HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/7/1994 - RegularC'_ - / ~._ MEMO - 1/7/94 To: Supervisors From: Lee B. Eddy ~.- Subject: Rules of Procedure for Board Meetings On 1/3/94 we adopted the same rules of procedure as for the preceding year. As you know, they establish Roberts Rules of Order as the parliamentary authority, with a few modifications. In order to be better informed on this subject I have obtained the latest issue of Roberts Rules (1990 edition) and studied it in reference to our Board meetings. This memo is intended to summarize those applications where we may not have followed the intent or specifics of Roberts Rules in the past, and to outline the basis on which I plan to approach this subject during 1994. 1. PROCEDURES IN SMALL BOARDS: Some of the formality that is necessary in a large assembly would hinder business. The rules are different in the following respects: a. There is no limit to the number of times a member can speak to a question, and motions to close or limit debate generally should not be entertained. b. Informal discussion of a subject is permitted while no motion is pending. c. The chairman can speak in discussion without rising or leaving the chair. He usually can make motions and usually votes on all questions. 2. GENERAL RULES REGARDING MOTIONS AND DEBATE: a. Debate must be confined to the merits of the pending question. Speakers must address their remarks to the chair, maintain a courteous tone and - especially in reference to any divergence of opinion - should avoid injecting a personal note in the debate. To this end, they must never attack or make any allusion to the motives of members. b. In reference to Roberts Rules, each meeting of the Board is considered a new "session", except an adjourned meeting would be part of the same session. (For application to motions to reconsider see comments below.) c. All motions should be clear and complete. Avoid "I so move". In general do not move to refrain from taking action. All motions should be positive. If you do not want to act on an issue, do mot make a motion. (In the case of zoning matters, a motion to deny a petition is probably in order.) 3. RULES REGARDING SPECIFIC TYPES OF MOTIONS: a. Substitute Motion: There is no such thing as a "substitute motion". It is one form of a motion to "amend". Example: 'I move to amend the main motion by substituting the entire wording with ...". If this type of amendment is successful, then it is still necessary to approve the main motion which, in this case, would be identical to the substitute amendment. b. Postpone to a Certain Time: This motion allows postponement to later in the same meeting or to the next regular session, but not beyond. My suggestion is that, when it is desired to delay action beyond the next regular meeting, that the matter be committed to the County Administrator for additional consideration, to be placed on the agenda for whatever date is desired. c. Lay on the Table: This motion enables the Board to lay the pending question aside temporarily when something else of immediate urgency has arisen. This motion is commonly misused in place of the motion to Postpone Indefinitely (used to kill a motion without voting it up or down) or the motion to Postpone to a Certain Time. d. Reconsider: This motion can only be made by a member who voted with the prevailing side on the original motion. It can be made only on the same day (or the next day of a session involving more than one meeting) as the original motion. Since each regular meeting of the Board is a separate "session" according to Roberts Rules, our past practice of allowing a motion to reconsider at the next regular meeting is not in keeping with Roberts Rules. The motion to "Rescind" or "Amend Something Previously Adopted" can be used to accomplish the same purpose, and does not have to be done at the next meeting. e. Move the Agenda: I found no motion to this effect in Roberts Rules. For general information on the more commonly used motions, see the attached sheets from a handbook published by the Virginia Extension Service. Any and all comments will be appreciated. If this subject further, I will be glad to loan Rules of Order, Newly Revised", 1990 edition. you want to research you my copy of "Roberts copy: Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen SOME MOST USED MOTIONS Some of the most often used motions are these. Their purposes are also explained. Main Motion - a motion to bring a matter before the assembly for discussion and action. Amendments - primary and secondary amendments are to modify or change a motion. (see "amendments") Postpone Indefinitely - to reject a motion or question pending without taking a direct vote. The effect is to "kill" the main motion. Refer to a Committee - to delay action; to give more time for consideration or study of matter. Postpone to a Definite Time - to delay action on a proposed question to a specified time. Limit or Extend Debate - to limit by decreasing the allotted time or to extend by increasing the allotted time. (see chart) Call for the Previous Question - a motion to determine whether the assembly will cut off debate and vote at once on the pending question (requires 2/3rds vote) Lay on the Table - a motion which enables the assembly to put aside a pending question temporarily; can be brought back by a motion to take from the table. (not intended as a killing motion) Call for Orders of the Day - a request that the prescribed rules of order be followed. • Questions of Privilege - (Personal and General) - a motion requesting special privilege for an individual or the assembly. Recess - to dissolve an assembly temporarily. Adjourn - to close a meeting officially. Fix Time & Place to which to Adjourn - to provide for another meeting (called "adjourned meeting"') to continue business which was not completed in present session. Point of Order - to request enforcement of the rules of order. Appeal from the Decision of the Chair - to question a decision of the Chair; an effort to reverse the decision of the Chair on a point of order. Objection to Consideration - to suppress and prevent discussion of an undesirable or sensitive question (must be raised before debate begins). Withdraw - to remove a matter for consideration without a vote upon it. (May be made by the mover or by permission of assembly) Take from the Table - to take up a matter which has been laid on the table. Reconsider - to reconsider or bring back a matter previously voted. Motion to reconsider must be made by voter on prevailin side and must be made on the same day or in same session. \~ Rescind - to repeal or annul action previously taken. Requires majority vote with previous notice; 2/3rds without notice. W ~~ W Q O U a W_ F- N Z O V LL_ J Q d W v LL W O ~ N Z W O -~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ W O '~ Z I- w U a p ~ Z Z a a ~ ~ N O ~ Z ~ Q Q m ~ Q O } Z m Ratify - to make legal action taken in an emergency. 11 • . i CHART OF MOTIONS IN In order when another has the floor PRIVILEGED MOTIONS To fix the time to which to adjourn No To adjourn No To recess o To rise to a question of privilege Yes To call for the order o the day Yes SUBSIDIARY MOTIONS To lay on the table 'No To call for the previous question No To limit or extend limit of debate No To postpone to a definite time No To refer to a committee No To amend No To postpone in a finite y No INCIDENTAL MOTIONS CI To suspend the rules No To withdraw a motion Yes To call for reading of papers Yes To object to consideration Yes To rise to a point of order Yes To rise to a parliamentary inquiry Yes To appeal from the decision of the Chair Yes To call for a division of the house Yes To call for a division of the question No MOTIONS THAT BRING A QUESTION AGAIN BEFORE THE HOUSE To reconsider (see definition, Most Used Motions) No To rescind No To take from table No _ MAIN MOTIONS No 12 C~ ORDER OF PRECEDENCE Requires a second Debatable Vote required Yes No Majority Yes No Majority Yes o Majority No No Chair rules N No No None W N H ~ Z Yes No Majority O O Yes No Two-thirds I N f" U Yes No Two-thirds ~ W Yes Yes Majority Z ~ W Yes Yes Majority O U O Yes Yes Majority ~ W - Yes Yes Majority ~ U ~ O Q ' ~ N Yes No Two-thirds U J O O No No Majority Q ~ Yes No' Majority d ~ Q No Two-thirds (opposed) Q Z No No No Chair rules ~ m ~ No No Chair responds _ N O Yes No (if relates to prionty Ma~onty (in negative) W Z of business or decorum) _ U No No None ~ Yes No Majority O Yes Yes Majority Yes Majority (previous notice) Yes Yes No Majority Yes yes Majority ~J 13 OF ROAN ,~.~ ~. z A 2 a ~ 38 C~.aixxt~~ a~ ~~~~~~t~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PI,A-NNING RETREAT AGENDA JANUARY 7, 1994 - 830 A.M. A. B. C. OPENING CEREMONIES (8:30 A.M.) 1. Roll Call REQUEST TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF ITEMS DISCUSSION OF SHORT TERM GOALS 1. Policies and Procedures Governing the Board of Supervisors a. Working Relationships among Board Members b. Ordinances and Resolutions 2. Inter-golvernmental and Inter valley Cooperation a. Regionalization of Valley Services b. Request from City of Salem for $1 million Donation for New Baseball Stadium. D. E. 3. Update on Dixie Caverns LUNCH (12:30 P.M.) RECONVENEMENT (130 P.M.) ® Recycled Paper F. DISCUSSION OF LONG TERM GOALS 1. Review and Assessment of Adopted Goals and Priorities 2. Current Strengths and Weaknesses in Roanoke County 3. How Does Roanoke County fit into the "Vision 2000" process a. What Should Roanoke County Be in 2000? 4. Development of a Ten Year Vision Document G. REPORTS 1. Assessment of the Team Concept H. ADJOtifRNMENT /~' yCTION:: ~ . A-62392-2 AT A REGL'Ti,AR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ~uPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGI?IIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY DMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 23, 1992 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Adoption of Goals and Policies for the County of Roanoke COUNTY P.DMINISTPATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF I?1FOP.MATION At the June ,-~, 1992, Board of Supervisors i-leeting, a list of proposed goals and policies was presented and discussed. Staff was asked to make several changes to the list and to bring it back to the Board at this meeting. These changes have been incorporated and the document is now presented for your consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the statement of Goals and Policies for ~he County of Roanoke effective July 1, 1992. ~~-r+~w-~ ~c+-e%n Elmer C. Hodge ------------ County ------------------------- Adminis -------- trator ------- ----- ACTION ------- VOTE Approved (x) 'Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) motion to adopt Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Assistant County Administrators Department Heads STATEMENT OF GOALS P.ND POLICIES rOR TuE COUNTY OF ROANOKE 'EFFECTIVE JULY l,i992 GOALS Goals reflect the ccntinuation, improvement or expansion of activities or the deli~~~erv of services. Goals are intended to provide a focus for the County's personnel, boards and commissions as they make the daily decisions that affect their individual actions and the actions or their departments. County personnel should maintain a close familiarity with these goals and endeavor to perform in a manner that is consistent with and supportive of them within the constraints of funds available. EDUCATION, CULTURAL LNRIC::MENT AND RECREATION Schools - Provide the highest quality public school system. Libraries - Help meet the educational, informational and recreational needs or the citizens of the County. Emphasize collection development to effectively build resources and cooperate with other valley libraries to provided greater access to area materials. Parks and Recreation - Provide park and recreational facilities as appropriate for the needs and desires of County citizens with emphasis on programs for youth. Provide a reasonable level of services for senior citizens. Avoid competition with commercial adult service providers. PUBLIC SAFETY Law Enforcement - Provide a professional law enforcement service that achieves good rates of crime deterrence, apprehension and conviction, and achieves a high level of public safety consistent with the urban/rural character of the County. Fire and Rescue - Maintain a high level of public fire and rescue service utilizing a combination of career and volunteer personnel. Provide a level of quality in facilities, equipment and benefits that will enhance the safety, effectiveness and spirit of the fire and rescue organizations. =:ZFRASTRUCTLTRE Road System - work with state agencies to provide a safe and convenient s•.~stem of public roads and highways. Utilize ~.".e state revenue sharing program for road construction .s economic conditions permit. Utilities - Expand and improve public Hater and sewer facilities consistent with residential and commercial needs recognizing Lhe economies of promoting growth near existi:~g developed areas. ENVIRONMENT Solid Waste disposal - Provide a high level of consistence, efficiency ynd service orientation in the collection end disposal of solid wastes. Recycling - ~nphasize recycling and source reduction of waste by residents and commercial organizations. Discourage illegal dumping. POLICIES Policies support goals. They represent definite courses or methods of action selected from among alternatives and are intended to guide and determine present and future decisions. The policies of a local government are a reflection of its relations with others -- its attitudes and behavior toward its citizens and the public in general. ECONOMIC AND PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Economic Development - Encourage desirable new businesses and industries to locate in the Roanoke area recognizing the limited quantity of developable land and the need to apportion its use for optimum benefits. Encourage existing business and industries to remain and expand. Promote the growth of regional tourism. Land Use - Provide a professional land use policy that achieves a reasonable balance between the interests of industrial, commercial, single-family and multi-family residential development, consistent with community needs. Promote a range of housing suitable for all income groups. Comprehensive Plan - Develop a concise, workable comprehensive plan and be consistent in is implementation. COMMUNITY SPIRIT rND COMMUNICATIONS Regional Cooperation - Promote cooperation with local governments, businesses and organizations as appropriate and necessary to enhance the quality of 1~fe in Roanoke County and the Roanoke .'alley. Communications - Develop effective two-way communications between all segments of County government and its citizens. FISCAL POLICIES Assessments - Provide fair and equitable property assessments, consistent with state law. Tax Fates - Set tax rates at the minimum level necessary to fund erficient and effective services for citizens. Types of Taxes - Provide a broad range of local taxes to spread the tax burden among all county residents. Reserves - Develop sufficient fund reserves to minimize short- term borrowing and to provide a safety net for times of economic adversity. Recurring and Non-recurring Expenditures - Use bond issues only for non-recurring large capital outlay projects. Use current revenues for recurring replacement and maintenance expenses. of a~ANO~'F 1838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PLANNING RETREAT ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 7, 1994 - 830 A.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (830 A.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL PRESENT AT 8:40 A.M. ~ff~~~ B. REQUEST TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF ITEMS ECH ANNOUNCED THAT THERE WILL BE A RECESS FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE - HE UPDATED THE BOARD ON THE HANOVER DIRECT ANNOUNCEMENT. LBE ANNOUNCED RECESS AT 9:20 A.M. RECONVENED AT 10:15 ADDED "SETTING WORK SESSIONS" AND "OTHER MATTERS" TO END OF AGENDA C. DISCUSSION OF SHORT TERM GOALS 1. Policies and Procedures Governing the Board of Supervisors a. Working Relationships among Board Members b. Ordinances and Resolutions ® Recycled Paper LBE PRESENTED MEMO ON ROBERTS RULES STAFF DIRECTED TO PREPARE MORE FORMAL STAFF RECONIlI~NDATIONS IN BOARD REPORTS. MHA TO CHECK ON "CLASSIER" RESOLUTIONS AND CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION. ECH, BOARD C AND REQUESTING BOARD MEMBER TO DECIDE WHETHER INDIVIDUAL WILL BE RECOGNIZED BY RESO. 2. Inter-governmental and Inter valley Cooperation a. Regionalization of Valley Services ECH DIRECTED TO INVITE BEV FITZPATRICK AND TOM ROBERTSON TO MAKE A PRESENTATION ON NEW CENTURY COUNCIL b. Request from City of Salem for $1 million Donation for New Baseball Stadium. BOARD CONSENSUS THAT COUN'T'Y PARTICIPATION WOULD BE BASED ON COUNTY SHARING IN REVENUE OR OTHER INVOLVEMENT. LBE TO RESPOND THAT THE REQUEST WILL BE TURNED OVER TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF FOR DISCUSSION AND MEETING WITH SALEM OFFICIALS. 3. Update on Dixie Caverns PMM UPDATED BOARD ON CLEANUP PROGRESS. DISCUSSION ON COSTS, ETC. FOR CLEANUP. 4. Decrease Real Estate Tax Rate BOARD CONSENSUS NOT TO DECREASE TAX RATE AT THIS TIME. D LUNCH (1230 P.M.) RECESS AT 12:15 P.M. E. RECONVENEMENT (130 P.M.) RECONVENED AT 1:50 P.M. F. DISCUSSION OF LONG TERM GOALS 1. Review and Assessment of Adopted Goals and Priorities BOARD CONSENSUS TO REVIEW GOALS AND PRIORITIES REGARDING UTII.rI'IES, RECYCLING, AND IAND USE DCM TO PREPARE A REPORT WITH ANALYSIS OF RECYCLING - COSTS, SAVINGS, ETC. ECH TO SET UP WORK SESSION TO DISCUSS IAND USE ONE-YEAR Ii:I:VIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE TO BE SCHEDULED 2. Current Strengths and Weaknesses in Roanoke County STAFF TO PUT TOGETHER MORE INFO ON INTERSTATE 73 -COUNTY SHOULD BE MORE INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS. STAFF TO SET UP MEETING WITH TOWN OF VINTON TO DISCUSS ~OIdVT VENTURES, ETC. - BOARD CONSENSUS TO INCREASE EFFORTS TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN FIRE AND RESCUE VOLUNTEERS. 3. How Does Roanoke County fit into the "Vision 2000" process BEV FITZPATRICK AND TOM ROBERTSON TO BE INVITED TO MAKE PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD a. What Should Roanoke County Be in 2000? 4. Development of a Ten Year Vision Document PLANNIIVG STAFF TO PREPARE A VISION DOCUMENT UTII.IZING A FACILITATOR FROM LOCAL COLLEGE, CO Y MEETINGS AND INPUT FROM CITIZENS G. REPORTS 1. Assessment of the Team Concept DCM UPDATED BOARD ON ASSESSMENT OF THE TEAM CONCEPT H. OTHER MATTERS HCN ASKED LBE TO WRITE ANOTHER LETTER TO EVERHARD REQUESTING CHANGE IN RECORD OF DECISION. I. WORK SESSIONS THE FOLLOWING WORK SESSION WERE SET Affordable Housing Vehicle Replacement Policy Opening Burning Ordinance Fire and Rescue Comp. Plan Facilities Use Policy Jail Feasibility Study Paid Time Off (PTO) Siz Year Plan CIP School Board Utility CIP J. ADJOURNMENT May 10, 1994 February 8, 1994 No Date Work Session during Budget Process After July 1, 1994 January 25, 1994 February 22, 1994 (Tentative) February or March 1994 Work Session during Budget Process January 25, 1994 March 8, 1994 RETREAT ADTOURNED AT 4:46 P.M. o~ aoawo~,~ p Z p 2 a 1838 C~.a~t~t~ a~ ~a~xt~~P ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PLANNING RETREAT ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 7, 1994 - 8:30 A.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (830 A.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL PRESENT AT 8:40 A.M. ~~~~~ B. REQUEST TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF ITEMS ECH ANNOUNCED THAT THERE WILL BE A RECESS FOR A PRESS CONFERENCE - HE UPDATED THE BOARD ON THE HANOVER DIRECT ANNOUNCEMENT. LBE ANNOUNCED RECESS AT 9:20 A.M. RECONVENED AT 10:15 ADDED "SETTING WORK SESSIONS" AND "OTHER MATTERS" TO END OF AGENDA C. DISCUSSION OF SHORT TERM GOALS 1. Policies and Procedures Governing the Board of Supervisors a. Working Relationships among Board Members b. Ordinances and Resolutions ® Recycled Paper LBE PRESENTED MEMO ON ROBERTS RULES STAFF DIRECTED TO PREPARE MORE FORMAL STAFF RECONIlI~NDATIONS IN BOARD REPORTS. MHA TO CHECK ON "CLASSIER" RESOLUTIONS AND CERTIFICATES OF RECOGNITION. ECH, BOARD C AND REQUESTING BOARD MEMBER TO DECIDE WHETHER INDIVIDUAL WILL BE RECOGNIZED BY RESO. 2. Inter-governmental and Inter valley Cooperation a. Regionalization of Valley Services ECH DIRECTED TO INVITE BEV FITZPATRICK AND TOM ROBERTSON TO MAKE A PRESENTATION ON NEW CENTURY COUNCIL b. Request from City of Salem for $1 million Donation for New Baseball Stadium. BOARD CONSENSUS THAT COUNTY PARTICIPATION WOULD BE BASED ON COUNTY SHARING IN REVENUE OR OTHER INVOLVEMENT. LBE TO RESPOND THAT THE REQUEST WILL BE TURNED OVER TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF FOR DISCUSSION AND MEETING WITH SALEM OFFICIALS. 3. Update on Dixie Caverns PMM UPDATED BOARD ON CLEANUP PROGRESS. DISCUSSION ON COSTS, ETC. FOR CLEANUP. 4. Decrease Real Estate Tax Rate BOARD CONSENSUS NOT TO DECREASE TAX RATE AT THIS TIl1~. D LUNCH (1230 P.M.) RECESS AT 12:15 P.M. E. RECONVENEMENT (1:30 P.M.) RECONVENED AT 1:50 P.M. F. DISCUSSION OF LONG TERM GOALS 1. Review and Assessment of Adopted Goals and Priorities BOARD CONSENSUS TO PAW GOALS AND PRIORITIES RE(~RDING UTII~ITIES~ RECYCLING, AND IAND USE DCM TO PREPARE A REPORT WITH ANALYSIS OF RECYCLING - COSTS, SAVINGS, ETC. ECH TO SET UP WORK SESSION TO DISCUSS IAND USE ONE-YEAR P~:VIEW OF ZONING ORDINANCE TO BE SCHEDULED 2. Current Strengths and Weaknesses in Roanoke County STAFF TO PUT TOGETHER MORE INFO ON INTERSTATE 73 -COUNTY SHOULD BE MORE INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS. STAFF TO SET UP MEETING WITH TOWN OF VINTON TO DISCUSS JOINT VENTURES, ETC. - BOARD CONSENSUS TO INCREASE EFFORTS TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN FIRE AND RESCUE VOLUNTEERS. 3. How Does Roanoke County fit into the "Vision 2000" process BEV FITZPATRICK AND TOM ROBERTSON TO BE INVITED TO MAKE PRESENTATION TO THE BOARD a. What Should Roanoke County Be in 2000? 4. Development of a Ten Year Vision Document PLANNING STAFF TO PREPARE A VISION DOCUMENT UTILIZING A FACILITATOR FROM LOCAL COLLEGE, CO MEETINGS AND INPUT FROM CITIZENS G. REPORTS 1. Assessment of the Team Concept DCM UPDATED BOARD ON ASSESSMENT OF THE TEAM CONCEPT H. OTHER MATTERS HCN ASKED LBE TO WRITE ANOTHER LETTER TO EVERHARD REQUESTING CHANGE IN RECORD OF DECISION. I. WORK SESSIONS THE FOLLOWING WORK SESSION WERE SET Affordable Housing Vehicle Replacement Policy Opening Burning Ordinance Fire and Rescue Comp. Plan Facilities Use Policy Jail Feasibility Study Paid Time Off (PTO) Siz Year Plan CIP School Board Utility CIP J. ADJOi;fRNMENT May 10, 1994 February 8, 1994 No Date Work Session during Budget Process After July 1, 1994 January 25, 1994 Febraary 22, 1994 (Tentative) February or March 1994 Work Session during Budget Process January 25, 1994 March 8, 1994 RETREAT ADTOURNED AT 4:46 P.M. ECH: Listed below are the suggested topics for the Board Retreat on January 7: Elmer Hodge Suggestions 1. What are our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County 2. How does Roanoke County fit into the "Vision 2000" process. 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. How do our daily operations help us meet our vision for 2000? 5. How does the Board/Staff relationship fit into our vision? 6. How can we work together to accomplish our goals and vision? Ed Rohinke's Suggestions 1. Discuss and Update or Reaffirm our goals and priorities Bob Johnson's Suggestions 1. Affordable Housing 2. Inter-Governmental Cooperations 3. Inter-Valley Cooperations 4. Getting the REAL Message Out 5. Policies and Procedures Governing the Board of Supervisors Lee Eddy's Suggestions 1. Forms of Ordinances & Resolutions 2. Refuse Collection - Costs - Improved Services 3. Vehicle Replacement Policy 4. Improved Service for Contractors & Developers 5. Review of Adopted "Goals and Policies" 6. Assessment of Team Concept - All Levels 7. Dixie Caverns 7. Ten Year Vision Document (See attached list) I never received a list from Dr. Nickens Mary Allen 12/16/93 ~M= L.~_~ ~I ~~~~# ~~ ~.D~2YXC~~2P P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTYADMINISTRATOR M E M O R A N D U M ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors FROM: Elmer C. Hodge y I ~/~r.~1y~t DATE: November 3, 1993 SUBJECT: 1994 Retreat BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL'FUZZY MINND(. CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDGY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTFJiIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLWS MACi1STERYIL DISTRICT EDWARD G. ICOFIINKE, SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Now that the 1993 elections are over, I would like to schedule a retreat for early 1994 so we may begin the planning process for the future. Several of you have indicated that at our next retreat you would prefer to discuss issues that are not usually discussed at work sessions or at our regular board meetings. Instead, we would focus on broader issues and where Roanoke County is going in the future. We have several alternatives and I would like to get your input on the best way to proceed. Usted below are options for when, where and possible agenda items. Please indicate your preferences and return to Mary Allen so she can gather the information and I can begin to schedule the retreat. HOW LONG- One Day One and a half days Two days WHEN Friday, January 7 and/or Saturday, January 8 -Friday, January 14 and/or Saturday, January 15 Friday, January 21 and/or Saturday January 22 Pr~~ ~~ ~~ 1Aonday, January 17 (Lee/Jacksoryi0ng Holiday) ® R~tyClsd Paper POSSIBLE MEETING PLACES ,~- ~ Explore Facilities (Hofhauger House) 3 Hollins College ?- Smith Mountain Lake (If facilities can be donated) Conference Room at RCAC q-- Holiday Inn Tanglewood or Airport SUGGESTED TOPICS: 1. What are our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County? 2. How does Roanoke County Fit into the '9/ision 2000' Process? 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. How do our daily operations help us meet our vision for 2000? 5. How does the Board/staff relationship fit into our vision? 6. How can we work together to accomplish our goals and vision? YOUR SUGGE~S?TIONS: /~ n .. . 0 Please return to Mary Allen. We will bring back more information after hearing from each of you. CC: Paul M. Mahoney Mary H. Allen ,~ ~i ~~ ~ ` `~~ l/~1~ n-~ ~ 7~ ~ ~ F ~~.; =s , .. ~, *~ r, C~~or~.txt~ ~ #~ ~a~xx~~a.~e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COU NTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HOOGE x703) 772-2004 MEMORANDUM BOARD OF SUPERV150R5 H. ODELL'FUaY MINNIX, CIWIIMAM GVE 8r1lIHO WO~itOMLO~TRICf LEE B. EDGY. VICE-CHAIRMAN wIND50R HILLS MAOIST'OIIAL OIS<T11KT ea L .IO~wsOM MOLLII~~ EDWARD Q. KOWNI~. SR. GITAYY~A MA~IpKOr71rC~ HARRr a t~nam+s vINTOH MAOIS>rorAS.asTRKT c~os~ r~2-2oos TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Lee Eddy Edward Kohinke /~ ~i~~ / .Yr . Catawba District Supervisor December 6, 1993 PLANNING RETREAT RE: YOUR MEMO OF 12/2/93 I agree with your proposal on the Dixie Caverns Landfill project. In fact, the project is so importapt that we might want to makra~it the only topic of a separate conference. So far, it has mat~tly, `` ~'~ : ` been us in the back room with Paul Mahoney as our intermediary.:::°~~e~''- •- has done a fantastic job, but perhaps we have reached the point where we not only need to "brainstorm", we also might want to invite the EPA to meet us and hear what we have to say directly. In others words, I would like to make it less abstract, more personal, and at least project the idea that we are actively engaged in trying to shape and direct how things are going, rather than being "reactive". As for your "ten year vision document", I will defer to the majority on the naming of this thing. However, I get a little bit incredulous when the term "visionR is used in connection with politics and government planning... Also, I feel that a ten year time horizon may be a bit too long, even if we are to keep most of it conceptional. I have always preferred our CIP, a five year rolling budget that links our "dreaming" with the reality of cost and revenue projections. I would rather start with a resurrection of this document in 1994, and perhaps attempt to add atwo-year "conceptual" increment beyond the basic five years. Then, over the next year, and at our planning retreat for 1995, we could work on another two-year increment, and so on. ® R.cpw nv.r PLANNING RETREAT Page 2 December 6, 1993 Finally, I have no problem with your listing of topics, but my first priority would be to thoroughly evaluate the level of services we provide our citizens. In fact, the problems in general services this year could serve as a springboard to this discussion. Are we trying to provide too much? Do we provide enough? Do we provide the right things? and so on. This, of course, ties in directly with your first item, i.e., citizen confidence and satisfaction with Roanoke County government, and that is my bottom line concern no matter what we end up discussing. EGK/bj h cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen Diane Hyatt C1~~~xx~# ~#~ ~~x~c~.~.e P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24016-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MEMORANDUM BOARDOFSUPERVISORS ELINER C. HODGE H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX. CHAIRMAN GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2004 1 cc B. EDDY. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILL MAGISTERIAL pISTRKT TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors HDLLJNSMA60~E1LtlA1~DI5TRDIGT EDWARD G. KDHINKE, SR. p/~ /1 CATAWM MAGISTERUIL OISTRKT FROM: Elmer C. Hodge y ~~~~I~~ HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT .703) 772-2005 DATE: November 3, 1993 ~ L ~ yp ffiN~~ ~~ SUBJECT: 1994 Retreat ~~ ~~~ Now that the 1993 elections are over, t would Qke to schedule a retreat for early 1994 so we may begin the planning process for the future. Several of you have indicated that at our next retreat you would prefer to discuss issues that are not usually discussed at work sessions or at our regular board meetings. Instead, we would focus on broader issues and where Roanoke County is going in the future. We have several alternatives and I would like to get your input on the best way to proceed. Usted below are options for when, where and possible agenda items. Please indicate your preferences and return to Mary Allen so she can gather the information and I can begin to schedule the retreat. HOW LONG- One Day - One and a half days Two days WHEN ,r~ c.~N .~r~ ~ ~ a i ~ r ~~y Friday, January 7 and/or Saturday, January 8 -Friday, January 14 and/or Saturday, January 15 Friday, January 21 and/or Saturday January 22 Monday, January 17 (Lee/Jadcaon/i~n9 Holiday) ~,r~ f- T/arc--- /.s /~Y~ i 6 ~ ~ ~ wD~~,t~ ~ ~- TLf L= Grl G-G7("~ . ® R~.ytl~d P>~. POSSIBLE MEETING PLACES / `t c~oic~ Explore Facilities (Hofhauger House) -2 "~'~~~''~= Hollins College Smith Mountain Lake (If facilities can be donated) Conference Room at RCAC ~ ~'~ ~~°'~ Holiday Inn Tanglewood or Airport SUGGESTED TOPICS: 1. What are our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County? 2 How does Roanoke County Fit into the 'Vision 2000' Process? 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. How do our daily operations help us meet our vision for 2000? 5. How does the Board/staff relationship frt into our vision? 6. How can we work together to accomplish our goals and vision? YOUR SUGGESTIONS: Cy.y c~r,~/rf=.~rc Y, GrJL ~ ~? ~~'~-~- w,A~~ ~-a cj~6fcf % D~% Q Gf/r ~ /c(~l DT Gc~ ~-~-5 ~~/ ~ ~~/4~/Tic- S ~ ~t .0 cT~/fi ~ `- , 4 ~ Please return to Mary Allen. We will bring back more information after hearing from each of you. CC: Paul M. Mahoney Mary H. Allen ~~~~# ~~ ~~x~~~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MEMORANDUM BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ELMER C. HODGE H. ODELL'FUZZY' MINNLX, CHAIRMAN GVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2004 LEE B. EDDY, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors HOLIJN9 MAGOgiTeF~AL~DIS RDK.'NT EDWARD G. KAFIINKE. SR. ~/~ ~ ~ ~/ ') ~ GTAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM: Elmer C. Hodge ,,r-~~ 1,/ HARRY G. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (7os) n2-2oos DATE: November 3, 1993 SUBJECT: 1994 Retreat Now that the 1993 elections are over, l would like to schedule a retreat for early 1994 so we may begin the planning process for the future. Several of you have indicated that at our next retreat you would prefer to discuss issues that are not usually discussed at work sessions or at our regular board meetings. Instead, we would focus on broader issues and where Roanoke County is going in the future. We have several alternatives and I would like to get your input on the best way to proceed. Usted below are options for when, where and possible agenda items. Please indicate your preferences and return to Mary Allen so she can gather the information and I can begin to schedule the retreat. HO LONG: ne Day One and a half days 1 ~ ~' C J, /' Two days WHEN Friday, January 7 and/or Saturday, January 8 Friday, January 14 and/or Saturday, January 15 Friday, January 21 and/or Saturday January 22 Monday, January 17 (Lee/Jadcson/IDng Holiday) ® RseycMd Paox POSSIBLE MEETING PLACES _ Explore Facilities (Hofhauger House) _ Hollins College Smith Mountain Lake (If facil'~ties can be donated) Conference Room at RCAC Holiday Inn Tanglewood or Airport SUGGESTED TOPICS: 1. What are our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County? 2. How does Roanoke County Fit into the 'Vision 2000' Process? 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. How do our daily operations help us meet our vision for 2000? 5. How does the Board/staff relationship fit into our vision? 6. How can we work together to accomplish our goals and vision? Please return to Mary Allen. We will bring back more information after hearing from each of you. CC: Paul M. Mahoney Mary H. Allen ;, ~ ~, ;r ~' ~~ .; (1'iry'. Il..~T' ~ .... . ~ a ~~ ~~ ~~x~~~.~ ~~Or~ P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24016-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MEMORANDUM BOARDOFSUPERVISORS ELMER C. HODGE H. ODELL'FUZZY.ldl NIX. CHAIRMAN GVE SPRIITG MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2004 _°LEE B: EDDY^ ^ BOB L HNSON TO. Members of the Board of Supervisors,, NSMAGISTERW. ISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHI KE, SR. / 1 ~ CATAWBAMAGISTER1AtLDISTRICT FROM: Elmer C. Hodge (~~~' - ,-- `~ J SV ~ mNTONMAG RY/ pICK~EICT T"om" l ~ - ~~ ?"~"".~ (703) 772-2005 DATE: November 3, 1993~~ SUB.lECT: 1994 Retreat ~~ ,~, ~~ 1~ ,~ Now that the 1993 elections are over, l wou~fd like~'o schedule a retreat for early 1994 so we may begin the planning process for the future. Several of you have indicated that at our next retreat you would prefer to discuss issues that are not usually discussed at work sessions or at our regular board meetings. Instead, we would focus on broader issues and where Roanoke County is going in the future. We have several alternatives and I would like to get your input on the best way to proceed. Listed below are options for when, where and possible agenda items. Please indicate your preferences and return to Mary Allen so she can gather the information and I can begin to schedule the retreat. ~~ -' ~• ~~ ~-ti~.:'~ HOW LONG: - %~_ One Day - One and a hall days , Two da , ~c.-c ~..~--r `~ ys WHEN ~a _~,t ~~ ~~~~ ~~~W~ 7 Frida Janua 7 and/or Saturday, January 8 _ Y~ ry ~~ ~ ~"~~ Friday, January 14 and/or Saturday, January 15 ~ ? ~ Friday, January 21 and/or Saturday January 22 ~.. 1Aonday, January 17 (Lee/Jackson/IGng Holiday) ®P~ ES ,LC, (;~s,.~ ~~-7 POSSIBLE MEETING PLAC ~ ~~ .~ ~~ ~ _ Explore Facilities (Hofhauger House) G %~ Hollins College Smith Mountain Lake (If facilities can be donated) Conference Room at RCAC _ Holiday Inn Tanglewood or Airport SUGGESTED TOPICS' 1. What are our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County? 2. How does Roanoke County Fit into the 'Vision 2000' Process? 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. How do our daily operations help us meet our vision for 2000? 5. How does the Board/staff relationship fit into our vision? 6. How can we work together to accomplish our goals and vision? YOUR SUGGESTIONS: Please return to Mary Allen. We will bring back more information after hearing from each of you. CC: Paul M. Mahoney Mary H. Allen ED K~H~111KE 6913 Bradshaw Road Salem, Virginia 24153 (703) 3$4-8013 FAX or Voice) ~lovember 3, 1993 To; Supervisors Subject: Planning Retreat My congratulations to Lee, Bob, and Harry in their suc- cessful bids for re-election. Yes, I include Harry in there, too, because i.t's certainly a "victory" to run unopposed for so many terms! These races were very important to me for two main reasons: I. they give me a rough idea of what to e~,pect in 1995; and, 2. they serve as a quasi-referendum on the direction in which the county is currently moving. The electorate in three of our districts had a golden op- portunity to "turn the rascals out", yet one had no opposition at all; one won by a 61~ margin even though his opponent spent over $12,000 (School Board candidates, take note?); and,one won by a very comfortable 55~ margin against two opponents, one of whom was backed by county government's most vocal critic. While I would caution against hubris, z would say that the message is Loud and clear: our citizens generally like what we are doing, and they want us to proceed. I'm ready to get back to work, and call for a planning re- treat as our first order of business for the new year. Again, congratulations! CC Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen P.S. d• ~--~.c.~=' .f7tSJ~+P/.C3 ~CT~, T-fJ°A~G/~.5 ~ ~ ~~ -. , , Post-tt'" brand fax transmittal memo 7671 aof pages - / To~~~ %~~ ~ ~ C.T11'i(/ From G~ ~, Co. Oept. Pno~e ~ Fax N Fex ~+ When's the investiture ceremony? TrTHL -.~_~1 ~~* f ~~"±~ (~mxxr#g ~~ ~~~xxta.~te P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR M E M O R A N D U M ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 TO: Members of the Board of Supervisors /~ `/ FRO1111: Elmer C. Hodge ~' ~"~~r ~ji~ DATE: November 3, 1993 SUBJECT: 1994 Retreat BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL'FUZZY MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL OISTRKT LEE B. EDGY, VICE~GHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILL MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L JOHNSON HOLIJNS MAGISTElMAI. DISTRICT EDWARD G. KAHINKE. SR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY G. NIGKENS VIMTON MAGISTERIAL OISTRKT (7os) n2-2oos Now that the 1993 elections are over, I would like to schedule a retreat for early 1994 so we may begin the planning process for the future. Several of you have indicated that at our next retreat you would prefer to discuss issues that are not usually discussed at work sessions or at our regular board meetings. Instead, we would focus on broader issues and where Roanoke County is going in the future. We have several alternatives and I would like to get your input on the best way to proceed. Listed below are options for when, where and possible agenda items. Please indicate your preferences and return to Mary Allen so she can gather the information and I can begin to schedule the retreat. HOW LONG: X One Day _ One and a half days Two days WHEN Friday, January 7 and/or Saturday, January 8 -Friday, January 14 and/or Saturday, January 15 ~ ~ Friday, January 21 and/or Saturday January 22 ~ i ~ Monday, January 17 (Lee/Jackson/i0ng HoNday) ® R«,yc~.a Papa ` mi' 3 POSSIBLE MEETING PLACES ,. Explore Facil'~ties (Hofhauger House) ~" Hollins College Smith Mountain Lake (If facil'~ties can be donated) ~ Conference Room at RCAC ,. Holiday Inn Tanglewood or Airport SUGGESTED TOPICS: 1. What are our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County? 2. How does Roanoke County Fit into the 'Vision 2000' Process? 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. How do our daily operations help us meet our vision for 2000? 5. How does the Board/staff relationship fit into our vision? 6. How can we work together to accomplish our goals and vision? YOUR SUGGESTIONS: Please return to Mary Allen. We will bring back more information after hearing from each of you. CC: Paul M. Mahoney Mary H. Allen M E M O R A N D U M TO: JIM JONES FROM : JOHN CHAMBLI S `1~1~1 SUBJECT: REQUEST BY THE BOARD SESSION ON THE TOPIC POLICY OF SUPERVISORS FOR A WORK OF THE VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1993 At the November 30 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Board asked the County staff to schedule a work session on several topics including the one mentioned above. Mr. Hodge has indicated a desire to schedule them during January at the meetings of January 3, 11 or 25. The Board request also included Fire and Rescue equipment and the evaluation of existing and needed equipment. Tommy Fuqua and I plan to meet on Thursday December 9 to address this topic and will advise you of the results. Please review your documentation on the subject and schedule an appropriate time with Mary Allen. Your assistance will be appreciated. cc Elmer Hodge Mary Allen Tommy Fuqua M E M O RAN D U M TO: CHIEF TOMMY FUQUA FROM : JOHN CHAMBLI S S~`v~v i~Y ~ SUBJECT: REQUEST BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR A WORK SESSION ON THE TOPIC OF AN OPEN BURNING ORDINANCE DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1993 At the November 30 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Board asked the County staff to schedule a work session on several topics including the one mentioned above. Mr. Hodge has indicated a desire to schedule them during January at the meetings of January 3, 11 or 25. Please review your documentation on the subject and schedule an appropriate time with Mary Allen. Your assistance will be appreciated. cc Elmer Hodge Mary Allen Number 330503 Posted: 12/07/93 09:40 Type• Regular Message Received: 12/08/93 07:34 Subject: worksession; Housing From: TLH - Terry Harrington To: MHA - Mary Allen This message was sent to the following destinations: 1 User:MHA - Mary Allen 2 User:JMC - John Chambliss I would prefer January 25, 1994. I'll have an outline of presentation by January 11, 1994. terry M E M O RAN D U M TO: CHIEF TOMMY FUQUA ~ FROM : JOHN CHAMBLI S S`~~'~-'~1 ~ y~~- SUBJECT: REQUEST BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR A WORK SESSION ON THE TOPIC OF A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR FIRE AND RESCUE DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1993 At the November 30 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Board asked the County staff to schedule a work session on several topics including the one mentioned above. Mr. Hodge has indicated a desire to schedule them during January at the meetings of January 3, 11 or 25. Please review your documentation on the subject and schedule an appropriate time with Mary Allen. Your assistance will be appreciated. cc Elmer Hodge Mary Allen M E M O R A N D U M TO: TERRY HARRINGTON ~ ~' FROM: JOHN CHAMBLIS ~ ;,~ l~/Yl SUBJECT: REQUEST BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR A WORK SESSION ON THE TOPIC OF THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING REPORT DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1993 At the November 30 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Board asked the County staff to schedule a work session on several topics including the one mentioned above. Mr. Hodge has indicated a desire to schedule them during January at the meetings of January 3, 11 or 25. Please review your documentation on the subject and schedule an appropriate time with Mary Allen. Your assistance will be appreciated. cc Elmer Hodge Mary Allen M E M O R A N D U M TO: DON MYERS FROM : JOHN CHAMBLI S S COY , ~ ~I SUBJECT: REQUEST BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR A WORK SESSION ON THE FACILITIES USE POLICY DATE: DECEMBER 3, 1993 At the November 30 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Board asked the County staff to schedule a work session on several topics including the one mentioned above. Mr. Hodge has indicated a desire to schedule them during January at the meetings of January 3, 11 or 25. Please review your documentation on the subject and schedule an appropriate time with Mary Allen. Your assistance will be appreciated. cc Elmer Hodge Mary Allen M E M O RAND U M OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA TO: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., County Administrator t FROM: Gerald S . Holt , Sherif f .~~~. DATE: December 20, 1993 SUBJECT: Request for Work Session with the Board of Supervisors I, as Chairman of the Public Safety Team, along with Chief Fuqua from the Fire and Rescue Department, Chief John Cease from the Police Department, and Oscar Bryant from MIS, request that a work session be scheduled with the Board of Supervisors to discuss needs the for E-911 System and alternative funding methodology. We request the work session with the Board of Supervisors at the earliest convenient date in January, 1994. If you need to discuss this matter prior to scheduling the work session, we would be happy to meet with you and do so. mm c: Mary Allen, Board of Supervisors Chief Tommy Fuqua, Fire and Rescue Department Chief John Cease, Police Department Oscar Bryant, MIS Major M. G. Winston Diane Hyatt M E M O RAND U M OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF COUNTY OF ROANORE, VIRGINIA TO: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., County Administrator FROM: Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff ~~ DATE: December 20, 1993 SUBJECT: Feasibility Study for the Roanoke County/Salem Jail The feasibility study for the maximization of the utilization of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility has been completed by Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern with their recommendation, and I request a work session be scheduled with the Board of Supervisors to discuss this study. We would need the earliest date possible to benefit early application process for state funding. mm c: Members of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mary Allen, Board of Supervisors Major M. G. Winston Diane Hyatt ~ ~~~~ o~ ~-y-9~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PLANING RETREAT AGENDA JANUARY 7, 1994 - 830 A.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (830 A.M.) 1. Roll Call B. SETTING OF THE AGENDA FOR THE PLANNING RETREAT 1. Selection of Discussion Items Suggested by Board Members and Staff (SEE ATTACHED LIST) C. DISCUSSION D. LUNCH (12:00 P.M.) E. RECONVENEMENT (1:00 P.M.) F. DISCUSSION G. ADJOURNIVLENT SUGGESTED TOPICS FOR PIANNING RETREAT Elmer Hodge Suggestions 1. Discussion of our current strengths and weaknesses in Roanoke County 2. How does Roanoke County fit into the "Vision 2000" process. 3. What should Roanoke County be in 2000? 4. Preliminary Budget Discussion 5. Discussion of Proposed Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy 6. Expansion of Sewage Treatment Plant and Proposed Sewer Rates Ed Kohinke's Suggestions 1. Discuss and Update or Reaffirm our goals and priorities Bob Tohnson's Suggestions 1. Affordable Housing 2. Inter-Governmental Cooperations 3. Inter-Valley Cooperations 4. Getting the REAL Message Out _- ,, 5. Policies and Procedures Governing the Board of Supervisors Lee Eddy's Suggestions 1. Forms of Ordinances & Resolutions 2. Refuse Collection -Costs -Improved Services 3. Vehicle Replacement Policy 4. Improved Service for Contractors & Developers 5. Review of Adopted "Goals and Policies" 6. Assessment of Team Concept -All Levels 7. Dixie Caverns 8. Ten Year Vision Document (See attached list) Harry Nickens' Suggestions 1. Discussion on Salem's Request for $1 million for new baseball stadium. 2. Working relationship among board members. r MB~aiO - 12/2/93 To: Supervisors, Elmer Hodge, Mar~Allent _ _ From: Lee B . Eddy JQ~,~ Subject: Discussion Topics for Retreat After some objective reflection, I suggest that we focus on two major topics for our upcoming retreat: the Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup, and planning for a 10-year vision document for Roanoke County. The Dixie Caverns Project is important because we are diverting millions of dollars in general tax revenues to an activity that accomplishes little in direct benefit to our citizens. I would like to see a down-to- earth brainstorming session to examine ways to minimize that cost and direct the savings to more productive public purposes. Discussions that include key representatives of our Engineering Department and Roanoke Electric Steel would be helpful. Because the makeup of the County's governing body is subject to change every two years, it is difficult to make plans for many years in the future. On the other hand, without long-range goals, we tend to lurch from one crisis to the next without looking to where we would like Roanoke County to be 10 or 15 years from now. I suggest we discuss ways to develop a 10-year Vision Document that includes specific incremental goals for two, four and ten year time bands. General and specific topics could include: a. Citizen confidence and satisfaction with b. Board and staff relations with citizens. c. Increased citizen involvement with local d. Equitable tax policies. e. Financial practices. f. Regional cooperation. g. Economic development Roanoke County government. government. .~. ~.. ` , , ~.~.::- h. Public schools. i. Refuse collection and disposal, including minimization. j. Parks and recreation. k. Libraries. 1. Fire and rescue services. recycling and waste m. Law enforcement and confinement of prisoners. n. Water and sewer systems. o. Land use policies and practices. p. Roads. q. Storm drainage. _T: r. Street lights. -- s. Street signs: t. Effective use of modern technologies. u. Physical facilities (function, location, maintenance). v. Health and Social Services. w. Ways to evaluate progress toward meeting goals. Our retreat could include discussion of these broad concepts and realistic ways of developing concise vision and goal statements,. including substantial citizen participation. I would greatly appreciate receiving a reactioa from the Board and. staf~,,,,.tct~,those_sugq~., ,,„~_.~-.,,_.: _ _ . _~ .~ . copy: Paul Mahoney,t, Terry Harrington ~..~_~_ : _:~_ . M E M O RAN D U M To: Sheriff Gerald S. Holt From: Elmer C. Hodge Date: January 3, 1994 Subject: Work session with Board of Supervisors This is in reply to your December 20 memorandum requesting a work session with the Board to discuss E-911 needs and funding methods. I apologize for my delay in responding; I have been out of town. I believe that it would be more appropriate to handle this matter as a request in the upcoming budget. The Supervisors have work sessions throughout the budget process and the E-911 needs can be explained during one of them. Please let me know if this presents a problem. meh cc - Ms. Mary H. Allen Ms. Diane D. Hyatt Mr. W. Brent Robertson M E M O R A N D U M OFFICE OF THE SHERIFF COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA TO: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., County Administrator FROM: Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff ~~ ~. DATE: December 20, 1993 SUBJECT: Feasibility Study for the Roanoke County/Salem Jail The feasibility study for the maximization of the utilization of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail Facility has been completed by Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern with their recommendation, and I request a work session be scheduled with the Board of Supervisors to discuss this study. We would need the earliest date possible to benefit early application process for state funding. mm c: Members of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mary Allen, Board of Supervisors Major M. G. Winston Diane Hyatt ECH: I called Sheriff Holt. He said that the actual feasibili~ stucl~ is over an inch thick, but there is an executive report. He is willing to put the executive report on the agenda under "Reports". However, he would like to meet with you to showyou the executive report prior to placing on the agenda. He also advised that if we are going forward we need to request funds from the state ly March. Mary Allen 1/4/93