HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/23/1999 - Regular~ ROAN , f~ r¢war aF n¢ eua rt~r.~' ~ ~ ~ z ~~ a= C~~~xx~# ~~ ~a~xx~~.~.~e _ ~ i 38 Working document -subject to revision ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA NOVEMBER 23, 1999 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. At 1:00 P.M.. THERE WILL BE A MOCK BOARD MEETING AS PART OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY ACTIVITIES. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL REPLACE BOARD MEMBERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL PRESENT AT 3:02 P.M. ~FM ARRIVED 3:04 P.M.1 2. Invocation: Rev. Becky Proctor Rosalind Hills Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag ® Recycled Paper B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH ADDED NEW BUSINESS ITEM 6 -REQUEST FOR AMENDMENT TO PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT TO EXPAND ADVANCE AUTO PMM ADDED ITEM TO CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO 2.1-344 A (31 C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Dr. Deanna W. Gordon, Roanoke County School Superintendent. DR GORDON WAS PRESENT TO RECEIVE RESO, GIFT CERTIFICATE AND COUNTY QUILT R-112399-1 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO U RC D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on Fort Lewis Mountain Forest Fire. (Rick Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue) BRIEFING BY CHIEF BURCH AND RICHARD MILES. VA DEPT OF FORESTRY E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from Schools for appropriation of $53,300 Technology Literacy Challenge Grant for training. (Dr. Gordon, School Superintendent, Presented by Dr. Jane James) A-112399-2 HOM MOTION TO APPROVE GRANT & APPROPRIATION URC 2. Request for approval of proposal from United Way of Roanoke Valley to assist in budget distribution to Human Services Agencies. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) 2 A-112399-3 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE PROPOSAL AYES: JPM, FFH. HCN, BLJ NAYS: HOM 3 . Request to enter into a contract to accept $50,000 grant from Fifth District Regional Alliance to assist with Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant Director, Economic Development) A-112399-4 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE CONTRACT URC 4 . Resolution adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) R-112399-5 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO AS PRESENTED AYES: HOM, FFH. BLJ NAYS: JPM, HCN 5 . Report concerning the application of roll-back taxes on separated or split-off real estate in the land use value assessment program. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) CONSENSUS OF BOARD TO HAVE WORK SESSION AT 1217199 MEETING 6. Request for amendment to performance agreement to expand Advance Stores headquarters operation. (Joyce Waugh, Economic Development Assistant Director) CONSENSUS TO ADD TO CLOSED SECTION PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.1- 344 A (6) TO DISCUSS THE INVESTING OF PUBLIC FUNDS WHERE BARGAINING IS INVOLVED F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 3 BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND AND PUBLIC HEARINGS -12121199 URC 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly and day care facility, located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Evangel Foursquare Church. 2. First reading of ordinance to amend conditions on a Planned Residential Development consisting of 302 acres, located north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 125, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Boone, Boone & Loeb Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES NONE H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road). (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-112399-6 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC 2. Second reading of ordinance authorizing dedication of 0.061 acre of land for public right-of-way on Daugherty Road (VA Sec. Route 643) for road improvements at its intersection with U. S. Route 111460. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 0-112399-7 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC 1. APPOINTMENTS 4 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. Library Board HOM NOMINATED JOSIE EYER TO SERVE ANOTHER THREE YEAR TERM 5. Roanoke County Planning Commission HOM NOMINATED DON WITT TO SERVE ANOTHER FOUR YEAR TERM J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-112399-8 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO WITH CHANGE IN ITEM #1 (DEBBIE PITTS APPOINTED TO DISABILITY SERVICE BOARD INSTEAD OF JOHN M. CHAMBLISS) U RC 1. Confirmation of Committee appointments to Disability Services Board and Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. A-112399-8.a 2 . Request for acceptance of sanitary sewer facilities serving Orchard Park, Section 3. A-112399-8.b 3 . Acceptance of $5,800 donation from the Friends of the Library and appropriation of funds to the Public Library budget. 5 A-112399-8.c 4 . Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Summerfield, Section 6. A-112399-8.d K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE N. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Changes to Secondary System of State Highways as of October, 1999 6. Accounts Paid -October 1999 7. Additional information from FY 1998-1999 Departmental Rollover requests for Sheriff's Office and Police Department. A-112399-9 HCN MOTION TO APPROPRIATE ROLLOVER REQUESTS U RC 6 O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Work Session to discuss proposed Cluster Housing Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) TIME: 5:00 P.M. PRESENTED BY TERRY HARRINGTON, JANET SCHEID, TWO MEMBERS OF HOMEBUILDERS PRESENT CONSENSUS OF BOARD TO CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING AT EVENING SESSION AND REFER BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION 2. Work Session on the marketing plan for the Center for Research and Technology. (Tim Gubala and Melinda Cox, Economic Development Department, Phil Sparks and Ann Piedmont, Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership) TIME: 5:45 P.M. POWER POINT PRESENTATION BY GUBALA, COX, SPARKS AND PIEDMONT CONCERNING FOUR-PHASE MARKETING PLAN; ENTRANCE SKETCH AND PROPOSED BROCHURE DISPLAYED P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate; and Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss actual litigation, Board of Supervisors vs. General Electric, et al; and Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss probable litigation, Smith vs. County of Roanoke; Section 2.1-344 A (6) To discuss the investing of public funds where bargaining is involved, Advance Stores Performance Agreement BLJ MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED MEETING AT 4:50 P.M. FOLLOWING WORK SESSIONS U RC CLOSED SESSION FROM 6:20 P.M. UNTIL 7:00 P.M. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-112399-10 AT 7.03 P M., BLJ MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN MEETING AND ADOPT RESO URC R. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six- Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. Development Director) (Arnold Covey, Community R-112399-11 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC 2. Consideration of projects for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) A-112399-12 JPM MOTION TO ADOPT RESO AYES: JPM, HOM, FFH. BLJ NAYS: HCN S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending and readopting the Zoning Ordinance by the addition of standards for the design and development of Cluster Housing. (Terry Harrington, County Planner)~CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 26, 1999) CHAIRMAN ANNOUNCED THAT PUBLIC HEARING WAS BEING CONTINUED AND ORDINANCE REFERRED BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION 2. Second reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit for a private stable, located at 501 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jeffrey Shawver. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) R-112399-13 FFH MOTION TO ADOPT ORD AYES: JPM, HOM, FFH, HCN NAYS: NONE ABSTAIN: BLJ T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor McNamara• ~1) Advised that he thought that the Student Government Day was well done and very successful. (2) Advised that the Commonwealth Transportation Board on 11-18-99 awarded contract to Allegheny Construction Company for traffic light at Hidden Valley Junior High School (3) Asked for status of complaint that he sent to Arnold Covey about burned out trailer on Meadow Creek Subdivision. Supervisor Minnix• ~) Advised that he toured Clearbrook Elementary school with Mr Howard Sinclair and Principal Flippin and thanked Mr. Sinclair for his substantial contribution to the school fund. (2) Advised that citizens asked him to relay request to build on a private road and sign document that road would remain private There was no consensus from Board to ao forward with her request (31 Advised that he has been requested by citizens to reinstate the leaf vacuuming system in the County for a fee from citizens and will discuss individually with Board members at a later time. (4) Advised that he picked up 31 overturned trash cans on Penn Forest Street and questioned whether staff is goingtoo fast ECH will look into the matter. (5) Asked Terry Harrington about construction trailer still parked at Sunscape complex Mr Harrington advised that construction is not complete and the trailer is still being used It will be removed at a later time. (6) Advised that Cave S~rina Junior High School web site was judged one of "best bets" in USA Today: that only 150 schools in U S. receive this honor and Ms. Parks heads the program. Supervisor Johnson• ~) Asked Mr Harrington to check into why the sign at Color Tile on 419 has not been removed since the building is Qone. (2) Advised that Student Government Day held today was very successful, and expressed a~greciation to everyone concerned, especially David Wvmer. He advised that the tape of that meeting can be viewed again on Channel 3. Thursday at 7 (21 Expressed the sympathies of the Board members to Clerk Mary Allen and her family upon the recent death of her husband. (3) Advised that he wrote a condolence letter to Mrs. Taylor upon the death of former Roanoke City Mayor Taylor. V. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate; Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss probable litigation, Smith vs. County of Roanoke; and Section 2.1-344 A (6) to discuss -the investing of public funds where bargaining is involved, Advance Stores Performance Agreement BLJ MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED MEETING AT 7:25 P.M. URC CLOSED SESSION FROM 7:25 P.M. UNTIL 8:09 P.M. W. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-112399-14 AT 8:09 P.M. BLJ MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN MEETING AND ADOPT RESO URC X. ADJOURNMENT BLJ ADJOURNED THE MEETING AT 8:10 P.M. so EtOA N ,~vrr aF rrff acue x~ ~' '~c° ~ „ p Z 1838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA NOVEMBER 23, 1999 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. At 1:00 P.M., THERE WILL BE A MOCK BOARD MEETING AS PART OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY ACTIVITIES. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL REPLACE BOARD MEMBERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Rev. Becky Proctor Rosalind Hills Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1 ® Recycled Paper 1. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Dr. Deanna W. Gordon, Roanoke County School Superintendent. D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on Fort Lewis Mountain Forest Fire. (Rick Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from Schools for appropriation of $53,300 Technology Literacy Challenge Grant for training. (Dr. Gordon, School Superintendent) 2. Request for approval of proposal from United Way of Roanoke Valley to assist in budget distribution to Human Services Agencies. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) 3. Request to enter into a contract to accept $50,000 grant from Fifth District Regional Alliance to assist with Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant Director, Economic Development) 4. Resolution adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 5. Report concerning the application of roll-back taxes on separated or split-off real estate in the land use value assessment program. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly and day care facility, located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Evangel Foursquare Church. 2 2. First reading of ordinance to amend conditions on a Planned Residential Development consisting of 302 acres, located north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 125, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Boone, Boone & Loeb Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road). (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of ordinance authorizing dedication of 0.061 acre of land for public right-of-way on Daugherty Road (VA Sec. Route 643) for road improvements at its intersection with U. S. Route 11/460. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. Library Board 5. Roanoke County Planning Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 3 1. Confirmation of Committee appointments to Disability Services Board and Roanoke Valley Resource Authority. 2. Request for acceptance of sanitary sewer facilities serving Orchard Park, Section 3. 3. Acceptance of $5,800 donation from the Friends of the Library and appropriation of funds to the Public Library budget. 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Summerfield, Section 6. K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Changes to Secondary System of State Highways as of October, 1999 6. Accounts Paid -October 1999 7. Additional information from FY 1998-1999 Departmental Rollover requests for Sheriff's Office and Police Department. O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Work Session to discuss proposed Cluster Housing Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 4 2. Work Session on the marketing plan for the Center for Research and Technology. (Tim Gubala and Melinda Cox, Economic Development Department, Phil Sparks and Ann Piedmont, Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership) P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate; and Section 2.1- 344 A (7) to discuss actual litigation, Board of Supervisors vs. General Electric, et al; and Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss probable litigation, Smith vs. County of Roanoke. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) 2. Consideration of projects for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending and readopting the Zoning Ordinance by the addition of standards for the design and development of Cluster Housing. (Terry Harrington, County Planner)~CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 26. 19991 2. Second reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit for a private stable, located at 501 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jeffrey Shawver. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS V. ADJOURNMENT 5 f+ ~ + w T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION 112399-1 OF APPRECIATION UPON THE RETIREMENT OF DR. DEANNA W. GORDON, ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT WHEREAS, Deanna W. Gordon began her career in public education in 1960 as a classroom teacher in the Roanoke County School System at Andrew Lewis High School and Herman L. Horn Elementary School; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has served in various capacities in the school system, including Assistant Principal, Instructional Supervisor, Director of Elementary Education and Assistant Superintendent; and WHEREAS, in 1994, Dr. Gordon was named as the first female Superintendent of the Roanoke County School System, and has served with distinction in that role until announcing her retirement this year; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has also been active in professional associations, community and civic organizations, including the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, the Central Fidelity Bank Community Advisory Board, the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge, the United Way of the Roanoke Valley and Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has also received numerous honors and awards including the Roanoke College Medal, the Distinguished Woman Alumnus Award from Virginia Tech, Educator of the Year from the Roanoke Valley Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, the Distinguished Service Award from the Roanoke County Council of PTA's and the Woman of Distinction Award from the Skyline Girl Scout Council; and 1 r WHEREAS, Deanna Gordon has played a vital and integral part in making the school system an outstanding example of excellence in education, and will be remembered by generations of students and their parents for her teaching, her guidance and her example. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf, and on behalf of the children of Roanoke County, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to DEANNA W. GORDON for her leadership and guidance of the Roanoke County School System, for her service to the citizens of the County, and for her continued emphasis, through her own example, of the importance of education; and BE IT FURTHER REVOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to Dr. Gordon for a happy, productive and healthy retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board 2 . ~ '' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION UPON THE RETIREMENT OF DR. DEANNA W. GORDON, ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT WHEREAS, Deanna W. Gordon began her career in public education in 1960 as a classroom teacher in the Roanoke County School System at Andrew Lewis High School and Herman L. Horn Elementary School; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has served in various capacities in the school system, including Assistant Principal, Instructional Supervisor, Director of Elementary Education and Assistant Superintendent; and WHEREAS, in 1994, Dr. Gordon was named as the first female Superintendent of the Roanoke County School System, and has served with distinction in that role until announcing her retirement this year; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has also been active in professional associations, community and civic organizations, including the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, the Central Fidelity Bank Community Advisory Board, the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge, the United Way of the Roanoke Valley and Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has also received numerous honors and awards including the Roanoke College Medal, the Distinguished Woman Alumnus Award from Virginia Tech, Educator of the Year from the Roanoke Valley Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, the Distinguished Service Award from the Roanoke County Council of PTA's and the Woman of Distinction Award from the Skyline Girl Scout Council; and 1 P' S` ' C-I WHEREAS, Deanna Gordon has played a vital and integral part in making the school system an outstanding example of excellence in education, and will be remembered by generations of students and their parents for her teaching, her guidance and her example. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved, thatthe Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf, and on behalf of the children of Roanoke County, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to DEANNA W. GORDON for her leadership and guidance of the Roanoke County School System, for her service to the citizens of the County, and for her continued emphasis, through her own example, of the importance of education; and BE IT FURTHER REVOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to Dr. Gordon for a happy, productive and healthy retirement. 2 -- ;~ Item No...~"' ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION ON TUESDAY MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Briefing on Ft. Lewis Mountain Forest Fire COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: I want to take this opportunity to commend Chief Burch, the paid staff, the volunteers, and all of the others who participated in the efforts to put out the brush fire in the Fort Lewis area. At Supervisor Harrison's suggestion, I have asked the Chief and some of his staff to attend the Board meeting to report to you on the damage caused by the fire and the efforts that were made to control it. Chief Burch will give you greater detail, but it might be helpful for you to know that we had assistance from Roanoke City, Salem, Vinton, Virginia Tech units and a number of other Southwest Virginia localities. The Virginia Department of Forestry was a partner in our efforts from the beginning and provided helicopters and bulldozers. Also, a special unit was brought in from New Mexico to assist. I appreciate your calls and visits to support the staff during their efforts. Many of our citizens expressed their appreciation to me and I have forwarded some of those to you. Respectfully submitted, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~, ~ .c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Johnson _ _ _ Denied () Harrison Received () McNamara- _ ._ Referred () Minnix _ To () Nickens _ _. _ 2 '~~ i~ i~ i~ i~ II o~~ cof~ ~PN~ IFS V ~e+ O Q ~ e~`,~ _ ~qRT~~ FARE & RESCUE FORT LEWIS MOUNTAIN FIRE REPORT THE HONORABLE BOB L..IOHNSON 3 ~,~~ ~ x d s # ~, w.x.~~~ # 3` ~~ ~,d OAN~Mt r~ ~' .~i~ 1 Fort Lewis Mountain Fire A-112399-2 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER C ~~ MEETING DATE : Novemuer ~.s 1999 AGENDA ITEM : Request from Schools for appropriation of $53,300 Technology Literacy Challenge Grant for training. C'OL7NTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Roanoke County Schools has received funding for 1999 under the Technology Literacy Challenge Subgrant. The grant is to be used for inservice training, hardware and software to stimulate programs focused on fully integrating technology into teaching and learning. Roanoke County received $53,300 for 1999-2000. Since the funding was not anticipated, an appropriation to the Grant Fund of $53,300 is needed. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: It is proposed that the money be used to provide training to a core group of teachers in strategies for integrating technology into existing curricula. Participants would become leaders within each building to further disseminate information and strategies. The training will take place from November 1999 through May 2000. Funding will be used for consultants, substitutes, stipends for teachers, expenses for teachers to attend professional development activities and laptop computers for loan to teachers. FISCAL IMPACT: None, no matching funds required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Appropriation of t e $53, 0 to the grant fund. ~~..- Jane James Elmer C. Hodge Director of Technology County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson Denied ( ) staff recommendation Harrison _ Received ( ) McNamara- Referred ( ) Minnix To ( ) Nickens cc: File Dr. Jane James, Director of Technology Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board x _ x x x x _ A-112399-3 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of the Proposal from United Way of Roanoke Valley to Assist in the Budget Distribution to Human Service Agencies COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS : ~~~~,,e~y~`~r7~^!!~ BACKGROUND: During the Budget Session this past spring, it was suggested that we consider using United Way to distribute the budgeted monies to Human Services Agencies. The concept grew from the fact that many of the organizations make similar requests to the Cities of Roanoke and Salem and also to groups such as the United Way and the resulting contributions do not necessarily reflect their financial need, the demand for that service to the community, or reflect the results of their operation on the target population or service need. A work session was held with the Board of Supervisors and staff on October 26 to discuss the proposal from the United Way of the Roanoke Valley (attached). They have been working with the City of Roanoke in a similar manner and they have developed a United Way / City of Roanoke Consolidated Human Services Funding Application. At this time, the City of Roanoke continues to determine the final allocation to be provided to the agency. In the case of the County, the Resource Distribution Cabinet of the United Way would review these applications and recommend the allocation of available monies based on the weighting factors of the scoring process (see page 6 of the proposed draft document). Of the 18 Human Service Agencies funded by the County this year, all had completed the consolidated application forms. Last year, the Board of Supervisors received funding requests from 29 Human Service Agencies totaling $224,564 of which 18 were funded in the amount of $87,410. This does not include the requests from Social Agencies (Blue Ridge Community Services and TAP); the cultural enrichment and tourism agencies; or organizations that receive funds on a dues or per capita basis. By reviewing these requests on a community wide basis, it can be determined if the agencies are addressing the needs of the 1 L3.~~ ~~\ community and also measure the success or impact of their efforts. United Way proposes to absorb the cost for this service for the first year and to determine the administrative fee (if any) required for the future. Another advantage of such a process would be to reduce the number of speakers and requests heard during the budget process by the Board of Supervisors. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the Proposal of the United Way of Roanoke Valley to serve as the clearinghouse for the human service agency requests in the budget process for FY 2000-O1. 2. Board of Supervisors continue to hear the requests during the budget public hearing as in the past. FISCAL IMPACT: None for year one of the United Way proposal. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends authorizing the proposal from the United Way of the Roanoke Valley for the Budget Year 2000-O1 upon form approved by the County Attorney. Staff will communicate with the human service agencies that have applied to the County through the budget process in the past concerning the new procedure. Respectfully submitted, ~ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant Administrator Appr ved b Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied ( ) staff recommendation Harrison _ x Received ( ) McNamara- x _ Referred ( ) Minnix x To ( ) Nickens _ x _ cc: File John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Brent Robertson, Budget Manager 2 E- a United Way of Roanoke Valley Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT Background This report outlines the proposal United Way of Roanoke Valley wishes to make to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to administer the County's annual funding of local human service organizations. Through its annual volunteer-driven Resource Distribution process, United Way proposes to help the County meet its goal of directing tax dollars toward programs that have the greatest impact on service recipients by administering County human service funds. This proposal details the procedures through which this is accomplished. Summary The United Way proposes to incorporate Roanoke County human service funding requests into the annual Resource Distribution process currently used to review program funding requests from United Way Partner Agencies. A group of approximately seventy (70) volunteers are used throughout the entire process which consists of two(2) phases: 1) an administrative review process which determines whether major financial and administrative deficiencies preclude an agency's bid to receive funding for one or more programs; and 2) a program application review process where applications are reviewed and scored and funding recommendations are made by volunteers based on a standard set of review criteria. Key Features Important features of United Way's Resource Distribution process include: • Programs, not agencies are reviewed. Focusing on programs offered by local agencies allows United Way to direct resources to efforts that have clear goals, objectives and measurable outcomes. Program applications are grouped in under United Way's Community Care Portfolios: - Investing in Children & Youth - Strengthening Families - Building Seif-SufTlciency - Enhancing Senior Independence - Caring for People in Crisis - Improving Health & Wellness Therefore, programs with a similar focus (i.e. youth development) are reviewed within a common panel by the same group of volunteers. Depending on the nature of the proposed program, applicants for Roanoke County human service funding will be assigned to the appropriate Community Care Portfolio. ^ Organizations that wish to apply for County human service funding will complete the Consolidated Human Services Funding Application. The Consolidated Application is currently used jointly by the United Way and the City of Roanoke and contains questions relevant to both the administrative and program review processes. United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT ~~ ~'4 ^ The process for reviewing County and United Way program applications will be the same, including agency site visits, program panel meetings and program review conferences. County applications will be reviewed along side United Way Partner Agency program applications (which will be one and the same if requesting money from both United Way and the County) using a set of standard criteria. Detailed Description The following description of United Way of Roanoke Valley's program review and funding process will detail how requests for Roanoke County human services funding will be administered by the United Way. This description is presented according to the proposed sequence of events to be followed in administering Roanoke County human services funding requests. O Notice of Funding Opportunity Roanoke County is expected to announce the availability of human service funding and instruct interested parties to contact the United Way for application materials in a way it deems appropriate, with sufficient notice provided to complete and submit applications. 0 Organizations Eligible to Apply Organizations must meet all of the following conditions to be eligible to apply for Roanoke County human service funding: ^ The agency is qualified under Internal Revenue Code Section 501 (c)(3) as tax exempt and is recognized as a public charity under IRS Code 170. ^ The agency is in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service's requirement regarding the filing of IRS Form 990. ^ The agency provides opportunity to all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status in all personnel actions, including retirement, evaluation, employment, promotion, transfer, training, compensation and termination. Agency services are available without discrimination in accordance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements. - The agency provides health or human services or community development services (such as affordable housing). ^ The agency serves residents of Roanoke County. ^ The agency is registered or has received an exemption from registration from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division of Consumer Affairs, Charitable Solicitation Section. ® Completion of the Consolidated Application The Consolidated Application (enclosed) contains detailed instructions for submitting application materials, including accompanying documents (such as the agency's latest audit or annual review).. The application is divided into two main parts, each with a separate deadline for submission: administrative information and program information, used for the administrative and program review processes, respectively. The administrative section focuses on financial and management issues of the agency that houses the program(s) for which funding is sought. The United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT program section of the application contains nineteen (19) questions regarding the need for the program, the program's goals and measurable objectives, what services are offered, how its outcomes are measured and related items. Applicants are also asked to .indicate the number of percentage of persons served in various localities, including Roanoke County. Questions contained in the program section of the Consolidated Application correspond to a standard set of review criteria utilized by United Way volunteers to score applications. Administrative Section Deadline: February 4, 2000 Program Section Deadline: March 3, 2000 0 Administrative Review A panel of United Way volunteers with accounting backgrounds review the administrative section of the Consolidated Application and accompanying materials, such as the agency's latest audit to determine whether the agency that houses the program(s) for which funding is requested is in good financial and administrative standing. A simple "pass/fail" determination is made based on compliance with the following standards: 1. The agency demonstrates adequate Board participation and oversight of its operations, including review of financial statements on a quarterly or more frequent basis. 2. The most recent audit for the agency and other financial documents reveal sound financial management of the agency and no outstanding concerns that might compromise the agency's ability to responsibly handle Roanoke County funds to provide services. 3. The agency's operating reserves do not exceed a level equivalent to full operating costs for six (6) months unless there is an acceptable reason given the nature and function of the organization. 4. Personnel management practices reveal use of written job descriptions, regular performance reviews and annual salary increases that do not exceed 5% (or an average industry rate) unless an acceptable reason is provided. 5. The agency's overhead expenses, including fund-raising costs, do not exceed 25% of total agency expenses unless there is an acceptable reason given the nature and function of the organization. If an agency is not in compliance with all five (5) of these standards and is "failed" by the Administrative Review Panel, its program application will still be reviewed and a funding recommendation made, yet the Panel will recommend to Roanoke County that actual funding be withheld until the issue(s) in question is addressed by the agency in an acceptable manner to the Panel and Roanoke County representatives. ® Program Review Following the Administrative Review, an agency's program application(s) is reviewed by panels of United Way volunteers organized under United Way Community Care Portfolios. An agency can apply to receive funding for more than. one program, yet a separate application has to be completed for each program. The full sequence of events in the Program Review process is described below: United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT A. Recruitment and Organization of Program Review Panels United Way relies on a large number of volunteers to review program applications and make funding recommendations on an annual basis: Volunteers are recruited from a variety of sources, including local companies that run United Way campaigns, volunteers from other functional areas of United Way, health and human service professionals (with no direct tie to United Way Partner Agencies), community activists, graduates of United Way's Minority Leadership Enhancement Program and other United Way supporters. Volunteers' representation is diverse according to race, age, gender and residence. Volunteers are assigned to panels according to their interest, expertise or based on the need to rotate to other program areas after consecutive years of service on a panel. A total of approximately twelve (12) panels are anticipated for year 2000 program reviews, with five or six volunteers on each. panel. A chairperson is recruited far each panel to facilitate panel meetings and ensure that panel members follow review guidelines to complete their review and make funding recommendations. Each panel is assigned a United Way staff person to help answer questions and facilitate panel meetings, including agency site visits and program review conferences. However, United Way staff are prohibited from scoring program applications or making funding recommendations. B. Assignment of Program Applications to Community Care Portfolios 8~ Panels A determination is made by United Way staff and volunteers to assign program applications to one of six Portfolios, depending on the services provided and population targeted by the program. Generally, four to eight applications are reviewed within each panel. By assigning applications to common panels, volunteers review similar programs (i.e. homeless assistance, job training) side-by-side. C. Orientation and Preparation of Volunteers All United Way volunteers are required to attend an orientation session that provides an overview of the United Way and explains how program applications are reviewed and the steps for each panel to take, including the scoring of each application based on a standard set of criteria. United Way staff will instruct volunteers about the inclusion of Roanoke County human service funding applications, noting that the review process will be the same as for program applications of United Way Partner Agencies. All volunteers are given a packet of information, including standard review criteria and scoring sheets and instructions. D. Agency Site Visits Each panel will organize its own set of site visits to agencies that have program applications within its panel. The purpose of these site visits is to give United Way volunteers an overview of the agency and its programs, not just the program being reviewed, and a view of the agency and its programs "in action". United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT L~ E. Initial Review Meeting After each panel member has read all of the applications in their panel, the panel will meet to discuss their initial perception of the application's relative strengths and weaknesses and to formulate questions it has about the application contents, such as budgetary items or evidence that the program is measuring its outcomes. F. Questions About the Application Following the panel's initial review meeting, questions that the panel has about the application and funding request are written and forwarded to the agency. The agency is given both the opportunity to submit written responses and to appear before the panel at the Program Review Conference to answer the questions raised by the panel. G. Program Review Conference This conference is mandatory for both the panel volunteers and the agency that has submitted the program application. The purpose of the Conference is to review with agency representatives questions raised by the panel, provide an opportunity for agency representatives to supplement their written application with a verbal presentation relevant to their application and funding request, and to submit information relevant to the application that was obtained after the application was submitted. H. Application Scoring Following the Program Review Conference, panel volunteers will individually complete scoring sheets for each program, based on a standard set of criteria weighted according to their relative importance. For instance, compliance with expectations for conducting program outcome measurement will carry greater importance (weighting factor of 5) than goals and objectives that are clearly stated (weighting factor of 2). Listed below are the six (6) criteria that will form the basis of an application's review and consequent funding recommendation. The weight of each criterion is noted in parentheses, as well as the percentage of the total score that the criterion affects. 1. Need for the program is well substantiated and the program is aligned with one or more strategic directions from United ~ifay Community Care portfolios (weighting factor = 5; 25% of total score possible) 2. Goals and objectives are clearly stated and well aligned with the organization's mission and need or problem to be addressed (weighting factor = 2; 10% of total score possible) 3. Services, target population and/or geographic area and outreach efforts are well defined and suited for achieving stated goals and objectives (weighting factor = 3; 15% of total score possible) 4. Program shows concrete evidence of meaningful partnership/collaboration with other organizations (weighting factor = 2; 10% of total score possible) 5. Program complies with current expectations regarding outcome measurement (weighting factor = 5; 25% of total score possible) United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT `.x "° ~~°~ 6. Program demonstrates a reasonable request for funding and a responsible plan for spending United Way funds (additional credit given for ability to leverage other resources) (weighting factor = 3; 15% of total score possible) Each panel member would apply ratings to each of the criteria above using the following scale: 1 -does not meet criterion at all 2 -somewhat meets criterion 3 -adequately meets criterion 4 -strongly meets criterion 5 -exceeds criterion For example, a volunteer might assign the following scores to an application, using the following formula: Rating X Weighting Factor =Score Criteria Rating Weighting Factor Score' Need for program/Alignment with Strategic Directions 4 5 20 Goals & objectives 2 2 4 Services well-suited 5 3 15 Collaboration 5 2 10 Outcome measurement 4 5 20 Funding request 2 3 6 Total Score 75 In the above example, "strongly meets criterion" ratings (4) on the "need for program" and "outcome measurement" criteria result in greater points toward the total score than other criteria because they are weighted more heavily. Program ratings for the outcome measurement criterion will be guided by the result of a special review by United Way volunteers and staff in conjunction with the Outcome Advisory Committee (which is comprised of Partner Agency representatives) to determine the degree to which each program complies with current United Way expectations regarding outcome measurement. The total possible points would be 100 (if an application received an "exceeds criterion" rating on all six criteria). A total score for a program would be the avers a of scores given by panel volunteers. O Funding recommendations After all panels have scored their applications, scores will be submitted to the Resource Distribution Cabinet that will make recommendations for Roanoke County human service funding. The funding recommendations will be made by reconciling the following factors: • distribution of scores (i.e. preference for funding given to highest scores); • funding requests; United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT C~~-~ r.~ t:~"' `- ^ amount of County funding available; The Resource Distribution Cabinet is comprised of co-chairs who-are also United Way Board members and chairs of each of the six Community Care Portfolios. Following the receipt of human service funds from Roanoke County, funding recommendations will be forwarded to United Way staff responsible for disbursement of funds to agencies on a monthly or quarterly basis for the 2000-2001 fiscal year (July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001). Cost to Roanoke County A fee will not be charged to Roanoke County by the United Way of Roanoke Valley for review of year 2000 requests for Roanoke County human service funding. However, United Way will assess any additional costs incurred as a result of incorporating County human service funding requests in its annual program review process in 2000 to determine whether an administrative fee is necessary in future years. United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT ~-- ~ ~ Question ~ Answers -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal Q: Won't making organizations who want to apply for Roanoke County funding use the Consolidated Application be unfair since before they did not have to complete such a lengthy application? A: No. All eighteen (18) organizations that received County funding for fiscal year 1999- 2000 completed the United Way/City of Roanoke Consolidated Human Services Funding Application either because they applied for United Way funding, City of Roanoke funding or both. Only five (5) organizations that applied (but did not receive funding) did not complete a Consolidated Application. Assistance from United Way staff will be offered to any organization needing help in completing the Consolidated Application. Q: Will this process be unfair to organizations who are not United Way Partner Agencies? A: No. A standard set of criteria will be used so that all applications are scored based on their merits, not on a history of partnership with the United Way. Organizations that are not United Way Partners will be given the same consideration for funding by the Resource Distribution Cabinet. In addition, 93% of Roanoke County Human Service funding went to United Way Partner Agencies this year (FY 1999-2000). Q: Why should the Resource Distribution Cabinet make the final funding recommendations for County applicants? A: The Cabinet will need to reconcile the scores from multiple panels with the total amount of funding available from the County (approximately $135,000). Scores will reflect relative strengths and weaknesses of County applications and will help guide funding recommendations. Roanoke County representatives will have the opportunity at the Cabinet level to provide input into the funding recommendations if this is desired. United Way of Roanoke Valley -Roanoke County Human Service Funding Proposal -DRAFT County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors Contributions to Local Service Agencies FY 2000 Requests ~9 / 8 FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2000 Actual Budget Request Adopted Human Service Agencies Adult Care Center of the Roanoke Valley $10,000 $10,000 $12,480 $10,000 Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 500 Bethany Hall 500 500 2 500 000 3 20,500 3,500 3,000 Bi Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valle , 500 6 , 6 500 6,500 5,000 Bradle Free Clinic Child Abuse Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley , 3,500 , 3,500 3,500 3,500 Child Health Investment Partnershi (CHIP) 16,660 16,660 21,600 16,660 0 Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. 0 000 3 0 000 3 5,000 844 7 3,000 Council of Community Services-Info and Referral Center , , 000 , 500 2 000 2 Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) 2,000 000 4 2, 000 4 , 7,000 , 4,000 Family Service of the Roanoke Valley , 3 500 , 500 3 817 28 0 Fifth District Emplo ment & Training Consortium , , , _ 0 Smith Mountain Lake 4H Camp 2,500 5 000 2,000 000 5 2,500 14,000 5,000 Goodwill Industries Tinker Mountain , 0 , 0 000 1 0 Habitat for Humanity League of Older Americans (LOA) 13 750 13,750 , 22,965 13,750 Literacy Volunteers of America-Roanoke Valley 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 The National Conference for Community and Justice 0 0 500 0 0 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 0 0 1,000 250 0 On Our Own of Roanoke Valley, Inc. 0 000 2 0 000 2 2,500 1,000 Roanoke Area Ministries , 0 , 0 000 1 0 Roanoke Regional Housing Network 000 1 000 1 , 000 2 1,000 Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council , 000 1 , 000 1 , 1,000 1,000 Roanoke Valle Speech & Hearing Center , 0 , 0 000 8 0 Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry 0 0 , 500 2 0 Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank , 500 2 000 2 The Salvation Army 2,000 5 500 2,000 500 5 , 10,000 , 5,000 TRUST Western Virginia Emergency Medical Services Council , 0 , 0 17,608 0 Subtotal Human Service Agencies Health and Social Service Agencies Blue Ridge Community Services TAP TAP-Transitional Living Center Subtotal Health and Social Service Agencies $95,910 $95,910 $224,564 $87,410 $79,332 $79,332 $111,786 $79,332 30,000 30,000 33,504 30,000 17,500 20,000 20,741 20,000 $126,832 $129,332 $166,031 $129,332 A-112399-4 Action No. Item No. "~ ~"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, 5204 BERNARD DRIVE, SW., ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request to enter into a contract to accept $50,000 grant from the Fifth District Regional Alliance for Regional Competitiveness funds to assist Roanoke County with infrastructure construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ~~ This is the second grant that Roanoke County has received from the Fifth District Regional Alliance. This grant is for the infrastructure construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center. The previous one was received in January,1999, to assist in designing and creating construction documents for the construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. To obtain the $50,000 award, Roanoke County must enter into a contract with the Fifth Planning District Regional Alliance. These funds are an important part of what is needed for this worthwhile regional project. BACKGROUND: Roanoke County has taken the lead on this project during the past several years to locate a National Park Service facility along the Blue Ridge Parkway to meet the needs of parkway travelers and visitors to the region. In working with an ad hoc regional tourism oriented group and with the help of Congressman Goodlatte and Senator Warner have obtained federal funds for to plan, design, program and construct an interpretive center between the Arthur Taubman Welcome Center and the Brugh Tavern at Virginia's Explore Park. A Cooperative Agreement has been completed among participating entities involved in the project, allocating federal funds for design and construction. Many challenges have been overcome with the cooperation of regional governments and organizations which have 1 ~~. ~ r ' supported this project. This project represents a exciting partnership of public and non- profit organizations for the betterment of the greater Roanoke Valley region. FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County would be responsible for the appropriate expenditure of the funds and provide quarterly reports to the Alliance. Other funds available for the project: $250,000 National Park Service (design & construction) 529,800 Highway Trust Fund ($600,000) 30,000 Roanoke County in the current budget 50,000 Regional Alliance (final design) $859,800 Total Construction costs are estimated at $1,900,000. Additional sources of funds will be sought from local and state governments, TEA-21, and private sources. ALTERNATIVES Accept the $50,000 to assist in the implementation of the Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center and authorize the County Administrator to enter into a contract with the Fifth District Regional Alliance. 2. Do not accept the $50,000 to assist in the implementation of the Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the $50,000 and authorize the County Administrator to enter into a contract, as approved by the County Attorney, with the Fifth Planning District Regional Alliance for assisting with the infrastructure construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. Respectfully submitted: Appro ed: y e Waugh, A ista Director Elmer C. odge Economic Development County Administrator 2 ~°~ ~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () staff recommendation Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara_ x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens x cc: File Joyce Waugh, Assistant Director, Economic Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 3 s r+~ ~. ~~ trr' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION 112399-5 ADOPTING A LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR THE 2000 SESSION OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AND PETITIONING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO FAVORABLY CONSIDER THE TOPICS AND ISSUES ADDRESSED HEREIN WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has identified major legislative issues of state-wide concern to be considered by the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the Board adopts this resolution as its Legislative Program for the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following legislative initiatives are submitted for its legislative program for the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly for its favorable consideration and adoption. A. Education. Realizing that public education is the foundation of American democracy and the cornerstone of our future economic well being, the County urges the General Assembly to consider favorably the following actions. 1) 1) The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia should be amended to provide that elected school boards may be granted the authority and responsibility for taxation to support public education. 2) The General Assembly should enhance funding for public education, including increasing the funds available to the Literary Fund for local school capital construction or 1 r renovation projects. The General Assembly should increase funding for capital construction and renovation projects based upon the locality's local effort in support of these capital projects. 3) Local school divisions should be authorized to establish opening dates for school. 4) Disparity funding should be based not only upon the number of students eligible for free or reduced fee lunches, but also upon the locality's local tax effort in support of education. Disparity funding should be based upon the composite index (which measures a locality's relative fiscal ability to provide its share of the cost of a local school system that meets the standards of quality) and the locality's local effort in support of that school system. B. Transportation and Highway Safety. 1) Roanoke County supports additional new construction and maintenance funding for the Virginia Department of Transportation for secondary and primary roads. Additional funding for new construction projects will address critical transportation needs of all local governments. Roanoke County requests additional and immediate funding for improvements to U.S. Route 11/460 west of Salem, Interstate 81 and Interstate 73. Additional maintenance funding shall be used for an expanded program to mow grass and weeds, and inspect and clean drainage pipes and culverts. 2) Roanoke County is in support of Roanoke City's support of expanding local authority to create transportation districts, to impose local option motor vehicle fuels taxes, and to expend these tax proceeds for local transportation improvements. C. Public Safety. 1) Roanoke County supports legislation appropriating funds and directing the State Compensation Board to modify staffing standards for local jails and court services positions for Sheriff's offices. 2 2) Roanoke County requests that Section 46.2-1001 be amended to add Roanoke County to the list ofjurisdictions whose law-enforcement officers are authorized to perform vehicle safety inspections. 3) Roanoke County requests that Section 46.2-882 be amended to add Roanoke County to the list of jurisdictions whose law-enforcement officers are authorized to use laser speed detection devices 4) Amend sec. 56-414 to allow counties to regulate the sounding of train whistles at railroad crossings. 5) Amend Sec. 15.2-901 (weeds and trash) and 15.2-904 (inoperable motor vehicles) to allow enforcement through the use of civil penalties, as authorized for violations of zoning ordinances under Sec. 15.2-2209, or for violations of erosion and sediment control ordinances under Sec. 10.1-562.J. D. Environment. 1) Roanoke County supports amending Chapter 6.1, "Virginia Tire Tax" of Title 58.1, "Taxation" (a) to increase the tire tax from $.50 to $1.25, and (b) to direct and authorize the Department of Waste Management to utilize the increased Waste Tire Trust Fund to remediate illegal or abandoned waste tire dumps. 2) Roanoke County supports allowing the disposal of land clearing vegetative debris (including tree stumps) in less expensive facilities in a manner not detrimental to the environment. E. Local Taxation and Funding. 1) Roanoke County vigorously opposes any attempt to restrict or eliminate local sources of taxation, including personal property taxation and business and professional occupational licensing, unless local governments are guaranteed the opportunity to replace lost 3 sources of local revenue with comparable, equivalent, independent sources of revenue to allow localities to fulfill their public service obligations. 2) Roanoke County supports continued and increased funding for the Comprehensive Services Act, the Virginia Community Juvenile Crime Control Act, the Family Preservation Act, local police departments (HB 599 funding), and the Regional CompetitivenessAct. 3) Roanoke County requests funding for the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center, and capital construction funding for the Explore Park Education Center. 4) Roanoke County supports authority to impose an additional one-half percent ('/2%) local option sales tax. 5) Roanoke County supports increased capital construction funding for regional juvenile detention facilities, and that such facilities receive at least 50% of their operating costs from the Commonwealth. 6) Roanoke County supports legislation amending Section 14.1-46.0:1 to increase the salary supplement for the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors from $1,800 to $2,500 per year. That the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to Senator John S. Edwards, Senator Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo, Delegate H. Morgan Griffith, Delegate Clifton "Chip" Woodrum, Delegate C. Richard Cranwell, Delegate A. Victor Thomas; Mary F. Parker, Roanoke City Clerk; Members of the Roanoke City Council; Forest Jones, Clerk for Salem City Council; Members of the Salem City Council; Clerk for the Town of Vinton; Members of the Vinton Town Council and the Fifth Planning District Commission, and the Virginia Association of Counties. 4 On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Johnson NAYS: Supervisors McNamara, Nickens A COPY TESTE: ~/? p,U .~4, ,~ Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney The Honorable John S. Edwards The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo The Honorable H. Morgan Griffith The Honorable Clifton "Chip" Woodrum The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell The Honorable A. Victor Thomas Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Roanoke City Council, Members Forest Jones, Clerk, Salem City Council Salem City Council, Members Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Vinton Town Council, Members Wayne Strickland, Executive Director, Fifth Planning District Commission James D. Campbell, Executive Director, Virginia Association of Counties 5 ACTION NO. ~, t., ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution Adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and Petitioning the General Assembly to Favorably Consider the Topics and Issues Addressed Herein COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ .~ ~~ti -Q ..rMU;~~~ INFO TION. SUMMARY OF This Resolution is based upon previous legislative programs adopted by the Board, and the Resolution adopted on June 8,1999 recommending legislative proposals to the Virginia Association of Counties for its legislative program for the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly. Finally this office is attempting to schedule a meeting with the local legislators at the Board's organizational meeting at 4:30 pm on January 3, 2000. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board consider the adoption of a legislative program for the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly for Roanoke County. Respectfully submitted, ~, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney 1 ~_~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR THE 2000 SESSION OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AND PETITIONING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO FAVORABLY CONSIDER THE TOPICS AND ISSUES ADDRESSED HEREIN WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has identified major legislative issues of state-wide concern to be considered by the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the Board adopts this resolution as its Legislative Program for the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly. NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following legislative initiatives are submitted for its legislative program for the 2000 session of the Virginia General Assembly for its favorable consideration and adoption. I. A. Education. Realizing that public education is the foundation of American democracy and the cornerstone of our future economic well being, the County urges the General Assembly to consider favorably the following actions. 1) 1) The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia should be amended to provide that elected school boards may be granted the authority and responsibility for taxation to support public education. 2) The General Assembly should enhance funding for public education, including increasing the funds available to the Literary Fund for local school capital construction or renovation projects. The General G:ATTORNEY\PMM~LEGIS~20LEGRES.CO 1 ~-`~ Assembly should increase funding for capital construction and renovation projects based upon the locality's local effort in support of these capital projects. 3) Local school divisions should be authorized to establish opening dates for school. 4) Disparity funding should be based not only upon the number of students eligible for free or reduced fee lunches, but also upon the locality's local tax effort in support of education. Disparity funding should be based upon the composite index (which measures a locality's relative fiscal ability to provide its share of the cost of a local school system that meets the standards of quality) and the locality's local effort in support of that school system. B. Transportation and Highway Safety. 1) Roanoke County supports additional new construction and maintenance funding for the Virginia Department of Transportation for secondary and primary roads. Additional funding for new construction projects will address critical transportation needs of all local governments. Roanoke County requests additional and immediate funding for improvements to U.S. Route 11/460 west of Salem, Interstate 81 and Interstate 73. Additional maintenance funding shall be used for an expanded program to mow grass and weeds, and inspect and clean drainage pipes and culverts. 2) Roanoke County is in support of Roanoke City's support of expanding local authority to create transportation districts, to impose local option motor vehicle fuels taxes, and to expend these tax proceeds for local transportation improvements. G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\LEGIS\20LEGRES.CO 2 ~-~ .~ 1~. i_ C. Public Safety. 1) Roanoke County supports legislation appropriating funds and directing the State Compensation Board to modify staffing standards for local jails and court services positions for Sheriff's offices. 2) Roanoke County requests that Section 46.2-1001 be amended to add Roanoke County to the list of jurisdictions whose law-enforcement officers are authorized to perform vehicle safety inspections. 3) Roanoke County requests that Section 46.2-882 be amended to add Roanoke County to the list of jurisdictions whose law-enforcement officers are authorized to use laser speed detection devices 4) Amend sec. 56-414 to allow counties to regulate the sounding of train whistles at railroad crossings. 5) Amend Sec. 15.2-901 (weeds and trash) and 15.2-904 (inoperable motor vehicles) to allow enforcement through the use of civil penalties, as authorized for violations of zoning ordinances under Sec. 15.2-2209, or for violations of erosion and sediment control ordinances under Sec. 10.1-562.J. D. Environment. 1) Roanoke County supports amending Chapter 6.1, "Virginia Tire Tax" of Title 58.1, "Taxation" (a) to increase the tire tax from $.50 to $1.25, and (b) to direct and authorize the Department of Waste Management to utilize the increased Waste Tire Trust Fund to remediate illegal or abandoned waste tire dumps. 2) Roanoke County supports allowing the disposal of land clearing vegetative debris (including tree stumps) in less expensive facilities in a manner not detrimental to the environment. G:~ATTORNEY~PMM\LEGIS~20LEGRES.CO 3 .w ~..` E. Local Taxation and Funding. 1) Roanoke County vigorously opposes any attempt to restrict or eliminate local sources of taxation, including personal property taxation and business and professional occupational licensing, unless local governments are guaranteed the opportunity to replace lost sources of local revenue with comparable, equivalent, independent sources of revenue to allow localities to fulfill their public service obligations. 2) Roanoke County supports continued and increased funding for the Comprehensive Services Act, the Virginia Community Juvenile Crime Control Act, the Family Preservation Act, local police departments (HB 599 funding), and the Regional Competitiveness Act. 3) Roanoke County requests funding for the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center, and capital construction funding for the Explore Park Education Center. 4) Roanoke County supports authority to impose an additional one-half percent ('moo) local option sales tax. 5) Roanoke County supports increased capital construction funding for regional juvenile detention facilities, and that such facilities receive at least 500 of their operating costs from the Commonwealth. 6) Roanoke County supports legislation amending Section 14.1-46.0:1 to increase the salary supplement for the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors from $1,800 to $2,500 per year. II. That the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to Senator John S. Edwards, Senator G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\LEGIS\20LEGRES.CO 4 ,:~.. L~ Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo, Delegate H. Morgan Griffith, Delegate Clifton "Chip" Woodrum, Delegate C. Richard Cranwell, Delegate A. Victor Thomas; Mary F. Parker, Roanoke City Clerk; Members of the Roanoke City Council; Forest Jones, Clerk for Salem City Council; Members of the Salem City Council; Clerk for the Town of Vinton; Members of the Vinton Town Council and the Fifth Planning District Commission, and the Virginia Association of Counties. G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\LEGIS\20LEGRES.CO 5 ACTION N0. ITEM NO . ' ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Report concerning the application of roll-back taxes on separated or split-off real estate in the use value assessment program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: I am satisfied that we are now handling the roll-back of taxes under land use in a proper manner. As I have studied the ordinance (which is established by State Code) , we really do not have the choice of whether or not to apply roll-back taxes to parcels that have been split. This has been in the State Code for a number of years. It is not a recent change. The recent Court case in Chesterfield County has simply clarified the application of the ordinance that is in place. Therefore, it seems that we must apply the roll-back whenever a parcel under land use is split. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Chairman has requested a report on the application of roll back taxes on separated or split-off real estate in the use value assessment program. This report is placed on the agenda at his request. The County has adopted an ordinance providing for the use value assessment and taxation of real estate for agricultural, horticultural, forestal and open space uses. In certain situations the qualifying real estate shall be subject to additional taxes, known as roll-back taxes. The roll-back tax is equal to the sum of the deferred tax for the current year and each of the five most recent tax years. During the summer of 1999 the County Attorney and the Director of Real Estate Assessments (the department that administers the use-value assessment program for qualifying real estate used for qualifying agricultural, horticultural, forest or open space purposes) reviewed the County Code and determined that revisions were necessary to bring it into compliance with recent changes enacted by the General Assembly. These changes were submitted to the Board for action on August 24 and September 14, 1999. A copy of the Board report is attached for your review. 1 ~1~~ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER .... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIhiIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: August 24, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AMENDING DIVISION 2,"USE VALUE ASSESSMENT OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE", OF CHAPTER 21, "TAXATION", OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, SPECIFICALLY SECTIONS 21-52, 21-53, 21-56, 21-57, 21-58, 21-60 THE REPEAL OF SECTION 21-55, ALL IN ORDER TO BRING THESE PROVISIONS INTO COMPLIANCE WITH VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO STATE LAW BY THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~ ~y~~ ~~ BACKGROUND: The attached ordinance is a housekeeping change to bring the County Code into compliance with the State Code. The changes are in the land use section of the Code and generally add language to clarify the existing provisions, or provide for date changes for application. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: T'he major changes are as follows: • Section 21-52(i) - Sets date when revalidation applications are due at the Real Estate Valuation office. • Section 21-53(b)(1)(a), (b) and (c) -Sets out where definitions of uses can be found in the Code. • 21-53(b)(2)(b) -Addresses liow land in more than one jurisdiction shall be taxed for land use purposes. Minimum acreage will be determined on the basis of the total area, and not the area located in the taxing locality. • 21-53(c)(3) -Formalizes contractual process for open space section of land use program. The landowner will enter into a standard contract with the County for a set period of time, which may be between four and ten years. The Director of Real Estate Valuation is authorized to enter into these contracts and determine the appropriate length of the contract, with advice from the County Planner or Department of Community Development. This commitment will run with the land, and the contract itself is recorded at the Circuit Court Clerk's office. • 21-55 -Deleted the provision for filing applications in Clerk of Circuit Court's office. The taxing information will be noted on special tax statements, and open space contracts will be recorded. Applications will be kept on file in Office of Real Estate Assessment. • 21-57 -Adds language clarifying when roll back taxes will be assessed, and establishes an interest rate of 10% per year. Liability for roll back taxes attaches when the use changes or there is a rezoning requested by the owner or his agent. If the land was rezoned at the request of the owner or agent, it is not eligible for re- application for land use for three years. There is no liability for roll back taxes due to a simple sale of the entire piece of real estates, provided it is not rezoned and the use does not change. If, however, a piece of property is split off from property in the program, the piece which is split off will be subject to the roll back taxes. FISCAL IMPACT: None RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of the attached Ordinance changes and hold the second reading on September 14, 1999. Respectfully submitted, QD-~vxJ /~t. !~ John W. Birckhead, A.S.A. Director, Real Estate Valuation ACTION Approved ()Motion by:~ Denied ( ) Received () Referred to Approve by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator No Yes Abs Harrison __ _ _ Johnson _ _ _ McNamara _ _ _ Minnix _ _ _ Nickens Attachment ACTION NO. ITEM NO. r'"'I" oh AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for December 21, 1999. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1) An ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly and day care facility, located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Evangel Foursquare Church. 2) An ordinance to amend conditions on a Planned Residential Development consisting of 302 acres, located north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 125, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Boone, Boone and Loeb Inc. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. F ~-a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for December 21, ~~. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1 n 2, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, ~\ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ~ Approved Denied Received Referred to Action Motion by No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens A?y For stars use oniy ~ P ' ~c~ ~r C O U N I Y O F R O A i`I O K>= date rec..ive :- rece~ ed 5y: 1- DEPT. CP PLANNING A.ND ZONfNG ~° ~ ~~~I aopiic-tien fig; PCr'3Z,4 dare: Z, 5204 Bernard Or.. ~L(a.--~ ~ ~'c". ~~~~~ ~ ~ .r P.O. Box 2°800 placards issued: t ° date.: ~ l,a~S ~C~l~~nir, ~~f~• Z1 ~ t,rt 7 ~ Rcanokz, VA 24018 ~ p' i ~ ~~ Case i,umoer. ( 540` 772-2062 FAX (,~C 1' %%=--' ~ r' 83~ !~ ;. :.. ...... i Check type of application filed (check ail that appiyl: ^ REZONING ®SPECiAL USE ^`/ARIANCE A.pplicant's name: Evangel Foursquare Church, Trustees Phone: 982_3694 Zip Code: Address: 612 Bul l itt Ave . , S E (Attu : Mr . Ken Wright) 24013 R Owner's name: Evangel Foursquare Church, Trustees Phone: 982-3694 Zip Code: Address: 612 Bullitt Ave., SE 24013 Roanoke, VA Location of property: Tax Map Number: 88.03-1-09 Along State Rt . 766 & 933 t~rlogisteriai District: Cave Spring Community Planning Area: ~ I,~c~.t-t~; cc(~; Size or parcei (s): Existing Zoning: AV 18 .49 _ acres Existing Land Use: Open sq.ft. k ..:. j~::I:::~::: '~ Proposad Zoning: is rr• Starf Usa oniy Proaosad Land Use: Church ,Use Type: ' 'I Does the parce! meet the minimum fct area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? YES x NO IF N0, A VAi= I~.NCE fS REQUIRED FiP~ST. Does the parcel mee*, the minimum criteria for t~~e requested Use Type? YES X NO IF N0, A VARLANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions 5eing ororiared with this request? YES NG Variance of Section(sl of the Rcanoke Ceunty Zoning Ordinance in ordar to: Is the appiicaticn compiete? Please check if encicsad. Ai/PL!CATION WILL NOT EE F~.CC=°-=D IF A:vY Or= THESE ITEiV1S ARE ~11SSING OR INCOi~1PL= ii E. ass v ws v vs v ~ Consultation 8 1/2" x 1 i "concept plan Appiication fey Application ~~i'V<%~ Metes and founds description ~".''~ Profrers, if appllCabie '•'•~'~' d pplicaticn ~ Adjoining prcoery owners „justification ~~ ~ Water an sa~,ver a l hereby certify that J am either the owner of the property or the o~mer's agent or contract purchaser and am ac:r'ng wr'th the knowledge and co} s~nt of~~e owner'""'"/~ - ~4 Owner's Signature: ~~ Staif Use Only: Case N.umoer ~~" ;i;iiii~i~i iiiti i i~`c°p0'~~' :~'~'''a`'. •~:. Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees Applicant ,, The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general ~rreifare. Please ans~~ver the foilo~r~ing questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if nec2srry. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes or the honing Crdinanc2 (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. This project is a religious assembly facility with a day care center to be located on a 18.49 acre site for Evangel Foursquare Church. The site is located at Stable Road (along State Routes 766 and 933). This request is for a special use permit for. the Master Plan of a Multi-phase building program with an ultimate size of 43,000 SF with a seating capacity for 500. This facility will aid in the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community and reduce over all land use density and increase the public services to the community through child care and by helping to extend public water service to an area where it does not currently exist. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies ecntained in *.he RoanoSce County Comprehensive Plan. Religious assembly facilities and day care centers are permitted by the zoning ordinances by special use permit and are generally consistent with the comprehensive plan. Street access is available and public water is being extended to serve the proposed facility. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, par!cs;recreation, and fire rescue. The proposed project will have minimal impact on the adjoining properties with regard to fire rescue. The project will enhance the community by helping to bring public water to the area. A day care center which will offer care for infants through age 12 with a before/after school program will be available to area schools. A gymnasium and outdoor recreational facilities will provide a new service to the community that will compliment the park/recreation services. No traffic outlet is proposed for Singing Hills Drive. Traffic along Sable Road will increase with the facility primarily Sunday mornings and evenings. Adequate on site parking is proposed. Storm water run off will be contained through a proposed holding pond. ~! ~ I' I ~ o <~G~I! lip..I ~~ a ~~ ,r----~ ~ ly, , ~~ i i~ ~ `I ~' i~ ~ ~ ~~' ~~II ~ ', ~, ~~ ~:~ i II ,I I I~ ''~ ~~i ~ ~~ I D~ I ~ ~i ~ ~ I ail J Q ill ~; ~ I I~: ~~~ f ~ ~`b ~' 1 ~ \ ; ~ ~ ~I; `. .~ ~ ~ z ~ ~, ~? ~z ~ h . ~CUy `~ ~ t v C'~ ~ `cam 4~ ~~ x 2~ l~ II~,~~ I~~j ~ ti ~~ ~ ~ , .~''I n { a, _ i ~~p~y '. ( ~- i _, (, I i~ I ~ I j ' '~ I I I ~~ I ~, i ®~v ~ ~ ---! , ~ i ~ j ~ ~ ~ W~ I I~ ~ ~~, I ~~ ~/ / I I i ~:: i ~~ i I' I' I I I ~ 4I ~~\ ~ ~" / ;a III ~ ~,I I ~ ~ ii ~,;. ; ~ ~ . ;' i ';~ I-- ~ '° i ~~ '~-~ i ~, P '~;' I~, ~ ~ i '' ~ II 'I. I I ~~ I ~ ~ I~ i sr, ° ,: \5 1 {r. w Jv ~~. j .~ 1 .,!. s t~ ` ~ j n1 ~ ~_ z`~ ~~za Yn=tC~ I- "' =~a ~~~ ~~_ ~ ~~~ . \~~~+ .~,, I. ~~-~ r .a~,\ i I b I I -M I ~~ , I® .® ~® l }$ ~~. ~ T~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, ~~aP~ RS y ~'s ,IJ a~~L Ji ~ s ~ ~~ ~ ~ iy ~ ~ a C ~^ W ' a C n °a OMUo F ~s~aT~e'E ~ C ~ a /~ I\ V ~' ~ "M~ ~ o _ ~ \ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ - ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ w a i ~~ 3 ~ + ~ ~~a r ~~_ _ _ N 1Sd?00' ~ ®®m~m ~~ aos7r ~.w.~uw GW affa~ nna 9~c nN 3ta ~ ~n s. z~aw ".. ~`.. aue uw X .' +~ W r Z ~~ W ~ I ~ j I ~`~ a~ I } ~~_ ~1 ~° `~ ~~~ E ~ ~~ ®~I~ ~~ i ! .1 _ c n e ~ a ~~ a~ ~~ ~V ~~~~ ~~ 33ti ~ P~ ~F99 ~ O a w tin " ~ O ~~ I ~~~~~ a~~~ r g~wa r ~~! ~~~~ ~~~a~ 3 ~ ~ . ~~ ~~ '~a ~~' ~ ~ ,~ ~~~ ~ g~ '~~~ i ~~ ` d~ ~ ~ ~a ~ { t ~ ~ 0. ~~ ;l } ,, _. ~~~ 3 ~_ r ~ ~ 7 M n p ~ O ~ u ~ ~o ,' ~ ~* ~ j ~ J Q '" bt ~ tt, d~ I ~~,,,, y + I `a a ~ ,. .. '~ ~ F ,,,;~• f! ~ ~o ' `, °'~°"" It ~ ~~~ ~_,_ __, ~ ~: .. .. ,~ .v __ ® _ ~. ~ ~ .. '~ _. _ _- An,_~' ___- ~ __ :~ ~ ,, ~ E ,: ' a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~„", _ ~ I~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~~~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~~ t~\ ~._ ... `~\ I N_., e~ ,, a _ - - ^ ~ ~ - - n x' ~ Pw aIXaa nnl ,WSS- ~ ~t.ao,IGOtN ~._~ v 9GL bIV '31L '~~ YA '~ ~ u~ /a vna~n ua l~~~ q m ~~ g ~~ w ~ ,.mow ~~0~~~~ m ~~~~~~ 0 ~a~~o •r 4~w4 =-e ROANOKE COUNTY DEPART~~fENT OF C011[3fUNITY DEVELUP14f~'NT Evar,get Foursquare Speciczd Use Tax Map No. 88.03- 1- Church 9 COUNTY OF R,OA.NOK~ DEPT . OP PLANI~JING ANG ZGi`al~lG 5~c4 Bernard Dr. P.O. box 2°800 Rcanokz, VA, 24018 c =~+c` 772-2oEa rj cs-'o is -,-.-~„ c For stair use only dace received:' received oy: I ['~~ aopiicacion fee: ~(PCiPZ~+ dare: alcC alCS ISS~ie=~: ~y~~~ C2!=: I Casa PJum'oer: ~~ ~/y i,.~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ I Ch ck type of application fiied ichec'< ai[ that applyl: REZONING ^ SPECIAL USE ^`/AR.I?.NCE -~. (, _, ~ Phone: ~~;r.- ti ~~ ~ ~~ ?.pplicant's name: ~~~~ ~=,-~... d. ~..C'c-~a, ~~c. . C Address: t~-©. ~~ ~ ~~C¢ ~ (~~~S,~a~S~. ~;~ L`.D ~ Ode: ~ ~(~'t 1 i Owner's name: Phcne: Address: Zp Code: ', Location or' property: Tax Map Number: ^r~ / ~t (,, ~ '~ ~~-~'' ~ ~~~~"~ MaOf~t?ria! DlStriCt. ~~~~ Cam, ~ ~~ munity Pl a m C o nning ?.teat ~,A.~'~ C~,r ~,~,"<a or ~ ,. Siz., of pare... s,. f ~, c ~ , Fxistin Zcnin ~~..,~ r"l~.u+v~~'~ IC~~.~~~-~-~i,-, iJ .S~-<<--t- 9 9~ ~' ~ ~'~'r- acres Existing Land Use: ~d.`~~t,v~t^~~ sq.ft. :'~-''...r~T.~.a ~ I. {': `'rcr~ ~ r l~f ~ ,~ ~=;,~`,et'-'' ?^ tt~ t'~I r ~"Y# Prcposed Zoning: {~~,~ /~«;a-~d-,e~> ; r':r star(" usa on~y r ~'~r;~.,ti~'tfY\ ~, C..t71~4!"~."~~•C!s' C7 `j= ~, PrOpOSed Land Usa: ~.-~~~kc iUse Tyo=_: I ~ , I~ °-~eel meet the minimum Ict area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested dist,-ict? Dees the p , YES ~/ NO IF N0, A. V,-',~=i?.`JCE fS RE':1UIR,ED rfRS T . (Does the pare:.! meet the minimum .^.rltena for the request=d Use Type: YES /f N C IF N0, A V?,RIANCE IS REQUIRE~~~ FIRST. if re_oning request, ara conditions being prorered with this request? YES v~ NO a :;: :: : ;~;:: { ~~= ~~:: ~h~: ~;;;; ~; ~' ~~~ ~, Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke Counter Zoning Grdinance in ordar te: Is the apciication complete? Please chec'.< if enc!csad. AP°! !CATION'/!LL CVO T 8E ~=.CCEPT=O IF ,^-.IUY CP THESE ITEMS Ar,E MISSING OR INCOlv1PL= ~ ~. a!s v xis v ~ Consu!tatien ~ 8 1 r2" x 1 1" concept plan ?.pplicaticn ~;<<< Metes and Bounds descript;cn Justlrlcatlcn 1':''i Water and Sc'n'er aC)GIIC'atlGn !hereby ce(C;r;1 Cf7at ~ am ~~U7er Cne o>rrne( Or Cne J(GFerC% O( the Q4^, am acrirg with the knowledge and consent or the owner. rvs v E-% G::~.:.~ me.~'s ages; A~piiCatlCn ~e~ Prof ~ ~'S, If -cpq!ICaC!c A.dioining pr~pe: ~~~/ c~raner Gwner's Signat~, re: A~Qlication of ~e~oning Owner's name and address: (the following are various owners of records as well as contractual owners) I~Ticholas H. Beasley and Susan Beasley 5949 Coleman Rd., SW Roanoke, VA 24018 703-774-0204 Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. P. O. Box 8156 Roanoke, VA 24014 703-772-3887 PahnLand Company, L.C. P. O. Box 8156 Roanoke, VA 24014 703-772-3887 Cotton Hill Land Company, L. C. P. O. Box 8156 Roanoke, VA 24014 703-772-3887 Location of Property: PRD Property located on the north side of the Blue Ridge Parkway is accessed from Cotton Hill Road onto Monet Drive and begins at the end of "'The Gardens of Cotton Hill" Subdivision but does not include Section 1 of The Groves and Section 2, Ashmont in the Groves. Tax Map Number: 96.07-1-6, the northerly portion of 96.02-01-46 (all of this property that is on the north side of the Biue Ridge Parkway). Magisterial District: Cave Spring Magisterial District PRD Property located on south side of the Blue Ridge Parkway accesses directly off Cotton Hill Road, with a portion of the property fronting on Cotton Hill Road. Tax map numbers are 96.02-01-01, 96.02-01-02, 97.03-02-05, the southerly portion of 97.O 1-02- 17 (all of this property that is ou the south side of the Blue Ridge Parkway), and the southerly portion of 96.02-01-46 (all of this property that is on the south side of the Blue Ridge Parkway) Magisteriai District: Cave Spring Magisterial District Fa Revised 2/29-96 l~b• Change the following: Open green space shown on the Master Development Plan, that is to be dedicated to the Blue Ridge Parkway/National Park Service or their designee, shall be dedicated as several individual parcels..... Page 11.b: Olen Green Space Plan: Change the following: Common open green space shall include all areas dedicated to the Blue Ridge Parkway/National Park Service or their designee, recreational amenity areas, and all other..... Change the following: The following is a breakdown of the areas to be open green space that shall be maintained by the homeowner's association, open green space that shall be conveyed to the Biue Ridge Parkway/National park Service or their designee and leased back to the homeowner's association and amenity recreation areas: North Side Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee, with lease back agreement South Side Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee, with lease back agreement Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee, no lease back Page 13.a: Development Schedule: Change the following: the open green space land to be conveyed to the Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee shall be conveyed at such time as the property noted RW adjacent to it is developed. Change the following: On the south side: the apen green space property to be conveyed to the Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee adjacent to the multi-use property close to.......; the open green space property to be conveyed to the Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee adjacent to the RV property shall be conveyed....; the open green space property to be conveyed to Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee adjacent to the cluster homes shall be......; the final small piece of open green space property to be conveyed to the Blue Ridge Parkway, or their designee shall be conveyed when the adjoining..... ~,P- `~ ~ ~. F~~. b~ ~~ ~~ ~~ A ~- -_ ~~ <' 4` BOONE, BOONE & LOEB INC., ~~ * DEPARTi~~PI' OF PLANNING ' AND ZowING A M t N D P R D .~ . .,, r 1~ . +°' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 112399-6 AUTHORIZING QUITCLAIM AND RELEASE OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 933 (SINGING HILLS ROAD) WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke has been requested to quitclaim and release any right, title, interest and claim to certain property lying on the north side of Virginia Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) in order to clear up a title problem for certain property owners along Singing Hills Road; and WHEREAS, it will serve the interests of the public to have this matter resolved and the quitclaim and release will not interfere with other public services and is acceptable to the Roanoke County Department of Community Development. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on November 9, 1999; and a second reading was held on November 23, 1999. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the subject real estate, i.e. property lying on the north side of Virginia Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) as shown on a map (copy attached) dated June 7, 1999, prepared by Douglas R. Meredith, Jr. is hereby declared to be surplus and the nature of the interest in real estate renders it unavailable for other public uses; and 3. That quitclaim and release of this real estate shown on the aforesaid plat is 1 hereby authorized; and 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terry Harrington, County Planner John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M Mahoney, County Attorney G:\COMMON\NOV23\SINGINGH.ORD 2 ACTION N0. ITEM N0. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This is the second reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road). BACKGROUND: In 1956, Alexander B. Harris and wife conveyed 0.17 acres to the Board of Supervisors for a new roadway and in 1958, Maude D. Martin and wife conveyed .30 acres to the Board of Supervisors also for a new roadway. The combined parcels of Harris land and Martin land created a thirty foot roadway which is now identified as Virginia Route 933, Singing Hills Road. A question has been raised as to whether or not the paved portion of the roadway known as Singing Hills Road is located with the thirty foot right-of-way conveyed by the original deeds from Harris and Martin. A recent survey indicates that the existing paved roadway is within the 30 foot roadway known as Singing Hills Road (Route 933). The Board of Supervisors has been requested by Larry M. Harris, Grace H. Long, and Neal B. Long, property owners along the north side of Singing Hills Road, to confirm by quitclaim deed that the County does not claim or own any portion of the property north of the existing boundary line of Virginia Route 933 as shown of a map dated June 7, 1999, prepared by Douglas R. Meredith, Jr. (copy attached) so that these parties will have access to Virginia Route 933. FISCAL IMPACTS: None. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA-9\Nov99\SINGINGH.RPT 1 ~~ ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) as shown on the plat dated June 7, 1999, prepared by Douglas R. Meredith, Jr. 2. Decline to adopt the proposed ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors adopt the proposed ordinance as provided in Alternative 1. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs U:\WPDOCS~AGENDA~REALEST\SINGINGH.RPT 2 ` 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING QUITCLAIM AND RELEASE OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 933 (SINGING HILLS ROAD) WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke has been requested to quitclaim and release any right, title, interest and claim to certain property lying on the north side of Virginia Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) in order to clear up a title problem for certain property owners along Singing Hills Road; and WHEREAS, it will serve the interests of the public to have this matter resolved and the quitclaim and release will not interfere with other public services and is acceptable to the Roanoke County Department of Community Development. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on November 9, 1999; and a second reading was held on November 23, 1999. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the subject real estate, i.e. property lying on the north side of Virginia Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) as shown on a map (copy attached) dated June 7, 1999, prepared by Douglas R. Meredith, Jr. is hereby declared to be surplus and the nature of the interest in real estate renders it unavailable for other public uses; and 3. That quitclaim and release of this real estate shown on the aforesaid plat is hereby authorized; and r~- i 4. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\REALEST\SINGINGH.ORD -r ~~.- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 112399-7 AUTHORIZING DEDICATION OF 0.061 ACRE OF LAND FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ON DAUGHERTY ROAD (VA. SEC. RTE. 643) FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH U.S. ROUTE 11/460 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a parcel of land located at the intersection of Daugherty Road (Va. Sec. Rte. 643) and U. S. Route 11/460, said property having been acquired by deed dated June 16, 1906, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 36, page 548, and being identified on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 55.13-01-02.2; and, WHEREAS, plans have been submitted for the improvement of the intersection to address increasing traffic in this area and to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, said plans require the dedication by the County of 0.061 acre of land along Daugherty Road for road improvements; and, WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the public to dedicate the necessary land for such improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on November 9, 1999; and a second reading was 1 held on November 23, 1999. 2. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to dedicate, by deed or plat, 0.061 acre of land for road right-of-way in connection with improvements at the intersection of Daugherty Road and U. S. Route 11/460, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 3. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such other documents and take such other actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes stated herein, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~ Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Vickie Huffman, Assistant County Attorney John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment 2 • • GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A .TITLE REPORT AND IS SUBJECT THERETO. THEREFORE, THERE MAY EXIST ENCUMBRANCES WHICH AFFECT THE PROPERTY NOT SHOWN HEREON. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ZONE "X" AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP. THIS DETERMINATION IS BASED ON SAID MAP AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS. OHLE MEND OVERHEAD WIRE tiiF~~o/qit/ R/W =RIGHT OF WAY .o o~' ~d = UTILITY POLE q~~; ~ql>,Q CURVE 'A" G-- 102'06'20" R= 15.00' L= 26.73' N66'03'07"W CH. 23.33' \~y~Y ii ~1 . 2'53'43 "W ~ ~~ 22. so' ---~-- J jl 0 0 N X 3 u~j ~~ I~ O EXI~ O NEW LOT "2B 1 " CENTERLINE OF 24' CROSS I ACCESS EASEMENT PROPCRTY OF RICHFIELD RETIREMENT \ COMMUNITY ~~ ~'~ TAX ,~ 55.09-01-20.2 ~` ~~~, ~ ~~~~, D.B. 1529, PG. 1299 PROPERTY OF `\~~~~ ~ `\~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS `~'~., ~ ~'~~, ROANOKE COUNTY, VA. ~~~~,, TAX # 55.13- O 1- 02.2 D. B. 36, PGS. 547, 548 , r LIBRARY 3.992 AC. NEW LOT "A" 0.061 AC. ROAD DEDICA TION 3.931 AC. NEW LOT "A-1 " PLAT FROM RECORDS FOR COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHOWING 2, 654 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL 8E/NG DEDICA TED FOR WIDENING OF DAUGHERTY ROAD -VA. SEC. RTE. ,643 AND CREATING NEW LOT "A-1" (3.931 AC.) NEW LOT "A" SHOWN ON RESUBDIVISION FOR COUNTY OF ROANOKE, P.B. 19, PG. 86 SITUATE' ON U. S. ROUTE 11/460 &DAUGHERTY ROAD CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA CURVE 'B" d= 102'06'20" R= 25.00' L= 44.55' S66'03'07' E' CH. 38.89' OC+ O ,~ Ac /~A ST~~-4 0. X61 AC. ROAD DEDICA 770N 2, 654 SQUARE FEET BOUNDED BY CORNERS ~1 TNRU 6 TO 1 INCLUSIVE 'ST =~w~ VDA SF ERA ROAD `~'`-~o_ - ~ 31,E oo' C. ~Q~• 643 5 140.68 ~ ~ . ~ N14 59 57' '4~w VAR/ES ~ - -~ r ~~~ W S14 59 ST'E ~. i - - .~ ~. ~~~~ PROP R +r - - - ~ OS 18'37 32., ~' ~ 3, , E ~ 158, 11 ' ~ p ~ it X24.65) tC PROP. RAW oil ~ '~FF/r ^~/~ ~'^ ,TH OF ~/, f~ ~HN rT. PARKER 9 No. 1076 ~ z~,igg9 ~ s<~°~ Na TAX # ~~•lJ-Ul-U1.1 SCALE: 1"= 60' TPP&S T. P. PARKER & SON N.B. DRAWN LD 818 Houievnrd DATE: SEPT. 29 ,1999 ENGINEERS CALC. JMS CHK'D JTP SURVEYORS Poet ottioe Hoz 98 p_ 49632 ~~ nccn. I f2n PLANNERS 941em, VSrginia 24153 u, ~ , 88_0276 .` ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: SECOND READING DEDICATION OF 0.061 WAY ON DAUGHERT IMPROVEMENTS AT 11 /460. OF AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACRE OF LAND FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- Y ROAD (VA. SEC. RTE. 643) FOR ROAD ITS INTERSECTION WITH U.S. ROUTE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: n~.,.-..! ,~.r This is for the purpose of improving the road intersection of West Main Street and Daugherty Road. Construction plans have been submitted and approved by the Virginia Department of Transportation and the County of Roanoke. A Performance Agreement between the County of Roanoke and R & L Carriers has been prepared to allow for the physical improvements of the intersection due to the steady increase in traffic of both roadways. No County funding is required. The Department of Community Development recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve an Ordinance to authorize the dedication of said property for the purpose of road improvements. 1 Nd SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Arnold Covey, Direct r Elmer C. Hodge Department of Community Development County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred To ACTION ()Motion by: (1 c: Vickie Huffman, Assistant County Attorney VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ____ 2 • • Y OLHW D OVERHEAD WIRE ~F~/~,~~ O,c~ R/W =RIGHT OF WAY q~,~ .Sy Lo' = UTILITY POLE .o~g2l,Q0 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT AND IS SUBJECT THERETO. THEREFORE, THERE MAY EXIST ENCUMBRANCES WHICH AFFECT THE PROPERTY NOT SHOWN HEREON. 2. THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF ZONE "X" AS SHOWN ON THE FEMA FL000 INSURANCE RATE MAP. THIS DETERMINATION IS BASED ON SAID MAP AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY ACTUAL FIELD ELEVATIONS. CURVE "A" ~= 102'06'20" R= 15.00' L = 26.73' N66'03'07"W CH. 23.33' \~y/Y u ~' S62'S3'43 "W `` ~~ 22.60' J X w ~ o ~ ~ ~~ ~ w j 0 W i~ ~'^ EXIT o' 3 NEw LoT "2B1" CENTERLINE OF 24' CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT PROPERTY OF \ RICHFIELD RETIREMENT ~ ~ `\ COMMUNITY ~ ~~~ TAX # 55.09-01-20.2 '~ '~., ~ ~'~~, D.B. 1529, PG. 1299 PROPERTY OF ~ ~ \ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~~, ~ ~~'~, ~ ROANOKE COUNTY, VA. ~., TAX ,# 55.13-01-02.2 '~,~. D. B. 36, PGS. 547, 548 L IBRAR Y CURVE "B" a= 102'06'20" R= 25.00' L= 44.55' S66 03'07'E' CH. 38.89' c ~3 pc itio~ ~`3¢ Sr~~'9l 0.061 AC. ROAD DEDICATION 2, 654 Sc~UARE FEET 80UNDED BY CORNERS ~1 THRU 6 TO 1 INCLUSIVE _ "/YY~ ~ 1 '-~~ .~, 31~ O0' H ~~. ~~ 140.69' r" S145 -_L 3.992 AC. NEW LOT "A" 0.061 AC. ROAD DEDICA TION 3.931 AC. NEW LOT "A-f" PLAT FROM RECORDS FOR ~ I COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHOWING 2,654 SOUARE FOOT PARCEL BEING DEDICATED FOR WIDENING OF DAUGHERTY ROAD -VA. SEC. RTE. #643 AND CREATING NEW LOT "A-1" (3.931 AC.) NEW LOT "A" SHOWN ON RESUBDIVISION FOR COUNTY OF ROANOKE, P.B. 19, PG. 86 SITUATE ON U. S. ROUTE 11/460 &DAUGHERTY ROAD CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA TAX # 55.13-O1-02.2 N.B. DRAWNZ LD CALC. JMS CHK'D JTP ni nccn. I RIl DAUCh'ER VA. SEC. R~RCAD -~. 6 ~~ 4 5 57'W ~~ W VAR/ES 43 PROP, R/I,t, ~ 'r.- - -~OS18'37;32'E ~~ ~ 3, i 158.11. o ~ ~~ r24.6S) ~C PROP. R/W ~'~ RFFk TH OF _-~/. f,~ HN rT. PARKER a No. 1076 ~ 2`(~l4Rq `,~ ~~04 TPP&5 T. P. PARKER & SON SCALE: 1"= bU aie 9ouievera DATE: SEPT. 29 1999 ENGINEERS SURVEYORS Poet Oitiae Hox 39 p_ 49632 PLANNERS Saiem, ViI'giIIiB 24153 ~ni n 99-0276 Ha t+ a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING DEDICATION OF 0.061 ACRE OF LAND FOR PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ON DAUGHERTY ROAD (VA. SEC. RTE. 643) FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS AT ITS INTERSECTION WITH U.S. ROUTE 11/460 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a parcel of land located at the intersection of Daugherty Road (Va. Sec. Rte. 643) and U. S. Route 11/460, said property having been acquired by deed dated June 16, 1906, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed. Book 36, page 548, and being identified on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 55.13-01-02.2; and, WHEREAS, plans have been submitted for the improvement of the intersection to address increasing traffic in this area and to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, said plans require the dedication by the County of 0.061 acre of land along Daugherty Road for road improvements; and, WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the public to dedicate the necessary land for such improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on November 9, 1999; and a second reading was held on November 23, 1999. r.I ~ ~ ~ Y 2. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to dedicate, by deed or plat, 0.061 acre of land for road right-of--way in connection with improvements at the intersection of Daugherty Road and U. S. Route 11/460, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 3. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such other documents and take such other actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes stated herein, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. G: WTTORNEl'~VLHWGENDA~ROADS~DAUGHERT.RD ~ ,~ ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23. 1999 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. BLUE RIDGE COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD OF DIRECTORS The unexpired at-large term of Rita Gliniecki is vacant. Her term expires December 31, 2000. Ms. Gliniecki has resigned her at-large position to accept appointment as Roanoke County's representative, filling the unexpired term of Susan Cloeter. The at-large member of the Board of Directors is recommended by the Board and confirmed by all participating localities. 2. HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION The four year term of Jay E. Gaylor, Legal Representative, James M. Martin, Senior Representative, and one-yearterm of a youth representative who must be attending a Roanoke County high school. Mr. James Martin has notified the Clerk's Office that he does not wish to serve another term. 3. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS -ADVISORY COUNCIL The one-year term of Thelma Ihrig expired March 31, 1999. She has indicated that she does not wish to serve another term at this time. 4. LIBRARY BOARD The four year terms of Mary A. Carswell, Windsor Hills District, and Josie Eyer, Catawba District, will expire December 31, 1999. 1 r ' ~~ .:~ i~ Supervisor McNamara requested that the Deputy Clerk contact Ms. Carswell to determine if she wanted to serve another term. Ms. Carswell was contacted and advises that she does not want to serve another term. Supervisor Minnix requested that the Deputy Clerk determine if Ms. Eyer was eligible to serve another term. Ms. Eyer has served a portion of another person's unexpired term and one full four year term. Members on the Library Board can serve three consecutive terms, and Ms. Eyer is eligible for another term. 5. ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION The four year terms of William Todd Ross, Hollins District, and Donald R. Witt, Cave Spring District, will expire December 31, 1999. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ • ~~- Brenda J. olton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board ACTION APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Harrison _ Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix To () Nickens 2 s* ~ _ ' ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION 112399-8 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for November 23, 1999, designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Item 1 through 4, as follows: Confirmation of Committee appointments to Disability Services Board and Roanoke County Resource Authority. 2. Request for acceptance of sanitary sewer facilities serving Orchard Park, Section 3. 3. Acceptance of $5,800 donation from the Friends of the Library and appropriation of funds to the Public Library budget. 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Summerfield, Section 6. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Consent Resolution with change in Item #1 (confirming appointment of Debbie Pitts to the Disability Services Board instead of John Chambliss), and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 1 ~' A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Spencer Watts, Director, Library Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director, Recreation 2 tt >~ A-112399-8 . a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee appointments to the Disability Services Board and Roanoke Valley Resource Authority COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION 1. Disability Services Board At the November 9, 1999 Board of Supervisors meeting, Supervisor Nickens nominated John Chambliss to serve another three year term. His term will expire December 31, 2002. 2. Roanoke Valley Resource Authority At the November 9, 1999 Board of Supervisors Meeting, Supervisor McNamara nominated Elaine Carver to serve a four year term. Her term will expire December 31, 2003. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointments be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, Brenda J. H ton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board Approved by, E~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator 1 -• •.J ~ t v ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () and confirm Debbie Pitts anointment to Harrison _ x _ Received () Disability Services Board instead of John P~IcNamara_ x _ Referred O Chambliss Minnix _ x To () _ Nickens _ x _ cc: File Disability Services Board File Roanoke Valley Resource Authority File 2 A-112399-8 . b ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Orchard Park, Section 3 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Orchard Park, Section 3, F & W Community Development Corporation, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the sanitary sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Orchard Park, Section 3, dated September 25, 1997, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the sanitary sewer construction is $52,420.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the sanitary sewer facilities serving the Orchard Park, Section 3 subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to aeprove Johnson _ x _ Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development SUBMITTED BY: ~" o~ THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this 28th day of July , 19 98 , by and between: F & W Community Development Corporation , a Vir ig nia corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIl~TIA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. :WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all sewer lines, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 ~~~ As shown on the plan entitled Orchard Park. Section 3 ,made by Lumsden Associates and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The Developer does hereby covenant and warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water andJor sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 S~~ WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: By: As: Vice President State of: Virginia County/~f: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: ~~~. ,day of 19 ~. $ , By: Andrew C. Kelderhouse Its Vice President Duly authorized officer Title on behalf of F & W Community Development Corporation C' 0 w~' ~~4~~fl~P ~cN W ~~~' s~'^,. Not Public 4 ~ ~~'~~ ~. 2: '° OF .. 8"31- My Commission expires: ~ •~•, ;' ~~6, T~ ~Y Pie, ~~a3. Page 3 of 4 F & W Community Development Corporation e ~. s~ Approved as to form: County Attorney Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia By: (SEAL) Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State of: Virginia County/City o£ Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Page 4 of 4 r - ____ /// (NSiIJN REMA//N/NC PORTJON OF OR/G/NA( TAX ~f400/-7-4 _ - - - ~ PROPERTY OF , ' F d W COMMON/TY OE1'E( OP/,TENT CORP O 8 967, PC 539 ~ , ~-~-""`~ I :. LWYE [~ 0/77 j G. a. > ra' I., SS/dN 0 4, ..: ~' ~ ~ _ ,~ ~ ~~ 19' 5749 W/ Z /.5, i, ~srus-our; t oi41 \ I I 5 \1 ~ ~+--- zG' SANrrrRr I SEWER EASEMENT WATERCOURSE J -\ OUT MANNOGE ~ '. ~ I I G.O.:10' ~ ` '------------w -r-----•- 7' 6749 _ _ ~ •~ T.WYE? 006 sSnf/d. _ -- ~.0.: 10' I ~~`. ~ I ~ O W/ 1~-15' - - - - APPROX/MATE LOCATJLN/ (Y i-. -> 19'5749 '~ .-------=----------r--------- . ~ 1~ SIUO-WT /00 YEAR FCOLYJPCAlN 1J ,~' I T.WYE~2i57 (~ I h 12nA ~ I /y ~.0. =70',x'10' ~ 13 ~ IY ~SSMN 0~ , \ 0.0.'S0',~:9' ;' - - - - ~~ r 1 ~- 7O' PRJVATE SANITARY r3'StU, J y_ SEN£R EASEMFNr- J ~ ~~ 1 ~ _ ~ -_- -- '' o r• ZZO LF 7YPE 6" O/TCN ` 9' , 30 SAN/JARY 1 r 7.WYf G 1;7b/ I I m ,' S£WfR EA °o ~ I ~ FUTURE EXTENS/Gv ENI m D.•IO,O:10~ 2B r.Wrc.z+zb mGO.'BG',p~1.61+ II,$fGy.O. • !0' , 0 : ro' , ` JO' PRJYA/E SAN/TAR~I[~' gT U9 I t;t' SIU9 ~; SE/,£R E/.SEMENr II EX N/ST(.t4/CCC..kkk---~~5/GN ° ~~ORA/NAGE EASEMENT I I EX STONf WA[[ f o ~ ~ 1 ~ I ~I I~ ~.p .E0;r0. Pp. , °o _ ~ TEMPORARY-= - -~~ENO ~PAVEMEN/ / 1 Q LNYf G' 0;52 ID'STUD 11 _ BLOW-GFF ASSf,NBLY ' 1 /O/59 C6 __ p r SAA47ARY SE{4ER 3 I I G0.'r0', D'rP , O S S ay 1 EAS MENT TYPJ 'I G.0~100'0'11 9 1 ,~ ~I-B"XB"TEE 11 G/-~C=B f+a'39',1p65' ~ ree wYE,li~ t+ STA. JG+491 L.P•>53.Do W' ~ III o ~ I I I j' !8' STU~i , t ~ a o l y. ,7 - B' GATE vA[ vES i J4' PT 15' 5luE ( 1 S tV~ n I I ~ 3 ~ ~ ,V£W GRA/NALY' JB" ES-/ I ~O• PR/V\A IE SAN/TARY v90/ 5f2 L I~ 1 1 ~ O { 1 ~I rp i t I 1 8 EAi MENT A l '~ °o \SENER~['ASEMENTa 4 ~o / l N ~t I v \ ~ ~, /-lC C aB ~ l 1 J IS' ~ 10' PRJYA /E SAN/TARY T~~ y~iq .~ 46+54.49 VOOI 519. ~fj ~ rQ $ I I S ,ud~~P.UE SEVER EASEMENT y'1 0° pcA. q/VO~Ii /9'LZ I OJ-36&=B' t01 REPLALI~EX EW-J 30"MB.C. s ISTA 47+6300 rp~~ ~I r1/Tf/ SOMN I y- ~~~~w,,,,////~~---- ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ O.E Z4~ 1 J9' (T ~ J ! I - ~ LTA.-43+6344 3345_[7 7~~~~ ; DEW-7S (30' SYfEW/ l.- --------1 r-- -.--_ _ m. g ~~J RAJNACE EASME 1 I =1B-:,ON ~ ° ° STA 45+35.68 ({., ,. ~ 7~~1 m m 4" EMBY Y •FRC/NE i 3G0"; NSG .. HUNTRIDGE ROAD - __ ~~ CONNECT TO EX/ST7NC - EDGE ~ PAVEi/ENT STA. 45+17 57 75 JO" RT. .vUN/P/UGE ,ROAp ANO F[IILJRE STREET ~ 40+UU '. I ~~ c~ °, - _ m ~- - ~ ^-1 ~ +STA 47+6 3 C~ 4 ~ 5 P..E Wo ~ °o°°~ TWYE•N 7 O.*!0' n°°~ OG ,19'5147 ®C.0`9 B' ~ 1 . . J9"RT ~ cn jIA. 48+50 O,y ~ EX FG:. , . ~ 0 ~o + NSG ~ , 300'+ SD ~.~ 1 ~} 18 T pi~3G,L'6' C ~ \°opo ~ n t i4 : da , ~ P EW-7 A S AS ~ ~ ° ° Match Line . : +Br. 47 44.71' RT ° °°~.~ 9_ ~ ~ °OOa°o°o ~ ~~°°°° ° see Sheet 2 ° ° °° ° \ 1 ° 1 ~ \ °° . . _ 0 ^S5N/TARY ° . ~.... ~... ~ \. - SHEET 1 ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER FACILITIES SERVING THE ORCHARD PARK, SECTION 3 ^+ Dl-7 H/ TYPE IlI GRA /f I I ~ UVA/NAGE W EASEMENT p rl6, G~p,~30~ T A".. ~..L. T :„„ 13:5719 ~~ +~~~ ~- ~~ ~~ -~ ~; ~~ N `'`' ~ ~. «~ ~ `-HUNTRIDC7~; KUAV 'x~ ~ 1~ 1i'~3' g, ~\~` o~ •92 q ro \ ` 0~09~~ FU/URE EXTEIlS/ON ~ ~~ ~. ~a -^ ~ ~9, ~,~a-~~` ~z~ 9 ~-~"~ ~~ ~C4 SHEET 2 ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTIVIENT ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER FACILITIES SERVING THE ORCHARD PARK, SECTION 3 A-112399-8. c ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~''.~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETINC7 DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Donation from the Friends of the Library and Appropriation of Funds to the Public Library Budget ,p COt1NTY ADMINISTR_ATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~'"~'~ ~uu:~/~ The Friends of the Library have donated $5,800 in support of library services and programs for FY 99/00. These funds are intended to provide assistance for: children's programs and special events; staff and volunteer development; and, the purchase of small equipment and supplies. Acceptance and appropriation of the donated funds will require no additional expenditures by the County. Staff recommends the acceptance of the Friends' donation and the appropriation of $5,800 to the Library's budget. _._ Lt ` C , ~ ~ _..~~,~. ~, ,\ ` Spencer Watts Library Director ACTION (.~~~~`' Elmer C. Hodge _ County Administrator Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To l 1 VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x McNamara- x Minnix _ x Nickens x cc: File Spencer Watts, Director, Library Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance A-112399-8 . d ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities Serving Summerfield, Section 6 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: n SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Summerfield, Section 6, Fralin & Waldron, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the sanitary sewer facilities serving the subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lang Engineering entitled Summerfield, Section 6, dated February 4, 1998, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $15,100.00 and $32,400.00 respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Summerfield, Section 6 subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. SUBMITTED BY: Gary Rob rtson, P.E. Utility Di ector APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x Denied () Harrison _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development ~- `~ RETURN TO: ROANOKE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE THIS CHATTEL DEED, made this ~ day of ~C~'oher 19 ~_, by and between: Fral ~ n rand ~I Q.l d ry n Zr,c . , a V i rci ~ n ~ a corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Developer," party of the first part; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, its successors or assigns, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," party of the second part. WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acla~owledged, the Developer does hereby GRANT, CONVEY, ASSIGN AND TRANSFER, with the covenants of GENERAL WARRANTY OF TITLE, in fee simple unto the Board all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility, easement areas, water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: Page 1 of 4 ~- ~{ As shown on the plan entitled ~ ~ yb~~Yh~r -~ie.~~{ ~,-c~ ~tnn ~' ,made and on file in the Roanoke County Engineering Department. The Developer does hereby covenant gild warrant that it will be responsible for the proper installation and construction of the said water and/or sewer systems including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the Board and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance of this conveyance pursuant to Resolution No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , 19 Page 2 of 4 ~"- y WITNESS THE FOLLOWING signatures and seals: Developer: By: As: Title State of: V ~~~~~ (~ County/may of: ~,Ci (~N CICl~ , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: ~~~ ,day of ~~Tn~FIZ 19 I c1 , By: ~t N I~R.E'y~( C . K~l._.17G2Nn c,~St= Its V t[' G ~~si fJG ~- ~ Duly authorized officer (typed name) Title on behalf of: ~~uiy i'~n1D ~l-~t~>~t~ ~ NC' . ~~*r® rerMrtrs ~a Notar Public .: o~ ~., • 4 -- ~ '~.. ~ or- My Commission expires: ~ '~ ~ " ~ _~~ a ~'. • ~, ,~ °~"p /~ '••~!RG1N~P'~G tee` ~s'sO.~RY Pv~.`. ~~„~~e~n Page 3 of 4 ~- ~{ Approved as to form: County Attorney Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia By: (SEAL) Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator State o£ Virginia County/City of: Roanoke , to wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this: day of 19 , by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: Page 4 of 4 ~~~ NOP~H ~~~ ~ i LOT 5 / ~ ~ ' n P.C. ST ~ ~ SANITARY.SEWER ~ LATERAL CTYP) ~ • ~ t}9 N SEC 4 / Q~ / 50 ti° ~ SEC 6 ~ LOT B / ~ / LOT 18 F 75 51 SEC 6 s' SEC 6 ~ LOT 6 / '~~• s=~ LOT 17 48 ~ '~/ \` DU TER A W / ~iANfTARY / U HGLE (TYP) SEC 4 " L A AN LOT .9 e \ 6" WATER SEC 6 sg LOT 16 .rb ~a'• ~ / 47 SEC 6 / ~ ' ; ~ _ SEC `4 LOT 7 ;,, ; 53 LOT 10 I _ ss ~ SEC 6 ' r,nT ~ F ~ ,~ ? ~ 8" SANITARY SEWER ~, ~ ~ SEC 6 ~ ~ ~~ LOT 8 ~ ~ ~ SEC 6 SEC 4 ~ ~~ LOT 14 LOT 11 , 8' 'NATER LINE ~'b P. i. STA. 27+47.54 ~ n~ 78 ~ SEC B ~ ~' `. , Im 55 ~~ SEC 6 LOT 8 I ~ 4 LOT 13 ~ ; 45 . SEC 4 LOT J SEC 6 ~ ~ 58 LOT 1D I g= •.~; ,t; SEC 6 , ~ LOT 12 ,. 80 SEC 6 LoT 11 ~ ~ EX MH 62 ~ C ROANOKE COUNTY SLTMMERFIELD, SECTION 6 UTILITY DEPARTMENT WATER & SANITARY SEWER V~CI~VITY 11~AP~ N-1 GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA of General Amount Fund Revenues ~ Oct 12, 1999 Unaudited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1999 Results of Operations for 1998-99 Audited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1999 Consultant for regional refuse collection study Balance at November 23, 1999 Changes below this line aze for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above $6,750,027 5.94% 1,058,946 7,808,973 (17,558) $7,791,415 $7,791,415 $7,791,415 6.85% I 6.85% Note: On December 18, 1990, the Boazd of Supervisors adopted a goat statement io maintain uic General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 1999 2000 General Fund Revenues $113,709,991 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $7,106,874 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By,rr,S~ ~i2~ r`~'~/l ~ - ~ . ~.~ Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Director of Finance County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\B oazd\Gen99. WK4 ~a CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Balance from June 22, 1999 Board meeting Dixie Caverns Recovery Sale of land and equipment during 1998-99 Unaudited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1999 Nov 9, 1999 Transfer from General from for 1998-99 expenditure savings (with $40,646 reserved for pending rollovers) Sept 14, 1999 Advance Auto performance agreement (This money will be reimbursed to the capital fund from future tax collections) Oct 26,1999 Purchase of land adjacent to Vinyard Park II Balance at November 23, 1999 Respectfully Submitted, ~~ q. ~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Amount $11,042.93 137,500.00 354,643.16 503,186.09 384,832.00 (226,650. (41,000.00 09 M:\Finance\Common\Board\Cap99.WK4 / V °";~ RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 1999-2000 Original Budget $100,000.00 July 27, 1999 General Fund share of VACO/ VML assessment for AEP negotiations (4,749. July 27, 1999 Green Hill soccer field (47,000.00 Balance at November 23, 1999 $48,251.00 Respectfully Submitted, ~~~ ~. ~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Board99. WK4 1V''/ FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Savings from 1996-97 debt budget Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund FY97-98 Original budget appropriation me 23, 1998 Savings from 1997-98 debt fund FY98-99 Original budget appropriation FY99-200 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service ovember 9, 1999 Savings from 1998-99 debt fund Balance at November 23, 1999 $7,380,323.00 The following funds have been temporarily advanced from this fund will be reimbursed with future bonds issues: Balance from above $7,380,323 Land purchase and site work for new South County high school (4,000,000) Science Labs (2,170,600) $1,209,723 Note :These advances will be reimbursed with the 1999 Fall VPSA Bond Sale. Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, ~- Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator $670,000.00 1,113,043.00 2,000,000.00 321,772.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 (1,219,855) 780,145.00 495,363.00 M:\Finance\Common\B oard\Schoo199 . WK4 i ~lI1~ i ~7 V a ~~ ~``'a+. ~ ~f~ ~ ED ~~ ~~ COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA ~~`~Qa~.~-.<- ~~~ •"~~ ~~ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET JAMES S. GIVENS CHARLES D. NOTTINGHAM RICHMOND, 23219.1939 State Secondary Roads Engineer ACTING COMMISSIONER November 8, 1999 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: The enclosed report contains a list of all changes to the Secondary System of State Highways in your county approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer in October 1999. All additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System are effective the day they are approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer. This date appears in the far right column of the monthly report. These changes will be presented to the Commonwealth Transportation Board at its monthly meeting on November 18, 1999. If you have any questions or comments about this report, please call Martin Law at 786-7399. James S. Givens State Secondary ads Engineer JSG/MII WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING M -x 00 0 ~ r. .~ .~ r. r. .~ r, w N N N N N N N W O O O O O O O C ~ ~ O O ~ 7 d' M O w y ~--~ \ ~--~ N N ~ N ~ -. r. ~ CC G~ O 0 00 00 0 0 a 0 ~ O 0 A ~ O M ~ + ~' ~ O O O O 00 ~~ C O O O O O O O C "C ~ ~ ~ L Q~ M ~ ~. ~ G a~-~ ~ M +~+ N ~ ,y Mil ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~. y ~i +~' C~ +~-' C y 7 7 Y ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c 0 c~ 0 ~ ~ z w z ~ z w o 0 0 0 0 °° o ° z 0 H cG o 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ rn ~ rn ~ ~ l n O\ 01 _M M_ _M N_ _ ~+ N N N N N N ~ ~1 ~. Q~i Q~i ~i (Yi ~i ~i •"' '~ h Vl 01 01 01 .-w ~ O O~ O~ ~ M ..r M .r M .-i N .-+ .r a ~ ~, o . ~ G ~ y ~ L O W R 3 ~ -- ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~+ R Y ~ ~ 'c:7 'C V ~ V " Va U ~ k. U x x Q ~ cn G ~ o a '~ ' o ~ . ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ b b b ~ ~ ~ 3 3 3 ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b .o -°' b b b ~ ~ x z a ~ 3~ a w m x ~ m ~ "~ Y C 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 ~ i c Q ¢ ¢ Q Q d ~~ .. r ACTION # ITEM NUMBER~~J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -October 1999 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF WFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Manual Checks Payments to Vendors: $4,921,739.68 Payroll 10/1/99 $548,038.37 $238,524.80 $659.44 $787,222.61 Payroll 10/15/99 $513,525.81 $238,562.60 $223.54 $752,311.95 Payroll 10/29/99 $497,343.79 $210.166.92 1204.06 $708.714.77 $7,169,989.01 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: .O.C.cyu~ ~•1~~e-s~c~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance N- ~ ,, . Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) McNamara Harrison Johnson Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs A-112399-9 ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER ~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Additional Information from FY1998-1999 Departmental Rollover Requests. and approval of roll-over requests for Sheriffs Office and Police Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During the work session on departmental rollover requests at the November 9, 1999 Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board requested additional information concerning specific requests from the Sheriff s Department for $37,151 for weapons replacement and the Police Department for $3,495 in matching funds for a state grant. Pending final approval of these requests, the $40,646 was placed in the Capital Fund-Unappropriated Balance. Staff has prepared the requested information as follows: Sheriff's Department The Sheriff has submitted additional information to substantiate his request. Several factors were cited that justified the replacement request-Safety, reliability, and functionality. The current weapon utilized by the Sheriffs Department is the 9mm. This standard was adopted in 1984-85 and was the only weapon available at that time that fit the requirements of the Department (primary emphasis on law enforcement needs). A safety concern of using the 9mm for the current responsibilities of the Sheriff relating to Courthouse and Jail security is "over-penetration" of the bullet. The small bullet travels at a high rate of speed and, unless it strikes a solid object, will pass completely through a human's body; thus endangering bystanders. The smaller bullet also has trouble penetrating a windshield, or even a pane of glass. From a reliability and functionality standpoint, the 9mm is in need of replacement. The weapons are 14-15 years old and malfunction more frequently; thus, additional replacement parts must be stocked. Personnel must also have confidence in their sidearm . The replacement weapon, .40 or .45 caliber, is easier to handle and the larger bullet has greater knockdown ability. Roanoke County Police, Roanoke City Police and Sheriff, Salem Police, Botetourt County, Franklin County, and Vinton have all switched to the larger caliber sidearm. ,~ t N'~ Police Department The Police Department requested $3,495 to match a state grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for community policing. The BJA grant is a different grant from the one that was funded in the FY1999-2000 budget. Those funds ($15,000) matched a DCJS grant for domestic violence programs. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. Approval of these requests would re-appropriate $40,646 from the Capital Fund-Unappropriated Balance to the Sheriff's Department ($37,151) and to the Police Department ($3,495). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If the Board approves these requests, staff will bring the re- appropriation request for Board action at the December 7, 1999 meeting. Respectfully submitted, ~• W. Brent Robe son Budget Manager Approv d by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION --------------- ------------------- VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve Johnson _ x Denied () and re-appropriate funds as reauested Harrison _ x Received () to Sheriff's Office and Police Dept McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x cc: File Brent Robertson, Budget Manager Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~'"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Worksession on Proposed Cluster Housing Ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This information is being sent to you for our work session. We have included copies of the three examples of cluster developments as presented during the November 9th work session. I would like to resolve any remaining issues during the work session so that the ordinance can be approved at the evening session, This is a very good plan and I ask for your support of it. BACKGROUND' The Board of Supervisors has scheduled this worksession to continue to discuss the major elements of the proposed cluster housing ordinance. Since the Board's last worksession on November Stn, the staff has met with representatives of the Roanoke Regional Homebuilder's Association. As a result of this meeting several minor changes have been made to the ordinance. These changes are in the areas of water and sewer standards, and standards for the dedication and accessibility of open space. No changes have been made to the private street standards, nor to allowable housing densities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors hold a worksession on November 23, 1999 to review the proposed cluster ordinance. t Respectfully Submitted, Terrance Har~ngton, AICP Departm t of Community Development ~~ Approved, Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Motion by Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Vote No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ~~ 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE VIRGINIA BY THE ADDITION OF STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER SUBDIVISIONS WHEREAS, certain innovative housing provisions will allow landowners to develop their property using "clustering" techniques, thereby preserving open space without increasing gross allowable density of the property available for development; and, WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice support an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke to provide for clustering opportunities; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this amendment on September 7, 1999; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended its approval of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke to provide for standards for the design and development of Cluster Subdivisions; and, WHEREAS, public notice and advertisement of this amendment has been provided as required by Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, and the Roanoke County Code; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 28, 1999, and the second readings and public hearings were held on October 26, 1999 and November 23, 1999. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke is hereby amended and reenacted to provide as follows: I. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: SEC 30-28 DEFINITIONS. DELETE: Cluster: A development design technique that concentrates buildings in specific areas on the site to allow the remaining land to be used for recreation, common open space, and preservation ofenvironmentally-sensitive areas. ADD: Cluster Subdivision: An alternative means of subdividing land that concentrates building density in specific areas to allow the remaining land to be reserved for the preservation of environmentally-sensitive features V ...._ and open space. Conservation Areas, Primary: Areas within the 100-year floodplain, slopes greater than 25%, lands within designated view sheds and designated ridgetop preservation areas identified and mapped in the 1998 Community Plan, greenway corridors shown on the Greenway Conceptual Plan and elevations 1500 feet or greater above mean sea level. Conservation Areas, Secondary: Areas with slopes between 15% and 25%, healthy woodlands, locations of species listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern, historic structures and sites, riparian zones outside the FEMA study area and productive agricultural and forested lands. Lot, Conservation: A lot that has been dedicated to a land trust, homeowners, condominium, or similar association, government agency or other entity through an easement or other transfer of ownership, and set aside in perpetuity as open space in a cluster subdivision. Property Resource Map: A map utilized in the cluster subdivision process that depicts the Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas of the subject property. II. ARTICLE III DISTRICT REGULATIONS IS HEREBY AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING PERMITTED USES: SEC. 30-41- 2 PERMITTED U5E5 (A) Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) SEC 30-42-2 PERMITTED USES. (A) Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) SEC 30-45-2 PERMITTED USES. (A) 1. Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) SEC 30-46-2 PERMITTED USES. 2 ~-~ (A) Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) III. ARTICLE IV USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS IS HEREBY AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS FOR CLUSTER SUBDIVISIONS. Sec. 30-82-13.1 Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option) (A) Intent Establish a method for Roanoke County to protect vital natural and historic resources from development and permanent loss. 2. Prevent the destruction of valuable view sheds, ridgetops and wildlife corridors, including but not limited to, the Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachian Trail, and other resources identified in the 1998 Community Plan. Reserve, enhance, and add to the existing and proposed greenway system throughout the County, as identified in the 1998 Community Plan. 4. Provide the citizens of Roanoke County additional open space and recreation areas. Encourage the design of creative, innovative developments that utilize the land's natural resources and features and incorporates them into functional preservation and development plans. 6. Offer an alternative to conventional subdivision development by allowing for compact clusters of housing units rather than spaced lots that encompass the entire property. (B) Applicability Cluster subdivisions proposed in accordance with the standards contained herein shall be a permitted use by-right in R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zoning districts. 2. The Zoning Administrator shall have the responsibility for determining compliance with these standards. Proposals for cluster subdivisions that, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, do not meet one or more of the standards contained herein shall not be permitted by-right. Any such proposal shall be reviewed, upon petition by the Zoning Administrator, or the applicant, by the Roanoke County Planning Commission under the authority granted by Section 15.2-2286 of the Code of Virginia. As part of their review, the Commission shall have the authority, but not the obligation, to approve or deny the cluster proposal and to waive any standard contained herein. Prior to the issuance of any waiver, the Planning Commission shall give notice in accordance with Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia and hold a public hearing on the matter. The Zoning Administrator or applicant may appeal the Planning Commission's decision to the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisor's shall give notice in accordance with Section 15.2-2204 of the a-i Code of Virginia and hold a public hearing on the matter. If the petition is withdrawn at the request of the applicant subsequent to the decision by the Planning Commission on the application, or if the Commission denies any application submitted for its review, the Planning Commission shall not consider substantially the same application for the same property within one year of the applicant's withdrawal or Commission's action. (C) General Standards Minimum tract size of the cluster subdivision: Three (3) acres. 2. Public water and public sewer shall be provided to each lot within the proposed subdivision. Property shall be excluded from the cluster subdivision option where, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, previous land disturbing activities have significantly altered a Primary or Secondary Conservation Area, to the extent that important features worthy of conservation have been destroyed or severely modified. Allowable density: Eight (8) dwelling units per acre. (D) Minimum Lot, Setback and Frontage Requirements There shall be no minimum lot area or setback requirements, however, the normal front, rear, and side yard setback requirements must be maintained adjacent to any lot or existing public street right of way not within the proposed cluster development. 2. Minimum public street frontage: Forty eight (48) feet on a publicly owned and maintained street except as modified by Section 30-82-13.1 (F) (E) Open Space Requirements Minimum Open Space: Thirty-five (35) percent of the gross acreage of the tract. If the site contains Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas in excess of 35 percent, all Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas shall be preserved up to a required maximum of 50 percent of the tract. The applicant shall have the right to provide conservation areas in excess of those required. 2. When Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas exceed 50 percent of the tract, then Primary Conservation Areas shall be given priority in reaching the 50 percent maximum open space. At least 40 percent of all lots for residential use shall have a property line directly abutting the open space area within the cluster development, or have direct access to a developed trail providing access to the open space. The location of any such trail shall be clearly marked, and the trail shall be constructed of a surface material that is appropriate to the terrain, and distinguishable to the user. 4. Ownership and maintenance of open space shall be one of the following: a. Common land owned in perpetuity by the owners of lots in the development, through a 4 o-- homeowners, condominium or similar association. Provisions for the maintenance of the open space in perpetuity shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with plat approval. b. Dedication of the land in perpetuity to a nonprofit organization or land trust through a conservation easement or fee simple conveyance. c. Public land after dedication to, acceptance and maintenance by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors or other governmental entity for recreational, conservation, historic or other open space purposes. Conservation lots may be created in compliance with the terms of this ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision ordinance, notwithstanding the frontage, width, area, and other design standards for lots found in Article III of this ordinance. Any such lot proposed for platting shall be clearly designated on a subdivision plat reviewed and approved by Roanoke County. This plat shall contain notations and covenants that clearly forbid, in perpetuity, the use of the conservation lot for any type of residential dwelling, or other use or structure as prohibited by these provisions. If required open space is located within a mapped greenway corridor, as depicted on the Greenway Conceptual Plan at the time of submittal of the preliminary plat, then a greenway easement shall be dedicated to Roanoke County or their designated agent. The Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission, shall determine the exact location and dimensions of the easement to be dedicated. No building, building addition, structure, road, driveway, parking area or any other type of physical land improvement shall be located within a required Primary or Secondary Conservation Area as defined in (E) 1. and 2. above. Notwithstanding the above, trails may be developed in Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas. (F) Street and Access Requirements All residential lots within a cluster subdivision shall have frontage on and access to a publicly dedicated and maintained street except as provided in this section. Lots within a cluster subdivision shall not be required to have frontage on a publicly dedicated and maintained street provided: a. No dwelling unit shall be located further than 500 feet, as measured in a straight line, from an access point to a publicly dedicated and maintained street that the dwelling unit has direct access to, and b. Lots without public street frontage shall be planned and arranged into distinct residential clusters of three (3) or more dwelling units served by a common private street, and c. No more than twenty (20) dwelling units shall be allowed on any single private street or independent network of private streets. 3. Maintenance of private streets shall be the responsibility of the homeowners association. Subdivision plat covenants shall provide that all maintenance of private roads, including snow removal, is not a 5 U-~ public responsibility. Covenants shall further certify that the private road shall not be eligible for acceptance into the State Secondary System for maintenance until such time as it is constructed and otherwise complies with all requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation for the addition of subdivision streets current at the time of such request. Any costs required to cause private streets to become eligible for addition into the state system shall be provided with funds other than those administered by Roanoke County or the Virginia Departrent of Transportation. 4. Pavement surface: The minimum pavement surface shall be asphalt. Alternate materials such as concrete, structural pavers, or cobblestone may be substituted provided the proposed surface will support the expected loads. Calculations and/or manufacturers specifications shall be required at submittal. Gravel is not an acceptable surface course. Base Course: six (6) inches minimum depth. For streets to be served by school buses, eight (8) inches minimum depth. These depths are for sub-bases with a CBR value of 10 or higher. 6. Private streets shall be designed to accommodate the provision of regular public services. Specifically: a. Vehicle turn arounds shall be included. The turn around may be a cul-de-sac or T-turn around. b. A representative of the Roanoke County School Board shall review the design, and location of all proposed private streets, and shall advise the applicant whether or not the proposed private streets meet the standards for school bus service. If the proposed design does not meet standards for school bus service, the final subdivision plat shall contain a notation that the proposed private streets do not meet the standards for public school bus services and that the Roanoke County School board shall not be obligated to provide service on the private streets. c. The final subdivision plat shall contain the notation that the proposed private streets do not meet the standards for public solid waste collection and that Roanoke County shall not provide solid waste collection on private streets. The applicant shall have the responsibility for addressing the collection of solid waste on private streets and a representative of the Roanoke County Department of General Services shall review proposals for solid waste collection on private streets. 7. Vehicular Access: Private streets shall be platted as a separate parcel of land dedicated to the homeowners' association. Private right of way width shall be of sufficient width to encompass all drainage structures for the street and to allow maintenance of the street. On street parking shall be prohibited on at least one side of the street, to ensure adequate space for public service vehicles. Drainage: Drainage design shall meet all existing Virginia Department of Transportation and County of Roanoke standards, as amended. Drainage easements shall be platted to the homeowners' association for maintenance. Signage: a. All traffic control and warning signs on private streets shall be the responsibility of the developer/homeowners' association, and b. All access points from the public street to the private street shall be clearly marked with a sign stating that the street is private. 6 10. Private Street Design: The following are required design standards for private streets. PROJECTED MINIMUM MAJQMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM TRAFFIC AND GRADE b SIGHT SHOULDER (VEHICLES MAJ~VIUM DISTANCE ` WIDTH PER DAB PAVEMENT WIDTH e 30-40 VPD 14' 18% 50' 2' 41-80 VPD 16' 18% 70' 3' 81-100 VPD 18' 18% 90' 4' 101-200 20' 16% 100' 4' VPD a. Pavement width is based upon a shoulder and ditch section. One-way streets shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet wide. b. Maximum grade: streets shall not exceed 300 feet in length for grades greater than or equal to 16%. Maximum grade at all landings shall not exceed 5%. Length of the landing, in feet, shall be based on the following formula: vehicles per day X .5 feet. c. Sight distance refers to stopping distance only. Sight distance at the intersection of two private streets shall meet a design speed of 25 mph. Sight distance at the intersection of a private street and a public street shall meet VDOT commercial entrance requirements. (G) Public Water and Sanitary Sewer Public water and sewer shall conform with Roanoke County Water and Sewer Standards, latest edition, with the following exceptions: a. For homes located within the minimum required distance to a fire hydrant, the following shall apply: 1. The homes may be served by private laterals, provided: a. Water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be located near the public street right of way, and, b.. A maximum of six meters or cleanouts shall be located side by side. b. For homes on private streets requiring the extension of public water and sewer services, the following shall apply: A combined water and sewer easement of a minimum width of 25 feet shall be allowed, provided the depth is not excessive. 7 ~--' ~" 2. If the street pavement surface is an alternative to asphalt, the Director of Utilities must approve, in writing, the location of the services within the paved area. The water and sewer easement(s) shall be separate from any Public Utility Easement. (H) Cluster Development Process The applicant shall meet with the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee to review the requirements for a cluster subdivision prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat. A site visit shall be arranged to review the site and identify approximate locations of Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas. The applicant shall then have drawn, preferably by a licensed engineer/surveyor, architect or landscape architect, a Property Resource Map. At a minimum this map shall include the following: a. Total acreage and acreage of each Primary and Secondary Conservation area and other open space areas b. Percent slope, in the following increments: <15%, 15-25%, >25% c. Flood plains, wetlands, and riparian zones outside the FEMA study area d. Historic structures and sites e. Designated view sheds and ridgetop preservation areas identified and mapped in the 1998 Community Plan f. Greenway comdors mapped on the Greenway Conceptual Plan g. Elevations 1500 feet or greater above mean sea level h. Healthy woodlands Location of species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern j. Productive agricultural and forested lands 2. The applicant shall submit a preliminary plat in accordance with Article II of the Roanoke County Subdivision Regulations. The following additional items shall be required to accompany the preliminary plat: a. All Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas and other required open space areas to be designated as permanent open space, shall be mapped as conservation lots and noted on the plat. b. All deed restrictions and covenants applicable to private streets, public services, open space, and cluster subdivision lots. c. The location of all building lots to be conveyed. Once approval for the preliminary plat has been given, the applicant shall submit the final plat in accordance with Article III of the Roanoke County Subdivision Regulations. tom' 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 2000. G:\COMMON\CLUSTREV.ORD / ~~ R y /-~~ ~ ~y ~ ~. ~./u.i.~4lll l.g r Setback Line ~ Le~~ Slopes 15 - 25/0 Healthy Wvo+dlands Riparian AZ-eas ~' X~S~1T1~ l~Ll~JLIC StI'eet ,~, Community Trail ~"'~, 4 .... Tinker C~r epk {' ~ ,rr ~~r '~ '1 1 '~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ . o, ~~.. ~~~ ,, i~ '~+t ~_ \ ~° r.. Fy ~ .z _~ c> ~ ^~ R~rcS ~f ~~~ ,~ r ,~~' ~::~. ~~~,~ r'~ '~ 1 .,~~.~ r .,. ~ . -., '$~ ~~~ a ~ ~, j> ~: r .: 1" ~_':~" ,~.-- . ~a, ~7 ~~ !~ ~~ ~ ;, k ~~.sting '~'°~ ~ Pu.~1ic S~.r~et ~: ~r 1vi:~f;c'~lt~` 1f~C~-}~~ar Floa~l ~'1~in ~l~p~~ > 25~1~ a ~lop~s 15 - `75~'~ ~~ `t 'f f~ ~i f~ ~! ~~ rN i ~ ~ ~~ a iI ~~~ I ~- I~ ~ "~L -:~y ~~:~ ~i~e ~r~n+~ Lend 1. s~~~n _-, ~' Item No. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, 5204 BERNARD DRIVE, SW., ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Work session on the marketing plan for the Center for Research & Technology in West County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: For several months, we have worked on a marketing plan for the Center for Research & Technology with the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. It is a comprehensive plan that includes promotional materials, site visits by developers and state representatives, and use of technology to market this beautiful facility. Some of our strategies have already begun and others are in the development process. I think you will be pleased with the plans that we have for the marketing of this site. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Center for Research & Technology is a 456.6 acre tract of land located in West Roanoke County. Since 1997, the County has contracted with consultants to complete a Master Concept Plan, an Engineering Concept Plan, and the Plans & Profiles for the 24" water line extension, the 12" sewer line extension, and the industrial access road entrance at the end of Glenmary Drive. The Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership (RVEDP) and County staff have developed a marketing plan, some of which has been implemented, for the entire park. This is a four-phase plan which will serve as an ongoing marketing strategy. At the work session, RVEDP and County staff will present a powerpoint presentation on the marketing plan which will be highlighted by a brochure mock-up, Internet website debut, artistic rendering of the entrance road, and a 3-D simulation of a "drive through" in a neighboring county industrial park. Ily Melinda J. Economic Devel fitted: Approved: Elmer C. Hodge Specialist County Administrator 1 .~ ~ ~ ..~, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Johnson _ _ Denied () Harrison _ _ Received () McNamara- _ Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ _ 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. 11/18/99 15:35:21 BightFAX-> 548 772 2193 BightFAX Page BB1 NEVUS RELEASE ,~~* Virginia Department of Transportation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Jason Bond (540) 387-5250 SALEM 91 11/18/99 BOARD AWARDS CONTRACTS FOR ROAD Il1~IPROVEMENTS TNCLIIDTNG A NF.W STGNAL AT ROUTF. 419 AND ATDDF,N VAT.T.FY ROAD INTERSECTION The Commonwealth Transportation Board at its Nov.18 meeting in Richmond awarded three contracts for highway improvements in Roanoke, Bedford and Franklin counties. The total value of these three contracts is approximately $1,590,008. In Roanoke County, the intersection of Route 419 (Electric Road} and Route 9360 (Hidden Valley Road) will be improved. Aright turn lane will be installed, and the left turn lane in the median will be extended. Another lane will be added to Hidden Valley Road to assist with traffic leaving the junior high school. A traffic signal also will be installed. The contract worth approximately $586,941 was awarded to Allegheny Construction Co. from Roanoke. In Bedford County, a 2.5-mile section of Route 725 (Pecks Road} will be improved. This section of Route 725 extends between the Route 43 north and Route 714 intersections. The road `vill be widened and resurfaced. Two box culverts also will be installed as part of the project. The contract worth approximately $747,589 was awarded to Pearson Construction from Dillwyn. In Franklin County, a 0.9-mile section of Route 618 (Muddy Fork Road} will be improved. This section of Route 618 begins about 4.2 miles east of Route 220 and extends to the Route 618 intersection, Work will include widening, grading, paving and drainage improvements. The contract worth approximately $255,478 was awarded to 1&D Constriction from Hillsville. Work on these projects should be under way within the next 60 days. -end- o~~ coj,. ~PN~ aFs V O~ o ~. ~qRT~~~ F[RE & RESCUE FORT LEWIS MOUNTAIN FIRE REPORT DONNIE C. MYERS ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 1 Fort Lewis Mountain Fire 1 .Y~ ~~ ~ .~ ~ ~~~~ 1~, ~ i 4 tit ~ ti F'~ {~ 3 '~. ^5 ~"' ~' A ~A ., .. .n~~_ .~s. _ .. _ ?~~. .._,. 2 3 ~ ~ 'F V i~ ~ ~ vo. r~xa+ . ~~,. a - - ~:. ~ T;: (. ~ 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e . ki a ~~i ~ •a --~~ ~. ~ ?~ :fi. e, ~~ l; ~~~ • Forestry Dept. America Corp crew • Roanoke Fire-EMS Vinton Kroger • Salem Fire Dept. Georyoe's • American Red Cross Food Lion • Virginia Dept. of Elliston Fire Dept. Transportation Virginia Baptist • The Shelton Family Children's Home & Family Services • McDonald's Domino's Pizza • Hardee's Hotel Roanoke • Burger King Walmart • Papa John's Private citizens 1 + ~ r .` 4~ ~' I l f c ry I ys ~ 4 ~r I ~ 4 1 .~`.: 4 £ Y ~k ,1; 2 ~' • 1349 aaes burned • 3840 county man- hours • 7520 total man-hours • Over 27 different apparatus used 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION 112399-10 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: lC~~~ Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Closed Session File AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION 112399-11 APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM SIX YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000- 2006 AND APPROVAL OF THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on November 23, 1999 to receive comments on the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Year 2000-2006; and the adoption of the Funding for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and allocations for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 as set out on the attached Secondary System Construction Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Second Road System Six Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Year 2000-2006 by the Clerk to the Board. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 1 A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation w ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Years 2000-2001. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to adopt the attached resolution to approve the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and approve the allocation of funds for Fiscal Years 2000-2001. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the Board of Supervisors is required to conduct a public hearing on the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan to receive public comment. The plan before the County Board of Supervisors was presented to you at a work session on October 26, 1999. At the work session, County staff explained the evaluation process for inclusion of projects in the plan, reviewed the estimated funding for the next five years and the distribution of this year's allocation ($3.5 million) among the three funding categories. We have included a new transportation booklet with the latest information available. The funding shown, approximately $3.5 million, may be adjusted once the final allocations are made public in July 2000. Staff is now requesting the Board of Supervisors to conduct the Public Hearing and approve one of the following alternatives and impacts. 1 •~~ "~ ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Conduct the public hearing and adopt the resolution approving the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and allocation of funds for Fiscal Years 2000-2001. 2) Conduct the public hearing and defer approval of the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 until staff can review (if any) additional comments received at the Public Hearing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development Approved Denied ( ) Received Referred To ACTION Motion by: APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison _ Johnson _ McNamara _ Minnix _ Nickens 2 ,,.. .~ i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEARS 2000- 2006 AND APPROVAL OF THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2000-2001. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on November 23, 1999 to receive comments on the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006; and the adoption of the Funding for Fiscal Years 2000- 2001; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and allocations for Fiscal Years 2000-2001 as set out on the attached Secondary System Construction Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Second Road System Six Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 by the Clerk to the Board. • ~~ z ,~ p~0? N 1838 xoaNOxE COUNTl SIX YEAR SECONDARY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEARS 2000 - 2006 and REVENUE SHARING FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-2001 VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTATION (SALEM DISTRICT) • TABLE OF CONTENTS AGENDA 1. SIX YEAR SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FY 00-06 PAGE(S) a. BOARD REPORT/INTRODUCTION 1-4 b. COUNTYWIDE ITEMS 4 - RURAL ADDITION UPDATE 5 - RURAL ADDITION PRIORITY LIST 6-7 c. INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS 8 d. NUMBERED PROJECTS 8 1. PROJECTS SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE 9-32 FUNDING IN FY 00/01 2. PROJECTS ADDED/REVISED 33 3. PROJECTS CONSIDERED/NOT ADDED 33 e. VDOT'S SIX-YEAR ROAD PLAN 34-40 2. REVENUE SHARING FOR FY 00/01 a. BOARD REPORT, LETTER OF INTENT & 41-44 INTRODUCTION b. REVENUE SHARING PRIORITY LIST AND MAPS 45-64 c. PROJECTS CONSIDERED/NOT ADDED 65 d. VDOT'S REVENUE SHARING FORM 66-70 • ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of Projects for FY 2000-2001 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to approve the prioritized list of projects for the FY 2000-2001 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or the County Administrator to sign the letter of intent to participate in the Revenue Sharing Program for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) annually provides localities the opportunity to receive state matching funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the state's highway system. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides $15,000,000 for the matching program and limits localities to $500,000 each. However, if more or fewer than 20 counties participate, our share of money will be reduced/increased proportionately. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County and VDOT staff presented a proposed priority project list for the FY 2000- 2001 Revenue Sharing Program at the October 26, 1999 Board of Supervisors work session. Staff has adjusted the projects with maps based upon the comments received at the work session on October 26, 1999. Staff was unable to acquire temporary easements necessary for some of the projects to be included in this year's prioritized list. We will keep these projects on file and continue to acquire the necessary documents. • • Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to approve the priority list of projects for FY 2000-2001 Revenue Sharing Program. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Approve the project list and authorize the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors or County Administrator to sign the letter of intent and defer appropriation of the funds ($500,000) until July 1, 2000. 2) Decline to participate in the Revenue Sharing Program for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community opment ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied ( 1 Received ( ) Referred To APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison _ Johnson _ McNamara _ Minnix _ Nickens • AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE • COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION APPROVAL AND ADOPTION OF THE SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEARS 2000- 2006 AND APPROVAL OF THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2000-2001. WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on November 23, 1999 to receive comments on the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006; and the adoption of the Funding for Fiscal Years 2000- 2001; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and allocations for Fiscal Years 2000-2001 as set out on the attached Secondary System Construction Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Second Road System Six Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 by the Clerk to the Board. • 3 COUNTY OF ROANOKE i SIX YEAR SECONDARY CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FY 2000 THRU 2006 . a. INTRODUCTION: Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) are continuously reviewing and updating the six-year plan. Staff receives requests throughout the year concerning secondary roads in Roanoke County. The requests are reviewed and classified as maintenance or construction. Maintenance items are normally referred to VDOT's resident engineer for correction. Construction requests are put on file to be reviewed during the six-year plan and revenue sharing yearly updates. These requests normally require right-of-way, additional funding and/or engineering. VDOT and Roanoke County staff have reviewed and evaluated each request for inclusion in the six-year plan and revenue sharing program. In deciding which projects would be included, staff considered traffic counts, existing and future development, pavement conditions, drainage, safety, and the economic benefit. We cannot fund all the requests received due to budget constraints; therefore, we have prioritized the requests based upon the criteria above. Roanoke County received approximately $3.5 million last year. Roanoke County's budget for FY 2000-2001 is estimated to be approximately $3.6 million and $3.9 million per year over the next five years. Over the past few years, we have seen an increase in our funding because of Federal changes. Even with the increase in funding, we need to be selective and supportive of the projects we identify on the six-year plan. Staff has included roads that are substandard and have a high, or a potentially high, traffic count due to proposed or existing development. The Board of Supervisors is required by state law to review and update the six-year plan every other year. However, due to the funding changes several years ago, originally ISTEA now TEA-21, VDOT has requested the Board of Supervisors to update the plan every year. As a review there are three funding categories in the six-year plan: COUNTYWIDE ITEMS, INCIDENTAL ITEMS, AND NUMBERED PROJECTS. Unpaved roads are included under numbered projects. Staff will attempt to summarize each category and project on the following pages: 1. b. COUNTYWIDE ITEMS: Items included in this category are traffic signs, entrance culverts and rural addition roads. Roanoke County's rural addition list (pages 4 and 5) is still very long. We have included the maximum ($180,000) allowed by state law. An additional $260,000 has been allocated to handle traffic signs and entrance culverts for a total budget of $440,000. 4 RURAL ADDITION UPDATE The followin is a review of each road that staff has w g orked on or is working on. Signatures for ROW were acquired last year for LAKEDALE ROAD but VDOT has requested a line of sight easement and another document had to be prepared. Staff met with the homeowners on October 21, 1999 to acquire signatures and temporary easements but all the documents were not completed. Staff will continue to acquire the necessary signatures and will submit to VDOT as soon as all the easements are recorded. VDOT normally will schedule the work within eighteen months of acceptance of LAKEDALE ROAD. Staff is still working on AUTUMN DRIVE AND BLUEBIRD LANE. Speculative interest existed on both projects but after several meetings, the homeowners have agreed to pay their prospective share. Preliminary plans have been completed for both projects. Staff plans to submit to VDOT for review within the next couple of months. As long as no right- of-way problems arise, we should submit both projects (BLUEBIRD LANE AND AUTUMN DRIVE) to VDOT sometime next spring or summer. Last year, VDOT moved/replaced the "end of State maintenance sign" on BROYLES LANE a tenth of a mile from the end of the road. According to residents, VDOT has always maintained this section; however, VDOT records showed only a 0.10 of a mile. Staff has been working with the residents to get the last .10 of mile into the State's system. The residents have agreed to pay a portion of the construction cost and staff will be submitting this road as soon as right-of-way documents are completed. Staff has included the existing State road in the revenue sharing program for minor widening and overlaying. Staff reviewed two new additions this past year: WILD TURKEY ROAD AND DEERFIELD ROAD. Both of these roads were reviewed under our new policy. Speculative interest was determined to exist on WILD TURKEY ROAD and staff worked out the preliminary speculative cost. The residents were notified of the cost but they declined to participate; therefore, WILD TURKEY ROAD will not be added to the list per our new policy for rural additions. DEERFIELD ROAD originally was on the 1985 bond referendum but approximately four or five years ago, staff was unable to acquire the necessary right-of-way and/or easements to proceed. At that time, staff requested the Board to remove DEERFIELD ROAD from the list due to these issues. This year, the residents again requested assistance and staff is working with the property owners and Hunting Hills Association to see if the easements and ROW can be obtained. At this time, we have not secured any documents; therefore, staff is not adding DEERFIELD ROAD to the official rural addition list. • 7 RURAL ADDITION PRIORITY LIST FAMILIES PROBLEMS *ESTIMATED ~(1) ROAD Autumn Dr. DISTANCE 700' SERVED 3 SEEN Right-of-way and drainage COST $150,000 easement required. Speculative interest. (2) Bluebird Ln. 3400' 9 Drainage easement required. $340,000 Speculative interest. (3) Creekside Dr. 1100' 3 18% grade. Speculative $130,000 interest. (4) Artrip Ln. 300' 4 Right-of-way and drainage $ 40,000 easement required. (5) Smokey Ridge Rd. 800' 6 Right-of-way and drainage $120,000 easements required. Turnaround area may be a problem. Private property damage. (6) Indian Hill Rd. 1300' 4 Right-of-way and drainage $130,000 easements required. Speculative interest. (7) Hemlock Ave. 1500' S Right-of-way and drainage $150,000 easements required. Significant private property damage. (8) Raintree Rd. 2600' 15 Right-of-way and drainage $325,000 easements required. Adjacent to Parkway. (9) Chestnut Mtn. Ci. 500' 6 Right-of-way and easements $50,000 required. (10) Southview Dr. 800' 5 Right-of-way and easements $80,000 required. (11) Williams Ave. 300' 6 Right-of-way easements $30,000 required. (12) Lucado St. 700' 5 Right-of-way easements $87,500 required. (13) Kathryn Dr. 790' 4 ROW required, stream $79,000 crossing and difficult horizontal alignment. (14) Cowman Rd. 400' 4 ROW required, homes $80,000 close to road. (15) Harmony Ln. 900' 8 Right-of-way and drainage $90,000 easement required. (16) Alcoa Rd. 1109' 8 APCO lines, row required, $160,000 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 6 FAMILIES PROBLEMS *ESTIMATED ROAD DISTANCE SERVED SEEN COST (17) Willow Valley 3600' 4 ROW required, possible $360,000 speculative interest, SWM. (18) Falling Crk. 800' 3 Adjacent to Wolf Creek, $ 80,000 ROW required, spec interest (19) Rusty Rd. 300' 7 ROW required, steep terrain, $200,000 sight distance problems. (20) Crescent Ln. 1000' 11 ROW required, spec. interest, $100,000 Woodland Ln. utility reloc. (21) Riverview Rd. 1200' S ROW required, spec. interest. $120,000 (22) Broyles Ln 500' 10 Possible citizen participation $3,000 (23) Townsend Ln 400' 5 Sight distance problems $20,000 TOTAL $2,924,500 ''THE ESTIMATED CO ST IS FOR CO NSTRUCTION OF TH E ROAD ONLY. THE ESTIMATED COST DOES NOT INC LUDE: UTILITY RELOCATION, RIGHT-OF-WAY, CONSTRUCTION STAKEOUT, ENGINEERING, OR ROCK WALLS. THE HOMEOWNER AND/ OR ROANOKE COUNTY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE COSTS. 7 1. c. INCIDENTAL CONSTRUCTION: Items include minor construction that can be completed normally within one year such as pavement overlays, drainage improvements and minor curve improvements. Staff has not included any funds for incidental construction in the six-year plan since all incidental items have been addressed under the revenue sharing program for this year. The use of the revenue sharing fund for incidental projects is based on the assumption that Roanoke County will participate in the revenue sharing program. If the Board decides not to participate in the revenue sharing program, staff will review the need to fund several prioritized projects (pages 45-64) from our secondary yearly allocation. 1. d. NUMBERED PROJECTS: The bulk of Roanoke County's allocation funds are for numbered projects. This year, staff anticipates approximately $3.16 million to be allocated toward reconstruction. The entire six- year plan is enclosed for your review (pages 34-40). Following is a summary of our current and proposed plan for next year: The following roads have been completed or have received sufficient funds to be completed, and no longer appear on the six-year plan: WOODHAVEN ROAD AND THE VERNDALE DRIVE BRIDGE IS COMPLETED. 1. d. 1. PROJECTS SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE FUNDING IN FY 00/01: THE FOLLOWING ROADS ARE CURRENTLY IN THE SIX-YEAR PLAN AND ARE SCHEDULED TO RECEIVE FUNDING THIS FISCAL YEAR: The first road shown in the plan (Patterson Drive, unpaved road) is currently under construction and is scheduled to receive $50,000 next fiscal year to complete. Priorities #1-12 are scheduled to receive funding this year and are highlighted over the next several pages. Priorities #13-15 will not receive any funding this year. Priorities #16-17 are unpaved roads. Priority # 16 will receive funding this year. Unpaved roads are a separate account and the allocation is based upon the number of qualifying lane miles within each County. Unfortunately only 4.78 miles of our unpaved roads (23.24 total miles) qualify for funding because they do not meet the minimum 50 vehicles per day requirement. U 8 RO A~'~ O KE C 0 u ~ TY ~E C OND ~~Y SYST~~1 i cj~ ~~AR ROAD P?.^ ~~ c z c ~o P ~~ V ~A ~ \l a,J 1 Or.antlo Rv `1 Q. ~ ~/ 4 ~ c9~7L.. ~ /T -Q,~„ ~ R~ G. z .a a`~ 6 i cos Go- I+ 0 x c 'A w in Fc +c • ~a o,. ~ d,. ,, r ~~ A ~' ~e ^Po N ,s i~ T 3 ~~ H 0 LLI ~; S P O ~D N PROPOSES LhiPRO'v~l~i~'N'~'S .• `Q~ ~ ^~ ,~ K~ JK x -~ '~ ~Y ' , ,• .,.Xr°~ -~/ 1 *~ ,..~ ~~~ v ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ i p~ w v ~,~ $`~,e ~` do F 2 _L ~~ ~„ ~ PRQPO.,~,~ L~viPROVE~SENTS a ~' 1_ I (Yi ~ I Y~ C I} 2 ~{ % GRi~~1NAL SCD~FD CF WDRK ar~wa P,DDi-IGNA.L S~C~F~ ~F 'w ARK ti ~~ COTTON HILL R04D ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YE~F. ROAD PLAN r~ !~, '/ ~~ /~n. 1 L CC. ~-;~:~~ Rya. RO~~iOKE COL-~iTY SECONDAF~~ S~-cTE'~1 SIX YEAP~ ROAD PLAN 9 j f ~ °` .a \,` 2~ ,2 ,~ ` ~' G N n °=cin~ ='o~. e 4. Blew °~•+n.y:,a,y RZ f• 5 ~> > 4 3 '• JQ~ ~' eo ~r a~ ~ M r ~7f .r9 C >~ 4~ ~Op ~`` 'P. ~ta• .,t~5 R:. 53I ~ 4y a..~ ~Og ~ t R e C ~ `3 a ry ~~ r0~ l ov 53" ~ g.. "+ P C ~ A ~, Dy ` \ G C 'fn a ~ `~l~lM9 L~ 17,58 \l n t]~ c~u` o ~ ~ a l ~ ~ + 6~ a ~ \ A c \ SV I a n a , 5 F""'ue ti e c ~ 5 i ~ ~ g ,V o-a > ~ ~ ''~~.. ~i ~ ,` Y o o 1 ~ V 1J~0 a. P r`a ~..,eo. . I `fin f U Rt :008 . .~A' Crw° P~~ ~[`~ ° J S ~r < ~ ~~ ~ 0. s ~ A. '~a.,l 3 t.ew~~ ~ ?~6 c ~M qa 1. 'c. H ~c v J 'r ~a`-ay .a ;~ O. a J 7 y 9' ~ NG! ~1~~ ~ N ~ 2~ Q Df ; .y OQ pr n 'a c~K^O"~ ~ 30 5~ MOL.~ ~iT_4I~+ VIEW F 0.4D PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS E ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLa N :1 i D Y S i:Y Li Cy`n~ ~ ~~ SJJ~ ~ ¢~ O . v 22 a ,`r r i `j~~ ~~":~ ~y •3 _y ~ n N 7 t 9{ N 1 I O Cc ~i ~~ ~~~~W ~r7n[n ~ Rt. 677 pi ,` ~'o, N F A d Z~ '~~?`~ ~ ~ ~ J ~a m Q U f N C O D m PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS Q7 rG'`~~ BOONES CH4PEL PO ~D R :. 6;5 i ~~ 2 z A, ~~ ~s ~~ I~ ROA.'V OKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX Y E ~1? F.0 AD P ~~± ,,:, Cam,` Du'~'^riGCe `~ ~ ` r~ Wr ~ , ~x,. ' ~Ur-; .~ ~ D~ ,~ ~Lia rGrv . ~~ +e~7 ~ .. 6~~~ ~~g Cr° ~ i ~ ~~' " 10 or, ryc~ v ~!' ~ ~ - D~ ~o~ ~ ~'~ ~ `,~- ~n ~' ~X s5 ~, do i ~ ~ ~~ i , ICJ / ~C~` i re R G~ ~ C`p's ~ ~~ d ~ ~ y ~ ~s ~~,~, --•.- ~~ y 2 ~ - ~r '~~s~ nr ~~'1a4~ ._ 9~ ~r ~_ s ~ _, " . T, FR~PGS~~ IMPRGVE~IEN ~.. -~ ,~ ~,~ Te^~~le Dr Rt. 10~G HARDY ROAD • ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR RGAD PL~ti ~' 1`~ba ~G/ /~~~ F-~ Dr 7~'~ ~AC~-^ ,~L1 ~~. ,y ~~\ 69 ~~\+Q ~ ~~ a'" ~o-~'/ C~~b 0 ~, e ~` ~~c,, ~~Py (gyp. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS CAT AWB ~ CREEK R 0 AD ROANOKE COUNTY DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 00-O1 REVENUE SHARING `~l~( ~ ~, C, ~,~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~-' Y~ ~~ . Ge ~~ ~ce~ F ~~ ~ ~~ o 0 c 2 t~ J ~~ //~ Q~~ 5~ yoke Dr / ~%~ ~ Rt 940 /`~ % ~ ~ r' ,i` ~ ~ I / ~\ 1 d Gee o-` ~~ ~~c, ~~ ~~ ~-~~ ~~ e~-y Dr L. 5 =e~ 3'~ ~ p~.eas~''~t ~ ~~ ~L ~ P,`' o~~` ~'~ewP R~ 9p1 (,n /~~ ~f ~ ! % i`~ t / I PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS GLENMARY DRIVE • :7 • ROANOKE COUNTY SECO~V'DARY SYSTEM SIX YEAR ROAD PLAN PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS KINGS BROTHERS ROAD 1. d. 2. PROJECTS ADDED IN FY 00/01: • PRIORITY #11 GLENMARY DRIVE: (discussed previously) 1. d. 3. ROADS CONSIDERED, BUT NOT ADDED (INSUFFICIENT FUNDS CARVINS COVE DAM ROAD: Frontage road adjacent to interstate 81 at the end of Plantation Road, (future commercial potential). As is the case with Glen Mary Drive, frontage roads are not eligible for secondary or revenue sharing funds. The Board would have to request CARVINS COVE DAM ROAD become a secondary road. The interchange (exit 146) is being relocated with the widening of Interstate 81 and improvements can be requested at that time. INDIAN HEAD ROAD: Replace existing low water bridge on BOHON HOLLOW ROAD. As stated last year, bridge records indicate the bridge is in fair condition and even if the bridge would be replaced, staff does not anticipate the flooding problems to be eliminated due to the proximity of the Roanoke River and N & S railway. Several years ago, staff met with the property owners to have a private road upgraded and an access from Valley Tech Park to this community but the petition was not returned to us. HONEYSUCKLE ROAD: This is an unpaved road and only a short section of road meets the minimum vehicles per day requirement. Staff will continue to monitor traffic counts. CROWELL GAP ROAD: Updated traffic counts (1994) were insufficient. MONCAP TRAIL: Staff reviewed this road with the property owners and tried to work out a solution were the property owners paid for the improvements but costs were too high. Another unpaved road not meeting minimum vehicles per day. TWO FORD ROAD, ADDITIONAL SECTIONS OF HARDY ROAD, HERSHBERGER ROAD, VIEW AVENUE, POPLAR DRIVE, MANASSAS DRIVE AND FRANKLIN STREET were evaluated, but not considered a high priority at this time. Staff will review these projects in the field to determine if revenue sharing funds could be utilized to correct the worst areas. TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT TECHNOLOGY DRIVE (VALLEY TECH PARK] VDOT has notified us that the intersection does not warrant a traffic light based upon the existing traffic counts. STARKEY ROAD AND BUCK MOUNTAIN ROAD: Staff considered adding these two streets but funds were insufficient. BIKEWAY PLAN: As projects are added to the six-year plan which are included in the bicycle plan, staff will request the Board to make recommendations whether to fund or not. Staff would like the Board to adopt a Bikeway Plan for Roanoke County. 33 ~~ ~J • t O ~ ~ a N ~ O !~ C F ~qg ~ M F W ~ O W N U U W b N N N r N t a p i p. ~o m N n r yr .a vi .a O Y Y p Y P 0 C o 0 0 o 0 o r +~ ~ .+ {{p p N O N O N N N N n N yl O o 0 O O O O 0 O N ~ ~ N ~ O r W ~ ti N .i r ~ ~' ~ K ~ ,.. 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U N ~ K b H O q O U Q ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Years 2000-2001. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to adopt the attached resolution to approve the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and approve the allocation of funds for Fiscal Years 2000-2001. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the Board of Supervisors is required to conduct a public hearing on the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan to receive public comment. The plan before the County Board of Supervisors was presented to you at a work session on October 26, 1999. At the work session, County staff explained the evaluation process for inclusion of projects in the plan, reviewed the estimated funding for the next five years and the distribution of this year's allocation ($3.5 mi-lion) among the three funding categories. We have included a new transportation booklet with the latest information available. The funding shown, approximately $3.5 million, may be adjusted once the final allocations are made public in July 2000. Staff is now requesting the Board of Supervisors to conduct the Public Hearing and approve one of the following alternatives and impacts. • 41 • ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Conduct the public hearing and adopt the resolution approving the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and allocation of funds for Fiscal Years 2000-2001. 2) Conduct the public hearing and defer approval of the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 until staff can review (if any) additional comments received at the Public Hearing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. U • SUBMITTED BY: !`~ l~ ,- ( V ~ ~~ Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred _ To ACTION Motion by: APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------- VOTE No Yes Abs Harrison _ Johnson _ _ McNamara _ Minnix _ Nickens 42 LETTER OF INTENT • (Date) Mr. James Givens State Secondary Road Engineer 1401 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Re: County Primary and Secondary Road Fund (Revenue Sharing Program) Code of Virginia, Section 33.1-75.1 Fiscal Year 2000-2001 -County of Roanoke Dear Mr. Givens: The County of Roanoke, Virginia, indicates by this letter its official intent to participate in the "Revenue Sharing Program" for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. The County will provide $500,000 for this program, to be matched on adollar-for-dollar basis from funds of the State of Virginia. The County worked with its Resident Engineer and developed the attached prioritized list of eligible items of work recommended to be undertaken with these funds. The County also understands that the program may be reduced on a pro rata basis if requests exceed available funds. Having requested the maximum amount of state funds, the County further requests the opportunity to match additional funds if they are made available. Sincerely, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ae pc: Jeff Echols, Salem Resident Engineer, VDOT Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development, County of Roanoke Attachment: Priority Listing of Projects • 43 REVENUE SHARING 2. a. INTRODUCTION: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) annually provides counties the opportunity to receive State matching funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the State's highway system. The Commonwealth of Virginia increased the amount from ten million dollars to 15 million dollars two years ago for the matching program and limits localities to $500,000 each. However, if more or less than 20 counties participate, our share of money will be reduced/increased proportionately. Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation staff have been continuously reviewing and evaluating streets and drainage requests throughout the year. In addition to reviewing citizens' inquiries, staff contacted Roanoke County's Economic Development Department, Utility Department and VDOT's area superintendents. VDOT and County staff have reviewed and evaluated each request received for inclusion in the revenue sharing plan. In deciding which projects would be included, the following criteria were used; traffic counts, pavement width (18' or greater for plant mix) existing and future development, overall pavement conditions (alligator cracking, depressions and utility cuts), drainage, vehicular safety, and the economic benefits. Following is our priority of projects to be completed in the summer of 2001 or beyond. • 44 ROANOKE COUNTY DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 00-01 REVENUE SHARING ti,- ...,.. , ^ ~ ~.. , . r~ '`~Or LX J ~ K ~.i.~ ~ ~ ~~ ~y ~ r~~~ y x~~ x ~~ ~~ '('' T ~ X ~JJ ~~ -~ ~. '~ V L r, ~ ~ to v ~ ~v ~'~ C l e ~^~ z ,~~C ~ ,~ H e a t ~~ ~' ~~ ~f., ~ ' CC ~~ e~ r I ~1 o j~j>~~f- ., X~\~ v ~h. ~ ~ P t ~ n '% 01 ~ti ~c r ~ > .~ ~~ ~j~ ~ rV ~\ J /~-~ ~ ~` -~ i1 r , ~~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ %~ ~~"' alp ~,1~~~ S~~((, ~ ~c ~ ~ n ~~-I~S~ ~~ ~~)or~ ~ 7' ~ ,~ G~ L~,r "~ ~ a ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.: ~ R' CARRIAGE DRIVE ~'~ PROPCScD IMPROVEMENTS SUGAR LOAF DR BIGHORN DRIVE ROANOKE COUNTY ' DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 99-00 REVENUE SHARING ~~ ,~, s o ~~ ~ ,( ' J ~- N L '7" %~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ M ~ ~ ~~~\ ~~ use D~ `\ \~ - ~ .. ~ -- ~- C J Abbey ~,r~,ey Cr, ~~ I ~[.- OQ S P e d'i g ~ L n ter--- ~ y 9 ~'r ~~n 069 / R ~ .10 ~ 4~ G CJ i. wp~~ Dr RT,t ~ + Q - /. 1 ~ `02 G~~ '~ ~,~tio Per~brQOk Dr R=,,.iOE~ / / rl ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ + `56~' Car+brid9e qtr R _._ / a, 3 / ~,~. _ ~ O Bea U e r,5 C~~~ ~' ~0~ /Cr Q 2 c0 ~qr, F'r R ~,Ip6 j ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~IG~ o~O ~r 2'o rte-' ~-~ / I ~ C6~ ~ S O ~~ c / i ~ i _~ / ~, I-ern Cr, ~ ~ K x.1071 _L a, LL > C i Q~ ~ C.t t (iz~ b~xr R `~ 1(;4d ~~ ~~ MONTGOMERY VILLAGE PROPOScD IMPROVEMENTS ROA_NOKE COUNTY DESIGNATION OF FLTNDS FOR FY 00-01 REVENUE SHARING ~(` ,- P` i~ c r~~ C { . o ~ ;~ ~ c.. ~, O ~ ~ R t~ 1 S~1 o / Cave S-prang ~ Fire Dept. ~ Compan~~ ~ ~~ ~~or~d P ~ Rt,lS~~ ~n ~ s o ~ \ ~ ~ ~ O ~ x, ~ _~ _ u ~~ c~ ~ ~ ~x s~ c Q ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ ,t~~J ^J•J~ R t, ~. ~ e ~~~ Colo ?v ~ M Waal ~ p~~ v ~~ ~ ~ \ o ~ ~ ~G O ~ Fc~ ss ~ ~r~~, \ F ~ - - - . T ~' \ ~ HAZEL DR. ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS VEST DR. ROANOKE COUNTY DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 00-01 REVENUE SHARING C"~v\ L ~ Y IMi~, ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V' 1 E +~' ~ ~ ~O v w ~, ~ ~~~ s P ~ ti~ Cave Spring ~ ,~~~ ~` Q~ O Rescue Squad ~ V ~ ~ ,~,~ ~- 0 1~0 ~e y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;~ tiL ,. _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v ~~ ~o^ ~~~~ ~l ~ ~ Y~~ ~ Q '~ ~~ ~ ~ I50 ~~ .x~ ~\ E(e ~ ~~ ~ C ~r~~C i ~ ~~ ~° PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS } ~~ ~ .~~ ~,~, Q' P~ ~ ~ c*~ ti VCS ~~ ~v ~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~. ~ r~~ ~~ ,~ MOUNT VERNON HEIGHTS (WEST) ROANOKE COUNT' DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 00-01 REVENUE SHARING ~( i 0 ~-, C ~~ ~~/ ~\~~~ .\,~,~ v~ G ~ ~ ~~ r ~~ _~ ~C ~ ~~~ ~ ~~, G ~~F ~~ ~~`~ ~~ S~ ~ jO~ RURAL ADDITION ti~ ~~ ~1 ~~ ~ ~, %,~ ,) '~ ~ ~ ~v O ~C \~~ Q ~~~~ ~ \~ CJ R~.1~' 3 ,~~ ~~ Mulro~tand / ~r o- ~~ ~~~r~ Tie; 4' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J q ~~ ~~ c~ cj ~ . ~-' r ti ~~~ ~ ~ ~ r~ ~v ~ ~ ` ~ ~~'~ ~ 2 ~ ~~~~~ ~o ~ f-. ~~1 ~`rJ ~-~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS BROYLES LN ROANOKE COUNTY DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR FY 00-01 REVENUE SHARING ~: "" ^'~ ~,r ~~ ~~ Paii s~ ~ sade 'u~~ K~ %~ Dr ' ~. r ,~ ~ ~ :Oi:; ~ R ~. ~ V %, Or '' y \^ o ~ ' ~c~ " n t -- ~ v~ ( Dr ~ca~e ~ l r e l ~~ ,~ ~ 1~,S'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~9 d _5 ~ ~ F ~ .S ~ ~ ~ '~ j}o.tadler Dr N e'~ G~~ ~ , ~ Ln ~ ~ R ~.103c ~\~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D~,, Rte. 1012 ~ ~~ ~ ~ / OJ Q~ ~ `o- Miss~r~er Ct o-~~ ` ~ l- Rt,104~ ' ,Y ~e Ra . o- Ir`e' I 9 Cr C - ° ~ - ~ ~ , ti G ~ , Y ~ ~y ~x 6's Ter~ple Dr / Rt, 1GS0 / *4 / R t. 634 / ~ s ~I~C Lr / . 2.1064 / i HARDY ROAD TEMPLE DRIVE ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ROANOKE COL?NTY DESIGNATION OF FUNDS FOR • FY 00-01 REVENUE SHARING • ~~ PROPOSES IMPROVEMENTS WATERFALL LAKE SUMMERVIEW DR 2 c ROADS CONSIDERED, BUT NOT FUNDED; Staff was unable to acquire the necessary easements along VALLEY FORGE AVENUE to improve the vertical curve at the intersection of Concord Place. GLENVAR EAST, BEVERLY NORTH SUBDIVSION STREETS, HORSE SHOE BEND ROAD, MERINO DRIVE, BURNHAM ROAD, LONGHORN ROAD, NOTTINGHAM HILLS SUBDIVISION ROADS AND BRAHMA ROAD were considered but funds were insufficient. Staff added a mile of BLACKSBURG ROAD last year but decided to hold any additional funding until the first mile is paved. We will evaluate the remaining sections of road again next year. Economic Development requested a traffic signal to be installed at the entrance to VALLEY TECH PARK in 1998; the traffic counts still do not warrant a signal. Staff will request VDOT review again later this year. Economic Development also requested GLENMARY DRIVE be supplemented with revenue sharing funds. In 1997, staff received a complaint concerning a sight distance problem turning onto WALTON LANE from Keagy Road. Staff contacted the property owners again this year but the property owner still will not allow this work. Staff added a section of HARBORWOOD ROAD but funds were insufficient to complete the entire length. We will review the remaining sections again next year. Again, staff reviewed MOUNT VERNON HEIGHTS and CASTLE HILL subdivisions for inclusion but funds were insufficient. The Utility Department is scheduled to upgrade the waterlines in this area and the two staffs will coordinate our efforts. Staff received a request to overlay PITZER ROAD and after review, we can defer for at least one year. Staff will review again next year for inclusion. Staff reviewed HOLLINS COURT this year but a few of these streets have been recently accepted into the State's Secondary System. We also reviewed the streets in CAMPBELL HILLS subdivision and GLENVAR HEIGHTS BLVD for inclusion, but funds were insufficient at this time. This concludes our presentation on the Revenue Sharing Program. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact VDOT or our staff. The public hearing will be scheduled sometime in November. 65 rl 00 .-~ , ~ w W F~ FBI ~ ~ o z ~ ~' z o o z W W ~ x ~ z Q rn N V ~ W ~ o w ~"' A ~'' r r ~ ~ w '"~ W a ~ H U W A F ~ ~ A D w~ z z z z z z z z z z a ~ v z x W `~ U a ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ D C 3 > > > 0 > z > > > > > > > c r.0.~ '' Z x r 2 ~ x r G ~ x_ r ~ ;n x_ 'r ~ V: x r ~ vJ x r L :n x r Z rn ~ r L ti _x r ~ L7 x_ r ~ V1 Y C C G _ y Z ~. F~ Z F N Z F~ Z F~ 7 ~- ~ Z F~ Z F~ Z ~n F~ Z v~ F N Z , . . _ i m ~ a a .-. a - a 0. 0. d F 9 ~ C ~° z r r r r r r r r r r a e ~ ~ ~ v z z z z z z z z z z ~ m z m z a x U C 1NJ ~ t+1 ~ N d' W 00 ~ OHO 00 C ~ 00 Oh ~ r h M S a ~ OO O~ N M „J N N N W ~ > ''' ~. w 0 0 w 0 ~ Q w w o 0 a0 ~D w w 0 0 h w w 0 0 ~ w w 0 0 ~--~ ~D w O o W M M w w O o g M M ~. w0 o M 3 M u. w 0 0 M ? O y~ ~ V1 - fA N ~ M ~ M ~ V7 ti ~ ~ O W VI M ~ M_ ~ M a ~~ V] ? a lI ~ ~ O_ ti C N ~ ~ O_ ~ O_ h O 'n ~ ~ O_ ~ O_ Vj R ~ ~ (Y O_ O h R z ~ O _ O_ a VJ R R rya~1 O O_ ~ !n e N ~ 1 O a O_ W{a~ ~ (.. 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' F W ~" p ? ~ F- ~-. ;Z W ? x ~ F W F W z x ? ~ ' ~ ~ ~ O F z O ~ U ~ U w ~ 0 F Q ~ v o 0 00 ~ O x~ "' o o Z a iz c c o 0 , m :z .~ O ^ ~ ~ ~ z z} r r r z ~.~3~ F K z %~ ~" ~ Q ' ¢ z Q z z Z z 0. ~ ~ n m .~ o o o z ~, ~ - ~, o z o ° N z V F ' ' a of w w ~n Z vv'i ~~., ono o O ? ~. ~F ~ F N ~ ~ O .* o F z m H Gtr, v i O Vi H c9 VI Z L ~ L C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q i! xE.. ca W o cU =.3 ~ ~ o z_ >oo zF~ O z Q o Z F o p kW- o~~ O Z ~ F a_~ ~ ~za az~ ~,~ ~~ x p " ~ z a ~ ~ ~ z ~ '~ `~ W .. m ~o A-112399-12 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Consideration of Projects for FY 2000-2001 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval of alternative #2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to approve the prioritized list of projects for the FY 2000-2001 VDOT Revenue Sharing Program and authorize the County Administrator to sign the letter of intent to participate in the Revenue Sharing Program for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) annually provides localities the opportunity to receive state matching funds for the construction, maintenance, and improvement to primary and secondary roads in the state's highway system. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides $15,000,000 for the matching program and limits localities to $500,000 each. However, if more or fewer than 20 counties participate, our share of money will be reduced/increased proportionately. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As a result of the work session on revenue sharing priorities at the October 26, 1999 Board meeting, we have adjusted the revenue sharing requests to add the roads that will be used for an entrance to the new South County High School. We have added Pleasant Hill Drive and Bent Mountain Road to the proposed priority list for FY 2000-2001. We have received a written agreement from the School Board for the $200,000 required for these two roads for the school project. This reduces the overall amount that can be allocated to Countywide items from $500,000 to 1 . ~ spa $300,000. Items that are being deferred as a result of adding the roads for the school project will be added to the list for the following revenue sharing year. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Approve the project list as initially presented at the October 16, 1999 work session and authorize the County Administrator to sign the letter of intent and defer appropriation of the funds ($500,000) until July 1, 2000. 2) Approve the project list as amended at the October 26, 1999 work session to include $200,000 from the Schools for improvements to Pleasant Hill Drive and Bent Mountain Road for the new South County High School, and authorize the County Administrator to sign the letter of intent and defer appropriation of the funds ($500,000) until July 1, 2000. 2) Decline to participate in the Revenue Sharing Program for Fiscal Year 2000- 2001. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 2. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Arnold Covey, Direct r Elmer C. Hodge Department of Community Development County Administrator ACTION Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File Motion by: Joseph McNamara to approve Johnson staff recommendation Harrison McNamara Minnix Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development VOTE No Yes Abs _ x x x x Nickens x 2 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. +~ "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing and Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending and Readopting the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County Virginia by the Addition of Standards for the Design and Development of Cluster Subdivisions COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This is excellent work by the Planning Commission and staff. These guidelines are reasonable for many projects and they also provide good preliminary work for those projects that might go to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. 1 prefer that a new ordinance such as this, with the by- right staff approval, be a little tighter than necessary until we try a few. We can amend it later. There is always an appeals process if the developer wants more flexibility. Recommend that the Board approve on November 23th. BACKGROUND• The Planning Commission has prepared cluster housing amendments to the zoning ordinance. If adopted by the Board of Supervisors, these amendments will allow landowners to develop their property using "clustering" techniques, thereby improving design flexibility, and permanently preserving open space without increasing the gross allowable density of the property. Major provisions of the ordinance include: Cluster development would be allowed by right in R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zoning districts provided public water and sewer are provided to each lot. Between 35% and 50% of each site developed would be permanently reserved and maintained as open space. Ownership of the open space (public/private) would be determined at the time of plat review. The amount of open space required 1 2 would be dependant upon the existing conditions prior to development. Sites with more significant natural features would require higher open space dedications. • Limited private streets would be allowed in cluster developments. No less than three nor more than 20 homes could be located on any private street network, and any home on a private street must be within 500 feet of an access point to a public street. • There would be no minimum lot sizes in cluster developments. In addition, there would be no minimum setbacks in cluster developments, with the exception of cluster lots adjacent to conventional development. New lots on public streets must have a minimum of 48 feet of public street frontage. Minor changes have been made to the ordinance since the Board's worksession on November 9th. These are: • We have further defined standards for trail development in cluster developments, eliminating the connotation that trails must be developed to formal greenway standards • We have modified the water and sewer standards for cluster developments, clarifying that private laterals can be an option, not a requirement, on private streets • We have eliminated the language that implied that some open space in cluster developments would be suitable for public facility locations such as schools, libraries, fire stations etc. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. The Board of Supervisors hold a public hearing and approve Second Reading of these ordinance amendments on November 23, 1999 S-~ 3 Respectfully Submitted, Terrance L. Har ngton, AICP Department of Community Development Approved, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Action Approved Denied Received Referred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Harrison Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens J (' ~ ~-.' -•.: AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 ORDINANCE 112399-13 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JEFFREY SHAWVER FOR A PRIVATE STABLE TO BE LOCATED AT 501 TEXAS HOLLOW ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 44.04-2-47.1), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jeffrey Shawver has filed a petition for a special use permit for a private stable to be located at 501 Texas Hollow Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-2-47.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 2, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on October 23, 1999; the second reading and public hearing on this matterwas held on November 23, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Jeffrey Shawver for a private stable to be located at 501 Texas Hollow Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-2- 47.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1999 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) Removal of existing trees shall be minimized. (2) A maximum of three horses shall be allowed. (3) The area for containment of the animals shall be fenced on all sides. (4) All animal-grazing areas shall have sufficient ground cover to minimize 1 storm water runoff and erosion, and shall not be denuded. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson A COPY TESTE: ct. Brenda J. Holt , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terry Harrington, County Planner John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M Mahoney, County Attorney 2 '~°~ i9 141 • 33ff "~ 5 ~~ ~ . 2 V ~o.sry65 ~ „49` 4a~3' ` ~ ~l m ~ " 2 '~ L.i .,n~.i ~ •.~ .~, 1.20 - ~ ~ ;n 121.39 3906 75 /~ ~ •~'/~ ~ TN. N •6 w ~` 508 X1.1 147.3 .5 J 75 100 ~, ~,:,:~,~~.,;: 75 , ~ +, ,..~.y ~'^S~, 1 `' :"k 'rrz j N ? 1 • 2 ..... 1605 „~ ~ o4~-j'!'~; #~! ~~. °'de'19 Z6'/ 75.12 ,~a• (11 "?.?x~1~s,~w: ?617 5 75 - i;#I. ;f!y:taY~, .5 7s 5~ ~s;7sy.~;t. 75 ~ ~ :,,..:.,,.ir i- 5. ~ ~ b ~., i . '..4 ,a a ti^;., 4~'ii,. .~ N 2,SS4 a ' s1`Za 2 jD 767 34,.4' Y, ir.; 7 J2 „6Q1 3~~a ~ N1 ~ ~' ~38J> > a3~.,T 77 ~ 5 cr ~ :i °~v._' 10 1 i 60 ~ ~~ n O ~ `` ' ~ti• ,~,1 '~ ~,tr ~~~ 7Ei.9 ~ ~: • ~ . c. 2 ~s1~ 7 ., 16~~ Z%•57 ~ h~ u+ 75.34 .5'~ ~ r' ~~a ti~ Qw~7. 95.t7q 85:]4 46 ~ ~ U . ~d 26l0 ^nn ~ Wes- 703 ~~ ~V. ~,3~~ ~~~i9 1$ 7 m 5~(? a 1615 N ~ .~_9 ~g,l ~ ~ , g3 6 ~ 5b 54 ~ ~^ 51.5'` `~1 : w#" .. L (. 4.5o Ac. ~~ ~~ v 316.= a:~ ~s 1 . ~ :.J AC ,~ i 316.5 ~ ~• 3 ...;? d %~ 2.0 Ac. i; .c - , r 4 _ , i ~ ~ r'~ t u - - x. :r ~1 514 ~J. 1 .85 Ac. ~~~h ~~7 ~% r ~ 1~gA~~>~E. ~`fl~1'NTY ~T~,ffrey ~". ,Sh.~wver DEPAR7'l~i~'tVT ©~' S~pe~ial Use CaM~IUN~TY DEYEL4P.4.~E11tT 44.04-2-4'7.1 ~. _ - ~ 1 ~-~ PETITIONER: JEFFREY SHAWVER CASE NUMBER: 39-11/99 Planning Commission Hearing Date Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: November 2, 1999 November 23, 1999 S~ A. REQUEST Petition of Jeffrey Shawver to obtain a Special Use Permit for a private stable, located at 501 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Shawver pointed out the location of the stable and responded to questions from the Commission as follows: only dead/dying trees will be removed; no more than three horses will be stabled. Ms. Hooker advised the Commission that she has received a note from Mrs. Poe, an adjoining property owner, who is in favor of the request. D. RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS 1) Removal of existing trees shall be minimized. 2) A maximum of three horses shall be allowed. 3) The area for containment of the animals shall be fenced on all sides. 4) All animal-grazing areas shall have sufficient ground cover to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion, and shall not be denuded. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Ms. Hooker moved to recommend approval of the petition with the recommended conditions. The motion for approval carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Witt, Robinson, Hooker NAYS: None ABSENT: Ross F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map Staff Report _ Other Terry Harringt ,Secret Roanoke C my Planning Commission --~, *'~ ~~ ' c~- STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: DATE: 10/26/99 Jeffrey S. Shawver CASE NUMBER: 39-11/99 PARTI A. Summary The request is for a Special Use Permit on a parcel of approximately 7.58 acres zoned R-1 Low Density Residential. The application is for use of the property as a private stable. The lot has an address of 501 Texas Hollow Road. It is in the Catawba Magisterial District and the Glenvar Community Planning Area. In the Community Plan, the property is designated as Neighborhood Conservation. Use of land for a private stable is not specifically listed as an encouraged land use type in Neighborhood Conservation; however, at the same time it is not identified as undesirable. The surrounding environs consist of single-family residences, vacant land and Interstate 81. B. Description This is a request by Jeffrey Shawver to rezone a 7.58-acre parcel of property located along Texas Hollow Road. The proposal is for a Special Use permit in order to allow for a private stable. Parcel is located in a mostly residential neighborhood with a mixture of lot sizes and borders Interstate 81. C. Applicable Regulations A private stable is an Agricultural and Forestry Use allowed only by Special Use Permit in the R-1 Low Density Residential zoning district. Specific use and design standards per Section 30-81-5 are as follows: Minimum lot size: 2 acres. 2. On lots of less than five acres, no more than one stable animal per acre shall be permitted. 3. Stables and corrals shall comply with all the setback requirements for accessory buildings. 4. Stables shall properly manage animal waste so as to not create a nuisance or health hazard to adjoining or nearby property owners. PART II A. Analysis of Existing Conditions Use The property is used as asingle-family residence, left in its natural state. with a significant portion being left undisturbed and Location The property is located in the Catawba Magisterial District and the Glenvar Community Planning Area, along Texas Hollow Road, directly abutting the southbound lanes of Interstate, across from the entrance to Creekwood Drive and approximately 3500 feet north of the intersection of with West Main Street in the City of Salem. Lot The lot is approximately 7.58 acres in area. There is an existing 2-story home on the property. The home is set back approximately 391 feet from the street and about 25 feet above grade. With the exception of a few frame sheds, the remainder of the property is basically undeveloped and left in its natural state. `~ ~--~~~ There is a large roiling meadow to the north of the house and trees along most of the property lines. From Fort Lewis Boulevard, where two homes abut the property to the rear, there is significant foliage and the lot does not appear to be visible beyond the trees. Surrounding Neighborhood Adjacent land uses consist of (single-family) residences, an interstate highway and vacant land. To the south of the property is Interstate 81, southbound lanes. Single family residences abut the lot to the rear (east) and across Texas Hollow Road (west). The lots that directly abut the property are larger lots, almost 2 acres in area. There is significant foliage between the subject property and those lots. To the north is a vacant 4 %2-acre parcel. B. Analysis of Proposed Development Site Layout/Architecture The applicant is proposing to house 1 horse immediately, with a possibility of no more than 3 in the future. The horses will be stabled in the frame shed closest to Interstate 81, where 2 stalls already exist. The applicant has stated that the existing fencing is sound and sturdy. The applicant does not anticipate removing any trees of vegetation, and will use the field for grazing the horses, Access/Traffic Generation The existing residential entrance will be utilized. C. Conformance with the Community Plan This property is designated Neighborhood Conservation in the 1998 Community Plan. Areas for Neighborhood Conservation, according to the Plan, are, "...where established single-family neighborhoods are delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged." Additionally, the preservation and enhancement of the character of established neighborhoods through boundary protection and the addition of desired amenities is identified as a key objective. The Community Plan does not specifically identify the private stable land use type. Consideration should be given to retaining as much of the existing vegetation and foliage as they minimize stormwater runoff and provide an excellent buffer from adjacent properties. The use of the private stable will somewhat serve to further preserve the existing conditions of the neighborhood, as the vacant acreage will not be use for the construction of additional dwellings. PART I I I Staff Conclusions This property is designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Community Plan. There appears to be ample acreage to accommodate the maximum of three horses. The property is located in a mostly single- family residential area, and directly abuts Interstate 81. Other {ots range in size from'/4 acre (across Texas Hollow Road) to 2'/2 acres (behind the property}. The lot has significant vegetation and tree cover along several of the property lines. If the Commission is in support of the change in land use, staff recommends the following proffers: 1) Removal of existing trees shall be minimized. 2) A maximum of three horses shall be allowed. 3) The area for containment of the animals shall be fenced on all sides. 4) All animal-grazing areas shall have sufficient ground cover to minimize stormwater runoff and erosion, and shall not be denuded. ,~ >- ~ Ci~eCk t`/pe Ci 3ppllC3tiOn Tlied (CileC:< ail :iiai app'tyi: ^ REZONING ~SPPC!A,L USc ,^VARIA.~JCP Applicant's name: ~~~'•'r-R'~~ S Sf!~~/~''~ Address: ~,~~ ~~LLE"~Z~-1~•~ ~'~ ~~~LC/'~ ~~ ~ ~/~~ date ,yep:. appiicacicn .ee ~ ~ ecei ed ~:~' ~"~' P~,az da ~-~ ~. placards issued: a05 data: i Ca<e 'lumoe.:~.~~.~~1~~ I ;I r7 T r: ~ ~~~' S~~;tk lit ~::.'.`. [~ - Lip CCGfe; I 0 w n e r' s n a,m e : ~o f-L •~,/ ~ ~~.~~ /~} ~. -~ ~ L 1_._ P ~~ a n e :.~~' 87- C~ Address: ,5~~ T~"yC.45 ~at~. o,+~ ~'~ ~~L~M Y~ Zip Ccce: 2~.'/ ~'3 Location o. property: Ta:c Map Number: ~~ pL~- 2. ~ ~~ / f t-• /~ ~~-~~~'/ y-~ fV~agl$teriai DIS.I ICt: C'~/y~:~~iT- J~ ComiTiUriltV Plai infnCJ Area: ~,~'1.JJ/~aC~ Size ar ponce( (s;: Pasting Zoning: .~- -58 c, es Pxisting Land Use: sq.r. ...................... . ;~~:'; ~a~: ::ii ;~~~•~./'4 ~~zf •~ ~ •;~~: t J-. t. ~; r-I'r. ~::~r. ~` :~~ 1~;~~.7~~.: ~:F-t 7:s~.. r,l~ ~7 ~:i Proposed Zoning: ~~, ~~-,~, psed Land USc: r'' ` ~~L•~~ i" ~ i ~~ ~ ~ Prp 1; rr• stagy use c~~y ;Use Tyae: ' , p t Does the parcel meet the minimum Ict area, width, one montage requirements er the requested district? YcS ~~ NO IF N0, A V,^-~~=~iA.~~ICc Ic P,E~OUIRED PIrtS i . Does the parcel mee- the minimum criteria nor t~`~a request=_d Use Type? YPS '~~ C IF N0, A VAR,IANCc IS R~C?UIRP FIRST, If rezoning request, are conditions being prone: ee with this request? YPS NO - - ~- varlanCe Ct~ SeCtlOn(S) pT the RCanpKe Cpunt-~ Zonis Ordinanc; in or^,'ar to: COU~lTY CF RO~.P`~UKE DEFT. GF FLA.NNING ~.ND ZGN(I~JG 5~0+~ Bernard Dr. P.O. Sox 2°80C Rcanoke, VA 24013 ( 5yp` 77L-%063 F;=.: (5='.0 iV j ^_-? i 08 Is the application complete? Please check it enclosad. ArPLICA.TION 'NfLL NGT EE ACC=PT=Z iF A.~~" 0~= Tr,,SSE ITPMS ARS MISSING CR INCOMPL~P. R!5 V R/9 V AIS V Consultation ~ 8 1 i2" x l' "concept plan ~ ~ Application ~ es ~~~ Metes and ~punds description ~~'<,-, Pra~~ers, i>' appiicaeie Application ` ><:;, Justiricatlpn `r~'•u~ Water and Sewer 'apollCatiCn ~ ~ AeIGIriInC pfOCE'-~( G~'1r / f7e~e.~~/ c.:rtiry chat i a~ 2.'C!`le>r the Qwn2! Of i!'P Q~OOe.'';/ D~ the O'f'/ne!'S a0°^i O~ COr%Crc`CC ;O Ur C:^cCc~ "~'lO am acting vvr'rh the know/edge and cc~ent or" he owne~.~ Owner's Signature: t .~-I.r f z .r.~-s ~I~ , r`~t < z.; ~ ~~~}~Y~ t' ..-tt~ ~ c..~ ~~ ~" y~~ ~~- ~ '..,,.. ~ A.ppiicant +~~~ r ~ ~~ti w ,: The P~anning Commissicn wlii stud•f re_cning ~rld SpeCioi USe p'riilt i"OC?!JeStS to d ;=c~~T~lne the ''le°_.: aid fUStlTlCatiCn fOr the Change In ternl5 CT pUb11C hE31th, Saiet';' end general 'M8i7ar2. O1c3Se ans+Nei tnE TGi~C'+ving questions as thorouchly as possoie. Use additicna' space IT necESSai'!, Pieria eYplaln hGW the reQUeS~ TUr'CherS the pUfpCSe= Oi tine LCning CrdlnanCe (~eCtiGn .~,C'~ aS 'Ne~~ a5 tnc pUrpGSc found at the beginning Of the 'apOIIC30ie ZOnInC ~ISt11Ct'CiaS51TICaJCrt ;n the zoning CrClnc'1C0. TAE ~.~,--, ..i~ S.~ R o,rJ.~/,> ~ .ter , ~ ~~ E~? Ti ~.~ S•~,JC ~-L.~~~ ~! ~ n~E ai- S.,vc .~ E ~---~ •+~ , ~y ~ ,,,ice u. ~ c,~ ~ ~ C=u.~Ti-~~ ~ ~N.41,.4~GE ~t/~ ~~,P~~ ~-4J cif ~ T~ ~ ~/ 1~ / i /c~v ~'ie3Se eXplaln iIOW the project conforms to the general guidelines and pciicies CCr it'c:ned In tree CG'anOKe CCUnLy Comprehensive °!a,^„ TAE S}~~'G1-4L !/~~ ~~=.~'Mi~ ~~/f=~Rn~s tNi Tom,. Sic . ~o - 8/ =S PIe35e describe the impacts; of the request on the property itself, the adjoining praceries, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water,'sawer, roads, sGhcais, pari<s,'recreati,on, and fire rescue. " " ~ ~-~ f-~~J CtJR R ENT Con! /~ ~ T i a.~/ / .~Fh~C t~VJ L .G.. ~/~'_' /~,~ PEA Tj- U,-v'../ ~'~ ~ ~~z ~v<3L. ~G Sri/~G.~-~ ~- ROANOKE VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ®' . ;" - ~® :. , ~,. OPPO RIiALTOR . Purchase Agreement' _ a° " "° ~ ~~ - ~ ~ (This is a suggested form for use in the purchase of residential propertyonly. If not understood; seek competent advice before-signing 1 - (Paragraphs marked with an asterisk' require a blank to be filled in or checked.) This`CONTRACT OF PURCHASE MADE AS OF , 19~ betwan , (the "Seller', whether one or more), and ~ ~ ~ (the "Purchaser",whether one or more), provides + L:REAL PROPERTY: Purchaser agrees to buy and Seller agrees to sell the land, all improvements thereon located in the (check as applicable) (.:) C~e_unty ' or( ..)City of ,Virginia anddescribedas(legaldescription): Lot V' , - Block DA ,Section ,Mapof .. and mo commonly known az: ~ ~ _ . together withThe items of parse ~ pertlTd~c~iri&~in r~ ~~tit~ "P ty'q. ~l'1 1n ~ ~] r~J, AGENCY DISCLOSURE AND CONFIRMATION: REALTORS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW AND THEiR CODE OF ETHICS TO TREAT ALL PARTIES TO THE TRANSACTION HONESTLY. Listing Agent Selling Agent: - ~ b) th e of ~9 n 4 to as Li _ the Seller is the agent of (check one) - - ~ ~ ~ both the Buyer and Seller the Buyer .-- , ~he Seller ~- _ ~ ~ _ both the Buyer and Seller - ^^ '~ Listing Firm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Selling Firm: /! ' ~~ e t c O ~JG 1'11-Yrl YI C ~ - ~ ' ~E t nd/ s r v ~ Fr~~ ~o Su vts ng o r is the agent of (check one) ~ is the agent of (check one) ~ - "' _ the Seller - the Buyer _ _ I i T '~ both the Seller and the Buyer _ _ the Seller - _ both the Buyer and the Setter .. The Seller and the Purchaser each confirm that disclosure of the agency relationships des cribed above has been in writing prior to I - presrntation and execution of this Contract. ]f a transaction involves Disclosed Dual Agency or Disclosed Designated Agency, the responsibilities of the parties-are defined in the Disclosed Dual Agency Consent and Co nfirmation Agreement or the Designated ~, Agency Consent and Confirmation Agreement which appropriate Agreement has been reviewed and signed prior to signing the ~ ~ - Purchase Agreement. r n ,..; -v ~.. t ~ - - - i~-. PURtI~~- DSte PU ~ + Gvt~-~-- ,~ ~'. SELLER - ...... ......._ ,._. Date_...._ SELLER-_ -.....,...Date..,.-, .y__....:. ~ l .'r i 2.. ADDENDA: The following addenda are made apart of this Contrace , ( )Residential Properly Disclosure ( )Dual Agency Consent and Confirmation - tJ~'Residential Property Disclaimer - ( )Designated Agency Consent and Confirmation. - - _ . - '. - ~'P.tad-Based Paint Disclosure ( ) VA, FHA and New Construction Addendum - ' - - ( )Standard Clauses Addendum ( ) - - - ( ) .. - ( ) ~` - +3.'?OCCUPANCY DISCLOSURE: ~ Purchaser acknowledges that he intends to b,~ccupy -not occupy the property as a principal residence. _ - _ '~ +4. RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: Seller represents that the Proper ( OR (') is not subject to the Virginia Residemial ' ~~ i - Properiy.Disclosure Act, Sections SSS 17 et. seq. of the Cade of Virginia, which requires the Sel lerof car ar in residential properly to furnish the Purchaser either (a) a property disclaimer statement stating that the Property is sold'"as is" except az otherwise provided in the purchase contract or (b) aproperty disclosure j statemen(disclosingdefectainlheconditionofthePropertyactuallykrtowntotheSeller.NorepresemationshavebeenmadebySellerregardirigparcetsadjacenl -. '. to the Fropeny. The Purchaser should exercise whatever due diligence he or she deems necessary with respect to adjacem parcels prior loseltlemen[ on the ~, Property. The Purchaser has been fumished a ( )Residential Property Disclosure (~~fResidential Property Disclaimer form .prior to signing ' - this Contract. if the Disclosure~or Disclaimer is not fumished prior to the signing of this Contmct, Purchaser shall have the right to terminatethe Contract afor . priorto the earliest of(i)three(3)days afterdelivery of the Disclosure or Disclaimer in person, or(ii)five(5)days after the postmark if the Disclosure o{Disclaimer) ._ •. ~: is deposited in the United Slates mail, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the Purchaser, or(iii)seulementupon purchaseoflhe Property. or(iv)occupancy .` ~I of the Property by the Purchaser, or (v) the ezecmion by the Purchaser of a written waiver of the Purchaser's right of temtination contained In a written document ' ~ separate from this Contract, or (vi) the Purchaser making written application to a lender for a mortgage loan where such application contains a disclosure thattha .i - -.right of termination shall end upon the application for the mortage loan. 1n order to terminate this Contract, the Purchaser must give written notice to the Seller.. either,by hand delivery or by United States mail, postage prepaid, and properly addressed to the Seller Upon termination by Purchaser, the. Deposit shalffx , -t refunded in full to the Purchaser, in accordance with procedures defined in paragraph 10(a): ~ ~ ~- +S. PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOCIATION DISCLOSURE: The Seller represents that thePropeny( )is0 Is not located withinadevelopmentwhich . - ~ is~subject to the Virginia Properly Owners Association Act (Sections 55-508 et. seq. of the Code of Virginia) (the "Act"). If the Propertyis within'such-a developmepl,theActrequirestheSellertoobtainfromthepropenyownersassociationanassociationdisclosurepacketandprovideittothePurchaserorlonolify Purchaser that the packet is unavailable.. The information contained in the association disclosure packet shall be current asof a specified date within 30 days of the fully executed Contract. The Purchaser may cancel this Contract (a) within 3 days after the Date o(the fully executed Contract, if on or before the-Date of the fullyextcutedcontract,thePurchaserreceivestheassociationdisdosurepacketorisnotifiedthattheassociationdisclosurepaeketisnotavailable;(b):wilhin~ ' 3days after hand-delivered receipt of the associatipn disclosure packet or notice; or (c) within 6 days after the postmark date i(the association disclosure pseket - ~or notice is mailed tothe Purchaser. T'he Purchaser may also cancel this Contract a[ any time prior to settlement if the Purchaser has not been notified that the association disclosure packet will not be available or the association disclosure packet is not delivered to the Purchaser. Written notice of canmllatiotishzll 6e'~" ' hand-delivered or mailed, return receipt requested, within the cancellation period to Ute Seller. If this Contract is cancelled pursuant to this paragraph, such cancellation shall bewilhoutpenalty,thisContractshallterminateandtheDepositshallberefundedinfulltothePurchaser,inaccordancewithproceduresdefined' ~.. - in paragraph 10(a). The right to receive the association disclosure packet and to cancel this Contract terminates at sdtlement. - Page I of 5 Rev..7J98 White Copy: Selling Firm Canary Copy: Seller Pink Copy: Purchaser Please InitiaL~ Purchaser ~G. - ' Seller r IkFk~~1 1,,.~ "r ; r ~2OANaIfE COUNTY Jeffrey S'. Shaurzer DEPAt?TMENT OF SZa e cticxl Us e COMMUNITY DEYELOPM~'NT 44, 04-?-4'7. i -- - ~ 1 ~-°1 s-,~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JEFFREY SHAWVER FOR A PRIVATE STABLE TO BE LOCATED AT 501 TEXAS HOLLOW ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 44.04-2-47.1), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jeffrey Shawver has filed a petition for a special use permit for a private stable to be located at 501 Texas Hollow Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-2-47.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 2, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on October 23, 1999; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on November 23, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the Board fords that the granting of a special use permit to Jeffrey Shawver for a private stable to be located at 501 Texas Hollow Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-2-47.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1999 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) Removal of existing trees shall be minimized. (2) A maximum of three horses shall be allowed. (3) The area for containment of the animals shall be fenced on all sides. (4) All animal-grazing areas shall have sufficient ground cover to minimize storm water runoff and erosion, and shall not be denuded. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby U: \W PDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\SHAWVER.SUP ~~ are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. U: \WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\SHAWVER.SUP AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON NOVEMBER 23, 1999 RESOLUTION 112399-14 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Closed Session File L ~ . A ~ ~ 1 38 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us November 29, 1999 Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Roanoke City Council, Members Forest Jones, Clerk, Salem City Council Salem City Council, Members Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Vinton Town Council, Members Wayne Strickland, Executive Director, Fifth Planning District Commission James D. Campbell, Executive Director, Virginia Association of Counties Attached is a certified copy of Resolution No. 112399-5 adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the Virginia General Assembly. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 1999. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Attachment cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney The Honorable Bruce F. Jamerson, Clerk of the House of Delegates The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar, Clerk of the Senate ® Recycled Paper ~ AOANp,1.~ ~' ':~ z c~ z a~ 1838 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD C~~~xxY~ ~a~ ~~xx~~.~.~ P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2005 FAX (703) 772-2193 November 29, 1999 Ms. Elaine Carver, Director General Services 1216 Kessler Mill Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Carver: BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, November 23, 1999,the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority for afour-year term. This term will begin December 31, 1999, and will expire on December 31, 2003. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered rp for to your participation on this Board. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have this oath administered, and Mr. McGraw has asked that you bring this letter with you. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Enclosures cc: John Hubbard, CEO, RVRA Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court ® Recycled Paper ~ ROANp~,~ ti' Z G~ ~ 2 a~ 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540) 772-2004 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 November 29, 1999 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB L. JOHNSON, CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS, VICE-CHAIRMAN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FENTON F. "SPIKE" HARRISON, JR. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH MCNAMARA WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (540) 772-2005 Rev. Becky Proctor Rosalind Hills Baptist Church 2711 Laburnum Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Proctor: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 1999. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. It was good to have you with us. With kindest regards, ~.~~xt~ ~~ ~"~~~.~Z.~ P.O. BOX 29800 Bob L. Joh son, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Internet E-Mail Internet E-Mail ehodgepwww.co.roanoke.va.us ®Recycled Paper bospwww.co.roanoke.va.us R~ MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD f ~jr~ ,~ ~:ti 8' (~aixx~#~ a# ~.o~x~o~e P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (703) 772-2005 FAX (703) 772-2193 November 29, 1999 Ms. Carolyn Barrett, Chair Disability Services Board City of Salem Human Resources Department 114 North Broad Street Salem, VA 24153 Dear Ms. Barrett: BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK This will notify you that Deborah H. Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation, has been appointed to serve as the local official for Roanoke County on the Disability Services Board, replacing John M. Chambliss. Her three year term will expire December 31, 2002, and I have listed her address and telephone number below. This appointment was made by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, November 23, 1999. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~ ~~ Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Deborah H. Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation 1206 Kessler Mill Road, Salem, VA 24153 387-6078 Extension 252 ® RecYded ?apex ,_ . ~ DEANNA W.~GORDON 2709 Staton Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 CURRENT POSITION: Superintendent Roanoke County Public Schools EDUCATION: • 1982 Ed.D., VPI and SU Educational Administration • 1973 M.A.L.S., Hollins College Liberal Studies-History Concentration • 1960 B.A., Roanoke College Secondary Education-History EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Roanoke County Public Schools • 1990-1994 Assistant Superintendent • 1986-1990 Director of Elementary Education • 1976-1986 Instructional Supervisor • 1972-1976 Assistant Principal W. E. Cundiff School • 1968-1972 Assistant Principal and Teacher Herman L. Horn Elementary School • 1960-1968 Classroom teacher Andrew Lewis High School and Herman L. Horn Elementary Schools PROFESSIONAL AND CIVIC INVOLVEMENT: • 1998-present College of Education and Human Development, Radford Univ. Advisory Board of Educational Leadership • 1998 Virginia Association of School Superintendents President • 1997-present College of Human Resources and Education, Virginia Tech Superintendent's Advisory Board • 1997-present Curry School of Education, University of Virginia Superintendents Advisory Board of Directors • 1996-present Central Fidelity Bank Community Advisory Board Member • 1996-97 Nevy Century Communications Network President • 1994-present The Arts Council of the Blue Ridge Board of Directors • 1993-present United Way of Roanoke Valley Member of Board of Directors; Chairman Education Division for Annual Campaign; Chairman Long Range Planning Committee • 1981-present Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church Preschool Teacher, 1981-1984 and 1989-1992; Member of Administrative Board, 1986-1992; Delegate to Annual Conference, 1987, 1988; Chairman of Administrative Board, 1989-1991; Staff/Parish Relations, 1989-1992 HONORS AND AWARDS: • 1996 Roanoke College Medal • 1996 Distinguished Woman Alumnus, Virginia Tech • 1992 Woman of Distinction; Skyline Girl Scout Council • 1991 Educator of the Year; Roanoke Valley Chapter, Phi Delta Kappa • 1990 National Honorary Life Membership, National Congress of Parents and Teachers • 1988 Distinguished Service Award, Roanoke County Council of PTAs • 1981 International Scholarship Award, Delta Kappa Gamma Society • 1980 Virginia Scholarship Award, Delta Kappa Gamma Society • 1972 Honorary Life Membership, Virginia Congress of Parents and Teachers MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: John M. Chambliss, Jr., Asst. County Administrator .• SUBJECT: Appointment to the Disability Services Board DATE: November 22, 1999 At your November 9, 1999 meeting, Supervisor Nickens nominated me to be reappointed to the Disability Services Board (DSB) as Roanoke County's representative. I have served in this capacity since the Board's inception and have greatly enjoyed the experience of helping to organize the efforts and of working with this special population from across the Fifth Planning District region. Because of my work load at this time, I am requesting that the Board appoint Debbie Pitts, Asst. Director for Recreation, to become Roanoke County's representative. Debbie has much experience with this special population through the programs that the County offers and from other hands on efforts. Debbie would be a strong addition to this organization. The DSB has conducted several Needs Assessment Studies on behalf of the State and has identified several major issues needed to serve this population including transportation, assistance with medicines, affordable accessible housing, case management and counseling, and support groups to identify and shaze resources. The state has also provided limited incentive grant funding for use in the region and we have helped to secure funding for assistive devices and counseling. Localities are required to participate in this structure and the DSB serving the Fifth Planning District area is a strong, progressive forum. I thank you for the privilege of serving in the past. cc Debbie Pitts Elmer Hodge Carolyn Barrett, Chair of DSB November 17, 1999 (4:12PM) NOTE TO: Supervisor Fuzzy Minnix FROM: Brenda J. Holton ~~ SUBJECT: LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENT Josie Eyer, Cave Spring District term ends 12-31-1999 At the 11-9 Board meeting, you asked me to determine if Ms. Eyer was eligible to serve another term. Ms. Eyer has served a portion of another person's unexpired term and one full four year term. Members on the Library Board can serve three consecutive terms so she is eligible for reappointment. This information will be part of the Board report for the 11-23-99 Board meeting. November 17, 1999 (4:12PM) NOTE TO: Supervisor Joe McNamara FROM: Brenda J. Holton SUBJECT: LIBRARY BOARD APPOINTMENT Mary Carswell, Windsor Hills District term ends 12-31-1999 At the 11-9 Board meeting, you asked me to contact Ms. Mary Carswell to see if she would like to be appointed to serve another term. I talked with Ms. Carswell today, and she does not want to be reappointed. This information will be part of the Board report for the 11-23-99 Board meeting. I just wanted you to know if advance if you are considering appointing someone else. STUDENT GOVERNMENT MEETING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA NOVEMBER 23, 1999 Welcome to the Student Government Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. This meeting is part of the activities of Student Government Day in Roanoke County. Regular Board of Supervisors meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Public Hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule are announced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (1:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS -Brad McConnell. C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS. D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for Appropriation for Teen Center for Older Teens -Charles Morse, Director of Parks and Recreation; Nia Indelicato, Director of Finance. 2. Request for Change in County Code to Allow Charging for EMS Calls - Josh Cragun, Fire and Rescue Chief; Nia Indelicato, Director of Finance. 3. Request for Change in Hours of Operation for Roanoke County Parks - Charles Morse, Director of Parks and Recreation; Joel Patrick, Chief of Police. 4. Request for Approval of Strategic Plan for School and County Operations -Brad McConnell, County Administrator; Erin Ogilvie, School Superintendent. F. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS I. REQUESTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Catawba Magisterial District -Jodie Jones. 2. Cave Spring Magisterial District -Eric Martin. 3. Hollins Magisterial District -Alex Huynk. 4. Vinton Magisterial District -Joe Leonard. 5. Windsor Hills Magisterial District -Kate Feldvary. J. REQUESTS AND INQUIRIES OF SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS 1. Catawba Magisterial District -Tiffany Overstreet 2. Cave Spring Magisterial District -Vickie Bassett 3. Hollins Magisterial District -Beth Hylton 4. Vinton Magisterial District -Andy Goodman 5. Windsor Hills Magisterial District -Joanna Colosimo K. CONSENT AGENDA L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. Status of Regional Fire Training Center -Josh Cragun, Fire and Rescue Chief. 2. Update on Greenway and Soccer Field at Green Hill Park -Charles Morse, Director of Parks and Recreation. 3. Report on Meeting with School Board Chairman on Glenvar Middle School Project -Brad McConnell, County Administrator; Erin Ogilvie, School Superintendent. 4. Status of Hanging Rock Estates Project -Lori Kline, Director of Community Development; Ryan Lucas, Director of Utilities 5. Status of U.S. 11/460 Widening Project -Lori Kline, Director of Community Development. 6. Report Regarding Safety Issues Related to I-81 -Joel Patrick, Chief of Police; Josh Cragun, Fire and Rescue Chief; Lori Kline, Director of Community Development. 7. Report on Impact of Renovation of Schools -Erin Ogilvie, School Superintendent. 8. Report on Recent Economic Development Announcement - Trina Steinmaker, Director of Economic Development. N. CLOSED SESSION O. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing regarding the Proposed Adoption of a County-wide Curfew - -Joel Patrick, Chief of Police, Erin Ogilvie, School Superintendent, McNair Ozmer, Commonwealth Attorney; Jeremy Moore, Court Service Unit. P. ADJOURNMENT 1.Resolution of Appreciation Upon the Retirement of Dr. Banes Wilson, Roanoke County School Superintendent. R-62894-9 Chairman Eddy presented Dr. Wilson with the resolution, a gift certificate, and a hand- made flag with the County Seal. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Kohinke, Minnix, Nickens, Eddy NAYS: None From: "Elmer Hodge" <ADM01/ECH> To: "Brenda Holton" <ADM01/BJH> Date sent: Thu, 18 Nov 1999 15:51:45 +0000 Subject: Re: Gift for Dr. Gordon I am ok with comparable gifts: gift certificate, afgan, flag, crystal, etc. $100 gift certificate. Thanks Elmer Hodge 772-2004 Brenda Holton -- 1 -- Thu, 18 Nov 1999 15:52:50 November 18, 1999 To: Paul Mahoney From: Brenda Holton RE: Message from Elmer Hodge Paul, Mr. Hodge called from the fire site. He was with three Board members. They want to put land use issue on agenda. He said for you to write it up. He said that if we show as recent change, they want it phased it next year. He said that AMG would understand and probably could help. If you need him, you can get him on cell phone. cc: AMG i MEMORANDUM TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Asst. County Administrator e SUBJECT: Salem Office Supply Building DATE: November 18, 1999 Outlined below is a status report on the Salem Office Supply Building and related issues with the Courthouse project. These projects are inter-related and are on-going simultaneously. The County acquired the Salem Office Building on July 30, 1999 after working with the property owner to resolve an encroachment issue with the City of Salem. When the property was improved by a new brick facade by the previous owner, the facade encroached over the sidewalk by approximately one foot. The problem was reviewed by the City of Salem, went through the public hearing and two reading process, and the matter was resolved. The purchase price of the building was $325,000. The Environmental Assessment and Remediation Reports have been completed and the Architect /Engineer is completing the construction drawings. The plans for the demolition and removal of most of the interior improvements are due by the end of November for bidding and the Construction plans are due by December 15. After razing most of the interior construction, we will replace the electrical system, HVAC, install new plumbing, replace the roof, install a sprinkler system for fire protection, and upgrade the window system to the building as well as provide the interior petitioning needed for the Court Service Unit staff and related grant supported operations. The budget for the renovation is $506,720 and we do not anticipate any additional appropriation for these improvements. Occupancy is anticipated for the spring of 2000. COURTHOUSE AND RELATED PROPERTIES In the Courthouse, the Adult Probation and Parole offices have moved and the improvements are underway for the expansion of the Commonwealth Attorney's suite of offices. Some of the carpet has been replaced in the Circuit Courtrooms. The Architect /Engineer is working on the space planning with the Clerk of the J & DR Court offices including the improvements to the circulation of traffic, file system, and they will soon begin the planning effort for the move of the Sheriff's Office and handling the filing system requirements for the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The budget for the Courthouse improvements is $199,700. r We have completed the environmental evaluation of the Guy House and are preparing for the removal of the hazardous materials and the ultimate demolition of the house. We anticipate razing the structure in January. The next step will be the civil engineering work to design any retaining wall needed to convert this property into an additional parking area. Once the improvements are completed in the Courthouse for the Sheriff s operation, the Sheriff's annex building will be razed and that space will also be converted into parking for the complex. One of the factors delaying the improvements to the Courthouse building is the continued problem with cracking in the concrete masonry unit walls on the east wing of the building. We have received the geo-technical reports from the Engineers who bored test holes adjacent to the foundation and also monitored the movement (internally and externally) and stated that the building was structurally sound. We continue to incur cracking and are asking another structural engineer to review the information and to offer their recommendation for repairs. Funding for these repairs have not been included in the planned improvements for this building. The planned staging for the improvements is to complete the work in the Salem Office Supply Building, demolish the Guy House, move the Court Service Unit offices from the Courthouse to their new space, renovate the east wing of the courthouse (including structural repairs as necessary), move the sheriff offices from the annex to the courthouse, demolish the Sheriff annex building, complete the parking. We anticipate that we will be able to complete the planned improvements with the budgeted dollars with the exception of the structural repairs that may be required in the Courthouse. I hope that this update answers the questions about these projects. cc Elmer Hodge, County Administrator 2 ~-- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO SECTION 33.11-70.01 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1990, AS AMENDED, THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, JOINTLY WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (VDOT) WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE 2000-2006 ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX-YEAR ROAD PLAN. THIS PUBLIC HEARING SHALL ALSO BE FOR A REVIEW OF THE BUDGET FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2000-20001. THE PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1999 AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ROOM AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. COMPLETE COPIES OF THE SIX-YEAR PLAN AND 2000-2001 BUDGET ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND AT VDOT SALEM RESIDENCY OFFICE. Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board PLEASE PUBLISH IN ROANOKE TIMES ON: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1999 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1999 Direct the bill for publication to: Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 y ~ OUTING & REQUEST Please... ,, n~ ^ Read ~ ,~ ~ // '~ To: ^ Handle ^ Appreve The F And"' hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nc ~ F°-~ard ie Roanoke County Administratio ^ Retur or Recycle ~ petition of Jeffrey Shawver to oi. Keep t 501 Texas Hollow With Me Fror": Road, Catawb A copy ~ ~ ReV1eW .~- ' D~e~ - --~~~ ~ ~n the Department of Planning and Zoning, 52 .,..~, vA. Dated: Novemb _ Mary H. Allen, Gierk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, November 9, 1999 Tuesday, November 16, 1999 Direct the bill for publication to: Jeffrey Shawver 314 Valleydale Ave Salem, VA 24153 (540) 375-6466 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 i i 4..~: ~~+' LEGAL NOTICE ~" a,~'#'~~ s ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 23, 1999, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend the zoning ordinance to add cluster housing options in the R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 districts. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Planning and Zoning, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: November 3, 1999 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, November 9, 1999 Tuesday, November 16, 1999 Direct the bill for publication to: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2068 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 County of Roanoke Memorandum To: Board of Supervisors ° From: Anne Marie Green, APR J2~~~~,~,~ Director, Community Relations Date: October 29, 1999 Subject: Student Government Day Student Government Day will be held on Tuesday, November 23. We had originally planned the event for November 9, but have run into some scheduling conflicts, including the annual VACo conference. Details about the agenda and the schedule will follow. If you will not be able to participate that day, please let me know, so that we can make arrangements for your student. My telephone number is 772-2010. Thank you. cc: Elmer Hodge From: Self <ADM01/BJH> To: ADMRCS/BCHASTAIN Subject: Re: Investiture Ceremony Date sent: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:37:40 Thanks a lot. I got the invitation in the mail today. I will probably ask for your help next week on our resolution for Dr. Gordon, or maybe Annie-Marie Green will be writing. Not sure. Know you will miss working with Dale on School Board meetings but new new challenges for her. I wish her well, and hope you get a really good deputy to work with in the future. > From: ADMRCS/BCHASTAIN > To: "Brenda Holton" <ADM01/BJH> > Date: Fri, 12 Nov 1999 14:10:45 +0000 > Subject: Re: Investiture Ceremony > The school board is having a huge reception for her on Dec. 5 at the > Salem Civic Center. The supervisors should receive an invitation > today as well as other County administrators. Our only board > meeting is on Dec. 16. We will probably have a small reception and > the board will present her with a gift. I need to do a resolution > also. > I am losing my Deputy Clerk. Dale Waters was appointed Asst. > Supervisor of Personnel so she will no longer work for the Supt. or > be the Deputy Clerk. I am finally the full-time Clerk and will move > back to the Superintendent's office by Dec. 1. I believe they will > advertise for a secretary for the new Supt. plus Deputy Clerk. Lots > of changes going on over here. Brenda Holton -- 1 -- Fri, 12 Nov 1999 15:38:01 County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors Contributions to Local Service Agencies FY 2000 Requests FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2000 Actual Budget Request Adopted Human Service Agencies AduR Care Center of the Roanoke Valley $10,000 $10,000 $12,480 $10,000 Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 Beth Hall 500 500 20,500 500 any Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valley 2500 3,000 3,500 3,000 Bradley Free Clinic 6 500 6,500 6,500 5,000 Child Abuse Prevention Council of Roanoke Valley 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 Child HeaRh Investment Partnership (CHIP) 16,660 16,660 21,600 16,660 Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. 0 0 5,000 0 Council of Community Services-Info and Referral Center 3,000 3,000 7,844 3,000 Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) 2 000 2 000 2,500 2,000 Family Service of the Roanoke Valley 4,000 4,000 7,000 4,000 Fifth District Employment & Training Consortium 3,500 3,500 28,817 0 Smith Mountain Lake 4H Camp 2,500 2,000 2,500 0 Goodwill Industries Tinker Mountain 5,000 5,000 14,000 5,000 Habitat for Humanity 0 0 1,000 0 League of Older Americans (LOA) 13,750 13,750 22,965 13,750 Literacy Volunteers of America-Roanoke Valley 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 The National Conference for Community and Justice 0 0 500 0 National Multiple Sclerosis Society 0 0 1,000 0 On Our Own of Roanoke Valley, Inc. 0 0 250 0 Roanoke Area Ministries 2,000 2,000 2,500 1,000 Roanoke Regional Housing Network 0 0 1,000 0 Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council 1000 1,000 2,000 1,000 Roanoke Valley Speech & Hearing Center 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry 0 0 8,000 0 Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank 0 0 2,500 0 The Salvation Army 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 TRUST 5,500 5,500 10,000 5,000 Western Virginia Emergency Medical Services Council 0 0 17,608 0 Subtotal Human Service Agencies $95,910 $95,910 $224,564 $87,410 Health and Social Service Agencies Blue Ridge Community Services $79,332 $79,332 $111,786 $79,332 TAP 30,000 30,000 33,504 30,000 TAP-Transitional Living Center 17,500 20,000 20,741 20,000 Subtotal Health and Social Service Agencies $126,832 $129,332 $166,031 $129,332 County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors Contributions to Local Service Agencies FY 2000 Requests FY 1998 FY 1999 FY 2000 FY 2000 Actual Budget Request Adopted Cultural Enrichment and Tourism Agencies NCAA Football /Basketball Championships $4,500 $4,000 $4,500 $4,000 Art Museum of Western Virginia 2,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 Arts Council of the Blue Ridge 3,000 3,000 3,500 2,000 Center in the Square Operating 50,000 50,000 60,000 45,000 Explore (The River Foundation) 160,000 170,000 225,000 170,000 The Jefferson Center Foundation (SO,000ryr. For 5 yrs.) 0 0 50,000 0 Mill Mountain Theatre 8,500 8,500 10,000 7,500 Mill Mountain Zoo: Operating 8,000 8,000 12,000 8,000 Capital 10,000 10,000 37,000 0 Ms. Virginia Senior Citizen Pageant 100 0 500 0 Miss Virginia Pageant 500 500 500 500 National D-Day Memorial Foundation( $10,000/yearior 10 years) 10,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 Opera Roanoke 0 0 1,000 0 OUTLOOK Downtown Roanoke 1,000 0 0 Roanoke Symphony Roanoke Valley Greenways Coordinator 7,500 $10,800 7,500 $10,800 10,000 $11,100 6,000 $10,800 Roanoke Valley History Museum 7,500 7,500 10,000 7,500 Science Museum: Operating 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 Capital 20,000 10,000 50,000 0 Southwest Virginia Ballet 0 0 1,000 0 Dues and Per Capita Allocations Blue Ridge Soil and Conservation District $1,250 $1,250 $1,500 $1,250 Convention and Visitors Bureau -Operating 107,500 107,500 165,000 112,500 Economic Development Partnership 107,500 107,500 130,883 112,500 Fifth Planning District Commission 29,654 29,654 29,614 29,654 National Association of Counties 1,557 1,557 1,557 1,557 National Civic League 200 0 0 0 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Capital 0 0 25,000 0 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Vinton Chamber of Commerce 100 500 500 500 Virginia Amateur Sports 35,000 40,000 45,000 40,000 Virginia Association of Counties 13,940 13,940 13,872 13,940 Subtotal Dues and Per Capita Allocations $325,007 $330,207 $447,266 $323,401 Grand Total All BOS Contributions $941,857 $956,609 $1,460,361 $879,803 Western Virginia Land Trust 0 5,000 5,000 4,000 SubtotalCu/turalEnrichment andTourlsmAgencies $394,108 $401,160 $622,500 $339,660 County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors Contributions to Local Service Agencies FY 2000 Requests Cultural Enrichment and Tourism Agencies NCAA Football /Basketball Championships FY 1998 Actual $4,500 FY 1999 Budget $4,000 FY 2000 Request $4,500 FY 2000 Adopted $4,000 Art Museum of Western Virginia 2,000 2,000 10,000 2,000 Arts Council of the Blue Ridge 3,000 3 000 3 500 2,000 Center in the Square Operating 50,000 50,000 60,000 45,000 Explore (The River Foundation) 160,000 170,000 225,000 170,000 The Jefferson Center Foundation (50,000/yr. For 5 yrs.) 0 0 50,000 0 Julian Stanley Wise Museum 25,000 25 000 35 000 20,000 Mill Mountain Theatre 8,500 8,500 10,000 7,500 Mill Mountain Zoo: Operating 8,000 8 000 12 000 8,000 Capital 10,000 10,000 37,000 0 Ms. Virginia Senior Citizen Pageant 100 0 500 0 Miss Virginia Pageant 500 500 __ 500 500 National D-Day Memorial Foundation($10 000/year for 10 years) 10,000 10 000 25,000 10,000 Opera Roanoke 0 0 __ 1,000 0 OUTLOOK Downtown Roanoke 1,000 0 0 Roanoke Symphony Roanoke Valley Greenways Coordinator 7,500 $10,800 7,500 $10,800 10,000 $11,100 6,000 $10,800 Roanoke Valley History Museum 7,500 7,500 10,000 7,500 Science Museum: Operating 25,000 25,000 30,000 25,000 Capital 20,000 10,000 50,000 0 Southwest Virginia Ballet 0 0 1,000 0 Transportation Museum: Operating 10.000 10.000 15,000 10,000 000 10.000 VA Western Community College Scholarship Fund 5,338 5,360 5,400 5,360 Handicapped Access 0 1,000 0 _ 1,000 Site Development /Improvements 22,870 0 0 _ 0 Va. Higher Education Center 0 25,000 0 Vinton Dogwood Festival 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 Western Virginia Land Trust Subtotal Cultural Enrichment and Tourism Agencies 0 $394,108 5,000 $401,160 5,000 $622,500 4,000 $339,660 Dues and Per Caaita Allocations Blue Ridge Soil and Conservation District $1,250 $1 250 $1 500 $1 250 Convention and Visitors Bureau -Operating 107,500 107,500 165,000 112,500 _ Economic Development Partnership 107,500 107,500 130,883 112,500 Fifth Planning District Commission 29 654 29 654 29 614 29 654 National Association of Counties 1,557 1,557 1,557 1,557 National Civic League 200 0 0 0 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce 2 500 2 500 2 500 2 500 Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 Capital 0 0 25,000 0 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities 3 000 3 000 3 000 3 000 Vinton Chamber of Commerce 100 500 500 500 Virginia Amateur Sports 35,000 40,000 45,000 40,000 Virginia Association of Counties 13 940 13 940 13 872 13 940 Virginia Institute of Government 0 0 5 000 0 Virginia Municipal League Subtotal Dues and Pei Capita Allocations Grand Total All BOS Contributions 16,806 $325,007 $941,857 16,806 $330,207 $956,609 17,840 $447,266 $1,460,361 0 $323,401 $879,803 ~~ J ~ ~ f~ ~~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA NOVEMBER 23, 1999 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdaxs at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 a.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. At 1.00 P.M.. THERE WILL BE A MOCK BOARD MEETING AS PART OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY ACTIVITIES. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL REPLACE BOARD MEMBERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Rev. Becky Proctor Rosalind Hills Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS 1 C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent, upon her retirement. D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Request for approval of conl~act with United Way for Human Services Budget requests. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) 3. Request to enter into a contract to accept $50,000 grant from Fifth District Regional Alliance to assist with Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant Director, Economic Development) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly and day care facility, located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Evangel Foursquare Church. 2. First reading of ordinance to amend condition on a Planned Residential Development consisting of 302 acres, located north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 125, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Boone, Boone & Loeb Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 2 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road). (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of ordinance authorizing dedication of 0.061 acre of land for public right-of-way on Daugherty Road (VA Sec. Route 643) for road improvements at its intersection with U. S. Route 11/460. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. Library Board 5. Roanoke County Planning Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Committee appointments to Disability Services Board and Roanoke County Resource Authority. 2. Request for acceptance of sanitary sewer facilities serving Orchard Park, Section 3. 3. Acceptance of $5,800 donation from the Friends of the Library and appropriation of funds to the Public Library budget. 3 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving t;, Summerfield, Section 6. ~~ 5.~ Request from School for appropriation of $53,300 Technology ~' ~~ -- Literacy Challenge Grant for training. K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Revenues and Expenses for the three month period ended September 30, 1999 6. Changes to Secondary System of State Highways as of October, 1999 7. Accounts Paid -October 1999 O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) ~'I . Work Session to discuss proposed Cluster Housing Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) ~~'~. Work Session on the marketing plan for the Center for Research and Technology. (Tim Gubala and Melinda Cox, Economic Development Department, and Phil Sparks, Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership) ~~~. ~ y. ~,;~ ~ . ~i r ,~ 1,,.. ~ 4 P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate; and Section 2.1- 344 A (7) to discuss actual litigation, Board of Supervisors vs. General Electric, et al; and Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss probable litigation, Smith vs. County of Roanoke. /' EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) 2, Consideration of projects for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending and readopting the Zoning Ordinance by the addition of standards for the design and development of Cluster Housing. (Terry Harrington, County Planner)~CONTINUED FROM OCTOBER 26, 1999) 2. Second reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit for a private stable, located at 501 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jeffrey Shawver. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) T. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS V. ADJOURNMENT 5 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA NOVEMBER 23, 1999 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. At 1:00 P.M.. THERE WILL BE A MOCK BOARD MEETING AS PART OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S STUDENT GOVERNMENT DAY ACTIVITIES. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS WILL REPLACE BOARD MEMBERS AND DEPARTMENT HEADS. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS ~/V"'' ~`l9~ 1. Resolution of appreciation to Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent, upon her retirement. t~ ,~ ~,~,ti„ 2. Resolution of appreciation to Dwight Bogle for ~ ~ ay ~~ D. BRIEFINGS 1. Presentation on the marketing plan for the Center for Research and Technology by Roanoke County Economic Development ~~ . ~ Department and Roanoke Valley Economic Development. ~G„~I~~~- E. NEW BUSINESS '~~ ~ 1. Resolution adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) a , Cam; ~~^~~ ~ ~,;, ~ ~ ~-.~-~ ~-•~, `°~' ~ ~ , F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly and day care facility, located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Evangel Foursquare Church. 2. First reading of ordinance to amend condition on a Planned Residential Development consisting of 302 acres, located north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 125, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Boone, Boone & Loeb Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 2 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Singing Hills Road). (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of ordinance authorizing dedication of 0.061 acre of land for public right-of-way on Daugherty Road (VA Sec. Route 643) for road improvements at its intersection with U. S. Route 11/460. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. Library Board 5. Roanoke County Planning Commission J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of Committee appointments to Disability Services Board and Roanoke County Resource Authority. 2. Request for acceptance of sanitary sewer facilities serving Orchard Park, Section 3. 3 3. Acceptance of donation from the Friends of the Library and appropriation of funds to the Public Library budget. 4. Acceptance of water and sanitary sewer facilities serving Summerfield, Section 6. K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Revenues and Expenses for the three month period ended September 30, 1999 6. Changes to Secondary System of State Highways as of October, 1999 7. Accounts Paid -October 1999 O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Work Session to discuss proposed Cluster Housing Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) ~, ~~-i P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate; and Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss actual litigation, Board of Supervisors vs. General Electric, et al. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) Q. R. s. T. U. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit for a private stable, located at 501 Texas Hollow Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jeffrey Shawver. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS V. ADJOURNMENT ~~~~~ ~^'`~~" ~~`~ Z U bu ~a UU 1 ~/~ ~ ~ ~t.v~ 5 From: Self <ADM01/BJH> To: Brenda Chastain Subject: Reso for Dr. Gordon Date sent: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:20:04 Brenda, we want to do resolution of appreciation to Dr. Gordon at 11-23 Board meeting. Anne-Marie Green will be writing resolution. Could you send me some information about Dr. Gordon for the resolution, such as resume, etc. I expect you are writing a resolution for the School Board and if you are gathering facts, could we have those also. By the way, the flowers for Mary Allen's husband's funeral from the School Board, Dr. Gordon, and you were absolutely beautiful! I saw Dr. Gordon at the funeral home Sunday night. The funeral today was well done and I think Mary was grateful to se all the County people there. Keep her in your prayers. Brenda Holton -- 1 -- Mon, 15 Nov 1999 17:15:11 From: Self <ADM01/BJH> To: Anne-Marie Green Subject: Dwight Bogle Date sent: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:17:24 We could do this as a proclamation proclaiming the whatever day as Dwight Bogle Day, have signed by Fuzzy and Chair. Then place on next Board meeting consent agenda. This is what we did when we named the field for Lynn Saunders because it was between Board meeting. Just FYI Brenda Holton -- 1 -- Mon, 15 Nov 1999 17:15:05