z A >2 a 1838 (~~rix~tg a~ ~~~xxt.a~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA DECEMBER 14, 1993 ~vrr av rs¢ ewe x~cc Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. BECAUSE OF THE HOLIDAYS, THE ONLY MEETING I1V DECEMBER WILL BE DECEMBER l4, 1993, AT 3:00 P.M AND 7.00 P.M NOTE: THE 1994 ORGANIZATION MEETING WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY. JANUARY 3, 1994, AT 9.00 A.M Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke Couniy, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (703) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made_ A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: Reverend John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i ® Recycled Paper C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Dana "Skip" Lord for his Contributions to the Spring Hollow Reservoir. D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Approval of Resolution and Bond Document to Take Advantage of Virginia Public School Authority Refunding and Appropriating the Savings of $47,061 to Schools. (Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance) 2. Request from Industrial Development Authority for Resolution Approving Issuance of Refinancing Bonds for C&B Associates. (Timothy W. Gubala, Director of Economic Development) 3. Consideration of Virginia Housing Development Authority's Certification for Peters Creek Apartments on Barrens Road South of Peters Creek Road. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit for an Accessory Apartment, Located at 4925 Bower Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Charles Cooper. 2 2. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Construct a Church, Located at the Southwest Intersection of Merriman Road and Cartwright Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Church of the Holy Spirit. 3. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Establish a Retail Sales Facility for the Sale of Mobile Homes, Located at 3727 Challenger Avenue, Hollins Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of CMH Homes Inc. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Section 21-17. When Due and Payable. of Article II. Taxes on Tangible Personal Property, of Chapter Zl, Taxation, of the Roanoke County Code Concerning Exemption of Proration for Boats in Certain Situations. (R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of the Revenue) I. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Section 12-34, Display of Decal GenerallxLof Article II. County Vehicle License, and Section 12-55, Parking Tickets Generally of Article II. Parking, of Chapter 12 of the Roanoke County Code to Facilitate Enforcement of County Vehicle Decal Requirement by Parking Tickets. (Joseph Obenshain, Sr. Assistant County Attorney) 2. Ordinance Declaring the Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center as Surplus Property and Authorizing Donation of the Facility to Total Action Against Poverty. (Terry Harrington, Diretor of Planning & Zoning) TABLED AT NOVEMBER 30, 1993 MEETING 3 J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WII,L BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Acceptance of a Grant by the Police Department from the Department of Motor Vehicles for DUI Enforcement. 2. Resolution Urging the Virginia Department of Transportation to Conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line. 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. 4. Authorization to Execute an Agreement to Share a Sanitary Sewer Easement with Sloan, Inc. 5. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club. 6. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Northside Athletic Booster Club. 7. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. 4 8. Request for Approval of Bingo Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. 9. Request for Approval of a 50/5.0 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton. L. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS M. CITIZENS' COIVIlVIENTS AND CO1bIlViU1VICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -November, 1993. O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (1) Discussion of a Personnel Matter. P. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement between the Town of 5 Vinton, County of Roanoke, and City of Roanoke Relocating the Boundary Line Between Said Governmental Entities. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) R. S. T. 2. Public Hearing to Elicit Comments Regarding Amendment of Roanoke County's Charter, Section 12.02 School Board and Section 12.05 Vacancies by the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Operate a Car Wash, Located at the Northeast Corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) 2. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to Operate Carry-Out and Delivery Service, Located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of W.F.L. of Roanoke Inc. D/B/A Papa John's Pizza. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) 3. An Ordinance Authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a Used Car Lot, Located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, Upon the Petition of Kidd Auto Sales. (Terry Harrington, Director of Planning & Zoning) CITIZEN C011~II1~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS ADJOURNMENT 6 r '~ "` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION 121493-1 OF APPRECIATION TO DANA "SKIP" LORD FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR WHEREAS, Roanoke County is in the process of constructing Spring Hollow Reservoir, which will provide a water supply for County residents into the 21st century; and WHEREAS, the dam for the reservoir, which is now finished, is constructed of roller compacted concrete, and is the largest of its type on the East Coast; and WHEREAS, the contractors for the dam portion of the project have been PCL Civil Constructors, Inc., from Tempe, Arizona; and WHEREAS, PCL began work on the project in November, 1991, and have completed it within budget and on time, under the leadership of Dana "Skip" Lord, who has overseen the work and directed the construction; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lord's work has been outstanding and invaluable to the project, providing the citizens of Roanoke County with a valuable and necessary asset for the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to DANA "SKIP" LORD of PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. for his excellent work and contribution to the citizens of the County of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File C- i AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF BUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO DANA ~~SRIP~~ LORD FOR HIS CONTRIBIITIONS TO THE SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR WHEREAS, Roanoke County is in the process of constructing Spring Hollow Reservoir, which will provide a water supply for County residents into the 21st century; and WHEREAS, the dam for the reservoir, which is now finished, is constructed of roller compacted concrete, and is the largest of its type on the East Coast; and WHEREAS, the contractors for the dam portion of the project have been PCL Civil Constructors, Inc., from Tempe, Arizona; and WHEREAS, PCL began work on the project in November, 1991, and have completed it within budget and on time, under the leadership of Dana "Skip" Lord, who has overseen the work and directed the construction; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lord's work has been outstanding and invaluable to the project, providing the citizens of Roanoke County with a valuable and necessary asset for the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to DANA ~~SRIP~~ LORD of PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. for his excellent work and contribution to the citizens of the County of Roanoke. y ~_ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION 121493-2 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $3,650,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BOND, REFUNDING SERIES 1994 A OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA, TO BE ISSIIED IN EBCHANGE FOR AN AGGREGATE LIRE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CERTAIN OIITSTANDING BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA, HELD, AND A LUMP SUM CASH PAYMENT TO BE MADE, BY THE VIRGINIA PIIBLIC SCHOOL AIITHORITY, AND BETTING FORTH THE FORM AND DETAILS OF SUCH REFUNDING BOND. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") has received a written offer dated October 29, 1993 from the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") to exchange certain outstanding general obligation school bonds of the County held by the Authority for (i) an aggregate like principal amount of noncallable bonds of the same tenor and (ii) a lump sum cash payment, and the Board has determined to accept such offer and to issue its general obligation school refunding bond in exchange for an aggregate like principal amount of certain outstanding bonds of the County held, and a lump sum payment to be made, by the Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of the Refunding Bond. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to issue its refunding bond in the amount of $3,650,000 (The "Refunding Bond") for the purpose of refunding an aggregate like principal amount of outstanding general obligation school bonds of the County the principal terms of which are set forth in Exhibit A (the "Refunded Bonds"). The issuance of the Refunding Bond in exchange for the Refunded Bonds and a lump sum cash payment upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution is hereby authorized. 2. Details of the Bonds. The Refunding Bond shall have the principal provisions set forth in, and shall be issued as a single, typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as, Exhibit C. On twenty (20) days written notice from the Authority, the County shall deliver, at its expense, the Refunding Bond in marketable form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof, as requested by the Authority, in exchange for the typewritten Refunding Bond. 3. Payment; Paying Agent and bond Registrar. The following provisions shall apply to the Refunding Bond: (a) For as long as the Authority is the registered owner of the Refunding Bond, all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Refunding Bond shall be made in immediately available funds to the Authority at, or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, if applicable, or if such date is not a business day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, if applicable. (b) All overdue payments of principal or interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Refunding Bond. (c) Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, is designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Refunding Bond. 4. Execution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Refunding Bond in the Principal amount of $3,650,000 and to affix the seal of the County thereto. 5. Pledge of Full Faith and Credit. For the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the Refunding Bond authorized by this Resolution as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged, and each year while the Refunding Bond shall be outstanding there shall be levied and collected in accordance with law an annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal of and the interest on the Refunding Bond as such principal and interest shall become due, which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available and appropriated for such purpose. 6. Tax Covenant. The County covenants to take all action, and to refrain from taking any action, necessary under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to ensure that interest on the Refunding Bond will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes to the same extent as it is excludable on the date of issue thereof. 7. Certificate. The appropriate officers and agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Certificate substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, Including the Form 8038-G appended thereto. 8. Exchange of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to issue the Refunding Bond to the Authority in exchange for the Refunded Bonds and the lump sum cash payment set forth in Exhibit B. The appropriate officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to exchange the Refunding Bond with the Authority for the Refunded Bonds and the Lump sum cash payment. The Board hereby determines that it is in the best interest of the County to authorize and direct the County Director of Finance to participate in the State Non-Arbitrage Program in connection with the expenditure of the lump sum cash payment. 9. Certification and Filinct. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to file the certified copy of this Resolution with the Circuit Court of the County. 10. Further Actions. Each Supervisor and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and exchange of the Refunding Bond for the Refunded Bonds and the lump sum cash payment and to accept and comply with the terms of the offer of the Authority. 11. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Dr. Bayes Wilson, School Superintendent I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 121493-2 adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote on Tuesday, December 14, 1993. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Refunding of Certain VPSA Issues COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In June 1993, the Virginia Public School Authority (VPSA) refunded a number of its outstanding issues. The VPSA achieved debt service savings from this refunding and wishes to distribute the savings to Roanoke County and other localities that previously sold bonds to the VPSA which were purchased with the proceeds of the refunded VPSA Bonds. In order to get its share of the savings, the VPSA requires that Roanoke County issue new bonds in exchange for its old bonds currently held by the VPSA. The County will then receive its canceled old bonds and its allocable share of the savings. The County will be refunding its VPSA Series 1988A and VPSA Series 1989 and in its place issuing a VPSA Refunding Series 1994A which will have the same aggregate principle and interest payments as the two issues that are being refunded. The savings will be realized in a lump sum payment of $47,061 which will be available to the County at the time of closing on January 3, 1994. According to the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as amended, the lump sum cash payment is restricted for use to fund capital projects. Although the VPSA cannot dictate which capital projects are funded, the VPSA Board strongly urges the County to use these monies for capital projects for public schools. At this time the Schools have a need for additional funds for elevator lifts in the elementary schools and would request that these monies be appropriated to fund this acquisition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends 1) approving the attached resolution and accompanying bond document in order to take advantage of the current VPSA refunding and 2) appropriating the refunding savings of $47,061 to the elevator lifts in the elementary schools. _. ~_ ~ Respectfully submitted, ,~ n,~ ~. ~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approv d by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () Eddy _ _ _ Received () Johnson _ _ _ Referred () Kohinke _ _ _ To () Minnix _ _ _ Nickens _ _ _ ~-j AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $3,650,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BOND, REFUNDING SERIES 1994 A OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO BE ISSUED IN EXCHANGE FOR AN AGGREGATE LIKE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, HELD, AND A LUMP SUM CASH PAYMENT TO BE MADE, BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY, AND SETTING FORTH THE FORM AND DETAILS OF SUCH REFUNDING BOND. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") has received a written offer dated October 29, 1993 from the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") to exchange certain outstanding general obligation school bonds of the County held by the Authority for (i) an aggregate like principal amount of noncallable bonds of the same tenor and (ii) a lump sum cash payment, and the Board has determined to accept such offer and to issue its general obligation school refunding bond in exchange for an aggregate like principal amount of certain outstanding bonds of the County held, and a lump sum payment to be made, by the Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of the Refunding Bond. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to issue its refunding bond in the amount of $3,650,000 (The "Refunding Bond") for the purpose of refunding an aggregate like principal amount of outstanding general obligation school bonds of the County the principal terms of which are set forth in Exhibit A (the "Refunded Bonds"). The issuance of the Refunding Bond in exchange for the Refunded Bonds and a lump sum cash payment upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution is hereby authorized. 2. Details of the Bonds. The Refunding Bond shall have the principal provisions set forth in, and shall be issued as a single, typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as, Exhibit C. On twenty (20) days written notice from the Authority, the County shall deliver, at its expense, the Refunding Bond in marketable form in ~-1 denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof, as requested by the Authority, in exchange for the typewritten Refunding Bond. 3. Payment; Paying Agent and bond Registrar. The following provisions shall apply to the Refunding Bond: (a) For as long as the Authority is the registered owner of the Refunding Bond, all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Refunding Bond shall be made in immediately available funds to the Authority at, or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, if applicable, or if such date is not a business day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption; if applicable. (b) All overdue payments of principal or interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Refunding Bond. (c) Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, is designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Refunding Bond. 4. Execution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Refunding Bond in the Principal amount of $3,650,000 and to affix the seal of the County thereto. 5. Pledge of Full Faith and Credit. For the prompt payment of the principal of and interest on the Refunding Bond authorized by this Resolution as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged, and each year while the Refunding Bond shall be outstanding there shall be levied and collected in accordance with law an annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal of and the interest on the Refunding Bond as such principal and interest shall become due, which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available and appropriated for such purpose. 6. Tax Covenant. The County covenants to take all action, and to refrain from taking any action, necessary under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to ensure that interest on the Refunding Bond will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes to the same extent as it is excludable on the date of issue thereof. ~-I 7. Certificate. The appropriate officers and agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Certificate substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit D, Including the Form 8038-G appended thereto. 8. Exchange of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to issue the Refunding Bond to the Authority in exchange for the Refunded Bonds and the lump sum cash payment set forth in Exhibit B. The appropriate officers of the County are hereby authorized and directed to exchange the Refunding Bond with the Authority for the Refunded Bonds and the Lump sum cash payment. The Board hereby determines that it is in the best interest of the County to authorize and direct the County Director of Finance to participate in the State Non-Arbitrage Program in connection with the expenditure of the lump sum cash payment. 9. Certification and Filing. The Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized and directed to file the certified copy of this Resolution with the Circuit Court of the County. 10. Further Actions. Each Supervisor and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and exchange of the Refunding Bond for the Refunded Bonds and the lump sum cash payment and to accept and comply with the terms of the offer of the Authority. 11. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. ~-1 EXHIBIT A Roanoke County (1 of 3 ) Local School Bonds ("Refunded Bonds") Name of Local Corresponding Original Outstanding Original School Bond VPSA Bond Principal Principal Rate* Maturity County of Roanoke 1988 Series A $3,985,000 $2,835,000 6.95% 12/15/2007 General Obligation School Bond, Series 1988 A County of Roanoke 1989 Series B $1,115,000 $815,000 6.95% 12/15/2004 General Obligation School Bond, Series 1989 EXHIBIT A Roanoke County (2 of 3 ) Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1987 Resolution) ~ _ / 1993 Refunding Series B Refunding of School Financing Bonds: 1988 Series A Refunded Bonds Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Interest Rate Interest Total Debt Service Annual Debt Service 6/15/94 98,516.25 98,516.25 12/15/94 240,000 6.950 98,516.25 338,516.25 437,032.50 6115!95 90,176.25 90,176.25 12/15/95 240,000 6.950 90,176.25 330,176.25 420,352.50 6115/96 81,836.25 81,836.25 12/15/96 240,000 6.950 81,836.25 321,836.25 403,672.50 6/15/97 73,496.25 73,496.25 12/15/97 240,000 6.950 73,496.25 313,496.25 386,992.50 6/15/98 65,156.25 65,156.25 12/15/98 230,000 6.950 65,156.25 295,156.25 360,312.50 6/15/99 57,163.75 57,163.75 12/15/99 230,000 6.950 57,163.75 287,163.75 344,327.50 6/15/00 49,171.25 49,171.25 12/15/00 230,000 6.950 49,171.25 279,171.25 328,342.50 6/15/01 _41,178.75 41,178.75 12/15/01 235,000 6.950 41,178.75 276,178.75 317,357.50 6/15/02 33,012.50 33,012.50 12/15/02 210,000 6.950 33,012.50 243,012.50 276,025.00 6/15/03 25,715.00 25,715.00 12/15/03 160,000 6.950 25,715.00 185,715.00 211,430.00 6/15/04 20,155.00 20,155.00 12/15/04 220,000 6.950 20,155.00 240,155.00 260,310.00 6/15/05 12,510.00 12,510.00 12/15/05 175,000 6.950 12,510.00 187,510.00 200,020.00 6/15/06 6,428.75 6,428.75 12/15/06 100,000 6.950 6,428.75 106,428.75 112,857.50 6/15107 2,953.75 2,953.75 12/15/07 85,000 6.950 2,953.75 87,953.75 90,907.50 6/15/08 12/15/08 6/15/09 12/15/09 6/15/10 12/15/10 6/15/11 12/15/11 6/15/12 12/15/12 2,835,000 1,314,940.00 4,149,940.00 4,149,940.00 -------- ------------------------ -------- ------------------------ Roanoke County Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1987 Resolution) 1993 Refunding Series B Refunding of School Financing Bonds: Refunded Bonds Debt Service Schedule Date Principal 6/15/94 12/15/94 75,000 6/15/95 12/15/95 75,000 6/15/96 12/15/96 75,000 6/15/97 12/15/97 75,000 6/15/98 12/15/98 75,000 6/15/99 12/15/99 75,000 6/15/00 12/15/00 75,000 6/15/01 12/15/01 75,000 6/15/02 12/15/02 75,000 6/15/03 12/15/03 70,000 6/15/04 12/15!04 70,000 6/15/05 12/15/05 6/15/06 12/15/06 6/15/07 12/15/07 6/15/08 12/15/08 6/15/09 12/15/09 6/15/10 12/15/10 6/15/11 12/15/11 6/15/12 12/15/12 815,000 Interest Rate 6.800 6.800 6.850 6.850 6.850 6.850 7.100 7.100 7.100 7.100 7.100 EXHIBIT A (3 of 3) 1989 Series B Total Annual Interest Debt Service Debt Service 28,332.50 28,332.50 28,332.50 103,332.50 131, 665.00 25,782.50 25,782.50 25, 782.50 100, 7 82.50 12 6, 5 65.00 23,232.50 23,232.50 23,232.50 98,232.50 121,465.00 20,663.75 20,663.75 20,663.75 95,663.75 11.6,327.50 18,095.00 18,095.00 18,095.00 93,095.00 111,190.00 15,526.25 15,526.25 15,526.25 90,526.25 106,052.50 12,957.50 12,957.50 12,957.50 87,957.50 100,915.00 10,295.00 10,295.00 10,295.00 85,295.00 95,590.00 7,632.50 7,632.50 7,632.50 82,632.50 90,265.00 4,970.00 4,970.00 4,970.00 74,970.00 79,940.00 2,485.00 2,485.00 2,485.00 72,485.00 74,970.00 339, 945.00 1,154,945.00 1,154,945.00 ------------------------ ..~ -1 EXHIBIT B (1 pf 2) Roanoke County Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1987 Resolution) 1993 Refunding Series B Refunding of VPSA School Financing Bonds: 1988 Series A Calculation of Debt Service Savings Reimbursement (Net Amount) -ti -1 Present value of debt service to maturity at 5.07951553% 1,876,585.13 Present value of debt service to call date at 5.07625663% 1,826,991.88 Gross Debt Service Savings 49,593.25 Less pro rata allocation of underwriters' (14,674.01) discount and costs of issuance on VPSA 1993 Refunding Series B Bonds Net savings as of 6/8/93 34,919.24 Investment income on Net Savings through 1 /1 /94 689.17 at 3.50% Savings on local school bonds Pro rata share of VPSA surplus savings Net Amount Net Amount as % of outstanding principal of local school bonds 35,608.41 7, 808.22 43,416.63 2.64% Roanoke County Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1987 Resolution) 1993 Refunding Series B Refunding of VPSA School Financing Bonds: 1989 Series B Calculation of Debt Service Savings Reimbursement (Net Amount) EXHIBIT B (2 of 2) ~! Present value of debt service to maturity at 5.07951553% 419,214.43 Present value of debt service to call date at 5.07625663% 412,966.62 Gross Debt Service Savings 6,247.81 Less pro rata allocation of underwriters' (3,316.86) discount and costs of issuance on VPSA 1993 Refunding Series B Bonds Net savings as of 6/8/93 2,930.95 Investment income on Net Savings through 1 /1 /94 57.85 at 3.50% Savings on local school bonds 2,988.80 Pro rata share of VPSA surplus savings 655.38 Net Amount 3,644.18 Net Amount as % of outstanding principal of local school bonds 1.009'0 .7,~-/ No. TR-1 United States of America Commonwealth of Virginia COUNTY OF General Obligation School Bond Refunding Series 1994 A EXHIBIT C THE COUNTY OF ,VIRGINIA (the "County"), for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY the principal amount of MILLION HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ ), in annual installments on December 15 of each ~~ ~~ year, commencing on December 15, 1994 (each a Principal Payment Date ), as shown on Schedule 1 attached hereto, together with interest on the unpaid installments at the annual rate set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto, from the date of this Bond until payment of the principal sum hereof, such interest to be payable commencing on June 15, 1994, and semi-annually thereafter on December 15 and June 15 of each year (each an "Interest Payment Date"; together with any Principal Payment Date, a "Payment Date"), as shown on Schedule 1 attached hereto. Both principal of and interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. For as long as the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") is the registered owner of this Bond, as bond registrar (the "Bond Registrar"), shall make all payments of principal of and interest on this Bond, without the presentation or surrender hereof, to the Authority, in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Payment Date. If a Payment Date is not a business day for banks in the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then the payment of principal of or interest on this Bond shall be made in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding the scheduled Payment Date. Upon receipt by the registered owner of this Bond of said payments of principal and interest, written acknowledgment of the receipt thereof shall be given promptly to the Bond Registrar, and the County shall be fully discharged of its obligation on this Bond to the extent of the payment so made. Upon final payment, this Bond shall be surrendered to the Bond Registrar for cancellation. The full faith and credit of the County are irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest on this Bond. The resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors J~-l authorizing the issuance of this Bond provides, and Section 15.1-227.25 of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, requires, that there shall be levied and collected an annual tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond as the same shall become due which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available and appropriated for such purpose. This Bond is duly authorized and issued in compliance with and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Public Finance Act of 1991, Chapter 5.1, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, and a resolution duly adopted by the Board of County Supervisors of the County, in exchange for an aggregate like principal amount of the County's general obligation school bonds of the same tenor held, and a lump sum cash payment made, by the Authority. This Bond is registered in the name of the Authority as to both principal and interest on books of the County kept by the Bond Registrar, and the transfer of this Bond may be effected by the registered owner of this Bond only upon due execution of an assignment by such registered owner. Upon request by the Authority, the County will prepare the Bond in marketable form in $5,000 denominations and whole multiples thereof, with maturities corresponding to the unpaid principal installments of this Bond, and deliver to or upon the order of the Authority the same in exchange for this Bond. The principal installments on this Bond are not subject to redemption or prepayment prior to their respective payment dates. All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have happened, exist and have been performed in due time, form and manner as so required, and this Bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and provision has been made for the levy and collection of an annual tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of and interest on this Bond as the same shall become due. c-2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of County Supervisors of the County of has caused this Bond to be issued in the name of the County of ,Virginia, to be signed by its Chairman [or Vice-Chairman], its seal to be affixed hereto and attested by the signature of the Clerk [or any of the Deputy Clerks] of the Board of Supervisors, and this Bond to be dated December 15, 1993. COUNTY OF , VIRGINIA (SEAL) ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of , Virginia Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Virginia C-3 EXHIBIT D '~ GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY OF ,VIRGINIA The undersigned officers of the County of ,Virginia (the "County") hereby certify that: 1. Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of the County, on _, 1993 and at all times to and including the date of this Certificate, consisted of the following (~ persons: Name of Supervisor Expiration of Term 2. Chairman. Chairman of the Board. 3. Vice-Chairman. Vice-Chairman of the Board. 4. County Attornev. serving County Attorney. 5. County Administrator. and serving County Administrator of the County 6. Clerk. Clerk of the Board of the County. is the duly appointed, qualified and serving 7. Deputy Clerk. , is a duly appointed, qualified and serving Deputy Clerk of the Board of the County. 8. Bonds Executed. The $ General Obligation School Bond, Refunding Series 1994 A, of the County, in the form authorized by the Resolution (as defined in paragraph 9 below), numbered R-1 (the "Bond"), has been duly executed by the Chairman is the duly elected, qualified and serving is the duly elected, qualified and serving is the duly appointed, qualified and is the duly appointed, qualified ~-J or Vice-Chairman of the Board and sealed by the Clerk or Deputy Clerk of the Board in the manner required by the Resolution. In connection with the issuance of the Bond, the County shall receive from the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") the Prior Bonds of the County and a lump sum cash payment of $ (the "Lump Sum Cash Payment"). The Lump Sum Cash Payment is treated as a new money portion of the proceeds of the Bond. References herein to the Bond and proceeds of the Bond include the Lump Sum Cash Payment. 9. Resolution. The Bond is issued pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Board on , 1993 (the "Resolution"). The meeting of the Board held , 1993 at which the Board adopted the Resolution was a [duly called and held special or regular] meeting of the Board at which a quorum of the Supervisors was present during the consideration of and voting on the Resolution. No notes or bonds have heretofore been issued under the Resolution. The Resolution has not been repealed, modified or amended and remains in full force and effect on the date hereof. No other authority, ordinance, resolution or proceedings for the issuance of the Bond has been repealed, revoked or rescinded. 10. Countx Charter. The provisions of the County Charter, if applicable, and any other special laws to which the County is bound, have been complied with respect to the issuance of the Bond 11. Litigation. No litigation or administrative action of any kind is now pending or, to our knowledge, threatened to (a) restrain or enjoin the issuance, sale or delivery of the Bond or the levy and collection of taxes to pay the principal of and interest on the Bond; (b) contest or challenge the due adoption of the Resolution by the Board of Supervisors; (c) contest or challenge the validity of the Bond or in any manner question the proceedings and authority under which the Bond is issued; or (d) affect the existence of the County or the titles of the officers D-2 w I to their respective offices executing the Bond. The undersigned hereby certify that the titles of the officers signing the Bond No. TR-1 have not been contested. 12. No Sinking )Ends. The County has not created or established, and will not create or establish, any funds or accounts which are reasonably expected to be used to pay debt service on the Bond or which are pledged (including negative pledges) as collateral for the Bond for which there is a reasonable assurance that amounts on deposit therein will be available to pay debt service on the Bond if the County encounters financial difficulty. 13. Use of Proceeds. The Bond is being issued to refund the bonds listed in Schedule A attached hereto of the County (the "Refunded Bonds", which financed prior capital projects of the County, the "Prior Projects"); the Lump Sum Cash Payment, including the investment income thereon, will be used to finance certain capital projects of the County (the "Projects"). All of the proceeds derived from the sale of the Refunded Bonds and the investment earnings thereon have been expended for the purpose for which the Refunded Bonds were issued. The County represents that all portions of the Projects and the Prior Projects are and will be owned by the County. No portion of the Projects or the Prior Projects are expected to be sold or otherwise disposed of, in whole or in part, except due to normal wear, tear and obsolescence, before payment in full of the Bond. The County represents, warrants and covenants that the facilities financed or refinanced with the proceeds of the Bond will be used in pursuit of the exempt purposes of the County during the period of time the Bond is Outstanding, unless an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel is received with respect to any proposed change in use of the proceeds of the Bond, the Prior Projects or the Projects. The County (a) has entered into or expects to enter into within six months of the date hereof, substantial binding obligations, which are not subject to contingencies within the control of the County or a related party, to third parties to expend at least 5 % of the net sale proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash D-3 ~-l Payment on the Projects, or (b) will reimburse, pursuant to Treasury Regulation Section 1.150- 2, the general fund of the County in the amount of the Lump Sum Cash Payment for advances made from the general fund, in anticipation of reimbursement from borrowed money, .for the cost of the Projects heretofore incurred. [In this regard, the County has adopted a reimbursement resolution dated _ a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B.] The County expects to proceed with due diligence on the Projects and to spend all of the Lump Sum Cash Payment in the manner and within the period provided in the Expenditure Exception, as described in Section 23 hereof. The Lump Sum Cash Payment will not be used to provide for the payment of any principal of or interest on any obligation of the County incurred in the exercise of its borrowing power other than the Refunded Bonds. The proceeds of the Bonds will not be used directly or indirectly to make or finance loans to persons other than governmental units. The County shall notify the Authority on or before May 15, 1994 if it expects that it will be unable to meet the Expenditure Exception. 14. Temporary Periods. The County shall invest the Lump Sum Cash Payment as follows: (i) The Lump Sum Cash Payment, which will be applied toward the cost of the Projects will be invested at an unrestricted yield for a period not in excess of three (3) years from the date hereof; (ii) Amounts earned from the investment of the Lump Sum Cash Payment will be invested at an unrestricted yield for a period not in excess of three (3) years from the date hereof or one (1) year from the date of receipt of the amount earned, whichever period is longer; and (iii) Amounts described in subparagraphs (i) and (ii), together with investment earnings thereon, not invested at an unrestricted yield pursuant to such subparagraphs shall be invested at a composite yield equal to or less than the yield on the Bond plus one-eighth of one percent D-4 ~-1 or shall be invested in obligations the interest on which is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes and that is not a specific item of preference under Section 57(a) of the Code, as defined below ("Tax Exempt Investments"). Notwithstanding the preceding, if any proceeds of the Bond restricted to the yield on the Bond ("Yield Restricted Proceeds") are invested in SLGS (as such term is defined in Exhibit A hereto), all Yield-Restricted Proceeds shall be invested in SLGS. 15. Yi 1 For purposes of this certificate, "yield" means that yield which when used in computing the present worth of all payments of principal and interest to be paid on an obligation produces an amount equal to the purchase price of such obligation. The yield on obligations acquired with amounts described in Section 14 above and the yield on the Bond shall be calculated by the use of the same frequency interval of compounding interest. For purposes of calculating the yield on the Bond, the purchase price of the Bond is the price of the Bond paid by the Authority. Any investments acquired with amounts that may not be invested at an unrestricted yield pursuant to Section 14 above shall be purchased at prevailing market prices (an investment that is not of a type traded on an established market, within the meaning of Section 1273 of the Code, is rebuttably presumed to be acquired or disposed of at a price that is not equal to its fair market value), or shall be SLGs or Tax-Exempt Obligations (as such terms are defined in Exhibit A). SLGS are available at the Federal Reserve Bank. Under current Treasury Department Regulations governing SLGS, such obligations cannot be purchased until fifteen (15) days after a subscription for them is tendered and received by a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch. Accordingly, the County shall act promptly in subscribing for SLGS in the event it determines such restricted investments are necessary. 16. Private Use Restrictions. The County shall not exceed the private use restrictions set forth in Section 141 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the D-5 f "Code"). The County shall not use or permit the use of the Projects or the Prior Projects financed or refinanced with the proceeds of the Bond in any manner that would cause both (a) more than ten percent of the proceeds of the Bond to be treated as used for Private Business Use, i.e., used directly or indirectly in any trade or business carried on by any person other than a governmental unit (excluding use as a member of the general public) and (b) the payment of principal of or interest on more than ten percent of the proceeds of the Bond to be treated as meeting the Private Security Test, i.e., the debt service on the Bond is directly or indirectly (i) secured by (A) any interest in property used or to be used for a Private Business Use or (B) payments in respect of such property or (ii) derived from payments in respect of property or borrowed money used or to be used for a Private Business Use. If, however, more than five percent of the proceeds of the Bond is used for Private Business Use and more than five percent of the proceeds of the Bond meet the Private Security Test, then the excess over five percent (the "Excess Private Use Portion") shall be used for a Private Business Use that is related to the governmental use of the Projects and the Excess Private Use Portion shall not exceed the amount of proceeds of the Bond used for the governmental use of the Projects or the-Prior Projects to which such Private Business Use is related. With respect to management contracts, the determination of whether a particular use constitutes Private Use shall be determined on the basis of applying Revenue Procedure 93-19, 1993-11 I.R.B. 52 (Feb. 25, 1993), or if applicable, Revenue Procedure 82-14, 1982-1 C.B. 459, as modified by Section 1301(e) of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. As of the date hereof, no portion of the proceeds derived from the sale of the Bond is being used to finance property subject to contracts or other arrangements with persons or entities engaged in a trade or business (other than governmental units) that involve the management of property or the provision of D-6 '~ 0 services with respect to property financed with proceeds of the Bond that do not comply with the standards of Revenue Procedure 93-19. 17. No Replacement. No portion of Bond will be used as a substitute for other funds that prior to the County's resolving to proceed with the issuance of the Bond were used or to be used to pay for any cost of the Projects or to refund the Refunded Bonds and that have been or will be used to acquire directly or indirectly securities or obligations or other investment property producing a yield in excess of the yield with respect to the Bonds. 18. No Composite Issues. There are no other obligations of the County that have been or will be sold or issued within fifteen (15) days of the sale or issuance of the Bond, sold or issued pursuant to a common plan of financing together with the Bond, and will be paid out of substantially the same source of funds as the Bond (or will have substantially the same claim to be paid out of substantially the same source of funds) as the Bond. 19. No Federal Guaranty. The County shall not take or permit any action which would cause (a) the payment of principal of or interest on the Bond to be guaranteed, directly or indirectly, in whole or part by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof or (b) five percent or more of the proceeds of the issue to be (i) used in making loans the payment of principal of or interest on which are guaranteed in whole or in part by the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof or (ii) invested directly or indirectly in federally insured deposits or accounts (except as permitted under Section 149(b) of the Internal Revenue Code or 1986, as amended (the "Code") or the regulations promulgated thereunder). The County has not and will not enter into, any (i) long-term service contract with any federal governmental agency, (ii) service contract with any federal governmental agency under terms that are materially different from the terms of any contracts with any persons other than federal government D-7 agencies, and (iii) lease of property to any federal government agency, that would cause the Bonds to be considered "federally guaranteed" within the meaning of Section 149(b) of the Code. 20. No Hedge Bonds. With respect to the Refunded Bonds, based upon the Certificate as to Arbitrage executed in connection with the issuance of the Refunded Bonds, the County reasonably expected that at least 85 percent of the proceeds of the Refunded Bonds would be used to carry out the governmental purposes of the issue within the three year period beginning on the date of the Refunded Bonds were issued, and that not more than 50 percent of the proceeds of the Refunded Bonds were invested in nonpurpose investments having a substantially guaranteed yield for four years or more. With respect to the Lump Sum Cash Payment, the County reasonably expects that all of the proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment will be allocated to expenditures for the Projects within three years of the date hereof. Accordingly, not more than 50 percent of the proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment will be invested in nonpurpose investments having a substantially guaranteed yield for four years or more. 21. Tax Covenant. The County will take all action, and refrain-from taking any action, necessary under the Code to ensure that interest on the Bond will remain excludable from gross income for federal tax purposes to the same extent as is now excludable. Accordingly, the County covenants that it shall (a) pay or cause to be paid to the United States the amount earned on the investment of the gross proceeds of the Bond from the date hereof over the amount that would have been earned if such proceeds had been invested at a yield equal to the yield on the Bond, plus the income earnings attributable to the excess amount described in the first paragraph of the "Rebate Requirement" unless an exception is available to the County and (b) to restrict the investment of any money to the yield on the Bond to the extent necessary to prevent the Bond from becoming arbitrage bonds within the meaning of Code Section 148. D-8 ~~ 22. Rebate Requirement. In furtherance of its Tax Covenant above, the County covenants that, in the event it fails to expend all of the proceeds of the Bond (which include the Lump Sum Cash Payment) in the manner and within the period provided in the Expenditure Exception, the County shall retain an expert recognized in the calculation of the Rebate Requirement under the rules promulgated under Treasury Regulations § 1.148-0 through § 1.148- 11, §1.149(b)-1, §1.149(d)-1, §1.149(e)-1, §1.149(g)-l, §1.150-1 and §1.150-2 to prepare within 45 days after the close of each five-year period ending on (the "Installment Computation Date"), and the date on which the Bond has been redeemed or has matured (the "Final Computation Date"), beginning a statement setting forth the Rebate Requirement and the method for making the determination in any form or statement prescribed therefor by the Internal Revenue Service or U.S. Treasury. The Rebate Requirement shall be paid to the United States in installments. Ninety percent of the Rebate Requirement as of each Installment Computation Date must be paid to the United States within 60 days after such Installment Computation Date. All of the Rebate Requirement must be paid to the United States within 60 days after the Final Computation Date. Payment shall be made to the Internal Revenue Service Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19255 and be accompanied by Form 8038-T. Records of the determinations made hereunder shall be retained until 6 years after the retirement of the last obligation of the Bond. 23. Expenditure Exception. With respect to the Lump Sum Cash Payment, the Rebate Requirement will be considered met if the expenditure schedule for the Six-Month Exception (set forth below) is satisfied. Six-Month Exception. The Rebate Requirement will be considered satisfied if the following rule is met. D-9 (a) In n r The Six-Month Exception will be treated as having been ~.. satisfied if (i) all Gross Proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment are allocated to expenditures for the governmental purposes of the Lump Sum Cash Payment no later than the date that is six months after the date of issuance of the Lump Sum Cash Payment, and (ii) the Rebate Requirement is satisfied with respect to (A) other Gross Proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment that arise after six months from the date hereof but that are not reasonably anticipated to arise as of the date hereof, (B) repayment of any grants made with proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment, (C) sale or investment proceeds on payments under a purpose investment acquired to carry out a governmental purpose of the Lump Sum Cash Payment (a "purpose investment"), and (D) amounts on deposit in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund, if any. (b) Gross Proceeds. For purposes of meeting clause (a)(i) above, the term Gross Proceeds excludes (i) amounts on deposit in any bona fide debt service fund, (ii) other Gross Proceeds that arise after six months from the date hereof but that are not reasonably anticipated to arise as of the date hereof, (iii) repayment of any grants made with proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment, (iv) sale or investment proceeds on payments under any purpose investment, and (v) amounts on deposit (if any) in a reasonably required reserve or replacement fund, as defined in Treasury Regulation Section 1.148-7(b)(5). (c) Additional Six Months for Non-Private Activity Bond. The Six-Month Exception will be treated as satisfied if, in addition to satisfying subparagraph (b) of this section 23, all Gross Proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment are expended as provided in paragraph (a) of this section 23 except for an amount of D-10 J-/ Gross Proceeds that does not exceed the lesser of five percent (5 %) of the proceeds of the Lump Sum Cash Payment or $100,000 and such unexpended amount of Gross Proceeds is expended within one year from the date of issuance of the Lump Sum Cash Payment. 24. Investments and Recordkeeping. The County covenants that it shall invest the Lump Sum Cash Payment and any earnings thereon in the State Non-Arbitrage Program and shall keep or cause to be kept records of such investments in accordance with the instructions set forth in Exhibit A hereto. 25. Miscellaneous Tax Matters. a. The County will not take or fail to take any action which would cause the Bond to be an arbitrage obligation within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations. b. To the best of our knowledge, information and belief, the expectations set forth in paragraphs 12 through 25 are reasonable and there are no other facts, estimates and circumstances which would materially change the expectations expressed herein. c. The County has not received notice that its certificate may not be relied upon with respect to its issues, nor has it been advised that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has listed or is contemplating listing the County as a governmental unit whose arbitrage certificate may not be relied upon. d. The undersigned are those officers of the County charged with the responsibility of issuing and delivering the Bond. e. This non-arbitrage certification is being executed and delivered pursuant to Treasury Regulations promulgated under Section 148 of the Code. f. The County has, on or before the date hereof, mailed by first class mail, postage prepaid, a signed copy of Form 8038-G, to the Internal Revenue Service, 8038 D-11 ~~ Registration Division, Philadelphia, PA 19255 and a certified copy of such Form 8038-G to the State Treasurer, Commonwealth of Virginia, 101 North 14th Street, 3rd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219. 26. Receiut of Refunded Bond and Cash. The County hereby acknowledges receipt of (i) the bonds described in Exhibit A to the Resolution or evidence satisfactory to the County that the Authority has lost said bonds and that the County's obligation on said bonds has been duly satisfied and discharged, (ii) the lump sum cash payment of $ cross receipt of the Authority acknowledging receipt of the Bond. and (iii) a 27. Seal. The seal of the Board of the County is the same seal of which an impression appears below, as well as on the Bond. The signatures of the Chairman [Vice- Chairman] and the Clerk [Deputy Clerk] of the Board appearing below are the same signatures appearing on the Bond. [SEAL] Dated: January 3, 1994 Chairman [Vice-Chairman] of the Board of Supervisors of the County of ,Virginia Clerk [Deputy-Clerk] of the Board of Supervisors of the County of ,Virginia The undersigned County Attorney certifies that the officers of the County named above are the duly elected and qualified incumbents of the offices set forth below their signatures and that their signatures as appearing above are true and genuine. County Attorney County of ,Virginia D-12 ~-1 EXHIBIT A REBATE REQUIREMENTS. Instructions with Respect to Investment and Recordkeeping The Lump Sum Cash Payment will be invested and maintained in the State Non-Arbitrage Program (SNAP ). SNAP is aprofessionally-managed money market investment pool which provides the local issuers with a convenient method of pooling bond proceeds for temporary investment pending their expenditure and with recordkeeping, depository and arbitrage rebate calculation services. For purposes of calculating the Rebate Requirement of Section 148(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), as set forth in the General Certificate of the County to which this Exhibit is attached, the following definitions and rules apply: Bond Year shall mean each one-year (or shorter) period ending on each January 1 until there is no outstanding Bond. The first Bond Year shall begin on the date hereof. Nonpuruose Investments shall mean any security, obligation, annuity contract or any other investment-type property (as such term is defined in Section 1.148-1(b) of the Treasury Regulations) that is not required to carry out the governmental purpose of the Bond ("Nonpurpose Investments"). Nonpurpose Investments shall not include Tax-Exempt Obligations. Tax-Exem~ Oblations shall include (i) obligations the interest on which is excludable from gross income for federal income tax purposes, and not treated as an item of tax preference under Section 57(a)(5)(C) of the Code, (ii) stock in a regulated investment company to the extent that at least 95 % of the income to the holder of the interest is excludable from gross income under Section 103 of the Code, and (iii) certificates of indebtedness issued by the United States Treasury pursuant to Demand Deposit State and Local Government Series program described in 31 CFR part 344 ("SLGs"). Gross Proceeds shall mean: (a) proceeds derived from the sale of the Bond, including the Lump Sum Cash Payment; (b) amounts that are reasonably expected to be or are in fact used to pay debt service, on the Bond; (c) amounts pledged as security for the payment of debt service with respect to the Bond; (d) amounts treated as "transferred proceeds" of the Bond, within the meaning of Section 1.148-1(b) of the Treasury Regulations, if any; `,-~ " [ (e) amounts treated as "replacement proceeds" of the Bond, within the meaning of Section 1.148-1(c) of the Treasury Regulations, if any; and (f) investment earnings on amounts described in paragraphs (a)-(e) above. Yield Restricted Amounts. Where amounts must be restricted to a certain yield and investments cannot be purchased on an established market or a bona fide fair market price cannot be established at a yield that does not exceed the maximum permissible yield, the County may acquire or hold tax-exempt securities, currency, or SLGs that yield no more than the maximum permissible yield. The Borrower recognizes that SLGs are available at the Federal Reserve Bank, and that, under current Treasury Department Regulations governing SLGs, SLGs may not be purchased until 15 calendar days (3 business days in the case of demand deposit SLGs) after a subscription for them is tendered and received by a Federal Reserve Bank or Branch. Accordingly, the County will act promptly in subscribing for SLGs in the event it is determined that such restricted investments are necessary. Record Keening. With respect to all Nonpurpose Investments acquired in any fund or account established and held by the County, or by the Trustee on behalf of or for the benefit of the VPSA or the County, the entity in custody of such fund or account or for whose benefit the fund or account is held shall record or cause to be recorded the following information: (i) purchase date, (ii) purchase price, (iii) information establishing that the purchase price is the fair market value as of such date (e.g., the published quoted bid by a dealer in such an investment on the date of purchase), (iv) any accrued interest paid, (v) face amount, (vi) coupon rate, (vii) periodicity of interest payments, (viii) disposition price, (ix) any accrued interest received, and (x) disposition date. To the extent any investment becomes a Nonpurpose Investment by becoming Gross Proceeds after it was originally purchased, it shall be treated as if it were acquired at its fair market value at the time it becomes a Nonpurpose Investment. Retention of Records. Amounts determined to be required to be paid to the United States in compliance with the Rebate Requirement shall be paid by the County to the United States in accordance with the rules set forth in the Treasury Regulations. Records of all determinations made hereunder shall be retained by the County or by the Trustee, on behalf of or for the benefit of the County until six years after the complete retirement of the Bonds. Bona Fide Debt Service Fund Exception. With respect to issues that are not private activity bonds and that have an average maturity of greater than 5 years and a fixed rate of interest, amounts earned on moneys in a bona fide debt service fund shall not be taken into account for a Bond Year for purposes of complying with the Rebate Requirement. For purposes of complying with the Rebate Requirement with respect to issues other. than as described in the preceding sentence, such as the Bonds, amounts earned on moneys in a bona fide debt service fund shall not be taken into account for a Bond Year if the gross earnings thereon are less than $100,000; an issue with an average annual debt service not in excess of $2,500,000, may be treated as satisfying this $100,000 limitation. A-2 F°m, 8~38•G Information Return for Tax-Exempt Governmental Obllgatlons - Under Internal Revenue Code section 149(e) (Rev. May 1993) - See separate Instructions. Oeoartment of [ne Treawry (Use Form 8038-GC if the issue pnce is under $100,000.) internal Revenue Sennce ~ -l OMB No. 1545-0720 1~ RAnertina Authority If Amended Return. check here - (-l 1 Issuer's name 2 Issuer's employer identification number 3 Number and street (or P.O. box if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite 4 Report number Gig - 5 City, town, state, and ZIP code 8 Date of issue 7 Name of Issue 8 CUSIP Number f;~lm Tvae of Issue (check applicable box(es) and enter the issue price) Issue pnce 9 ^ Education (attach schedule-see instructions) . ~ 10 ^ Health and hospital (attach schedule-see instructions), 11 ^ Transportation 12 ^ Public safety. 13 ^ Environment (including sewage bonds) . 14 ^ Housing 15 ^ Utilities 16 ^ Other. Describe (see Instructions) - 17 If obligations are tax or other revenue anticipation bonds, check box - ^ 18 If obli ations are in the form of a lease or installment sale, check box - ^ Descri tion of Obli ations (s) (b1 lc1 Stated (redemption WegMed (~ Net l9erest Maturity date Interest rate Issue price price at maturrty average matunty Veld cost 19 Final maturity, ~ 20 Entire issue t Uses of Oris;linal Proceeds of Bond Issue (includins~ underwriters' discour 21 Proceeds used for accrued interest . 22 Issue price of entire issue (enter amount from line 20, column (c)) . 23 Proceeds used for bond issuance costs (including underwriters' discount) ~ 24 Proceeds used for credit enhancement , 24 25 Proceeds allocated to reasonably required reserve or replacement fund ~ 26 Proceeds used to refund rior issues ~ 21 °~ I p ... 27 Total (add lines 23 through 26) . 27 28 Nonrefundin roceeds of the issue subtract line 27 from line 22 and enter amount here , 28 Descri ion of Refunded Bonds corn late this art on for refundin bonds 29 Enter the remaining weighted average maturity of the bonds to be refunded - years 30 Enter the last date on which the refunded bonds will be called , - 31 Enter the date(s) the refunded bonds were issued - Miscellaneous 32 Enter the amount of the state volume cap allocated to the issue - 33 Enter the amount of the bonds designated by the issuer under section 265(b}(3HB}()(III) (small issuer exception) . - 34 Pooled financings: a Enter the amount of the proceeds of this issue that are to be used to make loans to other governmental units - b If this issue is a loan made from the proceeds of another tax-exempt issue, check box - ^ and enter the name of the issuer - and the date of the issue - 35 If the issuer has elected to pa a penal in lieu of rebate, check box - ^ Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return and accomparty[ng schedules and statements. and to the best of my knowledge and belief, they are true, correct, and complete. Please Sign ' Here gignature of officer Date 'Type or pnM name and title For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 1 of the Instructions. cat. No. r,37735 Form 8038-G (Rev. s-93) 'U.S. C3ovwrrrwrt PrY[tlnq Offlw: 1983 - 3 3034/801 SO r r ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION 121493-3 APPROVING ISSIIANCE OF BONDS BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANORB COUNTY, VIRGINIA, FOR THE BENEFIT OF C & B ASSOCI- ATES WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") has considered the request of C & B Associates, a Virginia general partnership (the "Company") for the issuance of the Authority's Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,250,000 (the "Bonds") to assist in the refinancing of the Company's 196 room motel facility, commonly known as Holiday Inn - Tanglewood (the "Pro- ject"); and WHEREAS, the owner of the Project is the Company; and WHEREAS, the Project is located at 4468 Starkey Road in Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Authority held a public hearing on such applica- tion on December 13, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Board of Supervisors") to approve the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), which provides that the governmental units having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of the private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the Bonds, and the Bonds will not be "bank qualified" obligations since they cannot be 1 designated as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" under Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of the County, the Project is to be located in the County, and the Board of Supervisors constitutes the highest governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a record of the public hearing, and a fiscal impact statement relating to the Project have been filed with the Board of Supervisors. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board of Supervisors approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company, to the extent required by Section 147(f) of the Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as contained in this Resolution, does not constitutes an endorsement of the Bonds, the financial viability of the Project or the credit worthi- ness of the Company. Further, as required by Section 15.1-1380 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County, nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the principal of, premium, if any, the interest thereon, or other costs incident thereto except from, the revenue and monies pledged therefor and any applicable security, and neither the faith, credit, nor the taxing power of 2 the Commonwealth, the Authority, or the County, shall be pledged thereto. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~~~(JG~R-GcCc:J Brenda J. olton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Timothy W. Gubala, Secretary, IDA of Roanoke County 3 Item No. ~~, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of issuance of bonds by the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County for the benefit of C & B Associates COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: C & B Associates has requested that the Board of Supervisors approve the issuance of bonds for the refinancing of bonds previously issued in 1980 for Tanglewood Holiday Inn. The owners are desirous of obtaining refinancing of the bonds to obtain a lower interest rate. This refinancing of the bonds will not conflict with any bonds that Roanoke County has issued nor will it affect any proposed short- term borrowing that Roanoke County may anticipate during 1994. The Industrial Development Authority met on December 13, 1993, and approved the issuance of the bonds. FISCAL IMPACT' A fiscal impact statement has been prepared on behalf of the applicants. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Authority recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the issuance of the bonds. Respectfully submitted: ~__ // ,, // W` Timothy W. G bala, Secretary Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Attachment ~~a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION APPROVING ISSUANCE OF BONDS BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, FOR THE BENEFIT OF C & B ASSOCIATES WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") has considered the request of C & B Associates, a Virginia general partnership (the "Company") for the issuance of the Authority's Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,250,000 (the "Bonds") to assist in the refinancing of the Company's 196 room motel facility, commonly known as Holiday Inn - Tanglewood (the "Pro- ject"); and WHEREAS, the owner of the Project is the Company; and WHEREAS, the Project is located at 4468 Starkey Road in Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Authority held a public hearing on such applica- tion on December 13, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Board of Supervisors") to approve the issuance of the Bonds to comply with Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), which provides that the governmental units having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of the private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the Bonds, and the Bonds will not be "bank qualified" obligations since they cannot be 1 a designated as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" under Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of the County, the Project is to be located in the County, and the Board of Supervisors constitutes the highest governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a record of the public hearing, and a fiscal impact statement relating to the Project have been filed with the Board of Supervisors. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board of Supervisors approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company, to the extent required by Section 147 (f) of the Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as contained in this Resolution, does not constitutes an endorsement of the Bonds, the financial viability of the Project or the credit worthi- ness of the Company. Further, as required by Section 15.1-1380 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County, nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the principal of, premium, if any, the interest thereon, or other costs incident thereto except from the revenue and monies pledged therefor and any applicable security, and neither the faith, credit, nor the taxing power of 2 ~~ the Commonwealth, the Authority, or the County, shall be pledged thereto. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. aeon\c&b.aso 3 ~~ FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT Dated: November 13, 1993 Applicant: C & B Associates, a Virginia general partnership Facility: Holiday Inn-Tanglewood 4468 Starkey Road Roanoke, Virginia 24014 1. Maximum amount of financing sought: 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality: 3. Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rates: 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates: 5. Estimated merchant's capital tax per year using present tax rates: 6. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally: 7. Estimated number of regular employees on year-round basis: 8. Average annual salary per employee: $3,250,000.00 N/A $ 71,502.00 $ 14,769.00 $ N/A $4,000,000.00 125 $ 13,050.00 This fiscal impact statement is provided in accordance with Va. Code ~ 15.1-1378.2. ~ ~-~ 'chairman, In u trial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia [If one or more of the above questions do not apply to the facility indicate by writing N/A on the appropriate line.] 030336.521\4.snc -a- RESOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA RECOMMENDING PUBLIC APPROVAL OF BONDS WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") has held a public hearing on the request of C & B Associates (the "Company") that the Authority issue its Industrial Development Revenue Refunding Bonds in an amount not to exceed $3,250,000 (the "Bonds"), in order to refund the Authority's Industrial Development Revenue Note dated December 17, 1980 (the "Prior Note"); and WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, requires approval of the issuance of the Bonds by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Authority hereby approves the issuance of the Bonds to refund the Prior Note, the proceeds of which financed the Company's motel facility in Roanoke County (the "Project") for the benefit of the Company and recommends that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia approve the issuance of the Bonds. 2. The Chairman and Secretary of the Authority are hereby authorized and directed to forward to the Board of Supervisors a reasonably detailed summary of the comments, if any, made at the public hearing and a fiscal impact statement relating to the Project. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted on December 13, 1993 ~ ___ , _ ~ Secretary, Ind strial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia 030336.473\4.enc 1 A-121493-4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. _..J.r' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: VHDA Certification for Peters Creek Apartments on Barrens Road South of Peters Creek Road COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~.,/J~~~r~as,~.J~ BACKGROUND' Castle Development from Richmond, VA, plans to construct a 120 unit apartment project on a 12 to 14 acre site located south of Peters Creek Road behind the new Lewis Gale Clinic. This project was submitted in August 1992 for County Certification, but was withdrawn by the developer before consideration by the Board of Supervisors. They have submitted a financing and tax credits package to the Virginia Housing Development Authority (VHDA) under their Multi-Family Loan Program. VHDA is required to give Roanoke County an opportunity to certify approval or disapproval of the project, but action either way by the County is not required. A certification of disapproval would prohibit the VHDA's financing of this project under this program. No action is interpreted by VHDA as approval. Staff has evaluated this request against the project criteria established in 1989 for these types of project. These criteria are grouped into two main categories: (1) Conformance with Zoning and Subdivision laws, and (2) Conformance with the Comprehensive Plan Policies. A summary of these evaluations is attached for your information. Based on staff's knowledge of the project, it would appear to comply with the applicable zoning and subdivision regulations. However, a detailed evaluation is not possible since a concept plan for the project was not available. The 12 to 14 acre tract is part of a larger parcel, often called the Lakeside Property, that was rezoned R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential in 1979 at the request of Friendship Manor. This project will require subdivision approval and site plan review and approval to insure compliance with all County requirements. The project lies within two Comprehensive Plan land use designa- tions; Core and Development. Most of the property lies in the Core 2 area. The proposal appears to comply with all of the Comprehensive Plan policies, with one exception. The policies for the Core area encourage high density mutli-family development of between 12 and 24 units per acre. This higher density in Core areas consistent with their function as commercial and employment centers of the County and location in terms of the road network. The project proposed has a density of around 10 units per acre which is more consistent with the policies under the Development land use category. This lower density, while inconsistent with the recommended density, may be warranted due to physical constraints of the property, and its location in both Core and Development areas under the Plan. Roanoke County must respond to VHDA in writing by January 3, 1994. A certification of disapproval for this project will not prohibit construction of apartments on this property, since it is appropri- ately zoned. Disapproval would only affect the financing of the project, which in turn might affect the rental rates and amenities available to residents. Approval of the certification would allow the project to proceed with the VHDA financing and proceed on the developers timetable. ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve the Certification of Approval 2. Approve the Certification of Disapproval with or without reasons for your action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. Alternative 1. Respectfully submitted, /',~ -ter- ~ ~~( Z~ nathan Hartley ssist. Dir., Planning Approved, .~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved Denied Received Referred to (x) Motion by Bob L. Johnson ( ) motion to move the ( ) agenda (take no action) Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Jonathan Hartley, Assistant Director, Planning .. ,]J' ~ EyAI,UATION CHDC~,IST VHDA Conventional Multi-Family Loan Program The purpose of this checklist is to evaluate projects that have applied for financing under VHL1A's Multi-Family Loan Program for conformance with locally adopted zoning and subdivision standards, and with 1985 Comprehensive Plan designations, guidelines and policies. The Zoning Administrator of Roanoke County (Administrator) shall have the responsibility for evaluating a project and making a reo~nnendation to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors (Chairman), on whether or not a project substantially conforms to the criteria. The Administrator shall provide a narrative statement that explains any determination that a project does not conform to any or all of the criteria. The Chairman shall consider the recommendation of the Administrator prior to filing wig VHUA a certification of approval or disapproval for any project. Upon receipt of the Administrator's reorn~nendation, the Chairman may refer any project to the Board for action prior to such time that a certification is filed with VE~IA. PROJECT NAME: Peters Creek Apartments LOCATION: South of Peters Creek Road on Barrens Road p~J~ PR~7BCT COt~~ORMS DOES rX7r OOt~'ORi~i I. .Zoning and Subdivision Regulations. A. Site is on a legal lot of record, and conforms to all applicable Roanoke County x subdivision standards. B. Site is properly zoned for the proposed use, and conforms to all applicable zoning regulations. x II. 1985 Comprehensive Plan Designation: Core and Development _ r ~ w/^ t1tA.1tJ tl~++ -' "~ -- CONF'pF2MS DOES NOT ~A A, Conformance with Comprehensive Plan x Desirable Land Use Type. g, Conformance with Caciprehensive Plan Land Use Policies as listed belows Poli 1 Encourage mixed use dev. X cy Serve areas w/arterial streets X Policy 2 Linl~ Core areas w/transit x Policy 3 Coordinate com. site designs X Policy 4 Buffer Core areas from neighborhoods x Policy 5 Policy 6 Encourage high density res. Establish landmarks X Policy 7 Policy 8 Policy 9 Policy 10 .~ PROJDCT PRQTDCT COI~~EiMS DOFF NOT OO~ORM N/A C. Conformance to Resource Protection Guidelines and Policies: 1. Open Space x 2. Watershed x 3. Groundwater Recharge X 4. Critical Slope X 5. Floodplain and Drainage X 6. River/Stream and Lake x 7. Woodlands x 8. Prime Agricultural bands x 9. Historical and Archaeological x 10. Unique Areas X 11. Air Quality x Certification: I, Jonathan Hartley certify that this project (DOES)/ ~~ substantially conform to these evaluation criteria, and recan~nd that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors file a certification of (APPROVAL)/(DISAPPROVAL) with Vf~IA. Zoning Administrator .. p ,.~'~ ~ ~~=~ n %i.~ tl~:G1Cl'-O1~ ~W11Y '1'O DL ll~llICl1'Il~~) '1'O PUDLTC ~~'~'`~ ~-S'~ / / ~~ ~ ~ `` ~•~~ ~ ~ \ ~~ ~~~ ~~ / ~ Boo "G,,~,~ / \ ~ ~~ ~ ~_ tea, • /V ~~ ~1 /~:r '7.7~~~fp~ ~F\ ~-rile ~, ~/ / Cpl ~ h a,1~t;!'!r7 ~~• Ff '~ • . / a ec '"r. G~ . / , o11a L'~~ 'A ii. ~ ~.•. ' „ /~\ ~`l'.~ ~.iti:rt. ~. •~J`T~' •~V~~,;Y III' r~ t.. t,'' ~/ 1:~!~~'r~;•,.;.~i~,. ;::Fri ,~Sr~•,'~ f}•j!~t+.l ~r ~ 11't il.~ ~ ,la.~ /~! ~ ~ ~y~/~}I,i' 1 ~+1'l 1+1,~, v ((` (( i r~ 1 S 1 Ix~ I,: ~ ~` i',~1I +''!'+I ~ ' +~l~~ t III'R~f i~5+~1ll~ui 11 ~ i i~~ .'d'•h::i"IG~I~~~i4o~~'~I•.li L•~'i.~.:: ~.''i;l._' ~•`s. Ps:~':~~.'~,~:~~ ,'~~:F t ~• ~.i',t T,Ai.27./?-2-7 . •' Rogn/o/rE mun/rr sc//oa aavia • O. L1. Z57. PG. 57 Zoned d -/ .+G ,1' do toy" ,. ' . !~i . ~ .• ~~ 1~ v~ ~~/~t~~ ~. ~l- 12/08/93 09:37 $804 794 0553 CASTLE DEV CORP 0 002 ___ I ~ p A ~ 4 a =~ COUNTY ADMI N 157f2ATOR ES.MER C. HODG6 r7oa) 772-2004 May 4, 1993 Mr. Rabert J. Adams, Deputy Director Department of Housing and Community Development commonwealth of Virginia Sot North Second Street Richmond, Virginia 23219-1321 Dear Mr. Adams: KOWNS Mq EDWARD VINTON Re: Peters Creek Apartments, Roanoke County, virg ~~ ~ERVI$ORS 11X, CHAIRMAN rERIAI DISTRICT ICE-CHAIRMAN ERUU. DISTw4T ~ L. JOHNSON rER1AL DISTRKY KOHINKE, SR, PQ11AL DISTRICT tY G. NIGKl:N$ rERIAL D1S'fRICi- 3) 772-2005 The construction of the proposed Peters creek Apartments and the allocation of federal low-income housing credits available Sunder Internal Revenue Code section 42 for that development will serve the ~F., low- and very low-income housing needs of Roanoke County and will _ meet specific priorities in the commonwealth of Virginia Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). IT Specifically, the CHAS identifies the number one priori~y as "direct housing resources to very low-income people (less th n 50 per cent of the area median income)." Peters Creek Apartments will serve the low-income housing needs of the County, and the allocation of tax credits for the development will help the County meet the priorities in the CHAS. Very truly yours, ~ ~ ,/~ v~~ ~~y[ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ECH/MLMcN/meh cc - Mr. Michael L. McNamara, President Castle Development Corporation Mr. Terrance L. Harrington, Director Roanoke County Planning and Zoning Department C~Ca~xrtt~ ~f ~~~xz~~a~e P.O. eox 29$00 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 2Q.01$-0798 BOARD OFS N, ODELL'FU2zr MI CAVE SPRw~ MAf L.E6 B. ~- DDY WINDSOR Hn15 M4< ® Regtlee Paper 12/09/93 09:38 $804 794 0553 _, :R~" ~ 1 ~ i ~V hIRY-10-1993 89= id ,FRQ'1 TfiP 345 4461 f ~: . ~ .. ~.~'~,1 v.YZ ~~ ti~ti~ ~•-~ -' - .,,~---. CASTLE DEV CORP TO 1804?94g5?6 P. ~WtlOn May 3, 1993 IJmplo~ee~ Nallh Ho~nole~ne~se Mr_ Michael L_ McNamara r-eiahtlaaooa. President bever~k Castle Development Corporation eein+ereaf*nuor 2801 Southwell P18ce - Midlothian, Virginia 24002 cebeuxnne. _ caol2laMeadara. ~ = Peters Creek ApdrtmentS v;rrr,~,uacs+ Roanoke County ~ Virginia Ellabelh lofrlas~ Se[Merr Lo+clf Pacry. *'~r~ Dear Mr. McNamara: Monty ?lynlale, AAIiNRI Stcrflv/Y/7XS~VlVl After reviewing your letter and our subsequent )oMHorry telephone cozlversatioa, Total Action AgainBt Poverty seraheasll` Kould like Co offer its support of the above CeuliMeDlvw><r referenced Project . eetry carpenror FanwroDennu AS a full service community action agency, one of our TedFelnom~ )ohnfltrwlck major focuses is housing ioz low income xndividualm ) e in nun community. We are the administrators of the q ~b~ Roanoke County Section B Prvgramr 8s 'tell as several 2sne)onas other housing related programs. ti• c- )ardda Huaa].ar.oe The need far decent, affordable housing Zor low uureBCei.erp Bout' 1lrueroa • income individuals in the Roanoke area is evidenced, - cerm+aet.agnn by our own work as, providers of housing services in DoroiMlMendcnpaa the community as we~i]. as by Statistical data. A. W. M4rrlll Ao~aM0ler xerealai >vtala Iri addition to our support, we would Slso like to ~ 1auiMOycr offer an o y you during Iease- ppo~ttuniC to work xith - ~1srl~uon vAr through referrals from our programs Such as the L.drryfterutoe ttoanoke County Section '8 programs, our HVD Housing l31av.)amaew.keynolef Counseling programer and TAP'S Transitional Y+iving - "~m`a ~Ic00T Center _ - Lfioa scro8gf . wmlamspanvly P~lraeashS~otaf TAP and the TAP HvusiAg Corporation are currently in Ftorineillornhl0 the process of developing d31 SRO (Single Room w, o. ward pCCUparlcy) project in Roanoke City-. bsrnlce walepn Nsncy Wlllkrno Post Of[i~ Box 2868 Roanoke, VitftlNa 240012866 (70S] 34b~6781 Faz 1705) 315J46t C~joo3 ^ 12/09/95 09:58 '$`804 794 055 MAY-10-1993 09=15 FRQ1 TAP 345 4461 t~ , ~~ .._i Page 2 CASTLE DEV CORP Tp 1804?940576 P. May 3, 1993 We are committed to the provision of decent, affordable housing er-d applaud your efforts toward the same. If we can be 0~ further assistance, please contact us at 703/345-5781. very truly yours, Theodore J. Ediich, xII Executive DireCtOr C~ 004 "~Y r P.03 ~~-.-J ^ rf November 4, 1993 H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 RE: Peters Creek Apartments County of Roanoke Dear Chairman Minnix: i a - ~'-~ Pursuant to Section 36-55.39(B) of the Code of Virginia, a copy of which is enclosed, you are hereby notified that the Virginia Housing Development Authority is considering the financing of the multi-family residential housing development described in the enclosed Attachment "A", which is to be situated in your locality. Should you desire additional information regarding the development proposal, please contact Mr. William B. Litton, Harvey Lindsay Commercial Real Estate, 1400 Dominion Tower, 999 Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23510. If you desire to disapprove the development proposal, you may do so by certifying to the Authority in writing within sixty days of the date hereof. A certified copy of any resolution disapproving the development proposal should accompany the above certification. We would ask that any such certification be in the form attached hereto though the statement of any reasons for your action is optional. You will note that Section 36-55.39(B) also provides that the governing body of a locality may, by resolution, approve the proposed housing development. If you desire to approve the development, we would ask that such approval be in the form attached hereto. A certified copy of the resolution approving the development must accompany the approval form. Very truly yours, /.-~- Dennis Yeates ~ Development Officer cc: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator William B. Litton Virginia Housing Development Autno~~ry rn~ c~Ui~ p~i,,'~~iBiE C~.FC( G';7R,C, _~^~r ~. 3 undertaken b r°cedure prior to financing of housing developments Y housing sponsors. - A. Notwithstanding any~• other provision of this chapter, HDA is not empowered to finance any housing development undertaken by a housing sponsor pursuant to . §§ 36-55.31, 36-55.33:1 and 36-55.34.1 of this chapter unless, prior to the financing of any housing development hereunder, HDA finds: 1. That there exists a shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing at rentals or prices which persons and families of low income or moderate income can afi'ord within the general housing market area to be served by the Proposed housing development. 2. That private enterprise and investment have been unable, without assistance, to rovide the needed decent, safe and sanitary housing at rentals or prices which persons or families of low and moderate income can afford or ~ provide sufficient mortgage financing for residential housing for occupancy by such persons or families. 3. That the housing sponsor or sponsors undertaking the proposed housing development in this Commonwealth will supply well-plena housing for persons or families of low and moderate income and thatisuch sponsors are financially responsible. 4. That.the housing development, to be assisted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, will be of public use and will provide a public benefit. 5. That the housing development will be undertaken within the authority conferred by .this chapter upon HDA and the housing sponsor or sponsors. B. HDA shall also find, in connection with the financing of the new construction or substantial rehabilitation of any proposed multifamily residential housing development, that the governin bod which such housing development is to be located hags notywithin s rty ty in after written notification of the pro osed finan . goveiziing bod b IFiD ~ has been sent the ~ Y . A, certified to HDA in writing its disapproval of the proposed multifamily residential housing devel~opmeat. If the governing body of the locality has so certified its disapproval to HDA, the ~o~eriung bod ma revoke such certification of disapproval at any time by written notice to HDA, and upon receipt of such written notice, HDA shall, for the p the finding required by this subsection, disregard suchu certification of disapproval. Furthermore, no finding need be made under this subsection if HDA shall have received from the governing body its certified. resolution approving the proposed housing development. (1972, c. 830; 1975, c. 536; 1978, c. 297; 1982, c. 175; 1990, c. 461.) ATTACHMENT `A' ~.3 The proposed development will consist of approximately 120 units of non-subsidized housing to be financed under Virginia Housing Development Authority's Multi-Family Loan Program and situated on approximately 12 acres located on Peters Creek Road at Burlington Elementary School in the County of Roanoke. .~, ~ CERTIFICATION OF APPROVAL In accordance with Virginia Code Section 36-55.39(B), the City Council of , Virginia, hereby certifies to the Virginia Housing Development Authority its approval of the proposed multi-family residential housing development called , as expressed in its resolution duly adopted on , 19 a certified copy of which is attached hereto. City Council of Virginia By: Its Mayor ~.3 CERTIFICATION OF DISAPPROVAL In accordance with Virginia Code Section 36-55.39(B), the City Council of Virginia, hereby certifies to the Virginia Housing Development Authority its disapproval of the proposed multi-family residential housing development called , as expressed in its resolution duly adopted on , 19 a certified copy of which is attached hereto. Optional: Such development is disapproved for the following reasons: City Council of Virginia By: Its Mayor ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for January 25, 1994. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit for an accessory apartment, located at 4925 Bower Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, upon the petition of Charles Cooper. 2) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a church, located at the southwest intersection of Merriman Road and Cartwright Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Church of the Holy Spirit. 3) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to establish a retail sales facility for the sale of mobile homes, located at 3727 Challenger Avenue, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of CMH Homes Inc. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERR~S OFFICE. Gi-3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for January 25, 1994. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1 through 3, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, lam. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Minnix Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Vote No Yes Abs t 9a "1 ~_.. 1 . es `~y~FtO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 a. ~ [t~u\P"'0"r r a~ ~\'°Fq yb 'f~ ~ ~ j TIEY L I~ ` i ;i ; ~ HIDp, N V~ ~ '}F~vOO avnwx. •.n /NSJRANCc CO, ~~ ~.M"~ ~ 4 W MF J Y .: .. GRA ~ ~ F xp/N RD• fGX a 'Y~ ',any: ' o ~~ pp ' ~ p ~ ~ "~ u~~F b W DtF BRIDLE 3 (4 ~ iF~J ~ ~ " ~ / P W,v Nn \ p~~~}yy/p 1 Lt7ER1 Q _ t~ d ~r _L~~~ PD F "• ~ ~ Y , ~~ V ~[ ~P ~ ~ ~ V G QM D ~ PfL S 9 LL 00 ~ ~R __ T_ / __. Pi_ ~FDELL E" I ~'~ S W~•• ~"" p1 c KIAND : yS 0~ "P .G.+~ , NN FONT 7 'RU.. SL'G?2lCAF ~ L'Wf ~1=4/ " ' '` `'~ ~ Lr ND .~I,~ ~ " ~ ; SRN o. VICINITY MAP g . ~rM1 1. U... - EX 1 ~ ~D11 ~ EP ~/,Nw4 qG pt OL rl r ~CWW ~ ~ ~~ I 11 uRn :f .nd~ - Q~~ 1 ~ri C~r-y ©~ ~or,~loK~ Y .~ lS Y.1 `' w~ ~ `~ ~ / a f '° \ ,~~ , e ~ _ r ~ " • ~ `` Arr s ~ ~ i 1 I _1 . N" \ 1 1" « r 1 1 °a 4 s 1 1 v ~ ,.. \ 1 1 .r"r ~~ " R / • up i a..tB ~ ~ ~h \ 1 r ar Ip ~ ~ \ 1. " / ' _ / ~ • _ 1 :. ~ o- ~ •~ .v~ ~ ,-: .~ ~, ~, w 4" f~°^~• ~~~ f a °,,,, / . - _ r~ ~..r - „`? ' . 1 ° 1~ (1/ b N " 1 n ` ' , , , ~ " . 1 1 ' i R IN ~ M ~• ~ al"t " I 1 3 ~ 1 P. ~ao• ' . ""~ I""' i 1 ` 1 .e~ 1. 1 1 ~. .. O 1 1 •~ 1 1 1 ~ ~ $ ~ 4.j H tlx 4 1 ~ «i. , ; , 1 10 1 _ I „ 1 _ 1 1 ~ 1 ~•~ ~ Y .- ( ' _ ' ," ~; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING .' ~ ~T/TJOI~I~"R: CNd~'L~S CObPER ~; " ~ ~ AND zoNnJG ~Fa7u~sr.• ~ S~ctss~. use J~R~ItT --_ . . r= , . ,~t.GESSoRy ~Ps~ ~TM~'~!T Ts'U( NjdP # : 7G.v7 - 3 - !3 a-.+va -- l~ ~:p. \'M ry.g7.AC IJy4t7cy~R ~ lk - s V" ~uyu I`,3 LARK ~ ~ Y a~`,' 'Y4RC e ~~ $$~o.e ~y~W.61~€° p`1,1ER ~"~~£ . ~~ ` ~ cs}oO~tw ^~`~ P • ~s-, g Esc .~~~ ~. `s' tY ~ 1300 .1 S,ON ~,NE . ~~ s ~rE ~~~ --_:_~~ F VICINITY MAP .y~ ,-Yi.Q~Q'~p Sl 'L M Ar~.A 'L ~.ox ~+w I oa 66 .1300 ~9.'..~G~TRANSM ~- - G- ~ Q - ---- NORTH ~" DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ~TiT/pNER: CHc[RCI~{ of 7H~ ff~t~Y SP/R~ T ' _. ~- ~ ~F~PIlEST: `3PEC~AL UsE T~ER~!!T- - _ a= . AND ZONING ~£L,/ri /OL ~ i} SB~MI~ LY .r Tkx MAP ~Gl : 8?. /7 ~ !o - /~ y ~' v 9o d ~ IOVINCf AUTO VIROo75[[II DISTRI!(FMif O~' '.\ ~ \ ~' o ~ >~ry o~ ~.<..:~:.: Ar ::~; ~ / IL ~ Ko~lo ~ a3~rouT ~f[~.~ R ~ ,A • RDI'rDrf C[MRF iaR M'DVSTMA7(L'NnDlp6 sires ~ }jg Read Mtn. QrG rIDOA 7 S. I r/M/NG ~ CONS7RVCT/DN 7Q 2' qVr _ ~ ' :.~ ~I. ~ C4 .' F C hy} ~ !~s ~M'~N~`~Y'~'9'6----VICINITY- -MAP > ~: ~ ~ G-~ - a NORTH --_-- s,• ,~ / ,,~ .~ ~ to.~ ~ ,~~ -o; _ / tar. ~~ ~/ Glry o~ r~oAnloKE' / ~. o ~. J _ I" DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING f'~TJT1Q~lI6R: C..Mf~ TrvM~~i f~~.~ AND ZONING ~ ~E~t1EsT.~ SP~GIAL. U5~ ~1Q~lIT -- _ _ ., l~lA~l1l~~1G77aR~D }DIES ~~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO . ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 21-17. WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE., OF ARTICLE II. TAXES ON TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXA- TION, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING EXEMP- TION OF PRORATION FOR BOATS IN CERTAIN SITUATIONS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~,Q, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' These amendments would eliminate the requirement for the proration of taxes on boats which are brought into Roanoke County after January l of each tax year. BACKGROUND' The 1993 session of the General Assembly amended § 58.1-3516 of the Code of Virginia to give localities the opinion of removing boats from the category of personal property for which proration is required when such property is moved into the locality after the tax day. This amendment was initiated by commissioners of the revenue in the Tidewater area who have experienced great adminis- trative difficulty and expense in attempting to keep track of boats which are easily moved from one jurisdiction to another within a tax year. The amendment to § 58.1-3516 does not affect the requirements for proration for a boat which is removed from the locality after the tax date or which is sold and remains in the county during the year. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The proposed amendments to Sec. 21-17 would have the following effect upon personal property taxation for boats which are moved into or out of Roanoke County after January 1 of any tax year: 1) A boat which is moved into the county after January 1 would not be liable for Roanoke County's personal property tax until the next tax year. However, the owner is still required to file a personal property tax return within 30 days of moving the boat into the county under Sec. 21-16(b); N-`~ 2) A boat which was in the county on January 1 and which is sold after that date but remains in the county will have its personal property tax prorated between the former owner and the new owner in accordance with the county's present prac- tice; 3) A boat which was in the county on January 1 and which is sold after that date and is removed from the county will have its personal property tax prorated between the former owner and the new owner provided it is moved to a prorating locali- ty. 4) A boat which was in the county on January 1 and is moved out of the county after January 1 will be entitled to prora- tion of its personal property tax liability provided it is moved to a prorating locality. FISCAL IMPACTS• There should be minimal financial impact upon the county's personal property tax revenues from these amendments. I expect the county to break even between any loss in tax revenues in one year and gain in the next. ALTERNATIVES• 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance exempting boats from the system of proration currently in operation in the county. 2. Reject the proposed amendments and retain the current requirement for prorating personal property taxes for boats brought into the county after the tax date. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends alternative #1. Respectfully submitted, . Wayne mpton Commiss er of the evenue Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs I+-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SEC. 21-17, WHEN DUE AND PAYABLE, OF ARTICLE II. TAXES ON TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY, OF CHAPTER 21, TAXATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CONCERNING ELIMINATION OF PRORATION FOR BOATS WHEREAS, Sec. 21-17 of the Roanoke County Code currently provides a system for proration of personal property tax for every motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer which either acquires or loses a situs within the county after the tax date of January 1 of each year; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia has recently amended § 58.1-3516 of the Code of Virginia to permit localities to exclude boats from the class of property subject to proration of the personal property tax; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance took place on December 14, 1993; the second reading took place on January 11, 1994. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke as follows: 1. That Sec. 21-17. When due and payable. of Article II. Taxes on Tangible Personal Property of Chapter 21, TAXATION, is hereby amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 21-17. When due and payable. (b) There shall be a personal property tax at a rate established each year by the board of supervisors on motor µ vehicles, trailers and boats (hereafter referred to in this section as "taxable property") which have a situs within the county on ar 1 of each ear and`'~~€' ~ `~~~n?~as~# which acquire a situs Janu Y Y .:::::::::::::::::::~::::::.::::.;:::::::.:.::.:::.::::::::.::: within the county on or after January 2 of each year. When taxable `:z~` ;<~a'~ ac fires a situs within the county on property f~±~,~ .::::.:::::.:::.::::.~:.;:.;:;.:>:::~»»>::»::;.;::~: ~ or after January 2, the personal property tax for that year shall be assessed to the owner prorated on a monthly basis for the portion of the tax year during which the taxable property has situs ..t:::.»:.;:.;;:. . e ro ert °>«<~[i'tti~:;~<~'s~~i with a within the county. When taxabl p P Y;-:.;:.;:.<:::.;:.;;«:.;:.;:.;:..;;::::::.;;~:.;:.;;;:.;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;.::<.::: situs in the county is transferred to a new owner within the county, the personal property tax shall be assessed to the new owner prorated on a monthly basis for the portion eat the tax year during which the new owner owns the taxable property. For purposes of proration, a period of more than one-half (1/2) of a month shall be counted as a full month and a period of less than one-half (1/2) of a month shall not be counted. For purposes of proration, the first through the fifteenth will be considered as the first half of the month, and the sixteenth to the end of the month will be considered the second half of the month. an taxable ro ert '~`;?~tt~an.: ;:>~3~ loses its (c) When y P P Y:;;::;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:::.::; ;:.;:<.;;:.;;;:.;:.;:~.~.::::.;:«.;.::::.;:<.;::::..: situs within the county after the tax day or after the day on which it acquires a situs or its title is transferred to a new owner, the taxpayer shall from that time be relieved from personal property tax on such tangible property and receive a credit toward taxable property newly transferred to the taxpayer, or a credit against personal property taxes outstanding against the taxpayer, or a 2 M-I (e) When any person, after January 1 or situs date, acquires a motor vehicle.;:: e~ trailer:"~~- boat with a county situs, the tax shall be assessed on such taxable property for the portion of the tax year during which the new owner owns the taxable property and it has a situs in the county. The tax shall be due and owing within thirty (30) days after presentation or mailing of the bill from the treasurer, or May 31 of the tax year, whichever shall occur later. 2. This ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption for the 1994 tax year and all subsequent tax years. 3 ~'"~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE 121493-5 AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 12-34. DISPLAY OF DECAL GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE II. COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSE, AND SECTION 12-55. PARKING TICKETS GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE III. PARKING, OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE ROANORE COIINTY CODE TO FACILITATE ENFORCEMENT OF COIINTY VEHICLE DECAL REQIIIREMENT BY PARKING TICKETS WHEREAS, by Ordinance 91493-7, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors amended Section 12-34 of the Roanoke County Code in order to permit law enforcement officers to issue parking tickets or uniform traffic summonses for violations of the County's vehicle decal ordinance; and WHEREAS, it is intended that a vehicle owner should be permitted to pay such a ticket or summons prior to the scheduled court date provided the personal property tax is paid and a decal is purchased; and WHEREAS, this code Section does not prescribe a uniform fine schedule for this category of ticket or summons which would permit the Treasurer of Roanoke County or the Clerk of the Roanoke County General District Court to accept payment prior to court date; and WHEREAS, the scheduled removal of the offices of the County Treasurer of Roanoke County from 3738 Brambleton Avenue to 5204 Bernard Drive will require a modification to all Roanoke County parking tickets in order to adequately inform the public; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 30, 1993; and the second reading for this ordinance was held on December 14, 1993. 1 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 12-34 of the Roanoke County Code entitled "Display of decal generally" be amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-34. Display of 8eca1 generally. a) A license decal issued under this article shall be attached to and displayed on the windshield of the vehicle for which issued in such manner as to be clearly visible. b) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to obtain and display or to operate a motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer required to be licensed under this article on any street, highway, road, or other traveled way in the County, unless a current license decal is displayed thereon as required by this section. The fact that the current license tax has been paid on such vehicle shall not bar prosecution for a violation of this section. A violation evidence that the license herein required has been obtained. 2 c) Each day that a vehicle is operated without a current license decal being displayed shall be considered a separate offense for purposes of this section. Law-enforcement officers in the County of Roanoke shall have authority to issue citations, summonses, parking tickets or uniform traffic summonses to residents of and businesses located in Roanoke County in violation of this Article. 2. That Section 12-55 of the Roanoke County Code entitled "Parking tickets generally." be amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-55. Parking tickets generally. The chief of police shall prepare an appropriate ticket and ticket stub for use in enforcing the provisions of this article. Any law-enforcement officer charged with enforcing this article shall attach, in plain view, to any vehicle parked in violation of this article, a ticket notifying the owner or operator of such vehicle of the violation and instructing such owner or operator when and where to report with reference to the violation. The time of the violation shall be noted on the ticket and stub. The ticket stub shall be turned in to the office of the Treasurer of Roanoke County. The ticket and stub shall have corresponding numbers. The ticket shall contain the following statement: "NOTICE: You may pay this by appearing at the Office of t Treasurer of Roanoke Count s~3~`>€k3-~S the Coun y Y ~ :::.............................................................. $i~~e~e~~, Roanoke, Virginia, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you 3 prefer, you may mail the ticket and fine to the aforementioned office at P.O. Box 't~3~-8•~, Roanoke, Virginia 2401'x:-~,. Checks should be made payable to the Treasurer of Roanoke County. If you fail to take care of this ticket within ten (10) days, then further action will be taken which could result in your having to appear in court and paying additional costs." 3. The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 1, 1994. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 4 DISTRIBUTION: File Circuit Court G. O. Clemens, Judge, Kenneth E. Trabue, Judge Roy B. Willett, Judge Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Joseph M. Clarke, II, Chief Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge John B. Ferguson, Judge Peggy H. Gray, Clerk Michael Lazzuri, Court 5erv Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George W. Harris, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Adm Don C. Myers, Assistant County Adm Diane D. Hyatt, Dir, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Dir, Eng & Insp Terrance L. Harrington, Dir, Plan & Zoning Kenneth L. Hogan, Chief Animal Control Officer Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Com of Revenue Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue Gardner W. Smith „ Dir, Gen Services Thomas S. Haislip, Dir, Parks & Elaine Carver, Dir, Procurement John W. Birckhead, Dir, Real Estate Assessment ACTION NO. ITEM NO. "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 12-34. DISPLAY OF DECAL GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE II. COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSE, AND SECTION 12-55. PARKING TICKETS GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE II. PARKING, OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO FACILITATE ENFORCEMENT OF COUNTY VEHICLE DECAL REQUIREMENT BY PARKING TICKETS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: °~'~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' These amendments will permit citizens to satisfy parking tickets or summonses received for vehicle decal violations in the same manner as is now permitted for other parking violations provided the personal property tax is paid and a decal purchased for the cited vehicle. BACKGROUND' The amendments to Section 12-34 of the Roanoke County Code adopted in September of this year expanded the ability of law enforcement officers to issue tickets or summonses for observed county vehicle decal violations. However, no mechanism was available to permit such tickets/summonses to be paid off prior to court as the county code prescribed a range of fines and not a set fine for such violation. Additionally, the scheduled move of county offices from Brambleton Avenue to Bernard Drive will necessitate a new printing of county parking tickets by our Police Department. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This amendment adopts a uniform fine of $25.00 for vehicle decal violations which is similar to other parking fines imposed under Sec. 12-51 of the Roanoke County Code and uniform schedules of fines adopted by the Supreme Court of Virginia for vehicle licensing violations. However, such a ticket or summons cannot be paid off until the decal license is obtained after payment of personal property taxes due on such vehicle. For those tickets/summonses not paid off prior to court, the section is amended to conform to the range of fines permitted for a Class 4 TI misdemeanor, the maximum permitted by state law. The address change in Section 12-55 will permit the Chief of Police to order new traffic tickets which will be utilized once the Treasurer's office is moved in January of 1994. FISCAL IMPACTS' The Treasurer of Roanoke County estimates that on an annual basis approximately 2,000 vehicles registered to residents of Roanoke County have not paid their personal property tax assessment and obtained a current county vehicle decal. Increased enforcement efforts by police officers against unlicensed vehicles parked in the county may produce substantial revenue for the county. ALTERNATIVES' I. Adopt the proposed amendments. II. Decline to adopt the proposed amendments and continue to rely upon current enforcement techniques to obtain compliance with county vehicle decal requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative I. Respectfully submitted, J eph ~B . ~ Obenshain S for Assistant County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs z- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTION 12- 34. DISPLAY OF DECAL GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE II. COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSE, AND SECTION 12-55. PARKING TICKETS GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE III. PARKING, OF CHAPTER 12 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO FACILITATE ENFORCEMENT OF COUNTY VEHICLE DECAL REQUIREMENT BY PARKING TICKETS WHEREAS, by Ordinance 91493-7, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors amended Section 12-34 of the Roanoke County Code in order to permit law enforcement officers to issue parking tickets or uniform traffic summonses for violations of the County's vehicle decal ordinance; and WHEREAS, it is intended that a vehicle owner should be permitted to pay such a ticket or summons prior to the scheduled court date provided the personal property tax is paid and a decal is purchased; and WHEREAS, this code Section does not prescribe a uniform fine schedule for this category of ticket or summons which would permit the Treasurer of Roanoke County or the Clerk of the Roanoke County General District Court to accept payment prior to court date; and WHEREAS, the scheduled removal of the offices of the County Treasurer of Roanoke County from 3738 Brambleton Avenue to 5204 Bernard Drive will require a modification to all Roanoke County parking tickets in order to adequately inform the public; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 30, 1993; and the second reading for this ordinance was ~'= i held on December 14, 1993. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 12-34 of the Roanoke County Code entitled "Display of decal generally" be amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: sec. 12-34. Display of decal generally. a) A license decal issued under this article shall be attached to and displayed on the windshield of the vehicle for which issued in such manner as to be clearly visible. b) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to obtain and Any violation of this section may not be discharged by payment of such fine except upon presentation of satisfactory evidence that the license herein required has been obtained. ~---1 c) Each day that a vehicle is operated without a current license decal being displayed shall be considered a separate offense for purposes of this section. Law-enforcement officers in the County of Roanoke shall have authority to issue citations, summonses, parking tickets or uniform traffic summonses to residents of and businesses located in Roanoke County in violation of this Article. 2. That Section 12-55 of the Roanoke County Code entitled "Parking tickets generally." be amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: Sec. 12-55. Parking tickets generally. The chief of police shall prepare an appropriate ticket and ticket stub for use in enforcing the provisions of this article. Any law-enforcement officer charged with enforcing this article shall attach, in plain view, to any vehicle parked in violation of this article, a ticket notifying the owner or operator of such vehicle of the violation and instructing such owner or operator when and where to report with reference to the violation. The time of the violation shall be noted on the ticket and stub. The ticket stub shall be turned in to the office of the Treasurer of Roanoke County. The ticket and stub shall have corresponding numbers. The ticket shall contain the following statement: "NOTICE: You may pay this by appearing at the Office of of Roanoke Count S`«~3~-3~ the County Treasurer Y ~ :::.......:....................................................... $r~bl~~e~~e:, Roanoke, Virginia, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. If you prefer, you may mail the ticket and fine to the aforementioned /~ / y y office at P.O. Box ~t~'.3-~98, Roanoke, Virginia 24018'5. Checks should be made payable to the Treasurer of Roanoke County. If you fail to take care of this ticket within ten (10) days, then further action will be taken which could result in your having to appear in court and paying additional costs." 3. The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 1, 1994. ., AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE 121493-6 DECLARING PINRARD COIIRT LEISIIRE ARTS CENTER SURPLIIS PROPERTY AND DONATING SAID PROPERTY TO TOTAL ACTION AGAINST POVERTY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been, and hereby is, declared surplus and is being made available for other public uses; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on October 12, 1993; and a second reading was held on December 14, 1993, concerning the disposition of 4.5 acres, more or less, of real estate known as the Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center, located in the County of Roanoke and designated upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 87.08-1-30; and, 3. That the donation of this property to Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) is hereby authorized, subject to the following conditions, covenants and restrictions: a. Use and/or development of the property shall be limited to that which is consistent with TAP's mission and purpose, and shall be community-service oriented. b. Use and/or development of the property shall be only in accordance with the current planning and zoning classification as a valid non-conforming use or, in the alternative, shall be in compliance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in effect at any given time. c. No subsequent conveyance of this real estate to any person or organization whose mission or purpose is not consistent with those of TAP's shall be valid without the express approval of the County. d. The aforesaid covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns. d. In the event that TAP, its successors or assigns, violates the covenants regarding use and/or development of the property, the property shall revert to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the donation of said property, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol n, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Thomas S. Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney T~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE DECLARING PINRARD COIIRT LEISIIRE ARTS CENTER SIIRPLIIS PROPERTY AND DONATING SAID PROPERTY TO TOTAL ACTION AGAINST POVERTY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been, and hereby is, declared surplus and is being made available for other public uses; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on November 13, 1993; and a second reading was held on November 30, 1993, concerning the disposition of 4.5 acres, more or less, of real estate known as the Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center, located in the County of Roanoke and designated upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 87.08-1-30; and, 3. That the donation of this property to Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) is hereby authorized, subject to the following conditions, covenants and restrictions: a. Use and/or development of the property shall be limited to that which is consistent with TAP's mission and purpose, and shall be community-service oriented. b. Use and/or development of the property shall be only in accordance with the current planning and zoning classification as a valid non-conforming use or, in the alternative, shall be in 1 z~ compliance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in effect at any given time. c. No subsequent conveyance of this real estate to any person or organization whose mission or purpose is not consistent with those of TAP's shall be valid without the express approval of the County. d. The aforesaid covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns. d. In the event that TAP, its successors or assigns, violates the covenants regarding use and/or development of the property, the property shall revert to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the donation of said property, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. realest\pinkard.ord 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~"" 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board Three year term of Harriette Shivers, Member at Large, will expire December 31, 1993. This is a joint appointment with the City of Salem and City of Roanoke. The Blue Ridge Community Services Board will make a recommendation and the localities may confirm their recommendation. No action should take place until the Board of Supervisors receives the recommendation from the Community Service Board. Respectfully submitted, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~"" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance Declaring Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center Surplus Property and Donating said Property to Total Action Against Poverty. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND At the first reading of this ordinance oz the Board was asked to (1) declare the Pinkard Center surplus property, and (2) donate the Action Against Poverty (TAP) for the purpose operating special purpose housing or any other with TAP's mission and local zoning. i October 12 , 19 9 3 , Court Leisure Arts property to Total of developing and purpose consistent Pinkard Count was constructed in 1960. The building sits on approximately 4.5 acres and contains 10,000 square feet of heated space. The land is assessed at $135,000, and the building is assessed at $361,000, for a total assessed value of $496,000. At the First Reading, the Board asked that the County receive assurances that the building would be used for purposes compatible with the neighborhood. The Board also asked that the staff insure that the County would retain some ultimate control over the use and development of the property should TAP decide to dispose of the building at a future date. The idea of a reverter clause was presented. TAP has indicated in writing their intentions for the short term use of the building, and their longer term desires to use the building for special purpose housing (See attached December 2, 1993 letter). TAP understands the County's interest in the longer term use of the building, and is in agreement with deed covenants that would provide for the building reverting to Roanoke County should the building be proposed or used for a purpose inconsistent with TAP's mission. ~- ~ 2 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The attached ordinance declares this property as surplus and authorizes the donation of the property to Total Action Against Poverty. The ordinance specifies proposed deed covenants to restrict the ultimate use of the property. These covenants restrict the use of the property to a community-service oriented purpose which is consistent with TAP's mission and purpose. The ordinance furtl must be consistent wit. status of the building, < the zoning ordinance in The ordinance further execute any documents nE property to TAP. And Board's interest in tY' property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: .er provides that the use of the property 1 the current zoning and non-conforming r alternatively must be in compliance with effect at the time of the proposed use. authorizes the County Administrator to cessary to effectuate the transfer of the agreements executed will insure the e appropriate and ultimate use of the Staff recommends as follows: 1. Approve second reading of the prepared ordinance. Respectfully Submitted, Terrance Harr' gton, AICP Director. of Pla ning and Zoning Approved, ~~ Elmer C. Hodges County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Denied Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs C:1WP511AGENDAIBRPINK2C 3 r to E i f ...^# 'u~"",~ `"* Education December 2, 1993 Employment Health Housing and Homelessness Neighborhoods Mr . Elmer Hodge Economic County Administrator Development Roanoke County Crime Prevention Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Adult sasic Educations 3638 Bramblaton Avenue GEDPreparation Roanoke, VA 24018 Alleghany Highlands Community Home Improvement Program Clerical skills RE: Acquisition of Pinkard Court School Community Action Property-Access, Disposition and Dear Mr . Hodge Development Community Development and outreach We are very excited about the possibility of Roanoke County Comprehensive Health Investment Project donatin the Pinkard Court School to TAP. g Customized Training Head Start We have prepared a plan to utilize the building on an interim HenryCenterMusic basis as well as positioning ourselves to locate funding for long xighRiskDrug term usage. Interim usage is planned to house our Prevention Program Homeless Intervention Weatherization, Furnace and Indoor Plumbing programs. ~.:.ong term Program usage is planned to convert the building into affordable housing Housing Counseling urilt S . Housing Rehabilitation HUD Counseling IMAGE On November 11, 1993, Alvin Nash and Judi Huffman from TAP met titeracyPrograms with Ms. St. Clair, Ms. Hippard and others from the neighborhood Nortbwestsupermarket Project to discuss our plans for the building. They had no objection to ProjectDlscovERY our proposal provided we did not increase the size of the ProjectH.o.P.E. building appreciably. Project InfoTech Project PRIDE ProjectS.O.A.R. They did, however, express concerns re ardin several g g g pendin Project SUCCESS issues previously discussed with them by the County. These RoanoxeCountysectiona issues included water drainage, roads, a fire hydrant and a southwesternvirginia Second Harvest traffic li ht at Route 220. These concerns are shared by TAP. g Poodbanlc In order for TAP to integrate a successful project into the summer Youth Employment Programs neighborhood we would need to work toward resolvin these g Transitionall,iving concerns. We have had preliminary conversations with Terry Center TAP/VA CARES Offender Harrington regarding these issues. Services VWP Outreach Weatherization Warren's Resource Center 1'OSt (]f11Ce BOX 2868 Par[iripa[~n~g1Ag ancy Roanoke, Virginia 24001-2868 ~. (703) 345-6781 FaX (703) 345-4461 uniteuway T a. Mr. Elmer Hodge December 2, 1993 Page 2 Further discussion with Terry indicated that the County would like to include a "Reversion Clause" in our Agreement. Pending approval of our Counsel, TAP has no objection to specific conditions of Reversion. We would, however, also want the Reversion Clause to address disposition after rehab as well. For example, should the building be converted into efficiency apartments for the elderly, reversion should include assurance that the County or another non-profit would retain the building for this same use. Specific language addressing such reuse would be necessary for TAP to secure long term funding for this project. Environmental issues such as the underground tank indicated on the drawings, as well as asbestos and lead based paint and other environmental concerns will be resolved by the County before transfer of the property to TAP according to Terry. He has also indicated that a Phase I Environmental Study is currently in progress. Our latest conversation with Terry Harrington indicates that the building and environs are "environmentally clean." We appreciate Roanoke County's consideration of TAP for donation of this building. We are confident that we will create a project of which Roanoke County and the Pinkard Court neighborhood will be proud. We would like to note that we will be glad to work with Habitat for Humanity and/or any other groups to help meet the goals of the project. We look forward to working together toward finalizing this transaction. Very t my yours, Theodore J. Edlich, IlI President and C.E.O. c: Terry Harrinton Judi Huffman c` AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION 121493-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SBT FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM R - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for December 14, 1993, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 9, inclusive, as follows: 1. Acceptance of a Grant by the Police Department from the Department of Motor Vehicles for DUI Enforcement. 2. Resolution Urging the Virginia Department of Transportation to Conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line. 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. 4. Authorization to Execute an Agreement to Share a Sanitary Sewer Easement with Sloan, Inc. 5. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club. 6. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Northside Athletic Booster Club. 7. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. 8. Request for Approval of Bingo Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. 9. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution after discussion of Item 3, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Clifford D. Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John Cease, Chief, Police Department Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Bingo/Raffle File ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~~ A-121493-7.a AT A REGULAR D AT THE ROANOKE OUNTY ADMINISTRAT ONRCENTER,COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: the ptDepartment raof b M torPo Vehicles rt fort fDUI Enforcement. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~'' BACKGROUND' The Roanoke County and Salem Police Departments applied for a Multi-Jurisdictional DUI Enforcement Grant to conduct selective enforcement. The grant has been approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles in the amount of $8,000.00, with four thousand dollars allocated for each department. FISCAL IMPACT' There is no requirement for matching funds in this grant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Staff recommends acceptance of the grant from the Department of Motor Vehicles. K- Respectfully submitted, John H. Cease Chief of Police Approved by, Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L 7ohnson Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred ( ) Minnix -~. To Johnson .~ Nickens -X cc: File John H. Cease, Chief of Police cc: File Chief Cease AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF BUPERVISORB OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLIITION 121493-7.b URGING THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO CONDUCT A CORRIDOR STIIDY ON ROUTE 220 FROM INTERSTATE 581 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE LINE WHEREAS, the Route 220 Corridor from Roanoke to the North Carolina line is a primary link between western Virginia and the I-81 Corridor with the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, portions of existing Route 220 were built as early as the 1950's and are now badly antiquated and inadequate for current traffic levels and modern truck traffic; and WHEREAS, Route 220 has among the worst safety records of any major four lane facility within the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, the Counties of Roanoke, Franklin, and Henry, the Cities of Martinsville and Roanoke, and the Towns of Rocky Mount and Vinton, as well as other various localities that are served by this Corridor, are concerned about the lack of specific plans to modernize this arterial highway; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has previously undertaken corridor studies elsewhere as on Route 220 North from I-64 to the West Virginia line, a distance of approximately seventy miles, in order to identify, prioritize and schedule needed improvements along this highway; and WHEREAS, the jurisdictions along Route 220 South feel that a similar corridor study is needed on the Route 220 Corridor from Roanoke to the North Carolina line. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of e Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby urge the Virginia Department of Transportation to conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line for the purpose of developing a specific plan and schedule for needed improvements in order to upgrade this facility to an appropriate level of service and safety to enhance economic development in Virginia in the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other local governing bodies, chambers of commerce, economic development commissions and similar groups along the corridor or in neighboring jurisdictions which are affected by the ability of Route 220 to meet modern traffic needs are urged to do likewise. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho on, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Macon C. Sammons, Jr., Franklin County Administrator Wayne Strickland, Fifth Planning District Commission Robert W. Dowd, West Piedmont Planning District Commission Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Resolution Urging the Virginia Department of Transportation to Conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The attached letter was received from Macon C. Sammons, Jr., Franklin County Administrator, requesting neighboring localities to indicate their support for a corridor study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line. The study of the sixty-three mile segment would be done to develop a specific plan and schedule for needed improvements to upgrade the route. Fred Altizer, VDOT District Engineer, has advised Mr. Sammons that a study would be done if all the localities along the route join in asking for it. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolution and send copies to Mr. Sammons, Wayne Strickland, Fifth Planning District Commission, and Robert W. Dowd, West Piedmont Planning District Commission. Approved by, K•a Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ----- ------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke Minnix To ( ) Nickens K-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION URGING THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO CONDUCT A CORRIDOR STUDY ON ROIITE 220 FROM INTERSTATE 581 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE LINE WHEREAS, the Route 220 Corridor from Roanoke to the North Carolina line is a primary link between western Virginia and the I-81 Corridor with the State of North Carolina; and WHEREAS, portions of existing Route 220 were built as early as the 1950's and are now badly antiquated and inadequate for current traffic levels and modern truck traffic; and WHEREAS, Route 220 has among the worst safety records of any major four lane facility within the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, the Counties of Roanoke, Franklin, and Henry, the Cities of Martinsville and Roanoke, and the Towns of Rocky Mount and Vinton, as well as other various localities that are served by this Corridor, are concerned about the lack of specific plans to modernize this arterial highway; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has previously undertaken corridor studies elsewhere as on Route 220 North from I-64 to the West Virginia line, a distance of approximately seventy miles, in order to identify, prioritize and schedule needed improvements along this highway; and WHEREAS, the jurisdictions along Route 220 South feel that a similar corridor study is needed on the Route 220 Corridor from Roanoke to the North Carolina line. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of K- o~ Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby urge the Virginia Department of Transportation to conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line for the purpose of developing a specific plan and schedule for needed improvements in order to upgrade this facility to an appropriate level of service and safety to enhance economic development in Virginia in the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other local governing bodies, chambers of commerce, economic development commissions and similar groups along the corridor or in neighboring jurisdictions which are affected by the ability of Route 220 to meet modern traffic needs are urged to do likewise. C®UNT~ OF FRANKLIN i c Macon C. Sammons, Jr. County Administrator Phone (703) 483-3030 FAX (703) 483-3035 Bob Herbert Roanoke City Manager 215 Church Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Clav Goodman Vv~ton Town Manager Post Office Box 338 Vinton, Virginia 24179 Board of Supervisors Office of County Administrator 108 East Court Street Rocky Mount, VA 24151 .Bob Lawler Henry County Administrator Post Office Box 7 Collinsville, Virginia 24078 Gentlemen: K-~ `/ 1 ]~ ~ ;~ J °~ , , November 3, 1993 .~ W. Wayne Angell Blackwa[er District Hubert L. Quian Blue Ridge District Homer G. Murray Boone District Charles K. Ellis Gills Creek District Girardus G. Forry Rockv Mount District Page A. Matherly Snow Creek District Lois H. English Union Hall District ',~1~ E er Hodge oanoke County Administrator Post Office Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Mark Henne Rocky Mount Town Manager Tanyard Road Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151 Earl Reynolds Martinsville City Manager Post Office Drawer 1112 Martinsville, Virginia 24114 We are all aware of the deficiencies in Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State line and the problem this poses for us in our economic developnieilt efforts. Because of ongoing concern about the Route 220 problem including concerns about the safety issues, I recently met and talked with District Engineer Fred Altizer about the possibility of a coordinated corridor study looking specifically at the sixty-three mile segment from Roanoke to the North Carolina line. Fred Altizer has indicated that he feels confident that VDOT would conduct a corridor study if all of the localities along the Route cull for one. The Route 58 effort of several years ago shows the results that can be achieved when u group of localities and their legislators work together un a co-nmon need. I fAei Rr-utP ??n is cne of these sltuatinns sand consequently, I have drafted a proposed resolution culling for a corridor study to identify the specific problem segments of the road, to prioritize improvements and to schedule them in a coordinated fashion. For background, I have enclosed u recent article which was published in the Roanoke Times and World News which quotes Fred Altizer regarding Route 220. I am also copying the members o f the General Assembly who represent us and I have also sent it to several friends in the General Assembly. I f your governing body sees fit to adopt this resolution I would urge you to do likewise. Finally, I f eel that our two planning districts, Fifth PllC and West Piedmont Planning District Commission, both hove u significant rule tv ploy in getting this effort off the ground and therefore, I am asking Wayne Strirklcind and Bob Dowd t.o take the lead in following up on this uiitiutive. Of course, I am aware that if the Routes 460/220 alignment is selected for I-73 this work may dovetail into a larger plan for• interstate expansion, but in that event the corridor study should only help the Cvrnmvnwealth be better prepared to proceed efficiently vn planning fo.r I-73. "The Land between the Lcikes and the Blue Ridge" k-~ Please direct a copy of your adopted resolution to: Robert W. Dowd, WPPDC, Post Office Box 1191, Martinsville, VA 24114 or Wayne Strickland, Fifth PDC, 313 Luck Avenue, SW, Post Office Box 2569, Roanoke, Va 24010. Bob or Wayne can then collect and distribute the resolutions as a package to legislators and other appropriate officials. Bob Dowd and Wayne Strickland can coordinate the list of recipients. I f your local governing body adopts the enclosed resolution we would ask that you include the resolution in your local legislative package. Sincerely, ~.~.c Macon C. Sammons, Jr. County Administrator MCSJR:sfk ENCLOSURES 3182B RESOI.~UTION # 3181B ka WHEREAS, the Route 220 Corridor from Roanoke to the North Carolina line is a primary link between western Virginia and the I-81 Corridor with the State of North Carolina, and WHEREAS, portions of existing Route 220 were built as early as the 1950's and are now badly antiquated and inadequate for current traffic levels and modern truck traffic, and WHEREAS, Route 220 has among the worst safety records of any major four lane facility within the Commonwealth, and WHEREAS, the Counties of Roanoke, Franklin and Henry, the Cities of Martinsville and Roanoke, and the Towns of Rocky Mount and Vinton as well as other various localities that are served by this Corridor are concerned about the lack of specific plans to modernize this arterial highway, and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has previously undertaken Corridor Studies elsewhere as on Route 220 north from I-64 to the West Virginia line, a distance of approximately seventy miles, in order to identify, prioritize and schedule needed improvements along this highway, and WHEREAS, the jurisdictions along Route 220 South feel that a similar Corridor Study is needed on the Route 220 Corridor from Roanoke to the North Carolina line, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, this _ day of 1993, that the does hereby urge the Virginia Department of Transportation to conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State line for the purpose of developing a specific plan and schedule for needed improvements in order to upgrade this facility to the appropriate Level of service and safety to enhance economic development in Virginia in the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other local governing bodies, chambers of commerce, economic development commissions and similar groups along the corridor or in neighboring jurisdictions which are effected by the ability of Route 220 to meet modern traffic needs are urged to do likewise. Macon C. Sammons, jr. County Administrator ' a curve in U.S. 220 Cars faster, trucks bigger, but road's same By LON WAGNER STAFF WRITER In 1951, the best-selling car in America was the Chevy BelAir; that's the year U.S. 220 from Roanoke to Boones Mill was built. In those days, cars didn't have air condi- tioning, power steering or power brakes. But while the cars traveling America's roads were changing, U.S. 220 remained essentially the same. "It was great then, for sure," says-Fred Altizer, Virginia Department of Transporta- tion administrator for the Salem District. "When you talked about afour-lane back then, you were talking about much lower speeds, trucks were different and you didn't have as much traffic." These days, U.S. 220 carries a lot of traffic that early-1950s engineers couldn't have imagined. Four-cylinder cars capable of 120 mph. Trucks pulling double trailers that stretch 70 feet. The 63 mites of U.S. 220 from Roanoke to the North Carolina line has a higher acci- dent rate than 60-mile spans of similar four- lane U.S. highways in Virginia. U.S. 220's accident rate was 101 per million miles of travel; U.S. 29's accident rate from the North Carolina line to Lynchburg was 97; and U.S. 460's accident rate from Roanoke to Camp- bell County was 72. And the high visibility truck accidents that occur frequently on U.S. 220 between Boones Mill and Roanoke add to the public's call that something should be done to im- prove the road. The tractor-trailer that wrecked and spilled hundreds of cases of beer north of Boones Mill last month is just the latest example. "The whole stretch of route 220 is dan- gerous," says Steve Goodwyn, a supervisor with the safety division of the Department of Motor Vehicles, "with the curves and the slopes -plus they're usually traveling faster than 55 mph." Though U.S. 220's overall accident rate is higher than -but not out of line with - similar four-lane primary roads in Virginia, road experts in the region admit it is a prob- lem. And, reluctantly, they confess that U.S. 220's twists, turns and dips are something drivers will have to learn to negotiate. They say most of the obvious, less costly solutions - straightening a curve or flattening a knoll - have been done. The 220 of today is the improved, up- graded version. "We are very rapidly reaching a point where I don't know if there's many other. small things we can do," Altizer said. "To go' in there today and build 220 up to current standards would be an extremely costly road project." In fact, a project that would straighten a particularly twisting part of U.S. 220 just past i ~~ - ~ r.. Red Hill Baptist Church has been removed from the state's six-yeah plan of roadwork. - ~'~ That project, if it works its wa~ back into the plans, would ena' years of traffic-dodging by Pa4~ Hooke and her parents, who live up a driveway at one of the s-curves; To pull out of the drivewaj%,~ Hooke said she has to phone ~- neighbor, who has to run across the' road and watch for traffic. „~ Hooke's parents, John C. an'~~ Addle Hall, have tried several ap proaches over the years. "1 always say a prayer before ~~' run across that road," she said' "We've asked for a sign warning q~ a private entrance. We'vc' evctt- askcd for a mirror. "At night it's no problem, be-. cause you can sce the headlights oil; the guardrail." ' 220 _, FROM PAGE Al ,.a Z a D C c0 .. co cD w O ~D ~3 ~~ 1 ACTION NO. A-1~!21493-7.c ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Grumman Aircraft Company - Firetruck Litigation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE STJNII~IARY The County agreed to share with the Town of Vinton the legal expenses for the litigation with Grumman Emergency Products Inc. over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck. BACKGROUND' In November of 1991, the Board agreed to join with the Town of Vinton in legal action against Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. and other possible defendants over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck which the County had jointly funded with the Town. Since this vehicle is titled to the Town of Vinton it was agreed that the Town Attorney should handle this litigation. The fees thus far approved by the Board are as follows: February 11, 1992 $ 1,151.95 March 24, 1992 1,437.59 May 26, 1 992 2,363.43 June 23, 1992 1,779.16 September 8, 1992 228.71 September 22, 1992 868.75 October 2 7, 1992 941.00 December 1, 1992 289.00 December 15, 1992 843.00 February 23, 1993 3,835.00 March 23, 1993 6,648.60 April 4, 1993 480.10 1 k-3 May 25, 1993 June 3, 1993 July 2, 1993 July 9, 1993 August 31, 1993 August 25, 1993 Total FISCAL IMPACTS• $ 1,315.36 751.00 645.92 59.38 (Grainger) 379.25 883.63 $24,900.83 $1,261.30 (October 7, 1993 statement), $379.25 (August 31, 1993 statement), $643.58 (August 2, 1993 statement) for a total of $2,284.13 in current fees to be paid from the Potential Litigation Account. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the payment of this invoice from the Board's Potential Litigation Account. Respectfully submitted, ( '--} ;T~, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved (x) Motion by Bob L. Johnson Eddy Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) Kohinke Referred Nickens to Minnix File cc: Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance c;~wpsl~agen ~a~uu~ ~t~ Mahoney, County Attorney Vote No Yes Abs x x x x x 2 TOWN OF VINTON P. O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHONE (703) 983-0608 FAX (7031 983-0621 December 7, 1993 TO: Joe Obenchain, Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke POB 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 I<-3 JOAN B. FURBISH FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER STATEMENT Statement From Natkin, Heslep, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company October 7, 1993 Statement -- $2,522.60 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $1,261.30 Statement From Natkin, Heslep, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company August 31, 1993 Statement -- $758.50 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To $379.25 Town of Vinton Statement From Lawrence J. Dove Associates For Inspection and Preparation of Report For Grumman Ladder Truck Lawsuit August 25, 1993 Statement -- $1,767.25 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $883.63 Statement From Natkin, Heslep, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company August 2, 1993 Statement -- $1,287.15 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton 643.58 Total Due and Payable to Town of Vinton $3,167.76 cc: Diane D. Hyatt A-121493-7.d ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Execute an Agreement to Share a Sanitary Sewer Easement with Sloan, Inc. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : cn~/~r6~'~""~ BACKGROUND' Sloan, Inc., the owner of the Burger King property along Brambleton Avenue, has requested to be allowed to construct their dumpster pad and enclosure over an existing public sanitary sewer easement. SUMMARY' During the development of the Burger King property, the property owner constructed the dumpster pad and enclosure over an existing public sanitary sewer easement. There is no other area within the site to construct an adequate dumpster pad that would have access to the servicing truck. The property owner's engineer has proposed that the owner pay Roanoke County to reconstruct the sewer 1 ine and concrete encase it so as to protect the line from failure and reduce the need to excavate in the dumpster pad area in the future. The engineer has additionally proposed that the concrete dumpster pad be constructed with a joint three feet on either side of the sewer line in order to facilitate removal if the sewer line would need to be excavated in the future. County staff has evaluated this proposal and find it to be acceptable in this case. In order to protect both the County and property owner, an agreement is required to allow the encroachment over the sewer easement with the conditions that the property owner pay the County $700 to protect the sewer line and that the County would not be responsible for any damage to the dumpster area if sewer excavation is required in the future. K-'~ RECOMMENDATION• Staff requests the Board of Supervisors authorize the County Administrator to execute an agreement prepared by the County Attorney to allow the property owner to construct and maintain a dumpster pad and enclosure over a public sewer easement under the conditions mentioned in this report. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~~,~~2~~ ~~ ~,~ Cliffor aig, P.E. Elmer C. Hodge Utility Director County Administrator Approved (~ Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion ACTION by: Bob L .7~hnson Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs ~_ x ~_ cc: File Clifford Craig, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ACTION NO. A-121493-7.e ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club has requested a permit to hold 50/50 raffles in Roanoke County at all home athletic events during the calendar year 1994. Schedules showing the dates of the athletic events are attached to the application. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: E~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Bob r., ohnG n No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERMIT APPLICATION K_5 Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. secr• of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of Organization Mailing Address City, State, Zip Code WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADING BOOSTER CLUB 2902 Washington Avenue Vinton, Virginia 24179 When was the organization founded? 1985 Purpose and Type of Organization The obiect of this club shall be to support WBHS Cheerleading and to be of service to them, offering Has the organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES x NO Is the organization non-profit? YES x NO Is the organization exempt under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES X NO Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable ~~``~' 1_` U_ j~'~`~• % ~' Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or Section 18.2- 340.10 et. se of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? YES Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? YES COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 1 -. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to ~"5 § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Raffles ? YES DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES: Article Description DOUBLE-WIDE NUMBERED T I CIVETS (one side goes to person, other side into drawing) DATE OF RAFFLE Fair Market Value 50 cents per chance If this application is for an ANNUAL RAFFLE PERMIT, list below all dates raffles will. bey held. All home athletic events thru 104, including tournaments (see attached schedule) Specific location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? At WBHS home athletic events - during half-time of event NOTE: This permit shall be valid only for the above location. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5) of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. All proceeds from 50/50 go to buy new uniforms,clinics, new jackets and gloves for cold weather. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMNIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a r Officers of the Organization: Co-Pres. Linda Bryant 890-0477 President: Co-Pres. Ilu Isler Phone: 890-6313 Bryant-1149 Finney Drive Address: ~,sler-1872 Cranwell Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 (both) Vice President: Brenda Bain Phone: g77-4216 Address: 4638 Red Barn Lane Roanoke Virginia 24012 Secretary: Velva Flick Address• 2315 Rutrough Road Treasurer: Barbara Ellis Phone: 890-6791 Address• 3938 Hprsepen Mountain Drive VInton, Virginia 24179 Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name: Billie Sue Musselwhite Home Address 549 Aragona Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Phone 345-5429 Bus Phone 772-3036 Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to exist: Name: Billie Sue Musselwhite Home Address 549 Aragona Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Phone 34505429 Bus Phone 772-3036 Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? yes Has your organization .attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke? Yes IF ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVIISSIONER OF 7'HE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 Phone: 981-0547 Roanoke, Vi~rgi.nia 24014 3 .. x NOTARIZATION THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS: I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. I further swear that I have read and understand the attached copies of Sec. 18.2-340.1 et. sec• of the Code of Virginia and section 4-86 et. sea• of the Roanoke County Code. Signed by: T R, Subscribed and sworn before me, County/Gig-~€ NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED day o My commission expires: K-5 ~' ~ y/'7q the 19~ The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date ommissi er of a Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIltGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COIVIlVIISSIONER OF 7'HE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 ~~_~~ errs ~~~,,- `'s' , ~ ~> ~3 :3 Commissioner of The Revenue Roanoke County Administration 3738 Brambleton Avenue SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Attention: Raffle Permit Division We, the William Byrd High School Cheerleaders Booster Club, are applying for a raffle permit. Our application is ~,~~ currently on file fbr review. We were notified that exact dates were needed for selling of the raffle tickets. Please see the attached official schedules with the dates of the home events highlighted. It is also our desire to sell the raffle tickets at home Football games, as well as Girls and Boys Basketball games not scheduled for the calendar school year 93-94. (These dates will be sent to the Commissioner as soon as they are available from the Athletic Director at the high school). Please process the application with the information submitted. Your prompt consideration of this request would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration of our endeavors. If there are further questions, please feel free to notify either myself or Martha Gray. Sincerely. -.~.. ACTION NO. A-121493-7.f ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Northside Athletic Booster Club COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Northside Athletic Booster Club has requested a permit to hold 50/50 raffles in Roanoke County for the calendar year 1994 on the dates listed in the application. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994 from the Northside Athletic Booster Club be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERMIT APPLICATION K-b Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of Organization ~ ~,~, ~-' ~^^°~'°" Club Mailing Address ~~KB 1or-L i=~ ~ a~ High Srr~~l Road City, State, Zip Code R~A7,~=r,TVa ~I~~19 When was the organization founded? f~ - Purpose and Type of Organization:-, r~--~t-P ~~ e»p. on rt_~? phases of athletics at Northside High and Northside Junior High as approved by Has the organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES X NO Is the organization non-profit? YES X NO Is the organization exempt under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES NO X Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or Section 18.2- 340.10 et. se of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? Yes Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such record YeSre subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMNIISSIONER OF TIC REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 1 . Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to ! ~ § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation ~~ of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Raffles ? Yes DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES: Article Description X0/50 DATE OF RAFFLE If this application is for dn~e~4raffles ~i~l~~ie~ held, ' 1-11-94 9-9-94 1-18-94. . 9-16-94 1-28-94 9-23-94 2-8-94 9-30-94 2-1 1-94 10-7-94. 2-18-94 10-14-94 Fair Market Value approx. ?100.06 an ANNUAL RAFFLE PERMIT, list below all 10-21-94- 10-28-94- 11-4-94 11-11-94. 11-18-94. 12-2-94. 12-6-94. 12-9-94 12-1 ~-94. 12-16-94. 12-20-9Z{. 12-2?-94. 12-30-94 Specific location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? s permit valid" only cation. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5) of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. The proceeds from the 50/0 raffle will be used to promote and support the athletic programs of Northside High achool andNorthside Junior High School. The Ways and Means Commit- tee of tn.e Northside i~thletic Booster needs to raise funds of ~4-,023.95 to help meet the 1993-1994 budget of ~18,,~23.95 (see attached budget). These funds will be used solely for the young people of our community. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a Officers of the Organization: President :Rosanna Myers Phone: 362-4980 Address: 6533 Lab an Rd., Roanoke, Va. 24019 Wi-cCeoPresident: Becky Whisnant Phone: 562-2234 Address: 5117 Norseman Dr., Roanoke, Va. 21~0'~ 9 Secretary: Betty Hun. ate Phone: 366-l~806 Address: 6713 Stonington Rd., Roanoke, Va. 21019 Treasurer: Alton Burnett _ Phone: ~~18~ - Address: 670 Heath Cr.., Roanoke.,~~1~ 01 `~ - Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name: Charrv PPnnPt+ Home AddreS5 (~(~'~ ~ Maar~Pwnnri nr Rnannlra~ Va. 24019 Phone 366-9341 Bus Phone NA Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to exist: Name: Home Address 6618 Meadewood Dr. Phone 366-9341 Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? Yes Has your organization .attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?YAQ IF ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMMISSIONER OF 1~IE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 Bus Phone NA 3 NOTARIZATION THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS: I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. I further swear that I have read and understand the attached copies of sec. 18.2-340.1 et. se of the Code of Virginia and Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. Signed by K~ ~-C-~'`~~'~ I Na a Title l _ Home Address " ~ ~ ~, Subscribed and sworn before me, this ~_day of ~19 ~~ in the ` Vir inia. ~ County/City of ~,(1~/~".'~~ . 4 ~~_ c .h-~My commission expires: h ~ - ~ / 19 ~ "~ ~-' N ary ub i NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date ommi oner o he Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMNIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 A-121493-7.g ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ""' / AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 has requested a permit to hold 50/50 Raffles in Roanoke County for the calendar year 1994 on the dates listed in the application. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~G~- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: _ Bo L ohnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To f 1 cc: File Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERMIT APPLICATION Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules,. ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sea• of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sea• of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of organization ~ ~~„~-~ t~ rn rx--,c,a [`,~-~ ~,~ =~~g~ Mailing Address ~. ('~, ~jnX City, State, Zip Code _~~,~Y~ ~ ~~ ~,~~ ~ 5 When was the organization founded? ~~~Q~ ~n-) ~ G'~ Purpose and Type of organization r0.-~-P ~ n Has the organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES~~ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES -~ NO Is the organi tion exempt under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES NO Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or Section 18.2- 340.10 et. secr• of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? 1 i ~' S' COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF TIC REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 k-"! 1 .~ Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to .enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Raffles ? a ~ ~ ~'' DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES: Article Description Fair Market Value DATE OF RAFFLE If this application is for a ANNUAL RAFFLE PERMIT,, list below all dates raffles will... bey held. --~ Specific location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? ~ o~ 3.3 ~A~ct~(,J ~ Q ~Gt.L(,p~ y A Vc`CZ-Le rn ~ c~ `~ NOTE: This permit shall be val d only for the above location. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5) of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts i~ necessary. C1.~l~r ~('aY1r.~ar•+~f_S ~-vr ~~ ~.~~ .jL-hC~o~--~ ~ 1 r, s~rr~as ~~~~. r- ~'--- 1~ct I l o ~,ve~ ~c.z rt-i~S r (, ~ -1 C_CaTYlrylVl.()~lU ~~)t~~ FYI r- ~ hs 'Y7~ e ~ ~. t ~ G r ~ ----- C h ~ 1 c~1 ; r Hc_ I ._ - -- C-hr~5~1n~-.cts ~c~skF~S -~r ~1~~e~:l.~ ~~- ~ mac., ~ Y ~ C_ ~+ Ylr(~~~,,~ S ~.,~ ~ r1 ~ ~~ C... ~ ~ ~ F_ t~ ~ C~ t,x~ t E' ~ S Pn«ss~~.~ ~ t~ c e r ~~ , ~ .t~ "~1vr noy m~~ ~Lc,~1 ~X~~hSE.. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONINIISSIONER OF 1'HE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a Officers of the Organization: ~6 YCf n O ~ P~es•~e~:_ Sc~ ~, n J~; ~ ~>n rr~~~'c', t~ Phone: Sb3-mot S3 ~ Address:_ Q. ~, ~~nx ~~0;~ - `~~,~~,~ ~~ ~~~01 J ~ ~' . Gcv ~ s~ ~--> o t : ~.`.5~,~ ~ !~j~ c L~!L]~..~ Phone : ~ g~- ~-5_~ ~_ Address : ~, (o ~~~ - C r~ ~.,-i:J~ . ~ t'~ -_~.(Yl1 Vu~- /~~' ~y~ `3 ~oC.-r-z.t.~..~ ~5`Erc~::Ez3Z ~ . 1,. Q r t' u -~ r Phone : 7 '7~-- ~ ~' ~-~ Address : ~ ~,~- ~ i7~ ~ L. ,-„ ,,,,, `~~ „~ '^~ _ _ ._ _ i, _ ~11h ~. ~ ~ .~ , rr x~ 7 Treasurer : ~~ ~~ ~.~. Address: ~~"1'~ \ ~~arr,nc-`~~Z~(~ ~~ ~i 1 `~ Ice ~X: ~a~-i-o ~5 3d3 ~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name : ~. ~U7 ~"~ ~i C~ ~-~-P Home Address _~ay 3 ~} ~.,,~--~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ Cx~ r~olCQ, ~ V C~ ~~~~ O ~ Phone `7 7~ -~,g d3 Bus Phone ~ ~ ~ Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to exist: Name : (:Q f (~ ~ U S-~ f Home Address ~~ ~-i 3 17~- ~ 1~ c~ rY> I) ~1~ t~CyCi1~U ~c V ~` ram-i c ~ ~. J Phone ~7~ -~ g ~3 Bus Phone ~~ ~--- Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~,~^'S Has your organization , attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?~a~'~ IF ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTART7.nmTnta COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVHSSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 3 NOTARIZATION THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS: I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set ~"' forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. I further swear that I have read and understand the attached copies of Sec. 18.2-340.1 et. sec. of the Code of Virginia and Section 4-86 et. sea• of the Roanoke County Code. S i,~ney~C ]~y ; r i Title Home Ad ress ~\bed and sworn before me, this ~ ' day of ~~19~ Count City of - ~ ~~, , Virginia. ~--- ~~~ in the C.~~'~-~%~ ~C~ -~~ ~,~ p- ~„ !~a_~ My commission expires:~19~ Notary Public ~ NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. /,~ . ~ - ~~ 3 ~ ,~ ~-~ ~ Date Commissl. er of th Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COIVIlVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 Raffle 50/50 dates for 1994 Wed... 1/5/94 1/12 1/19 1/26 2/2/94 2/9 2/16 2/23 3/2/94 3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 4/6/94 4/13 4/20 4/27 5/4/94 5/11 5/18 5/25 6/1/94 6/8 6/15 6/22 6/29 7/6 7/13 7/20 7/27 8/3/94 8/10 8/17 8/24 8/31 9/7 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 11/23 11/30 12/7 12/14 12/21 12/28 ..Fri... 1/7/94 1/14 1/21 1/28 2/4/94 2/11 2/18 2/25 3/4/94 3/11 3/18 3/25 4/1/94 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/29 5/6/94 5/13 5/20 5/27 6/3/94 6/10 6/17 6/24 7/1/94 7/8 7/15 7/22 7/29 8/5/94 8/12 8/19 8/26 9/2/94 9/9 9/16 9/23 9/30 10/7/94 10/14 10/21 10/28 11/4 11/11 11/18 11/25 12/2 12/9 12/16 12/23 12/30 ..Sat 1/8/94 1/15 1/22 1/29 2/5/94 2/12 2/19 2/26 3/5/94 3/12 3/19 3/26 4/2/94 4/9 4/16 4/23 4/30 5/7/94 5/14 5/21 5/28 6/4/94 6/11 6/18 6/25 7/2/94 7/9 7/16 7/23 7/30 8/6/94 8/13 8/20 8/27 9/3/94 9/10 9/17 9/24 10/1/94 10/8/94 10/15 10/22 10/29 11/5 11/12 11/19 11/26 12/3 12/10 12/17 i~~~ i K-7 ACTION NO. A-121493-7.h .. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ,SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a Bingo Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 has requested a permit to hold Bingo games in Roanoke County for the calendar year 1994 on the dates listed in the application. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Bingo Permit for the calendar year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: / ~~ .~ Elmer C Hodge Mary H. lien . Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------- ACTION --------- ------------ VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File BINGO PERMIT APPLICATION K ~ Application is hereby made for a bingo game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Bingo games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a bingo permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of Organization t"10C1~n ~ ~~ ~ ~(~ `~' ~~'~~'-Q ~~y Mailing Address 1 ~ ~~X ~ ~ O i l City, State, Zip Code ~~Q ~E' ~Yl ~A ~~ ~ When was the organization founded? Qp {' ~ ~ ~ ~ c1 ~ Purpose and Type of Organization Ft, d. 2 f Y1C~ Has the organization bee} in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES V NO Is the organization non-profit? YES ,~ NO Is the organizaation exempt under §501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES ,,// NO Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or section 18.2- 340.10 et. se of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~ ~ ~" _ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 1 Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to -enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, ~. 1 managing, or conducting Bingo Games ? '~ GRO88 RECEIPTS from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calendar year period. BINGO 1st Quarter ~~~~ 2nd Quarter C' INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter ~ f~ 2nd Quarter ~~~_ 3rd Quarter ~Q ~ ~ 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter ~©, ~~_ 1_` 4th Quarter ~_ TOTAL ~r ~ TOTAL DAYS OF WEER AND HOURS OF BINGO ACTIVITY: Sunday ~-Monday Tuesday Wednesday -~~Thursday Friday Saturday From To From `:oor' To/ ;' '/1'J From To From To FromTo. ~0,30F/1~ From To From To Specific location where Bingo game is to be conducted? E:'This permit shall be alid only for he above location. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.50 of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Bingo will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use,/~estimate11d amounts if necessary. /J ~r F CLhtr~t-C.~ ~~. ~" ~~'G~-t.C_C CLZ L LAX C2~Y T ~C..I.Jr~Oay ~_~' Lt ~ ~~a C~, ~~. Q..L hiti,~-5m }~a.~~~:LC.~ o.~'c.~ ~~ ~ c,~~t~ ~n,ot~~~ ~ ~~~,~ ~u-~~° {ter C'_~rnr~~.c.~~~i.~ %~~~~ f-c~. ~Lh.~~i' ~e.~~ ~,~GC , Low :i3aw~~ ry ~~L~ , ~'r~CiA ~4,01~C1L~'~~ '~~ /ZoQ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a Officers of the Organization: ~a.,~ E r n c> ~" .~-~~ ~I~ ; ~ ha rdso ~ Phone: ~(a3-~i531 Address: P ~ 1>>r' x `-~~+U ~ - ~~~, r,aKC~ a_ c~~-C~ 1 G~ ~ ~ S~ . ~o J,c' ; nc~ ~ CC ~ x V cue ~• c „~_d_a .~ '1{ Phone: `3~'1- 1`~ i C"P~/ ~t L -G r7 1 GCC. 3 3 ~ ~ ~T~- Address: a~ I c'- C~~f= k ~c°~~o~ ~ ~ ~~AI~~YrI ~~, c~~-1~~ ~d rn, n ;,s -f rc~.tt1 ~~ ~" 1` cz r r ~~ ~ ~ der Phone : '~'~~ ~ (o ~ ~~ Address: a'~~}3 ~F ~ ~-,G m ~R ~ kP ~~ ~,~' I~ \ R Treasurer : ~ ~ -( Phone : I ~ ~ ` ~ ~5 Address : ~ q , ~ ~ ~(1 ~` r ~ nC~ "'~ r.1 ~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~~ c~~~~ 1 C7'~~ O~'3 Member authorized to be responsible for Bingo operations: Name : ~~(\ fYl -' ~ ~9 C Q ~' (~ C. i ~ ` ~c~ ~~ m Home Address ~„ U J (~,~ IY1~ OC_ I~~c'~ ~a . Phone ~~3 ~ 1 ~ Bus Phone ~ - 73 ~~ Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to exist: Name : '~~1 ~ ~ ~? ~-rU Y' ~ 1 C 1~ Home Address ~ ~ ~l ~s~<.~~~ ~`~-~.,~~c,~ Phone ~~ Y~ -~i ~~? Bus Phone Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? 5 Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?~~ IF ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF 1'HE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 3 NO'1'A1tIGA'1'ION ~~a THE FOLLOW~NG OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS: I her@by siwear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as sat forth in 18.2 of the Code o` Virginia, that all of the above statemontsl~nro tru• to the best of my knowladq@, information, and boli@f s. 1~-11 questions have be@n answered. I further .swear that I have rea and understand the attached copies of Bec. 18.2-30.1 4~ aecx• o the Code of Virginia and Section 4-86 @t. s@ of the Roanoke Co~}:nty Code. 8 @ Om@ AaC1?@s8 I r / Subscribedl'iand sworn b@fore me, this day of .~C 19~ in the Count Cit~ of ~ .~~ n n ) , Virginia. My commission expirQe: ~~~' ~3d __19~G Notary Publ c .. NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having and issued',to the applicant to this calendar year. Date The above application is Date ~, 1 Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY O~ ROANOKE, VIItGINIA !'.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF T~~ REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 been found in due form,. is approved have effect until December 31st of ~, l,~ -~ r~. ~- Commiss ner of a Revenue not approved. 4 ACTION NO. A-121493-7.i ITEM NUMBER 1~."' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION• The Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton has requested a permit to hold 50/50 Raffles in Roanoke County for the calendar year 1994 on the dates listed in the application. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION• It is recommended that the application for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994 from the Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: J~ • ~~ Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved (x~ Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERMIT APPLICATION Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sea• of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sea• of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of Or anization 1,J ~ ~ Mailing Address ;~ I `,~ `~ ~,,,gs {~,',~ r, ~o ,~ i~ v ~~ L/,'n ~o City, State, Z ip Code ~/ ;'n -~'a ~j ~~,~ When was the organization founded? ~~~- Purpose and Type of organization l~J r'7 ~/~~-~~- f Has the organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES~_ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES_~ No Is the organization exempt under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES~_ NO Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or section 18.2- 340.10 et. sea• of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~i,= ~~ Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? j/~=~~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VHtGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVHSSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 K-7 1 -• Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Raffles ? `/ (- `~ ~~~ DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES: Article ~escr~tion TU K I< c ~ ~_ , ~ ~ ~ (~ ~~~ Fair Market Value ~,~,J J ~3c~JJ ~~3 ~ , ~ DATE OF RAFFLE ~~+ ~ I ~ t- A If this application is for an ANNUAL RAFFLE PERMIT, dates raffles will. bey held. -~-~ ~~~ ~^ ,~,~ ,stn ~' ~ Fj i ~ ~ h ~` p~. 131 ~, i~l +~ R c t ~d. r n ~ ~~.. ~ ~~ t h nPRi ]~~/ "i ~~ ~ ~~ t<1 > M!~ ~f ,i' J r h ~ l C. ~ ~h !J' Jv~L )c1ih .~ ~ ~; I y 3 j Y'~ ~3.~c~~~ list below all `' ~/~ a ~~~.y 1 st ;,. 3 ad Th ~ Q f(~~ ~~r r~;hJ ~ Spec fic location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? ~~~ ~ w L ~ ~ (~,~ C ~ / ! / 1 / / This permit s all be val only for the above location. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5) of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. ecl ~ ~ ~ 5 ~~ ~~ ~.~o v'- tl~ )~ J~~ C,~~n~~ S COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIltGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVIISSIONER OF 1'HE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a Q chnn~/ 5~ ct~~u'~ ~'o~rl ~A ~ Sr~.. C~ns~R~" j ~. ~~ ~ ~~ r >~.1~, s~~ ~~ ~;~~ ,//,% 4 ~ ~.SL 1~'~Q I ~V S~C~ K~ shy ~~~ ~a~,~~ ~pa;1 ~^a ~a~ f ~ ~ M9~ 30~h ~'~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ u5 19 .~a ~~~~ '~~7,,~'J MA~G.~I ~~'f-1 ~3~.J~ Fib ,a-~h ~5,~~ 0~~ ~5`~n ~,~ ~.._ t . ~~.~:> F 'k ~, t ~~ c ~._ •*: ' r ~r:. 1 ~' ~x~~`h `li .. .r.. !j1 _ ri;'~ `~ ~d~' ,. ,,;~, _. (~-~) Officers of the Organization: President:`~~ ~ - - ~ J ~~A 12 1~ PhonJe^ :{ 3 ~ G; -~'i~3 ~% F/([~~``s~ Address : 3 i~ ~ J~ / / C ~ ~~c ~ T~ ~ ~ ~ v~/ (~ k L U,~ ~ ~ Phone : ~~ ~~ d Q l~ Vice President: ~-U-- Address: ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~.~~ 1 ~', , ,,~ ~~ `'~ Secretary: Address: ~ Phone : ~ / l1 ~' / ~.. Treasurer : / ~., o ~ ~ ~-~~~~~ _ Phone : ,3 ~ S = 2 ~ Q ;3 Address : / ©3 ~ /~l Th S~ S', ~ ~~z~u> ~ l/~~ ~ sic>/.3 Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name: ~~ ~!C`n !~ ~~ ~-~~ ~ ~~ Home Address '~ J ~ '~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ cif cS~ Phone 3 ~ ~ ~ b ~ 3 r' sus Phone Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to exist: ° CIAr~k Name : ~~9 ~, ~ n n is Home Address '~ i,~,~ N ~ 1 Jc ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ Y~-~ Phone ~ G ~ ~~~ 3 % Bus Phone Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~'= Has your organization attached acheck for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?~/~=~ IF ALL QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 3 NOTARIZATION THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS: I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. I further swear that I have read and understand the attached copies of Sec. 18.2-340.1 et. sea. of the Code of Virginia and Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. Signed by: k`i Title ~ Home Address ~, Subscribed and sworn before me, this ~~ ,day of ~k:~~, 19 ~~%' in the County/O~y of~~ j` lj;~j,'~~LG~/ , Virginia. ~ , ;~' /Iii"~/i'c.~ ~~ X%'~/~~`!~-(~~/ ~ My commission expires: ~~~~~'.~>'~ 19y ~~ Notary Public ~- `~'~'` NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. ~ ~ - ~ - ~ 3 ' ~~~ ~'; ,~ ~ Date ommis oner of the Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 ~r-I COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Amount Beginning Balance at $6,936,009 July 1, 1993 (Audited) Original 1993-94 Budget Addition to reserve 80,668 % of General Fund Expenditures August 24, 1993 VDOT Revenue Sharing Match (25,000) October 26, 1993 Purchase of ladder truck 203 733 Balance at December 14, 1993 6 787 944 8_ Submitted By ~ ~.~-~, ~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund revenues ($77,411,447). N-~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE July 13, 1993 Beginning Balance at July 1, 1993 $136,635 (Audited) Northside High School Ball Fields 62 000 Balance as of December 14, 1993 $~ 4,635 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance N-3 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1993 $100,000 26,400 July 13, 1993 Clerk of Circuit Court New Position ~ October 26, 1993 Codification of County Code 6 500 Balance as of December 14, 1993 $ 67100 Submitted by ~~, ~. ~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -November 1993 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: Payroll: 11/05/93 11/19/93 $ 527,024.71 558,376.39 $2,615,041.71 1,085.401.10 $3,700,442.81 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance APPROVED: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () Eddy _ _ - Received () Johnson _ _ _ Referred () Kohinke _ _ _ To () Minnix _. _ ._ Nickens _ _ _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING E%ECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. f +,. 1 AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 RESOLIITION 121493-8 AIITHORIZING THB EBECIITION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VINTON, THE COUNTY OF ROANORE, AND THE CITY OF ROANORB RELOCATING THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN SAID GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, AND AIITHORIZING THAT CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS RELATING TO SIICH BOUNDARY LINE BE TAKEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, the governing bodies of the County of Roanoke, City of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton desire to petition the Court for approval to relocate portions of the boundary line between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the agreement to relocate the boundary line between the City, Town, and County was held by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, after being duly advertised as required by Section 15.1-1031.2 of the State Code; and WHEREAS, the relocation of the boundary line of such governmental entities in the areas proposed will permit more effective and efficient delivery of municipal services and promote the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the City and the Town have adopted measures reflecting their desires to relocate and change a portion of the boundary line between the County, City and Town as requested by certain property owners within said areas; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton and City of Roanoke have agreed to the boundary relocation by action of their respective governing e i bodies. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that: 1. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, in form approved by the County Attorney, establishing a new boundary line at certain points between said jurisdictions as more particularly described in the plat showing a boundary map line adjustment Area I containing 33.80 acres and plat showing boundary map line adjustment Area II, between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, all of which is incorporated by reference herein. 2. The boundary line set forth in said agreement shall be described by metes and bounds. 3. Upon execution of the agreement between the governing bodies and publication of the agreed upon relocation boundary line in accordance with law, and the holding of a public hearing thereon, the County Attorney is authorized to petition the Circuit Court of one of the affected jurisdictions to relocate the boundary line in accordance with the plats and the agreement. 4. The prior actions of this Board with respect to the relocation of said boundary line are hereby ratified and confirmed. 5. Upon entry of an order by the Circuit Court establishing the new boundary line, a certified copy of such order shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 6. The County Administrator and County Attorney are 2 1 ~ authorized to take, or cause to be taken, such other actions, and to execute other documents as may be required by law to effect the change in the boundary line as set forth herein. 7. The Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to forward an attested copy of this resolution to the Town Clerk of the Town of Vinton and the City Clerk of the City of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Mary F. Parker, Clerk, City of Roanoke Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Town of Vinton 3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing on Relocating the Boundary Line between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY• This public hearing on the proposed boundary line change is being held pursuant to Section 15.1-1031.2. This section requires publication of a notice with respect to the adoption of an agreement between the local governing bodies relocating or changing the boundary line between them. This advertisement was published on November 29, 1993 and December 6, 1993. BACKGROUND• Each local governing body shall advertise its intention to adopt an agreement relocating or changing the boundary line between them once a week for two successive weeks and hold a public hearing on such agreement. The City, Town and County have been negotiating this proposed boundary line relocation for approximately 18 months. Each jurisdiction has scheduled a public hearing on this proposal: Vinton Town Council for December 7, 1993, Roanoke City Council for December 13, 1993, and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors for December 14, 1993. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The corporate boundary line between the Town and the City would be adjusted so that the entire Berkeley Court subdivision is within the Town. The boundary with the County and City would be adjusted so that the 33.8 acre tract of real estate known as "Vinyard Park" is located within the County, but not within the Town. Finally, the corporate boundary between the Town and the City would be adjusted so that certain properties in the "Midway" area be located as shown on the plats, previously given to the Board. W On July 27, 1993, the Board adopted a Resolution authorizing the execution of the agreement relocating these boundary lines between the Town, City, and County. After the conclusion of the public hearing, it is recommended that the Board ratify and confirm its previous action, authorizing the execution of the agreement. FISCAL IMPACTS: It is estimated that there would be minimal impact upon total assessments and revenues as a result of this action. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted, ~a,~,~'m .ten Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix Vote No Yes Abs generat~boundary.rpt AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ~~ ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TOWN OF VINTON, THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, AND THE CITY OF ROANOKE RELOCATING THE BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN SAID GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, AND AUTHORIZING THAT CERTAIN OTHER ACTIONS RELATING TO SUCH BOUNDARY LINE BE TAKEN AS PROVIDED BY LAW WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, the governing bodies of the County of Roanoke, City of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton desire to petition the Court for approval to relocate portions of the boundary line between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on the agreement to relocate the boundary line between the City, Town, and County was held by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, after being duly advertised as required by Section 15.1-1031.2 of the State Code; and WHEREAS, the relocation of the boundary line of such governmental entities in the areas proposed will permit more effective and efficient delivery of municipal services and promote the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the City and the Town have adopted measures reflecting their desires to relocate and change a portion of the boundary line between the County, City and Town as requested by certain property owners within said areas; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton and City of Roanoke have agreed to the boundary relocation by action of their respective governing bodies. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that: 1. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, in form approved by the County Attorney, establishing a new boundary line at certain points between said jurisdictions as more particularly described in the plat showing a boundary map line adjustment Area I containing 33.80 acres and plat showing boundary map line adjustment Area II, between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, all of which is incorporated by reference herein. 2. The boundary line set forth in said agreement shall be described by metes and bounds. 3. Upon execution of the agreement between the governing bodies and publication of the agreed upon relocation boundary line in accordance with law, and the holding of a public hearing thereon, the County Attorney is authorized to petition the Circuit Court of one of the affected jurisdictions to relocate the boundary line in accordance with the plats and the agreement. 4. The prior actions of this Board with respect to the relocation of said boundary line are hereby ratified and confirmed. 5. Upon entry of an order by the Circuit Court establishing the new boundary line, a certified copy of such order shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 2 6. The County Administrator and County Attorney are authorized to take, or cause to be taken, such other actions, and to execute other documents as may be required by law to effect the change in the boundary line as set forth herein. 7. The Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to forward an attested copy of this resolution to the Town Clerk of the Town of Vinton and the City Clerk of the City of Roanoke. general~boundary.res 3 A-121493-9 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGIILAR M HELD AT THE RO OKE OCOUNTY ADM ONISTRAT ON CENTER COUNTY, VIR , MEETING DATE: December 14, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing on amendment to the Roanoke County Charter COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUNIlKARY This public hearing is held in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-835 of the State Code, and upon the direction of the Board of Supervisors, in order to amend the Roanoke County Charter to provide for the popular election of members of the Roanoke County School Board. BACKGROUND' Section 15.1-835 provides that a county desiring to amend its charter may hold a public hearing on the proposed charter amend- ment at which citizens shall have an opportunity to be heard to determine if the citizens desire that the county request the General Assembly to amend its existing charter. The text or an informative summary of the amendment shall be published at least once in the newspaper at least ten (10) days in advance of the time and place of the public hearing. The full text of this proposed charter amendment was published in the Roanoke Times & World News on December 1, 1993 advertising the date, time, and place of this public hearing. On November 2, 1993, the voters of Roanoke County approved at referendum the popular election of members of the school board. On November 17, 1993, the Board of Supervisors directed the County Attorney to draft a charter amendment to provide for the popular eofcall members of the rschoo~l board in November off 1995he election ¢z SUNII~IARY OF INFORMATION: This proposal amends Section 12.02 of the Roanoke County Charter as follows: • Provides for the popular election of school board members to accomplish the results of the November 2, 1993 referen- dum; and eliminates the role of the school board selection commission; • Provides for an initial election of all school board members in November of 1995; • Provides for a "staggered" school board: two (2) members elected for four (4) year terms (Catawba and Cave Spring districts), and three (3) members elected for an initial term of two (2) years (Hollins, Vinton and Windsor Hills), in order to coincide with elections for members of the board of supervisors; • Provides for the commencement of terms: January 1 following election; • Establishes qualifications for office; and • Addresses the filling of vacancies in accordance with State law. FISCAL IMPACTS' Staff is unaware of any direct fiscal impact as a result of this charter amendment. ALTERNATIVES' After providing the citizens an opportunity to be heard with respect to this public hearing on the charter amendment, the Board has the following alternatives: 1) Adopt the charter amendment as proposed; 2) Amend or revise the charter amendment; 3) Take no action and decline to adopt an amendment to the Roanoke County Charter at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board hold the public hearing as advertised and provide the citizens with an opportunity to be heard with respect to the amendment to the charter. -~ Respectfully submitted, ~~~, `1rv1 .'W~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by APP hPln~' Eddy x Denied ( ) Johnson x Received ( ) Kohinke x Referred Nickens x to Minnix x legis\94\charter.rpt Motion by Bob Johnson to elect school board members as follows: Hollins, Windsor Hills and Vinton Districts for 3-year terms in General Election November 1994 to take office January 1995, and Cave Spring and Catawba Districts for 4-year terms in November 1995 to take office in January 1996, and all necessary charter amendments be drafted and filed with General Assembly and current trustee electoral board to continue in that capacity until no longer needed cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Dr. Bayes Wilson, Superintendent, Roanoke County Schools Section 12.02. School Board. The county school board shall be l,~/- composed of the same number of members as there are members of the board of supervisors, from each magisterial or election district of the county, who shall be elected by the aualified voters of the Countv for four year terms. The school board shall elect it own chairman. The initial election of the school board shall be held at the general election held in November 1995 and the entire school board shall be elected at the initial election. At the initial election one school board member shall be elected from each of the Catawba and Cave Spring election districts for terms of four vears, and one school member shall be elected from each of the Hollins, Vinton and Windsor Hills election districts for terms of two vears. Thereafter school board members shall be elected for terms of four ears as rovided b eneral law for the election of school board members with staggered terms. The terms of office for the elected school board members shall commence on January 1 following their election. Members of the school board shall be qualified voters of the county and shall reside in the district from which they are elected. The chairman of the school board shall be considered head of this department for the purpose of appearing before the board of supervisors, unless some other person in the department shall be designated by the school board for such purpose. Section 12 05 Vacancies When a vacancv occurs in the office of an elected school board member the vacancv shall be filled pursuant to Section 24 1-76 of the Code of Virainia. legis\94\clwter.amd Wlllllillillllllllllllilllllliiillllllllllllilllillillllllllllllllllililllilllllllllllllillilllllillllllllilllllllllllllll ## ~ = IIIIII~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ = AGENDA ITEM NO. - - APPE CE REQUEST .. _ - --~ - _ _ _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMI~~NTS -- i - ~.. '_"~ c SUBJECT: ~- ,_ {~-, g" ~ - - -_ - - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the - meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. c - WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED c c BELOW: - ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to c do otherwise. - _- -= - ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their oint of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized _= speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. = = ^ - Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. _, ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - - - _ - = PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - = = = = - - = - = - - - - - ~_.. NAME ~ , r /~/ c `~ ~~ , ~ ,,~, - - - -;, _ - .~ ADD L ..~~L ~-2c-,w-:~ ~~,-~ ,,,~,~, t ~.- r ~.._ ~_ i ~ - - PHONE < ~. ~~ ~ ~-> -> _ - - - _ -. 11111111111111111" ((UIIIIIIillllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllilllllillllllllllilllllllllilll~llllillllilllllllilllllililllllllllillllillillilllllllll~ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~ - _ _ _ _ - ~ - AGENDA ITEM NO. APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS C011~~NTS SUBJECT: -_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the __ meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED c BELOW: c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority otgthe Board to __ do otherwise. _ __ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. c Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. v = c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ V ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c with the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING OlU BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP v SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK A UTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ c __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - c NAME ADDRESS ~ - : ; , , , -_ -_ ~ PHONE r ~ - ~ `r:' ~_'~__~ _ miinnnnim~nm!mrmnn~iiiiilllilllillllll~' urrrrrrrrrirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~rrrrrrr!rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrirriii~ _ ~~ _ _ _ = ~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~_ APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMII~NTS - SUBJECT: Fa.Q-~ ~r,~-~ ~ Diu u~ ~.~.~ ~~~- __ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the =_ = meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. -_ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED __ BELOW: ^ F,ach speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. - _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. __ _ - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments __ with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ i~n~nn~m~n~mm~nmrmnn~nnnnm~mnnmm~nini~n~m~nm!nn~~iiiriiiiiiiiiiiiir~'- ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuii~iuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~ _ ~ _ _ - - _ _ - AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ APPEARANCE RE VEST - Q - =_ = PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS _- SUBJECT: ~ c ob ~,~ would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. -_ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: -. ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. _ ~= ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their oint of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized _= speaker and audience members is not allowed. c _ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c = with the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c = PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK = _ = c _ ,_ _ _ -_ ~. NAME ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, "' ~t r~. c __ __ _- ADDRESS ~.3 ~ g ~-r~c,~ - `, b~~a .. -. = PHONE ~D 3 - ~ ~ ~ - ~~ ~ _ -. m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tr -~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TIIESDAY~, DECEMBER 14~,M1993TRATION CENTER ON ORDINANCE 121493-10 GRANTING A SPECIAL IISE PERMIT TO FAST BREAR FOOD MARTS, INC. TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A-CAR WASH ON PROPERTY LOCAT- ED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WILLIAMSON ROAD AND CLIIBHOIISE DRIVE (TAS PARCEL 27.18-3-13.2 AND 38.06-7-2) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. has filed a petition to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That the Board hereby grants a Special Use Permit with the following conditions to Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast 1 corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District: (1) Only one single ~~-~ti:~z entrance off Williamson Road to the site be allowed. ~~~ to the 2 'S~'?~1 shopping center on the east side of the property be obtained. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance with amended conditions, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: CU Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 PETITIONER: FAST BREAK FOOD MARTS, INC. CASE NUMBER: 32-12/93 °~ Planning Commission Hearing Date: December 1, 1993 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: December 14, 1993 A. REQUEST Petition of Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. for a Special Use Permit to operate a car wash, located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Staff responded to questions from the Commission by stating that this portion of Williamson Road has not officially been added to the 6-year road plan and that the issue of floodproofing or elevating any structure will be addressed during site plan review. The Commission inquired as to the size of the car wash and was told that the proposed car wash is 26 ft. long by 16 ft. wide and consists of one-stall. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1) Only one single 50 foot entrance off of Williamson Road to the site be allowed. 2) An easement for access to the shopping center on the east side of the property be obtained. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross moved to recommend denial of the request on the basis that the proposed use would have an adverse effect on traffic on Williamson Road and that the site itself will be too congested for the number of uses given the size and layout of the site. Mr. Robinson voiced disagreement with the motion stating that it's an existing business and all we're looking at is the car wash. Mr. Robinson moved a substitute motion to recommend approval with a single 50 foot entrance to the site. The motion to accept the substitute motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Hooker, Thomason, Robinson, Witt NAYS: Ross r' ABSENT: None Following the acceptance of the substitute motion, the Commission inquired about the easement agreement. Mr. McGraw indicated the applicant has a contract right to an easement agreement around the perimeter of the Fast Break site where it adjoins Brookside Shopping Center, but that the actual agreement and location of the easement has not yet been determined. He indicated that when we have a site plan finalized based on whatever the entrance configuration on the public road will be, we will define the access easements back into the shopping center parcel. (~-I Mr. Robinson moved to recommend approval with conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Hooker, Thomason, Robinson, Witt NAYS: Ross ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE Mr. Ross was opposed to this project on the basis that the site itself will be too congested for the number of uses given the size and layout of the site and that the site congestion will have an adverse impact on Williamson Road. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Terrance H 'ngton, Secretary Roanoke ounty Planning Commission R-~ STAFF REPORT PART I Petition: Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. File No.: 32-12/93 A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Fast Break Food Marts, Inc., is requesting a special use permit to construct an automatic car wash at the corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive. The total project would also include reopening the existing convenience store and adding gas pumps. The concept plan submitted with this request. shows two entrances onto Williamson Road which is prohibited by the zoning ordinance. In addition, the size of the site (0.54 acres), location of the existing building and proposed structures and entrances create the potential for a congested site, particularly during peak periods. B. DESCRIPTION Fast Break Food Marts, Inc., is requesting a special use permit to construct a car wash on property located on the northeast corner of Clubhouse Drive and Williamson Road. The proposed project includes reopening of the former 7-11 convenience store on the site in addition to adding gas pumps (which is permitted by right). The property, which is zoned C-2 General Commercial, contains 0.54 acres (23,430 sq.ft.) and is located in the Hollins Magisterial District. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Car vvashes are only permitted in the C-2 General Commercial district upon obtaining a special use permit from the Board of Supervisors. Staff has determined that the existing convenience store is grandfathered from obtaining a special use permit, since the building is not being expanded and the use was operating within the two year period (water service records indicate the former 7-11 closed in December, 1992). A wide variety of other uses are permitted by right including gasoline stations, general retail sales, offices, and a variety of other commercial uses (see Section 30-54 for a complete listing). There are three additional requirements that are particularly relevant to this request. First, the entrance standards along arterial highways, such as Williamson Road, limits access points to no more than one entrance every 500 feet for a site (Section 30-91- 5). Second, the car wash is required to recycle 75 percent of the water used (Section 30-85-10). Finally, five stacking spaces are required for an automatic car wash (Section 30-91-10). . . Site plan review and approval will be required for this project, and entrance permits must be obtained from VDOT. ~-~ PART I I A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Characteristics: The car wash, gas pumps, and convenience store are proposed on two out parcels from the Brookside Shopping Center. One lot is already improved with a convenience store building (formerly 7-11) which is now vacant. The car wash - and gas pumps would be located on the other lot and integrated into the site to utilize the existing building. Both lots are flat with little vegetation. Surrounding Neighborhood: The general area is dominated by Brookside Shopping Center and other freestanding commercial uses and Shenandoah Baptist Church property along Williamson Road. East of the Shopping Center is an apartment/townhouse development. To the south of the site is Brookside Golf Course. The remaining area off Williamson Road is predominately single family residences. Traffic and Circulation: The Average Daily .Trips (ADT) in 1990 along this segment of Williamson Road was 15,100. This is the only section of Williamson Road that is - not already 4 lanes or planned to be four lanes in the foreseeable future. In February, _ .1993, the Board of Supervisors recommended that the segment from the City of Roanoke line north to Plantation Road be added to the list of projects for the VDOT Six Year Improvement Plan for primary roads. This project would include widening the bridge over Carvins Creek and realigning the intersection with Florist Road. Should this project become listed on the ~VDOT Plan and funds allocated to the project additional right-of-vvay may need to be acquired which would impact the subject site. Drainage and Floodplain: This site drains into the Carvins Creek watershed. Since much of the site is already improved with blacktop and gravel, additional stormwater management may not be required. `According to the October- 15, 1993 Flood - Insurance Rate Maps, a portion of this site is located in the 100 year floodplain, with a smaller portion of the site in the floodway. To construct anon-residential structure • in the floodplain, it must be elevated or floodproofed one foot above the base flood - elevation. This issue would be addressed during site plan review and approval, if the special use permit is approved. - B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Lavout: The proposed development would utilize the existing building for the convenience store which limits the options available in designing the site layout, particularly given the limited size of the lot for the uses proposed. Gas pumps and an automatic car wash will be added to the north of the building (see attached concept plan). A critical issue with this proposal is the access to the site. Section 30-91-5 of the zoning ordinance allows only one entrance to a site every 500 feet along an arterial Petition: Fast Break Food Marts, Ina ~ -~ ~ 2 ~ File No.: 32-12/93 R-~ road such as Williamson Road. The purpose of this provision is to limit the number of entrances in order to maintain the flow of traffic, and thus capacity, of arterial highways. The concept plan submitted shows two access points on Williamson Road. Other access points to the site include one along Clubhouse Drive and one from Brookside Shopping Center using an easement which the owners of Brookside have agreed to grant. A single entrance from Williamson Road and the easement through Brookside Shopping Center are key aspects in the development of this site and should be attached as conditions, if approved. In discussing this issue with the applicant and his representatives, they have mentioned two alternatives for addressing the access limitation. One option mention would be to apply for a variance from the BZA to allow two entrances. The other option is to provide a single entrance that is wider than that permitted by VDOT (greater than 50 feet wide). Each of these options, in staffs opinion, would circumvent the spirit and intent of the zoning provisions. Therefore staff has suggested two conditions at the end of this report which would legislatively reinforce the single entrance requirement and preclude either a variance by the BZA or a modification from VDOT. Another issue of concern is on site circulation and congestion due the size and design of the site. As presented, the site layout provides adequate space for the turning movements of a passenger car. However, larger vehicles may be constrained by the space provided and may require backing movements. Particular care will be needed in locating the access points to the underground storage tanks in order to accommodate tanker trucks making deliveries. According to the applicant and staff review, the other requirements for stacking spaces and water recycling will be met-and will be verified during site plan review and aPProval, if approved. _ - - Traffic Generation: Convenience stores with gas pumps are particularly high traffic generators. According to Trip Generation by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the proposed use would generate approximately 2,200. ADT without the car wash. With the automatic car wash the estimated trip generation would increase, although detailed figures for this use are not available. While these figures are high, as much as 45 percent of the trips generated by this use are captured from the passing stream of vehicles, rather than added as additional traffic to the ADT on Williamson Road. Thus, while the on-site and access issues are critical, the cumulative effect on Williamson Road is minimal, other than the disruption of traffic flows at the entrance. County Utilities and Services: The proposed site is presently served by public water and sewer. Additional connection fees may be required with the establishment of a car wash on the site. The site is served by the Hollins Fire and Rescue Station. Petition: Fast Break Food Marts, tna 3 File No.: 32-12/93 R_~ C. CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject site is designated within the Transition land use category by the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use is consistent with both the Plan map and the many of the Policies for the Transition category. While the site fronts on Williamson Road, it is an out parcel from Brookside Shopping Center and is therefore part of a planned shopping center (Policy TR-1 and 2). In addition, by providing an easement through the Shopping Center Policies encourage coordinated vehicular movements between adjacent sites is accomplished (Policy TR-7). PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS By there nature, convenience stores are usually problematic to locate and design. They entail a high volume of trips in and out of the site that are short in duration. This usually creates a great deal of congestion, particularly at peak hours. This is further compounded by customers who are in a hurry and park in the first available location whether or not the space and location is properly marked for use. Given these inherent qualities, any convenience store proposal or modification of an existing store site should be carefully evaluated. The site proposed for an automatic car wash, which is the subject of this request, in conjunction with gas pumps and the existing convenience store building is constrained by the size of the site (0.54 acres) and location of the existing building. The zoning ordinance requires only one access point from Williamson Road, which at the time this report was prepared, has not been met. In addition, on-site circulation-can expected to be congested, particularly during peak periods, due to the number of uses on the site, the location of access points, and turning radii available for larger vehicles. Suggested Conditions: The following conditions are suggested by staff if approval of special use permit is contemplated: 1. .Only one point of ingress/egress to the site meeting the written requirements and standards of VDOT shall be permitted from Williamson Road. 2. An access easement shall be obtained from the adjoining Brookside Shopping Center of sufficient specificity to ensure access to the travel isles and points of ingress/egress of the shopping center. PREPARED BY: Jon Hartley DATE PREPARED: 11 /23193 Petition: Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. 4 File No.: 32-12/93 -~ For staff use only COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 date r c i re y• applica ion f e:_ / (/ PC/BZ da ~ „ i placards issued: BO d te: ~- ~' Case Number: ~~ j~ ~"3 Check type of application filed (check all that apply): ^ REZONING ®SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. Phone: 9703001 Address: P. 0. Box 13928, Roanoke, VA Zip Code: 24038 Owner's name: Roanoke Valley Shopping B ookside Associates Phone: ~ G H b o eorge a Address: Center Asso fates c er Zi Code: 370 E. 500 5100 P.O. BQx 159 Expressway p Salt Lake Cit Utah 8411 Plaza 1,_Ros~yn Hei hts, NY 11577 Location of property: Tax Map Number: 27.18-3~-13.2 and 38.O~j-7-2 Northeast Corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive (adjacent to Magisterial District: r......s___s_~,_ ~~ I ~~ Brookside Shopping Center) Community Planning Area: Peters Creek Size of parcel (s1: Existing Zoning: C-2 0.54 acres Existing Land Use: Prior use was a 7-11 Convenience Store. 23,430 sq.ft. Property is unoccupied at the present time. Proposed Zoning: Area is currently zoned C-2 . For waft Use only Proposed Land Use: Convenience store with gas pumps and car wash. Use Type: (only the car wash requires a special use permit. Does the parcel meet~the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v ws v X Consultation X 8 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan X Application fee X Application X ~~ Metes and bounds description '% ; Proffers, if applicable N/A Justification s Water and sewer application X Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the propert the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge~9d consent of the ow er. Owner's Signature: ~~' For Staff Use Only: Case Number pplicant Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. seeks permission to include a car wash at this site. It intends to develop a-one stop convenience store with gas pumps and car wash, which would further several of the purposes of the zoning ordinance without departing from any of the purposes. First, the intended use would develop an attractive and harmonious community by providing the residents of North Roanoke County with a convenient place to shop for .,many minor, but necessary, items without having to drive into Roanoke City. The operation of a convenience store and car wash would provide jobs-for- certain residents and could encourage economic development. Having a convenience store would certainly make the near- by residential areas more attractive by providing a wide range of services within a close proximity. The operation of a convenience store and car wash in an area already zoned C-2 for commercial development would provide these residents with access to services without overcrowding residential areas or increasing the density of population in those areas. (SEE ATTACHED) Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County ,omprehensive Plan. east Break's intent to use the property as a convenience store and car wash will not result in haphazard commercial sprawl along Williamson Road. The convenience store and, to some extent, the car wash are free standing retail uses which are favored under Policy Guideline TR-l. The use of the property as a convenience store and a car wash will serve to maintain the vitality of the Brookside Shopping Center, a prime retail area, by pro- viding the patrons of Brookside with additional services. A patron may be more amenable to frequent the Brookside Shopping Center if he can obtain these additional services in one trip. The convenience store and car wash would also comport with Policy Guideline TR-1. The prior use of the property was that of a 7-11 convenience store. The inclusion of petro- leum pumps and a car wash meshes with the County's intent to encourage new retail uses in planned shopping centers. Fast Break's proposal to develop a convenience store and car wash on the situs of a former convenience store and present shopping center would provide Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. Fast Break's intended use of the property will add a car wash and a gasoline dispensing island to the existing convenience store site, which will be upgraded. The development will not adversely impact any of the adjoining properties. A number of retail stores already exist along the impacted portion of Williamson Road, including the retail con- itained in the Brookside Shopping Center. Fast Break intends to include a stage one ',vapor recovery on its petroleum tanks and a reclaim system for its car wash. The reclaim ystem will minimize any impact on water and sewer facilities in the area. ~-i JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT REQUEST Attachment Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. (Continued) Fast Break will provide these services without unduly congesting the public streets or encroaching upon any historic areas. Fast Break's entrances promote coordinated traffic flow on site and with Brookside Shopping Center. The owners of Brookside Shopping Center have agreed to grant access easements appurtenant to the store and car wash for purposes of ingress and egress. These easements would further serve to ease or prevent congestion. Fast Break's intended use would also comport well with the general purposes of a C-2 district. Fast Break's property was formerly the situs of a 7-11 store which provided many of the services that Fast Break intends to provide. As outlined above, Fast Break's use of the property as a convenience store and car wash would provide a variety of service related and commercial activities within North Roanoke County. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. (Continued) the residents of North Roanoke County with these services without resulting in commercial sprawl. Fast Break's proposal would not frustrate the intent of Policy Guideline TR-3. Fast Break's intended use of the property would comport with Policy Guideline TR-7. The easement agreement with Brookside Shopping Center would serve to provide shared access and limit the frequency of driveway openings. ~~e ~Ql~ OOP Go~s~~Tu J~NE5 s AesOOIAT~e ApONrraOTe 51TE PLAN FAST BREAK FOOD MARTS, INC. ~i SK-1 20 OGT 1993 c TS ~, " ~~ ~ I ` :~' Pc~.oNV w ~' `' ~v 115 ['~P ~' d.~oi j 4Q Q ( MEN y ~'}+ .EA10111~1~ f" ENT ? ~cv~ ~ Q ~ V .' .1113 P'f ~0 "~ qs~ 11 a~6~# OMgTYIr ~ 48 r.[N ,N ~ef0ar3~0f a S I - lrXK (~/ l :~ ~ 0601E U d. '` ~~ ~d S cx.f. IvfNwo ccue 1 ~ N . fCf~T AR" ////JJ ~ •~ ~r ~~: [' M 1LL7OP .-~ ---G y .1 C 11. - .. ~/ ~ST rp.~i _ JES 9 Y ' . _ : C~nsc _ owp~ ~ ~ + H o _ a9 n ape z - o lu„uyrvJ ` ••-:1. ~ _ ~..: _ i_'b ~ ALL. I tG P ~ ~ r ' r • c°' .no. a, ~oww ?. ~ ~$ VISTA AV '.4 y J~ ~f[ M f ~„ AHEIGFfTS ' ~ ~ _.:~"e.~ ; VICINITY MAP ~'~~ __,._`~~.~.:, _~ R-i 0 NORTH [ ID ~ ~ ~ ur Nr • .f ~ 1 ~ - _ t r 11 t4 ~~' lfa "' 13f~ ~ of 6 . Us P' II , 4 J , 4 , • ~ ~ 1 / ltf • •ft+ r p ~ • W A w ° ~ 1 2~ r d . • p II ~`. I~ er6 16.1 tpf f - - d1 '1 1 •' ~ ~ / ~ M.6 e . " ~ ,mac y 3 ~ >~ $ • / d r~ ; £ 6.N..NY t/f ~ S ° o ~~~ ," 1 ln.•.1 ~ 1 fw ..f ~l ~ .•• ao" (` 4 arr a. fl ~/ S 0 ~ rfr ~ O'ro'ar^b 'fi'r 1 6 1 ,f,ff 2 r 102 h Y O' ~~ ~ ; 3 d t i .\ p z I I 3.r.~~ ~rIM fNVrffY Ir~l rtr _ 1'•+ 3 ' d-3 Mp t~Yr ~n~ 2T! _ .•O \ ~ I ~ 6T ft I ~~ tftt ~~ ® C ~ wf fff-~n/ 6 , f ~ ~~~`~ ~ ~ N .1 ` • ~ A ~ wr m-an w eef.wrf.f 4•r •' - ~ f,[, 1M ,,.M7 I ~~ • - 1, ~ ~ ~: ,,. ~ • I ~ a ,,. 7 -10 27.12-IS \ `~. tLftMO _ ~, p21 ~ `. ~ ° ~ 1'• loop I \ a _ \ ~ \ / 7 ~ ~ N, Nf pr7 F c wr ~ g1' ~ ~ \ r cwa+"" a ~ ? fl, 3f 3f a 4 _. ~ ' \ • irk .' ~ Op~ 6 I r-SILi$ rir~ rr ~ tco.. ((pp11 ~ \ S r ~ Eff4 t) ~ ~ ` • ' •'S A. ' ` . " q ~ K ~ . ~ ~~ / ~ ~ . .. 2 \ els \ O 'yy ~~ ~.~ 4' ~ pp~ 4 6 i 7 • + `~ " ` ` O ` ap r t ' Z '~ sit ~' '~~ wr ~ •y 8 ~ ~ f 24 ~ eri p1 Nr '•' , ' ' ' tz`" `~o. S O ~~'+ ~ ~ s _ •" DEPARZT~NT OF PLANNING PETITIONER: Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. AND ZONING REQUEST: Special Use Permit for Car Wash r= ' TAX MAP NUMBER: 27.18-13.2 a~td 38.06-7-2 .,f R-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO FAST BREAK FOOD MARTB, INC. TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A CAR WASH ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WILLIAMSON ROAD AND CLUBHOUSE DRIVE (TAX PARCEL 27.18-3-13.2 AND 38.06-7-2) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. has filed a petition to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That the Board hereby grants a Special Use Permit with the following conditions to Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. to allow 1 R~ ~ the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District: (1) Only one single 50-foot entrance off Williamson Road to the site be allowed. (2) An easement for access to the shopping center on the east side of the property be obtained. wning~fas[.brk 2 R,~-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE 121493-i1 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO W.F.L. OF ROANORE INC. D/B/A PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A CARRY-OUT AND DELIVERY SERVICE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3109 BRAMBLETON AVENUE (TAB PARCEL 77.10-8-1) WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, W.F.L. of Roanoke, Inc. d/b/a Papa John's Pizza has filed a petition to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery service on property located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery service on property located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That the Board hereby grants a Special Use Permit ~~°~~°~~~~•~~~~"~~""~.:»<c~~~:~~ to W.F.L. of Roanoke, Inc. d/b/a Papa John's Pizza to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery 1 service on property located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. ........................ On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the ordinance with the condition, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~~~~ Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 PE'ITTIONER: PAPA JOHN'S PIZZA ~- CASE NUMBER: 33-12/93 Planning Commission Hearing Date: December 1, 1993 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: December 14, 1993 A. REQUEST Petition of Papa John's Pizza for a Special Use Permit to operate carry-out and delivery service, located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Diana Perkinson, representing Villa Sorrento who opeandst affic conge siona1nHer concerns they are opposed to the request because of parlung are: the city bus stop is in front of the proposblockinti all of dthe exdistmg parking paceor about 10 to 15 minutes on a regular basis thus g from 6 p.m. to about 2 a.m., there would be parking and traffic congestion; there are approximately three businesses operating at this location. The operator of a sofa business located at this site expressed his support of Ms. Perkinson's comments with regard to the parking situation. He said that it is an impossible situation even when the bus is not parked there. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission asked about the requirement for a sampling manhole. Staff said there is a sampling manhole on site now and often additional manholes are waived if it is a multi-use building. Vaughn Frey, owner of the Williamson Road Papa John's Pizza responded to questions from the Commission as follows: there will be approximately four drivers in and out for delivery--we don't have a lot of traffic. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS None. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Thomason moved to recommend approvathat should be worked outswith thetowner and situation is a problem but this is something the transit authority. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Hooker, Ross, Thomason, Robinson, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: -Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map - Staff Report _ Other Terrance Roanoke Commission ~- ~ STAFF REPORT PART I B. DESCRIPTION This is the petition of W.F.L. of Roanoke, d/b/a Papa John's Pizza to obtain a Special Use Pirmliocated dat 3109 p Bramblet n rAvenued in vthe restaurant. The site Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Petitioner intends to operate the pizza carryout/delivery business in approximately 1100 square feet of the existing building on the site. The business will be open 7 days a week, from 11:00 am to 1:00 am Sunday through Thursday, and 11:00 am to 2:00 am on Friday and Saturday: Approximately 90~ of the business is delivery or carryout; there will be a few tables (3 or so, depending upon available space and health department requirements) for eat-in Y stomers. Petitioner esThere will delivery trips per day and 15-20 carr out customers per day. be no drive-thru facility. Petitioner currently operates a pizza carryout/delivery .business on Williamson Road. If approved, this will be an additional location. C. APPLICABLE REGIILATION3 The C-2 zoning district permits drive-in and fast food restaurants only if a Special Use Permit is approved by the .Board of Supervisors. The zoning ordinance defines "fast food restaurant" as an establishment engaged in the preparation of food and beverages, for either take-out, delivery or table service, served in disposable containers at a counter, a drive-up or drive through service facility or offers curb service. Site Plan Review is required for all uses requiring Special Use Permits in order to ensure that the site complies with all County development regulations and any conditions the Board may impose on the permit. Commercial entrance permit will be required by VDOT. A sampling manhole will be required by Roanoke County Utility Dept. unless a waiver is granted by the Utility Dept. 1 A. EXECUTIVE SIIMMARY PART II A. ANALYSIS OF ERISTING CONDITIONS R_a Tot~ography and Vegetation - The site is level with paved surfaces and building coverage. Existing Physical Development - There is an existing structure on the site divided into several business spaces. A portion is currently occupied by a restaurant (not fast food) and the remaining space is vacant. A sofa sales business has temporarily set up operation in the space proposed to be occupied by the petitioner's business. The remainder of the site is a paved parking lot, with a very constrained parking arrangement. Access - The site currently has an entrance on Brambleton Avenue. On Red Rock Road, the entrance spans the entire length of road frontage. Surroundinct Neighbor - The neighborhood to the north and northwest of the site is single-family residential. Across Red Rock Road is a convenience store with gas pumps. Across Brambleton Avenue and to the southwest of the site along Brambleton Avenue are offices, auto repair, and other retaRock Road ands cuts across Brambleton Avenue at Roanoke runs along Red the site. B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout - The petitioner does not intend to alter the layout of the site, as the site is fully developed with paved parking areas and building. It is staff's opinion that the parking situation will be very tight on this site, especially since peak restaurant hours will probably coincide with heavy delivery times. New uses in existing buildings do not have to provide additional parking unless the building is enlarged, though. Traffic Generation - The ITE Trip Generation manual does not estimate traffic generation for delivery/take-out restaurants. However, the petitioner estimates an average of approximately 80 delivery trips and 20 take-out customers per day. This averages approximately 200 trip ends per day. Traffic generated by the use should be primarily on Brambleton Avenue, since adjacent residential streets are not through- streets. The 1990 traffic count for Brambleton Avenue, from the Roanoke City Line to Garst Mill Road 1 s a 110ercentcincreasedin•the dai~yetraffic generation represents on y P count for Brambleton Avenue. C. CONFORMANCE WITH COIINTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The 1985 Comprehensive Plan has placed this area in a Transition designation. While the Brambleton Avenue road frontage is designated transition, the area had developed more like a Core area by the time the comprehensive plan was d fronts a astr psptod•servee asrabuffers t hi hway g category designs es g 2 1~-~. between high intensity development and low intensity development (residential). Transition encourages office and institutional uses, retail uses to a limited degree (if clustered or within a planned shopping center), multi-family residential and parks. Petitioner's request is consistent with this purpose since it is clustered with other retail-type uses instead of being a free-standing use. Other land use policies for the Transition areas are not applicable to the petitioner's request since they deal with new site development rather than changing uses in existing buildings. D. CONFORMANCE AITH COUNTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Off-street parking is required for new uses in existing buildings, however, unless a building is enlarged, no additional parking is required to be constructe~andardseforTfastefood restauranutsst complies with the use and design s PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS Petitioner's request is consistent with one policy of the Transition land use designation in that retail-type uses are clustered together, rather than free-standing uses on individual lots. Other transition policies are not applicable. There should be minimal impacts on neighboring properties and streets. Parking on site may be crowded during peak business hours, but no new parking is required to be provided. PREPARED BY: LYNN DONIHE DATE: December 1, 1993 3 For staff use Q-~ ~ For Staff Use Oniy Proposed Zoning: use Type: Proposed Land Use: .. R, _v ctT I ~L1 VE,U ............ ......... ;~ ~Si Au R~N~` ~ e arcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage reDq FIRSTnts of the requested district? Does th p YES _~_ NO ----- IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIR e~ YES ------- Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Typ ___~__-. NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. NO est are conditions being proffered with this request? YES ______- ---- re u , in n q 0 z re 9 .. .. .. .. - ~ Zonin Ordinance in order to: ....of the Roanoke County 9 Variance of Section(s) ion com lete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY G~ Is the applicat P THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. Rf5 v ws " Application fee ws v Consultation ,/ 8 112" x 1 1 " concept plan .~; proffers, if applicable lication / ~ Metes and bounds description Adjoining property owners APP ~ lication Justification ~~~> Water and sewer app errif chat l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and l hereby c Y caner. am acting with the knowledge and consent of t Owner's Signature: Foi Stall Use Only: Case Number „pplicant Y~ . r . ~,• ~ 7~ v Ax•-oK e .~ I-' G The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special us afar ene al welfare.d Please answer the foldlowing -justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, 9 -questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please ex lain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordi lion in the zon ng ordinancel.as the P purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district-classifica u s e TAI ~~ ~ S P~ ~ m i ri-c d U i6 ~ u u 10 c 2 e- 2, ~/11~ U t0G /~ ~ ~C [. u$E' p~'ern,T t'S ~P~QvvEcO. ~I~.~f- t7Et,IVEay/i SAP ~~ C ~ 2 Q ~ - v uT i s (~ vN rK. o ru / w ~ _ ~ ~°'`f - °'t C - _ ~. _ r.. .,,.. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies containea rn u~C «~a~~~^~ -------• omprehensive Plan. 51TC !S ~l.oC~T~O ~'a.3 T(ZRN31Tia~stA~-~ ~2trf~. ~2~(~oS~c. 11U v u ~~ l~ t~ E 2 rVl 1 j'T"Ei0 u-•w ~ ~~ ~ t ~ A i ~-- ~ a lu v t c ,~ G C= A~.r d (~ 6 N E~ A~t,. ~ t T,4. i ` ~.~r u. t 0 L i ~ E~ ~~-- Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, ana the ~u~ ~ ~u~ ~~~..y area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. T1-~ ~ .IN C2cl~sc~ ~N i Q~~-r.cc sl~u~-Q T~~v~ r~ NrGLi G~ ~cF - sn1P~-r a>, ~'~E `t3R~nn~c.~a A~~T. ~o~. E X26' W 1~'~.~~ 7f'I'E - ~STAI~. ltSt~EO ~E2~~C2 ~~21d /Q~Cu W ~ Z>4vEL ~'lvk.6. Trt~~t ~rc~u~c0 i3d S~~~~~~o RE-~ iA 2.~~~ ~ T _ ~~ OAcT d~ Wk~'~l Scwc~C.~ ~~t~ac.s/~ff2KS I QEc~Cr--r~w,~. ~M 3; is .ri,.,d~~ ~ -- _' - ~~h ',~'~; ~, ~~~" '` ~r~E ~~OaD. LlV~ Sao r., e; .y mfr w ~ ,,i}' ~ 1= ~'~ _.a ti _ _ •L ~ - ---, ~ • ~ x ;r u,> - ~ ~'~ ~ _ _ 4 l , t 1 -: z z~~ K -~[ Y _ t - n' > _ ' `~ nl '~ __ - 1 1 f a w; ai ~ :~ 1. I f t i _ - - '~ - - ~ • •'! - - ~ , `1 , W ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~h ~ ~'.-,ass .. ' I j '~ - _r^ _ 0 1 , j 7 ~ J• ~ ~ - IJ • v'1 1 : ~ E o ~ ~ ~ .ail 'c. ~ ~` t~ ~ it w~ .~. / 1 ' ~-~~ i ~ ~ _ `y 1 .., ~P~ r -- - T,~ ~, 1 x. k I ~ ~. H ~ 'I's- ~r a ~ ~_ :j 71/'~}- r,..~ ~- ~ Y '~Y~ '~ ...fib. ~~_8~5~r_. _. . ... ._. 4.' ~ _ --~L i "v Y .a .h '•1 j c~ U' . C; ' ~~ . ~~ • Lo.r.-~-~.. ,; i~ ~: ~, i~ :~ a t i 1 ~~ NORTH '" DEPAR~NT OF PLANNING PETITIONER: W.F.L Ot HOaf10Ke Inc. aua raNa uv~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ._ _ w " -. AND ZONING REDDEST: Special Use Permit for Restaurartt, Fast Food •. TAX MAP NUMBER: 77.10-8-1 ., ~-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO W.F.L. OF ROANORF INC. D/B/A PAPA JOHN'8 PIZZA TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A CARRY-OUT AND DELIVERY SERVICE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3109 BRAMBLETON AVENUE (TAX PARCEL 77.10-8-1) WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, W.F.L. of Roanoke, Inc. d/b/a Papa John's Pizza has filed a petition to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery service on property located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery service on property located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That the Board hereby grants a Special Use Penait to W.F.L. of Roanoke, Inc. d/b/a Papa John's Pizza to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery service on property located 1 ~~ at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. zoning\papajhn ~~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 DENIAL OF ORDINANCE 121493-12 GRANTING A SPECIAL IISE PERMIT TO RIDD AIITO SALES TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A IISE CAR LOT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7410 BIINNYBROOR DRIVE (TAB PARCEL 27.14-4-6) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Kidd Auto Sales has filed a petition to allow the operation of a used car lot on property located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: On motion of Supervisor Johnson to den the petition, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: -1 Brenda J. lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney PE'ITI'IONERa IdDD AUTO SALES ~- CASE NUMBER: 3412/93 Planning Commission Hearing Date: December 1, 1993 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: December 14, 1993 A. REQUEST Petition of Kidd Auto Sales for a Special Use Permit to operate a used car lot, located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Ann Bailey expressed opposition because there is a day care center directly across the street which would be detrimental to the children who are kept there. She commented that traffic could possibly be increased, and property values would be lowered. Also, there are enough car dealers in the area. Mike Bailey said that he has a business located near the proposed site and a car lot is located next door to him. He expressed concern that this proposal would compound the problem of an unattractive area. Joyce Chapman, owner of office building that adjoins the site, presented a petition signed by over 70 people (including tenants, property owners and parents whose children attend the day care center) who oppose the car lot. Her concerns include: the lot is insufficient for the proposed business and is incompatible with the residential and other -commercial properties in the area; increased traffic congestion; decrease commercial and residential property values; potential increase in noise and pollution. Allen Simpson whose parents own adjoining property expressed concern with drainage. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission asked about this site being a sufficient location for car sales. Mr. Kidd replied that they hope the site will be used primarily for wholesale distribution rather than a strict retail use; mainly a storage place for vehicles until they are sold. He said there will be wholesale and retail sales conducted from the site with approximately 15 to 18 vehicles at the site. Also no repair work will be done at the site and there will be no exterior lighting. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS (STAFF) 1) The number of vehicles for sale on site be limited to a maximum of ten. 2) No disabled vehicles will be parked on site. 3) No vehicle repair work will be performed on site. ~-3 E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross moved to recommend denial of the petition since it is inconsistent with the Transition designation. Mr. Witt and Mr. Robinson agreed saying that a used car lot would be detrimental to the neighborhood. Also, the site does not appear large enough to manage this type of business. The motion carved with the following roll call vote: AYES: Hooker, Ross, Thomason, Robinson, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: -Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Terrance H 'ngto ecretary Roanoke ounty Planning Commission R-3 STAFF REPORT PART I A. E)CECUTNE SUMMARY B. DESCRIPTION This is a petition of Kidd Auto Sales to obtain a Special Use Permit for a used automobile dealership, located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Used automobile dealerships are allowed only in the C-2 zoning district with a Special Use Permit. The following use and design standards apply: 1) Parking lot/outdoor auto display areas shall be constructed per County Public Street and Parking Design Standards and Specifications. 2) A 10 foot wide planting strip adjacent to Sunnybrook Drive shall be provided and shall include one small or large deciduous tree or large evergreen tree for each 30 linear ft. 3) Storage and/or display or motor vehicles in the required planting strip is prohibited. 4) Exterior display of new or used auto parts is prohibited. 5) Vehicles missing major mechanical or body parts or which have been substantially damaged shall be placed in a storage yard fully screened from public view and set back at least 100 ft. from any adjacent residential district. A VDOT commercial entrance permit will be required. Site plan review will be conducted to ensure compliance with County regulations. I~ 3 2 PART II A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDf11ONS Location: The petitioner's site contains approximately 0.15 acre and is situated on the west side of Sunnybrook Drive approximately 160 feet south of its intersection with Williamson Road. The site is in the Peters Creek Community Planning Area and urban services are available. TopographyNeQetation: The site is generally flat and partially developed with a two-story (1,697 square foot) apartment building. The remainder of the site is mostly grassed with a small gravel parking area east of the existing building. Surroundin4 Nei4hborhood: The subject property and all adjoining tracts are zoned C-2. Offices exist north and south of the subject site. A single family dwelling adjoins the proposed used auto dealership on the west. East across Sunnybrook Drive stand a day care center and a laundry. B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Lavout: Petitioner proposes to operate the dealership office from the downstairs of the existing building. Currently a nonconforming apartment exists on the second floor. k is not known whether or not this use will continue if the proposal is approved.. The petitioner proposes an asphalt access and parking area (maximum 15-20 parking spaces) east and south of the existing building. An asphalt surface is required if as many as 15 spaces are provided which appears unlikely considering the extremely limited acreage. Access: One entrance from Sunnybrook Drive (existing) will be utilized and is expected to be widened to 30 feet per VDOT standards. Traffic aisle(s) are anticipated to be' at least 24 feet wide since. parking should be available immediately upon entering the site. Traffic Generation: Fewer than 30 additional trips per day are expected on Sunnybrook Drive. The 1986 ADT on this segment of VA 802 (.06 mile) was 290 vehicles. In 1987, one accident was reported on .this stretch of Sunnybrook Drive. Amenities: Proposal complies with the minimum number of parking spaces required for a facility of this size. Landscaping will be per use and design standards. ~-3 3 Utilities/Fire Rescue: The Utility Department reports that the existing public water and sanitary sewer system is not affected by the proposal. Site location is within established service standards regarding fire and rescue travel time. C. CONFORMANCE WffH COUNTY COMPREHENSNE PLAN The petitioner's site is designated Transition by the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. This designation discourages general retail activities. The proposal is inconsistent with most Transition .area policies (encourage new retail uses to develop in planned groupings; prevent haphazard commercial sprawl). Regarding consistency, the proposal is limited to one existing driveway. D. CONFORMANCE WfTH COUNTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARD With considerable modifications, the proposed project will be able to comply with the zoning ordinance and accompanying design standards. Other development requirements (engineering, fire and rescue) must also be complied with. PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS The petitioner's request to operate a used automobile dealership is not consistent with the transition designation of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. Negative land use impacts on neighboring properties will occur. In addition, from a traffic standpoint, very little customer parking will be available. Although this property and surrounding properties are zoned C-2, the approval of this intensive land use will prematurely accelerate the commercial transition of this mixed use area. Staff recommends that should this petition be approved, that the Commission limit the number of vehicles for sale on-site to a maximum of 10, that no disable vehicles will be parked on site, and that no vehicle repair work will be performed on site. PREPARED BY: TIM BEARD DATE: DECEMBER 1, 1993 c.,, gaff use only _3 Proposed Zoning: C '2- Proposed Land Use: CRR ,coT For Staff Use Only Use Type: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, andgrREQUIRED FIRSTnts of the requested district? YES ~ NO __ IF NO, A VARIANCE Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES 1~ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. NO 1~ If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES - Variance of Sectionisl of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. rvs v ws v ws v 8 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan Application fee Consultation ~ Proffers, if applicable '`"` Metes and bounds description ~:. Application ~"" Adjoining property owners Justification .. Water and sewer application l hereby certify that ! am erthe~ the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Owner's Signature: For Staff Use Only: Case Number ~' ,~licant ~%~.~ ~~TD ~9~~5 The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. S~~ ~ Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County nprehensive Plan. ~ ~%f~1 CF~2 ~3usi./E"5s /s iiv~~~~'d ~N TyEC-z zo~/i~t/G w~rh~ TAE SPEG/h'~ ~S~ ,~~,Pr~iT ~EQ-~/F~~E~ • T.f~~" F.Po~/Ti9~E ~/dI> /~/~2~~~I~ ~~ ~~~.~~E~rS 6v/GG ,~E /~/>h~FPEI> To, ~~E ~°,~°o•~F-2~y uJiGG ~3C ~l~/rYT~i~~a ~ OrP ~XG~~~/r~~ ~'~~ ST.9rr/~~oe~ s o~ 7~ ~4~So~^~~.V~ Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. -7'-f/~ ~/n~i1C~Dr/ T.~~ ~,P~i~f2ry ,9r>/1~ 9130~~/~~G P.Co~~=.eT~~s ,~„i~ES ~ ~/~~~.j'/S~//~~ Bur<l~i~/G . j~~~ .S~mu ~y ~G'/~7'/l/~ Sir/~.~~ {~N ~/~i~ .~i~.~o~/~/I~~it/6 i9.QE~ /~u~G~C' .SE.~l/iGIES, I ~o~os, .~e~f ooGs, ~r~a R-3 . DeX+er Rom ~- 7~ 0 0 ~~ ~v.i p-F~ice B1d . ~J 7 s• A L l0 ~ v , ~ V' ~a ~ ~~ ~~ ' M ~ ~ V __.i Q ~ ~ .a i 7 ~. F3G ~ -s 101. g~ "j0~ X gp ~ Tv f3 E pAV~O 1 IRKING ~oR 20 SP~-cES~ N GR,~S.s (TRAVEL DoT ~.~V~L ~ t .. _ _ ~.~ ~ .~ 2 s~oRy ~ ~u~~~NG ~, ~ q 7 s~ Ff ~ Salem ~ an ~ MR. Toxnr KEG! z~s-o8so 11~/~ !!i Son ~R oad scA~E ~~o . z~ ~o -zz- q3 - °'" ~ y cc[i/ -~'P y^ A~"-[• eoroccr~ ~ ~ MGT R CGOGF~ _ _ ` °s ~ ~~. _ I v' q wwcl fi 4 1 o ~` traT. ~ ~ q ~ ~~~'•i ~ w~'hb~ ~ a 601 ~~ o e p r A ~ +~ /~ o p 1~ (~~ c6 = ~ o-rn„ ~,td""'+ o 8 R~•` ,a a6 ~ aa. o ~ ~ . v r 4 ~ • ~io.~ t['.i[R ~pp~~7MA0(gN M ~ ~ ~ . } '!~ C 9~ , 'fir 35 / ''~ s` s o SUMMER N yo- a ._ R r'" ' tnKEwEw s~, 4 ~ ~G~ ~ (Tp,[NOSMIP QOR/ n N K I~rr I I '~ r '' EW001~ Q T S e v / 4 (; ~ER ~° f^R.pE O `~~ ~ W TS ~ N ~ "' ~~/ VICINITY MAP ~~, T~.~_ ~"°~- ~ -- -- -. -- -- ~% . o- _ R-3 Q NORTH ,J v - ~ s ~ 6U f ~ ~ tio. lol .• 7+-~ f - 211 ~ zz zal [ ~ C` ` / [ DoT.[ la a ~3° J 2.so[c M '~ ; 7w d d ~• tftl i ~ I!N + a ! + ul >•M ~ IS • \ ss[i l Ml ? ~ r 7 \ }[ • 20 • L Y IG ~ ~~ r p A ~" "' • [ / \ ~ \ f - 7w[ y b e- I { ~ H ~ , , M ' 3 A II i T y ~ w t l~N a~ ~ ~4 l ~ ' `F ~ ` ~ O t~7 n[ri , o- A A r ` ~ q 1764 06 11.7 } 11 r S 6.2:1. O ' s.l ~J, ~L/ ~ ~ ~ , i r 7J j lt6r X16 ~ 4 S l \ ~ }171 !1 i t r,6 / ~ }7~ .~ * S1 I CW ~ pl ( ~ t t7j1 t ~ / ~ ~ ' 31~y ~ '~°~"~ a7 ~ / ~ 2 ~ ~~~ /p/ ` 1 t g,~j e ~ ~ , t `+ ~ ~_ Gam ~ ~ \\ s e ~ • . l ~' ' ~ ~ u, ~ ~ , ~ 1~~ / nn \ ~ ~ o ~ ~/~ o.r le ~ s ~ ~. .r . '. \ • N ~ 116 1F~16 , `\ ~'~• L1 \ .1 \ ~ LY71t : 1 ~ 11-°~ 1717 ` I ` 1 • y ~ / / tC • rr s ~ 1 1 r ` 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ °~ ` _ ~ \/~/ ~ / ~ 771 ~ '' ~ ti 100Y a°al \ 1671 `.j +.~ " ~ ` [ •.• S / SI ~ / f 2 l [ 1-/ \ ~ Q r ,.. , w 1 7,~. / ~ aa~ 7 J ~ ti \ „ r ~ s t ATM ' •17 3 •; +• , 22 ~ ~ ~ \ ~( ' Mfl 2 ~•ti 17j7 T \ 1 3 i ~ . ` 20 O / 27 i~~ 6 ~ S i y \ 26 ! \ .~ t711 [ 6 t7j1 a.. l t r O le ~ 1 n + l I ~S ~+ p 1 V • ~ l u _ ~" DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING pETfTIONER: tGdd Auto Sales AND ZONING REQUEST: Special Use Permit for Used Auto Sales TAX MAP NUMBER: 27.14-4-6 .,- - November 30, 1993 To: Roanoke County Planning Commission Department of Planning and Zoning Re: 7410 Sunnybrook Drive Special Use Permit to operate a used car lot Attached is a partition signed by concerned residents, business owners, parents of children, and persons in the area. We trust you will take this opposition into consideration when making a decision on this issue. We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business ~'~ proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We re uest the Roanoke City Planning Comm'ttee d B and of Superv"sots deny th S cial Use Permit de e b e. (Name) --=~,r_~~, i .-~ (N ~ 3~FVf sG.~e,VCCJ ~ ,~uI~E (Address)~~~~ u~ ~~ (Address) ~yOD ~.nl~7>'C~G~ -~5-~~ (Te~ephdne) S~"~ /SSA (Tel ephone) ~r~~ De~'~ (Name)~~~_ ~~~ (Address)_z~b~ y'Jn ,o:.~ ~v ;'t-~ Z (Telephone)~~3 Sfo3- a0y~t (Name) (Address)7'S~dfU/,//L~~6kc/1L~! SU~r ~~ (Telephone)~G).3" -~'~ o7~~Ds (Name) /~~Lc~ Gw/G~./ ~uc-y,¢uurf Jcc,'rc C ~ (Address)Da'Y~J ~i~rse5 ~. ~, yR. (Telephone) .~'89ss' (Name) 'J~/D D .SGnn y~J'o slC.y~~ •i Sf2 ~`- ~j~- (Address) J`~5~(~$ WUI~~PJ(,C~2.~`' /~. oa~~,~ 2~1o1y (Name) _~7G~/~~-L~~~~ (Address)~~~~~__~!~!~~1 G/%h0 (Telephone)_~i ~~~l~ ~Ga~rG~ o,~~,~ ~~ l~,4>ro ~r rj30a S~,U~.~iiYD,~i'vU (Name) (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address (Telephone) ~U - 3 L-2 -lll3 (Telephone) We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to opera e used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Superviso[r/s deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name) lJI~L ~!. ~ M u h (Name) ~. ~,Y,-~-°-~-~-sn ~~ - ~ (Address) ~Z~ ~~'~~`~~ ~~ (Address) Y 3 0 ~ '~ ~, (Telephone) ~f% ~ ~ ~U ~~~ (Telephone) .3 ~ ~ --,7 `I S S~ /~ J (Name) i L~~~21 C,=1 Pn7i1,J (Address) ~ Z ~ ~ 2 X~eti ~~ (Telephone) S~ 3 - / ~ S Z (Name) 1J/llli/i(/G 1.~/.~S (Address) S3~ u/Q}CTi%( ~~'• /~ ~3~~ - s~/S (Telephone) ,~ `, (Naftle) - ~ ~.~1 O~ ~f ,o{ ~ (Address) J~~?S /~J~~v ~ r~ tl~~ (Telephone) ~~ b _ 0 ~lv (Name)~(i ,XJd U (Address) J 33 1 ~,X (Telephone) 3 ~n2- I ~ 5 1 (Name) --Q~ (Address) ~3~ ~~ ~ "' (Telephone) 3~'~ - r s' s s ~~~~ . ~`1 (Name) ±'1 ~rlYr~ 7"z'+"~ (Address) T~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ D (Telephone) ~ ~' ~ ~ O f (Name) ~~ - , i r lv /~ ~-~1~.~ - ~ :~`~~. (Address) _~'" 'j ~~~/~ ~C'~//~`/ (Telephone) '~ _~ ~' ~' ' `~z`J I i (Address) ~ "Z ~ ~ -LjC ~r ! ~C~ (Telephone) ~C "Z ~`'~ ~~ • ~~~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: _ A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and - other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. - We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit de,~n'oryt-e-d ,aDbo/ve/. ~~ - (Name) u ,~ (Name) lJ"~ rf'~ , wG~~,L'~-~ (Address)7.30~ C(/,~~A~s.,~. ~~+. (Address) ~30 ~- C- ~/LL//¢/SISaN ~J (Telephone) 3~~' ~Z-~ (Telephone) 3 ~ ~ ~ °2S '~C n ~ n - (Name) ~ (Name) y~ ~ c r~ // (~ ~~- /; (Address) (Address) C U 7 ~GL~.~tti (if/L'r • S •~ (Telephone) (Telephone) ,~~~ l ~ 7 (Name) OI K nn(~~ (Name) (Address) ~11(n (1~',,`ck-„r-X-~ ~,Y~ cAadress) ~c~~ ~~~ (Telephone) ~ ~ ~~ (Telephone)~o7 ' ~~~`'1 ~0 (Name)~a„-~,,,` ~ ~~ (Name) - (Address) ~SI(9~,Qe,-~r,~~ (Address) (Telephone) ,'-~L~ (o ~051o c~ (Telephone) (N~) / / (Name) (Address) J~l /c%l~~(Address) (Telepha~ne) 7Q J' ~~ ~o ~.3~ 7 ~ (Telephone) We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a (\-r±~ used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: ~1ee A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. ~, (Name)--~ ~1~,~i~ ~__i_... ~).J,,,'~~ ~~~.~ (Narrn1 ll"~orl~ ~i~~~S~~,n ((~~ 1 - ,(~ p... ~ -7 n y--~ (Address) "1~~ W7W(wu~ (Address) ~`]~/ ~.yr1~1 ~U~-~+ 1C ~. (Telephone)d V ~ ~ "1 ~ ~~ (Telephone) ~~a. - ~ ~ ~ ~ (Name)~__ nt. I (Name) (Address)- ~Q ~ _~~~~ , ,, y,~,,~,~, (Address) ~~~ ~~~q~.~(', ~`L (Telephone)- ~ io~ ~ u ~~~ (Telephone) 5 ~~ ~ o d~Q~ (Name)~t'~-1('SZ ~~Mn,(~,L~l3Y~ (Name) ~ Pe ~,~ ~/ U ~ /~ I (Address) 3 ~3 q KU-}rdJo,h ~c~ (Address)~~~ ~~~ ~,~ ~/~ (Telephone) ~ ~~ -~3 .33 (Telephone) (Name) ~~~-~~J `~O`~''' (Address) _ ~ ~~ ~~x~w" ~ " (Name) ,,,~r. J_ L . C~ lam, ~ (Address)~O 'P~CSIL to ~ Fag,)g~~~ ~ . (Telephone) ~~'~' G~g3 (Telephone (Name) l ,«~u wN\4.~1 (Name) ~'('O ~ ~, ~Cc`~j~. (Address) ~V ~l} ~. Y ~ ~ 1~ ~i0~ ~ ~ f~ (Address) ~ ~ ~~ S'~ • '~ p,(~~ v 0 ~., (Telephone) (,tt~n (,~ b~~ti 5l~oc~ .(Telephone) a. - ,._. _~ G-~- ~ ~ • ~ _~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Superv/i~slor~so"d~e~ny/~ the Special Use Permit de~not~ed abo~ve~. (Name )C. /~2c rte! l.. _ ~ (Name) ~~/~I ,c-~i~. " / ~i4~c.~-~-<<-e-- {Address) 3~9 // • ,,/a ~.y (Telephone) 3CO~-`f'`r3~P (Address) ~~ ~ l~ . ~, y (Telephone) 3~ ~ - ~~~ 6 (Name) ~~ L,.,, ~ ,~/~l,L ( Address )L61yZJ7~ ~~.,~,,°' ,~j. c~/' (Telephone) 3G G _ ~ ~ (Name (Address (Telephone)~~(p - ~~ ~ (Name) (Address) o2d~' ~( mc,~i ~u~ , (Tel ephone) QZ! S- Z8~5 Z~ ~ x~ ,~ (Address) _ h ~e ~2 5 O o ,~ cs o G ~, (Telephone) 99~_ ,S~~o~o (Name)~1J,~ O( WO~eY. y~ (Address) ~Q ~ ~~ ~~ ~~4C.u-4a(s-~'i a~IC 7' (Telephone) `~ 9~- ~ 0 ~' (Name) ~ ~~ ~ (Address) ~~ ~. (Telephone) ~~ ~ ' ~ a y 9 {Name) ^ ~.e~a~C-~h~ ~~ (Address) °~~,~~ /~ .~~Gdi vi (Telephone) ~~~~ Z~s~ (Name (Address) ,~ (Telephone)~~ ~~~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: ~ 1 A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny//the Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name)--•~~ _L` (Name)---~1~ ~~~C ~~~~ (Address) a7 /"lm ~7" ~-4, YQ. (Address) v~~~2 ~~ (1n(~Q ~~ ~~ 2C~Q~ ~!ry (Telephone) R g Z ~ L 8 f~ (Telephone) ~ ~ 7 - ~ ~ ~ ~ (Name) ~w~~P.Q.~ (Address)Q~~ ~ ~~~ ~a ~i/.c~L ~. o: YO f~S (Telephone)_ ~C~`'7 Cl ~7 r (Name) r (Address) ~ {~6Y1 P~ ~ ! (Telephone) ~ (lip - lKl l~ _ (Name) I~i~YDI M 'h+(~L~~ (Address)y5~ ~'0 (Telephone) 3~Da ~Sa~OCI (Name) ~ r ~ ~G~, (Address) ~Z~ ~ IJx ~ L °iy (Telephone) Z~ 5 -'~7 bs (Name) v ~0. ~~`~.. (Address) IC~. I. ~ UY `d (Telephone) <- (Name) (Address) ~ W "~ (Telephone) 3~fS.3(S (Name) {.X.~e..~..^..~.c.) ...L'1\C~y1,t.~„O[/4t„/ (Address) 335 ~u~YU.>c~ '~. (Telephone) (Name )~t.. b 4 1~ \ a` (Address) K'T. ` ~ ~1~ 1'~S ~Q (Telephone) ~ C' "~ ~~ ti ESP ~~~ ~~ ~.L~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to -operate a ~'~~ used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. -- We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit d noted above. (Name>_..'//~~~ __~CL ('~y~,y~ ~~Qys~y`/,c L _ `"'v[ ~ - __i' L!~~ _ (Name) 1~~-~Q~ ~~2 9~>'~,~' G[ I A (Address) O (Address) 0~1~ ~J;~-i'(1 ~1~°._ -- ~(QCn =754-/ `~Ke. , ~ ~ ~yb~9 (Telephone) (Telephone) -- - _ ~, (Name ) I l.(X ~~~t Y ~~.~l.l,l.~JC.. (Name) ~- ~l __ (Address )_~~~ (Address ) ~ ~ r~ Ql~. k1(1 tin( Q l~~ . Qy~-aa~ c~ 1Z tom. , V~ Z~o~z - (Telephone) (Telephone)~~~~ ~ ?~~(~ (Name) /~~c/Cc«j .~/o/~,fil. (Name)`1 I ~~n I(. °~ ~.~.. (Address) 3"u3e NkC/if.3T ,~,rJs_~ (Telephone) Q'77-~cr~c-£~ (Address ~ x ~R(1-- OLZ Va6lco 12z o'I~-1019' (Telephone)_J(o~- ~ ~nClo? (Name) If-W~~l~-"~I K~ (Address)-~,3~yt f 'Q V~. 7'I • ~ (Name) ~lw (Address)-.~~(~-4 ~i~~lrv~ ~ !' (Telephone) (Telephone ~3 le, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a ised car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: ~. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. g, A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. ___ We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name1~ m (Name)----4~s~---~~'ccc~---' ~--7_ (Adclress)~'~4S (~~c/~'-- ~~~' r~~-~~? (Address) Y.Or ~i~~rs ~~-~ ~r~e - ~J - / 2 - .3.3 ~ (Telephone) ~~~ G - Co ~ S (Telephone) ~(y ~ (Name) J;1~~~ ~. ~ (Name) ~,,~ I ~~~~ (Address) ~~,~ ~~~ `E=1 ~ U~W (Address) ~~31 O'3~ ~ ~ (v Q ~~ - 1403 (Telephone) I ~~ - ~~ d ~O (Telephone) . ~~ (Name) (Address) ~~ (~ _ g (Telephone) 'd~~ (Name)11`ILVl- (Address) ~~~ ~ ~~ (Telephone) (Name) (Address) (Telephone (Name) a r ~ .! (Address) (Address) ~ifvi '` "> ' Telephone) -~v~' s (Telephone) ( ~ _. ~~ L ~ista+?a xr..~n.t~~ri:~ ., .._ ~. a 3 x,..~_ ~_..~A,.~ .e.~.t.r ~~~.,._~, ,_c.._.,w ..., ~ ___ .w.. ...., ..._ _._ R-3 We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit (d2enoted abovTe. ~~) (Name)__r,.,.~__d2~~.d,~-- (Name) V-~ ~(/1 CCr V {M 1`f(~ I.~VU (Address~nB~93 F.~c~~~,~ (Address) X1-``1 ~LIV~~ ~_~C lW~~~~~ U (Telephone)~(~.3-f{i33 (Telephone) ~ ~ Z 5~ `~c-/ (Name~C~o~~~c~ ~l~ (Name) ~J.~ca ~~Ini ~ ~ (Address)`~~ ~O`t~ ~C~~ 2DL1r~,~Address~~u.c,~a~ ~ooN (Telephone) 3ba- $~1b t] (Telephone) c ~~;zc dock Va _ (Name) ~' *-'~ "~ (Name) (Address) 30 ~ ~~ ° $~~~"~ (Address) (Telephone) ( ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ (Telephone) 4 (Name) ~ '(1 ~~ -~1 ~ e~1 (Address) CI~UE~ U ~ ~~~ (Telephone) \~ ~~J Jq,~~" ~ ~w (Name) (Address (Telephone (Name) (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address) (Telephone) ~~ o .. .~ . .. .. _.:_.,_ _,, .,..v: ~ ._ ,......_ ,. ~ '>f/ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We Lequest the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny he Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name)- _ _ - (Name) -- ( Address ) ~ 7 ( /~ o /~ ,- f C~ /' (Address ) -_ u d/~ z ~a ~ 9 (Telephone) Z(~S -oog2 (Telephone) (Name) _~ rrn ,rn `(`~~~~ -y~ ~ (Name) (Address)~z~1~_~G,..~~ ~~ Q (Address) (Telephone)~~p [~ ~. „~0 1 (Telephone) _: , _ _~ (Name) _ -. (Name) (Address)- (Telephone) (N~) - (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address) (Address) (Telephone) (N~) - (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address (Telephone) (Telephone) -: ~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: ~} A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business /~ ~~ proposed. r B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby __ creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and - residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the _- quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny thec S~p~ecial Use Permit denoted above. (Name)__,~~_@l1l_~-_~ -' e. ~ (Name) ~ t , ~~-- -- {Address) o~3~a ~H o,~l Q WI ~r~Y~'(Address) ~ ~ k --~~ I ~-- -- ~K ~ ~- `~ ' CI '/ (Telephone) ~-D ~o~~ (Telephone) ~ ~~i'~?`~-S~ --- a G qq _ (Name) -~ ~+ '~V ~i?'~tl ;iF ~i .• (Name) / ~r ~ ( (Address)_~~Z?_~ l,_„_~ !'Y"'} ~ :~- (Address) (Telephone) 1 `°F ~'` ~ ~~ (Telephone) ;; ~+s .. .,~,u x~* . (Name) ~ ~ ~ ~ C~An (Name) (Address) -]~~ ~~1~` ~~ ~Q (Address) .. (Telephone) .~~i~'Z ~ ~ ~~ (Telephone) -" (Name (Address (Name) (Address) (Telephone) (Telephone) (N~) (Name (Address) (Telephone) ~""" «~~ - (Address (Telephone) _ . ~ ~-_~:»:..~.. ,: ~~ /~~~~~~ ~ L.LI«wp '~k sue. ;<;; ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1993 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO RIDD AIITO BALES TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A USE CAR LOT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7410 SUNNYBROOK DRIVE (TAX PARCEL 27.14-4-6) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Kidd Auto Sales has filed a petition to allow the operation of a used car lot on property located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow the operation of a used car lot on property located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. That the Board hereby grants a Special Use Permit, with the following conditions, to Kidd Auto Sales to allow the operation of a used car lot on property located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District: (1) The number of vehicles for sale on site be limited to a maximum of ten. 1 ~''~ (2) No disabled vehicles will be parked on site. (3) No vehicle repair work will be performed on site. w~g~aa.~ca 2 ~ POANp~F O z A J a 1838 (2~~ix~#~ ~# ~ ~~~~~te P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR EL.MER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 5, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Yvonne Clark 3123 Hillcrest Avenue, NW Roanoke, VA 2,4012 Dear Ms. Clark: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994. The raffles will be conducted at the loca~i:,n and dates specified in your application. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY nESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY DECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, '~'~~-~- ~'. Cc.c.c~~„~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ®R~yaea P~ 0~ ROANp~.~ ~ ~ A z ~ aZ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR EL.MER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 January 5, 1994 Mr. James E. Garlick 605 Hemlock Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Garlick: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL'FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 At their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Women of the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 for a Bingo Permit for the calendar year 1994. The games will be conducted at the location and times specified in your application. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, y'Y7 cc~c.~' ~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Regded paper ~F ROAN ~F ~. z ,p ~ ~ ~ az ~ 38 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 5, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NIGKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. J. Larry Foster 2243 Pelham Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Foster: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Women of the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 fora 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994. The raffles will be conducted at the location and on the dates specified in your application. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY DECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Headed paper OF ROAN ~,~ ~ A z ~ ~ a= 1 38 ~~~x~#~ ~f ~.~~xxt~C~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 5, 1994 Ms. Sherry Penney 6618 Meadewood Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Ms. Penney: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERUIL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERWL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX CAVE SPRING MA615TERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERL4L DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 At their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Northside Athletic Booster Club for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994 permit. The raffles will be conducted at the location and dates specified in your application. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOC4L REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~• C~ ~.- Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bj h Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Recyaed Paper ~ nR'O~A~~~N.,O~~~ >,Sd~' ~ SAL ~ 'p L7 ~ a? County ~~~ ~~ ~~.L`~,~,~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 January 5, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KDHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Billie Sue Musselwhite 549 Aragona Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Ms. Musselwhite: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for the calendar year 1994. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 3l OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, J~- Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ®R~~ P>~ .~ , • ~ ~, .. ~. ,,~~ _ ~ ~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 December 16, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. OOELL'FUZZY' MINNIX, CHAIRMAN GAVE SPRING MAGISTERAU. DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BO®L JOHNSON HOLIJNS MAOIiTiRU1L OISTRIGT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERW. DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. Macon C. Sammons, Jr. Franklin County Administrator 108 East Court Street Rocky Mount, VA 24151 Dear Mr. Sammons: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 121493-7.b urging the Virginia Department of Transportation to conduct a corridor study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line. This resolution was adopted. by the Board of Supervisors at their muting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993. ,_, If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board bj h Attachment cc: Robert W. Dowd, WPPDC Wayne Strickland, Fifth PDC Paul Mahoney, County Attorney of Supervisors ® ~, .. , 's , w ., ~~~ ~~ '. ,,~~.~ ~ COUNTYADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 December 16, 1993 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. OOELL'FUZZY' MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE. SR. GATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Mary F. Parker, CMC Roanoke City Council 215 Church Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, VA ?.4011 Ms. Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk Vinton Town Council P. O. Box 338 Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Ms. Parker and Ms. Ross: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 121493-8 authorizing the execution of an agreement between the Town of Vinton, the County of Roanoke, and the City of Roanoke relocating the boundary line between said governmental entities. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bj h Attachment cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 P ®R~cycNd Papa 12/14/93 Fuzzy Minnix Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Harry Nickens Call from Tom Woods. He would prefer staggered school board elections if it is three elected and then two. But if not, he would prefer they all be elected at the same time. Brenda 12/14/93 Fuzzy Minnix Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Harry Nickens Telephone calls received today concerning Dec 14 public hearing on school board amendment: 1. Harold Greer, elect all school board members at one time. 2. Richard Angell, opposed to electing all at one time - wants transition. 3. Elizabeth Harrell, in favor of electing all members at one time. 4. Babette Cribbs, in favor of staggered election of School Board. Brenda cc: Elmer Hodge Mary Allen Paul Mahoney O~ ROAN ~.~ ~ 9 2 ~ o z a 1838 ~~~tx~#~ ~f ~..~~xt~~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 December 16, 1993 Reverend John Hartwig Good Shepherd Lutheran Church 1887 Electric Road, S. W" Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Rev. Hartwig: (703) 772-2005 On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, December 14, 1993. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. . ~,,.~ Sincerely, ~,~~~~ ~ ~ns~~ ~ ; ~ ~~~°' ~° bar ~ w` ~ ~ gJ1 .r~°' ~~~1~f"'"-' R~~.~ ~Xr;~', H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HI W? MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ,r/ ®Recyded Paper ' 11VIPORTANT MESSAGE ~ ~(~~ A.M• FOR Z ~i3 TIME_t=--~---t-P~M~ GATE r M OF NUMBER EXTENSION PHONE AREA CODE ^ FAX NUMBER TIME TO CALL ^ MOBILE AREA CODE >~ PLEASE CALL TELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAIN CAME TO 5EE YOU RUSH WANTS TO SEE YOU SPECIAL ATTENTION RETURNED YO`U~R~CALL MESSAGE _-----~ Q ~ SIGNED TOPS ~ FORM 30025 LITHO IN U.S.A. 12/13/93 Fuzzy Minnix Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Harry Nickens Telephone calls received today concerning Dec 14 public hearing on school board amendment: 1. Dorothy Shifflett - she would support electing the members immediately instead of staggered terms. 2. Ron Adkins, 3057 Timberlane Avenue, said he voted to elect School Board and he wants to elect all at one time. Also said his wife, Judith Adkins, wants all elected at one time. 3. Pauline Johnson - elect all at one time - no transition or delay. 4. Lisa Foutz - elect all at one time - no transition or delay. 5. Mrs. Patricia B. Dickens - wants all elected at one time - she voted for elected School Board and thinks voters do not want to delay. Brenda cc: Elmer Hodge Mary Allen 12/13/93 Fuzzy Minnix Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Harry Nickens Telephone calls received today concerning Dec 14 public hearing on school board amendment: 1. Dorothy Shifflett - she would support electing the members immediately instead of staggered terms. 2. Ron Adkins, 3057 Timberlane Avenue, said he voted to elect School Board and he wants to elect all at one time. Also said his wife, Judith Adkins, wants all elected at one time. 3. Pauline Johnson - elect all at one time - no transition or delay. 4. Lisa Foutz - elect all at one time - no transition or delay. 5. Mrs. Patricia B. Dickens - wants all elected at one time - she voted for elected School Board and thinks voters do not want to delay. Brenda cc: Elmer Hodge Mary Allen December 10, 1993 Fuzzy Minnix Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Harry Nickens In addition to the other callers who left messages for the Board members earlier this week, this morning I received additional callers with messages regarding the School Board Public Hearing. (1) Don Dye, Catawba District, said voters made their views clear and they want elected school board as soon as possible. No transition or delay. Elect all five. (2) Kathy Atkins - 977-1735, Hollins District, wants all elected at same time. No delay. (3) Donna Short - 890-3833, Vinton District, wants all elected at same time. (4) Patricia A. Johnson, wants all elected at same time. (5) Bill Adkins, 977-1735, home, Hollins District, wants all elected at same time. Brenda cc: Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen MEMORANDUM TO: Fuzzy Minnix Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Harry Nickens FROM: Brenda Holton DATE: December 8, 1993 SUBJECT: DEC 14 PUBLIC HEARING ON CHARTER AMENDMENT SCHOOL BOARD I have received several telephone calls from citizens concerned that this public hearing was scheduled for Tuesday night - the same night as all Roanoke County Elementary School PTA meetings and Christmas programs. These calls were: 1. Pat Schaaf, 776-0947, Executive Board of PTA's, would like for the Board to continue the Public Hearing until another time. She has three children in school and cannot attend the public hearing. 2. Kathryn P. Garvin, President, Back Creek Elementary PTA, is asking for a continuance. Attached is a letter she brought in for the board members. If there is no continuance, she is asking that she be allowed to speak at 7:45 p.m. when she arrives from the PTA program. According to Paul Mahoney and Mr. Hodge, the Board could choose to continue the public hearing at the Dec 14 board meeting. It would have to be continued to a special board meeting later in December since a charter amendment must be introduced to GA on first day of session which is scheduled for Jan 11. cc: Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen B~LI~ LI~~E~ ~~~~~K~~I~~ ~~'~ .. 7130 BENT MOUNTAIN RD. S.W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 December 8, 1993 Mr. Bob Johnson Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke. VA 24018 Dear Mr. Johnson. The Back Creek PTA Executive Board wishes to request that the Board of Supervisors reschedule or continue the public hearing on elected school boards set for Tuesday, December 14. The second Tuesday of each month has long been the night reserved by all Roanoke County elementary schools for PTA General Membership meetings. Our December 14 meeting is our annual Christmas program in which many Back Greek students participate. There are many parents in the Back Creek area who are interested in the public hearing. but who cannot attend because of the conflicting schedule. If you are unable to reschedule this public hearing. I' ~-ill attend and ask to speak on behalf of the Back Creek PTA; however. I will be unable to arrive prior to 7:45pm because I must chair my PTA meeting which begins at 7:00pm. I respectfully request that you not adjourn until I arrive. Thank you for your consideration of this most important issue. Very truly yours. C~~~ ath~ P. Garvin President ~:_.;, : . Address arty reply to: 31 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, Md. , 21201 CDo~~c~~®~ 04 ~~a ~~ h-g ©~~~P~c~~ D6P~c~~oQ :nternal revenue Service Date: In reply refer to: October 26, 1976 E0: ?3OOs E.L. Poul Telephone i (~3OI~ g - G Loyal Order of Moose #284 P.O. Box 1133 Roanoke, Virginia 24006 Oentl~men: This .s in response to a telephone call on the above dste frcm lam. Julian Mowle , requesting a copy of an Exemption. Letter for the Loyal Order of Moose''~# 284. The latirds ~a our office indicate the Loyal Order of Moose #284 i8 part of a coup Ruling. Therefore, an Exemption Letter will have to be obtained from our parent organization.. , Howe r, the records in our office also indicate exemption from Federal In- case Luc was granted to the Loyal Order of Moose #284 in August 1935 under Section 5O1(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Employer Identifica- tion r assigned to your organization is, 54-0287492. This attar may be used as an Exemption Letter. The e~oemption remains ixl effec ~ as of this date. . , Sincerely yours, .t,+~.P~ C}erald (3. Portnoy District Director I I ~_.,.... , ..._,'.,._. r_. .. ,.... ...,~ _ .... i r, Add-•s• •ny reply to: 31 Hopkins Plata, Baltimo~•, Md. , 21201 p o ~~ 04 ~ ~n~P~ ~~"" D8~4P~~4 Dar~~c~~oQ Snternal revenue Service O•t•; ~n ••o~r i•f•r to: • October 26, 19761 EOs_ 7300: E.L. Pou Telephones (3a~ I - G Layal Order of Moose X2811 P.O. Box 1133 Roanoke, Virginia 211006 'r3en~tl+~rnens . • T~~ ~.s in response to a telephone call on the above date fray ~. J1i11an Mow],e , requesting a copy of an F~oemptioa. Letter for the Loyal Order of Modse~~ 284• ~, of c tion i Thils et~?ec •I oibrde ~a our office indicate the Loyal Order of Moose X284 i• part ' roue puling. Therefore, an Exenlpticn Iwttar x111 have to be obtained our parent organization. , r, the records in our office also indicate exemption from Federal Ia- 'sac xas granted to the Lo3ta1 Order of Moose X2811 in August .1935 under as 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Employer Identif`1ca- r assigned to your organization ia, 54-0287492• Fetter may be used as an F~oemption Letter. The eaoemPtioa remains in as oP this date. ginoei•,s1yt yours, ~~ ~7 ' Gerald a. PortneY District D1,.reotor 1 :~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 Fnr cfa{f LISP ~I7IV date recai ~ % 9 ~ received by application f~~ PC/BZA ~a ~~ , j placards issued: BOS dat ~ z~ Case Number. / ~ C"/L/ Check type of application filed (check all that apply): ^ REZONING CJ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE A licant's name: Phone: 345-3092 pp Charles Cooper Address: 1810 Lawnhill Street, Roanoke, VA Zip Code: 24015 Owner's name: Phone: Address: SAME Zip Code: Location of property: Tax Map Number: 76.07-3-13 and 14 4925 Bower Road Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Community Planning Area: Windsor Hills Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: R-1 1.08 acres Existing Land Use: Single-family Residence 47,328 sg.ft. For staff Use on/y Proposed Zoning: R_1 Proposed Land Use: use Type: Single-family Residence w/ Acessory Apt. Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES XX NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE A(;C:tF' i to il- Alvr ur THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v ws v Consultation / 8 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan Application fee ,/ Application :~> Metes and bounds description - Proffers, if applicable / Justification ~ ~.. Water and sewer application / Adjoining property owners l hereb y certify that l am either t e owner of the property or the ow is agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the know/ed d c sent of the owner. Owner's Signature: ~ C~~ Foi Staff Use Only: Case Number _ Applicant Charles Coober - ._. The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and • justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the • purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. The proposed accessory apartment is intended for my sister, when, she visits, or my mother, should her health fail, and ,guests if not otherwise occupied. This is consistent with the intent of accessory apartments in Section 30-82-1 of the zoning ordinance. Since the house with accessory apartment is built on a double lot, the proposed use will not increase congestion or demand for services any greater than if each lot had been developed separately, and is otherwise consistent with the purposes stated in ` Section 30-3 of the zoning ordinance. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. _ ~ " ~~ The Neighborhood. Conservation category .encourages infill "" development of vacant lots. The residence with the accessory " apartment would occupy one of only two or three tracts remaining in ; the City View Heights subdivision which was platted in 1951. The ~~;~ housing design is-unique and closely integrates the accessory • apartment into the overall design, while maintaining the open space and yards found throughout ,the neighborhood. - '_ " - " Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, fhe adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer; roads, schools, • parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. As a double lot the proposed structure will have no adverse impact on the property or on adjoining residences. As stated above, the residence with accessory apartment will have no greater impact than if the two lots had been individual developed and will probably have a lessor impact due to the size of the proposed units. • ~ ~,. ROAHOICE COUNTY UTILITY DEP?-RTMBNT APPLICATION FOR WATER OR SEWER SERVICE TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date ~ ~i g/ca3 Name of Applicant Charles Cooper Phone 345-3092 Address of Applicant 1810 Lawnhill Street, Roanoke Va 24015 Name of Developer SAME Phone Address of Developer Name of Design Engineer Phone Address of -Design Engineer Name of Contact Person SAME Name of Proposed Development Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) . SinGle-family residence w/ accessory apartment Location of proposed development (FURNISH COPY OF MAP AND -PLANIMETRIC Nt7MBER) 4925 Bower Road Size of proposed development in acres: 1.08 Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer-service connections would be located: Minimum feet MSL. Maximum feet MSL Is this application for a development that will be a part or section of a larger future development? ~ No Yes if yes, provide map of entire area if available. OVER) ~~/ Signature of pplicant `*~ ~-~~._-- . + ~, --~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ i 5 0 GPM \\ ~ '' r ~ - li- -` ~ - t.. ' , - ALTITUDE _ _ .. ~'` ~~ - VALVE ~- ~ :r ~ 'q •~ ~ ~ --- ~' '- ~ OAK GROV ` ~ ~ 4,, ~ S.. + ~ ~ '~ ~ ROY~BtJ~y~ ~ ~ W ,1 J• " - #'" ',PINES ~ 6~, ~ - S„ ~ -' " , ~ ~ P s ~ ~ - 18 GPM r ~~, - ~ , ,. 1 Jam' O\s,. ~ ,r. ~. r ~~ r: .. M / .' V . ~ _ ~ - .- _ .._.. , :. ,_ s J F ~ - c . - " - ., ,. .,- ~a .. . " ,:, . ,:. ~- _ -:. , ~ i' w.: a- ^ K _ (( _ .,. . '~ ' " 1. ~ .:.• f .a.'. ... :.- -. -. -. i .. ._ .. ~~ - ~ sY ~ ; J _ \ 4 f ~ ~~l ~~ ~ V ~ ~~~N .~.~ a .~ ' ~ME.ZER~' - ~~ + s - ~ •yr >..- - ,7~--V-~ ~ ; It : .156 ~ ~ ~ ~^ .: - :~ _ ~ _ , ~ . t ;.~ 3 ~a ~ -i3- -- ~ ,:. ~»= ~ 8 - t l2 1. X16" ," .. y z ~- 4 j i _ ~~ ~ - ~ ~ 6 7 _ ~ arc 9 ~ _..\ - '` 't'-: '^--- ~' t ~ ~ r ~ t , , " ~ '' ;1 t .: x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ .. 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'G _ _.. . -~ : ~ N fit.;:,.:. ~~ :-s~~:~~ ~ _ ~~~- ~a$~ '' ~ .r ,~ - ~ _ C' ~, ' - f.. ( ( r. ai Yc- t• t ~, ti s y, ~ ,t„fr, -.. 1. ~_~:: _'. .v. ~ 1.,, .- ~ ' M'r ~.s` r 1! k - ~' ;w. (.'Z?d S tu. t'~ ~ . 43 .:,._ t ~ .-~•- Y.L l 7- , j. t• 1 ~ y. ~ _ •. V :'- "r 1 . N \ F rI~ ~-~- -`~ r -lam ~ ~4 rte' ~ ~ ~~ , ~ '• ...r 7 ~ .1>> r C ' ~`S ~: ~ ~s ~.~ ~'~* ~'~Z Ti "-f 1 ~'~ 'L(tQ 9 9N1~ u~~ ' t t n: e.~"e '••°„--_.-~,,fi~':~ ."tom ^~`.~ I~94~~M1~ t ` ~' • jt a t y•:4 ~ ~ .••44~ s For Staff Use On/y Proposed Zoning: R-1 to reltlaln Use Type: Proposed Land Use: Religious Assembly Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES ~ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES ~ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO - - Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws ~ ws v lication fee x Consultation x 8 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan K App licable N x Application x 's~~ Metes and bounds description X ~:« Proffers, if app ' ~~ x >~> Water and sewer application K Adjoining property owners x Justification l hereby certify that / am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Owner's Signature: ~ ~ l-~er ~ ~~~-'~' Ja Ellinwood, Agent for Church of the Holy Spirit __ ~/ c... ,.~-,ff i~cn nn/v Fvi Staff Use Only: Case Number Applicant Church of the Hol S irit The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district cla church whosee currentr a'ccomanodation at The Church of the Holy Spirit is a growing com~nuiity rovide North Cross School are at thecon 1;e,ation land establish itself asea permanent fixture adequate space for its growing gr g within the religious community of Roanoke County. Theibilation and give a strong base for for the expansion of Church services to the Church ed Church location on the 16.8 acre community and neighborhood interaction. The propo tract will be well within limits of al~~ ebcanoot willrmins.mi.zegthenimpacaeofrsite on tucked away amongst the large, mature PY adjoining R-1 uses. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The Church's proposed location l~ las an area to bee stabili edl in growth wb th limited designed by the comprehensive p future growth potential. The estab c~oshmenb tes to the tabilization ofe growth lwithin the high density residential directly interaction. The development of community and provides a location for direct community ossibl offering this property as a Church will also in the future expand its limits, p Y other beneficial services, while at the same time, conserving the existing natural lammenities of the property. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. ~ ro rties as the The proposed Church facility will have limited impact on the adjoining p Pe existing mature tree canopy ,will remain intact offering a natural buffer. Impact to existing roadways will be minimal givs naree alsoctfluctualr but fark less fdemandingt than oa tlv.s use. Water and sewer demand residential community. During peak activity times given the single controlled entrance and the nestled location of the facility, noise to the surrounding homes will go virtually unnoticed. f Pfto P~ ED 61-R5.5~ F. = 20,G~OO~ 2 FI M4X. 6LD6. H'7• ~ 3h~ 2 ~\' `~ ~ REQ'D f~.RKt N6 : 1 ~45Ed,TS MA--J AG~sEt4El. Przovlvrv PO,RFGhtG: 14.4.5P.o,GES \ ~, PARKI h1G 5 PACE Dt MENStot~K : 9 k t 8' ?YP '\~ti1 'py ~TRevEt-waV D~M1;t.~-oti.ts : 2q.' 7`IP NL. SPaGC-~ PROVIDED= 3 p~' ~~ S~ ~t-O~SbINGSPACt=Pt~/lCeD~ t ~~. 4 1 ~ ~ ~~ ~\ ~ ~- ~ - i ~ CEMETERY ~ Imo. ~..,..~~:'-:;~° ~\ ~ ~'~ ~. ). O REMAIN \ ~ ~ \ ~P `rc ~i J ~ o~q'~ R ~ ~~ ~ ~ '~ , 7M. SG.2o-1-11~ K ~` I ~;. ' ~' 1 .P 8 ; ® `` ~~ ,~ ~o j ~ ,moo ~ \ p ~ ~ _TM ~ •Zo TM S?.l'1-5-8 ~ 8-i.l~ G-I.f~ ~ -/ 2 t EXi57. HYDRdtJT d .81 ~ ~_ t ~ !-/ I' EX15?; 4'•WATEfdUNc -O/4 x>~'.~Sau~TalzYSewER r' .~-:; ... _, ~~ - ~%kfAUNOLE f 7YP,3 - ~- __ _ - a E~cigr s{oRM oRa~-~ - ATM S7:t? 5-G ~. ~ _ ~ .. ~2~5t6N7'~©t57At~cE~~t'1'hV7'1:RS~G'IfOi~f :~ TM (~yATERU1tfE 1 t / pQST. Q PC4 ESM'T 3z _ ~ , - '`' THE GNliRG of ~t'~tE Hoi..V ~3Pt RiT cavE gel ~~us~- var. ~n,NoK~ ~u-cv, vl~iNla ~ -~~ .. NoVEMCER t9,194'ii`, SGA.I:E = [ = 2Gb ~Iy, JOB NUu1t3F~.., 42112-1 ~~ . :. ,~PLANNERS~ARCHI~~CTS•ENGINEERS-SURVE1l,QRS._:._.:_.w«~~~ -= __ .. . ~:~1:20~ COfiPOfi~T~~:CfR~,:~R4Ak~fOKE* ~lfRGINfA 7T2=958Q - .. ~' ROAp02CE COUNTY UTILITY DEP?.RTMBNT APPLICATION FOR WATER OR SEWER SERVICE TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date November 19 1993 Name of Applicant Church of the Holy Spirit Phone 772-4915 Virginia 24018-0105 Address of Applicant P. 0. Box 21038, Roanoke, Terumah Foundation Ph on a 772-4915 Name of Developer . p. 0. Box 21038, Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0105 Address of Developer Balzer and Associates, Inc phone 772-9580 ` Name of Design Engineer Address of Design Engineer 1208 Corporate Circle, Roanoke, Virginia 'L4Ult~-1491 Name of Contact Person Jack Ellinwood, Balzer and Associates, Inc. Name of Proposed Development Church of the Holy Spirit Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) _ A 'LO,000 rP toot religious assembly buildin with a 50U seat sanctuary, social assembly area with modern kitchen, miscellaneous office area, and classrooms. Four restrooms will be included in the layout. Location of proposed development (FURNISH COPY OF MAP AND ~PI,ANIMETRIC Ni7MBER) Tax Map t~7.17-b-11 at Merriman Road and Cartwright Drive PP-7 16.81. Acres Size of proposed development in acres: Give minimum and maximum elevatice connectionslwouldobe,locatedCh the individual water/sewer serve Maximum 1265 feet MSL Minimum 1'LSU feet MSL. ment that will be a part or Is this application for a develop yes section of a larger future development? ~ No if yes, provide map of entire area if available. (DER) 1 i c an t Signature of App ,. .~. ~y°~Q- '+~'Y'-Tw'i"gS~. ~ra~ki _ j'°tis~ - ~FR}~~~ .~}'~.'~'yi~ ~.~s.' ~. ~ ^* ~ ~ 3 ^ ~ _,- D Rasp:., ~ ~ ~tRCLE ~, `~ _ ~: _ ~j . /~ , ~ O \SV ~a ~' G T RT/~ `~ GN Q m N s f /'~ ~ ~/ ~ GP~,~~A O ~~ 6 ..a`~d~a~ O , H t o _ °~ .~ Q s ' v 9 ~ ~ sr4~ - a~ /~ ~ ~6~- {, ~ ( -~ __ - _ ` ~ a '~~ / f ~ %' ~ rr p o. 9 ~ -~ . ~ ~ i ~ Q. %~ ' +' `- `. ~ ~ ' ~~ ~~ i! it ' 1 fl} ~ (,J . ~'~ 't r - Y- (r - - '` L gA ~ . ~ ,. , s ~ ~ 4 ~. J ,~, ~• n ~ S.u ~ X 1 ~~,~ ~ -~- Y . 't 1 _ ~4 - ~ - ~ - ,.T' '°t ~ J' zt'~'k 1`. ^ •ti ~S~ J ~ tft•':~t i s ti "^'~. i~'e ~ .y s '' ~•l. +^ J ~ ~b f ~'1+e s +e .r S~ ~ ' a~~"+ s¢t ~ "''.~'`~ ~ r ` ti's 1.7'`" s Y~F `*,~''n i'. ~. ' .rrzr' Y. '+a4 'L 'al`EX'Tt'Ji'dK~ 1""v~PY;~~-~,)s K - r _ _ _ :~ ~ 3:' -71 °' ~ '~ ,~!"~ 9d C' ~'~$r. ~r- w~.. l~~ ~ ~ww'3 +f€ ~ ~~, ~~ ~: '~ _,:r^~nr , Y ` .,~ 1 ~~ '' ~ . "I j i _ _ f ~ _ ,. - ~--~ - .~ c ~0~ ~,., •. 7•. - { ~ R~FK ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ r2 - 7 p~ ~ ; f ~ A ~ ~Y l _ ~ ~} ' sf. 3r _sK ~ ".~ a ~j:"L` 5~y`~-c=h''-a~rf _ \4 _ w '.~alT :,. Y ,, r - r w f a .~ ~ { r ~ ~. .+o- - S fix. '-/ Y ~f` }- .s, 1 ._ ^'.~- ~e`.~ ~ ins ,: ,~ ~.i~_ ... ~+.~ s ~ - -..~ ~ r f y t ' .+~. ~ ~ ; Ste, .. ,.,t~ f :yybb'' ~s j~+,~.~. .1T: ,. ~ f~~.~ ~ '_~'~. ~c +,•~+.lY' iY ~l _.i - ~+M _ x ~ ~` y~. t Y_~i ~' `^. ~ ~~t .~~ ~ ~ ri far i-t~ ~ ~~~_ ~ R-. °Y ~ r ~~ r " v Y• y. ; ~ fir, r'1 ` ~' ~ '4r,'-p-~-- ~ ~ ~~•`• ~ ~ a ~ ,+X ~ y a 7~ '.:~ ll+"Yy OY' f 1 ' t ~~ ~~ .r ,~. ~~„'~ yam F .. ~ Y ''` ~:'~ .,t. ~,t.'~'~'~•..-a ' ~; c~vY .r~~`. ~ *. y ''# ~- e~ y "s' a ~. ~ f° ~ ~ <f ~ ,ti~~ ~ n~ . ~. .O' a. t rd ' ~* L ~ ..~ ~ x' ~ ~,.. .~ 1~_. fir. r.r ~'~, .feat- =~•i M'?'-.~ ?t~ ~ ~~r.~ ~,~qti'~':-e.L~ ~~7' " ~a3~~ -'~F kF. ~IS 5y,'i' ~ - 9 _y~~y~ ~.~tp,J fS` ' { Y S.'li T n k i ~ y ~1-,,} ~~ • N a4 Y 4 .. ~, •~~ ~+ '~*' .ti n~~ `~`• } 1 ' ~ ~ ~ 4 ~.7, ..~•F y~c ~ A YL„~ _-f{'q' q '~ b £ - ` r~ _ ~ -. 3 y 2• f, ~ iw1 ~5 s3' ,~' •c-: raY r t~ i~,~. ~ I }' ~ I ~ ~ .~i y Yr a ~ \. ~ :~ a ~;,Z~ 1Lt"~.4+ ' ,r. ~?~~ S ~ 'i> ~ --~..9" Y?= .ni ~• .: •i~..u. -~ ~. ~ `1~ ar~'Z ~ • ~ '£ ~',~ ~~-_+'• . ~r~ ~ •.~ Tq R ~''' fey : " ~" s _T ~~.x ~. ~ = i ~ - ,~ 7`!~ ~ f ma1r:: K.-~.~ ! i ,, y. . r y. ~"'4t -~, Q ~ ^ F y ~` n` -t7 ~ C v.. e - ~ ti ~<+tl r ti.; w i ° a. fi a, Ana f !, Ta>t rY ' -at 's r ~,_,4 / Y;_ •`e .~~L~ :. i+~~~,,~~ _~ f ,~~~.~Y ,'~~ `~~' - ? 7`~,~ja.g ~'s,~t~ ~ ~~- " - •`~ '` * ~,~t9 rMS F _ ~~a !'" .t 3^.~~,y '3~- ~'," d'' ^~P'If ~~f 3, {~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~ f k :Xy tit .t ,.y ~ M1 ~~,~ejn ~ - S~` -., ~ r~, ~ . .,'4 , .k ~ ;~'.< :~+ gyp,,: a,`•?..~'~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~w •~ t."s'~A~r~M~~ ?-rte ~.tf_ r•~~ -1~i~ h....TH~. .7~ .~rrra- +O 'rt"+t .^~1...~4~'ftL COtiltilCl"1:1.C~~ ~-/ ~~ ;~~ Telephone (703) 989-4146 Fax (703) 989-0410 1~ I~` .,. "ti,.~.-.~~ .., J ~, .:~ ~~~. '~yS-1~ . ~ p, .~ Ci -~'!!1' Hitt.,. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °~ 1 4 ~.:.~ rt~~'+~f, ~ ~ ...~ l ~_ ~ ,~ , • y ,r r ~~~_ ~ y "• ~ r~h~•~.nr.`,}.~~ .7~ a1,•.• ~ _ ~ ~ J Y ~ ~. ~ (~ t ~ ~ - i-, r•t ,'ilk. 'I', _~.~. `l.t l ;'h*,~Y'.i':t,~ r.~' ~ ~.IY~': -'^.•~ k~ Sr17lf p.~ . '` i ~ .`t~~~~~~~i~~i•k i.~. ` ',l' Try ~ y ~ d~'~ a !~„i ~ ~.~• r; ~11•~.r .yi.0 L~~ Via. Je ~ - ^ ~. ~ ~ \. ~ ... ~ ,..,,• ~, ~ ~ i ~ ~ S pw1HQ ar1A1~', ~ ~ '',-.. w[ -,~' ; ; c.~`t~ X48. ~ c tYJC 'TYs c~~SS~"'',+~ ~aPii x' ~ Q/ ,fir. ~'.~ '•' ~ y, ~' '~ . ': ~; . • i ~1•.k. ~'±~r~"`.<•. ~.7rN.rt~;'• ... - ~/' 1r' y.. y r,,.~'y.~~' i~• ~• <~•"Y,' •s k [•, COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING ANO ZONING 373$ 6rambleton Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 240 i 8 1703} 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 VI JtV11 VJV I•J doto ro ivo •~ ~ -vc•iw~ b apptica 'o ~ e: PC/8 A dat pteCnrda Issu 80 date: / .~ Cosa Number: ~ .~.t.~:!.:i~~~i~!:i~ .•! .~ r : .ii...• ..r.. t r t••v . . t . •.tl., i:i%:%'%:i%i~%i%i%~i' :.;.t,. :,r.•.•: iii.. ., ,. •: •: •: i!' ~:~t•:• ..t.%%is~~~i'%%!%'%'•ii;ii%!:iii~i%i%:%:%ii%ii% t r:•:':":~!•:•r: r:i~:' Check type of application fil (check III that applYi~ ~ REZONING PECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: Cryl H 1~,/0~ ~ S /it/~ Phone: lri~ -9~0 - > 2 Address: x/724 Qtr4Po~->< tfw /.-~urSv~((C 7-i/ 3'~7~ 7 zip Code~377~ ~ Owner's name: ~'J~',Ky C~•~5~~ Phone. Address: 30o s~~ova~•~ 8co. Zip Code: .L~offrro~~ l.4. 2 0// Location of properly: ~~ ,4 ~ ~ Tax Map Number: ~p , p ~ ~ ~aANUi~£ Cov~/•F-y Magisterial0isuict: ~//juS ' .N'EXT /i'Odr4NC ~- {~u'><a Community Planning Area: ~d~S~r~~ Size of parcel ts): Existing Zoning: C - Z. rl~ CUN D / T~d'~ 7___ o,! ~._ acres Existing Land Usc: 87,7_ So sq.ft. Y14CRn~~ ' ri, +~iii!i! !'+-~++ti:ift ki'i'1'ryr :f•+N't4+•:•h: a: •. .•.o-::: .•f .. :•r.:.:: .: r : f •~ : r, :• ..I. 1 r , t t r . :i'i :::i:::+:' :::i:'' .::i:':'::r:::::•• ::r.:~:•::~'~::c':' . t r: ~• :' r r f t .'r'• . r .:f:: r . I.f .....I .t...l . f•t . I .• , ut• .. r :::i:i:~:i:~:!::'i~i:i t.i'%~%'i:~ ..r.i~i'% . ~ . ::i: i'i'%'%~i:::::~:!:i' .•r f r r•. . r• t ! I~ttt+r,l . ?,! , .jl:lr....tt.tp•.t:•:, !..}!~:!: i!i{i%i•:•.;.•+:..,., ,+...:..r, .•.!,... :.:::•.. •.t •r.::.,.;.•:!' t•1..;.;.! + +,!, a f%t1.~I`.. r~l!~'1'. f If.i.i.. }CIE :.! . : } ti .:r, !: t;rji::, '+: ++' r ~l r. • 'ti r i f t +t t•t fir {t i:' .ii' r .lit I °'! ;ta:l!ieliiiiih;';! +! r'i!urlt.} . r t ~fii+++' r `}}f1f{' .i...:. r. f. Proposed Zoning; S~ m ~ ~ S i S C - Z~ for sroH Ilse on~y i Proposed Land Use: •--u2 ~~ use 'ryp.: ~~r~- SRL~S aF ,-y,~c.cF~er l-~.n ~S Does the parcel meet the minimum rot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES ~-...fir.. NO _.___,__ IF N0, A VARIANCE t5 REOUIRI=D FIRST. , Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES ~~_ NO 1F N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. _ If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this requestl YES NO .;.f.f.i.l . r i I t t~i:i i 'i'i~ ::i:~:~ :::i:•:'::;:.!;:;:. .!:i•:~: ~: ?:i:%%i' . t . ..r. fiat':': r • •Yf G.•,!..•n:•r.r•1•..t,t t .!•...•..•.I i'iiiifiiir t .el.. . h: r . iii%: '%ilii:!.,;,., . . r..:.rl . r.q+.,.,., .tia:r+... ~ r_h+.•! .{ i:iaf.nrlE f •• I: .~ r .t. ,r.r•r r. t.::+::'•:ii'i'ir;r.dr:: ; .,.:. .:.:..::.:..: .•t.. ,....•. ~ • ..,.,.,.,: l..l.f . I.:+t. .1...1 :.n•.r i~r:i:ti+:+'%:~r:iii'ii iiiii!!%i%i'°•'ii!lili!ii'i•':~•.•:~:•i :•:r:::::::+:•• .l.t.!:':::i~~:i:i.f •.•.f::r r•::.t • r••r...+•+•+:•rl,.. . {i .•i•!tt; :~•!...:•:!:%!:.•••:t+i:!:+:•:! ~li:i;%,;;,;,!jtlc.oe:•:: ~N!t%+:1:! i;t.:••+:{:r:l:!:I!1::+:rt !rr+;ti+•+•+•1l:::i:':' • !i;+!jfr•f•,.!.i ;f. t,;r!:% '•i%~ t.l;.!. ;t! ,,.!.::: :.:r:.;l,...;.;.., .,.t...;...,...1.,...,r,f;.:t..:::.;r;.:t........•.•:.I,.,.,.; • :.r.;.,.!.{i1!i:1...!..t:r:+r+fftl;t!If rli•,:•r•f Variance of Soctionts} of the Roanoke Gounty Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please Check if enclosed, APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR lNGOMPLETE. ua v as v ua v Consultation 8 1 /7" x 11 " concept plan Application fee ~ Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification ~ Water and sewer application / Adjoininfl property owners I Hereby certify that I am either tAe owner of the property or the owner's aDent or contract purchaser end am ectin~ with ihs know/ed9e end, con,~er~ of~q owner. Owner's Signature: _ ~ ~C~ (,(f.~/ a-~ ~',~o ~- C~-K ~ t~i~..~ ~ /•~E . t~~ For Stall Us• Only: Case Number Applicant (~I'YI ~ ~ ~ S (/UC The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible, Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request lurthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoninfl district classification in the zoning ordinance. b U R Q£'~A r( s~ ~~ S C F./~'~ 2 ~A-I « I~~ v !~ I l C (~tSs~ ,F;c~q ~f~o,~f ~utre~~/Y , I~ Coln con~~r''` -fv A! l SAN (~arc~e /.,J~,( 1.~~ ~ Please explain how the project conforms to the oeneral guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Ptan. , ~RoP£'~T /S LoC~f-rho ln! ~~~'~+r L /-12E~ (ncx~ 7~o r4~JU9n~~ A47~0~ ~Jh~,~e 67~ i^ 2 Qe~q // Spa 2 ~ S q2,~ . See,-,-,1 ~Je i~ fI P~~vnl~~ ~Pp~r/~ fl2 ~ , ~QdpE•Zt~ tit Z?o Fec,f oG ~`~yw~ Frw~r~>` w~ Z £'.,~r'~~cC.f Zonii.U(r r~ A3s~Cu-(G(y ~£,~~ib c i ~~ wli~- w e. l,,i~,/~ ~ lad . L~r~'O ~S FIB ~ ~- UctL~ I.cSA-3 C~ ~~ t j ~4 Free .f-fA~/Di,/G ~'E f.~i L C F.v7-~2 <~/rc 7'!~- / Please describe the impactis) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. ~~.~(1 Qu2 CA.yo Of/~luPr~'~,/f~ w~ Wr!/` tNe~~ASE ~Qo~°£'~Ty l/AIu~S ~u2 Q O Wrli gz: lmP__ a~~ ~'~'.~-•~fr1<y wE Wr~l ~ra3~~Y Nn/E ,~~ All . ~ ~ / ~b ,4D~ R 0£Ceit1;2A-~-twos ~,~Z: , (.Jf+`t~-'C ~- ScS~W~~2 ~Sl_ Wti'( B£ lhinti~.a I , Sawa I s l (~~tirs a REc 1 ~ -~~r~ ~ ~.~scuE Stia~.t~ no+ be: E~~~-TErJ ,d7- ant 1 NOV-19-93 FRI 15:26 COUNTY OF ROANOKE P_O4 ROAao~CE COUNTY UTILITY DEPART?'Q~NT , APPLICATION FOR WAFER OR SEWER SERVICE 20 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Date ~~- ~ ~- S3 Name of Applicant CVv~ I~ I-~or~~'S (~~ Phone ~U-S)v-~ZO~ Address of Applicant y7,Z(~ (~~~rFk~(~ -~ ±-Iw~ .~~t~S uc ((~- i ~ 3771`? Name of Developer SAn^E- FlS ~~3oU~ Phone Address of Developer Name of Design Engineer Qo6 Pc~ouQs~- phone $o`~-S8~-g3~3 Address of •Design Engineer Q~' Z ~X ~ ~uc(CEn~.1'u ~ l~ ~ ~4 • Z Z "1 ~°o Name of Contact Person Po•~X 73jv ...7.a3 `/`i2-ySao L£ S ?~ ~ ~ ~ /lrrvS dp- 2 yo(g , Name of Proposed Development ~2oSS (A..r~ I-~oM£S Type of Development and proposed number of units (Be specific) ~lAhu~~cTu2£p / S~A~W///9 2 y O{-~L'C ~C ~i!/! ~ , ~ 5~14~~U/lIRrLG~ S~2HG-~ lin' t A~2o~ 20 - ~ ycS~~'4`1 ryooElS SIT d~E ~ru~.y ~c•->,£' -- Location o£ proposed development (FURNISH COPY OF MAP AND ~PLANIMETRIG NUhS~3ER) ~171~J ~~~. J w Size of proposed development in acres: Z--~ ~!`~ Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer service connections would be located: Minimum feet MSL. Maximum ~, ••_, feet MsL • Is this application for a development that ~1 be a parXesr section of a larger futuze development? ~ No _„_,~ If yes, provide map of entire area if available. ~1,t ~ ',\1 ~ r W y k \\ , ~ ~ ' 1`~ M O i ~ t t '~ i t ~ ~~ ` i:! - ,~ } 7 ~t ~,K ~ ~ tt ~ ~` ~•- \ .gig .r ; ts}~ ~l ~, ~ ` ~~ i g rig ~ t \ .l 110 \ ~ ? 1 ~ \ \ ~ -" 4J \. ~ c --~ .~,` _ ``,14v1, \\ 7c. t ~ . , /~.~~ .t 4 >>' `~ T r y ky7C~ N x'~N¢ ~ L '3Cs - - ~ \ \ ~ \ ~ / 1 i ~ 1~~ ~t t..i .~1 _~7.~ ~ fit. ~' ~~ P ~ •~ i~ ~ l _ \ _ Z ~ .rte-, i d' ~ ;tip ~ ,.; a ~~ t 1 t _ S ry .~. ~ t /OO =_ ~\ .1 ~ + 1 '~~ 1 ` ~ _ ``\, ~ ~ y: i f~ t ~--~ i5. ~+c~ "x.~ i ~x'~s`~s; ~ ~ - 0 .: ~ 2/ i, ~ i t V _~- t • 1 r- 1L G ~ ~ ix c s ~,~ ~r ~ f{ ~. ~< a ~ 4 ~.1 t ~.~ /~ . \\ t ''" ~ 001. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f- ~r .~.~e~x~r"-~~_. 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T Nd M ~" I - ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ Z~ .v DATE ;' December 10 14 17 28, 29, 30 January 4' 7 11 14 19 21 28 29 February 1 4 8 11 12 15 18 ~l ILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL 1993-94 BOYS BASKETBALL OPPONENT Christiansburg Glenvar Cave Spring Salem Christmas Northcross Alleghany Cave Spring Salem Christiansburg Northside Rockbridge Northcross Lord Botetourt Alleghany Salem Northside Glenvar Rockbridge Lord Botetourt Head Coach: Asst Coaches: JV Coach: Principal: AD: $3.00/$2.00 F:\ad\93-94bb .sch Paul Barnard Pat Paye David Culicerto Tim Chocklett Brian Jones Robert Patterson Jane Layman SITE Away Home Home Salem Civic Center Home Home Away Away Home Home Away Away Away Away Home Away Away Home Home tv ` ~~ 'E 1`1.,. t TIME 6:00 6:00 6:00 TBA 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 S WII,LIAM BYRD ffiGH SCHOOL 1993-94 WRESTLING SCHEDULE December 4 7 9 18 December 31 January 6 8 11 14/15 18 22 28 i i Bassett/J. Forest/Shawsville Home 10:00 Rockbridge Away 7:30 Wm Fleming Home 7:30 Harrisonburg Tournament Harrisonburg 11:00 Carroll County Tournament Away 10:00 Alleghany Home 7:30 Region III Challenge Brookville 10:00 Salem Away 7:30 Big Orange Tournament Home 4:00/11:00 Northside Home 7:30 M'ville/F'dale-Coll'ville/PH Patrick Henry 12:00 Lord Botetourt Away 7:30 Head Coach: Barry Trent Asst. Coach: Dale Thompson $3.00/$2.00 F:...1ad\wres93-94. sch Revised 11/3193 1994 POWER VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME Dec. 2 Scrimage with Christiansburg Home 6:30 Dec. 8 Scrimage with Glenvar Home 6:30 Dec. 13 Liberty Away 6:30 Dec. 16 Rustburg Home 6:30 Dec. 20 Radford Home 6:30 Dec. 21 Liberty Home 6:30 Jan. 3 Alleghany Home 6:30 Jan. 5 Salem Away 6:30 Jan. 8 Jefferson Forest Invitational Away 9:00 Jan. 10 Northside Home 6:30 Jan. 12 Rockbridge Away 6:30 Jan. 17 Lord Botetourt Away 6:30 Jan. 19 Alleghany Away 6:30 Jan. 21 Radford Away 6:30 Jan. 22 J. V. Tournament Home 6:30 Jan. 28 Jefferson Forest Home 6:30 Jan. 31 Salem Home 6:30 Feb. 2 Northside Away 6:30 Feb. 7 Rockbridge Home 6:30 Feb. 9 Lord Botetourt Home 6:30 Feb. 12 District Tournament NSHS 10:00 Feb. 17, 19 Region II Tournament TBA 10:00 Head Coach: Asst. Coach: JV Coach: Principal: Athletic Director: $2.00/$1.00 Sharon Hensley Debbie Williams Michelle Vandergrift Robert Patterson Jane Layman F:1ad\volleyb1.94 WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL 1994 BASEBALL SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME March 18 Cave Spring Away 4:30 21 Glenvar Away 4:30 25 Cave Spring Home 4:30 29 Radford Away 5:00 April 5 Radford Home 5:00 8 Glenvar Home 4:30 12 *E. C. Glass Away 6:00/7:30 15 *E. C. Glass Home 4:30/6:30 19 Alleghany Away 5:00 22 Salem Home 5:00 26 Northside Away 5:00 29 Rockbridge Home 5:00 May 3 Lord Botetourt Home 5:00 6 Alleghany Home 5:00 10 Salem Away 5:00 13 Northside Home 5:00 17 Rockbridge Away 5:00 20 Lord Botetourt Away 5:00 23,25 District Tournament Alleghany TBA 30 Region III Tournament TBA June 1 & 3 Head Coach: Asst. Coaches: JV Coaches: Rodney Spradlin Gene Riggs Doug Pence Barry Light Larry Light F:\ad\baseba-94.sch WILLIAl'~I BYRD HIGH SCHOOL 1994 SOCCER SCHEDULE DATE O~PO?di~tT SITE TIME March 31 Cave Spring Away 7:00 April 12 Alleghany Home 5:00 April 14 Salem Away 5:00 April 18 Northside Home 5:00 April 19 Christiansburg Home 5:00 April 21 I Rockbridge Away 5:00 April 25 Lord Botetcurt Away 5:00 April 28 I Alleghany (Away 5:00 April 29 North Cross Away 5:00 May 2 Salem Home 5:00 May 5 Northside Away 5:00 May 6 Patrick Henry Away 7:00 May 10 Rockbridge Home 5:00 May 12 Lord Botetourt Home 5:00 May 18, 19 District Tournament Lord Botetourt TBA Coach: Jeff Highfill Assistant Coaches: Shawn Duff, Joey Beck Admission: Adults $3.00 Students 2.00 ..sa~aoce-sch.9a WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL 1994 SOFTBALL SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT SITE TIME March 23 Heritage Home 4:15 March 25 Glenvar Home 4:30 March 30 Cave Spring Home 4:30 April 5 E. C. Glass Away 12:00 April 8 Glenvar Away 4:30 April 12 E. C. Glass Home 4:30 April 14 Heritage Away 4:30 April 19 Alleghany Home 5:00 April 20 Cave Spring Away 4:30 April 22 Salem Away 5:00 April 26 Northside Home 5:00 April 29 Rockbridge Away 5:00 May 3 Lord Botetourt Away 5:00 May 6 Alleghany Away 5:00 May 10 Salem Home 5:00 May 13 Northside Away 5:00 May 17 Rockbridge Home 5:00 May 20 Lord Botetourt Home 5:00 May 24, 26 Blue Ridge District Tournament Moyer Complex Salem TBA Head Coach: Billy Meador Assistant Coach: Ellen Bolt ~' WII~LIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL 1994 TEl~TNIS SCHEDULE DATE March 19 23 29 April 1 11 14 18 21 25 28 May 2 5 9 13,14 OPPONENT Bassett Tournament Glenvar Fieldale Collinsville Alleghany Salem Northside Rockbridge Lord Botetourt Alleghany Salem Northside Rockbridge Lord Botetourt District Region III Coach: Mike Gibson SITE TIME Bassett TBA Home 4:30 Away 4:30 Away 5:00 Home 5:00 Away 5:00 Home 5:00 Home 5:00 Home 5:00 Away 5:00 Home 5:00 Away 5:00 Away 5:00 Salem Civic Center TBA Salem Civic Center TBA F:\ad\tennis-9.sch WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL 1994 TRACK SCHEDULE DATE OPPONENT SITE I TIME March 30 Radford/Glenvar Radford 4:15 April 13 ~ ~Alleghany Home 5:00 April 20 Lord Botetourt/Liberty Lord Botetourt 5:00 April 27 Northside Home 5:00 May 4 Rockbridge/Salem Salem 5:00 May 11 Blue Ridge District Meet Rockbridge 10 AM Head Coaches: Wallace Thompson, Phyllis Travisano Assistant Coaches: Joanna Lonker, Tim Foutz No Admission ...ad\vac-sch.94 WILLIAM BYRD CHEERLEADERS 1993 - 94 1 `a.~,3" "•"'r~~4b A. ~ VARSITY S UAD B ______ __.._ _..4.__~. Ginger Barnard 890-9230 ~~ Rachel Allen 890-5682 Paul & Joy Barnard James & Susan Perry 1059 Blandford Ave. 4352 Twin Mtn. Dr. Vinton, V?1 24179 Vinton, VA 24179 Kerri Barnhart 890-5092 David & Carolyn Barnhart 802 Halifax Cir. Vinton, VA 24179 Andrea Hamlett Kenny & Wanda Hamlett 405 Corllens Lane Vinton, VA 24179 Amy Hodge Lynn & Judy Hodge 2532 Rutrough Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 Kelly Bain 977-4216 Jerry & Brenda Bain 4538 Red Barn Lane Roanoke, VA 24012 345-1897 Adriane Bryant 890-04.77 Linda Bryant 1149 Finney Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 345-5651 Holly Getman 977-3239 Don ~ Diane Getman 4666 Red Barn Lane Roanoke, VA 24012 Laura Hale 890-4036 Jeffrey & Judith Mills 1022 Finney Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Sara Ivey 890-5889 Henry & Susan Ivey 5120 Burnt Quarter Dr, Vinton, VA 24179 Whitney Musselwhite 345-5429 Steve & Billie Sue Musselwhite 549 Aragona Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Kelly Osborne 890-6791 Bennie & Barbara Ellis 3938 Horsepen Mt. Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Courtney Sowers Douq & Cindy Sowers 1831 T,,erry Dr . Vinton, VA 24179 Elizabeth Widner Doug ~ Polly Widner 100 Willowood Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Shawna Hastings ' Mike & Helen Hastings J~J ~ 3090 Woodway Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 Carla Isler 890-6313 Sam & Elena Isler 1872 Cranwell Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 345-7605 Kristel Jenkins 345-8920 James & Joyce Jenkins 3021 Ashwood Circle, Agt. 161 Roanoke, VA 24179 890-9720 Leigh Anne Layman 977-1109 David & Judy Layman 2310 Sourwood St. Roanoke, VA 24012 Elizabeth Williams 894-7334 Lori Ward 890-5730 Michael & Marjorie Skidmore '~ Paul & Cathy Ward 5125 Burnt Quarter Dr. 208 Pinewood Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Vinton VA 24179 ~TUNIOR VARSITY Katie Conner 890-5825 Bob & Louise Conner 1006 Howell Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Kelly DeWease 981-1620 Denny & Donna DeWease 963 Shelbourne Ave. Vinton, VA 24179 Lindsay Gray 982-5631 Kenny & Martha Gray 537 Aragona Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 Alica Hiler 977-1732 Janet Hiler 2038 Surrey Ln. Roanoke, VA 24012 Julie Lau 977-1038 Chak & Eileen Lau 4028 Mockingbird Hill Rd. Roanoke, VA 24012 Christie McAllister 427-2231 Mike & Debby MrAlli~ter 4874 Branch Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 ~~ Gary Hiler 989-3538 3036 Winterberry Dr. Roanoke, VA 24018 Georgia Rakes 977-6315 or John & :Sandy Rakes 977-2163 (Georgia's) 5512 Winesap Dr. Roanoke, VA 24019 Kristie Robertson 890-4870 Allen & Marcia Robertson 4014 Poplar Gr. Dr. Vinton, VA 24179 McKenzie Walthall 427-1977 Gary ~ Teresa Walthall 1421 Ashebrook Dr. Roanoke, VA 24014 Shang Webb 981-0547 David & Velva Flick 2315 Rutrough Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 Coaches: Barbara Ellis 890-6741, Christine Hillman 774-3293 ~~ -~O NORTHSIDE ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB SUBMITTED BUDGET FOR 1993-1994 .ILA COME : Concessions $ 5,500.00 Program Sales 1,000.00 Membership 1,500.00 Program Advertisements 6,500.00 Special Projects (Ways & Means) 4 023.95 TOTAL INCOME fi18 523 95 ~PFND7TURES: Program Printing $ 2,000.00 Administrative Expenses 600.00 Junior High School Requests 2,898.95 Senior High School Requests 10 025.00 Total $15,523.05 ~®~' 7 TAL IMPROVEMEt~~ Junior High School 1,500.00 Senior High School .~ 500.00 Total 3 000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ~~8 523.95 NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR ATHLETIC BOOSTERS 1993-94 SPORT ITEM APPROXIMATE- VALUE Cross Country Williamsburg Trip $ 500.00 Entry Fees 200.00 $ 7 0.00/ Football (TO) Helmets -$1,000.00 $1,000.00 Girls Basketball Video Taping Games $ 330.00 Slipp-not Base and Pads $ 100.00 (2) Weighted Balls 90.00 (1) Womens Big Ball $ 80.00 $ 600.00 / Golf (10) Dozen Golf Balls $ 250.00 Entry Fees $ 50.00 $ 300.00 / Cheerleading Varsity (Sweats & Materials) $ 600.00 Junior Varsity (Skirt) $~ $1,000.00 Boys Basketball Instructional Videos $ 50.00 (1) Break Away Rim $ 150.00 (2) Big Balls $ 120.00 (15) Practice Shorts & Tops $ 420.00 (25) Video Tapes $ 100.00 $ 840.00 Volleyball (2) Volleyballs $ 200.00 (1) Safety Ball Locker $ 120.00 (12) Pair Cotton Shorts (JV) $ 120.00 $ 440.00 Wrestling Grundy Trip $ 500.00 . (12) Rolls Mat Tape $ 60.00 (25) Video Tapes $ _100.00 $ 660.00 Baseball (20) Varsity Uniforms $1,000.00 • $1,000.00 Soccer (18) Home Jerseys $ 300.00 (10) Soccer Balls $ 300.00 $ 600.00 Softball Varsity Uniforms $ 675.00 • JV Batting Helmets $ 65.00 2 Bats (JV) $ 200.00 1 Catcher's Shin Guards $ 15.00 $ 95.00 Tennis (3) Cases Tennis Balls $•-•21-0,00. $ ZT~00 ' Boys Track Invitational Trip $ 300:00 Plyometric Boxes $ 400:00 Pore Vault Pole $ 200-. 00 $ 900.00 Girls Track Invitationals $ 200.00 $L00.00 Trophies (64) Trophies for Varsity Sports $ 610.00 $ o0 TOTAL $10,025.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS $ 1,500.00 TOTAL $11,525.00 r i.... '... i ... t.: ...i _ ,... : ..... .. _ :.. i ; ?. i ~ • _ '" . . _.. : ~.... ... ~... : i~,........ ..j. .: i ` f_ j..n +.~ t. a •.... .j. ... i ...., ,_. i :...: .,..., :... ,. 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NORTHSIDE ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB Membership in the Northside Athletic Booster Club for the 1993-94 year is 250 members. pec u ub 't d Randy ie s , November 17,1993 Aldridge, Earl & Cathy A1tis, Jeanne 1957 Montclair Dr 5539 Sweetferm Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA ~^^-_~19 562-2152 562-2634 Archer, Joe & Bonnie 4647 Norseman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-0765 Atkins, Kay S. 1643 Mt Hgv Dr Salem, VA 389-3052 Atkisson, Sandra 1934 Oak Dr Salem, VA 389-1391 Baily, Lois 5133 Norseman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2106 Bean, Bill & Debbie 5147 Catawba Valley Catawba, VA 24070 384-6526 Bishop, Bill Greenway Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5813 Booth, Brenda 6542 Pendleton Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1118 Brady, Kim & Kay 551 Petty ave Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1491 Bray, J. C. 8215 Waterfall Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2262 Askew, Jack & Patti 6067 Cove Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0970 Atkinson, Pam & David 5649 Meadow Crest St Roanoke, VA 24019 366-6212 Bailey, John 5458 Bradshaw Rd Salem, VA 24153 348-6084 Banks, Lvarva J. 5308 N. Garden La Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2739 Beason, Bill & Pam Dr 3681 Old Catawba Rd Salem, VA 24019 384-7021 Booker, Pat 6204 Plantation Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-5407 Booth, Darrel & Sherry P.O. Box 19186 Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1014 Brammer, Chuck & Pat 5446 Endicott St Roanoke, VA 24019 366-5556 Brindle, Robin 7155 Snowberry Circle Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 265-0335 Brogan, Joe 8150 Olde Tavern Roanoke, VA 24019 3621661 Bullan, Howard 528 Petty Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8619 Burnett, Alton 6703 Heath Cr. Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1820 Byrd, Annette 5113 Tamanisk Cr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-4819 Caldwell, Debbie 520 Magnolia Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4238 Brown, Dan Rd 3324 Bennet Spring Rd Salem, VA 24153 384-9850 Bullook, George 5636 NorthLake Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 5621427 Bussey, Marilyn 3020 Crockett Ave. Roanoke, VA 24012 563-4668 Byrd, Dickie 525 Water Oak Rd NW Roanoke, VA 24019 366-8284 Caldwell, Gayle 5213 Wipledale Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2457 Capito, Terry & Betsy 4927 N Spring Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1629 Carr, Donna 6539 Laban Rd NW Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5941 Carter, John & Debbie 3353 Green Ridge Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2787 Cheatham, David & 6742 McKinney St Roanoke, VA 24019 563-9177 Clemmer, Jim 5711 Meadowcrest Roanoke, VA 24019 366-4996 Cargile, Vera L. 5427 Loblolly Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2815 Carr, Tim & Donna 6539 Laban Rd AtW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-5941 Cecil, Larry & Karen 5175 Whipledale Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0574 Sharon Clarkson, Carol 903 Chester Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5045 Close, Dennis & Judy 5980 Buckland Mill Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5308 Clyburn, Wanda 415 Vista Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4385 Coughlin, Charles & Barbara 4429 Highland Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 992-2134 Craig, Clarence & 5103 Waxmyrtle Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3360 Crouder, Margaret 1924 Loch Haven Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1603 Curfiss, Cinda 2045 Laurel Wood Salem, VA 24153 375-2801 Damron, Nick 3564 Greenway Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-8400 Day, Larry & Patty 404 Clubhouse Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-4765 DeSimone, Mick 6333 Nell Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-4894 Coffman, Stephanie 6818 Northway Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-7501 Cox, Dick & Pat 5714 Capito St Roanoke, VA 24019 362-3986 B. J. Creasy, Nettie 2208 Churchill Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-1903 Derey, Jessie 8233 Olde Tavern Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-2251 Dillon, Myrna L. 922 Old Country Club Roanoke, VA 24017 344-7155 Cunningham, Shirley 7958 Hollins Court Roanoke, VA 24019 362-4149 Dampeer, Linda & Kelly 7402 Estes St Roanoke, VA 24019 366-1410 Davis, Cathy & Bev 5917 Green Ridge Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0558 Day, Patty & Larry 404 Club House Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-4765 Dent, Charlotte & Butch 842 Hugh Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 563-8266 Dillon, John 6728 Nothway Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2713 Dixon, Allen L. Rd 2915 Tully Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0490 Doss, Rebecca Drinkwine, Valorie J. 5404 Mayfield 7282 Twin Forks Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 366-4209 563-8448 Dudley, Larry & Family Dudley, Larry D. Jr. 470 Elder Ave 470 Elden Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 Elmore, Tom Ferguson, Laurie 5815 Darby Rd NW 5537 Heather Hill Dr. Roanoke, VA 24012 Roanoke, VA 24019 362-9775 562-2020 Ferrell, Barry & Family Fitt, David C. 7247 Twin Forks Dr 3084 Timberview Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 563-9049 362-5062 Flora, Sandra P. Fraley, Deborah 5849 Lost Mt. Rd 815 Orlando Ct Roanoke, VA 24018 Roanoke, VA 24019 774-4055 366-7045 Freeland, George A. Futrell, Kathy 5119 Winter Park 8505 Barrens Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2163 563-1157 George, Scott & Debbie Gibson, Carole 6717 Oleander Cir 148 Clubhouse Dr #28 Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1381 362-3193 Gray, Adam Gray, Pat 6309 Nell Dr 6309 Nell Dr NE Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 366-8506 366-8506 Griffin, Allen & Betty Guthrie, Brenda 5630 Legate Dr NW 4949 N. Spring Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0977 562-0375 Hale, Tome & Hope Hamilton, Russ & Gale 921 Starmount 440 Petty Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 366-3063 366-9327 Harper, Jenean 6974 Sweet Cherry Ct Roanoke, VA 24019 362-9062 Harrison, John & Marie 638 Santee Rd NE Roanoke, VA 24019 366-7159 Heagerman, Bill & 8039 Janda Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1947 Heath, Jan & David 5532 North Lake Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0117 Harris, Sharon 5618 Meadowcrest St NE Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8733 Harrison, Kay & Gary 8208 Past Times Lane Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8574 Joan Hearn, Sandy 4341 Tellico Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-8655 Helm, Jerry & Donna 534 Petty Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 366-9365 Henderson, Donna 4052 Catawba Rd Troutville, VA 24175 992-5333 Hicks, Kay 8066 Deer Branch Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-9384 Higgins, Michael 8395 Willow Ridge Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3353 Holland, Lewis M. 2040 Governor Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0955 Hicks, Bob & Cindy 552 Meadowcrest St Roanoke, VA 24019 265-0589 Higdon, Dan 81116 Hunter TR Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8487 F• Higgins, Sarah Rd 8395 Willow Ridge Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3353 Hollins, Mallory & Georgie 3084 Forest Acre Trail Salem, VA 24153 384-7261 Holmes, Jane 8521 Willow Creek Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1196 Hollen, John & Debbie 6530 Trevilian Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-0066 Holmes, James & Cynthia 5521 Sweetfern Dr NW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2726 Hoover, J. E. 1935 Maylin Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 387-9157 Howell, George 7219 Twin Forks Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-6576 Hungate, Betty & Henry 6713 Stonington Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-4806 Hurt, Gary & Dale 6429 Nell Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2398 Jarrard, Rick & Di 5531 Heather Hill Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0470 Johnson, Bob 6628 Northway Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5074 Journell, Allen & 8419 Townsend Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8505 Keeting, James B. 1049 Forest Park Roanoke, VA 24019 345-5913 -iuf fman , 8204 Olds Roanoke, 366-3431 Hunt, MR 5237 Pin Roanoke, 562-0345 Larry Tavern Rd VA 24019 & Mrs Donald L. Oak Dr NW VA 24019 Jackson, Myles & Opal 5429 North Lake Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0601 Jarret, Danny & Renee 6429 Ridgeview Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8626 Johnson, Ken & Wanda 3719 Round Hill Av Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2464 Brenda Kasey, Sherwood & Lawton 5158 Wipledale Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1956 Kelley, Della Blvd NA Roanoke, VA 24019 NA Kincer, Dennis & Nica 6704 Trevilean Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-0473 King, Steve & Betty 913 Bolejack Blvd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-2242 Kindrick, Sharon 8133 Deer Branch Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-0884 King, Steve & Gail 7250 Twin Forks Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2956 Kyle, Lana, Kathie, & Don Layman, Marsha 5130 Wipledale 6131 Buckland Mill Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1858 366-4433 Leininger, Don & Bonnie 7810 College View Ct Roanoke, VA 24019 362-3037 Light, Jimmy & Linda 8261 Filly Ct Catawba, VA 24070 384-6715 Linberry, Chris & Teresa 1949 Governor Dr NW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1749 Long, Sylvia 1934 Montclair Dr Roanoke. VA 24019 562-1909 Lucado, Mike & Dianne 8534 Willow Creek Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1396 Massey, Betty 7037 Crosstimber Tr NW Roanoke, VA 24019 366-2351 Mattox, Neal 6417 Garman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-1402 McCrady, Terry 6534 Trevilian Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-2635 Meador, Amber 7578 Bradshaw Rd Salem, VA 24153 384-6412 Mesrers , Scott 30'; Orlando Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 366-5076 Lemon, Margie & Reggie 7131 Cedar Crest Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-0201 Liken, Karen 906 Starmont Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 366-0010 Lineberry, Danny & Jerri 5041 Bradshaw Rd Salem, VA 24153 384-6236 Lowe, George 8183 Hunters Tr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-0049 Martin, Chip & Cathy 3205 Northside Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2258 Mast, Stephen 5662 Capito St Roanoke, VA 24019 362-9581 McClellan, Craig 8313 Willow Creek Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3341 McDawior, Lee 8506 Bellehaven Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4705 Mercer, Bill 8140 Olde Tavern Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-5366 Miley, Dick 5123 Winter Park Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2162 Milke, Carl & Elaine 6155 Copper Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 366-5722 Mitchell, Alfred & Mildred 83 Orlando Av NW Roanoke, VA 24019 366-8070 Morris, Robert 6426 Nell Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-5342 Moukse, Tom 3220 Viking Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1363 Murdock, Leroy & 71645 Snow Berry Roanoke, VA 24019 366-5966 Milliner, Robin 188 Hurst Ave NE Roanoke, VA 24012 563-0168 Morris, J. R.III 4719 Wembley Place SW Roanoke, VA 24019 774-1713 Morris, Susan 3108 Honeywood Ln Roanoke, VA 24019 776-1689 Moutz, Floyd & Linda 5673 Daytona Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-4955 Bonnie Myers, Rosanna Circle 6533 Laban Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-4980 Myers, Wayne & Sandra 5855 Plantation Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4329 Neely, Chuck & Cheryl 5619 Meadow Crest St Roanoke, VA 24019 366-6125 Nichols, Daniel & Robin 4923 North Lake Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2493 Norris, Doug & Patty 7114 Cedar Crest Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-3492 Osborne, Larry 6702 Oleander Cir Roanoke, VA 24019 362-9698 Naff, Gene 6425 Pendleton Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 265-0018 Newman, Bob & Debbie 5142 Norseman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0949 Nichols, Roger A. 2848 Tully DR NW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1085 Oliver, Mike & Loretla 5604 Daytona Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-1438 Overfelt, Caroline 7021 Pine Needle Dr Boones Mill VA 24065 774-6818 Pace, Mac & Ann 2359 Catawba Dr Salem, VA 24153 384-6741 Palmer, Mike & Hazel 5933 Byron Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0506 Paxton, Bill & Toni 2817 Byron Dr NW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1291 Penney, George & 6618 Meadeqood Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-9341 Phillips, Kathy 5422 Mayfield St Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8810 Painter, Lynn 7027 Irondale Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 362-3001 Parker, Gary & Mary 5908 Dairy Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 265-2648 Paxton, Bobby & Donna 7824 Frendship Lane Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4684 Sherry Peters, Pete & Patsy 8354 Willow Ridge Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2397 Pope, Bill 5123 Wipledale Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2512 Powell, Paul & Rena 5428 Deer Park Dr NW Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0934 Rasnick, Jeff & Gladys 8338 Belle Haven Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-8902 Rippee, Christine 6354 Pinetree Lane Roanoke, VA 24019 362-1262 Robinson, Jim 353-B Woods Ave Roanoke, VA 24016 342-7371 Pitts, Richard 938 Kenbridge Place Salem, VA 389-2219 Porterfield, Sue 5739 Santa Anita Roanoke, VA 24012 362-0654 Ragland, Bobby & Becky 6306 Greenway Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2794 Rayl, Karen 6312 Neil Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4663 Robertson, Shane 5516 Deer Park Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-4372 Robinson, Sam 4024 Ridge Dr Salem, VA 24153 384-7357 Ronk, Deani 5152 Norseman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0103 Saul, Rodney 2858 Carvins Cove Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 384-7260 Sboray, Bobby 5723 Capito Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8888 Sells, Michael 7038 Tinkerdale Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5598 Sheets, Family 5225 Foxtail Lane Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2895 Rousis, Bill & Barb 6731 Stonington Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2284 Saunders, Karen 7237 Scarlet Oak Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 362-5208 Schmidt, Lauren & Peggy 2721 Embassy Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1970 Shaffer, Dean & Brabara 5151 Wipledale Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 562-4557 Shelton, Dan NW 6728 Trevilian Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-1313 Shields, Randy & Judy 1902 Governor Dr Nw Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2179 Shovely, Don & Carolyn 1909 Montclair Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2353 Simpson, Johnny 1009 Ridgecrest Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4005 Smith, Victoria A. 1434 Guildhall Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 366-4987 Snider, Naomi 8513 Bullington Cir Roanoke, VA 24019 Short, Bill & Martha 7808 Shadwell Roanoke, VA 24019 362-1403 Simmons, Winston 5714 Deputy Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1773 Smith, Gary 5318 Eveningwood Ln Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2577 Snider, Dave & Carol NW 7256 Twin Fprls Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 563-1035 Spencer, John D. 4839 Player Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2937 Sprouse Margart N. 6604 Bryant Cir Roanoke, VA 24019 366-2615 Stafford, Sue 1801 Braburn Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 989-5147 Strock, Lynn 5112 Waxmyrtle Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2822 Swisher, Woodrw B. 5441 Cove Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1301 Taylor, Mary & Fred 5619 Oakland Blvd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-9394 Thomas, Vicki Woolwine 831 Hugh Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 366-664 Thompson, Andrea 202-A Pell Av Rocky Mount, VA 489-7458 Tolbert, Bobby & 1334 Gates Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 563-5922 Stafford, John & Sandy 3008 Northside Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1954 Stimeling, Betty C 2835 Envory Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1518 Stultz, Bruce & Susan 1824 Lonna Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3391 Taylor, Lourice 5403 Deer Park Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2631 Thomas, Gary 2253 Azalea Rd Daleville, VA 992-6451 Thomas, W. S. 102 Return Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 366-6453 Tibbs, David 2927 Tully Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 562-2479 Cheryl Tolbert, Cheryl R. 1334 Gates Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 563-5922 :rangott, Chuck & Susan 8310 Cardington Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 366-6175 Trent, Linda S. 5610 Daytona Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 362-2737 Trent, Brenda & Jim 1818 Lanna Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0259 Trolsen, Debbie 6003 Janda Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 562-0757 Troutt, Debora Turner, Linda P. 0. Box 486 5336 Thromrose Rd Troutville, VA 24175 Roanoke, VA 24019 992-6423 362-8727 Vandergrift, Dennis & Sue Vaughan, Winky 2982 Loch Haven Dr 3218 Absalom Smith Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 Salem, VA 24153 562-5462 384-8025 Vinsan, Avron Walters, Doug & Karen 8269 Olde Traven Rd 625 Clean water Ave Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8627 362-0414 Weaver, Fred & Dotty Webb, Michael & Carrie 6404 France Dr 602 Magnolia Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8391 563-4737 Wertz, Sue & LE Whisnant, Becky 4365 Murray Ct 5117 Norseman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 992-4634 562-2234 Whittaker, Glen Wickstrom, Ashley 414 Petty Av 5812 Hollins Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 362-3628 366-6113 Wickstrom, John Wickstrom, Linda 5812 Hollins Rd 5812 Hollins Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 366-6113 366-6113 Wickstrom, Ryan Williamson 5812 Hollins Rd 5297 Century Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 3666113 366-5481 Wills, Earl Wimmer, Lyle & Jean 8249 Hunter Trail 8304 Cardington Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 362-7085 563-9537 Wise, Vickie Witt, Charles & Bonnie 5510 Taney Dr NW 637 Water Oak Rd Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 562-4867 563-0203 ,~ `vole, Jim wood, Bruce 6036 Plantation Rd 6511 Garman Dr Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 563-4148 366-1614 Wood, James C. Woods, Pat 2413 Laura Rd NW 4041 Lois Lane Roanoke, VA 24017 Roanoke, VA 24019 562-1579 992-5893 Wooldridge, Bonnie Worrel, Vicky 1004 Grove Lane 1898 Oak Dr Roanoke, VA 24012 Salem, VA 24153 563-0287 387-0018 Wright, Jimmy & Linda Wright, Thomas E. 8261 Filly Ct 5122 Spring Dr NW Catawba, VA 24070 Roanoke, VA 24019 384-6715 562-2161 Yopp, Gilbert & Faye Zimmerman, Ann 8148 Hunters Trail 0839 Quail Place Roanoke, VA 24019 Roanoke, VA 24019 362-8993 362-4337 . CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS OF NORTIISIDE ATHLETIC I300STER CLUB ARTICLE I. Name and locations Section 1. The name of this association shall be NORTIISIDE ' ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB. Section 2. Its principal location sha~ni$e at .Northaide . high School, Roanoke, Virg Section 3. The po~o~~eandrauppolrttallcphases °fgathletics To pr at Northaide Iligli School and Northaide Junior high School, as submitted by the finance lementa committee, for which the school board supp resent coach's salaxy and approved by membership p at the meeting in which trovalage(SeerFinancesrent year is presented for app Article IV-Section 3~ ARTICLE II. OFFICERSc Section 1. The officers °dents,cinbwhichlcas~aonlysonent, and/or Co Pres First has a vote, Executive Vice President- Third r.. Vice President, Second Vice P.residentCorrespondence Vice President, Recording Secretary, Secretary.~and a Treasurerandhahalllhold off iced for the term of one year, elected and until their suc~easors are duly installed. Section 2. ~ The officers shaelfiratlmeetinSn-i~~ of each membership aC th ear or year and said officers shall serve one y until successooFstl~eeboo$Cexlclubdmaydserveaeaean Only men~era officer of this club. Th e Section 3. The directoasts~~~~iaenCeshallt-~-aemember of the. immediate p Board of Directors in an ad~visox'y capacity on y, without voting Privileges. o in t a tlom.~]l~-O~Ommi.I: tx fig. Section ~F. The PresidenC shall aPP wlii~l1 . sit~1~....~ulimit a ~_l,ate of nominees ayr°~~eaclizs `And dixectora..aC ,tlie_ first meet ng Ye.~X, Additional nominations may"t~~"o ~i g ~1tn~Che floor at the first meeting in May p person malting tl~e nomination and t ~e person being nominated is a member in good standing with tl~e C1uU prior to tl~e nomination. 4 .. ' ,r - - J ARTICLE III. AUTIIrS OF 7't1E OFFICERS CONTINUED; Section 8, The Txeasur.er shall Receive all mxnExecutiveeViceb and ident a P res sh~ll~ along with the Pre~ident~ sign all Checks of the Clubs shall keep ll h a accurate recQrda o>: reGeipC9 and exPendituresi s for t each meeting prgaent a gtatemenC of account a permanent Y'ecarda and pre$ent a full report at the to be end o~ the fiscal year, All Club bootca are `aueh other ~ s a ' audiCedasa~hey~n~~dent to poaition thie dytiea x Section 9. The Airectara shall direct and give advice to the' '"~-' ub and assist in any way f the C1 . new offlcera o for the betterment of the Club. • .• ARTICLE IV. FINANCES: Section 1. All expenditures in excess of~twentY-five dollars finance committee before h e must be approved by t being aubmi.tted to the membership for their approval. , Section 2. The Board shall decide at its arcl meeting of each the budget for the coming year will be th h er e year w $ CaAi ~~ Improvement budget or~_ udget and/ar " 1 'fi. bot Section 3. The bud~e~ or the coming year shall be draft_ed_wy_ "°~~~'o hQn'of~ic~X@. to e " r ; the Presid~:nt~ reasur meeting li~ preeetiCE:d '_L•o~ the memFereh`ip fti~firs.t.. ' . = •~.n' May`wfox= .a.P..l?xova 1 ~ Section 4. IIudget requests shall be submitted to Athletic Nl.rector ll coaches no later than Aj~ril 15t_1~. and Principal from a The Athletic Director and Principal. shall review aIY requests before presenting them to the finance in order that the budget l 3Qth , committee by Apri can be set-up and presented tv the tnembNoal~e~ ueate approval at the first meeting in May. ored unless approved Uy the Principal ho ll U ' n e wi of the school malting request and/or the Athletic Director. ..•; In absence of a~Coach~ the Athl.etie pirector and/or hool shall submit requests. S c Principal of the Additional requests may be made. only through the , ,Principal of the school during the year. ARTICT.E V. M>rETINGSa " Section ~ 1. Regular meetings of the Club shall be held on the second and fourth Monday from t oT'onidao~ Special hex'ea~l:~ q b through Ma r~.t~.~._t:. he a~s deemed nsce$aary m~'Cinga o>` the Club may by the executive board of the Club. There must Uc~ a Cwa-thirds.majority of the Board of Directors present at any meeting be!•ore any business can be transacted ~, voted. on. Number: 330314 Posted: 12/06/93 15:54 Type: Regular Message Received: 12/07/93 07:34 Subject: board report From: SBO - Susie Owen To: MHA - Mary Allen Tim said it was too early for a report on the low-band radio. He said the Convention and Visitors Bureau and 5th PDC had to meet with their Boards first and then he would get a report from Wayne Strickland (5th PDC) and go from there. ~ - ~ ~_ ~ ~, -~`~ ~ ~,-,o jam.,, .~ 7 ,~ ~ /L P ~ d .l ~` .'' ~ .~. _ ,~ 0 ~~~ .~. .~~ -,. y ~ ./ ./ `~ r ~ _ / ~ , ~. .~.. Roanoke County Department of Economic Developm 772-2069 M E M O RAN D U M TO: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator FROM: Timothy W. Gubala, Director ~ ~/~~ I DATE: November 29, 1993 SUBJECT: Low-band Radio Project ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ .~` `~~%Z- ~~ I attended the demonstration of the low-band radio with other local government representatives. The following details are applicable: -the range is 5-7 miles -the cost is $22,000-$25,000 for a "fixed" station -current message length is 25 minutes -the message can be programmed via telephone or delivered to the site -the radio can be solar powered or connected to an electrical power source -there will be some ongoing maintenance costs -three or four radio units would be needed to reach visitors entering the Roanoke Valley on I-81 or the Blue Ridge Parkway The Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau is interested in this project. Phil Sparks indicated that Bob Herbert wanted to fund this project ". if the County and Salem" would participate with money. I would like to discuss this project and the potential funding sources with you at your convenience. Thank you. ~~ rz.u~ TELECOPY INFORMATION 24 November 1993 TO: Name: Martha Plank Firm: Roanoke Times & World News ^ ^ ^ Location: To: ~Ou. Telecopy No: 981-3365 ~ From: 4_ No. of Pages: 2 (including cover) ~ Return ^ ~ I IL3Lg3 Keep or toss FROM: Post~it'" FYI. pad 7666 Name: Sue Patterson-Bane Firm: Roanoke County, Virginia Location: 3738 Brambleton Avenue P. O. BOX 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Telecopy No: Telephone No: 703-772-2089 703-772-2007 Any documentation or information included as part of this transmittal, including, without limitation, this cover sheet and any and all attachments or exhibits, is intended solely for the use of the person shown as the recipient hereon and is confidential and privileged attorney-client information unless otherwise indicated. PLEASE PUBLISH THE ATTACHED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING -AMENDMENTS TO ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER ONCE ON WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1 1993 PLEASE SEND THE BILL TO MARY H ALLEN CLERK ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, P. O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE VA 24018 THANKS SUE ~auao~~d ~uno~ axou~o~ ~auou~y~ •y1t mid •s~osu~.zadnS ~o p.z~og auk o~ xzaj~ auk 3o aa~o auk ut uoi~aadsut atignd ~o~ atq~iT~n~ a~ ~uauzpuauz~ pasodo~d auk 30 ~xa~ auo 30 ~doa e pug ~a~u~ ~uno~ axou~o~ au.L •~iu~.ztn 3o apo~ auo ~0 9L-t't~Z uot~aaS o~ ~u~nsan pattg aq iI~us aueaen auk aaquzauz pzeoq ioouas pa~aata u~ 3o aa~o auo ut s.znaao au~aen ~ uauM •satau~a~A SO'ZZ uot~aag •asod~nd cans ao3 p.zeoq ioogas auk ~q pa~~u~tsap aq Thus ~uauz~.zedap auk ut uosaad .zau~o autos ssaiun `s.zosvLZadns 30 p~oq auk a~o~aq ~uu~add~ 3o asod~nd auo ~o~ ~uauz~dap srq~ 3o p~au pa.zapisuoa aq il~us pz~oq ioouas auk ~o u~uu~ua au.L •u~uu~ua un~o ~i ~aata Ti~us p~~oq Toouas au•L •pa~aaja a.z~ auk uargnn uzo.z~ ~au~stp auo ut apisa~z tt~us pug unoa auk 3o s~a~on pa~tj~n aq TT~us pa~oq ioouas auk 3o szaquza~ •uouaaia .~iau~ uuviotio3 I enu~r uo aauaunuoa TT~us szaquzauz pa~oq joouas pa~aata auk zo3 aaz~o 3o suua~ auZ •suz.za~ paaa ~~s u~uv~ s.zaquzaui pz~oq toouas 3o uoi~aata auk .~03 nn~t t~.zaua q papino.z s~ s.z~a .zno~ ~o suzza~ .zo3 pa~aaia aq IT~us saaquiaui p.z~oq joouas ~a~~a~au.L •saea onn~ 3o suual ao~ s~au~stp uot~aaia sjpH ~ospuiM pug uo~utA sutjjoH auk ~o ua~a uto.z~ pa~aata aq IiEus ~aquzauz joouas auo pug s.~a ~no3 3o suua~ ao3 s~ai.z~stp uot~aata uu S anE~ pug ~gnae~g~ auo ~o ua~a uzozt pa~aata aq ITEus aaquzauz p~oq joouas auo uot~aata i~t~rut auo ~d •uoi~aaia p;i~nn auk ~~ pa~aata aq Thus pz~oq ioouas a~t~ua auo pug S j .zaquianoN ut ptau uot~aata i~.zaua auk ~e ptau aq ueus p~BOq ioouas auk ~o uouaaia ~i~nzi au•L •suz~a~ ~ea~i .zno3 .zoo uno~ auo 3o s~a~on pagtien auk q pa~aata • aq thus oun~ `~ilunoa auo 30 ~au~sip uot~aata .zo i~ua~s~euT uaEa uioz3 `s.zosin.zadns 3o p.z~oq auk 3o s.zaquiaui a~~ a.zau~ sE szaquzauz 3o aaquinu auz~s auk 3o pasoduzoa aq It~us pa~oq toouas rL~unoa auZ •p.zeog IoouaS 'ZO'ZI uot~aaS :sn~ono3 s~ st ~uauzpuauie ~a~.zEua pasodozd auk 30 ~xa~ auZ •.za~ua ~ut~srxa sit puau~ ~tquiassy j~~aua0 auo ~eu~ ~sanbaz s~uno~ auo uodn ~uaunuoa o~ ~run~.zoddo uE an~u ITEus ~uno~ a~jou~o~ ~o suazpta auo ~eu~ os `~rui.B~A `a~ouEO~ `anuany uo~aiquz~~g 8£L£ `~a~ua~ uopea~siunupy ~uno~ a~joueo~ 2I~U~i2i03 auk ~~ •~•d OO:L 1E `£66i `~I ~aquzaaaQ uo piau aq o~ ~uu~au atgnd ~ 3o aapou sand ~ga~au `~rr.~~tA `~uno~ a~jou~o~ 3o s.zosu~.xadnS 3o pxEOg auk `SE8-t'SZ uopaaS ~~at,~•aads pug `papuaure s~ `~iur~~A 3o apo~ OS6 i auk 3o I' S t aT~i.L 3° L Z .za~d~u~ 3o suotstno.zd auk o~ ~uens~nd x~ix~H~ ~.I.Nno~ ~IOt~o~ OZ S,LN~Y~IQNBY~I~' ONRId'3H ~I'Ignd 30 ~~I.LON e cna- ~. i 1 1 ~: '.. '^ i : s. } ry..: t ~+_ 1 1 t t 1 i I I I i i i .. ~ 5:/~R I I REAL CHEAP Reiif re~' Red LME' REAL CHEAP ~~ NOTICE OF BOUNDARY LINE RELOCATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Purwant to SeeUons 15.1- 1031.1, ET SEO. of the Coda of wOnia (1950), as arrlsrtdsd, tM Connell of the Clty of pJSartolts, on Monday, pseem- bar 1'J..lfleB, M 7:30 P•m•• M r,.....a xyrarrt6sra. 215 Chuselt h Isting 1949 annexation line, said point being the northeast rear comer of Lot 1, Bloc tYlaP: Midway Land Company thence with the new eorporoUon Iins and the rear Iles of Lot 1, 5. 08° 49' 00 W., 120.88 feetto a ~ wlbtlr ~ o~ t Lot 2; of Lot 2, N. 81° 11', 00" W., 120.00 test to tM east rlgM-of-way Naa of ant avast; tlwttoa "~' ~ aa_ it A~tt"of'waY t~ Ot BIN ~• aa+AD'E., 58.74 atlsn IMNI mwrw "~' B 7B• ~;s flte1949 ar1~ ' polm m 8th SttNt (YSlbn) Mid" way Street (Rpanoka); tltsna crossing sold siresL and wtlh ~ new wrppratlat fins i. BO° 42' E.. 38.80 test to the com- mon comer of pert Lot 1 and Lot A, Sktatlons Map• M.B. 1. Pg. 92; tllelles wtlh said eonatson Iins S. 50° 42' E., 128.0 fast; thanes wkb rear of sNe bt 5.9° it" W, 9T.9f fMt b Rpolnton tM sdstlrlg 1949 artrktttetldn Hoe; thence with tM 1949 an- nsxatlon arw s, To• ~' oo" rldn 138w5~9 UM of 9th Bvest (Vknon-, Ylbb Btreat (ROarloke); tllertee wMN•erettaw as JAMES EDWARD BRITTON by Lawrence Richard Britton. It is ORDERED that James Ed- I ward Rickman, natural father of sad chse appear st the sbove- named court and protect hb In- terests on or before January 7, 1994. Arthur B. Crush, III, Clerlt By Kathy McMillan, Deputy Clerk ENTER: 11.16-93 '• ~ (26028)_ PUBLIC ,~*t' ,. °NOdcs Is ~ ryNdofbtalRa~•. ~ _ .s>p• _. JA.,' D For M Frani W o0 30 S (ltrtari~''`~, ,yapatr.,> tftbe.. Done., O'drall, tlrldM• - ~~ qa Virlws Rts., lob Des- 2741. RL 1-e1. Pulatlkl CO. lob pas. 2742. Rt. 95, Clty of lop Das. 2474, Rt. 880• Wlse (:a. ~b Day, 2737, Rt: 193, Fakfax ~. Yarkan Rtes., JOb Des. 2798 Fakfelt Ca lob Des. 2740. RL 480. Mont- ~y «' Job pas. 2744, Rt. 56, Werten Co. ,~appq,'274T; RE'9S; Prkiee Ws enea~i'a~e minority and/a fsmMs'su0eane'ktors end suP- bpagmbsr 22~ 9~9 ~ t'f10USM ppffTR11CTWN CO.. AdtS- ' W' 6 : ~ glpGEfYEIMER, e ~ ~ EQUAL OpPO~UNITY W ~2h 3738• Bromblston AvMUS, SonW~, bRoa ~nl~a! boundary fns petwssnstM throe TN,r.~b;,,,duv ~ atlJtre:- rnerrt beNlg a rfJlocatlon N01^ ~ ~l general loeatbn be- ~~ B~dvlslon~ b a estttMrly dkaelletr. and than veal! t1MOt~ tote f0 and 11 of the R. R. BurtldMld SutdMslon arld ~ g~ v sl I Idt~to YetltleY C . ~....brwr.aaey. ate. Naforc REAL ~~~ ~: s ~~ ~~~ r: .. I,' - ,•~' • `._ • ~- ~ CHEAP '~ • CIASSIFIED ~NADS~ ReBI Cbeep i ~ -~`e- ww,'M.t1L~ 5 ^ . ~ i~Sl~ 1 ~ ~~,. ~~~'~~ ~ CHEAP a CLASSIFIED ^ a ADS _ ~ r ~ p1QeP ^ `. • r ^ ^ •,• . _. -" REAL ::. CHE~-P IFI SS CLA _ , . A D -,. RBeI rests Reel glnl wo......-..n.-R- _-. m a nssr loeatlon so that sa of ~ R. ~ , Sabdlvulin E akiMl• Noe end tlrs Ilne of Blbb Street, N. 9' 18' E., 48 test to a panC tlrsrlcs b l sad Ote BetMelr fbtrR sanaroloo8tsdrr~k'thaTOwn . leaving sale Net rlt~-ot-~Y 80° 42' 00" W. 45.00 N Ot Vltttonr and auerdllOY~ tM ColaltY ~ R01a~ike, one N flat rd Park" vril N !scales ° : Noe, feet to tM west rlgM~f-way tine of solds~ and tfr eom- 2 Vkrya engroly tMglla the Colad9 Of Roanate, field ~' bOialdarY ' mon coma!=~-E~~~ Block i, lllraP thence with sold Ilse N. BO Ilne be1rM described as !slows: ~O,ptltIRO at a pole!! on the tlon: 42' 00" W., 130.0 feet to iherlee vittll lhs tear gM.af iJN ~ iNevray and pobtL: irte of lAt Lr.S. ~~ 1B' 00?, 82 feat M'>r'~ 100 N/tt„~•'slb gad tl ~ ~ 1 . Mlk3f ~alloks and MM.'.~,.:. ~vrraaa.,arniilia salQ p ,,~~a~~~ ~~ Ott ~a~ ~ ,sir~r.. .l -r t e mt q1~ ieubk ._ . - lneta!~- In{ IM's: aPP~k~ 70 fkrNr fast M c~as K,~,ap ar, w aoual bank , uP4>~~-~Iprwdlka4MY^ batik dplNfuMaaM'a sUiu0t1/AM~!IeF' ' peparblMn! d~~ trtwlw;.• r,wa Nt Via-; ; Protecgon `ft~gui>sUS*~,• 884 Yrltlrri Deparvrtwd et E~ • t2tle11tyr t ~: Tracey E. PA. Bea 11143: Ie1~Mtvou• VkgMal 23230-1 i+t~. er eaM t 527-5244 w~' (itii9~ " , 51JBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE ~ RBAL PROPERTY AT ITT;-~= Np~ITgE f sALE of 1415 SW, A 24018 ' . ., ~ 1419 ;; ' . - UN attd~~`~~ ~ t~nla, b DsM slay S' ~ of Bbok, et Pags 10Th. I set to tM north rlgNtof-wlY Idsr Is The Federal ~ le Avenue: Utencs wotliD~ Natlatal Mortgage Assocletbn rth rlgM-of-way grle serviced by Virginia First venue N. Bl° I1' 00' W•. ( Bank,F$g):and where- 14.45 feet to the Irltereectbn ,ae havlnt been rt1°da In Dale Avenw and Cones Y of file debt theroin tract, said point sls0 being sk- the peY ~ Ong ~W~ b ate on Uis 1949 annexaton secured Me notelwlder,tM un- M; thence wkh Ule 1949 sn- do so by trustee after having tlon Wle S. TO° 46' 00" ~ i4 days due rw- underfigfred having been q poklted Sgbsgtub TrustN 1 Mstnanern duly roeorded M tl af~ald Clarlt's OftIW. tlefal havkle •beelt..made h tlN a meet df rite diet 1Nareilr s cured and !laving bean r tpisstN by the NotehokNr to , ~ ~ IaWan4Nedd ww oiler Wpol~µs'J ?:q~i: suf.. yaeMYn laid Jablh A. SllereYr "'e aM~Jli.. ~> . lsr aaM at tun a4M. •, tl y~i0 ~ i!, Bweit : MN 4f '~0R « ~a ~ ~I^0u' (,liJr VMw, i. 74. 55' 00^'M1„ rwu on OeCarfsts- i6. l Iendltrul; thsrk» vN1h tlNtlsel MiP b Map took i. at r'ags'- ~ 'Irllsriblag. VA 23804 Renaln- Plat Book---. at rags'---- p04) 733-0333 tlN CgtleeoftlrmNsekevJKf~ rNiS) too sold .tiwn at ~-o{.~y bf a 10 foM wWe ties Presaa owner of iM da0i,. t: vre9 file 1949 an- tMrle. Pssee end terms of saN, ' e 1{A.BB b a P~ on fife ~Ow - ~ irll"fJ'-'M-aY' at lA0 perk, tlr reel slap 'i tlelnlbad ''atl deslgnalei ' ., eorporatlon Ilne and tM west above. r(gM-of-way Ilne of Wayland Sels snsl Missaedrrei S ~JaM re- Street, 5. 15° 46' 00" W, all WstlM 39.91 feet to the IrKerssetlon of strk:We covenants as the same Daleton Avenue; Menee with the may lawfully attest the roal es- north right-of-way Ilse of Dale- tats. Property to be sold In "AS IS" condlUon. ton Avenue S. 74° 55' 00" W ~, of Sale: Cash. Settle- 785.B2 feat to 11ie common TeM~srrldrln 15 days of Nle. eortlsr of Lots 13 end 14, Block Traces m bs ~~~ ss of iM 4, MaD of Lilly Vlsw; thanes with Bald common IIM N. 15° 05' date of sale ements: Not Isar 00^ W., 34.26 teat to tM exist- ~ S` 00.00• Ing 1949 annexatlen irle, this sful bdder's deposit of point being tM tsmtlnus o} Agent (10%) of the bid boundary Ilne adjustment be- tan ~SI,000.00, whlehsvet tween the Clty of Roanoke. tM ~ be the greater, may be ro- Town of Vinton and the County Op R~rSr;a and `slog st;ccrr. En ythslde Service detail on plat sntlUSd "Plat Cerporotlon Showing Boundary MaP Llne AG - p• 0. Box 2009 JustmeM Anse 11 Btnwesn the Petersburg, YA 23804 City of Roanoke, the Town of (504) 733-0333 Vinton and tM County of FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Roanoke," dstse Merck 1, lerlatllsn D. TdberL Mgr• 1993. PrePired by the Offke of V~ First Savings Bards. FSB 1M City Engulssr, end recorded p,0. Box 2009 described M tM aoav~n tbnN Deed of Trul4 TERMS: Cash. A bidder's def K of Ten Percent (1096) of sale pries may LM re0wrsd• the balance of the sale! Mk be pad In cash or equlv7 whhln ten (10) daYl• Con arise anti bs pY gpsc(al Wan Deed sub)sd to recorded a tons, rsstrletlons, reserve and Nsenlerlts. PAUL S. BLIIFY, JR. Substltute Trustee For Intomistktn contact: Sandy Dixon American Home Furding. Post Ottke Box a 23291 Richmond, Vkgn (504) 756-6876 ' (7988) i TRUSTEE'S 1g71CE OF( 1511 FrMrlont (2rcle, i~anoka, VA 240>~ In Vin, tar API! X W. of-114' fait. olrerd bearing and distance of N. 4T° 01' 37" E., 114.97 foot to a f point; thence, with sold Da right-ot-way N. 46° 44' 25" E, no 2.006.36 fast to a Pant on the A south AOd-of-way of Vlrglyde 1 See. Rt. No. 863 (BerkNy Road, of N.E.): Msnce with sold road 5 r1gM-of-way (30' width) S. 39° u lB• y~^ E., 685.95 teat to a N •' pdNtgtiteece wtlh a wave b ttte rlaxsi ~~ ~~ s>rsilrk ~ M ~ , ~' an aroa dietaxlee and dir feat, a chord gMlOa. ai ~: ~a• s4. 25" w., M.17ipM ta4 ~~ 8N~ g' 5T° 0T 42" W. 353.B8/Mtb . 27!.68 teat. Isrl era of 164.47 distance of 5. 40~ 66~ 30" W 152.42 feet to a pant: tMnG S. 24° 45' 19" W, 324.56 feet to a pant: thence S. 22° nt: 01" W •. 99.78 feet to a pa thence with a curve to the left s having s rodlw of 504.12 feet, sn arc of 168.44 test and s chord bearing and distance of 5. 13° 00' 48" W •, 157.79 feet to a Pant; !Mots 5. 4° 00' 35" W., 142.22 test to a point; glenCe with a curve t0 the rlgM Mving a radius of 218.86 feet, sn arc of 61.53 feet and a chord beanng and distance o1 S. 12° 03' 46" W. 61.33 feet to a ant: thsrce E. 20° ^E' @9" [1f W., 117.51 feet to s pant; ED thanes 5. 29° 49' sold pant 55.74 feet to a poled: being situate on the exlsgng corporotlon ins of tM City of Roanoke end tM Town of VIMOn and tlls County of Roanoke, and ShMOwU~ig a Boundary Llee /ltlf 1ligrlerlt ArN 1 r.. ss.eo Aces, estwesn ~~;to blether' n ~ Melchionna .,.,.,,,,,_~,,..v,,,,,,,w,~~~o~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U~ROAAAAAAA~q ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Mary H. Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia Post Office Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-079$ 1100 CRESTAR BANK BUILDING POST OFFICE BOX 90 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24002 TELEPHONE TELECOPIER 703-982-3800 703-342-4480 November 17, 1993 Re: Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia Refunding Bonds for the Benefit of C & B Associates Dear Ms. Allen: As I mentioned over the telephone recently I am serving as bond counsel in connection with the issuance of these bonds. The purpose of the refunding bonds is to refinance the existing debt on the Holiday Inn-Tanglewood, owned by C & B Associates. Under federal and state law, the issuance of the bonds must be approved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, and I am requesting that the matter be put on the Board's agenda for its meeting on December 14, 1993. At that time, we would ask that the Board adopt a resolution approving the issuance of the bonds. Enclosed is a draft of the proposed resolution. Will you let me know if there is anything further that I need to do in order to have this matter considered by the Supervisors at their meeting on December 14? Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, F . B . Webst~~~ Day Enclosure cc: Edward A. Natt, Esq. with enclosure Mr. Timothy W. Gubala with enclosure Jack V. Place, Esq. with enclosure 030336.523\4.snc o~ ROANp~,~ a 2 p ~ a ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ELMER C. HODGE H. ODELL'FUZZY' MINNiX, CHAIRMAN GAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2004 LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN September 8 , 19 9 3 WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOWNS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Rev. John Hartwig (703) 772-2005 r,~`~„., Good Shepherd Lutheran Church ~°~ 1887 Electric Road, S.W. o `~`~, Roanoke, VA 24018 ~ ~- a ~ ~~ ~- ~,1 ~ ~~ y ~`` Dear Reverend Hartwig: ~,~~'' The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors begins each board meeting with an invocation given by a minister from the community. We would like to invite you to present the invocation on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, at 3:00 p.m. If you are unable to do this, and your church has an associate minister, we would be pleased to extend the invitation to him or her. The board meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, in the Community Room. The invocation is always given at 3 p.m. and I am attaching a list of the 1993 meeting dates for your information. If the date requested above is not convenient, please call me at 772-2005. I will be calling you soon to see if this time is acceptable to you or if you would prefer another date. The Board members are aware of how busy your schedule is, and they appreciate your volunteering your time to offer God's blessing at their meetings. Sincerely, Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ® Regded Paper LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Kidd Auto Sales for a Special Use Permit to operate a used car lot, located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: November 22, 1993 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, November 30, 1993 Tuesday, December 7, 1993 Direct the bill for publication to: Kidd Auto Sales 127 Walnut Street N. Tazewell, VA 24630 (703) 988-2991 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Papa John's Pizza for a Special Use Permit to operate carry-out and delivery service, located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: November 22, 1993 ~G~~ ~~ s Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, November 30, 1993 Tuesday, December 7, 1993 Direct the bill for publication to: Papa John's Pizza c/o W.F.L. of Roanoke Inc. 4513 Williamson Road Roanoke, VA 24012 (703) 389-6050 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANOKE, VA 2018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COIINTY BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 1993, in the Community Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. for a Special Use Permit to operate a car wash, located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, VA. Dated: November 22, 1993 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times & World-News Tuesday, November 30, 1993 Tuesday, December 7, 1993 Direct the bill for publication to: Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. c/o Wooten & Hart PO Box 12247 Roanoke, VA 24024 (703) 343-2451 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COIINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 -- ~ --- - November 30, 1993 To: Roanoke County Planning Commission Department of Planning and Zoning Re: 7410 Sunnybrook Drive Special Use Permit to operate a used car lot Attached is a partition signed by concerned residents, business owners, parents of children, and persons in the area. We trust you will take this opposition into consideration when making a decision on this issue. We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We re uest the Roanoke City Planning Comm'ttee d B and of Superv'sors deny th S cial Use Permit de e b e. (N _~ ( Name ),----~~=~`- - K 3: i 6 v~ rt~+e,/e, c, ~un~ O ~~ ~ (Address) ~ Gd ~~ (Address) ~~ G ~ `'~~~ ( Te eph~e) S~~ ~-~ ~~ (Telephone) -~~.~J4~'~ (Name) ~~~~c""~ (Name) /L~ (Address)_z~~ S~s`~-~ K- ~jv ;'tom 'Y (Telephone) X03 5~3- ao `fi`t (Name ),~~~~~' (Address ),~j2.1~~~~ /l/11 C~/%h~~ (Telephone)d ~ ~~`~~~ ~~tie~ ~F ,o,~ ~~ ~,q rr /~ AT rj3C~U 5~.~ /3,~/~~/li vc~ (Name) (Address)7'f~00.fU/~/~'~~~~]Gl~'_,Sl~'~~ (dress) (Telephone)~~)3' •~~ o?C~C~s (N~) l ~Gt-Clt.~ 3uvrr~,e~rf scc,'rc ~ (Address)Oa'Y~J H11,1~~5 ~. ~, !,/~. (Telephone) (Name) (Address) (Te 1 ephone) :~0 ' 858' (Telephone) ~/ .. ~ ~ ~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. {Name) 6Jl~~~ ~''t" ~ (Name) (Address) ~~ V ~~'~~`"~~ ~a (Address) ~' ~ ~ ~~~l ~~' ; ~/I Q~~~ (Telephone) -S !% ~ ~ /y (Telephone) 3 ~ ~ ~.5 y S :S~ c,~ PmA,J (Address) ~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~~e'`~ ~~ (Telephone) S~ 3 - ~ ~ .s Z (Name) /~Pi~llr ~~ ~~~5 (Address) ~`3~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~ (Telephone) . ,> ~ (Name) - G (Address) Jr~ ?5 /~~~-~ Q~ ~~l ~' (Telephone) ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ (N~) "~~ ~ja ~~~ ~- (Address) (Telephone) 3~~0 - ~ ~ 5 S ~~ 1 ~`:u,'c'v (N~) ~" 1 v.~i~ (Address) T~ ~ ~~~~- - ~- "~ (Telephone) ~ ~O ~ ~ d ~ S J (Address) ~~'' ~~~/~' ~.c'~:~~`~~/ (Telephone) We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name) ~~2G~r~ ~/.' ~C2~.~ (Name) ((J"'sc r ~ , ~V ~~J~_"_ _ (Address) 7307 ~~~f{ ~ s>N ~c~ • (Address) ~30 ~ - C- ~~LL//¢l~lSa/j/ /QJ (Telephone) 3~~' ~ -Z- (Telephone) 3 ~ ~ ~ °25 ~ (Name) (Address) (Telephone) (Address) ~~LO (1(',,`c~~n-~ci ~~ ~ 7.~ (Telephone) ~~ ~~Sc (Name) (Address) 1S~(9~~r~r,r~icc~( (Telephone)~[a ~~ o ~ ~j /l /~I i (Address) C U 7 GL~~ ~~ ~~ • S ~ (Telephone)~~~`~ ~ `77 ` (Name) (Address) c~n~;~ Q~.Y1n -0/ ~J~- (Telephone)~~ ' ~~3~~0 (Name) (Address) (Telephone) ~ ~ ~, ~ We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. r ~'t ~" ._ (Name)--- 7~ `~ ~ ~. ~i_.~ _ ~ ~, '.<,. L~'~ _ (N~) - - ._.~ (Address ) .~~a, ~,t~ (Tel ephone ) ~9 ~ ~~ `-1 ~ ~~" (Address) ~~ ~ 7_T~ F'1U~~~__I C ~- (Telephone) ~~a -- ~ ~ ~ ~ y (Name) IYV (Address )_ ~~ ~ ,.,~;c2r~ ~ a )...<~~ (Telephone)~_~v (Name)~t~tCQ. ~ U ~ - (Address) 3 ~~ ~ ~U-~rd~~,6'~ ~~. ~ ..~ (Tel ephone) ~ ~ + ) - ~ 3 ,3 (Name) ~~L~~~ ~~ ~'~ (Address) ~ ~~` 4~~~" (Tel ephone) ~ ~~ J " ~ ~ ~~ (Name) (Address ) ~~~C (~~,~~'~~7Qi~i~W (Telephone)~~~ cQ~ _ (Name) L._C'_ e U (Address )~0 ~73 ~~Ua. (Telephone) (Address )~ © ~1. ~ ~ Fg~~g ~o~~ ~ , (Telephone We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Superv/i~sors deny the Special Use Permit d~ed~above. (Name )C_ ~~f ~li1J ~ . _ (Name) _ ~ ~/,/}~~ ~--<'-~~~ {Address) 3~9 (Telephone) 3 (D o~ - 7'"j ~ln (Address ) ~f ~ ~~'~~~~~~- C~ ~~y (Telephone) 3~ ~ - ~~~( ( Address)~~1~'~~~~-~ tel. fir/' (Name) W (Address ) ~~ ' ~~ ~ ~ C~ /at..~o~~ ~ ~-~ICI ~ 1 (Telephone) 3~ G - ~ ~ a 3 (Telephone) (Name) ~ UU ~. (Address) ~ ~ ~~ (Telephone)~~~p - d ~ d (N~) - (Address) ~d ' ~, ~ ~/v (Telephone )~S~ zb'~J Z (N~) C~ ` /C r (Address) ~~ ~ ~. (Telephone) ~~ ~ - 0 ~ ~ 5' (N~) ~ ~ .. ~~~~~~ ~~ (Address) °~~, -7~,~Gd~ 2~ (Telephone) ~~~' ~~~ ~' We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. . B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny ~tjhe~ Sapecial Use Permit denoted above. (Name)--- ------- ---~~""-"`~` (Name) ~,~ SL ~ ~- (Address) '.~ ~ 1 (Address) _ 1~~~~ ~ ~ 2~0 O ~~Ol (Telephone) ~ ~ Z " l~ ~~ (N~)~ (Telephone)_ ~C~"7Cl ~~ r (N~)~~E.~1L1 (Address)y~~ ~'b' V4tr ~_t~ . ~b~ ~ ~ ~b ~ (Telephone) ~~~~ ~ ~b~ (Name) ~ ~ t~-~ (Address) ~Z ~ Z~a~ y (Telephone) Z ~a S - ~7 bs (Name) - ~ ~...~ ~ ~ \ ~~.~ `E..- (Telephone) ~ ~ ~ -- ~~0~1 ~ _ r (Name) (Address) `~ ~ ~ C -~ (Telephone) ~~ - 1.~~( _ <- (Nam) __~~V "~ (Address) (Telephone) 3 ~ S ~~ ( (Name) (Address) 3 Cc ~ ~7 ~u.`1 Y J~JP 1~ F-~,b- u (Telephone) (Name ) '+2~_~ 1~- \ e ~ 5 We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. _ C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of ' Supervisors//jjdeny the Special Use Permit d noted above. (Name)-----~ -- U.~ ~ ~ r - --_`_~?Z`_~~ _ (Name) QI_~'. \ ~~ GL ~ - (Address) ~ ~ (Address) 0~1 v ~~. -- --------- ~CQ~n -754t-/ ke. , v ~ a~(~~g _ (Telephone) (Telephone) - (Name) ~ M ~X i~'""`~~' (Name) ~~~- I Y `C' V~~~'1" ll~(JI ~ I.W _ ~ (Address )_ _ (Address ) ~ ~ ~, ~~C _k `~ tc1)( Q V~ - - (Telephone) _ (Telephone)~.~ ~ ~~~~_ (Name) / ~. ~ clC~ S o~i~ ~. (Name) LQ ~l~J 1 (Address) ~~3a NA~I/f=>T ~r1s~- (Address)~~~Jt ~~~( R~ - -- - --- ~ocz ~ 1cQ Y~~ ayUr ~ -- -_ (Tel ephone) 9'7 7-crz-~ (Tel ephone) S ~ o ~ - ~( o cl o~? -~---- (Name) ~~y -L (N~) ~G` _ _ ;,, _~ (Address) ~.3~n~Gf V~ ~l•~ (Address)_:a~(']-(P ~c~th~li~r~~ ~ ~ -~ (Telephone) (Telephone) le, the undersigned. oPPose the Special use Permit to operate a zsed car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: ~. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. g, A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C, Such a business will further increase traffic congestithereby the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D, A small used car businessesoindthecareae Commercial and residential property valu g. Potential increase in noiseesentlylresid ngland world g h n the - quality of life for those pr vicinity. Planning Committee and Board of ___ ____ We request the Roanoke City Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name)--_-~!--- sy2~ - -- (Address)~'.~44 (~~ t~/'.,-. ~~ f1 ~C~~~ict (A ~~~ry ~o~-~ f _-__ L~~ - 2 - Telephone) Y'~ ~ - Co ~ ~r `~--- - (Telephone) ~ ~ ~ ~_3°~ '~ ( (Name) (Address) ~'~.~_ -- (Telephone)_~~ - ~ ~ a ~O a~~ (Name)... (Address) C~ ~ ~~ `' ~- (Telephone) - __ _.. (Name) _. (Address) (Telephone) Name ~~ ` ~ ~ (> (Address) ~a3~ ~`~~ ~ ~lv~ (Telephone)~~- ~~03 (Name) ---- a~ ~~~ (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address) (Telephone) We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. (N~)--r~4--~~~~~---- - (Name) V-~ ~ \ (/~. L~: ~. ~ ~1~ ~ .~VU (AddressY~~, Bc1c~3 nc,~~~-~(a . (Address) ~~2~7 DL.Z"~/~~ 'I~,II /VC ~/4~fl~~l~j v . (Telephone),~(~~-~{~33 (Telephone) ~ ~ 2 `"5~ `~`~ (Name) ~~ G o~~c'~c~ <<~ (Name) ~_y.vca c, ',~C~:a. ~ (Address )`~-~ ~O`c~ ~C~~e t \<~n~+(Address )~~u~,-,~}-a.+.,._ ~l o Gc) (Telephone)- ~~aa ~~~ (Name) ~S~ M1}-S t (Address) 3a ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~'1 ~ (Telephone) ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ (Name) t-l'~ C'~~C ~ '~ 2\"1 Q. (Address) ~~ U ~~ ~~ (Telephone) '~< ~1_~ n_o~k ye.. _ (N~) (Address)- (Telephone) (Name) (Address)- We, the undersigned, oppose the Special use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. - _- E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the - quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny he Special Use Permit denoted above. --- (Name)- _ - - (Name) __ - - (Address) ~7 -1 ~o /~.- f C7 ~r (Address) _ _ ____ ~//-~ Z~lo / 9 (Telephone) ~ ~ - Od 9 2 (Telephone) . (N~) _ r~~.rn 1 rC'~~~~,-~-- (Name) ~. - --- (Address)~~~_~$t~~~~ ~1~~ (Address) _ ( Tel ephone)-',,~~;~, c n - ~ ^ ~ (Telephone) . ._. _,-- (Name) (Address)- . (Telephone) - _ . ._ (Name) - ~" (Address)- . -_ . _ (Tel ephone (N~e) (Address) _ _ (Telephone) - (N~) (Address) _ (Telephone) We, the undersigned, oppose the Special-use Permit to operate a used car lot at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive. We believe that: A. The size of the lot is insufficient for the type of business proposed. B. A used car business is incompatible with the residence and other commercial properties in the area. C. Such a business will further increase traffic congestion in the vicinity of two already dangerous intersections, thereby creating a potential hazard for customers, residents and children at the Day Care Facility across the street. D. A small used car business would decrease commercial and residential property values in the area. E. Potential increase in noise and pollution will affect the quality of life for those presently residing and working in the vicinity. We request the Roanoke City Planning Committee and Board of Supervisors deny the Special Use Permit denoted above. (Name)--,~~_~~_L_~__S'~C~ Ye l' _ (Name)s`:, (Address) 3~~ ~ f~~(Y~(Address) ' ~ Jk ---0''~~`~.l -_--- ~- 1 t.~ ~rK ~ (Telephone) ~~-~ )o~~, (Telephone) ~ ~ ~i~`' •~-~ r (Name) -~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~'~ "~~~~ .,.-' (N~) ~~ ! (Address )__ Za ~~ ~}~~" ~.• (Address)-, (Telephone)- 1 _ _ ,~" ~'' (Telephone) (Name) h~-~-~ G~AT~ (Address) -7 ~.~ ~ ~ N~` ~~? (Telephone)~~Z ~ 1 OQ. (Name (Address) (Telephone) (Name) (Address)- (Telephone). (N~) (Address ) (Telephone}_