HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/26/1995 - RegularY~ • ROAW Y F. ~ Z' C~.~~xx~~ ~~ ~~xxr~.~.e JOINT MEETING ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VINTON TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 - 12:30 P.M. ACTION AGENDA A.WELCOME H. Odell Minnix, Chairman B.INVOCATION AND LUNCH Invocation by John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator C. ROLL CALL 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ALL PRESENT AT 1:00 P.M. 2. Vinton Town Council BOBBY ALTICE ABSENT D. OPENING REMARKS /4'ARf 07lE ffL f~Q 1. H. Odell Minnix, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors WELC01<iED VINTON TOWN COUNCIL AND STAFF. 2. Charles R. Hill, Mayor, Vinton Town Council THAIVI~D BOS AND COUNTY STAFF FOR INVITING THEM AND STATED THAT JOINT MEETINGS PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY FOR BETTER COMMUNICATION 1 ® Bagdad Paper E. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS MAYOR HILL ASKED THAT THE OLD SCHOOL LOCATED IN VINTON AND CURRENTLY USED BY TAP BE DISCUSSED. F. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS: Coal Combustion Byproduct Ash Project MEMBERS OF VINTON TOWN COUNCIL EXPRESSED CONCERN ABOUT THE USE OF FLYASH FOR FILL AT THE FOODETTE LOCATED AT CORNER OF 24TH AND FEATHER BECAUSE OF THE WELLS LOCATED NEARBY HCN ADVISED THAT IF SOMETHING NEGATIVE HAPPENS ROANOKE COUNTY WOULD BE OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE WATER TO THE TOWN. WATER WOULD BE PROVIDED AT THE RATE AT THAT TIME. CONSENSUS OF BOTH GOVERNING BODIES THAT THE COUNTY SHOULD CONTACT THE TOWN IItIMEDIATELY WHEN A COUNTY ZONING OR LAND USE ISSUE COULD AFFECT THE TOWN. 2. Discussion on future use of old school currently being used by TAP BUFORD BARYON ASKED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF USING THE SCHOOL AS A TEEN CENTER WHEN NO LONGER USED BY TAP ECH ADVISED THAT THE BUILDING IS SCHOOL BOARD PROPERTY AND HE WILL DISCUSS WITH THE SCHOOL BOARD. HCN ASKED FOR COPY OF THE AGREEn'IENT WITH TAP FOR USE OF THE BUILDING. 3. Greenways LBE UPDATED THE GOVERNING BODIES ON THE 5TH PDC GREENWAY STUDY UNDERWAY. 4. Metropolitan Transportation District ECH UPDATED VINTON ON DISCUSSION WITH ROANOKE CITY ON THE POSSIBILITY OF A METROPOLITAN TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT WHEREBY LOCALITIES COULD ADD A LOCAL GAS TAX TO FUND TRANSPORTATION NEEDS. CLAY GOODMAN ADVISED THAT VALLEY METRO WILL MAKE PRESENTATION TO VINTON OFFICIALS. HCN ASKED ECH TO SEND COPY OF MEMO REGARDING MEETING WITIi ROANOKE CITY. THERE WAS GENERAL CONSENSUS TO GO FORWARD ON STUDYING ISSUE IF THERE IS A CORRESPONDING TAX REDUCTION. 5. Roanoke Valley Council of Governments FM ADVISED HE SENT LETTER TO CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIALS ASKING IF THEY WERE INTERESTED IN FORMING COUNCIL TO LOOK AT RECOMMENDATIONS IN TOWERS PERRIN REPORT. MAYOR BILL QUESTIONED THE NEED SINCEMANAGERS/ADMINISTRATORS ARE CURRENTLY MEETING TO DISCUSS THESE ISSUES AND ARE WORKING ON A JOINT HEALTH CARE CONTRACT. NO CONSENSUS ON SUPPORT OF A REGIONAL COUNCIL. 6. Discussion of development of the McDonald Farm ECH AND CLAY GOODMAN TO WORK ON THIS ISSUE -APPROPRIATE ZONING OR REZONING, PLANTING TREE BUFFER, COMMENTS AND IDEAS FROM NEIGHBORING COMMUNITY. G. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION H. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNMENT AT 2:55 P.M. JOINT MEETING ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VINTON TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 - 12:30 P.M. ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER FOURTH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM A. WELCOME H. Odell Minnix, Chairman B. INVOCATION AND LUNCH Invocation by John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator C. ROLL CALL 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. Vinton Town Council D. OPENING REMARKS 1. H. Odell Minnix, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. Charles R. Hill, Mayor, Vinton Town Council E. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS F. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS: 1. Coal Combustion Byproduct Ash Project 2. Greenways 3. Metropolitan Transportation District 4. Roanoke Valley Council of Governments 5. Discussion of development of the McDonald Farm G. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION H. ADJOURNMENT SIGN UP SHEET DATE: S~ ~ ~,~ , 1 ~' ,~ ~ -~ T NAME TITLE s ~ jj j_~ z'.~f3 ~•,. d'7"\ ~ ~T J .~ i~ „~ ~'l Y } s~ '~. ' .u 1L~? /~ k"`. _ ~~ ~ A' '~ "b s' = r a~, ,rAg , {/, // t ~v ~ ~V M ~ ~ IYf APP.' ~~'~....~ i - "~ / w l/ / / ', [/ ~ ~' ~ C1 (~~ ~ ~ n .~• -~ ~ ._L P ~ O~~ Oh C'OX11'f' ~ttorne ~ ~p Y1 ~ oCo~~ r t~~ ter; ~~ -~ -~ ~'s~~~r ~~~ - ~r- .~•~ X055 i - ~OCp~% Xl / N ^''~' .a„/ ~~iJ """ i ff~t 1,~~~ ~,~..~~rir'4?<{M~~s''.,~9~. .~r~.. C. 1 ! b w ~,~ ~1'l An, ra -c 2 ns ---~. i ~~ ~ ,~, pp CJ~tz~.~G~,z, : 7~ .~ ~~~~-- rr (' ~~ v!J ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..)) ~~"~' y ~ ~ ~ ~iv7 ~l~Ps-~ ~~ ~~~ NAME: ~ G~ S ~ ~ III RETURN TO MARY ALLEN SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF VINTON ~ r n n C~ ~ S '}'r i s 11 /~ B r-~ LUNCH AND TOUR OF VWCC WITH DR. DOWNS am interested in attending a lunch and tour of VWCC with Dr. Downs I am NOT interested in attending a lunch and a tour of VWCC with Dr. Down MEMORANDUM TO: --Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Fuzzy Minnix Harry Nickens FROM: Mary Allen yy`"~~ DATE: September 6, 1995 SUBJECT: (1) Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council; (2) Tour of Va. Western; (3) Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Commission (1) Joint Meeting with the Vinton Town Council The meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday. September 26. 1995 at 12.30 p m in the large fourth floor conference room. A catered luncheon will be provided following by the joint meeting. If you have any suggested items for the agenda, please list on attached sheet and return to me. (2) Tour of Virginia Western Community College Last spring, Dr. Downs, President of Virginia Western Community College invited the Board to lunch and a tour of the campus. The lunch was tentatively scheduled for September 12, but several Board members indicated they did not want to attend and the event has been postponed. If you are interested in rescheduling the tour, please indicate on the attached sheet and return to me. I31 Oraan and Tissue Donation and Transplantation Commission The organizational meeting for the above commission has been scheduled for September 20 at 11:00 a.m. at RCAC. The meeting will attempt to recommend membership criteria, etc. for formation of the commission. Attending will be representatives ofthe Health Department, 5th PDC, the Carillon Transplant Center and the Virginia Organ Procurement Agency. Following this meeting, the Board will be asked to make membership appointments to represent Roanoke County. NAME: RETURN TO MARY ALLEN SUGGESTED ITEMS FOR JOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF VINTON LUNCH AND TOUR OF VWCC WITH DR. DOWNS am interested in attending a lunch and tour of VWCC with Dr. Downs am NOT interested in attending a lunch and a tour of VWCC with Dr. Down ~ pOAN ,).~ ~• .'s- z ~, ,z 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 July 18, 1995 Mr. Clay Goodman, Town Manager Town of Vinton P. O. Box 338 Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Mr. Goodman: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX,.CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B. EDDY WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTO~: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772.2005 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors would like to schedule another joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council during the month of August. Our meeting last year was enjoyable and afforded us an opportunity to discuss issues of mutual concern and interest. Since the Town of Vinton acted as host last year at the Vinton War Memorial, Roanoke County would like to serve as host for our next meeting. I would appreciate it if you would contact the members of the Vinton Town Council to see if they are interested in another joint meeting. If so, we can move forward with setting a date that is mutually agreeable to both governing bodies. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator CC: Board Reading File Chairman H. Odell Fuzzy Minnix Mary H. Allen, Board Clerk P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ® Recycled paper 8/29/95 9:09 am MA Darlene from Vinton called about Clerk's Lunch. Set for September 20, at New York Pizza, Virginia Avenue. (a.:3o Also confirmed time and date of Vinton Joint Mtg with her. She said her council did not want to wait two hours like before. Told her they would have lunch and then meeting - no waiting. Karen in accounting called and asked where to put $2.26 charge for cordless mike - put in 6071. Brenda ~ • COUNTY OF ROANOKE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEMORANDUM TO: Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Fuzzy Minnix Harry Nickens FROM.• Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board DATE: August 18, 1995 SUBJECT.• Joint Meeting with the Town of Vinton We are attempting to schedule the next joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council. The following are suggested dates. It is Roanoke County's turn to host the luncheon and meeting. Please let me know if these .dates are agreeable. The Vinton Town Council is also being polled for their preference. Tuesday, September 19 at 12:30 p.m Tuesday, September 26 at 12:30 p.m. (a board meeting date) Tuesday, October 10 at 12:30 p. m. (a Board meeting date) Once we have received information from both governing bodies, we will set a final date and time. CC: Elmer C. Hodge Paul M. Mahoney ECH: Cazolyn Ross called me from the Town of Vinton to set some possible dates for the next joint meeting with Vinton Town Council. We came up with the following dates: Tuesday, September 19 Tuesday, September 26 Tuesday, October 10. I'm going to send a memo to the Board to poll them and Vinton is doing the same. Are any of these dates not agreeable to you? Mary Allen 8/ 18/95 To ^ AM Date ~- Time Z ^ PM WHILE YOU WERE OUT M - of C ~~d-~.C . Phone ~ ) Area Code Number Extension TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO SEE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN JVANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Message Operator AMPAD REORDER ;, EFFICIENCY® nzs•ooB COUN~'~' O~ ROANOKE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEMORANDUM ~,~~" -~'~: - Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Fuzzy Minnix Harry Nickens ~l -~~R$A~- Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board DATE: August 18, 1995 SUBJECT.• Joint Meeting with the Town of Vinton We are attempting to schedule the next joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council. The following are suggested dates. It is Roanoke County's turn to host the luncheon and meeting. Please let me know if these dates are agreeable. The Vinton Town Council is also being polled for their preference. V Tuesday, September 19 at 12:30 p.m I Pre~e~ ~° Tuesday, September 26 at 12:30 p.m. (a board meeting date) 1.~ Tuesday, October 10 at 12:30 p. m. (a Board meeting date) Once we have received information from both governing bodies, we will set a final date and time. CC: Elmer C. Hodge Paul M. Mahoney COUNTY O~ ROANOKE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEMORANDUM TO: Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Fuzzy Minnix Harry Nickens FROM.• Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board DATE: August 18, 1995 SUBJECT.• Joint Meeting with the Town of Vinton We are attempting to schedule the next joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council. The following are suggested dates. It is Roanoke County's turn to host the luncheon and meeting. Please let me know if these dates are agreeable for their preference. i ,~ Tuesday, September 19 at 12:30 p.m The Vinton Town Council is also being polled :1Tuesday, September 26 at 12:30 p.m. (a board meeting date) 'Tuesday, October 10 at 12:30 p. m. (a Board meeting date) ---~-~, Once we have received information from both governing bodies, we will set a final date and time. CC: Elmer C. Hodge Paul M. Mahoney FAX MEMORADUM TO: Carolyn Ross, Vinton Town Clerk - 9 8 3 - o to .? / FROM: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board DATE: September 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Agenda -Joint Meeting on 9/26/95 Attached is a copy of the agenda for our joint meeting on September 26. Elmer asked that you provide Clay with a copy. If there are any additions, please let me know and I'll add them to the agenda by Tuesday. I am forwarding a copy to our Board members today. See you Tuesday....Mary Allen O~ ROANp,F~ ~ :,i,;A Z '~ r 3a P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 CLERK TO THE BOARD (703) 772-2005 FAX (703) 772-2193 MEDIA RELEASE Contact: Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board 772-2003 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and Vinton Town Council will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 1995 at 12.30 p m at the Roanoke County Administration Center, fourth floor conference room. A luncheon is scheduled at 12:30 p.m., followed by a business meeting. Agendas will be mailed with the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors agenda for their regularly scheduled meeting on September 26 at 3:00 p. m. #### ® Recycled paper 9/11/95 8:55 am Note to Elmer Hodge and Mary Allen From Harry Nickens via dictaphone I would add to the agenda an item for the Vinton Joint Meeting: coal combustion byproduct ash project. I would be pleased to tour Virginia Western if they want us to do that. Thank you. HCN/bj h RKE BOARD SUPERVISORS TEL~703-772-2193 Transmit Confirmation Report Na . Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result 001 99830621 RKE BOARD SUPERVISORS Sep 22'95 849 01'13 Norm 02 OK Sep 22'95 849 FAX 1VIEMORADUM TO: Carolyn Ross, Vinton Town Clerk - 9 8 3 - O fo .? / FROM: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board DATE: September 21, 1995 SUBJECT: Agenda -Joint Meeting on 9/26/95 Attached is a copy of the agenda for our joint meeting on September 26. Elmer asked that you provide Clay with a copy. If there are any additions, please let me know and I'll add them to the agenda by Tuesday. I am forwarding a copy to our Board members today. See you Tuesday....Mary Allen