HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/12/1999 - RegularRKING lT~~ S~B~~SION ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 12, 1999 ~r,~ss rK ~ ~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 P.M. THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING THIS EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ROLL CALL AT 3:02 P.M. HOM ABSENT (ARRIVED 3:15 P.M.1 JPM ABSENT 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS PMM ADDED ITEM F.4 - FIRST READING OF ORD CONCERNING CONVEYANCE OF WELL LOT, CAMPBELL HILLS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the week of January 17 -January 24, 1999 as Virginia Constitutional Officer Week. FFH MOTION TO APPROVE PROCLAMATION ACCEPTED BY TREASURER FRED ANDERSON, SHERIFF GERALD HOLT AND CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT STEVE MCGRAW 2. Recognition of Chairman Bob L. Johnson for his service as 1998 Chairman of the Board of Supervisors HCN PRESENTED CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AND PEN AND PENCIL ET D. BRIEFINGS N NE E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization to execute an updated contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA increasing the fees for the Impoundment of animals. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) A-011299-1 HCN MOTION TO EXECUTE CONTRACT URC WITH JPM ABSENT F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES a 1. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of 0.251 acre (Tax Map Parcel 77.13-5-30) and 0.254 acre (Tax Map Parcel 77-13-5-31) of real estate to the Home Depot, Inc. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) HOM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND -1/26/99 URC WITH JPM ABSENT 2. First reading of ordinance amending and reenacting portions of Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, of the Roanoke County Code to increase the fees for boarding of animals. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND AND PUBLIC HEARING -1/26/99 URC WITH JPM ABSENT 3. First reading of ordinance to vacate a portion of the right-of-way of Longridge Drive, and for that right-of-way to be combined with and made a part of Parcel C-1 for stormwater management easement, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development) HOM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND AND PUBLIC HEARING-1/26/99 URC WITH JPM ABSENT 4. First reading of ordinance authorizing the conveyance of Well Lot #1 in Section 1, Campbell Hills, to Thomas, Ltd. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) FFH MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND READING-1/26/99 URC WITH JPM ABSENT G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the 3 Roanoke County Code, Administration, by the addition of a new Article V, County Board Organization and Procedure, which establishes rules of organization and procedure for meetings of the Board of Supervisors. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-011299-2 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD AS REVISED URC WITH JPM ABSENT CONSENSUS TO DELETE SECTION 2-119 - SILENCE CONSTITUTES AFFIRMATIVE VOTE AND DELETE WORDS IN SECTION 2-124 (e) EXCEEDING THE SUM OF $500 2. Second reading of ordinance amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code, Sections 17-86, 17-88, 17-90, 17-91, 17-91.1, 17-92, and 17-93, to increase purchasing limits. (Elaine Carver, Director of Procurement) HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ALT #3 (VOUCHER SYSTEM $0-$1.000; PHONE ~~~OTES $1,000 - $5,000; WRITTEN QUOTES $5,000 - $15.000: OVER $15,000 -BID/RFP) AYE HCN, BLJ NAY HOM, FFH AB ENT: ,~ M TIE VOTE MOVED TO NEXT 1-26-99 MEETING HCN SUGGESTED WORK SESSION AT 1-26-99 MEETING 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing lease of an existing dwelling and 10.40 acres, located at Spring Hollow Reservoir. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-011299-3 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC WITH JPM ABSENT H. APPOINTMENTS 4 1. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission BLJ NOMINATED ART WHITTAKER FOR ANOTHER 4-YEAR TERM WHICH WILL EXPIRE 2/10/2003 2. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens HCN REMINDED THAT THERE ARE THREE VACANCIES AND ALL DISTRICTS ARE NOT BEING REPRESENTED I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-011299-4 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO URC WITH JPM ABSENT 1. Resolution of Support for Virginia Recreation Access Grant for Vinyard Park. R-011299-4.a 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. A-011299-4. b 3. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll to the Board of Supervisors. A-011299-4.c FFH ASKED THAT LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR EASEMENT BE SENT FROM HIM AND ECH 5 4. Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-011299-4.d 5. Acceptance of Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-011299-4.e 6. Acceptance of an extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-011299-4.f 7. Acceptance of water and off-site sewer facilities serving Bower Road Office Building. A-011299-4.g 8. Acceptance of donation of a sanitary sewer and water easement from William E. Ray, Jr. and Judy M. Ray, located at 4443 Keefer Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A-011299-4.h HOM ASKED THAT LETTER OF APPRECIATION FOR EASEMENT BE SENT FROM HIM AND ECH 9. Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-011299-4.1 10. Appropriation for 1999 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Dues. A-011299-4. i 6 J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS WORK SESSION ON PROCUREMENT SET FOR 1-26-99 MEETING K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS N NE L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE M. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE UW WITH JPM ABSENT 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -November 1998 6. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the month ended November 30, 1998. N. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Report from the Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens. j4:00 P.M.1 WORK SESSION HELD FROM 4 P.M. UNTIL 4:55 P.M. DEBBIE PITTS ADVISED THAT TASK FORCE FOCUSED ON EDUCATION AND TRANSPORTATION, AND NEXT PLAN TO REVIEW ACCESSIBLE HOUSING AND ADA COMPLIANCE MEMBERS OF TASK FORCE PRESENT: DEE PINCOCK, BOBBI CONNER, JOYCE HEATH, DENISE SWANSON, JIM REYNOLDS, AND BILL HAMMOND. DENISE SWANSON PRESENTED REPORT ON EDUCATION AND RECOMMENDATIONS. SHE STRESSED COMMUNICATION BETWEEN PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES AND ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL DIVISION AS CORE PROBLEM. CONSENSUS OF BOARD TO DISCUSS THIS WITH SCHOOL BOARD AT BOARD RETREAT TO BE HELD JAN 23 - 24, 1999. MR. DEE PINCOCK PRESENTED REPORT ON TRANSPORTATION; THAT CORTRAN IS RUNNING AT CAPACITY; PRESENTED LIST OF SERVICES AVAILABLE; NEED TO LET CITIZEN KNOW ABOUT SERVICES; AND THAT NO FURTHER STUDIES ON TRANSPORTATION ARE NECESSARY DUE TO MUCH INFORMATION ALREADY AVAILABLE. 2. Report from the Information Technology (IT) Team WORK SESSION HELD FROM 5:00 P.M. UNTIL 6:00 P.M. PRESENTED BY DON MYERS, STEVE MCGRAW - TRAINING AND EDUCATION; ARNOLD COVEY - PROJECTS~DR. JANE JAMES -SCHOOL PROJECTS; CRAIG HAYMAKER - Y2K; AND COMMENTS BY ECH P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) acquisition and exchange of real estate for public purposes; and 2.1-344 A (3) acquisition of real property for public purposes. AT 4:00 P.M., BLJ MOTION TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOLLOWING WORK SESSION URC WITH JPM ABSENT EVENING SESSION j7:00 P.M.) s Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-011299-5 BLJ MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AT 7.00 P M AND ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESO -URC WITH JPM ABSENT R. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Public Hearing and second reading of ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) 0-011299-6 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT ORDINANCE URC WITH JPM ABSENT 5 CITIZENS SPOKE S. NEW BUSINESS CHAIR ADDED ITEM 1. Resolution approving an option to purchase agreement with Salem Office Supply, Inc. for property located at 400 East Main Street, across from the Roanoke County Courthouse, in Salem, Virginia, to permit study and inspection for use as additional office and storage space. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) JCM ADVISED THAT PARAGRAPH 3 OF RESOLUTION SHOULD BE DELETED AND EXISTING FUNDS WILL BE USED TO PAY FOR COSTS R-011299-7 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC WITH JPM ABSENT S. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Suaervisor Minnix - (1) Advised that he will be unable to attend Legislative 9 Day 2/11/99 in Richmond. (21 Advised that he has received calls from citizens about getting private roads into the State System and asked Arnold Covey to explain the procedure. BLJ advised that he has also received calls on this subject. (31 Asked for status of property in Back Creek near Red Hill Baptist Church where top soil has been removed causing problems. AC responded that stop work order and fine have been issued, but no court date set. Supervisor Harrison - (11 Advised that he read article in newspaper about Mayor Bowers and comments concerning stormwater relief. Sugae, steel that this topic be brought up at next joint meeting with City of Roanoke. Supervisor Nickens - (1) Advised that a citizen called the RV Cable Committee and asked if the President's impeachment proceedings could be televised. He announced that Cox Cable will televise the uninterrupted proceedings on Channel 78 beginning on 1/14/99. Channel 78 is being used as a Govt Education Access Channel and will continue to be used after the impeachment proceedings. Supervisor Johnson - (11 Advised that work session was held earlier on information and technolopv systems in County, and that Roanoke County will be Y2K compliant. The County has been addressing this problem since 1996, setting aside funds and using staff resources. T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE U. ADJOURNMENT BLJ ADJOURNED AT 8:10 P.M. TO SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, JAN 23 - 24s 1999, AT HOLIDAY INN, TANGLEWOOD, FOR THE PURPOSE OF A BOARD RETREAT; A JOINT MEETING WITH SCHOOL BOARD, AND A POSSIBLE JOINT EXECUTIVE SESSION WITH SCHOOL BOARD io ,~~~~,~ ~ pOAN ,Y~ ~, ~ a ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS r AGENDA JANUARY 12, 1999 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 P.M. THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING THIS EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roil Call 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS i ® Recycled Paper 1. Proclamation declaring the week of January 17 -January 24, 1999 as Virginia Constitutional Officer Week. D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Authorization to execute an updated contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA increasing the fees for the Impoundment of animals. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of 0.251 acre (Tax Map Parcel 77.13-5-30) and 0.254 acre (Tax Map Parcel 77-13-5-31) of real estate to the Home Depot, Inc. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. First reading of ordinance amending and reenacting portions of Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, of the Roanoke County Code to increase the fees for boarding of animals. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) 3. First reading of ordinance to vacate a portion of the right-of-way of Longridge Drive, and for that right-of-way to be combined with and made a part of Parcel C-1 for stormwater management easement, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Code, Administration, by the addition of a new Article V, County Board Organization and Procedure, which establishes rules of organization and procedure for meetings of the Board of Supervisors. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of ordinance amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code, Sections 17-86, 17-88, 17-90, 17-91, 17-91.1, 17-92, and 17-93, to increase purchasing limits. (Elaine Carver, z Director of Procurement) 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing lease of an existing dwelling and 10.40 acres, located at Spring Hollow Reservoir. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 2. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Resolution of Support for Virginia Recreation Access Grant for Vinyard Park. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll to the Board of Supervisors. 4. Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Acceptance of Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of an extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3 7. Acceptance of water and off-site sewer facilities serving Bower Road Office Building. 8. Acceptance of donation of a sanitary sewer and water easement from William E. Ray, Jr. and Judy M. Ray, located at 4443 Keefer Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 9. Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 10. Appropriation for 1999 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Dues. J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -November 1998 6. Statement of Revenues and Expenditures for the month ended November 30, 1998. N. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Report from the Task Force for Senior and Physically 4 Challenged Citizens. (4:00 P.M.1 2. Report from the Information Technology (IT) Team P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) acqusition and exchange of real estate for public purposes; and 2.1-344 A (3) acquisition of real property for public purposes. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Public Hearing and second reading of ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) S. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. ADJOURNMENT TO 9:00 A.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1998, AT HOLIDAY INN, TANGLEWOOD, FOR THE PURPOSE OF A BOARD RETREAT 5 C-t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE WEEK OF JANUARY 17 - 24, 1999 AS CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS WEEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, certain offices in localities are authorized by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Constitutional Officers elected to fill these positions provide a variety of services to the citizens; and WHEREAS, the men and women who fill these offices across the Commonwealth provide valuable services and honorably fulfill their duties; and WHEREAS, in Roanoke County, the constitutional officers are responsible for prosecuting crimes, keeping court files and records, assessing business and personal property taxes, providing jail and court room security, making payments on behalf of the County and collecting real estate, personal property and other taxes and fees; and WHEREAS, the week of January 17 - 24, 1999 is "Constitutional Officers Week" in the State of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby designate the week of January 17 - 24, 1999 as Constitutional Officers Week in Roanoke County; and offers its sincere appreciation to the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Commissioner of the Revenue, the Treasurer, the Sheriff and the Commonwealth's Attorney for their dedication to the citizens of Roanoke County. A-011299-1 ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER "' ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 .AGENDA ITEM: Authorization to Execute an Updated Contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA Increasing the Fees for the Impoundment of Animals COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• aQ _~` BACKGROUND: On December 17, 1996, the Board of Supervisors approved the current contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA to provide impoundment facilities for animals brought in by the Police Department. This contract is for operations only and does not include any funding for the capital facilities. The rates approved at that time were $7.75 per day. The SPCA has advised that the current fees are insufficient to cover their operational costs and new rates have been negotiated for the balance of the current fiscal year. The new rate will be for $8.75 per day (previously $7.75 per day) for each animal taken to the shelter by the Police Department. A second problem experienced by the SPCA is the fact that no one is paying for the strays or owner releases brought to the shelter by residents of the various localities. The new contract will also charge $8.75 per day for up to 5 days for each stray animal brought to the shelter by Roanoke County residents (the same provision will be applied to each of the other jurisdictions). Last year, approximately 160 stray animals were delivered to the shelter by Roanoke County residents. This charge is not applied to animals which are released by the owner to the shelter. The SPCA has advised that it is conducting its own capital campaign at this time and hopes to be in their new facility in Mid- 2000 and does not plan to provide impoundment facilities at that location. Representatives from Roanoke City, Roanoke County, Vinton, Botetourt and Craig (current users of the SPCA for impoundment facilities) are meeting with the City of Salem to determine our future course of action and considering the possibility of establishing a regional program, perhaps as an expansion of the City of Salem's facility. -~ r A separate contract will be negotiated for the next fiscal year (beginning July 1, 1999) which will be brought to the Board for inclusion in the upcoming budget process. A separate agenda item is included today which will amend our local ordinance to recover the Boarding Fees from residents who reclaim their animals to reflect the new rates. ALTERNATIVES:. At the present time, the Roanoke Valley SPCA facility is the only local facility with accommodations for the impoundment of the Valley's animals. Staff is working to find alternate solutions for the future efforts of the management of animals. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on historical placements at the shelter, the new contract provisions are expected to cost an additional $5,100 for the balance of the current fiscal year. We will make every effort to absorb these costs but may have to request additional funds if more people than anticipated turn in animals to the shelter. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends authorizing the new contract with the Roanoke per day, retroactive to January 1, County Attorney. the County Administrator to sign Valley SPCA at the rate of $8.75 1999, upon form approved by the Respectfully submitted, ~~ 7~i ~~~Q~,-~~,',,~ ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant Administrator ACTION Appr ed by, Elmer C. Hod County Administrator VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: Harr~C Nickens to approve Johnson _ x Denied ( ) Harrison _ x _ Received ( ) McNamara- _ x Referred ( ) Minnix _ x To ( ) Nickens _ x _ cc: File John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police ACTION N0. ITEM NO. ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF 0.251 ACRE (COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL 77.13-5-30) AND 0.254 ACRE (COUNTY TAX MAP PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE TO THE HOME DEPOT, INC. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This ordinance conveys two lots located on Westmoreland Drive to the Home Depot corporation, or its assignee. BACKGROUND: By Ordinance #090898-9 the Board of Supervisors authorized the execution of an option agreement to acquire 0.251 acre (Tax Map Parcel 77.13-5-30) of real estate from Michael W. Rose and Traci Y. Rose. The County closed on this transaction on September 29, 1998. By Ordinance #101398-6 the Board of Supervisors authorized the execution of an option agreement to acquire 0.254 acre (Tax Map Parcel 77.13-5-31) of real estate from Kenneth A. Keeney and Catherine L. Keeney. The County closed on this transaction on November 18, 1998. The acquisition of these properties was deemed necessary for the construction of the proposed Home Depot commercial development project. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for January 12, 1999. The second reading of this ordinance and public hearing is scheduled for January 26, 1999. Notice of the public hearing on this proposed ordinance will be published in the newspaper as required by law. Since Home Depot has announced that it is abandoning this proposed development, these properties are no longer necessary for secondary access to the project and related improvements to Westmoreland Drive. The Board will have to declare these properties surplus, and make them available for sale to the public. The County expended $285,743.99 to acquire these two parcels of real estate. Representatives of Home Depot have indicated their willingness to acquire these properties from the County. The County Administrator has negotiated the conveyance of these properties to Home Depot for the amount expended by the County in their acquisition. 1 One of these properties is subject to an agreement allowing the former owners to occupy the premises until March 15, 1999. FISCAL IMPACTS: Adoption of this ordinance will allow the sale of these surplus parcels of real estate to Home Depot, Inc. This sale will result in the proceeds of $285,743.99 being re-allocated to the Economic Development Public/Private Partnership account. ALTERNATIVES: Adopt this ordinance and proceed with the sale of this surplus real estate. Refuse to adopt this ordinance. parcels of real estate. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County will continue to own these It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by ~~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Vote No Yes Harrison _ Johnson _ McNamara _ Minnix _ Nickens Abs G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\AGENDA\HDLOTS.RPT Z Y-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF 0.251 ACRE PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE (TAX MAP PARCEL 77.13-5-30) AND 0.254 ACRE PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE (TAX MAP PARCEL 77.13-5-31) TO THE HOME DEPOT, INC. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus, and has been made available for sale; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on January 12, 1999; and the second reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on January 26, 1999, concerning the sale and disposition of a 0.251 acre parcel of real estate (Tax Map No. 77.13-5- 30) and a 0.254 acre parcel of real estate (Tax Map No. 77.13-5-31); and 3. That an offer has been received from the Home Depot corporation to purchase these parcels of real estate for the sum of $275,000, and this offer is hereby accepted; and 4. That the proceeds from the sale of this real estate are to be re-allocated to the Economic Development Public/Private Partnership account of the County; and 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. U:\W PDOCS\AGENDA\REALESTIHDLOTS.ORD ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of an Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Portions of Chapter 5, Animals and Fowl, of the Roanoke County Code to Increase the Fees for Boarding of Animals. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS• G~~~~ BACKGROUND: In another report on this agenda, the Board of Supervisors was asked to authorize the County Administrator to execute a revised contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA which increased the fee paid for impounding an animal to $8.75 per day. The attached amendment to the County Code is needed to pass through this cost increase to the owner of an animal who may retrieve it from the SPCA. Monies collected as reimbursement of the boarding fees are remitted to the County Treasurer each month by the SPCA. The second reading of this ordinance revision will be scheduled for January 26, 1999. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the attached ordinance and conducting the second reading on January 26, 1999. Respectfully submitted, Appr ved by > ~JG~~yM,r'~ ~ ~~ ~~ John M. Chambliss, Jr. Elmer C. od e Assistant Administrator County Administrator ----------------------------------------------------------------- Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ~~/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING A PORTION OF CHAPTER 5, ANIMALS AND FOWL, OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO INCREASE THE FEES FOR BOARDING OF ANIMALS WHEREAS, the County's new contract with the Roanoke Valley SPCA includes an increase in the daily boarding rate for any domestic animal to $8.75 and the current pickup fee for confined animals no longer covers a reasonable portion of the County's cost involved in impounding such animals; and WHEREAS, this ordinance amends a portion of Ordinance 121796-12.a which was adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 17, 1996; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 12, 1999, and the second reading and public hearing for this ordinance was held on January 26, 1999. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows. 1. That Chapter 5, ANIMALS AND FOWL of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted as follows: Sec. 5-29. Same--Impoundment. (e) A pickup fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) for the first offense, thirty-five dollars ($35.00) for the second offense, and fifty dollars ($50.00) for the third offense shall be imposed in addition to the normal board fee of eight and three quarters dollars ($8-. 75) per day when any dog or cat or domestic animal is claimed by its owner or custodian. All such fees shall constitute a U:\W PDOCS\AGENDA\CODE\DOG.FEE ' V . ~.. ~.' ~= z civil debt owning to the county and may be enforced against such owner or custodian by civil warrant, suit or action at law or other legal proceeding. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. U:\W PDOCS\AGENDA\CODE\DOG.FEE ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request to vacate a portion (0.007 acre) of the right-of-way of Longridge Drive recorded in Plat book 18, Page 19, of Longridge Subdivision, and that said portion of right-of-way be combined with and make a part of Parcel C-1 (stormwater management easement), Plat Book 18, Page 168, located in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The petitioners, Mr. Frank D. and Beverly V. Porter, III, the developers of Longridge Subdivision, and owners of Parcel C-1, requests that the Board of Supervisors vacate the portion of right-of-way of Longridge Drive. BACKGROUND: Roanoke County and The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) approved the construction plans for Longridge Subdivision with the agreement that the timber guardrail that was proposed by the developers would be installed outside the right- of-way and would be the developer's maintenance responsibility. Upon inspection of the road system for road acceptance, the Virginia Department of Transportation representatives and Roanoke County staff noted that a portion of the timber guardrail was within the right-of-way and was later verified by a survey. Roanoke County staff, VDOT representatives, and the developer agreed that the most reasonable approach to resolve this situation would be to vacate a portion of the right-of-way of Longridge Drive in which the timber guardrail was encroaching. 1 F3 Longridge Subdivision was approved prior to the reduction of right-of-way width adopted by the Virginia Department of Transportation in the 1996, Virginia Department of Transportation Subdivision Street Requirements (Regulation 24 VAC 30-90-10 et seq.) and was concurrently adopted by Roanoke County by Ordinance 121295-11 amending and reenacting Section 17-3. "Design Requirements Generally" of Appendix B, subdivisions of the Roanoke County Code by providing for certain amendments to subdivision street standards. The remaining right-of-way of Longridge Drive upon vacating the said portion of right-of-way meets the state and county requirements. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In order for Longridge Drive to be accepted into the state secondary road system, The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requires that the right-of-way be free and clear of any third party rights or encumbrances. The vacation of the portion of right-of-way of Longridge Drive would eliminate the existing encumbrance, timber guard rail. Roanoke County is requesting that the described portion right-of-way be vacated in accordance with Chapter 22, Title 15.2-22-72.2, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended. First reading of the proposed ordinance is scheduled to be held on January 12, 1999. A public hearing and second reading is scheduled for January 26, 1999. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed ordinance to vacate the referenced portion of right-of-way of Longridge Drive to ensure acceptance of Longridge Drive into the state secondary road system. BMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ~~~ rnold Cove Director Elmer C. Hodge Department o omm nity Development County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs ACTION VOTE c: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens 2 ~3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE VACATING A PORTION (0.007 ACRE) OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJOINING PARCEL "C" ON LONGRIDGE DRIVE DEDICATED ON PLAT OF LONGRIDGE SUBDNISION, PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 19, AND FURTHER SHOWN ADJOINING PARCEL "C-1" ON RESUBDNISION PLAT OF LONGRIDGE SUBDNISION, PLAT BOOK 18, PAGE 168, IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled `PLAT OF RE-SUBDIVISION FOR FRANK D. PORTER, III & BEVERLY V. PORTER AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CREATING HEREON "LONGRIDGE"' dated May 19, 1995, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, page 19, the owner dedicated a 50-foot right-of--way known as Longridge Drive; and, WHEREAS, Longridge Drive is further shown on `PLAT OF RESUBDIVISION FOR FRANK D. PORTER, III & BEVERLY V. PORTER CREATING THEREON `NEW LOTS 21A THRU 29A AND NEW PARCEL C-1'..." dated March 27, 1996, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 18, page 168; and, WHEREAS, a timber guardrail has been installed within the right-of--way of the subject portion of Longridge Drive, along the western property line of Parcel "C-1," which is designated as a stormwater management area (Plat Book 18, page 168), formerly Parcel "C" (Plat Book 18, page 19); and, WHEREAS, the Petitioners, Frank D. Porter, III and Beverly V. Porter ,are the developers of Longridge subdivision and are the current owners of Parcel "C-1," designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map Number 76.01-2-31; and, WHEREAS, as a result of the encroachment of the timber guardrail into the subject portion of right-of- way of Longridge Drive, the Petitioners have requested that a portion of Longridge Drive, along the western property line of Parcel C-1, be vacated pursuant to § 15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended); and, '~ WHEREAS, the Petitioners have agreed that the vacated portion ofright-of--way will be combined with and made a part of Parcel "C-1" (the stormwater management area); and, WHEREAS, this vacation, subject to the conditions herein, will not involve any cost to the County and the affected County departments have raised no objection; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by §15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), and the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 12, 1999; the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on January 26, 1999. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That a portion of Longridge Drive, (0.007 acre) extending along the western boundary of Parcel "C-1", being designated and shown as "Right-of--Way to be vacated..." on Exhibit A attached hereto, said right- of-way having been dedicated on the resubdivision plat entitled `Plat of Resubdivision for Frank D. Porter, III & Beverly V. Porter and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia creating hereon "Longridge"' dated May 19, 1995, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 18, page 19, and being further shown on plat entitled "PLAT OF RESUBDIVISION FOR FRANK D. PORTER, III & BEVERLY V. PORTER CREATING THEREON `NEW LOTS 21A THRU 29A AND NEW PARCEL C-1'..." dated March 27, 1996, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 18, page 168, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to Section 15.2-2272 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), subject to the following conditions: a. That fee simple title to the vacated portion of Longridge Drive shall vest in the owner of the abutting property (Parcel "C-1") as provided in § 15.2-2274 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), and subject to the condition that the vacated area of land shall be added and combined, by deed or by plat, to said abutting property, in compliance with the Roanoke County Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances, and other applicable laws and regulations. b. That all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to publication, survey and recordation costs, shall be the responsibility of the Petitioner; and, 2 F-~ That the County Administrator, an Assistant County Administrator, or any County Subdivision Agent is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with § 15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). G:~.ATTORNEl'~V LH~AGENDA~L,ONGRIDG.ORD 3 ~~ NOR TIC ~ pROPERT Y OF NOTE: ~ FRANIG 4, POKIER/, III ~ ~ g&VE~,t,Y v, POaJ'&R/ 1 • The hatched area ofright-of--way ~ "' `° 70' 434 h~' FT. of Longridge Drive to be vacated e Q u PAt2GE~ "G-1'' e ~ -,,, ~ F g, rg , pt. 168 and combined with and made a ~ z ~ ~ ~ part of Parcel C-1 (Stormwater - STORMr/ifATERl MANAGEMENT AREA ~ a ~ ~ Management Easement). = ~ a ~ ~ Exr9T-NC~ ~I2FlrNAGE EASEMENT ~ 1 ~ ~ EXrgj 30' MINIMUM gUr~r)rNG WNE I / ( / `r ~ I/ `o EXrST ry' Pu~r•1G uTIGITY E9M'T, ~ / / ~ "G-1 " 2 5 2'45 r.,ry ~ pAP ~jN• ~~ ~ -~-- N 21 ° 24' 05''E , 100.46' 3 10 gU~ AR's' EXIST rNC~ GUAM-ORA/~ s Right-of--Way to be vacated, see Note 1 a - ~ pNrj ~r~G E ~R~1 V~ ~50' R-lW) Request to Vacate a portion (0.007 ac.) Of Right-of -Way Of Longridge Drive Recorded in Plat Book 18, Page 19 Longridge Subdivision Combine with Parcel C-1 (Tax parcel: 76-01-2-31) Plat Book 18, Page 168 Longridge Subdivision Request to Vacate a portion (0.007 ac) ROANOKE COUNTY of Right-of--Way of Longridge Drive DEPARTMENT OF Recorded in COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Plat Book 18, Page 19 ~ Longridge Subdivision J ACTION NO. "''"' ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance authorizing the conveyance of Well Lot #1 (Tax Map No. 63.04-2-21) in Section 1 of Campbell Hills to Thomas, Ltd. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In 1978 and 1980, Roanoke County entered into agreements with Thomas Brothers, Inc. (operating as Campbell Hills Water System) whereby the County would acquire the assets of the water system upon certain terms and conditions. A provision in the agreements called for Well Lot #1 (Tax Map No. 63.04-2-21) to revert to Thomas Brothers, Inc. if it ceased to be used by the County. The Utility Department is no longer using Well Lot #1, therefore, it can be declared surplus. Joe Thomas of Thomas Ltd. (formerly Thomas Bros. Inc.) has requested that the County convey Well Lot #1 to Thomas, Ltd. as agreed. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: ~~ It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\REALEST\CAMPHELL.HIL Z Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\REALEST\CAMPBELL.HIL 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF WELL LOT #1 (TAX MAP N0. 63.04-2-21) IN SECTION 1 OF CAMPBELL HILLS TO THOMAS, LTD. WHEREAS, a certain parcel of real estate located in Section 1 of Campbell Hills and designated "Well Lot" upon a plat prepared by T. P. Parker & Son dated March 19, 1975 of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Plat Book 9 at page 35, was so designated for the specified purpose of use as a well lot; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to agreement between Thomas Brothers, Inc. and Roanoke County, the use of said parcel by the County was subject to the condition that the property would revert to the Grantors in the event the property ceased to be used as a well lot; and WHEREAS, the County has ceased to use this parcel as a well lot and the subject parcel will not be used for the specified purpose. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on January 12, 1999; and a second reading was held on January 26, 1999; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\REALEST\CAMPBELL.WEL Charter of Roanoke County, the remaining rights in the subject parcel of real estate are hereby declared to be surplus and the condition applicable to the property renders it unacceptable and unavailable for other public uses; and, 3. That conveyance of the subject parcel, described as "Well Lot" upon a plat prepared by T. P. Parker & Son dated March 19, 1975, of record in Plat Book 9 at page 35 in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office and further described as Tax Map No. 63.04-2-21, to Thomas Ltd. is hereby authorized. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\REALEST\CAMPBELL.WEL re ~ s 34 of a 1.09 ~ / 1.02At. .?9AtC) 1.43Ae. t;2H 6~~J - • ' ~ 6.78 42 "~' I.01 Ac. 1.26AC p. ~ ; • 6119 36 ~ "'+v0 41 lolAc4Aj 1.oac. , 52 s ~ 37 s~J3 6 6I*+ 6.11 Ac •~02AC ,LO ~ + °~ 1.02Aa Q5' ~ ~ 6'sO \~ 1.35 Ac. ~ 53 ~~~7~Jt 26.31 Ac s~ ~ 39 s~ 4.71 Ac _ I ~o f ~ II ~ 33.54 Ac(D) 12.40Ac(U 10 9 e lx a 8 3.97Ac. 3.66 7 ~ 3.62 Ac ~~ 6 12 3.08 Ac. 1.76 AC 2 O J''~ 6969 ~~, 696/ ~ R 69dT 14 697e ).67~ 69~J 6933 5 15 ~a^IPDeII 6927 2.64 Ac. 1.07AC 6960 io 696 6932 69// 16 )7 s9/ 1.49 Ac 18 ~ 1.27Ac. L04 19 6893 ~} 1.2 Ac. 2.62 Ac. ~ t r s 20 ~ ~ 3.26 Ac 'p•• ~ a 21 - 3 a • ees/ 2.32 Ac 0 6876~ 22 ILL 4.68Ac 687? \ S + M !34,000 2 79AC • O 2 BBJ~ 2.81 Ac~ .. 6B+9 23 p^ 3.82Ac ( ~ 683/ 2.95 Ac ~°i, 24 eau ~°° 3.08 Aa : 25 ~ 3.22 Ac. 0 ,, ° ~ ,..~ ~ 6 • • y :~i::-: MAP REVISIONS -REPMED 0Y DATE MRCEL DATE : PARCEL DATE PARCEL DATE PARCEL REMARKS: FORMER ROAD NAYS Iz-31-e1 179YLI a-31-s4 5e 661 1 2-31-es r-4e - - n a PRIVATE DR WE WINtiATE APPRAISAL AND MAPPING SERVICE . ~, 12-St-dl 46 12-31-84 16,181 12-31-16 SI,SU 12-31-88 66.67 " - ' ~ - 2 12-31-86 II ILL 2-SI-90 12-31-94 - ; ROAROKEr VU8IMIA ~ ' _5: ~. 12-31-82 Il 172 12-315 1723 12-31-87 ICJ, r i2-31-92 12-31-95 12-31- I LI 10 17.418-fl2 12-31-87 ~O12 12-31-8 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE 011299-2 AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, ADMINISTRATION, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW ARTICLE V, COUNTY BOARD ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE, WHICH ESTABLISHES RULES OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE FOR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held January 4, 1999; and the second reading was held January 12, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Code, Administration, be amended by the addition of a new Article V. County Board Organization and Procedure, to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE V of CHAPTER 2 COUNTY BOARD ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE Section 2-101 Authority 2-102 Regular Meetings 2-103 Special Meetings 2-104 Study Sessions 2-105 Executive Sessions 2-106 Minutes 2-107 Supervisor Order Book 2-108 The Presiding Officer -Election and Duties 2-109 Call to Order -Presiding Officer 2-110 Roll Call 2-111 Quorum 2-112 Rules of Order 2-113 Order of Business 2-114 Agenda 2-115 Rules of Debate 2-116 Addressing the Board 2-117 Addressing the Board after Motion Made 2-118 Manner of Addressing the Board Time Limit 2-119 Silence Constitutes Affirmative Vote 2-120 Decorum 1 2-121 Enforcement of Decorum 2-122 Persons Authorized to Be Within the Podium 2-123 Members May File Protests against Board Action 2-124 Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions and Contracts 2-125 Reports and Resolutions to Be Filed with Clerk 2-126 Adjournment 2-127 Creation of Committees, Boards and Commissions 2-128 Suspension and Amendment of these Rules SECTION 2-101. Authority. The Charter of the County of Roanoke (Section 3.09) provides that the Board of Supervisors may determine its own rules of procedure for meetings. The following set of rules shall be in effect upon their adoption by the Board and until such time as they are amended or new rules are adopted. SECTION 2-102. Regular Meetings. (a) All regular meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, unless closed pursuant to state law. (b) The Board shall hold regular meetings on such days as may be prescribed by resolution at the annual organizational meeting in January of each year, but which shall not be less frequent than once a month. (c) Any meeting of the Board may be adjourned to a later date and time, provided that no adjournment shall be for a longer period than until the next regular meeting. (d) All regular meetings of the Board shall be held in the Board Meeting Room of the County. (e) The Board may by resolution, when necessary, change the time and place of the regular meeting. The resolution shall set forth the circumstances necessitating such change. Such resolution shall be published once in the official newspaper(s) at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting to be held pursuant to the change. Twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting to be held pursuant to such change, the County Clerk shall give each Board member written notice, personally or by registered mail, of any change from the regular meeting days established by this 2 section. (f) Except for properly-called executive sessions as permitted by state law, all regular meetings of the County Board and official committees of the Board shall be open to the media, freely subject to recording by radio, television and photography at any time, provided that such arrangements do not interfere with the orderly conduct of the meetings under such rules as the Board may prescribe. SECTION 2-103. Special Meetings. (a) The Chair or two members of the Board may call special meetings of the Board whenever in their opinion the public business may require it. (b) Whenever a special meeting shall be called, notice in writing signed by the Chair of the Board or two members of the Board shall be filed with the Clerk and delivered upon each member of the Board either in person or by notice left at his place of residence or business, stating the date and hour of the meeting and the purpose for which such meeting is called, and no business shall be transacted at the meeting except such as is stated in the notice. (c) The notice may be waived if all members of the governing body attend the special meeting or sign a waiver. SECTION 2-104. Work Sessions. (a) The Board may meet informally in work sessions which shall be open to the general public, at the call of the County Administrator or of any member of the Board, to review forthcoming programs of the County, receive progress reports on current programs or projects, or receive other similar information from the County Administrator, provided that all discussions and conclusions thereon shall be informal. (b) Work sessions shall not continue past two (2) hours of their starting time unless the majority of those Board members present choose to continue. SECTION 2-105. Executive Sessions. Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held in accordance with the provisions of the 3 Virginia Freedom of Information Act. SECTION 2-106. Minutes. (a) Minutes of all regular and special meetings and work sessions shall be recorded. Such minutes shall be maintained in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The minutes shall reflect: (1) The date, time and place of the meeting or session; (2) The members recorded as either present or absent; (3) A general description of all matters proposed, discussed or decided; and (4) Record of any votes taken. (b) Approval of minutes of all but executive meetings or sessions shall be considered at a regular Board meeting. It shall not be necessary to read the minutes prior to approval. Such minutes may be revised by the Clerk to con'ect spelling, numbering and other such technical defects. Prior to approval, any member may, through the Chair, request the privilege of amending or correcting the minutes to accurately reflect the substance of the prior meeting. If objection is made by any Board member to such amendment or correction, a majority vote of the Board shall be necessary for adoption of the correction or amendment. The Chair shall sign the adopted minutes. (c) The Clerk shall keep video or audio recordings of Board meetings for a period of five years after the date of that meeting. SECTION 2-107. Supervisor Order Book (a) A journal of all proceedings of the Board shall be kept by the Clerk and shall be entered in a book constituting the official record of the Board. (b) The joumal of proceedings shall be open to public inspection, except for proceedings of executive or closed meetings, as permitted by state law. SECTION 2-108. The Presiding Officer Election and Duties. 4 (a) The presiding officer of the Board shall be the Chair, who shall be elected at the first meeting in January of each year, by the Board members, from their membership. The Chair shall assume the duties of the presiding officer immediately following his election. (b) The Chair shall preserve strict order and decorum at all regular and special meetings of the Board and confine members in debates to the question under discussion. (c) The Chair shall state every question coming before the Board, announce the decision of the Board on all subjects and decide all questions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the Board, in which event a majority vote of the Board shall govern and conclusively determine such question of order. (d) The Chair shall vote on all questions, his name being called last. (e) The Board members shall elect a Vice Chair from its membership at the first meeting in January of each year, who shall preside in the absence of the Chair. (f) During the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers and authority of the Chair. In the absence of the Vice Chair, the Chair shall appoint any member of the Board to preside in his absence. The Board member so chosen shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers and authority of the Chair. The member of the Board presiding, whether he be the Vice Chair or a member of the Board appointed by the Chair, shall vote on all questions before the Board during the time he is presiding. SECTION 2-109. Call to Order -Presiding Officer. (a) The Chair of the Board, or in his absence, the Vice Chair, shall take the chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, and shall immediately call the Board to order. (b) In the absence of the Chair or the Vice Chair, the County Administrator, shall call the Board to order, whereupon a temporary Chair shall be elected by the members of the Board then present. (c) Upon the arrival of the Chair or Vice Chair, the temporary Chair shall immediately relinquish the position of presiding officer upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Board. 5 SECTION 2-110. Roll Call. Before proceeding with the business of the Board, the Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall call the roll of the members, and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes. SECTION 2-111. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, those in attendance shall adjourn to a later time when a quorum is present to transact business. SECTION 2-112. Rules of Order. "The Scott, Foresman Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (1990 Edition)" shall govern the proceedings of the Board in all cases, unless Robert's Rules are in conflict with these rules. SECTION 2-113. Order of Business. Promptly at the hour set by law on the day of each regular meeting, the members of the Board shall take their regular stations in the Board Meeting Room, and the business of the Board shall be taken up for consideration and disposition as follows, provided however, that the Chair may, during the meeting, rearrange items on the agenda to conduct the Board's business in a more expeditious manner, subject to consent of majority of the Board. Opening Ceremonies Requests to Postpone, Add To, or Change the Order of Agenda Items Proclamations, Resolutions, Recognitions and Awards Briefings New Business Request for Public Hearings and First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance- ConsentAgenda First Reading of Ordinances Second Reading of Ordinances Appointments Consent Agenda Citizens' Comments and Communications 6 Reports Work Sessions Executive Session [as required] Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinances Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances Reports and Inquiries of Board Members Adjournment SECTION 2-114. Agenda. (a) The Chairman of the Board and the County Administrator shall establish the agenda for each meeting, arrange a list of the matters to be considered according to the Order of Business, and shall see that all items are properly coordinated and prepared. All reports, communications, ordinances, resolutions, action items, contract documents, or other matters to be submitted to the Board will be prepared by the appropriate department and reviewed and approved by the County Administrator. The Finance Director, or his/her designee, shall review all matters for their fiscal impact, and certify the sufficiency of funds or recommend a source of supplemental appropriation. Ordinances, resolutions, contract documents or other matters requiring action by the County Attorney shall be submitted to the County Attorney, or his/her designee, for preparation or review, as necessary. The Clerk to the Board shall assist in the preparation of the agenda and shall furnish each member of the Board, the County Administrator and the County Attorney with a copy of the same at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the Board meeting and as far in advance of the meeting as time for preparation will permit. (b) After distribution of the agenda, matters requiring the Board's immediate attention shall be presented to the Board, as requested by the County Administrator or the County Attorney. (c) The agenda shall provide a time when any Board member may bring before the Board any business that he feels should be deliberated upon by the Board. These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda, but formal action on such matters shall be deferred until the next Board meeting, except that immediate action may be taken upon the unanimous consent of all members of the Board. SECTION 2-115. Rules of Debate. (a) The Chair or Vice Chair or such other member of the Board as may be presiding may move and debate from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are by these rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Board 7 member by reason of acting as the presiding officer. (b) Every member desiring to speak shall address the Chair, and, upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language. (c) A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to be called to order, or as herein otherwise provided. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he shall cease speaking until the question of order be determined, and, if in order, he shall be permitted to proceed. (d) The Board member moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate. (e) When any motion, resolution, or ordinance has been once acted upon the Board, it cannot be considered again at the same meeting except by a motion to reconsider. Any action of the Board, including final action on applications for changes in land use classifications, motions to suspend the rules, an affirmative vote to lay on the table or to take from the table, shall be subject to a motion to reconsider. When a motion to reconsider has been once acted upon, it (the motion to reconsider) cannot be repeated on the same question unless the question was amended when previously considered. A motion to reconsider any action taken by the Board may be made only at the meeting such action was taken or at the next regular meeting. Such motion must be made by one member of the prevailing side, and may be made at anytime and have precedence over all other motions or while a member has the floor; it shall be debatable. All motions to reconsider shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present; provided a quorum is present. (f) Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, the subject matter shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Board meeting for any action the Board deems advisable. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider on an application for change in land use classification, the subject matter shall be scheduled for a public hearing after publication of legal notice at a subsequent meeting of the Board. (g) When the Board wishes to annul some action it has previously taken and it is too late to reconsider the vote, a motion to rescind the objectionable resolution, order, or other proceeding may be made. Any action of the Board may be rescinded regardless of the time that has elapsed. A motion to rescind is not in order if action has already been taken which cannot be undone. (h) Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the Board from making or remaking the same or any other motion at a subsequent meeting of the Board. (I) No second to motions shall be required in order for the Board to consider that motion. SECTION 2-116. Addressing the Board (a) Any person desiring to address the Board by oral communication shall first complete and file an appearance request form, and secure the permission of the presiding officer provided, however, that preference will be given to those persons who have notified the Clerk by noon of the day preceding the Board meeting of their desire to address the Board. SECTION 2-117. Addressing the Board after Motion Made. After a motion is made by the Board, no person shall address the Board without first securing the permission of the presiding officer to do so. SECTION 2-118. Manner of Addressing the Board -Time Limit. (a) Each person addressing the Board shall step up to the microphone in front of the podium, shall give his name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by the Board, shall limit his address to three minutes. (b) All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any member thereof. (c) No person, other than the Board and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Board, without the permission of the presiding officer. (d) No question shall be asked a Board member except through the presiding officer. SECTION 2-119. Decorum. 9 (a) While the Board is in session, the members must preserve order and decorum, and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the Board or disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the Board or its presiding officer, except as otherwise herein provided. (b) Any person making personal or impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Board shall be forthwith, by the presiding officer, barred from further audience before the Board, unless permission to continue be granted by a majority vote of the Board. SECTION 2-120. Enforcement of Decorum. (a) The Chief of Police, or such member or members of the Police Department as he may designate, may be called upon to act as Sergeant-at-Arms of the Board meetings. He, or they, shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the presiding officer for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Board meeting. (b) Upon instructions of the presiding officer, it shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms, or any of them present, to place any person who violates the order and decorum of the meeting under arrest, and cause him to be prosecuted under the provisions of this Code, the complaint to be signed by the presiding officer. SECTION 2-121. Persons Authorized to Be within the Podium. No person, except County officials, their representatives and newspaper, radio, and television reporters, shall be permitted within the area in front of the podium without the express consent of the Board. SECTION 2-122. Members May File Protests against Board Action. Any Board member shall have the right to have the reasons for his dissent from, or protest against, any action of the Board entered in the minutes. SECTION 2-123. Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions and Contracts. (a) An enacted ordinance is a legislative act prescribing general, uniform, and permanent 10 rules of conduct relating to the governmental affairs of the County. Board action shall be taken by ordinance when required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by penalty. An enacted resolution is an administrative act which is a formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary character. Board action shall be taken by resolution when required by law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than a motion is desired. An enacted motion/action is a form of action taken by the Board to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the County. A motion/action, once approved and entered into the record, is the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is not required by law. Proclamations may be issued by the Chair. (b) All ordinances shall be prepared by the County Attorney and presented to the Board only in printed or type written form. No ordinance shall be prepared for presentation to the Board unless ordered by a majority vote of the Board, or requested in writing by the County Administrator, or prepared by the County Attorney on his own initiative. (c) Ordinances, resolutions, and other matters or subjects requiring action by the Board must be introduced and sponsored by a member of the Board, except that the County Administrator or County Attomey may present ordinances, resolutions and other matters or subjects to the Board, and any Board member may assume sponsorship thereof by moving that such ordinances, resolutions, matters or subjects be adopted; otherwise, they shall not be considered. (d) No ordinance shall relate to more than one subject, which shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no ordinance, or section thereof, shall be amended or repealed unless the new ordinance contains the title of the ordinance or section amended or repealed. (e) No ordinance or resolution appropriating money, imposing taxes, or authorizing the borrowing of money shall be passed except by a recorded roll call affirmative vote of a majority of all members elected to the Board. (f) The Clerk shall prepare copies of all proposed ordinances for distribution to all members of the Board at least seventy-two (72) hours before the Board meeting at which the ordinance is to be introduced. If the ordinance carries an emergency clause, copies of the ordinance must be distributed at least twelve (12) hours prior to the meeting of the Board at which said ordinance is to be considered. (g) All ordinances shall have two (2) separate readings, but the second shall never be 11 had on the same day as the first reading. (h) Ordinances introduced at a Board meeting shall not be finally acted upon until at least the next official meeting, except that emergency ordinances may be acted on immediately, and provided further that an affirmative vote of at least four members of the Board shall be required for the final passage of an emergency ordinance. (I) The yeas and noes shall be taken upon the passage of all ordinances and resolutions and entered upon the official record of the Board. (j) An affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of the Board shall be necessary to pass an ordinance, but a resolution, motion, or any other proposition may be adopted by a majority voting on the issue. When any vote is called each Board member shall respond "yes (aye)," "no," "abstain," "pass" or "present." Any Board member who responds "pass" shall be given an opportunity at the end of the roll call to change his vote to "yes (aye)," "no," or "abstain," or "present." (k) In the event of a tie in votes on any motion, due to an absence of a Board member, consideration of the motion shall be carried over until the next regular meeting. In the event of a tie vote on any motion due to an abstention, the motion shall be considered to have been defeated. (I) Upon passage, a number shall be assigned to each ordinance or resolution by the Clerk. (m) When passed by the Board, all ordinances and resolutions shall be attested by the Clerk; and it shall be immediately filed and thereafter preserved in the office of the Clerk. (n) Any member of the County Board may request the County Administrator or County Attomey to have prepared proposed ordinance(s) with such ordinance(s) to be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled Board meeting, provided the ordinance(s) can be drafted and distributed to members of the Board in accordance with time schedules set forth in Section (g) of these rules. (o) Any member of the County Board may request written legal opinions, relating to County business, from the County Attorney. (p) The County Attorney shall forthwith cause to have distributed the subject ordinance 12 or written legal opinion to all members of the Board so that all members of the Board may be fully informed of the status of County affairs. (q) Any member of the Board may, for purposes of inquiry, request verbal opinion or advice on County legal matters directly from the County Attorney. SECTION 2-124. Reports and Resolutions to Be filed with Clerk. All reports and resolutions shall be filed with the Clerk and entered in the minutes. SECTION 2-125. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without debate. SECTION 2-126. Creation of Committees, Boards and Commissions. (a) The Board may create committees, boards, and commissions to assist in the conduct of the operation of the County government with such duties as the Board may specify not inconsistent with the County Charter or County Code. (b) Membership and selection of members shall be as provided by the Board if not specified by the County Charter or County Code. (c) Any committee, board, or commission so created shall cease to exist upon the accomplishment of the special purpose for which it was created, or when abolished by a majority vote of the Board. (d) No committee so appointed shall have powers other than advisory to the Board or the County Administrator except as otherwise specified by the County Charter or County Code. SECTION 2-127. Suspension and Amendment of these Rules. (a) Any provision of these rules not governed by the County Charter or County code may be temporarily suspended by a vote of atwo-thirds four (4) members of the Board. The vote on any such suspension shall be taken by yeses and noes and entered upon the record. 13 (b) These rules may be amended, or new rules adopted, by a majority vote of all members of the Board, provided that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have been introduced into the record at a prior Board meeting. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance as revised, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara A COPY TESTE: ~~ Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors 14 cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Circuit Court ~~~~ Roy B. Willett, Judge ~/~, ~ Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Richard C. Pattisall, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Jonathan M. Apgar, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Joseph M. Clarke, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge John B. Ferguson, Judge Joseph P. Bounds, Judge Ruth P. Bates, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court George W. Harris, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Julian H. Raney, Judge Jacqueline F. Ward Talevi, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library Ray Lavinder, Police Chief Richard Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Law Library, Singleton Osterhoudt Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terrance L. Harrington, County Planner Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Michael Lazzuri, Court Services William J. Rand, III, Director, General Services Thomas S. Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation Elaine Carver, Director, Procurement John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue ACTION N0. ITEM N0. ~ ""' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: January 12, 1999 Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Code, ADMINISTRATION, by the Addition of a New Article V, COUNTY BOARD ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE, which establishes rules of organization and procedure for meetings of the Board of Supervisors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This proposed ordinance establishes rules of procedure for meetings of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. These rules of procedure are based upon model rules of procedure developed by the International Municipal Legal Officer's Association (IMLA), and rules of procedure adopted by various local governments across the United States. This ordinance has been revised to incorporate the comments of the Board from its work session on this topic held on December 15, 1998, and at its first reading on January 4, 1999. The revisions from the first reading are shown in this draft ordinance, while the earlier revisions are already incorporated into the ordinance. These rules of procedure set out in written form many of the unwritten procedures followed by the County. Several Board members have suggested that a more formal set of written rules governing Board procedures be established. County citizens will benefit from the establishment of written rules of procedure by being better informed about the procedures of County Board governance. Confusion and uncertainty will be reduced, if not eliminated. Uniformity and consistency will be enhanced. The first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on January 4, 1999, and the second reading is scheduled for January 12, 1999. This ordinance would be effective from and after its adoption. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. 1 ~-- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the proposed ordinance. Action Approved ( ) Motion by Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\AGENDA\BDPROCED.RPT 2 Respectfully submitted, G1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, ADMINISTRATION, BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW ARTICLE V, COUNTY BOARD ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE, WHICH ESTABLISHES RULES OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE FOR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held January 4, 1999; and the second reading was held January 12, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Code, Administration, be amended by the addition of a new Article V. County Board Organization and Procedure, to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE V of CHAPTER 2 COUNTY BOARD ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURE Section 2-101 Authority 2-102 Regular Meetings 2-103 Special Meetings 2-104 Study Sessions 2-105 Executive Sessions 2-106 Minutes 2-107 Supervisor Order Book 2-108 The Presiding Officer - Election and Duties 2-109 Call to Order - Presiding Officer 2-110 Roll Call 2-111 Quorum 2-112 Rules of Order 2-113 Order of Business 1 -' ~ 2-114 Agenda 2-115 Rules of Debate 2-116 Addressing the Board 2-117 Addressing the Board after Motion Made 2-118 Manner of Addressing the Board Time Limit 2-119 Silence Constitutes Affirmative Vote 2-120 Decorum 2-121 Enforcement of Decorum 2-122 Persons Authorized to Be Within the Podium 2-123 Members May File Protests against Board Action 2-124 Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions and Contracts 2-125 Reports and Resolutions to Be Filed with Clerk 2-126 Adjournment 2-127 Creation of Committees, Boards and Commissions 2-128 Suspension and Amendment of these Rules SECTION 2-101. Authority. The Charter of the County of Roanoke (Section 3.09) provides that the Board of Supervisors may determine its own rules of procedure for meetings. The following set of rules shall be in effect upon their adoption by the Board and until such time as they are amended or new rules are adopted. SECTION 2-102. Regular Meetings. (a) All regular meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, unless closed pursuant to state law. (b) The Board shall hold regular meetings on such days as may be prescribed by resolution at the annual organizational meeting in January of each year, but which shall not be less frequent than once a month. 2 G-+ 1 (c) Any meeting of the Board may be adjourned to a later date and 2 time, provided that no adjournment shall be for a longer period than 3 until the next regular meeting. 4 5 (d) All regular meetings of the Board shall be held in the Board 6 Meeting Room of the County. 7 8 (e) The Board may by resolution, when necessary, change the time 9 and place of the regular meeting. The resolution shall set forth the 1o circumstances necessitating such change. Such resolution shall be it published once in the official newspaper(s) at least twenty-four (24) 12 hours prior to the meeting to be held pursuant to the change. Twenty- 13 four (24) hours prior to the meeting to be held pursuant to such change, 14 the County Clerk shall give each Board member written notice, personally 15 or by registered mail, of any change from the regular meeting days 16 established by this section. 17 18 (f) Except for properly-called executive sessions as permitted by 19 state law, all regular meetings of the County Board and official 20 committees of the Board shall be open to the media, freely subject to 21 recording by radio, television and photography at any time, provided that 22 such arrangements do not interfere with the orderly conduct of the 23 meetings under such rules as the Board may prescribe. 24 25 26 SECTION 2-103. Special Meetings. 27 28 (a) The Chair or two members of the Board may call special 29 meetings of the Board whenever in their opinion the public business may 3o require it. 31 32 (b) Whenever a special meeting shall be called, notice in writing 33 signed by the Chair of the Board or two members of the Board shall be 34 filed with the Clerk and delivered upon each member of the Board either 35 in person or by notice left at his place of residence or business, 3 G-~ stating the date and hour of the meeting and the purpose for which such meeting is called, and no business shall be transacted at the meeting except such as is stated in the notice. (c) The notice may be waived if all members of the governing body attend the special meeting or sign a waiver. SECTION 2-104. Work Sessions. (a) The Board may meet informally in work sessions which shall be open to the general public, at the call of the County Administrator or of any member of the Board, to review forthcoming programs of the County, receive progress reports on current programs or projects, or receive other similar information from the County Administrator, provided that all discussions and conclusions thereon shall be informal. (b) Work sessions shall not continue past two (2) hours of their starting time unless the majority of those Board members present choose to continue. SECTION 2-105. Executive Sessions. Executive sessions or closed meetings may be held in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. SECTION 2-106. Minutes. (a) Minutes of all regular and special meetings and work sessions shall be recorded. Such minutes shall be maintained in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. The minutes shall reflect: (1) The date, time and place of the meeting or session; 4 G-~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 (2) The members recorded as either present or absent; (3) A general description of all matters proposed, discussed or decided; and (4) Record of any votes taken. (b) Approval of minutes of all but executive meetings or sessions shall be considered at a regular Board meeting. It shall not be necessary to read the minutes prior to approval. Such minutes may be revised by the Clerk to correct spelling, numbering and other such technical defects. Prior to approval, any member may, through the Chair, request the privilege of amending or correcting the minutes to accurately reflect the substance of the prior meeting. If objection is made by any Board member to such amendment or correction, a majority vote of the Board shall be necessary for adoption of the correction or amendment. The Chair shall sign the adopted minutes. (c) The Clerk shall keep video or audio recordings of Board meetings for a period of five years after the date of that meeting. SECTION 2-107. Supervisor Order Book (a) A journal of all proceedings of the Board shall be kept by the Clerk and shall be entered in a book constituting the official record of the Board. (b) The journal of proceedings shall be open to public inspection, except for proceedings of executive or closed meetings, as permitted by state law. SECTION 2-108. The Presiding Officer Election and Duties. (a) The presiding officer of the Board shall be the Chair, who 5 G-~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 la 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 shall be elected a~uzuai~p at the first meeting in January of each year, by the Board members, from their ;membership. The Chair shall assume the duties of the presiding officer immediately following his election. (b) The Chair shall preserve strict order and decorum at all regular and special meetings of the Board and confine members in debates to the question under discussion. (c) The Chair shall state every question coming before the Board, announce the decision of the Board on all subjects and decide all questions of order, subject, however, to an appeal to the Board, in which event a majority vote of the Board shall govern and conclusively determine such question of order. (d) The Chair shall vote on all questions, his name being called last. (e) The Board members shall elect a Vice Chair from its membership at the first meeting in January-of each year, who shall preside in the absence of the Chair. (f) During the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers and authority of the Chair. In the absence of the Vice Chair, the Chair shall appoint any member of the Board to preside in his absence. The Board member so chosen shall discharge the duties and exercise the powers and authority of the Chair. The member of the Board presiding, whether he be the Vice Chair or a member of the Board appointed by the Chair, shall vote on all questions before the Board during the time he is presiding. SECTION 2-109. Call to Order - Presiding Officer. (a) The Chair of the Board, or in his absence, the Vice Chair, shall take the chair precisely at the hour appointed for the meeting, and 6 G -i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 it 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 shall immediately call the Board to order. (b) In the absence of the Chair or the Vice Chair, the County Administrator, shall call the Board to order, whereupon a temporary Chair shall be elected by the members of the Board then present. (c) Upon the arrival of the Chair or Vice Chair, the temporary Chair shall immediately relinquish the position of presiding officer upon the conclusion of the business immediately before the Board. SECTION 2-110. Roll Call. Before proceeding with the business of the Board, the Clerk or the Deputy Clerk shall call the roll of the members, and the names of those present shall be entered in the minutes. SECTION 2-111. Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board shall constitute a quorum and be necessary for the transaction of business. If a quorum is not present, those in attendance shall adjourn to a later time when a quorum is present to transact business. SECTION 2-112. Rules of Order. "The Scott, Foresman Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (1990 Edition)" shall govern the proceedings of the Board in all cases, unless Robert's Rules are in conflict with these rules. SECTION 2-113. Order of Business. Promptly at the hour set by law on the day of each regular meeting, the members of the Board shall take their regular stations in the Board Meeting Room, and the business of the Board shall be taken up for consideration and disposition as follows, provided however, that the 7 ~" 1 Chair may, during the meeting, rearrange items on the agenda to conduct 2 the Board's business in a more expeditious manner, subject to consent of 3 majority of the Board. 4 5 Opening Ceremonies 6 Requests to Postpone, Add To, or Change the Order of Agenda Items 7 Proclamations, Resolutions, Recognitions and Awards 8 Briefings 9 New Business 10 Request for Public Hearings and First Reading of Rezoning Ordinance- li Consent Agenda 12 First Reading of Ordinances 13 Second Reading of Ordinances 14 Appointments 15 Consent Agenda 16 Citizens' Comments and Communications 17 Reports 18 Work Sessions 19 Executive Session [as required] 20 Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinances 21 Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ordinances 22 Reports and Inquiries of Board Members 23 Adjournment 24 25 26 SECTION 2-114. Agenda. 27 28 r r r r 29 , 30 31 32 , r 33 , 34 r 35 8 ~ ~- 1 2 3 4 5 r 6 , r 7 8 9 (a) The Chairman of the_Board :and -'the County :Administrator io shall establish `the agerxda for each meeting, airrange a list of the ii matters to be considered according to the Order of Business,: and 12 shall see that-all items are properly 'coordinated and prepared.. 13 All reports, communications, ordinances, resolutions, action items, 14 contract documents, or other matters to be submitted to the Board i5 will be prepared by the appropriate department and reviewed and 15 approved `by the County Administrator. The Finance Director, or i~ his/her designee, shall review all matters: for their fiscal .impact, is and certify the sufficiency of funds or recommend a source of 19 supplemental appropriation. Ordinances, resolutions„ contract 20 documents or other .matters requiring action by the County Attorney 21 shall be submitted: to the County Attorney,`or his/her designee, for 22 preparation or review,- as necessary. •. The° Clerk to the -Board shall 23 assist-in the preparation of the .agenda and shall furnish each 24 member.... of `the Board, - _the County Administrator and ; the Couxzty 25 Attorney ..with a copy of -the same at least twenty-four (24) hours 26 pxior to the Board meeting and as far in advance of the meeting as 27 time _for preparation will permit: 2s (b) After distribution of the agenda, matters requiring the 29 Board's immediate attention shall be presented tca the Board, ,,< as 3o requested by the CorYnty Administrator or the County'Attorney. 31 (c) The agenda shall provide a time when any Board member may 9 G-i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 bring before the Board any business that he feels should be deliberated upon by the Board. These matters need not be specifically listed on the agenda, but formal action on such matters shall be deferred until a the next 'Board meeting, except that immediate action may be taken upon the unanimous consent of all members of the Board. SECTION 2-115. Rules of Debate. (a) The Chair or Vice Chair or such other member of the Board as may be presiding may move= and debate from the chair, subject only to such limitations of debate as are by these rules imposed on all members and shall not be deprived of any of the rights and privileges of a Board member by reason of acting as the presiding officer. (b) Every member desiring to speak shall address the Chair, and, upon recognition by the presiding officer, shall confine himself to the question under debate, avoiding all personalities and indecorous language. (c) A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to be called to order, or as herein otherwise provided. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, he shall cease speaking until the question of order be determined, and, if in order, he shall be permitted to proceed. (d) The Board member moving the adoption of an ordinance or resolution shall have the privilege of closing the debate. (e) When any motion, resolution, or ordinance has been once acted upon the Board, it cannot be considered again at the same meeting except by a motion to reconsider. Any action of the Board, including final action on applications for changes in land use classifications, motions to suspend the rules, an affirmative vote to lay on the table or to take from the table, shall be subject to a motion to reconsider. When a 10 G-l 1 motion to reconsider has been once acted upon, it (the motion to 2 reconsider) cannot be repeated on the same question unless the question 3 was amended when previously considered. A motion to reconsider any 4 action taken by the Board may be made only at the meeting such action was 5 taken or at the next regular meeting. Such motion must be made by one 6 member of the prevailing side, and may ~ be made at anytime and have precedence over all other motions or while s a member has the floor; it shall be debatable. All motions to reconsider 9 shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present; provided a 1o quorum is present. 11 12 (f) Upon passage of a motion to reconsider, the subject matter 13 shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Board meeting for any 14 action the Board deems advisable. Upon passage of a motion to reconsider 15 on an application for change in land use classification, the subject 16 matter shall be scheduled for a public hearing after publication of legal 17 notice at a subsequent meeting of the Board. is 19 (g) When the Board wishes to annul some action it has previously 20 taken and it is too late to reconsider the vote, a motion to rescind the 21 objectionable resolution, order, or other proceeding may be made. Any 22 action of the Board may be rescinded regardless of the time that has 23 elapsed. A motion to rescind is not in order if action has already been 24 taken which cannot be undone. 25 26 (h) Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent any member of the 27 Board from making or remaking the same or any other motion at a 2s subsequent meeting of the Board. 29 30 (i) No second'to motions shall be required in 'order-,for the Board 31 to consider..that_motion. 32 33 SECTION 2-116. Addressing the Board 34 35 (a) Any person desiring to address the Board by oral communication 11 G-~ shall first complete and file an appearance request form, and secure the permission of the presiding officer provided, however, that preference will be given to those persons who have notified the Clerk by noon of the day preceding the Board meeting of their desire to address the Board. SECTION 2-117. Addressing the Board after Motion Made. After a motion is made by the Board, no person shall address the Board without first securing the permission of the presiding officer to do so. SECTION 2-118. Manner of Addressing the Board - Time Limit. (a) Each person addressing the Board shall step up to the microphone in front of the podium, shall give his name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record, and unless further time is granted by the Board, shall limit his address to three minutes. (b) All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any member thereof. (c) No person, other than the Board and the person having the floor, shall be permitted to enter into any discussion, either directly or through a member of the Board, without the permission of the presiding officer. (d) No question shall be asked a Board member except through the presiding officer. SECTION 2-119. Silence Constitutes Affirmative Vote. Unless a member of the Board states that he is not voting, his silence in failing to respond to a roll call shall be recorded as an affirmative vote. The silence of a Board member upon a voice vote shall be recorded as a vote with the majority action. 12 G- SECTION 2-120. Decorum. (a) While the Board is in session, the members must preserve order and decorum, and a member shall neither, by conversation or otherwise, delay or interrupt the proceedings or the peace of the Board or disturb any member while speaking or refuse to obey the orders of the Board or its presiding officer, except as otherwise herein provided. (b) Any person making personal or impertinent, or slanderous remarks or who shall become boisterous while addressing the Board shall be forthwith, by the presiding officer, barred from further audience before the Board, unless permission to continue be granted by a majority vote of the Board. SECTION 2-121. Enforcement of Decorum. (a) The Chief of Police, or such member or members of the Police Department as he may designate, may be called upon to act as Sergeant-at- Arms of the Board meetings. He, or they, shall carry out all orders and instructions given by the presiding officer for the purpose of maintaining order and decorum at the Board meeting. (b) Upon instructions of the presiding officer, it shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms, or any of them present, to place any person who violates the order and decorum of the meeting under arrest, and cause him to be prosecuted under the provisions of this Code, the complaint to be signed by the presiding officer. SECTION 2-122. Persons Authorized to Be within the Podium. No person, except County officials, their representatives and newspaper, radio, and television reporters, shall be permitted within the area in front of the podium without the express consent of the Board. 13 1 2 SECTION 2-123. Members May File Protests against Board Action. 3 G- I 4 Any Board member shall have the right to have the reasons for his 5 dissent from, or protest against, any action of the Board entered in the 6 minutes. 7 8 9 SECTION 2-124. Ordinances, Resolutions, Motions and Contracts. 10 11 (a) An enacted ordinance is a legislative act prescribing general, 12 uniform, and permanent rules of conduct relating to the governmental 13 affairs of the County. Board action shall be taken by ordinance when 14 required by law, or to prescribe permanent rules of conduct which 15 continue in force until repealed, or where such conduct is enforced by 15 penalty. An enacted resolution is an administrative act which is a 17 formal statement of policy concerning matters of special or temporary 18 character. Board action shall be taken by resolution when required by 19 law and in those instances where an expression of policy more formal than 20 a motion is desired. An enacted motion/action is a form of action taken 21 by the Board to direct that a specific action be taken on behalf of the 22 County. A motion/action, once approved and entered into the record, is 23 the equivalent of a resolution in those instances where a resolution is 24 not required by law. Proclamations may be issued by the Chair. 25 26 (b) All ordinances shall be prepared by the County Attorney and 27 presented to the Board only in printed or type written form. No 28 ordinance shall be prepared for presentation to the Board unless ordered 29 by a majority vote of the Board, or requested in writing by the County 30 Administrator, or prepared by the County Attorney on his own initiative. 31 32 , ~ 33 , 34 ~ 35 14 G-I 1 , 2 . 3 4 , 5 6 r i i i 7 8 9 10 , , 11 12 13 14 (c) Ordinances, resolutions, and other ma tters or subjects 15 requiring action by t he Board must be introduced and sponsored by a 16 member of the Board, except that the County Administrator or County 17 Attorney may present ordinances, resolutions and other matters or 18 subjects to the Board, and any Board member may assume sponsorship 19 thereof by moving that such ordinances, resolutions, matters or subjects 20 be adopted; otherwise, they shall not be considered. 21 22 (d) No ordinance shall relate to more than one subject, which 23 shall be clearly expressed in its title, and no ordinance, or section 24 thereof, shall be amended or repealed unless the new ordinance contains 25 the title of the ordinance or section amended or repealed. 26 27 (e) No ordinance or resolution appropriating money exceeding the 28 sum of $500, imposing taxes, or authorizing the borrowing of money shall 29 be passed except by a recorded roll call affirmative vote of a majority 30 of all members elected to the Board. 31 32 (f) The Clerk shall prepare copies of all proposed ordinances for 33 distribution to all members of the Board at least seventy-two (72) hours 34 before the Board meeting at which the ordinance is to be introduced. If 15 G-- 1 the ordinance carries an emergency clause, copies of the ordinance must 2 be distributed at least twelve (12) hours prior to the meeting of the 3 Board at which said ordinance is to be considered. 4 5 (g) All ordinances shall have two (2) separate readings, but the 6 second shall never be had on the same day as the first reading. 7 s (h) Ordinances introduced at a Board meeting shall not be finally 9 acted upon until at least the next official meeting, except that 1o emergency ordinances may be acted on immediately, and provided further 11 that an affirmative vote of at least four members of the Board shall be 12 required for the final passage of an emergency ordinance. 13 14 (i) The yeas and noes shall be taken upon the passage of all 15 ordinances and resolutions and entered upon the official record of the 16 Board. 17 18 (j) An affirmative vote of at least a majority of the members of 19 the Board shall be necessary to pass an ordinance, but a resolution, 20 motion, or any other proposition may be adopted by a majority voting on 21 the issue. When any vote is called each Board member shall respond "yes 22 (aye) , " "no, " "abstain, " ~or "pass" or "present. " Any Board member who 23 responds "pass" shall be given an opportunity at the end of the roll call 24 to change his vote to "yes (aye)," "no," ~or "abstain," or `~axesent." 25 26 27 (k) In the event of a tie in votes on any motion, due to an 2s absence of a Board member, consideration of the motion shall be carried 29 over until the next regular meeting. In the event of a tie vote on any 3o motion due to an abstention, the motion shall be considered to have been 31 defeated. 32 33 (1) Upon passage, a number shall be assigned to each ordinance or 34 resolution by the Clerk. 35 16 G-I (m) When passed by the Board, all ordinances and resolutions shall be attested by the Clerk; and it shall be immediately filed and thereafter preserved in the office of the Clerk. (n) Any member of the County Board may request tht-Eh " the County Administrator or County Attorney to have prepared proposed ordinance(s) with such ordinance(s) to be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled Board meeting, provided the ordinance(s) can be drafted and distributed to members of the Board in accordance with time schedules set forth in Section (g) of these rules. (o) Any member of the County Board may request written legal opinions, relating to County business, from the County Attorney. (p) The County Attorney shall forthwith cause to have distributed the subject ordinance or written legal opinion to all members of the Board so that all members of the Board may be fully informed of the status of County affairs. (q) Any member of the Board may, for purposes of inquiry, request verbal opinion or advice on County legal matters directly from the County Attorney. SECTION 2-125. Reports and Resolutions to Be filed with Clerk. All reports and resolutions shall be filed with the Clerk and entered in the minutes. SECTION 2-126. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without debate. SECTION 2-127. Creation of Committees, Boards and Commissions. 17 ~_i (a) The Board may create committees, boards, and commissions to assist in the conduct of the operation of the County government with such duties as the Board may specify not inconsistent with the County Charter or County Code. (b) Membership and selection of members shall be as provided by the Board if not specified by the County Charter or County Code. (c) Any committee, board, or commission so created shall cease to exist upon the accomplishment of the special purpose for which it was created, or when abolished by a majority vote of the Board. (d) No committee so appointed shall have powers other than advisory to the Board or the County Administrator except as otherwise specified by the County Charter or County Code. SECTION 2-128. Suspension and Amendment of these Rules. (a) Any provision of these rules not governed by the County Charter or County code may be temporarily suspended by a vote of a two- thirds four (4) members of the Board. The vote on any such suspension shall be taken by yeses and noes and entered upon the record. (b) These rules may be amended, or new rules adopted, by a majority vote of all members of the Board, provided that the proposed amendments or new rules shall have been introduced into the record at a prior Board meeting. 31 That this ordinance shall be effective from and after its adoption. 32 U:\WPDOCS\NIMLO.ORD 18 . , ACTION NO. /"~ ITEM NUMBER V-" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code Sections 17-86, 17-88, 17-90, 17-91,17-91.1,17-92, and 17-93 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Purchasing Department recently undertook a re- engineering study conducted by participants from various County departments and internal staff. The team also recommended a review and update of the County Procurement Code. In reviewing these policies we found that the spending limits have not been changed since 1988. Since that time, our paperwork volume has increased tremendously, we have assumed responsibility for school purchases, and have a new purchasing software system that includes excellent controls, authorization procedures and reporting capabilities. SUNIlKARY OF INFORMATION: The table below shows the proposed limits the team is recommending. The proposed limit for Bids and RFPs is the same as the state limit. Type/Level of Current Limit Proposed Limit Purchase Single-source $500 $1,000 Sec. 17-90 Phone quotes $501 - $5,000 $1,001 - $8,000 Sec. 17-91 Written quotes $5,001 - $15,000 $8,001 - $30,000 Sec. 17-91.1 Bid/RFP* $15,000 and over $30,000 and over Sec. 17-92 *Note: The State bid limit is currently $30,000. The Board of Supervisors sets limits below that and the mechanism for seeking competition at these levels. 1 G-a The team surveyed other localities on their spending limits. Attached are the results of the survey. Spending authorizations and audits would continue to be performed on purchases made under the new spending limits just as they are performed now. The existing checks and balances will remain in effect, such as, seeking competition, documenting sources and responses, and having purchases authorized by the appropriate supervisor and/or department head. In addition to these checks and balances, purchases are audited annually by the County's outside auditor, and random audits of voucher system purchases from $O-$500 dollars are performed by the Purchasing Staff. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that there will be a small savings of approximately $1,000 as a result of reducing the number of newspaper ads required. It is also anticipated that this change will provide more effective and efficient service delivery which should result in savings of time and/or money. V #1. Increase the purchasing limits as follows and adopt the attached ordinance amending Chapter 17 of the Roanoke County Procurement Code. $O-$1,000 Sec. 17-90 Voucher System $1,000-$8,000 Sec. 17-91 Phone Quotes $8,000-$30,000 Sec. 17-91.1 Written Quotes Over $30,000 Sec. 17-92 BID/RFP #2. Increase the purchasing limits as follows and adopt the appropriate ordinance amending Chapter 17 of the Roanoke County Procurement Code. $O-$1,000 Sec. 17-90 Voucher System $1,000-$5,000 Sec. 17-91 Phone Quotes $5,000-$30,000 Sec. 17-91.1 Written Quotes Over $30,000 Sec. 17-92 BID/RFP #3. At the First Reading of the proposed ordinance it was suggested to increase the purchasing limits as follows and adopt the appropriate ordinance amending Chapter 17 of the Roanoke County Procurement Code. $O-$1,000 Sec. 17-90 Voucher System $1,000-$5,000 Sec. 17-91 Phone Quotes $5,000-$15,000 Sec. 17-91.1 Written Quotes Over $15,000 Sec. 17-92 BID/RFP 2 G-a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1, increasing the purchasing limits as suggested and adopting the attached ordinance amending the County Code to incorporate these changes to Chapter 17. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~~ ~~~~ ~~ Elaine Carver Elmer C. Hodge Director of Procurement County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) 3 Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ~_ ~. SPENDING LIMITS COMPARISON BY LOCALITY LOCALITY SPENDING LIlVIITS VOUCHER SYSTEM PHONE QUOTES WRITTEN QUOTES BID/RFP Albemarle County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Alexandria City $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Chesterfield County $0 - $500 $500-$30,000*** $5,00-$30,000*** $30,000+ Loudoun County $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Newport News $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Roanoke City $0 - $500* $500-$30,000*** $500-$30,000*** $30,000+ Roanoke County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Salem City $0 - $500* $500 - $3,500 $3,500 - $15,000 $15,000+** *Roanoke City is considering requesting a change in the spending limits from $500 to $1,000. ** Salem is anticipating, in early 1999, requesting a change in their spending limits from $500 to $1,000 and from $15,000 to $30,000. *** Method used for making purchase is determined by the Purchasing Department. Depending on complexity of the commodity being purchased they may use either phone or written quotes. G-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12,1999 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SMALL PURCHASE PROCEDURES IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY PROCUREMENT CODE, SECTIONS 17-86,17- 88,17-90,17-91,17-91.1,17-92, AND 17-93 WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Procurement Code was amended in 1992 to increase the small purchase limit to $15,000; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Procurement Code was last amended in 1988 to establish certain small purchase procedures within the small purchase limit; and WHEREAS, the 1996 session of the Virginia General Assembly increased the small purchase limit to $30,000; and WHEREAS, increasing the small purchase limit and modifying the small purchase procedures to incorporate these changes will expedite the acquisition of goods and services, more accurately reflect current costs, take advantage of the capabilities of recently- installed purchasing software, and improve service to the citizens; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 15,1998; and the second reading was held on January 12,1999. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Chapter 17. Procurement Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec.17-86. Definition. For the purpose of this division, small purchases shall be defined as purchases of goods, services, equipment, insurance, construction or other items needed in the day-to- day operations of the county, the monetary value of which does not exceed fift~r U:\ WPDOCS\ AGENDA\CODE\PROCURE.ORD I G-a $30,000. 9A:A8~ (Ord. No. 3350, § 2-57,12-14-82; Ord. No. 85-33, § 1, 3-12-85; Ord. No. 22586-54, § 1, 2-25-86; Ord. No. 92292-8.j, § 1, 9-22-92) **** Sec.17-88. Compliance with procedures; contracts not to be artificially divided so as to constitute small purchase. Any contract not exceeding $30,000 may be made in accordance with small purchase procedures; ~esj provided, however, that contract requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to constitute a small purchase under this division; and provided further that all procurements exceeding $30,000`` shall require specific award by the governing body as made and provided by law. (Ord. No. 3350, § 2-15,12-14-82; Ord. No. 85-33, § 1, 3-12-85) **** Sec.17-90. Purchases not exceeding $1,000:00. (a) This section shall apply to purchases -` ,~-_ iL_~ t.___ L__~..]..~..] a~n....~ {$50~00~ not exceeding $1,000.00. (b) A using department or agency may make purchases not exceeding $1,000.00. The purchasing agent has may delegate o the using department or agency the authority to make purchases from vendors of choice so long as the purchase price does not exceed $1,006.00. Contract requirements shall not be artificially divided so as to come within the provisions of this section. (Ord. No. 3350, § 2-59,12-14-82; Ord. No.101188-5, § 1,10-11-88) Sec.17-91. Purchases of $1,000.00 and U:\ WPDOCS\AGENDA\CODE\PROCURE.ORD 2 ~.. ~--~ not exceeding $8,000.00. (a)' The using department or agency may make purchases of ' $1,OOO.DO and not exceeding $8,000:00 in value. The Purchasing Agent may delegate to the using department or,agency the authority to make purchases from vendors fore purchases of $1,000.00 and not exceeding $8,000.00 in value by following the procedures in this section. The Purchasing Agent may administratively make purchases not to exceed $10,000.00 by following the procedures in #his section. (b) , At least three (3) telephone quotations shall be obtained, whenever possible, for the purchase. A telephone quotation form shall be completed listing: Date, Item, Description, Quantity, Name of Company, Individual Giving Quote, Pricing, Term, and Delivery Schedule. The total of all items purchased from this requisition shall ---1 __.___a r.__.. not exceed $8,000.00. (Ord. No. 3350, ~ 2-59,12-14-82; Ord. No. 85-33, ~ 1, 3-12-85; Ord. No. 22586-54, ~ 1, 2-25-86; Ord. No. 101188-5, ~ 1,10-11-88) Sec. 17-91.1. Purchases of $8,000.00 and not exceeding $30,000.00. (a) (a)' ThePurchasing Agent may administratively make purchases not to exceed $30,000.00 by following the procedures set out in this section. (b) Purchases shall be accomplished through the use of at least three (3) letter quotations, whenever possible. A letter quotation is a written request sent to at least three (3) vendors with a specified reply date and time. This is the most desirable method of acquiring necessary items and should be used when proper planning allows sufficient time. (c) The use of letter quotations requires adequate time for preparation, mailing, receipt and award, generally two (2) or three (3) weeks from receipt of the requisition. All U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\CODE\PROCURE.ORD 3 quotations received after the reply date and time are nonresponsive and cannot be considered. (d) Request for letter quotations are issued by the purchasing agent. To initiate the letter quotations, the user department should submit a completed requisition to the purchasing agent, including a list of possible vendors, if available. (Ord. No.101188-5, § 1,10-11-88) Sec.17-93. Procedure other than those specified in sections 17-90,17-91,17-91.1, and 17-92. When, in the judgment of the purchasing agent, it is in the best interest of the county to use purchasing procedures other than those specified in sections 17-90,17-91,17-91.1, and 17-92, he may prescribe, after consultation with the county administrator, suitable purchasing procedures. The rationale for such decision shall be documented and put on file in the purchasing agent's office. (Ord. No. 3350, § 2-61,12-14-82) The effective date of this ordinance shall be January 12,1999. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\CODE\PROCURE.ORD 4 ~~ ~''.~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE 011299-3 AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF AN EXISTING DWELLING AND 10.40 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE AT THE SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of concerning the disposition of the hereinabove-described real estate was held on December 15, 1998. The second reading on this matter was held on January 12, 1999; and 2. That this property consists of approximately 10.40 acres of real estate with improvements identified as Roanoke County Tax Parcel No. 73.00-1-6; and 3. That it is in the County's best interest to lease this property to Carrie Smith and Lauren Tuttle in order to safeguard the valuable improvements thereon and to receive fair market value lease payments until such time as it may be necessary to utilize said property in connection with the Spring Hollow Reservoir Project. 4. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson 1 1 NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 1 . ACTION# ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGII~TIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading of Ordinance Authorizing the Lease of an Existing Dwelling and 10.40 Acres Located at the Spring Hollow Reservoir COUNTY ADMIlVISTRATOR'S OMMENT D BACKGROUND: A dwelling located on the property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at Spring Hollow Reservoir has been vacated by the previous tenants as of November 1. Past practice has been to lease the property in order to help maintain the house and 10.40 acres surrounding it. SUNIlVIARY OF 1NFORMATION• A legal ad was placed in The Roanoke Times and World News giving public notice of the availability of the house for lease. A suitable application was received. The applicant has agreed to the same terms as the previous lessors and to increase rent to $500.00 per month. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Approve the proposed lease and grant authority to County Administrator to execute lease. Alternative 2: Deny the proposed lease. Alternative 3: Direct alternative uses for the property. !- ~~ FISCAL IMPACT: Rental payments will be paid to the Water Fund of the Utility Department. No impact of the General Fund is anticipated. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Alternative 1 be approved and that the Board of Supervisors adopt the ordinance following the second reading on January 12, 1999 authorizing the lease of an existing dwelling and 10.40 acres located at the Spring Hollow Reservoir. APPROVED: ~~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to VOTE No Yes Abstain Harrison _ _ Johnson _ _ McNamara _ _ Minnix _ _ Nickens ~-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE LEASE OF AN EXISTING DWELLING AND 10.40 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE AT THE SPRING HOLLOW RESERVOIR BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of concerning the disposition of the hereinabove-described real estate was held on December 15, 1998. The second reading on this matter was held on January 12, 1999; and 2. That this property consists of approximately 10.40 acres of real estate with improvements identified as Roanoke County Tax Parcel No. 73.00-1-6; and 3. That it is in the County's best interest to lease this property to Carrie Smith and Lauren Tuttle in order to safeguard the valuable improvements thereon and to receive fair market value lease payments until such time as it may be necessary to utilize said property in connection with the Spring Hollow Reservoir Project. 4. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. U:\ WPDOCS\AGENDA\REALEST\SPRING.HOL ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~" ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION The four-year term of Arthur M. Whittaker, Sr. will expire February 10, 1999. Mr. Whittaker is eligible for reappointment. 2. TASK FORCE FOR SENIOR AND PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED CITIZENS Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss has received resignations from Betty Dangerfield and Nancy Hall who represent the Cave Spring Magisterial District on this Task Force, and these representatives need to be replaced. There is no set term for these appointments. Additionally, Wilton B. "Webb" Johnson recently passed away. While Mr. Johnson lived in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, he was appointed by Supervisor Bob Johnson. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 1 ^ ~ ~~~~ ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Harrison _ _ _ Denied () Johnson _ _ _ Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ To () Nickens cc: File 2 r ~ „~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION 011299-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM 1 -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 12, 1999 designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 10, inclusive, as follows: 1. Resolution of Support for Virginia Recreation Access Grant for Vinyard Park. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll to the Board of Supervisors. 4. Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Acceptance of Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of an extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 7. Acceptance of water and off-site sewer facilities serving Bower Road Office Building. 1 8. Acceptance of donation of a sanitary sewer and water easement from William E. Ray, Jr. and Judy M. Ray, located at 4443 Keefer Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 9. Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 10. Appropriation for 1999 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Dues. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Pete Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Brent Robertson, Budget Manager 2 w AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 12, 1999 designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 10, inclusive, as follows: Resolution of Support for Virginia Recreation Access Grant for Vinyard Park. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll to the Board of Supervisors. 4. Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Acceptance of Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of an extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 7. Acceptance of water and off-site sewer facilities serving Bower Road Office Building. 8. Acceptance of donation of a sanitary sewer and water easement from William E. Ray, Jr. and Judy M. Ray, located at 4443 Keefer Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. Sr - ~~ 9. Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 10. Appropriation for 1999 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Membership Dues. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. "a ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAYJANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION 011299-4.a REQUESTING THE DIRECTOR OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION TO DESIGNATE VINYARD PARK AS A PUBLIC RECREATION AREA AND TO RECOMMEND TO THE COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD THAT RECREATIONAL ACCESS FUNDS BE APPROVED FOR THIS PROJECT. WHEREAS, Vinyard Park is being developed by the Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation as a recreational facility serving the residents of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the facility is in need of adequate access; and WHEREAS, the procedure governing the allocation of recreational access funds as set forth in Section 33.1-223 of the Code of Virginia requires joint action by the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Commonwealth Transportation Board; and WHEREAS, a statement of policy agreed upon between the said Director and Board approves the use of such funds for the construction of access roads to publicly-owned recreational areas; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Board that all requirements have been met to permit the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to designate Vinyard Park as a public recreational facility and further permit the Commonwealth Transportation Board to provide funds for access to this public recreation area in accordance with Section 33.1- 223 of the Code of Virginia; and i WHEREAS, the right of way of the proposed access road is provided by the County of Roanoke at no cost to the Recreational Access Fund; and WHEREAS, the Board acknowledges that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33.1-223 of the Code of Virginia, this road shall be designated a "Virginia Byway" and recommends the Commonwealth Transportation Board, in cooperation with the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, take appropriate action to implement this designation. Further, the Board agrees, in keeping with the intent of Section 33.1-63 of the Code of Virginia, to use its good offices to reasonably protect the aesthetic or cultural value of this road. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke hereby requests the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to designate Vinyard Park as a public recreational area and to recommend to the Commonwealth Transportation Board that recreational access funds be allocated for an access road to serve said park; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby requested to allocate the necessary recreational access funds to provide a suitable access road as hereinbefore described. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara 2 A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Pete Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of a resolution of support and authorizing staff to apply for a Recreation Access Grant for Vinyard Park. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~LJNIMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia Department of Transportation, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation sponsors the Recreational Access Grant program that provides funding to build access roads for public parks. Roanoke County Parks and Recreation would like to submit a grant request for funding to improve the access road to Vinyard Park. The grant application requires that the Board of Supervisors pass a resolution in support of the project, and to request that this area be declared a public recreational area. The attached resolution requests that approval. FISCAL IlVIPACT: None. The grant covers 100% of the cost of the improvements. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the prepared resolution. Respectfully submitted, ~~ ~ ~ l ~. Pete Haislip Director of Parks and Recreation Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator s- r ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () McNamara Received O Harrison Referred () Johnson _ To () Minnix _ _ Nickens ..L. ~' f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAYJANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DIRECTOR OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION AND RECREATION TO DESIGNATE VINYARD PARK AS A PUBLIC RECREATION AREA AND TO RECOMMEND TO THE COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD THAT RECREATIONAL ACCESS FUNDS BE APPROVED FOR THIS PROJECT. WHEREAS, Vinyard Park is being developed by the Roanoke County Department of Parks and Recreation as a recreational facility serving the residents of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the facility is in need of adequate access; and WHEREAS, the procedure governing the allocation of recreational access funds as set forth in Section 33.1-223 of the Code of Virginia requires joint action by the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Commonwealth Transportation Board; and WHEREAS, a statement of policy agreed upon between the said Director and Board approves the use of such funds for the construction of access roads to publicly-owned recreational areas; and WHEREAS, it appears to the Board that all requirements have been met to permit the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to designate Vinyard Park as a public recreational facility and further permit the Commonwealth Transportation Board to provide funds for access to this public recreation area in accordance with Section 33.1-223 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the right of way of the proposed access road is provided by the .7- ~ County of Roanoke at no cost to the Recreational Access Fund; and WHEREAS, the Board acknowledges that, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33.1-223 of the Code of Virginia, this road shall be designated a "Virginia Byway" and recommends the Commonwealth Transportation Board, in cooperation with the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, take appropriate action to implement this designation. Further, the Board agrees, in keeping with the intent of Section 33.1-63 of the Code of Virginia, to use its good offices to reasonably protect the aesthetic or cultural value of this road. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke hereby requests the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation to designate Vinyard Park as a public recreational area and to recommend to the Commonwealth Transportation Board that recreational access funds be allocated for an access road to serve said park; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Commonwealth Transportation Board is hereby requested to allocate the necessary recreational access funds to provide a suitable access road as hereinbefore described. A-011299-4.b ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER 1" ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Confirmation of appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustment and Appeals COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION• The following nominations were made at the December 15 meeting and should now be confirmed. 1. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS Supervisor Nickens nominated Larry W. Degen to a four-year term, expiring July 20, 2002, and Richard L. Williams to a four-year term expiring October 24, 2002. STAFF RECOMMENDATION• It is recommended that the above appointments be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: ~. Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board ACTION APPROVED BY: ~r~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x Denied () Harrison _ x Received () _ McNamara_ _ x Referred () Minnix _ x To () _ Nickens x Cc: File Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals A-011299-4 . c ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll (Tax Map No. 44.02-01-18) to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easement conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for storm drainage purposes, in connection with the Revenue Sharing Program for Wildwood Road in the Catawba Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: a) Donation of storm drainage easement, of variable width, from James M. Carroll, Jr., and Theresa Ann Carroll, husband and wife, (Tax Map No. 44.02-01-18) as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated June 1, 1998 and revised July 27, 1998, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The location and dimensions of this easement have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this easement. SU TED BY: APPROVED BY: Arnold Covey, Director ~ Elmer C. Hodge Department of Community Develo ent County Administrator ~-3 ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x Cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney ~- ~ Exemption Claimed: Grantee is exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to ~ 58.1-811A(3), Code of Virginia. Prepared by Martin, Hopkins & Lemon P. O. Box 13366 Roanoke, Virginia 24033 Tax Map No.: 44.02-01-18 Property Owners: James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll Address: 2164 Wildwood Road Salem, Virginia 24153 THIS DEED OF EASEMENT, made this / - day of ~V~(/~ ~ 1998, by and between JAMES M. CARROLL, JR. AND THERESA ANN CARROLL ("Grantor") and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ("Grantee"). W I T N E S S E T H That for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), paid in hand at and with the execution and delivery of this Deed of Easement, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby GRANT and CONVEY with General Warranty and Modern English Covenants of Title unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the following described easement, to-wit: A perpetual RIGHT and EASEMENT, 15 feet in width, to construct, operate, maintain, inspect and repair or replace a drainage system and related improvements including slope(s), if applicable, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto from a public road, upon, over, under, and across a tract or parcel of land belonging to the Grantor, acquired by deed dated September 9, 1969, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 883, page 150, and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax 1 -,~- Map No. 44.02-O1-18 (the "Property") The location of said easement is more particularly described on the plat attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and by this reference made a part hereof (the "Plat"). The Grantee agrees to restore and repair any actual damage to Grantor's Property which may be directly caused by the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of said project except as hereinafter provided. The Grantor agrees that the Grantee will not be expected to restore the Property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as is practicable, and that the Grantor will cooperate with the Grantee in effectuating such restoration. It is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that the Grantee and its agents shall have the right to inspect the easement herein granted and to cut, clear, and remove all undergrowth, obstructions, or improvements lying within, upon, or adjacent to said easement, that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. The Grantor covenants that no building or structure shall be erected upon or within the easement herein granted or placed in such location as to render said easement inaccessible. In the event that this covenant is violated, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repair, replace, or otherwise be responsible for such improvements if damaged or removed. The Grantor acknowledges that the plans for the aforesaid project as they affect the Property have been fully explained to Grantor or Grantor's authorized representative. The fixtures, facilities, lines, utilities, and any other 2 I ~ improvements placed upon, under, or across the Property by the Grantee shall remain the property of the Grantee. The easement herein granted is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any easement or right-of-way now in existence or which may be acquired in the future. The Grantor covenants and agrees for themselves, and for their heirs, successors, successors in title, executors, legal representatives and assigns that the consideration aforementioned and the covenants herein shall be in lieu of any and all claims to compensation and damages by reason of the location, construction, operation, maintenance, or reconstruction of or within the easement herein granted. The grant and provision of this Deed of Easement shall constitute a covenant running with the land for the benefit of the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. To have and to hold unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance by said Board of Supervisors of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of 199 3 -~ WITNESS the following signatures and seals: STATE OF _~, COUNTY/E'7TT OF ~" GRANTOR: J ( SEAL ) AMES M. CA ROLL, JR. 4~~iZGi~/ L~ SEAL ) THERESA ANN CARROLL to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 t~ day o f ~ ~~--u.S ~ 19 9 8 by Jame s M . Carroll, Jr. My commission expires: STATE OF ~ Q (~~ COUNTY/~~ OF ~~ ~ ;~~,~-.. Cam- ~...~.~.~-- Notary Public ~~M 3c~~ to-wit: The foregoing ins rument was acknowledged before me this '~~ day of I;~ u~.G--~-~-S~C` 1998 by Theresa Ann Carroll. ~~.~ Notary Public My commission expires : ~'1'~~-~-'~ ~ ~ t [ `~`~~ 4 ~,!" -~ Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA .._.. By : ( SEAL ) Martin, Hopkins & Lemon, P.C. Elmer C. Hodge STATE OF VIRGINIA, COUNTY/CITY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1998, by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My commission expires: 5 W q F~O NC7 O OOCxn ~ •rz-iW •OHF~ xw •-•c~H~H zx H p[ O •aH'J" z'H~ O gWcn 0.iOWq~d'~'.W W~H ~n z~16~-]WH W.H7, oOWOW WP+ 6 P4z~ F4a^vW]H~xz~6~.7 wW~ •rndzzHHw WW qOW WH ~t7 d~F I ~cn~~Ogd 3UH HUgH3z-+ H~~ wW~H ~zw~ ~ w P:a.~-lgzCw-~zN aor ~nw~ zwH ~~, c7Hxcn •• HH ,2. C7-~-~Hpp~N+HWZF '~C H HzWPWGaPU~(JU~6WW o ..wxw~ ~.wo.. WW+ z ~coHxNgMxa~c~ y ~l~~d ay 5~, o ~, \ ~b~Y ~ •60, 0 h6'~ J' '~'~0~`~6'O ~~ 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ H.-.~.~Q N ~Q1~ ~ ~ Z ~ iF pz ~ ~~,_s ~~ a` 4Cslr ` w ~ `~ Wa rn ~ O .-~ rn N p O ,--I ~ e-i ` ~ U ' 'V~' z z z ~ N H ~ iQ'i N N a w 1 °~Y W ~ w--1 a ~ ~ ~ m H H 7 z u Z O ~ ~ WWg< C7 W W O ~ HI ~ ¢7 O A H V- ~j t vl tl x N , > o H W W W [ i FC . a f} ~ Z ct7 <~ _ a .~ .~ W H z _ ~ ~ a V Z cn H a L~4 ca z p4 `' H ~ c~ O v 0 o r+ c W a ~ H ~• o a H~ W it y z ~ W ~ p ~ FC O w ~ w 3 ~ a H $ y_ a; v H V r7i , 9b91 ~hd ~y~'e'G Oy~N9 '?1 ?hbd do ,tlxadoxd b~ -I -ZO'i-4 n Xfl1 `M„bo,DOobZ~ N 3~I ~w ~~ z •~ wArE,ecou~eSE ~ ~~ z J OZ o ~ c ~ 3 0 ~~ kc~ @ a2 ~ ~~ m x ~• u~ 2 w ~ ' ~, +~ w b a a o ~ ~ ~; J ~ ~ ~ miLvR z N `OOV ~~7b ~- ~ N ~ O ~ v ¢ ~ ~ V Q C ~ ~ G ~ N ~1 ~ b1 ¢4-~ x w ti ¢~ 2 2 Z 4 ~^ T N !3 4 G 0 ? N ~s m ~-- ~~ I w w ~i a3 0 ~ 1 ~U Lq tl' o ~ 0 4 m ~ N ~ ~ Z o D a a 1~ 2 1~~ ~I s ~. 0681 'EJd !8&1 '~'G •a~r `~?oara~do 'U y~wdP ~o ,ct~~daa~,~ rsi-~-zo'~*xdt I I ~. m 0 0 O m ~ ~ m 0 U T-3 _( THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 011299-4.e REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF APRICOT TRAIL, JORDAN CIRCLE, CHADWICK CIRCLE AND TWIN VIEWS COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision treet Requirementsy and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and Recorded Vote BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens Johnson Nays: None Absent: Supervisor McNamara A Copy Teste: ~./- 1U'CSZ-CWis-- Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation 1. ' 213.23 Jy ~ s9 • 179.18 ~ 38. 9 ICI `' 6'7JS,4 U ~'948~4' 2.'43 ~ ~ ~ 21 m. 98 .u m ~ 9.,zNO~ 82.48 ,~~ ~ ~J40W 4 ~ N ~ ,p8.9 911 033. .4. ~ ~ ~^ ',.~~' gg J8Z° n • ~ 22.4+1 1.1 B A0. ~ c5 8 J8/4 706 0 ~, q 1 X32. ~57B '.~f c~`~ a 414,a ^m8~,6 eo.31 i~ .ii se ~ m ~ ^ 20. o .9 3f . '8•~ 80.41 88.78 40.07 n° ryJ~70"~ 9.3~ I'~ • x°22.87 N . OW g'18 t~5, 80.15 ...,.• ' - ~ ~: ~~ 85;1 1'1,.. ~ • 8.01 }~9 ' ,xs,n °8n°~` ~ ~ Apricot,. ~~a ~ • J ~ v. 19 A2 _-_ 83.88 84.02 82.7D q~ ~ ,. ~ ~ ,... ~~ ~ ~ 7 14 ~ .89..8J52J Jazs 3dJCS JISI7 11 21 . ~ '~,. °'105. ~ 'J7°7r`~ ; oJ7(XJ 1 ~~ • 11 `4ArI N "•2 x24 23 22... . J6O5 ~ °ti7~1 3 12~ ~ 8 ,,,; • m :IBO, oot 29. •zsosw~• ~~ ~6 ' ~ ° ~ N • - v4a~~20. u ~~ s 7 ,c, '^ro;I7os2 i A 1. .Iasi Js°I`r o • 2f N~. '! Js11 ~ soB 71 ~1.~ t' 8 Og. [ 1ng I .9yz 2. JB ~ ' 28. ggryry zJ y n ~ ^ ~ 14. 10. m ~ ^m:I7,13 S i s- '* eB° 1B ~ 3 187,0778 O° r'9r `~' 1 ~7. ~ V J 7 ~~T779~ ~ ~ !3^~ • ~ 80 v 1.00 Ac. ~ isl 1 ~ .:`.I~ ~ ~,^ O~,`yJ77e • 6 0 7. m ~ ^~ ~. J824~JS78 ` 9 J77J^~ ~~ ~ ~- a~ ~ J7BO,~J784~; B °p' v4 ~ "TJ726 ^ 22.39 J7s3 8`~9t ~ 16~ Q77J1Y FJ • h ~ ~ wow' .J779Y B `J7 ~ x ~ ~ °~ s Soy • 1 J7BJ 22.39Ara1i 1.00 Ac. .y y ~ ~ yo '41.03 zs ~@ Cj C J73f 17 J7JY9 ~.I7J2 • Jg8 4 7~z 4• m J7B7 ~f y Oar 12. ''`~~~t7 'r7 • 6'. o"' i 3 ~ J'8° ~" 3 y 2. J Ro ,~y ~~?,~ 16.8 .j800 ss.s ~ i ~7°*8"' 37 8o J ! • 9 J7°B~ 8 yoke ~ 13. >>, drl~ M ~ C~ ~ 36. 35 J4 ''7 wy `e ~ 37aI ~~ I f J716 ~ 4 f ~ Road Acceptance for MOUNTAIN MEADOW ESTATES prepared by Roanoke County, Dept. of Communitv Developmen fOSt ~'~___.__ Rd ~,f'~ ,~ ~ APRICOT TRAIL -from Carson Rood to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. '`~ ,~''~ Length ......................0.23 miles Rood width ........................... 30' ., ~ R/W Width ............................ 50' Service........................ 9 Homes t/ ~ 460 `~~*~~~r..._..; --.~ 1~``°,i~ 41 'Lake Bock- JORDAN CIRCLE -from Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. °o P '~~ 0-Beyond" :oloma/' `ti'Qo. 0c ~~ti ;' Length ......................0.09 miles Rood Width ........................... 30' Trad,,;F ';~ \\0ca ~...~._'~` R/W Width ............................ 50' Service........................4 Homes ~ ~` c,•Q~ a ', Q- :- SITE oc ,% CHADWICK CIRCLE -from Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. ~o lff~ Length ......................0.05 miles Road Width ........................... 30' ~q,~ ,~ R/W Width ............................ 50 Service........................ 3 Homes ;' ~, `~, r'`~ ';y:."Glade hd! TWIN VIEWS COURT -from Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. Gli,~,~ ~ ~`''`°~, Estates" Length ......................O.OS miles Road Width .................. . 30' t` / ;.~ R W Width ............................ 50' Service........................ 3 Homes VICINITY MAP 1~.7r~pleGrown '` Estates" `o U C m L U 3 s m _a O c m Q U d U1 O N O Q d N O >Z 'n 0 ti Z ~_ E- a n Q O E 2 c T `m ~ ~ h N ro $ ~J ~ ~ a w ~ o ~ ro r N ffi ~+ m ~ o • r+ ro G t~ o r ~ O s ~ ~ ~ V .a a fj E m R < Z M 0 N w O K C Y. ~ c ,;, < in :, z ^ W~ ~ nl a S i J ~ M a~ ~n ~n ~ T~ N O O O N ~ V O O O O I O m z n O O O O iI1 ~f1 in u'1 N N N M M M m 01 m m o m m O1 - m P ° m ID ° di G9 ° a° a° a i n . ~ n . m 4 O~ Q~ O~ ~ ~d I ~ I ~ i ~ I ~ m ~ ~ ~ o ,~ o ^d ~ o a o a Zs ~ 9 O~ U Ol U O~ u ~ L+ \ \ }a b M q M ~ M y 3 •~+ •~ 3 m y ~ m ~+ m m C ai m p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ D ~ G ~ 1 .1 ~ +.~ ~ ~ 1-1 ~ a a v a ~ H b 'o ~ ri ro b r~ ro ~ ro ~ ~ ~ F m s F `~ ~ FF m ~ FF m ~ a FF m ~ c FF S m ~ a FF a m `u m ~ ~ TS u. o r a d b ti a r o a d S o r a ~ a ~i c t- a b ~i o r a S o r ~ ii o r d ~ m r a Z ~ O 3 ~ ~ O " 3 o r-~ • ri ~+ ~ ro rl • rl ~ '~ ~ •~, ro b U b u ~~ - ~ E'' ~ • ~'' .~ • ~' 3 ~ ~"'~ U U U C -~ U ~ m O - N' C7 f ~ m ~ ~ ~^ Z 0 z 2 w U w O z O 4 U r G U c G ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER 1y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Wolf Creek, Inc., the developer of Wolf Creek subdivision, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.35 miles of Wolf Run from the intersection of Mountain View Road to its terminus at a cul-de-sac and 0.14 miles of Wolf Crest from the intersection of Wolf Run to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected these roads along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds that the roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Secondary Road System. 1 SUBMITTED BY: ;' '~'`~ ,~ Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge lopment County Administrator Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ACTION Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens z- y VOTE No Yes Abs 2 zy THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WOLF RUN AND WOLF CREST INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File ~y _ r.- t. . "l=allirrg Creek Estates° 'i ,..., ~' SITE ~~ V a• ~ ~ ~'~ O~+ `,~_ oy, ~,.. ,L v o °c'' Z' ~ . o .« / ~O ~'. 4,', ~ ~ O ~pnng ~µl,.. 4_ ,. ~• .Q ~ Grove" ..-~~J\ Wli~iom -• _ ~ eyrd H~ ~+ woe ~ ..:.. Rd. ~,9 , v OC''o ,•~' 24 ~. VICINITY MAP WOLF RUN - from Mountain View Road to its terminus at a cul-de-sac_ Length ....................................0.35 miles R/W Width ..............................................50' Road Width ........................................... 30' Service ....................................... 5 Homes WOLF CREST - from Wolf Run to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. Length .....................................0.14 miles R/W Width ............................................. 50' Road Width ........................................... 30' Service ....................................... 6 Homes Road Acceptance for WOLF CREEK prepared by Roanoke County. Dept. of Community Developmen `o U C m c L U a E 2 c r m a s b e a N O v _S. C~ O Y 0 E .-. ~ y N ~ o h 0 ~' v- Y ~ ;: i ~ o U W O a~ r~ m ~ ~ J m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _. ~ M ~t < U ~ ~ ~ m O F- Z n 3 d ~ ~~ 0 0 ~ ~n ~n m ~ m a> m cv m w o m ° m w ° m ~ ° a a a°. a a a n . m 0 c 'a a c ~ G ~p cif ctl Q m o u ~ O O ~ ~ ~ O ~ 5 C 'C7 ~ 'b C ~ CC o H H m ~ W ~ F ~ U r-i U & p ~ b ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 ' 3 ' m m ~ ~ ~ m m m ~ ~ o° ~ a o n° o 0 o c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 5 ' ctS ~ H (S3 b o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ m q F ~ ~ ~ a FF b a EE b o FF b ` ~ S u. c ~-- o ~ ~ o ~- o a ~ o F- o ~ u. c r a ~i o r- d u`. c r- a ~i c f- o a x m a a L t ~ • fA o C N r ~ 3 ~ U ~ W ~ rl rl Z p p u 3 3 Z ~ r' c~ ~ ~n m ~ 0 2 w S U e~- LL O Z O U r- 2 U r-d s- THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 011299-4.f REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF AN EXTENSION OF MEADOW CREEK DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision treet Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Minnix. Harrison, Nickens, Johnson Nays: None Absent: Supervisor McNamara A Copy Teste: d~~'-rtv~.. Brenda J. H ton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation ~~ n :~ ~t a~`' 9~ RV SITE ~~ ~'a°~ ~, ;~p° f ~ l,"'B,ear Ridge„ ~ <,. "Meadow' ;Creek"~~'`~°~E~ '' '`, WOpd Or, .-~`~:Grandin Rood Ext- ip "W~nnbrook" VICINITY MAP '''~`' [ ~~ MEADOW CREEK DRIVE - from original cul-de-sac, north of the intersection o. with Meadow Vailey Drive to its ter- ~,,.~'j 19 minus at the new cui-de-sac. ~` Length ................................................. 0.06 miles ,-~" R/W Width ........................................................... SO' ?`~ Road Width ........................................................ 20' `~ °°~ ,f~a Service .................................................... 3 Homes p!~,,,c 3 O O V t ~ \;l , •'\ 1 ~ - ~ ~ ^ ~~ 'ate 5661 I a i \ : 1f \ 84.84 41 ~ ~ \ \ . J3 ~ ~ \ ry rU . ~ 5&S7 ~. 43. ~ ~ a `° ' $ See Map 66.04 ~ ,e 1k O~, ~ ~ ~• ~°=zoo' i o s~6 ~ - a~ ~'~m ~.. , 10~ i G +n ' o ~ ', ~ @ Ssu 26 f ,~ ~ ~ w° 1 ~ 1'Sg ~} ` . 44. 5646 ri 1 i$ 5 ~' ~ 21 '`w s 11. ~r ~ 4 \ 6 1 ~ `5271 ~@e ~~ 1 • \ .i~. \ CT ~h 45. ,~ • ' ab~ 0 ~ ~' rdf ~' s2as '• ~ ~ 1 12 • ~ 33.42 i 75 r. /.9~ ~ 55.85 ~ 320 'J~ \ 1 6 ~ ~ 1 ~g ~ ~ %~ ~' ,, ~ ~s1' z ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ _ 39.27 ~ ~. ~$ sfzr }~ ~\. 48. N w o 13. , ~~ .. ,4 w 16 \ 5627 ~ m sfes ^M r y \ ..18 19. s p~ g 282.37 n. ~ _ ~ 5738 O~ ~' ~p 3125 ~ 72.92 4 ~ o y S~ , i ~ ,17 93.98 6 9 B2 rn ~ ~ N ~4 14. g ~ 3 1.38 M. 3176 .r. 1'. ov 52~. 51J0 $ ~p@~ r \ u ! ° ~ \ ~ ~ .. \ 16. 7 ~P ~ 5717 ~ a N ~ 5777 5124 ~~ ~ ! •• ' ~ ~a, ~sg 0 21. a ~ ~~6 ~~J f @ 12`' J~ ~ r 3168 ~ m f }5 ~ ` s Road Acceptance for Helen H. & Daniel E. Eller, Jr. prepared by Roanoke County, Dept. of Community Developmen `o U 6 E 2 c m 5 N ~C O a S x a ra 0 v C m E L U .Q 9 O 0 _r C~ UO 0 u 0 E .~ ~_ N ~ N O C V'. ~ C N ::; 2 O ti C~ ~s ~~ J O ~ ~ ~ O C i ~ ~ t U m O r Z n ~+ A m O m ~ ai m m m a m m ~ m m a° a° a i i a° ~ m a c -a o N c ~ o ~ ° n ~ ° ° c a ~ r I I .a ~ ~ rn ~ I U ~ ~ O < M b uj ro }..I ^ a n N d m n ~ b ~ 25 2S b ~ b `o ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ m ~ F~ a ~ rc F~ s ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s j a` ° a` ° a a` ° ~ a ° a ° i u . i - a. u . r - a u . ~ ~ ~ r - a ~ u. F - ~i F - x m Ya a Q ~ N ~ N '~ ~' >•+ o y U t ~ O ~ Z v a m Z ~ r' n ~ .n m n o 2 2 w x U O Z O U CC U e c ,• ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~- s AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: --~ ~° SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: G & S Developers, Inc., the developer of Mountain Meadow Estates subdivision, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.23 miles of Apricot Trail Run from the intersection of Carson Road to its terminus at a cul-de-sac, and 0.09 miles of Jordan Circle from the intersection of Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul- de-sac, and 0.05 miles of Chadwick Circle from the intersection of Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul-de-sac, and 0.05 miles of Twin Views Court from the intersection of Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected these roads along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find that the roads are acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Secondary Road System. 1 SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: ~5 r , s -~ ; Arnold Covey, Director Elmer C. Hodge Department of Community evelopment County Administrator ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied () Harrison Received () Johnson Referred McNamara to Minnix Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs 2 ~--~,J THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF APRICOT TRAIL, JORDAN CIRCLE, CHADWICK CIRCLE AND TWIN VIEWS COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote A Copy Teste: Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File R~~~t •'-""" `~_~ °" Ra APRICOT TRAIL -from Carson Rood to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. Length ......................0.23 miles Road Width ....................... ~.~ .~ ,' R/W Width ............................ 50' Service........................ 9 Homes ~~ ~° `. ~.~'~,.. ,;f. 'Coke sock- JORDAN CIRCLE -from Apricot Trail to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. ;~ ,. o P° '~., 0-Beyond' . 30' ;olomal' ~~,,'Qy 0~ ~,. Length ......................0.09 miles Road Width ....................... Trail"_= \ \oc°y ` ~~....._.= ` R/W Width ............................ 50' Service........................ 4 Homes v Qa ~1 ~h SITE ~ ~` ~o moo,` Roos ~~~ ~ 1 e ~. C' '=~~."Glade Hill OG ~ry Estates" ~,`tijy ~.~. VICINITY MAP ~ ~. "Triple Crown - Estates" CHADWICK CIRCLE -from Apricot Troil to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. Length ......................0.05 miles Road Width ........................... 30' R/W Width ............................ 50' Service........................3 Homes TWIN VIEWS COURT -from Apricot Trail to its terminus at o cul-de-soc. Length ......................0.05 miles Road Width ........................... 30' R/W Width ............................ 50' Service........................ 3 Homes 5 1.9 eb'J ~ ~ ~ 9. Js~o ~~33. ~4. ~ i.~s Ac. ~~~ 'B8. 87 4n rc - ti- J510 "8~ ,,~.5Hry ~..- ' 9- 0 ~ 19.7` ...:.,..~ ~9.~ J5TJ .T32Y FFF~~~... N 2 X24 r. 29. ~,. .~ 6.- s - N J~f01[9 0 1I ~ ,'28. ~,r~ z 187.0718 °o r.~7. r''s .17 1.00 Ac. 11. J763 ~~1020. ~ J677 ~ .1 ~,7 ~ ~, C.~ ~.~ Z 1 8 ~ ~ J614 ~J678 7B ' 17.:16. 213.2s JB - 41 -~~Bg e J6Z08• k~ ~ ~7 '~ 1 • 1. ~' X8.08 , o ^ 9[ : JBJ7 39.E U ~ 94 ~' ~42. "43 ~ ~ ~ 21 - p~ nF B 40 N m ~ ,b ~ ~ 4p,~ 4' , ~ ~ ,08.9 ~ '1~ 8g 8 ~ J6/4 J620 706 o ~ ~ ~ 22.447 I~ n 1~6 80.37 11 .71 J88~. ~~ j ~ ~~. O. ~r ~V ~TjO ~ ~ 3 887 rt,~! JFr ~~ ~r . ail .. _ ~ : ~Z <~Z~ s ~s ~~ _ • p~p5. ~' ~707vry oJ7Dl'7 .{ , ~N • ;1~ ~AI.,1 ,, ~3 12; ~~, `0;17, ~ i m Jaoi 8 cat so '~, 2. • A 1. JBBi 76087 r7 371 ~m;777188 7 Zng • 6.~ .8 g02 ~V . to ~ 10. m 7D ` ^ 3. ~' ~ if .8 79 ~ 3 Z [ $,47779 ".' ~' c~ ~ [J^~~ • ~ gc ^ ~ 7 ~ Oar '^roJ7r@A 8 : ~ 6 ° J7B4 v~ 8 [ w '~ ~ • J7B0 ~ 9 J713$ ~TJ716C 74n~: 3 ~~ rte. 7J7:~ 5. ~ • n° .J779~ 22.39T J • ,~ t) 22.39f j. xg '~ ~'~ O~S~ o~ ? ~ J7dT [41J7B7SalI~C, .. Ab ~, Jryry7J ~J7J? ~ ,Tg61 r4? 4'.~ 3 h ~r ~ 16.6.3800 ss 6 ~ ~ °''7Pf 37 Bo 0 drj~ M 1 C~ ~ " 36. 35 J, `e 1 ;,oJ 1?~1~1c J776 L J7 e4.oz azaa ^~, J.S3~T JSfr ~1/ 2 ~~ G~ 23 22. ~.oo Ac. cy ~ J73f • 12. o~ Ro ~ . ~`'oke A 13 lei Road Acceptance for MOUNTAIN MEADOW ESTATES prepared by Roanoke County. Dept. of Community Developmen THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 011299-4.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WOLF RUN AND WOLF CREST INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision treet Requirements. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Minnix. Harrison, Nickens, Johnson Nays: None Absent: Supervisor McNamara A Copy Teste: ~~~~. Brenda J. Ho ton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation ~y i' -'" ~" i "Falhcrg Creek Estates" n_ ~ s ~' ~ :,~. _" 1 °`~ ": SITE' -~ ti~ .-. p ~. ;'' ~ o ~, G `;. Z C ~ f` ' moo,. ~ : , ' 7 ' f*1 n r'~~p. °'~.. __ ~,~ ~ , Spring ~ ,• ~ Grove"~,.,~~ Nrlrwm ^r '~ . wog ~•-. s+ ~.,' Ste O,~ c`e~9 VICINITY MAP NOLF RUN - from Mountain View Road to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. Length ................. ...................0.35 miles R/W Width ........ ......................................50' Road Width ...... .....................................30' Service ................. ...................... 5 Homes NOLF CREST - from Wolf Run to its terminus at a cul-de-sac. Length .................. ................... 0.14 miles R/W Width ........ ..................................... 50' Road Width ....... .................................... 30' Service ................. ...................... 6 Homes Road Acceptance for WOLF CREEK prepared by Roanoke County,.. Dept. of Community Developmen c m E L U N 6 O D E 2 c ~. m 9 S rt 23 a y O s 0 E n C"1 y ~ > O N y a C ~: r s ~ ~ ~ z ~ .a U W Q h ~+ ~ ~ J C ~ ~ ~ ~ _& M 7 ~ ~ < U O O O w O r S Z U 3 o 0 m m m ~ o m m o, o co m ai m ~ m ° a c -a ~ ~ a 3 ~ m ro C a 3 ~ b ~ ~ ~ D O ~ ~ ~ O ~ ' C ~ O ri ri ~ W ~ U U O ~ ~ 3 ~ b O ~ a ' 3 ' m m ~ ~ ~ m m ~ ~+ o ~-' D° o o° a n a c ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~+ ~ m m a J . F s ~ ~ ~ ~ FF ~ a FF b ~ o ~ s o F d ` ~ b u. o r a a. u. o r o a w o r a ~ a w o r a ~L c r a ~% c r a ~i c r- o a, x m G ~ 1J UI O ~ N t N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U ; ~ W Z ~ O rr O a 3 3 9 Z 2 .- N' h f ~l1 0 I~ O Z Z w U t~- LL Z U LL N 2 W U r-y ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER T (i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of an extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Helen H. and Daniel E. Eller, Jr., the developers of a residential subdivision, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.06 miles of Meadow Creek Drive from the original cul-de-sac, north of the intersection with Meadow Valley Drive to its terminus at the new cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find that the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept the extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Secondary Road System. 1 ~"'" SUBMITTED BY: Ar~rbld Covey, Director Department of Commu ity Development ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied () Harrison Received () Johnson Referred McNamara to Minnix Nickens APPROVED: c ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs 2 ~~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF AN EXTENSION OF MEADOW CREEK DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File ;~ toa Ln ____ wo~_ s~ ` ~~~,. ~ ~` ?` ~-koo9 ~ 19 a y Ra SITE 1~ ~`°~ ._._ ~, x`ba ~ `'$ear Rrdge" `a. '~,~. , "Meadow.Greek""~c~°~F ~ ~ WorwOpd Or `~~ ~ '~ QD `~~ i'.S. n ::~ ''1 Grondin Road Ext k ~~____ _ -~ ---.. i o° i i. i A ~,_...., +w '~ ' J -. i -~ _ ~ "Wrnnbrook" _~_ __~, ~, _~, VICINITY MAP MEADOW CREEK DRIVE - from original cul-de-sac, north of the intersection with Meadow Valley Drive to its ter- minus at the new cul-de-sac. Length ................................................. 0.06 miles R/W Width ........................................................... 50' Road Width ........................................................ 20' Service ....................................................3 Homes ~ i ~~a 5661 / . • 11 i ~ : \ 84.89 41 ~ \ \ \ . JJ ~ U . • • ry 565J 43. ~ 'p $ See Map 66.04 ~ :~ \ e ~ ~+~ , `~ 1 "=200' / J •~ ~ sss6 ~. ~ a~, ~9a ' lo`t'' e:s \ 1ey0 I -~ ~ ti5 er.24 4 ~~ \.ye 1+ ~, 40. \~ m ~iJ Yf B 56~R7 ~ \y ,$ ~ ~ ~~ ~ \11 11 ~ ' ~ 14 ~ ~5Z71 ~ ~ ~ • ~ ~ 051 1 \ ' ~ 1 \ \~O 1~. \ ~h ~5' S6J2 m ~ \~ \ •~ ~~ . ova szos k / 12. ss.4i 1~ 15 n ~ ~.~ \ IJ>~ 521 \ , 06 \ , ` ~ e+ .. \ \9\ ? ~ 39.27 ~, ~$ S1JJ ~~ .wi\. 48. of 4 13. ~o \ ~ \ q /6 '\ 56zo ~ @ 7 m • 3184 r. b 19. ~ \ ..78 W ~'J 8. ~ ~- 262.J7 ~ ~ ' 57J6 ,/, ~ \ o ,y 8 ~ p~ 5125 iD2.92 , ~' \ 117 96~ ~ ~~ ~~ 3.98 6 ~ 2 ~ 'T 1. 8 Ae. 3176 0 4 .l 1, a 520.3/J0 $ '~~~ r~ \ u. 18. 7 \ sm \ \ ~ N ~ 5177 0 5/2I ?`per ~~ 7 . I a >7~ D~ ~ 0 a \2\~ 21. se 6 ~~J ~r ~ ~~~ ~ ~J 5168 ~ m 4 } a, Rood Acceptance for Helen H. & Daniel E. prepared by Roanoke County, Dept. of Communit Eller, Jr. Developmen O m L U Cn 3 L m 4 ~c C m N VJ L a 'O c a 0 0 U d m ~ ~ E ". 2 O _T m y ~_ Q ~ 'a a d N O ~ O L a a ~ ~ `o Q ~ ll s ~ ~ Z E Q ~ C .~ ~ ~ ~ N w K C ¢ ~: Y c N_ V] 2 F O U O n b Cmm J m ~ W C ~ o ~ , o C < U m O r ~' E 2 n 3 d ~ o s ~ ~n ~+ Q O m 9 m m ~ O ~ 4 m ° m ID ° ~ a° a° d d a . a i 0 ° a O ~ N ~ 'b O o 0 D 0 ~ O ~ r ~ ~ ., ~ o rn ~ b ~ u ~ O ~ ~+ ~ b m ~ ~ ~ E ~ o m m m m m m ~ O O ~ O O D O c N ~ ~ c a FF a FF b a ~ a ~ o ~ a FF d `c n = ci o r ~ d ~i o r a S o r a ti p r- a ~ o r d u`. o r d ii a r a s ~ Q I 3 ~ x v T 5 U b O ~ ~ ro z ~ ~. ~ L m ~ N' C1 f h m Z Z ur x U O Z O U W r 2 w U .I--~o b A-011299-4.g ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ rI AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Off-Site Sewer Facilities Serving Bower Road Office Building COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: cw~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Bower Road Office Building, Vaughn, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the off-site sewer facilities serving the building along with all necessary easements. The off-site sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Bower Road Office Building -Off-Site Sewer, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The off-site sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the off-site sewer construction is $ 18,500.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the off-site sewer facilities serving the building along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robe on, P.E. Utility Direct r APPROVED: .'~""'' Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- _ x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ~~~ THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this 22 day of June , 19 98 , by and between: Vain, Inc. , a Vir ig nia corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROP.I`dOKE COUNTY, VIRGII~TIA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND 1N CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas, water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 .~"~ / As shown on the plan entitled Bower Road Office Building -Off-Site Sewer , made by Lumsden Associates and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cast. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 ~~ WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: By: As: State of: Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foreg~oing- instrument was acknowledged before me this: i da of ~~~- 19 ~ ~ , y By: David Vaughn Its President Duly authorized officer Title on behalf of Vaughn. Inc. Notary Public My Commission expires: ~~ ~~C~/ Page 3 of 4 President Approved as to form: County Attorney Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia By: (SEAL) Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State of: Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Page 4 of 4 ~•r.,~~ ELECTRIC ROAD VA.. ROUTE 1418 !qe Nrrc4 C n»r rer rw.•n-+t / enr s»I M.roA.» 5F t H»» 5F w www .w 1 /~ ~_ _ w n ()-. i' iiG~:. ~/~/i /i j ~ rr..,1 vuw ..~,..ra rw / r ,r x.n»rxr =-,rte.; f ~ =~p=~. / ~ rv9.rG /W'nr-RN .r ~~ '~ I nr .* w en l>` I rAO ~: Q O / / ,,,.,.. x, n.rr»rw ,r f:",v\ z ? 111 0 Tnvq~,~m' ~G.» r MOIf.1 ~'i1x10 A. 4tM `rv ~n` ¢ rAM,M1 r..xurr w ` .:a via .n.».rr,• 1 I ~ I I Z v.+. pro v w v c+ nx O ~ . r J ~ ~ / ww.vrr .wsr.nrs..e. (; ~ O 2 ~ - O ~ ~ ~ .,a PLAN ,,.r; '-„ ~t ~ r q S ~ r ~ / 4~»gw1 r.u,mr 1 ~ \~ ~~ _ _ I~l~~trf ! ~~i ~6 ' ~ /n ~ ~\,~ / ~/r I F yl ~~ O O ,(/ Q 3~ re, f ~' Q O f'~ ~ 3~a _~~; ~ o ~~ m ~ ~ ,, ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPART1tiIENT SEWER ACCEPTANCE FOR BOWER ROAD OFFSITE SEWER A-011299-4.h ACTION NO. ITEM NO. '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION OF A SANITARY SEWER AND WATER EASEMENT FROM WILLIAM E. RAY, JR. AND JUDY M. RAY TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY LOCATED AT 4443 KEEFER ROAD (CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the acceptance of the following sanitary sewer and water easement in the Cave Spring Magisterial District conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: a) Donation of a sanitary sewer and water easement, twenty feet (20') in width, from William E. Ray, Jr. and Judy M. Ray (Deed Book 952, page 100; Tax Map No. 97.07-1-23), as shown on a plat prepared by Frederick W. Krebs, dated November 17, 1998, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The location and dimensions of this easement have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering and utility staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donation of this easement. Respectfully submitted, Vic 'e L. Huffma Assistant County torney ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara_ _ x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens x cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections ~°~ T~ 7) ROUTE 917 ~ N88' 45' E 92.22 FT. ~, o ~ ~ ~ ~ NEW 20' SANITARY ~ SEWER & WATER 20' z 4 EASEMENT >x r ~ r; ~ Q o ~ U ~ ~ rn ti >~ 2 a] lJ O X a z, NEW 15' SANTTARY SEWER & WATER EASEMENT LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE 1- N7 45' 5.45' 2-3 N88' 45'E 20.00' 3-4 S7' 45'W 35.45' 4-1 S88' 45'W 20.00' ~~~'L~x of y1 o~ ~~ ~~~• ~~ i ~ FREDERIC W. KREBS ~ n~ou. Zee i77g ,.d_ No. 020308 ,~. rig ''it.I~NAL ~i1 TOTAL AREA = 1733 S.F. ~ I ~ PLAT SHOWING NEW 20' SANITARY SEWER & WATER EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY WILLIAM E. RAY JR. & JUDY M. RAY ACROSS TAX MAP N0. 97.07-1-23 THIS PLAT IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CREATING A NEW 20' SANITARY SEWER & WATER EASEMENT AS SHOWN HEREIN AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. o~ ROANO~~ ti ~ 2 SCALE: 1 " = 40' ~`~ `; '~\ DATE: NOVEMBER 17, 1998 ~1838 KEEPER RaAD SANITARY SEWER PROJECT CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NOVEMBER 17, 1998 N88' 45'E PROPERTY OF WIWAM E. RAY, JR & JUDY M. RAY TAX NO. 97.07-01-23 D.B. 952 PG. 100 `30 • ~ .O ~ 'R'io ss3 ~~ TiL~ ~ S `o'Q~~ ,s63s ~F'~T c~~~T ~ iL~ ~S~ ~ ~FtiT ~g ~e THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 011299-4.i REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WILLINGHAM DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision treet Requirements and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens. Johnson Nays: None Absent: Supervisor McNamara A Copy Teste: Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation TAX p96.07-1-8 PROPERTY OF PALM LANG COMPANY, LC REMAINING PORTION OF TRACT "C" P.R. 17, PC. 3 10.078 ACRES (TOTAL) r-y ~' NORTH 5 ~Z /" t9 /, NEw 20' SS.E.-_-~///~ ~ /1 // 'v ~i~l % ~~ ~ NEM 76' iSE~~( I 7~ J ,~ O79 14 ;~ 15 rh NQ~ 12.575 S.F. Y 11,879 S.F. ~ % ~'~~. -NEw Is' Ch ~ P_U.E ~~ / 7.8 9,711 S.F ~- M is ~;`~ `rte :, . ~'~ v 2.034 SF. 7 i n ~I ~ ; ~'~ F~ 1 \ Jy 175.64' t? ry, ,, ~~' C 3J i r` t2 ~~ ~~t A"Ir?~' `. ... 140 12,577 S.F ~~~ / - - - - -- M 15' P.U.E.'~, ~~ i `~5 C ~~ NEw 5 5 E. i' (SEE CHART /ry0g9 j , ~~~ ~ ll tOL~ ~, E, %~ 10.703 S.f, __/-. 9 \ ~ ~~~ - ~ ~ .,•~ his, LV, ,.• SECTION \' LpT T ~-- ~ ~-'ASHMONi IN THi ` P.B. ll, PC. . oy /% ~~\ ~ LoT .6 \ ~ Z j LOT I ~ ~ ~` \ E%. IS' P.U.E..-~ \S :, o, / P.Q. 17, PG. 90 7.6 4 .p f -~ LOT 17 NEW 15'_. 15 '~ '- l8 t6'OB'19 W / P.U.E. _ 5 1.55 ` e i~.J ' S 44'2604" W- R)'M i ' ~~NATURAL Y = W.` -42.70' S 0775'12' W 4~r; ~' `A ~~ ''~ ~8. ~ WATERCOURSE I /q~S9 12 C 70.58' (G TY~ G=7 19' V 5 12'16'42" E- 1~ 7 4 ~ ~. s L ~~ s 17 0. 60.10' \ 11 _ LA O ~ q, c 1 T ~~ qo ~i~' ~ ~ ~' 1 6,661 SF. 1i 5 0225'1 2" W- \C-3 ~ 5+` 6ti" `b.~~ 1 ~. `P _ E%\' D.E. ~ 147.35' 1 9 ~-~ ~ ~ ~ A''.,~65 ~ti~<,yy ~~ '' ~ ~ i ~~ 10,547 5 F ~ ~ P B. 17 PC\ -20' MB.L ~ N 0E `~k ~~'3c".} ~ A~ 'y .~,~• m. NEW S.SE: / v - p.,.... °'~~ 1 ~ o\j NEW 15 ~~ 1 A 609' '~ ~~ F G~/~j s 2 w P.U.E ~, ___'_ _ 8 ~ ,~i-C.1 ~ ~ ,~~ 8.759 S.E ?~ 61' ~ \ ^+~ 7° W ( L ~.~ ~ .N d ~ A M3. C /~~ ~f~/' $ ~ 566 ~~ ~.~ -- ~6 Z `~s. 9,642 S.F R /~' „ Z~`, m ~~ 3y 91 ,._.. C' }- 'b R -Ex. t5' O.E. 5q. ..~ r~ ./ _ C-19 z C 18 z . ___ ~ i ~ 4 ~~ ~ TO BE ~ ~ SEX. 15' D.E. '' r F/t~_ C-211' ( : __ _ --- ~1-~ ~ i !'~ 9,936,\F. 2 VACATED ~ , i P.B. 17 PC. 90 I O i / ,~ 20' M.B L.~ / 14,942 S.F. u - 9 ' 8 .`p0, ~ ~ 14,565 5.f. ~ 8,668 S, F. ~- I- .. PROPOSED DESCRIPTION: ~~ NEw ls•' g 1 ~. 5 ~' '~~ ~ P.U.E. ~ 8 % ,~ 6,734 S. F. Y ~'~ -r&cA 7 >E fl,027 S.F. , o °o. O°j ~ 6.006 S.F. ~ 'm ~; i o1 hW ti -- `~-~ 1 ~..--NEw Is' D E. _ _ ~5 , aa- ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY 1. Willingham Drive -From the south intersection with Ashmont Drive to a point 300' north. 2. Willingham Drive - From a point 300' north of Ashmont Drive to the north cul-de-sac.. LENGTH: 1) 0.06 MILES 2) 0.08 MILES RIGHT OF WAY: 1) 50 FEET 2) 40 FEET PAVEMENT WIDTH: 1) 28 FEET 2) 28 FEET SERVICE: TOTAL - 4 HOMES ROANDI~E COFINTY Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia DEPARTMENT ~~' Department of Transportation Secondary System CD&IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THE GROVES, SECTION 4 c 0 o U C m L U Q N a E 2 _c T O ~ ~ C S H s ~; e U. N O G. v ~ L F b • c 'v ~ o L m R < Z ~_ N ~ N D O C s ~ ~ ~. 2 ..; W o ., ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ o 0 ~ o 0 0 U < m 0 f- Z n 3 ~~ 0 0 s ~ .n ~ W O O ~ W H ~ ~ Q m H ~ m m ~ m ~ ~ E'' a° Q a a a a° a° a O H ° z c o ~ Cn Q\ ~' b 6 .-. x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ z x O H U~ i~ o 0 m 0 ~ o ~ a ~ U ~ ~ - ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ P~ O '~ O U ,_ ~ n H pM M O x M a m z H H H m H z ~+ o m m m m m 's 0 ~ ~ ~ H z o ~ D o 0 ~ H O O ~ 2s x ~ ~ ~ b b ~ 'o H v ' m E O O E O O E O C ~ O ~ ~ O E D Q 4 ~ 0 O n ~ 4. C F- 0. LL. ~ V- 0. LL 0 !- 0. LL ~ H 0. tL N d tL F- 0. tL i- 0. U m a ; '/ 'J ~ H H ~ ~ Q Q ~ O b L Z Z Y H H Z a a H H j 3 3 ~ Z r. N' M ~ f ~[1 m ~ O Z z~ `z w U H LL Z ~=- t U G U ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Palm Land Company, L.C., the developer of The Groves, Section 4, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.14 miles of Willingham Drive, from the south intersection of Ashmont Drive to the north cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and find the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Willingham Drive into the secondary road system. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: '~ f , Arnold Covey, Director Elmer C. Hodge Department of Community velopment County Administrator 1 Z- 9 ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) VOTE Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs 2 T-9 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION DRIVE INTO REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF WILLINGHAM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SECONDARY SYSTEM TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File ~+ .yJ i~cf ~ ~ R~`~ ~ v ~: =t,' ' °' .~! g % ' ` f 2 +~ Y 1 l~ 1 NI T Y ,MAP' i o. ~/ ~'.~ is 1- ~J ~, NORTH -~ ~ `\~~ ~y \ $ECTioN ~ / `,,^ ~ LOT 2 / `- ~Io-~---~ASNMON! IN THE P.B. 17, PG. . / TA% /96.07-1-B LOT I6 PROPERTY OF N 96 ~ /.•7/ PALM LAND COMPANY, LC \ / \, 24 ~~ p` 7JJ~7>r3* y.~.>/ REMAINING PINT 110N OF 40T I , ~ ~1 w y' ~ ~I ~ / P.B. 17, PC. 3 E%. IS' P.U.E~ ; $. ~, a. ,y, ~ 10._ 10.078 ACRES (TOTAL) \ P.B.. I7, PG. 90 ~~ i6 f 'P ~ NEW 20' SS.E-~~ 1 ~ ~ LOT 17 n BO ~??. /- G.6 ~ /°> l Ig NEW 15 t °J / Y~. 18 t4roa~28 `" / r ro 7 P.U.E. r S t 53' ~~ ' 14 ~ lJ ~~ / iA, 5 44'26'W" W~ _ vi+ `~ ,~1 ~ ~-NATURAI. p~ 12,575 S.F. Y 11.879 S.F. ~ / ~J/~ 42.10' _ .= 41'1 S 0725'12 w 9~~~- `f ~ }1 WA iERCOURSE F ~'S,,. -NEw ts' ~ ~ °° ~~ /~o~ ~ i 2 c a \ 7058 ,, ~~°y ~' t,~ G t` i.7 19' t PUE m / 16 ~ J. S A0~ ~ ,,'-- 9,711 $.F N S 12'16'42" Ems, 13 14 ~ ~ s ~ L -fit a ~ ? /f.' ~ o, solo' \ tt /¢ .~ c-u' ~~ Zo M@ t~ 20' MB.L:~., '~~ c 2 9'" yx, w ,Y( 17 9 ~5~ ~ `l~ / ~ ~~• ;v 13 ~4,~{ :~ X~ orv 8,681 $F. S 07'2535' W- \C 3 AAA y- ~ ,1~ ~ 6 D.~ 1 EX. 75' D.E. 12.034 $.F. ~{' ~ 1 r• i ~0, ~ P B. i7 PC 90 1 10 , N r 10,5475E ~ ~~n ,tJ\ "' -20' MB.L N 9 ~ ~~t H 0 icT'br~~~i _„ 4r,'1 ~ i y, ~,,. , I / ti ~y~rvy~.t°~y~1v"' - ,,. ~ ~.." -~°' . f _ _ - _ .o NEW S-SE.~ /' c, 3~f; ..t 4 ~ y ~ ~ o r NEW IS t 175.64' I i '$'~` - I _ _ y ._ A~6 09' 8 - ~/ ^.Ln L ~,+. ~, 2 ; f P.U E. "y _0. ~ - 4 -~ / ~,~~// ~ .;~ 8.759 S.F. ~' ~' It- ~ i ~~ 2.- t _3J c x ~.,..~a,,.~ ': ~A S. ~~, ~'`c phi s s moo. /,~.,e'i'; ~~L~@ 12 `1I\ c ~, +.., A:lA ;40 R r`-~-~..:~` ~.~A~~'~H""A"M _/~ `~~/ 3 ;b ry.~b. '.. 12.577 $F. t ~ i '' y ' } /W. ? w ~ ~. L ~ ('~ ~ .rl^ ~.to ~" _ r. 9.642 $.F 4. ~ / w 15' P.U E ~, `99 ~ C\:i ~ t,- '` ' _~I ~ .... ,- `-V I z $:' ~ ~ t,-EX. 15' D.E. bq9 ''C _ C- 7.5-~ /,NEW SSE. ?3 0 TA /1( ~__= 20 - C 19 - z C 18 z '! '( , g. 9916 S.F: ~ i TO BE ~; ~ / '-EX. IS' D.E. C-21f' ~ ~ - _ I - ~ ~I-'_'- ~~~ £ ~ VACATED ~~ ~ P.B. t7 PC,. 90 bq '4' (SEE CHART) 1~ - , ~ 1 - ~+ NEW 15'~ 1 ~r, 5 'yy\ ~ DI /,.y0 ~ Iry / 10 i I ,'~ 20' M.B.L: ~ P.U.E. ~ 8 ,~ 8,734 S.F i ;9~~~ ` ~ I1 0• /h~" / 14,942 $.F. b a 7 i B,OZJ $.F No co -~ ~ ~ 10.703 S,f. ' ,9; I 9 8 f 8,006 S.F. ~ , a, 1 90 9 f ' 7 ..~ ) 14,585 5 F 8,868 $.F. ~. _ , _ ~';~}~ , A0' L - -_ 0 ~ $; ~ ir' ~ ~..--NEW 15' O.E. PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: 1. Willingham Drive -From the south intersection with Ashmont Drive to a point 300' north. 2. Willingham Drive - From a point 300' north of Ashmont Drive to the north cul-de-sac.. LENGTH: 1) 0.06 MILES 2) 0.08 MILES RIGHT OF WAY: 1) 50 FEET 2) 40 FEET PAVEMENT WIDTH: 1) 28 FEET 2) 28 FEET SERVICE: TOTAL - 4 HOMES ROANDI~E COUNTY Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia DEPARTMENT OF Department of Transportation Secondary System COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THE GROVES, SECTION 4 1 1 W c x m O ~ z 0 °x Q rn rn N a E 2 c ~. m y ^ ~ O ~ H U *A W U a v; to W `o ~ .n C c: W x _~ ~ c C. o O dl Y ~ Y U ~ O L ~ ~ Z .~ i_ .ter N ~ H 0 < ~ y.~ T >: U ~. O ~ n ~ oo ~ ~~ 0 0 ~ O O O U < 0 z 3 d ~ 0 0 .~ s ~ ~n ~' W O O ~ ~ ~ H W R5 ~ Q o ~ m m o a m m H z, i Q a a a a° a° a° ~ O ~! H z .. c ~ rn O ~ 3 rn ~ _ ~ 3 O U _ Ec z x H j~ ~ o ~ 0 0 0 U ~ F ~ ~ W, W ., ~ U °z ,~ o ni ,~ ~ y ~' ~ ~ c'1 ~ x ~ M 2 ~ H H m H z ~ o m o ~ o m :; o m ~ p H z ~ ~ o a 0 c H o ~ ~ ~ ~ ' p L ~ ~ 0o a b W x ~ b ~ b b ~ o ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ s s i ~ ¢ ~ ~' O E O ~ d 4 E O E O 6 2S 4 -, , ~ 4. F- 0. O li. p M- d LL ~ H 0. O ti 0 H 0. O tL ~ F- 0. lL Q H 0. tL ~ h- 0. U ~+ ; ~ ~ ~ H H t Q Q 'C y ' ~ ~ U C.7 ~ z z Z H a H a a 3 3 ~ m Z ~ N' n ~ N m ~ n O Z ~y ~ ' a g ~ a V C C E P Z ~ W ~ a x ~ L F- O H LL a ~ O e ZO c ~- U ~' (.~ ~ ~ / Q n 1U ~ ~ v ~ ~ C E L S ~~ A-011299-4.j Item No. -1-"'"~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADNIlNISTRATION CENTER, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Appropriation for 1999 Roanoke Regional Chamber Dues COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: During Budget deliberations in June, the Board of Supervisors expressed concern about certain actions and positions taken by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce without consultation with the County, such as routing for I-73, BPOL tax and local government structure. The Board directed that the funding for dues for that organization be placed in the Board Contingency account until a work session could be held with representatives from that organization. Due to scheduling conflicts, a work session with the Board and the Chamber has not been held. However, the County Administrator and the Chairman of the Board have met with representatives from the Chamber and voiced the concerns of the Board of Supervisors, and they believe that these issues have been resolved between the County and that organization. The County has recently received a bill for the dues for calendar year 1999. The County Administrator asked the Board through a memo for a decision on payment of the 1999 invoice, and received positive responses from all members. FISCAL IlVIPACT: The Chamber dues for calendar year 1999 are $2,500. The funds are available in the Board Contingency account for this purpose, but must be formally appropriated by the Board for payment of this bill. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the appropriation from Board Contingency in the amount of $2,500 for the 1999 dues to the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce. 2. Do not approve the payment of these dues at this time. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ STAFF RECOMIV>~NDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. The Chamber continues to be a means of interacting with the business community in the Valley, and previous issues and concerns have been addressed with the staff and board of that organization. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Absent Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x Denied () Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara_ _ x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens x cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Brent Robertson, Budget Manager 2 ,~_ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Audited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1998 July 28, 1998 Second installment on West County Business Park Balance at January 12, 1999 Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above West County Business Park -balance of General Amount Fund Revenues $7,947,047 7.71 ($1,115,300) $6,831,747 $6,831,747 ($1,057,650) 6.63% $5,774,097 5.60% Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 1998-99 General Fund Revenues $103,087,232 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $6,442,952 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Gen98. WK4 ~ "'~ CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Audited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1998 $768,458.71 Amount added from 1997-98 operations per rollover policy $471,083.00 Projects appropriated in 1998-99 original budget Center for Research and Technology (100,000.00 Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center (30,000.00 South County Park Development (100,000.00 North County Soccer Field (50,000.00 Police Firing Range (50,000.00 Courthouse Renovations (75,000.00 McDonald Farm (100,000.00, 'Dec 1, 1998 Purchase of land at library headquarters (91,550.00. Dec 15,1998 / Underground storage tank remediation (to be replenished Jan 4, 1999 with year end rollover) (11,948.78, Balance at January 12, 1999 $631,042.93 Note: $100,000 of these funds have been temporarily advanced to the Mayflower Hills Park proj Respectfully Submitted, ~~ ~,~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Cap98.WK4 ~!~ RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 1998-99 Original Budget $210,000.00 June 23, 1998 Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Center (107,500.00 Sept 8, 1998 Contribution to TAP Transitional Living Center (9,650.00 Oct 13, 1998 Matthews Electroplating SuperFund Remediation (22,790.00 Nov 17, 1998 Demolish abandoned structure (10,000.00 Balance at January 12, 1999 $60,060.00 Respectfully Submitted, ~~~~r ~. ~~~~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Boazd98.WK4 M:\Finance\Common\Board\Schoo198.WK4 .... ACTION # ITEM NUMBER~'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -November 1998 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Checks Direct Deposit Payments to Vendors: $4,628,914.49 Payroll 11/13/98 $247,476.50 $464,477.47 711,953.97 Payroll 11/25/98 $251,099.62 $446,764.28 697,863.90 Payroll 11/25/98 139.31 139.31 Stopped Direct Dep. 11/25/98 ($461.28) (461.28) $6,038,410.39 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: ~~' ~~ ~:~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance .. ~ /~~.a Approved () Motion by No Yes Abs Denied () McNamara Received () Harrison Referred O Johnson To () Minnix Nickens N ~ ^ A 3 ~ ~ O ~ ~ y y O ~~,/~ C~ ~ Gam. ~ ~ W CC U •~ R L CQ CC Li bA i. 0 C e~ O 4r O ~~+ C U M ~ O Z ''f 1.~ ri G~ 00 ,7 O~ ~ O aj M .r ~--i C~ .r ~ 'C V ~ d b w ~ o b d ~ a C~ .C •.~. 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ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session: Report From the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Work Session scheduled for 4:00 p.m. today provides an opportunity for the members of the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens to offer to the Board of Supervisors their recommendations on two topics that have been studied during the past year. In 1997, the Board of Supervisors appointed the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens to look at the needs of this population of Roanoke County. The Commission has met regularly since January 6, 1998 looking at a number of topics, but focusing on the issues of Education, Transportation, Accessible Housing, and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) On July 14, 1998, a progress report was given to the Board of Supervisors related to discussions with the School Administration on matters regarding Special Education. Attached are recommendations from the Commission concerning their study of the Education and Transportation topics. We have also included some of the background material on transportation services available to our area as an informational item. As a further note on the Transportation issue, the Regional Network for Transportation (a separate group comprised of agencies, local government representatives, and transportation providers) in association with TAP, recently submitted a grant proposal to the Federal Government for a "Reverse Commute" program. This program provides transportation for riders from Core areas to the job or related services, which may be located in the suburban areas surrounding the city. In this application, the target areas will be along the 11/460 corridor from Valley Metro's current terminus at Spartan Square to the R.R.Donnelly area and possibly a second C}- / connecting type service for the Valley Metro points at Tanglewood Mall and Lewis Gale Medical Center using the corridor of 419. It is anticipated that these would be van type shuttle services capable of deviating off of the major route up to 3/4 mile. The match for this grant is being covered by TAP. The two major study topics currently being studied by the Commission relate to Housing and the compliance by our community of the provisions of the ADA. Future roles of the County and the Commission could include support, advocacy, community education and public information responsibilities. In many instances, services may be available, but may not be well known. The members of the Commission include: Mrs. Bobbi Conner, Reverend James W. Reynolds, Ms. Denise Swanson, Mr. Dee W. Pincock, Ms. Donna Chewning, Ms. Joyce Heath, Elizabeth W. Stokes, Myra Sellers, Betsy Dennis, Debbie Pitts, Bill Hammond, Dr. Harry C. Nickens, John M. Chambliss, Jr., C.J. Medaglia. Two representatives are still needed from the Cave Spring Magisterial District and one from the Hollins District. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends meeting with the Commission members in work session to hear their suggestions and to help determine the focus and roles for the future. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~, /obi G~L~ L ~-~'~ Deborah Pitts Elmer C. Hodge Asst. Director of Recreation --------------------------------- County Administrator -------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Harrison Received ( ) _ Johnson Referred ( ) _ McNamara To ( ) _ Minnix _ Nickens Attachments O~ POANO~F C~.a~xx~~ .a~ .a~xxY.~ ~e J a 1836 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PETE HAISLIP, DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM To: Roanoke County Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens From: Transportation Subcommittee ~~/""' Chairperson, Debbie Pitts Date: October 7, 1998 Re: Transportation Committee Recommendations The mission of the transportation subcommittee is to determine what transportation resources are available for senior and challenged citizens of Roanoke County and determine what is needed. After a study of current transportation resources, current community studies, and a review of demographic information on County citizens, the committee would like to submit the following findings and recommendations: 1. The committee determined that there are sufficient transportation services available to meet the medical and non-medical needs of senior citizens and people with disabilities of Roanoke County. However, these transportation services have not been well advertised to these populations. a. The committee recommends an immediate increase in the County's advertising of the Conran service, and promotion of this service through as many means as possible. All organizations such as radio, Channel 13, PSA's, utility billing, and civic leagues should be utilized. This advertising campaign could be organized through the community relations department. b. The committee further recommends the development of a "Ride Guide" to provide information on all transportation services available in the County to the targeted population and should be included in all County mailings. c. Increased public awareness of the Conran service may result in increased ridership and increased cost to Roanoke County. Therefore, the committee recommends that the County increase funding in its FY99-00 yearly budget to cover the increased cost if the service expands. 2. The committee recommends that transportation issues be addressed through the next Roanoke County Citizen Satisfaction Survey, and that the County conduct no new transportation studies. The committee suggests using already existing studies within the region to determine future transportation initiatives. 3. Coordinate with other organizations that provide transportation to improve, encourage or increase their transportation. 1206 KESSLER MILL ROAD • SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 • (540) 387-6078 ®Recycied Paper Roanoke Coun ~/ ty Commission on Senior and Challenged Citizens Report ~n Education October 7, 1998 Contained in this report are the Commission's initial recommendations and suggestions regarding the education of children with disabilities enrolled in Roanoke County Pu61ic Schools. A separate report will be submitted for your consideration which will contain recommendations as they relate to the area of transportation. The Commission would like to extend their appreciation to Dr. Deanna Gordon, Superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools, Dr. Carol Whitaker, Director of Special Education and Roanoke County School staff for their efforts in providing detailed information requested by the Commission and for their presentation at our May 6, 1998 meeting. We would also tike to extend our gratitude to the numerous parents who provided personal insight into the problems associated with accessing and maintaining an appropriate education for their children with disabilities. The Roanoke County Public School Division includes twenty-eight schools all providing education to students with disabilities. Currently, there are 2,334 special education students attending Roanoke County Pu61ic Schools including students educated in the county through the regional program. Enclosed is a listing of special education program locations in Roanoke County. Regulations governing the education of students with disabilities (See the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act] are provided to the school district by federal and state governmental agencies. Federal law requires the development of a written Individualized Education Plan (IEP) to address the unique educational needs of each student. After the development of the IEP, the decision must be made to determine where these needs will be met. "Placement must be as close as possible to the child's home. The child must be educated in the school which the child would attend if not disabled unless the IEP indicates that another placement is appropriate" [See Page Two ~ "` Commission on Senior and Challenged Citizens Report on Education Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia, Attachment "C"]. The school system must provide a continuum of alternative placements rather than a class for a specific disability in which children are automatically placed. "When making the placement decision, the IEP committee must consider the least restrictive environment (LRE) for the child. Children with disabilities must be educated with children without disabilities to the maximum extent appropriate for each child. A child must not 6e placed in special classes or separate schools unless education in regular classes with aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily." [See Attachment "C"] A thorough review of data and information provided to this Commission demonstrated serious concerns of philosophy and methodology surrounding the education of children with disabilities. The school division's special education programs are extensive and appear to present numerous challenges to school staff, administrators, students and parents. Consequently, the theme throughout the following initial education recommendations is focused entirely upon improving communication between parents of children with disabilities and the Roanoke County Public School Division. Early on in the Commission's review of special education services available to students with disabilities enrolled in Roanoke County Public Schools, it became apparent that communication between parents and school administrators should be improved. The need to improve communication between parents and the school administration was also highlighted in a recent review of Roanoke County's special education programs conducted by the Virginia Association of School Superintendents in 1997. Without good lines of communication any business or organization can develop misunderstanding which could lead to preventable problems. Therefore, the Commission strongly believes that improving communication between parents of children with disabilities and the Roanoke County Public School system should be a priority. We hope that these initial recommendations regarding education wilt assist all Roanoke County elected officials in their efforts to improve the quality of education for all students. Page Three ~ +~ Commission on Senior and Challenged Citizens Report on Education Recommendations: A.) Roanoke County Public School Policy #8.4 [See Attachment •~~~~~ "Public Complaints" should be revised to include: 1. the development of a complaint form to be utilized throughout the school division. 2. A written statement of resolution should be provided to the person submitting the complaint. 3. Timelines for efficient processing of complaints should be listed in the policy. *Parent Resource Censer personnel could be trained to assist any person requiring assistance in filling out the form. B.) The booklet entitled, Regulations Governing Special Education Programs for Children with Disabilities in Virginia should be distributed to all parents of children with disabilities. This booklet can be obtained from the Virginia Department of Education at no charge. [See Attachment "8"] c C.) Develop a long range plan for special education in Roanoke County Public Schools. Parents and school staff should participate in the plan development. This plan should be comprehensive in nature to include: a mission/vision statement which expresses, goals for increasing program placements within the general curriculum and extracurricular activities, transition programming that will allow for meaningful employment and involvement in community activities, reduction of drop-out rate for students enrolled in special education and a plan that Page Four Commission on Senior and Challenged Citizens Report on Education would allow a natural flow for special education students through a single school district. D.) More frequent advertising of the Roanoke County Public School's Special Education Advisory Committee, it's agendas and meeting dates. (The majority of parents interviewed remain unaware of the committee's existence, unaware of its purpose and unaware of procedures to follow should they desire to address the committee.) E.) The Virginia Department of Education requires a written response from a local school division when a formal complaint is received by the Department. The commission recommends that it be standard practice to mail a copy of the response to the parent. F.) When a formal complaint is filed with the Virginia Department of Education regarding special education the Department provides the school division with an opportunity to resolve the complaint within ten (10) administrative days. The commission recommends that it be standard practice to contact the parent in an attempt to resolve the complaint at the local level. [See Attachment "C") G.) Greater utilization of the public access channel by development of a live television show, involving answers to phone in questions by the public. This could be produced monthly covering a specific topic each month. Pre-advertising of topics is suggested. p-~ POK . CO . UTILIT'r' DEPT . TEL : I-54~-3~7-623 Jar ~6 ~9 14 ~ 34 hJ~ . 0~ r P . i:~2 . ~ ~~~ ~~~ 8,4 PUBLIC COMPLAINTS ~ t ~ -~ / A complaint involving a particular teacher should be directed to the teacher. If the complaint cannot be relflthe at that level, it should be taken to the principal. principal is not able to reach a satisfactory solution, it is ref erred to the assistant/associate superintendent, the superintend®nt, and finally to the school board. Based on previous experience, practically all matters can be res©lved within the first three steps. ~~ -/ Complaint Findings From Virginia Department of Education Regarding Roanoke County Schools Special Education Department 1997-98 School Year. The following are violations of both State and Federal Laws. Failure to provide services by qualified personnel as indicated in the student's I.E.P. [Date of fording: 4/29/98] 2. Failure to implement an I.E.P. for a child with a disability. [Date of fording: 2/12/98] 3. Pre-determination of I.E.P. committee decision related to adaptive device for a child with a disability. [Date of Finding: 2/12/98] 4. Failure to provide a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability in the school division's jurisdiction. [Date of Finding: 2/5/98] 5. Failure to provide a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available to the parent of a child with a disability. [Date of Finding 2/5/98] 6. Failure to provide triennial evaluation in accordance with State and Federal time lines and in a timely manner. [Date of Finding 3/9/98] 7. Failure to properly notify parent and to obtain written parental consent before proposing or initiating a change in the identification of a child with a disability. [3/9/98] 8. Failure to provide the required notice to the parent before initiating a change of placement. [2/11/98] 9. Failure to include the purpose of the LE.P. meeting in the LE.P. notification form. [2/11/98] lO.Use of improper placement procedures by pre-determining the placement option for a change of placement. [2/11/98]. Other complaints have been filed. Findings are pending. ~ ~' i t - /i ~'.+. ''rr 1 ~L -. ~ (/ ~- ,• ' `f ~.... x~ _ - - _ -~ _ -~ _ ` `~_ ~ ° DIVISION. OF COMPLIANCE - . ~ 7h ( r :. ~ 3rYr ~t~ -3 f .ian ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~;~~~..,,A = _ ~O.~JFICE OF,SP~CIAL PROGRAMS L 'y-ti .~^ ~`I L ~` -. -. n -.. t _ - .. .~ z r ~ ~ iaµ - ~ A~ 1K T ~~ ~ - .. -ANNUAL REPORT .j ~l ~~? ~1 .-.:_ ' ~•~ 1ti-,d ~r •,~ ~~T yi, ~ d h ... - . - . . _ D UE PROCESS HEARINGS - ~f _ ~_t t -4~~ti ~c 'h. i. ,>s., - - _~ ~ ~ and ~ - . - ~- ,~ ~. - ;. SPECIAL EDUCATION COMPLAINTS - -- ~ --. --~ i - - :.~ _. - ~~ s -:... .: ~ _ _ } -.1997 :.1998 - rr ~,t _ ~ ~" _ -„~t~a++~F~ ~, •t-t3~ _n .'k-r:'n~.,r~-ar"~!-S~ ~ yti ~ <s -'•t"i.rdn ~ o-Y _y,1t +:. r 'r'^~'~~~;~4'~• t,~z ' ..• vii ... ~. ~,. .: . -!y. ^~'. _.~ ~ .. ~_,s'T" , 11 A J'!/t. r ~ _ ~-~ 1 k Virginia De ~artment of Edu r r ' ~ < - ~;: P cation . ,, • : P: O BOX 2120 ..- s - z .. ~ r, _~ -,a~ ~ S I 1~ 4 ~" Virginia 23218 - - 2120 -.. ~, ~. ,~ , . _ ~ y-r: r ', -~ _ - ~.. .~a~ l :'~ ..•2tr` ~>~ *,if~TU4- ~j~x~e.. ~ s,~'~,ry1,.'~~x~r,~,'~'~'4~r~ r';' ~ -- 3 ~- DIVISION OF COMPLIANCE OFFICE OF SPECIAL PROGRAMS ANNUAL REPORT 1997 - 1998 • Due Process Hearings System • Special Education Complaints System o Dr. Thomas Shortt, Assistant Superintendent for Compliance o Dr. Judith Douglas, Director, Special Programs o Ms. Brenda Briggs, Due Process and Complaints Coordinator o Ms. Michelle Hathcock, Due Process and Complaints Coordinator o Mr. Ron Geiersbach, Complaints Specialist o Ms. Gilds Morgan, Complaints Specialist o Ms. Sandra Peterson, Complaints Specialist o Ms. Sheila Gray, Administrative Assistant ~- ~ 6-y ~°~ Due Process Hearing Requests and Complaints Filed by LEA ~ 1997-98 SCHOOL DIVISION PUPILS ENROLLED SPECIAL EDUCATION' HEARINGS REQUESTED COMPLARvTS FILED Accomack 5460 1564 0 0 Albermarle 11644 1852 3 I Alexandria City 10488 1768 4 1 Alleghany Highlands 2971 437 I p 0 Amelia 1806 1296 0 1 Amherst 4680 541 0 0 Appomattox 2386 1290 0 0 Arlington 17892 3000 g 5 Augusta 10877 1387 1 1 Bath 897 113 0 0 Bedford 1030 1150 1 3 Bland 979 167 1 0 Botetourt 4599 ( 796 1 1 Bristol City 2466 1 398 0 0 Brunswick 2571 1 297 0 0 Buchanan 4711 753 0 0 Buckingham 2293 ~ 388 0 1 Buena Vista City 1080 155 0 0 Campbell 8478 886 0 1 Caroline 3784 506 1 2 Carroll 4024 765 0 0 Charles City County 1017 175 0 0 Charlotte 2253 320 0 0 Charlottesville 4408 782 2 0 Chesapeake 36362 4924 1 1 Chesterfield 50173 7395 7 4 Clarke 1917 220 0 0 r r w r w a i i 6-5 C~~- ~ Due Proces s Hearin; Requests and Complaints Fil d b e y LEA 1997-98 SCHOOL DIVISION PUPILS SPECIAL HEARINGS ENROLLED I EDUCATION' REQUESTED COMPLAINTS FILED Colonial Beach 682 91 0 0 Colonial Heiehts 2787 391 0 0 Covington 951 1168 0 I 0 Craig 720 ~ 110 0 I Culpeper 5327 746 0 I 0 Cumberland 1278 1170 p I 1 Danville 8060 1854 0 I 0 Dickenson 3030 384 0 0 Dinwiddie 4186 577 0 I 0 Essex I601 3I7 0 0 Fairfax I45722 18972 13 I I1 Falls Church City 1451 I X41 0 I 1 Fauquier 9198 1416 I 1 Floyd 1908 347 0 I p Fluvanna 2839 1397 0 I 0 Franklin 6947 11040 0 I p Franklin City 1771 253 0 p Frederick 10185 1281 0 0 Fredericksburg 2206 312 0 p Galax 1270 136 0 0 Giles 2606 314 0 0 Gloucester 6585 730 2 1 Goochland 1948 379 0 0 Grayson 2328 307 0 0 Greene 2518 568 2 1 Greensville 2680 403 0 0 Halifax 6239 1270 0 1 6-f~ Due Process Hearing Requests and Complaints Filed by LEA 1997-98 ri SCHOOL DIVISION PUPILS ENROLLED SPECIAL EDUCATION' HEARINGS REQUESTED COMPLAINTS FILED Hampton 23661 2380 5 6 Hanover 15251 1720 1 0 Harrisonburg 3551 592 0 0 Henrico 39073 4882 2 3 HAY 9154 (1637 0 1 Highland 349 46 0 0 Hopewell 4132 6~ I 0 0 Isle of Wright 4831 571 0 2 King and Queen 921 197 0 I King George 2865 512 0 2 King William 1702 323 0 1 Lancaster 1617 193 0 ~0 Lee 4081 587 0 1 Lexington 446 94 1 1 Loudoun 23616 1 2707 2 0 Louisa 4026 479 3 1 Lunenburg 2004 328 0 p Lynchburg 9515 1392 0 3 Madison 1896 281 0 1 Manassas 6080 795 0 0 Manassas Pazk City 1705 252 0 0 Martinsville 2729 404 0 0 Mathews 1326 198 0 0 Mecklenburg 5055 622 0 0 Middlesex 1415 218 0 0 Montgomery 9213 1 1249 0 1 Nelson 2030 273 0 0 b-~ ~~7 - --- ~ ~-- Due Process Hearing Requests and Complaints Filed by LEA 1997-98 0 t. _ ~:-. ~-- a SCHOOL DIVISION PUPILS ENROLLED SPECIAL EDUCATION' HEARINGS REQUESTED COMPLAINTS FILED New Kent 2275 1441 0 0 Newport News 33202 13637 g 2 Norfolk 38014 4693 0 2 Northampton 2465 1268 0 0 Northumberland 1672 1199 0 I0 Norton 799 1177 0 0 NottowaY 2520 478 1 0 Orange 3839 1485 0 I 0 Page 3590 1401 0 0 Patrick 2667 1396 0 0 Petersburg 6241 1 724 0 1 Pittsylvania 9342 (1064 1 0 Poquoson 2481 1 225 0 0 Portsmouth 17687 1 2645 2 5 Powhatan 3191 1 430 1 0 Prince Edward 2369 1 416 0 0 Prince George 5587 1 569 1 0 Prince William 49905 1 6309 6 3 Pulaski 6100 1 772 0 0 Radford 1566 261 1 0 Rappahannock 1067 173 0 0 Richmond 1344 Richmond City 27787 Roanoke 13976 Roanoke City 13514 Rockbridge 3240 Rockingham 10620 ~~ 8 a-~ Due Process Hearin; Requests and Complaints Filed by LEA 1997-98 ,i ~i 0 fj i 1. Pupils age 3 to 21. These figures are based on the December 1, 1997 child count, SCHOOL DIVISION PUPILS ENROLLED SPECIAL EDUCATION' HEARINGS REQUESTED COMPLAINTS FILED Russell 4494 722 0 0 Salem Ciry 3984 490 I 0 Scott 3775 591 0 0 Shenandoah 5397 745 0 0 Smyth 5295 1790 0 I 0 Southampton 12906 397 0 I O Spouyivania 16510 2222 0 I 1 Stafford 18100 1960 1 15 Staunton 2923 491 0 I0 Suffolk 11046 11433 (O I 1 STY 1213 166 0 0 Sussex 1543 203 0 I 0 Tazewell 7793 1116 0 I 1 Virginia Beach 77521 1 10342 4 12 WazTan 4689 586 0 ( 5 Washington 7518 884 1 I 0 Waynesboro 3003 285 1 I 0 West Point 775 97 0 2 Westmoreland 2102 181 0 0 Williamsburg-James City 7784 776 1 2 Winchester 3340 619 1 0 Wise 7541 890 0 0 WY~e 4385 519 1 1 York 11205 918 g 6 Total 1,110,815 147,866 104 136 Current Transportation Reviewed Transportation Sab-committee 1. League of Older Americans: Vital Service Transportation - no charge for service - requires at least 48 hours notice - used for doctors' appointments only -use volunteer drives or Yellow Cab service, which is paid for by the LOA - 345-0451 2. RADAR: CORTRAN - CORTRAN svgs. 600-700 one-way rides monthly - runs Monday thru Friday, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. - takes citizens anywhere they want or need to go $2.50 each way - urban area for elderly and handicapped only -rural area for public use (85%, however, are elderly or disabled) - requires certification - Curtis Andrews, 343-1721 3. Carilion Patient Service: see pamphlet - Beth Martin, 981-8731 4. Precious CarQO: Vince Stover, 985-4500 - 8 vans; 6 located in the Roanoke Valley, 2 in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg area - 4: fifteen passenger vans, 2: mini-vans - cost: single person $6 plus $.50 per mile; group rate: $55 with 15 miles included, plus $.50 afterward - all costs are one way - Information from this agency is on its way. ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ ""' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY MEETING DATE: Januari 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Report from the Roanoke County Information Technology Team COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Information Technology Team (ITT) was formed in March, 1999, for the basic purpose of ensuring that the County's expenditure of funds in the use of information technology is done in the most appropriate and cost effective manner. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The ITT appreciates the opportunity to make this presentation to the Board. Our primary purpose will be to make you aware of the Team and its mission, and to report on its accomplishments. We will brief you on progress and the status of our Year 2000 efforts and on several other information technology related areas. Respectfully submitted, .lip/ P __ Don Myers Assistant County Administrator Approved: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved O Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to _________________________ ACTION Vw~ VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens r Roanoke County Schools Plan for Instructional Technology 1998-2003 Executive Summary Revised December 1998 ~~GOUN)ysc ~o so c ~-~ o ~ ~ 1~ °e~t g,w~ Mission Statement Technology shall be incorporated into curricula to enhance instruction, facilitate active learning, and assist the teacher in the preparation, delivery and management of instruction. Philosophy: How Technology Will Be Used In the past decade, technology has transformed the way we live, learn and communicate. It empowers students and teachers, promoting active participation m a variety of learning experiences. Communication via networks provides a plethora of information and communication modes to manipulate, study and share data in creative ways. Technology assists teachers in the prepazation, delivery, and management of instruction. Students and teachers are encouraged to shaze knowledge via local, wide-area, and global networks. The presence of current and emerging technologies creates challenges for teachers and students as classroom walls disappeaz and the focus is on global communication. Evaluation skills and the ability to make decisions and choices is paramount to effective utilization of available resources. Complex evaluation strategies become basic skills. Full implementation of technology in school learning environments requires careful planning, extensive training, technical support and leadership. To take advantage of available technologies, teachers and students must reorganize both the learning environment and an overabundance of available information into meaningful elements. Technology is a tool that can help teachers and students achieve goals and communicate results. Technologies support and enhance instruction in a number of ways. Carefully selected softwaze can serve as a patient tutor, providing the appropriate amount of practice at the correct level of difficulty. Simulation programs can provide real world experiences that would not be otherwise possible due to physical, monetary, or safety restraints. Communications programs provide access to information previously unavailable within the four walls of the classroom or school media center. Tool softwaze assists teachers and students in evaluation and presentation of available data and resources. Both students and teachers aze more productive. Learning can become an active rather than passive endeavor. Roanoke County Schools' technology training and curriculum planning program has three major areas of focus: • Equipping teachers and staff with the skills needed to effectively utilize technology; • Ensuring effective implementation of the Technology Standards of Learning; and • Working towazd full integration of technology as a tool to enhance teaching and learning in all classrooms. Training efforts focus on those three goals, with a myriad of opportunities provided at the building, division, regional and state level. In addition to Goals 2000 and Literacy Challenge Sub- grant programs, collaborative activities with Roanoke County's Staff Development Department, Adult Education, Virginia Western Community College, and the Southwest Virginia Technology Consortium provide opportunities for staff to acquire skills and refine strategies toward these goals. Roanoke County Schools Plan for Instructional Technology -Executive Summary Page 3 Goals and Strategies LONG RANGE -GOAL: It is the goal of Roanoke County Schools to create classroom environments which utilize technology to promote active learning. 1.1 Improve the management of instructional ~ technology. 1.1.1 Assign sufficient personnel to facilitate county-wide implementation of appropriate instructional technologies. 1.1.2 Utilize the Advisory Committee for Instructional Technology to enhance assessment and planning. 1.1.3 Employ personnel in each school to facilitate use of instructional technology and to work with classroom teachers to integrate technology into daily instruction. 1.1.4 Provide sufficient technical support. 1.1.5 Continue providing compensation to a technology coordinator in each school. 1.1.6 Engage in continuing dialogue that will dispel the notion of "ownership" of technology by any one person, department, or program. 1.2 Expand and upgrade technology. 1.2.1 Systematically survey teachers to assess technological needs for individual schools and classrooms. 1.2.2 Within each building, supply and maintain sufficient equipment and software to accommodate defined instructional needs. 1.2.3 Create learning laboratories unique to the needs of specific disciplines. 1.2.4 Create technology labs (available to all students) to support such applications as word processing, information retrieval, graphics, reinforcement strategies, etc. 1.2.5 Equip each classroom with a computer station. 1.2.6 Seek grants and capital funding for identified technology needs. 1.3 Facilitate opportunities for students to access and use technology. 1.3.1 Equip students with skills to make technology an integral part of daily work/study/learning. (Consider skills of keyboarding, word processing, data gathering, organizing, and analyzing.) 1.3.2 Schedule time before and after school hours to accommodate student use of learning laboratories and technology laboratories. 1.4 Integrate technology into curriculum guides. 1.4.1 Beginning with summer, 1993, all curriculum committees will weave software into curriculum guides. (Consider software to include computer programs, laser disks, CD- ROM, videotapes, et al.) 1.4.2 Amend guides yearly as new acquisitions become available. 1.5 Systematically assess new software products. 1.5.1 Establish acounty-wide cross-curricular committee to preview, assess and recommend acquisition of software. 1.5.2 Utilize all available means of communications to facilitate sharing of information about technology with students and staff. 1.5.3 Explore other kinds of software. 1.6 Engage students and teachers in telecommunications. 1.6.1 Explore possible links to distance learning. 1.6.2 Acquaint instructional personnel with opportunities for distance learning. 1.6.3 Involve students in telecommunications learning experiences. Roanoke County Schools Plan for Instructional Technology -Executive Summary Page 5 Strategic Action Plan 1998-2000 During the 1998-99 and 1999-2000 school years the following Technology Plan items will be given priority: • Provide a current, multimedia, networked computer for each classroom • Add an additional Pentium computer with Windows® to any high school classroom that does not yet have one. • Add a surplus Macintosh computer to any middle or elementary school classroom that does not yet have one. • Provide a networked, multimedia computer lab for each school for general purpose use • Add a Pentium® or PowerPC® lab to two middle schools not yet having one. • Upgrade older labs to Pentium® or PowerPC®. • Reassign usable computers to classrooms or special purpose labs. • Provide projection devices in classrooms and labs • Add projection devices as budgets permit • Explore methods of funding large screen projection for all classrooms. • Upgrade library media computers to make more effective use of available resources • Upgrade high school library media workstations to Pentium®200 or better. • Upgrade middle and elementary school workstations to accommodate needs of Spectrum®. • Refine methods of creating and sharing information regarding technology to facilitate maximum benefit: • Develop lesson plans that integrate technology into curriculum guides. • Use the Roanoke County WAN to share information. • Create web-based tools for sharing information. • Continue emphasis on training for all instructional personnel: • Continue classes as outlined in Training Plan. • Continue workshops as needed. • Provide opportunities for teachers to attend training workshops and enroll in college classes. • Provide training in specific strategies for integrating technology with existing curricula. • Provide training for building administrators in evaluation strategies and effective techniques for encouraging integration of technology into curricula. Roanoke County Schools Plan for Instructional Technology -Executive Summary Page 7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION 011299-5 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. '"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 12, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading and Public Hearing on Roanoke County Community Plan COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Q~%eo-1~+~~~~•wK BACKGROUND: The draft Roanoke County Community Plan has its foundation in the 1995-1996 visioning process - a process that began an extensive outreach program to involve County citizens in the development of a new comprehensive community plan. In January 1995 the Roanoke County vision process began with a telephone survey of 500 citizens to assess the community's values and concerns for the future. In March of that year the Board of Supervisors appointed a 15-member Steering Committee to guide the vision process and develop the citizen participation component. On April 1, 1995 the Steering Committee hosted acounty-wide community meeting to kick-off the public participation component of the vision process and allow citizens to volunteer to work on various focus groups. In all, ten focus groups were convened covering the topics of agriculture, economic development, transportation, growth management, housing, education, government relations, recreation and culture, technology and resource protection. The citizens of these focus groups represented a broad variety of community interests. The focus groups met throughout the summer of 1995 and wrapped-up their work with a series of recommendations that were presented to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The culmination of the visioning process was a document entitled The Changing Century -Roanoke County 2010. The second component of the citizen outreach program was to develop aneighborhood- based citizen participation element. This element was designed to identify issues at the neighborhood level and relate the findings and recommendations of the vision process to ~, - d 2 each neighborhood. In August 1996, the Board of Supervisors appointed a Citizen Advisory Committee consisting of 24 citizens -two from each of the twelve community planning areas. This Committee in turn appointed neighborhood councils consisting of local citizens and leaders of community-based organizations. The councils began meeting in January 1997 and over the course of the next four months worked with county staff to identify critical land use, resource preservation and public facility issues in their own neighborhoods. In addition, they made recommendations on design guidelines for new development and mapped significant features in their neighborhoods such as mountain views, parks, cultural attractions and historical buildings or sites. In May 1997 the Citizen Advisory Committee hosted a community forum to present the results of the neighborhood councils and to receive public input on this work. In the summer of 1997, staff began writing the draft Community Plan utilizing the abundance of information that had been gathered from all the previous neighborhood meetings and public hearings. In early July 1998 a draft Community Plan was presented to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission scheduled a series of nine public work sessions to begin their detailed review of the document and on October 6 the Planning Commission held their public hearing on the Community Plan. The Planning Commission stated that this Community Plan has been developed with an enormous amount of citizen input over almost four years -more community outreach then any other planning process the County has undertaken. They have thoroughly reviewed the Plan, held nine work sessions on it and responded in detail to all comments they have received. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend the Plan to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors held theirfirst reading and public hearing on the Community Plan on October 27, 1998 and set second reading and public hearing for January 12, 1999. On December 1, 1998 the Board held their third work session on the Community Plan and heard comments and suggestions from various groups and organizations. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Community Plan provides direction and guidance, for both the public and private sectors, in making decisions about land development, public services and resource protection. The Plan has been developed in compliance with Chapter 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, but over and above the legal requirements it represents an important opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to present the County's long range goals, policies and strategies to the community. The Plan is a flexible document - it is subject to interpretation and is not fixed in place. Amendments may be initiated by any County landowner or the Board of Supervisors. R~ 3 This Plan strives to accomplish a balance between the need and desire for economic growth and environmental protection. It recognizes that with the appropriate planning, both of these efforts can succeed. It also recognizes that tourism is an important component of the County's economic development efforts and can provide a mutually beneficial overlap between economic development and environmental protection. The future land use maps and economic development opportunity maps encourage commercial and industrial development in the more developed, suburban areas of the County and encourage resource preservation in the higher elevations and more rural areas of the County. For the first time, this Plan includes a section devoted to economic development plans and provides maps of future economic development opportunity areas. These maps have been coordinated with the future land use maps to ensure consistency. Also, for the first time, this Plan includes an additional land use designation called Conservation. This designation recognizes that there are significant environmental and cultural features in Roanoke County, such as mountains and ridgetops, wildlife habitat, clean water resources and scenic beauty, that deserve protection. Lands in this designation include National Park Service and National Forest Service lands, State of Virginia Haven's Wildlife area, Catawba Farm and Catawba Hospital, Spring Hollow Reservoir and Green Ridge among others. This designation encourages limited development with a high level of environmental sensitivity. The Plan functions as a work plan for the coming years. It presents goals and objectives and then lays out strategies to achieve them. Many of these strategies are reflected in the last chapter, Community Plan Implementation. This chapter itemizes programs and policies that need to be developed and recommends time frames for completing these work items. This level of bench marking or accountability has been a high priority for the Planning Commission. The Plan strives to provide the ways and means to protect the unique and wonderful characteristics of Roanoke County -those things that make this place special. The Plan recommends design guidelines that encourage new development to be sensitive to site details and their relationship to adjoining residential neighborhoods. The Plan is based on a great deal of citizen input and seeks to encourage the continuation of a two-way dialogue between citizens and the County. Towards that goal, the Plan encourages the continued involvement of the neighborhood councils in ongoing planning issues such as rezonings, neighborhood plans and corridor re-development iniatives. At your work session on December 1, 1998 you asked staff to continue working with the Roanoke Regional HomeBuilders Association (RRHBA), the Appalachian Trail Conference and other organizations. Staff met with the RRHBA the following week to review economic R-~ 4 development policies, resources and plans. In addition, staff has incorporated a section in Chapter 5, Resource Preservation on the Appalachian Trail. Respectfully Submitted, ~~ Janet Scheid, Senior Planner Department of Community Development Approved, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Johnson _ Denied () Harrison _ _ Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ To () Nickens _ cc: File R-~ COMMUNITY PLAN ERRATA SHEET Revised January 6, 1999 (Notes: Strike outs have been replaced with the text that follows. Shaded words have been added into the text.) 1. Add in page citing other volumes, special studies and plans adopted as part of the Community Plan. Also cite other documents referenced in the Plan. (Change made on 11/23/ 98, requested by ECH) 2. Page 1: Introduction - The Community Plan is a platming document and reflects ....... (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 3. Page 1: The Roanoke County Community Plan was developed in accordance with Chapter 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, Article 2-3, The Comprehensive Plan, which requires that: "The local (plafifaing) commission shall prepare and recommend `At least once every five years the comprehensive plan shall be reviewed by the local (plunning~ commission to ...... (Changes made on 8/5/98, requested by staff and PC) 4. Page 2: Community Wide Issues - ~ , These are broad and general issues that affect the entire community. There are three major subheadings in this chapter: 1) land use issues; 2) community facility issues; and 3) resource preservation issues. *Future Land Use Guide - , This chapter includes land use designations and policies. Page 2: The Community Plan Process, History - In 1974 Roanoke County .......The community lead visioning process was begun ....... (Changes made on 8/11/98, requested by staff and PC) 6. Page 3: The last paragraph has been re-worded as follows: The three major components of the Community Plan reflect the results of the visioning process as well as the work of the CAC and neighborhood councils. The first component R- - Community Wide Issues -provides background, goals, objectives, issues and opportunities and implementation strategies in the areas of land use, public facilities and resource preservation. The second component is the Future Land Use Guide. Land use guidelines and policies that reflect the results of the visioning process are outlined. The third component is the Community Planning Area Analysis. This section takes an in- depth look at each of the 12 community planning areas around the County. Future land use maps are displayed in this section. (Changes made on 8/5/98, requested by staff and PC) 7. Page 4: Plan Amendments -The Roanoke County Community Plan is a general planning document that is subject to interpretation. It is intended to guide firture land use development in the County but is not fixed in place. Therefore, amendments to the Community Plan will be accepted twice annually in the months of January and July. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) Page 4: Plan Amendments -Any amendment should be determined (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 9. Page 5: Sustainability - . Recognizing that our natural systems are vital to providing both economic needs and quality of life for all citizens, sustainable development has been incorporated into County planning -- meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) 10. Page 6: Vision Statements -The following vision statements represent the work of =the focus g;~oups and are reprinted here exactly as they were developed by each group. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) 11. Page 11: Technology and Communications #3 -through technical schools, extension programs and afour-year sel3ael college of higher learning..... (Change made on 1/6/99, requested by BOS) 12. Page 14: #4 -This should be posted on the Roanoke County Hame Page and (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) #6 - ire Encourage (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) 13. Page 15: Introduction - 2 -i These guidelines are intended to facilitate development creativity and provide incentives for development design principles that will result in the enhancement of the visual appearance of the built environment in the County. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) New developments should be designed and planned as cohesive communities. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) New developments should be required to design around existing, healthy stands of trees and/or individual specimen trees where possible, to preserve trees that are outside of the building envelope, and to replace trees when existing trees must be removed, (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 14. Page 16: Objectives -Develop and incorporate design guidelines for all future development in the County, excluding individual home sites and farm buildings. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 15. Page 17: Conservation -When the specific data is available, the viewsheds from tle Appalachian Trail should be included in this designation. (Change made on 11/23/98, requested by ATC) 16. Page 18: Conservation Guideline #7, . Restrict development of structures, such as~`esidential, commercial, or industrial facilities, on slopes greater than 20%. Allow passive recreational uses, such as picnic shelters, greenways and trails in these areas. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Depts. of Parks and Recreation and Utilities) 17. Page 19: Conservation Guidelines #8, ~` ~ _-•~`~° ~~••--~~ Restrict development within 100 feet of a water course, excluding passive recrea~onal uses, water related recreational uses or incidental utility uses. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Depts. of Parks and Recreation and Utilities) Rural Preserve and Rural Village, Guideline #2 -Require that rural subdivisions be sereened buffered and setback from roadway view. Rural Preserve and Rural Village, Guideline #3 -Decrease the number of new driveways (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) Rural Preserve and Rural Village, Guideline #4 -Locate buildings either in a wooded R-~ fringe at the edge of a field or setback and sereen buffer them from fields and public roads hrough the use of landscaping. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 18. Page 21: Neighborhood Conservation, Guideline #l, Delete. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 19. Page 22: Neighborhood Conservation, Guideline #6 - AIIow well-designed, low impact service oriented businesses to locate near neighborhoods. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) 20. Page 24: Transition, Guideline #8 - ~ereer~ Buffer along rear property lines..... (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Guideline # 11 - ~ Buffer adjacent incompatible land uses. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 21. Page 24: Core, Objective E -`Concentrate intensive commercial uses into one area rather than in long linear corridors. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) 22. Page 25: Core, Guideline # 9 -Encourage the siting of communication towers antennae and dishes on existing or new structures rather than on stand alone towers, This change will also be made on page 26. (Change made on 8/11/98, requested by PC) 23. Page 27: Scenic Corridors, Objective A -add in Roanoke River (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 24. Page 28: If we as a community are successful in managing growth -encouraging alid directing growth towards those areas of the County that can support it -preserving viewsheds and open space, and..... (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 25. Page 30: Objective IT - Encourage alternative modes of transportation around neighborhoodssuch as walking and bicycling. (Change made 8/11/98, requested by PC) 26. Page 31: Implementation Strategy # 4 - ......to encourage, where appropriate, sidewalks and greenways throughout ..... (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 27. Page 31: # 7 - ~eEncourage community meetings.... 4 Ri #8 -add in where appropriate (Changes made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) #10 -Research a~rep the need for housing maintenance regulations to mitigate problems with unkept property and yards, and develop , if necessary, appropriate regulations. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 28. Page 33:12th *: Parks and greenways are seen as an important quality of life issue s. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Dept. of Parks and Recreation) 29. Page 34:G -Preserve, where appropriate, existing trees and encourage the planting of tree species that are native to the Blue Ridge region. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Implementation Strategy #1 - .... natural resources in the County -including mountainsides, ridgetops, streams, rivers; viewsheds, open space, wetlands, forests, soils and wildlife. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Implementation Strategy #3 - tModify and enhance design guidelines, incorporating: incentives where feasible, to be applied to all future..... (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Implementation Strategy #4 - Continue funding and support of the greenway system and develop a dedicated source of funding to support the system. Implementation Strategy #5 -Fully implement the recommendations of the School Board Blue Ribbon Committee for school construction and maintenance needs. (Changes made on 11/2/98, requested by PC) 30. Page 35: Implementation Strategy #10 - ...... Continue to support the regional land trust - a publicly- supported charitable organization providing voluntary means to promote the preservatio~i of natural and cultural resources -and other statewide and national land trusts. (Change made 8/11/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Implementation Strategy #16 -Expand the Roanoke County park system so that neighborhood parks are accessible to all citizens. #17- Expand and enhance the County-wide road beautification efforts. (Changes made 8/11/98, requested by PC) R-I 31. Page 36: Issues and Opportunities -The County has many intergovernmental projects with the Town of Vinton, the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, Botetourt County and other neighboring jurisdictions such as fire and rescue facilities, libraries, sewer treatment plan and the airport. (Changes made on 9/2/98 and 11/2/98, requested by PC and BOS) 32. Page 37: Objectives - F -Continue to participate in joint projects with neighboring jurisdictions to provide services, such as communication facilities, libraries, fire and rescue facilities and water and sewer lines, to County citizens in the most efficient mariner. (Change made on 9/2/98 and 11/2/98, requested by PC and BOS) 33. Page 38:#10 -Continue to support and participate in the regional, statewide and national land trusts. (Change made on 11/23/98, requested by ATC) 34. Page 39: Economic Development Plan -The economic developmentprocess is of critical importance to the continued high quality of life in Roanoke County and the continued ability of the County to provide a high level of public services to citizens. This section has been expanded, specifically the Goal and Issues and Opportunities sections. (Change made on 1/6/99 requested by ECH and on 11/2/98, requested by BOS, RRHBA and Dept. of Economic Development) 35. Page 49: Objective - J - Develop strategies to enhance the utilization of the Roasioke River as a recreational resource. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by PC) 36. Page 50: Implementation Strategy #14 - Encourage neighboring jurisdictions to adopt th,e Roanoke River Corridor Conservation Overlay District. (Changes made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 37. Page 55: Following their review and evaluation, the Blue Ribbon Committee recommended $100 million in school capital improvements. Three phases of construction were recommended over a 10-year period. The total cost of the recommended improvements, adjusted for inflation, is approximately $121 million. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by ECH) 38. Page 56: The school system cooperates ` with the Roanoke County ... (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 6 R- ~ 39. Page 65: Sheriff's Office, #1 - Construct a regional juvenile detention center. This facility will eliminate overtime ....... (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 40. Page 71: Roanoke County should study the use of private road systems and appropriate private road standards. (Change made on 9/22/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 41. Page 72: Objective D - .....and limit the access points to ensure safety and facilitate traffic flow, where appropriate. (Change made on 9/22/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 42. Page 73: Implementation Strategy #8 -'T-~ ~" -~~~~-~'-'~ `V'~~"~ ~" Minimize the adverse.... Implementation Strategy #9 -Pursue increased State and Federal support for all types of transportation improvements. Examine modifications to the funding formulasthatwill bring more fiends into thEwestern portion of the Salem Transportation District. (Changes made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 43. Page 75: Implementation Strategy #23 -Provide sidewalks, where appropriate,....... Implementation Strategy #24 -Require new development to-pays--` contribute to the costs associated with.... (Changes made on 9/22/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Implementation Strategy #25 -Delete. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 44. Page 89: During the past twenty-five years, Roanoke County has experienced steady growth. From a population of 53,800"in 1970 that reflects the results of several annexations, the population grew 54 percent to 83,100 in 1995. (Change made on 9/30/98, requested by PC) Open Space -Although Roanoke County has ahigh-quality public park system, there are severe shortages of park land particularly in certain areas. In addition, the majority of park land in the County is devoted to active recreational uses such as ballfields. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Dept. of Parks and Recreation) 45. Page 90: Open Space - ....... mountain elevations at ~- ~'-~_... , cnn r ..~ a specified elevation, 7 Ri (Change made on 9/29/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 46. Page 90: 3rd para. -Scenic views from the Appalachian Trail - a National Scenic Trail - maybe included as this information becomes available. (Change made on 11/12/98, requested by ATC) Greenways -Although greenways are a collateral component of a county-wide park system they do not replace the need for additional park land. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Dept. of Parks and Recreation and revised on 1/6/99, requested by BOS) 47. Page 91: , ' ' ai .... Reword this paragraph as follows: The Greenway Commission, appointed by the four Valley governments, is an advisory body. Its responsibilities include:,facilitate cooperation and coordination among jurisdictions in greenway plamling and development, recommend funding sources for greenway construction, develop uniform standards for design and~construction and pursue public/private partnerships for greenway development. Several items have been addedin here to supplement the discussions of Greenways and Open Space. They include Roanoke River, Agriculture Resources, Historical Resources, Blue Ridge Parkway; °Appalachian Trail, Soils, Mountains and Ridgetops. (Changes made on 9/29/98, requested by pc) 48. Page 95aast para. -the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Appalachian Trail. (Change made on 11/23/98, requested by ATC) 49. Page 99: Issues and Opportunities, 1st * -Roanoke County citizens place a high value on the surrounding mountain landscape, agricultural and forested lands, streams, rivers, open spaces and parks. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Dept. of Parks and Recreation) Issues and Opportunities, 4th * -The County participates in ~ttst a regional land trust through membership......and financial support. The land trust is a regional publicly-supported charitable organization providing voluntary means to promote thepreservation of natural and cultural resources. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 50. Page 100: 1st * - , Given the large land base of the County and the amount of construction activity occurring, the County requires additional monitoring and enforcement resources directed towards the controland preventionof soil erosion. 8 R (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 3rd*- Although this conforms to Federal Government minimum standards, it constrains stonnwater drainage and may create a flooding hazard downstream. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 5th * - VDOT road standards provide for the efficient and safe movement of traffic but do not allow or encourage innovation...... (Changes made on 9/28/98, requested by RRHBA and pc) 6th * -The County subdivision ordinance needs to be re~isedupdated and modified to reflect thepolicies and guidelines of thisCorrununity Plan. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by pc) 7th * - ........ regional stormwater management plan but this plan does not-in~e~ar~tte emphasize the use........ (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 9th * -Natural stream channels are allowed to be diverted or covered by development,.:. ' Although unavoidable in a few specific instances, it does pei~nanently Ater the natural environment and aesthic amenity of that water course. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 12th * -Delete. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by ECH) 51. Page 101: Objective - F -moire Encourage Objective G - Promote the use of a liveable traffic design model that values neighborhood appearance and pedestrian friendly aspects of a neighborhood street as much as the ease of traffic movements. (Changes made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Objective H - Encourage innovation and creativity, and where appropriate greenways parks and open space in new subdivisions. (Change made on 9/2/98 and 11/2/98, requested by PC and Dept. of Parks) Objective I -Provide incentives for the protection of forested areas...... (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 52. Page 102: Implementation Strategy #1 - AEP, Roanoke Gas and other utilities and the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association.:. 9 -Q-1 Implementation Strategy #2 - Adopt a tree ordinance to protect, preserve and/or replace trees on private property during land development in accordance with State Code section. 15.2-961. (Changes made on 11/2/98, requested by RRHBA) Implementation Strategy #5 -Incorporate "conservation site design" as a by right option in all agricultural and residential zoning districts. This design technique provides a straight-forward way to ensure that new subdivisions are designed around the central organizing principle of conservation. It requires the developer to identify conservation areas and development areas on the site and locatehouses, streets and lots in a way that protects primary resource features while allowing full -density. (Changes made on 9/21/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) Implementation Strategy #6 -Identify mountainsides and ridgetops that should-ne~l3e dew. be protected and develop preservation sh~ategiesfoffhese resources. ~e Implementation Strategy #9 - Allocate a percentage of t~eany future stormwater management tamutility fee to the development of greenways. (Changes made on 9/2/98, requested by RRHBA and PC) 53. Page 103: #13 - . Ensure the long-term protection of Spring Hollow Reservoir. Study the effectiveness of various conservation strategies such as conservation easements, zoning ordinance overlay districts or other mechanisms. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Depts. of Parks and Recreation and Utilities) Implementation Strategy #14 -Revise the subdivision ordinance to reflect the policies and guidelines of this. Community Plan. Encourage the donation...... Implementation Strategy #17 -Identify and develop gateway overlay districts....... Implementation Strategy #18 - . Work with representatives of the billboard industry to optimize billboard locations in the County. (Changes made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) Implementation Strategy # 21 - Prepare a detailed feasibility study, as described in the Conceptual Plan, for the primary off-road greenways proposed in the County. 10 ~_i Implementation Strategy #22 -Study, identify and recommend dedicated sources of funding for the County greenway system. Implementation Strategy #23 -Encourage the use of best management practices in the watersheds of Spring Hollow and Carvin's Cove Reservoirs.: (Changes made on 11/2/98, requested by Depts. of Utility & Parks);, 54. Page 104: Implementation Strategy #24 -Enhance existing regulations and enforcement procedures to reduce soil nmoff and erosion and provide for the protection of soils, aquatic life and water quality. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC and staff) 55. Page 105: Land Use Designations: These determinants or factors are used to evaluate requested changes to the future land use maps. The careful examination of these factors will determine whichland use designation a piece of land should be in. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 56. Page 105: Forest and Wood Products - ,tree farms, forest nurseries, reforestation services, .Applies to both descriptions of this land use type. 57. Page 106: Public Lands - ......Carvin's Cove watershed, Appalachian Trail, Blue Ridge Parkway, Forest Service lands, and publicly owned land.... Land Use Determinants: add in Resource Protection land use determinant as is in Rural Preserve. (Changes made on 9/21/98, requested by PC) Access -Locations that are accessible by existing improved or unimproved n~ra1 roads azld to a lesser extent aural arterial highways. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 58. Page 110: Land Use Types -Single-Family Residential -Cluster developments are encouraged. Neighborhood Commercial -Low impact services to serve the local neighborhood that are consistent with the Community Plan design guidelines. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 59. Page 113: Core -Due to limited availability, areas designated as Core are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 60. Page 112: Transition, Multi-family Residential -Garden apartments at a density of e 11 ~- 12 to 24 units per acre. (Change made on 1/6/99, requested by staff and RRHBA) 61. Page 113: Principal Industrial -Due to limited availability, areas designated as Principal Industrial are notappropriate for tax-exempt facilities. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 62. Page 116: Land Use Policies -General #1 -and discourage development where the infrastructure and transportation system can not support it. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 63. Page 117: Design #1 -Implement, through the rezoning process, design guidelines......Provide incentives where appropriate to facilitate this process. Neighborhoods #6 -This policy is not meant to encourage cul-de-sacs but rather to examine theuse of more narrow neighborhood streets, grid patterns, etc. protect County neighborhoods from cut-through traffic. (Change made on 9/2/98, requested by PC) 64. Page 120: Introduction -Remove 5 principles of action. Repetitious with Chapter 2. 65. Page 170: #2 -Enhance Park and: Greenway Opportunities: C. Review and update the Roanoke County Park's Master Plan. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Dept. of Parks and Recreation) 5. Implement Resource Preservation Strategies: B. "'~~~ ~ ~~~-~~-•~`=-- ~~-.._.,..._` ~~ . Study conservation strategies to ensure the long-term protection of the Spring Hollow Reservoir and adjacent public lands. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by Depts. of Parks and Recreation and Utilities) 66. Page 171: #2. Visual Impressions of the Community: ,,.-`,~..w~.. `'~~ ~--~~--`=~~`=~-- ~"-="'-~~va,. B. Work with representatives of the billboard industry to optimize billboard locations in the County. (Change made on 11/2/98, requested by BOS) 12 a r~ 'CS b w c~ oAo O~ ~_ O bA b RI V b ~ ~b b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ a ~ ~ a~ ° ~ ~ U o ~ o F+ N N N bq ~ ~U+ ° r' ~ F' W +'' W G . b ~ .. ~ ~ O O N , ~ ~ N ~ ~ N 'X r-+ ~ U ~ N O .G ~ ~ a> - ~ -. ~ q W '~ a~ N '~ C ~ ~ 'd ~ . ~ . ~ b . .3 .3 ~ .3 . ° ° o o ~ ~ ~ Q+ ~ ~ H C1. i.a LL ~ ~ N C4 `~ ~~+ N ~ 9 ~ N .`~-~ , bA U ' ~ ~' . ~' .61' " ~ i. P. ¢' in G v1 N vJ ~ + b ~ ° ~ U ~ v~ ° U a'T+ ti U N ~ U b "~ U ~ U U .b U .b fY/] Vl ~ N OA ~" fn V1 ~ ' VJ ~ ~ o° O a ~ b o a, .~ ' c d ' o • p p7 ' ~ C ~ o A~ ' °~~ ' ~ ~ 0 ~ b ~ ~ ~ N ° ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ N ~ on ~ '~ ~ ~ on ~ '~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° "' '3 w ~ 0 0 0 ~ o y OA O bq ~ bA ~ bq ~ N bq ~ bq N ~ bq N ~ o ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~a ~~o U w3 a,~ wC~ a°~ a'~ a3U a3~ c o `~ ~~ ~ ~ o 0 0 0 '~ ° ~ o o ~ '~ '~ ~ '~ A ', U ,N.. ,~. a~ m ~ `n ~ m a~ (n z ~ h H ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 A ~ 0 a a a a a a a '> ~ iv m ~ ns ~ ro Pr Ri PG ~ L~ C4 R; ~i c~ d ao q . ~ ~ ~ o ~ a ~ ~a ~ U ~ x C7 x U C7 ~ x v ~ *t w o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ?, ~ ~ U ~ ~ °~ ~ U a~i ~ ~ o Ri `~ 0 0.i x > ~ a~i ~ • o *~ ~ G4 N , , C ~ ~ o ~ N ~ ~' U N 'S3b a i ~ ~ ° 'cd t~ `~ N ~ rn a~ N N U W ~i o ~'' p, ~ ~N 3 ~ s. `d' > d o. ~ ~ o W ~ o o°n ~ o ~ ~ ° ° a~ o ~ o ° o C7 ,~ a~ ~ .~~x i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ x ~ . ~ A C7 v~ v~ o v°i U R-~ Y .b •~ o Q. ~ 3 o 0 0 •° ~ ~~ .. ~ o ~ o ~ °A a i ~ ¢. U ° i . ~ ~ a ~ 'b in N O N ~ C~' LL b k.' {y 3 C." ~ O y U b b U O O > N b A 0 .p • y •U s . . ,b ~ ~ N ~ ,~ O ~ ~ C a~ U a~ cd y ~ 0 ° ~ •~ •3 0 ~ 3 ~ o ~ ~ U ~ o a ~ ~ '~ , ~ '" °~ ~ w a~ ~ o ~ ... ~ 4=. ~' o ~ ~ 6, • ~ o ~ ' Q, ~ p ~ ~ ~ °. ~ ~ ~ a~ O •~ v~ w O .N ~~ ~~ O C O y ~ ~ • ~ O ~ U > «1 y N . y ~ ~ U -! cd N fj .~ N 4i O N "' O O" U V1 ~ •~ V] cd Q. •~ O o~ ~"„ ~ id ~ bll O b • ~ O 3 ~ '~ o o ~ '~, ~ o ` ~, ~° ° -~ ~ b o o ~ b a ,b ~ b ~' •~ ~ i ~ > o ~ 'b o 'b~ ~~ ~u ~ '" 3 '~ y a i ~~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ oA ~. wo . ~ b p •C ~ ~ ~ ad ~ ~ "m o 0 v, Y C . C ~ ry .~ `i~~ ~-? ~y ~ 27 o ~ i c . a ~ a i ~ U i U° N wb (Q Y4 w°.~ Q I c~~ i Y ~ v3° i-~ tU a 0 '~ 0 0 0 ~ o v ~ ~ ~ ~ a A a i ~ z v ~ ~ > ~ ~ o ~ ~~ ~ ° ~ 3 ~ ~ .o n aj ~ . ~ ° 0 >w a a w ~„ a~,~ ~~ ~ • P, P4 U ~'U f~0.1 > ea Q an e ~ C d a ~ °~ U ~ '~ U ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ °' ° ~ ca ca ca a, o a i ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ U U vn~ v cC U ~ ° "'' cd U ~ O ~ ~ O U ~ P ~ ~ b o ~ ~ ro 3 ~ ~ o ~ ti a ~ ~ T a~i Qz ~ ~ U cd O p > ~ U U N ~ O , y v ~ ~ ~ O H ~ y ~ w b ° a c4 N ~ ~ ~ ~ x ° °~' 0 .~ b ~ w 0 a ~' .~ G ~ zoo ~ ~ a y ° 3 ~ Q o Q •~' '-~ °~ Q •~ o ~ o ° ~ y o a v ~z fit" ~. ~ ~ 3 ~_ i ~_r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOI<E COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOI~E COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A NEW COMMUNITY PLAN FOR ROANOI~E COUNTY VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Roanoke County, Virginia, has a long and successful history of community planning that has emphasized citizen involvement and participation; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginia requires that the Planning Commission of every jurisdiction shall prepare and recommend a comprehensive (Community) plan for the physical development of their jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, in 1995 Roanoke County began the process of preparing and adopting a new Community Plan to help guide Roanoke County's growth and decision-making for the next ten to fifteen years; and, WHEREAS, over the past three years over one-thousand citizens of Roanoke County have contributed their time, energy, expertise, and creativity to the preparation of a new Community Plan for Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has prepared a new Community Plan for Roanoke County entitled Roanoke County Community, dated September 30, 1998, and said plan has been prepared in accordance with Sections 15.2-2223 and 2224 of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Community Plan is comprised of the following component parts: ( A) Roanoke County Demographic and Economic Profile, dated September 1996, and, ( B) Roanoke County Community Plan Citizen Participation Process, dated 1997 and, ( C) Roanoke County Community Plan, dated, September 30, 1998; and, WHEREAS, a Planning Commission Public Hearing on the plan was held after advertisement and notice as required by 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, by Resolution dated October 6, 1998, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended that the Board adopt the Community Plan. WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on October 27, 1998; and the second reading was held on January 12, 1999. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\COMP.PLN ~- ~ 1. That the Roanoke County Community Plan dated September 30, 1998, including the demographic and economic profile, and the citizen participation components of the plan is hereby adopted. 2. That the Board of Supervisors reaffirm and readopt as a part of the new Community Plan the following special studies and plans that have been previously reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and adopted by the Board of Supervisors: ( A) The Route 419 Frontage Development Plan originally approved by the Board of Supervisors in February 1987, with the substitution of the new future land use map from the 1998 Community Plan. ( B) The Roanoke River Corridor Study adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 18, 1990. ( C) The Conceptual Greenway Plan, Roanoke Valley, Virginia, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on Apri122, 1997. ( D) The Roanoke Valley Regional Stormwater Management Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 24, 1998. 3. That the effective date of this Ordinance is January 12, 1999. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONZNG\COMP.PLN 2 (~- I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 ORDINANCE 011299-6 RECOMMENDING THE ADOPTION OF A NEW COMMUNITY PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Roanoke County, Virginia, has a long and successful history of community planning that has emphasized citizen involvement and participation; and, WHEREAS, Section 15.2-2223 of the Code of Virginia requires that the Planning Commission of every jurisdiction shall prepare and recommend a comprehensive (Community) plan for the physical development of their jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, in 1995 Roanoke County began the process of preparing and adopting a new Community Plan to help guide Roanoke County's growth and decision-making for the next ten to fifteen years; and, WHEREAS, over the past three years over one-thousand citizens of Roanoke County have contributed their time, energy, expertise, and creativity to the preparation of anew Community Plan for Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has prepared a new Community Plan for Roanoke County entitled Roanoke County Community Plan, dated September 30, 1998, and said plan has been prepared in accordance with Sections 15.2-2223 and 2224 of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Community Plan is comprised of the following component parts: ( A) Roanoke County Demographic and Economic Profile, dated September 1996, and, ( B) Roanoke County Community Plan Citizen Participation Process, dated 1997 and, ( C) Roanoke County Community Plan, dated, September 30, 1998; and, WHEREAS, a Planning Commission Public Hearing on the plan was held after advertisement and notice as required by 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, by Resolution dated October 6, 1998, the Roanoke County Planning Commission recommended that the Board adopt the Community Plan. WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on October 27, 1998; and the second reading was held on January 12, 1999. Y NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Roanoke County Community Plan dated September 30, 1998, including the demographic and economic profile, and the citizen participation components of the plan is hereby adopted. 2. That the Board of Supervisors reaffirm and readopt as a part of the new Community Plan the following special studies and plans that have been previously reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission and adopted by the Board of Supervisors: ( A) The Route 419 Frontage Development Plan originally approved by the Board of Supervisors in February 1987, with the substitution of the new future land use map from the 1998 Community Plan. ( B) The Roanoke River Corridor Study adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 18, 1990. ( C) The Conceptual Greenway Plan, Roanoke Valley, Virginia, adopted by the Board of Supervisors on April 22, 1997. ( D) The Roanoke Valley Regional Stormwater Management Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors on March 24, 1998. 3. That the effective date of this Ordinance is January 12, 1999. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Janet Scheid, Senior Planner Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terry Harrington, County Planner 2 Western Virginia Land Trust Statement in Support of the Proposed ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors Meeting January 12, 1999 Mr. Chairman, Members of the Board, Mr. Hodge, I am Rupert Cutler, Executive Director of the Roanoke-based Western Virginia Land Trust. Thank you for this opportunity to once again express my support for prompt adoption of the proposed Roanoke County Community Plan By adopting this plan tonight you will send a message that Roanoke County, Virginia, intends to protect its high quality of life for future generations. That message will be received with thanks, both by your constituents and by companies looking for clean, attractive, family-oriented places, where they can feel comfortable about making long-term investments in the location, re-location, or expansion of their businesses. Here's some new information for you to digest, as you make this important decision tonight: A majority of Virginians regardless of political party affiliation favor restrictions on growth and development to ease traffic congestion and school crowding. A poll conducted just last month by Virginia Commonwealth University for the Virginia Environmental Endowment found that a majority of the 805 adults interviewed approved of a tax increase to raise money to preserve farms, parks and woodlands. As a former resident of Fairfax County, I'm sure the strongest support for growth management comes from counties where the population has grown the fastest. We should be able to learn from, and not have to copy, their experience with crowding and congestion. Frankly, I moved to the Roanoke Valley explicitly to get away from the symptoms of rapid growth, and so have many others, who are hoping you'll understand their fear that crowding and congestion will follow them. In a Washington Post write-up of the results of this poll, published on January 7, Spotsylvania County Supervisor Rick Womble is quoted as saying, "This shows that almost every Virginian is concerned about sprawl. They don't want it to keep galloping over everything else." The same could be said about many of us in the Roanoke Valley. In summary, I urge your support of the proposed comprehensive plan because it: Conserves our natural resources-our dwindling farm lands, mountainsides and ridges, rivers and stream, soil and air. They constitute our region's greatest asset. One way to do this is by creating overlay districts for the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Appalachian Trail. Provides more designated bicycle routes and a network of greenway trails along our rivers and streams. • Conserves trees and encourages landowners to keep their lands in forest cover. Y Gore To Unveil $10 Billion In Bonds To End Ur... Page 1 of 2 ~ Home - Yahool -Help:; :: ° ~;~ ti `~ 8. ~Ab 'AIJ~ D ~Al~~.~ E~tlc~ -~A~~, :7~F3l~t .^t~ ~~3.3~ i Fi ~4i~~Y~}Y6: • ... Index ~ Top Stories ~ Business ~ Tech ~ Politics ~ World ~ Local ~ Entertainment ~ Sports ~ Science ~ Health Yahoo! News Monday January 11 4:39 AM ET Top Stories Headlines Gore To Unveil $10 Billion In Bonds To End Urban Sprawl WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Vice President Al Gore Monday will unveil a $10 billion bond program to help U. S. communities preserve green space, reduce traffic congestion, protect water quality and clean abandoned industrial sites, the Washington Post reported. The "Better America Bonds" initiative, part of the administration's budget for fiscal year 2000, will inject massive new federal funds into efforts to curb urban sprawl and improve quality of life in burgeoning areas of the country. The cost to taxpayers of the bonds is projected at $700 million over the first five years, the Post said. The new bonds, if approved by Congress, would allow state, local and tribal governments to obtain zero-interest financing because investors who buy the 15-year bonds would receive tax credits in lieu of interest. The initiative is expected to be a major theme of Gore's campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. Gore has been a leading spokesman for the administration on environmental issues and authored abest-selling book on the environment before the 1992 election campaign. Concern about "livability" issues prompted nearly 200 open space and other initiatives on ballots across the country last November, and 70 percent of triem passed. The program includes increased funding for public transit, air quality preservation and coordination of transportation and planning in metropolitan regions, the Post reported. Competitive grants would be available to help communities develop education plans, upgrade computer systems for land-use planning and exchange information about crime. Carl Pope, executive director of the Sierra Club, told the Post the Gore plan was a good first step, especially if accompanied by an end to policies that encourage sprawl. The outward growth of American metropolitan areas has eaten up 1.5 million acres of farmland each year since 1960, federal figures show. The bonds are meant to be used to preserve and enhance green space, create or restore urban parks and buy or get permanent easements on suburban open space and threatened wetlands. In addition, the bonds would be available to supplement existing administration initiatives to clean up abandoned http://dailynews.yahoo. com/headlines/ts/story. html? s=v/nm/ 19990111 /ts/environment_l . html 1 / 12/99 2 • Restricts development on steep slopes, within 100 feet of a watercourse, and within critical views from the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Appalachian Trail. • Avoid the proliferation of telecommunications towers. • Encourages land development patterns that preserve open space, such as the clustering of homes. I support the use of "Conservation" and "Rural Preserve" designations on official County maps to show land use areas of particular environmental sensitivity and of best use in agriculture and forest cover. One of the most important features of the new plan is its section on Land Use Policies. Adoption of these will be a great step forward for the wise use of the County's land resources. Please vote to adopt this excellent, forward-looking, resource-conserving community plan this evening. Thank you. .• Subj: President's Land Initiative Date: 1112/99 4:03:05 PM Eastern Standard Time From: rwiesner@Ita.org Sender: owner-landtrust@indiana.edu To: landtrust@i ndi ana. ed u Exciting news for land trusts coming out of the White House today. President Clinton announced a major new "Lands Legacy Initiative" in his Fiscal Year 2000 budget that will include the following: 1) $50 million for the Forest Legacy Program; 2) $150 million in matching grants for states, local governments and LAND TRUSTS for land protection/acquisition (there are very few federal programs that allow for `•direct*" grants to land trusts, so this would be terrific9 Grants will be awarded to states on a competitive basis and priority will be gin to smart~rowth initiatives; 3) $442 million for federal Land and Water Conservation Fund projects. Priorities include adding 100,000 acres to national forests and refuges in New England (.e. the Northam Forest), acquiring 450,000 acres in the Mojave Desert, acquisitions in the Everglades, protecting the Lewis and Clark Trail, and acquiring lands for Civil War Battlefields; 4) $150 million to protect oceans and coastlines, $90 of which will be directed to states to protect/restore coastlines and coastal wetlands, $45 million to restore fisheries, coral reefs, and marine habitat, and $29 million for national marine sanctuaries; 5) $50 million in grants to states to develop open space plans and "smart growth" strategies; 6) Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery: $4 million for matching grants to communities for the renovation of parks in urban neighborhoods. Congress provided no funding last year. ~ Farmland Protection Program: $50 million: Money to be used to purchase easements on farmland and open space threatened with development. Money will be awarded to states and communities through grants administered by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Congress provided no funding for this program last year. 8) Urban and Community Forestry Program: $40 million. Money to be used to maintain and expand urban and community forests. 9) Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund: $80 million for state and local land acquisition to protect endangered species. All of these initiatives are paid for within the existing budget caps - that is, they do not reflect any windfall from the budget "surplus". The Administration will seek these funds as part of the appropriations process this year. But, just as impressive, the President expressed his commitment to legislation making such funding permanent in the future, so that these funding levels are protected into the future. The details are vague for now. More details will come out in the President's budget, due in February. And others will be a work in progress. Tuesday, January 12, 1999 America Online: M R Cutler Page: 7 Great news for land trusts!!!! Dan Gilmore Public Policy Associate Land Trust Alliance Headers Return-Path: <owner-landtrust@miagra.ucs.indiana.edu> Received: from r1y-zd04.mx.aol.com (rly-zd04.mail.aol.com []) by air-zdOS.mail.aol.com (~f6.12) with SMTP; Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:03:05 1900 Received: from miagra.ucs.indiana.edu (miagra.ucs.indiana.edu []) by rly-zd04.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.5/AOL-4.0.0) with ESMTP id QAA21509; Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:02:36 -0500 (EST) Received: (from majordom@localhost) by miagra.ucs.indiana.edu (8.8.8/8.8.5/1.2skh) id QAA24172 for landtrust-outgoing; Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:02:28 -0500 (EST) Received: from mask. uits.indiana.edu (mask.uits.indiana.edu [']) by miagra.ucs.indiana.edu (8.8.8/8.8.5/1.2skh) with ESMTP id QAA24165 for <landtrust@majordomo.ucs.indiana.edu>; Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:02:25 -0500 (EST) Received: from uu10.psi.com (uu10.psi.com []) by mask.uits.indiana.edu (8.9.1a/8.9.1/IUPO) with ESMTP id QAA22782 for <landtrust@indiana.edu>; Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:02:04 -0500 (EST) From: rwiesner@Ita.org Received: (from uucp@localhost) by uu10.psi.com (8.8.8/4.0.940727-PSI/PSINet) with UUCP id UAA02360 for landtrust@indiana.edu; Tue, 12 Jan 1999 20:53:47 GMT Message-Id: <TFSMSBAN@Ita.org> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 16:06:47 -0500 To: landtrust@indiana.edu Subject: President's Land Initiative MIME-version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 X-Mailer: TFS Gateway /221040886/221001504/221081147/31040083/ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-MIME-Autocon~rted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by miagra.ucs.indiana.edu id QAA24166 Sender: owner-landtrust@indiana.edu Precedence: bulk Tuesday, January 12, 1999 America Online: M R Cutler Page: 2 THE MILLENNIUM NOTEBOOK i< ^. l" Bl ue Skle s Ah cad.. Via Hot s t o l Coo Dovwn .Cur. Clues nir t~ crrr is streets and black roofs stood stunning ~ ~ win oui as major offenders. The .ter, with beautiful RC. Willey building, bycon- mountainscenery frost, was almost invisible to and plenty of fresh, the heat sensor. And one short crisp air. Summer stretch of roadway showed that time, ~', can ' .there's hope for the streets, too. be another story. The hot desert A grassy, tree-lined median sun beats down onto the city. was added to three blocks of a baking the residents in 100-de- major street recently., Those gree-plus temperatures and fuel blocks stood out as an island of ing the chemical reactions that cool green among a sea of red- . make twuc smog. As air duality hot streets on the map: By deteriorates in Salt Lake and planting trees along hot streets other booming cities, planners and replacing black roofs with and citizens' groups are looking white. Luvall and Quattrochi forwaystokeeptheirblue skies lio that canbe from ~g ~~ acli ved wiw~itho~utg whitewash- . The pmblem is something ing whole neighborhoods. called anurbanheatisland-the A simulation done by Ak- pocket ofhot, rank air that set- ban's research group indicated ties over a city like a brooding. 4-degree dro in summer theta hen on a clutch of eggs. From Salt Lake in the summer. The red (hot) area onthe lef t isdown- temperatures caul be achieved Shanghai to Salt Lake, summer town; cool green squares are parks, golf courses and cemeteries..: in L.A. byplanting trees over time in the city is hotter; by as - _ S percent of the city's area- ~~` much as $ degrees, than summertime in the million worth of electricity in LA. alone. about 10 million trees-and replacing dark suburbs. The same sun shineson town and n . SaltLake Cityisao LA-yet-butwith roofs andblacktopwithlighter-coloredma- oountry,but city streets and buildings soak ifs extrArwide boulevards and acres of teriala. That drop in temperature would re- upheat. In the crnmtry; trees pmvide cool pitch=blaclcroofs, the Utahcapitalseems al- sultinalOpercentdropinozonelevels;and ing shade, and waterevaporating from mostdesignedto develop aworld-class conserveupto $175millionincoolingcosts. leaves cools the air-you never hearany- heat island. Temperatut~es on those roofs, A more aggresaiVe program could have an .one saying that it's hot enough to fiy an egg likethebrand-new state court building even greaterimpacK. "Cooling Los Angeles on the mountain ash. downtown, cangetupto150 degrees inJuly by4degrees," saygAkbari,"wouldhave the Urban heat causes bigger problems andAugust, enoughtoheatwholeneigh= same megi~itude effect[on smog]asturning than sweat stains and short tempers. borhoods. Not so the newR.C.Willey furni- all ofthe oa~oad s into electric cars. .Smog is-the result of chemical reactions in tore warehouse, out bythe airport. The vast This is so huge, nothing else compares." the air, and higher temperatures mean 865,000-scNare-foot building's roof is ~ Txoxws xwraex faster chemistry. Hashem Akbari, a scien- white, so the heat bounces back up into the ,.. ;. ,>: ..• :... . .:: fist at the Lawrence Berkeley National airthebuildingandthecitystaycooler. r~,~' Laboratory who specializes in "coolcom- "I'vebeenuponitplentyoftimes;"says llll5 BUg~S 1 ,Ile munities"technology, estimates that oa R.C. Willey's vice president of operations, summer days, a 1-degree temperature in- DougBruner. "It doesn't come up and just ~~tes for curing the Y2K bug now ex crease boosts the smog risk in Los Ange- drillyou with the heat like the black ones ceed $858 billion. Many countries with the lea-always a handy case study when it do." A cooler roofhas meant substantially biggest bills have made the most progress. comes to sirquality issues-by 3 percent. lowerairc~nditioningoosts, too. aosr sy sooo, PEac~rr OP esrxwrsn That. smog. especially its toxic compo- Can something so simple actually make aovHrRY na Rit.~.~oxs mar sPEN'r so PAR vents like ozone, canixritate eyes, trigger a difference? JeffLuvall and Dale Quat- U.S. $655 61% asthma attacks and cause permanent lung troclu of NASA's Marshall Space Flight German $82 52 y damage. Higher temps mean more air Center think so. They're using a Learjet U.K $41 47 conditioners, too. A 1-degree rise in tem- and cheat-sensing system to pinpoint France $31 49 perature can mean a 2 percent increase problem areas in four cities that bake in the Italy S14 39 in the demand for cooling power. That summer-Atlanta; Baton Rouge, La.; might not sound like much, but over a Sacramento, Calif ,and Salt Lake. In a re- Spain $1l 37 year, says Akbari, it can translate into $25 cent mapping run over Salt Lake, the city's wvac~ c~v ccs+uat . .... .. , ...:.:: 12 NEWSWEEK NOVEMBER 2s, 1995 s~snsxeccsrACesucxrccxtcc-N.+sn ~' - ~ -. . ~ -r- - -_. ~_ -~~ - _ - _.,~ _v- _- .. i -_. _.. _ -. --:_ ... _-~ - - - _ - _ _ - - .n. .-_ __ _ __ try ~'_- _. 4 + ~" ~~ _ _ 3-.- _ ~ - - ~~~- __ __ , _~~ - Wit. - ~. - °'. "' S'D . - ~1 _ _ ~- _ _ `~~ L _ ~ ... ~ _ ~ ~ _ _ i • -- ~ AA t ..i ~ 1I~ ']] ~I~~-~ '~l.~~ll~ ~~ l}} l 1 11 ,l 1` t~ ~j~, `~I LII \`11 ~~ 4 ~ . 3-- - .~ ' ~L d1 1 ~~~{.'q-~; 11 Illy 'lllll'~ I~IL~I` L~ ~a~~l~ 11~1'~'» ~ -_ _ ,, `_ ~, Liz Belcher, yreenway coordinator for Roanoke Valley, at Green Hill Park yreenway, one of the preeiou~s opera spaces local activists hope to preserve for future genera Lions. .j ~` ~ , :.~ ~ ~ „- --~- -= ~. _ -•. - _ - ~ ~_~ .:. -~. ~_ F _ 4 -~- __:# _ L'. ~~"V u,r. x d _. 1S1 _ .',~ Where progress meets the Parkway, the challenge is to balance economics and ecological health. Here's why this city's succeeding. by Cara Ellen Modisett and Paul Calhoun estled in the mountain-rimmed Roanoke Valley of southwestern Virginia, the increasingly metro- politan city of Roanoke is glass and concrete flanked by soaring forests along the Allegheny and Blue Ridge mountain- tops. The Appalachian Trail and Blue Ridge Parkway wind along the ridgeline over- looking the parking garages and high-rises of downtown; a 10-minute drive in any direction leads to a hilly, rural patchwork of field, forest, and farmland. Like most communities in the burgeon- ing Southeast, the Roanoke Valley is chang- ing. Its young profes- sionals are drawn to an increasingly busy commercial district, doubling population in the last 20 years to more than 230,000. Those new residents want homes that are convenient to jobs and situated amid relatively wide-open spaces. The result: an explosion of new homes outside of town and a clamor for more open space within. But now Roanoke Valley business and civic leaders are joining forces with green- space planners, AMERICAN FORESTS, and regional forestry experts. Their goal is to make Roanoke's threatened urban forest a primary component in planning for future growth and development. When retired career forester Charles Blankenship founded the Roanoke Valley Urban Forestry Council in 1993, he merely wanted to network with professionals in related fields. From there the group step- stoned to its present partnership with the Valley Beautiful Foundation, and "it's real- ly rocketed into a lot of things," Blankenship says. That partnership began with a Greenway Steering Committee, which evolved into a Greenway Commission. Needing the ability to acquire land, they formed the Western Virginia Land Trust (WVLT). Now another group, Pathfinders for Greenways, raises money and does the physical work, "the building and maintain- ing of the g-reenway system." This common sense, common ground approach set the stage for a new era in land- use planning. "We're all working together under the same mis- sion of protecting and retaining as many trees within the com- munity as we can and trying to meet AMERICAN FoeESTS' targets here so that we have a healthy community," explains Blankenship. (AMERICAN FORESTS haS sP.t a goal of 40 percent overall tree canopy in cities.) "I've often seen this as afour-legged stool. The three organizations plus the local governments make up a pretty sturdy basis for our efforts here in the valley." .AMERICAN FORESTS' role in all this has been to provide information and advice. "We've been able to mobilize all these dif- ferent people ...scientists, engineers, peo- ple who are on the ground that understand Roanoke and its ecology; citizen groups; and folks who know how to get things incorporated into public policy," says Gary Will local partnerships check sprawl and save Roanoke's trees? WINTER 1999 33 Moil, AMERICAN FORESTS' vice president for urban forestry. "We give them powerful information about their ecology." That "powerful information" comes from CITYgreen, a GIS program that com- bines satellite and computer technology, aerial photography, and on-the-ground tree counts. "One of the values of CITYgreen is that it gives a dollar value for trees in terms oi' stormwater runoff, air pollution, cooling, and energy savings," says Blankenship. `There's community cost when you cut down trees, and we're beginning to get our hands on that. That's what CITYgreen's all about." And Blankenship's network of partners is beginning to see results. The Pathfinders group is raising money and building and maintaining greenways. The WVLT is establishing conservation easements on privately owned tracts of Valley watershed and forested Lands with help from the Virginia Outdoors Foundation, which holds conservation easements on more than 110,000 acres of private land in Virginia- more than any other state than Montana. The WVLT has set its sights on protecting land up into the' mountains beyond the Roanoke/Salem/Vinton tri-city area. It hopes to put under easement "visu- al corridors" along the Blue Ridge Parkway, private lands that compose the scenic views enjoyed by visitors. Making greenways a priority benefits more than just tourists. "You actually have what's often called a `geneway,' "says Liz Belcher, greenway coordinator for the Roanoke Valley. That alludes to the genetic diversity and basic survival these "linear parks" afford animal species by allowing them to migrate between habitats. Greenways translate beneficially into an urban setting, says Blankenship. "We see greenways as ...lacing together the larger blocks of trees left in our communi- ty into what I think is an important part of our tree infrastructure." There's a growing theme here: Quality of environment equals quality of life equals quality of trees. Gary Moll agrees. "We meas>_>re trees because they are indicators of the ecology." By removing carbon from the air, providing shade, filtering groundwa- ter, and preventing erosion, trees save cities ~wc, ; ~m~ +t' '~ 'K - _ Roanoke residents have a vital resource at their back door, the George Washington-Jefferson National. forest. Only minutes from downtown Roanoke, the forest offers a wealth of recreational opportunities-as well as the techni- col and financial support of local foresters. Working wish the Roanoke Valley Urban forestry Council, national forest officials can holster urban efforts to improve the region's ecological health. Such partnerships are vital because a "good chunk" of Roanoke's public land is in national forests, says Charles Blankenship, the Council's founder. Like many other cities, Roanoke battles pollution. And with a new interstate and more power lines on the way, Blankenship says Roanoke "needs trees wherever [we] can get them." Bill Damon, supervisor-for the national forest, concurs. That's why he's set aside time and resources far his staff to participate in the Council. Public affairs officer Dave Olson, another Council member, says his participation helps the forest Service achieve its goal of educating the public about forest management issues. One example of the partnership's SUrce55 IS AMERICAN FaRESts' soon-to•be-completed CITYgreen analysis, which will give both sides the tools they need to achieve their goals. "It's an excellent partnership because it .. ,helps better explain to city folks the importance of trees for energy reduction, aesthetic, and outer values." li will also assist the national forest and city with'smarier planning and development. "-i's a goad example of how different forest managers con sit dawn and create a better community by having trees there."-Janine Guglielmino Charles Blankenship (far right) and his Roanoke Valley Urban Forestry Council have led efforts to encourage common sense land planning. Development near the forested Blue Ridge Parkway (above) means such efforts are necessary to demonstrate the value of trees. 34 AMERICAN FORESTS 0 `o u 0 0 W :~~ ~~ ® L998 Population, Metro Area (est)i 230,100 a 1998 Population, City (est): 95,b00 1998 Population, County (est): 81,600 Size of City (square miles): 42.9 Size of County (square miles): 250.7 A Nearby landmarks: Roanoke and Hollins Colleges; Blue Ridge Parkway; George Washington and Jefferson National Forests; Milt Mountain Star; Smith Mountain Lake • Large Industry: Hospital and related facilities; railroads; power ma~hin- ery plant; bunking Bodies of Water: Roanoke River; Tinker and Glade Creeks (tributaries) •'JVatershed: Roanoke River STATISTICS COURTESY VIRGINIA EMPIOYMENi COMMISSION, ROANOKE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, VIRGINIA DEPT. OF GAME AND INIAND FISHERIES reach public policymakers in the language they speak." Using the UEA results, officials can put together charts, maps, and statistics that predict how Roanoke will be affected by things like heavy downpours and smog. They can also figure out how more-or fewer-trees will impact stormwater reten- tion, air and water quality, energy savings, and wildlife. The financial ramifications of their decisions can also be factored in. Dan Henry, urban forester for the city of Roanoke, thinks CITYgreen's data and visual presentation, especially the maps generated by aerial photography and satel- lite imagery, help focus more attention on the importance of urban redevelopment. "That concept can only be helped by the heightened awareness of how detri- mental urban sprawl is" and to concentrate development in built-up areas, he says. "I think it can definitely help the city's eco- nomic development picture by discourag- ing urban sprawl into the surrounding counties. "Some might say that we're a bunch of idealists putting together a wish list of want-to-do projects," says Blankenship. "What we're seeing here ... is an emerg- ing consensus among that group of people in this valley who are generally politically aware. If this kind of program is becoming quite popular politically it's difficult not to be in favor of it." With enough people sharing the vision, mountain forest and urban forest are once again moving closer to becoming one and the same. Economics and ecology can create a living, thriving ecosystem protecting concrete and grass, humans and nature. AF a' 2 V Cara Modisett and Paul Calhoun are Roanoke-based freelance writers. ~° ~ ~°~ m ~ millions of dollars in energy, repair, stormwater, and water and air purification expenses. If trees are healthy and thriving in the stress and unfavorable conditions of an urban setting, then the soil, water, and air likely are healthy, too. "The problem is that we're building cities the wrong way," says Moll. "We don't give trees enough space to grow, and there's not an understanding that trees matter." Paul Revell, urban and community forestry coordinator for the Virginia Department of Forestry, says that in the past people knew "that trees and water- ways and vegetation were a good thing, but you couldn't quantify the values. When making land use decisions.,.the forest sys- tem ecosystem always came out the loser." With its work in Urban Ecosystem Analysis (UEA) and the technological inno- vations CITYgreen provides, AMERICAN FORESTS is helping score some wins for for- est ecosystems in cities nationwide. UEA adds another level to urban planning, fac- toring in vegetation, water, soils, and air to the previously existing elements of build- ings, streets, land use, and utilities. UEA determines the value of the standing tree canopy by calculating what the city saves by caring for and planting more trees. As the Environmental Protection Agency turns its attention to the air quality in smaller cities such as Roanoke, officials will find saving trees provides an econom- ic boost. Rather than dwelling on restric- tions, cities like Roanoke may see saving trees as acost-effective way to avoid daily fines. "If you can't meet your air quality standards," says Moll, "You can't add more business. And if a city can't add more busi- ness, it's in trouble." The problem is getting officials to see the situation in a different light. "The way to do that, we realized, was through plan- ning departments," Moll says. "We need to W[NTER 1999 35 IIIIIIIIII11111111IIIIIIilllllilllllllllillllllllllillllllllllilllllilllllillllillllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll~Jlll1~ AGENDA ITEM NO. _~ APPE CE REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS SUBJECT: O ~- c I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofgthe Board to do otherwise. __. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized __ speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. =_ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK c c c - c NAME ~ ~> P~ ~~ ~ i ~ ° tz. i ~ ADDRESS c __ PHONE Cj' ~ ~ - ~ O o ~ fiilililiillil1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ___ ~Ililllilllllllllllllilllllllllillllllillllllllllllllllllllllillllilllilillilllllllllllliillllllilllllllllliiillllllllllllill ~~ .~. _ -~ _ ~,. _ ,.,. _ ,~.~ _ ..,.~. lRCkL ~~ ~ ~. AGENDA ITEM NO. !31 ~ FIFA ~ ~~ ~ .M ~ ~~ APPE CE REQUEST ~~ _ .~~ _ __ ~= l/PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS t-A ~,~. .~~. ~,.._ SUBJECT: ~- __ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the ~. meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS :~ FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: __ `°= ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment c whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will = decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to = do otherwise.. ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. __ ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. __ ,, ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c with the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GRDUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK aF~ ~ r~ ~ a~ ~ w~ ~ .~ ~ ~~ ~ i _ ~ fiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiii~iiiii~iiiiiii~i111 _ 3 1~llilllllllliilillllllillllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllilllllilllllllllllllilillllllllilliillllllilllllllll tlllll~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - AGENDA ITEM NO. - - _ a ~ - ~ s ~ - ~ ~ - APPE CE REQUEST -_ = PUBLIC E~EARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS - - _ - _ a ~ ~- SUBJECT: o .~ v~-r v„ , ~~ /~~ - - - ~. - _, .. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. ... - WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED i _. = BELOW: _. - _ c ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will - decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to i do otherwise. . _ - _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. - s ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. - _ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. - _ - _ ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c with the clerk. c - ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP i ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. _ c PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK - _ - _ - _ - _ s ~ - ~~ ~ - ~ - _ - - - ~ - ~ - NL'ur~ - ._ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ - ~~ f~ ~~ - - s ~ ADDRESS_ c.~ 2 1 ~ ~L~,.~,,. ~r~ zC ~Y, b,, ~ ~ - - - - _ ~ - .~ ~. PHONE ~~-~ ~~~~~ - ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111! ~ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~j1I ~. _ ~~ _ .~ _ -~ - ~. _ __ ~- - ,~: AGENDA ITEM NO. ~-) .~- .~. _ APPE CE REQUEST ~~- - ~- -_ ~_ _ .~ _ f PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS CONIMENTS .~ I SUBJECT: ~'~ C~;; y1,C1_ l,/ ~..~-_ ~ l ~~' ~~ Gt,( I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to reco nize meZlurin t e g g meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ~', ~ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will c decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speakin on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of~the Board to do otherwise. _ ~_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. :- ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between arecognized := speaker and audience members is not allowed. c ~I = ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ;= ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments c vnth the clerk. ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK A UTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. __ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK .~ - _ Ilillllllillllllilllllllllllllilllllilllllllilllillillillillllillllllllllilllllllilllllillillllllllillllllllllllllllliilllllllllm '~lllllllllilllllllllliillllllillllllllliililllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllillltllillllillllilllllllllillllllillll~ ~. _ ~,. _ ~. _ ... _ ... _ ~~~ - ~_ _ ,~- _ AGENDA ITEM NO. 4- _ APPE CE REQUEST _ _ PUBLIC f[]EARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS __ -_ -_ SUBJECT: __ i ~~ _ aft q~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: c "'~ s ~~ ~ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, _ and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to "" do otherwise. - c ~_ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ;= ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ~_ ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments =_ with the clerk. __ ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GRDUP SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK A UTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. c i ~ 'ems _ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~~ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK s ~ s ~ ~~ ~ "~ ~~ ~ ~ s ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ a~ - _ ~ ~ ~ = St~r~s~ NAME S~~.u ~ _ _ _ ADDRESS ~ ~ y~ ~ ~~,~ ~~ _ _ a ~ PHONE ~~'~1 ~O~ mllilllllliilllllilllllllllillllilllllllllll l llllllllllilllllilllllllliilllllllllllllilillllltllllllillllllllllllllll lilllllillllm ~: - s~ - ~.:, - ~~: - ~. - ~~ - ... _ ~,. _ AGENDA ITEM NO. ~- _ Rki _ Mi'! _~ £i`i ~ F':! f!~ - APPE CE REQUEST _ _ .:~ - ~~ _ r= PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZENS COMMENTS c ~~ _ ~- ., -_ ~_~~~.- SUBJECT: ,~. I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED .~ °' BELOW: .~. _ ^ Each speaker will be given between three to five minutes to comment whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will ~" decide the time limit based on the number of citizens speaking on an issue, and will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. - ~... _ ^ Speaker will be limited to a presentation of their point of view only. ;; Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. c ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments w-th the clerk. s ~ ,= ^ INDIVIDUALS SPEAKING ON BEHALF OF AN ORGANIZED GROUP c SHALL FILE WITH THE CLERK AUTHORIZATION FROM THE GROUP c ALLOWING THE INDIVIDUAL TO REPRESENT THEM. ,~ _ i ~ ~ ~ _ PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK fiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumniiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitnniiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiniui~t~i1'1'1 S-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION 011299-7 APPROVING AN OPTION TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SALEM OFFICE SUPPLY, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 400 EAST MAIN STREET, ACROSS FROM THE ROANOKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, IN SALEM, VIRGINIA, TO PERMIT STUDY AND INSPECTION FOR USE AS ADDITIONAL OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE WHEREAS, staff has negotiated an Agreement dated January 5, 1999, with Salem Office Supply, Inc., a Virginia corporation, for the option to purchase a 17,754 square-foot rectangular lot (66' x 269') located at 400 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia, identified on the Salem City Tax Map as Parcel #107-6-1; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, the option fee is $3,000.00 for an option through March 5, 1999, with the right of the County to extend the option, if needed, for an additional three (3) months upon payment of another $3,000.00 option fee; and, WHEREAS, the purchase price for the property is to be $325,000.00, with the property to be available to the County by May 1, 1999; and, WHEREAS, at such time as said option is to be exercised, this matter will be brought back to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, for adoption of an ordinance to authorize exercise of the option and acquisition of the real estate. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That an Option to Purchase Agreement dated January 5, 1999, between Salem Office Supply, Inc., a Virginia corporation, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke 1 County, Virginia, for an option to purchase a 17,754 square-foot rectangular lot (66' x 269') located at 400 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia, identified on the Salem City Tax Map as Parcel #107-6-1, providing for: (I) a purchase price of $325,000.00; (ii) payment of an option fee of $3,000.00 for an option through March 5, 1999; (iii) the right of the County to extend the option, if needed, for an additional three (3) months upon payment of another $3,000.00 option fee; and (iv) an availability date for the building to the County by May 1, 1999, if the option is exercised and the property is purchased prior thereto, is hereby approved and execution of the agreement is hereby authorized. 2. That the County Administrator or any assistant county administrators are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as may be required to determine the feasibility and necessity of exercising the option and acquiring said property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. ~.3. That this resolution shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the revised resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara 2 A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H Iton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance t AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIlZGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1999 RESOLUTION APPROVING AN OPTION TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SALEM OFFICE SUPPLY, INC., FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 400 EAST MAIN STREET, ACROSS FROM THE ROANOKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, IN SALEM, VIRGINIA, TO PERMIT STUDY AND INSPECTION FOR USE AS ADDITIONAL OFFICE AND STORAGE SPACE WHEREAS, staff has negotiated an Agreement dated January 5, 1999, with Salem Office Supply, Inc., a Virginia corporation, for the option to purchase a 17,754 square-foot rectangular lot (66' x 269') located at 400 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia, identified on the Salem City Tax Map as Parcel #107-6-1; and, WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, the option fee is $3,000.00 for an option through March 5, 1999, with the right of the County to extend the option, if needed, for an additional three (3) months upon payment of another $3,000.00 option fee; and, WHEREAS, the purchase price for the property is to be $325,000.00, with the property to be available to the County by May 1, 1999; and, WHEREAS, at such time as said option is to be exercised, this matter will be brought back to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, for adoption of an ordinance to authorize exercise of the option and acquisition of the real estate. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That an Option to Purchase Ageement dated January 5, 1999, between Salem Office Supply, Inc., a Virginia corporation, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, for . ,. , an option to purchase a 17,754 square-foot rectangular lot (66' x 269') located at 400 East Main i ~ Street, Salem, Virginia, identified on the Salem City Tax Map as Parcel #107-6-1, providing for: (I) a purchase price of $325,000.00; (ii) payment of an option fee of $3,000.00 for an option through March 5, 1999; (iii) the right of the County to extend the option, if needed, for an additional three (3) months upon payment of another $3,000.00 option fee; and (iv) an availability date for the building to the County by May 1, 1999, if the option is exercised and the property is purchased prior thereto, is hereby approved and execution of the agreement is hereby authorized. 2. That the County Administrator or any assistant county administrators are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as may be required to determine the feasibility and necessity of exercising the option and acquiring said property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 3. That the sum of $10,000.00 is hereby appropriated from the Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance for payment of the option fee, costs related to the study and inspection of the property, and costs for the environmental audit, survey, and title fees. 4. That this resolution shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. G: WTfORNE YIVLHWGENDA~SALEMOFF.RSL ~ AOANp,F~ _, ~, ~~ ~ ~ 2 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 January 14, 1999 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us Mr. Richard L. Williams 3786 Kenwick Trail Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Williams: The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, January 12, 1999, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals for another four year term. This new term began on October 24, 1998, and will expire on October 24, 2002. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rp for to your participation on this Board. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have this oath administered, and Mr. McGraw has asked that you bring this letter with you. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, • C 'c.ee.Q~.J Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Joel Baker, Building Commissioner Steven A. McGraw, Clerk, Circuit Court ® Recycled Paper O~ ROANp,I.~ . ti,A ',A Z G7 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BpARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us January 14, 1999 Mr. Larry W. Degen 3639 Martinell Avenue Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Degen: The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, January 12, 1999, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals for another four year term. This new term began on July 28, 1998, and will expire on July 28, 2002. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered prior to your participation on this Board. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have this oath administered, and Mr. McGraw has asked that you bring this letter with you. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Joel Baker, Building Commissioner Steven A. McGraw, Clerk, Circ~t~aper O~ ROANp,I,~ ov a~ 7838 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION PETE HAISLIP. DIRECTOR January 8, 1999 .)~i~ TO: Commission for Elderly and Challenged Citizens Members FROM: Debbie Pitts SUBJECT: Board Report Attached is the Work Session Board Report that we are recommending for the January 12th, 4:00 p.m., meeting. I hope all members can attend, as this is our opportunity to interact with the Board. The meeting will be held in the 4th floor Conference Room, at the Administration Building. Please feel free to call me, at 387-6078, if you have any questions or you can not attend. DHP/kl Attachment 1206 KESSLER MILL ROAD • SALEM, VIRGINIA 24153 • (540) 387-6078 ® Recycled Paper interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Board of Supervisors from: Elmer Hodge / ~~'~ subject: Successful Joint Purchasing Venture date: January 7, 1999 Attached is a memo from Diane Hyatt outlining another success in joint purchasing that has been achieved by the Roanoke Valley Consortium. This consortium was established as the result of the direction given to the staff by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke City Council as a result of with their quarterly meeting. Through joint purchasing efforts they have been able to procure a way to out source COBRA and Flexible Spending Accounts Administration (FSA). The City of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke Schools currently out source this service at a higher rate. The County of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke Schools will be pursuing this option as a new way to out source services. The cost of the COBRA administration will be charged to the health insurance fund, and will be $2,020 for the County and $3,720 for the Schools on an annual basis. The cost of the FSA administration will be $4,284 for the County and $11,046 for the Schools annually, plus an additional set up fee of $1,000 each. This will be offset by forfeited claims of $20,854. Once the forfeited claims have been depleted the County and the Schools will include the fee in future years budgets. The Roanoke Valley Consortium is continuing to meet on a quarterly basis to review other options of joint purchasing. Attachment M:\FINANCE\COMMON\CORRES\ 1-5-99. WPD interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Elmer Hodge Deanna Gordon copy: penny ~Iodge Jerry Hazdy from: Diane D. Hyatt C~,ca~ subject: purchase of Outside Services for Flexible Spending Account Administration and COBRA Administration date: December 9, 1998 Several years ago the Roanoke Valley Consortium was formed to pursue group purchasing of insurance products. This group is composed of the County of Roanoke, the County of Roanoke Schools, the City of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke Schools, the City of Salem, the City of Salem Schools, Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority and the Town of Vinton. In the past this group evaluated bids but, decided not to proceed with joint health insurance. Portions of the group did proceed with the purchase of group dental insurance. In our furthering effort to achieve joint purchasing in the insurance related area, we recently received bids for flexible spending account administration and COBRA administration. These services are outlined below. The County of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke Schools currently have flexible spending accounts in which the employees may deposit pre-tax dollars into a fund for the payment of medical expenses and child care expenses. These accounts aze currently maintained by the County Finance department. Monies are collected and checks are dispersed on a internal basis. The County and the County Schools bear the cost of reproducing all of the handout materials to the employees as well as the cost of producing and mailing the reimbursement checks. In addition to the time and expense of offering this service internally the County staff is also placed in the position of interpreting constantly changing IRS regulations and sometimes arguing with the employees over the correct interpretation of these regulations. The outsourcing of this service would provide us with guidelines that are administered on a consistent basis as well as freeing up internal staff time on these issues. The two top bidders that were interviewed were Trigon Administrators and Sykes Health Plan Services. Attachment A shows the amounts of these bids. The selected bidder was Trigon Administrators. These services could be performed by Trigon Administrators for a first year annual fee for Roanoke County of $5,284 and a first year annual fee for Roanoke County Schools of $12,046. The following year service for each entity would be $1,0001ess. The County of Roanoke would begin utilizing this outside service on July 1, 1999 at the beginning of their next enrollment year. Roanoke County Schools would begin using this service on January 1, 2000 at the beginning of their next enrollment year. Funds would need to be included in the 1999-2000 year budget of the County of Roanoke to pay for these services. The County of Roanoke Schools will be able to use previously forfeited employee funds to cover 1999-2000 expenses, but will need to increase their budget to cover expenses for 2000-01. M:\FINANCE\COMMOMCORRES\ 12-8-98. W PD Page 2 December 9, 1998 With the change to an outside vendor to administer flexible spending accounts the employees would need to mail their reimbursement forms directly to Trigon Administrator. They will have a choice to receive reimbursement by check or to receive a direct deposit into their bank account. The second service that was bid is the COBRA administration. COBRA involves federal regulations that require us to continue to provide health care services for up to 36 months after the employees leave service. The paperwork that is involved in keeping up with the notification is very cumbersome and is currently being done by the County Human Resource department and the County of Roanoke Schools Budget department. In addition to the time involved this area involves a large liability for the County and the County Schools if it is administered improperly. Attachment B shows the bids that were received from Trigon Administrators and Sykes Health Plan Services. The winning bidder was Trigon Administrators at a cost for the first year of operations of $2,020 for County of Roanoke and $3,720 for County of Roanoke Schools. The COBRA administration is related strictly to those employees that are currently participating in the health care program. I believe it would be appropriate to charge these expenses directly to health insurance fund. It would not be necessary to increase a line item elsewhere in the budget for the 1999- 2000 budget. This service would be instituted as soon as possible. The City of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke Schools currently out source their FSA administration and COBRA administration. These bids allow them to continue to out source at a reduced price. I recommend that Roanoke County and Roanoke County Schools also begin the outsourcing of these services. This will free up valuable staff time that can be used on other projects rather than asking for an increase in staff. In addition it will provide the County of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke Schools with far greater liability coverage within these very volatile areas. In order to participate in the joint purchase, I will need to notify our consultant by December 16, 1998. Attachment MaFINANCE\COMMON\CORRES\ 12-8-98. WPD N m t~ r w N W w ~C .= .~ a O a C •~ 4 _~ _~ C V ~A .~ r7ti C 4 d L{r c a ~~ ~~ ~~ d a ~~ ~ ~ $ a ~ m ~~ m~ ~ m a ~~ ~~ ~ ~ C ~~ .V 3 .r ~ C ~ - U R ~~:~ Sd ,~ m a~-° a 0 .~ vi E 3 ~ ~~ ~~~ .~ a m w m 0 E m c m o. m O v~ ~. G H~ O Z ~~ ~o ~ m = atS 0 0 0 '~ ~ r c 4 ~~a ~ N ~ ~ C ~n {, ~ ` o c ~a U ~ ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ r U ¢~ m ~ ~ o ''~ r U o cp N C~ M ~p Q~ r C7 ~ ~ ~ ar-o r o ~ ~ 0 r C ~ ~~ ~ ~ r .. ~ ~ ~ ~ m a a ~ ~ a ~ '~ ~ '_~ _G ~ C ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ . ~p Sd m V r ~ O r Attachment A m rn N M m ~r W W !_A W 80 ' d 1E~101 1.. m 4 QC V ~+ m m r O W .~ C O U Q m ~~ E ~a ~~ m d c~ ~~ ~Q a- .•• L ~~ ~~ m G _~ m~U '~ o C v 0 ~~ ~ ~ C ~~~' ~' o n~~ ,- iD ~ r ~ ~ g $3 ~ m o ~ m= •o !r Q fD r co ~ 0 /r~~ TT 4. IL E a ti t`• W o mo ~o ~ ~ ~ s~ ~' c U +~ W N C11 r ~ 'S ~ U c m N N ~ `O Y O ~ c U~ N [~] 01 ~ ~ Y °=g r ~ ° ~ U ~3 ~ ~ r ~ t0 m m ~ ~ 0 C 7 ~°. U `o m o @ ~ m ~ W p ~ ~ ~ t W E xy ~ o c ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ o f ~I UE U c~o ~~ wE m~ m~ ~0 3e c U ~ ?~.• W ~ II ~~ o T p - 4 t O Z ;' 80i80'd 60~£ ~L9 b08 T 0 c m M~ W U W ~ m ~ •~ 44~ w m o d '~ ~ m m U ~ ~ ~ ~ U c ~ E ~' o ~ m~a i! •gQ 's N m r ~~ c m b ~ E o ~~~ Wz~ a~ ~ C Q ~ ~ ~ C ~. m a o ~ °~ ~~~ U C 0 z ti c 0 a 31I H~1 NHOdOW HJf1Hgd~S Attachment B V m Q U ~~ e 0 O ~ L (~ c ~ e m a ~m~ t 8`~ E C = •~ m '~ ~ ~ a .° o,'s vi ` C 4 'g ~ c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ M s '~ ~~ `~ ~ C m C ~ m •`d a~ ~ m ~ 2 m ~~x 0 z ~ ~' m Q U G 0 z li m C O a a TT:ZZ 866T-L0-08Q W a r-. JNI~ The _._ ~~- g ______ _____ __~~_ ~ .~ ....~ Re loyal Chamber ~~ sa„ez January 5, 1999 P~ ~ The Honorable Bob Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PO Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Johnson: The purpose of this letter is to respectively request that the Board of Supervisors delay the January 12, 1999, second public hearing and vote on the proposed "Comprehensive Community Plan" to allow for a completely updated plan to be drafted and made available to the public with ample opportunity to review. We explain by the attached letter our three major concerns with the existing proposed Plan: 1. The reduction in future developmental land. 2. The incompatibility of current land usage vs. the future land use maps. 3. The lack of time to fully review a completely updated Community Plan containing all the changes made or proposed since October 30, 1998. Your consideration of this request will be deeply appreciated. Sincerely, ynthi organ SHelor Chairman of the Board Roanoke Regional Chamfer of Commerce • 212 South 1e[[erson Street • Roanoke, VA 24011-1702 • (540) 983-0700 Fax (540) 983-0723 • e-mail: businessC~roanoke~hamber.org • websile: hllpJ/www.roanake~hambeeorg ~Tne .Regional Chamber January 5, 1999 The Honorable Bob Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PO Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Johnson: On behalf of the leadership of the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce, we present to you and the members of the Board of Supervisors our Chamber's comments and recommendations concerning Roanoke County's Comprehensive "Community" Plan. Having reviewed the proposed Community Plan, Future Land Usage Maps, Supplemental Plans, and comments presented to the Board and Planning Commission from members of the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association and the Roanoke Valley Association of Realtors, we are concerned with Roanoke County's future economic development growth through its relationship to the proposed Community Plan. It is our opinion that the Plan is a wonderful view of what the citizens wish and desire for the County to be like in the next 10 to 20 years; however, Roanoke County must also look ahead to how you will determine future Capital Improvement Program (CIP) funding and its sources to maintain current or expanded levels of services and improvements. It is this lack of a balance between environmental preservation and a vibrant economic future to carry out the County's Capital Improvement Program that concerns this Chamber as well as problems which have already arisen with the future land use designations and its current rezoning request. The following areas represent this Chamber's primary concerns: 1. The reduction in Future developmental land; 2. The incompatibility of current land usage vs. the future land use maps; and 3. The lack of time to fully review a completely updated Community Plan containing all the changes (errata's and additional economic verbiage) since October 30, 1998. Roanoke Regional Chamber o[ Commerce • 212 Soulh Je[ferson S(reel • Roanoke, YA 24011-1702 • (540) 983-0700 Fax (540) 983-0723 • e-mail: bnsiness~ roanoke~hamber.org • websile: h(lpl/www.roannkeehambecorg Mr. Bob Johnson January 5, 1999 Page 2 The availability of designated land which is currently vacant and ready to go should be included in a current land inventory analysis and a projected analysis that is broken down by ready-to-go zoned vs. unzoned land with its status of developed, undeveloped or under developed status stated. With an increase in conservation lands (Neighborhood Conservation)and the addition of The Blue Ridge Parkway View sheds, the availability of development land and core, has decreased. The Principle Industrial has remained primarily unchanged between 1985 and 1998 and the Transition has decreased. A question that we feel is important to be asked and answered is with this uneven approach to land usage, where does the County plan to have its future commercial and industrial sites located? If local companies want to expand their operations, will they have to move out of this region to meet their needs? As we are already aware, firms wanting to relocate and/or expand are already being solicited by not only neighboring Virginia counties but also by pro-economic states such as North Carolina and Georgia. We agree wholeheartly that protection of the environment and sensitive areas is important to our overall quality of life but areas that have existed as commercial sites should be allowed to continue to develop and to expand and not be placed within a neighborhood conservation designation. A primary example is the classification of several areas that are actively being developed or are underdeveloped at this time which the proposed future land use maps have proposed under the neighborhood conservation rather than under a development designation. Recently, a request for a rezoning for a business on Colonial Avenue had to be placed in question due to the incompatibility of the proposed future land usage designation which had it in the neighborhood conservation designation. Clearly, this area is in a transitional stage from neighborhood to a more commercial usage. Forward thinking planning should not allow for an override if zoning is to occur so soon before a comprehensive plan is even adopted. This is yet another example of how narrow bands of Transitional zoning are not allowed to be broad enough and/or may be too few. Finally, we recommend to you that the Board of Supervisors direct the planning staff to develop a third draft of the Plan including all changes, additions and/or deletions which have occurred since October, 30, 1998. Presently, citizens are not able to see a complete document because so many changes have occurred since that time. We feel that it is in the best interest of everyone to see a completely revised document and have the opportunity to comment on the proposed final document. Mr. Bob Johnson January 5, 1999 Page 3 It is for these reasons that the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce requests that the January 12, 1999 second public hearing and vote be delayed for 60 - 90 days to allow for a completely updated proposed plan to be drafted and made available. This would also allow time to make the necessary changes to allow for compatibility between the future land usage maps and currently zoned land. We would also like to review the inventories of land available to promote future economic development activity. We deeply respect the time, effort and energy that has gone into this major project. We realize that such a Plan is not an easy task and that there are many different points of view. We appreciate you listening to our point of view and want you to know that we concur with your efforts to improve the quality of life for all Roanoke County residents and to help the businesses located in the County to grow. We want to work with you to help make this plan even better. We are available to meet with you to discuss the points above and to help in every way possible to move the proposed Comprehensive Plan forward. Sincerely, r~' C ~~~~~~~~ Cyn is Morgan Shelor Chairman of the Board interoffice M E M O F2 A N D U M To: The Board of Supervisors From: Elaine Carver, Purchasing Date: January 8, 1999 Subject: Ordinance Amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code At the December l5th Board meeting, Dr. Nickens made a recommendation to raise the small purchase limits, but to keep the current larger purchase limits in place. He made this recommendation based in part on the table attached to the Board report which compared spending limits in various localities throughout the state. This table (copy attached) shows a wide variety of spending limit patterns in all areas; however, it also shows that four of the eight localities, including the City of Roanoke, currently have a $30,000 threshold for Bids/RFPs, and that Salem is also considering increasing its Bid/RFP threshold to $30,000 during 1999. This is also in line with the State's threshold for Bids and RFPs. The comparison table also shows that half of the localities, including the City of Roanoke, have phone quote limits greater than the limit we are requesting. Staff still believes that changing the limits for written quotes, Bid/RFPs and telephone quotes would benefit County operations by saving time and money. The last time that the purchasing limits were changed was 1988, and there has been a significant increase in the price of many things since that time. We now use Bids and RFPs for items that required only written quotes ten years ago, which significantly slaws the purchase and delivery of these items, without a reduction in the cost to the County. Moving from formal Bids for purchases between $15,000 and $30,000 to Written Quotes will mean a savings in advertising costs, paper costs, postage, and stafftime with each purchase between these amounts. These ads have historically cost us approximately $75.00 each, yet gained little in vendor response. Dr. Nicken's other concern was that current controls would be relaxed if the spending limits were increased resulting in indiscriminate spending of County funds. Staffbelieves that increasing spending limits as recommended will not relinquish the protections already built into the system. Staff believes that the checks and balances in place at every level are sufficient to provide protection from indiscriminate spending of County funds. It is also important for the Board to know that only those employees who are authorized by their department head to expend County funds can do so. ;~ Controls for purchases made as written quotes will continue to •Require written specifications. •Be handled through purchasing, •Be evaluated based on Procurement Cade Section 17-60. •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification can be provided to Purchasing) •Pass ali departmental approvals. •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a Purchasing Order being issued Controls for purchases made as phone quotes will continue to: •Require three documented phone calls •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification could be provided to Purchasing) •Pass all departmental approvals •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a purchase order being issued If upon review of this information the Board wishes to select another alternative, I would request consideration of alternative #2 from the December 15 board report. This alternative would provide a reduced level of savings in money and staff time but would continue providing adequate controls at all spending levels. This alternative would make the following changes: Voucher System $0-500 to $0-1,000 Phone Quotes $500-5,000 to $1,000-5,000 Written Quote $5,000-15,000 to $5,000-30,000 Bid/RFP $15,000 and over to $30,000 and over The Board will have the opportunity to make this change at the second reading on January 12th Amending the procurement code as recommend by staff will save money and staff time, maintain the necessary security of taxpayer dollars, and provide better service to our ultimate customer, the citizens of Roanoke County. SPENDING LIMITS COMPARISON BY LOCALITY LOCALITY SPENDING LIlVIITS VOUCHER SYSTEM PHONE QUOTES WRITTEN QUOTES BID/RFP Albemarle County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Alexandria City $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Chesterfield County $0 - $500 $500-$30,000*** $5,00-$30,000*** $30,000+ Loudoun County $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Newport News $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Roanoke City $0 - $500* $500-$30,000*** $500-$30,000*** $30,000+ Roanoke County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Salem City $0 - $500* $500 - $3,500 $3,500 - $15,000 $15,000+** *Roanoke City is considering requesting a change in the spending limits from $500 to $1,000. ** Salem is anticipating, in early 1999, requesting a change in their spending limits from $500 to $1,000 and from $15,000 to $30,000. *** Method used for making purchase is determined by the Purchasing Department. Depending on complexity of the commodity being purchased they may use either phone or written quotes. intc~rof#ice M E M O 1~2 A N D U M To: The Board of Supervisors From: Elaine Carver, Purchasing Date: January 8, 1999 Subject: Ordinance Amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code At the December 15th Board meeting, Dr. Nickens made a recommendation to raise the small purchase limits, but to keep the current larger purchase limits in place. He made this recommendation based in part on the table attached to the Board report which compared spending limits in various localities throughout the state. This table (copy attached) shows a wide variety of spending limit patterns in all areas; however, it also shows that four of the eight localities, including the City of Roanoke, currently have a $30,000 threshold for Bids/RFPs, and that Salem is also considering increasing its Bid/RFP threshold to $30,000 during 1999. This is also in line with the State's threshold for Bids and RFPs. The comparison table also shows that half of the localities, including the City of Roanoke, have phone quote limits greater than the limit we are requesting. Staff still believes that changing the limits for written quotes, Bid/RFPs and telephone quotes would benefit County operations by saving time and money. The last time that the purchasing limits were changed was 1988, and there has been a significant increase in the price of many things since that time. We now use Bids and RFPs for items that required only written quotes ten years ago, which significantly slows the purchase and delivery of these items, without a reduction in the cost to the County. Moving from formal ]Bids for purchases between $15,000 and $30,000 to Written Quotes will mean a savings in advertising costs, paper costs, postage, and stafftime with each purchase between these amounts. These ads have historically cost us approximately $75.00 each, yet gained little in vendor response. Dr. Nicken's other concern was that current controls would be relaxed if the spending limits were increased resulting in indiscriminate spending of County funds. Staff believes that increasing spending limits as recommended will not relinquish the protections already built into the system. Staff believes that the checks and balances in place at every level are sufficient to provide protection from indiscriminate spending of County funds. Tt is also important for the Board to know that only those employees who are authorized by their department head to expend County funds can do so. ~_ . Controls for purchases made as written quotes will continue to •Require written specifications. •Be handled through purchasing, •Be evaluated based on Procurement Cade Section 17-60. •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification can be provided to Purchasing) •Pass all departmental approvals. •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a Purchasing Order being issued Controls for purchases made as phone quotes will continue to: •Require three documented phone calls •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification could be provided to Purchasing) •Pass all departmental approvals •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a purchase order being issued If upon review of this information the Board wishes to select another alternative, I would request consideration of alternative #2 from the December 15 board report. This alternative would provide a reduced level of savings in money and staff time but would continue providing adequate controls at all spending levels. This alternative would make the following changes: Voucher System $0-500 to $0-1,000 Phone Quotes $500-5,000 to $1,000-5,000 Written Quote $5,000-15,000 to $5,000-30,000 Bid/RFP $15,000 and over to $30,000 and over The Board will have the opportunity to make this change at the second reading on January 12th Amending the procurement code as recommend by staff will save money and staff time, maintain the necessary security of taxpayer dollars, and provide better service to our ultimate customer, the citizens of Roanoke County. ~• SPENDING LIMITS COMPARISON BY LOCALITY LOCALITY SPENDING LIl~IITS VOUCHER SYSTEM PHONE QUOTES WRITTEN QUOTES BID/RFP Albemarle County $0 - $500 $S00 - $5,000 $5,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Alexandria City $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Chesterfield County $0 - $500 $500-$30,000*** $5,00-$30,000*** $30,000+ Loudoun County $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Newport News $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Roanoke City $0 - $S00* $500-$30,000*** $500-$30,000*** $30,000+ Roanoke County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Salem City $0 - $500* $500 - $3,500 $3,500 - $15,000 $15,000+** *Roanoke City is considering requesting a change in the spending limits from $500 to $1,000. ** Salem is anticipating, in early 1999, requesting a change in their spending limits from $500 to $1,000 and from $15,000 to $30,000. *** Method used for making purchase is determined by the Purchasing Department. Depending on complexity of the commodity being purchased they may use either phone or written quotes. i nt~roff i+~e M E M© f~ A N D U M To: The Board of Supervisors From: Elaine Carver, Furchasing Date: January 8, 1999 Subject: Ordinance Amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code At the December 15th Board meeting, Dr. Nickens made a recommendation to raise the small purchase limits, but to keep the current larger purchase limits in place. He made this recommendation based in part on the table attached to the Board report which compared spending limits in various localities throughout the state. This table (copy attached) shows a wide variety of spending limit patterns in ail areas; however, it also shows that four of the eight localities, including the City of Roanoke, currently have a $30,000 threshold for Bids/RFPs, and that Salem is also considering increasing its Bid/RFP threshold to $30,000 during 1999. This is also in line with the State's threshold for Bids and RFPs. The comparison table also shows that half of the localities, including the City of Roanoke, have phone quote limits greater than the .limit we are requesting. Staff still believes that changing the limits for written quotes, Bid/RFPs and telephone quotes would benefit County operations by saving time and money. The last time that the purchasing limits were changed was 1988, and there has been a significant increase in the price of many things since that time. We now use Bids and RFPs for items that required only written quotes ten years ago, which significantly slaws the purchase and delivery of these items, without a reduction in the cost to the County. Moving from formal Bids for purchases between $15,000 and $30,000 to Written Quotes will mean a savings in advertising costs, paper costs, postage, and stafftime with each purchase between these amounts. These ads have historically cost us approximately $75.00 each, yet gained little in vendor response. Dr. Nicken's other concern was that current controls would be relaxed if the spending limits were increased resulting in indiscriminate spending of County funds. Staff believes that increasing spending limits as recommended will not relinquish the protections already built into the system. Staff believes that the checks and balances in place at every level are sufficient to provide protection from indiscriminate spending of County funds. it is also important for the Board to know that only those employees who are authorized by their department head to expend County funds can do so. Y Controls for purchases made as written quotes will continue to •Require written specifications. •Be handled through purchasing. •Be evaluated based on Procurement Code Section 17-60. •Be made from the lowest vendor(untess proper justification can be provided to Purchasing) •Pass alI departmental approvals. •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a Purchasing Order being issued Controls for purchases made as phone quotes will continue to: •Require three documented phone calls •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification could be provided to Purchasing) •Pass all departmental approvals •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a purchase order being issued If upon review of this information the Board wishes to select another alternative, I would request consideration of alternative #2 from the December 15 board report. This alternative would provide a reduced level of savings in money and staff time but would continue providing adequate controls at all spending levels. This alternative would make the following changes: Voucher System $0-500 to $0-1,000 Phone Quotes $500-5,000 to $1,000-5,000 Written Quote $5,00015,000 to $5,000-30,000 Bid/RFP $15,000 and over to $30,000 and aver The Board will have the opportunity to make this change at the second reading on January 12th Amending the procurement code as recommend by staff will save money and staff time, maintain the necessary security of taxpayer dollars, and provide better service to our ultimate customer, the citizens of Roanoke County. .- , SPENDING LIMITS COMPARISON BY LOCALITY LOCALITY SPENDING LIlVIITS VOUCHER SYSTEM PHONE QUOTES WRITTEN QUOTES BID/RRP Albemarle County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Alexandria City $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Chesterfield County $0 - $500 $500-$30,000*** $5,00-$30,000*** $30,000+ Loudoun County $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $1,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Newport News $0 - $1,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $1,000 - $30,000 $30,000+ Roanoke City $0 - $500* $500-$30,000*** $500-$30,000*** $30,000+ Roanoke County $0 - $500 $500 - $5,000 $5,000 - $15,000 $15,000+ Salem City $0 - $500* $500 - $3,500 $3,500 - $15,000 $15,000+** *Roanoke City is considering requesting a change in the spending limits from $500 to $1,000. ** Salem is anticipating, in early 1999, requesting a change in their spending limits from $500 to $1,000 and from $15,000 to $30,000. *** Method used for making purchase is determined by the Purchasing Department. Depending on complexity of the commodity being purchased they may use either phone or written quotes. µ interoffice M E M O R A N D U M To: The Board of Supervisors From: Elaine Carver, Purchasing Date: December 18, 1998 Subject: Ordinance Amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code At the December 15th Board meeting, Dr. Nickens made a recommendation to raise the small purchase limits, but to keep the current larger purchase limits in place. He made this recommendation based in part on the table attached to the Board report which compared spending limits in various localities throughout the state. This table (copy attached) shows a wide variety of spending limit patterns in all areas; however, it also shows that four of the eight localities, including the City of Roanoke, currently have a $30,000 threshold for Bids/RFPs, and that Salem is also considering increasing its Bid/RFP threshold to $30,000 during 1999. This is also in line with the State's threshold for Bids and RFPs. Staff still believes that changing the limits for written quotes, Bid/RFPs and telephone quotes would benefit County operations by saving time and money, without relinquishing the protections already built into the system. The last time that the purchasing limits were changed was 1988, and there has been a significant increase in the price of many things since that time. We now use Bids and RFPs for items that required only written quotes ten years ago, which significantly slows the purchase and delivery of these items, without a reduction in the cost to the County. Moving from formal Bids for purchases between $15,000 and $30,000 to Written Quotes will mean not having to buy advertising every time we make a purchase between these amounts. These ads have historically cost us money, yet gained little in vendor response. Purchases made as written quotes will: •Require written specifications •Be handled through Purchasing •Have to be evaluated •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification can be provided to Purchasing) •Pass all departmental approvals •Have the funds pre-encumbered prior to a Purchasing Order being issued The comparison table also shows that half of the localities, including the City of Roanoke, have phone quote limits greater than the limit we are requesting. Purchases made as phone quotes would: •Require three documented phone calls •Be made from the lowest vendor(unless proper justification could be provided to Purchasing) •Have to pass all departmental approvals •Have the funds l~e..pre-encumbered prior to a purchase order being issued If upon review of this information the Board wishes to select another alternative, I would request consideration of alternative #2 from the December 15 board report, which would make the following changes: Voucher System $0-500 to $0-1,000 Phone Quotes $500-5,000 to $1,000-5,000 Written Quote $5,000-15,000 to $5,000-30,000 Bid/RFP $15,000 and over to $30,000 and over The Board will have the opportunity to make this change at the second reading on January 12th I believe that the checks and balances in place at every level are sufficient to provide protection from indiscriminate spending of County funds. It think it is also important for the Board to know that only those employees who are authorized by their department head to expend County funds can do so. I think that amending the procurement code as recommend by staff will save money and time, maintain the necessary security of taxpayer dollars, and provide better service to our ultimate customer, the citizens of Roanoke County. LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold another public hearing at 7 p. m. on Tuesday, January 12, 1999, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. The purpose of the hearing is to receive public comments on a second reading of a proposed ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia. The proposed Community Plan is comprised of both text and maps. Once adopted by the Board of Supervisors, the plan will serve as a general guide for the long range use and development of all land within Roanoke County. The proposed plan has been prepared in accordance with guidelines contained in Sections 15.2-2223 and 2224 of the Code of Virginia, and Section 30-8-1 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: December 31, 1998 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, January 5, 1999 Direct the bill for publication to: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2005 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION T0: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 ~. January 5, 1999 (4:38pm) NOTE TO: Mary Allen FROM: Brenda J. Holton SUBJECT: Agenda Meeting ECH was not at the staff meeting - he was still in the Metcalf grievance. John handled the meeting. I revised the agenda and gave him a copy as of 4:30 p.m. It is on G:\board\jan12 There were nine items added to our agenda for 1/12. Right before meeting, JMC gave me a list of three, PMM at meeting gave me two, and AC gave me four Board reports. During the meeting, I expressed the opinion that I know this is a holiday week and day behind, etc. but we need to get these items before so we can put on draft agenda. I sort of wove this in with all the "fun" so hope no one got offended. Purchase of Salem Office Building is in connection with Courthouse stuff. I think this may be for Sheriff so they can tear down the sheriff's place and make parking. SPCA new business is to approve the contract with SPCA -annual sort of thing. First reading is to increase the boarding fees. Elaine has written a memo to the Board about her report. Doesn't know if ECH wants to send or not. She sent copies to you, me, and AMG for our comments. Elaine will be gone tomorrow but back Thurs. MH told me earlier that there is a possibility that ECH will be gone Fri. FYI Gary Robertson will be gone on 1/12 and PMM will do his second reading on spring hollow. No one knew about work session on McDonald Farm. AMG thought it might be better at joint meeting with Vinton. JMC and Debbie thought it would be better to have the work session on task force senior first since citizens will be here. They suggested we make it 4 p.m. -Team is IT-Team and stands for Information Technology. You probably already know that but I didn't and citizens probably wouldn't. Janet said that she planed to run only the changes since the last run of Community Plan and attached those changes to the Board report. She said the whole thing has been run two times now. When asked if Board kept copy, told her that I didn't know if they kept the copies or not, some do and some don't. Sue Patterson called and said that on the Board rules, etc., she wanted to know if we thought it OK if she went ahead and finalized the other changes from first reading but put changes yesterday in strikeout and highlight. Told her I though that would be fine since they have already seen the other changes and might be confused. Then after the second reading, we can clean up the copy again. e~~~ l ,~ - ~ r DRA~I' -1/6/99 - 9:00 a.m. ROANOKE COUNN BOARD OF SUPERVISO 4~~sR~ AGENDA JANUARY 12, 1999 L'~/ ~_. ~ ~~ ~~- -"3 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING THIS EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 P.M. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Cail 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Fiag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS V 1. Proclamation declaring the week of January 17 -January 24, 1999 as Virginia Constitutional Officer Week. D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS ~~ F. 1. Request for additional appropriation for disposal of increased tonnage at the landfill. (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) 2. Request for authorization to purchase Salem Office Building. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) 3. Request for County Administrator to execute an agreement with SPCA. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance to acquire easement from Wachovia Bank in connection with Lowe's. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. First reading of ordinance to amend contract to increase boarding fees at SPCA. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) 3. First reading of ordinance to vacate a portion of the right-of-way of Longridge Drive, and for that right-of-way to be combined with and made a part of Parcel C-1 for stormwater management easement, Windsor Hilis Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Code, Administration, by the addition of a new Article V, County Board Organization and Procedure, which establishes rules of organization and procedure for meetings of the Board of Supervisors. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of ordinance amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code, Sections 17-86, 17-88, 17-90, 17-91, 17-91.1, 17-92, and 17-93, to increase purchasing limits. (Elaine Carver, Director of Procurement) 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing lease of an existing dwelling and 10.40 acres, located at Spring Hollow Reservoir. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 2. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Resolution of Support for Virginia Recreation Access Grant for Vinyard Park. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll to the Board of Supervisors. ~' 4. Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 5. Acceptance of Apricot Trail, Jordan Circle, Chadwick Circle and Twin Views Court into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 6. Acceptance of an extension of Meadow Creek Drive into the Virginia De rtment of Transportation Secondary System. 7. Acce tan f Gro ad in the irgini Department of ortation Secondary System. 8. Acceptance of donation of a sanitary sewer and water easement from William E. Ray, Jr. and Judy M. Ray, located at 4443 Keefer Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 9. Acceptance of Willingham Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. -,-.._ J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve ,~ b ..,: <r 4 .. ,. ,-'; N. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. ?? 2. Report from the Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens. X4:00 P.M;~ ~Al~rk 'on to d Farm. marketinb stud~of McDonald 3. Report from the Information Technology (IT) TeamC~ -~ P. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Public Hearing and second reading of ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) S. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. ADJOURNMENT TO 9:00 A.M. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 1998, AT HOLIDAY INN, TANGLEWOOD, FOR THE PURPOSE OF A BOARD RETREAT s (~ ~~-e-- DRAFT -1/5/99 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JANUARY 12, 1999 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING THIS EVENING AT 7:00 P.M. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 P.M. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1 D. E. F. G. H. 1. Proclamation declaring the week of January 17 -January 24, 1999 as Virginia Constitutional Officer Week. BRIEFINGS NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for additional appropriation for disposal of increased tonnage at the landfill. (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director) ~~ F ., S~~ ~ ~ ~ `~ 5~~' ~ ~ ~~c:~ FIRS READING OF ORDI~A CES, [~ (~y~ytry~ S~CON~ REA~~'S~G OF~~CE 1. Second reading of ordinance amending Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Code, Administration, by the addition of a new Article V, County Board Organization and Procedure, which establishes rules of organization and procedure for meetings of the Board of Supervisors. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of ordinance amending the Roanoke County Procurement Code, Sections 17-86, 17-88, 17-90, 17-91, 17-91.1, 17-92, and 17-93, to increase purchasing limits. (Elaine Carver, Director of Procurement) ~~ q.~~~> ~~.~- ~-0-,c~ 3. Second reading of ordinance authorizing lease of an existing dwelling and 10.40 acres, located at Spring Hollow Reservoir. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) ~~ ~~ APPOINTMENTS 2 1. Roanoke Regional Airport Commission 2. Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT A ENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes for December 15, 1998 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. 3. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by James M. Carroll, Jr. and Theresa Ann Carroll to the Board of Supervisors. 4. Acceptance of Wolf Run and Wolf Crest into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. ~ p ,~s ~ ~ ~~ hn ~ .,-..~_, ?~ ~J~ J. REQUES,~~ jFOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve N. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS O. ~~ ~`~ P. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) ~. Work Session to discuss the marking study of McDonald Farm. ~. Report from the Task Force for Senior and Physically Challenged Citizens ~ . .# 3. Re ort from the I~Team ~,A ~ r-~ p l~' ~ ~ ,f ~ `` ~~,,,.. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES ~ -~:,~, 1. Public Hearing and second reading of ordinance to adopt a new Community (Comprehensive) Plan for Roanoke County, Virginia (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) °~ ~ ,-~~~ ~, _~ f,~~ ~,.~ ,~ ~.. S. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS ~,,,~,,~ , ~~~' "~ ~ ~_ ~ ~; ~« T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS ~ ~~' C:,e`.. ~~ r~~ U. ADJOURNMENT ~} - ~ a~ ~ ~~ ~~ r. °- ~"~°~ `~ ``~ ,,~" ~-~ ~r 4