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10/27/1998 - Regular (2)
.rur aF n~,we ~ • ~,,. bounty o f ~oanol~e WORKING DOCUMENT -SUBJECT TO REVISION ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA OCTOBER 27, 1998 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48- hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ROLL CALL AT 3:03 P.M. WITH BLJ ABSENT 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS 1 PMM ADDED EXECUTIVE SESSION ITEM 21-344 A X51 TO DISCUSS THE EXPANSION OF AN EXISTING BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY WHERE NO PREVIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN MADE OF EXPANDING THE FACILITIES C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the Week of October 25 - 31, 1998 as Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County. ACCEPTED BY GIA KOEHLER FM MOTION TO APPROVE PROC URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 2. Presentation of Compass Award to County Administrator. PRESENTED TO ECH FROM BLUE RIDGE CHAPTER OF PUBLIC RELATIONS SOCIETY OF AMERICA BY AMG D. BRIEFINGS 1. Annual Report from Blue Ridge Community Services Board. (Rita Gliniecki, Roanoke County representative) PRESENTED BY MS. GLINIECKI E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to appropriate refund from Virginia Public School Authority on Refunding of Series 19948 VPSA Bond Issue. (Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance) R-102798-1 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 2 2. Resolution of support for "Project Impact" sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (Anne Marie Green, Community Relations Director) R-102798-2 FM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC WITH BLJ ABSENT F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE -CONSENT AGENDA FM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND AND PUBLIC HEARING -11/17/98 URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 1. Ordinance to rezone approximately 0.75 acre from R-1 to C-1 to allow an accounting office in an existing house, located at 3716 Colonial Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Mark Harrell. G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of a water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of the Groves, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 0-102798-3 FM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH BLJ ABSENT H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Alliance for Organ and Tissue Donation HCN REAPPOINTED MARY ALLEN FOR ANOTHER TWO YEAR TERM 3 2. Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals HCN ASKED CLERK TO SEE IF MEMBERS WILLING TO SERVE ANOTHER TERM 3. Grievance Panel HCN ASKED CLERK TO SEE IF MEMBERS WILLING TO SERVE ANOTHER TERM 4. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 5. New Century Venture Center Board of Directors HCN ASKED THAT STAFF MEMBER OR CITIZEN BE APPOINTED AT NEXT MEETING 6. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens 7. Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority ACTION TAKEN AT START OF EVENING SESSION A-102798-4 HCN MOTION TO APPOINT TIM GUBALA AND BOB L JOHNSON WITH JOYCE WAUGH AND SPIKE HARRISON AS ALTERNATES URC I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-102798-5 FM MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 4 1. Approval of minutes for September 8, 1998, September 22, 1998, and October 7, 1998. 2. Request for endorsement of Supervisor Hany C. Nickens to serve as Region Nine representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. A-102798- 5.a 3. Resolution requesting acceptance of Belmont Court and a portion of Derby Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System. R-102798- 5.b 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Winterberry Point, Section 2. A-102798- 5.c 5. Acceptance of off-site sanitary sewer facilities serving Winnbrook, Section 1. A-102798- 5.d J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS N NE K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ~iL•~ L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N N M. REPORTS FM MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE FOLLOWING REPORTS UW WITH BLJ ABSENT 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 5 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 6. Report on history of Roanoke County Woman's Club during its 75th Anniversary 7. Report of Claims Activity for the Seif-Insurance Program N. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Long Range Development Planning (Brent Robertson, Budget Manager) PRESENTED BY BRENT ROBERTSON HELD FROM 3:30 P.M. UNTIL 4:25 P.M. 2. Discussion on the Community Plan (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) PRESENTED BY JANE T SCHEID, DAVID HOLLADAY, TERRY HARRINGTON, AND DON WITT, CHAIR, PLANNING COMMISS ION HELD FROM 4.25 P WORK SESSION WI M UN LL BE TIL 6.00 P M HELD ON 12/1/98 WITH REVISED DO CUMENT -ALL COMMENTS D -SECOND READING UE IN 8~ PU WRITING TO BLIC HEARIN STAFF BY 11/20/98 G DELAYED FROM 11/17/98 TO 1 /12/99 -BOS MEMBERS WI LL SU BMIT ADDITI ONAL COMMENTS TO STAFF O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) acquisition of real estate for public purposes for: (a) water transmission line easement and (b) library. AT 3.30 P.M., HCN MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 6 FOLLOWING WORK SESSIONS URC WITH BLJ ABSENT EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.1 P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-102798-6 FM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC WITH BLJ ABSENT EXECUTIVE SESSION 6 P.M. UNTIL 7 P.M. Q. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Public Hearing and first reading of ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) 16 CITIZENS SPOKE FM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING AND PUBLIC HEARING -1/12/99 URC WITH BLJ ABSENT WORK SESSION SET FOR 12/1/98 WITH REVISED PLAN ALL COMMENTS DUE IN WRITING TO STAFF BY 11/20/98 R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to vacate a 6-foot portion of a 60-foot unimproved right-of-way referred to as Thomas Drive as recorded in Piat Book 9, Page 179, located in the Catawba Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 0-102798-7 7 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 2. Second reading of ordinance enacting Sections 10-9.1, 2 3, and 4 in Article I of Chapter 10 icenses of the Roanoke County Code to incorporate and conform with recent General Assembly legislation regarding limitation on gross receipts for pari-mutuel wagering, real estate brokers, providers of funeral services, and staffing firms for business, professional and occupational license tax purposes. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-102798-8 FM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a 100 ft. cellular monopole tower and support building, located on Catawba Valley Drive, 0.75 mile west of Oakey-Dolon Rd., Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of U. S. Cellular. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 0-102798-9 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 4. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a bed and breakfast from an existing home, located at 5209 Catawba Valley Drive, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of David and Lucy Downs. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 0-102798-10 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH BLJ ABSENT 5. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to develop and operate a used automobile 8 dealership, located in the 3100 block of Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Mark Hough. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) THREE CITIZENS SPOKE 0-102798-11 FM MOTION TO DENY ORD AY HOME FFH, HCN N~ _ ,~ ~ ~ 6. Second reading of ordinance on a proposal of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend and re-enact Section 30-28, 30-29-7 and 30-87-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to adopt new standards pertaining to the development of broadcasting towers within Roanoke County. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 0-102798-12 FM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH BLJ ABSENT S. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Nine citizens asked that the Board approve funding to proceed immediately with additions and renovations so that Glenvar Middle School and Glenvar High School may operate as fully functional. independent facilities Barbara Bushnell smoke concerning the proposed south county high school T. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor McNamara• (11 Suaaested that Police Department make an extra effort to patrol streets on Halloween j21 Advised that he and FM attended Governor's Class at CSHS and commended students for 9 excellent attitude and good staff ~3) Asked for an update on South County Park from Pete Haislia. Supervisor Minnix'.(1) Advised that he attended meeting with Clearbrook civic League, and asked ECH to contact Police Chief to have area patrolled when speed limit signs are up along Route 221. -supervisor Harrison• ~l Make su~aortive comments in relation to Glenvar speakers Asked Ms Toler if bricks that Glenvar supporters used for dis I~ay tonight were those given at ara,~ nd opening at Fort Lewis Advised Board members that school has bricks with their names on them Advised that he signed one of the petitions presented in ~pport of Glenvar Schools and invited other supervisors to visit the schools to see first-hand the situation. Supervisor Nickens•.(11 Advised that Board received information about Virginians to Virginians program, and need to set date for meeting with Lvn~g officials ECH was asked to contact them and ask about meeting on Sat ,Nov 21 ~1 He received information from Congressman roodlatte that Blue Ridge Interpretive Center can now utilize $250,000 that previously had restrictions. U. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) acquisition of real estate for public purposes. AT 10.15 P M ,HCN MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION URC WITH BLJ ABSENT V. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-102798-13 AT 10:29 P.M., FM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC WITH BLJ ABSENT W. ADJOURNMENT AT 10:30 P.M., HCN MOTION TO ADJOURN UW WITH BLJ ABSENT 10 ~~~~~ ~ ROAN ,Y~ L Z ~ ax_ ~ a= C~~a~xx~# ~ ~ .~a~xx~~.~.~ '838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA OCTOBER 27, 1998 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the Week of October 25 - 31, 1998 as Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County. 2. Presentation of Compass Award to County Administrator. D. BRIEFINGS i ® Recycled Paper 1. Annual Report from Blue Ridge Community Services Board. (Rita Gliniecki, Roanoke County representative) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to appropriate refund from Virginia Public School Authority on Refunding of Series 19948 VPSA Bond Issue. (Diane Hyatt, Director, Finance) 2. Resolution of support for "Project Impact" sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. (Anne Marie Green, Community Relations Director) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE -CONSENT AGENDA 1. Ordinance to rezone approximately 0.75 acre from R-1 to C-1 to allow an accounting office in an existing house, located at 3716 Colonial Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Mark Harrell. G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of a water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of the Groves, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Alliance for Organ and Tissue Donation 2. Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals 3. Grievance Panel 4. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 2 5. New Century Venture Center Board of Directors 6. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens 7. Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes for September 8, 1998, September 22, 1998, and October 7, 1998. 2. Request for endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve as Region Nine representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. 3. Resolution requesting acceptance of Belmont Court and a portion of Derby Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System. 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Winterberry Point, Section 2. 5. Acceptance of off-site sanitary sewer facilities serving Winnbrook, Section 1. J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 3 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 6. Report on history of Roanoke County Woman's Club during its 75th Anniversary 7. Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program N. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Long Range Development Planning (Brent Robertson, Budget Manager) 2. Discussion on the Community Plan (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) O. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1- 344 A (3) acquisition of real estate for public purposes for: (a) water transmission line easement and (b) library. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.1 P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Q. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Public Hearing and first reading of ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 4 1. Second reading of ordinance to vacate a 6-foot portion of a 60-foot unimproved right-of-way referred to as Thomas Drive as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 179, located in the Catawba Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 2. Second reading of ordinance enacting Sections 10-9.1, 2 3, and 4 in Article I of Chapter 10 Licenses of the Roanoke County Code to incorporate and conform with recent General Assembly legislation regarding limitation on gross receipts for pari-mutuel wagering, real estate brokers, providers of funeral services, and staffing firms for business, professional and occupational license tax purposes. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to construct a 100 ft. cellular monopole tower and support building, located on Catawba Valley Drive, 0.75 mile west of Oakey-Dolon Rd., Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of U. S. Cellular. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 4. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to operate a bed and breakfast from an existing home, located at 5209 Catawba Valley Drive, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of David and Lucy Downs. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 5. Second reading of ordinance authorizing a Special Use Permit to develop and operate a used automobile dealership, located in the 3100 block of Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Mark Hough. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 6. Second reading of ordinance on a proposal of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend and re- enact Section 30-28, 30-29-7 and 30-87-2 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to adopt new standards pertaining to the development of broadcasting towers s within Roanoke County. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) S. T. U. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS ADJOURNMENT 6 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER C.. -' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring the week of October 25 - 31, 1998 as Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County SUMMARY OF INFORMATION RAYSAC (the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition), the Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, and Blue Ridge Community Services, have asked that the Board proclaim October 25 - 31 as Red Ribbon Week. Attached is a letter from Mary Gwen Parker, Secretary/Treasurer, RAYSAC, describing the activities that are planned during this week. Either Ms. Parker or Ms Gia Koehler, Co-Chair of RAYSAC, will be present to accept the proclamation at the Board meeting. mer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Johnson _ Denied () Harrison Received () McNamara- _ Referred () Minnix _ _ To () Nickens _ _ _ c-i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 PROCLAMATION DECLARING OCTOBER 25-31, 1998 AS RED RIBBON WEEK IN SUPPORT OF A DRUG FREE COMMUNITY WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon Campaign was initiated in 1985 by the Virginia Federation of Communities for Drug-Free Youth; and WHEREAS, the red ribbon was designated as the symbol of intolerance of illegal drug use and a commitment to a drug-free life style; and WHEREAS, a group of concerned citizens, parents, students, teachers, police officers, business people, judges, drug treatment providers, counselors, ministers, and other caring individuals have established the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition (RAYSAC) to bring better coordination and development of substance abuse prevention programs and resources; and WHEREAS, RAYSAC, the Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, and Blue Ridge Community Services have asked that the Board of Supervisors recognize Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County and are promoting the Red Ribbon Campaign in the Roanoke Valley through a variety of activities and. NOW, THEREFORE, We, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia do hereby proclaim October 25 through October 31, 1998 as RED RIBBON WEEK in Roanoke County, Virginia, and encourage all of our citizens to join in the observances and activities of this event. ¢AY SA C c-~ ?~,oanOke ~l rea P.O. Box 13543 }'outh Sudstance ~Ld use - -T , ~ ~ ,- r, , ~,oanoke, vA 24035 ;~' ` ~-. ~ (540) 982-1427 Coalition Octo 6, 1998 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors c/o Mary Allen, County Clerk 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: For the fifth year, citizens in the Roanoke Valley and Botetourt County will be asked to take a stand against illegal drug use through the observance of Red Ribbon Week. RAYSAC (the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition), the Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, and Blue Ridge Community Services, would like to formally ask the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to proclaim October 25-31 as Red Ribbon Week in your community. The Red Ribbon Campaign was initiated in 1985 by the Virginia Federation of Communities for Drug-Free Youth following the murder of Federal Agent Enrique Camarena by drug traffickers. Since that time, the red ribbon has been designated as the symbol of intolerance of the illegal use of drugs and a commitment to a drug-free lifestyle. The last week of October is recognized as Red Ribbon Week by communities across the country. In the Roanoke Valley a number of events are scheduled: • Sunday, October 25, 1998, 7:00 p.m., a Candlelight Vigil will be held at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center, remembering those whose lives have been affected by alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse. ~ Tuesday, October 27, 6:30 p.n~. a seminar on "How To TeII if Your Child is using Drugs" will be held at the Center for Behavioral Health, Lewis Gale Medical Center. This program will offer a display of drug paraphernalia, signs and symptoms of drug use and abuse, information on what to do and what resources are available and law enforcement representatives will be on hand to answer questions. • During the week, schools have been asked to participate in a school contest whose week's activities best illustrate its community's commitment to the spirit of Red Ribbon Week. Also, an essay contest for middle, junior and high school students on "If you had the power, what laws would you create to prevent substance abuse among young people in Virginia?" • A number of businesses and agencies throughout the region will sport banners and ribbons in support of this week. - ion Profit Organization - .,-. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors October 1, 1998 Page Two c~ RAYSAC and the Drug Council are organizations that include concerned parents, students, teachers, police officers, business people, judges, drug treatment providers, counselors, ministers, and more. Working with Blue Ridge Community Services, they are committed to creating a community norm that drug abuse will not be tolerated. Thank you in advance for considering our request for a proclamation. I would be more than happy to pick this up at your next meeting if you will let me know when it is. Please call me at 4~7_ 1 ~..1'.7 of yoL: lia •.'e a^ jr ~,'.Lest2onS .r'ir :,~nCe:Z:.`;. Sincerely, Mary Gwen Parker Secretary/Treasurer RAYSAC cc: The Honorable Philip Trompeter, Roanoke Area Drug & Alcohol Abuse Council Virginia L. Hardin, Blue Ridge Community Services Item No. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Presentation of Compass Award to County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUNIlVIARY: This time has been set aside to present the Compass Award to County Administrator Elmer Hodge. The Compass Award is given by the Blue Ridge Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America to a Chief Executive Officer who believes in and supports public relations within his or her organization. Mr. Hodge was chosen to receive the award this year based on his commitment to two-way communication with the citizens of Roanoke County and his support of the Blue Ridge Chapter of PRSA. Respectfully submitted, C N~u ~~. Anne Marie Green, APR Director, Community Relations Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved Denied Received Referred to () Motion by: O Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER '" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 SUBJECT: 1998 Annual Report from Blue Ridge Community Services COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Blue Ridge Community Services has requested time on the agenda to present their 1998 annual report of services to Roanoke County residents. Rita Gliniecki, a resident of Roanoke County appointed as a BRCS Board member- at-large, will be presenting the report. She will be accompanied by Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Executive Director, Thomas Chapman, Director of Administration, Development, and Kathy York, Administrative Assistant. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Johnson _ _ _ Denied () Harrison _ _ Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ cc: File • ~ ~ ~ / ^1~ _. _. ~1^ ._ _.. BLUE RIDGE COMMUI~ITY SERVICES REPORT TO ROAIYOKE COUNTY October 27, 1998 _~.~ ^1~ .~_ ~1^ BLUE RIDGE COMMUnITY SERVICES MISSION STATEIVI~NT The mission of Blue Ridge Community Services is to support and promote the health, independence and self worth of individuals and families impacted by mental illness, mental retardation and substance abuse by providing quality community based services that are responsive to individual needs. BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTLY FUNDED PROGRAMS FY-98 PERFORMANCE REPORT ROANOKE COUNTY Unduplicated Client Count Service Number of Units Units of Service Cost of Services M ENTAL HEAL TH Emer enc Services 208 1,869 SH $ 81,939 Out atient Counselin 363 2,997 SH 240,597 Intensive In-Home Services 9 1,139 SH 52,029 Case Mana ement 114 1,332 SH 69,873 Children's Da Treatment - - DSH - Mountain House Clubhouse 10 1,673 DSH 33,842 Alternative Da Su ort 16 444 SH 6,155 Residential 66 104 BD 1,316 MH SUBTOTAL 786 $ 485,751 MENTAL RETARDATION Case Mana ement 162 3,928 SH $ 180,925 Sheltered Em to ent 10 674 D 25,025 Rehabilitation 34 11,612 DSH 98,643 Su orted Em to ent 9 658 SH 27,690 Hi hl Intensive Residential 4 1,107 BD 210,428 Intensive Residential 10 3,015 BD 333,292 Su ervised Residential 10 243 BD 39,023 Su ortive Residential 55 13,091 SH 242,643 Famil Su ort 52 52 F 34,334 MR SUBTOTAL 346 $ 1,192,003 SU BSTANCE AB USE Out atient Services 110 3,225 SH $ 147,451 Case Mana ement 87 1,106 SH 53,860 Da Treatment 9 437 DSH 7,258 Hi hl Intensive Residential 37 213 BD 45,682 Intensive Residential 28 886 BD 54,643 SA SUBTOTAL 271 $ 308,894 TREATMENT SUBTOTALS 1,403 $ 1,986,648 PREVENTION Contacts Number of Units Units of Service MH Prevention Services 115 1,687 SH $ 59,681 SA Prevention Plus 1,156 748 SH 39, 505 PREVENTION SUBTOTALS 1,271 $ 99,186 TOTAL 2,674 $ 2,085,834 FI'-98 LOCAL SHARE $ 79,332 SERVICE LOCAL DOLLAR $ 26 Units of Service: SH=Service Hours DSH=Day Support Hours D=Days BD=Bed Davs F=Families BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS - ROANOKE COUNTY JULY 1, 1997 -JUNE 30, 1998 • COUNTY RESIDENTS RECEIVED 26 DOLLARS WORTH OF SERVICES FOR EACH ROANOKE COUNTY TAX DOLLAR APPROPRIATED TO BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY SERVICES. MENTAL RETARDATION • IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMUNITY MEDICAID WAIVER INITIATIVE CONTINUES TO RESULT IN EXPANDED SUPPORTED LIVING ALTERNATIVES FOR INDIVIDUALS ELIGIBLE FOR INSTITUTIONAL CARE AND SEVERAL LINKAGES WITH PRIVATE PROVIDERS OF WAIVER SUPPORT SERVICES. INDIVIDUALS WHO WERE ONCE SERVED IN SEGREGATED INSTITUTIONAL SETTINGS ARE INCREASINGLY ABLE TO CHOOSE FROM AN ARRAY OF THE SUPPORTS THEY REQUIRE TO LIVE IN THE COMMUNITY. PRIVATE PROVIDERS OFFER RESIDENTIAL SUPPORT, DAY SUPPORT, THERAPEUTIC CONSULTATION, AND RESPITE SERVICES IN VARIOUS LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT ROANOKE COUNTY. WE HAVE A DIRECT ROLE IN EVALUATING THESE PROVIDER SERVICES BY RECEIVING AND APPROVING CLIENTS' PLANS OF CARE, AND FINALLY TO MONITOR THE SERVICES THEY PROVIDE. SUBSTANCE ABUSE • THE NEW JAIL SERVICES PROGRAMS CONTINUED EXPANDING IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY/SALEM JAIL. THE MEN'S PROGRAM IS NOW FUNCTIONING AS A JAIL-BASED THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY, AND THE WOMEN'S PROGRAM HAS EVOLVED INTO AN INCREASINGLY INTENSIVE PROGRAM. WE ALSO PROVIDE MENTAL HEALTH ASSESSMENTS, SUBSTANCE ABUSE ASSESSMENTS, HIV EDUCATION, AND REFERRALS FOR POST-RELEASE COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES. • PREVENTION PLUS STAFF PROVIDED CONFLICT MEDIATION TRAINING TO STUDENTS AND FACULTIES OF ELEMENTARY AND MIDDLE SCHOOLS, AND HAVE BEEN INSTRUMENTAL IN SETTING UP A TRAINING CONSORTIUM TO IMPACT THE ENTIRE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL SYSTEM. MENTAL HEALTH • THE OFFERING OF TRANSPORTATION SERVICES TO MOUNTAIN HOUSE HAS INCREASED THE NUMBER OF INDIVIDUALS LIVING IN LICENSED ADULT CARE RESIDENCES WHO ARE ABLE TO ATTEND CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES. • BRCS CONTINUED TO SUPERVISE THE COORDINATOR FOR FAMILY ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING TEAMS, AND MAINTAINED IN-HOME SERVICES CAPACITY AFTER THE CSA TRUST FUND GRANT ENDED. THESE AGREEMENTS SERVED TO COMBINE THE CLINICAL RESOURCES AND EXPERTISE OF BRCS WITH FUNDING AND ADMINISTRATION OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO BEST MEET THE NEEDS OF FAMILIES AND THEIR CHILDREN WITH SERIOUS EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS. • SARA STAFF PROVIDED TRAINING TO HOLLINS UNIVERSITY STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS REGARDING WORKING WITH VICTIMS AND PROVIDING SEXUAL ASSAULT PREVENTION EDUCATION. • CRISIS SERVICES STAFF CONTINUED TO PROVIDE SHORT TERM COUNSELING FOR MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES TO INMATES AT THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY JAIL. MEI`ITAL HEALTH SERVICES MISSION STATEMENT The Division of Mental Health Services provides treatmenC and support for adults with serious mental. illness, and children and adolescents with serious emotional ':disturbances and their families, with an emphasis on fostering improved social functioning and independence.. CHihD AND ADOLESCENT (C/A) SERVICES Outpatient Services 1125 First Street, SW, Roanoke In-Home F3 Case Management Services 1336 Maple Avenue, SW, Roanoke Children's Day Treatment 422 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke ADULT SERVICES Crisis Services Sexual Assault Response and Awareness (SARA) 424 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)* 1313 Maple Avenue, SW, Roanoke Psychiatric Services Community Resource Management Street Team 410 Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke Patterson Counseling Center 1729 Patterson Avenue, SW, Roanoke Deaf Services 30I Elm Avenue, SW, Roanoke Mountain House Clubhouse Church Social Clubs 317 Washington Avenue, SW, Roanoke *(beginning October 98) Contractual Programs Roanoke County department of Parks and Recreation TRUST MEl`[TAL RETARDATI01`I SERVICES MISSION STATEMENT The Division of Mental Retardation Services provides .comprehensive community support services to persons with mental retardation and their families, with an emphasis an' promoting an environment which enhances independence and growth. ~I_ - - - COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES ~~ Counseling and Life Skills Center Crisis Services Family Support Program Respite Services: Short-Term Care Community Training Services Bridge Builders Program 1315 Second Street, SW, Suite 201, Roanoke I~_ _ RESIDENTIAL sERVICES II Hazelridge Road 5220 Hazelridge Road, NW, Roanoke Melrose Avenue Residence/Crisis Stabilization 3605 Melrose Avenue, NW, Roanoke Niagara Road Residence 805 Niagara Road, Vinton Read Road Adult Home/Residential Respite Facility 3003 Hollins Road, NE, Roanoke Supported Living 1325 3'~ Street, SW, Roanoke II CONTRACTUAL SERVICES II ARC-Roanoke/CHD Industries Goodwill Industries Tinker Mountain, Inc. Easter Seal Society of Virginia, Inc. Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation SUBSTAI~ICE ABUSE SERVICES -_ MISSION STATEMENT The Division of Substance Abuse Services provides a full continuum of alcohol and other drug prevention,'treatment, rehabilitation, early intervention and support services, with emphasis on .reducing substance abuse in our communities. Substance Abuse Assessment Center 1 I33 Second Street, SW, Roanoke Detoxification Unit Primary Care Unit 801 Shenandoah Avenue, NW, Roanoke Hegira House (Therapeutic Community/Drug £3 Alcohol) 1405 Patterson Avenue, SW, Roanoke Jail Treatment Services Roanoke City, Roanoke County /Salem and Botetourt County Jails New Directions (Outpatient Counseling Center) 1345 Clark Avenue, SW, Roanoke Prevention Plus (Substance Abuse Prevention and Early Intervention) 541 Luck Avenue, SW, Suite 230, Roanoke Project Link Trinity United Methodist Church 305 Mountain Avenue, SW, Roanoke PHASES (Day Treatment, Intensive Outpatient, Relapse Prevention and Aftercare) 836 Campbell Avenue, SW, Roanoke Substance Abuse Support Services 836 Campbell Avenue, SW, Roanoke Contractual Programs Bethany Hall ~.. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 RESOLUTION 10 98- TO APPROPRIATE REFUND FROM THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY ON REFUNDING OF SERIES 19948 VPSA BOND ISSUE WHEREAS, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (THE "BOARD") OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA (THE "COUNTY") AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT, USE OF PROCEEDS CERTIFICATE AND ANY OTHER NECESSARY OR USEFUL TAX LAW DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DISTRIBUTION BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY OF THE NET SAVINGS REALIZED BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY THROUGH THE ISSUANCE BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY OF ITS SCHOOL FINANCING AND REFUNDING BONDS (1997 RESOLUTION) SERIES 1998 A, CERTAIN OF THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH REFUNDED COUNTY OF ROANOKE, GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BOND, SERIES 1994 A; AND AUTHORIZING ANY OTHER ACTIONS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES CONTEMPLATED HEREBY WHEREAS, the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") pursuant a resolution duly adopted on June 26, 1991, as amended, supplemented and restated (the "1991 Resolution") issued, amongst other series, two certain series of bonds designated as "Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1991 Resolution) Series 1992" and "Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1991 Resolution) Series 1994 B" (the "1991 Resolution Bonds") for the purpose of purchasing general obligation school bonds of certain cities and counties within the Commonwealth of Virginia; WHEREAS, the Authority used a portion of the proceeds of the 1991 Resolution Bonds to purchase certain duly authorized and issued general obligation school bonds of the County of Roanoke, Virginia designated County of Roanoke, General Obligation School Bond, Series 1994 A ("Local School Bonds"); WHEREAS, the Authority refunded certain of the 1991 Resolution bonds (the "Refunded Bonds") from a portion of the proceeds of its Virginia Public School Authority School Financing and Refunding Bonds (1997 Resolution) Series 1998 A (the "Refunding Bonds") issued pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Authority on October 23, 1997 (the "1997 Resolution"); WHEREAS, the Authority anticipates delivering to the County of Roanoke, its allocable share of the savings realized from the refunding of the Refunded Bonds; WHEREAS, the Authority in effecting the refunding has pledged the Local School Bonds for the benefit of the holders of Bonds issued under its 1997 Resolution; WHEREAS, the Authority is required to assist the underwriters (the "Underwriters") of the Refunding Bonds with their duty to comply with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule"); WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the County of Roanoke, Virginia to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement in order for the Authority to assist the Underwriters in complying with the Rule, and; WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the County of Roanoke, Virginia to execute a Use of Proceeds Certificate and any other instruments necessary or useful to evidence compliance with the requirements for maintaining the tax-exempt status of the Virginia Public School Authority's bonds; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia considers it to be advisable for the County to fulfill the request of the Authority to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, Use of Proceeds Certificate and other instruments necessary or useful to comply with requirements for maintaining said tax exempt status; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The County Administrator and such officers as he may designate are hereby authorized to enter into a Continuing Disclosure Agreement in the form presented at this meeting as Exhibit A hereto, containing such covenants as may be necessary in order for compliance with the provisions of the Rule. 2. Documentation Required for Tax Law Purposes. The officers of the County of Roanoke Virginia are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Use of Proceeds Certificate and any other instruments, including an 8038-G form, (collectively, the "Tax Documents") necessary and useful for evidencing compliance with the requirements for maintaining the tax-exempt status of the Virginia Public School Authority's bonds. 3. Further Actions. The members of the Board and all other officers, employees and agents of the County are hereby authorized to take such action as they or any one of them may consider 2 necessary or desirable in connection with the execution and delivery of the Continuing Disclosure Agreement and the Tax Documents and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 -! Approved () Motion by No Yes Denied () Harrison Received () Johnson Referred () McNamara To () Minnix Nickens Abs (M:\FINANCE\COMMON\BOARD\10-27-98.WPD October 15, 1998 (9:33AM) ~'" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 WHEREAS, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (THE "BOARD") OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA (THE "COUNTY") AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT, USE OF PROCEEDS CERTIFICATE AND ANY OTHER NECESSARY OR USEFUL TAX LAW DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DISTRIBUTION BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY OF THE NET SAVINGS REALIZED BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY THROUGH THE ISSUANCE BY THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY OF ITS SCHOOL FINANCING AND REFUNDING BONDS (1997 RESOLUTION) SERIES 1998 A, CERTAIN OF THE PROCEEDS OF WHICH REFUNDED COUNTY OF ROANOKE, GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BOND, SERIES 1994 A; AND AUTHORIZING ANY OTHER ACTIONS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES CONTEMPLATED HEREBY WHEREAS, the Virginia Public School Authority (the "Authority") pursuant a resolution duly adopted on June 26, 1991, as amended, supplemented and restated (the "1991 Resolution") issued, amongst other series, two certain series of bonds designated as "Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1991 Resolution) Series 1992" and "Virginia Public School Authority School Financing Bonds (1991 Resolution) Series 1994 B" (the "1991 Resolution Bonds")for the purpose of purchasing general obligation school bonds of certain cities and counties within the Commonwealth of Virginia; WHEREAS, the Authority used a portion of the proceeds of the 1991 Resolution Bonds to purchase certain duly authorized and issued general obligation school bonds of the County of Roanoke, Virginia designated County of Roanoke, General Obligation School Bond, Series 1994 A ("Local School Bonds"); WHEREAS, the Authority refunded certain of the 1991 Resolution bonds (the "Refunded Bonds") from a portion of the proceeds of its Virginia Public School Authority School Financing and Refunding Bonds (1997 Resolution) Series 1998 A (the "Refunding Bonds") issued pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the Authority on October 23, 1997 (the "1997 Resolution"); WHEREAS, the Authority anticipates delivering to the County of Roanoke, its allocable share of the savings realized from the refunding of the Refunded Bonds; WHEREAS, the Authority in effecting the refunding has pledged the Local School Bonds for the benefit of the holders of Bonds issued under its 1997 Resolution; WHEREAS, the Authority is required to assist the underwriters (the "Underwriters") of the Refunding Bonds with their duty to comply with Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule"); WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the County of Roanoke, Virginia to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement in order for the Authority to assist the Underwriters in complying with the Rule, and; (M:\FINANCE\COMMON\BOARD\10-27-98.WPD OQober 15, 1998 (9:33AM) ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA Item: Request to Appropriate Refund from Virginia Public School Authority on Refunding of Series 1994B VPSA Bond Issue COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUNIlVIARY OF INFORMATION: The County has been notified by the Department of the Treasury that the Virginia Public School Authority refunded the Series 1994B School VPSA Bonds during the Spring. As a result of this refunding, the VPSA Board of Commissioners approved the distribution of the allocable savings to each locality that participated in the 1994B issue. The County borrowed $3.2 million in this issue for Glenvar Middle renovations, School Board Administration renovations, roof replacements, Burlington Elementary window replacements, alarm systems, and technology equipment. The County has been allocated a savings refund of $42,209.54. There will be no change in the scheduled future debt payments as the savings is being refunded in this lump sum payment. Savings distributed to local issuers must be expended for public school capital purposes. FISCAL Il~IPACT: The County is eligible to receive $42,209.54 in VPSA refunding savings to be used for public school capital purposes. These funds should be spent within six months of the scheduled closing date of November 12, 1998. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the attached resolution which accepts and appropriates the refunding savings to the School Capital Fund for public school capital purposes to be determined by the School Board. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator (M:\FINANCE\COMMON\BOARD\10-27-98.WPD October 15, 1998 (9:33AM) t -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 RESOLUTION 102798.2 EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR PROJECT IMPACT AND AGREEMENT TO COMMIT STAFF AND RESOURCES TO THE PROJECT WHEREAS, millions of dollars are spent every year by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on disaster relief and clean-up; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley has experienced several natural disasters over the past fifteen years, including flooding, hurricanes and severe winter storms; and WHEREAS, FEMA has created Project Impact to assist communities across the United States in becoming disaster resistant, thereby identifying and preventing potential damage, saving money, lives and property; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley has been chosen as the first Project Impact community in the Commonwealth of Virginia, which will allow the Valley to obtain federal funding to serve as a catalyst for working with other governmental entities and the private sector to create adisaster-resistant community; and WHEREAS, the grant available from FEMA requires a match from the local governments, which can be met through staff time and donations from private sources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does hereby extend its support for Project Impact, and agrees to commit staff time and resources to making the project a success in the Roanoke Valley and to meet the match required to obtain the funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following 1 recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: ~~~ Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Annie Marie Green, Director, Community Relations Helen Smythers, Fifth Planning District Commission Item No. ~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of Support for Project Impact COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: ~~,~;~~ ~ ~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Roanoke Valley has been chosen by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as a Project Impact community. The Valley is eligible to apply for a grant to support this project and the Fifth Planning District Commission, which is serving as the coordinating agency for the local governments, has prepared the grant application. As part of this application, FEMA requires a resolution of support from the local governments, since a "soft" match is required to obtain the funding. The match, split on a 75/25% basis, can include staff time from the four local governments, the state and the Fifth Planning District Commission, as well as contributions from area businesses and individuals. BACKGROUND: Project Impact was created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to aid in creating disaster resistant communities. It is apublic-private partnership involving the federal government, the state and the local governments, along with the private sector, and most importantly, individual citizens. The Roanoke Valley was selected this year as the Project Impact community for the state of Virginia, and a steering committee consisting of the four local governments and representatives from the private sector has been created to oversee the project. The Fifth Planning District Commission is acting as the coordinating agency for the Valley and is drafting the grant application, which is due on November 6. December 15 has been tentatively chosen as the date for a signing ceremony for the Memorandum of Agreement, which would involved the four local governments, and various businesses throughout the community. The Roanoke Valley was chosen because of its past experience with disasters, particularly flooding, and the mutual response which the localities use in reacting to those situations. The interjurisdictional Stormwater Master Plan was also a deciding factor in choosing the Valley for this designation. The gant funding available averages between $300,000 and $500,000 per community, and requires a 25% match from the local governments. This match is "soft" and can include a variety of ~' ~ components, including staff time and donations from the private sector. Staff anticipates that based on the time already spent on Project Impact, there will be no difficulty in meeting this requirement. Attached is a copy of the budget details which will be submitted with the grant application. FISCAL IlVIPACT: Based on the 25% match requirement, and the percentage formula outlined in the attachment, Roanoke County will be responsible for providing an additional 1,079 hours of staff time, at $40/hour, with a total value of $43,160. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the attached resolution, so that it can be included in the grant application package for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Roanoke County can continue to participate in Project Impact. Respectfully submitted, Anne Marie Green, APR Director, Community Relations E mer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ()Motion by: Harrison _ _ _ Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara Referred to Minnix _ _ _ Nickens Attachment 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 ~~ RESOLUTION EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR PROJECT IMPACT AND AGREEMENT TO COMMIT STAFF AND RESOURCES TO THE PROJECT WHEREAS, millions of dollars are spent every year by the Federal Emergency Management Agency on disaster relief and clean-up; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley has experienced several natural disasters over the past fifteen years, including flooding, hurricanes and severe winter storms; and WHEREAS, FEMA has created Project Impact to assist communities across the United States in becoming disaster resistant, thereby identifying and preventing potential damage, saving money, lives and property; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley has been chosen as the first Project Impact community in the Commonwealth of Virginia, which will allow the Valley to obtain federal funding to serve as a catalyst for working with other governmental entities and the private sector to create adisaster-resistant community; and WHEREAS, the grant available from FEMA requires a match from the local governments, which can be met through staff time and donations from private sources. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does hereby extend its support for Project Impact, and agrees to commit staff time and resources to making the project a success in the Roanoke Valley and to meet the match required to obtain the funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. ~~ APPENDIX PROJECT IMPACT BUDGET DETAILS A. Distribution of Grant Funds to Project Elements The $500,000 grant funds will be distributed to the following project elements. The following figures do not include the required 25% match, which~is detailed in the next section. $300,000 - Stormwater Management Implementation $ 75,000 -Land Use Mitigation $ 25,000 -Hazard Analysis Planning $ 25,000 -Public Information and Education $ 15,000 -Partnership and Resource Development 60 000 -Grant Administration $500,000 TOTAL Note: In the Object Class section of FEMA budget form 20-15, the first three elements above are shown grouped together as $400,000 under "contractual." The next two elements are grouped together as $40,000 under "communication materials." The final element above (grant administration) is broken out into personnel, fi-inge, travel, advertising, and indirect on form 20- 15. (The latter adds up to more than the $60,000 on form 20-15 because the Fifth Planning District Commission's match of $12,000 is included.) The remaining match, in-kind technical assistance, is shown in the "other" category on Form 20-15. B. Computation of Matching Funds Step 1 -Total grant and match figures No more than 75% of the total project amount can be grant funds. If the total project amount is $666,667, the grant amount can be $500,000, and the match would be $166,667. Step 2 -Amount of match to be provided by DES and amount required to be provided from other sources $166,667 -total match required for $500,000 grant -$12,000 -from PDC (if approved by work program committee) - 15 000 -value of in-kind hours pledged by VDES $139,667 - remainder of match that is required ~~~ Step 3 -Value of hours donated as in-kind match $40/hour - value of in-kind hours donated to project by localities and other committee members. This is based on the typical hourly rate for a planner at the PDC, using the federally approved Cost Allocation Plan, which includes salary, benefits and % of overhead. The PDC's federal oversight agency is USDOT, which reports that annual CPA audit constitutes approval of Cost Allocation Plan. Step 4 - In-kind hours required to make $139,667 match $139,667 divided by $40/hr = 3492 hours (i.e., the number of hours required to meet $139,667 in-kind match) Step 5 -Hours donated in planningphase (can be counted as part of total required hours) 560 hrs - in-kind hours to be donated during planning phase, which began at the 7-17-98 Kick-Off Breakfast (Roanoke Marriot) and is expected to end in December 1998. 3492 total required hours minus 560 hours donated before project start date = 2932 remaining hour requirement after the grant's starting date Step 6 -Hours that localities will donate The Steering Committee has selected the following formula for dividing the required matching hours between the four localities. 1997 Population Number of Persons % of Area Total Roanoke City 95,600 47.4% Roanoke County (excluding Vinton) 74,390 36.8% Salem 24,600 12.2% Vinton 7,210 3.6% The % of total area population equates to the % of hours expected to be donated by that locality. Therefore, of the 2,932 hours to be donated by localities, it would be divided as follows. ii .. Roanoke City - 2,932 x 47.4% = 1390 hours Roanoke Co. - 2,932 x 36.8% = 1079 hours Salem - 2,932 x 12.2% = 358 hours Vinton - 2,932 x 3.6% = 105 hours (1390 hours x $40/hr = $55,600) (1079 hours x $40/hr = $43,160) ( 358 hours x $40/hr= $14,320) ( 105 hours x $40/hr = $4,200) 2932 hours $117,280 SUMMARY- The sources of the grant match are as follows. PDC $ 12,000 VDES $ 15,000 In-kind hours, prior to 12-1-98 $ 22,400 In-kind hours, localities 117 280 TOTAL match $166,680 (Note: the total exceeds the required match of $166,667 because the numbers have been rounded.) __ ~~ iii ACTION N0. ITEM N0. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for November 17, 1998. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1) An ordinance to rezone approximately 0.75 acre from R-1 to C-1 to allow an accounting office in an existing house, located at 3716 Colonial Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Mark Harrell. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. FI STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for November 17. 1998. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item 1, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~~ ~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Action Motion by No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens COUNTY OF RQfi,NOKE DEPT . OF PLA•NNfNG AND ZONIP~lG 5201 Bernard ur. ~` P.O. Box 2°800 Rcanoke, VA 24018 ~~_ (Sp` 772-2063 FA; (S~0 ; -11 `gib • data received:' receiveC-~y~ G^ / • l / I ~ ~ ~ . I placate 'sued: lass ac=. _. ! :, :;~,' ~ Cheek type of appiicaticn filed {check ail that epoly): j r-i~'o~~nr,ii~ir; E-1 ~P~^!C~_ US'c ^`JAF,IAIVCE - -- , -cn~ Applicant's name: S. Mark Harrell Rr'~°r'~' ~ ~O-S74B Address: 371b Colonial Ave S'N, P,or_aoke, VA Zip C°de: 2~C'j S I Owner's name: S. Mark Harrell `h`°"~')7 ~~-S'^~ Address: 37I6 Colonial Ave., S?N, Rcanoke, VA Zip Code: 2~0' P Location of propery: ~~ ~~ ~c~~iir~~ t~°, Tax ivlap Number: "~7; ~ ~ ^-_~ °~-~ i 3 fi .:? n !i{iiaglSterlai C/lstriCt. ._..- --~ ~-`^~ ~'` ~,ommunity Planning Ara.. Size of parcel {s): r ! Existing Zoning: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ acres ~ Existing Land Use: Res' dent i a_ Single-Farm 1y I sc.ft. ~ `::::: iy~ ii ~:~: .~~i'~ ':{~::"a:~~~i~ili~i~iji(iiiii ~`:~li'iil'~c ~~!~i`i~:~i~i~il:;';i:'ili~li • 'F z . ~~~'4 ~'~1~: 1 •: J ~~~ ~ ~ F: ~•:•7. Proposed Zoning: C-1 ~~ _`cr usz ~~.'r I :' Proposed Land Use: Account i na Office USe i `/Ge: ~.I i I.. ~j .. I! Dees the parcei meet the minimum lot area, wict~~, and fronrge requirements °f t:ne requested distract? YES X NO IF N0, A Vr,;=.;A,~lCE 1S REQUIRED FIRST. ~ '' Does the parce! meet the minimum criteria for t..e requested Use Type? Yc~ `~ ^~0 IF N0, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST.. f rezoning request, are conditions being preffer~d with this request? Y=~ X NO !`'.I ~I::: !~:::::~ Varianc= of Sec ion(s) cf the Roanoke County Zonine Ordina~:,ce in order tc: ', Is the appiicaticn comple*,e? Please checx if e:~closea. A.rFL!CA.TiGi11 V`.!LL NOT cE ,^.CCcFT=C IP ,-`~'' ~= THESE ITEMS ARE MiSSiNG OR INCOMFL= ~ E. ars v ars v a,s v x ~ Consultation XI ~ $ ~!~~ x ~ I ~ CGnCept plan ~~~ AppliCation fe: X I Application X~^'"~' M2teS a."1G b°UnGS dcSCrICtICn i1 ~?`%~ Pr°Ifer~, IT a'ppliCaCle X I ~UStIilCatlOn X~'`~'~``~ ~aie." end sewer apGllCatlCn ~~-r) A.C,°Ining r^,ioper-V G~~„^~c'.. l he~e~y cD1tl1'y the"t l am _°lthe~ Ih2 Owt7e! G% tr`7e ,ri~vCe,'rV C~ ir,2 G'r~Re~'S aye.l7t ~~ CC~rlifaC: rU~C,^aSe~ e.._ am acting with the kRO~/ledge and consent of tr,e o~~re~, ~ ~;~ ~~ Owner's Signature: ~/~ _ ,! ~' ~ r-~--~''- Y Applicant x.,{ S. Mark Harrell F'~ Star' Usa Only; Case dumber t-'r The Planning Commission will study resoning and s;oecial use pe.~~„~ reque..-_ tc de_en~:ine the need and JUSt1ilCat10n for the Change In terms Of pUbIIC he,=.iti"1, Scfety, and general 4Ve!iore. P~~e.=.52 r..~..`,^!e~ ir'i= f0!IC~..~, questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional s~aCe if necessary, Please eXDlaln F30w the regUeSt furhers rile pUipGSeS Oi the Lonlno QrClnan~Ce (`/ECtiOn 'C-JI as `vYcil c5 ,-~_ purpose found at the beginning Oi the aGpliCaC!e ZCning dlSriCt CaSSIilCoiiCn In. tfi2 ZOnInG CrCiriaPCe. This request offers a better use of subject preperty. The e:~isting traf_ir is not conducive to family (childrerlj use. Toe, the proposed use `~+i11 eliminate a most dangerous situation at the entrance to the property. The proposed landscaping will greatly improve the appearance o= subject property; considerable work has been done to date to enhance tie property. Please eXplain hCW the project COnfGCRS t0 the general gUlde!1neS and pGliCieS CCr?tainBd in. t%e RCanoke C~Unty Comprehensive Plan. The proposed use (C-1) as an accounting of=ice does not cor_form to the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. T'_^is application is being submitted aS a request for "Spot Zoning" consideration. It should be noted tna~ the adjoining property to the east on Colonial Ave. is zoned C-%. Pie352 describe the impact(s1 Of the regL'eSt On the prOperY ItSc!f, the adlCining prCDer~leS, and tine SufiCU^;ding area, a5 We!1 aS the impacts en pUbilC SerVICeS and feCtllUeS, InClUdliig 'Water%Sa`Ner, rCaCS, SCnCCIS, parksrreCreation, and fireirescue. This request, if approved, wi 11 enhance and improz;e the existing property. This-request will have only a minimal impact or. the USe Cf Water~Sewer; no 1mpaCt T~ihatSOe~T.er On SC'10015, .p arks a _d reCreC.t=Gn. A most positive impact on the existing entrance off cf Th.omtison Lane whih 1S dangP_rOUSly close t0 CO1Cn1a1 Av2nUe will result from QUr plan t0 mGVe the driveway away •from ~Colcnial Avenue. Eve antlCioate nc more ~;.,a,, five clients visitirla our office daily. We work Urimarily iri our clients place of business and deliver paychecks throuahcutlthe Roanoke ~ialley.Apo-licant planned t0 OpP_ratP_ a home GffiCe at this lOCat.i Cn. 1~vOn ce`t~re?r~e?;t of business license from Roanoke Ccunt_y, applicant learned teat he could net have the employee needed. Teo, the 1G°~" space limitati en also prever.tea home Off7.Ce use. T1''erefore, C-~ zoning rnusw be secured t0 u52 CrOpertY -^?" intended use. DISCLOSED BY A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERT`( IS WITHIN THE OMITS OF ZONE ' ",X" _ AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP THIS DETERMINATION IS BASED ON SAID MAP AND HA.S NOT BEEiy VERIFIED BY ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS. M.B.L.= MIi`lIMUM BUILDING LINE S.P.= SCREENED PORCH P= PORCH S= STOOP qq ` S\'t'~= SIDEWALK ~~~~ ~ 1''aL ~ ~1 CLD P!N 30' M.H.L. BRICK WALL LOT 5 20.4' r 50' WIDE N 52'49'30" E 1 ~ ~ 137.40 ~, ~~ Q~' ~~ ~~. Q' o`~ ~2 o` *~ -~ p = 93'35' R = 23.48' T = 25.00' NOT L = 38.85' ~' CH= 5 SO'23' E ~''~ 34.23' ~ ~ NOT ~~~~G 33.7' 79.6' .. 'SEE ~ ~~ LL NousE ~ DETAIL' \ - w 34.0' St , 3 ?( y ~ O o ,~ ?, I ' ~ ?` 3 i t T ~ I J ~ FlSN POND Jl ~~, ~ i ~,- - j -~ . _~ ~. ~~ 1 ~ Ti~ p _. cn Z ~ L I ~ ] a ~i ~~~RTO a .. FRAME ,~ ~ SHEO 1 -X154.00' cui -1, i PIN ~_ U O C m VJ n oLD I S 53 s0 00 W ~ PIPE m ~ 2 b LoT 6 LOT 2 ,yTS OF y PC?RCN ~ ~ ~~gr j~ 48.5' ~ N [r+ ,,, •tO t 1\2 STCRY v HN T. PARKER > 'nNYL SIDED ~ 5'21 No. 1076 X3726 P'~ 7 ~,~ ~/~~~ 161 ~~ sv3~ S.P. J 30.x.. ..- - -- -a. - _ "HOUSE DETAIL" SURVEY FAR NO sc,~L_. PAUL D. ~IHARTO~ ~: ~ KAT~;LEE~ ~NHARTON OF lOT 1, BLOCK 2, ' GREEN VALLEYS P.B. 3, PG. 192 ROANOKE COUNTY, vIRG;NfA TAX # 77.18-03-24 ~~~ T. P. PARKitiR 6e SON ~ SCALE: 1"= ULY 24 G-151 N.B. DRAWN JD109 ~ 6ia Bcule,:ra J DATE: ,199 CALC. CHK'D WDW 6N O~NLSRS sVRVEYORS Poet QlIIoe Saz sa 45 iOS D- CLOSED• JD EOC=0.09' PLANNERS Salem, vir~laia 2i1C9 ,~ 0 ; 95-072$ DISCLOSED ~6Y A TITLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTORNEY. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY iS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ZCNE ' ~ _XM _ AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATC MAF Ti-'~!S DETERMINATION iS EASED ON SAID MAP AND HAS NOT 6EEN VERIFIED BY ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS, M.E.L.= MINIMUM BUILDING LINE S.P.= SCREENED PORCH P= PORCH S= STOOF S\'~= SIDE'~dALK ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ OLD P!N 3Q' M.B.L. LOT 5 LOT 6 50' WIDE N 52'49'30" E LOT 2 ~~~ ~~ `~$ yj~ .~~ o HN T. PARKER ~ No. 1 Q76 -~~~-~-/~s' burn svav~ NoT SET ~" F ~ Q~. ^~~ ~~ e~ L 0 c`'~ 4 ~ = 93'35' R = 23.48' T = 25.00' L = 38.85' CH= S 80'23' E 34.23' NOT SET u a 0 tCJ ~~ 1!1 OLD PiN C~ o G !T1 PORCH ~.~, `.tea 1 1 \2 STflR Y °' ' VINYL SiOED ~' S.2' X3726 P' ~ s' J S.P. j 3 0.5' ~} ,r . `~ ~' ~.- ~;' F-I '~f ~~ ~"`~ , ° ~ ~, i \ ~_ _ `~-/ //ice ~~ ~ ~, ~ +;;~ `_ Gh - ~. c^: 'l ~ t (h- _ °rt, ~r - ~'~ ~~~ ~ ~'i s~ city-,rtiaa 6.4 '~ ~ ~ 1~ - ,~-_ /~ '~ ~ 4 ~ ~`, ~~ ''''~) a ~` ~' ~'' .. z - /~ ~~ 0 ~ ~ ~~1 ;fit 3 ~"~ ~"`.t % ~ ti A\ '~ ~. ley ~'. ~ ~ f /~ -C-_y- `- ~~' ~ ' _ } ~,~`-' ~, j /j -._ _ - i ~ l~ ~,~r°'`/."iii -. \, ~ Z e/ i ~ ~ ~.~ V , ! ~t ~ _ - 'ai - r ~ ~ ~~ ~+, ~, t ~ f--'~ F ~ `~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~ f < . ~`~ \ 1 } / ' _ ~~. ;,_~ fr -~ ; ~ ,-~-, ~ - ~r; ~. _ ~ ` ,, ~ - ~ ~ `_" ~, ., .. I ~; 3.`~~ D~ ~' i-M7-IS3 !-A!M7-I65 ( I-M7-186 ~ A ~ ~ / A ~~ 7 ~. ' ,•_ D_M7-184 I-M7-164 as -~.~' a: ~o.o~. .M7--163 + ~- ! l 1-M7-169 ~. 7 bay o.o, ~_ ~,- ~-,,, -M7 4 r ~~ 0-8.~ ~~ 1-M7-16I pLUGG.~. , I~M7--168 1 M7-171 ,'s~ ' . I-M7~'67 \ ~~ ~... y 9 3 '` ,:r~u~~w P ~~ - rte, !. „ _ u _ _ ~ , M715 _ . I 7 I ~ ~' 55 -N - , 5. ~ D it 'o P~_GC ~ ,goo 90 /z a' ~ D=ia.o I•M7-172 ~ '- x,99 ~ 1-b1?.160 ' I=!•n7-166 I-iv17-1T6 I-M715 2~3 p`~,rc, ZO~~~./.u D=+3.v ~ '. ~, `~ i-M 7-159 ~~' ~ ,° ~~ c?S: 'o, Dc i-M7-~ --M7-IS5 ~ p~ .. ,i-~~~~-17~a l-mgr, 'L ~ . pwvL ~ l-M7-165q D' I L 0 ` ~~ Z p'8'`~.- Zj ^' O ~ Dc g.8' ~ I M7 182A AMT-IS3 6' ~ ~% ~'f°~ = 9.9 ~ °: ,3 6 , ~ : O ~i-Ni?1655 , ' _ ,. _ i2.Z ti21 I-M7-182 ~~ -„a. h~ ~ C O, ..._. .y - ....-~ _._ \, Mn - 3-M7-III A p~~.3, . . 1- M'7'(L3 Q - y ~ ~+_ i a4 ~ _ ~r.-r^ s-M7 Irt c 9~'~~? - R~F~ '~,,, .C~ 9j~~ ~ o ~, G ~',; 3~~17-109 f D_Xr ..( , ~.1~_~___._1._~. I ~C I ~~~. c~ ROANOIfE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT f p~ Y/ o~ ~~ S. Marlc Harrell 371 S Colonial Av Rezone ,from R-1 to C-1 7'7.18-3-24 i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTERON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 ORDINANCE 10 98-3 AUTHORIZING QUIT-CLAIM AND RELEASE OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT WITHIN THE CUL-DE-SAC OF OTTER PARK COURT AND LOCATED BETWEEN LOT 8, BLOCK 2, SECTION 3, AND TRACT A-1, BLOCK 2, SECTION 3, OF THE GROVES IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, in order for Otter Park Court to be accepted into the state secondary road system, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requires that the right-of- way be free and clear of any third party rights or encumbrances; and, WHEREAS, VDOT has requested quit-claim and release of an existing water and sanitary sewer easement, twenty feet (20') in width, within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3, and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3, of the Groves, being a portion of the easement acquired by deed recorded in Deed Book 1412, page 364, and shown on plat recorded in Plat Book 15, page 150, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, subject to certain conditions; and, WHEREAS, it will serve the interests of the public to have Otter Park Court accepted into the state secondary road system and the release, subject to the issuance of a permit and other conditions, will not interfere with other public services and is acceptable to the Roanoke County Utility Department. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. 1 A first reading of this ordinance was held on October 13, 1998; and a second reading was held on October 27, 1998. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the interests in real estate to be released are hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to the Commonwealth of Virginia for acceptance of Otter Park Court into the state secondary road system by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). 3. That quit-claim and release of the water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of the Groves, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, is hereby authorized subject to the following conditions: a. VDOT issuance of a permit for the water and sanitary sewer lines or facilities. b. The facilities located within the 50-foot right-of-way, between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3, and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3, of the Groves, may continue to occupy the street or highway in the existing condition and location. c. The release would be for so long as the subject section of Otter Park Court is used as part of the public street or highway system. 4. That the subject easement is not vacated hereby and shall revert to the County in the event of abandonment of the street or highway. 5. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 2 6. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney 3 NORTH "`I 5 S.f. a. ~S ~'j SF, \~ ~_ `~'~ _ \~~ ~ ~'`.a.E 35' -' . C lg C`!g -- ~~___' = =.-- ~ S.S.E. ~• ~~a ~ ~ f ® ®~~' ~-t _ C- 7S t9 ~ 68 - 5 s ' ~` ~ 506~'? S7 12 ®'~1'~~ o Rey ass. \ ' C, W ~ ' ~ 11.11' ~_~ ' ' . a- ~~ ~ ~ Mg ' w 3 ss sDS•2a c-2 a ~, w ,;~_ ' c _ _ c-z _ ~ a ~ N ie~ ~ - ~~ M ~ ~ 1 --_ _ . ~ ~ ~ ;- zas.f. 5 ~~~ ; y ~ t f ® l 13 0~ 14 3 ; 10,765 S.F ~ 1fl,117 5.f. '" ° 22,269 ~ . ~ 1 ~„^, ~ / is 8 / j v ' ~ " ~?6.7p' N EX. 20'S.S O.B.1445, PC. 80'01' " o ~ 9. ~ T ~ ~ u I /~~ 6 ,, 30 28. 02 F ~ j ~ W t u ~ `' t 12 i~ 472 S.F. i /,~ ~ ~ ~ 10,634 S.f. •d ~N ~~r- ~-i ~JG 7 /.•~/ ~,~ /. ~'''°---20' WATER AND SANITARY SEWER ~~• EASEMENT TO BE QUITCLAIMED ~~ NATURAL WA ts' PuE EX. 20' S: S. E. ' D.B. 1495, PG. PROPOSED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE QUITCLAIMED SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: A 20 foot water and sanitary sewer easement (P.B. 15, PG. 150 & D.B. 1412, PG. 364) within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-l, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves. ROANO~fE' COUNTY 20' WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ~EPA.RT~tE'1Vfi 0~' TO BE QUITCLAIMED ~Q~f~lUN~TY D~YE~OP~~lP~T THE GROVES, SECTION 3 %~ L~/ VI CI1VI7'~ MAPI ACTION # ITEM NUMBER l~ -' j AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of a water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is the second reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize quitclaim and release of water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves. BACKGROUND: In July of 1993, Roanoke County obtained from Nicholas H. and Susan Cocke Beasley a 20-foot water and sewer easement for the development of the County's south loop water transmission line. Said easement is shown and designated as "New 20-foot Water and Sewer Easement" upon easement plat recorded in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 15, Page 150, and Deed Book 1412, Page 364. Soon thereafter, Palm Land Company, L.C. purchased the Beasley property for the development of a single family residential subdivision. Palm Land Company, L.C., subsequently subdivided the property by plat showing Section 3, The Groves, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's office, Plat Book 18, Page 153, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The 20-foot water and sanitary sewer easement described above lies within Section 3 and is beneath Otter Park Court. 1 ~a t SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In order for Otter Park Court to be accepted into the state secondary road system, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requires that the right-of-way be free and clear of any third party rights or encumbrances. The quitclaim and release of the subject portion of the water and sanitary sewer easement to the Commonwealth of Virginia would be subject to VDOT issuing a permit for such facilities and the condition that the facilities located within the 50-foot right-of-way, within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves, may continue to occupy the street in the existing condition and location. The release would be for so long as the subject section of Otter Park Court is used as part of the public street or highway system; however, said easement would not be vacated by the Board and would revert to the county in the event of abandonment of the street of highway. The Utility Department is in agreement with this request. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: (1) Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for quitclaims and release of the water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves. (2) Decline to adopt the proposed ordinance, which would result in Otter Park Court remaining a private road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Roanoke County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed ordinance as provided in Alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 2 G-i ACTION Approved OMotion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To pc: Vickie Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Department VOTE No Yes Abs McNamara Harrison _ _ Johnson _ _ Minnix _ _ Nickens 3 NOR TIC _` I ~.` 5 S. F. ~S ~'~ .f f, i ~~ _~ C '~I(~~ tg C,~B ~f~_-- - - S.S.E. ~• ` - ~ ~ SD6 2a' S0' R S7 12 ~~,`'i ~ SS ~ ' ~ W ~ ~ p~ ~ ~'~ i J 11.11 c-~ SD6'24'S5'W ~ M81~ - _ a W C-Z'~ C_2_ 3-_ ~ - - - - - ~ 1 l ' --- - a J N ~ ~ ~ d r---------- ~ `" ~ r 1 ^ ~ F / n 24 S,F. ~ i-- °' ~ ~ 14 5 ~ ~i,_"11 ,` 13 0~ ~' ~ © 10,765 S.rF. U~ `r ° 22,269 ~ 6•~ 7 S.F. ^ ,n f~ / ~ ~ 8 ~ ~ / ~ Ex. zo's.s 1? r$ ~p 0.8.1495, PC 8p'pi' " I ~ N 7 ° n 9.8? ~ 7 3p 28" ` ~ ~ ~ p7 . . ` E ~ / ^ ~ ~ " w r 6 ~' / 12 ~ 372 S. F. i /~ ~. ~ > / ~ ~ ~ 10,639 S. F. •d. ~ / ~ m P r r 3 3 ~ > ~/ .Fib„ / j ,rr! . / S) a ~x~ 73~Q Or W y ~ ~`_ ~- i ~_~ r l ~ ~~! /. ~--20' WATER AND SANITARY SEWER ~,~ EASEMENT TO BE QUITCLAIMED / ~ NATURAL wA 1s' PuE EX. 20' S.S.E. ' D.B. 1495, PC. _~ ~ ~ PROPOSED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE QUITCLAIMED SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: A 20 foot water and sanitary sewer easement (P.B. 15, PG. 150 & D.B. 1412, PG. 364) within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves. ROANO.I~E COUNTY 20' WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT DEPARTMENT OF' TO BE QUITCLAIMED COMMUNITY D~'YE~OPMENT' THE GROVES, SECTION 3 c/~ ~7 ~' VICINITY ~YI_AP~ 5 7 1 .p L "1,l 13 o h 14 `' ° 22,~sg 10,765 S.F. >J~ 1 r 10,117 S. F. ~' ~ 89.49• I ~~ ~ 118.j EX. 20'SS lgl i 7 / 7 ~ / 7 80• ~ D.8.I495, PG 4 ~ 7j 3p'2g9.8?'r ~ ~ M1 ~ ~ ~ / r'r s Ol 7~ F ~ j . 6 w, 7 ~, 12 u r ~ 12.4 72 S. F. / ~' °'` r /,~ ~ l i 1 D, 639 S. F. •~. N 1 / c RY ` 1 ,? jO ~ ~ ~-i NORTH Il v, a 7 73~,0~ Ji 7 w.- 12,110 S.F, i~~L~ .ti C,~ 15'D. E. ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ .,7 Si T4g'r~-y ~ J`~ ~ r V G 1295' ~ T~i ~' ~~ \C`tp '~I®®~ ~5 C C i8 E 35 `! ~- -_- '" S.S.E. C• , / 1 ate' SA~ F 5 S ~ ` 5 ~ \ ~ S 57 1 ©~i1"~°~ f . . b1 ~ 06'2a~ 50' R/W 2 •y ` ~Jp• ~ ~'~ '~ 506'24'S5'W 23 '11,812 S.F. o a QCf -_ ` D q, ", G-2e x' BLOCK 02 ~°~` ~1 , 3 '`~ ~ 4 J ~ - --- -- _ _ __- . ---- 8 ni n • 12.02' 4 ~ }~ d r ~ ,r ~s ~~ Sf, \• ~F1~ ap N ~N 1a.7o;• ~ r ,.~ SIg ? / ~ N~ / '15,279 S.Fi 1 i- ~ 169' / ~ / ~y ~ ~ ~ ~_ , 13,5182 S. F. ~ , 1., z9. Dg. ~^ "1 ~~ 1 y~J w :,_ 37' ~7Ttc~. ~ ~ 20' WATER AND SANITARY SEWER ~~'' ~~ EASEMENT TO BE QUITCLAIMED ,. _ _ ~ ~ ~i~ _ ,~ L ~ ~ / ~ NATURAL WA D.B. 1495, PG. ~ '/,, ~ ~ ~ '~ ~N7 ~&7'~ D.E, si' D~k ?~`Opl w ~' ~j~// le.,~Sc- ~ i ~- PROPOSED WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE QUITCLAIMED SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: A 20 foot water and sanitary sewer easement (P.B. 15, PG. 150 & D.B. 1412, PG. 364) within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-l, Block 2, Section 3 of The Groves. ROANOKE COUNTY 20' WATER A1~1D 5ANITARY SEWER EASEMENT EEPARTMENT O.F' TO BE QUITCLAIMED CO~dMUN~TY DEVE~OP1ilENT THE GROVES, SECTION 3 ``~ 7 ~' i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING QUIT-CLAIM AND RELEASE OF WATER AND SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT WITHIN THE CUL-DE-SAC OF OTTER PARK COURT AND LOCATED BETWEEN LOT 8, BLOCK 2, SECTION 3, AND TRACT A-1, BLOCK 2, SECTION 3, OF THE GROVES IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, in order for Otter Park Court to be accepted into the state secondary road system, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requires that the right-of--way be free and clear of any third party rights or encumbrances; and, WHEREAS, VDOT has requested quit-claim and release of an existing water and sanitary sewer easement, twenty feet (20') in width, within the cul-de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3, and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3, of the Groves, being a portion of the easement acquired by deed recorded in Deed Book 1412, page 364, and shown on plat recorded in Plat Book 15, page 150, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, subject to certain conditions; and, WHEREAS, it will serve the interests of the public to have Otter Park Court accepted into the state secondary road system and the release, subject to the issuance of a permit and other conditions, will not interfere with other public services and is acceptable to the Roanoke County Utility Department. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on October 13, 1998; and a second reading was held on October 27, 1998. G-I 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the interests in real estate to be released are hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to the Commonwealth of Virginia for acceptance of Otter Park Court into the state secondary road system by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT). 3. That quit-claim and release of the water and sanitary sewer easement within the cul- de-sac of Otter Park Court and located between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3 and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3 of the Groves, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, is hereby authorized subject to the following conditions: a. VDOT issuance of a permit for the water and sanitary sewer lines or facilities. b. The facilities located within the 50-foot right-of--way, between Lot 8, Block 2, Section 3, and Tract A-1, Block 2, Section 3, of the Groves, may continue to occupy the street or highway in the existing condition and location. c. The release would be for so long as the subject section of Otter Park Court is used as part of the public street or highway system. 4. That the subject easement is not vacated hereby and shall revert to the County in the event of abandonment of the street or highway. 5. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. G:\ATTORNEY\VLH\WPS 1\AGENDA\ROADS\OTTERPK.ORD r' ~ K ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER I -" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. BLUE RIDGE ALLIANCE FOR ORGAN AND TISSUE DONATION The two-year term of Mary H. Allen will expire November 23, 1998. 2. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS The four year term of Larry W. Degen, Alternate, expired July 28, 1998. The four year term of Richard L. Williams, Consulting Engineer expired October 24, 1998. They are eligible for reappointment. 3. GRIEVANCE PANEL The two year term of Raymond C. Denney, alternate, will expire October 10, 1998 The new terms will be for three years. 4. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS -ADVISORY COUNCIL The one year term of Dee Pincock expired March 31, 1998. Mr. Pincock is eligible for reappointment but has indicated he does not wish to serve another term. He has continued to serve until someone is appointed but has now officially resigned. 5. NEW CENTURY VENTURE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Owen Poole has served on the New Century Venture Center Board of Directors as 1 r ~, 6. ~+i-~ Roanoke County's representative. He has moved to Tennessee and the position is now vacant. The Center has requested that the Board of Supervisors appoint an individual to serve as the County's representative. The Board may appoint a member of the County staff or a citizen to this position. TASK FORCE FOR SENIOR AND PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED CITIZENS Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss has received resignations from Betty Dangerfield and Nancy Hall who represent the Cave Spring Magisterial District on this Task Force, and these representatives need to be replaced. There is no set term for these appointments. SUBMITTED BY: ..~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Harrison _ Denied () Johnson _ _ Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ To () Nickens _ cc: File 2 A-102798-4 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to the Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority and acceptance of original Certificate COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: On July 14, 1998, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance authorizing membership in the Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority. The Board of the Authority will include two representatives appointed by each member locality. The initial term of office shall begin on the date of the creation of the Authority. Each member shall also be required to take an oath of office. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Authority held its first meeting on October 21, 1998 and Economic Development Director Tim Gubala attended on behalf of Roanoke County. Tim would be an excellent representative from Roanoke County and would make a valuable contribution. The revised bylaws require that the other representative must be a member of the governing body. Additionally, the revised bylaws state that each member locality may also appoint two alternates. The Authority has also requested that the original certificate from the Secretary of the Commonwealth which provides for the creation of the Authority be included in the official records of each governing body. Therefore, the Board of Supervisors should accept the attached certificate and it will be included in the agenda packet for this meeting and noted in the minutes. The certificate is attached. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Board of Supervisors should appoint two individuals to represent Roanoke County on Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority. I would like to recommend that ~+ 7 Y Economic Development Director Tim Gubala fill one of these vacancies. The other representative must be a member of the Board of Supervisors. The Board may also appoint two alternates if you wish. Further, it is recommended that the Board accept the Certificate creating the Authority. Respectfully Submitted by: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to nominate Johnson _ _ x Denied () Timothy W. Gubala and Bob L. Johnson Harrison _ x _ Received () o represent Roanoke County with Joyce McNamara- x _ Referred () Waugh and Fenton F. Harrison appointed Minnix _ x _ To () as alternates Nickens _ x cc: File Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority File ~~ H ~ e C®MMC)NWEAI,'TI-I of VIRC,~INIA Office of the Governor James S. Gilmore, III Governor Anne P. Petera Secretary of the Commonwealth I, Anne P. Petera, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and as such, keeper of the Great and Lesser Seals, do hereby certify that the Ordinance adopted by the counties of Bland, Giles, Pulaski, Wythe, Craig, Montgomery and Roanoke, the Cities of Roanoke, Radford and Salem, and the Towns of Christiansburg, Narrows, Pulaski, Dublin and Pearisburg, Virginia pursuant to § 15.2-6402 of the Code Of Virginia, 1950, as amended, creating Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority was duly filed in this office on September 24, 1998, and do certify further that upon the basis of the facts set forth therein, the said Ordinance satisfies the requirements of the aforesaid Act. Given under my hand and under the Lesser Seal of the Commonwealth, at Richmond, this seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight and in the 223rd year of the Commonwealth. Secretary of the Commonwealth P.O. Box 2454 • Richmond, Virginia 23218-2454 • (804) 786.2441 • TDD (804) 371-8599 • www.soc.state.va.us r. - ~ , , § 49-1 CODE OF VIRGINIA § 49-3 Z~tle 49. Oaths, Affirmations and Bonds. Chap. 1. Oaths and Affirmations, §§ 49-1 through 49-11. 2. Bonds Taken by Courts and Officers, §§ 49-12 through 49-21. 3. Relief of Sureties, §§ 49-22 through 49-29. CHAPTER 1. OATHS AND AFFIRMATIONS. Sec. Sec. 49-1. Form of general oath required of offic- 49-6. ers. 49-2. Form of oath for out-of--state commis- 49.7. sinners. 49-3. Who may administer oaths to officers. 49.8 49-4. Magistrates and other officers who may administer oaths and take affida- wits. 49-9. 49-5. Officer of another state or country may 49-10. take affidavit; authentication. 49-11. Oath or affidavit required of purchaser of fuel, etc. Affidavits for corporations, partner- ships, and other entities. Where fact of oaths having been taken is recorded. When affirmation may be made. Use of Bible in administration of oaths. Failure to take oath. § 49-1. Form of general oath required of officers. -Every person before entering upon the discharge of any function as an officer of this Commonwealth shall take and subscribe the following oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge all the duties incumbent upon me as .......... according to the best of my ability, (so help me God)." Any person reappointed to any office filled by gubernatorial appointment for a subsequent term to begin immediately upon expiration of an existing term shall not be required to renew the oath set out in this section; however, the original oath taken shall continue in effect with respect to the subsequent term. (Const., § 34; Code 1919, § 269; 1936, p. 49; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 16; 1980, c. 320; 1988, c. 255.) Cross references. -For constitutional pro- vision as to oath, see Va. Const., Art. II, § ?. § 49-2. Form of oath for out-of--state commissioners. -Where a pperson residing in another state is appointed a commissioner by the Governor, he shall only be required to take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: "I, ... ...., swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully perform the duties of commissioner to the best of my ability. So help me God." (Code 1919, § 272.) § 49-3. Who may administer oaths to officers. -The oaths to be taken by a person elected a member of either house of the General Assembly shall be administered by the clerk or presiding officer of the houses, respectively, or a notary. Those to be taken by any judge of any court of record elected by the General Assembly shall be administered in a court of record, or by any judge, or by any officer authorized by law to administer an oath. Those to be taken by any person elected or appointed an officer of either house of the General Assembly shall be administered by the person and in the manner prescribed by t~~ 7 § 49-4 oA^. the rules of such house. Tl to any other office or post directed by law, be admini by a Commissioner or cle Secretary of the Commonti position in another state sinner or other person res: c. 228; 1986, c. 255; 1988, Editor's note. -Acts 1992, and 2, which amended this se; provide: "That any oath taken be clerk prior to the effective date a § 49-4. Magistrates a: and take affidavits. - A such nature that it mus magistrate, a notary, a tom the Governor, a judge or c clerk or deputy clerk of governing bodies of local g~ m a cause therein pending before the surveyor directe~ 1932, p. 339; 1968, c. 639; When notary authorized to vit. -This section, when rea strued, only authorizes the notar affidavit when it is required by t taken before a justice. There does be any statutory authority for az loss under a policy of automobile be taken either before a justice Commonwealth v. Simon, 11 Va. 349 (1925). The authority of the notary to a. oath is purely statutory. In the § 49-5. Officer of anot: thentication. - An affida~ or country authorized by it: duly authenticated if it be it a certificate of the clerk o: or country, under an official the first mentioned officer a when such affidavit is mac country the same shall be d subscribed by such notary w- to by any clerk or other offic Authentication may be prop affidavit made and filed for the securing a lien under § 43-24, whit in another state, but lacks the authe the magistrate's signature, requir section, is not a nullity. The claimar. 14 1 ` { AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 RESOLUTION 0 8- APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October 13, 1998 designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 6, inclusive, as follows: Approval of minutes for September 8, 1998, September 22, 1998, and October 7, 1998. 2. Request for endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve as Region Nine representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. 3. Resolution requesting acceptance of Belmont Court and a portion of Derby Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary Road System. 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Winterberry Point, Section 2. 5. Acceptance of off-site sanitary sewer facilities serving Winnbrook, Section 1. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item A - _ f 4 r September 8, 1998 575 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 September 8, 1998 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday, and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of September, 1998. N RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:07 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. r September 8, 1998 577 oun y o nano a or eir con n u ions o e Commonwealth Games. (Peter Lampman. President Mr. Peter Lampman presented the plaque to Chairman Johnson and the Board members. He also reported on the games, advising there were 10,119 athletes, an increase of 3%, participating in 45 sports. Over 69,000 athletes have competed in the Games in the past nine years. The total visitor related tax revenues are estimated at $233,566. IN RE: BRIEFINGS 1. Update on public health services offered b~/ the Health Department. (Dr. Molly Rutledge, Health Director Dr. Rutledge presented a public health report card prepared by her department as of June 1998 which shows that Roanoke County is the healthiest community in her districts. This is primarily because of good management practices and the socio-economic level of Roanoke County. She provided copies of the Health Department report card for both pub-ic health and the environment. 2. Update on the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (Gard Robertson, Utility Director) Mr. Robertson updated the Board on the treatment plant, advising that the consent order between the Roanoke Valley and EPA mandates that the project be complete by December 31, 1999. The cost has increased from $42 million to $53 million ,~ September 8, 1998 579 Board adopt a resolution opposing the western route. 3. Charles Blankenship 5215 Sugarloaf Drive. recommended that the Board wait until VDOT completes their study. At that time the public will have 45 days to respond. He was opposed to the western route. 4. Mark Peterson, 2715 10th Street NW, recommended upgrading Interstate 581 and 220 to interstate standards. 5. Alan Gleiner, 10185 Bottom Creek Roadj representing the Roanoke County-Salem Impact Network, described the history of the project since 1975. He advised that Bedford and Botetourt Counties adopted resolutions in opposition and the Board needs to speak out now. He collected over 600 signatures on a petition supporting the I-581 corridor. 6. Eleanor Lasky, 6725 Parkway Drive, expressed support for the I-581 /220 route. 7. Ann Rogers. 6347 Back Creek Road. Boones Mill, reported that Highway Transportation System money could be used to fix Route 220. She also urged the Board members to consider supporting an intermodal rail terminal as an alternate and suggested they discuss this with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation. 8. Annie Krochalis 9428 Patterson Drive Bent Mountain, spoke in opposition to the western route and suggested that the Board hold a public hearing to get citizen comments before supporting any of the options. Supervisor McNamara requested support for the resolution and pointed out it was similar to the resolution the Board has adopted three times in the past. Supervisor September 8, 1998 C~~ for the anal design wor or t is project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, strongly reiterates its prior recommendation to build I-73 and that the selected corridor for I-73 immediately follows the existing corridor of Route 220 into the City of Roanoke, and then overlaps Interstate 581, Interstate 81, the proposed "Smart Highway" and Route 460 to the West Virginia state line near Narrows. This recommended corridor would utilize existing road corridors wherever possible, on routes that are already designated for improvement which would thereby reduce the cost of construction and the expenses associated with additional land expropriation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that VDOT be requested to hold at least one additional public information session for the specific purpose of allowing the citizens of Roanoke County an opportunity to comment upon VDOT's proposed corridor locations for I-73 which may directly affect the residences and business locations of Roanoke County citizens. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors directs that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation, the Interstate Route 73 Communications Committee of the General Assembly and the Roanoke Valley Business Council. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison NAYS: Supervisors Nickens, Johnson 2. Authorization to apply to the Virginia Public School Authority for $7,965,000 previously approved for Clearbrook School, Burlington School, Bonsack School and roof repairs. (Diane Hyatt. Finance Director) R-090898-2 Ms. Hyatt reported that on August 19, 1997, the Board authorized the School Board to proceed with Phase 1 of the School Capital Improvement Program as outlined in the Blue Ribbon Committee Report. Included in Phase I were renovations to Burlington and Clearbrook Elementary Schools and construction of a school in Bonsack. The funds are now being requested through a VPSA application. They are: Bonsack Elementary - September 8, 1998 583 3. Authorization to aP,ply to the Virginia Public School Authority Literary Fund Subsidy Bond Sale for $5,000,000 for Bonsack Elementary School Loan. (Diane Hyatt, Director of Finance) R-090898-3 Ms. Hyatt reported that the School Board has filed an application for a Literary Loan of $5,000,000. The VPSA plans to move forward with an interest rate subsidy bond issue in conjunction with the VPSA fall issue. The interest rate subsidy sale would enable the County to receive VPSA funds this fall at the same interest rate (4%) that is currently available through the Literary Loan process. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the resolution to apply to VPSA to participate in the Fall Literary Loan subsidy bond sale. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 090898-3 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY FOR LITERARY FUND SUBSIDY FINANCING WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board ("School Board") has an application for financing the Bonsack Area Elementary School project (the "Project") in the amount of $5,000,000 on the Literary Fund First Priority Waiting List for which it currently desires to proceed with financing; and WHEREAS, the School Board has received an application for the Virginia Public School Authority ("VPSA") Fall 1998 subsidy sale, and the School Board and the Board of Supervisors ("Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia ("County") have determined that it is advisable to contract a debt and issue general obligation bonds of the September 8, 1998 585 There was discussion on whether the School Board needed the full amount at this time. Dr. Gordon pointed out that the $35,000 for architecture and engineering had already been encumbered. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the resolution advancing funds with the understanding that the appropriation is for $2,170,600 with $316,040 to be escrowed for A&E technology, equipment and programming when recommended by the Construction Steering Committee, for a net advance at this time of $1,854,560. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 090898-4 TO ADVANCE FUNDS FOR CERTAIN EXPENDITURES MADE AND/OR TO BE MADE IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION, RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County Board") adopted a resolution on August 19, 1997 declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made and/or to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, the School Board (the "School Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") adopted a resolution on August 28, 1997 declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made and/or to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, The School Board requested an advance of $ 50,000 on September 11, 1997 for environmental assessments, advertising costs for architects and engineers, core drillings, and other costs related to the acquisition of land in South County, and September 8, 1998 587 appropriation for the Transitional Living Center (Vincent Copenhaver, Finance Manager] A-091898-5 Mr. Copenhaver reported that the TAP Transitional Living Center was started in 1988 to provide housing for the homeless. They are facing a three month revenue shortfall of $57,900 because of the denial of HUD funds to the Roanoke Valley Continuum of Care. Roanoke City has committed $38,600 in CDBG funds to cover two months of funding. United Way has proposed that Roanoke County and United Way share the cost of the third month's shortfall. The County's share would be $9,650. Staff recommends that the Board approve the $9,650 appropriation from the Board Contingency Fund. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the $9,650 appropriation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 6. Reconsideration of rezoning request and Special Use Permit for Home Depot. (Second reading of ordinance to rezone approximately 20 acres from R-1 R-2 and C-2 conditional to C 1 and C-2. General commercial for the purpose of general retail and service uses (Home Depot] located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221 and Electric Road (Route 4191 Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Sep#ember 8, 1998 509 Supervisor McNamara moved to appeal the Chairman's ruling. The motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix NAYS: Supervisors Harrison, Nickens, Johnson None Supervisor Nickens advised that his understanding was that this meeting was the only time that the Board could reconsider this issue; and if they did not reconsider at this meeting, the rezoning petition could not be considered for one year. Chairman Johnson agreed with Supervisor Nickens. In response to a question from Supervisor Nickens, Mr. Hodge advised that Home Depot is still interested in locating at the proposed site. Supervisor Nickens moved to reconsider the rezoning petition that was denied on August 18, 1998. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance which was previously presented at the August 18, 1998 meeting. Supervisor Minnix expressed opposition to the proposed ordinance for the following reasons: (1) traffic and safety concerns; (2) duplication of services with four similar stores within close proximity; (3) the proposed estimated revenues will not be generated; (4) Home Depot is not the right land use for that property; and (5) the project will provide only low paying jobs. September 8, 1998 591 ega notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 20 acres, as described by tax map numbers herein, and located in the vicinity of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Electric Road (Route 419) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classifications of R-1, Low Density Residential District; R-2, Medium Density Residential District; and C-2, General Commercial District, Conditional, to the zoning classification of C-1, Office District, and C- 2, General Commercial District. _ 2. That this action is taken upon the application of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 3. (A) That the zoning classification of the real estate described by tax map number in Table 1 is changed to the zoning classification of C-1, Office District as follows: TABLE 1 - C-1 - nFFICF t'llcrRirr Part of 77.13-5-12 Part of 77.13-5-61 77.13-5-57 77.13-5-54 77.13-5-56 77.13-5-55 77.13-5-53 77.13-5-52 77.13-5-58 (B) That the zoning classification of the real estate described by tax map number in Table 2 is changed to the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District as follows: TABLE 2 - C-2 - GENERAI CnMMFR~`IA1 n~croinr 77.13-5-31 77.13-5-30 77.13-5-35 Part of 77.13-5-37 77.13-5-39 77.13-5-38 Part of 77.13-5-40 77.13-5-43.1 77.13-5-47 77.13-5-48 77.13-5-49 77.13-5-60 77.13-5-51 77.13-5-50 77.13-5-43.2 77.13-5-58.1 77.13-5-62 77.13-5-59 Part of 77.13-5-61 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after (I) Home Depot becomes the fee simple owner of the real estate described in Paragraph 3 (B), Table 2 of this ordinance and (ii) Home Depot subsequently agrees in i September 8, 1998 593 y is or mance. 5. That it is hereby declared to be the intention of the Board of Supervisors that the provisions of this ordinance are not severable, and if any portion or provision of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by a valid judgement or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, this ordinance shall be null and void in its entirety. I, On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the ' following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First readin4 of ordinance authorizing creation of and financing for a local public works improvement project• North Road sewer proiect. (Gary Robertson Utility Director,] Mr. Robertson advised that the Utility Department received requests from property owners along North Road to extend public sewer. On July 21, letters were sent to 17 property owners on North Road and Red Lane. Staff received 9 responses with 6 in favor. The ordinance would establish a special service area for the project with each participating property owner paying their share of the cost which would be $5,750 for the construction costs and $750 for the off-site facility fee. The total cost of the project would be $46,000 with the property owners paying $34,500 and the remaining $11,500 funded by a transfer from the Public Works Participation Fund. Supervisor Harrison moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for September 22, 1998. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson i) September 8, 1998 595 AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 3. First reading of an ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute a lease agreement on behalf of Roanoke County for one acre of property at Happy Hollow Park Pete Haisli Parks and Recreation Director. Mr. Haislip advised that in 1985, Mary Jane Burgess and her sister, Cherie Burgess Shindell, donated 34.5 acres and a cabin to Roanoke County to create what is now Happy Hollow Park. As part of the agreement the Grantors retained a life estate for the house and one acre of land. Ms. Shindell passed away in 1996, and Ms. Burgess, who lived at Happy Hollow, passed away in May. The Parks and Recreation Department wish to lease the house and one acre of property at fair market value. This arrangement would provide a level of security and protection and allow the staff to develop along-range plan to determine the role of the house in the operations of the park. Mr. Haislip recommended that the rental revenue be used to maintain the house and grounds and recommended that the Board authorize the County Administrator to execute a lease. In response to questions, Mr. Haislip advised that the rental will be between $400 and $500 per month, and they have no plans for the guest house at this time. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for September 22, 1998. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: i September 8, 1998 ~~,, NAYS: None 5. First readina of ordinance to vacate a 15 foot public utility easement shown on Tract `A' Winterbeny Pointe as recorded in Plat Book 9 at Pape 289 and located in Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey~Director of Community Developments Mr. Covey advised that Boone, Boone, and Loeb, Inc. are requesting the Board to vacate the easement because it is no longer needed and no public or county utilities reside within the portions of the easement to be vacated. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve the first reading and set the,second reading and public hearing for September 22, 1998. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second readina of ordinance to establish water service area for Clearbrook-U.S. Route 220 Corridor and authorize ac uisition of easement. (Gary Robertson Utility Director 0-090898-7 September 8, 1998 599 and sewer utility lines: water pipe, sewer pressure pipe, fittings, valves, fire hydrants, paving and other appurtenant materials. Kingery shall provide all labor and equipment to extend the water and sewer lines in accordance with all applicable County utility construction requirements, in lieu of paying all applicable water construction and connection fees otherwise required by the provisions of this ordinance and the County Code. Kingery shall complete the installation of these utility lines on or before December 31. 1998_ Water Fund Unappropriated Balance (materials) $ 80,000 Waiver of applicable water construction and connection fees (Kingery) $ 33,060 Total $113, 060 That there is hereby appropriated the sum of $80,000 from the Water Fund Unappropriated Balance. Any citizen participation under paragraph 3. will be advanced as a loan from the Water Fund. Proposed additional water connection fees for the remaining properties in this service area are set out in the following chart based on the following formula: Construction costs of $5,155 + [$30 x length of road frontage in excess of 100'] + $1,345 (50% of current off-site facilitiPC fAacl- Tax Map No. Construction Costs Water Off-site Facility Fee (Based on 5/8" water meter) Total 98.02-2-1 $17, 935 $1, 345 19, 280 98.02-2-2 5,155 1, 345 6, 501 98.02-2-4 5, 845 1, 345 7,190 98.02-2-6 5,155 1, 345 6, 501 98.02-2-11 6, 700 1, 345 8, 045 98.02-2-12 5,155 1,345 6,501 98.02-2-13 11,215 1,345 12,560 98.02-2-16 17,275 1, 345 18, 620 Total $74,435 $10,760 $85,198 September 8, 1998 601 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area who elect to participate shall be returned to the Water Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid. 5. That the acquisition and acceptance of the necessary water and sewer - line easements, as shown on the attached easement map (Exhibit 3), for the Clearbrook Water Service Area Project is hereby authorized across the following property, referenced by .tax map number, from the following property owner, their successors or assigns: TAX MAP NO. PROPERTYOWNER 98.02-2-1.1 Indian Grave Partnership 6. That the consideration for this easement acquisition shall not exceed a value equal to 40% of the current tax assessment for the property to be acquired plus the cost of actual damages, if any, or the amount determined by an independent appraisal; and 7. That the consideration for this easement shall be paid from the Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund; and 8. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 9. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the. following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ?. Second readina of ordinance to vacate quit claim and release onion of 20' waterline easement under the existing Barnes 8~ Noble buildina and accept a relocated new 20' waterline easement. (Vickie Huffman Assistant County Att._ or__ new) September 8, 1998 603 THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on August 18, 1998; and a second reading was held on September 8, 1998; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject real estate (portion of waterline easement) is hereby declared to be surplus and the nature of the interest in real estate renders it unavailable for other public uses; and, 3. That, subject to the following conditions, a portion of a 20' waterline easement across property of Tanglewood Mall Associates, L.L.C., located at Route 419 and 220 and known as Tanglewood Mall in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, cross-hatched and designated as "20' WATERLINE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" on the `Plat Showing 20' Waterline Easement to be Vacated Under Barnes and Noble Bookstore, Tanglewood Mall,' dated August 11, 1998, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, be, and hereby is, vacated; and, 4. That, in exchange, the "NEW 20' WATERLINE EASEMENT' as shown on `Easement Plat For Tanglewood Mall Associates, LLC Of A New 20' Waterline Easement Around The Barnes and Nobles Store, Tanglewood Mall', dated January 21, 1998, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B, shall be granted and donated to the Board of Supervisors and acceptance of said easement is hereby approved; and, 5. That, as a condition to the adoption of this ordinance, Tanglewood shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to, all costs associated with relocation of the lines, surveys, publication, and recordation of documents; and, 6. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this vacation and acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 3. Second readina of ordinance approving the exercise of an option to purchase agreement with Michael W Rose and Traci Y Rose for 0.251 acre more or less on Westmoreland Drive (Paul Mahoney County Att_ ornev~ 0-090898-9 September 8, 1998 605 Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, containing 0.251 acres, more or less, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south side of Westmoreland Drive, which point of beginning is the common corner to Lots 4 and 5 of Section 6 of Mount Vernon Heights, marked by an iron; thence leaving Westmoreland Drive and with the dividing line between Lots 4 and 5, S. 21 deg. 49' W. 244.24 feet to a point; thence N. 72 deg. 32' W. 31.65 feet to a point; thence N. 15 deg. 48' S1" E. 247.99 feet to a point on the south side of Westmoreland Drive (said course having been identified as N. 15 deg. 56' E. 249.3 feet in the deed of conveyance unto the Grantor herein); thence with the south side of Westmoreland Drive, S. 68 deg. 11' E. 57.5 feet to the point of Beginning, and being the eastern portion of Lot 4, Section 6 as shown by the Map of Mount Vernon Heights, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, page 67. Said real estate being further shown and designated upon the Roanoke County land records as Tax Map Number 77.13-5- 30, and having a street address of 3323 Westmoreland Drive, SW, Roanoke, Virginia. This being all of the same real estate acquired by Grantor from the Cave Spring First Aid and Rescue Squad, Inc., by deed dated 9/25/91, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 1350, page 834. 2. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administrators are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the exercise of the option and assignment of the contract to the IDA, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None September 8, 1998 6U,7 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for September 8, 1998, designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 12, inclusive, as follows: 1. Confirmation of committee appointment to the Social Services Advisory Board, and Industrial Development Authority. 2. Request from School Board for acceptance and appropriation of $1,000 to William Byrd High School's Saturday School. 3. Request from School Board for acceptance and appropriation of $40;000 grant from Carillon Community Health Fund to fund two full- time school nurses. 4. Acceptance of a sight distance easement from Country East LLC. 5. Receipt of grant monies from the Va. Department of Rail and Public Transportation on behalf of RADAR and to execute the Master Agreement for these funds. 6. Approval of correction to ordinance 0-081898-11 concerning petition of Virginia Varsity Transfer, Inc. for rezoning and Special Use Permit to add "Special Use Permit" language to the ordinance. 7. Donation by the owners of the private park in Highfields Subdivision of right-of-way and a drainage easement in connection with acceptance of Lakedale Road into the State Secondary System, and two sanitary sewer easements in connection with the Highfields Sewer Project. . 8. Donation of a 15-foot drainage easement and a 20-foot sanitary sewer easement on a parcel of land owned by Pafm Land Company, L. C. 9. Additional appropriation of revenue for increased State aid for public libraries. 10. Acceptance of sanitary sewer facilities serving the Logan Subdivision. 11. Acceptance of water facilities serving Wexford, Phase I 12. Acceptance of water facilities serving Wexford, Phase II. September 8, 1998 6U9 the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved. 5. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: BEGINNING at Corner #1, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Starkey Road (Virginia Secondary Route 904) said point also being the southeasterly corner of Tract 1A (PB15, page 68); thence leaving Starkey Road and with the easterly boundary of Tract 1A, N 15 deg. 05' S9" E. passing the northeastern corner at approximately 412.00 feet, in all 440.32 feet to Corner #2, said point located on the easterly boundary of Tract 1 B (PB 11, page 151); thence continuing with Tract 1 B for the following 3 courses; thence continuing with Tract 1 B for the following 3 courses; thence with a curve to the left, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 39 deg. 24' 02", an arc length of 171.92 feet, a radius of 250.00, a chord of 168.55 feet and bearing N. 4 deg. 36' 02" W. to Corner #3; thence with a curve to the right, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 39 deg. 24' 02", an arc length of 206.30 feet, a radius of 300.00 feet, a chord of 202.26 feet and bearing N. 04 deg. 36' 01" W. to Corner #4; thence N. 15 deg. 05' 59" E. 465.19 feet to Corner #5, said point located on the westerly boundary of original Crescent Heights Subdivision (PB 1, page 256); thence leaving Tract 1 B and with Crescent Heights, S. 35 deg. 52' 28" E. 1266.16 feet to Corner #6, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Starkey Road (Virginia Secondary Route 904); thence leaving Crescent Heights Subd. and with Starkey Road, s. 75 deg. 30' 29" W. 53.70 feet to a point being the southeasterly corner of proposed New Tract IIA (7.696 acre parcel); thence leaving Starkey Road and with 4 proposed new division lines surrounding New Tract IIA, N. 35 deg. 52' 28" 1/1/. 599.41 feet to a point; thence S. 77 deg. 39' 54" W. 403.27 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 37 deg. 23' 02", an arc length of 195.74 feet, a radius of 300.00 feet, a chord of 192.29 feet and bearing S. 03 deg. 35' 32" E. to a point; thence S. 15 deg. 05' 59" W. 409.32 feet to a point, said point located on the northerly right-of-way of Starkey Road (Virginia Secondary Route 904); thence with said Starkey Road and leaving the southwesterly corner of proposed New Tract IIA with a curve to the left, which said curve is defined by a delta angle of 4 deg. 32' 56", an arc length of 58.85 feet, a radius of 741.20 feet, a chord of 58.83 feet and bearing S. 73 deg. 17' S6" W, to Corner #1, the place of Beginning, and containing 5.385 acres. 6. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. September 8, 1998 611 1. Supervisor McNamara• (1) He announced that the Woods End Site has been unfairly characterized and that the Construction Committee has evaluated all the sites for the past 12 months. The Merriman site was not chosen because of flooding, and the School Board needs to move forward on the Woods End site. Supervisor Johnson agreed but advised that the questions asked of the School Board in a recent letter have still not been answered. The Board of Supervisors must make sure that there is enough money to build the school. Supervisor Nickens noted that the presentation he saw by Sheretz, Franklin included the Merriman site as a plan that they can work with. Both sites are considered "doable." (2) Supervisor McNamara offered to serve on the Construction Steering Committee if Supervisor Johnson chooses not to serve and the Board is willing to appoint him. 2. Supervisor Harrison• (1) He announced that there will be a meeting on September 10 at the Cardinal Academy of Justice on Greenways. (2) He asked about the progress on Hanging Rock. Mr. Hodge responded that progress is slow but moving along. (3) He advised that he drove by Hidden Valley Junior High School and that there were no crossing guards on Route 419. He asked what was being done because it is so dangerous. Mr. Hodge responded that they have contracted with a security company and they are in the process of hiring a guard. Until then, the Police Department will handle the duties unless they are called to something else. IN RE: REPORTS September 8, 1998 613 1. Review of the Community (Comprehensive) Plan The work session was presented by Janet Scheid, Senior Planner, and was held from 6:30 p.m. until 7:05 p.m. Ms. Scheid briefed the Board on the steps leading up to the draft Community Plan. The Vision process was completed in 1996 and a Citizens Advisory Council was formed in August 1996. Neighborhood councils were established in January 1997 and a Community Forum was held in May 1997 to review the work of the neighborhood councils. The Planning Commission received the draft plan on July 2 and began review on July 14. Ms. Scheid pointed out that the Community Plan emphasizes the Vision process and provides the basis for the development of neighborhood plans. She highlighted the significant features of the new plan. She advised that the next step is to receive comments from various organizations such as the Blue Ridge Parkway, VDOT and the Regional Chamber of Commerce. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on October 6 and the Board of Supervisors will hold two public hearings on October 27 and on November 17. 2. Discussion of recommendations concerning standards for broadcasting towers The work session was presented by Terry Harrington, County Planner, and was held from 7:05 p.m. until 7:40 p.m. Mr. Harrington advised that a Citizen Advisory Committee was established to revise the County's standards for broadcasting towers. The committee was comprised September 8, 1998 R-090898-11 615 At 8:10 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to open session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 090898. 1 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and _ carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 8:11 p.m., Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting. Submitted by, Approved by, Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Bob L. Johnson Clerk to the Board Chairman -~ September 22, 1998 617 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 September 22, 1998 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday, and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of September, 1998. N RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Gardner W. Smith, Deputy Assistant for Citizen Services. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. September 22, 1998 619 NAYS: None IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for authorization to purchase portable scales_for truck weight violations and appropriation of funds. (Ray Lavinder, Police Chief) A-092298-2 Chief Lavinder explained that currently a significant number of trucks take alternate routes to avoid using the truck scales on Interstate 81. This creates safety hazards, increased damage to local roads, and a loss of revenue for the state. State law now permits local agencies to conduct overweight enforcement activities. Additionally, the local government may keep any fines from the violations. The portable scales were in operation for two days in August and resulted in 74 violations at Alternate Route 220 and 49 violations at Route 11 at Hollins. Chief Lavinder advised that the cost of the scales is $30,000 and training in the scale operation is $2,000. Funding would be provided by the Police Department budget with revenue from the enforcement activity diverted to the Police Department until such time as the $32,000 was reimbursed. In response to questions, Chief Lavinder explained that the fines will be paid to the Division of Motor Vehicles who bills the trucking companies. The revenue will then be allocated to Roanoke County. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the purchase and appropriation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: September 22, 1998 621 Mahoney, Countx Attornevl A-092298-4 Mr. Mahoney reported that in 1991, the Board adopted Section 21-5 of the Roanoke County Code which levied an admissions tax on the price of admission for any public amusement, entertainment, and other similar events with exceptions for charitable or school events. The Commissioner of the Revenue assessed an admissions tax against the Roanoke Lodge #284 based on the admission fees they charged. The Moose Lodge denied liability for this tax. In February 1997, William Maxwell, Esq. was retained to assist the County to collect the assessed but unpaid admissions taxes. Mr. Maxwell has reported that based upon his review of the facts and law, this assessment and case cannot be successfully prosecuted and he recommends dismissal of the litigation. The refund of the admissions taxes paid by the Vinton Moose Lodge since 1991 totals $7,460.19. Mr. Mahoney recommended that the Board dismiss the litigation and refund all admissions taxes paid by the Vinton Moose Lodge since 1991. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the staff recommendation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READINGS OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the first readings and set the second September 22, 1998 623 of the ordinance because another property owner, Eleanor Duncan, is considering participating which will also require an easement across the Blevins property. If the change is made, the total cost will be $51,750, with $40, 250 paid by the property owners. In response to a question from Supervisor Harrison, Mr. Robertson advised that the property owners have 60 days from adoption of the ordinance to make a final decision. Supervisor Harrison moved to adopt the ordinance with changes to include the addition of the Duncan property and to secure an easement on the Blevins property. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ORDINANCE 092298-5 AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FOR A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, NORTH ROAD SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, AND ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the County Administration has negotiated the extension of the public sewer system to the North Road area of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system and the creation of a special utility (sewer) service area will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, several of the residents have requested that the County allow them to pay their portion of the costs of connection to the public sanitary sewer system over ten years in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 112288-7; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on September 8, 1998, and the second reading was held September 22, 1998. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, public sanitary sewer extension for a portion of Roanoke County along North Road. The total construction September Z2, 1998 625 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area, in excess of the six (6) anticipated with this ordinance, who elect to participate, shall be made to the various funds as follows: The off-site facility fee shall be returned to the Sewer Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid; any further payment of construction costs shall be returned to the Sewer Fund. 5. That the Board of Supervisors hereby accepts the donation to said Board of a sewer line easement of variable width from the following property owners along North Road: Lori S. Adkins (Tax Map No. 35.05-2-29) and William D. And Mary Ann Blevins (Tax Map No. 35-04-2-9 and/or Tax Map No. 35-04-2-10) as shown on Exhibit 1. 6. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance with changes to include Duncan property and secure easement on Blevins property, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing creation of and financing for a local public works improvement project: Belle Haven sewer project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 0-092298-6 There was no discussion and no citizens to speak on this ordinance. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ORDINANCE 092298-6 AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FOR A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, September 22, 1998 627 fee in effect at the time of connection (currently $1,500), said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public sanitary sewer extension. 3. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before November 21, 1998, of their portion of the cost of extending the public sanitary sewer system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Payment of $5,500 per property owner/residential connection ($4,750 for construction costs plus $750 which is 50% of the current off-site facility fee) to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 8% percent per annum. Property owners agree to pay $1,500 down and financing the remaining $4,000. The down payment will be applied first to the off-site facility fee and then to the construction costs. - (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area, in excess of the eight (8) anticipated with this ordinance, who elect to participate, shall be made to the various funds as follows: The off-site facility fee shall be returned to the Sewer Fund, and payment of the construction costs shall be returned to the Public Works Participation Fund until such time as the advance has been repaid; any further payment of construction costs shall be returned to the Sewer Fund. 5. That the acquisition and acceptance of the necessary water and sewer line easements, as shown on the attached map for the Belle Haven Sanitary Sewer Project, either by donation or by purchase pursuant to paragraph 6 of this ordinance, is hereby authorized across the following properties, referenced by tax map number, from the following property owners, their successors or assigns: TAX MAP NO. PROPERTY OWNER 26.12-1-25 McDaniel 26.12-1-24 Booze 26.12-1-16 Rasnick 26.12-1-17 Andrews 26.12-1-18 Garst 6. That the consideration for these easement acquisitions shall not exceed a value equal to 40% of the current tax assessment for the property to be acquired plus the cost of actual damages, if any, or the amount determined by an independent appraisal; and ,~ September 22, 1998 629 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the disposition of the herein-described real estate was held on September 8, 1998; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on September 22, 1998; and 2. This property consists of approximately one acre of real estate with improvements, excluding the guest house, identified as Roanoke County Tax Map No. 75.00-2-36; and 3. That it is in the County's best interests to lease this property to Andrew Bailev in order to safeguard the valuable improvements thereon and to receive fair market value lease payments until such time as it may be necessary to utilize said property in connection with the Happy Hollow Park. This lease is subject to the provisions of Section 2.03 and 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. That funds generated through the rental of this property be placed in the Parks Ground Maintenance Budget4 and 4. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance leasing to Andrew Bailey with rental income placed in the Parks Ground Maintenance Budget, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel ' Supervisor Nickens nominated Vincent Reynolds to serve another three year term which will expire September 10, 2001. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-092298-8. R-092298-8.c Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the Consent Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: September 22, 1998 631 RESOLUTION 092298-8.c EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF DOUGLAS JONES, GENERAL SERVICES WHEREAS, Douglas Jones was first employed part time by Roanoke County on June 17, 1987; and since August 5, 1989, has worked full time as a custodian with the General Services Department; and WHEREAS, Douglas Jones was the recipient of numerous awards from the General Services Department; including Employee of the Year, Perfect Attendance for three consecutive years, Cleanest Building, and Most Dependable; and WHEREAS, Douglas Jones was also the recipient of two Extra Mile Club awards given by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Douglas Jones retired from Roanoke County on August 1, 1998, after eleven years of services; and WHEREAS, Douglas Jones, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to DOUGLAS JONES for eleven years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS Supervisor Johnson asked if a public hearing for the Home Depot rezoning should be requested during the evening session. County Attorney Paul Mahoney advised the Board to delay this item until the evening session. Supervisor Harrison suggested that the Board hold the advertised public hearings before the item allowing citizen comments on the Home Depot rezoning. Chairman Johnson agreed. September 22, 1998 633 6. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures as of August 31, 1998. 7. Proclamation si ng_ed by the Chairman 8. Preliminary update on year-end financial reports. IN RE: WORK SESSIONS 1. Discussion on proposed early retirement package The work session was presented by Diane Hyatt and held from 3:45 p.m. until 4:50 p.m. Ms. Hyatt reported that after going out for bids, William M. Mercer, Inc. was selected to prepared an actuarial analysis of the proposed Early Retirement Program for Roanoke County and Roanoke County Schools. She presented the Board with the results of the study, a comparison of the current School Early Retirement Plan to the proposed plan, and examples of how the plan would work for teachers and administrators. Supervisor Johnson advised that the School Board feels there is a significant cost savings in the proposed plan. However, Supervisor Harrison remarked that the savings exist only if the Schools replace experienced teachers with new teachers with no experience. Ms. Hyatt also pointed out that the Schools will not generate any savings for nine years and these savings must be set aside in a trust. The savings generated from the current early retirement program are being used in the School's operating budget. Following discussion, Chairman Johnson announced that it appeared that the majority of the Board were not in support of moving forward with the proposed early retirement plan. Mr. Hodge asked if Ms. Hyatt should continue to work with the School September 22, 1998 635 RESOLUTION 092298-9 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which. this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing and adoption of a resolution on the issuance of Virginia Public School Authority bonds in the estimated maximum amount of $7,965,000 to finance capital projects for Bonsack Elementary School Burlington Elementar~l School, Clearbrook Elementary School and Roof Replacements (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) R-092298-10 Ms. Hyatt reported that on August 1, 1997, the Board authorized the School Board to proceed with Phase 1 of the School Capital Improvement Program as outlined in September 22, 1998 637 school bonds of the County in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $7,965,000 (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing certain capital projects for school purposes. The Board hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of the Bonds in the form and upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. 2. Sale of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to accept the offer of the Virginia Public School Authority (the "VPSA") to purchase from the County, and to sell to the VPSA, the Bonds at a price determined by the VPSA and accepted by the Chairman of the Board or the County Administrator, such price to be not less than 99% of par and not more than 103% of par, and upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. The County Administrator and the Chairman of the Board, or either of them, and such officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate, are hereby authorized and directed to enter into the Bond Sale Agreement, dated as of October 9, 1998, with the VPSA providing for the sale of the Bonds to the VPSA in substantially the form on file with the County Administrator, which form is hereby approved ("Bond Sale Agreement"). 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in fully registered form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof; shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds; shall be designated "General Obligation School Bonds, Series 1998A"; shall bear interest from the date of delivery thereof payable semi- annually on each January 15 and July 15 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning July 15, 1999, (or such other date or dates as the County Administrator may approve) at the rates established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Resolution; and shall mature on July 15 (or such other date as the County Administrator may approve) in the years (each a "Principal Payment Date") and in the amounts established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Resolution. 4. Principal Installments and Interest Rates. The County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to accept the interest rates on the Bonds established by the VPSA, provided that each interest rate shall be ten one-hundredths of one percent. (0.10%) over the interest rate to be paid by the VPSA for the corresponding principal payment date of the bonds to be issued by the VPSA (the "VPSA Bonds"), a portion of the proceeds of which will be used to purchase the Bonds, and provided further, that the true interest cost of the Bonds does not exceed six and one-half percent (6'/2%) per annum. The County Administrator is further authorized and directed to accept the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds and the amounts of principal of the Bonds coming due on each Principal Payment Date ("Principal Installments") established by the VPSA, including any changes in the Interest Payment Dates, the Principal Payment Dates and the Principal Installments which may be requested by VPSA provided that such aggregate principal amount shall not exceed the maximum amount set forth in paragraph one and the final maturity of the Bonds shall not be later than 21 years from their date. The execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in paragraph 8 hereof shall conclusively evidence such Interest Payment Dates, Principal Payment Dates, interest rates, principal amount and Principal Installments as having been so accepted as authorized by this Resolution. September 22, 1998 639 9. Pledae of Full Faith and Credit. For the prompt payment of the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged, and in each year while any of the Bonds shall be outstanding there shall be levied and collected in accordance with law an annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds as such principal, premium, if any, and interest shall become due, which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available and appropriated for such purpose. 10. Use of Proceeds Certificate Non-Arbitrage Certificate. The Chairman t of the Board and the County Administrator and such officer or officers of the County as either may designate are hereby authorized and directed to execute aNon-Arbitrage Certificate, if requested by bond counsel, and a Use of Proceeds Certificate setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds. The Board covenants on behalf of the County that (I) the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be invested and expended as set forth in such Use of Proceeds Certificate and the County shall comply with the covenants and representations contained therein and (ii) the County shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. 11. State Non-Arbitrage Program Proceeds Agreement The Board hereby determines that it is in the best interests of the County to authorize and direct the County Treasurer to participate in the State Non-Arbitrage Program in connection with the Bonds. The County Administrator and the Chairman of the Board, or either of them, and such_ officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Proceeds Agreement with respect to the deposit and investment of proceeds of the Bonds by and among the County, the other participants in the sale of the VPSA Bonds, the VPSA, the investment manager, and the depository substantially in the form on file with the County Administrator, which form is hereby approved. 12. Continuing_Disclosure Agreement. The Chairman of the Board and the County Administrator, or either of them, and such officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate are hereby authorized and directed (I) to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, as set forth in Appendix F to the Bond Sale Agreement, setting forth the reports and notices to be filed by the County and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 and (ii) to make all filings required by Section 3 of the Bond Sale Agreement should the County be determined by the VPSA to be a MOP (as defined in the Continuing Disclosure Agreement). September 22, 1998 ~~~ application for a Literary Loan of $5,000,000. The Virginia Public School Authority plans to move forward with an interest rate subsidy bond issue in conjunction with their fall issue. The interest rate subsidy sale would enable the County to receive VPSA funds this fall at the same interest rates currently available through the Literary Loan process. Following the public hearing, Ms. Hyatt recommended adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance of 1998 VPSA Literary Fund Subsidy Bonds in the t amount of $5,000,000. There was no discussion and no citizens to speak on this issue. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 092298-11 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $5,000,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO THE LITERARY FUND- SUBSIDY SALE AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF WHEREAS, in June, 1998, the Commonwealth of Virginia Board of Education (the "Board of Education") placed the application (the "Application") of the School Board of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "School Board") for a loan in the amount of $5,000,000 (the "Literary Fund Loan") from the Literary Fund, a permanent trust fund established by the Constitution of Virginia (the "Literary Fund"), for the construction, renovation and expansion of school buildings (the "Project") in the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County"), on the First Priority Waiting List. WHEREAS, the Board of Education was to have approved the release of Literary Fund moneys to the School Board and made a commitment to loan such moneys to the School Board (the "Commitment") upon receipt of the Literary Fund of an unencumbered sum available at least equal to the amount of the Application and the September 22, 1998 643 into the Bond Sale Agreement, dated as of October 9, 1998, with the VPSA providing for the sale of the Bonds to the VPSA in substantially the form on file with the County Administrator, which form is hereby approved ("Bond Sale Agreement"). 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in fully registered form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof; shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds; shall be designated "General Obligation School Bonds, Series 19986' ;shall bear interest from the date of delivery thereof payable semi- annually on each January 15 and July 15 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning July 15, 1999, (or such other date or dates as the County Administrator may approve) at the rates established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Resolution; and shall mature on July 15 (or such other date as the County Administrator may approve) in the years (each a "Principal Payment Date") and in the amounts established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Resolution. 4. Principal Installments and Interest Rates. The County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to accept the interest rates on the Bonds established by the VPSA, provided that each interest rate shall be ten one-hundredths of one percent (0.10%) over the interest rate to be paid by the VPSA for the corresponding principal payment date of the bonds to be issued by the VPSA (the "VPSA Bonds"), a portion of the proceeds of which will be used to purchase the Bonds, and provided further, that the true interest cost of the Bonds does not exceed six and one-half percent (6'/%) per annum. The County Administrator is further authorized and directed to accept the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds and the amounts of principal of the Bonds coming due on each Principal Payment Date ("Principal Installments") established by the VPSA, including any changes in the Interest Payment Dates, the Principal Payment Dates and the Principal Installments which may be requested by VPSA provided that such aggregate principal amount shall not exceed the maximum amount set forth in paragraph one and the final maturity of the Bonds shall not be later than 21 years from their date. The execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in paragraph 8 hereof shall conclusively evidence such. Interest Payment Dates, Principal Payment Dates, interest rates, principal amount and Principal Installments as having been so accepted as authorized by this Resolution. 5. Form of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be initially in the form of a single, temporary typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. 6. Payment: Paying Aqent and Bond Reaistrar. The following provisions shall apply to the Bonds: (a) For as long as the VPSA is the registered owner of the Bonds, all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds to the VPSA at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, or if such date is not a business day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption; (b) All overdue payments of principal and, to the extent permitted by law, interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Bonds; and September 22, 1998 645 12. Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The Chairman of the Board and the County Administrator, or either of them, and. such officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate are hereby authorized and directed (I) to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, as set forth in Appendix F to the Bond Sale Agreement, setting forth the reports and notices to be filed by the County and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12 and (ii) to make all filings required by Section 3 of the Bond Sale Agreement should the County be determined by the VPSA to be a MOP (as defined in the Continuing Disclosure Agreement). 13. Filing of Resolution. The appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be filed with the Circuit Court of the County. 14. Further Actions. The County Administrator, the Chairman of the Board, and such other officers, employees and agents of the County as either of them may designate are hereby authorized to take such action as the County Administrator or the Chairman of the Board may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 15. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on September 22, 1998, and of the whole thereof so far as applicable to the matters referred to in such extract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the consideration of the foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. The front page of this Resolution accurately records (I) the members of the Board of Supervisors present at the meeting, (ii) the members who were absent from the meeting and (iii) the vote of each member, including any abstentions. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading. of ordinance to exercise an option with Kenneth Keeney and Catherine Keeney to.~urchase approximately 0.254 acres on Westmoreland Avenue in connection with an economic September 22, 1998 647 located in the Hollins Magisterial District (Arnold Covey Director of Community Development) 0-092298-12 There was no discussion and no citizens to speak on this item. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ORDINANCE 092298-12 VACATING A 1-FOOT BY 49.2-FOOT PORTION OF A 25-FOOT SANITARY SEWER AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT CREATED ON PLAT OF SECTION 1, TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, PLAT BOOK 15, PAGE 131, AND NOW LOCATED ON LOT 11, BLOCK 1, SECTION 2, TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES (TAX MAP NO. 50.03-4-24) RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 17, PAGE 123, OWNED BY CLAYTON T. AND PATRICIA G. FOWLER IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled "Plat of Section 1, Triple Crown Estates" dated September 15, 1992, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 15, page 131, C & D Builders, Inc., dedicated certain public easements, including a 25' sanitary sewer and drainage easement through its remaining property as shown on said plat; and, WHEREAS, the remaining property was subsequently subdivided by plat entitled "Plat of Section 2, Triple Crown Estates" dated August 17, 1994, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 17, page 123; and, WHEREAS, a part of the 25' sanitary sewer and drainage easement originally located on the remaining property is now located on Lot 11, Block 1, Section 2, Triple Crown Estates (Tax Map No. 50.03-4-24), in Plat Book 17, page 123, owned by Clayton T. and Patricia G. Fowler, the Petitioners; and, WHEREAS, a recent survey of the property reflects that the residential dwelling located thereon encroaches upon a portion of the northeast side of the existing 25' sanitary sewer and drainage easement; and, WHEREAS, the Petitioners have requested that a 1' x 49.2' portion of said easement be vacated by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended); and, September 22, 1998 649 0-092298-13 There was no discussion and no citizens to speak on this item. Supervisor McNamara moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ORDINANCE 092298-13 VACATING A 15-FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ACROSS LOTS 8 AND 9, AND A PORTION OF WINTERBERRY SQUARE, IN SECTION 2, WINTERBERRY POINTE, PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 56, (FORMERLY TRACT "A", PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 289) AND ACROSS PARCEL "C" OF WINTERBERRY POINTE, PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 289, IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled "Plat of Winterberry Pointe" dated June 4, 1984, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 9, page 289, Builders Investment Group, Inc., dedicated certain public easements, including afifteen-foot (15') public utility easement through "TRACT A - 1.868 Ac." and "PARCEL C - 1.029 Ac." as shown on said plat; and, WHEREAS, Tract A was subsequently resubdivided by plat entitled "Plat Showing Lots 1-15, Section 2, Winterberry Pointe and New Lot 1A, Block 2, Winterberry Pointe" dated October 10, 1996, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 56; and, WHEREAS, the portion of the 15' p.u.e. originally located on Tract A is now located on Lots 8 and 9, and Winterberry Square, Section 2, Winterberry Pointe, as shown on the resubdivision plat in Plat Book 19, page 56; and, WHEREAS, the petitioner, Boone, Boone & Loeb, Incorporated, is the developer of Winterberry Pointe and is the current owner of Lot 8, Section 2; and, WHEREAS, the petitioner has requested that said 15' public utility easement be vacated by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to §15.2- 2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended); and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by §15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), and the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 8, 1998; the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on September 22, 1998. WHEREAS, there being no objection raised by the appropriate public utility companies entitled to use the subject easement and there being no public utility company or county facilities located within the subject easement. September 22, 1998 651 2. Barbara Bushnell, 5204 Bearing Road, asked about the status of the new South County High School and Glenvar Middle School. Chairman Johnson responded that the Board just received today a letter from the Chairman of the School Board responding to the letter written by Chairman Johnson in August, and that the School Board now needs to get an option on the property for the new South County High School. IN RE: CITIZEN COMMENTS 1. This time has been reserved for citizen input related to the rezoning of Home Depot. The following citizens spoke in support of the rezoning of Home Depot for the following various reasons: (a) there will be increased revenue generated and new jobs created; (b) the land is already designated Core in the County's Land Use Plan; (3) the competition with other similar stores will lower prices; (4) the project will benefit new construction in the area. x 1. Allen Trigger. 3519 Forester Road. Roanoke 2. Ed Natt. 1919 Electric Road. Roanoke 3. Scott Adkins. 3057 Timberline Avenue 4. Steve Noble. 5376 Canter Drive, Roanoke 5. Doug Freeman. 3214 Electric Road. Roanoke (Partner in Springwood Associates) September 22, 1998 653 2. Douglas Basham, 5540 Westbrair Court. Roanoke spoke on behalf of a Cave Spring organization that is raising funds to pursue legal avenues to prevent the rezonin . 3. Carmel Cunningham, 5108 Springlawn Avenue. Roanoke 4. Ann Quensenberry. 5944 Cartwright Drive, Roanoke 5. Michael Naughton. 3827 View Avenue, Roanoke 6. Patricia Meador. 3812 Antietam Drive, Roanoke 7. Hal Jones, 3734 Thompson Lane. Roanoke 8. William L. Beane, 4023 Hidden Lane. Roanoke 9. Mark Peterson, P. 0. Box 3272, Roanoke 10. Sam Cosnotti, 3508 Farmington Drive. Roanoke 11. Freddie E. Williams. 3308 Electric Road. Roanoke 12. Ruth L. Moseley, 3425 Greencliff Road, Roanoke 13. David S. Courey. 3419 Ashmeade Drive. Roanoke 14. Annie Krochalis. 9428 Patterson Dr.. Roanoke 15. Vern Jolley. 3110 Harmony Road. Roanoke 16. Mike Wray. 5650 Yellow Mountain Road. Roanoke There was extensive discussion on the proper procedures for reconsideration and assuring that citizens would have the opportunity to be heard. Supervisor Nickens explained that the vote on September 8 was not intended to be deceitful, but was procedurally correct according to the County Attorney. His intent September 22, 1998 655 NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS CONTINUED Supervisor McNamara: (1) He expressed pleasure at the way that the Board members conducted themselves while the citizens were commenting on the Home Depot rezoning, but was concerned about whether the actions by the Board were parliamentarily correct. He felt that the majority of citizens did not think that the Board had acted correctly. He advised that at the October 13, 1998 meeting that he would move to rescind the action taken on September 8, 1998 regarding approval of the Home Depot rezoning. Supervisor Nickens questioned whether Supervisor McNamara's proposed motion to rescind the action was procedurally correct. Chairman Johnson asked Mr. Mahoney to research the procedures and parliamentary rules concerning this action. (2) He announced that the next School Construction Committee meeting would be held on October 7, 1998. Chairman Johnson asked Supervisor McNamara to check on the Science Labs. Supervisor Harrison: (1) He reported that Miss Virginia, Nicole Johnson, who was recently chosen as Miss America spoke at the DARE Camp . She told those attending that she lost the Miss Virginia title three times before winning. Supervisor Harrison believes that she should serve as a role model for youths not to give up on their dreams. (2) He announced that the Mud Run was held at Green Hill Park and that the number of participants has increased. .~ October 7, 1998 ~~7 _ _` I Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 October 7, 1998 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Sanctuary Crisis Intervention Center, 4350 Coyner Springs Road, Botetourt County; this being the first Wednesday, and a quarterly joint meeting with the Roanoke City Council. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bob Johnson and Mayor David Bowers called the meeting to order at 12:20 p.m. The roll call was taken for the Board of Supervisors. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph P. McNamara MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations; Timothy Gubala, Director of Economic Development, Finance Director; Pete Haislip, Director of Parks and Recreation The roll call for Roanoke City Council was taken. ~ ~ A October 7, 1998 ~~~ 1. Update on Project Impact,(City of Roanoke Wanda Reed, Roanoke City Coordinator of Emergency Services, and Anne Marie Green, Roanoke County Director of Community Relations, presented the report. They explained that the Federal Emergency Management Agency chose one locality in each state to undertake actions to protect families, businesses and communities by reducing the effects of natural disasters, and the Roanoke Valley was selected from Virginia. A steering committee has been set up with representatives form the four local governments, and the Fifth Planning District Commission is serving as coordinator. Six subcommittees have been formed to address various topics. They are the Land Use Work Group, the GIS Work Group, the Public Information and Community Relations Work Group, the Stormwater Management Work Group, the Partnership and Resource Development Work Groupand the Hazard Analysis Work Group. The grant application will be sent to FEMA by November 6 and there is a signing ceremony planned for the first week in December. The Roanoke Valley will probably receive between $300,000 and. $500,000. Mayor Bowers advised that the National League of Cities Conference will be held the first week in December and suggested holding the event during the second week. 2. Update on Joint Economic Development Department (Mr. Hodae). Mr. Hodge reported that he, City Manager Bob Herbert, Mayor Bowers and Chairman Johnson met and discussed issues related to joint economic development efforts. They are considering including the Visitors Bureau and Economic Development Partnership in any potential merger and have met with Beth Doughty of the Partnership. October 7, 1998 ~~~ fall. Supervisor Nickens suggested offering the skateboard facility to Virginia Amateur Sports for use in the Commonwealth Games. IN RE: RECESS: At 1:16 P.M. Mayor Bowers recessed the Roanoke City Council meeting to 2:00 p. m., in the City Council Chamber, 215 Church Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, VA IN RE: ADJOURNMENT: At 1:18 p.m., Chairman Johnson adjourned the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Submitted by: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board Approved by: Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors A-102798-5.a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER S '"~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 17, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Zane Jones, a member of the Craig County Board of Supervisors, has capably represented Region Nine on the VACo Board of Directors for several years. He has now decided to step down, and several people associated with VACo have encouraged Roanoke County to support an individual for the Board. This was discussed at the last Board meeting and Supervisor Harry Nickens has offered to serve in this capacity. He is currently serving on the VACo Finance Committee. Roanoke County officials have held elected office with VACo for many years, most recently when former Board member and current Clerk of Circuit Court Steve McGraw served as president of the organization in 1991. Attached is a letter from Supervisor Nickens outlining his experience in local government, the community and professionally. He is requesting endorsement from each of the governing bodies in Region Nine. If elected, he will represent Bedford County, Botetourt County, Craig County, Giles County and Roanoke County. It has been several years since a member of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has served in a leadership capacity with VACo, and Supervisor Nickens election as a member of the Board would provide us with a strong voice in VACo. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors endorse Supervisor Harry Nickens to serve as the Region Nine representative on the VACo Board of Directors. Respectfully Submitted by Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ _ x Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Virginia Association of Counties File ~~ c ~' ~ ~ o ~? 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540) 772-2004 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-21 93 October 22, 1998 The Honorable Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Chairman Johnson: I would like to offer my name in nomination to serve as the Region Nine (540) 772-2005 representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board. I am currently serving on the VACo Finance Committee. I have served on the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors since 1982. I am currently the Vice Chairman of the Board and previously served terms as Chairman and Vice Chairman. Prior to service on the Board of Supervisors I was a member of the Roanoke County School Board. I was also appointed by the Board to serve on the Social Services Board, and am the former Chairman of the Roanoke County Resource Authority. My community activities include service on the Board of Directors of Virginia Cares, the Adult Care Center, the American Heart Association, Virginia Amateur Sports, and the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. I am also a member of the Kiwanis Club of Roanoke and have served as their President. Professionally, I am the President of the College of Health Sciences in Roanoke, and prior to 1989, held several positions at Virginia Western Community College. I hope that you will support my nomination and ask that your governing body consider endorsing me as the new representative for Region Nine. As your representative I will be available to you and will devote the necessary attention to incumbent duties to represent District Nine. Sincerely, ~. ~ Harry C. Nickens, Vice Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~~~xY~ ~~ .~or~xxY~r.~t.~ P.O. BOX 29800 I- ~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB L. JOHNSON, CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS, VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FENTON F. "SPIKE" HARRISON, JR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH MCNAMARA WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Intemet E-Mail Internet E-Mail ehodgeQwww.co.roanoke.va.us ®Recycled Paper bos@www.co.roanoke.va.us -- f -I - ,,~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1998, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 102798-5.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BELMONT COURT AND A PORTION OF DERBY DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision treet Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix. Harrison, and Nickens Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Johnson A Copy Teste: Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation K::::,: f. ~ \\\\\\ . P / 4. ~:t23p c<rr~o£R F c ~y PRiNGTRE ~'~o ~` Y,.. a~~ ~ ROANOKE CC ,p xfE 53 ~°A° P '-'VICINITY' MAP =w~~...._.. TWr.. z3 NOPTH ,p, a ~ ~J. off. 1]I'!` 11 ~ ~ `+! \_ "~ `"~Rr ~. ~t'~. l h ° s~ ~ ' E~' .~ a av ~ q~ yy! ~~ (OT 9 PC b / / (p.,^ I / . IJl '/ ~\ ; ! S .\ 22b J7. 'Y r ( / ~ / a . r \ e p, Ip i~ ?q M1, `J E.rySh T paa zT, LQT 5 ,k. s (Ci ~ ~F ^ J \ ; / JS. ( f „ / I ~ 0.388 AG. ~ ~p0 E Fa,~~ f4SE Eq, LOT 6 S ; SCIK / H P / \/ F/ / , C. tJI J.33~ aG ~- ~ ~ LOT ~W ~p].r ~ L01')i / 0226 p0 r l ~ ' ~ ~ ti / l.~ ]~ / 0Y ie ~ 7.T~r .h ~~a]7 .? Ow / ~ ~ n° Q ~ / ap p0. <OT lJ // Y I 1.~ tr / T 3 ~ T ~~ i5 IJZa'2 h. „E / "~ N 0~0 AC. .rv S~LOO I.C. ~~ 'J 9 ~ ~ e ~ ~ `r _, n.2~. AC ~ ~ I EC.llp~yr ° B°oo~i ~e" '~y:a.~,°vt ~4. ~ o' ~,~ a RT ,33s2'. s," j . `~LpT H ,~ U ; LOT n ~ ~ ~ ` c ` u O'µfi , w Qa,~ ~ 0 387 ~,C q. .r "' .LI' 4 ~F. `! JCr 59 9.L t 6] _ u ~ze• ``. ` LOT 9 8 ,h ~` ~ ~ ~~„_ 2 rc. a OT ~ ' `~' - ( ~ ~ t ~ 0.31 rv L tJ9 ~ /~ 0.32 8 ~ r`~. ? n S ~ ;~" J' n.,t,.: Jp 3a. w aZ, ,.. 1 `1 LO \'P'1 / C. - ' - p o._i1 .. ,0.w Rr . pp~OG. /M v /..,paR~ O~ 12 ~;~t' rv~ ~~r ~ . -~ ° A ~ Np ~'~C ~ . L qq j ~ A / a00C'~. ~ F~OpO Pl>,tN 2 0.164 n p 0% / '~~na ~ ~ } / / J SEE na.Irry^CESM /,qR} '3 E Jr 1W 1 T~~ tg.s l i 3~ ~ '~16 /2 / ~04 / ~ 4.~ • ~ . pC I]EMEA'TPµfF I L l (NE aJPo `ae.ord n ~.. ~HI) 90 N£ \ , ' l/ / ~" %..'1 ~ S O~ E W U~ / , 4Rr .1, R fA^ ~: +FM ' v~r~ D i~ / E U / 5 E/L, .u1 hR• E SEMEN ~ _ iao e._---''"3' a' ci]'Oa 10 W 204• _/'~dr/ a DRF~n 1.GcOf OJVpE-GG ri~N tS . _ _ ... /~~~~ / 10 ~pJ01 SGMEN S~Or~ EY t P ~ .r.E ~'r ~ p PpN . t0 WJ OEOi ~~~ T _ / y _ rl'.nIRE ~ PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 1, (DES: 1) I (pig _~ i PLOCH ~ rr 12'0'03" C 297.59' to LpT 1 o sso rc. ~ BLOCK. 2 {~ 5 ~a'"L1 ~.~ W 281,93 W _ r . , ~7 2 _ .. TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, "~, SECTION 2, (DES: 2,3) iJa pp{~ % `. ~ / aEMHn.9+utt9ER5r 11 /~C ~ D ~.11 r' /i DESCRIPTION: 1) Derby Drive, from the intersection ofPreakness Court to a point 146' southeast. 2) Derby Drive, from the intersection of Belmont Court to a point 65` northwest. 3) Belmont Court, from the intersection with Derby Drive to its cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.03 MILES (2) 0.01 MILES {3) 0.10 MILES RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 FEET (2) 50 FEET (3) 50 FEET ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 38 FEET (2) 38 FEET (3) 38 FEET SERVICE: (1) 2 HOMES (2) 1 HOME (3) 8 HOMES ACCEPTANCE OF BELMONT COURT AND A PORTION OF ROANOKE CO UN?'Y DERBY DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT 0~' TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRIPLE CROt ESTATES, SECTION 1 ~ TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 2 ~~/ ~~ '~ ~~~~~ ^iw ~-vV/tr ~\ \~,.,,, ,> r... ~ n ~--TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 1, (DES: 1) fore ___ BiOCH 2 x 11'10'03' C _-~ 191.58' 1 BOCK. 2 0 o3a wt. s ~az~i ~5' ~ 19a 43 E >t 2 _ . d B] L T..RIPLE CROWN ESTATES, ~_ SECTION 2, (DES: 2,31 X28.),8 CrRM". % EA~N~JNngR~ 30,,~v / ~ ~~ ~ _ ~a~e''___'-o,- < 1'5:30' w _ 14-~,~:iy'.f '' ~ .r.E yi TO RCrEUPd+ c XTERS mi p~c ~p~~CON OP ri~1uPE c PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY / RE~iAWW P,yppEP'Y i - ~ -., / p ~ p GUILDERS, i i / DESCRIPTION: 1) Derby Drive, from the intersection of Preakness Court to a point 146' southeast. 2) Derby Drive, from the intersection of Belmont Court to a point 65' northwest. 3) Belmont Court, from the intersection with Derby Drive to its cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.03 MILES (2) 0.01 MILES (3) 0.10 MILES RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 FEET (2) 50 FEET (3) 50 FEET ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 38 FEET (2) 38 FEET (3) 38 FEET SERVICE: (1) 2 HOMES (2) 1 HOIVIE (3} 8 HOMES ACCEPTANCE OF BELMONT COURT AND A PORTION OF ROANOKE COUNTY DERBY DRIVE INTO-THE VIRGII~IIA DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRIPLE CROV4~i t ESTATES, SECTION 1 ~ TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 2 J >V~ ~~ 3 c pCi m Q E z U ~ ~ ~ ~ n N O 0 E 2 ~ O H c E..~ r U m W 9 ~ m a' ~ S H x ~ W tr z o x N U O V W a a H (~ ~i H _r c TS U d O = C ~ O ~ E m U E ~ .Z .^ R1 ~_ N ~ D t O C v~ > c ~' ~ 2 V W O n ~ ~ ~ M' ~ ~ O O ~ ~ O O < U 8 O 1- 2 b - . r~ C r a v < _ b N ~ F d Z m ! S ~ ~- 3 O m Q O V1 C m L U Q rn N O a O m ~ .C E 2 O 0! ~" ~ • O ~ y a ~ ~ Q ~ a a ~ N o ~ e o ~ a a ~ i ~ ~ I `o t Q v ~ ~ f i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E tY ,. ~ ~ s L _ Z V J Q ~ < 0 L ~ Q U j I Q ~ ~ N .~ ,_ N ~ N o t E s ~: > s ~ < ~, ;: z ' U O n ~~ ~_ ~~ JC O O ~ .-+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I < U i l m O r a z ~ ~ O O ~ ~ ~r1 ~n M r'1 N N ~ m m m 0 0 0 0 a i ° a ° a ° ~ ~ a a a U H m ° x g 7 Q ~ I~ n _ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .; O O m ~ 0. O x ~ ~ o ~ ~ O ~ O ~ h H O ~ H U ~ Z ] ~ ~ U ~ U CC rn ' W ~ ~ W ~ $ c n ' ir1 ~ b R ~O ~ CG Q ~ v i W M W I M _ F F m H ,.-~ m m m m m e m H H ~ ~-'~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W W ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ gi m x ~ x F ss ~ a a ~ ~ a H d H H v • ~~ a F~ a F~ a ~ ~~ a ~ FF w u `. f°- a u `. ~°- a u `. r°- ~ ~°- a u` . r°- a ~°- a ~b ~ d x 9 tl a H ~ m ._ ~ ~ o a b H U .~ N ~' ;c b Q E'' ~ ~ ~ a 5 A ~ ~ ~ ~ N' l7 ~ ~ N µ~ tip ~ Z O Z z U 1 LL Q Z H U 5 w U Z-3 ITEM NUMBER T""~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Belmont Court and a portion of Derby Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: C & D Builders, Inc., the developer of Triple Crown Estates, Section 1, and Triple Crown Estates, Section 2, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.04 mile of Derby Drive, from the intersection of Preakness Court to the intersection of Beaumont Court, 0.10 miles of Belmont Court, from the intersection of Derby Drive to its cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Belmont Court and a portion of Derby Drive into the Secondary Road System. i Z-3 SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director ~- Department of Community Development Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens 2 ~~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1998, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BELMONT COURT AND A PORTION OF DERBY DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Seconded By: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File Z3 NOR T~ ~Of 9 f 226.5j• ~` ~~ - is "'9. :r. DOB 5 S ^ .J OT 6 ~va 1o.~r w 7~ • ~o S 7J'29'2T b' ~, 3 ~ ~'\ J.OB' 1 Q ,r~,yi^y v . ?Z /w ~^,, 59\ ~~ ~'; : `: ^~ ~ LOT n , `.~.• ,~ ~ '• LpT 8 0,N8 .L ~` 038] a0~' (OT .~l ~ Po. SEO pN r£STil'c 9 / / yCpCn_ I C' tJ1 1 I ,/ ~,7- ~\ I A s `Or IO r kxpS nN. 'q 11l J70' (Of f r 1 Sp R41Ni 2J S N1 I' \Yi ~ ~~ J1• (. i, ~ [ RB. IS E4S f9RY 1 ~ /+ l I 6 i f PO iNfNf nNFF I J ~ LOT 4 °z.:r ~ (or ~ }, Y.v,l to Y0.226 0.0yW 8p.00• r2 ~h ~~ty, y wry` •' ~ •~ I ~ .,l v\ ~ ;LOT ~..n - LOT 2 W 1 l., ` 0.220 ~ `$/0.220 0.G. nti I}59y I I 1, ~k / r ~rv ' w LOT 1 L . 27 ]s QE - 800 \/ N e rl aF / I~~ W ~~Vr (`n.. 0 /. \n ti j4 0.2]°___y 1Br6}.J >p`. 11 9:'.IB' /T ` ~ /n , ~ ~~L \ 65.9_ \ ~ 2 PC. ~' '( ~ 1l . ` ` ~ ~ LOT B 8 ~^ ~ 10 / / -\' _ _'r- _ ~ ` I \ ~ 0.32 118 yJ' /~ 0017 aG8 .1ss . ^~~ ~ a ery /1 ? , l~ p 13 ' i o `c" J5. 3 3 ac. 9 L 0 1 y - °R+' ~ z ,? 0. w ~`~j% / ~PA~pk p0. Iv L '~' 12 •~y. '~F ~.Jp P NN /: ONy aG.l . n0.%SryN BG U I ? 3 . ~kFi ~~~ ~ ~~ / O . O SF~p0R4, '1'Sarvf 5~5 ~l ... l~ 8 N<.[ AR ~ ~.os i, Ip I} E ~ / ~„y~nx 5 I ~/89 ~ : ~ nyyS a .. . eS r3j4EN~kfR / ~ ~M[w BJ.OC' ~U.asd~ / fA N[R 4i~4RY 90.11~~ I iC % o'.1 ~ i v, Ala9lE g0aN0 80B< AEW , ~ G ~ ~ _ . _~ __20°• /'ISO.,/ 7roa 10 _ _ _ ,,. O,OG1~J01MN0 i~ ¢GMEHiB 0,: .r.E. li`7 ,1 20 R R UPON Ex1~51 ONj OEbipLE~ r111VAE ~ PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY ' ~ TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, LOT ?' '~ i = TRIPLE CROWN ESTA rES, ~~ ` ~~I SECTION 2, (DES: 2,31 M L126.J8 ~_ SECTION 1, (DES: 1) ! (or 9 _~, I 9lOCK 2 O 11 12'10'01" E 297.58' ml, ~~. LOT i 0 5}a ac. ` ` gLOOK. 2 . ~' ~~ I? G~ 1+ ~ s 29a 91' ^ , ~/ PAOPEA`Y O ~ /C g10 'BVI~ERS, Ii ~/ DESCRIPTION: 1) Derby Drive, from the intersection of Preakness Court to a point 146' southeast. 2) Derby Drive, from the intersection of Belmont Court to a point 65' northwest. 3) Belmont Court, from the intersection with Derby Drive to its cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.03 MILES (2) 0.01 MILES (3) 0.10 MILES RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 FEET (2) 50 FEET (3) 50 FEET ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 38 FEET (2) 38 FEET (3) 38 FEET SERVICE: (1) 2 HOMES (2) 1 HOME (3) 8 HOMES ACCEPTANCE OF BELMONT COURT AND A PORTION OF 1 ROAIVOKE COUNTY DERBY DRNE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTtiIENT OF I DEPARTMENT OF` TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM COMddUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRIPLE CROP ESTATES, SECTION 1 ~ TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 2 ~~-~~ NOP T~ car .~/7 pa ~aflpv ~f~A~ \~,~/. ~ ~m. br r0 { ~T fk/gA ~~ / ya s. OT 5 M1 •7j ~ OF NU 2J~ r`r~ ~' AC. 0'US. LOI „ I SF[ Fq NqC S4Nr dl ~^ ~.~T s ~ ... 0.360 .3 @0.00, [ / I -a. f fA5 rgay V ~5 p [M[ S[ 0.3Y AC, ~_ i / LQT 4 6pZ` . ~ / [Or„ 0' 131 Nr ~fF/' // e fey.. / ~ ~ ~~(~ /o^ m0.226 AOry4+ 8000• / ~ ~ ~. ti,:-: 7. / / „~ [or / ~ S ~,3°,Y ;~ Ow _ rv /A ~ ~ aU. gO. r3 / /n L`... ~ ~ t ~ s 3i•ze'zr- W ~ / \~~ ~ ~ lOT ~ ~ . ~ OT 2 ~ ~ ~~. /;c 3 112).06' 1 0.220 A ~ SIp220 AC.b rJS gg, r/ // ~, ~~ rv ,~,ey .~ t: 9 \ ~k j z nI. °' a LOT 1 [ ~ -] ]s• ar ~: ~y :r.~.°a. ~4. f(A/ONr ao 0pr/ ~ ~~ _, 0.2]~ ~C~_ ~) wy p rv .. 2 c°~ T.p,% :` COURT 31 s] E,_SBSr o ? g e ~ti P ¢~ \ ~~9X a~20' ~ ~ s;;_ _ J 33 ..: f~>C" m lOT ~ W ~ _ O N5 Ac. . ti~^ '~ ~ ~ ~' LOS 8 , '~~,s a\v\ ~~ . ~~~ rs ~,~ "`• .+ n 11 2 . ~i w ~\v 0.3B] +' ~ ~ ~ 3~ B [ ~\5_~L _\ fi5.8 5]59 ~1~ Q<, g 0b )b tt\`~, / LOS S 8 ' \.;_ .~ / m LO / l 9, ~ ',1p.9,,• _ (~ 0.317. AC.S ~ Yn~ ~. / ' ~," S S ~ JOdet, w~ a2; o.,,r ~ . „s_ /_ /,~, o~t] Ac~ ^"' Y, .. L~ .c,.. ~~i oRY, o ` , .~ 1 ~ ~+~A, y. / /AF0.RpE pp.0.0.../~o I.O~ pl .•~~ .^+ ~.r LAS ~5' S~ 90 Q." ~~ F~p00 F1.NN 2 0.364 0/. ire /5~t~?'P/ / B'. Sff ptiq+ry psa'ir 3.0. I ... i+9. .'r } ~5 Rnfq } % : - / ~jB9 E y~S1p r q ". ,3r eN~Ae,~ / ;~ iN[v, Sea o•9~~ '`°.°`~ {,{Y 'C'am i ~ ?~~ ~i i fi µ[p gNtrgpy y ~ 9q ~ • ~G' + ~ ' vM+~E g0u:0 / V~ cfM[kT _ _ / 'NEw t ~ BwY~I 4. SEW£AIEN /_ fBtep__W--20 O4 /.rte. d:.i ~'~' OP.FWI,GE E% eAC~ - - _ _ - ~ / SEG0.i'v£0. i0t0 . GJgs~~ TO c %TE ,, s. +a ~ ~Nwo`oEa mcc~ aF ~+~tUFE s PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 1, (DES: 1) I atOC0. 2 r+ 221703" C T9].5a' ~ o3~p aL gIOCK• 2 If 5 1?'2t+5" W 296 93 ~' LET ~ - .. TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 2, (DES: 2,3) S.]a EARM~... ` FEF~Aw+riC, F0.0FE0.'Y 11 /~ /~ DESCRIPTION: 1) Derby Drive, from the intersection ofPreakness Court to a point 146' southeast. 2) Derby Drive, from the intersection of Belmont Court to a point 65' northwest. 3) Belmont Court, from the intersection with Derby Drive to its cul-de-sac. LENGTH: (1) 0.03 MILES (2) 0.01 NIILES (3) 0.10 MILES RIGHT OF WAY: (1) 50 FEET (2) 50 FEET (3) 50 FEET ROADWAY WIDTH: (1) 38 FEET (2) 38 FEET (3) 38 FEET SERVICE: (1) 2 HOMES (2) 1 HOME (3) 8 HOMES ACCEPTAi~ICE OF BELMONT COURT AND A PORTION OF ROANOKE COFTNTY DERBY DRIVE INTO-THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT 0~' TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM COMadUNITY DEVELOPMENT TRIPLE CROi ESTATES, SECTION 1 ~ TRIPLE CROWN ESTATES, SECTION 2 ... ~(~~ '~ c 3 s _Q 2 m O 'o C m E L U RJ Q ~ ~ m ~ ~ n N O L Q C C 0 m .C O q7 C O li. 0 Q E 2 ~ O _c ~ H ~^ U m w ~ ~ y C!] H a' H t ~, e w ~ z ~ o x N U 'o a a Chi H S. q~' Y j L ~ U ~ O ~ ~ O r m ca < Z .~ ~_ N ~ 0 < ~ Y, > C N ::: 2 U O ~ n m ~ ~ J c M M ~ O O ~ U ~ O a O !-- 8 a z 3 o H M D ~ m m o o a m m ~ a a a a a a a' a a a a a o a ~ m w b a ~n ~ ~ H .W w _ c H z ~ 0 0° o 0 0 o b ~ o o H V] U _ ~ W ~ \ < c n N ~ W ~ Z' b M H Z n „ ~ ' m H H o o m m m m a a r~+ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D H ~ b ~ ~ b b ~ ' ~ o F a ~ c FF FF a ~ ` ~ o FF b ` n ~ a c c a o o b o o n o o o ~ u. ~ a LL ~- a u: t- ~ ~ ~. a ~ ~ d LL F- a S ~ a m ~. c 3 [~] L D '~ H ~ ti Q ~ ~ ~ p R.' ~i = w a Q E ' 7 ~ Z ~ N' l7 t h ~~ r m" f~ O Z Z W x U O 2 O r= U LL s= Q U .~ ~~ .,.~' 1 O v a m t .. O as C O Z O F- C m L U f~ L Q rl 0 G ~ w ~ N ~ ~ O L ^ a c a 0 0 N E 2 c ~. m 2 a `a v L O E t z4 t7 C\ ~ ~ N ~ H 0 < °s ~; > s ~ t ~ ^ :. z . U O ~ n ~ ~ ~~ J m .~ O O ~ ~ O O O < U O 1-- Z n 3 b~ o 0 ~ .n ~n r'1 M N N H a m s ~ ° m ° ~ °~ '. m ° m a ~ s ~ a ~ a a a a a . a U H ~ Ra C Q ~ ~ _ a ~ ~ ca ~ ~ Q C O O ` m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ G O O }~ ~ O CL' O b H H O Z ~n rn H H U ~ ~n ~ U ~ U cn rn ~ w ~ ~ W ~ ~ c n ~n W ~ \ W Q M c c H H m H ,-~ m m o o m m a H H p H U p O ~ O ~ O C w a ~ w cn ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ m ~ x ~ x H ~ ~ a ~ ~ a s H H H m 2 a 2 n ~ S ~ Q o ~ Q a ~ 2 a ~ Q a ~ a b c c a a o a c ~ r a. u. r d ~ r a. ~ r a k r a u. r a ii r a m a' 3 R.' ~ ._ 7F D O `o I--I U L y ~ ~ ZS Q H ~ Z ~ a a w w A W ~ ~ Z ~. N' A t N ~ O Z m a g v S E z ~ S U r ~ ~ r ~- a O a 2 n O a ~ ~ U LL }- V W ~ U L V s Z-3 /f A-102798-5.c ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~" `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27,1998 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Winterberry Point, Section 2 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~'~~ucw `~~~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Winterberry Point, Section 2, Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Winterberry Point, Section 2 subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. entitled Winterberry Point, Section 2, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $7,OOO.OOand $13,500.00 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Winterberry Point, Section 2 subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. /~ _- `~ SUBMITTED BY: Gary Roberts , P.E. Utility Directo APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ _ x Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development ~' C~ o0G°~1~ THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this ~3 ~~ day of `-~`~ ~ ~ , 19 97 , by and between: Boone. Boone & Loeb, Inc. , a Vir ig nia corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas, water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 As shown on the plan entitled Winterber~ Pointe, Section 2 ,made by ~i Lumsden Associates P.C. and on file in the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 19 at Page 54 . The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 ~- ~{ WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: By: As: State of: ~: County/City of: wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: ~~ ,day of 19_~ Z, By: Its _,,~~.tir ly authorized officer Title on behalf of Boone. Boone & Loeb. Inc. Notary Public My Commission expires: ~ Page 3 of 4 Approved as to form: County Attorney Board of Supervisors of ~~ Roanoke County, Virginia By; (SEAL) Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State of: Virginia ' County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Page 4 of 4 -.} r'L Cd ~" ~R"~aR ~,,00~ 2~ "~R Tf ^.rYO .~ LKt`iLIYI LC /r $n7 }4~ P~. l~~' 3P• ¢°i t(rrtE ~0-46.~P~Y ~7 ~. t `^,~ OP..F'oe r'~tiff'RSo+- 60 ~at5~.. ~ :~ '.. ~~ !j1tb.RN_oR~a Oo-o.F~S~ 99 ~ l °RI ~ Mti r ~ ~~4,H{ Ry ...~~E ~3'i er~~,e-,,ro-/ I~ c.~cP 7 „ic t ~pyA *... ~{ B~7~. ~C/( ~'~ ~r r^+,GE -,. ~~~ , LONNAO£ j Af=T ~ C P°/~ ~ L t 'S ~ ~ RD~O~e.~` ~„., COCev'rneflAr~ rosl~~' ;~d a ~?~. N g HF4a h ~.. - .. C,c'i..`E.w` ~ G+ ~ ~~c+~ ~K~~ e t~ 7;. Tt ~° r ^~ray. ~, f" 'NYE'~79o~+^-O ~a -gr ° 'as+,,. .~ ( 419 ^. Jnf~ ~ ~ ' 'o ~° ~"~€ loE ~a ~~ ~y ow y Ta2~- ti : ~, ni N_y,~.Nnrarf (3AS~`LEtROCK FM5 F~~~}Yrn"F~' L"'a( 1662 ti ~r",\\OCF TS'~4 - \GAEEN ~~ RO SLV yr_'~ ECOOW Rp ~CgEi^ a F YY_ _n`~ d I G70 nb '-l~y ri•'~ \'c , ,. CrNrwla oA`~v~g4-....._.zi E9Q~d~lo ply 1 '~sx ~. 9 ~I'.` ~ ~~ 'yg E ~ a /m~.,r. r' e i"" 5;$ ~A "smo~3v f ~ G,~A'ad~ F~Nj A~Ge I+OTTIG SIVGit~r CAL,{(F~S',P'~PrIIVC~_ ~ C, GAVE SPR pG t4!'~.1~~R rZS~FAp ^CD!~ ~ _ 1 q ' }~~1p 01 ,~~ ~. 7.h~i^ ~iy~: k~ IUWANA D0. rf".';. ~~~~ ~ /- ',^l'if _. _ _ 1,. VICINITY 11IAP 66^^,~ ~u~ ~iL L ,,, -~- - `~ NORTH __-- ==~- ;~_____--_-- -1 uc4 ~ ~ EEL11 I~'PJ11. 1 - ~ . ~y ~ ~ ~„11~w4 M611A'A ~ I'12' RAIfA 4i Ari41 /~ ~~ ~tO AfM~'~ I - ~~ ~ \ ° ~~ \ ~ ~ ~ \ } ~ 1\ ~ 1 ~ ~ t\ - ~ L \ ~~ ~ .~ ~w o c $, i }I T a _ 1 ~r Si 6 1 o a T ~. 1 ~u~c°e. } Zi i 7a u n~ 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 _ ,_ l.. ~, ~\ P,6QG~' 1 p41N1E ~} ,aPEaADG.Ze9 P,D.q na•e ~~~ Ih~gUrr~ ---- ---- q -.h t„fi. 9~-e ~ ~ \ ~ 9 '~ _ _ _ - _. - - -- ~~MM - -T - 9. } }i~A90lf ~Pf Edl1i gANIiARY SFwfA AREA NQ 16.Oh' I,itE' E MANAGEN pEtedilor+ ~~° t „~~R E~fi~A~°><o Z~nla.~ ~ SE ~ IO~,I~i4.. ~aA1~ , ~I ~5~61p1 ROANOKE COUNTY ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES UTILITY SERVING WINTERBERRY POINT, SECTION 2. DEPARTMENT ~\ \~ , ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ `~ ~ ~, ~~', iG ,- A-102 798-5. d ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ 5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Off-Site Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Winnbrook, Section 1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: I~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Winnbrook, Section 1, BMW Development, LLC, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the off-site sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The off-site sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Balzer and Associates entitled Winnbrook, Section 1, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The off-site sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the off-site sanitary sewer construction is $ 37,500.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the off-site sanitary sewer facilities serving the Winnbrook, Section 1 subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. T-5 SUBMITTED BY: `~ ~ l ~ .~, Gary Robe on, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED: '''r Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ _ x Denied () Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development ~ 5 C~Oo pal THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this 21 st day of September , 19 98 , by and between: BMW Development. LLC , a Vir ing is corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIMA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas, water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 ~~~ As shown on the plan entitled Winnbrook. Section 1 ,made by Balzer & Associates and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 ,,,.,,.1,...°~" WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: BMW Develo ment LLC ~~~ By: SEAL Mr. L. S. Waldrop As: Mana_ging_Partner State of: Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: ~~%~ ,day of ~ ` 19 ~, By: Mr L S. Waldrop Its Managing Partner Duly authorized officer Title on behalf of BMW Development LLC L~ Notary Public V / ~/ My Commission expires: ~ r ~_~~ Page 3 of 4 • - ~_.~ Approved as to form: Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia By. (SEAL) County Attorney Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State of: Virginia ' County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: ~! Page 4 of 4 ..~.,....~. r~ .... ~W ~. ...~......,..r.,.,r.,~ _ \ ....... ,,...,... M..~..,~ . ,.....v ....,. ~,.... ......,.....,..,. .. , `,,` . .~ ...,,r: ,.~ .,v. ,,., w. r.,. ,w nm ., v........... ww,.. ~.~...~.. rn n.,...r•.....r ,.u rMF'~O~E `s= ~- 51~ .......,.....,....r, .....,. . ~.,.r .r...,.........,...r ..~ ..~.. ,~...r<,,.,....r.r. :.J .. o~.~_ - ------~ _..__..,.,w_..__..~..~ ,...... F-~....,. ~~~,~ i. ~~~.~ =-- PAVEMENT FEPIACENENT DETAIL :v.-+ ~ • Q _ y~.a_...-_..- ~..,:.- ~V - ._ w.- _..... IIi ~.. ~... 4• ~ ~ i O/ _ - s~oo _ ,,~ ~~J ~~~ 8 ~ ~: rfYRY X'?M (Y ' 1 di Oo •~... ~. ~ ,~ w f _. .. . ,._ __ ~. -- - . ,., ,j ,~,.,.__ ,~~ -~ ..., -. '~' ~_ _ SEWER d EROSION CONTROL PLAN WINNBROOK OFFSITE SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA R DANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT ACCEPTANCE OF OFF-SITE SEWER FACILITIES SERVING WINNBROOK. r.'.. - GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Beginning Balance at July 1, 1998 of General Amount Fund Revenues $7,993,609.14 7.75% 28, 1998 Second installment on West County Business Park ($1,115,300.00) Balance at October 27, 1998 Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above West County Business Park -balance Reserve for R.R. Donnelly -Phase II _. $6 87813.09._14. ___ _ _ 6.67% $6,878,309.14 (1,057,650.00) (730,700.00) $_ 5 0892959.14.. 4.94% Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 1998-99 General Fund Revenues $_1.03,0_87,232.00 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $6,442,952.00 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Gen98. WK4 / y/ CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIltGINIA Amount Beginning Balance at July 1, 1998 $735,313.64 Projects appropriated in 1998-99 original budget Center for Research and Technology (100 Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center (30 South county Park Development (100 North County Soccer Field (50 Police Firing Range (50 Courthouse Renovations (75 McDonald Farm (100 __ ___ Balance at October 27, 1998 $230,313.64 Note: $100,000 of these funds have been temporarily advanced to the Mayflower Hills Park project. Respectfully Submitted, ~c~~~.-~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Cap98. WK4 M-3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 1998-99 Original Budget $210,000.00 June 23, 1998 Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Center (107,500.00: Sept 8, 1998 Contribution to TAP Transitional Living Center (9,650.00; Oct 13, 1998 Matthews Electroplating SuperFund Remediation (22,790.00: Balance at October 27, 1998 $70,060.00 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, Gf~O `' ~ ' k~~..~ Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Board98. WK4 /yr ~ I FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-97 debt budget Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund FY97-98 Original budget appropriation 23, 1998 Savings from 1997-98 debt fund FY98-99 Original budget appropriation Balance at October 27, 1998 Respectfully Submitted, ~! c7~nsu ~ - ~~ U Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Amount $670,000.00 1,113,043.00 2,000,000.00 321,772.00 2,000,000.00 $6 1.04,815.00_ M:\Finance\Common\Board\School98. WK4 M-~ C~nixn#g of ~ZII~cnII~e ~ r.~r ~ EtOAN ~ { F ~• OF CONGRATULATIONS TO ROANOKE COUNTY WOMAN'S CLUB UPON ITS SEVENTN-FIFTN ANNIVERSARY ti A Z c~ 2 a r 3a WNEREAS, the Roanoke County Woman's Club is a group of women from all walks of life who have joined together for fellowship and through constructive action, to help build, serve, improve and enjoy the community in which they live; and WNEREAS, the Roanoke County Woman's Club, founded by Mrs. J. N. "Annie' Whither, was organized on June 7,1923, and on October 23,1923, became a member of the General Federation of Women's Club and Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs; and WNEREAS, the Roanoke County Woman's Club has forty-five members and is divided into three departments -Education, Nome Life, and Today's Living; and WNEREAS, the Roanoke County Woman's Club has established goals for each department and participates in many service projects, such as refurnishing the first flee library in Roanoke County; supporting Camp Easter Seal; supporting Canine Companions and St. Francis of Asis dogs for the handicapped; and volunteering at hospitals, day care facilities, nursing homes, adult day care center and the VA Nospitai; and WNEREAS, the Roanoke County Woman's Club will be celebrating their Seventh-Fifth anniversary on October 23, 1998; and WNEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors wishes to congratulate the club for their outstanding community service projects and their many accomplishments during these years. NOW, TNEREFORE, I, Bob L. Johnson, Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors do hereby congratulate the "ROANOKE COUNTY WOMAN'S CLUB"upon its Seventy-Fifth anniversary and recognize the members of the Roanoke County Woman's Club for their efforts at improving our community. Bob L. Johns , Chairman ATTEST: rn~. 3 ! czu.~ Mary N. Allen, Clerk ' ~` ~- °" ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Report on the 75th Anniversary of the Roanoke County Woman's Club COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This month the Roanoke County Woman's Club celebrated their 75th anniversary. The Woman's Club was founded on June 27, 1923 when a group of women met at the home of Mrs. J. H. "Annie Whitney. The organization was and is very active in various Roanoke County activities. In 1931, they added a wing to their club house and founded the first free Roanoke County library. The first books were donated by guests and club members at the dedication. Mrs. Herbert Hoover and Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt also donated several volumes. In the late 1920's, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors decided to delete the funding for the positions of Farm Agent and Home Demonstration Agent. The Woman's Club felt these were important to the community and mounted a public information campaign in the community which resulted in the retention of the Home Demonstration Agent. Since that time, the Woman's Club has continued their strong emphasis on helping the community by their involvement in such projects as Camp Easter Seal East and West, Canine Companions and St Francis of Assisi guide dogs, After Prom parties at Glenvar and Northside High School, and other activities. On October 18, the Roanoke County Woman's Club held their official celebration and presented a Proclamation to the organization on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. Attached is additional information on the history of the club. It is important to recognize the contributions of this club to Roanoke County for 75 years, especially their successful efforts at organizing our first public library. Respe tfully Sub fitted: Imer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No. Yes Abs Harrison Johnson _ _ _ McNamara- _ _ Minnix _ _ Nickens _ _ cc: File ~-~v The Roanoke County Woman's Club 1636 Conehurst Blvd Salem, Virginia 24153 The Roanoke County Woman's Club, a volunteer and charitable woman's organization, was organized June, 1923 with 28 members. In 1994 the membership is 53 and growing. A woman's club is a group of women from all walks of life who have joined together for fellowship and, through constructive action, to help build, serve, improve, and enjoy the community in which they live. Membership and participation in Club acti~rilies present a challenge to each member and an opportunity for broadening social contacts and personal horizons. Club membership can develop a wide variety of interests, build lasting friendships and bring to light one's own hidden talents. STRUCTURE OF THE CLUB Our Club is divided into Departments wluch emphasize different interests. They are, at present: Home Life, Education and Today's Living. Home Life Goals: To strengthen family ties, improve home life, and support changes in existing laws affecting homemakers. Meetin Time: Third Thursday of each month at 11:00 A.M. Education Goals: To encourage education for all, improve educational opportunities, and support development and expansion of educational opportunities. Meetin Tg ime: Third Tuesday of each month at 10:00 A.M. Today's Living Goals: To address the current issues that affect all people, improve quality of living, and support issues such as chemical dependency, homeless and moral values. Meetin T~ Third Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. All Departments meet together on the first Thursday of the month at 11:15 A.M. This is a general meeting to provide unity and communication between all Departments. All members bring a dish for the covered dish meal which follows the business meeting and short program. MEMBERSHIP We invite you to accept membership in a group that has a tradition of service to its members, its community and the world, and has a program to challenge your abilities. In Club work, as you give, so you shall receive. Every woman has something to give of herself. Somewhere, sometime, someone is touched by what you do. Come join the Roanoke County Woman's Club. Your hands, joined with others in our Club, will be the beginning of a lifetime of service to others and of lasting friendships for yourself. FOR MORE INFORMATION Call Marie Miller, (703) 387-1681. Your friend in Club Work, ..~I~z~ie B..~lill Y Z~ c~~e~z~ i~~~ ~ 28 MEMBERS AT FIRST MEETING M-~ ~~ Mrs. J.H. Whitney (Annie) Organizer and First President Mrs. Robert K. Temple First 1$' Vice President Mrs. Joseph A. Turner First Secretary Mrs. G. E. Miles (Bessie) First Treasurer Mrs. J. P. Bowman First Chaplain Mrs. C. T. Ayres Mrs. A. P. Johnson Known as the Big Three volunteers Mrs. J. T. Taylor Mrs. C. W. Lanford Second President Mrs. J. W. Wharton Did the landscaping around the new club house Mrs. Nettie C. Howard Mrs. Eric Rath Mrs. W. E. Wolferiden Mrs. M. W. Rierson Mrs. W. H. Saunders Mrs. Lila Moomaw Williams Mrs. H. S. Happersell Mrs. M. W. Rierson Mrs. R. D. Hurt Mrs. S. H. Mcvitty Mrs. H. E. Bowman Miss. Sara Earheart Miss. Mary Moorman Miss. Bessie Miles Miss. Virginia Whitney Mrs. W. E. Michael Mrs. J. W. Fontz Mrs. H. R. Garden y 100 CHARTER MEMBERS The Charter membership was closed January ls` 1924. Then on February 7, 1924 a motion to keep charter membership open until 100 members were on the roll was passed. Below is a list of charter members taken from the minutes years 1923-24 Mrs. C. T. Ayres Mrs. J.O. Beach Mrs. R. A. Bondurant Mrs. S. E. Bonsack Mrs. H. E. Bowman Mrs. J. P. Bowman Mrs. J. C. Bradley Mrs. J. S. Brown Mrs. R. G. Brugh Mrs. R. L. Cawley Mrs. J. S. St Clair Mrs. E. M. Coulter Mrs. Sallie Guy Davis Mrs. Lee Dixon Miss. Sara Earheart Mrs. A. H. Earnest Mrs. Rosalind R. Evans Miss Annie Fergerson Miss Ida Fergerson Mrs. Jack Ferguson Mrs. W. P. Firey Mrs. Alma Fitzgerald Mrs. J. W. Foutz Mrs. J. J. Funk Mrs. Henry R. Garden Mrs Joe. M. Gist Mrs. W. P. Givens Mrs. W. O. Goodwin Mrs. Harry Haffen Mrs. J. L. Hamilton Mrs. Happersatt Mrs. H. S. Happersell Mrs. T. T. Harris Mrs. Sallie C. Hartman Mrs. H. L. Hill Miss. Ruth Hinchee Mrs. R. D. Hinchee Mrs. W. H. Hofanger Mrs. Nettie C. Howard Mrs. H. D. Howbert Mrs. Peter C. Huff Mrs. R. D. Hurt Mrs. R. B. Jennings Mrs. A. P. Johnson Mrs. Williman Johnson Mrs. Wylie Jones Miss Mary Kennedy Mrs. C. W. Landford Mrs. A. T. Lewark Mrs. W. H. B. Loving Mrs. S. H. Mcvitty Mrs. T. M. Merck Mrs. W. E. Merck Mrs. C. W. Metzger Mrs. W. C. Michael Mrs. W. E. Michael Mrs. G. E. Miles Miss. Bessie Miles Mrs. R. N. Moir Mrs. Moore Miss. Mary Moorman Mrs. Tazewell Morgan Mrs. M. L. Nelms Mrs. Nininger Mrs. Olend Miss Nina Pellit Mrs. D. W. Persinger Mrs. T.H. Pettus Miss Mary Pike Mrs. Harvey Poage Mrs. N. P. Powell Mrs. Eric Rath Mrs. M. W. Rierson Mrs. R. W. Rose Mrs. L. C. Ross Mrs. W. H. Saunders Mrs. Seaner Mrs. F. B. Sears Mrs. Stoy Mrs. J. T. Taylor Mrs. Robert K. Temple Mrs. E. D. Tettinger Mrs. Manlus Thierry Mrs. F. B. Thomas Mrs. Joseph A. Turner Mrs. J. M. Vogenthaler Miss Marie Vogenthaler Mrs. Field Wade Mrs. William L. Wade Mrs. L. S. Walker Mrs. G. Wartz Mrs. Virginia Wells Mrs. H. Wharton Mrs. J. W. Wharton Miss. Virginia Whitner Mrs. J. H. Whitner Mrs. J. B. Willett Mrs. L. Moomaw Williams Mrs. W. E. Wolferiden Mrs. Arthur Wood /~~' o f ~" ~ Q Q ~ ~ 7~ ~~e~~~~ %~~~z~~ ZJ ~~ y~ iti R,`~0 .lone 7. 1923 a group of~28 Roanoke County V~'omeh met at the home ol~)~~1rs. J. I1. "/~t~mie" Whither and founded the Roanoke County Woman's Club. Tl~~is new organization grew out of~the dissolution of the Civics division of~the Chamber of Commerce of~ R~,anol:e. June 21, 1923 the constitution and by-laws were read and at the July meeting were approved. October 2 ~, 1923 the Roanoke County Woman's Club joined the General Federation of Women's Flubs and the Virginia Federation of V~'omen's Clubs. "fhis put us in the First District ol~the Virginia Federation. March 6, 1924 the first discussion and pledging of money to build a Club House was begun In the fall of~ 1927, a one acre lot in the geographical center of Roanoke County tivas purchased for ~ 1,100.00. On October ~. f 928 the ground was broken. On Decemher 29. 1928 the conor stone laying «~as conducted by the Ta>~ for Lodge of~ Masons of~ Salem. On ma}~ f (~-17 1929 the formal opening of~ the Club hoi_~se ~~~as held. Mrs. J. Turner suggested blue and green for the Club Colors. Mrs. Joaqun Miller wrote this verse Everything Beautiful There is ever and ever His boundless blue, and ever and ever His green, green soil, and ever and ever between the two, walk the wonderful winds of God. In 1929 the bluebell was suggested for our Club flower. It carries out the colors to perfection. is heautiful, a native of~our county growing profusely along the streams. ~"i"" FIRST DEPARTMENTS AND CHAIRMAN C(~N~F.RVf~TI(~N EDUCATION !':_:131.1:' ~~'I,i.I~AIZ't~. LEGISLATIVE I~I mil; ~I~'l~S HOME DEPARTMENT Mrs: .I. i1~' Wharton Mrs. S. E. Bonsack ?~~1r5, Alvin "I'a~°lor Mrs. Harvey Poage !4.~rs. l:ri~ R;~tll Mrs. Goodwin IVIF ~111ERSNIP L~lrs: iii W. 1Zierscm SOME OF THE FIRST CLUB PROJECTS - a restroom for County people was built on the market in Roanoke -a luncheon and reception for a delegation of gentleman troln France, Italy, F;ngland, f3el~ium, Holland, Switzerland, Nor~~-av and Canada. These Gentlemen were touring the state «~ith a vie~x~ to OhSel"~~ing hoie% IllatterS Ot ;~LII?IIC San?t~tl(7n ti~%d5 h(lndit, ~ Ill ~~'Ir~lIlla. -Held a mass meeting (over 200 attended) in the woods at Bennetts Springs in a cove on the side of McAfee's Knob. That meeting, an appeal to save the forests was a huge success. -l 1Ol~)}e ;;;mon~tration wnrk a Ixil}liar he~.lih hro~,~r~,l~t MESS L'il'ihti ~_-;li'ir \~.iS tll~~ I'~ ads (irate ()1' I)oi l!ill~lleS 1+~C ~`hilti~]~C'.n ()t the (°i)UntV >Ch(iiilS ~4_ilill:r tiC.:~~l(tt`.i`. (}1' ~-I~ Eil1I}` -County Red Cross met in Club House every week. Ladies volunteered especially during WWII -I"iCSi{ ()t _' ('iC('aliiltill`.?, ilI?CaCil~ in the C()lliet`. -Used our building in 1937 for the Jane Adams Peace Center. Organizer of women international league for peace and freedom in Belgium. i -In i9a~ an ~3meriCan beech tree (,e111~1e171 O~ t)eaCe) WAS planted. ~oliS of>j natlonS Were blended ~~~ith ,American soil. ~hhe idea Was to foster international good ~~~ill. -Supported Crippled Children's home -~(ipported free co(inty bed in the Roanoke Hospital -Established aloving-cup trophy for the County School Field Meet. ~i If you read the Roanoke Times in May of 1923 you would have found an open invitation to all women of the County, interested in the forming of a County Club. On June 7, 1923 a group of 28 Roanoke County Women met at the home of Mrs. J. H. "Annie" Whitner and founded the Roanoke County Woman's Club. This new organization grew out of the dissolution of the Civics division of the Chamber of Commerce of Roanoke. Quoting from Mrs. Temple's Memories and Profiles " I recall how with almost terror in my heart, I heard some one raise at that organization meeting at Mrs. Whitner's to the point that perhaps the time was not yet right for organizing a County Club. Another argued we should combine with the Roanoke City Club. I felt the conviction, as I am sure others did, that the time to organize was right now, And that we county women had a perspective which women of the city had not understood, and which it would be difficult for them to recognize. On October 23, 1923 the Roanoke County Woman's Club joined the General Federation of Women's Clubs. And was in the First District of the Virginia Federation. At first the ladies met at Southview the home of Mrs Whitner and Mrs. Miles brown bungalow, the little "house by the side of the road" at Masons Creek. There after meetings were held in various members homes. June 21, 1923 the constitution and by-laws were read and at the July meeting were approved. Mrs. Turner suggested blue and green for the Club Colors /'~~' Mrs. Joaqun Miller wrote the following verse: Everything Beautiful There is ever and ever .His boundless blue, and ever and ever His green, green soil, and ever and ever between the two, walk the wonderful winds of God. So blue and green to this day are our Club Colors. In 1929 the bluebell was suggested for our Club flower. It carries out the colors to perfection, (green stems, leaves and blue flowers) is beautiful, a native of our county growing profusely along the streams. The Roanoke County Woman's Club was composed of nine circles Conehurst Circle Virginia Heights Washington Heights Lee Highway Williamson Road Poage's Mill Harshburger Road Salem Vinton These Circles each took a Department which the GFWC/VFWC guidelines proposed and worked on their particular interest project. At this time the Roanoke County Woman's Club belonged to the First District which later became the Blue Ridge District. The Charter membership was closed January 1st 1924. Then on February 7, 1924 a motion to keep charter membership open until 100 members were on the roll passed. March 6, 1924 the first discussion and pledging of money to build a club house was begun. Ni -!a In the fall of 1927, the Club purchased a one acre lot in the geographical Center of Roanoke County for $1,100.00. On October 5, 1928 the ground was broken. On December 29, 1928 the corner stone laying was conducted by the Taylor Lodge of Masons of Salem. On May 16-17 1929 the formal opening of the Club house was held. Mrs. Joe M. Gish was chosen to be keeper of the "Hope Chest." Here Octagon Soap Coupons were saved by the fifties and hundreds to "buy" dishes and silver for the kitchen. As we are near election time I thought you might be interested in hearing from Mrs. Temple's Memories and Profiles "OUR FIRST POLITICAL VICTORY" Of course we were all very clever women, that was proven at the very first stroke of the gavel, by an incident well recalled by we old stagers. At the outset of our club career, we had in the treasury, a nice nest egg gift from the Civics Division upon its dissolution. Also members were paying their first year's dues. The County Supervisors, feeling very poor, and perhaps tormented (just before election) by their constituents who warned them to ---lay them taxes down--- appropriation for both the farm agent and the home demonstration agent had been dropped from the county budget. WERE WE MAD, and "MAD is the word! This could not be allowed to continue. We had imposing looking stationery printed. It was a very neat sheet, typewriter size, with names of officers and all department chairmen listed down the side of the sheet. These officers had not yet had time to do much functioning in their respective duties, but now we had the vote, we could vote, and those ~~ candidates knew how we would vote, if they did not come across with the demands made in a letter sent each and every officer and candidate. The letter politely insisted that the services of our Home Demonstration Agent be retained and that a sufficient appropriation be reinstated in the county budget. We had struggled this way and that through the year to raise funds with which to pay the agent but now we wanted her back on the county-state payroll. The scheme worked! Three cheers for Roanoke County Woman's Clubs's first political wire pulling! In 1931 under leadership of Mrs. Arthur Wood a county free Public Library was begun. The Roanoke County Junior Woman's Club built a east wing to the main Club House at a cost of $1,500.00. The new library had shelf space of 4,000 books. In June 1932 the library was dedicated. Each guest and Club Member brought a book for the library. Mrs. Herbert Hoover and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt donated several volumes to the library. In 1935 a story telling hour was held each Saturday. An average of 30 children attended these Saturday sessions. According to a news paper article in July 1933; "During the past 4 week period 1,200 books from the county library were in circulation and 476 persons patronized the library. M-b In1941 a book mobile was started from our library with 10,000 books available for distribution. In 193 8 an American Beech Tree, emblem of Peace, was planted on the Club house grounds. The soil of 35 nations was blended with American soil in the planting. This idea being to foster international goodwill. The dedication ceremony took place when the Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs were guests of the Club at an afternoon tea. Dec 5, 1947 Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt sent a letter commending the members of the Roanoke County Woman's Club for their work with the United Nations. In 1987 an approved handicapped walkway was built from the side driveway across the front of the building to the front porch steps. In 1990 The outside shingles were so deteriorated that they had to be removed and vinyl siding was put on all outside wood areas. A long awaited air conditioner was installed in 1993. Many events held in the Club house has benefitted with this addition. In 1997 a metal railing was build around the front porch. Today we have a membership of 54, with 2 departments meeting during the day and 1 at night. We hold a general meeting once a month on the First Thursday. Just as the first ladies of Roanoke County Woman's Club, we do many projects benefitting the community, state and country we M ` ~' live in. Some of our projects are: Camp Easter Seal East and West, Canine Companions and St. Francis of Assisi guide dogs, Operation Smile, Falon Park School Behavior Modification program, Scholarships, After prom parties at Glenvar and North Side High School, crime prevention, conservation, recycling, and many more. We are looking forward to the future and a new era with a tradition of service to our members, our community and the world. In Club work, as you give, so you shall receive. Every woman has something to give of herself. Somewhere, sometime, someone is touched by what we do. 1• -~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Self-Insurance Program, Ordinance #61494-4, Section 2-86.C, attached is the Fiscal Year to Date claims activity and status report including the First Quarter ended September 30, 1998. FISCAL IMPACT: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Respectfully submitt Approved by, Robert C. Jerniga Elmer C. Hodge Risk Manager County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred 1 ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs g:\ris km gmt\trustees\board. rpt r ~~~ Z 00 °o w o 0 Y Q a O H y ~ ~ ~ Q N J Z U - ~ ~ ¢ ~ Q O O O > > > N H Q c c ~ y ~ y o. o. o O O U w O O O O O O O O ~ O O O O ~ W pp Q m W w ~ N N 0 ~ ~ O p ~ M ~ ~ W m } J ~ Q a V w N N LL ~ ~ Z Q ~ a F- w ~ ~ O a p~ W J N ~ Z ' ~ ~ ~ H ~ C H ~}„ w ~ r ° ~ a W J U m V U N O7 -OO N 'O m Q Q Q J y O fA ~ J N j O O y W VI Q Z ~ ~ C O ~ ~ w w LL Z J W w w O N W ~ W ~ fn C C m J N .~ N .Y t N ~ O U U ~ ~ ~ Z N c c o W C ~ 2 a T m W D ~ ~ a ~ ~« J J ~ ~ W w 00 m 00 m OD rn Q H U Q ~ O r N ~ O_ Q U ~ ~ ~ Q O O O Q O M N N N C 0 J Z U O O O m m n. i"i""'! A ~ ^ ~ ° Z o W N 00 O ~ _ 00 O m Q a O H ~ ~ a y J Z ~ O) ~ D1 a~ 01 a~ O) U c c c c d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p Q Y Y Y Y U N N tq fA Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q C C ~ y ~ N ~ y ~ N a p. O O O O O U U U O O O O O O W O O O O O O ~ O ~t O O O ~ ~ 0p W N M M D ~ ~ O ~ o ~ M W W ~ m J U a N W 1LL y ~ ~ Z m O ~ O `~ w '- a °c' m a~ ~ i- ~ Y U U y O U ~ r s J ~ O. W N ~ U Y ~ Imo- Z 0 ~ m d a d ~ W C J U ` a Z m U Q a- U a > ~ R ~ ~ N ~ O O W ~ (n ~ ~ U U ~ Z ] ~ ~ ~ W fA lL Q X M N O ~ W W N LL U O) C 07 C ~ U a'' U ~ Q ~ N U f0 U f0 ~ ~ H ~ 0 m m ++ ~ ~ ~"' F` W y C F ~' N ~ ~ Q d N U7 ~ N N W ~ ? w ~ ~ _ _ ~ a° a° ~ ac Q ~ ~ Z oo m ao rn ao rn 0o rn n rn W w ~ V Q N O N O U ~ n ro ao 0o cD Q o 0 0 0 0 c Q O N n N N ~ O J Z O O O O I~ O~ U ~ d ~ . ti ACTION NO. .. ITEM NUMBER ~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE October 27, 1998 ACTF.NI~A ITEM: Work Session on Long Range Planning Development. ~OLTNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~G~ •~,d~~p ~~chQ ~tMMA~~ F INFORMATION: Over the last several years, the E-Team (departmeirtal directors, Assistant County Administrators, and Constitutional Officers) has held several staff retreats to address organizational issues that affect internal and external operations from acounty-wide perspective. A topic that has generated significant discussion by staff at these functions is the concept of long range planning. The consensus view was that long range considerations must be more formally integrated into the County's existing processes. Last spring, at the E-Team's direction, a team was formed to examine possible long range planning needs of the County and to develop a proposal that addresses those needs. After FY98-99 budget development was completed the Long Range Planning Team (LRPT) met numerous times to consider the pitfalls and benefits of formalizing a long range planning process into our existing processes. On October 2, 1998 the LRPT presented its report to the Executive Team. After presentation and subsequent discussion, consensus of team members was to share this information with the Board of Supervisors for discussion and further direction. Based on that request, this time has been set aside to review the E-Team's presentation of possible long range planning initiatives. Respectfully submitted, Brent Robertson Budget Manager Approv by, i~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~' ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () Harrison - - - Received () Johnson - - - Referred () McNamara .,_. - - Nickens _, r. - ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER :~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Discussion on the Community (Comprehensive) Plan COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for the Board of Supervisors and staff to discuss issues related to the Community Plan, and to answer any questions the Board members may have. A copy of the Plan was provided to you last week to allow you to have time for review. Please bring the document with you to the meeting. A public hearing and first reading of the ordinance is scheduled for this evening. Respectfully Submitted by: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Harrison Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix To () Nickens .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON OCTOBER 27, 1998 RESOLUTION 102798-6 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session 1 ACTION N0. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 27, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading and Public Hearing on Roanoke County Community Plan COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Staff work on this Plan began in January 1995. It has involved over 1000 citizens representing a broad spectrum of interests and concerns. This Plan supports basic concepts that, when implemented, will make the community of Roanoke County a better place to work, live and play over the next decade. It provides a balance between economic development and environmental protection that is absolutely critical to the continued growth and vitality of the (,'orrnty. It allows for economic growth in those areas where is can be sustained and supported and provides for preservation of our important natural resources in the more rural, mountainous areas of our community. As you know, economic development is one of our most important priorities. The citizens of Roanoke County, along with organizations such as the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association, recognize that economic development and the mix of residential versus commercial/industrial taxes is crucial to the future provision of essential services such as schools, recreation facilities, ,fire and police protection. The staff has worked closely with the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association and other groups including the outdoor advertising businesses. We have had numerous meetings with RRHBA and have come a long way towards consensus. There is more work to do -these groups continue to have some concerns with the Plan artc~ although we may never reach total agreement on the Plan, I encourage the Board to sz~pport the concept of RRHBA continuing to work with the staff to resolve outstanding concerns. Many citizens, including the 12 neighborhood councils, and many organized groups have interest in this Plan. We need to be careful over the next couple of months not to focus too closely on any one group's concerns at the risk of excluding and possibly alienating other important community interests. We also need to be cognizant of our mutual desires to have a Community Plan adopted and begin the important work of implementing many of the concepts contained in the Plan. ~~ 2 On that front, we share a mutual interest with the Home Builders to develop a cluster housing ordinance. The foundation and planning for this ordinance is contained in the Plan and it will be our first priority upon adoption of this Community Plan. BACKGROUND: The draft Roanoke County Community Plan has its foundation in the 1995-1996 visioning process - a process that began an extensive outreach program to involve County citizens in the development of a new comprehensive community plan. In January 1995 the Roanoke County vision process began with a telephone survey of 500 citizens to assess the community's values and concerns for the future. In March of that year the Board of Supervisors appointed a 15-member Steering Committee to guide the vision process and develop the citizen participation component. On April 1, 1995 the Steering Committee hosted acounty-wide community meeting to kick-off the public participation component of the vision process and allow citizens to volunteer to work on various focus groups. In all, ten focus groups were convened covering the. topics of agriculture, economic development, transportation, growth management, housing, education, government relations, recreation and culture, technology and resource protection. The citizens on these focus groups represented a broad variety of community interests. The focus groups met throughout the summer of 1995 and wrapped-up their work with a series of recommendations that were presented to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The culmination of the visioning process was a document entitled The Changing Century -Roanoke County 2010. The second component of the citizen outreach program was to develop aneighborhood- based citizen participation element. This element was designed to identify issues at the neighborhood level and relate the findings and recommendations of the vision process to each neighborhood. In August 1996, the Board of Supervisors appointed a Citizen Advisory Committee consisting of 24 citizens -two from each of the twelve community planning areas. This Committee in turn appointed neighborhood councils consisting of local citizens and leaders of community-based organizations. The councils began meeting in January 1997 and over the course of the next four months worked with County staff to identify critical land use, resource preservation and public facility issues in their own neighborhoods. In addition, they made recommendations on design guidelines for new development and mapped significant features in their neighborhoods such as mountain views, parks, cultural attractions and historical buildings or sites. In May 1997 the Citizen Advisory Committee hosted a community forum to present the results of the neighborhood councils and to receive public input on this work. In the summer of 1997, staff began writing the draft Community Plan utilizing the abundance of information that had been gathered from all the previous neighborhood meetings and public hearings. In early July 1998 a draft Community Plan was presented Q-i to the Planning Commission. At that time, copies of the Plan were distributed to all members of the Citizen Advisory Committee, neighborhood councils and other organizations that had participated in the process from the very beginning, such as the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association (RRHBA), National Park Service, Virginia Department of Transportation and the Salem-Roanoke Chamber of Commerce. Comments were received from the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, who at the request of the RRHBA, reviewed the Transportation section of the Plan. Their specific comments are addressed in the revised draft Plan. The RRHBA also provided valuable comments on the Plan. Each of these comments were reviewed and discussed by the Planning Commission. Based on Planning Commission decisions, staff prepared written, item-by-item responses to these comments for the Home Builders. Many of the Home Builders comments resulted in revisions to the document. The Planning Commission scheduled a series of nine public work sessions to began their detailed review of the document. Representatives of the RRHBA attended many of these work sessions. Consecutively, staff began a series of meetings with each neighborhood council to review the draft Plan and receive any additional community input. During August and September revisions were made to the draft Plan based on comments received from community groups, the Planning Commission and other organizations such as the RRHBA. An errata sheet was maintained and distributed to these groups to keep track of changes made to the document. At the end of September, when the Planning Commission had completed their work sessions, a new printing of the document was done to incorporate all the changes outlined in the errata sheets. On October 6 the Planning Commission held their public hearing on the Community Plan. They heard from twelve citizens representing a broad range of interests. Several citizens spoke in support of the citizen driven process that is the foundation of the Plan and encouraged the Planning Commission to move forward with adopting a new plan. Several representatives of the billboard industry spoke in opposition to a Plan recommendation to pursue State legislative authority to amortize billboards. A representative of the RRHBA requested a delay in the Planning Commission action seeking more time for citizen input. The Planning Commission stated that this Community Plan has been developed with an enormous amount of citizen input over almost four years -more community outreach then any other planning process the County has undertaken. They have thoroughly reviewed the Plan, held nine work sessions on it and responded in detail to all comments they have received. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the Plan to the Board of Supervisors. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Community Plan provides direction and guidance, for both the public and private ~-i 4 sectors, in making decisions about land development, public services and resource protection. It is required by law, Chapter 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, but over and above the legal requirements it represents an important opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to present the County's long range goals, policies and strategies to the community. This Plan strives to accomplish a balance between the need and desire for economic growth and environmental protection. It recognizes that with the appropriate planning, both these efforts can succeed. It also recognizes that tourism is an important component of the County's economic development efforts and can provide a mutually beneficial overlap between economic development and environmental protection. The future land use maps and economic development opportunity maps encourage commercial and industrial development in the more developed, suburban areas of the County and encourage resource preservation in the higher elevations and more rural areas of the County. For the first time, this Plan includes a section devoted to economic development plans and provides maps of future economic development opportunity areas. These maps have been coordinated with the future land use maps to ensure consistency. Also, for the first time, this Plan includes an additional land use designation called Conservation. This designation recognizes that there are significant environmental and cultural features in Roanoke County, such as mountains and ridgetops, wildlife habitat, clean water resources and scenic beauty, that deserve protection. Lands in this designation include National Park Service and National Forest Service lands, State of Virginia Haven's Wildlife area, Catawba Farm and Catawba Hospital, Spring Hollow Reservoir and Green Ridge among others. This designation encourages limited development with a high level of environmental sensitivity. The Plan functions as a work plan for the coming years. It presents goals and objectives and then lays out strategies to achieve them. Many of these strategies are reflected in the last chapter, Community Plan Implementation. This section itemizes programs and policies that need to be developed and recommends time frames for completing these work items. This level of bench marking or accountability is a high priority for the Planning Commission. The Plan strives to provide the ways and means to protect the unique and wonderful characteristics of Roanoke County -those things that make this place special. The Plan recommends design guidelines that encourage new development to be sensitive to site details and their relationship to adjoining residential neighborhoods. The Plan is based on a great deal of citizen input and seeks to encourage the continuation of a two-way dialogue between citizens and the County. Towards that goal, the Plan encourages the continued involvement of the neighborhood councils in ongoing planning issues such as rezonings, neighborhood plans and corridor re-development initiatives. Q-~ 5 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors hold first reading and public hearing on the Roanoke County Community Plan and schedule second reading, public hearing and adoption of the Plan for November 17, 1998. Respectfully Submitted, ~, i" ~C:~%~e~y Ja et Scheid, Senior Planner Department of Community Development Approved, ~ir~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Johnson _ _ Denied () Harrison _ _ _ Received () McNamara- _ Referred () Minnix _ _ To () Nickens _ _ _ cc: File ~-i PETITIONER: ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (COMMUNITY PLAN) CASE NUMBER: 31-10/98 Planning Commission Hearing Date: October 6, 1998 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: October 27, 1998 A. REQUEST Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to recommend a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Charles Crist asked that the Commission strengthen and protect the Hollins University's viewshed. He expressed appreciation for the protection provided in the plan for Tinker and Read mountains. Barbara Duerk, a member of the 1995 Vision Steering Committee, applauds the citizen participation process that the Commission has gone through to develop this Plan. She would like to add a statement in the Transportation section that all public hearing comments be sent to the local governing body. She would also like to insure that travel lane widths do not eliminate options for bike lanes. She is working with the 5th PDC to prioritize bike lane options on roads in Roanoke County. Robert Egbert, citizen and participant in the Vision process, supports the plan 100 percent and thinks it is a very thorough and progressive document. Elizabeth Belcher,Greenway Coordinator, thinks that the draft plan is very supportive of the visioning process and appreciates the support that the plan has for greenways. Specifically, she is appreciative of language in the plan that encourages Roanoke County to prioritize greenway projects and study alternative funding sources for greenways. Garland Kitts, LaMar Advertising, expressed concern about amoritizing existing billboards and says that there are few, if any, spots available for billboard signs in the County. He said the current zoning ordinance is doing a good job of controlling billboards, and billboards provide a valuable public service by advertising for non-profit groups. Keith Austin, LaMar Advertising, said he is concerned about misperceptions about billboards. He said that his small business is important to the County and to those employees that are on his payroll. Further, he feels that the current zoning ordinance is effective and believes that only 5 or 6 new billboard permits have been issued in the last 5 years. He believes that billboards fill an important public service role by supplying free advertising space to non-profit organizations. Brian Mullins, LaMar Advertising, commented that billboards provide a valuable public service by helping non-profit organizations with free advertising space. Harold Wingate, citizen, remarked that he is glad that the plan is a flexible document and encourages the Commission to continue to view it as such. q-~ 2 Steve Strauss, Roanoke Regional HomeBuilders Assoc., stated that Roanoke County is not experiencing significant growth and should not be overly concerned with rapid development and believes that the construction of new homes has a significant positive impact on the local economy of the county. He asked the Commission to delay their vote on this item for two months because he doesn't feel that there has been adequate public notice of the draft plan. Don Nulph, Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club, thanked the Commission for parts of the plan that provide protection to the Appalachian Trail (AT) and for including the AT on the future land use map. He encouraged the Commission to map significant viewsheds of the Trail and offered his assistance and that of the AT Conference in this endeavor. Rupert Cutler, Exec. Director of the Western Virginia Land Trust, expressed appreciation of those sections of the plan that provide protection of the natural resources of Roanoke County. He encouraged additional language in the plan to explain the merits of conservation easements as anon-governmental technique to protect important landscapes. He said the plan is also an important tool to protect important watershed areas in the County. Charlie Blankenship, citizen, commented that he is pleased to see language in the plan about tree preservation and replacement. He said that we are experiencing significant loss of tree canopy in the County which leads not only to less aesthetically pleasing views of our mountains and ridges but lessens our ability to mitigate air pollution problems in the Valley. He encouraged the Commission to initiate a joint tourism planning effort with the National Park Service and the National Forest Service to take advantage of the abundance of parks and forest lands in this area. C. D. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Thomason commended Ms. Scheid for her hard work in getting the plan completed. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross moved to approval of the resolution. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Hooker, Robinson, Ross, Witt NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Repo _ Other ~~ ~~~~ Terrance H rmgto ,Secretary Roanoke ounty tanning Commission -i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1998 RESOLUTION RECONIl~~NDING THE ADOPTION OF A NEW COMMUNITY PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, AND FORWARDING THE PLAN TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THEIR REVIEW AND ADOPTION WHEREAS, Roanoke County, Virginia has a long and successful history of community planning that has emphasized citizen involvement and participation; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginia requires that the Planning Commission of every jurisdiction shall prepare and recommend a comprehensive (Community) plan for the physical development of their jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, in 1995 Roanoke County began the process of preparing and adopting a new Community Plan to help guide Roanoke County's growth and decision-making for the next ten to fifteen years; and, WHEREAS, over the past three years over one-thousand citizens of Roanoke County have contributed their time, energy, expertise, and creativity to the preparation of a new Community Plan for Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commisison has prepared a new Community Plan for Roanoke County entitled ~2oanoke County Community Plan, dated September 30, 1998, and said plan has been prepared in accordance with Sections 15.2-2223 and 2224 of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Community Plan is comprised of the following component parts: ( A) Roanoke County Demographic and Economic Profile, dated September 1996, and, ( B) Roanoke County Community Plan Citizen Participation Process, dated 1997 and, ( C) Roanoke County Community Plan, dated, September 30, 1998; and, WHEREAS, a Planning Commission Public Hearing on the plan was held after advertisement and notice as required by 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia. 1 ~-i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The Planning Commission recommends to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Virginia, the adoption of the Roanoke County Community Plan dated September 30, 1998, including the demographic and economic profile, and the citizen participation components of the plan. 2. That the Board of Supervisors reaffirm and readopt as a part of the new Community Plan the following special studies and plans that have been previously reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and adopted by the Board of Supervisors: ( A) The Route 419 Frontage Development Plan originally approved by the Board of Supervisors in February 1987, with the substitution of the new future land use map from the 1998 Community Plan. ( B) The Roanoke River Corridor Study adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 18, 1990. ( C) The Conceptual Greenway Plan; Roanoke Valley, Virginia, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on April 22, 1997 ( D) The Roanoke Valley Regional Stormwater Management Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 24, 1998 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Commission directs the Secretary of the Planning Commission to certify and transmit this approved resolution to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Ross to adopt the resolution and carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Hooker, Robinson, Ross, Thomason, Witt, NAYS: None CERTIFIED: .~ / Terrance L. Harrin on, AICP Secretary, Roanoke County Planning Commission 2 ~-i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOI~E COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOI<E COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1998 ORDINANCE RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A NEW COMMUNITY PLAN FOR ROANOI~E COUNTY VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Roanoke County, Virginia, has a long and successful history of community planning that has emphasized citizen involvement and participation; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginia requires that the Planning Commission of every jurisdiction shall prepare and recommend a comprehensive (Community) plan for the physical development of their jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, in 1995 Roanoke County began the process of preparing and adopting a new Community Plan to help guide Roanoke County's growth and decision-making for the next ten to fifteen years; and, WHEREAS, over the past three years over one-thousand citizens of Roanoke County have contributed their time, energy, expertise, and creativity to the preparation of a new Community Plan for Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has prepared a new Community Plan for Roanoke County entitled Roanoke County Community Plan, dated September 30, 1998, and said plan has been prepared in accordance with Sections 15.2-2223 and 2224 of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Community Plan is comprised of the following component parts: ( A) Roanoke County Demographic and Economic Profile, dated September 1996, and, ( B) Roanoke County Community Plan Citizen Participation Process, dated 1997 and, ( C) Roanoke County Community Plan, dated, September 30, 1998; and, WHEREAS, a Planning Commission Public Hearing on the plan was held after advertisement and notice as required by 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, by Resolution dated October 6, 1998, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended that the Board adopt the Community Plan. WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on October 27, 1998; and the second reading was held on November 17, 1998. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\COMP.PLN 1 c~ - i 1. The Planning Commission recommends to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Virginia, the adoption of the Roanoke County Community Plan dated September 30, 1998, including the demographic and economic profile, and the citizen participation components of the plan. 2. That the Board of Supervisors reaffirm and readopt as a part of the new Community Plan the following special studies and plans that have been previously reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and adopted by the Board of Supervisors: ( A) The Route 419 Frontage Development Plan originally approved by the Board of Supervisors in February 1987, with the substitution of the new future land use map from the 1998 Community Plan. ( B) The Roanoke River Corridor Study adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 18, 1990. ( C) The Conceptual Greenway Plan, Roanoke Valley, Virginia, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on Apri122, 1997. ( D) The Roanoke Valley Regional Stormwater Management Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 24, 1998. 3. That the effective date of this Ordinance is November 17, 1998. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONZNG\COMP.PI,N 2 jBllllllll 111111!111111II1i1111111111i1i1111111lfllll111Blillllllllll llllllllilllllll1111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111~J A ~~ .~ ~~ ~~ - AGENDA ITEM NO. - - .APPE~~~TCE REQUEST _ __ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS ~. SUBJECT: ~O/n~~~'~°-`?c°_/)S/Yc° ~Q-~ c o I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WI;iEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I VYILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS o FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~~ THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: s ~. ® Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman. will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed b the majors ofgthe Board to .- y J ~ a do otherwise. _ e. _ s s v o ® Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of ~ view vnIy, c Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ® All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ~ c -. s w® ~. ®. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. r ® Speakers are requested to Ieave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. o ®_ __ ,~ ~ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP . SHALL .FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ,= ® ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT' THEM. .~. o PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK ~ ~ i ~~ ~~ _ ~ ~~ a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ mt111111111111111111111i11111111111It111111i11111IIlIIIIIIIIIlI11111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111illlllllli 111111111fi'~ Ulitttlllslllltl lltlll llllll llII1t11I911tllllltit~llttii111iliiltl 1-11111111111111111111111111111111illllillllll 11111111111111111,~J e -_ c s AGENDA ITEM NO. ._ __ A]PP~ CE INQUEST V PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS c ~- SUBJECT: ~ 1=~~~.. c e T would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS v FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~~ THE GUIDELINES LISTED s ~~ BELOW: _. ® Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to ~ comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman. will decide the time Limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to do otherwise. ~ ~ - = - ® Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of ~ view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c i ~~ ~~ ® All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate- between a recognized _. speaker and audience members is not allowed. o~ ~ ~~ ~~ ® Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. e s - ~~ c ® 5~eakers are requested to Leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk ® INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP "° SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ,_ ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. -- .~ ~ -_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _.. _- a_ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ a. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ - ~ r ~ ~~ mlllilllll(illlll1111IIIlIl111((II[I111I1111I1Ilillil111l11111111I111I(IIIIIfIIIllIl1111l111111fIlillllllll((lillll(IIf1111U11IIm Uu~nuuutnttuttuuuuttuuutuutntuttnuntt~iltittiiiililllilllllllitlllt911111111tlllliiltllllllitlllllllllllllllj~J - ~ --,- ~.-- r /r7 s AGENDA ITEM NO. v ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~. APPS CE REQUES7~' __ _ - -_ ~UBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS .; SUBJECT: ~ l 5 ~ ~G, c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the s s meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. - WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~~ THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: .:. ® Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an mdividuai or representative. The Chairman- will ~-- decide the time Iimit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. q ® Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. c Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. s ~ ® All comments -must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized =. .: speaker and audience members is not allowed. . ._ r ® Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. e ® Speakers are requested to Ieave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ® INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GR 0 UP _ SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM' THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. ._.. .-. , ., PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _.. _ .. ,. _ _ mtllilllllillllttlillllil[11111ltitllllillllllll[Itlltillsl1l111111111i11111[lll[lllilllltill#lllllllllllllltlllllillltllillllill'~ Utttttutttuttttutuuuttttttututtttttttntu-lttuttlitlulu11111111I11il1iililtliillllllllllll~lllllllillllllllllill~l~l~{-U,~,~J ~/ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~' I 0 ~~ ~0 ~~ ~/ s v ~~~ ViJ Q~L~~ 1~. 1~ ~~ ~S .~ ~~ ~ ~~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS .- r ~ ~ ~r SUBJECT: ~'©rV~//~ -~ :NSIC~ l~~N ~- ~!%~~~'lil~S .. e T would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. - WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~~ THE GUIDELINES LISTED .. BELOW: __ ® Each s Baker will be iven between three to five minutes to comment whetheP speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman- will c decide the time Limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to do otherwise. ~ ~ - s ~~ • ~~ ® Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of ~ view only. ,~ Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ® All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized _. speaker and audience members is not allowed. ~_ s ®- Bath speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ._ ® ~ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/ar comments with the clerk. -- ® INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GRO iIP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP =_ ~ ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. i lv.. • a~ ~t s~ ~ ~~. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK -- -- _ ,.. ... - a _ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ .s ~~ .~ ~~ mI11i11U1l111[I11111l1111111111111111111 l lllli11111i1111[1111111111111111111tlllilli11111illlilillllllll111111111111111111111 lllm ~ I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I i l l l l l l l l l I I I I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ -. - _ _ _ _ - .~ _ - AGENDA ITEM NO. i _ ~ _ _ - _ - APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMI~~NTS c SUBJECT: /1# ~ ~~~, =_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED ,= BELOW: '- ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c _ decide the time 1-mit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ c ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c vnth the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. -_ c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK fillillllllliillllillliilllllillllllllillllliililiiliil11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 llillllllllillllllllllllllillilllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ililllll IIIlillillllillllilllllllllllllilllllllill IIIIIIIIiII~ - - - _ ,, _ _ ~ _ s - AGENDA ITEM NO. - - -_ s _ - _ - APPE CE REQUEST _ - __ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMI~MENTS - - SUBJECT: ~ ~9~?~ ~c/ic,~r~S s ~~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the c meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED - = BELOW: - ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c = decide the time Limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to __ do otherwise. _ _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. -_ c ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments c - vnth the clerk. - = = ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ -_ - - ~ a_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - - _ - _ - _ - - - _ - _ - - - - - _ - - fi 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Uilllllllllllllilllllllliillllllllllllllllllliliilllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllliilllllllllililllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllll~ _ _ - - _ ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~ - - AGENDA ITEM NO. ~%j ~ _ _ _ _ - APPE CE REQUEST - _ _ _ _ - I PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS '? SUBJECT: C~c ~ ~ 1' Ir~n~ -_ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. c a ~ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. _ _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c vnth the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ -_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ - mlllllllillllllllllllllllllillllllllilllllllllllllillllllllllllllliilillllllllillllllilllilllllllllilllllllllllllllilllllllilill~ ~iiiiuui~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiu~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiii~ _ _ _ _ s ~ ~ - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ -k ~ c APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~ CITIZENS COMI~~NTS c _ _ ; : , SUBJECT: ~_~~~,rr~~~_,~ ~t-~.~;,, - ,-~_.~, = I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the c meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS = FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED i BELOW: c c c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to __ do otherwise. _ . ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized = speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP = SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. -_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _ _ = - fi~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~11~~~1I~~i~I~~II~~~I~i~~ i ~~~ U-n~nu-u---t--u--uuutt~-uu--u-u---u-~uutuiit!-Itt1l1111titttitlllttitltttttftl111tltitiltttltlllltttitltflllllllll,~ :. _ (/ ` f1 - AGENDA ITEM NO. @J ~~~ C~ R~ Q~~~~ _ _~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE t~CITIZENS COMMENTS = s SUBJECT: `°' ~y~'.~. ~ ~ ~z- _~.~-r-~~ ~~~ i s ~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS v FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~~ THE GUIDELINES LISTED ... ... .% BELOW: c ® Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman- will ° decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, c and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to do otherwise. ,~ _. ° ~ ._ ® Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of ~ view only, Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ° ® All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized s speaker and audience members is not allowed. s ~. ®. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ ® Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ._ ® INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON B,F.HALF OF A1V ORGANIZED GROUP c = SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM' THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT' THEM. ,_ .... PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK .. .. _. e ._ .- }~111i11IIit1111111111111111[1111111Illliilllliii[IIIIIIIl1111i1i1111IIi11111111IIIIIIIIl1111Illilillllllllillllllll1111111111111i~ jjllllllltlllllilllllllliliilliilitliliillilllltlllilllllllllll(1111111111111111{llllllllllllli111111111111tlllllllllll11111111111,1~ .--- _ o ~ ._ c ~ /~ s AGENDA ITEM NO. s ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ s _ ~~ ~r ~i ~ ViJ ~Q~J..J~~ ~~ s ~~ ~. s ~_ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE k~ CITIZENS COMMENTS c -_ _ c SUBJECT: (~u, ~~ /~~~- ~'~f~" e I would lake the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~~ THE GUIDELINES LLSTED BELOW: .... ® Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an mdividuai or representative. The Chairman- will ° decide the time Iimit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, ° and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ~ ~ - _ - ® Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ° ~~ ® All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized ;. speaker and audience members is not allowed. ._. ° ®. Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at alI times. ° ® Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk. ® INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON I3F.HALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. e., ~-- PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK -- ,_ ... '- ~_ ~~ s ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ s .e ~ ~~ mllllllillillllfl111111{111111lil11!11!il1111111111111f111I1111i1111I1illlllllil11111111111111[Illllil111111i11111111111111(lllli~ Ulv~tittuuttttttrot[tttuunttutttuttttutt~tuuurutt!!!!!nu!!!n!!!!liillllilllii111111iiillllllliililiillillillll(tltj~ _ _ ~/ _ _ - =_ AGENDA ITEM NO. A ~~ ~ -_ ~~1 A Jim VL A~Q~ii~~ r~~ O - ~ ~/ P.. ~~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS .. - .~ - nn ~. SUBJECT: ,~~--~ %/_,S~ /J /~~io ~tt~? ~ ~ ; ,~~ ~ -- ;~.; I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the __ meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. '° WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY~ THE GUIDELINES LISTED ... - e. - BELOW: '- ® Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to ~ comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman. will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, i and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to . . -. . do otherwise. ~ "- s.o s ~ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only, c ~ Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. s - - ® All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate- between a recognized _. ,~ speaker and audience members is not allowed. ~ v :,, - - ~ Bath speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. s ar s ® ~i ® ~ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the clerk =_ _. =- ® INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN O,RGANI~ED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM' THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE IND.IVlDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c .4 ~ '- ~. .. - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK _. - - - - .-. .. - - - - - - - ~ - -- __ ~tllltl[IlttlltlllllllllllltlllllllIlllllllllfIlllllllilllllllllillltIll1111I11l11111[111lllllllllllllllllitllllllllllilllll111ii~ j~illllllllllllllllllllllll11I11111111IIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllilllllillillllllllllllllililllllilli~ _ _ _ - 1~ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. - - - - - ' APPE CE REQUEST - = _ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS - SUBJECT: C~--~ f a ~_ c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. =_ _. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c - decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. - = ~= ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - - ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. =_ - ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vcZth the clerk. -_ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK = _ c - - _ - - _ _ - - - __ - - - - - NAME ~ ~ - ~~ c~u rs _ - - _ - - - _ = ADDRESS ~ ~ ~ p~j,i ~,,, ~ ~; U ~ - - - - - - - - - __ q - - - _ PHONE 1 c~ ' ~ ~ ( (~ - _ - _ _ fiiililllillllllillillillllllllllilllllllliilllllllllillllllllllilllllllllllllliillllllllillllllllillillllllilllilillllillllllllli~ Uiiiiuii~iiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiu~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiii~~~~ _. - - - ~ - _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - - AGENDA ITEM NO. -' %~ . ~ ~~ _ APPE CE REQUEST - - - - - PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~/ CITIZENS COMMENTS - - - - - I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. =_ a ~ WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED =_ BELOW: _ = _ o ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment = whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, = and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. _ - ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. c Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c - _ ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized c speaker and audience members is not allowed. _ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vhth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. - - PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - _ _ - _ - _ - - - - _ _ _ - _ - - NAME '~l VLF. ~~ E i:=~ ~ - - - _ - _ _ c ~- - - ADDRESS ,Z .~ ~~t'~ /?'rte -~~, (,.1 n.1 ? ,~~,~~ _ - - - - _ - _ - - - _ - - - - PHONE ~~ 2` ~ ~ G - fiiiiinniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill'1 ~IiIIIII11Jllllilllllllilll11111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllilllillllllllllllillllllllllllillllllliillillllil~ _ _ = - _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~ ~, - ~ _. APPE CE REQUEST - _ _ __ ,PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMI~~NTS _. SUBJECT: __ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the ;_ meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: _ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. _ ~= c ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. _ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ c __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c = = c c = mllillllillllillilliillllllillllilllllllllllllllilllillilillllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllilllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllm ~111111111IIII11111111111illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllilllllllllllllll1111111111111Illlllllllllllllllllllll~j- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AGENDA ITEM NO. -_ _ - _ - _ - ' APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMII~NTS _ -_ ~ SUBJECT: r'~ Pi7t7/b ~~~ Cf / I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c i o = ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. _ _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. .. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c vnth the clerk. - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. =_ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c c - _ mllillllllllllllilllilllliilllllllllllilllllll Iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllliilllliililllllllliilllllillllm 1~1111111111IIIIIilillllllillillllllililllllllllllllllllllllllll1111IIIi1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,1I,) _ _ - --.~ - s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ~l AGENDA ITEM O. -' _. _ - APPE CE RE _ - QUEST _ - PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS CONIlVIENTS _, -_ _. SUBJECT: _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS c FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED = BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority o~the Board to __ do otherwise. _ _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments -_ vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON '= BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK A UTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ c EASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c __ __ ~U - ~~ ~~.- ~ _ _ ~ 1--, ~ NAME _ -_ ADDRESS ~ ~,~~ ~~ -' -_ j PHONE ~ ~I (~ f n ilillllillillllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllillillllillllllllllllllllililllllillililllllllllillllllllllillllllllllillililm Ulllllllll~lillillllllllllilillililllllllllllllllllliliillllllllllllllllillillllllllllllllllillllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIII ijj) _. _ ~_ AGENDA ITEM NO. _. i - _ - _ - APPE CE RE - QUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS CONIlViENTS _. a_ ~ - SUBJECT: ?~~ i G~ , _ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED - BELOW: -_ a ~ ~ ~ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time Limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ol~the Board to __ do otherwise. _ _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. c ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. __ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments vnth the clerk. _ c - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK A UTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK ! _ ~ -- _ _ - _ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~"- r~ y# ~ Jono M. Williams Cindy B. Flonnoh R oms Coordinota MonogP.r d Hccourxs Lewis Gale Foundation Lino S. Cxrillioms Donna `_ Bowman fldnvnistrotive Rssistax Corrr+x,rvry $enices Coordvata Josephine H. Hervey _ - ' 1 AAonoger, leruis-Gde Gtt Strop August 31,1998 3pQ~ t5eogy Rood Solern, Virginia 44153 540-774,4044 o~FICERS Keith T. Austin Judim F. Hagadorn. c.P.R Lamar AdverGSing Company ae~.~ 154.5 Patrick Road, N E Robert f Both, M.D.. F.R.cs. Roanoke, Virginia 2412 Vi.c rt.:v-:cR F1~or~ W ~.>u~,_~. ~, ~:e. Jr ,_„ _~,.,~.~:~ -. ~ Dear Keith: ~.:~~I~::~ _ ~~ -~ The results are in for a very successful 20th run for the Lewis-Gale Foundation. F storey ~~~~ ~=~. ~r The Switch to an August date and combining with the Salem Distance Run has rraosvc~ proven to be a Smart move. The enclosed graph reflecth the increase from 250 to 321 plus 12 in the Kiddie Event - a total increase of 83 or 33%. With families and BoRRD of DIRECTORS friends, there were at least 500 people in attendance on a perfect running okay. Toni R. Rust, R. Fh Gordon D. Barfield, D.C.S. I-siren ~. e~rnnort. M D We know the parCicipation i5 due, in part, to our wonderful Sponsors. You provided Dovid W. Blevins the fund5 or in-kind gift5 which allowed u5 t0 have 5o many extras, plus Some really W. Steuiort Bruce. Jr. Brenda Divers-Wiley. B.S.N.. M.R. Ed. eXGlting door prizes. We had 5o many compliments from the runners. John a in Beverly T fitzpotrick. Jr. was the master of ceremonies and he emphasized a number Of times the RfTe''°" Ge~`rv imy~rtance Of everyone's Support of the Sponsors. Each Sponsor was given a Judith f. Hogodorn. C.P.R. t" Mork D. Hancock certificate and recognized. F. S[oley Hes[er. Jr. Raul R H~gg~nbotho~n~ ~owren<s'i:~cke.~ thank you for your Strong Support of Foundation efforts and community services. ~e~ "''-~' We havejust completed our scholarship awards for 1998-99 at $90,230 to health homos 8. ;~rti~-, u.lollace s i~le,n. J... i~, Ph career Studerrth. Proceeds from the run help u5 operate this program. H 1 ,,,~ _ - F~:U Mids~al - Moia,~ Horn, c Ni<kers. Ed o, August 21 i5 the date for 1999 and we look forward t0 working with you again. v. MichOe'~ ftxc- Jr E.B. f$terss~ ~ Robert F. Cott,. M D . 1=.R c s 5ineerely, (~ James M. Shores ~~ Bruce N. Stewart, M.D. '~ Joseph C. Thomas - ~ (~ James M. Turner, Jr. ~ C R.L. Wooldrrcige ~J' Jock F- wr~gnt, r., c.a.R. Judith F. Hagadorn ~ / president ~ ,} ~ ~~ Enclosures ~ ~ ~~ ~' w ~,..J;,, ..1 C.J. ...-.tf.~.. ~.+.J C`.....~nn !nr the lJnannLn 1/al/nv Cinr`o lORA U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administrption ~v __._ 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 April 14, 1998 Mr. Garland Kitts Lamar Advertising 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Mr. Kitts: On behalf of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U. S. De a Transportation, I am pleased to present your company with the enclosed Certifi ate ment of Appreciation. The Certificate of Appreciation is in recogt~itiot~ of your sup ort of th f Safety Hotline outreac}~ program. P e DOT Auto We are promoting the Hotline nationwide and the support that we have received fro advertising companies all over the country is essential to the success of our ro ramm outdoor also like to extend our thanks to you personally as well as to the other em to ee in We wquld organization whose time and efforts helped make our program possible. Your billboa~ur very helpful in our goal of identifying and correcting safety defects in vehicles and maki s will be highways safer. ng our Sincerely, Kathleen C. DeMeter Director Office of Defects Investigation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration U. S. Department of Transportation . O ~t Ii to9eth~il SAFETY BELTS SAVE LIVES AUTO SAFETY HOTLINE (800) 424-9393 m o ~% ~ o ~ O fD O ~ ~ •'~ C •-~- C~ C7 `' r, ~- a ~ C c_, t~ O ~ O O ~ ~ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~' a rc o' x" '_ `< ~ ~ U' 4 m ~ CD ti ~ O 't3 O ~ P% ~ Vii ~ ~ ~ p~ ~ ~ . ~...... ,c^Vi a 23 C~ Q. A% ~ Gi. ~ A ~ Cn ~. •'_ ~ ~." (~ ~ ~ ~ pi p~ v, OC_^-' ~ n ~ R ~ pct t, r O ~ CD ~ %~ c a ~ ~ ~ ~,' ~% ~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ o o ~ ~. OQ ~~ N F~ ~;~~ ~ '/: G .'-- ?', ~ fn ~ yard -~ \ G C S v. ^. O =~ ~ O ~ ~ v. cn cp '~ ta'~ • rN ~. 1, f: '!. f . r (D YJ ° V7 , • ~ y~`i*~~~' ` ~ f/!~~ . ~. 3 ~ ~- ~ ~° ~ ~_a.o ~~, mn ~ V V1 ~ ~=r"a~ ~~ c°i~c~o Z ~ ~ ° H a c ~ ~ 'o ~, cn m Z ~ U r ~. ~ ° o .. '~:.RY . ~ O c n1 f'• v F' ~ ~ a~ O C •'M. C ~ V ~ f cn O r^ c a c~ ~~ m V1 w ~n v ~ .' ~ c" •°p ~ p; < ~ ~ ~. R cr. =,_ ~, o ° R- c.. v, ~ o ~n ~ o ?' ti ~; ~ ~o ~ r, a ~ ~ o o ~ o ~ a o ~ .-., ~ o r. Q- in w c ~ co ~ OC. 0~~4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~= O. c c~ ~- ~' :~- ~' ~_' ~p 'O N a ~» 5 ~ to _ o ~» o ~ a~ ° a O Ems' ~ ~ ~ ~, ~. ~ in ~ O ro ~. ~ coo ~ ~~ O" ~' ~ ~ ~ N ~ '~ ~ ,Li a cv cam. eN~' O R ROANOKE VALLEY POW-ER SQUADRON SAIL AND POWER BOATING May 8, 1995 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising Company 1 X02 Patterson Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24016 Dear Mr. Austin: . I wish to express appreciation from the Roanoke Valley Power Squadron for your efforts in preparing the billboard on Orange Avenue promoting our Safe Boating Course. All members of our Squadron are grateful for the publicity and for your generosity in placing this sign. Enclosed is a Certificate of Appreciation for your efforts. Many thanks for helping us promote "Safe Boating through Education". Sincerely, .~-'~ i Cdr. John M. Aldrich, Jr., AP ew Enclosure ~i ~~~ ~souerr° June I , 1995 Dear Friend, ROANOKE VALLEY/FRANKLIN UNIT On behalf of the "Relay for Life" committee and the American Cancer Society, I would like to thank you for your very generous contribution to the fourth annual "Relay for Life." This was our most successful year ever with 300 cancer survivors walking the Victory Lap, 1,200 participants total, 80 registered teams, and a grand total of $90,000 raised for the American Cancer Society. We could not have done this well without the support from you and our wonderful communit}'. The money raised during this event ~a~ill help ~w1d educational programs in the valley, assist cancer patients and their families, and help with our national cancer research program. With your help and dedication, we will find a cure for this disease! If the American Cancer Society can ever be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, .. Mimi Kemp MK/hil 4 FAST C;HI IRC;H AVF - P.O. BOX 554. ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24003-0554 -TELEPHONE (7031 344-8699 -FAX (703) 345-2361 .. .., v .. e .. •~• .. ~~-~l VIRGINIA CHILDREN'S tVNCHBURG ROANOKE gADTIST CARIUON MEDICAL GENE RAI R MEMORIAL HOSDITAI + '~ ' CENTER FOR ~ CENTER ~~~HOSDITAt ~'{ HOSDITAI T"`~'7 WOMEN AND OF UVA CHILDREN ~ - ~ ~~ - Vir inia Children's Heal~~ Care Network ~ ~~ 13( 33 0 RIVERMONT AVENUE. • LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA 24503-2053 A Non-Protit 501 (c( Organization Telephone 804/947-4150 FAX 804/947-4539 Tax I D: +1'541391700 r )Uly 14, 1993 DIRECTORS Page E. Pace Chairmen o/the 8oerd Bruce A. Wicks Vice-Chairmen W. Scott Burnette Secretary-Tieesurer Mr. Keith Austin Douglas w. Arrington LaMar Advertising Fred R. Cawthorne Flugh Cre,t, M.o. P. O. Box 2530 Jesse E. Kent, CFRE James Mitchell Roanoke, VA 24010 Rebecca Rawson, Ph.D. William W. Samosas Dear Keith: Carl D. Manfield, CFRE President Our Board of Directors has asked me to convey their sincere appreciation for your Gwen B. Wilson Specie/EventsOirector support of the Children's Miracle Network. ' M. Christian Orndorff ~ Lapel Counsel "In Kind" gifts reduce our operating expenses and for every dollar of these expenses saved, we have an additional dollar to use for children's health care. Thank you for being one of our sponsors. Cor Tally urs, / Carl D Manfield, CFRE President CDM/bj r Enclosure Childress h~iirac+cle Network 3/~~/~~ ~~ /~~ ^ I 9~~ ~ .~ ~z~,~.~ ~ tip..< /~..~`~ ~ ., J,,, _ „y„l _ c. .. w ~~v`~,uti a ~-~~~~ u ~ ~ ~G; .~.~ fir. ~ '~C"~''~ ~~~~,~ ~~ , ~ ~_~i ~: ;6;-~ i i ~Tne .Regional January 10, 1996 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Outdoor Advertising 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, Virginia 4012 Dear Keith: ~,~,~~~ Chamber The Roanoke region's quality of life is truly "second to none" in the nation. To have such a quality of life involves many important decisions by our citizens and, most important, leadership. The leadership with which we refer is the "act,ion" type of leadership that "takes the ball and runs with it." 1'ou have done this on a number of occasions and we want you to know that your personal actions and those of Lamar Outdoor Advertising are appreciated. Because of your leadership as a participant in the Leadership Roanoke Valley program, our region has a professional video to promote our attractions. The value for both today and tomorrow is ~rf major significance. Tourism is a major economic factor for our region that provides not only income to people but to tax revenues for local governments and schools. In addition, you provided invaluable service to the traveler and advertiser by connecting them in an effective way through outdoor advertising that is important in urban areas. As we begin 1996, please accept our deep appreciation for your leadership and participation in our community and the assistance provided to so many! Sincerely, CCE Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce ^ 212 South Jef[erson Street SW ^ Roanoke, YA 2401(-1702 ^ (540) 983-0700 ^ Faz (540) 983-0723 . ~ - Community l:~ospital of Roanoke Valley . ... January 11, 1996 Keith Austin Vice President Lamar Advertising Company 1902 Patterson Avenue Roanoke, VA 24015 Dear Keith: JRN 16'96 16:08 No.009 P.O _-_• ,, _ ~ •, n~a /1•fh7rate of C4RTLION Nealtlz Sycktr» I apologize for not writing to you sooner and letting you know iiow much I appreciate your support of the comrl~unity-based immunization project, As always, you are willing to help in the area of children's I~ealth, safety and development, The community-based immunization project is an outreach effort to involve our community together to prevent childhood diseases. You have helped to communicate that message to the public, Qur project operates on a limited budget and is dependent on companies such as yours to help in the area of community service. On behalf of all members of our project, I want to thank you again for your willingness and continued support of children's heaitheare. I look forward to work with you again, Sincerely, ~~~~~~ Page Pace Director, Marketing amr :.. Community Hrtie)~it;d vJ')i~ainvkr Lf~llry 1(ll P.Ln Avenue S.Y., H~sl UlTicr }3ux 12946 Roanoke:, Vir~ini, 21029 Trlcphonc 7(19-A1R5-$(x)O .. ..._J -- o -' - P O.Box 11672 ~ _ - ~ ; , _ ~ - Reanoke, Virginia 24022 Mr. Keith Austin ~ ~ ~ ~ , `~ Lamar , Advertising Board of Directors-1995 1545 Patrick Rd NE Charles A. Blankenship Roanoke VA 24012 John M. Chaney Jr. j)ear Keith: Willard N. Claytor M.RupeRCutler We want to thank you and Lamar Advertising for your gracious ' gift of $285 for plantings around our host site, the Roanoke PatriciaN cutter Regional Chamber of Commerce. Valley Beautiful is truly Lynn M. Davis g r a to f u 1. Peggy Davis ' The Chamber of Commerce helped start us in the early `SOs, so Lury R. Ellett it is an appropriate gesture of thanks to help beautify our Robert H. Fetzer parent, which is also the heartbeat of Roanoke's business G. Franklin Flippin community . Joy Frantz Our nominating committee will be meeting in the fall, so we Lucian Y. Grove will be in touch with you then. We are most appreciative of Linda Holsinger your interest and support. And we especially look forward to working together to help make the valley a better place for all Robert A. Hope of us. William S. Hubard Sandra H. Murray Sincere 1 y , Pamela M Ogden ( ~^ M i ll Sk ~; ~ ''t~~-' ~ n y art e ~ . V Dr w conradstone Lynn Davis lames M Turner, Jr ~ ~Pr e S l d e n t Douglas C. Waters Ann E. Weaver Carolyn Wharton Virginia Lee Write ~~~ _ PrmIM On Req'cME Paler January 27, 1997 Keith Austin Vice President, General Manager Lamar Advertising Company 1545 Patrick Road, NE Roanoke, VA 24010 Dear Keith: Now that the run of "Bats: Masters of the Night" has come to an end, I wanted to take a moment to thank youu again for sponsoring this exhibit, and to let you kno~~-just how successful it was. Compared to all of the other traveling exhibits we've had in previous fall seasons; "Bats" out- drew every one since ~~~e moved to Center-in-'the -Square more than 14 years ago! We were of course delighted with this attendance. We also took great pride in the number of teachers and students who used this exhibit as an extension of their classroom curriculum. I am still receiving letters of thanks from educators who liked the quality of the exhibit, and its motivational effect on their students. I hope that you, too, were pleased with level of exposure you received in return for your support of the "Bats" exhibit. The TV ads were strong, the billboards were everywhere, the radio sponsored events were very well attended, and the print and TV coverage was both positive and frequent. I very much enjoyed working with you and your firm on this project, and hope that sometime in the future we will have the opportunity to be partners again. Sincere¢y, Executi~e Director One Market Square Roanoke, Virginia, 24011 (540) 342-5710 ~Aailin8 Addreu ~~ ~~~~ P.O. Bar 4562 Roanoke, Va. 24015 -locatlon- 1726 PaCnwn Ave., S.W. Roarake, Va. 24016 E n d s~M.:=:: . .., 540342-0802 - _ 540-945.5648 (FAX) PREPARING OUR YOUTH AS RESPONSIBLE. PRODUCTIVE CITIZENS Keith Austin Lamar Outdoor P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010 November 20, 1997 Dear Mr. Austin: We are delighted with our advertising campaign. We believe that it effectively depicts the positive impact of West End Center programs on the children em-olled here. Since we are excited about our program and since a program such as ours is dependent on a broad base of community support, it is important to us to get the message out to as many people as possible. This ad campaign has enabled us to achieve this goal. We could never have reached so many people using our own resources. We are deeply indebted to the many individuals and companies who had a role in making this dream a reality. Specifically, thank you for donating the~outdoor space for our billboard ads. We have already had many inquires about our program as a direct result of the advertising campaign. We fully expect to recruit many new volunteers and financial supporters in the next few months. At the West End Center, we are committed to helping children acquire the skills they need to become responsible, productive citizens. With the support you have given us, we believe we will be providing better services to more children in the upcoming year. Sincerely, Kaye Hale Executive Direetor ~ "_ ~~ ~~~~ ~,y ~. THe ~~~ Stocked Market A HOLIDAY BAZAAR October 28, 1997 Mr. Bill Houck Lamar Advertising Company P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, Virginia 24010 Dear Bill, Many thanks for your support of the Junior League and the 1997 Stocked Market. Your generous donation enables the Stocked Market to make a direct contribution to our six Care That Counts affordable child care programs. Enclosed please find general admission tickets-for you to distribute at the office. If you need additional tickets feel free to call me at 985-6523. Again, on behalf of The Junior League and specifically The Stocked Market Committee, thank you for your continued support of the Market. We appreciate your generosity and look forward to seeing you at the show. Sincerely, ._.~~ Cy i Fletcher The Stocked Market 97' The Junior League of Roanoke Valley, Virginia, Inc. 4504 Starkey Road, S. W., Suite 102, Roanoke, VA 24014 (540) 774-3242 ~~~Ci00D ~I~ HOSPICE, INC. ... A Caring, .Compassionate Ministry November 18, 1997 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, `JA 24010 Dear Keith: On behalf of the staff and volunteers of Good Samaritan Hospice, I would like to thanl: you for the billboard space scheduled to appear over the ne~a year. We have already had many comments about the five boards that were up in September -October. It is the support of companies like yours that helps us to provide the highest quality care to the people of the Roanoke Valley, while keeping our costs to a minimum. As you know, Good Samaritan Hospice is the only community-based, not-for-profit hospice in the Roanoke Valley. We provide care and support for terminally-ill patients and their families in their homes or a home-like setting. In addition, we provide grief support services to the community through support groups, grief recovery programs, individual counseling, and presentations. We offer hospice care and grief support services regardless of ability to pay. Thank you again for your support. We enjoy working with you. ~`~` ~ ~~ ,~,~/ 0 ~ Si~~cerely, .~ ~ ~ /t ~, .~%r°~" ~ Sue Moore dl President - Q't ~- ~ ~-a'` `~ ~ ~v ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ 3825 Electric Road, S. W. • Suite A • Roanoke, Virginia 24018 • 540-776-0198 • Fax 540-776 0841 /~ ~ / J c 7~ b P 3000 Keogy Rood Solern. Virginio Q4153 540-774-40QQ OFRCERS Judith F. Hogodorn, C.P.R. Revdorx Robert F. Roth, M.D., f.R.C_5. Vice P.evdcn ~ Rogorrs ~.! ~,owort Bruce, Jr. Wr; Pi c;~ocru - Ca'nnv.ndy nK~r; ~cc~ecat: ~. Stoley Hester, Jr. Treosver BORRD OF DIRECTORS Toni R. Rust, R. Ph. Gordon D. Borfield. D.D.S. Koren l.Bornhort, M.D. Dovid W. Blevins W. Steuiort Bruce. Jr. Brendo Divers-Wiley. B.S.N., M.R. Ed. Beverly T. fitzpotrick. Jr. Rmelio H. Gentry Judith F. Hogodorn. C_RR. Mork D. Honcock r. Sroley Hester, Jr. Rwl R. Higgint7othom ~o:urence H:neker !_~~ee H:po ThOnloS B. JGnes '.Uolbce S. Klein, Jr., R Ph_ ~., 1, r',nic~hto, ~. Jr., Esy. M:choel C Moxey Horry C Nickens. Ed. ~? v. Mctx~el Rxe, Jr. . . E.B.f~tersen Rober, f. Roth, M.G., fA.C.S. Jomes M. Sholes Bruce N. Steuion, M.D. Joseph C. Thomos Jomes M. Turner. Jr. R.l. Wooldridge , Jock f. Ukight. Jc. C.P..R. Lewis-Gale Foundation July 2,1997 Keith T. Austin, General Manager Lamar Advertising Company P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010 Dear •. in: ~~ / ~" Jono M. Wdlioms Progroms Coaotinotor Cindy 8. Homoh ~~ lino 5. Cx~illioms Donno L. Bouxnon Adr.,inisvai~.e Rssistorx Camkrrty SerHCez Coordnata Josephine H. HeNey Monoger. l.ew6~Gole Gift Shop Jii1tC Zlst \\"aS a very siiccessfnl day for the t•iitttters. In spite of flit heat and Iiuntidity, 250 runners competed for prizes. Salem Parks and Recreation along with 75 volunteers and the Roanoke Valley Community Band made it happen. The runners are very appreciative of the sponsors' support and aware of your importance to the event. A number of representatives were on hand with their colorful banners to be recognized and receive certificates. If you were unable to attend, we are enclosing your certificate. During the festivities, several people surveyed runners for their opinions and to see if a non Relay For Life conflicting date could be found. As in prior years there was much praise for the Lewis-Gale Foundation Run. You, a sponsor, leave been very supportive of our efforts and we are most appreciative. We Heartily thank you. We know you will realize the benefits from sponsorship duruig the months ahead. This year we had ten billboards plus doubled the length of radio spots in addition to Lots of coverage by Channel 10. It was difficult to find anyone who hadn't seen or heard an ad somewhere. We look for\\~ard to having you with its again in 1998 for our 20th Annual Lewis-Gale Foundation Run. It will be a celebrationI 1~.I P'. ` ' ~ Q" p t{~ U' t' u Sincerely, Judith F. Hagadorn President Enclosure ~° o~y~r+' a"" `~ y' a ~, ~'A.I~ILION Hospice Services December 4, 1997 Mr. Keith Austin Vice President and General Manager Lamar Advertising P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, Virginia 24010 Dear Mr. Austin, Thank you so much for your generous allocation of billboards for Carilion Hospice Services. We have provided services to patients in the Roanoke Valley since 1980 and we have never had a billboard utilized in the promotion of our services. Many people have already seen the one in the Patterson Avenue area and have commented about how nice it is. I have always admired the Lamar billboards that I see everyday in my travel. You all do a wonderful job of catching attention and promoting businesses and concepts. As you know, we are a non profit hospice. We receive reimbursement from medicare, medicaid= and some private insurances, but the reimbursement rates rarely cover the actual costs of the provision of care. We made a commitment in 1981 to care for all patients referred to us regardless of their ability to pay. I am proud to say I have been here during that entire time and can say that we have done what we said we would do. During last year alone we provided $59,000 in free care visits to indigent patients homes, and provided $30,000 in supplies, and utilities and funeral costs to the indigent. Donations such as yours enable our service to be known and available to all patients who may need us. We certainly appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. I wish you, your family, and your staff members a happy holiday season. May 1 y98 bring you peace, prosperity, and good health. Thank you again. Sincerely, ~ `~r/ Linda Mercer Bryant, RN,BS, Director, CarilionHospice Services 1917 Franklin Road Suite B Roanoke, Virginia 24(114 Phone 54(1-981 -7469 _ gas 54(1-983- I 1 S I Faith Christian School 2014 Memorial Ave. , SuiteA j . Roanoke, Virginia 20418 - - j = Phone: 34-FAITH . -~ - - September 30, 1997 Mr. Y.eith Austin The Lamar Corporation PO Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010 Dear Keith: As of August 25, Faith Christian School opened its doors to 43 full time and 4~part time students in grades 5 - 11. As you are well aware, our prayer goal had been 40. Thus, we have been abundantly blessed, in many ways. From the time of this school's inception in late January, 1996 until its opening, God's provisions have been consistent and immeasurable. Of course, we are fully cognizant of the fact that the stunning billboards you made possible are a part of His great provision. And to you eve give a hearty thank-you with the deepest appreciation for your kindness and generosity to us. The things you told us about were true. As time went on and more people were exposed to the billboards, more inquiries came from them. We have one student for certain who is at FCS as a direct result of that advertisement. But it be- gan to be that everywhere we went, people were telling us they'd seen our ,' billboards. It certainly helped that Garland was willing and able to get us some really prime locations. On behalf of the school board, I extend our gratitude to you and The Lamar Corporation for a gift whose outreach has been imr~asurable. At every opportunity, I have "sung your praises," and will continue to do so. We hope vve can continue our relationship with you. You are an asset to the corporation and to our community. Thanks again. S in~c~e,_r./e ly , ~, c • Kathy R ,rson Chairman, School Board t Roanoke Y Coalition _.. PO Box 1144, Salem VA• 24153 387-5.549 _ _ _. . „_ January 21, 1998 Keith Austin, General Manager Lamar Outdoor Advertising P.O. Box 35631 Richmond, VA 23235 Dear Keith: ou and Lamar Advertising for all you The Alive and Well Coalition would like to thanl: y have done for us in Tobacco Control. Without Ya the Fifth Planning Distr of ld never have been able to impact the Roanoke Valley an We have appreciated your partnership for: "Health Promotion in the Workplace" focusing on being smoke-free, exercising, and eating low fat. The many billboards you did on "Be Smart, Don't Start". "If you like the taste of tar: Lick a Highway. It's safer" and "Smoking Stinks . The "Break the Chain" of Tobacco Addiction Campaign. Promoting tobacco use • cessation in the fifth planning district. We hope our partnership with outdoor advertising will continue to make an impact on the health of our community. ~incereiy, The Roanoke Valley Alive and Well Coalition !/Y11C`J I C /' ~ ~ . ~1^^-~`' .~j~C (~ (fY'F./?~~til~!/,'.1X.Q.1 ~2~ • l , i,~JJ-~lt~~t-~ F' ~~J "' K I~ ~ 5 ~'~ ~ I ~~ 1 ,~ ~ C O L O R A D O S P R I N G 5 C O 8 0 9 9 5 • ( 7 1 9) 5 3 1- 5 1 8 1 ~tHE ~t~I~ .~ .:::~ March 3,1998 .' • . ' Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising/Roanoke P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010 D~:,r Mr. , :usu:., Our 1998 Billboard Campaign has once again been very successful. We appreciate so much your willingness to promote these family values. You should have received your posters by now. If you have not, please contact Cindy West at (719) 531-3475. Once the locations have been determined, we would greatly appreciate a copy of your location lists. These can be faxed (719) 548-4654 or mailed to my attention at Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO 80995. I would also hope that you are starting to benefit from the national and local publicity that we have initiated on behalf of the outdoor campaign. It is our intention to not only build up the family, but to also raise grass-roots support for your industry that facilitated the campaign. Thank you for your public service support. You are making a difference in your communities. Sincerely, ~~ ohn P. Thompson D E D I C A T E D T O T H E P R E S E R V A T I O N O F T N E H O M E .I A M E S C D 0 8 5 0 N P H D P R E S I D E N T Roano e a - cees -- ~-- 'Young People Do Change The World" June 27, 1998 - - ~ - " - _ Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising Post Office Box 2530 Roanoke, Virginia 24010 Re: 6th Annual Roanoke Valley Wine Festival Dear Mr. Austin: On behalf of the Roanoke Jaycees, I would like to thank you and the staff of Lamar Advertising for providing the six billboards for the 6th Annual Roanoke Valley Wine Festival. Thanks, in part, to your efforts, this year's festival proved to be the best ever. We had over 750 guests, an increase of 150 from last year. More importantly, folks from across the Roanoke Valley had the opportunity to spend a beautiful June afternoon relaxing on the grounds of Hotel Roanoke, enjoying their favorite Virginia Wine and listening to soothing jazz by the Charlie Perkinson Trio. These types of events go a long way to help improve the cultural environment of the region. And, hopefully, they help attract guests from out of our area and encourage them to return. This project is one of the three most important projects we run every year. The funds we make from the Wine Festival allow us to conduct many community service projects throughout the Roanoke area. We will soon start planning for next year and hope that you will again be interested in working with us. In closing, I would especially like to thank you for "cutting us a deal". Our budget would not have allowed for advertising costs beyond the $500 fee you presented. In a survey at the gate, we determined that as many as 9% of the guests learned of the events from your billboards. With our true appreciation, we enclose a check for the $500 fee. Sincerely, i Lawrence E. Nichols President - R~OANOKE JAYCEES LEADERSHIP TRAINING THROUGH COMMUNITY SERVICE P. O. BOX 1225 • ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24006 • TELEPHONE (540) 345-1316 . ~1 Smith Mountain Lake SL MLA CHARITY HOME TOUR ~~ & GALA ~r v v P.O. Box 41 Huddleston, Virginia 24104 540-297-4243 1997 - 1998 BOARD O F DIRECTORS Barbara Bames Jack Lipscomb ' ':" Dave Nealy William Telford, Chairman Jeanne Wagoner HONORARY DIRECTORS The HonaaWe Virgil Goode Dave Cappellad Bitsy Davis Ken Dugan Maureen Fanelli Mike Fares Phil Floyd Rob Gilliam Salt' Heffemon Janet Nill Cynthia Hinkle John Hinkle Dave Hdlyer Louise Hollyer Don Hopkins Pat Mignocna Donna Nealy Bonnie Peterson Ruth Randa Tlm Reith Bob Riddick Judy Simmons Donna Stewart CarmenThongson Lois Treaty Loretta Varian Karde Ward Ron Willard Kris Wilson GinnyYardey Stan Yardey 1997 - 1998 EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR OPERATIONS Jeanie Beall Sue Bender Sharon Dominguez Susan Epling Maggie Gray Sue Lipscomb Pat Marlar Paul Monroe Daig Pa!lord Sharon Pafford Marlyn Pfymale Gary Rogers Susan ShoAridge Amy Smith Anna Telford Jeanie Wagoner October 10, 1997 ~~~ Lamar. Outdoor Advertising 3209 Forest Brook Road Lynchburg, Virginia 24501 Dear S 1 rS Thank you for your generous c.ontribut.i.on of publicizing the 7.997 SML: Charity Home Tour with yol.zr billboards to benefit the National Multiple Sclerosis Society; Franklin County Helping Hands, Franklin Free Clinic, Bedford Habitat for Humanity, and Bedford Lake Christian Ministries. The power of strong partnership like we have is evident and our story of success. is incredible. Best wishes to yoti! With deep appreciation and thanks for continuing to make he Home Tour. and Gala a National success , ~.:z=z~ ~ ~x~r~r~ Sincerely, ~^ ~l `~~ Jeanne Wagoner F,vent Coordinator 1.997 SML Cha.ri ty Home Totlr anc~ Gala /aMERICAW ~~ ~~~ WESTERN AREA ~~ ~ SOCIETY VIRGINIA DIVISION, INC. July 29, 1996 Keith Austin Lamar 1545 Patrick Road NE Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Dear Relay for Life Donor: On behalf of the American Cancer Society and the Relay for Life committee, I would like to thank you for your support of the 5th annual Relay for Life. Your assistance with the billboards helped tremendously in the success of the event! We are grateful to you for your dedication and support of our critical programs of service to cancer patients and their families, prevention and risk-reduction educational efforts, and the funding of important biomedical cancer research. The Relay for Life had its best year ever raising more than $170,000 for the American Cancer Society. We had 1954 registered walkers and close to 2500 total participants. We owe a great deal of our success to local companies, vendors, and the Roanoke Valley community. It truly is amazing what a group of people can do when they come together for a good cause. As we approach the year 2000, the American Cancer Society is focusing on strategies that will prevent more cancers from occurring, save more live and diminish suffering from cancer to the greatest degree possible. Thank you for being a part of this mission. Sincerely, . '. ' I ~~~~ Mimi Kemp Seni~,or Area Director o Fa¢T rHt tRr.N nvF - P n RcIX sFa RnANOKE. VIRGINIA 24003-0554 -TELEPHONE (703) 344-8699 -FAX (703) 345-2361 NEW CENTURY VENTURE CENTER August 13, 1996 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising, Inc. 1545 Patrick Road, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Keith: On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Blue Ridge Small Business Development Center, Inc., I would like to express my sincere appreciation for assisting us with the name and logo for The New Century Venture Center. We have received very positive response to this selection. The Center hopes to foster an enviroiunent of growth and development for small businesses throughout the New Century Region. The creation and maintenance of these businesses will ultimately yield greater employment opportunities for our citizens and increased tax revenues for Roanoke. Again, please accept our gratitude for your support in making The New Century Venture Center a reality. I hope we can count on your continued support throughout our initial growth period and beyond. Sincerely, ~~~ Lisa C. Ison, President msr enclosures c: Hope Player, Chairman 1354 Eighth Strcet, SW • Roanoke, VA 2401 S • phone: (540) 344-6402 • jax: (540) 345-0262 BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY TRAFFIC SAFETY BOARD 5010 Al rc Rd., NW Roanoke, VA 24012-1627 (540)561-7409 _ _ _~ l~ugust 30, 1996 Robert Strickler Chairman Donna Amos Tice Chairperson Larry Holloway Treasurer Bobby Ratliff Secretary Board Members ' Donna Amos Sine Farm Insuran« Co. Belinda Anderson Editing t WritingServices J. M. Chew7ling Appalachian Paver Company Frank Frazier Martinsville Traroportation Safety Commiasan Officer Ro~er Fuller Rwnoke ry Police Dept. Dr. Carol Gilbert Roanoke Memorial Hospital Chief Milton Graham Bedtotd City PoG« Department Bayard Harris The Center Por Employment law Larry Holloway Natiotrvide hntran« Ca Officer Eddie Hopkins Roanoke City Police Department Officer M. Lee Linkous, Jr. Roanoke County Poli« Depatment Chauncey Logan Koanote City PublK Schoo4 Of[cer A. J. Panebianco Buena V'nta Poli« Department Sheriff Harold Plaster Piurylvania County SheritT's OlTice Dr. Winsdon Pound St_ Albano Prychiatric Hospital 1st. Sgt Bobby-Ratliff : , Ytrginia Sate Police Major Kenneth L. Smith Botetotxt County Shetifrs Olrke Kepley S. Smith Gr cttya. Inr. Ca t. Robert Strickler FankGn c«ttxy sha;lr. olG« L.E. T~y1or, II Pt;r.te ct;un Judge Philip'I~ompeter zka District Juvenile tc Domatk Rehrtiooa Coutt JeR Wendell John Natnao Clothiers Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010 Dear Mr. Austin: We are pleased to inform you that the Blue Ridge Community Traffic Safety Board has selected Lamar Advertising as a recipient of the 1995 Outstanding Community Project Award for its sponsorship of the 1995 Safe Rides Program. Lamar will also receive a Business Award for its participation in the 1995 Regional Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Campaign. These awards will be presented during a special luncheon on Friday, September 2Z, at noon at the Vinton War Memorial, 814 E. Washington Ave., Vinton. In honor of these awards, the Board will be picking up the cost of your lunch or you may designate another representative from your organization if you are unable to attend. However, please return the registration form in the enclosed brochure so that we will know of your attendance plans. You may also use this form to register other individuals from your organization. We congratulate you on your outstanding efforts in 1995 to promote transportation safety. We look forward to seeing you on Friday, September 27. Sincerely, Robert Strickler Chairman stxvin66 the eo~trxies oe Alk6haay Amheot. Appom.um~ Bath Bed[ot+~ Botetotut ampheq Charlotte, Ct~iy Ftaakrn. Haifa; Hmry, Patrick Pittaylvattia, Roanoke, Ractbrid6e lc the cities o(Bod[etd. Buena Ysua, Clifwn Force, Datrviie, Leain6lan, l~ynt6bura, MaRinsvJk. Roanok4 Sakm, k South Baataa I2o~noke Valley Charity Cyr e~hoW Committee, Inc. P.O. Box 19195 12oanoke, Virginia 24019 February 12, 1996 Lamar Advertising Company 1902 Patterson Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24G16 Attention: Mr. Al Augustine On behalf of the entire Car Show Committee, I would like to express our appreciation for your generous donation of billboards for the past few years. We realize the value if between $3500 - $4000. This form of advertising attracts a large group of people a:~d could not be done without you and WSET who provides the printing. We were able to donate a total of $32;504.00 to the Muscular Dystrophy Association last year and hope to exceed that = amount this year at our lrth annual Car Show whic?~. will be held on February 2s, 24, 25, 19yb. As a tcven oz our appreciation, p:~ Pa.se f ind e~~c.losed six ( 6 ) passes to she show. We hope to see you there! Very truly yours, CHAPMAN-LOGAN INSURANCE,~rI`NCI. yyvl!CC 1°l- 'i1de1 -~SeCreta /Treasurer ~: jm ', ~ficlosure ®. ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION VIRGINIA CHAPTER 3805 Cutshaw Avenue Suite 200 Richmond, Virginia 23230 804/359-1700 FAX 804/359-4900 ~ - 800/456-4687 January 16, 1996 Mr. Bill Houck Lamar Outdoor Advertising 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, Va. 24012 Dear Bill: Thanks so much for all your help toward our 1995 .jingle Bell Run & walk for Arthritis in downtown Roanoke. Your contribution of billboard signage valued at approximately $1,500 went a long way toward covering some of the expenses involved in such a large event. Although the winter weather kept many participants away, those who couldn~t make it called to ask for their t-shirt and said they are excited about participating next year. Those who did come out in the snow and ice said they had a great time and would be back next year. We started out with a $17,500 goal and ended up raising $22,000 -- way to go team! With more teams (and possibly an earlier date), the 1996 .Tingle Bell Run & Walk for Arthritis could double this figure and help twice as many people with arthritis in the Southwest Virginia area. i cant thank you enough for all your hard work. I hope you enjoyed workin with the Arthritis Foundation, as I certainly have enjoyed working with youg I look forward to a bigger and better Jingle Bell Run in years to come: Cordially, ~~_ ~~ ~~~ tricia Woods, Director Development & communications (The Internal Revenue services requires us to state that we provided no products or services in return for your contribution. Please keep this letter on file for ,tax purposes.) ... Yn~~r.Cniir.~c~ ~,.. ~ ~,.,._ ~ . , . January 11, 1996 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising Company 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, Virginia 24010 Dear Mr. Austin: I am writing to thank you again for Lamar's very generous support of our upcoming exhibit "Backyard Monsters." Your willingness to provide us with extensive donated billboard coverage throughout the five-month venue will make this exhibit a huge success. I know this is so because of the success that other Museum's have had when they used billboards to promote this particular exhibit, and because of our own track record here, at the Science Museum of Western Virginia. In every instance, when Lamar has donated billboards to the Science Museum, we have seen our attendance spike up during the time the billboards are up. We hope that we will be able to work:. with you and Lamar for many years to come, and that you will be able to continue providing us with the free exposure and advertising we need, but can ill afford to purchase. Again, thanks for your very generous support of the Science Museum through your donation of many, many billboards each year. Sin rely, <~,~ Ke e J. Sch t Execut ve Dire r One MarketSquare • Roanoke, Virginia, 24011 • (703) 342-5710 .~ ' ,2. fir. •^ J=o ~f .~~ r t h ., ~. N o ~~ +/,~J` z~ ~ ~F~ Ap Cross Scho 1 February 7, 1997 - = , _ . ~ ~ >~ ~1 ~ Mr. Blll HOUC F ~ r~~ ~-~--5 , 3014 eigh Road '`f s ~ ( ~~ , noke, Virginia 24014 ~ ~ N~ ' I~ N-~'r Dear Bill, Thank you for your contribution to our North Cross School Auction. Listed below is the item you donated: $40.00 gift certificate to Macado's _ The Auction. was a great success, and the proceeds will directly benefit our education program. We appreciate your support of our school. Sincerely, Elizal~ B. Hott Auction Coordinator ebp l~~/~ COPY -134 Colonial Avenue, SW • Roanoke, Virginia 24018 • Phone 540-989-6641 • FAX 54u-'i>y-7290 ~ National Kidney Foundation Of Virginia 5001 WEST BROAD STREET, SUITE 217 • fiICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23230 (804) 288-8342 FAX: (804) 282-7835 John D'Angelo . Director of Public Affairs - May 23, 1995 Keith Austin Lamar Advertising PO Box 2530 Roanoke, Virginia 24010-2530 Dear Keith: From the enclosed Annual Report, you can see that Kidney Cars were a large portion of our income, and the biggest area of our growth, in 1994-95. The added income we received from this program enabled us to increase our services to kidney patients, i.e.--sending more children with kidney dis- ease to summer camp; providing more direct patient financial emergency assistance; offering more preventive education and blood pressure screenings; instituting an air conditioner donation program and beginning a patient medication discount program. - What the Annual Report does not show is that approximately 40 percent of the car donors tell. us that they learned of the Kidney Car program by seeing a billboard. We always know when a new bill- board goes up, because it is always heralded by a sudden influx of car donations from the neighbor- hood it is in. With all our publicity marketing efforts (we do not purchase advertisements), billboards are still the single biggest source of Kidney Car donations. I thought you would like to know this; and hope the implied "thank you for your donations of billboard space" comes through loud and clear. As the saying goes, we couldn't do it without you. According to our records, last year at this time you allowed us to ship 10 Kidney Cars posters to you for placement in the Roanoke and Lynchburg areas as community service. I hope you will allow us to do the same this' year, and I will call you in a few days to follow up. Thank you. Sincerely, n D'Angelo Roanoke (703) 985-0662 Lynchburg (804) 239-6109 Norfolk (804) 466-0783 ~~ •~ GIRL SCOt1TS Vlrglnla Skyline Girl Scout Council, Inc. _ P. O. Box 3000 _ _ - ~ - _ - 413 Apperson Drive ' - Salem, •Virginia 24153 'January 24, 1996 ~o3i3e~-oas3 Mr. Keith Austin vice-president -General Manager LA~rfe.I~ ADVERTISII~TC=Cp':~'?1~TY 1545 Patrick Road, NE Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Keith: Thanl: you very much for posting as many of the Girl Scout billboards "Invest In Futures" as you have. We have received so many calls from people who have seen them. The response has been wonderful. . Our almost 4,000 adult volunteers, .12,000 girls, their friends and families as well = as the staff of Virginia Skyline Girl Scout Council appreciate Lamar's support. You are helping us achieve our mission: "Virginia Skyline.Girl Scout Council is committed to helping girls develop to their fullest potential and become responsible, resourceful women." ~ •,,~ ~%~ Ilse Becker irector, Marketing and Communications r, ~,. Science Museum Gala Committee Keith Austin, Chairman Bootie Chewning, Susm: Doyle, Pearl Fu, Dr. Dennis Hancock, Don Higgins, Polly Jones, Sara McGhee, Ken Schutz, Carolyn Schwanhausser April 17, 1997 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Ad~~ertising 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, VA 24010 Dear Keith: On behalf of the Science Museum of Western Virginia, and the members of the Gala Committee, I want to Thank You for contributing, Bent Creek one-rite's lodging with green fees and cart valued at $167.00, to this year's annual Gala and Fundraising Auction held on Saturday, March 22nd. This was our fifth annual gala, and by far the most successful -due in large part to the overwhelming support received from busi.-resses and individuals throughout the Roanoke Valley and surrounding area. All funds raised from this event directly benefit tl:e Science Museum acrd will be used to improve and enhance the quality of science education delivered to our 200,000 + patrons -including the thousands of school children and the scores of visitors t1: at tour our galleries each day from all over the region. Again, thank you for your continued support of the Science Museum of Western Virginia; your name «~ill be listed in our Annual Report of contributors. Enclosed is a copy of our Gala Booklet Sincerely, C+~o~ ~ .. Carolyn Schwanhausser Director of Developrrlent One Market Square • Roanoke, Virg nia. 24011 • (540) 342-5710 • Fax: (540) 224-1240 John W. Lambert, Jr., APR PresiAenl _ __ January 12, 1994 Dear Keith: Again, I want to express my deep appreciation to you and Lamar Advertising for support of Renew Roanoke. The posters are making a significant difference in maintaining the enthusiasm for the Hotel-Conference Center project. t personal regards, :iw Mr. Keith Austin General Manager Lamar Advertising P.O. Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010-2530 r 703 982-1010 FAX 703 982-8392 1010 Dominion Bank Building. 213 S. Jefferson Street Roanoke. Virginia 24011-1714 The. ~ Regional Chamber March 31, 1997 = - ~ , .- - ~. Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Advertising PO Box 2530 Roanoke, VA 24010-2530 Dear Keith: On behalf of the Regional Chamber I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you and to Lamar Advertising for your promotional sponsor commitment to last week's COnllllulllty Showcase `97. The great support from the business community contributed to a successful first show. The Regional Chamber is confident Lamar found this to be an excellent marketing and public relations opportunity, and hopes you will consider participation in this event again in the future. I would appreciate any feedback you may have regarding the pre-event production and promotion, as well as on-site activity. The Chamber is evaluating the overall effectiveness to determine if the Community Showcase will become an annual event. A list of individuals who attended the show will be forwarded to you in the near future. Again, I am sincerely appreciative of your support and commitment to this event, and to the goals of the Regional Chamber to make this region a better place to live and work. I look forward to your comments. Sincerely, ~~ ~ Patti L. Dunbar. Vice President -Marketing Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce ^ 212 South Jet(erson Street ^ Roanoke, YA 24011-1702 ^ (540) 983-0700 ^ Paz (540) 983-0n3 HARRISON MUSEUM Of gfRICAN AMERICAN CULTURE October 13, 1995 Mr. Keith Austin Vice President/General Manager LAMAR Outdoor Advertising 1545 Patrick Rd., NE Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Keith: Thank you for assisting Harrison Museum in its efforts to advertise the annual Henry Street Heritage Festival and the museum's 10th year anniversary. The billboards placed throughout the valley were beautiful, capturing the a portion of the essence of African American culture.. Our photograph, Harding Turner, took a picture of the billboard on Peters Creek Road as a reminder of our first efforts in billboard advertising. We are appreciative of your support and invite you to be a major sponsor of the 1996 Henry Street Heritage Festival. Again, thank you for adjusting the cost of the advertising. Your in-kind contribution allowed us to take advantage of billboard ads. Sincerely, Melody S. Stovall Executive Director, Retired 523 Harrison Ave., N.W. • Roanoke, Virginia 24016 P.O. Box 12544 • Roanoke, Virginia 24026-2544 (540) 345-4818 • Fax (540) 345-4831 '~~~ ~ KIWANIS CLUB OF ROANOKE © Regular Meeting -Wednesdays 12:30 PM -Patrick Henry Hotel Ballroom - Roanoke,. Virginia We Build ~ ~ ' °-~ Chartered 28 January 1920 October 21, 1998 www.roanokeva.com/kiwanis - - Donald E. wlson President Mr. Keith Austin Vice President and General Manager Thomas H. Miller Lamar Outdoor Advertising President -Elect 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, VA 24012 fames L. Bowen Vice -President Dear Keith, John M. Shumate It is with great pleasure I write this letter acknowledging your help promoting Secretary -Treasurer and advertising the Kiwanis Club of Roanoke's Pancake Day. We are pleased to recognize Lamar Advertising at the ]lighest level of corporate sponsorship that Office of the Secretary our club offers. Due to your generosity in helping us place five advertising Post office Box billboards around Roanoke City and County, we held the most successful 20485 pancake event to date. Having worked with the pancake event since its Roanoke, Virginia inception, I know our success of last year was not serendipitous, nor was it left 24018 -0049 up to good luck Phone -Fax 540 / ~~4 -2807 Your thoughtfulness allows us to continue. our efforts to serve over 20 non profit organizations in our community, thus affecting the lives of children -and adults Directors throughout the community. It is not insignificant our club is the fourteenth largest Kiwanis club in the world, with two-hundred and sixty members. All of 1998 - 1999 us applaud your efforts to help us reach our civic objectives through which our Reid W. Ammen pancake fundraiser is the largest project and the most profitable we undertake. Manly H. Aylor, Jr. We appreciate your willingness to help us in this manner and look forward to a M. Rupert Cutler long relationship in service together for the benefit of our community. Carol C. Danielsen Lloyd Enoch Sinc rely yours, James C. Joyce, Jr. Harold C. Wiseman Mary L. Poletti Donald E. Wilson pmt President President William T. Stack ~i President Kiwanis Foundation Daynor Stinson, Chairman-Pancakes by Kiwanis Serving The World's Children OCT-21-1998 08 50 CABLEREP ADVERTISING 540 776 3849 P.Bli02 The Advertising Federation of the Roanoke Valley - P,O. Box 13743 Roanoke, Virginia 24036-3743 October 19, 1998 Mr. Keith Austin Lamar Outdoor Via FAX 343-6570 Dear Keith: I wanted to take just a moment to thank you in advance for your generous contribuUOn to our 1998 Media, Goods, and Services Auction, sponsored jointly by the Advertising FederaUOn of the Roanoke Valley and AD2 Roanoke. Attached is an official agreement form for you to fill out, containing specific details of your donation along with any necessary disclaimers, conditions, or restrictions. Once completed and signed, you can mail or deliver to the following address Cox/CableRep Advertising Attention: ]awes Riffe 5400 Fallowater Lane, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24014 Or, if you wish, you can fax it to me at 776-3849, Because of your genero~siry, the proceeds frgm this year's media auction will onCC again benefit the club's Cluld Abuse Awareness Public Service Campaign. This campaign involves television and radio production, outdoor, newspaper, and print production and distribution. 1 am exerted to inform you that this year, for the :first time, Roanoke's campaign will be picked up by for national distribution by the Ad Council. Again, thank you in advance for all your help! Sincerely, r~ James A. Iziffe Media Auction Chairperson Advertising Federation of the Roanoke Valley ~~i Mill ~Q~~ Mhea rein A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE October 12, 1998 Keith Austin Lamar Outdoor Advertising 1545 Patrick Road Roanoke, Virginia 24012 Dear Keith: On behalf of the Mill Mountain Theatre staff I want to thank you for the important support Lamar Outdoor Advertising provides. Your donations of billboards enables us to reach potential audiences that we could not otherwise reach. Thousands of people in our community and surrounding areas find cultural enrichment in Mill Mountain Theatre's dramas, musicals and educational programs; and we are grateful to Lamar for being a partner in our mission. Thank you again for your commitment to Mill Mountain Theatre and to the arts in the Roanoke Valley. (enclosure) A Non-Profit Organization Executive Offices (540) 342-5730, Box Office (540) 342-5740/800-317-6455, Fax (540) 342-5745, TDD (540) 224-1215 Second Floor, Center in the Square, One Market Square, S.E., Roanoke, Virginia 24011-1437 Sincerely GkJ D IOlUl ;.;.c..., _r~ - ' De~'aul :~:.. f F ..~ . ~ _., a~~ ~~~~ Sez~ces October, 6, 1998 Keith Austin Lamar Advertising Company 1545 Patrick Road N.E, Roanoke, VA 24012 Dear Keith' -~~ Thank you for allowing l~el'aul the` event opportunity to utilize outdoor advertising with Lamar. DePaul Family Services, a private non-profit child placing agency, has been serving youth and families in the Roanoke Valley for tore than twenty years. I began with De~'aul as a social worker- I now work as a social worker and recruiter, 1 have become aware of the need for foster parents ~n Roanoke, 'There are approximately 8000 children in Virginia who are in foster care. Sadly enoug~, we simply do not have homes for all of them. We constantly are looking for new ways to find individuals that are willing to become foster parents. I appreciate your cooperation in ou that was placed in a great location! two new homes in the area. Once a child! Sincere Todd Selkirk MAIN OFFICE: 4502 Starkey Roc BRANCH QFFICES: 2316 Atherhoit R~ 125 Arrowhead 1 2015 Ivy Road Si 390 Commerce effort, Lamar has provided DeFaul with a beautiful billboard, We have received 12 phone calls and are currently .approving again, thank you for helping to make a difference in the life of Suite ]08 Roanoke, VA 24014 540-989-7355 Fax 540.772-6930 ~ Suite 107 Lynchburg, VA 24501 804-528-0184 Fax ($ba) 528-0187 I Chrisliansburg. vA 24073 540.381.1848 Fax (540) 381-5372 3 Charlottesville, VA 22903 804-977-9847 Fax (804) 977.2809 ve Surfe 3 Abingdon, VA 2421 1 540-623-0881 Fax (540) 623-b002 Mr. Bob L. Johnson, Chariman Board Of Supervisors PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Johnson, October 25, 1998 Mrs. Susan Walters 167 Backcove Drive Moneta, VA 24121 I am writing in reference to the Community Plan which is coming up for vote with the Board of Supervisors. I am a commercial land owner and business owner in the Roanoke area. I lease my land to Advertising Companies for sign use. This is a major source of income for me and to phase out and amortize existing billboards would cause me to loose thousands of dollars in income. I believe this plan is in conflict with Virginia law and the US Constitution. Are you willing to take away the rights of Roanoke county citizens and business owners? As a Board member I ask you to please vote NO to this Community Plan introduced by the Roanoke Planning Department. Thank You, -Susan Walters ~} County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors Meeting Oct. 27, 1998 Statement in Support of the Revised Draft ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN Mr. Chairman, Members of the Board, Mr. Hodge, thank you for this opportunity to express my strong support for prompt adoption of the draft community comprehensive plan in the form it appears before you this evening. I am Rupert Cutler, a resident of Roanoke and an advocate of a coordinated, valley-wide approach to the sustainable management of our resources and environment. My connections with Roanoke County include having served as the director of Virginia's Explore Park for six years and having served on the County's visioning steering committee. I chaired the working group on recreation and culture and contributed to the Vision Report that served as the source of policy direction for the plan before you tonight. While I am the executive director of the Western Virginia Land Trust and the southern Virginia coordinator of the Trust for Appalachian Trail Lands, neither of the boards of these groups has adopted a position on the issue before us. Therefore, I am speaking simply as an interested citizen. My credentials to critique a community plan include a doctorate in resource development, which included coursework in urban planning and park and recreation resources, and 30 years' experience on the staffs of national natural resources conservation organizations. During the four years of the Jimmy Carter Administration I was the presidential appointee in charge of federal forestry and soil conservation policy. I'm sharing what I've learned in public natural resources administration with planning students at the University of Virginia. I've just driven here directly from Charlottesville, where every Tuesday afternoon I teach a graduate seminar in environmental policy and planning. As a part-time college professor, I would give the "Revised Draft Roanoke County Community Plan" an A+ for clarity, thoroughness, and specificity. It is remarkably well written for a government staff work product. And as a compilation of progressive land use policy recommendations necessarily addressing a wide range of issues, it touches all the bases. First, I'd like to establish the direct connection between natural environment- protection and stimulating economic growth and development. I'm in favor of both. To keep on track time-wise, I'll simply quote from a chapter in the textbook I use in my UVA planning class (A New Century for Natural Resources Management by Knight and Bates, published by Island Press). In his chapter on "Moving Beyond the Folk Economics of the Rear-View Mirror," University of Montana Economics Department Chairman Thomas Michael Power, states: Economic development consists of spinning a complex web of locally oriented economic activities resulting in the diversification of the economy.... As much as 40 to 50 percent of the local area's personal income may be associated with retirement 2 income, investment earnings, government support payments, and other such `footloose " sources of income. Whatever features of the local area attract or hold income of this sort are a major part of the local economic base .... Retirement income is just one type that may be drawn to a community because of an area's attractive qualities. There are others. Small businesses that are relatively flexible in terms of location can follow the locational preferences of their owners. Individuals and families relocating to a preferred area are likely to spend money from savings to get established in an area. Finally are the expenditures of recreationists and tourists who come to a particular location because of special features of its natural or cultural environment.... The primar;y economic resource should be seen as the high-quality natural environment. " (Emphasis added.) I particularly urge your support of those parts of the plan which do the following: • Conserve our natural resources-our dwindling farm lands, mountainsides and ridges, rivers and stream, soil and air-because they constitute our region's greatest asset. One way to do this is by creating a Blue Ridge Parkway Overlay District to provide special design guidelines on lands that fall within the parkway's critical viewsheds. A similar overlay district is needed to protect the Appalachian Trail experience. (As the draft plan states, "For many people this quality of life manifests itself in the natural beauty and scenic resources of this area.") • Provide more designated bicycle routes, and help fund the construction and maintenance of an interconnected network of greenway trails along our rivers and streams. (Crreenways protect water quality and fish and wildlife habitat and to allow citizens to travel between their homes, schools, parks and shopping areas without having to use energy-inefficient automobiles. Conservation easements, with economic incentives, can be used to gain access to private lands while respecting the owner's property rights. Greenways should be treated as regular components of the County Park System. They are simply linear public parks.) • Conserve oxygen-producing, shade-giving trees, on private land as well as on public land, and encourage rural landowners, through reduced property taxes and conservation easements, to keep their lands in forest cover. (This will slow forest fragmentation, store floodwaters, and the protect the quality of water flowing into the region's public water supply reservoirs.) • Create "Conservation" and "Scenic Corridors" land use districts to protect the County's significant environmental and cultural features. Restrict development on slopes greater than 20 percent, within 100 feet of a watercourse, and within the critical views from the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Appalachian Trail. • Avoid the proliferation of telecommunications towers by requiring the siting of cell phone and similar antennae and dishes on existing structures and/or as low as possible, without flashing lights. Prohibit them in key views from the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Appalachian Trail. • Require/encourage land development patterns that preserve open space, such as the clustering of homes and the permanent designation of open space on the balance of the tract under development. Do this by means of a Natural Resources Overlay District that requires "conservation site design" to protect wetlands and floodplains. 3 • Provide for the donation of a conservation easement on the County's land around Spring Hollow Reservoir to the Virginia Outdoors Foundation and the Western Virginia Land Trust, to protect the watershed from inappropriate development in the future. (Asheville, NC, and Greenville and Spartanburg, SC, recently did this to protect their water supplies.) • Create a permanent Roanoke County Historic Resources Commission to help preserve the County's priceless heritage of historic sites and structures. • Initiate a proactive program of open space land acquisition through fee simple purchase, purchase of development rights, and the use of voluntary conservation easements in cooperation with the Western Virginia Land Trust. One objective would be to maintain a viable agricultural economy in the County. • Phase out billboards in an equitable manner. I strongly support the use of the "Conservation" and "Rural Preserve" land use designations on official County maps to show land use areas of particular environmental sensitivity and of best use in agriculture and forest cover. One of the most important features of the new plan is its section on Land Use Policies at pages 122-125. Adoption of these will be a great step forward for the wise use of the County's land resources. Please vote to adopt intact this excellent, forward-looking, resource-conserving community plan. Thank you. ,~ My name is Elaine Bell. I am President-Elect of the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS and I reside at 5836 Old Locke Court, SW here in Roanoke County. I am here tonight on behalf of the Association of REALTORS to request that the Board of Supervisors delay a vote on the Roanoke County Community (Comprehensive) Plan until January, 1999. Let me emphasize that the Roanoke Valley Association of REALTORS is neither in favor of nor against the Community Plan because we have not had the opportunity to study it. However, we believe that such a Comprehensive Plan could greatly impact the future development of the County and we would welcome a chance to review it prior to your vote. We further request that you make a public statement regarding the scheduled date of a vote on the Plan and that you make copies of the Plan available to interested citizens well in advance of that date so that those who wish to review and comment on the Roanoke County Community Comprehensive Plan will have ample time to do so. Thank you. ~/~ ~~ El ine C. W ddell a. Elaine C. Bell 5 36 Old Locke Court, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 cv ~~ ~-m ~ o car' g ~'C7h~C~'~• '3""~ o 0 0 ~ O C m O ~ ~ ~Oy "y ? ~ b ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ C ¢t O m OCR p cr1 'S CD .v,C O. l'A9 C 7 ~ r. `.r r~ ~ A ~' W " ~' d. "~~ f0 „Ay~~ ~G c~~- -~^' ~Oj A "'! fT ,°j~. 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O ~~ '-« (~~S N ~ (D ~ ~ N 7~ O .+ ~ c~D _~ ~~ O ~ ~ 01 'a' m mn ~~ ~ ~ 1 d 3 ~ i-- N - n o~ a ~ o x v ~~ ~~ ~3 c~ Z a I'- ° 1 ~~ ~~ r s ~~~~ ,~: -_ ~; . is ~. ,- ~.:r, ~ ~ ~ C ~ . p .r. e a ~ ~ a ~. ~ ~ -y ~ qo ~ a'C b O ~ e~ ~~ ~ C3' ~ ~ ~ ~ Q+ C y ~ -~ ~ y x~ ~+~ c~ a' - ~, p ~. ~~ ~~ _ _ ' _ r .. .- - -~ ..c. ~ - a -~,.. ~, ,.~- ,~' r .? -' 8 v r -~; ~. ~ ~ ~ `i:.__ Rs' `fir '_ u. ~' ~,.,.. ,~. ~ r .~:.y t ~.- .~ i ~~ - ° ~ ' F ~~`~ ~~. ~ ~- ~: __ t ~.` '~~ z . ~~.~ f i -~ _ : , f a~ ~~ _~ ~~--r CAD ~~D ~- T~ V~ • ~. ~~ ~' ~• N n~ ~~ ~• C~1. ~_ v, FROM Al Air s/_3 ~ /~ ~ weather watcher for the National Weather Service. "I hate to think of it here, though." Kuchenbuch said the Inter- state 81 corridor is often a river of haze. But, she doesn't believe it has gotten worse in the 21 years since she came to the area as a Virginia Tech graduate student. Although the air over the Roanoke Valley meets all the state and national standards, some experts believe that those stan- dards are not stringent enough to fully protect residents' health. Tiny particles smaller than those being regulated under the clean air laws also are causing health problems. In 1994, the American Lung Association won a court order requiring the Envi- ronmental Protection Agency to review the adequacy of the federal based standards for particulate air pollution. In 1997, the EPA published a tougher set of air standards for ground level ozone and tiny parti- cles of soot called particulate matter; or PM2.5, 28 times smaller than the width of a human hair. The new standards are the most significant rewriting of the federal and state air standards since the Clean Air Act of 1970. When fully implemented, federal and state officials say, these stan- dards will make it easier for mil- lions of people to breathe. • Sally Southard, a pediatric nurse practitioner with Carillon Roanoke Community Hospital, Top 25 metropolitan statistical areas PM•30 CONCENTRATION PM•10 defines particulate matter Idus[ and soot parocles) smaller than 10 microns m diameter. much smaller than a human hair 1 Visalia-Tulare•Portemlle, Calif. 60.4 2 Bakersfield, Calif. 54.8 3 Fresno, Calif. 51.7 I 4 Riverside•SanBemaroino,Calif. 48.1 5 Stockton, Calif. 44.8 ~ 6 los Angeles•long Beach, Calif. 43.8 7 Phoenix 39.5 8 Spokane, Wash. 38.7 9 Reno. Nev. 38.5 10 lasVegas,Nev. 38.3 i 11 Anaheim-Santa Ana, Calif. 38.1 I 12 Metlford.Ore. 37.9 i 13 St.losepn, Mo. 37.6 14 Yuba Ciry, Calif. 37.4 15 Steubenville-Weirton. Ohio-W.Va. 30".6 power plants, wood stoves, quarry dust and other industrial waste - all sources of partictilates. Roanoke allergy specialist Dr. Dane !11cBride said he can't docu- ment that the air quality over the valley has worsened. but he wel- comes better monitoring. R'hat he can tiltcumcnt is that ranked 16 in the nation for the number of deaths. Hundreds of other people also suffer from asthma, chronic bron- chitis and other respiratory prob- lems. Scientists believe that air pollution aggravates heart conditions. The (?oanoke metroonlir<tn TRAPPED POLLUTANTS Normally, cold air flows down off the mountains at night, white air warmed by the sun during the day rises from the bowl-like valley, taking the day's nnllentinn of emn4e ~nri rlnei with it 'r rye lrrza.rnKe r.~ REMOVING TOXIC PARTICLES •-~ ""` • ' - Air is breathed in through the nose or mouth, moves through-the pharynx and enters the trachea, which divides Into two bronchi, which deliver air into the Iungs.The respiratory system has elaborate mechanisms to remove particles from inhaled air. The size of the panicle is critical in determining the toxic effects. *~r.~o. v~~... For nose breathers, most particles larger than 10 microns in diameter get treppetl by nasal hairs and mucous membranes in the nose or throat and r_~ _ _. J..r, i generally don't enter the lungs. Some particles smaller than ~ ;x 10 microns are caught in the trachea and removed by coughing or swallowing. ° ' ~~ fi' Other particles get into the ~" ~' ahreolar region or bronchial y' chamber. Particles smaller ~ than 5 microns can get into ,~ f ? ,` the brachial tubes at the 1 - i emrance to the lungs, where •• { ~ a ~ 7 _ i the cilia may wash them out 1 of the respiratory tract 1W;,r----. .~~ ,-~~~ IMt,iLCd ~ Particles of 1 to 2 microns can reach into the deepest regions of the lungs. A micron is one-millionth of a meter and a meter is slightly longer than a yard. Tyt.' /lOd.l'OAf' TI.I;. I REGIONAL MONRORS BY TYPE '~.. ,: air{ue O.. • SUMS ~ ..: , ' _ _- lulep~em• ~ .. ; - . , ate and local air monitoring site. based " " "' " On population, nM pollution source . r - !- T C2i{ .,. .. .. ttr•e l~ ' Nebonal air monttonng site - ti ..~Miorrsr • awno ~ {~ : ti SPM I ( „IN, ginlhp~.$~}~. Special purpose monitor i F ,,... mere ae.i.we7 aMfob •t~'MAMS/SUIMS I ' wl,~l,l ®o"'" I ~\• ~ ner•ieA~ratnvr nu 1 V I~Mw,e '~ PeNex ~. Nlnry VIRGINIA PM 2.5 SAMPLER NETWORK •MOnitoraite Codlt 4aEtard ~ -lumx aruelew • ~ • "aertt,oeauq • ClunettarllN v ta:ln{ton • ~ I~ alcAm~W N 7T^ ~A=, ~ WAYNE DEEL / Tyt.' lrod.tT)Ke Tl.lle~ This air quality monitor at the end of Cherry Hill Circle checks the Roanoke Electric Steel area. New devices will take measurements every three days and will automatically change filters. Sometimes, other air movements keep that from happening, and the Roanoke Valley gets an inversion. During periods of irnersions. the air doesn't move. fie air, filled with particles and ozone, sits still and forms a haze. 13 St.losepn. Mo. 37.n 14 YubaCiry,Calif. 37.4 15 Steubenville-Weirton, Ohio-W.Va. 36.6 I6 Provo-Orem, Utah 36.5 17 Cleveland 35.6 1 18 Omaha, Neb. 35.5 19 Atlanta 35.1 20 Chattanooga,ienn. 34.9 21 Paterson, Clifton•Passiac, N.J. 34.8 21 San Diego, CaIH. 34.8 23 Boise.ldaho 34.0 24 Chicago 33.7 24 Roanoke 33.7 SOURCE: Natural Resources Dehnse Council Inc. hears all the time from people who claim they never had any problems until they moved to the valley. "We've had people move from ~ the Baltimore or Boston areas who think they're moving to the nice, clean air in the mountains," she said. Air pollution has many effects. It results in increased hospitaliza- tions and emergency room visits ' for individuals with heart and lung problems. It causes increased work-loss days and school absences. And, .most severely, it can result in changes to lung structures and natural defense mechanisms. These effects are hazdest on children and the elderly -groups the new au standards have been designed to help. Because they are still grow- ing, children breathe 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults, which gives them a greater chance of inhaling fine particles that lodge themselves deep in the lungs. This spring has been hard on children who have asthma and allergies, said Southard, who works with asthma patients under age 18 at the Carilion Medical Center for Children. This reflects a national trend. Children make up 25 percent of [he population, but comprise 40 percent of the asthma cases, the EPA reports. Asthma is the sixth- ranking chronic condition in the United States, according to the American Lung Association. Medical professionals are searching everywhere for answers as to why respiratory conditions are increasing in children, Southard said. She suspects that household substances such as cockroach allergens contribute to the prob- lem, but so do diesel motors, meat that [he air quali[v~over dt valley has worsened, but he wel comes better monitoring. What he can document is that he sees more patients with chronic sinusitis, a condition in which membranes inflamed by a cold never seem to recover. "Its increase is puzzling," McBride said. Any inhaled irritant aggra- vates this condition, he said. McBride said he also has heard a "number of people say they never had any problem until they came to Roanoke." It might just be people's per- ception, however, said Dr. Andre Muelenaer Jr., pediatric pulmo- nologist with Carillon. "I've prac- ticed all over the world, and everywhere I've been, I've heard the same thing," Muelenaer said. Still, he said, air in the city can get thick. "I live above the valley, and when I come down my moun- tain, it does seem like things hover down here," he said. Pulmonolo- gist Dr. Nelson Greene with Lewis-Gale AIR POLLUTION DEATHS Estimated annual Average cerdiapulmonary annwl deaths Metropolitan mean PM-10• attnbutabletoair pollution per StatiatiCal wncemrotbn 100,000 area (1990.94) populatlon Charlottesville 24.4 25 Johnson Gry, 29 1 45 Kingsport, Bristol Lynchburg 22.3 24 Newport News, 22 3 Hampton 18 NOdolk,Va.6each, Portsmouth 23.4 20 Petersburg, Colonial Heights, 26.5 32 Hopewell Richmond 23.2 24 Roanoke 33.7 63 Washington, D.C. 24.5 19 •PM10 defines pamculate matter (dust and soot pamdesl smaller than 30 micmns in diameter, much smaller than a human hair SOURCE: Natural Resources Oehnse Council Inc. Clinic agreed. r "I don't think the air is worse, but it is stagnant because it is a valley." Donna Reynolds, director of communicatjon and field services for the American Lung Associa- tion in Richmond, was startled when she saw where the Roanoke Valley ranked in the National Resources Defense Council paz- ticulate study. "What the heck is going on?" she remembers thinking. "The only thing I could figure was that there's a steel mill there," she said last week. The tiny particles in the air take a toll on the health of people in the valley, according to the study. Projections are that about 141 people each year in the area die from illnesses related to air pollution. The Roanoke Valley lems Sciencis[s believe ui~~r air ~"'° ° ' "' . pollution aggravates heart mo~ka N ~ conditions. cb~~ ~~ s,t The Roanoke metropolitan A'dford Ko Ik~•~ statistical area -Roanoke, e ~nOI DamtlN ` r7eirod.roA~F•Ti.uF•.+ • • new monitors Roanoke County, Salem, Vinton, and Botetourt and Craig counties region. -was included in the study. Unlike the older monitors, The Natural Resources which took measurements every Defense Council study used fed- six days, the new ones will take eral statistics and was peer- measurements every three days reviewed by both govemment and and will automatically change fil- academic scientists and physi- ters, Ford said. The old monitors cians. had to be changed manually. It used the same methodology The duration of monitoring as a 1993 national study by Haz- also will change, Ford said. Under vazd University. That study, which the new rules, particulates will be began in 1974 i_*t six U.S. cities measured on a 24-hour basis. and followed 8,000 adults, found Older monitors will be a direct relation- replaced . A ship between monitor in Cov particle concen- ing[on near the trations in the air Westvaco paper and mortality mill - a mgjol rates. The find- source of partic• ings also sug- tilates -will nol gested that even be replaced. relatively low "Because levels of air pol- monitoring is lution can con- already built into tribute t o their permit, we adverse health would just be affects. Afollow- duplicating mea- up study by the surements," he American Cancer said, Society has simi- The paper lar findings. Both mill will take its studies were own measure- adjusted for ments and sup- smoking, age, ply them to the occupational DEQ. exposure, health No one is and income. sure what the As the first will reveal. The stage of implementing the new air-quality prob• federal air-quality standazds, Vir- ably won ' t ginia is installing a new network change, Ford of monitors that will help regula- said. But under tors fmd air pollution hot spots. the different There will be 28 monitors, 21 of standards. areas which have to be in place by Jan. that were once 1. The rest are to be installed by in compliance Jan. 1, 2000. might be in non- According to Joe Ford, an air- c o m p l i a n c e quality specialist at the Depart- under the rtew ment of Environmental Quality's rules. he said. Roanoke office the Roanoke Val- A 1 9 9 1 ley will have two monitors. One will be based in the Raleigh Court area of Roanoke. Another will be placed in Salem. The monitors are placed according to EPA regulations and based on population. The only other area in Southwest Virginia to get one is the Bristol, Va.- Tennessee, Kingsport, Tenn., R.D. Saylor and E.B. Cowling suggest that during the summer about anywhere in the eastern United States air quality might be classified "unhealthy." The researchers analyzed 1995 data to reach the conclusion, which is based on the w•ay ozone fluctuates in urban and rural areas. In urban areas, ozone peaks in the afternoon and drops to near zero at night, they explained. In rural areas, the study by three researchers at the Georgia Insti- tute of Technology and North Carolina State University suggests the new EPA guidelines for ground-level ozone could result in large nonattainment areas in rural eastern United States. In a paper published in the Ljournal Science, W.L. Chameides, Y ozone is 84 parts per billion averaged over eight hours. Roanoke Valley readings were 89 parts per billion May 1(i and 19. Sandra Brown Kally can be reached at 981-3393 or sandrak@roanoke.com Ron Nixon can be reached at 981.3347 or ronn@roanoke.com I N• ~• ~• N c~i. 1~.~ • v NN_~ l'~ 'D O ~ ~ ~O ~~ A m N aN O O O~1 ~ &'i ~ 7 ~ d m 'o m ~O m .~ A ~ C ~ y' ~ ~~ O ~ Q ~ ~o ~~ oa ~ ~N c~ ~ o~ ~_~ O N 7 ~p C (Np r~ OQ O 3 ~G ~ ? ~ 3 '" o ~° c ~' x m O 4 ~ 7lwrsday, August 27.[998 ' SrsFN./puc ~~~ . : 3 . ~Fore .: ~ , ~: experts ~ TREES FBOM`PdCE et ~ Trees provide numerous bene-' professor_"lnaerge ~poptdationeen- fits. Hereazeafew: - - cers, you are going to have more and In summer, cities are often 2 de- more problems [such'as increased tieat and air pollution] if you bontin- . Tees to 8 degrees hotter than the . surrounding countryside. That's be- ue to lose that tree rover and the cause the concrete and asphalt in~ things it provides." <. - • . ~-,.+... Here aze'some developments: cities convert solar radiation [o heat. Plus, the ors, factories and ~ Aftei increasing for most of this .lights in cities create heal century, total forest land in Vrginia fell fmm.16.4 million aces in 1976 Sdentists call these urban hot spots "heat islands." to about 16 million aces in 1992. The number will 'probably dro Trees help reduce that heat by rovidi h d I p again, perhaps by several hundred p ng s a e. n addition, trees release water vapor through tiny thousand aces, ;when the state is- openings in their leaves. That wa- sues its next forest report in about 18 months, forestry offidals say. ter vapor absorbs heat from the air and trools it. ' ~ In Chesterfield, Hetuico and Hanover` counties,' forest land Groups of trees create cool mi- acclimates. A city park an be sev- dropped by 12 percent between 1976 eral degrees cooler than unshaded rand 1992 -from 487,050 aces to 427,826, according to state figures. ' azeas nearby. Trees can cut airconditioning •~ ~ In Richmond, 'the. city doesn't bills by 15 percent to 35 percent have the money to replace trees that ' , experts say. go dawn on public property. • "In tubas •'areas- we are losing Trees cleanse the air. They ab- sorb carbon dioxide and release ox- more [trees),than we are gaining," ygen. They absorb pollutants such said Joe Robertson, a member of the Rirlrmond Shade' Tree Commission, as ozone, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide. an adnsory: group that has be- Trees provide habitats for wild mmedormant _~~~:::. In the metro area, Robertson said, animals. But those habitats are di- vided when houses parking lots and "I don't see how it could be any , roads are built in forests. Divided worse unless you were just mowing " habitats mean populations of many them all down. 'Y= -'•" Population growth is the force animals are isolated, raising the risk of inbreeding. :hat drives development and knocks Scientisu say political leaders down trees; r=:: •• " Virginia's population has grown should create wooded condors that link larger forests, such as parks. ::om 53 million in 1980 m 6.7 mil- That way, animals tan migrate be- lion lur yeaz and. is expected to reach 73 million by 2010. - tween populations without becoming road kill. In Richmond and three neighbor- ing counties;' the 'population grew 4 O from x91,719 m 1980 to 759,400 last vear. It's expected to reach 886,000 -' That can't continue, said Tech's Smith ~'~..~: - "We aze going to have fo look at, at what point' do we have enough people." .. '6 4 4 Many people who buy new homes want to enjoy the bene5ts of trees. Too often, they find themselves owning dying trees because the trees weren't protected during con- struttion. Most of the tree's roots Ge near the soil's surface. Heavy equipment an gush the roots, and digging for utility lines tan cut them. The tree see dangers -in tree-loss trend wt71 die a few years later if that hap- pens. Richard D. Reuse, a state forest- er, pointed to the front yard of a home under construction in central Chesterfield. About a half-dozen 40-foot-tall oaks were left standing, but all vegetation had been stripped around them, leaving bare, reddish soil, marked by bulldozer tracks. "The bulldozer has run all over" the trees' roots, Reuse said. "There has been no attempt to save these trees whatsoever." For Reuse, this is an all-too-com- monsight "'T'his developer was no worse than the rest of them," he said. "You tan see this anywhere." In anothez subdivision, Reuse pointed [o a stand of 50-foot red and white oaks in a large yard. Brown leaves showed that the trees were dead. Greenways idea takes root in Roanoke area -1 ~ Rt7C sPRING570N ~ by representatives from Roanoke, Roanoke TI\IES-DixF:v"I'CII ST.iFF 21'ml'F.n County, Salem and Vinton RoAHOr¢ -The idea of protecting old trees and planting new ones is taking root in this mountainous, scenic region. "R'e want to keep what we've got, and then add to it;' said Charles Blankenship as he wanted along a wooded trail that he helped create.. :: ~ y,-:i" =: ~-.. _ - T'he'trail,~Garst Mdl Park Greenway, im _^.udes public land and private property on which the owner allows people to walk and bi- .ycie. - A handful of groups have formed in the Roa- ^oke area to create and protect wooded areas .:ice the trail. - Members say trees and trails help cool the am, fight pollution, reduce flooding (when land s protected along wa[ervays), beautify the :andsppe and draw new businesses, tourists and conventiongcers. The new groups include the Roanoke Valley :,reenways Comn»ssion, formed in April 1997 Greenways are long, wooded parks with trails. The Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachi- an Trail are examples of greenways, created years before the term came into use. The Roanoke area's greenways will provide wooded links to larger forests. such as parks, said Blankenship, a former US. Forest Service planner. :.. "We think we have an opportunity to use [his greenway concept to lace together the larger blocks of trees" in [he region, he said. Paul Revell, an urban forestry specialist with the state Department of Forestry, said, "In Virginia, to my knowledge, they probably have the best greenways effort going." Where Roanoke is succeeding in creating greenways, a similar effort in Richmond eight years ago fared like a palm tree on an iceberg. Supporters envisioned a network of wooded trails to link natural, historic and arltural sites in [he city of Richmond and }}enrico. C::^,ester- 6eld and Hanover counties. After two years of meetings, the effort hit a logjam when a small group of landowners in eastern Henrico Coun- ty said they feared their land would be taken. Supporters said the proposal, backed by the National Park Service, included no plans to ac- quire land against the ownei s will. "(Opponents) kept seeing threats and spec- ters of land grabs [ha[ simply weren't there," said ). Robert Hicks, who led the bfet- ro Richmond Greenways Coalition. Saying they were suspicious of the National Park Service's ptans, Henrico's supervisors voted in July 1992 to remove the county from the greenways group. Plans still exist for some greenways in the Richmond area. f{anover, for example, plans one to run about six miles from Ashland south to the Henrico line. Bu[ the regional effort tell apart from lack of support. "IC just sort of died," Hicks said. Greenways are gaining popularity in Roa- noke, where supporters raised 51.5 million last year. The commission's first project, the "That's horrible," Reuse said. "Those were big, beautiful oaks." At another house down the street, a stand of healthy oaks grew in a portion of the yard with mulch but no grass. ' The people here probably told the [builder) to just leave it," Reuse said. "Look at those trees. Every one came out fine." Reuse's advice: Make sure your ~tuilder protects the trees you want. perhaps by using temporary fences. Or, buy an older home with estab- lished trees. The governments of Chesterfield, Henrico and Hanover counties gen- erally require stands of trees as buf- fers between differing land uses - be[ween ahousing development and an office park, for example. But the counties have few re- quirements to preserve trees during home construction, spokesmen said. $65,000 Gant Mill Park Greenway in Roanoke County, opened a year ago. It's about shalt-mile long now, and backers hope to add about three more miles. The project involved building a 10-foot-wide asphalt trail along Mudlick Creek and planting about 300 [recs. "This is just lovely," said AI Barite resting astride his bicycle on the shaded trail beside a babbling creek. "If you go out on the street, you ate literally taking your life in your own hands." Other greenways planned for Roanoke re- gion include one along Tinker Creek, made fa- mous by Annie Dillard's classic book. "Pilgrim at Tinker Creek." Another would run tram Mill Slountain, site of the famous scar that overlooks Roanoke, to the city's downtown. Greenways arc catching on in states such as North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, }7ori- da and Pennsylvania, but they still are fairly new to Virginia, said Liz Belcher of the com- mission. "1t's happening in all the states around us. Virginia's just a little slow." Even in the high-growth suburbs. however, people appreciate trees, said Chesterfield Planning Director Thomas E. Jacobson. "We are trying where we tan to hold on, from an environmental and esthetic perspective, [o our natural vegetation, and we are re-planting in appropriate locations." {. .~ .~ Everyone knows that trees are pretty. What many people don't know, experts say, is [hat trees save [ax dollars. They do that by sucking water from the ground (reducing the costs for pipes bird ponds that manage storm water) and by filtering pollu- tion from the air. "Trees are necessities for manag- ing a c;ty in a cost-ef(ectice way," said Gary Moll, vice president of the conservation group American For- csts and a nationally known authori- ty on urban trees. "U you take them out of the envi- ronment. it's going to cost you way more money ... than if you leave them in. They are a ~ good invest- ment." Amcrian Forests works with lo- 'cal governments to document the value of their trees. Aerial photos are used determine the size of the urban forests, and computers arc used to pltvlate the costs to rifles if those trees weren't there. For example, the researchers found that trees in Atlanta are worth $898 million in storm-water and pol- lution controls alone. Trees in Balti- more are worth $371 million, the re- searchers said. An analysis hasn't been done for the Richmond area, but trees here are probably worth "hundreds o[ mi]- lions ofdollars," Moll said. Trees also ~n increasca home's value by up to 20 percent. according to American Forests. Some regions. such as Roanoke, put a high priority on protecting trees. (See accompanying storvJ But that idea hasn't blossomed in the Richmond area "It s not really an issue our agen- cy has ever dealt with," said John Fisher, an em~ironmental analyst with G:e Richmond Regional Plan- ning District Commission. "li s a very bad situation, but it's not unusual" Moll said of Richmond. 4 ? •+ The :oss of trees can't be pinned on builders, said Debra L. Bassert, a senior land-use planner with the Na- tional Assaiation of Home Builders. Research by the assodation shows people will pay more for prop- erty with trees, and developers are responding-by wrorking to save :Tees. she said. "At a minimum, [retaining trees[ is a was , and it could be a win-win" situation for the seller and buyer, she said. In 1995, the association and Amcrtan Forests published "Build- ing Greener Neighborhoods: Trees as Part of the Plan." The book extols the benefits of trees and tells build- ers how :o protett them during con- s[ruttion. The public is largely responsible (or leveiirg trees. Bassert said. Con- struction in waded areas is a re- sponse :o demand posed by popula- tion growth and by the desire of many people to lice in new homes, she said. .} .~ .} Lltimateiy, said TtYh's Smi;h. the question is: How many people do we want in Virginia and in the region? R'hat co '.'e want the countryside to look ;ike~ .ind feel like? Citizens will increasingly ticmand deveiopr^..ents that cluster bu:idings and set astdc forest land, Smth pre- ti1CICd. But..`.c said, development 'pra't continue :o espiate esponemiaih~." "',i'e :ace this idea in our head that q:`ratft is :he only therq that's gaxJ. I:^ not sure that's something we can continue to have." ., . •: ~. .~ twxr rrwst sooµwn+ts-0awra MADE IN THE S}tADE. Trees provide~cooikrg slmde kan tM surrmerNnte sun to visitors at Byrd Pant and str- rotndarg 1{otrres ttiirle the traffic and concrete hint up along the Dotvrdowrr Expressway,