HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/2/1998 - Regular0~ POANO~~a ti h , ~+ ,~. pG~ z ~ z o: a v . ;;:, 183$ ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING Monday, February 2, 1998 -12:15 p.m. Emergency Operations Center Conference Room 159 Roanoke City Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue S. W. ACTION AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: ROLL CALL AT 12:25 P.M. Roanoke City Council JOHN PARROTT ABSENT Roanoke County Board of Supervisors FUZZY MINNIX AND SPIKE HARRISON ABSENT 2. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, Mayor City of Roanoke 3. INVOCATION AND LUNCH INVOCATION BY REV. NELSON HARRIS} ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL 4. OPENING REMARKS: Mayor Bowers INTRODUCED STEVEN WIMMER, ROANOKE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT 1 ALL PARTICIPANTS INTRODUCED THEMSELVES Chairman Johnson 5. REQUESTS TO MAKE ADDITIONS OR CHANGES OT THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: NONE 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (Items F and G are continued from the October 28, 1997 meeting.) DISCUSSION BEGAN AT 12:50 P.M. A. Update on the Higher Education Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager PRESENTED BY BRIAN WISHNEFF} DESTINATION EDUCATION TOTAL FUNDING NEEDED INCLUDES $6 MILLION PRIVATE; $3 MILLION LOCAL 4 MILLION TENANTS: 9 MILLION STATE PLAN TO OPEN IN FALL 2000 BLJ ASKED FOR JOINT RESO OF SUPPORT FOR COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCE. B. Report on tourism in the Roanoke Valley and future plans. David L. Kjolhede, Executive Director, the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. PRESENTED FUNDING ANALYSIS FOR CITY AND COUNTY AND REQUESTED 8% OF FOUR-YEAR AVERAGE OF LODGING, MEALS AND ADMISSION TAXES FROM EACH LOCALITY C. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program. George Simpson, Roanoke County Assistant Director of Engineering and Inspections, and William F. Clark, Roanoke City Director of Public Works. GEORGE SIMPSON REPORTED PLAN IS COMPLETE AND PRESENTED TO BOTH GOV. BODIES. WILL NEED TO COMPLY WITH WATER QUALITY ACT BY 2002. WILL ASK EACH LOCALITY TO PARTICIPATE IN FEASIBILITY 2 STUDY. BILL CLARK ADVISED THAT THIS PROGRAM DOES NOT INCLUDE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS IN EACH JURISDICTION. BLJ SUGGESTED LOOKING AT REGIONAL AUTHORITY TO FUND PROGRAM. D. Report on the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act of 1997 (New River Valley Commerce Park). W. Robert Herbert, Roanoke City Manager BOB HERBERT ADVISED THAT ROANOKE CITY AND ROANOKE COUNTY WERE REQUESTED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PLANNING PHASE OF THE PROJECT TO ADD CREDIBILITY TO PROJECT. CITY APPOINTED JIM TROUT AND PHIL SPARKS TO THE COMMITTEE~COUNTY APPOINTED BLJ AND ECH TO THE COMMITTEE. E. Briefing on future plans for the Pinkard Court Subdivision. (Alvin L. Nash, President, Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation) ECH ADVISED THAT THIS WAS PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN LOWES AND THE SUBDIVISION. TAP/BLUE RIDGE HOUSING WILL RECEIVE $1 MILLION FROM SALE OF SCHOOL. TAP WILL PUT TOGETHER PACKAGE TO ASSIST RESIDENTS IN RELOCATING. COUNCIL MEMBERS SWAIN AND WHITE REQUESTED THAT THE COUNTY RECOGNIZE THE HISTORY OF THE COMMUNITY. DISCUSSION ON WAYS TO MEMORIALIZE PINKARD COURT SUBDIVISION INCLUDING CONTACTING HARRISON MUSEUM, APPROPRIATE MONUMENT, AND RVTV DO A DOCUMENTARY ON THE HISTORY OF PINKARD COURT AND INTERVIEW PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY. F. Report on the Regional Juvenile Detention Center. John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Human Services and Glenn D. Redcliffe, Roanoke City Director of Human Resources. JMC ADVISED THAT THERE IS A NEED FOR ADDITIONAL 38 BEDS FOR OTHER PARTICIPATING LOCALITIES AND THEY ARE WORKING WITH ROANOKE CITY TO EXPAND THEIR FACILITY. WOULD LIKE A JOINT RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR REGIONAL FACILITY AND TO FORM A COMMISSION TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS. GLEN RADCLIFFE ADVISED 3 THAT THE CITY NEEDS TO EXPAND THEIR FACILITY BY 22 BEDS G. Update on Needs Assessment for the Regional Teen Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. BOB HERBERT ADVISED THAT BOTH STAFFS ARE CURRENTLY WORKING ON JOINT SKATEBOARD FACILITY AND THE REGIONAL TEEN CENTER IS ON "BACK BURNER". HCN REQUESTED THAT BOTH STAFFS CONTINUE TO INVESTIGATE REGIONAL TEEN CENTER. H. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. ECH ADVISED THAT PARKWAY SUPERINTENDENT IS CONTACTING VARIOUS AGENCIES FOR POSSIBLE FEDERAL FUNDING 7. ADJOURNMENT BLJ ADJOURNED AT 1:50 P.M. 4 Funding Analysis Roanoke County & Roanoke City In an effort to develop an equitable, sustainable funding source, the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau is proposing funding from the City and the County based on a four year average of lodging, meals and admission taxes. The funding level we are recommending is 8%. Funding at this level would provide a return of the "buying power" the Bureau has lost over the past four years with flat funding. It will solve the competitive funding issue for the Bureau in the short term - 1 to 2 years -but long term, increased funding will still need to be addressed. Funding Formula City of Roanoke FY 93/94 FY 94/95 F~ 95/96 FY 96/97 Taxes collected Lodging, meals, admissions $6,142,000 $6,456,000 $7,040,000 $7,434,000 $27,072,000- 4 = $6,768,000 x 8% _ $541,440 County of Roanoke FY 93/94 FY 94/95 FY 95/96 FY 96/97 Taxes collected Lodging, meals, admissions $2,575,000 $2,784,000 $2,799,000 $2,813,000 $10,971,000- 4 = $2,742,750 x 8% _ $219,420 FY 97/98 Repuest for Current Funding Level FY 98/99 8% City of Roanoke $500,000 $525,000 $541,440 County of Roanoke 107 500 165 000 219 420 $607,500 $690,000 $760,860 As can be seen by the above table, the current funding request is only approximately '/z of the amount based on 8%. This will allow an extra yeaz for phasing in the request, while still providing some additional buying power for Bureau programs. It should be noted that neazly 80% of any additional funding over current levels will go directly towazds mazketing. Primazily, advertising and production of collateral materials will be the beneficiazies of this investment. i .. ,1 ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING Monday, February 2, 1998 -12:15 p.m. Emergency Operations Center Conference Room 159 Roanoke City Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S. W. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Roanoke City Council Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, Mayor City of Roanoke 3. INVOCATION AND LUNCH 4. OPENING REMARKS: Mayor Bowers Chairman Johnson 5. REQUESTS TO MAKE ADDITIONS OR CHANGES TO THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: . ~ •. 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (Items G and H are continued from the October 28, 9997 meeting) A. Update on the Higher Education Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager. B. Report on tourism in the Roanoke Valley and future plans. David L. Kjolhede, Executive Director, The Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau. C. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program. George Simpson, Roanoke County Assistant Director of Engineering and Inspections, and William F. Clark, Roanoke City Director of Public Works. D. Report on Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act of 1997 (New River Valley Commerce Park). W. Robert Herbert, City Manager. E. Briefing on future plans for the Pinkard Court Subdivision. Alvin L. Nash, President, Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation. F. Report on the Regional Juvenile Detention Center. John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Human Services, and Glenn D. Radcliffe, Roanoke City Director of Human Resources. G. Update on Needs Assessment for the Regional Teen Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. H. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. „~.: r JOINT MEETING ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL - ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA DISTRIBUTION Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator Don Myers Board of Supervisors (FAXED) Joe McNamara Board of Supervisors (FAXED) Spike Harrison Board of Supervisors (FAXED) Bob Johnson Board of Supervisors (FAXED) Harry Nickens Board of Supervisors Fuzzy Minnix Deputy Clerk Brenda Holton Clerk to the Board Mary Allen Community Relations Anne Marie Green County Administrator Elmer Hodge/Mary Hicks County Attorney Paul Mahoney Economic Development Tim Gubala Finance Diane Hyatt Engineering ~ Inspections George Simpson ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY g~?ARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING Monday, February 2, 't 998 - ~! 2:15 p.m. Emergency Operations Cen#er Conference Room 159 Roanoke City Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S. W. AGENDA 1. CALL TG ORDER/ROLL CALL: Roanoke City Council Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Z. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, Mayor City of Roanoke 3.. INVOCATION AND LUNCH 4. C1i:'IEtVING REMARKS: Mayor Bowers Chairman Johnson v. REQUESTS TO MAKE ADDiTlt'aNS OR CHANGES TO THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: +r 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (hems G and H are continued fram fhe tic#aber ~8, 7997 meei~ing) A. Update on the Higher Education Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager. B. Report on tourism in the Roanoke Valley and future plans. David L. Kjolhede, Executive Director, The Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau. C. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program. George Simpson, Raanoke County Assistant Director of Engineering and Inspections, and William F. Clark, Roanoke City Director of Public Works. D. Report on Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act of 1997 (New River Valley Commerce Park}. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager. E. Briefing on future plans for the Pinkard Court Subdivision. Alvin L. Nash, President, Biue Ridge Housing Development Corporation. F. Report ~on the Regional Juvenile Deters#ion Center. John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Human Services, and Glenn D. Radcliffe, Roanoke City Director of Human Resources. G. Update on Needs Assessment for the Regional Teen Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. H. Update on Law Band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. TOTAL P.02 N T E R MEMO O F F I C E To: Board of Supervisors From: Mary H. Allen Subj : Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council Date: January 22, 1998 The Joint Meeting for Roanoke City Council- has been scheduled as follows: Monday, February 2, 1998 at 12:15 p.m. The Emergency Operation Center Conference Room First Floor -Room 159 Roanoke City Municipal Building If you have any items you would like placed on the agenda for the joint meeting, please let Mr. Hodge or I know by Tuesday, January 27, 1998. The following items are those that were carried over from the last meeting or have been added: 1. Update on Needs Assessment of the Regional Teen Center 2. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway 3. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program 4. Report on Regional Juvenile Detention Center cc: Elmer C. Hodge Paul Mahoney -~ To: adm01/ech Subject: Joint Meeting -Roanoke City Council Date sent: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 07:52:31 I have the following items in my packet for the joint meeting: 1. Update on Needs Assessment for a Regional Teen Center. 2. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio system on the Blue Ridge Parkway (including costs for system) 3. Report on Regional tormwater Management Program 4. Report on Regional Juvenile Detention Center The first 2 were continued from the last meeting. No. 3 was added by BLJ and #4 was added by you . Do you want to add/delete anything? Mary Allen -- 1 -- Thu, 22 Jan 1998 07:52:31 Road. (George Simpson, Roanoke County and Greg Reed, Roanoke City ) PU DATE °Y ~'.' "' ESTIMAT ~ - ~'~' ~.: . COUNCIL }~~~ F_ ~ ~~ y~.~ ` ~ ~~ ~ `+N AND GREG REED. TOTAL PROJECT BESTED USING DRY BASINS AS VOT USED AS DETENTION PONDS 3. . ~_: ~, ,~gional Teen Center similar to the Brambleton Teen Center. (Elmer Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator) CONSENSUS FROM BOTH BODIES THAT CITY AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION TO DO NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND REPORT BACK AT THE NEXT JOINT MEETING. 4. Update on Joint Water and Sewer Lines. (Kit Kiser, Roanoke City Director of Utilities and Operations) UPDATED BY KIT KISER. 5. Report on Low Band Tourist Radio System. (Elmer Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator) CONSENSUS OF BOTH BODIES THAT REPORT BE BROUGHT BACK WITH SPECIFIC COSTS OF SYSTEM ON BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY AND EXACTLY WHAT COULD BE ADVERTISED ON THE SYSTEM. 6. Report from Fifth Planning District Commission on the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act of 1997. (Lee B. Eddy, representing the Fifth Planning District Commission) ACT WOULD ALLOW LOCALITIES TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT FOR REVENUE SHARING OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. ASKED FOR SUPPORT FOR A SPECIAL INFORMATIONAL HEARING. 3 picked up on regular solid waste pickup date but they were behind because of the holidays ~4) Asked if there was any conclusion on changes to the holiday schedule ECH advised they were reviewinct but had no recommendation .yet (5) Asked about ordinance chance restricting front yard fences ECH responded this had been discussed with Terry Harrington and PMM and the difficulty is enforcement He will check with Mr Harrington and report back. (6) He advised he sent a memo regarding the stormwater management plan and is concerned about the lack of movement in the project. and no action has been taken on the 5th PDC study. He suggested a work session on the Count/ approach ECH advised that the consultant was bringina_ an update to all the localities. BLJ suggested adding this to the next joint meeting with Roanoke City Council. (7) Received report from 5th PDC on three bikeway clans and asked if Board would review and made recommendations. He explained that VDOT considers bikeway clans only if the localitv~pts them. ECH will check and report back ~8) Advised that PMM did not have time to revise the Policy Manual so he has sent memos to department heads reguestina that thev revise areas that affect their department and get back to him within a week ~9) Reported that he had prepared a simplified CAFR and sent to the Board for responses from them. ECH advised that there are standards that the CAFR must adhere to but that a seaarate CAFR could be developed if the Board is willing to fund the additional cost ECH will check on cost and report back. (10) Announced that the Resource AuthoritX has agreed to continue funding thr a recyclingdrop off locations at various Kroger Stores. uoervisor Harrison: (1) Has received several calls on the Comprehensive Plan and asked for an update. ECH responded that a work session is scheduled for 12/16/97. (2) Announced there was a problem with the traffic light in fron# of Krogers and hoped it would be fixed very soon because it creates a dangerous traffic situation. ugervisor Johnson: Expressed svmaathv to ECH on the death of his mother-in-law. ~) Expressed concern that RVTV is being underutilized and felt County needed to budget more money t~ and the station so that it could be better used. (3) Announced that the Christmas Tree Lighting will be December 4 at 7:00 a.m. at the Brambleton Center. 9 From: "Brenda Holton" < ADMO1/BJH > To: adm01/mha Date sent: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:02:17 +0000 Subject: Joint Meeting 2-2 ECH said to put on joint meeting agenda: Regional Juvenile Detention Center Brenda Holton Deputy Clerk 772-2005 Mary Allen -- 1 -- Tue, 20 Jan 1998 17:07:16 JAN-30-1998 09 43 CIT`r CLERK'S OFFICE 540 8531145 P. 01 FAx TRAN~IVII~~I~N CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ~ I $ CHURCH AVENUE, $, W, fZOANOKE, VIRGINIA 24~ I 1 - 1536 {54b) 853-2541 FAX: (54Q) $53- i 145 To: Mary Allen Fax #: 772-2193 From: Mary F. Parker Subject: date: .Fanu~lry 30, 1998 Pages: 1, including this cover sheet. Pursuant to our telephone conversation this morning, Council Member White is requesting that an item be included on the February 2 agenda far a briefing by Roanoke County officials an future plans for the Pinkard Court Subdivision. Specifically, Mr., White would like to know what relocation assistance, if any, will be provided to residents of Pinkard Court; and for the sake of future generations, will a historical marker he erected to acknowledge that the community existed. If you have questions, or if I may provide additional information, please feel flee to call me, TOTAL P.01 C O Y E R S H E E T FAX To: Bob Johnson, Spike Harrison, Joe McNamara, Harry Nickens Fax #: Various Subj: Agenda -Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council Date: January 30, 1998 Pages: 3, including this cover sheet. CONIlVIENTS: Attached is the agenda for the February 2 joint meeting with Roanoke City Council. The meeting will be held at the Emergency Operations Center Conference Room 159 in the Roanoke City Municipal Building. Lunch will begin at 12:15 p.m., followed by the meeting. It is my understanding that Bob Johnson, Joe McNamara and Harry Nickens will be attending and that Spike Harrison and Fuzzy Minnix will NOT be attending. If this is incorrect, please let me know. Thank you. From the desk of... Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke„ VA 24018 s4o-n2-2oo3 Fax:540-772-2193 ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL ROANOKE COUNTY Bt7ARD OF SUPERVISORS JOINT MEETING Monday, February 2, 199$ • ~! 2:15 p.m. Emergency Operations Center Conference Room 159 Roanoke City Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue, S. W. AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL: Roanoke City Council Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. WELCOME: David A. Bowers, Mayor City of Roanoke 3. INVOCATION AND LUNCH 4. OI~IENiNG REMARKS: Mayor Bowers Chairman Johnson 5. REQUESTS TO MAKE ADDi1'[ONS OR CHANGES TO THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS: 6. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION: (J#ems G and H ere continued from the October 28, 1997 meeting) A. Update on the Higher Education Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager. B. Report on tourism in the Roanoke Valley and future plans. David L. Kjalhede, Executive Director, The Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau. C. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program. George Simpson, Roanoke County Assistant Director of Engineering and Inspections, and William F. Clark, Roanoke City Director of Public Works. D. Report on Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act of 1997 {New River Valley Commerce Park}. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, E. Briefing on future plans for the Pinkard Court Subdivision. Alvin L. Nash, President, Biue Ridge Housing Development Corporation. F. Report on the Regional Juvenile Deters#ion Center. John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Human Services, and Glenn D. Radcliffe., Roanoke City Director of Human Resources. G. Update on Needs Assessment for the Regional Teen Center. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. H. Update on Low Band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway. W. Robert Herbert, City Manager, and Elmer Hodge, County Administrator. TOTAL P.~2 RKE BORRD SUPERVISORS TEL~540-772-2193 Transmit Confirmation Report No . Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result 008 MCNAMARA RKE BORRD SUPERVISORS Jan 30'98 1136 01'48 Norm a3 OK Jan 30' 98 1136 RKE BOARD SUPERVISORS TEL~540-772-2193 Transmit Confirmation Report No . Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result 007 JOHNSON RKE BORRD SUPERVISORS Jan 30'98 1133 01'37 Narm 03 OK Jan 30' 98 1133 RKE BDARD SUPERVISORS TEL~540-772-2193 Transmit Confirmation Report Na . Reczi~er Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result 006 NICKENS RKE BDARD SUPERVISORS Jan 30'98 1131 01'28 Norm 03 OK Jan 30'98 11 31 RKE BOARD SUPERVISORS TEL~540-772-2193 Jan 30'98 11 28 Transmit Confirmation Report No. Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result 005 HARRISON RKE BOARD SUPERVISORS Jan 30'98 1128 01'55 Norm 03 OK ~ ~ C 0 Y E R FAX S H E E T To: Mary Parker Fax #: 853-1145 Subj: Feb. 2 Joint Meeting Agenda Date: January 28, 1998 Pages: 1, including this cover sheet. CONIlVIENTS: Listed below are the agenda items we have. The first two were continued from the last meeting. The last two are Roanoke County requests. 1. Update on Needs Assessment for the Regional Teen Center 2. Update on Low band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway 3. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program 4. Report on Regional Juvenile Detention Center I don't have a head count yet, but should have one by the end of the week. Two of our Board members, Harry Nickens and Fuzzy Minnix, will not be able to attend. From the desk of... Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke„ VA 24018 540-772-2003 Fax: 540-772-2193 RKE BOARD SUPERVISDRS TEL~540-772-2193 Jan 28'98 14 15 No . Receiver Transmitter Date Time Mode Pages Result Transmit Confirmation Report 001 9-/$53-/1145 RKE BDRRD SUPERVISDRS Jan 28'98 14:15 00'42 Norm 01 DK Elmer: Mary Parker asked me to fax the items for the joint meeting agenda TODAY. I have the following: Update on Needs Assessment for the Regional Teen Center 2. Update on Low band Tourist Radio System on the Blue Ridge Parkway 3. Report on Regional Stormwater Management Program 4. Report on Regional Juvenile Detention Center Are the above O.K. with you? Do you want to add/delete anything? Need to know today. Mary A. 1/29/98 ~~ ~~~ ~~