HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/8/1994 - Regular OF ROaN ~.~ i 2 9 ~. a ~~~~~ 1838 of ~a~txta.~P ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 8, 1994 /ffART 6 7l¢' BGlE RmC- BEGINNING ON FEBRUARY 8, 1994, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL MEET AT THE NEW ADIVIINISTRATION CENTER AT 5204 BERNARD DRIVE S.W. THE MEETING ROOM IS LOCATED ON THE FIRST FLOOR Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting, Regular meetings are held on the second Taesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerlr to the Board at (703) 772 21N~ We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: Dr. Harry C. Nickens Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. ® Recycled Paper 1 B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from the Sheriff to Submit an Application to the State of Virginia for Reimbursement of Jail Renovations. 2. Request to Establish Compensation Amount for the Board of Equalization for 1994. 3. Request to Enter into a New Contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA to Operate an Animal Shelter on Behalf of Roanoke County. E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for Work Session on March 8, 1994 to Discuss Revisions to the Secondary System Six Year Construction Plan. F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing Conveyance of an Easement to Appalachian Power Company for Electric Service Across Starkey Park Property. 2 H. I. J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROU'I'IIVE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes for December 14, 1993, January 3, 1994, January 5, 1994, January 7, 1994. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission and Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors. 3. Request for Acceptance of the Extension of Arabian Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 4. Resolution of Support to Amend the Virginia Association of Counties Bylaws. 5. Authorization to Pay Legal Fees for Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. 6. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine Auxiliary. 3 7. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the National Association of Retired Federal Employees Chapter 111 of Roanoke. 8. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD. 9. Request for Approval of Resolution for Extension of Time for Review of Basic Cable Rate Filing. K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS L. CITIZENS' COD~IlVIENTS AND CObIlVIUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Report on Fire and Rescue Reaction/Response Times for December 1993 5. Report of Public Safety Team Consideration of the Proposed Cat Ordinance 6. Alternatives and Actions to Address Concerns of the Residents of the Plymouth Colony Subdivision P. WORK SESSIONS (4:00 P.M.) WILL BE HELD IN THE 4TH FI.oOR CONFERENCE ROOM. 4 1. Discussion of County Leave Policies (Estimated time: 30 minutes Q. RECESS: RECEPTION HONORING THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MOVE TO THE NEW ADMIIVISTRATION BUILDING (4TH FLOOR) (4:30 - 530 pmt R WORK SESSIONS (FOURTH FI.oOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 530 m 1. Joint Work Session with the Planning Commission. .(5:30 -Estimated Time: 30 minutes) 2. Joint Work Session with School Board to Discuss Capital Requests. (6:00 -Estimated Time: 30 minutes) 3. Vehicle Replacement Policy (Estimated Time: 15 minutes) 4. Budget Work Session: Six Months Budget Review (Estimated Time: 20 minutes) S. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) Acquisition of real property for public purpose. T. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION U. ADJOURNMENT 5 OF aOANp~.~ z ~ 1' a 1838 C~oixz~#~ ~f ~~~tx~~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA FEBRUARY 8, 1994 BEGINNING ON FEBRUARY 8, 1994, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL MEET AT THE NEW ADMINISTRATION CENTER AT 5204 BERNARD DRIVE S.W. THE MEETING ROOM IS LOCATED ON THE FIRST FLOOR rear ar~ na eu~c c~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supezvisors meeting. Regalar meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke Couniy, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (703) 772-200 We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL MEMBERS WERE PRESENT AT 3:05 P.M. LBE ANNOUNCED THIS WAS THE FIRST MEETING IN THE NEW ADMINISTRATION CENTER 2. Irnocation: Dr. Harry C. Nickens ® Recycled Paper Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS NONE C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, PRESENTATIONS AND AWARDS NONE D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from the Sheriff to Submit an Application to the State of Virginia for Reimbursement of Jail Renovations. A-2894-1 BIT MOTION TO APPROVE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL URC 2. Request to Establish Compensation Amount for the Board of Equalization for 1994. A-2894-2 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE $200 PER MEETING UP TO $2,000 PER MEMBER -DENIED AYES-HCN NAYS-BI~T,EGK,FM,LBE HCN MOTION TO APPROVE $150 PER MEETING DENIED AYES-HCN,LBE NAYS-BI~T,EGK,FM ABOVE MOTION RULED IN ORDER BY LBE a HCN MOTION TO APPROVE $175 PER MEETING DENIED AYES-HCN,LBE NAYS-BT;T,EGK,FM BI;T MOTION TO FUND BOE MEMBERS AT $2,000 PER MEMBER ADOPTED AYES-BI;T,EGK,FM,HCN NAYS-LBE 3. Request to Enter into a New Contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA to Operate an Animal Shelter on Behalf of Roanoke County. A-2894-3 HCN MOTION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT AT $6 PER DAY PER ANIMAL WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE ISSUE CAN BE BROUGHT BACK IN THE FUTURE URC E. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for Work Session on March 8, 1994 to Discuss Revisions to the Secondary System Six Year Construction Plan. BI;T MOTION TO SET WORK SESSION FOR 3/8/94 UW F. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance Authorizing Corneyance of an Easement to Appalachian Power Company for Electric Service Across Starkey Park Property. 3 FM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND - 2/22/94 URC H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES NONE I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel LBE NOMINATED KENNETH LUSSEN TO ANOTHER 3-YEAR TERM WHICH WILL EXPIRE FEBRUARY 23 1997. J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-2894-4 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO AFTER DISCUSSION OF ITEM 5 URC 1. Approval of Minutes for December 14, 1993, January 3, 1994, January 5, 1994, January 7, 1994. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission and Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors. A-2894-4.a 4 3. Request for Acceptance of the Extension of Arabian Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-2894-4 .b 4. Resolution of Support to Amend the Virginia Association of Counties Bylaws. R-2894-4.c 5. Authorization to Pay Legal Fees for Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. A-2894-4.d 6. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine Auxiliary. A-2894-4.e 7. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the National Association of Retired Federal Employees Chapter 111 of Roanoke. A-2894-4.f 8. Request- for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD. A-2894-4.~ 9. Request for Approval of Resolution for Extension of Time for Review of Basic Cable Rate Filing. R-2894-4.h K. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 5 Sup visor Nickens: Announced he felt that Board needs to determine whether to follow PMM's rules and rocedures or LBE's rules and rocedure. LBE advised that Robert's Rules should be followed unless Board chooses to amend its organizational resolution. HCN agreed. Supervisor Tohnson: Advised he had received a letter from a citizen regarding article rn RT&WN Quoting him on recycling. announced he was chairman when pilot recycling program began in Roanoke County and he was a strong supporter -his comment was taken out of context and made in frustration. ECH to bring back report on recycling on 2/22/94. Supervisor Kohinke: Supports recycling efforts also. (2) Asked for a draft of the six year work session as soon as possible. Supervisor Eddy: Explained he did not send coy of rules & procedures memo to BOS because he did not think PMM sent copy. ~2) Announced that was a meeting on 2/1 at Vinton War Memorial with chief officals. A iomt statement will be issued in support of I 73 route through 460I-81 and south to Martinsville. Fifth PDC also ado ted reso su ortin this route and I-64 route to 220 Martinsville. (3) ECH and LBE will meet with Martinsville officals to encoura a these routes and will work with Goodlatte for federal support. (4) Attended meeting regarding VPI Extension semce and has literature for BOS if interested. Attended meeting of EAC with BI;T - main sub'ect was J imposed PTO policy Assured them there will be further discussion of the issue before decision is made. L. CITIZENS' COMIVIENTS AND COb~VIIJNICATIONS None M. REPORTS EGK MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AZ+'I'ER DISCUSSION OF ITEMS 5 AND 6 - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Report on Fire and Rescue Reaction/Response Times for December 1993 5. Report of Public Safety Team Consideration of the Proposed Cat Ordinance BOARD CONSENSUS TO ADOPT BRING FORWARD A CAT ORDINANCE. STAFF TO BRING BACK PROPOSED ORD FOR 1ST AND 2ND READING. 6. Alternatives and Actions to Address Concerns of the Residents of the Plymouth Colony Subdivision N. RECESS: RECEPTION HONORING THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MOVE TO THE NEW ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (4TH FLOOR) X430 - 530 pmt BI;T MOTION TO RECESS AT 4:45 P.M. UW MEETING RECONVENED AT 5:35 P.M. O. WORK SESSIONS (FOURTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 5:30 m 1. Discussion of County Leave Policies (Estimated time: 30 minutes COUNTY TFAM AND ISOP TO LOOK AT LEAVE POLICY AND MAKE RECOMII~NDA~~ON THAT WOULD REDUCE ABUSE OF SICK LEAVE AND KEEP COUNTY OFFICES OPEN MORE. RECOMMENDATION WILL BE BROUGHT BACK IN 30 - 45 DAYS. 2. Joint Work Session with the Planning Commission. TH PRESENTED 1994 WORK PROGRAM AND PROPOSED 1'IlVIETABLE FOR ZONING ORDINANCE A~.VIEW. LBE PRESENTED SEVERAL ISSUES AND REQUESTED THAT THEY BE INCLUDED IN THE FUTURE 3. Joint Work Session with School Board to Discuss Capital Requests. DR WILSON PRESENTED UPDATE ON SCHOOL PRO CTS. DIANE HYATT PRESENTED FIGURES FOR RCOS RENOVATIONS. HCN AND BI;T SUGGESTED SCHOOL BOARD DEVELOP STATUS REPORT ON THEIR CAPITAL PROTECTS SIMILAR TO COUNTY BOND PRO CT STATUS REPORT. TOHN CHAMBLISS TO WORK WITH SCHOOLS TO DEVELOP. 4. Vehicle Replacement Policy (Estimated Time: 15 minutes JOHN WILLEY TO SERVE AS FLEET MANAGER REQUEST FOR NEW COMPUTER SYSTEM TO BE INCLUDED IN BUDGET PROCESS NO ACTION TAKEN ON ADOPTION OF VEHICLE REPIACEMENT POLICY 5. Budget Work Session: Six Months Budget Review stimated Time: 20 minute ECH PRESENTED 6 MO REVIEW AND ADVISED SIX DEPTS WERE OVER 50% OF BUDGET. THERE IS NO SHORTFALL ANTICIPATED BY THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) Acquisition of real property for public purpose; (1) to discuss a personnel matter; and (7) to discuss actual litigation. BI;T MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 830 P.M. URC Q. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-2894-5 BIT MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION AT 9:15 P.M. URC R ADJOI;fRNMENT BT;T MOTION TO ADTOURN AT 9.17 P.M. UW A-2894-1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM:Request from the Sheriff to Submit Application to the State of Virginia for Reimbursement of Jail Renovations COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Because of the long lead time for capital projects such as this, I prefer to go forward with the application to the State this year. This is based on the Sheriff's revised plan for Phase II and Phase III totaling less than ~2 million, with the understanding that a large part of the cost will be assumed by the State and Salem. The inmate population statistics are consistently in ezcess of our normal capacity and crime will continue to increase. We should do limited work on the project until we have commitments from the State and Salem, and have our financing in place. With a project of this size, it may be possible to escrow portions each year from the operating budget and avoid financing. BACKGROUND• At the January 25, 1994 Work Session, the Board of Supervisors requested additional time to review the Jail Feasibility Study document before taking any action on it. Since that time staff has been meeting to pursue less costly alternatives. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: After the January 25, 1994, work session with the Board of Supervisors, a staff meeting was held to seek additional possibilities that would be less costly to increase the capacity of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail. We determined that the maintenance shop could be moved outside the jail facility, allowing additional room to expand the kitchen to increase its capacity. As an alternative to the findings of the engineers in the jail feasibility study, I propose the Board of Supervisors consider the following renovations to the existing jail facility: ~~_~ ALTERNATIVE APPROBIMATE COST 1. Finish the sixth floor, adding 26 beds $ 350,000 2. Secure a variance from the City of Salem that would permit the addition of a seventh floor to the existing facility, adding 55 beds 1,200,000 3. Remove the maintenance shop to a detached building from the jail 80,000 4. Expand and renovate the kitchen 50,000 5. Security, surveillance and furnishings 320,000 TOTAL 2,000,000 The above cost figures are strictly projected based on the engineering study and are subject to change with actual quotations for construction. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Sheriff's Office recommends that the Board of Supervisors authorize the Sheriff to submit an application to the State for reimbursements for jail renovations including: (1) finishing the sixth floor; (2) adding a seventh floor; (3) removal of the maintenance shop to another area, and (4) renovating the kitchen. Respectfully submitted, Gerald S. Holt Sheriff ---------------------------- Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Approved by, .. _;- ~! ~~, Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator ----------------------------------- ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve application submittal VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff A-2894-2 ACTION N0. _ ITEM NUMBER ~-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Establish Compensation Amount for the Board of Equalization for 1994 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. This compensation plan has been worked out by Mr. Birckhead and the Board of Equalization. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has recently completed its general reassessment of real estate which becomes effective January 1, 1994. Staff reviews with the property owners will be held between January 26 and February 4, 1994. If the property owner is still not satisfied with the valuation, he/she may appeal to the Board of Equalization. Pursuant to the provisions of 58.1-3370 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Supervisors has requested that the Circuit Court appoint a Board of Equalization of Real Estate Assessments for 1994. Each member of the Board of Equalization shall receive compensation to be fixed by the local governing body as set forth and established by 58.1-3375. Neither the number of hours nor days that the Board of Equalization meets can be controlled by either the Assessor or the public officials of a locality. A survey of neighboring localities concerning compensation of their respective Board of Equalization has been completed and is attached for your consideration. The Roanoke County Board of Equalization held twelve meetings in 1991, fourteen meetings in 1992, and eleven meetings in 1993. FISCAL IMPACT: None. $10,000 has been included in the County Board of Supervisor's Budget to cover this compensation. -~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff suggests that the salary of the Board members not be based on an annual salary, but on a per diem basis with a cap. After study of the enclosed survey, the following is recommended: Per diem for attended meetings - $ 200.00 Cap per Board member not to exceed - 2,000.00 Total budgeted for salaries - $ 10,000.00 Rest fullx,~ubm' ted, Appro ed by -~ ~ ~ ohn Birckhead Elmer C. Hod County Assessor County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson No Yes Abs Denied ( ) to fund Board of Eaualization Eddy x Received ( ) members at $2,000 per member Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x Attachment cc: File John Birckhead, County Assessor Committee Book ..~ -,.~ Y W II rt N u 01 01 ' o , a In ~ Y +~ o0 0 0 .-~ q o .q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oO 0 0 0 0 0 0 m ,'7 O U O O O O O O N O O O it O V~ a Ol t!1 Ifl M O O d' IA O rl O T 111 O O ~-1 ~ rl r-1 Nl ~ Ifl l0 N V' .1 N N t+l V' N E vt a v> • v} yr yr yr yr vir .~ +~ yr yr yr yr yr H bl W q ~ o r r ,-I ul rl m o o e m r•I W rl I o N I ~ t+l o ,..I w W ri z O ~ ~o io o ° m o W W W U w> U N -.i W L u m A A A N a Nm N N N N N N N .C NW N y q b W -'I W -.i W -.1 W •'I W W •rl -.i N ~ NOW N W N W a O b m m m -.i mm a - r mm I q • mm I a - q mw m qro O •.~10 E O m0 wW a m 0 ro . o ro ' o ro ' o ro •rl O ro -.I ro N u 3 m W .u -.i tl ro m W~ W+1 N aN aN aN tl N N a al a u W m N N u W 0 W O W ro U N W .tl W m N alomw a ma ma ma m ae a m~ N vmw„ N aN a .u N m w IywRO a ~ v a as v a rxl~ v a a~ m ~ a o ~Cu a ¢ m r ~w -.+ W m v w ~.~ a-~ o W . . A £r.~A ro a RC Ca z N m W W N 01 .-1 N N N O d' n Ill 10 N 1I1 O M 0 31 ~O O 111 r ~p lp N r m Ifl Ifl n d' lp m N m .p N .•I N cM N O Ol n N m tp W A W m N N lt) N ~ ~ n .~I N Ol Ill r W GL ~mw N N 10 d' M N d' n VI N l+l zHa +~ v -° N u u o v o ro m m U -. i -. i N N q N 3 3 E -.qi N N N vii m TI ~ > >~ a W -rl a O 3 W •a W -~ O W W p W •fl •.~ o >. >.•~+ o a o > > U 3 u v a a o 3 0 a 0 > > a rl r-I N a W W W >. •'I W >. N W N m m ~ ~ro aroE N N A >ro u a E>, a W>, W>. m 3 ro U roq U ro o 3 W rv A a.l a W-.a N m •.~ -I 3 ou 4 N Ei pu . , . 3 -.~ N •.~ H M m y m y •.~ o x a a > ., N a -.+ u a -.+ W a W a > W >+ al >+ a.l > W ~ -.1 > m > W O > E O ~ O OG .C -.1 am .a -.i am W W-.1 a'A3 O A O q N W ' 7w O W ' W N W O N O N qa £O ,$ (L £a !Y. ma ma I ~ b b b W ro ro A N ro ro ro u •'I •'I -'I b trl -.~ •'I N -.I •rl ..i W W N ro ro ro .+ ro ro ro ,~ -a ro ro ro m o, W w a +~ a +~+ a u ro a a.l v ~ ua m a u v ~ m r,a wa a ro a L 7 W m lJ ~ W m Ll 7 W O I O -'1 I E > 7a/ £ W mu v ~ N m dal m ~u u m.u W o Nu W O £ bl £ bl £ bl . 'Oro bt ~ W £ bl J q 0 £ W trl £ W ~ 7 W £ Ol -.1 E 'O H q •. i W O I O z U I b q I~ ~~ I u0 ~ ~~ W O I O O O I O + N u b m ro >. >. >, o N m ro u te >. u ro ., > E l q ro ro >..~ m >. u u u w a ro ab roro rov roro E vro ro ro ro roro , roro •ro roro ro vro >. roro >„~ ro ro v v W ~,+ N Wa roa roa roa ~xa ~ .c ~a roa bwa ~G ~a vG ro oil .i a W 31 \ W tf1 L \ W O 11 \ W O Ll O L W O W ~ ul L~ N W \ W W W O W o W \ W ~ it b O N O N m al w a.l ul sl J .a >~ yl N m Ifl 1 ~ n N 11 ~ l O U l n ~! O U O JJ O ll Vl J-I O m -rl O uIC vrro vrro +~ro . m3ro , +n£vr a vrro y I mro -.+ ~ wmro .1 ~ v:ro rl al yrro r al y vl Oro N O W rro m£a +n7rN 0 m In o W ri W N o m ,-~ o m N m rl vl o n n o U1 d I o N ,1 I w n m N ~ to rl z ~a ~ N H W W Ill M M Ifl M Ifl f~l t+l l+l M Vl M 1/1 zoz ro m a m m m m ro a ro a m m ro ro a ~ C ~ O 77 C q 7 7 O a ro O ro 7 >, U qq ~ qq ~ q q qq q qq a1 FC r.~ W w r.C r1 RC al FC It ~ ~ N W u , ~ .-I V l a ~ . ° O O O E O ro U > E ~ ~ p , 3 N Itl N W y0 ~ " , >. ~ I W m x u A z z a m m w ++ , N , . w~ w W w N w o w w w w w w ° -.~ ~ ro o 0 o a o ~ o~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 >, u E A r, ~ m ro u v ~ ° >. N >. >, m >. >. >. >. a , m tiro w L v w L a Q u u u u u - i • i • i - i ~ ti p x ux u uz u u u u u 1~ .~ A-2894-3 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ - 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Enter into a new Contract with the Roanoke Valley S.P.C.A. to operate an Animal Shelter on behalf of the County of Roanoke. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Rernmmend Approval. I do, however, have think we need to review our fee structure to recover as much of this as possible. The rnst will increase because the new plan does not give the SPCA any incentives to place the animal in a new home. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' are to become effective March 1, 1994. The Roanoke Valley S.P.C.A. is currently providing animal shelter services for the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, Botetourt County and Craig County. The County's current contract dated July 1, 1991 provides for the County to pay to the S.P.C.A. $1,500 per month regardless of the number of animals being sheltered. The S.P.C.A. has concluded a study of its operating expenses and is changing the method of billing to become $6 per animal per day. The County has been notified that the new rates BACKGROUND' Since July 1, 1991, the County has been paying to the S.P.C.A. $1,500 per month ($18,000 per year) to provide animal shelter services . Based on the number of animals housed at the shelter during calendar year 1993 (2,760 days), the $6 per day rate would be $16,560 per year. Obviously, our annual payment will vary based on the number of days per animal the shelter is used. Generally, the localities having a cat provision within their animal control ordinance have experienced a significant increase in the number of animals housed at the shelter which has in part caused the increase in the S.P.C.A. operating costs. This new methodology of billing, ($6 per animal per day) more accurately reflects the allocation of costs to the locality using the shelter. Listed below are the old rates participating localities during 1993: Locality Roanoke City Roanoke County Town of Vinton Botetourt County Craig County Old Annual Fee $48,960 18,000 3,000 20,000 2,400 paid annually by the Animal Days Used 14,577 2,760 2,029 n / a n / a -~ Each of the other localities has been advised of the new pricing structure and Roanoke City has already approved the change. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. The amount budgeted for this service Department appears sufficient based upon our history of the number of animals turned in to the shelter. Should a provision to handle cats be added to the County's animal control ordinance, the budgeted amount of $18,000 would need to be doubled based upon the experience of other localities with similar provisions. ALTERNATIVES• 1. Approve the new billing methodology as required by the S.P.C.A. to reflect the cost of $6 per animal per day. 2. Reject the contract proposal. This would require the County to seek the services of another shelter or to construct and provide shelter services of our own. At the present time, the City of Salem is the only other locality in the Roanoke Valley to have an animal shelter and they do not presently have the capacity to house our additional animals. We could consider the private shelters or animal hospitals, however their daily rates are considerably higher than those proposed by the S.P.C.A. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative No. 1, authorizing the County Administrator to execute the new contract proposal submitted by the S.P.C.A. in the amount of $6 per animal per day, on a form approved by the County Attorney. Respectfully submitted, App o d by ~~ .~-~ ~ John M. Chambl' s, Jr. m r C. odge Assistant Administrator County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approved (x ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to enter into contract at $6 per day per animal with the understanding that the issue can be brought back in the future VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc Ken Hogan Animal Control Brent Robertson Budget Diane Hyatt Finance Paul Mahoney County Attorney File John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator 4 ' ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request on Work Session to discuss Roanoke County's Secondary Six Year Construction Road Plan for (1994 thru 2000). COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: We have evaluated requests made by the Board, citizens, staff, and VDOT. If you have any remaining requests, please forward those toArnold Covey within the next two weeks to allow time to finalize the report that will be sent to you in advance of the work session. We will provide recommendations at that time. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION In accordance to Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, the Board of Supervisors is required to revise the Secondary System Six Year Road Plan every two years. County staff and representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) are in the process of reviewing various requests received over the past two years and prioritizing them in the six year plan. The work session will allow staff to review the Plan with the Board of Supervisors prior to holding a public hearing and adopting the plan. If the Board members have any additional requests to submit for review, please contact County or VDOT staff prior to the work session. The Board's March 8, 1994 meeting has been suggested as a date for the work session. The County must have the plan finalized and adopted for submittal to the Virginia Department of Transportation's (VDOT) Richmond Office prior to July 1, 1994. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors schedule a work session for March 8, 1994. ~-/ --"TITTED BY: APPROVED BY: /,1 ~.~J' ~. ~ `Arnold Covey, Direct r Elmer C. Hodge of Engineering & In ections County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred To Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs ACTION NO. //''~~ ITEM NO . ~=7' "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ACROSS STARKEY PARK PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ .~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is the first reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize donation of an easement to Appalachian Power Company (APCO) for an overhead and underground electric service line(s) across Starkey Park for lighting the athletic fields and other facilities. BACKGROUND' The County of Roanoke Department of Parks and Recreation is lighting a baseball field and related facilities on the property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, located along Virginia Route No. 897 (Crystal Creek Drive) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, known as Starkey Park. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Installation of electric transmission lines has been necessary to provide lighting to the baseball field at Starkey Park. Appalachian Power Company (APCO) requires a right of way, fifteen feet (15') in width, for an overhead and underground electric service line(s) across Starkey Park, extending in a southerly direction from Crystal Creek Drive, as shown on APCO Drawing No. R- 3021, dated November 29, 1993, a copy of which is attached hereto. FISCAL IMPACTS' Consideration for the proposed easement is the sum of $1.00. G-~ ALTERNATIVES: (1) Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for donation of the electric service line(s) easement as shown on APCO Drawing No. R-3021, dated November 29, 1993, to Appalachian Power Company. (2) Decline to authorize donation or conveyance of the easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the proposed ordinance as provided in Alternative #1. Respectfully submitted, Vic ie L. Huff Assistant Count Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Minnix c:1wp51\dce\agenda\vickie\starkey.rp[ MAP SECTION 3780-348 C4 G-~ ~S~P~ G EX/ST/NG P1~LES & L/NES ~` 348- 253 348- 348- 2.55 i Y W .W, iV U Q I~ /5'' ~ PROPOSED U.G. L/NE PROPOSED PA'f 348=5503 ' I APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY I ROiANOKE.VIRGINIA PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY OF ROANOKE VIRGINIA T. D. 665000 CAVE SPRING DISTRICT 9 "STAR KEY PARK " DRAWN BY L.M. A. DATE ~ ~ _ 29 _93 APP. BY ,J, B. A.III SCALE 1 = 2~' SH EETJ_ OF_L_S H E ETS DRAWING N0. R-3021 ~.-7 ° l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 ORDINANCE AIITHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ACROSB STARREY PARR PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORB WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke Department of Parks and Recreation is lighting the baseball field and related facilities on the property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, located along Virginia Route No. 897 (Crystal Creek Drive) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, known as Starkey Park; and, WHEREAS, Appalachian Power Company (APCO) requires a right of way for an overhead and underground line across Starkey Park to provide electric service for lighting the baseball field, as shown on APCO Drawing No. R-3021, dated November 29, 1993, and, WHEREAS, the proposed right of way will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of citizens of the County of Roanoke. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on February 8, 1994; and a second reading was held on February 22, 1994. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the interests in real estate to be conveyed are hereby declared to be surplus, and are hereby made ~-/ available for other public uses by conveyance to Appalachian Power Company for the provision of electrical service in connection with Roanoke County's Starkey Park development. 3. That donation of a right-of-way, fifteen feet (15') in width, for an overhead and underground line(s) across Starkey Park to provide electric service for lighting the baseball field, as shown on APCO Drawing No. R-3021, dated November 29, 1993, to Appalachian Power Company is hereby authorized. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. c:Iwp51\doc\age~da\vickie\starkey.ord 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Grievance Panel The three year term of Kenneth W. Lussen will expire February 23, 1994. Respectfully submitted, '~-~1~.-~--~ ~ ~ ~~--.,~~,.~.~~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Appro d b , Elmer C. Ho e County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens t ~ ~' ~~ ~~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, FEBRIIARY 8, 1994 RESOLIITION 2894-4 APPROVING AND CONCIIRRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for February 8, 1994, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 9, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes for December 14, 1993, January 3, 1994, January 5, 1994, January 7, 1994. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission and Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors. 3. Request for Acceptance of the Extension of Arabian Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 4. Resolution of Support to Amend the Virginia Association of Counties Bylaws. 5. Authorization to Pay Legal Fees for Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. 6. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine Auxiliary. 7. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the National Association of Retired Federal Employees Chapter 111 of Roanoke. 8. Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD. 9. Request for Approval of Resolution for Extension of Time for Review of Basic Cable Rate Filing. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the Consent Resolution after discussion of Item 5, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: `~)cz~~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney December 14 ~ 1993 '~ ~•~ ~~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 December 14, 1993 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the only regularly scheduled meeting of the month of December, 1993. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. I~MBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Edward G. Rohinke, Sr., Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS AHBENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES s _ December 14, 1993 AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLIITION 121493-1 OF APPRECIATION TO DANA ~'SRIP~~ LORD FOR HIS CONTRIBIITIONB TO THE SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR WHEREAS, Roanoke County is in the process of constructing Spring Hollow Reservoir, which will provide a water supply for County residents into the 21st century; and WHEREAS, the dam for the reservoir, which is now finished, is constructed of roller compacted concrete, and is the largest of its type on the East Coast; and WHEREAS, the contractors for the dam portion of the project have been PCL Civil Constructors, Inc., from Tempe, Arizona; and WHEREAS, PCL began work on the project in November, 1991, and have completed it within budget and on time, under the leadership of Dana "Skip" Lord, who has overseen the work and directed the construction; and WHEREAS, Mr. Lord's work has been outstanding and invaluable to the project, providing the citizens of Roanoke County with a valuable and necessary asset for the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to DANA "SKIP" LORD of PCL Civil Constructors, Inc. for his excellent work and contribution to the citizens of the County of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: .r December 14. 1993 PIIBLIC SCHOOL AIITHORITY, AND SETTING FORTH THE FORM AND DETAILS OF SIICH REFIINDING BOND. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") has received a written offer dated October 29, 1993 from the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") to exchange certain outstanding general obligation school bonds of the County held by the Authority for (i) an aggregate like principal amount of noncallable bonds of the same tenor and (ii) a lump sum cash payment, and the Board has determined to accept such offer and to issue its general obligation school refunding bond in exchange for an aggregate like principal amount of certain outstanding bonds of the County held, and a lump sum payment to be made, by the Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF THE COIINTY OF ROANOICE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of the Refundinc Bond. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to issue its refunding bond in the amount of $3,650,000 (The "Refunding Bond") .for the purpose of refunding an aggregate like principal amount of outstanding general obligation school bonds of the County the principal terms of which are set forth in Exhibit A (the "Refunded Bonds"). The issuance of the Refunding Bond in exchange for the Refunded Bonds and a lump sum cash payment upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution is hereby authorized. 2. Details of the Bonds. The Refunding Bond shall have the principal provisions set forth in, and shall be issued as a single, typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as, Exhibit C. On twenty (20) days written notice from the Authority, the County shall deliver, at its expense, the Refunding Bond in marketable form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof, as requested by the Authority, in exchange for the typewritten Refunding Bond. 3. Payment: Paving Acent and bond Registrar. The following provisions shall apply to the Refunding Bond: (a) For as long as the Authority is the registered owner of the Refunding Bond, all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Refunding Bond shall be made in immediately available funds to the Authority at, or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, if applicable, or if such date is not a business day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, if applicable. ,~ •; ,, _ December 14, 1993 Resolution with the Circuit Court of the County. 10. Further Actions. Each Supervisor and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and exchange of the Refunding Bond for the Refunded Bonds and the lump sum cash payment and to accept and comply with the terms of the offer of the Authority. 11. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None 2. Rectuest from Industrial Development Authority for Resolution ADDrovinq Issuance of Refinancing Honds for Ci8 Associates. (Timothy W. Gubala. Director of 8conomic Development) R-121493-3 Mr. Gubala advised that the IDA met yesterday and approved the issuance of the bonds. Supervisor Johnson asked that the Chairman allow Mr. Hall, a citizen who contacted him recently with questions on this item, to speak to the Board. Chairman Minnix granted permission. Mr. Hall asked several questions about IDA bonds and the procedures for qualifying since he is a property owner in Roanoke County. Supervisor Nickens requested that staff meet with Mr. Hall and provide him with full information. Supervisor Eddy moved to adopt the resolution. The motion ~~ _ December 1~. 1993 be "bank qualified" obligations since they cannot be designated as "qualified tax-exempt obligations" under Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; and WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of the County, the Project is to be located in the County, and the Board of Supervisors constitutes the highest governmental unit of the County; and WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a record of the public hearing, and a fiscal impact statement relating to the Project have been filed with the Board of Supervisors. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Board of Supervisors approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Company, to the extent required by Section 147 (f) of the Code, to permit the Authority to assist in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as contained in this Resolution, does not constitutes an endorsement of the Bonds, the financial viability of the Project or the credit worthiness of the Company. Further, as required by Section 15.1-1380 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, the Bonds shall provide that neither the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County, nor the Authority shall be obligated to pay the principal of, premium, if any, the interest thereon, or other costs incident thereto except from the revenue and monies pledged therefor and any applicable security, and neither the R December 14, 1993 VHDA would interpret this as approval. Mr. Harrington advised that the project conforms to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning and subdivision regulations, and it is staff's recommendation that the Board approve the Certification of Approval. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the certification of approval for the project. There was no vote. After discussion, Supervisor Johnson made a substitute motion to move the agenda and take no action on the request. Supervisor Nickens withdrew his motion to approve. Supervisor Johnson's motion to move the agenda (take no action) carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix NAYS: Supervisors Eddy, Nickens IN RE: REQIIEST FOR POBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OB REZONING ORDINANCEB - CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading of the ordinances and set the public hearings for January 25, 1994. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None i. An _ordinance Authorizing a Special IIse Permit for an Accessory Apartment. Located at 4925 Bo~-er Road. llindsor Hills Macisterial District. IIpon the Petition of Charles Cooper. December 14, 1993 -. '~ k Assembly to allow this amendment was limited only to boats. Supervisor Eddy moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for January 11, 1994. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. 0-121493-5 Ordinance Amendinc and Reenactinq Section 12-34. Dis~lav of Decal Generally, of Article II. Countv Vehicle License, and Section 12-55. Parkinq Tickets Generally, of Article II. Parkinq, of Chapter 12 of the Roanoke Countv Code to Facilitate Enforcement of Countv vehicle Decal Revuirement by Parkinq Tickets. (Joseph Obenshain. Sr. Assistant Countv Attornev) There was no discussion and no citizen requested to speak on this matter. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ORDINANCE 121493-5 AMENDING AND REENACTING 88CTION 12-34. DIBPLAY OF DECAL GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE II. COUNTY VEHICLE LICENSE, AND 88CTION 12-55. P I G TICKETS GENERALLY, OF ARTICLE III. PARKING, OF CHAPTER 12 OB THE ROANOKB COUNTY CODE TO FACILITATE ENFORCEMENT OF COUNTY VEHICLE DECAL Sec. 12-34. Display of decal generally. a) A license decal issued under this article shall be attached to and displayed on the windshield of the vehicle for which issued in such manner as to be clearly visible. b) It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to obtain and display or to operate a motor vehicle, trailer, or semi-trailer required to be licensed under this article on any street, highway, road, or other traveled way in the County, unless a curre*~t license decal is displayed thereon as required by this section. The fact that the current license tax has been paid on such vehicle shall not bar prosecution for a violation of this section. A violation of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty~«'~~ :~ dollars ($~#~}~g) and not more than ~{~#;:~i~td``.:':~"° ewe ;,t:: .~~.~ ~ "ra~seQ llars ($.~~....t~t~~~a8) . e. :a~te~ ~sr>:»c~ ~:e~;a~or~~,... a: ~;~" . • .:.. ~.x,,.{f,.> ..:. ,iq;{??.x;. .vrr:.;:C?i?Si?{{{lrri~ ~f•;:!ti .yrr.;..:ry} :: x::::::: x.::: n....r::.. .. ,...... ; :....: .. :..... ..: •:r':{:.•; };Y •4:j!i{;?: ::.}.;: ::?x?'^' :if''ii::?•:rn}:i•;:G;: v::::: x:::..: ...; .• ]~~ .... '~'~..1'i ..............~.r~c~. :::~~~ :.:. .............. .....::::::::::........................... :::................. .............::~;> ..:.rte;.. ... ......,n.....,........,..:.<~:<.xa;x•:<:??<:<:~.:::,;v::.•fr:;:aw•r„w»»;;:a::.::<:ai::i?;tg;:::x<::}::222::::::u'iiliL%lr...:.ux:;,inhY.uffi~Y~~A 'i!~rlvriu ......:: • ~ :;;t ~j~{~y y,~ :.: .~ ::::::~4R;. .;. :.:.. :x.:.;: ...::: ..; ....:: ::::.~ .:::: tt,. ....:::.. .,. 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LaW-erifOrCC~mpnt nffi nnr~ i *, i-t,e n...,«~.. of Roanoke shall have authority to issue citations, summonses, parking tickets or uniform traffic summonses to residents of and businesses _ December 14, 1993 court and paying additional costs." 3. The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 1, 1994. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None 2. Ordinance Declarin the Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center as surplus Property and Authorizinc Donation of the Facility to Total Action Against Poverty. (Terry Harrington. Director of Planninq & Zoninq~ TABLED AT NOVEMBER 30, 1993 MEETING 0-121493-6 Supervisor Johnson moved to remove the issue from the table. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None Mr. Harrington advised that since the last meeting, he has received the Phase I Environmental Audit for the property and the project is clean. He advised that he had discussed with Mr. David Camper the potential use of the property by Habitat for Humanity and found that there are potential problems in developing single-family homes on this land. He is continuing to work with Habitat in an attempt to find ways to help that organization. Mr. Ted Edlich, President and C.E.O. of TAP, advised that estate known as the Pinkard Court Leisure Arts Center, located in the County of Roanoke and designated upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 87.08-1-30; and, 3. That the donation of this property to Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) is hereby authorized, subject to the following conditions, covenants and restrictions: a. Use and/or development of the property shall be limited to that which is consistent with TAP's mission and purpose, and shall be community-service oriented. b. Use and/or development of the property shall be only in accordance with the current planning and zoning classification as a valid non-conforming use or, in the alternative, shall be in compliance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in effect at any given time. c. No subsequent conveyance of this real estate to any person or organization whose mission or purpose is not consistent with those of TAP's shall be valid without the express approval of the County. d. The aforesaid covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns. d. In the event that TAP, its successors or assigns, violates the covenants regarding use and/or development of the property, the property shall revert to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to December 14, 1993 Department of Motor Vehicles for DUI Enforcement. 2. Resolution Urging the Virginia Department of Transportation to Conduct a Corridor Study on Route 220 from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line. 3. Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Regarding Firetruck Litigation with Grumman Aircraft Company. 4. Authorization to Execute an Agreement to Share a Sanitary Sewer Easement with Sloan, Inc. 5. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club. 6. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Northside Athletic Booster Club. 7. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. 8. Request for Approval of Bingo Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284. 9. Request for Approval of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1994 from the Women of the Moose Chapter 1551 Vinton. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution after discussion of Item 3, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None R88OLIITION 121493-7.b IIRGING THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TR~lNBPORTATION TO CONDIICT A CORRIDOR BTIIDY ON ROIITE 220 FROM from Interstate 581 to the North Carolina State Line for the purpose of developing a specific plan and schedule for needed improvements in order to upgrade this facility to an appropriate level of service and safety to enhance economic development in Virginia in the future. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other local governing bodies, chambers of commerce, economic development commissions and similar groups along the corridor or in neighboring jurisdictions which are affected by the ability of Route 220 to meet modern traffic needs are urged to do likewise. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQIIIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 8u~ervisor Edd : (1) He reported on items discussed at the Fifth Planning District Commission meeting which was held December 9, 1993: (a) Low-band radio - he asked for budget consideration; (b) I- 73 Route - he asked that the Virginia Department of Transportation examine proposals for I-64 and 220. Mr. Hodge advised that VDOT has appointed a committee to study both routes. (c) Transit Development Plan Phase 3. Report - he asked that the staff consult the 5PDC report and talk to Valley Metro about extending service to North County. Supervisor Johnson advised that this has been done. (d) VDOT Enhancement Awards - he advised that none were given and that a workshop on criteria is scheduled for January, 1994. December 14, 1993 Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file the following reports. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. i. General Fund IInappro~riated Balance 2. Capital Fund IInaopropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid - November 1993 IN RE: RECESS At 4:30 p.m., Chairman Minnix declared a recess. IN RE: EVENING SESSION Chairman Minnix reconvened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. IN RE: PtTBLIC HEARINGB i. Public Hearinc and Adoption of Resolution Authorizinc the Execution of an Agreement between the TowII of Vinton Count of Roanoke and Cit of Roanoke Relocatin the Bounds Line Between Said Governmental Entities. (Paul Mahoney, county Attornev~ R-121493-8 Mr. Mahoney advised that the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton and Roanoke County have been negotiating this proposed boundary line relocation for approximately 18 months, and public hearings are being held in each locality. After completion of the public hearing, he asked that the Board ratify and confirm their July 27, 1993, approval and efficient delivery of municipal services and promote the public health, safety, and welfare; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the City and the Town have adopted measures reflecting their desires to relocate and change a portion of the boundary line between the County, City and Town as requested by certain property owners within said areas; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton and City of Roanoke have agreed to the boundary relocation by action of their respective governing bodies. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that: 1. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute an agreement between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, in form approved by the County Attorney, establishing a new boundary line at certain points between said jurisdictions as more particularly described in the plat showing a boundary map line adjustment Area I containing 33.80 acres and plat showing boundary map line adjustment Area II, between the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, all of which is incorporated by reference herein. 2. The boundary line set forth in said agreement shall be described by metes and bounds. 3. Upon execution of the agreement between the governing bodies and publication of the agreed upon relocation boundary line in accordance with law, and the holding of a public hearing thereon, the County Attorney is authorized to petition the Circuit Court of one of - Dec ~- er 14, 1993 County's Charter is necessary since the voters approved by referendum on November 2, 1993, to change the method for selecting school board members from appointment by the School Board Selection Committee to popular election by the citizens. Mr. Mahoney advised that the amendment provides for an initial election of all School Board members in November, 1995, and provides for a staggered school board. The following citizens spoke: (1) Debbie McClure 7368 Fernwa Drive President, Roanoke County Education Association, advised that 89~ of their members favor a transition method over the election of the entire Board; (2) C. E. Thornton, 1007 Barrens Villaae Court, advised that he felt the election of all members should be held in 1994 without any delay. Following discussion by the Board, another citizen arrived and requested the opportunity to speak: f3) Kathryn P. Garvin 6211 Poaae Valley Road PTA President Back Creek Elementary School expressed support for the transition method of electing members instead of electing the entire Board at one time. After further discussion, Supervisor Johnson moved to elect school board members as follows: Hollins, Windsor Hills and Vinton Districts for three-year term in the General Election in November, 1994, to take office January, 1995; and Cave Spring and Catawba Districts for four-year terms at General Election in November, 1995, to take office in January, 1996; and all necessary charter amendments to be drafted and filed with the General Assembly; and that the current trustee electoral board continue in that capacity until no longer needed. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: After discussion, Supervisor ordinance with the following condition: Williamson Road and (2) vehicle access east side of the property be provided following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, NAYS: None Johnson moved to approve the (1) one 60 foot entrance off to the shopping center on the The motion carried by the Eddy, Nickens, Minnix ORDINANCE 121493-10 GRANTING A SPECIAL IISE PERMIT TO FAST BREAK FOOD MARTS, INC. TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A CAR WASH ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WILLIAMSON ROAD AND CLIIBHOIISE DRIVE (TAB PARCEL 27.18-3-13.2 AND 38.06-7-2) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Fast Break Food Marts, Inc. has filed a petition to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the northeast corner of Williamson Road and Clubhouse Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow the operation of a car wash on property located at the December 14, 1993 Mr. Harrington advised that this request is for a special use permit to operate a carry-out and delivery pizza service. He reported that at the Planning Commission meeting a representative from Villa Sorrento which operates in the same building expressed concern about parking and traffic congestion at the location, especially since there is a Valley Metro bus stop in front of the proposed location. Mr. Harrington has talked with Valley Metro and they will find another location for the bus layover. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the special use permit with no conditions. Supervisor Eddy moved to approve the ordinance with the condition (1) that the use should not exceed 1200 square feet. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ORDINANCE 121493-11 GRANTING A SPECIAL IIBE PERMIT TO A.F.L. OF ROANORE INC. D/B/A PAPA JOHN'8 PIZZA TO ALLOW THE OPERATION OF A CARRY-OIIT AND DELIVERY SERVICE ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 3109 BRAMBLETON AVENQE (TAB PARCEL 77.10-8-1) WINDSOR SILLS MAGIS- TERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, W.F.L. of Roanoke, Inc. d/b/a Papa John's Pizza has filed a petition to allow the operation of a carry-out and delivery service on property located at 3109 Brambleton Avenue in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; _ December 14, 1993 Planninc & Zoninc) 0-121493-12 Mr. Harrington advised that this is a request for a special use permit to operate a used car lot. Mr. Harrington advised that after the Planning Commission meeting, the petitioner looked at other sites and considered withdrawing the petition but the petitioner took no action to withdraw the petition. Supervisor Johnson moved to deny the special use per^nit. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None DENIAL OF ORDINANCE 121493-12 GRANTING A SPECIAL II8E PERMIT TO RIDD AIITO SALES TO ALLOW THE OPERA- TION OB A II8E CAR LOT ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 7410 BIINNYBROOR DRIVE (TAB PARCEL 27.14-4-6) HOLLINB MllGIBTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Kidd Auto Sales has filed a petition to allow the operation of a used car lot on property located at 7410 Sunnybrook Drive in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 30, 1993; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on December 14, 1993. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1} f~ ~ ~ :ui ary _ _ _ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 3, 1994 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the organizational meeting and the 3rd day of January, 1994. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERB PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Supervisors Edward G. Kohinke, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMHERB ABBENT: None BTAFF PREBENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Supervisor Harry C. Nickens. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQIIEST TO ADD AGENDA ITEMB County Administrator Elmer Hodge added an Executive _ aIIUary ~ organizational meeting. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None 3. Resolution establishinc Bylaws, Rules of Order and Schedule for Board Meetincs in 1994. R-1394-1 Supervisor Nickans moved to adopt the prepared resolution amended to eliminate the November 8 meeting because it fell on Election Day, and the April 5 meeting because it was during the school spring break. Mr. Hodge and Chairman Eddy will determine if additional meetings are necessary in those months. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy. NAYS: None RESOLIITION 1394-1 ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDIILE FOR THE BOARD OF BIIPERDISORB OF ROANORE COIINTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1994 AND ADOPTING RIILES OF PROCEDIIRE FOR SIICH MEETING BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That for calendar year 1994, the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 7:00 o'clock p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Wednesday, January 5, 1994, at 7:30 a.m. Legislator's Meeting at Sunnybrook Inn ~a 3 ".i _- _ . conduct of all Board meetings shall be Robert's Rules of Order; provided, however, these rules are amended as follows: a. That no second to motions shall be required in order to consider that motion; and b. That the chairman may make motions, participate in debate and vote on all matters considered by the Board. c. That no amendment or addition to the printed agenda be permitted unless approved by unanimous vote of all Board members present, unless requested by the County Administrator or the County Attorney as a matter requiring immediate attention. This provision applies to Main Motions and shall not apply to Privileged Motions, Subsidiary Motions, Incidental Motions, or Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Board. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution amended to eliminate the November 8 meeting because of Election Day, and eliminate April 5 meeting because of Sprinq Break, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: E%ECIITIVE SESSION At 9:15 a.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 A (5) to discuss a prospective business where no previous announcement has been made of the business' interest in locating in the County. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Rohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy i heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ZN RE: REQIIEST FOR APPROPRIATION AND DONATION OF FIINDS TO THE ROANORE COIINTY INDIISTRIAL DEDELOPMENT AIITHORITY Economic Development Director Timothy Gubala advised that an economic development prospect has indicated an interest in relocating its warehousing and distribution facilities to Roanoke County. The prospect has requested certain incentives, and the Industrial Development Authority will assist in the matter. The IDA would acquire 15 acres on Hollins Road from the Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation for $272,500. Mr. Gubala asked the Board to adopt a resolution appropriating the funds from the Unappropriated Balance and donating it to the IDA. Supervisors Eddy and Johnson advised they would abstain because of the possible appearance of conflict of interest. Supervisor Kohinke moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Kohinke, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisors Johnson, Eddy z.~ ..~, _ anuary , _ Apartment Village Corporation. 3. That the appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this resolution, and all actions taken by such officers and agents in connection with this transaction are hereby ratified and confirmed. 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Kohinke, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisors Johnson, Eddy IN RE: ADJOIIRNMENT At 9:43 a.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to adjourn. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None Submitted by: Approved by: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Lee B. Eddy, Chairman - __ -- . __ . _. anuarv 5 . - 19 9 s Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Sunnybrook Inn Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 5, 1994 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Sunnybrook Inn, this being a special breakfast meeting for the purpose of meeting with the Roanoke Valley members of the General Assembly. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 7:37 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Rohinke, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Community Relations GENERAL A8$EMBLY: Senators Malfourd "Bo" Trumbo, J. Brandon Bell, Delegates C. Richard Cranwell, Morgan Griffith, and A. Victor Thomas, January 5, 1994 Assembly to restore funding for the H.B. 599 Program (State aid to localities with police departments). B. Education. Realizing that public education is the foundation of American democracy and the cornerstone of our future economic well being, the County urges the General Assembly to enhance funding for public education, including increasing the funds available to the Literary Fund for local school capital construction or renovation projects. At a minimum the General Assembly should fully fund the Literary Fund in the amount of $100 million for FY 1994-95. Local school divisions should be authorized to establish opening dates for school. The County requests the General Assembly to approve an amendment to the Roanoke County Charter providing for the popular election of school board. C. Public Investment in Information. The County urges the General Assembly to closely monitor the findings and recommendations of the Council on Information Management pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 238 with respect to amendments to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the Virginia Privacy Protection Act, the Virginia Public Records Act, and the Intellectual Property Act so as to protect the taxpayers invest- ment in the collection, development, storage and maintenance of public records. This taxpayer investment is of critical importance with respect to the County~s development of its GIS system. The General Assembly should adopt legislation to allow a January 5, 1994 w Treasurer of Roanoke County, the General Assembly is urged to amend § 58.1-3013 to require credit card companies to honor local ordinances authorizing the payment of local taxes by credit card and imposing a service charge not to exceed 4~ of the amount due. H. Drunk Drivinct. The County urges the General Assembly to increase the penalties for DUI violations and to improve and toughen enforcement of the DUI statutes. I. Equal Taxation and Borrowinct Powers. The County urges the General Assembly to adopt legislation equalizing the taxing and borrowing powers of counties with those powers granted to municipalities. J. Unfunded Mandates The County supports the reduction of unfunded regulatory and statutory mandates and opposes any state mandates on local governments without sufficient funding to cover the costs of those mandates. K. Annexation. The County urges the General Assembly to continue the moratorium on any city-initiated annexation and any city annexation initiated by citizens of counties. L. Growth Management The County petitions the General Assembly to grant local governments in the Commonwealth the authority to adopt growth management ordinances including the power to impose impact fees, ordinances to impose aesthetic and design criteria considerations for the protection of historic and natural resources (like the Blue Ridge Parkway), to restrict the authority of the courts to overrule local land use decisions, and to allow reasonable procedures and time periods for the 7 January 5, 1994 :: ~+ the Blue Ridge Parkway. IN RE: ADJOIIRNMENT At 9:00 a.m., Chairman Eddy declared the meeting adjourned. Submitted by: Approved by: Mary H. Allen, Clerk Lee B. Eddy, Chairman r Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Avenue S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 7, 1994 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being a special meeting for the purpose of a Planning Retreat. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Eddy called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. All Board members were present MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Community Relations IN RE: R8QIIE8T TO P08TPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF ITEMS County Administrator Elmer Hodge announced there would be a recess for a press conference to announce the location of a new business in Roanoke County. He updated the Board members on - Tan ~arV 7' 7 oqt 2. inter-governmental and inter-valley Cooperation a. Regionalization of Vallee Services Following discussion, Mr. Hodge was requested to invite Beverly Fitzpatrick, Director of the New Center Council, and Co- chair Tom Robertson, to make a presentation at a future board meeting. b. Request from City of Salem for S1 millioa Donation for NeN Baseball Stadium. After discussion, there was general Board consensus that County participation should be contingent upon the County sharing in revenue or other direct involvement in the project. It was suggested that the project be turned over to the Economic Development staff to study. Chairman Eddy was requested to contact the City of Salem with this information. 3. II~date on Dixie Caverns County Attorney Paul Mahoney updated the Board members on the cleanup progress at the Dixie Caverns landfill. There was a discussion on the costs for the cleanup. 4. Decrease Real Estate Tag Rate There was Board consensus not to decrease the real estate tax rate at this time. Ix RE: RECESs Chairman Eddy declared a lunch recess at 12:15 p.m. IN RE: RBCO~lVE~T$MENT The meeting was reconvened at 1:50 p.m. • for this project; that a facilitator from a local college be utilized; that community meetings be held to hear public comment; and that citizens be included in the process. I~1 RE: R$PORTS 1. Assessment of the Team Concept Assistant Administrator Don Myers updated the Board members on a staff assessment of the team concept. IN RE: OTHER MATTERB Supervisor Nickens requested that Chairman Eddy write another letter to Superintendent Gary Everhard requesting a change in the Record of Decision for the location of the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitors Center. IN RE: 88TTIN(~ OF WORK 8888ION8 The Board members set the following work sessions: Affordable Housing May 10, 1994 Vehicle Replacement Policy February 8, 1994 Opening Burning Ordinance No Date Fire and Rescue Comp. Plan Work Session during Budget Process Facilities Use Policy After July 1, 1994 Jail Feasibility Study January 25, 1994 Paid Time Off (PTO) February 22, 1994 (Tentative) Six Year Plan February or March 1994 CIP Work Session during A-2894-4.a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER S'~' ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission and Total Action Against Poverty COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nominations were made at the January 25, 1994 meeting. 1. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission' Supervisor Eddy nominated Bob L. Johnson to serve another four-year term which will expire February 10, 1998. 2. Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors Supervisor Johnson nominated himself to serve another two-year term which will expire May 5, 1996. He appointed Elizabeth W. Stokes to serve as his designee on the Board. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointment be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ~~r~~ Elmer C. Hod County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harrv C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Roanoke Regional Airport Commission File Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors File ~J THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, IN REGIILAR MEETING ON THE 8TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1994, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING. RESOLUTION 2894-4.b REQIIESTING ACCEPTANCE OF THE E7CTENTION OF ARABIAN LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer of the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Harry C. Nickens Seconded By: Not Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix~ Nickens Eddy Nays: None A Copy Teste: ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 2894-4.b requesting acceptance of the extension of Arabian Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote on Tuesday, February 8, 1994. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors „ x 22010 ~ _ - - 4~, _, 0~ ` - ~ ~~ e,PEQUESTRIAN Rvp~~:;:. x2 8 i ~ Qr HILLS C~OV: -%i __ \ .,-• ~` - ,-~~~~~ ~` ~ r e,-" x2200 _ ~ . ~,,~ ~, ; 12 VICINITY ..MAP' • X7=3 NORTH 2 29 ~ ~ ,4 9.45 Ac V .. JI ~ _. 2/ 30 13.58 Ac 9.81Ac ~ / 8063 i5 gO~I 23 22 883 5.01 Ac 4.78 Ac 24 ~~ i2 ~6~ 62A5 4.04 Ac 26 . t6 4.21 Fill 8`~, a s 3.33Ac A 26 x\`25 0 810` 15 .8133 g A f 20 ~2~ Co 2.79Ac ~ 81 ~ 4.36~~ ~i 2.T9Ac ~ 92~ `~/ ~'~ 6116 cc~ 17 19 ~ ~ 77A 4 ~ ~ 28 ~ 5.66 Ac . c ~Ot , 0~ L 0 13 ~O ,~ ptd 8 27 2 0 Ac 4. 4. t 825 ~~ 4.07Ac 35Ac .~ PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN I N YELLOW / 32 7.66 Ac 8o~s t 8064 , .. ,. 8072 `8/.5J~ 9~ Ac 34 35 4.48 Ac 4.41 Ac a2 `. 24_ :3 DESCRIPTION: 1) Arabian Lane from the intersection of Filly Court (Rt. 1246) to the cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) MILES 0.19 RIGHT OF WAY: (1) FEET 50 ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) FEET 30 SURFACE WIDTH: (1) FEET 20 SERVICE: (1) HOMES 3 ROANOKE COUNTI'r ACCEPTANCE OF THE E%TENSION OF ARABIAN LANE ENGINEERING & INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION INSPECTIONS DEPART14fENT SECONDARY SYSTEIi OI U" t~ H z U Q A E Q H z a~ E r~ ~n+ i~ O O a W w O O a O a~ 0 U v H H z 4 O U x v H Q a F U c Liz w W z ~~ o rn 9A U o x 0 H U y ~ ~'" O c7 w H ~ U .~. ~~ a~ o a a H W ~ w 0 z o ~ ~ ~ a d a b a z p H H U w C/1 ~ W r~ cn W H ~o N ^- ~ p U d d d e-• z H W H ~- Q A ~ A ~ A dd ~.7 w x H x o R: z w ~ O O ai O p ti O V ai O O ~ O O ,si O O p H ~ U x H E a° ~ R ~ O A yp, E a° ~ ~ ~ O A ~}p+. F r~° ~ P ~ O A . it. . W r w z ~ a ~' o z ~ H P~1 a ~, ~ ~ 0 m d d ~, b b .a m a ., °~ d ti °~ O m m Qf 00 d V Q A d 0 m m .,.~ 0 .~ w 0 b .d d A d .'y C7 0 z 4~! ""~ m 0 b V _ b ~ .,., ~ z 0 +~ ~ H H U W [r 7„~ ~ v o b a ~ z H ~ ~ Q z Q ~ ~ a H W W ~ C7 z w ~ o ~ ~ ~` o o ~ v H m +d +a a ~ H Ca 0 V ,fa bp ~ ... ~ o z .r ITEM NUMBER ~"''~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 SUBJECT: Acceptance of the extension of Arabian Lane into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: WPG Land Company, the developer of Equestrian Hills, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.19 miles of Arabian Lane. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept the extension of Arabian Lane into the Secondary Road System. TTED BY: (~~Ll\ ,/ A Covey, Dire -or of Engineering & Inspect ons --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by• No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to APPROVED: v/ ~ Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in regular meeting on the 8th day of February, 1994, adopted the following: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5 (a) , fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote A Copy Teste: Moved By: Seconded By: Yeas: Nays: Mary Allen, Board Clerk AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 RESOLUTION 2894-4.C OF SUPPORT TO AMEND THE VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES BYLAWS WHEREAS, most Virginia political subdivisions have adopted election laws which elect office holders by specific districts in lieu of "at-large" representations; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Association of Counties elects its regional representatives by votes cast by all member counties regardless of the region in which they are located; and WHEREAS, there are large urban counties which have more votes than entire regions in other parts of the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, this procedure has the potential to enable a single county to cancel the unanimous decision of a particular region to be represented by its own choice. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia supports Lancaster County's request to amend the Article XVII to the By-laws of the Virginia Association of Counties to rectify this inequity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to forward copies of this resolution to the Virginia Association of Counties and the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: J~V Mary H. llen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File James D. Campbell, Executive Director, VACo Wiliam H. Pennell, Jr., Lancaster County Administrator ,' ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of Support to Amend the Virginia Association of Counties By-laws Regarding Representation COIINTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SIIMMARY OF INFORMATION: Lancaster County has expressed concern regarding the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) bylaws concerning representation of candidates by region. Attached is a letter from the Lancaster County Administrator providing more information. They have requested that a resolution of support be adopted which would permit each region, regardless of the total number of votes, to select their own representative. This information was provided to you in a previous Board Reading File. Several Board members requested that Roanoke County adopt a resolution similar to Lancaster County. A draft resolution is attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution, and that copies of the resolution be forwarded to the Virginia Association of Counties and to the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens `r' '~! AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, FEBRIIARY 8, 1994 RESOLIITION OF SIIPPORT TO AMEND THE VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COIINTIEB BYLAWB WHEREAS, most Virginia political subdivisions have adopted election laws which elect office holders by specific districts in lieu of "at-large" representations; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Association of Counties elects its regional representatives by votes cast by all member counties regardless of the region in which they are located; and WHEREAS, there are large urban counties which have more votes than entire regions in other parts of the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, this procedure has the potential to enable a single county to cancel the unanimous decision of a particular region to be represented by its own choice. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia supports Lancaster County's request to amend the Article XVII to the By-laws of the Virginia Association of Counties to rectify this inequity. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to forward copies of this resolution to the Virginia Association of Counties and the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors. ~ ~u ~°~af~ I WN „s~ William H. Pennell, Jr. County Administrator rQr. Elmer C. Hodges County Administrator Roanoke County P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: FOUNDED 1651 IN VIRGINIA LANCASTER COURTHOUSE POST OFFICE BOX 167 LANCASTER, VIRGINIA 22503 804-462-5129 804-462-0031 (FAX) January 3, 1994 ~1,~ / ~~ l ) v t ~-- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS F. W. Jenkins, Jr., 1st District Donald O. Conaway, 2nd District Betty Barrack, 3rd District Charles A. Kenner, Jr., 4th District Lloyd B. Hubbard, Jr., 5th District At last November's annual meeting of the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo), it became clear that a section of the By-laws of VACo should be amended to provide each region with the assurance that every region will be represented by its choice of candidates as opposed to a candidate who may be supported by other regions around the Commonwealth. For instance, in Region 1, of which Lancaster County is a member, there are a total of 15 members each having one vote for a total of 15 votes. One county in Virginia has sufficient population to allow it to have 17 votes by itself. The net effect of this inequity is that regardless of who Region 1 selected as its representative (even if it was unanimous) other counties and/or regions could-reverse that desire and select a candidate not favorable to the member counties of that region. This is innately unfair, violates the one person/one vote concept and is contrary to the reasons for the very existence of the Virginia Association of Counties. Attached is a copy of a resolution recently adopted by the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors which offers alternative language to Article IX, Section 2 of VACo's By-laws. This modification will permit each region, regardless of the total number of votes, to select their own representative. It is necessary that two other counties, from two other regions, adopt a similar resolution and forward copies to VACo. By doing so, the matter will be considered by the entire organization at the 1994 annual meeting. COUNTY OF LANCASTER The Lancaster County Board propose this resolution to your and send a copy of the adopted ensure that this matter comes November 1994. of Supervisors asks that you respective Board of Supervisors resolution to me so that I may before the assembled group in Thank you for your assistance in this matter and please call if I can provide additional information. Sincerely, ,~ ~~~ William H. Pennell ,. County Administrator cc: Mr. James Campbell, VACo .~'- y u ~~,t~ IYU baW l,Sl RESOLUTION OF THE LANCASTER COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REQUEST TO AMEND THE VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES BY-LAWS WHEREAS, most Virginia political subdivisions have long since adopted elections laws which elect office holders by specific districts in lieu of being "at-large" representatives; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Association of Counties elects its regional representatives by votes cast by all member counties regardless of the region in which they are located; and WHEREAS, there are large urban counties which have more votes than entire regions in other parts of the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, this procedure has the potential to enable a single county to cancel the unanimous decision of a particular region to be represented by its own choice; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors offers an amendment, in accordance with Article XVI1, to the By-laws of the Virginia Association of Counties to rectify this inequity; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors offers the following language to replace Article IX, Section 2, of the By-laws of the Virginia Association of Counties to read: Section 2. Composition and Election. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, The President-Elect, the First Vice-President, the Second Vice-President, the Secretary Treasurer, the Immediate Past President, the three next most recent Virginia Association of Counties past- presidents who currently hold office as elected Virginia county supervisors, and twenty-two members elected on a "one person -one vote" basis from the member counties located within the region that Board of Directors member will represent. The Board of Dirrectors shall designate one member of the Board who is not an officer to represent the Association on the Board of Directors of the National Association of Counties. (The suggested change has been underlined) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors urges other member counties of the Virginia Association of Counties to pass a similar resolution to ensure that local regions are represented by their preferred candidate as opposed to an individual elected by the membership at large. Dated: December 20, 1993 I3,~ ~~,~ ~_ Betty Barrack, Chair Attest: William H. Pennell, J County Administrator Resolution Number 93-17 A-2894-4.d ACTION NO. ITEM NO. `+7~° "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Pay Certain Legal Fees Grumman Aircraft Company - Firetruck Litigation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. We also need to discuss the status of the suit and determine whether or not we should continue. EXECUTIVE SUNIIKARY The County agreed to share with the Town of Vinton the legal expenses for the litigation with Grumman Emergency Products Inc. over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck. BACKGROUND• In November of 1991, the Board agreed to join with the Town of Vinton in legal action against Grumman Emergency Products, Inc. and other possible defendants over the defective ladder on the aerial fire truck which the County had jointly funded with the Town. Since this vehicle is titled to the Town of Vinton it was agreed that the Town Attorney should handle this litigation. The fees thus far approved by the Board are as follows: February 11, 1992 $ 1,151.95 March 24, 1992 1,437.59 May 26, 1992 2,363.43 June 23, 1992 1,779.16 September 8, 1992 228.71 September 22, 1992 868.75 October 27, 1992 941.00 December 1, 1992 289.00 December 15, 1992 843.00 February 23, 1993 3,835.00 March 23, 1993 6,648.60 April 4, 1993 480.10 May 25, 1993 1,315.36 June 3, 1993 751.00 July 2, 1993 645.92 July 9, 1993 59.38 (Grainger) 1 s- .s August 1, 1993 643.58 August 25, 1993 883.63 August 31, 1993 379.25 October 7, 1993 1,261.30 Total $26,805.71 FISCAL IMPACTS• $1,918.99 (October 27, 1993 statement), $25.00 (October 29, 1993 statement), $2,466.14 (November 2, 1993 statement) $7,163.84 (December 2, 1993 statement) for a total of $11,573.97 in current fees to be paid from the Potential Litigation Account. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the payment of these invoices totaling $11,573.97 from the Board's Potential Litigation Account. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Action Vote No Yes Abs Motion by Harry C. Nickens Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Nickens x Minnix x cc: Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance c;\wp51\agenda\geneml\legal.fee File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 _i ~~ ~ TOWN OF VINTON P. O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHONE (703) 983-0608 FAX (7031 983-0621 January 21, 1994 TO: Joe Obenchain, Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke POB 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 JOAN B. FURBISH FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER J~ ~~~ 1~~ 1 STATEMENT Statement From Natkin, Heslep, Siegel and Natkin, PC For Professional Services Rendered Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company December 2, 1993 Statement -- $14,327.68 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $7,163.84 Statement From Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Circuit Court-Recording Fee Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company October 29, 1993 Statement -- $50.00 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $25.00 cc: Diane D. Hyatt TOWN OF VINTON P. O. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHONE (7031 983-0608 FAX (7031 983-0627 January 21, 1994 TO: Joe Obenchain, Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke POB 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ~„' JOAN B. FURBISH FINANCE DIRECTOR/TREASURER STATEMENT-PAGE TWO Statement From Cole Appraisal, Inc-Appraisal Service Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company October 27, 1993 Statement -- $3,837.97 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $1,918.99 Statement From Lawrence J. Dove Associates Engineering Service Regarding Litigation With Grumman Aircraft Company Hahn Aerial FireSpire Ladder November 2, 1993 Statement -- $4,932.28 Fifty Percent (50%) Due From Roanoke County To Town of Vinton $2,466.14 Total Due and Payable to Town of Vinton $11,573.97 cc: Diane D. Hyatt A-2894-4.e ACTION NO. _ ITEM NUMBER ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine Auxiliary (RAMA) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine Auxiliary (RAMA) has requested a permit to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on April 16, 1994. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (~ Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File 'RAFFLE PERMIT APPLICATION ,T ~ Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. se of • the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sea. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. ~~ ~ 1 ~'~l ~l i•_ ~ l e ~-~, ~y, 1 I Name of Organization ~~~G..,~~:~ IZr.~ l~ lzcGlf rn ~ ~~ ~ i~ l~e ~.'~ c,."~-- ~ ~l ~ c~-~7c._~. Mailing Address ~ ~7 ~'~ t'X ~f ~• ~' <~ City, State, Zip Code i~i~e t }`fC{ ~L~c~~~/ When was the organization founded? /J~ 5 Purpose and Type of Organization ~c,~c~c~~~~`~y~cC~ ~ ~`~~°Y~~'~c~~l~_. Has the organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES NO ~ S ~'-~- ~-~ ~ ~ c h~ ~~`- u~~ e c. t Is the organization non-profit? YES NO ~! Is the organization exem t under §501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES ~ NO Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable)~~ C.L~.,..~, Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or Section 18.2- 340.10 et. sea• of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? C~~-;L~ Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? t~.~' COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF 1'HE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 1 ~~ ~ Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to ' enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Raffles ? e-~-~' DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES: Article Description Fair Market Value DATE OF RAFFLE ~~ ;~1r1 ~ ~ ~ ~ l1 ~~I -~ If this application is for an ANNUAL RAFFLE PERMIT, list below all dates raffles will. bey held. Specific location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? S~/3 °I /~e/e ~.:~v~n~. ~~Yes f C +V, /S/~e..,l~c.,~~/t~ly NOTE: This permit hall be valid only for the bove location. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.50 of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. ~r /~ ~' "/o ~~~ r~: ~ -~; C, C~'~,"~ l_ ~,~ f~ v~=--,~- ,~ja~Vl r~ ~Sc ~i~/ rrv~h ~~~'~ 17ss~c . r COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMNIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a Officers of the Organization: ~- ~ President : h'1 C.~ ~/ i L~I,L. ~~~ r7 ~z ~ ~., Phone : ~~ c)' ~ - 1 S' ~~ c Address: .3 ~('~ ~, %~G~u-~r1 ~`,wc.~~~ ~~ ~`C_ . ~~i~ /?~` Vice President : ~~~ r 5 ;~ ~ {) c-v' ~ ~(, ~ Phone : ~ c d - ~~ `7 / ~ Address: ~ !~!Z Cc~c.~r~7`r~ C_/~L G /~c~ . ~Y~~LC ~ ~,~~ Lam. yC... ~~/~7j Secretary : ~1 ~ •~ /` C ti `~ h ~-~" ~U Y ~~- Phone : ~ ~ L/ - /~ ~/ ~ Address : ~ ~~ 3 ! l-~ ~ ; ~ ~i C ,,Q. ~ ~z~~/n-L. ~- ~Z~1E. }`~ f~ ~ ~~i~ /%Y Treasurer : K ~i- ~' ~.,-~ 7' c, L ~ @n z ti- v~" Phone : ~ ! ~ t/ ~ 5 ~l ~-l ~ Address: 5~3 ~/5. ~~ve fv;n~ C;V^ts~ ~. ~/iE ~"~~ ~y~/~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name : ~~~ .~ ~.. n n ~ ~~ c ~ 5 r~ v' Home Address ~ ,j ~, ~', l~ ~ <,cc_ /(.- l3 C. ~, v' ~. ~ v~ , iZ_~.~ ~ YG~ ~c/ C~ I ~ Phone C~ `1- ~~'~'U Bus Phone Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to exist: ~? Name : ~-~ S c._~, r-, e~-= ~5 c) ~ ~ S ~~ r~° Home Address 5~:~ ~j /~' /c~. c l~_. ~~ c- ~v'~ ~~,~ /~{~ ~ ~'"~. ~~-/~1 ~/ Phone ~j5' (j -~' ~'~ f-' Bus Phone Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? Lj.~-;~,,... Has your organization.attached acheck for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?~ IF ALL QIIESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 3 NOTARIZATION THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAREN BY ALL APPLICANTS: ~~ I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. I further swear that I have read and understand the attached copies of Sec. 18.2-340.1 et. sect. of the Code of Virginia and Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. Si -- - Subscribed and sworn Ge~ty-/ City o f Virginia. in the My commission expires: .~ ~ 1951 ary Public NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. ~•a-~ _ Date ommis Toner o the R enue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIItGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 /~ ~ ~-~`lQ~~n ~~ this day of 4 ~~i~ / / V...) .~ / _ l.~ ~/ L ~~V~- 1• 1 ~ / .~1..t Ll C... K..` J /} r/ ~ / //~~ t• V l/^.. / / 1~,~[. V ~ /'~ ~~ -7 ~ ~+ / IZ. l.+l~ I y'~ /~1 l }.-~" ~. ~ ~1~~.~~ (..,. ~. / 11 `i '"Y`l. ~i~ ,/J'~ 1 ~~Y1 Y~l. ~~ ~~. V ~..~ m v~... f~"1 ~ ~'_ i.'1/~, i,. V G.. L_ l ^~~ { L / . / / 1 Ll 4' (/y ~ } U V`L. + )C.. "c„C / S C--~ . ~ ~-~. ,. ,~,~ ~~` ~~ ~~ ~ r 6 ~~,,,,,-, , ~ ~ f ~ ~w i~ ~ C,it~c1~L~-~~~ /~~ Z`i~„ ~ nom" ~- ,~,. ~ ~~ ~. ~,' ~ `~°~ S c ~, ~ S~~„~ ~C ~:.~ ~„~~..-.,,, ~. ~~ two "2., ~~ ~n . ~ G,~-~., '~ ~ti ~~ .~_ v 1- if ,~.(~} . ~~~~~~~~~ ~~c c. ,~ ~~~- ~ i~ ~ `~ J' G`~ ~' ~ r ~ c,n-r. ~ ~-~~. ~-y ~~~-~. j7~/ tr ~, ~7UVti Li A-2894-4.f ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER .L! s~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit from the National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Chapter 111 of Roanoke COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The National Association of Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Chapter 111 of Roanoke has requested a permit to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on April 26, 1994. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Lit/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix ~- Nickens ~, cc: File Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERMIT APPLICATION J 9 Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sect. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. sea. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The.Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance wit2~r county and state law. /lLE/~tJi ~ ~~EIL~-Tio ~~ c-~+'i1~-~-~5 C~ d~C~ Name of Organization f~~/~,t/f~~ bso~i~iio~~~' ~%i.z~p~~~.~~c~jOL~ ~~ // C~~-~ ~~ Mailing Address o?S3~ f ~AFiY /2.49 City, state, Zip Code ~i¢ L~i~ , ~~ Z 5~/.S3 Ahen was the organization founded? / ~~ / Purpose and Type of Organization ~~Ff-% ~ ~ ~~--- /.(~o~ ~ ~~t"'r T~ 1 Has the organization been i~ existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES / NO Is the organization non-profit? YES / No Is the organization exempt under §501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES / NO ~( Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or section 18.2- 340.10 et. sea. of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? S COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 C011iIlVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 i Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to . enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organization pursuant to § 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Raffles ? ~~ ~ " r DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES: Article Description Fair Market Value 7~< 5 ///Fo2,~/,4Tio~ <y NBT y~//~~.~.g~c.~ /~T ?~/i,s 7'i.~1~. ~~~~<<~~ ~i~Ts ~y~c. ~~-~oL~~~ i~A F~m~ ~u~ `!~-~~~-2sif~~~-L2a~s r~~ ~i,4r~- 0~ l~/2f/iicJ~ff . /2i9-jGLC ii~.~lF7t ~<LZ /~~ ,~~~ H~3 ~/25 ~~(Cv ,yr,ii ~ir~ rr~F ~/Fe-~iV'ff~~jf~T~Qa,r~~~~h/o.c~ ~% .~~R-.uoiC~ ,¢,OlLi~ zy-Zile~/~'l ~, ,~ ~2~w~.~~~/•~~ ~~ /~~L-7 y oV.~ 4/FTS r~lo•~~vED - i¢GL ~J~~~vs k~/L'- ~p Te f}-.c z.N_~/HFZ~S ~=ss~~• DATE OF RAFFLE ~- Z ~ - l~ ~ _ `~ If this application is for an ANNUAL RAFFLE PERMIT, list below all dates raffles will be held. L~-ZG-~~1 ~i~ Specific location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? ~ i~ ~v,vJ~~~~®~ E: This perms shall be valid only for the abovd location. Any organization holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5) of its gross receigts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. fq-LL lrzv~° ~~~5 ~o~°T~ ~/L L ~~ ~D ~LZ~~/.fi/~<S %>/~S~~SF ~~s~-a~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF TI~IE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 ~~~ ~ ~~~ 2 .. Officers of the Organization: President: ~aP,~/.giT i ~ ~{/cXs Address : / Z Z ~(,~,ESb / ~~- Vice President: ~~~~/~S5 Address: ~}/// Secretary : ~/GI,~CL E C%fi Address: ~S~~~y~~~/ec Treasurer: Address: s- ~ Phone~03~9~~ .2S'Z~ " ~ .~ Phone ~~D3~ 36 Z - OG 5/~ Pi Phon~~:f-~~`~Z--- ~,S,j~ E-/~ f}-Gv4l1 Phon 63 Z - ~~~ Member a~u~thorized to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name : U/.~G/ell/~ C~~D.t~~-~ /~ ~ Q '/ Home Address /~1 ~G~~a,l~T,r-ci (,.t.tt$ FiD.. •1~•~ ~i~~~~i r~ Z~~/~ Phon~~~ ~~~- 7~/~ Bus Phone „/~i~~ Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your o ganization ceases to exist: Name : ~~rJ/6t ~9-Jt-~~~~ Home Address %O~ 06~~1r,y/~ /JL-u~ Phon~~~~ ~~~ 70/ Bus Phone ~~ ~ Does your organization understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~ Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?/~~ IF ALL QIIESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COL;fNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CO1~ZNiISSIONER OF TIC REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 3 NOTARIZATION /~ THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS: ~" l I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. I further swear that I have read and understand the attached copies of Sec. 18.2-340.1 et. sec. of the Code of Virginia and Section 4-86 et. se of the Roanoke County Code. Sicn~ _bv: Title Subscribed ands1w~orn before me, this Count~~ity of~`~©~~~ , Virginia. • My commission expires: ~-~~ 19~~ Notary Public NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. i ~ ~ P Date The above application is not approved. Date ~~ ~~ Ho~mle Address C~.~,~ b day of • 19 Q ~ in the Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COI~BVIISSIONER OF TI-IN REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 A-2894-4.g ACTION NO. _, ITEM NUMBER ~ "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a Raffle Permit from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIIKARY OF INFORMATION: The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD has requested a permit to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on ~rp~~26, 1994. FebruQrN After reviewing the application, the Commissioner of Revenue asked for an opinion and recommendation from the County Attorney's Office. Mr. Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney, has reviewed the application and recommends that the raffle permit be approved by the Commissioner of Revenue. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee, and the application is on file in the Clerk's Office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: `~cc.~,~-~ J~ . Mary H. Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: ua,-,-~, C` _ Ni ~kanc No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File ~"""'.-.' ~'S MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Obenshain ~~ FROM: Wayne Compton ~' DATE: December 28, 1993 SUBJECT: Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Please advise; as I question if this organization is operated exclusively for religious, charitable, community or educational purposes. As the date of the drawing is 2-26-94 I need a decision as soon as possible. a t, ~llbl ~ e C~ ~~ ~s ~ ~,~zl ~ ~ Y (-~~,~ `~ J~~~~~cl l3~ ~~~~~,~ `-T~ i~ ~ s ©~c~ a ~ i 2. a ~ ~ c~~ d v ~e s ct, ~ ~ G ~~ ~o ~ ~ ~ U a ~ i d ~ S~C~ L Cc J C3~ C~ ~1 u ~` ~ I u J [ F' ©N GC ~i ( 2. ~;C ~ ~`CJ ~1 ~d .n P ~I Q U ~ r ~G~~ P U ~' ~J (7s e°s G ~l ~I ,~ `~` L Ct S l 0 ~ p P U vl~~e4 U r ~q ~ ~t C;~ W C9 ~~ C,1-~ l/ SGCT iS ~~P Q~~ - ~ l~ c,~~ ~'~ ~~i~pw~ew~j- ~~~~ssYOc,~ l~av~sov~P ~}vPs~ra~ ~ ~ d ~ `~ ~`~ e `~ ~' ~ ~~ ~v ~ ~ PAC 0 ~ `~ot P t / G ~° v Psi ors ~~`f (~~`rU ~~~ l i C~~~a~~ ~--~vo~ Pct U~co wi w,e~.~ /` .. ~ j.M COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES ~i~X ~- Application is hereby made for a bingo game or raffle permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to ensure the accuracy of their responses to the following questions. Bingo games and raffles are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. sect. of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 et. seg. of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has sixty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Any person violating county or state regulations concerning these permits shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person who uses any part of the gross receipts from bingo or raffles for any purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically organized, except for reasonable operating expenses, shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IF FOR: (check one) RAFFLE PERMIT X BINGO GAMES Name of Organization Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD Street Address 2291 W. Broadway Mailing Address P•O. Box 8249 City, State, Zip Code Missoula, MT 59807-8249 Purpose and Type of Organization Aquistion & Maintenance of Wildlife Habitats When was the organization founded? Oct. 1984 Roanoke County meeting place? 228 Pollard Street Vinton, Va 24179 •,~ Cf Has the organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two continuous years? YES X NO Is the organization non-profit? YES X NO Federal Identification Number g1-0421425 Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. Officers of the Organization: President: ~ ~~ ~t~:~<~2 ~l Address: Route 2, Box 172 Evington, VA 24550 Tesle`photne: 703-297-4556 e re ary: Address: Vice-President Address: Treasurer : ~ ~ ~ n 1' `~ ~-~- Address : P ~ ~~ --~o~ tc ~b~rt~.~~, ~~ Z~~Z~ Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo operations: Name: M. Dean Cranwell 4071 Blandfield Dr Home Address y;nt~n ya 24179 Phone 890-5511 Bus Phone 985-0002 A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBERSHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location w ere Raffle in o Gam s to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing 2-26-94 Time of Drawing 9:00 BINGO: Days of Week and Hours of Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday *Blue Ridge Chapter Chairman Michael C. Roberts Rt 2 Box 172 Evington, Va 24550 From To From To From To From To From To From To From To *Executive Director Bob Manson P.O. Box 8249 2 Missoula MT 59807-8245 3 Y ~~ State specifically how the proceeds from Bingo/Raffle will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. To insure the future of Elk and other wild life, by conserving, restoring, and enhancing rational habitats. 3 r BINGO: Complete the following: ~` 13 Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: Address: County State ZIP Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? Seating capacity for each location: spaces for each location: ' ALL RAFFLE D BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1-19 receipts from all sources related to the operation of Bingo games or Instant Bingo by calendar quarter for prior calendar year period. BINGO /~; n' INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter ''" '~ 2nd Quarter Iti 3rd Quarter ~~ 4th Quarter ~~_~ TOTAL ~ ,~ ~- 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter TOTAL 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, association, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or conducting Bingo Games or Raffles? S 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all records required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? ~~~',~ 4 r ~~~ 5. Does your organization understand that a Financial Report must be filed with the Commissioner of the Revenue on or before the first day of DECEMBER of each calendar year for which a permit has been issued? Yes 6. Does your organization understand that if gross receipts exceed fifty thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an additional Financial Report must be filed for such quarter no later than sixty days following the last day of such quarter?`''~'Jyes 7. Does your organization understand that the failure to file financial reports when due shall cause automatic revocation of the permit, and no such organization shall conduct any Bingo game or Raffle thereafter until such report is properly filed and a new permit is obtained? yes 8. Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified under oath by the Board of Directors, that the proceeds of any Bingo game or raffle have been used for these lawful, religious, charitable, community, or educational purposes for which the organization is specifically chartered or organized, and that the operations of Bingo games or raffles have been in accordance with the provisions of Article 1.1 of Chapter 8, Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia? ~. ~~ 9. Does your organization understand that a two (2) percent audit fee of the gross receipts must be paid to the County of Roanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of December? yes 10. Does. your organization understand that this permit is valid only in the County of Roanoke and only at such locations, and for such dates, as are designated in the permit application? Yes il. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall have been a member of such organization for at least ninety days prior to such participation, shall participate in the management, operations, or conduct of any bingo game or raffle, and no person shall receive any remuneration for participating in management, operations, or conduct of any such game or raffle? yes 12. Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke? Yes 5 ~~ 13. Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or Section 18.2-340.10 of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~~o ***14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its membership to this application form? yes ***15. Has your organization attached a copy of its bylaws to this application form? yes 16. Has the organization been declared exempt from property taxation under the Virginia Constitution or statues? no If yes, state whether exemption is for real, personal property, or both and identify exempt property. 17. State the specific type and purpose of the organization. To raise funds for and to acquire property for wildlife. 18. Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? no If yes, name and address of Registered Agent: 19. Is the organization registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs pursuant to the Charitable Solicitations Act, Section 57-48 of the Virginia Code? no (If so, attach copy of registered agent.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs? no (If so, attach copy of exemption.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. Article Description Fair Market Value *** List just for Virginia 6 ~g ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - 27 BEFORE NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 20. Does your organization understand that the bingo games shall not be conducted more frequently than two calendar days in any calendar week? 21. Does your organization understand that it is required to keep complete records of the bingo game. These records based on §18.2- 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of the Roanoke. County Code must include the following: a. A record of the date, quantity, and card value of instant bingo supplies purchased, as well as the name and address of the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, and written invoice or receipt is also required for each purchase of instant bingo supplies? b. A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is played, the number of people in attendance on each date, and the amount of receipts and prizes on each day? (These records must be retained for three years.) c. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo game prize or jackpot from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record of all receipts and disburse- ments which support, and that agree with, the quarterly and annual reports required to be filed, and that these records must be maintained in reasonable order to permit audit? 22. Does your organization understand that instant Bingo may only be conducted at such time as regular bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? 23. Does your organization understand that the gross receipts in the course of a reporting year from the playing of instant Bingo may not exceed 33 1/3~ of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? 7 25. Does your organization understand that an~ organization whose gross receipts from all bingo operations that exceed or are expected to exceed $75,000 in any calendar year shall have been granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501C Internal Revenue Code Service? (Certificate must be attached.) 26. Does your organizatio Occupancy must be obtained at the proposed location?_ n understand that a Certificate of or be on file which authorizes this use 27. Does your organization understand that awards or prize money or merchandise valued in excess of the following amounts are illegal? a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hundred dollars. c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever shall exceed One Thousand Dollars, nor shall the total amount of jackpot prizes awarded in any one calendar day exceed One~Thousand Dollars. 28. Does you organization understand that annual gross receipts from bingo games or raffles in excess of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00), shall attach to such report an opinion of a licensed independent certified public accountant that (i) the annual financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, beginning cash, receipts, operating cost, use of proceeds, and ending cash. (ii) the proceeds of any bingo games or raffles have been used for those lawful, religious, charitable, community or education purposes? Does your organization understand the failure to file the opinion of a licensed independent cert~ied public accountant shall cause the automatic revocation of permit? 8 ~~'~ NOTARIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL APPLICANTS I hereby swear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in,§18.2 of the Code of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been answered. Signed by : ~~ . /~ ~,.--~, - _~.__._ Name Title Home Address l /~i Subscribed and sworn bef a me, .,this day of (1~ 19 "/ in the County/Ci-ter- of__1! f ~thclk-Q--- , Virginia. My comm/iJssion expires: /;' ! ~ ~ 19 ~w l '~/ Notary Publ RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE P.O. BOX 20409 ROANOKE, VA 24018-0513 NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date o ss oner of a Reven The above application is not approved. a • ~ ` 9~1 Date 9 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 RESOLUTION 2894-4.h REQUESTING E%TENBION OF TIME FOR REVIET~ OF BASIC CABLE RATE FILINGS l~ J ~ 4 f WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke's "Certification of Franchising Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates . , " F.C.C. Form 328, was filed with the Federal Communication Commission on October 12, 1993, and on October 26, 1993, this Board adopted Ordinance 102693-4 establishing "Procedures and Standards for the Regulation of Cable Television Rates ."; and WHEREAS, by certified letter dated November 1, 1993, received on November 2, 1993, Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. was formally notified of the receipt by the F.C.C. of the County's Form 328 and the Board's adoption of the aforesaid Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 1994, the County of Roanoke received a completed F.C.C. Form 393, "Request for Cable Rate Approval" from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. as required for regulation and approval of basic cable service rates which Form 393 was forwarded to the offices of Moss & Barnett, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for their audit, review and report to this Board on the reasonableness of Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc.'s rate request; and WHEREAS, by letter received by the County Attorney's Office on January 31, 1994, Moss & Barnett, the County's retained legal counsel for this rate review, requests specified additional information from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. , in order to permit review of all relevant information and issues relating to this rate request; and WHEREAS, the F.C.C.'s "Report and Order on Rate Regulation" authorizes a franchising authority to extend for up to 90 days the effective date of proposed basic cable service rates to permit the authority to make a final determination on the information submitted by the cable operator. To toll the effective date of the proposed rates, the franchising authority must issue a brief order or resolution explaining that it needs additional time to review the proposed rates; and WHEREAS, notice must be provided to the cable operator within 30 days of receipt of their Form 393 of this 90 day extension and the County Attorney's Office mailed to Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. on February 2, 1994, by certified mail, return receipt requested, such a letter of notification. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, as follows: 1. That the initial 30 day period for the review of the proposed basic cable service rates of Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc., as set forth in the F.C.C. Form 393 received by the County of Roanoke on January 7, 1994, is hereby extended for 90 additional days in order to obtain and review additional information from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. as to the justification for its rate request. This action is being taken to ensure that the proposed rate is within the reasonableness standard established by the Federal Communications Commission in its "Report and Order on Rate Regulation." 2. That the letter of notice mailed to Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc . from the Office of the County Attorney on February 2 , 1994, is hereby ratified and affirmed by this Board as authorized by this Board of Supervisors, as the franchising authority for cable operators in Roanoke County, as tolling the effective date for the basic cable service rates submitted on January 7, 1994, for an additional 90 days. If no action be taken by this Board within this additional time period, the proposed rates will go into effect, subject to subsequent refund orders. 2 3. This resolution shall be effective from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~3~c ~ _ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney 3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER LT- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of resolution for extension of time for review of basic cable rate filings COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : G?~~„'~ryz,~K BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke has initiated the exercise of its authority to regulate basic cable service rates by obtaining from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. information required by F.C.C. Form 393. Upon receipt of this form, it was forwarded to our special counsel, Moss & Barnett, for review on January 11, 1994. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On January 31, 1994, the County Attorney's Office received a letter from Mr. Herbst and Mr. Grogan of Moss & Barnett, along with a preliminary report, indicating additional information which must be received from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. to enable that firm to complete its review of this cable system's rate structure. The F.C.C. Report and Order on Rate Regulation permits a franchising authority to extend the effective date for these rates for an additional 90 days to ensure that the cable operator's rates are within the Commission's reasonableness standard. To extend this period for rate review, notice must be given to the cable system with 30 days of the receipt of the Form 393, which was January 7, 1994. On February 2, 1994, the County Attorney's Office mailed to Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc., by certified mail, return receipt requested, notice of the extension for 90 days of the effective date of their proposed rates and requesting additional information supporting the figures provided on their Form 393. The County must take action on the proposed rates within this 90-day period. If no action is taken, the proposed rates will go into effect, subject to subsequent refund orders. .~ g FISCAL IMPACT• No additional impact on County finances beyond the attorney's fees previously estimated. Any fiscal impact would involve rates for cable customers within the County. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the resolution ratifying the action of the County Attorney's Office in notifying Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. of an extension for 90 days of the effective date of basic cable rates to permit additional information to be obtained from the cable operator and full review of their rate figures. Respectfully submitted, ~ ~ ~, ~ , ~ ~ ~~ ~~1 ~~ ~ Jo eph;B.~Obens~iain Senior ssistant County Attorney ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs c:1wp51\dce\agendatice\cableext rpt ~ ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1994 RESOLUTION REQUESTING EXTENSION OF TIME FOR REVIEW OF BASIC CABLE RATE FILINGS WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke's "Certification of Franchising Authority to Regulate Basic Cable Service Rates . , " F.C.C. Form 328, was filed with the Federal Communication Commission on October 12, 1993, and on October 26, 1993, this Board adopted Ordinance 102693-4 establishing "Procedures and Standards for the Regulation of Cable Television Rates ."; and WHEREAS, by certified letter dated November 1, 1993, received on November 2, 1993, Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. was formally notified of the receipt by the F.C.C. of the County's Form 328 and the Board's adoption of the aforesaid Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 1994, the County of Roanoke received a completed F.C.C. Form 393, "Request for Cable Rate Approval" from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. as required for regulation and approval of basic cable service rates which Form 393 was forwarded to the offices of Moss & Barnett, of Minneapolis, Minnesota, for their audit, review and report to this Board on the reasonableness of Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc.'s rate request; and WHEREAS, by letter received by the County Attorney's Office on January 31, 1994, Moss & Barnett, the County's retained legal counsel for this rate review, requests specified additional information from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc., in order to permit review of all relevant information and issues relating to this rate request; and Vr - /may WHEREAS, the F.C.C.'s "Report and Order on Rate Regulation" authorizes a franchising authority to extend for up to 90 days the effective date of proposed basic cable service rates to permit the authority to make a final determination on the information submitted by the cable operator. To toll the effective date of the proposed rates, the franchising authority must issue a brief order or resolution explaining that it needs additional time to review the proposed rates; and WHEREAS, notice must be provided to the cable operator within 30 days of receipt of their Form 393 of this 90 day extension and the County Attorney's Office mailed to Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. on February 2, 1994, by certified mail, return receipt requested, such a letter of notification. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, as follows: 1. That the initial 30 day period for the review of the proposed basic cable service rates of Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc., as set forth in the F.C.C. Form 393 received by the County of Roanoke on January 7, 1994, is hereby extended for 90 additional days in order to obtain and review additional information from Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. as to the justification for its rate request. This action is being taken to ensure that the proposed rate is within the reasonableness standard established by the Federal Communications Commission in its "Report and Order on Rate Regulation." 2. That the letter of notice mailed to Cox Cable Roanoke, Inc. from the Office of the County Attorney on February 2, 1994, is hereby ratified and affirmed by this Board as authorized by this Board of Supervisors, as the franchising authority for cable operators in Roanoke County, as tolling the effective date for the basic cable service rates submitted on January 7, 1994, for an additional 90 days. If no action be taken by this Board within this additional time period, the proposed rates will go into effect, subject to subsequent refund orders. 2 ~./ "~ 3. This resolution shall be effective from the date of its adoption. c:1wp51\doc\agenda~ce\cableeures " t ~/ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE % of General Amount Fund Expenditures Beginning Balance at $6,936,009 July 1, 1993 (Audited) Original 1993-94 Budget Addition to reserve 80,668 August 24, 1993 VDOT Revenue Sharing Match (25,000) October 26, 1993 Purchase of ladder truck (203,733) January 3, 1994 IDA -acquire 15 acres from Friendship Manor (272,500) January 11, 1994 IDA donation -balance of land acquisition from Friendship Manor and water line installation (190,000) January 11, 1994 IDA donation -Jack Smith Park land acquisition (99,189) January 25, 1994 Purchase of 2 Knuckle Booms (132,600) January 25, 1994 General Services Supplemental Allocation 400 000 Balance at February 8, 1994 $5,693,655 7.4% Submitted By Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund revenues ($77,411,447). ~'~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE Beginning Balance at July 1, 1993 $136,635 (Audited) July 13, 1993 Northside High School Ball Fields (62,000) January 25, 1994 Environmental Assessment Work - Pinkard Court 2 600 Balance as of February 8, 1994 $$ 7- Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance -3 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1, 1993 $100,000 July 13, 1993 Clerk of Circuit Court New Position (26,400) October 26, 1993 Codification of County Code 6 500 Balance as of February 8, 1994 $ 67,100 Submitted by Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance ~~ m tD N P ~o o, ~ N H O m S ~ 3 m ~ .^. o w 3 3 m N O m 3 ~ F S ~~ ~_ a n .a 3 H ~' a C y~ a y9 ~~ ~ ~ O o- ~ c a ~ C m D -i 3 a a m n m a c m A N v 0 `aE "~~-~T+ ac < ~~~cQ a ~P. 'iZ ~3+ ocp« o ~A DAP' « 4AGa ~ ~~c 7~71.~ ~i~'c 7i ~ Nc 37 ~ ~+~c nO ~7a x<~m vm 7* w~iw ~i --~ CaoaO o -+--~~ -~ -~ C7 m : , r ~-me~z ~ ~~c>m soaz p ~ ~ v a~'~ ~ ~ as~m ~ n~ a zxnn - ~anD a n ` m Y..m ~D N m ~'if 7C _p.~ m :m tA +~ N ~'m ~o:~ ~m am y ~m X09 im ~ 0 ~7 G]Dyi~ ` m C1 rrrrr 'n m r . r N n r n ~ n ri S : m~ v m z ~ v i m z n m i n . m z o ~ 0 z z C1S 2b D m 37 n W ~: C m' r ~i1 D ~ ~.:~ D 2 2' b D:~ 2~ ~ OL7 D ~ m 2 0 ~ p m.~ .c .. a i amN ~~. n r 0~ a ~'r C(7 N W,N . ©L7 r ? r CS G]r A'~"~ ygG~ly N~nw t7 D 77 . < m < N.m ~ mmm SS:N 1i.N S:Tm t-C N n ,=: ~G. m. nD r ~ ~ m cA'yY ~ ~ fl O ~ `A w ~ '2 ~t m.. t7 --~ -1 ~ m ~ Q ~ O 1 n r D N mr w m ~ p " ;< 7J ~:q N D W 71 ,~< z ~ ~N CJ ~ cn 5. 'S $ w ~ A w w" ~^; tn.S ;.rn n `S. n. 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If you choose to adopt a cat ordinance, we will need several additional o8icers and vehicles to enforce it. BACKGROUND• As a result of complaints received past year from citizens concerned about in certain neighborhoods, the Public considerable effort to considering implications of licensing cats and other Roanoke County Code. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: by board members over the the proliferation of cats Safety Team has devoted the legal and practical possible amendments to the Board members have expressed several different objectives which they wish such an ordinance to accomplish. The Public Safety team has investigated how surrounding jurisdictions have approached these problems and has attempted to develop practical ordinance language to achieve those objectives within the authority granted to localities by the General Assembly. The Public Safety Team feels that there are significant difficulties in achieving these objectives through changes to the Roanoke County Code. Examples: 1. Control of the number of non-spayed cats in the county: The most apparent inducement to citizens to take steps to have their cats neutered would be to charge a substantially higher fee for non-spayed cats than for spayed ones. While the Code of Virginia, § 3.1-796.87, does allow the county to charge a different license tax for spayed/neutered cats (as well as dogs) , which may not exceed that for male dogs, it limits the maximum for-any cat (or dog) license to $10.00. Until the General Assembly changes state law to give localities more flexibility in this area, there appears to be little this county can do to effectively encourage the spaying of cats. M -~ 2. Control or prevention of cats ~'runninq at large": §3.1- 796.93 which authorizes prohibition of dogs running at large was not amended in 1993 to contain any mention of cats. That the General Assembly did not intend to grant localities any effective power in this regard is reenforced by the omission from § 3.1-796.92 of any authority to require cats to wear their licenses. Without such a requirement for cats to wear a license, the practical enforcement of either a "running at large" prohibition for cats or the requirement that a cat be licensed becomes a practical nightmare. 3. Control of the number of cats in each residence: There is no explicit authority in the Code of Virginia to permit a locality to limit the number of cats in any residence although there are the common law nuisance remedies available. To attempt to address this situation as a land use problem as the City of Roanoke has attempted to do through its zoning ordinance raises a number of concerns set forth by Mr. Harrington in his memo of December 22, 1993, which is attached. 4. Enforcement of any cat licensing program: Adoption of any program of cat licensing or regulation will create an expectation on the part of the general public of enforcement of its provisions. As has been previously expressed to the Board (See Paul M. Mahoney memo of 6 October 1992) because of the number of cats in the County and the anticipated increase in complaints, the Department of Animal Control will require an increase in personnel to carry out these responsibilities. The Public Safety Team would strongly urge the Board of Supervisors not to adopt any "cat" ordinance unless additional personnel will be provided for enforcement efforts during the coming fiscal year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Public Safety Team recommends no action be taken at this time until the fiscal issues of increased enforcement personnel is addressed during the upcoming budget cycle. Respectfully submitted, Gerald S. Holt Sheriff, County of Roanoke ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received Referred to Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens County of Roanoke Department of Planning and Zoning Memorandum TO: FROM: DATE: Joe Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney Terry Harrington Director of Planning December 22, 1993 "! ~-~ ~ 2 ~ X934 '~',~ RE: Zoning to Restrict the Number of Cats per Household I have reviewed the draft ordinance to regulate the number of felis catus that a person may own. I disagree with, and object to, any proposals to make the Department of Planning responsible for any aspects of the administration of this ordinance. The Planning Department's primary administrative responsibility is to oversee the use and development of land. Owning a cat or numerous cats does not equate to a land use. All Roanoke county regulations pertaining to the regulation of animals should be administered and enforced by the Animal Control Officer. This includes the regulation and licensing of dogs. This Department's historical involvement in the regulation of dogs, junk cars and weeds stems from a time when we had the only "code enforcement" person for the county. Other departments now have the capacity to enforce provisions of the code that relate to their areas of specialty. Some practical aspects and objections. 1. If state law does not specifically allow the regulation of the number of cats, we should not classify cats as a land use as a "backdoor" way to regulate their number. 2. Our current "dog" provisions give people the option to rezone their land if they want to have a kennel. We have discouraged people from filing rezoning applications so that they can have more than two dogs. I fear the problem would increase ten- fold if we regulated cats the same way. I would prefer not to stand before the Board of Supervisors and argue a planning basis for why or why not a property should be rezoned so as to allow a larger number of cats. Regulating cats as a land use under our general zoning authority raises questions in my mind on how we would attempt to apply "grandfather" and non-conforming legislation. Does the citizen who owns twenty cats have a non-conforming use? What constitutes a change in that use? If one cat dies, can it be replaced within two years and still be grandfathered? 3. Under the objectives set forth in 15.1-427 of the State Code, what is the basis to regulate cats under the zoning authority? Congestion of public streets? Protect groundwater? Possibly encourage economic development? 4. Because we have the responsibility of regulating dogs we are always the bad guys telling Mr.and Mrs Smith that they can't keep their three french poodles. We do not have the staff or the desire to hassle citizens over their cats. If there is clear State authority to license and regulate the number of cats, and there is a clear need in Roanoke County then I suggest that the Public Safety Team recommend, and the Board establish a maximum number of cats that a person may keep on their property independent of the underlying zoning of the land. The Animal Control Officer then can respond to and address citizen complaints. My understanding is that Vinton Animal Control Officer enforces their cat code on a complaint only basis under nuisance provisions contained in their code. I would be happy to meet with you or the Public Safety Team to further discuss this idea. c: Public Safety Team -~ ROANOKE COUNTY COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 772-2007 MEMORANDUM TO: Lee B. Eddy FROM: Paul M. MahoneyQ~~ SUBJECT: Stray Cats ~: t DATE: 6 October 1992 This memorandum is in response to your inquiry on behalf of Mr. Don Graham concerning stray cats and his proposed additions to the County Code to address his problem. Since I have been County Attorney I have routinely declined to give opinions with respect to unsolicited ordinances or additions to the County Code from individuals. I have done this for several reasons: • ethical restrictions arising from the attorney-client relationship (I represent the Board and the County, not any one individual citizen or special interest. Also advice to an individual may conflict with my duty to represent your interests.) • priorities established by the Board (Often these unsolicited measures do not comport with established Board priorities.) • workload considerations. (The Board and the County generate sufficient legal work, so that it is not necessary to solicit outside legal work.) Whether or not the Board desires to expand the County's animal control operations to attempt to control stray cats is both a policy issue and a budget issue. Obviously a substantial increase in funding for additional staff, equipment (vehicles for additional animal control officers, cages or traps, etc.) and, if additional services over and above the S.P.C.A. are desired, then capital and operational expenditures for a new or expanded "cat pound" or animal shelter may be required. Such policy and budgetary issues should be decided collectively by the Board. /~'1-5 The existing County Code addresses the "hazard to human or animal health" by requiring vaccination for rabies of dogs and cats and the impoundment of unvaccinated dogs and cats (a July 1988 amendment addressed these issues). I would suggest that personal inconvenience does not constitute a hazard to human or animal health. A referral of Mr. Graham to Mr. Hogan, the Chief Animal Control Officer, would have allowed Mr. Hogan to advise Mr. Graham that the County currently does (and has for 23 years) provided traps to citizens for the purposes requested. Mr. Hogan could have explained the requirements and limitations of this service. This service is in addition to the services provided by the S.P.C.A. Please note the attached memorandum from Mr. Hogan. As you noted in your memorandum, there are troubling limitations on local govemmental powers in this area with respect to State enabling legislation and the Dillon Rule. Although dogs, livestock and poultry are prohibited from running at large, the practical enforcement mechanism for the running at large ordinance is the dog licensing provisions. The dog license is the method by which the owner is identified and subjected to criminal enforcement proceedings (and charges for confinement in the animal shelter). The General Assembly has yet to authorized the imposition of a licensing fee for cats. The license fee and boarding charges assist in paying a portion of the enforcement and confinement costs. As you may recall, in Roanoke County and in many rural counties, the dog license fund pays livestock damage claims (livestock injured or killed by dogs). If you or any other member of the Board believes that the County should redirect its efforts and change its priorities with respect to this issue, I would suggest that Mr. Hogan present a report to the Board describing the current duties and responsibilities of his department (including caseload statistics), the role of the S.P.C.A., and the budget implications of such action. PMM/spb cc: Board of Supervisors John Chambliss Ken Hogan r ACTION # ITEM NUMBER /~'-c~v AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Report on alternatives and actions taken to address the concerns of the residents of the Plymouth Colony Subdivision COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County staff at the request of the Board of Supervisors has been requested to provide possible alternatives to the traffic problems on Plymouth Drive and information on County's use of Roanoke Valley Christian School's gymnasium and athletic field. In the past eleven months, County Staff has met with the residents of Plymouth Drive, VDOT, and representatives from Roanoke Valley Christian School to discuss the traffic problem as well as other problems associated (noise and pedestrian traffic) with the operation of the school. As a result of these meetings the following action is being taken: Noise - Some of the residents who live adjacent to the school's gym have complained that during sporting events or other activities the noise from the gym is very disruptive. Action - Robert L. Alderman, Pastor for Shenandoah Baptist Church, which owns and operates Roanoke Valley Christian School, agreed to keep the windows closed which are adjacent to the residencies along Plymouth Drive. i '' / - ~? Alternatives• 1. Construct a noise barrier along the property line of the school. This option is opposed by one of the adjacent property owners. Pedestrian Traffic - The residents have complained that students walking from the gym to the school's athletic field (located on the north side of the Plymouth Colony subdivision) take short cuts and trespass through their property. Action - School administration agreed to better supervise their students and make sure they either walk in the public right-of-way or on church property. The church owns several lots on the north side of Plymouth Drive which provide access to its athletic field. Alternatives: 1. Transport the students to the athletic field by vehicle, I feel this would be very impractical. Traffic - The complaint is that the Roanoke Valley Christian School's traffic is very dangerous and destroys the use, and enjoyment for the property owners along Plymouth Drive between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. and therefore, the residents requested the right-of-way be closed. Shenandoah Baptist Church and Roanoke Valley Christian School presently have three points of access, Williamson Road, Dent Road, and the right-of-way connection to Plymouth Drive. Roanoke Valley Christian School currently has an enrollment of 525 students (kindergarten-35, Grades 1 thru 6 - 186, Grades 6 thru 8 - 144 and Grades 9 thru 12 - 160). The school contends that the enrollment has been the same for the past ten years. Roanoke County staff has received opposition for closing of the right-of-way from Roanoke County's Fire and Emergency Services, and the Shenandoah Baptist Church. Shenandoah Baptist Church owns and operates Roanoke Valley Christian School and is opposed to closing the reference right-of-way for the following reasons: 1. The improved right-of-way has been in operation for 20 years. 2 GCS 2. The street connection is an integral part of access for Shenandoah Baptist Church and Roanoke Valley Christian School. 3. A quick and direct access from Plymouth Drive is needed to the gymnasium area of the school property for fire protection and emergency services. 4. Rerouting of all school traffic to either exit on Williamson road or Dent road has been rejected because: a) The entrance at Williamson road is dangerous due to the traffic movements associated with Brookside Shopping Center. b) The Dent road exit is congested in the afternoon at peak hours because of traffic back up due to the signal light at Dent road and Williamson road. Roanoke County's Fire and Emergency Services objects to the closing of this right-of-way because: 1) The primary access points to obtain water from the north side of the church/school complex is from one of the two hydrants located on Plymouth Drive. 2) The next closest hydrant that is located on Dent Road, which is unacceptable for use for fire responses to the gymnasium and day care areas. The County Attorney has commented it would be very difficult to close the right-of-way to Plymouth Drive since it has been in use for approximately 20 years. In a case on point, The Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County v. Horne, the court ruled "that statutory procedures followed were not intended to authorize a local board of supervisors to abandon a secondary road because its utilization becomes too great." Action - School administration has agreed to install a gate at their property line. The gate would be closed and locked to through traffic between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. except on Saturdays and Sundays. 3 f~- Alternatives• 1. Private Crossing Guard - Approximate cost $6,000/year. The school administration has rejected this idea because of the cost. A crossing guard at the Williamson Road entrance would help place the school's traffic on an arterial road designed to handle the traffic. 2. Staggering Hours - Changing school hours to avoid peak demands would greatly help the traffic congestion on Dent Road. 3. Signal Light - Placement of signal light' at the Williamson Road entrance is not possible according to VDOT because current traffic volumes do not justify the installation of a traffic signal. 4. Improvements to Entrance at Williamson Road - VDOT representatives have suggested widening the entrance and adding an additional egress lane for right turns may improve traffic movement. In order to accomplish this alternative, the church would have to acquire additional right-of-way. All improvements would be the responsibility of the church. The Parks and Recreation Department has provided me with the following information concerning the County's utilization of the Roanoke Valley Christian School's athletic facilities: Athletic Field - Used approximately 66.5 hours/yr. This includes practices on week nights, Saturdays and 15 evening weekday games. The completion of the baseball and soccer fields included in the 1992 bond referendum for Walrond Park and Northside should eliminate the County's need to use the athletic fields. G nl - Used approximately 13 hrs/yr on Saturdays between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. SU~MITTED~~BY: APPROVED BY: 1'w~~v' ` ~-~ y ~,~'''~ AYnold Covey, Directo Elmer C. Hodge of Engineering & Insp coons County Administrator 4 "' ~~ Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs 5 J ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ - AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session to Discuss County Leave Policies COIINTY ADMINISTRATOR'8 COMMENTS: SIIMMARY OF INFORMATION: Several Board members have expressed interest in exploring the feasibility of a PTO policy for County employees. Several weeks ago, we submitted to you information regarding how PTO programs operate. This was informational only, and was not finalized enough to be considered a proposal. It had not been discussed with County employees. This work session has been scheduled to discuss PTO's further. Staff has reviewed the questions and suggestions raised by individual Board members. Some aspects of a PTO have merit and may be beneficial to adopt. Other components may not be applicable to Roanoke County. If we proceed, we can expect opposition from the employees if benefits are reduced. On the other hand, the employees should be willing to support changes that benefit the citizens. The following components of a PTO should be discussed at the work session: - Vacation Leave - Sick Leave - Holiday Leave (Many localities remain open on some of the minor holidays as Salem does. Employees take these as floating holidays.) - Paternity Leave (Our program exceeds the federal program and several departments have expressed concern for the impact on operations.) - Short Term Disability Insurance After the work session, if we choose to pursue a PTO policy for Roanoke County employees, I ask permission to refer the task to an ad hoc committee of the ISOP Team, as we did the salary survey. I would ask them to review PTO policies in other local governments ~_~ and private businesses, and prepare a proposal that would be brought to the Board of Supervisors in two or three months during the budget process. I like the flexibility of a PTO but have concerns for reductions in benefits. Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens SUNIlKARY REPORT SICK LEAVE USAGE (For Period 7/01/93 thru 12/31/93) Average Sick Leave Hours Used 0.00 0.67 5.00 6.75 8.75 9.41 10.00 10.12 16.00 16.00 16.37 17.18 17.88 19.00 19.37 20.95 20.96 21.50 22.43 22.62 23.02 23.04 29.22 29.51 30.59 31.35 31.95 35.06 37.40 38.71 39.00 40.35 40.66 41.70 49.48 52.25 64.31 65.50 70.80 GRAND TOTALS Department Property Management Management & Budget Cable Television Animal Control Human Services County Administrator Management Services Procurement Community Relations Elections County Attorney Central Accounting Gnrl. Services-Custodial Human Resources Board of Supervisors Utility Billing Police Commonwealth Attorney Planning & Zoning Commissioner of Revenue Fire Number of Emplovees Treasurer Youth Haven II Sheriff - Civil Library Sheriff - Confinement of Prisoners Clerk of Circuit Court Grounds Maintenance Police-Communications Parks & Recreation Utility Gnrl. Services-Radio Communications Management Information Systems Real Estate Assessment Engineering & Inspections Economic Development Gnrl. Services-Solid Waste Gnrl. Services-Administration Gnrl. Services-Buildings Maintenance 1 3 1 4 2 3 1 8 1 2 4 16 12 5 2 6 98 6 8 15 53 12 9 19 29 65 12 24 22 25 57 7 14 16 32 4 32 7 5 Number of Employees - 642 Total Sick Leave Used in Period - 20,402.75 Hours Average Sick Leave Used in Period - 31.78 Hours (3.97 Days) 2-8-94 SICK LEAVE USAGE PATERNITY LEAVE REPORT (For Six Month Period: 7-1-93 thru 12-31-93) Department Police Police Police Police Police Economic Development Economic Development Fire and Rescue TOTAL: Paternity Sick Name Leave Amount Leave (chd. to sick Balance leave) **** 168 hrs. 615.75 hrs. **** 143.5 hrs. 110 hrs. **** 100 hrs. 139.5 hrs. **** 208 hrs. 1396 hrs. **** 81 hrs. 75 hrs. **** 154 hrs. 1154 hrs. **** 44 hrs. 496 hrs. **** 236 hrs. 399 hrs. 1134.5 HRS. NOTES: 1.) Individual employee names omitted. 2.) County policy allows new fathers to charge up to six weeks to accumulated sick leave to be off for child care and bonding. If the employee does not have accumulated sick leave they may use vacation time or leave without pay. 3.) The new federal Family and Medical Leave Act requires employers to provide up to twelve weeks per year of job-protected leave for paternity. The employer has the option to require employees to use accumulated leave time or take a leave with out PaY• 2-8-94 SICK LEAVE USAGE MATERNITY LEAVE REPORT (For Six Month Period: 7-1-93 thru 12-31-93) Maternity Sick Department Name Leave Amount Leave (chd. to sick Balance leave) Recreation **** 427.25 hrs. 26 hrs. TOTAL: 427.25 HRS. NOTES: 1.) Individual employee name omitted. 2.) County policy allows new mothers to charge the period of time they are medically disabled to earned sick leave plus an additional six weeks for child care and bonding. If the employee does not have accumulated sick leave, they may use vacation time or leave without pay. 3.) The new federal Family and Medical Leave Act requires employers to provide up to twelve weeks per year of job-protected leave for maternity. The employer has the option to require employees to use accumulated leave time or leave without pay. 2-8-94 z c~ ro 0 M rt m a w p x 0 a H r r r r r r r r r o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o d '1 OJ J 01 1.71 .P W N r O 10 OJ J O~ V1 .A W N r (~ ~ I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I a M ~ n ~ x ~ y ~ ~ ro x x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to rt 0 o rr G r n m o n w G o ~r m H o w o s ~ 1~- ~ (D (D w ~ O CL ~ G Ir• G (A G G w IG ~ N w n w t/ n r• w ~ N fi G w I-t p G O r- ~ x' N r• G O G ct N• n rt ~ G. rt ~ ~ fT G td N n "C rt w 'C (D N• E ''C U~ O ri Ul N (D C] 7J ~C F-+ ~ O rh tD (D M (D tt N- ~ O (D y' ~' (D M 'C w ri ti w O (D ~ N rt b7 ~ p. ~ r C C7 ct G G O ct r• n ~ rt to (D 7' f1 Fi ri G ri ri 1--~ O G [n R7 I--' (D O N- O ~ N- G w (D (D w N N G O (1 (D (D G ~ UI n rt rt r- rn w rn ~ W rr rr C C I-'- ~ rt rt r• n Imo- F-~• O rt 70 r- ~ w C1 N N 7 O C G ~ O UI ri '~C G (D rn r-S [A r'I G ct G (D N r r r OJ lTl ~I 0] O r N r N N .p r r r W h7 r lJl 0~ ~P lJl 01 W l0 OJ l0 J r W VI r N T r N• (~ r r cn cn o rn o to o ~ w r rn v rn rn r ~o f~ M . . xrA V7 Vl J O N O U1 Vl N N J O O O O O Ul J p 0 0 o cn o vl 0 0 o vl to cn o 0 0 0 0 o to N p ma w r cn r r r r N f71 h1 U7 OJ J N OJ l0 .A N O ~A W l0 W .P W a N l0 10 .P ~ J W .A .A 01 O J 01 .A N ~P I 1 (~ ~ O O O O J O lTl J O O Vi N O N O N I I p N O O O O UI O O UI O O O U7 O UI O Ut ID ~, W r 07 W N .A UI r N N N (gyp p~1 I r J I o ~A OJ 01 01 .P ~ W I O 1 I I I a s I ~ I I i I I I rt W I o I o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o I o I I I I ty F+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -C 0 r r b m w w a p. 0~ N I i I I I I I I I i I I I I I rt O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 fD X O Vl I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 H O O p M• rt N .A „~' W J N pl N• I I I i t I 1 I I ~ I I ~ I I I I rt O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I N X I I I I I I I I I O I I O I I I I H 0 o p r• rt ~^' r r r r C H W OJ O~ O7 O W N W Vl N N O W r r W O r O~ N .P lJl r 01 .P .P ~P J W J W (Jl ~] O~ N ID rt W N .P ~ ~ J N 01 00 10 .P 01 N In A O N l0 a s V1 U1 N O O O O N N N N N O N O N lJ1 ~1 H 0 o cn o 0 0 o cn cn to ~n to o to o cn o cn p OD r• b A N iY 17 wr om as c co H O rt a r ~ ~' K ~ A r~ 'O r ~o p Na 'c ~o co W a rA a w rD >t .P .A .A W W W W W W N N N N N N N N N C W N O l0 J Ul W N O W J 0~ .A W N N O ~O lD I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I W r c~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ro r~ r~ ro ro ~ ~ ro ~ ro rt r• ~i G tD ~ O G O N O ~ r• O G' G' O a n p ~ G ~ N n N ~ ~ ~ r t N G ~ • N N n n F ~- W '~ d a ~ si. n rr a o a ~ o ~ n r• r• ~ ~ rD cr n p. r• a r• r f.L r• ~ (D N rp rM (D cD n '~C N G N O r• E G r• tD rn rn ~ ct ~ ~ n a a ~a n n ~ m ~ a m ~' ° ~ fi p ~ . ~ a~ o ~ ~ r r ~ r- a n rt m m m w ~ a rt ~ ~ o n m ~' • o ~ w (D rt O ~ C p N r• Gl W p to rD r• r• o ~ p m ~ ~ rn ~ • o ~ rt m ~ ~ N 1-• r• N r 1-• r w w Ul 00 00 W .P N N W O N .P 10 W ~ 1b N N N .P N N lp U1 N 0~ 01 01 .A r 00 01 UI 1,• fD W .P 10 01 .A Ui l0 UI 00 10 J N (J1 ~] N UI J 07 (~ hs UI O O U1 UI V1 O O ~1 Vl In N J V1 N O O O p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o cn o o to cn o to o 0 0 !D p m p m r m ro 0 M ff fD a w p x 0 s; H m N N r r N N .P W 00 by w r r r ~o vl w v v rn ~ v 1-• w w ao 0 i r 1 ;v I rn cn rn v v o r o I•, cn o 5 0 0 I I I o ~' p. 1 0 1 I ~ o in o o ~ o ~ o cn p r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 vl 0 0 0 o A -C m rA ~ N I-• r d '~ O O~ N W W N J N N N N lD DI ~O .A 1 1 I Q~ I N N 1 N .A O N .P .P I QI I I I I I 1 C* !+• vl o I I I o 1 ~ o I o 0 0 0 o cn I p' r 0 0 o cn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~•e N 00 W ,p 1~f W J J W N .P 1 I I I I I I O I I N N I O I .A I I 1* A t I I I I I I I I I I I (p SI' I I 1 1 1 I I o I I O o 1 O I V1 1 y O O O O O p W l"f o ~ p w I i I 1 1 I I I I I I I ~ I O I rt n I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 IP yl' 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I O i O 1 Fi 0 o p M• (t r N N r N r ~A r ~' to O O O O W .P J W ~I N Vl W r N rn ~ N to m ~ ~ rn N v rn ~ w r w ~ v cD t+ 01 O7 l0 ~l iA W l0 OJ Vl 0~ OJ .A U QJ 0~ C71 N 0~ a a r O O O U1 UI UI O N J O U1 N U1 U1 J O UI O H O O O O O O O U1 U1 O O VI O O UI O O O p 07 W b Q p N M ~• r om as e m ro a N V N C C ~ ~ ~ t ^! M t +i y o ~ I i I a ~ ~ ~ ~' M w o w ~ ~ ~ a o o ~ m rt R' ~ ~ ~ ~ C w ~ O M ~ ~t ~ H w rt ~, ,ti ~' r ° o ~ K t~ e~ as 0 x w o, ~ m b v ~ c ~ o o ~~ p p to i' W i ~ ~ :U ~ r ~ o 0 o 0 ~n 0 ~ p a x r in m a m r a K ~C m m a w A V J- A N W hSJ ~o r ~ to I I J Ul c lJl O W O ~, F+. I n o p C ° o o f D - ~ m m m m ~ N cD w r r O N C ,,d w H cr I ~ O pr ~ ~ ~ ~ N W a 8 ~ G. i cn o ~ r N o o ~ N ~, p 0 C M ~ m l!1 N N v N N b 04 a p' °.i ~ °' 0 a a M ao ~ iO rn r c `'~ ~ it a ~ ~ I o o o o r y p o t +, cr r N W a rr ~ ~ 00 k w .°~ i I I rt ~ c i i i n x o p r • c r a V N W 10 0o r w ~ N N c7 H a ~ o .a. N ° ~ M 4, ~ rn ~ r r as to to N O O U1 H ~ ~ 0 0 o p pp ~ N M wr om as C 1~ ro w ~4 m W 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~""' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF TjHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Worksession with the Planning Commission to Discuss the Review Process for the 1992 Zoning Ordinance and the Commission's Proposed 1994 Work Program. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND' The Commission will attend a joint worksession with the Board for the purpose of discussing and agreeing upon a process and time schedule to undertake a review of the 1992 zoning ordinance. In addition, the Commission will present to the Board proposals for work program items for 1994. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. Hold a joint worksession with the Planning Commission on February 8, 1994 at 5:30pm. Respectfully Submitted, ,. Terranc~. Har ngton, AICP Directo of P nning and Zoning Approved, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred to Action Motion by ~~ 2 Vote No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens C:\WP51\AGENDAIBR JOINT' County of Roanoke Department of Planning and Zoning Memorandum TO: Planning Commission Board of Supervisors FROM: Jon Hartley, Assistant Director DATE: February 4, 1994 RE: 1994 Work Program At the Planning Commission work session on February 1, 1994 the Commission's work program was discussed at length. The consensus of the Commission was to undertake the following items during the 1994 calendar year: 1. Community Visionin4 Process - Undertake a community process to develop a broad consensus of important issues and opportunities the County should focus on in the years to come. This could serve as a "mission statement" for the Commission and Board and serve as the catalyst and foundation for revision of the County's Comprehensive Plan in 1995. 2. Wiiliamson Road Corridor -Work with the property owners and proprietors to coordinate enhancements in conjunction with the widening of the Williamson Road corridor in the vicinity of Hollins College. This was viewed as primarily a staff project, with little direct involvement of the Commission. 3. One Year Zoning Ordinance Review and Revision -Review and revise the Zoning Ordinance adopted in 1992 in areas that need fine tuning, additional clarity, or modification as a result of problems identified during the first year of administering the Ordinance. 4. Amendment of Zoning Ordinance for Overlay Districts -Prepare and propose for adoption various additional zoning provisions deferred in 1992. This would includethe Planned Commercial and Industrial Districts, Cluster Overlay District, Roanoke River Corridor Overlay District, Wellhead Protection Overlay District, Interchange Overlay District, and Parkway Overlay District. While no specific schedule was established, the Commission unanimously agreed that their primary focus should initially be on the Community Visioning Process and the One Year Review of the Zoning Ordinance. 1994 ZONING ORDINANCE REVISION PROPOSED TIMETABLE Planning Commission work session review of generic list of revisions prepared by staff. Generic list presented at Community Meeting and public comments and suggestion solicited with deadline announced for written comments. Planning Commission work session to review proposed amendments based on generic list from staff and discussion of comments and suggestions received from public. Planning Commission work session to review all proposed amendments to zoning ordinance. Planning Commission Public Hearing on proposed amendments. Public Hearing of Board of Supervisors February 15, 1994 February 28, 1994 March 1, 1994 March 15, 1994 April 5, 1994 April 26, 1994 February 4, 1994 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1993 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Work Session with the School Board on School Capital Projects COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In preparation for the joint meeting with the School Board on the status of their Capital Projects, attached is a brief description of these projects that was reviewed by the School Board at their meeting on Thursday, January 27, 1994. Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved by, ~r~/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () Eddy _ _ _ Received () Johnson _ _ _ Referred () Kohinke _ _ _ To () Minnix _ _ _ Nickens ~ ~tOANO~ F y, L F- 2 ~ ? ~ -~ a 8 OFFICE OF DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS 526 SOUTH COLLEGE AVENUE SALEM, VIRGINIA 241 53 January 27, 1994 T0: School Board Members FROM: Bayes Wilson Homer Duff SUBJECT: Update on School Construction Projects Following is an update on school construction projects: GREEN VALLEY ELEMENTARY Addition is nearing completion. Dedication program will be scheduled before the end of the current school year. CAVE SPRING JUNIOR Site improvements have been completed. Plans for building renovations completed in 1993. Project is on Literary Fund priority list. Funds anticipated in 1995-96. Construction can begin in early summer of 1995 with approval of Board of Supervisors for temporary funding in anticipation of Literary Fund loan. MASON'S COVE ELEMENTARY SEWAGE SYSTEM New system completed in 1993. Final disposition of lagoon awaiting State Water Control Board approval. ROOF REPLACEMENTS Final phase to be completed in spring/summer of 1994 from capital funds made available the past two years. ADA IMPROVEMENTS Provisions for handicapped access have been made at certain schools and stadiums. Bids are presently being sought for an elevator at W. E. Cundiff Elementary. Funds for an elevator at Glen Cove are needed next year. Update on Construction Projects ~- .~,~" i Page 2 January 27, 1994 HEATING, VENTILATING, AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) Improvements completed in 1993 at Oak Grove, Herman L. Horn and Mason's Cove Elementaries. Funding from 1992 bond referendum. Architects and staff are preparing plans for HVAC at Burlington, Clearbrook, Glenvar Elementary, Mount Pleasant, Mountain View and R. E. Cook. Projects to be bid in spring of 1994 and completed in summer of 1994. Funds from 1992 bond referendum. NORTHSIDE JUNIOR RENOVATIONS/NORTHSIDE HIGH ADDITION Renovations for special education classes and an elevator were completed at Northside Junior in 1993. Addition to Northside High is under construction. Weather conditions have slowed construction progress, but the project should be completed in August 1994. Funds from VPSA. BACK CREEK, CAVE SPRING ELEMENTARY Architects and staff preparing plans for additions. To be bid in spring of 1994 with construction to begin in early summer 1994. Funding from 1992 bond referendum. GLENVAR MIDDLE SCHOOL ADDITION Staff and architect evaluating various options including Glenvar High, Glenvar Elementary, and Fort Lewis. Study and recommendations to be made in the spring of 1994. Study to include feasibility of continuing Fort Lewis as an elementary school in near future and long range. Funding for middle school from 1992 bond referendum. Additional funding may be necessary depending on scope of project. WILLIAM BYRD HIGH AND CAVE SPRING HIGH ADDITIONS Architects and staff studying needs and will prepare plans during the next few months. Funds for projects to be from Literary Fund. Anticipated construction dates are 1996 and 1997. SITE FOR NEW CAVE SPRING HIGH Portion of new site purchased in 1992. County and school staffs are proceeding with procurement of additional acreage. Funds from 1992 bond referendum. ENERGY MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENTS Completed by Johnson Control in 1993 in those schools included. Study is being given to other schools which were under construction last year to be included in the plan. -~ Update on Construction Projects Page 3 January 27, 1994 RCOS BUILDING Architect and staff are preparing plans for renovation for relocation of school board offices to the RCOS building. HVAC system is being evaluated by architect. Johnson Controls has been requested to do an energy management study. BURLINGTON ROAD Developer has essentially completed the new road. VDOT to approve before payment of school board portion of cost of $37,500. GYM BLEACHERS Northside Junior and William Byrd High gym bleachers need to be replaced. Funds available in capital improvements fund for Northside Junior. Funds for William Byrd High bleachers will need to be budgeted next year. OAK GROVE CLASSROOM AND LIBRARY ADDITION Four classrooms and library addition needed. Estimated cost $636,000. Projected date in attached debt schedule: spring 1998. NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL/NORTHSIDE JUNIOR HIGH GYMNASIUM AND AUDITORIUM (FIELDHOUSE) ADDITION Conceptual plans as presently being studied by school and county staffs with booster parents and architects. LONG-RANGE SCHOOL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS BEYOND 1998 New Cave Spring High School Elementary school on Orchards site in Bonsack Elementary school in West County Additions at certain elementary schools as enrollment justifies m P'nn ~~,o ~,~ Additional land at Back Creek Elementary Q~,~~;,~~.t,~,~ Additional land at Cave Spring Elementary ~~,~,~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - Jam' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on the Draft Vehicle Replacement Policy. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: I like the staff s approach. I prefer to have the computer costs considered in the budget process even though we approve it in concept now. John Willey has agreed to take on the Fleet Manager's duties in addition to his own. He will have to work closely with Purchasing, General Services, and the County garage. I do not foresee us being able to fund a large replacement program at one time. Perhaps it can be phased in. BACKGROUND• The Facilities Management Team submitted a draft policy for replacement of bounty vehicles (copy attached) to the Board of Supervisors in a work session on September 28, 1993. As a result of this meeting the Team was asked to research questions raised at the meeting and report their findings at the next work session. The following issues were researched for further explanation. o Assess the ability of the present computer system at the Garage to see if it is capable of managing the type of maintenance analysis system requested in the replacement policy. o Develop a recommendation for staffing the Fleet Manager's position. o Review the policy with appropriate staff in the Department of Fire and Rescue to assess the replacement of emergency service vehicles and equipment. o Review replacement policies of other private emergency service providers such as Carilion. SUNII~ARY OF INFORMATION: With respect to the computer system, members of the Team met with staff from the Garage and Management Information Services to evaluate the feasibility of using the existing computer system. As ~-..3 evaluate the feasibility of using the existing computer system. As a result of this meeting, it was determined that the system is unable to handle any programs other than those presently in the computer. Its age, capacity, and design make it obsolete. The present fuel monitoring system is outdated and in need of replacement due to its condition and unavailability of replacement/repair parts. John Willey will assume the responsibilities of implementing the acquisition and installation of the proposed fuel distribution system and maintenance monitoring system. The responsibility for the evaluation and coordination of the vehicle maintenance and replacement policy may ultimately remain within the Property Management Department. Action on emergency service vehicle management has been initiated by John Chambliss and Chief Fuqua. They are developing a recommendation for replacement and allocation of the Fire and Rescue Department's specialized vehicles. The team suggests that the Board review this report independently of the vehicle policy and add it to the policy at the appropriate time. This independent study would also address the methods used in the private sector. A Request for Proposal is being prepared to determine the cost of an appropriate automated fuel distribution and vehicle maintenance monitoring system. The cost of the proposed system will be presented to the Board as part of the budget process and the team hopes that it will receive a high priority. FISCAL IMPACT• None at this time. The implementation of the vehicle maintenance and replacement policy will require a fleet manager and a computerized management system. The responsibilities of the fleet manager as it pertains to the study and implementation of the system is being performed by the Property Management Department. The funding for the automated system will be included in the budget process. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Facilities Management Team recommends that the board adopt the attached policy for vehicle replacement to be used to manage the County's fleet. The Team further recommends that the selection of the computer analysis system be developed and presented to the Board as a part of the budget process. Respectfully Submitted, _ . -- -~ ~~ ~. Ji Jones Fac' it :Ma ement Chairman Approved, t` ~---~' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~. Outlined belota is the summarized version of the replacement policy for all County vehicles and equipment. It was through the extensive efforts of the Facilities Management Team that we offer these recommendations to be adopted as policy for all departments in the County of Roanoke. All Roanoke County Departments are included under this program. The County School Board is not covered under this program. School buses have state mandates for replacement which they have to follow. The Schools could adopt this policy in the same manner as we adopted their sick leave policy. The polic~r considers several factors before replacing a vehicle or piece of equipment. The policy, of which there is no perfect plan, is designed to best fit the needs of our employees and provide quality customer service. Therefore, the following areas were incorporated to provide a comprehensive method of evaluating the vehicle for replacement. No one criterion should be used as the measure to replace a vehicle, but rather consider. all criteria to move a vehicle systematically through the process until its effectiveness and efficiency has been maximized. Comprehensive Replacement Criteria --age --safety --vehicle condition --function of use --obsolescence --docantime --available funds for VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICY X EXECUTIVE SUMMARY X --mileage --ops. and maim. cost --major repair costs --market value --replacement costs --morale and image replacement &. operations The agencies surveyed are as follows. Cities: L~-nchbur. g Hampton Roanoke City Portsmouth Suffolk Counties: Albemarle Hanover James City Loudon Montgomery Rockingham Stafford State: -1- State Police Forestry Parks Transportation page 2 Vehicle Replacement July 29, 1993 Agencies continued. Federal: National Park Service Private: Dominion Bank APCO First Virginia Bank C&P Telephone Hertz Car Rental Avis Car Rental Standard County Vehic Vehicle Type Sedans (emergency) Sedans (non-emergency) Pick-up Trucks (all) Vans Dump Trucks (single axle) Replacement Eligibility 75,000 miles or 4 years 100,000 miles or 7 years 100,000 miles or 7 years 100,000 miles or 7 years 100,000 miles or 10 years Fire and Rescue Vehicles/Equit~ment Vehicle Type Replacement Eligibility Ambulance 60,000 miles or 6 years Crash Trucks (light & med. duty) 100,000 miles or 15 years Crash Trucks (heavy duty} 100,000 miles or 20 years Fire Trucks 12 years Ladder grid Brush Trucks 15 years Air Trucks 75,000 miles or 5 years ._ page 3 Vehicle Replacement July 29, 1993 VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT POLICY This is a policy to be used as a guideline for planning and budgeting the replacement of vehicles and equipment in~ Roanoke County. It will allow the Board of Supervisors to provide a dependable cost efficient motorized fleet within the County. The fol)_owi_n recommendations outlined below describe the means to implement the policy. A.. Automated Fleet Management System (FMS )_ Cost savings can be realized through improved planning of preventive vehicle/equipment maintenance. Better management of purchasing, replacement, fleet review, historical cost analysis, department charge backs, and a parts inventory would be the goals of this system. The cornptiter system would allow a manager to track maintenance histories, identify potential problems, and .coordinate future work and preventive maintenance. An option could be available to prevent or restrict the amount of fuel a vehicle would receive at the pumps if not kept up t,o date on preventive maintenance via set mileage .limits. Emergency vehicles should be exempt from this. B. Develop a Position of Fleet rfana~;er: Employ a person to operate and manage the FMS. This will need to be a full time employee who is capable of working with the Departments to manage a comprehensive vehicle inventory. Not only will the position manage vehicle/equipment resources, but develop standards, specifications, and revie~apurchases of all County vehicles. This employee would also act as the chairperson for the recommended Fleet Management Advisory Committee (see item E.). The position and pay grade will be developed in cooperation with Human Resources. C. Fundin~• A charge-back program is recommended as the means to fund the ongoing operation of FTfS and the Fleet Manager position. As vehicles depreciate over their life expectancy, a pro-rated charge back program can be established to fund the preventive maintenance and replacement of the vehicles. Pro-ration (depreciation) is to be based on a per mile or per hour of use. A five percent user fee should be added to offset inflation for future vehicle replacement costs. It is also recommended that the revenues generated from the sale of sur~~lus vehicles be put back into this account. ~ °, page 4 Vehicle Replacement July 29, 1993 D. Create a Vehicle Pool.: Some vehicles can be used by various departments in an effort to get the best utilization from the fewest number of vehicles. For example, a passenger van could serve multiple functions for the Planning Commission, Board of Supervisors, Human Resources,. etc. Pool vehicles can serve as loaners when departments have one in for repair or maintenance. Those departments or employees who do not have an assigned vehicle can now schedule use of a vehicle as an occasional user. The pool can also support departments during peak times when additional transportation is needed, i.e. Real Estate Assessment for reassessments. The fleet manager will be the coordinator and care taker of the pool vehicles. This way a schedule of use and maintenance can be managed to insure the quality and dependability of our vehicles. Standing equipment or arrangements for on-demand rental of specialized equipment such as loaders and graders can be managed from this position. Not to mention, the value it would have in the event of an emergency. E. Fleet Advisory Committee: This could quite possib]_y be a standing responsibility of the Facilities Management Team or the present Vehicle Advisory Committee. The purpose of the committee would be to provide policy direction and serve as a liaison to administration and recommend the purchase and replacement of vehicles/equipment. They would also be responsible for approva]_ or development of vehicle specifications with the input from the Departments, Purchasing, and the School Board Garage. This would insure that the vehicles would be compatible with their intended use. It would also insure that vehicles would be purchased based on quality rather than low cost. page 5 Vehicle Replacement July 29, 1993 F. Establish Replacement Criteria Based on Vehicle and Equipment Classifications: Certain factors must be considered when determining the replacement of a particular vehicle or piece of equipment. The following can be a set of preliminary guidelines used to evaluate the need for replacement. - safety, age, mileage, downtime, obsolescence, - acquisition cost, morale, image, function - total maintenance and operation (including fuel} _ - cost per mile or cost per hour for equipment - overall condition of the vehicle/equipment - available funds for replacement & operations A "decision tree" has been developed as a guideline for moving the vehicle through the replacement process. The fleet manager and the advisory committee can be the governing body to determine if the vehicle/equipment goal=ifies for replacement. If for some reason a department has a vehicle that does not meet the replacement criteria they can make an appeal to the committee for early replacement or extension of the vehicle's use. It is also recommended that a vehicle be eligible for replacement when the repairs and maintenance costs are caithin 75% - 100% of the current market value of the vehicle. This does not include total costs of operation over the life of the vehicle such as routine preventive maintenance. VI:,HICLE REPLACEMENT --County Vehicles-- Vehicle Type Replacement Eligibility Sedans (emer.gency) 75,000 miles or 4 years Sedans (non-emergency) 100,000 miles or 7 years Pick-up Trucks (all) 100,000 miles or 7 years Vans 100,000 miles or 7 years Dtrmp Tr uc}cs (single axle) 100,000 miles or 10 years Specialized equipment such as an evidence van or other modified vehicle will be handled individually. .. page 6 Vehicle Replacement July 29, 1993 The refuse trucks are considered specialized vehicles that function as equipme nt, yet do not totally qualify as equipment. Due to the nature of operation, the refuse collection bodies wear out before the truck chassis. Therefore, the bodies must be replaced when they becom e ineffective and the vehicles/chassis can be managed under the vehicle guidelines established for single axle dump trucks. --Eire and Rescue-- Vehicle Tvpe Ambulance Crash Trucks light duty medium duty heavy duty Fire Trucks Ladder Trucks Brush Trucks Air Trucks Replacement Eligibility 60,000 miles or 6 years 100,000 miles or 15 years 100,000 miles or 15 years 100,000 miles or 20 years 12 years 15 years 15 years 75,000 miles or 5 years Note: All. other vehicles such as cars are covered under emergency sedans. The Service truck is covered under the standard plan for pick-up trucks. U! *? 9 j~ .~ +~ p ~ w ~ Z •~ ~ a i o°' ~+ ~~~ ° ~o • ~ a o a, ono ~ Z ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ •'~ ~ ~ a . i i '~-~~ 'r"'I S - I ~-I O~~ I'-'I r •~ M ( ~ ( ~ M 'r'I •~N ~ tdr~ O O N /~~ ~ W .~ ~ T~ A U 3 •~ +~ U N O ,.~ ~ W ~ ~ N -~ ~ ~ ~ W _ v ~ f-a ~ ~ U a, •~ ~~o W A d a~i ~ ~ • ~~ W ~ ~ a • ~~ ~ .~, ~~~ ~ o ~ o . H _.__ ~ ~ ~`• N ~ H ~ U -r-I 'LS •r 1 0\o ~ .s ~ N f~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d) ~ ni ~ ~ a~ i ,~ a N ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ U N r -I U ~ 'Z7 W W ~ U ~ C-~ U~~ ~~~ oz a~~ ~ ~ H H f-1 ~ U N ~ HW rtSW ~ ~ O W p Q C7 ~ •~ U H ~ ~ ~ ~ a i x -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~+ ~ a~ a~ ~ .,~ ~ N • ~ ~~ ~o ~ ° ~ ~ ~ p o Z ~~ v ~ ^ .~i ~• .1, N •r1 O t0 N a ~ U p U ~ f~+ Z ~tf a ~ U ~ ~ I N N ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ (~• N .,~ .~ ~ p +~ a ~i •~ '~ ~ ~1 ~d ~ - U •~ a a~ a R- 3 ~. ~. ~. ~. ~o ~ ~ N U +~ ~ n. r/~ ~~ •~ N fIi N U U1 TS .C UI a W IA O .~ O n. tr ~ U) ~• N ~ ~ U y a a U ~ n. r-1 N b t l1 a ~ ~b~ ~o~~~ ~ 3 O R N N .--I ~ •- q ~ i ~ U L1 ~,~~1ro Naa.C .~ ro~ o U~.~ m ro ~ +~ W •,., •,., .~ a o zs ~ a~ ro ~ ~ m •.~ +~ cn ~ ro U U .-~ Q +~ W.C ~ ~ N W •,.{ N N ••~ ~~ ~ N ro ro~~~~ rno 0 ro ~ ° o td s + a~ .~ o ~ mw ro roa m ro v~i ~~~ + 1~ .~ N J-~ 1.1 O N O1 N ro N ro s~ k ~ 3 a.4 8't7 m .~ N Ul .1•~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ p ~ ~ U ,L1 N ~ S•I .-i 11 N UI --~ .-1 -.I U U U U1 .--1 a its ~' ~ ~ o .~ ~r U N ro •,~ •.~ •.I U ., ~ a~ a~ • , ~ , a ~ .~ x ~ --+ °~vro~>~~w v ~ a a ~' ~~ z~ a~aaa a ia ~orou,xs+rororoom AU--+3FCJUU~H a~a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ " AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVI80R8 OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Budget Work Session: Six Months Budget Review COIINTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SIIMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to review expenditures for the first six months of the 1993-94 budget, and to present projected year-end departmental expenditures. Staff will present detailed information at the work session. ~m,./ 6~ Elmer C. odg County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Ref erred ( ) To ( ) Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens d .._ COUNTY OF ROANOKE SIX MONTH EXPENDITURE REPORT FY 1993-94 February 8, 1994 Mr. Chairman and Members of the Board: Enclosed you will find amid-year expenditure report as of December 31, 1993 for all operating departments within the General Fund. This report contains the current FY1993- 94 budget, year-to-date expenditures (@ 12/31/93), percentage of budget expended at 12/31/93, projected expenditures at 6/30/94 and an estimated deficit for FY1993-94. Included with this numerical information is a brief narrative relating the specific areas of concern within departments that are experiencing stress and the steps that have been undertaken to curtail these possible overruns. Specific departments have been numbered and highlighted in bold print. Presuming a constant level of expenditure on a monthly basis, each operating department should be approximately 50% spent at December 31, 1993. 1. Community Relations: This department is at 68% spent. The production of Roanoke County Today is producing this overage. This problem is being addressed by reducing other expenditure lines as well as a transfer of funds from the County Administrator's budget. No additional funds are necessary. 2. Treasurer: Potential areas of concern are postage (mailing of personal property notices), warrants and fees (bank charges), printed forms and repairs (maintenance of remittance processor). Heavy months of activity will not occur until April and May. This potential overage of $6,000 is still being evaluated and will be tracked closely as activity increases this spring. It may be possible to address this through additional revenues that are generated. 3. Care and Confinement (Jail): This department's costs are directly driven by inmate population. Increases in population have caused fiscal stress in a number vital areas. Hospitalization, Food and Medical Supplies are areas that this increase in population has pushed to critical levels. These problems combined with the previously identified repairs and maintenance requirements of the facility have previously identified repairs and maintenance requirements of the facility have exerted considerable stress on the operations of the jail. This underfunding problem will be off-set with the allocation of revenues received for the housing of federal and state prisoners above currently budgeted amounts. Currently there is a projected surplus of state revenue of $15,000-$20,000 above budget for $6/day funds and $60,000 for $8/day funds. These funds combined with an estimated surplus of $50,000 above budgeted revenues for the housing of federal prisoners should allow the jail to operate in a safe and effective manner. These funds will need to be appropriated by the board closer to the end of the fiscal year. 4. Fire and Rescue: Several operational areas have experienced increases during the current year. Overtime costs have increased due to workload requirements and from salary increases associated with the market survey. Utility costs have risen due to severe weather and the addition of Read Mountain station. Heating units and bay doors at most stations are not energy efficient; therefore, severe weather compounds the problem of adequately heating stations. Steps have been instituted to address these potential shortfalls and, at this time, the department does not anticipate a deficit situation. A worst case scenario would have the departmental shortfall in the $40,000 range. 5. Grounds Maintenance: This section has experienced some operational stress due to snow and ice removal due to severe weather through overtime, repairs and supplies. These expenditures are estimated to be in excess of $7,000. Equipment repairs and maintenance have been higher than originally estimated due to additional workload requirements from selected bond projects. Included in this area is a $10,000 repair for a bulldozer. Also, special events expenditures of approximately $8,000 were incurred this fiscal year. This $25,000 estimated shortfall can be covered by fees generated within Parks and Recreation. 6. Library: The Library has experienced some fiscal problems in the area of personnel costs. Extended sicknesses have caused staffing problems that have been compensated for with part-time help. In addition, severe weather has increased anticipated utility usages at all library locations. Through reorganization of part- time staff and the implementation of the energy management system, the department does not anticipate a deficit at 6/30/94. Respectfully submitted, ~~-~ O Elmer Hodge COUNTY OF SIX MONTH EXPEN FY199 ROANOHS DITURE REP 3-94 ORT .................... ::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::: ..:::::. .................. ..... : .:::::: ::::: : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::s: : ::::::::;:;:::::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::%:: ~tQJEETtR ~ $s~M~T~n . : :::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.... :....::::::::::::::::::: . :~'~'xss~~ . ........ .......... ............ ::::::::::::: :::;:::::: ..................... :: .. ....... . :: . E7~E ....1~pEp .: .. . ...... : ::: :: ..... .::::::::::: ::::: ..... ::s:: . :::: : : ; ::: :::: ~ iTRP ' ....:.... ...~ ...........................::: BU1~GE'I`~a .: :: F.BEM?~: . ::.....: . . :: :::: : ::::~21:~1:~~,3 . ::::::::::::: ::: : :~"Y1~A-3 ~3~i : : ~ :~LF101T1~: GENERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL ADMIMSTRATION BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 227,783 132,121 58.0% 227,783 0 1 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 213,593 103.955 48.7% 213,593 p ASST. CO. ADMINISTRATORS 103,707 70,748 68.2% 103,707 0 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 350,970 124,772 35.6% 350,970 0 HUMAN RESOURCES 68,037 33,713 49.6% 68,037 COUNTY ATTORNEY 323.765 146,994 45.4% 323,765 0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 246,514 625 824 128,764 3 52.2% 246,514 0 , 71,808 59.4% 625,824 0 CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS 2 TREASURER COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY 489,674 2b7,b68 b2.6% 49b,674 (6.OO VICTIM/WITNESS 381,026 183.794 48.2% 381,026 p COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE 5,113 525 556 1.390 255 848 27.2% 5.113 0 CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT . 588,399 , 265 625 48.7% 45 1% 525,556 p SHERIF'F'S OFFICE 3 CARE & CONFINEMENT 1,000,316 , 480.073 . 48.0% 588,399 1,000,316 0 0 OF PRISONERS 2,500,958 1.299,?99 b2.0% 2.620,9b8 (120,000 JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION CIRCUIT COURT GENERAL DISTRICT COURT 86,203 14,085 16.3% 86,203 0 MAGISTRATE 26,183 10.618 40.6% 26,183 0 J & DR COURT 930 236 25.4% 930 0 COURT SERVICE UNIT 11,929 3, 749 31.4% 11,929 0 62.385 21.537 34.5% 62,385 0 MANAGEMENT SERVICES COUNTY ASSESSOR FINANCIAL PLANNING 619.258 317,082 51.2% 619,258 0 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 639.861 273,543 42.8% 639,861 0 MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET 70.200 125 958 22,097 31.5% 70,200 0 RISK MANAGEMENT , 1 103 879 42,402 451 558 33.7% 125,958 PROCUREMENT SERVICES . . 268,646 . 123 586 40.9% 46 0% 1,103,879 0 , . 268,646 0 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMM 4,657,782 2,359,188 50.7% 4,657.782 0 E911 MAINTENANCE 4 FIRE AND RESCUE 960 260,000 0 163,885 0.0% 63.0% 960 260,000 0 0 2.972.7b2 1.9b8,301 6b.9% 3,012,?62 (40,000 COMMUNITY SERVICES GENERAL SERVICES SOLID WASTE 232,539 111,911 48.1% 232,539 0 ENGINEERING AND INSPECTIONS 2.451,285 1 250 117 1,788,158 6 72.9% 2,451,285 0 DDQE CAVERNS PROJECT , , 332 944 49,546 56 282 52.0% 1,250,117 0 BUILDING MAIlVTENANCE , 881, 242 , 461 174 16.9% 52 3% 332.944 0 HANDICAPPED ACCESS 56 886 , 13 304 . 881, 242 0 PLANNING AND ZONING , 387 439 , 191 378 23.4% 56,886 0 PLANNING COMMISSION , 20 612 , 9 730 49.4% 387,439 , , 47.2% 20.612 0 ~ SIX MO :::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::............................. ::...::: ::: ::::~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... .. .: :: ::: HUMAN SERVICES ;~uN-1~C vF R NTH EXPEND FY1993 FY J9:f- 9 .: EUDGE'~`:;:: OANOHE ITURE REPO -94 ...:::::::..........,,...:... ::::::::::: ::::::: ::::FXk?EN~?- RT ..::::::::::::~i ~121.~119,3€~~ .RQJ~CTtR ::.....:::.:...:::::::::::::::: €FY~;~S# &TIMA'TED ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::.: 's~Eh'~CIT~i 5 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 1.064.409 647268 51.4% 1.089.409 (25 000 PARKS AND RECREATION 1,106,537 527,441 47.7% 1,106 537 . 0 PUBLIC HEALTH 387,533 189,284 48.8% , 387 533 0 SOCIAL SEVICES ADMINISTRATION 2,056,801 1,035,283 50.3% , 2,056 801 0 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE 938.750 439,593 46.8% , 938 750 0 INSTITUTIONAL CARE 27,500 25,920 94.3% , 27 500 0 SOCIAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 119.332 39,666 33.2% , 119 332 0 CONTRIBUTIONS HUMAN SVC ORGS 71,053 55,500 78.1% , 71 053 0 CONTRIBUTIONS CULTURAL ORGS 78,938 74,433 94.3% , 78 938 0 6 LIBRARY VPI EXTENSION 1.241.017 682.038 46.9% . 1.241.017 0 ELECTIONS 121,787 51.684 42.4% 121,787 0 ANIMAL CONTROL 177,671 99,903 56.2% 177,671 0 173,521 84,804 48.9% 173,521 0 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT --------------- 31.736.074 --------------- --------------- 16,653,139 --------------- --------------- 52.5% --------------- --------------- 31,927,074 --------------- - (191,000 --------------- YOUTH HAVEN II 366.223 167,033 45.6% 366,223 LAW LIBRARY 33,800 12,356 36.6% 33,800 RECREATION FEE CLASS 554,908 155,957 28.1% 554,908 INTERNAL SERVICES MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTE 802,441 434,357 54.1% 802 441 COMMUNICATIONS 514,990 251,500 48.8% , 514,990 GARAGE II 241,241 127,834 53.0% 241,241 TOTAL GENERAL FUND --------------- 34,249,677 --------------- 17,802,176 52.0% 34,440,677 (191,000 T AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON MONDAY, FEBRIIARY 8, 1994 RESOLIITION CERTIFYING EBECIITIVE MEETING NAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. O~ ROANp,1.~ L ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ °v a 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 COY~~af~~~ ~~l ~ ~~Ll February 9, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. M. Dean Cranwell 4071 Blandfield Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear rir. Cranwell: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, February R, 1994, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the requast of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on~pz-i-1. 26, 1994. ~eb~ltia r The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. ' If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~rn~~ ~. Q,clc.~J Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ®aecyaea P~ C~~~t~#~ ~# ~.a~x~~~~ P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 ,~~ O~ ROANp~~ ti ~ A z c~ z u a 7838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C.HODGE (703) 772-2004 (~~~tx~tt~ ~~ ~.o~xxto~~ P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 February 9, 1994 The Honorable Bob L. Johnson Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Bob: (703) 772-2005 I am pleased to inform you that, at our meeting held on Tuesday, February 8, 1994, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to re- appoint you as a member of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission for another four-year term. This term will begin February 10, 1994, and expire on February 10, 1998. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered prior to your participation on this Commission. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have the oath administered. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Very truly yours, Lee B. Eddy, Chairm Roanoke County Boar of Supervisors LBE/bj h Enclosures cc: Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director, Roanoke Regional Airport BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MIN NIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ® Recyded Paper o~ ROANp,Y~ ti 'w A 2 G) 2 °v a 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 February 9, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes 5421 Sweetfern Drive Roanoke, VA 24019 Dear Mrs. Stokes: The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your service to the Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors. I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, February 8, 1994, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to designate you as Supervisor Bob L. Johnson's appointee to the Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors for another two-year term. This term will begin May 5, 1994, and expires May 5, 1996. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Lee B. Eddy, Chai an Roanoke County Board of Supervisors LBE/bjh Enclosures. cc: Supervisor Bob L. Johnson Theodore J. Edlich, III, Executive Director, TAP Forest G. Jones, Clerk, Salem City Council (2~~ixx~t~ ~~ ~~~tx~~~~ ® Recyded Paper O~ ROANp,Y~ a ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ a~ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 February 9, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. M. Dean Cranwell 4071 Blandfield Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Mr. Cranwell: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 1994, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation LTD for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on April 26, 1994. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATIONPLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~Yt«~ y.~ ~1• Q.C.G.-nJ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Recyded Paper C~~ixx~#~ o # ~ o~~txt.o~ ~ e V O~ pOANp,~.~ L ti p ~ ~ z ~ .,,, a~ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 February 9, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Virginia Gardner 1051 Old Country Club Road, NW Roanoke, VA 24017 Dear Ms. Gardner: At their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 1994, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Chapter 111 of Roanoke for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on April 26, 1994. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BY DECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~- Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Recycled paper C~.o~~xz~#~ .~~ ~ a~xx~a~e n O~ ROANp,~.~ ~ A Z ,(~ o a? 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 February 9, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Ms. Susanne Royster 5329 Black Bear Lane Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Ms. Royster: "At their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 1994, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Roanoke Valley Academy of Medicine Auxiliary (RAMA) for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on April 16, 1994. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1994. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, /~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney (~~~txt#~ o~ ~~~~o~e i County Treasurer ®aecyaed P~ ~F ROANp~~ r; p z ~ z ~ a~ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 February 10, 1994 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS LEE B. EDDY, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. William H. Pennell, Jr. Lancaster County Administrator Lancaster Courthouse P. O. Box 167 Lancaster, VA 22503 Dear Mr. Pennell: Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 2894-4.c of support to amend the Virginia Association of Counties bylaws. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, February 8, 1994. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: Mr. James D. Campbell, Executive Director, VACo ,~ ~~ ®R~ydad P~ \-... `~ ,,__\ TO: Elmer C. Hodge FROM: Mary Allen m ~ ~ DATE: January 13, 1994 SUBJECT: Board Meeting Schedule Work Sessions, Presentations, Etc. Listed below are the proposed work session dates that were set at the Planning Retreat on January 7. Also fisted are the proposed budget work sessions and other presentations that are scheduled for the next several months. January 25 Work Session -Jail Feasibility Study - -3O rn ~ ~ . Work Session -Budget Revenues - ~ s m ~r~ February S Work Session -Vehicle Replacement Policy Work Session - udget Expenditdures & Rev~npes, CIP ~ ~%wt-1,~1~-L,~t ~~,,aa ~.~-,,. _ cc.l~t..-ccA-~..~ ~ ~ -- 3c1 ~r~ ~~, February 22 J ~~`~ ~ ~ ~~--~~'~~ - 3 Q !~''`~ Work Session -PTO Policy (Tentative) Presentation -Employee Service Awards and Reception March S Work Session -Utility CIP Work Session -Six Year Plan March 22 Work Session -Joint Budget Work Session with School Board ril 12 Joint Work Session with Volunteer F&R Chiefs ril 26 Budget Work Session May 10 Affordable Housing After July 1 Facilities Use Policy Other Presentations and Work Sessions to Be Scheduled - Northside High School Field House - Bond Projects - Presentation by New Century Council CC: John Chambliss Don Myers MEMORANDUM TO: Elmer C. Hodge FROM: Mary Allen m ~ ~ DATE: January 13, 1994 SUBJECT: Board Meeting Schedule Work Sessions, Presentations, Etc. Listed below are the proposed work session dates that were set at the Planning Retreat on January 7. Also listed are the proposed budget work sessions and other presentations that are scheduled for the next several months. January 25 Work Session -Jail Feasibility Study Work Session -Budget Revenues Joint Work Session -School Board February S Work Session -Vehicle Replacement Policy Work Session -Budget Expenditures & Revenues, CIP February 22 Work Session -PTO Policy (Tentative) Presentation -Employee Service Awards and Reception March 8 Work Session -Utility CIP Work Session -Six Year Plan March 22 Work Session -Joint Budget Work Session with School Board ril 12 Joint Work Session with Volunteer F&R Chiefs ril 26 Budget Work Session May 10 Affordable Housing After July 1 Facilities Use Policy Other Presentations and Work Sessions to Be Scheduled - Northside High School Field House - Bond Projects - Presentation by New Century Council CC: John Chambliss Don Myers ~~ N v '° o > > N H 01 ~ ~ 3 d ~ .. 0 3 3 iD ufD, o m 3 m ~ ~ ~ a n _. a 3 = 3 m ~~ _G M N Q/ 9 N ~ N N n 3 ~ ~ O LL a Ol N O 7 n N 7 N ~P ?~ t o N O O I -W+ W 00 110 N 07 100 !D W I O A N I O O O I W V /NJ1 t0 I Q7 ~ N 00 00 .~ ....~~yy O ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ ~ ~ J (71 J ~ O ~ -+ :dI ~. ~ -~ 00 (71 c W~~ O? c -+ O O W to N W V i~ -+ LA W W 00 to W N W -+ O 00 W W N W W N N O ~ V t ! O W ,A "'' N 00 ? N T ', ~ ~\ ~. O C !D Ul 00 N ~- W -+ V V . ~ O p N~ N V O N O O V O ~ O W W ~ ~ - O O O ~ '' N t0 to OD '' j O 00 O N~ 00 W .P O O O O O O C N~~ -+ C7 00 f0 !D LO O ~ .P . -.~~ ~ OD O 00 N 07 N V -+ O~ O N N -+ r Q1 (D O O~ V N O fJl ~ A N O W -• N N ? W N ~ ~ -~ O W (D .P O V c <D O (0 o O O O ? 00 A 00 ~ 00 00 07 ~ V W O W ~ O O -~ 00 Q7 fD W O 00 -+ m d n O 7 3 m ~P ~ W I ~ 00 O O I N (00 ~ I {a W V I as t0 V I N ~ ? I ~ t0 ~ I W 00 000 fWJ1 I N .P 00 ~ ~ 00 O V O V ~ rn rn~ rn ~ o W S W W O O W -+ V tD W~ -~+ ~ 00 t0 ? V V 01 07 ~ as -. N N fD W 00 ? O N ~ I~ W -+ W IO V ~ IT 1071 O IO ~ ~ ItNO ~ ~ IT fOD N I~ {~ N fW0 IW C7 W O W ~ W C7 W V C7 W O N fG 0) -+ O N W N o ~'`~ O W \ V -' W N W V W W I V N N ~ to V V N O N V V T O W V OWO N J V C1 ~ -+ O W O W W ~ -+ O W? N -+ W V ..~ -+ ~1 N ? O N -+ ~ N ~ W fT ~ ~ N W N -+ -+ ~ O O -+ c ~ -+ OD -~ 00 V CA O CO OD ~ ~ O O W -+ V O O O W f71 ? O ~P 00 C7 ~ .a 00 O 00 N ~ V N 00 -+ 00 ~ O -+ W O O Ln ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Ln O ~ c W O O c 07 O O W N W V~ -+ (071 ~ N V Ln ~ 00 A .p W N W 00 W Ut N T LO 00 ~ 00 N O N V~ O~ O N N -+ J t0 fJi O A V N fTl Ul A A (7i O~ -+ N N A W N ~ -+ ~ N W lp .p O1 J l0 O W p O O O ? 00 A W~ OD OO W~ V W O W~ O T A W 01 t0 fD O 00 ~ ~ iiiiiW>i'''"'' IMF V ~ _. ... r fJl W A O N ~ A Ut W :D _I O .~ O O N O W N~ :. :.. W 00 ~ p~ ~ ~~ 3 W o A G71 W c O O O N (0 ? A W V ~A (0 V N fJ1 {a ? f0 A W 00 00 fJl N A 00 ~ -+ <.~ s m' m 3 a v Cp: o; ~. C1 00 01 V O V~ O T ~ O~ O~ .a ~ Q~ ~ <71 -~ ~ O .a ~ r ~ ~ .p ~ ... ~ ~ ~ N r " _a O N W ~ r ~ r . Q: d C e t0 -+ W ~ W O O 00 ~ V (O W~ ~ -~ 00 t0 A V V O Q1 j -~ A N N t0 W 00 ? 7G'. 7 c 7 ,. `d CCI: -^^ IV ... ~oAV, Number: 345101 Posted: 01/24/94 09:07 Type: Regular Message Received: 01/24/94 13:50 Subject: ANNUAL EAC LUNCH From: NEB - Nancy Bailey To: MHA - Mary Allen MARY, THE ANNUAL EAC LUNCH WITH THE BOARD IS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 8, 1994 AT 12:00. IS THE NEW COMMUNITY ROOM GOING TO BE READY BY THEN? IF NOT DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS AS TO WHERE WE MIGHT HAVE THE AFFAIR? THANKS. THE COMMITTEE DECIDED TO INVITE MR. KOHINKE AND MR. JOHNSON THIS YEAR. I WOULD LIKE TO GET INVITES OUT TO THEM AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, BUT I WAS WAITING UNTIL A LOCATION HAD BEEN CHOSEN. THANKS AGAIN. NANCY BAILEY ~~ TO: BOARD MEMBERS Please review the attached letter. If the majority of the Board wishes to adopt a resolution supporting Lancaster County's position, please let me know. Elmer Hodge 1/10/93 ~ `LL , . _ _. ~` _.~ _._.._.._.~.a p > ~- d'' ~~ .` ~~~L a %'`~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ;¢-- ,~ ~t,,~ ~.., __., ~/. ~ !,` ~ ~' ..'~ ' . r1y1Jd/dddd Page ~~ '.+'.,'.`:1-.xl~rr~.`~-. •'.I? r`~tl f}If;)~~d~lfYr~~~J'R!`~~.~11)~I1'/ - ~. ~.. u. G~ +] rte, G~/ 't' ~, y Ih reply .elrr 20: National Association of Retired Fec3aral Employees 1533 Ncw 2ianYpstiirE Av . , N.1~'. Wasfiingtoi~, D.C. 2003 'i'h~ s rc:frrs to your s.ppZication filed rt±questinr, Modification of e':e:^TMlt, c,~~~*.•~~ ~ fro: : cction 5o1(c}(4) to fiertian 5o1(c)(5} of the T?aern~.l P.cvem:n Cody. Our records shcr~r that you were held to be exempt under what is noti~ section 5O.1(c)(~) on J~1.y 3, 191F7. Our records also show that your subor;~inzte ch~~trt,c>!ra trc!,r,~ held to be oxFrtpt un,~lc;r, section ~Ol (c) (4) i^y ~t "^~~in r. ntin~; dntod October 1.K, 1~'. Paso l on the infozr~at~.on fVrnished, and th+" understanding that yO2~r oprrtiti0n, will. continue as evidenced to date or will conform to thnSP set fo:'t.h in your apnlierstion, w~ coriclucle thRt you are entitled to excmn`..ion un3nr socticn 5O1(c){~). ~1,irthc~z~, your sub- 4rdittn.te chanters previously included in your group ruling and whose names arnesr on the ).fists submitted e~fter Octobex 1.$, ].953 are also ~xer!nt under sec;.ion SCl(c)(5). Oux' rulings oP .ht],y 3, 191+7 and October 1.h, .i~o3 are hereby modified accordingly. For years prior to January J., 1970, you and your subordinate chap- ters are required to Sile the annual inform~~tion return, Form 99Q, unless you include such chapters in a srroup return which you have filed. For each subeeouent year, please refer to the instructions aceor,-panying the I~'orm 9t)c3 for that particular year to determine if filing is required. If filing is requirefl, the Form 9;~0 must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period, which is December 31. Neither you nor your subordinates are required to file Federal in- come tax returns unless. subject to the tax on unrelated business ineoone under section 511 of the Code. Zf so, Form 990-T must b~ Filed. Ztt this letter we are not determining whether an,}r of your present or pro- posed activities is unrelated trade or business as defined in sect3.on -'~' 513 of the Code. '93 ©4 : ;2 AM NARFE wASht uC - ~ - 1~~-tional Association of Retired Civil F~rployeee, You should advise each of your subordinates ot'the provisions of this ruling, including the requirement for filing information returns. Both you and your chapters are liable for the taxes ilaposed under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social Security taxes), artd for the tax ~.mposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act if Dither have four or more individuals in their employ. Any questions concerning excise, employment, or other Federal taxes should be submitted to your District Director. Each year, within ~+5 days after your annual accounting period closes, please send us two copies of the following information about ,your subordinates: 1. A ;tat.ement describing any changes during the yeax in the pur}~oshs, chaxacter, or method of operation of your yubordin~ztes. 2. A list of the names, mailing addresses: inci.uciin,~ Z7P Codes, and employer identi.ficati~n nttmbprr. (i.f r~- gtitired for !*roitP cxcrrmt:ihn ~.ett:e~ nt~rposes) of surorciinatc::; cn yctr~ ~t•rnth cx~mp';ion a,•osY.n~• t,h't± a. changed names or r~cidresses; h. ~~~ere dnlntecl foam the rosi:,c!r; c. wr..re Rci~1!'d to the roste~~. A directory df subhrd3nat.es may hc; substit~tt,c~h fnr. Litir. i iEt, if it i nclucir , t.hc: rrc~~z~. reef i ni.'~rr~~:~.~n tsnra_ idr.ntitie^ the a,t'~'1'.ctPr~ fillh4!'~l:i!'1!31;P„^, Anc:h^.~i-it~~ t,A t~lF' Lhre~ CFl.'I,~'aflr]f!R ~+.h~vG'. 3, I~'ar st~hardinat.es sr},ftAd to t.hr, m~.tcr, a a!?t~rr sipeed. by one Of' ,yQt.l+^ _rrJ.nci.p~1 c~ff.~.cer,^. c:r~i- tlinin~ or s.tte.chinr*; a. a statement. that; Lhc~ information upon tirhirh your. prnso~:L ~.roup cxer~nt~on letter i.s h?Ff'~1 ann].ic'.. ".f~ 1;hC'. nl•'S1 ^l:h~r~i~•nn~t,C^; +2027979698 P®ge 4 '93 04;13 AM NARFE WA9H DC J Nations], association of Retired Civil Employees b. a statement 1;hat each has given you rrxitten authorization to add its name to the roster; c. a list of those to which the Service previously issued rulings or determination letters relating to exemption. ~+. If applicable, a statement that your group exempt~.on raster did. not chGngc dura.;~g the year. PXease be sure to eni~er your employer identification number on ail tax returns and in Any correspondence xith the Internal ~t8venue Service. Your D:istrici. Director is being, advised of this action. Very txuly yours, 1Jeti~r~1 Ch~.E'f, Ru].in~s Snctic+n F''rf!!'l~~i: C+r~;~.ni y.ati vns F~ranch ,~ItQT~ R~~V9 *~l11~~ bistrict Director Department of the Treasury fore Numb..: ~. ~.~: 79 ~ ~.- o ,~ i~~~ / 5;33, ~ylta G• d~3b.. OE~'~ 6~1 We are pleases! to tell you that as a result of our examination for the above periods we will continue to recognize your organization as tax-exempt. We have indicated below whether there is a change in your liability for the unrelated business income tax as provided by sections S11 through S15 of the Internal Revenue Code. ere is no change. ~Xou will receive sn examination report explaining the proposed adjustments. Thank you for your cooperation. 31 Hopkins Ptaa$, gattimore, i1D 2101 Sincerely yours, ~* /f Di trio Director I.~ttar 968 1D01 tf 771 ~, , Address any replyto: 31 Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, Md. 21201 D~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ o~ ~G~~ 4~Q~~~r~~ D~~~p~~~ D~~~c~~o~ Internal Revenue Service Date: ~ In reply refer to: _ E EO:7204:D_B rose ~ ~~,,~~ Tele~N ~ e.197301) 962 477+ (~. ~- 1 p Roanoke Academy of rledicine fi~'~~ Auxiliary Scholarship Association ~~ 3136 West Club Drive _ } 1 _ (~,~ ~~~~~~ J~ Salem, Virginia 24153 Based on information supplied, and assuming your operations will be as stated in your application for recognition of exemption, we have determined you are exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. VPe have further determined you are not a private foundation within the meaning of section 509(a) of the Code, because you are an organization described in section 509(a)(3), You are not liable for social security (FICA) taxes unless you file a waiver of exemption certificate as provided in the Federal Insurance Contributions Act. You are not liable for the taxes imposed under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA). Since you are not a private foundation, you are not subject to. the excise taxes under Chapter 42 of the Code. However, you are not automatically exempt from other Federal excise taxes. If you have. any questions about. excise, employment, or other Federal taxes, please let us know. Donors may deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers, or gifts to you or for your use are deductible for Federal estate and gift tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106, and 2522 of the Code. If your purposes, character, or method of operation is changed, please let us know so we can consider the effect of the change on your exempt status. Also, you should inform us of all changes in your name or address. (Over) Form L-178 (Rev. 8-73) • , -^,,, - , ~.: . If your gross receipts each year are normally more than $10,000, you are required to file Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax, by~the 15th day of the fifth month after the end of your annual accounting period. The law imposes a penalty of $10 a day, up to a maximum of $5,000, for failure to file a return on time. You are not required to file Federal income tax returns unless you are subject to,'the,:t~x on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are subject to this tax, you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T. In this letter we are not determining whether any of your present or proposed activities are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 513 of the Code. You need an employer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application, a number will be assigned to you and you will be advised of it. Please use that number on all returns you file and in all correspondence with the Internal Revenue Service. Please keep this determination letter in your permanent records. Sincerely yours, ~~..~c lc- ~' ~ I d Gerald G. Portney District Director Form L-178 (Rev. 8-73) Number: 349387 Posted: 02/02/94 17:52 Type: Regular Message Received: 02/03/94 07:39 Subject: agenda From: ECH - Elmer Hodge To: MHA - Mary Allen Item R3 - I like the staffs' approach to this. I prefer to have the computer costs be considered in the budget process even though we may approve it in concept now. John Willey has agreed to take on the fleet managers duties in addition to his own. He will have to work closely with purchasing, general services and the county garage. I do not forsee us being able to fund a large replacement program at one time. Perhaps it can be phased. Number: 349386 Posted: 02/02/94 17:34 Type: Regular Message Received: 02/03/94 07:39 Subject: agenda From: ECH - Elmer Hodge To: MHA - Mary Allen Mary, please type my comments on the following items: D1. Because of the long lead time for capital projects such as this I prefer to go forward with the application to the State this year. This is based on the Sheriff's revised plan for Phase II and Phase III totaling $2 million (Mary, check the exact amount) with the understanding that a large part of the cost will be assumed by the State and Salem. The inmate population statistics are consistently in excess of our normal capacity and crime will continue to increase. We should do limited work on the project until we have commitments from the State and Salem and have our financing in place. With a project of this size, it may be possible to escrow portions each year from the operating budget and avoid financing. D2. Recommend approval.This compensation plan has been worked out by Mr. Birckh and the Board of Equalization. E1. We have evaluated those requests made by the Board, citizens, staff, and VDOT. If you have any remaining requests, please forward those to Arnold Covey within the next two weeks to allow time to finalize the report that will be sent to you in advance of the work session. We will provide staff and VDOT recommendations at that time. J5. Recommend approval. We also need to discuss the status of the suit and determine whether or not we should continue. more to come on the next a-mail .. _, ~~' `~ E' __.- ACTION NO. ITEM NO . -L'' ~`~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 8, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Jail Feasibility Study BACKGROUND: Continuation of Discussion from January 25, 1994, Work Session SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board members requested additional time to review the document of the jail feasibility study before taking any action on it. The discussion of the study itself will be continued at this meeting. ALTERNATIVES: See attachment STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Res ectfully submitted, Approved by, Gerald S. Holt Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. Sheriff County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens JAIL FEASIBILITY STUDY WORK SESSION #2 February 8, 1994 PURPOSE: Continuation of the Work Session of January 25, 1994 After the January 25, 1994, work session with the Board of Supervisors, a staff meeting was held to seek additional possibilities that would be less costly to increase the capacity of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail. We determined that the maintenance shop could be moved outside the jail facility, allowing additional room to expand the kitchen to increase its capacity. As an alternative to the findings of the engineers in the jail feasibility study, I propose the Board of Supervisors consider the following renovations to the existing jail facility: ALTERNATIVE APPROXIMATE COST 1. Finish the sixth floor, adding 26 beds $ 350,000 2. Secure a variance from the City of Salem 1,200,000 that would permit the addition of a seventh floor to the existing facility, adding 55 beds 3. Remove the maintenance shop to a detached 80,000 building from the jail 4. Expand and renovate the kitchen 50,000 The cost figures are strictly projected based on the engineering study and are subject to change with actual quotations for construction. Cranwell & Spiel Attorneys at Law 228 South Pollard Street P.O. Box 507 Vinton, Virginia 24179-0507 M. Dean Cranwell Patrick S. Spiel Telephone (703) 985-0002 Fax (703) 985-0511 December 13, 1993 Nancy Horn Commissioner of Revenue's Office Roanoke County P. O. Box 20409 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Nancy: Please find enclosed a check from the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation in regard to our application for a permit to conduct a raffle. As to more information in regard to our form of government, please list John Prue, P. O. Box 679, Moneta, VA 24121 as the treasurer for the Blue Ridge Chapter. Sincerely yours, CRANWELL & SHIEL /~ M. Dean Cranwell MDC : rj h Enclosure Tawney & Dayton Philip D. Tawney Peter S. Dayton HAND DELIVERED August 9, 1991 607 S.W. Higgins Ave. P.O. Box 3658 Missoula, Montana 59803-3658 TEL: (406) 542-5000 FAX: (406) 542-8920 Gary Wolfe Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation 2291 W. Broadway Missoula, MT 59802 Dear Gary: Revised Bylaws Enclosed is a copy of the revised bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors at the June 28-29, 1991, meeting at Homestead Resort in Utah. They may get some minor editing prior to distribution to the board next week, but there wi].1 not be any substantive changes. The major changes adopted are as follows: 1. Six-year term (page 5, subsection 4.); and 2. Officer and member elections will now take place at the semi-annual June meeting rather than the national convention. Those elected will take office at the following national convention (page 9, subsection 9.). Provisions appointing state and regional chairmen, volunteers, and authorizing the formation of local chapters also were added. These provisions are on page 9 as Sections 2., 3. and 4. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Tawney & Dayton -Gu.~ ~ Philip D. Tawney PDT/dkc enclosure ~, ~, Conformed as of August 8, 1991 BYLAWS OF THE ' ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION, INC. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ARTICLE I 1. Name. The name of this non-profit corporation is ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION, INC. 2. Offices. The corporation may have offices at any place or places designated by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE II Purposes The purposes for which this organization has been formed are exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and in this connection: (a) To properly care, manage, preserve and utilize elk and other North American wildlife for the benefit of the general public and future generations. (b) To work closely with federal, state and local governmental agencies concerned with the proper preservation and propagation of elk and other North American wildlife as designated by the Board of Directors. (c) To educate the general public regarding the most humane and effective ways to harvest elk for preserving the American hunting heritage, the natural environment and true sportsmanship in a lawful and legal manner. (d) To encourage outdoor field sports and good fellowship among sportsmen. (e) To engage in scientific research pertaining to statistical analysis, research, surveys, recording history, gain counts, kills, and range management of elk. 1 ARTICLE III Membership 1. Eligibility. Any person interested in furthering the purposes for which this corporation is organized is eligible to become a member. Members shall not be eligible to vote. The corporation may issue certificates evidencing membership. Members shall not be liable on any of the corporation's obligations. 2. Dues. The corporation may solicit membership in any number of classifications as the Board of Directors may from time to time select, based on the needs of the corporation. 3. Meetings of Members. The annual meeting of members of the corporation shall be held on such date or dates as shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Directors of the corporation. The first annual meeting shall be held on a date within eighteen (18) months after the formation of the corporation. Each successive annual meeting shall be held on a date not more than eighteen (18) months following the preceding annual meeting. Meetings of members may be held at such place whether within or without the state of Montana, as fixed by the Board of Directors of the corporation. Special meetings of the members may be called at any time by the Board of Directors. 4. Notice of Members' Meetings. Notice of any meeting of the members stating the place, date, and hour of the meeting shall be given not less than fifteen days before the meeting by publishing it in the periodicals and newsletters distributed to the members. Notice of a meeting may also be given to the members by mail. 5. uorum. No specific number of members is required to constitute a quorum on any matter that may be submitted to the members for their consideration by the Board of Directors. A majority of the members present at any meeting may act upon any matter submitted to the members by the Board of Directors. 6. Members' Records. The corporation shall keep correct and complete books and records of account and shall keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, Board of Directors, and committees having any authority over the Board of Directors. All books and records of the corporation may be inspected by any member or his agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time. 2 ARTICLE IV Meetings of Directors 1. Place of Meetings. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held at the principal office or place of the corporation or at such other suitable place convenient to the directors as they may designate. 2. Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings.. The semi-annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held on a day set by the directors within the month of June, or at such other suitable time convenient to the directors as they may designate, for the purpose of electing new directors and officers and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. The annual meeting of the Board of Directors shall be held on a day set by the directors within the month of February, or at such other suitable time convenient to the directors as they may designate, for the purpose of installing the new directors and officers elected by the directors at the last semi-annual meeting and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting. 3. Notice of Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings. Notice of the time, place and purpose or purposes of the annual and semi-annual meeting shall be served, either personally or by mail, not less than ten (10) nor more than forty (40) days before the meeting upon each director, and, if mailed, such notice shall be directed to the director at his address as appears on the books of the corporation, unless he shall have filed with the Board of Directors a written request that notices intended for him be mailed to some other address, in which case it shall be mailed to the address designated in such request. 4. Special Meeting. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time on the written request of any member of the Board of Directors. 5. Notice of Special Meeting. Notice of the time, place purpose or purposes of a special meeting shall be served, either personally or by mail, not less than three (3) nor more than fourteen (14) days before the meeting, upon each director, and if mailed, such notice shall be directed to the director at his address as it appears on the books of the corporation, unless he shall have filed with the Board of Directors a written request that notices intended for him be mailed to some other address, in which case it shall be mailed to the address designated in such request. 6. uor m. At all meetings of the Board of Directors the presence of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall be necessary to constitute a quorum f.or all purposes. In the absence of a quorum, no business shall be conducted. 3 7. Voting. At every meeting of the Board of Directors, each director shall be entitled to one vote in person; or by proxy duly appointed by instrument in writing, which is subscribed by such director and which bears a date of not more than sixty (60) days prior to such meeting, unless such instrument provides for a longer period. Upon the demand of any member of the Board of Directors, the vote upon any question before the meeting shall be by ballot, except as provided for in Article IV, Section 10. All matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the directors present in person or by proxy. 8. Waiver of Notice. Whenever under the provisions of any law or under the provisions of the articles of incorporation or bylaws of this corporation, the corporation or the Board of Directors or any committee thereof is authorized to take any action after notice to the members of the Board of Directors or after the lapse of a prescribed period of time, such action may be taken without notice and without the lapse of any period of time, if at any time before or after such action be completed, such requirement be waived in writing by the person or persons entitled to such notice or entitled to participate in the action to be taken or by his attorney thereunto authorized. 9. Action Without a Meetina. Any action to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing setting forth the action so taken shall be signed by all the directors entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter thereof. Such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote and may be stated as such in any articles or documents filed with the Secretary of State under this chapter. 10. Action Without Assemblincr. Any action that may be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors or of a committee thereof may be taken by the members of the board or committee thereof by communicating simultaneously with each other by means of conference telephones or similar communications equipment. ARTICLE V Board of Directors 1. Number and Qualifications. The activities and affairs of the corporation shall be managed and controlled by a Board of Directors composed of no more than twenty-one (21) persons. The number of directors may be increased or decreased from time to time by resolution adopted by three-quarters of the directors, but there shall always be an odd number of directors. No decrease in the number of directors shall have the effect of shortening the terms 4 of any incumbent director. The directors need not be residents of the state of Montana. 2. Powers and Duties. All the corporation's powers are hereby vested in, and shall be exercised by, the Board of Directors. 3. Nominating Committee. The Board of Directors shall have a nominating committee made up of the president and all past presidents, along with up to three board members appointed by the standing president. The appointed members shall serve a one-year term. The nominating committee will make annual recommendations for annual elections to the Board of Directors regarding officers, executive committee members, and board members. 4. Election and Term of Office. At each semi-annual meeting a Board of Directors for the next year shall be elected by the incumbent directors in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 9 of this article. The directors shall hold office for the six-year period from the annual meeting following the semi-annual meeting at which they are elected until the installation of directors and officers during the annual meeting held six years later. Directors may not serve more than one six-year term consecutively. 5. Leave of absence. Any director may be granted a leave of absence from the Board of Directors so long as the leave is approved by a majority of the other directors. A leave of absence will not extend the term of office of a director. 6. Resignation. Any director may resign at any time by giving written notice of such resignation to the Board of Directors. 7. Vacancies. Vacancies in the Board of Directors caused by any reason shall be filled by a majority vote by the existing directors and each person so selected shall be a director for a term decided by the board, not to exceed six years. 8. Fees and Compensation. Officers, directors and other employees of the corporation, and members of committees, may receive such compensation, if any, for their service of attendance and their work for the corporation, and for their expenses, as deemed reasonable by resolution of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have the power in its discretion to contract for and to pay to officers, directors and employees rendering unusual or exceptional service to the corporation, special compensation appropriate to the value of such services. The corporation shall promptly repay all loans or other advances made by any person, including directors. 5 9. Election Procedures. At each semi-annual meeting, the incumbent Board of Directors shall elect new officers, executive committee members, directors, and Chairman of the Board, from those who qualify from the ranks of the newly-elected board, in the following order: (a) First, the incumbent board shall accept nominations for the positions on the Board of Directors. Any change in the number of directors must be approved by three-quarters of the incumbent board, as required by Article V, Section 1. After nominations have been received for the positions on the Board of Directors, each incumbent director shall vote for as many of the nominees as there are positions on the board, and the nominees who receive the most votes shall be elected as members of the Board of Directors. If the election is contested, the voting shall take place by secret ballot. (b) Second, the incumbent board shall accept nominations for the Chairman of the Board of Directors. After nominations have been received, each incumbent member of the Board shall vote for one of the nominees. The nominee who receives the most votes will be elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. If the election is contested, the voting shall take place by secret ballot. (c) Third, the incumbent board shall accept nominations for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. After nominations have been received, each incumbent member of the Board shall vote for one of the nominees for each office. Each officer shall be elected by separate ballot and the voting shall be secret in the event the office is contested. The nominee for each office who receives the most votes will be elected to that office, and the Executive Committee. (d) Fourth, the incumbent board shall accept nominations for a member at large and an alternate member at large for the Executive Committee. After nominations have been received, each incumbent member of the Board shall vote for one of the nominees for each office. The nominee for each office who receives the most votes will be elected to that office. ARTICLE VI Officers 1. Number. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, one or more vice presidents, a secretary, a treasurer, C a chairman, and such other officers with such powers and duties not inconsistent with these bylaws as may be appointed and determined by the Board of Directors. The office of president and secretary may not be held by the same person, but any other offices may be combined in one person. 2. Election, Term of Office and Qualifications. The president and other officers shall be elected annually by the incumbent Board of Directors in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article V, Section 9. A person is not eligible to become an officer unless he/she has served at least one year as a director. The officers shall hold office for the one-year period from the end of the annual meeting following the semi-annual meeting at which they were elected until the end of the annual meeting held the following year. Officers may not be re-elected to the same office for more than two consecutive terms. 3. Vacancies. In case any office of the corporation becomes vacant by death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or any other cause, the majority of the directors then in office may elect an officer to fill such vacancy, and the officer so elected shall hold office and serve until the election and qualification of his successor. 4. Chairman. The Chairman of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. At each semi-annual meeting, the Board of Directors shall elect a Chairman of the Board in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 9 of this article. The Chairman shall serve a one-year term, at the pleasure of the board, beginning at the end of the annual meeting following the semi-annual meeting at which he/she was elected. The Chairman may be re-elected for additional terms, but may not serve as Chairman for more than two years consecutively. 5. President. The president shall have and exercise general charge and supervision of the affairs of the corporation and shall do and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors. The president shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee and assure that the day-to-day administration of the organization is carried out by the executive director. 6. Vice President. At the request of the president, or in the event of his/her absence or disability, the-vice president shall perform the duties and possess and exercise the powers of the president; and to the extent authorized by law, the vice president shall have such other powers as the Board of Directors may determine, and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors. 7 7. Secretary. The secretary shall have charge of such books, documents and papers as the Board of Directors may determine. He/she, or the person designated by the board, shall attend and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors. He/she shall keep a record containing the names, alphabetically arranged, of all persons who are directors, showing their places of residence, and such book shall be open for inspection as prescribed by law. He/she may sign with the president or vice president, if any, in the name of and on behalf of the corporation, any contracts or agreements authorized by the Board of Directors, and when so authorized or ordered by the Board of Directors, he/she may affix the seal of the corporation. He/she shall, in general, perform all the duties incident to the office of secretary, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, and shall do and perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the Board of Directors. 8. Treasurer. The treasurer shall oversee the responsibility for the custody of all funds, property and securities of the corporation, subject to such regulations as may be imposed by the Board of Directors. He/she may, in general, perform or assign all of the duties incident to the office of treasurer, subject to the control of the Board of Directors. 9. Executive Director. The Executive Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors as a salaried employee and the chief operating officer of the corporation. The Executive Director will handle the day-to-day administrative duties of the organization and direct the activities of all other salaried employees, including hiring and firing, and will coordinate the activities of other officers and the Executive Committee under the direction of the president. 10. Fees and Compensation. Officers, directors and other employees of the corporation, and members of committees, may receive such compensation, if any, for their service of attendance and their work for the corporation, and for their expenses, as deemed reasonable by resolution of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have the power in its discretion to contract for and to pay to officers, directors, and employees rendering unusual or exceptional services to the corporation, special compensation appropriate to the value of such service. The corporation shall promptly repay all loans or other advances made by any person, including directors. 11. Removal. Any officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all the directors at any regular or special meeting called for that purpose, for nonfeasance, malfeasance, or misfeasance, for lack of sympathy with its objects, of for refusal to render reasonable assistance in carrying out its purposes. Any officer proposed to be removed shall be entitled to at least five (5) days notice in writing by 8 registered U.S. mail of the meeting of the Board of Directors at which such removal is to be voted upon and shall be entitled to appear before and be heard by the Board of Directors at such meeting. 12. Nonliabilitv of Directors, Officers and Employees. The directors, officers and employees of the corporation shall not, as such, be liable on its obligations. 13. Prohibition of Loans to Directors and Officers. No loans shall be made by the corporation to its directors or officers. Any director or officer who assents to or participates in the making of any such loan shall be liable to the corporation for the amount of such loan until the repayment thereof. ARTICLE VII Representatives, Chairmen and Volunteers 1. Agents and Representatives. The Board of Directors may appoint such agents, ex-officio members, and representatives of the corporation, to serve at the pleasure of the board, with such powers and to perform such acts or duties on behalf of the corporation as the Board of Directors may see fit, so far as may be consistent with these bylaws, to the extent authorized or permitted by law. The four original founding members, Dan Bull, Charlie Decker, Bill Munson, and Bob Munson shall have lifetime ex-officio status and always have the right to attend all board meetings as a non-voting member. 2. Appointment of State and Recrional Chairmen. The president shall have the authority to appoint or remove state or regional officers of the corporation (state chairmen, district chairmen, etc.) subject to review by the Board of Directors. 3. Volunteers. All corporation volunteers serve at the pleasure of the board of directors and may be appointed or removed by the president subject to review by the Board of Directors. 4. Local Chapters. The Board of Directors may authorize the formation of local chpaters with such powers and duties as the Board of Directors may authorize. 9 ARTICLE VIII Contracts The Board of Directors, except as in these bylaws otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or agent to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to a specific instance; and unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no officer, agent, or employee shall have any power or authority to bind the corporation by any contract or engagement, or to pledge its credit or render it liable pecuniarily for any purpose or to any amount. ARTICLE IX Publication The corporation shall from time to time publish and disseminate information to the general public through seminars and otherwise on subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the public in furtherance of its charitable purposes, including its findings on its scientific research. ARTICLE X Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the corporation shall be its first fiscal year adopted by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE XI Amendments The Board of Directors shall have the power by three-fourths (3/4) vote to make, alter, amend and repeal the Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws of the corporation; provided, however, that the action is proposed at a regular or special meeting of the board and adopted by the Board of Directors at a subsequent regular or special meeting. 10 ARTICLE XII Advisory Committee The President may appoint from their number, or from among such persons as the Board may see fit, one or more advisory committees, and at any time may appoint additional members thereto. The members of any such committee shall serve during the pleasure of the Board of Directors. Such advisory committee shall advise with and aid the officers of the corporation in all matters designated by the Board of Directors. Each such committee may, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, prescribe rules and regulations for the call and conduct of meetings of the committee and other matters relating to its procedure. The members of any advisory committee shall not receive any stated salary for their services as such, but by resolution of the Board of Directors, a fixed reasonable sum or expenses of attendance, if any, or both, may be allowed for attendance at each regular or special meeting of such committee. The Board of Directors shall have power in its discretion to contract for and to pay to any member of an advisory committee, rendering unusual or exceptional services to the corporation, special compensation appropriate to the value of such services. ARTICLE XIII Executive Committee 1. Election. At each semiannual meeting, the Board of Directors shall elect an Executive Committee from among their number which shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer of the corporation, a member at large, and an alternate member at large. The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected in accordance with the procedures set forth in Article IV, Section 9. A person may not be re-elected to the position of member at large or alternate member at large for more than two consecutive terms. The designation of such committee and the delegation thereto of authority shall not operate to relieve the Board of Directors, or any member thereof, of any responsibility imposed by law. 2. Authority. When the Board of Directors is not in session, the Executive Committee shall have and may exercise all of the authority of the Board of Directors except to the extent, if any, that such authority shall be limited by resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors, and except also that the Executive Committee shall not have the authority of the Board of Directors with respect to amending the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the 11 corporation, or with respect to filling vacancies on the Board of Directors or an officer of the corporation. ' 3. Tenure and Qualifications. Each member of the executive committee shall hold office for the one-year period from the end of the annual meeting following the semi-annual meeting at which they were elected until the end of the annual meeting held the following year. A person is not eligible to become a member of the Executive Committee unless he/she has served at least one year as a director, with the exception of a member at large or an alternate member at large. 4. Meetincts. Regular meetings of the Executive Committee may be held without notice at such times and places as the Executive Committee may fix from time to time by resolution. Special meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by any member thereof upon not less than five days notice stating the place, date and hour of the meeting, which notice shall be written, and, shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the member of the Executive Committee at his business address. All notices of Executive Committee meetings shall be mailed to each member of the full board. Any member of the Executive Committee may waive notice of any meeting, and no notice of any meeting need be given to any member of the Executive Committee who attends in person. The notice of a meeting of the Executive Committee need not state the business proposed to be transacted at the meeting. 5. uorum. A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting thereof, and an action of the Executive Committee must be authorized by the affirmative vote of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present. 6. Action Without .a Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Executive Committee at a meeting may be taken without a meeting if all of the members of the Executive Committee sign a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken. 7. Vacancies. In case the office of member at large or alternate member at large becomes vacant by death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or any other cause, the majority of the directors then in office may elect a person to fill such vacancy, and the person so elected shall hold office and serve until the election and qualification of his/her successor. 8. Resignations and Removal. Any member of the Executive Committee may resign from the Executive Committee at any time by giving written notice to the President or Secretary of the corporation, and unless otherwise specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to make it effective. 12 Any officer may be removed from office by the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of all the directors at any 'regular or special meeting called for that purpose, for nonfeasance, malfeasance, or misfeasance, for lack of sympathy with its objects, of for refusal to render reasonable assistance in carrying out its purposes. Any officer proposed to be removed shall be entitled to at least five (5) days notice in writing by mail of the meeting of the Board of Directors at which such removal is to be voted upon and shall be entitled to appear before and be heard by the Board of Directors at such meeting. 9. Procedure. The President shall serve as presiding officer and the Executive Committee may fix its own rules of procedure which shall not be inconsistent with these bylaws. It shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings and report the same to the Board of Directors for its information at the next meeting of the Board of Directors held after the proceedings have been taken. ARTICLE XIV Investments The corporation shall have the right to retain all or any part of the securities or property acquired by it in whatever manner, and to invest and reinvest any funds held by it, according to the judgment of the Board of Directors, without being restricted to the class of investments which the Board of Directors is or may hereafter be permitted by law to make or any similar restriction; provided, however, that no action shall be taken by or on behalf of the corporation if such action is a prohibited transaction or would result in the denial of the tax exemption under Section 503 or Section 504 of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended. ARTICLE XV Exempt Activities Notwithstanding any other provision of these Bylaws, no director, officer, employee or representative of this corporation shall take any action or carry on any activity by or on behalf of the corporation not permitted to be taken or carried on by an organization exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its Regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended, or by an organization contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of such code and regulations as they now exist or as they may hereafter be amended. 13 ARTICLE XVI Rules of Order The rules contained in the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall govern all meetings of the Directors where those rules are not inconsistent with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, or special rules of order of the corporation. c: wp5) ~ f i 1es ~ rockyadm~by )aws. wp 14 Internal Revenue Service Department 64 tf~e `l"reasury District Director ~' a Ern;( A-~~~o • c+r~N c^2•-~ CHICAGn: IL 6469 . C+atF; a~vL 18 •19~d Emp -c~yrr Idr:nt i f i c at i ot, t•~,;,.•,,,,.,..~~ • ' . ' 31-~~•4~1425 • Contact F'ersc~n • ~iRS. Y, F;ILEY . r~nCl('r I'1nUNTAIN ELi( FO;.iNf+!tTIDAf L.Tn Contact Te~lephant~ Number: ^^~1 it E;RDACs41AY f~L~ C~G}: U^a ~ (S12) S°G-7751 -- .~- . ~''~ <.~. •-~ +~I I S SQULA s M•T F9S0~ ~ ' • ~ Our Letter C+ated: Sept. 1C<~ 19^4 Adds~ndcm Applies: ~+! :~ Cigar -~ppl icant: This mc~cl i f i r s cur I c: tte+• c•f i;he above date i n !~h i c h !•te stated ghat you u+r~uld ba: trNated as an c~i•gani~aticm y+hiclt is nat a private foundatir~r~ un:i;i 1 thF~ ty;piratirm ei your advance rul ind period. `dour e;;s::mpt statsss under =~:ctir_~at F01(ai a•f thr~ Intr--,real kevenur. Cade as an c:~rgani~stion drscrihed in =_~:•cti~:~n 5r11(c? (S). i=• =_.'F.-i 11 in effECt. I:+asEd cin •thc i n Formai; i an yc~u subm'. tti:ci ? zee have d~~t ~•rm's nr•d that you ~c re nat a private fc~undatic~n within the m•:,~inin~ ref sr_c•tion F~09(a) of thrr.c~de because: you are an r.~rganiation cif tht t;+pce dcseri?~,~d in section ~~0?(a) (~?. Granters and c~:~ntr i ttiutar5 may +•e I y ~_~n this drterm i nat i on uri I ass i,h~-: Inte!'ndl F:C',~enU@ ~7erv+cN publ.i'~•hes na~,ICt to 'fiilf: Cantral•y. HaS•ie`rs=r~ If yC~lt I ase Vanr sect i an F~~9 (a> ';~) =•ta'i;us+ a grantc ~r Cyr CC~ntl' i f~ Utar may n~`~ {; +'C•~ 1 y can -•his dFttrminat,ion if he: car she ~•+as in part re~~pansitile far, ar s•tas at•+a+•r. ofa +.h~• Pict r~r f a i 1 urs= •tc~ acts ar the substan~ti a I ar mater i ~s I change c:rn thr part of thr organ i sat i an tha+. re:su 1 ted i n your 1 a~_s of such sta•~;us± car i f h~: or ;hf: acclui+•ed 1:nr.~~tledge 'that the Inj;crnal F:evrnue Service had given natir;•; •I::I~: ' ~~au ysould no Ic~nger bN classified as a section F0~(a)(?? arnaniLation. If !•re have i3~dieatr:d in Ices: 1se~,ding e~f thi^ letter that an addendum apix I •s e.~-•~ •t h:- addendum enc I rased i s ali i nt~xyra I ga+•t i,f th i.~.. I ette+-. Exec a use this 1 ~~tter cou I d he 1 p +°r=s~:~ I vt and! nuF•st i cans abc.~ut !,+ou+• p r i vatr f~~andati~~n ~•ta~tuss pl~asr ~;E'=p it in y~:cur perrsanent; rECC~rds.. If you have any q+se:~~t i crosK p ! cos>e contact the pers~?n s•tfic~sr nhme and telephr.~ne nambor ago =.•ha~:+n above:. ~inr_Er,_ly yaur~~ •, f;. ^a. !Wintr~adE~ Jr` fs i st;r i c•t C+ i rer_•t:or Lt•~;tc r i450 (U0.!CGi 09/30/93 RMEF MEM~EkSHIP LIST PAGE 1 ' MEMBER 1ST NG. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME FIkST NAME ATTENTIGN ADDRESS --------------------- CITY --------------- ST -- lIP ---------- PHONE ------------ ----- ----- 122916 F ----- F92 ---------------- ACGASHIAN - ------------ CHRIS --------------- ----- B CASEY ST SANDSTON VA 23150 B~i4-737-5363 116155 F SU2 ADKINS DONALU 1112 MAIN ~:T ALTA VISTA VA 24517 804-369-730U 11+)394 F SU2 ALANKO DEAN 1716 CAkAWAY CT. WAVNES6OR0 VA 22460 -+)- 12327 F SU3 ALBINGEk KEN 1725 N 6°I4'Ek RDAG VIkG1NIA BEACH VA 23454 604-461-6500 148602 F F93 ALDEkMAN BILLY 6:T 1 6OX 968 Cn:EWE VA 23430 6+'14-645-1645 105570 F SU3 ALJAN HEkBEkT RT. 1, 8O% 725 C. NEW MARKET VA 22644 -i~- b19B1 F F43 ALLEN CHARLIE 13030 DRAKEWOOG kOAD MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-194-4139 116082 F SU3 ALLEN Jk. SIGNEY B. 126 WHITCOMB LANE tiGGGE VA 24556 7113-586-4418 141660 F SU3 ALLEN MI+.'HAEL 222 OLQ Ll'NCH8UF:6 RD GHAkLOTTESVILLE VA 2291+3 804-tab-2951 52715 F F92 ALLEN QGNALQ G. 2413 CHIMNEY HOUSE TERRACE MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-144-6184 108456 F S92 ALLESTAD GRANT C/D AkTHUk WILL kT 1 BO% 1836 HAYE5 VA 23012 -0- 12519 H INQ ALMY GERALQ A. ROUTE 1 BG% 492 MAURERTOWN VA 22644 -0- 66023 F F90 ALVIS HAROLD 1204 B6:OAD ST. RD, GILVILLE VA 23124 804-764-5741 37501 F W94 ALVIS CHESTEk RT. 1, BOX 1455 DUINTGN UA 23141 804-222-2821 116151 F SU3 AMMONS DENNIS A. 5344 SILVER FO% k:U SW ROANDKE VA 24+)14 703-3bb-0361 143271 F SU3 AMOS JOHN RT i COLLANDS VA 24530 -G- 46995 F F93 ANDERSON JIMMY A. RT 2 BOX 693 CHILHDWIE VA 24319 7+)3-bob-3000 67982 F F90 ANDERSON KELLY RT. 2 BO% 391 A AMELIA VA 23002 604-561-2175 130444 F W94 ANDERSON SR. 6LEN k. 146 MOUNTAIN VIEW RD WINCHESTER VA 22603 703-686-3568 52703 F W91 ANQER50N, Jk. Q. EDGIE PO BOX 752 AMELIA VA 23002 804-561-5256 11111 F SUO Andrews Dennis P.D. Box 221 Goshen VA 24434 70.3-997-5685 135017 F S93 ANHOLD MARK RT 1 BOX 163 CHURCHVILLE UA 24421 703-350-2592 135016 F S93 ANHOLD MELVIN 310 NOkTH 1ST ST BRIDGEWATEk VA 22612 10s-B2B-3996 19998 F S93 ANTHON Mk. CHRIS RT 1 BOX 4596 kI%EYVILLE VA 22731 703-437-5958 44335 F F43 APELT WALTER 154 PASTUkE RD. FOOUOSDN VA 23662 -0- 116146 F 5U2 AkICRISAFI SAL 7115 STONE MOUNTAIN kD 6:GANGKE VA +)0000 703-712-1914 134399 F S93 ARMISTEAD kEb Bb13 JANET LANE VIENNA VA 22180 -0- 127241 F F9.'s ARNDLQ JOHN R. 3521 WRIGHT RG PGRTSMOUTH VA 23103 804-484-6251 143297 F SU3 ARRINGTON 6EDkGE 1341 JENNELLE F:D BLACK:S6iRG VA 24060 -0- 48946 F F43 AkTMAN kICHAkQ L. HC6: 75 BOX 132E1 COBBS CREEK UA 231+35 d04-43+i-3::48 92493 F F41 ASBU6'Y CLINT 9110 ROCKEFi_~LER LN SF'RiNGFIELD VA 22153 703-564-0690 38746 F 544 ASCHBREpiNEk MILAN RT. 1, BDX 265 MiiNETA VA 24121 X03-297-5755 52649 F W92 ASHMAN TY6:ONE F'T. 5, BGX 620 AMELIA VA 23002 804-561-5714 48429 F W94 ASHWOh:iH RANGY ~ 20 5PRUGE CIF:CLE BLUE RIDGE VA 240h4 103-381-7441 75580 F W41 ASKIN5 6LEN R. 13330 SANGv PT, iD CHARLES CITY VA 23030 8~i4-829-5605 148626 F F43 ATKINSGN MIKE 10144 FAkMLEIGH DR RICHMGNG VA 23235 804-320-3145 66000 F F93 ATKINSDN III JAMES E. 2965 DEER.CREEK TRAiL POWHATAN VA 23134 804-546-4165 145502 F F93 AUGUSTINO5 GEMATkIE L. 10118 GEEPWOOG CIRCLE RICHMOND VA 23233 -0- 140399 T F92 AUSTIN DENNIS J. 155 MILL RIDGE ROAD LYNCHBUkG VA [4502 604-385-9294 116145 F SU3 AUSTIN FRED 121 PHILLIPS GIk LYNCHBUkG VA 24502 dU4-385-6564 137715 F SU3 AYSCUE JR KENNETH W. 11772 N BRINkPATCH DR MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-374-8615 116080 F SU2 BABCOGK WEBB WEBBS SPORTING PD BO% 125 MADISGN HEIGHTS VA 24512 BG4-528-3855 59243 F S9G BAIER RUDDLPH 610 JOHN MARSHALL Dk. NE VIENNA VA 22180 703-261-6671 116144 F SU3 BAILEY III ALBERT E. 4033 CHESTERTON ST ROANOKE UA 24018 703-714-2548 59782 F F94 BAILEY QAVID PO BOX 9741 MC LEAN VA 22102-0741 703-689-3642 143224 F SU3 BAILEY BILLY 4033 CHESTEkTON ST RDANGKE VA 24018 703-774-2546 76245 F W94 BALDWIN K,C, kTE 1 BOX 116 MOUTH OF WILSON VA 24363 703-579-1941 89494 F W44 BALQWIN LAkRY W, 114 QOGWOGG GRIVE CkGSS JUNCTION VA 22625 1G3-B88-3968 13451 S F94 Ballantyne Kurt 14151 Co®ptan Valley Way Centreville VA 22020 703-266-7143 61478 F F90 BANTY KENNETH W. 12617 WINFREE ST. CHESTEk VA 23631-5031 804-59G-1746 l~ibbl4 F S92 BARB LOWELL ROUTE 2, BOX 110 Bfi:OAGWAY VA 22815 703-646-9928 116083 F SU2 BARGER LAWRENCE 8449 DLSEN RD NW 6:GANOKE VA 24~it9 703-563-4782 143287 F SU3 BAkNES CHARLES RT I BOX 4.~ HUDULESTON VA 24104 1!13-297-4614 118550 F SU2 BARRETT ROBERT PO 60% 1474 LEBANON VA 24266 -0- 124856 F F92 BARTLEY J.E. 11308 VALE RD. GAKTDN VA 22124 703-62U-4193 09J30J93 kMEF ~iEf1rE:F'SHIf' LiSi PAGt 2 i9EtiBEk N0. TYPE 1ST ISSUE` LRST NAME FIkST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS ----------- CITY --------------- ST -- tIF' ---------- F`HGNE ----------- ----- ----- Bb03b F ----- 503 ---------------- BASS - ------------ --------------- NORMAN --------------- PO BO% 726 LEBANON VA 242bb 703-880-2040 43158 F 5U3 BAUGHER MEL 30 W. 15TH ST. FRONT kOYAI VA 22b30 103-635-4442 84114 S 505 Bauran Willia~ D. 1086 Ada®s Road Winchester VA 22b03 103-5U3-9323 80103 F S92 RAYLESS LEE 6kANT RT 2 BOX 938 CROtET VA 22932 -0- 137005 F SU3 BE GA55E BRUCE 3300 OCEAN SHOkE AVE 41003 VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23451-1047 -0- 145308 F 593 BEACHAM II VERNON U. RT. 1 BO% 191-8 PEMBROKE VA 24136 703-626-7394 3105 F W94 BEAL kOBEkT T, 5850 CAMMERON RUN TEk 41010 ALE%ANDRIA VA 22303 301-292-0988 52b93 F F69 BECK MORRIS 0. 1501 DUALLA ROAD CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 -0- 11b150 F SU2 BECKETT LLOYD 351b LAKELAND DR ROANOKE VA 24018 703-989-0190 1375b1 F SU3 BEERY I5AAC J. PO BOX 235 DAYTON VA 22821 703-828-4925 124783 F W94 BELL WAYNE 8844 NERD ST. pNNANDALE VA 22003 703-978-5280 122417 F F92 BELL FRED 4926 STANLEY GR RICHMOND VA 23234 804-211-1803 47031 F F91 BENNOFF CHUCK RT. 1, BOK 401 PROSPECT VA 23960 -0- 85116 F F92 BENHDFF III WILLIAM H. RT 1 BDX 3bo PROSPECT VA 23960 804-392-btb3 124855 F W94 BENNETT JERRY W. 5321 LAKE COVE CT ALE%ANDRIA VA .2310-4222 703-354-3024 11717 F SU2 BEN5ON MATT RT. 1, 6D% 352 SPDTTSWDOD VA 24475 70?-577-b609 1536 F SUO Bentley Jaaes A. RT 1 Box 391 Doswell VA 23047 804-883-53b6 102969 F W42 BEkGEkGN MARK D. 9642 CGBBLESTONE URIVE WARkENTuir VA 22186 703-349-3235 14$804 F F43 BERSIK JR JOHN 11001 CHALKLEY RD CHESTEF: VA 23831 -+)- 84098 F 503 BETHEA WILLIAM M 7409 GLEN COVE PLACE NORFOLK VA 23505 604-423-74x9 122940 F F93 BIUGI5GN JR ALAN 724 TREVOR TERkACE RICHMOND UA 23225-4260 604-323-6306 137261 F SU3 BIEkLEIN DAVE RT 142( GENERAL DELIVERY ORLEAN VA 22128 -0- 13525$ F 593 BIGGS PHIL ill BGXLE'r LN Oh:ANGE VA 22960 -U- 1+)9907 F 593 bIkDSALI III JOHN SCHELFDF'U FAkM kT 5 Buk 356 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 304-293-4769 52718 F F93 BISHOP MICHAEL 2121 COkNEk kOGK kOAG MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-379-0103 116078 F SU3 BISHOP DONALD R. 223 LEWIS AVE SALEM VA 24153-3455 10's-389-1881 52721 F W93 BITLER JR. NEL50N H. 7424 FAIkWAY AVE. kICHMOND VA 23228 804-264-0212 143304 S SU3 Blair J.M. kt. 4 Box 242 Vinton VA 24179 703-890-3010 1ib149 F SU2 BLAIR D. THOMAS kT 2 BO% 48A CHATHAM VA 24531 703-432-1909 148144 F F93 BLANKENBECKLER KEVIN 161 SNAPPER LN BRISTOL VA 24201 -0- 61991 F F90 BLANKENSHIP HARkY ib00 MAY WAY kOAD POWHATAN VA 23139 804-548-4715 143290 F SU3 BLEVINS JERRY RT 1 BOM 751 ATKINS VA 24311 703-783-44b7 2995 F 503 BLY JOHN 1117 SALEM CHUkCH RD 5TEPHENS CITY VA 22655-9714 lU3-Bb9-2411 122939 F F42 BOATWRIGHT FkED W. 3511 TkENHOLM RD POWHATAN VA 23134 804-375-3458 154435 F W44 BOCTON CHUCK 12202 HARBOk DR WGODBRIDGE VA 22192 103-494-2437 3939b F S91 BODDE CHRISTOPHER 2807 5 GRANT ARLINGTON UA 22202 202-342-9441 18017 F 593 BODIN KENNETH G. 9526 IkONMASTER DR BUkK.E VA 22015-4119 -+)- 146603 F F93 BDELT Bill 4233 OLD BUCKINGHAM kG PDWHATAN VA 23139 804-546-3180 2494 F WBb Bohrer Kenny 6410 Willoa 5t. Falls Church VA 22046 703-241-268b 77574 F 541 BOLEN DAVID W. RT. 1 BCiX 203 FANCY GAP VA 24328 703-728-2741 124854 F F42 BOLTON CHUCK 12202 HAkBOR Dk. WOODBRIGGE VA 22192 103-494-2437 116061 F SU3 BOOTHE WALTER D. 1505 HUMBERT kD TROUTVILLE VA 24175 7+13-992-4810 122919 F F92 BOTTGMS LEGNARD 74b4 STkATA RD RICHMOND VA 23231 804-795-1010 67981 F F43 BOWLES III JONA1l J. 13640 THORNGATE ROAD MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113-4127 804-794-0352 143241 F 503 BOWLING MARK A. kT 2 BG% 42-J LYNCHBUkG VA 24501 -0- 32497 F W44 BOWMAN DVM RON W. PD BDX 1453 MIUDLEBUkG VA 2:117 7~i3-3b4-1044 b2019 F SUO BDYD MIKE 1314 FIVE POINTS F:DAU VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23454 -0- 55640 F 592 BDYD DONALD L. 2709 COURT HOUSE kOAU kICHMDND VA 23236 804-216-1472 93827 F 501 BGYKIN, JR. BILLY E. 4000 CAkDIFF kD. kICHMOND VA 23236-t~~22 804-745-ti101 121230 F F92 BRADFORD Jk CLYDE P.0. BOX 376 BELLE HAVEN VA 2330b 804-442-2474 137454 F SU3 BkADY A. WAYNE 2501 MANION D6: WILLIAMSBUkG VA 23185 804-220-1193 55115 F W94 6kANDTS KIkk P.0. BGX 784 DAHLGREN VA 22448 703-6b3-3356 11ti079 F 503 BRANNON REV CHARLE5 kR 1 BOK 222 LYNOHUF:ST VA 22952-9736 1v3-297-ti4B0 32067 F F43 BRANYAN TOM 1111 EAST MAIN ST RICHMOND VA 23277-0010 604-788-3337 2201b F SU3 BkEEN WILLIAM PO BOK 55 NEWPORT VA 24128 703-626-314b Q~ 09%30/93 kMEF MEMBEkSHIP LIST PAGE 3 MEMBER 1ST N0. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRE55 - CITY - --------------- 5T -- tIP ---------- PHONE ------------ ----- -- I1b0B5 --- F ----- SU2 --------------- BRILL -- ------------ WAYNE J. --------------- ------------------------ F'0 BOX 245 WOOD5TOCK VA 22644 703-984-4532 93818 F F92 BRINTLEY Jk. ALLEN 1560 PRESIDENTIAL GR. kICNMONQ VA 2228 8i+4-2b6-4163 122945 F F92 BRINTLEY CHARLE5 42 SENEGA TERRACE FREGEkICKSBURG VA 22401 703-313-8651 136999 F S94 BRITTAIN kOBERT B. PO BD% 221 TAlEWELL VA 24ti51 7U3-988-4605 143264 F SU3 BRITTDN DR. JAMES C. PO BDX 795 GALA% VA 24333 703-713-2970 143303 S 503 Broach Dr. Bill Kathy Broach Rt. 58 West Danville VA 24541 604-685-1288 63864 F SUO BROOKS F'.Q. B RED FO% R MANAKIN VA 23103 5U3-643-8446 11310 F S92 BROOK5 DAVID W. RT. 4, BG% 390 - A HILLSVILLE VA 14343 -U- 1+)9458 F S92 BROWN BEkWYN 12603 WILDE6:NE5S PARK DR. SPOTSVLVANIA VA 22553 703-972-2460 108678 F SU3 BROWN BONNIE L P.O. BO% 585 ABINGDON VA 14110 -!03-028-9507 143299 F 503 BRDWN GHESTEk 0. RT 1 BDX 480 WIRT2 VA 24184 703-721-5411 90052 F SU1 BRDWN WALT PD BGX 399 DAMASCUS VA 24236 703-475-3326 104959 F W94 BROWN MICHAEL R. ROUTE 1 BDX 96 F'ALMY6:A VA 22963 804-569-3178 52101 F F93 BROWN Jk. kDBERT L. 2826 SPENGERWDDD D6: POWHATAN VA 23139-5112 604-598-1617 103569 F S94 BROWN MERRITT J. 1225 SHAKEk DR HERNDDN VA 22010 703-450-0280 83594 F S94 BROWN PAUL kT i BOX 307 MONTVALE VA 24122 703-947-5382 116412 F 502 BROWN DON kT 1 BO% 62 MONTVALE VA 24122 703-941-5164 68022 F F91 BROWNING TOMMY BROWNIN6 CGNSTR P.O. BOK 187 OILVILLE VA 23129 BU4-784-5741 65352 F SU1 BRUNNER THOMAS 6 4683 BONNEVILLE LN. UALE CITY VA 22193 619-368-0180 122890 F F92 BRYAN PEGGY RT 2 BOX 43 MT CRAWFORD VA 22841 -0- 132314 F S93 BRYANT MAGALEN 0. TAkA CORP. BOX 247 MIDDLEBUkG VA 22117 703-687-6296 143225 F 503 BRYANT A.L. PO BOX 416 BLUE RIDGE VA 24064 103-714-9007 58366 F S91 BRYSON TERkY RT. 41 BG% 174 QRAPEk VA 24324 703-9BU-2781 116011 F SU3 BUCHANAN MAX RT 3 BDX 192 SALTVILLE VA 24370 7~i3-624-3332 115552 F F93 BUCHANAN ALLAN 1752 WATERFORD D6: SPOTSYLVANIA VA 22553 703-582-8432 121223 F F92 BULL JGHN -0- TOWNSEND VA 23443 804-331-3894 145544 F F43 BULLOCK kICKY E. 424 LEQO ROAD FORT LEE VA 23801 -0- 54896 F W94 BURGESS JAMES E. 6105-A ARLINGTON BLVD. FALLS CHURCH VA 22044 103-231-920G 113796 F SU4 BURKE MARK X. 163 ADAM RD WINCHESTER VA 22601 703-688-3328 146122 F SU3 BURNEY LEWI5 G. 115 VALIREV GR HAMPTON VA 23669 -0- 122931 F F93 BURNNAM ROB 720 TIMKEN DR RICHMGND VA 23229 804-750-1856 81513 F S94 BURNS HORACE R PO BOX 1123 GkOTTOES VA 24441 703-249-4140 77698 F SU3 BURRINGTDN TIM/CINDY 3640 WALNUT HILL RG VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23452 406-549-5854 61976 F F41 BURRU55 EDMUND C. 1701 MILI QUARTER ROAu PGWHATAN VA 23139 804-598-3124 115708 F SU3 BURTON CALVIN P. F.O. BG% 3+)1 WARkENTON VA 22180 103-341-1553 146249 F SU3 BURTON JOSEPH PD BDX 3112 RADFOkD VA 24143 -0- 19343 F SU3 BURTON STEVE 130 MAURICE AVE PORTSMOUTH VA 23701 406-363-4371 124764 F F92 BUSCH kICK RT 1 BG% 704 DOSWELL VA 23047 804-217-3712 154451 F W94 BUTLER JR. WILLIAM A. 5317 LANGG~'AVE LN SPRINFIELD VA 22151 103-321-7117 93838 F 501 BUTLER RU55ELL A, PG BO% 131 GGOCHLAND VA 23063 BU4-55ti-4256 16413 F W93 BYRNE ROBERT L, P.O. BG% 545 HAYMARKET VA 22069 tub-691-5680 48884 F F92 CA8ANI55 JAMES K. 312 5UMMER LANE HUDGLESTGN VA 24101 103-291-4498 116084 F SU2 CALDWELL DONALD S. 3760 CHESTERTON ST kDANOKE VA 24018 143-961-2626 52721 F F89 CALDWELL M. D. 4500 FORDHAM RGAG kICHMOND VA 23236 804-145-1432 140042 F SU3 CALHOUN lit LERDY E. 2505 VIXEN CIR kICHMOND VA 23235 -0- 74230 F F93 CAMPBELL JAMES W. RT. 2 BO% 38 NEW MARKET VA 22844 703-740-3881 96873 F F93 CAMPBELL DAVID M. 307 RAMBLEWODD MAD150N HEIGHTS VR 24572 804-929-8916 77863 F 596 CAMPBELL LEONARQ LEE RT. 1 BO% 149 NEW MARKET VA 22844 103-740-3062 113118 F SU3 CAMPBELL BILL 305 NE561TT CT NEWPOkT NEWS VA 23606 804-930-6213 19009 F S93 CAMPBELL CHARLES L RT lkl BOX 318 SHENANGOAH VA 22849 1li3-143-3840 111543 F S94 CAMPBELL BOB 14 TDRRY LANE STUARTS DRAFT VA 24477 703-337-4338 83306 F SU3 CAMPBELL SCOTT D. 4743 ELDDN COURT VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23462 804-887-7305 143332 F 503 CANNADAY 6RADY PO BOX 108 FIRL'ASTLE VA 24090 -0- 105976 F S93 CANNATA THOMAS M. 1206 W ABINGDON GR ALE%ANGRIA VA 22314 703-548-4480 52714 F W91 CARRAWAY HUGH J. 4900 JE550P ROAD kICHMOND VA 23234 604-271-1901 09%30,93 Rlicr` ~1EMBERSHIF Li:,~ PNUE 4 MEMBER NO. TYPE 1ST' ISSUE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS ---------------- CITY ----------- - ST TIP PHONE ----- ----- 148197 F ----- F93 --------------- GARRDLL -- ------------ --------------- STEVE ---------- 2024 THREADNEEDLE ST RICHMOND VA 23235 844-324-7919 134944 F S93 CARROLL Jk RILEY V. POPLAR BRANCH FAkM SCHUYLEk VA 22969 804-831-2212 124509 F F93 CAkRDLL BOBBY D. 262 BRADLEY ST ABINGDON VA 24214 703-b28-7541 148817 F F93 CARTER WAYNE 1320 E EUCLID BLVD WEST POINT VA 23181 844-843-3234 143292 F 543 CARVER NILLIAM 2981 WINTEkBEkRY DR. kOANOKE VA 24018 703-9B9-489b 10661b F 592 CAUL BEki 122b CRAWFORD AVE COVIN6TDN VA 2442b -0- 21974 F 591 Cavey Bruce TEISS OPTICAL 1015 Coaaerce St. Petersburg VA 23803 -0- 4b323 5 W94 Cervilla Jack b701 Jade Post Lane Centreville VA 22420 703-733-2210 135838 F S93 CERIA JAMES 351 HOLLY LAKE DR MANAKIN-SABOT VA 23103 844-784-2008 67911 F F90 CHAMBERLAIN LARRY 619 PARK DRIVE MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 804-746-1243 155445 F W94 CHAMBLiN FRED J. 697 OLD HUNT WAY HEkNGON VA 22014 703-142-0427 63135 5 F93 Chandler R.B. Rt. 2 Boz 127 Moneta VA 24121 103-291-1681 b8016 F F92 CHANDLER JEFF b013 UkAWBRiD6E CT. MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 804-740-7445 33681 F W91 CHAPMAN FkANK 235 TAVLOk AVE. SALEM VA 24153 703-389-3927 143280 F SU3 CHAPMAN TEX RT 1 BOX 3b-2 MILLBOkO VA 244ti0 -0- 116141 F SU2 CNAPPELL III WILLIAM 1300 BISHOP RO NW BLACKSBURG VA 24460 103-951-3089 116148 F SU2 CNAPPELL WILLIAM 311 DUNTON DR SW BLACK56UR6 VA 24060 703-552-1437 154436 F W94 CHICCEHITTD STEVEN C. 14384 6ULLIVEk RD CENikEVILLE 'UA 22020 143-803-8718 81474 F SU3 CHIGGER LAWkENCE 6:R 2 BDX 210 RURAL RETREAT VA 24368 -0- 143234 F SU3 CHILDERS D.M. 2632 COUNTkY CLUB DR. TROUTVILLE VA 24175 703-992-153ir 51810 F F89 CHOC SANG 0. 6413 GEORGIAN WAY ANNANDALE VA 220ir3 703-323-55x)5 132559 F S94 CHRISTIAN MICHAEL 1505 L'VNDEN AVE LVNCHBUR6 VA 24503 800-284-6242 11b138 S SU3 Clark Jie HCk 4 Boz 24 Millbaro UA 244b0 703-8b3-8478 124785 F W94 CLARR:E BkAGLEy 14+125 BETSY ROSS LANs CkeiTkEUILLE VA 22020 703-968-8382 bbb81 F F90 CLAUSON CARL A. 4869 SOUTH 28TH 5T ARLINGTON VA 222Gb 703-931-5b32 141410 F 543 CLIFT BILL 12851 POPES HEAL RD CLIFTON VA 22024 703-998-6600 138bb5 F 543 CLINE JEkkY kT 2 BOX 47 BF'IGGEWATER VA 22812 -!x- 143243 F SU3 CLINGENPEEL JAMES C. RT 4 BOX 73 MONETA VN 24121 -0- 128220 F W93 CLOhG JEAN 1905 MILLBROOK CT UIk6INIA BEACH VA 23456 804-421-Ub96 11b013 F SU3 CLOWSER ED 9U HILL TOP RD kDANOKE UA 24414 703-714-9313 116137 F SU3 COCHRAN BILL 2538 ROUNDTOP 6:D F:DANOKE VA 24412 703-981-3395 154461 F W94 COCKkILI kOBERT W. b501 UNION MILL RG CLIFTON VA 22024 143-830-2b71 43537 F SU2 COFFEY DAVID T. RT. 41, BOX 285-A BOSTON VA 2271.1 703-981-8128 llbi39 F SU2 COFFEY STEVE RT 1 BOX 208 AMHERST VA 24521 804-922-7249 1719 F SU3 C06HLAN DON 123 AVONDALE DR. STERLING VA 201b4 703-434-8057 143244 F 543 COLEMAN RICHAkO 1 LANCASTER DR. MADISON HEIGHTS VA 24572 -0- 442b8 F 543 COLEMAN JESSE N. 1117 BLACK FOREST D6:IUE MADI50N HEIGHTS VA 24572 844-384-5778 143288 F SU3 COLEMAN LARRY K, kRl BOX 997 NIRTi VA 24184-9b13 703-982-b852 14b391 F SU3 COLLADD TRACY P. USS BALTIMORE 1312 IVY TRAIL APT E CHESAPEAKE VA 23320 -0- 112324 F SU2 COLLEY III KENNETH E. RT. 2 BOX 499 BRDOKNEAL VA 24528 804-542-5955 131671 F S93 CDLLINS MICHAEL J. 3120 N. 13TH ST. ARLINGTON VA 22201 103-521-9141 6798b F F90 CDLLINS JOHN V. 4025 50UTHAHPTDN DRIVE RICHMOND 4'A 23235 804-212-4294 14b373 F SU3 COMER USS CHRISTOPHER 3$10 RICA DR UIR6INIA BEACH VA 23456 -0- 116140 F F93 CONDLE J. DAVID RT t BOX 844 BIG ISLAND VA 24526 804-524-4395 121895 F W95 COOK KELLY C. 911 BAY ST WOODBkIDGE VA 22191 703-491-6542 74b12 F F93 COOK OUENTIN L. RT. 1 BOX 675 BRIDGEWATEk VA 22812 103-828-3361 11bOb4 F SU2 COOK CLAY RT 1 BDX 349 EDINBUR6 UA 22824 703-984-9445 1819 L LIF Copley Junie 12702 Beach koad Chesterfield VA 23832 844-353-5042 52720 S W93 Copley Junie 12742 Beach Road Chesterfield VA 23832 844-19u-1238 116075 S SU3 Corbitt Bob 2618 Fairway Dr. 5W koanoke VA 24015-3402 703-982-3588 52731 F W93 CORNETT III O.CLYDE 8701 G6:EENFOkD DF:iVE RICHMOND VA 2?294 81x4-147-3b45 118549 F SU2 COUNTS LYMAN 104 MAIN SZ E LEBANON UA 2426ti 103-889-1701 116077 F SU3 COUNTS CHARLES kT 3 BOX 19ix SALTVILLE VA 24370 703-624-3552 b8006 F F91 COVINGTON BOB 141 LAKESIDE DRIVE 'COLONIAL H6HTS VA 23834 804-526-4607 148821 F F93 COWARD JACK 2417 LOkEINES LANDING LN RICHMOND VA 23233 844-147-3525 U4i3U~43 RMEF MEMBERSHIP LIST PAGE 5 MEMBER 1ST N0, TYPE ISSUE• LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDkESS CITY 5T lIP PHONE 60550 F 503 CflWLES JR. R. REYNOLDS kT, 1 BOX 2bU FkEE UNION VA 22940 804-973-2439 139707 F SU3 COX ROBEkT 10189 WRENNS MILL RD SMITHFIELD VA 23430 804-351-5511 116141 F SU2 CRAI6 SONNY 223 TANGLEWOOD DR MADISON HEI6HT5 VA 24572 804-528-5249 116129 F SU3 CkAt6 JERkY RT 5 BOX 356 BEDFORD VA 24523 103-586-6465 116142 F SU2 CRAI6 COSTELLO M. RT 5 BOX 355 BEDFORD VA 245i~ 7+)3-586-1214 116130 F SU3 CRAIGHEAD VIGTOk kFD 1 BOX lE PATkICK 5PkINGS VA 24133 703-694-6203 116143 F SU2 CkANE LARkV/RITA RT 2 BGX 225 BLAND VA 24315 103-928-1287 116133 F SU2 GRANWELL Jk. C.k. 1911 MOUNTAINVIEW RD VINTON VA 24175 703-344-8909 116025 S SU3 Cranwell M. Dean PO Boz 903 Vinton VA 24174-+)903 703-985-0042 143255 F SU3 CkEASY NINFRED RT 3 kUSTBURG VA 24588 804-332-5315 122929 F F93 GkEEGH KEVIN kT 2 BOX 8.31-L HANOVER VA 23069 804-746-G032 108742 F S92 CRISSMAN Jk. COL. K.N. 14534 SMiTHWDOD DR CENTkEVILLE VA 22020-1317 919-436-6348 143247 F SU3 CROFT Bli.l PG BDX 68 SWOOPS VA 24474 -0- 143252 F SU3 CROFT ANUkEW B. kT i 8GX 293 GEODE VA 24556 703-586-0479 57770 F 592 CkONE MIKE C. 109 5CAR5DALE DR, STAFFORD VA 22554 703-659-6766 51171 F S92 CkGNE k08ERT RT M3 BGX 285 SOUTH BOSTON VA 24542 BU4-512-1880 57769 F S92 CkONE GLENN F, 832 BLACKWELL RD, WAkkENTON VA 22186 703-347-0800 140196 F 503 Gk058Y JOHN S. 8113 HADDINGTGN CT FAIRFAX STATION VA 22039 703-998-6502 85849 F SU4 CROUCH EDDIE 205 SPRIN6VALE DR. LYNCHBUR6 VA 24502 804-239-8990 122910 F F92 CkuW RUSSELL 1531 N IVANHOE ARLINGTGN VA 22205 703-536-3046 1795 L LIF Cru®ley Jio 5141 Turkey Hollow Roanoke VA 24014-5742 703-174-9248 143220 F SU3 CRUMLEY SHERRY 3435 BUCK MT. RD ROANOKE VA 24014 103-174-9248 116131 F SU2 CRUMMETT ANDRE HCR 02 BOX 43 BLUE 6RAS5 VA 24413 703-474-5281 47140 S SU3 Cu~wings Jig Southern Atlant 1300 Cavalier Blvd. Chesapeake VA 23323 804-487-2525 122922 F F92 CUMMINS THOMAS J, 13111 CEDAk CREEK READ CHESTERFIELD VA 23832-1258 BU4-745-7597 116076 F 503 CUNNINGHAM MARSHALL RT i BOX b0-AA SPOUT 5PkING VA 24593 804-352-8129 75096 F 592 CURRY TAD RT 1 BOX 507 B BLUEMONT VA 22012 703-955-3490 4944 F F93 CURRY ARL PO BOX 2143 LEESBURG VA 22075 703-717-3885 129347 F W94 OUSTER JOHN B. P.Q. BOX 385 DAYTON VA 22821 703-879-9818 11515 F N94 CUSTER CAREY 6520 TALLWOOD DkIVE ROANOKE VA 24016 103-989-0445 116132 F SU3 CUTLER M, kUPEkT 2865 JEFFEk50N 5T SE ROANOKE VA 24014 103-345-7653 124833 F F92 DANIEL 6YRDN ROUTE 1 BOX 113 ALDIE VA 22001 -+)- 143346 S SU3 Garnall T.A, lUl+J Halliahurst Ave, Vinton VA 24119 703-343-4571 146374 F 503 DAVIS LOkENtD L. CF FMFLNT/108 LSBGN CT 1103 VIkGINIA BEACH VA i+i~000 -0- 143281 F 503 DAVIS PHILLIP M. 109 WALLAGE DR. MADISON HEIGHTS VA 24572 81+4-929-6950 116134 F W94 DAVIS TIMOTHY LEE 610 PEkRVMGNT AVE LYNCHBUkG VA 2451+2 804-239-9538 122914 F F92 DAVIS HARGLD R. 605 CDLLE6E AVE BLACKSTONE VA 23824 804-292-1249 48893 F F90 DAVIS, Sk. RGY C. 6837 TOWLES MILL READ SPOTSYLVANIA VA «553 103-582-2287 IIb0ti5 F SU3 DAWSON T.O. (BUDDY) RT i BOX 364 MADISON HEIGHTS VA 24572 BU4-384-1680 143238 F SU3 DAWSON HAkRY W. 108 OMNI PLACE FOkEST VA 24551 -U- bb110 H F91 DAY BRADLEY JONES & CO. P.O. BOX 21454 kOANOKE VA 24018 -0- 135410 F S93 DAY ALAN BOX 45 CALVERTON VA 2201ti -0- 102801 F 503 DE HAVEN SR. JAMES k. 2031 CHESTNUT 66:OVE RD WINCHESTER VA 22b~i3 703-888-4341 43816 F F92 DE NOON S. WIL5flN ItiU9 SWIFTWODD kOAD POWHATAN VA 25139 804-794-7443 52134 F W42 DEAN, JR. PAUL HCR k01, BOX 13G BARHAMSVILLE VA 23011 803-566-0234 122925 F F93 DELK BILL PO BOX 337 MIDLDTHIAN VA 23113 804-794-4365 44564 F N94 DELLIN6ER DENNIS L, RT, 1 BOX 411E BEALETON VA 22712 703-439-1604 148796 F F93 DENON NILSON 1509 SNIFTWOOD Dk POWHATAN VA 23139 804-794-]043 99614 F N94 DEPOY JACK. F. 921 BLUERIDGE D6:, HAkkISONBUR6 VA 22801 703-4.34-9466 154459 F W94 DETWEILER STEVE 416 MT OLIVE kD FALMOUTH VA 22405 103-152-7202 108222 F S44 DEUTSCHEk DAVE 3352 WOODBURN kD 424 ANNANDALE VA 22003 703-280-9496 94bb} F W94 DEVER DOUGLAS A. 363 CORAL SEA DR #B FORT LEE VA 23801-1321 804-733-0939 148630 F F93 DICKENSON K1M 2105 BRANDONVIEN AVE RICHMOND VA 23231 804-236-0113 116135 F SU3 DICKERSON JOHN 3900 WHISPEkING LN kOANOKE VA 24014 703-343-4210 93831 F SU1 OICKERSON STEVEN M. RR 1 BOX 1105 ROCKVILLE VA 00400 804-150-2409 09/30%93 ktiEF MEMBEkSHIF' LIST PNGE b MEMBER 15T, ND. TYPE ISSUE 67990 F 24868 F 154458 F lb9 L 122943 F 148825 F 122937 F 81360 f 73976 F 154436 F 85131 F 143301 S 122932 F 85178 F 116136 f 62389 F 116122 f 67480 F 116156 F 116123 F 50244 F 50484 F 52706 F 105765 F 148827 F 53029 F 70661 F 143269 F 148820 F 124834 F 93836 F 68024 F 50791 F 56154 F 1?2921 F 1446 L 2993 f 116159 S 121216 F 79997 F 143283 F 148828 F 122930 f 38361 F 141431 F 77502 F 124853 F 52696 F 23508 F 52694 F 68419 F 52133 F 154451 F 68305 F ti1b40 F f91 503 W94 LIF F92 f93 F92 S93 W91 W94 W94 SU3 F92 sul SU3 SUO W94 F94 5U3 5U3 F94 W94 W9i S93 f93 F93 f93 SU3 F93 F92 501 f91 W94 503 F93 LIF W86 502 F92 S91 SU3 F93 F92 SU3 SU3 SU3 W94 W91 Sgt f89 F90 W92 W94 F92 593 LAST NAME DICKER50N DILLEY DILLON Jk. Dixon DOBSON DOLEGKI DONNELL DORMAN DOVEL DOWNER DkAKE JR. Draper DRISKILL DU VALL DUNDOkE DUNN DWYEk DYSON EADES EAVES EARMAN EASTEk Jk. EA5TEk III EDMONDSON EDMUNDS EDWARDS III EISENMAN ELLETT ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIS ELLIS ELLIS EMSWILER ENDRES III English Epping Erikson ETI 11I EVANS EVANS EVANS EVANS EVAN5 EVERLY PARKAS PARLEY FARMER FARMER FAkMEk FARMER FAkMEk FARkAR FASOLD fEATHEk FIRST NAME JIM RANDALL L. CLIfFOkD J. Wayne A. CARL MAkK JIM DON JERRY A. DOUGLAS 6. WILLIAM L. Barry L, WILLIAM CLIFTON V. ROBERT L. RICHARD WILLIAM HAkOLD RICHARD N. JAME5 M. JOE/TINA ABRAHAM B. HOWARD MARK MILTON B. WILLIAM O. FkED RICHARD H. JIM DENIS S. T.S. JEFF MARK 6. DAVID R. IRA F. Ralph Otto M, Donna V. FRANK TEkRY ROBERT L. MARK S. THOMAS W. EDWARD L. JOSIAH C. kICHARD LACY LINTON J. LONNIE O. LAkRY W. CHARLES L. LOUIS A. EDWARD EDWARD C. kOBERT ATTENTION Donna Vance & J 13240 OLD THREE CHOPi kOAD P,O. BGX 1246 ADDkE5S 10335 AB80TT RD PO Bax 106 6254 MEADOWBRID6E kD 7321 COUkTnOUSE kD 17202 LEBANON kD bI0 PEIDMONT ST. BOX 253 405 MADISON 5T P.O. BOX 610 4266 Harseshne Bend Rd. 1203 N PITT ST APT 1C 1642 STOWE RD. RT 6 BOX 117 737 WESTMORELAND DRIVE 113 MELISSA DR 14308 RAMBLEWOOG DRIVE k 1 BOX 935 2815 STEPHENSON AVE SW 226 NOLAND ST, 5107 ROBINS ROAD RT, III, BOX 87 6427 WOODUILLE DRIVE RT 600 PO BOX 128 HCR a7-BOX 1152 RT 3 BOX 604 RR 1 BOX 997 6418 VALLEY WOOD kD 8009 REVENNA LANE 1?220 OLD TNkEE CHDPT 13220 OLD THREE CHOPT 5126 ARLINGTON BLVD. RT. 8 BOX 59 10806 BREWIN6TON kD 205 River Oaks Dr. RR9 Box 522 PO Box 10091 21019 5EASIDE ROAD 1349 IkON LEI6E RUN RT 1 80X 750 4705 BAY OUAkTER CT 1001E BkOAD ST LL5 RT. 111, bOX 647 4936 EG6EROCK DR. RT 44 BOX 536 K 2996 COVIN6TON STREET 5510 CDPPERPENNY ROAD 4141 WED6EMERE 6'OAD 5504 COPPERF'ENNY ROAD 8341 LYNDALE DRIVE 1556 BELMONT ROAD 1575 GARY kD 1206 BENEFIT RD. P.O. BOX 102h 5E kD. ROAD CITY ST ZIP PHONE -------- --------------- kICHMDND -- ---------- VA 23233 ---- 804-360-2118 WILLIAM5BUR6 VA 23181 804-564-3708 MANASSAS VA 22110 703-503-9066 Fincastle VA 24v90 703-413-3170 MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 BU4-746-1199 CHE5TERFIELD VA 23432 BU4-796-1494 SPRING GROVE VA 23881 604-541-3395 BLACKSBUR6 UA 24060 703-552-8431 kILEYVILLE VA 22650 7U3-743-3773 HEkNDON VA 22070 7U3-435-5194 BROOKNEAL VA 24528 804-316-2460 Roanoke VA 24014 703-985-0328 ALEXANDkIA VA 22314-1474 703-683-2941 RESTON VA 22094 7U3-742-8434 HAkkISONBUk6 VA 22801 703-434-2735 STEPHENS CITY VA 22655 202-828-6227 600DE VA 24556 703-586-5414 CHESTEk VA 23831 8114-541-0211 BLUE kID6E VA 24064 7U3-941-2467 ROANDKE VA 24014 7U3-563-1574 FALLS CHURCH VA 22046 703-533-0908 RICHMOND VA 23231 804-222-5085 JETEkSVILLE VA 23043 8+'14-561-3902 FALLS CHURCH VA 22044 7U3-482-1105 TDWNSEND VA 2!443 8U4-331-1631 WAkNEk VA 23179 804-758-4636 FRONT kDYAL VA 22ti30 703-491-8903 WIkTl VA 24184-9613 11+3-982-6850 RICHMOND VA 23229 804-285-5539 5F'RIN6FIEL0 VA 22153 703-455-9112 kICHMDND VR 2323 8+)4-360-2105 RICHMOND VA 232.;:, 804-3611-2105 AkLIN6TON VA 22204-1156 202-861-2860 HAkkI50NBUk6 VA 22801 703-4.14-2759 kICHMDND VA 23233 BU4-741-3138 Altavista VA 24517 804-369-4926 Winchester VA 22601 103-bb5-0103 Lynchburg VA 24506 212-tib2-9422 CAPE CHARLES VA 23310 804-331-2240 VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23454 804-425-9210 EVIN6TON VA 24554 -0- VIk6INIA BEACH VA 23455 804-363-9511 kICHMDND VA 00000 804-643-7313 MARION VA 24354 703-763-4362 CHANTILLY VA 22021 103-385-1110 MONETA VA 24121 703-297-1tib3 fAIRFAX VA 220.31 703-280-5362 CHE5TERFIELD VA 23832 BU4-674-5912 CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 804-276-2013 CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 -G- kICHMDND VA 23235 BU4-745-4401 CHE5TERFIELD VA 23832 804-794-7600 MANA55AS VA 22110 743-330-0103 CHESAPERKE VA 23322-270 2 BU4-479-3537 5POT5YLVANIA VA 22553 703-972-1523 09/30/93 6:MEF MEMBEkSHIP LIST PAGE 7 MEMBER 1ST ND, TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME = FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS -------- CITY -- --------------- ST -- 11P ---------- PHONE ------------ ----- ----- 143244 F -=--- SU3 ---------- ---- FEAZELL -- ------------ DANNY --------------- ---------------- 212 MADISON AVE UINTON VA 24119 703-343-2620 !76461 F 503 FELTNER JAMES B. 4424 GkEENLEE RD ROANOKE UA 24418 703-714-7717 116124 F 5U3 FELTNER D.J. 7567 FLOYD HWY N COPPER HILL VA 24079 103-651-8434 12292E F F92 FELTY GARY M. 5301 DERMDTTE LN RICHMOND VA 23237 -4- 143295 F SU3 FERkIS DICK 3965 FLINT kD. SALEM VA 24513 103-384-6888 143211 F SU3 FIDLER JAMES 1725 6DRDDN AVE SE ROANOKE VA 24014 -0- 58993 F SU3 FIKE THOMAS F. kT 4b, BOX 292 BEDFORD VA 24523 -0- 20803 F S91 FINNEY 191 MIDN WALTER E CO TB5 MCCMC DUANTICOS VA 22134 -0- 101243 F 593 FITZWATER GEORGE M. 2854 HIDEAWAY kOAD FAIRFAX VA 22031 708-2BU-2307 68756 F 594 FLANNERY JIM 1442 WAS5AMAN CIRCLE MC LEAN VA 22101 103-448-6644 112341 F SU2 FLESHER JOHN B. RT 1 BOX 488 CHUkCHVILLE VA 24421 103-337-1860 55623 F W90 FLETCHEk STEVEN RT.1 bOX 142 CHAkLES CITY VA 23030 804-829-5941 134966 F S43 FOOSE VICTOk 8334 GAh°FIELD CT SPRINGFIELD VA 22152 103-569-3089 143246 F SU3 FOkMICHELLA MICHAEL PO BOX 452 WIRTZ VA 24184 -0- 148194 S F93 Foster Carroll R. 8511 Baldwin Creek kd. Chesterfield VA 23832 804-139-4801 104779 F W92 FOWLER JIM 324 LYNN LANE WAVNESBOkO VA 21980 103-942-28vl 10513"[ F SU4 FRANK JOEL M. 6334 LAKEVIEW Gk, FALLS CHURCH VA 22039 103-642-9889 22263 F 503 FRANTZ LANIEk HC 34 bOX 54 NEW CA5TLE VA 24127 703-387-0104 124864 S N94 Frazier John/Tinker 9621 Villagesaith Way Burke VA 22015 202-775-7101 139958 F SU3 FREITA6 KENNY PO bDX 44 BLACKSTONE VA 23824 844-292-5187 419 L LIF french Paul C. 525 Merlins Lane Herndon VA 22410 -G- 1420b5 F SU3 FRYE DENNIS RT 7 BOX 6U-E LYNCHBUk6 UA 24503 604-582-1281 84315 F 503 FRYE SEAN k. 43252 EVAN5 POND k0. LEESBURG VA 22075 -0- 154456 F W94 FULLERTON SAM 8017 HILLCRE5T Dk MANASSAS VA 22111-1844 703-368-95x1 153228 F F93 FURR FLOYD H. 11080 BACHORAGE kD WDODBkID6E VA UOUOU 703-491-1234 146343 F SU3 GALLANT JASON S. ACU FOUR 5443 CLEEVE ABBEY VIRGINIA BEACH VA UOOUO -0- 52695 F F93 6ALLIER. RICHARD B. PO BOX 128 MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-379-4204 124865 F W94 6ANDY JOHN 4418 ANDREA AVE. ANNANDALE VA 22003 703-978-8839 124866 F W94 6ANNAWAY WILLIAM 9900 JAY LANE bRISTDW VA 22~i13 103-361-5223 151688 F F93 6ARBER SCOT 713 FLOWER DR MC 6AHEVSVILLE VA 22840 703-289-6981 I1bOb8 F 503 GARNER JAMES M. 342 JUNIPEk DR LYNCHBUR6 VA 24502 804-525-7341 126822 F W94 6ARRI5ON WILLIAM H. PO BOX 360 WHITE MARSH VA 23183 804-864-4108 155340 F W94 6ASKILL DARYL b. 316 DEAL Dk PORTSMOUTH VA 23701 -0- 116153 F SU2 6EARHAkT RODNEV RT 2 BOX C-2G DUBLIN VA 24084 1u3-674-8989 52647 F F93 6ENTILINI 6AkY 431 CHAkLEMAGNE kOAD MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-794-4521 11Ub4G F 502 GIBBON EGGIE D. kT 2 BOX 447 WISE VA 24293 703-328-3324 116469 F SU3 6[LE5 CHAkLE5 J, kT 2 BOX 112 ARk[NbTON VA 22922 B+}4-263-4105 143273 F SU3 GILES DAVID B. RT 2 ADX 131 AMHERST VA 24521 -0- 143228 F SU3 612ZI LEO R. 1429 FALLING BRANCH RD CHRISTIAN5BUk6 VA 24413 7~}~ 381-0045 13440 F W92 6LAGD KEVIN 9802 BRANTE DRIVE FAIRFAX VA 22032 703-978-1542 138356 F 503 6LAIZE 6EOkGE 104 DUTTON PL WINCHESTEk VA 226+)2 -0- 94331 F F93 60DWIN JB CDR 81+)9 MIDDLEfOR6 DR. SPkINGFIEL'u VA 22153 -0- 154471 F W94 60NIALES MATTHEW 3403 BkIGHTW00D LN 43 WOODBkIDGE VA 22193 i+)3-644-7810 87424 F SU4 60NZALES E. MICKEY 8419 MISTY BLVD SPRINGFIELD VA 22153 7~i3-a44-7810 19989 F SU3 GOOD FkANKLIN C, b'T 3 BOX 21 GAVTON VA 22821 703-879-9169 68005 F F94 6OODE HAkkY L. 7141 BELMONT 6'OAG CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 804-275-2363 52741 F 543 60RDDN TDM P.O. BOX 130 CHESTERFIELD VA 23632 804-748-8153 145840 F SU3 60kDON Mk. PAIGE K. 501 R05EMGNT Dk. BkDAGWAV VA 22815 103-896-7354 93835 F SU1 6DRDDN GURT15 2629 LACLEDE AVE RICHMOND VA 23233 804-262-BuO+) 113817 F SU3 6DULD W. CLIFF 4245 HIGHRIDGE CIRCLE TROUTVILLE VA 24175 703-977-3149 116022 5 SU3 Gould Wayne Roanoke Gravely 6976 Old Mill Rd. koanoke VA 24018 743-985-0352 143265 F 503 GRACE JOHNNY 1409E MAIN ST SALEM VA 24153 703-387-3155 122905 S F93 bran Ed New Kent Pet 5u 8101 Old River kd. New Kent VA 23124 804-966-5363 116157 F 503 6RAVETT JR, EDWIN C. 5740 LEE LANE FINCASTLE VA 24090 703-992-3761 67417 F F94 GRAY ALAN iNTEkSTATE CONS P.D. BDX bl7 RICHMOND VA 23205 804-232-7663 G9/3U/93 kMEF MEMdEnSHiP LIST PHuE B MEMBER 1ST NO. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS ------------------ - CITY - --------------- ST -- TIP ---------- PHONE ------------ ----- ----- 146375 F ----- SU3 ---------------- 6REGG - ------------ DYANN k. -- --------------- ---- 1721 HAkkISDN RD 41 NDRFGLK VA 235+)5-1349 -0- 55624 F W90 6kIM5LEV BDB P.O.BGX 27401 kICHMDND VA 23279 804-254-3915 74181 F F93 6RINER TED COUNTRY BDY OUT P.G. 80X 2092 kESTGN VA 22+190 703-418-0250 124766 F W94 GRINNAN CHARLES P.D. BOX 1501 MANA55AS UA 22110 103-335-0500 116020 5 503 6riaso Mac 6480 Ran Lynn Road Roanoke UA 24+)18 103-714-3869 18918 F 503 6RONBERG JASON 3111 MADISON HiLI CT ALEXANDRIA VA 22310 703-960-9559 12630 F F93 6UE5T JR, kAYMDND k. P.O. BDX 147 FRONT RDYAI VA 22630 -U- 13U62 F S94 6UkLEY SHAGS 9611 OLD RETRIEVER TRAIL CHARLES CITY VA 23030 B+)4-829-6351 110821 F 503 6USLER KERMIT W. RT. 2 BGX 200 BLAND VA 24315 703-928-1275 84335 F SUt GWYNN, 5R. DAVID G. BOX 144 RICH CkEEK VA 24141 703-726-3496 42123 F 503 HADBAVNY MIKE 1308 HIGHLAND CIRCLE BLACK5BUk6 VA 24060-5623 103-663-3089 139836 F SU3 RAGA ROY DON kT 2 BOX 707 CHILHOWIE VA 24319 703-646-3869 148806 F F93 HAGEN GERALD 4280 WHITEHALL kD SANDY HOOK VA 23153 -0- 154455 F W94 HAINES GARY 107 BEAVER LODGE RD STAFFGkD VA 22554-3424 103-752-2711 52740 F F89 HAIRFIELD WADE 5 N. UGOLEY AVE. RICHMOND VA 23220 804-358-4460 116121 F 503 HALEY DUNCAN K. 4031 CHAPARRAL Dk ROANGKE VA 24018 703-989-5474 116057 F SU2 HALL DAVE r'G BOX 373 FOREST VA 24551 844-525-5020 143230 F SU3 HALL DVM M. BRENT kT 1 BDK 354 FAPHINE VA 24472 703-317-9270 143233 F SU3 HALL WILLIAM D. PD BGX 313 FOREST VA 24551 804-525-5020 116010 F SU3 HAMBkICK JR. HARRY F. 1924 ABERDEEN AVE kGANOKE VA 24018 103-989-2846 143210 F SU3 HAMILTON GARY 2105 BERKLEY AVE 6:DANDKE VA 24015 -i- 1247b1 F F92 HAMMER DAVID A. 15013 WGGDGLEN CT. DUMFRIES VA 22026 703-670-8858 116056 F 502 HAMMER JED 6734 PEACHTkEE Ck RDANOKE VA 24018 703-989-6513 32708 F W92 HAMPTON CAPT. MIKE 1400 AGUTA Dk STAFFORD VA 22554-2118 913-764-3664 116128 F SU3 HAMPTON JEkkY M. btu RAINBOW FOREST Uk LYNCHBURG VA 24542 804-384-1538 132432 F S93 HANEY DAN PG BDX iii UFFEkVILLE VA 22116 703-592-3748 82055 F 591 HANEY 6EDkGE RT 3 BOX o7b ORANGE VA 22960 703-672-2174 145953 F S93 HANNAH CHAD W. 173 MASTERPIECE LANE WINCHESTER VA 22hU2 703-122-9255 148814 F F93 HARDIN6 5k GARY M. 100 CGVEY RG SANDSTGN VA 2315u 804-737-6037 51227 F F93 HARMAN DkDEN L. 650 STONE SPRING kG. HAkRI5UNBURG VA 22801 703-434-c3U2 122915 F F92 HARPER C.B. ~?U16 HOGf CIkCLE MECNANICSVILLE VA 23111 -U- 68U2U F F93 HARFEk EDWIN A. 1713 kAVANNE DRIVE kICHMDND VA 23235 8+)4-745-2168 122927 F F93 HAkRELL RGY A. 10125 BETHANY k1DGE kD kICHMDND VA 23236 804-745-2889 106831 F W94 HARRELL JOHN k. 20982 TGBACCO 50. ASHBURN VA 22011 703-729-Ob86 57219 F 593 HARRIS kUSSELL C. 117 LAMBERT DR. MANASSAS VA 22111 703-368-1041 17211 F S91 HARRIS JOSEPH L RT 2 BDX 618 APFOMATTGX VA 24522 804-983-3392 67989 F F90 HARRISDN GERALD M. 14147 f'kINCESS MARY kG L'HESTERFIELD VA 23832 804-526-0543 67979 F F93 HARRISDN JR. kOBERT B. 3230 JERSEY COURT CGLGNIAL HGHTS. VA 23834 804-526-95ti0 75097 F S91 HARTSDOK WDGDY RT 1 BDX 507 BLUEMDNT VA 22012 7+)3-955-3586 148829 F F93 HARWGGD WALLACE 552 50UTH5IDE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23451 804-422-6167 116121 F SU2 HASKINS R. SCOTT 140 QUEEN REGENT CT BLUE RIDGE VA 24064 703-971-0117 110320 F SU3 HAS5ELL MICHAEL 928 CHURCH HILL LANE NEWPGRT NEWS VA 23602 804-814-1632 14505 F S90 HATHAWAY JOHN 9535 JDMAR DRIVE FAIkFAX VA 22032 -0- 38194 F S91 HAWSE, III JOHN F. RT.4, BDX 325A WINCHE5TER VA 22601 703-877-2079 22008 F SU2 HAYNES kONALD L. RT. 2 BOX 351 TIMBERVILLE VA 22853 103-B9h-8610 124868 F F92 HEAEY GARY 13713 JEFF DAUIS HWY WDGDBRIDGE VA 22191 703-441-4861 143245 F SU3 HEARN RONALD D. RT 2 BOX 422 STAUNTGN VA 24401 703-331-1449 148805 F F43 HEATH WALTER V. 4511 CGURTLAND GR COLONIAL HGHTS VA 23834 804-526-3918 80700 F S91 HENDER50N KHRIS IUBC MISTY COVE HAMPTON VA 23666 719-475-7700 94897 F F91 HENDERSGN HUGH T. kT 3 BDX 561 kU5T8UkG VA 24588 804-845-1866 152160 F F93 HENDRIX 6ARY W. 1015 5HA6:DN LN DANVILLE VA 24540 -U- t05173 F S92 HENRY JOEL MOVED-NFA 38 D TERRACE VIEW BLACKSBUR6 VA OUvOU 703-552-3208 116059 F F93 HEN5LEY J.S. RT i BDX 557 GROTTOES VA 24441 7u3-249-4495 154454 F W94 HERMANSEN ERIC RT 1 BOX 739 AMISSVILLE VA 22GU2 1+13-937-4220 138712 F SU3 HIGKERSDN Jk. JAMES L. kT 1 BGX 347 A BLUEMGNT VA 22012 703-955-1874 +JY/suit's RMEF MEMBEkSHiP LIST PAGE 9 MEMBER 1ST ND. TYPE ISSUE ----- ----- ----- F92 SU3 W94 SU3 F92 S91 593 S93 S93 F91 LIF SU3 SU3 F93 502 W94 F93 W93 F93 N93 SU2 SU3 SU3 F92 S92 W93 F93 F92 S93 SU3 S93 SU3 FB9 W94 W94 F92 503 503 F9U 543 SU3 503 F92 F93 W94 SU3 W91 F93 SU1 SU3 sue SU3 SU3 SU3 SU3 LAST NAME H~ICKO% HICK5 HILL HIRKO HISE HISEY HOB5ON HOGLE HOLDEN HOLLAND, JR. Hollis HOLMES HOLMOUIST HOLMOUIST HOPE Horn HOF:N HORNBY HDRivE HDRTON HOSAFLOOK HOUGHTON HOVANEC Howard HOYLE HUGER HUDICK HUDSON HUETH HUFF HUFF HUFF HUGHES HUGHES HUMPHkEY HUMPHREYS HUNTER HURT JR. HYDE IRELAND IRVINE IRVINE JACKSON JACKSON JAHN JAMERSON JANIK JASPER Jeffers JEFFERSON III JENRETTE JENSEN JOHNSON JR. JOHNSON JOHNSON FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDkESS ------------ --------------- --------------- JGHN WEST CARLTON LEE JOHN 5. GRE6 BUCK LYNDSEY JOSEPH A. KATHY RICHARD E. Frank ERIC P. TYLER k. GARY R. DONALD Richard R. DICK/NANCY TGM ERIC WAYNE U. F:OBERT E. GR. CHARLES KURT Bill PETER CRAIG FOX ANDREW M ROBERT K. 5HAWN CURTIS L. FRANK E. BOBBY KIP ROBERT K JOE LENA LYLE JOHN D. KEVIN PAT CARSON C. BUTCH RDDNEY W. MATTHEW LAURENCE k. THOMAS U. PHIL kOBEkT Don USS EISENHOWER WILLIAM E. WESLEY DANIEL A. SEWELL5 POINT C JOHN H. HEATH REX A. CITY ST IIP PHONE ----- --------------- -- ---------- ------------ 1042b HERITAGE LANDING RD. BURKE VA 22015 103-250-3203 RR 2 BOX 735 EVINGTON VA 24550-9523 8+)4-821-6040 824 JOUETT DRIVE NEWPORT NEWS VA 23b02 804-875-2353 OTRS., 2052-F, MCCDC OUANTICO VA 22134 -0- 7958 CENTRRL PARK CIRCLE ALEXANDRIA VA 22309 103-366-1536 RT. 1 BOX 159 ELKTDN VA 22827 103-298-13b1 119 DAK:RIDGE LANE WINCHESTER VA 22b02 703-bbl-463b 3404 CANTER CIRCLE ROANDKE VA 241118 703-989-5678 5055 KENEk50N FAIRFA% VA 22032 202-429-1245 7330 CHURCH LANE TOAND VA 23168 -0- 1524 Cedar Valley Lane kithaond VA 23231 8!~4-195-5381 PG BD% 68485 VIRGINIA BEACH VA 24355 -G- E CO TBS, MCCDC DUANTICO VA OOG00 -~i- o1G0 MULBERR CT ALEXANDRIA UA 22310 7u3-329-8092 PO BOX 632 PUR.CELLVILLE VA 22132 703-338-5935 9266 Cutting Horse L't. Springfield VA 22153 703-b44-1529 92Uti CUTTING HD6'SE CT SF'6:INGFIELD VA 22153-1018 but-5b1-15b4 821 STONEGATE DR. SALEM VA OuOGU 763-772-8776 10818 STANTON WY. RICHMOND VA 23233 oU4-141-1695 RT 2 BOX 395 HILLSVILLE VA 24343 103-398-2777 PO BOX 522 EDINBUk6 VA 22b14-GJ<< 763-984-4532 3231 ELEt'TRIC RU SW RDANOKE VA 24018 763-989-5621 9040 MAkIE CT. LDRTON VA 22019-1700 103-b90-085ti P.O. Box 172 kackville VA 2314b 804-360-2010 RT 3 BOX 9G LEVETTVILLE VA 22080 -U- PO BOX 763 ASHLAND VA 23005 8u4-198-b139 PO BOX 12386 ROANOKE VA 24025 703-342-1102 11504 BRIDLEWOOD CT CHESTERFIELD VA 23832-3538 8+)4-190-1394 E. CO. 3RD U.S. INF. FT MYER VA U40U4 703-528-9810 kT 4 BO% 219-C FLOYO VA 24091 163-745-2946 P.O. BOX Ilb FLINTHILL IiA 22b21 703-b75-3848 RT 4 BOX 215 FLOYD VA 24091 103-651-4215 5107 BODN5BOk0 ROAD, iB LYNCHBURG VA 24503 804-384-6702 42b COURTHOUSE RD RICHMOND VA 23236 tiU4-276-5253 R.T.2, BO% 301 6GDDVIEW VA 24095 763-291-6085 1121 SCHROEDEk RD POWHATAN VA 23139 804-598-3484 RT 2 BO% 431 STUAkT5 DRAFT VA 24477 -0- 820b WINTERWOOD TRAIL RDANOKE VA 24014 703-989-2181 232b MILL kDAD POWHATAN VA 23139 404-598-2533 2114 WHITE PELICAN LANE ROANGKE VA 24018 703-989-3b57 RT 4 BOX 180 LEXINGTON VA 24454 103-2b1-3102 295 TGMAHAWK Dk GHRISTIAN5nURG VA 24073 103-381-0473 kT 1 BOX 117 CUMBERLAND VA 23040 864-492-5854 20ti6 C DTRS DUANTICO VA 22134 703-b4U-1)970 2435 RIVIERA DRIVE VIENNA VA 22181 103-281-97b8 1209 WOODS k0 LYNCHBURG VA 24502 BU4-231-065b 12137 FRANKLIN FARM ROAD HERNGON VA 22071 -0- 3815 WINESAP ROAD kGANOKE VA 24619 703-983-tiG29 Rt. 2 Box 112 Beaverdaa VA 23015 804-221-35b1 1236 KEFFIELD 5T. RDANGKE VA 24019 103-985-8020 RT 1 BOX 254A BEDFORD VA 24523 103-586-9175 3401 MORNINGTON Dk CHESAPEAKE VA 23321 -il- 1407 WODDLAWN ST. CLIFTON FDR6E VA 24422 103-862-441b 528 CRESSWOOD Dk RICHLANDS VA 24641 103-963-9818 NAUGMSCOL/976 SUNNYSIDE DR VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23464 -U- 09/30J93 RMEF MEMBERSHIP LIST PAGE lu MEMBER 1ST. N0. TYPE ISSUE LA5T NAME FIR5T NAME ATTENTION AUDkES5 CITY 5T ZIP PHONE ----- -- --- ----- ---------------- - ------------ --------------- -------------------------- --------------- -- ---------- ------------ 1u48b7 F S93 JOHNSON DOYLE C. 142 LEISURE ST. STAFFOkD VA 22554 202-219-0884 122908 F F92 JOHNSON HARkY HCR U5 BOX 135-8 ARODA VA 227ti9-97+11 -U- 84323 F SU2 JOHNSON, III M/M THOMAS N PO BOX BB CROZIER VA 23039 BU4-7BU-2444 59611 F SU3 JOHNSTON MG kOBEkT RT. 1 BOX 556 BLUEMONT VA 22012 -0- 154468 F W94 JONES FkED 11442 PARK 6ATE DR NOKESVILLE VA 22123 703-594-2995 109908 F S93 JONE5 BERNARD J. SMALLWOOD FAkM RT 2 GROZET VA 22932 BU4-823-4536 14879E F F93 JONES STUART 7321 COURTHOUSE kD CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 804-196-1494 122924 F F93 JONES JOEY 1598 GRASSY POND RG EMPORIA VA 23847 -0- 148464 F F93 JONES JEkEMY J. 2343 WHITCOMB PLACE FALLS CHUkCH VA 22046 -4- 83643 F SU3 JUDY JAMIE RT ili BOX 1610 MIDDLETOWN VA 22645 103-869-5644 110951 F SU3 JUSTICE BURKE RT 2 BOX 152 ROYCE VA 22620 703-837-1230 38793 F S91 KAKNIS JOHN RT. 2, BOX 431 WINCHESTER VA 22601 7U3-888-3272 10988 F F94 KANE kOBERTISUSAN P.O. BOX 247 OUINTON VA 23141 804-932-9731 124862 F F92 KAPPUS FRED 6032 LADY SLIPFEk LANE MANASSAS VA 22111 7U3-361-7681 143221 F SU3 KAUFFMAN JR. EkNIE 3635 VENTNOR RD kOANOKE VA 24014 743-427-0106 36469 F Sgt KGkAGET CHARLES 8841 BEACH ROAD CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 BU4-148-2898 141563 F SU3 KEATTS WADE Ii8 LYNVIEW Dk. LYNGHBUR6 VA 24502 BU4-231-2515 68026 F F42 KEENEY MARK RT. 1 BOX 311 U HUMS VA 22639 703-364-1081 25111 F SUU KELLY ROBERT L. PO BOX 1 MONEkEY VA 24465 703-468-2649 124769 F W94 KELLY III JAMES L. 149 LAMBERT DR. MANASSAS PARK VA 22111 703-368-4116 140365 F W94 KENDRICK DR, ROLAND 1003 MAIN STkEET ALTA VISTA VA 24517 804-369-4142 1429 L LIF Kennedy III Willia® H. 3207 Alaba~a Ave. Alexandria VA 22305 501-377-4313 113618 F 503 KENNEDY Jk. RANDALL RT 2 BOX 147 WODDSTOCK VA 22664 703-984-4191 154453 F W94 KENT ANDY RT b BOX 164 A WARkENTON VA 22186 703-349-2028 147301 F S92 KEYES JEROME W. 7905 DEF:BYSHIRE LANE FAIkFAX STATION VA 22039 103-978-bti82 52139 F W91 K.IUD LARRY W. 2210 SWAMP FOX ROAD MIDLOTHIAN VA 23112 BU4-379-6413 12751 F F93 KILLGOkE DON 4621 TAkA UR FAIRFAX VA 22u32 103-323-1669 100638 F W93 KIMBkOUGH JOHN RT 4 BOX 96K SCOTT5VILLE VA 24590 804-286-3261 143278 F SU3 KING BEN 423 E VALLEY ST. ABINGTON VA 2421+) -0- 107313 F 594 KING TERkY HGk U4 BDX b9 A MILLBORD VA 24460 103-862-0314 116061 F SU2 KIRK BILL 6:T 1 BOX 224 WYTHEVILLE VA 24382 703-228-2539 124680 S F92 Kiser Stan G.F. Miller Gon 6583 Merchant P1. Ste. 306 Gainsville VA 22065 703-349-2421 58994 5 S94 Kite Jr. Willia~ L. kt. i Boz 67 6oadview VA 24095 ]113-890-1956 52712 F F93 KITE CARL N. 74+)b ELKHARDT kOAD RICHMOND VA 23225 804-230-0554 84562 F F93 KLING RONALD kT 2 BOX 553 THE PLAINS VA 22171 743-364-2126 55056 F 592 KNIGHT STEPHEN 119 RAMBLE kGAG COLLINSVILLE VA 241+78 743-632-6666 73839 F W92 KNIGHTEN kICHARD W. 1111 ARMY NAVY UR, KA-107 AkLINGTON VA 22202 103-271-0721 1e528 F F94 KNOTT II k. R. 400 KENNEDY Dk. KING GEORGE VA 22485 103-175-786;; 25881 F SU1 KNUDSEN BkAD 19 FAIRWAY Dk POkTSMOUTH VA 23701-1655 4+)b-557-2530 146386 F SU3 KOLA MARK W. NAVPHIBASE LCRE 4716 WINDERMEkE CT 4 142 VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23455 -0- 122913 F F92 KOONTZ EARL HOKE BRADY RD kICHMOND VA 23231 804-795-2114 146131 F SU3 KOPPENHAVER KEVIN H. 20 LYNNWOOD Dk HAMPTON VA 23666 -0- 155402 F W94 KOPPiE CAkY M. 2133 SUTTON RD VIENNA VA 22181 743-255-1131 4384 F SU3 KOURY JR ROBERT C. 3843 PLAZA GkIVE FAIRFAX VA 22030 103-591-u54ti 143251 F 503 KOWAL5KY ALBERT D. kT 3 BOX 630-B RUSTBUR6 VA 2458E -0- 84115 F SU1 KkAMER RANDY 706 KEVIN CT WINCHESTER VA 22601 703-667-388;, 99513 F F91 KkASYK F.J. 6432 ALLOWAY COUkT 5PkINGFIELD VA ODUUU 703-451-8619 124852 F F92 LA BRIOLA DDS OR. DANIEL 5619 5MOKE RISE LANE FAIRFAX VA 22039 143-978-7013 146395 F SU3 LAKE WILLIAM 6. USS CONDLLY 1119 FLORIDA CT VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23456 -U- 13b148 F SU3 LAMBERT JEkkY 1923 POHICK CR GRT. WOODBRIDGE VA 22192 703-494-1647 33796 F W93 LAMBERT Jk. ALBERT C. kk 2 BOX 525 FkONT ROYAL VA 22630-9802 7+)3-636-9777 137548 F 503 LANCASTER SEAN J. kR t BOX 526 BLUEMONT VA 22012 103-455-2371 154452 F W94 LANGHORNE BERNIE 1608 JAMES MADISON HWY HAYMARKET VA 22069 703-754-8888 93839 F F92 LANKEY DOUGLAS N. 1$20 DTTERGALE RG. MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 BU4-379-6763 81198 F S93 LANSING WILLIAM 4140 MALLARD CT 6AINESVILLE VA 22Uti5 703-341-0476 ~:~.,,~,., n.rtet r~u•id[n.~ntr ~i5+ YH~t 11 MEMBEk 1ST , N0. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS CITY ST TIP PHONE 148810 F F93 LAPRADIE STEVEN E. 16b00 E%TERMILL RD CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 BU4-590-9755 135573 F S93 LAUGHLIN JOHN RT 2 BO% 221 A STERLING VA 22170 703-430-7831 ltbil8 F SU2 LAUGHON TOM HIGH ACkE RD BEDFOF'D VA 24523 703-586-2538 90833 F F92 LAW VANGE S. kT 2 BD% 50 MARSHALL VA 22115 103-3b4-2564 I1b107 F SU3 LAWRENCE RICHARD PO BO% 2320 kOANOKE VA 24010-2320 703-982-2606 52104 F F89 LAWSON WILBUR J. RT. tk3, BO% 221 BLACKSTONE VA 23824 844-292-3271 100403 S F93 Layman Jr. G.W. Route ! Box lb4 KeezletoNn VA 22832 103-434-1141 116120 F F93 LAYMAN PHILIP PO BOK 42 WARM SPk1NGS VA 24484 703-839-2049 30111 F F93 LEA5 RICK 3540 MOUNTAIN RD. HAYMARKET VA 224b9 103-754-7832 124771 F W94 LEE LEWIS RT 2 BO% 240 THE PLAINS VA 22171 703-347-7805 133751 F S93 LELAND 5TAN G. kT 1 BD% 114 MONETA VA 24121 703-291-b573 97346 F F91 LEMMERT BRUCE 21 S. CHURCH ST. LOVETTESVILLE VA 2208G 703-622-4219 65681 F F93 LEDNAR.D RONNIE 809 GHIPPEWA DRIVE BRISTOL VA 24201 703-4bb-9144 157429 F W94 LEPLEY TONY -U- 4904 NORTHWESTEkN PIKE WINCHESTEk VA 22603 703-877-17bi 57r,U2 F S90 LESCO Jk DDN B. P.O. BO% 122 fiRAFTON VA UUUOU 804-898-1951 21196 F W94 LESSUY OENNIS k. 631 TAtEWEII NW VIENNA VA 22180 703-242-1693 bb9 L LIF Lewis Bradley K. bit Fairfax Avenue, 4A Norfolk VA 23507 801-581-10ti1 146819 F F43 LEWIS JOHN B. 5410 W CARP 5T. RD. kiCHMOND VA 2322b 804-285-4047 1248b1 F W44 LEWIS JR. WILFRED 15 6LDUCESTER 6'D. FRUNT ROYAL VA 22ti34 703-635-5549 b7363 F F93 LILLY BEN R. kT. 2, BOX 96 DAYTON VA 22821 103-867-5616 122942 F F93 LINDBEk6 STEPHEN P. 3624 WEATHERBURY PLACE MOSELEV VA 2312+1 804-139-4468 131812 F S93 LIPSGOMB JESSE R. kT 2 BO% 65 WEST PGINT VA 23618 804-843-2530 148459 F F93 LITTLE 5TEHPEN L. b B VUE STAFFORD VA 22554 -U- b799b F F90 LLOYD WAYNE 1685 ANDERSON HWY. POWHATAN VA 23139 BU4-194-b755 43219 F F94 LOCKHAkT STEVE HC 1 BO% 34 H FRONT kOYAI VA 22b3U-9307 7+13-635-b309 122916 F F92 LOCKWOOU fiEORGE b5 PIERCE CT HARTWOOD VA 22405 1ti3-752-1036 148794 F F93 LOFTIN TOM 4301 HANOUE6: AVE kICHMOND VA 23221 804-355-0594 41815 F SUO LOVELESS WAYNE 13b52 BIRCH DRIVE CHANTILLY VA 22021 103-378-7778 14323b F 503 LOVERN DAVE 2002 BIRCH LEAF LN BLACKSBUk6 VA 24060 -0- 143268 F SU3 LUCK kODNEY RT 695 MONTVALE VA 24122 703-947-2590 154467 F W94 LUDWI6 RAY 8614 WESTWOOD GT DR STE 500 VIENNA VA 22162-2272 103-847-9660 6537b F SU1 LUTTS, DOE kALPN VIRGINIA MUSEUM 1001 DOUGLAS AVE MARTINSVILLE VA 24112 103-666-6600 52714 F F92 LYLE5 BOBBY 4329 THREE BRIDGE ROAD POWHATAN VA 23139 804-598-3917 124712 F W94 LYONS EAkNEST P. RT 1 BD% 468 MAURERTOWN VA 22b44 703-43b-3259 125685 F F92 MADE THOMAS 6. RT 1 BO% b0-1A SWOOPE VA 24479 103-337-6416 154450 F W94 MADDO% DONALD RT 2 b0% 160 C LEESBUkG VA 22075 703-777-4858 143226 F SU3 MANGELS CHRIS 425 SHERWOOD DR. BLUE RIDGE VA 244b4 7+13-971-4685 67895 F F92 MANN BEUIN E. 3339 VALENTINE RD ROANOKE VA 24016 704-542-6801 124841 F F92 MANUEL WAkREN IU5U1 kEID LN. NOk:ESVIILE VA 22123 703-754-4107 111751 F 503 MARCOU% MICHAEL 8341 OLD OCEAN VIEW kD #A NORFOLK UA 23516 804-480-1166 142481 F SU3 MARGUM DONALD L. kT 1 BO% 524 BLUEMONT VA 22012 703-554-8274 1160b2 F SU3 MAkEK JR. ROBERT 205 PAkKVIEW DR BLUE RIDGE VA 24064 103-911-0816 111012 F F93 MAkLENEE RON & CINDY 9008 LINDA MARIA COURT FAIRFA% VA 22031 651-6153 149706 F S92 MARSHAL TIMOTHY RT 1 BO% 648 CHURGHVILLE VA 24421 IUJ-3.~7-6666 109255 F 5113 MARSHALL JOYCE B. 7311 RIVEkSIDE DrrIVE RiGHMDND VA 23225 6u4-272-4606 155134 F W94 MARTELLI ROBERT 411 HDPTON RD WOOGBRIGGE VA 22191 -G- 116Ub3 F SU3 MARTIN BUTCH kT 4 BO% 199 B 6EDFORD VA 24523 103-297-4432 148455 F F93 MARTIN DEBOkAH T, ROUTE i BO% 409 STANLEY VA 22451 -4- 52724 F F89 MARTIN KENNETH E. PO BD% 263 MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 8+14-794-4142 121938 F F92 MARTIN J.H. 6554 IkDN BRIDGE RD RICHMOND VA 23234 6+14-215-1674 31817 F 594 MARTIN JR kOBEkT 21112 WILDFLOWE6' SuUA6:E flSH6URN VA 22011 703-129-4728 12091 F F92 MASON ALFRED PD BOX 754 PURGELLViLLE VA 22132 703-338-4165 116152 F SU3 MASON TOM b120 BURNHAM RD SW kOANOKE VA 24018 703-174-1546 37610 F W94 MASON GEORGE RT. 43, BD% 1 STRASBUR6 VA 22657 703-4b5-5735 61991 F F91 MASSEY JAMIE 9541 TURF CLUB CT. N1101 RICHMOND UA UU4UU 604-527-0208 09/30/93 kMEF MEMBER5HIF' LIST PHGE 12 MEMBER 1ST N0. TYPE IS5UE ' LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS CITY ST i[P PHONE 116050 F SU2 MASSIC MALGOLM 0. RT i BOX 552 STUAkTS DRAFT VA 24471 703-337-1205 49320 F F94 MASSIF PHILLIP W. kT. 1, BOX 555 STUAFiTS DRAFT VA 24471 703-337-2929 110362 F 593 MASSIF II BYkON B. 8471 M15TY BLUE CT. SPkINGFIELD VA 22153 7U3-455-0126 110361 F 593 MASSIF BYkON B. ROUTE i BI6 ISLAND VA 24526 -0- 61914 F F94 MATAKA JOHN S. 8214 MAC BETH STF'EET MANA55A5 VA 22110 i!i.3-369-1624 145909 F SU3 MATHIS DAN 1188 TOGOSBUkY LANE VIRGINIA BEAI,H VA 23454 804-427-2103 164 L LIF Matson David 2024 Fairway Drive Suffolk VA 23433-1108 713-799-4790 1852 F S92 MATTHEWS JOHN tU9 6ATEHOU5E BLVD. WILLIAMS8Uk6 VA 23185 804-253-1041 2302 F 593 MG ALLISTER DR. JACK RT. i BOX 198 STEPHENSON VA 22656 703-bbl-8936 71215 F F90 MG CARE DOUGLAS P. RT. 1 BOX 103 FLINT HILL VA 22627 103-675-3143 68009 F W92 MC CALL, Jk. CARY 3606 KING GEORGE CT 4I kIGHMOND VA 23223-1645 -0- 56831 F 593 MC LANDLESS VINCENT E. 511 SWEENEY CIkGLE FOREST VA 24551-1468 804-846-4603 134106 F S93 MC 6INNI5 6:ONALG 201 MISTY POINT LANE NEWF'OkT NEWS VA 23603 804-888-2106 116021 F SU3 MCANALLY Jr. JAMES W. 2501 CLOUERDALE RD TROUTVILLE VA 24175 992-2719 124773 F W94 MCBkIGE TAL Bb3 N. ABINGDON 5T. ARLINGTON VA 22203 703-525-8331 18943 F F93 MCCONNELL WAYNE G. ltU EMBAR ROAD GATE CITY VA 24251 303-487-3211 143253 F SU3 MCCOY DAVID k. PO BOX 2663 LYNCHBUR6 VA 24501 804-385-7993 143305 S 503 McDaniel kobert H. Rt 1 Box 314-A Dublin VA 24084 103-639-3934 416 L LIF McDaniel 6.C. 2430 Coast Guard Dr. Stafford VA 22554-2514 602-341-2511 151274 F W94 MCGONALD JOHN 327 CLOVELLY RD RICHMOND VA 23221 804-281-6782 143269 F SU3 MCFAkLANE RAY 1923 BROOKFIELD Ok. 5W 6:OANOKE VA 24018 103-774-0572 BU018 F S94 MCLAUkIN JOHN 5701 WOODEN HAWK LANE BUkKE VA 22015 103-697-0276 68013 F F93 MCLE00 C.L. "MAC° 7621 SAMBAk kOAD CHESTERFIELD UA 23832 804-748-2889 98295 F W94 MCNEAL JOHN W. PO BOX 2172 KILMARNOCK VA 22482-2172 804-226-2026 156195 F W94 MEADOWS DR. GLENN 1516 LINDEN AVE LYNCHBUk6 VA 24503 -0- 150248 F F93 MERRICK IV THOMAS B. 204 COLTHURST Ok CHARLOTTSVILLE VA 22901 804-295-0103 143262 F SU3 MEkkITT MERLYN 825 BLOSSOM LN TROUTVILLE VA 24175 703-992-5455 143263 F 503 MERRITT TIM 5147 SIEWA GkIVE ROANOKE VA 24012 703-3bb-8443 60089 F SU3 MESSER STEVE 2200 W1NDV PINES BND UIkGINIA BEACH VA 23456-3`i32 804-479-3537 148816 F F93 MESSEk GONALD N. 4213 NEW KENT HWY OUINTOid 4'A 23141 804-932-8237 36411 F S92 MICHAEL PRINDES 5. 7133 HOPKINS RG kICHMOND VA 23237 804-271-5230 4b L LIF Miller Terry R.k 2 Box 34C Green Bay VA 23942-yBUc 703-354-4050 84620 F 501 MILLER BkAD 5. RT 4 BOX 138 HAkRISONBUk6 VA 22801 867-96GU 143300 S SU3 Miller Terry/Anne Rt. 2 Box 34-G Green Bay VA UODUU 804-392-0975 6182 F SU3 MILLEk ASIiBY R.. 9309 CORONADO TERkACE FAIRFAX VA 22031 703-213-8547 143301 5 SU3 Miller Terry Shenandoah Spor 115 Front Royal kd. Winchester VA 22602 703-665-0455 154410 F W94 MILLER G.F. 6583 MEkCHANT PL STE Sub 6AINE5ViLLE VA 22065 703-347-0542 1738 P LIF Miller Anne M. RT 2 Box 34G Green Bay VA 00000 804-392-1975 1Ob281 F 593 MILLER WILLIAM F'O BOX 8 CENTERVILLE VA 00000 703-754-4651 108543 F SU3 MILLEk GENNY 2311 SOUTH OiiEEN 5T ARLINGTON VA 22202 202-783-0280 122946 F F93 HILLICAN GLENN 8702 SHADY 6kOVE kU MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 804-746-4687 148823 F F93 MILLS DANNY 149 JOHN ROLFE LANE WILLIAMSBURG VA 23185 bti4-229-5611 11491 F S43 MILLS JAMES kT. 1 BOX 132 CASTLETDN VA 22716 -0- 154449 F W94 MINEk DALLAS 8026 GARLOT Gk ANNANGALE VA 22003 103-204-1322 52730 F F92 MITCHELL DAVID 1002 TERkA ALTA DRIVE AYLETT VA 23009 804-169-4101 102181 F W92 MITCHELL ERIC 187 CEDAR WALL CIRCLE LEE5BUR6 VA 22075 -0- 121678 F F93 MITCHELL MARL LYNN 3i HOMESTEAD GARDENS FOREST VA 24551 804-525-5446 52132 F W91 MITCHELL WYATT D. 2613 TORQUAY LOOP kICHMOND VA 23226 804-745-2841 116108 F SU3 MITCHELL JR. MELVIN A. RT 4 BOX 289 FORE5T VA 24551 804-525-5446 68004 F 503 MOFFETT III STUART RT. 2, BOX 245 STAUNTON VA 24401 -0- 116049 F SU2 MON60L0 RICK RT i BOX 226 LINVIILE VA 22834 703-896-4630 67124 F F91 MOOGV 6ERALG K. 2119 OXFORD DR SUTHEkLAN6 VA 23885 804-265-5418 108457 F S92 MDORE GARY 5120 WALKERS GRANT LANE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23455 -0- 116109 F W94 MOORE DOUGLAS RT 1 BOX 110-8 DUGSPUk VA 24325 70.3-728-7640 116051 F SU3 MOORE TIMOTHY R. kT 4 BOX 221 CHATHAM VA 24531 804-432-6556 RMEF MEMBrk5HIF LIST PAGE 13 1ST I5SUE' LAST NAME LIF S93 503 W94 S92 F92 F93 F9U W94 S93 W94 F92 SU3 5u2 W92 SU3 S92 SU3 SU2 F93 F43 F9G F91 S91 F92 F91 W94 F93 W94 502 F92 S93 W94 S92 F93 F92 SU1 S92 F93 W92 SU2 W94 SU3 S93 W92 SU3 593 F93 F94 F9U S42 F94 F92 W93 SU3 Hoare MOORE MOORE MOkGA MORRIS MORRI50N MORTON MORTON MDWEkY Jk, MOYEk5 MOIIN60 MOIISEK MULLINS MuulNs MULLIS MUNDV MUNDY MUSE MUSSELWHITE MYEk5 MYEk5 HASH NECE55ARY tVEFF HELMS NEL50N Nelson NESBITT NEWCAMP JR. NEWMAN NEWTON NICHOLLS NICHDLS NICHDLS NIGHOLS Nixan NI%ON, JR. NDE, JR, NOONAN NORMAN NORTH NOUFAL NUCKOLS NUNNALLY JR. MUTT O'BRIEN O'BkYANT O'DONNELL O'NEIL O'NEIL OFFENBACKEk OLDHAM OLIN OLIVER OOSTDYK 5R. FIRST NAME Brian J. DUANE JAMES WM. KENNETH LAkRY L. C,L. W.A. MILTON L. P.D. RANDALL RICHARD D. JAMES BILL GARY K. WILLIAM JOHN E. FRANK LEONARD STEPHEN A. FRANK JEFF JIMMY RONALD G. kOBEkT E. STEPHEN A. WILLIAM R. BoblMidge WM HAROLD ROGER GEDkGE KEVIN L. CAkLTON JAMES R. CHARLE5 C. CHARLES E. Jerry L. JEkRY L NICK LC. DANIEL J. DAVID K, ROBERT H. TOM EARL W.B. LISA & JIM HAP KREI6 JOSEPH W. TOM STEVE JIMMY L. CHARLIE bAkY L. RANDY L. RAY M. ATTENTION ADDRESS CITY ST iIP PHONE ---- --------------- -- ---------- ------- FNDTN FOR NORTH HOLLY BEND FARM 982G Waod~an koad kich~ond VA 23228 804-266-1255 RT 1 BD% 184 DUGSPUR VA 24325 703-72d-2408 11 WILD TUkKEY RD LEXINGTON VA 24450 -0- 421 5 5TEkLIN6 BLVD STERLING VA 24164 -r_~- RT. 1+1 BO% 264 MT. CRAWFOkD VA 22841 7113-234-8062 608 N NAYLDR 5T. ALE%ANDkIA VA 22304 703-310-1483 6841 SOAPSTONE RG JETERSVILLE VA 23083 -0- kT. 4, BO% 234AA BLACKSTONE VA 23824 804-292-4531 PO BO% 146 STRASBURG VA 22657 703-465-3706 487 ROSEMONT Dk BROADWAY VA 22815 703-896-2450 8002 GUY DR MANASSAS VA 22111 103-369-4875 ROUTE 42 BO% 214 LUkAY VA 22835 703-670-4636 2113 AVENHAM AVE ROANOKE VA 24014 143-345-4290 RT 1 BO% 7 HENRY VA 24102 103-629-1528 933 N. HILLTOP RD. VIkGINIA BEACH VA 23454 -0- 145 HARMON ST TAZEWELL VA 24651 -0- PO BOX 22 BROADWAY UA 22815 703-833-6000 PO BOX 8535 kDANOKE VA 24014 7G3-174-4423 549 ARAGONA DR VINTON VA 24179 -o- HC 1, BDX 40-A 6A58URG VA 23857 -0- 14322 KEY DEER Dk MIDLOTHIAN VA 23112 804-139-1916 1413 CLAkEMONT AVENUE kICHMOND VA :3227 804-266-9376 1501 TURNMILL DRIVE RICHMGND VA 23235 804-745-9714 BOX 7i-A DUICKSBURG VA 22647 103-740-3415 612 WDODWAkG CT RiCHMGNG VA 23236 804-216-1542 4014 LAKE GLEN Dk, FAIkFA% UA 220;;3-4378 3117-684-7405 tiU36 Cla~es Drive Alexandria VA 22310 703-922-7442 4804 KENTWOOD LN WOOGBRIDGE VA 22193 703-590-4449 kT 1 BD% 206-F CASTLETDN VA 22716 -U- RT, 1, BO% 325 DAYTON VA 22821 -U- 511b BLACI(WATEk ROAD VIkGINIA BEACH VA 23457 804-421-1714 9500 DEER kAN6E RD. MOSELY VA 23120 804-739-3426 kT, 3, BGX 5623 BEkRYVILLE VA 22611 7113-869-1612 4116 BLUEVIEW Gk. NE kGANDKE VA 24012-6704 703-343-112t 5120 EDGEWOOD ST. SALEM VA 24153 703-380-2303 5019 Shannon Hill Rd. Kents Stare VA 23084 804-457-4136 5019 SHANNON HILL RD. KENTS STOkE VA 23484 804-451-4136 BD% 551 DAMASCUS VA 24236 103-475-5230 1850 FRANKLIN DR. CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 804-296-4217 RT. 112, BD% 189 CUMBERLANG VA 23040 804-492-4265 RT 2 BO% 610 EVIN6TON VA 24550 804-525-6331 7712 5HDDTING 5TAR DRIVE 5PRINGFIELD VA 2215'[ 703-256-6677 RT 1 BOX 210 CALLANDS VA 24530 -~)- i554 DUNROVIN LANE SALEM VA 24153 703-381-1614 PG BO% 210 CGEBURN VA 24230 503-932-4859 8532 CANTEkBUk'r' Dk ANhiANUALE VA 220x13 703-425-8103 3037 LYNNDALE RD VA. BEACH VA 23452 804-486-7099 5504 DEL PARK AVE UIkGINIA BEACH VA 23455-bb4ti -0- 1685 REAMS kOAD POWHATAN VA 23139 844-548-4421 1612 REAM5 kOAG F'DWHATAN VA 23139 804-598-3091 Ill PLANTATIGN DF:IUE WILLIAMSBURG VA 23185 804-220-2619 2809 DECATUR 5T, kICHMGND VA 23214 804-233-8810 7104 SU5SEX PLACE ALEXANDRIA VA 22301 103-168-1932 525 DRAPER DR NOkFOLK VN 23505-3603 804-444-8034 RT 1 BO% 291-6 MONTVALE VA 24122 703-941-2860 09/30/93 MEMBEk 1ST' N0, TYPE I55UE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION 110815 F SU2 ORLOFF JOHN T. 116142 F SU2 OSBORNE JAME5 P. 132030 F S93 0550 THOMAS 143260 F SU3 OTT BO8 iib03t F SU2 OVER5TREET JEFF L. 116021 F SU3 DWEN DENNIS J. IlbiU3 F SU2 PACK THOMAS H. 93832 S F92 Page Lawrence J. 126817 F F92 PALADUCCI SALVATORE 2375 F S94 ARCHER LESLIE A. 105688 F S92 PALMORE J. LAkkY 29092 F SUS Park We, 6, 154441 F W94 PARK MICHAEL W. 52136 F W94 PAkK. KEN L. 106230 F S93 PARKEk ROBERT 6. 116106 F SU3 PNkKEk Jk, RUFUS H, 152231 F F93 PARKS kICKY S. 57267 F 503 PAkMA MILTON N, 76108 F W94 PARMENTIER STANLEY J. 116628 F SU2 PARR 6RE6 143296 F 503 PAkiSCH BILL 1825 L LIF Pat Patterson 143256 F SU3 PATSEL ROY 52702 F W93 PATTERSON JR. 5. H. 49671 F F92 PATTERSON J, W. 19255 F 501 PAUL, JR, ROBERT L. 36470 F W95 PAULETTE DAVID C, 145916 F F93 PAYNE MIKE 143341 F F93 PAYNE CLIFFORD 146123 F SU3 PELLHAH II WILLIAM L, 122906 S F93 Peableton Ronnie 46984 F SU3 PENCE DAVID 5, 2350 F 593 PERDUE CLYDE E. 143[94 F SU3 PERkINE HARLIN 85850 F SUI PETEkS F:DBERT LEE 107466 F S94 PHAkES 6AkY L, 38287 F 593 PHELPS CALVIN L, 51169 F F89 PHILLIPS TOM 52743 F S93 PHILLIP5 DAVID F. 25194 F SU2 PHILLIP5 LEN 143240 F SU3 PHILLIPS KENNETH 58449 F 503 PHIPPS JACK 90057 F 501 PHIPPS LANE 1828 L LIF Pickenpaugh Richard 52111 F W91 PITTS PAUL 116110 F SU3 PLYMALE ED N. 68018 F F9U POH PATRICK C, 81243 f F43 PDLAKOWSKI JOHN E 81632 F SU2 POLLOCK HOWARD W. 77161 F W94 PONCHAK RON 143242 F 503 POOLE CHARLES A. 153640 F F43 POPIK VICTOR 91121 F F91 PORTER MICHAEL J, 32015 F S93 POWELL JAME5 115493 F SU2 POWELL JR. WILLIAM A, F & P Enterpris kMEF MEMBERSHIP LIST ADDRE55 6619 IkVIN PLACE RR 2 8OX 143 6000 COUNTRY WALK RD RT 1 8DX 232 RT b, BOX 14 D PO BDX 833 kT 1 BOX 385 7014 West Braad St, 416 PICKETT LANE 5312 DUNLEI6H DR kT 1, BOX 48A 5831 Ouantrell Ave. # 13768 FOLLOWINti BkOOK: 4212 ELI[ABETH LANE 589 BOSTON AVE, PO BOX 4035 144 WVE RD P,O. BOX 249 8505 DOTEk Dk. RT 4 BOX 301 13855 HYDE PAkK DR. 2033 Old Tavern Raad 3623 DAWN RIDGE LN 2033 OLD TAVERN kOAD 3111 MADISON HILL CT 10212 COLSTON CRT 430 3121 HEY kOAD RT 1 BOX 618 PO BDK 228 335TH TRANS DET (LSV-i kt i Box 263-8 P.O. BOX 114 320 6, DAIkV kOAD sUb W MAIN 5T, RT, 3 BOX b8 4807 SPkUCE AVE. -0- 1003 EN6LAND DRIVE 12121 fUY MILL kOAD 2901 ST. kE6IS DRIVE RT 4 BOX 2s9 ROUTE 1 BOX 15 RT 1 BOX 22A 3260 Maidens koad 6367 OMD RD PO BDX 493 4325 GOLLIN6SWDOD DRIVE SU4 BEECH FORREST CT ibUO 5 EADS,CRSTL TWRS 1371 LOCKPORT PL 4K b W BETHEL Dk, 6314 SHIREY LN 9725 KIN6S CROWN CT 420 20 CLAREMONT CIR. RT. 4 80X 236C Piit;E 14 GITY 5T TIP PHONE ------- --------------- -- ---------- ------------ ALEXANDRIA VA 22312 103-941-4644 HARDY VA 24101-9238 703-982-0515 MIDLOTHIAN VA 23112 804-744-7784 LYNCH STATION VA 24571 -U- BEDFORD VA 24523 703-586-0861 CHATHAM VA 24531 804-836-5101 MT CkAWFOkG VA 22841 103-234-9601 Rich®ond VA 23244 804-612-1111 HEkNDON VA 2207u 703-281-1100 BUkKE VA 22015-1651 904-455-2952 BLACKSTONE VA 23824 -0- 410 AIexandria VA 22312-2756 103-941-1166 CT CHANTILLY VA 22021 103-631-3494 ANNANDALE VA 22003 103-425-1382 CHESAPEAKE VA 23320 bU4-436-3054 CYNGH8UR6 VA 2451+2 804-821-6430 WYTHEVILLE VA 24382 103-228-6420 ASHLAND VA 23005 804-796-5660 ALEXANDRIA VA 22308-2+125 103-360-8540 AMHERST VA 24521 804-211-9021 kOANOKE VA 24018 103-712-7120 Owhatan VA 23139 -rj- TkOUTVILLE VA 24175 103-977-5605 POWHATAN VA 23139 604-598-4002 ALEXANDRIA VA 22310-2211 301-234-4462 2 BURKE VA 22015 202-261-7045 kICHMOND VA 23224 804-276-2225 kUSTBUR6 VA 24586 -U- MAX MEADOW5 VA 24360 703-228-1202 1 NEWPORT NEWS VA 23604 -G- kice UA 23966 -U- STUARTS DRAFT VA 24477 703-337-1661 BLACK5BUk6 VA 24060 703-961-2803 SALEM VA 24153 103-389-1450 CULPEPER VA 22161 703-547-3650 FAIRFAk VA 22036 -0- ELK CREEK VA 24326 103-173-3687 STAFFORD VA 22554-2023 -0- CHESTEF:FiELD VA 23832 804-726-0882 RICHMOND VA 23236 804-674-5136 BEDFO6'D VA 24523 -0- MOUTH OF WILSON VA 24363 103-579-7564 MOUTH OF WILSON VA 24633 703-519-1021 Powhatan VA 23139 604-598-4866 kICHMOND VA 23234-5655 804-359-3635 ALTAVISTA VA 24517 BU4-369-1059 CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 604-148-4165 CHESAPEAKE VA 23320-7576 -G- 134N AkLIN6TON VA 22202-2914 703-521-1137 LORTON VA 22079-1522 703-550-5804 MADISON HEJ6HTS VA 24572 804-929-8210 CENTREVILLE VA 22020 703-602-0532 1 FAIRFAX VA 22031 103-273-8212 BRISTOL VA 24201 103-466-5914 MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 Br~4-233-7685 69/30/93 RMEF MEMBEk5HIP LIST PAGE 15 MEMBER 1ST NO. TYPE ISSUE. LAST NAME 5~u3 F92 SU2 Sul SU3 F89 W94 SU3 SU2 F92 SU3 W94 SU4 W91 F93 F93 SU2 W91 503 W94 SU3 5u1 503 SU3 F93 S91 S93 S94 F43 F93 SU3 F93 503 F43 SU3 SU3 SU3 503 SUI LIF F89 S94 FB9 5u3 S94 SU1 SU2 W94 W94 SU3 595 503 su3 SU3 503 ----y------- POWER POWERS PREECE PRESNELL PREU PRICE F'ROVYN PULLEN PURDUM OUAIFF OUARLES OUINN RAMSEUk RAPALEE RAPALEE RAPALEE kASNICK RAY REARDON RECKLEY RECTOR RECTOR, JR. REED REEF' REEVES REINOEHL kEMLEY REYES RE'tNA kEYNOID REYNOLDS REYNOLDS kEIiNOLDS REYNOLDS kHUDY RICE RICE JR RICHARDSON RICHIE Ridings RIDDUT RIGNEY RILEY RINGER RIPPETO RITCHIE BITTER JR. ROBERT5 ROBERTS ROBERiS kOBERTS RDBERTS ROBERTSON ROBINSON k06ERS FIRST NAME ATTENTION MICHAEL H. DAVID DUNCAN TIMOTHY JON LESTER ANDREW L. FRANk R. DAVID TIM DENNY CARSON EDWARD DAVE LYNN JAMES TODD kOBERT WILLIAM C. KEVIN SCOTT DANIEL 3. M. T. CHARLES J1M WALT ROBERT M. KENNETH H. MICHAEL ROBERTO STEVE RICH SAMUEL S WILLIAM 5. CARL 5. SHIRLEY G. A.G. DAVID L. JOHN B. F.W. JAMES D. Dennis PAUL B. JEFF/SHARION CHRIS DOUG ARCHIE D. EARL D GUY A. DAVE MIKE CLYDE A. STOKLEV M. JAMES" A. E. LEE ALBERT L. STAN ADDb'E5S 543 W 20TH ST 1104 6601 kOLLINGRID6E LANE PO BOX 815 731 SANDY LANE PO BOX 619 10102 GRAVES ROAD 12138 MARBOkO LANE kT BOX IB7 ROUTE 1 BOX 470 L 1248 HOPKINS kD 7323 LA MARRE Ck 1131b FAIRFAX STATION RD 10 AMER.SHAM COURT 4911 RIVER ROAD WEST 4971 RIVER ROAD WEST 4985 RIVER RD W PO BOX 1177 RT. 2 BOX I7B-A RT 21 BOX 215 12537 BASSWOOD DR. kT 1, BOX 316 11900 COWNE CT. PO BOX 1808 16285 OLD BELFIELD RD. 142b kOSEWOOD HILL DR. 3165 ARROWHEAD RG 720 STILLWATER LANE 1203 BELLE UIEW BLVD. #A1 1306 AVATAR DR bG1 THIRD Si. kT 4 BOX 168 23372 FAIRVIEW RD RT 1 BOX I30 PG BOX 4 3315 CLARA AVE 10511 OAK PL RT 1 BOX 87 B-2 4537 OLD TAVERN RD PO BOX 93 280 Ridings Lane 98b1 WATERFOWL FLYWAY 1241 WESTMORELAND DR 15120 VISTA Dk. 170 NORFOLK AVENUE 201 MILL CR05SIN6 RR 112 BOX 151 241 CRAIG AVE 66118 SU6ARLOAF DR RT 2, BOX 172 RT 2 BOX 172 2113 FIRST ST. 1161 SHADY RIVER L'i #724 b614 PARKWAY Gk SW 1313 VIVIAN AUE kT 4 BOX 48 CITY ST 2IP PHONE NORFOLK VA 2351 CHESTERFIELD VA 2383 MIDDLEBURG VA 2211 kICHLANDS VA 2464 MONETA VA 2412 MATDACA VA 238u FAIRFAX VA 2203 MT. SIDNEY VA 244b LEBANON CHURCk VA 22641 RICHMOND VA 23237 ROANDKE VA 24019 FAIRFAX STATION VA 22039 STERLING VA 22110 GOOCHLAND VA 230b3 600CHLAND VA 23063 GOOCHLAND VA 23063 LEBANON VA 242bb LEE5BUR6 VA 22075 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22902 MANASSAS VA 22111 6ALAX VA 243.13 NOKESVILLE VA 22123 HIDDLEBUR6 VA 22117 CAPRGN VA 238t~ VIENNA VA 22182 HARRISONBURG VA 228+i1 EARLYSVILLE VA 22936 ALEXANDRIA VA 22307 F'GWHATAN VA 23139 HERNDDN VA 2"1010 CHATHAM VA 24531 CAPE CHARLES VA 23310 CALLANUS VA 24536 POWHATAN VA 23139 kOANOKE VA 2401E FAIRFAX UA 22030 MADISON VA 22127 PULASKI VA 24301 AYLETT VA 23009 White Post VA 22663 CHESTERFIELD VA 23822 WARRENTON VA 22186 DUMFRIES VA 22026 LYNCH8UR6 VA 24503 YORKTDWN VA 23693 BROADWAY VA 22815 SALEM VA 24153 MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 EVINGTDN VA 24550 EVINGTDN UA 24550 STAUNTON VA 2441+1 WOODBRIDGE VA 22192 ROANOKE VA 24018 ROANOKE VA 24019 RID6EWAY VA 24148 7 804-625-4421 2-8522 604-140-1468 7 103-338-5736 1 703-964-5541 1 103-297-blbb 3 BU4-540-2857 3 7113-b31-9107 1 103-885-1250 -U- 804-275-2048 -0- 7+13-425-3821 7!13-444-5813 804-457-4138 804-457-4138 804-457-4138 703-889-3159 -U- -0- 7U3-791-5712 703-236-3615 -Ij- -+)- 8+~4-433-5103 703-179-4803 703-433-7662 804-913-1390 703-105-1189 -U- -G- -0- 804-331-4049 -n- 804-598-3610 103-989-0103 103-273-b343 703-923-4292 103-980-7148 -n- -0- 844-79b-IOb2 703-754-0164 -0- 804-528-4338 102-454-2881 703-896-2058 7113-389-8714 -0- 703-297-455b 7i~3-297-4556 Iii3-88b-48119 -ij- 7U3-989-3011 103-563-0028 703-956-4124 09/30/43 RMEF MEMBEk5HIP LIST PHbE lb MEMBER 15TH N0. TYPE I5SUE ,LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS CITY ST 21F PHONE ----- ----- 83208 F ----- SU3 --------------- kOHRER -- ----------- WILSON - --------------- -------------------------- RT 1 BOX 28A --------------- HINTON -- VA ---------- 22831 ------------ 703-867-5865 88662 F SU4 ROKISKY JOHN 5425 SETTER RD N.E. kOANOKE UA 24012 703-977-2308 121746 F W43 ROLLOW WILLIAM E. 6563 RIVER TWEED LANE ALEXANDRIA VA 22312 -0- 68008 F F90 R055 TON 8306 AUTUMN WAV RICHMOND VA 23235 -0- 154443 F W44 ROWER JAY/PE66Y 8201 BELMONT RD SFOTSVLVANIA VA 22553 -0- 38362 F S91 ROWLAND kAYMOND C, RT. 3, BDX 512-A MARION VA 24354 -U- 14b317 F SU3 BUCKER TIMOTHY D. USS ASHLAND 3435 WALTHAM CIk V1R6INIA BEACH VA 23452 -+1- 17883 F S43 RUCK5ER JAMES C. 740E LUCERNE LANE, APT. 40 ANhlAN6ALE VA 22003 703-642-5354 102431 F W92 RUE II TOM 5705 18TH RD NGkTH ARLINGTON VA O+i00+i 703-237-1165 146387 F SU3 RUSECK JEkRY k. NAVCAM5 LANT NO 1408-A RLLV5GN CT VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23454 -0- 101742 F 592 kUSSEII CRAIG 4269 FIRST VIEW 5T APT A NOkFOLK VA 23503 604-587-6616 35014 F 593 RUSSELL RALPH B. RT. >hi, PO BGX 12i MGUTH GF WILSEN VA 24363 1+i3-574-6852 131084 F W93 SAARNIO SUE bi0i EDSALI kD APT 1211 ALEXANDRIA VA 22304 7i+3-370-5821 116038 F 502 SALE RALPH RT 1 AMHERST VA 24521 604-422-1368 116040 F 502 SALE ED RT 1 AMHERST VA 24521 804-922-7131 86325 F 501 5ALE METTHEW A. 9ti50 kITTEk RD NGKESVILLE VA 22123 703-791-420$ 116039 F SU2 SALE FOREST b. RT 4 BOX t43 AMHERST VA 24521 604-922-7624 77664 F SU4 5AMP50N KELLY T. RT.2 BOX 7 HARRISONBUk6 VA 22601 103-833-8191 153239 F F93 SANDIFER P.L. 2636 WDGD DUCK 66: VIk6INIA BEACH VA 23456 604-721-3342 93840 F SU1 BANGER PHILIP ATTMPT, NGT KNW 6210 OSBOkNE TURNPIKE RICHMOND VA ODUOU 604-745-1359 122911 F F42 5ANGER )}ILL 6705 MA5DN VALLEY DR RICHMOND VA 23234 $04-271-6046 76526 F 503 SAUFLEY MARK A lU5 BELMGNT DRIUE HARRI50NBUR6 VA 22801 703-433-1264 18525 F SU3 SAUFLEY BILLIE 0. F'0 BGX 205 bkOTTOES VA 24441 703-244-5915 55891 F W90 SBARRp WILLIAM J. 104 MILLER AVE. GkEAT FALLS VA 22066 703-159-4462 92150 F F93 5CALLIONE HARkY 1941 PINEY WGG65 LANE VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23456 804-468-0456 116037 F 503 SCRAPPER BILL 1122 BLAIR RD 5W ROANOKE VA 24418 703-342-0689 66293 F S43 SCHENDEL V1CTOk 3602 LAk5Gh1 OAKS DR. ROANOKE VA 24+)18-3138 913-213-3163 78821 F S91 SCHILDT Mk. JACK 7572 REMIN6TON RD. MANASASS VA 22110 703-361-1542 23381 F 591 SCHMIDLE BOB 15512 RID6ECREST Dk. DUMFklE5 VA 22026-1111 603-846-6366 122926 F F92 SCHNARRS MICHAEL D. 7505 NATIVE DANGER DR MIDLOTHIAN VA 23112 804-739-7541 112115 F SU3 SCHOENFELD WAYNE Ib FLOYD AUE. PDOUDSDN VA 23662 804-668-4428 44640 F F93 SCHOOLEY CHARLES RT 2, BOX 408 A STAUNTON VA 24401 703-337-1868 108866 F S93 SCHRINEk TODD II913 EXBUkY CT MIDLOTHIAN VA 23113 804-194-3691 79095 F S91 SCHkOEDER JOHN 6533 TARTAN VISTA DkIVE ALEXANDRIA VA 22312 -0- 101625 F W94 SCHUL2E kICHARD 1600 N. OAK STREET Yi22U AkLIN6TON VA 22209 703-524-2424 127261 F F92 SCOTT kAWLIN65 25112 LANK.FOk6 HWY CAPE CHARLES VA 23310 8+i4-331-1385 143250 F SU3 SCOTT JIM 305 MC CON21lLE RD LYNCHBUk6 VA 24502 -0- 128816 F W94 SCOTT DENNIS F. 9+i2 WILMINGTON AUE HOPEWELL VA 23860 804-458-1209 138023 F 503 SEL'RIST GLEN M. 3092 FENNE6AN Ci WOODBRID6E VA 22142-1123 202-653-9145 60257 F 502 SEM STEVE 7215 WIGKFOk6 66:. ALEXANDRIA VA 22310 703-422-1343 143266 F SU3 SENSABAU6H Jk P.A. 5123 CHERDKEE HILLS Dk. 5ALEM VA 24153 703-380-3622 138438 F SU3 SETTLE KEVIN A. RT 1 BUX 6801+ FRONT ROYAL VA 22630 703-636-3191 24828 F F93 SEXTON BILL 6004 CAPTAIN MARk Ci FAIRFAX STN VA 22039-1304 303-247-5461 112650 F 502 SHAkP REX 12812 N ENGN CHUkLH RD CHESTER VA 23831-:,ui~~ 8+14-530-5514 154463 F W44 SHAT2ER B, 6016 CROCUS ST ALEXANDRIA VA 2~31U 703-719-7151 53362 F W40 SHEA JAMES T. C/0 AIMPOINT 203 ELDEN ST. STE. 302 HERNOON VA UU000 -0- 31148 F W94 SHEFFER N.W. 3 WESTMORELAND PL. FREDERICK5BUR6 VA 22405 703-373-2331 68010 F F90 SHEFFIELD JAMES E. 14 l/2 W. LEIGH ST, STE I+1u RICHMOND UA 23220 -0- 24045 F SU3 SHICKLE LESTER 6. 400 6kEEN SPkIN6 RD WINCHE5TER VA 22603 103-bbl-1152 24044 F SU3 SHIGKLE DAVID L. 9704 WATERLINE DR BUkHE VA 22015-4451 -0- 116036 F SU2 SHIEL PATRICK 5. 111 VIk61NIA AVE VINTON VA 24179 703-344-1000 93815 F F93 SHOCKLEY CURTIS G. 11808 SINCLAIR LANE MANA55AS VA 22111 103-368-6659 134689 F S93 SHDRT HENRY 1409 YANCE Dk. FALLS CHURCH VA 22042 103-244-2796 116495 F 503 SHORTER NDRWDOD P. kT 1 BOX 19 BROOKNEAL VA 24528 804-376-3235 138664 F SU3 SHOWALTER RAY J. RT 2 BOX 41 DAYTON VA 22821 -0- 09/30/93 RMEf MEMBERSHIP LIST PAGE it MEMBER 1ST. N0. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME 502 5HRADEk SU3 SHRADER SU2 SHRADER SU3 SHREWSBURY 593 SHRUM F93 SHULTI SU2 SIGNORE W94 SIGURDSON F9 SU 59 sU1 5U SU SU3 F93 501 Sul 501 W94 SU3 S94 F92 S93 503 SU3 SU3 SU3 W94 LIF W91 SU3 SU3 SU3 503 W94 F93 S91 F93 S91 503 S93 SU3 SU3 591 SU3 S94 LIF F90 F92 F93 W94 W94 SU3 W94 3 SILER 4 Siler 3 SILVERTHORN SIMMONS 3 SIMMONS 3 SIMPSON SINGLETDN SINK SITI 5KA6GS SKILLMAN SMEDLEY SMITH Jk Saith M.D. SMITH JR. SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH Seith Jr. SMITH, SR. SMITHBAKER III SMITHERMAN JR SNEVELY SONIFRANK 50TER SOUTHALL SPANGLEk SPARROWS SPEAKS SPENSER SPIELMAN JR SPITIER SPITZER SPRAKER SRAOLIN 5T. CLAIR Stabenau STANFORD STANLEY STANLEY STAUFFER STEELS STEEN 5TEFANOWICI FIRST NAME ATTENTION WES DARREIi KEVIN KEN RICK DAVID BILLY DEL BRUCE JAMES D. Janes C. J. ELKSTER JAMES D. JOHN M. LEON S. EDWIN J. MARK R. TOM JOSEPH E. NICK DANNY M. FRED W. Janes R. C.D. JEFFREY M. MICHAEL J. BRYAN CHRIS R. GARRY DALE Walker S. WALKEk S. JOHN DANIEL B. DEWEY A. EDWARD L. DONALD B. KEITH ALBERT ROLLIN JEFF CLAY CHESTER D. GEORGE N. IRA C. L.D. LYNN WADE T. Kurt W. GEORGE STUART A. C.A. DEAN L. DONALD k. DICK JEFF USS THOMAS S. 6 Sheila A. S~ith US5 SPARTANBUR6 ADDRESS PO BOX 924 18u RUBY CT RT. i, BOX ibb-H 5321 TURKEY RIDGE kD 1305 JOHANNA BAY CT 2110 kEU LANE RD 10704 LUCASVILLE RU 111 INDIANA TRAIL 7374 COLTON LN 7374 Colton Lane 12G3t SPIKE HORN LANE IO1G3 WINDING BROOK LANE RT 4 BDX 613-C BOX 629 PO BOX 1931 15142 OLDDALE RD 606 KELSEY LANE 847 STATION ST. 6465 BURN5IDE LANDING DR. 10$6 LORAN CT. 13525 PRINCEDALE DR RR 4 Box 309 kOUTE 1 BOX 113 RT 3 BOX 237-A4 RR 1 BOX 232 RT 9 BOX 137 RT 12 BOX 216 322 WINTERHAM GR. 1231 6ILMAN CT 405 County Line Road 401 COUNTY LINE ROAD 4674 5 28TH Si 5962 BURNSIUE LANDING DR PO BOX 361 1925 ROSSINI DR IUJ16 TIMBERIDGE ROAD 7501 SOAPSTDNE RD 1543 PENRUSE ARCH 2609 N 2ND kD 212 LUENBER6 DRIVE RT 1 BOX 546 101 OLD BETHEL CHURCH RD P.O. BOX 611, Z41 5. MAIN RT. Ikl, BOX 11 2435 DALETDN BLVD NE RT 5 BDX 165 RT. 2 BOX 115 RT. 1 Box 435 5212 CONDUIT kOAD RT. b, BOX 313 kT 1 60X 53 B PO BOX 1421 F:T I BOX 92-S 14 CORBETT ST 3632 CAMELOT DR CITY - ----------- ST ZIP PHONE --- NARRISONBURG - -- VA --------- 22601 - ------------ 703-833-65Uti CHRISTIANSBUR6 VA 24073 -U- NEWPORT UA 24128 103-514-7612 RDANOKE VA 241+14 103-427-1360 MIDLDTHIAN 'JA 23113 804-649-9340 POWHATAN VA 23139 804-598-4002 MANASSAS VA 22111 703-368-9916 WINCHESTEk VA 22602 703-817-9421 MANA5SNS VA 22110 703-349-2648 Manassas VA 22110 703-368-4180 CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 804-190-1485 VIENNA UA 22182 703-759-4447 TkOUTVILLE VA 24115 703-942-2832 ALTAVISTA VA 24511 BU4-369-1111 HERNDON VA 22070-1931 505-885-1714 CENTREVILLE VA 22020 -0- BLACKSBURG VA 24060 804-734-8354 HERNDON VA 22070 703-471-0650 BURKE VA 22015 703-764-3791 GREAT FALLS VA 22Gtib 703-444-0942 WDODBRIDGE VA 22193 -G- 6alaz VA 24333-9049 703-238-1556 ALDIE VA 22001 703-327-4690 DAYTON VA 22821 703-867-5629 AMELIA CT HDUSE VA 23002-9642 804-148-8590 CHARLOTTESVILLE VA 22901 604-979-5459 MECHANICSVILLE VA 23111 604-559-4000 ABINGDON VA 24210 103-628-4102 HERNDDN VA 22070 -G- Midlaathian VA 23112 MIDLOTHIAN VA 23112 ARLINGTON VA 22206 BURKE VA 22015 ATKINS VA 24311 VIk6IN1A BEACH VA 23454 FAIRFAX STATION VA 22G39 JETERSVILLE VA 23063 VIkGINIA BEACN VA 23456 ARLINGTON VA 22201 EVINGTON VA 24550 SCOTTSVILLE VA 24590 WINCHESTER VA 22603 BkOADWAY VA 22615 TIMBERVILLE VA 22653 ROANOKE VA 24012 BEDFORD VA 24153 BLUEFIELD VA 24605 Round Hill VA 22141 COLONIAL HGHTS. VA 23634 WARRENTON VA 22166 HENRY VA 24102 MIDDLEBURG VA 22117 BENTONVILLE VA 2261G SALEM VA 24153-2630 ANNANDALE VA 22003 604-794-8662 804-794-5319 71.+3-931-5562 703-239-1549 -0- -G- 103-250-0674 -U- 6U4-411-4343 202-371-1606 604-525-0540 -0- 703-bbl-1109 103-696-6635 703-896-8111 103-344-1587 703-566-4095 103-326-2572 703-338-6652 604-526-3053 703-347-0160 163-365-1130 103-667-6822 103-635-7466 703-174-9007 703-573-8261 69/30/93 F'McF MEMBEkSHIF' LIST MEMBER 1ST. NO. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION ADDRESS 124859 F F92 STEPHENSON EUGENE 2154 SEAMAN CT 143308 S SU3 Stetler ko6ert H. RR 5 Box 357-T 116045 F SU3 STEVEN50N DAVID RT 3 BOX Ib3-A 67994 F F94 STILTNEk CHRIS 3166 LEES LANDING 4167 F 592 STINNETTE S. E. RT 1 BOX 213 83250 F SUl STOCKMAN JOHN , RT 1 BOX 18 12471b F W94 STOCKMAN JOHN 1301 N. UTAH 5T. 116447 F SU3 STOKES OAVIO 46 WESTVIEW CIRCLE 1824 L LIF Stokes Jr. W. E. 3081 Trenholm koad 105524 F 593 STOOPS OGN W. 1700 KINCHELOE ROAD 101221 F W94 STOREY 6REGOkY 11120 RAVINE DRIVE 50809 S W92 Story James PD Box 64 110302 F SU3 STkAYEk JASON 51 E BARCLAY PLACE i1b098 F SU3 STUCKEY TOM 3021 A5HWDOD CIk, APT 166 90180 F F91 STUDEk GDNALD PO BDX 1573 116044 F SU2 5TURGILL ARLEN bOX J 121222 F F93 STUkGI5 TODD 35566 OCCONANtiGCK Ok. 84971 F SU3 SULLENBERGEk III DGN NC4 BOX 11+3 109526 F S92 SULLIVAN HARRY 102 tiOkTHWEST LANE 116086 F SU2 SULLIVAN LARRY bU2 WATERS EDGE Gk 124180 F F42 SUNDEkLAND CHARLES 21480 PACIFIC BLVD. 47135 F 500 SUTTGN JAMES T. 5504 BUTTERWORTH CGURT 164699 F S93 SWAIN KEN PO BGX 371 116097 F SU2 SWAIN RONALD/RUTH 12c FALCON kIGGE RG 122923 F F92 SWINEFGRD JR. JAMES T. PD BDX 125 148809 F F43 SWINEFDRG BOBBY 14216 JAMES kIVER DR 137660 F S94 SWINGLE STEPHEN G. TAMMY SWINGLE PD BDX 4 116046 F SU3 TARTA JR. JOHN/JOY 316 N GLAIR ST 58914 F S90 TARTA JOHN C/D ON TARGET I 2203 SHENANDOAH VALLEY N.E 135408 F S93 TATE JIM RD 1 138518 F SU3 TAYLOR E. PALMEk 8 PRESTON 6kANGE 52735 F W92 TAYLOR bERKLEY A. PO BOX 1205 57987 F S92 TAYLOR W.R. 1459 HARMOTT AVENUE 148815 F F93 TAYLOR W.G. 1216 BELL CREEK RD 61915 F F93 TAYLOR MICHAEL F. 1142 CASTLEHGLLOW kOAD 53320 F W94 TAYLOR JEFFREY N. BOX 29 MTN.FALLS' RT 55409 F S93 TAYLGR WILLIAM IU901 IkONWGGD Dk,BEECHWODD 143258 F SU3 TAYLOR MICHAEL kT 1 BOX 621 84694 F SUi TAYLOR, MD JACK 215 BROOKE AVE 4tif11 146389 F SU3 TEEL THOMAS E. USCG TAMPA WMEC 4UOG GGA5T GUARD BLVG 66820 F S90 TERkY ELMER RT. 1 BDX 211 110471 F SU2 TNARPE TONY P.O. BOX 116 80534 F S91 THOMAS KENDALL kR t BOX 92T 124990 F F92 THOMAS FENTON 14041 MATHEWS DRIVE 68011 F F90 THOMPSON EARL 11059 THREE CHGPT ROAD 134961 F S93 THOMPSDN WENDELL H. 3364 S 6TH ST 1Gtib45 F 592 THGREN OAN RR 1 BOX 47bA 93821 F F92 THkOCKMGRTON kAY , 2317 GROVE AVE 122909 F F92 TIMBROOK LARRY 663 EWELL RG 124842 F W94 TRAHOS 005 DR. MICHAEL 5189 WIN5TGN Ct 4163 116055 F SU2 TRAIL KENNETH E. 515 DECATUR DR 151120 T W93 TRAVIS STEVE 6306 DALESHIRE OR 52709 F W91 TRIMM DAN 11901 GARDENGATE kDAD 107466 F 593 TRIPLETT RGNALD 532 OUILAP 5T 62275 F SU3 TRIPLETT THOMAS W. 2664 MT. TABOR k0. CITY HERNDON Galax SALTVILLE POWHATAN MADISON HEIGHT5 PARIS ARLINGTON LYNCHBUR6 Powhatan CLIFTGN MANASSAS Culpeper CHARLOTTESVILLE ROANOKE WAYNESBORD CHILHOWIE BELLE HAVEN HONTEREY CHARLOTTESVILLE PENHDOK STERLING ALEXANGk1A STEPHENS CITY CLIFTGN FORGE UISPUTANTA HOPEWELL CHARLOTTESVILLE VINTON . RGANOKE BLAND WILLIAMSBUR6 WEST POINT NORFGLK MECHANICSVILLE MIDLOTHIAN WINCHESTER HDPEWELL VINTON NOkFOLK POkTSMGUTH CHURCHVILLE LINDEN BENTDNVILLE WOODBRIGGE kICHMOND ARLINGTON PAINTEk kICHMGNG MECHANICSVILLE ALEXANDRIA SALEM kICHMOND MIDLOTHIAN WINCHESTER BLACKSBUkG F'Hiit ld ST 2IP PHONE VA 22070 VA 24333-8810 VA 24370 VA 23139 VA 04000 VA 22130 VA 22201 VA 24504 VA 23139 VA 22024 VA 22111 va 22741 VA 22901 VA 24012 VA 22980 VA 24319 UA 23306 VA 24465 VA 22901 VA 24131 VA 22110 VA 22310 VA 22655 VA 24422 VA 23842 VA 23860 VA 22902 VA 24119 VA 24412 VA 24315 VA 23188 VA 23181 VA 23509 VA 23111 VA 23113 VA 00000 VA 23864 VA 24179 VA 23510 VA 23763 VA 24421 VA 22642-0116 VA 22610-9801 VA 22191-2410 UA UOOUO VA 2221)4 VA 23420 VA 23220 VA 23111 VA 22311 VA 24153 VA 23234 VA 23112 VA 22601 VA 24060 703-435-2404 703-236-5704 703-624-333b -0- 804-845-3b93 703-592-3126 7113-524-3389 804-993-2916 804-233-7439 703-9b8-3390 202-523-1264 703-832-3304 -0- 703-981-1720 -0- 703-666-5692 604-442-2050 703-468-2421 BU4-823-4301 703-S1b-2555 703-450-1900 803-971-8519 103-662-8966 703-862-0629 804-991-2345 -fj- 804-589-3339 103-343-4946 703-563-8194 -0- -0- -0- 804-853-8829 804-130-0035 804-794-8354 103-877-2272 804-541-1870 163-890-5133 804-622-1844 -0- 703-885-5384 103-635-8814 -0- 703-494-3881 804-273-0800 703-919-3062 804-442-5320 BU4-358-4113 -G- 804-633-4596 703-387-3768 844-275-0906 804-744-4234 703-722-6880 103-951-2533 04/30/93 RMEF MEMBERSHIP LIST PAGE 19 1EMBER 15T N0, TYPE'ISSUE' 'LAST NAME FIRST NAME ATTENTION - ------- ------------- ADD6'E55 -- CITY ST TIP PHONE 110139 F S94 TRIVETT DAVID ------------------------ 6358 SPRING RUN DR SW -- ------------- kOANOKE -- -- -------- VA 241118 -- ------------ 703-774-8071 85521 F SU3 TROTT ROBERT W. 13516 MALLARD WATCH WAY CLIFTON VA 22024 -+)- 124858 F W94 TROUP R06fR 7007 TWIN BEECH CT, MANA55A5 VA 22111 703-361-2211 124711 S W94 Troxel timothy 5. 12138 Pine Needle Ct, Woodbridge VA 22192 703-490-+)564 134666 F S93 TRUMBO BRENT RT 1 BOX 245 BkOADWAY VA 22815 703-596-7095 146133 F SU3 TRVON ANDREW J. 105 F°OBERT kD VORKTOWN VA 236?'3-2008 -U- 5984 F S93 TUEL EARL RT #3, BDX 3U 60kDONSVILLE VA 22942 703-832-736:; 23449 F 503 TURMAN DALE RT 1, BOX 285 DU65PUR 4'A 24325 -+)- tOb075 F F93 TURNA6E DAN 2913 EVERGREEN COURT CHESAPEAKE VA 23311 804-484-1257 154462 F W94 1URNER CRAIG PO BOX b D06UE VA 22451 -i~- 11bOBB F SU3 TURNER JR. JOHN H. 219 26TH 5T 5W kOANOKE VA 24014 703-344-U39h 116087 F SU3 TURNER BILLY W. kT 4 BOX 276 A BEDFORD VA 24523 703-241-5445 103442 F W94 TWEEDY RICHARD W. 216 GODLWELL RD MADISON HEI6HT5 VA 24512 804-929-4612 124718 F W94 TYRRELL JIM 1039 SIGNAL HILL ROAD MANA55AS VA 22111 103-368-63;.3 66014 F F90 ULMEk MARVIN L. 1001 LAKEWATER DRIVE RICHMOND UA 23229 804-741-0025 1786 P LIF Umherger Mark L. RT 1 Boz 231 Wytheville VA 24382 703-228-4514 124835 F W94 UFDIKE III JDHN B. 11964 BARREL COOPEk COURT RESTON VA 22091 7U3-758-0661 111752 F SU3 UPTON MICHAEL D. 2400 PAYNE RD CHESAPEAKE VA 23323 604-485-1109 93811 F F92 UTLEY KARL F, kT B BOX 1064 ASHLAND VA 23005 -0- 82870 F SU3 UTTERBACK DOW 13500 ORLANDO ROAD NOk:ESVILLE VA 22123 703-791-3829 128376 F W94 VAN CLEAVE BOB MGSF BN LANT 4TH FLT FAST C NORFOLK. VA 23511 804-554-5312 148462 F F93 VAR60 JASON P. B G P 3RD USINF TOG FORT MEYER VA 22211 -0- 132623 F S93 VARNER EDDIE RT 1 BDX 269 BLACKWATER VA 24221 103-431-4124 148813 F F93 VAU6HAN ERIC M. RT i BOX 12 JETERSVILLE VA 23083 804-561-2871 938!9 F F93 VAU6HAN DAVID N. 8601 BALDWIN CREEK. RD CHESTERFIELD VA 2382 8U4-139-3978 52108 F W91 VAUfiHAN III JOHN W. RT. #2, BOX 381 AMELIA VA 230+12 804-5bi-4071 115508 F SU3 NAUGHT ALLEN HC 1 BOX 45 FRONT ROYAL VA 22630 703-636-81+81 117801 F 5U3 VERMILYEA MAJ 6EN C.L. 431 DILLIN6HAM BLVD NORFOLK VA 23511 804-489-7448 143282 F SU3 VIAR ROBERT 203 HAYFIELD LYNGHBUR6 VA 24502 -~i- llbi58 F SU2 VOLRATH MIKE L. RT 1 HUDDLESTON VA 14104 703-297-h3b5 48385 F F91 VOSS CHARLES 0. 1117 HORNSBYUILLE RD, YORKTOWN VA 23692 -u- 64772 F F43 WALDECK JR. R06ER L. P.O. BDX 476 HOT SPRIN65 VA 24445 703-839-2128 52713 F F69 WALKER BEN 3510 F'IER5DN DRIVE CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 8i+4-276-8634 143223 F SU3 WALKER DONALD R. 6685 OLD MILL kD ~W ROANDKE, VA 24018 7+?.~-774-3259 58819 F 591 WALKER, JR. GEORGE B. 3510 PIERSON DR. CHE5TERFIELD VA 23832 804-276-8634 148795 F F93 WALL BILL 101 DAMPEkFIELD kD WILLIAM5BUkfi VA 23185 804-22~i-1540 55413 F W94 WALLACE FRANK RT.4 BOX 854 FARMVILLE VA 23901 804-392-4545 96812 F F93 WALLBAUM DAVID L. 6802 MCLEAN PROVINCE CIR. FALLS CHURCH VA 22043 305-370-2485 93830 F F92 WALL5 WILLIAM W. HCR 61 BOX 155 SUMMERDUCK VA 22741 604-439-1678 115253 F SU2 WALSH 6ERARD 2626 JOHN MARSHALL DR ARLINGTON VA 22207 -0- 82125 F 541 WALTER fiE0R6E E. 1602 BRIERY RORD FAkMVILLE VA 23901 8+)4-392-4723 !06689 F S42 WARD CARL J. 4320 SANDY BAY DRIVE VIk6INIA BEACH UA 23455 804-460-1506 94832 F F93 MARE WILLIAM L. 804 KENNEDY AVE VIRGINIA REACH VA 23451 BU4-422-3441 124857 F F92 MARF JACK D. 9116 CENTER ST MANASSAS VA 22110-5534 703-361-5707 138674 F SU3 WARFORD MARK C. 13831 BERKLEY DAVIS CHESTERFIELD VA 238.18 804-383-2592 61216 F F90 WATKINS LANCE 13973 ANTONIA FORD CT, CENTREVILLE VA 22020-3503 303-923-3472 101762 F 543 WATLIN6TON JAMES E. P.O. BOX 147 DAMVILLE VA 24543-0147 BU4-743-3488 127248 F F92 WATSDN 5HEILA A. RT #1 BDX bb OUANTICO VR 21656 410-742-2454 40486 F W94 WATSDN B. ALLEN 3054 BENT kID6E LANE SALEM VA 24153-6663 703-389-7503 1826 L LIF Watsan Jr. Raymond E. 2106 CartMell Ct, Mechanicsville VA 23111 -0- 43633 F F93 WATSDN WYATT 11701 BUNDLE R.D CHESTERFIELD VA 23632 Bi+4-740-1713 80588 F 503 WEAVER JR VERNON 4063 COSBY RD PDWHATAN VA 23139 343-667-2497 84617 F SUI WEEMS JOHN R, BLACK ROAR fiUNW 2507 EDfiEWODD DR WINCHESTER VA 226+?1 7+13-646-3f190 48940 S F92 Weidlein Peter 12313 Blair Ridge Rd. Fair±az VA 22033-1821 703-b2ri-2751 146381 F SU3 WEINREBER MATHEW N. USS 6UN5TON HAL 301 EFFIN6HAM ST 122 PORTSMOUTH VA OUODU -+)- u9/3i+193 MEMBEk 1~T N0. TYPE ISSUE LAST NAME FIkST NAME ---- ------------ 135513 F 101151 F I3b707 F 111122 F 68028 F 26130 F I1b490 F 11b092 S 48168 F 124836 F 36590 F 116043 F 116091 S 12r1441 F 65290 F 116090 5 65283 F 4443 F 1538 L 399 L 52104 F 141riB7 F 124841 F 111267 F 110969 r' 124$37 F 1255 F 76184 F 67992 F 111753 F 141299 F 124846 F 67913 F 35971 F 67964 F 17415 F 35976 F 116042 F 123437 F 116041 F 26494 F 148812 F 11bri53 F 116054 F 124848 F 124849 F 105362 F 143231 F 116023 S 115480 H 51220 F 138902 F 132400 F 124838 F 105311 F S93 WEN6ER SU3 WESLEY SU3 WEST SU3 WEST F90 WEST W92 WESTON SU2 WHITE III W94 White W90 WHITE F92 WHITE W94 NHITESCAkVER F93 WHITING SU3 Whitlow F92 WHITHER JR. F93 WIDGER SU3 Wilber•ger F93 WILCL% F93 WILKES LIF Wilkins III LIF Wilkins Jr F8 5U W9 su F9 F9 59 5U F90 SU3 F93 F92 F9U W93 W94 593 593 sue F93 SU2 591 F93 SU3 sue W94 W94 W94 SU3 SU3 SU2 594 SU3 593 F42 W94 9 WILKINSON , 3 WILL 4 WILLIAMS Jk, 2 WILLIAMS 3 WILLIAMS 2 WILLIAMS 2 WILLIAMS 3 WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAM50N WILLIAMSDN WILLIAMSDN WILLIAMSON WILLIS WILLIS WILLS WILSON WILSON WIMMEk WIMMEk WINK:LER WIkWAHN WISKEMAN WITT Witt WITZKY WOLFE WDD WORD WOODALL DDS WOODALL III ROY J. RL6ER L. 6. REA60N JOHN NAYN DON MARK JOSEPH R. WilliatA L. TOM JIM JR. FORMAN RICHARD Gene D, H.B, JOSEPH Phillip M. STEPHEN F. EARTH J. kichard Jia GHARLES W. ~LYNNWOOD G. THOMAS R, s"COLTER C,A, L,M, TED kANDOLPH JAMES M. RICKY JOE ROBEkT FRED DAVID T, GRAY50N VERNE ROBERT M. GLENN k, MARTIN R. ROY R, TODD DANNY R, TODD GHARLES H. SACK RGY N. GENE kGBERT DWAYNE E. Chester SALLY GARY KAPSUNG DDNNIE DR. RAMON A. RAMON A. n:hr=F ~tEIIDEh:SniF' LISA PAGE 2G ATTENTION ADDRESS CITY 5T ZIP PHONE -------------- --------------- -- ---------- ------------ RT B BO% 56 bb3U HIDDEN WOODS COURT k#2 BOX 206 E 15200 FILIP LEE RD. 2042 DEAUVILLE kOAD 5119 WHET5TONE,MEADOWBRO 345 MIDDLE OAKS Dk 1404 Mary Ann Dr. 133b5 PACICARD DRIVE 9608 GREENWICH kD 418 EAST MAIN STREET 320b WOODAkD LANE 6719 Northway Dr. R 2 BO% 143 1569 LAKE JAMES DRIVE PO Box 19 5414 BUGGY WHIP DRIVE 3345 LAUREL RIDGE DRIVE 240 Silver Lake Lane, 549 Merriman's Lane 2001 HIGHLAND Gk. 9180 KNOLL h:UN LN 9904 EVENSTAR LANE F,O, BO% 546 10605 VALE ROAD 405 FLRBES 5T, P,O. BO% 10000 6540 IRVIN GT 5986 DERWENT kOAD 1039 VANDERPLOEG 129 BRIARWOOD CT 9001 MT. VALLEY RG, 10309 REAMS ROAD 904 OLD BELMONT ROND 2 86:LOKHLLLOW DRIVE 4116 MT, ECHO LANE kT. lil, PO BO% IBI FO BO% 8425 8633 PIN OAK CT 436 LINCOLN ST RT N1 BO% 469 11801 GLENDEVON kD 2290 61LES DR G/D SHAWNEE LOG HOMES 1508!1 ECLIPSE DR, RR I BG% 116-8 kT 3, BO% 498 110 CIMARRON RD kR 2 Box 3b-A STENRIGH GROUP 4413 CO% kD F', 0. BOK 72 21144 STONE CkGP PLACE RR 2 BO% 545-A 11418 LILTING LANE 13412 OCCOOUAN RD HAkRISONBUk6 VA 22601 -0- kOANOKE VA 24018 -0- AMHERST VA 24521 604-647-6225 CHANTILLY VA 22021-1309 703-603-8812 kICHMOND VA 23235 -0- DK kICHMOND VA 23234 -0- CHESAPEAKE VA 23320 604-436-4116 Lynchburg VA 24502 604-525-3631 WODDBRID6E VA 22193-3915 616-277-1252 NOKESVILLE VA 22123-1119 -U- SALEM VA 24153 103-369-2381 FkOiVT kOYAL VA 22b30 703-b35-9627 koanoke VA 24019 103-563-7195 MT CRAWFORD VA 22641 703-433-1705 UIR6INIA BEACH VA 23464 804-424-3351 Port Republic VA 24411-0019 703-241-4587 CENTERVILLE VA 2202!1 7U3-266-0079 BLACKS6UR6 VA 240ti0 -0- Winchester VA [L603-2Y43 703-bbl-7215 Winchester VA 22tiui 703-667-7212 POWHATAN VA 23139 ru4-598-4704 MARSHALL VA 22115 7ij3-q39-3201 FAIRFA% STN VA 22039 703-250-6141+ DINWIDDIE VA 23641 604-469-7345 GAKTON VA 22124 103-560-1681 FALMGUTH VA 22405 103-371-4492 MC LEAN VA 22102 103-821-8930 ALEXANDRIA VA 22s'12 703-354-5675 FOWHATAN VA 23139 604-375-9006 CHESAPEAKE VA 23320 BU4-547-4833 STERLING VA 20164-2622 -U- FAIkFA% 5TH VA 22039 103-b9U-6446 RICHMOND VA 23236 6i+4-794-3613 FRONT RGYAL VA 22630 703-635-7706 6LEN ALLEN VA 23060 604-798-4111 FAIRFA% VA 22033 703-376-1419 bOkE VA 22631 703-658-3310 RDNNDKE VA 24014 7r~3-174-1696 SPRINGFIELD VA 22153 703-695-6931 WGODSTOCK VA 22664 103-434-8086 GIG ISLAND VA 24526 604-299-5711 CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 604-766-1670 CHRISTIANSBU6:6 VA 24013 703-362-1244 LAFAY'ETTE VA 24061 103-268-2243 MANA5SAS VA 22111-4+)26 103-670-7632 ALDIEN VA 22001-9o~)i 103-620-2149 DAYTON VA 22621 703-679-Y153 FOREST VA 24551 -0- Altavista VA 24517-9717 604-621-1291 6LEN ALLEN VA 23Ub0-332ti -U- FENHOGK VA 24!37 703-516-3062 ASHBURN VA 22011 703-149-7334 LUkAY VA 22635 -U- FAIRFA% STN. VA 22039 7ri3-491-1115 WGODBRID6E VA 22191 703-491-1115 MEMBER 1ST N0, T,~PE I5oli ----- ----- - !~ LAST NAME F1k5T NAME 116489 F --- SU2 - -------------- WUODYARD --- ----------- CHIP 148824 F F93 WOOSLEY EARL 116052 F SU3 WORRELL GURTIS 68003 F F90 WORSHAM WALLACE 8. 56623 F 592 WRAV RICHARD 6. 67995 F W94 WRIGHT STEPHEN 124839 F F42 WYATT 5TEVEN 126823 F F92 YATES KENNETH E. 80853 F S92 YOUN6 PHILIP L. 154433 F W94 YOUNG JEFF/JOYCE 141214 F SU4 ZACHERL LEMOYNE T. 93825 F SU1 IEHLER ppylB 83304 F 5U1 ZGAINER ANTHONY J 89941 F F91 IOUHAR ROBERT 131519 F S43 1UCKERMAN 5TAN 26946 F SU3 IUMWALT 6LEN/JUDY 146143 F SU3 lUNDEI THONGS T, 24861 F 5U3 -0- -p- 67993 F F94 -0- -0- 83699 F 591 -0- -p- 148822 F F93 -0- -p- 52107 F F89 -0- _~_ 143259 F SU3 -G- -0- I~.If~I IILIIULn JII If 11J1 v+~et 'z~ ATTENTION ADDRESS CITY ST IIP PHONE PO BO% 144 --- LOW MOOk - -- --------- UA 24457 - ------------ 163-862-6177 8213 CHAINMALE RD RICHMOND VA 2.3235 804-745-5559 1898 OAK DR SALEM VA 24153 7+i3-387-0018 4160 WORSHAM ROAG POWHATAN VA 23139 804-598-2267 2 WANRANI LANE LANE%fl VA 23689 604-966-5051 STAR RT 1 BO% 7o GASBURG VA 23857 -G- b1G8 RIVER RG. MANASSAS VA 22111 7+i3-568-5875 669 WVTHE CREEK RD POOU050N VA 23662 8G4-nb8-o45ti 9601 FAI6'VIEW AVE MANA55A5 VA 22116 N)3-257-8355 205 E MAIN ST BERRYVILLE VA 22611 703-955-3526 9755 REHANEK GT BURKE VA 22+ii5-44e3 763-569-)810 1461 AQUA VISTA LANE RICHMOND VA 23231 864-795-1552 2813 OUEEN ANNE RD VIRGINIA BEACH VA 23452 -6- 1972 ASHMONT DR. VIRGINIA BEACH VA OOOOG -6- 1302 MARTINSBUkG PIKE WINCHESTER VA 22663 763-bbl-8440 IG9 OAI(WAY CT BLUE RIDGE VA 24064 -G- A GO 1/2228 AVN kEGT NEWPORT NEWS VA 23ti04 -U- MOUNTAIN SPORTS 1021 COMMONWEALTH AVE. BRISTOL VA 24201 -0- FLAT ROCK 5P06'T 2515 ANDERSON HWY. POiiHATAN VA 23139 -0- N it S GUNS & 5U RT. 1 BOX 142 MAURERTOWN VA 22644 -G- ANDERSON WELL D PO BOX 358 AMELIA VA 23G~i2 804-561-4791 TATRO CONSTRUCT 4021 BEACH ROAB CHESTERFIELD VA 23832 864-748-9668 BUFFALO CREEK F kT 1 BO% 232 LYNCH STATION VA 24571 763-291-6626