HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/24/1995 - Regular ,,. ACTION AGENDA OCTOBER 24, 1995 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Kos wr rr~sv C~mxz~t~ IIf ~~xx~~e WORI~VG DOC MENT - Y BE REVISED ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PRIOR TO THIS AFT'ERNOON'S SESSION, THERE WILL BE AN AUDIT CONIlVIITTEE MEETING AT 2:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (703) 772-2005 We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ALL PRESENT AT 3:00 P.M. 2. Invocation: Gardner W. Smith, Director Development Services 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. 1 B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PMM ADDED ITEM TO EXECUTIVE SESSION SECTION 2.1-344 A (5) TO DISCUSS THE LOCATION OF A PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of November 12 - November 18, 1995 as American Education Week in Roanoke County. PRESENTED TO LTERRY CANADA, CHAIRMAN, SCHOOL BOARD, TUDY DEYERLE, PRESIDENT, RCEA, AND DR DEANNA GORDON, SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT EGK MOTION TO APPROVE PROCLAMATION URC D. BRIEFINGS 1. Report from Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) on their 30-year history. (Cabell Brand, retired Chairman, TAP Board of Directors) PRESENTATION MADE BY MR BRAND R-102495-1 EGK MOTION TO ADOPT RESO OF APPRECIATION TO MR BRAND URC 2. Report from Blue Ridge Community Services Board. 2 (Susan Scheibe, BRCS Board Member) PRESENTATIONS MADE BY SUSAN SCHEIBE, DR FRED P. ROESSEL, ,~R., EXE DIR, THOMAS CHAPMAN, DIR OF ADM, AND TOHN SABEAN, DIR OF RESOURCE DEV 3. Update on the Dixie Caverns Landfill Superfund Cleanup. (George Simpson, Assistant Director of Engineering & Inspections) BRIEFING AND SLIDE PRESENTATION MADE BY GS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for assignment of Bikeway Classification for Hollins Road. (Timothy Gubala, Director of Economic Development) A-102495-2 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE ALT #1 ~IiOLLINS ROAD BE ASSIGNED CLASS III BIKEWAY BY VDOT) AND ALT #2 (RECOMII~ND TOINT WORK SESSION WITH MPO_AND OTHERS TO DISCUSS PL,~INNING ISSUES AYES: EGK, HCN, FM NAYS: BI{T, LBE 2. Request to approve additional projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. (Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections) A-102495-3 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE ADDITIONAL PROTECTS URC LBE ASKED THAT PROTECT 197 BE SHOWN IN CAVE SPRING DISTRICT AND NOT WINDSOR HILLS DISTRICT 3 3. Report on costs, consideration and options for the County to assume partial responsibility for mowing median strips. (Don Myers, Assistant Administrator) A-102495-4 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE ALT #4 (NEGOTIATE WITH PRIVATE CONTRACTORS, $29,792 ANNUALLY FOR FOUR CUTTINGS WAS DENIED AYES: BL.T, EGK NAYS: LBE, HCN, FM LBE ASKED THAT STAFF RESEARCH HOW OTHER COUNTIES HANDLE AND BRING BACK REPORT TO BOARD F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for a Joint Work Session with the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce. CONSENSUS OF BOARD THAT CHAIR AND BL.T MEET WITH CHAMBER LEADERSHIP INSTEAD OF WORK SESSION. ECH TO GET DATES. G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE H. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA EGK MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING AND SET PUBLIC EEARINGS AND 2ND READINGS FOR NOVEMBER 21, 1995 URC 4 1. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a 140 foot communications tower and accessory building, located on Poor Mountain, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Valley Communications. 2. Ordinance to rezone 1.109 acres from R-1 to C-1 to construct an office/meeting hall, located at the west side of Shadwell Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of IUE Local 162, Inc. 3. Ordinance to rezone 1.146 acres from R-1 and C-1 to R-1 and C-2 to operate a personal services facility, located at 3142 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Marta Sayers. 4. Ordinance to rezone 28 acres from AR to R-1 to construct single family residences, located on Yellow Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Saunders & Wells Investments. I. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of necessary easements to construct the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain. (Gary Robertson, Director, Utility) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING AND SET SECOND READING ON NOVEMBER 21, 1995 URC J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and reenacting portions of Article II. Sewer Construction, of Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal of the Roanoke County Code and authorizing the adoption by resolution of the "Design and Construction 5 Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities." (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 0-102495-5 BI,J MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC R-102495-6 FM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO WITH LBE CHANGE TO DESIGN STANDARD #12 URC K. APPOINTMENTS 1. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 2. Industrial Development Authority FM NOMINATED GUY BYRD TO A FOUR YEAR TERM WHICH WILL EXPIRE SEPTEMBER 26, 1999 3. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission BL<T NOMINATED RANDY LIKENS TO REPLACE HOWARD BULLEN, AT-LARGE MEMBER. LBE ASKED THAT NOMINATIONS NOT BE CLOSED SINCE AT-LARGE APPOINTMENT. FM WILL HOLD NOMINATIONS OPEN UNTIL NEXT MEETING. 4. Organ Donation and Tissue Transplantation Commission. FM NOMINATED MARY ALLEN FOR INITIAL ONE YEAR TERM. 5. Library Board EGK ASKED THAT THE SUPERVISOR-ELECT FROM CATAWBA BE MADE AWARE OF THIS APPOINTMENT AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME 6 L. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WII~L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-102495-7 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO URC 1. Approval of Minutes -September 12, 1995, September 26, 1995. LBE NOTED THAT MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1995 MEETING ARE FOR TOINT MEETING WITH TOWN OF VINTON 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Planning Commission. A-102495-7.a 3. Approval of raffle permit for Total Action Against Poverty (TAP). A-102495-7.b 4. Approval of a 50/50 raffle permit for Calendar Year 1996 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club A-102495-7.c M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Kohinke: (1) Attended American Native Pow-Wow at Green Hill Park and commended staff on excellent event. Supervisor Eddy: (1) Asked for results of recent change in 7 method of refuse collection. Bill Rand advised that process is going well; they had some initial problems; and daily mileage has been reduced 30%. (2) Asked for status of adopting model BPOL ordinance. PMM will have f rst reading on 11/21/95. (3~ Status of Staff Retreat 10/20/95 at Camu Roanoke. ECH advised that retreat was very successful and he will give a report to the Board. (~ Advised that FM wrote letter to Senator Robb thanking him for efforts to include Roanoke County in Appalachian Regional Commission (ARCS and advising that Roanoke County will renew request to be included in the ARC in the future. (5) Advised that he sent copes of article in Readers's Digest about cheating in high school to Dr. Gordon and Mr. Canada and was advised that this is not as big a problem here as mentioned in the article, and that the RCEA is conducting a survey on this subject. (,6~ Asked about status of study of water and sewer rates. ECH advised that there will be a report or work session at 11/21/95 meeting. ~7~ Advised that FM, BL.T, LBE were at School Board meeting last night to hear consultant's report on SW County school situation and suggested that one or more joint meeting should be held with School Board on funding. Supervisor Nickens: (1) Advised that he was also at School Board meeting last night. (2) Asked about status of approval of Health Department budget for current ear. TMC advised that it will be brought back to the Board in next few weeks. ~3) Asked about status of Workers Adjustment Act which allows state personnel to retire early but asked for contributions to cost from localities. ECH will bring a report to the 11/21/95 meeting. ~4) Asked about status of Roanoke River Parkway construction including bids and whether bike path was included and asked for a staff report at future meeting. Supervisor Tohnson: (1) Advised that he attended Audit Committee Meeting today; that a new format and more information is now contained in Gen. Fund Unapprop. Balance Report; and work session has been scheduled today to review quarterly revenue. (2) Advised that he, ECH and staff meet with Dr. O'Brien at Hollins College; that Hollins College has a new entrance; that traffic lights at Hollins College will be ouerational shortly;and traffic lights at Plantation Road and Old Hollins Road are functioning well. 8 Supervisor Minnix: (1) Advised that he sent another letter to Valley governments concerning Towers-Perrin Report, and will make members aware of responses. Supervisor Eddy advised that he received memo from ECH about meetings held with City of Roanoke to address Towers-Perrin Report and encouraged to see staff moving ahead with discussions. (2) Advised that he and ECH met with Adm. and Chair of Botetourt County concerning the Urban Partnership and ways to express concern at VACo Conference about decisions. Advised that he and ECH will meet with Adm. and Chair of Bedford County on 10/25/95, and at 10 a.m. 10/25/95, he and BL.T will meet with Mayor Bowers and representatives of City of Roanoke. Supervisor Nickens asked about status of letter that he thought was to be sent to General Assembly incumbents and candidates for election asking for their stand on Urban Partnership. (At the work session on rollovers, HCN advised that this request was not made at a public meeting of the Board. N. CITIZENS' C011~IlVIENTS AND COA~IlVIU1vICATIONS NONE O. REPORTS BL.T MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE FOLLOWING REPORTS AFTER DISCUSSION OF ITEMS #10 AND #11 - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 5. Bond Project Status Report 6. Report from VDOT on additions to the Secondary System 9 in September 1995. 7. Statement of Expenditures and Revenues as of 9/30/95. 8. Accounts Paid -September 1995. 9. Receipt of letter from the Town of Vinton regarding the use of coal combustible byproducts as fill material. 10. Report on the Fifth Planning District Commission Regional Stormwater Management Program. 11. Report on First Quarter Claims Activity for the Self- Insurance Program. ECH ADVISED THAT WORK SESSION ON SELF-INSURANCE PROGRAM IS SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 21, 1995 MEETING P. WORK SESSION 1. Quarterly Financial Review WORK SESSION HELD A~'rER EVENING SESSION - 11 P.M. 2. Rollover of Departmental Savings from the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995 WORK SESSION HELD AI•TER EXECUIZVE SESSION - 6:10 P.M. DDH, BR, AND ECH PRESENTED INFORMATION HCN SUGGESTED THAT ALL NON-CAPITAL ITEMS BE REMOVED AND THAT ADD BACK ITEMS BE PRIORITIZED BY THE BOARD CONSENSUS OF BOARD TO BRING BACK ASTER PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND ACTION 10 AT 6:55 P.M., CHAIRMAN 11~IIN1~TIX DECLARED FIVE 11~IINUTE RECESS Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A ',~~~°-~~~'~-~ ~„ ee~°~-~*~~-~ ~~ 4~ .. > > > > > > sue; -ate (5) to discuss the location of a prospective business or industry. BL.T MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 5~0 P.M. FOR ~5) TO DISCUSS THE LOCATION OF A PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY - URC R CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-102495-8 BL.T MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESO AT 7:00 P.M. - URC EVENING SESSION S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES AT REQUEST OF PETITIONER, BOARD CONSENSUS TO MOVE ITEM S-4 TO BE HEARD FIRST (0-102495-9~ FM INTRODUCED SCOUT LEADER AND MEMBERS OF TROOP 149 WHO WERE PRESENT WORKING ON THEIR COMMU1yITY MERIT BADGES 1. Ordinance to rezone 38.22 acres from R-1, single family to 11 PRD, planned residential development to construct residential homes, located at Mountain View Road and Laurel Glen Lane, north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of Wolf Creek Inc. (Janet Scheid, Planning and Zoning) 0-102495-10 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD WITH CONDITIONS URC 2. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment, located at 5757 Grandin Road Extension, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jane Allison Parker. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) 0-102495-11 LBE MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC 3. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant, located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, upon the petition of McDonald's Corporation. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) 13 CITIZENS SPOKE LBE MOTION TO DENY SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITH CONDITIONS - MOTION DEFEATED AYES: LBE, FM NAYS: BL.T, EGK, HCN 0-102495-12 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITH CONDITIONS AYES: BL.T, EGK, HCN NAYS: LBE, FM 12 4. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a private kennel, located at 4613 Bonsack Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Donna Etzler. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) 0-102495-9 BLOT MOTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERNIIT WITH ONE CONDITION FOR ONE YEAR WITH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF REVIEW AYES: BLJ, LBE, HCN, FM NAYS: EGK 5. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant, located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jones & Jones Associates. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) ONE CITIZEN SPOKE 0-102495-13 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE SPECIAL USE PERMIT WITH CONDITIONS: (1) SITE SHALL BE DEVEI.OPID IN GENERAL CONFORMITY WITH THE SUBMPITED SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATID AUGUST 25, 1995, REVISID THROUGH OCTOBER 24, 1995; (2) AN EARTHEN BERM SHALL BE INSTALLID ALONG THE SOUTTHERN PORTION OF THE PROPERTY. THE BERM SHALL BE AT A SUFFICIENT BASE ELEVATION RELATIVE TO THE BASE ELEVATION OF THE PROPOSID BUILDINGS. AND SHALL BE OF A SUFFICIII~iT HIIGHT, MASS AND LOCATION TO COMPLErEI.Y SCREEN THE PROPOSID BUII.DINGS FROM THE MEADOWBROOK CONDONIINIUMS. CANADIAN SPRUCE, LEYLAND CYPRUS OR A COMPARABLE CONIFER, SHALL BE PLANTED ON THE TOP OF THE BERM. WITH CONTINUID PLANTING DOWN TO THE CREEK. THE TREES PLANTED SHALL BE A NIINIIIZUIVI OF 6-8 FEET IN HEIGHT AT TII1~ OF PLANTING. AND SHALL BE OF A SUFFICIII~IT QUANTITY TO PROVIDE A FURTHEItt SCREENING, BUFFERING AND PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING EFFECT. ~3) ALL LIGHTING INSTALLID SHALL BE DOWN LIGHTING, SHALL BE OF A BOX TYPE DESIGN, AND SHALL BE DIRECTED AWAY FROM ADJACENT AND NEARBY NIIGHBORHOODS. THE LIGHTING STANDARDS CONTAINID IN THE ZONING 13 . ORDINANCE SHALL ALSO BE ME'r. URC BLT REQUESTID THAT STAFF CHECK WITH VDOT ABOUT A STOP SIGN ON EASTERN SIDE OF BRIDGE T. OLD BUSINESS 1. Rollover of Departmental Savings from the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995 R-102495-14 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO APPROVING ROLLOVER REQUEST OF $953,716 - URC HCN SUGGESTED THAT IN FUTURE ROLLOVER DOLLARS BE RESERVED FOR NON-RECURRING CAPITAL ITEMS CONSENSUS OF BOARD THAT SUBTECT BE ITEM FOR DISCUSSION AT BOARD RETREAT U. CITIZEN COMII~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE V. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition or use of real property for public purposes, Salem Bank & Trust Company; (3) disposition of publicly held real estate, access road on Shelor property; (7) for consultation with legal counsel to discuss actual or potential litigation or other legal matters, annexation; and (1) personnel issue; BLJ MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 9:55 P.M. URC 14 W. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-102495-15 BL.T MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AND ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESO AT 10:57 P.M. - URC EGK LEFT AT 10:59 P.M. X. WORK SESSION 1. Quarterly Financial Review PRESENTED BY DIANE HYATT AND BRENT ROBERTSON BIzT ASKED FOR BREAI~OWN ON NEGATIVE NUMBERS ON FUTURE REPORTS DDH ADVISED THAT UNAPPROP. BALANCE FUND REPORT WILL BE UPDATED EACH QUARTER DISCUSSED MAI~NG ADTUSTMENTS AT NEXT QUARTERLY REPORT IN SIX MONTHS HCN REQUESTED FUTURE AGENDA ITEM CONCERNING DISCUSSION WITH TOWN OF VINTON ABOUT PREVIOUS REZONING AND COUNTY'S WILLINGNESS TO PROVIDE WATER Y. ADJOURNMENT PMM ADVISED THAT BOARD__COULD ADTOURN TO 11/9/95 AT 4:30 P.M. TO ATTEND SPDC MEETING AT VINTON WAR MEMORIAL OR ADVISE MEDIA THAT A QUORUM MAY BE PRESENT AT THAT MEETING WITH NO ACTION ANTICIPATED. BOARD CONSENSUS TO NOTIFY MEDIA. BL.T MOTION TO ADTOURN AT 11:10 P.M. - UW 15 k f +wrs wr rr~m C~.~ar~xxt~ ~f ~ .~ ~ ~~~ ~.. ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA OCTOBER 24, 1995 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. PRIOR TO THIS AFT'ERNOON'S SESSION, THERE WILL BE AN AUDIT CO1~~IlVIITTEE MEETING AT 2:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (703) 772-2005 We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: Gardner W. Smith, Director Development Services 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS 1 C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation Declaring the Week of November 12 - November 18, 1995 as American Education Week in Roanoke County. D. BRIEFINGS 1. Report from Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) on their 30-year history. (Cabell Brand, retired Chairman, TAP Board of Directors) 2. Report from Blue Ridge Community Services Board. (Susan Scheibe, BRCS Board Member) 3. Update on the Dixie Caverns Landfill Superfund Cleanup. (George Simpson, Assistant Director of Engineering & Inspections) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for assignment of Bikeway Classification for Hollins Road. (Timothy Gubala, Director of Economic Development) 2. Request to approve additional projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. (Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections) 3. Report on costs, consideration and options for the County to assume partial responsibility for mowing median strips. (Don Myers, Assistant Administrator) 2 F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for a Joint Work Session with the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce. G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a 140 foot communications tower and accessory building, located on Poor Mountain, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Valley Communications. 2. Ordinance to rezone 1.109 acres from R-1 to C-1 to construct an office/meeting hall, located at the west side of Shadwell Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of IUE Local 162, Inc. 3. Ordinance to rezone 1.146 acres from R-1 and C-1 to R-1 and C-2 to operate a personal services facility, located at 3142 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Marta Sayers. 4. Ordinance to rezone 28 acres from AR to R-1 to construct single family residences, located on Yellow Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Saunders & Wells Investments. I. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of necessary easements to construct the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain. (Gary Robertson, Director, Utility) 3 J. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending and reenacting portions of Article II. Sewer Construction, of Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal of the Roanoke County Code and authorizing the adoption by resolution of the "Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities." (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) K. APPOINTMENTS 1. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 2. Industrial Development Authority 3. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 4. Organ Donation and Tissue Transplantation Commission. L. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WII.L BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -September 12, 1995, September 26, 1995. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Planning Commission. 3. Approval of raffle permit for Total Action Against Poverty (TAP). 4 4. Approval of a 50/50 raffle permit for Calendar Year 1996 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club M. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS N. CITIZENS' COMII~NTS AND COMMUNICATIONS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 5. Bond Project Status Report 6. Report from VDOT on additions to the Secondary System in September 1995. 7. Statement of Expenditures and Revenues as of 9/30/95. 8. Accounts Paid -September 1995. 9. Receipt of letter from the Town of Vinton regarding the use of coal combustible byproducts as fill material. 10. Report on the Fifth Planning District Commission Regional Stormwater Management Program. 11. Report on First Quarter Claims Activity for the Self- Insurance Program. 5 P. WORK SESSION 1. Quarterly Financial Review 2. Rollover of Departmental Savings from the fiscal year ended June 30, 1995 Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) discussion or consideration of the condition, acquisition or use of real property for public purposes, Salem Bank & Trust Company; (3) disposition of publicly held real estate, access road on Shelor property; (7) for consultation with legal counsel to discuss actual or potential litigation or other legal matters, annexation; and (1) personnel issue. R CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION EVENING SESSION S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance to rezone 38.22 acres from R-1, single family to PRD, planned residential development to construct residential homes, located at Mountain View Road and Laurel Glen Lane, north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of Wolf Creek Inc. (Janet Scheid, Planning and Zoning) 2. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment, located at 5757 Grandin Road Extension, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jane Allison Parker. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) 6 3. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant, located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, upon the petition of McDonald's Corporation. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) 4. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a private kennel, located at 4613 Bonsack Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Donna Etzler. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) 5. Ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant, located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jones & Jones Associates. (Terry Harrington, Planning and Zoning Director) T. CITIZEN COMII~NTS AND CO1~~IlVIiJNICATIONS U. ADJOirRNMENT 7 c-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEER OF NOVEMBER 12 - 18, 1995 AS AMERICAN EDUCATION WEER WHEREAS, throughout American history, public schools have helped democratize our nation, strengthen our communities, and widen opportunities for our people; and WHEREAS, by integrating different groups into a common educational setting, public schools prepare this nation's diverse population to live harmoniously in a free, democratic society; and WHEREAS, the future of America in the next century depends on the students who are in our public schools today; and WHEREAS, all citizens have an important mutual interest in educating future citizens; and WHEREAS, strong, effective public schools are a springboard to a better tomorrow; and WHEREAS, American Education Week will be celebrated November 12 - 18, 1995, with the theme "Good Schools Are A Great Investment"; and WHEREAS, "Good Schools Are A Great Investment" underscores our nation's need to invest in education and thereby invest in the future of all citizens - young and old alike. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of November 12 - 18, 1995, as AMERICAN EDUCATION WEER and urge all citizens to reaffirm their commitment to our public schools. r i ~ R c ' 1 1.., i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION 102495-1 OF APPRECIATION TO CABELL BRAND FOR 30 YEARS OF SERVICE TO TOTAL ACTION AGAINST POVERTY AND THE ROANORE VALLEY WHEREAS, in 1964, Congress passed the Economic Opportunity Act and authorized locally organized and controlled Community Action Agencies to operate local and federal poverty programs; and WHEREAS, Cabell Brand met with the local governing bodies to determine how the Roanoke Valley could best help individuals and families move from poverty and welfare to become self supporting productive citizens; and WHEREAS, in 1965, Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) was chartered as the official poverty agency for the cities of Roanoke, and Salem, and the Counties of Roanoke, Botetourt and Bedford; and WHEREAS, Mr. Brand was appointed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors as one of its representatives to the TAP Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, until his retirement in September 1995, Mr. Brand served as Chairman of the TAP Board of Directors, and served longer than anyone else in that position in the United States; and WHEREAS, over the last 30 years, at his own personal expense, he has made countless trips to Washington and Richmond to lobby for funds for programs such as Head Start, Virginia Water Project, Virginia Cares, job training and housing; and WHEREAS, under Mr. Brand's leadership, TAP has served as a role model of one of the most successful community action agencies in America. r NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia wishes to express its deepest appreciation to CABELL BRAND for his 30 years of service as Chairman of Total Action Against Poverty working on behalf of the disadvantaged people of the Roanoke Valley; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors wishes Mr. Brand continued success in all his future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File TAP File Resolutions of Appreciation File .' '• r ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Report from Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) on their 30 year history. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) has requested time on the agenda to present a brief report summarizing the last 30 years of representation of the County. Mr. Cabell Brand, who recently retired as Chairman of the Board of TAP, will make the presentation. Following the presentation, a resolution of appreciation will be presented to Mr. Brand recognizing his many years of service to the Roanoke Valley. Approved by, C:~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens . ~. ,- .~. , I~ Recovery Systems Inc. 957 Kime Lane P. 0. Qox 429 Salem, Virginia 24153 (7031 387-3402 Mr. Elmer Hodge Roanoke County Administrator 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Elmer: September 26, 1995 After my retiring as Chairman of the Board of TAP, I have been asked to give a brief report to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors summarizing the last 30 years of representation of the County. I will keep it very brief and think I will only need 4 or 5 minutes . If it is convenient, therefore, would you please put me on the agenda for Tuesday afternoon, October 24? Thanks very much. ECB/nw Sin rely, Cabel,l ~ a~d President ~~ i'~~ ~ ~.. ~- i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO CABELL BRAND FOR 30 YEARS OF 8ERVICE TO TOTAL ACTION AGAINST POVERTY AND THE ROANORE VALLEY WHEREAS, in 1964, Congress passed the Economic Opportunity Act and authorized locally organized and controlled Community Action Agencies to operate local and federal poverty programs; and WHEREAS, Cabell Brand met with the local governing bodies to determine how the Roanoke Valley could best help individuals and families move from poverty and welfare to become self supporting productive citizens; and WHEREAS, in 1965, Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) was chartered as the official poverty agency for the cities of Roanoke, and Salem, and the Counties of Roanoke, Botetourt and Bedford; and WHEREAS, Mr. Brand was appointed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors as one of its representatives to the TAP Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, until his retirement in September 1995, Mr. Brand served as Chairman of the TAP Board of Directors, and served longer than anyone else in that position in the United States; and WHEREAS, over the last 30 years, at his own personal expense, he has made countless trips to Washington and Richmond to lobby for funds for programs such as Head Start, Virginia Water Project, Virginia Cares, job training and housing; and WHEREAS, under Mr. Brand's leadership, TAP has served as a role model of one of the most successful community action agencies in America. ~~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia wishes to express its deepest appreciation to CABELL BRAND for his 30 years of service as Chairman of Total Action Against Poverty working on behalf of the disadvantaged people of the Roanoke Valley; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors wishes Mr. Brand continued success in all his future endeavors. ' T ~- ~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TESTIMONY By - E. Cabell Brand (October 24, 1995) S b~ As you know, I have stepped down as active Chairman of TAP in the Roanoke Valley and have been elected to the position of Chairman Emeritus after thirty years. ~~ i-ta It has been my pleasure to serve Roanoke County and Salem for these thirty years and I appreciate your support and cooperation. As you know I have held a "floater" seat Jointly between Salem and Roanoke County because when TAP was started 30 years ago, Salem was not a city but part of the county. I thought you would be interested in some of the statistics on poverty; that is the people who do not participate in our society - locally, state and federally - from the 1960 Census, which was the basis in the beginning. I am also passing out the 1990 Census where Roanoke County is itemized. The poverty level in 1960 with a family of four was 53000. Roanoke County had 19% of its population at that level. This was lower than the State or the nation. Now, even though the poverty level has increased, for a family of four to about 514,000, Roanoke County with about 80,000 people has a poverty rate of 4.10, which is much lower than the State and nation, which is also about 14°s. Roanoke County is blessed with the highest per capita income in the TAP area at over 516,600 per person and with the lowest unemploy- ment rate in the area. Most of the other statistics are favorable as well, except Lexington has a lower dropout rate and a lower infant mortality rate. f - 2 - We at TAP do not take all the credit for this improvement in the poverty statistics because economic development has played, perhaps, the largest part, as well as Social Security income to the elderly. But, we are proud we played a major part. TAP was started as a Community Action Agency, which is a private- public partnership, using a small staff and six times as many volunteers. In the past ten years, we have received about 5600,000 from the federal government; 5133,000 from the state government and about 5200,000 from local governments. We have leveraged this 51,000,000 of public funds into a budget of nearly 510,000,000 using six times as many volunteers as we have paid staff members. Roanoke County contributed 540,000 to TAP last year; 555,000 the year before, and has averaged about 530,000 a year over the last 30 years. In addition to this, you made available the facilities at Pinkard Court and what you have done over the years to respond to almost every request we made, has been gratifying. I remember when the TAP building burned, you came forth and offered us a temporary location for the Food Bank. We hope you are pleased with the investment and help you have been to TAP, that it has been well-spent and well-leveraged. We hope in future budgets you can squeeze out a little more cash because TAP will leverage it ten times. TAP has averaged enrolling about a hundred of your children per year in Head Start schools. You spend over 55000 per year, per student, per grade for Roanoke County children and your Schools. TAP has been spending about 53600 a year for each of the Roanoke County f - 3 - children in Head Start. The TAP budget just for Head start in Roanoke County exceeds 5300,000 a year. In addition, we have provided employment training, housing, and other services to over 6000 Roanoke County residents. We have been asked why TAP has so many different programs. The reason is we have learned that there is no one cause of poverty, nor is there any one solution. People need education, employment, housing, health care, transportation, moral support and most of all -- hope. TAP, as a Community Action Agency, is the one organization geared to work with the whole person and his or her multiple needs. And, I think we have proven over the years that we have done this on a cost-effective basis. I have also given you a copy of the most recent TAP annual report, which you may have received in the mail before. I would like to call your attention to the letter on the inside back cover, which attempts to summarize the current situation. While the statistics I have quoted here may seem optimistic, the problems that cause people to be in poverty still exist. There are many more homeless people, thousands of hungry people, critical problems in public safety, many children and families without health care, battered women and their children have few options of support, safe and affordable housing is in great demand, illiteracy and poor job skills among adults continue to keep a lot of our citizens from good job opportunities. This limits our growth and vitality. While it seems the majority of voters in this country are asking - 4 - for smaller government and less taxes, the result will be more responsbility on the state and local governments. The TAP Board has renewed its thirty year commitment to fight the battles in the continuing "War on Poverty," and to continue to try to open the doors of opportunity for the low income and disadvantaged people of the Valley, and of this County. In summary, we have learned in this thirty year period, how to solve the poverty problem, but we need resources, financial and other. TAPS goal is to help the people in this community be prepared for school, stay in school, stay healthy, safely housed with hope so they can become self-supporting citizens, which is every one's goal. You are very ably represented on the TAP Board by Elizabeth Stokes and she has served for many years. I want to thank her for her support and for being an active representative of the County for a long time. I will be happy to answer any questions or comment on anything I have discussed. Again, thank you for your support over the years. It has been my pleasure to represent you. ldlillC'l~li 1111 } i;!~r'~;h:l'i~1~1; UI~' }~'f11J:~.J,J I';;; C1,I~,:,S.f}~':LI:1) /i,~ "!i`1' }'UV}.~.;}~'1'Y J.~;~~~?L"=~= Gl~;ldl ;}Ihl, 1'01't1I,G'1'IU1`J , ~~ 1. Ro~.nol~e_ C:i.Ly Total 1~ar,i:i.].ies Total v: _i_th ,income 0 to $3 , 000 „ -, r 3 2> , &1~7 6,146 or 23.77% -, " " ~" UOnd~r 1 000 3,530 1,469 or or . 13.65 5.6~ Roanoke Coun~LY Total F'am:ilies 15 472 Total with income " " " 0 to $3,000 ~ , 2,950 or 19.06°fo " " " 0 to 2,000 1,614 or 10.1.~3f ~ Under 1,000 6~#3 or. 4.4.]. f Botetourt County Total Families 4 262 Total with income -r „ „ 0 to $3,000 , 1,543 or 36.20°fo " " " ' Under 1,000 956 419 or or 22.13 0 y.$3J Ro~.nol:e_City_, Roanoke County, &Botetourt County Combined) Total Families 45 5$] Total w;.th income " ' 0 to $3,000 , - 1 ,639 or 23.3 - 0 to 2,000 Under 1 000 6 4 . , 2, 57]_ or 5.61,.J State of Vir. ~ini.a 7'ota]. Families Total with income rr -r 0 to $3,000 954, 720 266 ].29 or 27 $7~ rr ,r " 0 to 2 000 ~ Under 1,000 , 166,112 ~ X0 229 or' . 17.3) o , or $.h0~ United States Total Families Total with income u rr 0 to $3,000 45 14$ ' 'Srl] 9 3 ~1 650 . ' ,r '- „ " 0 to 2,000 U ~ ~ 5,$$9,645 or. or 21, 3 7J 13.04 E nder 1,000 2 ,516,716 or . 5.57 =~~T'rom .1960 U. S. Census Reports Corrected and Expanded RVCCS 4_65 a ~~ H ~ ~~ Q O O ~r a 0 F Q U ... Q .z F a w O d O w° G~ za a~ D~ a o~ ca ~.. 2 Q U a w U O O~ O~ ti H h~l ra Q U O ~, "' F ~ Z 7 a ~ o0 0 .-. w~ W ~-~oo~~o~n°oo ~M ~ ~ oo M .-. ~o ~ ~~~ o-- ~ O~ tF O~ N 1~ V M o0 C C C ~o F a o~o~ ~p ~~ooo o Zen F o .7 j ~ ~a+ C~ v1 d' '~ O~ ~ cI M v'1 ~O '7 t~ ~ W r~ 00 M V1 f~ M N d' (`J ~ N ~ ~ Q ~ 7 M O M .~ '-" . V ~ ~ ~ '~ O cr ~ U ~p .-: ~ .C I Q ~- ~ O ~ N ~O ~ 0~0 N .M-. 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O ~° ~' ~ c./7 0> ~ ~ °~ ~ p ~ _° 0 0 '-' '` Q c ° ~ ~ p '~ V- ~ U ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F--i ~O ~ ~ ci , O M -.-. ~' ~ o ' ~ s~. ~ ~ o U ~ 0 '~ 0 w° .~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ W ~ 0 U ~ O v '~ "~ O ~ .~ U h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H i o~ Q' '~ X Q H 0 ~_ W bhp ~j ~n ~J ~ H ~V H v .~ ~ ~ ~„ o ~ ~ a0 ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ 0 U O v o ~ O o~ ~ ~ .a ~, W o ~/7 `"~ ~ ¢' N ~ O z O ~ ~ ~ '~-' p~q N .i ~ V ~ ~ 'ti v u r ~ ~ r~ 0 .a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report from the Blue Ridge Community Services Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Blue Ridge Community Services (BRCS) Board has requested time on the agenda to present a brief report about services provided to the residents of Roanoke County, and has submitted a copy of their report which is attached. Making the presentation will be Susan Scheibe, BRCS Board Member appointed by Roanoke County, Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Executive Director, Thomas Chapman, Director of Administration, and John Sabean, Director of Resource Development. Approved by, ~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens Blue Ridge Community Services Onzlee Ware Chairman Pamela K. Cox u~ce cnaim~en John M. Hudgins, Jr. treasurer Susan J. Cloeter Secretary r-~ -+'~) Executive Director Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. October 9, 1995 Mr. H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PO Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Minnix: __ ___, i, ~ - p 'j ,, ,,I~,~; i ~ U w':"J ~ ~ ii i~I This is to request time on the agenda of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, October 24 at 3pm. Susan Scheibe, Blue Ridge Community Services Board Member, appointed by Roanoke County, Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Executive Director, Thomas Chapman, Director of Administration and I will be present to give a brief report about services provided to the citizens of Roanoke County. Materials describing our services are enclosed. erely, John A. Sabean Director, Resource Development cc: Elmer C. Hodge John M. Chambliss, Jr. Susan Scheibe Executive Offices - 301 Elm Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24016-4026 (703) 345-9841 Fax: (703) 342-3855 TDD: (703) 345-0690 Serving the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke ~-a REPORT TO ROANOKE COUNTY October 24, 1995 Blue Ridge Community Services 301 Elm Avenue SW Roanoke, Virginia 24016-4026 MISSION STATEMENTS ~ a' BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY SERVICES PROVIDES A SYSTEM OF COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL RETARDATION, AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE CITIES OF ROANOKE AND SALEM, AND THE COUNTIES OF BOTETOURT, CRAIG AND ROANOKE, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON AN INTEGRATED COMMUNITY-BASED SYSTEM OF CARE THAT IS RESPONSIVE TO CONSUMER NEEDS AND CHOICES, RESPECTING AND PROMOTING THE DIGNITY, RIGHTS AND FULL PARTICIPATION OF INDIVIDUALS AND THEIR FAMILIES. THE DIVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES PROVIDES TREATMENT AND SUPPORT FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN WITH MENTAL ILLNESS AND THEIR FAMILIES, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON FOSTERING IMPROVED SOCIAL FUNCTIONING AND INDEPENDENCE. THE DIVISION OF MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES PROVIDES COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES TO PERSONS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION AND THEIR FAMILIES, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON PROMOTING AN ENVIRONMENT WHICH ENHANCES INDEPENDENCE AND GROWTH. THE DIVISION OF SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES PROVIDES A FULL ARRAY OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG ABUSE TREATMENT, REHABILITATION, PREVENTION AND EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICES, WITH AN EMPHASIS ON MEETING THE SPECIFIC NEEDS QF INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS. ..J/ PROGRAMS MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL RETARDATION SUBSTANCE ABUSE Aii the programs of Blue-Ridge Community Services are accessible to the Residen#s of the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, ''and the Counties of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ~ ~ CRISIS SERVICES 540/981-9351 EMERGENCY OUTREACH SERVICES SEXUAL ASSAULT RESPONSE AND AWARENESS (SARA) ADULT INTAKE ~ ASSESSMENT SERVICES 422 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke ADULT COUNSELING SERVICES 1729 Patterson Avenue, NW, Roanoke COMMUNITY RESOURCE AND COUNSELING CENTER 410 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke MOUNTAIN HOUSE CLUBHOUSE Psychosocial Rehabilitation 317 Washington Avenue, SW, Roanoke CHILD AND ADOLESCENT CASE MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1336 Maple Avenue, SW, Roanoke CHILDREN'S AFTER SCHOOL AND DAY TREATMENT 402 Idaho Street, Salem CHILDREN'S CENTER Mental Health Residential Treatment 324 Idaho Street, Salem CHILD AND ADOLESCENT OUTREACH SERVICES Counseling/Mental Health Promotion/In-Home Services 1125 First Street, SW, Roanoke CONTRACTUAL PROGRAMS Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation The Brambleton Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke TRUST (Emergency Shelter) PO Box 20207, Roanoke MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES COUNSELING AND LIFE SKILLS CENTER 1315 Second Stree#, SW -Suite 201, Roanoke Case Management/Service Coordination Counseling Skills Training Crisis Services Family Support Bridge Builders Program COMMUNITY TRAINING SERVICES 5220 Hazelridge Road, NW, Roanoke RESIDENTIAL SERVICES HAZELRIDGE ROAD ICF-MR 5220 Hazelridge Road, NW, Roanoke MELROSE AVENUE RESIDENCE 3605 Melrose Avenue, NW, Roanoke NIAGARA ROAD RESIDENCE 805 Niagara Road, Vinton READ ROAD RESIDENCE 3003 Hollins Road, NE, Roanoke RESPITE SERVICES: RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY 3003 Hollins Road, NE, Roanoke RESPITE SERVICES: SHORT-TERM CARE 985-5918 SUPPORTED APARTMENT PROGRAM 805 Niagara Road, Vinton (Mental Retardation Services, Continued) ~, CONTRACTUAL PROGRAMS ARC -Roanoke/CHD Industries 3355 Shenandoah Avenue, NW, Roanoke Easter Seal Parent -Infant Education Program 4841 Williamson Road, NW, Roanoke Goodwill Industries/Tinker Mountain, Inc. 1488 East Main Street, Salem Roanoke County Department of Parks & Recreation 208 Kessler Mill Road, Salem ADJUNCT PROVIDERS DePaul Family Services 4502 Starkey Road, Roanoke Developmental Disabilities Ministry/ Virginia Baptist Children's Home and Family Services PO Box 730, Salem Fidura & Associates Boulders IV, Suite 650 7501 Boulders View Drive Richmond, Virginia Regional Infant Services Klinic (RISK) 1316 S. Jefferson Street, Roanoke SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES ~..~ SUSTANCE ABUSE ASSESSMENT CENTER 1133 Second Street, SW, Roanoke HEGIRA HOUSE Therapeutic Community/Drug & Alcohol 1405 Patterson Avenue, SW, Roanoke INTENSIVE OUTPATIENT AND JAIL TREATMENT 145 Campbell Avenue, SW, Roanoke Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Botetourt County Jails NEW DIRECTIONS OUTPATIENT COUNSELING CENTER 1345 Clarke Avenue, SW, Roanoke PREVENTION PLUS Substance Abuse Prevention/Early Intervention 540 Campbell Avenue, SW -Suite 230, Roanoke PROJECT LINK Trinity United Methodist Church 305 Mountain Avenue, SW, Roanoke DETOXIFICATION AND PRIMARY CARE 801 Shenandoah Avenue, NW, Roanoke MULTILODGE Residential Substance Abuse Treatment 1121 First Street, SW, Roanoke Community Substance Abuse Services Residential Treatment Aftercare 1121 First Street, SW, Roanoke CONTRACTUAL PROGRAMS Bethany Hall (Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for Women) 1109 Franklin Road, SW, Roanoke Directly Funded Programs FY95 Performance Report ROANOKE COUNTY BRCS Division Unduplicated Clients Cost of Service Mental Health 522 $705,905 Mental Retardation 319 997,224 Substance Abuse 275 273,811 Sub -Total 1,116 $1,976,940 MH Prevention 84 contacts $23,294 SA Prevent ion 910 contacts 43,109 Sub - Totai 994 contacts $66,403 TOTAL 2,110 $2,043,343 ..1/° FY9'5 LOCAL SHARE $79,332 COST PER LOCAL DOLLAR $26 I ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ,Y'" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Briefing on the Dixie Caverns Landfill Superfund Cleanup COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This has been along, difficult, expensive project and the staff has done an excellent job. At the meeting, staff will present a brief overview of the cleanup efforts that will include a slide presentation. BACKGROUND On October 4, 1989, the EPA added the Dixie Caverns Landfill site to the National Priorities List for inclusion as a "Superfund Site." The Board of Supervisors entered into two separate agreements with respect to the cleanup of the old Dixie Caverns Landfill. The first agreement was the "Consent Order for Removal" in August of 1992 and involved the cleanup of the stream that leaves the landfill. The stream was contaminated with flyash from the large pile that had been deposited over many years. The second agreement was the "Consent Decree" that was signed by the Board in December of 1992 and involved the removal of the entire flyash pile and the underlying soils. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The flyash pile has been removed in accordance with the terms of the Consent Decree and this will fulfill our obligations to EPA with respect to that action. All of the flyash material has been transported to HTMR (high temperature metals recovery) facilities in Rockwood, Tennessee or Chicago, Illinois, for recycling of the metals content. The total amount of flyash material shipped was 8,100 tons at a cost of approximately $2.9 million and was transported from February to August of this year. The stream remediation effort started in January, 1993 and continues in accordance with the Consent Order for Removal. This part of the project will take another twelve to eighteen months to complete. To date we have stabilized over 1,700,000 lbs. of contaminated stream sediments and disposed of in the on-site landfill. We have increased our production of the mixing process from 10,000 lbs per day to 130,000 lbs per day and are striving for 200,000 lbs per day at full capacity. The EPA is pleased with our efforts and we continue to look for ways to improve production in the stream remediation project. 1 i~ ~^ ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS STAFF RECOMMENDATION SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: George W. Simpson, III, P.E. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant Director of County Administrator Engineering & Inspections --------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Request for a Joint Work Session with the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the October 10, 1995 meeting, Supervisor Johnson suggested that the Board of Supervisors set up a joint work session with the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Board to discuss issues of concern that have an impact on Roanoke County and its future. If the Board of Supervisors concurs with his suggestion, staff will contact John Stroud, President of the Regional Chamber, to set up the meeting. At this time, we will need several proposed dates to offer Mr. Stroud. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors offer several proposed dates for a joint Work Session with the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, and authorize staff to contact Mr. Stroud to set up the meeting. Submitted by: :~nu/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens t A-102495 -2 Item No . ~" 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Request for assignment of Bikeway Classification for Hollins Road (State Route 601) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,,.~/ ~p ~-~ BACKGROUND: Roanoke County has placed Hollins Road (State Route 601) on the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System Six Year Construction Plan. This project has been on the Secondary list since 1986 and has recently received a higher priority for funding because of the relocation of Hanover Home Fashions. There are 25 projects on the Six Year Plan at the present time, of which Hollins Road is one. (Attached) In 1991, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) of the Fifth Planning District approved and adopted an update to the Roanoke Valley Area Bikeway Plan. One of the recommendations of the plan designated Hollins Road for bikeway improvements, particularly, upgrading the bikeway from a Class III (a designated shared roadway for vehicles and bikes) to Class II route (a separate bikeway with restricted right-of-way designated for the exclusive use or semi- exclusive use of bicycles). This bikeway plan was not presented to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors for approval. However, VDOT is required to "consider" bikeways designated on the regional bikeway plan when road improvements are designed and planned for construction. The planning and design of Hollins Road is at a point where a decision needs to be made as to what bikeway classification needs to be assigned. Current planning and design can accommodate the additional right-of-way should the Board of Supervisors desire a Class II Bikeway and change secondary road project priorities. VDOT estimates that a two (2) meter wide Class II Bikeway between Carlos Drive and Plantation Road would cost $224,500 ($170,500 for construction; $50,000 for right-of-way acquisition). The Hollins Road project is currently estimated to cost approximately $3.6 million; additional bikeway funds would have to be allocated within the County's Six Year Construction Plan or come from the general fund. ~~ One additional issue is a need for closer coordination between regional transportation planning conducted by the Fifth Planning District Commission MPO, VDOT, and Roanoke County. A joint work session is recommended to lay the groundwork for future cooperation and coordination of transportation projects. The assignment of a Class III Bikeway will have a minimal impact. Signage would be provided by VDOT. A Class II Bikeway is estimated to cost $224,500.00. 1. Recommend that Hollins Road be assigned as a Class III Bikeway by VDOT and that bikeway signage be installed. 2. Recommend that the Board of Supervisors, VDOT, and the Fifth Planning District's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) have a joint work session to review and discuss transportation planning issues. 3. Recommend that Hollins Road be assigned as a Class II Bikeway. The Six Year Secondary Construction Plan would have to be revised to allocate $224,500 of funding for this project at the next scheduled plan update. 4. Recommend that Hollins Road be assigned as a Class II Bikeway and that $224,500 of County funds be appropriated from the general fund unappropriated balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Alternative 1. be approved, and that VDOT be requested to assign Hollins Road as a Class III Bikeway. Alternative 2. is recommended as a means for further coordination of regional and local transportation projects. Respectfully submitted: ~~ ~~ ~ Tim thy W. Gubala, Director Economic Development Department Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Approved: ~~ ~~ ~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Motion by: Motion by Harry C. Nickens to approve Alt #1 and Alt #2 VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x _ Minnix x _ Nickens x cc: File Timothy Gubala, Director, Economic Development Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ;• L~`~. . -Q NORTH ' 0` 85~ `, 97 ~ ~ -- - - - - ' S i ~ X809 V •a ~ o ~ 0 8 ~ r%~~855^~~ '90a ,• ^5 io ~ °~? Z) i u ~ O. ' i ,a o °j K o o , e ~ ~'~/ 601 60'5 ti e ~ - _ o, o, ~~ ~ ~ f - o, ~ ~ o 181Q pal p.l 1835 >~?~ 9 ~ o~}---'o~ fl8i~~ ~8~ ~ 0 ~~ ~ '816 ~91 ~ ` . ti8~ I ~-~ 1181 `9~5 I _ '~ 1816 ~ 1861 ' I ~,835~ 1885~~ 961 - 4 ~~~ - ' ~ ~ '189 1 i 0• o ~ ,y 1 0 8$8 ~ :83~ Q 1913 0,0 ' 1 ~ 1 O .d~ ~ 189 of 193. :~ ~~ e ~ d' ~~ 191 }; ~ o ~~. ~ 192 4 ~~`~" _ ~ O~ ~ 1902 Olt ~ ~ ~ 6 ° _ o /187 i92~ 18500 , o ~ ~~~ o 10 ~' - ~, v 0 o G! ~ v 19 _ \ d- 0 9 01 - 'AO ~ 6~E ~ C o C t) 18 H ~ 18 Z _ r o ~ oz) J o 0 0 0 ~~ - _ ~ C [) 91 ~ O ~ •+ c+ -~ ~ ~. 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U O v Z II 11 II II v v ~ O = ~A !„) c y `y ~ ~ v) ,n e >. = >. y N N ~ G C y ~ 7 N ~ N ~ L N m U O A •-y ~.....1 y O mmtAQ ~AQ U t- C C 'p -~ a -+ a ~ ro '~ •-' ro •-+ ro y C ~ ~ Q L' ¢ L O O ~ L y ~ ~ .-r ~ y .-, ~ y a.l ., ro N y L lL ro y y L <L J ro .•. J..I ~ y y 'O y y .~ .,.~ C N .. C ...I ~ ~ C ..y ~ U C to U ~ O ~ E a.l Ul Li ~ UI ~ Ir ~ >- aJ ~ N Z y 7 C F- moo`" .. r 7 C •-+ I- o.,¢ ° ~ O .roo c ' ' ~ oz - o Z c~ D >- O ro ca•..L W ,~ .-~ ~ p a......NN U U .-+ . ,•., ~ V ¢F- Q y ¢¢ y y m . roNN ¢¢ L y y Q ~ y Qf -+ y y ~ L Q y ~. L V N O ro U . W -~ .-r 7 7 y ro ro a~ yl W -~ -~ X 7 7 ro ro y a~ a.l >- t ro 7 7 y y ~ 7~ 7 ro m 7 ~ ~ ti t!1 , O >- m m a.l ~ m l l A l7 y y O .i a~ ~ L L N ~ O ~ LL. IL Z ~A 1~ W W ~ m a o ~ m n Ana ., ~ a~a v N a u~~~u~io ~ aF°wv~io aa¢~ ~~~a~ =____ am~a ~ mmmmm v mmmmm E- a pz.axrr~-G . 9/$/95 ~ I ~~ CZasBIIlBikeway fDesigtia,ted Shared ~Qy), Class IZ[ bikeways are shared roadways which serve either to: (a) provide continuity to other bicycle facilities, usually Class II Bikeways (Bike Lanes); or (b) Designate preferred routes through high demand comdors. As with Class TI bikeways, designation of Class III bikeways should indicate to bicyclists that there are particular advantageE to using these routes as compared ov~ith alternative routes. This means that responsible agencies have taken actions to assure that these routes are suitable as shared routes and will be maint~ed in a manner consistent with the needs of bicyclists. Normally, Glass III bikeways are shared 'with motor vehicles. It is eYnphasized that the designation of bikeways as Class I, i2 and III should not be construed as a hierarchy of bikeways; that one is better than the other. Each class of bikeway has its appropriate application. In selecting the proper facility, an'overriding concern is to fissure that the proposed faczlity will not encourage orrequire bicyclists or motorists to operate in a manner that is inconsistent with the rules of the. road. T'he p.eeds of both motorists and bicyclists must be considered in selecting the appropriate class of bikeway. An important consideration in selecting the type of facility is continuity. Alternating segments of Class I and Class II (or Class III) bikeways along a route are generally less desireable, as street crossings by bicyclists are required when the route Changes character. Also, wramg•way bicycle travel may occur on the street beyond the ends of Class I bikeways because of the inconvenience of having to cross the street. Designated bikeways can be used to accommodate Group B/C bicyclists and encourage potential bicyclists. Sidewalks are generally not acceptable for bicycling. Idowever, in a few limited situations, such as on Ions and naxrow bridges and in other instances where sidewalks have the same characteristics as one--way Class I bikeways, and bicyclists are incidental or infrequent users, designation of the sidewalk as an alternate facility can be beneficial. • Invean~ary oaf ~stiug Conditions ' Planning for bicycle facilities begins ~vittt observing And gathering data on the e~sting conditions for bicycle travel. Pzoblenzs, deficiencies, safety concerns, and bicyclists' needs should be identified.' 'Z'he e~stirig bicycling environment should be observed. $icyele facilities as well's roads nod typically used by bicyclic should be e~ramined far theix suitability far bicycling, pbstructions and impediments on existing highway, such ,as..unsa~e grates, debris, shoulder rumble strips, narrow Ianes, driveways, rough' pavements, high-speed or high- volume traffic, high truck volv~e, curbeid+e auto.parking, bridge expansion joints, metal grate bzadge decks, railroad tracks, poor eight distance and traffic ~18 1. . `~" . PLANNING 918/95 stripe can signi$cantly improve the safety and convenience for bicyclists and motorists along such routes. A classification nunsbering system has been added to $ssist the design community in clarifying the differences betareez~ classifications of designated bikeways. Class I Bikeraay ($ike Path or Bicycle Path}. Generally, Class I bikeocsys should be used to serve corridors not served by streets sad highways or where wide right of way exists, permitting such facilities to be constructed away from the influence of parallel streets. Glass I bikeway9 should offer opportunities not provided by the road system. They can either provide a recreational opportunity, or in same instances, can serve as direct high-speed commute routes if crass flow by motor vehicles and pedestrian use ass minimized, The most common applications are along rivers, ocean fronts, canals, utility right of way, abandoned railroad right of way, within college campuses, or within and between pax}. There may also be situations nchere such facilities cant be provided as part of planned developments. Another common application of Class I facilities is to close gaps to bicycle travel caused by construction of freeways or because of the existence of natural ba.~iers (rivers, mountains, etc.). C7~ess ~I Bikeway (Bike I.at~e ar,B~ic3-cle Lane). Class II bikeways are established along streets in corridors Wbere there is significant bicycle demand, and where there are distinct needs that can be served by them. The purpose should be to improve conditions for bicyclists in the corri- dors. Class II bikeways are intended to delineate the right of way assigned to bicyclists and motorists and to provide for more predictable movements by each. Bicycle lanes also help to increase the total capacities of highways carrying mined bicycle and motoz vehicle traffic. But a more important reason far constructing Class II bikeways is to better accommodate bicyclists. through corridors where iusuffieient roam e~tists for s2fe bicycling on existing streets. This ,may be accomplished by reducing the width of vehicular lanes, or prohibiting parking on gives streets is order to delineate Class TY bikeways, In addition, other things can be done oa Class II bikeway streets to,izaprave the situation far bicyclists, that might not be possible on .all streets (e.g,, improvements to the surface, augmented sweeping pragra~e, special signal facilities, etc, }. Generally, stripes alone will not measurgbly enhance bicycling. If bicycle travel is to be improved, special efforts should be made to assure that high levels of service are provided With these lanes. However, the needs of both the motorist and'the biryclist must be considered in the decf8ian to provide Class II bikeways, A-102495-3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Addition of Projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: /J BACKGROUND Projects P-87 through P-186 were previously presented to and approved by the Board of Supervisors last year. The status of these projects is shown in EXHIBIT "A", PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS. Staff is now submitting projects P-187 through P-208 for approval and inclusion to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List for FY 95-96. These projects are estimated to cost $229,000.00, as shown in EXHIBIT "B", PROPOSED PROJECTS. Funding is available for projects remaining on the priority list from the previous fiscal year. In addition, funding is available for proposed projects P-187 through P-202. During the Board work session on February 23, 1988, the Board of Supervisors approved a procedure for establishing a priority of proposed projects. The procedure for evaluating projects is based on a rating or point value for a specific situation. For example, more points are given for the potential damage to a house or structure than what would be considered only a minor nuisance. In addition to assigning a point value to a specific situation, the frequency of a problem is considered. The proposed projects submitted are prioritized according to the approved procedure during the work session. EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS No additional funding is being requested. ~~ '°" ~. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of these additional drainage projects for inclusion to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. ITTED BY: APPROVED BY: r Elmer C. Hodge f Engineering & Inspections County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Motion by Harry C. No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Nickens to approve additional Eddy x Received ( ) projects, with change in P197 Johnson x Referred ( ) from Windsor Hills District to Kohinke x To ( ) Cave Spring District Minnix x Nickens x SUMMARY OF INFORMATION cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ~~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS PROJECTS COMPLETED P-87 thru P-186 90~ r a. P- 87. Pinkard Court Partial Completion Remaining portion dependent on the start of road projec t. Estimated Cost: $ 5,000 P- 88. Arthur Meador Complete 3502 Brandywine Avenue Cost: $ 4,000 Mt. Vernon Heights P- 89. Samuel Mazingo Complete 528 Stacie Drive Cost: $ 800 P- 90 Ruth Lipnik Complete 3660 Bunker Hill Drive Cost: $ 3,000 Mount Vernon Heights P-91 Maurice Rowe Complete 4404 Cresthill Drive Cost: $ 4,500 Cresthill P- 92 Bob Shively Under Construction 5321 Grandin Road Ext. Cost: $ 3,200 C. J. Carmack Map P- 93 Greg Barton Complete 2774 Ivy Lane Cost: $ 500 P -94 Bill Gradwell Complete 3570 Parkwood Drive Cost: $ 2,200 Green Valley P-95 Sandra Murray Complete 6348 Back Creek Road Cost: $ 2,600 P-96 James R. Craig Complete 2808 Ellison Drive Cost: $ 2,000 Robin Hood Park P -97 Ruth Ann Davis Complete 6102 Cove Road Cost: $ 1,200 P-98 Ken Smith Complete 5426 Doe Run Road Cost: $ 3,000 Hunting Hills P -99 Frances S. Tyree Complete 4785 Sunny Side Drive Cost: $ 1,000 Bellemeade P -100 Edward Whisnant Complete 5117 Norseman Drive Cost: $ 800 Viking Court l } r"° {.~~, ~ P-101 Dennis Putnam 8402 Brubaker Drive William Creek P-102 Randy Gerber 3038 Pebble Drive Hamden Hills P-103 Betty Overstreet 5315 Cave Spring Lane Nottingham Hills P-104 Alton Prillaman 6139 Darby Road P-105 John Newman 8242 Loman Drive P-106 Summit Ridge Road La Bellevue P-107 Leroy Moran 5000 Carriage Drive P-108 Elbert Lester 2695 Eastland Drive P-109 Jerry Arnold 4233 Arlington Hills Arlington Hills P-110 P. W. Carroll 5529 Merriman Road P-111 Betty Prater Berry 3402 Overbill Trail Penn Forest P-112 Harry Williams 1001 Martin McNeil Rd. P-113 Deborah Lynn Marshall 7192 Bent Mountain Rd. P-114 Robert Tunnell 5522 Galloway Circle Castle Rock Farms P-115 W. H. Farthing 1848 Dorset Drive, S.W. Complete Cost: $ 5,500 Complete Cost: $ 1,100 Complete Cost: $25,000 Complete Cost: $ 500 Indefinitely delayed Loman Drive being a private road, property owners not in agreement of project. Cost: $25,000 Complete Cost: $ 2,500 Complete Cost: $ 1,000 Complete Cost: $ 1,500 Complete Cost: $ 2,800 Complete Cost: $ 5,000 Complete Cost: $15,000 Complete Cost: $ 1,500 Complete Cost: $ 1,000 Complete Cost: $ 3,300 Complete Cost: $ 1,500 ~-~- P-116 VDOT Complete Manassas Avenue Cost: $15,000 Mt. Vernon Heights Bond P-117 Willa Sink Temporarily delayed 6416 Suncrest Drive Developer to correct Suncrest Heights portion of problem. Estimated Cost: $ 6,200 P-118 John E. Page Complete 3043 Forest Acre Trail Cost: $ 1,500 P-119 Ms. Jean Patterson Complete 147 Missimer Court Cost: $ 1,200 Crofton P-120 Betty Aliff Complete 3606 Colony Lane Cost: $ 2,000 P-121 Dan Gibson Complete 5327 Endicott Street Cost: $ 7,000 P-122 Tim Harris Complete 3424 Ashmeade Drive Cost: $ 1,000 Georgetown Park P-123 Andrew Woodson Indefinitely delayed 2837 Crown Circle Downstream property owne rs not in agreement or dona tion of permanent easement. Estimated Cost: $ 1,500 P-124 W. R. Ferguson Complete (Engineering) 2783 Diplomat Drive Cost: $ 1,000 Montclair Estates Construction Additional Cost $20,000 P-125 Donna Hawkins Complete 7456 Bradshaw Road Cost: $ 1,000 P-126 Barry Jamison Indefinitely delayed 2765 Fernlawn Road Cost: $ 3,500 P-127 James McCulloch Complete 5824 Oakland Blvd. Cost: $ 1,200 P-128 Natalie Wheeler Complete 6261 Buckland Mill Rd. Cost: $ 2,500 Buckland Forest P-129 Craig Hoge Complete 5432 Scout Circle Cost: $ 1,500 Cherokee Hills t ~` P-130 Jim Vitale Complete 2127 Montgomery Circle Cost: $ 1,600 Montgomery Village P-131 Sylvia Arthur Complete 8109 Hunters Trail Cost: $ 500 Bellview Gardens P-132 Ronnie Wade Complete 3505 Brandywine Avenue Cost: $ 5,000 Mt. Vernon Heights P-133 Gilbert B. Banton Complete 2331 Coachman Drive Cost: $ 800 La Bellevue P-134 George Jacob Complete 6024 Williamson Road Cost: $ 1,400 P-135 Daniel Wray Complete 4426 Keefer Road Cost: $10,000 P-136 Nelson Craighead Complete 4913 Colonial Avenue Cost: $ 5,500 P-137 Judy Shandor Complete 5781 Scenic Hills Drive Cost: $ 1,000 Crystle Creek P-138 Gary Crews Complete 3661 Bunker Hill Drive Cost: $23,000 Mt. Vernon Heights P-139 Gordon Willoughby ~ Complete 3718 Martinell Avenue Cost: $ 3,000 P-140 Charles Callahan Complete 6324 Fairway Forest Drive Cost: $ 1,300 Fairway Forest P-141 Mark DiCarlo Temporarily delayed 2613 Gaylor Road Estimated Cost: $ 1,500 Sugarload Heights P-142 Carroll Smith Complete 3787 Fairburn Drive Cost: $ 800 P-143 Sherry Burton Complete 5406 Apple Blossom Lane Cost: $ 5,000 Hidden Valley Court P-144 Troy Leon Smith Complete 913 Grove Lane Cost: $ 2,000 Captain Grove Estates ~~ P-145 S. Weade Complete 4015 Drake Circle Cost: $ 1,500 Buckland Forest P-146 Charles Droste Complete 3727 Hyde Park Cost: $12,000 Windsor West P-147 Geoff Straughn Complete 1946 Bridle Lane Cost: $ 900 Hidden Valley Court P-148 Judy Chapman Complete 238 Spring Grove Drive Cost: $ 500 Spring Grove P-149 Ruth Naomi Sheplak Complete 5811 Old Manor Drive Cost: $ 2,000 Old Manor P-150 Sandy Hoke Complete 3924 Colony Court Cost: $ 3,000 Green Valley P-151 Robert G. Williams Complete 7040 Highfields Farm Drive Cost: $ 400 Highfields P-152 Danny Thomas Complete 5615 Penguin Drive Cost: $15,000 Penn Forest P-153 Jim Oyler Complete 7834 Barrens Road Cost: $ 3,000 P-154 Les Hagie Complete 5235 Canter Drive Cost: $ 300 Canterbury Park P-155 Matt Robertson Complete 2788 Ivy Lane Cost: $ 1,000 Spring Grove P-156 Scott W. Bauman Complete 5585 South Roselawn Cost: $ 200 P-157 Betty Sodino Complete 4704 Whipplewood Drive Cost: $ 100 Branderwood P-158 Jack Waldron Complete 956 Paint Bank Road Cost: $ 500 • LL~ G.~-. P-159 Mary Bland Complete 7920 Cedar Edge Cost: $ 3,500 Forest Edge P-160 John Hamilton Complete 4209 Arlington Hill Dr. Cost: $ 6,000 Arlington Hills P-161 Randy Likens Complete 906 Starmount Avenue Cost: $ 3,000 Deer Run Estates, Section #2 P-162 Mrs. Legg Complete 5647 Penguin Drive Cost: $ 4,000 Penn Forest P-163 Nancy Biggs INDEFINITE DELAY 549 Water Oak Road Estimated Cost: $ 1,000 P-164 Danny Gilbert Complete 1820 Dorset Cost: $20,000 Windsor Hills P-165 Wayne Lineberry Construction is 3730 Ellen Drive expected to begin Catawba next year Estimated Cost: $30,000 P-166 Mr. Taylor Complete 2950 Penn Forest Blvd. Cost: $18,000 Cave Spring P-167 Mr. Peyton Complete 4818 Colonial Avenue Cost: $ 3,000 Cave Spring P-168 Mr. Harry Goin Complete 8167 Hunters Trail Cost: $ 1,000 Hollins P-169 Linda K. Winge Complete 4914 North Spring Dr. Cost: $ 5,000 Catawba P-169A Public Safety BLDG. Complete 3568 Peters Creek Road Cost: $ 8,000 Catawba P-170 Martin Carle Complete (Engineer) 5515 Tanney Drive Cost: $ 4,000 Catawba Construction Additional Cost: $10,000 r~ ~'" P- 171 Reggie Lemons Complete 7131 Cedar Crest Road Cost: $ 5,000 Hollins P- 172 Phillip Day Temporarily Delayed 7574 Old Mill Road Estimated Cost: $ 3,000 Windsor Hills P- 173 Clifford Fountain Complete 7045 Starlight Lane Cost: $ 6,000 Cave Spring P- 174 Joseph Stowers Complete 3326 Kenwick Trail Cost: $ 1,000 Cave Spring P- 175 Alice Holpp Indefinitely delayed 1309 Ashebrook Drive Estimated Cost: $18,000 Vinton P -176 Robert M. Crigger Temporarily delayed 2933 Beldon Drive Estimated Cost: $10,000 Catawba P-177 Pacetti R. Carlos Complete 5339 Endicott Street Cost: $ 8,000 Hollins P -178 Chris Lawrence Complete 5342 Huntridge Road Cost: $ 5,000 Hollins P-179 Virginia Hodgson Complete 3717 Kentland Drive Cost: $ 2,000 Windsor Hills P -180 Cathy Yotka Complete 3930 Westmoreland Dr. Cost: $ 1,000 Cave Spring P-181 Sam StClair 2850 Silver Leaf Estimated Cost: $10,000 Catawba P -182 Paul Black 7549 Williamson Road Estimated Cost: $10,000 Hollins P -183 Danny Rivers Complete 2417 Horsepen Mountain Cr. Cost: $ 1,000 Vinton P-184 Lawrence Kelly 3587 Farmington Dr. Windsor Hills P-185 Dorothy Overstreet 2725 Tanglewood Drive P-186 Lucille Iartosca 1313 Deer Run Drive Vinton Estimated Cost: Complete Cost: Complete Cost: ~-a $ 7,000 $ 3,000 $ 1,500 ~' o~. EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS P187 - 208 A P-187 Amber Spikes COMPLETE 4846 Cherokee Hills Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1000 TAX MAP # 54.04-4-59 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-188 Betty Saunders (RFA 94E1201) COMPLETE 1861 Terry Drive DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO AN EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 50.03-2-15 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-189 Mrs. Vickie Stinson UNDERWAY 5487 West River Road DESCRIPTION: VDOT to install storm sewer system eliminating a traffic hazard. Roanoke County will provide engineering & surveying support. ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP # 64.03-1-34.1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-190 David Herrick COMPLETE 2635 Green Ridge Circle DESCRIPTION: Emergency repairs to an existing storm sewer system. ESTIMATED COST: $7,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-6-12 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-191 Jeff Foutz (RFA 94E1184) 5440 Setter Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP # 40.17-3-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-192 Carl Sutter 5007 Labradore Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP #40.09-3-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-193 Elizabeth Weaver 4415 Wyndale Av. DESCRIPTION: INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND/OR ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP # 76.08-6-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-194 Joe Farmer (RFA 95E1271) 4749 Brookwood Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP # 76.11-3-37 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-195 Melinda Crosser (RFA 94E1223) 6172 Burnham Road DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 76.03-3-70.6 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-196 Barbara Doyle (RFA 95E1256) 5041 Craun Lane DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA TAX MAP # 37.10-2-8 P-197 Lucille Harmon 3630 Brandywine DESCRIPTION: ESTIMATED COST: MAGISTERIAL DIS TAX MAP # 77.13 Av. REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM $15,000 TRICT : ~~ SpRING -2-1 P-198 Scott Taylor 1141 Starmount Ave. DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE AND REGRADE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS TAX MAP # 27.09-4-9 ~~. ~~ P-199 J. D. Fralin Tax Map # 38.10-7-25 DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNELS BETWEEN WILLIAMSON ROAD AND FLORIST PROJECT WILL INCLUDE PRIVATE PARTICIPATION ESTIMATED COST: (TOTAL) $45,000 COUNTY 22,500 PRIVATE 22,500 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins P-200 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Tax Map # 38.07-2-56 DESCRIPTION: RELOCATE EXISTING DISCHARGE CHANNEL ONTO COUNTY PROPERTY. FILL IN RAVINE BETWEEN COUNTY PROPERTY AND ADJACENT PROPERTY. FILL MATERIAL WILL BE INERT MATERIAL ONLY. ESTIMATED COST: $35,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins P-201 Raymond Nero 1689 Richland Hills Drive DESCRIPTION: INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA TAX MAP # 35.03-1-18 P-202 Henry Trail (RFA 95E1332) 3052 Parham Drive DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON TAX MAP # 79.01-1-92 ~~ P-203 George Igoe 3041 Embassy Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA TAX MAP # 36.19-1-34 P-204 Joy Kilbane 3867 Vauxhall Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS TAX MAP # 76.08-3-11 P-205 Bruce Young 3106 Galloway Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE OUTFACE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,500 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS TAX MAP # 76.15-3-6 P-206 Jean and Gail Holbrook 314 Woodmere Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON TAX MAP # 61.19-7-7 ~`~ P-207 Lisa Aly 5237 Cave Spring Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING TAX MAP # 76.20-5-12 P-208 Michael Daley (RFA 95E1335) 3055 Bradshaw Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA TAX MAP # 16.03-2-53 ~~w.~. ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE -IMPROVEMENTS ~QhhiO h Dh; ~ P ~~~ Quo X32 ~i AMBER SPIKES 4846 CHEROKEE HILLS DR. CHEROKEE HILL CATAWBA MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 54.04-4-59 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-187 g: \cad\drainage\d5003215 ~,/'1~ ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS z 3 ~~ ~ ~ m ~~ s F VICHIE STINSON 5487 WEST RIVER RD. VINTON MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 64.03-1-34.1 % ROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-189 ~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEIviENTS Labradors Rt, 1227 Z~~, Huntrid e Rd, Rt. 1220 ~ °' ~ N .-. Q ~ ~ c ~ ~ N d' - ~ L ~ ~ ~ ~ v N ~ '~ c L Q +> -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~` Ic'~4 c~ m Brittany Rd, ~ ~~ ~ 122a o ~ ~ ~ v c ~ ~° +~ +~ n, R~• 1221 % JEFF FOUTZ ~r'~~°~ GARDENSVIEtiV ACRES EPS~ RRd, HOLLINS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 40.17- 3- 4 ~! PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-191 G: \CAD\DRAINAGE\D4017; ~L'~ ROANOKE .COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 199.5-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS '~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-192 CARL SUTTER 5007 LABRADORE DR. HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION HOLLINS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 40.09-3-1 „.~- ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Dr, ELIZABETH WEAVER 4415 WYNDALE AV. WYNMERE COURT WINDSOR HILLS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 76.08-6-32 ~! PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-193 G: \CAD\DRAINAGfi\D780B892 .~ C ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - ~ co n n ~~ Rt,1697 ~~ . ~ ~ ~~' ti o`~ ~~ ~~ ~° Rt,169g ~~1 o~ 9 ~° ~~ . ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ °° °° ~, ~° ~~ fig, og, ~~~ ~~, C> ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ 1650 JOE FARMER 4749 BROOKWOOD DR. SUGAR LOAF FARMS WINDSOR HILLS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 76.11-3-37 %I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-194 G: ~CAD~DRAINAGE~D7611337 r ~` . ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995= 96 DRAINAGE IMPRd~,UEMENTS MELINDA CROSSER 6172 BURNHAM RD. CASTLE ROCK WEST WINDSOR HILLS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 76.03-3-70.6 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-195 _ _ G:\CAD\DRAINAGE\D760370 G "'°?° ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-196 G:\CAD\DRAINAGE\D371028 NOK'1'H LAKES CATAWBA MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 37.10-2-8 ~~ ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ~p2 1 P'~ e ~ ~~ ~st~. ,s Pie' ~p2 >c.o~ ~~' ~`e o-~ ~~ `` 9L ~ ~ ~3 P~e~ ~ ~`~~~e~ ono y 3 ~ ~`~e q~ 9 KP~MOr ~- I A ~, e 4~ °~ Rt. 682 ~~ com Two ~~ ~,~ , ~ 9L ~p~ ~ ~,e~ Pr ~Q~ QS s4 s LUCILLE HARMON 3630 BRANDYWINE AV. MT. VERNON HGT. WINDSOR HILLS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 77.13-2-1 ~(C PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-197 G ~' ~'' ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS - 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEME~tTS o~O xr b ~ ti°~ ~a ~" R~ 1 a 8~~ ~ ~, ~ CQ z~ o ~ PS i a ~ ~ w~ ~ ~tr ~ ~~ti Pns w~ ~~ P w ~c ~O wa S Ra ~~ ti~ ~o~ ,~. ~hMOnt PJe, Q ~~ ~o ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Rd ~'~' e~ ~ ~'~ Gr e ~w P e ~~~ h P ~~ ~ i j~F ~~` SCOTT TAYLOR c I 1141 STARMOUNT AV. j~a STARMOUNT SUBDIVISION ~~ HOLLINS MAG. DIST. TAK MAP # 27.09-4-9 %' PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-198 ti~ ti~ x.~ ~- ,~. P c ~o- ~, ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96- DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS %91l` PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-199 r'LUKl~'1' Kll. HOLLINS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 38.10-7-25 w ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS gt. Rt ElwpOd Mp~or G 3 N O A p- Dr Clubhouse Dent Rd. h A X ci ~o m P `G d Z C~. ~9tio ~a h~ ~~ SX J\ ~~ 0 A o~ + v, r~ 1 ~~ Rt. Ax ~~ s~ ~h 'AX ss ~~ ~~ ~ 9~. J ¢r~do~e S O \'n~ A h L `/ a J ~~~ m 94 04 n~ A ~h d , ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HOLLINS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 38.07-2-56 ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-200 . . - ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS _ 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS - - ~~e S7~ ~~~z \p°a ~~r m a N ,.. S n c ~: e ~ r P 3 O n s 0 a 619 Rt• 'Px .~ ~~ A n s P 9. S w d ~ rv Hq ~a ~OOa y RO4a ~~ °' Rt, 619 2' H - V 1; L ° Ol o` a 'QB° ~ ~QY ~~~ ~O O~ RAYMOND NERD ~°°a 1689 RICHLAND HILLS DR. ~x CATAWBA MAG. DIST. 6~9 TAX MAP # 35.03-1-18 ~(C PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-201 ~~ ROANOKE COUNTY _ ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS % ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-202 G:\CAD\DRAIIQAGE\D7901192 HENRY TRAIL 3052 PARHAM DR HAMPDEN HILLS VINTON MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 79.01-1-92 I ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995- 96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS F ~~~~ sQ ~~ y ,jjO .1j,5 cA ' ~3~ ~k"~/ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~~a55y ~ o~ E 3 X o ~X L ~~ ~~ ~ 9' o~ ~ ~ ~ o~ d ~ fir. ~~r~ p ~X ~~ ~~ ~~ No ~'"~ Wayburn Dr. Rt. 1712 d~ Gr• roe 1~ By ~ 1~ Dr ,a~da GEORGE IGOE 3041 EMBASSY DR. MONTCLAIR ESTATES CATAWBA MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 36.19-1-34 ~' PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-203 Rt. 1~ \I1 ti~~~ 2~ mow. ~,c,. ~ °~na R t Dr ~~,. 1413 ~-\~~~ / ~~ ~~ V ~~ ~~, Thanes Dr, Rt,1375 ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS ~~ . 1 ~ ~ ~`~ 1 ~~ 13 ~o- ~1 S~ ~ ~~~ ~~/ Bower ~ ~ _ ~ ~~ ~ o ~~, Q~ ~~ Rt,1657 Cordell Dr' EDWARD & JOY KILBANE 3867 VAUXHALL RD. WINDSOR WEST WINDSOR HILLS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 76.08- 3-11 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS FZ~',~3~ ~a, ~a~~ ~ a~% ~o ZJ rp _ ~ w N 0 Q P-204 Rd, ~~ Q°~ ~~ ~~ R=66~ ~~ G: \CAD\DRAINAGE\D7608311 L'°'s~w, ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-205 c;AS'rLr~ x~~x r AKMa WINDSOR HILLS MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 76.15-3-6 ""' ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS ~ q~~-q~ nRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS %~(i„ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-206 C.L. BUSH ESTATE VINTON MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 61.19-7-7 i°' r~ ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS GrePh . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-207 NOTTINGHAM HILLS CAVE SPRING MAG. DIST. TAX MAP # 76.20-5-12 ROANOKE COUNTY ENGINEERING & INSPECTIONS 1995-96 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS soh' va 'Po fJ7 'QQ, bPh~ '~l s~7 6~ 4 QS R},. 07 ~Py Rd. t~ ~ Qas ?~~~KQ o hQw ~ 0 'f'a,~°~ X N 7 ~~ 9. 86. A ~~ /Q 7 'P4, ADO ~x,• i V ~ SD f d Q9' A 4~ ~ S 9 L A N d 9 9 4- 7h ~0` cA ~ O 3, MICHAEL DALEY ~° 3055 BRADSHAW RD. MCGRAW ACRES CATAWBA MAG. DIST. Be~e~Y. TAX MAP # 16.03-2-53 _~,/ P-208 IJ~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS G~\CAD\DRAINAGE\D1603253 . p .+ DENIED ACTION No. A-102495-4 ITEM NUMBER ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Report on Costs, Considerations and Options for the County to Assume Partial Responsibility for Mowing Median Strips COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: G~'"'"" D ~~ ~~:4r~G~+'ZCS"t' 'may" / ~ ~.~J'~ .~Q"Y~ff~s~A ~7'GGy~/ .ilN'-'~ ,,,,~~ v` ri JJ cH~ ~~~yt ~~~ BACKGROUND' At the Board meeting on July 25, 1995, a question arose regarding VDOT's mowing of median strips on primary roads. At the August 22, 1995 meeting, staff was asked to look at the alternative of mowing through the Parks and Recreation Department or the Sheriff's Office. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: VDOT currently uses its own personnel for mowing supplemented by hourly contractors. Mowing is done at least twice a year and more frequently based on the growing season. The standard is that grass should not be allowed to exceed 18 inches in height. Several alternatives for supplementing or replacing current VDOT practice were evaluated: o Parks and Recreation Department The Parks and Recreation Department currently spends $80 to $100 thousand annually for contract mowing and trimming. If P & R were given additional responsibility for medians, it's approach would be to use contract services since the effort would otherwise require adding to existing staff and equipment. The P & R Director feels there would be no value added in having the program administered through his department and recommends that any such arrangement be negotiated and contracted through the Procurement Department. 1 0 0 0 Use of Inmate Labor ~^ ~~ Inmates are currently being used in General Services, Roanoke County Schools, Parks and Recreation, Social Services, and the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. As a result, the availability of inmates for this project would be on weekends only. If this approach were used, the necessary equipment would need to be made available along with supervision and transportation. Another consideration with regard to this alternative is safety and liability since the skill and knowledge levels of those involved could vary significantly. Assuming the use of 3-person crews and a supervisor for each crew paid at the level of a Parks Maintenance Worker, the cost using this approach would be $20.70 per acre. This includes a factor for funding equipment and other related expenses. Use of Contracted Services Estimates obtained by the Procurement Department indicate that mowing could be contracted for approximately $221 per acre. This price would include the requirement that the contractor be bonded and have liability insurance with the County as a second insured. Based on $20.70 per acre for inmate labor and $221 per acre for contracted service, and using acreage estimates provided by the Engineering Department, costs per cutting under the two approaches would be as follows: Estimated Cost Acres Contracted Inmate Labor ($221 per acre) ($20.70 per acre) Route 419 - 11.45 Route 119 - 5.79 Route 220 - 11.17 Route 460 - 3.13 Route 24 - 2.14 Total cost per cutting Cost for 4 cuttings $ 2,531 $ 240 1,279 120 2,468 231 695 65 475 44 $ 7,448 $ 700 $29,792 $2,800 2 ~-3 o Other Considerations From a cost standpoint, the use of inmate personnel is by far the least expensive alternative. However, administration of this alternative would be more difficult from the standpoint of consistent availability of personnel with suitable skills. If a decision is made to supplement the VDOT program, one consideration will be how to administer the supplementary program so that it best coincides with VDOT efforts and in a way that would allow us to continue to benefit from the VDOT program. Otherwise, the effect might be for the County to assume a State function without the benefit of State funding. ALTERNATIVES• 1. Continue to rely solely on VDOT for mowing of median strips. Alternatives 2 through 4 could be on the basis of the County assuming full responsibility for the mowing or just supplementary responsibility. 2. Give the responsibility to the Parks and Recreation Department. 3. Make arrangements to use Inmates. 4. Negotiate with private contractors. Alternatives 2 and 4 would be essentially the same except that in Alternative 2, Parks and Recreation would administer the program. FISCAL IMPACT• Alt 1 - No additional cost. Alt 2 - $29,792 annually for four cuttings. Alt 3 - $ 2,800 annually for four cuttings. Alt 4 - $29,792 annually for four cuttings. Funding would be from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance. 3 • . .. Respectfully submitted, J~l~t Don Myers Assistant Administrator .-, "°~ Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: Motion by Bob L No Yes Abs Denied (x) Johnson to approve Alt #4 Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Don Myers, Assistant Administrator Bill Rand, Director, General Services Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 4 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. t' ~ ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for November 21, 1995. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a 140 foot communications tower and accessory building, located on Poor Mountain, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Valley Communications. 2) An ordinance to rezone 1.109 acres from R-1 to C-1 to construct an office/meeting hall, located at the west side of Shadwell Drive, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of IUE Local 162, Inc. 3) An ordinance to rezone 1.146 acres from R-1 & C-1 to R-1 & C- 2 to operate a personal services facility, located at 3142 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Marta Sayers. 4 ) An ordinance to rezone 28 acres from AR to R1 to construct single family residences, located on Yellow Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Saunders & Wells Investments. ~~-~ MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERR~S OFFICE. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for November 21, 1995. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1 through 4, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, ~,`Y'f1, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Minnix Eddy Johnson Kohinke Nickens Vote/ No Yes Abs COUNTY OF R0.^-.iv'OKE DEPT. OF PLANNI~ti'G A~tD ZONING 5204 Bernard Dr. P.O. box 29800 - ( 54d 772-2008 F%^ 154a 772-2108 Fcr staf";' use cn/y l { ~a:e r_eeive ': ~ rLLtivO" ty: c Z?~ ~s U a.riica:i~fyG .- ~~ .~ ~ s e Y' 3C5 ~a:a: ~n^ / ~~ C sC is l'r::O GC: `~ Check type of application filed (check all that a,:,:ly): ~ REZONING ~ SPECIAL USE ~ VARIANCE Applicant's name: Valley Communications Fhone:( 540) 389-1 Address: 231 E. 4th Street, Salem, VA Zip Code: 2413 Owner's name: James L. Woltz Fhone:( 540) 342-3 Address: 23 Franklin Road, Roanoke , VA Zip Code: 24 011 Location of property: Poor Mountain Tax Map Number: 93.00-1-44 ~ Q D.iagisterial District: y1 ' r i . Community Planning Area: Bent Mountain Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: AG3 .0333 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. ~ • : f:: s :-` i€~ ,~~. .~~'' E .~. z ~'~ Proposed Zoning: AG3 ~r sraN use Only Proposed Land Use: Tower and Building ~5` TYP`: I ...................... . Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES x NO IF N0, A VF.RIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for t`. requested Use Type? YES NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. . If rezoning request, are conditions being proffere~ •r~ith this request? YES NO x _ ::::si €~ Variance of Section(s) of t~~e Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in or;;=- tc: Is the application complete? Please check if enc:csed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF A~~Y OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws •`` - ws v ws v onsultation 8 1 /2" x 1 1 " concept plan Application fee ~ Application -Q~ Metes and bounds description `~ Proffers, if applicable Justification ~~ Water and seY~er application Adjoining propery o~.vr,ers /hereby certify that / am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and cons t of the owner. ~j'~ ~ Z Owner's Signature: ~ %~,~,(,1,1 ~ ~ ~ ~1 18 60 ~~ ' r-o~Stac Use Oniy: Case \um6u ~~` Applicant Valley Communications The Planning Commission will study rezoning and s==_cial use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public heait`,, safety, and general welfare. Flease ans~•rer the feI!c:~ir.g questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional s;,ace if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposas of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as t purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zo :ing district classification in the zoning ordinance. We are upgrading our facility to enhance the appearance and performance of our site. We have leased land across from our cur_-ent site to move further away from the microwave path for the County Emergency Services System. The tower will be within 300 yards of towers of similar design and construction. It will comply with engineering standards for design and safety. Please explain how the project conforms to the 5eneral guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County ,Comprehensive Plan. The property is located in the rural land use category. There are no guidelilnes or ~'I policy pertaining to corrinunications towers contained in the comprehensive plan. This tower will be located in the vicinity of other towers of similar design and size. ' Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrc~r,ding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. The proposed tower should have no impact on the property. w tJ tii alr 177 1~: 70 1-/W-/Lb-'~'i~4 U•~cCS,I+ a.U JLrrLi 1~"'=~ "~ ~,. ~~~ - ~ N07cs J " s ,- ~yst~cT vrrarom - ., ~ 1. FNIS PL.IT !S BASID ON .A CURPEM ; ~ ~~ r > + • - /~ - - - - - - F1E:o SURyEY. ~ ~~ t~ ~ ~Z<~,i/t ~ yu t r. ~ 2. THIS PG1 T ~ N'A5 PREPARED NITNOUT x '~ -`" .: . _ THE BEVEF7T OF A CURR~T TTT•L£ '' ~ ~ ~ '* r 2 ~ RGPORT ~ } .. r s i'~ n ,~ Jz ,' _ ~ ~ S'~. V 1~ J. SUBJECT PROPERTY .45.~SH0{4N' DGES ~ r'c}-` ? _ e F`+ ~ NOT FALL {V1TH/N TNE~ LIM/TS • OF A ~ a , r Vti` N.U.D. DESIGINAT£O;FL000<hWaRD ~ .K.tj,:T r„-> ~ _ s to ZONE. ~ ~ TNlS DETe~r MlNrtT10N: !S : PJ.SE7 ,'.~ ~, ~%'r2: a l ~~ ' ~ ON THE FL000 flitLtRD ~,tGtP.NJD' N.tS -; >~~ ;• t -•s• ao NOT BEEN Y1:R1f7ED BY.~ ACTLNl "FIELD " 3 ~:1 , °' ELEyAT10N3. :c :~ trpp ".i~.3^ti • Ij t . 4. 7NlS PLAT IS SUBJECT ~ TO A11.? RIGf~ ~ NCINfn' : AI.IP ~. • OF-1ti'AY AND E,45E~fENT5 OF RECORD x y ~.~+. ~ tf. ~ - r ~..; its , t ~ ~ ~ ,,~~ _ td - ~• ~iw1 - r IfYIl. 3 ltt ~ r ~ 3 l~~'- ~~~ 1 ~,~ ;~ i / \ usl t - .. a t .v` CJ s ~ / ~ t A1Z -.Nrt ~r ~,5~.2 $+~1~~'Sr 44~'r ~sj~r. / J/4" P1Pf SET ' t'~~ ~'~T~:~`'z''~'~''S'w'r~++~~.csE~YSE79.{~~~': ~-fY:~/~ O '• ~ N ~sa72 00-x•.. ~2o.sD ~.:; ST ;rw~-;~ ~~7,~k, ~. i,= `,~~ JI ' t Y, e~i~.~wic> itF. ~s ~ ~ 1 J JF2t'~1'~S'~rA ~~~ b ~`'l ~s ~ `~ ' .~- i,3 s ,-~ ~f~~` 4 T A Y ~S s Y~ '~~ r JI ipjyt i. M QQ ~W.yltt~~t~~~t-{~-~`t,3~~i CY~-~~<~~~;.L ~t`'G-~~rr '1 •/~u N / 1 . i t dxX~. r'~~ T 1t qr~ N~'~. { .~.r {~` r. ~ ,, I _ - " . '" 0~ ~' t J. -f 1 s cry A ~ ~,~,'~ u r ~/,. - •ta -~ rp_~t,~t ~1~~ ;: ! - 411~~ Pi..-li '.l +~'./ .~ t ,., 3 t ~' 0 399 ` t , o I ' ~ + ~, t,. a~ ~~ , ~, ~~ .~ ~f.j ty .i r.-; 'fir cr~t; O,~rr~ i•01'~..Y ~'^~I' IO _. •t 4,'e~s'. r{. J' - ~ ,t N ~'~^s C+!4'S`~x t ... r` rr i `.~ 7 / ~ .,}{ J V ~_K . -_ lJOY L&tK GIST. J 4` PIPE SET - '$' 99 0 W,~s-12D 50 „~ N ~,~~ ~~~ - - -' - - - - '• _~,, :: • , (1>E L1,f) r/z' Ire-avt rc J c _ _ SO/t RL~IDWAY - _ . rQ1YFN Llll ~~•, ..--r.+~Yt ~t _ ~ 1'. t~ ~Mt•~ t.'P ya`~.'`toy~a ~ti > ~ SOURCE OF T7T[.E• a "',k:L 1 5' t :•;"( }~ ^~••~<a, 8E7NC A POR770N OF_.THE SAME~PROPER7YcCONVEYED TO~tiL4L/E5 L:;Nt7LTZ M!O JONN E WOLT7 <fROM~ ERlC? LEE351SLER.'%IXECUTOR~ OFD TNE: ESTATEr j ~, s. OF L0/5 M. ANDERSON,:'BY:DEE'Dr'D~TID OCT08EJ?.;'3.~a9AS:•`<SAIDFDEEp~~°_"; :. :' BE/NC RECORDED •INS`DEBDBOOXx1~{?J.~AT.~P.tiGE*f.101'°INFTHE.=CLE.4K'S ~ ~. OFF7CE OF THE CIRCUR' COURTIOF RC1INOXE= COUNTY VIRGlNGI. a , ~J~ T9 i yk jr i . rz ~'t: ~% •:~ "t~'~~`F ~~~'"'PROPER7YiTU`BE CEASED T0: • 4 zG~tiM ' '~ '~ ~' Y.~ItIiEY ~ CO.dIMUNICATTONS .Y >, ri's ;rot ~ ",:s~ ,~tt,t~ yJAAIES~..i-"~ICTZa'a{JOHN+'E WOLTZ ' ~ ~ ~" (~PROPEri7Y'owNETts ~> ~•* ~~a. ~k.N ',.}~*' ~~ • ' DY993~ACRES~LOCsiTED:. ? . :. ,,,.;.• ~.~~'~' r{?•~,~~ .,.~r~~ ,t',~ pF,F,~,Vdrta`STsC.'aYRTE:•. 818 H ~•'~ ~' 1 LTH , 'a~ ;~A ~~t ,~ ~~' soN~tiP.ooR~1(ofJNTAIIV ~~~P O,c-L/ ~~ 4th' ~I'~ i{71vOSOR?HILGS,~t3fAGI5TERIAL DISTRICT p ~ kr7, : t•;rf•r: 'iROANOKE~COUNT'Y,~'•YIRGINL4 ~~ -, ~ ~}"1 `~' ~`':{~='r'~'SCAI.Fs:%if a:.':'.60,'.•'-~`~~~DA1'~': 3--10-1995 O ~ ~' ~~'~ ~~t,. -~s~°'rrt"+~, ,~.DAVID~B ~%SCOTl: L.S. ,l/~991 ~ DAVID B.`•SCOTT ~~~ 'rri„Ec~j iCat~ t,; fir,- r ~gYlrr.A' :VIRGINIA y}, ax F ?• tVrRjl'.•~t•4' ~slj+; t r NO. 931 ,~5" `..r 4.. . Y„ ua . »f:~r..,:a /.:. ,t•~„v}~a.~.. ., f . , ~ ~r ~ f 1. RECORD 'REFERENCES; AND NOTATIONS: ' i1 1•~7 /r+ ~ ~.~K ~rC '-DEED •B001K T 41J PAGE ! 101 (l0-5-198J ~ '' Q• t y ~' MS it t ~ 1 q1s ; PORRON OFiT.~Y, I O ; 9J.00- ), PMCEL ~44 ENO SUR ~O .t 'ti AY ~.y:P sy ~+. l _-D' 1~L~ik~t! t ''SO JOO 1.10 `''' ''' -.:~,;;;, - ,-:;. :.:4 . / JOB NO. 8407 •:_5.... DA77D D. SCOTT 8dR97t17NG ~ y1PPIN0 tall K. XdIN ST. SILLSi'rLLE'.PA. ' (90J)7A8-JJtr_ µ- i ~E;NSTS~ (GNSTS~ _ _. 7 ~~~~. /~ - I - Drawings & Calculations with Virginia FF Seat -_- PLAN VIEW __I UNS 1~U' R(~HN MndPl SSV Sal(-~c.tOI)otlinu Tgwar (crr Valley Commuiii~atic~nG Sila: Saletrt, VA This dr~winp is Uie prop9ily of IINn•nOHN anrt Is iu~t In t•.e - r?p1'Oduc?CI In any way without written pmi~~i59inii tn?~» l Ibin-R(?I Ihl t)ate ~ 23-9~ ~ PRFLIMI~IARY ..--- n(~trrnverlny F(7R r;'Of•ISIf2UC:IIUi~di_ N-I I - - - --- - l ~ - , t / - \ ,~ ~ - _.~. I - v . - ,-- ~. - ~ ~ g L ..~wo amp.. / ~/ _ c ~~ i ~~.. +~- % ' ~ r I _ _ -Y F _ ~~b~: - ;~,c-~ - _ =4 _ • ' •,' '3 4 I . ~ . I - ~ ~ ?cam _ = :l - - ~ ai/: ~ i ~. .a w._.K~ - - _ ~* 0..r ~ ~ ~ ., .c- - - ~ ~ ~'it .mast'-- fy/ - - % _ ~~ 4/: / L1 l:~ Z. ~ p~ ~: .~ /~ ~~\, Y -- ~ a., ~_- - Q ~ • ~t~1rl ••' - I ~~y u \ „ ~!{~ ,/ ~ m-..~ - \ _ ~ ~ +'~ - / r .a, - ~ i I ~ - ...... ~~ ~ \! • ~: r ~ . i~ i _ ~~ * DEPART'ME~IT OF PI.~1NNIr'G VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS AND ZONING ~ SPECIAL USE PERMIT •~• 93.00-1-44 . .,. r + Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. A/S V NS V R/S V X Consultation X 8 1 /2" x 1 1" ccncept plan Application fee pp X Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable X A lication ~<:w X Justification X ~.. Water and sewer application X Adjoining property owners COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton_Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 For stojf use only date re~• - ~ u "vvd by applie 'gR fy,~.• ~ ~ PC;BZA da;e~~//, / G p~acar s issu, ed: 005 date: , Case Number: ~ f~' 1/ /~ Check type of application filed (check all that apply): ® REZON{NG ^ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE / Applicant's name: IUE Local 162, Inc. 1~ i ,Phone: 563-9620 Address: P.O. Box 5282, Williamson Rd., Roanoke, VA Zip Code: 24012 Owner's name: Devin and Audrey Muller 1 ~ - a ~l Add ~ Phone: Zip Code - / ~~ ~ J ~%~~~ h ress: T ~ ~ _ 7Jj /]. J`Y' / r Location of property: Tax Map Number: 28.05-2-12.1 West side of Shadwell Drive Magisterial District: Hollins Roanoke County • Community Planning Area: Peters Creek Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: R-1 ~ _ ~ n9 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. ;~;:. ~:: ::~::: ::_::: :::~;;;:;;;:i:s::::::::: ::T s=.@:: :~;:: • 1~~. .. .... Preposed Zoning: C-1, General Office Fir sralt use o~h• Proposed Land Use: Office/Meeting Hall Use Type: °~ el Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements o f the requested district. YES X NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES X NO_ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being prorered with this request? YES X NO ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~L ~ ~ Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in or~er to: / hereby certify that / am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge an consent of the owner. ~ ~ ~ Owner's Signature: ~~ ~ ~(~ 1~! ~ i- i ~ 1~ r .~ ~'~- Foi Staff Usa Only: -Case Nurtber Applicant IUE Local 162, -Inc: The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. The subject property is vacant at the present time. It is an irregularly shaped parcel of land that is really not developable as for residential purposes. Development of an office/meeting hall for the applicant is an appropriate transitional use. While the property is adjacent to residential, commercial development is in the area. This would serve as a buffer zone between the two. Please explain how the project conforms to the genera( guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The utilization of the property for the office meeting hall lead to an orderly development of apiece of property not readily developable in its existing zoning. A comprehensive plan will be met in that the use is appropriate within this area. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. The development of the property will have negligible impact on the adjoining properties in the surrounding areas, utilities and will have no impact on schools and park and recreation. d`° ~~ `1 IN RE: IUE LOCAL 162 REZONING PROFFERS _ The undersigned, Applicant and Property Owners, hereby voluntarily proffer the following condition relative to the rezoning of the subject property from R-1 to C-l, General Office: 1. The property will be developed in substantial conformity with the concept plan prepared by Lumsden Associates, Engineers, Surveyors & Planners, under date of August 31, 1995, which concept plan is submitted herewith. IUE LOCAL 162, INC. By ~ P i t -~~~E.e~ Devin Muller Audrey~Muller z:\wp50\steph\iue.Pro:sse09/15/95 ~~7~1' ~~ ~~ a s ~ z ~ ~ ~o ~ a V 5 z ~~ ~r o r ~' `g N o _ ~ ? H ~L ,~ ~ spa ~ ?~ n r p',. v = u. Cg a u~. J Q ~ r W~ 4 ~ ~ ~ t0 3~~t7d 0 Z d a J `~ ~ ~~ ~ ~\ ~`•. \ `r ~~T ~ ti I, .~~, I a ~ ~~, l i I~ ~d- ~ P l •~ w ~, rq ~ ~ ~~ w '. ,+ W \ ~ \ a\ s 4.. ~ - -o\ ~ \ ~ F~~ , ~ l } f I\ ~ '~ 'o ~ a `~~ // \ ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ v~ ~ ~ - ~ 1 ~ COQ. ~ ~ \ ~~ Y ,~ , ~° ,, ~ ~' ti '9 ~ ~ ~ y ~ i y~4 d l ~ :•~ ~ / i ~ ~~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ' I 1~, ~ 1 ~ ~ . ` `0~~5 \ \ ~ ~ ~~ ~ / ~, ~ ~n~r,~- P 134`UK11 ~rrEZLL~OL LO ~dt 565E/=u;~~~:t . _~ rb'L~.=~'~ •. ' ~--- ' t t~i G~~' 1'^a ' '1 - - - - ~ - ,- .~~x~N r r <' - t s { ~• y •i Fa~T` ~ Vo ~ r .c~.° ~ e' e. '~• 07 7 f o ff' '' ~. r. ~ .~a ~ Q ! ~~' r: d H lY 1 ~ ~~ °? ~ "¢ v e ~ 1 `Q ~ Oyu' G N r m J?z I ~ ~ O: _:~; Sul /,l. 4, ~S / rN ~ 11 ~ 0 (c ~ p ~ fl ` N ~. ' 4 I n /' /0Q•~~~pSy~Clc N a'~Q' •~ S '~• Q a rr ~---~ Iao~rR Y I.y i '~ .. ~~ - Je.~~x'l:.~e ~.>ar3eeT P / / /A9 IL F.A1.v~ f_T ac~..n i p~~ lt.,~RD : rlY l:r,ila .l l•.'T 1'.O /I~ lam- ~, O~J l' 7w l-1.s.>~1..~4 ~•~.10 VR61-.K /~ p ~y p/ O / .A Q aT cwas~-n..wovwT. V > p n Q ' ~i Q~. -" ~ ". • ~ y N ~' •- y / ,~, r ~ .3 ~ °J o' o: ~ ~P _, ` o ~~ ~, w y r, n ~~ ~ Y o v I r ' t?' .r f(/ ~ LL / 1 .1 ~ .i 7? ~ ~ d { ~ N `` o• ° 3 3 a, bra N ~ N~ fit. V ~''~ ~ a N ~ ~ ~ ~ Q p 0 /~o?err ~ ~` o',. ~ ~ 01h~ J~ N O' C~ N ~ A, M ~, Q~t ~ / • ~- 1 tv/~ QJ .p,7-rd ,.. _ H y / 3 3 LC4~~ Raa,..riC~lCl. 4 01..0 V > T~-u No. LC ~~~..-7 20 7 a.e.a i- ll ' ~ / 3 ~ o o' r Ont?~ v v ~L fi I k ~ ^I ;,.N~~r ~ Q~~- c~ C o~ca °~LJ 1 z .~, ,plµ~ f -- e.' ~~ ~ C[RTJI1C11E Kf. rg'~'I,ro.e~ .rl 1Ci7 V ~ k~ ~~~ ~ p F ~~ (JH7 ~ ~ Y 0 h `~,' Y~ h ~ ° ° V VANDA W• j~l(.1.~~ a ~ ~ to J3 p Q p N SHU~~IN4 A o.s53 ACRETRP.CTAl1C P, ~~ -3 ~ ~ I.lo'ti AC~~"tRACT E3a1NGa rCN'J=Y'C~ ~O {~ A ° 1 i?1~ ~ Jo~ePK W F'a~.s-~ 4 Q• ~ - I.t A. ~. 1 7T !'. ~t1 ~L OI ^T as . r't' 7 l.c~l..l• If ~~ :~.--.N O't Lc ~.OIJN`i~ v~~. ..131/~. / ~-cRTtFl t'U l~>•1O ~J°•1~'loa, • a_•, A.C'Rll. n. 1'19^ QC~I,i~. 1'JO~ I - - _._r aa•. r .~..~-_ .. - ~. F+I!l]-!5-199 1~~49 Sl ~'. J8~ ~anR 1.001 0S'ld:'9o 13:1^,`03 ;33 .'"5 yuu-l-wn.1: ru:~c~ ~- - - - '~+~. ir. ROA3OI~E COGNTY _ IITILITY LeP7LRT?~NT i?PLICATION FOR Wes,^?R OR S~r~R SERVZC`.E - - _ . _ _ s, O _ - PROPOS.D DeVELOP?'•~. NT Date Name of Applicant IUE Local 162, Inc. Address of Applicant- P. 0. B°x5282 Roanoke, VA Name of Developer IUE Local 162, Inc. Address of Developer P• 0. Box 5282 Roanoke, VA Phone 563-9620 2401,x, Phone 563-9620 24013. Nacre of Design Eng ineer Lumsden & Assoc. Phone 774-4411 Address ofDesign Engineer - 4664 ~Brambleton Ave. Roanoke, VA Nacre of Contact Person Jer"f Moran Name of Proposed Development IUE Local 162, Inc. Type of. Development and proposer nu.*wer • of units (Be specific) 1600 ~c}uare_feet office building and meeting hall. T Location of proposed develoome.^. t (=Lrc4'y=5r CCPY OP ~? ?y'i ?_3yI~*~"'R=C ~;~u=='R) _ Shadwell Drive (Secondary Route 601) Size of proposed develooa:ent in acres: 11 Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS elevations) at ~:hic:: the individual :rate:/sewer service connections would he located: Minimum feet MSL. Maxi„ium fees MSL Is this aoolication for a develocr~ent that ~rili be a vart or section or a larger future development? No ''es ~' ves, provide map of entire a: ea i. available. (OVcR) ~. n 1,U2 ~cCf~~ ~~~ n ture oc Apoiicant N-a j NORiH ~. bye ~\ J' - / ~ ~~~ _- l . ,. ~ ~~ ~ '' ~ ~ '~ ' ~ ~~ ~~ / za2tti 4 - 1 ~.'~~ R~ ~ `t, ~ / 4 ~ / 1 a^ - 9 I sss~ '•i Z .'V' / \• 12 ~ ~\ :\ -~ ~~ i/~ 1 • e / ` ~ 09ac. ~.... ~ _ I ///~_ L ~ ests7 // ~ r/ O /•~ f ~ C :~ 8~ :, i ,.-1r ~, 9 ~es/~ ~ ~ -3 ~- - eso_i. I O 13 ~ : ?: f . 2. p •~ 95 actG; 1i1= 171 -- ~ t.t ac C(J ys~otcl ~ • .~:~ ~ ~' ~~- 4 ~ 'i a, O a o _ f ~ I r r •-J \~\ 7 . ee 1.1.1 : 5 ~ 6 •., .. i I 2 b 0• 07 ry 8 \ \ \ ` ~r 1T o~._o~ 1 ..,~_r1.m _ I ~.. 1 m m- . m n~t~ r.~~ ~5~. .: 11 t ~S ~ o~ ~.J1 ,~ •I9 : 1• 2 0~1 ~~ toe ac _ ~ J ~ ~ ' ml4 ~. 137 r `~ C ~.o~° :~~- I3. ~~ • IUE LOCAL 162 INC. ~' ~ DEPAR~~I'I' OF PLANNING R-1 TO C -1 AND ZONING 28.05-2-12.1 C~u.-/i v' i Ii .-, . Fcr s:~ rf use tray -nn~' h~L~ ,s `}'' r-=.1 v date receive fOLav_.. ~y: v~ COUN T Y OF RO ~ r''OKE - DEPT. OP PLANti(~~~; :-,i~D ZOi`,I~~~: ~ ~-,--- ': aroiicau,~n fe"- ~,t,~ I=C;=~.- ..~:/~ 95~ 5204 6ernard Dr. I {TT C'Z~~ P.O.-Sox 2°S00 - ~ - ;,;acards iss~ ~ ~3,^,5 date: / ~_-~~ (l Z1 Roanoke. VA- 2018 , ( 54d 772-2068 FAn ~ 54c~•i72_~~,~3 IeascNumber: ///'~ //~~~ .. ~~ .ti~r,~.....,ii~r-~ r~.-:1`r?.h~lEfT r..-...-.?-•..,•••,••.-.-:;;i~fEiisi?Ei'2i~Eii;i;:pi;:~ .............i.......-.................. .... . Check type of application filed (check all that a_Yly): RIANCE i ~~ REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^VA n Applicant's name: Marta Sayers (... ~ f/ Phone: 989-8552 ~~ ~~Y Lip Code: , Address: 5454 Flintlock Lane, Roanoke, VA C~= .i 24014 Owner's name: Island Sun Development Group /Evelyn Krippendorf Phone: 772-2500 Zip Code: 24018 Address: P.0. Box 21823 Roanoke, VA 24018 Location of property: Tax Map Number: 77,10-2-6 County of Roanoke southerly side of Brambleton Ave. Magisterial District: Cave S tin 3142 Brambleton Ave., S.W. Communiy Planning Area: Laves Cj~2.t.~1CI Roanoke, VA , Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: C-1 -'- ~•' ~ 1.146 acres Existing Land Use: Commercial Office Building 49920 sq•ft• - :.. ~ . "•'•r a F iEE~ 1z `..:~. :1: . - - . 3 ~r Srat; use Ont;.• ~I i-r-.~ ~ Proposed Zoning• C-2 Proposed Land Use: Personal Services Facility ~ Use Type: 'I :~ 3 GI Does the parcel meat the minimum lot area, v~idt^, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES x NO IF NO, A VAnI:-.;:CE IS REQUIRED FIRST._.. _. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria fer t=.e request=_d Use Type? YES x ' NO IF NO, A VARIANCE lS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffer=_~ with this request? YcS NO X ~G7ii1 be) Variance of Section(s) of tie Roanoke Ccunty Zoning Ordinance in Gr~~~ tc: Is the application complete? Please check if enc:csed. APPLICA T !ON WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED IP AtiY OP THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v - ws v ws v / Consultation 8 1/2" x i i " concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description `<'~ Proffers, if applicable Justification N/p- -=*~ Water anc sewer application Adjoining propery c~.vners l ~~~ l hereby certify that l am either th owner of the pr perry or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowl~eA~$d ~~ ' `"~n RO P Owner's Signature: BY ~ < David Hel. he its attorney - - i-or Su!' Uss Gniy: Cise 1v UrC1D C.' ~3 I '~ . .1 i.:~J f 1''i'vf+ f t ~.1 ti i - ~ a 4 I'L Z17 ~rrt'1 f i/ ll t7 ~ ~ r v 3r+ t ~.f ~ r Y CS ~t 1 =R ~v {~ ~~ / . .....- --.. ... .. .- .. .. i . Applicar,; - Marta Sayers - The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public heal;., safety, and general welfare. Please answer the follo~viny questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Piease explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Loning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found a; the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. Petitioner believes the rezoning will further the intent and purposes of the zoning ordinance in that it will encourage economic development activities that provide desirable employment and enlarge the tax space as well as provide a convenient source of personal services not currently available to the public in one location. The proposed use will be consistent with the commercial and professional nature of the properties which surround it. Piease explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and-poiicies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use of this property for providing personal services to professional woman represents an appropriate use of the property, consistent with the guidelines and polices of the comprehensive plan which designate this area as a "transition zone." While the zoning ordinances characterized'tkiese.personal services as a commercial endeavor the nature of ~~ ~~he~- c,T:~ental and the intensity of the use of the facility as well"as tie hours of operation are consistent with the business-and professional offices which surround it, thereby encouraging economic development without burdening the residential properties which are nearby. Please describe the impact(s) cf the request cr: t.e grope, ;y itself, the adjoining properies, and the suroundins area, 2s well as the impacts on public services ar:c facilities, including water/sewer, reads, schools, ~ parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. The proposed use of the property as a personal services facility will have little or no impact on the property itself, the adjoining property or the surrounding area because there will be no physical change to the facilities and the type of cliental, as well as the intensity of the use of the facility and the hours of operation will be very similar to the existing professional offices currently located on the property. There will be no negative impact on the existing utilities or public facilities for the same reasons as herein identified. `I ~t C.. - ~ k '; rj , ~ _ m ~ C ~. Oft ~~a~g~ `a~g?~`> a`<~=„~ s~'$~9 xy °~ ~ t: ~~`<mz ~`Ce~< m ~'~~'~ F ¢ < F i~~z~ Vau sa ~W$Ok~ NF°0'b'W N <Vt~m = ° m = ~ g"< »F~~ _ ko $~a~ ~~ cA `ete ~,~'QC. .-Eg~~. o-~ 0 C. ~3~ ~R~a ~~~ ~a~ I pW P PO_tlrfOO~Y1p h0 V O~OmtlmOOOra .~~ t F or°O$oaomo~Oa m~ N Woonn...~.~Qi^~ns< lil ti < ° < ~o.m++atla~rmnooao ~'u ? omm~v+e.o ormnm_ok~ Z ~ OYfG a~O < y~ Odn000c~_t'1m0 Z O r ~ u< U u N~ _ W 5 y,'/ ' I' . r N O X34"~=s~~"„~~3~Z~~ O ZmrV <$ ~Fa=g4~=~W~=~a~$°~ ZF~W <¢O<Z(S Z~ IITsF~akj??au¢m~i .WiGa=S>j~F~C$3~~ 3~=<~~ma~~3~ff~Wsg <y=OO~N °Y1J~~Z p° aQkZD{NGZU~<o~~s° _uViOY€~N<Z~FZuO< Fi°~~°~jff'g»SF~°i 'mom i$~~o ~SEt~~ms =~~NW~~°=;F2r~~a ~~s:o~'~~ 0 3 ~~~~ ~«~a~~~~a~~ °°r~ O °C- ap ~aai a o N ~ W 3 ~ {~1 YI 3 ¢ m ° ~ W°2 °' t ~ W N Y ~ ° N O < ;,ZO~ ° NZT ~ r ~ W $ .+=~S 3~¢~ ~i z ¢ ~=~ a 8 V S N g ~~ r(_ in ~~ $ ~o ~ ~~ ga~d$ i?G .y. ~ Q P2o ~EF~°¢ ~G~ ~ `k~ g~ n Wi g. < °: $ ~Qj 2,~~g~< aT i~~bII C¢a~ ~^uYZO ° i~¢W 3 ~5 ~ Ng~ ~ ~ ug~ 7 ~Z~ m~ a ° ~ ~1d-` a~~~~$*o¢OZ ao ~.°<°`¢" $~ ~¢ m i~~ i m ~~ " a~ a Wi ° °s kC~°a <oN mYSm~~~i aL'_'''c~=io ~~ W~ i a,• ~~~° 1 >~¢O~ ~ ~ F° g~ ~ o~~"'..r z $FS~ \\ ~~iE~$~8'¢N~~ ~~>~~N ° 3~`~ Fo°~`-' g gt ~~~~ '~ of o~„ $ ~ < `s~ ~`N°"~...~ayy3 iT~ ~O ~W < ~dyRa~ ..oF ° o ¢„ ~~ z~W ~W°~ ~~gY2<~°N ~ m~0<W ~' ^ <j~S.l )O ~Z < <¢ 2 ~x < g¢P Z I~ <<°7 # <~iu~ _ <-+ 9 yF> z o~ < i<~ Q< u 3' . ° ~~W g o Fzm$ F~ \ ~ --°$~~a~i$~i~i<d~G<'°a~ g m i~6 g o ~~~.° S` ~~~~ .~ ~~g~ •~ ~WU ~_¢oi \lll~~~ E~S.~- u 3z~ >G~~'°o5'~ ~c i Fu~< ;~ F°<.n yFm '_^v~ C Woi~ O#~ ~ Z u 'aN ] ~<WW"' o,:$i T uoz o ~N u$ mu ~ u °afWS ~S z~ g'asa `°FZm~~~o~ ~ _' b¢m _< ~WS~ ~ ~aWS? ~~W- ~ "~<~ ~@~~ ~ 2 N=°aFqq i°Oa°~ q¢FO°~i n ¢$H~ ~ m$Ny ~ WWg~~ mi 3i< $ a $cF Zgja~~~o~~as~iWW< <~ rk 8 ~iz $ ~~xz ~ .i°-~°^ $ 9W~~° ~.`"..:t~ ii Z a~$~<~~ ~a_$~~~mN~~¢ o x$,u3 'E'u- F Z to~~Z ors 1~ m q~~~~;g~~v~3~~3~~<m~b KV'+~« j k~~» ~ ck=~S W `k~'~°- ~ ~;a e C~o °u <~W' Wil~iWZ~^,T i o .°~ ~° '6 ~ < -^<•~i V.~ W < iii ~i<3 am Q"J,.~~^$oT~N~ou¢S$ ~.~ ~ S°- '~ < „p~~Q'6 ~ 3 '"~uo` ~ "Oni ~ a 'Q`~<'~z ~ dz„?F uelAr x'o~s~°~ '¢°~7$n_ ~ `d'ii ~° N-W~o A S` < ~;~ ° S U$`z N ~ S` r~°F3 .~_n ~~$ ~iV~udmr~e~~~7~°~§~~~ X71 $^ j~ $ $i$W z ,~ j~py`„ ~' 8 _7NOW ' 8. r-•~5~~ ' ia.• k ~ ~"- ~b'kYldz St~ 'd'o ~ °~o2S s ~~08. ~ ~R°'~~ i H ~3~~ a j~ g m U ~! n e ~ < Ymm i j ' ~ ? nV ~' or m ,I =Q < • rya9 O ~ ~u~ _ z_< S mU ~°3~ wWa s 3=~ OmW sAi~^a~s~~Q ~ Et W O ~ m~O~<'~~ N:I~ C J _ <Q 2WnpN~3V ~~~~ 6 GnF O¢~.o ~+ S.is: ° 5'<$~na~oo H~:i nD 3i i`V<~¢oo a J Z m~~V ~~ 5 F 3 a8 .. WW a N NZ ~~ < o ~ <: ~ u° W S p F ~'3 o R" µEL00' (~ W I lL~T7_~3R - p ~ ~~ ~ ~ a V ~ yC a i ~ ,H H~~TUR FVA L_ t R 0: t ~ ~`~^ ,. ~~~~~~ r{~\ ~~ G AP ~0 ~' ~~_ __ C )`• ~, «~ _" ~~~ .~l -- nr / ~ -- ~~ NdRTH 40 .~~3/32 ~ 3//S -~G~ z ~ qty r ~s; is ~ / ?~ 3~ '••' ~ 0~3' ~- ~ ~ ,~3063- ,_,~ 313x., `'3/ 02 •~s ~y •? . ~:. , °`= _ .~= \ is . b 32/0: ~ n :'!Sl ~~; ... ~ ,~ ~ ti'' a ~~q a S ~ '.~ :`~ o~.r. ~ c~~/ / ~~~ .3//2. ~3 5\9g 2.~ n :~^2 c2 Z7~ t i ?~~, ~ ~ _ i n r 3201 4 +-S2 ~', '' 3066 `' ; l ~: ~ 203 ~ •,' ~ - ~ti ~ c ~D. ,=a~ ~ 3409 - ~a • ~ ; `'~ ~ ~-mss - -~y 3 I y i Je ~ _ - , 3212 ''-' > ~l: ' 32 ' f 9 - --`''9. 3144 •10 r '~5 ~~. - ` 3426 . I ~> ~~ . 12 33 .~ ~' ~: ~ z ~ f o ;_ 4 ~~ 9 '~. ~ 9 28 ~ 13~ _ F ~ 51 ' ~ 3502 ~ - • ~~ ~'~ -• 50 R ° ~ 1 26~\ I I ( G I ~~_. ~~~ ~ 3aas _ -- -~'°~` G ~y . 4,~ s~ ; _ ~~ = DEPART'I~~1T OF PL.ANNIr=G AND ZO[VING MARTA SAYERS C-1 & R-1 TO C-2 ~ R-1 77.10-2-6 COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING -AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. S`.'/ P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 For star," use only da;e re -eceived b ;,tacards issued: 505 data: Casa Number: '~ //~/j^ . "y / Check type of application filed (check all that apply): /I ~ Cg7 REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE ~' ~'/( ~ Applicant's name: Saunders & Wells Investments C Fhone: 989-6138 / Address: P. 0. Box 21535 Zip Code: .24018 Owner's name: Joseph B. Helms Phone: 427-1341 Address: 3775 Bandy Road, SE Zip Code: 24014 Location of property: Yellow Mountain Road Tax Map Number: 89.03-4-22 ~1~iagisterial District: Cave Spring Community Planning Area: Mount Pleasant Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: A-$ 28 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. ~:. f'. Proposed Zoning: R- i For Starr use only Proposed Land Use: Residential use Type: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES X NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES NO X IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ~`' - ws v ws v X Consultation X 8 1 /2" x 1 1" concept plan Application fee X Application X '~'"~ Metes and bounds description ~`.:;< Proffers, if applicable X Justification X ~ Water and sewer application ~ X Adjoining property owners /hereby certify chat / am either the o am acting with the know/edge and cc properly or~he~o~er's agent or contract purchaser and ~~7 Owner's Signature: ` ~r Slaf, Use Only: Case Number Applicant Saunders & Wells Investments The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the foilo~.ving questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as tie purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. This rezoning will allow the development of a parcel of land for residential development. This will be compatible with all other uses and will further protect the integrity of the Mill Mountain area. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The development of the proeprty as set out will have little, if any, adverse effect on public utilities and adjoining properties. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. ~. ~ ~~so ~ - i mot? _ - _ ~ , -' ;,~ 13~ -_ ,-- 1 ,, ---- ---' I'3oo ~~ -- ~ , '' ~ . SI tiro ~ '~ .~ 23 ~. _: , , ,-:ate- _, _- i -- '~. .. ~ \ ~ `~~ ~ "- 1250 • , ~ ~ 2L , i ~ y ~ ~ it i'~ ' ~. ~ ~ _ _ ~:, , ~ ~` ~. - ;., ~__ 1225 ~''- ~~~ r -' ire; ., ,~ Iti~ I IZ5 -~ I Iyo ~. . , x, ~, ~. ~ - _ ~ ~,.'__ _ . i 'ter-- / _ ~. -/ i ~ 1 ~ ` I t` .`` ~, 1 3 ~ ~ ~ ! ~ u 1 / ..,5 1150 ~~ ~/ -~~~ Z '~' N07ES: 1.) BOUNDARY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM TAX MAPS Ec DOES N07 REPRESENT AN AC iUAL FIELD SURVEY, 2.) TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM Sirs PLANNING DISTRICT MAPPING. CONTOUR INTERVAL lS 5 FEET. ' e, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ /~ `~.. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT _ _ ,5 ¢ ' ~ ' ' ~ r use ` •~ ,~_ ,`= `--- ~ FOR ___ _ ~~ TAX PARCEL 89.03-04-22 - - '4" / ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA - ` ~`, '~ ~ "~° ~~/ PREPARED FOR . . ~.~'~~ SAUNDER3 ~ WELL3 INYEST~AENT8, INC. r~ ~- ~- SCALE 1"=200' DATE:13 SEPTEMBER 1995 LUNISDEN A880gATE3, P.C. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ROANOKE, 11>EiQfN1A COMM.95-271 i-- ~.{ ROA30~: COG?~TY - ~ ~""~~ DTILI'iF DEPART?•r.SNT FDPLICATION FOR Y;ATER OR SE'rr::.R SERVICE - _~O _ - PROPOSED DEVELOP?~.EtvT Date Name of Applicant Saunders & Wells Investments Phone 989-6138 Address of Applicant p• 0. Box 21535, Roanoke, VA 24018 Name of Developer Sau nders & Wells Investments Phone 989-6138 Address of Developer p, 0. Box 21535, Roanoke, VA 24018 Name of Design EngineerTumsden & Associates Phone 774-4411 Address of •Design Engineer 4664 Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke, VA 24018 ' Name of Contact Person Dave Saunders Name of Proposed Development Trnlrnown. Type of Development and proposed number of- units (Be specific) 7f3 G;ngle family residential lots. Location of proposed developcle::t (FL?VISH COPY Or li-? FVD FI_~~I`•~T?IC ~~~*~==P) Yellow Mountain Road Size of proposed development ir. acres: 28 • Acres Give minimum and maximum elevation (Use USGS Elevations) at which the individual water/sewer service connections would be located: Minimum -<. feet MSL. ~ Maximum feet MSL Is this application for a develocmer~t that will be a part or section of a larger future development? No Yes If yes, provide map of entire area vailable. See attached letter of July 6, 1995 ~~ ~ „ ~ •~ (OVEZ) - ~ 'AN ~ R Z ~ 2 a UTILITY DEPARTMENT 3 - - - _ July 6, 199 - - _ iVlr. Mark White 6718 Oleander Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 RE: Availability No. 95-122 Tax Map No. 89.03-04-22 Water/Sewer Dear Mr. White: Public water is not presently available to the subject property located along Yelllow Mountain Road. The nearest water connection point is situated at the intersection of Yellow Mountain Road and Goodman Road. Water could be provided from this point by extending the existing water line approximately 1,200 feet to your property line. Public sewer is available to serve Tax Map No. 89.03-04-22. However, it would require installation of a sewage pumping station and construction of a sewage force main to serve the property. The sewage force main would be connected to an existing force main located in front of the property along Yellow Mountain Road. This existing force main is intended to serve the Thousand Oaks property. The sewer force main and sewage pumping station must be designed by a professional engineer certified to practice in the State of Virginia and shall be approved .by the County prior to construction. The owner would be responsible for the cost of design and construction of the sewage pump station and sewer force main with all associated appurtenances and requirements. The current sewer off-site facility fee is $1,000.00 and the basic connection fee is $100.00 for a total sewer connection fee per residential unit cf $1,100.00. These fees would include the cost of connection to the sewer main and are valid until, September 1, 1995. Please note that these connection fees are in addition to any costs associated with construction of the sewage pump station and sewer force main. If you have any questions or need additional clarification, please call me at 387-6104. Sincerely, ~' Robert W. Benninger, P.E. Assistant Utility Director cc: Arnold Covey, Engineering & Inspections 1206 KESSLER MILL ROAD SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 (703) 387-6104 ®Prtrsled on Recyded Paper :~~ ' _" I z -- i- I 01 .C 1 NORTH _ ~ - .. .. -~ - 1 ~ ~1. ~~-Z ..y 1 rr rL~-tT .•~, .-f; ~ _ _~ ~~ .~ 4 ~~ ' J Ip0lc 72`6-(~l 15 l ~~ ~ ~, 4 ~ •(`~ `8/•' y`\ ~~ 571Gt KI .cor \, - ~58a: ~ 1 ~? ~ ~ 'y~ 1.~2A - II ~ ~ - _ ~-. M.T szT~ ,12 d - . o:o . ~ ~S .bso IS , :' .. 1.671 ,1 c -" o~ 00 P ~• 2 ZI~\ stOy •I"6.~o ZB.oor.C 2O ~ 16:1 ~.,:. 1 59 Ac L5o Ac - ^ N `7 ~ ~ < ,o ~ (~ ~.nr _ 0 3.06 ~°...c IB ~ .e~z la^'- 4640 _ I DEPART~V'r OF PLANNING SAUNDERS ~ WELLS INVESTMENTS .~~ AR TO R-1 - ~ ArrD ZONING ~ 89.03-4-22 . r ~ ~ ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of Ordinance - Authorization to Acquire Necessary Easements to Construct the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ ~~ BACKGROUND: The Fort Lewis Sewer Sanitary Submain Project is being constructed as part of the repair and replacement program. This project will involve acquisition of several easements. Staff is including a list of properties from which easements will be required for this project. An Ordinance authorizing acquisition of the necessary easements is attached. The list of properties is as follows: TAX MAP NO. 55.03-03-16 55.03-03-18 55.03-03-19 55.03-03-20 55.03-03-21 55.13-O1-02 55.09-01-20.02 55.09-01-20 55.09-01-20.01 PROPERTY OWNER Aaron J. Conner Robert B. Crouse Roanoke Equipment Co. Donald R. Spangler Norma Fisher & Shirley Clements Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Plantation & Kanter Plantation & Kanter y~ FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of easement acquisition is included as part of the overall project budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the Ordinance after the second reading authorizing acquisition of easements at a cost not to exceed 40% of the assessed value plus cost of actual damage to improvements as established by County assessment records or an appraiser retained by the County as needed for the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain Project. SUBMITTED BY: ~ ~~ -(rQr ____3 Gary Rob rtson, P.E. Utility Director ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: APPROVED: i` ., Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson _ _ _ Kohinke _ _ Minnix _ _ _ Nickens ~i ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE FOR AUTHORIZATION TO ACQUIRE NECESSARY EASEMENTS AND PROPERTY TO CONSTRUCT THE FORT LEWIS SEWER SUBMAIN WHEREAS, location plans for the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain Project have been completed and the projects will require acquisition of easements across certain properties; and WHEREAS, said easements are to be acquired to facilitate any future construction of the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain Project; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 24, 1995, and the second reading was held on November 21, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of the necessary easements for the Fort Lewis Sewer Submain Project is hereby authorized across the following properties, referenced by tax map number, from the following property owners, their successors or assigns: TAX MAP NO. PROPERTY OWNER 55.03-03-16 Aaron J. Conner 55.03-03-18 Robert B. Crouse 55.03-03-19 Roanoke Equipment Co. 55.03-03-20 Donald R. Spangler 55.03-03-21 Norma Fisher & Shirley Clements 55.13-01-02 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 55.09-01-20.02 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 55.09-01-20 Plantation & Kanter 55.09-01-20.01 Plantation & Kanter s~ 2. That the consideration for each easement acquisition shall not exceed a value equal to 40% of the current tax assessment for the property to be acquired plus the cost of actual damages, if any; and 3. That the consideration for each easement shall be paid from the Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish these acquisitions, all of which shall be on form ~) approved by the County Attorney. agenda.realest. forllewis ~~ L~l 1 C% 1 ~1_~ ~_1'~ (~l U) i~l E- CY (~l L~ J~ ~ O~ a c.i w w U i S N7 N W ~ 1 LI] [ ~:1 l,Q~ i ~ V\ ~` w m O r~ ~ ~ ~~~ o z Q .1: ;; ~~ ~ ~ `~ -. ~~ ~ ~`i ~ I;~ I» / G _,. -t r ~i In ,,, In / ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~-}~_ -~ cr''~ ~ ~ ~ \ i ~- i ~,~ z z i~~ cJ _~ ~ / \o~ n~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ 7~ z ~ ~T ~~~ _ ~ ~ l ~~~' ~ \ ~ ,, .- ~ \~ ~L ~~ ', ~~ ~ ~ I ~ ~~ ~' -~'' - ~ ~_ , ,, . ~__ ~, ~, ~~,, .`~ O ~~ U / w i W ~ ~ ? Y O O __ '~ z O ~% O i~ ~ ~ m fi. Z ~ ~ ov ,--' .~ ~; ~ 1= ~ ~ 4ti~;-%,.~ \~ \• n'ii `\ ~.~. iii ~. -~ a 7 ~~, a, _~ ~ ~ ;~, ~I ~ ,., ~ ~ ,, 1 ''~ ~ - ~ ,- _. ~~ ~~ W ~,.~ ~,~ ~~ ,~ f-d ;J ,_, r, ~ , ~° J "'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE-BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE 102495-5 AMENDING AND REENACTING PORTIONS OF ARTICLE II. SEWER CONSTRUCTION, OF CHAPTER 18, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL OF THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE AND AUTHORIZING THE ADOPTION BY RESOLUTION OF THE "DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES" WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by Chapters 9 and 18 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 10, 1995; and the second reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on October 24, 1995. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: Chapter 18 SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ARTICLE II. SEWER CONSTRUCTION Sec. i8-31. Compliance with article; interpretation of plans, specifications, etc. 1 Sec. 18-32. Inspections. The e~~ee~ ~~`''>'':~~~fl>or his duly authorized ::; .:.....:..:...:...... representatives sha~T""inspect a11~`"`work and materials necessary for the completion of the work under .contract and the contractor shall furnish him and his inspectors with all needed facilities for the carrying out of such inspection. (Code 1971, § 16-4) ~..... y ~ ...... ~'~~ ' i~re~--~~g~de~s--s~ta~l~e fix-~~e~e err~iirce"~uir~~e-~e~ae~e=r=w ..~--~~e~de ; a-t ,, , .i ~ue~ttccriurs-air'c~suAVrai3-~~e-ei~Q3~}EE'~-L~e~i~l~e~~l° z-v~e~tt-~~6i~-r--~2-~4-;---~@~i~S--i-~i--&~d~~i~ ~~&E~„ ,..a-..i,..„ ,.a„a i nee-~-~8~3~4:c?~~?`~>~ ~r~~yyyContractor ...........:::::::.:responsible for safety of public. The contractor shall bear full responsibility for safety of the public in carrying out his work and shall provide all safeguards and lights necessary. (Code 1971, § 16-6) Cross reference(s)--Contractors and tradesmen, § 7-31 et 2 (Code 1971, § 16-3) ~~r ~e~ g=Qae~- ~a~-s e~~e~ -age :~ .. , , ~ ~,.,,. ,.. ~ .. .., . ^ 3~... ^ - ~i i ~~ ~ ~ ~j7~0 € € ~j' G~~ ~~ ~fTL G Z~ JO RiZ~.I, 11~ AL , ;~ee~ ~e e w e ~e~ , , ~. c c '' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e~e~ e~ . .. , , . } ; .. ~~ ~ee~~-~e~^~ ~~ ~-a- €-~e~s ~ ar~ ra r a ~~ . rm r pe ~t ' i ~ 1 ~ t- ~~e ~--_~ eess ~~e e-{~} ~ ee~t-~ ~-r-ee~~ ~ ea~; a -a~-er-~ ~ ~J~3-t i " r a e~ P ~ ~ - 1 '~~# ~ r~: ~-, .•,.•a ,•man t 'lnt~ t'raEl ~~6i . ~ ~ ,,.}. az-a . ~ r-~6it3 u ~3 ~ 6~k ~6 n~ mi ~e~ ~ ~ daT~~ ~ a=ea~3 way..,,. ~ ,. mow.. ,.~^ ------- ___ * -ea e _~ j~ e ~ ~- st; c TS13T11 L, .,z i~~ ^, , .... ~ a =e -e-r~-" . ~i~~-z- ~ 8 ~ ^°- _~~ ~te~rs3~e $8 ~'S'~'C~~e'~'s s~e~g~r- - ~ 'IiR1T ~ ~.r -i f7Q. e l .. ~ ---- ~ elm C- i-L. -.r ------- - es t i~t ...L. ~-.... 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That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect from and after November 1, 1995. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 6 cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Circuit Court G. O. Clemens, Judge, Roy B. Willett, Judge Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Richard C. Pattisall, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Joseph M. Clarke, Philip Trompeter, John B. Ferguson, Joseph P. Bounds, Ruth P. Bates, C1~ Intake Counsellor Relations District Court II, Judge Judge Judge Judge irk General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George W. Harris, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Michael Lazzuri, Court Services 7 l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OFSUPERVISORSS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION 102495-6 ADOPTING A MANUAL OF REGULATIONS AND POLICIES ENTITLED "DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES" WHEREAS, in order to insure that all sewer facilities in Roanoke County be of a consistent quality and in order to provide clarification for review, construction and inspection services of these facilities, the Utility Department and the Department of Engineering and Inspections, have suggested certain amendments to Article II, Sewer Construction, of Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal; and WHEREAS, the amendments include adoption by resolution of a manual entitled °Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Faciliites"; and WHEREAS, these sewer construction standards would provide a uniform design and construction standard for Roanoke County and would coincide with the water standards previously approved by the Board of Supervisors. WHEREAS, this Manual has been reviewed by the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association, local contractors, material suppliers, and the State Health Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopt a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities" to insure uniform design and construction standards and to assist the County and the public in the clarification of review, construction, and inspection of sanitary sewer facilities. FURTHER, this Manual shall be in full force and effect from and after November 1, 1995, and that this effective date shall apply to development plans which have been accepted for review by the Department of Engineering and Inspections prior to November 1, 1995; provided said plans in the review process receive final approval by the County within sixty (60) days of November 1, 1995. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Board from considering and adopting amendments to such Manual at any time it is deemed appropriate. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution with Supervisor Eddy's revised Design Standard #12 to the manual of "Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilties", and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. olton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Circuit Court G. O. Clemens, Judge, Roy B. Willett, Judge Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Richard C. Pattisall, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Joseph M. Clarke, Philip Trompeter, John B. Ferguson, Joseph P. Bounds, Ruth P. Bates, C1• Intake Counsellor Relations District Court II, Judge Judge Judge Judge irk General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George W. Harris, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Michael Lazzuri, Court Services f ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~J" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance Amending and Re-enacting Portions of Article II, Sewer Construction, of Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal of the Roanoke County Code and Authorizing the Adoption by Resolution of the "Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities. " COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~~~ ~~~~ BACKGROUND: Section 18, Article II of the Roanoke County Code deals with the construction of sewers. This section was last updated in the 1970's and still refers to such antiquated construction techniques as brick manholes and vitrified clay pipe. Changes in construction techniques are presently being handled by details attached to construction plans. The time has come to completely revamp these standards in accordance with today's construction techniques. The first reading of this Ordinance was held on October 10, 1995. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The attached Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities were prepared by the Utility Department with the assistance of the Engineering and Inspections Department. These standards have been reviewed by the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association, local contractors, material suppliers and the State Health Department. The applicable comments received from these parties were addressed and included in these standards. ~~ These standards are not extreme, but moderate changes, and reflect current staff practice in design and construction for sanitary sewer facilities. They provide a uniform design and construction standard for Roanoke County and would coincide with the after standards approved by the Board on April 28, 1987. These standards would insure that all sewer facilities be of a consistent quality and would provide much needed clarification of review, construction and inspection services. These standards will be incorporated with the Design and Construction Standards for Water Facilities and bound. These standards would then be available to the public fora $20.00 fee to cover copying and binding costs. All purchasers would be recorded so that any future revisions could be sent to all holders of the standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the ordinance after the second reading amending and re-enacting portion of Article II, Sewer Construction, of Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Disposal of the Roanoke County Code and authorizing the adoption by resolution of the "Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities" with the attached revisions. These standards should become effective on November 1, 1995 and would apply to all sewer utility plans received after that date. APPROVED: ,~ ` _/ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy _ _ Johnson Kohinke _ _ _ Minnix _ _ _ Nickens SUBMITTED BY: ~~' Proposed Design and Coast ction Standards for Sewer Standards Oc~ober 17, 1995 Proposed Revisions: CHANGE: DESIGN STANDARDS ~, 10. Sewage Pump Stations M. Electrical Requirements: ', 1. above shall be three-phase. Pumps 5 horsepower and Where three-phase is available, pumps shall be CHANGE: CONSTRUCTION SECTION 200.00 PIPE MATERIALS B. Pipe Material Selection: ~'he pipe materials listed hereunder have been approved for use in Roano~e County. However, the acceptability of specific pipe material for use withi$~ a specific soil type or condition shall be determined by the Utility Director on an individual basis at the time of design review of the plans. Thie type or types of pipe allowable for use on any s- specific project shall be shown on the approved construction plans. CHANGE: CONSTRUCTION SECTION 201.06 Manholes: Steps for manholes shall be made of fiberglass construction, cast iron, or steel and shall have a plastic coating. Steps shall be spaced 16 inches (16") apart. .The bottom step shall be within 24 inches (24") of the bottom of the manhole. Precast concrete manholes shall consist of precast reinforced concrete sections, an eccentric conical section and a standard base section with poured uniform bottom inverts. Where soil conditions dictate their use, expanded base section, extending a minimum of four inches (4") and a maximum of eight inches (8") beyond the outside vertical wall (riser section) of the manhole shall be used. Manhole shall be installed with steps vertically aligned over the manhole bench. CORRECTION: DETAIL DRAWINGS DD-04 -Correct spelling of "flexible. " .• J`~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD~OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING PORTIONS OF ARTICLE II. SEWER CONSTROCTION, OF CHAPTER 18, SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL OF THE ROANORE COIINTY CODE AND AIITHORIZING THE ADOPTION BY RESOLIITION OF THE "DESIGN AND CONSTRIICTION STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES° WHEREAS, the adoption of this ordinance is authorized by Chapters 9 and 18 of Title 15.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 10, 1995; and the second reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on October 24, 1995. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage Dis o~ of the Roanoke County Code be, and it hereby is, amended and reenacted to read and provide as follows: Chapter 18 SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL ARTICLE II. SEWER CONSTRIICTION Sec. 18-31. Compliance with article; interpretation of plans, specifications, etc. 1 S- i (Code 1971, § 16-3) Sec. 18-32. Inspections. y..... ~ ..................~........................... The eng~irneer ud~~`~r'!or his duly authorized . ..:.: ... . representatives shall inspect all work and materials necessary for the completion of the work under contract and the contractor -shall furnish him and his inspectors with all needed facilities for the carrying out of such inspection. (Code 1971, § 16-4) ~ass-rstarree-~rrr-~t~i~ s--rovarr~~?- ......................................... . Sec,' 18-;33.' Contractor responsible for safety of public. The contractor shall bear full responsibility for safety of the public in carrying out his work and shall provide all safeguards and lights necessary. (Code 1971, § 16-6) seq. Cross reference(s)--Contractors and tradesmen, § 7-31 et 2 ^V,.~ ,-- ~L r i ~ r r i .' i i i E'17C~ i r i J,..-^ ~. s~ • • BeQ~.....~.a.. 3a .-....18 ~~...itesez~ged; 2. That these amendments, additions, and reenactments shall be in full force and effect from and after November 1, 1995. agenda.code.sewer.sta .~_ i 6 SI AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OFSUPERVISORSS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A MANUAL OF REGULATIONS AND POLICIES ENTITLED "DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR SANITARY SEWER FACILITIES" WHEREAS, in order to insure that all sewer facilities in Roanoke County be clarification for these facilities, Engineering and I Article II, Sewer Disposal; and of a consistent quality and in order to provide review, construction and inspection services of the Utility Department and the Department of nspections, have suggested certain amendments to Construction, of Chapter 18, Sewers and Sewage WHEREAS, the amendments include adoption by resoltuion of a manual entitled "Design and Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Faciliiies"; and WHEREAS, these sewer construction standards would provide a uniform design and construction standard for Roanoke County and would coincide with the water_ standards previously approved by the Board of Supervisors. WHEREAS, this Manual has been reviewed by the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association, local contractors, material suppliers, and the State Health Department. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopt a manual of regulations and policies entitled "Design and. Construction Standards for Sanitary Sewer Facilities" to insure uniform design and construction standards and to assist the County and the public in the clarification of review, construction, and inspection of sanitary . ~i sewer facilities. FURTHER, this Manual shall be in full force and effect from and after November 1, 1995, and that this effective date shall apply to development plans which have been accepted for review by the Department of Engineering and Inspections prior to November 1, 1995; provided said plans in the review process receive final approval by the County within sixty (60) days of November 1, 1995. Nothing contained herein shall prevent the Board from considering and adopting amendments to such Manual at any time it is deemed appropriate. h 10/25/95 4:46 pm Note to Gary Robertson by fax from Brenda Holton RE: Agenda Item J-1 Design Standards Gary: Below is the correction that LBE made from the tape. It seems that he wanted to delete the "175W" and put in words after light "with the initial lamp rating of at least 5000 lumens". If you have any questions, please let me know. 12. A ~~ dusk to dawn er ~~'~:~~"`ria~~+a%t~r :c~~ g r::..:>>:~ ~~.a~...~.p ~~ ~f ~~... ~~~~~ ~ fie, provided 10' above the ground at all outdoor electrical equipment. t ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION The four year term of Ms. Jackie Talevi, Legal Representative expired June 30, 1995. Ms . Jackie Talevi, has served two consecutive terms and is not eligible for reappointment. 2. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The four year term of Charles R. Saul expired September 26, 1995. 3. PARRS AND RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION Unexpired three-year term of Howard D. Bullen, at-large member. The term expires June 30, 1996. Mr. Bullen's letter of resignation is attached. 4. ORGAN DONATION AND TISSUE DONATION AND TRANSPLANTATION COMMISSION Initial one-year term of Roanoke County's member to this commission. This is a new commission approved by the Board of Supervisors on February 14, 1995. Future terms will be determined by the bylaws. Attached is more information on the commission. The following appointments do not expire until the end of 1995. However, since there is only one meeting in November and one meeting in December, the appointments are listed below for your review. s KI-~ ROANORE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY The four year term of Gardner W. Smith will expire 12/31/95. BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY SERVICES The three year terms of J. William Pistner, and Mrs. Cheri Hartman, Member at Large, will expire 12/31/95. COMMUNITY POLICY AND MANAGEMENT TEAM The one year term of Ms. Jo Wirth, parent representative, will expire 12/31/95. LIBRARY BOARD The four year terms of Josie Eyer filling the unexpired term of Shirley VanRiper, Catawba District, and Charlotte Lavinder, Windsor Hills District, will expire 12/31/95. ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The four year term of Donald R. Witt, Cave Spring District, will expire 12/31/95. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix APPROVED BY: e~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Nickens .. L5 ~ ~ ~ V l5 I^";`; D ~f~~~ ,_v I ,~ 4 ~~~~ ,, J ~~ Lee Blair, Chairperson Roanoke County Parks and Recreation _Advisory Commission Department of Parks and Recreation 1206 Kessler Mill Road Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Ms. Blair: Howard R. Bullen 528 Petty Avenue Roanoke, VA 24019 K-~ September 29, 1995 ~c-~e-h' ~~~Q It is with regret that I submit my resignation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission. Due to changing job responsibilities and the illness of several members of my family, I cannot make the appropriate commitment to participate in commission activities at the present time. I appreciate the patience of the commission during my absences and apologize for the resulting inconveniences. It has been my observation that the commission has been very successful in addressing its missions in support of parks and recreation in the county. This success would not be possible without the dedicated efforts of the commissioners and the able support from the staff. I commend Pete Haislip and his staff for their tireless work to provide rewarding services and opportunities for recreation in Roanoke County for our citizens. I have enjoyed working continued success. Respectfully submitted, C~-~C,~-w~~%`7~ ~L~. Howard R. Bullen you and the Commission and wish you xc: Bob Johnson, Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors Pete Haislip, Department of Parks and Recreation •~~ pW6 ~ ' I I ~ ~ B os.~ ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT Tel. 703-657-7800 Fax No. 857991 P. O. BOX 220 Fincastle, VA 24090 Molly L. Hagan Medical Director Serving the People o/: Patty P. Tiller Alleghany County Administrator Botetourt County Craig County Linda M. French Roanoke County Nurse Manager Ciry of Clifton Forge Ciry o/ Covington A. M. 'Mo" Owen Ciry of Salem Sanitarian Manager Nancy S. Harvey October 5, 1995 Nurse Practitioner Manager The Honorable H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Chairman Minnix: Earlier this year, your local governing body adopted a resolution agreeing to participate in the establishment of a Commission on Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation. On September 20, 1995, representatives of the Virginia Organ Procurement Agency, the Fifth Planning District Commission, the Carilion Transplant Center, the Alleghany and Roanoke City Health Districts and the County of Roanoke held an organizational meeting. The attendees recommended that the mission of the Commission be as follows: - Coordinate resources in the community - Promote awareness of organ and tissue donation and transplantation - Educate the community about the Organ and Tissue Donation process - Increase the number of organ and tissue donors The attendees also recommended that the beginning membership of the commission consist of the following: 1. A representative from the Virginia Organ Procurement Agency 2. A representative from the Carillon Transplant Center 3. A representative from the Fifth Planning District Commission 4. A representative from the Alleghany and Roanoke Health Districts 5. A member appointed from each participating locality with an initial term of one year or until the bylaws are approved by the commission. Additionally, representatives of the Old Dominion Eye Bank and the Marrow Donor Coordinator K-9 will be invited to participate. The first meeting of the Commission on Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation will be held on Friday,, December 1, 1995 at 10:30 a.m. at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke in the fourth floor conference room. On behalf of the commission, I am requesting that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors appoint a member to this commission to serve an initial one-year term. Please let me know the name, address and phone number of the individual that your governing body appoints, so I may contact him or her about the December 1 meeting. Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to working with the County of Roanoke in the establishment of the commission. Sincerely, ~'/u.. Molly Rutledge, M.D., Director Alleghany Health District cc: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator ~,- ~ .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLIITION 102495-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMB SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM L - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October 24, 1995, designated as Item L - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes - September 12, 1995, and ~~ ~'~t:~~~~.~ C~~~~~~~~~~~ Se tember 26 .1.9:9.5...: .:.~::~ .::::::::::.::::::::.~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. P 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Planning Commission. 3. Approval of raffle permit for Total Action Against Poverty (TAP). 4. Approval of a 50/50 raffle permit for Calendar Year 1996 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the Consent Resolution, with notation that September 26, 1996 minutes were for joint meeting with Town of Vinton, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Gv Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File l-1 September 12, 1995 ~~ n Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 September 12, 1995 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Brambleton Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of September, 1995. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Sr., Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Harry C. Nickens STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by _ September 12, 1995 L~1 ~ schedules. (William Rand, General Services Directorf A-91295-1 Mr. Rand reported that approximately 23,100 households are now receiving automated collection service which was phased in beginning in 1988. With each phase staff attempted to allocate resources evenly throughout the County which resulted in an inefficient collection schedule with trucks and personnel spread through the County. The schedule also required tremendous drive time for foremen as well as those crews attempting to provide backup assistance. Mr. Rand advised that the proposed schedule would make better use of resources and only affect those homes receiving automated service. Backup capability and supervisory support will be increased by concentrating all vehicles in one collection area, and the number of backup vehicles is increased by one. Approximately 9,900 automated households will be affected by the change, but only 900 will move more than one day. Following discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that in addition to other education options, a letter should be sent to every household in Roanoke County regarding the changes so that they will be aware of them. In response to a question from Supervisor Johnson regarding maintenance of trucks on a possible second shift, Mr. Hodge advised they are still discussing this issue with the September 5 ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 3. Request for appropriation and donation of funds to the_ Industrial Development Authority for relocation of Rusco Windows of Roanoke Inc. (Timothy Gubala, Economic Development Director) R-91295-3 Mr. Gubala advised that Rusco Window Company has announced the location of its new manufacturing facility in Roanoke County. The County has committed to provide incentives to assist Rusco in the development of its site at Valley TechPark. Funds in the amount of $127,500 need to be donated to the Industrial Development Authority to assist this effort. The funds are for $120,000 toward site development costs and $7,500 for legal, surveying and recordation fees. In response to a question from Supervisor Minnix, Mr. Gubala advised that the company will employ a total of 80 employees with 25 new positions over the next several years. Supervisor Kohinke moved to approve the funding. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 91295-3 APPROVING REQUEST OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, FOR APPROPRIATION AND DONATION OF FUNDS _ Se tember 12 1995 b. For payment of an estimated $7,500 in legal, surveying and recordation fees associated with the subdivision of the 13 acre site and its transaction between the Authority and Rusco Windows of Roanoke, Inc. 3. That the appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this resolution, and all actions taken by such officers and agents in connection with this transaction are hereby ratified and confirmed 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizin itclaim and release of a water and sanitary sewer easement within boundaries of Monet Drive and located between Lot 1 of the Gardens of Cotton Hill Section 1 and Tract 1 ro ert of Strauss Construction Corporation. (Arnold Covey, Engineerinq_ Inspections Director) ___ September 12, 1995 ~7 7 Attornev) Mr. Mahoney advised that the County has received an offer for the Leslie well lot that is within the independent appraisal. The identity of the offeror and amount will be presented at the second reading of the ordinance. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for September 26, 1995. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance declarinc several parcels of real estate to_ be surulus and accepting offers for the sale of same, namely the Wheeler well lot. (Paul Mahoney, County Attornev) Mr. Mahoney advised that the offer was $2500 less than the appraised value, but the offeror requested that the offer be brought to the Board for consideration. It was the consensus of the Board not to accept the offer. ?. ordinance authorizin the vacation of a 12-foot sanitary sewer line easement located at 5210 Sprincxlawn Avenue. (Gary Robertson, IItility Director) _ September 12, 1995 ~7 ~ WHEREAS, John A. Slovensky, subsequently subdivided and developed said tract of land into Springlawn Subdivision, as shown upon the plat dated February 19, 1960, made by T. P. Parker, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, in Plat Book 4, page 49; and, WHEREAS, by deed of easement dated July 14, 1977, and recorded in Deed Book 1074, page 655, a new sewer line easement twenty feet (20') in width was conveyed to the Roanoke County Public Service Authority (predecessor in title to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors); and, WHEREAS, use of the twelve foot (12') sanitary sewer line and easement has been abandoned and the twenty foot (20') sewer easement was and currently is used to provide service in the area; and, WHEREAS, the petitioners, David N. Monroe and Tamera L. Monroe, husband and wife, are the current owners of Lot 8, Block 1, Map of Springlawn; and, WHEREAS, the petitioners have requested that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, vacate the twelve foot (12') sanitary sewer easement located on said lot; and, WHEREAS, the vacation will be accomplished without cost to the County and meets the requirements of the Utility Department. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: September 12, 1995 ~Z ,~ .. of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 3. Ordinance authorizin conve ance of an easement to Appalachian Power Company for electric service across Vinyard Park II. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-91295-5 There was no discussion. Supervisor Kohinke moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens ORDINANCE 91295-5 AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE ACROSS VINYARD PARR II PROPERTY OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, soccer fields and related facilities are being developed on property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, located in the City of Roanoke, known as Vinyard Park II; and, September 12, 1995 ~Z Z Appalachian Power Company is hereby authorized. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Kohinke to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens 4. ordinance authorizin transfer of cable television franchise from Booth American Company to Booth Communications of Virginia, Inc (Joseph Obenshain, Sr. Assistant County Attornev~ 0-91295-6 Mr. Obenshain advised that this ordinance is necessary because Booth American Company changed its corporate structure and formed a subsidiary named Booth Communications of Virginia, Inc. to own and operate Salem Cable TV. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix _ September 12, 1995 ~Z ~ County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the assignment of the cable television franchise granted to Booth American Company by Ordinance 102594- 12 and of the Cable Television Franchise Agreement dated October 28, 1994, to its wholly owned subsidiary, Booth Communications of Virginia, Inc. is approved. 2. The County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such agreements, including a Guaranty of Performance, with Booth American Company to carry into effect this transfer all upon such form as shall be approved by the County Attorney. 3. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its enactment. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, P4innix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing and Adoption of Resolution authorizinci the issuance of $2,500,000 general obligation school bonds to finance certain capital proiects for school purposes. (Dr Deanna Gordon. School Superintendent) Dr. Gordon presented the report, and advised that the School Board has expressed support to move forward with the _ September 12, 1995 ~Z r1 In response to questions from Supervisor Eddy, Mr. Mahoney advised that it was legal to lend the School Board funds if the Supervisors chose not to go forward with the literary loans, and Mr. Hodge advised that he would support lending the money from the County to the School Board for the renovations until the spring 1996 bond sale. Chairman Minnix announced that Supervisor Nickens had requested that this item be postponed to September 26 since he could not attend this meeting. Supervisor Eddy moved to postpone action until September 26, 1995. The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy NAYS: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, i4innix ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Supervisors Eddy, Kohinke and Johnson advised that they could not support this issue at this time. Supervisor Minnix announced that he supported the renovations because it may, take years to build a new high school and close the junior high school. Supervisor Minnix moved to adopt the resolution authorizing $2.5 million general obligation school bonds. The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix NAYS: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens September 12, 1995 ~'2(~ ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 91295-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM L - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for September 12, 1995, designated as Item L - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of P4inutes for August 15, 1995, and August 22, 1995. 2. Acceptance and appropriation of a grant from the Trust Fund of the Comprehensive Services Act. 3. Adoption of resolutions acknowledging support and approval of the closures of the Virginia Department of Transportation's Secondary Road Projects: a. Cresthill Drive b. Colonial Avenue c. Clearwater Avenue 4. Request for approval of raffle permit from the Clearbrook Elementary School P.T.A. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: _ September 12, 1995 ~~ ~. AVENUE, STATE ROUTE 687/720, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROVING THE VERTICAL SIGHT DISTANCE AT THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROUTE 687 (PENN FOREST BOULEVARD) AND STATE ROUTE 1620 (HAZEL DRIVE) AS OUTLINED IN THE SECONDARY SIX YEAR PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994-2000. WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation is reconstructing a section of State Route 687/720 (Colonial Avenue) between its intersection with State Route 687 (Penn Forest Boulevards) to improve the vertical sight distance at State Route 1620 (Hazel Drive) and 687. WHEREAS, to hasten the reconstruction of this section of road and minimize construction costs it is preferred that the section of State Route 687/720 near the intersection of State Route 687 and 1620 be closed to through traffic for the duration of the project, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the Virginia Department of Transportation to close State Route 687/720 to through traffic from June 15, 1996, through August 30, 1996. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 91295-7.d APPROVING THE CLOSURE OF CLEARAATER AVENUE, STATE ROUTE 1861, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REPLACING AND UPGRADING AN EXISTING BRIDGE AS OUTLINED IN THE SECONDARY SIX YEAR PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 1994- 2000. September 12, 1995 ~ Z asked to check on when the improvements should be complete. Supervisor Rohinke: (1) He asked about the status of the proposed rezonings for industrial development purposes. Mr. Hodge advised that they are evaluating the various parcels and the number under consideration has been reduced from 45 to 30. Mr. Hodge emphasized that the process is voluntary and that the land will only be rezoned ~•~ith the owner's agreement. Supervisor Eddy: (1) He asked about responses that have been received to the letter that Chairman Minnix wrote regarding the formation of a proposed Regional Council of Governments. Chairman Minnix has received only one response from Mayor Bowers, City of Roanoke. (2) He asked whether Roanoke County will consider the model BPOL ordinance recommended by VACo/VML. Mr. Mahoney advised that staff is meeting to review the model ordinance and that he will probably bring it to the Board in October. (3) He expressed appreciation to Congressman Goodlatte for his work on the cellular tower legislation, and asked if anyone had written to our legislators. Mr. Mahoney responded affirmatively, and said that he would provide copies of the letter. (4) He announced that an Organ and Tissue Donation Commission meeting is scheduled and complimented Mary Allen for getting the commission going. (5) He asked about the proposed work sessions on: (a) Vehicle Replacement Policy. Mr. Hodge advised that the work session will be held on October 10, 1995. (b) Policy for Athletic Fields. Mr. Hodge advised that the Parks September 12, 1995 ~d~ monitoring program and Supplemental Aeration ~I System. IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION At 5:55 p.m., Supervisor Eddy moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1- 344 A (1) Discussion of appointments to the Urban Partnership. The r.',otion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-91295-8 At 7:08 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to Open Session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: APPOINTMENTS TO URBAN PARTNERSHIP BOARD Supervisor Johnson moved to appoint Steve Musselwhite and Tobie Eaton to the Urban Partnership. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: September 12, 1995 ~ 7 ~~ recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: PIIBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and adoption of a resolution in support of improvements to Bent Mountain Road _~Route 221) as outlined in the current Primary Six Year Construction Plan adopted by the Commonwealth's Transportation Board. (Elmer Hodge, County Administrator and/or Arnold Covey, En ineerin & Ins ections Director Mr. Hodge presented an overview of the project. He reported that the study to improve Route 221 began in 1974. The first phase was improvement from the Roanoke City line to Route 419, and the second phase was improvement from Route 419 to Coleman Road. The third phase will be from Coleman Road to Old Mill Road. VDOT is recommending continued study of two corridors, one to the north which generally follows the existing road, and one to the south of the current road known as Corridor C. He advised there was pros and cons to either corridor and that staff recommended continued study of both corridors. Jeff Echols, Resident Engineer with VDOT, explained that a corridor as described in road improvements means a wide September 12, 1995 ~ spoke in support of improvements to the existing road bed 11. Jan Dowling 3126 Garst Cabin Drive spoke in support of the existing road bed 12. Emilie Owen 6520 Corntassel Road spoke in support of the existing road bed 13. Robert France Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation, expressed concern about preserving the Harris Homestead and other historical properties. 14. Dee W. Pincock 6750 Ivey Mountain Drive stated that recommendations made should take into account what will be needed in 15 years with Corridor C the most practical 15. Paula Bittinaer 10325 Tinsley Lane advised she was a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee and supported improvements in the existing road bed 16. Steve Strauss, 2776 Bobolink Lane spoke in support of the existing road bed 17. Wes Sowder. 6989 Poaae Vallev Road Ext supported improvements using Corridor C 18. Arthur L. Kraus 5854 Lost Mountain Road felt that VDOT should make the decision and stick to it. 19. Howard T. Ward 7005 Holl berr Circle resented another optional corridor and requested that it be considered 20. Victoria Ainsworth-Ray felt that the long term effects of the o tions should be studied. 21. Henr D. Gre or 6583 Pencheck Circle s oke in _ _ September 12, 1995 ~ C ~ I- Johnson and Minnix advised that they supported improvements to the existing road bed only. Supervisor Minnix moved to support the existing alignment and that no additional corridors will be studied. The motion resulted in a tie by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix NAYS: Supervisor Kohinke, Eddy ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Mr. Mahoney advised that, according to the state code, a tie vote when all members are not present carries the issue over to the next meeting for another vote when all of the members of the Board are present. The vote will be held on September 26, 1995. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 9:35 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to adjourn. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Nickens absent. Submitted by, Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board Approved by, F. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Chairman September 26, 1995 LCZ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 September 26, 1995 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, Roanoke Virginia, this being a special meeting for the purposes of a joint meeting hosted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. IN RE: WELCOME AND INVOCATION Chairman H. Odell Minnix welcomed the Vinton Tdwrt Council and staff to the meeting. The Invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator. Luncheon followed the invocation. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice-Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Lee B. Eddy, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. September 26, 1995 ~ ~ C Supervisor Nickens advised that he was confident the use of the flyash was safe based on reports from the Department of Environmental Quality and the Environmental Protection Agency, but that if something negative happened, Roanoke County would be obligated to provide water to the Town at the water rate effective in the Town of Vinton at that time. There was discussion on ways to inform the Town of Vinton when the County considers an issue that affects the town. There was consensus of both governing bodies that the County should contact Town officials immediately when a zoning or land use issue could affect them. 2. Discussion on future use of old school currently being used by TAP Vinton Councilman Barton asked about the possibility of using the school as a teen center when it is no longer used by Total Action Against Poverty. Mr. Hodge advised that the building is Roanoke County School Board property and that they would have to make the decision, but he would discuss the issue with the School Board. Supervisor Nickens requested a copy of the agreement with TAP for the use of the building. 3. Greenways Supervisor Eddy updated the governing bodies on the Fifth Planning District Commission greenway study. He advised September 26. 1995 for a regional council. 6. Discussion on develo went of the McDonald Farm Supervisor Nickens reported that he had discussed with Mr. Goodman and Mayor Hill potential development of this tract of land. Both localities should work together to determine the most appropriate use and zoning for the property. It was decided that Mr. Hodge and Mr. Goodman will study the appropriate zoning or rezoning, make arrangements to plant a tree buffer around the property, and solicit comments and ideas from the neighboring community. IN RE: ADJOIIRNMENT At 1:12 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to adjourn. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisors Johnson and Kohinke absent. Submitted by, Approved by, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman A-102495 -7. a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Planning Commission COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following nomination was made at the October 10, 1995, meeting: 1. Plannina Commission Supervisor Johnson nominated William Todd Ross to a four-year term which will expire on December 31, 1999. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that this appointment be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. ~• Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Motion by Harry C No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Nickens to approve Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Planning Commission File ~,-102495-7.b ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER '' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approval of a Raffle Permit from the Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: TAP has requested a permit to hold a raffle in Roanoke County on February 29, 1996. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application from TAP for a Raffle Permit be approved. SUBMITTED BY: J~ Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~.. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Motion by Harry C. No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Nickens to approve Eddy x Received ( ) Johnson x Referred ( ) Kohinke x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERtYlIT APPLICATION ~_3 Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 g~ sea• of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 g,~L sea• of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. Tho Hoard has sixty days from tho filing of an applioation to grant or deny th• permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of organization ~~~~ 1, ~kC l (0~ f~s~ [I,SST }~~1~`~-~ ~~~~` Mailing Address ~.6 ,~X ~~~~ City, state, Zip Code ~o{~bKE ~~ ay ~~ i -~~~ Fs When was the organisation founded? f ~~5 Purpose and Type of organisation tT`~ A-C7~Ul~ Has the organization been in existenoe in Roanoke county for five continuous years? YE8 i/ NO ( FI~~S S~V~'D 5~ Pt-A-NNr~JE D~Sr.i~ 3~~~ZS~ Is the organization non-profit? YE8 / NO Is the organization exempt under 5501(x)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YES_~ NO Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Hinqo and Raffle ordinance or Section 18.2- 340.10 et. se of the code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having auah permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of auah organisation who iolates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? ~i~ Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records ar subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue? `~~~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 1 '. Does your organisation understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contrast with 'any person or firm, association, organisation (other than another qualified organisation pursuant to S 18.2-340.13 of the Code of Virginia) , partnership, or corporation ~,,,,3 of any classification whatsoever, for th• urpos• of organisiaq, managing, or oonduatinq Raftles ? `~-(~~ DEBCRIBE THE ARTICLES TO HE RAFFLED, VALUE OF BUCH ARTICLEB: Article Description Fair Market Value .~ ~ ~ S~ ~~ sa~~ ny DATE OF RAFFL Ui~A~W~ ~,~ ~~/ ~ ~. ~ s/1I0 N)1 t C ~ DAB' . ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~) If this applioatioa s for a FL8 PERMIT, list below all dates raffles will be held. Specific location where Raffle drawing ie to be conducted? * ~"~~5 ~i N KPr~ C~U~' B L`D~ ; ~a~ ~ I N K/k~ ST, ~ ~E ~ ~-~(61 NOTE: Th s perm t shall be val d only for the above loaat on. Any organisation holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5~C) of fts gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, oommunity or educational purposes for which the organisation is specifically chartered or orgaai$ed. (County Code $4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. ~L- ~kCC~~S ~ ~~~5 O~u-~ t i Ft"E ~ i t~K.i~'T PiZin~T~Nc- ck~Sr) v~~ ~~ G--c: Tv ~rt"1~P`S v(~~~-A ~ to-JAL ~U-VDS . COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF TIC REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a Officers of the Organisation:' President: ~~ ~~ LI CI-} Phone: c~ S~L1~~ ~,~` Address : ~ Q,V ~ ~jV~ 01-~5~~ ~ ~ ~3~1~ ~-`~C~1'a~C~~ ~Nu`~~ C1~A ~~Rr~N ~ ~,~ vice D'---- ~ -'-~*' : STE~IE MU SSCLV~i-1 ITE- Phone : ~~ Address : ~~`-~ (o S~fiJ~1~.-iLt.~1 ~ ,~ ~ i~R`A't,-P`l~k. ~I C~ Secretary: _ C- LIZ~L~} ~uv~1 LAS Phone: 7~,~.- ~0~~ Address: ~~~31 ~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~G`) ~ Treasurer : ~ 1 I~L~A M S 1=1; ~ ~ Phone : ~J'~-~~(o~ Address ~~ ~'~0i1 Member authori$ed to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name : ~~ ~~"M ILLS.. ~~~ 1>EV~1.~}~lE~ DrR~ Home Address ~-~~(o ~~CI`~~"U l-~f..C ~~{015 Phone ~a-~(~~~ Bus Phone ~~--L~$/ Member responsible for tiling financial report required by the code if your organisation ceases to exists Name: S~ ~Ma~ CIkd~L~ ~ i~ ~WAtS~E D+~~ Home Address ~y~OCj C,~~LI~'?;)(~1~.. ~~L~ ~~CI~ Phone ~"~`-}-- ~--k~(j Bus Phone ~~-~"l~f( Does your organisation understand that it will be required to turnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? ~Q,~S Has your organisation attached a check for the annual permit tee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke?~~ IF ALL QUESTIONB HAVE BEEN ANBWERED~ PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMMISSIONER OF TIIE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 3 NOTARIZATION THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN HY ALL APPLICANTS: . ~` I hereby spear or affirm under the penalties of perjury as set forth in 618.2-434 of th• Cod• of Virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knopledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been anspered. i further spear that I have read and understand th• attached copies of Beo. 18.2-340.1 mss, sec. of th• code of Virginia and eeation 4-s6 ~t sect. of the Roanoke County Code. Signed by: President 223 Deerwood Dr;vp - H»dri7P~rr,n,pA 24014 .tle Home Address 8ubsaribed and sporn before me, this f~~ day of ~L~` 19~ fn the County/C~ of ~(~Q,f1,p ~~ , virginia. ~.~% ~~'~ ,~ .t,il'~J My oommission expires : ~ ~~ 19 ~~ otary Publ a NOT VALID UNLE88 COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. Date Comm s i ner of the evenue The above application is not approved. Date Comm ss oner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIlVIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF TIC REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 TAP RAFFLE ITEM VALUE OF ITEM Caribbean Cruise for two $800 Silver & Gold Bracelet (Fink's) $650 Savings Bond (Crestar) $100 Cassette/CD Player (Circuit City) $99 Belva Hicks Print $50 E. I. Randle Gift Certificate $30 "Festive Tables" Book (Ram's Head) $25 4 Fragrance Gift Sets (@ $25 ea.) $100 ~•- ~3 i~, A-102495-7.c ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~-` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Approva Calendar Year 1996 School Cheerleading COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1 of a 50/50 Raffle Permit for from the William Byrd High Booster Club The William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club has requested a permit to hold 50/50 raffles in Roanoke County at all home athletic events during the calendar year 1996. Schedules showing the dates of the athletic events are attached to the application, and additional lists of events will be sent as soon as scheduled for 1996. This application has been reviewed with the Commissioner of Revenue and he recommends that it be approved. The application is on file in the Clerk's Office. The organization has paid the $25.00 fee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the application for a 50/50 Raffle Permit for Calendar Year 1996 from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club be approved. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~~ Mary H Allen Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Motion by Harry C. Nickens to approve VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Johnson x Kohinke x Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Bingo/Raffle File RAFFLE PERti?IT APPLICATION ~..~ Application is hereby made for a raffle game permit. This application is made subject to all County and State laws, rules, ordinances, and regulations now in force, or that may be enacted hereafter and which are hereby agreed to by the undersigned applicant and officers of the organization and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. Raffle games are strictly regulated by Title 18.2-340.1 et. secr• of the criminal statutes of the Virginia Code, and by Section 4-86 tt sea• of the Roanoke County Code. These laws authorize the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investigation prior to granting a raffle permit. The Board has silty days from the filing of an application to grant or deny the permit. The Board may deny, suspend, or revoke the permit of any organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. Name of Organization William Byrd High School Cheerleading Boosters Cluk Mailing Address 2902 Washington Ave. City, state, Zfp Code Vinton, VA 24179 When was the organization founded? 1985 Purpose and Type of Organisation The objective of this club shall be to support WBHS cheerleading, and to be of service to them, offering them financial support as well as a voice in dealing with others. Has the organization been in existence fn Roanoke County for five continuous years? YE8 x NO Is the organization non-profit? YE8 x NO Is the organization exempt under $501(x)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code? YE8 x NO _ Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption Letter. (If applicable) Fed. ID No. 546001576 Does your organization understand that any organization found in violation of the County Bingo and Raffle Ordinance or Section 18.2- 340.10 et. se of the Code of Virginia authorizing this permit is subject to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, member or employee of such organization who violates the above referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? yes Does your organisation understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Raffle games and that such records are subject to audit by the t'ommissioner of the Revenue? yes COI1N'1'Y OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 2401$ 1 ..,'Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to ~entar into a contract vitb any person or firm, association, organization (other than another qualified organisation pursuant to $ 18.2-340.13 of the Code of virginia), partnership, or corporation of any classification whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, ~- managinq, or conducting Raffles ? yes DESCRIBE THE ARTICLEH TO HE RAFFLED, VALIIE OF SIICH ARTICLES: Article Description double-wide numbered tickets (one side goes to person, other side into drawing) Fair Market value ~k'~ 50~ per chance ~a ~b ~~ DATE OF RAFFLE If this application is for an ANNIIAL RAFFLE PERMIT, list below all dates raffles will be held. All home athletic events }ter ~'^~^„~ ~9g-5--q-~ ~^~ffz'~ar _~ including tournaments (see attached schedule) j(Ho~~Jj'~ ~~~II 8peaifia location where Raffle drawing is to be conducted? At WBHS home athletic events, during half-time of event NOTE: Th s perm t shall be val d only for the above location. Any organisation holding a permit to conduct bingo games or raffles shall use twelve and one-half percent (12.5) of its gross receipts from all bingo games or raffles for those lawful religious, charitable, community or educational purposes for which the organisation is speoifically chartered or organized. (County Code §4-101) State specifically how the proceeds from Raffle(s) will be used. List in detail the planned or intended use of the proceeds. Use estimated amounts if necessary. All proceeds from 50/50 go to purchase: alterations, clinic costs, audio and videotapes for training, and gloves for cold weather. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF TfIE REVENUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 a r Of f iaers of the Organizatioa.: P e°sident: John & Sandy Rakes Phone: 977-6315 Address: 5512 Winesap Dr., Roanoke, VA 24019 Co Vice President: Mike & Debby McAllister Phone: 427-2224 Address: 4874 Branch Rd., Roanoke, VA 24014 Secretary: Linda Warf Phone: 890-0392 Address: 208 S ring Grove Dr., Vinton, VA 24179 Treasurer: Linda Eanes Phone: 890-5252 Address: 4323 Toddsbury Dr., Vinton, VA 24179 Member authorised to be responsible for Raffle operations: Name: Karen S. Rawling Home Address 740 Bexhill Dr., Vinton, VA Phone 342-0301 Bus Phone Member responsible for filing financial report required by the code if your organization ceases to e~cist: Name: Karen S. Rawling Home Address 740 Bexhill Dr., Vinton, VA Phone 34~-0301 Bus Phone Does your organisation understand that it will be required to furnish a complete list of its membership upon the request of the Commissioner of the Revenue? ves Has your organization attached a check for the annual permit fee in the amount of $25.00 payable to the County of Roanoke? Yes IF ALL QOEBTIONB HAVE BEEN ANBWERED, PROCEED TO NOTARIZATION. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGIlVIA P.O. BOX 20409 CONIlVIISSIONER OF TIC RE`7~NUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 L-'~ 3 . ,. ' NOTARIZATION • • T8E FOLLOWING OATH MIIBT HE TAP.EN HY ALL APPLICANTB: I hereby swear or affirm uader the penalties of perjury as set forth in 818.2-434 of the Code of virginia, that all of the above statements are true to the best of my knoxledge, information, and beliefs. All questions have been ansxered. I further sxear that I have read and understand the attached copies of Sec. 18.2-340.1 ~ sec• of the Code of virginia cad Beation 4-86 ~. seq• of the Roanoke County Code. ~~ ei~gne by: ~; ~4~yJ 1~ , Name ~ T c0~~~~~ J 1 L- ~ ~' ~; l,,J, v~ spy ~~c~iJ~ a ~ yJl~b V~Q ~~( Home Address ~ 8ubacribed and sxorn before me, this ~~ day of ~19~ in the ~- County/a#ty of ~) ~~ ~-- ~ , virginia. _ t~~' ~_ My commission expires: - / 19~ ~otary Publ a NOT VALID IINLE88 COUNTERBIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st of this calendar year. ~~1 J Date Comm stoner of he Revenue The above application is not approved. Date Commissioner of the Revenue COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 20409 COMIVIISSIONER OF TIC RE`~I~:NUE ROANOKE, VA 24018 4 f r ~~ ~6 BOYS BAS~TBALL SCHEDULE DATE' OPPONENT Decamber 5 Cave Spring g Glenvar 13 -emu= 15 Glenvar 2 0 B lac:csburg 2.Ei~~~ A - -~V~t ~ [T r. _ anuarv 5 Northside 9 Cave Spring i 2 Roc.~ridge 19 Salem 23 Basset Z 6 3 0 Lord iota tou_~- All ecaany Feb sar•~ 2 Nor ~..'~side ~ _~b~~ 6 Roc.~tbridge 9 Salem 13 Lord 3otetou_~° 16 Allegnany 20,23,24 District Tour-ament SITU Home Hame ~_~ Away Home Home Away Awav Awav Kome Home Awav Awav Home Hcme Awav Hcme Sa~em C.. • Head Coact: Paul Barnard Assistant Coac:~: David C•slicer to Leon Caldwell C.'zris Baldwin Brian Jones Principal: Robert A. Patterson Athletic Director: Jane G. Layman Q ~l L-y TT-~F 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 ~~ 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 TnA i ~ schaiulelb:ryabm.95 b-~ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA of General Amount Fund Revenues Beginning Balance at July 1, 1995 (Unaudited) $4,994,791 5.78% Addition from 1995-96 Budget 10,558 Sept 12, 1995 Donation to IDA - Rusco (127,500) Balance at October 24, 1995 $4,877,849 5.64% The Board has recently requested a change in the way we present the Unappropriated Fund Balance, to include all pending appropriations. Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. These amounts have not been appropriated to fund balance at this time. The increase in projected 1995-96 revenues is based on the most recent estimate of the year in process, and could be adjusted up or down as the year progresses. These funds are not available to be appropriated to other projects at this Balance from above $4,877,849 Pending Adjustments Result of 1994-95 operations 2,000,115 Recommended increase in 1995-96 budgeted revenues based upon 1st quarter review 2,371,305 $9,249,269 10.70% Note: Un llecember 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 1995-96 General Fund Revenues $86,464,490 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $5,404,031 Respectfully Submitted, Diane D. Hyatt M:\Finance\Common\Board\Gen95. WK4 ~~ CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Beginning Balance at July 1, 1995 $405,409.00 July 17, 1995 Payment on sale of old School Administration Building 399,984.00 Aug 18, 1995 Sale of land adjacent to Kessler Mill Road to VDOT 1,020.00 Balance at October 24, 1995 $806,413.00 Submitted By Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance The above does not include a note receivable from the sale of the old School Administration Building due July 1, 1996 for $200,000. M:\Finance\Common\Board\Cap95. WK4 ~ -3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Beginning Balance at July 1, 1995 (Unaudited) $1,773.00 From 1995-96 Original Budget July 27, 1995 Survey of Needs -Four Year University Sept 26, 1995 Red Line Service - CORTRAN 100,000.00 (2,500.00 (6,023.00 Balance at October 24, 1995 X93.250.00 I Submitted By Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance M:\Finance\Common\Board\Board95. WK4 ~IILttt~~f Q£ ~IIFT1tII~2Q ~ r.~ ~ ROAN ~ -( F N 2 ~ a 38 PROCLAMATION DECLAR/NG OCTOBER 23-30, 1995 AS RED RIBBON WEEK IN SUPPORT OF A DRUG FREE COMMUNITY WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon Campaign was initiated in 1985 by the Virginia Federation of Communities for Drug-Free Youth; and WHEREAS, the red ribbon was designated as the symbol of intolerance of illegal drug use and a commitment to a drug-free life style; and WHEREAS, fhe Red Ribbon Campaign is a national campaign with the last week in October being designated as Red Ribbon Week; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Drug & Alcohol Abuse Council, and RAYSAC (the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition) are organizations that include concerned parents, students, teachers, police officers, business people, judges, drug treatment providers, counselors, ministers, and others, and working with the Blue Ridge Community Services, they are committed to creating a community norm that drug abuse will not be tolerated; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Drug & Alcohol Abuse Council, RAYSAC, and the Blue Ridge Community Services are promoting the Red Ribbon Campaign in the Roanoke Valley through a variety of activities and have asked that the Board of Supervisors recognize Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, 1, H. Odell °Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia do hereby proclaim October 23 through October 30, 1995 as RED RIBBON WEEK in Roanoke County, Virginia, and encourage all of our citizens to join in the observances and activities of this event. /~ .=~~ H. Odell 'fuzzy" Minn , Chairmah ATTEST: ,~',~/gyp-/ Mary H. Allen, Clerk v ~~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Bond Project Status Report COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is narrative overview of the bond projects approved in the 1992 Bond Referendum (Attachment A) , a time line for the projected/actual activity of the various work components (Attachment B) and a listing of projects that have been completed (Attachment C) . FISCAL IMPACT: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Questions may be directed to either the specific project coordinator listed on the time line worksheet or John Chambliss. Respectfully submitted, Appro d by, .~ J hn M. Chambliss, Jr. Elmer C. Hodge Assistant County Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION VOTE Motion by: No Yes Abs Eddy Johnson Kohinke Minnix Nickens p- s BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment A October 24, 1995 1992 BOND REFERENDUM PROJECTS PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS ROAD PROJECTS Projects remaining are: • Longview Road -Curve Widening/Drainage VDOT needs right-of--way. They plan to begin obtaining right-of--way by September, 1995. Construction is set for late fall 1995 or spring 1996. DRAINAGE PROJECTS • Wolfe Creek Phase I should be completed by October 18, 1995. Phase II is currently being reviewed by VDOT. We expect approval by the end of October. C." O O M O ~ O M ~ O O ~ ~pO~ ..~ ~ O V2 ~ ~ ~; N M b~A ~ 64 b4 ~+ ~ b~A ~ 0 ~, O O U U O s.. a zbQ ~~o o a~ a W H d A U a z ~ ~ ~ N a~ ~~ Q 0 W O a U a w A a U yC A ., ~. 'O a d ~, W w Q ., w A 0 z ,~ F U O a W Q a ti w c~ A as w z a d w z a d w z ~ w z a d Q z a d w z a d w z Q E" d F. d E• d F. d F" d E, d E" a U d ,a a U d ,a w U d ,..~ a U d ,~ a U d ,..~ a U d ,..~ a U d o o o az ~ d ~ UZ w]w ~ F U U O F,~ zW F F.~ F Q H~ a ~~ H F a~ W W a boo AA 30 0 cn ~o •, a°a o aUA doC dU U v~U aU E-' 0- 5 0 .~ .., b ~° O .~ .; H ~ z .~ O U Q O O O O O O ~ p ~ O O `~ 6~4 bN4 ~'" ~ N ~ U .~ ~ ~ A z~~ i~ ~ ~: ~ o ~ d °o U W U O a W Ed' H U `r' O~~ a ~ N a~ A ~ ~ zoo ~ ~ ~ Q "~ WW W U z 0 F" ~ U a a W C7 z A z ., Q ~O a d d W w ., W A 0 z H U O rn a w rn ~ d .a a ., w oa z ~ ~ H z a d a ¢ a z 0 ~ F ~ ~ F" W wH ~ z Q H ~U O O O U .., x ~, 0 3 0 .~ a ~. .~ M N 0 U O ~. ..., 0 .~ .r., b a~ ~. 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N C," ... vi ~-+ 0 U .~ 0 a~ GQ ai cd c~ N a ... cd '~ .~ H 0 .., ~ ~ y U Q~ ~ ~ O O ~ U ~ .~ ~ '~ ~ ~ H ~ "" "°~ aooo ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 UO°o°o ~ ~~ Q~a~'r,~ z~Q o ~, ~ o ~ o °~' ~ U O Q U ~ ~ W .o a F A 7 h U `r' rn GCa '"'' a ~ N U ~ O `~ ~' a1 ~ 0 Ey U O a 0 ., `° a ::>~ a ~ W w ::<: z ., :» ;;: w A :: > `` o z :::: ~ F. U :;:;: O ::: °~ ` W ` ' to r;; ~ C7 ~ #3: :~>: d :z< .a %> ~ ~-• :~:~: :~>: w c~ A z H z Q d a a A w ww H w ~ ~~ E- O U °" ~ d oz a o QUQ E- F W O rn rn .~ a ~, 0 rn W ~° b U .~ 0 ... U 0 U 'd a~ .~ 0 N N c~ ,~ c~ 4-+ O .~ b~A c~ A .., c~ ~. A .~ a~ b .., a~ ~', U b .~ i--I ~~ 0 ,--i A O x ... .s." U 0 ti z 0 U i-~ 0 ... b ~. 0 0 U a~i 'o a W H A H U A O Q~ ~G °0 0 o ~; O N ~ ~ r b4 ~ N ~~ ~Q 0 b a~ a W rn N ~, .o 0 U rl O x U x U' x x 0 W A a w 0 w x U a ti Q a w w z ., w Q 0 z ~- U O W ~ ~ a ., ~, W o ~ o ~ A CA z a Q a Q w ~ 0 H w Q ~Q o w 0 a~ c~ U Y~ bA ... c~ .., O a~ z H W O ~~ p-5 BOND PROJECT UPDATE Attachment C October 24, 1995 BOND PROJECTS COMPLETED DRAINAGE: Mt. Vernon Heights Sierra Drive/Fenwick Drive Green Valley Mason Creek Phase I PARKS AND RECREATION: Walrond Park Soccer Field Northside Realign Fields Bonsack Park Picnic Shelter Vinyard Park I Light Soccer Field Byrd School -Light Baseball Field Starkey Park - 1 Baseball Field Starkey Park - 2 Baseball Fields Facility Repairs -Walrond Office Infield Surface Materials for Baseball Garst Mill Park Starkey Park -Parking Lot Whispering Pines Park FIRE HYDRANTS NORTH COUNTY LIBRARY Walrond Park 2 Baseball Fields Bonsack Park Ball Field Bonsack Park Playground Equipment Vinyard Park I Parking Green Hill Park - 2 Picnic Shelters Starkey Park -Light 1 Field Facility Repairs -Craig Avenue Center Career Center - Replace Lights Mt. Pleasant Park Brambleton Center Elevator Goode Park Vinyard Park I VALLEY TECHPARK '1 '/~/J''/~~ / I' V ~ //~ i V(/ ~~ ~~gzy8 ~f~'NhR Tio" DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET DAVID R. GEHR RICHMOND, 23219-1939 JAMES S. GIVENS COMMISSIONER STATE SECONDARY ROADS ENGINEER October 3, 1995 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator, Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Ref.: Report of Changes to the Secondary System of State Highways Additions Made Effective in September 1995 Dear Members of the Governing Body: The enclosed report represents all changes to the secondary system of state highways, within your jurisdiction, that were made effective during September 1995. Additions of these new roads were made under the Department's accelerated acceptance process. Any faults found in the additions documents that require your assistance to correct will be brought to your attention as necessary. New road additions are now an official part of the secondary system of state highways and the resident engineer has been notified to begin maintenance of these new roads. If you have any questions regarding this material, please call this office at (804) 786-2746 or your local resident engineer. Sincerely yours, 1 V ry~ Ja es S. Givens State Secondary Roads Engineer cc: District Administrator Resident Engineer TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY r J U K N W T m f0 O 3 F L U O) O ~~ x W D ~+ OC N Q ++ m y 2 O O_ EE ~ N a +~ ~ ~ O VTf N T 2 L 4 ~0 ~- 0 x u ~ v J f/f Q W N 3 L z a+ O S O O ~ U U1 N W O) x C F f0 t O U r O a w "> a a •M U _\ Gl `i- N W P N N N O Ipf1~ Vl O~ Gl OC \ N N N O \ 00 00 O ~O d O f0 O d f Vl W 3 L N L O O 2 H ~ N V1 E ~ ~O ++ O 7 O K 6 L {/~ ~ ~ d 7 O d' L 2 +~+ ~o 7 in 0 oc E l0 Z N ++ C G1 f0 W J L N ~ m w a 7 oe E aN+ l0 L 2 Of .~ 1 S C 7 ~N N •+ C a+ 7 N O /0 f W N C l0 L L1 C E O b ~a+ N 'O N a C 7 G1 O ~C U O C W O OC O ~O O O f0 O H N N O) f0 a .- M o O O \ O O O .- WW CD H ¢ Q as N tT ro o •.a I"1 C \ ..~ T O~ o .L+ w > 1- 4 Q a Y (~ O tl C O +~ t w o T Z C 7 U ~ V to N t M 0 N 0 _ ', 0 A H O a a a q w I a O r 1 a 1 lT 1 •O 1 N 7 I p] 1 N 1 ro i ~ I a a I 1 N U 1 .ti L 1 ~•+ m I ro •-+ I L Oq I C 1 ~ 1 I N 1 ' CI C 1 t- a I ?- > I al L>: 1 I I ~• d I ' '+ 7 I I L C I ~~O •a t iSar 1 i I ~ I 1 ~ I r I 7 I ~ 1 tL V 1 ~ 1 .r ro L i 1 a C a ' O I i i 0 I 1 I I CJ Z ' O i w (! 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Z pp F J A • r~ ~l t7 M~ • 0..+ L C C < J v.. .+» Lao~o a >> o r t ~~C • yC L C« o -.~. ~0 O r •• O^d~6LC a LA O+ r O ~wU .~O^«O.•• o •L O r O*H'O:Yptu>MN MM Z mHe111ouioNMY1 .-N ~ N1"1'MrY.NNWN ~0 ~0 u aT P•~P,T 0•TO~ P 0• oodooooo00 00 I D~~ i~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -September 1995 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ACTION #. ITEM NUMBER ~" SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: Payroll: 9/8/95 9/22/95 596,169.28 610,555.71 $1,330,683.33 1,206, 724.99 $2,537,408.32 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: ~(. ~. Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance APPROVED: c/2 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To () VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy _ _ _ Johnson _ _ Kohinke _ _ _ Minnix _ _ _ Nickens m:\finance\common\board\acctpaid.sep October 6, 1995 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~` AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Receipt of letter from the Town of Vinton regarding the use of coal combustible byproducts as fill material COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council on September 12, 1995, concern was expressed over the use of coal combustible byproducts ( f lyash) as fill to construct a new Foodette convenience store on the corner of Feather Road and Washington Avenue. The Board of Supervisors approved a Special Use Permit for construction on November 22, 1995. Attached is a copy of Resolution 956 adopted by the Vinton Town Council on October 3, 1995 which officially expresses their concern about the flyash fill. Their primary concern is possible contamination of the Town's three wells which are located near the Foodette convenience store. Submitted by: ~y~~,~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens TOWN OF VINTON P. 0. BOX 338 VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHONE (540) 983-0607 FAX (5401 983-0621 October 5, 1995 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke P. O. BOX 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: ~d-~1- 1~ ~--P ~a ~Jetl D~-`~ B. CLAYTON GOODMAN, III TOWN MANAGER This letter is written in regard to the recent concerns the Town of Vinton has raised by the use of coal combustible byproducts as fill material in close proximity to our water supply system. On October 3, 1995, the Vinton Town Council adopted the enclosed Resolution No. 956, to express the Town of Vinton's opinion and concern regarding the use of fly ash for fill material near its water supply system. The Town's interest is to protect our water supply from any potential future contamination by the use of fly ash near public well sites. Please advise if you have questions or need additional information. Sincerely, B. Clayton Goodman, III Town Manager BCG/csr Enclosure cc: Department of Health Department of Environmental Quality RESOLUTION NO. 956 ,t'~ ~,, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE VINTON TOWN COUNCIL ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1995 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE VINTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING LOCATED AT 311 SOUTH POLLARD STREET, VINTON, VIRGINIA. WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton constructed its own water supply system in 1980 to meet the general public's potable water needs; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton has constructed several wells to meet the public need for water service and three wells have been developed along Wolf Creek in the area known as "Bush's Bottom"; and WHEREAS, the three wells have a combined production of approximately 1.3 million gallons per day which represents approximately 40 percent of the Town's water production capacity, excluding the Falling Creek Water System; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County passed a resolution dated November 22, 1994, that rezoned property and approved a special use permit with proffers in order to allow construction of a new Foodette convenience store on the corner of Feather Road and Washington Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Special Use Permit authorizes the use of fly ash for fill material for the site; and WHEREAS, the fly ash fill site is located in close proximity to the aforesaid three wells; and WHEREAS, Town officials have previously expressed concern regarding the possible contamination of the well sites by the migration of the fly ash into the ground watershed and the pollution of its three wells which would render them useless for potable well production. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Vinton Town Council does hereby officially declare its concern regarding the use of the fly ash for fill near its three wells that could possibly cause well contamination. FURTHERMORE, Town staff is directed to forward this resolution to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, the Department of Health and the Department of Environmental Quality to record such displeasure regarding the placement of fly ash so near to the three wells. This resolution adopted on motion made by Councilman Jo5ep11 z. Bush, Jr. , and seconded by Councilman c. Buford Barton ,with the following votes recordedC~. AYES 5 ~ ~ / NAYS a APPROVED ~~ ~~ Charles R. Hili, Mayor Attest: Clerk of Council 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER C~' IO AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Report on November 9, 1995, Regional Meeting Sponsored by the Fifth Planning District Commission to Discuss the Regional stormwater Management Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ Fyn ~~a2~/.~-d ,.~//~d~~ ..Gy ~~ BACKGROUND: Following the devastating flood in November 1985, Roanoke Valley localities recognized the need for a regional stormwater management plan. The project was funded by the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, the County of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton and a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The total cost of the study is $690,000 with FEMA paying one-half. Roanoke County contributed $144,695 toward the development of the plan from the 1992 bond issue. Local, state and federal officials under the coordination of the Fifth Planning District Commission are attempting to address existing flooding problems and minimize additional flooding that might occur due to future uncontrolled development. Dewberry and Davis were chosen to develop the plan. Additionally, individual localities developed their own plans to address stormwater management within their communities. Roanoke County implemented the drainage program to address small flooding problems. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Fifth Planning District Commission and Dewberry and Davis are inviting the governing bodies of the four participating localities to a meeting on Thursday, November 9, 1995 at 4:30 p.m. at the Vinton War Memorial. At that meeting, Dewbery and Davis will present an overview of the study, and discuss regional stormwater issues and implementation of the plan. i~ ~-/U It is anticipated that the 1996. In addition to projects, Other components ordinances for the projects, construct the projects, study will be completed in September identifying specific regional flood of the plan will develop policies and and guidelines for funding methods to The Fifth Planning District Commission is inviting the members of the Board of Supervisors to attend the November 9 meeting, and staff encourages each of you to attend. If the Board members are planning to attend the meeting, County Attorney Paul Mahoney recommends that you adjourn from this meeting to 4:30 v.m. on November 9, 1995 at the Vinton War Memorial. While there will be no official action taken at the meeting, official business will be discussed. Submitted by: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) Minnix Nickens r ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER V ~' ~/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Report of Claims Activity for the Self- Insurance Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Self-Insurance Program, Ordinance #61494-4, Section 2-86.C attached is the 1st Quarter (July, August and September) claims activity and status report. FISCAL IMPACT• STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Respectfully submitted, Robert C. Je iga Risk Manag Approved by, `~^' ~~_. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) __ Minnix Nickens c:\wp51\misc\board.rpt VOTE No Yes Abs ~/ r+ a, o 0 0 ~n o rn ~ ~ H O W O l6 O m ~ E N l0 r H O M O N v~ N ~O N N f~'1 N l0 'T ~D P'1 M N C r 00 lp a N N a 0 ~ w m m m m ~ 06 E E H 4 E 4 E E E h h ~ ~ h ~ h h h U H x x r ~ x c x x x U U ~tl W U ~ U U U ~ ~ ~ O 3 3 3~ 3 3 3 it a a x x a x a a a b b m m b m '0 'O b v ~ ..ii ~1 v .~ v d ~ m m aG oG m d m m m v v a v v v v v ~ d d v d m d a~ d E m m ~ m m n c m m ~ r~i ~ ~ .-~i ~ ~ D, ~ ~ U U U U U U O U U a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a ~q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Y .i A E CG o O o 0 0 o O o 0 0 ~ O ~ ~ m ~ a a a E R9 ~ d a ~+ m ~ E ~ a ' ~ ~ > O ~ d U U Oi ~.~ F -.i ~ fy d ~ N N ,C z > > ,~ ~ E O E s ~ ~ ~ ~ U { r '7 ~ a a O -'i O 4 .~ ~.I E ~ E V ,C J~ ,C .C ] ~ ~ a{ pf Y . U S U > > r-1 p Q U U 3 ~ U U L ~ ~ v N U M E d d ~ W ~ y m .c m w .c .C v ~ ~ y y o m o y a a x x o G U d ~ y ~ M ~ V .C a i ~ ~ y x U 7 i~ a C x U x U .C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y x W ti '~ O O E s.i a~ E 4 4 A 4 V O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d! v v ~ ~ d d ~ a v w w v .~ C a a a a C ~ ~ a d 4 d ? 1 J C C 17 R. w ro A H K 7 7 d p m d O rA C9 w H H d E a C E ~ g ~ d a U ~ i m c ~ ` z r n ~0 H ~ N `" w v d d w N v ti7 U U '~ U _~ 0] ~.1 U (~ .~ .~ ~r1 ~rl •-I x .--I .~ D O O O C N ~ ~ O a a m w w ~ a U a E N N N N N N N N N O~ Ot 01 01 Ol Ul Ol O~ 01 Q E O N ~ N ~ ~ N W N H ~ H r-I O ~--1 N O ~ N V r r r au m ao rn m rn R o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w m au rn N r N c .-~ ri q O O O O ~ rl N N fh m U .$ O O O O O O O O O bylf 0 0 o Q o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E o ~n o 0 0 ~ v~ c R a a o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rn pW~ E H 4 6 E ~ ~ 4 E N h W o+ o+ h h h h b+ h ~ C L C x x x x x x V N U W ~tl U U U U W U ~ ~ ~ O 3 3 3 3 3 31 R rn x x rn rn a+ rn x a+ 'O m m b '0 'O 'O m V m ~ ~ m a m m ~ a r i i r m v v v v v ~ E w m v ~ c e w m w n K c d m U U O O U U O O U ~ OI a 'i a a o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0j M q OI ~ ~ o~ E a e~ ~ ~ 1 ~ 1 a ~ °a obi ~ w ~ u ~ d c m d v v t ~ w rn ~.~ rl u >~ a ~ E H a 1,., ~ a ~ ~ a ~ ~ z -°~ E a M ~ ~ p Q E y A V ~ a U d ~ a v O tea, ~ ~ N N -ri U m ~ ~ O c N ~~ U tl] ~+ ~o b+W x ~ro a ~ N ro v O 1-I W U EOi1 ~ E .~ U C N a U ,1~~ v ~ A G) rn ~tl aO.i m N m v N ~ 3 > 4 'D ~ ro d a U ~-~1 a U A m E a b ~ ~ N r1 '6 1 01 d rl O ~ U O+ .-i ~ ~ -.i d ~ N M1~ R, 3 m 7 r+ of +~ t ; a~ b 3 E d .~ 4 W v~ .i d d 4 >, v O U1 A O &, r6 U 5 w W x fA E E N ~ ~ E m c1 m p L7 ~ ~.i ~ .~ ~ r-I ~ l1 '~ .-1 - ~ -.{ '~ .-1 'd .~i ~r1 a~ ++ O ap O i~ O O a~ 5 ] a a rri 5 m m a E ~ N to N to to N to an ~ 61 O1 O1 01 O1 01 O1 Qi Iq \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ nH E O N N m ~ N N N r-I U ~ r 0 r 0 r 0 r 0 m 0 m 0 w 0 ro 0 rn 0 M N u1 ~-+ a' m o ~ m rn O O O N r-1 H N N N N 'jj O O O O O O O O O U 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER"'1'°' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Quarterly Financial Review Work Session COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This will be the first time we have "booked" revenues on a quarterly basis. A few localities do this, but most do not. While we feel comfortable making these adjustments, please remember that these revenues have not yet been collected. If there is a significant under realization of revenues in December and May or economic conditions worsen, downward adjustments can be made at that time. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside, as previously agreed to by the Board of Supervisors, to review the county's financial condition on a quarterly basis. This review covers the first quarter of FY1995-96 and will include the following: 1. Preliminary estimates of revenues for the year that will end June 30, 1996. 2. Recommended adjustments to 1995-96 fiscal year budget based upon revenues through September 30, 1995 3. Present illustrations of the statistical and historical model used as a basis to project future revenues. 4. Fund balance totals resulting from the final year-end audit and adjusted revenue projections. The audit committee will be briefed on the year-end fund balance and the results of operations for FY94-95. Specific details will be presented to the Board during this work session. During the July 25, 1995 Board meeting, the Finance staff projected unrecognized revenues for FY95- 96 at approximately $2,365,000. After reviewing the actual collections for the first quarter, our analysis and models continue to support this projection. Staff is recommending that the Board of Supervisors appropriate the unrecognized revenues for FY95- 96. In order to amend the budget by this amount, state code stipulates that a public hearing be held and a first and second reading. After proper advertisement, a public hearing and first reading can be held at the November 21, 1995 meeting. Roanoke County's current financial condition is enviable; however, significant capital needs exist for such projects as drainage, vehicles, public safety, schools, etc. that will require careful consideration. This topic deserves heavy discussion when the Board planning retreat is held in January. i~ Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance s I Approve by, ~°' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied O Eddy _ _ _ Received () Johnson _ _ _ Referred () Kohinke _ _ _ To () Minnix _ Nickens m:\finance\common\board\ October 18, 1995 l ACTION NO ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on Rollover of Departmental Savings from the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1995 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: I really think these requests are realistic and are needed or I would not have brought them to you. The Budget department and I rejected some requests during our review. Depending on how we handle this item, it can be a great planning policy. I ask for your support in this matter. If the rollover request is approved, we need Board action in order to make the final accounting entries to close the books. This will allow us to begin printing the annual audit report so that these documents can be forwarded to the various rating agencies, financial institutions, etc for their review in evaluating the County's financial condition. If approved, staff can bring the appropriate action to the Board at the beginning of the evening session at 7:00 pm. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In the past, when items have been ordered but not received at the end of the fiscal year a rollover budget entry has been made (in accordance with paragraph three of the Budget Ordinance) in order to carry the funds over to a subsequent year. Based upon prior discussions between the Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator, the departments have understood that they would be able to share in the benefit of any savings generated by their department. This year, with an increased emphasis on conserving money and not overrunning budgets, the departments have held off on a number of projects in order to make sure that the funds were available. Items were not ordered in the month of June as in prior years, because the departments had the understanding that they would be allowed to use these funds in the subsequent year. Based on discussions with individual Board members, it maybe desirable to establish some guidelines for departments to follow when requesting rollover appropriations. It has been suggested that rollover requests include only non-personnel and non-recurring expenditure items. These guidelines, along with any other requests by Board members, should be evaluated and applied to the submitted requests during the work session. m:\finance\common\board\ October 18, 1995 ~• Attached is a listing of the projects that the County Administrator has reviewed and recommends to be funded from these departmental savings. The projects on this list total $953,716. In addition to this amount, the departments saved an additional $441,588 which will be returned to the fund balance as part of the year end surplus This policy encourages the departments to spend their money in the most efficient manner, by allowing them to plan and save for much needed items. FISCAL IMPACT: If the Board approves the rollover of savings to the departments of $953,716, this amount will be segregated as part of the designated fund balance on the June 30, 1995 financial statements. If the Board does not approve the rollover, the amount will be added to the year end surplus and become part of the undesignated fund balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the rollover of departmental savings of $953,716 as detailed on the attachment. Respectfully submitted, JC.~ r,A~' ~. Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance proved , Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () Eddy _ _ _ Received () Johnson _ _ Referred O Kohinke _ _ _ To O Minnix Nickens m:\finance\common\board\ October 18, 1995 County of Roanoke Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 ~• ~. Department Request Description BOS $ 9,289 Computer indexing system and related hardware. This would allow County staff access Ctny Administrator to BOS information through the network; thus, processing info quicker and requiring less staff time. Potential will exist to allow public access to Board records in the future. Econ. Develop. 3,000 Purchase of PC to allow all employees of office computer capabilities. 4,001 Supplement budget for increased activity in Special Events area. Comm Attorney 5,000 Cover salary (and benefits) dill. from hire of additional Asst. Common. Attorney. This differential allows the employment of a more experienced attorney and will allow greater effectiveness in prosecuting cases. Sheriff: Civil 950 IBM Wheelwriter 3500 typewriter. Current equip. is antiquated and difficult to use. Jail 5,400 Electronic trip circuit breaker for Jail facility. Current equip. is original when the jail was built. Treasurer 7,894 Limited computer capabilities due to outdated equipment: upgrades and more modern hardware are needed to keep pace with information processing (ie. service delivery). Needed equipment: 3 Laserjet printers, 2 Gateway computer systems, electric staplers. Clerk of the Circuit 11,000 Critical need to update PC's; current equip cannot handle state and County systems Court effectively in addition to performing the PC function. 4 PCs and 2 Laser printers. Matching funds could be available from Comp Board. Also there is a need to construct interior walls in existing office space to provide greater storage capacity. Circuit Court 2,230 Office Equipment for support staff; current equip is outdated. J & DR Court 3,000 Copier rental, telephone, file cabinets, etc.-- budget supplement for items that are needed but have been unable to be funded. ACA - Mgmt. Svcs 2500 Additional training for process re-engineering, customer service, etc. As priorities change and costs continue to rise, processes must be reviewed and re-evaluated. County Assessor: Administration 5,800 2 PCs; in anticipation of Pasco's upgrade and the GIS program to enhance service delivery. Current equipment is not adequate to handle newer software applications. 23,200 Replacement vehicles (2) from state contract; current vehicles have > 75,000 miles; compact car is maintenance burden. Replacement to a larger vehicle will extend useful life and durability; thereby reducing maintenance costs. 1,500 Digital film processor; 2 35mm cameras. Will allow photos of improvements to be displayed on PC. Customer service enhancement. Finance & Mgmt 54,333 Financial system upgrade to client/server platform; Current technology is moving away and Budget from mainfram to client/server applications. The current mainframe system is 6 years old and does not have the flexibility to meet the changing information needs we face. The new system will integrate with the automated purchasing system previously approved by the Board and will include Accounting, Budget and Fixed Asset functions. Information recording and reporting will be greatly enhanced. These funds have been accumulated over several years and a desirable purchase date would be in the current fiscal year. m:\flnance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 County of Roanoke Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Employee Benefits 13,161 1,918 25,000 1, 762 Police Department: Uniform Fire and Rescue: Administration Operations Eng and Inspect: Engineering Inspections General Services: Solid Waste Building Maint. Description PT funds for 32 hours/week--Development Services. This action would provide greater customer service by providing backup personnel during vacation and sick leave absences of FT staff and would provide administrative support to existing staff. Adjustment for state budget; shared salary costs; Extension Service. Blue Ridge P'way--Carlton Abbott -Planning and Zoning Personnel change late in budget process -Youth Haven II 130,450 Purchase 6 patrol vehicles and related equipment to replace units with mileage in excess of 100,000 miles. Units are currently averaging approx. 2000 miles per month. Cost is $21,000/unit. 6,000 Office modifications to allow adequate working conditions for Vounteer Coordinator and additional Fire Inspector approved in FY95-96 budget. 6,000 Parking lot improvements at Safety Center; shared cost with Police and General Svcs to improve lot surtace and to correct drainage problems. 2,963 Complete projects at Station 3 (renovation) 25,000 Additional funding of paid ALS personnel 4,500 Replacement of Gas Detectors (2) 68,000 Replacement of staff vehicles that have in excess of 120,000 miles. 2 four wheel drive Blazers (with related emergency equipment) at $29,000/unit. Also, $10,000 would be used to help with funding for the replacement of a 1971 utility vehicle at Read Mountain station if Botetourt agrees to provide the same level of funding. 6,000 Outside vendor for support of AUTOCAD -MIS recommendation due to staffing limitations and complexity of software. 48,000 Costs of utility relocation for Rural Addition Projects - Bushdale, Camney Lane, Chester Dr. and Homeland Hill subdivision. 4,415 Begin phase II -Automation of Inspection process (Bldg Dept.); this project would allow for inspections and inspectors by way of telephone and would speed up the process significantly. This system could be expanded for the Treasurer to implement an automated payment system in the future. 8,000 Upgrade GIS server to adequately handle increasing database as GIS system continues to expand capabilities. 16,500 Overhaul hydraulics on bandit #869 20,000 Carpet - 419 Library 20,000 Paving, drainage and sealing rear parking area -Safety Center 23,500 Additional paving drainage at Service Center 8,500 Window replacement-Service Center (leaks on voting machines) 5,116 HVAC replacement @ Brambleton Center (chiller) These maintenance projects were scheduled for FY94-95, but were deferred due to budgetary uncertainties of the department. 107,019 Upgrade telephone systems in Roanoke County Courthouse, Service Center, and Public Safety Center. Current systems at all locations are obsolete and repair parts are difficult to obtain. Current functionality of existing systems are minimal and failures occur on a regular basis at all locations. The judges have requested a new system on three occasions. Significant savings would be realized by bidding all three systems as presented. m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 County of Roanoke Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 ~' Department Request Description Handicapped-ADA 5,531 Replace Parks & Recreation bridges w/ADA approved bridges 5,000 Contingency for unknown projects Communications 7,847 Road repairs to Poor Mtn site; current road is in very poor repair and vehicle damage can occur on trips to the site. Planning and Zoning: Administration 5,000 PC's(2); these systems will be used as replacements for existing systems that no longer meet the demands placed on them by GIS and the accounting system. 1,000 Lateral file cabinet for Commission files; increased storage needs. 700 Replace old desk chairs; current chairs are old and do not provide adequate support. 1,365 Color Laser/Ink Jet printer to enhance quality of presentations and as a supplement to the GIS system, which has a color plotter as its sole output device. 1,500 Microfilm/CD photograph old Zoning maps from '60s and '70s; these maps are deteriorating and are in need of preservation. Permanent records of these items must be maintained for legal and administrative purposes. 2,861 PT funds to assist w/update of Comprehensive plan ACA -Human Srv. 2,877 Personal computer to replace outdated laptop computer Parks and Rec Recreation 21,233 Camp Rke-renovation of camp kitchen and install security alarms. Grounds Maint: Grounds Maint 8,285 Basketball goal @ Teen Center; fencing, field and parking improv. at various park facilities. 28,000 11' Outfront mower. Needed due to additional parks "on-line". Mower would allow existing staff to mow sites quicker and then move to other sites as needed. 10,710 Traffic control and field protection barriers at various sites. Park grounds need protection as parking is a problem at many parks during popular activities. Social Services: Administration 45,838 Meridian Norstar Telephone system. The current telephone system is 17 years old. The new system will provide needed additional lines, speaker phones for appeals, a paging system and an automated attendant to provide information regarding public assistance programs. The new system would reduce monthly phone charges by approx. $1,032/month. 75,964 Renovations to current office space and to cover the cost of environmental and mechanical studies recently performed. Improvements would include carpeting, rewiring, painting, ceiling the replacement and doors on the third and fourth floors to control pedestrian traffic. m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 County of Roanoke Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description Library: Administration 350 Vehicle repairs-aging vehicles Research and Circ 12,932 various operational items; special events, PT, training,supplies,etc. These areas have traditionally been underfunded due to a limited operating budget. Automation 2,658 various operational items associated with this functional area to meet anticipated need. 11,755 Alpha unit for the RAL integrated system. This amount to be added to $18,442 already budgeted for this item. 6,870 Extend network to Vinton and Glenver branches; support for reconfiguration of network to include dedicated access to Internet. VPI Extension 431 Cover shared salary costs for final state budget; state budget approved too late for inclusion in County budget request. Total Gen Gov't 949,608 MIS 4,108 Continue expansion of LAN backbone to allow additional users. Total All $ 953,716 m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION 102495-8 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session ~..~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE 102495-10 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 38.22-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD AND LAUREL GLEN LANE, NORTH OF THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY (TAX MAP NO. 50.04-3-73) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PRD WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF WOLF CREEK, INC. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 26, 1995, and the second reading and public hearing were held October 24, 1995; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 38.22 acres, as described herein, and located at Mountain View Road and Laurel Glen Lane, north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, (Tax Map Number 50.04-3-73) in the Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-1, Low Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of PRD, Planned Residential Development District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Wolf Creek, Inc. 3. That the owner of the property, Wallace P. Muse on behalf 1 of the Estate of Frank Muse, and the developer, Wolf Creek, Inc., have voluntarily proffered in writing conditions which are made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference and which are set out in detail in the attached Exhibit A entitled "A Rezoning Application: Planning and Design Documents for Wolf Creek Planned Community, County of Roanoke, Virginia, Roanoke County's First Planned Residential Development (PRD), Wolf Creek, Inc., Owner & Developer, Hill Studio, P.C., Planner & Landscape Architect, June 23, 1995, Updated September 13, 1995, September 29, 1995, and October 17, 1995" which conditions the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at corner #1, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route #651, said point also being the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Section 7, Falling Creek Estates ( PB 12 , page 17 0) ; thence leaving Route # 651 and with Section 7, Falling Creek Estates, N. 14 deg. 41' 52" E. 1043.04 feet to corner #2, said point located on the southerly boundary of Section 3, Falling Creek Estates (PB 9, page 71); thence continuing with Section 3, Falling Creek Estates, N. 67 deg. 14' 20" E. 779.21 feet to corner #3, said point located on the westerly side of Section 5, Falling Creek Estates (PB 9, page 146); thence continuing with Section 5, Falling Creek Estates, S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 491.70 feet to corner #4; thence with the new boundary lines of Lot 6 for the following three courses comprising the southerly portion of Lot 6, Section 5, Falling Creek Estates, S. 89 deg. 15' 46" W. 20.00 feet to corner #5; thence S. 16 deg. 42' 00" E. 224.60 feet to corner #6; thence N. 73 deg. 05' 54" E. 20.00 feet to corner #7, said point located on the original Lot 6 boundary line; thence continuing with the southerly boundary of Lot 6, S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 312.03 feet to corner #8, said point being the northwesterly corner of Cindy F. Ross property; thence leaving Lot 6 and with Ross S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 514.98 feet to corner #9, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Laurel Glen Lane, said point also being the southwesterly corner of property of Cindy F. Ross (DB 1376, page 943); thence leaving Ross and with Laurel Glen Lane for the following three courses, S. 66 deg. 28' 05" W. 203.72 feet to corner #10; thence S. 47 deg. 43' 04" W. 29.58 feet to corner 2 • #11; thence S. 63 deg. 22' 10" W. 514.79 feet to corner #12, said point located at the intersection of Laurel Glen Lane and Virginia Secondary Route 651; thence leaving Laurel Glen Lane and with Virginia Secondary Route 651 for the following four courses: thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 13 deg. 05' S5", a radius of 577.37 feet, a chord of 131.71 feet and bearing N. 75 deg. 18' 09" W. to corner #13; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 27 deg. 18' 49", a radius of 481.01 feet, a chord of 227.14 feet, and bearing N. 68 deg. 11' 43" W. to corner #14; thence N. 47 deg. 52' 47" W. 362.91 feet to corner #15; thence N. 49 deg. 26' 32" W. 202.61 feet to corner #1, the place of beginning and containing 38.22 acres. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 ~~ PETITIONER: WOLF CREEK INC. CASE NUMBER: 28-8/95 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 3, 1995 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: October 24, 1995 A. REQUEST Petition of Wolf Creek Inc. to rezone 38.22 acres from R-1, single family to PRD, planned residential development to construct residential homes, located at Mountain View Road and Laurel Glen Lane, north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Vinton Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Robinson announced that he would be abstaining from all discussion and action on this item due to a possible conflict of interest. The Commission inquired as to the location of the open space and whether an 8-inch sewer line is sufficient. Ms. Scheid pointed to the several locations of open space on the map. She said that the Town of Vinton will be supplying public utilities and they have reviewed the plan and have requested an 8-inch line. Mr. Thomason complimented the developer on his plans to protect the trees. Ms. Hooker commended the developer and architect on the detailed plans and open space. Mr. Ross asked who will be responsible for control of architectural design. Mr. Hill said there are five house plans in the design guidelines which are pre-approved for the single family lots. If someone wants to use their own set of plans, it must be approved by the architectural review committee (made up of home owners). He noted that Mr. Musselwhite is on the committee until the last lot is sold. Ms. Scheid stated that Roanoke County will be responsible for reviewing in detail the building plans--not just the footprint of the building, but the construction materials, colors, etc. The Commission asked for clarification of who would be developing the site--the applicant or other developer and whether this is proffered. Ms. Scheid said the applicant will develop the entire site except for the single family homes and these details are included in the applicant's package and are proffered. Mr. Witt commented that these plans are a vast improvement over the original plans submitted by Mr. Musselwhite plus it is the first development with a greenway. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS All submitted material constitute proffered conditions (see attached notebook). E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Thomason congratulated Ms. Scheid on her excellent work and moved to recommend approval of the petition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Hooker, Witt, Ross NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Robinson °~"` F. DISSENTTNG PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map Staff Report _ Other Terrance Ha ngto , ~, retary Roanoke~unty Planning Commission ~~ • STAFF REPORT Case Number: 28-8/95 Prepared by: Janet Scheid Applicant: Wolf Creek, Inc. Date: October 2, 1995 PART I A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The petitioner is requesting that 38.22 acres of property, in close proximity to Falling Creek Estates and the Blue Ridge Parkway, be rezoned from R-1, Single Family Residential to PRD, Planned Residential Development. The Preliminary Master Plan that has been submitted for your review represents a cumulative, cooperative effort, over the last 9 months, between the developer, the County, the Blue Ridge Parkway and other groups that are interested in the preservation of the Parkway. The goal of this cooperative effort has been to achieve a design concept that would provide protection to the Blue Ridge Parkway viewsheds and adjacent residential neighborhoods, meet County development requirements and be a financially viable and marketable endeavor for the developer. The proposed development is comprised of five residential neighborhoods. One of these areas consists of 37 traditional, single family residences. Three areas consist of 49 village homes. These are single family detached residences that are arranged in relatively close proximity to each other, creating intimate private spaces and allowing for large areas of surrounding open spaces. The last area consists of 19 townhomes or deckhomes. No commercial uses or apartments are proposed. The proposed development includes both public and private streets. The Virginia Department of Transportation has reviewed this request and approved the development concept. Public utilities are proposed to be provided by the Town of Vinton. The proposed sewer line crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway and consequently, an analysis of environmental impacts has been conducted. The draft environmental impact statement has found no significant impacts. The submittal before you constitutes a Preliminary Master Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Planned Residential Development district of the County zoning ordinance. Any revisions that you suggest, if accepted by the petitioner, will be made and submitted to the Board of Supervisors for their review. The request that the Board approves becomes the Final Master Plan. Site plan review will be required to ensure conformity with the Final Master Plan. • s~ • B. DESCRIPTION _ - The _petitioner's request is to rezone 38.22 acres from R-l, Residential to PRD, Planned Residential Development. The petitioner plans to develop a community of residences that will provide a range of housing options in a neighborhood atmosphere with significant amounts of open space. This property is in the Vinton Magisterial District. The goal is for this development to be a compatible adjacent use to the Blue Ridge Parkway. There are several design elements integral to this project that will be helpful in accomplishing this goal. Almost 5 acres of this parcel, that are in criticalA Blue Ridge Parkway viewsheds, will be donated to the National Park Service and leased back to the Wolf Creek Homeowner's Association. This land will remain open and undeveloped with the exception of walking trails and a picnic shelter. Another 4 acres of property will be included in a linear park system weaving throughout the development and providing significant open space and recreational amenities. In addition, the residences that are to be built closest to the Parkway will be clustered together creating private courtyards and motorcourts, and will. not exceed two stories in height. The exterior design of these residences closest to the Parkway will be controlled by the design principles and guidelines, developed by the National Park Service design team, and included in the • Preliminary Master Plan. The remaining single family homes and townhomes, while not totally screened from the Parkway, are designed and sited to be complementary to the Parkway. The mass, scale and color of the proposed homes and the buffering effect of natural landforms will help in achieving compatibility with the Parkway. 2 ~~ C. .APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The Planned Residential Development (PRD) District of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance regulates land uses and site development within this district. The following table details what the PRD district allows or requires compared to what the petitioner is requesting: PRD ALLOWS/REQUIRES PETITIONER'S REQUEST Land Use Types• Residential Civic Yes, single family attached and townhouses No, except Family Day Care Homes and Minor Utility Services Office Commercial Miscellaneous Site Development Regulations: Lot - 10 acres Density - 5 du/acre Open Space - 15% Streets - public or private Setbacks - Determined by Master Plan Floodplain - 2 feet No No No, except Amateur Radio Towers 38.22 acres 2.78 du/acre 24 % Public and private Village & Deck homes: 10 feet from all property lines. Single Family homes: 10 feet from side property lines; 30 feet from front property line; 25 feet from rear property line 2 feet • S~ i PART II PROJECT HISTORY This project is unique in the history of Roanoke County rezoning requests in that it has, from the beginning, been a cooperative and interactive process between the developer, the Coalition for the Blue Ridge Parkway, Friends of the Parkway, the Blue Ridge Parkway staff and Roanoke County staff. The process began in January 1995 when the Coalition for the Blue Ridge Parkway invited the developer to participate in the "Design Workshop for Lands Adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway". This workshop brought landowners, architects, County staff and officials, Blue Ridge Parkway staff and the Co- Chair of the Coalition together for 2 1/2 days to draft designs for adjacent lands that were compatible with the Parkway landscape, sensitive to the Parkway viewsheds, consistent with County development regulations and financially viable and marketable for the developers. The workshop resulted in draft designs for this specific property that were acceptable to all parties involved. These draft designs were unveiled to the public at a meeting in April 1995. There were questions regarding water and sewer accessibility, the location of the walking trails and the style and price range of the homes. Since that April public meeting, the developer and his design team have made further modifications and clarifications of the development plan. As a result of preliminary review comments by Dr. Harry Nickens and the Blue Ridge Parkway, additional revisions have been made to enhance the compatibility of this proposed development with both the Parkway and the surrounding neighborhoods. Density and the location and number of townhomes were both issues that have been addressed by the developer in the proposal before you. This being the first PRD to be reviewed under the 1992 Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the staff has worked closely with the developer and his project team to simplify and clarify the administrative process. • a ~i EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS Description The land proposed for development is 38.22 acres and is a mixture of open meadow and woodlands. There are 4.77 acres of the site in the flood plain located in two swales on the property. A few specimen sycamore and beech trees are in these lowlands. Approximately 21 acres of the site is forested land consisting of upland mixed vegetation forest - oaks, poplar, beech and mature maple and Virginia pine. Several large groupings of mountain laurel indicate the woods have been undisturbed for some time. The remaining 17 acres of the site are meadows. Slope Approximately 31 acres of the site falls within the 0-15% slope category - the most buildable land. Seven acres are in the 15% and above slope category. Scenic Views From this site, the most significant views are to the west. The Parkway and Vinton compose the foreground view with downtown Roanoke and the mountains west of Salem forming the middle and back grounds views, respectively. For the Parkway driver, the most significant views of this site are traveling south. In a car traveling on the Parkway, looking out the window at approximately a 45 degree angle, what you would see in your viewshed is the large meadow in the foreground and the smaller meadow and knoll in the background. The northbound traveler's view is predominately of the existing Falling Creek subdivision along the sides of Stewart Mountain. Site Resources One of the principal reasons the developer is requesting rezoning to the PRD designation is to be able to take advantage of significant site resources. These include not only views to and from the Blue Ridge Parkway, but also large rock outcroppings, substantial trees along the dells and lowlands formed by the floodplains, and the open meadows and knolls. Site resources have been mapped and shown in the Preliminary Master Plan for preservation. • s-- ~ PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Description Wolf Creek is proposed to be a 38 acre planned community of residences. It is designed as a series of neighborhoods responding to site conditions of the property. The neighborhoods are Oldtowne, Rockbridge, Cedar Run, Beech Cove, Wolf Crest and Wolf Run. Each neighborhood is distinguished by housing type and roadway alignment. Village homes and deckhomes will be built under the supervision of the developer. Public IItilities The developer of this property is proposing public water and sewer. This site is within the Vinton public utility service area. It is necessary to cross Parkway property with sewer lines to access this site. Because Federal property is involved, the National Park Service is required to conduct an environmental impact statement (EIS). The EIS evaluates the short and long-term environmental consequences of granting a right-of-way permit to construct, maintain, and use an 8-inch sewer line across Park lands. The National Park Service has based their analysis of potential impacts on the site development concepts agreed to in the January design workshop and included in the Preliminary Master Plan. If approved by the Board of Supervisors, the Final Master Plan of development will become part of the right-of-way permit agreement. The National Park Service has coordinated and conducted the EIS and although final review and approval has not been completed, the draft EIS has found no significant impacts. Iiousinq Types Village Homes Oldtowne, Rockbridge and Beech Cove are the three village home neighborhoods. These homes are arranged in intimate patterns, creating courtyards and motorcourts and are modeled after Williamsburg dwellings. The homes will range in size from 1650 to 2150 square feet and will be 1/2 to 2 stories. Each home owns a small patio along with other outdoor space and most have attached garages. Common areas between homes are owned and maintained by the homeowner's association, which also cares for exterior parking, private streets, sidewalks, and other common areas and open spaces. • s ~~' _ Deckhomes Cedar Run is the deckhome neighborhood. This will consist of 19 townhoues all with bank garages. These homes are designed to maximize the open land in common open space areas. They will range in size from 1600 to 2400 square feet, three stories in height. The entire landscape of the deckhome areas is maintained by the homeowner's association. Singe Family Homes Wolf Run and Wolf Crest end in cul-de-sacs, creating the two neighborhoods of single-family homes. Buyers will purchase lots in these areas and build their individual homes, following the guidelines included in the Preliminary Master Plan and after approval of the homeowner's association. Traffic Circulation Vehicular Circulation Within the Proposed Development Primary access into Wolf Creek will be via Wolf Run. This road will be built to VDOT standards and will be taken over and maintained by VDOT. The entrance will consist of two 18 foot single lanes with a 12 foot landscaped median. This road will narrow down to a two lane road and terminate in a cul-de-sac. Twenty two single family homes will have direct access to Wolf Run. Wolf Crest, also a public road, will be accessed from Wolf Run and will provide direct access to fifteen single family homes. This road also terminates in a cul-de-sac. The proposed 19 unit townhouse development is accessed from Wolf Run by Cedar Run - a private street. The three village home neighborhoods - Oldtowne, Rockbridge, and Beech Cove - are accessed by private streets, motor courts and alleys. Rockbridge Street originates at the Wolf Crest cul-de-sac. The automobile access to the community of Beech Cove is from Laurel Glen Lane rather than Wolf Run. Pedestrian Circulation Within the Proposed Development Approximately one mile of walking trails are incorporated into the design of this Planned Residential Development. The trail will be five feet wide, of pebble and resin construction and universally accessible. The proposed development also includes an extensive network of sidewalks. This network ties into the walking trail system at various locations throughout the development. Along the two public streets - Wolf Run and Wolf Crest - a five foot sidewalk will be on • 7 s- ~ _ one side of the road. The village streets will have three foot • herringbone brick sidewalks placed behind the curb. The deckhome neighborhood will also have three foot herringbone brick sidewalks, placed on the side of the street toward the houses. The walking trail system will allow residents and guests to travel between each of the communities of Wolf Creek, visit the playground near Beech Cove or the picnic shelter proposed in the meadow near the townhouse community. It will also allow users to enjoy the scenery along the two creeks that traverse this property as well as the large meadow near the Parkway. All sidewalks, walking trails and park amenities will be built by the developer and maintained by the homeowner's association. These walkways, and other open space amenities incorporated into this development design, are intended to be semi-public places available for use by the residents, guests and surrounding neighborhoods. Private Street Construction in the Village Home Neighborhoods These private streets will be 20 feet wide of resin and pebble construction aligned with rusticated curbs. No parking will be allowed on these streets. Maintenance for all streets, sidewalks and parking areas will be the responsibility of the homeowner's association. Within the village neighborhoods there will also be private alleys. These alleys will run between village homes. They will be 18 feet wide of resin and pebble construction aligned with rusticated curbs, and a rusticated cobble drainage system in the center of the alleys. Long term parking will not be allowed in the alleys. As with the village streets, maintenance will be the responsibility of the homeowner's association. Private street construction in the deckhome neighborhood Cedar Run is designed as a one-way private street, 18 feet wide, of pebble and resin construction, with rusticated curbs. Maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner's association. Parkincx All of the single family residences have private garages with additional parking provided for guests. The deckhome community has bank garages with additional private parking in front of each garage and guest parking. • 8 .~7 "~" Traffic Access Access to the proposed development will State Route 651. Residents can enter either Route 24 at the Bedford County Vinton. be via Mountain View Road, Mountain View Road from line or from the Town of Current Traffic Counts Mountain View Road, from Route 24 to Falling Creek Estates, has a current traffic count of 1548 vehicles per day. This portio of Mountain View Road is able to adequately handle this level of traffic. There are concerns regarding the traffic safety at the Route 24-Mountain View Road intersection. This intersection is in Bedford County and cooperative efforts are underway- to pursue options to increase the level of safety at this intersection. Mountain View Road from the east Town limits to Falling Creek has a current traffic count of 788 vehicles per day. This road, due to limited sight distances, is substandard for the current traffic level. Inquiries and requests have been made to have this portion of Mountain View considered in the 6-year plan for improvements. Additional Traffic The proposed development of 105 units could potentially add an additional 900-1000 vehicle trips per day to Mountain View Road. There is no way to know definitively which way these additional trips would route on Mountain View Road - towards Route 24 or towards the Town of Vinton. As mentioned earlier, Mountain View between Falling Creek Estates and Route 24 has better road conditions than the alternative route. During the school year though, morning commuters would have to contend with traffic at William Byrd High School if they take the Route 24 route. Design Guidelines The design guidelines are intended to guide the development and maintenance of Wolf Creek and establish the overall character of the community. These guidelines, developed by the project team, include exterior wall materials and colors, chimney materials and colors, roof materials and colors and landscape details such as the use of native plant material. The guidelines pertain to all primary and related structures, site design and landscaping. More general architectural elements such as mass, scale, and orientation are also discussed. • s s. Residential Construction The construction of the village homes and deckhomes, which are to be built by the developer, will be guided by a list of specifically allowed materials and colors. The single family homes that will be individually built are generally guided by a set of "acceptable" and "unacceptable" materials and colors. These guidelines are not meant to be all inclusive and final authority for approval will be with the Architectural Review Committee, elected by members of the homeowners association. Included in the Preliminary Master Plan are five house designs. These house plans will be typical units in the deckhome and village home communities. The house plans are proposed, but not required, for the single family neighborhoods off of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest. If the Board of Supervisors approves the Final Master Plan, the County will have the responsibility of reviewing building plans for all village homes and deckhomes for compliance with the approved design guidelines. The homeowner's association will have this responsibility for the single family homes built on Wolf Crest and Wolf Run. Other Landscape Features The design guidelines specify that tree clearance and removal will be minimized. The areas along Wolf Crest and Wolf Run, where single family residences will be constructed, are currently wooded. The design guidelines require that each landowner in this area conduct a tree survey prior to construction, that will be reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee, and must identify all trees that exceed 6 inch caliper. Trees that exceed 6 inch caliper can not be removed except for the house and driveway. Trees to be removed must be delineated on the tree survey. Virginia pines are excluded from these rules. In other areas of the proposed development street trees and other trees will be planted to create the desired continuity of the landscape and to provide shade. Pedestrian walkways will all be lined with planting beds. The site resources plan provides detail of which trees in the dell on the southeastern part of this development will be preserved. Public utilities will be routed through both of the creek areas of this development. Although there is the realization that some trees will have to be removed to accommodate these utilities, there is the requirement that trees specified in the Final Master Plan for preservation are protected. 10 ~" Community Meetinct A Community Information Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 27 at the Vinton War Memorial. Between 40-50 citizens attended this meeting. They were able to review the proposed site plan and open space plan and speak with representatives from Roanoke County, the Coalition and the Parkway, in addition to the architects who have been involved in this project. Several concerns were raised at that meeting. They included: 1) the appearance and design of the proposed townhomes; 2) townhomes could become "rental units"; 3) additional traffic on Mountain View Road and at the intersection of Mountain View and Route 24; 4) adequate screening/buffering between the proposed development and adjoining and nearby uses; 5) location and capacity of public utility lines; 6) the overall density of the proposed plan. The following comments were also made: 1) the overall design and site plan are attractive; 2) recreational amenities such as the walking trails are appealing; 3) neighborhood concept is good; 4) townhomes will not become a rental problem due to size and cost of units. Project Timing and Phasing . The developer, assuming all necessary approvals are granted from the County and the National Park Service, is planning to begin construction in the Spring of 1996. The first phase of the development will include the single family lots on Wolf Run and Wolf Crest. The streamside trails network will also be built at this time as well as the transfer of the large meadow to the National Park Service. In Phase Two the Beech Cove village homes will be introduced followed by Phase Three - the deckhomes in Cedar Run. Phase Four will build the village homes in Oldtowne and the last phase will be the homes in the Rockbridge section. The project can be built in as many as 11 or more sub-phases, and due to market forces, products may vary during the later phases of the 10 year buildout period. Conformance with County Comprehensive Plan The petitioners site is in an area designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the Roanoke County land use plan. The proposed development is consistent with the guidelines and principles of this designation. While being principally single family this proposed development does include a limited number of townhomes. 11 .S-1 The Neighborhood Conservation designation permits limited attached residential development provided exceptional design and site planning techniques are employed. Appropriate screening, buffering and open space are all integral components of the proposed development. PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS The product that is before you for review and recommendation tonight is the result of at least nine months of effort between the developer, his project team, the National Park Service, County staff and other groups interested in the protection of the Blue Ridge Parkway. It represents a cooperative effort that required some level of negotiation and compromise on the part of all parties involved plus the recognition that the success of this project hinges on building a consensus toward a design solution that is acceptable to all parties involved. It is staff's recommendation that the rezoning request be favorably recommended to the Board of Supervisors. This Preliminary Master Plan conclusively meets the objective of providing reasonable protection of the scenic viewsheds of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The draft environmental impact statement, conducted by the National Park Service, has not identified any significant impacts on the resources of the Parkway. This Plan also provides clear identification of critical on-site resources and specifies techniques for protecting them, as required by the PRD district regulations. In all regards, this Plan has met and in some cases, exceeded, the requirements to consider and mitigate the impacts of this proposed development on adjoining properties. In conclusion, the. proposed development and the supporting documentation provided meet both the spirit and the intent of the design workshop, held in January, and the Planned Residential Development district guidelines contained in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. The proposed project will create a planned residential community that maximizes site resources and is visually compatible with the adjacent Parkway and neighbors. Through the use of innovative and environmentally sensitive design and significant open spaces, the proposed development will provide a quality residential atmosphere while preserving and enhancing the scenic beauty of the adjoining communities. 12 ._ S~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 38.22-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT MOUNTAIN VIEW ROAD AND LAUREL GLEN LANE, NORTH OF THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY (TAX MAP NO. 50.04-3-73) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PRD WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF WOLF CREER, INC. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 26, 1995, and the second reading and public hearing were held October 24, 1995; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 38.22 acres, as described herein, and located at Mountain View Road and Laurel Glen Lane, north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, (Tax Map Number 50.04-3-73) in the Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-1, Low Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of PRD, Planned Residential Development District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Wolf Creek, Inc. 3. That the owner of the property, Wallace P. Muse on behalf of the Estate of Frank Muse, and the developer, Wolf Creek, Inc., 1 .. S-I have voluntarily proffered in writing conditions which are made a part hereof and incorporated herein by reference and which are set out in detail in the attached Exhibit A entitled "A Rezoning Application: Planning and Design Documents for Wolf Creek Planned Community, County of Roanoke, Virginia, Roanoke County's First Planned Residential Development (PRD), Wolf Creek, Inc., Owner & Developer, Hill Studio, P.C., Planner & Landscape Architect, June 23, 1995, Updated September 13, 1995, September 29, 1995, and October 17, 1995." which conditions the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at corner #1, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Virginia Secondary Route #651, said point also being the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Section 7, Falling Creek Estates (PB 12, page 170); thence leaving Route #651 and with Section 7, Falling Creek Estates, N. 14 deg. 41' S2" E. 1043.04 feet to corner #2, said point located on the southerly boundary of Section 3, Falling Creek Estates (PB 9, page 71); thence continuing with Section 3, Falling Creek Estates, N. 67 deg. 14' 20" E. 779.21 feet to corner #3, said point located on the westerly side of Section 5, Falling Creek Estates (PB 9, page 146); thence continuing with Section 5, Falling Creek Estates, S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 491.70 feet to corner #4; thence with the new boundary lines of Lot 6 for the following three courses comprising the southerly portion of Lot 6, Section 5, Falling Creek Estates, S. 89 deg. 15' 46" W. 20.00 feet to corner #5; thence S. 16 deg. 42' 00" E. 224.60 feet to corner #6; thence N. 73 deg. 05' 54" E. 20.00 feet to corner #7, said point located on the original Lot 6 boundary line; thence continuing with the southerly boundary of Lot 6, S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 312.03 feet to corner #8, said point being the northwesterly corner of Cindy F. Ross property; thence leaving Lot 6 and with Ross S. 16 deg. 54' 06" E. 514.98 feet to corner #9, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Laurel Glen Lane, said point also being the southwesterly corner of property of Cindy F. Ross (DB 1376, page 943); thence leaving Ross and with Laurel Glen Lane for the following three courses, S. 66 deg. 28' 05" W. 203.72 feet to corner #10; thence S. 47 deg. 43' 04" W. 29.58 feet to corner #11; thence S. 63 deg. 22' 10" W. 514.79 feet to corner #12, said point located at the intersection of Laurel Glen Lane and 2 .s Virginia Secondary Route 651; thence leaving Laurel Glen Lane and with Virginia Secondary Route 651 for the following four courses: thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 13 deg. 05' S5", a radius of 577.37 feet, a chord of 131.71 feet and bearing N. 75 deg. 18' 09" W. to corner #13; thence with a curve to the right which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 27 deg. 18' 49", a radius of 481.01 feet, a chord of 227.14 feet, and bearing N. 68 deg. 11' 43" W. to corner #14; thence N. 47 deg. 52' 47" W. 362.91 feet to corner #15; thence N. 49 deg. 26' 32" W. 202.61 feet to corner #1, the place of beginning and containing 38.22 acres. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. zoning.wolfck 3 AGENDA ITEM S-1 EXHIBIT "A" A REZONING APPLICATION PLANNING AND DESIGN DOCUMENTS FOR WOLF CREEK PLANNED COMMUNITY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ROANOKE COUNTY'S FIRST PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRD) WOLF CREEK, INC., OWNER & DEVELOPER HILL STUDIO, P.C., PLANNER & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT JUNE 23, 1995 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1995 UPDATED OCTOBER 17, 1995 A REZONING APPLICATION PLANNING AND DESIGN DOCUMENTS FOR WOLF CREEK PLANNED COMMUNITY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA • ROANOKE COUNTY'S FIRST PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRD) WOLF CREEK, INC., OWNER & DEVELOPER HILL STUDIO, P.C., PLANNER & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT • JUNE 23, 1995 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 13, 1995 UPDATED SEPTEMBER 29, 1995 UPDATID OCTOBER 17, 1995 "°' "` ' °0` 4ND ZONING Dept. C,.y s sDpliestion far. we r Fsx e plwards issued: ~~ t ~ ~~~ i i c-coo r'f-~ 17031 772-2030 Css. Nu~.r: Chock type of application filed (check all that apply): ® RQONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^ VARIANCE Appllcant't name: Wolf Creek, Inc. , Steve Musselshi te, President Address: 4346 Starkey Road, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia PCIBZA data: BOS data: Phone: 989-4531 Zip Code: 24014 Owner's name: Wolf Creek, Inc. , Steve Musselwhi te, President Phone: 989-4531 Address: 4346 Starkey Road , S . W. , Roanoke , V 1 rg i n i a Zip Code: 24014 !ovation of property: Tax Map Number. 50.04-3-73 Mountain View Road a t Lau re 1 G 1 en Magisterial District: Vinton Lane, East of Vinton, Virginia • I Community Planning Area: Vinton Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: R- ~ 38.15 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. ~ Proposed Zoning: p RD i Proposed Land Use: Re s i den t i a l fvi Staf! We .OMy Us• Typa: Does the parse! meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES X NO ~ IF N0, A VARIANCE 1S REQUIRI_D FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum crheria for the requested Use Typel YES NO IF N0. A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request. are conditions being proffered with this requestl YE5 NO Variance of Section(z) of the Roanoke County Zoning OrdMance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. wa v lvs v ~n •~ Consultation 8 1 !2" x 11 " concept plan ~ ._ Application fee Application Metes and bounds description ~•. Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer application Adjoining propeRy ownerr l hereby certify that / am either the own of h r t e p operty or the owner s agent or contract purchaser end am ecting with the know/ed~~e ,~\nd cQr~s~ t of the owner. Owner's Signature: David P. Hi TI, AS LA, Project Landscape Architect ~s~ ~. z • June 23, 1995 M:. Janot Sheld, Community Planner County of Roanoke, Virginia (Hand-delivered) Dear Ms. 5heid; As agent for the Estate of Frank T, Muse, i hereby acknowledge the foliowiny: 1. On July i2, 1994 my cltents executed ii Real Estate Purchase Contract !or the siitta of a 3Q acre tract in eastern Roapake County ad.~,acent to The Diue R1dge Parkway, and i'r~e`ntlfied as parcel 50.04-3-73 on the Roanoke County tax rec=ords. The Purchaser f S MT IioTding Cq., qr 1tS assigns, 2. the property, to be known as Wulf Greek, will be developed by ~Slephen A. Musselwhite, 3. I have been told that the PuratlaSpNS ,rill take ~tft~l~e to the property under the corporate name of Wolf i;r~e~k, 1 nc. ; end 4. Mr. Mussetwhlte will be raqueating rezoning of the parcel to PRA (Planned Residential Development). On behalf of the Estate of Frank T. Muse, I acknowledge by my signature below that we are in agreement with this proposed zoning change and agree to Wolf Creole, • Inn's. submittal and request for rezoning. Sincerel ~ Waldvogel. Pae~ and Cr k Rral Estate Michael M. Waldvogel, President Agent for Estate of Frank T. Muse MMW/ec Group, Inc., by Post-it' Fax Note 7671 Dace/' ~7~ # of (~ - (.6~ Pa9es ~ To - t~~ ~,/!!~ From i~d.iir. tJii . I CoJDept. Co. Phone # Phone # Fax # ~7 ~ ~ /O ~ Fax # Post-it° Fax Note 767 IDate~w 7rn ~of~~ CoJDept. Co. • Phone # ~ ~ Phone # Fax # ~ ~ . ~ ~ 2 Fax # • PROJECT TEAM OWNER / DEVELOPER: PLANNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT ENGINEER: DESIGN TEAM ADVISORS: Wolf Creek, Inc. 4346 Starkey Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24014 703-989-4531 Mr. Steve Musselwhite, President Hill Studio, PC 20A East Campbell Ave. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-342-5263 Planning Team: David P. Hill, ASLA, Project Manager, Frank H. Hill, AIA, Kitty Johnston, Melissa Board, Valerie Birch, AICP, Sandra Gaylord Lumsden Associates, PC 4664 Brambleton Ave, SW Roanoke, VA 24014 703-774-4411 Keith Rastorfer, Project Manager Janet Sheid, AICP, Community Planner, Roanoke County NPS Blue Ridge Parkway: Gary Johnson, Chief, Resource Planning and Professional Services Division Carlton Abbott and Partners Carlton S. Abbott, FAIA Will Orr, Park Landscape Architect for the Blue Ridge Parkway -i- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S WOLF CREEK CONCEPT Wolf Creek is a 38-acre planned community of residences adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Roanoke County, Virginia. The community is proposed as Roanoke County's first Planned Residential Development (PRD) and will offer an alternative to typical subdivision developments which can be designed without regard to the surrounding landscape. Because the design of Wolf Creek is based on a commitment to be a compatible adjacent use to the Blue Ridge Parkway, the design responds by incorporating the community into the surrounding agricultural and residential land use patterns. Vital towns and villages, meadows, fields and farms, and forests compose the cultural landscape of the western Virginia's Blue Ridge Parkway corridor. These four elements are incorporated into the design of Wolf Creek. The massing diagram on the following page illustrates the four land use types at Wolf Creek. Park lands are the front of the property, and are designed to be meadows visible from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Much of this land was determined to be critical viewshed • of the Parkway, and the land is proposed to be conveyed to anon-profit trustee for the National Park Service. A second subset of park lands are lands -retained by the homeowner's association. These lands include the loop of trails and amenities located in the lowlands and floodplain, with tie-ins to the remainder of the neighborhood. In the center of the land is a residential village which will consist of a main street with larger residences and cluster courts beyond. Wolf Creek's pedestrian scale, consistent street frontage patterns, trees, wide sidewalks and landscaped courtyards will follow in the tradition of nearby towns such as Fincastle, and design guidelines require timeless construction tradition that can be found in much older Virginia towns. This village is designed as a scene visible to the Bluc Ridge Parkway. Virginia highland towns, such as Meadows of Dan, provide a similar visual experience for the Parkway visitor To the south of the village homes are t~vo groups of deckhomes. Out of primary view of the Blue Ridge Parkway, these are inwardly-focused toward Muse's Dell. The remainder of the site is divided into 37 single family lots which range in size from 1/4 to 1 acre. These are sited in the rear of the field and the woods, in the distant view of the Parkway. They also are designed to be compatible with adjacent lands uses to the north and west. • -2- L~ L~ • W O L F C REEK M A S T E R P L A N A DESIGN G U I D E L I N E S PROJECT LOCATION Wolf Creek is located in the eastern half of Roanoke County 65 yards off of the Blue Ridge Parkway motor road, and 112 mile north of Virginia Route 24. The property is one mile east of Vinton, seven miles east of downtown Roanoke and Interstate 581. -3- The site's slightly rolling topography is typical of V irginia's Shenandoah Valley and has influenced the form of many Virginia towns. Nearby Fincastle, Lexington, Bedford all exhibit character based on village patterns which have agricultural foregrounds and are sited on rolling telTain. I• W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S DESIGN PROCESS Critical to the success of this project is building of consensus toward a solution acceptable to the National Park Service, Roanoke County, Town of Vinton, and adjacent land owners. Realizing the importance of consensus-building, the partners of Wolf Creek, Inc. the project's developer, helped to fund the 3-day workshop entitled "Partnership Planning for lands adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway," held January 25 - 27, 1995 at the Vinton W ar Memorial. This workshop, coordinated by the Coalition for the Blue Ridge Parkway, brought together people of various disciplines from the Coalition, land owners, Roanoke County staff and boardmembers, aprivate-sector planning team, and staff from the Blue Ridge Parkway. The purpose of the workshop was to create designs and reach consensus on infrastructure issues that face several proposed developments in the Roanoke Valley adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway. ~,~; a -4- • Design workshop: A series of work sessions and presentations. E L I N E S U 1 D ~--_ I3ESI~ty G E~ Ai ~~,rE~pL~~ ~. ~~.:. • ir~clu~e ~'` , T~1e ~~arlshop ~~Si+~n series ~,f irlte'nse and pre~ntati~n ~; fi,,,$3~~' ues to the collective eriti~ ~;o~~sho'p audience- The rt':se format allt~wed e~ Mary rc~ul~s to f~arm• f g thief ° 3 ohns°r'' ~ and RS~~r~~ ~l~~~i~~ - erv ices, and x pr~~fesirr, ~ ~ Landscape 1~,'ill'© with the Blue ~. , ~rohi~e~=t dre~~% an Ridge par'~way> ~ olf ,is neap cf the ~. anal', erty- shc~~'Ing ~ ~ree~ prop ;' w sheds and ~. the critical vie that sere ,~" '' the resources rotect. :,,~ -~ ~, ~,ost ir~'+'po~ar~t to ~ lrt. ~~~ This is shown to the ng ropetty. The lanes can be and signage for octant for the p A second ~,d that are imp lace with landscaping kway riy lines uideiines em~rg~ sense-of-p as seen from the Par ecific g roviding ,duality . along the rear Frope screen Teti; o site-sp ~ th+=view cat the entran„e split at the entrance, P Zones, or LPZs, ~, to parttatly- v,7hile nn~eli ~~~scape Protectian eYistin~, tree. canoe. residents, ©bjective is to create. " Tha ~,oates utilize t kway of the Design read~~'a~4~~ ~s arallel to the Par ~ the ~,~iembers ginia" on and aton= layers p „Report to VirD de~:elopmes~t sce~zes In with his in Roanoke bounty munity _ d tl~e workshop ge parkway d fanning a com I~sente .Blue Ridgy gn guidelines ~ p to s traditional Steve MuSSelwhite p Ad~acLnt to the guidelines and emp y ~~orksl~ui? of Lan cs ort pruvid;d the basis ~~rp~ kway ~~ This p with tlae Blue Ridgy today. January - ebuilding that is ~otl~ctices that are desirable in hom building p _s- r~ LJ Est Gu IDE~"i~~s _ G N ----'~_. W pLF ~R~~K ~~ , • `t`a C7 • W OL.F CREEK MASTERPLAN S DESIGN GUIDELINES SENSE 4F PLACE Wolf Creek is located in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Agrarian fields, pastures and meadows; barns, rail fences and stone walls; vital villages and towns -- all with the Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains in the background -- create the Shenandoah Valley' s unique sense of place. The Blue Ridge Parkway drops into the Valley only briefly over its 470-mile length. As described by the Parkway's founding landscape architect, Stanley Abbott, "these dips into valleys provide a few notes of staccato that enhance an otherwise melodious symphony. " By incorporating the characteristics of the Valley' s vernacular landscape into the design of Wolf Creek, the Valley's sense of place will be preserved and interpretable for visitors. AI-chitectonic forms in the Valley include those reminiscent of more traditional "old Virginia" building styles in contrast to the "pioneer" style used on the mountain tops. Although there is an attempt to be compatible with the Parkway, the Developer looks to Fincastle and Williamsburg for development comparables, and for examples of sense of place. FINCASTLE & WILLIAMSBURG Fincastle and Williamsburg are models for the home and landscape structure types of Wolf Creek. Their vitality is in part due to their streetscapes which create acommunity- oriented, pedestrian-friendly and highly functional environment. The major design elements which contribute to the success of these towns are 1) the linear town pattern, 2) the high density of buildings which create the street's edge, and 3) the courtyard and park spaces woven into the residential fabric. The consistency of details such as gateways, roofslopes and cornices create a rhythm, giving each developed area a unique sense of place. • W O L F C REEK D4 A S T E R P L A N & D E S I G N G U I DEL I N E S TIMELESS BIJII.DING ELEMENTS These photos depict the character desired for the homes of Wolf Creek. The village sections will be the most controlled architecturally, and will exhibit these qualities most thoroughly. Small picket fences, outbuildings with finials and shake roofs, paving exhibiting brown pebbles, detailed cornices and railings are all a part of the architectural scheme. -8- • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S SITE AND SITUATION WATER, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE There are 4.77 acres of the site in the flood plain. These areas are in the two swales on the property. In addition to its safety hazard, the floodplain lands provide for a diversity of wildife. Although these areas of the site have been grazed, the lowlands have the greatest potential for wetlands habitats. A few specimen sycamore and beech trees are in the lowlands. Upland mixed vegetation forest, consisting of oaks, poplar, beech, and mature maple and Virginia pine covers 20.70 acres of the site. Several large groupings of mountain laurel indicate the woods has been undisturbed for some time. Meadow makes up 17.45 acres of the site. There is very little tree coverage in the meadow except for a few clumps of locust. These may indicate outcroppings which are difficult to mow and graze. The Natural Heritage Survey indicates no endangered species are known to exist on the • property. HISTORIC RESOURCES There are no documented historic resources on the site. An old farmhouse exists off of Laurel Glen Lane, including outbuildings and old pump. None of the artifacts are substantial, and they will be razed as part of construction. UTILITIES Both public water and sewer, applied-for through the Town of Vinton, are proposed for this development. Sewer requires an offsite extension, which will cross under the Blue Ridge Parkway and tie into the existing sewer intercepter at Stonebridge subdivision in the Town of Vinton. An 8" sewer line is proposed. An 8" water line will supply both domestic and fire protection needs. This will be placed off of an existing 6" line on Laurel Glen Road. Both sewer and water lines will meet the standards of both Town of V inton and Roanoke County. Easements for these utilities are delineated on the Masterplan, page 16. A larger set of sewer and waterplans will accompany the site plan submittal. With the completion of the National Park Service environmental assessment, it is predicted these services can be in place by spring 1996 and will serve the houses as soon as the first phase is finished construction, summer of 1996. • • • • ~~~~o~ °J ~Q•'~ %% Cam" ~ 0 00 ~' a ,~ ~ Q,~ ~ o ~ ~ cro ~,, cu ~, Qm ~ r.~,~o ( ~ b r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ o o G9 ~ 't'1 N rt~n w ~ O ~ ; ~ ~ o ~ c o~ ~ ~ C1 ~~~ Cp N~ / ~ o 0 o i F o eo r C"~ m o ~~~~ ~ `ac ~ ~i rO~J ~ ~ y a. ~ ~ b \ O / ' ~ ~ \ ~ ~, , . • o ~ w~ o r. a o !. y N ~ ~ ~ a o ~ t~'~ N ~ ~ fD oQ ~ 1 \\ \\ ~1 ` ~ 1 w ~ co ao ~--~ C ~ d 0 ~Qo ~'"~v,~. ~ . H \ '- o ~ ~ o I I I .~, © ~ yf~~r~, / ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ 'f~' , M} I ~~ .` ` I iayo y ~ ~, (' \ { ~ ' y ~ _ ~\ ~~ Jp ~~ ~~ J ~o i 1 i 00'8°° ~ / ~:' 'I ~ {, s. 2oJ ., ° (' 4rt N i 8° ~ ~~~~ J tx v ` ~ E~' ~ ~ a \ ° ~ ( ~ ~ ~. \ f ;~,~ X94- ~ ~ ~~' ~\ ~ ~ oo Q~ ~~7 J , ~ ~'j 0 ~ ~ Fey -_ ~ ~ %~ ~~ ,~ o~ J ~ ~ -~ / ~ r ~ ~-- m .., \ ~ / / r /~ y '~ ~ r' ~~ ~ M~ y~ N lr ~ (~ Z 3Uq ~ ~ _ C1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o ~i ~~ C~ r Y ~ ~ ;. ~, ~a ~ ~' ~~ L i ~~ ,~ • WOLF C E E K M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S viEws From the site, t ie most significant views are to the west. The site is generally pitched to the west, and over he Blue Ridge Parkway, the knolls of Vinton compose a foreground view, with downtown Roanoke in the middleground, surrounded by the mountain bowl west of Salem. Houses d entrance roads will be oriented to take advantage of this view. Above: View From he site: Mill Mountain visible in Background. Below: Most critical view to the site from Blue Ridge Parkway Overpass. ,Y~ ~;'~;;::;~~ .. G.. ~.4~i,z.~ , .. .., ,, ~j I _._ _. _ _.. _ s. {~''. -11- • -- W~ L F c R E E~ -~--------_ __ jND~VID U - -----_-_--_ DESK '---__'"---~ ----_-- N C U 1 D E L 1 N B S The Ma AL SITE R `----- free Pon the followi ESO URCES ~------_ outcrk site. Where e °Ppin nginege it Wage show visible in gs and g does s some more de pe the Master ntajn laurel not require tailed site rmanently o Plan show thickets are changes, lar resources e~~dow. Wh pe a With its highl n on Page 18 The es intended [groves o f ree e Wolf s> 3" to 6„ ge trees (~?4Y visible knobs flOpdPlai be Preserved s, rook caliper tree cal.) are re 'the eYistino ns show lan > and are swill replaoe the quired re a field is to d to be left m tO raPidl ybeAlace fee by re b non ~rved as a ling of the dells. d utility docks to be 1'-'ese ed . iew of West Muse s Dell Center op Cul-de_ SA~cih,e...-. sac. • • ~ ~ ~,I r ~~ ~ ~ ~ o~saG ``~' ("~ r I~ ~ ' ° J o~ m a ~9 r x ~ ~ o ~~ o~ -- ' ~~ °8oa o 0o r ~ ~ fit-' ~O o l,/-~ oO°/ ~ ~ a ~ m z r Z Ci `° as ` ~ ~ ~- o b n p Z ~~% / o` J ~ ~` m ~ ~ ,~ ~ r ' N~` r li "Nrl~'0 / I f ~ ~ s ` r' //~qJ~~ ` YI`l~N~v r )fit ,~iO~ ~7~~+## t, / I I d ':~ I~, ~'Fk ~W+, ~ o ,~ ~ ~ r fI ~' ~ ~a~r3 ti r h Q / n-l ~ \' ~l ~~~ ~ '~'~ 9~ '~~o1fl~i ~ m / 1 l A ~~ M I~ ~, t ~, •Sl,~ i s '+~7s±7h ~,° i a I ~ m ~ ' ~ ~. / n~ ilr> ~.. cn ~t , Cl~'~~'tOf J~<l,`.z ~ W o o ~ ` ~ z ~ / N~ ~~ ~ q~ ~ , ° ~, O 10 ~ O \ -~ F \ trl t+Y l ~~ °~F -~ - ~ ~0 1 ®° / / ?off `~ ~/ o ° ~jA + ~' ' ~ ~ I \ .~ / r -~ _` ~ M \~ ~_ / ~ / /~ ,. O ~~ \ x~ y r~ /^~ n ~ - ` 1 ~ N Tl ~J O Q T O Z y ~ u ~ ~. ~ o o MH tv N J H 1.11 bx O~ ~-+ ~ p ~~ ~r ~~ tZrJ~ jC1 ..~~ ~d ~~ ,~ o ~x ~~ r do ~~ ~';~~° ~ ~ -~~.:.=a.. b -. f1 x H ~-3 C7 H L/1 ~~~ I ~ ;f ~ r~ C7 x _ t=J y •, ` ` Lll . . ~~~o~ ~~,~~ ~ o _ '' " ~ z ~ . w a. a~ - ~ '~ a r ~, ~ , ~ ~ y ~~'~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ m ~ ~°, ` ~ ~ x a. . ~, ~ r. w l~ w C7 te ~ ~ ~ a.. ~ y 0 .~o o on -~~~ a a.~'° ~ c ~u~ m ;'aw<' ~~ ;~ ... ~ ro , , ~ ~, y `r a `C r o o a. a ~-~~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ /~ ~ o ,~ o o ~ ~ ~ d ~ a:ido w~ v, cu G "'+ ~ O O t~i~ ~ gip' C7 J/ ~ ~ w ~ y ~~ ~ z ~ 1 ~ ~ .. ~~~~ b ,b \ ~ o fD' r» CD w " ~ o ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~C ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ a a, to ~ ., o ~ a ~ r., i ~,• ~ o ~ ~oCD~. z y ~ ~ ~ . ., 0 ' m ~ Mi3 ~ 'y ~.' CD i ~ CD y \ . 'i ./ 0 O ~ lyJ Pri T <_ ~ , 1JI `~ O d ~ ~ l 1 W y \ ~ lU H ~ti.l \~ _, \ Ap. q0 C'"~ d ~ ~ a M ~ ~ r ~ Z n r ~ ~ ~ ~ ra d d ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ rn r ~ b b ~ y D 0~p 00 .Ap ~P .- O ~ J ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ n Y / // • • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S MASTER PLAN DATA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE QTY ACREAGE DENSITY PARKING OLDTOWNE VILLAGE 28 4.42 AC 6.3 DU /AC 37 INDOOR 43 OUTDOOR 15 VISITOR 95 ROCKBRIDGE VILLAGE 10 2.00 AC 5.0 DU /AC 15 INDOOR 15 OUTDOOR 5 VISITOR 35 CIDAR RUN DECK 15 1.70 AC 11.3 DU /AC 15 INDOOR 15 OUTDOOR 20 VISITOR 50 BEECH COVE VILLAGE 11 1.95 AC 5.6 DU /AC 18 INDOOR 18 OUTDOOR 4 VISITOR 40 WOLF RUN, WOLF S.F. 37 18.14 AC 2.03 DU /AC CREST, PUBLIC ROADS TOTAL DWELLING UNI TS 101 28.93 AC 3.49 DU / AC NET INTERIOR PARKS & PARCEL 2 4.46 AC FOR NATIONAL PARK 1 4.83 AC TOTAL PARKS 3 9.29 AC TOTAL ACREAG): 38.22 AC 2.64 DU / AC GROSS DENSITY ~ ., I• WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN dk DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN CRITERIA MINIMUM SETBACKS: HOUSE TYPE PROP ROAD ALLEY SIDEWALK FLOODPLAIN LINE VILLAGE 10' 10' 6' 7' 2' (vertical) DECK 10' 10' S' 2' SINGLE FAMILY 10' side 30' _ _ 2' 25' rear ROADS AND WALKS: ROAD TYPE ROAD ROAD WALK WALK WALK WIDTH OWNER WIDTH MAT'L OWNER VILLAGE STREET 20' HOMEOWNER'S 3' BRICK HOMEOWNER'S ASSN ASSN ALLEY 18' HOMEOWNER'S _ _ HOMEOWNER'S ASSN ASSN DECK ONE WAY 18' HOMEOWNER'S 5' RESIN & HOMEOWNER'S ASSN PEBBLE ASSN SINGLE FAMII.Y VDOT VDOT 5' RESIN & HOMEOWNER'S STD PEBBLE ASSN - 19- a • ~ ~ ~i IN ~ c ~Y ~~ wi ~~'~7d:?.~C7~a~r 7d'g~.n~~°~•s ~nw~~d~.dY r~ ~ r o ~ oaao~ •O~i ~~a ~ .~ .,~w~,~c,,~aco ~.oo w o ~:o ~ ~ ~ ~.~ ., ~ ~ Q•o~o cu w ~ ~; ~ ~ o~ <•w ~ aa. ~ aZ~.~ ~ ~ ~• y'~ ~-y ~n ,..,, ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ r° i~ ~ v, r ~ . b ~ ~ ~, ~ " coo Q, "• ~ O ~• ?~ ~ ~. ~ °' --, ~+ n ~ ~ ~ ~d ~°.~ v ~'~ p~ ~ w M ? ;; ~ ~ i y'~ o ~ o coo ~~~.~'~.~w ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ m c w fi'g'-'~•oo ~ ~ ~ ~~ •a ~'~•b a~•~o ~ ~ w ~ 7;'~'O ~ a~ ~ n ~ ~ g ~,• ~ ~ ~•gb o~ r, Q ~ a~ o.w ~ w ~'~ ~' ~, ~ ~ wn.-, cu o a.o ~~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ww ~. coo.-.oo., ~ x~ o.: o~..,o~~~ ~, ~, r. ~' v, o ~~ ~• v~',~~o~,~:ua~v~~n~i cooc~o~Q:~ CDi~~:;~bo Q"'' ~. p ~ ~ co ,~, r* `,C ,~ o. ,..., ~ c~ .,, c~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7r ~ .••r ~' c~ .~ `C in ~, in ~ `C ~ O. a ~. .... ~' ,~ f~ Cd ~ ~ • \~ ° cu .b ~ 1~\ \ t . , ~ ~ d ~- r•:. ~~ / I I ~~~'~ C o p- ., co ~ I \ I co ~ ~ d ~_~ o~ a . ono ~ g ~ ~ ~ \ i a. ~;. rn C1. ~ ~ ~ / ~p m \ ~ d \ -/ I / ~ \ I ~ - \ I ~ \ I .~ ~ ~ l ,~' / r \ ~ ~ \\ / ,jY ~ /+. C /// ~~ / ... . - • i 7, 2• :A'c y ~/lam Er 2 ~! i Ohl ,~~ ,.\` /ap/ ~ R ~J t.. ,, ~, ~ 5 . 'S2, ~ i ~,~ <~ h 'I ~ ~ ~ ,:` ~/ X23 / •1 , ~ /' I~ , _ _ {. / ~o \. / ~~ !' v ,' ~ ~~ , s. , <r, f I o ,1 ~ ~ ,,;:.. O J / '~ ~ ~Z ~ ~'~ B p ~ ~~ ~ ~,~ .r ~ i o v~ ~> ~.~:, ., ~ ~~ o ~ . ~ \ o ~ L~,~~E~ ~ ~_T 9 9~OQ _ _ _ i'Y ,, A \~~, \\' \.. 0 O r trl d ~ ~y ~~~ W ~, \ ~ N C~ ~~ ~~ i. A ,~ v Ilr 'z -- CrJ ~ ~°qo ~ ~ ~~ ,\ 1 d 0 ~~' ,- ~Q~ r / ;. . i, A ~ - ...o~ V~U~i, ~ ~ `' ~.•,. 11„~ ~y~ -~~~~ c / 'l / m ; I r ~ / I r / '~ ,/ ,- ~ ~ ~ ~ / '> - ~ --~ ` / I ~ / \ \ ,~ °z ~ ~\ ,~~ b .. ~ o , __/ d` ~-.~.. ,- `\/ ~ ~ ~~ 1 ~~~ ..~ ~,. ..~ L r r C~1 CrJ ~/r \ ~-'f-~ ' I ~~ ' ~~ ~ z ~~ . ~~ j' 0 • ~ ~~i cD C t~i~ Q.. ~ ti ~ ~ --: ~ O f~D ~ cro 'b ~ ~ ~ cu ~ ~ z ~' C o '' ~ R O ~ n fin' ~ ('' ~, w ,~~. ~ ~ (~ o ~ ; ~, 0~„ n ."3 C3. ~~.' Vi fD ~ ~ !~/1 ~ ~'_-.QQ~ ~j 9 - ` o .~; o o G9} 000 ooboo .. n ~ "C3 ~'~" R `~''''' ~ ~. ~ `d .''may A?, 'n' ~ o o ~ R ~ v E t -*, .. /" ~..~;. Faro ~ ~~ o ~ ~' ~ o b ~' r° ~ ~ `~' ''~ I "~ ~: /„ ~~ ~~ O CAD ~ ~ n O O f° ~` ~ ~ p ~ \ - ~ p r / ~~ .: ~`~\ ~. ~,~ to ~• fn O CD ~ < O ~p ''~ ..y ~'' ( ~~ : \~ s f rr p- p) O r ~. O p ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ CD ~C O ~ ~ ~ ;. ~ , ew ~ O .~- ' ~, ~ ~ a b ~. co c~ ~ ~ cu ar,~ i ~•.I ~ ram ~ d~-~ `~~ ~ ~,r~r'1b {~..- "k `iW ~ ~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~~ i6+ ,a :~ ~` N, a:' '' wb ff Y L+ !i: ~; ~ ~ 4.; {nom 1 ..~ ~,. • .!~ \ ~ ~a Y ~. M~1, ~ ~} t ~~ et,'; ~,, , `} I y,,:, "~ . ~~ P '~ b Vl r ~~. \l~ o / / +• ~ . c "i l r '-i::. I o ~ i.: k ~ 0 0 0 ~ o ~ ` `_, ~. o ~ ~ rs°. 1 \ .~ ~ .v^ ~\ ~, `o° ~ ~°, G~ i - \ _ 9'ocF _ - - 9~ti ~ ~ / O A \. .\ ~~ ~, 'J `\ ~ i C ~~ ~ •i . ~ s~. 1 I /~ / ~ g 'U "D 'U '0 ~ i W y m m m m m ~ ~ ~ m m0 = ~ O \ /~• Z m ~ rn ~ m ~ ~ `.~•. C ~ ~ m /-•~ ~ M \•/ ~ J \ ~~ 1 ~j ~../ • \ ,-~ ~/ \ • 0 r n m m n a H C[1 7y r a z d m z c~ d m r_ z m \ ~ .: ~ Y i i /: , i ~/ / ' ~ / iAp ~ ~ I \ \ ' ~~i ~9 ~ i ~~, ~ : ~ ~ ; ~ , , ~~/ i ~;ji~ W. _ ~" l /• - ~• /+` r~ I ~6 '.% \ WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN dt DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN GUIDELINES I. Outline Statement ~ Objective The Association The Guidelines II. Circulation 24 Roads Parking Pedestrian Circulation III. Village Homes and Deckhomes 30 Guiding Principles • Materials and Architectural Considerations Architectural Elements Landscape Architectural Elements IV. Single Family Homes 37 Guiding Principles Materials and Architectural Considerations Architectural Elements Landscape Architectural Elements V. Landscape Guidelines 46 Village Deckhome Single Family Hardscape Palette Plant Palette . - 22- • WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN ~ DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN GUIDELINES OUTLINE STATEMENT I. Project Description Objective The objective of this project is to create a planned residential community that maximizes site resources and is visually compatible with the adjacent Blue Ridge Parkway. By using the local context of village, meadow and forest as the theme for the community's design; following environmentally sensitive development policies; and interpreting traditional town planning principles in innovative ways to meet the needs of today, Wolf Creek will provide a quality home atmosphere and beautiful setting for new development. Association All property owners at Wolf Creek are automatically members of Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. The members elect the Architectural Committee to resolve design and maintenance issues. Each year the committee can be composed of different • members except for the master developer, Mr. Steve Musselwhite, who will be a member with majority voting power until the last lot is sold and last deckhome and village home is built. Mr. Musselwhite may appoint another member in his place if he so chooses. The committee's primary function will be to review design proposals. Other responsibilities will include assessing annual dues for maintenance and upkeep of the property, determining the maintenance and capital improvement budget, and deciding community capital improvement and maintenance projects. Membersh ~ Levels There will be different levels of membership in the Association, depending on type of home or lot purchased. Because of the different levels of maintenance required, there will be different levels of homeowner's association fee assessed to each type of unit, discussed in the declaration of Codes, Covenants and Restrictions, developed during the fall, 1995. Design Guidelines The design guidelines are written with the intent to guide the development and maintenance of Wolf Creek. They are meant to establish the overall character of the community as well as to provide a springboard for the design process. All homes constructed in single-family section of Wolf Creek will be subject to review and approval of the Architectural Committee of the Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. These guidelines will indicate acceptable and unacceptable construction materials for the primary and related structures, site design and landscaping. These guidelines are not meant to beall-inclusive, and approval will be based on quality of construction as well as materials used. . - 23 - • ~, • • O '`l y ~ o ~ ~ b -~ ~ ~ ~ a c~ o ~ ~. .'"~ ~`~'~ ~~~ wco ~ n oo~~ ~CQ. ~~ ~ ~ ~, o~ ~ ~' ti o. ~ c r A ~ ~ oo ~~~ • ~ cry .b o `°A ~ H C ' ~ ~ o y O ~ ~~-~ ~~ ~o z ~~~, p cP n ~ '"'~ ~~ ~, ..r _ W o~ti c.o ~a _ c 0 ~ ~'~ 0 0 ~' p a R~~ ry a q '" o ~ ~~ sv C. , c~~~o ~~ N o~ ~ ~ O A ~ 1 ~ y O• a V• a~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ o .. ~~, ~ ~ ... ~o ~ ~~ ~~ ~ o ~. o ~ a ~~ ~ ~ o C ~ ~ 'o ,, y » ?r a CD ~ °'Q a •• ~' ...~ C ' g ~ N ...~ O ~.,~ o v': a . Cr, acs ~ ~' .°,.s a o °~. ~ ~. a: b °: ~ -~ rte- ~ ~ 0 f/1 5' ~ ~ °O a ~ 'v ~ ~ , K y a M . ."r ~ ~•a ~ ~ o C ~' 7c'' 'fD. CD ~' '~"' ~ ~ O A~ ... A~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ o tn• CD A~ .'"''.. ~• ~'~' ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ R o CD ."y 1 ~- 0 r ~• -y... raj 'Cy ~. ~ -1 . VJ N CD CD ~ b N o y ~ -~ rte. Cp/) ~ Al ~ a' Q t „ N ~ rd VJ ~ + £ '"' CD ' Q' --h V' ''- ~ Q' ~'-~ f'1 fD O ~ W Q..-r '-. ~ N ~~a o 0 0 ~~ _~ CAA A~ O a -yy ~ ~ ° o ~' ~ C ; o ''-'d :.. CD o !/i '+ ~.a0 ~'• v, H y ~y c~ p ~. Q' ~ ~ ~,oo ~ ~ ~~ ... ., ~' o ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~~ ° r» ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~Q.r. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a: ~' o ~ ~ fD ~ .y v i ~ N p~ r. a. ~ a a ~ n r. ~ ~ c °. . ~ a ~ a' o . ~ ~ ~• '.. ,..,, F .w -+ ~' ,.., a K i--' (A ~~ ~ ''~fD a . o ~ ~ ~ o `~ `~ ~ ~ d y ~ ~ O ~e ..~ ~ o b cn `C ~~ ., .- S' ~' ~~ -r n z m n~ ~. a y a ro r a z 0 y C1 z n v m r z H ~ ~ ~~ ~ • ~' Z ~, ~. ~ "„ ' ' ~ '' ~ {- :, ;;., z , _. ~, ,, ,~ ,-L'` ~ ~ ~ a ~~; ~~ ~ ~ 'L ~.. ~r-""'"'"'t :' ~~' .,~ ~ t ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~....~ ~ ~..~,._ i ~,~ .._ 1 ~__~ bd d W z° n ~; C M~M ~ r~ O l`l ^~_ 1 J r r~ a ~, ~ .~- '~ ,. S ) ./~ 4 ', ~. ~~ _, ~~ . ~, -~ ~~ \.~: t v~ 1 1 { ~~ C7' N O QQ C!i ~] c~ a -~*~ ~ o_ ~ ~, .-. CD ~ ~ CD •r~y ~. '+ ~ N O -'•j~0 ~ a~ y • y - y l .~ ~ ... f-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CpCD~~A. ~ ~~.. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' M ~ ~ ~ ~ O W ~. O y• rM ~ 0 r• N• O ~ ~ O O ~..~ F+ A~ Cn ? ~~oa~• o CD ~'A Vi ~ ~ ~ r--• a•d~~ ~ • ~ ~' ~vc~~~ c-~' a^ `: ~~~ ~b ~ ~ Caab y CJ~ ~° ~ ~ O r* ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ '.. oCD / ~' ~ b ~ id ~~ < ... ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- . o ~ n n Vi CD ~, ~ C: a. pe~•~~ •, --- a ~ ~~~a ~ . ... '.. ~ ~o ~C ~ o a ~" ~ ~ ~ G. ~ «.. ~y ~ a~ ` ~~ ~l ~..,. _~ ~ ~ W J r d z• ~~ (° H+ bd f n I -~ ~ :~ ~, ~:~_ ~ ~__:., .. ~~_~ ~-~~ r ~~ r ~ _ -,, l- . ;. .~.-~ -- ,, ~ t. L r "\. ~`~~.__ ~~I_ _~ ~; ,,~; ~\ ~,, ~~ ~~ ~ , ~~,- O r '~ n 7d m r~ a H H b r a x v m c~ z C1 Mo V r z H E L I N E S LAN ~ DESIGN GUI D CREEK MASTER P w O L F - VILLAGE STREETS the village home as the main street kbridge~ and Beech Used pldtowne, Roc is aligned areVe o~ie 20, resin and pebble road Co curbs. A 3' "o"de he~'ingbone behind the curb. with rusticated laced of ~ behind brick sidewalk is pa minimum clear zone to Houses are setback the total arking the sidewalk, bringing these streets, p the 40'. Maand asldewalks Fill be byaving association A special p areas areas, homeowners uish the entrance surface will d~bo hoods• into these ne1g __~_.__ 40, CLEAR ~ _ _- _~. • _..~- • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S VEHICULAR ALLEYS The alleys between village homes are designed to move both cars and people from the main village streets to the motorcourts in the rear. These will be resin and pebble, rusticated curbs, and a rusticated cobble drainage system in the center of the alleys. A 6' landscape and rollover parking zone is on each side of the alleys, making a 30' clear zone between residences. Long-term parking is not allowed, but 30-minute stopping is allowed. Maintenance for these alleys and adjacent landscaping will be by the homeownel'~ association. n U -27- • • ~ o ~'J~ (~ ~~ d ~ o . , ~o~~aa Cn o o ~°~'~'o`' x ~ ~ =°,<CD~7d ~ ~~'~~ x O ~ ~ • ~a~~~~' ~ to ~, 8 ~' ~. ~ ~- m p o o . ~ ~ a;~oa ~ ~ ~: • ~ z ~ C7 ~ ao o ~ ,~ °' y ~ t " C b -~ ~ ..t~ O ~ '.3 r ~ f7 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m (fQ ~ ~+ (D ~ y xi ~ A~ ~ ~ y. ~ 'C7 (7 ~ a ~ ~ b C" (D ~ ( D ( p • ~ • ~ ~ ~,' ~ a ~ < ~. ~^,Q.~~~ y ~ ~ ."T' p C CrJ a ~~~~'~° ~ ~ -e coo c ~. ~ z ', " " y J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~3 a a. ~.a~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ -- tD C ' ~' "n am. ~ C ~ o ` Cti r . ~ ~ °~ ~ ~ H i• WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN 8c DESIGN GUIDELINES PEDESTRIAN ALLEYS 10' clear zones are placed between clusters of village homes and deckhomes. These areas are semi-public, distinguished by no gates, and will have walkways through to other streets and walkways through the park areas. Materials for the walks will vary with the materials for the adjacent walkways. These walks and adjacent landscaping will be maintained by the homeowners association. \ .. ..' -r- ,.._. .:~~ ~~, r 1 ' ~~ ~~ '- '~ ~ - - ~_, 'j - ~ t _-.,-. ~~ _. M 1• ' 2.12' . 5, - --r~.-L _ .. -' '- 1 ~~ _ 2".* C~ ,~ ~ ~_~ ~'t~a r 4.k:,~ /~~ ~ 2.12' i• s • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S III. VILLAGE HOMES AND DECKHOMES Principles Guiding Houses for the Village and the Deckhomes The house plans and elevations have been supplied to the planning team by the developer. 77:e house designs will reflect the Village's location in the heart of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Architectural styles found in nearby Virginia towns such as Fincastle, Staunton and Lexington, based on Williamsburg precedent, will provide inspiration for the design of buildings. Concepts below are illustrated in single-family homes guidelines, pages 37 - 45. Materials and Architectural Considerations Materials and architectural considerations proposed for the Village and Deckhomes are listed below. Predominant first-phase materials are underlined. 1. Exterior walls materials: 1. board and batten wood siding, board on board wood siding or clapboard wood siding, 2. tongue and groove or shiplap vertical wood siding, 3. wood shingles, featured colors for the wood materials is medium gray, dark gray, grayish-brown, dark gray-brown, garyish-buff or soft mutted earth colors. 4. native stone with gray or dark mortar, 5. ~nthetic or simulated composite building products that approximate the wood patterns described above (vinyl or aluminum), 6. gray brick with gray mortar, 7. brick that is grayish-brown, gray, reddish-brown and other dark or grayish earth colors. All of these will have buff or gray mortars. 2. Chimneys shall be brick or native stone with gray or dark mortar. 3. Roof materials: 1. wood shakes or shingles, 2. standing seam copper, 3. architectural grade fiberglass or asghalt shingles with texture. Colors include medium to dark gray, charcoal, grayish-brown, grayish-buff or dark brown. Other soft earth tone colors that are of medium to dark value are acceptble, 4. roof vents, chimney caps and plumbing vents will match the color of the roof, or will be black, dark gray or bronze. 5. skylights will have black, bronze or gray trim, ~~ 6. dormers will be featured on some 1-1/2 story building and on 2 story houses if there are 1 1/2 story wings. - 30- • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S Architectural Elements 1. Building Mass and Shape -the following guidelines apply: 1. gable roofs, 2. hip roofs, 3. chimneys, 4. porches, 5. roof overhangs, 6. garage doors which open away from the front, 7. multiple plan roofs, 8. breaking the large mass of one gable roof into several gable roofs. 9. having the structure step up and down with the natural slope Landscape Architectural Elements 1. Site appurtenance details -the following guidelines apply: 1. poles, posts, light stansions, gates and other site details will be black, gray, grayish-brown or natural earth tones in color. White, galvanized metal, bright colors and other visually intrusive materials will be avoided. 2. Utilities will be underground and heat pumps and other appurtenances screened. 2. Site details and landscaping -the following guidelines apply: 1. motorcourts and parking will be dazk in color, with pebble and resin 2. utilize natural landforms and exisiting vegetation to screen building from neighbors. 3. designed drainage ways to blend with natural landforms, 4. use plant materials native to the area. Avoid exotic plant materials. The following five pages illustrate the proposed homes for village and deckhome neighborhoods, as well as model houses proposed (but not required) for the single-family neighborhoods. The house plans and elevations have been supplied to the planning team by the developer. The front part of House #3 and House #4 are the typical houses used for deckhome construction. House types #2 and #3, and minor variations of these two elevations, are proposed as the primary structures for village home areas. One house #1 is proposed in Rockbridge.The remainder of the village homes are proposed as Houses #2 and #3. -31- • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S ,' s' ~ J =`. ~ ~ .- .~ / HOUSE #1: Above: Front Elevation Right: Side Elevation Below: Rear Elevation i .~~ --~. ~: -32- • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HOUSE #2: ~~ ~ - ~ .~ ~~~- ~~ ~_i ~' _ ;; ,~, - ,~~ :r. - ;i . ~1 ~ _ 4~r: ~ -- ~,. ---n ~ r ~ .__ r ~-- __ __ . ~~, . - ~- = ~ ~ _. _ -r- ; _ _. :. .. - rr:- - _. _ _.- _.- ~ =,~ Above: Front Elevation Above Right: Rear Elevation Below: Side Elevation s "t _ _-' J~ •J ~ ~ ~ a -„. . ~: .. ~g ~. `~ •• r~~ > ~ ~:. ~ i~ ~ w 1 ' • r n c. :.y .. ... ,_ __..__ ~r-- - ~ _ .. __ -. -33- i • [7 W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HOUSE #3: Right: Front Elevation Below Right: Rear Elevation Bottom: Side Elevation _...: ~:. _._~}_ _ ~:C _'+ WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HOUSE #4: n U Above: Front Elevation Below: Side Elevation -35- • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HOUSE #5: '~l ~~ y ~~ ti~ I• Above: Front Elevation Below: Side Elevation -I i ~ .~: I, I -~ Y -~- • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S IV. SINGLE-FAMILY HOME DESIGN GUIDELINES Principles Guiding Houses for Wolf Run and Wolf Crest Designed at the edge of the village, these homes are expected to be spaced further and in more of the natural woods than the village home and deckhome sections. Colonial precedent is required. Guidelines similar to the village homes and deckhomes apply. These guidelines are not meant to be all-inclusive, and approval of the Architectural Committee will be based on quality of construction as well as materials used. Materials and Architectural Considerations 1. Exterior walls -Acceptable materials: 1. board and battten wood siding, board on board wood siding or clapboard wood siding, 2. tongue and groove or shiplap vertical wood siding, 3. wood shingles, Preferred colors for the wood materials is medium gray, dark gray, grayish-brown, dark gray-brown, gaayish-buff or soft mutted earth colors. • 4. native stone with gray or dark mortar, 5. synthetic or simulated composite building products that approximate the wood patterns described above (vinyl or aluminum), 6. ra brick with ra mortar, g Y g Y 7. brick that is grayish-brown, gray, reddish-brown and other dark or grayish earth colors. All of these will have buff or gray mortars. 8. stucco or synthetic stucco utilizing the above color schemes. Unacceptable materials: 1. brick that is bright red, orangish-red, pink, light red, white or other colors which would be visually out of character with traditional architecture, 2. siding that is white, whitish-gray, pink, bright silver, red, bright green, blue or other colors that would draw attention or be otherwise visually out of character with the surrounding properties, 3. white mortar 4. exposed concrete block, exposed concrete or parged cement foundations. 2. Chimneys shall be brick or native stone with gray or dark mortar. -~- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 3. Roof -acceptable materials: 1. wood shakes or shingles, 2. standing seam copper, 3. architectural grade fiberglass or asphalt shingles with texture. Preferred colors include medium to dark gray, charcoal, grayish-brown, grayish-buff or dark brown. Other soft earth tone colors that are of medium to dark value aze acceptble, 4. roof vents, chimney caps and plumbing vents should match the color fo the roof, or should be black, dark gray or bronze. 5. skylights should have black, bronze or gray trim, 6. dormers will be allowed on 1-1/2 story building and on 2 story houses if there are 1-1/2 story wings. Unacceptable materials: 1. shiny metal roofs, whether metal, aluminum or galvanized metal, 2. metal shingles or stamped metal decorative roofing panels, 3. flat roofs or primary roofs with a pitch of less than 8:12, • Architectural Elements: 1. Building Mass and Shape -the following guidelines aze encouraged: 1. gable roofs, 2. hip roofs, 3. chimneys, 4. porches, 5. roof overhangs, 6. garage doors which open away from the front, 7. multiple plan roofs, 8. breaking the large mass of one gable roof into several gable roofs of different sizes. 9. having the structure step up and down with the natural slope rather than force unnatural excavation or platforming of the lot, 2. Building details -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. awnings should be medium to dark earth color. Avoid white, stripped patterns and colors that attract attention, 2. greenhouses, storage buildings and fences should be oriented so that entrances do not face the front or the neighbor's front. 3. all outbuildings, including attached garages should match the color, texture • and material of the main house. -~s- • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 1. Building Mass and Shape -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. gable roofs: (Georglan) • 2. hip roofs are clipped on the ends, with 45° cut as seen from the front; - 39- Front elevation: Side elevation (Georgian) Elevation Story & 1/2 Front elevation (Georgian) Side elevation (Georgian) • n LJ WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN 8c DESIGN GUIDELINES 3 Stone 4. Porches are encouraged to break-up the large walls and provide quality exterior space. A minimum of 5% of the house square footage will be required to be added in stoops, covered decks, patios, porches. Roof forms for porches are shown below: These pitches can hP diffe Chimneys: stone chimneys should be used with painted or unpainted wood siding; brick chimneys can be used on either brick or wood dwellings: 2-0 min Less than 4' projec (Cantilever ' o~ 'OJE Wood columns and railings .o C Rail can be decorative or plain ood Typical Georgian Front elevation End elevation r~ WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 5. Roof overhangs are never used in proper Colonial dwellings. Avoid curved members and excessive overhangs, which appear to be the work of ameteurs. Instead apply cornice tightly against the wall, based on Williamsburg precedent. ' .~ Elevation of end covers AVOID • ~ Section Elevation of end covers RECOMMENDED 6. Windows and shutters are very important to the Colonial facade. If shutters are used, make certain that each shutter is exactly 1/2 window opening in width. Always use panes in the Colonial style -never broad expanses of glass: AVOID RECOMMENDED -41- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 7. Window muntins should employ glass panes in the following patterns: I I ~ 6x6 6x9 8x8 8x12 Do not use double window units on formal Georgian houses • 8. Break large building masses with gable projections. The building on the left shows asymmetrical, poorly-proportioned gable projection, that, although set back properly from the right side, is too high for its importance. The building on the right shows subserviant centered projection, which captures essence of Georgian / Colonial design. AVOID RECOMMENDED • - 42 - WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN Bt DESIGN GUIDELINES 9. Garage doors were certainly not a part of Colonial design, and as a result there is no precedent for a house door as large as a garage door. Orient the garage door away from the street face, by moving it around back or to the side. This allows more conventional windows to punctuate the streetface garage facade. 10. Structures with multiple plan roofs, or breaking the large mass of one gable roof into several gable roofs of different sizes, is encouraged. In colonial vernacular, homes had more modest roof forms. Jumbo shapes were reserved for barns. 11. Careful consideration of topography is required; having the structure step up and down with the natural slope rather than force unnatural excavation or platforming of the lot. Platform fills of greater than 8' or remaining cut-sloped banks higher than 8' are not permitted. 12. Dormers: Dormers are often used on gable roofs when one side slope is steeper than the other. It is also used with gambrel roofs.' where there is a very steep lower roof On gable roof On hip roof Hip roof'. thru corns Ice Arched dormer ier WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ DESIGN GUIDELINE S 13. The front entry stoop of Georgian houses features a raised platform at the entrance, usually accompanied by wood railings. Provide ample room for gathering at the front door. Min. Hgt. 2 steps but 6 steps • 14. Building details -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. awnings should be medium to dark earth color. Avoid white, stripped patterns and colors that attract attention, 2. greenhouses, storage buildings and fences should be oriented so that entrances do not face the front or the neighbor's front. 3. all outbuildings, including attached garages should match the color, texture and material of the main house. Landscape Architectural Elements 1. Site Structures 1. tennis courts should use dark green or dark tan colors. 2. tennis court fencing should be black vinyl-clad chain-link, 3. swimming pools should be hidden to the extent possible. Site plan orientation, landscape plantings and board fencing should be used to visually screen the swimming pool from neighbors. Also swimming pool equipment, pumps, utilities and service areas should be screened. 4. poles, posts, light stansions, gates and other site details should be black, gray, grayish-brown or natural earth tones in color. White, galvanized metal, bright colors and other visually intrusive materials should be avoided. 5. Utilities will be underground and heat pumps and other appurtenances screened. • - 44 - • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ DESIGN GUIDELINE S 2. Setback and the Landscape Protection Zone 1: Houses will be setback 30' from the edge of right-of--way for public roads, 10' from the sideyard, and 2S from the rear yard. No site or landscape structures may be built in the back 20' of rearyard. 2. No tree with a girth of over 6" caliper shall be removed unless necessary for construction of the primary residence, or within the rectangular boundaries formed by house projections, off-set 5' in each direction from outer foundation wall. vrginia Pines and hazard trees may be excluded from this rule. A tree survey is required to be reviewed by the Architectural Committee, with all 6"cal. and over trees denoted 3. No tree above 6" cal. will be removed in the front of the house between house and roadway, except fora 12' swath for a driveway, and turnaround areas. This should be delineated on the tree survey, mentioned above. ""-"""'-""" Front Setback - 30' .t I Driveway cut zone I ~ ,..__.,, -,,,~ I r House cut zone -offset rectangle I Sideyani setback -10' +--.1 . l earyard setback - 25' L... ~ ._.. ..~I . Landscape Protection Zone 3. Site details and landscaping -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. driveways should be dark in color, 2. utilize natural landforms and existing vegetation to screen building from neighbors. 3. design drainage ways to blend with natural landfomLS, 4. use plant materials native to the area. Avoid exotic plant materials. - 45- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S V. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES The landscape of Wolf Creek is integral to its success. Each area composes part of the entire landscape of Wolf Creek. Within oldtowne village, street trees planted 30' on center along Stone Creek Path will help to create the desired continuity and will provide shade in the summer and protection from winds in the winter. The planted motorcourts and courtyards will provide quiet places for resting and relaxing outdoors. Behind village motorcourts, adjacent to the Wolf Crest lots, fruit trees planted in rows will provide orchrds in addition to providing shade and wind protection. The landscape for the Meadow will be of a more rural character to blend in with the countryside, and the Blue Ridge Parkway beyond. The plantings for the Wolf Run lots will reflect the wooded character of the lots. Village Landscape Guidelines Motorcourts The ground plane materials shall be brick, native stone, pebble and resin. Each motorcourt shall have a minimum of either 2 planting beds (total minimum area = 40 s.f.) or two trees. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility ofthe homeowners association. Pedestrian Walkways Each public pedestrian walkway shall be lined with planting beds. Trellises and pergolas planted with vines will demarcate some entrances into the walks. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility ofthe homeowners association. Front and Rearyards Areas for individual expression, there will be a small lot of land which accomodates each village home. Between the fence and the front door, for example, or between the back door and the motorcourt, each home has its own plaza , avreaging 120 s.f., with adjacent areas for individual gardens, which is the responsibiity of the individual homeowner to maintain. Fences, trails, trees and plantings will be used to create spaces as well as to screen unsightly elements. • - 46- WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN dt DESIGN GUIDELINES Deckhome Landscape Guidelines In contrast to the wooded quality of the single-family lots and the cultivated quality of the village landscape, the landscape of Cedar Run is designed to represent a wood's edge environment. Houses are perched to be exactly on the woods edge, with meadow landsape infront and woodland in back. Because of this unique and fragile concept, all maintenance in these neighborhoods beyond the building line is the responsibiity of the homeowners' association. Parking Lots Located in the front of the buildings, common guest parking lots shall be planted with trees. An average of one canopy tree per three guest spaces will be planted near the parking areas and sidewalks. Pedestrian Walkways In the front areas, pedestrian walkways shall be lined with pockets of 2' wide planting beds, featuring meadow species of wildflowers, heathers, and low-growing plants. In the rear of the houses, these walks will be lined with shade grass, punctuated with flowering trees. Single Family Home Landscape Guidelines The tivoods character of the landscape is important inthe single-family homes section. New plantings are required to supplement existing trees to remain. Parkin ag reas shall be planted with trees. A minimum of one 2" cal. canopy tree for every two parking spaces shall be planted, within 50' of the parking area or garage. Perimeter PlantinQS shall be planted in a pit or bed arrangements measuring a minimum of 10' wide along adjacent roadway frontages. One five-gallon shrub with a mature height of three feet shall be planted for every 200 square feet of the planting bed area. • - 47- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HARDSCAPE PALETTE Fences in the Deckhome, Single-family neighborhoods and the Meadow shall be compatible with Blue Ridge Parkway Design Guidelines. Fences in the village, when out- of-view of the Parkway, will be more detailed, inspired by more local pecedent (pickets). Railings shall be made of wood, or dark color steel. Walls shall be constructed of field stone and mortar or dry-laid. The field stone shall be set in an uncoursed roughly squared pattern as pictured below. Right: Picket Fence for Village • 3-Board Fence for Village Below: Meadow Fences; spiked rail and fieldstone wall - 48- ~- i t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.o ~. • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S signage Wolf Creek development signs shall be of the monument type, those with their base on the ground. The entrance demarcation will be incorporated into a wall. Signs shall include no more than three colors, and one of the colors will be from the palette of Blue Ridge Parkway signage colors. Private street and trails signage: Shingle signs shall be made of wood and shall be left a natural color or can be painted with approved paint colors. They shall measure a maximum of 2' x 4'. • - 49- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S Bridges will be modeled on Blue Ridge Parkway precedent, for both vehicular and pedestrian Bridges. Below is a concept study for a vehicular bridge over a creek, using a large precast culvert as the interior stucture, and arched wingwalls typical on Blue Ridge Parkway bridges. The uncoursed, roughly-squared pattern of masonry will be used. ~`~ `~ "~'~ " ~'''_ "L .t .•~) ~ ~ ` I~~ n `) 1 tom, L ~l ~ d 1 1 ~ ~' ~ry`~ J y ~~ N ~ ~1 ~ r `1 1 ~ t J .1 1 Concept for Vehicular Bridge - so- • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S PLANT PALETTE This plant palette is meant as a general guideline for the entire planned community . It consists of native plants to the Blue Ridge, with a few introduced species that have been in our region for centuries. Seventy-five percent of the plants chosen for the individual landscapes shall come from the list. Individual site variations occur that make some of these plants better candidates for selection. It is recommended that a Landscape Architect or Horticulturist be consulted to draw detailed planting designs. Trees Wolf Run Entrance (criteria: large, grand trees) Liriodendron tulipfera Fagus grandifolia Platanus occidentalis Quercus Rubra Quercus velutina (Tulip Poplar) (Ameriian Beech) (Sycamore) (Red Oak) (Black Oak) • Villa e (criteria: Detailed and Flowering Trees) Liquidambar styraciflua (American Sweetgum) Nyssa sylvatica (Black Gum) Quercus coccinea (Scarlet Oak) Acer rubrum (Red Maple) Oxydendron arboreum (Sourwood) Stewartia ovata (Mountain Stewartia) Cornus florida (Flowering Dogwood) Cercis canadensis (Eastern Redbud) Amelanchier canadensis (Serviceberry) Malus and Pyrus species (Flowering crabapple, apple and pear) Hibiscus syriacus (Rose-of-Sharon) Magnolia grandiflora (Southern Magnolia)* -sl- • W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DES I G N G U I D E L I N E S Deckhomes (criteria: woods edt?e) Acer rubrum Oxydendron arboreum Stewartia ovata Cornus florida Cercis canadensis Amelanchier canadensis Pinus echinata Ilex opaca Fraxinus americans Cedrus virginiana • (Red Maple) (Sourwood) (Mountain Stewartia) (Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Serviceberry) (Shortleaf Pine)* (American Holly) (American Ash) (Eastern Red Cedar) Single Family Lots (criteria: canopy native trees) Quercus acutisima Quercus falcata Quercus laurifolia Quercus phellos Liriodendron tulipfera Fagus grandifolia Acer saccharum Nyssa sylvatica Liquidambar styraciflua Corpus florida Cercis canadensis Magnolia virginiana Platanus occidentalis Picea Abies Pinus echinata Ilex opaca Magnolia grandiflora (Chestnut Oak) (Southern Red Oak) (Laurel Oak) (Willow Oak) (Tulip Poplar) (American Beech) (Sugar Maple) (Black Gum) (American Sweetgum) ( Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Sweetbay Magnolia) (Sycamore) (Norway Spruce)* (Shortleaf Pine)* (American Holly) (Southern Magnolia)* Evergreen shrubs for Courtyards and Detailed Spaces Kalmia latifolia* Ilex glabra Rhododendron catawbiense* Rhododendron carolineanum • (Mountain Laurel) (Inkberry) (Catawba Rhododendron) (Carolina Rhododendron) - 52- • WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES Deciduous shrubs for Couc•tvards and Detailed Snaces Ilex verticillata (Common Winterberry) Viburnum species (viburnum) Aronia arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry) Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet Clethra) Rhododendron Calendulaceum (Flame Azalea) Rhododendron Indicum Indica Azalea Rhododendron austrinum Karume azalea Sambucus canadensis (American Elder) Non-native favorites to use occasionally in vour own Qarden: These are encouraged in the village outside of view of the Parkway: Magnolia soulangiana Magnolia stellata Prunus species Albizia julibrissin Hydrangea arborescens Buxus sempervirens* Taxus species" Syringa vulgaris *good for screening (Saucer Magnolia) (Star Magnolia) (Flowering cherries) (Mimosa) (Hydrangea) (English Boxwood) (English yew) (Lilac) - 53 - • WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWINGS The following pages illustrate the intent and character of the masterplan and the design guidelines for Wolf Creek. 1. The first illustration is an aerial perspective of the Rockbridge Court area. A bridge modelled on Blue Ridge Parkway bridges crosses the creek and provides the sense of entry into the neighborhood. The massing of village homes in two clusters provides a neighborhood that fits neatly between the creek and adjacent neighborhood to the rear of the property. Large triangular spaces are created to the rear of the property to buffer existing neighbors. 2. Walking down Stone Creek Path, the scale provides a sense of small town found usually in smaller and older towns, like, Fincastle or Staunton. Houses are placed very close to the sidewalk, with boxwoods, antique-type street lights and picket fences separating the private parts of homes from the street front. No parking is allowed on Stone Creek Path. At the end of the street, a large cul-de-sac provides safety access, and cues the visitor. Five- and 6-home clusters further enhance the neighborhood feeling. 3. Wolf Creek appears as a village in the middle- to background as seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway. A stone wall, wildflower meadow and orchard help to screen the Oldtowne Village part of development beyond. Intended to appear as a small village that is seen from the Parkway, the density of housing appears as a contrast to the open field. The mountains in the background complete the scene. 4. This plan view shows the relationship between indoor and outdoor space for a typical village home. s _54_ Mrft ~ ~ ~l _-_--.~,,, ., f , r... .. Jf °~i~ .~ t L ' _ -~"` ~ ~f , 4` st~ A*'~ ~ :,~' YrC ~ YC\ ~ 3a,. ~r ~ ~~ a7a i / kf~~ a'q. ? t:w 1 _ ITT ~~. ~,.": _ 1 h R'..~ t . T ' - z tik ,~ _ , 4 R! t.f ; .. _ -: 1~ .. 2 ) _ _ ryy ~~ 1• ~ YL' „~ l ~y ti ,~ ; ix' ... T .• •. - '~; Y ,,,y ,+,y ~ _ ¢ •~ _ _ , . j+ _~ w, ~ ,. ;r ;. i ~. i •~ ~ ~ ... 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' ~' ~ O b ,.q y c3 p ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ^' a~ >,:b~~ ~ ~ m 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ O O ~°3~°'~ -~ ~ a ~ ~ ' ~, ~ -c ;~o ~o~o~~~ ~~~~o~~~ ~ ~ aov ~ ~ ~ ~, a ~. ,>~ a~ > b o~.co~[> O ~ ~ ~y ~ C"r aA ~~°A~~°-'o. ~.• O 'b > ~ ~.. > V~ g U m 0 u`~ > ~ a o .~ a~~` ~~ •. ~~ . ~` ~1{, \' ' M-^ -^--- ~:~ x • S- ~ PETITIONER: JANE ALLISON PARKER CASE NUMBER: 30-9/95 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 3, 1995 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: October 24, 1995 A. REQUEST Petition of Jane Allison Parker for a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment, located at 5757 Grandin Road Extension, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CTI'IZEN COMMENTS Elizabeth Belcher asked about the second structure on the lot; the gatehouse. She said it appears that this structure could be used as a detached accessory apartment and wanted to know if a gatehouse is allowed between the main house and the road. She expressed concern that this could be used as rental property. Also, the proposed floor layout is certainly not conventional. She also commented on the local septic and drainage conditions. Mr. Hamngton stated that the County will ensure that prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy that the gatehouse is not designed internally to be suitable for living under the building code. He noted that the Health Department has approved the well and septic permit request. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission wanted to know how the two areas would be separated and how easy would it be to "build out" without the County's knowledge. Staff commented that the floor plan which was submitted indicates interior walls with no access into the unfinished areas. Beyond the building inspection stage, it would not be difficult to "build out." D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS None. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Thomason moved to recommend approval of the petition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Hooker, Witt, Ross, Robinson NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPEC'ITVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Terrance Harrington, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: JANE ALLISON PARKER- CASE NUMBER: 30-9/95 PART I A. EXECUTNE SUMMARY B. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND PREPARED. BY: TIM BEARD DATE: OCTOBER 3, 1995 s-~ Description: Petition of Jane Allison Parker for a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment, located at 5757 Grandin Road Extension, Windsor Hills Magis- terial District. The seco d-floor apartment would provide housekeeper's quarters for the applicant's children..~The site is composed of 9.998 acres and is zoned R-1, low density residential. Background: The applicant previously sought a permit for a detached garage with second-floor living quarters of approximately 2,244 square feet. A variance request for that proposal was denied by the Board of Zoning Appeals on August 16. • Subsequently, Ms. Parker submitted a scaled-down version of the second-floor accessory apartment containing 988 square feet of living area within the same overall building footprint of roughly 2,244 square feet. She has proposed the remaining approximate 1,256 square feet of the second floor to be "unfinished area" as detailed on the floor plan. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Per Section 30-42-1(B), accessory apartments are allowed in the R-1, low density residential district only by Special Use Permit. Use and design standards pertaining to the R-1 district found in Section 30-82-1 include the following: 1) an accessory apartment must be secondary to and located within a detached single family residence; 2) the accessory apartment may contain up to 50 percent of the finished floor area of the principal dwelling and in no case shall the accessory apartment exceed 1,000 square feet; 3) only one accessory apartment is allowed per lot and the property owner must reside on the premises; 4) exterior apartment entrances must be located so as to appear as a single family dwelling; 5) the apartment must contain a minimum of 300 square feet of floor area; 6) one parking space is required in addition to the principal dwelling's required parking, and 7) Health Department approval of sewage disposal must be granted before a building permit is issued for an accessory apartment. Accessory apartments are intended to provide opportunities for creating more flexibility • for homeowners with changing economic conditions and family structure as well as creating small rental units, while ensuring certain design standards intended to protect surrounding properties are met. Conditions can be imposed as part of the approval of accessory apartment requests to ensure compatibility and appropriateness. 2 PART II d~ - - A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDfT1ONS Location -The subject property is situated .4 mile west of the intersection of Grandin Road Ext. and Meadow Creek Drive in the Windsor Hills Community Planning Area. Selected urban services are available. Site Characteristics -Proposed site rises sharply north off Grandin Road Extension approximately .5 mile east of its terminus. The accessory apartment is proposed for the second floor of a garage attached by breezeway to a 11,400 ± square foot house. The parcel was covered by hardwood forest prior to the commencement of construction of the principal dwelling on-site. Limited deciduous buffer remains on the east, west, and north. Surrounding Neighborhood -The applicant's property and all adjacent tracts to the east, west, and north are zoned R-1. Vacant AG-3 property lies to the south. Neighboring R-1 parcels are developed with single family homes, including Fairway Forest Estates to the north. B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site La out Architecture - The a licant has roposed 988 square feet of living space Y NN ~ including a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and dining area above the 2,244 square foot garage. The proposed floor plan also indicates "unfinished area" which must be physically separated from the occupied area in order to comply with the maximum 1,000 square foot standard. The Building Commissioner has noted that living quarters are required to have a separation from the garage with a fire resistance rating of at least one hour. Also, living quarters must have one means of egress directly to the outside. The building cannot exceed 45 feet in height. The residence and accessory apartment will be located toward the rear of the site. The accessory apartment will be attached by a breezeway of approximately 45 feet leading from the principal portion of the house westward to the apartment. The applicant intends to utilize a cobblestone exterior on the accessory apartment as well as the house. Access and Traffic -The single family residence and apartment will be served by an approximate 800 foot private drive from Grandin Road Ext. The 1994 average daily traffic on this segment of Grandin Road Ext. was 400 vehicles. Traffic generation is projected at fewer than 20 vehicle trip ends per ay. Public Services/Utilities -The site will be served by a private well and septic system. The County's new water transmission main is under construction near the owner's southern property boundary. Emergency vehicle travel time is estimated at four to eight minutes. 3 C. CONFORMANCE WfTH COUNTY COMPREHENSNE PLAN The subject property is located in the Development land use category. Very low density residential uses are discouraged with low compatibility in Development areas (less than one unit per five acres). However, the proposal is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan map and policies; specifically, policy D-1 which advocates managing new residential growth according to infrastructure capacity, and D-2 which encourages innovation in residential land development and building design. PART III • STAFF CONCLUSIONS The applicant's proposed accessory apartment design meets the ordinance intent and standards for the R-1 district. If constructed as intended by the owner, the family housekeeper should be accommodated and existing property values can be protected. Surrounding properties should not be adversely affected. ~.Y ~. • • • COUNTY OF ROANOKE DE-PT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. S`'/ P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 For staff use only Q°~ date r~e'Ze~: ~! s received by~ app(icatigh e: ~Y` O.• PCrHZA da'-: 4-J -~.~ placa ds -ssu d: Z/ ~ BOS date:G r /'1~' Case Number: •~ Check type of application filed (check all that apply): ~ REZONING ~ SPECIAL USE D VARIANCE Applicant's name: Jfj~l E ~/I ~ SC~~ (~~~-E' ~-• Address: 3!(L. ~Z ~iF.S C~F_ ~~K ~ j. ~ li-~• KC~4r~C1,kS I,~fi^r~!/J~~" ~x~i ~ Phone: jC'.~`~'i,•,_= -% %/ / Zip Code: ~ y;~~J _ ~ - i5 Owner's name: .,}~f„C /7//lcSCN /~Ar ,~= i Address: iS~/ ~ F~ (~~ ~ C'L'? `"l~ ~\J . // ~;,• - Phone. /G l <~ / -//// • < ! - -_- Zip Code: ~; C'` i i Location of property: Tax Map Number: ~,(, , ('r C/- // ~ 7~ -~ GL/lri~'d~~ k`'~~ ~ x ~` ~LK~~XJ Magisterial District: (~,'~ /~(:'~~ P /-~/ ~ ~ C Community Planning Area: w ~J , Size of parce`l/ (s): 1 d acres rrti7s ~?S sq.ft: Existing Zoning: ~~ -! Existing Land Use: a// C~ ~ ~~;,ur C ~, iJ ~~`z C C !/Jl- :~: ~.7 .. .. Proposed Zoning: ~ - ~ Fvr staff Use Only Proposed Land Use: `~~,, rvTi'T~. ~~US~[~s~pfrs ~jL'~rl~.fZS ,t,'GT ~r Use Type: / Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES ~/ NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES ~ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered v~~ith this request? YES NO Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v Consultation Application Justification ws v ars v 8 1 /2" x 1 1" concept plan Application fee 'v':~ Metes and bounds description ':~: Proffers, if applicable ~~f Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that / am either the-owner of the preperfy or the owner's am acting with the knowledge and co sent of the owner _. ,i Owner's Signature: /i// ~/~i :%''~ / r>~~ ~/_ !~. t or contract purchaser and . ~~ T For Slat, Use On/y; Case Number ,,,;::: f~ ::::::::::.:.~:,:::;;:~,,::;:;,,;,;,:,:,: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s:::::::::::;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~`~ :C ........:...:....:.....~•. ••: Applicant ~ ~,-r+/i:'I- /-/.%// >~ ^.: f ~f ,<' The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine th.e need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request fuRhers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. ~i`~ ~~i/~~c~f ~ G/` ri`/f vl/Li~~G- ~~/J /~~~i'NC~ /,` % b U~`l~~ ~ ~ /: ,~_~_ < <. '~ , J - ~C~f'~(TL ~~ ~l.l/il'v%(~' ~-- ~~~ ~,/~~r'`ti'~ ~'s~lU`:L~i'-: i-~G'"%^• ~~/G///~.i/,~L- ~~~~ 1 _~ ~./'~~ -BUT ~'~~~ 5 , Ns~r- ease explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County ~mprehensive Plan. s j,~OG'Sf I~'~~ 1~2~G..~ 1~Ui~T ~% ~~~~7 ~~F/,~l~i~'/ ~ii~G ~~C~/'JS/c~i~J Ctll•Cc. C°'C~J~'~ y~~ ~cJ 6~-!( ~T`//~l'~-l j ci~~G~'i/i~:~f ~.:,'0 1~/~~/~v~(/~ 1 ^~ !-~ ~~ j /- /j `~ ~ F"' l ~ r `'/~/ ~~~ ~ ~ i 1 1.,~ ~~iti ,/ `C-(1 `-i ~~ l J^f G ~'.1 / y/ , ~v Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. ~1,~~'/'i s c~// ~ C G~`~ ~ ~%~t~ ~~~ ~. ~.:. l ~ 7`~I ~ ~ IJFG~ J'>~'; -L~ ~r..,i~ ~, / ~ f ~~ (lf ~ T .' `~ 5 ~ ~ l e S (, J l S- /rl - o? C~ G~G G/~L CG~•' ~/Y~ CS u.~F[-~ .~lSrc ~~L Nf~i~,r r J ~F~~/F 5 ~ TScC'9 1/. ) ~1~'ri./i/{T~ W~~C - yC ~,~4'~Cc-~` ~s~ ~%'(,~ti'c'~~ ~~~~; ~~~ti' lF/?~?=/ti -~,~t<< Ll~/~~%~ i j ~w .~ • ~ ~3 _~~ 3 ~ -- - - - -~~ _ _ ,, I ~- ., I ~ .~ ~ ~I y I I ~~ ~ _ .. ,. i T ~ u -- - --- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ( ~1 o `. 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I ` ~ -. i .o` • i J See N I, ~' • DEP~Lzt'I~~~1T OF PL.ANNItG JANE ALL 1 SON PARKER Pu~ID ZorrING SPECIAL USE PERMIT 66.04-t-tt . ..J''~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JANE ALLISON PARKER TO ALLOW AN' ACCESSORY APARTMENT LOCATED AT 5757 GRANDIN ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 66.04-1-11), WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jane Allison Parker has filed a petition to establish an accessory apartment located at 5757 Grandin Road, Tax Map No. 66.04-1-11, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow an accessory apartment located at 5757 Grandin Road (Tax Map No. 66.04-1-11) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved. zoning.parker.apt 1 !,. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE 102495-12 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO MCDONALD'8 CORPORATION TO CONSTRUCT A FAST FOOD AND DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT IN OAR GROVE PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, (TAX MAP NO. 76.07-4-33), WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, McDonald's Corporation has filed a petition to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center, Tax Map No. 76.07-4-33 in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center (Tax Map No. 76.07-4-33) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: a) The special use permit shall be for a drive through-window 1 facility owned and operated in conjunction with a McDonald's restaurant. b) The drive-through shall be designed and constructed in general accord with the conceptual plans submitted as part of the application. The drive-through facility shall be an"interior design", as shown on the plan. c) Any new lighting installed at the center associated with the proposed drive-through or restaurant, shall be "down lighting" and shall not exceed .5 foot candles at the property line, nor shall it cast any glare on adjacent streets or surrounding properties. d) Speed bumps, designed to slow traffic within the center, shall be installed within the main shopping center traffic aisle, which is adjacent to and parallel to the building. e) Directional signage and/or a railing shall be installed at the end of the sidewalk in front of the proposed restaurant, notifying pedestrians to exercise caution as they approach the exit of the drive-through facility. Additional signs shall be installed cautioning users of the drive-through to watch for pedestrians. f) A planted landscape strip shall be installed along Carriage Lane separating the drive-thru from Carriage Lane. g) Screening and buffering shall be provided where necessary to ensure that headlight glare from vehicles using the drive- thru does not affect area property owners or vehicles using Hackney Lane or Carriage Lane. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance and grant the special use permit, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Nickens NAYS: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 _:, - --- `J~~. •?,~,.r ~ Lam' a.,v ~_;~ c ~ ~ ~c_~ ^ \~, ~ ~^~ ~- ~7 t K a v fay.i\ C~- ..` t~I~OSi ~~,~4, ~~T{._>, c /~''~'~ 'yam`. .-~^ a ?-, r---f• ~ j~' C.C~sr~c..= ; : ==-; ~iy('i.Syr.3' ~ :3'L. ky /~- R'.M ~ ~~, o .M.L V 1 ~`x OR S„f~T~~j, ~ ~~~ Pc - per" ! r~ C 2.~J ~~ ~~r ~'~ 1~- .~ ~~- I1 = I h~ri ~ h / ,.~ R / 73% ~~. Ufa ...o - Oar G~o.• Ehnren//~ / .SGA 00/ I / _ .'` ~ h Covnry ScAOO/ Sao/C ~ \ \~ ' rL`O ~ o/ Roonofr Cyn/ / ~ 3S ~ boo \ prr Ga. ~, ~~ ' 11.3:; ~ / o~y +'~ \ ~' ._ ~ .yam ti ..o 2 ~,~e • `~ ~ c~ Jfr~ .! - 1 <Cn~1 ~~ ~ ,, L ~ ~ ~ errs (~_ ~ Joof ~ /~ JC - \. ~~ t• ~~ :,....r~ GOB -` •J/JJ / JiJB ~'i /1f19 •Jrrf ~ J. 1 S' :I+ .+ ~C I /~ + 16 1 I J.'IJ i1 f / / [ Z < 31 / Ji17 •f v SiJiIO ~ r \~~' 1rfl' / Jff1 ll( ~o:t ~ v ~'..~~~ C 1 I _ JfJ' JrJO Z~ •. 1 ~ <I `~. \ ,: a _ ~ J,19 •.i .. ~ li7f 12 I IZ \\ 14 _ :f- ~ II' Jill •~ j/1C / JfrJ ~~' ~ OAP ~ Gtoc ''o~ e 2 0 y OP° C V ~. ~ ~ _ .t y;- _ e/Vf . to ,~`', \ /i G~~ 2 0 ~~ 1UC _-~~-' ~~ • MCDONALD'S CORP. _ DEPAKT~NT OF P~ ~~lltG SPECIAL USE PERMIT AI`lD ZONING ~~~ 76.07-4-33 ~. c PETITIONER: MCDONALD'S CORPORATION CASE NUMBER: 36-10/95 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 3, 1995 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: October 24, 1995 A. REQUEST Petition of McDonald's Corporation for a Special Use Permit to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant, located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. The Chairman noted that a McDonald's inside a shopping mall is a use by right; the issue tonight is a Special Use Permit for the drive-thru window. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Ken Ballard expressed concern with increased traffic, school bus safety as well as safety of children walking in the area, quality of our neighborhood will be adversely affected. He said that he is opposed to McDonald's period. Harold Quinley presented a petition signed by over 300 residents who are opposed to any fast food restaurant at Oak Grove Plaza. He noted that the citizens who signed the petition are concerned with traffic and that the proposed business would generate more congestion. He requested that the Commission recommend denial of the request. Robert Shelton stated that he is opposed because of decreased property values, trash and litter in the neighborhood, odors from the restaurant, older teens hanging out at night at the restaurant and cruising the neighborhood, traffic problems--a lot of school buses use this street (Carnage Lane) as well as senior citizens. Mary Davis stated that 9 to 11 school buses leave Oak Grove School every morning via Hackney Lane to get to Route 419. We have people coming through the neighborhood now to avoid the traffic light at Oak Grove Plaza; the proposal would increase the number of people coming through the neighborhood. She said the police do not catch the people who use their neighborhood as a cut through, i.e., Allstate, Atlantic Mutual, teens who cruise through in the afternoon. Patsy Ford voiced her support of the proposal and presented a petition signed by citizens in support of the McDonald's. She said with McDonald's as an anchor store, additional revenue will be generated and other businesses will be encouraged to locate at Oak Grove which will revitalize the area. Further, she hopes McDonald's will locate there even if the Special Use Permit is denied for the drive-thru window. Danielle Rand Byrd expressed the following concerns: safety of students with increased traffic; McDonald's will be a lure to attract unsupervised students; one of the entrances from the mall to Carnage Lane should be closed. Chuck Parker stated that he owns a business in the mall--a pizza and sub shop--and he would welcome McDonald's. He said that he lives in the neighborhood and he doesn't foresee McDonald's causing the traffic to back up at the light. He presented a petition with over 300 signatures in favor of McDonald's. ~' Annette Yates commented that she has a beauty salon in the plaza and a lot of her customers live in the area. Her customers have said they would like McDonald's at this location and she presented a petition signed by her customers in support of McDonald's. Also Oak Grove Plaza would be greatly improved with the restaurant. Sue Hams said that the Castle Rock neighborhood has heavy cut through traffic; McDonald's will only increase this traffic. Barbara Kidd stated that this neighborhood is very congested with traffic and adrive-thru or any fast food restaurant would be detrimental to the residents. Grant Clatterbuck commented as follows: he is a partner in the Oak Grove Office Park and he is concerned with the proximity of the drive up window to my office tenants' windows and their entrances which will look directly into this drive up area; this area will become extremely congested with traffic; should this request be granted, maximum screening of this facility including maintenance should be required. James Henderlite expressed concern with traffic and odors. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission inquired about signage and the VDOT timing study of the signalized intersection. Staff responded that the applicant has requested that VDOT look at the general timing of this signal to ensure that the intersection is most efficient in its capacity to handle traffic as well as turning movements. Allowable signage has been discussed; freestanding signage is required to be 250 feet from any other freestanding signage on the 419 frontage. In response to questions/concerns from the Commission, Mike Grimm commented as follows: the average time for drive-thru orders is 3 minutes and 30 seconds from the time a person gets in the stacking lane; screening will block the glare from headlights entering the elevated ramp; the ramp with railings will be extended down to the main entrance to prevent someone from walking in front of the exiting traffic; landscaping will be provided along Carriage Lane. Mr. Ross commented that his experience with McDonald's has always been positive--no trash or odor. Also with having a local owner, there is someone you can contact to get any problems resolved. Ms. Hooker said that she doesn't believe that McDonald's will generate a lot of traffic; obviously there is a lot of cut through traffic now which is not related to McDonald's. Mr. Thomason concurred with the residents' concern about traffic--there is a lot of traffic. Other items need to be considered; the shopping center is a blight to the area; if the building continues to deteriorate what happens to property values then. This past weekend, my wife and I received 78 calls in opposition and 55 calls in support of the proposal. He cited several uses that could go into the mall now and generate more traffic than McDonald's. $.3 D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1) The special use permit shall be for a drive through-window facility owned and operated in conjunction with a McDonald's restaurant. 2) The drive-through shall be designed and constructed in general accord with the conceptual plans submitted as part of the application. The drive-through facility shall be an "interior design", as shown on the plan. 3) Any new lighting installed at the center associated with the proposed drive-through or restaurant, shall be "down lighting" and shall not exceed .5 foot candles at the property line, nor shall it cast any glare on adjacent streets or surrounding properties. 4) Speed bumps, designed to slow traffic within the center, shall be installed within the main shopping center traffic aisle, which is adjacent to and parallel to the building. 5) Directional signage and/or a railing shall be installed at the end of the sidewalk in front of the proposed restaurant, notifying pedestrians to exercise caution as they approach the exit of the drive-through facility. Additional signs shall be installed cautioning users of the drive- through to watch for pedestrians. 6) A planted landscape strip shall be installed along Carriage Lane separating the drive-thru from Carriage Lane. 7) Screening and buffering shall be provided where necessary to ensure that headlight glare from vehicles using the drive-thru does not affect area property owners or vehicles using Hackney Lane or Carnage Lane. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Thomason moved to recommend approval of the petition with the recommended conditions. Mr. Witt commented that the 419 Development Plan was adopted several years ago and we received a lot of community input. This area was designated Core which is the most intense commercial land use in the County. Therefore I will be supporting the motion. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Hooker, Witt, Ross, Robinson NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Terrance H 'ngton, cretary Roanoke ounty Pl nning Commission t N a a~ C M~~ LANM Lf')t~M ~~O * e- ~Md7 /~ O O~Od'N M00 t~MCOI~MMCOd' ~r-N NCOO MOOM V O OO CO M 00 t~ M M N N In 00 0 N 0 IA I~ I~ N O N ~t 00 M U COr-N~ NM ter-~-~M~NN ANN OOOOM ~~~ ~ • co ~ +~ co ~ M -p ~-' O ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ Q W ~ + + ~ ~ Q L L Q ` Q L. C ~ (d ~ +-~ C C ~ ~, J~ Q "O Q ~ C E O ~, ~ Q J ~., O C Q •d J 'O C~ J Q O ~ O ~ ~ ~ O~~ U __ C: L U L (O ~- Q~ O ~J ~ O? -_ ~ = L U C ~ J O U ~ ~ ~ ~ . > ~ cG C 'C. Y ' O 'L ' + ++ cv ~ c~ C = O ~ Y ca • O •~ C +•' C •~- ~Y +-' . ca cn "O . ' L pL +- C - ` ~ L C C O C ` C U ~ •- HI M=2 W F•-W W2(nU(n2U' (n J~--W (n2 W UUC7 3 Y N • O V ~ ~ L Q a - ~ O ~ ~ Q C L M Y Q~ Q C ~` .~ ~ i~ C Q . ~ J ~ Q L ~- ~` 4- Q J +~ O~ Q -O J C~ J O L y .~ ~ c c0 cd >. 0 3 0 C -_ J L c0 L co co O C >- O J p 0 O Q ~ O ~ O - L ~ c ~' -J O C O O ~ a~ p - ~ ~ O) ~ L c = = ~ ~ ;~ ~ - ~~ Y ~ v~ - cv C (0 •~ Y ~ C • +r co - ca (0 ~- L cv •L, ~ Y C 0 +-~ O C Y O ~ Y c0 cv ~ •~, •~. " N C O1 +~ U a C +r ~~ L U O m tp +., C O~ U O L L LL J (n 2 = m F- (n W = f1) U (n = C7 U J F- CD (n = m U U ~ O L M Li. +-• ~ ~ W ~ O ~ Q Q O ~ ` Y Q~ C " ~ = "'~ ~. ~ ~ N ~ / v / ~ O C C O N C <D (D ~ ~ ~ ~ O -O ~ U U 2 r O N C7 C7 m ~ U ~ ' ~ c d lA CD M '~F ~ O Cfl M r r N N O 00 r M M M M Q ~ Cfl ~ r r ~ ~ l STAFF REPORT v PETITIO\TER: 7t~IcDonald's Corporation CASE NUMBER: 36-10/95 PART I A. EXECUTIVE SLfNi1l~IARY B. DESCRIPTION S- PREPARED BY _David.Holladay - -DATE: 10/3/95 McDonald's Corporation has requested a special use permit to construct adrive-through window at a proposed restaurant facility within Oak Grove Plaza. Fast food restaurants are a permitted use by-right within shopping centers in C-2 districts. The special use permit is required only for the requested drive-through window. McDonald's proposes to remodel approximately 5,000 square feet of space previously occupied by a Super-X pharmacy. This space is located at the southeast end of the plaza, near Carriage -' Drive. Approximately 4,000 square feet would be used for the proposed restaurant and indoor playplace. The remaining 1,000 square feet, which is the current loading dock area, would be converted into the drive-through. The company plans an innovative drive-through design which routes the vehicles through the building at the loading dock area, thus keeping all the ordering and exchange functions enclosed completely within the structure. McDonald's plans to use an employee to take orders at the drive-through menu board, rather that a remote speaker phone. This design eliminates the noise associated with the speaker system, which is a complaint common to drive-through facilities. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Site plan review is required. As stated above, a special use permit is required for the drive-through component of this restaurant. No VDOT Commercial Entrance Permit will be required. Applicable use and design standards are as follows: 1. All drive-through windows shall comply with the standards for drive-through facilities contained in Section 30-91-10. (See stacking space discussion below.) t PART II ~ ~~, A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTL\TG CO\~DITIO\S Location -The site is located in Oak Grove Plaza at the 2000 block of Electric Road, in the Windsor Hills magisterial district. Oak Grove Plaza is one of the oldest shopping centers in S`~' Roanoke County, and is currently occupied by sixteen businesses. Over the past few years, Oak Grove has appeared to have a lower than average occupancy rate, with considerable vacant space available for lease. Topography/Ve etg ation -Existing topography is flat and almost entirely built over. Little to no additional lot coverage is anticipated. Surrounding Neiehborhood -The site and remainder of Oak Grove Plaza are zoned C2, with commercial land uses. Properties across Electric Road, located in the City of Roanoke, are zoned C2, with commercial land uses. Properties across Carriage Drive and Hackney Lane are zoned C1, with land uses including office buildings and a church. Property across Grandin Road Extension is zoned C1, and contains the Oak Grove Elementary School. B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPI~iENT Site Layout/Architecture - As mentioned above, McDonald's proposes to remodel approximately 5,000 square feet of space previously occupied by the Super-X pharmacy. Approximately 4,000 square feet would be used for the kitchen, service area, dining room and the children's indoor playplace. A sixty-four seat dining room is proposed, and the playplace would occupy a predominate area within the restaurant. The remaining 1,000 square feet, which currently is the loading dock area at the southeast end of the building, would be converted into the drive-through facility. Architectural perspectives prepared by IvlcDonald's and displayed at a recent community meeting held by the applicant, show an exterior design for the restaurant that maintains the existing character of the shopping center. Working in conjunction with the center's owner, McDonald's plans to upgrade the exterior of the center so as to enhance the center's image. (Perspective drawing will be available at the Commission and Board public hearings) The drive-through would begin near an existing shopping center entrance from Carnage Drive. The stacking spaces for vehicles waiting to order would parallel Carnage Drive, with the vehicles facing to the southwest. Roanoke County regulations require a stacking space area long enough to accommodate six vehicles. The design proposed accommodates a minimum of seven vehicles. As mentioned above, the drive-through then travels up a ramp, turning into the building on the Carriage Drive side. Once inside the building, drive-through customers would order from an employee and proceed to the pick-up window; completing the turn in the drive-through. The lane then ramps down to exit the drive-through out of the current loading dock area. ` Access -Access to the site can be expected to be primarily from Electric Road or Carriage ~~ Drive, through existing entrances to Oak Grove Plaza. Some restaurant customers may enter the shopping center from Grandin Road Extension entrances. No new entrances are proposed, - nor are modifications to existing entrances envisioned. The existing traffic light at the corner of Electric Road and Carriage Drive would assist traffic exiting and entering the site. McDonald's Corporation has formally requested that VDOT undertake a timing study of this signalized intersection to ensure that the signalization allows the most efficient use of the intersection with regards to safety and traffic flow. Traffic Circulation - Mc Donald's is typical of restaurants in the fast food industry in that the majority of its customers are "captured" from existing traffic passing by the facility, and are not "generated". McDonald's has submitted traffic generation estimates with the special use permit application. The estimates are based on 27,000 vehicles per day, which is the most recent (1993) VDOT traffic count for Electric Road in the Oak Grove Plaza vicinity. These estimates are "hard numbers", in that they are based on experience at similarly sized restaurants located in traffic comdors with similar traffic volumes. Estimates are given by the hour, from 6 a. m. through 12 midnight, for weekdays, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. (See attached) Their estimated peak day of the week would be Friday, with an estimated 926 vehicles traveling to the restaurant. These vehicles are spread out over an eighteen hour operating period, with peak usage occurring between noon and 1:OOpm when approximately 10% of the total traffic volume would visit the restaurant. As these figures are reviewed, it should be noted that these traffic volumes represent total restaurant usage, and do not only portray usage of the drive-through. Of the 926 peak day traffic volume, McDonald's estimates that 289 vehicles (31.2 % of the traffic) are "generated" by McDonald's, and the remaining 67.8% is attributed to current traffic stopping by the restaurant (captured traffic). The 289 vehicles generated by McDonald's represents a 1.07 % increase in the existing daily traffic on Electric Road as a result of the proposed new McDonald's. Compared with estimates provided in TI7D Generation by the Institute for Traffic Engineers (ITE), the McDonald's estimates are in some cases lower, and in some cases generally consistent with the ITE estimates. It should be noted that the ITE manual cautions against the reliability of their data due to small sample size. No commercial entrance permits are required for this project. VDOT staff has reviewed this request with representatives of McDonald's and have personally observed the use characteristics of other McDonald's drive-through facilities in the Roanoke Valley. Based upon their review, VDOT does not have concerns over the location, use or design of the drive-through window. Fire Rescue/Utilities - No impacts are anticipated to fire and rescue service or utilities. C. CONFORMANCE WITH COiJ\'TY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The request conforms with the Core land use designation of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan designates centralized locations that are suited for a mix of high intensity urban uses, particularly commercial and multifamily residential. Policy C-1 encourages the development of intensive, mixed-use urban development in the designated core areas. Policy C-2 encourages service of core areas by an arterial or higher grade street. Policy C-z encourages coordinating the design of commercial sites. Policy C-S encourages development ' _ - that provides separation, screening, and buffering along the edge of core areas for the purpose of -reducing nuisances with less intensive development, particularly single family -detached residential. Policy C-7 encourages establishing landmarks that would strengthen the identity of community core areas. 419 Frontage Development Plan -The 419 Frontage Development Plan designates Oak Grove Plaza in the General Commercial, Shopping Center, Planned Retail category. Surrounding areas are designated Office and Institutional as a buffer between the commercial frontage and nearby residential areas. Most of the guidelines in the plan apply to new site development, or rezoning/conversion from residential to commercial land uses. Some guidelines which address signage, lighting, and traffic impacts are addressed on the concept plan, or will be addressed during site plan review. D. CONFORMANCE WITH COUN'TI' DEVELOPMENT STANDARD ~~ Drive-through facilities require a special use permit in the C2 zoning district. The concept plan conforms with applicable development regulations, including requirements for the drive-through and associated stacking spaces. (See above discussion) McDonald's proposes to construct one sign on the facia of the building and install one freestanding sign in the parking lot in accord with County sign regulations. Less than 100 square feet of total signage is envisioned. The proposed location of the freestanding sign meets requirements for setbacks and separation from other freestanding signs on the Oak Grove Plaza property. PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS Oak Grove Plaza exists as an older neighborhood shopping center located within a core commercial service area for the Oak Grove neighborhood and larger community. Few adverse impacts are expected as a result of the approval of this drive-through facility within the shopping center. The proposed restaurant, permitted by right, can be expected to generate slightly greater than a one percent increase in the average daily traffic volumes on Electric Road. The design of the interior drive-through eliminates the need for an order board speaker, and thus eliminates the noise from the speaker phone, which is a common concern associated with most drive- through facilities. The stacking spaces provided for seven vehicles should be adequate to ensure that vehicles queued at the drive-through do not block travel lanes within the center, or the Carriage Drive entrance nearest the drive-through. At the neighborhood meeting held by the applicant, several residents voiced concerns regarding litter, traffic, need for speed bumps, and general safety of pedestrians and bicyclists within the shopping center property. Although representatives of McDonald's Corporation expressed a willingness to address many of these concerns, (those over which they have control) conditions can be placed on the issuance of the special use permit to ensure that the drive-through facility does not negatively impact the shopping center, the safety of citizens using the business, or retail services currently within the center. ` The opening of a restaurant at this location would serve as an anchor for the shopping center, S~ .~ allowing the center to potentially attract additional viable businesses. Although sixteen businesses are currently operating in the center, significant vacant space is available for lease. The owner of the center _has indicated .that in addition to the direct improvements that McDonald's would make to the exterior of-the building, the lease of the space by the restaurant allows him the ability to continue with the center's upgrade. As an anchor, McDonald's customers would serve as a client base for other businesses within the center, promoting the economic health of the center and its various businesses. As the Commission evaluates this request, the Staff suggests that the Commission consider the following as conditions of the special use permit: 1. The special use permit shall be for a drive through-window facility owned and operated in conjunction with a McDonald's restaurant. 2. The drive-through shall be designed and constructed in general accord with the conceptual plans submitted as part of the application. The drive-through facility shall bean "interior design", as shown on the plan. 3. Any new lighting installed at the center associated with the proposed drive- _ through or restaurant, shall be "down lighting" and shall not exceed .5 foot candles at the property line, nor shall it cast any glare on adjacent streets or surrounding properties. 4. `Speed bumps, designed to slow traffic within the center, shall be installed within ~'-' ` the main shopping center traffic aisle, which is adjacent to and parallel to the building. 5. Directional signage and/or a railing shall be installed at the end of the sidewalk in front of the proposed restaurant, notifying pedestrians to exercise caution as they approach the exit of the drive-through facility. Additional signs shall be installed cautioning users of the drive-through to watch for pedestrians. PREPARED BY: DAVID HOLLADAY DATE: 10/3/95 CO~..TY O~ R,O~.NOKE DcP i . OF FLANti'I~ti'C %ND ZONING > ,~, J7J3 Era::1CI~:Cn r~+'J C r r .. P.O. Eox 2°800 , , 'c:=-~ I z~r ca:icn fc~/~.ti __.. _z.ci/. ~.~ - (703) 772-20e8 F X (703) 772-LO:,p- ~ ICase NVf~=e:: ~~..y ~/~~ ....................:.:.:.;.:.:.:-:.:.:.:::.:.:::::::::::::::::::Il:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :.-.. - :: Check type of application ail d (check ail that a;--i'r1~ '" O REZONING SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: McDonald' s Corporate o:~ Phone: Address: 2300 Dominion Tower, 999 Waterside Drive Zip Ccde: 235 ~ 0 Norfolk , Vi rctir.i a Owner's name: Tech Line, ~ncorpor~ted •• Fhone: 2 •' 1 ~ 3 Address: 1511 King Street _ Zip Code: Salem, Vircinia Location of propery: Oak Grove Tax Map Number: 76.07-4-33 Plaza Shopping Center, ;.;agisterial District: Windsor Hills Route 419 • Community Planning Area: Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: C-2 General Commerical Dis trict 3.48 acres Existing Land Use: Reti? i 1 Sales sq.ft. :;;::fig::;s:: ~: .. .r. ~~' . Proposed Zoning: C-2 p Restaurant: drive-in and fast food Pro osed Land Use: i-o~ Star',' Use Gniy '( u5~ Type. ! l Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, wicth, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES x NO !F N0, A VARI:,NCE 1S REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for t`.e requested Use Type? YES X NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. • If rezoning request, are conditions being prof;er_d with this request? YES NO ..~ Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke Ccunty Zo ning Ordinance in erc~~ tc: Is the application complete? Please check if enc'.csed. APPLICATION 1rV1LL NCl ~ F= ACCEPTED 1= ;,,,\'Y OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPI F ~ ;_ NS V NS V Consultation 8 1 /2" x 1 i" concept plater ~~ 1 Application fee L• :::: ,, Application ~:: Metes and hcunds description ~.`'' Proffers, if applica~le Justification >~` Water and sewer application Adjoining propery owr;ers l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent o/ the owner. Tech Line, or -ated - Owner's Signature: v Charles Line, President ' r=~ Sta:`: G'sr Cn!•f: Case N::r..ber :.~?:~ ^ s Y :. `~C: - _ :~ ~. ~: :~ . ri-' r::..- : t:;..-. ^i'2~-c~' •- •~r: _~.. ~~ ; ~~::. z.: •~ . ~ = ::f^ .^i ~~ =L1.,• .~~ - ~ - - ~~ ,. ~~t:.^..r ~r V :. ~. ~a: d'i. ~ l.. .^i ....... --- _ ~r'_ '~/ ~,pp!ICani -tTC-DOI?ald ~ S COrcOrat10i1 - i he Planning Comr.~issiCn `vi!l saucy re=oning anc S c.:al US2 permli reQU2Si5 i0 deiermine tfle need a%C justiiicatien for the charge in terms o. public heai;h, sa:ei`f, and general we!sare. F!ease ans•.ver the ~ci!c•:r;ng questions as thcrovgh!y as possiele. Use addrlonal space r necessary. rlease explain how the request ~urhers ti^~e purpos=_s e; the Zening Ordinance (Section 30-3) as v~~e!I as t... purpose round ai the beginning o. the applicable zoning disirici~classi~icaiion in the zoning ordinance. Applicant's request i s =or a L_=s _ecognizec in t're C-2 general co-_-~~rci a~' C115tr1Ct Please explain ho~v the project con~orms to the gere:~! guidelines and policies contained in the Roo: eke Ccur,ty Comprehensive Flan. . Applicant believes that its recuest will further the intent and bL=poses of the County's Comprehensive ?1an in that the property will be Lsed in a manner consistent with the adjacent property. Please describe the impact(s) or the request on the pr cpery itse!r, the adjoining properties, and the sur: cursing area, aS We!! a5 file ImpaCtS On pU0!IC S2rvICeS end iaC:!ItleS, including Woier/Sewer, foad5, SCiiCC!S, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. It is anticipated that there will be little impact on the adjoininc properties as the shopping Center use already exists and a trar~ic signal is already located at the intersection of Route 419 and Carriage Lane. GLE\\. FLIPPI~, FELD~S ~.\1 ~ D ~RB~ - 200 FIRST C~~!?B=I._I. SOti1.RB - - ~ POST O-ICS BOX 2387 ~O~\"0~=,tij~GI\I~ 24001 (703' 2?," - 8000 F_~X :: 03: 224-8050 C. SHIREE`~ HAY'ES Dirc~t Dial (550) 225-80 U HAND DELIVERED August 24, 199 Mr. Terrance L. Harrington Director of Planning and Zoning Roanoke County Department of Planning and Zoning 373 8 Brambleton Avenue, S . W . Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Re: Special Use Permit Application Dear Terry: Enclosed please find a Special Use Permit Application to be filed on behalf of McDonald's Corporation. The application requests a special use permit for the location of a drive-in and fast food restaurant at the Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center. Enclosed are the following: 1. Application signed by Charles K. Line, President of Tech-Line, Inc., the owner of the property. 2. Six copies of the concept plan consisting of the site plan and elevation plan. 3. List of adjoining property owners, including owners' names, addresses and tax map numbers. 4. List of adjoining property owners including zoning and land use and copies of plats showing locations of adjoining properties. 5. Our firm check in the amount of 540.00 for the application fee. ,«.~ GLL.\~, FLIPPI\, t~LD~i1,`~ ~ D~F3B~" his. Terrance L. HarrinQto_ n - AuQust 24. 199 Page 2 6. Letter of support from Charles K. Line, President of Tech-Line, Inc. 7. Estimates for dail}- traffic. Please note that the estimated percentage of cars which will be generated daily by the restaurant at Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center are less than 1 0 as follows: Weekday - .78% Friday - .87 Saturday - . 7 7 % Sunday - .62%. The applicant also submits for consideration the following estimates of yearly taxes, fees and employees. The taxes and fees are annualized and based on current County tax and licensing codes. Yearly Estimated Taxes and Fees Meals Tax (4% of gross sales): Rebated state sales tax (1 ~ of gross sales): Business personal property tax (53.50/5100 value): Business License (5.20/S100 of gross sales): Utility Consumer's tax (12%): TOTAL COL~~T~Y TABS Ai\~ FEES: Estimated Employment Full-time Employees: Part-time Employees: TOTAL EiVLPLOYEES: $40,000 $10,000 $ 5,000 5 2,000 $ 3,500 560,500 6 45 51 ~~ GLE\"~, FLIPPI~, F~LD~i ~\\ ~ D_~RB~' ~~ iv1s. Terrance L. Harrington Ausust 2-'.. 199 Page 3 itilcDonald's is always very suppo~ give of local charities and schools, and will be happy to provide additional information on its many contributions to the local community. Thank you for your consideration of this application. Should you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours; C. Shireen Hayes CSH:d1p:3186000 Enclosures cc: Mr. John G. Emia TECH L[NE, 1NC. 1511 KING S i ri6=T -SALE h1, VIRGINIA 2-^+153 ,,. (703) J8°•Oir~ ~ FAX (703) 387-0726 - - P.ugust 9, 1995 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Planning Co~~ission 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 RE: Application for Special Use Permit McDonald's Oak Grove Shopping Center Gentlemen: I am the owner of the Oak Grove Shopping Center in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District of Roanoke County. The center was developed in the early 1960's and, we hope, has served the neighborhood well over these many years. Currently, the center is in need of upgrading and improvement. I am committed to taking those steps which will, once again, make Oak Grove Shopping Center a first-class shopping center for the neighborhood. Critical to my project is the construction and operation of a McDonald's restaurant. That restaurant will be located in the now- vacant space formerly occupied by Super-X. Securing McDonald's as an anchor tenant will permit me to continue the upgrading of the Center. I am pleased with the coy~itment and efforts McDonald's has made by designing its restaurant to complement the Center and the neighborhood. I expect the improvements made by McDonald's to provide short-term and long-te-m benefits to the Center. I appreciate your consideration of McDonald's request. very truly yours, ~~` ~ . Charles Line CL/sse z:\vp50\steph\line.ltr:sse08/09/95 5- 3 ESTIMATES FOR DAILY TRAFFIC S i 'E 09/18%95 12:28 ^804 640 3615 ~cDO`.~LD'S - - x or ~ - - - 7671 oa~e pages- _ Post-iY ~zx Note From ~fyf ~.M I!s - TOvAI/iv r9~'''~ Co. ~y1t~oN ColDef L ~ Co. ~ ~ Phone ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~' ~ Phone • Fax x ~ GS/p _ ; c /S Fax~S~) %7Z~ Zlo~ n K o °0 333 ,c n o > ~ o ~Nu U 1 1 V O VI w J~~ V fr 'J _ ~ ~ ~ > u U ~ d~ ~~ D a i 1 Kj ~~ i e ~ ou nnrr nnov+ri .~-1.~-I .o+^~' ~ 1 ~ rlH nnhN.~H r1 O ~ w m 1 ! I 1 ! ! 1 I M ! ! I ~- ! ! M ! 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NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center (Tax Map No. 76.07-4-33) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: a) The special use permit shall be for a drive through-window 1 .' S'' facility owned and operated in conjunction with a McDonald's restaurant. b) The drive-through shall be designed and constructed in general accord with the conceptual plans submitted as part of the application. The drive-through facility shall be an "interior design", as shown on the plan. c) Any new lighting installed at the center associated with the proposed drive-through or restaurant, shall be "down lighting" and shall not exceed .5 foot candles at the property line, nor shall it cast any glare on adjacent streets or surrounding properties. d) Speed bumps, designed to slow traffic within the center, shall be installed within the main shopping center traffic aisle, which is adjacent to and parallel to the building. e) Directional signage and/or a railing shall be installed at the end of the sidewalk in front of the proposed restaurant, notifying pedestrians to exercise caution as they approach the exit of the drive-through facility. Additional signs shall be installed cautioning users of the drive-through to watch for pedestrians. f) A planted landscape strip shall be installed along Carriage Lane separating the drive-thru from Carriage Lane. g) Screening and buffering shall be provided where necessary to ensure that headlight glare from vehicles using the drive- thru does not affect area property owners or vehicles using Hackney Lane or Carriage Lane. zoning.mcdonalds 2 u~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~u _ = I _ = _ ~ AGENDA ITEM N . " c _ APPEA,RAN~CE REQUEST - - _ _ - - PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS _ _ _ SUBJECT: ~-~y~ ~ A S I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c __ _ ^ Each s Baker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment P whethe speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, ~ the Board to = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of do otherwise. c ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. the Chairman Questions of clarification ma be entertained b . y y ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments ... with the clerk. __ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. -_ c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK -- '_ c - c -_ . _ _ __ - __ fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~i~iiiii~iiiiiii~iiii~iiiifiiiiiiiiiii~ii~iiriiiiiiii~iiniiiirrt~~i~n~i~i[ri~rriiiiiinriiiiiii~ii~~~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiii~ - - - - _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. S-,3 APPE CE REQUEST _' PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ~, _ SUBJECT: ~ c ~ ~- ~ - e S I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED =_ __ BELOW: ^ Each s esker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment whethe P speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will - decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to __ do otherwise. - ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. = -_ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ with the clerk. __ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK .. -~ NAME S UC O~ - rS c ADDRESS ~ X72 t ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ -_ - PHONE ~ 7 ~ ~S / ~- fi~~~~~~iii~~~~~i~~~~~~~iitiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ii~iiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~~iiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiii~nirliiirnmttiiiii~~rii~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ _ _ _ c _ APPE CE REQUEST - _ _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE 1~ CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~6~~', %~Q,{,~~,1,~ ,~aJ _ = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: _ ^ Each s Baker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment P speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c whethe _ decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. - ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SP~;AKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - _ __ - - - - __ _ -___ miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri~iir~iif~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~ii~i~~iiitiiitf~r~iiiriii~iiiiiiiiiinn~tniiiiitiin~iii~~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO~" ~ _ _ - _ - APPE CE REQUEST _ _ =_ PUBLIC HEARING "ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ~ _s ~ ~ rr-' - c, ~ ~S =_ SUBJECT: ~J ~~~~ ~ ~ sc ~2~ ~ 'sors to reco nize me durin the _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervi g g meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c -- -- - _ _ _- i fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiirfiii~~~ni~ ~JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ,L - i - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ i - ~ - S AGENDA ITEM NO.~• s - ~, - .. - __ APPE CE REQUEST _ __ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE / CITIZENS COMMENTS - ._ i SUBJECT: ~ ~_ ~~~ ~~ ;~ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the - meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. e WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED ._ - BELOW: c - s ~ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will i decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, s - and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ot~the Board to _ - do otherwise. =_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. - Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. = ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _- with the clerk. c ~, - -~ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP - SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c - - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - - - - - - - - _ __ - - - - - -_ - - s NAME ~~ f 1 UCK ~~9-R l'4 ~"/Z - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~_ - ADDRESS ~~ ~.~ ~ l2 ~-~~-l,C~l,1~ ,~ - ,_ - - , J PHONE ~ ~ `_I _ L -~ C~ _ - _. ~~ _, -1 _ , _ _ _. mII11111111Ntt11111IIfNliilllllllilllilllllllllillllllllfNlllllllililllillllttlt~IN{It1111~111~ttlttlillllil11111111~ _ - ~ s /~ ~ t/` ~ AGENDA ITEM Nt~--~'7 APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS -_ -_ SUBJECT: ~,{ ~ ~'~ ,i, '~ 5 J-~-~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c __ FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. - _ s ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. c ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. c ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c -- _ -~ NAME ~~.~ ~ ~C'I c _ = ADDRESS ~ ~ lP `>~l~i'h~,cwUCx'~~~ j ~~ ~i,c.~ ~C~Y.,=!lt~~ _ ~~~~~~~ = c PHONE ~ ~y- ~ ~ L' ~ . ~ _ _- _ - __._ . _- ~ i _ _ _ _ a- AGENDA ITEM NO. S'~ APPE CE REQUEST - _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS __ SUBJECT: - and of Su 'sors to reco nize me durin the _ I would like the Chairman of the Bo pervi g g meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: _ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _ = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. c ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments - with the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP - ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK ._ - _ - - -- _ _ - __ ~ s NAME yle .~ .~~ c ADDRESS 2 y0 ~ ~'~ c ,~ ~ ~~ ~ - _ - _ - PHONE y'~~/,~ ~ ~ - _ - - - fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir`itiiltiiiiiiii~iiiiiifii~iiifiiiiii~~tnnnt~~iiiiiii~iiii~ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~i~t~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~, _ - ~ - _ - AGENDA ITEM NC~'-3 APPE CE REQUEST _ __ r~PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS c i SUBJECT: /~ ~,~~+ ,~ ~s ~~~ ~`~ / Us F ~erin ~~ f c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED _ BELOW: _ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. _ - _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. the Chairman be entertained b Questions of clarification ma . y y c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. =_ c ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments - with the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK __ - - s ~~ ~ fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiii~~iiitiiiiiiiiinf~i~i~l1 ~Illliilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~~,~ = I..t _ I~ _ ~ ~. IY.YI - IY/Y - ~ /~'~ P! 1.0 AGENDA ITEM NO. - APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS c . SUB ECT ~ ~ 5 S ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~C __ , , „~, , c~ ~ r ~~, J : I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: _= ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment i whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. - ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. the Chairman Questions of clarification ma be entertained b _ . y y ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vv~th the clerk. c ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c - -- _ _ - _ - - - NAME s.~, ~,.,.~ ~~ <~..r ~ ADDRESS j ~ ~ ~ 1 (~ ~ PHONE ~ ~ ~ _ 1 ___. _ muunuumnm~nmuNmmmuunnumnuunmmnnmonmmunnnunminnnuunnnumipmn~ll ~JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIII~ ~~ s ~ s ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y n O ~~ ~_ . AGENDA ITEM N ANCE REQUEST APPEA~R , _ ,• _ ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ~ PUBLIC HEARING / - _ SUBJECT: 1 ;'' ~ ~~~YYZG~?~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED : BELOW: ._ _ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment _ whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will _ - decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. _= Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. = ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. c ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP = SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c -_ c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK __. _ mllllllllllllillllllilllllilllllilllilllllllliilllllllllllllilllllillllillllllliliiillllliillllllllllllliillllilllllllillllllllll~ ~uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~, _ ~, _ ,~ - _ - = AGENDA ITEM NO..~' - - - - APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS c - - - SUBJECT: ~~. _ - _ - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED - BELOW: c - - - ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to i do otherwise. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. - c ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments - vnth the clerk, c ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c __ -- - - - - - - _ _ -, - - - ~ - - - - - ~. - - ~< ~* ~<., s _~ r _~ ~ ~ of iiii~~~i~~rfrin ~~ ~~ ~n~~n~n~~~nrrrn~~ ~~n nn~m _ l`i U ~-~/ / N 6 S~SS~ ®~/ __ -_ • • = AGENDA ITEM NO. 3 f - - - - - APPE CE REQUEST - i ~ - / _ / PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS CONIlVIENTS - c SUBJECT: /Yl L.~i/~-~5 ©A-~ ~/~ V~' - = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Su ervisors to reco nize me Burin the P g g meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED = BELOW: _- _- - ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to = do otherwise. - c c ^ S Baker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized - speaker and audience members is not allowed. c ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - - = ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ with the clerk. _= ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - - - - - - _ _ - - - - _ - _ ~ - = s _ ~ ~_ ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ii~u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~s AGENDA ITEM NO. S^ - 3 c ' ~ APPE CE REQUEST - _ ~ _ i PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COIVIlVIENTS - O~ ~~~ S - UBJECT: C .cJA~I~S __ ~-^ = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Su ervisors to reco nize me Burin the P g g meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: __ c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, d d t ill f th l l i t t d b th it tgth B an w o en orce e ru e un ess ns ruc e y e major y o e oar do otherwise. - ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ~ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments _ _ with the clerk. c ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ _ __ - - - _ - _ _ ~ e .. .; ,~-' ...-~ .. .''''i".~^?{'i; o.r,:-'~ ~ ~ rz. +,~._ , .., _'~°^.:,:~ws,'^ti +€T?~Rr.*.~^i'RZeAc_~ x'•~ct .... ~ ~r-~;~.`.-~.~ S- 3 Narrative for Conceptual Alterations to Oak Grove Plaza, Roanoke County, Virginia Prepared for: Charles Line Prepared by:Townside Construction Company, Inc. After preliminary review of existing site conditions, traffic reports, construction documents, market analysis and initial discussion of project budget, the following recommendations are forwarded for you review and consideration. The existing center is in need of a new roof at the very least. Many of the spaces are experiencing roof leaks and repair or replacement of the existing roof is critical. Cosmetically, we have three areas we addressed in our review; the facade, the signage and the site. Because of the nature of the existing construction, it would be prohibitively expensive to conduct a major change in form or material. The existing finishes are primarily brick and wood with slate roofing. We recommend removing existing columns and replacing them with an arch and column portico. The arches and columns will be an exterior insulation finish system-EIFS (stucco) finish. The columns will sit on 2 '/Z ft tall brick bases. There would be two structural revisions to the existing facade. The first will be the entrance to the "oak mall". This will be accomplished with steel framing and an EIFS finish. A matching facade will be added to the "Morwood" space. We also will replace all existing glazing with aluminum storefront windows and doors with colonial grille patterns. As can be seen in our rough conceptual sketch, we are setting up a rhythm of alternating arched and square forms both in the columned porticos and the fenestration. We feel that these forms will retain the colonial character of the center while modernizing and upgrading the curb appeal of the property. It is our recommendation that all existing signage be removed. All new building signage should be uniform in color, type and size. We recommend 14 to 18 inch reverse channel letters with a forest green facing. The existing pylon signage should be removed and replaced with a well designed colonial style sign in brick which identifies the center name only. All signage for businesses should be confined to the building facade. The site will require some extensive planting to give a new "feel" to the center. The existing plantings are generally sparse and in poor shape. It is our recommendation that much more extensive and varied planting be designed for both the landscaped strip along Route 419 and within the parking lot in the areas now defined by painted lines as islands at the end of the parking areas. The parking lot itself has already been repaired, resealed and restriped. We believe that a combination of these recommendations will help to improve both the look and marketability of your center. S- A , 4 ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~•..: D C ~~ .,~ }. 44 ?} 71 t w ~ ~, ~~ F ` ~ !- ` y y~ a ~. t !~ z D }`'~ x ~ " ~J ~ ~ ~ jj ~~ f wR ~ ~'i ~} ` 'H N i Q s :i ~~ ~~~~ 4 f., t 1 a Z S- Q ~. w' Copied for all Bd Members: "` _.~"'' ~ LBE, BLJ, EGK, FM, HCNi ~'C/f v Serving the People oi: Allegheny County 13otetourt County Craig County Roanoke County City of Clifton Forge City of Covington City of Salem Roanoke County Board of Supervisors c/o Ms. Mary Allen Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Dear Members of the Board: October 23, 1995 Tel. 703-t357-78W Fax No. 857.6991 Molly L. Hagan Medical Director Patty P. Tiller Administrator Linda M. French Nurse Manager A. M. -Mo" Owen SaNtarian Manager Nancy S. Harvey Nurse Practitioner Manager Thank you for receiving my comments in writing regarding the zoning application from McDonald's Corporation which will be heard on October 24th. I am not the appropriate person to comment on a zoning permit, but I would, however, like to comment that when the McDonald's Restaurant locates in a community, the community benefits from more than just having an eating place. Not only is McDonald's impeccably run, but it also is traditionally and consistently supportive of prevention activities in communities all over the United States, as well as in the Roanoke Valley. Of particular note in the public health community is their advocacy for early immunizations and appropriate immunizations and their efforts to give teenagers a place in which to work and learn economic responsibilities as working members in the community. Not every restaurant receives such respect from the public health community, but I did think it was significant enough to feature this aspect of McDonald's to you. I hope that you will find this information to be useful. I am, Sincerely yours, ~~C~ Molly L. Rutledge, M.D. Director Allegheny and Roanoke City Health Districts ALLEGHANY HEALTH DISTRICT P. ~. BOX 220 Fincastle, VA 24090 PLEASE NOTE OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBERS Telephone: (540)473-8226 Facsimile: (540)473-8242 MLR/kjd i \~ ~ • S-3 We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Address ~-~ ~'4T1/G4' 7 ~~ ~~" / ~~~~[ .~ ~~'~~ << ~ ~- ~~-~ ~ a~ ~ ~AGQ Ce. ~ ~ ~ `~ /~ ~.t/C' (-~ ~~,1 ~f ~Qoo~06~ ~k' . ,~.L2J , ~'!t°c~ ~ ~~~ o c,J ~,r ~ ~~~ .-~ 5 ~ 7 l ' ~ ~'z ~ o ~'~ ~~ -~ -,~ :L, l ~ ~,~~ L ~ ~ ~ ~, 'rte, ~ cv ~ ~-~ ~ ~i ~~rs ~~l ~ ~~f~~ ~~.. ~ • ~. ~~ t ~-~a ~~~~ ~~ mow. r ,~~- ~%~ ~~l~,cu~ ~~ ~ 135 U~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ~~~~ X7,-1 ~ ~, ~~~ ~~ ~,~ --, `-~~~~ r~~,~ ~~~~--~~;,~ ~ ~e_ /~ ,z 1 ~JCw~ ~`` `` ~ U I ~ ~_ r ~ ~, - - ~ ,-~~ f , / _ - c~ c.,f ~ / ~ ~ ~ Yer I ~Jr - ~I 1~3 `....~ , - t . ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ s ~~ ~ ~1/D ~. ~~ 5 ~. --, ~ 3~ /2 1/~c.1e/~nv ,~. Rk~, jB f~~ ~ ., ~, _ r! We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Address ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ • • We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Address ~~~~ ,. ~` n ,~ 1 r ,,- I~(L.(-...ty 1~ ;S S Gl~ I~~ ~J ~ J'~ VY ~:~~rZ ~~~. . rw ~~ S-} ~ ~ (.,~ . ~ ~OI~P n J~ ~~~'~- .~-r,~.- Z~/~.1 ,~~~',~-~~ ~'~v~r-~ ,~ ,~' ~~ ~-~i ~ /~.GZG~ ~ ~-G~t Ga~CI.~' ~~ / l ~~~~y .~0~~.~ t,~~ ~r,/ ~ ~GC~~, ~y, ~w il~ a73a ~~~zczct~n C~ ~3 V/ ~yoi~ ,. ., fl l~,//~' l .mac'/~ ~/~~ ~~ ~-C_C~~;~~'' ~~~. ~~ C~~E ~~ ~~~~~ ti ~~~~ /~.~'~ jet .~~~~-~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 7 ~~~~~~~ ~„/ ~ J TI N ~~~~~L~ ~S'~~ ~,~~ F y r( ~ r ,c it ~( f~ tr ~~.~ ti~ ®,~ ~~o „ „ 'c~3 ., r ~ ~ 't t r ,~ ~' `1 ~ {~~ ~ ~-~ -- ~~ ~ ~_~~// ~~//c--,~ /727 ~.c?/~~~L'C~C>CY ,~t`l ~~~~7G /l~ !%~ , ~`fC~/~ ,S~~tI~. ~~ -~~ i`~~-. c~~.~ ~..A~ . tr~',_ `'~~ ~~ f ~ Zic~ PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPFORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. 53 NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME <~ LOCATION ~. ~~ ~,~.~ /, ~ ~~ --~ ~~ ~ ~`e ~ /~ ', r ~~ , ' ~. ,, ~ ,, , . ~ r C~rU 1it° ~ ~-~ ~ ~`Y"tip ~- {L :(~ Li . PETITON We feel that McDonald,'s would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to'the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This ma11 is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION .„ ~~ ~t ~ ~ Z`~n15 i ~ .. PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Crrove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to~the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. 0~ NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in tum would bring more quality tenants to~the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. - L%~~i~' .~~~G~y~-- /tc~~~t~-rte _ __ - - __ _.~__ -- ~e~r~~~N -e; tad ~cwc~ __. -- . _ _cs..l~•.~.i~ a _ PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION N-~1/~ti .~,~'- ~- '~--'~%~L*-- ~. Vii, _ - r,i~w, ::~, ~-~,i ' . ,~=-' PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPFORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. ~~ PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to'the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. ,,~...-. __. ~. -= , ON S ~iif,[ ~~,~~ - . . ~ 3 ~ ~~ PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to~the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION ~~ PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to~the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S CONIING TO OAK GROVE. NAME ~11~,-t bEQS 0 2, a i Ula l Sn l l ~ ~~ I~~ ~ ~~ I~,~ 14,E I .~ ~ ~ ~(/rl./ ;~ ~~ ~- ~" LOCATION r V (~ h d ~ ~L ~" ~~ 1~0 ~T l:.R s~~rn ~NOk ~ /~9 Z `//53 ~~ v z ~s.~ ~~ /~ ~~~ ' PETTTON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to~the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION - - - ~ _ a~~~~ 3~~' /h~ PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING T4 OAK GROVE. PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. ~Llt IV..~_. 1.LVtif.~ ~~ -HRS~ ~ ~i S ~yrt~c~r c- ~, PETITON I~c~ We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thins improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION l ~ l //// PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S CONIING TO 4AK GROVE. C t~ la/~ ~~~l,~ ~~~~ ~t1~ ~ ~~ ~E ~~~~ ~ ~~~i~ ~~~~, , ._ % eft ~!'Q ~= '' / C~ ~Ll.n~~'S. ~~cc,. ,~1 y!~ :~ ~~~! °~~%~ ~~c~ ~ NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S CONIING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SIJPPOItT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION Gt ~.n~. :Q PETITON We feel that McDonald,'s would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION t PE IT We feel that McDonald's would e a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. n r~' IiC~G'E` / /.~' ~l~i7J ~G~~?ar~P J c~C/Ci.~" _ _--- .T f r PETITON We feel that McDonald,'s would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S COMING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION S3 We, Qak Grove area residents support McDonald's coming to Qak Grove Plaza: PETITION ~~~o ~~ -, .~ _ _ ~s ~i. 2 ~o J ~sw a yoi~ i1~I, ~ ~~-, . -~ I ~ ~~, r `" / S~ ~l~ ;~~~.~, ~~7-- Vii. ~~, ~ ~ , U ~~ 37 ! <,.~r,-, ~-<~.;__ /~~ls yr ~y~ ; S~ /~ f `~ ~. f ' n ~ ~. ,~ r.._..,..- ~,.. - Name Address t We, aak Grave area residents support McDonald's taming to-aak Grove Plaza: PETITION Nye . ~. ~i i- ~ i > >~., Address /LC ~ [J A_AA,~ AiS,I~Op ~(a b`~ ~5~~~~c~z~. ~~ We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: Petition is We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: J ?~~1~ ~~alg s ~s,~ 3 Y We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Address n _ ~ffrl.:'L ~ S / ~ ~ l-~//%~ ~j~ c S S ~ /iz r# i r-ir-~~ ~l j' /~' Sc ~~. /~~c G`:~t z~ o i o /I / / / , / ~t l-~~~.L~.E~ ~,J ~'~< (~(ry C( ~l ~ '~J1L ~,'~_l. ~_.t^`C, l <__ ~~11't ~ ~ _-~ ~C/,~' ,L`": iL . ~ GLCG-~ ~is~-G~. ~ ~/f~ ~~/~ ~,~~~G~~.C /J /~ ~ ~a~- ~fl'.~i -~/`L_ ,n L~ ~//~ i ~ - - - ~ d't' J ,G~/Y~~ ~ ~G ~_ Ut lw~'~ 1 y;;' k ~i~ 1L~r~ c ,c. ~ -, ~ % oC~ ~ C'.' /y r ,~.,, rr~~ ~.. r_. .-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n1t R~uJ ~ _ Ibl~u,-f-Iec~G~ 1~~.~1 z. - SaIEM. U~ ~-~-~~3 / Ire°/. ~/ f~_.l~ '~ ,. ~ _ , ; ,.,c:r, ~ ~ ~ ~~ , rr %~ J ~r ~ ~/ ~~' ` %~ iii ~/ ' i `i ~ r C/r r i % /~, ~~rl~ ~ /,// ,~~1 , `~' '`-~' .j ~ ~ ~~~ `~ Gil-~-~'~- ~~ ~~~l~l~, Ua ~~U~~ ~_~ , J ~~%' ~ ~ ~~ ,~~ ~ c ~ ~alY r We support McDonald's -coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Address ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ G- ~; G~ i 1 f r 1 ~ ~ ~~ .... ~ ~ ~ % ~ ~ _ ~ ~1 r• / f % ~ III ~ ^ i _~, LI- ~ ~ / L / /~ G' / i 4_._~__- __ ~ _ J _ ._ .. 1. ` -r._ y ~ - - ~' _ " ^_ i ~_~' - _-' ~' --~ ~-~ ~ C /~~ LG . ~Lc~ ~ ~. ~~ °/ , / %;~., ~ ~- , . '~'J ~~ , ~~..er We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION ., Name Address /~a ~ ~ ~ . ''~ ~ ~ , "~!, i ~ ;~-'Ir ~ .~ ~ L ~G I ~l. •u ~_ "~~ ~.~~.. ~~ ~i 1, li - ~, __ ~° ~~ ~~ . ~~ ~,' ~. .~~ l _~ C ___ - ~ s . ,' , ~ ~' - ~ ~~~~ r ~c~~ /J~~s ~~, ~ - ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~7~ r ~~ ~ ~ G~ d ~'~ ~ v ~~ ~~ ~ °~? -~~ ~ ,, ,~~ ,~ fir: i;~~ ~;~~ ~ ~~ ~~~~ ~l iGa ~ ~'~~<~-~~~ ~~ ~Q ~ y~> ~ v - ,~ zy ~ ~) o J ~~ S 0''~ ~~~,,~, / l% ~ ~ ~' : ~.~ JJJ---(JJJii/////»r~ J /~~J2 ~( ;~ ~~c_/~LG ~!~jJ`ti ~ `~ l / C,~,~ ~"_ i ~ --. L,, ~~, -~.L.i Lam- - Lf ~{_ . G ~ ."' ~ ~e --~ ~` ~/ - i - L 1 ~ ~~ ! .... v. e ~ ~ ~_ .. ~ ~ J` ~ ~~l"~f/}/1~G~'u-~ U d~~~i~ ~ u ~~ ~ ~' ~~r _`.~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ 1 . ~~'"<' ~''""~~ "ii ~ j~ yr ~ ~ `% d? 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Z~r~'i ~ ~ /~-rntv~fv, U~ a4C~i ~ (~ '' a ~ ~ ~~Ji~,~ - Ste. ~ ~ %Zc~ fh u.. „~ ~,~~~ ~.~ a~, ~~u~~~.~ F1~~8' ~~' n2zL~ ~i~e We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Addres iii ~ 7 ~~~ ~~~~ . /~,~~ l ~~. ~~YN ',/i/, 'r~ f, <! ~ 1./tT - ~ ~F/~ 1 Q // ~_ ~~.c,r3Gx j ~3 low Co~or~c4c ST 8z ~ 0 ~ N c?y~~ ~3 Co ~-r~ i-!-~ / ~, ~ ~ ~~ i~ r-? ~ ~l ~y~i Gdr~.-,~t~i~ ~' ~.k-~ ~.CP_. l/~-, ~r~ a`~~'i~( ~ l~~ cvn/ /J v~ ~o~, ~cS. <„ i'~ ._~ %~, l ~ 4 `, Lid ~ J 7s:~ 1 ~7 '~ `-~ ~ - ~ ~~ // r- j uw w C.(~t-(~Lrr~J~ ~i?, v , fit: ~ ~~~..~` -C~' ~G 7 ~',~'L' I ~, ~ `~ We support McDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION U a 5~_ ~~I ~ti-~ v,~~ ~. i2~ . 7 ,~I t 1,21 JfQ:'~r1 ~~~F ~~ ,~'~~~ lvl >3~ ,1~ /~ v,o Cl :: !~ ~~ ~~~ u 0~~ ~ : ,~ . ~~~ ~/' S Name Address We support IVIcDonald's coming to Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name ~~~~ ~ r ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~' S LJ ~ ~ ~' ~~ ~~ ~ -, ~1 m ~ a ~~ - ~ J,3 ~' ~-~ ,~ 1 ~r`(LT I ~l TcNc~LL- ~Gt-/ Y r P- J 7 ., <".~ S-~ ~7~1 C~ ~i''ic /G L~ ~1c2 , Vr ~ ~~~~ ~~ ti ~z, ~, Cf'~~ .~i/t ~~ rte- s4/~. 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I i 1~ ~- 3 ., ~~; , ;/~` ~, ;G~9 ~L~ mac. , ~o~ `~ ~ ~~~ s~`""- ~ ~ `~ ~ . ~,, ,, . _ _. s' ~~ Q S~`~2 ~ ~`~~-; _w.- ~~~. .. . i1--- -- - - -- - y ~ : 1 ~ . { V I i ' ~ r '~. v _. • ,! a 1= ~ .. r i I 1 ~ I _ LI 'J 1 -1 ' -1 Y _. . _. r 1 1 ~ ~~. ~~ , _. ~~. r' 1 ~ ~ 1 ~ r Y { t .~I. { 1 ~~ 1 1 ~ _ ~ ~ ~ i 1 ~ r '~ _ ~.{ ~ ~ r 1_ ~ ~ i r` ~ ~. f 1 - _ 1 . ~1 1~ .:' ~' 1~ 1 1 `~ ~~ 1. 1 ~~ 1 i a ~~ ~H ', ~i-~ . ate=-- ~~ ~: ~i~/ /~~e ,~'~ ~'~ 9~'9 shy y~i, t~,21!G~ ~• S'~/ gc~j~- J~1~i cam' y~ ro ~~2..QcG G9 sue' a3i~ ~~- 23 zG~ .~R~.l. Cr~x~ S ~ fZ~e ~ ~4N e •~,1~ 1~-, s- w, d~°--~~ ` .. . ~v.~ p~C- .~UJ~ I 23 Z G ~,Q,~ ,° f~~~~{- ~yv~~/ ~3/0 ~r..wQ la. S r~ ~'/a y~ ~°~ ~/ 02/o s~ ~~,^~c ~ .I t/ y~ y't~r 6 ~~~- ~ 03/ 48'9- 2gso 9 gyp- ~s~ '7-7 ~--~v~~ !~ ~,~.~~ o ~9 ~~ ~~ ~ ~~f WE. THE TAX-PAYERS AND CITIZENS, WHO LIVE IN A LOVELY RESIDENTIAL NEIGNBOORHOOD NEAR OAK GROVE PLAZA WISH TO EXPRESS OR OBJECTIONS TO THE ESTABLISHENT OF ANY "FAST FOOD" BUSINESS IN THE DAK GROVE PLAZA. AT CERTAIN TIMES, DURING THE DAY TRAFFIC IS ALREADY A PROBLEM, AND THIS BUSINESS WILL CREATE MORE CONGESTION, WE HAVE HAD A GROCERY STORE AND DRUG STORE THERE WERE NO PROBLEMS. NAME "" / ADDRESS i / TELEPHONE CU ~~~ rid/c~ii J~f~-~'f~/~ ~ . Q' ~arnq~ a 22.0 3 ~ft~ c(Q~ 7 7 ~ ~ d ro ~ ~ __ __~. as ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~, s~ ? ~~- ~7~~ .~ .. „~ ,;~ ,; ,, _ ---- - -- ,;, z ~` ~ ~_~- i''• ~ ' C L' ~~~~~ `~,/yV ~ ~ /~~ ~y3 ~ ~~~r~~ ~ . ,~ ~, f~ ~ ` ~,rl 5~G G~ ~ L~6rv~. ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ . ~ ~~~ ~~ , ~~j,~,~3 ~ 7~-7osi ~l~i~ ~ ~ "~'~ ~-~i~ ~1~ ~, \~',,r,~~. , -~ X14, ~~~'~'~~ , ~ ~ ~ `-~= ~ ~~~ / / `^L / we ~~y~ G' ~ ;72~~ //J l,/ J u y~ t _ - 1 i , '~I 1 ~ 1 ~ _ ~I IJ ~ i }± .~I.. ~ ~ _ _.. . 1~ ~. .~ '.f ~ _. r =. .: i _ t ~I _ _ - _ _ ~ i_ . i 1 ." _ ?. i `+ ~ _I':% { -~ i ~_. ~ _. . _ I_ 7 I ' _. I i i ! t' ~_ =~ ~~ e i i = - _, ~ ~'+ ~~ ~ +~ ~. ~ _. T _ I I_ M L _ - L~__;I I- .. 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CD ~ ~ ~ ~ ; / rrt ~ ~ .< f / -I'b ~ cn z ~ -~ ., ~~-- ri ~ m I i> cn / m % i~ c~ '~c; r~ / " \ Z ~ 7i Z (rl i A j / Q i / i \/ f j C> ~' ~' > \ /~~° / v~ .n cn rl Z_ ,~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ v, n cn 1r ~~ / j> I rf ~~ / ~ o ' '~ ~' i t z ~ ~ ~~ +iI A ,~~~„ j~d _a ~ -, ~_; ~~ ~~ ~ ~ /~ ~ ~~ l~~ n m ~ ~i I ~I \~ r~ ~ ~ , m i ` P -~~ ~ /' ~~ ~ -~ -' ,~ 1 - ~~ ,/.: ~~ ~ i / r. (- (O / ~ .~ ~ r - Y ~, ~L i i i. ~ ~ _ ~ ~~ i % i - - ~. S- 3 ' PETITON We feel that McDonald's would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPFORT McDONALD'S CONIING TO OAK GROVE. ~~~ /~ ~vJ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ !~ ~~ 2~~i~ ~~~~i '8 ~" z~ N A AAT T !lr A TTl1N PETIT'ON We feel that McDonald,'s would be a asset to Oak Grove Mall by becoming the national anchor store that this mall needs. This in turn would bring more quality tenants to the mall thus improving the mall and the neighborhood. This mall is the core of the neighborhood and should be encouraged by county as well as the neighbors to bring it back to the condition that it once was. I SUPPORT McDONALD'S CONIING TO OAK GROVE. NAME LOCATION / 1 ~ S'1 ~ ~~ ~ ~~1~/~ ;c~ C-C< ~G 1 C ~~~ r _. L ~ lJ( 3~~ ~ ~ ~~ 7~'/- ~, o~ ~~,.~..~- G'f-. .~ `fed ~ ~ ~~• ~~ l~d~~ ~~ ,~~a~ ~ l~_ G~iI Z~~~l ~( ~/ , ,~i~, ~~~ z ~ d i~ I We support McDonald's in Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION ~~~~ ~ ~~ ;~~~ ~ `7 ~(Il -- , ~ ~~I~ `~_~/ , ~, ~ .~ ~ ~,' ~ ~' / -~? ~b~~ A~ ,A I ~ _~.~VI~.P ~/~~~`J~--ti~i ~~ i ~ , ~ (°~ ~ r r ~ '3 ~~~/cs Iy' ri~~y ,6.,~fL(-`Yl.~.i' I ~ ~~i d~~~!'~° ~ 1~ /~ Y -~ ~ _ ,_ f.-, ~ ~;,, ~~ ~~; ~. ~ 7i ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~ a ~~y ~ ~~ ,~~~ Z ~'d id'-Jlra~~ Name Address We support McDonald's in Oak Grove Plaza: PETITION Name Address ~C,n ral E, ~ ~ ~ 1 ~5 ~ E? b~~t ~-~ ~~{ F3Canok ~ ~~~ z ~, ~ , ? ~1~~ I ;' i ~. -, ~,, ~.~ ~ .> ,, _) r ~~ir i ~ ,-~yU I~ -..~ ~~ s ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~o • .~:.,.~ In 1966, I started as a crewperson at the age of 17 in one of the original McDonald's Restaurants in Maryland. I was paid minimum wage of $1.00 an hour. Moving quickly up the McDonald's ladder, I soon advanced from crewperson to swing manager. From swing manager I was promoted to Assistant Store Manager then Store Manager. Before long I was promoted to Supervisor and then Director of Operations. At this time, I was responsible for over 150 restaurants owned by McDonald's Corporation. In 1979, I purchased my first McDonald's store in upstate New York. In October 1983, the opportunity arose for me to purchase six stores in Virginia. At that time, I sold the four stores in upstate New York and moved to Virginia. The six stores that were purchased here in Virginia were Troutville, Christiansburg I, Radford, Pulaski, Blacksburg and Wytheville. Since that time, I have either acquired or opened eleven additional McDonald's restaurants. I currently reside at Water's Edge at Smith Mountain Lake, VA and maintain an office on Wildwood Road in Salem. • Little League and Recreational Teams Sponsored by McDonald's/NIICG Enterprises' Pulaski County Little League Soccer Team (2) Radford City Little League Football Team East Salem Little League Football Team Christiansburg Women's Softball Texan Cloverdale Little League Baseball Team Cloverdale Little League Soccer Team Member of the following Chamber of Commerces~ Wytheville Fort Chiswell Pulaski • Radford Blacksburg Christiansburg Salem Roanoke Troutville (Botetourt) Ronald McDonald House: McDonald's SW Virginia Owner/Operators have donated in excess of $150,000. for a new kitchen in the house. Since 1983, Mike Grimm/MKG Ernerprises has donated in excess of $150,000. to the Ronald McDonald House Annual Golf Tournament and furnishing and decorating a new Parlor Room in the Ronald McDonald House. Mike Grimm is also a Board Member at Ronald McDonald House. • TEL: • Oct 24 95 15:55 No .005 P.02 Ronald McDonald House Of Southwest Vfr~pinia, Inc. October 24, 1995 TO; Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke, Virginia Thls Is to advise you that Mike Grimm and the Southwest Virginia Co-op, composed of o!yner operators of Southwest Virginla McDonald's stores have been valuable supporters of the Ronald McDonald Housc of Southwest v(rginla since It was opened in 1984. • Mr. Grimm has devoted both his individual tlme and financial support to various activities of the House. He served as President of our Board of Directors and has successfully organized fund ralsing projects. Yours truly, RONALD McDONALD HOUSE ~~G~~--~ Judy Edwards, Manager JE/Iw 2224 South Jefferson Street, Roanoke, Virginia 24014 (703)981-7622 r Fax(703)345-9073 MKG Donation to C'haritahle Organizations, .Schools or Businesses .Sept. 199-1 present Prot rLam Store Date Head Start Program Fort Chiswell y/y.t Wheeling Hills Retirement Radford y/y~ Habitat for Humanity Crossroads lp/y.} Hurt Park Elementar<~ Auction Lakeside lp/y.} Salem High FBLA Club West Main lp/y.} Women's League Parh• Hollins lp/y.l State Marching Band Fest. Pulaski 10/y.~ C'Burg High MACC Program C'Burg I 10/9-1 Salem High Football Team West Main lp/y~ Radford Salvation Army Radford I1/y.} Little League Football Banq. Lakeside 11/93 Harding Ave. Elem. Blacksburg ll/9-1 Cata~yba Baptist Youth Lock up Lakeside 11/9d Catholic Community Church CBurg I 11/9-3 Christian Fellowship Comm. Blacksburg 12/93 MS Christmas Party West Main 12/9 Shenandoah Life Xmas Party West Main 12/9-3 FernclilT Apts. Residential Gifts Crossroads 12/9-1 Redford Head Start Shopping Tour Radford 12/9-1 Salem Lions West Main 12/y.} Riner Literacy Program C'Burg I 1/y~ Riyerla~yn Elem. Reading Radford 1/95 Mason Coye Elem. West Main 2/yg • Program Roan k R D Store Date o e ec. ept. Hollins 2/95 Women's Masonic Club Hollins 2/95 FHA Regional Tour West Main 2/95 Forest Park Elem. West Main 2/95 Dept. of Psycholog}- VT Blacksburg 3/y5 Rke Count<• Parks West Main 3/yg Green Ualle}~ Elem Carnival Apperson 3/yg Radford High Cancer Socien~ Radford 3/y5 Riverlawn Elem. Radford 3/y5 Max Meadows Easter Egg Hunt Fort Chiswell 4/95 VA Tech Blacksburg 4/95 After Prom BBurg High Blacksburg ,}/y5 VA Tech Tour Blacksburg 4/95 Cburg High After Prom C'Burg I -1/95 Robertson Fishing Rodeo West Main 5/95 Trouri-ille Elementary Trouri~ille 5/95 George Wy~the After Prom Wytheville 5/95 McCarty Elem Fun Day Radford 5/95 Boy Scout Troop Lakeside 5/95 Hone~~tree Day Care Orange Ave. 5/95 Montgomery Parks and Rec Blacksburg 6/95 McCarty Elem. Beach Pam Radford 6/95 Boy Scout Fishing Rodeo Fort Chiswell 6/95 Kids' Crusade West Main 7/95 Fun Fest '95 C'Burg I 7/yg • Klockner Penaplast Co Picnic Fort Chiswell 7/y5 Prim Store Date • MS D i • r ~ e West Main 7/95 Salem Reading Program West Main 7/95 Vacation Bible School Lakeside 7/95 Radford High Basketball Camp Radford 8/95 Mason Co~~e Vacation Bible School West Main 8/95 Church Court Da}~ Care Crossroads 8/95 Heritage Feast Fort Chiswell 9/95 Dalton Inter Reading Program Radford 9/95 Nat'l Alcohol Abuse Week VT Blacksburg y/y5 CBurg High MACC program CBurg I 10/95 ADH Children Halloween Party Crossroads 10/95 Shenandoah Baptist Hween Party Crossroads 10/95 • • 10i24i95 09:25 S~IIFT PRINT #1 ~ 3898326 N0.912 P002 ~ THE ACHIEVEMENT CENTER 615 N. Jefferson S'I. ~ P, O, box 12368, Roanoke, VA 24025-2368 • (540) 982-0128 A school for children with I®arning disabilities October 23, 1995 Mr. Michael Grimm MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr- Grimm: 1 ' X write to say that I a Ronald McDonaldss ChildrensslCharities I am most grateful for what ood work of McDonald's is doing for The A.chievem andCindeed i h communities all over the in the Roanoke community country is well known; Ronald McDonald House being one of the best examples. The Achievement Centex is thrilled to be the recipient '~ ~ of McDonald's generosity. The matching grant for air Condit t ningo oofferllalnc mfortable ;~ a dramatic difference in our abili y environment for children. This do ch~.ldren,McDonald's will enable us to change forever the lives of '~ half of our Board of Directors and our staff, I thank you On be for your kindness, and hope tha enmany in this community wi xealize the good you do fox childz~ Sincerely, `~~ Barbara Ann Whitwell Director BAW/dm ~,. I w[tr •. i r Eating Out r_.,,...,+~ rocta~ irant in the COfT1CT1UCl1~/? Q~ Q r ~ r' ~~Gr`~, ''' ~ ~+r ,, r ~ 1 r~ T + 4~ ~ ~.~ ~ t o~ g t~ ~- ,h ~ doh ~ Q ~~s ~j ~~a~S G ~ Ok h a /'~ ,.._ `~.. ~ y o~ P~~~~~rf"~~~f,~~..~ ~/ ~] t; G f YJ ~~ glsc~ f ~ ke to ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ v ~? ~^ w t 1 ~ i Learning About Tvu~ -- Y Learning About Your t,u~~~........ , Eating Out ~~ai ,S your favorite restaurant in the community? Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. ~ In your letter tell why you like the restaurant so much. _~ ~. The next time you visit the restaurant, ~~ ~,. give your letter to the manager. l ~ en)o~ b eC~uc%~''S~e, /'n Vlcf ~-c/ ~v~ e riL+i ti y G.~ t~-~~~doh c~,I C~S yo v . f,~.+~ ~ -~-1~ -e ~ ~ r ~ ~ e h r1'1G n v~G ~ is ~ r~ ~ ~ lI f o wn , • besf k~ dg ~e~~ J L` ~cer~~ ~~ Scc, w ~~c, X ~~ ~ Card #5 Learning About Your Community Eating Out What is your favorite restaurant in the cammunit ~ Y• Write a letter to the manager of the restaurant. In your letter tell why you like the restaurant so much. ~,.; ~~ The next time you visit the restaurant, give your letter to the manager. i- ~l ~1cQ~ l~l~e ceakc; ;hey ~~1~ q9C~ ~1f~c~- ~~I4s m~~e oaa A~~i/ ~0 e~~~ ~ ~oii~ ~ y o ~ 9 ~ ~~ ,'~ T~ f a ~Sv end., -~~~~ `~' war - ~ ?~ ~ ~~ ri ' ~~~ L~ ~h ~ _;~y~ UALLEYUIEZIMcDONALDS 7033624990 08-i1-95 0845 P • ©1 I vv ~~ I ~~,~~fl~ l~{~1C1r"~~'~J • ~'(1~ ~ C1u ~ ~(Y 111.1:1(1 ~ 1~t~ • d ~ d~~ ~1~u ~- ~21iiC~~-~ta~ , ~-~.,c3X~ u~ J ~~C1U.}~.~ ~ ~ l r?j~l L~~ ~~ ~~ ~n~u. h~~v.91n.~...~ L~~ c?~~.. a:.ua.~~ r~ r~ ~Q.~rr, l~~hc~n ~.~~n9 lam.. ,J~o C4 ~,AD ~~~~~~~ • .-a W tY'. w ~ ~ O ~ A~wE.~~~, ~..a waww~~°~~'~ w~r.~~w~''w~~~ w~w~aa,,,w~ra~r~ ~~~ ~ H ;~ ~~ w w ~.. H a, • r--~ ~~ 0 • ~Ll"tltt~~' ~~T~YYC~~1tx~Il ~11~~~'8Y7Yn ~LL~LY~'>C.~ 4040 WIWAMSON ROAD, N.W. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24012 THE REVERENDKEIINETH P. LANE, JR. OFFlCE: 366.04 B I HOME: 077-71 24 C7 15 September 1995 MKG Enterprises Stacey B. Kesler 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 , ~~~ ~~ %~5 Re: 1995 Chicken Barbecue Festival rj~F'F'~~~~''!~~ Trinity Lutheran Church I.~ ~.t' L'r i ~~ -... Roanoke, Virginia Dear Stacey: On behalf of Trinity Lutheran Church, I would like to thank you for donating the 50 Gift Certificates from McDonald's to our 1995 Chicken Barbecue Festival. Thanks to you and the many other charitable businesses in the Roanoke area, this year's festival was the most successful ever. The money raised from the festival is being shared between the Child Abuse Prevention Council, The Ronald McDonald House of Roanoke, and ELCA mission churches in Virginia. The generosity of you and MKG Enterprises is a shining example of the good that can be accomplished when people in the community share through giving. Again thanks for your contribution to our charity auction. Sincerely, 4 , /(~im~P~- 0 Troy S. Kincer Chairman, BBQ Festival Kenneth P. Lane, Jr. Pastor • • R FIRST VIRGINIA BANK SOUTHWEST SERVING SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA P.O. BOX 7585 ROANOKE VIRGINIA 240190585 February lfi, 1994 Michael K. Grimm, Sr. 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mike, I want to thank you again for giving us the coupons. As I indicated to you, they will be used as little rewards for our em- ployees during the current loan campaign. • The 100 Big Mac Coupons and the 25 Combo Meals Coupons are a great incentive - everybody loves McDonalds!! Again, thank you so much. The coupons added the extra "boost" that we needed. Sincerely, t4~J" )~.e,~ Connie W. Stanley Vice President & Zone Manager • /mh MEMBER F:RST VIRGINIA BANKS. INC. MEMBER FDIC • May 10, 1994 Ms. Stacey Kesler MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Rd. Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Kesler: I;~,,~fy .r _ . - 1y`~i One of our staff, ~;arol Davis, told me that you donated a large number of coupons for ice cream and sodas for our clients. I would like to mention a couple of ways that we will use the coupons. • Part of our therapeutic program involves taking children on outings to learn healthier ways of interacting with the community and the environment. Since most of the families we work with have low incomes, the children seldom have any pocket money to purchase a soft drink or snack during an outing. Of even more importance, however, is the use of the coupons as rewards to help ensure that children will repeat positive behaviors. Often, we have difficulty identifying what rewards would be valued by the children and if the reward has no value to them, they will not make an effort to earn it. McDonald's has a positive image with youngsters and the coupons will be appreciated rewards. I thank you so much for your generosity and your concern for the children of our community. Sincerely, ~~~F Susan Owen , MS4N In-Home Services Coordinator • `::" i fir: ~? G i -;-{ V_ ~~~ ,hi'd ~n escen~ r, ~I.,~ d Adoi C~'~eacn , e :' : es 1 %5 FFirs. Street. SW. r,oanske. ':iirQ:n~a 24016-4 i og `,C3` - . ~~- Biue Ridge Community ~= -~ - Services Rita J. Gliniecki Cha~~man Onzlee Ware Vice Chavman John M. Hudgins, Jr. Treasurer Pamela K. Cox Secretary Exenmve Director Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. COMMUNITY-BASED HEALTH CARE PROJECT • Anne C. Hoge Local Site Coordinator P.O. Box 4542 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 (703) 857-b020 • March 8, 1994 Dear Stacy, On behalf of the Community Based Health-Care Project Coalition I would like to thank MKG Enterprises for their contribution to our project. The coalition is very excited about the tray liners and really feel that thCs will be most beneficial in educating the public concerning immunizations. I enjoyed meeting you at the luncheon on March 2. Thank you for coming to show your affirmation of our project,"improving the immunization level of children ages two and under". Again, we really appreciate the contributions of MKG Enterprises to this community initiative. Si/n/cerely, Anne C. Hoge, Sit~o ordinator SHENANDOAH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY June 1, 1994 Ms. Stacy Kessler MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Stacy, The Festival In The Park ROC Hill Climb, and the Saturn Festival Cup Bike Race were a tremendous success again this year. Our hospitality area contributed greatly to that success. I wish you could have been there to see how appreciative the racers were for some refreshments after a grueling race. Thanks for contributing the blueberry muffins. McDonald's received recognition on the marquis at the hospitality area, also recognition from the announcer throughout the day. Stacy, thanks again for your contribution. i hope you will participate with us again next year. Sincerely, ,-- -- / i. ~ / ~~; SHIRLEY G. MORCK Festival Bike Race Hospitality -~AY19~~ h • P.O. B(~X ! ~~4~ RO.~NOKE, VIRGINIA _'~~?~~ ~ (i~3) y85 :] • The Company You Keep' May 18, 1994 ids. Stacey B. Kesler Assistant Marketing Manager MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 2415: Dear Stacey: New York Life Insurance Company 1215 Corporate Cir., S. W. Suite 200 Roanoke, VA 24018 Bus. 703 989-1260 Fax 703 989-1262 Henry 8. Monsour Agent Thank you for your kindness anti generosity in allowing us the McDonald's Dessert coupons for the children's birthday cards! They've certainly enjoyed the hamburger, cheeseburger and french fries treats! I'll keep your number handy so that when we begin to run low, you can hopefully provide our clients with more birthday smiles. Looking forward to talking with you in the future, I am Very truly yours, ' ~/ 1~ ~~L Beth D. Leah, Assistant Sales & Marketing _ ~~re ., .. .. r,'.,cia M/LIFE for Financial Products & Services Registered Representative for NYLIFE Securities Inc. 111 Franklin Rd., Suite X00 Roanoke. VA 24011 New vrre t, `? .u~ance ~~-.,~r ca r. ~: ~.BW Y'gfk L'P, ~.., do Lt; :. ~q :. , , Drla v~,r. ,_., ...~,~_ ~ .. • • • ~~TIO\~~L ~IliLT1PLF SCLiROS1S SOCIET~~ Slue Ridge Chapter 1993-94 Board of Trustees September 8, 1994 Paul C. Archer Jusuniano r Campa. '.1 G . ? C. Cowin Crawiora Alison Dickie Frank H. =ane.iV Joe H. GiecK. _.D D ,~ T C ? T Terry W. Hawkins Steven B. Helgeson Thomas McCrvstal Patricia A. 'vlcGrath Margaret S. Macconaio Anorew B. Middleaitc~ .tames O. ^.liiler .',LC Hercert L. Minich 'Nailer A. Pace. , r. J. Ranaolph Parker. =squire `.1ary Jo Ralerc. O.T.R. Jean Simmons ~Ceily Vest-Skeuv Jane W. Sub!ett Celestine R. `.VaiKer Kav Watterson Stuart 4Natterson William D. 'Nortman Fay Painter E.recutrve Direc:cr Mr. Michael K. Grimm McDonald's 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Grimm: Main Office at Morton Drive TL Ste. 106 P.O. Bax 6808 Charlottesville. Virginia 22906 Telephone 804-971-8010 or toll free 1-800-451-0373 FAX 804-979-4475 Branch Office 3959 Electric Rd.. SW, Ste. 310 Roanoke, 'Jirginia 24018 703-776-0985 Your gifts of the Birthda~part~ for ID at Valley View Mall and th 4 two Bic cles (retail total of $ 340.00) to our 1994 M. S. Home Tour -Gala Fund Raising Auction are received with great thanks by this year's committee. This getter will serve as a receipt for your donation. All money received from the auction will benefit those with multiple sclerosis either through research or chapter services. The cause of and the cure for M.S. still elude us. Quality research must be continued along with assistance to patients and their fanvlies. Your heap and caring concern will make the 1994 M.S. Fund Raiser at Smith Mountain Lake another success. Thank you again. We hope that you will join us -first for the Gala on September 17u and secondly for the Home Tour which will be held on October 7~, 8~, and 9~ at the lake. Sincerely, ; -' ~_~ /~~~~ The 1994 MS Home Tour Committee _ :... , o_,~ .a,,.,m,,,.._,. __ P. O. BOX 86 FINCASTLF, VA. 24090 August 15, 1995 Dear Sirs, On behalf of the library staff and our patrons I would like to thank you for your generous donation to the Botetourt County Summer Reading Program. Your donation made it possible for us to recognize the more than 200 children who participated in the program at our rincastle and Buchanan branches. Our young readers, pre-school through third grade, read a total of 9467 books. Our older children read a total of 151,944 pages. • It was through your support that we were able to rewa rd the children for their outstanding achievements in reaching their goals as well as provide special programs that were both educational and entertaining. Your continuing support of our children is deeply appreciated. Sincerely(, ~~~L~L l.,f_ 7 l'~Ll..~ ~ v b~,~'j~ Jackie Mullins Children's Librarian AIJG 1995 _,~ #~1 ~'~ ~~~` Molltgonlery -Floyd Regional Librar Y v~u~n~vu~b tilC:1 tSrancn 400 Draper Ruad Blacksburb, VA 24060 May 20, 1994 MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Dr. Salem, VA 24153 Dear Merchant: u (703) 552-8246 Fax (703) 552-8265 This is to acknowledge your participation in the Gold Card Program sponsored by the Montgomery-I:loyd Regional Library's 1994 Summer Reading Program. This program is designed to encourage children in grades 4 and higher to continue reading throughout the summer seaso:i. We want you to know that your support is greatly appreciated. The merchants in the Blacksburg area have been wonderful to help us encourage young people to use the library often this summer and to stay busy reading! Thank you for being willing to be a part of this community effort. Sincerely, ~_ ~ ~ _ ~ , ~ ~ C ~; ~ ~ ~,' ~ Holly ~~: Hirst ~ '` Library Assistant ~.a'°f ~ ~'~ ~~~ U JOHN N. DALTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL 00 DALTON DRIVE . RADFORD, VIRGINIA 24141-1543 September 21, 1995 Stacey B. Kesler, Asst. Marketing Manager MKG Enterprises 320 Wifdwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Ms. Kesler: Thank you so much for the "Be Our Guest" cards you gave me to use as reading incentive prizes for my students. Grades are not an incentive for ail students. Material things often can give the unmotivated student a desire to succeed. • Thank you for contributin tom r 9 y eading program. I appreciate your time and generosity. Sincerely, Palma Clark Reading Teacher _~ h t ~; `~. ~~ ~~i .; 1. Montgomery - Floyd Regional Library • Headquarters 125 Sheltman Street C~uistiansburg, VA 24073 (703) 382-6965 Blacksburg Area Branch 400 Draper Road Blacksburg, VA 24060 (703) 552-8246 September 28, 1994 Stacy Kessler c/o McDonalds MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Drive Salem, VA 24153 Dear Stacy: Jessie Peterman Memorial Branch Floyd, VA 24091 (703) 745-2947 On behalf of the children registered in the 1994 Summer Reading Program of the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library and the Children's • Service Staff, I want to thank you for your participation and support this summer of the Library's reading program. Your participation either in the Gold Card program for the Dynamite Readers (4th & 5th graders) and the Young Adult Readers (6th grade and up) or in weekly incentives or in donations of materials/supplies for the special programs or by loaning equipment/displays has shown great support for reading by the 2,800+ children who participated. Studies have shown that children who read are better informed; children who are informed continue their quest for knowledge; thus these children grow up to b~ informed adults and life-long learners who will be our leaders of tomorrow. Our future is touched by the encouragement and support that we all give to a child today. Again thank you for your support. The Children's Services Staff and I look forwarded to working with you again in the next Summer Reading Program. Cordially yours, ~~ ~~`~~- • Dot Ogburn Children's Coordinator • • • Virginia Tech Homecoming ~ Hokie Fest '94 V) sip 1~~ ~~~-,~., ~,~,_ August 31, 1994 Dear: ~ J ~_ ro <<, ,, f ~. ~ ~~•_, j i ~ , Thank you for accepting our invitation to participate in the 1994 Virginia Tech Homecoming Parade. With your participation, this year's parade promises to be one of the best ever! The Parade will be held on Saturday, October 8, 1994, and will begin at 10:00 a.m. • All participants are asked to arrive at the Blacksburg Middle School no later than 9:00 a.m. to ensure that all participants are lined uF properly, and any last minute questions can be answered. Information regarding the parade route and line up will be mailed about two weeks prior to the parade date. If there aze any questions or concerns, feel free to call me at 703 232-3976, or the University Unions & Student Activities Program Office at 703 231-5661. Again, thank you for your time and willingness to help Virginia Tech and the community of Blacksburg. Sinc~r~ly, _ w'w`M' C~ Chris Burin 1994 Homecoming Parade Coordinator vm\ U 327 Squires Student Center Blacksburg, Virginia 24061-0138 Phone (703) 231-5661 Fax (703) 231-5430 • BLACKSBURG HIGH scHOO ~~~ ttlI~~~ `-~y Pa'tri cIC lianry 0ri va B7 aclcsburg ~ Vi rgi ni a 24060 AFTER PROM PARTY June Z, 1995 • Dear Community Member, Thank you for being a supporter of the Blacksburg High School/After Prom Party. Your generous donation and continued support help us to offer our students a drug-and alcohol-free party after their prom. Without your help such an event would not be possible. We appreciate you, one of our local businesses, supporting our efforts and showing that you care about our young adults. Thank you for helping us give our students a special evening. Sincerely, ~~~ ~~ Kathy Brown, Treasurer After Prom Party Committee • • Virginia Cooperative E~Ytension Support Staff Association Virginia Tech Chapter orr~ers: Advisors: Linda Burcham, President Jerrv Jones Betty vunley, Vice President 1~tarsie Amos Billie Cline, Secretary Pat Hip};ins Debbie Eikins, Treasurer Forrest Raviin Connie K.ratzer 260 Wallace Hall Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061-0426 January 31, 1995 TO: McDonald's FROM: Barbara J_ Wailer ~~ Executive Secretary, CHR On behalf of the Virginia Cooperative Extension Support Staff (VCESSA), I would like to thank you for your contribution of meal coupons which were awarded at our annual Christmas luncheon. Thank you for your support of our organization. • Mr. Stacev B. Kesler Asst. Marketing Manager MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Sir, February 14, 1995 • Mrs. Sandra Stewart's second grade class at Mason's Cove Elementary School thanks you for helping to make our Valentines party so special today. We will enjoy our coupons and look forward to visiting your restaurant in the near future. Thank you for helping us have fun in school! ~o y~.~ ~~~~U Ju~zs N. QG n~e~.~. Sincerely, ~ . ,~~-~ ~us~i n. Ca~,ero~,~nl, zc~c1,.~ Sh~;~,wn ~, ~~s~y,M~ MN~yU~r~~~ s Bra ~,~ ~~~~,,~, TELEPHONE 703-382-5100 FAX 703-381-6127 Mont omen n Cou t .g y y Publi c Schoo Is • 200 JUNKIN STREET, P.O. BOX 29 CHRISTIANSBURG, VlRG1NIA 24073 June 8, 1994 Ms. Stacey B. Kesler Assistant Marketing Manager i~icDonaid' s 320 Wildwood Rd. Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Kesler: At the June 7, 1994, meeting of the Montgomery County School Board, the donation by McDonald's of $400 to Christiansburg High School to be used for Assignment Books was accepted. We appreciate your support of our school system by helping to provide this donation, anal look forward to your continuing involvement in the education of Montgomery County's youth. Sincere L~; y-~/'"--~ e Oman G. Bar ett,, ~ 'T' `~' .,~~-;,'~f Jr., Ed.D. Superintendent ~ 4~ HGBJr/lrm ~~ cc: Dr. Jim Sellers, Assistant Superintendent for Instructional Services Mr. Don Bullock, Director of Secondary Education Mr. George Porterfield, Principal, Christiansburg High Ms. Revonda Brumfield, Clerk of the School Board • • • n • ~ ~~~~~ ~ p ~~~~~ ~~ ~. OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL 100 INDEPENDENCE BLVD. CIiRIST'IANSBURG, VA 24073 'Telephone: (703) 382-5178 June 13, 1995 Stacy Kesler McDonalds 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Va. 24153 Ms. Kesler: JUN 1995 RE~FIVED Christiansburg High School would like to thank you for your contribution for the faculty picnic/golf outing on June 9, 1995. Your gifts were used as door prizes and/or golf tournament prizes. Your support of Christiansburg High School and our many activities is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, • ~ ~l; R. A. Shull Assistant Principal do .^^^^ ~~ i i i~ Chevrolet Motor Division General Motors CorPaaOOn 30007 Van Dyke Avenue Warren, Michigan 48( • ~' • I would like to thank the i`TcDonald's manager, Sheila Frazier, far her prompt reply and 200 free fry coupons for the caravaners. I am sure if they do not visit on September 1st, they will stop by on their return trip home throughout the Labor Day weekend. Again, thank you for all your cooperation. • V%-L? E`~ VET T ES rn~ L~tTTE CLI.IS RT. 2 80X 318J V1tJTON, VA 24179 Michael Grimm T/A McDonaid's 320 Wildwood Rd. Salem, VA 24153 Au~•r t 30, 1994. Dear Mr. Grimm, ~F,~ -., Recently I visited the Troutville area businesses regarding the caravan of Corvettes coming through on September 1st at lunchtime. All businesses were pleased and thankful for the anticipated lunch crowd, but the Troutville McDonald's went out of their way to help us. S ncerely, ~~ ~ ~ ~~ \J Lori Spickard/President Valley Vettes Corvette Club E~IEVTS MONTtiL`f FOR 1NF0 CALF: r Lo~~ aQo-r~2~ ~:~ ~ ~ .. • • • ~~~~TIO~:~L a ~1L'LTIPLE SCLEIZOSiS 50L7ET`_ Blue Ridge Chapier i ~~3.94 3card of Trustees '=au; C. ~rcner .ust;niano F. Campa, P~i.G.. P.C. C,;;hn Crawford 4hscn Dickie F•zn ;i. Earle. iV Jre H. 3ieck, E.D.D.. a.T C.. ? "arr. ,V. Hawkins Stavan i3. Helgeson Thomas McCrystal tr~cia A. McGrath ?Margaret S. Macdonald -.nerew S. "Aiddleditch James Q. P,Ailler, M.D. Hertiert L. Minich `Nailer A. Pace, Jr. :: ~~orpn Parker, Esquire f.'. ;o Rajek, O.T.R. ,aa .Simmons ~~~I. •7as[-Skelly Dece:~ber 1L 1994 M•R•G• ~'nterprises McDonald's 320 Wiiwood Road Salem,, VA 24153 ATTN: Stacey Dear Stacey: Main Office #1 Morton Drive TL Ste. 106 P. O. Box 6808 Charlotiesviile. Virginia 22906 Telephone 804-971-8010 or toll free 1-800-451-0373 FAX 80:-979-4475 Branch Office 3959 Electric Rd.. SW. Ste. 310 Roanoke. Virginia 24018 703-776-0985 On behalf of the Blue Rirae Chapter, I wisr~ to thank you for your recent contribution of focd ccupons for the National MS Society HoliCay Dynr_er. .~. W. Sublett SiriCe~-rr1,~,~ ~~ ~•.7une R. Walker , Kc. Nattersor, ' ~ ;'. Stuart bVatterson ~ ~~ -% 7J~iliam D. Wortman -- ,., ~ .=ap~ ~arnter Ka~th~`yn P. Garvin- c::ecutn~eDirector chapter S~rV1CeS COO~dinatOr -- ------- ,ar... ,_ .... ~l k ~ F.,~ f~,o~%s~s .320 l.~ilduvod /~~,~ ~e~ S7Y~ce~ -fti,~, k ~9~a ~ ~p• •~ ~ S .mod ydk ~~S~R lly ,~.- ~~(~ ~ ~,~~ ~~ ~ ~'Ic.va~,~c~ s ~./e~i/ ~,,~~.s,,f such .~ suecrss, ~q-,.~s y~.~ ,5 ~s~rsl.; We Uere 4 ~c r f'~ ~ /'.use over ~"/,aoo,~ ~ ~~/P ~4~opw~f' yaK ~ .~.d a ~.,lf ~~/,/i3 fN /~a ~.r-slci L __ / , • y~ Gw Se a.~ a ~c. ~~d lp~a~ 1~ , ~ .¢t,d~ G/i.~n~Us ~ `s /{~ ~`e J ~h~ mkr ~e~'f ~/,/,64~~/~ A~ A~ivual ~~•r , ~/~ ~, e lit -// // ./ ~ / 6,1~~~ ~e /~'~ 1`~ !/o~i~ ~Ji!'~ yva. •9~ii~ lJ~i~,.~ !tee Dlitn/ off' `Seed u ~/ ~„ i,~~„¢/ f~1~ veld s ~,~ ~~~~~ ~~. ~~ • . FFr,,. ~.~ ~~;; lrls, S~ Danner, Watson net top honors in benefit tn- Erna„ • Jerry Danner and Butch Watson captured first place honors in the McDonald's Pulaski County Tennis Patrons benefit tournament held Saturday and Sunday on the Pulaski County High School courts. But local tennis was the big winner in the event. Pledges collected by the players will benefit and adult tennis in Pulaski Coun Youth generosity of local merchants ~' Thanks t0 the treated to refreshments throughout) the two-day affair. pants were Danner and Watson who enjoy a state ranking in men's 30-35 doubles, dorrunated the round-robin portion on Saturday. The ~ games to far outdistance the geld uo won 39 of 44 Susan Cox and Randy Eley and the father- daughter team of jay and Priya Ach second with 32 games. John and Do~a tied for posted 31 wins to ed g ~'eeman Webb for the last spo~ nDthe ham ionshid Tommy In Sunday's actions, Danner and p flight. past the Freeman's 6-3 : Watson eased 6-~„while CoX_ end Eley . .. ~6 f ;a ~ ~ .. Y r ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ `~ 3y~` inn ` i H #, v` #.Yalfl ~fJ ~+, 5 ~ ,.~ x :F ~ ~ ~ e _ ~.. ~ ~ f ~ ~t t e ~ i~r+ cc 1 ~~jYt~~~ Winners in, the McDonald's Chris Wright, Chris Baku Laski County Tennis patrons benefit to ; Eley, Susan Cox, Je ~'k' David Conner, Tomm ~'nament were front (L-R), tared Jim Clark ~ Danner, Butch Watson, Wade Lepheew, aJnd ~nekte LePh W )~ Randy not pic- aced the Acharyas 6-2, 6-1. In the championship flight finals, Danner and Watson had too many weapons for Cox and Eley, who put up a game effort, but came up short 6-3, 0.3, Conner and Webb won the first flight title with a 6-0, 6-3 victory over Chris Jakupczyk and Chris Wright. The winning duo beat Phillip Boyd and Mary Knarr 6_l, 6.2 in. the semifinals, as Jakupczyk end Wright edged Mike and Mikie Turner 6-3, 4-8, 7.6. Jim and J.V. CIark, another father-son team, won the second flight. Wade and Annette LePhew took second place, The Clarks defeated the LeP- hews 8-2 in the finals, shortened due to the heat. ""- The Clarks won 6-Q, 6-1 over Carla Hallstead and Melanie Turner, while the runner-u defeated Jabe Largen and Jeremiah Seagle team The P.C.T.P. round-robin was sponsored by McDonald's, MKG Enterprises, Old Dominion Insurance, and Signet Bank. Proceeds will be used to cultivate and continue interest-in tennis in Pulaski"County." • • C] V' ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~~ w ~ ~ ~ ~~ .. ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r~~- . `~°~.. • Lifs~ls Readers Enjoy Game Day ~~ ~ I Staff photo ~ It was a day of fun as members of the Summer Reading Program participated in "Game Day" at the Free Memori Dublin. The children were greeted by Hamburglar from McDonald's. After running the obstacle course, the children ~ ~ned by Pough the Clown and were able to jump in the Burger King "Club House." This week all members should Ling logs to the libraries to receive their library dollars and shop at the Library Store. The Pulaski County Libr; ._ .,rn 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 25. The Free Memorial Library is open from 10 a.m. to ~ p.m. Wednesday, July 2 LJ Lifesvls Staff photo Readers Enjoy Game Day It was a day of fun as members of the Summer Reading Program participated in "Game Day" at the Free Memori Dublin. The children were greeted by Hamburglar from McDonald's. After running the obstacle course, the children ~ned by Pough the Clown and were able to jump in the Burger King "Club House." This week all members should .ing logs to the libraries to receive their library dollars and shop at the Library Store. The Pulaski County Libr. ._ .,m 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 25. The Free Memorial Library is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 2 • OUNT ROGERS COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH and MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES BOARCI 770 WEST RIDGE ROAD August 1, 1995 Stacy B. Kesler MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Stacey; ' WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA 34383 • (703j 228-2151 ~' Wanted to write you a quick note of thanks for the "B° Our Guest" cards you sent to us. Our program will be ending within the next couple of weeks and the children have really had a good time. The cards came in so handy, and of course the children love McDonalds. The only question we face now is-"TAhen can we go Lack". Thank-you very much for being so helpful and making our program that much better. Sincerely, ~~ Dennis Jenni gs Summer Yout Program Staff _, • to Serving the Counties of Bland Carroll Grayson Smyth Wythe and the city of • "UMMBr '95 May 22 -September Co-sponsored by Community Traffic Safety Program, Virginia Departmei of Motor Vehicles, District 1 (703) 228-8698 Southwest Yrginia Emergency Medical Services Council, Inc (703) 628-4151 703-228-8898 i FAX 703.228.9088 .~ m Jlel-IUiE SMYTH PUBIC 1NF'Oi~MT10N SPECUWST COMMUNITY TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM T~PORTATI(1/~1 SAFETY ADHdNISTFiATtal aesraTCr orrE L~RilYE7JT''CFNOTOR VEt11QSS 800 EAST MIA1N Sr SUITE 100 ~~ ~a2~ MKG EnterpriseslMcDonalds 320 vVil3wood Drive Salem, VA 24153 Dear GIs. Kesler; On behalf of the l~apa~$ agencies in the June 28th Holiday Traffic Safety Celebration, (hank you for the coupons for free french fries. Your donation was much appreciated. Community spirit and concern are what keep our program going, and contributes to the quality of life of the people we Serving the Counties serve. Thank you for working with us. Please call if there is of Bland, Buchanan, anything we can do for you. Carroll, Dickenson, Sincerely, Floyd, Giles, Grayson, Lee, Montgomery, Pulaski, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, Wise, Wythe, and the Cities of Bristol, Galax, Norton, Radford. ~~~ ~_.1 Jamie Smyth Public Information Specialist Community Traffic Safety Program encl. U SPILLF~t PRIMARY SCHOOL 330 Tazewell Staeet YILLE, VIRGINIA 4 4 3 B 2 OFFICE of the PRINCIPAL PHONE (703) 228-3561 } C~~L JCS-t--~~'L C~~ ~~C" !~J ,~ ZLO ~'c.; ~ ~' !l y2 ~ [.i~7 ~~ G~r, ~ U ~~ ~i ~ u U - ~ - ~A /, 'J ,~ ' ~tJI...Y~LJ~~ tel./' • LPL ~~c. ~.~ ~- ~ ~~ ~,~~~ ~ ` .-~~2(~-~- ~~~r~CLC~ C ( ~ /` ~-/ ~ C Q ~(,j2 ~~ .~~ ,9 ~~ -~~~+2~~ ~Zti~r~~Ct,2_~ '~ ~ ~~ ~~" °~ Cat--~_ (_~~ ~-~-- ~ ~ e ~i'_~ C~ ~~~_~ C C GL~ O~ L~ • i r 1 ~~~~~_ ~/ ~~ ~. ~i s~ • ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 370 EAST MAIN STREET WYTHEVILLE, VIRGINIA 24382 • PHONE (703) 228-3322 October 11, 1994 Mr. David Hoback, Manager McDonald's 1195 N. Fourth Street Wytheville, VA 24~"2 Dear Mr. Hoback: On behalf of the pa'ishioners of St. Mary's Church, I would like to express our appreciation for your generous donation of one gallon of orange concentrate and 100 cold cups. • Your considerate gift contributed to the overall success and enjoyment of the parish's picnic. Once again, thank you, and may the Lord bless you and yours. Y/ours in the Trinity, ~-/ Rev. Brian Rafferty Pastor BR:mh • ~~- _ ~~ ~ _i 7 _~~ , f 1 ~ ~. 7 ~;~,~~. Wythe County Health Department In Cooperation with the Wytheville, Virginia 24382 State Department of Health February 10, 1994 Ms. Melanie McGrew McDonald's Of Wytheville 1195 North Fourth Street Wytheville, Virginia 24382 Dear Ms. McGrew: We wish to thank McDonald's for the gift certificates donated as prizes for the "Poster Contest" we are sponsoring in the Sheffey Elementary School, in • observance of National Children`s Dental Health Month. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. SiA/ncerely, ,-~ ~ ~' IJ ~ ~ i~ C: ~~ t Gi. t~ Walter B. Jennings, D.D.S. Public Health Dentist Francelia Cox, Dental Assistant Wythe County Health Department • R mi.I®~ Ll WYTHEVILLE W ~s~y 1963 ~,~ ~V~SM~' Wytheville Community Coilege,1000 East Main Street, Wytheville, Virginia24382. Telephone 703/228-5541 (V/TDD) August 24, 1994 • Mr. David Hoback McDonald's of Wytheville 1195 N. 4th Street Wytheville, VA 24382 Dear Mr. Hoback: Please accept my sincere thank you for your recent donation of drinks for Wytheville Community College's annual picnic. Your kind gesture was greatly appreciated by the picnic planning committee and contributed to making the day's activities enjoyable for all those who attended. Again, many thanks for your generous support of this special event. Sincerely, ~-~~ Phyllis C. Ashworth Director of College Services nms MOUNTf~IN VIEUJ SCHOOL • May 24, 1995 McDonalds 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Branch: Hershberger Road Dear Sirs: ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Q4019 5901 PLANTATION CIRCLE TELEPHONE 703-561-8175 I would like to thank you for your generous donation of five gallons of orange dr~r.': and the cooler to Mountain View Elementary School. Your donation helped make Fun Day 1995 a big success. Without community support, our PTA would not be able to offer this fun-filled opportunity to all of our students. On behalf of Mountain View Elementary School's faculty, staff, . PTA and students, I thank you for your support. Sincerely, ~~, la. C,~ ~a~~ Marylee Davis Room Parent Chairman 1995 C] :] eZv Lie Zem le PASTOR: p 5745 ort Road Walter Wood, jr. Roanoke, Virginia 24012 (703)563-4989 June 20, 1995 Stacey B. Kesler Asst. Marketing Manager MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road vti~::.i., ?rlry i.i r.y Dear Ms Kesler: I want to thank you personally for the "Be Our Guest" cards you donated to our receni.~Vacation Bible School. The children were excited to receive these cards, and were most eager to go to McDonald's to redeem them. Again, on behalf of New Life Temple and Vacation Bible School, I thank you very much. • Sincerely, Donald S. Jones Director Vacation Bible School MEMBER: • International Pentecostal Holiness Church • Pentecostal Fellowship of North America • National Association of Evangelicals • ~~ pp ROgN\ ~ -~ ~ `f ".' fit' ::~ ,~= i~i-i 'I~, _~ ~ \`~RGIN~4'/ ti1ARSHA CO7`1PTON FIELDER Commissioner of the Revenue September 18, 1995 Stacey Kesler c/o MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Stacey: CITY OF ROANOKE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE 2]5 Church Avenue, S.W., Room 251 Roanoke, Virginia 2401 I Telephone: (703) 981-2521 Fax: (703) 2243115 I want to thank you for the "Be Our Guest "cards that were so promptly mailed to us. Your support will help guarantee a wonderful day at Valley View Mall on Saturday. Again, thank you for your participation. Respectfully, Gre Em r~ son 9 w~ ~, C~u ~~~~ U~! ~~~ .~l~l i / °` ~"'' ~ CITY OF ROANOKE , f _ - - ' ~ Commissioner of the Revenue `~ -= ~ - 'IS CHURCH AVEVL'E \ ~ A ~ , _ ~~, % ROO\t :~I, VC\ICIP:\L BUILDIh~G a" .\ KO.~SOI:E. \-IRGIVIA 2J011 ,gflM`? . ; I ~~ _. ROANOK~ VALLEY PARENTS OF MULT~pLFS CLUB June 30, 1994 MKG Inc. 320 Wildwood Salem, VA 24153 Dear Sirs: I am writing tz=s letter on behalf of the Roanoke Valley Parents of Multiples Cl~]y. G1e would like to thank your company and Mr. Tom Frazier of the McDonald's ors 7range Ave i_n Roanoke for donating a water cooler to our annual family picnic on June 25th. The cooler was certainly a refreshing addition to our picnic: • Thank you again for your donation. Your kindness was definitely appreciated. Sincerely, ~ a. o-2_ Patti Coe Secretary RVPOMC C7 • _; ~ -~~ ~ ~~ 1 ~ ~.• March of Dimes ~• Birth Defects Foundation ' ~re2ter °~!ue Ridge L'hapter Souin Park Oftice Bwiding a50d Starkey Road. S.V.. Suite 204 Rez~oHe'~/ir~~ma 24014 Te~eonone 703 989 8030 ~a~ -0; ago 0752 /- %~ Zaida i3 Swedber; Execu:r:e Director • August I5, 1995 Ms. Stacey Kesler McDonald 's 320 Wildtivood Drive Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Kesler: Thank you for the big pan you played in the success of the recent Volleyball Tournament to benefit the March of Dimes. We sincerely appreciate the most generous donation of syrup, cups and orange bowls by the McDonald 's at Lee Highway, Lakeside and West Main Street. The orange drink was very refreshing to the players on such a hot day. As you may know, Ann Randall has been quite ill and out of the office since the first of July, and we are just now catching up on her projects. I apologize that this letter did not reach you sooner. Thank you for your support. May we continue to work together toward our goal to give every baby the best possible chance to be born whole and healthy. • Sincerely for Healthier Babies, F(N' ~, First Union National Bank Melondy Phillips VA-7313 P.O. Box 13327 Roanoke, VA 24040 703-561-348 McDonald's 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 August 15, 1995 Dear Stacy Kesler: First Union and the United Way would like to thank you for your participation in the First Union Family and Friends Fun Festival. ~ our generous donation of fifty "Be Our Guest" cards along with gifts from other businesses helped to make our event a great success. Thanks to your help, the United Way will be able to continue its support to those in need in the Roanoke Valley. • Thank You, -'~. Melondy l~'hillips First Union Caring Coordinator/ United Way • C] • Lewis-Gate Foundation (\ n. ~~~`:. ~c~_-~ ~ _.... _ _ ~. ..,e~ ..__~ _ -E ~~._ __~ _~ ~., ~<..:~.~ z~~~~ ~. =.~wc~~ - 2,zncc ~Iv2-~ ~Jev. c.._P~ , ^/1 P ~ , rev. ~~~~ T = _. _..,. _...~ :,n , ._ _~~ ~z~ .. __ ~T~s ; , _ _ ..~ May 30, 1995 Jane Grimm MKG, Inc. 320 Wildwood Rd. Salem, `~-'.24153 Dear Mrs. Grimm: _ ^ms ___ _ ,,._r ,,,~,n~c ., _.__, _ - -,~~ _~ _. ~ _ T . _~ .~_ ___,_ . _ The Lewis-Gale Foundation High School Sports Physicals were held on Saturday, May 20 at Northside High School. Over 800 students from schools throughout the Roanoke and Salem area participated in this event. As I explained in earlier correspondence, the purpose of the physicals is to allow all students the opportunity to participate in team sports regardless of economic status. Over 125 medical and non-medical personnel donate their time to help make it all possible. We truly appreciate your donation of 100 sausage biscuits. We like to keep our volunteers happy and well-fed! Thank you again for your support. Sincerely, r_ ~. r-yt..~ Donna L. Bowman ~- Community Services Coordinator v,U ;~ ,lg~ .::~~.i~lE~ • DIG DROTHERS /DIG SISTERS ~f Roanoke Volley, Inc. July 5, 1995 McDonalds MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Rd. Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Kessler: Colonial Hills Office Bldg. 2728 Colonial Avenue, Sui Roanoke, Virginia 24015 (703)345-9604 On behalf of Lewis-Gale Day of Caring carnival and the Big Brothers/Big Sisters agency, we would like to thank you for your donation. The Happy Meal coupons were well appreciated by all the children. The carnival was a great success and we are very appreciative of all the support we received from the local businesses. Sincerely, dune House Executive Director .~ ,~t` %y; ~ ~, . Y,~, A United VJay Partner Agency • GARY Gl.,lRK'.S MP & Y F:RSHIP June 29, 1995 R~~~~Ve~ Dear McDonald's #10814: G GG We at the Gary Clark "Why Say No" Sports Camp are writing you to thanlt you for your assistance during our camp at Camp Bethel in Fincastle, VA on June 11 through June 17, 1995. The Gary Clark "S~Thy Say No" Sports Camp is a non-profit organization that provides a six day camping experience for youth ages eight to eighteen. We provide athletic training in football, basketball, soccer, and cheerleading, as well as classes in videography, substance abuse and violence prevention, and personal development. Fifty percent of the participants that attend our camp are from low income families and the Gary Clark "Why Say No" Sports Camp appreciates the donation of in kind gifts, such as the orange juicE drink and cookies that McDonald's provided. Without support from our friends like you, our camp would not be able to help our young people today by providing them with t)ie opportunity to go to camp; so we sincerely thank you. The Gary Clark "Why Say lvo~~ Sports Camp would also like to recognize the efforts of your employee, James Dillard. James is the manager of your McDonald's on Plantation Road in Roanoka, VA and he is a very helpful, kind, and generous young man. He coordinated pie's-up times with our volunteer, Pat Arnold, and provided the camp with juices, cookies, and stickers when we needed them at a moment's notice. He iaas very warm and accommodating and he even provided us with suggestions that ye can follow up on concerning having McDonald's come to our camp site and fix menu items for us. James Dillard is a definite asset to your fine company. Again, let me thank you for your support and we at the "PREPA[ifNG TODAY~,q ~ITIILF,TF:Y H'OR TOMO/iROW'S~ OYPO(iTII~VITIF,.S" Y NO" SPORTS PROGRAIN 212 C BROAD STREET. PO BOX 276, DUBLIN. VA 24084 703 / 674-1321 -METRO-DC ARE.q - 703 / 471-8714 -- 1+AX- 703 / tb 7 4-1434 GA/iY' CLARK'S "WNY SAY NO" SPORTS CAMP & YOUTH LEADF;RSHIP PROGRAM • Gary Clark "Why Say No" S orts Cam look f P p oa~aard to working with again. Sincerely, Milton C. Clark Camp Director • "P/lf:'P:1/i/1VG TOUAY'9 ~T/I/,E'YE'S F'OK TOMOKKOW'9 OPPOKTUIV/T/F.:S" 212 C BROAD STREET. PO BOX 276. DUBLIN, VA 24084 703 / 674-1321 -METRO-DC AREA - 703 / 471-8714 -FAX- 703 / 674-1434 GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL PTSA/AFTER PROM 4549 Malus Drive Salem, Va. 24153 May 17,1995 McDonalds 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Sponsor; Thank you for your contribution to Glenvar High School's seventh After-Prom Party. This party served as a community statement to our youth to have a wonderful time without drugs and alcohol. The party was a huge success and would not have been possible without the contributions and support of the community. Knowing they have the support and . backing of their community leaders makes a difference to our students. We appreciate your interest and concern for the safety of the students at Glenvar during this special time in their high school year. We have enclosed a certificate of thanks. We would like for you to proudly display it to show to our community that you took part in making Glenvar High School After-Prom '95 happen! Sincerely, Debbie Ratcliffe Debbie Kanode PTSA Co-Presidents Mike & Mary Ann Solesbee Jackie & Debbie P. Kanode After-Prom Chairpersons '95 ,~ • • CITY OF SALEM, VIRGINIA OFFICE OF DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION P. O. DRAWER 869 PHONE 375-3057 ZIP CODE 24153-0869 April 27, 1995 McDonald's MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 . Attention: Stacy Kessler Dear Stacy: Thank you so much for your very generous donation of 250 McDonald's Dessert Coupons for the 1995 "Ernest 'Pig' Robertson Trout Rodeo". I'm sure the children will enjoy them. This year marks the 44th Anniversary of the Rodeos! Thanks to the continued support of friends like you we are looking forward to the best Rodeos ever. The Rodeos are a truly rewarding community effort. Your help is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, i ,` / ~J ` ~~~~ Charlie Hammersley Director City of Salem Department of Parks and Recreation • CMH/jf cc l ,~ v { J~- - - ~-~,- ~ F _ f, t I ~ ~~ - _ ~. _~~q~~-~:~-r~ .7 _Eas __,~~. I~ ~, S~ ho~~ ~b~--BoUl~~ard 50.~~_m~ v~r_.. - n; a Z ~ ~J~ ,- - _--- P ~Y` ~. ~~ ~, _ _ I M~ K~r ~~ h ~t K~ V~~7Qr ! ~~~'ree ~S Y'~ G~r~S, ~-~~~ a h~~e ~ - • _ _ ___ ~, an - yc - ~, ~:I~~-~, • _ _ ------ -- - --~- - -- -- - - - - - ~/ ~ 1 ~ - -~ - - _ _Y ~-~ , _n Y n_s..~ r-- -- - ~ __ ~~ --- _ ~ ~ ~ ~. } s ~ ~ \\..,, C;1 ~,` ~ ~ -- -f - -- Yl i c:r- ~--_~ _ G ~ _ G- ~ - --~ ~--- ~-~.- ,~ Q ~ G ~~ ~ • r ._. ~ r .~ ,~~ _~ ~c u ~ o ~, ~.. ..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ~ .~ 1 ,, ~ ~ ~ ~~ _: _ ~ _ __f II , ~___ ___ ..__ _ _. ___.__ _ ____ ____ _._ 1 ~. _ I !`~ ~ - P 1 _. _ _ --- - -- ~~ .~ r~ u ~_ ~ ~ - ~~ r ~ r ~,, ~~ -- 1 --- - .. a - ~. ~~ -- - - -- _ ~~ ,~ [ ~~ ~ t 1 ~ I ! ~~ -~~- ~I r ~ ~ _ ___ ___ ._ _ _ •~ 11 _~~ ~' '~ ` ~- ~ /''~ _ \' ~ ~ ~ i( ~f (' -• ~ _ ; (~ \ ~ c~ ~.. ~_ r ~ „ ~\ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~. - ~ f ._ __ -- ----- -- .7 ~ ~/ .-• 1 • Easy Salem 5 h« ll6 ~ouleVa!'~ ~ m~~L~~ ~nioar ~G UGrv.~3~ 149: Dear /"/s kCS~er;, i ~' - • Tr,an k you ~~Y' ~~CC ~ r~(; JIe SSe rf,CGf~S • -- h~ G h ~C eP h~~ i c~ q y i~U ~ • ,rQ - - ---~ ~ - - - -{~----- - -- f ~ (l ~ I ~_,a ~1 -. -- -- --- ~. --- ~ - 1 J-- I _ -_ -- ----- - --- _ _ -- -- - t` ~ _ _ --- --- ---- -- -- --- _ - -- - - ,. - ~ ~~ ~ r }~ , -- ~~ n ' r t` t f\ T ~.. f ~,; ,~ ,T ,~ ~ --- --- _ _ - - __ ~ _ - • • ER,+ yl~.ms~ho~~ - i~b,~~~_ ~e~~ar~ s:{I z~ 1~tr~ r.,a ~ ~ i, n~~r~~, lf+~l ~~s ~PQ Vr IVES KE S'~. C T ~, k-~,~ fo~~-~,~~r~-,~ ve~~ n;~E G~ ~~ h~ l Pc{gy~0 U hG4 A~~i@~e A~h nta ~hr3 ------ • 1>6 u1 Q dV~~, ~. ~ ~_ ~Qi 1~n~4~r9~n ~a~ ~c~V~ ~~~~ ~~9 eaanK~~US ~r~ \ a e ~ 5 ~~~ ~S~ d ~C ~F o ~ ~~~ W \% k ~ a-,' c~~ ~~~,~a , ZT 0~ ly • East Salem Recreation Club ~F~ ~~~ September lb, 1994 • Michael K. Grimm McDonald's Inc. 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mike, On behalf of the East Salem Recreation Club, I would like to thank you for the sponsorship you have provided this year for our East Salem Raiders Little Division football team. Your generosity in providing equipment and uniforms for the players and coaches is above and beyond what most sponsors would provide. I know I speak for the Board of Directors, tl~e coaches, the players, and the parents, in saying that your commitment to the youth of our community is greatly appreciated and does not go without notice. If more people could give their time, talents, and resources to this nation's youth as you have, we all would have a much nicer place to live. I am sure that your company, as well as yourself, will benefit from this relationship. It is very refreshing to see corporations such as yours that are willing to invest in the communities they serve in order to improve everyone's quality of life. I know I, as well as others, will remember McDonald's and your support of our efforts the next time we take our families out for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Sincerely, atl. cQ p~ ~, ~~/ David L. Griffith Secretary East Salem Recreation Club • 943 West Point Road. Salem, VA 24153 r: r :Ii t' .lii.it ~ i_ ... '.L'11 . ,~,.. ,. ~i _. 1. _ ~ , !" i Il, „l i .,tlil~ 't~~,1 .__ll[l.; 'Tlc.l~ 1'fi'~rr;,i7l. l~ic (,::1717 :II~IIl1' !t• , 'i` t .. _. .:i ._~.. ..: u: ., i ~ ... _.1',7.ii 1: _ ~ ,.'li(ll7~'",~ NI~:11(l~:i li,~~i. T ,C l" ~ alt , t' i~ !: 1~ li ,f~ l ', :'i'u , 1, fI7 .i1 :!(] Ihl U7~ ~dl~ll7 , ,•,.,. ,.,' , (t CiS Y'c.llll(1:1Q )I! 15 ~1'~ll i!ti iil., tOi:c l alai L~ .:It 1,7,lilll. ~„t,:!i) .. t', is 1,~ t:,il , 1?!~.lllt •::,. - ;1,t2 ..:,,~ 1„7 t''{-~` i1i'Lt~'~ 1?,_'~Il , (?i11_ ? ltiiilS' .,;;T C~~:aa ~~-~-h' , ;Trill:, of aoaNO,~~ •~ z p ~ ~' ~ a • 1838 ~.~~~~ ~~ DEPARTME'IVT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PETE HAISLIP, DIRECTOR March 2^r, 1995 Stacey B. Kesler MGK Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Kesler: On behalf of Roanoke County and Salem Parks and Recreation • Departments, we would like to thank you for your donation of (25} Free Dessert Coupons for the 1995 "Hook-A-Kid on Golf program. This years program will be held June 19th-23rd, 8:OOam to 11:OOam, at Hanging Rock Golf Course. We would like to eltend an invitation to you and/or your staff to come out the week of the clinic. This is a very generous gift which we're sure the children will enjoy. We appreciate you taking the time to help make the "Hook-A-Kid on Golf" program a success. Thanks to the support of friends like you we are able to provide this very special program for the children. Sincerely, ~C~'~ Star Patton, Roanoke County Youth Athletics • 1206 KESSLER MILL ROAD SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 (703) 387-6078 °ecvc:ed °aoer Grace ASSEMBUESOFG00 • ~Je ~.ssembC November M K G Enterprises 320 Wildwood Rd. Salem VA 24153 Dear Ms. Kessler, Thank you for the donation of fif was a great help because we are appreciate your generosity. Sincerely, ~~ ~~ - Tammy Francisco God's I_Incc~ndi______~. ~., . 5530Cataw6a NaCCey Dr. Loraine Naylor, Pastor Catawba, 'Vsi 24070 PFwne /7031.3X4-7297 • ~~L'O~CKNER PENTAPLAST July 20, 1995 MKG Enterprises 320 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 Attn: Stacey Kesler Dear Stacey, 1a1)(:KNER PENTAPLAST OF AMERICA, INC. P..D. Hat 6Ef0 • Gienow Road Rural Fieveat• VA 24368 USA Phorrc RRJ;i~86-6111 lac ,7-6665 Thank you for cont~~buting the Guest Cards to our Company Picnics this year. The children really enjoyed opening their favor bags and finding all the goodies. Without your help, this would not have been possible. It was a pleasure to know people are willing to contribute for the sake of children. • Again, many thanks from all the employees of Klockner Pentaplast. Thank you, Debbie Turner, Office Coordinator s-y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE 102495-9 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO DONNA ETZLER TO OPERATE A PRIVATE KENNEL LOCATED AT 4613 BONSACR ROAD, (TAX MAP NO. 40.14-2-25), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Donna Etzler has filed a petition to operate a private kennel located at 4613 Bonsack Road (Tax Map No. 40.14-2- 25) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to operate a private kennel located at 4613 Bonsack Road (Tax Map No. 40.14-2-25) Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (a) The number of dogs shall be limited to five. (b) Staff shall make an administrative review of the special use permit after twelve months and report back to the Board of 1 Supervisors. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance and grant the special use permit with conditions (b) added, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: Supervisor Kohinke A COPY TESTE: ~1sL~, Brenda J. H lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 ~- _- __ JL ~R ?F rPl.~w of <~"r _ ~* ,,~~~ ~' 3 ' ~~ +O f~ .tE I T HUNTRI Gad /.9 = .---- "P ~ V COYNER ~ '~"~a.. ~y... ,SPRINGS Q. ~ ... A i C - _ •tvr • oei Z " E O $ ~ _ ~~fi'`~' ~ D c+. ~ ~'~ 636 r ~ ~ ..^ i - ~ ~ onsack d5 1 ~ _\' __~ VICINITY MAP -~ `_ ~~` 1200 ~ 636 '~ ~~~ ~ 5-~} NORTH ~~ ,~ ~~ PETITIONER: DONNA ETZLER CASE NUMBER: 37-10/95 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 3, 1995 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: October 24, 1995 A. REQUEST Petition of Donna Etzler for a Special Use Permit to operate a private kennel, located at 4613 Bonsack Road, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission asked if there have been complaints from neighbors. Staff responded that a letter of opposition from absentee property owners; however they have since changed their mind. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS The number of dogs shall be limited to five. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross moved to recommend approval of the petition with the recommended condition. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Hooker, Witt, Ross, Robinson NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other ~~~ l1~Gl Terrance Hamngton, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission • ., STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: CASE NUMBER: A. SUMMARY Donna Etzler PREPARED BY: L. GARMAN 37-10/95 DATE: October 3, 1995 B. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The Use and Design Standards for a Private Kennel are as follows: 1. Minimum lot size: One (1) ACRE. S~ 2. A Private Kennel shall be permitted only when accessory to a single family dwelling. 3. Exterior runs, pens and other confined areas designed to house four (4) or more animals shall be set back at least twenty-five (25) feet from any property line. Perimeter fencing shall not be considered a confined area. • C. EXISTING CONDITIONS The property is located at 4613 Bonsack Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. The size of the parcel is 1.77 acres. There is a single family dwelling on the property. The applicant also owns the adjoining 0.56 acres to the south. There is a pen on the property which is located more than 25 feet from any property line. The pen is buffered by trees, and, in addition there is a pond on the north, Glade Creek on the east, and an embankment west of the pen. The applicant proposes no additional dogs or facilities. Other than the natural barriers, there are no noise controls. Surrounding land uses consist of single family homes across Bonsack and Glade Creek Roads, vacant land on the east across Glade Creek, and two vacant parcels, then a single family dwelling and a church on the south. The nearest house to the existing pen is approximately 250 feet. Prior to the 1992 county-wide rezoning, the subject property and adjacent properties were zoned A-1 Agricultural and remnants of this classification and the related uses still exist in the area. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The applicants request is in compliance with the use and design standards as specified in Section 30-82-4. The natural characteristics of the property would restrict the impact of the use. If approved, however, a limit on the number of dogs should be considered. ~' . .~ i 1 Sy Roanoke County Department of Planning Memorandum TO: Planning Commission FROM: Terry Harrington DATE: October 3, 1995 RE: Etzler Kennel Request; Communications from Louis and Betty Robinson Attached is a letter from Louis and Betty Robinson opposing the issuance of the Etzler kennel permit. The Robinson's are adjacent property owners who reside in Northern Virginia. We received this letter on Monday October 2, 1995. Mrs. Robinson called me today to clarify her position. She has spoken to Ms. Etzler about the requested kennel, and has asked that I relay to you her current perspective on this request. She asked that I advise you: 1. She and her husband do not want to see a large number of dogs (dog kennels) approved in the Bonsack community. 2. She does not want to see Ms. Etzler put into a position of having the SUP denied and thereafter having to decide which pets to get rid of. 3. She would like to see that Ms. Etzler receive approvals for the pets she currently has, but no more. Please let me know if you have any questions. c: Louis and Betty Robinson is r r ~" tiY. LOUIS & BETTY S. ROBINSON 6613 MAUGS ROAD McLF.AN, VA 22IOI-4022 "~~ September 27, 199 County of Roanoke .. Department of Planning and Zoning ~ _ Attention: Terrance Harrington, Secretary ~ ~~ ~ = ~ -% P.O. Box 29800 _ ...- Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 .- _ _ - _ re: Etzler request for private kennel permit (Notice of 9/22/95) Dear Mr. Harrington: We are the owners of the property at 4539 Bonsack Road, which is adjacent to that of Donna Etzler. We oppose the issuance of a permit to Donna Etzler for the operation of a private kennel. The county regulation limiting the number of dogs to two in R-1 residential areas is a good regulation. It is key to assuring that neighborhoods are quiet, odor free, sanitary and safe. We believe the neighborhood where our property is located should have this protection both now and in the future. To remove this protection would be unwise and would likely lower the value of our property. This property is located in a quiet, safe country neighborhood area where adults walk /jog and children play. A pack of dogs would likely upset this secure environment and would be of great concern to the residents of the area. They would be concerned for their safety and health as well as the noise and odor. The house on our property is occupied by Leo B. St. Clair. He is disabled (leg amputation) and he would not be able to run or defend himself if the dogs became aggressive. In summary, there are many reasons for not issuing the permit and none that favor the permit. We therefore request that you deny the issuance of a permit to operate a private kennel to Donna Etzler. Sincerely,^ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~~.~v W. Louis & Betty S. Robinson • COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 3738 Brambleton Ave. SW P.O. Box 29800 _ Roanoke, VA 24018 (703) 772-2068 FAX (703) 772-2030 ,c" For staff use only date i ~ received by: appli anon fee PCioZA dat placard i ued• OS da ~• Case umber: ~~,_ j ~ ~-'~ Check type of application file (check all that apply): ^ REZONING lsd SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: ~u,~na ~fzlc~ Address: ~ ~~~~c-fie / ~;~ ~/ ~ f 3 ~dn s~ c.~ Rc/ Phone: ~~7-SS/c P Zi Code: ~ ~D/.~ Owner's name: D /v! ~fz/~r 1~ ~' /~~~ /~I -~fz/« Address: Phone: Zip Code: Location of property: Tax Map Number: _ .% - ~ S / ~!0%3 ~a~ISdG~ T~~l Magisterial District: G S Community Planning Area: ~Sdc~C Size of parcel (s): /•77acres sq.ft. Existing Zoning: R- l Existing Land Use: Proposed Zoning: R~` t,)t~ F? .. Proposed Land Use: ~~iUtU~.~ ~ ~QcJl~r~ - .......................... For staff use o~iy Use Type: Does the p cel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the r nested district? YES NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. . If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO Variance o n(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v ws v ~~ Consultation 8 1 /2" x 1 1 " concept plan Application fee Application ~~ Metes and bounds description '~`:~: Proffers, if applicable Justification >~~U Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and co~ent of the owner. i ~ r..~ ~ !' Owner's Signature: ~) I • ' ---:-- -- ----- -- ~-__urm.~l~ -- ~.~.~-e__~z __t e~~etes f.---a----`.~j- c ~ a-~ ----Use---- - _ ~"t-+ 1"~l+_. ~N'_~ _ ~_ _ ~ t-~ ~c~}E _ ~f n rl2 ~ ~tJY_ _ U~ ~D-_~_ _C~ c1S~ S . ---- - -i~.~ ~ _ ~~ S_ a ~~- -p-~--~5-- ~ --LJ ~- dd _ v~~~#. ~.~e~---~- -U ~ ~---- _ - ~ _ - -- - Sy - (~,~e ~e~--t,~e __~,`//_1~Q__ wed/_ ~~'~/~~,~_ -:C/e- J~;~le_~~s ------ ----- - - _ ~~t a ~ die-- ~e-- YerG, U%r~ d __Q?S ' _ ~~ n2--~~ r~/? e ~~?-j _~~~t~,5 -fr-- -------~__/_??.or~ _l__al~a7,~~i ~~i~y _l?~~Lcs~ ~~ss ~~a~ '~/_as-~~'rnals ----- -------e ac!<.----~/~ _..~7ens__a~c :C1_e~ne~/ rc~~~~%~ _~ ~1~~~1cc!v~ / / /- - - -----~----~--~xcr_e~~~_ r~r~.~1~eLl._d_r~ -C~rxPo~-tearSo_as._r1a-~ z0 creates - --- - a ~iea~f~_r__~aZ~~o!. --------------~------~1~ ~~en-s _.~~e _ cn_ ~~ie_~dc~ o{ ova-~~se ~_~'own_a _sfeep - ---- --- ----- ` - ems, ~aH..E ~,-en.f ,- ~ -- ~ ~, - ~!e_- ~~~ye._.-~'l ~ a <e-~ close z!o a C'ie_G•~--_ ---- - ---- - - - - ~ -- -'- -77ir,S__area C' a.?~ca~_/ e .See.-z _~-r_dm _L~~E _lc 2_c~ ar~~nn-any -o~------------- -- -- - - -----?_-~~'-r -2f C.q~~l~lYf --ex f~e~-l!_?'l~ • LC/Y11P_~-Uex.7~-Giti! ~/~yt~-sec/ /C~.?n?1------------- - ----- - -- ----- ~--~12c.-~c~_//~a_--~ __ L'Ux~`.~t~iJ~e__ a/I _~'c _e SdY~ L ~cfr~~C r /Y~aYe-i??oS_f ,6a/,C'~.%~ _ ,~ - -- y----------- _ -- _ _w~rul~l be..- C~t~~in-ed__,d~_~~i~.__ha~ -~ S~r~a~najvx --gees f - , - - --------- ------ - - - - _ _ .-r.~~ucG~._a~E-- ~s_ ~__na-E~raL_ s~~.?c/_d~rl~~~-•- -- ~E-~arc_ne~-cc------------- -- - - ~ao/ ~n~- /I~~~~L/arn-s cc~n1~/a~1L _~x;__~,~e_/,asf _~, _C,s o{/~a~,~~~~--- ~Ye,t c.._J/Lc,.,ti ~ %~s_. /~~~e_~cne_c~.%lc/_d~z~e~-_hv'l!i~~_ ,~~n~v---- --- h~osf /~arF f~f~ har/~ ~x.Ly_ ~lhe~- a -Sfra.Je~ oY .s~ranJe__a~;M~(_ - -- Cc~GS in. t/,e ~c ar~.~.c- 7i1~ P~'e~;.t v{SeVere._ Ua~/ci:r~y - ~ - _ J -_ _ _ - Cc~rn~/ai',c../s Lve c a,L ~~~~~ - Z`/c- c%cs__ ~~--~~~. hdu5e.---f - z`~y-~a ---- - ._ _ __ C c~z><r~~~ c ~ ~~ a ~ L~.I d a - - - - _ • \ ~ G I ` \ \~ ~ ~ :,~ ~ ~~ / j. /~~ . / ~ / .~ ~,=- ~ ~ --_ ~ ~% ~ ~~ ~ ~~ :~ \ ~ ~ {~ I _ i ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~. % 1 ~ ~I < < .® I ~ ~J ~ ;.~~~ ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ } ,~ / ~ ` ~• \ _ -- ,~ ~ ~ ~ l ~ . --- - ---- - ---- _ ___ - ---_ _ . - -- _ . _ ,, ~ i o `~. ~ ~ ~, V ~ ~ \ ~ ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~f ,~ .~ ~ ~ ~, . ~ ~ `~ ~. ~ - __ ~~ ~ ', - l . ~ ' ~ ~ ~; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~~~ ~ ~ o~ ~ j ~ ~~ ~ 0 3. \~ ~~c ~ ti ~~ ~~ J _ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ G 'b r ~, o ~ ~ ~ ~~ '~ 1 d u S ~ ~; 1 ~~ ' ~\,. \ ~ C ~ `. ~ ~ ° v f ~~~ ~ ~- ~ ~~~ I _~3 -~ ~ ~° ---- - - "P V CQYNER - --7$ I I R ~ ~trr • 4 rPLt~ d ~ >: ~ - ~ ~ rl2oo t,,-~ i ~ ~, boa ~ ~i~fr- H ~ - _ ~;-~ 636 - ~ '' __ ' 636 - o onsack ==:_ i d5 1 :___: __~ VICINITY MAP -~`=_JI - • --_ -- ~ ~'~ NORTH r ~~ S-`~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO DONNA ETZLER TO OPERATE A PRIVATE KENNEL LOCATED AT 4613 BONSACK ROAD, (TAX MAP NO. 40.14-2-25), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Donna Etzler has filed a petition to operate a private kennel located at 4613 Bonsack Road (Tax Map No. 40.14-2- 25) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to operate a private kennel located at 4613 Bonsack Road (Tax Map No. 40.14-2-25) Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (a) The number of dogs shall be limited to five. zoning.etzler 1 1 ` S-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE 102495-13 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JONES & JONES ASSOCIATES TO CONSTRUCT A CONVENIENCE STORE WITH A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF WILLIAMSON ROAD AND SUMMER VIEW DRIVE (TAX MAP NO. 28.05-1-9), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jones & Jones Associates has filed a petition to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (a) The site shall be developed in general conformity with 1 s the submitted site development plan dated August 25, 1995, revised through October 24, 1995. (b) An earthen berm shall be installed along the southern portion of the property. The berm shall be at a sufficient base elevation relative to the base elevation of the proposed buildings, and shall be of a sufficient height, mass and location to completely screen the proposed buildings from the Meadowbrook condominiums. Canadian spruce, leyland Cyprus or a comparable conifer, shall be planted on the top of the berm, with continued planting down to the creek. The trees planted shall be a minimum of 6 to 8 feet in height at time of planting, and shall be of a sufficient quantity to provide a further screening, buffering and professional landscaping effect. (c) All lighting installed shall be down lighting, shall be of a box type design, and shall be directed away from adjacent and nearby neighborhoods. The lighting standards contained in the zoning ordinance shall also be met. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance and grant the special use permit with revised condition (a) and addition of conditions (b) and (c), and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 _~ ~ R _~~ _. 158.0' S I° 32' 00" W- O~ \ w o` ~ $. ~o ~' ~ r J ~ ~~ a o Q ® o z ~i 3. ® ~~ l~~ O p ® L a N o ~~ m _ um ~ - - _ -' ~n r I _ ~ ;~ ~ I li / i ~- ~~ ~ e ~ ~I ~ I I I I~. .- - ~, .,~ .gz °z ~ .zzz,G _- Q Q° ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~QQN ~X uu ~~~ ~o ~~~~~ ~o~~~ ~~o -. Q~~ ~~ ~~~ ~"'~ ~ ~ ~ ,, Q wN z~w Q~u9 ~~~~QQ~ ~KU~ ~s~~~~~ ~ Q(AV QIUU.I~ QDa. a d g ~ S .a y-~~ O ~_ } XQ ~ dt~ ~~-~, XQ ~~ _ Q -~ ,- m`1' ~ .a ~~ NN g g 0 p ~, o~,~ 0~- _~ ~ u v~ ~Nn W A ~'~ W~ Wz A4 r~~ V V~ w W ~' MCI ~ ~ o W ~, ~~ z 0 ~ / AP r -~~-~" L ~A 'ODGi ~ / p' ? ~ ~'oC ~Qj a C :.:_-fir: Via-. h~ T ~~~ ~-~ •--- NORTH _ % ~ ~~ ~ A n ~ / _ 3 } ~ ~a 4 i v JM! s / ' •r 9o szrJ ~ va / 9 .d 'Qi .rr ~ w ,,~ a :, 64e ~ v'^ T , c / \ f~ J ~/ u ~_ n, `` / / ~ 9 ~ ~ _ _ .~ po 0 F~ 0 ~` ~~~ \, 1 / ?~ ~ I ~S y ~_ IIIS /~~~1 . ~ R ~%/c Q0~ i ~~ ,2 2.93 ac •Q4 e ~' 6 0 0 f 11 ~"` '~~ ~ o.ns. .. • 1326'I x .~' DEPARTMFN'P OF PLANN_Ir'G JONES i; JONES ASSOC. AIVD ZONING SPECIAL USE PERMIT .;• 28.05-1-9 .,. ~~~ ._... ~~ o~ >~ x o~ v~ ~~ A Frl ~ ~~r 4" C x~ ~~ e~ .. ~e n ~~ ., x~ 9 rv H d 'Q~~0oo ~-nrndnUlD 1 ~n ~ _rn ~~~ ~ l~~ n ~~ n R ~ ~_ rn rn ~z ~ ~ ~ -1a y- Clz~t~-~ 0~ -~~g ~~~ ~.~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ,, b~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~~~ ~' o ~' ~~~ - N 0 8 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ 0 x ~~ D r_ ~ ~X ~~ 8 r 3 ~_ O ~, ,.. ,., w ~u ~~~~~ l~JU1 822.2' iJ 2° 28~ 00" W -' i- ~- r-~~ ~ I i ~ I I i ~-ii ~~ li ii i i I '~-~ ~ ~ .l~_ ~-_~-- 0 0 ® O ®p ~~ \\~ a N~ (i+ ~~ _- ~ ~ W` n a o a ,~ ~i \ ~~`_ 8 e ~~ ~~ ti~ i S-S Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attention= Mr. Bob Johnson 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 October 20, 1995 Re= Dept of Planning & Zoning Case= 38-10/95 Dear Mr. Johnson: The proposed construction of a convenience store with a fast food restaurant at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive has come to the attention of the residents of Meadowbrook Village. The proposed construction site borders our development and the terraces of a number of our buildings would face the parking lot and the back of the building in the proposed plans. We would like to voice our strong opposition to the placing of a high traffic business right next to such a quiet residential area. The proposed construction location borders Meadowbrook Village which is a quiet pastoral residential community of townhomes. Across the street from the proposed site is a home which was recently purchased and renovated at a great deal of expense and effort on the part of the new owners. Alongside Williamson Road, there are several churches as well as the Hollins Court Development. On the other side of Tinker Creek are numerous homes. Ail of these properties will be adversely affected by the proposed construction. Besides the decline of the values of our homes in which we have all so much invested, there is the question of the higher crime rate associated with convenience store locations and the increased late night noise from the extended hours of operation of the proposed businesses. The community would be better served by placing the proposed convenience store and fast food restaurant in a commercial center, perhaps closer to Plantation Road on Williamson Road. The decline of the existing Tinker Creek businesses and their lack of commerce would seem to indicate that this location is a poor choice for business use. What happens to our community when these new businesses also decline? r~..,- // ~' .R :: r ar. ~ ~~ ~• .. ~•: + :• '" ? o .~ ~~ ~ ~/!n ~i-'O•,rt ~••rf 1"~ys!~ ••i 1 r A( v a ~ S i . ~,~~~ _SG, III - ^ • ! . _.1 t ~ ~ ~ r a i. /'~"~!' stir ui. ~` ' ` ~ ' ;i ~ , ij ~ ~ ' I . '' .~;~j la ,~ .~,~~:.~~.._.._-• ~~'~/1 Its 'i g • fr ~ ,!~ ",(, .Trod i ~ ~ i i. s/.~ •~ jj ° •~ d tt~~ / ~~. M ~~.~+T' ~t sr~ i 111 - + ,`~\,,~ ` ~1~~ • ~ ; ti 3 ~.. . ` , ~' ~'~, ~ ~ ~ s `, ~ • 1 t i •~ c r;rs ,. 'c. ~;' ~. •, ~ ~ Sao°. x a`~ ~. r • -•. ,.~•'"" •. +~~,.•" ~~ `yam .•. ~ ~ r •.~. r t~~ /fig- .i 1 ~1 • ~ N ~ ~ ~ _ •~,~ _ :r,•Y tf ={ise ~~j •, ~ ; ~, Iii f~ M• ~ ~!~ I \i ~ Y~ ,yt~ ~ •~ ova ~~, ci /`~ „ ` .~s • _ _ _ ~ = AGENDA ITEM NO. J' S AP~'E CE REQUEST ~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS - - _ . c ~'~ -I - - SUBJECT: ll'aG~ -~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. ~ ~ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c ^ Each s Baker will be iven be tween three to five minutes to comment P whethe speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will - decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, c d ill f th l l i ~ e an w en orce e ru e un ess nstructed by the majority of the Board to __ do otherwise. _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - ^ SQeakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP - SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - - - - - - -- - - - - ~ - -~ - - NAME ~C -~ '~.~e ' ~~ ~ , t ~. _ - -____ - - ADDRESS ~ ~ % ~,D / ~-~ ~ ! ~' I~~ ` ~v. ~ \~ ~ ._ .. _ - - ~ , ,~ -7 PHONE .~y _ ~~ / _- -_; ____ fiiiiii~~ti~~~f~i~irrl~itifi~t~~i~itt~i~iiii~iiiriir~iiiiiiiii~~~miun~t~~iriiii~r~tiiiiiiiii~tt~iiiiiiiiiiiti~ •r s' PETITIONER: JONES & JONES ASSOCIATES CASE NUMBER: 38-10/95 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 3, 1995 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: October 24, 1995 A. REQUEST Petition of Jones & Jones Associates for a Special Use Permit to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant, located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS David Webb stated that he has asked VDOT to look at the intersection of Reservoir Road and Williamson Road with regard to the traffic. He asked that the Commission consider the traffic situation. Robert Irwin also expressed concern with the three proposed businesses generating a lot of in and out traffic which will put a lot of traffic onto Summer View Drive. He said he would love to see the property developed but with another type business which would generate less traffic. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION In response to questions from the Commission, staff indicated that the traffic issues could be formally addressed by the Commission and Board as part of the permit approval or could be deferred to staff and VDOT to resolve during the site plan approval stage. Also staff indicated that any improvements to Route 11, such as a left turn lane, would be completed at the expense of the developer. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS The site will be developed in substantial conformity with the concept plan. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross moved to recommend denial of the petition. Mr. Witt made a substitute motion to recommend approval of the petition with the recommended condition. The substitute motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Hooker, Witt, Robinson NAYS: Ross ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE Mr. Ross commented that there is not sufficient information from VDOT to appease his concerns with the traffic. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map Staff Report _ Other Terrance Harrington, ecreta Roanoke County Planning Commission N r~ L ,~ ~» STAFF REPORT PART I PETITION: Jones & Jones Assoc. PREPARED BY: Jon Hartley FILE NO.: 38-10/95 DATE PREPARED: September 28, 1995 A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A mixed use project containing offices, convenience store with gasoline, and fast food restaurant facilities is proposed on the southwest corner of Route 11 and Summer View Road. While the property is zoned C-2, General Commercial, a special use permit is required for both the convenience store and the fast food restaurant facilities. No drive through facilities are proposed at this time. While the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed project (and additional office space), the access to the site should be modified to better accommodate and control turning movements at the Summer View median cut. B. DESCRIPTION Jones & Jones Associates, on behalf of Gene D. Lucas, is requesting a special use permit to construct a convenience store with gas sales and fast food restaurant facilities as part of a larger (approximately 8,000 square feet) office and commercial development called Summerview Creek. The property is presently C-2 and contains 3.09 acres. It is located on the southwest corner of Williamson Road (Route 11) and Summer View Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The C-2, General Commercial District allows many office and retail uses by right. In addition convenience stores and fast food restaurants are allowed only after a special use permit is obtained from the Board of Supervisors. VDOT entrance permits will be required and a site plan must be submitted and approved by the County to insure compliance with all applicable requirements. • v S~ • PART I I A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Site Characteristics The property was once occupied by a roadside restaurant and motel which burned years ago. The predominant feature of the site is Tinker Creek and the gradual slopes down to the creek. Site vegetation consists of grass with scattered specimen trees. The only physical improvement is an advertising sign for the owner's construction company. Traffic Flows & Access In 1993 the average daily trips (ADT) on Route 11 was 18,000. Rt. 856 (Summer View Rd.) had an ADT of 164 in 1994. Neighbors have commented that Summer View is used during peak periods as a short cut between Rt. 11 and Shadwell Drive. Adjoining and Surrounding Neighborhood The property is bounded on the north and east by public roads, Route 11 and Summer View Road respectively. To the south and west are open areas associated with Meadowbrook Townhouses. The surrounding area is predominantly residential in nature, with independent retail businesses located off Summer View Road just east over the Tinker Creek Bridge. Drainage & Floodplain The property is located along Tinker Creek with a large portion of the property located within the one-hundred year_floodplain and a smaller portion located within the Flo_ od= (see Attached concept plan). B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout The project proposed, as shown on the concept plan, consists of an 8,000 sq.ft. building accommodating a mixture of uses including offices, convenience store, and fast food sales area with indoor and possibly outdoor dining areas. Gas sales are located in front of the building with four pump islands under a canopy. A second office building, with additional parking, is contemplated as a future phase of the project. According to the applicant, the fast food restaurants contemplated at this time might include small "drop in" national chains (similar to the Dairy Queen recently constructed on West Main in Salem). The applicant does not anticipate adrive- through facility for these fast food restaurants. Based on a conceptual review, the basic layout appears to meet all of the basic site plan requirements, except that Type C screening and buffering (25 ft. landscaped yard) is required along the southern boundary of the property adjoining the townhouse project. • z ~~~ Architecture The applicant has submitted a rendering of what the building could look like (see attached) which follows the petroleum supplier's national design and color scheme. Traffic Generation & Access At this time two access points are proposed, one directly from Route 11, and one from Summer View Drive. VDOT has raised concern with traffic turning left from Route 11 into the site and recommended that the Route 11 entrance be redesigned to further discourage access from this direction. They have also indicated that a left turn lane may be required from the southbound lane of Route 11 _.__ ~,____--------~-.____ _..~_ .__~_.._._.___.___ According to Trip Generation by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, the proposed project would generate over 4,000 ADT on weekdays, the vast majority of this related to the convenience and fast food uses. While this figure may be high, it typifies the volume of traffic generated by convenience and fast food businesses. A substantial portion of the traffic (45% or more) is captured from passing traffic, and is not traffic added to the traffic on Route 11. Neighbors of this site have raised concern with the increased traffic on Summer View Rd. during peak hours. Evidentially, since the light was installed at Shadwell, Summer View has become a short cut between Route 1 1 and Shadwell. The proposed project can be expected to increase this problem. One proposal to discourage this is to install a stop sign just east of the old Tinker Creek bridge. • Public Services This ro ert is resent) served b ublic sewer and water. Fire and P P Y P Y YP Rescue services would be provided by the station on Peters Creek Road. Floodpfain & Drainaq_e This property is partially located in the 100 year floodplain as designated on the Federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Development within the flood- fringe areas of the site will be required to be elevated or floodproofed to a point one foot above the base flood elevation, including any underground storage tanks. Portions of the property located within the floodway must remain essentially undeveloped, although limited structures can be approved provided they do not increase downstream flooding. Specific issues related to the floodfringe and floodway must be resolved during site plan review and ,approval. C. CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The property in question is designated within the Transition land use category in the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. The proposed special use permit is consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan map and policies, and in particular polices that encourage mixed uses, and shared access and parking facilities. • 3 ~.5 PART III STAFF CONCLUSIONS The mixture of uses proposed in this development is becoming commonplace in many urban areas, but is new to Roanoke County. On its face value, the mix and general layout is well arranged and could capitalize on the amenities offered by Tinker Creek. However, the mix of a convenience store and fast food restaurant also combines two uses that attract significant volumes of traffic with visits of relatively short duration. With these volumes, access should be carefully evaluated and strictly controlled in order to minimize the hazards associated with conflicting turning movements. This particular project will also need to be carefully designed to county standards for floodplain areas. However, these issues must be balanced with the public demand for convenience store and fast food facilities. .. • • t • coUNrY of RoANoKE bEt'7. OP PLANNING AND ZONING 5738 grambleton Ave. SW P.O. l3ox 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 17031 772-2068 FAX (7031772-2030 For stall use on/v date re received h . epplic lion ~ PC/ : place a u 5 ~ : ~ /~ Case Numbe : ~~^ f ## ! ! .( ii + (u ! ! ! It # ! i ! i ## i I 1 - III 1 Il llllll ! 1 II i I {"j # ijjlljijl ("# (I i ((i"I((' ~(#' ! # j l I I# j j 'j ! I!I IIl Il I I 111111 f:I II Il II4 Ii II 1111111 l I! IIIIIIIIII ~II ! ! f Il lt IIlIII Illlll I fl ' # i I '(! (I(ij(i(Il li(I#!,#!`!!!i.'ii'ii!i'iiii#.'+!ii':E~i II#!1 I I l :i ! .. i ' .... ! . , . iii . ! ! , i iI # : : : !# , ! , : ii :i i ! , i:: l!i i !::!!:#:: i E ! i ! i :! # ! ii::i!iii:i:i:::::i:i:i::::::!i:::i::: I!i:i~:::!:!: i Check type bf 9pplication filed Ich2ck all that applyi: D RE=ZONING $7 SPECIAL USE d VARIANCE Applicant's hams: Jones & Jones Associates, Architects PC Phone: 366-3335 Address: 6120 Peters Creek Road, Roanoke, Virginia Zip Code: 24019 OwnAr'S h2mA: Gene D. Lucas Phone: 563-9098 Address: p, 0. Box 6313, Roanoke, Virginia Zip Code: 24017 Location of property: Tax Map Number: 28,05-1-9 Intersection of Williamson Road and (Route 11) and Summer View Drive Magisterial District: Hollins Community Planning Area: Peters Creek Size of parcAl (S1: Existing Zoning: C-2-C 3.09 AcrAS Existing Land Use: Undeveloped sq.ft. °i!ili #!li i ' # sl # ! ## (#i ' #1 # I ' i#°iE#il!#E!!!!Ollilij!iF##!!##'!#!#iil# # #!###!i#iii ##i!#!#!i!###i! !#!#1!t'!I ###iti `f°iii!i'i!'I# "!!'i'!Ii'!! ii'i##li'i'iii!i!!#E!?#!i##i###~;#!iiEilil# ! l ~ I # (3 I ~ ~( ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~II I •! t. `is 1' . •t s i .k#• i' .1 • .s( t• ! ! ~ ! E #!1##iiiiisi#s!:iii!i!!ijiiN;:::!: s#t## li#!!! s( s# I# s PropOSAd ZOh1ng: C_2_C For Statl uss Only Proposed Land USA: Office, Convenience Store, Food Sales use Type: Does thA p~IrcA) meet thA minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of th e requested district? YES X NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet thA minimum criteria for thA requested Use Typel YES X NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIpED FIRST. . If re2onin~ requASt, ArA Cohdltlons being proffer2d with this request? YES NO X i!!ii'i! I ! i`i!'!Is E!i! ! ! ! s s I I I' •fs s ' i'i'!~ 'iiE'!'!i!~!fii'Eiilsi i+l!I !!!i!iiE+i! !!!! Ei! ii!ii!E!'ii!!iEE !i!ifi! !E!i~l+!!ii!~ +':+i'!!!`ii~ii•'ii.ii!i!i!!!#i!iiii:i!i!i!E•'!ii:~iE:~:i:ii'ii # ~ i ,;•,,,•, .........•... :, ;:.## ;I :.!.:! ii+ i # {# !#! # # ! •+ !I.I ! ! : ~.. Eis ,I !I, ' !#~..!:!::,:i:i:!!;:::!•Ili..: I€i••;: ,•:;I• :#:•:(::::•:. # :~: €~#• •;(.::..,(, !,,,!.;.!.,~:~#! !..,..:.•.: . sil . sii!~I##ifi#i• ! s s E+. •! s!. E! s .E•: s ! • s s •~ s•.;E~!~~~i ' :•:•: s:• i: :• !' :E •sl: ~i+E °###iiiii# `iiii!iE!ii:iiiiiiii:ii~ l ~ l I E , ,+ . , ! ! . . . ;.;.;.. , ; , , c s+sls,sii~si,.,, !s!sin iiO.,!{sssh•s#s,.iEisss.,pERSss+.#s ii . f# ! i s?l; !s i. " :sy#:;s::::i:!!i•ii'!ii# i ; i : • .•.µ;.1,.!.•s•n.•.•.•.!.;.;.;.:.:r.•.:.,. Variance of Sectionlsl of ti,e Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: IS the application complete? PleasA check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEM5 ARE MISSING OFt INCOMPLETE. . tv~ v Eas v tvt v X Consultation g 1 /2" x 11 " concept plan - Application fee X Application X Metes 2nd bouhds description Proffers, if applicable X Justification X Water and Sewer application X Adjoining property owners /hereby certify that l ~m Aither the owner of the property or the owner's 6pent or contract purchaser and am ~ctinp with the knowled~d/consen~e owner. ~xnmP.>~t Signature: Richard L. Jones, Jr., AIA Architect Jones & Jones Associates, Architects PC ~~'° r For StaN Use Only: Cale Number '"' Applicant Jones & Jones Associates, Architects PC (Project: Summerview Creekside) The Planning Commission will Study te2oning and Special Use permit requests to determine the need and justific9tion for thA change in terrri3 of public health, Safety, and generai welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly 9s possible. Use additional space If necessary. • Please explain how th2 I.2quest fUrtherS the purposes of th2 Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purposA found~at the beginning d# the applicably toning district classification in the zoning ordinance. Summerview Creekside is a multi function development which includes office space, a Convenience Store, food sales, and open .space in a harmonious environment. The proposed development. will maintain portions of the site as open green areas chile offering services needed by the surrounding community. This project specifically addresses sections 30-3 (A)1, 30-3(A)2,~~30-3(A)3, 30-3(A)6, 30-3(A)7 and 30-3(A)10 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. PIe9SA Axplain how the projAct Conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Compreh~n5ive Phn. The subject property is designa•tec~.as transition land use yin the Roanoke County Compresensive Development Plan. The transition guideline's encourages this type of development. Specifically this development adheres to policy guidelines as follows: (A) TR-1 prevent haphazard sprawl;~TR-2. encourage:retail~uses in planned groupings; TR-3 use frontage for office facilities; TR-5 litnit conversion of deti3ched housing unit into retail and office; TR-7 coordinate vehicular and pedestrian movement; TR-8 enhance the quality of highway frontage by limiting signs and landscaped yards; and TR-9 maintaining screening 'and buffering along property lines adjoining residential uses. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, aS wail 9s thA imp9ct3 on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, 9nd firA/rescue. The development will have a postive impact on the surrounding area. 'IThe services offered by St~.nunerview Creekside arE~ directly conne=tad to the needs of the surrounding community. The utility infrastructure is in place surrounding this site and is adequate for this F~roject. The conceptual site plan for this project indicates open greenway space along Tinker Creek. As part of this development the Owner intends to provide picnic table and seating for this green area. JONES ~ JONES ASSOCIATES 9 October 1995 Mr. John Hartley Planning and Zoning Department County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive S W. Roanoke, Virginia, 24018 RE: Summerview Creekside Dear Mr. Hartley: -,,ter - - .r .: ! ~ ~ i +J~J Please find enclosed herewith six (6) copies of the revised Conceptual Site Plan and rendering for the above referenced project. Subsequent to the Planning Commission hearing on this project, we have met with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation to address the Planning Commission's concerns regarding required turn lanes. The Owner has agreed to install a left turn lane in the west bound lane of Route 11 and widen the existing right tum lane to a width of twelve feet (12'-0'~ in the east bound lane of Route 11. These improvements are indicated on the enclosed revised conceptual site plan. VDOT concurs with these improvements. We think these improvements will enhance the flow oftraflic and be an asset to this project and Roanoke County. We look forward to meeting with you and the Board of Supervisors on 24 October 1995 concerning this project. If I may provide any further information, please do not hesitate to call upon me. Very truly yours, JONES & JONES ASSOCIATES, ARCHITECT'S PC Richard L. Jones, Jr., AIA Architect j~` ~`~ RLJjr/bj Enclosures 6'120 PETERS CREEK ROAD • ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, 240'19 TELEPHONE 540 366-3335 • FACSIMILE 540 366-36'13 ~~ ~M oo et.zx ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~o~~~ ~~4 O h _ N N ~ ry ~~ ~m~ ~ ~~~ ~~ Q ~~ ~a~ ~Q9 ~~ U~p ~~V QtAVQUi~~ 0.D. M N q {t,,.. .. ~. ~~ ~~ x ~~,~ --- NORTH ~. 6 'o °f `\ ~o!~ 1326 r ~~* DEPARZMENP OF PLANNIA'G JONES 6 JONES ASSOC. _ - SPECIAL USE PERMIT ~' AND ZONING 28.05-1-9 . .; . ~. _ ;1 ~ ~~ ~~ %' '" 3 /- o y~ 4 ~ .. 4 IM9 S / ,± 'r 9a szzs / ° ca ti~ 8 ~~ ~ sr~ R, szv 'r, 6 ,, 99 \ r'J 7 ~' s ~• ~: ~~. / / 9 ~~ o° R~ 0 ~` ~,, 1 / ~ ~o . I U C /6IJ ! /f~ /~~,1 ~ ~ J I \ e O iQ~ e~c ~~+ ~I o ~ _ 12 ~ I ~ 2.93 .c 3 0 c N ~ ~~ ~ (D ~~ as .* a3 "-+.7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JONES & JONES ASSOCIATES TO CONSTRUCT A CONVENIENCE STORE WITH A FAST FOOD RESTAURANT LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF WILLIAMSON ROAD AND SUMMER VIEW DRIVE (TAX MAP NO. 28.05-1-9), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jones & Jones Associates has filed a petition to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (a) The site will be developed in substantial conformity with 1 the concept plan dated October 10, 1995. s-s zoning.jones ~=1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION 102495-14 AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS FROM FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 FOR CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROJECTS WHEREAS, County departments have delayed the implementation of certain projects and have conserved money to assure the future availability of these funds; and WHEREAS, these departmental savings have been designated as roll-over budget entries in previous years; and WHEREAS, these departmental savings total $1,395,304; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that certain departmental projects, including only non-personnel and non-recurring expenditure items, be funded from these departmental savings. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Superviosrs of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) That the following list of projects totaling $953,716 is hereby authorized for expenditure from the FY 1994-95 appropriation: 1 County of Roanoke RollovQr Apprapriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description BOS $ 9,289 Computer indexing system and related hardware. This would allow County staff access Ctny Administrator to BOS information through the network; thus, processing info quicker and requiring less staff time. Potential will exist to allow public access to Board records in the future. Econ. Develop. 3,000 Purchase of PC to allow all employees of office computer capabilities. 4,,001 Supplement budget for increased activity in Special Events area. Comm Attorney 5,000 Cover salary (and benefits) dill. from hire of additional Asst. Common. Attorney. This differential allows the employment of a more experienced attorney and will allow greater effectiveness in prosecuting cases. Sheriff: Civil 950 IBM Wheelwriter 3500 typewriter. Current equip. is antiquated and difficult to use. Jail 5,400 Electronic trip circuit breaker for Jail facility. Current equip. is original when the jail was built. Treasurer 7,894 Limited computer capabilities due to outdated equipment: upgrades and more modern hardware are needed to keep pace with information processing (ie. service delivery). Needed equipment: 3 Laserjet printers, 2 Gateway computer systems, electric staplers. Clerk of the Circuit 11,000 Critical need to update PC's; current equip cannot handle state and County systems Court effectively in addition to performing the PC function. 4 PCs and 2 Laser printers. Matching funds could be available from Comp Board. Also there is a need to construct interior walls in existing office space to provide greater storage capacity. Circuit Court 2,230 Office Equipment for support staff; current equip is outdated. J & DR Court 3,000 Copier rental, telephone, file cabinets, etc.-- budget supplement for items that are needed but have been unable to be funded. ACA - Mgmt. Svcs 2500 Additional training for process re-engineering, customer service, etc. As priorities change and costs continue to rise, processes must be reviewed and re-evaluated. County Assessor: Administration 5,800 2 PCs; in anticipation of Pasco's upgrade and the GIS program to enhance service delivery. Current equipment is not adequate to handle newer software applications. 23,200 Replacement vehicles (2) from state contract; current vehicles have > 75,000 miles; compact car is maintenance burden. Replacement to a larger vehicle will extend useful life and durability; thereby reducing maintenance costs. 1,500 Digital film processor; 2 35mm cameras. Will allow photos of improvements to be displayed on PC. Customer service enhancement. Finance & Mgmt 54,333 Financial system upgrade to client/server platform; Current technology is moving away and Budget from mainfram to client/server applications. The current mainframe system is 6 years old and does not have the flexibility to meet the changing information needs we face. The new system will integrate with the automated purchasing system previously approved by the Board and will include Accounting, Budget and Fixed Asset functions. Information recording and reporting will be greatly enhanced. These funds have been accumulated over several years and a desirable purchase date would be in the current fiscal year. m:\fnance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 County of Roanoke Rollover Appr,~priation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Employee Benefits 13,161 1,918 25,000 1, 762 Police Department: Uniform Fire and Rescue: Administration Operations Eng and Inspect: Engineering Inspections General Services: Solid Waste Building Maint. Description PT funds for 32 hours/week--Development Services. This action would provide greater customer service by providing backup personnel during vacation and sick leave absences of FT staff and would provide administrative support to existing staff. Adjustment for state budget; shared salary costs; Extension Service. Blue Ridge P'way--Carlton Abbott -Planning and Zoning Personnel change late in budget process -Youth Haven II 130,450 Purchase 6 patrol vehicles and related equipment to replace units with mileage in excess of 100,000 miles. Units are currently averaging approx. 2000 miles per month. Cost is $21,000/unit. 6,000 Office modifications to allow adequate working conditions for Vounteer Coordinator and additional Fire Inspector approved in FY95-96 budget. 6,000 Parking lot improvements at Safety Center; shared cost with Police and General Svcs to improve lot surface and to correct drainage problems. 2,963 Complete projects at Station 3 (renovation) 25,000 Additional funding of paid ALS personnel 4,500 Replacement of Gas Detectors (2) 68,000 Replacement of staff vehicles that have in excess of 120,000 miles. 2 four wheel drive Blazers (with related emergency equipment) at $29,000/unit. Also, $10,000 would be used to help with funding for the replacement of a 1971 utility vehicle at Read Mountain station if Botetourt agrees to provide the same level of funding. 6,000 Outside vendor for support of AUTOCAD -MIS recommendation due to staffing limitations and complexity of software. 48,000 Costs of utility relocation for Rural Addition Projects - Bushdale, Camney Lane, Chester Dr. and Homeland Hill subdivision. 4,415 Begin phase II -Automation of Inspection process (Bldg Dept.); this project would allow for inspections and inspectors by way of telephone and would speed up the process significantly. This system could be expanded for the Treasurer to implement an automated payment system in the future. 8,000 Upgrade GIS server to adequately handle increasing database as GIS system continues to expand capabilities. 16,500 Overhaul hydraulics on bandit #869 20,000 Carpet - 419 Library 20,000 Paving, drainage and sealing rear parking area -Safety Center 23,500 Additional paving drainage at Service Center 8,500 Window replacement-Service Center (leaks on voting machines) 5,116 HVAC replacement @ Brambleton Center (chiller) These maintenance projects were scheduled for FY94-95, but were deferred due to budgetary uncertainties of the department. 107,019 Upgrade telephone systems in Roanoke County Courthouse, Service Center, and Public Safety Center. Current systems at all locations are obsolete and repair parts are difficult to obtain. Current functionality of existing systems are minimal and failures occur on a regular basis at all locations. The judges have requested a new system on three occasions. Significant savings would be realized by bidding all three systems as presented. m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 County of Roanoke Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description Handicapped-ADA 5,531 Replace Parks & Recreation bridges w/ADA approved bridges 5,000 Contingency for unknown projects Communications 7,847 Road repairs to Poor Mtn site; current road is in very poor repair and vehicle damage can occur on trips to the site. Planning and Zoning: Administration 5,000 PC's(2); these systems will be used as replacements for existing systems that no longer meet the demands placed on them by GIS and the accounting system. 1,000 Lateral file cabinet for Commission files; increased storage needs. 700 Replace old desk chairs; current chairs are old and do not provide adequate support. 1,365 Color Laser/Ink Jet printer to enhance quality of presentations and as a supplement to the GIS system, which has a color plotter as its sole output device. 1,500 Microfilm/CD photograph old Zoning maps from '60s and '70s; these maps are deteriorating and are in need of preservation. Permanent records of these items must be maintained for legal and administrative purposes. 2,861 PT funds to assist w/ update of Comprehensive plan ACA -Human Srv. 2,877 Personal computer to replace outdated laptop computer Parks and Rec Recreation 21,233 Camp Rke-renovation of camp kitchen and install security alarms. Grounds Maint: Grounds Maint 8,285 Basketball goal @ Teen Center; fencing, field and parking improv. at various park facilities. 28,000 11' Outfront mower. Needed due to additional parks "on-line". Mower would allow existing staff to mow sites quicker and then move to other sites as needed. 10,710 Traffic control and field protection barriers at various sites. Park grounds need protection as parking is a problem at many parks during popular activities. Social Services: Administration 45,838 Meridian Norstar Telephone system. The current telephone system is 17 years old. The new system will provide needed additional lines, speaker phones for appeals, a paging system and an automated attendant to provide information regarding public assistance programs. The new system would reduce monthly phone charges by approx. $1,032/month. 75,964 Renovations to current office space and to cover the cost of environmental and mechanical studies recently performed. Improvements would include carpeting, rewiring, painting, ceiling file replacement and doors on the third and fourth floors to control pedestrian traffic. 4 m:lfinancelbudget\ROLLELMR. WK4 c:ounry of KoanoKe Rollover Appropriation FY1994=95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description Library: Administration 350 Vehicle repairs-aging vehicles Research and Circ 12,932 various operational items; special events, PT, training,supplies,etc. These areas have traditionally been underfunded due to a limited operating budget. Automation 2,658 various operational items associated with this functional area to meet anticipated need. 11,755 Alpha unit for the RAL integrated system. This amount to be added to $18,442 already budgeted for this item. 6,870 Extend network to Vinton and Glenver branches; support for reconfiguration of network to include dedicated access to Internet. VPI Extension 431 Cover shared salary costs for final state budget; state budget approved too late for inclusion in County budget request. Total Gen Gov't 949,608 MIS 4,108 Continue expansion of LAN backbone to allow additional users. Total All $ 953,716 5 m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 (2) That the sum of $441,588 be returned to the fund balance to be identified as the FY 1994-95 year end surplus. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. olton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Brent Robertson, Budget Manager 6 ACTION NO. ~ `~ ITEM NUMBER~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 24, 1995 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Rollover of Departmental Savings from the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1995 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a listing of projects/items that the County Administrator reviewed with the Board during the afternoon work session. These items represent departmental requests that are proposed to be funded with year-end savings from FY94-95. FISCAL IlVIPACT: The approval of this rollover request of $953,716 will be segregated as part of the designated fund balance on the June 30, 1995 financial statements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the rollover of departmental savings of $953,716 as detailed on the attachment. Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance proved by ~z~r Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator m:\finance\common\board\ October 24, 1995 ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To () VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy _ _ _ Johnson _ _ _ Kohinke _ _ _ M1Tll11X _ _ _ Nickens _ _ _ m:\fmance\common\board\ October 24, 1995 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIlZGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF DEPARTMENTAL SAVINGS FROM FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 FOR CERTAIN DESIGNATED PROJECTS WHEREAS, County departments have delayed the implementation of certain projects and have conserved money to assure the future availability of these funds; and WHEREAS, these departmental savings have been designated as roll-over budget entries in previous yeazs; and WHEREAS, these departmental savings total $1,395,304; and WHEREAS, it is recommended that certain departmental projects, including only non- personnel and non-recurring expenditure items, be funded from these departmental savings. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Superviosrs of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) That the following list of projects totaling $953,716 is hereby authorized for expenditure from the FY 1994-95 appropriation: County of Roanoke Rollover Apprs~priation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description BOS $ 9,289 Computer indexing system and related hardware. This would allow County staff access Ctny Administrator to BOS information through the network; thus, processing info quicker and requiring less staff time. Potential will exist to allow public access to Board records in the future. Econ. Develop. 3,000 Purchase of PC to allow all employees of office computer capabilities. 4,001 Supplement budget for increased activity in Special Events area. Comm Attorney 5,000 Cover salary (and benefits) dill. from hire of additional Asst. Common. Attorney. This differential allows the employment of a more experienced attorney and will allow greater effectiveness in prosecuting cases. Sheriff: Civil 950 IBM Wheelwriter 3500 typewriter. Current equip. is antiquated and difficult to use. Jail 5,400 Electronic trip circuit breaker for Jail facility. Current equip. is original when the jail was built. Treasurer 7,894 Limited computer capabilities due to outdated equipment: upgrades and more modern hardware are needed to keep pace with information processing (ie. service delivery). Needed equipment: 3 Laserjet printers, 2 Gateway computer systems, electric staplers. Clerk of the Circuit 11,000 Critical need to update PC's; current equip cannot handle state and County systems Court effectively in addition to performing the PC function. 4 PCs and 2 Laser printers. Matching funds could be available from Comp Board. Also there is a need to construct interior walls in existing office space to provide greater storage capacity. Circuit Court 2,230 Office Equipment for support staff; current equip is outdated. J & DR Court 3,000 Copier rental, telephone, file cabinets, etc.-- budget supplement for items that are needed but have been unable to be funded. ACA - Mgmt. Svcs 2500 Additional training for process re-engineering, customer service, etc. As priorities change and costs continue to rise, processes must be reviewed and re-evaluated. County Assessor: Administration 5,800 2 PCs; in anticipation of Pasco's upgrade and the GIS program to enhance service delivery. Current equipment is not adequate to handle newer software applications. 23,200 Replacement vehicles (2) from state contract; current vehicles have > 75,000 miles; compact car is maintenance burden. Replacement to a larger vehicle will extend useful life and durability; thereby reducing maintenance costs. 1,500 Digital film processor; 2 35mm cameras. Will allow photos of improvements to be displayed on PC. Customer service enhancement. Finance & Mgmt 54,333 Financial system upgrade to client/server platform; Current technology is moving away and Budget from mainfram to client/server applications. The current mainframe system is 6 years old and does not have the flexibility to meet the changing information needs we face. The new system will integrate with the automated purchasing system previously approved by the Board and will include Accounting, Budget and Fixed Asset functions. Information recording and reporting will be greatly enhanced. These funds have been accumulated over several years and a desirable purchase date would be in the current fiscal year. m:\Fnance\budgetlROLLELMR. WK4 County of Roanoke Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Employee Benefits 13,161 1,918 25, 000 1,762 Police Department: Uniform Fire and Rescue: Administration Operations Eng and Inspect: Engineering Inspections General Services: Solid Waste Building Maint. Description PT funds for 32 hours/week--Development Services. This action would provide greater customer service by providing backup personnel during vacation and sick leave absences of FT staff and would provide administrative support to existing staff. Adjustment for state budget; shared salary costs; Extension Service. Blue Ridge P'way--Carlton Abbott -Planning and Zoning Personnel change late in budget process -Youth Haven II 130,450 Purchase 6 patrol vehicles and related equipment to replace units with mileage in excess of 100,000 miles. Units are currently averaging approx. 2000 miles per month. Cost is $21,000/unit. 6,000 Office modifications to allow adequate working conditions for Vounteer Coordinator and additional Fire Inspector approved in FY95-96 budget. 6,000 Parking lot improvements at Safety Center; shared cost with Police and General Svcs to improve lot surface and to correct drainage problems. 2,963 Complete projects at Station 3 (renovation) 25,000 Additional funding of paid ALS personnel 4,500 Replacement of Gas Detectors (2) 68,000 Replacement of staff vehicles that have in excess of 120,000 miles. 2 four wheel drive Blazers (with related emergency equipment) at $29,000/unit. Also, $10,000 would be used to help with funding for the replacement of a 1971 utility vehicle at Read Mountain station if Botetourt agrees to provide the same level of funding. 6,000 Outside vendor for support of AUTOCAD -MIS recommendation due to staffing limitations and complexity of software. 48,000 Costs of utility relocation for Rural Addition Projects - Bushdale, Camney Lane, Chester Dr. and Homeland Hill subdivision. 4,415 Begin phase II -Automation of Inspection process (Bldg Dept.); this project would allow for inspections and inspectors by way of telephone and would speed up the process significantly. This system could be expanded for the Treasurer to implement an automated payment system in the future. 8,000 Upgrade GIS server to adequately handle increasing database as GIS system continues to expand capabilities. 16,500 Overhaul hydraulics on bandit #869 20,000 Carpet - 419 Library 20,000 Paving, drainage and sealing rear parking area -Safety Center 23,500 Additional paving drainage at Service Center 8,500 Window replacement-Service Center (leaks on voting machines) 5,116 HVAC replacement @ Brambleton Center (chiller) These maintenance projects were scheduled for FY94-95, but were deferred due to budgetary uncertainties of the department. 107,019 Upgrade telephone systems in Roanoke County Courthouse, Service Center, and Public Safety Center. Current systems at all locations are obsolete and repair parts are difficult to obtain. Current functionality of existing systems are minimal and failures occur on a regular basis at all locations. The judges have requested a new system on three occasions. Significant savings would be realized by bidding all three systems as presented. m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 County of RoanoKe Rollover Appropriation FY1994-95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description Handicapped-ADA 5,531 Replace Parks & Recreation badges w/ ADA approved badges 5,000 Contingency for unknown projects Communications 7,847 Road repairs to Poor Mtn site; Current road is in very poor repair and vehicle damage can occur on trips to the site. Planning and Zoning: Administration 5,000 PC's(2); these systems will be used as replacements for existing systems that no longer meet the demands placed on them by GIS and the accounting system. 1,000 Lateral file cabinet for Commission files; increased storage needs. 700 Replace old desk chairs; current chairs are old and do not provide adequate support. 1,365 Color Laser/Ink Jet printer to enhance quality of presentations and as a supplement to the GIS system, which has a color plotter as its sole output device. 1,500 Microfilm/CD photograph old Zoning maps from '60s and '70s; these maps are deteriorating and are in need of preservation. Permanent records of these items must be maintained for legal and administrative purposes. 2,861 PT funds to assist w/ update of Comprehensive plan ACA -Human Srv. 2,877 Personal computer to replace outdated laptop computer Parks and Rec Recreation 21,233 Camp Rke-renovation of camp kitchen and install security alarms. Grounds Maint: Grounds Maint 8,285 Basketball goal @ Teen Center; fencing, field and parking improv. at various park facilities. 28,000 11' Outfront mower. Needed due to additional parks "on-line". Mower would allow existing staff to mow sites quicker and then move to other sites as needed. 10,710 Traffic control and field protection barriers at various sites. Park grounds need protection as parking is a problem at many parks during popular activities. Social Services: Administration 45,838 Meridian Norstar Telephone system. The current telephone system is 17 years old. The new system will provide needed additional lines, speaker phones for appeals, a paging system and an automated attendant to provide information regarding public assistance programs. The new system would reduce monthly phone charges by approx. $1,032/month. 75,964 Renovations to current office space and to cover the cost of environmental and mechanical studies recently performed. Improvements would include carpeting, rewiring, painting, ceiling the replacement and doors on the third and fourth floors to control pedestrian traffic. m:\finance\budget\ROLtELMR.WK4 County of RoanoKe Rollover Appropriation FY1994=95 to FY1995-96 Department Request Description Library: Administration 350 Vehicle repairs-aging vehicles Research and Circ 12,932 various operational items; special events, PT, training,supplies,etc. These areas have traditionally been underfunded due to a limited operating budget. Automation 2,658 various operational items associated with this functional area to meet anticipated need. 11,755 Alpha unit for the RAL integrated system. This amount to be added to $18,442 already budgeted for this item. 6,870 Extend network to Vinton and Glenver branches; support for reconfiguration of network to include dedicated access to Internet. VPI Extension 431 Cover shared salary costs for final state budget; state budget approved too late for .inclusion in County budget request. Total Gen Gov't 949,608 MIS 4,108 Continue expansion of LAN backbone to allow additional users. Total All $ 953,716 m:\finance\budget\ROLLELMR.WK4 (2) That the sum of $441,588 be returned to the fund balance to be identified as the FY 1994-95 year end surplus. AGENDA.ROLLOVER.RSO AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 RESOLUTION 102495-15 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session O~ ROAN ~.~ L ti p z '- ~ c> o ~i 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 October 27, 1995 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B EDDY WINDSOR MILLS MAGISTERIAL. UISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL. DISTRICT HARRY C NICKENS VINTOP'~ MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (7031 772-2005 Mr. Gardner W. Smith, Director Development Services P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear "GW°: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, 1 would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 1995. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thanks again for your willingness to share your time and words with us. With kin st regards, ~~ ~~ H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ® Reryded paper P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE - -J ~ pOAN ,~~ ~'_.. z az ~~~~~ 1838 .off ~~~txta~e P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 ELMER C. HODGE FAX (703) 772-2193 (703) 772-2004 October 27, 1995 Mr. William Todd Ross 5411 Golden Court Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Mr. Ross: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY- MIN NIX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHIN KE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE B EDDY WINDSOR riILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C ~NICKENS VIN TO.' MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (7031 772-2005 The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Planning Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Planning Commission for a four-year term. Your term will begin on December 31, 1995 and expires on December 31, 1999. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rior to your participation on this Commission. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have the oath administered, and Mr. McGraw has asked that you bring this letter with you. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, H . ~d~l l_~'~ ~~ Fuzzy Minnix, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors FM/bj h Enclosures cc: Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning . Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court ® Recycled Paper OF ROANp~,~ ~ ti A Z ~ a2 C~~~xx~~ .~ ~ ~~xx~~.~,.~e 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 CLERK TO THE BOARD (703) 772-2005 FAX (703) 772-2193 October 27, 1995 Mr. J. Scott Hodge, Assistant Resident Engineer Virginia Department of Transportation P. O. Box 3071 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Hodge: BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Attached is a copy of Action 102495-2 concerning the assignment of Bikeway Classification for Hollins Road (State Route 601) . The Board of Supervisors approved the following recommendations at their October 24, 1995 meeting: (1) that Hollins Road be assigned as a Class III Bikeway by the Virginia Department of Transportation and that bikeway signage be installed; and (2) that the Board of Supervisors, VDOT, and the Fifth Planning District's Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) have a joint work session to review and discuss transportation planning issues. I will be contacting you in the near future to schedule the work session. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: Timothy W. Gubala, Director, Economic Development Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning ® Recycled Paper OF pOANp~~ ~, z ,p c~ a? C~.~~xx~~ ~~ .a~xx~~.~..e 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 CLERK TO THE BOARD (703) 772-2o0rJ FAX (703) 772-2193 October 25, 1995 Ms. Karen S. Rawling 740 Bexhill Drive Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Ms. Rawling: BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK At their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request from the William Byrd High School Cheerleading Booster Club for a 50/50 raffle permit for calendar year 1996. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1996. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT. YOU MUST FILE A FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER I OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 3l OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ®q~~ p~ ~F ROANp~.~ z ~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 CLERK TO THE BOARD (703) 772-2005 FAX (703) 772-2193 October 25, 1996 Ms. Sara Bemiller 2226 Maiden Lane, SW Roanoke, VA 24015 Dear Ms. Bemiller: BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK At their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) for a raffle permit. The raffle will be conducted on February 29, 1996, or March 6, 1996 in case of inclement weather. The fee has been paid and your receipt is enclosed. You may consider this letter to be your permit, and I suggest it be displayed on the premises where the raffle is to be conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permits be issued on a calendar-year basis and such permits issued will expire on December 31, 1996. This permit, however, is only valid on the date specified in your application. PLEASE READ YOUR APPLICATION CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE AGREED TO COMPLY WITH STATE AND LOCAL REGULATIONS AND FAILURE TO COMPLY MAY RESULT IN CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND REVOKING OF YOUR PERMIT: YOU MUST FILER FINANCIAL REPORT BYDECEMBER 1 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. PLEASE SUBMIT A NEW APPLICATION AT LEAST 60 DAYS PRIOR TO DATE OR DATES YOUR ORGANIZATION PLANS TO HOLD BINGO OR RAFFLES. PERMITS EXPIRE ON DECEMBER 31 OF EACH CALENDAR YEAR. If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2003. Sincerely, ~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Commissioner of the Revenue Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer ® Re~aed p~ P~ ROANOKE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 772-2071 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors '~ FROM: Joseph B. Obenshain ~v G~ Senior Assistant Coun ~ttorne tY Y DATE: October 19, 1995 SUBJECT: Massage Ordinance amendments -Cross-gender massage Attached is a first draft of amendments to the Counts Massage Parlor Ordinance, Chapter 11 of the Roanoke County Code, which would exempt certain qualified or supervised massage therapists from the restrictions of the current ordinance. Responding to a request made at your last board meeting, I was able to allocate several hours this week to draft these proposed changes. However, this has not permitted sufficient time to circulate this draft ordinance to other county departments impacted by these changes nor to interested citizens and businesses in advance of the October 24th meeting. I have drafted a memo and forwarded this draft to the Commonwealth's Attorney, Dr. Rutledge at the Health Department and to Chief Cease for their review and comments. I have also sent letters containing the draft ordinance to approximately a dozen interested citizens and businesses. I have requested all parties to contact me by November 1st with any comments or objections so that I can have this ordinance in final form for your November 21st meeting. This will still permit a January 1, 1996, effective date should the Board pass these amendments at its November and December meetings. If you are aware of other individuals who have expressed interest in amendments to this ordinance or if you have questions or concerns, please contact me or my secretary, Wanda Riley. Attachment DG3G^~~4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1995 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SECTIONS 11- 1. DEFINITIONS, SECTIONS 11- OF CHAPTER 11 MASSAGE PARLORS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PERMIT CROSS-GENDER MASSAGES BY QUALIFIED MASSAGE THERAPISTS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke adopted an ordinance in 1971 to regulate the abuse of massage administered by members of the opposite sex; and WHEREAS, the use of massage therapies and techniques is a legitimate treatment of the external parts of the human body to promote physical health and fitness and to assist in rehabilitation efforts which has existed for many centuries; and WHEREAS, legitimate massage therapist have organized professional groups such as the American Massage Therapy Association and developed detailed standards for education and training of those individuals who wish to practice this beneficial craft; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, wishes to modify its current Massage Parlor ordinance so as not to unfairly restrict the bona fide activities of legitimate massage therapists and those administering massage as part of a medically recognized program of treatment; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 21, 1995; and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was be held on December 12, 1995. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County 1 of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 11, MASSAGE PARLORS of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: SEC. 11-1. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section, unless clearly indicated to the contrary: Massage: A method of treating the external parts of the human body scar ~vmfvrt or: the ; general ::.~?~~~ bea.ng o~ the b~rd~o for remedial or hygienic purposes, consisting of rubbing, stroking, kneading or tapping or vibrating with the hand or any instrument. Massaae parlor: Any establishment having a fixed place of business where any person administers or gives a Turkish, Swedish, vapor, sweat, electric, salt, magnetic or any other kind or character of massage, bath, alcohol rub, fomentation, manipulation 2 p~rf~~e by a er~<an:'<::<~~.... ~~~~:ame.....:sew:>:::::::as.....~:::«:>s.u~?::: e~~<::>:::r~:~:::::>::the .............................. .............................. .............................. .............................. ~nas sags;:: ~,~:~~R.g~.~~, 4R~~~ Qr...»«~'~'eratc~r: ~'he ~era~n to ~zh~xm:::~ „_;: p~r~nxt ~:~ zssuedunder thascha: te.x<>fo€l~~ ..v.. era~~.~n:::.~:f.;>;a: massy :e .......................... ........................... parlor:' Massage technician: Any persori~ ~.~c~.ud~ng, but nQ~;~~m~tec .::.:: to,,;a mass~g~ parlor operator who administers to another person a massage, alcohol rub, bath, manipulation of the body or any similar treatment at a massage parlor. Thz:s ~ef~.nt3taz'~ sha~.1'€~ot .,be construed to, include 'a physzc~.anr .surgeon, ehix-opracto~, physzc~~ __ the~apis~ or nurse duly licensed by the Cr~mzuaz~w~alth or othez duly Sec. 11-7. List of massage technicians to be displayed. ~a~'Every person holding a massage parlor permit issued under this chapter shall display, in a conspicuous place at such parlor, a list of all massage technicians employed in the parlor. 3 person of the opposite sex any massage, any alcohol rub or similar treatment, any fomentation, any bath or any electric or magnetic treatment, nor shall any person cause or permit in or about his place of business, or in connection with his business, any agent, employee or servant or any other person under his control or supervision to administer any such treatment to any person of the opposite sex. (b) This section shall not apply to any treatment administered 4 a-y to barbers or beauticians who give massage to the scalp, the face, the neck or the shoulders only. The `Director, ~r his des~.gne~,' a:s:<~he~~k~~ attthor~zed tc~.::enter,; e~ami:n~ ::and curve <'.....durin business h4ur...s::::.>:a;n~... prem~:ses::'~,~: y f.. g .........::::;;::::::::...:::::::;;::::;:........: :::::::::::::::::.::::.. ;... count ;far. which a xtassage parlay per~a:'~has:<been>: ~.s~u~d:>puz~uan to;;th~s..cha' ter in odder >tc~ ~nfvrce the:p~'ova.s~.ons c~~~h.zs::<chapt~? SAC. ~:l 1S ~. ;Mi:l~ozs ..................................................................... ....................................................................... .:,. ~'a ~n~:~z~rs shah be emp~.cyed ;~y orp~x-z~a.tted can .the premises. 4~ and massage parlor at any tlme'> Sec 1i-27. Application generally. (a) Any person desiring a permit to operate a massage parlor shall make application to the Director. Such application shall be accompanied by, a check made payable to::~~;~ '~r~as~rer Qf:`~.;.<..:~s. y 5 €~s~- =-~ „,'-^~^^} the sum of - ~ ----- y dollars .:.,. ($2;50.~'C~~~), such sum to cover the cost of investigation by the ,.... ~c~an~I~e bounty Fo1~~e ?epartmez ski-f-~€~-s a ~r~~}M^r} and the health and other departments. (b) An application submitted pursuant to this section shall ................................................... contain ~h~ ' fcill'aw~.nc: (1) The full name, age, height, .. ... weight, sex, color of eyed and'hair'> present address of .... the applicant, and ,. a current pe~rtra~t phatogx-agh :iii the; apgla,Gant g~.ving a 'clear va.:ew a~ the app'la~cant»,'~ i~~:~e Sec. 11-29. Issuance. Within thirty peen (~t~3~ days of the receipt of an application under this article, the Director shall issue the permit if he shall find that: (1) The premises to be used or constructed meet the 6 requirements of the z7 building code, as reported by the 7r's.~a administrative officers of the county; ........:.........:.... ...................... (2) The applicant's facilities comply with the requirements of this chapter; ;::.:;~:.;. hex-~aeda.c.a e~az~~nat~.c~n::;or::~r~a~~~nt:::p~ ~he:~PP~.:~~an and`>:~m ~,~ye±~:::ma~~age tech~~.ca:and:>«~~::»nc~~n~ec~~c1<~:: P .:::.:::.::::.: ;::::::: ;: ~.;::.:::.::: ;; .::::::: ;:::::::.; .;::::::::::::.::::::::::::.:::::: ;:::::::.;:.:::::::: ;:.::: _ ;;;::::::::.;:.;:.::::.::::::.;:.;:.;:: . (~) The experience and knowledge of the applicant are such that the operation of the proposed massage parlor will not be detrimental to the health and safety of the patrons; (~~) The information in the application is truthful. Sec. 11-47. Application. Any person who desires to secure a massage technician's permit c ;::`I`he... a 1.~:can~:'::~:.;h~ea.. ht:' we~_ ht :::::>:: >sew:.,:: >::<:.c..o~..:.v...~::~~::: >e .:~s:::::;a~d ~aa,r. . and a current phatoc~~aph Qf the:; :`agp~.~.eant gaa~~g a 7 13S~~e;~-6~3`.r-&~~PS S r ~~e-6~p ~ ~ ti, r i -. ,. ~-^v~rr th r ti.., ; y },t r 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 1996. 8 1-!c~ Post-it® Fax Note 7671 Date pages To `~ From Co./Dept. Co. Phone # Phone # ~ ~ 1 ~,~0d S I~ Fax # Fax # M E M O RAN D U M To: Board of Supervisors From: Elmer C. Hodge Date: October 12, 1995 Subject: Staff retreat I-find it both helpful and productive to have annual, all- day retreats with the County's constitutional officers and department heads. Last year's retreat was held at the Smith Mountain Lake 4-H Camp. This year's will be at our own Camp Roanoke. This year's retreat is scheduled for Friday, October 20. That is an "agenda" Friday, so I have asked Mary Allen to get the packets run and distributed ~•~~ Q„/ kokt,~ , If any of you need to reach me on the 20th, Mary Hicks will know how. ECH/meh SOME BACKGROCIND INFORMATION ON E. GABBLE BRAND AND TAP: In 1964 through the Ec~ua1 Opportunity Act, signed by President Lyndon Johnson, "War on Poverty" was declared. Tn 1965 Cabell Brand met with Sargent Shriver in Washington, then went before ktoanoke City Council, Roanoke County Board of Super- visors and Botetourt Board o£ Supervisors to request them to appoint representatives to a committee to discuss the new legi- slation and decide if something could be done to help the disadvantaged people in the Roanoke Valley. Cabell Brand was appointed as one of the representatives on the committee from Roanoke County. After several meetings, everyone agreed to start the Community Action Agency as a private, nonprofit agency, which became Total Action Against Poverty in the Roanoke Valley ~ TAP. Cabell went back to Washington with a proposal for grant money to start TAPS - Hesd Start. The grant was approved, thus began the £~.rst program that has been wined by ~0 others under the TAP umbrella. Bristow Hardin was TAPS first Executive Airector. Cabell Brand became Chairman of the TAP hoard of Directors and served as such longer than anyone else in that pos~.ti.on in the United States until hi.s retirement in September ].995. Countless trips on TAQs behalf have been made over the last 30 years to Washington and Richmond to lobby far money for various programs such as Head Start, V~,rginia Water Project, Virginia CARSS, job training programs, pausing, etc. This was all done at his own personal expense. TAP headquarters through the donation of the Lindsey-Robinson building unfortunately burned around Christmas in 19$9, however, through negotiations with Richard Hamlett and Cabell's perserverence, the crystal Tower Bu~.lding was obtained quickly and is now the new headquarters. There is much, much more to tell but suffice it to say - Cabell Brand has been a leading factor 1n the success TAP enjoys today in trying to e11.mi.nate poverty in the Roanoke Valley. `XU~yz 'ZO+~f-L$~ 1'd 3W "I'ib~ 3Sb3'id `S"fltl~.3t1 32fOW a33N fiQl~ dl 'Sd'~3H SIHl 3dOH £otg-6$£ # xb~ ~dn~Nea =wo~~ ~6 tZ-ZLL N37`1F7 A~bW ~ NOl'1QM dc1~~3?19 ~ QJ. Xy~ AT A REGIILAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SIIPERVISORS OF ROANORE COIINTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COIINTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TIIESDAY, MAY 23, 1995 RESOLIITION 52395-10.b OF CONGRATIILATIONS TO TOTAL ACTION AGAINST POVERTY FOR THEIR 30 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE ROANORE VALLEY WHEREAS, in 1964, Congress passed the Economic Opportunity Act and authorized locally organized and controlled Community Action Agencies to operate local and federal poverty programs; and WHEREAS, on April 29, 1965, TOTAL ACTION AGAINST POVERTY (TAP) was chartered as the official poverty agency for Roanoke, Salem, Roanoke County, Botetourt and Bedford Counties; and WHEREAS, during its 30 year history, TAP has served as a role model throughout the United States as one of the most successful programs designed to help individuals and families get off the cycle of poverty and welfare and to become productive self- supporting citizens; and WHEREAS, since its inception, over 17,000 children have attended Headstart Programs;_.4,120 youth and 2,950 adults have received their GED, 45,116 households have been served by the Virginia Water Project, 5,500 homes have been weatherized, and countless others have been served by programs such as the Transitional Living Center, the Southwest VA Second Harvest Food Bank, Project Discovery and VA Cares; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County is proud to have contributed both financially and through donations to this outstanding program during the past 30 years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, offers its congratulations to Total r Action Against Poverty upon the celebration of their 30th anniversary, and FURTHER, the Board wishes continued success to TAP in their efforts to assist the disadvantaged citizens of the Roanoke Valley in reaching a high quality of life. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File r ~d ~ ~ 10/ 17/ 9 5 1:28 pm Marty Robison called about the American Education Proclamation. At the meeting last night, they decided they wanted to have it at the October 24th meeting, 3 p.m. session. He said that he will have information to us tomorrow morning to write proclamation. Jerry L. Canada, Chairman, School Board, Judy Deyerle, President, RCEA, and Dr. Deanna Gordon, Superintendent, will be here to accept. Brenda 1~-10-199 1:>e43 ~~POC~iUII P.01 ..at~lt" brand fax tranemittaE memo 7b71 ~ ~ p~iM~ p~p~, PlfO~! ~ ~! .7 h I I a~ ` hR • ~9 WHEREAS, throughout American historp, public zChoOlz nave 13iBlpeti democratize our nation, strengthen our comtRUnities, ana widen opportunities for our people; and WHEREAS, by infegratiag different groaps iAto a oommon educational setting, public scboois prepare. this nation's diverse papulatfoa to live barraouioasly~ an a free, demacrat~o soaiet~r; and WHEREAS, the lutare of America is the next century depends on the students who are in our ,schools today; sad WHEREAS, sll citiaene have an important mutual interest fn educating future citiaens; and WHEREAS, strong, effective public schools are a springboard tp a better tomorrow; Now, therefore, I, serving as of Do hereby praCleim ~avernber 12-18, 1995 as 4merian Eduatioo Week GOSD SCH001S,~E A8RE,1T 1NVEST6fENT Signed this day of ,1985 G~~':,G2399~ ROHNOKC COUNTY OCIIOOLG ~:.: _._..._ ~_=:.r31n .,~. ~~ 10 10-1990 14:4 04©002399 ROANOKC COUNTY .OCI IOOL:~ P.4D1 Poet-itTM' brand fax transmittal mama 7671 a +r ar a~w~ GOOD SC~OO~i Ana GRIT ~DNT Dear AEW Planner American Education Week will be celebrated November 12.18. The theme far this year's observance is °Goad SChoo~ Are A Great investment," The theme underscores our nation`s need to Invest In education and thereby invest In a future of all Citizens--young and old allka> American Education Week is c grant time to think and speak about the trenyendous accomplishments of our public achodla, which have helped domocratlze our notion, strengthen our communltla8, and widen opportunities for Cll people, AEw Celebrations this year are especially Important because of the current politi- cal climate, increasingly we hear talk of belt tightening Qnd flncnolCl outbacks for BoCICi services--from the federal level right down to individual school dlstriats, American Cltlzers at all levels need a reminder that the future of our cammunitles and our nation in the years ahead depends on the students who are now in our scnoola. Investing In their educottort today will pay benefits to all of us tomorrow. AEw la a great time for the school famiry to reach out to the community. Thla resource bank Is full of Ideas from local across the country that you can use or adapt, Many are almeb at bringing the public Into the cic~ssroom and delaying classroom activity to the Community in public places, Elsewhere +n this year's AEW kit are two official roclamations comers-ready Ai:w logos and slogans you can imprint any ing from lapel buttons to billboards, and C postcard an which wQ hope you'll share your successes and tips for next year`s planners, The August Issue of NEA NOW, our newsletter mailed tc wail over lOt],Ot70 local affiliate leaders, well Include a colorful full-size American Education week poster designed for hanging prominently In school buildings. May your 1995 American fduCOtion Week observance help build renewed support tar ®ducatlon in Your Community Sincerely, Keith ~eigec President National ~ducc~tion ASSOCiatlon 10-18-1995 1~1' MI5 5~10562399~1 / , ROIINOKE COUNT~~ SCHOOLS HISTORY OF AMERICAN EDUCTION WEEK he Nafilonal Education Association was one of the creators and original sponsors of American Education Week, Distressed thaat 25 percent of the nation's World War ~ draftees were illiterate and 29 percent were physically unfit, representa- tives of the NEA and the American Legion met In 1919 to seek ways to generate pubNc support far education, The conventions of both organlza- tions subsequently adapted res- olufilons of public support for a national effort to raise public awareness of the Importance of public education. In 1921, the NEA Representative Assembly In Des Moines, Iowa, called for designation at one week each year to spot light education, In Its resoiu#ion, the NEA called for: "An educational week...observed in ail communities annually far the purpose of informing the public ar the accomp~ish- menfis and needs of the public schools and to secure the cooperation and support of the public in meeting those needs,' P.03 In the earliest observances there was a dlf~ ferent theme for each day of American Education Week, But In 1929 that changed as representatives of the sponsoring groups came together to select a single theme, reflecting a current national concern, in 1987, the NEA I~epre5®ntatlve Assembly in Los Angeles called for the creation of a spe- cial day to honor the contributions of sohool support staff. Natlonal Educational Support Personnel Day was first cele- brated that year. since then, lfi has been observed on the Wednesday of each American Education ~.~ Week, "today the cospon- ` sors of the week are tYie U.S. Department of Education and 11 national organizations: the NEA, the Natlonal PTA, the American Legion, the American Association cif School Administrators, the National School Boards Association, the American Federation of Teachers, the Council of Chief State School Officers, the Natlonal School Public Relations Assodvtlon, the National Association of State Boards of Education, the National Association of Elementary School Principals, and the Natlonal Association of Secondary School Principals, The first observance occurred DecerTYber 4- 10, 1921, with NEA and the American Legion American Education Week is always the as the cosponsors. A year later, the U,S, week prior to the weeK of ThanKsgiving. The Office of Eduoation joined the effort ©s a dates fn 199b will therefore be November 17 cosponsor, and the PTA followed in 1938, through November 23. 2 C00D SCHOOLS ARE ~GRE~T ~V`~'I'MQI~' 1©-•10-198 i 1-~4 ~ ~G J`'~G9JG23S8'4 ROANQFCC COI.JIVTY aCi 100L.^., F. ©3 For Further Information; Susan Johnson (phone number} FOR IMMEDIATE REi,EASE Invest In Good Schools, YEA President Urges YOURT~WN--"Good Schools Are A Great Investment" is the theme for this year's American Education Vdaek national observance, Nov. 12-18. In Yourtown, a number of special events, programs, and recognition services are planned throughout the week to celebrate the vitpl role of schools In preparing the next generation of community leaders and cit9zens. Scheduled activities inCludec ._ "Qur efforts during American Education Week will be geared to reminding the public why Inv®sting today In good schools i8 a grct~t Investment In the future of our community, state, and nation," said Teresa tl~ogers, president of the Yourtown Education Association, The YEA is spearheading many of the week's activities In caoperatlon with the Yourtown PTA and local business and civic groups, Rogers noted tha# effective schools rely on strong ties to the community and solid citizen support, "To be the best they can be," she said, "Yourtown schools need not only fino~ncial resources, but also an investment of time, energy, con- cern, and commitment--by parents, business leaders, retired Citizens, pubilc off-- clais, the whole community." Wednesday, Nov. 15, will be set aside to recognize and publicly thank Yourtown's education support personnel--the paraprafesalonais, secretaries, buS drivers, malntenc~nce employees, cafeteria workers, and others who keep schools operating, The YEA Is an affiliate of the National Education Associatlan, which Joined with the Arr~erlcan legion in 1421 tp launch American E=ducatlon Week as an annual event, #~# MEMORANDUM TO: Lee Eddy Bob Johnson Ed Kohinke Fuzzy Minnix Harry Nickens FROM: Mary H. Allen and Brenda J. Holton DATE: October 20, 1995 SUBJECT: DINNER FOR OCTOBER 24, 1995 BOARD MEETING "Country Sweet Shoppe" will be providing dinner for the October 24, 1995 Board Meeting. The menu is listed below. F/NGER SANDWICHES TURKEY, HAM AND ROAST BEEF HAM BISCUITS POTATO SALAD FRUIT SALAD ASSORTED GOODIE TRAY FOR DESSERT COFFEE, TEA AND LEMONADE ~-. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: =DATE: SUBJECT: Chairman Fuzzy Mlnnix Mary H. Allen October 20, 1995 AGENDA ITEM S-1, SPECIAL USE PERMIT MCDONALD'S AT OAK GROVE OCTOBER 24, 1995 MEETING Attached are copies of the petitions presented to the Planning Commission at their meeting on October 3, 1995, by citizens both supporting (440 signatures) and opposing (352 signatures) the approval of the special use permit for McDonald s at Oak Grove Plaza. Instead of copying these petitions.as part of the agenda Item, we are furnishing you with one copy which you can have available at the meeting for the other supervisors to review. Attachment cc: Members, Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Terry Harrington Asked FNi to work on this. Supervisor Kohinke: Is still receiving letters from CS.THS ap rents regarding renovations to the school Pointed out that he resigned from the Republican Party partially because of their support of charter schools which he felt is an indication of his strong support for public schools. Supervisor Eddy: (1) Advised he was the only board member who suggested more study of the charter school issue (2) Reported he read the memo from George Simpson advising that the flyash had been removed from the Dixie Caverns landfill. ECH advised that he would have Geor e Simpson present a brief recap of the Dixie Caverns landfill cleanuup at the 10/24 meeting. (3) Asked FM if he has received responses from other r '. MEMORANDUM TO: George Simpson FROM: Mary Allen m h~~ DATE: October 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Report on Dixie Caverns Landfill Mr. Hodge would like you to prepare a brief report and presentation for the October 24 Board meeting on the Dixie Caverns Landfill Cleanup. He would like you to provide a history of the project, the cost, what we've accomplished and what is left to do. He said to plan on a 5-minute presentation. Call me if you have any questions. Second thing, tell Mary that there are several agenda items. I am going to be out today. She needs to start working on several agenda items that I know of: Tim 1. An agenda item that i~e~ith is working on bike paths on Hollins Road. When we get to that item, tell her to get with Tim and be sure to list the number of six year road projects. You are going to have to get that from Arnold Covey. I want to have a listing because we have to have ~J~jDO d , for bike paths. It has to come out of six year money or it has to come out of the general fund. I want to show the six year road projects so they will be able to choose which one to defer. I don't think they are going to want to do that, but that's one item. ~.~'~-nom - ~'~ ~ .~e.~~- to - i,~ - ~'.~ LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Wolf Creek Inc. to rezone 38.22 acres from R-1, single family to PRD, planned residential development to construct residential homes, located at Mountain View Road and Laurel Glen Lane, north of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Vinton Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: October 4, 1995 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Tuesday, October 17, 1995 Direct the bill for publication to: Wolf Creek Inc. Steve Musselwhite, President 4346 Starkey Road SW Roanoke, VA 24014 (540) 989-4531 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE~ VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Jane Allison Parker for a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment, located at 5757 Grandin Road Extension, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: October 4, 1995 ~J /D Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Tuesday, October 17, 1995 Direct the bill for publication to: Jane Allison Parker Colonial Realty PO Box 19366 Roanoke, VA 24019 (540) 366-1111 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PIIBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of McDonald's Corporation for a Special Use Permit to construct a fast food and drive-in restaurant, located in Oak Grove Plaza Shopping Center, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: October 4, 1995 /°• Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Tuesday, October 17, 1995 Direct the bill for publication to: McDonald's Corp. c/o Glenn, Flippin, Feldmann & Darby PO Box 2887 Roanoke, VA 24001 (540) 224-8000 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 e LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Donna Etzler for a Special Use Permit to operate a private kennel, located at 4613 Bonsack Road, Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: October 4, 1995 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Tuesday, October 17, 1995 To be paid on delivery by: Donna Etzler 4613 Bonsack Road Roanoke, VA 24012 (540) 977-5516 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANORE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 1995, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Jones & Jones Associates for a Special Use Permit to construct a convenience store with a fast food restaurant, located at the intersection of Williamson Road and Summer View Drive, Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: October 4, 1995 /`~' Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Tuesday, October 17, 1995 Direct the bill for publication to: Summer View Creekside c/o Jones & Jones Assoc., Architects 6120 Peters Creek Road Roanoke, VA 24019 (540) 366-3335 SEND AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANORE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 29800, ROANORE, VA 24018 ~ ROANp~.~ a r` - p z ~, o a 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (703) 772-2004 October 2, 1995 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (703) 772-2193 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNfX, CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EDWARD G. KOHINKE, SR., VICE-CHAIRMAN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE 8 EDDY WINDSOR ;ILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C, NIC KENS VINTOt" MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (703) 772-2005 Mr. E. Cabell Brand, President Recovery Systems, Inc. P. O. Box 429 Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Cabell: This is in response to your request for time on the County Supervisors' October 24 agenda. As you probably know, the Board's afternoon sessions begin at 3 p.m., and I will have your name placed on their agenda for that date and time. Please accept my congratulations upon your retirement from TAP. You envisioned and fought to bring to fruition an organization that has won national recognition and that continues to fight poverty on many levels, quite a legacy to the community. With sincere best wishes, I am Very truly yours, ~s~~`,~- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator meh cc - Ms. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Board of Supervisors C~o~xxt#~ ~# ~ ~~t~o ~e ® Re~yded paper .- IMPORTANT MESSAGE . FOR ~~~ ~ A. M. DATE ~~ TIME ~' P. M. M O F ~~ PHONE ^T~ AREA CODE NUMBER EXTENSION ^ FAX ^ MOBILE AREA CODE NUMBER TIME TO CALL j TELEPHONED I PLEASE CALL CAME TO SEE YOU ;i WILL CALL AGAIN ~ WANTS TO SEE YOU ~ I~ RUSH I RETURNED YOUR C,~LL ( ,~ ,SPECIAL ATTENTION ~ _ ~ ~. ~ MESSAGE D ~ a~ ~ ~~, ~ n mn c. SIGNED TOPS e FORM 3002S LITHO IN U.S.A. / y ~ I ~ ,, T w 1 • ~~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 22, 1994 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report from the Blue Ridge Community Services Board COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION The Blue Ridge Community Service Board (BRCS) has requested time on the agenda to present a brief report about services provided to the residents of Roanoke County. Making the presentation will be Ms. Rita Gliniecki, BRCS Board Chairman, appointed by Roanoke County; Thomas Chapman, Director of Administration; John Sabean, Director of Resource Development; and Debra Overstreet, a resident of Roanoke County. . (! Elmer C. H dge County Adminis rator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Eddy Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) Kohinke To ( ) ___ Minnix Nickens A REZONING APPLICATION AGENDA ITEM S-1 EXI-IIBIT "A" PLANNING AND DESIGN DOCUMENTS FOR WOLF CREEK PLANNED COMMCTNITY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ROANOKE COUNTY'S FIRST PLANNID RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PRD) WOLF CREEK, INC., OWNER & DEVELOPER HILL STUDIO, P.C., PLANNER & LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT JUNE 23, 1995 UPDATID SEPTIIviBER 13, 1995 UPDATED SEPTIIvfBER 29, 1995 UPDATID OCTOBER 17, 1995 `'°'' `'~ ' CO' 4ND ZONING ~ ,~ r ~ r, tiac r ~~ ti~ai i i~-~voo rH~ i703I 772-2030 Check type of application filed (check all that apply): ® REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE epplfesnon !.•: PCJ6ZA daa: pleoards issued: BOS deg: Caa~ Number. Appllcant't name: Wol f Creek, Inc. , Steve Mussel sh i te, President Address: 4346 Starkey Road, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia Phone: 989-4531 Zip Code: 24014 Ownar's name: Wolf Creek, Inc. , Steve Musselwhite, President Phone: 989-4531 Address: 4346 Starkey Road , S . W. , Roanoke , V I rg i n i a Zip Code: 24014 Location of property: Tax Map Number. 50.04-3-73 Mountain View Road at Laurel Glen Lane, East of Vinton, Virginia Magisterial District: Vinton • ~ Community Planning Area: Vinton Size of parcel Ial: Existing Zoning: R-1 38• t 5 _ acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. Proposed Zoning: pap Proposed Land Usa: Res i dent i a 1 for sa-f~ the ,owy Use Type Ooes the parts! meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage rogtkrements of the requested district? YES X _ NO __ tF N0, A VARIANCE 1S REQUIRED FIRST. Does tha parcel meet the minimum crkeria for the requested Use Typel YES _ NO __ 1F N0, A VARIANCE 1S REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this requestt YES NO Variance of Section(:) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is tha applicatfon complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. Iva v ~ ~ avs ,~ . Consultation 8 1 /2" x Z 1 " concept plan _ ~ Application foe Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applleable Justification Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners /hereby terrify that / am either the own of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser snd am string with the know/edpe~\nd cQ~~t of the owner. Owner's Signature: David P. Hill, AS LA, Project Landscape Architect ~s~ ~. z June 23, 1995 Ms. Janet She1d, Community Planner County of Roanoke, Virginia (Rend-delivered) Dear Ms. 5heid; As •gont for the Estate of frank T, Muse, i htreby acknowledge the followiny: i. On July ii, 1994 my cltenes executed a Real Estate Pvrcha:e Contract for the sale of a 30 isicre tract 1n eastern Roagok• County ad~:acent to The D1ue Ridge Parkway, and i'e~e•rrtlfie~~ as parcel 50.04-3-79 on the Roanoke County tax re~cord~s. The Purchaser f s MT Ilolding Co„ or 1tS assigns, 2. the property, to be known as Nulf Creek, will be dyveloped by 'Stephen A. Musselwhite, 3. t have been told that the Purchacors -rill take -ti~t~l~e to the prpperty under the corporate naete of Mol f frr~ee'k, 1 nc. , and 4. Mr. Musselwhft• will be requesting reYOning of the parcel- to PRO (Planned Residential Qovelopment). On behalf of the Estate of Frank T. Musa, 1 acknowledge by my signaturQ billow that we are in agreement with this proposed zoning change and agree to Wolf Creek, Ink's. submittal and request for rezoning. Sincerel ~ Waldvo9el. Poa and Cr k Reat Estate Group, Inc., by Michael M. M1aldvogQl, President Agent for Estate of Frartk T. Muse MMW/ec Post-it• Fax Note 7671 ~~~- ~ ~9 tr To u~, n •~i^ From /-~'r~ ~//~ CoJDept. Phone N pub ~ Fax 8 n - ~ O Fax U Post-it• Fax Note 7671 Date 2 pa°yes- To From f t,(., CoJDept. ~_ Phone M Phone M Fax M 2 Fax: PROJECT TEAM OWNER / DEVELOPER: Wolf Creek, Inc. 4346 Starkey Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24014 703-989-4531 Mr. Steve Musselwhite, President PLANNER AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT : Hill Studio, PC 20A East Campbell Ave. Roanoke, VA 24011 703-342-5263 Planning Team: David P. Hill, ASLA, Project Manager, Frank H. Hill, AIA, Kitty Johnston, Melissa Board, Valerie Birch, AICP, Sandra Gaylord ENGINEER: Lumsden Associates, PC 4664 Brambleton Ave, SW Roanoke, VA 24014 703-774-4411 Keith Rastorfer, Project Manager DESIGN TEAM ADVISORS: Janet Sheid, AICP, Community Planner, Roanoke County NPS Blue Ridge Parkway: Gary Johnson, Chief, Resource Planning and Professional Services Division Carlton Abbott and Partners Carlton S. Abbott, FAIA Will Orr, Park Landscape Architect for the Blue Ridge Parkway -i- .. I ~ W a~ I ~' ~ W ~ b~ ~ z V ~P~~ a 0. i~b „~+o '~\ ~ "~& a /\ i ~ ~~ g~~ I ~ ~~ \~ _ ~a ~_ J zPOa ~ ~ogo~W~~~ a S~ < F ^= a zw'N~3 G ~ r~ 1. ~ ~ ~.,, 2~^ ~^ o u^ ¢Z ~ Z LL~ a; LL Q~ m O~ o u o U N O N ~ z J` N m 3 4 m .Y ~ O .~_ _ : ~ ¢ or U a oma~a z ~~~. i n L'~~'FO Z o W i ° ~ozo~ aNa a a 7' ° 3 -~~ ~ YY w w Z n r _~~ Y O~U=1-auK UOOZ~ J rv,-.J~O Jx~O OvO.. tt~~' ~~~ UOa ONN4 Om ~.Z JON Z,natt 5 NWr OUN ~ U° ~G ° N; ~ ` r4 Fa F YN. 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ZO Uxw- ~z zz z~^. ~, ~ V ~ ~ ~S~a ~o~~ 'i ~ ` O J _ ~ N Y o ~ "c"i~~ o~,~~ oz~~ zo~c~°-~:[:~w.x- ~ ~' ¢~ wa WOO~ -~ ~ a . u Or`° z 00~`-'N Z ~ Omwuwa¢wa Z ~ Go~'z m Za "' ~ _. ^00002.` U V <O~rx-wm ~+F ~! ~~ ~~n Zr=O~ wUV~~ m`~ lr'~ z O- ~ Nm Z: ~ a; N ¢ z w W n~ z ~ O .' ;¢~ ~ 4 a s u F Y iNr~Jx W (]~WVf~O Ja WavV lU OO Z2 i,.~o~r'J~~~O~2 V>~ > ~'1O~ Q"z¢o;¢o° ~`~' a ~ z~ O z - = ~ ' 4i '^~~ . -~'z nwo+ . q"~ .'. /y 1-1owo~o o<<n 1 ~~ ~1 ~ j~~f ~ O O N Z U ~ Z l 0OW?44 K ( N wK~2"~K I /~UZ~~ 'I~=W~N~pp N w JO~L~ ns s'yWy~~ / f~a ~ 'm~~U\W Nm Ua WYI OU~~O~OUta/1 OV wOUR ~d~aOP~~Ja~la/iK OV~iK ro1~~ 4 inn ~ ~ . >. ~ ~.- ~ t e . ee ` OLl 'Od '2l -Bd --~--- LN NOLL03S '153A210 `JNIIIVd JO Nv10td3YV ~ ~, I . - ~°~~ `r ~ - ~ ° a . xp z~ ` x G U / \ \ _` <` ~` - ~yb / ~, r--~ -~ r `~; ~ ~o ~~ c ~~% ~~ ~ m~ `„~' as ~ J ~l~ "' (~ ~ ,~.,s' J ~- ~.. ~ / ~, ~~ O b ° ~ ®' o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~.~ ~ °, u ~ - - '\i~ ~~ k~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~j~ u ~7 ,~ ~ N - ~ ~ ~ ._ i d ~, Y " Fi du a, ~ ~, I Q - J ,,y/ 7 ' ~ ~ ° y _._ - -A ° ~~ '~ ~ o ~,r 6 0~~ !C 0 ~Ni)>d _~.. /~ ,1 - ~ c ;~ ~n m _ ~ ~ a U ~ ` ~ ~ ~^ ~: 3 c ~ a „ s - f, s ~. rr z J W -. . .--, w ~ ~ -' ~ ' " ~ o ~ Q 0 3 ;:_ zNp ~Lr ~'; ~~z d ~p ~~ nj ~ z oG" c-~ ~~ ~n ~ t-' C~! o ,~ o a~ W ~ < w d`v o~ Y o `~ O x wz ~ U z°~ i ` = ~ ~ a 'G ~ ~ (Y z Q F r / ~ ~ y1 2 ~/-y :~ Q w ~ z G ~ ~] U Ui w~~l Nn oor~mn~mm'~-ow__ Go,ooo m~. uin~~~-mm n J°.N u N~-oIU~ n Ql^ ~Oo N V1N V~I(1-°Ni'IN > > w w ~ w w w w > > > - ~ > > ~ ova' No o~p po°~D ~O II)mn _ °r N o U o o~~ o~ a O li aw~m'N~-iu Nv NR S~~VNiN ail a r, mnu, -~~~ a ~ .o ~-~nmiua a • I zz ~. ~z~r. ~ ~~z ~.iz zz I LLI a` a c .ill ___ - __ i ~ ~ u` ,r. ~n~ __ -_ ~~ ll - * ~ 1 ~~l `~ C~ ~ \ r ~ ~ ~' ~r-- °~~ r ~~ r '~} I ~~~~ ~ ~' (~~ ~ ~~-~ J( _~ ~, . / ~~ Q F °yr~ ~ . . ~j, , ~. .r-.~ ~ ,' Y~ - - l - ~ ~ ,z '- .,. oZ~ ~ z J o x,:,~ i ~!'oz ~ C a z Z S w #oaa za omm rozw~~ z 2 4 0 a ~c~ ~;~o,.,za 2>ai ao~~t~~ Q r u Q O o Q ~ Esc ~~<w 2,~za i~ oa~~7< ~ .2w~~omz WF. V ~OG2 YO0 U U'a O -~ ti ~ w=~ a ~ V'pN~ Qa O ~ z C Z Z U m ~ a ~ 00020 ~ x¢zainooW ~G 0 ~nzw ,n%J~, in~¢ H?mc3~wm~~am~~ i~ ~ r :~` ': WOLF CREEI~ ~fASTERPLAN ~ DESIGN GUIDELINES WOLF CREEK CONCEPT Wolf Creek is a 38-acre planned community of residences adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Roanoke County, Virginia. The community is proposed as Roanoke County's first Planned Residential Development (PRD) and will offer an alternative to typical subdivision developments which can be designed without regard to the surrounding landscape. Because the design of Wolf Creek is based on a commitment to be a compatible adjacent use to the Blue Ridge Parkway, the design responds by incorporating the community into the surrounding agricultural and residential land use patterns. Vital towns and villages, meadows, fields and farms, and forests compose the cultural landscape of the western Virginia's Blue Ridge Parkway corridor. These four elements are incorporated into the design of Wolf Creek. The massing diagram on the following page illustrates the four land use types at Wolf Creek. Park lands are the front of the property, and are designed to be meadows visible from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Much of this land was determined to be critical viewshed of the Parkway, and the land is proposed to be conveyed to anon-profit trustee for the National Park Service. A second subset of park lands are lands retained by the homeowner's association. These lands include the loop of trails and amenities located in the lowlands and floodplain, with tie-ins to the remainder of the neighborhood. In the center of the land is a residential village which will consist of a main street with larger residences and cluster courts beyond. Wolf Creek's pedestrian scale, consistent street frontage patterns, trees, wide sidewalks and landscaped courtyards will follow in the tradition of nearby towns such as Fincastle, and design guidelines require timeless construction tradition that can be found in much older Virginia towns. This village is designed as a scene visible to the Blue Ridge Parkway. Virginia highland towns, such as Meadows of Dan, provide a similar visual experience for the Parkway visitor To the south of the village homes are two groups of deckhomes. Out of primary view of the Blue Ridge Parkway, these are inwardly-focused toward Muse's Dell. The remainder of the site is divided into 37 single family lots which range in size from 1/4 to 1 acre. These are sited in the rear of the field and the woods, in the distant view of the Parkway. They also are designed to be compatible with adjacent lands uses to the north and west. -2- W O L F C REEK IvI A S T E R P L A N & D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S PROJECT LOCATION Wolf Creek is located in the eastern half of Roanoke County 65 yards off of the Blue Ridge Parkway motor road, and I/2 mile north of Virginia Route 24. The property is one mile east of Vinton, seven miles east of downtown Roanoke and Interstate 581. The site's slightly rolling topography is typical of V irginia's Shenandoah Valley and has influenced the form of many Virginia towns. Nearby Fincastle, Lexington, Bedford all exhibit character based on village patterns which have agricultural foregrounds and are sited on rolling telYain. ~ '~ ~ ~ 1L Resc~; J~,t~~`;. ri~ ''j ~ I l 1 _ ~' ~ \\"~ ,; rLJ~: ~A[ea /~ .~ if a +G - ~- ~~ ~i 1 _ - ~J ~ ! ~ -3- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S DESIGN PRQCESS Critical to the success of this project is building of consensus toward a solution acceptable to the National Park Service, Roanoke County, Town of Vinton, and adjacent land owners. Realizing the importance of consensus-building, the partners of Wolf Creek, Inc. the project's developer, helped to fund the 3-day workshop entitled "Partnership Planning for lands adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway," held January 25 - 27, 1995 at the Vinton W ar Memorial. This workshop, coordinated by the Coalition for the Blue Ridge Parkway, brought together people of various disciplines from the Coalition, land owners, Roanoke County staff and boardmembers, aprivate-sector planning team, and staff from the Blue Ridge Parkway. The purpose of the workshop was to create designs and reach consensus on infrastructure issues that face several proposed developments in the Roanoke Valley adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway. ~ --. ~, ti. `-~3~ -~- Desibn workshop: A series of work sessions and presentations. 1 W O L F C R E E K of a S T E R P L ~~ N 3: DES I G ti G U I D E L I N E S The workshop included a series of intense design - sessians and resentation / "~'~ `"'" P ' ..w~ --~: . critiques to the collective -.::~.~~r.:t~z~ audience. The workshop ..~:~,:.,...,~ l,, format allowed expertise - groups to form. Gary _# ,~ Johnson, Chief of _ ~ .~y ~-~ Resource Planning and - •~~ Profesional Services, and s . Will Orr, Park Landscape ~ ;~~ -- ~~ ~`~, Architect with the Blue _ ~-. Ridge Parkway, drew an ~~~~~ ~.. analysis map of the Wolf - - ~•=~~k ._ , , , , _. Creek property, showing ~ ~~ _ -{~ r~,^ ;- __ the critical viewsheds and LL:,-w~~ the resources that were ~ ~ `' ~"~' ?"a,- r y most important to protect. ,~""~ ~~~~ ~~~ ,~ , _ ~ ~. ~ ;, _ ;, , This is shown to the right. v, ~ ' ~~ ~`` ~~'" 4 'a` "x ~ ~~ . Br ~ ~S4 ~r . Two site-specillc guidelines emerged that are important for the property. The lanes can be split at the entrance, providing quality sense-of-place with landscaping and signage for residents, while ameliorating the view of the entrance as seen from the Parkway. A second objective is to create "Landscape Protection Zones," or LPZs, along the rear property lines and along roadways. These zones utilize the existing tree canopy to partially-screen development scenes in layers parallel to the Parkway. Steve Ivlusselwhite presented the workshop with his "Report to the Members of the Design Workshop of Lands Adjacent to the Blue Ridge Parkway in Roanoke County Virginia" on January 27. This report provided the basis for design guidelines and planning a community that is both consistant with the Blue Ridge Parkway guidelines and employs traditional building practices that are desirable in homebuilding today. -s- WOLF CREEK hIASTERPLAN ~ DESIGN GUIDELINES ..~ ~ ~:5*ce~ ~~ . 5 5'' f ~ • ~ °} .~ Y' ~ i v ~'s ~' i! .a. ~. .. ^~5 all 'Tv.~~.. ~~"~' ,;~ ,t~_'-" i Above: Split lanes to minimize visual impact of Road. Below: Original Drawing for the LPZ, later incorporated into Design Guidelines -6- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S SENSE OF PLACE Wolf Creek is located in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Agrarian fields, pastures and meadows; barns, rail fences and stone walls; vital villages and towns -- all with the Blue Ridge and Allegheny mountains in the background -- create the Shenandoah Valley' s unique sense of place. The Blue Ridge Parkway drops into the Valley only briefly over its 470-mile length. As described by the Parkway's founding landscape architect, Stanley Abbott, "these dips into valleys provide a few notes of staccato that enhance an otherwise melodious symphony. " By incorporating the characteristics of the Valley' s vernacular landscape into the design of Wolf Creek, the Valley's sense of place will be preserved and interpretable for visitors. Architectonic forms in the Valley include those reminiscent of more traditional "old Virginia" building styles in contrast to the "pioneer" style used on the mountain tops. Although there is an attempt to be compatible with the Parkway, the Developer looks to Fincastle and Williamsburg for development comparables, and for examples of sense of place. FINCASTLE & WILLIAMSBURG Fincastle and Williamsburg are models for the home and landscape structure types of Wolf Creek. Their vitality is in part due to their streetscapes which create acommunity- oriented, pedestrian-friendly and highly functional environment. The major design elements which contribute to the success of these towns are 1) the linear town pattern, 2) the high density of buildings which create the street's edge, and 3) the courtyard and park spaces woven into the residential fabric. The consistency of details such as gateways, roofslopes and cornices create a rhythm, giving each developed area a unique sense of place. -~- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ DESIGN GUIDELINE S TIMELESS BUILDING ELEMENTS These photos depict the character desired for the homes of Wolf Creek. The village sections will be the most controlled architecturally, and will exhibit these qualities most thoroughly. Small picket fences, outbuildings with finials and shake roofs, paving exhibiting brown pebbles, detailed cornices and railings are all a part of the architectural scheme. -s- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S SITE AND SITUATION WATER, VEGETATION AND WILDLIFE There are 4.77 acres of the site in the flood plain. These areas are in the two swales on the property. In addition to its safety hazard, the floodplain lands provide for a diversity of wildife. Although these areas of the site have been grazed, the lowlands have the greatest potential for wetlands habitats. A few specimen sycamore and beech trees are in the lowlands. Upland mixed vegetation forest, consisting of oaks, poplar, beech, and mature maple and Virginia pine covers 20.70 acres of the site. Several large groupings of mountain laurel indicate the woods has been undisturbed for some time. Meadow makes up 17.45 acres of the site. There is very little tree coverage in the meadow except for a few clumps of locust. These may indicate outcroppings which are difficult to mow and graze. The Natural Heritage Survey indicates no endangered species are known to exist on the property. HISTORIC RESOURCES There are no documented historic resources on the site. An old farmhouse exists off of Laurel Glen Lane, including outbuildings and old pump. None of the artifacts are substantial, and they will be razed as part of construction. UTILITIES Both public water and sewer, applied-for through the Town of Vinton, are proposed for this development. Sewer requires an offsite extension, which will cross under the Blue Ridge Parkway and tie into the existing sewer intercepter at Stonebridge subdivision in the Town of Vinton. An 8" sewer line is proposed. An 8" water line will supply both domestic and fire protection needs. This will be placed off of an existing 6" line on Laurel Glen Road. Both sewer and water lines will meet the standards of both Town of V inton and Roanoke County. Easements for these utilities are delineated on the Masterplan, page 16. A larger set of sewer and waterplans will accompany the site plan submittal. With the completion of the National Park Service environmental assessment, it is predicted these services can be in place by spring 1996 and will serve the houses as soon as the first phase is finished construction, summer of 1996. -9- \ o H ~~~ ~ ~J o _ O 6Q Q f~rWA~1 \~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 1 I V ~ / \ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ J ~,Y ~ OHO ~ 1 / ~~ ~ ~, y ~ \ / _ Y ~ ~. R , ~ ~ \. o _ _ _ ~\ \\ sar ~ ~ 4,.} • ~ _ ~ ~ A 0 ~° ~ i ~~~ `~!/ ~ /. ~~ ~: ~I~ i ~, w z W 0 a U z V w A z a a W X w a U 0. 0 3 a z W a O a ~~ ,, i - \ ,. ~\ ~; ~ , Ate,: I ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~oaer~ ~ \ I l ~- I 1 _ `~-- 1 \ \ \ \ ~ ~ ~lxu:;: / \\ ~\ ~ ~ \O o \\ / ~ I 1 ~ ^\\~ \' mi'l``,, \ ~ ~ I ~o ~ \ / ~ ::. ~ -,~ / /~ _I \ \\ ~\ / ,~, e ~ ~~ / \ ~ ` ~ / \ I 1 / y ~ 1 ~.F ~~~~ ~ _ ~ o ~ / ~ ~ ~ \ o ~~ r7 h-ii W~ w k'' N r~ W AKH T ~ [~ V r F-1 F~ rr_ O (T' ~~ ^~ ~\~ O f, </ \~ P, / \\ ,~~ <~ e\ > 1~ ,~' / / ~~a / a°s . / ~ ~~ 4~ o i• ~_- \ u ° ~ ~ ~ _~_oo`~w N Q .C. A y w ~ °° 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ u c~a A ~ ~ ~~~~~ '^ o ~ ~ ~ w v ~ 3 0 / c.c ° ~ m T ~ ~a~ ~ ° a ~ ~ U tCd U1.C~ co ~ o ~' M N ~~ ~ ~ ~ G t: N W X~ a~ u"o Y, N FJ. .C., ~ ..G. ~~ y '~ .~. C N ~.~., ~ y ~^ S ~ ~ M 4 ~ .7,7 U N V'1 ,^ N 00 O .y7 M P ~ ~ cy U ~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ N T ~ ~_,,, ,~., "T' A E H 'O V"1 ~ ~w b$ 4 'pOp G Nh y~ t0 on~p' ~ o N..~ N N N N ~•c3~w~ ^ v-~ cd 00 ~ ~ vi N ~A 'r" ~.'.~.. N y y U O U ~ ~ ~ N H ~ r, m n '~ e~ n. b c ao 0 .C ,~ ~ 'y n C f-~ Vl .-. J] N ... WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S VIEWS From the site, the most significant views are to the west. The site is generally pitched to the west, and over the Blue Ridge Parkway, the knolls of Vinton compose a foreground view, with downtown Roanoke in the middleground, surrounded by the mountain bowl west of Salem. Houses and entrance roads will be oriented to take advantase of this view. -It- Above: View From the site: Mill Mountain visible in Background. Below: Most critical view to the site from Blue Ridge Parkway Overpass. WOLF CREEK IvIASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES INDIVIDUAL SITE RESOURCES The Map on the following page shows some more detailed site resources of the Wolf Creek site. Where engineering does not require changes, large groves of trees, rock outcroppings and mountain laurel thickets are resources intended to be preserved, and are visible in the Masterplan shown on Page 18. The floodplains show land to be left permanently open. With its highly-visible knobs, the existing field is to be preserved as a meadow. Where large trees (>24" cal.) are required to be removed by retention and utility needs, 3" to 6" caliper trees will replace them to rapidiv replace feeling of the dettc - 12 Rocks to be Preserved in center of Cul-de-sac. i ~. W U H ~..~ Wa 'g ~ F~-1 Ya ~~[j~ 8 ~1 ~z o ~ ~' g ~ o W ~ ~ U ~~ x _O \/ ~ N ~' Q o / ~ ~ ~_ y / ~_ ~- /~ \ m ~ J '( \ °Jl t ~ ~ 1' r ~ J / O O`Ob \` / _ ~ \ - ~ I / / ~ y_aczt- ~ \a~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~~ll o \\`• ~ +r O ft- _ ~~i ` ~ t ~ • d ` ~N ~~ / ova` u ~ ~ ~ . ~, / / ~ „ ^ ~ ~~ o ~~ ~~ \~e 04 / ~ ~ .~ / ~ L i m / ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ Q A~. o ,~ ..q 3 I g^° I I c{~y i a 1 y ;' w I z ~ 0~ r. "`~~.trr ~ ~.,. ~ ~ ~ r l / '~~ ~= w / I ' :. ~ 1 , ~ 0 _ I I / ~~Y r`4, 1 p / I ~ ~ ._ ~, (Y U 1 I i +; ~ / ~ _ / z / I / <~ U / / / ~ 83 ~ w y % // ..r .H-~ w / / '' ~ r x J ~ I~ I - -"^ ~ ~ E 6. 6 O ~ O ~ ~ a rk v¢ ~ O i O~, w w o • ~` ~ U p., w F ~ o \ I i / ~/ ~~'' z O U Q U ~o > oz ~ ~ / o~~ . P w w .., ,'7 \ / \ 1 ,~ rx ~ p a • 1 / /QOQe ~J~' o ..aZ ..~z W e8. a,, _, ~ 03 ~¢ ~. W - a°- ~ 0 1 ~ •. ~ b o v o I O ~ "~ °eo +r z W a U z N Q z Q a a C W x w a U 0 3 a x W F o ~ ~ ~ ~ „_y W fA ~~ C N y ~ ! G \ I N C ~ O ti O ~ d b C..+ N ..~. ~ U E C .~o~w~ °' ~ a~ =:° ° a ..~ oo ^. [ ~ ' Y iii G ~ ~ , ~„~ . ~..-~. O ~ or ~ b CYL ~ w w/ ~ ~ _ _ Ur o0O '~ ~~"~3 °' b -- >o y~ ~ .°c H ^ ~ ~ , ` `~ y K ~ ~ ~~ _ ~ > ~ '~O ~' 'O w ^ ~ C ~~•~ N o ~ ~ ° ~ ~_ _-moo ~ " ° ~ 3 3 o .~47 G.. U b ~ v UC~Q~ ~ ' ~" 3e~a'~ o~co_ w ~ ~ a " y o " , ( N EJ N A G Y 1 ~ '~ j a 'O a _...C Z ,.aw ~ 6 A a"' o,ob 'm ^ . ~ ~\ ~ Y ~ U 1~ H,C O U.Or o ~ ~ M r 06 ao - v e a o W ~ z ~ a 5 Z ~W z 3 o o w v a ~ w ~ W ? ~ o z m U~ ~~~1~1A z a e 4 a ~, 4 0. v 7 a W~ W~ ~'' ~ M ~z~ 1~'y ~n ~T~OQ U > w ~~ O ~~ 0 x F U W ti x a I ~ H U W h ~ W U ~ ~ °®~ za "Q a o ° z ~i Hw ~ w ~z , . ~ ~ ~ ^P, ~ ~o xa: WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S MASTER PLAN Wolf Creek is designed as a series of neighborhoods responding to site conditions of the property. The neighborhoods are Oldtowne, Rockbridge, Cedar Run, Beech Cove, Wolf Crest and Wolf Run. Each neighborhood is distinguished by housing type and roadway alignment. Village homes and deckhomes will be built under the supervision of the Developer. VILLAGE HOME NEIGHBORHOODS Oldtowne, Rockbridge and Beech Cove are the three village home neighborhoods. Village homes are named for their distinctive placement in an intimate arrangement that draws on the land use patterns of European villages and colonial American development. Modeled after Williamsburg dwellings, substantial houses (1650 to 2150 s.f) of 1-1/2 to 2 stories are placed closely creating courtyards and motorcourts, with large blocks of common open space adjacent. In the case of colonial precedent, the open spaces were grazing and farmlands. In the case of Wolf Creek, these lands are dedicated park lands, wildflower meadows, and creekside walking trails. Each village home owns a small patio and has at least one reserved outdoor parking space very close to the house in a common motorcourt arrangement. Most village homes have attached garages. The garages vary between one- and two-car arrangements. Additional parking areas are provided for visitors. Individually-owned outdoor spaces are also a part of each village home, programmed for use of the adjacent home. Common areas betweeen homes are owned and maintained by the homeowner's association, which also cares for exterior parking, private streets, sidewalks, other common areas and parklands. DECKHOME NEIGHBORHOODS Cedar Run is the development's deckhome neighborhood. This area is designed to take advantage of the slopes facing Muse's Dell on the southern property. Deck-homes are accessed in their center floor by a walk from private-street and parking areas. A deck is standard with these homes, lofted above the dell in the rear. Bank-garages are a feature of the deckhome area. Every deckhome has one space in abank-garage, and an outdoor parking space in front of the garage. Visitor spaces are also provided. Deckhomes are designed to maximize the open land in common open space areas. The entire landscape of the deckhome areas is maintained by the homeowner's association. ts- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S SINGLE FAMILY NEIGHBORHOODS Wolf Run and Wolf Crest end in cul-de-sacs, creating neighborhoods of single-family houses. In contrast to the village homes and deck homes, which will be constructed under the direction of the developer, buyers may purchase lots in these areas and build their own houses. A set of design guidelines enforced by the Architectural Review Committee, will provide substantial influence and require that design concept and quality is maintained. ACCESS Access to Wolf Run is from Mountain View Road (State Route 651). From Mountain View Road, a two lane boulevard, Wolf Run, becomes the development's main street along which turns can be made onto Cedar Run and Stone Creek Path. Wolf Run then narrows to two lanes, and Wolf Crest is accessed before Wolf Run ends in a cul-de-sac. A second entrance to a village home section of the development is off of Laurel Glen Lane. To ensure the integrity of the above stated design concept, a set of guidelines will direct the design and development of the plan. The Wolf Creek Homeowner's Association will ensure that the guidelines are followed in addition to overseeing maintenance of the development's amenities. MARKET TARGET The mix of housing types, high amenity orientation and preservation of natural resources is intended to bring a variety of residents to the site. In addition to young families, it is anticipated that empty-nesters and seniors will become site residents. PARK LANDS A 9.29 acre park featuring a wildflower meadow, mowed and landscaped areas, walking trails and a dry pond (which doubles as a retention area) will provide residents and visitors of Wolf Creek with the opportunity to enjoy the natural beauty of the Valley. The meadow is intended to be donated to a land trust organization that will be responsible for its care in compliance with National Park Service standards. Maintenance on this parcel will be through the homeowner's association. Trails and a seating azea /picnic shelter aze planned. A second group of parklands include the streamside trails, that lead from the meadow to Muse's Dell and North Dell, with a loop trail for exercise and enjoying the scenery. Amenities along this trail include benches, foot bridges, tree labels, and flower plantings. These trails and parklands will besemi-private, in the care of the homeowner's association. An Open Space Masterplan follows the Wolf Creek Masterplan data on page 20. All major park amenities are built by the developer, during Phase I of the project. The lands will be conveyed for the meadow as adjacent construction is complete and outside edge details complete, at the conclusion of Phase IV. - 16- ~. \ \ \ ~_~ ~ ~\ ~\ ~i `-~ a ~. ~i ~\ ~' ~~ ~~~ , o ~ /~`~. \ ~ i !: o o ~ ~.. ~=J ~~ ~` '~~ ~ ~ ~~ oo~ ~~ ~% ~' ~ ,8 ,L~ %= ' ~ y"- °~ _ a ~' a w E~ Q -~ ~; WxP ,s w~~ ` ~o s ~~;\ ~~ ~z~ ~~ ~ O Q a ~ ~ U W a ~ W x N Ay,; ~ ~1 ye O z ~~ ,~ ~ \ ~ ~U W ~-r C,.) ((~~'J7 Qi F L' U W E-~ `/ / x U f~ W f1. (3: (~j UW ZjU] za az a w aQ ~~ U/ ~w w z ,~ z a ~o xa WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S MASTER PLAN DATA NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE QTY ACREAGE DENSITY PARKING OLDTOWNE VILLAGE 28 4.42 AC 6.3 DU /AC 37 II~IDOOR 43 OUTDOOR 15 VISITOR 95 ROCKBRIDGE VILLAGE 10 2.00 AC 5.0 DU /AC 15 Il~IDOOR 15 OUTDOOR 5 VISITOR 35 CIDAR RUN DECK 15 1.70 AC 11.3 DU /AC 15 INDOOR 15 OUTDOOR 20 VISITOR SO BEECH COVE VILLAGE 11 1.95 AC 5.6 DU /AC 18 II~IDOOR 18 OUTDOOR 4 VISITOR 40 WOLF RUN, WOLF S.F. 37 18.14 AC 2_03 DU /AC CREST, PUBLIC ROADS TOTAL DWELLING UNI TS 101 ?8.93 AC 3.49 DU / AC NET INTERIOR PARKS & PARCEL 2 4.46 AC FOR NATIONAL PARK 1 4.83 AC TOTAL PARKS 3 9.29 AC TOTAL ACREAGE 38.22 AC 2.64 DU / AC GROSS DENSITY - 18- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ DESIGN GUIDELINE S DESIGN CRITERIA MINIMUM SETBACKS: HOUSE TYPE PROP ROAD ALLEY SIDEWALK FLOODPLAIN LINE VII.IAGE 10' 10' 6' 7' 2' (vertical) DECK 10' 10' _ 5' 2' SINGLE FAMILY 10' side 30' _ _ 2' 25' rear ROADS AND WALKS: ROAD TYPE ROAD ROAD WALK WALK WALK WIDTH OWNER WIDTH MAT'L OWNER VILLAGE STREET 20' HOMEOWNER'S 3' BRICK HOMEOWNER'S ASSN ASSN ALLEY 18' HOMEOWNER'S _ _ HOMEOWNER'S ASSN ASSN DECK ONE WAY 18' HOMEOWNER'S 5' RESIN & HOMEOWNER'S ASSN PEBBLE ASSN SINGLE FAMII.Y VDOT VDOT 5' RESIN & HOMEOWNER'S STD PEBBLE ASSN - 19- ~-. ~. ~ d i.i"~, ~ Z 1, ~ / W a /~ ~ Q W 5 ~ ~, °z e N ~, o .. W ~+ °' ,~a ~~ ~, \~- z ~ ,' ~ z o ~ a ~, ,~ ~ ~z ~ ~ ~ V /~ I, ~\~ F (O~ 1 ~ i .. n +: ill .. W z W 7 V Z V W D Z 'i a W Q W a U ~. J O 3 ~~ - - s F ,~ a d , y ` W ~ ~ ebi K'io ` i ~ P ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 N .~ L I _ I ~ .`` \ \ ~ ,1 I ~ u .~ O O ~ I ` ` , ~` ` 3 ~ ~~pp ~ _, ~ i i ti ti O ~ '~+ ~.. / ~ ~~~` i i~ ~../ '~/' m 'O > U . - ~ ~ \ //~ E O ~ ~ j C'~' ;, ~.~ ~ a ~ ~ 0.l r j m ~ \ - i ... ~~`~ '-~ - _. ~ ~ 00 ~C ~ _ ~ ~ d .s. O t ~' yy .C ..y. i.: O ~ y .~ 7 c~ ~1 a~ °' ~ a ` ~ ~ F O 'n 4I ~... u C ``~ ~ _ " ~. i A ~' ~ ~ ~ ...: C y $A O c abi L`> ~., = o s ~ [ o °~ y~ °•^ o ti o o" o m u ~ o ~ 3~ ~3 u L" m 3'^ ai ~ e ~' ~^~ °~ o~ c ~ ~ ~ o L Z 'O ~.. ~ C ~. c~ji y ~ O [l. C CC . 'C rC. C 'L. ~ ~ N > CJ = ~ ~' 'c' U ~0 ~+ _ G W O L. c0 ~ •r d,.~ p N d OE O ` z ~ C ~ '3 t O W 0 y~ u ~ ~ 6 u ~ ~., b C ~ 'O ~ ~ ~ h Csr ;C O C T~ ~ a~ y~ O O ~' ° ~ z ~~ o. .. ~ ~ O ~ ~ O U 8~ ~ ~ o~ 0 W ~ 'O ' ~~ B~ ~ ~~v ~ E o y a~ .C 'O C U~ E. p~~~ C '+ C ~ u E ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 01 coo a" ~ ~ ni C1.~ t~ q C ~: 8 ~~ = U rj' ;1 . °' V V ~ °~' ~ `~' o•°~ a~i^ 3 a~•v° _ ~~ Ea.~.e°', ~ o E ~ O 'v•= d g- ° ~ c3i ,°oy~ ° `~ y n,o G ~ g ~ `~' ~~ " ` °' EO~a~ca~.cE ,n~Ea'$~.° ° ~" C - `~ ~° ~ ~ ~~3Ee~yEg' 8 ~ 3 ...~ 0`0 o ~ ~ ,a ate 3y~ .°~~ooua.-;;a .cEc~. "- ° d~o"~n:~~eH•- ' Qom'. O ~~ . O ~i o~ ~ c>;3~.y.E;;.o,_~.v d,c rn ~ . ~J ~y . 'O C 3 O .C ,C C U „y 0•_.:4C 9~~..E~~-~ n o eJ C y vi O . ~ O 4, ^ " ^~ ~ ~°.~ .mil s W y Up itl O N _ . y ~ y gO.C>i¢tl?'~.fl N,d 'py ~=~ NO U C W ~~ a y C y y V E 1 Oe~d W~_U~p Cu C ~~ E 7~ ~ y OuC V O .r N ~C U y N 7 C Q ~'C..: Q'' G m ~ m ~ .~ O .t.. !n 7'C.. GR: d y v ~ ~ o0'a O .-1 .L. Q w U aD u R' G C ~ ~ > E O O\ Lr~L . N O V1 . .. .: e0 Q ~ 7 N ri v w ~ ~ p S p ~ tr y'd ~'o rn rn c 3 0 '< .~..... c'3 n. o F n ~n' ,_ ~ 7 N G ~ p ] p C~ P 0. G Ei N a. 6 ° ^p m ~ rn ~ T~ ~. o ~^s H ~ ~ N O fail ~ N C ~ar°o ° =F ~r~'m m ~ N ^ ~ C .y. `~ ti ~ ~ ~ ~_. 1 h (yp '[y ~ 0 7' n bLy p ~ ~ ~ O p, m < ~h< ~•~ b" 2 ,o~ ''] 7' C 700 ~. ° o ~ ~ ~ =• ~ ~ o~ " ~ o~'o 3 R77 C R p T. n ~ ro? ~ a ~o p-o ~.~ o ~ two c a v ~. c~'o ~ °c~'~ ~~ m,~w c ~ ~ m o io a a~ .s Q.v 4f 0. ~ C ~~ E dQ'~ .. -.~ o ~, = a -. _. ~, y -,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b C W~ 7 y T1 ~ O ~i.~ °'as^ ~y w C7 ro rn m ~ y' H a" o \~ °o ~ O ? ° x ~}'~ O r^ N ~ ~~ ~ ~ a ~ r` ^ ~m~ p io o, V] ~ ^ ~ ~ n o -r as ~ i /z~~ mom d°' > \ ~ 1~ ~ /~ aaa~ ~ E ~ h ~~ r„~ c _ _ ~ j ~ y S .:. 1. ~ F~ Cp.> N G ~ O ~ r. ~~+~ ~ p' ~ 0. • ti ~ ~: w ~ '' ~~o~~~ ~ocb0ooo~g ,~ Fo ~ i c CT ~ .. ~ ~~ •6:. ~ o ~c o. ~. v, -., ~ 7 7 .. .. .. _ ._ ~_~ i s ; , r ~; . 00 ~ ::~i 0 80 o r~ + i ,. I` ; Y i o ~~~~ t o ~ ~ 1 r~ o ~' ~~~`--'"^ \ ,.>•.: \~ ` ~' ~ A r~ . .,~ yy O ~ qO i:~ ,~ ,. o Z <-"~.., ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ 0 N ~~ \ ~ o~ ~ m O ~ ~~ _ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ,. ~ 'LTl~ II ~ ~. \ iO m O ~ Z ~ ~ ',' ~% d ~ ~p ~" ' x x x x x ~~~ Z ~ ("J `~ of can vii o, v', ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~~ ~ w~ m m m m m ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Z m O ~ O m ~ O .~~. I C / ~ ~ \\ = ~ ~_~ z~ ~,~ ~ \ -~ ~ ~ ., ,\ r n ~ a T. w ~ ~I m I p a z d n z n c 0 m r z y ,, ~; ~ ~' i ~~ ~ ~ ~ n; ~~~ 'i i s:-'"~~~ __ i } ~~ ,~ WOLF CREEK MA STERPLAN dt DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN GUIDELINES I. Outline Statement 23 Objective The Association The Guidelines II. Circulation 24 Roads Parking ' Pedestrian Circulation III. Village Homes and Deckhomes 30 Guiding Principles Materials and Architectural Considerations Architectural Elements Landscape Architectural IIements IV. Single Family Homes 37 Guiding Principles Materials and Architectural Considerations Architectural Elements Landscape Architectural IIements V. Landscape Guidelines 46 Village Deckhome Single Family Hazdscape Palette Plant Palette - 22- WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN ~ DESIGN GUIDELINES DESIGN GUIDELINES OUTLINE STATEMENT I. Project Description Objective The objective of this project is to create a planned residential community that maximizes site resources and is visually compatible with the adjacent Blue Ridge Parkway. By using the local context of village, meadow and forest as the theme for the community's design; following environmentally sensitive development policies; and interpreting traditional town planning principles in innovative ways to meet the needs of today, Wolf Creek will provide a quality home atmosphere and beautiful setting for new development. Association All property owners at Wolf Creek are automatically members of Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. The members elect the Architectural Committee to resolve design and maintenance issues. Each year the committee can be composed of different members except for the master developer, Mr. Steve Musselwhite, who will be a member with majority voting power until the last lot is sold and last deckhome and village home is built. Mr. Musselwhite may appoint another member in his place if he 'so chooses. The committee's primary function will be to review design proposals. Other responsibilities will include assessing annual dues for maintenance and upkeep of the property, determining the maintenance and capital improvement budget, and deciding community capital improvement and maintenance projects. Membership Levels There will be different levels of membership in the Association, depending on type of home or lot purchased. Because of the different levels of maintenance required, there will be different levels of homeowner's association fee assessed to each type of unit, discussed in the declaration of Codes, Covenants and Restrictions, developed during the fall, 1995. Design Guidelines The design guidelines are written with the intent to guide the development and maintenance of Wolf Creek. They are meant to establish the overall character of the community as well as to provide a springboard for the design process. All homes constructed in single-family section of Wolf Creek will be subject to review and approval of the Architectural Committee of the Wolf Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. These guidelines will indicate acceptable and unacceptable construction materials for the primary and related structures, site design and landscaping. These guidelines are not meant to be all-inclusive, and approval will be based on quality of construction as well as materials used. - 23 - ~~r. I H Z a 0 z v N w D z a m m F x w m a u 0 3 s 1 1 _.S i --~~y ^S a d F ~, O U ~ .~ c ~ >, .°. ~ 'o a ai ~ u o E ~ y L ~ L o Loo ~ 3 a°i , O p C U N C d p 'O C ~ .L.+ L A .-O. 9 C U O N 'O L W ~ ~ N U U ,. . O c~V U ~~. U = U d ~ ~ j N ( 3 a i ~ o °a ,~ ~ o ~ Ew eL .r ox m`" a '~v~ ~ ~ ° C E'~ y'^ 'y d H F' .Q F O c v Q ~ p Q '~ NN 7 y r 9 W 3 6H o ~ ~ U :: o 0 u ~ 3 0 °J z -tea ~ ~ 3 0 Q N 'y ~ ~ G ~ ~ "~E ~ E" .-~ v oo ° y p 'o u L W V V Y.n u °~ ~ 4n r z ctl A O .-. O T rya a~'e b E ` ~ ~ h c fz. a a ~ a ~ N 3 ° a i a y C° 3 L U'O F~•h L ~ Q' F~~ 4T O ~ ~ p .y E ~ .C N Vl ~ 'g e_ N ~ • d .~ L A oD 3~ N N 'O u ~ ~ ~. '.7' N O u a~iu a7 ~ y~ ~ in a ~ e , 'p L 'O bye m , 0° ~° ° C c~ . u:oa a A ' v ' ~ o ~ 00 N R :a td N ' 9 '4 O ~1 W H u '~ °~ o. ~ u ~~ ~ „a ° ; ~s~ °a e 9 ~ ~ ~ u :° ~ ~e E g ' ~ N Eoo C d V ~'~ C O N ~ q 9 ^ b C O 7 _ 7 ~ U OU `"' Pa u V 0 yam Z u Q y L p N ~ ° ti ~~ o y [ U FBI b ~ N . ti i ~ t~ o ~ ~ p ~ ;+ N y Q ;~ ~ ~ o eiD ~ a'$ ra u ~ L.oa C o .+7 D C7 c~ O ~ ~~ C:aw ?" ~ `O a ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ o °Ji 0.u p a 'Eo ~~ ~, v tiw ~ uu ~ ° o a ~, 7 I (C~ ~j ~, 1--.y,....---~5 ~- ~_ ~ ~~'~ - _~_~ ~ Jl ~ ". ._ ~` _~ v ' ~' -- ~ _. U ~~ Q !F W o N m V .z Q .~"~ LYE 4 +` ~ - _y N W W M ~ U 0 ~n ~ ~ n ~ ~-~ ~ S ~, "° N N --? a ~ -~- _ W ~_ ~~:~~~~ Q C J i„ ~ 11 s_;~ "a ~v ~ ~ - ,.r- ~ m y ~a ~ C 'O ..., '~ 3 H a ' W z y ;~ Q' oL~ j d G " w N .+ ° ° 3a 3~ c ~+N '° ~ L / .7 ~ ° 3 ~ m ... U q V N ~ ~ G ~ < O ~ ~C ^ 1 . V id V C p N 2 'O ~ •~ ~, ~ a c ~ ~~ W ~ .V. w Q0 E" D O Q99; ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 T z a0= 3~~ ' ' ~ < ,= ° a '~ w 3 ~ ~ y a w ^ '~ N N :» •3 ~ °'b W ~ d a G b ~ v 0 O F W a y 0 G O O O N p vi '.+ N G '~+ w O .LO...~ ~ ...7 00~ "~ O w ~w ~ ~ 3 ~H~~G~ w A .v~,x,,Na3 W ¢ o" e~ c d 3 3 «• a U z . tea: a A E G Off' O ~ t ,y N 'O ' N t c0 .a u- 3 Lop H ~ 3 3 H° ~o R~ f'• ~,.,~ r. I~ 4z ,~ -_ I; Iii -, J ?, ~ '. ~; ~': ~~~'~- ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~, WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S VILLAGE STREETS Used as the main street in the village home areas of Oldtowne, Rockbridge, and Beech Cove, the 20' resin and pebble road is aligned with rusticated curbs. A 3' wide herringbone brick sidewalk is placed behind the curb. Houses are setback a minimum of 7' behind the sidewalk, bringing the total clear zone to 40'. Maintenance for these streets, parking areas, and sidewalks will be by the homeowners association. A special paving surface will distinguish the entrance areas into these neighborhoods. -26- WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN 8c DESIGN GUIDELINES VEHICULAR ALLEYS The alleys between village homes are designed to move both cars and people from the main village streets to the motorcourts in the rear. These will be resin and pebble, rusticated curbs, and a rusticated cobble drainage system in the center of the alleys. A 6' landscape and rollover parking zone is on each side of the alleys, making a 30' clear zone between residences. Long-term parking is not allowed, but 30-minute stopping is allowed. Maintenance for these alleys and adjacent landscaping will be by the homeowners association. -z~- ' CLEAN-- ~ z a a a ~_.~ ~,~~ . c3 ""~~ ~ ~ ~ '$ s ~ a _ 'O o .o $ _ .3 0 ~ ~ ~L~~3 ~ m n ~ Zvi N y H ~ ~ 1.. h ~ ~t ... pp OD '~ •G.a3E°Da o t Q. ~ ~ U d3~ °~h x c ai y h`o 3 ~ y ~ O 'D G'C ~'o O' in n. ~- 'o ~- o ~ z ae'y~~~ ~ ~ N ' Q a ~ 3o~a~ a p L`.~Eca z Q yy3~~ ~ = °:v a ~'y ° FF VJ C~ N C y V W y _~ T~ ~ w ~ C V N ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 c~ ~ ~ ~ V ' ~ C a C E ; ~ 3 ~ ~ ~, ` °r ~ ~ o ~ a ' Q U •3 .c ~3 a o t WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S PEDESTRIAN ALLEYS 10' clear zones are placed between clusters of village homes and deckhomes. These areas are semi-public, distinguished by no gates, and will have walkways through to other streets and walkways through the park areas. Materials for the walks will vary with the materials for the adjacent walkways. These walks and adjacent landscaping will be maintained by the homeowners association. - -_-'__ - T'; ~'-~'_ ...a-_.- - _ r 2•IR' .__..y 5' Z~I~z' 0' CLEAR -~- WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN 8c DESIGN GUIDELINES III. VILLAGE HOMES AND DECKHOMES Principles Guiding Houses for the Village and the Deckhomes The house plans and elevations have been supplied to the planning team by the developer. The house desigirs will reflect the Village's location in the heart of Virginia's Shenandoah Valley. Architectural styles found in nearby Virginia towns such as Fincastle, Staunton and Lexington, based on Williamsburg precedent, will provide inspiration for the design of buildings. Concepts below are illustrated in single-family homes guidelines, pages 37 - 45. Materials and Architectural Considerations Materials and architectural considerations proposed for the Village and Deckhomes are listed below. Predominant first-phase materials are underlined. 1. Exterior walls materials: 1. board and batten wood siding, board on board wood siding or clapboard wood siding, 2. tongue and groove or shiplap vertical wood siding, 3. wood shingles, featured colors for the wood materials is medium gray, dark gray, grayish-brown, dark gray-brown, garyish-buff or soft mutted earth colors. 4. native stone with gray or dark mortar, 5. synthetic or simulated composite building_nroducts that approximate, the wood patterns described above (vines or aluminum), 6. gray brick with gray mortar, 7. brick that is grayish-brown, gray, reddish-brown and other dark or grayish earth colors. All of these will have buff or gray mortars. 2. Chimneys shall be brick or native stone with gray or dark mortar. 3. Roof materials: 1. wood shakes or shingles, 2. standing seam copper, 3. architectural grade fiberglass or asphalt shingles with texture. Colors include medium to dark gray, charcoal, grayish-brown, grayish-buff or dark brown. Other soft earth tone colors that are of medium to dark value are acceptble, 4. roof vents, chimney caps and plumbing vents will match the color of the roof, or will be black, dark gray or bronze. 5. skylights will have black, bronze or gray trim, •6. dormers will be featured on some 1-1/2 story building and on 2 story houses if there are 1 1/2 story wings. - 30- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S Architectural Elements 1. Building Mass and Shape -the following guidelines apply: 1. gable roofs, 2. hip roofs, 3. chimneys, 4. porches, 5. roof overhangs, 6. garage doors which open away from the front, 7. multiple plan roofs, 8. breaking the large mass of one gable roof into several gable roofs. 9. having the structure step up and down with the natural slope Landscape Architectural Elements 1. Site appurtenance details -the following guidelines apply: 1. poles, posts, light stansions, gates and other site details will be black, gray, grayish-brown or natural earth tones in color. White, galvanized metal, bright colors and other visually intrusive materials will be avoided. 2. Utilities will be underground and heat pumps and other appurtenances screened. 2. Site details and landscaping -the following guidelines apply: 1. motorcourts and parking will be dark in color, with pebble and resin 2. utilize natural landforms and exisiting vegetation to screen building from neighbors. 3. designed drainage ways to blend with natural landforms, 4. use plant materials native to the area. Avoid exotic plant materials. The following five pages illustrate the proposed homes for village and deckhome neighborhoods, as well as model houses proposed (but not required) for the single-family neighborhoods. The house plans and elevations have been supplied to the planning team by the developer. The front part of House #3 and House #4 are the typical houses used for deckhome construction. House types #2 and #3, and minor variations of these two elevations, are proposed as the primary structures for village home areas. One house #1 is proposed in Rockbridge.The remainder of the village homes are proposed as Houses #2 and #3. -31- W OLF CREEK MASTERPLAN & DESIGN G. UIDELINES HOUSE #1: a / ~- - i - li L- i / 1 r ,, _ T , Above: Front Elevation ----_ -- Right: Side Elevation _ -__~- : _~~____ Below: Rear Elevation -~"-=--_-- W O L F C REEK M A S T E R P L A N & D E S I G N G U I D E L I N E S HOUSE #2: ~; ~; ~ ` - ~, f. - ;~ ~J, ,~ _- ,' h r... .. - I~ ~ - IM1 r ~~r~'., .. _ ~~ x.41 ' - ,I ~ ~ `,.-r ` _ j _ ---- .. _ . __._. ~~ ..~. - Above: Front Elevation Above Right: Rear Elevation Below: Side Elevation _ `. r ,. ~.-_ - _ - _ ~..N ~. - ;~ 'i I ..L1 i11. i.l r~--~_____________________ ___l. r.-r.....~ . _.... r ~ . ~ ~.. _ . _' .. _.~_ _ -' -t --- _- --- --- _--- - --- -_ -- - ~t-~ •33- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S r , 1~~' ~ ~ ~ `` ~ HOUSE #3: ~ ' ~ - ~ ~:~ ~ Right: Front Elevation .. _ - ~ ~~; Below Right: Rear Elevation ~-_ ~ ~ kr. ' ~ ~ ~~'~ Bottom: Side Elevation '' ` ~ "' ~ ~ '~, ~"i ~J t ~ f ~ `~,~ s~=fr~ { ~ ~ , ~~~ : Y J ~.. 1 T'7t ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ !rti { ~~ . 1. tr ~ ~1: ~~~1:~y ~ :. ' ~ ,~ i, j f ~~ r,n ~ ~ ~ -- =- .. --; ~. Y~.. :~ • t•y ~~X• `.. ~., 1 ;I t1 ~. - _ _ -_ w... Y ~ mil 1 ""'~~ ~~I~+y. i s7 . T•Ltiy ~ ~ .. ,~' ~ -- -- _, - ---, - - _ ~ _ --- _~. WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HOUSE #4: Above: Front Elevation Below: Side Elevation -35- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HOUSE #5: 1l,~.. ~ I 1 ~, :. .,_.~ Above: Front Elevation Below: Side Elevation l ~ ..._.._._ ~: n ... ~.. _ .. -= __._._-..~~~~ . - 36 WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S IV. SINGLE-FAMILY HOME DESIGN GUIDELINES Principles Guiding Houses for Wolf Run and Wolf Crest Designed at the edge of the village, these homes are expected to be spaced further and in more of the natural woods than the village home and deckhome sections. Colonial precedent is required. Guidelines similar to the village homes and deckhomes apply. These guidelines are not meant to be all-inclusive, and approval of the Architectural Committee will be based on quality of construction as well as materials used. Materials and Architectural Considerations 1. Exterior walls -Acceptable materials: 1. board and battten wood siding, board on board wood siding or clapboard wood siding, 2. tongue and groove or shiplap vertical wood siding, 3. wood shingles, Preferred colors for the wood materials is medium gray, dark gray, grayish-brown, dark gray-brown, garyish-buff or soft mutted earth colors. 4. native stone with gray or dark mortar, 5. synthetic or simulated composite building products that approximate the wood patterns described above (vinyl or aluminum), 6. gray brick with gray mortar, 7. brick that is grayish-brown, gray, reddish-brown and other dark or grayish earth colors. All of these will have buff or gray mortars. 8. stucco or synthetic stucco utilizing the above color schemes. Unacceptable materials: 1. brick that is bright red, orangish-red, pink, light red, white or other colors which would be visually out of character with traditional architecture, 2. siding that is white, whitish-gray, pink, bright silver, red, bright green, blue or other colors that would draw attention or be otherwise visually out of character with the surrounding properties, 3. white mortar 4. exposed concrete block, exposed concrete or parged cement foundations. 2. Chimneys shall be brick or native stone with gray or dark mortar. -~• W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 3. Roof -acceptable materials: 1. wood shakes or shingles, 2. standing seam copper, 3. architectural grade fiberglass or asphalt shingles with texture. Preferred colors include medium to dark gray, charcoal, grayish-brown, grayish-buff or dark brown. Other soft earth tone colors that are of medium to dark value are acceptble, 4. roof vents, chimney caps and plumbing vents should match the color fo the roof, or should be black, dark gray or bronze. 5. skylights should have black, bronze or gray trim, 6. dormers will be allowed on 1-1/2 story building and on 2 story houses if there are 1-1/2 story wings. Unacceptable materials: 1. shiny metal roofs, whether metal, aluminum or galvanized metal, 2. metal shingles or stamped metal decorative roofing panels, 3. flat roofs or primary roofs with a pitch of less than 8:12, Architectural Elements: 1. Building Mass and Shape -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. gable roofs, 2. hip roofs, 3. chimneys, 4. porches, 5. roof overhangs, 6. garage doors which open away from the front, 7. multiple plan roofs, 8. breaking the large mass of one gable roof into several gable roofs of different sizes. 9. having the structure step up and down with the natural slope rather than force unnatural excavation or platforming of the lot, 2. Building details -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. awnings should be medium to dark earth color. Avoid white, stripped patterns and colors that attract attention, 2. greenhouses, storage buildings and fences should be oriented so that entrances do not face the front or the neighbor's front. 3. all outbuildings, including attached garages should match the color, texture and material of the main house. -~s- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ D E S I G N GUIDELINE S 1. Building Mass and Shape -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. gable roofs: 2. hip roofs are clipped on the ends, with 45° cut as seen from the front; - 39- Front elevation: (Georglan~ Side elevation (Georgian) Elevation Story & 112 Front elevation (Georgian) Side elevation (Georgian) WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 3. Chimneys: stone chimneys should be used with painted or unpainted wood siding; brick chimneys can be used on either brick or wood d~,vellings: 2-0 min Stone 4. Porches are encouraged to break-up the large walls and provide quality exterior space. A minimum of 5% of the house square footage will be required to be added in stoops, covered decks, patios, porches. Roof forms for porches are shown below: These pitches can hP diffe Less than 4' projec (Cantilever OI •oje Wood columns and railings - ao- ood Rail can be decorative or plain Typical Georgian Front elevation End elevation WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 5. Roof overhangs are never used in proper Colonial dwellings. Avoid curved members and excessive overhangs, which appear to be the work of ameteurs. Instead apply cornice tightly against the wall, based on Williamsburg precedent. .~ Elevation of end covers AVOID Section Elevation of end covers RECOMMENDED 6. Windows and shutters are very important to the Colonial facade. If shutters are used, make certain that each shutter is exactly 1/2 window opening in width. Always use panes in the Colonial style -never broad expanses of glass: AVOID RECOMMENDED -41- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 7. Window muntins should employ glass panes in the following patterns: I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I 6x6 6x9 8x8 8x12 Do not use double window units on formal Georgian houses 8. Break large building masses with gable projections. The building on the left shows asymmetrical, poorly-proportioned gable projection, that, although set back properly from the right side, is too high for its importance. The building on the right shows subserviant centered projection, which captures essence of Georgian / Colonial design. AVOID RECOMMENDED - az- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S 9. Garage doors were certainly not a part of Colonial design, and as a result there is no precedent for a house door as large as a garage door. Orient the garage door away from the street face, by moving it around back or to the side. This allows more conventional windows to punctuate the streetface garage facade. 10. Structures «•ith multiple plan roofs, or breaking the large mass of one gable roof into several gable roofs of different sizes, is encouraged. In colonial vernacular, homes had more modest roof forms. Jumbo shapes were reserved for barns. 11. Careful consideration of topography is required; having the structure step up and down with the natural slope rather than force unnatural excavation or platforming of the lot. Platform fills of greater than 8' or remaining cut-sloped banks higher than 8' are not permitted. 12. Dormers: Dormers are often used on gable roofs when one side slope is steeper than the other. It is also used with gambrel roofs where there is a very steep lower roof On gable roof Arched dormer Eyebrow dormer On hip roof Hip-roof ttiru cornice WOLF CREEK MA STERPLAN & DESIG:J GUIDELINES 13. The front entry stoop of Georgian houses features a raised platform at the entrance, usually accompanied by ~;'ood railings. Provide ample roorn for gathering at the front door. Min. Hgt. 2 steps but 6 steps 14. Building details -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. awnings should be medium to dark earth color. Avoid white, stripped patterns and colors that attract attention, 2. greenhouses, storage buildings and fences should be oriented so that entrances do not face the front or the neighbor's front. 3. all outbuildings, including attached garages should match the color, texture and material of the main house. Landscape Architectural Elements 1. Site Structures 1. tennis courts should use dark green or dark tan colors. 2. tennis court fencing should be black vinyl-clad chain-link, 3. swimming pools should be hidden to the extent possible. Site plan orientation, landscape plantings and board fencing should be used to visually screen the swimming pool from neighbors. Also swimming pool equipment, pumps, utilities and service areas should be screened. 4. poles, posts, light stansions, gates and other site details should be black, gray, grayish-brown or natural earth tones in color. White, galvanized metal, bright colors and other visually intrusive materials should be avoided. 5. Utilities will be underground and heat pumps and other appurtenances screened. - 44 - WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N ~ DESIGN G U I D E L I N E S 2. Setback and the Landscape Protection Zone 1: Houses will be setback 30' from the edge of right-of-way for public roads, 10' from the sideyard, and ZS from the rear yard. No site or landscape structures may be built in the back 20' of rearyard. 2. No tree with a girth of over 6" caliper shall be removed unless necessary for construction of the primary residence, or within the rectangular boundaries formed by house projections, off-set 5' in each direction from outer foundation wall. V rginia Pines and hazard trees may be excluded from this rule. A tree survey is required to be reviewed by the Architectural Committee, with all 6"cal. and over trees denoted 3. No tree above 6" cal. will be removed in the front of the house between house and roadway, except fora 12' swath for a driveway, and turnaround areas This should be delineated on the tree survey, mentioned above. "-"-" Front Setback - 30' "t . Driveway cut zone ,,,______,,, _, ouse cut zone -offset rectangle Sideyard setback -10' +--• earyard setback - 25' L... ._,..,_-. ..~ Landscape Protection Zone 3. Site details and landscaping -the following guidelines are encouraged: 1. driveways should be dark in color, 2. utilize natural landforms and existing vegetation to screen building from neighbors. 3. design drainage ways to blend with natulal landfolms, 4. use plant materials native to the area. Avoid exotic plant materials. - 45- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S V. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES The landscape of Wolf Creek is integral to its success. Each area composes part of the entire landscape of Wolf Creek. Within oldtowne village, street trees planted 30' on center along Stone Creek Path will help to create the desired continuity and will provide shade in the summer and protection from winds in the winter. The planted motorcourts and courtyards will provide quiet places for resting and relaxing outdoors. Behind village motorcourts, adjacent to the Wolf Crest lots, fruit trees planted in rows will provide orchrds in addition to providing shade and wind protection. The landscape for the Meadow will be of a more rural character to blend in with the countryside, and the Blue Ridge Parkway beyond. The plantings for the ~Yolf Run lots will reflect the wooded character of the lots. Village Landscape Guidelines Motorcourts The ground plane materials shall be brick, native stone, pebble and resin. Each motorcourt shall have a minimum of either 2 planting beds (total minimum area = 40 s.f.) or two trees. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility ofthe homeowners association. Pedestrian Walkways Each public pedestrian walkway shall be lined with planting beds. Trellises and pergolas planted with vines will demarcate some entrances into the walks. Maintenance of these will be the responsibility ofthe homeowners association. Front and Rearyards Areas for individual expression, there will be a small lot of land which accomodates each village home. Between the fence and the front door, for example, or between the back door and the motorcourt, each home has its own plaza , avreaging 120 s.f., with adjacent areas for individual gardens, which is the responsibiity of the individual homeowner to maintain. Fences, trails, trees and plantings will be used to create spaces as well as to screen unsightly elements. - 46- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S Deckhome Landscape Guidelines In contrast to the wooded quality of the single-family lots and the cultivated quality of the village landscape, the landscape of Cedar Run is designed to represent a wood's edge environment. Houses are perched to be exactly on the woods edge, with meadow landsape infront and woodland in back. Because of this unique and fragile concept, all maintenance in these neighborhoods beyond the building line is the responsibiity of the homeowners' association. Parking I.,ots Located in the front of the buildings, common guest parking lots shall be planted with trees. An average of one canopy tree per three guest spaces will be planted near the parking areas and sidewalks. Pedestrian Walkways In the front areas, pedestrian walkways shall be lined with pockets of 2' wide planting beds, featuring meadow species of wildflowers, heathers, and low-growing plants. In the rear of the houses, these walks will be lined with shade grass, punctuated with flowering trees. Single Family Home Landscape Guidelines The woods character of the landscape is important inthe single-family homes section. New plantings are required to supplement existing trees to remain. Parkin ag reas shall be planted with trees. A minimum of one 2" cal. canopy tree for every two parking spaces shall be planted, within SO' of the parking area or garage. Perimeter Plantings shall be planted in a pit or bed arrangements measuring a minimum of 10' wide along adjacent roadway frontages. One five-gallon shrub with a mature height of three feet shall be planted for every 200 square feet of the planting bed area. - 47- WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S HARDSCAPE PALETTE Fences in the Deckhome, Single-family neighborhoods and the Meadow shall be compatible with Blue Ridge Parkway Design Guidelines. Fences in the village, when out- of-view of the Parkway, will be more detailed, inspired by more local pecedent (pickets). Railinbs shall be made of wood, or dark color steel. Walls shall be constructed of field stone and mortar or dry-laid. The field stone shall be set in an uncoursed roughly squared pattern as pictured below. Right: Picket Fence for Village 3-Board Fence for Village Below: Meadow Fences; spiked rail and fieldstone wall - 48- .- - . ~ t • ~ ~ . 1 ;.~ J W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & D E S I G N GUIDELINE S Signage Wolf Creek development signs shall be of the monument type, those with their base on the ground. The entrance demarcation will be incorporated into a wall. Signs shall include no more than three colors, and one of the colors will be from the palette of Blue Ridge Parkway Signage colors. Private street and trails Signage: Shingle signs shall be made of wood and shall be left a natural color or can be painted with approved paint colors. They shall measure a maximum of 2' x 4'. ~- *- -L7hf~ ~fcl N • • • . WITH. WHi'T~ LEl'~ - 49- S7~p SGN P~-~1N ~ ~ INSTJ~UA~~ WOLF CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S Bridges will be modeled on Blue Ridge Parkway precedent, for both vehicular and pedestrian Bridges. Below is a concept study for a vehicular bridge over a creek, using a large precast culvert as the interior stucture, and arched wingwalls typical on Blue Ridge Parkway bridges. The uncoursed, roughly-squared pattern of masonry will be used. ~`" ~ _ r ~_ .1 ^n~ l~..~ t ~ ~ 1 t ~ / ~-. ,~,~, t ,~ 1 , ~ y. . ~` p~ L .~~- ~ ~ ~' 7`~ • ~` J `~ ~~ r ~~ r ~ l~ l ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ,~ f , `~ ' ~ ~ ,.~ ~ ~-~ ~~ j ~.. ~~ ,..~....ti .~ r.--•• ' a .' . .... Concept for Vehicular Bridge - so- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S PLANT PALETTE This plant palette is meant as a general guideline for the entire planned community . It consists of native plants to the Blue Ridge, with a few introduced species that have been in our region for centuries. Seventy-five percent of the plants chosen for the individual landscapes shall come from the list. Individual site variations occur that make some of these plants better candidates for selection. It is recommended that a Landscape Architect or Horticulturist be consulted to draw detailed planting designs. Trees Wolf Run Entrance (criteria: large, grand trees) Liriodendron tulipfera Fagus grandifolia Platanus occidentalis Quercus Rubra Quercus velutina (Tulip Poplar) (Ameriian Beech) (Sycamore) (Red Oak) (Black Oak) Villaee (criteria: Detailed and Flowering Trees) Liquidambar styraciflua Nyssa sylvatica Quercus coccinea Acer rubrum Oxydendron arboreum Stewartia ovata Cornus florida Cercis canadensis Amelanchier canadensis Malus and Pyrus species Hibiscus syriacus Magnolia grandiflora (American Sweetgum) (Black Gum) (Scarlet Oak) (Red Maple) (Sourwood) (Mountain Stewartia) (Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Serviceberry) (Flowering crabapple, apple and pear) (Rose-of-Sharon) (Southern Magnolia)* -sl- W O L F CREEK M A S T E R P L A N & DESIGN GUIDELINE S Deckhomes (criteria: woods edee) Acer rubrum Oxydendron arboreum Stewartia ovata Cornus florida Cercis canadensis Amelanchier canadensis Pinus echinata Ilex opaca Fraxinus americana Cedrus virginiana (Red Maple) (Sourwood) (Mountain Stewartia) (Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Serviceberry) (Shortleaf Pine)* (American Holly) (American Ash) (Eastern Red Cedar) Single Familv Lots (criteria: canopy native trees) Quercus acutisima Quercus falcata Quercus laurifolia Quercus phellos Liriodendron tulipfera Fagus grandifolia Acer saccharum Nyssa sylvatica Liquidambar styraciflua Cornus florida Cercis canadensis Magnolia virginiana Platanus occidentalis Picea Abies Pinus echinata Ilex opaca Magnolia grandiflora (Chestnut Oak) (Southern Red Oak) (Laurel Oak) (Willow Oak) (Tulip Poplar) (American Beech) (Sugar Maple) (Black Gum) (American Sweetgum) ( Flowering Dogwood) (Eastern Redbud) (Sweetbay Magnolia) (Sycamore) (Norway Spruce)* (Shortleaf Pine)* (American Holly) (Southern Magnolia)* Everereen shrubs for Courtyards and Detailed Snaces I{almia latifolia* Ilex glabra Rhododendron catawbiense* Rhododendron carolineanum (Mountain Laurel) (Inkberry) (Catawba Rhododendron) (Carolina Rhododendron) - sz- WOLF CREEK ~IASTERPLAN & DESIGN GUIDELINES Deciduous shn~bs for Courtyards and Detailed Snaces Ilex verticillata (Common Winterberry) Viburnum species (viburnum) Aronia arbutifolia (Red Chokeberry) Lindera benzoin (Spicebush) Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet Clethra) Rhododendron Calendulaceum (Flame Azalea) Rhododendron Indicum Indica Azalea Rhododendron austrinum Karume azalea Sambucus canadensis (American Elder) Non-native favorites to use occasionally in your own Barden: These are encouraged in the village outside of view of the Parkway: Magnolia soulangiana Magnolia stellata Prunus species Albizia julibrissin Hydrangea arborescens Buxus sempervirens* Taxus species ` Syringa vulgaris *good for screening (Saucer Magnolia) (Star Magnolia) (Flowering cherries) (Mimosa) (Hydrangea) (English Boxwood) (English yew) (Lilac) - 53 - WOLF CREEK MASTERPLAN 8c DESIGN GUIDELINES SUPPLEMENTAL DRAWINGS The following pages illustrate the intent and character of the masterplan and the design guidelines for Wolf Creek. 1. The first illustration is an aerial perspective of the Rockbridge Court area. A bridge modelled on Blue Ridge Parkway bridges crosses the creek and provides the sense of entry into the neighborhood. The massing of village homes in two clusters provides a neighborhood that fits neatly between the creek and adjacent neighborhood to the rear of the property. Large triangular spaces are created to the rear of the property to buffer existing neighbors. 2. Walking down Stone Creek Path, the scale provides a sense of small town found usually in smaller and older towns, like. Fincastle or Staunton. Houses are placed very close to the sidewalk, with boxwoods, antique-type street lights and picket fences separating the private parts of homes from the street front. No parking is allowed on Stone Creek Path. At the end of the street, a large cul-de-sac provides safety access, and cues the visitor. 1 ive- and 6-home clusters further enhance the neighborhood feeling. 3. Wolf Creek appears as a village in the middle- to background as seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway. A stone wall, wildflower meadow and orchard help to screen the Oldtowne Village part of development beyond. Intended to appear as a small village that is seen from the Parkway, the density of housing appears as a contrast to the open field. The mountains in the background complete the scene. 4. This plan view shows the relationship between indoor and outdoor space for a typical village home. - sa- __ .~~, ~ , ~.~ :~- h, - • _ _ . ~:_ '* ,. _n ~r, ~<; t.- ~ 3 '. ai ~" F. .;~,~?'. S ~ ,~+~~a ^~ 1~ .:~ . r".•~ '~ :"~~: ~ i. .. i "l~k may ll ?, ;1 ''~ ~\~\ 'e~ ~ ' .~C 3j w,~ y. .1'v `4 _^ i' ' ~~ Y+ `~ ti...-.may _i J!-,.'i 1 ~~~ ~~~.; :. k~1,' ,;rya,. ~ „fir ,~ ~...tJ° •` S {.. `~..~ 4 -..j. -~ • .: f S~ w G f U ~,/ .. -. - ~ /' ~. `~~ _ ~~ r t- -- L,_ r.. =J:: h~k." ~_, 4 :;- ~.' 4ir ~~? ¢. .r :' ~; «- -~_ - . ~ :~.: =.' 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O C'O Z ~ y g ~ .~ ~ iU, U ~ O O Eo~s~n~ o c:~ ? ~ ~ E `° QndE va t .~ T'v C O .. t' U n `y O ~. h C O 'O L+ E s t ~ ;~ > 0 0 0 o ~ :o s a E ~ ' '~ ~ ti ~ 0 ~ O ~ ~ 0.E ± ~ ~ ~ D - E ' > F c " c~ O `o N CS Cq V h C h C L 'D CD h rVii C U :D'O O. E ~ c> > 'J rJ O ~ c > o Lo F, ~ E h .a ~ O 'O s~ n n m ~ c tV.q O :1 t~j .= ~ ~ ~ c~ °° n . ?_' n. > n > V L ~ ~ ~ O v .>. n ~ ~ E u~ a ti a`ot 1 '' .~-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANORE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1995 ORDINANCE 102495-11 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JANE ALLISON PARKER TO ALLOW AN ACCESSORY APARTMENT LOCATED AT 5757 GRANDIN ROAD (TA% MAP NO. 66.04-1-11), WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jane Allison Parker has filed a petition to establish an accessory apartment located at 5757 Grandin Road, Tax Map No. 66.04-1-11, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 3, 1995; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on September 26, 1995; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on October 24, 1995. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to allow an accessory apartment located at 5757 Grandin Road (Tax Map No. 66.04-1-11) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1985 Comprehensive Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.1-456 (b) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the ordinance and grant the special use permit, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Eddy, Nickens, Minnix 1 r NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 i. t~~ }.YO v ~ ~~ Q1.~ r j ~ ~-y `. • ^ ` '' = =~~~- V 1 C 1. i 1 T Y M A P ~ ~ `~~~' " .~o •' '"'- 21 r ,~ ;,~ ~sJ~ 22 '~•` rs -' \\\ ^ ~ 7 JI ~ J =' 30 5-} .~. .7~ 29, s• t1!! •~ zs ~JlJ 6~ •~ SO ,r~ II -~-I- -~ = I J. 1 ' See k 1' ~~ ~ DEPe~RT`~~JT OF PL~NNI\G JANE ALLISON PARKER AND zorrlNG SPECIAL USE PERMIT 66.04-t-~t