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3/11/1997 - Regular
WORKING DOCUMENT -SUBJECT TO REVISION JOINT MEETING ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER 4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Tuesday, March 11, 1997 - 12:00 Noon ACTION AGENDA A. WELCOME: Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors B. INVOCATION AND LUNCH INVOCATION BY JOHN CHAMBLISS C. ROLL CALL 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT AT 12:25 P.M. 2. Roanoke City Council COUNCIL MEMBERS TROUT AND WHITE ABSENT D. OPENING REMARKS 1. Chairman Johnson DISCUSSED JOINT ONGOING VENTURES SUGGESTED JOINT RVTV SHOW HIGHLIGHTING JOINT PROJECTS. 2. Mayor Bowers THANKED BOS FOR HOSTING NEED TO CONTINUE TO MAKE EFFORTS TOWARD EACH OTHER. E. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. F. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS 1. Request for a team of volunteers to offer assistance to flood victims in the Midwest. (Requested by Roanoke County) BOB HERBERT AND ELMER HODGE TO CONTACT APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS TO OFFER ASSISTANCE. 2. Habitat for Humanity (Requested by Roanoke City. CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 4, 1996) ECH ADVISED COUNTY DONATED PINKARD COURT CENTER TO TAP AND THAT BILLY BRANCH OFFERED 5 - 6 ACRES OFF STARKEY ROAD TO HABITAT, BUT THERE ARE ROAD ACCESS PROBLEMS. 3. Low Band Tourist Radio System. (Requested by Roanoke County and Roanoke City) MAYOR BO WERS ASKED CO NGRESSMAN GOODLATTE TO CONTACT P ARKWAY OFFIC IALS FOR ASS ISTANCE . OFFERED STATISTICS ON WHO LISTE NS TO SYSTEM . BLJ -WILL INCLUDE IN COU NTY BUDGET PROCESS. L WYATT- MIGHT WANT TO USE ADDITIO NAL FUNDS FOR CONVENTI ON AND VISITOR S BUREAU INS TEAD. 4. Segregation in the Roanoke Valley. (Requested by Roanoke City) BOB HERBERT PRESENTED REPORT SHOWING THAT FACTORS SUCH AS ANNEXATION, HOUSING COSTS, ECONOMIC FACTORS, AND TREND TO MOVE TO RURAL AREAS ARE AFFECTING SEGREGATION IN ROANOKE. SUGGESTED BOTH STAFFS GET TOGETHER TO DISCUSS HOW THESE FACTORS AFFECT THE PROBLEM. 5. Discussion of tipping fees at the landfill. (Requested by Roanoke County) GENERAL DISCUSSION ON INCREASED FEES AND AFFECT TO BUDGETS. ECH SUGGESTED AN OUTSIDE REVIEW OF THE TIPPING FEES IN COMPARISON WITH OTHER LOCALITIES. 6. Discussion of Specialized Transit Arranged Rides (STAR) bus service. (Requested by Roanoke City) BOB HERBERT ADVISED THAT CITY NOTIFIED COUNTY THAT STAR SERVICES WILL TERMINATE ON 6/30/97. GRTC WILL PROVIDE LIST OF COUNTY USERS. ECH ADVISED THEY HAD RECEIVED LIST AND ARE PLANNING TO INCREASE CORTRAN RIDERSHIP AVAILABILITY TO OFFSET LOSS OF STAR. 7. Changes in the General Assembly to the Personal Property Tax and Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) Tax. (Requested by Roanoke City) GRISSO -WITH THE LEGISLATION CHANGE ELIMINATING 550.00 FEE, COUNTY AND CITY NEED TO WORK TOGETHER TO MAKE THE SAME DECISION REGARDING THE FEE. WILL NEED TO MAKE UP THE LOST REVENUE. 8. Regional Recycling LBE SUGGESTED A UNIFORM RECYCLING SYSTEM BETWEEN BOTH LOCALITIES. BOB HERBERT UPDATED BOTH BODIES ON CITY RECYCLING EFFORTS TO DATE. RVRA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JOHN HUBBARD ADVISED IT WAS NOT COST EFFECTIVE TO HANDLE RECYCLING FROM THE TRANSFER STATI 9. Update on Joint Healthcare Project DIANE HYATT UPDATED BOTH BODIES ON JOINT HEALTHCARE PROJECT RFP'5 WILL BE OUT IN APRIL OR MAY WITH REVIEW BY END OF AUGUST LOOKING AT 1/1/98 IMPLEMENTATION DATE. G. ADJOURNMENT BLJ ADJOURNED AT 1:33 P.M. o~ p,OANOk~c` a :is-,, i z ~ z ov .a 1838 _ . JOINT MEETING ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION .CENTER 4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Tuesday, March 11, -1997 -12:00 Noon AGENDA A. WELCOME: Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors B. INVOCATION AND LUNCH C. ROLL CALL 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. Roanoke City Council D. OPENING REMARKS 1. Chairman Johnson 2. Mayor Bowers E. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. F. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS 1. Request for a team of volunteers to offer assistance to flood victims in the Midwest. (Requested by Roanoke County) 2. Habitat for Humanity (Requested by Roanoke City. CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 4, 1996) 3. Low Band Tourist Radio System. (Requested by Roanoke County and Roanoke City) 4. Segregation in the Roanoke Valley. (Requested by Roanoke City) 5. Discussion of tipping fees at the landfill. (Requested by Roanoke County) 6. Discussion of Specialized Transit Arranged Rides (STAR) bus service. (Requested by Roanoke City) 7. Changes in the General Assembly to the Personal Property Tax and Business, Professional and Occupational License (BPOL) Tax. (Requested by Roanoke City) G. ADJOURNMENT Blue AFFORDABLE HOUSING . D ~~ *- . .THE FOUNDATION OF OPPORTUNITY February 18, 1997 Elmer Hodge Roanoke County Administrator 5204 Bernard Drive SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Elmer: CRAIG BALZER, CHAIRMAN ALVIN NASH, PRESIDENT P.O. Box 20708 ROANOKE, VA 2401 8 PHONE: (5401 774-7408 FAx: (5401 774-805 I TAP has been operating its Housing Programs out of the Pinkard Court School Building for the past two and a half years. Roanoke County donated the building to us so that we could develop affordable housing. One of the decisions we made after listening to the residents was that additional people in the neighborhood would not be appropriate at this time. Since Roanoke County and the residents of Pinkard Court had legitimate concerns, we felt it was our responsibility to try and balance out these issues. Therefore, we decided to operate our Housing Programs out of the facility and to do everything we could to make sure housing services were provided to Roanoke County residents. Please find enclosed a report titled "The Pinkard Court Report." This report is a detailed description of the affordable housing programs that we have been operating out of the facility. Our objective is to operate cost effective programs and coordinate those programs as to maximize resources, staff coordination, and have a positive impact on the Roanoke County community. In addition to TAP's Housing Programs, we have also created The Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation, which is a community development corporation (CDC) whose sole function is the development of and education about homeownership. Most of our programs are continuous and ongoing, although we continue to seek resources and fmd ways to deliver quality services to those who need it. We believe Roanoke Count. ,has signif cantly contributed to the development of affordable housmg by provic~mg us ...~._.~; :1.F..'.!?,F^:.•M.e'+i i.t~~irnn,..i'sl:<:*'A.'..' L__`K. .ri.'ii.. w. ,::. xv r.r .-Jw.. _. .,FW{y}, TeAMa,.u+yn.r^'.;r.`4v:~.~i.a4kc* .wt:oav ..,ev. t+. .' .<,...,a..s.y:.>..iw«m::`~~. with a~uality facility from which to operate. ~~ ,K')iNP*'!.flix' p(.LY.?Y.ieJC. ..t.....,..wilw.. ,. .. n... m.....ntfr.n-1 .. .... .r v'c4:'.. ~.~:.;..,, ~....~.. There is a need for the development of new affordable homeownership programs in Roanoke County and to upgrade existing housing stock in some of the older, low to moderate income communities. We intend to work with the appropriate departments to assess the possibilities and develop a working strategy. We know your office and the Board of Supervisors is extremely concerned about the problem of affordable housing at all income levels and it is because of that concern we can develop a creative plan. I especially don't want to wait until there is negative criticism toward the County about doing its fair shaze regarding affordable housing in the Roanoke Valley. I t~ hunk Roanoke Count, is domg~~ts fair s~iare,to,ard afford ~7r8,~'b~}Fi1n.~w,Aa 7 "?Sfi+ M .rt- z housing, however we need tQ ~vorl~,,th the County. to de~~~lcap new uutiatives. I want to the i::~!'.FC~d~?onk.iaTrM@cs"t?..~59.+:Y=A. .'~e:F :.+•S+r4*n. iMial . 4" t.'r".rir.tt a V ne... q;R'.L ~~. ,... .. .. ..r .•I H. h.f.Y.. ..'_'6 you for your support and cooperation over the past few years and we look forwazd to some positive results in 1997. Finally, I hope you will find "The Pinkard Court Report" helpful and informative. I would be willing to discuss the report with you in the near future. Please feel free to contact me at (540) 774-7408. Sincerel Alvin Nas Deputy Director of TAP President, Blue Ridge Housing Development Corp. j The Pinkard Court Report TAP/Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation Roanoke County Affordable Housing Programs Roanoke County Section 8 Emergency Home Repair HUD Housing Counseling Weatherization Assistance Indoor Plumbing/Rehab Crisis Intervention Program ShareIHIP -Homeless Intervention Program Welcome Home - BRHDC's Homebuyer Education Club P.O. Box 20708 4220 PINKARD STREET , ROANOKE, VA 240 18 PHONE: 1540) 774-7408 FAx: 1540) 774-805 I ` 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Roanoke County Section 8 This program provides familieslindividuals with safe, sanitary and decent affordable e 8 e B e e e housing through supplemental rental funds. Routine inspections are done to ensure that all the units meet HUD's Housing Quality Standards. Eligibility: Meet low income guidelines, which is 60% below median area income. Fees: None. Service Area: Roanoke County, Salem and Vinton. Supported by: Federal and State funds. Under TAPIBRHDC's management the number of vouchers have increased from 45 to 68. 1996 1995 Housing Asst. Payments Tenants Payments Housing Asst. Payments Tenants Payments ~,oanoke County $2,760 $1,560 $2,660 $1,478 Salem $2,888 $1,741 $3,453 $2,126 Vinton $4,594 $1,347 $3,896 $1,629 Total $10.242 $10.009 Emergency Home RepairlRehab Provide emergency home repairs and improvements. Provide minor and major repairs to rural ~-- and city homes, and provide handicap ramps and other needed alterations. Eligibility: Low income familieslindividuals, elderly and handicap. Must own home needing Fees: None. Service Area: Fifth Planning District, Rockbridge, Buena Vista and Lexington. Supported by: Federal, State and local funds. The goal of the Emergency Home Repair Program is to improve the living conditions of low income persons by removing imminent health and safety hazards and/or barriers to habitability in their homes. The programs objectives are to repair and/or make physical improvements to housing units occupied by low income persons to remove health and safety hazards. To make necessary adaptations and/or improvements to housing units occupied by low income persons with disabilities. '!'he"emergency repairs performed in 1995 and 1996 include roof repairlreplacement, repairlreplacement of heating systems, plumbing repairs, structural repairs where hazards east, (i.e., roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, stairs, etc.). 1996.97 Family Contribution $4,090 $970 2 • Year Total = $12,241 27 Clients have been served thus far in 1996.97 25 Clients were served in 1995-96 $6,476 Family Contribution $100 This program provides counseling for pre-rentals, rental delinquencies, pre-purchases and ~ ~ ~ homeowners. The program provides mortgage assistance counseling with FHA & HUD insured mortgagors. The program also provides rental assistance to subsidized renters and regular renters through local resources in alliance with TAP. Eligibility: Low to moderate income and previously self-sufficient. None. ice Area: Fifth Planning District. ported by: State funding, private, and nonprofit funds. 1994-95 1995-96 Roanoke County $488 $312 Salem $770 $258 Vinton $480 nla " Total $1,738 $570 -Year Total = $2,308 Bents Served 23 10 1995 - 96 Emergency Home Repair HECM (Home Equity Conversion Mort~a~el This program provides counseling to seniors 62 years or older an Reverse Mortgage Loans (a loan on the equity built up in the home). Loan usage can be for home repairs, or to pay off medical bills. The loan is due when 1) in the event of death, 2) move from the home, or 3) sell the home. Eligibility: 62 years or older. Must own or almost own your home (owe less than $10,000) and you must reside in the home. Fees: None. Service Area: Fifth Planning District. Roanoke County 5 Clients served in 1995-96 Total = $500 Share-HIP (Homeless Intervention Programl Provide rental, mortgage and security deposit assistance to familieslindividuals in jeopardy of ~ losing their homes due to eviction or foreclosure, or in need of moving into housing. Financial ",~; aid is provided in the form of loans andlor grants. ,4 ®~'~,~~~ Eligibility: Low income, cause of the crisis and previously self-sufficient. °~~ Fees: None. Service Area: Fifth Planning District, Rockbridge, Buena Vista and Lexington. Supported by: Federal and State funds. 1996-97 1995-96 Rents 55,905 * 525,410 Mortgages 52,124 * 5800 Security Deposits 5573 * ~ 5700 2 -Year Total = 535,512 13 Clients have been served thus far in 1996-97 32 Clients were served in 1995-96 *This amount reflects services through December 1996. What is the value of this program to Roanoke County and its residents? OO We have prevented foreclosures. © We have given people time to recuperate from unexpected crisislemergencies thus keeping families intact. O We have prevented homelessness. ® We have provided budget counseling thus enabling the client to do a better job with managing their money. Indoor PIumbingl Rehab Program Install indoor plumbing in housing units without plumbing or in units where the existing water ° delivery or waste water disposal systems are failing. Provide repair to substandard housing e and make accessibility improvements. '~'~ Eligibility: Households must lack functioning indoor plumbing. Gross combined household income must be below 80% of the median income adjusted for family size for each locality. Fees: Loan Program. Service Area: Rockbridge County, Buena Vista, Botetourt, Roanoke County, Salem and Lexington. Supported by: Federal and State funds. Roanoke County 1995-1996 1994-1995 579,600 $37,615 2 -Year Total = $117,215 Clients served in 1994.95 = 3, this represents installation of indoor plumbing in one home. Clients served in 1995-96 = 6, this represents installation of indoor plumbing in two homes. Weatherization This program provides an energy conservation program to stop air infiltration and cut the costs of high ~ i ~ fuel bills. Provides an inspection of the heating system, insulation of sidewalls and attics, duct wrapping and other technology to improve thermal efficiency and help reduce utility costs. Services being provided are: X Vent and insulate attics and sidewalls X Weather strip doors X Replace broken glass X Inspect heating and cooling equipment X Insulate floors and water heaters, and kooI seal trailer roofs Eligibility: Elderly, handicapped, low income homeowners, and low income renters. Fees: None. Service Area: Fifth Planning District, Buena Vista, Lexington and Rockbridge. Supported by: Federal and State funds, private and nonprofit funds. Roanoke County ~ 1995-96 Total Homes 40 Total Clients 108 Average cost per house = 51,964 Total Costs = ~ 578,574 . l;risis Intervention Program ~ S ~ S ~J The Crisis Intervention Program is a program that provides assistance to eligible households -~-~ti -,-~ with unsafe or inoperable heating systems. This effort is an interdepartmental effort between s % % ~ Develo went and the WeatherizationeAstheDepartment ofHousing and Community J, / A stance Program. By the coordination of these ~. factions the Crisis Intervention clients will be assured of good quality work from trained inspectors and contractors who are dedicated to their professions and who take a true interest in assuring that Crisis clients receive the best fob possible. The Department of Social Services provides crisis assistance funds for emergency heating equipment, repairs and purchases to be handled by the Department of Housing's Weatherization Assistance Program. If needed the Weatherization Program can supplement funds to assist in serving eligible households. The program begins an November 1st of each year and continues through March 31st. In 1995-96 ninety three households were served in the program. This represents total revenues of approximately 5111,430, expenses of 5100,205 and total administration of 511,225. This program helps to solve the problems that low income families and individuals face when there is only a limited or fixed income in the household, and the heating system suddenly stops in the middle of winter and they are faced with the decision of whether to get the heating system repaired or replaced or eat and pay the rent. The Crisis Intervention Program solves that problem for them. Being that this program is available to them, they can continue to pay their bills, buy food, clothing, and for the elderly, buy much needed medical supplies. Crisis Intervention Statistics -1995 -1996 Number of homes that received services in Roanoke County =17 Number of furnace repairs = 5 Number of furnace replacements =12 Total cost of repairs = 51,500 Total cost of replacements = 519,200 Total monies spent = $20.700 Summary of Services and Dollar Amounts Spent for Roanoke County Salem and Vinton• `I Grand Total Spent = $287,301 ~' Total Number of Clients Served = 269 ~' Average Gost Per Client = $1,068 TAPBIue Ridge Housing Development Corporation Staff Alvin Nash Barbara Riggs James Robinson Paulette Dixon Sharon Whitenack Andrea Hager Deputy Director of TAP TAP Housing Component Director President, Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation Assistant Director, TAP Housing Director of Operations, Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation Weatherization Manager, TAP Housing Coordinator of Client Services, TAP Housing Administrative Assistant, TAP Housing Welcome Home, BRHDC's Homebuyer Education Program Sandra Ferguson Housing Counselor for SharelHIP and HUD Counseling Programs, TAP Housing Angie Smith Roanoke County Section 8 SupervisorlRehab Specialist, TAP Housing James Lesniak Planner/Programbeveloper, TAP Housing Donald Reynolds Weatherization Crew Chief Eric Otey Asst Crew Chief David Penn Weatherzation Technician Robert Boyd Weatherization Technician ~.. . ~..._ 4 ",~, ~ eb a is o ~ o ~ ~ ~. ~ ~' b4 v ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~:~ ~i ~ Q$ CV~ ~p•~ ~' ~ A u ~O~~.a, v7i ~Qe ~~g.~ w~~~~~'a'C$u a•~~ ~~a~ 9~ ~ •~ •G d ~ ~ O ._, en w.. ~ -~ _ •y ~~ n ~ 7+ ~ V ~ ti s ~>v~~~ ~'a a e~i~E ~ ~ Q ~ w O U L~t 4. at 06 "O rt3 "' w U ~ ~ ..~ :~ u 30~ `~ ~Q c' • C V a C ~ h L' •,~ ~• '~ ~ V C 3 °' `' ti 'b '_~ c6 a~ ~ ~ '~ ~ y w ne ~. c~ .' N '~- 3 a ~ G . p c7;,. ~•~,VL..'.Q.y6.~ ,Q ~,V•~. • ~ m yoo~"' a ' ~~~~' ~'• .i ~+~ .yam . a~ ~ i°`Jr .~~ . C}. ~ e4 Cos Q' ~ •~ . .~ ~' f0 .S ?~ ^. ~C~ C pC ~~ .9:.a LT• w ~` 7' ~ ~° ~' V Cr» ~ ~ a ~• .o„~a~...~ ~. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ TOTAL P.02 ~t~.:. 1G ,x , ~~a~- ~,,,~z~, ~ ~E, = ,t ~~cr° F ~~ .r }L ~4 ~ ~,_ r ~~'K ~ CLERK TO THE BOARD N T E R MEMO O F F I C E To: Board of Supervisors, Elmer Hodge, Paul Mahoney, John Chambliss, Don Myers, Anne Marie Green From: Mary H. Allen Subj: Joint Meetings with Roanoke City Council Date: January 30, 1997 The joint meetings with Roanoke City Council have been scheduled for 1997. Please calendar them as follows: Tuesday, March 11, 1997 (Roanoke County Host) Monday, July 7, 1997 (Roanoke City Host) Tuesday, October 28, 1997 (Roanoke County Host) Please note that when Roanoke County hosts, the meeting is scheduled for our regular meeting date, and when Roanoke City hosts it is scheduled for their regular meeting date. Specific times and places will be determined closer to the meeting date, but they will probably begin around noon with lunch. Call me if you have any questions. CC: Brenda Holton ~. CLERK TO THE BOARD I N T E R MEMO O F F I C E To: Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney ~iN•r ~ L~ ~ ~ ~ ~c~ Foam: Mary H. Allen '~ Subj: Joint Meetings with Roanoke City Council Date: _ ! ~L,~ Roanoke City Clerk Mary Parker and I discussed possible meeting dates for our joint meetings with Roanoke City Council in 1997. The following dates are tentatively offered. Ms. Parker is also contacting the members of Roanoke City Council to see if those dates are agreeable with them. Tuesday, March 11, 1997 -Roanoke County Host Monday, July 7, 1997 -Roanoke City Host Tuesday, October 28, 1997 -Roanoke County Host If these dates are agreeable, please let me know and we will include them in our 1997 meeting schedule that is sent out to the media and those who receive agendas. Specific times and places for the meetings will be determined later. Thank you. 1 c- ~ r i r /`'~ W~A ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~.~ - o~ ~~ i~ ~__ ~ Y~ - f - c~ ~ ~~ - 3/~~ <~ ~. /~ L ~'t~-ea-zc.~-C ti .. January 24, 1997 MA HCN called about dates for meetings you faxed him. He said that March 11 was OK with him but that July 7 and Oct 28 was just too far out for him to schedule anything. Need to wait until later to see what happens. Brenda qty i~~7 5. REQUESTS TO ADD AGENDA ITEMS OR CHANGE THE ORDER ()F TAE AGENDA: BLJ ADDED EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM FOR BOS FOLLOWING REGULAR MEETING 6. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS: A. Update on Higher Education Center Cana+~r Tnhn S. Edwards. UPDATE AND VIDEO BOWERS ASKED FOR SUPPORT AND BLJ SUGGESTED JOINT TASK FORCE. HERBERT/HODGE TO SET UP B. Status report on the Regional Stormwater Management Study. George Simpson, Assistant Director of Engineering, Roanoke County. (Continued from July 9. 199E mPp+;,,Q~ PRESENTED BY GEORGE SIMPSON AND DEWBERRY AND DAVIS. NEXT STEP: DISCUSS FUNDING WITH LOCALITIES L. Update on Metropolitan Transportation~District: Requested by Roanoke County. STEVE MANCUSO ADVISED COMMITTEE HAS MET TWICE ANO WILL BE WORKING STATEWIDE COMMITTEE. D. Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: ReQueste~ h~, p ~^„~IrP r't~t BOWERS MOVED TO NEXT MEETING. SUGGESTED COOPERATIVE EFFORT TO FIND SPACE E. Status report on the Wastewater Treatment Plant: Requested by Roanoke County. KIT KISER UPDATED COST NOW $48 8M DEQ PERMIT EXPIRES 1999 AND WORKING WITH THEM FOR NEW PERMIT. F. Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Va11ey: Requested by Roanoke City. CONTINUED TO NEXT MEETING -COUNTY WILL MAKE REPORT G. Low Band Tourist Radio System: Requested by Roanoke City. BOB HERBERT WILL MEET WITH VDOT AND REPORT AT NEXT MEETING 7, REMARKS BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: 8.. ROANOKE CITY: Recess unti12:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia. ROANOKE COUNTY: BLJ MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 1:35 CODE 2.1-344 A 6 LEGAL MATTER URC OUT 2:20 P.M 110496-1 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESO -URC Bl h i $~i pervisor M ue on th t e innix• (ll Asked about the meeting w Commission BL T advised meeting will be held on March 17 at the Brambleton Center 1 about Vinton citizens paving for their p m ~~ at 7.00 decal ~=~ithout payi , . ng ner~onal property taxes. ECH advised that staff from both localities are looking at a better process but it will need computer ki h l ~pervisor Harrison• ( 1~ Advised that t ec ng e are c he forestry peop on the logging operations i n the Dry Hollo w Road area In response to question from FM PMM a dvised that an i ndividual can cut any trees he chores on his own property s long as he a meets an erosion and sediment , ~glilations (2) Advised th ere was an impo rtant basketball game between rPorg~y~h and Glenvar b eing played this e vening. N. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Accounts Paid -January 1997 5. Report on low band radio system for the Roanoke Valley. CLERK TO THE BOARD N T E R MEMO O F F I C E To: Board of Supervisors, Elmer Hodge, Paul Mahoney, John Chambliss, Don Myers, Anne Marie Green From: Mary H. Allen Subj: Joint Meetings with Roanoke City Council Date: January 30, 1997 The joint meetings with Roanoke City Council have been scheduled for 1997. Please calendar them as follows: Tuesday, March 11, 1997 (Roanoke County Host) Monday, July 7, 1997 (Roanoke City Host) Tuesday, October 28, 1997 (Roanoke County Host) Please note that when Roanoke County hosts, the meeting is scheduled for our regular meeting date, and when Roanoke City hosts it is scheduled for their regular meeting date. Specific times and places will be determined closer to the meeting date, but they will probably begin around noon with lunch. Call me if you have any questions. CC: Brenda Holton ~~~ ~ ~` .x•14; ~; MARY E PARKER, CMC/AAE City Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Room 456 Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1536 Telephone: (540) 853-2541 Fax: (540) 853-1 ] 45 January 24, 1997 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Dear Mary: SANDRA H. EAKIN Deputy City Clerk The Members of the Roanoke City Council look forward to meeting with the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on the following dates: March 11, 1997 (hosted by Roanoke County) July 7, 1997 (hosted by Roanoke City) October 28, 1997 (hosted by Roanoke County) With warmest personal regards, I am Sincerely, ~~ ~~ Mary F. Parker, CMCIAAE City Clerk MFP:sm F_~~._ ~ r i ~ _~._.~ . __ _ ~- ~~1' ,a ~30Ic1 ~' f; ii`'' i ~ ~. ~, 1, _._~._-- H:I000NCIL.97~COU NTY. DAT Printed by Mary Allen / ADMO1 2/28/97 11:23am --------------------------------------- From: Mary Allen / ADMO1 To: Elmer Hodge / ADMO1 Subject: fwd: JOINT MEETING-ROANOKE CIT --------------------------------------- ===NOTE====------=====2/28/97==8:19am== Dr. Nickens called with two suggestions for the joint meeting. (1) Asked that copy of Alvin Nash's letter re Pinkard Court Donation be included in the packet since Discussion of Habitat for Humanity is included from Roanoke City. (2) Suggested adding "Discussion of tipping fees at the landfill" as an item on the agenda. He said to run that by you and see what you thought. Let me know about (2). Fwd=by:=Elmer=Hodge=/=2/28/97=11:07am== Fwd to: Mary Allen / ADM01 I like them both. Thanks. ------------------------- Page: 1 C1 h ~~ V ~ h~ ~ N ~~ ~ ~ °~ F ~a~ c ~ ~~ o ~ ~S h U v ~A '] • ELMER: RE: Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council Do you have any agenda items you would like to place on the agenda for the joint meeting with Roanoke City Council? I'm going to ask the Board members and Mary Parker (for Roanoke City Council) this week also. Mary Allen 2/25/97 CLERK TO THE BOARD I N T E R O F F I C E MEMO To: Board of Supervisors, Elmer Hodge, Paul Mahoney From: Mary H. Allen y''~-~O`" Subj: Agenda for Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council Date: February 27, 1997 If any of you have items to place on the agenda for the joint meeting with Roanoke City Council, please let me know as soon as possible. So far we have the following items: - Mayflower Hills Park - Low Band Tourist Radio System Items continued from the last 1oint meeting; - Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals (Requested by Roanoke City) - Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley (Requested by Roanoke City) The date and time for the meeting: TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1996 - 12:00 P.M. ADMINISTRATION CENTER 4TH FLOOR LARGE CONFERENCE ROOM Printed by Mary Allen / ADMO1 2/28/97 8:19am From: Mary Allen / ADMO1Confirm receipt To: Elmer Hodge / ADMO1 Subject: JOINT MEETING-ROANOKE CITY --------------------------------------- ===NOTE________________________________ Dr. Nickens called with two suggestions for the joint meeting. (1) Asked that copy of Alvin Nash's letter re Pinkard Court Donation be included in the packet since Discussion of Habitat for Humanity is included from Roanoke City. (2) Suggested adding "Discussion of tipping fees at the landfill" as an item on the agenda. He said to run that by you and see what you thought. Let me know about (2). l~ ~- /~~/~~ ~~ ~S- ~C~ ~~ ,.?o ~n ~ Page: 1 MAR-26-1997 13 21 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 542 8531145 P.21 G' _ roc C? ,' ~~ ~'' o ~r C. i ~ /~ ~ ~ FAX TRANSMISSION C1TY C1..ERK'S OFFICE 2 15 G~URCM AvENUE, 5. W. RQANOKE, VIR4INIA ~~Q I t • ~ S3$ (54d) 853-z54 ! FAx; 18401 883-t I45 E MAIL: GLERK~GI.ROANOKE.VA,Ua To: IVlary H. A len, Clerk Date: Roanoke aunty Board of Supervis rs Fax #: 772-2193 ~ Pages: From: Mary F. Parker March 9, 1997 2, including this cover sheet. City Clem Subject: Agenda It ms for Joint Luncheon Meeting between the Roanoke ity Council and the Roanoke County Board of Supervis rs COMMENTS: Mary, Please include the meeting of our two g ,Specialized T Roanoke Cour lowing items on the agenda for the joint luncheon ~erning bodies on Tuesday, March 11 at 12:0 noon: it Arranged Rides (STAR) bus service in '~'' Segregation in the Roanoke Valley (see attached newspaper article) ~-~~ Changes by Business, Pi ~ Habitat for Hur ~. Low-Band Tou If you have q General Assembly to the Personal Property Tax and Isional and Occupational License Tax pity Radio System please feel free to call me. N:ucs~cc~v.e.LVrac.wrn - ~ 1~/~~' 1rti - ~„c~ J JOINT MEETING ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER 4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 5204 BERNARD DR. ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Tuesday, March 11, 1997 - 12:00 Noon AGENDA A. WELCOME: Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors C. INVOCATION AND LUNCH D. ROLL CALL 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. Roanoke City Council E. OPENING REMARKS 1. Chairman Johnson 2. Mayor Bowers F. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. G. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS ~~:~ ~ ~ ~~ Discussion on Mayflower Hills Park: R quested by Roanoke County Zs ~ date on the 00 MHZ~System: Requested by Roan~?ke County . _ - ~__ ..- -~- ~~ ' ~'~ ~ , y v j 3. Discussion of tipping fees at the landfill: Requested by Roanoke County /4. Habitat for Humanity: Requested by Roanoke City.(CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 4, 1996) ~ 5. Low Band Tourist Radio System: Requested by Roanoke County. / 6. Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention to Cruelty to Animals: Requested by Roanoke City (CONTINUED FROM NOVEMBER 4, 1996) ,~ ''l . ,?' v i n ~`" /-~ ~C~. /S~C.ti ..fin S ct./~~.ri G' e. ~~oJ ee~- H. ADJOURNMENT MAR-~6-1g97 13 21 FAx TRANSMISSION C1TY C1~ERK'$ QFFICE 2 15 CHURCH AvEraUE, 5. W. ROANOKE, VIRC31N1A X40 I I • 1536 f540) 853-284! FAx; f 540) 853- 1145 E--MAIL: CLERK~CI.ROANOKE.VA,LJS To: Mary H. ~ Roanoke Supervise Fax #: 772-2193 From: Mary F. P City Clerl Subject: Agenda I Roanoke CITY CLERK'S OFFICE len, Clerk Date: :aunty Board of Pages: 54~ 8531145 P.~1 March B, 1997 2, including this cover sheet. for Joint Luncheon Meeting between the Council and the Roanoke County Board of rs COMMENTS: Mary, Please include the meeting of our two Specialized • Roanoke Cou lowing items on the agenda for the joint luncheon ~erning bodies on Tuesday, March 11 at 12:00 noon: sit Arranged Rides (STAR) bus service in Segregation in the Roanoke Valley (see attached newspaper article) Changes by th~ General Assembly to the Personal Property Tax and Business, Pro ssional and Occupational License Tax Habitat for Humanity Low-Band Tourist Radio System If you have question, please feel free to call me. N:1CCS1~L't3M13.e.LfJ?.IC. W PD MAR-86-1997 13 21 f ~_... ~...._. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 54~ 853115 P.~2 w ~ eo o ix o •E ~ v N~ p 'fl ,e •~ .~ p ~ •~OO'' O ~>'c~A C a O~GT .. ~ ~ ~~ 3 ~ ' a -~ u £+ vl D • ~ ~ y r % y .--1 E ~ E o~ :. } F•~ E o~ auV~~~5~~r~ C • ~ - ~ ~~ e _'~° ~ ~ v ~o~. ~ ~~ ~ ~;a ,~ ~~ ~~ ~ a i0 ~ w r. ~ ~ w ~ ct2 ~C ~ ~ V eU w - a~a~ u c > Lua +r 11!!~~ ~ t+ a u m a~ ~ ~ o~.~ ~ ~ yF. • ~. ~ y ~.. v., rry y~ _OOpy$ w 2O5 • ~.y~' ,~ ~ a^O y~,} ~ !'W •.~ _ _ ~ ~a~~a ` „~u ~~u~~. . . c~ ~~~ C4ay•~'O Tye ~y ~ .~rS . o.~ v~ -.~=rte. u y ... ~, ~ ~ °Q c ~° TOTAL P.~2 J interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Elmer Hodge, County Administrator from: Bob L. Johnson, Chairman, Board of Supervisors subject: Flooding in Mid-West date: March 6, 1997 After seeing the news reports about the flooding in the Mid-West, I remembered the assistance which the Roanoke Valley received after natural disasters such as the Flood of `85 and Hurricane Hugo. I would like to ask our staff, on a volunteer basis but on County time and at County expense, to travel wherever needed to assist the victims of the recent floods. If you believe this should be added to the Board Agenda for Tuesday, please do so. cc: Board of Supervisors ~ d~=~ 4~