HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/7/1997 - Regularw ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING THE VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF TRANSPORTATION SHENANDOAH CONFERENCE ROOM 303 NORFOLK AVENUE, SW Monday, July 7, 1997 -12:15 P.M. ACTION AGENDA 1. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, City of Roanoke 2. INVOCATION AND LUNCH INVOCATION BY COUNCILMAN NELSON HARRIS 3. ROLL CALL: AT 12:20 P.M. Roanoke City Council COUNCIL MEMBERS LINDA WYATT AND JOHN PARROTT- ABSENT Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT 4. OPENING REMARKS ALL THOSE ATTENDING INTRODUCED THEMSELVES Mayor Bowers 1 N NE Chairman Johnson N NE 5. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: N NE 6. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS: A. Update on improvements to The Virginia Museum of Transportation. Katherine F. Houck, Executive Director, (!0 minutes) PRESENTED BY KATHERINE HOUCK WHO DESCRIBED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FACILITY AND NEW ARTIFACTS THAT HAVE BEEN INCLUDED. B. Update on Roanoke Regional Airport. Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director. (15 minutes) PRESENTED BY MS SHUCK WHO DESCRIBED FUTURE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING THE CARGO APRON PROJECT. NEW TURNING LANES, NEW AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER AND POSSIBILITY OF INSTITUTING A PASSENGER FACILITY FEE WHICH WOULD STAY WITH THE AIRPORT AND COULD BE SPENT ONLY ON SPECIFIC TYPES OF PROJECTS. C. Update on the Higher Education Center. (Requested by Roanoke City - 5 minutes) MAYOR BOWERS PRESENTED A WRITTEN UPDATE ON THE HIGHER 2 EDUCATION CENTER HE ADVISED THAT HE WILL DISCUSS A FINANCIAL PROPOSAL FOR FUNDING AT THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND PLANS TO ASK FOR PARTICIPATION FROM THE OTHER VALLEY GOVERNMENTS. D. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System. (Requested by Roanoke City and Roanoke County - 5 minutes) LBE ADVISED THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WAS NOT INTERESTED IN A RADIO SYSTEM ON I-81 BUT WAS WILLING TO PUT ONE ON THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY DAVID KJOLHEDE . CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU ADVISED IT WAS A CUSTOMER SERVICE TOOL AND NOT A MARKETING TOOL. ECH AND BOB HERBERT TO BRING BACK FORMAL REPORT TO OCTOBER MEETING. E. Update on Regional Sewage Treatment Plant. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes.) KIT KAISER PRESENTED A WRITTEN STATUS REPORT AND ADVISED THAT THE COST HAD INCREASED FROM $41.500.000 IN 1993 TO $65,.88.,584 IN 1997. F. Update on Joint Water and Sewer Lines. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) ECH AND BOB HERBERT TO BRING BACK WRITTEN REPORT TO OCTOBER MEETING. G. Update on Storm water Management Project on Peters Creek Road. (Requested. by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) ECH AND BOB HERBERT TO BRING BACK WRITTEN REPORT TO OCTOBER MEETING. 3 H. Consideration of a Regional Teen Center similar to the Brambleton Teen Center. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) NCH REPORTED ON SUCCESS OF BRAMBLETON TEEN CENTER. HCN ADVISED THAT TEENAGERS HAD TOLD HIM THEY WOULD LIKE A CENTER IN THE MARKET AREA. ECH AND BOB HERBERT TO BRING BACK WRITTEN REPORT TO CTOBER MEETIN 7. REMARKS BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. N NE 8. ROANOKE CITY: Recess until 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. ROANOKE COUNTY Adjourn to July 8, 1997, at 3:00 p.m., in the Board Meeting room, Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. BLJ ADJOURNED MEETING AT 1:40 P.M. 4 Joint Meeting Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke City Council Monday, July 7, 1997 -12:15 p.m. Va. Museum of Transportation Reserved parkins will be provided on both sides of the main entrance to the museum DISTRIBUTION Lee Eddy Spike Harrison Bob Johnson Fuzzy Minnix Harry Nickens Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen John Chambliss Don Myers Anne Marie Green Diane Hyatt Arnold Covey Gary Robertson Jackie Shuck (Regional Airport Commission) JUL-03-1997 10 56 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 540 8531145 P.02 ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS .JOINT MEETING TI3E VIRGINIA 1VIUSEUM OF 'TRANSPORTATION SHENANDOAH CONFERENCE ROOM 303 NORFOLK AVENUE, S. W. Ma~nday, July 7,1997 -12:15 p.m. AGENDA 1. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, Mayor, City of Roanoke. 2. INVOCATION AND LUNCi^I. 3. ROLL, CALL: Roanoke City Council Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 4. OPENING REMARI{S: Mayor Bowers Chairman Johnson w:v~cr~na.onra-~~.cou ~ JUL-03-1997 10 57 CITY CLERK°S OFFICE 5. 6. 7. $. 540 8531145 P.03 REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS: A. Update on Improvements to The Virginia Museum of Transportation. Katherine F, Houck, Executive Director. (10 minutes) B, Update on Roanoke Regional Airport. J~aequeline L. Shuck, Executive Director. (l 5 minutes) C. Update on the Higher Education Center. (Requested by Roanoke City - 5 minutes) D. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System. (Requested by Roanoke City and Roanoke County - 5 minutes) E. Update on regional Sewage Treatment Plant. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) F. Update on Joint Water and Sewer Lines. (Requested by Roanoke County ~ 5 minutes) G. Update on Stormwater Management Project on Peters Creek Road. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) H. Consideration of a Regional Teen Centex similar to the Brambleton Teen center. (Requested by Roanoke county - S minutes) REMARKS BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARB OF SUPERVISORS. ROANOKE CITY: Recess until 2:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia. N:v-c~r~oA,m~-~~~.cou 2 JUL-03-1997 10 57 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 540 8531145 P.04 RQANOKE COUNTY: Adjourn to July 8, 1997', at 3:00 p.m., in the Board Meeting Roam, Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, S. 'Vtl'. H;1A~oEI~A.0717.7.W.CDU a JLIL-G3-1997 10:58 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Downtown Roanoke The Roanoke Va~ey Conven~on & V'~tors Bureau l14 hrtatta~t So~ec Roe, V'agmia2A0II-1~1 (Sd0} 34S-8bZ2 • (S4~ 34z-625 • (80U) fi3S-5535 www YlSitRae~ceYA.com v~icas CetsDer Open 7 days a week firm gam sa Sp m ~+ ~ HARRESON AVE. AVE. w ~.+-~..~ M' Rf UCAVE - - a ~~ ~~~ . ~~3 C BELL AYE ~ ~~~ }, ~' N H = ~~ 2 ~ ~ ~ CNURCN AVM ~r ~ ~ ; f. C, ~~ ~ '"'~~+ zt..~„r:. PAS ~~ IlV'T~R~S'~` i1 RamoitcCni~~Ca~cr ~' ~ 5teln~w•sCahoGe t~xpt:h ®-~~ E1 Ytip~aa~lu~rntxTr,~~iOC~n ® ~rtact's Make Diwia ~. & ~ry Mu6eurt~) !~1 eofCilmneta ~ Ma~PoaOffioe ~ Raaao~eCayt~btiri~ry ~ Ha~ttt!-~unoFA~n an3cs~ran Cultsnc ~ I~o~t~own R~oaedce ~c. ~ ~~Y '~ Ca~naeof Rmndc !~ k~at~kna .ttA--F~~-i99~ 11.44 ~a a 0 r~i 54C~ 8531145 F'. 85 To 1•S t EChnsti~nsbut~. Dixbc Y vans. Le~eRE[on1 7 I 0 - , ..Y~. ~~~ a . ~ ~j R IVTANr.tVP- u ~r ?.z0 Al,strK~Allt,~ Aw;l ~r ~ 1 / 7u adat :W~xinwn ZoolRoorwka Sir 1 ~ ~ flue Ricfte Pai{~~ray ~~ ~~' Ro~loke valley Y1sll+cx ~tlfOtIfmoit ~a'JICf ~R~~ Cnl Ring D ~4 5'o vinton •~ oy tM3'ir:~ir,S Rootl ~C~vuC~ti n~ E?itations to yid lrlauncwt 7gca+Ro~nokr Szu ~xi Slue Ridge P~rlcvaay: Go Sots on 3rffe>5oa Sacrti iooi; fa she bfut ~~ an your d~ht (t 5 4Enu~es~. At top of cixx~it>, witip.~x witl t:~;e }~ou to the 91ue Ridge Pai~~~;Votth aSoc~d,. i,47 170:33426898 95i P. ~ TUL-03-1997 1G~59 CiT`7' CLERK'S OFFICE ~~ ~~ 7,7 C ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~w ~ ~~ ~ w` ~~~ x '" ~ ~ ~ ., ~ ~~~ ~~ 0 r~-- 54O 5531 ~.~5 P . O6 H ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ y~ ~~ 0 ~.^ r~ RESTROOMS ~~ ~~ ' ~~~ ~o s~x~-x~o~t cvxF~tc~ Roox ~• -~•~~ c~ z 0 K --~ H r r n m Jt~..-@2-1997 31= 45 1?033et26E398 ~O ~r~ ~~~ x 4F'FICE ~~ ~x~"a~ H~$~ ~~~~ 98i P . [14 TOTAL P.©6 HIGHER EDUCATION CENTER PROJECT JULY 7, 1997 ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL/ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING Purpose - A successful project will greatly a»hanct across to u»dtr- graduat~, graduate credit acrd training opportunities for people in the region. It is critical to citizens to assure employability and the crieation of a» educated and cutting edge workforce. I. December of 1996 -The feasibility study of using the former Norfolk Southern Office Building (GOB-N) prepared by Motley and Associates for a higher education center is released. The study is extremely positive. Nine institutions can be accommodated within the 157,866 square feet of the building at a renovation cost of $80/square foot. II. The 1997 Session of the Virginia General Assembly takes two important actions: 1. The creation of the Roanoke Higher Education Authority to become effective July 1, 1998. 2. The formal request for amarketing/needs assessment for such a center is made to the State Council for Higher Education. Positive study results will trigger the release of additional planning monies, as appropriated, to the project. Radford University is named as the fiscal agent for receipt of those funds. III. June. 199? - Mr. Michael Mullin. Deputy Director of the State Council for Higher Education begins work on the study. He meets with Valley business leaders to get their input as to their needs for training and education in the Roanoke Valley. 1V. Strong models for the development of the bullding exist within Virginia. Examples would include the Abingdon Higher Education Center, the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech partnership facility in Northern Virginia, and the Norfolk downtown campus with Tidewater Community College. Each model received state support for renovation and/or construction. These models are applicable to this site in Roanoke. V. Anticipated completion date for the State Council for Higher Education Center study is no later than October, 199?. - over - ~~ SEWAGE FACILITIES EXPANSION -UPDATE Roanoke City CounciURoanoke County Board of Supervisors Joint Meeting July 7, 1997 I. ELEMENTS: Tinker Creek Interceptor Replacement -Orange Avenue to Plant (54-in.) Roanoke River Interceptor Replacement -Salem City Limits to Plant (66-in.) Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion - 35 MGD to 62 MGD II. ESTIMATES: A. ~ B. 1993 -Expansion from 35 MGD to 42 MGD full treatment with hydraulic capacity to 72 MGD (60 - 85% treatment) when rainfall is 25% above average Tinker Creek Interceptor Roanoke River Interceptor Plant Expansion - $ 4,621,893 - 17,807,295 - 19,070,812 $41,500,000 Cost per MGD Full Treatment: $ 5,928,571 Current Estimate -Expansion from 35 MGD to 62 MGD* Full Treatment Tinker Creek Interceptor - $ 7,889,895 Roanoke River Interceptor - 31,703,352 Plant Expansion - 25,296,337 $64,889,584 Cost per MGD Full Treatment: $ 3,244,479 * -Treatment discharge standards to be maintained at current level. Subject to amendment to State Water Quality Management Plan for Upper Roanoke River Basin III. STATUS: Tinker Creek Interceptor Replacement -Under construction Roanoke River Interceptor Replacement -Bids received on lower half for second time on 6/26/97 - Bids to be advertised on upper half in 90 days Plant Expansion -Bids due 7/8/97 - BAF Contract awarded ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SL~~ERVISORS JOINT MEETING THE VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF TRANSPORTATION SHENANDOAH CONFERENCE ROOM 303 NORFOLK AVENUE, S. W. Monday, July 7, 1997 -12:15 p.m. AGENDA 1. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, Mayor, City of Roanoke. 2. INVOCATION AND LUNCH. 3. ROLL CALL: Roanoke City Council Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 4. OPENING REMARKS: Mayor Bowers Chairman Johnson H:IAGENDA0717.7-G7.CAU 5. REQUESTS TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: 6. DISCUSSION OF AGENDA ITEMS: A. Update on Improvements to The Virginia Museum of Transportation. Katherine F. Houck, Executive Director. (10 minutes) B. Update on Roanoke Regional Airport. Jacqueline L. Shuck, Executive Director. (15 minutes) C. Update on the Higher Education Center. (Requested by Roanoke City - 5 minutes) D. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System. (Requested by Roanoke City and Roanoke County - 5 minutes) E. Update on Regional Sewage Treatment Plant. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) F. Update on Joint Water and Sewer Lines. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) G. Update on Stormwater Management Project on Peters Creek Road. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) ,: H. Consideration of a Regional Teen Center similar to the Brambleton Teen Center. (Requested by Roanoke County - 5 minutes) 7. REMARKS BY MEMBERS OF CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 8. ROANOKE CITY: Recess unti12:00 p.m., in the City Council Chamber, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia. H:IAGENOA.~7V-7.07.000 Z ROANOKE COUNTY: Adjourn to July 8, 1997, at 3:00 p.m., in the Board Meeting Room, Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, S. W. H:UGENDA.oT7.7-D7.000 Brenda: - /All agenda items and agenda are on g:\COMMON\BOARD\JULY8 - / Need to add John Chambliss to Invocation if he is willing to do on 7/8 - Mary Parker is supposed to fax a copy of the agenda and the directions on where the meeting is. - Can you call Mary and see what staff is coming to the meeting, and en have the same staff from Roanoke County attend. Example, if Utility Director comes, Gary Robertson should attend, etc. If possible, let them know tomorrow afternoon (after checking with ECH) that they need to attend the meeting. - Leave me a note ore-mail with anything that you left undone or you need to do while you are on vacation. ~~~ ~~~ Have a good time on your vacation and I'll see you on Monday, July 14. Mary A. 7/2/97 `~~ July 3, 1997 (9:51 am) MA said that you wanted to see what City staff was coming to the meeting next Monday so that we could have County staff attend. Checked with Mary Parker and got list of City people attending. Do you want put on distribution list and ask County staff to attend. Chief Burch, Joe Sgroi, Gary Robertson City Council Members except Mr. Parrott Clerk City Manager Assistant City Manager City Attorney Director of Finance Four Directors Public Safety Human Resources 1 ;~ Utility and Operations :~ Public Works Kay ; Tran.~portatio~-ltlli~seum Exe Director Jackie Shuck, Airport Commission, and assistant ~~~~ ~ x~--- ,.~ ,.. _~~ ~. -~~ .. 1" J~JL-83-1997 10 ~ 55 ~. I TY CLERK' ':~ OFFICE F+ AX TRANSIVIISSI~N CITY CLERK'S QFFIC~ 'Z' 18 GNURGN AY~NUE, $. W. Ro,wot~, V~RGrr+u- 240 I I - 183e t540> 853-284 t Fix: lS40) 883- I ! 45 54th 8531145 P.01 To; Brenda Dolton, Deputy Clerk, Date: July 3, 1997 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Faz #: 772-2193 Pages: 5, including this eorrer sheet. Fllrom: Mary F. Parker, City Clerk Subject: Quarterly Meeting on July 7, 1997 COMMENTS: Brenda, The Members of Council look forward to hosting the Quarterly Luncheon Meeting with the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on Monday, July 7 at 12:15 p.m., in the Shenandoah Conference Room, The Virginia Museum of Transportation, 303 Norfolk Avenue, S. W. I am forwarding copy of the agenda, a map providing directions to the Transportation Museum, and a location map of the Museum area. Reserved parking will be provided on both sides ofthe main entrance to the Museum. Please let me know if you would Iike to make revisions to the agenda. MFP:sm Enc. rrw~aoR.aTqu~~.aR s facsimile T R A N S M ITTA L to: Mary Parker fax #: 853-1145 re: Joint Meeting -July 7 date: July 2, 1997 pages: 2, including this cover sheet. Attached are the agenda items that our Board members have requested over the past several months. I assume you already know that Jackie Shuck is going to be at the meeting since I asked Kathy Pendleton to get in touch with you and let you know. I would appreciate it if you would fax me a copy of the agenda by tomorrow morning plus directions to the Va. Transportation Museum and where we should go for the meeting. I will be on vacation tomorrow, but you can contact Brenda with any questions you may have. See you Monday! From the desk of... Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 54o-n2-2oos Fax: 540-772-2t s3 AGENDA ITEMS JOINT MEETING WITH ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL JULY 7, 1997 12:15 P.M. VA. MUSEUM OF TRANSPORTATION 1. Update on Roanoke Regional Airport (Jackie Shuck) 2. Update on Regional Sewage Treatment Plant 3. Joint Water and Sewer Lines 4. Stormwater management project on Peters Creek 5. Update on Regional Sewage Treatment Plant 6. Consideration of a regional Teen Center similar to Brambleton Teen Center 7. Low band radio system on Blue Ridge Parkway July 7 Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council 5 -Board members Elmer Hodge Paul Mahoney Mary Allen John Chambliss Don Myers Anne Marie Green Diane Hyatt George Simpson (stormwater management) Gary Robertson (water and sewer lines) Pete Haislip (Regional Teen Center) Jackie Shuck (Regional Airport Commission) TOTAL: 16 Elmer: Attached is the list of who I think should attend the Joint Meeting on Monday. Do you agree? Several of them are on the list because of proposed agenda items. I would like to let them know today. Mary Allen 7/2/97 ~~a ly 7 Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council ~ 5 -Board members `~ Elmer Hodge " Paul Mahoney Mary Allen ti' John Chambliss '' Don Myers Anne Marie Green Diane Hyatt ,,. George Simpson (stormwater management) *~~~~ ~ /~ ' ~.. Gary Robertson (water and sewer lines) ~ ,. ,. ,~ Pete Haislip (Regional Teen Center) Jackie Shuck (Regional Airport Commission) TOTALS lb~ . __ ~ - °~~: AGENDA ITEMS JOINT MEETING WITH ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL JULY 7, 1997 ~v ~~ "' Gi ~ 1. Update on Roanoke Regional Airport ~ ~ 2. Low band radios stem on Blue Rid e Parkwa -- !~~°'" Y g Y '~ 3. Joint Water and Sewer Lines `~'4. S~tormwater management project on Peters Creek Update on Regional Sewage Treatment Plant 6. Discussion of regional Teen Center similar to Brambleton Teen Center WORK SESSION 1. Budget Work Session a. Utility CIP PRESENTED BY GARY ROBERTSON WATER AND SEWER LINES WILL BE PUT ON "HOLD" IN PINKARD COURT UNTIL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS STARTED BLJ REQUESTED DISCUSSION OF JOINT WATER AND SEWER LINES AT NEXT JOINT MEETING WITH ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL b. Transfer of garage II operations to Roanoke County (6) VWCC FUNDING TO BE 34.2% OF $67,000 (7) NO FUNDING OF URBAN PARTNERSHIP (8) CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER AGENCIES/OR GANIZATIONS TO BE THE AVERAGE OF ALL B (9) EXPRESSED SU OARD MEMBER SUGGESTIO PPORT FOR EMD PROG NS AM ECH TO PROVIDE REPORT THAT INCL UDES CHARGING FOR NO N-EMERGENCY RESCUE C L (10) NO FUNDING FO R LOW BAND RADIO ON I-81 AND I-581, BUT ECH TO CONTACT OTHER L OCALITIES ON INSTALLIN G LOW BAND R ADIO ON BLUE RIDGE PARKW AY. ~%'~ ~ d MEMO ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO: Elmer Hodge FROM: Spike Harrison ~~~,(~~ - DATE: June 24, 1997 SUBJECT: JULY 7TH LUNCH AND MEETIN WITH CITY OF ROANOKE Elmer, I would like the City's storm water management project along Peters Creek added to July 7th agenda. Thanks. FFH/bjh M ~' MEMO n c ~ ~ r ~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Elmer Hodge Spike Harrison ~~,~„(~ _.. June 24, 1997 JULY 7TH LUNCH AND MEETIN WITH CITY OF ROANOKE Elmer, I would like the City's storm water management project along Peters Creek added to July 7th agenda. Thanks. FFH/bjh June 23, 1997 (3:08pm) MA ECH said to add topic to joint meeting July 7 Update on schedule and cost of Regional Sewage Treatment Plant BJH CITY OF ROANOKE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 215 Church Avenue, S.W., Room 452 Roanoke, Virginia 2401 I-1594 Telephone: (540)981-2444 Fax: (540)224-3145 DAVID A. BOWERS Mayor David L. Kjolhede Executive Director The Roanoke Valley & Visitors R,~rea~~ 114 Market Street Roanoke, Virginia Dear David: Convention 24011-1402 June 2, 1997 Thank you for your letter of May 28, 1997, expressing support for the low-band radio information system proposed by VDOT for the interstate system in our area. we are also working through Congressman Goodlatte's Office to bring the low-band radio information system to the Blue Ridge Parkway Spur on the east side of our City. Your support for this proposal is critical, and I want to take this opportunity to provide a copy of your letter to the Members of Roanoke City Council, the Members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, and our administrative staff and Congressman for their further review. This issue will again be discussed, at the urging of Supervisor Lee Eddy, at the next joint meeting of Roanoke City Council and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, to be held on Monday, July 7, 1997. Your attendance at that meeting would be appreciated, and I would ask that you contact Ms. Parker at the City Clerk's Office for further information. Thank you for your correspondence. Sincerely, ~., David A. ers Mayor DAB:js David L. Kjolhede Page 2 June 2, 1997 pc: Members, Roanoke City Council Members, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors W. Robert Herbert, City Manager Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, r~204 Be S. W., Roanoke, Virginia 24018 The Honorable Robert W. Goodlatte, Congressman, Plaza, 10 Franklin Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Phillip F. Sparks, Chief, Economic Development rnard Drive, 540 Crestar R~ECEIVE~ May 28,1997 rtoar~idece` galley < visitors Bureau MAY 2 9 1991 MAYOR'S OFFi~~ The Honorable David A. Bowers Mayor, City of Roanoke 215 Church Avenue, SW Room 452 Municipal Building Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Mayor Bowers: I am writing to you in support of the low-band radio information system proposed by VDOT for the interstate system in our area. As I understand the proposal, VDOT will install the system and the cities of Roanoke and Salem, and Roanoke County would contribute to the maintenance. In exchange for this investment, tourism messages would be placed on the system, with the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau being responsible for content and updating of messages. I am familiar with these types of systems, and from past experience find them to be more effective in delivering timely information to people traveling through the areas than signs or billboards. I feel this type of program would be a positive complement to the Visitor Centers in Roanoke and Salem, not as a marketing tool, but rather as a customer service information device, causing visitors to remain in our area for a longer period of time. Thank you for your consideration on this matter. I would be happy to discuss this further at your convenience. Sincerely, David L. Kjolhede Executive Director DLK/pw CC: Phil Sparks, Director Rke City Economic Development "Capital of the Blue Ridge" Marketplace Center 114 Market Street, Roanoke, VA 24011-1402 (540) 342-6025 • Fax: (540) 342-7119 (11) ECH TO BRING BACK REPORT ON CIRCLE SUGGESTION PROGRAM IN JULY FOR FUTURE FUNDING. -ADD TO JULY JOINT MEETING WITH ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF A JOINT TEEN CENTER IN ROANOKE CITY MARKET SIMILAR TO BRAMBLETON TEEN CENTER. Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A FM MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 6:05 P.M. URC June 2, 1997 12:13 P.M. MA RE: JOINT MEETING WITH CITY IN JULY BLJ CALLED AND ASKED TO PUT JACKIE SHUCK FROM AIRPORT COMMISSION ON AGENDA TO MAKE REPORT. NOT SURE HOW LONG BUT WILL LET YOU KNOW LATER. PUT THIS IN FILE FOR REMINDER FOR AGENDA. CC: ECH