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HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/28/1998 - RegularO~ RpANp,Y~ r>enrsraFnre~ure~ ~ , p ~ ~ 1838 WOR NG DOCUMENT - SUBJECT TO REVISION ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA July 28, 1998 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE AN AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING AT 2:00 P.M. PRIOR TO THE REGULAR SESSION. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. ROLL CALL AT 3:03 P.M. HCN ARRIVED 3:06 P.M. 2. Invocation: John M: Chambliss, Jr. Assistant Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. i B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PMM ADDED EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.1-344 A (3) DISPOSITION OF PUBLICLY OWNED REAL ESTATE, WELL LOT ON BRAMBLETON AVENUE C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to career and volunteer firefighters of the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department for providing assistance to the citizens of Bay County, Florida. R-072898-1 FM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO ALL SEVEN FIREFIGHTERS WERE PRESENT TO ACCEPT RESOLUTIONS CAPTAIN SEXTON THANKED THE BOARD AND FIREFIGHTERS PRESENTED "DISASTER SHIRTS" FROM FLORIDA TO BOARD MEMBERS AND ECH D. BRIEFINGS N NE E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for an appropriation of $1,115,300 as the second payment with interest for the purchase of 457 acres for the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology (formerly the Glenn-Mary Farm). (Melinda Cox, Economic Development Specialist) A-072898-2 2 FFH MOTION TO APPROVE APPROPRIATION HCN ASKED THAT REPORT O-1 BE CORRECTED TO REFLECT TRUE COST OF CENTER 2. Request for approval of resolution approving issuance of up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bonds for the benefit of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. (Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development) R-072898-3 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO 3. Request for appropriation of $95,000 for a capital improvement project - Algoma Park water line replacement. (Gary Robertson, Director, Utility) A-072898-4 FM MOTION TO APPROVE APPROPRIATION ~C F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READINGS OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READINGS 2ND AND PH - 8/18/98 URC 1. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment in a R-1, single family, zoning district located at 1714 Millbridge Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Robert and Elaine Lewis. 2. An ordinance to rezone 3.830 acres from C-1 to C-2 to construct an office/retail development, located on the east side of Route 419 across from intersection of Locke 3 Street, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of North Roanoke Development Corp. 3. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership, located at 5423 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of The Hertz Corp. 4. An ordinance to rezone 5.4 acres from I-2 and I-1 and obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a mini- warehouse, located in the 5800 block of Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. 5. An ordinance to rezone approximately 20 acres from R-1, R-2 and C-2 conditional to C-2, General commercial, for the purpose of general retail and service uses, located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Electric Road (Route 419), Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. G FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance creating the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facility Authority. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND AND PH - 8/18/98 URC HCN ADVISED THAT VINTON WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE ORDINANCE AND ASKED THAT THEY BE CONTACTED H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the creation of and financing for a local public works improvement project - Grander Drive and Gieser Road Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 4 0-072898-5 JM MOTION TO APPROVE ALT #3 AND ADOPT ORD URC 2. Second reading of an and financing for a project -Setter Road Utility Director) ordinance authorizing creation of local public works improvement Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, 0-072898-6 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE ALT #3 AND ADOPT ORD URC I. APPOINTMENTS N NE 1. Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals 2. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 3. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens 4. Social Services Advisory Board J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-072898-7 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO URC 1. Approval of Minutes for June 23, 1998, June 26, 1998 (Joint Meeting with School Board, and July 14, 1998 (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council). 5 2. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $65,000 grant to the Tech Prep Consortium fund. A-072898-7.a 3. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $2,800 grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. A-072898-7.b 4. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program grant for $15,288.89 and appropriate funds. A-072898-7.c 5. Approval of resolution rescinding and repealing certain policies previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors within the Fire and Rescue Department, and to provide for a policy manual. R-072898-7.d 6. Acceptance of water facilities serving Roselawn Court. A-072898-7.e 7. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Watertord, Section 6. A-072898-7.f 8. Donation of a drainage easement on property of FW Property, L.L.C. to serve Future Section 1, "Fort Lewis Cove", Catawba Magisterial District. A-072898-7.p 9. Submission of subscriber complaints regarding Cable Programming Services (C.P.S.) tier rates of Cox Communications Roanoke (formerly Cox Cable Roanoke) to the Federal Communications Commission. A-072898-7.h K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS N NE L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 6 N NE M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Nickens: (1) Advised about article in Roanoke Times about 50 cents tax on telephone lines and if it could be used for road maintenance. ECH will have a report on this at the next meeting Supervisor McNamara: (11 Advised that Cave Spring American League 11 & 12, won District 12 baseball. The 13 vear olds won District 12 and today play fifth game at State tournament. Supervisor Minnix: (1) Advised that he has scheduled meeting in October with Clearbrook Civic League and they are concerned about the condition of their fire facilitv~(21 Has received manx telephone calls from people about building one or two high schools and asked about status of analysis of cost that was supposed to be done. Chair advised that JM, Diane Hyatt, and ECH are putting together report, which is a voluntary effort to move forward, but the School Board has the final decision. ECH advised that he will have a report by the end of the week ready to review. ~u~ervisor Johnson: (1) Advised that the construction performance coordinator has been hired and will begin work next Monday. ECH advised that Mark Di Properis has been hired. Supervisor Harrison: (1) Advised that he received memo from Econ Dev Dir Gubala about~roposed trip to Goochland County to see new industrial park, and setting date after the 8118/98 meeting. He asked that the date be set earlier. ECH advised that they plan to invite members of the IDA and economic development staff. It was the consensus of the Board for the trip to be Wednesday, August 5, 1998, from 7 a.m. until around 8:00 p.m. O. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE WITH ITEM #1 CHANGE URC 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -June, 1998 6. Preliminary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of June 30, 1998 7. Report of claims activity for the Self-Insurance Program 8. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of June 30, 1998 P. WORK SESSIONS 1. Addition of projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) HELD FROM 4:15 TO 5:25 P.M. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED AND PROPOSED PROJECTS WERE DETAILED BY GEORGE SIMPSON AND BUTCH WORKMAN BW DISTRIBUTED DRAINAGE PROJECTS SUMMARY FOR 1992 BOND I E ECH UPDATED THE BOARD ON ISSUES RELATED TO SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR GARY ROBERTSON BRIEFED THE BOARD ON PLANS TO ESTABLISH WATER SERVICE AREA FOR CLEARBROOKIU.S. ROUTE 220 CORRIDOR AND ADVISED THAT HE WILL BRING BACK FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE ON 8/18/98 Q EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (5) discussion concerning economic development prospects where no previous announcement has been made; and (3) disposition of publicly owned real estate, well s lot on Brambleton Avenue. AT 4:15 P.M. BLJ MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOLLOWING WORK SESSION URC EXECUTIVE SESSION HELD FROM 5:30 P M TO 6.08 P M EVENING SESSION - 7:00 P.M. R. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION R-072898-8 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC S. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of the Drainage Maintenance Projects for Fiscal Year 1998/99. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) A-072898-9 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT PROJECTS URC CHAIR ASKED THAT ANY PROJECT THAT STAFF CANNOT COMPLETE BE REMOVED AND ONE OF THE FUTURE PROJECTS ADDED TO THE LIST T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to vacate a 20 foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corp. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) 0-072898-10 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT ORD 9 URC 2. Second reading of ordinance to rezone .709 acre from C-1 to C-2 with conditions to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) FOUR CITIZENS SPOKE 0-072898-11 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC U. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS (1) W. B. Martin, 3514 Holland Dr, asked that proposed new school be built on property already owned (2) James Garriss, 3108-D Honeywood Lane - (1) wants to keep current plan for one high school and (2) asked to postpone vote on Brambleton Avenue rezoning until after 8/18/98 to have another citizen information meeting (3) Suzanne Yatzor, 3342 Westmoreland Dr, concerned that citizens do not full have complete details about Brambleton Avenue rezoning and were not notified sooner V. ADJOURNMENT BLJ ADJOURNED MEETING AT 7:53 P.M. TO AUGUST 5, 1998 AT 7.00 A.M. FOR PURPOSE OF VISIT TO GOOCHLAND COUNTY NEW INDUSTRIAL PARK io O~ ROANp~.~ ~ '. ~ ~ ,~ z ~J. ` a~ 1838 (~.~ix~t~ ~~ ~.o~~xx~~~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA July 28, 1998 r~ur a~ rte ecue amce Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE AN AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING AT 2:00 P.M. PRIOR TO THE REGULAR SESSION. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to career and volunteer firefighters of the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department for providing assistance to the citizens of Bay County, Florida. D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for an appropriation of $1,115,300 as the second payment with interest for the purchase of 457 acres for the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology (formerly the Glenn-Mary Farm). (Melinda Cox, Economic Development Specialist) 2. Request for approval of resolution approving issuance of up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bonds for the benefit of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. (Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development) 3. Request for appropriation of $95,000 for a capital improvement project - Algoma Park water line replacement. (Gary Robertson, Director, Utility) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READINGS OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment in a R-1, single family, zoning district located at 1714 Millbridge Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Robert and Elaine Lewis. 2. An ordinance to rezone 3.830 acres from C-1 to C-2 to construct an office/retail development, located on the east side of Route 419 across from intersection of Locke Street, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of a North Roanoke Development Corp. 3. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership, located at 5423 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of The Hertz Corp. 4. An ordinance to rezone 5.4 acres from I-2 and I-1 and obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a mini- warehouse, located in the 5800 block of Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. 5. An ordinance to rezone approximately 20 acres from R-1, R-2 and C-2 conditional to C-2, General commercial, for the purpose of general retail and service uses, located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Electric Road (Route 419), Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance creating the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facility Authority. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the creation of and financing for a local public works improvement project - Grander Drive and Gieser Road Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 2. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing creation of and financing fora local public works improvement project -Setter Road Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals 3 2. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 3. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens 4. Social Services Advisory Board J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes for June 23, 1998, June 26, 1998 (Joint Meeting with School Board, and July 14, 1998 (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council). 2. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $65,000 grant to the Tech Prep Consortium fund. 3. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $2,800 grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 4. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program grant for $15,288.89 and appropriate funds. 5. Approval of resolution rescinding and repealing certain policies previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors within the Fire and Rescue Department, and to provide for a policy manual. 6. Acceptance of water facilities serving Roselawn Court. 7. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Waterford, Section 6. 8. Donation of a drainage easement on property of FW Property, L.L.C. to serve Future Section 1, "Fort Lewis 4 Cove", Catawba Magisterial District. 9. Submission of subscriber complaints regarding Cable Programming Services (C.P.S.) tier rates of Cox Communications Roanoke (formerly Cox Cable Roanoke) to the Federal Communications Commission. K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -June, 1998 6. Preliminary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of June 30, 1998 7. Report of claims activity for the Self-Insurance Program 8. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of June 30, 1998 P. WORK SESSIONS 1. Addition of projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) 5 Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (5) discussion concerning economic development prospects where no previous announcement has been made. EVENING SESSION - 7:00 P.M. R. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION S. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of the Drainage Maintenance Projects for Fiscal Year 1998/99. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to vacate a 20 foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corp. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) 2. Second reading of ordinance to rezone .709 acre from C-1 to C-2 with conditions to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) U. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. ADJOURNMENT 6 r` ~ ~ ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION 072898-1 OF APPRECIATION TO CAREER AND VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE 8< RESCUE DEPARTMENT FOR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE TO THE CITIZENS OF BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, forest and brush fires caused millions of dollars of damage to property in the state of Florida during the months of June and July, 1998; and WHEREAS, due to the extended period during which these fires raged, local fire crews became exhausted and in need of assistance from personnel from other states; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department answered this call for assistance, and sent a crew of four career and three volunteer firefighters to Bay County, Florida, along with equipment and apparatus; and WHEREAS, this crew, consisting of Captain Daryell Sexton, Lennie Atwood, Tim Solomon, Craig Robertson, Scott Morgan, Dean Peroulas and Alex Murillo, all of whom are certified by the U.S. Forestry Service, contained fully a complex fire, and helped prevent any damage to people or property in Bay County; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County firefighters faced several dangers in fighting the fire, including dehydration, heat stroke, and the flames themselves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its sincere appreciation to DARYELL SEXTON, LENNIE ATWOOD, TIM SOLOMON, CRAIG ROBERTSON, SCOTT MORGAN, DEAN PEROULAS AND ALEX MURILLO for their professional, compassionate and exemplary 1 M response and assistance to the citizens of Bay County, Florida; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby commend the members of the team for the time, energy and knowledge which they used in successfully containing the fire. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Richard Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO CAREER AND VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT FOR PROVIDING ASSISTANCE TO THE CITIZENS OF BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, forest and brush fires caused millions of dollars of damage to property in the state of Florida during the months of June and July, 1998; and WHEREAS, due to the extended period during which these fires raged, local fire crews became exhausted and in need of assistance from personnel from other states; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department answered this call for assistance, and sent a crew of four career and three volunteer firefighters to Bay County, Florida, along with equipment and apparatus; and WHEREAS, this crew, consisting of Captain Daryell Sexton, Lennie Atwood, Tim Solomon, Craig Robertson, Scott Morgan, Dean Peroulas and Alex Murillo, all of whom are certified by the U.S. Forestry Service, contained fully a complex fire, and helped prevent any damage to people or property in Bay County; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County firefighters faced several dangers in fighting the fire, including dehydration, heat stroke, and the flames themselves. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its sincere appreciation to DARYELL SEXTON, LENNIE ATWOOD, TIM SOLOMON, CRAIG ROBERTSON, SCOTT MORGAN, DEAN PEROULAS AND ALEX MURILLO for their professional, compassionate and exemplary 1 •. I c-~ response and assistance to the citizens of Bay County, Florida; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does hereby commend the members of the team for the time, energy and knowledge which they used in successfully containing the fire. 2 A-072898-2 ACTION NO ITEM NO E -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Request approval for an appropriation of $1,115,300 as the second payment with interest for the purchase of 457 acres for the Roanoke County Center for Research & Technology (formerly the Glenn-Mary Farm.) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In order for the "product" inventory to meet the future economic needs of Roanoke County, the Center for Research & Technology will be developed as a site for corporate and technology based companies to locate. The property is adjacent to Interstate 81, has close proximity to Virginia Tech, and is 12 miles from the Smart Road in Montgomery County. In line with the economic development strategy, this center will be targeted as a location for 15 - 20 small to medium businesses that create new jobs with wages/salaries exceeding $10.00 per hour. The Department of Economic Development will recruit companies that are seeking to expand or locate on the same timeline as park development. In the past few months, a boundary survey and a Phase II Environmental Study was completed to satisfaction. Currently, the department is exploring the use of a Marketing Feasibility Study in addition to developing a Request for Proposal with the Procurement Department to identify a firm to develop the Plans & Profiles for the site as part of the preliminary engineering reports. ~ITMMARY OF INFORMATION• On October 19, 1997, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance authorizing the exercise of an Option to Purchase to authorize the acquisition of the Glenn-Mary Farm. On the same date, the board appropriated the sum of $1 million from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance and authorized the necessary documents for financing the remainder of the $3 million purchase price. Staffrequests that the Board of Supervisors authorize an expenditure of $1 million plus $115,300 in interest from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance as the second of three payments. 1 ~-/ FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County has paid $1 million for the Center for Research & Technology in the past twelve months. An additional $1 million is required as the second payment with $115,300 in interest (the $115,300 is 5.765% interest calculated on the remaining $2 million.) Funds for this purpose are available and have been set aside for planning purposes in the General Fund Unappropriated Balance. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the appropriation of $1,115,300 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to make the second payment with interest for the purchase of 457 acres for the Roanoke County Center for Research & Technology. Payment should be made on or before November 10, 1998. 2. Decline to appropriate funds for the Roanoke County Center for Research & Technology at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative No. 1 in order to continue the acquisition of the site for the Roanoke County Center for Research & Technology for economic development purposes. Approved: Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Fenton F. Harrison to Harrison _ x _ Denied () approve staff recommendation Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara _ x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x cc: File Melinda J. Cox, Economic Development Specialist Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Economic Development Specialist ~;- ~ _ ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION 072898-3 APPROVING REQUEST OF $7,500,000 OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS FOR FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF FACILITIES FOR THE RESIDENCE AND CARE OF THE AGED WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") has considered the application of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation (the "Borrower") an organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, whose address is 327 Hershberger Road, NW, Roanoke, Virginia 24012, requesting that the Authority issue up to $7,500,000 of its revenue bonds at one time or from time to time to assist the Borrower in the financing or refinancing of one or more of the following projects, located as indicated below in Roanoke County, Virginia: (1) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 48 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 327 Hershberger Road, NW and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 191 assisted living units and 41 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 6910 Williamson Road and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time, and (3) the funding of certain reserve funds, capitalized interest accounts and costs of issuance as may be necessary to the proposed issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority has held a public hearing on the Borrower's application on July 15, 1998. WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of Roanoke County, Virginia ("County"), the facilities to be financed are located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of the County (the "Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County. WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds. 1 ~, WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Section 15.2-4907 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, to permit the Authority to assist the Borrower in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by said Section 147(f), does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or the Borrower. 3. Pursuant to the limitations contained in Temporary Income Tax Regulations Section 5f.103-2(f), this resolution shall remain in effect for a period of three years from the date of its adoption. 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Timothy W. Gubala, Secretary-Treasurer, IDA I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 072898-3 adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote on Tuesday, July 28, 1998 Brenda J. Holton, CMC, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2 Item No. E - .Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bonds for Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation for the acquisition, construction and equipping of facilities for the residence and care of the aged COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: .• • !' . C ,~ EX CUTIVE SUMMARY: The Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) was formed in 1970 under the provisions of the Code of Virginia to promote economic and industrial development within Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton. One role of the Authority is to assist new and expanding manufacturing companies by the issuance of tax exempt Industrial Revenue Bonds (IRB's) which can be used to finance up to 100% of the costs of constructing and equipping eligible facilities. The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 also allows the Authority to issue bonds on behalf of eligible non- profit 501 (c) 3 corporations such as educational institutions and certain medical facilities. The Authority functions as the "vehicle" through which bonds are authorized and issued by a private financial institution. Neither the Authority nor the County are liable for the repayment of bonds, nor do they "co-sign" the bonds when issued. Since 1970, bonds totaling more than $80 million have been issued by the Authority in Roanoke County. The Authority has a separate Board of Directors appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Summary of Information: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has requested that the Authority issue up to $7,500,000 of IRB's for (1) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 48 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 327 Hershberger Road N.W. and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 191 assisted living units and 41 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 6910 Williamson Road and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; and (3) funding of certain reserve funds, capitalized interest accounts and costs of issuance as may be necessary to the proposed issuance of the bonds. r~ The Authority held a public hearing and approved the application for bond financing at their July 15, 1998 meeting. The Authority requests that the Board of Supervisors concur in their recommendation and approve the issuance of up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bonds for Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. Fiscal Impact: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation is a tax exempt 501 (c) 3 organization. There will be direct and indirect economic impact from local purchases, new employment and related wages as shown on the attached economic impact statement. Under the agreement dated February 23, 1987 between Friendship Manor and Roanoke County, Friendship Manor pays Roanoke County an annual fee which constitutes 20% of the real property taxes on their property in Roanoke County. This will amount to $8,136 based on the $3,600,000 taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached resolution as requested by the Industrial Development Authority for up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bond financing on behalf of Hollins College Corporation. Respectfully submitted: (it~• Timothy W. G~bala, Secretary-Treasurer Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County Approved: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION No Yes Abs Approved O Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Attachment ,~-Z AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGII~IIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION APPROVING REQUEST OF $7,500,000 OF INDUSTRIAL REVENUE BONDS FOR FRIENDSHIl' MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF FACILITIES FOR THE RESIDENCE AND CARE OF THE AGED WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") has considered the application of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation (the "Borrower") an organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, whose address is 327 Hershberger Road, NW, Roanoke, Virginia 24012, requesting that the Authority issue up to $7,500,000 of its revenue bonds at one time or from time to time to assist the Borrower in the financing or refinancing of one or more of the following projects, located as indicated below in Roanoke County, Virginia: (1) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 48 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 327 Hershberger Road, NW and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 191 assisted living units and 41 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 6910 Williamson Road and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time, and (3) the funding of certain reserve funds, capitalized interest accounts and costs of issuance as may be necessary to the proposed issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority has held a public hearing on the Borrower's application on July 15, 1998. WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of Roanoke County, Virginia ("County"), the facilities to be financed are located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of the County (the "Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County. WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds. WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. . e ,~=2 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Section 15.2-4907 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, to permit the Authority to assist the Borrower in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds, as required by said Section 147(fl, does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or the Borrower. 3. Pursuant to the limitations contained in Temporary Income Tax Regulations Section Sf.103-2(f), this resolution shall remain in effect for a period of three years from the date of its adoption. 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, this day of July 1998. (SEAL) ~ -~ FISCAL IlVIPACT STATEMENT July 15, 1998 To the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia Applicant: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, a 501(c)(3) organization Facility: Facility for Residence and Care of the Aged 1. Maximum amount of financing sought $7,500,000 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality $3,600,000* 3. Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rates N/A 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates N/A 5. Estimated merchants' capital tax per year using present tax rates N/A 6. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally $3,000,000 7. Estimated number of regular employees 50 on year round basis 8. Average annual salary per employee $ 25,000 ~~ Chairman, I ustrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia *Applicant makes payment in lieu of taxes, set at 20% of assessed value. M:~F'RIENDSI~FRIE1~ID02.TEF DRAFT -July 11, 1998 ~... ~` INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY FINANCING Section 1 Information Concerning Applicant 1. Name of Applicant: Friendship Manor Mailing Address: 327 Hershberger Rd., N.W. Apartment Village Corp. Roanoke, VA 24012-1961 Federal Employer ID # 5 4- 0 8 4 2 6 8 6 2. Name of applicant's representative to be contacted for additional information: Mailing Address, if Different Name: from Applicant: Stephen Rice, President Same Telephone No.: (5 4 0) 2 6 5- 210 0 3. Name(s) of Principal User(s), if Different from Applicant: i Mailing Address, if Different from Applicant: N/A L --~ Federal Employer ID # N / A 4. Type of business presently conducted by applicant, if any: Housing, Health Care and Retirement Services 5. Present location of applicant's principal place of business, if any: 327 Hershberger Rd., N.W. Roanoke, VA 6 In what year was business started? 19 6 6 7. If a corporation, give state of incorporation: V i r g i n i a 8. If a subsidiary of another corporation, give name, state of incorporation and mailing address of parent corporation: N/A 9. If a corporation, give names and residence addresses of the principal officers, directors, and major stockholders (ten percent or more): J. Carson Quarles - Chairman Edwin R. Feinour - Vice Chairman Stephen Rice - President 10. If applicant is a partnership, give (a) name of state under whose laws it is organized: N / A ;and (b) City or County in which its principal office is located: 11. If a partnership, state whether general or limited: N / A 2 ~~ 12. If a partnership, give names and residence addresses of all present partners and indicate whether general or limited: N/A 13. If applicant is a joint venture or other business entity (other than a corporation or partnership), describe and give names and residence addresses of all principals: N/A 14. If applicant proposes to undertake the facility sought to be financed through a subsidiary corporation, a new corporation, or other entity to be formed by applicant, give details: N/A 3 2 15. Identify any officers, director, or shareholders (except shareholders of publicly traded corporations) who hold any state or local elective or appointive office, and state the office held: None 16. Describe any relationships between the applicant and principal users and any member of the Authority or the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: Chairman of the Board of Friendship Manor is a member of the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority. Section 2 Information Concerning Facili Sought to be Financed 1. Type of facility: (a) Institutional x ; (b) Commercial ; (c} Other If (c) Other, describe facility: 2. Indicate whether facility sought to be financed is a (a) new facility ; (b) existing facility ; or (c) addition to or modification of existing facility x . 4 3. Type of business or activity to be conducted and purpose of facility sought to be financed. Explain proposed use of facility by applicant and/or others and, if a manufacturing plant, the type of products to be manufactured: Retirement Housing and Services 4. Specific site location, if known, including street number, if available: Campus at 327 Hershberger Rd. N.W., Roanoke, VA and 6910 Williamson Road, N.W., Roanoke, VA 5. General description of proposed facility (describe type of construction, square footage, amount for each operation such as manufacturing, storage, office, etc.): Multi story apartment buildings - Frame constuction with masonry and vinyl siding. Approximately 32,000 square feet in each building 6. Name and address of architect, if selected: Larrv Dovle Telephone No. ~ 4 0) 9 8 9- 9 7 0 0 7362 Rabbit Run Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 7. Name and address of contractor, if selected: Martin Brothers Telephone No.~40) 342-6758 P.O. Box 533 Roanoke, VA 24003 5 ~i •'~~' 8. If site has been selected, give name of present owner(s): Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp. 9. If an existing facility, (a) what is its present use? Retirement xous ing and Services (b) number of regular employees presently employed on year-round basis: ± 5 0 0 ;and (c) average annual salary per such employee $ ± 2 0 , 0 0 0 10. If applicant is not the present owner of the site, state what, if anything, has been done concerning the location and acquisition of a site by or on behalf of the applicant. N/A 11. If specific location of proposed facility is known, state the present zoning classification of the land under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County: Commercial 12. NO x If 13. Does the site of the proposed facility require governmental expenditure for roads, utilities, etc.? Describe: No 14. Are funds from other government-sponsored programs involved in this project? Describe: No 15. Estimated number of regular employees to be employed on year-round basis after acquisition or completion of facility: ± 5 0 0 If specific location is known, is a zoning change required? YES, yes, state the zoning classification required: 6 ~"-2 16. Average annual salary per such employee: $ ± 20 , 000 17. Estimate the annual payroll after completion of the facility: + $ 10,000,000 18. State the growth potential for the facility, employees, proposed wage scale, and training needs: The addition will increase present independent living complex by 48 units bringing the total to 379. The addition isn't expected to significantly add to employee base or wage scale. No training impact. 19. State the growth potential for the facility in terms of sales, employment, and plant expansion: The addition will generate + $500,000 additional rental income from the added 48 units. 20. If application is approved by the Authority, when would applicant anticipate issuance of bonds and work on the facility started? lssuance : August 1998 omp e ion: ovem er 998 Section 3 Cost of Facility and Financing 1 Estimated total cost of proposed facility: $ ± $ 7 , 500 , 000 2. Maximum amount of financing sought through the Authority: $ + $ 7,500,000 3. Items of cost to be paid from Authority fmancing (i.e., land, building, equipment, legal, etC.): Site development, infrastructure, financing and __ = closing costs, building, equipment, and refinancing. 7 -- .~/ 4. If financing is approved, does applicant expect the Authority bonds to be sold by (a) private placement x ; or (b) public offering ? 5. If by private placement, has applicant received a commitment or other assurance from a bank or others with respect to the sale of the bonds? Yes x No Elaborate: Wachovia Capital Markets, Inc. will provide placement services. Wachovia Bank, NA will provide a direct pay Letter of Credit to secure the bonds and Wachovia Bank, NA will also provide remarketing services. 6. If by public offering, name and address of underwriter desired: Name N/A Mailing Address Telephone: ( 7. Name and address of bond counsel desired: Name Mailing Address McGuire Woods, Battle Boothe One James Center Lloyd Richardson Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone: ~ 0 4) 7 7 5 -10 81 8 ~. Section 4 Tax Information 1. If the site of the proposed facility is known, state the current assessed value for real estate tax purposes of the land, and improvements thereon. Land $ 1,248,900 Improvements $ 2,401,200 TOTAL $ 3, 650,100* *w/o Wellington II & III 2. Current yearly real property tax on the proposed site: $ Exemp t 3 4. Estimated real property tax per year with respect to the facility when completed on real property to be constructed (buildings and improvements) using present County of Roanoke tax rates: $ Exemp t 5. Estimated personal property tax per year with respect to the facility when completed, using present tax rates: $ None 6. Estimated merchants' capital tax per year with respect to the facility when completed, using present tax rates: $ None 7. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally by applicant or other users of the facility: $ Unknown Note: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp. is exempt from payment of real estate taxes by statute. Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corp, pays a service fee in lieu of taxes. For the tax parcel in question, Friendship Manor paid $t 8,300 in service fees in the current/past year for the instant tax parcel. The new construction has an unknown assessment value, however the service fee will be set at 20% of the taxes that would have been assessed if not exempt. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property (buildings and improvements) to be constructed: $ Exemp t 9 .~ Section 5 Inducement 1. Explain how the requested financing by the Authority will enable or induce applicant to locate in or remain in the County of Roanoke and the Commonwealth ofVirginia:The financing will provide cost effective fixed rate funds to (1) acquire, construct and equip 48 independent living units and related healthcare facility, (2) additional capital improvements, (3) refinancing of an existing loan to reduce interest costs. The financing will improve the quality of service to the residents of the facility and reduce the costs of an existing loan. It is understood and agreed by the Applicant that Applicant (a) will, upon the filing of this application, pay to the Authority an application fee of $1,250.00 and in addition (b) will pay when billed the cost of necessary advertisement of any public hearing required to be held with respect to this application, and (c) will pay, when billed, all other costs and expenses of the Authority, including reasonable fees of its legal counsel, with respect to this application and any Authority or Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County meetings held in connection therewith. Also in addition, Applicant understands and agrees that in the event the Authority approves the application and adopts an inducement resolution with respect thereto and thereafter authorizes the issuance of its bonds or notes to finance a facility on behalf of the Applicant, all costs of the Authority in connection with any such issue, including the reasonable fees of its legal counsel and bond counsel, will be paid either from the proceeds of the issue or directly by the Applicant, or if such bonds or notes are not issued for any reasons, then directly by the Applicant. The Applicant understands that the approval or disapproval of this application is within the discretion of the Authority and that if approved by the Authority the requested financing must also be approved by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke; that the Authority and/or the Board of Supervisors may require additional financial and other information from the Applicant; that the Authority reserves the right to approve or disapprove bond counsel with respect to each issue; that if this application is approved and Authority bonds or notes are thereafter issued, all financing documents shall be in form and substance satisfactory to the Authority, its legal counsel and bond counsel, and shall include provisions satisfactory to the Authority, with respect to indemnifying the Authority and payment by Applicant to the Authority of additional funds as may be ~. 10 ~..~ necessary on an annual basis to be applied to the Authority's general operating and audit expense while such bonds or notes are outstanding; and that if the Authority adopts an inducement resolution with respect to the issuance of bonds or notes on behalf of Applicant and thereafter before the issuance of its bonds or notes determines (1) that any material information furnished the Authority or the Boazd of Supervisors by or on behalf of the Applicant is false or misleading, (2) if after the adoption of such resolution the proposed financing is not thereafter approved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, or (3) if the Authority deems the Applicant to have taken insufficient action towazd closing the requested financing, the Authority, in any such event, reserves and shall have the right to revoke or rescind such inducement resolution which the Authority has entered into with Applicant, after not less than ten (10) days written notice of the Authority's intention so to do, addressed and mailed to the Applicant at its address given in this Application. If the proposed financing is approved by the Authority and the Boazd of Supervisors, and for any reason, the bonds or notes are not issued prior to the end of the current calendaz year, the inducement and authorization to issue bonds shall terminate and abate, and be of no further effect at midnight on the last day of the calendar yeaz. Respectfully submitted this ~~J"'~ day of 199 S PLEASE NOTE (1) Individual applicants shall each sign the application. If Applicant is a corporation, the application is to be made and signed in the full proper name of the corporation as it appeazs in its Articles of Incorporation, by a duly authorized officer thereof who shall give his title, and if a partnership, in the full proper name of the partnership as it appears in its Certificate of Partnership, by one or more general partners. (2) If additional space is needed to properly respond to any question, refer to and attached an additional numbered sheet at end of application. (3) If any question is not applicable, indicate by inserting "N/A." 11 A-072898-4 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Appropriation of Capital Improvement Project -- Algoma Park Water Line Replacement COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~.„,,..9 ~„wo BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Utility Department submitted to the Board of Supervisors afive-year Capital Improvement Program in 1996. This program addressed aged and undersized water lines that were in need of replacing. Each year as part of the Utility budget a minimum of $350,000 is allocated towards funding these projects. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Staff is in the process of preparing the Capital Improvement Projects for the five years following the year 2000. The Algoma Park Water Line Project is tentatively listed in the five-year plan following the year 2000. (See attached map). Our Staff recently received a list of streets in Roanoke County that were being paved this year. The Algoma Park subdivision streets were on this list. Staff has requested that the repaving of these streets be delayed one year to allow the water lines to be replaced. VDOT has agreed to delay resurfacing these streets until the summer of 1999. Staff is making this request for the following reasons: (1) The Utility Department averages three water breaks a year in this subdivision. The residents will be upset that a newly paved street is covered with patches. (2) The Utility Department is concerned that newly paved streets will be torn up in two years to install the water lines at that time. The estimated cost of this project is $95,000. ,~ ._ FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available in the Utility Department's Water Unappropriated Fund for this project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although this project is not included in the present five-year plan, Staff feels that it will be more economical and less disruptive to replace the water lines prior to repaving the streets. Staff recommends that the project be approved and $95,000 be allocated for this project from the Utility Department Water Unappropriated Fund. APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x Denied () staff recommendation Harrison _ x Received () McNamara_ x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ ~ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance SUBMITTED BY: i ., L`_~ i ~~; ~~ - ~ , ;,, ~, ~~ w ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ i_I rj f ACTION N0. ITEM N0. ~ ~' -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for August 18, 1998. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment in a R-1, single family, zoning district located at 1714 Millbridge Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Robert and Elaine Lewis. 2) An ordinance to rezone 3.830 acres from C-1 to C-2 to construct an office/retail development, located on the east side of Route 419 across from intersection of Locke Street, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of North Roanoke Development Corp. 3) An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership, located at 5423 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of The Hertz Corp. ~="i -~,~ 4) An ordinance to rezone 5.4 acres from I-2 to I-1 and obtain a Special Use Permit to construct amini-warehouse, located in the 5800 block of Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Virginia Varsity Transfer Inc. 5) An ordinance to rezone approximately 20 acres from R-1, R-2 and C-2 conditional to C-2, General Commercial for the purpose of general retail and service uses, located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Electric Road (Route 419), Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for August 18, 1998. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1 through 5, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, ~m. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Action Motion by No'1s',$s Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens • COUNTY OF ROANOK~ DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 5204 Bernard ~ r . _ . P.0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 ( 540` 772-2068 FAX (540 } ]~2-2108 For staff use only date receiva~d: tr . r~ received application fe PC/BZA da placards issued: 805 datepfj Case Number. ,T • r~ file (check all that apply}: ~~ Check type of application , ^ REZONING 1.~ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: ~o.~e+r"~ ~ruce. !_rwis ate- ~' ) Phone: 384-37~f( Address: 1 ? i ~{ N1 i ~:, ~r~d ~,. (~ c~. ~a..~e n-~ Zip Code: ~ ~ ~5 3 Owner's name: S~~t- ~e ~~ Eba'~ne.. ~-( ~a.~~ Phone: Address: Zip Code: Location ofrr prope//rty: f 1v 15 t • s b Tax Map Number: 5"`, p ! _ ~} _ 1 ~ pr . 4 ~ W004 }~rt4 G Magisterial District: eci. ~- a c.J b ct.. Community Planning Area: G' f~,~ i.0. ~,.~ Size of parcel (s); Existing Zoning: j~ - l acres Existing Land Use: ~ i ~ ~ ~cz.m ; ~ sq.ft. . .. Proposed Zoning: R -' 1 ..................Y....... ., For staff Use o~/ Proposed Land Use: /~ ~ ~CCtSSr~c- fiT~~r~'Me.~. Use Type: Does the par/~e! meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES V NO 1F N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. ~. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES NO !F NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. ~ If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO ijE Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ais v w9 v ~ ws v Consultation ~~' 8 1 /2" x 1 1 ' concept plan Application fee Application M't~ Metes and bounds description <~< Proffers, If applicable Justification ~a ~w's Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners l hereby terrify that i am either the owner of the property or the~wner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. J ~`, Owner's Signature: ~/ June 18, 1998 County of Roanoke Dept. of Planning and Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive. P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Va. 24018 Dear Members, We, the residents of 1714 Millbridge Road, Salem, Va., are requesting a special usage permit to build a complete functional kitchen complete with cooking facilities. It is our understanding that the area of the county that Woodbridge occupies, the zoning is Rl, single family dwellings only, and there can be no duplex or two family dwellings. We are in the process of building an attached addition onto our home to accommodate my wife's elderly parents. The addition meets the requirements of Section 30-82-1, Accessory Apartments, of the Roanoke County building code. The occupants will be Glenn and Edith Suther, parents of Elaine Lewis. They both are 83 years old and in fragile health. Mr. Suther has suffered several small strokes and his mobility has been reduced. The purpose for a complete kitchen in the addition is for the convenience of the Suther's and us as we assist them in their old age. The addition is attached and access is available through the garage area to the kitchen in the main house and is on the same level with one step. If Mr. or Mrs. Suther's mobility should be further reduced and they are unable to come to the main house for meals, the need for a fully fimctional kitchen becomes more acute. We have no plans now or in the future to use the addition for any purpose than it is intended. We plan never to lease the addition and at such time it is no longer needed for a its purpose, the space will be used as a guest area or other uses as part of the main house. Respectfully submitted, ~~ r.~. ~o Bruce Lewis Lewis ~. ?!f ~ Millbridge Road alem, Va. 24153 Enclostue • ~/ RIOGE vENT VM'fl eIDRG lg7CF l ll~ DE1'OND HNI. Yr7 6lOPE ~- TRR'1 mATw Exlerw~ ExIeiING Ieocf reEra~o~ ~~^+'~ TRR'1 mATw Ewer) ® IE'tAe+n+G WALL DETGND I"ER s M FIELDI 0 b I WR®dL WIT (F7ATCLI I TDP cP eLAe _ EwnrwG/ _ J REAR SIDE ELEVATION AP}"R7X FRL GRADE eCAI_E~ V~' • 1'-O' ~ ~ ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS ~ OUTLET - b tEIERICNE ~ •. ® LADLE N OUTLET S' eWTUI y 1 1 GEILMn F10WTED LKi~+f FIMUI~ M B DOOR DELL 7=rome wD ROD ±ee - nY 1 V7' P.1. u1D RAetl1G GIfADE llEffaF7i. - CPILL 1 MM. Q< e' ADV. IOE! SGNEMATIG ELECTRIC ELEC,AIO, GAe.a;TER ET4 NOTE. GdFTRAGTOR TO GOG~. LOGATIOND DCAI-E~ V~' . I'-O' LF GL~t NDEIWL.KD A1D CGTC PADe WTN PWER PARTIAL F L 00 R PLAN / ~D~. ~' EJCIDTNG TTELE~P•+O~+E• LADLE RETTOVE EwerMG N~/1'L eIDN's fTTPJ S - w Y.,-. b ',~ w L..~. ~ 'w .. ~-' p ~ ~, . C~•. r ,; .5 --,~ ~QQ_~ ~~. > .,~ ? L~. -~ W ~~ :~, . S .r' . NOTE~CONTRAGTOR TO COORD, LOC~ITION OF TARO pRAMe uV Q17CR 7 ! ~ 6 • O 1 7 ) t • 1 J ) O I a ~ uw O r tl d' a U Y N ~' c.. %+ ea ao `? r a w C .C I O r O b N ^ y"' r w ~ q ~ I CJ ~ <~i. ~ m +n o V ~ r +' r o~ n ~: <o-; 2 Z _O H V' ww O wz Q~ ~~ ~- z I~ O O VJ I W U z W z ~~? ~Q~ ~~~ RevfeSone Lamm. No. 9001 Dete 4/9/90 Deei)sn MCA Drawin` MJB Check L5h7 Pfle 4!001/AIDLLYs Sheet Al .. ~~ r ~iN / 14 ~~3 ` ~~ r ~zt ~~'~Q~ ~~1 ~ay 4s'^Jy ;C ~11p'4 ~ ~ nd b ~ t d 9 ~.~ "`~~ s w e4~ a-~'z i ~~ ? 2! i Tet ~ ~ '-b~Q ~ N ~ • 1 ~i t6+; ® s s~ ~'2 ~ J ~~ g ~ X661 +6 ro ~ I6~ ~ "~ ~ 8 63e ` '~* • •. L ~c ~' 1,~ • / go I 27 c ~ io Q_.1 +6S br 7 !~ g •ps S e ~3 Zg 3 0' *~ 4C(D) 903 2g z8 0~•3 T5 2 ro a ~ ~ c 3 ~d 2s ,~ ~a~ , + a $ ~ 'clC) 4 X30 a • ' ms B• +Ta; x 4 •3 ,.~_ ~ 25 ,. ~4, °~ 3•* ~ a~ 3 ~ °2g59p3 ! 9a/ ~ ~y /T/O T5~ ~ 3 ' 2 b~s+ •B i 24 • 6) a °~~~~ OG 9Q` o Ats~ 2~ 1T3~ e•' ~t'A ,I~`~~ I ebe ~ - ' ! 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'~ 1.~\6 4~ , 4~ c j6S3 ed »a ~48 ~~~ 47,e.s4 _~I9az r ~ 3 .2 ~ ' 1709 13 ~°" X41 ~ R qO rJ~ •16j~ -~1 V0`' e ~ 0' 1738 b +1+3 ea6 i9~3 rJ) 10 3 - 16 9A Auna~O /n G/I /-f3A / ~eT'9 . 5 4 ~ 11j9 ea lprs ~,, ~ T 6 o f Seh.n ~ qe~e 6 5 • 1125 1 as ~ o. 'P 18 " ~ 6 R;1 17~+ 15 ~ ~ o° ~~ ~7 ~ ~ ` +i~3 ,e +rJ 'U 2 I pO 2.81 Ac (D ) ;tom 11,9 . 1``bC`d a !3 • ~ , j12o 1• za ~ R - ~ 6.49Ac t C) 9o M ly 12 • +1?6 s i8 oZ~, R ~26 ~ -+ ~ -~ ~,+~ ~ ~° s+o= 90 is . 0<~y6 •a~ 32 s ~+ ~3io~V~. :~wi ° 23~ ° .°~~ _ ~~+ DEPAR'T'MENT OF PLANNI\'G LEWIS SITE Z. _ ~ zorriNG TAX MAP ~ 56.01-4-16 ,_ • ' ~„~ For stafr use only ~` -2-- l~ u COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 5204 Bernard Or. ., P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 ( 540 772-2068 FAX (540) 772-21 08 date ~teiv :' received ~ / ~ ~ %i% /'~ Ll ' -~ ~, application fee: „ 6ZA ~at~ .r r placards issued ' ~ a05 date: ~•: s Case Plumber: ~, , ` '~ / ~ • • li'~:ilk'0'''~''''~`:'~`~~'"'i~i'`'~~~.~i'`~:C~'~'~:~i'''i~iiifii~~,-~~}6::;'::i°'iiiiiEi`~~:is:;tit~!ii;i;i'"':?~i''~iiii`~`i ii~'•'i;';'~?!iiii?'•~;~-~~i`:i~i~::`•.iiiiii?iE' .... C3 ...: .:. ::::. .~ ~xt a~~.::::Edema:~d:::A:;:;:: :::::::~:~:~::~:::~:~: ~;tr2c::::K ~ ad::~:::::::::::::::: . . ... . Check type of application filed (c edk a I'that app y C~ REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: North. Roanoke Development Corporation Phone:774-0069* Address: 3508 Mudlick Road, Roanoke, VA Zip Code: 2401 8 Owner's name: North Roanoke Development Corporation Phone: 774-0069 Address: 3508 Mudlick Road, Roanoke, VA Zip Code: 24018 Location of property: Tax Map Number: 3 6 . 1 9-1-3 8 East side of U. S. Route 419 Magisterial District: Catawba d between Melrose Avenue an I-81 Community Planning Area: Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: G-1 ' ~ _ R ~ (1 acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. ~~~ PfopOSed Zoning: C_2 rot Staff Use Only Proposed Land Use: Office/Retail Use Type: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES X NO IF N0, A VAnIANCE IS REOUfRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST, If rezoning request, are conditions being prof~ered with this request? YES X NO ~~: Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v rvs v X Consultation X 8 1 /2" x 1 i" concept plan ,X Application fee X Application -X <<<% Metes and bounds description _X '~<?« Proffers, if applicable X Justification '~:s Water and sewer application X Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent o,f(t~he owner. /'? ,,~ I / /~ Owner's Signature: ~"..+Gr~.~ /v_9?, 2iyy~~, ~/, /".~ IYOQ ~ h ~il,~,tr,,Cp~ 1~~y/, `fit-,O, For Staff Use Only: Case Number • • • Applicant Benton Hopper, 3508 Mudlick Road, Roanoke, VA 24018 The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change„~in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. Route 419 in the subject area is a four-lane, ..divided highway. As such, this mixed office/retail development in a cluster village setting with limited access is an appropriate land use. The proposed use. would, in its development, provide for an attractive and well thought-out use of the subject property. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. use on a mayor arterial highway with limited access. The project conforms to the general guidelines and policies in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan in that it would allow for a development of a mixed office/retail Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. The impact on public services such as schools, parks and recreation, fire and rescue would be minimal. Utilities are available to the site and the limited access provided off Route 419 is appropriate. `~ ~..~ r~ • • pPO~ ~rr~~alg `6It~ a~no~ "S I1 ' o a ,... ~.., - __,e~. __ .w _. , _,_~.. ~. _- ---- ~ r. S sno a .: ` :i~ • f i ° ' v ` - .,~,y~.. a~ a = ••~ .. o • . e aa .= « o.r a a '- u •r '' h C uasuaH Pt~uoQ auios ~d r; ~.~:~` ~ ~o I ~ ° ~ ~I' N ~ A ~' 8g ~~ _ - N ~ g OZ~ jw ag (y . o= 0 s _ aa .. 0 ~ _ °a °o °~, n yr in ~d~~~ ,, y.s c v ¢ ~ `~.Y a hrt . • i~ m „~ ~ ~I 0 I ~ mi v1 X /n ~ _ ° m a ~ r5, o ~ strr ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ /0 / / / t n ., o eS'0~. • ~ / / a/ i S . • / p6 p00 9F ~ /~ /a1U/ / /w % / /. / ~ s s Wj ~ / ~ / 5 ~ ~ ~ / / / ~ ~Y. O ~~ / / / / £ 1 O i ~ a N b i ~ 0~r v / / CnVa .091 kkN ~ $ a ~AIxQ ,ISSb'fiNl3 1 ~ ~ !. i W ~/ ~/ i o / ~~ ~ - --------~- a` lhW~~ / Ll3W3SY3 n h aJ' 1 ~v ' / /~ / / / l a k N ..3s~ ~ / / / / 8 ~ / 69 ~E~E[[ ii yy ~• ~~~Si9 ~• , ~ ~g ~~a~~~ e ~ ~ ~/ / ~ 1lS j ~ ~ ~ / a' W rv na .' ! ~ / ~ ~ ~ . +•r, ~ ~ ~ Fo, ~~ 4fY 0 / _ x W .a C f~ ~i ~ f „ &n _ wo - ^ p y ry - i x~ a I I (((lll( I 7x~5~~ 9.5 3 scar . I~ ( / ~ g~ ~~ ~a ~~~ ~~~a jr i .o ~ ~ '~ ' l ~ yy ~~p~~ ada W r y~ ~ l i O ~ ' l ' a~'b~`- ~ I ~ I~ ~ rl ~~~r )~ ~ ' ~, ~' ~ ~ I I ~ ~ L~~ ~ a urn H q to Grn woNH.. ~ 3$ 1g a~~g~ ~e5 ~ °!~ eta "i ~ ~ ° ° ~ ~ xi~4.~ !98 ---- 3 ,.OO.EO. iL N ~ I ~ ' ~ I ~ . ,a ° I C ~'~ v ro ro mo xsmarN ro u +~ i ® , ~ • 1 u o ~ro~ w A ++ ++ ~ y r d a - ` <0 d 0 4 b ~.W N droav v>a ro l ~. a( :& s ~ ~ N a o y m a ro b o~ • • /~~ , ao STS o 67 v~ ~ c CY ~ •~~ aci E ~ ~ ~ E ~ c, r' .~,i ^ U~ ~,, -~ ~, - ., \`~ I~ •2 4 y 4 N ~ ti. ~a~ ~ ~obd E - 3.0~'-rs.OZ_ -- E'S` o ~ \~ l~ ,~vr~ ~ l ;" 1 ~ h ~ ~ l 0 _~'_ ~ env ~~ J m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q W h v~ Q~~~ ~ m r h~ W ~ ~N o~~ W U Z O ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ o"~ ~ QQ~ tD' u n 9 ~ ? ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ v 0 , '~ on ~1 ~? ~ V ~ 0 ~~ - - .. m - r, i m O .~ _ _ I ,~ -; __ o ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Q 1i _-' 'v' h R~ TV L? 2 ~ ° •' h ~•.~ ~ ~ ppo~ hV ~ '_ ~ ' ~! /2 < D 6--; .s _ ~~ °.~. •p ~'r1 • N ~ ~~.;: d' ;mod ~ -l •p rvs~a;~ OnY ~n~f.^ny ao .~aN13r.^•~5 ~~ Oil yr rlft'~O OJ! y~bN ObV7Fn r1007~ f v31VVe~ loir c/ .lLaHdcan• i ,~,-6ng 3NL ~ 3/ o,'+ 2 O ~ \ >i ~e ~ A _. e v r ~g ~ J O ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 0 W W ? z ~ ~ ~ Uo ~ 'Z ~ W +- ~ 'r'te ~ , 1r. xti W ° ~k p y ~.~ ~ r t 2: :. .4 ~ ~ 0. p ,~ O ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ •:t l y.\~ 1 ~ i - - -~' PROFFERS 1. That the ro ert will be develo ed in substantial P P Y P conformity with the development plan entitled "ARK Medical Center, U.S. Route 419, Electric Road," prepared by Jerome Donald Henschel, Architect, under date of June 5, 1998. 2. That there will be no access to the east of the property to any of the adjoining residential subdivisions. Z:\WP50\CAROL\ZONING\HOPPER.PRO:taf06/23/98 • ~ "` • p~o~ arr~aa j~ `6I t~ a~no?I, "S Il ~ = °' «o A ,,=a ~~ ... e.. _..._ _._. _~. ~ ,_ ...~.. ~ ~a ': ~ 0. ~ra~~ra,~ ~I~arpa~ ~~~ ~~M ~~.T~~sr~~ `t~., ~ ti ~ `: ~d ' TauosuaH PT~uoQ anzo=at'. 'm~n.t~ ~°~ ~~ ®®O ®®® . • O O ~„ p Oln ~ i m b ^ ~ ~ 3" o r ;~~~ (M/tl .44) ~n(Q ~d~~ 0 ii ULL ~~ .a` ($ 1~ 3a ~ i ~~ ~~ ~' :l W {t~ V ~ N Q wo \ ~ Q , l ~ i V ~o ~. -i " z X? . 0 ~ C7 ~' -q.q~. M ~)O.EO.LL S P?'`.- .~ `~ i I n 1( ~ \ Fy Q z: U~ ~~ $ ~ 3 ~- ~;C ~ ~~ .~ ~ G \.~ -~ i ws ~ o ~~~~- r i ~v~~r ~~~ t =_ ' 3 .OO,EO L N a o ~• r ~^. .«~ ,~~ ' ~ /° i A v* 1 H - ~.r /n / ~ ro •, ~ /(f2 atrt `8o 15.Y / ~ /. / / b, ~ / ,Q / / a i ~ / :~ '~ ~~I~J/`/ a, /~~/ ~ i ~ a~ ; ~. / ~, " ~•~ w~ ~~ / / ~ ~ / ~ o/~~~/ q ~~ ~ U a o ~ k ro ® /~ / '~ _a, ~ _ ~~'~~ ~~o ~ / ~~N / C/ . w / , / v /Q / / /~ /,~ / ~ / r a ~/ ~ .4c ~ ~ i ~. /, _ /. ~ / >. ~^ / ~' I 46tT 'r j it l oI ~ ~ i I ,1,,1 ! (' ~ ~ Ncs+am +i N ' ~ N~tlb NO ` ' ~ ~S H CO NN wA..~ti +i°,-biro o w 'O ?~ M W ~ mmero m>n m ~+ w v ro +~ ~nuam to L dNro W,z~ i ,o ~~W ~ b NIaI ~ W ~ s~ rWZ ,.. ~~~~ iy EA a~~a~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~g ~~~~~ ~ ~;~~ ~~ a,~~R~ yg G ~~ i~ ~~a 3I ~~ 9~~! ~~~~~ ~~ r~-s~pp ti,S ~~~eA ~a3 ~. .~~,~ ~_~ ~a~ ~~3 a xi~4~~i ai I ~i yt U: a~ ~~ ~~ ,E ~~ va x~ ro R 0 A Q h • ~~ • ~I PP~ Nei ~~ w e i~ ~'2 D NORTH -- --__......__. ....,_.Y.-._... ~.. .._.. _,_...._.__._._.,F,_.~~,_ ...,_,..,. .,-..._.~ ,.._ . _ I (1 I f ~ ~ ~ r~r O t ~ ~ '" , 12.1 ' e I.TTAc ~ M pp ~~~~ i ti ~ ~ ~~ 23 ~ = ZTS r~ ~~' s ~ ~ ~I ~ : 3 Ac ( ~ , O ~~1 1w _ ~ } I ~ : ,w e ~ a*~~ i ~ , ~ ; ~ 's ` ~. ~ - ,,~~ e *1• s 33 8 ~d s • • '`~ '}Ott ~bn~ ( s B s. 33 •~ 303 '~~ s~' tt,° o 37 tOS ~ ~ 1 ft}/ of °~ ~ 3t0 16 40 ~ ~ tos; ~ ° 4 '~ ~ to ~ °~I .. I7 tom I I ~ g\• 38 ~~' `' 3 ,b 9. f tos 27 10 a t°l~,s~•' = ~ ~ s~' t ii `, ,b = ~ C ~~ •t1~ g ~ tof ~° E .. 9 ~ .~. 4 ~j t~'~x ~ 8 s 4 ~ a4 23 ,. 21 0 9 22 a p~. 3~SrpM N 3 t°°t O~ ,. _ d • G dpi - ff ~,~ r y: , - i ~ - - ' r ~ s,, i _ n' `. :~;' ~ ': _ _ ~"+ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING NORTH ROANOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION _~ AND zoNING TAX MAP # 36.19-1-40 ,' .:. ~.,r ,_ ~ Izas , : _ ~.r - _ ~~ °~.~~ ~\ v' ,~`~ ~~. ` ~' OAN ~~ r~ ~`~._R GKIr GF 78oN <yc; ~ E ,. :~~,~ x 1200 ~ .~ ~ n 630 \ ~':: - /mss o ~q>. 'P~;;;':P z ~m P~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~kF `w,` C G ~ GRB ~ Y ~~} ~.,~ . . ~ ~ ~~' ~ ~9 NcZ 9 , , ~, 2 1. ~ ~2OPI ~.,: \ a `N 1 ~ ~ J~ ~ ~'7" .: ..,~,,. ( ~ . . . J l~, 4 SvBD ~` s ? 1 ~ ARK ~a 7+~\-?, gyp t `~,r e, / bA ~~Rr ,. ~ a .::..,. ~'y'~ ~ ~ t ~ ~~~``~`~`;''~:;~.•:;. ~ ~ R NO ~ . ~ • • COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZON}NG 5204 Bernard t~r.~. P.O. Box 298Q0 Roanoke. VA 24018 ( 540' 772-2068 FAX 1540 J 772-2108 For staff use only ~ ` dater ceiv d•' ~0 2tQ ~ ~" received by: -~ ~ M _ r~r~ appfica~ntlle: PCIB,ZA da; e: ~~~~ u placards issued: SOS ace: fq5~ l g ~ c Case Number: ~ ~. ®' Check type of application filed lcheck al! that apply): D REZONING ~ SPECIAL USE [VARIANCE Applicant's name: The Hertz Corporation Phone: 201-307-21 Address: 225 Brae Blvd. Park Rid e, N.J. 07656 Zip Code: 07656 Owner's name: 5423Williamson LLC Phone540-992-112 Address: c/c Dr. Wayne Fralin Zip Code: 24083 4 W R Dal vill Va. Location of property: Tax Map Number: 3 8.10 - 7 - 3 3 5423Williamson Road V k i~.lagisterial District: Hollins a. e, Roano Community Planning Area: peters Creek Size of parcel (s): Existing Zoning: C-2 Commercial - .5 acres Existing Land Use: Furniture store 22 , 100 sq•f-t, _ ;~: :~::: ::: <~` Proposed Zoning: For staff use o~,y Proposed Land Use:The display and saleof used cars formerly Use Type: utilized in the Hertz rental fleet. Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, wiGt~, and frontage requirements of the requested dis,: ict? YES x NO IF N0, A VAn;~=.'~CE 1S REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parce! meet the minimum criteria fcr t=a requested Use Type? YES X NO lF NO, A VARIANCE iS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffere~ with this request? YES NO t:: :~~.~ .~~ :;~ •~ ~~ Variance of Section(sl of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in c, per :o: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF r,NY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v tws v Consultation 8 1 /2" x 1 i ' concept plan Application fee Application '~i~ Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justifications f Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners f hereby certify that / am either t e own r o the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the know/ed d co e of the owner. Lessee kEa..vETTId%C~ZNhdf2•- EA[ FSTA'r~ A,ve46-EIS. 4 ~3 The Hertz Corporation 225 Brae Bou/e vard, Park Ridge, NJ 07656-0713 June 25, 1998 John F. Murphy Associate Planner County of Roanoke Department of Planning and Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Va. 24018-0798 Re: 5423 Williamson Road Roanoke, Va. Dear Mr. Murphy, Enclosed is an application for a Special Use permit for the above referenced property. Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $40.00 for said application. Hertz has an agreement to lease this property. I will forward a copy of this application for the owners signature and send it to your attention. Please advise if you need any further information and when an appearance is required. Sincerel , ,' Kenn J. Kramer Manager, Real Estate Tel: 201-307-2144 Fax; 201-307-2689 • Hertz rents faro's and other fine cars ~- °""" i• i• S /5~ !7 ~W-~- /3 O.O Sa. _T i i . t7 I Q - ~-I 0 n _ 0 ~ - ~ h 0 N r--''~ -- ~ o u ~ a b' _._. ~ _ N ~ ~. °' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ m i _ v .` ~ i l QI(Spvre .Y~rhi~~ --7 - --OSQo~^k 4• ~mit~i ~~ J' i _ -. ~_~.~ 50 ~' r-- r __ 0 4_ 25 - '. . c' . ;_ 2v 2a I G~oJs o - .. } o~ea V It ~ - - - --.. i - -\ ~ s \~ -- N/5'/7 E /3 o a W/LL/AMSON RD AD i• PLAT FOR OLUE E . FRRLIN er a[s of O. 597 HC.2E TRAGT ON {y/LL/AMSD.V ~20AD .20F7NOK6 GO., /A• By ~ T. P. Pei~«¢~San En9iseers ~ ,Suiv~yars ~Aa~NE CORP / ,~e~ 7E~pt~ ""ti!t YE CENTER / $ PENTECO SAL,+~~~: ~ F ~~ HOUNESS,~ to ~:>• ~ t N CHUR t ti:~: '33 p WEST N ~ ~~t +'7~::,:~- 'P i ~~ t8{Uf }?10Gc'~t~ m ~ lA MAlSAN t GRRDE iJ5 ' , •'•:: ~ } p. O~ E~ ~ANCSTD B~N~pSA ~, AIRPORT ~~ W D. _~ 'b 'S `£i;j NJGF! RISE \~ ~ '°:; \ F~ ~Fw ~~ ~V I C N f T i~ a P ~\ ~~ rD~EtTPAR7`IT~~TIEN7T OF PI~NNII~'G r. y ;' Tr Li~lV I1VV ~, ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ °t' o ~~' o HERTZ SITE TAX PAP # 3II.10-7-33 For staff use only ~T-y • • • COUNTY OF ROANOKE DPPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 5204 Bernard Dr, .. P.0. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 { 540` 7~2-2os8 Fax (540 ~ 772-2108 date received;' received by: ~ .~ ~ 2+e ,~. ~.'~ . ap ti C(P~ZA date: ~ ~ placer s ' ed~ ~ 805 date; j~~p c.t J,~ d Case Number: y V ~'.y:: r ~? 1: ~ c: c'ei ifhiY` ['ti il`i: ill' JI:'i!'F+! 2`il i E:I'.1' n 1 is i.'i ~j ~: } i is ii i1 f i i is i C i i t ~ i t i j i i ~:1 ~ ~ ~ cj': t • i%(:: ;;:iii: ~' ~ i'• t' e'. • •.' ~ [ i ~•; i }. i ~ i' :Ii: t f! t i ~; c it I i i I ~ I i i ~ L i : i ~ i i i 1 i e f E ~ ~ t't't? ~' ~! F i ~ t ~' i i ~ i'. ~ 5. t ~ I ~ ~ I ti t z Check type of application filed (check ail that apply}: ® REZONING ®SPECIAL USE VARIANCE Applicant's name: John D. Lugar/Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc Phone:982-2202 Address: P. 0. Box 8984 Zip Code:24014 Roanoke VA Owner's name: Monroe Gardens LLC c/o Jim Monroe Phone:989-2122 Address: HC 65 Box 31 Agent- John D. Lugar Zip Code:24981 Talcott, WVA Location of property: Starkey Road Tax Map Number: 87 , 1$_2 , 24 Route 904 (rear of Greenbrier Nurseries) Magisterial District: Cave Spring Community Planning Area: Cave Spring Size of parce! (s}: Existing Zoning: I-2 S+~_ acres Existing Land Use: Vacant sq.ft. :,: :~:: ~';;: Proposed Zoning: I _ 1 ~r staff use or,(y Proposed Land Use: Moving and self-storage complex Use Type: Dees the parts! meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES X NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. if rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES X NO :;,. .~ ~`~: Variance of Section{s} of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/5 V R!9 V R!5 4 Consultation x 8 112" x 1 1" concept plan x Application fee x Application x ri~~ Metes and bounds description x ~-~. Proffers, if applicaole x Justification x ~s Water and se~Ner application x Adjoining property awr,ers l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am actr'ng with the know/edge and consent of the owner. Owner's Signature: -~ June 25,1998 Terrance L. Harrington Roanoke County Planning and Zoning Department P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Harrington: The following information is hereby provided to you for the justification of rezoning the subject property. The subject property is currently vacant and sits at the rear of the Greenbrier Nurseries property on Starkey Road. We have a contract to purchase approximately 5.35 acres from Greenbrier Nurseries. Although the triangular shape of the property might not lend itself to being usable to many potential developers, we feel that the property is ideal for the complex we have in mind. Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. has been in the moving and transfer business as a locally grown company since 1988. Although we have established ourselves as one of the most prominent such companies in the Roanoke Valley, we have not offered much needed customer storage to this point. We have, however, coordinated and arranged hundreds of moves into self-storage facilities and thus know the storage market as well as anyone. Through years of research and continuous customer feedback and input, we know that there is a tremendous unserved market in this area- both our customers and the general public. During the past several months, there have been many occasions where it has been very difficult to find ANY available storage for our customers. We feel that our proposal to operate Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. in conjunction with a separate but complimentary self-storage facility on this property will provide two greatly needed services for the citizens of Roanoke County and enhance economic development. Further, we feel that locating Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. on the site, which has been growing at 40% annually and investing heavily in vehicles and equipment, is much preferred to and unused, vacant site. Lastly, operating the complimentary companies on the same site will further insure the self- storage's economic viability. The planned project will be developed, first and foremost, with quality and compatibility with the area in mind. Based on customer feedback and extensive research, we feel that we can build exactly what our customers want. We understand the needs, desires and concerns of the storing public. F~ We feel that a moving and self-storage complex clearly conforms to the Roanoke County ordinance and is, in fact, a lighter use than alternatives under the I-2 zoning. Based on engineering studies, we do not feel that there would be any adverse impact on adjoining landowners or public services and facilities. Thank you for your time and consideration, . ~ C~/t, John D. Lugar, President Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. Attached: Application List of adjoining property owners Application fee ($1,040.50) Concept plan (8.5" x 11") Proffer Maps Development application .7 • John D. Lugar Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. Moving and Self-Storage Complex Proffer ~_,~ I do hereby proffer that the buildings and doors to the storage buildings will not be the colors red or orange. Signature ~ lla~e • i .~ N Q ~~ ~ M 'Ot • M F ~ .6~~~S` S W 1~~8'# ~~S • t ~i ~ ~~ -_ -_ 3 \ ~ ~`~„~ io ~ 1'~ \ ~ dv N I M Q 4 ~tiij t4~ s z ~ 3~ a d~ ~o~~~ ~~' ~ Z ~ ~ fs~ !- ~ ~ v \~ r~ s r~ ~~ n 'p v~ ~ a N ~ f.. ~i ~ N i-. ~ 1 ~~ a `i~ =a ' ~' ~ ~ ~ Z m 8 I. ~ ~ 8~ I X M .~~F~ s ^o` o,''y c3~ ,~ Q ,~ BSF~~ s os ~~~ 4 z ._, m ~ 3' ~ Z~ M N ~ p M O M o~ a~ !~/~' ~~ N N m I ~ N m ~, ~~a ~~ ~~ m a: .~ ~~ G., z t/~~ ~ U V1 W~"a ~ Z Uoa Dy,S U1 ~~~ z'o W~~ Aw W ~z az w Q J Z 0 ~_ 0 m ,,_, ~o >- Q Z J W Oyob ~~~ ~ r~8 ~ti e~''~ 9 ~ gg ~•~ + ~. y ~~°~ a ~yA ~\ l N Q1 O N °' ~ ~ ~ y ~""~ R~ W z w ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nn . 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L I 3!Q 1t r _ ` • .// F'"- ~ ~- MORTN n 13 too ac J 14 ~ L00 AG ~~ 1-r 1,5 w .n L00 Ac ~. 7 C •41~ ~ „ 1 16 ~ 27a.s j l i,e aj .lo.e w ~~ N w ~ S3 I 47 ;43 1 1.00 AG . ~ .n ~ t 52 ~ , ~ 19 N n // 1H ~ q '~ W Iss 14 9' N .w _qf.g.. „ O ~ , gl ~i5j 10 ~E w i 20 n ,;,, w h 1960 m/ b /~ 130 r ~1 ~ .p IZ4 2t ~ i ~ Z w o w 2 i 24 ~ • y r r , „ ' 13.08 Ac Q' wo B0'~I 193lt l 48 _ ~'~ L00 AC b • ~ ~ „ I ,~~ i ~ .~. ,a""' ~r' a.,/~ ~ w w CC ^ 8. ~ a ~ g4.0~ ~ ~ :. w a ` ~ ,/ ~ 4;7 ~ fi e X7,16 '" ;t 4S •~ ~~ i ... l r ri, / `', .~ / ~~ ~ .. ~ II , 1_-d ~ . r ~ .. • ~{. ~0'.f'~ 1 ~ mk h~4~' '' r _ R ~ f r .. r ++ti/. ~' f .I ~ ,~neu ... .~:.. ....... . r. ... _.. ;~ I ~ .}.. • ', y~°' .. . ----- ~ ~ ... ~. .,A} . . DEPAR'I'I~iVT OF PLANN1h'G - ~ LUGA~GARSITY TRANSFER SITE _. .t~IVD BONING ;'•. TAX f~1AP # 87418-2-24 >I~ ... For staff use only / ~' COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 5204 Bernard Dr. ._ P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 t 540 772-toss Fax (5401 772-21 a8 da.~te received:' ~' ~,.,, l.: 1 rye received by: t application fee: PC/SZA date: ;[`.~i ~ 4 placards issued: BOS date: , ,~ c!c'~ Case Number: e~ Ch ck type of application filed (check all that apply}: I~REZONING D SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: :~~~~ ~, ~~ , ~~u!~-!~ c'~?°~ ~ U~ ~-~c'~~2:~ Address: ~ d, (~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~~ 3~l ~ ~~ r Phone: ?'?r~~ ~ ~v ~'~j Zip Code: Owner's name: 9 ~~L.~(~ ~'~` ~"~~' Address: Phone: Zip Code: Location of property: Tax Map Number: ,v~-u'Cc . V l; ~ ~%j ~ ~ Magisterial District: nn ,~ ~ - ? ~.l` `~ ~a-5'J ~'`'~O~'" ~~~~ ~` ~~ ' Community Planning Area: Size of parcel (s): /may ~C) acres sq.ft. Existing Zoning: ~.-~ ~ ~+1 c...nt~ ~.~~ ~ Existing Land Use: ~~~-~~ ~.~,.~~ ~~,~ ..,,~'~ PCOpOSed Zoning: ~: ~,, Proposed Land Use: ~~ c-~~t,1z.~. ~a~ ~ For Staff Use On/y use Type: Does the par el meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES >~ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. / Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES ~/ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO Variance of Sections} of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. wsly Rrs v ws v Consultation 8 1 i2" x 1 1 " concept plan Application fee Application ~~~ Metes and bounds description ':~<-< Proffers, if applicable Justification ~:y<f Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that / am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. `~ Owner's Signature: ~... >, ~~ For staff use only ~ ~ '"''" e~ COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 5204 Bernard Dr. __ P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 ( 540 772-2068 Fax (540 ~ 772-2 ~ 08 date received:' v ei e d by: rec ~ ~ ` ` ~ C C ~ ~ ' ~ =~J=-- application fee: PC/BZA date: 4 c ~.~ placards issued: Bos date: ,,, cf ~' Case Number: t~ Ch ck type of application filed (check all that apply): REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^VARIANCE Applicant's name: ~~~~ z-, ~~, , ; ~AQ.~ 7F ~ JP c~•~r Sv2~ Address: ~ U, ~~~ .~cr ~~ K:~~iO~~, Va a ~ r ~ Phone: ~1cZ - 3c7 4'gj Zip Code: Owner's name: t ~~C ~,(`-~ Address: `~ ~~ oJ`~ Phone: Zip Code: otion of property: Lo c Tax Map Number: ~ ~~~.~~ ` l V ~~~~ ~ ~~~~'n ~~ ~~ ~~~ ' Magisterial District: ~ ~ c- - '~ .Q t` ~(t~ Community Planning Area: .. c~_ [ r.34 Size of parcel (s): /,`y ~_C') acres sq.ft. Existing Zoning: R..-~~ t ~ ~ 1 crn~ (_= a C, Existing Land Use: ~~,~,~;~~~d~~' c-nG~ c~ ~~' Proposed Zoning: ~ _ ;~~, , Proposed Land Use: ~~~~ ~~~,~,v~~ ~~~ For Staff Use Only use Type: Does the par el meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES ~ NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: I _ is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ws v ws v ws v Consultation 8 1 /2" x 1 1 " concept plan Application fee Application «~ Metes and bounds description « Proffers, if applicable Justification ~`:~`s Water and sewer application ~ Adjoining property owners l hereby certify that / am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. J Owner's Signature: ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE CREATING THE VIRGINIA HEADWATERS REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: At the June 23rd meeting, the Board indicated its intent to participate in the Authority and to allocate the .$S, 0~0 initial fee from the Economic Development Fund. The deadline for adopting the ordinance is September 1, 1998, and the fee is not due until after adoption. The attached ordinance will be finalized at second reading on August 18. It is only necessary to have three localities agree to participate, and as of this week, 11 have indicated their intention to join including the Cities of Roanoke and Salem. Adoption of the ordinance only commits the Board to membership in the Authority. Each project will have a separate agreement among those wishing to participate. The Authority members will determine any additional funding. The County Attorney has expressed some concerns about the financial commitment and the lack of ability to withdraw from the Authority. To address these concerns, I recommend that the ordinance be amended by second reading to include the following language: (I) The County of Roanoke reserves the right to withdraw from the Authority after one year's notice; and (2) If the County of Roanoke chooses to withdraw, it will continue to be responsible for any funding previously committed to a speck project, but will not be responsible for any additional expenses of the Authority. If the Board members have any concerns or suggestions they wish to make concerning the ordinance or agreement, please let sta, f,~' know and we will modi, fy the ordinance by the second reading on August 18. This ordinance creates the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facility Authority in accordance with Chapter 64 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The legislation authorizing the creation of this regional G:\COMMON\JULY28\VHRIFA.RPT 1 `1 industrial facilities authority was adopted by the 1997 session of the Virginia General Assembly. The original concept was to create an authority to establish the New River Valley Commerce Park at the New River Valley Airport near Dublin, Virginia. The concept of this authority was broadened to create an authority able to undertake numerous projects to support economic development throughout the region. The "region" means the area within the boundaries of Planning Districts 4 and 5, and a variety of localities falling within certain population brackets. David Rundgren, Executive Director of the New River Valley Planning District Commission, has forwarded to Roanoke County and the other localities in this region a draft ordinance and agreement to create the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facility Authority. The first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for July 28, 1998; the second reading and public hearing is scheduled for August 18, 1998. This public hearing has been duly advertised. RY OF INFORMATION: The powers and duties of this Authority shall be exercised by a Board of Directors. This Board shall consist of two members for each member locality, appointed by the governing body of that locality. These members shall be residents of the appointing member locality. Member localities may agree to a revenue and economic growth sharing arrangement with respect to tax revenues and other income and revenues generated by any facility owned by the authority. Any such agreement shall be approved by a majority vote of the governing bodies of the member localities. Member localities are authorized to lend or donate money or other property to the authority, and may restrict the use of such grants or loans to a specific facility within or without the locality. The governing body of a member locality may direct that all machinery and tools tax revenue collected from a facility shall be remitted to the authority. These revenues may be used for the payment of debt service on bonds of the authority. A member locality of an authority may withdraw from the authority only upon the dissolution of the authority. The authority may be dissolved when the board of directors determines that the purposes of the authority have been substantially fulfilled, or are impracticable or impossible to accomplish, and that all obligations incurred by the authority have been paid. The draft agreement (attached) provides (see VII.) that the general business of the authority shall be conducted by majority action of the board. This includes the issuance of bonds. The G:\COMMON\JULY28\VHRIFA.RPT 2 G-i authority, by majority action, may establish such fees as may be necessary to support the general activities of the authority. $5,000 from the Economic Development Fund. There exists serious questions with respect to the extent of the fiscal commitment required by membership in this authority. Once the county joins this authority it can not withdraw from it until all its financial obligations have been paid. Revenue sharing agreements can be approved by majority vote. The draft agreement provides that a majority vote may establish fees to be paid by member localities to support the general activities of the authority. Finally, it is questionable whether or not machinery and tools tax revenue will be sufficient to service the debt of any bonds issued by the authority. For these reasons the Board should carefully consider whether or not the County should join this Authority. A draft ordinance is attached for your review if you decide to proceed. Respectfully submitted, Gttcx- (~ r ~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens G:\COMMON\JULY28\VHRIFA.RPT 3 ~ -/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE VIRGINIA HEADWATERS REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, pursuant to the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act, Chapter 64 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended (the "Act"), the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (County), has determined that the economic growth and development of the region and the comfort, convenience and welfare of its citizens require the development of facilities and that joint action through a regional industrial facility authority will facilitate the development of the needed facilities; and, WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke is authorized by the Act to participate in such Regional Authority and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, in conjunction with other governing bodies hereby proposes to create the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Authority, a public body politic and corporate created pursuant to the Act; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on July 28, 1998; and the second reading and public hearing was held on August 18, 1998, and was duly advertised. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That there hereby is created an Authority pursuant to the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act, Chapter 64 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, whose name shall be "Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facilities Authority" and whose member localities shall be as follows: The County of Bland, Virginia The County of Craig, Virginia The County of Floyd, Virginia The County of Franklin, Virginia ~'-/ The County of Giles, Virginia The County of Montgomery, Virginia The County of Pulaski, Virginia The County of Roanoke, Virginia The County of Wythe, Virginia The City of Radford, Virginia The City of Roanoke, Virginia The City of Salem, Virginia The Town of Christiansburg, VA The Town of Dublin, Virginia The Town of Narrows, Virginia The Town of Pearisburg, Virginia The Town of Pulaski, Virginia The Town of Wytheville, Virginia each of which is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, authorized to participate as a member of the Authority by the Act and collectively are the "Member Localities." 2. That as provided by the Act, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, after due consideration, hereby makes the following findings: A. The economy of Western Virginia has not kept pace with those of much of the rest of the Commonwealth. Individual localities in the region often lack the financial resources to assist in the development of economic development projects. Providing a mechanism for localities in the region to cooperate in the development of facilities will assist the region in overcoming this barrier to economic growth. The creation of a regional industrial facility authority will assist this area of the Commonwealth in achieving a greater degree of economic stability. B. The purpose of the regional industrial facility authority is to enhance the economic base for the member localities by developing, owning, and operating, one or more facilities on a cooperative basis involving its member localities. C. The exercise of the powers granted by the Act shall be in all respects for the benefit of the inhabitants of the region and other areas of the Commonwealth, for the increase of their commerce, and for the promotion of their safety, health, welfare, convenience and prosperity. C-/ D. That the economic growth and development of this locality and the comfort, convenience and welfare of its citizens require the development of facilities and that joint action through a regional industrial facility authority by the localities which are to be members of the proposed authority will facilitate the development of the needed facilities. 3. That in furtherance of this Ordinance, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to execute an agreement in the form attached to this Ordinance establishing the respective rights and obligations of the Member Localities with respect to the Authority. G:\COMMON\JULY28\VHRIEA.ORD AGREEMENT CREATING THE VIRGINIA HEADWATERS ~ , REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, in compliance with the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act, Chapter 64 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended (the 'Act'), the undersigned governing bodies of the creating political subdivisions have determined that the economic growth and development of the localities and the comfort, convenience and welfare of their citizens require the development of facilities; and, WHEREAS, such governing bodies have further determined that joint action through a regional industrial facility authority will facilitate the development of the needed facilities. NOW THEREFORE, the named political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia hereby agree to create the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facilities Authority, a public body politic and corporate created pursuant tv the Act, subject to the following terms and conditions: I• NAME The name of the authority shall be "Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facilities Authority" and the address of its principal office is P.O. Box 3726, Radford, Virginia, 24143. II. PARTIES TO THE VIRGINIA HEADWATERS INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY AGREEMENT The initial members of the Authority are: The County of Bland, Virginia The County of Floyd, Virginia The County of Giles, Virginia The County of Pulaski, Virginia The County of Wythe, Virginia The City of Roanoke, Virginia The Town of Christiansburg, Virginia The Town of Narrows, Virginsa The Town of Pulaski, Virginia The County of Craig, Virginia The County of Franklin, Virginia The County of Montgomery, Virginia The County of Roanoke, Virginia The City of Radford, Virginia The City of Salem, Virginia The Town of Dublin, Virginia The Town of Pearist~urg, Virginia The Town of Wytheville, Virginia each of which is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, are authorized by the Act to participate in this Authority and collectively are the "Member Localities". III BOARD OF THE AUTHORITY There shall be two (2) representatives appointed by each Member Locality to serve on the Board of the Authority which shall exercise the powers of the Authority. Members representing the respective political subdivisions shall be appointed, serve and be governed by the provisions of § 15.2-6403 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The initial term of office of the members shall begin on the date of the creation of the Authority. Each member of the board, Tune I5, 1998 Page 1 of 3 before entering upon the discharge of the duties of the office, shall take and subscribe to the oath prescribed in § 49-1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. IV FINDINGS AND PURPOSE FOR WHICH THE AUTHORITY IS CREATED The Member Localities hereby agree to the following findings and purposes for which the Authority is created: A. The economy of Western Virginia has not kept pace with those of much of the rest of the Commonwealth. Individual localities in the region often lack the financial resources to assist in the development of economic development projects. Providing a mechanism for localities in the region to cooperate in the development of facilities will assist the region in overcoming this barrier to economic growth. The creation of regional industrial facility authorities will assist this area of the Commonwealth in achieving a greater degree of economic stability. B. The purpose of the regional industrial facility authority is to enhance the economic base for the Member Localities by developing, owning, and/or operating one or more facilities on a cooperative basis involving its member localities. C. The exercise of the powers granted by the Act shall be in all respects for the benefit of the inhabitants of the region and other areas of the Commonwealth, for the increase of their commerce, and for the promotion of their safety, health, welfare, convenience and prosperity. D. That the economic growth and development of this region and the comfort, convenience and welfare of its citizens require the development of facilities and joint action through a regional industrial facility authority facilitating the development of the needed facilities. V. INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES There is a wide variety of projects which the Authority may select to undertake in meeting the purposes of the Act. The Authority may undertake any project authorized by the Act. The Authority may also support and participate in any project authorized by the Act for which any member jurisdiction requests assistance, provided that the assets, faith and credit of the Authority may not be pledged without the consent of all member localities. Where the Authority does not have adequate resources to undertake an additional project, the Authority shall seek the participation of Member Localities. No such project shall be undertaken by the Authority until it shall have received the support and adequate commitment of fmancial resources to fund the project. VI. PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS The Authority may undertake to participate in any project authorized by the Act and undertaken by any one or more of the Member Localities. Such participation shall be on such terms and conditions as the Board of the Authority and the localities participating in the project may agree, and may include participation by public and private entities not members of the Authority, provided that the assets, faith and credit of the Authority may not be pledged without the consent of all Member Localities. The Authority may issue bonds and other indicia of debt based solely upon such participating agreements. Each member locality may consider its terms of participation in each proposed project in accordance with the participating agreement establishing such project. With the exception of any Authority bond fee June 15, 1998 Page 2 of 3 ." • ~ ~ / and the possible recovery of any of the Authority's costs and expenses, any benefits of any project to be distributed to the Member Localities shall be paid and apportioned in accordance with the participating agreement for that project. VII. GENERAL OPERATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY The general business of the Authority, including the issuance of bonds not based upon the full faith, credit and assets of the Authority and the expenditure of funds for general expenses, shall be conducted by majority action of the Board of the Authority, provided, such Board may create an executive committee and such other committees as the Board may direct, including project committees. The Authority shall, from time to time, by majority action of the Board of the Authority, establish such fees as shall be necessary to be paid by the member localities to support the general activities of the Authority and not to support any specific project of the Authority. VIII. POWERS OF THE AUTHORITY The Authority is vested with the powers of a body corporate, including the power to sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded, and adopt and use a common seal and alter the same as maybe deemed expedient. The Authority shall have all rights, duties and powers provided by the provisions of the Act, Chapter 64 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, including the power to issue bonds for any valid purpose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Governing Bodies identified, by authorized action, have caused this Agreement to be executed, and their respective seals to be affixed hereto and attested by their respective clerks or secretaries commencing this th day, of , 1998. June 15, 1998 Page 3 of 3 h ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE 072898-5 AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FOR A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, GRANDER DRIVE AND GIESER ROAD SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the County Administration has negotiated the extension of the public sewer system to the Grander Drive-Gieser Road community; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system and the creation of a special utility (sewer) service area will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, several of the residents have requested that the County allow them to pay their portion of the costs of connection to the public sanitary sewer system over ten years in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 112288-7; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on July 14, 1998, and the second reading was held July 28, 1998. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, public sanitary sewer extension for a portion of the Grander Drive and Gieser Road community. The total 1 construction cost of this public sewer project is estimated to be $50,000.00, to be initially financed as follows: Citizen Participation (8 x $2,571) $20,568 Advance from Public Works Participation Fund $20,568 Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund $ 8,864 That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $20,568 from the Public Works Participation Fund (which was established by the Board of Supervisors on July 23, 1996). That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $8,864 from the Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund. Any citizen participation under paragraph 3. will be advanced as a loan from the Sewer Fund. 2. That the Project Service Area is shown and designated on the attached plat entitled Grander Drive-Gieser Road Sanitary Sewer Project prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department, dated July 28, 1998, and identified as Exhibit 1. The Grander Drive-Gieser Road Sanitary Sewer Service Area is created for a period of ten years. (A) On or before September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area electing to participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area may do so by paying the sum of $2,571 per connection toward construction costs plus $750, which represents 50% of the current the off-site facility fee of $1,500, said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. (B) After September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area electing to participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area may do so by paying the sum of $3,214 per connection toward construction 2 costs plus the off-site facility fee in effect at the time of connection (currently $1,500), said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. 3. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before September 30, 1998, of their portion of the cost of extending the public sanitary sewer system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Payment of $3,321 per property owner/residential connection ($2,571 for constructions costs plus $750 which is 50% of the current off-site facilities fees) to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 8% percent per annum. Property owners agree to pay $1,321 down and financing the remaining $2,000. The down payment will be applied first to the off-site facility fee and then to the construction costs. (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 3 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area, in excess of the eight anticipated with this ordinance, who elect to participate, shall be made to the various funds as follows: The off-site facility fee shall be returned to the Sewer Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid. 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 4 /-~'_ / O U ~ w O W ~ ~ cn n- rn w rn ~z ~ ~ w cn o0 ~ Z N ~ W 0 W J w 0 W Z ~ ~ 0 W LJ.~ 'w V/Q Q W ~ U_ nO ~ L.1. O /1 0 o~- ~' ~C~ ~~' ~V ~v } / ~1 3 ~? ('~~ ~ ~ i `~ J ~ ~ ~ „N ~ ~ ~ ~ tti W n ~ ~ N L~ -j I '\ ~ Z O J oar ~C O ~°~ "~'~ _~ O = W F ~ ' Z O ?~ ~ ~~/~, io ~ ~/ n V O ~ h~ WW ~ ~ O ~N ~ ~ ~ n h ~ ~ C O / \~ _ ~ ~ ~,~ w°O ~ Z 3 ~' Za ~ j Oj tp Q i-~~ N 3 VV ff ~ ~ h~ w ~ ~ ^~ ~ ~ W , w U tppF = N O\ _ _ ~ .bJO~ ~ O C . y ' ~ ~ ~ J j V6 'b ~ C9 iG h ~ 2 n n W Z W O' ~ W N ^ ~ wy ~ ~ t90 = J p 1^ W W ~ N ~ ~ n J ~ t0 n w ~~ h~ U _ ? N W f .1 QZ - I O N w _ N W ~ ~ n a duo V 4i v~ tG aW n J V = O U ~ ~ ~ O i g ~ ~v N ~ ~~ : /~ "J f , ~~ (N ~ Y ~ ~ '~ ~ 3 0 1 w ~ n ~.? .~ J~ ~ \ ~//, O ~~ o~ tlf "'' T ` UN N~ C C ~ ~; U ~ y.C U p N.O a`oa OI \~~^ C~ N O mm ~ W N I n O 2 /I /~O 8t ~ Z J n J BtpF ~ s,pF JO^ ,~ W ,V ~ s N StpF. O H ,~ 'bra' N ~Fp 3 ~ ~ 'J`3`O ~ ~ ~ W N~Y7\ 'a = N ACTION # ITEM NUMBER /"'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIlVIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance Authorizing Creation of and Financing for a Local Public Works Improvement Project - Grander Dr. &Gieser Rd. Sewer Project COUNTY ADMI1~lISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: During November 1997, Utility Department staff received a "Petition for Public Works", which had been signed by sixteen (16) Grander Park Subdivision property owners. Because of failing or malfunctioning septic systems, several property owners along Grander Drive and Gieser Road expressed an interest in having public sewer service extended to their properties. In response to the petition, Utility Department staff explored various sewage conveyance options and prepared a preliminary cost study. The following two options to extend public sewer service along Gieser Road and Grander Drive were evaluated by Utility Department staff: O tp ion 1 - Would involve construction of gravity sewer lines along Gieser Road and Grander Drive and installation of a sewage pumping station, to be operated and maintained by the Utility Department. Wastewater from each property would be conveyed by gravity from the residence to the public sewer system. The total connection fee for this option was estimated to be approximately $10,300 per connection. O tp ion 2 -Would consist of installation of a sewer force main or pressure pipe along Gieser Road and Grander Drive. This pressure sewer pipe would be installed and maintained by the Roanoke County Utility Department and would provide a connection point at the property line for each residence. Option 2 would rely on pumping of sewage from the residence into the public sewer system, which would require aresidential-type sewage grinder pump station for each property. Total connection fee for this option was estimated to be approximately $3,321 per connection. -I On April 20, 1998, Utility Department staff conducted a public meeting at the Roanoke County Administration Center. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: 1. History of recurring problems with malfunctioning and/or failing septic systems 2. Re-evaluation by staff of interest among property owners for extending public sewer service to Grander Drive-Gieser Road area 3. Presentation and explanation of two options to extend public sewer service along Grander Drive and Gieser Road The consensus of those property owners attending the meeting was to proceed with Option 2, as detailed above, for installation of a sewer force main and individual sewage grinder pump stations for each property. The first reading was held on July 14, 1998. SUNIlVIARY OF INFORMATION: The attached ordinance establishes a special service area for the project with each participating property owner paying their share of the cost through a special connection fee. The ordinance also establishes a method of financing up to $2,000 for the initial participating property owners. This connection fee includes the fair share of the construction cost required to extend the public sewer system to serve 20 properties on Gieser Road and Grander Drive, as well as, 50 percent of the off- site sewer facility fee of $1,500. The connection fee would not include costs associated with installation of a residential-type, sewage grinder pump station. Basic Construction Cost $ 2,571.00 Off-Site Facility Fee (w/50% Credit) $ 750.00 TOTAL CONNECTION FEE $ 3,321.00 The fee proposed above would be applicable only if the property owner financially committed to participate in the proposed project prior to or during construction of the sewer system expansion. If connection to the sewer system is desired at a later date, the 50 percent credit for the off-site facility fee would be forfeited. It is estimated that installation of a residential-type sewage grinder pump station would cost an additional $1,500.00. The total connection fee, as outlined above, does not include any costs associated with purchase and installation of a grinder pump station or plumbing costs required to install piping to connect a residence to the force main and to de-commission the septic system. ALTERNATIVES: Each of the following alternatives would establish a special sewer service area and approve construction of a sewer force main along Grander Drive and Gieser Road, which could potentially serve 20 properties, as indicated on the attached sketch. (The hatched tax parcels represent the eight property owners who have expressed an interest in connecting to the public sewer system.) The estimated construction cost is $50,000. Alternative 1: Initial participants would pay a total cost of $3,321 while participants at a later date would pay $4,071 (based on the present off-site facility fee of $1,500). Alternative 2: The value of the construction cost would increase 5% annually with this alternative. Initial participants would pay a total cost of $3,321 while participants in year ten would pay a total cost of $5,688 (based on the present off-site facility fee of $1,500). Alternative 3 : The value of the construction cost would have aone-time 25% increase after the initial sign-up period. This method is based on afive-percent annual increase for five years. Under this alternative the total cost for initial participants would be $3,321 and later participants would pay $4,714 (based on the present off-site facility fee of $1,500). FISCAL IMPACT: The total construction cost would be $50,000. The eight (8) interested property owners would contribute $20,568. The remaining $29,432 would be funded by a transfer from the Public Works Participation Fund as follows: Public Works Participation Fund $20,568 Sewer Fund Unappropriated Balance 8,864 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Alternative 3 be approved and that the Board of Supervisors adopt the ordinance after the second reading authorizing the construction of and financing for the Loal Public Works Improvement Project, Grander Drive and Gieser Road Sewer Project. SUBMITTED BY: Gary R ertson, P.E. Utility irector APPRO D: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved ( ; Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred _ to Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abstain Harrison Johnson McNamara _ _ Minnix _ Nickens f--/ _~ O U ~ w 0 w ~ o0 w rn ~z ~ ~ w cn o0 ~ Z N ~w ~ X J N w I..L w~ D W Z N W ~W ,W ~ V/Q W ~ U_ ^O N~ I__L W /LPL v I LL 0 o~- ~v ~~~ ~~' ~C~ ~v } / ~3 ~ V I W J OI ~~/ O ~ y~ f0 n .ti ~ N (~ ~ I ~\ ~j Z O J o<~, NO r ~ xw ~ ~\ ~~ Z s j~ ~ ham,' ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ V p ~ h r, N ~ N.. ~w I ~ Z ~ ~3 C M ~ pl h ~ ~ ~N ~ ~ Ir Z OI n h~~ 3,a O~~ 2•Z W ~\ \ W.~,2 I O `~ x4d' W ~~ O I W° Z 3 0 Z j C > ~ Q ~N ~ 3~v~'^ h ~~ io W m.l. S~ n n w w U rO x Y ~ \ p ~ `\~ ` ~\ \ fG h n N ~ ~ _rn I r o ~~~ • w > ~ ~ o 0 ~ ~~~' 50 o°'r ~ O ° ° ~ x so ~ ~ ~ n h r 2 ~ W ° x O a p z o W _ H O h d' N I xJ ~ ^ -i C7 O W d•N ~ n h~ W n ~ N W ^~ y~ ci _ V ? N I - r r N W ~' d' ~ n a I nr 'ZJ Y ~~ ~ I h ~ 3 O ~~ ~ W ~._`~ ~~Y~I~ ,~ O cE o~ N UN ~~ o~; Uy off .. a)•` ~? OHS o`_oa' OI W ~ ~ -}g~ ~~ N ~ g•n O O Z Of O ~JO ~ .~NQW N ~ ~' K~ t0 ~-+O //~~ 8 n W 2 N 1 /~ `~ Z W ~ ~V/ O ~ n 9to~ ~ slp~, ~O/~ i~ WWW / ~O ~! = N SZ~ w = J ~ O J ;`O V £ 3 p n Z Vf. I ~ O a r ~ g N j~ N ~~ ~o ~ v vi N ~ W_ ~ aQ ~ I` ~j J .Z' V C7 x O U M ~ I O 1 '_~ G~ ~~ n N ~ / ^ v/ ~~ ` ~ '! AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FOR A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, GRANDER DRIVE AND GIESER ROAD SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the County Administration has negotiated the extension of the public sewer system to the Grander Drive-Gieser Road community; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system and the creation of a special utility (sewer) service area will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, several of the residents have requested that the County allow them to pay their portion of the costs of connection to the public sanitary sewer system over ten years in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 112288-7; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on July 14, 1998, and the second reading was held July 28, 1998. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, public sanitary sewer extension for a portion of the Grander Drive and Gieser Road community. The total construction cost of this public sewer project is estimated to be $50,000.00, to be initially financed as follows: U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\ORANDER.PRJ 1 . /~ - l Citizen Participation (8 x $2,571) $20,568 Advance from Public Works Participation Fund $20,568 Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund $ 8,864 That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $20,568 from the Public Works Participation Fund (which was established by the Board of Supervisors on July 23, 1996). That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $8,864 from the Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund. Any citizen participation under paragraph 3. will be advanced as a loan from the Sewer Fund. 2. That the Project Service Area is shown and designated on the attached plat entitled Grander Drive-Gieser Road Sanitary Sewer Project prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department, dated July 28, 1998, and identified as Exhibit 1. The Grander Drive-Gieser Road Sanitary Sewer Service Area is created for a period of ten years. (A) On or before September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area electing to participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area may do so by paying the sum of $2,571 per connection toward construction costs plus $750, which represents 50% of the current the off-site facility fee of $1,500, said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. (B) After September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area electing to participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area may do so by paying the sum of $3,214 per connection toward construction costs plus the off-site facility fee in effect at the time of connection (currently $1,500), said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\ORANDER.PRJ 2 ~l 3. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before September 30, 1998, of their portion of the cost of extending the public sanitary sewer system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Payment of $3,321 per property owner/residential connection ($2,571 for constructions costs plus $750 which is 50% of the current off-site facilities fees) to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 8o percent per annum. Property owners agree to pay $1,321 down and financing the remaining $2,000. The down payment will be applied first to the off-site facility fee and then to the construction costs. (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area, in excess of the eight anticipated with this ordinance, who elect to participate, shall be made to the various funds as follows: The off-site U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\ORANDER.PRJ 3 ~~ facility fee shall be returned to the Sewer Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid. 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\ORANDER.PRJ 4 ~? .._~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE 072898-6 AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FOR A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, SETTER ROAD SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION, AND ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the County Administration has negotiated the extension of the public sewer system to the Setter Road area of the Huntridge Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system and the creation of a special utility (sewer) service area will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, several of the residents have requested that the County allow them to pay their portion of the costs of connection to the public sanitary sewer system over ten years in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 112288-7; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on July 14, 1998, and the second reading was held July 28, 1998. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, public sanitary sewer extension for a portion of the Huntridge Subdivision along Setter Road. The total 1 ~ w construction cost of this public sewer project is estimated to be $35,000.00, to be initially financed as follows: Citizen Participation (2 x $4,000) $ 8,000 Advance from Public Works Participation Fund $ 8,000 Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund $19,000 That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $8,000 from the Public Works Participation Fund (which was established by the Board of Supervisors on July 23, 1996). That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $19,000 from the Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund. Any citizen participation under paragraph 3. will be advanced as a loan from the Sewer Fund. 2. That the Project Service Area is shown and designated on the attached plat entitled Huntridae Subdivision -Setter Drive -Sanitary Sewer Petition prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department, dated July 28, 1998, and identified as Exhibit 1. The Huntridge Subdivision -Setter Drive Sanitary Sewer Service Area is created for a period of ten years. (A) On or before September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area may participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area by paying the sum of $4,000 toward construction costs plus $750, which represents 50% of the current off-site facility fee of $1,500, said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. (B) After September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area may participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area by paying the sum of $5,000 toward construction costs plus the off-site facility fee in 2 effect at the time of connection (currently $1,500), said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. 3. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before September 30, 1998, of their portion of the cost of extending the public sanitary sewer system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Payment of $4,750 per property owner/residential connection ($4,000 for construction costs plus $750 which is 50% of the current off-site facility fee) to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 8% percent per annum. Property owners agree to pay $1,750 down and financing the remaining $3,000. The down payment will be applied first to the off-site facility fee and then to the construction costs. (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 3 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area, in excess of the two (2) anticipated with this ordinance, who elect to participate, shall be made to the various funds as follows: The off-site facility fee shall be returned to the Sewer Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid; any further payment of construction costs shall be returned to the Sewer Fund. 5. That the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts the donation to said Board of a sewer line easement of variable width from the following property owners along Setter Road: William D. Hale (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-18); F. Wayne Knowles (Tax Map No. 40.14- 1-19); Paul P. Dicks (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-20); Stephan L. Dunn (Tax Map No. 40.14-1- 21); Benjamin R. Asbury, Jr. (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-22); John F. Zuraw (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-23); David L. Beckner (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-24); Garland E. Calhoun, III (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-25); E. Robert Purcell (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-26). 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 4 Brenda J. Hol n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 5 z m i 00 ^~~ 3~ t U J C ~ N op 3 ~~ :~ ~_ ._ ~X ~ w c~ ., O9 ~~ a,~ ~'a ~b ~a 6~ a~~ off, J ~O ~~ ~' ~~ ~® ~~ ~~ Y ~ c ~~~ ~ ~ ~€ ~ ~ 3g' W ~ ~ c U •- o C J o ; ~ 3 ~ i ~ ~ ~ U ~ U ~ ` :~Z :~ rn O T a o 0 ~ ~ W t€ ` y ` Y VI 1 OI .b , 1 J O~J INS2SSZ ~ o~£ ` ^~; ` ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ W a , 2 ~ ~ ~ ! a 1 ~ & ~ ~~~ N I S W N VNa .°r a ~ ` ~ ~ Ij Y I W Ym ~n& z y k Y U _ N ~ I J O~ `` , ~ p~ V ~ ~ I W ~'~y fp. 2~ , ~ 1U /{II OHU In 2 '1 ' ` s , 4 O Y U A d~ Q W U /W V ~--a ® ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~~a~ ~o~ ~ W ~ N W ~ ~ ~" ~ ®~~~ W O i ~ ~ W O r `~ ~ ~ Q ~\ 7 p W ~ ~~ W ~ ~ Y I 33 f ~ n 3 ` ~ a~~ ~ ~ it • ~~ ' S pY2 ` ®~ O 2 ` .~I. yNjO Y ` 2 ,` ~~ N - Y U ` ~~~ N ~ ` ~ fvl< , O ~~~~ -~ ,~~ \®d~ ~l~~~ \ ~~®' v N IyI r o I O mp W why t ~ 6 M 2 1 O~U IryW ~'AR 0 3 + O ~~ ,. ~~o ~~ ~,® ~~ ~ ~ ` ~ 2 - ` , ~ m y N OO ~ Z ~bJ IN ~~ W Y ~ O ~ ~~ 1 n ~~ f W , ~~~ I ~~ ~~ ~~ ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ °-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance Authorizing Creation of and Financing for a Local Public Works Improvement Project -Setter Road Sewer Project ('OUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: During June 1997, Utility Department staff received a "Petition for Public Works," involving the properties on Setter Road in the Huntridge subdivision. Public sewer presently exists at the intersection of Setter Road and Huntridge Drive. Utility staff determined that the cost would be $4,750.00 per property owner to extend public sewer along Setter Road. Although eleven (11) of the sixteen (16) properties expressed interest in public sewer, only two (2) property owners were willing to pay $4,750.00 at this time. Because of the low participation rate, property owners were notified that the project was not feasible at that time. The first reading was held on July 14, 1998. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In June of this year, our staff was again contacted by one of the interested property owners. This property owner is experiencing severe septic system failure and is faced with an expensive repair job, which is likely to be a temporary fix. Providing sewer to the two interested properties would require a 900-foot extension at an estimated cost of $35,000. Installation of laterals to sewer properties across the street would cost an additional $30,000. It is also anticipated that various easements would be needed from adjacent property owners. The attached ordinance establishes a special service area for the project with each participating property owner paying their share of the cost through a special connection fee as shown below. The ordinance also establishes a method of financing up to $3,250.00 for the initial participation property owners. ~/-.2 Basic Construction Cost $4,000.00 Off-Site Facility Fee (w/50% Credit) $750.00 TOTAL 4 750.00 The above fee would be applicable only if the property owner financially committed to participate in the proposed project prior to or during construction of the sewer system expansion. If connection to the sewer system is desired at a later date, the 50 percent credit for the off-site facility fee would be forfeited. Laterals for property owners across the street would be installed if and when they choose to connect. ALTERNATIVES: Each of the following alternatives would establish a special sewer service area and approve construction (and acquisition of easements) of a gravity sewer line along Setter Road, which could potentially serve 16 properties, as indicated on the attached sketch. (The hatched tax parcels represent the two property owners presently expressing an interest in connecting to the public sewer system). The estimated construction cost is $35,000. Alternative 1: Initial participants would pay a total cost of $4,750 while participants at a later date would pay $5,500 (based on the present off-site facility fee of $1,500). Alternative 2: The value of the construction cost would increase 5% annually with this alternative. Initial participants would pay a total cost of $4,750 while participants in year ten would pay a total cost of 8,016 (based on the present off-site facility fee of $1,500). Alternative 3: The value of the construction cost would have cone-time 25% increase after the initial sign-up period. This method is based on a five percent annual increase for five years. Under this alternative, the total cost for initial participants would be $4,750 and later participants would pay $6,500 (based on the present off-site facility fee of $1,500). FISCAL IlVIF'ACT: The total construction cost would be $35,000. The two (2) interested property owners would contribute $8,000. The remaining $27,000 would be funded as follows: Public Works Participation Fund $ 8,000.00 Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund $19,000.00 Laterals installed at a later date for properties across the street would be funded from their connection fees at that time. /~ `~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Although the project does not presently have 50% participation, staff recommends Alternative 3 be approved and that the Board of Supervisors adopt the ordinance after the second reading authorizing the construction of and financing for the Local Public Works Improvement Project, Setter Road Sewer Project. Should the project be approved, staff will again contact the affected property owners to encourage participation at this time. SUBMITTED BY: Gary ertson, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: ~~`~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied () _ Received ( ) Referred _ to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison _ _ _ Johnson _ _ _ McNamara Minnix - _- _- Nickens a~ p9 ~ ~'~-'" ~ .__ U J r, ~ C tY ~ N a ~ rn cn ~ia N ~ ~b ~ ' ' ' .~ a6 ~ - - ~ ~a ~o c~ ~ ~J ®~a~ ~® ~o~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ N ~~o Q ~ ~ } J ~ W N ~ 7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ ® z ~ ~~~ W ~ ~ y~ ~ ~c : o U_ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~U ~ c ~ Z ~oZt ~~ ~ ~ O • ~ s • ' ~ I L °0 3 a~ ~ i ~ i "' • ~~ -o N a W ~ ~~ N~ ? ~ _ ~ ~ ~ °' ~ ~ W g 8 • ~ n- ~ s ~ i ~ ~ ~ W • ~ ~, ~ $ ~ ~ • W • o ~ Q a e J ,ww , ~` ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ wow o= ` H U +o ,, i Y K ,` d ~ Y ON N J ` , Y ~ •, ~ ~~ ~ `` ~~ O~ a Z !1 ~ ` ` ~ O OY V _ ~ttYyy~ Y ~tf ~i , ` M OJT/~/~ W W f ~ Y ~ } , A O O <Zy , 'may O.qp Z N , ®~ ` tl Y O ^ 3 ~ ° , ~ Ob= ° W ~ r i '~ u ~ Y N ~ , ~ ~ Y C O a .- ~ 2 YY7` OO ` ` ~~Z d Y i ~ = ` • ~nK 3 S N O ~ , ~, Ei~ ° ~~~~ omg ~~3 g o p "~ ,~ ~ , e ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n~ , ®~ ~ Y~o ~ ~ W ~~ ~® ~ ~ p~ Y ` V J ` ~'"7 .G. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FOR A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, SETTER ROAD SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION, AND ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the County Administration has negotiated the extension of the public sewer system to the Setter Road area of the Huntridge Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system and the creation of a special utility (sewer) service area will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, several of the residents have requested that the County allow them to pay their portion of the costs of connection to the public sanitary sewer system over ten years in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 112288-7; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on July 14, 1998, and the second reading was held July 28, 1998. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, public sanitary sewer extension for a portion of the Huntridge Subdivision along Setter Road. The total construction cost of this U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\SETTERRD.PRJ 1 ~! -2 public sewer project is estimated to be $35,000.00, to be initially financed as follows: Citizen Participation (2 x $4,000) $ 8,000 Advance from Public Works Participation Fund $ 8,000 Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund $19,000 That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $8,000 from the Public Works Participation Fund (which was established by the Board of Supervisors on July 23, 1996). That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $19,000 from the Utility Department Unappropriated Sewer Fund. Any citizen participation under paragraph 3. will be advanced as a loan from the Sewer Fund. 2. That the Project Service Area is shown and designated on the attached plat entitled Huntridge Subdivision - Setter Drive - Sanitary Sewer Petition prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department, dated July 28, 1998, and identified as Exhibit 1. The Huntridge Subdivision - Setter Drive Sanitary Sewer Service Area is created for a period of ten years. (A) On or before September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area may participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area by paying the sum of $4,000 toward construction costs plus $750, which represents 50% of the current off-site facility fee of $1,500, said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. (B) After September 30, 1998, any owner of real estate within this service area may participate in and benefit from the public sanitary sewer extension to this service area by paying the sum of $5,000 toward construction costs plus the off-site facility fee in effect at the time U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\SETTERRD.PRJ 2 of connection (currently $1,500), said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. 3. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before September 30, 1998, of their portion of the cost of extending the public sanitary sewer system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Payment of $4,750 per property owner/residential connection ($4,000 for construction costs plus $750 which is 50% of the current off-site facility fee) to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 8% percent per annum. Property owners agree to pay $1,750 down and financing the remaining $3,000. The down payment will be applied first to the off-site facility fee and then to the construction costs. (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\SETTERRD.PRJ 3 f -{ -2 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area, in excess of the two (2) anticipated with this ordinance, who elect to participate, shall be made to the various funds as follows: The off-site facility fee shall be returned to the Sewer Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid; any further payment of construction costs shall be returned to the Sewer Fund. 5. That the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts the donation to said Board of a sewer line easement of variable width from the following property owners along Setter Road: William D. Hale (Tax Map No. 40.14-1- 18); F. Wayne Knowles (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-19); Paul P. Dicks (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-20); Stephan L. Dunn (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-21); Benjamin R. Asbury, Jr. (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-22); John F. Zuraw (Tax Map No. 40.14-1- 23); David L. Beckner (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-24); Garland E. Calhoun, III (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-25); E. Robert Purcell (Tax Map No. 40.14-1-26). 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\UTILITY\SETTERRD.PRJ 4 f l~ ! ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS The four year term of Larry W. Degen, Alternate, will expire July 28, 1998. Mr. Degen is eligible for reappointment. 2. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS -ADVISORY COUNCIL The one year term of Dee Pincock expired March 31, 1998. Mr. Pincock is eligible for reappointment but has indicated he does not wish to serve another term. 3. TASK FORCE FOR SENIOR AND PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED CITIZENS Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss has received resignations from Betty Dangerfield and Nancy Hall who represent the Cave Spring Magisterial District on this Task Force, and these representatives need to be replaced. There is no set term for these appointments. 4. SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD The four year term of H. Odell Minnix, Board Liaison, will expire August 1, 1998. 1 ,- SUBMITTED BY: .~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board ACTION APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File 2 ..~ f ~- .~ VOTE No. Yes Abs Harrison _ Johnson _ McNamara- _ Minnix Nickens 1 ~ ,~ _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION 072898-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 28, 1998 designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 9, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes for June 23, 1998, June 26, 1998 (Joint Meeting with School Board, and July 14, 1998 (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council). 2. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $65,000 grant to the Tech Prep Consortium fund. 3. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $2,800 grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 4. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program grant for $15,288.89 and appropriate funds. 5. Approval of resolution rescinding and repealing certain policies previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors within the Fire and Rescue Department, and to provide for a policy manual. 6. Acceptance of water facilities serving Roselawn Court. 7. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Waterford, Section 6. 8. Donation of a drainage easement on property of FW Property, L.L.C. to r serve Future Section 1, "Fort Lewis Cove", Catawba Magisterial District. 9. Submission of subscriber complaints regarding Cable Programming Services (C.P.S.) tier rates of Cox Communications Roanoke (formerly Cox Cable Roanoke) to the Federal Communications Commission. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Garland Kidd, Director, Vocational and Adult Education Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney 2 ~~ June 23, 1998 407 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 June 23, 1998 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of June, 1998. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend James Reynolds, Retired Methodist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all preser` June 23, 1998 409 designation from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks. Chairman Johnson recognized Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board, and Brenda Holton, Deputy Clerk, for their continuing education achievements. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to appropriate funds to the Reserve for Future School capital needs. (Diane Hyatt, Director of Financel A-062398-1 Ms. Hyatt reported that the 1997-98 Debt Fund budget contains several line items that will not need to be expended during the current fiscal year while certain Literary Loans are in the process of being finalized. Since these Literary Loans have only recently been closed or are in the process of being closed, the first debt payment will be scheduled for fiscal year 1998-99. The total amount in the debt budget for these projects was $321,772. Therefore, staff is requesting permission to transfer these funds from the Debt budget to the Future School Capital budget to offset debt payments that will be incurred from Phase I of the School Capital Improvement Program. This will bring the total projected funds reserved for future school capital debt service to $6,104,815. In response to a question from Supervisor Nickens, Ms. Hyatt advised these funds were not restricted to any particular project. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the $321,772 appropriation t~ Future School Capital budget. The motion carried by the following recor ' AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson June 23, 1998 411 3. Request to amend the Roanoke Area Libraries (RAL) automation contract and establish the position of RAL Automation Coordinator. (Spencer Watts, Library Director) A-062398-3 Mr. Watts reported that in 1989, Roanoke County entered into a contract with the cities of Salem and Roanoke to establish and maintain a shared integrated automation system, which was called Roanoke Area Libraries (RAL). In 1995, Botetourt County joined RAL. All the members contribute funding and the Automation Coordinator monitors all systems hardware and software applications performance; detects and corrects technical problems; provides on-call troubleshooting assistance, supervises system upgrades and improvements and provides other assistance. The position will soon become vacant and the RAL library directors recommend that the contract be amended to allow the coordinator position to be attached to the Roanoke County Library, and in the future could be moved to any of the partner library systems. There is no direct fiscal impact on the County. Mr. Watt requested that the Board authorize the County Administrator to execute the amendment to the RAL contract, and to authorize the addition of the RAL Automation Coordinator position to the County Classification Plan. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the staff recommendation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None June 23, 1998 413 Supervisor Johnson moved to accept the resolution and establish the I committee. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None Board Clerk Mary Allen was directed to get a final copy of the School Board resolution. IN RE: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READINGS OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading and public hearing for July 28, 1998. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 1. First reading of ordinance to rezone .709 acre from C-1 to C-2 to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District upon the petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. IN RE" FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a permanent sewer and water line easements from Atwell and Lucille Freese. 4626 West Main Street, Salem, Virginia, Catawba i June 23, 1998 415 Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for July 14, 1998. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission A-062398-5 Supervisor Johnson moved to appoint Jane Milliron to a four year term which will become effective July 8, 1998, and expires on February 10, 2002. Supervisor Nickens thanked Supervisor Johnson for his years of service on the Airport Commission and pointed out that this Commission is now comprised of all citizens. 2. Joint School Construction Advisory Committee A-062398-5 Supervisor Harrison suggested that Supervisors Johnson and Nickens serve with Supervisor McNamara as an alternate. Supervisor McNamara suggested that either he or Supervisor Minnix and Supervisor Johnson serve with Supervisor Nickens as alternate. Supervisor Harrison moved to appoint Supervisors Johnson and Nickens as regular members and Supervisor McNamara as an alternate. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: ~' June 23, 1998 Education Fund. 417 5. Donation of easements necessary to construct the water and sewer extension to the Dixie Caverns Landfill, located in the Catawba Magisterial District. 6. Designation of voting delegate to the National Association of Counties Annual Conference. 7. Approval of amendment to Employee Handbook concerning 20 year service pay. 8. Ratification of appointment to the Southwest Development Financing, Inc. Board of Directors. 9. Request to employ state funded child day care worker in the Department of Social Services. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 062398-6.c EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS UPON THE RETIREMENT OF GEORGE T. MADAGAN, UTILITY DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, George T. Madagan was first employed on July 9, 1979, as a Motor Equipment Operator I; and retired on June 1, 1998, after nineteen years of service; and WHEREAS, Mr. Madagan has received many letters during his service with the County complimenting him for being prompt, professional and courteous while performing his duties; and WHEREAS, Mr. Madagan is well known and liked throughout the County departments for his honesty, personality, and humorous nature; and WHEREAS, Mr. Madagan, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens June 23, 1998 419 a call from a citizen who advised that he could pay his real estate taxes in two payments six months apart if he paid at the County, but if he paid at the bank he had to pay the full amount. Mr. Hodge advised that banks can only accept payment in full because they do not have the capability to set up payment schedules for individuals. Supervisor Harrison: (1) He advised that he had received a petition from Glenvar Heights regarding a problem with a neighbor and they met with staff on how to handle the situation. (2) He announced that he has received comments from citizens appointed to the Task Force for Senior Citizens and Physically Challenged expressing disappointment with the progress. He asked for a report on what the Task Force is doing. Supervisor Nickens advised that they have been meeting for seven months. John Chambliss will bring a report on the activities of the Task Force to the July 14 Board meeting. Supervisor Johnson: (1) He announced that there have been several newspaper articles dealing with the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau and tourism. He felt that the that Board has never been lobbied with the tactics employed by some organizations including the Regional Chamber of Commerce. He advised that the Board feels that the CVB needs to be held accountable for the funds they spend, and that is supervisors' primary concern. (2) He asked Mr. Hodge when the work session with the Regional Chamber has been scheduled. Mr. Hodge responded that the work session is scheduled for July 14, 1998. IN RE: REPORTS r June 23, 1998 421 Tourism Development; Kelly Burd-Adams, Director of Sales; and Deborah Wright, Director of Marketing. Mr. Hodge advised that County staff has been working with the RVCVB over the past two weeks, and they have been very helpful and enlightening. Mr. Kjolhede explained that the Visitors Bureau is apublic-private partnership established to market tourism in the Roanoke Valley. They receive $650,000 in public funds, $180,000 in business funds and $40,000 from their members. They emphasize three general areas: convention marketing, leisure marketing, and group travel. The staff of the Visitors Bureau described for the Board the activities they undertake in the three marketing areas to encourage tourism in the Roanoke Valley. Mr. Hodge advised the Convention and Visitors Bureau staff that the County would like more specific measurements on how the Visitors Bureau is impacting and enhancing tourism. Mr. Kjolhede responded that they would try to prepare better statistical data for the local governments. Chairman Johnson advised that the Board will reconsider funding for the amount originally budgeted at the 7:00 p.m. session. 2. Work Session providing an update on Siring Hollow Reservoir Recreation Master Plan and fisheries evaluation. The work session was presented by Utility Director Gary Robertson and Assistant Director Bob Benninger. The Board members viewed a slide presentation outlining the ten-year five phases of the Recreation Master Plan for Spring Hollow Reservoir. The total estimated June-23, 1998 423 The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 062398-7 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity-with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None Chairman Johnson advised that the Board would go back into Executive Session to continue the evaluation of the County Attorney following the evening open session. Mr. Hodge added Item 8, reallocation of budgeted funds from Board Contingency Fund to tourism. IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public Hearing and adoption of resolution to acquire by June 23, 1998 425 changed. Ms. Huffman recommended that the Board adopt the proposed resolution authorizing eminent domain procedures and appropriation of $45,000 from the Capital Fund for completion of the project. These funds will be reimbursed to the Capital Fund when and if the funds from the Letter of Credit become available. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the resolution and appropriate the funds. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 062398-8 PURSUANT TO TITLE 25, SECTIONS 15.2-1904 AND 15.2-1905, AND SECTIONS 33.1-119 THROUGH 33.1-132, OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA (1950, AS AMENDED), TO AUTHORIZE THE ACQUISITION OF, AND IMMEDIATE RIGHT OF ENTRY TO, A PERMANENT 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT, TOGETHER WITH RIGHT OF ACCESS AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT, FROM NYNA S. MURRAY (TAX MAP #28.09-2-4) BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a permanent drainage easement, twenty feet (20') in width, is necessary for public use in connection with a County project to correct an existing drainage problem across the property of Nyna S. Murray, located on Shadwell Drive and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map #28.09-2-4, and to provide for future maintenance of said easement. 2. That the project is necessary for the general health, safety and welfare of the public, and specifically is necessary to enable the County of Roanoke to guarantee adequate drainage to the Virginia Department of Transportation for the streets in Belle Grove Subdivision, currently serving approximately fifteen (15) households of County citizens, to be accepted into the Virginia secondary road system, and in order to ensure proper management of drainage along Shadwell Drive for the benefit of all citizens using that road. 3. That acquisition of a permanent 20' drainage easement, with right of access and a temporary construction easement, is required for the management, collection, transmission, and distribution of any form of drainage, including but not limited -- to stormwater drainage, and for the installation of facilities related thereto, specifically June 23, 1998 427 property owner for purchase of the above-described easements by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 6. That it is immediately necessary for the County to enter upon and take possession of such property and commence construction of said drainage improvements in order to ensure proper management of the drainage, to have the streets in Belle Grove Subdivision accepted into the Virginia secondary road system for maintenance purposes, and to more adequately serve the needs of the citizens of Roanoke County, and to institute and conduct appropriate condemnation proceedings as to the above-described easements as provided by law. 7. That a certified copy of this resolution, to be sent by certified mail to Nyna S. Murray on or before June 26, 1998, shall constitute notice to said property owner of the offer to purchase as set forth above and the intent to enter upon and take possession of the subject easements to commence construction, as provided for in Sections 15.2-1904 and 15.2-1905, and Sections 33.1-119 through 33.1-132 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). 8. That the Capital Fund is hereby designated as the fund from which the judgment of the court in the condemnation proceedings shall be paid to the property owner. 9. That the Board does hereby invoke all and singular the rights, privileges, and provisions as to the vesting of powers in the County under the Virginia General Condemnation Act (§25-46.1, et sew.), Sections 15.2-1904 and 15.2-1905, and Sections 33.1-119 through 33.1-132, of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), all as made and provided by law. 10. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, and the County Attorney are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this acquisition through eminent domain proceedings, or otherwise. 11. That this resolution shall be effective on the date of its adoption and the property owner shall have thirty (30) days following the sending of notice, i.e. the certified mailing of this resolution as provided herein, within which to contest this taking and immediate right of entry as provided in Section 15.2-1905. C. of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE June 23, 1998 4~9 IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to rezone 2.03 acres from C-1 to C- 2 to construct a dry cleaning and retail sales business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cicero Hall, Jr Chairman Johnson announced that this rezoning had been withdrawn by the petitioner. The petition had been modified and will be reconsidered by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors in July, 1998. 2. Second reading of ordinance to rezone approximately 0 35 acre from R-1 to C-1 to develop an office park, located near the intersection of McVitty Road and Route 419, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. upon the petition of Vaughn 8~ Jamison L.L.C. (Terry Harrington, County Planner 0-062398-9 Mr. Harrington explained that the need for rezoning came about while the petitioners were assessing the acreage for a proposed office park. The larger parcel of 3.67 acres is zoned C-1 with the exception of a 48.30 x 150 foot strip fronting on McVitty Road which is zoned R-1. The applicant is requesting the portions of these two parcels that are zoned R-1 to be rezoned to C-1. It was the intent of the 419 Frontage June 23, 1998 431 Corner 4; thence S. 45° 02 E. 50 feet to a point on the front lot line of New Lot 2; thence with a line through the center of New Lot 2 (0.344 ac.) S. 43° 13' W. 150 feet to a point along the rear lot line of New Lot 2; thence along the rear lot line of New Lot 2 N. 45° 02' W. 98.3 feet to a point on the southeast corner of the aforesaid Lot 1; thence following the east lot line of Lot 1 N. 43° 13' E. 150 feet to the Place of Beginning and containing approximately 0.344 acre. 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a 120 ft. broadcasting tower, located at Little Brushy Mountain Catawba Magisterial District upon the petition of CFW Wireless and the City of Salem (Terry Harrington, County Planner 0-062398-10 Mr. Harrington reported that CFW is proposing to replace an existing lattice tower at the top of Little Brushy Mountain . The existing 50 foot tower is owned by the City of Salem and is used for a public emergency communication antenna. CFW has indicated that a 100 foot high tower would meet their coverage needs, but a 120 foot new tower is June 23, 1998 433 (1) The height of the proposed tower, shall not exceed 100 feet above existing grade. A monopole type structure shall be constructed. The structure shall have a structural capacity to be increased in height to 160 feet, however, the tower shall not be increased in height above 100 feet unless the increase is required to accommodate co-location of equipment for another vendor/provider, and any increase in tower height above 100 feet shall be subject to an additional special use permit application. (2) The tower structure and all attached hardware shall be a flat matted color so as to better blend into the landscape and reduce visibility and light reflection. (3) No lighting shall be installed on the tower structure or equipment building except as may be required by the FAA. (4) This tower shall be structurally designed to carry sufficient loading and the site shall be developed to accommodate the additional buildings necessary to accommodate ca-locating of communications equipment of at least two other vendor/providers in addition to the City of Salem and CFW. In addition, by executing the Special Use Permit, the applicant and owner of the land agree to make the tower and tower site available for lease within the structural capacity of the tower and at reasonable costs adequate to recover the capital, operating and maintenance costs of the tower location required for the additional capacity. (5) If the use of the tower structure for wireless communications is discontinued, the tower structure shall be dismantled and removed from the site within 30 days of notice by the County, and the Special Use Permit shall become void. (6) The location of the tower structure and related equipment shall be as shown on a site plan for Little Brushy dated 4/24/98. (7) As part of construction, all unused structures, poles and antennas on the property shall be removed and 8 foot security fencing shall surround the compound. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None June 23, 1998 435 NAYS: None DENIAL OF ORDINANCE 062398-11 A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO PAUL HARTLE III TO ALLOW FOR AN OUTDOOR GATHERING ON 80 ACRES BEHIND THE HOLIDAY INN OFF OF SKYVIEW ROAD (TAX MAP N0.44.04-1-1 ), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Paul Hartle III has filed a petition to allow for an outdoor gathering to be located on 80 acres behind the Holiday Inn off of Skyview Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-1-1) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 2, 1998; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on May 26, 1998; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on June 23, 1998. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: On motion of Supervisor Harrison to DENY the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 5. Second reading of ordinance to vacate an existing 20-foot access easement on lots 4 and 5 in Phase I of Wexford Subdivision in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, shown in Plat Book 16. Page 122. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 0-062398-12 There was no discussion and no citizens to speak on this ordinance. June 23, 1998 437 9, 1998; the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on June 23, 1998. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That an existing twenty-foot (20') access easement, shown and designated as "20' ACCESS DRIVEWAY AND WATER LINE EASEMENT" on the `Subdivision Plat of Wexford, Phase I', recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 16, page 122, said easement running along the boundary line of Lots 4 and 5, and continuing along the westerly boundary line of Lot 5, to provide access to and from the stormwater management easement located on Lots 5 and 6, Phase I, Wexford, as shown on said plat and as further shown on Exhibit A attached hereto, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to Section 15.2-2272 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), subject to the following conditions: a. That the existing water line easement in the same location and shown on the above-described subdivision plat shall remain in full force and effect. b. That the alternative access easement, along and parallel with the southeasterly boundary of Lot 5, designated as "NEW 20' STORM WATER MNGM'T. ACCESS ESMT." on the 'Easement Plat for Wexford of Roanoke, Inc., Creating Hereon a New 20' Storm Water Management Access Easement Crossing Lot 5 Wexford -Phase I', dated September 9, 1997, prepared by Balzer and Associates, Inc., a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein, shall be conveyed to the Wexford Homeowners Association for purposes of ingress and egress to and from the stormwater management easement, said Association being responsible for the continuing maintenance of said stormwater management easement. c. That all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to publication, survey and recordation costs, shall be the responsibility of the Petitioners. 2. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. June 23, 1998 439 ORDINANCE 062398-13 TO VACATE AN EXISTING 15' ACCESS EASEMENT ALONG THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF LOT 20 AND EXTENDING NORTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERN (REAR) LOT LINES OF LOTS 19, 18, AND 17, AND TO VACATE AN EXISTING 10' ACCESS DRIVE AND 15' STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT ALONG THE BOUNDARY BETWEEN LOT 13 AND LOT 14A IN WEXFORD AT STEEPLECHASE SUBDIVISION, IN PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 51, AND RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF WEXFORD AT STEEPLECHASE, IN PLAT BOOK,19, PAGE 67. WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled "WEXFORD AT STEEPLECHASE", dated July 14, 1995, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, page 51, a fifteen-foot (15') stormwater management access easement was shown and created along the northern boundary of Lot 20 and extending northerly along the eastern (rear) lot lines of lots 19, 18, and 17, the subject easement being designated on said plat as "15' ACCESS EASEMENT"; and, WHEREAS, by said subdivision plat, aten-foot (10') access drive and fifteen- foot (15') stormwater management access easement was shown and created along the boundary line of Lots 13 and 14 (now 14A), the subject drive and easement being designated on said plat as "10' ACCESS DRIVE" and "15' S.W.M. ACCESS ESM'T.", and being further shown along the boundary line of Lots 13 and 14A on the `Plat of Resubdivision Showing The Resubdivision of Lots 14, 15, & 16, Wexford At Steeplechase, Plat Book 18, Page 51, Creating Hereon Lots 14A, 15A, and 16A, Wexford At Steeplechase', recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, Page 67; and, WHEREAS, the Petitioner, Wexford of Roanoke, Inc., is the developer of said subdivision and has requested that the above-described existing 15' access easements and 10' access drive be vacated; and, WHEREAS, in exchange, the Petitioner proposes that alternative 15' access easements on Lots 15A and 16A, designated and shown as "NEW 15' STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ACCESS EASEMENT" on the `Easement Plat Creating New 15' stormwater Management Access Easement Crossing Lots 14A, 15A and 16A', dated March 20, 1998, prepared by Balzer and Associates, Inc., be conveyed to the Wexford Homeowners Association, t/a Wexford at Steeplechase Homeowners Association, which has responsibilities for maintenance of the stormwater management easements located on Lots 14A and 15A and on Lot 16A; and, WHEREAS, the County's engineering staff has reviewed and approved the proposed exchange of access easements, which will allow for a less burdensome, consolidated access to the stormwater management easements, and will not impose any greater burden on the Homeowners Association; and, June 23, 1998 441 5. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 7. Second reading of ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County pursuant to Section 3.07 of the County Charter and Section 14.1- 46.01:1 of the Code of Virginia. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney 0-062398-14 Mr. Mahoney reported that the ordinance had been advertised and the Board needs to fill in the blanks of the ordinance setting the salaries. Supervisor Harrison advised that he would not support an increase in the Board of Supervisors salaries. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance setting salaries at a 3% increase with an annual salary of $11,817.56 The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: Supervisor Harrison i June 23, 1998 443 This issue was discussed in a work session earlier in the day. Supervisor Nickens moved to reallocate $107,500 from the Board Contingency Fund to the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: MEETINGS WITH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND SCHOOL BOARD Chairman Johnson announced that the Joint School Construction Advisory Committee will meet on June 24, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. at School Superintendent Deanna Cordon's office to work out the performance agreements on the three school construction projects. The Board of Supervisors and School Board will hold a joint meeting on June 26, 1998 at 12:00 noon at the School Administrative Offices to approve the performance agreement and appropriate the construction funds for Burlington, Clearbrook and Bonsack Elementary Schools. IN RE: CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS The following citizens spoke in support of moving forward as soon as possible with the Burlington Elementary School construction project: 1. Douglas Taylor, 8326 Webster Drive. 2. Kelley Williamson, 6943 Dallas Road June 23, 1998 445 IN RE: CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-062398-16 At 8:40 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to open session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 062398-16 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: SETTING THE SALARIES FOR THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY ATTORNEY. June 23, 1998 447 At 8:45 p. m., Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting to June 26, 1998 at 12:00 Noon at the School Board Administrative Offices to consider advancing funds for the three school construction projects. Chairman Johnson announced that a joint meeting with the Roanoke City Council will be held on July 14, 1998 at 12:00 Noon at the Explore Park. Submitted by, Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board Approved by, Bob L. Johnson Chairman June 26, 1998 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 June 26, 1998 449 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County School Administrative Offices, 5937 Cove Road, this being an adjourned meeting from June 23, 1998 and a joint meeting with the Roanoke County School Board for the purpose of discussing school construction projects. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix (left at 12:35 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; Diane Hyatt, Finance Director; Penny Hodge, Assistant Finance Director; Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent; Marty Robinson, Assistant Superintendent; Brenda Chastain, School Board Clerk; other School staff June 26, 1998 451 IN RE: RECESS AT 12:45 P.M., the Board of Supervisors recessed to consider changes to the performance agreements and the School Board went into executive session to discuss the performance agreements with their attorney. IN RE: OPEN SESSION The School Board returned to open session at 1:55 p.m. and certified the Executive Session. Mr. Leggette moved that the School Board chair will send a Letter of Agreement for each school project to the Board of Supervisors chair setting out the School Board agreements for all three projects, and that amendments and modifications that result in additional funding will be reported for review and recommendation to the Joint School Construction Advisory Committee. The motion was unanimously approved by the School Board with Mr. Stovall absent. This was agreeable to the Board of Supervisors. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Performance Agreement for Clearbrook Elementary School. There was no action taken by the School Board or Board of Supervisors. A Letter of Agreement from the School Board replaced the proposed performance agreement. June 26, 1998 453 reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made andlor to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, The School Board requested an advance of $ 50,000 on September 11, 1997 for environmental assessments, advertising costs for architects and engineers, core drillings, and other costs related to the acquisition of land in South County, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved this $50,000 advance on September 23, 1997, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an additional advance of $1,721,200 on November 13, 1997 to hire architects to design various school projects, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved this $1,721,200 additional advance on November 18, 1997, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an additional-advance of $130,000 on November 13, 1997 to hire architects to begin renovations to the science labs, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved a $104,000 additional advance on December 16, 1997, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an additional advance of $200,000 to hire contractors to begin a roof replacement program, and requested the amendment of Exhibit A of County Resolution 081997-1 to appropriately reflect the roof replacement program included in the Blue Ribbon Commission Report, June 26, 1998 455 R-062698-2 Supervisor Johnson move to adopt the resolution advancing the funds. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Minnix RESOLUTION 062698-2 TO ADVANCE FUNDS FOR CERTAIN EXPENDITURES MADE AND/OR TO BE MADE IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION, RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS - (BONSACK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County Board") adopted a resolution on August 19, 1997 declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made and/or to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, the School Board (the "School Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") adopted a resolution on August 28, 1997 declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made and/or to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, June 26, 1998 457 WHEREAS, the School Board requested additional advances of $2,454,420 to begin construction at Clearbrook Elementary and $2,517,100 to begin construction at Burlington Elementary on May 14, 1998, and WHEREAS, the School Board has now requested an additional advance of $7,213,520 to begin construction at Bonsack Elementary School. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board will advance the additional sum of $7,213,520 to the School Board for construction at Bonsack Elementary School. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution advancing funds for Bonsack Elementary School, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Minnix 5. Consideration of Pertormance Agreement for Burlington Elementary School. There was no action taken by the School Board or Board of Supervisors. A Letter of Agreement from the School Board replaced the proposed performance agreement. 6. Consideration of Advancement of Funds for Construction at Burlington June 26, 1998 459 construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, The School Board requested an advance of $ 50,000 on September 11, 1997 for environmental assessments, advertising costs for architects and engineers, core drillings, and other costs related to the acquisition of land in South County, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved this $50,000 advance on September 23, 1997, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an additional advance of $1,721,200 on November 13, 1997 to hire architects to design various school projects, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved this $1,721,200 additional advance on November 18, 1997, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an additional advance of $130,000 on November 13, 1997 to hire architects to begin renovations to the science labs, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved a $104,000 additional advance on December 16, 1997, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an additional advance of $200,000 to hire contractors to begin a roof replacement program, and requested the amendment of Exhibit A of County Resolution 081997-1 to appropriately reflect the roof replacement program included in the Blue Ribbon Commission Report, WHEREAS, the County Board approved this $200,000 additional advance on April 28, 1998, and the amendment to Exhibit A of County Resolution 081997-1, and June 26, 1998 4f1 to sign the Scope of Work Agreement for each school construction project. The motion was adopted by unanimous vote with School Board member Stovall absent. 1998 C/earbrook Elementary Renovation Scope of Work Agreement June 26, 1998 I. Project Description The Clearbrook Elementary School Project will include a 16,590 square foot addition consisting of eight classrooms (two kindergarten, two first grade, and four upper grade classrooms), elevator, expansion and renovation of the media center and food service area, relocation of the administration areas, ventilation of gymnasium and replacement of existing flooring and ceiling in gymnasium, replacement of the flooring in the existing classrooms, and replacement of the wall the in the two public restrooms. ll. Building Schematics Building Schematics are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. III. Proposed Capital Budget Architect and Engineering fees Survey, test work, and performance bonds Construction (see note"`) Furnishings and Equipment Library Furniture Kitchen Equipment Furnishings Technology Contingency $ 144,000 27,000 1,975,000 45,000 175,000 80,000 75,000 60,620 June 26, 1998 463 Scope of Work Agreement June Z6, 1998 IX. Project Description The Burlington Eaementary School Project will include an 18,861 square foot addition consisting of six classrooms (three kindergarten and three fifth grade classrooms, gymnasium, multi-purpose room, restrooms, corridors, stairs, ADA lift system and related support elements. Renovations are to be made to the administrative office, existing library, existing gymnasium to become the new media center, kitchen, classrooms and corridors. X. Building Schematics Building Schematics are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. XI. Proposed Capital Budget Architect and Engineering fees $ 155,000 Survey, test work 12,000 Construction (see note"') 1,963,000 Furnishings and Equipment Library Furniture 45,000 Kitchen Equipment 175,000 Furnishings 100,000 Technology 75 000 Contingency 132,100 $ 2,657.100 *Construction bids are in at $1,862,500 XII. Estimated Operating Costs We expect to increase utility costs by as much as $18,000 annually . !~ June 26, 1998 465 The Bonsack Elementary School Project will be a 57,500 square foot single story building with masonry bearing walls, prefabricated fire treated wood trusses, and metal roof. The list of the number of rooms and function of each is attached. XVIII. Building Schematics Building Schematics are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. XIX. Proposed Capita! Budget Architect and Engineering fees $ 309,235 Survey, test work 69,430 Construction (see note*) 5,787,600 Furnishings and Equipment 625,000 Media resources 170,000 Technology 300 000 Value engineering 23,970 Closing Roland E. Cook 75,000 Contingency 163,285 $ 7.523,520 *Construction bids are in at $5,608,500 XX. Estimated Operating Costs The estimated annual operating cost at Bonsack elementary will be $1,257,000. This figure is composed of $1.2 million for personnel (as outlined in Section V) and $57,000 for utilities. Energy Education quotes us a range on cost of all utilities from $.85 per square foot to $1.19. Because it is a simple midpoint and because it matches well with our records on Roland E. Cook we have chosen to use $1.00 per square foot. This will mean utility operating costs at Bonsack of approximately $57,000 annually. The costs at Bonsack could certainly be higher if we fully use the large gymnasium as we expect to do, and if we open the school as a center for many community uses. It should also be noted that next year we will be under a mandate from the state to add 16 more elementary teaching positions. I would assume that this effort to `~ June 26, 1998 ~~~ At 2:10 p.m., Supervisor Nickens moved to adjourn to Tuesday, July 14, 1998 at 12:00 noon at Explore Park for the purpose of a joint meeting with Roanoke City Council. The motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. At 2:11 p.m., Chairman Irvin adjourned the School Board meeting. Submitted by, Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board Approved by, Bob L. Johnson Chairman _ July 14, 1998 ____~ ~4 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 July 14, 1998 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Arthur Taubman Welcome Center at Virginia's Explore Park, this being the second Tuesday, and a quarterly joint meeting with the Roanoke City Council. IN RE: INVOCATION The invocation was given by H. Odell "Fuzzy Minnix, member of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Lunch followed. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson and Mayor David Bowers called the meeting to order at 12:35 p. m. The roll call was taken for the Board of Supervisors. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Joseph P. McNamara MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, and revenues have increased by 86 percent over last year. He reported on the new attractions which include the Arthur Taubman Welcome Center, the Brugh Tavern, the Mountain Union Church, the Parkway Spur, and new mountain bike trails. Mr. Ellmore also reported on the future plans for Explore Park, with the next project being the Sloan Grist Mill from Franklin County. 2. Update on Regional Detention Facility Roanoke City Director of Public Safety Chip Snead and Assistant Roanoke County Administrator John Chambliss presented the update. Mr. Snead advised that the Roanoke Valley Detention Commission had been created in May 1998, and both the City and County have appointed their members. They are now in the process of transitioning from a Roanoke City facility to a regional facility. The Commission will receive state funding up to $52,000 per bed. The facility will cost $8.2 million, and they hope to have the facility completed by June, 2000. The City will continue to operate the 21 bed facility until completion of the new facility which will serve five localities. 3. Status Report on the proposed regional Teen Center The status report was presented by Roanoke County Director of Parks and Recreation Pete Haislip and Roanoke City Director of Parks and Recreation John Coats. Mr. Haislip advised that an active committee had been established which included parks and recreation staff from both localities, the City Office of Youth, and Jul 14 1998 ~ ~ "_ 1. Members of Roanoke City Council Councilman Carroll Swain advised that he had read an article about Lowe's putting up a monument in Pinkard Court recognizing the community. He expressed appreciation to Lowe's for the monument and asked to be kept informed about the design of the project. Mr. Hodge responded that Lowe's has been working with the Harrison Museum on the design of the monument and should have a proposed design to review within a month. Council member Alvin Hudson commended those involved in the establishment of the Regional Detention Facility and was pleased that the project is moving forward. 2. Members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Chairman Johnson noted that several years ago, Supervisor Nickens recommended joining the two economic development staffs, and suggested looking again at the concept of a joint economic development department that would include tourism. Council member Jim Trout advised that he was in agreement and suggested creating a Task Force with representatives from both localities to focus on the issue. Chairman Johnson responded that he will send a letter to Mayor Bowers asking that Task Force from both localities be appointed to look at the possibility of combining economic development departments. ACTION # A-072898-7 . a ITEM NUMBER ~•..J-~ MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Tech Prep Grant Appropriation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Roanoke Area Tech Prep Consortium was established in 1992 and consists of Virginia Western Community college and seven school divisions surrounding the college. Roanoke County has been the fiscal agent for the state administered Carl Perkins federal funds which the consortium has received annually since 1992. Each year the money has been appropriated for the grant amount and reimbursed quarterly to the county by the state. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The grants total $65,000 for fiscal year 1998-99 and will continue the Tech Prep Consortium activities including a part-time director's salary, secretarial pay, staff development activities, student recruitment, curriculum development, articulation, work place experiences for students and teachers, classroom materials and supplies and program evaluation. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Appropriatio Consortium fund. Garland Kidd Director of Vocational and Adult Education n of the $65,000 grants to the Tech Prep Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by:Bob L. Johnson to approve Johnson _ x Denied ( ) Harrison _ x Received ( ) McNamara- x Referred ( ) Minnix _ x To ( ) Nickens _ x cc: File Garland Kidd, Director, Vocational and Adult Education Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board ACTIOl~ A-072898-7. b ITEM NUMBER ~--r' MEETING DATE: July 28, .1998 AGENDA ITEM: Virginia Commission of the Arts Grant Appropriation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Virginia Commission for the Arts approved a grant in the amount of $2,800 for Roanoke County Schools to apply towards eight performances by Virginia Opera for all of the division's elementary schools. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A check in the amount of $2,380 was sent to Roanoke County Schools on April 15 and as per the contract with VCU, the balance of $420 will be sent upon receipt of the final report (submitted 6/4/98). FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Appropriation of the $2,380 and, when received, the $420 o the grant fund. Garland Life E mer C. Hodg Senior Director of Instruction County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by:Bob L. Johnson to approve Johnson _ x Denied ( ) Harrison _ x Received ( ) McNamara- x Referred ( ) Minnix _ x _ To ( ) Nickens _ x _ cc: File Garland Kidd, Director, Vocational and Adult Education Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board 1" A-072898-7 . c ACTION NO. ITEM NO . ^-~ `' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program Grant and to appropriate the funds into the Sheriffs Office Care and Confinement of Prisoners Part-Time Salaries Account. C'Ot7NTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENT : 6~...a "~ BACKGROUND: We have received approval for the grant money from the State Department of Education for the Adult Literacy and Basic Education/GED program operated by Roanoke City Schools under the auspices of the Roanoke County/Salem Jail. The funding period begins July 1, 1998 and will end June 30, 1999. The total amount of the grant is in the amount of $15,288.89. We will be reimbursed with Federal funds in the amount of $13,760.00 and we are to cover the remaining amount of $1,528.89 from Jail funds. The jail's match is being paid out of the Sheriff's Office Subfund account and requires no additional funding from the Board of Supervisors. SUNIMA_Ry OF INFORMATION: See attachment. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this grant per the conditions of the Roanoke City Public Schools and the Roanoke County Sheriff's Office. Respectfully submitted, > v Gerald S. Holt Sheriff Appro d by, Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator r~ ACTION Approved (X) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by:Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance J-y VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x ~~r Roonoke City Public Schools Division of Instruction • Department of Adult Education The Jefferson Center, 541 Luc15 Ave., S.W., Suite 330, Roanoke, Virginia 24016 May 4, 1998 Sheriff Gerald Holt County of Roanoke, City of Salem Jail 401 East Main Street Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Sheriff Holt: The State Department of Education has approved $13,760.00 for the Adult basic Education/GED program in the Roanoke County-City of Salem Jail for the period beginning July I, 1998 and ending June 30, 1999. This is contingent upon the receipt of federal funds by the Virginia Department of Education. The amount of $13,760.00 will need to be matched with $1,528.89. The cash match can come from funds which ypu use to purchase supplies and materials or pay salaries and/or fixed benefits to employees in the GED instructional program. We will be contacting you periodically to secure numbers of hours which individuals have worked so that we can claim reimbursement for this program from the State. We will forward funds to your office upon receipt. We will also look forward to working with your instructional staff in professional development in-service programs for teachers during the school year. Please let me know if I can assist you in other ways during the coming school year. Sincerely, ~'~~~-- Dorothy W. Hayes Supervisor Adult and Continuing Education cc: Lloyd W. Enoch Director of Business, Technical, and Adult Education Excellence in Education AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION 072898-7.d RESCINDING AND REPEALING CERTAIN POLICIES PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WITHIN THE FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT, AND TO PROVIDE FOR A POLICY MANUAL TO GUIDE THE ADMINISTRATION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby establishes a Policy Manual to provide an organized, systematic approach to the handling of routine matters by this government organization, and a dependable source of reference for all County departments and the Board; and, WHEREAS, this Policy Manual is based upon actions taken and measures adopted by the various boards of supervisors of Roanoke County over the past 20 years; and, WHEREAS, in reviewing these actions of the boards of supervisors of Roanoke County over the past 20 years, certain actions should be repealed, rescinded, modified or amended; and, WHEREAS, this Resolution addresses those actions pertaining to the Fire and Rescue Department. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there is hereby established a Policy Manual for Roanoke County government. 2. That Resolution 92788-2 adopted on September 27, 1988 which adopted an emergency operation plan is hereby rescinded. 2. That Resolution 1240 adopted on May 13, 1975 providing for the appointment of a Fire Marshal and Assistant Fire Marshal is hereby repealed. That Resolution 82890-6 adopted on August 28, 1990 concerning the appointment of a Fire Marshal is hereby revised to be consistent with the provisions of current State law as provided in Chapter 3 "Local Fire Marshals" and Chapter 9 "Statewide Fire Prevention Code Act" of Title 27 "Fire Protection" of the Code of Virginia; and Chapter 9 "Fire Prevention and Protection" of the Roanoke County Code. 4. That Resolution 1415 adopted on January 13, 1976, and Resolution 3195 adopted on July 27, 1982 providing for Workers Compensation benefits for volunteer fire and rescue personnel are hereby repealed. The provisions of these resolutions are currently incorporated in Article 4 "Self-Insurance Program" of Chapter 2 "Administration" of the Roanoke County Code. 5. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Cv Brenda J. Hol n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Richard E. Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Paul M .Mahoney, County Attorney Mary E. Hicks, Executive Secretary 2 ....~. AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINIS'PRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 R E S O L U T I O N 9 2 7 8 8- 2 AUTHORIZING ADOPTION OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is greatly concerned with the health, safety, and well-being of its citizens and desires that the best possible emergency services be available to them; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 1973 requires that each city and county develop and maintain an Emergency Operations Plan which addresses its planned response to emergency situations; and WHEREAS, such a plan has been developed by County staff in coordination with the Virginia Department of Emergency Services with input from responsible local agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that, on the 27th day of September, 1988, it does hereby officially adopt the Roanoke County Emergency Operations Plan, to include plans and procedures for both peacetime and war-caused disasters. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Robers and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None .` = 5 A COPY TESTS: `~~ ~.~ `~ Mary H. Allen, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief of Fire & Rescue Department t'>'~ ~, xt:c~l;L.~~t .Yi~~~,'zV~s UL' T;iL RUi~vOn!: COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD .?;'.:.' ':CHS' SALF.i`~i-ROAYIOiy VALLEti CIVIC CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1975. • ~ RESOLUTIOiJ DIO. 1240 DESIGNATING A FIRE M.~RSHAL AtdD AN ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL FOR ROANOKE COUNTY. U:HEREAS, Section 27-30 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, ~~~wwarr~~~ provides that the Board of Supervisors may, at such time as it deems the same to be expedient, appoint an individual to be Fire Marshal for the County; and t WHEREAS, Section 27-36 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, provides that the Board of Supervisors may, at .such time as it deems the same to be expedient, appoint an~individual to be Assistant Fire Marshal for the County; and ;4f-IEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of opinion that the Fire Coordinator of Roanoke County should be designated and appointed as' the Fire Marshal of Roanoke County and that the Fire Inspector of Roanoke County should be designated and appointed. as Assistant Fire "'~ ~!larshal in order that -said individuals may enforce the fire prevention and fire safety laws of Roanoke County. PdObV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Fire Coordinator be, and he is hereby officially designated and appointed the Fire Marshal for Roanoke County.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fire Inspector be, and he is hereby officially designated and appointed the Assistant Fire Marshal for Roanoke County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said individuals shall, before exercising. any authority granted to them as Fire Marshal or Assistant Fire Marshal, satisfactorily complete a policy training course designed specifically for local fire marshals and assistants, which course shall be approved by the Law-Enforcement Officers Training Standards Commission, as said .requirement is contained in Section 27-34.2 of the. Code of Virginia. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that prior to acting in any official Lapacity, the Fire Marshal and his. Assistant shall take the oath r:_: •- required by Section 27-37 of the Code of Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson and adopted by the. following .recorded vote: AXES: Mr. Dodson, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Flora NAYS: None A Copy - Teste: ABSENT: Mr. Hilton y~ ---~ ~: William F. Clark, Clerk Roanoke County Eoard of Supervisors Y..w.. ._~., .• -.~-r------.-..._.. .._ .,. ,~_._-__-~.__- r...~,... 3-S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1990 RESOLUTION 82890_6 APPOINTING THE FIRE MARSHALL FOR ROANOKE COUNTY AND AUTHORIZING E%ERCISE OF POWERS UNDER CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE 27 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA AND THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, Chapter 3 of Title 27 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, provides statutory authority to the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns to appoint a fire marshall and provides for the duties and powers of such official; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, previously enacted as Chapter 9 of the Roanoke County Code by Ordinance 52488-13, sets forth the duties and powers of the Roanoke County Fire Marshall in enforcing these codes; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this resolution to confer upon the Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department of Roanoke County the authority as fire marshall and to designate officers of that department to exercise the duties and powers of the position at his direction. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. The Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department is hereby appointed as Roanoke County Fire Marshall which position and title shall include the term "fire official" or "arson investigator". The Fire Marshall shall be responsible for exercising all duties and powers of that position or that of the Fire Official granted or implied under Virginia law, including the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 2. The Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department is hereby J-S granted the authority to designate an officer of his department to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Fire Marshall. Such authorization may include the authority to issue such summons as authorized by law and the responsibility to respond to all subpoenas and summonses directed to the Fire Marshall or Fire Official for Roanoke County.' 3. The Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department is further authorized to appoint one or more assistants, who shall have the powers and perform the duties of the Fire Marshall as provided by § 27-36 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Such designated Fire Marshall and assistants shall have received the necessary training to exercise the powers granted by § 27-34.2 and § 27- 34.2:1 of the Code of Virginia. 4. The officer designated by the Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department to act as Roanoke County Fire Marshall shall be responsible for the management of the Fire Prevention Division and for the enforcement of the County Fire Prevention Code other ordinances concerning fire prevention and any other fire prevention related activity. Specifically, such designated Fire Marshall and his assistants are authorized to exercise all powers granted by § 27-34.2 and § 27-34.2:1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The designated Fire Marshall and his assistants are further authorized to exercise the powers conferred by § 27-81(b) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as other authorities. 5. That this resolution shall be in force from the date of its passage. ~ ~~ On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: - Q.G~-~.~x/ Mary H.dAllen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources -- Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Police Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor - ~"... AT A REGULAR MEETING: OF THE B~DARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, H:~LD AT THE SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976. RESOLUTION N0. 1415 GRANTING WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE?BEFITS TO THE COUNTY VOLUNTEER FIREMEN AND RESCUE SQUAD MEMBERS. Sv'HEREAS, the County has many dedicated volunteer firemen and r-•escue squad members who on many occasions risk their lives in per- forning the duties connected with membership in said organizations; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Supervisors is of opinion that members of said organ~.zations should be included within the County workmen's compensation insurance program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Roanoke County that said Board hereby extends workmen's compensation insurance benefits to the hereinafter specified volunteer firemen and rescue squad members of all County volunteer fire companies and rescue squads. G BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that only suchqualified members as are listed on membership rosters maintained in the office of the County Executive shall be eligible for such workmen's compensation benefits. On motion of Supervisor Tompkins and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Compton, Mr. Myers, Mr. Torpkins, Mrs. Johnson NAYS: None I:BSENT: Mr. Dodson A Copy - Teste: klilliam F. Clark, Clerk Board of County Supervisors ~, r / P,T A REGULAR i4EETING OF TIIE GOARD OF SUPS%VISORS OF ROAPlOY,1= COUtvT'(, VIP,GIr;iA, HELD AT THE SALEt4-ROANOY,E COUNTY CIVIC CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 27, 19f?2. RESOLUTION N0. 3195 DESIGNATING ~fHE P.pAriOKE COUN~fY VOLUNTEER FIREh1EN, THE ROANOY,E COUNTY RESCUE SQUADShiEN, Ar~D THE ROANOKE COUNTY AUY,ILIARY POLICCt1~N EP•1}'LOYE(=S OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR PURPOSES OF t~rORF:r~lEti'S COr•1P1-l~1S11TIOr1 fJE IT. RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Roanoke County volunteer firemen, Roanoke County rescue squadsmen, and Roanoke County auxiliary policemen be, and t'r~ey hereby are, declared to be employees of Roanoke County for the sole and exclusive purpose of inclusion in the Commo rn~realth of Virginia's assigned risk program for workmen's compensation pursuant to Section 65.1-~.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and ?_. That an attested copy of this resolution he forthwith forwarded to the Travelers Indemnity Company of Hartford,, Connecticut, and to 'the Department of blorkmen's Compensation of the Commonwealth of Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Gary James t•linter and ado}ated by the fnlloti•ring, roll call vote: AYES: Supervisors Minter, Johnson, [Ayers, and [3urton. hJAYS: None. A Copy - Teste: r ~ ~ ~I Donald R. F anders, Clerk Eioard of Supervisors S-9-O2 copies to: ~- insurance Clerk - Director of Finance Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator County sheriff file Personnel/Payrolls .~ ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of a Resolution Rescinding and Repealing Certain Policies Previously Adopted by the Board of Supervisors with the Fire and Rescue Department, and to Provide for a Policy Manual COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: f~ ~-e BACKGROUND: County staff has reviewed various actions of the Board of Supervisors over the past twenty years to identify those actions which should be included in a Policy Manual for County Government. Some previous actions of the Board of Supervisors should be repealed or rescinded at this time to make our policies consistent with State Code provisions or other County actions. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The following list of actions of the Board of Supervisors should be repealed or rescinded as noted to become consistent with the proposed Policy Manual for County Government: 1- Rescind Resolution 92788-2 adopted September 27, 1988. This resolution adopted the Roanoke County Emergency Operations Plan as required by the Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 1973. This plan must now be updated every five years. The plan is developed locally, must be approved by the State Office of Emergency Services and then adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The last plan was approved June 8, 1993 and the new plan revisions must be approved in 1998. 2- Rescind Resolution 1240 adopted May 13, 1975 designating a Fire Marshal and an Assistant Fire Marshal for Roanoke County. These positions are now part of the Classified list of employees for the County. Resolution 82890-6 is also revised to be consistent with the provisions of current State law as provided in Chapter 3 "Local Fire Marshals" and Chapter 9 "Statewide Fire Prevention Code Act" of Title 27 "Fire 1 , 3 5 Protection" of the Code of Virginia; as found in Chapter 9 "Fire Prevention and Protection" of the Roanoke County Code. 3- Repeal Resolution 1415 adopted January 13, 1976 and Resolution 3195 adopted July 27, 1982 providing for Workers Compensation benefits for volunteer fire and rescue personnel. The provisions of these resolutions are currently incorporated in Article 4 "Self-Insurance Program: of Chapter 2 "Administration" of the Roanoke County Code. This program is administered by the Department of Risk Management of the County of Roanoke. Copies of these resolutions are available for review in the office of the Executive Secretary to the County Administrator. FISCAL IMPACT: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution which corrects the legal documentation needed in establishing the Policy Manual for Roanoke County Government. Respectfully submitted, Qom. ~. Richard E. urch, Jr. Chief of Fire and Rescue Approved Denied Received Referred To ACTION ()Motion by: () O O Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator McNamara Harrison Johnson Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs .J _ "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION RESCINDING AND REPEALING CERTAIN POLICIES PREVIOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WITHIN THE FIRE AND RESCUE DEPARTMENT, AND TO PROVIDE FOR A POLICY MANUAL TO GUIDE THE ADMINISTRATION OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby establishes a Policy Manual to provide an organized, systematic approach to the handling of routine matters by this government organization, and a dependable source of reference for all County departments and the Board; and, WHEREAS, this Policy Manual is based upon actions taken and measures adopted by the various boards of supervisors of Roanoke County over the past 20 years; and, WHEREAS, in reviewing these actions of the boards of supervisors of Roanoke County over the past 20 years, certain actions should be repealed, rescinded, modified or amended; and, WHEREAS, this Resolution addresses those actions pertaining to the Fire and Rescue Department. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there is hereby established a Policy Manual for Roanoke County government. 2. That Resolution 92788-2 adopted on September 27, 1988 which adopted an emergency operation plan is hereby rescinded. 2. That Resolution 1240 adopted on May 13, 1975 providing for the appointment of a Fire Marshal and Assistant Fire Marshal is hereby repealed. That Resolution 82890-6 adopted on August 28, 1990 concerning G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\POLICYMA.FIR 1 the appointment of a Fire Marshal is hereby revised to be consistent with the provisions of current State law as provided in Chapter 3 "Local Fire Marshals" and Chapter 9 "Statewide Fire Prevention Code Act" of Title 27 "Fire Protection" of the Code of Virginia; and Chapter 9 "Fire Prevention and Protection" of the Roanoke County Code. 4. That Resolution 1415 adopted on January 13, 1976, and Resolution 3195 adopted on July 27, 1982 providing for Workers Compensation benefits for volunteer fire and rescue personnel are hereby repealed. The provisions of these resolutions are currently incorporated in Article 4 "Self-Insurance Program" of Chapter 2 "Administration" of the Roanoke County Code. 5. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. G:\ATTORNEY\PNID'I\POLICYMA.FIR 2 ~~ AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1988 R E S O L U T I O N 9 2 7 8 8- 2 AUTHORIZING ADOPTION OF EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is greatly concerned with the health, safety, and well-being of its citizens and desires that the best possible emergency services be available to them; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia Emergency Services and Disaster Law of 1973 requires that each city and county develop and maintain an Emergency Operations Plan which addresses its planned response to emergency situations; and WHEREAS, such a plan has been developed by County staff in coordination with the Virginia Department of Emergency Services with input from responsible local agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that, on the 27th day of September, 1988, it does hereby officially adopt the Roanoke County Emergency Operations Plan, to include plans and procedures for both peacetime and war-caused disasters. On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Supervisor Robers and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McGraw, Nickens, Robers, Garrett NAYS: None J-S A COPY TESTE: Mary H. A11en, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief of Fire & Rescue Department t~.~• e1 ttr;CiliLx~lt Dir;.:~'J.'~.NCi UL•' `1';iL RUANOriJ. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD ?:T 'PHA' SALf3~[-ROAilO{a VALLEY CIVIC CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1975. RI;SOLUTIOf1 DIO. AND AN ASSISTANT 1240 DESIGNATING A FIRE FIRE MARSHAL FOR ROANOKE M.~.RSHAL COUNTY. ~ f'~' -+'^J1 6dHEREAS, Section 27-30 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, provides that the Board of Supervisors may, at such time as it deems the same to be expedient, appoint an individual to be Fire Marshal for -the County; and ', WHEREAS, Section 27-36 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, provides that the Board of Supervisors may, at such time as it deems the same to be expedient, appoint an individual to be Assistant Fire Marshal for the County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of opinion that the Fire Coordinator of Roanoke County should be designated and appointed as the Fire Marshal of Roanoke County and that the Fire Inspector of Roanoke County should be designated and appointed as Assistant Fire J~4arshal in order that said individuals may enforce the fire prevention and fire safety laws of Roanoke County. PdOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Fire Coordinator be, and he is hereby officially designated and appointed the Eire Marshal for Roanoke County.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Fire Inspector be, and he is hereby officially designated and appointed the Assistant Fire Marshal for Roanoke County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said individuals shall, before exercising.' any authority granted to them as Fire Marshal or Assistant Fire Marshal, satisfactorily complete a policy training course designed specifically for local fire marshals and assistants, which course shall be approved by the Law-Enforcement Officers Training Standards Commission, as said requirement is contained in Section 27-34.2 of the. Code of Virginia. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that prior to acting in any officia l rapacity, the Fire Marshal and his Assistant shall take the oath _ ~.__ required by Section 27-37 of the Code of Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson and adopted by the. following .recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Dodson, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Seibel, Mr. Flora NAYS : None A Copy - Teste: ABSENT: Mr. Hilton ~ -~ William F. Clark, Clerk Roanoke County Eoard of Supervisors ,7- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1990 RESOLUTION 82890-6 APPOINTING THE FIRE MARSHALL FOR ROANORE COUNTY AND AUTHORIZING E%ERCISE OF POWERS UNDER CHAPTER 3 OF TITLE 27 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA AND THE ROANORE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, Chapter 3 of Title 27 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, provides statutory authority to the governing bodies of counties, cities and towns to appoint a fire marshall and provides for the duties and powers of such official; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, previously enacted as Chapter 9 of the Roanoke County Code by Ordinance 52488-13, sets forth the duties and powers of the Roanoke County Fire Marshall in enforcing these codes; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this resolution to confer upon the Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department of Roanoke County the authority as fire marshall and to designate officers of that department to exercise the duties and powers of the position at his direction. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. The Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department is hereby appointed as Roanoke County Fire Marshall which position and title shall include the term "fire official" or "arson investigator". The Fire Marshall shall be responsible for exercising all duties and powers of that position or that of the Fire Official granted or implied under Virginia law, including the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code. 2. The Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department is hereby _...- '~ _ _.~~` granted the authority to designate an officer of his department to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Fire Marshall. Such authorization may include the authority to issue such summons as authorized by law and the responsibility to respond to all subpoenas and summonses directed to the Fire Marshall or Fire Official for Roanoke County.' 3. The Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department is further authorized to appoint one or more assistants, who shall have the powers and perform the duties of the Fire Marshall as provided by § 27-36 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Such designated Fire Marshall and assistants shall have received the necessary training to exercise the powers granted by § 27-34.2 and § 27- 34.2:1 of the Code of Virginia. 4. The officer designated by the Chief of the Fire and Rescue Department to act as Roanoke County Fire Marshall shall be responsible for the management of the Fire Prevention Division and for the enforcement of the County Fire Prevention Code , other ordinances concerning fire prevention and any other fire prevention related activity. Specifically, such designated Fire Marshall and his assistants are authorized to exercise all powers granted by § 27-34.2 and § 27-34.2:1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. The designated Fire Marshall and his assistants are further authorized to exercise the powers conferred by § 27-81(b) of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, in the same manner and subject to the same conditions as other authorities. 5. That this resolution shall be in force from the date of its passage. ~.~/ ... On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, McGraw, Johnson, Nickens, Robers NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~'" Last,-~~ - Q,GL-G~x~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Thomas C. Fuqua, Chief, Fire & Rescue D. Keith Cook, Director, Human Resources Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Police Department Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke, 24016 Main Library Roanoke County Code Book Roanoke County Family Services Court, Intake Counsellor ~• . A.T~A R~FGULAR MEETING`OF THE BDARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, H:SLD AT THE SALEDZ-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1976. RESOLUTION N0. 1415 GRANTING WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE BE?BEFITS TO THE COUNTY VOLUNTEER FIREMEN AND RESCUE SQUAD MEMBERS. WHEREAS, the County has many dedicated volunteer firemen and rescue squad members who on many occasions risk their lives in per- forning the duties connected with membership in said organizations; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Supervisors is of opinion that members of said organizations should be included within the County workmen`s compensation insurance program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Supervisors of Roanoke County that said Board hereby extends workmen's compensation insurance benefits to the hereinafter specified volunteer firemen and rescue squad members of all County volunteer fire companies and rescue squads. BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED that only such qualified members as are listed on membership rosters maintained in the office of the County Executive shall be eligible for such workmen's compensation benefits. On motion of Supervisor Tompkins and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Compton, Mr. Myers, Mr. Tompkins, Mrs. Johnson IvAXS: None I:BSENT: Mr. Dodson A Copy - Teste: /~, 7 - ~~ P1il-1 am F. Clark, Clerk Board of County Supervisors 1 ,' ~ AT A REGULAR t1EETING OF TILE GOARD OF SUPE%r,'ISORS Of- ROAidOY,l= COl1tdT'f, UIP,GJidiA, HELD AT THE SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CIVIC CENTER OiJ TUESDAY, JULY 27, 19s?2. RESOLUTION N0. 3195 DESIGNATItlG ~f1E ROAidOKE COUN~fY VOLUNTEER FIREMEN, THE ROAWOY,E COUNTY RESCl1E SQt)ADSP1~=td, At~D THE ROANOKE COUNTY AUY,ILIARY P~L1CEt1~N Et•1PLOYECS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR PURPOSES OF h~ORfa~lEii'S COh1PI-PlSATIOPJ LE IT~RESOLVED by the Qoard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows; 1. That the Roanoke County volunteer firemen, Roanoke County rescue squadsmen, and Roanoke County auxiliary policemen be, and they hereby are, declared to be employees of Roanoke County for the sole and exclusive purpose of inclusion in the Commonwealth of Virginia's assigned risk program for workmen's compensation pursuant to Section 65.1-4.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and 2_. That an attested copy of this resolution he forthwith forwarded to the Travelers Indemnity Company of Hartford,, Connecticut, and to the Department: of 4orkmen's Compensation of the Commons-realt[~ of Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Gary James btinter and adopted by thu fnllo~:ing, --ol 1 ca 11 vote: AYES: Supervisors Minter, Johnson, Myers, and [,urton. PJAYS: None. A Copy - Testr: ,~ ;~~> Donald R. F antlers, Cler!; Qoard of Supervisors -9-02 copies to: insurance Clerk ' Director of Finance ' Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator County Si~eriff file Per~sonnei/Payrol 1 s A-072898-7 . e ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water Facilities Serving Roselawn Court COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ v SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Roselawn Court, MRW Developers, LLC, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Roselawn Court, which are on file in the County Engineering Department. The water facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water construction is $34,000. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water facilities serving the Roselawn Court subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: ~ , c; ~~ 4 -~~_~' Gary Robertso , P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: J-b ..~. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Johnson _ x Denied () Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney s ~ NORTH ~ ' -q °~ 1• V ~ ~ dr ~'•w""~ ' / / , ~~ C ~~ \ ~~ / j / / \ / V / -~ \\ 4 J V~ ~ ~W, •. r.. \ + \ /~ ~ ~ / / /~ ~ / ~ Z~ ~ ~ r' I"wMWM ~N \ /` / \ ( i ~w1r `~ ~ ~"~N...+N ~i+~_-mow, rM N '~ 60~ RENFORCDAENt ~ ..~~ \ / ~~ ~,~ ~ /, ~ ! ' ~ 1 : ~. } ... r. Q .~nM,~, .w y 4 a ~ .c..n r... K l 1 ~wnl. ` , aa. r/fl KM \ ` W~(.~ \ ~µ~~A ~ ~Lk~i r' r M1 ~, n ~r ~~ C !~° ~ ~ ~ ..: 7 • MA~u/a I / /r1~' \ \ +•~' / \ \. 3 / / ~ \ ~` / y \ ` O ~ / Mrw~~ ' ~_--l_ r w~~\ _. r\rt % /~ / m ~ % ~ ~r9 ~~.. ,~/~ ,,.~ / ~~ 1 ~, ' - _,~--- ' mmelOMAf. Y1wI a VIMm "ROSELAIYN COURT" YR1! DgYE10~ERS sl ~/' cream .w. ~ .....1 r- LUMSDEN hSSOCUTE5, P.C. :< • ~' ' ~"- encik~u-suar~ero~c-eu~sers c.rz`~,.v»n ,~«~.- ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT ACCEPTANCE OF WATER FACILITIES SERVING • ROSELAWN COURT. ~~, 0.3 / i .,,~ /W,. RETURN TO: ROANOKE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this 9th day of April , 19 98 , by and between: MRW Developers, LLC , a Vir ig nia corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPEP.VISORS OF ROANOKE COUNT ~', VIRGI1tiTIA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas, water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same maybe located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 ._..- ~-_1D As shown on the plan entitled Roselawn Court ,made by Lumsden Associates. PC and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 __.- _1-~ WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: By: As: State of: Vir~;inia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: ~~~~ ,day of 19 / ~ , By: Mark S. Webb Its Manager Duly authorized officer Title on behalf of MRW Developers LLC No~ Public My Commission expires: C ~ ~ ~ ~ Page 3 of 4 MRW Developers LLC Approved as to form: County Attorney Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia By: (SEAL) Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State of: Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Page 4 of 4 A-072898-7. f ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Waterford, Section 6 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Waterford, Section 6, Strauss Construction Corporation, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Waterford, Section 6, which are on file in the County Engineering Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $31,000 and $24,000 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Waterford, Section 6 subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. r J-`7 SUBMITTED BY: ~ ~ rJ Gary Robert on, P.E. Utility Director ACTION APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To f 1 cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x NORTH ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES SERVING WATERFORD, SECTION 6. r6 ~-~ THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this 22 day of June , 19 98 , by and between: Strauss Construction Corporation. , a Virginia corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas, water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 ~j.._ As shown on the plan entitled Waterford. Section 6 __, made by Lumsden Associates and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 J -~ WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: By: As: President State of: Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: ~~S ~~ ,day of 19 ~, By: Steven S. Strauss its President Duly authorized officer Title on behalf of Strauss Construction Corporation Notary Public My Commission expires: ~_!/~/ • ~1J, oZ aO0 Page 3 of 4 Approved as to form: Board of Supervisors of •~ Roanoke County, Virginia By: (SEAL) County Attorney Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State of: Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Page 4 of 4 A-072898-7 . g ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of a drainage easement on property of FW Properties, L.L.C. to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to serve Future Section #1, "Fort Lewis Cove" (Catawba Magisterial District) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~`JY'ti""`C~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easement conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for drainage purposes, in connection with development of Future Section #1, "Fort Lewis Cove," in the Catawba Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: a) Donation of a drainage easement, seventy feet (70') in width, from FW Properties, L.L.C., (Deed Book 1564, page 1154) (Tax Map No. 44.03-4-37) as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated June 16, 1998, a copy of which is attached hereto. The location and dimensions of this property have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the drainage easement. ~~ Respectfully submitted, ~~ Vickie L. Huffman Assistant County Attorney ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (X) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Johnson _ x Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development ~a ~ A ~ ~ J~p ~, a zz Sao ~°a m '-1 ~_ FUTU,BE SECTION #1 "FOaT GEWIS GovE" -~ \ 4ELTA = ?'06'40' RAD = 54?,95 AaC = ?0.0i' GNOar~ ~ Z0, 00~ N l8°lI'l8"W a 7Ax~`44,03-4-3~ .~ ch 23,9! AG. n, - s~ PROPERT Y OF ~_ Z FW Ir'ROPEi2TlE5~ ~.L.G~ a~C D.~. 1564 Phi, 1154 m ~~ 5/6°58'57"E,?0.00' A `-`~ NeW 70' ~12A1 NAGS 3 ~ASEMENj ~' $ ~ 215.j2~ .. A < 2 N 13° 0~ 03 E 49¢A~~ ~ m ~ 513°p~~p3"W, Ah pt~~'~ hAq. \ P.9 U ~ ~P~1E ~ \~~ Out ~ / \ \ ~~ 5~ P~~' % / ~~~~ NOTES: 1) THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT AND THERE MAY EXIST EASEMENTS NOT SHOWN HEREON. 2) THE INTENT OF THIS PLAT•IS TO GRANT THE NEW DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO THE EXISTING NATURAL WATERCOURSE. PLAT SHOWING , NRW 20' DRAINAGE FASEMBNT BEING GRANTED TO COUNTY OF ROANOKR FOR PUBLIC USE BY F,E-I,TgO FW PROPERTIES, L,L.C. ~ ~ ~tl ~ SITUATED ALONG ALLEGHANY DR, -- ~°%~~ G> CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ' VINCENT K. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 100' DATE: 1G JUNE 1998 t 14288 ~ ' 9.~ ~q~ `L LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P. C. 3UR,VE ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA .,,..,,~,.~.,.m... n COMM. #' ~J6 J-~ A-072898-7.h ACTION # ITEM NUMBER • AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIItGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Submission of subscriber complaints regarding Cable Programming Services (C.P.S.) tier rates of Cox Communications Roanoke (formerly Cox Cable Roanoke) to the F.C.C. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: o~.~.-.~ ~~-r BACKGROUND: Recent changes in Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) regulations have removed the ability of individual cable consumers to file complaints which raise objections to rate increases for the cable programming services tier (C.P.S.) directly with the F.C.C. Cox Communications Roanoke has announced increases in their rates for cable customers for both basic cable service and for the C.P.S. tier of cable services effective March 1, 1998. A cable customer has 90 days from the effective date of an increase in cable rates to file a complaint regarding C.P.S. rates with the franchising authority. The franchising authority must receive complaints from at least two customers before it may file a request with the F.C.C. to review an increase in C.P.S. rates. The County has received an opinion from its outside legal counsel for cable television issues that these rate increases instituted by Cox Communications are within the range permitted by F.C.C. regulations. (See Attachment "A", letter from Brian T. Grogan, dated January 15, 1998.) SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received complaints or protests from twelve citizens requesting a review of the announced intentions of Cox Communications to increase the rates for its C.P.S. tier effective March 1, 1998. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as the franchising authority, made an initial determination at its May 12, 1998, meeting that these subscriber complaints were received within 90 days from the date the rate increase at issue went into effect and that such rate increase pertains to the C.P.S. tier. Roanoke County then sent a written notice, including a draft FCC Form 329, to Cox Communications to inform them that these complaints are pending with the County. S-9 Cox Communications has submitted a response to the County following this Board's action on May 12, 1998, to provide notice to Cox of the number of subscriber complaints received and the County's option to file a Form 329 with the F.C.C. Cox Communication has submitted an amended form FCC 1240 which justifies their rate increases as within the range permitted by the F.C.C. as reasonable. (See Attachment "B", letter from John W. Bingham, CPA, Business Manager, dated June 25, 1998.) Roanoke County has 180 days from the effective date of the rate increase in question to file the FCC Form 329, along with any response from the cable operator, with the F.C.C. I have received notification that the City of Roanoke is in the process of filing a FCC Form 329 with the F.C.C. as to this same rate increase. The Town of Vinton filed their FCC Form 329 on May 26, 1998. FISCAL M'ACT: None. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the County Administrator to execute a Form 329, as prepared by the County Attorney and forward to the Federal Communications Commission (F.C.C.) prior to August 27, 1998. 2. Decline to file a rate complaint on the C.P.S. tier, Form 329, with the F.C.C. and rely upon the review of rate increases previously conducted on behalf of the County by outside legal counsel. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative # 1. Respectfully submitted, Jos h B. ~benshain Se ' r Assistant County Attorney ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by:Bob L. Johnson to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x cc: File Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney Attachment "A" LAW OFFICES MOSS & BARNETT A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION 4800 NORWEST CENTER 9O SOUTH SEVErrrH STREET BRIAN T. GROGAN MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA 55402-4129 (612)347-0340 TELEFHONE (612 347-0300 E-MAII.: FACSIMILE X612) 339-6686 January 15, 1998 VIA FACSIMILE AND U S MAIL Mr. Gary Tegenkamp Assistant City Attorney 464 Municipal Building 215 Church Avenue S W Roanoke, VA 24011-1595 VIA FACSIMILE AND U S MAIL Mr. Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke P.O. Box 28800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 VIA FACSIMILE AND U S MAIL Mr. William Heartwell, III Town Attorney P.O. Rox 3~8 Vinton, VA 24179 Re: Cox Cable's FCC Forms 1240 and 1205 Dear Gentlemen: ~ /,~ ~ ~~ ~ , W ~r / %= JAN 2 ~ ~J~3 I received from each of you relevant rate regulation materials submitted by Cox Cable. One issue which has been raised by the City of Roanoke, is the actual legal name of Cox Cable in the Roanoke Valley area. Mr. Tegenkamp has noted that approximately one year ago Cox Communication Roanoke, Inc. merged into CoxCom, Inc. CoxCom, Inc. was to be the grantee for the cable system in the three jurisdictions and would be doing business as Cox Communications Roanoke. -I am .uncertain why Cox Communications Roanoke, Inc. is the legal B~~l ~~ 18~9b ~ ~~. -~ _ r~~,~C,.y ~ 1t MOSS & BARNETT A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Gary Tegenkamp, Joseph B January 15, 1998 Page 2 Obenshain, William Heartwell, III ~~ name identified on each of your FCC Form 1240's. I believe this issue should be raised with Cox Cable to clarify the exact name of the grantee and to ensure that all forms aze properly identified. I do not, however, believe that this issue will have any bearing on the rate submissions by Cox Cable. BACKGROUND Before I attempt to explain the impact of Cox Cable's most recent Form 1240 filings on each of your communities, it may be helpful to briefly review Federal rate regulations. Franchising authorities such as the city, county and town, may only regulate the rates for the basic service tier and associated equipment. Franchising authorities aze r~ allowed to regulate rates for the Cable Programming Services Tier (CPST), nor for any premium or pay-per-view channels. Only the FCC may regulate CPST rates, and then only in response to an FCC Form 329 (Complaint form) submitted by the franchising authority in that jurisdiction. Rates for premium channels such as HBO and Cinemax and pay-per-view programming aze free from rate regulation. When regulating basic service tier rates, cable operators submit rate regulation forms to Franchising authorities for their review. The Form 1240s each community received are intended to update rates on an annual basis by reflecting changes in the number of channels, cost of programming, copyright fees, inflation and other factors. Each form 1240 submitted relies on data from past filings, so any error in last year's form will impact subsequent filings. Since each community is considered separate and distinct, each has a separate set of forms establishing rates. Factors such as population and income level can effect the ultimate maximum permitted rate identified in each form 1240. Moreover, each community receives form 1205 to establish equipment rates. FCC regulations allow operators to average costs over entire regions for equipment rates which is why each of your communities received identical form 1205s each of which identify the same equipment rates. Based on the forms presently available to me, both the city and county have previously submitted FCC Form 329 to the FCC seeking review of Cox Cable's CPST rates. No Form 329 has been submitted by the town of Vinton and therefore no FCC review was conducted. It is important to note that despite the fact that all three (3) of your systems aze served off the same head-end and are essentially run as one system by Cox Cable, each of your jurisdictions is considered separate for purposes of rate regulation and each has an "individual community unit" MOSS & BARNETT .~~" A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Gary Tegenkamp, Joseph B. Obenshain, William Heartwell, III January 15, 1998 Page 3 identifier (CUID) number assigned to it by the FCC. Therefore, despite the fact that certain errors were discovered by the FCC in reviewing Cox Cable's proposed rates in the city and county, Cox Cable is not legally required to make similar modifications in the town of Vinton, since no FCC order was issued for that CUID number. In the City of Roanoke, the FCC originally adopted an Order on October 14, 1997, regarding the CFST rates. iun i~lovember 11, 199'1, the FCC adopted an Order on Reconsideration for the City of Roanoke which essentially determined that Cox Cable had made errors in its true-up calculations and inflation adjustments, but that the ultimate impact on CPST rates was only 1 ¢ per month per subscriber. Therefore, no refund liability was ordered by the FCC because the amount in question was deemed "de minimis." Cox Cable reflected the issues identified by the FCC Orders in its FCC Form 1240 filing submitted to the City of Roanoke on or about November 27, 1997. An FCC order was also adopted with respect to the County of Roanoke on November 21, 1997, identifying true-up and inflation errors made by Cox Cable resulting in potential refund liability of $ .27 per subscriber. The liability is potentially larger in the county because the FCC went back one extra year due to a complaint form having been filed in the county back in 1996. Cox Cable has submitted a Petition for Reconsideration to the FCC with respect to the November 27, 1997 Order, although no action has yet been taken in that matter. IMPACT ON BASIC SERVICE RATES FCC Form 1240 is set up so that changes in inflation or true-up calculations affect not only the CPST rate but also the basic service tier rate. In other words, any modification will affect both rate calculations and will carry thro;:ah to iiltimately dcter_mine ±he maximmum permitted rate for each service level. Therefore, findings of the FCC with respect to the CPST rate will have a corresponding impact on the basic service tier rates. In the rate filing for Cox Cable in the City of Roanoke, the issues in question do not result in any modification of the maximum permitted basic service tier rate. However, in the County of Roanoke, it is possible that if the FCC Order is upheld, a corresponding reduction in the basic service tier rates and applicable refund liability may be ordered by the county. FCC regulations allow a franchising authority to go back one year from the date of 1240 filing for purposes of establishing refund liability. So the "clock is running" for the county regarding this matter. I have spoken with Cox Cable representatives about an agreement which would essentially preserve all of the county's rights to order a refund back in time with respect to the basic service tier rates pending the outcome of Cox Cable's Petition on Reconsideration to the FCC. In this way the County will not be forced to immediately issue a rate order on the basic MOSS & BARNETT A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ~_.. Gary Tegenkamp, Joseph B. Obenshain, William Heartwell, III January 15, 1998 Page 4 service tier rates before knowing the FCC's decision on Cox Cable's petition. The advantage to this scenario is that the county is not forced to immediately issue a rate order which might ultimately be rendered moot if the FCC does in fact alter its Order in light of Cox Cable's Petition. By entering into an agreement with Cox Cable that the time period for refund liability will not be affected, the County will have the advantage of waiting to review the FCC's ultimate decision on this matter and then acting accordingly to ensure subscribers receive the benefit of any applicable refunds which may be due. Since the town of Vinton never submitted an FCC Form 329 to the FCC, there is no pending review by the FCC and no Orders have been issued. As a result, Cox Cable is not obligated to adjust the CPST rates or basic service tier rates in the town of Vinton. CONCLUSION Based on the foregoing, it appears the rates outlined in FCC 1240 for both the town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke have been accurately calculated by Cox Cable using FCC form 1240. We find no mathematical errors in Cox Cable's calculations and the forms appear to be correctly completed in compliance with the regulations. With respect to the county of Roanoke, there remains a question whether the issues uncovered by the FCC in its November 21, 1997, Order will remain applicable. Pending the outcome of Cox Cable's Petition for Reconsideration subscribers may receive refunds for overcharges on the CPST rates. If this occurs, it is likely that a corresponding reduction in the basic service tier rates will also be appropriate and may result in refund liability on the basic tiers as well. However, given that no decision from the FCC has yet been issued on Cox Cable's petition for reconsideration, it would appear p-.:dent to discuss with Cox Cable some form of letter agreement whereby Cox Cable will preserve the Cm's right to mandate refund liability ? "~~,~,~~I,,~ `' back in time while it awaits the FCC's decision. By entering into such an agreement, the City " t will not be waiving any of its rights to order applicable refunds but at the same time will not be forced to issue a rate order and defend the inevitable appeal to the FCC by Cox Cable. I have asked Cox Cable to prepare such a letter for our review and consideration and expect same shortly. No additional action is required by either the city, town or county with respect to FCC forms 1240 or 1205. FCC regulations provide that if any of the communities should subsequently find an error in Cox Cable's calculations, or if the information should become available to you that suggests an error in the calculations, you will have the right to order refunds up to one year from the date of filing of these forms (on or about November 27, 1997). MOSS & BARNETT A PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION Gary Tegenkamp, Joseph B January 15, 1998 Page 5 Obenshain, William Heartwell, III s9 If you should have any questions regarding this letter, or if I can provide any additional assistance or information, please feel free to contact me. Otherwise, I will forward to the county a draft letter of agreement with Cox Cable for its review and consideration as soon as it becomes available. Very truly v~urs. Brian T. Grogan BTG/rlb 156362/3 CN#01 !.DOC June 24, 1998 Mr. Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney County of Roanoke PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Attachment "B" 5400 Fallowater Lane SW Roanoke, Virginia 24014 P.O. Box 13726 ,.,.,, Roanoke, Virginia 24036 ~~ Ph (5401776-3845 Fax (5401776-3847 JU~1 2 5 1~a8 COMMUNICATIONS Re: CoxCom, Inc. d.b.a. CoxCom, Inc. County of Roanoke CPS Complaint to the FCC CUID #: VA0151 Dear Mr. Obenshain: The purpose of this letter is to provide the County of Roanoke with the required Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Form 1240 to support our CPS tier rate. The County has indicated intent to file a complaint with the FCC concerning our March 1, 1998 rate change and this is our response to your letter of intent. Cox's response is being made within the requested time period. Upon reviewing the County of Roanoke's draft of the FCC Form 329, the current rates are stated correctly without franchise fees and the FCC User Fee. Enclosed are two FCC Form 1240's and the related supporting documents for your review. I have also included a copy of the notification letter sent to the FCC dated January 21, 1998 indicating of our intent to change CPS rates as it contains information pertinent to rate computations. If the County decides to file a complaint, please forward a copy of our response to the FCC with your complaint. If you should have any questions please contact me at 776-3844 extension 155. I will be glad to assist you. Sincerely, W • d Grt . d~ John W. Bingham, CPA Business Manager Enclosure cc: Johnny Benson, Acting General Manager Kathy Payne, Cox Communications, Inc. o-~ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Beginning Balance at July 1, 1998 $7,993,609.14 Balance at July 28, 1998 Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above West County Business Park -balance Reserve for R.R. Donnelly -Phase II of General Fund Revenues 7.75% $7,993,609.14 7.75% $7,993,609.14 (2,000,000.00) (730,700.00) $5 2622909.14 5.11% Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 1998-99 General Fund Revenues $103,087,232.00 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $6,442,952.00 Respectfully Submitted, ~J cam 41. ~ ~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance M:\Finance\Common\Board\Gen98. WK4 o-~ CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Beginning Balance at July 1, 1998 $735,313.64 Projects appropriated in 1998-99 original budget (505,000.00 Balance at July 28, 1998 $230.313.64 I $100,000 of these funds have been temporarily advanced to the Mayflower Hills Park proj ect. Respectfully Submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance M:\Finance\Common\B oard\Cap98. WK4 b- 3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 1998-99 Original Budget $210,000.00 23, 1998 Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Center (107,500.00 Balance at July 28, 1998 Respectfully Submitted, ~~ ~J .~l~°_.t/ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 00 M:\Finance\Common\Board\Board98 .WK4 n FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Savings from 1996-97 debt budget $670,000.00 Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund 1,113,043.00 FY97-98 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 June 23, 1998 Savings from 1997-98 debt fund 321,772.00 FY98-99 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 Balance at July 28, 1998 $6,104,815.00 Respectfully Submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance M:\Finance\Common\Board\School9 8 . WK4 ~} ACTION # ITEM NUMBER D"5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -June 1998 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Payments to Vendors: $4,546,731.94 Payroll: 6/12/98 $427,295.87 $251,291.13 678,587.00 6/26/98 $444,669.03 $254,836.42 699,505.45 void check - (598.94) (598.94) $5,924,225.45 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To () No Yes McManara Harrison Johnson Minnix Nickens Abs ~'~~ ` `. ~` ~~ 0 r~+ .~, ~„~ M M N ~ ~O of N ~O ~t h M N •--~ N V'1 00 ~ h r•+ a\ O ~ O M O~ ~ ~O M V1 .-~ N Q~ O 00 d• M ~!1 O O ~ C~ O ~+ M O h ~n ~D N M N ~O 00 ~O 00 N h~ M ~O N ~O 00 v'1 h O~ V1 h~ O O 00 O 00 ~O O ~!1 N et M O O A~~„ ~ p~ N N rn N~ N oo M oo H O M O ~O N.N. ~~ 00~ N M O O N O C~ h ~O O~ 00 O ~D oo .-~ N vh-~ O ~ ~ O o .O O O~ Q~ 00 00 Q~ Q~ O O~ O O Q~ h O~ ~ a Ca ~ ai ~ A ~ 00 h 41 ~ rr M ~ N 7 N h ~t ~ 00 h ~D •-•+ V1 00 O 00 ~1 M h U1 O ~' ~ ~ h V'1 •°r N •--i b O\ O~ M M M h ~'F M V1 O •--~ ~O ~O M ^~ O Q~ M O O 00 N ~O N~ vl 00 00 N 00 O~ h~ N V1 h N .~ ~ M N ~ M M ~O 00 00 h d ~ h ~"~ N M [~ M O ~O (~ ~D I ~ v1 ~A ~O h ~1 N 00 V'1 ~ 00 ~O V1 ~O M M ~A V 4\ ~ V'1 O 00 00 M O O 00 V7 ~ ~D N O~ M d' O~ vl ^+ .Nr M V1 '~ M V1 00 ~ O\ ~O ~D ~--~ M 00 •--i N V'1 O ~ ^~' O ~O ~ ~ ~ 00 .~-r rr N N DD h M N ~ M N •--~ 1 .~ _~ M 00 M Q~ N M -••~ ~O O~ M ~ 00 ~O 00 M d' Q~ N ~F ~D ^~ ~/1 O~ 00 00 O h ~O ~D O M Q~ '••+ Vl ~ 00 O ~ ~ ~ ~ 1M ~ ~ M N d• ~O Vl O 00 M M ~D .-r T O ~O 00 O 00 Cr N 00 c1' d h ~ 00 7 O 00 N ~O V7 O //~~ ~ DO N ~ a, N 00 ~ ~ ~ ~O CT M ~D ~O ~ O O ~ ~ 7 ~O Vl d• M .-w ~ ~ rt' 00 O ~+L A ~ h d' Q~ O~ ~"~ ~O •"" ~ O~ M O ~ 00 h 00 M N ~ ~ M N M M h "'~ •"'~ ~ O~ ~O 00 ~ M 00 .-~ ~ ~ 00 ~O O -r h 00 •-+ N ~ h ~ ~ h M N N M --~ M V1 V1 ~fl O N ~O ~ M ~ ~O h ~ ~ N 00 M ~ r0,, y ~. ~ Q~ M N Q\ ~ h ~ O~ M ~ •-+ M N ~ ~O ~ h N M M oo ~O ~ O~ N > V1 O~ ~--~ V7 ~ M ^~ N ~"~ N M N ~--i e~C ~~/ et r" 6~ Fry v7 C ~ ~ ~ O~ _ ~ ~ ~~I C `~' ~ N h h O M ~ ~ ~ ~ N 000 ~ G\ O~ N O h ~!1 ~ O O N h ~ O~ ~ O~ N h 00 M Q~ ~ ^ M ~ ~ M [~ N N [~ O~ O ~ ~ Vl V~ 00 N ~D O h •^'~ M N h 00 V'1 •"~ N h ~' •'^ O~ M N et h Q~ r ~ ~ C'i .-r M •"~ ~ O 00 00 ~' N h M M ~ 7 00 V'1 et V1 O~ M h ~"~ O ~ M Q~ [~ N V'1 DD 00 •~'~ C C 6J ~ Vl h N M ~O 7 N M ~ --~ N -~ ~ O Q~ M V1 O ~"~ ~ ~' N 'T ~ V ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ d a ~" w ~ ~ o ~ .~ c ~ A: a ~ w y,. ~ ~ ~.. 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ITEM NUMBER ~ ~°'"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Self-Insurance Program, Ordinance #61494-4, Section 2-86.C, attached is the Fiscal Year to Date claims activity and status report including the Fourth Quarter ended June 30, 1998. FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Respectfully sub ' ted, Approved by, Robert C. Jer igan Elmer C. Hodge Risk Manager County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied 1 - Harrison Received 1 1 Johnson Referred ( ) McNamara To ( ) Minnix Nickens g:\ris kmgmt\trustees\board. rpt ~-~ ~.., ~ O M M O O O) O M (O O 00 O (O Z O) O 1~ n n O n n W ~ O W O f~ W O ~ O M O O) O T O ~ O N ~ t0 (O ~ CO 1~ n W N ~ (O M } CO (O M 1~ W W N O CO m ~ Q .- N ~ N N CO a O ~ N Q N N N t/1 ~~ E E E E Q ~ m ' a~ m ' m a`> a~ ~ `m m m ~ a~ J 7 O7 7 ~ 01 O) m ~ m ~ 07 01 U~ U C U U C C C C C U C C ~ ~ ~ d ~ 0 3 ~ 3 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 o Q -~ Y -~ -~ Y Y Y Y Y ~ Y U Y N N N N Vl _N fA f/7 tq N _N Q Vl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C: ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ C: N H -o a -o a -o -o -o -o a -o -o ~ Q a~ a~ o C a~ a~ o o a~ a~ a~ a~ ~ N fA o N _o (A o y Q, N 0 fq 0 N 0 Vl 0 V) 0 f/1 0 tq 0 N _0 W 0 U U U O U U U U U U U U U O O O O O O O O O O O O O W O ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O ~ O ~ O 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 ~ 0 O 0 O ~ W ~ Q m ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ M J W Z Q ~ U N ~ LL n ~ Y ~ ~ OC ~ Z U o o oWC ~ d m 3 c ~ ~ c ~, N ~ U W 7 F- W 'C L o Z w N Q ~ > ~ ~ Z N U ++ ~ N U N U ~ G1 U L Q7 U Q W J ~ N N N p N d m Q V y > 3 ~ ~ N > f0 3 N > ` > .o X o > c V O ~ Q J Q L >_ j j L U L . t ~ ~t0 L oc o o -o ~ ~ o ° o ~ o ~ E o ~ w N ~ v v L L v v v o v v v ~ OTC . .~ + . y Z Q i ~ O o ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ O W LL N N y ~ fY/1 N V7 ~_ y N N N ~ W W ~ ~ ~ ~ °c' ° ' °c' O c '~ c m ~ cn c C ~ ~ c y C c 3 J Y U Y U f0 lD Y U Y U Y U -O C Y U O 'O Y U Y U N ~ a ~ (0 f0 C7 N f0 f0 (U _ f0 '- (0 f0 ~ O m m ~ ~ m m m > m (~ m m 0 ~ H W O O O O ~ N + + Vl + + fn + + N N ~ + + N = f/7 f0 (0 f0 ~ f7 m N ' ' " ~ U ~ ' W O_ D U_ +' y O U_ Y ~_ + ' + ' O D O O O ~+~' fC O O f0 O ~+~+ O ~++ O cn cn a ~ a cn a a cn ~ a ~ cn ~ Z n ~ n n n ~ ~ n t~ n o0 0o n iy ~ m ~ ~ ~ m O) ~ T Q7 ~ ~ ~ Q H I~ [F (D N 1~ ~ ~ N m M M V Q O •- ~- N ~ ~ ~ N O N O V Q n n n n W O) O ~ ~ N T a o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o 0 0 M to I~ O O M N W M N O N C Q D U Z O O O O O O O N O M O M O tf'7 O LO O t[1 O (O O M O O O m m m a U-~ ~ o o m o n m Z O O 1~ O n N w in O OD 00 c0 M 00 1~ CO n (O 7, ~ r N CO O N Q ~ Q) a O o N ~ ~~ Q N a`> m ~Z rn ~ m ~ a V~ c a a c a a d O ~ o o ~ o ~ 0 0 Q Y U U .x U a> U U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ o ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 o o c c o N _ a a U U U U U O O W O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O O 0 O 0 W W 0 ~ 0 F- Q N W ~ ~ O m H ~ ~ ~ Q O W fh } W Q Z U ~ N ~ LL n ~ ~ Z O ~ a ~ ~ O ~ a r ¢ W ~ ' y W F F- W ~ } F ~ K o Y v, N 3 Q ~ J ~ ~ a °~ m ~e m a W m Z Q .~ ~ ~ V y ~ o ` U ~ ~ ~ 9 c J U Q Y ) ,~ > a L Y ~ t o ~ O ~ H ` O. 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H Z ~ ~ W V Q ~ V m Z ~ ~ J U a m ~ ~ w ~ W LL (.J J Y U Y U Y U N ti N Y U Y U Y U Y U ti cO f0 (0 R fC f7 f7 3 3 3 ~ 3 3 3 3 v~ cn cn ~ cn cn cn cn z W H d T Y T Y T Y T i~ T Y T + T i + T F+ W + ~ ~Y ~Y ~Y ~1~+ ~M~ ~++ ~i~+ ~ ~ > > ~ ~ > W ~ W ~ W oD O) M O) O 00 ~ 00 m 00 6) 00 00 00 W ^ ~ m ~ Q H V Q ~ N N ~ O N O N CO .- O N N O I~ O n O V~ N n O M M M ~ p (D Q O O) ~ O O O O O O N ~ O J O M M F- Z O O O O O ~ U rn m d ACTION NO. /'~ ~` ITEM NUMBER lJ "` V AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of June 30, 1998. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: BANKERS ACCEPTANCE: CRAIGIE 3,960,260.28 NATIONS 988,687.50 PAI N E-W EBBER 990,435.56 S U NTR UST 987,022.50 WACHOVIA 988,150.00 WHEAT 1ST UNION 1,974,588.61 9,889,144.45 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS: FIRST AMERICAN 100,000.00 SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA SAVINGS & LOAN 100,000.00 200,000.00 COMMERICAL PAPER: CRAIGIE 987,930.56 NATIONS 1,985,691.11 PAI N E-W EBBER 2,973,992.78 SUNTRUST 2,970,580.55 WACHOVIA 4,941,076.11 WHEAT 1ST UNION 2,973,245.00 16,832,516.11 GOVERNMENT: JC BRADFORD 2,000,000.00 NATIONS 1,001,665.75 PAINE-WEBBER 1,976,334.44 WACHOVIA 991,780.56 5,969,780.75 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL FUND 10,135,618.50 RESOURCE AUTHORITY 1,724,504.60 11,860,123.10 MONEY MARKET: CRESTAR 2,599,946.91 2,599,946.91 CASH INVESTMENTS: CENTRAL FIDELITY 2,000,000.00 COMMONWEALTH (GEN.OPER) 4,918,219.04 COMMONWEALTH (RES. AUTH.) 5,237,821.67 LB&T 2,000,000.00 14,156,040.71 TOTAL 61 507,552.03 STAFF REC MMENDATIO Alfr C. Anderson Elm- my Treasurer County Ad ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied () Harrison Received () Johnson Referred () McNama To () Minnix Nickens Referred () Johnson To O Minnix Nickens Respectf .Submitted y Approved Hodge • 1` - ministrator VOTE No Yes Abs ra ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Addition of Projects to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List for FY98/99. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ./ y Projects P-159 through P-237 were previously presented to and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The status of these projects is shown in EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS AND THEIR CURRENT STATUS. Staff is now submitting projects P-238 through P-271 for approval and inclusion to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List for FY98/99. These projects are estimated to cost $352,500.00, as shown in EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS. Funding is available for projects remaining on the approved list through P-237. For FY98/99, funding is available for projects P-238 through P-253. The remaining projects will be funded FY99/2000. During the Board work session on February 23, 1988, the Board of Supervisors approved a procedure for establishing a priority of proposed projects. The procedure for evaluating projects is based on a rating or point value for a specific situation. For example, more points are given for the potential damage to a house or structure than what would be considered only a minor nuisance. In addition to assigning a point value to a specific situation, the frequency of a problem is considered. The proposed projects submitted are prioritized according to the approved procedure during the work session. 1 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS No additional funding is being requested. Staff recommends approval of these additional drainage projects for inclusion to the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. ITTED BY: Arr~'otd Covey, Director Department of Community De lopment APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Ho ge County Administrator ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson Harrison McNamara Minnix Nickens 2 ~i EXHIBIT "A" PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS P-159 - P-237 ~1 P-159 Mary Bland (RFA 92E1009) 7920 Cedar Edge Forest Edge DESCRIPTION: Channellmprovements ESTIMATED COST: $3500 TAX MAP #95.01-3-50 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-160 John Hamilton (RFA 93E1116) 4209 Arlington Hill Dr. Arlington Hills DESCRIPTION: Replace with Concrete pipe ESTIMATED COST: $6000 TAX MAP #86.16-4-27 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-161 Randy Likens (RFA 92E1071) 906 Starmount Avenue Deer Run Estates, Section #2 DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $3000 TAX MAP #27.09-2-1 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS 1'- ~ P-162 Mrs. Legg (RFA 92E1071) COMPLETE 5647 Penguin Drive Penn Forest DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: ($4000) TAX MAP #87.13-7-2 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-163 Nancy Biggs (RFA 92E936) DELAYED 549 Water Oak Road INDEFINITELY DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: ($20,000) TAX MAP # MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-164 Danny Gilbert (RFA 93E1158) COMPLETE 1820 Dorset DESCRIPTION: INSTALL CONCRETE PIPE WITH HOMEOWNER PARTICIPATION ESTIMATED COST: $7000 TAX MAP #76.10-533.1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-165 Wayne Lineberry DELAYED 3730 Ellen Drive INDEFINITELY DESCRIPTION: INSTALL STORM SEWER WITH VDOT PARTICIPATION ESTIMATED COST: $30,000 TAX MAP #55.10-4-3 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-166 Mr. Taylor COMPLETE 2950 Penn Forest Blvd. Penn Forest DESCRIPTION: REPLACE COLLAPSED STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $18,000 TAX MAP #87.06-3-21 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-167 Mr. Peyton COMPLETE 4818 Colonial Avenue DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $3000 TAX MAP #87.05-4-9 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING :~m) P-168 Mr. Harry Goin (RFA 92E1053) COMPLETE 8167 Hunters Trail Belleview Gardens DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $1000 TAX MAP #28.01-1-10 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-169 Linda K. Winge COMPLETE 4914 North Spring Dr. DESCRIPTION: INSTALL ADDITIONAL STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $5000 TAX MAP #37.13-3-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-170 Martin Carle PROJECT REMOVED 5515 Taney Drive FROM LIST DUE TO LEGAL CONCERNS. DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $5000 TAX MAP #37.05-1-15 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA ~. i P-171 Reggie Lemons 7131 Cedar Crest Road Woodlands DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $2000 TAX MAP # MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-172 Phillip Day (RFA 93E1147) 7574 Old Mill Road DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $1200 TAX MAP #95.03-2-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-173 Clifford Fountain (RFA 92E964) 7045 Starlight Lane DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $4000 TAX MAP #97.03-1-12 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE r~'- P-174 Joseph Stowers (RFA 92E1052) 3326 Kenwick Trail Penn Forest DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $500 TAX MAP #87.06-3-35 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-175 Alice Holpp (RFA 92E86) 1309 Ashebrook Drive Hampden Hills DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP #79.01-2-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON COMPLETE DELAYED INDEFINITELY P-176 Robert M. Crigger (RFA 93E1089) COMPLETE 2933 Beldon Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP #25.01-1-26 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA ~- ~ P-177 Pacetti R. Carlos COMPLETE 5339 Endicott Street DESCRIPTION: INSTALL ADDITIONAL PIPE ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP #38.12-3-41 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-178 Chris Lawrence COMPLETE 5342 Huntridge Road DESCRIPTION: CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $1,500 TAX MAP # MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-179 Virginia Hodgson COMPLETE 3717 Kentland Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $800 TAX MAP # MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS ~- l P-180 Cathy Yotka (RFA 93E1159) COMPLETE 3930 Westmoreland Dr. Lot 9, Section 7, Mt. Vernon Heights DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP #77.13-4-35 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-181 Sam St.Clair 2850 Silver Leaf North Beverly Heights DELAYED TEMPORP~RILY DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $6,000 TAX MAP #44.03-3-55 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-182 Paul Black (RFA 94E1199) DELAYED 7549 Williamson Rd. TEMPORARILY DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP #27.11-3-9 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS ~. i P-183 Danny Rivers COMPLETE 2417 Horsepen Mountain Circle Falling Creek Estate DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 TAX MAP #50.04-3-87 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-184 Lawrence Kelly (RFA 92E974) COMPLETE 3587 Farmington Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP #76.20-3-10 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-185 Dorothy Overstreet (RFA 93E1097) COMPLETE 2725 Tanglewood Drive Penn Forest DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,500 TAX MAP #87.14-4-15 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING ~- i P-186 Lucille lartosca (RFA 93E1152) COMPLETE 1313 Deer Run Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,500 TAX MAP #61.04-2-52 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-187 Amber Spikes COMPLETE 4846 Cherokee Hills Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 TAX MAP # 54.04-4-59 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-188 Betty Saunders (RFA 94E1201) COMPLETE 1861 Terry Drive DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO AN EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 50.03-2-15 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON ~- ~ P-189 Mrs. Vickie Stinson COMPLETE 5487 West River Road DESCRIPTION: VDOT TO INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM ELIMINATING A TRAFFIC HAZARD. ROANOKE COUNTY WILL PROVIDE ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING SUPPORT. ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP # 64.03-1-34.1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-190 David Herrick 2635 Green Ridge Circle COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO AN EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $7,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-6-12 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-191 Jeff Foutz (RFA 94E1184) COMPLETE 5440 Setter Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP # 40.17-3-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS ~- P-192 Carl Sutter COMPLETE 5007 Labradore Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP #40.09-3-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-193 Elizabeth Weaver COMPLETE 4415 Wyndale Av. DESCRIPTION: INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM AND/OR ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP # 76.08-6-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-194 Joe Farmer (RFA 95E1271) COMPLETE 4749 Brookwood Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP # 76.11-3-37 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS ~- i P-195 Melinda Crosser (RFA 94E1223) COMPLETE 6172 Burnham Road DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 76.03-3-70.6 P-196 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS Barbara Doyle 5041 Craun Lane (RFA 95E1256) COMPLETE DESCRIPTION REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP # 37.10-2-8 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-197 Lucille Harmon DELAYED 3630 Brandywine Av. TEMPORARILY (engineering Is complete) DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 77.13-2-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-198 Scott Taylor UNDER 1141 Starmount Ave. CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE AND REGRADE EXISTING CHANNEL. EXPANDED TO INCLUDE FULL REACH OF CHANNEL. PREVIOUSLY APPROVED ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 P-199 ADDITIONAL COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 27.09-4-9 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS J. D. Fralin Tax Map # 38.10-7-25 DELAYED TEMPORAFZILY DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNELS BETWEEN WILLIAMSON ROAD AND FLORIST PROJECT WILL INCLUDE PRIVATE PARTICIPATION ESTIMATED COST: (TOTAL) $45,000 COUNTY 22,500 PRIVATE 22,500 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins P-200 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors COMPLETE Tax Map # 38.07-2-56 DESCRIPTION: RELOCATE EXISTING DISCHARGE CHANNEL ONTO COUNTY PROPERTY. FILL IN RAVINE BETWEEN COUNTY PROPERTY AND ADJACENT PROPERTY. FILL MATERIAL WILL BE INERT MATERIAL ONLY. ESTIMATED COST: $35,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: Hollins ~' P-201 Raymond Nero DELAYED 1689 Richland Hills Drive TEMPORARILY DESCRIPTION: INSTALL STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 35.03-1-18 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-202 Henry Trail (RFA 95E1332) ENGINEERING 3052 Parham Drive AND SURVEY UNDERWAY DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 79.01-1-92 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-203 George Igoe COMPLETE 3041 Embassy Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 36.19-1-34 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA "1' ~ P-204 Joy Kilbane DELAYED 3867 Vauxhall Road TEMPORARILY DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 76.08-3-11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-205 Bruce Young COMPLETE 3106 Galloway Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE OUTFACE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,500 TAX MAP # 76.15-3-6 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-206 Jean and Gail Holbrook COMPLETE 314 Woodmere Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 TAX MAP # 61.19-7-7 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-207 Lisa Aly COMPLETE 5237 Cave Spring Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 76.20-5-12 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS t .: q, P-208 Michael Daley (RFA 95E1335) 3055 Bradshaw Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 16.03-2-53 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-209 Anthony Wallace 5621 Legate Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL COMPLETED IN CONJUNCTION WITH P-124 COST: $6,500 TAX MAP # 36.19-1-42 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-210 Bill Francis 3356 Kenwick Trail COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL EMERGENCY REPAIRS COST: $7,500 TAX MAP # 87.06-3-41 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS ~" P-211 Peggy Stack 323 Ingal Blvd. DESCRIPTION COMPLETE CONSTRUCT STABILE CHANNEL EMERGENCY REPAIRS TO OUTFACE OF PIPE COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 54.02-2-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-212 Charles Hofer DELAYED 5932 Sunnycrest Road TEMPORARILY DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT A NEW CHANNEL FROM RIGHT OF WAY TO NATURAL WATERCOURSE ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP # 86.03-2-5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-213 Gina Barringer UNDER 3422 Lakeland Drive CONSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABLE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 76.19-2-58 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS '~'I P-214 Robert Furrow 2711 Sunnyvale DELAYED TEMPORARILY DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT NEW CHANNEL FROM RIGHT OF WAY TO NATURAL WATERCOURSE ESTIMATED COST: $4,000 TAX MAP # 79.01-3-16 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-215 Steven T. Doyle ENGINEERING 1879 Elbert Drive AND SURVEY UNDERWAY DESCRIPTION: INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 76.06-3-40 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-216 Julie E. & J. R. Bell ENGINEERING 2032 Governor Drive AND SURVEY UNDERWAY DESCRIPTION: INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $18,000 TAX MAP # 36.19-2-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA PROJECT P-217 P-218 NEE STATUS Roger Jefferson COMPLETE Darrell Brittin 4721 Starkey Road DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABLE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $16,000 TAX MAP # 87.07-4-10 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING ~'- i Greg Walter ENGINEERING 8521 Barrens Road AND SURVEY UNDERWAY DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 TAX MAP # 26.08-5-18 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-219 Doris E. and Mabel Carlson ENGINEERING 4229 Sharolyn Drive AND SURVEY UNDERWAY DESCRIPTION: REPLACE COLLAPSING CORRUGATED METAL STORM SEWER SYSTEM WITH CONCRETE ESTIMATED COST: $25,000 TAX MAP # 86.16-4-3 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING PROJECT NAME P-220 Charles R. Simpson 5326 Cave Spring Lane • /~ STATUS COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: REPAIR AND REPLACE PORTION OF EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $4,500 TAX MAP # 76.19-2-6 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-221 Craig S. Sellers 3616 Manassas Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 77.18-4-25 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-222 Terry Edwards COMPLETE 6258 Buckland Mill Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 18.17-4-26 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS PROJECT ~E P-223 Paul T. and Susan Leroy 4037 Crawford Road P-224 P-225 P-226 DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING CONCRETE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 77.19-2-54 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING Jonathan Bingham 2725 White Pelican •-~ STATUS COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $20,000 TAX MAP # 87.13-2-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING Thomas F. Engl 5227 Rosecliff Road S. W. COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP # 86.11-2-4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING William V. and Marian Johnson COMPLETE 2850 Embassy Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-5-21 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA ~~ P-227 Walt Dixon COMPLETE 2680 Willowlawn DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $1,000 TAX MAP # 77.05-5-21 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-228 Iris Stone 5161 North Lake Drive DESCRIPTION: INSTALL INLETS ALONG EXISTING SYSTEM ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 37.09-1-33 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-229 Mr. David Cushman 805 Halifax Circle DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $6,000 TAX MAP # 71.10-2-23 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON ,~-) PROJECT NAME P-230 John A. and Cynthia L. D. Marco 5069 Williamsburg Court STATUS COMPLETE DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $500 TAX MAP # 86.08-5-24 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-231 Don Neighbors 2020 Denise Circle DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT NEW CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP # 39.04-1-35 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-232 Jerry Ogden 3446 Poff Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 87.10-3-11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-233 Michael and Karen Tripp 5081 Labradore Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 40.13-3-30 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS ~- ~ PROJECT ~E STATUS P-234 Betty Saunders 1861 Terry Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 50.03-2-15 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-235 Charles Noel 5507 Lynn Dell DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 86.16-3-13 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-236 Richard Lee Lawrence 5004 Falcon Ridge Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 88.13-3-20 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-237 Patricia Lewis 7192 Bent Mountain Road DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 95.01-02-40 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS P-238 - P-271 PROJECT P-238 P-239 P-240 ~~ Bernice Doran 1290 Dennis Lane -1 STATUS DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 35.04-2-67 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA Howard Pauley 3620 Manassas Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 77.18-4-26 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING Elizabeth Underwood 143 Missimer Court DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $18,000 TAX MAP # 61.19-10-25 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-241 Gilbert Banton 2331 Coachman Drive DESCRIPTION: RECONSTRUCT CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 39.12-1-27 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS ~.°.,~ ~ ~ P-242 Dean Thompson 2730 Tulip Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE OUTFACE OF STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 61.11-1-47-5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-243 Craig and Kathy Dickerson 2817 Emissary Drive DESCRIPTION: RECONSTRUCT CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-4-22 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-244 Robert Lindsey 6744 Mallard Lake Drive DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 96.03-3-10 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING STATUS '~ i P-245 Lee Hall 3412 Poplar Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE STORM SEWER SYSTEM IN CONJUNCTION WITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS. ESTIMATED COST: $8,000 TAX MAP # 77.14-6-46 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-246 Todd Ranio 820 Harmon Road DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 38.08-5-6 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-247 Barbara Hansel 4515 Hammond Lane DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $6,000 TAX MAP # 77.17-2.20 and 21 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING y_ P-247 Paul Diagle 4566 Girard Drive DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER IN CONJUNCTION WITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 77.17-2-11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-248 Kenneth Paitsel 2639 Stanford Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $6,000 TAX MAP # 44.04-3-5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-248 R. W. Minter 2659 Standford Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 44.04-3-8 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA k ~..~~ P-249 Charles and Dianna Dietrich 5533 Halcun Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 38.07-5-17 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-250 R. D. Peters 7519 Milk-A-Way Drive DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM. COUNTY ATTORNEY TO DETERMINE OWNERSHIP OF EXISTING DRAINAGE EASEMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY. ESTIMATED COST: $1,500 - $50,000 TAX MAP # 27.10-8-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS P-251 Shirley Woodson 2837 Crown Circle DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT CHANNEL -PROJECT DEPENDS ON DONATIONS OF DOWNSTREAM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 44.03-2-30 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA ~„,... PROJECT ~E STATUS P-252 Anne Wealti 1311 Deer Run Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 61.04-2-53 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON P-253 Linda D. Stover Barker 4435 Wyndale Avenue DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM IN CONJUNCTION WITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 76.68-6-44 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-254 Francis Brookman 2719 Beaver Brook Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 44.04-4.11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-255 Dennis Guthrie 4962 Bower Road DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $4,500 TAX MAP # 76.07-3-25 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS 9' PROJECT ~E STATUS ~~ P-256 Mrs. Howard 5701 Pine Acres Lane DESCRIPTION: REMOVE SILT FROM CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP # 86.16-2-29 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-257 Virginia Johnson 5330 Chaparral Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $6,000 TAX MAP # 87.06-2-2 and 3 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-258 Norman Ronk 3317 Carner Lane DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 36.08-1-1 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-259 Janet Walker 5466 Yale Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $4,000 TAX MAP # 64.02-2-25 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA PROJECT ~E STATUS ~~ P-260 Lynn Johnson 4490 Brentwood Court DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 86.08-7-24 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-261 Tim Kennedy 5546 Ambassador Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-4-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA Richard Taylor 5554 Ambassador Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-4-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-262 Jason Beach 1446 Lori Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABILE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $18,000 TAX MAP # 79.03-2-28 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON PROJECT NAmE ~~ P-263 Michael Whiteside 6116 Steeplechase Drive DESCRIPTION: INSTALL ADEQUATE STORM SEWER DEVELOPER TO PARTICIPATE ESTIMATED COST: $10,500 TAX MAP # 86.01-2-36 and 37 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-264 Robert Agee 5361 Cave Spring Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL SLOPE ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 76.19-1-20 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-265 James E. Moneyhun 3007 Tree Top Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 87.09-2-40 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-266 Hans-Andreas and Stowasser 126 Orlando Avenue DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,000 TAX MAP # 38.11-3-56 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: HOLLINS STATUS '~ - I P-267 Ms. Romanus 4206 Kings Chase Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP #97.08-02-02 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-268 Paul Shumaker 1541 Mountain Heights DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP # 35.04-01-17 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-269 Richard Rader 3582 Colony Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 77.19-02-19 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING ~~ P-270 P-271 Ronald Callahan 5138 Springlawn Avenue DESCRIPTION: EVALUATE EXISTING STORM SEWER SYSTEM FOR POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS. COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS TO DETERMINE FEASIBILITY OF PROJECT. ESTIMATED COST TAX MAP # 86.12-01-40 ENGINEERING - $2,500 CONSTRUCTION - $25,000 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING Sara Cole and Kathryn Davis 1529 Dalmation Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABILE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP #36.03-1-30 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA ROANOKE COUNTY ,~ DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS a a U c~ .-~ .,.., a Dennis Lane Rt 111 ~~~ ld ~~ ~~~ 0 BERNICE DORAN 1299 DENNIS LN. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 35.04-2-67 P-238 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ~'~ FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~/ HOWARD PAULEY 3620 MANASSAS DR. '7'7.18-4-26 P-239 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~~I ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD 143 MISSIMER CT. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 6 1 • 1 ~ -10 - 25 P-240 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~ ~-I ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS GIL~~RT CANTON 2331 COACI~MAN DR. 39.12-1-2"7 P-241 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-242 ~~i DEAN THOMPSON 2730 TULIP LN. 61.11-1-47.5 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ii i~ ~~ i CRAIG & CATHY DICKERSON 281'7 EMISSARY DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 36.20-4-22 P-243 ROANOKE COUNTY rr~t "~" DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~$ $ r~ ~ ke gt. g34 r ~~~ ~f~ Q• Rt.l 50 ~~ ~1 ~ ~~ r ROBERT LINDSEY 6 "7 44 MALLARD LAKE D R . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 9 6.03 - 3 -1 ~ P-244 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS LEE HALL 3412 POPLAR DR. '7'7.14- 6 -46 P-245 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~_~J Old Monor Dr, Rt, ~g27 Magnolia Rd. Harman Cr, c ~ `~° Water Oak Rd. Q ~ r rt Q o ~ _rt ~ O 7 a Stokes Dr. Santee Rd• TODD RANIO 820 HARMON RD. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3 8.08 - ~J - 6 P-246 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ~-~ FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PAUL DIAGLE 4566 GIRARD DR. '7'7.1'7 - 2 -11 P-247 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~~ i 4514 HAMMOND LN. '7'7.1'7 - 2 - 2 0 8c 21 P-247 BARBARA HANSEL ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ,~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS R.W. MINTER 2659 STANFORD DR. 44.04-3-8 P-248 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-248 ~~ KENNETH PAITSEL 2639 STANFORD DR. 44.04-3-5 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS {.1 ~~ ~+- ~~ a~ c~ w ~v' Orlando Av. CHARLES & DIANNA DIETRIC 5533 HALCUN DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 38.0'7-5-1'7 P-249 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS t'"" i "7519 1VI~LK-A-~VAY D. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 2 ~ ° 1 ®- ~ - 1 P-250 ROANOKE COUNTY ~. DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS .~,e ~,a ~,.o~ ~~n .lea /.I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHIRLEY WOODSON X83'7 CROWN CR. 44.03-~-30 P-251 ROANOKE COUNTY "''~ I DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS MS. ANNE ~YAELTI 1311 DEER RUN DR. 61.04-2-53 P-252 ROANOKE COUNTY ` DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS LINDA STOVER BARKER 4435 WYNDALE AV. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 6.08-6-44 P-253 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ii ~) i Rt. 641 Emmett Lane Private Road K ~* '~ H ~~P K La~'e ~~ ~~i~ ~? i .-a x o ~ 0 w FRANCIS BROOKMAN 2'719 BEAVER BROOK RD. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 44.04-4-11 P-254 I~~'1_~ ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS l~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS i~"~ v DE1~INIS GUTI-IRIE 496 ~OVVER RD. '6.0'7-3-25 P-255 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM .~ FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~~ ~`~ ~~. ~~. e5 ~ < <:` Q ~ ~---- ~o ,~. ~ ~ ~ ~. Ot . ~o J~' ~~ ~ Gam' P~ ~ 'A~, 6'~ MRS. HOWARD 5'701 PINE ACRES LN. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 86.16 - 2 - 29 P-256 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~~_ VIRGINIA JOHNSON 3330 CHAPARRAL DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 8'06-2_2 ~ 3 P-257 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS P-258 p. i NORMAN RONK 331'7 GARNER LN. 36.08-1-1 Rt g28 `~ ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS *~ f PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JANET WALKER 5466 YALE DR. 64.02-2-25 P-259 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS t yi// 0 '~8\. i~ ~ f '':_ 0 ~. ,~ Q~ m~ ~~ ~- l PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS LYNN JOHNSON 4490 BRENTWOOD CT. ~6.0~-'7-24 P-260 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS TIM KENNEDY 5546 AMBASSADOR DR. 36.20-4-32 P-261 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM r,~ FY 98-99 PROJECTS T-) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS RICHARD TAYLOR 5554 AMBASSADOR DR. 36.20-4-31 P-261 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JASON BEACH 1446 LORI DR. '79.03-2-~8 P-262 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM i`} FY 98-99 PROJECTS T MICHAEL WHITESIDE 6116 STEEPLECHASE DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 86.1-2-36 & 3'7 P-263 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~J) ROBERT AGEE 5361 CAVE SPRING LN. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS '76.19-1-20 P-264 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~' i..- PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JAMES MONEYHUN 300'7 TREE TOP LN. 8'7.09-2-40 P-265 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS "~'-~• ~~ Ora d°.~A~. Rt ~ I HANS-ANDREAS & STOWASSER 126 ORLANDO AV. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3 8. 1 1- 3- 56 P-266 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS MS. ROMANUS 4206 KINGS'S CHASE DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 9~• ~ 8- 2- 2 P-267 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ,~' ~ 1541 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS PAUL SHUMAKER MOUNTAIN HGHTS. DR. 35.04-1-1'7 P-268 ~ebrook goad ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~~` RICHARD RADER 3582 COLONS LN. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS "7'7.19 - ~ -19 P-269 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~ ` PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS R 0 NALD CALLAHAN 5138 SPRINGLAWN AV. 86.12-1-40 P-270 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS _,,,, SARA COLE 8c I~AT~--IRYN DAMS 1529 DALMATION DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 36.03-1-30 P-271 DRAINAGE PROJECTS 1992 BOND ISSUE Bond Issue $1,000,000.00 Regional Stormwater Management Master Plan (County's share) 300,000.00 Major County Drainage Projects 497,397.00 Remaining in Bond Acccount for Remedial Projects 202,603.15 1. SIERRA DRIVE/FENWICK DRIVE COMPLETED Scope of Work: Installed an early warning device and pump assembly. County drainage crew pumps runoff to an adjacent watershed Using a portable pump and fire hose. Magisterial District: Hollins 2. GREEN VALLEY COMPLETED Scope of Work: Installed 1700 ft. of pipe and associated structures. Magisterial District: Cave Spring 3. NOTTINGHAM HILLS COMPLETED Scope of Work: Stabilize existing channel and eliminated several critical backwater areas. Magisterial District: Windsor Hills 4. MASON CREEK COMPLETED Scope of Work: Removed several large islands which contributed to localized flooding above the 311 bridge. Installed 100 ft. of gabion baskets for erosion protection. Magisterial Ditsrict: Catawba 5. WOLF CREEK COMPLETED Scope of Work: Installed concrete channel above and below Stonebridge Circle. Project resulted in greater capacity of existing channel. Magisterial District: Vinton 6. MT. VERNON HEIGHTS Scope of Work: Installed adequate storm sewer system alleviating flooding along Manassas and adjacent properties. Magisterial District: Cave Spring 7. DWIGHT HILLS Scope of Work: Install an adequate storm sewer at intersection of Dwight and Nover Avenue. Stormwater to discharge into a designed channel. Staff designed two different options. Permanent drainage easements could not be obtained from the property owners. Consequently project was not completed. Magisterial District: Hollins 8. MERRIMAN/STARKEY ROAD COMPLETED NOT COMPLETE COMPLETED Scope of Work: Reconstruct channel at critical locations adjacent to Starkey Road and Crescent Blvd. Magisterial District: Cave Spring Remedial action projects have been identified as a result of the regional master plan analysis. Projects include detention facilities, channel improvements, culvert and bridge replacements, and other means to mitigate floods or reduce damage to flood prone areas in Roanoke County. In addition, the remedial action plan identified measures to account for runoff from future development in the study area. The sixteen "high priority" watersheds are as follows: 1. Glade Creek 2. Cole Hollow Brook 3. Mason Creek 4. Tinker Creek 5. Peters Creek 6. Carvin Creek 7. Lick Run 8. Back Creek 9. Ore Branch 10. Murray Run 11. Mudlick Creek 12. Dry Branch 13. Gish Branch 14. Butt Hollow Creek 15. Barnhardt Creek 16. Wolf Creek As a result of the Regional Stormwater Management Master Plan, we are being considered for a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant. The grant consists of 75% FEMA dollars and 25% local, which can be in kind service. Due to the history of residential flooding, the Carvin Creek watershed was selected for the grant application. This watershed includes eight homes targeted, initially, for removal (Sun Valley subdivision). The master plan identified a total of 98 homes within the limits of the 100 yr. floodplain along Carvin Creek. The master plan also identified three possible detention pond sites, which are summarized below: CARO1 -approximately 2500' downstream of Plantation Road (upstream crossing) on Carvin Creek. CAR02 -upstream of Peters Creek Road on West Fork Carvin Creek. CAR03 -retrofit of the airport drop structure on West Fork Carvin Creek. Reduces all discharges by approxi- mately 20% at the Sun Valley Subdivision. Reduces all discharges by approxi- mately 15% at the Sun Valley sub- divisionand reduces all discharges by approximately 20% on West Fork Carvin Creek; VDOT issues; >25' high so requires state permit. Reduces all discharges by approxi- mately 5% at the Sun Valley sub- Divisionand by approximately 10% On West Fork Carvin Creek. CAR02 & CAR03 CAR01 & CAR03 -pond on Carvin Creek and retrofit of Airport Drop structure. CAR01, CAR02, & CAR03 Reduce all discharges by approxi- mately 20% at the Sun Valley subdivision and by 20-30% on West Fork Carvin Creek. Reduce all discharges by approxi- mately 20% at the Sun Valley sub- division -about the same as CAR01 alone. Reduce all discharges by 25-35% at the Sun Valley subdivision would remove about 50 houses from the 100-year floodplain. The upstream ponds cannot totally mitigate the flood hazard at the Sun Valley subdivision. Approximately 50 houses would remain in the 100-year floodplain though they would not be flooded as frequently (i.e. by the 2 and 5 year storms). These remaining homes would have to be purchased, relocated or floodproofed based on the flooding depths. Based upon the master plan analysis and future flooding conditions, staff's recommendation would be to utilize the remaining $202,603.15 within the Carvin Creek watershed. ~\ .. ~~/ ~ ~ \~ i ~~ ~~~~ ~ X ~.:.==. ~~~ ~ . e .., t F' 1 d / 'v V v ~ ,~: ^ II V4 xtxa•~ ~ _ ~ \ L jam/ ... ~~~ !\J ~,J ~^' //^'/X ~ X aS7 ,l J ~% i r ~ `~ N_ Eke ~i , ~., ~.. ~ ~~, ~~ ' ~~ .- -1~ ~; \ .~ ~ .~ , .~:- f .,,1 t ~ ~=~' ~ I ~o .v M x X Vii:. ~~% %~%. ~' ~1 ~_ -~~-- ,~~~ ~~~---~ 1 ,~~ ..._ ~~ ~ ,J )li ~~~~ -- ~~,~, n.. ~ i ~i, -, ,~,-,' I ROANOKE VALLEY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY COST ESTIMATE STREAM: Carvin Creek PROJECT: CARO1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Pond on Carvin Creek ~ 2500' downstream of Plantation Road ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST Land Acquisition 5 AC $10,000 $50,000 Clearing & Grubbing 1 AC $5,300.00 $5,300 Dam Fill - 20' high, 300' lon 16000 CY $10.00 $160,000 Silt Fence 2000 LF $1.00 $2,000 Riser Footing - 10'x 10'x 1' 4 CY $110.00 $440 Riser Walls - 10'x15'xl' 23 CY $300.00 $6,900 Outlet Culvert 140 LF $525.00 $73,500 Seeding 30 MSF $39.00 $1,170 Access Road - 1000' 1000 LF $33.00 $33,000 Construction(:ost ~SSZ,.S1U Engineering -design, inspection, surveys (25% of const) $83,078 Subtotal -X415,388 Contingency (20%) $83,078 Total 498,465 TOTAL APPROXIMATE COST $500,00] P~\PROJECT\RX451 \ENG\COSTEST\COSTEST. W B2 06-1 an-97 PROJECT RATING SHEET STREAM: PROJECT NUMBER: ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Carvin Creek CARD 1 $500,000 Pond on Carvin Creek - ~ 2500' downstream of Plantation Road Engineering Feasibility Range Weight Rating Number Number of Structures Relieved by Project a >20 4 10 40 . b. Project Cost >$500,000 4 1 4 c. Design Storm 10-year 2 5 6 10 12 d. Environmental Impacts Minimal 2 e. Project Funding Comm. + outside 1 7 7 f. Permittibility Difficult 1 1 1 SubTotal 74 Intangible 4 0 0 a. Public Acceptibility 0 0 b. Heath and Safety 4 0 0 c. Aesthetics 1 1 0 0 d. Convenience 1 0 0 e. Multiple Uses 0 SubTotal 74 Total 'C/~~ %~ i ~j ~~ I) x ~ ('~; `~ ~/ ~ {~ _,~ iv ..~ --N'.J 3 ~~ ~`~ ~- ~t ,~ ~~ O d v ~o A N o ~C,£ ~ , 1 ~ ~- 2.00 ~~~Hd/ 1 •~~ ' ~` .(11X.--_._~/.J_ ROANOKE VALLEY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY COST ESTIMATE STREAM: West Fork Carvin Creek PROJECT: CAR02 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Pond on West Fork Carvin Creek upstream of Peters Creek Road ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST Land Acquisition 9 AC $10,000 $90,000 Clearing & Grubbing 2 AC $5,300.00 $10,600 Dam Fill - 25' high, 300' lon 0 CY $10.00 $0 Silt Fence 500 LF $1.00 $500 Riser Footing - 15'x 15'x 1' 8.5 CY $110.00 $935 Riser Walls - 15'x25'xl' S6 CY $300.00 $16,800 Outlet Culvert 0 LF $525.00 $0 Seeding 3 MSF $39.00 $117 Access Road - 1000' 0 LF $33.00 $0 .._._ _._ ,._ n,.,.+ e11 Q QS~ l.VI1Jl1 U1.11V11 w++~+,~~~ Engineering -design, inspection, surveys (25% of const) $29,738 Subtotal -$148 Contingency (20%) $29,738 Total 178,428 TOTAL APPROXIMATE COST $180,000 P:IPROJECT\RX451 \ENG\COSTEST\COSTEST. W B2 O6-Jan-97 PROJECT RATING SHEET STREAM: PROJECT NUMBER: ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Carvin Creek CAR02 $180,000 Pond on West Fork Carvin Creek upstream of Peters Creek Road Engineering Feasibility Range Weight Rating Number Number of Structures Relieved by Project a >20 4 10 40 . b. Project Cost $100,000-$250,000 4 4 16 c. Design Storm 10-year 2 5 6 10 12 d. Environmental Impacts Minimal 2 7 e. Project Funding Comm. + outside 1 7 f. Permittibility Difficult 1 1 1 86 SubTotal Intangible 4 0 0 a. Public Acceptibility 4 0 0 b. Heath and Safety 1 0 0 c. Aesthetics 1 0 0 d. Convenience 1 0 0 e. Multiple Uses 0 SubTotal 86 Total J Q~ i ROANOKE VALLEY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT STUDY COST ESTIMATE STREAM: West Fork Carvin Creek PROJECT: CAR03 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Retrofit of Airport Drop Structure on West Fork Carvin Creek ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT COST TOTAL COST Land Acquisition 4 AC $10,000 $40,000 Clearing & Grubbing 2 AC $5,300.00 $10,600 Dam Fill - 20' high, 300' lon 860 CY $10.00 $8,600 Silt Fence 500 LF $1.00 $500 Riser Footing - 40'x38'xl' S7 CY $110.00 $6,270 Riser Walls - 40'x10'xl' 60 CY $300.00 $18,000 Outlet Culvert 85 LF $525.00 $44,625 Seeding 6.2 MSF $39.00 $242 Access Road - 1000' 100 LF $33.00 - ^--.. $3,300 Q, ~~ , ~-, ~.ons~rucuuu ws~ .ul~~,•~, Engineering -design, inspection, surveys (25% of const) $33,034 Subtotal 165,171 Contingency (20%) $33,034 Total 198,205 TOTAL APPROXIMATE COST $200,000 P:\PROJECT\RJC451\ENG\COSTEST\COSTEST. WB2 06-Jan-97 PROJECT RATING SHEET STREAM: PROJECT NUMBER: ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Carvin Creek CAR03 $200,000 Retrofit of Airport Drop Structure on West Fork Carvin Creek Engineering Feasibility Range Weight Rating Number a. Number of Structures Relieved by Project 6-20 4 ~ 28 b. Project Cost $100,000-$250,000 4 4 16 c. Design Storm 10-year 2 5 10 d. Environmental Impacts Minimal 2 6 12 e. Project Funding Comm. + outside 1 7 7 f. Permittibility Minimal 1 10 10 SubTotal 83 Intangible a. Public Acceptibility 4 0 0 b. Heath and Safety 4 0 0 c. Aesthetics 1 0 0 d. Convenience 1 0 0 e. Multiple Uses 1 0 0 SubTotal 0 Total 83 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGII~TIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMII~IISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of Ordinance to Establish Water Service Area for Cleazbrook-U. S. Route 220 Corridor and Authorize Acquisition of Easement COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: As a result of action taken by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at its April 28, 1998, meeting, the Roanoke County Utility Department extended public water and sewer service has been extended to the intersection of U.S. Route 220 and Indian Grave Road and to the Cleazbrook Fire/Rescue Station. At its Apri128`~ meeting the Board also established a sewer service area for the entire Clearbrook area sewershed, which will be served by the Indian Grave Road pump station and force main. On March 5, 1997, letter agreements, with proposed water connection fees, were transmitted by the Utility Department to property owners located along the U. S. Route 220 corridor. These letter agreements were transmitted to determine the level of interest among property owners for extension of water service into the Cleazbrook area. Ivlr. Randy Kingery, who owns property at 5437 Franklin Road (Tax Parcel Nos. 98.02-02-09, 9.1 & 10) and 5469 Franklin Road (Tax Parcel No. 98.02-02-08), has indicated a desire to have the 12-inch water line extended to serve his property. The proposed water connection fees for Mr. Kingery's properties totaled $33,060. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In lieu of paying the applicable water connection fees, Mr. Kingery, in his capacity as president of Kingery Bros. Excavating, proposes to provide labor and equipment to extend the 12-inch water line and install a 4-inch sewer force main from their present locations at Indian Grave Road. Both the water line and sewer force main would be extended approximately 2,600 feet along the west side of U. S. Route 220 to serve his property. Water pipe, sewer pressure pipe, fittings, valves, fire hydrants, paving and other appurtenant materials would be purchased and supplied by Roanoke County. ~~ As part of the Clearbrook water and sewer service expansion project, it will be necessary to acquire an easement across property owned by Indian Grave Partnership (Tax Parcel No. 98.02-02-1.1). To establish connection fees for the special water service area, it is proposed that connection fees be based on the following formula: Connection Fee = $5,155 + [$30 x length of road frontage in excess of 100'J + $1,345 Note: $1,345 equals off-site facility fee of $2,690 with a 50 percent credit. This credit would be forfeited in the event connection to the water system is not made during the construction period. The area to be served by the water line and sewer force main extension, as well as the respective water connection fees for each property, are shown on the attached site map. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that construction costs to extend the 12-inch water line and 4-inch sewer force main, under standard bid conditions, would be approximately $117,000 and $53,000, respectively. Acceptance of Mr. Kingery's proposal to install the subject water line and sewer force main, in lieu of payment of water connection fees, would allow public water and sewer service to be extended approximately 2,600 feet at a cost of $137,170. Proposed additional water connection fees for the remaining properties included in the service area total $85,195. Once these connection fees have been collected, Roanoke County would recover costs incurred for the purchase of materials to extend the 12-inch water distribution line and 4-inch sewer force main. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors authorize a transfer of $80,000 from the Public Works Participation Fund to purchase materials required to extend the 12-inch water line and fl- inch force main southward along the west side of U. S. Route 220. Staff also recommends that a special water service area be established, as shown on the attached map, and that the Board authorize staff to acquire an easement from the Indian Grave Partnership across Tax Parcel 98.02-02-1.1. SUB TTED B Gary Robe son, P.E. Utility Director ACTION Approved Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred _ to Motion by: APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abstain TAX PARCEL N0. 98.02-02-08 98.02-02-09 & 9.1 98.02-02-10 KINGERY BROS. WATER CONNECTION FEES 98.02-02-01 98.02-02-02 98.02-02-04 98.02-02-06 98.02-02-1 1 98.02-02-12 98.02-02-13 98.02-02-16 REMAINING WATER CONNECTION FEES ~ // -- `~V 1 `~~ 2 ~ O 4 ` ~~~ 6 `~ ~`~O ` 16 ` ~ ` ~ ~ ` 8 ~ PROPOSED WATE SERVICE AREA 9 CONNECTInN FFFS S 12,980.00 S 11,000.00 E s,oso.oo 533,060.00 X19,280.00 E 6,500.00 $ 7,190.00 S 6,500.00 ~ 8,045.00 # 6,500.00 ~ 12,560.00 ;18,620.00 E85,195.00 10 ` 11 ` ~ 12 CL EARBROOK AREA WATER & SEWER SERVICE EXTENSION JULY 28, 7998 ~\ 13 A-072898-9 ACTION NUMBE ITEM NUMBER S-i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Request for adoption of Drainage Maintenance Projects for FY98/99. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: During the July 28, 1998 work session early this evening, the Board of Supervisors approved the attached drainage projects for inclusion into the Drainage Maintenance Priority List for FY98/99. No additional funding is being requested. Staff recommends approval of these additional drainage projects for inclusion into the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. Sk`JB ITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~~~~ A ovey, Dir ctor Elmer C. Hodge Department of Community Dev lopment County Administrator 1 si ACTION Approved (X) Motion by:Bob L Johnson to approve Denied () staff recommendation Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x McNamara- x Minnix _ x _ Nickens _ x 2 ~i • EXHIBIT "B" PROPOSED PROJECTS P-238 - P-271 ~~ • PROJECT STATUS P-242 Dean Thompson 2730 Tulip Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE OUTFACE OF STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 61.11-1-47-5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON • P-243 Craig and Kathy Dickerson 2817 Emissary Drive DESCRIPTION: RECONSTRUCT CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-4-22 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-244 Robert Lindsey 6744 Mallard Lake Drive DESCRIPTION: REPAIR EXISTING STORM SEWER ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 96.03-3-10 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING • 's PROJECT NAfldE STATUS P-247 Paul Diagle 4566 Girard Drive DESCRIPTION: REPLACE EXISTING INADEQUATE STORM SEWER IN CONJUNCTION WITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $15,000 TAX MAP # 77.17-2-11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING P-248 Kenneth Paitsel 2639 Stanford Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $6,000 TAX MAP # 44.04-3-5 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-248 R. W. Minter 2659 Standford Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $12,000 TAX MAP # 44.04-3-8 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA • PROJECT P-252 P-253 STATUS ~`° L1A1111_E Anne Wealti 1311 Deer Run Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 61.04-2-53 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON Linda D. Stover Barker 4435 Wyndale Avenue DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM IN CONJUNCTION WITH VDOT IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 76.68-6-44 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-254 Francis Brookman 2719 Beaver Brook Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 44.04-4.11 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-255 Dennis Guthrie 4962 Bower Road DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $4,500 TAX MAP # 76.07-3-25 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS PROJECT IyA~E STATE '~' P-260 Lynn Johnson 4490 Brentwood Court DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP # 86.08-7-24 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: WINDSOR HILLS P-261 Tim Kennedy 5546 Ambassador Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-4-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA Richard Taylor 5554 Ambassador Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $10,000 TAX MAP # 36.20-4-32 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-262 Jason Beach 1446 Lori Drive DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT STABILE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $18,000 TAX MAP # 79.03-2-28 I ~ MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: VINTON PROJECT 1~lAME .~.~, STATUS ~ P-267 Ms. Romanus 4206 Kings Chase Drive DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE EXISTING CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $5,000 TAX MAP #97.08-02-02 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING i• P-268 Paul Shumaker 1541 Mountain Heights DESCRIPTION: CONSTRUCT ADEQUATE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $3,500 TAX MAP # 35.04-01-17 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CATAWBA P-269 Richard Rader 3582 Colony Lane DESCRIPTION: STABILIZE CHANNEL ESTIMATED COST: $2,000 TAX MAP # 77.19-02-19 MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT: CAVE SPRING • r~ u • ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~~i j ELIZABETH UNDERWOOD 143 MISSIMER CT. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 61 • 19 -10 - 25 P-240 • ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~~. DEAN THOMPSON 2'730 TULIP LN. 61.11-1-4'7.5 P-242 ROANOKE COUNTY ""~ DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS 6'7 44 MALLARD LAKE D R . PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 9 ~ • ~ 3 - 3 - l O P-244 RQBERT LINDSEY Q fi Q .~ o' a rt PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Harmon Cr. c N (D r Q m TODD RANIO 820 HARMON RD. 38.08-5-6 P-246 ROANOKE COUNTY -~»~ DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS Old Monor Dr. Rt, 1927 Stokes Or. • • ROANOKE COUNTY f DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ~ ! FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS BARBARA HANSEL 4514 HAMMOND LN. '7'7.1'7-2-2Q & 21 P-247 •i ~ ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS KENNETH ?I PAiTSEL 2639 STANFORD DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4'4.04-3-5 P-248 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~_~ a '7519 1VIIL~-A-~VA~ D~. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~ ~ ° 1 ®- ~ - 1 P-250 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS °{ 1 MS. ANNE WAELTI 1311 DEER RUN DR. 61.04-2-53 P-252 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ~- FY 98-99 PROJECTS Rt. 641 Emmett Lane Private Road H C~±'1 Y *'S• • v FRANCIS BROOKMAN 2'719 BEAVER BROOK RD. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 44.04-4-11 P-254 Lane ,~,~xburY ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~~ i MRS. HOWARD 5'701 PINE ACRES 88.16-2-29 LN . P-256 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~~I 4 NORMAN RONI~ 331' GARNER LN. 36.08-1-1 P-258 Rt- g2$ \\ ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM -~- FY 98-99 PROJECTS _, ~_ ; ;: , ~_ 0 ~, ~~ ~~~ t yi// Or ~ 8 ~~ x.; ~- ~' PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS LYNN J®I-~NS~N 44~® ~~~~7'~®0~ CT. 86.08-"7-24 P-260 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS RICHARD TAYLOR 5554 AMBASSADOR DR. 36.20-4-31 P-261 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ,^j 1 FY 98-99 PROJECTS 'T~ ~ MICHAEL WHITESIDE 6116 STEEPLECHASE DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS $ 6. 1_ 2- 3 6 8C 3 "7 P-263 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS JAMES MONEYHUN 300'7 TREE TOP LN. 8'7.09-2-40 P-265 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS MS. ROMANUS 4200 KINGS'S CHASE DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 9~'Q$_2_2 P-267 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS RICHARD RADER 3582 COLONY LN. 7'7.19-2-19 P-269 ROANOKE COUNTY DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM FY 98-99 PROJECTS '~.,~, SARA COLE 8c I~ATI-IRYN DAVIS 159 DALMATION DR. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 3.03- 1 -3® P-271 K. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 RESOLUTION 072898-8 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE 072898-10 AUTHORIZING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN EXISTING 20-FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT RECORDED ON PLAT FOR BOTETOURT SOUTH, SECTION 5, PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 91, AND LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 2, SECTION 1, ORCHARD PARK, PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 29, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled `Plat Showing "THE ORCHARDS" Section No. 5 "BOTETOURT SOUTH",' dated May 19, 1995, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, page 91, a 20-foot (20') drainage easement was shown and created across the remaining property of F & W Community Development Corporation; and, WHEREAS, a portion of said remaining property, over which the drainage easement is shown, has been subdivided and is designated as Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, as shown on plat entitled `Plat Showing Section No. 1 "ORCHARD PARK",' dated September 3, 1996, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 29, and further designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 40.05-5-1, Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, F & W Community Development Corporation is the current owner of Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park; and WHEREAS, the drainage plan for Orchard Park Subdivision has been altered from its original design and drainage facilities are no longer required in this location; and WHEREAS, §15.2-2272.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, requires that such action be accomplished by the adoption of an ordinance by the governing body; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by §15.2-2204 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and first reading of this ordinance was held on July 14, 1998; and the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on July 28, 1998. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a portion of a 20' drainage easement across property owned by F & W Community Development Corporation, shown cross-hatched and designated as "PORTION OF EXIST. 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" upon a plat entitled `Request to Vacate 20 Foot Drainage Easement Recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 91, Botetourt South-Section 5' and prepared by the Roanoke County Department of Community Development, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, be, and hereby is, vacated; and, 2. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this vacation and acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with Section 15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: 2 AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney fT-~ ~~ NOP TH \\ +c 's_ \ ra \\ c ~xrSrrNG 2a' ~ \ WATEtd ZrNE EASEME ~, P.13, t9 Per. 29 ~ ~ \ -n \ A C~ v ~\ Z \\I ~ \ I 0 '~ ~NORO ° A ~ g 94'5! OB & 8 G 5 36'?4'49"c' 24 BB' REQUEST TO VACATE 20 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT Recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 91 Botetourt South - Section 5 Located on Lot 1, Block 2 (Tax Parcel: 40.05-5-1) In Orchard Park -Section 1 Recorded in Plat Book 19, Page 29 I\\ ~ ,1 I t cor z pRGNA~~ Pq.R,~ .. CRIYI' ~A2/ES> ~~~~~ ~~ I N? t ~ v-wN~ ~ ~~~! I ~ ~~~ i~~ ~I y~9 I ~ ~~, ?~ R~~ ~ , ~~..~ ~ o ~~ REQUEST TO VACATE 20 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT Recorded in Piat Book 18, Page 91 Botetourt South - Section 5 ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT \`\\,`~ ~ ~m L V \~~ 7AX~40.05-5-~ Lor t 1 f A r!E SINE ONLY t 54S'~4' 36"E ~ I 79, 47' ~ ~ 30' M, B.C. ~ - - -, ` SEXIST 15'P,u,e F & W GOMMUNlTY DE~I~GOPMENT CORPORATION ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 28, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Request to vacate a 20-foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, Plat Book 18, Page 91, and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Plat Book 19, Page 29, (Tax Map #40.05-5-1) and located in Hollins Magisterial District (as shown on attached map). COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~o The petitioner, Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corporation, the developer of Orchard Park, Section 1, request that the Board of Supervisors vacate the 20-foot drainage easement. Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corporation is the owner of Lot 1, Section 1, Orchard Park, Plat Book 19, Page 29, located in the Hollins Magisterial District. They are requesting that the Board of Supervisors vacate a 20-foot drainage easement no longer needed. The drainage plan for Orchard Park Subdivision has been altered from its original design and drainage facilities are no longer required. This vacation also allows the owners flexibility in the location of their new residence to be constructed on Lot 1. County staff received no objections to the vacation from the applicable county departments. Therefore, Roanoke County is requesting that this described drainage easement be vacated in accordance with Chapter 22, Title 15.2-2272(2), Code of Virginia 1950, as amended. Y T- ~ First reading of the proposed Ordinance was held on July 14, 1998. A Public Hearing and second reading is scheduled for July 28, 1998. County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed Ordinance to vacate the referenced drainage easement and instruct the County Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance. ITTED BY: ~ '~-_ ~ Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: pc: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens 2 rY n~e~gawgn ~,v .\ . / . nra ( '~ •.. ,l` s, \ ,' a ~ \ ~ \ \. ~ ~ ~ ~ OWOf \~` \ .1200 ~.. o ~ EN UNTRI E ~ BON CH p\ N l ~ `' \ \ T~ i J •~~a o~ ,...:- ~ ;~\ _.....'' ~ ~ --emu .,~ ~. VICINITY ~VIAT'- ~:~~~. ~;Q-a - - -- ~7-~ NORTH \ +C F & W GOMMUNlTY QEVE~OPMENT x ~ \ 'CORPORATION p,>3. q62 P4.651(RoKE. Co) 's. ~\ ExrSrING Z0' ~ ~ ~ i r-,y WATEfL (,1NE EASEMe ~ '- R ~. f9 Pit. 24 ~~ \ i 2 ~N' ~ , s \ ~ eel O v \ v,~~~ N \\ w v~='~ i99- Z I oec~~ f .~\\~°o-~ I ~ ~~ ~.~ . ~~ ~ ,~ 3s t I, ~~~~ . ~~ ~~~P~~~~~fA I ,' . , ~\~, ~JQ o 5~ JP ~ `. ~ ~ car 2 ~~ t TAx~~} ~ A LOr t ~NORO ~ A ~ 6~~'Sl'08"& ~ f A TIE ~1NE ONLY 8 G 5 3d'24'49"B ` ~ 54$'~ 4736 ~ 24.88' 1 REQUEST TO VACATE ~ 1 20 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT I ~ ~~ ~~~~ \ _ Recorded in ~~X I St l5' P, u. E Plat Book 18, Page 91 1 (P, s. 14 PG. 34) 1 " Botetourt South - Section 5 Located on Lot 1, Block 2 (Tax Parcel: 40.05-5-1} In Orchard Park -Section 1 Recorded in Plat Book 19, Page 29 QRGHAR~ Pq~~,r~ ~~ (R/w ~Aaies) ~~ll/E REQUEST TO VACATE ROANOKE COUNTY 20 FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEPARTMENT OF Recorded in COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plat Book 18, Page 91 ~ Botetourt South - Section 5 J i r- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN EXISTING 20-FOOT DRAINAGE EASEMENT RECORDED ON PLAT FOR BOTETOURT SOUTH, SECTION 5, PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 91, AND LOCATED ON LOT 1, BLOCK 2, SECTION 1, ORCHARD PARK, PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 29, HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled `Plat Showing "THE ORCHARDS" Section No. 5 "BOTETOURT SOUTH",' dated May 19, 1995, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, page 91, a 20-foot (20') drainage easement was shown and created across the remaining property of F & W Community Development Corporation; and, WHEREAS, a portion of said remaining property, over which the drainage easement is shown, has been subdivided and is designated as Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, as shown on plat entitled `Plat Showing Section No. 1 "ORCHARD PARK",' dated September 3, 1996, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 29, and further designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 40.05-5-1, Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, F & W Community Development Corporation is the current owner of Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park; and WHEREAS, the drainage plan for Orchard Park Subdivision has been altered from its original design and drainage facilities are no longer required in this location; and WHEREAS, § 15.2-2272.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, requires that such action be accomplished by the adoption of an ordinance by the governing body; and, r T-/ WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by § 15.2-2204 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and first reading of this ordinance was held on July 14, 1998; and the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on July 28, 1998. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a portion of a 20' drainage easement across property owned by F & W Community Development Corporation, shown cross-hatched and designated as "PORTION OF EXIST. 20' DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" upon a plat entitled `Request to Vacate 20 Foot Drainage Easement Recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 91, Botetourt South-Section 5' and prepared by the Roanoke County Department of Community Development, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, be, and hereby is, vacated; and, 2. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this vacation and acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with Section 15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). g:attorney\wgr~agenda\drainagebrchard.ord 2 T~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE 072898-11 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A .709-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON ROUTE 460 BETWEEN TRAIL DRIVE AND WEST RURITAN ROAD (PORTION OF TAX MAP NOS. 50.05-1-19 AND 50.05-1-20) IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-2 WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF CICERO HALL, JR. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 23, 1998, and the second reading and public hearing were held July 28, 1998; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 7, 1998; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing .709 acre, as described herein, and located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, (Portion of Tax Map Numbers 50.05-1-19 and 50.05-1-20) in the Hollins Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of C-1, Office District, to the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Cicero Hall, Jr. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: 1 1) Use of the property will be limited to: a) Personal Services b) All uses permitted in the C1 zoning district. 2) The proposed parking area shown on the preliminary layout will be developed, and cross easements will be established, to allow the future connection of the parking area to the adjacent site designated "New Parcel C-1" on the Preliminary Subdivision Plat prepared for ACW Management Corporation, dated June 16, 1998. 3) The architecture, design and materials of the proposed building will substantially conform to the photograph entitled "Exhibit A" submitted for review to the Roanoke County Planning Commission on July 7, 1998. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner #1, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Trail Drive, said point also being the easterly property line of property of Robert A. and Patricia C. Hope; thence leaving Trail Drive and with Hope, N 75 deg. 08' 25" W 135.65 feet to Corner #2, said point being the southwesterly corner of remaining property of Cicero H. Hall, Jr. and Doris B. Hall; thence leaving Hope and with Hall, N 28 deg. 03' 25" W 30.91 feet to Corner #3, said point being the northwesterly corner of New Parcel C-1; thence leaving remaining property of Hall and with the southerly boundary of New Parcel C-1, N 50 deg. 26' 25" E 278.51 feet to Corner #4, said point being the southeasterly corner of New Parcel C-1, said point also located on the northerly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460; thence leaving Parcel C-1 and with the northerly right-of-way of Route 460 for the following 3 courses; thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 0 deg. 25' 22", a radius of 2,704.79 feet, an arc of 19.95 feet, a chord of 19.95 feet and bearing S 37 deg. 58' 01" E to Corner #5; thence S 70 deg. 35" W 10.68 feet to Corner #6; thence S 40 deg. 26' 25" E 72.18 feet to Corner #7; thence with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 87 deg. 52' 00", a radius of 30.00, an arc of 46.01, a chord of 41.63 and being S 03 deg. 29' 35" W to Corner #8, said point located on northerly right-of-way of Trail Drive; thence leaving U. S. Route 460 and with Trail Drive for the following 2 courses; S 47 deg. 35' 35" W 119.74 feet to Corner #9; thence with a curve to the left, which curve is defined by a delta angle of 29 deg. 20' 00", a radius of 100.00, an arc of 51.20, a chord of 50.64 and bearing S 32 deg. 45' 35" W to Corner #1, the place of Beginning and containing 30,870 square feet (.709 acre). 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terry Harrington, County Planner John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 II • ~ p„~ m ~ ~ ~ Ua ~ O ~ Q, z Q '"~ U a z z z~I ^ C~..~ ~ ~ ~ W d C"1 Q1 p 'Zi > ~ Q V] C5 > ~, ~ Q' i o W ~ E vos =o WoQ~oQ°~a• ~ ~- '• H O O W ~.J U Q~' tom!] O J ~ u' ~ Q,' W OCD z ``'~ a ~~~~~ o Flo o~, z OpaX ~ z II W~nx 0 \ o ~n z ¢ ~ Z \. ~ °Q~o ~ ~ ~ ..aW `` ~>-a N , ~ di ' J ST Q ~5~~ ~._ m (!) ~ ~_ O p ! ~ a3 I r ~~l ~ ~ ' ~ V N ~ cs ~~O ~ Wes" I °-~~ 3~~~ ~_~ ZU°~ ° 4 ~ '~ x W 3 a U ~ - ~ \ ~ N ~ `'•' _ Z ~` fh c~v 3.5Z.9Z.O~N • . _ ~ I r ,1~'9LZ 't~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ 1- o ~ 00cn"~ = f c.i r. W N O Q 1 ~ ~ u~ ~Qo d ~ O O ~ ~ ~ X aQ F- ~ W fTl O ~ w `` ~ ~ LV g ~- - WW¢o ~ r '~` ~ ~ \~~y ~j O ~ n Q a ~,~L' 611 ~ • aQ ~~ V a-l.i o~l~ ~- O I I ~ ~ O ~ W ~ ~ W oW~o d Q X N ~ ~ / I ~~~ 01 O j r r. `~ ~ }. a I I E- a r 0 W a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O O N tl j .- [~ ~ I ~ ,~ ~ W , ~~~/ [-~ / ~ N U '~ o ~O~ I N ~O U ~ _ ~I ~ C ~ WY •- ~mO~Z 3 ~ mX O N ` 1~ ~ F t~ Q O ~ ~ O ti ~ N / NO O O ! ti. U N OYZ ' (/ O ~ ~a Hp~U I N a ~~~ I U Q p W~~ ~ W m Q~ ~ ~O ~QO~o Q. aZ x N d. l.~ pO x N 07 ~ L~. ~ .~ PETITIONER: CICERO HALL, JR. CASE NUMBER: 22-7198 Planning Commission Hearing Date: July 7, 1998 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 28, 1998 A. REQUEST Petition of Cicero Hall Jr. to rezone .709 acres from C-1 to C-2 to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Four citizens from the Trail Drive neighborhood spoke to the Commission expressing opposition to the rezoning. Specific concerns cited were (1) the modification of the request to delete the speculative retail space was a delaying tactic to get C-2 zoning on the site; concern for domino effect of more intensive C-2 uses; (2) there in no community need for a dry cleaners; (3) character and intensity of subsequent uses if dry cleaners closes; (4) 56% of neighborhood residents are retired; incompatible with the neighborhood; (5) traffic problems with site, specifically lack of adequate deceleration lane for west bound traffic turning onto Trail Drive; (6) heavy Route 460 traffic during peak hours; (7) existing C-1 zoning is perfect for the site, allows transition between neighborhood and Route 460; (8) approval of the use will constitute spot zoning; (9) the proposed use will be within sixty feet of the first house on Trail Drive; (10) traffic on Trail Drive is already heavy due to people avoiding peak hour early morning backups on West Ruritan; (11) children in neighborhood. One citizen spoke in support of the proposal expressing the opinion that you cannot stop progress. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Todd Ross requested clarification on C-2/R-1 buffer requirements. Mr. Harrington responded that a minimum 25 foot buffer would be installed between the proposed use and the first home on Trail Drive. Evergreen trees and a six foot high stockade fence would be installed within the buffer. Mr. Ross asked the petitioner/owner if he would be willing to proffer the architecture and building materials shown on the photo submitted to the Commission. Mr. Edwards, representing the dry cleaners said he was agreeable to that type of proffer and was also agreeable to proffering that a cross easement would be established to allow the future connection of the parking area to the adjoining C-1 site. Mr. Thomason asked if there would be any outside storage. Mr. Edwards said there would not be any goods or materials stored outside. ~~ D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1) Use of the property will be limited to: a) Personal Services b) All uses permitted in the C1 zoning district 2) The proposed parking area shown on the preliminary layout will be developed, and cross easements will be established, to allow the future connection of the parking area to the adjacent site designated "New Parcel C-1" on the Preliminary Subdivision Plat prepared for ACW Management Corporation, dated June 16, 1998. 3) The architecture, design and materials of the proposed building will substantially conform to the photograph entitled "Exhibit A" submitted for review to the Roanoke County Planning Commission on July 7, 1998. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross moved approval of the request with the acceptance of the proffered conditions. He commented that the proposed uses are no more intensive than uses that are otherwise allowed in C-1 districts. Some uses such as banks with ATM's could also have more traffic at much later hours that the dry cleaners. Mr. Robinson concurred that many C-1 uses could be more intensive. Ms. Hooker commented that it was unrealistic that the parcel would remain undeveloped or would be developed residentially. She believes that the dry cleaners is an appropriate transitional use separating the R-1 single family neighborhood from the intensity of Route 460. The motion to approve carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Ross, Hooker, Thomason, Robinson NAYS: None ABSENT: Witt F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other ~- errance Harrington, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission County of Roanoke ~" Department of Planning and Zoning Memorandum To: Planning Commission From: David Holladay Date: July 2, 1998 Re: Modified request for Cicero Hall property On June 2, 1998, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended denial of the request to rezone 2.03 acres from C1 to C2 in order to construct a dry cleaners and retail sales. The applicant has modified the request, and has asked the Planning Commission to reconsider the new proposal on July 7, 1998. We have scheduled a new public hearing for this date and have notified adjacent property owners and persons who spoke at the original hearing of this new request. The modified request is to rezone .71 acres from Cl Office District, to C2, General Commercial District, to construct a dry cleaners (personal services). The area proposed for rezoning is the western portion of the property, with a proposed entrance from Trail Drive. The speculative retail building has been omitted from the rezoning proposal. The zoning of that portion of the property would remain C-l . Most of the issues and analysis from the June 2 staff report for case #18-6/98 still apply to this modified request. For reference, a copy of the previous staff report is attached. The applicant has proffered the following conditions for this modified request: I, Cicero H. Hall, Jr., hereby proffer the following condition of the property shown as Parcel B-1, .709 acres on the Preliminary Layout for A Cleaner World, prepared by Lumsden Associates, dated June 11, 1998: 1) Use of the property will be limited to: a) Personal5ervices b) All uses permitted in the C 1 zoning district • The Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Neighborhood Conservation. Since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 1985, the adjoining neighborhood has remained stable. Roanoke County rezoned these Route 460 frontage parcels to C-1 in 1992 recognizing that single family homes may not be a desirable future land use along Route 460. Land uses currently permitted on the property are more consistent with the Transition designation of the Comprehensive Plan. The Transition designation identifies areas along highway frontages which serve as a buffer between high intensity development and low intensity development. The applicant has proffered to use the property only for personal services, and C1 permitted uses. The current conditional request is for a low intensity C2 use, which would serve as a transition between the high intensity commercial corridor and the adjoining neighborhood. Typically hours of operation for dry cleaners and traffic patterns are similar for other types of office uses. The zoning ordinance will require screening and buffering between the proposed dry cleaners and the adjacent residential use. The submitted concept plan shows a 25-35 foot proposed buffer. Vegetation and/or a fence will be required within the buffer. The unknown variables from the previous request have been largely omitted. Information on the proposed building /architectural design has not been submitted or proffered, nor has information been proffered on the type, location or quality of landscaping proposed. In evaluating this request on July 7, the Commission may want to consider the necessity of proffers in these areas. • • • PETITIONER: Cicero Hall, Jr. CASE NUMBER: 18-b/98 PART I • A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is a conditional request to rezone 2.03 acres from Cl, Office District to C2, General Commercial District. The purpose of the request is to construct two buildings, one for a dry cleaning service (personal services) and one for retail sales. The site lies within the Neighborhood Conservation future land use designation of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The proposal does not conform with the policies and guidelines of the Neighborhood Conservation land use designation. B. DESCRIPTION Cicero Hall, Jr. petitions to rezone 2.03 acres from C1 Office District to C2 General Commercial District, with conditions, to allow construction of a dry cleaning service (personal services) and a retail sales building. The property is located in the 3800 block of U.S. 460, Challenger Avenue, in the Hollins Magisterial District. The property has frontage on Challenger Avenue, Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Personal Services and Retail Sales are allowed by right in the C2 zoning district. Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) entrance permit is required for new commercial entrances. Site development review by County staff and VDOT is required. ,»~+' ~' .~ STAFF REPORT ~ Q PREPARED BY: David Hollada DATE: 6/2/98 PART II A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Backsround - In 1989, PMI, Inc. petitioned to amend the future land use map designation of this property from Neighborhood Conservation to Transition, and to rezone the property from RE, Residential Estates to B3, Business, to construct a convenience store with gas station and car wash. The proposal was strongly opposed by the neighbors, and PMI withdrew the petition prior to the Planning Commission public hearing. During the 1992 comprehensive rezoning of Roanoke County, the zoning district of the property was changed from RE, Residential Estates to Cl, Office District. Written comments specific to D . this property were received from Roanoke County Department of Economic Development suggesting the zoning change to C1, and from Mr. Hall, the owner, suggesting the zoning change to C2. `~ During the citizen participation process for the update of the Comprehensive Plan, participants from the Bonsack Community Planning Area suggested that the north side of U.S. 460, Challenger Avenue remain as residential, while the south side be developed as commercial, with the highway serving as a buffer. They also acknowledged the need to allow economic development in the U.S. 460 corridor, and the need for cooperation between Roanoke County, Botetourt County, and Roanoke City in regards to future development of the U.S. 460 corridor. Tot~o_~ra_phy/Ve~etation -The site slopes gradually up from U.S. 460 to the northwest. The slope increases slightly on the northern portion of the property. Vegetation consists of a grass lawn and field, with numerous mature trees surrounding a single family residence and accessory buildings. Surrounding Neighborhood -Frontage property on U.S. 460, across Trail Drive, is zoned Cl and contains a vacant residential house. Adjoining properties to the west are zoned R1, and contain single family homes. Frontage property on U.S. 460, across West Ruritan Road is zoned R1, and contains a single family home. Two properties across U.S. 460 are zoned Rl and contain single family homes. Properties across U.S. 460, at the intersection of Trail Drive, are zoned C2 and contain the Bank of Botetotu~t and the Fast Break Food Mart. B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Proffered Conditions -The petitioner has proffered the following conditions: Commercial uses as listed below shall not be allowed on the property: a. Automobile dealership, new b. Automobile repair services, minor c. Gasoline Station d. Kennel, commercial 2. Industrial uses as listed below shall not be allowed on the property: a. Recycling centers and stations 3. Miscellaneous uses as listed below shall not be allowed on the property: a. Amateur radio tower b. Broadcasting tower c. Parking facility Site Layout/Architecture - As mentioned above, two buildings are proposed. The proposed dry cleaning service is a 3,264 square foot building, located on the southwestern side of the site. The 11,250 square foot retail sales building would be located 30 feet to the northeast of the dry cleaners. Buffer yards and screening are required between the proposed commercial uses and adjoining residential land uses. A "Type D" screening and buffer yard would be required for this development. . - ~ p v . The concept plan depicts a typical maximum use of the property for buildings, parking lots, buffer yards, and a stormwater detention pond. It appears that most of the site would be graded ~~. for the proposed improvements. While this represents a significant change from the existing conditions, development of the site for use(s) allowed by the current C1 zoning district could very likely result in a similar development design. At the time of this report, no architectural plans have been submitted. Access/Traffic Circulation - As indicated on the concept plan, the two proposed structures would share a combined parking lot, access driveways, and interior traffic circulation. A total of 72 parking spaces are proposed. This exceeds the zoning ordinance requirements of 68 spaces based on the proposed square footage of the personal services and retail sales. Entrances are proposed from Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road. No entrance is proposed from U.S. 460. Roanoke County engineering staff have recommended that the proposed entrance from West Ruritan Road be located as far as possible from U.S. 460. 1996 VDOT traffic count on U.S. 460 was 29,000 vehicles per day. Fire & Rescue/Utilities -Fire and rescue service would continue as currently provided. Public water is available from a 12 inch line located along the front of the property. Sanitary sewer is available at the intersection of Trail Drive and U.S. 460. Communit~Meetin,g_.- At the time of this report, the petitioners have scheduled a community meeting to beheld at Villa Heights Baptist Church, at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28. The results of this meeting will be discussed at the June 2 Planning Commission public hearing. C. CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The site lies within the Neighborhood Conservation future land use designation of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The Neighborhood Conservation designation delineates residential neighborhoods and existing development patterns that are to be conserved. The proposal does not conform with the policies and guidelines of the Neighborhood Conservation Land use designation. D. CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The site appears to have ample space to allow the proposed development. Typical parking standards, landscape areas, and buffer yard areas are depicted on the concept plan. As mentioned above, the property is currently zoned Cl. Development of the property for uses allowed in the Cl district could very likely result in a similar development design. • • PART III A. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The proposal does not conform with the policies and guidelines of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The 1985 Comprehensive Plan designates the area as Neighborhood Conservation. While much has changed along the U.S. 460 comdor since adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the adjoining neighborhoods to the northwest have remained stable. r~ During the citizen participation process for the update of the Comprehensive Plan, participants from the Bonsack Community Planning Area suggested that the north side of U.S. 460, Challenger Avenue remain as residential, while the south side be developed as commercial, with the highway serving as a buffer. They also acknowledged the need to allow economic development in the U.S. 460 comdor, and the need for cooperation between Roanoke County, Botetourt County, and Roanoke City in regards to future development of the U.S. 460 comdor. A 1989 rezoning request, to allow construction of a gas station/convenience store, generated significant neighborhood interest and concern over development of this site. The neighbors were concerned not so much with whether the site would be developed for commercial use, but the intensity of the land use with respect to hours of operation, noise, lighting, etc. The petitioner has proffered to exclude some C2 permitted uses, specifically gas stations, from the development. While these proffers limit the intensity of development, a significant amount of C2 uses would still be permitted, if the property were rezoned. Considering the existing development patterns, traffic, and future growth along the U.S. 460 corridor, encouraging single family homes on the frontage properties may not be practical. The petitioner's site is currently zoned C1. The land uses permitted in the C1 district are more consistent with the Transition future land use designation of the Comprehensive Plan than with the Neighborhood Conservation designation. The Transition designation identifies areas along highway frontage which serve as a buffer between high intensity development and low intensity development. In order for the petitioner's frontage property to serve as a buffer, or transition between U.S. 460 and the adjacent neighborhoods, the zoning district should remain C1. C~~ ~~ • ,,. '` w ~~ ~--i n r 7 .N N •r 0 U C •r r .i '~" ~ N •r 0 ~---~ m H X W .. ~ Cicero 3-faCC, ,fir. 3814 Challenger .~lve. ', ~ R.oano~e, 'V~ 24012 June 12, 1998 Terrance L. Harrington Director of Planning County of Roanoke Dept. of Planning and Zoning PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 RE: Petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. to rezone 2.03 Acres from C-1 to C-2, Located on Rt. 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Rd. Dear Mr. Harrington: I would like to request that the above referenced rezoning petition be sent back to the Planning Commission. There has been a significant change in the petition to rezone. The new zoning request will be to rezone approximately 30,000 square feet on the western most end of the 2.03 acre site to C-2. The balance of the parcel would remain C-l. The C-2 designation is needed m order to construct a Dry Cleaning business. My desire is to amend my previous application to rezoning only a portion of the property. If there are any other questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you, _ - _ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ J Cicero Hall Jr. Cicero ~-CaCC, ,Jr. 3814 C~iallenger Roanoke, `V.~ 24oi2 June 30, 1998 Terrance L. Harrington Director of Planning County of Roanoke Dept. of Planning and Zoning PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 341596 T ~~ ~ flaP~u ty ~ ti ~ Com t ~,o ~, peVeloPmen ~ ~~ ,_ ~ ~~ RE.• Petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. to rezone certain property located on Rt.460 East at Trail Dr. Dear Mr. Harrington: I Cicero Hall, Jr. hereby proffer the following conditions for the property shown as parcel B-1, .709 acres on the preliminary layout for a Cleaner World, prepared by Lumsden Associates dated June 11, 1998; 1. Use of the property will be limited to: A. Personal Services B. All uses permitted in the C-1 zoning District proposed 2. The p~~~dtc parking area shown on the preliminary layout will be developed, and cross easements will be established, to allow the future connection of the parking area to the adjacent site designated "New Parcel C-1" on the Preliminary Subdivision Plat prepared for ACW Management Corporation, dated June 16, 1998. 3. The architecture, design and materials of the proposed building will substantially conform to the photograph entitled "Exhibit A" submitted for review to the Roanoke County Planning Commission on July 7, 1998. If there are any other questions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you, 4,. Cicero H. Hall, Jr. P: WG'11WDP~DP&Harr2l.doc 07/13!98 • ~J COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPT. OF PLANNING AND ZONING 5204 Bernard Dr.•., P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 t 540' 772-zosa Fa.x t54o ~ 772-21 08 For staff use only - date geceivsd:'~ re-s.Fiy~ed by: a plication fee: PC'eZ~ date: cYi, ~~ / ~~~~ placards issued: Bn` te: '~% ~,3 Case Numher: ~ ./~ Location of propery: Tax Map Number: 50 .05-1-19 & 50.05-1-20 On Route 460 between Trail Dr. t~~iagisterial District:. Hollins and-West Ruritan Road Community Planning Area: Sonsack Size of rc sl: Existing Zoning: C-1 ' ,~~~ acres Existing Land Use: 50.05_1-19 Residential ~~ sq.ft. 50.05 1-20 Vacant Proposed Zoning: C-2 Proposed Land Use: Personal services ~~ .fit.::: i :;,t . r~-r to:. •Variance of.Section(s) •. ~''.'o.f~'the..Roano.k.•e.~C.o.u'nty.Zoning• Ordinanc_ In c ~_ ~I for Staff Usa Oniy Use Type: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES x NO lF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for t:~~e requested Use Type? YES x NO IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. . !f rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES x NO Is the application complete? Please check if encicsed. APPLICATION WILL NOT SE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ors v fvs v ws v Consultation x 8 1l2" x 1 1' concept plan x Application fee ~.~ x Application x:":.~ Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicaole x ``~~~ Water and Bawer a lication Adjoining property owners Justification pp l hereby certify that l am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acrrng with the knowledge and consen~t/of the own~er~. Owner's Signature: ~ ~`-"~.-~~ ,'J c.~ ra Item I The request for rezoning is being made to allow construction of two (2) buildings; one to be used for a dry cleaning business and one for retail sales as allowed by C-2, General . Commercial District Zoning. Development of the site is intended to serve the needs of the surrounding area. The tenants for the retail sales use are unknown at this time. The site is adjacent to U.S. Route 460 which is a major thoroughfare. -" r' Item II The site is designated for neighborhood conservation by the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan; however, under the 1992 Roanoke County rezoning, the site was zoned C-1. Site development regulations are designed to ensure compatibility with adjoining land uses. Item III As stated, the request for rezoning is being made to allow operation of a dry cleaning business and a retail sales area. The dry cleaning business plans to operate from 7 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Saturday. The retail sales area would normally operate from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Monday through Saturday. Traffic accessing the site would be expected to be spread throughout the day. The proposed use of the site would not require intense lighting. Only lighting that is necessary for safe pedestrian and vehicle travel would be installed. Buffer areas as required by the zoning ordinance will provide protection for adjacent properties against lighting or noise carryover. The rezoning of the property should not place additional demands on water or sewer systems. The rezoning also should not impact f re and rescue resources, park facilities nor schools. It is expected that earthwork on the site can be designed to balance, thereby eliminating the need to transport excess material offsite. A Cleaner World is a cleaning business that strives to provide top quality service to its customers.. Employees accept cleaning items at the customer's automobile and deliver cleaned garments back to the customer's automobile. The business realizes that top quality service will keep customers returning for business. The business hopes to be able to rent the retail space to other compatible service or sales businesses. • ~ a, U ~ O Q, x < az . Q J ~ 'Qi ° ~ Z a .. ~ ~~ ~ °~ ~ ~ W ~ d Z o _ CD E~ z > ~ ~Q ~ - o w ~ F Uo5 °' ~- w w Q U1 ~ ~ 00 N ~ ~ nn W o a iL ~ o U WW a ~~x J w } a "~ M~-yi w Q ~ ° w~ ~ ~~ w ~ Qcnz l co o~,~ z o o ~ ~ X ~ o z II Z o W~~ n~ ~ Q E- ~ o ." Aw ~~~ ~ o a ~ ~ °' w ~ ~ Z ~p o° ~ o~ r ` ~ X N ~ •Q ~ ~ ` ~ ` z~ ' J 1T Q ~5~~ ~_ ' m _~ \ ~ ~~ Op I ~ ~ I r ~~~} ~ ~ ' woo Vtn~ cn d~~ ~ ~ I a.QX 3~UQ ~ Q =F~- ZV ~~ \ ~' I~ .~ 0 4 '~ \ ~ 3 a >< W U N _ F- U Q _ ~ \ N Z lam- ' _ . l ~M i 3.~Z.9Z09N _ 1~ ~ I T , l~'8LZ - _ w M ~ ~ ~ - a. m cn '- O N c~ ~ w ~` in ~ ~ ~ W Q $ ~' ~N Oa I ~ •S s W O ZVo ^ ~ ~ ii s s 1 p p o o ~ <>r ~ a ~ o \ ~y ~ a ,i-L'6ll '\ o ~ ~ M.S~,gZ.LiS ~ ~ Q ~ ~~Q ~~~~.- L ~- m ~ ~ NO OON j ~ O f- C~ ~ U ~00 a w ~ w W I ~ N ~ O ~ Q x N m ~ d 0 N in Cf ~~ 0 3 IA M Q 0 o~ I ~o ~ I ~~°o W ~ W oW~o I d Q X N ~ ~ I / I W ~ ~ I O Q j l ~°o~ ( wQOo I ~U~U a j Q N O I ~ W I ~ ~~ E-~ ~ o N v ~O~ I N ry ~+-~ Y ~ 0 U F+_I I a Q~ 0 0 X N amm~0 Q ~_~ ~ ~---- - u~ 4. U CV OYZ I N Q ~~H I V ~ ~~ LLI-~O W I Wm¢O ~ ~QO~O ~ Li Q X N L~ ~ ~\ Q m ~_ ~ _~ O O i O H o~ ~ ~' O 0 O ~ ~ Z Q' J ~ O d Q x N 2 ~ 0 w U U w ~ O U w N O Q I _ U ~ I ~~~ ~' h- ~ Q O Q ~ ~ O WO ~ X N d F- ~ w Q] O ~ ~ U W ~~~0 d ZQ X N D7 ~ c~ d W N~ W n rn U ~ a'o A'' z ~ w z z ~ ti ~ a, W '-' H I z dcnc5 EW., Uo~ OW Q U1 ~~~ II zlo W~~ Qz ~ ~z ~ aW . o~ ~ ~~ ~~I~ ~~oo w ~ w ow~o ~ Q X N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >-- a 1 I ~oo~ W Q p ~ w ~C~~O d ~ X N > Q /~ ~ N U f}-O~ I N WY~Q U OQ~O D aC°°'~o X N Q H -~- . ~fY--- ~- U N OY? I N Q ~~H I CJ W m Q ~ ~ a.f- ~ O W ~QO~O WwOx N ~ ~ 0 J w ~. t~ cD O ~ i ~Q~~ Woo w °~~o a .~ r~ Q p ~ ~ Q ~ Q r? m w ~ ~ z_ ~ ~ o >- ° ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~o w o ~ ~ w ~-+ ~,Q o ~ ~ ~ ~ w o ~ ~ `. Q. Z w a >~ a ~ O Q ~ ~ ° ~~ ~ Q x N z ~ w ~ ~~ ~5,~ ~~ ~ J J Q Ctl '-- ' N I U ~ L~ ~oW ~ ~ i T ~ ~ ~ U ~ w~n-o ' w o-'o z 0 X ~ ~ J N N d Q O 2 ~ !~ ``~ O _~ ~ ~ o ~ O ``w' ` N U ' ~~ ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1998 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A .709-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ON ROUTE 460 BETWEEN TRAIL DRIVE AND WEST RURITAN ROAD (PORTION OF TAX MAP NOS. 50.05-1-19 AND 50.05-1-20) IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-2 WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF CICERO HALL, JR. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 23, 1998, and the second reading and public hearing were held July 28, 1998; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 7, 1998; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing .709 acre, as described herein, and located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, (Portion of Tax Map Numbers 50.05-1-19 and 50.05-1-20) in the Hollins Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of C-1, Office District, to the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Cicero Hall, Jr. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\HALL.CIC Ta 1) Use of the property will be limited to: a) Personal Services b) All uses permitted in the C1 zoning district. 2) The proposed parking area shown on the preliminary layout will be developed, and cross easements will be established, to allow the future connection of the parking area to the adjacent site designated "New Parcel C-1" on the Preliminary Subdivision Plat prepared for ACW Management Corporation, dated June 16, 1998. 3) The architecture, design and materials of the proposed building will substantially conform to the photograph entitled "Exhibit A" submitted for review to the Roanoke County Planning Commission on July 7, 1998. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner #l, said point located on the northerly right- of-way of Trail Drive, said point also being the easterly property line of property of Robert A. and Patricia C. Hope; thence leaving Trail Drive and with Hope, N 75 deg. 08' 25" W 135.65 feet to Corner #2, said point being the southwesterly corner of remaining property of Cicero H. Hall, Jr. and Doris B. Hall; thence leaving Hope and with Hall, N 28 deg. 03' 25" W 30.91 feet to Corner #3, said point being the northwesterly corner of New Parcel C-1; thence leaving remaining property of Hall and with the southerly boundary of New Parcel C-1, N 50 deg. 26' 25" E 278.51 feet to Corner #4, said point being the southeasterly corner of New Parcel C-1, said point also located on the northerly right-of-way of U.S. Route 460; thence leaving Parcel C-1 and with the northerly right-of-way of Route 460 for the following 3 courses; thence with a curve to the left which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 0 deg. 25' 22", a radius of 2,704.79 feet, an arc of 19.95 feet, a chord of 19.95 feet and bearing S 37 deg. 58' O1" E to Corner #5; thence S 70 deg. 35" W 10.68 feet to Corner #6; thence S 40 deg. 26' 25" E 72.18 feet to Corner #7; thence with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 87 deg. 52' 00", a radius of 30.00, an arc of 46.01, a chord of 41.63 and being S 03 deg. 29' 35" W to Corner #8, said point located on northerly right-of-way of Trail Drive; thence leaving U. S. Route 460 and with Trail Drive for the following 2 courses; S 47 deg. 35' 35" W 119.74 feet to Corner #9; thence with a curve to the left, which curve is defined by a delta angle of 29 deg. 20' 00", a radius of 100.00, an arc of 51.20, a chord of 50.64 and bearing S 32 deg. 45' 35" W to Corner #1, the U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\HALL.CIC T- place of Beginning and containing 30,870 square feet (.709 acre). 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\HALL.CIC /~ ERTY OF R. & DORIS B 0.05-1-18 ED R-1 HALL ~~ ~ ~~ ti~ 21S B. HALL C-1 ~ CA PROPERTY OF ACW JAMES SWORTZ \TAX #50.01-1-4 ZONED R-1 ~~ ~ /,~ ~~ PROPERTY OF HENRY AND MARY FIELDS TAX #50.05-1-6 ZONED R-1 W PRELIMINARY LAYOUT FOR CLEANER WORLD LOCATED ON PROPOSED PARCEL B-1 (0.709 ACRES) PREPARED FOR MANAGEMENT CORP. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 60' DATE: 11 JUNE 1998 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS - SURVEYORS -PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA coMM# gs-i~~ ~--~ j~llillilllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillillllllllilllilllllllllillllillll I IIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111~ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~Z APPE CE RE VEST Q - _ __ ,PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS _. SUBJECT: ~ ~~.~ ti L .7c' `/ ,4l'+~.t'S ~~E `~~ ~ ,~~ TRAIL ~?~-~16-c = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the _ meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. __ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c _ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an Individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time Ilmit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to c do otherwise. _ ~_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. = Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. _ _ ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ =_ _ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ ^ S~ieakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS .SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP = SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE _ TO THE CLERK _ _ _ ,,--~ "' NAME ~~ - __ ADDRESS ~~!~'" ? 5 ~j?~- I ~ ~~ ~/~' ~ hl -_ _ PHONE ~ ~ ? -~- G* ~ 2~ S c mlillllllllllllllllllllllilllliillllllliilllililllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllilllll~"i U 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - _ ~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. APPE CE REQUEST __ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS __ _ -_ SUB CT• t I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. -.. - "_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. c ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ _ _ _ _ c NAME l~'A ~. r ~t U/ . ; ~~; _ ~, ~' = f _ ADDRESS ~~ ~ ~~0 ~ fir- ~ ~ h R!~ r ~,~ `~ p~,% r °- ;~,< ~ - ;; PHONE ~' ~j ~ ~ ~ `/ mllliiilllllllllllllillllllllllllliillilllilllllllllllllllillillillllllililllllllllllllltllillllllllilllllllllillllllillllllillllm U 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. _ _ _ _ APPE CE REQUEST - _ _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMI~~NTS SUBJECT: - ~-~' - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. . ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TD REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ _ NAME ,' .~ ADDRESS _ ~~~ 3 / !~.~.~`~.~'; T ~~, ~ ~',°~ ::; , 4.:c„~~' ~`~ , ~ _s~, PHONE ~~~ ~ ~' IIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllillillllllliililillilillilllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliillllllllilllllllllllll~"i ~1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111illill 1111 lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111~ - - - - _ - s AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~- APPE CE REQUEST _ _ _ / _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS = suBJECT: ~~y~~t/G _ - c - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. _ a ~ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to __ do otherwise. __ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c vnth the clerk. c _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK NAME ~~ ~ {'l/ r ~Y ~~/~ ~ s ~_ ADDRESS ~DD~ ~1~~/U/~G ~ Cir c~~= ~i~~ a ~~v~ . ~ . T ~ ~_ _ = PHONE ~ ~.~~~ ~~~ ` ~I ~~ mllllllllllllillllllillllillllllllllllillllillllllllllillllliiilllllillllillllllllillllllillllllllllilllllllllillllilllilllllllll~"~ ~Illlllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllilllllililllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillll~ _ _ _ _ _' _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. - - - APPE CE REQUEST __ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~~CITIZENS COMMENTS c - - SUB CT: ~ _ _ JE ~~~~ ~P,ug ~C ~o C = - - - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. _ _ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED = BELOW: a ~ ~~ - - = ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c = decide the time 1-mit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to __ do otherwise. _ -_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c - _ ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - - ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ = = PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c c c = _ - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - = NAME ~L ~~- - - - -_ __ - l~ J1 - ADDRESS '~~~ - - - _ - - - - - PHONE . ~~" C? ~~.~ _ _ . mlllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllllllllllillllillliillillllllllllllillillllillllllillllllllliillililillllllllllm lllllll~illlllllllllillllllllllillllllillillllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillll~ _ _ _ _ -• - = _ _ _ _ ~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. - - APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS - - SUBJECT: ~ v s~ =_ c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise. -_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their oint of view onl . y _ Questions of clarification may be entertained by the C airman. - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ c _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments - - - vnth the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TD REPRESENT THEM. _ - _ _ - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - - - - - - - - ._ - - - _. - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - NAME ~a ,rn r ~ ~ oti r Y r ~ 5 - - - - - - - - -- = ADDRESS 6 -- ~ ~~.~, - - - - - ~ - - - _ _ PHONE `7 702. -- ? ~ ~ (~ - fiilllllllllllllilllllllllllllll~tlllllliillllllllllllllllllllililllilllllilltlllllillllllillllllllllili~~llll~llllllllllllllli~~lm'i ~iiiiiuiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuuiiiiiii~~~~~ _ _ _ _ -. _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~' _ _ _ _ APPE CE REQUEST _ PUBLIC I'[EARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS _ _ __ _ -_ SUBJECT: _ ~- Y/ ~ _. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the =_ meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. __ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS a FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: - ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to __ do otherwise. _ _. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. _ _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ -_ c = PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ _ _. NAME a~~s C~~.~~~~~ ADDRESS ~ (~ ~ ~ .~~ woo c1 l,v, . ~ l~ . . c PHONE 7 7~- 7~ f~ U m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m UIIIIIIl111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ - - -~ - -_ - - - _ _ C~ - AGENDA ITEM NO. - _ '__ APPE CE REQUEST _ __ _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~ ~ s = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. _ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c i c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c - s ~ ~ - ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. _. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. = Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c _ _ ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. c _ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ - ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ __ _ = PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK = _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - NAME z~1 = - _~U n ne sc C a t ,~ ~ - - ~~~ ~ - - - - -~--- _ - _ - _ ADDRESS ~~3 ~ ~ i,(.,~ ~~ ~-,:~ ;~, ~ ate, ~~ - _ ~~ - - - - - - _ - _ PHONE ~ 7 ~ 3 ~ mlllllllillllllilllllliillllllllllillllllll~i~lillllllllllllllllllllilllilllllllllillllllllllllllllllll~lllllllllllllllllll Iillllm o~ POANp,I.~ L ~ • p z c> ~ 2 J a~ 1838 IDA Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia MEMO Bllly Branch, Chairman (540) 774-1208 Tirnolhy W. Gubala, Secretary-Treasurer (540) 772-2069 Edward A. Natt, Counsel (540) 774-1 197 To: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors ~,~- From: Timothy W. Gubala, Secretary-Treasurer l~ ~~ Subject: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Industrial Revenue Bond Request Date: July 15, 1998 I am enclosing a Certificate, Resolution, Fiscal Impact Statement and Affadavit of Publication related to a request for Industrial Revenue Bond financing from Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. I would like to place this matter for consideration at the July 28, 1998 agenda of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. I will prepare a Board report and resolution based on the form provided by Bond Counsel. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you. Enclosure c Ed Natt Lloyd Richardson Webster Day Dick Sayers R. Hart Lee P.O. Box 29800, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2069 FAX (540) 772-2030 The undersigned Secretary of the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia ("Authority") certifies as follows: A meeting of the Authority were duly called and held on July 15, 1998, at 10:30 o'clock a.m. at the offices of the Authority at 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia, pursuant to proper notice given to each director of the Authority before such meeting. The meeting was open to the public. The time of the meeting and the place at which the meeting was held provided a reasonable opportunity for persons of differing views to appear and be heard. 2. The Chairman announced the commencement of a public hearing on the application of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, a 501(c)(3) organization, and that a notice of the hearing had been published once a week for two successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia ("Notice"), with the second publication appearing not less than seven days nor more than twenty-one days prior to the hearing date. A copy of the Notice has been filed with the minutes of the Authority and is attached as Exhibit A. 3. The names of the individuals who appeared and addressed the Authority, along with a summary of their statements, is attached as Exhibit B. 4. Attached as Exhibit C is a true, correct and complete copy of a resolution ("Resolution") adopted at the meeting of the Authority by a majority of the directors present at such meeting. The Resolution constitutes all formal action taken by the Authority at such M:~FRIENDSH~FRIENDOI.TEF DRAFT -July 10, 1998 meeting relating to matters referred to in the Resolution. The Resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded or amended and is in full force and effect on this date. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the Authority, this lsday of July, 1998. ~~ ,~,~, ~,, ~ ~ ~l . Secretary, Industrial evelopment Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (SEAL) Exhibits: A -Copy of Certified Notice B -Summary of Statements C -Resolution M:~FRIENDSFi~FRIENDOI.TEF -2' DRAFT -July 10, 1998 JUL-10-1998 13 08 THE ROANOKE'TIMES ~~ Tt1e Roaaokw Times Ad Number 821651 Publisher's E'es: $346.80 MCGIIIRE WOODS BATTLE & $ ONE JAMES CENTER 901 EAST CARY STREET RICHMOND, VA 23219-4030 STATE of VIRGINIA CITY of ROANOKE AFFIDAVIT of PUBLICATION I, (the undersigned) an duthozized representative of the Times-World Cor- poz'ation, which corporation is publisher of The Roanoke Times, a daily newspaper published in Roanoke, in the State of Vir9lnia, do certify that the annexed notice was published in said newspapers on the following dates: 07/01/98 FULL RUN - Wednesday 07/08/98 FULL RUN - Wednesday Witness, this 9th day of July 1998 Authorized Signature P.01i01 TOTAL P.01 July 15, 1998 Board of Supervisors Roanoke, Virginia Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia Proposed Bond Financing for Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation ("Borrower"), an organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, whose address is 327 Hershberger Road, N.W., Roanoke, Virginia 24012, has requested that the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia issue up to $7,500,000 of its revenue bonds at one time or from time to time to assist the Borrower in the financing and refinancing of one or more of the following projects, located as indicated below in Roanoke County, Virginia: (1) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 48 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 327 Hershberger Road, N.W. and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 191 assisted living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 6910 Williamson Road and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; and (3) the funding of certain reserve funds, capitalized interest accounts and costs of issuance as maybe necessary to the proposed issuance of the bonds. As set forth in the resolution of the Authority attached hereto ("Resolution"), the Authority has agreed to issue its bonds as requested. The Authority has conducted a public hearing on the proposed Project and has recommended that you approve the issuance of the bonds as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and Section 15.2-4906 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. M:\FRIENDSH~FRIENDOI.TEF DRAFT -July 10, 1998 Attached hereto is (1) a certificate evidencing the conduct of the public hearing and the action taken by the Authority, (2) the Fiscal Impact Statement required pursuant to Virginia Code Section 15.2-4907, and (3) the form of resolution suggested by counsel to evidence your approval. _---~ w~- w, ~~ Secretary, Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia M:\FRIENDSFI~~2IENDOI.TEF -2- DRAFT -July 10, 1998 The undersigned Secretary of the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia ("Authority") certifies that the foregoing is a true, correct and complete copy of a resolution adopted by a majority of the directors of the Authority present and voting at a meeting duly called and held on July 15, 1998, in accordance with law, and that such resolution has not been repealed, revoked, rescinded or amended but is in full force and effect on this date. WITNESS the following signature and seal of the Authority, this ~~ day of July, 1998. ---, (- - Secretary, Industrial evelopment Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia [SEAL] M:\FRIENDSIDFRIENDOLTEF DRAFT -July IQ, 1998 RESOLUTION OF THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF UP TO $7,500,000 OF ITS REVENUE BONDS FOR THE BENEFIT OF FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia ("Authority"), is empowered by the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act, Chapter 49, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Act"), to issue its revenue bonds for, among other purposes, the financing and refinancing of facilities for the residence or care of the aged owned and operated by organizations that are exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), to protect and promote the health and welfare of the inhabitants of Virginia. WHEREAS, the Authority has received a request from Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation ("Borrower"), an organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Code, whose address is 327 Hershberger Road, N.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24012, requesting that the Authority issue up to $7,500,000 of its revenue bonds at one time or from time to time to assist the Borrower in the financing and refinancing of one or more of the following projects, located as described below in Roanoke County, Virginia (collectively, "Project"): (1) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 48 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 327 Hershberger Road, N.W. and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 191 assisted living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 6910 Williamson Road and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; and (3) the funding of certain reserve funds, capitalized interest accounts and costs of issuance as maybe necessary to the proposed issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, such assistance will benefit the inhabitants of the Roanoke County, Virginia and the Commonwealth of Virginia by protecting and promoting their health and welfare. WI~REAS, the Project has been described to the Authority and a public hearing has been held as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended ("Code"), and Section 15.2-4906 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. WHEREAS, the Borrower has represented that the estimated cost of the Project and all costs of issuance will require an issue of revenue bonds at one time or from time to time in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,500,000. M:\FRIENDSII~FRIENDOI.TEF DRAFT -July 10, 1998 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. It is hereby found and determined that assisting the Borrower with the financing of the Project will be in the public interest and will protect and promote the health and welfare of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Roanoke County, Virginia and their citizens. 2. The Authority hereby agrees to assist the Borrower by undertaking the issuance of the Authority's revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $7,500,000 upon terms and conditions mutually agreeable to the Authority and the Borrower. The bonds will be issued pursuant to documents satisfactory to the Authority. The bonds maybe issued in one or more series at one time or from time to time. 3. It having been represented to the Authority that it is necessary to proceed immediately with the Project, the Authority agrees that the Borrower may proceed with the financing, enter into contracts for land, construction, materials and equipment related to the Project, and take such other steps as it may deem appropriate in connection therewith; provided, however, that nothing in this resolution shall be deemed to authorize the Borrower to obligate the Authority without its consent in each instance to the payment of any moneys or the performance of any acts in connection therewith. The Authority agrees that the Borrower may be reimbursed from the proceeds of the bonds for all expenditures and costs so incurred by it, provided such expenditures and costs are properly reimbursable under the Act and applicable federal laws. 4. At the request of the Borrower, the Authority approves McGuire, Woods, Battle & Boothe LLP as Bond Counsel in connection with the issuance of the bonds. 5. All costs and expenses in connection with the financing, including the fees and expenses of Bond Counsel and Authority Counsel, shall be paid by the Borrower or, to the extent permitted by applicable law, from the proceeds of the bonds. If for any reason such bonds are not issued, it is understood that all such expenses shall be paid by the Borrower and that the Authority shall have no responsibility therefor. 6. The Authority recommends that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approve the issuance of the bonds. 7. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. M:\FRIENDSIi\FRIENDOI.TEF -2- DRAFT -July 10, 1998 FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT July 15, 1998 To the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, Virginia Applicant: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, a 501(c)(3) organization Facility: Facility for Residence and Care of the Aged 1. Maximum amount of financing sought $7,500,000 2. Estimated taxable value of the facility's real property to be constructed in the municipality $3,600,000* 3. Estimated real property tax per year using present tax rates N/A 4. Estimated personal property tax per year using present tax rates N/A 5. Estimated merchants' capital tax per year using present tax rates N/A 6. Estimated dollar value per year of goods and services that will be purchased locally $3,000,000 7. Estimated number of regular employees 50 on year round basis 8. Average annual salary per employee $ 25,000 ~~ ~ ~~ Chairman, I ustrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia *Applicant makes payment in lieu of taxes, set at 20% of assessed value. M:\FRIENDS1i~FRlEND02.TEF DRAFT - July 11, 1998 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia ("Authority") has considered the application of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation ("Borrower"), an organization that is exempt from taxation pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, whose address is 327 Hershberger Road, N.W., Roanoke, Virginia 24012, requesting that the Authority issue up to $7,500,000 of its revenue bonds at one time or from time to time to assist the Borrower in the financing or refinancing of one or more of the following projects, located as indicated below in Roanoke County, Virginia: (1) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 48 independent living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 327 Hershberger Road, N.W. and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; (2) the acquisition, construction and equipping of a facility for the residence and care of the aged, consisting of 191 assisted living units and related healthcare facilities located on the campus at 6910 Williamson Road and related capital expenditures to be determined from time to time; and (3) the funding of certain reserve funds, capitalized interest accounts and costs of issuance as maybe necessary to the proposed issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority has held a public hearing on the Borrower's application on July 15, 1998. WHEREAS, Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority issues its bonds on behalf of Roanoke County, Virginia ("County"), the facilities to be financed are located in the County and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia ("Board") constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County. WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board approve the issuance of the Bonds. WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board. M:\FRIENDSI~FRIENDOI.TEF DRAFT -July 10, 1998 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGII~TIA: 1. The Board approves the issuance of the Bonds by the Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Section 15.2-4906 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, to permit the Authority to assist the Borrower in the financing of the Project. 2. The approval of the issuance of the Bonds does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or the Borrower. 3. Pursuant to the limitations contained in Temporary Income Tax Regulations Section Sf.103-2(f), this resolution shall remain in effect for a period of three years from the date of its adoption. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, this day of July, 1998. Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia [SEAL] M:~F'RIENDSI~FRIENDOI.TEF -2- DRAFT -July 10, 1998 interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Joe McNamara `°Fuzzy`Minns Marion Rourke Deanna Gordon Elmer Hodge Fred Anderson Penny Hodge Jerry Hardy copy: Bob Collis, KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP from: Diane D. Hyatt ~,~„~ subject: Audit Committe e Meeting date: June 30, 1998 ~'. ~ , i~: ~~ ~o There will be an Audit Committee meeting on July 28, 1998 at 2:00 pm in the Board of Supervisors conference room on the four floor of the Roanoke County Administration Center. This will be the initial Audit Committee meeting for the 1997-98 audit. The auditors will report on the process of the interim audit work that was conducted in June 1998 and will outline their plan for the remainder of the audit. If you have any specific concerns that you would like the auditors to address during this year's audit work please mention these items at this meeting. Please let me know if you will be unable to attend. ~ ~~ __-- ~ , ,~~ ~ ~ .i t ~'~~',~I~` '' ~ ,. r-_._._.._ - a ~ __ { f 1 ~ O I J~`r i i i LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 28, 1998, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Cicero Hall Jr. to rezone .709 acre from C-1 to C-2 to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 8, 1998 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Thursday, July 16, 1998 Tuesday, July 21, 1998 Direct the bill for publication to: Cicero Hall Jr. 3814 Challenger Ave Roanoke, VA 24012 (540) 977-0805 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 .. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all interested persons that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at their 7:00 p.m. session on Tuesday, July 28, 1998, in the Board Meeting Room at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive S. W. on the petition of Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corporation, requesting vacation of a 20 foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, Plat Book 18, Page 91 and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Plat Book 19, Page 29, in the Hollins Magisterial District. A copy of the documents related to this request may be examined in the office of the Department of Community Development, located at the Roanoke County Administration Center. Given under my hand this July 1, 1998. ~` Mary H. Allen, CMC, Clerk to the Board Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PLEASE PUBLISH IN THE ROANOKE TIMES ON Tuesday, July 14, 1998 Tuesday, July 21, 1998 Direct the bill for publication to: Fralin and Waldron Community Dev. Corp. 2917 Penn Forest Boulevard Roanoke, VA 24018 Mail affidavit to: Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 MEMO To: Mary Allen, Clerk to Board of Supervisors From: Arnold Covey, Engineering and Inspections Subject: Legal Notice Date: June 11, 1998 Please advertise the following notice in The Roanoke Times: Request to vacate a 20-foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, Plat book 18, Page 91, and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Plat Book 19, Page 29, (Tax Map #40.05-5-1) and located in Hollins Magisterial District (as shown on attached map). Thank you. PLEASE BILL: FRALIN AND WALDRON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORP. 2917 PENN FOREST BOULEVARD ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 RKE BOARD SUPERVISORS TEL~5~0-~T2-103 Jul 01'DS 8~~0 Transmit~Co~firmation Report Na. 001 Receiver RT-LEGAL Transmitter RKE BOARD Date Jul 01 Time 00'8 Mode Norm Pages 02 Result OK SUPERVISORS ' 98 8 ~ 25 DRAFT -JULY 23, 1998 (11:52 a.m.) ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA July 28, 1998 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE AN AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING AT 2:00 P.M. PRIOR TO THE REGULAR SESSION. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS i C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to career and volunteer firefighters of the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department for providing assistance to the citizens of Bay County, Florida. D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for an appropriation of $1,115,300 as the second payment with interest for the purchase of 457 acres for the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology (formerly the Glenn-Mary Farm). (Melinda Cox, Economic Development Specialist) ham :~ ~-~ 2. Request for approval of resolution approving issuance of up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bonds for the benefit of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. (Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development) 3. Request for appropriation of $95,000 for a capital improvement project - Algoma Park water line replacement. (Gary Robertson, Director, Utility) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READINGS OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment in a R-1, single family, zoning district located at 1714 Millbridge Road, Catawba Magisterial district, upon the petition of Robert and Elaine Lewis. 2. An ordinance to rezone 3.830 acre from C-1 to C-2 to 2 construct an office/retail development, located on the east side of Route 419 across from intersection of Locke Street, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of North Roanoke Development Corp. 3. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership, located at 5423 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of The Hertz Corp. 4. An ordinance to rezone 5.4 acre from I-2 and I-1 and obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a mini- warehouse, located in the 5800 block of Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. 5. An ordinance to rezone approximately 20 acres from R-1, R-2 and C-2 conditional to C-2, General commercial, for the purpose of general retail and service uses, located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Electric Road (Route 419), Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance creating the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facility Authority. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. First reading of ordinance to establish water service area ," ~ for Clearbrook - U. S. Route 220 Corridor and authorize '~,°~ ~ acquisition of easement. (Gary Robertson, Director, Utility) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the creation of and financing for a local public works improvement project - Grander Drive and Gieser Road Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 3 2. Second reading of an and financing for a project -Setter Road Utility Director) ordinance authorizing creation of local public works improvement Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals 2. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 3. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens 4. Social Services Advisory Board J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of June 23, 1998, June 26, 1998 (Joint Meeting with School Board, and July 14, 1998 (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council). 2. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $65,000 grant to the Tech Prep Consortium fund. 3. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $2,800 grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 4. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program grant for $15,288.89 and appropriate funds. 5. Approval of resolution rescinding and repealing certain 4 policies previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors within the Fire and Rescue Department, and to provide for a policy manual. 6. Acceptance of water facilities serving Roselawn Court. 7. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Waterford, Section 6. 8. Donation of a drainage easement on property of FW Property, L.L.C. to serve Future Section 1, "Fort Lewis Cove" Catawba Magisterial District. 9. Submission of subscriber complaints regarding Cable Programming Services (C.P.S.) tier rates of Cox Communications Roanoke (formerly Cox Cable Roanoke) to the Federal Communications Commission. K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5 5. Accounts Paid -June, 1998 6. Preliminary Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of June 30, 1998 7. Report of claims activity for the Self-Insurance Program 8. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of June 30, 1998 P. WORK SESSIONS 1. Update on the Drainage Maintenance Priority List. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A .~~~ EVENING SESSION - 7:00 P.M. R. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION S. NEW BUSINESS 1. Adoption of the Drainage Maintenance Projects for Fiscal Year 1998/99. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to vacate a 20 foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corp. (George Simpson, Assistant Director, Community Development) 6 2. Second reading of ordinance to rezone .709 acre from C-1 to C-2 to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) U. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS V. ADJOURNMENT .~}~` ~~ ~ ~~. ~. ~, t /, /~ ~ r, / / # 5 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA July 28, 1998 ,~,Qros tr, S .~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE AN AUDIT COMMITTEE MEETING AT 2.00 P M PRIOR TO THE REGULAR SESSION. Individuals with disabilities who arrangement in order to participate meetings or other programs and County, please contact the Clerk to request that you provide at least arrangements may be made. require assistance or special in or attend Board of Supervisors activities sponsored by Roanoke the Board at (540) 772-2005. We 48-hours notice so that proper A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. ~~~ i B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1 ~~1L~. --~ i AIL L.~ ~ t'Q.t,' ~ D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request fro tal Action Against Poverty for $39,400 fundin assure continued operation of the Transitional Livi Center (TLC). (ElmAer Hodge, County Administrate) ~ } J~.^i~ ~ ~ Cllt~r' J~'~ ~ i ~c.. 2. Request for appropriatio o $1,1 ,000 for Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology. (Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development) 3. Request for approval of resolution approving issuance of up to $7,500,000 of industrial revenue bonds for the benefit of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. (Tim Gubala, Director, Economic Development) S Q w ~~ ~~ ~t. (~-~ F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READINGS OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA 1. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to allow an accessory apartment in a R-1, single family, zoning district located at 1714 Millbridge Road, Catawba Magisterial district, upon the petition of Robert and Elaine a Lewis. 2. An ordinance to rezone 3.830 acre from C-1 to C-2 to construct an office/retail development, located on the east side of Route 419 across from intersection of Locke Street, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of North Roanoke Development Corp. 3. An ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership, located at 5423 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of The Hertz Corp. 4. An ordinance to rezone 5.4 acre from I-2 and I-1 and obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a mini- warehouse, located in the 5800 block of Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. 5. An ordinance to rezone approximately 20 acres from R-1, R-2 and C-2 conditional to C-2, General commercial, for the purpose of general retail and service uses, located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Electric Road (Route 419), Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance creating the Virginia Headwaters Regional Industrial Facility Authority. (Paul ° Mahoney, County Attorney) . ~~~ H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES ~~~~ 1. Second ding of an ance v ng a 20-foot drai a sement r rde on pl or otet So th, S ion ,and ated Lo 1, B ck a on 1 rchar Park ' the Hol ns agister istr' .~,4rrrtvl`$ C , Dir or of Commit/ ity Devel ment.) ~ (~~os7' ~~~~° s 0 2. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the creation of and financing for a local public works improvement project - Grander Drive and Gieser Road Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 3. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing creation of and financing fora local public works improvement project -Setter Road Sewer Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals 2. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 3. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens 4. Social Services Advisory Board J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of June 23, 1998, June 26, 1998 ,and July 14 (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council). 2. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $65,000 grant to the Tech Prep Consortium fund. 3. Request from Schools for acceptance and appropriation of $2,800 grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 4 4. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept the Adult Literacy and Basic Education Program grant for $15,288.89 and appropriate funds. 5. Approval of resolution rescinding and repealing certain policies previously adopted by the Board of Supervisors within the Fire and Rescue Department, and to provide for a policy manual. K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -June, 1998 6. Report of claims activity for the Self-Insurance Program 7. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of June 30, 1998 5 /~~ ~ P. WORK SESSIONS ~ // ~~u~.~•.J ~~~~~ 7 ~ ~- Q. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A EVENING SESSION - 7:00 P.M R. CERTIFICATION OF EXECUTIVE SESSION S. PUBLIC HEARING T. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCE 1. first reading of ordinance to vacate a 20 foot drainage easement recorded on plat for Botetourt South, Section 5, and located on Lot 1, Block 2, Section 1, Orchard Park, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Fralin and Waldron Community Development Corp. (A~e~ld-~v~vey, D~+r~e#er, Community Development) ~~~ ,~¢~;,,,, U. ~ PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to rezone .709 acre from C-1 to C-2 to construct a dry cleaning business, located on Route 460 between Trail Drive and West Ruritan Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cicero Hall, Jr. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) V. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS W. ADJOURNMENT 6 ~ - ~ AGENDA CHECKLIST MEETING DATE: fI='o~-qg MONDAY -WEEK BEFORE MEETING ~''~ E- mail department heads about agenda staff meeting and ask for titles Prepare draft agenda for 3 p.m. staff meeting Prepare routine Board reports 71 IFSnnv _ wFFK BEFORE MEETING Make changes to agenda and a-mail agenda draft to dept. heads Prepare Recognition resolutions and proclamations Prepare Board Reports for Elmer's signature wFnNSSnnY _ wEEK BEFORE MEETING Contact minister Contact anyone making presentations and confirm their attendance Decide on dinner menu and order -type up memo on dinner Give completed and reviewed Board Reports to ECH end reminder to dept. heads to send in reports Check for 1st and 2 second reading with PMM and dept. heads rN~ iR~nnY _ wFFK BEFORE MEETING Complete and proof any resolutions, proclamations, certificates to be handed out Review Board Reports and attachments Finalize agenda / Check on Executive Session, and any other non-routine items FRIDAY -WEEK BEFORE MEETING Proof agenda and finalize Check vote info and date on all reports, reso and ord Compare agenda to agenda items Complete consent resolution Number, count item pages and run one original and 14 3-hole copies Check ECH and others for any additional memos or information to include Make sure all additional information, minutes or documents are with packet Gather all correspondence for Board members e-mail agendas to department heads and citizens. Regular mail others by 4 p.m. Make sure all agenda items are signed and approved by ECH ~/ Double check that correct mail and correct agenda packet in mailing folder 1 . • MnlvnnY _ BEFORE BOARD MEETING Prepare action agenda Prepare vote sheet on Executive Session Items Check on additional people for dinner ~-I Remind minister Check on any audio-visuals for any presentations `~ I Prepare any large print resos or proclamations ~ TuFSDAY -BOARD MEETING Prepare Board Reading File Prepare tapes Run additional copies of agenda for meeting yCheck on supplies, ice and drinks for dinner or snacks Take packet, media packet, tapes, certificates, etc. down to meeting room / Gather Proclamations, certificates, resolutions to be signed by BOS Prepare 4th floor training room for work session Frame proclamations or resolutions Final check on executive session items, dinner, etc. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY -AFTER BOARD MEETING mplete action agenda e- it action agenda to department heads and add to G:\Common a~f°iew items to upcoming agenda packets C tact staff to place resolutions, ordinances on G:\Common '~' Prepare Board Reports, resolutions and ordinances for signing and distribution e appropria a etters to go with resolutions Prepat~ c" er~ifiic~tes for old committee members and prepare letters to new members Update C,,~[~i~tfee Book