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1/22/2000 - Regular
AliahMISSION! Roanoke County January 23-24, 2000 Facilitators: Donna Schwartz & Kim Simon - Aliah, Inc. Participants: County of Roanoke Board, School Board, and Staff Observers: Mary Allen -Clerk to the Board Media Objective of Analysis: Develop a mission statement reflecting the County of Roanoke's value proposition and strategic objectives as they relate to its customers, competitors, partners, and the environment. Identify and prioritize high-level initiatives to realize the County of Roanoke's mission. GoaI:000NTY OF ROANOKE TO SURVIVE & THRIVE THROUGH THE YEAR 2005 1. The teams identified and prioritized the value the County of Roanoke delivers or wants to achieve through its interactions with the important players and forces in the community. Five groups of value statements were identified relative to: A. How the County of Roanoke delivers value to its customers B. The value the County of Roanoke delivers that allows it to outperform the competition C. The value the County of Roanoke's strategic partners provide that enhance the County's capabilities D. The external forces that most impact the County's ability to survive and thrive E. The County's internal values relative to: Financial Health -The financial goal of the County Innovation -Current or potential key technological strength, differentiator, core innovative ability Culture/People -Culture of the County's people and how they deliver value externally and internally Brand Image -Projected image to internal and external community County of Roanoke Customers: 1. Students 2. Employees -existing or hopeful, disadvantaged 3. Retired community -senior citizens 4. Investment community 5. Families 6. Employers 7. Environment 8. Next generation 9. Business owners 10. Voters 11. Parents 12. School Board 13. Handicapped 14. Troubled -criminals, those in jail, etc. 15. Taxpayers 16. Media 17. College graduates -underemployed 18. Teens 19. Not for profit sector How the County of Roanoke delivers value to its customers: Priority relative to: CUSTOMERS Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight LIFE LONG LEARNING 0.432 ECONOMIC BASE 0.353 TAX STRUCTURE 0.150 DIVERSITY 0.064 - Element Descriptions: LIFE LONG LEARNING LIFE CYCLE, TRNG OPPS, CONTI EDUC, SUPPORT OF ARTS & CULTURAL OF VOCATIONAL, PUBLIC LIBRARIES, LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMNT TAX STRUCTURE COST EFFECTIVE TAX STRUCTURE RELATIVE TO MAJOR METROPOLITAN AI ECONOMIC BASE STRONG ECONOMIC BASE, EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT DIVERSITY BUILD, STRENGTHEN & SUPPORT CULTURAL, ETHNIC, PEOPLE W/DISABILIT DEMOGRAPHIC, SOCIAL DIVERSITY Roanoke County Competitors: 1. Next county 2. Next state 3. Private schools -charter schools 4. Vinton 5. Home schooling 6. New administration -can hire somebody else 7. World -our industries can go anywhere, Mexico, Canada, etc. 8. Privatization 9. Board based -internal competition, districts 10. Customers (competition) -with the environment 11. State and federal government The value the County of Roanoke delivers that allows it to outpertorm the competition: Priority relative t Element EDUCATION SERVICES QUALITY OF LIFE SENSE OF PLACE o: COMPETITORS Priorities based on: Importance Weight 0.503 0.284 0.141 0.072 - Element Descriptions: QUALITY OF LIFE COMFORT, NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRON SENSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC OUTI HEALTHY COMMUNITY EDUCATION SUPPORT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, SUCCESS RATE OF K-12 & PUBLI SENSE OF PLACE OWNERSHP IN COMMUNITY, SENSE OF BELONGING, ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES WIDE RANGE OF COST EFFECTIVE SERVICES, QUALITY SERVICE, SMARTE THAN EVERYONE ELSE 2 Roanoke Partners: 1. Board of Supervisors 2. State and federal government 3. Recreation clubs 4. Business community 5. Chamber of Commerce 6. PTA 7. Other departments 8. Neighboring localities 9. Regional organizations 10. Civic groups 11. Advisory councils 12. Citizens 13. Churches 14. Other education facilities- colleges, universities 15. Foundations 16. Media The value the County of Roanoke's strategic partners provide that enhance the County's capabilities: Priority relative to: PARTNERS Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight RESOURCES 0.514 REGIONAL ALLIANCES 0.254 CHANNELS OF COMMUNICPdT.IL~fA SPIRIT OF COOPERATION 0.065 _ Element Descriptions: CHANNELS OF COMMUNICA7VC~tmW A WAY TO COMMUNICATE IDEAS, A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS, ACCES CLOUT, SPIRIT OF COOPERATION WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER TOWARDS COMMON GOALS (PARTNERS, PTA'£ CHAMBERS, REC CLUBS, FOUNDTNS, CHURCHS) RESOURCES $, LABOR, JOBS, VOLUTEERISM, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TECHN & INFORMATION REGIONAL ALLIANCES PRODUCTIVE, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL, RESULTS ORIENTED, COLLABORATION W/NEIGHBORING LOCALITIES 8 OTHER PARTNERSHIPS The external forces that most impact the County of Roanoke's ability to survive and thrive: Priority relative to: EXTERNAL FORCES Priorities based on: Impact Element Weight TECHNOLOGY 0.527 GLOBAL ECONOMY 0.304 GOVERNMENT INFLUENC®.113 - DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT 0.056 _ Element Descriptions: GOVERNMENT INFLUENCENATIONAL, STATE, LOCAL - POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE INFLUENCES THAT RESULT LEGISLATION, PUBLIC POLICY, ELECTIONS, REGULATIONS DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT AGING POPULATION, RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, HEALTH, POPULATION SH TECHNOLOGY THE NEED TO KEEP UP WITH CHANGE: WWW, DNA, BIOMEDICS, TRANSPORTA" COMMUNICATION GLOBAL ECONOMY POSITIVE ECONOMY -LOCAL, NATIONAL & GLOBAL 3 Roanoke County's internal values: Priority relative to: ROANOKE COUNTY Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight INNOVATION 0.407 CULTURE /PEOPLE 0.308 BRAND IMAGE 0.170 FINANCIAL HEALTH 0.116 Element Descriptions: FINANCIAL HEALTH TRIPLE A RATING, REDUCE DEPENDANCY ON RESIDENTIAL TAXES, FUND i INNOVATION PREP FOR TECHN ADVANCES, ELECTR COMMUNITY, WEB-BASED SERVICI &PROGRAMS CULTURE /PEOPLE DIVERSE, SKILLED, PASSIONATE, INVOLVED, STRONG COMMITMENTS, HIC FAMILY FRIENDLY, TRAINABLE PEOPLE BRAND IMAGE THE PLACE FOR YOU! 2. The five groups of value statements were prioritized to determine which set of values is more important relative to achieving the County's mission. PARTNERS COMPETITORS ROANOKE COUNTY CUSTOMERS EXTERNAL FORCES Lw:0.103 Gw:0.103 Lw:0.372 Gw:0.372 Lw:0.194 Gw:0.194 Lw:0.258 Gw:0.258 Lw:0.073 Gw:0.073 ' RESOURCES 'EDUCATION 'INNOVATION 'LIFE LONG LEARNING 'TECHNOLOGY Lw:0.514 Gw:0.053 Lw:0.503 Gw:0.187 Lw:0.407 Gw:0.079 Lw:0.432 Gw:0.112 Lw:0.527 Gw:0.039 ' REGIONAL ALLIANCES 'SERVICES 'CULTURE /PEOPLE 'ECONOMIC BASE 'GLOBAL ECONOMY Lw:0.254 Gw:0.026 Lw:0.284 Gw:0.106 Lw:0.308 Gw:0.060 Lw:0.353 Gw:0.091 Lw:0.304 Gw:0.022 ' CHANNELS OF COMMUN ICxOUALITY OF LIFE 'BRAND IMAGE 'TAX STRUCTURE 'GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE Lw:0.166 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.141 Gw:0.052 Lw:0.170 Gw:0.033 Lw:0.150 Gw:0.039 Lw:0.113 Gw:0.008 'SPIRIT OF COOPERATION 'SENSE OF PLACE 'FINANCIAL HEALTH 'DIVERSITY 'DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT Lw:0.065 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.072 Gw:0.027 Lw:0.116 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.064 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.056 Gw:0.004 Priority relative to: The Goal Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight COMPETITORS 0.372 CUSTOMERS 0.258 ROANOKE COUNTY 0.194 PARTNERS 0.103 EXTERNAL FORCES 0.073 Element Descriptions: PARTNERS RESOURCES; REGIONAL ALLIANCES; CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION; SPIF COOPERATION COMPETITORS EDUCATION; SERVICES; QUALITY OF LIFE; SENSE OF PLACE ROANOKE COUNTY INNOVATION; CULTURE /PEOPLE; BRAND IMAGE; FINANCIAL HEALTH CUSTOMERS LIFE LONG LEARNING; ECONOMIC BASE; TAX STRUCTURE; DIVERSITY EXTERNAL FORCES TECHNOLOGY; GLOBAL ECONOMY; GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE; DEMOGRAF 4 3. The value statements were synthesized to reflect their relative importance toward achieving the County of Roanoke's mission. Synthesis relative to: Goal 1 1. EDUCATION 0.187 SUPPORT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, SUCCESS RATE OF K-12 & PUBLIC EDUCATION 2. LIFE LONG LEARNING 0.112 LIFE CYCLE, TRNG OPPS, CONTI EDUC, SUPPORT OF ARTS & CULTURAL OPPS, VOCATIONAL, PUBLIC LIBRARIES, LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMNT 3. SERVICES 0.106 WIDE RANGE OF COST EFFECTIVE SERVICES, QUALITY SERVICE, SMARTER & HARDER THAN EVERYONE 4. ECONOMIC BASE 0.091 STRONG ECONOMIC BASE, EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT 5. INNOVATION 0.079 PREP FOR TECHN ADVANCES, ELECTR COMMUNITY, WEB-BASED SERVICES, PROCESSES ii PROGRAMS 6. CULTURE /PEOPLE 0.060 DIVERSE, SKILLED, PASSIONATE, INVOLVED, STRONG COMMITMENTS, HIGH VALUES, FAMILY FRIENDLY, TRAINABLE PEOPLE 7. RESOURCES 0.053 $, LABOR, JOBS, VOLUTEERISM, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TECHN & INFORMATION 8. QUALITY OF LIFE 0.052 COMFORT, NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRON SENSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK, SAFE & HEALTHY COMM 9. TAX STRUCTURE 0.039 COST EFFECTIVE TAX STRUCTURE RELATIVE TO MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS 80%-> 10. TECHNOLOGY 0.039 THE NEED TO KEEP UP WITH CHANGE: WWW, DNA, BIOMEDICS, TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATION 11. BRAND IMAGE 0.033 ~ THE PLACE FOR YOU! 12. SENSE OF PLACE 0.027 ~ OWNERSHP IN COMMUNITY, SENSE OF BELONGING, ACCESSIBILITY 13. REGIONAL ALLIANCES 0.026 ~ PRODUCTIVE, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL, RESULTS ORIENTED, COLLABORATION W/NEIGHBORING LOCALITIES & OTHE PARTNERSHIPS 14. FINANCIAL HEALTH 0.022 TRIPLE A RATING, REDUCE DEPENDANCY ON RESIDENTIAL TAXES, FUND BALANCE 6.25% 15. GLOBAL ECONOMY 0.022 ~ POSITIVE ECONOMY -LOCAL, NATIONAL & GLOBAL 16. CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION0.017 ~ ALLOW A WAY TO COMMUNICATE IDEAS, A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS, ACCESS & CLOUT, 17. DIVERSITY 0.017 lllllllllll~ BUILD, STRENGTHEN & SUPPORT CULTURAL, ETHNIC, PEOPLE W/DISABILITIES, DEMOGRAPHIC, SOCIAL DIVERSITY 18. GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE 0.008 I• NATIONAL, STATE, LOCAL - POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE INFLUENCES THAT RESULT FROM LEGISLATION, PUBLIC POLICY, ELECTIONS, REGULATIONS 19. SPIRIT OF COOPERATION 0.007 ~ WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER TOWARDS COMMON GOALS (PARTNERS, PTA'S, CHAMBERS, REC CLUBS, FOUNDTNS,CHURCHS) 20. DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT 0.004 ~ AGING POPULATION, RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, HEALTH, POPULATION SHIFTS 5 4. A powerful mission statement for Roanoke County may be formulated from the values that lie at and above the 80% indicator. 5. Next, the team identified and prioritized two initiatives to support each value statement identified in the model. The initiatives pertaining to each group of values are listed below. Partner Initiatives: PARTNERS Lw:0.103 Gw:0.103 CHANNELS OF SPIRIT OF RESOURCES REGIONAL COMMUNICATION COOPERATION ALLIANCES Lw:0.166 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.065 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.514 Gw:0.053 Lw:0.254 Gw:0.026 'JT MTG OF B & S 'INTER/INTRA COMMU 'RECRUIT BUSINESS 'CONNECTING COUNTER Lw:0.600 Gw:0.010 Lw:0.500 Gw:0.003 Lw:0.750 Gw:0.040 Lw:0.600 Gw:-0.016 'PROMO MTRL ECON & 2 PUBLICIZE BOS & SB 'PROMOTE ROANOKE 'IDENTIFY DUPLICATED £ Lw:0.400 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.500 Gw:0.003 Lw:0.250 Gw:0.013 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.010 Competitive Initiatives: COMPETITORS Lw: 0.372 Gw: 0.372 QUALITY OF LIFE EDUCATION SENSE OF PLACE SERVICES Lw: 0.141 Gw: 0.052 Lw: 0.503 Gw: 0.187 Lw: 0.072 Gw: 0.027 Lw: 0.284 Gw: 0.106 ' LAND USE ' INCRS TEACHER EFFECTIVLEVERAGE EDUC RESOURSEXPAND REG EFFORTS Lw:0.600 Gw:0.031 Lw:0.600 Gw:0:112 Lw:0.600 Gw:0.018 Lw:0.700 Gw:0.074 ' FOCUS BUST ON ENVIRON' WKFORCE DEV 'COMMU SHOWCASE 'OBJECTIVE BASED MGMT Lw:0.400 Gw:0.021 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.075 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.011 Lw:0.300 Gw:0.032 Roanoke County Initiatives: ROANOKECOUNTY Lw:0.194 Gw:0.194 FINANCIAL HEALTH INNOVATION CULTURE /PEOPLE BRAND IMAGE Lw: 0.116 Gw: 0.022 Lw: 0.407 Gw: 0.079 Lw: 0.308 Gw: 0.060 Lw: 0.170 Gw: 0.033 ' INCREASE FIN COMMITMEEXPD INTERNET ACCESS' MORE EDUC OPPS 'CREATE UNIFIED IMAGE Lw:0.700 Gw:0.016 Lw:0.600 Gw:0.047 Lw:0.700 Gw:0.042 Lw:0.600 Gw:0.020 ' REQUEST REVIEW ' EVAL PROCESS & PROC2 EXPAND INVOLVEMENT 'DEV COMMUNITY PLAN Lw:0.300 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.032 Lw:0.300 Gw:0.018 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.013 6 Customer Initiatives: CUSTOMERS Lw:0.258 Gw:0.258 LIFE LONG TAX STRUCTURE ECONOMIC BASE DIVERSITY LEARNING Lw:0.432 Gw:0.112 Lw:0.150 Gw:0.039 Lw 0.353 Gw:0.091 Lw:0.064 Gw:0.017 'WRKG W/ECON DEV ' EDUC &DEV STRAT 'PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNEfMONITOR DEMOGRAPHIC; Lw:0.800 Gw:0.089 Lw:0.800 Gw:0.031 Lw:0.600 Gw:0.055 Lw:0.600 Gw:0.010 ' DETERM CURR OFFERGS WRKG W/ECON DEV 'FEEDBACK PROCESS 'DETERMINE CURRT OFFEI Lw:0.200 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.200 Gw:0.008 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.036 Lw:0.400 Gw:0.007 External Force Initiatives: EXTERNAL FORCES Lw:0.073 Gw:0.073 GOVERNMENT DEMOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY GLOBAL INFLUENCE SHIFT ECONOMY Lw: 0.113 Gw: 0.008 Lw: 0.056 Gw: 0.004 Lw: 0.527 Gw: 0.039 Lw: 0.304 Gw: 0.022 'HIRE FULL TIME LOBBYISTINVOLVE SENIORS IN GOVIEXPAND SCOPE OF [T TEAMJORK W/REGNL PARTNEF Lw: 0.750 Gw: 0.006 Lwr 0.700 Gw: 0.003 Lw: 0.700 Gw: 0.027 Lw: 0.500 Gw: 0.011 'MEET W/STATE LEGISLATCBLD DIVERSE COMMUNITYCREATE REGNL IT COMMI9MARKET VALLEY Lw:0.250 Gw:0.002 Lw:0.300 Gw:0.001 Lw:0.300 Gw:0.012 Lw:0.500 Gw:0.011 6. All of the initiatives were synthesized in order to determine their importance relative to making the mission statement a reality. 7. To obtain a commitment for the implementation of these initiatives the initiatives were grouped relative to strategic objective. Any initiatives that were identical were combined in order to avoid duplication of efforts and to provide focused results. The weights of the initiatives were combined as well, giving the initiative added importance. The resulting cluster synthesis of these initiatives identifies the new strategic goals and objectives that the team must accomplish in order for the County of Roanoke to survive and thrive through the year 2005. 7 EDUCATION ECONOMIC REGIONAL TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT QUALITY OF LIFE IMAGE DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE W: 0.154 GS: 0.154 W: 0.350 GS: 0.350 W: 0.111 GS: 0.111 W: 0.086 GS: 0.086 W: 0.048 GS'. 0.048 W'. 0.115 GS 0.115 W: 0.138 GS: 0.136 PARTNERS 'RECRUIT BUSINESS 'CONNECTING COUNTERPARTS 'IDENTIFY DUPLICATED SERV 'PUBLICIZE BOS 8 SB 'PROMOTEROANOKE 'PROMO MTRL ECON & 'INTER/INTRA COMMU COMPETITORS 'INCRS TEACHER EFFE' WORKFORCE DEVELC' EXPAND REG EFFORTS 'OBJECTIVE BASED MC'LAND USE 'COMMU SHOWCASE 'PROVIDE INCENTIVES 'LEV COMMU FACIL ROANOKE COUNTY 'MORE EDUC OPPS 'EVAL PROCESS & PRLCE •EXPD INTERNET ACCE' REQUEST REVIEW 'LEV COMMU FACIL 'CREATE UNIFIED IMAC 'COMMU SHOWCASE CUSTOMERS 'WORKFORCE DEVELOPMNT 'MONITOR DEMOGRAP'DETERM CURR OFFEF'EDUC &DEV STRAT 'PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNER EXTERNAL FORCES 'WORK W/REGNL PARI'EXPD INTERNET ACCESS 'INVOLVE SENIORS IN PMKTVALLEY EXTERNA 'CREATE REGNL IT COMMITTEE 'BLD DIVERSE COMMUI'POLITICAL LEVERAGE 8. The final synthesis of initiatives is listed below. The relative weight of each initiative reflects the "Gain" of the initiative, indicating the contribution of the initiative to achieving the mission. The next step will be to analyze the "Pain", or costs associated with implementing each initiative, and the "Risk", or probability of success associated with the accomplishment of each initiative. Synthesis relative to: Goal 1 1. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMNT 0.208 DEV A SPECIFIC PROCESS W/ FEEDBACK WHICH PROVIDES TRNG FOR TARGETED INDUSTRY 2. INCRS TEACHER EFFECTIVENE 0.112 INCREASED TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS BY OBTAINING DESIRABLE STUDENT/ TEACHER RATIOS 8 HIRING & RETAINING EFFECTIVE TEACHERS 3. EXPD INTERNET ACCESS 0.074 EXPAND OUR CUSTOMER'S ABILITY TO INTERACT WITH US THROUGH INTERNET ACCESS (PAY TXS. WATER, AUTOMATED REPORT CARDS, ETC..) 4. EXPAND REG EFFORTS 0.074 FACTOR REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES INTO SERVICES DELIVERY, MUST EXPAND OUR REG PERSPECTIVE OF FIRE, POLICE, SOLID WASTE, ECON DEV EFFORTS, SEWER & WATER ETC 5. PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNER 0.055 MAINTAIN PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHP THAT SUPPORTS ECON DEV STRAT (TO BE REFINED) 6. EVAL PROCESS & PRLCE 0.047 - EVALUATE ECONOMIC DEV PROCESS & PROCEDURES TO OPTIMIZE NON-RESIDENTIAL BASE & GET MOST BANG FOR THE BUCK(5 % ) 7. MORE EDUC OPPS 0.042 - OFFER MORE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES VIA INTERNET, CHANNEL 3, OTHER B. RECRUIT BUSINESS 0.040 - RECRUIT INNOVATIVE, ENVIRONMENTALY FRIENDLY BUSI W/A MAJORITY OF HIGHER PAID EMPLOYEES; PRIMARY JOBS 9. OBJECTIVE BASED MGMT 0.032 INCLUDE OBJECTIVE BASED MANAGEMENT THAT IDENTIFY SERVICE LEVEL EVALUATION -BASED ON STRATEGIC DIRECTION 10. LAND USE 0.031 DEVELOP EFFECTIVE LAND USE PROGRM TO ENSURE PRESERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 11. EDUC 8 DEV STRAT 0.031 EDUCATE &DEV STRAT TO EDUCATE BUSI/INDIVIDUALS RELATIVE TO THEIR RETURN ON TAX INVESTMENT 12. LEV COMMU FACIL 0.029 ~ LEVERAGE COMMU FACILITIES- HAVE SCHOOLS 8 FACILITIES FOCUS ON COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 80% -> 13. DETERM CURR OFFERGS 0.029 DETERMINE CURRENT OFFERINGS IN THE ARTS COMMU & DOCUMENT GAPS IN VALLEY, NEEDS & EST WORK PLAN TO FILL GAPS 14. COMMU SHOWCASE 0.029 INCR SPECIAL EVENTS THAT SHOWCASE OR CELEBRATE COMMUNITY ASSETS (CULTURE, EDUC) EXPAND ROANOKE COUNTY INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 15. PROVIDE INCENTIVES 0.021 ~ RAISE BAR OF EXPECTATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 8 PROVIDE INCENTIVES TO BUSINESSES 8 16. CREATE UNIFIED IMAGE 0.020 ~ CREATE UNIFIED IMAGE CAMPAIGN TO BE USED THROUGHOUT ROANOKE COUNTY GOV, 8 SCHOOLS 17. CONNECTING COUNTERPARTS 0.016 ~ EACH ELECTED OFFICIAL WILL CONTACT A COUNTERPART IN A NEIGHBORING LOCALITY TO PRODUCE A SPECIFIC RESULT 18. PUBLICIZE BOS & SB 0.014 ~ PUBLICIZE BOS & SB -SEEK WAYS TO PUBLICIZE COOPERATION AS WELL AS COOPERATION AMONG 5 DISTRICTS 19. PROMOTE ROANOKE 0.013 ~ PROMOTE ROANOKE COUNTY AS A PLACE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO SETTLE VIA CORPORATIONS, JOB FAIRS, COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS, ETC. 20. CREATE REGNL IT COMMITTEE 0.012 ~ CREATE REGIONAL IT COMMITTEE (INCL BUSI) TO MONITOR WWW TECHNOLOGY AND FIND WAYS TO APPLY THAT TECHN IN THE VALLEY 21. MKTVALLEY EXTERNAL 0.011 ~ MARKET THE VALLEY ON GLOBAL SCALE AS A PLACE TO DO BUSINESS & TO VISIT 22. WORK W/REGNL PARTNERSHP 0.011 ~ WORK W/ECON DEV PARTNERSHIP IN STATE & FED GOV TO SUPP LOCAL BUSI IN PROVIDING PROD ON GLOBAL SCALE 23. IDENTIFY DUPLICATED SERV 0.010 ~ IDENTIFY AREAS WHERE COMBINING DUPLICATED SERVICES COULD PROVIDE MORE EFFICIENT, IMPRVED DELIVERY OF SERVICES 24. MONITOR DEMOGRAPHICS 0.010 ~ MONITOR CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS TO CREATE PROACTIVE SOLUTIONS TO FOSTER POSITIVE OUTCOMES TO COMPLEX CULTURAL & SOCIAL ISSUES 25. POLITICAL LEVERAGE 0.008 ~ BRING STATE LEGISLATORS & BOS & SCHOOL BOARD TOGETHER ON A MORE REGULAR BASIS THAN 1 /YRIRE FULL TIME LOBBYIST TO REPRESENT THE COUNTY & SCHOOLS IN RICHMOND & WASHINGTON 26. PROMO MTRL ECON & EDU 0.007 ~ INCORPORATE MORE EDUCATION INFO INTO ECON DEV PROMO MATERIALS 27. REQUEST REVIEW 0.007 ~ REQUEST REVIEW W/ RATING AGENCIES TO DETERMINE WHAT IT TAKES TO ACCOMPLISH AAA RATING 26. INTER/1NTRA COMMU 0.003 ~ ENCOURAGE/SPONSOR JT MTG INTERlINTRA COMMUNICATION AMONG CO-COUNCIL PTA & CIVIC LEAGUES 29. INVOLVE SENIORS IN GOVERN 0.003 ~ INVOLVE THE OLDER POPULATION IN SCHOOLS, PARKS & RECR, & LIBRARIES THRU FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGR, LIFE LONG LEARNING 8 VOLUNTEER OPPS 30. BLD DIVERSE COMMUNITY 0.001 DEV PROGRAM ENCOURAGING DEVELOPERS TO BUILD OR RE-BUILD DIVERSE COMMUN (INCLUDES HOUSING FOR DIVERSE 8 SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS) Mission Jan. 22, 2000 Facilitators: Participants: Observers: Donna Schwartz, Kim Simon County of Roanoke, School Board & Staff Media, Community of Roanoke Objective of Analysis: Develop a mission statement reflecting the organization's value proposition and business objectives. GoaI:000NTY OF ROANOKE TO SURVIVE & THRIVE THROUGH THE YEAR 2005 PARTNERS COMPETITORS ROANOKE COUNTY CUSTOMERS EXTERNAL FORC;`S Lw 0 103 Gw 0.103 Lw 0.372 Gw: 0.372 Lw: 0.194 Gw: 0.194 Lw: 0.258 Gw: 0.258 Lw: 0.073 Gvc 0.073 'RESOURCES ' EDUCATION 'INNOVATION 'LIFE LONG LEARNING 'TECHNOLOGY Lw:0.514 Gw:0.453 Lw:0.575 Gw:0.214 Lw:0.407 Gw:0.079 Lw:0.432 Gw:0.112 Lw:0.527 Gw:0.039 'REGIONAL ALLIANCES 'SERVICES 'CULTURE /PEOPLE 'ECONOMIC BASE ' GL08AL ECONOMY Lw:0.254 Gw:0.026 Lw:0.254 Gw:0.095 Lw:0.308 Gw:0.060 Lw:0.353 Gw:0.091 Lw:0.304 Gw:0.022 'CHANNELS OF COMMUNIQUAL7R( OF LIFE 'BRAND IMAGE 'TAX STRUCTURE 'GOVERNMENT INFLUENC Lw: 0.166 Gw: 0.017 Lw: 0.110 Gw: 0.041 Lw: 0.170 Gw: 0.033 Lw: 0.150 Gw: D.039 Lw: 0.113 Gw: 0.008 'SPIRIT OF COOPERATIO~SENSE OF PLACE 'FINANCIAL HEALTH 'DIVERSITY 'DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT Lw:0.465 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.060 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.116 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.064 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.056 Gw:0.004 Synthesis relative to: Goat 1 1. EDUCATION 0.214 SUPPORT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, SUCCESS RATE OF K-12 & PUBLIC EDUCATION 2. LIFE LONG LEARNING 0.112 LIFE CYCLE, TRNG OPPS, CONTI EDUC, SUPPORT OF ARTS & CULTURAL OPPS, VOCATIONAL, PU LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMNT 3. SERVICES 0.095 WIDE RANGE OF COST EFFECTIVE SERVICES, QUALITY SERVICE, SMARTER ~ HARDER THAN EVI 4. ECONOMIC BASE 0.091 STRONG ECONOMIC BASE, EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT © INNOVATION 0.079 PREP FOR TECHN ADVANCES, ELECTR COMMUNITY, WE8-BASED SERVICES, PROCESSES & PRC Q6 CULTURE /PEOPLE 0.060 DIVERSE, SKILLED, PASSIONATE, INVOLVED, STRONG COMMITMENTS, HIGH VALUES, FAMILY FRI PEOPLE 7. RESOURCES 0.053 ~ $, LABOR, JOBS, VOLUTEERISM, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TECHN & INFORMATION 8. QUALITY OF LIFE 0.041 ~ COMFORT, NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRON SENSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK, SAFE 8 HEALTH` 9. TAX STRUCTURE 0.039 COST EFFECTIVE TAX STRUCTURE RELATIVE TO MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS 80% -> 10. TECHNOLOGY 0.039 ~ THE NEED TO KEEP UP WITH CHANGE: WWW, DNA, BIOMEDiCS, TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICF ~1 BRAND IMAGE 0.033 ~ THE PLACE FOR YOU! 12. REGIONAL ALLIANCES 0.026 PRODUCTIVE, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL, RESULTS ORIENTED, COLLABORATION WiNE1GHBORING l PARTNERSHIPS 13. FINANCIAL HEALTH 0.022 ~ TRIPLE A RATING, REDUCE DEPENDANCY ON RESIDENTIAL TAXES, FUND BALANCE 6.25°,~0 14. SENSE OF PLACE 0.022 ~ OWNERSHP IN COMMUNITY, SENSE OF BELONGING, ACCESSIBILITY 15. GLOBAL ECONOMY 0.022 ~ POSITIVE ECONOMY -LOCAL, NATIONAL & GLOBAL 16. CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATIt0.017 ALLOW A WAY TO COMMUNICATE IDEAS, A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS, ACCESS & CLOUT, 17. DIVERSITY 0 017 ~ BUILD, STRENGTHEN 8 SUPPORT CULTURAL, ETHNIC, PEOPLE WlDISABILITIES, DEMOGRAPHIC, ; 18. GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE 0.008 NATIONAL, STATE, LOCAL -POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE INFLUENCES THAT RESULT FROM LEGISLATI~ ELECTIONS, REGULATIONS 19. SPIRIT OF COOPERATION 0.007 ~ WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER TOWARDS COMMON GOALS (PARTNERS, PTA'S, CHAMBERS FOUNDTNS,CHURCHS) 20. DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT 0.004 e AGING POPULATION, RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, HEALTH, POPULATION SHIFTS Goai: COUNTY OF ROANOKE TO SURVIVE 8~ THRIVE THROU~~ Ti~E YEAR 24D0~ Syr>thesis relative to: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMNT 0.2084 DEV A SPECIFIC PROCESS W/ FEEDBACK WHICH PROVIDES TRNG FOR TARGETED INDUSTRY 2 1NCRS TEACHER EFFECTiVEi 0.1123 -_~ INCREASED TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS BY OBTAINING DESIRABLE STUDENT /TEACHER RATIOS 8 HIRING & RETAINING EFFECTIVE TEACHERS 3 EXPD INTERNET ACCESS 0.0744 -- EXPAND OUR CUSTOMER'S ABILITY TO INTERACT WITH US THROUGH INTERNET ACCESS (PAY TXS, WATER, AUTOMATED REPORT CARDS, ETC..) 4 EXPAND REG EFFORTS 0.0739 FACTOR REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES INTO SERVICES DELIVERY, MUST EXPAND OUR REG PERSPECTIVE OF FIRE, POLICE, SOLID WASTE, ECON DEV EFFORTS, SEWER & WATER ETC 5 PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNER 0.0547 MAINTAIN PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHP THAT SUPPORTS ECON DEV STRAT (TO BE REFINED) 6 EVAL PROCESS & PRLCE 0.0474 EVALUATE ECONOMIC DEV PROCESS & PROCEDURES TO OPTIMIZE NON-RESIDENTIAL BASE & GET MOST BANG FOR THE BUCK(5%) 7 MORE EDUC OPPS 0.0418 OFFER MORE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES VIA INTERNET, CHANNEL 3, OTHER 8 RECRUIT BUSINESS 0.0395 RECRUIT INNOVATIVE, ENVIRONMENTALY FRIENDLY BUST W/A MAJORITY OF HIGHER PAID EMPLOYEES; PRIMARY JOBS 9 OBJECTIVE BASED MGMT 0.0317 INCLUDE OBJECTIVE BASED MANAGEMENT THAT IDENTIFY SERVICE LEVEL E'/ALUATION -BASED ON STRATEGIC DIRECTION 10 LAND USE 0.0314 DEVELOP EFFECTIVE LAND USE PROGRM TO ENSURE PRESERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 11 EDUC &DEV STRAT 0.0311 EDUCATE 8 DEV STRAT TO EDUCATE BUST/INDIVIDUALS RELATIVE TO THEIR RETURN ON TAX INVESTMENT 12 LEV COMMU FACIL 0.0292 LEVERAGE COMMU FACILITIES- HAVE SCHOOLS & FACILITIES FOCUS ON COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 13 DETERM CURR OFFERGS 0.0290 DETERMINE CURRENT OFFERINGS IN THE ARTS COMMU & DOCUMENT GAPS IN VALLEY, NEEDS 8, EST WORK PLAN TO FILL GAPS 14 COMMU SHOWCASE 0.0286 _ INCR SPECIAL EVENTS THAT SHOWCASE OR CELEBRATE COMMUNITY ASSETS (CULTURE, EDUC) EXPAND ROANOKE COUNTY INVOLVEMENT iN COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES i5 PROVIDE INCENTIVES 0.0210 RAISE BAR OF EXPECTATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES & PROVIDE INCENTIVES TO BUSINESSES r~ 2000 01 23 ROANOKE MISSION v3.amf - c:lroanoke12000 01 23 ROANOKE MISSION v3.amf i~. AliahTHINK! 4.0 Professional 4.0 ~~DBCision Models January 23, 2000 12:20:27 -Page 1 of 3 Goal: COUNTY O~ ROANOKE TO SURVIVE & THRIVE THROUGH THE YEAR 2005 Syr>tfiesis relative to: 16 CREATE UNIFIED IMAGE 0.0198 - CREATE UNIFIED IMAGE CAMPAIGN TO BE USED THROUGHOUT ROANOKE COUNTY GOV, & SCHOOLS 17 CONNECTING COUNTERPAR' 0.0157 ^ EACH ELECTED OFFICIAL WILL CONTACT A COUNTERPART IN A NEIGHBORING LOCALITY TO PRODUCE A SPECIFIC RESULT 18 PUBLICIZE BOS & S8 0.0136 ^ PUBLICIZE BOS & SB -SEEK WAYS TO PUBLICIZE COOPERATION AS WELL AS COOPERATION AMONG 5 DISTRICTS 19 PROMOTE ROANOKE 0.0132 ^ PROMOTE ROANOKE COUNTY AS A PLACE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO SETTLE VIA CORPORATIONS, JOB FAIRS, COLLEGE PUBLICATIONS, ETC. 20 CREATE REGNL IT COMMITTE 0.0116 . CREATE REGIONAL R COMMITTEE (INCL BUST) TO MONITOR WWW TECHNOLOGY AND FIND WAYS TO APPLY THAT TECHN {N THE VALLEY 21 MKTVALLEY EXTERNAL 0.0111 MARKET THE VALLEY ON GLOBAL SCALE AS A PLACE TO DO BUSINESS & TO VISIT 22 WORK WIREGNL PARTNERSI 0.0111 WORK W/ECON DEV PARTNERSHIP IN STATE & FED GOV TO SUPP LOCAL BUSI IN PROVIDING PROD ON GLOBAL SCALE 23 IDENTIFY DUPLICATED SERV 0.0104 . IDENTIFY AREAS WHERE COMBINING DUPLICATED SERVICES COULD PROVIDE MORE EFFICIENT, IMPRVED DELIVERY OF SERVICES 24 MONITOR DEMOGRAPHICS 0.0094 . MONITOR CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS TO CREATE PROACTIVE SOLUTIONS TO FOSTER POSITIVE OUTCOMES TO COMPLEX CULTURAL 8 SOCIAL ISSUES 25 POLITICAL LEVERAGE 0.0083 , BRING STATE LEGISLATORS i3< BOS & SCHOOL BOARD TOGETHER ON A MORE REGULAR BASIS THAN 1 lYRIRE FULL TIME LOBBYIST TO REPRESENT THE COUNTY & SCHOOLS IN RICHMOND 8 WASHINGTON 26 PROMO MTRL ECON & EDU 0.0068 , INCORPORATE MORE EDUCATION INFO INTO ECON DEV PROMO MATERIALS 27 REQUEST REVIEW 0.0067 REQUEST REVIEW W! RATING AGENCIES TO DETERMINE WHAT IT TAKES TO ACCOMPLISH AAA RATING 28 INTER/INTRA COMMU 0.0033 I ENCOURAGE/SPONSOR JT MTG INTER/INTRA COMMUNICATION AMONG CO-COUNCIL PTA & CIVIC LEAGUES 29 INVOLVE SENIORS IN GOVER 0.0029 ' INVOLVE THE OLDER POPULATION IN SCHOOLS, PARKS 8~ RECR, ~ LIBRARIES THRU FOSTER GRANDPARENT PROGR, LIFE LONG LEARNING & VOLUNTEER OPPS 2000 01 23 ROANOKE MISSION v3.amf- c:troanoke12000 01 23 ROANOKE MISSION v3.amf AliahTHINKI 4.0 Professional 4.0 ~~DeCision Models January 23, 2000 12:20:27 -Page 2 of 3 Goal: COUNTY OF ROANOKE TO SURVIVE & T#~VE THROUGH THEE YEAR 2005 Syrnhesis relative to: 30 BLD DIVERSE COMMUNITY 0.0012 DEV PROGRAM ENCOURAGING DEVELOPERS TO BUILD OR RE-BUILD DIVERSE COMMUN (INCLUDES HOUSING FOR DIVERSE 8~ SPECIAL NEEDS POPULATIONS) 2000 01 23 ROANOKE MISSION v3.amf - c:lroanoke12000 01 23 ROANOKE MISSION v3.amf AliahTlilNKl 4.0 Professional 4.0 ~~ Decision Models January 23, 2000 12:20:27 -Page 3 of 3 Participants in 2000 Board Retreat: Board of Supervisors Joe McNamara Fuzzy Minnix Butch Church Bob Johnson Harry Nickens School Board Jerry Canada ill Irvi Tom Leggette Marion Roark Mike Stovall Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Linda Weber, School Superintendent ~~t (- ~l~h~e ~o~c.~rv ~ $~'' ~~~ ~ ~n ~ `~~cha~cL ~Itsva'a u~c~ru.e~ ~ ,~oc~u3rC~ ~ c~na~ 1~Y9'nc~ . ~~~~~ County Staff Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Brent Robertson, Budget Manager Diane Hyatt, Finance Director Joe Sgroi, Human Resources Director David Porter, Economic Development Director Pete Haislip, Parks and Recreation Director Gary Robertson, Utility Director School Staff ~~~ ~'aYr~ ~~1' ~A c~u~`o Rick Calhoun, Associate Director of Vocational and Adult Education Michele Dowdy, Coordinator of Elementary Guidance and Career Education Richard Flora, Executive Assistant of Construction Tom Hall, Director of Personnel Penny Hodge, Director of Budget and Finance Jane James, Director of Technology Lorraine Lange, Associate Director of Instruction Garland Life, Senior Director of Instruction Carol Whitaker, Director of Pupil Personnel Services Also Attending: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Bren hastai School Board Clerk Darlene Ratliff, chool Board Deputy Clerk -- Mission L Ld " ~° G°`~ Jan. 22, 2000 G,e _ ~ /e 6a ~ Facilitators: Qonna Schwartz, Kim Simon Participants: County of Roanoke, School Board & Staff Observers: Media, Community of Roanoke Objective of Analysis: Develop a mission statement reflecting the organization's value proposition and business objectives. GoaI:000NTY OF ROANOKE TO SURVIVE & THRIVE THROUGH THE YEAR 2005 The Goal Lw: 1.000 c ~e.,ys, t we~9 h ~ PARTNERS COMPETITORS ROANOKE COUNTY CUSTOMERS EXTERNAL FORCES Lw 0.103 Gw: 0.103 Lw: 0.372 Gw: 0.372 Lw: 0.194 Gw 0.194 Lw: 0.258 Gw: 0.258 Lw: 0.073 Gw~ 0.073 'RESOURCES 'EDUCATION 'INNOVATION ' LIFE LONG LEARNING 'TECHNOLOGY Lw: 0.514 Gw: 0.053 Lw: 0.575 Gw: 0.214 Lw: 0.407 Gw: 0.079 Lw: 0.432 Gw; 0.112 Lw: 0.527 Gw; 0.039 'REGIONAL ALLIANCES 'SERVICES 'CULTURE /PEOPLE 'ECONOMIC BASE 'GLOBAL ECONOMY Lw:0.254 Gw:0.026 Lw:0.254 Gw:0.095 Lw:0.308 Gw:0.060 Lw:0.353 Gw:0.091 Lw:0.304 Gw:0.022 'CHANNELS OF COMMU NIQUAIbI,<N OF LIFE 'BRAND IMAGE 'TAX STRUCTURE 'GOVERNMENT 1NFLUENC Lw:0.166 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.110 Gw:0.041 Lw:0.170 Gw:0.033 Lw:0.150 Gw:0.039 Lw:0.113 Gw:0.008 'SPIRIT OF COOPERATIOt`SENSE OF PLACE 'FINANCIAL HEALTH 'DIVERSITY 'DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT Lw:0.065 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.060 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.116 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.064 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.056 Gw:0.004 Syrrthesis relative to: Goat 1 1. EDUCATION 0.214 SUPPORT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, SUCCESS RATE OF K-12 ~ PUBLIC EDUCATION 2. LIFE LONG LEARNING 0.112 LIFE CYCLE, TRNG OPPS, CONTI EDUC, SUPPORT OF ARTS & CULTURAL OPPS, VOCATIONAL, PU LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEENT 3. SERVICES 0.095 WIDE RANGE OF COST EFFECTIVE SERVICES, QUALITY SERVICE, SMARTER & HARDER THAN EVI 4. ECONOMIC BASE 0.091 STRONG ECONOMIC BASE, EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT 5. INNOVATION 0.079 PREP FOR TECHN ADVANCES, ELECTR COMMUNITY, WEB-BASED SERVICES, PROCESSES 8~ PRC 6. CULTURE /PEOPLE 0.060 DIVERSE, SKILLED; PASSIONATE, INVOLVED, STRONG COMMITMENTS, HIGH VALUES, FAMILY FRI PEOPLE 7. RESOURCES 0.053 - $, LABOR, JOBS, VOLUTEERISM, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TECHN & INFORMATION 8. QUALITY OF LIFE 0.041 - COMFORT, NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRON SENSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK, SAFE 8 HEALTH` 9. TAX STRUCTURE 0.039 - COST EFFECTIVE TAX STRUCTURE RELATIVE TO MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS 80% -> 10. TECHNOLOGY 0.039 - THE NEED TO KEEP UP WITH CHANGE: WWW, DNA, BIOMEDICS, TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICF 11. BRAND IMAGE 0.033 ~ THE PLACE FOR YOU! 12. REGIONAL ALLIANCES 0.026 ~ PRODUCTIVE, MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL, RESULTS ORIENTED, COLLABORATION W/NEIGHBORING L PARTNERSHIPS _ 13. FINANCIAL HEALTH 0.022 ~ TRIPLE A RATING, REDUCE DEPENDANCY ON RESIDENTIAL TAXES, FUND BALANCE 6.25% 14. SENSE OF PLACE 0.022 ~ OWNERSHP IN COMMUNITY, SENSE OF BELONGING, ACCESSIBILITY 15. GLOBAL ECONOMY 0.022 ~ POSITIVE ECONOMY -LOCAL, NATIONAL 8 GLOBAL 16. CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATIt0.017 ~ ALLOW A WAY TO COMMUNICATE IDEAS, A BETTER WAY OF DOING THINGS, ACCESS 8 CLOUT, 17. DIVERSITY 0.017 ~ BUILD, STRENGTHEN 8 SUPPORT CULTURAL, ETHNIC, PEOPLE W/DISABILITIES, DEMOGRAPHIC, 18. GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE 0.008 ^ NATIONAL, STATE, LOCAL -POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE INFLUENCES THAT RESULT FROM LEGISLATI~ ELECTIONS, REGULATIONS 19. SPIRIT OF COOPERATION 0.007 ^ WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER TOWARDS COMMON GOALS (PARTNERS, PTA'S, CHAMBERS FOUNDTNS,CHURCHS) 20. DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT 0.004 ~ AGING POPULATION, RE-DISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, HEALTH, POPULATION SHIFTS ATTENDANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/SCHOOL BOARD RETREAT SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 2000 NAME TITLE ~'~ ~ ~ 'i f'% ~ f ~ ~C_ - L,'Cri ~c ~/i _ (C% JC l Cc ~ , 0 /-1 R s L e / ~e ~c `~~a a24 ~I,.~d Sa~C ~l~s /~ --,, V ~"~ c ~ 1 V1~, VDU !~. L;~(Q ~,V~ (. ~~. ~~ W ~u lH( l,(,~,t~i "~ !~G(~j ~_ V C"/'f'(/ l~ r7 r7 ih L/ f ~ J.(% ~-CJ 4* / sl'7/in ~•J/7~~T':..-. ^- ~ ~ ~` V j V~'~C ~ t r ~ C.~ ~2v~ ~ ~C~ ~'I G~ ~-S ,.a.. ATTENDANCE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS/SCHOOL BOARD RETREAT SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 2000 NAME TITLE County of Roanoke Memorandum To: Board Retreat Attendees From: Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator Date: January 13, 2000 Subject: Schedule for Board Retreat Our Board Retreat will begin with a continental breakfast at 8:00 a.m. in the lobby outside the the Crystal Ballroom in the Hotel Roanoke. The Crystal Ballroom is located just inside the conference center doors which face onto the entry circle at the Hotel. Self parking is included in our package from the Hotel, so please park in the lot, and bring your ticket in with you. The formal program will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Crystal Room, which is a smaller portion of the Crystal Ballroom. We will have lunch at the buffet in the Regency Room at noon, and plan to finish the formal part of our program at 5:00. All of those attending the retreat are invited, with their spouse or guest, to join us for dinner that evening at 5:30 in the Regency Room at the Hotel Roanoke. On Sunday, we will again have a continental breakfast available beginning at 8:00 a.m., and resume our program in the Crystal Room at 9:00. Lunch will be served at noon in the Regency Room. The event will be different from our previous retreats, and there will be no staff reports. For the County, staff reports and a review of the eight objectives set at the beginning of the fiscal year will be discussed at work sessions in February and March. The program for this retreat will be focused on reviewing existing missions statements and goals and objectives, in order to formulate an overall plan for the County. The Aliah process uses computer software to rank choices made by the participants, which adds quantitative measures to a qualitative process. The software limits the choices presented at one time, and then analyzes the responses to prioritize and rank the overall list. My staff recently experimented with the program in a group setting, and found the experience to be exciting and enjoyable. Please call Melinda Rector at 772-2006 to let us know whether you and your guest will join us for dinner on the 22nd. f' - ~ County of Roanoke Memorandum To: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Brent Robertson, Budget Manager Diane Hyatt, Finance Director Joe Sgroi, Human Resources Director David Porter, Economic Development Director Pete Haislip, Parks and Recreation Director Gary Robertson, UctilGity~Director From: Elmer C. Hod e Gitc?" g County Administrator Date: January 4, 2000 Subject: Board Retreat -January 22 and 23, 2000 As you may know, the Board Retreat is set for January 22 and 23 at the Hotel Roanoke. I would like each of you to plan to attend. The sessions will run from 9:00 - 5:00 on Saturday, and 9:00 - 1:00 on Sunday. A continental breakfast will be available beginning at 8:00 on both days. Attached is a copy of the memo which Joe McNamara has written to the Board of Supervisors and the School Board, outlining the Aliah method which we will be using to map out the County's goals and objectives. Brent Robertson and Joe Sgroi will also be learning more about this method, and will use it with the E-Team to help individual departments formulate goals and objectives based on those determined by the two Boards. It will be an interesting and exciting process, which I am sure you will find enjoyable. If you are unable to attend, let me know as soon as possible. cc: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board . - ~ County of Roanoke Memorandum To: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County School Board From: Joseph McNamara, Chairman Board of Supervisors Date: January 3, 2000 Subject: Board Retreat The new millennium is upon us...or does the new millennium start next year? Regardless, we can be proud of the accomplishments of the Roanoke County government over the past years. We enter the new millennium fiscally strong, with a strong school system, and services that rival any comparably sized County. However, the world economy is changing faster than at any point in history. Collectively, we are charged to leverage our wisdom to best utilize the resources at our disposal to position Roanoke Valley citizenry at a competitive advantage. Our performance should be judged by how well our strategies and programs of the coming years position Roanoke County for the coming half century. Two clear priorities are the refinement of a sound pro-active Economic Development Strategy that focuses on business and industry that we want to target, and the nurturing of a school system second to none. To help with these goals, we will be utilizing a suite of templates from Aliah, Inc. to help facilitate strategic thinking in many areas of the County in the coming year. The Aliah system is based upon Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which provides the structure for individuals and groups to manage the complexity of the decisions. Mathematical validity, as well as human behavioral and thought processes, form the basis of the AHP. The process breaks down elements of a complex decision into manageable components for analysis. This rigor transforms traditional team thinking sessions from unstructured conversations to results-oriented session where consensus is reached on key decisions. During our retreat, we will use the Aliah method to refine our vision and mission for the County and create specific actions that support our vision. The school system is a key component of County services and our mission, and I am delighted that both Boards, along with key staff, will join us through this process. The best is yet to come! Our retreat will be held at the Hotel Roanoke, from 9:00 - 5:00 on Saturday, January 22 and 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 23. I look forward to seeing you there. cc: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Linda Weber, Superintendent of Schools County of Roanoke Memorandum To: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County School Board From: Joseph McNamara, Chairman `~0~~ Board of Supervisors C. Date: January 3, 2000 Subject: Board Retreat The new millennium is upon us...or does the new millennium start next year? Regardless, we can be proud of the accomplishments of the Roanoke County government over the past years. We enter the new millennium fiscally strong, with a strong school system, and services that rival any comparably sized County. However, the world economy is changing faster than at any point in history. Collectively, we are charged to leverage our wisdom to best utilize the resources at our disposal to position Roanoke Valley citizenry at a competitive advantage. Our performance should be judged by how well our strategies and programs of the coming years position Roanoke County for the coming half century. Two clear priorities are the refinement of a sound pro-active Economic Development Strategy that focuses on business and industry that we want to target, and the nurturing of a school system second to none. To help with these goals, we will be utilizing a suite of templates from Aliah, Inc. to help facilitate strategic thinking in many areas of the County in the coming year. The Aliah system is based upon Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which provides the structure for individuals and groups to manage the complexity of the decisions. Mathematical validity, as well as human behavioral and thought processes, form the basis of the AHP. The process breaks down elements of a complex decision into manageable components for analysis. This rigor transforms traditional team thinking sessions from unstructured conversations to results-oriented session where consensus is reached on key decisions. During our retreat, we will use the Aliah method to refine our vision and mission for the County and create specific actions that support our vision. The school system is a key component of County services and our mission, and I am delighted that both Boards, along with key staff, will join us through this process. The best is yet to come! Our retreat will beheld at the Hotel Roanoke, from 9:00 - 5:00 on Saturday, January 22 and 9:00 - 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 23. I look forward to seeing you there. cc: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Linda Weber, Superintendent of Schools /~r ~`,_,„,, County of Roanoke Memorandum To: Board of Supervisors _ From: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator ~lxs'~ Date: December 1, 1999 Subject: Strategic Planning Session At the request of several Board members, I am coordinating plans for our annual planning session. As we previously discussed, we have chosen January 22 and 23 for the meeting. The location will be arranged shortly. The general consensus of the Board is to make this a strategic planning session which will include the school board and school administration, with a focus on needs and priorities facing both the schools and the county in the upcoming year. Joe McNamara has already mentioned this to several members of the School Board, and received a positive response. Mr. McNamara recently attended a session of this type through his company, and has provided some material to me from Aliah, the consultant which Unisys used. After reviewing the material, I downloaded additional information from the Internet and requested further material from the company. I was most impressed with the process which the company uses. It was developed over the last 9 years and has been used by local governments and major corporations such as IBM, Ford Motor Company, and the North Allegheny County, Pennsylvania School System. The process, known as AliahTHINK is used to develop overall missions with specific objectives and strategies. In order to make the plans, we are asking that you reserve all day Saturday and Sunday morning for this meeting. We will send more information over the next two weeks as we finalize the plans. I have contacted Dr. Gordon and will send this information to her and the School Board as well.