HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/29/2000 - RegularOANp,~,~ a a 838 L ti' z ~ 2(!a~ Docugre~t - .Su~~ec~ to ~eucdio~i ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA FEBRUARY 29, 2000 ,~~~~,~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p m and Saturdays at 4 p•m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL PRESENT AT 3:05 P.M. 2. .Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ®Recycled Paper C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Walter L. Delaney, Jr., Sheriff's Office. R-022900-1 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC ACCEPTED BY MR. DELANEY 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Donnie C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator R-022900-2 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC ACCEPTED BY MR. MYERS D. BRIEFINGS 1. Presentation of Annual Report from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. (Phil Sparks, Executive Director) POSTPONED AT THE REQUEST OF MR. SPARKS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for approval to award construction contract and appropriate $375,000 for the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant Economic Development Director) A-022900-3 HCN MOTION TO APPROVE AWARD OF CONTRACT AND APPROPRIATE FUNDS URC 2. Request for approval of a VDOT resolution supporting the County portion of the Hardy Road project and consideration of funding bikeways and sidewalks. (George Simpson, Assistant Director of Community Development) R-022900-4 2 URC 3. Request to adopt resolution in support of continued state fund for Virginia's Explore Park. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) R-022900-5 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC JPM ASKED THAT LETTER FROM BOARD BE SENT WITH RESOLUTION F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. BLJ MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2 AND PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 28, 2000 URC 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an ice cream parlor, located in the 6400 block of Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Regal, Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance authorizing Appalachian Power Company to expand the use of an existing easement across a well lot on Oriole Lane (Tax Map # 87.17-3-13) owned by the Board of Supervisors. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) HOM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2 - 3/14100 URC H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. League of Older Americans -Advisory Board 5. Library Board ED DAVID SMITH TO A FUUK- J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-022900-6 R~ .1 MOTION TO ADOPT CONSE URC 1. Approval of Minutes a. October 26, 1999 and November 9, 1999, and November 23, 1999 b. January 3, 2000, January 11, 2000, and January 22-23, 2000 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens. A-022900-6.a URC 3. Donation of two drainage easements on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District. A-022900-6.b 4. Request from Police Department for acceptance of a grant from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests. A-022900-6.c 4 5. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept $5,625 grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for criminal history records improvement. A-022900-6.d 6. Request from Police Department for acceptance of $37,983 V- stop grant from the Department of Criminal Justice for prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women. A-022900-6.e 7. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $50,221 to the Regional School Budget. R-022900-6.f 8. Request for acceptance of Lakedale Road into the VDOT Secondary System under the rural addition program. R-022900-6.g 9. Approval of a resolution to VDOT requesting a "Watch for Children Sign." R-022900-6.h 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Betty P. Shockley, Social Services Department. R-022900-6.i K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS HOM MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AFTER DISCUSSION OF ITEM 9 - UW 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 5 Drive. Arnold Covey advised that the paving has not yet been completed but he will check on the trees and the fence. 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -January 2000 6. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 7. Changes to the VDOT Secondary System in January 2000 8. Notice of VDOT Salem District Preallocation Public Hearing 9. Report on proposed Sanderson Subdivision in Hollins Magisterial District BLJ ASKED TERRY HARRINGTON ABOUT THE ENTRANCE ON N. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Update on Economic Development Strategy. (David Porter, Economic Development Director) POSTPONED TO 3/14/00 2. Discussion on amendments to the zoning ordinance concerning cluster subdivisions. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 3. Budget Work Session a. Review of debt schedules (Diane Hyatt) b. Discussion on revenues (Brent Robertson) 6 4. Review of County Administration Goals established in July 1999. (Continued from February 8, 2000) Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) CONTINUED. TO 3/14/00 O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) consultation with legal counsel pertaining to pending litigation; Rising Star Camp and Roanoke County v. GE; 2.1-344A (1) discussion of a personnel matter; 2.1-344A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. JPM MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED MEETING FOLLOWING RECEPTION AT 4:00 P.M. URC EXECUTIVE SESSION HELD FROM 4:20 P.M. TO 6:15 P.M. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-022900-7 JPM MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN MEETING AND ADOPT RESO AT 7:05 P.M. URC Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to elicit citizen comment for items to be included in the budget for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. 1 CITIZEN SPOKE ON BENT MOUNTAIN LIBRARY EXPANSION 2. Public Hearing on the "effective tax rate increase" as a result of increased assessed value of real estate. 7 1 CITIZEN SPOKE ON CONFUSING LANGUAGE IN ADVERTISEMENT 1 CITIZEN SPOKE ON EXEMPTING HOME AND SMALL BUSINESSES 3. Public Hearing to set the following tax rates: a. To set a real estate tax rate of not more than $1.13 per $100 assessed valuation. b. To set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation. c. To set a machinery and tools tax rate of not more than $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation. R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.04 acres from R-3 Medium Density Multi-family Residential to C-2 General Commercial to operate a day spa and salon in an existing structure, located at 5420 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of David and Zena Azar. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 0-022900-8 HOM MOTION TO ADOPT ORD URC 2. Second reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia by the addition of standards for cluster subdivisions, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 3. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the approval of a Special Use Permit for the Evangel Foursquare Church, for a religious assembly use located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 8 BLJ MOTION TO CONTINUE TO 3/28/00 -URC WORK SESSION SCHEDULED FOR 3/14/00 1. 2. Mrs Boyd Overstreet spoke in support of including funds for expansion of Bent Mountain Library. 3. Dick Kepley, member of the Youth Haven Board, expressed concern that there was no discussion with Rev. Bowers before deciding to close Youth Haven II. T. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Johnson• (1) Asked when the Board would review the sewer rate stu ~ ECH responded it was received about two weeks ago and scheduled to be discussed at a work session on 3/14/00. ~2) Expressed MHA to invite them to a tuture t3oara m achievement. S. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Supervisor Minnix• Expressed best wishes to the girls and boys basketball teams who are pla~g in the regional tournament. Valentines Dance Advised that he would present them with Gertiticates of Recognition for their dedication and hard work. E PMM updated the Board on legislation that affects local government. EXECUTIVE SESSION AT 10:55 P.M. JPM MOVED TO GO INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO 2 1-344 ~5) TO DISCUSS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROSPECT. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-022900-9 HOM MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN SESSION AT 11:12 AND ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION - URC U. ADJOURNMENT JPM ADJOURNED MEETING AT 11:13 P.M. 10 as liaisons to the groups. O~ ROAN ~.~ rffnxr c~ na ~ p 2 ~ rsae / ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 29, 2000 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturda s,~p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Walter L. Delaney, Jr., Sheriff's Office. 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Donnie C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator D. BRIEFINGS ® Recycled Paper 1. Presentation of Annual Report from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. (Phil Sparks, Executive Director) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for approval to award construction contract and appropriate $375,000 for the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant Economic Development Director) 2. Request for approval of a VDOT resolution supporting the County portion of the Hardy Road project and consideration of funding bikeways and sidewalks. (George Simpson, Assistant Director of Community Development) 3. Requests to adopt resolution in support of continued state fund for Virginia's Explore Park. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning acfions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an ice cream parlor, located in the 6400 block of Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Regal, Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance authorizing Appalachian Power Company to expand the use of an existing easement across a well lot on Oriole Lane (Tax Map # 87.17-3-13) owned by the Board of Supervisors. (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 2 4. League of Older Americans -Advisory Board J. 5. Library Board CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes a. October 26, 1999 and November 9, 1999, and November 23, 1999 b. January 3, 2000, January 11, 2000, and January 22-23, 2000 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens. 3. Donation of two drainage easements on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District. 4. Request from Police Department for acceptance of a grant from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests. 5. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept $5,625 grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for criminal history records improvement. 6. Request from Police Department for acceptance of $37,983 V- stop grant from the Department of Criminal Justice for prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women. 7. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $50,221 to the Regional School Budget. 8. Request for acceptance of Lakedale Road into the VDOT Secondary System under the rural addition program. 9. Approval of a resolution to VDOT requesting a "Watch for Children Sign." 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Betty P. 3 Shockley, Social Services Department. K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -January 2000 6. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 7. Changes to the VDOT Secondary System in January 2000 8. Notice of VDOT Salem District Preallocation Public Hearing 9. Report on proposed Sanderson Subdivision in Hollins Magisterial District N. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Update on Economic Development Strategy. (David Porter, Economic Development Director) 2. Discussion on amendments to the zoning ordinance concerning cluster subdivisions. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 3. Budget Work Session a. Review of debt schedules (Diane Hyatt) b. Discussion on revenues (Brent Robertson) 4. Review of County Administration Goals established in July 1999. (Continued from February 8, 2000) Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) consultation with legal counsel pertaining to pending litigation; Rising Star Camp and Roanoke County v. GE; 2.1-344A (1) discussion of a personnel matter; 2.1-344A (5) discussion concerning 4 a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to elicit citizen comment for items to be included in the budget for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. 2. Public Hearing on the "effective tax rate increase" as a result of increased assessed value of real estate. 3. Public Hearing to set the following tax rates: a. To set a real estate tax rate of not more than $1.13 per $100 assessed valuation. b. To set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation. c. To set a machinery and tools tax rate of not more than $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation. R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.04 acres from R-3 Medium Density Multi-family Residential to C-2 General Commercial to operate a day spa and salon in an existing structure, located at 5420 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of David and Zena Azar. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 2. Second reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia by the addition of standards for cluster subdivisions, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 3. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the approval of a Special Use Permit for the Evangel Foursquare Church, for a religious assembly use located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) S. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS T. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS U. ADJOURNMENT 5 r C-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-1 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF WALTER L. DELANEY, JR., SHERIFF'S OFFICE WHEREAS, Walter L. Delaney, Jr., was first employed by Roanoke County on July 1, 1973 as a Deputy Sheriff with the Sheriffs Office; and also served the Sheriff's Office as a Detective, Uniform Patrol Deputy, Court Bailiff, and Civil Process Server; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney was the first black Deputy Sheriff employed by Roanoke County in the Sheriff's Office; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney retired from Roanoke County on January 1, 2000, as a Deputy Sheriff (Civil Division), after more than twenty-five years of service; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney was highly respected byhis co-workers, court officials and the public for his caring attitude and willingness to go the "extra mile" in all of his duties; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney maintained an excellent rapport with the youth of Roanoke County and received many letters of commendation from citizens; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke 1 County to WALTER L. DELANEY, JR., for more than twenty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Gerald Holt, Sheriff Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF WALTER L. DELANEY, JR., SHERIFF'S OFFICE WHEREAS, Walter L. Delaney, Jr. was first employed by Roanoke County on July 1, 1973 as a Deputy Sheriff with the Sheriffs Office ;and also served with the County Police Department and as a Deputy Sheriff-Court Bailiff; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney retired from Roanoke County on January 1, 2000, as a Deputy Sheriff (Civil Division), after more than twenty five years of service; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney was highly respected byhis co-workers, court officials and the public for his caring attitude and willingness to go the "extra mile" in all of his duties; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney maintained an excellent rapport with the youth of Roanoke County and received many letters of commendation from citizens; and WHEREAS, Deputy Delaney, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to WALTER L. DELANEY, JR. for more than twenty five years of capable, loyal 1 ~ r .~ r • and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. 2 • -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-2 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF DONNIE C. MYERS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, Donnie C. Myers was first employed by Roanoke County on September 14, 1987, as the Director for the Management Information Systems Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Myers was named Assistant CountyAdministratorforManagement Services on July 1, 1988; and WHEREAS, Mr. Myers retired from Roanoke County on February 29, 2000, after more than twelve years of service; and WHEREAS, during Mr. Myers' employment with the County of Roanoke, he was instrumental in many innovative changes to the structure and organization of the County including the development of a new employee pay and classification system, reorganization of the Management Information Systems Department, the institution of the project management process and the establishment and staff training for the team approach of Roanoke County administration; and WHEREAS, following voter approval for the creation of a Police Department in 1989, Mr. Myers was responsible for the planning and organizing of the new department, and contributed countless hours assisting the Police Department in fulfilling the requirements 1 -~ to become a nationally accredited department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Myers also served as the coordinatorforthe Sister Cities Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to DONNIE C. MYERS for over twelve years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors CC: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 o• ca AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF DONNIE C. MYERS, ASSISTANT COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, Donnie C. Myers was first employed by Roanoke County on September 14, 1987, as the Director for the Management Information Systems Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Myers was named Assistant County AdministratorforManagement Services on July 1, 1988; and WHEREAS, Mr. Myers retired from Roanoke County on February 29, 2000, after more than twelve years of service; and WHEREAS, during Mr. Myers' employment with the County of Roanoke, he was instrumental in many innovative changes to the structure and organization of the County including the development of a new employee pay and classification system, reorganization of the Management Information Systems Department, the institution of the project management process and the establishment and staff training for the team approach of Roanoke County administration; and WHEREAS, following voterapproval forthe creation ofa Police Department in 1989, Mr. Myers was responsible for the planning and organizing of the new department, and contributed countless hours assisting the Police Department in fulfilling the requirements to become a nationally accredited department; and 1 WHEREAS, Mr. Myers also served as the coordinatorforthe Sister Cities Program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to DONNIE C. MYERS for over twelve years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ - I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report from Development Partnership COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: the Roanoke Valley Economic This time has been set aside for a presentation from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership on their annual report. Presenting the report will be Phil Sparks, Executive Director. Submitted by: ~ww o0 Elmer C. odg County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ Denied () Johnson _ _ _ Received () McNamara- _ Referred () Minnix _ To () Nickens ..~ ~ , r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-3 APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH LOEB CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY INTERPRETIVE CENTER, APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $375,000 FOR THIS PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING FURTHER ACTION WHEREAS, Roanoke County in partnership with the National Park Service and Virginia's Explore Park (Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority) intend to construct an interpretive center at Explore Park to orient visitors to the Blue Ridge Parkway and surrounding region, and to interpret the cultural heritage, scenic qualitites and recreational features of the Parkway region in this area of the Commonwealth (the "Project"); and, WHEREAS, the County has entered into Cooperative Agreement with the federal government which will fund a portion of this Project; other sources of funding include the Regional Alliance and the citizens of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, bids for the construction of this Project exceeded available funds, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorizes negotiation of an adjustment to the bid price with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in order to bring the bid within available funds, the Board finding that resolicitation of work of a reduced scope is precluded due to time and economic considerations; and, WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park will donate land for this Project and donate access to water and sewer systems to serve the Project, and it will own, operate and maintain the interpretive center upon its completion; and, WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors has previously appropriated $250,000 from the National Park Service, $529,800 from the Federal Highway Administration, $100,000 from the Regional Alliance, and $30,000 from Roanoke County, for a total of $909,800; and WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds for these purposes is authorized by the provisions of Chapter 16 of Title 10.1 and Article 3, Chapter 9 of Title 15.2, of the Code of Virginia. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1) That the Board hereby finds that resolicitation of bids for this Project is precluded due to time and economic considerations. •., 2) That the Board approves the negotiation of an adjustment of the bid price and scope of work for Bid #CP99-41 with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Loeb Construction, Inc. in orderto bring the bid within the amount of available funds. Further the Board hereby approves the modification of the bid and contract for this Project, and hereby approves the award of this contract for this Project to Loeb Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,101,000. 3) That the sum of $300,000 of County funds from the Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance, $25,000 from American Electric Power, and $50,000 from a Regional Competitiveness grant is hereby appropriated for this project. 4) That the County Administrator, or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute this construction contract for this Project on behalf of the County, and to take such further actions as may be necessary to implement this Resolution, all upon form approved by the County Attorney and the availability of funds as certified by the Director of Finance. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~ ~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Joyce Waugh, Assistant Director, Economic Development Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 SECTION NO. ITEM NUMBER C "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Award Construction Contract and Appropriate Funds for the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center is being designed as a partnership between the National Park Service, Roanoke County, and Virginia's Explore Park. The purpose of the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center is to orient visitors to the Blue Ridge Parkway and surrounding region, and to interpret the cultural heritage, scenic qualities, and recreational features of the Parkway region in this area of Virginia. With the help of Senator Warner and Congressman Goodlatte the project has received funding through the National Park Service and the Federal Highway Administration. To date, the following revenues have been appropriated to the project: National Park Service $250,000 Federal Highway Administration 529,800 Regional Alliance 100,000 Roanoke County 30000 Total 909 800 A team consisting of the County, the Park Service and Explore have worked through the A&E and the interior design of the building, which have been shared with the Board in worksessions. This team has recently received bids for the construction of the Interpretive Center. The low bid of $1.3 million was received from Loeb Construction, Inc. We have made modifications to the proposal to bring the cost within the budget that was previously reviewed with the Board in a worksession on November 9, 1999. We now request to award the bid, with agreed upon modifications, to Loeb Construction, Inc for $1,079,000. This construction contract, along with $150,500 for A&E work, exhibit design and M:FINANCE\COMMON~BOARD~2-29-0O.WPD C-/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH LOEB CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY INTERPRETIVE CENTER, APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $375,000 FOR THIS PROJECT, AND AUTHORIZING FURTHER ACTION WHEREAS, Roanoke County in partnership with the National Park Service and Virginia's Explore Park (Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority) intend to construct an interpretive center at Explore Park to orient visitors to the Blue Ridge Parkway and surrounding region, and to interpret the cultural heritage, scenic qualitites and recreational features of the Parkway region in this area of the Commonwealth (the "Project"); and, WHEREAS, the County has entered into Cooperative Agreement with the federal government which will fund a portion of this Project; other sources of funding include the Regional Alliance and the citizens of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, bids for the construction of this Proj ect exceeded available funds, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorizes negotiation of an adjustment to the bid price with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in order to bring the bid within available funds, the Board finding that resolicitation of work of a reduced scope is precluded due to time and economic considerations; and, WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park will donate land for this Project and donate access to water and sewer systems to serve the Project, and it will own, operate and maintain the interpretive center upon its completion; and, WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors has previously appropriated $250,000 from the National Park Service, $529,800 from the Federal Highway Administration, $100,000 from the Regional Alliance, and $30,000 from Roanoke County, for a total of $909,800; and WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds for these purposes is authorized by the provisions of Chapter 16 of Title 10.1 and Article 3, Chapter 9 of Title 15.2, of the Code of Virginia. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1) That the Board hereby finds that resolicitation of bids for this Project is precluded due to time and economic considerations. 2) That the Board approves the negotiation of an adjustment of the bid price and scope of work for Bid #CP99-41 with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Loeb G: WTTORNEY~PMM~ECONDE V~BRPICresol.wpd "` Construction, Inc. in order to bring the bid within the amount of available funds. Further the Board hereby approves the modification of the bid and contract for this Project, and hereby approves the award of this contract for this Project to Loeb Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,079,000. 3) That the sum of $300,000 of County funds from the Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance, $25,000 from American Electric Power, and $50,000 from a Regional Competitiveness grant is hereby appropriated for this project. 4) That the County Administrator, or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute this construction contract for this Project on behalf of the County, and to take such further actions as may be necessary to implement this Resolution, all upon form approved by the County Attorney and the availability of funds as certified by the Director of Finance. G: ~.ATTORNEY~PMIv1~ECONDE V ~BRPICresol.wpd f~ ...,:, THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 022900-4 SUPPORTING THE COUNTY PORTION OF THE HARDY ROAD PROJECT AND APPROPRIATING $3,000 FOR CONSTRUCTION WHEREAS, Hardy Road, Route 634, is priority number eight in Roanoke County's six-year secondary plan, and WHEREAS, Hardy Road is also identified as a possible bike route in the Roanoke Valley's Bikeway Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board supports the Hardy Road project and wishes the project to continue to be built in conjunction with Town of Vinton's project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board agrees to appropriate approximately $3,000 (not to exceed) to construct bikeways and sidewalks within Roanoke County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson. Minnix. Church. Nickens McNamara Nays: None Absent: None A Copy Teste: ~~'~- ~~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation o• ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of a VDOT resolution supporting the County portion of the Hardy Road project and consideration of funding bikeways and sidewalks. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval of the road project and the bikeway. I have concerns about enlarging the culvert for the greenway to pass under the road. My questions relate to safety of the people using the trail in the area of the culvert and the expense which may be as much as $200, 000. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Virginia Department of Transportation will be conducting a location and design public hearing for Hardy Road in April. Staff requests the Board of Supervisors to adopt the attached resolution supporting the Hardy Road project and support for or against the continuation of sidewalks and bikeways within Roanoke County. BACKGROUND: The Roanoke Valley Area MPO identifies Hardy Road as a potential bikeway route. Therefore, the Virginia Department of Transportation is required to contact the local government to determine if they will support and fund half the cost to construct these facilities. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Hardy Road is the Town of Vinton's top priority in their six-year plan. A couple of years ago, VDOT conducted a location and design public hearing for Hardy Road within the Town. Shortly thereafter, the Department of Community Development and VDOT staff decided to add a short section of Hardy Road in Roanoke County to our six-year plan to be constructed in conjunction with the Town's project. Currently, the project's advertisement date is July. The Town of Vinton has decided to build a five lane flush highway with shared bikeway lanes (additional lane width) and sidewalks. For continuity, VDOT and County staff decided to carry the same typical section into Roanoke County for approximately 200-ft. Hardy Road crossed Wolf Creek within the project and Wolf 1 ., +~ Creek is identified as a future greenway corridor. The request is to improve the box culverts to allow pedestrian traffic under Hardy Road. Wolf Creek is a regulated floodplain; therefore, the proposed construction cannot increase the regulated floodplain. VDOT is in the process of determining the size of the box or bridge to accommodate pedestrian traffic and to limit increase in the regulated floodplain. At this time, construction costs are unavailable for the improved box culvert, shared bikeways, and sidewalks. We anticipate the cost of the bikeways and sidewalks not to exceed $5,000. Staff is requesting the Board to support the Hardy Road project and to provide guidance concerning the proposed bikeway and sidewalk facilities. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Approve attached resolution #1 supporting the Hardy Road project and to approve bikeway and sidewalk facilities for approximately 200-ft. The cost not to exceed $5,000 to be appropriated from the general fund. 2) Approve attached resolution #2 supporting the Hardy Road project and declining funding for the proposed bikeway and sidewalk facilities. 3) Defer approval of the resolution until after the Virginia Department of Transportation's public hearing. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: ,~ , ~." i'~~ u/ George W. Simpson, III, P.E., Assistant Director Department of Community Development Approved Denied ( ) Received Referred To ACTION Motion by: APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ Johnson McNamara Minnix _ Nickens 2 ,, ~- a THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF February 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Hardy Road, Route 634, is priority number eight in Roanoke Countys six-year secondary plan, and WHEREAS, Hardy Road is also identified as a possible bike route in the Roanoke Valleys Bikeway Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board supports the Hardy Road project and wishes the project to continue to be built in conjunction with Town of Vintons project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board agrees to appropriate approximately $5,000 (not to exceed) to construct bikeways and sidewalks within Roanoke County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Seconded By: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Board Clerk •' .. ~! THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF February 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Hardy Road, Route 634, is priority number eight in Roanoke Countys six-year secondary plan, and WHEREAS, Hardy Road is also identified as a possible bike route in the Roanoke Valleys Bikeway Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board supports the Hardy Road project and wishes the project to continue to be built in conjunction with Town of Vinton's project, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board is not in favor of extending bikeways and sidewalks at this time within Roanoke County, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Seconded By: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Board Clerk ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-5 IN SUPPORT OF CONTINUED STATE FUNDING FOR VIRGINIA'S EXPLORE PARK WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park is a top economic development priority of Roanoke County and the County has contributed both capital and operating funds over the last ten years to support the Park, as well as countless hours of staff time and talent; and WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park was planned as an attraction which would bring visitors to the Roanoke Valley, and give them an opportunity to see life on the first American frontier, similar to the experience in the colonial capitol of Williamsburg; and WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park has grown dramatically since its opening, and now includes over ten historic venues with skilled interpreters, a welcome center, recreational opportunities, and a high quality restaurant; and WHEREAS, the Park is becoming a destination attraction, drawing visitors off the Blue Ridge Parkway into the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, attendance at the Park is increasing annually during the last six years, with almost 100,000 people visiting the attraction in the last year; and WHEREAS, over 18,000 school children visited Explore last year to learn about the history of their state and the region in which they live, and assisting teachers by providing SOL-compliant, hands-on programs; and WHEREAS, attendance will continue to increase with the construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center in April 2000, and the Education Center in the near future; and WHEREAS, funding for Explore and its supporting infrastructure has come from a unique combination of the U.S. Government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the private sector and local government; and WHEREAS, Explore will continue to require funding from all those sources as it builds itself into aself-supporting attraction. WHEREAS, the reduction or elimination of funding to the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority will devastate the current operations of Virginia's Explore Park and the potential consequent benefits to the Roanoke Valley region, and will severely undermine the Commonwealth's investment in Virginia's Explore Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors expresses its continued strong support of Explore Park; and further BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors urges the General Assembly and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to continue its support of this important and valuable resource. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~.~ ~ . Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc:: File The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell The Honorable Morgan Griffith The Honorable Clifton Woodrum The Honorable A. Victor Thomas The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo The Honorable John S. Edwards The Honorable James S. Gilmore, III, Governor The Honorable Bruce F. Jamerson, Clerk of the House of Delegates The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar, Clerk of the Senate Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Roger Ellmore, Executive Director, Virginia's Explore Park 2 Item No. ~ ' 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution in Support of Continued State Funding for Virginia's Explore Park COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Virginia's Explore Park has long been a top priority for Roanoke County, and is rapidly becoming a destination location for visitors along the Blue Ridge Parkway. In the past, the General Assembly has supported Explore, which is a state park, with a contribution towards operations in the amount of $450,000 last year. The state funds have been matched by Explore Park on adollar-for-dollar basis in the past. This year, both the House of Delegates and the Senate have reduced that amount to $100,000, which will be highly detrimental to Explore's continued operation. The funding bill will be going to the conference committee, which will provide another opportunity for input on the importance of continued support for Explore Park. Attached is a resolution in support of Virginia's Explore Park, which urges the General Assembly not to reduce or eliminate funding to the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority. FISCAL IMPACT: The loss of $450,000 in operational funding from the Commonwealth will greatly impact the continued operation of Explore Park. Roanoke County has made a significant investment in Explore over the past ten years, and the loss of this facility would be a devastating blow to our efforts to attract visitors to the Roanoke Valley. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted, v-~~ Elmer C. Hodge ~"- 3 County Administrator ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Attachment No Yes Abs Johnson Minnix _ _ Church Nickens McNamara 2 .~ ~'" WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park is a top economic development priority of Roanoke County and the County has contributed both capital and operating funds over the last ten years to support the Park, as well as countless hours of staff time and talent; and WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park was planned as an attraction which would bring visitors to the Roanoke Valley, and give them an opportunity to see life on the first American frontier, similar to the experience in the colonial capitol of Williamsburg; and WHEREAS, Virginia's Explore Park has grown dramatically since its opening, and now includes over ten historic venues with skilled interpreters, a welcome center, recreational opportunities, and a high quality restaurant; and WHEREAS, the Park is becoming a destination attraction, drawing visitors off the Blue Ridge Parkway into the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, attendance at the Park is increasing annually during the last six years, with almost 100,000 people visiting the attraction in the last year; and WHEREAS, over 18,000 school children visited Explore last year to learn about the history of their state and the region in which they live, and assisting teachers by providing SOL- compliant, hands-on programs; and WHEREAS, attendance will continue to increase with the construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center in Apri12000, and the Education Center in the near future; and WHEREAS, funding for Explore and its supporting infrastructure has come from a unique combination of the U.S. Government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the private sector and local government; and WHEREAS, Explore will continue to require funding from all those sources as it builds itself into aself-supporting attraction. WHEREAS, the reduction or elimination of funding to the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority will devastate the current operations of Virginia's Explore Park and the potential consequent benefits to the Roanoke Valley region, and will severely undermine the Commonwealth's investment in Virginia's Explore Park. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors expresses its continued strong support of Explore Park; and further BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors urges the General Assembly and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to continue its support of this important and valuable resource. ACTION NO. r ITEM NO. I- ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for March 2$., 2000 The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1) An ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an ice cream parlor, located in the 6400 block of Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Regal Inc. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. F/ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for March 282000 (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item 1, inclusive, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required bylaw to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action N es Abs Approved () ~ Motion by Church Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara Referred Minnix to Nickens Fnr Graff use On/y -~.. ' !s the application complete? Flease check if enclosed. APPt_1CA I iuN w«~ ~~~ ~ o~ ^~~~~ ~ ~ ' "' ' THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OA [NCOMPI.ETE. ws v ws v wa v X 8 1l2' x 1 1' concept plan X Application`ee X Consultation X Application X Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer application Adjoining property o~Nners I hereby terrify that / am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and cons2nt of the owner. Owner's 5ignature.: _ ~.+-~.~- ~t'~+- `~ '°"~ For Staff Usa Only: Cace Number ~plicant Regal, Inc. ,.. The Planning Commission wilt study rezoning. and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and genera! welfare. Please answer the foliov~~ing questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance {Section 30-3? as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the zoning ordinance. The property is presently zoned C-2. The applicant is requesting a special use permit to allow the commercial property to be used for an ice cream parlor serving the needs of the community. This use furthers the intent and spirit of the Zoning Ordinance in that commercial uses in this area serve the needs of the community. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County ;omprehensive Plan. The project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan call=s for commercial uses in small undeveloped areas to serve the needs of the community. The use of the property for the ice cream parlor will be in conformity with that policy in the Comprehensive Plan and with the general guidelines encouraging commercial use on major arterial roads. !Please describe the impact{s) cf the request on the property itself, the adjoining proper~ies, and the surrounding urea, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. The development of the property will not have any negative impact on public services or facilities. A portion of the property is within the floodway and the development is located outside the floodway in accordance with the provisions of law. JHI~-21-2000 Sid-37 ~STERHautT FERGusON NATtO 4~R~F~RS Il~I RAE: 15~77c0Sb1 Reques# far Special Use Persnlt for a parze! of land containdng 1,25 acres, mare or less, designated as paa~t of 7Cnx Map No. 38.06-7-1, known as ~es# Side of yVllllarctson Road, rlor#h of Dent Raad, coned as C-Z, sub~e~et 4o te~-tain prof~'ered condtkions. T~1e Petitioner voluntari3y submits tlu following as additional proffers to be included as a part of the request for a special use permit: 1. The property will be devoloped in substantial conformity with the preliminary plan of Bruster's Ice Cream, prepared for Gary and Rebecca 1/ierman datod Sanuary 7, 2000; said plan prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., Engineers-Surveyors-Planners. P.06~06 ~~ ,~ 441M-ZLL (045) Xtld 89902 X08 '0'd 1144~-bLL (04S) 3NOHd - MS '3f1N3~H N01318Wtl218 499b ,~r 6 e a~, ~ ~ S 0~ m 4~~g ~N~ ~~ ~ ~~ I ~ ~h: ~ _________ ~, - ., I b~t`"`O __"'____ I ~v ~& tl I ~ ,~ ,! - ~~ II 41' I +~'~ ~' I~ ~ 0 V w ~ I ~ / III --J I - tt{ I ~ I III ~i ~ i u: f ~ I ~ ~.,- ~ a, 1 1 I I I I ~ ~ II I I ~_/?y~~ .A7~II,M .C1 ~S \ I e LI [Yl -,pOD!l 3.LRM3T.Y---J ~ I f-' I I I I I 11 I I i :~ I ~ ~1 ~ - I I t__L1-1-1-LJ_-I I I L___ ~_ I I W ~: `~^ I ~ 7 1 I I SAi W 4--- I I w E' • I 1 y\~ I I i. ~ ~ r--- I I I 1 2 1~'t Z 1---1 1 ~ I I M J 81 ~ 4--_~"'_--~ I I W ~ I c4 __ I I T r--- ~ I I I C_ i I I ~___ O~ ~-y I I y ~i.l\ r---., T I I I I I L_~ I I I/ l r-`~-~- ~ - ~ -r, 1 JJy \ I\\ ~~_}~ I i i i ~..~~ II h ~~ \\ ~~ r' ~, ~ ~ ~i ...1., ~ ... .~i ` ~- ~, --- - ~` `''~~ ~, I I I I I I I ~ I i I L-.- .I oo ~ I I I I -- r-- I I I I I I I i I ~ I I I I I I 1 I ~ l`J ~ ~ I b&d ti I 1 ~ I r1 i ~~~I I ; ; _~ 1 I I I I 1~ I 1 1 I Il 1 \ 1 \ I i 1 I I 1 1 I ~ f I I I ~ '~~i ~ LJ I I I I , I I I !' I, ~, , I, I ~- I ' --~ -- Q g ll! ~ J ~ .J 8 ~ ~ ag L!.! LL ~ ~ } ao~~W~~ a ~ ~ ~~Z~ ~ F" a ~ a a ~ ~ ~ _~ rn C A a~ a" s LI ~~ ~i ~~ / x'19 , ~~~~ s - ~' Ac.(D) ROANOKE COUNTY Regal, Inc. DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL USE PERMIT-Existing Zoning C-2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT part of Tax Map No. 38.06-7- > ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance authorizing Appalachian Power Company to expand the use of an existing easement across a well lot on Oriole Lane (Tax Map Number 87.17-3-13) owned by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County (Cave Spring Magisterial District) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Appalachian Power Company (APCO) has requested authorization to expand the use of an existing easement across a well lot on Oriole Lane to allow access to a telecommunications antenna to be located on an existing transmission line tower (shown cross-hatched on Exhibit A attached). County staff has reviewed the request and has determined that it does not interfere with the County's use of the property. This easement will include an additional area for a graveled parking space for one vehicle and the construction of steps up an embankment to the existing tower. FISCAL IMPACTS: Consideration for the proposed easement is the sum of $100.00. These proceeds will be deposited in the Water Operations Account - Lease/Rent Easements. ALTERNATIVES: (1) Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for expansion of the use of the existing easement to Appalachian Power Company. (2) Decline to authorize donation or conveyance of the easement. ~-1 Res ectfully submitted, Paul .Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by: ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ _ _ Johnson _ _ McNamara Minnix _ _ _ Nickens g:/attorney/vlh/agenda/APCO.OrioleLane.rpt - - l3.' d ``N~ ' • c j ~~ _ ~ ,... ..z,_ -~ '~. ~G yr 9 (r4"~ .4 \ ~ ` \~S ~^ \ 0 p. . r~ / tf N +, o •. r,9 In~ ~. VJ ,R n 0 / rig-92' L 'G~ .` ~~ ~''v`c ~ ~, p (G~ '.. ~• ~ DO ~O°i'z G2- ~09i(J `.y 4i ~ t• ,~. _ r~ o. L'~ ;;~ `3~a ~~ AGO ' O 92 ~ ~ ~~ 4r•~Y IQ~ '~ / ~''~ Za 0 . s o .. S ~~ y mac, ~~ / p v,. / / O c °• u. ~~' ,~ ;•~~ .. b1 ~ \ : ~~ 247., c`-` / ,, • / e 0 6 N ~ ~j~ ~ Q. o •~ O . ~ N... ~a ~. ~.. esq. ~ 9. ..% - (~~ ~' \ ~ _ o; 9y ~ ~'~ ~~~ ; >o ~ Tower ~' ~~,'~' 3 ,`~ v "~:i ~.'~! '~ s ~ o _ ~ ~y / ~ / _ fit., .. :~_ O r V~ ~ \'~ ~-'{ ~~ ~ D - . ~. i ~4• fog ~ ~. '~ P #V~i? ~, , ~ i/ Ste _ t~ : i ~ ~~ p r.. C ~ ~a. s J ~ -<, a'$d ~ ~, ti iS•, ~ ~ -t 92 S:c~ '.:f:{ ~3 $o\v: {~. , C ~, t r~ v i ~ ,:'` _ wt ,~p~~ ~. 91~ ? jy O n ~y> pO~'-_~n~Yf. o\ 6.'. .. t~ ,,1 ~t ~- t ~ ,~" ~ o ~ 'S /Z~:e1 ~, • . K ~ o t g9=~~ ~ ' o: yam,. ~ ~,; •'~+© ,r•. ',~. ~ rya v c. ~ ,,, ,f- ~~ / •at ~ `v ti - ~•u / ~4:. d-~ ~ psi ~ a %h~ _ u. r~•. ~' '.,: ~ _ ~ GR "' p - ~' t' ~ i~3•oo h .• .V ~ Y a ! .'~! ~A ~ .~ ,,,, .. ~Q O ~OyS4~yn`~ Q -~~ ,~,J.. `'• ' /~~:~ b. Qlg: 3f y V ~1 ~ k~+ •. "~~ / 1 7' •~ ~ OQ ~ p d Yr` G? / Z (/ ~ t j ~ '`~ o =~ f ~ • ~ ° . 9 ~d/ ~ '~~~ ~~~~' ~. ~o? ~ ~s' Pro osed access a roximatel t' $~' ~ ~ '' o~ •• ~'- 1 Z3, ' ~ ~ . ~,~ ~` 15' wide and 20' in length 9~'aO 'y' S.' ~- ~~ o ~ tbs. V~ ~Or ~~ `'~^~ • ~ / L• Z a ip• Q?, th ~ E%HIBIT A G- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY TO EXPAND THE USE OF AN EXISTING EASEMENT ACROSS A WELL LOT ON ORIOLE LANE (TAX MAP NO. 87.17-3-13) OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY (CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT) WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors ofRoanoke County is the owner ofa well lot on Oriole Lane, Tax Map No. 87.17-3-13; and, WHEREAS, a portion of an existing easement granted to Appalachian Electric Power Co. (APCO) crosses the County's well lot on Oriole Lane; and, WHEREAS, Appalachian Power Company (APCO) has requested authorization to expand the use of the existing easement across the well lot on Oriole Lane to allow access to a telecommunications antenna of Triton PCS Property Company, L.L.C., to be located on an existing transmission line tower. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on February 29, 2000; and a second reading was held on March 14, 2000. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter ofRoanoke County, the interests in real estate to be conveyed are hereby declared to be surplus, and are hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to Appalachian Power Company for access to a telecommunications antenna to be installed on an existing electric transmission line tower. 3. That the conveyance of the expanded use of the right-of--way for access to a telecommunications antenna to Appalachian Power Company as shown on Exhibit A (attached) for the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) is hereby authorized. .. ~'_ 1 4. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. g:~attaneyVvh~agendaWPCO.OrioleLane.ord 2 1' ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER ~'~-S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS The four-year term of Thomas A. Darnall, Architect, will expire January 22, 2000. These appointments should represent different occupational or professional fields and at least one member should be a licensed professional engineer or architect. 2. HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION The four year term of Jay E. Gaylor, Legal Representative, James M. Martin, Senior Representative, and one-yearterm of a youth representative who must be attending a Roanoke County high school. Mr. James Martin has notified the Clerk's Office that he does not wish to serve another term. 3. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS -ADVISORY COUNCIL The one-year term of Thelma Ihrig expired March 31, 1999. She has indicated that she does not wish to serve another term at this time. 4. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS -ADVISORY BOARD The three-year term of Elizabeth Bogle will expire March 31, 2000. The Advisory Board member is appointed by the League of Older Americans but must be ratified by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 1 . ~~-s ... 5. LIBRARY BOARD The four year term of Mary A. Carswell, Windsor Hills District, expired December 31, 1999. Supervisor McNamara requested that the Deputy Clerk contact Ms. Carswell to determine if she wanted to serve another term. Ms. Carswell was contacted and advises that she does not want to serve another term. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ _ Denied () Johnson _ _ Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ 2 ~. ..~--> ~" ~ ` ~~~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-6 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for February 29, 2000, designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 10, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes a. October 26, 1999 and November 9, 1999, and November 23, 1999 b. January 3, 2000, January 11, 2000, and January 22-23, 2000 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens. 3. Donation of two drainage easements on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District. 4. Request from Police Department for acceptance of a grant from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests. 5. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept $5,625 grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for criminal history records improvement. 6. Request from Police Department for acceptance of $37,983 V-stop grant from the Department of Criminal Justice for prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women. 7. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $50,221 to the Regional School Budget. 1 o~ 8. Request for acceptance of Lakedale Road into the VDOT Secondary System under the rural addition program. 9. Approval of a resolution to VDOT requesting a "Watch for Children Sign." 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Betty P. Shockley, Social Services Department. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Consent Resolution with Item 2 removed for a separate vote, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Church to approve confirmation of appointment in Item 2, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development T. L. Holbrook, Assistant Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Patricia Radcliffe, Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development 2 • ._~_ / ct ~, October 26, 1999 647 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 October 26, 1999 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of October, 1999. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF October 26, 1999 649 g . e rey wo e , erre o roo , an icer im i es. r. or on, c o Superintendent; Jim Gallion, Assistant Superintendent; and School Board member Mike Stovall were also present. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from Social Services to appropriate $41,800 for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families -Family Violence Intervention Services. (Dr. Betty McCrary, Social Services Director A-102699-1 Dr. McCrary advised that a new policy ire the Temporary Assistance to Needed Families program requires the local department of Social Services to screen TANF applicants for family violence and other services to reduce or eliminate this barrier to employment. The Department of Social Services submitted a proposal and was approved to receive $41,800 for the employment of a full time social worker to provide family violence intervention services. This appropriation is 100% reimbursable Federal money and continued funding may be requested after the initial 12 month period. The Family Violence Intervention Worker position is the first approved position of this kind in the State. The proposal was developed with the assistance of Judge Philip Trompeter, J&D Court, Project LINK (Substance abuse treatment with Blue Ridge Community Services), Roanoke County Police Department and the Domestic Violence Coalition. There was no discussion. Supervisor Nickens moved to appropriate the funds. The motion carried by October 26, 1999 651 advertisement, the concerns o any usrnesses a may prove a services, supp ies, or serve the construction needs of the project. The second document to be approved is a Fair Housing Certification which requires that the County take at least one action annually for the life of the project that affirms our commitment to fair housing, and the third document is the Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation Assistance Plan which provides policies and procedures for the displacement and relocation of any low-moderate income persons displaced by the project activities. Mr. Harrington stressed that Roanoke County does not intent, and will not displace any person as a result of this project, but the adoption of the plan is a requirement that mut be met prior to the grant award. Mr. Harrington asked for approval of the grant and adoption of the three documents. Supervisor Johnson moved to approve the staff recommendations and adopt the three documents. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 102699-2.b OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, PERTAINING TO THE ADOPTION OF A FAIR HOUSING CERTIFICATION WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, Virginia, has ben offered and intends to accept federal funds authorized under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and WHEREAS, recipients of funding under the Act are required to take action to affirmatively further fair housing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors agrees to take at least one action to affirmatively further fair housing each grant year, during the life of the project funded with Community Development Block Grant funds. The action taken will be selected from a list provided by the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: October 26, 1999 653 Ms. Cox advised that the County acquired four dwellings as part of the R transaction for property.for the Center for Research and Technology. All of these houses were vacated recently in order to begin initial development of the technology park. One of these houses, located at 4958 Glenvar Heights Boulevards, is outside of the first phase of the development, and in order to minimize cost and provide some cash flow, it is recommended that this dwelling be leased until such time as development or an alternative ~ use is indicated. She. advised that staff recommends the approval of the 45 day termination I' from the Stanley lease and approval of the first reading of the ordinance to lease the property on a month to month basis until a permanent use for the structure can be determined. There was no discussion. Supervisor Harrison moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for November 9, 1999. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. .First Reading of Ordinance Authorizing the Construction of and Financing for a Local Public Works Improvement Project - Clearbrook Lane Waterline Extension Project (Gary Robertson Utility Director) Mr. Robertson advised that this is Phase II of the Clearbrook Water Project and in 1996, staff applied for a low interest loan through the Virginia Water Supply Revolving Fund to assist in construction of this project. The project met the requirements October 26, 1999 655 AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing the acquisition of9 062 acres of land adjacent to Vinyard Park II (Paul M Mahoney County Attorney 0-102699-3 Mr. Mahoney advised that the property adjacent to Vinyard Park II which currently belongs to the Vinyard family is available for sale at a cost of $40,000, and that $ 1,000 is needed to cover the cost of the purchase. Staff is recommending. acquiring this property to enhance the access to parts of Vinyard Park II and to protect the County's interest. He asked that $41,000 be appropriated from the Capital Fund Balance for the purchase price and costs. Supervisor Johnson advised that he would abstain from the vote on this item. Supervisor Nickens asked that the current occupants be given a reasonable amount ~f time to vacate the premises and that they remove any inoperative vehicles and travel trailers. Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson October 26, 1999 657 upervisor Nickens advised that the County received a $1,000 donation from . II Lowe's for the D.A.R.E. program and asked that acceptance of this donation be included in Item 1 of the Consent Agenda. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the Consent Resolution with the addition of acceptance of the Lowe's donation in Item 1. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 102699-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October26, 1999, designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4, inclusive, as follows: 1. Request from the Police Department to accept a $500 donation from the Roanoke Moose Lodge and $1,000 donation from Lowe's for the D.A.R.E. Program. 2. Request for acceptance of grants from Bureau of Justice Assistance under the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Act of 1998: (b) Police Department for $4,000 (c) Sheriff's Office for $4,000 4. Request from the Schools to accept grants of $5,316.40 and $5,151.84 from State Department of Education for School Performance Report Card Postage 5. Request to ratify announcement of date change of Halloween celebration. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where October 26, 1999 659 8. Chances to Secondary System of State Highways as of September, 1999 9. Accounts Paid -September 1999 10. Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program Supervisor Harrison requested that the addresses for the water damage claims be put on the report. IN RE: CHANGE IN DATE OF HALLOWEEN Supervisor Nickens advised that all of the supervisors and staff received calls for and against the County's decision to change the day that Halloween will be celebrated from Sunday to Saturday, and asked that Mr. Hodge place this item on the agenda for a future administrators' meeting. He asked that in the future this decision be made earlier which would eliminate many of the calls and dissatisfaction. Chairman Johnson advised that all of the surrounding localities changed the date, and the County changed the date only to be consistent. He agreed that the item should be referred to a future meeting of the administrators. IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 3:45 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to go into Closed Meeting following the work sessions pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson October 26, 1999 661 Mr. Covey advised that VDOT is in the process of designing West Main Street and needs to know if the Board supports bikeways, sidewalks or both along this corridor. Currently the section of 11/460 in the City has sidewalks on both sides but not bikeways. Roanoke County and the City of Salem are jointly pursing a greenway along the Roanoke River from Greenhill Park to Moyer Sports Complex. Bikeways and/or sidewalks would allow the County to tie the Glenvar area to the City of Salem and the future greenway. In addition, West Main Street is on the latest Metropolitan Planning Organization's Bikeway Plan, and Roanoke County is required to address this issue before plan approval. The County would be required to pay half the construction costs for bikeways and sidewalks with VDOT covering al! additional costs. Mr. Covey presented cost breakdowns and advised that the County share of costs for Bikeways, both directions, would be $94,000; sidewalks, one-side only, would be $260,000 and both facilities, $224,000. After discussion, there was no Board consensus to appropriate funds for bikeways or sidewalks. Mr. Covey advised that staff met with VDOT engineers in Richmond recently concerning industrial access funds for Glenmary Drive. VDOT noted that Glenmary Drive was inadequate for the full development of the CRT site and once it becomes a secondary road, it would be eligible for industrial access funds. Staff is recommending that Glenmary Drive be added to the Six Year Road Plan so funding can be supplemented with regular construction dollars or revenue sharing funds, and then industrial access funds may be utilized for interior road construction. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to add Glenmary Drive to the six year plan but not to appropriate any additional money. Mr. Covey advised that VDOT had been contacted to see if any funds are October 26, 1999 ~~~ • ., o e urn o open session an a op a ~'I Certification Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None RESOLUTION 102699-5 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors. of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens. Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance approving a voluntary settlement Agreement, entitled "Gain Sharing Agreement between the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke" and authorizing a petition to the Circuit Court to affirm the settlement (Paul Mahoney. County Attorney) 0-102699- 6 October 26, 1999 665 .F. development in that portion of the County generally known as "East Roanoke County", for certain cooperative activities between the Town and the County in the areas of joint economic development and planning, and for other matters; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement has been reviewed by the Commission on Local Government, and by Report dated October 1, 1999, the Commission recommends its approval of this Agreement; and, WHEREAS, the Town and the County desire to amend the Agreement for the purpose of clarifying one of its provisions; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 12, 1999, and the second reading and public hearing were held on October 26, 1999, upon notice and advertisement as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That the Gain Sharing Agreement between the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke, as amended, is hereby adopted and approved. 2. That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is authorized and directed to execute the Agreement, as amended, on behalf of the County. 3. That the County Attorney is hereby directed to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for the appointment of a special court pursuant to Section 15.2-3400 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, for an order affirming and validating this Agreement and to give it full force and effect. 4. That the County Administrator is hereby directed to take such actions as may be necessary to implement this Agreement upon receipt of the order of the court. 5. That this ordinance shall be in effect from and after the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. Second reading of ordinance to rezone approximately 99 38 acre tract of real estate (McDonald Farm) from R1 to PTD with conditions, located at the 2100 block of Hardy Road Vinton Magisterial District. upon the petition of the Town of Vinton (Terry Harrington. County Planner) 0-102699-7 October 26, 1999 667 ORDINANCE 102699-7 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 99.38-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE (McDONALD FARM) LOCATED AT THE 2100 BLOCK OF HARDY ROAD (TAX MAP N0.71.11-1-1) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-1 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF PTD WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF THE TOWN OF VINTON WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 28, 1999, and the second reading and public hearing were held October 26, 1999; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on October 5, 1999; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 99.38 acres, as described herein, and located at the 2100 block of Hardy Road (Tax Map Number 71.11-1-1) in the Vinton Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-1, Low Density Residential District, to the zoning classification of PTD, Planned Technology Development District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of The Town of Vinton. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: All submitted materials, including "Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for the McDonald Farm" in addition to the following proffers: (1) On Parcels "G" and "H" on the concept plan dated August of 1999, Mattern & Craig, Inc., all exterior building materials shall be residential in character. The exterior wall materials shall be limited to brick, stone, wood, vinyl or aluminum siding and other materials customarily found on residential structures. Exterior colors shall be predominantly earth tone colors. On Parcels "G" and "H" roof pitch shall be no less than a 4/12 pitch and roof materials shall be non-reflective, earth tone colors. (2) Buildings on Parcel "A" identified on the concept plan dated August of 1999, Mattern & Craig, Inc., shall be oriented inward on a central, landscaped parking area. No customer parking shall be permitted to the rear of the buildings. (3) Any residential, civic, office, commercial, industrial or miscellaneous use types listed in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, that require a Special Use Permit, shall also require a Special Use Permit under this Planned Technology District rezoning, except as amended by the "Protective Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the McDonald Farm". (4) Broadcasting Towers shall be prohibited. 4. That said real estate is a 99.388 acre tract known as The McDonald October 26, 1999 669 AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ORDINANCE 102699-8 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO FRIENDSHIP MANOR, INC. AND FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION FORA LIFE CARE FACILITYTO BE LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF HERSHBERGER AND FLORIST ROADS (TAX MAP NOS. 38.1511, 2, 3, 4, AND 5), HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL - DISTRICT WHEREAS, Friendship Manor, Inc. has filed a petition for a Special Use Permit for a life care facility to be located at the intersection of Hershberger and Florist Roads (Tax Map Nos. 38.15-1-1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 -property of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation and Friendship Manor, Inc.) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 6, 1999 and October 5, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on June 22, 1999; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on July 27, 1999; and continued to August 24, 1999; and continued to October 26, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Friendship Manor, Inc. and Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation for a life care facility to be located at the intersection of Hershberger and Florist Roads (Tax Map Nos. 38.15-1-1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1999 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (A) That future build-out and development of the site shall be in general conformance with the submitted conceptual plan entitled "Exhibit A" Friendship Manor Retirement Community, prepared by Lumsden Associates and dated May 7, 1999. (B) All storm water management improvements required and associated with future development on the site shall be designed and constructed to accommodate projected storm water flows associated with the ultimate build-out on the site as depicted on the submitted concept plan. All pond and storm wafer improvements shall be designed for 25 year post development, with a 2 year pre-development release rate. As part of these improvements, all discharges from any storm October 26, 1999 671 ' i nce as a y-ng option. However, they think the ordinance as written will not work, and he listed several reasons for their opinion. Supervisor Nickens asked that the Roanoke Regional Homebuilders provide staff and the Board with specific details regarding items in the ordinance they feel need revising before the work session is held. Supervisor Johnson asked that the Planning staff prepare two or three examples of actual zoning situations using the Cluster Housing ordinance for the Board's review at the work session IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Johnson: (1) He advised that he had been out of town for ten days and asked for an update on the meeting which was to be scheduled with Supervisor Nickens and Harrison and Marion Roark and Tom l_eggette from School Board on the Glenvar Middle School project. Supervisor Harrison advised that he and Supervisor Nickens are ready and have been willing to meet, but were told that the meeting had to wait until after the School Board meets on October 28 and offered some dates. Supervisor Johnson asked that when the date is scheduled, Mr. Mahoney and Ms. Green be notified so that the date can be publicized. Supervisor Harrison advised that they have asked for a list of various items to be discussed at the meeting Supervisor McNamara: (1) He advised that he thought Supervisor Nickens' comments earlier about Halloween were appropriate ar~d that localities should celebrate on the same day, but he would prefer it be the actual Halloween date. He also asked if the October 26, 1999 673 Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board Bob L. Johnson Chairman November 9, 1999 ~~~ 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson tN RE: AQJC)URNMENT ICI At 8:00 p.m., Vice Chairman Nickens moved to adjourn. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent. Submitted by, Brenda J. Holton, CP~IC Deputy Clerk to the Board Approved by, Harry C. Nickens Vice Chairman November 9, 1999 675 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard .Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 November 9, 1999 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of November, 1999. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman Nickens called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell'°Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman ..Bob L. Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul- M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF November 9, 1999 677 Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Sinaing Hills Road). (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Mr. Mahoney advised that this ordinance will release and quitclaim the County's interest in a small piece of real estate that runs along the north side of Route 933. About eight months ago, a group of citizens who ran into difficulties with respect to refinancing when trying to convey their property, made this request. Mr. Mahoney advised that he and Supervisor Minr~ax met with These citizens and requested that the County be provided with improved surveys to show the exact location. of this property. The larger survey that was provided is located in the County Attorney's office but an excerpt showing a portion was provided for the Board. -He advised that this action would not jeopardize Route 933, which is a public road and remains in the State Secondary System. He requested that the Board approve the first reading of the ordinance. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading and public hearing for November 23, 1999. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 2. First reading of ordinance authorizing dedication of 0 061 acre of land for public right-of-way on Daugherty Road (VA Sec Route 643) for road improvements at its intersection with U S Route November 9, 1999 0-110999-1 Ms. Cox advised that the original lease with Matthevv and Danielle Stanley for the log cabin property was terminated on July 31, 1999. The staff is recommending that the log cabin be kept in good repair until a future use compatible with the technology park is identified. The continuance of the residential lease was determined to be the best plan to maintain the building and prevent decline. The County will receive a total of $550 in rental income per month ($6,600) annually and Ms. Cox requested that the Board adopt the ordinance approving a residential month-to-month ,lease with Lynne Connell at 4958 Glenvar Heights Boulevard to be effective December 15, 1999. Supervisor Harrison moved to adapt the ordinance. The motion carried by the followirAg recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson ORDINANCE 110999-1 AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE RESIDENTIAL LEASE OF THE LOG CABIN AND APPROXIMATELY ONE ACRE OF REAL ESTATE LYING GENERALLY IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PROPERTY (TAX MAP #54.,00-1-2) IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a tract of land, containing 457.60 acres, being located in the Catawba Magisterial District and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 54.00-1-2, which is being developed for economic development purposes as the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology; and, November 9, 1999 681 2. Second Reading of ordinance Authorizing the Construction of and Financing for a Local Public Works Improvement Project - Clearbrook Lane Waterline Extension Project. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 0-110999-2 Mr. Robertson advised at the meeting on October 26, 1999, the first reading of this ordinance was approved with Option 1 which would construct 2,200 feet of 8-inch water line to service 21 properties- on the north and south ends of Clearbrook Lane. Following the October 26th Board meeting, staff attended a special meeting of the Clearbrook Civic League, and was informed that-there are two additional property owners willing to participate. Mr. Robertson advise~J that Map C was prepared to givE~ information about those properties, and stated that Option 3 would construct 3,300 feet of 8-inch water line to provide service to 13 properties out of 30 at a total cost of $260,000 as opposed to $207,000 approved in Option 1. Based on that information, staff is still recommending Option 1 because that option meets the 50% participation criteria. After discussion, Supervisor Minnix moved to adopt the ordinance with Option I. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson ORDINANCE 110999-2 AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF AND FINANCING FORA LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, CLEARBROOK LANE WATER LINE EXTENSION PROJECT November 9, 1999 683 ($5,155 toward construction costs plus [$30 x length of road frontage in excess of 250 feet], plus $1,345 toward the off-site facility fee) said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to the public water extension. 3. That-the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the preject service area who elect to participate on or before February 9, 2000, of their portion of the .cost of extending the public water system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) The. total. amount per property owner/residential connection may be financed for 20 years at an interest rate of 4% per annum. (b) Property .owners. agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. (d) Property owners who wish to participate after the February 9, 2000 deadline (other than new property owners) shall pay a minimum ofi $6,186 ($5,155 construction costs plus ~JO% plus $30 x length ofi road frontage in excess of 250 feet) plus the off-site facility fee in effect at that time. 4. That the payment by citizens in the project service area who elect to participate shall be made to the Water Fund. Any off-site facility fee collected on this project shall be returned to the Water Fund. 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this Ordinance. shall take effect upon receipt of funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program, and compliance with the provisions of the Public Finance Act (Chapter 26, Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended) with respect to the creation of this revenue bond debt by the County. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance ,and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Disability Services Board November 9, 1999 685 1. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $4,320 for the Paraeducator Supervision Academy. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison., Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Minnix moved to receive and file the following reports. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent. 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappro riated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investments and Portfolio Policy, as of October 31, 1999 f. Status Report on County Projects IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Minnix: (1) He thanked the Cave Spring District voters for their support in the recent election. (2) He advised that he received a memorandum from Ms. Green concerning the trash collection schedule for Veterans Day Holiday and asked that November 9, 1999 687 IN RE: WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM 1. Work Session on Review of Financial Information. The work sessions on the financial information were held from 3:40 p.m. until 5:37 p.m. Mr. F-lodge and Vice Chairman Nickens welcomed members of the School Board to the work session. Mr. i-iodge advised that there were several items to work through and if there was consensus of the Board, action could be taken at the evening session. a. Results of operations for the County for the gear ended June 30, 1999 and capital needs for 1999-2000. (Elmer Hodge, County Administrator, and Diane Hyatt, Finance ®irecto~. Ms. Hyatt advised that KMPG has completed their audit of the financial operations of the County and School for the year ended June 30, 1999 wifih a favorable opinion. She requested that the Board approve the year ended appropriations for the County and Schools at the evening session after the work sessions are completed. She advised that the County has revenues in excess of budget of $1,058,946 which will be added to the general fund unappropriated balance. There were expenditure saving of $750,201 and approved departmental rollovers totaling $371,075, with a net expenditure savings of $379,126 which will be transferred to the capital fund unappropriated balance. The debt fund savings were $495,363 which will be appropriated to the future School capital reserves. Mr. Hodge reviewed the capital needs requests which are unfunded but anticipated during the 1999-2000 fiscal year. These included South County High School, November 9, 1999 689 It was agreed by both Boards that the committee of Supervisors Nickens, McNamara, School Board Chair Marion Roark and School Board member Tom Leggette would meet as soon as possible to consider the Glenvar Middle School project. Supervisor Nickens advised that the Board will be having a retreat in January or February and invited the School Board members to attend. The date of January 22, 2000 was suggested and tentatively agreed upon. The School Board voted to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. IN RE: RECESS DECLARED AT 5:20 P.M. the RE: RECG~IVENEMENT AT 5:30 P.M. d. Review of first ctuarter revenues for 1999-2000. Brent Robertson) The work session was held from 5:30 p.m. until 5:37 p.m. Mr. Robertson reported on the figures for the first quarter revenue projections and advised that with only three months of figures, they are not very meaningful for planning purposes, but the economic outlook is favorable. He advised that from1998 to 1999 there was a 4.4% increase in total revenues. The increase from last year's actual to the amended budget was about 3% which is on the conservative side. Among the items discussed were personal property taxes, other local revenues, Virginia Retirement System funding, and lottery receipts. November 9, 1999 691 Ms. Hyatt requested that the County surplus of $384,832 be appropriated to the Capital Fund unappropriated balance according to the rollover policy with $40,646 reserved for pending rollover approval for the Sheriff's Office and Police Department as agreed upon at the earlier work session. She asked for the net increase as a result of revenues of $1,0.58,946 be appropriated to the general fund unappropriated balance, and the debt fund savings of $49,363 be appropriated to the future School capital reserves. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve the staff recommendations to appropriate the funds. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Johnson 2. Request for appropriation as a _r_esult of School operations for year ended June 30, 1999. (Diane Hyatt, Finance Director A-110999-6 Ms. Hyatt advised that changes were made to the school year end appropriation request during the earlier work session to increase the amount for the South County High School from $500,000 to $800,000 and eliminate the other capital equipment item for $250,000. There was discussion concerning how to account for the remaining funds from the three completed school projects. Supervisor Nickens moved that (1) year end balance of $1,951,696 be appropriated as requested and approved at work session; and (2) that $475,000 of the November 9, 1999 693 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSENT: Supen~isor Johnson IN RE: AQJOtJRNMENI` At 8:00 p.m., Vice Chairman Nickens moved to adjourn. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Johnson absent. Submitted by, Brenda J. Holton, CP~IC Deputy Clerk to the Board Approved by, Harry C. Nickens Vire Chairman . ~ November 23, 1999 695 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 November 23, 1999 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of November, 1999. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob L. Johnson, Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens, Supervisors Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix (Arrived 3:04 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator; Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Reverend Becky Proctor, Rosalind Hills Baptist Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF November 23, 1999 697 that role until announcing her retirement this year; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has also been active in professional associations, community and civic organizations, including the Virginia Association of School Superintendents, the Central Fidelity Bank Community Advisory Board, the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge, the United Way of the Roanoke Valley and Thrasher Memorial United Methodist Church; and WHEREAS, Dr. Gordon has also received numerous honors and awards including the Roanoke College Medal, the Distinguished Woman Alumnus Award from Virginia Tech, Educator of the Year from the Roanoke Valley Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, the Distinguished Service Award from the Roanoke County Council of PTA's and the Woman of Distinction Award from the Skyline Girl Scout Council; and WHEREAS, Deanna Gordon has played a vital and integral part in making the school system an outstanding example of excellence in education, and will be remembered by generations of students and their parents for her teaching, her guidance and her example. NOW, THEREFORE be it resolved, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf, and on behalf of the children of Roanoke County, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to DEANNA W. GORDON for her leadership and guidance of the Roanoke County School System, for her service to the citizens of the County, and for her continued emphasis, through her own example, of the importance of education; and BE IT FURTHER REVOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to Dr. Gordon for a happy, productive and healthy retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on Fort Lewis Mountain Forest Fire. (Rick Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue) Chief Burch advised that the fire on Fort Lewis Mountain started on Monday around 9:15 a.m. and was contained by 9:00 a.m. on Thursday. It consumed 1,349 acres, used 3,840 County and volunteer manhours, 7,520 total manhours, and was fought with over 27 different apparatus. He expressed appreciation to Richard Miles, from the Virginia Department of Forestry who served as Chief Fire Warden; to Roanoke City and City of November 23, 1999 699 carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2. Request for approval of pr~osal from United WaXof Roanoke Valley to assist in budget distribution to Human Services Agencies. (John Chambliss, Assistant Administrator) A-112399-3 Mr. Chambliss advised that a work session was held with the Board on October 26 to discussed the proposal from the United Way. Last year, the Board received funding requests from 29 Human Service agencies totaling $224,564 of which 18 were funded for $87,410. United Way is working with Roanoke City and has developed a Roanoke City/Consolidated Human Services Funding Application. Of the 18 Human Services agencies funded by the County this year, all had completed the consolidated application form. Roanoke City still determines the final allocation to be provided each agency, but for Roanoke County, the Resource Distribution Cabinet of the United Way would review the applications and recommend the funds based on the factors in the scoring process. This proposal does not include requests from the Social Agencies (Blue Ridge Community Services, TAP), the cultural enrichment and tourism agencies, or organizations that receive funds on a dues or per capita basis. United Way proposes to absorb the cost for this service for the first year and to determine the administrative fee, if any, required for the future. An advantage of this proposal is that by reviewing these requests on a November 23, 1999 x701 of the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center. The grant received in January, 1999, was to assist in designing and creating construction documents for the Interpretive Center. To obtain the $50,000 grant, the County must enter into a contract with the Fifth Planning District Regional Alliance, be responsible for the appropriate expenditure of the funds, and provide quarterly reports to the Alliance. Construction costs are estimated at $1.9 million. She requested that the Board accept the $500,000 and authorize the County Administrator to enter into the contract. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the contract. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 4. Resolution adopting a Legislative Program for the 2000 Session of the General Assembly. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorne R-112399-5 Mr. Mahoney advised that the legislative program has grown over the past years, and reviewed the changes and additions to this year's program. Supervisors Johnson, Minnix and Harrison all advised that they would like to send all of the requests in the legislative program as proposed by Mr. Mahoney and developed over the past two years because they believe this would be the best way to cover all of their concerns. Supervisors McNamara and Nickens advised that they think the best approach would be November 23, 1999 ~03 in support of education. Disparity funding should be based upon the composite index (which measures a locality's relative fiscal ability to provide its share of the cost of a local school system that meets the standards of quality) and the locality's local effort in support of that school system. B. Transportation and Highway Safetx. 1) Roanoke County supports additional new construction and maintenance funding for the Virginia Department of Transportation for secondary and primary roads. Additional funding for new construction projects will address critical transportation needs of all local governments. Roanoke County requests additional and immediate funding for improvements to U.S. Route 11 /460 west of Salem, Interstate 81 and Interstate 73. Additional maintenance funding shall be used for an expanded program to mow grass and weeds, and inspect and clean drainage pipes and culverts. 2) Roanoke County is in support of Roanoke City's support of expanding local authority to create transportation districts, to impose local option motor vehicle fuels taxes, and to expend these tax proceeds for local transportation improvements. C. Public Safetv. 1) Roanoke County supports legislation appropriating funds and directing the State Compensation Board to modify staffing standards for local jails and court services positions for Sheriffs offices. 2) Roanoke County requests that Section 46.2-1001 be amended to add Roanoke County to .the list of jurisdictions whose law-enforcement officers are authorized to perform vehicle safety inspections. 3) Roanoke County requests that Section 46.2-882 be amended to add Roanoke County to the list of jurisdictions whose law-enforcement officers are authorized to use laser speed detection devices 4) Amend sec. 56-414 to allow counties to regulate the sounding of train whistles at railroad crossings. 5) Amend Sec. 15.2-901 (weeds and trash) and 15.2-904 (inoperable motor vehicles) to allow enforcement through the use of civil penalties, as authorized for violations of zoning ordinances under Sec. 15.2-2209, or for violations of erosion and sediment control ordinances under Sec. 10.1-562.J. D. Environment. 1) Roanoke County supports amending Chapter 6.1, "Virginia Tire Tax" of Title 58.1, "Taxation" (a) to increase the tire tax from $.50 to $1.25, and (b) to direct and authorize the Department of Waste Management to utilize. the increased Waste Tire Trust Fund to remediate illegal or abandoned waste tire dumps. 2) Roanoke County supports allowing the disposal of land clearing vegetative debris (including tree stumps) in less expensive facilities in a manner not detrimental to the environment. E. Local Taxation and Funding. 1) Roanoke County vigorously opposes any attempt to restrict or eliminate local sources of taxation, including personal property taxation and business and professional occupational licensing, unless local governments are guaranteed the opportunity to replace lost sources of local revenue with comparable, equivalent, November 23, 1999 x105 discussion ofthe method thatthe County previously handled the roll-back, the changes that were made to the method, and the Land Use Program. Supervisor Johnson felt that the letter notifying the participants in the Land Use Program of the change was inadequate. Supervisor Nickens advised that the County is one of three counties interpreting the law in this manner. He suggested that a work session be held and that Tom Morelli or someone from the State Department of Taxation be invited to attend the work session and provide clarification of the issue. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to have a work session at the December 7, 1999 meeting, and Chairman Johnson requested that staff provide the Board with information about how other counties are interpreting the law. 6 . Request for amendment to performance agreement to expand Advance Stores headquarters operation. (Joyce Waugh, Economic Development Assistant Director) Ms. Waugh advised that on September 14, 1999, the Board approved an economic development performance agreement to expand Advance Stores headquarters operation. The Board appropriated $641,500 to fund the County's incentives under this agreement for road and traffic signal improvements to Airport Road, site work and detailed engineering for a Community Development Block Grant for Boxley Hills drainage improvements. Staff has learned that there is the opportunity of attracting additional investment and in this event, Advance Auto has asked for a reimbursement of taxes generated within the tax calculation period, as .documented and substantiated by November 23, 1999 7~7 IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of Roanoke County's interest in real estate along the north side of Route 933 (Sinainy Hills Road). (Paul Mahoney, County Attorne 0-112399-6 Mr. Mahoney advised that there has been no change since the first reading of the ordinance. There was no discussion. Supervisor Minnix moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ORDINANCE 112399-6 AUTHORIZING QUITCLAIM AND RELEASE OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 933 (SINGING HILLS ROAD) WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke has been requested to quitclaim and release any right, title, interest and claim to certain property lying on the north side of Virginia Route 933 (Singing Hills Road) in order to clear up a title problem for certain property owners along Singing Hills Road; and WHEREAS, itwill servethe interests of the publicto have this matter resolved and the quitclaim and release will not interfere with other public services and is acceptable to the Roanoke County Department of Community Development. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on November 9, 1999; and a second November 23, 1999 709 U.S. R E 6 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is the owner of a parcel of land located at the intersection of Daugherty Road (Va. Sec. Rte. 643) and U. S. Route 11/460, said property having been acquired by deed dated June 16, 1906, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 36, page 548, and being identified on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 55.13-01-02.2; and, WHEREAS, plans have been submitted for the improvement of the intersection to address increasing traffic in this area and to provide for the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, said plans require the dedication by the County of 0.061 acre of land along Daugherty Road for road improvements; and, WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the public to dedicate the necessary land for such improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on November 9, 1999; and a second reading was held on November 23, 1999. 2. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to dedicate, by deed or plat, 0.061 acre of land for road right-of-way in connection with improvements at the intersection of Daugherty Road and U. S. Route 11/460, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto. 3. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such other documents and take such other actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes stated herein, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Library Board Supervisor Minnix nominated Josie Eyer to serve another three year term which will expire on December 31, 2003. November 23, 1999 711 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Consent Resolution with change in Item #1 (confirming appointment of Debbie Pitts to the Disability Services Board instead of John Chambliss), and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor Johnson moved to receive and file the following reports. The motion carried by a unanimous voice vote. 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Changes to Secondary System of State Highways as of October, 1999 6. Accounts Paid -October 1999 7. Additional information from FY 1998-1999 Departmental Rollover requests for Sheriff's Office and Police Department. A-112399-9 Supervisor Nickens moved to approve Item 7 which was to re-appropriate $40,646 from the Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance to the Sheriff's Office ($37,151) and Police Department $3,495. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson November 23, 1999 713 Association concerning water and sewer standards, and standards for dedication and accessibility of open space. No changes were made to the private street standards, nor to the allowable housing densities. During discussion, the Board members expressed again their concerns about the zoning being by-right, the density, and the private roads. It was the consensus of the Board to continue the public hearing which is scheduled for the evening session and refer the item back to the Planning Commission for further review. 2. Work Session on the marketing plan for the Center for Research and Technology. (Tim Gubala and Melinda Cox, Economic Development Department, Phil Sparks and Ann Piedmont, Roanoke Vallev Economic Development Partnership) The work session was held from 5:45 p.m. until 6:15 p.m, and presentations were made by Mr. Hodge, Mr. Gubala, Ms. Cox, Mr. Sparks, and Ms. Piedmont. Mr. Gubala advised that the project has moved into the construction phase with the water line extension to be completed by next month; the sewer line plans are with VDOT for review; and the road plans are being prepared and expect to be completed by June, 2000. The next step is to market this project, and he introduced Mr. Sparks, Executive Director of the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership and Ms. Piedmont, Director of Research and Communications for the Partnership, who have worked with the County's staff on the marketing plan. Ms. Piedmont advised that the goal is to create awareness as an upscale business location for technology-based companies, and gave a power point presentation on the four-phase marketing plan. Ms. Cox explained the format of the November 23, 1999 715 requiremen s y irgmia aw were iscussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing and adoption of the Secondary Road System Six- Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2000-2006 and the allocation of funds for Fiscal Year 2000-2001. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) R-112399-11 Mr. Covey advised that the plan was presented in a work session on October 26, 1999, and at that time, staff explained the evaluation process for inclusion of projects, reviewed the estimated funding for the next five years and the distribution of this year's allocation ($3.6 million) among the two funding categories. The allocation for Countywide items is $260,000 with $180,000 allocated to the Rural Addition Program. No funds for incidental construction items are included since these are addressed in the Revenue Sharing Program for 2000-2001. The allocation for numbered projects is approximately $3.16 million. Woodhaven Road and Ferndale Bridge have been completed or have sufficient funds to be completed and no longer appear on the six year plan. Priorities 1 through 12 are scheduled to receive funding this year. They are Hollins Road, McVitty November 23, 1999 717 2. Consideration of projects for Fiscal Year 2000-2001 Virginia Department of Transportation Revenue Sharing Program (Arnold Covey. Community Development Director A-112399-12 Mr. Covey advised that the Virginia Department of Transportation annually provides localities the opportunity to receive state matching funds for the construction, maintenance and improvement to primary and secondary roads. The Commonwealth of Virginia provides $15 million for the matching program and limits localities to $500,000 each. The Revenue Sharing Priority List was presented to the Board at a work session on October 26, 1999. As a result of the work session, staff has adjusted the revenue sharing list to include Bent Mountain Road and Pleasant Hill Drive for the proposed access to the new South County High School. The Roanoke County Schools sent the County a letter of appreciation and support for the road improvements, and advised that they have acted to designate $200,000 from their $30 million budget as their local share of the match. This reduces the overall amount that can be allocated to Countywide items from $500,000 to $300,000. The projects that are deferred as a result of the school project will be eligible for supplemental funding this spring and summer and will be included into the FY 2001- 2002 revenue sharing program. If VDOT's allocation is reduced, it is understood that the County's share of the funds will be reduced proportionally. He requested that the Board adopt the Revenue Sharing Program as amended at the October 26, 1999 work session. There were no citizens present to speak on this item. -_~ November 23, 1999 719 w is a exp ame upervisor arnson advised that the stables exist now, and this does not give permission to the petitioner to have a commercial stable. Supervisor Harrison moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson ORDINANCE 112399-13 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JEFFREY SHAVWER FOR A PRIVATE STABLE TO BE LOCATED AT 501 TEXAS HOLLOW ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 44.04-2-47.1), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Jeffrey Shawver has filed a petition for a special use permit for a private stable to be located at 501 Texas Hollow Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-2-47.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 2, 1999; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on October 23, 1999; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on November 23, 1999. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds thatthe granting of a special use permittoJeffrey Shawver for a private stable to be located at 501 Texas Hollow Road (Tax Map No. 44.04-2-47.1) in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1999 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) Removal of existing trees shall be minimized. (2) A maximum of three horses shall be allowed. (3) The area for containment of the animals shall be fenced on all sides. (4) All animal-grazing areas shall have sufficient ground cover to minimize storm water runoff and erosion, and shall not be denuded. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this November 23, 1999 ~~1-t wou oo m o e ma er. ease erry arrington about the construction trailerthat is still parked at Sunscape complex. Mr. Harrington advised that construction there is not complete and the trailer is still being used. It will be removed at a later time. (6) He advised that the Cave Spring Junior High School web site was judged one of "best bets" in USA Today; that only 150 schools in the U.S. receive this honor; and that Ms. Parks heads the program. SupervisorJohnson: (1) He asked Mr. Harrington to check intowhythesign at Color Tile on Route 419 has not been removed since the building is gone. (2) He advised that he felt the Student Government Day was very successful, and expressed appreciation to everyone concerned, especially David Wymer. He advised that the tape of that meeting can be viewed again on Channel 3, Thursday at 7. (2) He expressed the sympathies of the Board members to Clerk Mary Allen and her family upon the recent death of her husband. (3) He advised that he wrote a condolence letter to Mrs. Taylor upon the death of former City of Roanoke Mayor Noel Taylor. IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 7:25 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to go into Closed Meeting pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) to discuss disposition of publicly held real estate; Section 2.1-344 A (7) to discuss probable litigation, Smith vs. County of Roanoke; and Section 2.1-344 A (6) to discuss the investing of public funds where bargaining is involved, Advance Stores Performance Agreement. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: November 23, 1999 723 IN RE: ADJ At 8:10 p.m., Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting. Submitted by, Brenda J. Holton, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board Approved by, Bob L. Johnson Chairman J - L% January 3, 2000 1 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 3, 2000 The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the organizational meeting and the 3th day of January, 2000. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 9:04 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Bob l.. Johnson, Supervisors Joseph McNamara, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Joseph B. "Butch" Church MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice Chairman Harry C. Nickens STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Supervisor H. Odell Minnix. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD January 3, 2000 3 Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the prepared resolution setting the meeting schedule for 2000. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Church, Johnson. NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION Q1Q300-1 ESTABLISHING A .MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2000 BE IT RESOLVED by file Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That for calendar year 2000, the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 7:00 o'clock p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Tuesday, January 11, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 25, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 8, 2000, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Tuesday, February 8, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 22, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 14, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 28, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 25, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 9, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, 2000, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. January 3, 2000 5 r. a s repo a a s ear e e ration Committee has scheduled events throughout the year celebrating the year 2000. They include March Through Time, a celebration of the history of the Roanoke Valley, a Balloon Fest, a 4th of July celebration at Explore Park, and a future Expo at the Salem Civic Center.' -The first event will be January 8, called "Tons of Fun" at Tanglewood Mall. This will be a family celebration and include music, live entertainment and games for the entire family. He invited the Board members to attend. IN RE: RECESS Chairman McNamara declared a recess at 9:15 a.m. IN RE: RECONVENEMENT: Chairman McNamara reconvened the meeting at 9:35 a.m. IN RE: MEETING WITH ROANOKE VALLEY LEGISLATORS TO DISCUSS THE 2000 LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM. Legislators who were present for this meeting were Bryan Shepherd, representing Delegate A. Victor Thomas, Delegate Morgan Griffith, and State Senator John Edwards. Mr. Mahoney provided copies of Roanoke County's legislative program for the 2000 session of the General Assembly. He advised- that the Board's major priorities were (1) funding for education, including increasing funds available in the Literary Fund, and increased funding for construction projects; (2) transportation and highway safety, including additional new construction and maintenance funding, and improvements to January 11, 2000 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, .Virginia 24018 January 11, 2000 7 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of January 2000. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to-order at 3:01 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Supervisors Joseph B. "Butch" Church, Bob L. Johnson MEMBERS ABS-ENT: Supervisor Harry C. Nickens STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Community Relations IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. January 11, 2000 9 ~ rea ion o t e egional Juvenile Detention Commission, bringing together funding from local governments and the state to begin construction of improvements and upgrades to the Coyner Springs Juvenile Detention Facility ~ Adoption of an updated and far reaching Community Plan to assist in achieving the goals of protecting the environment and quality of life for the citizens of the County ~ Opening of the first interjurisdictional greenway in the Roanoke Valley at Hanging Rock, created through a partnership with the City of Salem and the Hanging Rock Battlefield Association s Groundbreaking for the first regional fire training facility in the Valley, located at the County's Kessler Mill Road facility, which will serve not only the Valley jurisdictions, but training needs for all of Southwest Virginia ® Completion of the preliminary engineering concept plan for site development of a 457 acre tract in West County known as the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology, ;vhich will become a pre!~nier technniogy park. A Moved forward on other economic development projects including the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center, McDonald Farm, Advance Auto Parts, Dragon Chemical, Salem Vent, and Lincra, USA WHEREAS, Mr. Johnson worked diligently during his term to represent afl the citizens of Roanoke County and to promote regional projects which would benefit all the residents of the Roanoke Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its deepest appreciation to Bob L. Johnson for his service as Chairman during 1999 and for his belief in democracy and participation by citizens in local government. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens Za Introduction of Dr Linda Wehpr, new Sch001 SUnPrintpnriPnt January 11, 2000 11 i impac . e a so repo e a as resolved the problems with funding for the Transitional Living Center. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. A~nroval of 2000 Board of Supervisors a~~ointments to Ms. Allen reported that each year, the Board has the opportunity to make modifications to the appointment of Board members to various committees, commissions and boards. This year, fihe Board .must fill. the vacancies created by former Supervisor Fenton Harrison. She also added the Fifth Planning District Commission Regional Water Supply Policy Committee to the Committee List. Supervisor Johnson noted that the ,Joint School Advisory Committee had not been active and recommended that the committee be disbanded. Supervisor McNamara advised that the Fifth Planning District Commission had changed its name to the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve the Board appointments with the following changes: (1) Supervisor Church will fill all appointments vacated by former Supervisor Harrison; (2) Supervisor Minnix added the Lewis-Gale Bio-ethics Committee to his appointments; (3) the Joint School Construction Advisory Committee is to be disbanded; (4) Supervisor Church was appointed to the Regional Water Supply Policy Committee; and (5) the Fifth Planning District Commission's name should be changed to January 11, 2000 13 ervisors o nson, innix, urc NAYS: Supervisor McNamara ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 011100-3 SUPPORTING ADDITIONAL STATE FUNDING FOR LAND CONSERVATION IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, THE Commonwealth of Virginia's lands are rich in scenic, natural, agricultural, forest and recreational resources, and is rapidly losing these irreplaceable resources to competing land uses, and ~NHEREAS, the County of Roanoke desires to protect the Commonwealth's farm and forest resources base, its open space, its natural resources, including its drinking water Supply watershed and natural habitats and historic sites; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke lost 3.493 acres of its productive farmland declining from 20,271 acres in 1987 down to 16.778 acres in 1997, according to an Agricultural Census; and WHEREAS, conserving these resources is critical to Virginia's economy and the health anu tivell-being of h¢r citizens; and WHEREAS, Virginia currently does not have a stable and adequate source of funds to secure Fong-term conservation and protection of theses lands and resources; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation, the appropriate mechanism for receiving and expending funds for land conservation, is empowered to provide matching funds to localities to assist in purchase of conservation easements and other land conservation needs; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IS RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia supports additional funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia to carry out the mission of the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors endorses efforts taken by the Governor and the General Assembly to increase funding for conservation purposes in the year 2000. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church NAYS: Supervisor McNamara ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens ~ R~Sluest to change meeting date in February from Febr~arv 22 to January 11, 2000 15 owned by them and a third adjacent property, controlled by the estate of R. S. Milton. Staff has reviewed the request and supports the vacation of the right-of-way if it is reserved for public use as a public utility easement. There was no discussion and no citizens to speak. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve first reading and set the second reading and public hearing for January 25, 2000 The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens ~,. first readlIl~ of ordinance to vacate an undeu~gp~--~.f~c~.Qf the 50 font wide Goff Road right-of-way located at_~h.~ itlt~-~~~tion of Enon i~rive in North Count[ iin the Hollins Mr. Harrington reported that the petitioners have requested that a 250 foot long, 50 foot wide unimproved public right-of-way known as Goff Road be vacated, If vacated, the right-of-way will be combined with the adjacent properties owned by the petitioners. Staff has reviewed the request and believes it is appropriate to vacate, if it is reserved for public use as easements for utility, water and sewer, and greenway easements. Supervisor Johnson suggested that staff refer the ordinance to Economic January 11, 2000 17 agreemen y nine y ays an reappoint a negotiating committee composed of Supervisors Nickens and Church, Jane James, Anne Marie Green and James Dickey. Supervisor Church moved to adopt the ordinance and appoint the negotiating committee.. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens ORDINANCE Q~ 1100-5 EXTENDING THE FRANCHISE OF BLACKSBURG/SALEM CABLEVISION ,INC. D/B/A SALEM CABLE TV TO OPERATE A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM IN RQANC)~E COUNTY FOR A PERIOD OF 90 DAYS WHEREAS, Blacksburg/Salem Cablevision, d/b/a Salem Cable TV, a vvholly owned subsidiary of Adelphia Communications Corporation, currently holds a franchise granted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to operate a cable television system within portions of Roanoke County which franchise expired on October 4, 1999, and was extended for a period of ninety (90) days by action of the Board of Supervisors on September 28, 1999; and WHEREAS, negotiations are currently underway between Blacksburg/Salem Cablevision, Inc., d/b/a Salem Cable TV, and the County of Roanoke for the renewal of this franchise agreement, which negotiations may not be concluded sufficiently prior to such date to permit adoption of a new franchise agreement by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke prior to the expiration of the current franchise agreement on or about January 2, 2000; and WHEREAS, Blacksburg/Salem Cablevision, Inc., d/b/a Salem Cable TV, is prohibited by federal law from operating a cable television system within any jurisdiction without a franchise agreement or extension as defined by federal law; and WHEREAS, the .first reading of this ordinance was held on December 21, 1999, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on January 11, 2000. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That in order to permit Blacksburg/Salem Cablevision, Inc., d/b/a Salem Cable TV, to continue to operate a cable television franchise within the territorial limits of Roanoke County, Virginia, after January 2, 2000, and to prevent any interruption January 11, 2000 19 T ROM JORGE E. PARROTT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SANITARY SEWER PROJECT FOR THE ROANOKE COUNTY CENTER FOR RESEARCH ANQ TECHNOLOGY WHEREAS, in connection with the development of the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology, it is necessary to acquire an easement to provide a sanitary sewer system to the site; and, WHEREAS, Jorge E. Parrott is the owner of a 6.78-acre parcel of land along U. S. Route 11/460, designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 64.02-2-12; and, WHEREAS, a permanent sanitary sewer easement is required across the Parrott property for this project; and, WHEREAS, staff has negotiated with the property owner for the acquisition of said easement and the owner has agreed to accept the sum of $150.00 for the necessary easement; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished icy ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 21, 1999, and the second reading was held on January 11, 2000. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT URD,~INED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRCINiA, as oliovrs: 1. That the a::quisition and acceptance of a permanent sanitary sewer easement, twenty feet (20') in width, and consisting of 1,273 square feet, along U. S. Route 11/460 in the Catawba Magisterial District, across the property of Jorge E. Parrott, designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 64.02-2-12, for the sum of $150.00 is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the funds for this acquisition and related costs shall be paid out of the funds previously appropriated to this project in the Capital Improvement Fund. 3. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as may be necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens IN RE: APPOINTMENTS January 11, 2000 21 carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 411100-8 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 11, 2000, designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 13, inclusive, as follows: 1. Donation of storm drainage easement on property owned by Elizabeth Barber in the ~'~indsor Hills tvlagisterial District. 2. F2equest for acceptance of F~armon Circle, Slusser Lane and a portion of Stokes Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Merry S. McKissick. 4. Request from Schools for acceptance of $141,091 Title VI B Flow through grant funds for children with disabilities. 5. Request from Schools for acceptance of $2,494 Refugee Children School Impact Grant. 6. Request from Schools for acceptance of $4,047 grant funds for preschool children. 7. Request from Schools for acceptance of $836.71 grant funds for Goals 2000: Educate America, for inservice training. 8. Request from Schools for acceptance of $32,834.34 grant funds for Goals 2000: Educate America, for purchasing instructional computers. 9. Request from Schools for acceptance of $89,014.80 Universal January 11, 2000 23 SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Rye -luirements. and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this. resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None R~a,uired Yeas: Sur~ervisQr~loh.-1~~a Minnix, Churc McNamara Nays: None Absent: ~u.~ervisor Nicken~ RESOLUTION 0111,E-8.~ EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION -=0F THE BOA,RI~ OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREl4IIE1'~T OF MERRY S. Mt/KISSiCK, GENERAL SERVICES DEPAR.T~iIlr!RT WHEREAS, Merry S, McKissick was first employed by Roanoke County on September 17, 1979 in the Sheriffs Office as a Cierk-Typist II; and worked as an Administrative Secretary far the late Sheriff 0. S. Foster, and Sheriff Michael Kavanaugh; and later served as secretary in the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, Ms. McKissick again joined the Roanoke County Sheriffs Office on April 27, 1992, and served as Administrative Secretary for Sheriff Gerald S. Holt; and WHEREAS, during Ms. McKissick's service with the Sheriffs Office, she completed an Associate's Degree from Virginia Western Community College and achieved the designation of Certified Professional Secretary; and WHEREAS, Ms. McKissick retired on May 1, 1999, as an Office Support Specialist in the General Services Department, after more than nineteen years of service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. McKissick, through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to MERRY S. MCKISSICK for over nineteen years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the January 11, 2000 25 motion carried by unanimous voice vote with Supervisor Nickens absent. 1~ General Fund UnaRpropt-iated B~c~ 2~ Ca itn al Fund Unanmropriated Balance .~ Board ~ontingenc~Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve ~., Informat~n on award of o,[~.ue Engineering Contract for New South County High School Supervisor Johnson asked for an update on the school construction projects. Chairman McNamara responded that he will request a report from the schools. ~ ~t~~2f~:h~_T_reasurer'~~ccountfity aer fnvestments.and IN RE: REhORTS 4ND "INC1~11RiES Otr BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Johnsoni(1 } He announced that he read in the newspaper that Randy Smith was retiring as City fVlanager for City of Salem, and suggested that he be invited to a future meeting to be recognized with a resolution of appreciation. (2) He advised that he would like to know from the School Board what is being recommended on the Glenvar project. Chairman McNamara responded that he will write a letter requesting more information on the project. Supervisor Minnix: He commended the staff and Library Director Spencer Watts on the "Tons of Fun" Year 2000 celebration at Tanglewood Mall and suggested that another event be held in the fall. January 11, 2000 27 The Work Session was held from 4:45 p.m. to 5:45 p.m. Planning Commission members present were Kyle Robinson; Donald Witt, Todd Ross, and AI Thomason. Member Martha Hooker was absent. Mr. Harrington reported that the Board deferred action on this ordinance in November and directed the staff and Planning Commission to reevaluate the ordinance with respect to standards for density, and private roads. Mr. Harrington recommended that the Board and Planning Commission look at the broad objectives of the ordinance to reach agreement. Planning Commission Chairman Robinson explained that the Commission would like to hear the concerns o- ttie Board regarding the proposed ordinance. Chairman McNamara explained that two of the Board's concerns was that the 500 foot requirement to a public road was too far, and that the density of eight units per acre was too deep. Mr. Witt indicated that they wanted to use the ordinance as an instrument for hillside and ridgeline protection, which was a priority in the County's visioning process to maintain the visual beauty of the County. Supervisor Johnson indicated his concerns were the use of private roads, the approval process and the density. There was a general discussion on the three issues of concern by the Board of Supervisors: (1) the use of private roads; (2) the density of 8 units per acre; and (3) the approval and waiver process. Mr. Robinson indicated that the Planning Commission will review these concerns at their work session on February 18. January 22-23, 2000 29 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 22-23, 2000 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Hotel Roanoke this being an adjourned meeting from January 11, 2000 for the purpose of a joint retreat with the School Board and County and School staff. !N RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to order at 9:11 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Supervisors Joseph B. "Butch" Church, Bob I_. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. I-lodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Anne Marie Green, Community Relations; Brent Robertson, Budget Manager, Diane Hyatt, Finance Director, Joe Sgroi, Human Resources Director; David Porter, Economic Development Director; Pete Haislip, Parks and Recreation Director; Gary Robertson, Utility Director School Board Chairman Jerry Canada called the School Board meeting to order. January 22-23, 2000 31 n rces a impac on a oun y s a i i y o rive an ~` survive) Each group was asked to develop four values that it wished to achieve. The groups developed the following values: Education Services Quality of Life Sense of Place Resources Regional Alliances Channels of Communication Spirit of Cooperation Technology Global Economy Government Influence Demographic Shift Innovation Culture/People Brand Image Financial Health Life long learning Economic Base Tax Structure Diversity January 22-23, 2000 How the County of Roanoke delivers value to its customers: Priority relative to: CUSTOMERS Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight LIFE LONG LEARNING 0.432 ECONOMIC BASE 0.353 TAX STRUCTURE 0.150 DIVERSITY 0.064 - Element Descriptions: LIFE LONG LEARNING LIFE CYCLE, TRNG OPPS, CONTI EDUC, SUPPORT OF ARTS & CULTURAL OPPS, VOCATIONAL, PUBLIC LIBRARIES, LEADERSHIP DEVELOPEMNT TAX STRUCTURE COST EFFECTIVE TAX STRUCTURE RELATIVE TO MAJOR METROPOLITAN AREAS ECONOMIC BASE STRONG ECONOMIC BASE, EFFICIENT GOVERNMENT DIVERSITY BUILD, STRENGTHEN & SUPPORT CULTURAL, ETHNIC, PEOPLE W/DISABILITIES, DEMOGRAPHIC, SOCIAL DIVERSITY Roanoke County Competitors: 1. Pdext county 2. Nexr stare 3. Private schools -charter schools 4. Vinton 5. F~ome schooling 6. New administration -can hire somebody else 7. World -our industries can go anywhere, Mexico, Canada, etc. 8. Privatization 9. Board based -internal competition, districts 10. Customers (competition) -with the environment 11. State and federal government The value the County of Roanoke delivers that allows it to outperform the competition: Priority relative to: COMPETITORS Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight EDUCATION 0.503 SERVICES 0.284 QUALITY OF LIFE 0.141 -- SENSE OF PLACE 0.072 - Element Descriptions: QUALITY OF LIFE COMFORT, NATURAL RESOURCES, ENVIRON SENSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC OUTLO~ HEALTHY COMMUNITY EDUCATION SUPPORT WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, SUCCESS RATE OF K-12 & PUBLIC E SENSE OF PLACE OWNERSHP IN COMMUNITY, SENSE OF BELONGING, ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES WIDE RANGE OF COST EFFECTIVE SERVICES, QUALITY SERVICE, SMARTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE 33 January 22-23, 2000 Roanoke County's internal values: Priority relative to: ROANOKE COUNTY Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight INNOVATION 0.407 CULTURE /PEOPLE 0.308 BRAND IMAGE 0.170 FINANCIAL HEALTH 0.116 -_ Element Descriptions: FINANCIAL HEALTH TRIPLE A RATING, REDUCE DEPENDANCY ON RESIDENTIAL TAXES, FUND BA INNOVATION PREP FOR TECHN ADVANCES, ELECTR COMMUNITY, WEB-BASED SERVICES, &PROGRAMS CULTURE /PEOPLE DIVERSE, SKILLED, PASSIONATE, INVOLVED, STRONG COMMITMENTS, i~IGH FAMILY FRIENDLY, TRAINABLE PEOPLE BRAND IMAGE THE PLACE FOR YOUI 35 2. The five groups of value statements were prioritized to determine which set of values is more important relative to achieving the County's mission. The Goal •, ~ , PARTNERS ~ ~ COMPETITORS c^ ROANOKE COUNTY a ~ i CUSTOMERS EXTERNAL FORCES 'RESOURCES,, •, 'EDC[CAT10N ~ 'INNOVATION 'LIFE{ONGIEARNING 'TECHNOLOGY Lw:0.514 Gw; O'053 Lw: 0.503 Gw:.0:18Z Lw::0.407 ; Giv: 0.079 Lwr0:432 Gwi 0:112 Cw: 0:527- Gw: O!A39' ' 'REGIONAL ALLIANCES 'SERVICES=:` 'CULTURE'! PEOPLE 'ECONOMIC. BASE 'GLOBAL ECONOMY Lw:0.254 Gw:0.026 Lw:0:284 Gw:0.106 Lw:0.308 Gw:0.060 Lsv:0:353 Gw:0.091 Cw:0.304 Gw:0.022 'CHANNELS OF COMMUN ICAOUALITY OF LIFE 'BRAND IMAGE 'TAX STRUCTURE 'GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE Lw:0:166 Gw:0.017 Lw:0.141 Gw:0.052 Lw:0.170 Gw:0.033 Lw:0:150 Gw:0.039 Lw:.0.113 Gw:0.008 'SPIRIT OF COOPERATION 'SENSE OF PLACE 'FINANCIAL HEALTH 'DIVERSITY 'DEMOGRAPHIC SHIFT Lw:0.065 Gw:0.007 Lw:0.072 Gw:0.027 Cw:0.116 Gw:0.022 Lw:0.064 Gw:0.017 Cw:0.056 Gw:0.004 Priority relative to: The Goal Priorities based on: Importance Element Weight COMPETITORS 0.372 CUSTOMERS 0.258 ROANOKE COUNTY 0.194 PARTNERS 0.103 ~- EXTERNAL FORCES 0.073 - Element Descriptions: PARTNERS RESOURCES; REGIONAL ALLIANCES; CHANNELS OF COMMUNICATION; SPIRIT COOPERATION COMPETITORS EDUCATION; SERVICES; QUALITY OF LIFE; SENSE OF PLACE ROANOKE COUNTY INNOVATION; CULTURE /PEOPLE; BRAND IMAGE; FINANCIAL HEALTH CUSTOMERS LIFE LONG LEARNING; ECONOMIC BASE; TAX STRUCTURE; DIVERSITY EXTERNAL FORCES TECHNOLOGY; GLOBAL ECONOMY; GOVERNMENT INFLUENCE; DEMOGRAPHIC January 22-23, 2000 37 4. A powerful mission statement for Roanoke County may be formulated ftom the values that lie at and above the 80% indicator. 5. Next, the team identified and prioritized two initiatives to support each value statement identified in the model. The initiatives pertaining to each group of values are listed below. Partner Initiatives: PARTNERS CHANNELS OF SPIRIT OF RESOURCES REGIONAL COMMUNICATION COOPERATION a ALLIANCES 'JTMTG OF 8 8 S 'INTERlINTRA COMMU 'RECRUFT. BUSINESS 'CONNECTING C04JNTERP Cw: 0.600r Gw: 0.010- Lw: 0.500 Gw:'0-:003 lws:0.750 :-Gw; 0.040 Lwc 0.600 , Gw: 0:018 'PROMO MTRL ECON & EDPUBLICIZE BOS &' SE3 'PROMaTE ROANOKE ' IDEfVTIFY DUPLICATED SE Lw: 0:400 Gw: 0.007 Lw: 0.500` GW: 0.003 LwF0.250 Gw: 0.013 Lw: 0:400 ' Gw: 0.010 Competitive initiatives: COMPETITORS QUALITY OF LIF'e i ~ t EDUCATION SENSE OF PLACE ~ r ~ SERVICES r~ 'LANQ USE 'FNCR67EAEFiER'EFFECTIV~EVERAGE EOUC R.ESOIIRCEXPAND RE5 EPFORFS Cw:0;600 Gwt(T031 Lw:0i600 Gw:0.u2 ` LwcA.600 Gw:0.97fi' Lw:0700 6w:0.07a 'FOCU.S'BUSIONSENYIRON'wKEORCEDEV 'COMMU`SHOWCASE 'OBJEGTIVEBASEDMGMT Lw:.0;400 Gw:U:021 Lw. 0:400" ~W: 0.075 Lw: 0 a00 Gw::,~.011 Lw: OE300 Gw:0.032 Roanoke County Initiatives: ROANOKECOUNTY FINANCIAL HEALTH (INNOVATION ~ CULTURE !PEOPLE ~ BRAND IMAGE ' COMMITMEfEXPD INTERNET ACCESS'MQRE EDUC APPS 'EREATE UIVIFIE`.1' iMRGE NCO; SSE GIws0.016.;; Lw: 0:600 Gw: Q04T rr Lw; Q5700 Gwc.0.D42 '' Lw:.0.600 Gw:-0.020 -' 'REf1UESTREVIEW 'EVAL'RROCESS&PROCE'EXPAND'INVOLVEMENT 'DEV.COMMUNITYPLAN Lwi Oi30d Gw: 0.007 Lw: 0:400 Gw:0.032 Lw: 0.300.. Gw: 0.018 Lw; 0:400 Gwi 0.013 January 22-23, 2000 39 Goal EDUCATION ECONOMIC REGIONAL TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT QUALITY OF LIFE IMAGE DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE ' PARTNERS W 0 ttq G4. ~ 1.8 W' 0'15(1 .C n 4S0 W' 0 111 GS' 0 111 W' 0 066 l33' 0 066 W' O.OgB OS' 0.046 'RECRUIT BUSINESS 'CONNECTING COUNTERPARTS W' 0.11 'PUBLICIZE BOS & SB 'IDENTIFY OUPIICATEO SERV 'PROMOTE ROANOKE 'PROMO MTRL ECON 8 'INTER/INTRA COMMU COMPETITORS 'INCRS TEACHER EFFE'lW.ORHEDRCE DEVELC.EXPJLND REG EFFORTS 'OBJECTIVE BASED MCLAND USE 'COMMU SHOWCASE 'PROVIDE INCENTIVES 'LEV COMMU FACIL ROANOKE COUNTY 'MORE EDUC OPPS 'EVAL PROCESS & PROCE 'EXPO INTERNET ACCCBEOUE57 REVIEW 'LEV COMMU FACIL 'CREATE UNIFIED IMA( ' COMMU SHOWCASE CUSTOMERS 'WORKFORCE DEVELOPMNT 'MONITOR DEMOGRAF:DEIERM CURR OFFEF:EDUC &DEV STRAT 'PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNER EXTERNAL FORCES 'WORK WIREGNL PARYESP.D.IMERNET ACCESS 'INVOLVE SENIORS IN JdK'O/ALLEY EXTERNA 'CREATE REGNL IT COMMITTEE 'BLD DIVERSE COMMU:P.OLITICAL LEVERAGE 8. The final synthesis of initiatives is listed below. The relative weight of each initiative reflects the "Gain" of the initiative, indicating the contribution of the initiative to achieving the mission. The next step will be to analyze the "Pain", or costs associated with irTlplementing each initiative, and the "Risk", ar probability of success associated with the accomplishment of each initiative. Synthesis rets;iva :a: Goal t 1. WORY.FURCE DEVELOPMNT 0.208 DE! A SPECIFIC PROCESS W/ FEEDBACK WHICH PROVIDES TRNG FOR TARGETED INDUSTRY 2. INCRS TEACHER EFFECTIVENE 0.112 INCREASED T~CHER EFFECTIVENESS BY OBTAINING DESIRABLE STUDENTlTEACHER RATIOS & HIRING & RETAINING EFFECTIVE TEACHERS 3. EXPD INTERNET ACCESS 0.074 EXPAND OUR CUSTOMER'S ABILITY TO INTERACT WITH US THROUGH INTERNET ACCESS (PAV TXS, WATER, AUTOMATED REPORT CARDS. ETC..) a. EXPAND REG EFFORTS 0.07a FACTOR REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES INTO SERVICES DELIVERY, MUST EXPAND OUR REG PERSPECTIVE OF FIRE, POLICE. SOLID WASTE, ECON DEV EFFORTS, SEWER 8 WATER ETC 5. PUBUCfPRNATE PARTNER 0.035 MAINTAIN PUBUClPRIVATE PARTNERSHP THAT SUPPORTS ECON DEV STRAT (TO 0E REFINED) 6. EVAL PROCESS & POOCE 0.047 - EVALUATE ECONOMIC DEV PROCESS 3 PROCEDURES TO OPTIMIZE NON-RESIDENTIAL BASE & GET MOST BANG FOR THE BUCK(6%) 7. MORE EDUC OPPS o.Daz - OFFER MORE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES VIA INTERNET, CHANNEL 3. OTHER 8. RECRUIT BUSINESS O.OgO ~ RECRUIT INNOVATIVE, ENVIRONMENTALY FRIENDLY BUST W/A MAJORITY OF HIGHER PAID EMPLOYEES; PRIMARY JO83 9. OBJECTIVE BASED MGMT 0.032 INCLUDE ORJECTNE BASED MANAGEMENT THAT IDENTIFY SERVICE LEVEL EVALUATION -BASED ON STRATEGIC DIRECTION 10. LAND USE 0.031 - DEVELOP EFFECTIVE LAND USE PROGRM TO ENSURE PRESERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES 11. EDUC 8 DEV STRAT 0.031 - EDUCATE 8 DEV STRAT TO EDUCATE BUSIIINDIVIDUALS AELATNE TO THEIR RETURN ON TAX INVESTMENT 12. LEV COMMU FACIL 0.029 - LEVERAGE COMMU FACILITIES- HAVE SCHOOLS 8 FACILITIES FOCUS ON COMMUNITY ACTNITIES 80%-~ 13. DE7ERM CURR OFFERG3 0.029 - DETERMINE CURRENT OFFERINGS IN THE ARTS COMMU 8 DOCUMENT GAPS IN VALLEY, NEEDS 6 EST WORK PLAN TO FILL GAPS 14. COMMU SHOWCASE 0.029 - INCR SPECUV. EVENTS THAT SHOWCASE OR CELEBRATE COMMUNITY ASSETS (CULTURE, EDUC) EXPAND ROANOKE COUNTY INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY ACTIVITIEB 75. PROVIDE INCENTNES 0.021 ~ RAISE BAR OF EXPECTATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 8 PROVIDE INCENTNES TO BUSINESSES January 22-23, 2000 41 Chairman McNamara reported that teams including school and County staff and officials would be established for each of these initiatives to develop the specific actions to attain the County's goal. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 12:22 p.m. Chairman McNamara adjourned the retreat. Submitted by, Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board Approved by, Joseph McNamara Chairman A-022900-6 . a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER y"~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens At the February 8, 2000 meeting, Supervisor Church nominated Brooks McDaniel to represent the Catawba Magisterial District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Supervisor Church's nomination be confirmed. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, .~ ~~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph B. "Butch" Church Church _ x Denied () to approve Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens File Abs 1 v 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. A-022900-6. b ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of two drainage easements on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9), in the Hollins Magisterial District, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easements conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for drainage purposes, on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., in the Hollins Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: a) Donation of two drainage easements, ten feet (10') in width and fifteen feet (15') in width, from LCP Summerview, Inc., a Virginia corporation, (Deed Book 1513, page 757; Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9), as shown on a plat prepared by Michael D. Huffman, L.S., dated January 28, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto. The location and dimensions of these easements have been reviewed and approved by the County's engineering staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this easement. v ~- 3 Respectfully submitted, Vickie L. Huffman Assistant County Atto ey ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Church _ x _ Denied () Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development g:~aUomey\vlh~agenda~COC~sentU.CPSummerview 2 ~ ~ ~ , ' NEW 15' WIDE DEDICATED DRAINAGE EASEMENT NEW 10' WIDE DEDICATED DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE A-B S 82' 32' 00" W 128.00' J-K N 02' 28' 00" W 257.78' B-C N 8'i' 08' 08" W 63.43 K-L N 71' 02' 00" E 10.43' C-D ___ N 07' 28 00 W 15.63 L-M _ S 02' 28' 00 E 260.75' D-E S 81' 08' 08" E 6 65 8 M-J S _87' 32' 00" W 10.00' E-F N 82' 32' 00" E ' 131.01' AREA = 0.060 ACRES F-A 32 00 W S 11 15.86 I AREA = 0.067 ACRES I ~ NEW 10' WIDE DEDICATED DRAINAGE EASEMENT I\ ~~ MERIDIgN OF L~711''_ 4 64.42' U N02'28'00"W EX. LP. \ 322 20' TOTAL FOUND EX. LP. ~ ... - .... FOUND < W \ I~ I C~.I I I I I~ ~~ ~r O' ~ z ~w~ ~~z ~ W W ~~~ ~zw O ~ (>7 ~ W ~ © O O O N 4r-, I~ © o . r> Fnl ~. ~. 15' WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT EXISTING BUILDING TAX //28.05-i-9 NEW 15' WIDE DEDICATED DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ ~~ I ~~ \ ~ `~ I~ 'o Z f / ~ 0 w °~, ~ ~ ~ ` ~` CP O, J ~ ~ ~ 1 6~ ~ i~,, LEGEI~ D OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -» --~ EXISTING EX. IRON PIN LP. DEED BOOK D.D. ~ PAGE PG. .._- ~r-- ~ _ --~- _--- TINKER CREED -!_ S1 <g ~ 0„w 501'32'00"W 158.00' -~-__ 1. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED FOR THE 50LE PURPOSE OF CREATING NEW DEDICATED DRAINAGE EASEMENTS. 2. TIiIS IS NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. 3. 1HIS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A TITLE REPORT AND THERE MAY EXIST ENCUMBRANCES NOT SHOWN HEREON WHICH AFFECT THE NEW EASEMENTS. 4. PROPERTY LINES SHOWN HEREON WERE TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY JACK BESS ~ FOR ROBERT L. & DOROTHY W. SMITH ~y~,ALrh p °°,"' DATED APRIL 13, 1977. ~~ i l 5. 1HE OWNER OF FEE IITLE TO THE :3Y " /~ ,i~ PROPERTY ON WHICH AN EASEMENT ~ /I~~~/Y. IS SHOWN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ~ MICHAEL D. H MAINTENANCE OF THE STORMWATER DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER No. 001958 MANAGEMENT FACILITIES LOCATED ~_ ~_Z~ THEREIN. C 6. THIS PROPERTY LIES WITHIN A FEMA ~~b SL7$VE~"~ FLOOD STUDIED AREA. PLAT SHOWING / NEW 10' WIDE NEW 15' WIDE DRAINAGE EASEMENTS DEDICATED TO ROANOKE COUNTY ON PROPERTY OF LCP SUMMERVIEW, INC. TAX PARCEL #28.05-1-9 FIOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA SCALE: 1" = 60' DATE: JANUARY 28, 2000 MICHAEL D. HUFFMAN, L.S. 5706 DEPUTY DRIVE ROANOKE, VA. r J f , " ' ~ A-022900-6 . c ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER: `~~ 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request from the Police Department for acceptance of a Grant from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests COUNTY ADMINISTRATION COMMENTS: ~~ BACKGROUND: During Phase I the County of Roanoke applied for and received grant monies from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests for law enforcement personnel. The grant listed requests from both the Police and Sheriff's Department. These grant monies were available under a 50/50 match program and the County was awarded a total of $8000.00 during the first phase of the grant process. During Phase II of this grant the Department of Justice granted an additional $14,348.50 to the Police and Sheriff' s Department to purchase additional ballistic vests for law enforcement personnel. Again these grant monies are available under a 50/50 match program. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The grant period is effective beginning immediately and expiring on September 30, 2000. A total of $14,348.50 was awarded during Phase II to the police Department and the Sheriff's Department. The 50/50 grant requires the recipient to match the grant award by providing an equal amount. Thus far the Sheriff's Department has spent $6,350.00 of these funds and the Police Department has spent $00.00 leaving $7998.50 in the account. The Criminal Investigations Division needs to purchase mne (9) ballistic vests to replace nine (9) out of date ballistic vests. FISCAL IMPACT: None: Matching funds for the nine (9) ballistic vests will total no more than $2000.00 and this money is available in the Police Departments current budget under Account # 47-1200-5540. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends acceptance of the grant. ,+ S T Assist Chief T. L. Holbrook Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator r ~.J ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Church _ x Johnson _ x McNamara- x Minnix _ x Nickens _ x cc: File T. L. Holbrook, Assistant Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance A-022900-6. d r ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~'$ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Requestfor acceptance of Federal Grant 00-C9048CR99 approved under the Criminal History Records Improvement Program Grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Sheriff's Office applied to the Department of Criminal Justice Services for the Criminal History Records Improvement Program Grant to further enhance the Sheriff's Office records management system. In the past three (3) years we have upgraded the jail management and civil process software. We have recently implemented a document imaging solution that will also be an additional drain on our limited computer resources. This greater use and storage of electronic data creates a greater demand on servers and clients. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Sheriff's Office has received approval forgrant money from the Department of Criminal Justice Services. The grant funds were approved by letter on December 21, 1999. The grant period is from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. The grant is in the amount of $5,625 in Federal Funds and $1,875 in local cash match for a total of $7,500 and requires no additional funding from the Board of Supervisors. The funds requested will be used to upgrade servers and workstations to allow for timely data retrieval and storage. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Matching funds are available in the Sheriff's Office budget. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the acceptance of the awarded funds. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ,~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator Gerald S. Holt Sheriff ACTION Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: Bob L Johnson to approve cc: File Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance ~~ VOTE No Yes Abs Church _, x - Johnson _ x - McNamara- x _. Minnix _ x Nickens - x f A-022900-6 . e Action Number Item Number `"~` At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia at the Roanoke County Administration Center Meeting Date: February 29, 2000 Agenda Item: Request from Police Department to accept V-stop grant from the Department of Criminal Justice for prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women County Administration Comments: J~~ a~~ Background: The Roanoke County Police Department applied for and was approved for a grant for the prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women. As approved, the department will receive thirty-seven thousand nine hundred eighty-three dollars ($37,983) in Federal funds and fifteen thousand nine hundred forty dollars ($15,940) in matching funds from the current budget .The total grant would be fifty-three thousand nine hundred twenty-three dollars ($53,923). Summary of Information: The federal funds, from a program named "V-STOP", are for a five year Federal program aimed at reducing violence against women. The program is in its fourth year with funding administered through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. Funding is expected to continue for an additional year at least (with hopes of continuation beyond that). The grant will be used to continue the investigations and prevention of crimes of violence against women in Roanoke County, and it is specifically for the purposes of direct involvement with the issues of victims, both in the court and in the situations where prosecution is not possible or the victim does not wish to prosecute. For the assigned Detective, there is a continuously large case load of new investigations, follow up to other investigations and needs of training and public education. While the bulk of the cases reviewed or investigated relate to cases of Domestic Violence, other topics of investigation are protective order violations, stalking, and sex crime investigations including aggravated sexual battery, rape, indecent exposure and prowler/peeping toms. Furthermore, the assigned Detective acts as a resource and referral agent for victims and allied professionals. J "~ Fiscal Impact: This grant period runs on the calender year from January 01 to December 31, 2000. The subgrantee match portion of the entire grant package will be fifteen thousand nine hundred forty dollars ($15,940). These funds will need to be appropriated to the police department, for this position, through the budget process. Prepared by Detective Paul C. Nielsen, Violent Crimes Against Women Unit. Staff Recommendations: The staff recommends acceptance of the V-STOP grant funding for the Violent Crimes Against Women Unit from the Department of Criminal Justice. Respectfully submitted, Terrell .Holbrook Assistant Chief of Police Approved, ~%~~ Elmer C. Hodge, Jr. County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Church _ x Denied () Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Terrell L. Holbrook, Assistant Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 ACTION #A-022900-6.f ITEM NUMBER ~" MEETING DATE : February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM : Appropriation to Increase Regional School Budget for 1999-2000 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION : Due to changes in needs in regional personnel, budget adjustments were requested from three school divisions participating in the Regional Program. Craig County, Botetourt County and Roanoke City requested increases in their budgets to cover personnel needs for regional students. Craig County 1 ~h Instructional Assistant Positions $22,375 Increase Elem. SPD Expenditures 849921-3026 8,200 Increase Sec. AUT Expenditures need to establish code 14,175 Botetourt County 2 Instructional Assistant Positions Increase Sec. AUT Expenditures Roanoke City Summer School Personnel Increase Summer School 849630-3026 25,111 25,111 2,735 848700-3026 2,735 TOTAL $50,221 FISCAL IMPACT : Expenditures will be increased by $50,221and additional tuition revenue will offset this increase in expenditures. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval to appropriate funds to increase the Regional Budget in the amount of $50,221. Patricia Radcliffe Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Church _ x _ Denied () Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Patricia Radcliffe, Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board J..~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 022900-6.g REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF LAKEDALE ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM UNDER THE RURAL ADDITION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the streets described below was established on January 21, 1957, and currently serves at least 3 families per mile, and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has deemed this county's current subdivision control ordinance meets all necessary requirements to qualify this county to recommend additions to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1, Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, after examining the ownership of all property abutting this street, this Board finds that speculative interest does not exist, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board request the following street be added to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1 (D), Code of Virginia: Name of Street: Lakedale Road Length: 0.055 miles From: 0.21 mi. from the intersection of Rte 689 and Rte 1641 To: 0.055 miles NE from Rte. 1641 Guaranteed right-of-way Width: 50 feet. Plat Recorded, Date: February 4, 1957 Plat Book: 3 Page:247 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to improve said street to the prescribed minimum standards, funding said improvements pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1(D), Code of Virginia, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara Nays: None Absent: None A Copy Teste: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation o• i. i• i• i• r ~""' ROANOKE COUNTY RURAL ADDITION LAKEDALE ROAD ~\ LAKEDALE RGAD HIGHFIELDS ~J~ SUBDIVSIGN ,4i Q' 2 RpSELAWN ~/-~ - ~~v, ~~ R 7 G ,uN p~ HIGH VICINITY ~ MAF ~~ ~` ~ ~' ~` ~ , ~- ~ k eg, ~ Q~ ~ '~' ~~ ~ ~~ °, cS, 6g9 "~ --p. s .~Qj ~~ ~~/ ---s PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ o AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Lakedale Road (rural addition) Street Acceptance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff requests the Board of Supervisors to adopt the attached resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to accept Lakedale Road under the rural addition program. BACKGROUND: The Code of Virginia under Section 33.1-72.1 allows counties to petition the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to establish a rural addition program as long as this county's current subdivision control ordinance meets state highway laws. Currently, Roanoke County's subdivision ordinance meets all requirements established by law. Roanoke County currently has twenty-three roads on the priority list and three current requests pending Board and staff approval for addition. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: County and VDOT staff have been working together to establish plans and documents for Lakedale Road to be included in the highway system for the past several years. As early as 1977, the residents of Lakedale Road petitioned the County for assistance for improving Lakedale Road. In 1985, Lakedale Road was one of approximately forty roads placed on the 1985 bond referendum but due to terrain and the by-laws of the homeowner's association we have just recently completed all documentation. 1 v Funds are available in the Secondary Six-Year Plan administered by VDOT for rural additions. However, the road improvements require adjustments to Roanoke County water and sewer lines. Per our rural addition policy, Roanoke County is required to pay for any relocation of existing utilities. Staff has contacted the Utility Department and received an estimate of $5,100 dollars to relocate these facilities. Currently, Community Development has funds in the countywide account to cover these costs. Surplus revenue sharing funds have supplemented this account in the past. Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to approve the resolution requesting Lakedale Road's addition to the secondary system of state highways. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Approve the attached resolution requesting VDOT to add Lakedale Road to the secondary highway system and to improve the road to State standards. 2) Defer approval to a later date. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. SUl~1/IITTED BY: . l~ _ ~,•I ~ \, `-. ~ A \ Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Develo ment Approved Denied ( ) Received Referred To ACTION Motion by: APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens 2 ~a THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF February 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the streets described below was established on January 21, 1957, and currently serves at least 3 families per mile, and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has deemed this county's current subdivision control ordinance meets all necessary requirements to qualify this county to recommend additions to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1, Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, after examining the ownership of all property abutting this street, this Board finds that speculative interest does not exist, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board request the following street be added to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1 (D), Code of Virginia: Name of Street: Lakedale Road Length:0.055 miles From: 0.21 mi. from the intersection of Rte 689 and Rte 1641 To: 0.055 miles NE from Rte. 1641 Guaranteed right-of-way Width: 50 feet. Plat Recorded, Date: February 4, 1957 Plat Book: 3 Page:247 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to improve said street to the prescribed minimum standards, funding said improvements pursuant to Section 33.1-72.1(D), Code of Virginia, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Seconded By: Yeas: A Copy Teste: Nays: Mary Allen, Board Clerk .' - ~ "" CS ROANOKE COUNTY RURAL ADDITION LAKEDALE ROAD `'"~ LAKEDALE RDAD HIGHFIELDS ~J~ SUBDIVSION ,tom f Q. ~ ~~ ROS LAWN ~ ~,yv Q aQ", R T G CAVE S HIGH JUNIOR U VICINITY M~4~ a~ ~~ a~ ~ ~- ~~ e~, ~ Q~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~, °% ~ ~~9 "~ --~~. ~~~ .. ~,~ Q~ ~~ PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ~ ....,~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF FEBRUARY 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 022900-6.h THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER REQUESTING A "WATCH FOR CHILDREN" SIGN WHEREAS, the General Assembly enacted an amendment to the Code of Virginia, adding Section 33.1-210.2 regarding the installation and maintenance of "signs alerting motorists that children may be at play nearby," and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors along with the Virginia Department of Transportation staff institute a local policy, and WHEREAS, a petition has been received that meets both Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation guidelines, and WHEREAS, the Wexford Homeowner's Association has agreed to fund the installation of the sign, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the following street location to be reviewed fora "Watch for Children" sign, pursuant to Section 33.1-210.2, Code of Virginia: Sign location: Intersection of Steeplechase Drive and Homewood Circle. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara Nays: None Absent: None A Copy Teste: ~.e,.?~a~-,/ Mary H. AI en, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation i~ ~`~ ROANOKE COUNTY "CHILDREN AT PLAY SIGN" WEXFORD SUBDIVISION ~~ ;~ .,,, ~~ ~s ~~ ~ a ,~ ww~v~s~~ Yr uTc VICINITY MAP i• i G ~~4 1~ PROPOSED SIGN LOCATION Hor~ewood Cr ~~ Rt,1745 ~,, w ACTION # ITEM NUMBER -~-~"" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting a "Watch for Children Sign:' COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Staff requests the Board of Supervisors to adopt the attached resolution requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation review the need to install a "Watch for Children" sign near the entrance of Steeplechase Drive and Homewood Circle (Wexford Subdivision). BACKGROUND: The General assembly enacted an amendment to the Code of Virginia, adding Section 33.1-210.2 regarding the installation and maintenance of "signs alerting motorist that children may be at play nearby." The Board of Supervisors subsequently adopted a policy to outline the County's role regarding the "Children at Play" sign. The Code requires the County to submit a resolution requesting the installation of this sign. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Community Development received inquiries concerning the installation of these signs over the past year but only two petitions have been submitted and only one of these petitions actually qualified under our current policy. Per our policy, the homeowner's association has agreed to pay for the installation of this sign. Therefore, we request the Board to adopt the attached resolution requesting VDOT's Transportation Commissioner to review Wexford Subdivision as a possible candidate. 1 ~9 ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACTS: 1) Approve the attached resolution requesting VDOT to consider the intersection of Steeplechase Road and Homewood Circle fora "Children at Play" sign. 2) Defer approval to a later date. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: ,~ .,. ~ ~ , ;`,' Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Devel pment Approved Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred _ To ACTION Motion by: APPROVED BY: ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ Johnson _ McNamara _ Minnix _ Nickens 2 S-9 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 29th DAY OF February 2000, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, the General Assembly enacted an amendment to the Code of Virginia, adding Section 33.1-210.2 regarding the installation and maintenance of "signs alerting motorists that children may be at play nearby," and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors along with the Virginia Department of Transportation staff institute a local policy, and WHEREAS, a petition has been received that meets both Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation guidelines, and WHEREAS, the Wexford Homeowner's Association has agreed to fund the installation of the sign, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the following street location to be reviewed for a "Watch for Children" sign, pursuant to Section 33.1-210.2, Code of Virginia: Sign location: Intersection of Steeplechase Drive and Homewood Circle. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Seconded By: Yeas: A Copy Teste: Nays: Mary Allen, Board Clerk ~9 ROANOKE COUNTY "CHILDREN AT PLAY SIGN" WEXFORD SUBDIVISION ~~ ~~ • ~' 4 b~ ~ma ~ ~4, b ~" 4 ioxc~a* n ANM~Vlt101~ ~ ~i G~~ ~ KL W Sl7[ VICINITY MAP ~°s ~ `~© P( / Q Wh ~ ~ ~ ~ -n / ~ ~ ~~ ° © Q r / ~~' ~ ~q- G~o- ~~ ~~Q S~ R~'153~ LLLL n~ L LL '~G Rt. ~ .~ 4s ~ Hor~ewood Cr ~ Rt,1745 ~,, ~u PROPOSED SIGN LOCATION LL r~'' ....i __.,i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-6.i EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF BETTY P. SHOCKLEY, SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Betty P. Shockley was first employed by Roanoke County on September 3, 1991, as aReceptionist I -Typist; and also served as Clerk III and Account Clerk II; and WHEREAS, Ms. Shockley retired from Roanoke County on February 1, 2000, as an Eligibility Worker after more than eight years of service; and WHEREAS, Ms. Shockley always tried to find resources to meet the citizens' needs if they could not be met through the department's benefit programs; and many citizens complimented Ms. Shockley on her respectfulness and helpfulness; and WHEREAS, Ms. Shockley provided outstanding customer service during her employment with Roanoke County, and was instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to BETTY P. SHOCKLEY for more than eight years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 f ~' • ~ FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ,mod C~~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Dr. Betty McCrary, Director, Social Services Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ j'~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Betty P. Shockley, Social Services Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~,,~1 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Human Resources Department has notified us that Betty P. Shockley retired on February 1, 1999 from the Social Services Department. Ms. Shockley was invited to attend a Board meeting to receive this resolution, but has requested that it be mailed to her. It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolution and direct the Deputy Clerk to mail to Ms. Shockley with thanks from the Board members for her years of service to the County. Respectfully submitted, Brenda J. olton, CMC Deputy Clerk Approved by, c9~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church Denied () Johnson _ _ _ Received () McNamara- _ Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ _ ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF BETTY P. SHOCKLEY, SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Betty P. Shockley. was first employed by Roanoke County on September 3, 1991, as a Receptionist I -Typist; and also served as Clerk III and Account Clerk II; and WHEREAS, Ms. Shockley retired from Roanoke County on February 1, 2000, as an Eligibility Worker after more than eight years of service; and WHEREAS, Ms. Shockley always tried to find resources to meet the citizens' needs if they could not be met through the department's benefit programs; and many citizens complimented Ms. Shockley on her respectfulness and helpfulness; and WHEREAS, Ms. Shockley provided outstanding customer service during her employment with Roanoke County, and was instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to BETTY P. SHOCKLEY for more than eight years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 ~~ FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. m-~ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIlZGINIA Amount Unaudited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1999 $6,750,027 Results of Operations for 1998-99 1,058,946 Audited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1999 7,808,973 Oct 12, 1999 Consultant for regional refuse collection study Balance at February 29, 2000 Changes below this line aze for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above (17,558) $7,791,415 $7,791,415 5.94% 6.85% I $7,791,415 6.85% ~ Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 1999 2000 General Fund Revenues $113,709,991 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $7,106,874 Respectfully Submitted, k~~~ ~.~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator of General Fund Revenues M:\Finance\Common\B oazd\Gen99. WK4 I I y '" CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Balance from June 22, 1999 Board meeting Dixie Caverns Recovery Sale of land and equipment during 1998-99 Unaudited Beginning Balance at July 1, 1999 ov 9, 1999 Transfer from General Fund for 1998-99 expenditure savings (with $40,646 reserved for pending rollovers) Sept 14, 1999 Advance Auto performance agreement (This money will be reimbursed to the capital fund from future tax collections) Oct 26,1999 Purchase of land adjacent to Vinyard Park II Balance at February 29, 2000 Respectfully Submitted, ~~~~.f~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Amount $11,042.93 137,500.00 354,643.16 503,186.09 384,832.00 (226,650. (41,000. $620.368.09 I Approved By, f( ~°~` Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board\Cap99.WK4 /~-3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA From 1999-2000 Original Budget 27, 1999 General Fund share of VACO/ VML assessment for AEP negotiations 27, 1999 Green Hill soccer field Dec 21, 1999 Presidential primary election Dec 21, 1999 Overtime for Ft. Lewis Mountain fire Balance at February 29, 2000 Respectfully Submitted, ~~~~ ~. ~~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ,-~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Amount $100,000.00 ~ (4,749.00 (47,000.00 (15,410.00 (20,617.85 $12,223.15 M:\Finance\Common\Board\Board99.WK4 m- y FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Savings from 1996-97 debt budget Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund FY97-98 Original budget appropriation June 23, 1998 Savings from 1997-98 debt fund FY98-99 Original budget appropriation FY99-200 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service November 9, 1999 Savings from 1998-99 debt fund Balance at February 29, 2000 $7,380,323.00 The following funds have been temporarily advanced from this fund will be reimbursed with future bonds issues: Balance from above $7,380,323 Land purchase and site work for new South County high school (4,000,000) Science Labs (2,170,600) $1 209,723 ote :These advances will be reimbursed with the 1999 Fall VPSA Bond Sale. Respectfully Submitted, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved By, ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator $670,000.00 1,113,043.00 2,000,000.00 321,772.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 (1,219,855) 780,145.00 495,363.00 M:\Finance\Common\Board\Schoo199.WK4 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER ~ 'S AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -January 2000 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF WFORMATION: Checks Direct Deposits Payments to Vendors Payroll 1/7/00 $517,127.02 $201,428.07 Payroll 1/21/00 519,809.77 202,527.83 Void Check 1/21/00 (2,008.23) $1,036,936.79 $401,947.67 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: ~c~.~ k~. ;bt<,~ Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance $5,024,868.92 1,438,884.46 $6,463,753.38 t- /YI-5 Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) McNamara Church Johnson Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs r [ n C~.~~x~#~ .a~ ~.D~~xx~.a.~~ ~YYf~~~ ~~~~ ~ r DAN F ~ /rF ~, . L ~ a Z _~ 2 J d~ 38 DECLARING FEBRUARY 9, 2000 AS NATIONAL CIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORTS DAY IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the YWCA of Roanoke Valley, Virginia Skyline Girls Scout Council, PAX-38 TV WPXR and many supportive local sponsors arejoining together to celebrate the 14`n Annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day in the Roanoke Valley and communities across the nation; and WHEREAS, this day exists to acknowledge the past and recognize current sports achievements, the positive influence of sports participation, and the continuing struggle for equality and access for women in sports; and WHEREAS, National Girls and Women in Sports Day began in 1987 as a day to remember Olympic volleyball player, Flo Hyman, for her athletic achievements and her commitment to assure equality for women's sports; and WHEREAS, the history of girls and women in sports is rich and long, yet there has been little national recognition of the significance of girls and women's athletic achievements; and WHEREAS, girls' and women's athletics, at all levels, is one of the most effective avenues available through which girls and women in the United States may develop self- discipline, initiative, confidence, and leadership skills regardless of background; and WHEREAS, the bonds built between girls and women through athletics help to break down the social barriers of racism and prejudice, and the communications, and cooperation skills learned play a key role in the athlete's contribution at home, at work and to society; and WHEREAS, a need for increased opportunities exists for girls to participate in and pursue physical activity at the community and scholastic level to increase their health and well-being on a daily basis so that they are able to develop lifelong fitness habits at an early age; and WHEREAS, this year's theme is "Our Day Every Day". NOW, THEREFORE, I, Joseph McNamara, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim FEBRUARY 9, 2000 as GIRLS AND WOMEN IN SPORTS DAY in Roanoke County; and FURTHER, call upon the citizens of Roanoke County to recognize the important role that women's athletics play in the development of young women throughout the country. Joseph McNamara, Chairman Attest: ~. L ~.t t c.-f.,. Mary H. Allen, Clerk w r { ~, ; , ~. ;~~ ,~e _~_~ -._ , tit~rt.~, I~~ M-~ C®A~~t®~T~]EA~,~']~I o f ~IR~INIA CHARLES D. NOTTINGHAM COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1401 EAST BROAD STREET RICHMOND, 2321&2000 February 7, 2000 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: JAMES S. GIVENS STATE SECONDARY ROADS ENGINEER The enclosed report contains a list of all changes to the Secondary System of State Highways in your county approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer in January 2000. All additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System are effective the day they are approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer. This date appears in the far right column of the monthly report. These changes will be presented to the Commonwealth Transportation Board at its monthly meeting on February 17, 2000. If you have any questions or comments about this report, please call Martin Law at 786-7399. ~~ ~~ f '"~- I James S. Givens ~, <~~ State Secondary'Roads Engineer JSG/MII WE ~KEEI' VIRGINIA MOVING 0 0 0 a w w w rr,~~,, -1 V +.r oc U '~.~ d sc O C III i ~+ u w w W ~ ~ O ° a ~ as o ~ ~ A ~r ~ y ~bD ?~ C ~ I a of F s 0 ~. w 0 a z L O O .~ .; ^C .'~ V 6~ .O i. a o~ e s U ~" 0 0 0 O O N 00 00 00 rn a~ a ~ rn o°,, N N N N N N O N O O ~ O O O .fl d O d d a d r U a~ on ~ ~ N d Y ~ d 0 0 o Z cG c4 rx ~ ~ ~n o0 00 o _ _ a~ a~ ~ .~ O O o x x x > Q A ~ o o O U S cG N N N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h W W W U U U ~i Q~i Q~i OA b0 bA G C C. bA bq bq A cd x x x C C Q O O O .~ b b '~O Q Q Q rn~ 30. -/ DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CHARLES D. NOTTINGHAM PO BOX 3071 COMMISSIONER SALEM, VA 24153-0560 February 14, 2000 y~ . ,~ ~C.~ .~-, F ~~~ .. ~ c`~,,-~ ~-/S-U C~ /Y~ - Fl FRED ALTIZER, JR. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR 2000 Spring Preallocation Hearing Salem Civic Center -- March 22, 2000 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator, Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-07 8 Dear Mr. Ho e: The Virginia Department of Transportation, Salem District, will conduct the annual Preallocation Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 22, 2000, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Community Room of the Salem Civic Center. Following is the approximate schedule: 9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks and Introductions; General Assembly Members 10:00 a.m. Counties of Carroll, Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski; Cities of Galax and Radford; Towns of Hillsville, Narrows, Pearisburg, Dublin, Pulaski, Blacksburg and Christiansburg 11:30 a.m. Counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Craig; Cities of Roanoke and Salem; Town of Vinton 1:00 p.m. Counties of Bedford, Franklin, Henry and Patrick; Cities of Bedford and Martinsville; Towns of Rocky Mount and Stuart Everyone attending the hearing will be asked to complete a registration card before entering the meeting room and may indicate on the card if they wish to speak. Speakers will be called during their appropriate time period. If you have questions, please call me at (540) 387-5348. We look forward to seeing you on March 22. Sincerely, Fred Altizer, Jr. District Administrator TRANSPORTATION FOR THE 21ST CENTURY _~ 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO . rn .. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Report on the Proposed Subdivision of the Sanderson Property; 30 acres, Hollins Magisterial District COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND• Botetourt County recently evaluated and approved preliminary plans for a proposed 30 acre single family subdivision on the Sanderson Property. This 30 acre tract spans the Roanoke County/Botetourt County line in the Hollins District.(See Map) It is generally located near the end of Old Mountain Road, and lies adjacent to the Highland Manor subdivision in Botetourt County. The property is also in close proximity to a Roanoke County subdivision known as Bellview Gardens, a 40 lot subdivision served by Tinkerview Road and Old Mountain Road. When Section II of Bellview Gardens was platted in 1972, the Tinkerview Road right-of-way was designed and platted as a through-street, connecting Shadwell Drive to an extension of Old Mountain Road. However, Tinkerview was constructed as a cul-de- sac, and a connection to Old Mountain Road does not physically exist. The Bellview Gardens plat was recorded in Roanoke County, although the unimproved portion of the Tinkerview right-of-way apparently lies within Botetourt County. It does not appear that the plat was ever recorded in Botetourt County. In approving the proposed subdivision, Botetourt County required the developers to construct two access options to the subdivision. One option will be a 1700+ foot extension of a new Road to Sanderson Drive, a major residential collector in this part of the County. The second required access is an extension of the Tinkerview Road cul-de-sac. Botetourt evaluated requiring an extension to Old Mountain Road, as opposed to Tinkerview, but chose Tinkerview because it has a wider pavement width than Old m-9 z Mountain Road. Residents of Bellview Gardens attended the Botetourt County meetings and opposed the extension of the Tinkerview cul-de-sac to provide access to the new subdivision. In addition to opposing the additional traffic from the new homes, many residents seem to be concerned that their road will become a cut-through for drivers attempting to avoid traffic congestion on Sanderson resulting from Norfolk-Southern train traffic that occasionally blocks Shadwell Drive resulting in traffic queues on Sanderson. Summary of Information: Extension of Tinkerview Rd along the platted right-of-way to serve the new subdivision is contingent upon the legal existence of this right-of-way. The 1972 action creating the right-of-way, dedicated the right-of-way to Roanoke County even though it apparently lies within Botetourt County. When final plans for the new subdivision are submitted to Botetourt County and Roanoke County for approval, the developers must certify that the right- of-way legally exists. If eventually constructed, Botetourt County would need to request that this new road extension be part of the state secondary system. Additional legal review will be necessary to determine the status of this right-of-way. Respectfully Submitted, Approved, Terrance Ha ington, AICP Elmer C. Hodge Departm t of Community Development County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ~ ~ r '4 ~ ~i F sd a o ` ; '4 ~ ~ . to a- ~ ~ ~.. to4r ~, ~'. ~ :. o4.~a /~ ~ '~.' ~ a R ~ ~Oy X ~ ~ ke 3 ~. Coo ~ ~y See MaQ 28.01 1 "=200 Asse 7,349 ~' • .~ "'" • .~ ~~'~ • ;~ J ~,.~~' OV ~ ~~~~ j 7239 • 4 7249 i 4.1 • ~ 1.02 Ac. r ~ See Map 28. 1 • 1 "-2 ' • ~ ~`Shc/ ~~~ ~/J~~ 7200 i See Map 28.03 1 "=200' ~' 50.16 Ac. '~ ~ 6. I O ,~ „~ 6.1 , ~ o~ ~ ~ ~ `s ~ a ~ ~ '\ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ i r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Update on Economic Development Strategy COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been reserved for a work session with Economic Development to review the progress that has been made thus far in the current fiscal year. The report is attached for your review. Mr. Porter has also included a proposed work plan for the next fiscal year that we would like to review with you. We welcome any suggestions you have for the plan and will finalize it after the work session. One significant item is the funding that will be required to carry this out. It is an aggressive but achievable undertaking, and the staff is very enthusiastic about it. In the past we have allocated funds on an as needed basis to projects when we had a prospect ready for the site. We need to do this on a systematic basis so that the revenue stream can be leveraged. I am including this in my budget request for your consideration at a later time. Submitted by: ~~ Elmer C. H dge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ Denied () Johnson _ _ _ Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ _ DRAFT ~ 1999 ACTIVITY REPORT • Roanoke County Department of Economic Development • February 2044 • 1999 Economic Activity Report Economic Development Staff David R. Porter Director Timothy W. Gubala, CED, EDFP Former Director* Joyce W. Waugh, CED Assistant Director Melinda J. Cox Economic Development Specialist Brian T. Hamilton Economic Development Specialist • Bett V. Stewart CPS Y Program Support Specialist Susie B. Owen, CPS Former Program Support Specialist* * Director through 1/14/2000 *'~ Program Support Specialist through 10/31/1999 This document was prepared by the Department of Economic Development, Roanoke County, Virginia, Post Office Box 298, Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798. For additional information, please contact our office at (540} 772-2069. • Facsimile Number (540} 772-2030. htt~//www.co.roanoke.va.uslecondev Economic Development Staff • Professional Affiliations, Memberships, and Directorships American Economic Development Council Southern Economic Development Council National Council for Urban Economic Development American Chamber of Commerce Research Association Virginia Economic Developers Association Ninth District Development Financing, Inc. Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facilities Authority Virginia Asset Financing Corporation Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission (5th PDC), Regional Economic Development Alliance Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County • Coalition for the Blue Ridge Parkway Miss Virginia Pageant Archery Roanoke Valley, Inc. Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation Virginia Preservation Alliance Western Virginia Land Trust New Century Technology Council Total Action Against Poverty, MicroEnterprise Loan Fund Advisory Committee Association for the Preservation of Civil War Sites Hanging Rock Battlefield and Railway Preservation Foundation Wildlife Habitat Council Virginia Trails International Association of Administrative Professionals • • • Table of Contents I. Introduction .............................................................................................................. l II. Economic Development Highlights - 1999 .............................................................2 III. Product Development ............................................................................ ..................3 IV. Business Development Activities .......................................................... ..................4 V. Industrial, Office, and Commercial Construction .................................. ..................5 VI. Existing Business and Industry Retention ............................................. ..................6 VII. Overview of the Activities of the Industrial IIeveiopment Authority ......................................................................... ..................7 VIII. Tourism Development ........................................................................... .................. 8 IX. Virginia's Explore Park ......................................................................... ..................9 X. Regional Perspective ............................................................................. ................11 XI. Economic Development Projects for 2000 ............................................ ................13 Tables ..................................................................................................... ..Appendix I • I. Introduction: • Econarnie development is a market driven activity. The parameters are global as well as local and regional. The challenge is to identify and penetrate growth sectors and increase the market share for companies in western Virginia and the Roanoke Valley. The excellent trend of economic development activity in Roanoke County continued during 1999, and the Economic Development staff implemented other projects that had been initiated with prospect decisions during previous years. The emphasis of the Department has been to continue to stress "product development" and to identify and/or prepare commercial and industrial sites throughout the County. This traditional effort will be supplemented by a renewed and focused marketing effort to "sell" this product to qualified, targeted local, regional and out-of--state prospects. T'he Roanoke County Department of Economic Development maintains close ties with the real estate brokers, consultants and local property owners to maintain information on sites and buildings that may be available. The Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership is the Department's ally in marketing the County as a business location. Roanoke County funds the Partnership annually to perform this marketing function; and they in turn promote the Roanoke Valley as a business location through the Virginia Economic Development Partnership and their own promotional efforts. Opportunities for tourism product development are evaluated, special projects created and special events planned to market Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley as a visitor destination. The County works in unison with the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors • Bureau to accomplish these activities, and direct financial support and staff assistance is given to the Bureau for Operations, committee assignments and other support functions. Existing businesses and industry receive the same emphasis and treatment afforded to outside prospects. Qualifying facility expansions and relocations can receive County assistance through the publicfprivate partnership policy. The expected return on investment in new taxes and employment is a critical measure governing the use of public funds to assist business and industry. During 1999, the Economic Development staff completed revisions to the Economic Development Strategy and included elements of this Strategy within the update to the Roanoke County Community Plan. • 1 II. Economic Development Highlights--1999 • - Dragon Ch€mical Company and Salem Vent International announced plans to expand their manufacturing facilities and Advance Auto announced plans to expand its corporate headquarters in the County. In total, there were 15 location or expansion projects announced in Roanoke County during 1999, with an estimated investment of over $32.80 million and the creation or retention of 363 jobs. - Staff is proceeding with construction of Phase I, Stage I of the 457-acre Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology (RCCRT) at Glen Mary in the I-81 corridor of western Roanoke County to continue with the development of new product for future economic opportunities. Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Nlattern have completed water and sewer plans and: the County's contractors are constructing 4,444 feet of water line and 1,000 of .sewer line. Anew park entrance is being designed. and engineered. so that. the County will be able to market the business park for immediate occupancy by July 1, 2000. - Economic Development staff completed a Phase I Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) grant on behalf of the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Railway Preservation Foundation for the construction of the Hanging Rock Battlefield Trail, an element of the Roanoke Valley's greenway system. This project links the Hanging Rock Battlefield area and the City of Salem with a "rails to trails" project along an abandoned Norfolk Southern Railway line on Kessler Mill Road. The trail was dedicated on October 23, 1999, after completion of construction. The County's Parks & Recreation Department will take flyer project duties to design and oversee the construction of the Phase II .footbridge. over Mason Creek by the late. fall of 2.000.. - Roanoke County, the National Park Service and other area organizations are ~ointly J planning the location of an Interpretative Center on the Blue Ridge Parkway at Virginia's Explore Park. This facility will serve as a tourist destination by providing exhibit space that can present the history of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Virginia mountain country through which it passes. Federal funds totaling $850,000 have been approved for design and construction, a $100,000 grant from the Regional Competitiveness Act has been obtained, and the County has appropriated $330,000 in its 2000 budget for this project. - The Economic Development Staff represented the County in the formation of Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority in the effort to plan a 1,050+ acre regional industrial park at the New River Valley Airport in Pulaski County. - Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, and the City of Salem rnet with Bedford County and discussed the feasibility of jointly developing a 927-acre site in the Montvale area of Bedford County. 2 III. Product Development: • It is a constant challenge to maintain a supply of available commercial and industrial sites in the County "product" inventory. The Economic Development staff reviewed the available sites inventory during the process of updating the Community Plan. The Plan allows for a sufficient inventory in the future, but there is a shortage in the range of "prepared" sites in the County that can be readily shown to an economic development prospect. This situation is being addressed in several ways: C] - The Board of Supervisors purchased the 457-acre Glenn-Mary Associates property in August 1997. This property was renamed Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology (CRT). A rezoning of the property to Planned Technology Development District was completed to match with the adopted Master Plan. The staff is currently managing several contracts sa that water and sewer will be extended to the CRT by March 2000. Anew landscaped park entrance will be completed by July 1, 2000. Sites in the 77- acre Phase I, Stage I are being marketed in accordance with a plan prepared with the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. Roanoke County _____ ._ Center for Research ' , ~~ ~'~ `r ~ ~ ~ & Technology { ` t!: ~ - 4- ~; ; ~' Concept Plan { _ .;;." :~ .- r~~ =; r 1-jl~ T, ,, i «~ ~ ~ ,~ :, i 3 a ~ 1~ ~$ - - K 41r ~M Z~ ~ ~-.. ~91s E?--,.D"ubCavems -. 3... Knit ~ ~ }~a~1654t~Q/IG xa ~f.. xm+!~.e.~. la ~ _ wear i ,', ~~ ~ r - Private sector business parks are being planned in several areas of the County. Peters Creek Commerce Park, Valley Center Business Park and Roanoke Airport Business Park are located in the northern area of Roanoke County accessible to Interstate I-81. These projects meet the site and building needs of small businesses seeking to locate in Roanoke County. - Roanoke County and the Town of Vinton have completed a preliminary concept plan and the rezoning of the 100-acre McDonald Farm as a Planned Technology District in October 1999. Staffs from the Town and County have met with the Roanoke Valley Economic Development partnership to prepare a marketing plan for the property. The next step is to prepare plans for the extension of water and sewer to the site and to construct an access read • on site, These items will be discussed during the annual budget process far both the Town and County. 3 The Economic Development staff continues to evaluate the inventory of industrial sites in order to update the Iist and determine public and private actions needed to upgrade each site to a ``ready to • go" sfia~us. Tire Department has updated its inventory of sites and buildings in the County {Table 1). There are more sites and buildings in the inventory naw than there were in 1994_ Local government actions can improve the marketability and status of many sites. For instance, the inclusion of roads in the VDOT Six Year Secondary Construction Plan and the scheduling of the water and sewer extension projects in the County's capital improvement plan and budget are two local actions drat can have a positive impact on the future supply of commercial and industrial sites.... The challenge for the new millennium is to continue to add new commercial and industrial sites to the inventory and to improve the existing commercial comdors within the County. Tanglewood 1bIa11 is an important element in the County's tax base. The further redevelopment and: infill of the. Route. 419 and Route 220 carrdars will enhance the commercial attractiveness of Southwest County. Available industrial and commercial buildings and office space vacancies are tracked and routinely forwarded to the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. The staff uses in`forrnation frorrr eommereiaUindustrial Realtors and property owners to develop and expand the inventory. The. goal i.s to create a site and. building inventory on the Internet that can be easily accessed and maintained. IV. Business Development • The RQaztoke County Department of Economic Development. worked closely with the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership, Virginia Economic Development Partnership, real estate consultants, developers and agents, local citizens and businesses to meet the needs of business and industry interested in Roanoke County. Although a majority of the companies are classified as small business, some major corporations and Fortune S00 companies have visited the Roanoke Valley as prospects. Roanoke County staff initially generated 97 (55%) of the 176 inquiries (Table 2). These included contacts from existing businesses located in the County and Roanoke Valley that were seeking sites or buildings for an expansion. Professional real estate consultants and/or local developers provided 321eads or 18% of the total. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership usually worked with the Regional Partnership as the origin of prospect visits to the Roanoke County area. The Virginia Economic Development Partnership generates inquiries to the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership and then Roanoke County seeks to have these inquiries become prospects for location in the County. There were 47 inquiries from the Partnership (or 27% ofthe total of I76). The end of 1999 resulted in 108 of the 176 inquiries classified as prospects, in that a visit was made to Roanoke County,. a proposal was made to the company for a location,. or County staff visited their location. Of those prospects, 14% made alocation/expansion decision in Roanoke County (Table 4). Fifty-six inquiries were transferred as active projects into the year 2000 for • follow-up during the year (Table 3). 4 Staff coordinates closely with the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership to try to • track the geographic origin of prospects, however, it is not possible to track the geographic on`gin of xll inquiries from the Virginia Economic Development Partnership andfor private realtors and consultants. The inquiries made to the Roanoke County Department of Economic Development are classified as local or regional in origin. Public private partnerships were instrumental in many of the prospect locations and company expansions. Table 6 indicates that YO projects took advantage of Roanoke County's public private partner-ship pfllicy for assistance. Each potential partnership is reviewed by the Eeonorrrie Development, Staff to determine the employment. and. tax revenue impacts. If there is a favorable. return on investment demonstrated, the Director of Economic Development signs the review form and forwards it to the County Administrator for his counter-signature. An award letter is issued committing the funds and the Economic Development staff monitors each project and implements the partnership when needed. Atypical partnership involves the County funding half of the utility erection fees for water, sewer and fire. Each partnership is subject to an audit by the Department one year after the business obtains a certificate of occupancy from the Building Commissioner. The Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer and Finance Department assist in the audit process. A total- of $I,320,588 of public private pat~tnership funds were committed or expended during Fiscal year 1999-QQ far commercial, industrial, and special event projects.. (Table 6) V. Industrial, Office, and Commercial Construction • The year 1999 showed a decrease in the scale of construction, but the continuation of a positive cycle of construction activity since 1993. The 31 projects "tracked" in the County's development review process is a decrease from. 1998, however, the square footage of projects is proportionally larger per project as compared to 1998. Of the 31 projects in process, 1Q were completed by the end of the calendar year. In 1998, industrial construction trends also decreased; but this segment continued to be importarft due to the completion of the Kroger Manufacturing and Distribution Facility project and the start of construction for projects such as Lincra USA, Carter Machinery, and Synchrony. Seventeen of the 31 projects were commercial ventures, which showed a decrease in square footage (33,137) in comparison to the 1998 projects square footage total of 495,834. The location announcement of the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center at Virginia's Explore Park and the completion of projects such as the LQwe's on Route 22Q, Cycle Center on Peters Creek Road, .and the Valley Center Business Park. (Phase n on Thirlane Road serve to reinforce the 1999 trend toward commercial and retail ventures. There were nine new project announcements, four expansions and two retentions. Total estimated value of new 1999 commercial and industrial construction, in which Roanoke County assisted, was approximately $32,800,000, which is a significant increase from the $19,48Q,QQ4 invested in 1998. Development was active throughout the County as opposed to one or two areas of concentration. In addition to projects listed above, new development announced in West County . included the Salem Vent International, R&L Carriers, and Valley Communications in Valley Center Business Park. Located in South County were PDR Inc., Walgreens, VA Varsity Transfer (Phase Il), and Brabant Research (Phase I?. North County included the announcement s of Dragon Chemical to the Valley Gateway Shell Building and Shenandoah Engineering and Dominion Metallurgy in Valley Pointe. East County saw the completion of the Engineering • Concept Plan and the rezoning process of McDonald Farm to Planned Technology Development_ Table 7 indicates that industrial, commercial, and office projects had a decrease in the aggregate square footage in 1999. Although construction projects fluctuate in total square footage from year to year, 1'994 is again reflective of the County efforts to create "product" while experiencing a down cycle from our benchmark year of 1947. VI. Existing Business and Industry Retention Activities The County's existing industry and business retention program is an integral part of economic development. National statistics indicate that between sixty and eighty percent of all new jobs come from the expansion of existing businesses. Establishing a dialogue with companies in the County and developing a relationship with business leaders enables the County to assist when. and where help is needed. During 1999, the Economic Development Department visited 50 companies. Our prograrn is an trtttreaeh to existing Roanoke County business and industry. Its target "customer" base is basic companies with 14 or more emplayees_ Our program inuolves the staff calling on chief executive officers or managers to promote a working relationship with County companies and discuss business status, the company's future plans, and provide information about Roanoke County. Opportunities for assistance, whether large or small, are identified and • followed by the economic development staff, bringing in the talents and skills of other departments and/or outside resources as needed. Types of assistance we provide inclu€le: - Ombudsman Services - Worker Availability and Training Needs - Financing Opportunities Export Development - Marketing and Trade Shaw Development - Demographic Information on Roanoke County and Roanoke Valley - Public Private Partnership Assistance - Identification of Sites and Buildings for Expansion Satin€action with local government services and problem resolution are increasingly important in a business climate that. allows businesses to decide. their place of business. The business. relationships that are established provide for other positive ways of working with the County, such as through committees and other planning efforts. In addition to an information database to assist businesses, the Department of Economic Developraaent provides assistance through access to other resources including: Virginia. Department of Business Assistance,. the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC), Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership, and Roanoke Valley-Allegheny Regional Commission (5th PDC). The Department has an informational Web Page, which highlights linkages to other Partner Agencies and lists available industrial properties. 6 r1 LJ New businesses in the County receive a letter of welcome from the County Administrator shortly after a new business license is issued by the Commissioner ofRevenue. Any questions about County, Mate requirements, or other business issues are then referred to the Department of Econc~nic Development far follow-up. The Department of Economic Development coordinates a recognition program to recognize business expansions and locations within the County. The County participates in the celebration of a project announcement, .grand opening or ribbon cutting,. and presents a certificate of appreciation when appropriate. In 1999, 23 Certificates of Appreciation were presented to new and/or expanding companies in Roanoke County. (~igi~ - S3+nc~rony's Expat~sion/New Faeiti~y Ground Bre$king) VII. Qverview of the Activities of the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County The Authority was active in 1999 in the following areas: - Negotiated with Salem Vent International and I.incra USA to purchase sites within Valley TechPark. The successful location of these corpanies on the remaining tracts of land will complete the industrial park project. - Completed Stage II grading improvements in Valley TechPark. The Authority oversaw $731,600 in public funds for the completion of geotechnical and grading activities to allow • for the future Stage II expansion of R.R. I?oenelley 8~ Sons' four-color printing facility in Valley TechPark, which is scheduled to be complete by December 31, 2000. - Issued an inducement resolution for $4,800,000 of Industrial Revenue Bonds on behalf of Dragon Chemical Corporation for the acquisition, reconstruction and equipping of their manufacturing facility within the shell b~xilding at Valley Gateway Business Park. Bond closing is scheduled for April 2000. - Issued an inducement resolution for $7,000,000 of Industrial Revenue Bonds on behalf of Salem Vent International for land acquisition, equipping and construction of a ~facturing facility at Valley TechPark. Bond and property closing will occur by the end of February 2000. - The Industrial Development Authority assisted the Department of Community Development with the implementation of the ~Viltiamson Roast mini-grant program for landscaping, signage and facade improvements by "passing through" grant funds for these parposes to eligible businesses. The Authority reviewed and approved four grants totaling, $12,577.60 in 1999. - The Authority had oversight over- the close out of the Carman Road relocation project for Tl~e Kroger. Co., by assisting in negotiations with County East I.I,C to obtain a sight distance easement so that the new road would be eligible for acceptance by the Virginia Department of Transportation. • 7 VIII. Tourism Development • Roanoke ~o~ty'~ role in tourism development is active on two levels, First, the County is-a participating. member in the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB), which markets the entire Valley to the leisure traveler, conventions and bus tours. Leads generated by the Bureau are shared with member hotels so that overnight accommodations are booked for future conventions, tours, and conferences. .Roanoke. County's. contribution to the. CVB is $.1.50 per capita_or $1127500 in the current FY 99 - 00 budget. The Director of Economic Development and Director of Parks and Recreation serve on the CVB Board of Directors. Secondly, the Department takes a direct role in several ways: - Roanoke County assists in developing tourism products for the Roanoke Valley by annually participating in funding operations and capital expenses at Virginia's Explore Park (see Section IX) . - Roanoke County participates with the City of Salem and various. Civil War, historic, and railway groups in the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Railway Preservation Foundation. - Assisted' Virginia Mountain Country with technical advice on master planning and marketing. Coordinated with property owner to host outdoor event for 350+ attendees from the.. first Governor's Conference on Gxeenways in June 1999. • - Roanoke County Economic Development participated in the organization of Archery Roanoke Valley to host the Trebark Archery Shooters Association (ASA} ProtAm Tournament at Smith Mountain Lake in dune 1998. Over 1,OOf? archery shooters from over 35 states participated, generating a total of approximately 1 Q,000 visitors and participants. to the region over athree-day period. Staff developed a model for tracking the impacts of the event on area lodging venues. - Continued funding of tourism destinations throughout the Roanoke Valley was accomplished by returning 3°/a of the transient. occupancy tax collected for "tourism. and tourism-related activities." Destinations and activities funded include: Center in the Square, the Science Museum of Western Virginia, Virginia's Explore Park, the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, Mill Mountain Theater, the Virginia Museum of Transportation, and the Miss Virginia Pageant. - Sporting events in which the County participated were the 1999 Commonwealth Garnes, the NCAA Division III Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl, the NCAA Division III Basketball Final Four Tournament, and The Roanoke Valley Horse Show. - Support for other special events hosted in County parks has established an excellent working relationship between the Department of Economic Development and the Parks and Recreation Department. The Roanoke Symphony Volunteer Association Polo Match and Virginia's "Ed and Sandy Lee" Rugby Tournament have set the stage for other special • events that will bring local, regional, and national visitors to Green Hill Park. S - Staff assisted the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission with corporate fund raising of $3,700 for the first Governor's Conference on Greenways and Trails, on May 2-4, 1999. • IX., V}~gln-ms's )Explore Park and Parkway Related Activities Overview of 1999 This year- marked an eventful fifth season at Virginias Explore Park: an estimated 100,000 in general attendance, 48,000 in paid attendance, with a total of 17,950 students. Several historic and new features from 1998, i.e. Mountain Union Church,. Historic Brugh Tavern, Arthur Taubman Welcome Center, and 30 miles of Mountain Bike Trails, helped generate new traffic in 1999. New features in 1999 include: ~ Progress on the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center {see section. below). - An additional four miles of Mountain Bike Trails, with grant assistance from Subaru of America for a bike care specialist and use of a Subaru Outback for one year. - Roanoke Explorer bateau program initiated. This program is a Collaborative effort between Explore Park and the Harrison Museum. of African American Culture.. It highlights commerce in mid-19~' century before rail transport and river culture, specifically the predominance of batteaumen who were freed African American slaves. • Underway for 2(100 and beyond are: - 1850s Slone's Grist Mill - a working mill from Franklin County being reeonstrueted anti placed. back into operation at the Park. bymid-2000.. - Hancock-Cartledge Education Center -planning continues with the internationally recognized firm of McDonough+Partners of Charlottesville, VA. The Center will utilize the natural surrounding and resources with modern technology to produce a facility that will be a living classroom with the building as part of the lesson. No time frame, facility size or cost estimate is currently available. The 1999 Heritage Garden Festival, a first in the Roanoke Valley, highlighted the variety of exciting new activities and events happening at Explore Park. The event attracted thousands of visitors and raised money for Explore by attracting national attention with noted speakers in the .field of gardening and displays provided by area landscaping Centers. Explore is becoming recognized for its recreational offerings for area families and Blue Ridge Parkway travelers. The Park continues to play a key role in education through its expanded on- site and outreach environmental and historical education programs, structured to complement and assist with meeting the Standards of Learning (SOLs) set by the Commonwealth. Budget • Roanoke County contributed $170,000 to Explore's 1999-2000 budget with the State providing $400,000 in its biennium budget. Travel and Tourism Benefits • In 199$, domestic traveler spending in Virginia was estimated at $11.68 billion. Travel is the third largest retail industry behind food stores and automobile dealers, and one-fifth of all retail sales of more than $60 billion are made by travelers. Nationally, travel is the second largest employer behind health services, while in Virginia, travel is the third largest employer behind business services and health services. State taxes generated from travel were $520 million, while the Roanoke Valley generated $10.9 million, of which $2.3 million was Roanoke County's share. The Roanoke Valley's growth in tourism is directly related to its points of interest, Blue Ridge P~rkw~y travelezss continued promotion of the Valley's scenic and hospitality qualities, and. affordability to business and leisure travelers alike. Neighborhood Developments lYlaylle-veer Mills Neighborhood Park: A neighborhood park, designed with community citizen input and managed by Roanoke County Parks and Recreation,. opened in 1999. Supervisor Nickens and County staff worked with citizens to create the neighborhood park, fulfilling a 1973 promise to longtime residents of the Mayflower Hills community when a now closed landfill was sited. Blue Ridge. Parkway Interpretive Center (Illustration at right) After 15 years of working toward approval of a regional center along the Blue Ridge Parkway to help meet visitor needs, Congresses C;oodlatte's office obtained $300,000 in 1997 which was allocated to the Department of the Interior for preliminary study and environmental assessment of a site for a National Park Service Interpretive Center. A design charette was conducted by the National Park Service resulting in a clearer delineation of spacial designs, uses and location for the. Interpretive Center at the. end of the. Roanoke River Parkway on land owned by Virginia's Explore Park. As a result, Senator Warner's office worked with Congressman Goodlatte's staff and the County to allow remaining funds to be used on non-federal land. A Cooperative Agreement (MOA) was signed allowing the remaining $25t3,000 to be transferred to the County for design work. In addition, Warner's office secured $601#,040- for this project from the Highway Tryst Fund, which also will be conveyed (less 11% to Federal Highway Administration) to the County for construction. Roanoke County has received two Regional Alliance grants totaling $100,000, one for detailed architectural design and construction documents ($50,000) and the second for infrastructure construction ($Sf},040). With the $3x,000 from the County's 1988 budget for this project, and a ~8~mixm~nt Of an additional $300,000, approximately $1.2 million is available to build the Interpretive Center. Additional funds are being- sought through the General Assembly,. TEA-21 (Transportation Enhancement Act), and private sources for furnishings, fixtures, equipment, exhibit fabrication and installation, audiovisual presentation, and landscaping. • t4} In 1999, design work for construction was completed, waste water and water lines were • constructed and exhibit design was completed. Building construction is anticipated to begin by spring of 2404. The Center fits very closely with the Virginia Tourism Corporation's goals,. "The Virginia Tourism Authority shall prepare a plan to establish regional visitor centers. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the number of such visitor centers to be established in the state; the size of each center in terms of square feet and the programs and services to be provided; the amount of operating and capital budgets €or each center; the extent of state participation in funding. the operating and capital budgets of such centers, the extent of local government. and private sector participation needed before the state invests; and the relationship between the state welcome centers and regional centers. In a January 5, 2000 meeting with Gayle Morgan Vail, President, Virginia Tourism Corporation, Gayle indicated that the Virginia Tourism Corporation was looking for ways to partner. Discussions are underway to see what type of partnership might be suitable with the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center. For the past several years, Roanoke County has continued to lead the charge by working with local governments, regional groups, and interested tourism officials to bring an interpretive /orientation center to the Roanoke Valley region. Anticipated completion of the Interpretive Center is 240.1. X. Regional Perspective • Roanoke County is an active participant in regional organizations. Staff members serve on the Boards of Directors and assist in committee activities of both the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership and the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau. I}uring 1999 the County's involvement with these groups led to participation. in other regional projects and programs: - The Fifth Planning District Regional Alliance applied for Regional Competitiveness Act funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Roanoke County Economic Development staff obtained $100,000 for the Blue Ridge Parkway Orientation/Interpretation Center (see Section IX), assisted in committee activities for the development of the "cluster strategy" concept and the completion of the study by a private consulting firm. - The Board of Supervisors voted to participate in Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facilities. Authority, a regional economic. development organization formed to develop regional facilities and projects on a cooperative basis. The Board of Supervisors voted to participate in the initial project for the development of the 1,050 acre New Century Commerce Park in Pulaski Virginia by purchasing 10,000 shares over a ten year period. The annual share payment of $27,500 will be used to pay off loans obtained from the Rural Development Administration. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Director of Economic Development serve on the Board of 1irectors. - The Economic Development staff has been involved in discussions with the City of • Roanoke and Bedford County to explore the feasibility of locating a regional industrial park on 927 acres in the Montvale area of Bedford County. A jt>int meeting was held. in December 1999 and a plan of action agreed upon to move forward with appraisals,. property options and detailed utility planning. 11 - A staff member of Economic Development serves on the Board of Directors of the Ninth • District Development Financing, Inc., which is a tourism revolving Loan fund in the 9th Congressional District. - The Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership joined with other economic development marketing groups to sell the Southwest Virginia region (Bristol-Roanoke Valley) at various trade shows during 1999. o Roanoke County staff actively participated with the Partnership at the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) 1999 trade show in Detroit, Michigan. The trade show brings together all of the facets of the automotive industry, a major industry target of the Partnership. o Staff participated with the Partnership and Commonwealth of Virginia in Bio-99 in June 1999 in Seattle, Washington and in the Communications Technology Industry Association (CTIA) show in New Orleans in February 1999. - A staffinember from Economic Development serves on Total Action Against Poverty's (TAP) Micro Enterprise Loan Advisory Committee to assist in managing and monitoring a regional grant. o Staff is involved in the New Century Technology Council as members on the Infrastucture Committee. This regional group is seeking to develop networking • relationships with business, education and government that will enhance the growth of technology companies in Western Virginia. - The Director of Economic Development serves on the Loan Review Committee for the Virginia Asset Financing Corporation, a Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program statewide "packaging organization" that serves the Roanoke Valley and state of Virginia. - The Board of Supervisors appointed a citizen to represent Roanoke County on the Board of Directors of the New Century Venture Center, a regional business incubator. - A staff member from Economic Development serves on the Cultural Summit 2Q04 steering committee. The Apri12000 Summit is a cooperative effort and opportunity for representatives from arts and culture, government, business, and education to focus and direct the future of arts and culture in the region and devise a plan for its sustainabilty. • 12 XI. Economic Development Projects for 2000 Please see the attached Economic Developme~tt Business Plan for 20U0. • • 13 • APPENDIX I • • 14 • Table 1 Product Inventory of Commercial and Industrial Sites and Buildings (Number of sues a~ buildings} 1994 2.000 r~ U Industrial site acres 5-i4 1Q 17 11-25 10 12 26-~0- 2 - 10 51-100 1 9 101+ 5 3 'TOTAL 28 (1,375 acres} 51 (2,163.79 acres} Commercial site acres 1-2 9 27 2.1-5 14 16 5.1-10 12 18 14.1-24.9 I O I4 25+ 2 5 TOTAL 47 (acres. NIA} 84 (559.12. acres} Industrial buildings (in total square feet} I (6,504) 8 (19b,854} Commercial buildings (in square N/A 3I (254,396) feet} • • Table 2 January 1,1999 to December 3Y, 1999 Total Inquiries I76* Total Prospects 108** Qrigin o£ Inquiries and Prospects Organization Number Virginia Economic Development Partnership and Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership 47*** Roanoke County 97 RealtorslDevelopers 17 Consultants/other 15 Total 176 • *Inquires are those companies that contact this office for assistance. (This is the first step.) **Prospects are those companies that have gone beyond inquiry status. This office has either visited the prospect's present facility or the prospect has visited available sites and/or buildings in the Roanoke Valley. Alst~, the staff may have sent a proposal for expansio~loeation assistance. ***41 of these inquiries originated from VEDP to RVEDP 27°!° ^S4sv • ®VEDP/RVEDP ^ R. County ^ Realtors/Developers ^ Consultants/Other Table 2. Origin old ~~uiries cgv Prospects • • ~ "~ Table 3 End-of-Year Status January 1,1999 to December 31,1999 Transferred to 2000 -Active Sfi Project terminated 95 I~ocation/expansionlassisted in Roanoke County 25 Total 176 Table 3: 1999 End of Year Status 2000 L./E./A Prospect Status r~ U Transfer to Dead Roanoke Co. Total • 1~J J • .~ 1=~ h ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~. E{ W ~i •, Zy a H ~ Q Q O O O O rn ~ O O O ~ ~ O O oO O O O N .~+ .-~ _ N ~~,' ~ a ~ . .a ~ w w w ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~D .~ DA .~ ~ ~i ~ w $ '~ ~~ o o ~ ~ ~ a ~ -~ ~ ~ v ~ ~ v a3i air ni ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ q ~ a z a z z ~ z z z z t z ~ a. a a i z °~ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W w ~ ~ ~ zwx LL Q O O O O O ~ O opo O N M - p O . Q p `~ ~ O v - z O rn N ~ .a. O N ~ ~ ~ O O O z O v h c~ rn ~ ~ M ~ ~O rn .s7 M (S ~ ~ M iS' a O y y . tD ~'+ O N O~ ~ ,N-~ N N N M v~ ~ M ~ ~ p z z M zw ,~ Ci A - O' ~~ o ~ o o z ~ ~ v3 N f 1 ~ ~ ~ e - nx N N y ~ t U ~ ~ ~ N ~ w v ~ p, ~ +N-~ w w i ~ ~ tl' '~ ~ ~ .y ~ Q Gtii N tltl N ~ ~ ~ bA O O Q '~ U ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ w a . .~ o .~ ~, E- W W U ~ cn H Q w , U V ~ W F i- ~" ~ ~ o--i a z -C¢Qi _A 0 ,,~ ie1 :Y ~ ^ U V ~ a+ 9E ~ H Q I ~ ,.s' N ". ~+ I LL ~ ~ U ~ v ~ Q' ~ * ~ H o ~ ~ ~ U ~ ~ U a,,, ~ ~ U ~ ~ ry F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F ¢ w as c~ ~ Q ~ a a a ~ ~' H > 3 -- 0 O ~i `.'q. q '~. .~ oz's qqU n u y .~~~ 8 ~~ ~ > .., ~`~~ q q N w N O ttt ~~ ~ q G oUa,~ ~~~~ -V Np ~ .D 1 .p T_q t k. ~ O i npppp',,, t~qy •~ i N - G tU. 1 ~ a~i 4i~ .. C A U~ A.~ b es p y ~ U ~ .C VJ .~ Yii U q b U w ~ O ~o ~ ~ d go ~t W O is ~zz TABLE 4A • 1999 LEASING ACTTVITY :LESSOR ~ LEASEE ~ CLASSIFICATION ~ SQ FT First Team Auto Mall First Team Daewoo Conunercial 2,000 Interstate Commerce Park SB Four Star Petroleum Industrial 4,100 Jack C. Smith Industrial Park Doughtery Equipment Industrial 13,000 Promenade Park Black Forest Gifts Commercial 1,700 Fisk/Lemon Developers Goodyear/Speedee Oil Commercial 11,078 Tanglewood Mall Red Palace Commercial 5,500 Tweeds Building Home Shopping Network Commercial 175,000 Valley Centre Business Park Be11 Atlantic (BACCSn Commercial 7,200 Valley Centre Business Park Modern Woodmen Commercial 3,600 Valley Centre Business Park Valley Communications Commercial 3,600 Valleypointe Dominion Metallurgical Commercial 3,624 21.1,302 * Indicates that information was not available from the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office. NOTE: The Completion section of Table 6 includes the square footage totals provided on the above chart. The BREAKDOWN OF LEASING ACTIVITY provides an overview of new square footage utilized in County shell buildings, strip mans, and shopping centers. U r1 U Table 5 Commercial and Industrial Projects January 1-December 31,1999 • PLANS INDUST~Ai,fPLANNED SF OFFICE/DICAL SF C©1-~MERCIALFRETAIL SF 1st Security Storage 69,280 Brabant Research 22,000 ls` Team -Daewoo 2,000 BRP Interpretive Center 9,000 Synchrony 9,000 Plantation Dev. P-I 3,600 Williams Scotsman 7,750 Time Machine 3,000 VA Varsity Transfer PII 34,000 Subtotal 102,530 0 71,600` PERMITS INDUSTRIAL/PLANNED SF OFFICE/MEDICAL SF COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SF '~ Carter Machinery 14,000 Plantation Development LC 3,790 PMD Printing 5,783 Lincra 11,600 McVitty Executive Park 54,575 Goodyear Tire/ Speedy Lube 11,078 Southeastern Optical 4,050 Roanoke Athletic Club Expansion 10,000 PDR, Inc. 3,932 R & L Carriers 52,160 Walgreens 15,120 Valley Centre BP PII 14,000 Subtotal 81,810 Subtotal 83,485 :Subtotal 34,793 • ~MPLETIONS INDUSTRIAL/PLANNED SF OFFICE/MEDICAL SF COMMERCIAL/RETAIL SF Kroger 100,000 Carilion Brambleton Center 33,269 Arby's - Brambleton 3,080 Cleaner World 3,264 Cycle Center # 31,000 Design Countertops 9,400 Funtastics 29,000 Lowe's # 135,000 VA Varsity Transfer P-1# 24,000 Valley Centre BP P-I 12,000 Subtotal 100,000 Subtotal 33,269 Subtotal 246,744 C] INDUSTRIAL/ PLANNED OFFICE/ MEDICAL COMMERCLQ,L/ RETAIL 99 TOTAL SF 284,340 116,754 353,137 98 TOTAL SF 452,488 286,964 495,834 Table 5: Commercial & Industrial Projects in Sq. Ft. industriai ^ Office/Medicaf ^ CommerciaitRetail • Plans Permit Complete 1999 Total 1998 Total 1997 Total • • LEGEND R -Road improvement X -Utility extension fees S -Site development F - Utility connection fees '. T - Trainit-a ', Table 6 Public Private Partnerships Company $ Amount of Partnership -Funds Total Private Investment in millions Tax Revenue Payback Advance Auto** (R,X,F) $546,000 $10,000,000 $546,160 Carter MachineryBranch**(X,F) 280,600 4,000,000 280,6050 Dragon Chemical Corp.** (F} 217,900 4,750,000 217,893 Lincra, USA, INC. ** (S) 33,500 1,060,000 33,476 Plantation Development, LLC(F) 5,570 450,000 5,570 R + L Carrier** (R) 40,000 3,000,000 90,000 RUSCO (T) 14,363 531,902 14,363 Salem Vent International** (F} 155,500 7,000,000 155,503 Synchrony* * (F) 17,000 520,000 16,959 VA Varsity Transfer P-II (S) 10,155 1,000,000 10,155 $1,320,588 532,311,902 $3,896,129 Note: *Commitment, no construction **Denotes total payback from one to five years • • • Table 7 Industrial, Office, and Commercial Projects in Square Feet Industrial Office Commercial Total 1989 337,513 615,738 93,260 1,046,511 1990 501,555 228,102 52,313 841,970 1991 253,138 234,955 74,168 562,261 1992 87,380 138,993 71,120 297,493 1993 56,201 206,825 128,830 391,856 1994 578,440 189,006 84,979 852,425 1995 173,782 222,486 210,169 606,486 1996 799,600 192,174 276,103 1,258,877 1997 761,639 117,631 562,288 1,441,558 1998 452,488 286,964 495,834 1,235,286 1999 284,340 116,754 353,137 754,231 TOTAL 4,286,076 2,549,628 2,402,201 9,288,954 Projects included in the County's development process are in a stage of plan review, construction or completion. Source: Roanoke County's Department of Economic Development, Annual Activity Reports 1989 through 1999. Table 7: Industrial, Office, 8~ Commercial Projects in Sq. Ft. • 1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 ®Indusrial ^ Office ^ Commercial ^ Total • • • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT m i ~3 ~ ~~ 02/25 "PREAMBLE" • efinition: Economic development is the process by which society's majorpublic and private institutions use the market place and government policy to make new economic investments that create additional per capita wealth for citizens of all economic levels. Wealth creation occurs most efficiently and equitably when public and private individuals and enterprises are actively encouraged and enabled to seek new economic opportunity and to productively .use their resources in ways that add economic value to the community. VCission• To design and implement innovative economic development programs and services that ,overage community assets, create wealth and prosperity, and embrace the region's future. Goalsc 1. 'BUSINESS RECRUITMENT (20%) 2. LOCAL BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (20%) 3. WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT (Ip%°) 4.;, PRODUCT ENHANCEMENT (20%) • 5. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (10%) 6. TOURISM PROMOTION (10%°) 7 ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT (10%) ~, ~J • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (1) 02/25 Mission: To design and implement innovative economic development programs and services that leverage community assets, create wealth and prosperity, and embrace the region's future. Goal-1: BUSINESS RECRUITMENT To attract to the region quality jobs andinvestments thatdiversify the economy,. broaden the tax base, and provide long-term employment opportunities.. Objectives:....: To attract to the region ~ 000 new jobs of tivhich at Teast (30%) are primary * or family-wage... [Target Date -June 2005] - To attract to Roanoke County and/or its parhzers 3000 new jobs of which ~ 0% are primary or family-wage:.. [Target Dats -.June 2005) To attract $30Q OOO, OOO worth of new investment of -which 60% will come from industrial or Class-I commercial development, and 40%,from Class-II commercial or retail development... [Target Date =June 2005j To .increase to 2D% that portion of Roanoke County 's assessed valuation.'.. attributable to industrial and commercial real-estate...[Target Date -June 2005) To restructure incentives in ways that favor the development of industries in target sectors and the creation.. of primary and/ or family wage jobs ... [Target Date -June *NOTE: "Primary" jobs are defined as those the product or service output of which is exported or consumed outside the region. "Family Wage" jobs are those that pay at least $10 per hour with a 15+% benefits package. • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (1) 02/25 rategies._ Ta focus marketing efforts on 4-5 ttzrget industries. • To energize relationship with RVEDP such that we;.work more collabot"atvely. i> To upgrade Department's marketing materials and presentation... r To'undertake independent marketing initiatives.. To focus on established:industry sectors in the Roanoke Valley. ~ To enhance product inventory (Goal 4). To increase the percentage ofPublic-Private Partnership (PPP) dollars flowing to qualified industrial development. To enroll local business leaders in target Harr°keting efforts. Establish local FTZ. TARGETED INDUSTRIES: Transportation Systems & Equipment Biotechnology & Biomedical Metal Fabrication and Machine Tools Electronics/Electrical Components & Assembly Information & Telecommunications Technology CLASS-I COMMERCIAL: Developments in this category feature corporate/regional headquarters, major administrative service centers, or large "back-office" operations. The majority of employment~opportunities are in primary or family-wage jobs. Examples: Atlantic Mutual, Allstate Insurance, and Advance Auto. CLASS-II COMMERCIAL: Developments in this category feature locally-based administrative or customer service activities or retail operations. The majority of employment opportunities are not in primary or family-wage jobs. Examples: Walmart, Lowes, hospitality industry, medical & professional service companies. • *NOTE: "Primary" jobs are defined as those the product or service output of which is exported or consumed outside the region. "Family Wage" jobs are those that pay at least $10 per hour with a 15+% benefits package. Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2) 02/25 Mission: ~To design and implement innovative economic development programs and services that leverage communit}~ assets, create wealth and prosperity, and embrace the region's future. Gaal-2: LOCAL BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION (BRE) To create and maintaina regional business climate that encourages the retention and growth of local enterprise.. Objectives: _ _, To createin RoanokeCounty S00 new jobs, at least 60% of which are 1 i prmary* or family wage..[Target Date - June200~]. To identify at least 50 "at risk businesses" and take- appropriate action to insure that they remain viable County enterprises... [Target Date -June 2003) • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (2) 02/25 Strategeec - To implement early warning system thatidentifiesat risk businesses.. - To mobalize community resources in support of local business development. To establish a BRE task force. - To~ncourage local business to participate in regional economic development initiatives. '- To reduce barriers to entrepreneurial development. - To develop and publish an inventory of local business development resources. To;improve access to capital.. - To promote the-development of export markets for local products/services. - To increase the availability-of quality business education prog~°ams and services. - To promote BRE programs.. with local chambers, industry groups, and business associations. To encourage entrepreneurial development programs. To provide ftncancial incentives/rewards for innovative/successful BRE programs. '- To showcase local business development efforts on a quarterly basis. - To interview and prafrle 1 SD local businesses ouer the next three {3) years. • • • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (3) 02/25 Mission: To design and implement innovative economicdevelopmentprograms and services that leverage commzrnitl~ assets, create ~~ealth and prosperity, and embrace the region's future. Goal-3: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT To attract and maintain a quality inventory of skilled lab'gr sufficient to meet.... market demand in target industries.. Objecti~'es: II To develop and disseminate a profile of the anticipated labor market demand in target industries over the next three (3) years... [Target Date -December 2000) To upgrade theskills of under--ernplayed persons in the region s to prepare and prepare them for Jobs in target industries.,. [I50 per year over the next five year) - To attract to the: region netw workers wii"h target industry skills... [I ~ 0 per year over the next five years) To create ~~iable target industry employment opportunity in the region far at least ~0% of those who successfully complete a qualified workforce development program.:. • . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (3) 02/25 (Strategies: - To mobilize and focus the region's educational resources. - To establish aregion-~~ide workforce development task force. - To provide financial incentives/rewards for innovatiu~lsuccessful workforce development programs in the region. - To survey local bissinesses to assess labor market demand. r To survey taj°get industries to assess labor market demand - To showcase the region's workforce development efforts no lessoften than quarterly. J • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (4) 02/25 einnr • To design and implement innovative economic development programs and services that leverage community assets, create wealth and pf°osperity, and embrace the region's future. Goal-~: PRO CEMENT - To create and maintain an inventory of quality industraUcom~m,ercial real property in the region sufficient to .meet market demand. Objectives: ~ To develop in the region an inventory of NLT 2500 acres of "quality " industrial property and maintain thatlevel for the next five (S) years regardless of take down rate ... [Target Date - June 2002) - To develop in Roanoke County and/or with its partners an inventory of NLT 1000 acres of quality industrial property and maintain that level for the next five (~) years regardless o f take down rate ... Target Date -June 2001 J *NOTE: "Quality" industrial property is characterized by the following criteria: • Ability to break ground in 120 days or less... • Appropriate zoning in place... • Compatible uses on or adjacent to the property... • CC&R's consistent with market demand... • Size of industrial sites NLT twenty (20) acres... • Size of commercial sites NLT five (5) acres... • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (4) 02/25 • 'Strategies: _ __ ,. - To identify in Roanoke ~'ounty or-the jurisdiction of its partners &-~10 sites with the`greatest market potential/appeal and focus resources on upgrading them to "deliverable "status. '- To establish viable real estate development partnerships with other jurisdiction and private developers. To establish a consortium of key st~xkeholders to identify, develop, and ~! market quality sites. - To educate members of the commercial/industrial real estate and development communities about the Department's marketing and client'. management strategies. To minimize unnecessary clearing and gr•ading;of industrial/commercial'sites to preserve their natural character and $eauty To encourage the development of greenways, bike trai s, pedestridn paths, and other amenities at all sites in the inventory. To encourage the reuse, redevelopment, and occupancy of the current. inventory of commercial/industrial buildings and sites. - To-encourage speculative building on selected sites:. • • • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (5) 02/25 Mission• To design andimplement innovative economic development programs and sei°vices that leverage community assets, create wealthand pi°osperity, and embrace the region's.future. Goal-5: COMMUNITY .INVOLVEMENT - To increase the community's willingness to embrace and its capacity to integrate economic development programs and projects. ~, Objectives: - To meet with or othef°wise promulgate the economic developmentstory ~o each of the region 's major civic, fi°aternal and commmzity groups on a semiannual basis. - To establish mechanisms/process where by 100 interested (cognizant) members of the community can regularly interact-with or otherwise participate in local economic development initiatives... [Target Date - April 2001 J. - To establish and maintain a cadre of 25-30 economic development ambassadors who are well egz~ipped to promote the region... [Target Date June 2001 J %' To estali'lish and maintain an economic development roundtable that includes the j°egion's key business leaders...~TargetDate-October 2000) • • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (5) 02/25 • _. Strategies: ,... - To publish a newsletter. - To schedule regular outreach by Department staff. ~ To develop communityawareness brochure andlor multi-media presentation: - To energize citizen advisory boards. To upgrade the Department's website. ;- To showcase the Department's programs and aecamplishments on-a quarterly basis: '- To schedule monthly executive breakfast briefings. ,- ~~ • • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (6) 02/25 1VIission: To .design and implement innovative economic development programs and services that leverage community assets, create ~~ealth and prosperity, and embrace the region's future. Goal-6: TOURISM PROMOTION To foster a vibrant tourism and travel-related economy in the Roanoke Valley.. .Objectives: - ~'o establish tangible, measurable criteria by which the return „on dollars invested in tourism can be measured... [December 2000) To increase visitor-counts> by 1 S% per year over the next five (5) years. To increase tourzsm acrd travel-related revenues by 10% per year over the next five (S) years. • • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (6) 02/25 .Strategies: - To pro~,de financial incentiveslrewards for innovative/successful programs. A To increase efforts to create national and international exposure. - - To continue supportof special events that draw visitors into the region. - To promote Blue Ridge Pm°kway Interpretive .Center. To promote Explore Park. • C7 • Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (7) 02/25 .Mission::... To design and implement innovative economic development programs and services that leverage community assets, create wealth arZd prosperity, and embf°ace the ~°egion's future. Goal-7: ORGANIZATIONAL MANAGEMENT - To improve Departmental operations such that we work fastex,_accomplish more, and spend Iess time on things that do nat add value. __ Objectives: '- To balance the workload among staff so that no one spends more than 40/ of his/her time on any one projector assignment. To strengthen work teams so that members have a heightened sense of the value of their relationship to'one another. To establish performance standards for all assignrnentslprojects. To provide professional staff with access to 100 hours• pef~ }year of development assignments andlor personal) professional effectiveness education. ~- To-conduct an audit of all PPP pef formance agreements and take necessary corrective/remedial action.,.. fDecember?OOO,J • • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (7) p2/Zg • Strategies: Y To simples filing system such that time required to access desired information/data does not exceed three (3) minutes. '- To regularly celebrate individual and team successes/accomplishments. To insure that major projects/initiatives incorporate project management strategies to include U~ork floe matrix and TMR reporting. - To establish individual development plans for each member of the staff. - To streamline administrative procedures and off ce management practices. i> To conduct individual performance reviews on a quartet°ly basis. ~ Conduct st°uctured staff meetings no less often than bimonthly. 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Worksession on Cluster Housing Ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS This is excellent work by the Planning Commission and staff. These guidelines are reasonable for many projects and they also provide good preliminary work for those projects that might go to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. The changes made since first reading improve the ordinance and I recommend approval. BACKGROUND' A public hearing on the proposed cluster housing ordinance is scheduled for your evening session on the 29th. This worksession will be an opportunity for the Board to review the latest changes to the ordinance made by the Planning Commission. These changes reduced the allowable density of proposed cluster developments, and modified the waiver process to require that the Board approve any requested waiver to the standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: That the Board hold a worksession on the cluster housing ordinance on February 29, 2000. Respectfully Submitted, Approved, Terrance L. Har ngton, AICP Elm r C. odge Department of Community Development County Administrator .' ~y.a 2 Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on FY 2000-2001 Budget Development. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a budget work session related to development of the FY 2000-2001 budget. This work session will focus on the following items for discussion: • Revenue Projection Update for FY99-00 and FY00-Ol • Review of County and Schools Debt Schedules Additional information on these topics will be provided at the work session. Respectfully submitted, Brent Robertson Budget Director Approv y, ~yN,,~. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved () Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To () VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ _ _ Johnson _ _ _ McNamara _ _ Minnix _ Nickens T ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on CountyAdministrationGoals (Continued from February 8, 2000) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the February 8, 2000 meeting, the Board of Supervisors held a work session on review of the 1999 County Administration Goals. The Board was unable to complete the work session at that meeting, and this time has been set aside to review the remaining goals. Submitted y: r C. Hod e County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix To () Nickens h-'~ County Administration FY 2000 The County Administration and Assistant County Administrators manage the daily operations of Roanoke County government and serve in an advisory capacity to the Board of Supervisors. Mission The County Administration will execute uniformly the policies established by the Board of Supervisors, advise and recommend to the Board actions that meet the changing needs of citizens, administer the daily operations of government, and present a balanced annual budget for consideration by the Board. CORE GOAL: TO PROVIDE THE BOARD WITH ACCURATE, TIMELY INFORMATION ON WHICH TO BASE ITS DECISIONS. Objectives: To formulate effective bimonthly Board meeting agendas that provide a structure to address pertinent issues and to serve best the interests of county residents and business. To keep the Board constantly appraised of community events and County projects and services. To provide the Board with strategic information that enhances decision-making. / Added periodic status reports on County projects to agenda. / Agendas and Action Agendas are now on the Board of Supervisors Web Site. / Investigating a computerized Citizen Complaint systems currently in several Virginia localities. / Computerized index of Board actions and minutes available for research CORE GOAL: TO FACILITATE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THAT INCREASES THE NUMBER AND QUALITY OF JOBS AVAILABLE TO RESIDENTS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND THE ROANOKE VALLEY. Objectives: To prepare the Center for Research and Technology for marketing which includes water, sewer, access road, and entrance-way to secure initial occupant(s). To identify and recruit occupants for other economic development projects including existing businesses, Palley Gateway Business Park, McDonald Farm, and Valley TechPark. To update long-term economic development strategies identifying development sites, means for acquisition, and potential effects on the local economy. To promote tourism as an economic development opportunity including the start of construction of a new Parkway Interpretive Center. N-y Center for Research & Technolo~v / The water line construction is 30% complete on Glenmary Drive. / Borings are being completed for the sewer line on Glenvar Heights Boulevard. / Bids for the Entrance Road at the end of Glenmary Drive were opened on Wednesday, February 2, 200D. / Marketing brochure is being printed Valley Gateway Business Park / Shell Building is currently under contract to Dragon Chemical. McDonald Farm / Has been rezoned to Planned Technology Development District. Valley Technark / With the location announcements of Lincra, USA and Salem Vent, Valley TechPark is officially at capacity. Tourism Development Blue Ridge Parkwa Iy nterpretative Center / Conducted an interior study and applied for TEA 21 grant. / Bids for construction have been received and are being reviewed. Target, Identify and Recruit Companies for other projects / Existing Industry Visitation Program: Economic Development's program of visiting major industries and large service firms continues to connect staff with companies to identify expansion opportunities and strengthen working relationships. CORE GOAL: TO PROMOTE AHIGH-QUALITY, EFFICIENT SCHOOL SYSTEM THROUGH COOPERATION AND INTERACTION WITH THE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD AND ADMINISTRATION Objectives: To work in partnership with the School Board and administration to make the best use of available funds in providing cost effective educational opportunities for the children of Roanoke County. To implement fully, in conjunction with the School Board, the Blue Ribbon Committee's Phase I School Construction Program including identification and provision of essential funds necessary for operations and capital expenses related to the new construction. / Will update debt schedules and present financial plan to the School Board and Board of Supervisors within 30 days. CORE GOAL: TO DEVELOP INNOVATIVE FISCAL AND PERSONNEL 2 n-y MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES TO ENSURE THAT ROANOKE COUNTY HAS A HIGH LEVEL OF PUBLIC SAFETY. Objectives: To maintain the number of volunteer hours for fire and rescue services. To pursue alternative revenue sources to enhance fire and rescue services. / Reviewed our recruitment and retention program. / Increased Recruitment and Retention budget by 45%. / Co-sponsoring a 1-day seminar on recruitment and retention with the State Fire Chiefs Association of Virginia to be held in Roanoke during the month of March. / Develop a strategic plan and implement in July. / Work Session planned with Board of Supervisors on March 14"' on potential revenues sources. CORE GOAL: TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN INNOVATIVE AND EFFECTIVE PERSONNEL FOR ROANOKE COUNTY WHILE MAINTAINING THE EXISTING NUMBER OF FULL TIME EQUIVALENT EMPLOYEES Obi ctives To develop and implement an employee performance appraisal system that establishes accountabilities for each employee related to the organizational and departmental missions and goals. Conduct market research as necessary to ensure competitive salary and benefit levels enabling the County to recruit and retain effective employees. To educate employees about their full compensation package. / Pilot program on the proposed appraisal system was conducted with a select group of supervisors. System was implemented in fall of 1998. / Developing a letter to send to the employees that lists the dollar amount of all the benefits that are provided for them. / The Roanoke Health Insurance Consortium is in the process of bidding joint health insurance for the Roanoke Valley. / Benefit information and the Classification Plan is now on the Intranet / Human Resources has reviewed market survey data for year 2000 to determine competitiveness of Roanoke County classification plan and benefits. CORE GOAL: TO ENGAGE IN COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WITH REGIONAL ENTITIES THAT IMPROVE SERVICE LEVELS OR LOWER THE COST OF SERVICE PROVISION. Objectives To facilitate solutions to regional water and sewer issues that will reduce the current rates 3 N-4 paid by Roanoke County residents. To negotiate proactive solutions to long-range water issues with surrounding localities, eliminating case-by-case negotiations in times of crisis that will benefit the entire valley. To examine the potential benefits from regionalization of other services (e.g., solid waste, fire and rescue, library, etc.). Water and Sewer Issues / The regional wastewater plant/interceptor project is coming to a close. Plant construction is complete and the interceptor sewer line is scheduled to be completed by the first part of April. / Roanoke City was able to obtain needed source capacity, while Roanoke County obtained transmission capabilities and eliminated the required purchase of water. / These changes will allow Roanoke County to have a water rate reduction beginning in July 2000 / Roanoke County is actively participating with Roanoke City, City of Salem, Town of Vinton, Botetourt County (possibly Bedford County) and the Roanoke Valley- Alleghany Regional Commission to develop a Roanoke Valley Regional Long- Range Water Supply. Solid Waste / Reviewed project plan, current services, factors affecting current service delivery, and factors affecting the success of a regional collection system. / Evaluated each localities current solid waste collection practices using focus groups and site visits. / R. W. Beck presented findings/observations from focus groups and site visits at January meeting. / R. W. Beck will present cost model, analysis of each localities three scenarios and develop overview of regional service system characteristics and issues in February. CORE GOAL: TO COORDINATE MASTER PLANNING, COMMERCIAL ZONING, AND SERVICE DELIVERY CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING FUTURE TRANSPORTATION INITIATIVES. Objectives To master plan all existing and proposed interstate interchanges to maximize economic development potential in the county. To determine the impact on service delivery and quality of life issues from the proposed widening of Interstate-81 and proposed construction of Interstate-73. / Dixie Caverns/I-81 interchange study (Exit 132): Analyzed existing land use conditions, convened citizen focus group to recommend alternative future land use 4 N-Y designations. / Drafting guidelines to allow additional vacant land to be designated industrial / Hanging Rock/I-81 interchange study (Exit 141): Analyzed existing land use conditions, convened citizen focus group to recommend guidelines. / Hollins/Plantation Road/I-81 interchange (Exit 146): Initial community meeting held on January 24. Schedule is to be completed by end of June 2000. 5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-7 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Closed Session File ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearings for Citizen Comment on the following items: • Real Estate, Machinery and Tools, and Personal Property Tax Rates • "Effective" Real Estate Tax Rate Increase • General Comment on the Upcoming Annual Budget for FY2000-2001 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As requested at an earlier work session, staff advertised the proposed Real Estate, Personal Property, and Machinery and Tools Tax Rates for calendar year 2000 as follows: Real Estate Tax at a rate of not more than $1.13 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. Personal Property Tax at a rate of not more than $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. Machinery and Tools Tax at a rate of not more than $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. In addition, state code mandates that when reassessment of real property in a locality results in a real estate revenue increase of 1 % over the previous year, the locality must either reduce the tax rate, so that the revenues are no more than 101% of the previous year's or hold a public hearing indicating an "effective" real property tax increase. Also, consistent with past practices, the Board has expressed a desire to hold a public hearing to elicit "general" comment on the upcoming annual budget early in the development process. This hearing gives citizens the opportunity to express their priorities and concerns for the Board to consider during formulation of the upcoming budget. 9~- 3 The public hearings scheduled for today are for receiving written and oral comment on these three topics. The public hearing on proposed Tax Rates were advertised on February 15 and 22, 2000, the "Effective" Real Estate Tax Rate Increase was advertised on February 22, 2000, and the General Comment for the FY1999-2000 Budget was advertised on February 22, 2000, thereby satisfying state code requirements for public notice. Attached is a memo that highlights specific points of today's public hearings. Respectfully submitted, Brent Robertson Budget Director Approv by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved () Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied () Church - - - Received O Johnson - - - Referred () McNamara - To O Minnix - - - Nickens - _ - C~j~_ 3 I N T E R MEMO O F F I C E To: Members, Board of Supervisors From: Brent Robertson, Budget Director Subject: Public Hearings on 2/29/00 Date: February 29, 2000 On February 29, 2000 the County will hold three public hearings related to the FY2000-O1 budget. These hearings will allow citizens the opportunity to comment on various items that impact development of the upcoming budget--assessments, tax rates, funding priorities, increases in revenues, etc. Listed below are comments relating to the public hearing and/or to the composition of the advertisement that appeared in the newspaper: Tax Rates The Board indicated a desire to advertise and set tax rates early during the budget process. This demonstrates the Board's commitment to not increase taxes and to develop a budget within existing means. Adoption of the rates are scheduled for the March 14, 2000 meeting. The tax rates were advertised at the County's current rates. The Board may not adopt tax rates above these advertised rates, (without readvertisement and another public hearing), but could adopt tax rates less than the advertised rates. "Effective" Real Estate Tax Rate Increase • The content and composition of this ad is dictated by state code. This ad is confusing and may alarm some citizens who do not understand its intent. • Identified increase in assessments for 2000 (over the previous year's assessments) averaged 3.19%. Increase assessments in 1999 (over 1998 assessment) averaged 2.82%. • The average assessment increase of 3.19% (individual properties may be higher or lower) is comparable to other cost of living increases. CPI, nationally, is currently running at or slightly below 3%. • Total increase in the proposed FY00-O1 budget over the FY99-00 budget is 4.4%. Q~-3 Members, Board of Supervisors Page 2 February 29, 2000 General Comment--FY2000-2001 Budget This forum provides citizens with the opportunity to comment on maintaining, increasing, or decreasing funding for services and/or programs for the upcoming fiscal year. This hearing affords the citizen a proactive voice (what they would like to see) as opposed to a reactive voice (what the County Administrator/Board of Supervisors have proposed). interoffice M E M O R A N D U M • to: Board of Supervisors School Board Linda Weber from: Elmer Hodge subject: Future School Capital and Projected Debt date: February 25, 2000 {~ .~ ' ~, The Board of Supervisors will be reviewing the debt budget in worksession at the February 29, 2000 meeting. It is easy to be excited about the improved financial position of the debt projections, but remember that this occurred at the expense of delays in projects and increased construction costs. Diane Hyatt has provided you with an updated analysis of the debt projections taking into account the latest budgets for the Glenvar Middle School and the South County High School. Her analysis shows that we can pay for the capital construction, but we must provide for the operating costs of these schools. The amount of additional funds that will be needed to operate these two schools is currently estimated to be at least $2 million. This cannot be absorbed in the normal budget cycle. We need to begin setting aside revenues from the 2000-2001 budget so that when the schools are opened we will akeady have the funds for these expenses. If not, we will be faced with the hard choices of not having enough funds to renovate Cave Spring High School and Cave Spring Middle School, as well as problems with salary increases for existing employees in the year that these schools open. At our joint retreat in January, the two most important areas that emerged were education and economic development. The comparison of outstanding school debt ($86 million) to outstanding county debt ($28 million), shows that we have put a priority on school construction. Due to the large nature of the school capital needs, we have postponed other areas of importance to the County. ' Based upon the new Economic Development business plan, we will need $500,000 to $1,000,000 annually for economic development. In addition, we have a current need for $500,000 for fire station improvements. These are only two items that are of immediate concern. We have not addressed any large County capital items since our last general obligation bond sale in 1993. We must continue our open dialogue on these matters and quickly resolve any outstanding issues so that we can proceed with the construction as soon as possible. We must address the issue of the additional operating cost of the new schools during the upcoming budget process. cc: Diane Hyatt interoffice M E M O R A N D U M to: Board of Supervisors School Board Elmer Hodge , Linda Weber from: Diane D. Hyatt ,~ ~, subject: Future School Capital Construction and Projected Debt date: February 25, 2000 I have recently updated the projected debt schedules for the School and County, based upon the most recent capital budgets of $8,273,283 for Glenvar Middle and $30,000,000 for the new South County High School. (See Attachments A and B for a detailed breakdown of these budgets.) The new debt schedules contain the actual debt cost for the other projects that were part of the Phase I capital program, as these have akeady been issued. I am projecting borrowing $10 million from the Literary Loan at 4% to be issued in the Fall 2000, and the balance of the funds to be borrowed at 6.5% through VPSA in the Spring 2001. Attachment C shows the Future School Capital Fund currently has a balance of $7,380,323. If we continue to add $2,000,000 to this fund every year, we will be able to pay for the Phase I debt (including the budgets above for Glenvar Middle and the new high school). The fund will still have a balance, at its lowest point, of $6,116,782. This means that the fund will still be able to absorb some future school capital, such as renovations to Cave Spring High School and Cave Spring Middle School. This can be done by removing $6 million from the fund as a one time payment, or it can be leveraged to pay the debt service on an additional borrowing of approximately $16 million. This presents a positive picture for the future school capital construction if, and only if, we are able to cover the additional operating costs of these twn schools through other sources. I am currently using estimates of $500,000 a year in additional costs for the Glenvar Middle School and $1,500,000 in additional costs for the new South County High School. We will need to work together to find a way to absorb these costs. In the absence of a plan to fund the operating costs, it will need to come from the $2,000,000 that we are currently putting onto the Future School Capital Fund. Attachment D shows the impact of the removal of these funds. If that is the case, we will nQ be able to ai~ord any future school capital (such as renovations to Cave Spring High and Cave Spring Middle) and we will need to find an additional $4.5 million to balance the fund. Attachments E and F show a summary by year for the school debt and the county debt, respectively. These tables include the projected issues for the.Glenvar Middle School and the new M South County High School. Note the total outstanding debt that is highlighted at the bottom of the page. This reflects that after the issuance of the proposed school debt, the County will have $28,149,142 of outstanding debt and the Schools will have $86,046,904 of outstanding debt. Attachment G is the detail of the debt that is included in the summary sheets. In summary, I am confident that we can afford the capital cost of the proposed Glenvar Middle School and the South County High School, as long as we cover the additional operating costs of these new schools through other sources. The Board's foresight in setting aside $2 million a year has accumulated the necessary funds to pay for the construction financing. To date, however, we have not identified the source of the additional operating costs. If this is not addressed we will be forced to take drastic steps in the years that these schools are opened. • • • ~~ O V L ~ .,, 2; ~ O +,' n, .~ ~ 0 H V ~ t s a d Z c °~ a~ ~ U N W o ° ~ U ~_ U ~ .O y O ~a (D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 caoooo~rooooo0 0 rnocooorr-oooo0 0 rno~rooccrnooooo 0 ('7OC0OOrNOOOO ~ O t1) O ~t O O O O O t~ N ~ O O ~ r r (p C") N O C") Q7 O CV ~ dp ~ r r r O ~ o° o o ° a o o o ooo o 1 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ O O CD O O O r O O N 0 0 0 O~ <"~ tn O O O O N ~~~ ~- ~'~ N r r r~ r 40 ~~ N (y r 1~ C7 r r r OO N T m O C O O C O L C d U ' • U ~ `. ~ . . m ~ U ~ ~ C O .` ~ N ~ U C O U ~ a; c a 2 U c ca > >, U C~ O O y ~ C ~~ 0 C ~ ~ c C U ~ ~ D ~ c ~; ~ ~,2 a~ U O C N ~ ~' w °~ ~ N ~ ~ c c ~ . c ~ o ~ dS ca ~ o :~ o ~~Q>cnUc!)~ ~ >ti~U a~ r m .` a 0 a a ca c E 0 0 O N o ~ CD ~ ~ Y U ~ a m Y "a o a 3 a a? a •y (0 ~ '~ ~ co ~ O O CD G - CO t ~ U O cn rn O N -C N C O O C L O ~ c0 ~ 'a C V w H O Z ATTACHMENT A O O O N N O N X cD S • ++ d Q~ m 0 ~ V L O V ` lA a d . ~ y ~ ~ a L C '~ V ..... ~ ~ y ~ ~ N N ~ to C C ~ .- .- U N ~ N ~ a a .°', ca > > ~ c ~ ~ ~ :~ x ~ ~ a~ W s z t..... ~ 3 ~3 ° ~ ~ ~ c c a~ ... ~i ~i Q ~ °o o °o °o °o 0 0 °o ° oorioooa ri ~U oocooooo m O C'7 0 0 0 0 0 N ~ ~ O cD Q~ N O O ~ co ~ O N r- X 0 0 N 1~ ~ ~ r ~ f7 ~' N N 4. I~ oO °` H 000 Oi O ~ O ~ ~ ~ .U ` 00 ~ cD ~ 3 ~ N ~ O ~ L .~ ~ - ~, ~ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O C~ O O a0 O O O O O o~n~noooo 0 ~ ~ oaornoooo 00 ~•- O~cDNOO~ rn U ~ j C7 (h ~ ~ 0~ ~ N c~i I~ Q1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ~C U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ~ O 00000 d' ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 t~ t~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ N O ~ ~' ~ ~ '° O N I~ ~ to O CD O ~ ~ ~r' In N r C'7 m d N al ~-. O .. ° C p ~ C L Q, U ~j ~: ~ ~ ~ °2S `. y ~ ~ ~ C ~ C w ~ ~ ~, C ° ~ Vf Q U m V ~ ~ of C ~ ~ C C Z ~ ~ C Q>Ucnti~U ATTACHMENT B O O O N N O N X m O c'~ '~ ATTACHMENT C Future School Capital Projections -Without Operating Costs As of February 29, 2000 Annual Other Debt Phase I Year End Contribution Dropoff Debt Balance 7,380,323 • 2000-2001 ~ 2,000,000 146,401 (1,965,502) 7,561,222 2001-2002 2,000,000 2,059,281 (2,791,312) 8,829,191 2002-2003 2,000,000 2,192,868 (6,017,729) 7,004,330 2003-2004 2,000,000 2,390,398 (4,974,229) 6,420,499 2004-2005 2,000,000 2,532,139 (4,835,856) 6,116,782 2005-2006 2,000,000 3,188,213 (4,702,180) 6,602,815 2006-2007 2,000,000 3,361,804 (4,568,504) 7,396,115 2007-2008 2,000,000 3,499,220 (4,435,258) 8,460,077 2008-2009 2,000,000 3,819,038 (4,300,720) 9,978,395 2009-2010 2,000,000 4,130,951 (4,164,387) 11,944,959 2010-2011 2,000,000 4,240,071 (4,028,418) 14,156,612 2011-2012 2,000,000 4,312,479 (3,892,879) 16,576,212 2012-2013 2,000,000 4,775,288 (3,751,808) 19,599,692 2013-2014 2,000,000 6,395,443 (3,615,206) 24,379,929 Assum Lions 1) Actual debt cost for issues already completed 2) Capital Budgets of $30,000,000 for South County High School and $8,273,283 for Glenvar 3) Maximum use of Literary Loans (4%) at $5 million each for Glenvar and South County to be issued in the Fall 2000 4) VPSA borrowing computed at 6.5% to be issued in the Spring 2001 5) Operating costs for the renovated Glenvar Middle School and the new South County High School are not included in the above, and will need to be considered. • ATTACHMENT D Future School Capital Projections Including Operating Costs As of February 29, 2000 • Annual Other Debt Phase I Year End Contribution Dropoff Debt Balance 7,380,323 2000-2001 ~ 2,000,000 146,401 (1,965,502) 7,561,222 2001-2002 1,500,000 2,059,281 (2,791,312) 8,329,191 2002-2003 - 2,192,868 (6,017,729) 4,504,330 2003-2004 - 2,390,398 (4,974,229) 1,920,499 2004-2005 - 2,532,139 (4,835,856) (383,218) 2005-2006 - 3,188,213 (4,702,180) (1,897,185) 2006-2007 - 3,361,804 (4,568,504) (3,103,885) 2007-2008 - 3,499,220 (4,435,258) (4,039,923) 2008-2009 - 3,819,038 (4,300,720) (4,521,605) 2009-2010 - 4,130,951 (4,164,387) (4,555,041) 2010-2011 - 4,240,071 (4,028,418) (4,343,388) 2011-2012 - 4,312,479 (3,892,879) (3,923,788) 2012-2013 - 4,775,288 (3,751,808) (2,900,308) 2013-2014 - 6,395,443 (3,615,206) (120,071) Assum tions 1) Actual debt cost for issues already completed 2) Capital Budgets of $30,000,000 for South County High School and $8,273,283 for Glenvar 3) Maximum use of Literary Loans (4%) at $5 million each for Glenvar and South County to be issued in the Fall 2000 4) VPSA borrowing computed at 6.5% to be issued in the Spring 2001 5) Operating cost of $500,000 annually removed for Glenvar beginning in 2001-02 Operating cost of $1,500,000 annually removed for South County beginning 2002-03 • ATTACHMENT E ~~ • • 3 0 ~° A O O O N rQ.~ N O z ~' c~ .~ ~ w °-° ~ o x >, a+ N ~ ~ C '~" A ~ U 'C b .G z ;~ Q ~ w ~ a°O°o3 0 ~~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ F ~ ~ cd N z °= a ob O ~~ U o ~. U Rf b ~ Lr F: ~ N ~ r~ ~ N O ~ U ~ O y U O .~ cC b O b N y ~ C D. O U O. L_ ~ w V ~ ~ U G C c~ y H ~ N ~O O ~O (~ t~ M C\ 00 C7' O O~ [~ O O N oo v1 O M 0 0 0 ~O O v'i ~O O ~ N ~ --~ 00 .~ ~p v~ ~ N N_ Q~ Q~ ~O O N O ~ 00 +r ~h 00 d~ ~O \O Q~ d1 v') N M t/') .--. l~ O O l ~ O O ~/1 N ~ ~O N ~ l~ ~ N o0 M ~' 00 v'~ O d' n M O~ .-. ~O a\ ~ 00 .--. ~ l~ ~ oo O ~t a, ~ ~ v-~ --~ 1~ d' ~ ~ ~ oo O v~ O~ v~ vy ~O l~ ~ ~D 00 00 (~ ~f '--~ O~ ~D ~ N ~ n ~ N O W [~ v1 M N ~-+ ~O ~ '„G„ N N ~t M M M N N N N ~--~ '--~ .-~ .--~ .-~ O ~ ~ Q O .. 69 bq U G O O ~_ N ~O ~O N co ~ .--~ ~ I~ O M t~ 00 M~ O O O O ~ tC a ~--~ ~t t~ M ~n oo N O oo M O N Q\ ~ 00 ~' M .-+ O O O O ~ ¢ N v'i M~~ N O v'i oo ~ ~ ~' [~ M a\ •-» H O M O O O a\ (-r ~ 00 [~ M M M N I~ 01 ~ V1 N ~' Q~ V1 00 to M ~_ O O O ~O v Q~ oo ~ v'i O ~O O l~ ~ v-~ v~ [~ n N ~--~ v'~ v'i O~ N v'i v1 ~t C N N M .-~ ,-• Q\ Q\ 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ d~ (~ t~ v-~ O O ~ G~ O ~n O O 0. ~t V' v1 ~ ~n V' ~ ~ V V d' d' ~t M M M M N N N .-. •-+ ~ ~ ~ M ~O M_ N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d' i 7 ~ ~o ~ N C ~ M '~" Q\ 'fl ~-. 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C U C L1. N ~, N C RS CL U C a N U C a ces ~- U ~ LL '~ ~t M ~O '--~ 00 O~ N d' O o0 M [~ O~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ~O 00 00 v1 O M Q~ ~D 00 I~ O '~ vl O N ~/1 O O N O Q\ M [~ ~ M M 00 00 V1 •--~ V1 N R N O t~ (~ V~ O N O ~' v'1 00 Ul O ~ V'1 N l~ ~O N N N V1 I~ ~ ~ O ~ V1 ~ 00 ~!l l~ Q~ .-. ~ ct [~ O~ ~-+ M ~ 00 ~O N 00 ~ O Vl O v1 ~ M N ~--~ '- O ~ oo [~ [~ ~O ~n M M N N N •--~ ~--~ 69 O ~O O O~ (~ N ~D O M t~ O N cr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~O O~ ~ [~ N ~O I~ 00 O N d' 00 N ~O O O O O O O O O~ M O O D 00 O M I~ ~ v1 O N t~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ a\ ~--~ O M d~ Ct O ~ V'1 O~ ~O V'1 M v1 vi O N O ~ V'1 O~ V'1 'c7 ~' ~O vy v') M O t~ v1 M M N ~D O ~ 00 M (`~ N I~ v'1 ~' v1 V'1 v'1 N M ~ ~' ~!1 ~O I~ 00 [~ 00 00 00 ~ O~ O O N 69 O o0 O~ Q~ ~O O O 01 d' v1 M ~O v1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N ~O N I M O~ I ~ Q^ M 00 V'1 ~ Q~ 00 ~O N 00 ~O ~t O ~O O ~t l~ O~ 00 V1 N O~ V1 N •--~ O o0 t~ v1 M .-~ 6R 00 try M l~ G1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ~o~c~~nooooo0000 00 I oo ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~--~ M .- M 1~ V1 ~n O v1 O vi vi O C1 N ~n vl C~ M ~t ~o [~ O~ O N d' v1 ~O ~O ~O v~ N N N N N M M M 69 ~f ~~ N N~ N vl ~ M_ O X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V' ~ t~ ~O G1 M oo N ~--~ ~- O N V1 O ~!1 ~fl O O v7 O ~O ~O ~~~ M O~ N M O 00 M N O I ~ l ~ V'1 O N O v1 ~O N N r- N ~--~ ---~ U1 00 ~t M vi t~ ~O ~ O 7 ~ ~ Q~ O~ v~ O ~ Q~ M (~ .-~ ~ I~ O ~O ~O N 00 ~ O V'i O v7 ~--~ O O O G1 00 00 t~ ~ ~ V1 V7 M M N N N ~--~ ~--~ bR N ~--~ 1~ N o0 N O M [~ O N ~' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~O •--~ O t~ [~ v1 [~ 00 O N E oo N ~O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~n M N[ ~ O M [~ ~O ~n O N~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0~ l~ [~ 00 Q~ t~ O~ v~ -~ O O~ ~- O M vi ~i O vi O v1 v1 O~ ~O ^' V1 O Vl ~--~ 00 ~ O ~O M ~--~ 00 ~O O ~t 00 M t~ N l~ Q~ o0 0o O~ O~ O O ~--~ N N M ~ ~ I~ 00 00 00 C1 Q1 O O .--. .--. .--. .--~ .-» .-, r. .--~ .~ 64 N .--~ M 6R .--~ 00 N ~' ~' N M h 69 N M M M V"1 69 O 00 v-~ M O N .--~ 64 O ~' v~ N N d9 ~--~ N M ~f' ~!1 ~D [~ 00 O~ O --~ N M_ ~i' ~_ ~O ~ 00 ~ O -~ O O O O O O O O O ~» ~~~ N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N fV N N N N N N N N N N ~ O N M d' ~n ~D t~ oo O~ O ~--~ N M ~t U1 ~ [~ oo Q~ O ~ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ATTACHMENT G I. • F m W z ° _ U ~ z ~ Q z rii ¢ ~ Q ~ c ~' z o '^ 0 O ra. ~ E Z ~ ~ _ } = Q O = ~ N O Q ~ F- W W ("' z M - O O N N O O W Q a. 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BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 1.04 acres, as described herein, and located at 5420 Starkey Road (Tax Map Numbers 87.19-2- 2 and 87.19-2-3) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District, to the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District to operate a day spa and salon in an existing structure. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of David and Zena Azar. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: (1) The project shall have only one entrance on Starkey Road. 1 (2) The property shall be used for personal improvement services, personal services, and uses permitted-by-right in the C-1 Office District. (3) Type C screening and buffering shall be provided along all property lines. (4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. Freestanding sign shall be monument-type and be no greater than 6 feet in height and have an area of no greater than 16 square feet. Additionally, the sign shall not have back lighting. (5) No neon signage shall be allowed. (6) Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Parcel No. 1 -Lot 2, Section 2, as shown on the Map of Southern Pines, which map is recorded in the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, page 138. Parcel No. 2 -From the point of intersection of the south line of Sleepy Hollow Road and the easterly line of Virginia State Highway No. 119, S. 25 °. 43' W. 139.1 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Southern Pines Map (PB2, page 138); thence with the dividing line between Lots 1 and 2 of said subdivision, S. 65 °. 55' E. 93 feet to the westerly side of a garage on the dividing line between said lots, which is the Point of Beginning; thence N. 25 °. 43' E. with the westerly line of said garage 2 feet to a point; thence through the center of said garage S. 65 °. 55' E. 24 feet (passing through the center of a well in the easterly end of said garage) to the easterly side of said garage; thence with the same S. 25 °. 43' W. 2 feet to the dividing line between Lots 1 and 2; thence with said dividing line N. 65 °. 55' W. 24 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a two (2) foot section of a double garage and one-half of a well in same, and being a part of Lot 1, Section 2, of said Southern Pines Map. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its 2 final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~' Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terry Harrington, County Planner John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Valuation Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 o• .5~~~~~ ~a~l~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ R-i i r~ ROANOIfE COUNTY J. David and Sena Azar D~'PART~Z'lYT 0~' R~zon~ ,~r~om R-3 to C-2 COhfM'UNITY DZ'VEZ01'MENT 87,1 Q- ~-3; 87.10-?-? :...~' ~ ~ ~_1 PETITIONER: DAVID AND ZENA AZAR CASE NUMBER: 1-2/2000 Planning Commission Hearing Date: February 1, 2000 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 29, 2000 A. REQUEST Petition of David and Zena Azar to rezone approximately 1.04 acres from R-3 Medium Density Multi-Family Residential to C-2 General Commercial to operate a day spa and salon in an existing structure, located at 5420 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Linda Leedy said that she was not opposed to the use, but requested that no neon signs be permitted and that the parking be placed to the rear of the property. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Commission stated that a more appropriate limitation on hours of operation would be from 7:00 a.m. until 9:00 p.m., as opposed to 7:00 a.m. until 7:30 p.m., (volunteered by the applicant). Additionally the Commission stated that they agreed with the citizen comment that no neon lighting be allowed. They also commented that the concept plan showed a planting strip along the road, which would minimize the impact of parking at the front of the building. The applicant stated that the additional suggested and revised proffers would be acceptable. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS 1. The project shall have only one entrance on Starkey Road 2. The property shall be used for personal improvement services, personal services, and uses permitted by-right in the C-1 Office District. 3. Type C screening and buffering shall be provided along all property lines. 4. Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. Freestanding sign shall be monument-type and be no greater than 6 feet in height and have an area of no greater than 16 square feet. Additionally, the sign shall not have back lighting. 5. No neon signage shall be allowed. 6. Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt moved to recommend approval of the petition with the revised proffered conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Hooker, Ross, Thomason, Witt, Robinson NAYS: None ABSENT: None F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map Staff Report _ Other Ja et Scheid, Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission ~; STATEMENT OF VOLUNTARY PRUFFERS FOR 1-2!2000 RF~ONING REQUEST AT 5420 STARKEY ROAp Tax Parcels 87.19-2-2, 87.19-2-3) 1. ~'~'~ ~ Z a-j' .submit the following voluntary proffers !n association with my request tv rezone approximately 1.04 acres from R-3 Residential to G-2 Commercial located at 5420 Starkey Road: 1) The project shall have only ono entrance on Starkey Road 2) The property shall be used for personal improverment services, persona! services, artd uses permitted by-right inthe C-1 Offtce District. 3} Type C screening and buffering shat! be provided along ail property lines. 4} Total signage tan the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. Freestanding sign shall be monument-type and be no greater than 6 feet in height and have an area of no greater than if square feet. Additionally, the sign shall riot have back lighting. 5} Nr~ neon signage shall be ailowec9, S} Moors of operation Shall be limited #0 7;00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Signed: .... ,~.~. Applicant TOTAL P.02 ~-~ STAFF REPORT PETITIONER: DATE: J. David &Zena Azar 02/22/2000 CASE NUMBER: 1-2/2000 PARTI A. Summary The request is for a rezoning on two parcels of approximately 1.04 acres from R-3 Medium Density Multi- Family Residential to C-2 General Commercial .The applicant intends to use the property for a day spa and salon. The lots have an address of 5420 Starkey Road. The property is in the Cave Spring Magisterial District and Community Planning Area. In the Community Plan, the property is designated as Transition. Transition areas by definition are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses. The surrounding environs consist of single-family (attached and detached) residences and small single-office commercial lots. B. Description This is a request by David and Zena Azar to rezone 1.04-acres of property located along Starkey Road. The applicant is proposing the property be used for a day spa and salon. Services offered would include hair styling, pedicures and manicures, facials and massages. The business will have 3 employees plus a receptionist and be by appointment only. Please see enclosed information submitted by applicant for more detail. The parcels are located in a mostly residential neighborhood with a few small offices nearby and in close proximity(<1/2 mile) to more commercial development along Starkey Road. C. Applicable Regulations The proposed uses are both Personal Improvement Services and Personal Services, as defined in Section 30-29-5 of the Zoning Ordinance. Both uses are permissible by-right in the C-2 General Commercial Zoning District. There are no specific use and design standards per Section 30-85. However, the following requirements are applicable: Site Plan review and approval by County Staff, in accordance with Section 30-90 of the Zoning Ordinance, will be required Off street parking, including handicapped spaces, will be in accordance with Section 30-91 of the Zoning Ordinance. Screening, landscaping, and buffer yards shall be in accordance with Section 30-92 of the Zoning Ordinance. Building codes may require structural modifications to comply with ADA standards. Applicant will need to check with Inspections Department. VDOT will require a commercial entrance permit R-1 PART II A. Analysis of Existing Conditions Use The property is currently used as asingle-family residence. Location The property is located in the Cave Spring Magisterial District and the Cave Spring Community Planning Area, along Starkey Road, approximately 150 feet from the intersection with Sleepy Hollow Road and 1000 feet north of the intersection with South Mountain Road. Lot The property is two lots, comprising approximately 1.04 acres in area. There is an existing 1 1/2-story home on the property. The home is set back approximately 64 feet from the street. There is an existing garage along the northern property line (that appears to be inside the setback: it is likely the reason for why a small portion of the adjacent lot was acquired). The area in front of the house is fairly level; starting about 60 feet behind the house, the land drops off approximately 20 feet. Access Current access to the property is from Starkey Road. Surroundina Neighborhood Adjacent land uses consist of (single-family) residences and an office zoned C-1 Commercial (likely a house conversion to a business). To the north of the property is a residence that is less than 10 feet from the garage and 30 feet from the house. To the east of the property is another residence, separated by several hundred feet of open lawn and wooded area. To the west across Starkey Road are several residences on lots approximately'/4 acre in area. To the south is the previously mentioned office. It is important to note that the adjacent property used as a professional office was rezoned in 1989, and had several conditions attached in order to help the development be more compatible with the adjacent properties. They were as follows: (1) Professional offices with only one entrance on Starkey Road. (2) Property shall be used for professional offices only. (3) Type C screening and buffering shall be provided. (4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. No freestanding signage shall be allowed on the property. (5) All parking shall be located behind the front line of the house. (6) Total building floor area shall not exceed 6,000 square feet and height shall be limited to 2 % stories. B. Analysis of Proposed Development Property Characteristics The property is proposed for rezoning from R-3 Medium-Density Residential to C-2 General Commercial. Uses permitted within this district, besides some residential and civic uses, include financial institutions, general and medical offices, and personal and personal improvement services. Additionally automobile dealerships, parts and supplies and minor repair services, commercial indoor and outdoor entertainment, restaurants, retail sales, gasoline stations are also permitted. The proposed use is for a day spa and salon, which fall under personal services and personal improvement services. Site Lavout/Architecture R-~ The applicant is proposing to utilize the existing structure for the business. It is a 1 %2 story brick structure with approximately 750 square feet of area. It appears that this will be the primary and only use of that building (no one will be living there). The applicant will utilize the existing garage for their personal use, and it is not intended to be a part of the business. Parking is proposed at the front of the lot, via a new commercial entrance. A 6 foot stockade fence is proposed along the north end of the parking area. No exterior structural alterations or additions are indicated. The project encompasses the front 1/3 of the lot, with the rear 2/3 proposed as undisturbed. There is no indication of exterior lighting or signage. Access/Traffic Generation The proposed entrance is off Starkey Road. A commercial entrance permit will be required by VDOT. According to Section 30-91-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, 1 parking space per 300 square feet is required of both Personal and Personal Improvement Services. One handicapped parking space will be required per Section 30-91-3. The petitioners have shown a total of nine parking spaces on the concept plan. Fire & Rescue: Emergency vehicle rescue time is estimated at four minutes or less. Drainage/Floodplain: A stormwater management basin for the parking lot is not indicated on the conceptual plan. It is unclear at this point if one is needed; a plan will have to be submitted to the Engineering staff. The property is not located in a floodplain district. Screening_& Buffering: A type "C" buffer will be required along the North and East R-3 property lines. There are two options under this section. The first is a 6 foot screening and 15 foot buffer yard. The second is a series of small evergreen trees (1 planted for every 15 feet) and one row of evergreen shrubs (planted five feet on center) and atwenty-five foot buffer yard. No interior landscaping for the parking area will be required. Water/Sewer: Public water and sewer are available to this site C. Conformance with the Community Plan This property is designated Transition in the 1998 Community Plan. Areas designated as such, according to the Plan, are future land use areas that encourage the orderly development of highway frontage parcels. Further, they generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower intensity development. Intense retail and highway oriented commercial uses are discouraged. Office, smaller-scale institutional and coordinated retail uses are more desirable. Favorable land use types include planned office parks, small-scale and clustered retail uses, multi-family residential and single-family attached residential. The Plan also defines land use determinants conducive to transitional areas, and several of these are present for the proposed project. These include a location where limited commercial uses exist, frontage and access to an arterial or collector street, a location which is physically oriented toward a major street, and availability of urban services (public utilities). A more subjective or unclear determinant is if the use serves as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use patterns. And a determinant not present for the project is the existence of commercial zoning. Overall, the project appears to be in general conformance with the Community Plan for the uses the petitioner is proposing. However at this point the application is for a rezoning to C-2 General Commercial. As mentioned above, this allows for a wide variety of commercial uses, many of which would clearly be in conflict with the Community Plan and not be consistent with development patterns in the area. Salons and day spas are typically limited clientele uses (as opposed to general retail and other general ~Z~ I commercial uses) which can be placed in existing structures with minimal exterior changes. These characteristics are favorable; however a general C-2 rezoning would allow less favorable uses. D. Conformance with County Development Standard The proposed project could likely comply with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, dependent on use type and required parking. Review and approval of site and building plans, VDOT entrance permit, and erosion and sediment control and stormwater management plan will be required. PART I I I Staff Conclusions This property is designated as Transition in the Community Plan. It is located in a largely single-family residential area, with an adjacent small single-business office, and in close proximity to more commercial areas along Starkey Road. The applicant is requesting a rezoning from R-3 Medium-Density Multi-Family Residential to C-2 General Commercial. General Commercial is the County's "blanket commercial" classification, where most retail, foodservice and other product sales are permitted. Several properties adjacent to the subject parcels are zoned R-1, which according to Section 30-41-1 of the Zoning ordinance, "...provide the highest degree of protection from potentially incompatible uses." Allowing a blanket C-2 General Commercial rezoning could create conflicts with the Community Plan, the Zoning Ordinance, and the immediate neighborhood. While the Transitional land use classification does allow for small-scale retail uses and offices, it does not promote many of the commercial uses that are permitted by-right in the C-2 general Commercial zoning district. The Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors in 1989 adopted standards limiting the business adjacent to this lot. It appears logical to recommend the same sort of conditions. However, given the topography of this lot, placing the parking behind the front building line could represent significant additional expenditure. If the Commission is in support of the change in land use, staff recommends the following proffers: (1) The project shall have only one entrance on Starkey Road. (2) Property shall be used for personal improvement services, personal services, and uses permitted by- right in the C-1 Office District. (3) Type C screening and buffering shall be provided along all property lines. (4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. Freestanding sign shall be monument- type and be no greater than 6 feet in height and have an area of no greater than sixteen square feet. (5) Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Jt ~I Check type or application filed (check ail that apply?: C~RE?ONING ^ SPEC!A.L USE ^VARIA.NCE J. David and Z~na Azar Fhone: ~~~-4604 F.policant s name: ~ 2 4 01 3 C/o f'J2a1 S. ~o~rnson, tsq. Zip Code: ` Address: P.O. Bo: 21843, Roano~.e, ~A Phone: - ~ Owner's name: Shelley E. (lontgor7~ry, dr. i Address: 5426 Starkey Road, Roanoke, VA _ 1 Zip Code: 24614 ~, 19-2-3; 87.19-2-2 87 ~•, Location of prope~ ./: • Tax Map Number: 5420 Starkey Road Magisterial District: Cave Spring Community Planning Area: Cave S p r i n g Size of parcel is): Existing Zoning: R-S ' 1. 6 3 acres Existing Land Use: Single ~ a rn i l y sq.ft. :~:~;;;;i:::::::. :::::::::r::;il~;: ~~; ~,~F .... v : C - 2 in d Z P ~~ scarf usz only g n ropose o Proposed Land Use: Day Spa and Shc On Use Type: Does the ~rce! meet the minimum fot area, width, and frontage requirements or' the requested district? YES ~°` NO 1F N0, A V,~iPiA."SCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. / ~ Dees the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? YES V N 0 !F N0, A VAP,I.4NCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? YES NO ;';~ Variance or Section(s) of u`,e Roanoke County Zoning Crdinarce in ordar to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WELL NOT °E ACC~~' i'~:~ It- a.wv ur THESE I I EMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLEi E. R!5 V R!5 W fUS V Consultation 8 1 r'2" x 1 1" concept plan t A.peiication fee Application '~~~<' Metes and bounds description ~>'1 Pror'fers, if applicable Justification ''~° Water and sewer apolicaticn Adjoining property owners !hereby certify that / am ei er th ,o~ o-z, the prop rty t e owner's agent or contract purchaser area am acting with the know/e gyre an ' a resent orb tree ow er. Owner's Signature: _ , ~ ~ ~-~ ~_1 joxlvsoly ~ WARIV~x PLC AttornetJs at Law Neal S. Johnson Direct Dial: 540-777-4604 Email: nsi<c~iohnsonwarner.com P. O. Box 21848 4648 Brambleton Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 540-777-4600 Fax 540-777-4700 William J. Creech, jr. Of Counsel Please reuly to Roanoke HAND DELIVERED Mr. Terry Harrington Zoning Administrator County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, S.W. Post Office Box29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 6 E. Washington Street Lexington, Vuginia 24450 540-463-6233 December 17, 1999 RE: Rezoning Application on behalf of J. David and Ze~ra Azar 5420 Starkey Road; R-3 to C-2 Dear Mr. Harrington: Following up our consultation which occurred on December 7, 1999, I am enclosing the completed Application for the rezoning of property located at 5420 Starkey Road, which is being submitted on behalf of J. David and Zena J. Azar, requesting a rezoning of this property from R- 3 to C-2 to allow for a use of this property as a Day Spa and Salon ("Azario's") which will be more frilly described herein. With the completed Application, I am also enclosing a check in the amount of $977.00, the Concept Plan prepared by Jeff Parkhill with Hughes Associates Architects, and the listing of adjacent property owners. Please accept this letter as completing the portions of the Application concerning justification for the rezoning. INFORMATION REGARDING APPLICANT The applicants for rezoning are David and Zena Azar, who reside in Roanoke County. David Azar presently owns and manages a restaurant on Moorman Avenue in the City of Roanoke. Zena Azar is currently employed with the Edward Grant Salon. If the rezoning request is allowed, Zena Azar will operate the Day Spa and Salon under the name "Azario's Day Spa." Some of Mrs. Azar's qualifications and achievements are documented in Exhibit A which is attached hereto. ~~1 Mr. Terry Harrington December 17, 1999 Page 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AND CURRENT USE The subject property is currently owned by Shelby Montgomery, Jr., and is being utilized as a single family residence. The property consists of a brick structure with a detached garage, having approximately 1,000 square feet of finished living area. The existing garage would continue to be used by the applicant, but a separate parking area will be constructed for customers of the Day Spa and Salon. The legal description of the property is as shown on the Deed and Plat of Survey which are attached. USES OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES The property immediately to the right of the subject property (as you face it), tax parcel #87.19-2-4, is owned by Jack Bess, 5422 Starkey Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24014, is currently zoned C-1 and is utilized by Mr. Bess as a surveyor's office. Contact has been made with Mr. Bess, providing information regarding the rezoning request and offering to meet and answer any questions. The applicant has been advised that Mr. Bess does not foresee any objections to the suggested rezoning. The property immediately to the left of the subject property is owned by Old Heritage Corporation (Hunting Hills Country Club) and has a dwelling on it which currently is being utilized as rental property. PROPOSED USF, AS DAY SPA AND SALON A Day Spa and Salon is an increasingly popular and common type of business which provides numerous health and beauty services, including hair styling, pedicures and manicures, facials, massages, etc., all at one location. Exhibit A hereto provides additional information about day spas, the services to be offered at Azario's Day Spa, and the qualifications of Zena Azar. Exhibit B hereto is a typical menu that is utilized by day spas, detailing the services offered. A trend in the health and beauty service area is to consolidate and combine the provision of health and beauty services in one convenient location. Under §30-29-5 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, a Day Spa and Salon would most appropriately be characterized as a "personal improvement service" or "personal service" commercial use type, which are defined as follows: Personal inzproven2ent services: Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of informational, instructional, personal improvements and similar services. Typical uses include driving schools, health or physical fitness studios, reducing salons, dance studios, handicraft and hobby instruction. Personal services: Establishments or places of business engaged in the provision of frequently or recurrently needed services of a personal nature. Typical uses include beauty and barber shops; grooming of pets, seamstresses, tailors, or shoe (~-1 Mr. Terry Harrington December 17, 1999 Page 3 repairs; florists; and laundromats and dry cleaning stations serving individuals and households. COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING REQUEST WITH ROANOKE COUNTY 1.998 COMMUNITY PLAN The subject property is located on Starkey I~toad (State Route 904) which has developed into a major artery in Roanoke County. The primary land use designations along Starkey Road include Core, Transition, Principal Industrial, with a small area designated as Neighborhood Conservation on the east side of Starkey Road. Under the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan, the subject property is located in an area classified as Transition. The use of the subject property as a day spa and salon is consistent with the emerging uses of property in this Transition area. Its usage will not interfere with the areas designated as Neighborhood Conservation and will not negatively impact the continuation of the existing housing pattern in those areas. The use of the subject property as a Day Spa and Salon along the Starkey Road corridor will promote a commercial use of the property with positive aesthetics and prevents other more unappealing forms of commercial strip development which causes undesirable traffic congestion and access difficulty. The existing structure can be preserved and utilized, thus minimizing the impact on the Neighborhood Conservation area immediately across Starkey Road from the subject property. The development will preserve and enhance and incorporate natural site resources, such as topography, vegetation, and views to and from the site and drainage ways. In summary, the proposed use provides an excellent economic development of the subject property which is consistent with the evolving nature of the area as office and light commercial, but causes no negative impact on the Neighborhood Conservation area located across Starkey Road. JUSTIFICATION UNDER ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE The rezoning of the subject property from R-3 to C-2 furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and allows commercial development in a Transition area along a major corridor in a manner which promotes the health, safety, and general welfare of the public and Roanoke County. Specifically, the rezoning request is consistent with, and promotes the purposes of, the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as specified in §30-3 of the Ordinance. 1. The development as proposed provides for adequate light, air, convenience of access, and has no negative impact on safety from fire, flood, or other dangers. 2. The use of the subject property as proposed is a light commercial use of the property in a transition area which will further the goal of minimizing and preventing congestion in the public streets. R-1 Mr. Terry Harrington December 17, 1999 Page 4 3. The rezoning facilitates the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community. As a Transition area, this portion of Starkey Road will continue to develop with office and light commercial uses, and the use of the subject property as a Day Spa and Salon is an appropriate use in promoting a convenient, attractive, and harmonious community. The subject property is conveniently located to numerous neighborhoods whose residents have need for and will utilize the services provided. 4. The use of the subject property as proposed in no way negatively impacts the provision of adequate police, fire protection, disaster evacuation, civil defense, transportation, water, sewer, flood protection, schools, parks, forests, playgrounds, recreational facilities, airports and other public requirements. 5. The use of the subject property as proposed does not destroy or encroach upon any historic buildings or areas. 6. The use as proposed is consistent with the zoning ordinance's goals to protect against overcrowding of land, undue density of population, obstruction of light or air, hazards and congestion, travel and transportation, etc. 7. The use of the subject property as proposed encourages economic development activities that provides desirable employment and enlarges the tax base. 8. The use as proposed in no way negatively affects the preservation of agricultural and forestal lands. 9. The use as proposed has no negative affect on licensed airports. 10. The use as proposed is consistent with the protection of service and groundwater resources. The purpose of a C-2 General Commercial District classification is to provide locations for a variety of commercial and service related activities which serve a community of several neighborhoods or large areas of the County. General Commercial Districts are most appropriately found along major arterial thoroughfares which serve large segments of the County's population. The proposed rezoning is consistent with the general purpose of a C-2 General Commercial District. Starkey Road has developed into a major arterial thoroughfare which serves large segments of the County's population. Several neighborhoods are located in close vicinity to the subject property, and the proposed use will conveniently serve residents in those neighborhoods. Land uses permitted in a C-2 District are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the Transition land use category of the Comprehensive Development Plan. "Personal improvement services" and "personal services" are permitted uses Ki Mr. Terry Harrington December 17, 1999 Page 5 in a C-2 General Commercial District. The use as proposed as shown on the Concept Plan submitted herewith is in compliance with the minimum lot requirements, minimum setback requirements, and minimum height of structures for a C-2 General Commercial District. IMPACTS OF DEVELOPMENT The rezoning and proposed use of the subject property provides for appropriate economic development in a transition area and does not negatively impact the property itself, the adjoining properties, the surrounding area, or public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation, and fire/rescue. With regard to the property itself, the existing structures will be utilized and improved. There will be no negative impact on the adjoining property currently being used as a surveyor's office, and in fact, provides a commercial development which is of a light commercial nature and consistent with the adjoining property's use as a surveyor's office. The rezoning allows for a light commercial use which also does not negatively impact on the Neighborhood Conservation area located across Starkey Road. CONCLUSION The subject property is located in a Transition area on a major corridor where commercial uses are becoming more prevalent. A Day Spa and Salon is exactly the type of use which will allow for economic development, provide convenient services to neighboring communities, but will not negatively impact existing land uses, traffic, congestion, or other public priorities. On behalf of the applicants, it is respectfully requested that the rezoning Application be approved. Thank you for your attention to this matter. pdc Enclosures cc: J. David and Zena Azar D. Jeffry Parkhill '~k Vii; k ~~.. tag" `~ ~ $k `~ ~t a~,~ 4~~~x n3 „~~ { ~~ ?. ;~ {g ~y ~ . .~M ; ~~ g£ ~~ c , fi o ti :. r `~h ~ ~~~ z ~` , ,\ I I °x aT ~g ~~ ~- ~< ' ~; ~- I ,~ J, ~j N a^=~y~~4 o~>~y~,n ~a~~v ~ Vfi ~0~ a F' `~ lye ~1.w ~~' ~ h. /~ ' ?„~ tC: ~•,' it ~ ~ / y ~, d•~. % Y +F ~~ ~, ~, /i ~~ $8, ~~ ~~:~'~, ~' ~ I'. ~ ~ ~~~~ y ~. ..,mss /,~ v _ ' ~~ n ~~ a\, x / r ~~~~~~ c^ A ~~ ~,Lh rh ~i~~tM / Y~ ~/ :; u, ~ r 4c ~; ~ / is ~~ i n i .,i f a ~~ " ~ ti i zL° ~~o i S x'o °N ?tea Sa 1 '! °' a ,, %, i ~ ~~ ~ y ~ }I-- f ~ ~+ 5 yl~ \ V` ~ ~ ~ ~ l I ~, e~ . l~ j GGNGEPT SATE IrE`lE~OP"!ENT PLAN ~ g ;; ~ 2 ~ a '' ~ `~'" ~ ~ D~VIr? ,4Zr4R ~ ~ xJ--, z y STARKEY RG%AD, ~,''A STATE FZOUT[ ttlla ~-,~ a ['7Y.~-i I I ~ ~ g "`^ RG~ANpICc, VIR~5INIA ~ . P tiCrJ~ RflAND~1~' CD LINTY ~z aA~? ~~~~ NT Q ~' CD~~'TJN~T ~' ~L ~~EL OPM~'NT J. David aid ~eraa Azar ~a~ryo:~e ,~;~c~ ~t-3 to C-? X7,1 ~-.?- 3, ~7, ~ 9_ ~-? -- -- -- - - -..- .... ., ... .. .....,. .x .. r,,.,,~.., ~. ~... .., -rrJ ~ ~ r ~ r Gn r. too ~~ -/ STATEMENT OF VOLUNTARY PROFFERS FOR 1-2/2000 REZONING REQUEST AT 5420 STARKE'Y ROAD (Tax Parcels 87,19-2-2, 87.19-2-3} I, Shelley E. Montgomery, Jr., submit the following voluntary proffers in association with the request of J. David and Zena Azar to rezone approximately 1.04 acres from R-3 Residential to C- 2 Commercial located at 5420 Starkey Road: 1) The project shall have only one entrance on Starkey Road. 2) The property shall be used for personal improvement services, personal services, and uses permitted by-right in the C-1 Office District. 3) Type C screening and buffering shall be provided along all property lines. 4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. Freestanding sign shall be monument-type and be no greater than 6 feet in height and have an area of no greater than 16 squaze feet. Additionally, the sign shall not have back lighting. 5) No neon signage shall be allowed. 6) Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Signed: Shelley . Montgo ery, r. ~-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 ORDINANCE TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A1.04- ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 5420 STARKEY ROAD (TAX MAP NOS. 87.19-2-2 AND 87.19-2-3) IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-3 TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF C-2 WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF DAVID AND ZENA AZAR WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on January 25, 2000, and the second reading and public hearing were held February 29, 2000; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on February 1, 2000; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 1.04 acres, as described herein, and located at 5420 Starkey Road (Tax Map Numbers 87.19-2-2 and 87.19-2- 3) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of R-3, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential District, to the zoning classification of C-2, General Commercial District to operate a day spa and salon in an existing structure. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of David and Zena Azar. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: (1) The project shall have only one entrance on Starkey Road. (2) The property shall be used for personal improvement services, personal services, and uses permitted-by-right in the C-1 Office District. (3) Type C screening and buffering shall be provided along all property lines. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\azar.frm 1 R- (4) Total signage on the property shall not exceed 100 square feet. Freestanding sign shall be monument-type and be no greater than 6 feet in height and have an area of no greater than 16 square feet. Additionally, the sign shall not have back lighting. (5) No neon signage shall be allowed. (6) Hours of operation shall be limited to 7:00 am to 9:00 pm. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Parcel No. 1-Lot 2, Section 2, as shown on the Map of Southern Pines, which map is recorded in the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, page 138. Parcel No. 2 -From the point of intersection of the south line of Sleepy Hollow Road and the easterly line of Virginia State Highway No. 119, S. 25 °. 43' W. 139.1 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 2, Southern Pines Map (PB2, page 138); thence with the dividing line between Lots 1 and 2 of said subdivision, S. 65 °. 55' E. 93 feet to the westerly side of a garage on the dividing line between said lots, which is the Point of Beginning; thence N. 25 °. 43' E. with the westerly line of said garage 2 feet to a point; thence through the center of said garage S. 65 °. 55' E. 24 feet (passing through the center of a well in the easterly end of said garage) to the easterly side of said garage; thence with the same S. 25 °. 43' W. 2 feet to the dividing line between Lots 1 and 2; thence with said dividing line N. 65 °. 55' W. 24 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a two (2) foot section of a double garage and one-half of a well in same, and being a part of Lot 1, Section 2, of said Southern Pines Map. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\azar.frm 2 J ~~ PETITIONER: ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION CASE NUMBER: 37-9199 Planning Commission Hearing Date: September 7, 1999 February 1, 2000 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 29, 2000 A. REQUEST Petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend the zoning ordinance to add a cluster housing option in the R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 districts. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Thomason discussed the issue of density and made a motion to reduce the proposed density from 6 units per acre to 5.5 units per acre. Staff advised the Commission that all density determinations for a particular property are rounded down. Motion to reduce the density was approved 5-0. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS N/A E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Thomason made a motion to approve the proposed ordinance. This motion passed 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: ~ Ordinance Terrance L. arrin n, AICP Secretary Roanoke ounty Planning Commission ~-a 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Second Reading and Public Hearing; An ordinance amending and reenacting the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County by the addition of the cluster housing option in R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 zoning districts. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND' After a public hearing on February 1, 2000, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the attached ordinance. The Commission and staff respectfully requests that the Board of Supervisors hold a public hearing and second reading on this ordinance on February 29, 2000, and thereafter approve these regulations as an addition to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. The attached ordinance differs from the previous drafts reviewed by the Board in two significant ways. First, the ordinance has been revised to require that any requested waiver from the standards be reviewed and approved/denied by the Board. A previous draft of the ordinance would have allowed the Commission to approve the waiver, with the Board having a right to appeal the Commission's action. The Board requested this change at your January 11th worksession. The second major change to this ordinance is a thirty-one percent (31%) reduction in the allowable density permitted under the cluster option. This ordinance proposes an allowable density of 5.5 units per acre. The previous draft of the ordinance proposed an allowable density of 8 units per acre. This ( a reduction in density) was also a change requested by the Board at your worksession. R-a 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors hold second reading and public hearing on the attached cluster housing ordinance, and thereafter approve the ordinance as an amendment to the Roanoke County zoning ordinance. Respectfully Submitted, Terrance L. Harr' gton, AICP Department of Community Development Approved, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Action Approved Denied Received Ref erred to Motion by Vote No Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ®~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, February 29, 2000 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE VIRGINIA BY THE ADDITION OF STANDARDS FOR THE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF CLUSTER SUBDIVISIONS WHEREAS, certain innovative housing provisions will allow landowners to develop their property using "clustering" techniques, thereby preserving open space without increasing gross allowable density of the property available for development; and, WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare, and good zoning practice support an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke to provide for clustering opportunities; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this amendment on September 7, 1999 and on February 1, 2000; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recommended its approval of this amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke to provide for standards for the design and development of Cluster Subdivisions; and, WHEREAS, public notice and advertisement of this amendment has been provided as required by Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia, and the Roanoke County Code; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 28, 1999, and the second readings and public hearings were held on October 26, 1999, November 23, 1999, and February 29, 2000 follows: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as 1. That the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke is hereby amended and reenacted to provide as follows: I. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: SEC 30-28 DEFINITIONS. DELETE: Cluster: A development design technique that concentrates buildings in specific areas on the site to allow the remaining land to be used for recreation, common open space, and preservation of environmentally-sensitive areas. ADD: Cluster Subdivision: An alternative means of subdividing land that concentrates building density in specific areas to allow the remaining land to be reserved for the preservation of environmentally-sensitive features and open space. R-.t Conservation Areas, Primary: Areas within the 100-year floodplain, slopes greater than 25%, lands within designated view sheds and designated ridgetop preservation areas identified and mapped in the 1998 Community Plan, greenway corridors shown on the Greenway Conceptual Plan and elevations 15,00 feet or greater above mean sea level. Conservation Areas, Secondary: Areas with slopes between 15% and 25%, healthy woodlands, locations of species listed as endangered, threatened or of special concern, historic structures and sites, riparian zones outside the FEMA study area and productive agricultural and forested lands. Lot, Conservation: A lot that has been dedicated to a land trust, homeowners, condominium, or similar association, government agency or other entity through an easement or other transfer of ownership, and set aside in perpetuity as open space in a cluster subdivision. Property Resource Map: A map utilized in the cluster subdivision process that depicts the Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas of the subject property. II. ARTICLE III DISTRICT REGULATIONS IS HEREBY AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING PERMITTED USES: SEC. 30-41- 2 PERMITTED USES (A) 1. Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) SEC 30-42-2 PERMITTED USES. (A) Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) 5EC 30-45-2 PERMITTED USES. (A) Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) SEC 30-46-2 PERMITTED USES. 2 ~r (A) 1. Residential Uses Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option -*) III. ARTICLE IV USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS IS HEREBY AMENDED BY THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS FOR CLUSTER SUBDIVISIONS. Sec. 30-82-13.1 Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option) (A) Intent Establish a method for Roanoke County to protect vital natural and historic resources from development and permanent loss. 2. Prevent the destruction of valuable view sheds, ridgetops and wildlife corridors, including but not limited to, the Blue Ridge Parkway and Appalachian Trail, and other resources identified in the 1998 Community Plan. Reserve, enhance, and add to the existing and proposed greenway system throughout the County, as identified in the 1998 Community Plan. 4. Provide the citizens of Roanoke County additional open space and recreation areas. Encourage the design of creative, innovative developments that utilize the land's natural resources and features and incorporates them into functional preservation and development plans. Offer an alternative to conventional subdivision development by allowing for compact clusters of housing units rather than spaced lots that encompass the entire property. (B) Applicability Cluster subdivisions proposed in accordance with the standards contained herein shall be a permitted use by-right in R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zoning districts. ~~~ (C) General Standards Minimum tract size of the cluster subdivision: Three (3) acres. Public water and public sewer shall be provided to each lot within the proposed subdivision. Property shall be excluded from the cluster subdivision option where, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, previous land disturbing activities have significantly altered a Primary or Secondary Conservation Area, to the extent that important features worthy of conservation have been destroyed or severely modified. Allo~u~ble .i~ensr .Ft~e d otte~h~l~' SS ,d~?uellfn .ttnlts ~ acre; (D) Minimum Lot, Setback and Frontage Requirements 1. There shall be no minimum lot area or setback requirements, however, the normal front, rear, and side yard setback requirements must be maintained adjacent to any lot or existing public street right of way not within the proposed cluster development. 2. Minimum public street frontage: Forty eight (48) feet on a publicly owned and maintained street except as modified by Section 30-82-13.1 (F) (E) Open Space Requirements I. Minimum Open Space: Thirty-five (35) percent of the gross acreage of the tract. If the site contains Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas in excess of 35 percent, all Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas shall be preserved up to a required maximum of 50 percent of the tract. The applicant shall have the right to provide conservation areas in excess of those required. 2. When Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas exceed 50 percent of the tract, then Primary 4 l~.- ~ Conservation Areas shall be given priority in reaching the 50 percent maximum open space. At least 40 percent of all lots for residential use shall have a property line directly abutting the open space area within the cluster development, or have direct access to a developed trail providing access to the open space. The location of any such trail shall be clearly marked, and the trail shall be constructed of a surface material that is appropriate to the terrain, and distinguishable to the user. 4. Ownership and maintenance of open space shall be one of the following: a. Common land owned in perpetuity by the owners of lots in the development, through a homeowners, condominium or similar association. Provisions for the maintenance of the open space in perpetuity shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator in conjunction with plat approval. b. Dedication of the land in perpetuity to a nonprofit organization or land trust through a conservation easement or fee simple conveyance. c. Public land after dedication to, acceptance and maintenance by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors or other governmental entity for recreational, conservation, historic or other open space purposes. Conservation lots may be created in compliance with the terms of this ordinance and the Roanoke County Subdivision ordinance, notwithstanding the frontage, width, area, and other design standards for lots found in Article III of this ordinance. Any such lot proposed for platting shall be clearly designated on a subdivision plat reviewed and approved by Roanoke County. This plat shall contain notations and covenants that clearly forbid, in perpetuity, the use of the conservation lot for any type of residential dwelling, or other use or structure as prohibited by these provisions. 6. If required open space is located within a mapped greenway comdor, as depicted on the Greenway Conceptual Plan at the time of submittal of the preliminary plat, then a greenway easement shall be dedicated to Roanoke County or their designated agent. The Zoning Administrator, in consultation with the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission, shall determine the exact location and dimensions of the easement to be dedicated. 7. No building, building addition, structure, street, driveway, parking area or any other type of physical land improvement shall be located within a required Primary or Secondary Conservation area. Notwithstanding the above, trails may be developed in Primary and Secondary Conservation areas. (F) Street and Access Requirements All residential lots within a cluster subdivision shall have frontage on and access to a publicly dedicated and maintained street except as provided in this section. 2. Lots within a cluster subdivision shall not be required to have frontage on a publicly dedicated and maintained street provided: a. No dwelling unit shall be located further than 500 feet, as measured in a straight line, from an access point to a publicly dedicated and maintained street that the dwelling unit has direct access to, and 5 R-a, b. Lots without public street frontage shall be planned and arranged into distinct residential clusters of three (3) or more dwelling units served by a common private street, and c. No more than twenty (20) dwelling units shall be allowed on any single private street or independent network of private streets. Maintenance of private streets shall be the responsibility of the homeowners association. Subdivision plat covenants shall provide that all maintenance of private streets including snow removal, is not a public responsibility. Covenants shall further certify that the private street shall not be eligible for acceptance into the State Secondary System for maintenance until such time as it is constructed and otherwise complies with all requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation for the addition of subdivision streets current at the time of such request. Any costs required to cause private streets to become eligible for addition into the state system shall be provided with funds other than those administered by Roanoke County or the Virginia Department of Transportation. 4. Pavement surface: The minimum pavement surface shall be asphalt. Alternate materials such as concrete, structural pavers, or cobblestone may be substituted provided the proposed surface will support the expected loads. Calculations and/or manufacturers specifications shall be required at submittal. Gravel is not an acceptable surface course. 5. Base Course: six (6) inches minimum depth. For streets to be served by school buses, eight (8) inches minimum depth. These depths are for sub-bases with a CBR value of 10 or higher. 6. Private streets shall be designed to accommodate the provision of regular public services. Specifically: a. Vehicle turn arounds shall be included. The turn around may be a cul-de-sac or T-turn around. b. A representative of the Roanoke County School Board shall review the design, and location of all proposed private streets, and shall advise the applicant whether or not the proposed private streets meet the standards for school bus service. If the proposed design does not meet standards for school bus service, the final subdivision plat shall contain a notation that the proposed private streets do not meet the standards for public school bus services and that the Roanoke County School Board shall not be obligated to provide service on the private streets. c. The final subdivision plat shall contain the notation that the proposed private streets do not meet the standards for public solid waste collection and that Roanoke County shall not provide solid waste collection on private streets. The applicant shall have the responsibility for addressing the collection of solid waste on private streets. A representative of the Roanoke County Department of General Services shall review proposals for solid waste collection on private streets, prior to plat approval. 7. Vehicular Access: Private streets shall be platted as a separate parcel of land dedicated to the homeowners' association. Private right of ways shall be of sufficient width to encompass all drainage structures for the street and to allow maintenance of the street. On street parking shall be prohibited on at least one side of the street, to ensure adequate space for public service vehicles. Drainage: Drainage design shall meet all existing Virginia Department of Transportation and County of Roanoke standards, as amended. Drainage easements shall be platted to the homeowners' association for maintenance. 2-. 9. Signage: a. All traffic control and warning signs on private streets shall be the responsibility of the developer/homeowners' association, and b. All access points from the public street to the private street shall be clearly marked with a sign stating that the street is private. 10. Private Street Design: The following are required design standards for private streets. PROJECTED MINIMUM MA3QMUM MINIMUM MINIMUM TRAFFIC AND GRADE b SIGHT SHOULDER (VEHICLES MA3~vIUM DISTANCE ` WIDTH PER DAB PAVEMENT WIDTH e 30-40 VPD 14' 18% 50' 2' 41-80 VPD 16' 18% 70' 3' 81-100 VPD 18' 18% 90' 4' 101-200 20' 16% 100' 4' VPD a. Pavement width is based upon a shoulder and ditch section. One-way streets shall be a minimum of twelve (12) feet wide. b. Maximum grade: streets shall not exceed 300 feet in length for grades greater than or equal to 16%. Maximum grade at all landings shall not exceed 5%. Length of the landing, in feet, shall be based on the following formula: vehicles per day X .5 feet. c. Sight distance refers to stopping distance only. Sight distance at the intersection of two private streets shall meet a design speed of 25 mph. Sight distance at the intersection of a private street and a public street shall meet VDOT commercial entrance requirements. (G) Public Water and Sanitary Sewer Public water and sewer shall conform with Roanoke County Water and Sewer Standards, latest edition, with the following exceptions: a. For homes located within the minimum required distance to a fire hydrant, the following shall apply: The homes may be served by private laterals, provided: 7 R-a, a. Water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be located near the public street right of way, and, b.. A maximum of six meters or cleanouts shall be located side by side. b. For homes on private streets requiring the extension of public water and sewer services, the following shall apply: A combined water and sewer easement of a minimum width of 25 feet shall be allowed, provided the depth is not excessive. 2. If the street pavement surface is an alternative to asphalt, the Director of Utilities must approve, in writing, the location of the services within the paved area. The water and sewer easement(s) shall be separate from any Public Utility Easement. (H) Cluster Development Process The applicant shall meet with the Zoning Administrator or his/her designee to review the requirements for a cluster subdivision prior to the preparation of the preliminary plat. A site visit shall be arranged to review the site and identify approximate locations of Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas. The applicant shall then have drawn, preferably by a licensed engineer/surveyor, architect or landscape architect, a Property Resource Map. At a minimum this map shall include the following: a. Total acreage and acreage of each Primary and Secondary Conservation area and other open space areas b. Percent slope, in the following increments: <15%, 15-25%, >25% c. Flood plains, wetlands, and riparian zones outside the FEMA study area d. Historic structures and sites e. Designated view sheds and ridgetop preservation areas identified and mapped in the 1998 Community Plan f. Greenway corridors mapped on the Greenway Conceptual Plan g. Elevations 1500 feet or greater above mean sea level h. Healthy woodlands I. Location of species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern Productive agricultural and forested lands 2. The applicant shall submit a preliminary plat in accordance with Article II of the Roanoke County Subdivision Regulations. The following additional items shall be required to accompany the preliminary plat: a. All Primary and Secondary Conservation Areas and other required open space areas to be ~~ designated as permanent open space, shall be mapped as conservation lots and noted on the plat. b. All deed restrictions and covenants applicable to private streets, public services, open space, and cluster subdivision lots. c. The location of all building lots to be conveyed. 3. Once approval for the preliminary plat has been given, the applicant shall submit the final plat in accordance with Article III of the Roanoke County Subdivision Regulations. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after March 1, 2000 C:\OFFICE\WPWIN\WPDOCS\CLUSTER\CLUSTREVZ.wpd 9 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: February 29, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the approval of a Special Use Permit for the Evangel Foursquare Church, for a religious assembly use located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 1 have concerns about the impact of increased traffic on an already busy intersection. 1 also have concerns for the loss of so much commercial property beyond that which is necessary for the church for religious purposes. 1 recommend denial or delay until such time as these issues can be addressed. In its undeveloped state zoned as agricultural, we have collected real estate taxes in the amount of $2,839 per year based on the assessed value of $251,300. However, the real estate taxes on the land as commercial use would be $7,345 per year based on an assessed value of $650,000. This does not include taxes that could be collected from other commercial operations that might build in this area in the future. It is di~cu/t to project what the commercial activities might be, but it could easily amount to $150,000 fo $250,000 per year for a medical, professional or retail use. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator G~-3 PETITIONER: EVANGEL FOURSQUARE CHURCH, TRUSTEES CASE NUMBER: 40-12199 Planning Commission Hearing Date: December 7, 1999; February 1, 2000 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: February 29, 2000 A. REQUEST Petition of Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees for two (2) Special Use Permits. One for a church and one for a day care, located at Stable Road and Singing Hills Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Claude Carter, attorney, represented a number of the surrounding neighbors and expressed concerns of existing traffic problems and the proposed uses significantly increasing that problem. L. L. Harris described aligning Stable Road with Franklin Road. Randy Kingery described a history of the property and supported the church request. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Ross inquired about the number of church members, phases of construction and the possibility of a northbound turning lane on Franklin Road. Mr. Thomason inquired from Mr. Natt, attorney, representing the proposed church and day care, the number of cars at a church service, the number of children at the day care, and a description of other activities at the site. Mr. Robinson and Ms. Hooker had concerns about traffic. Mr. Witt expressed concerns with the proposed church use in a Core area as well as traffic concerns. D. CONDITIONS 1. The site shall be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. 2. The building shall be constructed in substantial conformity with the building elevations prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. 3. The exterior of the building and all equipment shall be constructed with non-reflective materials and earth-tone colors to reduce the visibility potential from the Parkway. 4. The existing screening adjacent to Singing Hills Road shall be undisturbed, plus an additional 25 foot buffer yard shall be developed adjacent to Singing Hills Road with the following screening: one (1) large evergreen tree planted every 20 linear feet, each tree shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet at time of planting with an ultimate height of not less than 50 feet at maturity. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt moved to recommend denial of the SUP for the church with conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Thomason, Witt, Hooker, Robinson NAYS: Ross Mr. Witt moved to recommend denial of the SUP for the day care with conditions. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Ross, Thomason, Witt, Hooker, Robinson NAYS: None ~3 2 F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Jane Scheid, Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission STAFF REPORT R-3 PETITIONER: Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees PREPARED BY: John Murphy CASE NUMBER: 40- 12/99 DATE: December 7, 1999 PART I A. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Evangel Foursquare Church is proposing to construct a new church facility with day care on the former golf driving range located at the intersection of Stable Road and Singing Hills Drive. The total facility is proposed to be 43,000 square feet. This request is for a / Special Use Permit for the master plan for amulti-phase religious facility and day care facility. The site is designated Core in the 1998 Community Plan and is located in the Cave Spring Magisterial District and Clearbrook Community Planning Area. B. DESCRIPTION The Evangel Foursquare Church trustees are requesting a Special Use Permit for the constniction of a new religious assembly facility and day care facility Located at the intersection of Stable Road and Sinning Hills Road. The applicant is requesting the Special Use Permit for the master plan of a multi-phase building program with an ultimate size of 4,000 square feet with a seating capacity of 500. The site is 18.5 acres and is the former location of the golf driving range in the Clearbrook Community. C. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The subject property is zoned AV, Agricultural/Village Center District. In April of 1999 the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors made a series of amendments to the zoning ordinance. One of the amendments included the requirement that the religious assembly use require a Special Use Permit in the AV district, whereas prior to this time a religious assembly was allowed by right in the AV district. The previous use for this property was a golf driving range. In 1986, a rezoning from RE {Residential Estates) to B-2 with a special exception was granted for the driving range. Several proffered conditions were attached to the petition including the use to be limited to a golf driving range. In a written opinion from the Zoning Administrator dated December of 1998, the proffers were signed by an agent of the petitioner, and not the actual owner of the property at the time of the rezoning, therefore the proffered conditions are not valid. This makes the zoning of the property AV unconditional. In considering a Special Use Permit, the proposed development shall conform to the County's Community Plan and other County policies including the purposes of the zoning ordinance, have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood in terms of traffic congestion, noise, drainage and other factors listed in Section 30-19-1 of the zoning ordinance. The Use and Design Standards for a religious assembly require any outdoor activity area which ~- 3 adjoins a residential use type to be landscaped with one (1) row of small evergreen trees in accordance with section 30-92 along the property line adjoining the residential use type. When night-time lighting of such areas is proposed large evergreen trees shall be required. In addition, when parking related to a religious assembly use is adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard shall be required. The Type C options are: a 15 foot buffer yard with a 6 foot screening, or a 25 foot buffer yard with small evergreen trees and one (1) row of evergreen shrubs. The Use and Design Standards for a day care facility require compliance with the Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers established by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Approval for well and septic systems shall be required from the Roanoke County Health Department. / A commercial entrance permit shall be required from VDOT. Site plan review will be required from Roanoke County to insure compliance with all County standards including storm-water management. Sealed building plans shall be reviewed by the Building Commissioner and Planning staff. PART II A. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Location -The 18.5 acre site is located east of Stable Road (State Route 766) at the intersection of Singing Hills Road (State Route 933), in the Clearbrook (:ommunity Planning Area and Cave Spring Magisterial District. Topography/Vegetation -The property generally slopes from the northeast (elevation 1220 feet) to southwest (elevation 1150 feet). There is a row of pine trees and other sparse trees lined along a portion of the property adjacent to Singing Hills Road providing minimal screening. Along the entire eastern edge of the property is a dense growth of mature hardwood trees. The remainder of the site is open and grassy. There is a north to south open drainage ditch across the eastern side of the site adjacent to the front side of the wooded area fed by a rip-rap ditch under Singing Hills Road. Surroundin Neighborhood -The general neighborhood has a mix of uses. To the west of the site, between Stable Road and Franklin Road are some multi-story brick residences, several undeveloped sites, and the Parkway Motel all zoned AV. To the north, across Singing Hills Road are several single-family residences, and a stable all zoned AR. To the east are some single- family residences and a church. To the south of the site are single family homes and aMod-U- Kraft Homes display units with an AV zoning. Stable Road is a 50-foot, state maintained right of way with an 18-foot wide paved surface. Singing Hills Road is a 30-foot right of way, which is state maintained immediately adjacent to the subject property, with a varying 14-foot paved surface. Singing Hills Road makes a 90-degree turn to the right just past this property and state I~`~ maintenance ends several hundred feet beyond this turn. At the 90-degree turn a section of Singing Hills Road continues straight, but this section is a private road. The site is easily visible from the Blue Ridge Parkway just north of the Rt. 220 entrance. The subject property is at the base of Roanoke Mountain, which has a peak elevation of 2193 feet, and the Roanoke Mountain Loop from the Parkway is on the western side of the mountain. B. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture -The building elevations provided by the applicant show cone-story facility, with one section of the sanctuary having a roof peak 38 feet from grade. The youth building shows a 24-foot high roof peals. As of this time the exterior construction materials have not been identified. ~he closest point of the combination sanctuary, daycare and educational facility is approximately 150 feet from the property line adjacent to Singing Hills Road. The gym area is proposed to be located south of the main facility. Parking for the uses is shown immediately to the east and west of the buildings. The south to southwest corner is the site of the proposed stormwater management area. A small southwest corner of this site is within the F.E.M.A. 100-Year Flood Plain, but does not appear to affect the site as it is shown on the plan prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. Access -Only one (1) access point for the proposed uses is shown on the concept plan from Stable Road. At the request of some of the neighbors, the multiple access from Singing Hills Road and Stable Road was modified to just allow access from the Stable Road side. Traffic Circulation -Access to the proposed church and daycare site is limited to Stable Road. Northbound traffic on Franklin Road (Rt. 220) can make a right turn onto Stable Road approximately 120 feet south of the traffic signal at the Franklin Road and Buck Mountain Road intersection. Stable Road at Franklin Road is a 50-foot right of way that sharply decreases to a 30-foot right of way, in a sharp curve beside the Buck Mountain Grille. The narrow right of way is in the section of Stable Road that crosses Blue Ridge Parkway property and there are several "no parking" signs posted along this section of road. At this intersection of Stable Road and Franklin Road, beside the Buclc Mountain Grille, there is no crossover for southbound Franklin Road. Vehicles traveling south on Franklin Road have a limited turning lane for Stable Road, immediately south of the signalized intersection at Buck Mountain Road. If a significant number of vehicles traveling south on Franklin Road, enter the left turn lane to access the site, the left travel lane of Franklin Road would become stacking for the turning lane at the signalized intersection. Fire & Rescue/Utilities -Fire and Rescue services will continue as presently served. Currently public water and sewer are not immediately to the site. The concept plan shows drainfields for a septic system and a future water service. The County Utility Department has long term conceptual plans to serve a portion of this general area with public utilities. C. CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The subject site is designated as Core in the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan. In addition the northeastern 2/3 of the site is within the Blue Ridge Parkway Viewshed overlay. This fps 3 designation was changed to Core with the adoption of the current Community Plan, from the Village Center future land use designation in the 1986 Comprehensive Plan. The Core future land use designation encourages high intensity urban development. Land uses within core areas parallel the central business districts of Roanoke, Salem and Vinton. Core areas may also be appropriate for larger-scale highway oriented retail uses and regionally-based shopping facilities. Due to limited availability, areas designated as Core are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities. PART III A. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The Clearbrook Community, specifically centered around the elementary school hub, is an area that is expected to see some significant changes in the future with the extensions of public utilities. As a result of a failing septic system at the elementary school in past years, public sewer was made available to the school and as a result, other users in the Franklin Road (Rt. 220) corridor have connections to the service. The availability of public utilities and road improvements to the Rt. 220 corridor further south of this site, have served as a catalyst for the change in the nature of the Clearbrook hub. Due to the projected changes in the Clearbrook area, the future land use designation was changed from Village Center to a more intensive designation of Core with the adoption of the 1998 Community Plan. The site of the proposed church and day care facility is within the Core designation of this community. The proposed religious assembly use is inconsistent with the Community Plan's future land use intent. In addition VDOT has some concerns about the restricted flow of traffic to and from the site due to the limited access and the southern intersection of Stable Road and Franklin Road not being aligned with the traffic signal at Buck Mountain Road. There is concern from VDOT that Stable Road southbound turning lane traffic will stack in the travel lanes of Franklin Road. The existing deceleration lane and turning lane does not meet current VDOT standards. This proposed uses generally concentrate the traffic volumes at specific time periods. Due to the site's Core designation and the proposed religious assembly use not being in conformance with the Core guidelines, and with the traffic flow concerns as the roads and turning lanes currently exist staff is not supportive of this request. Staff is aware that high intensity retail or other significant commercial uses at this site, as the Community Plan Core designation recommends, creates more significant impacts on the surrotulding neighborhood in terms of increased traffic volume, greater hours of operation as well as a significant change in the physical appearance of the neighborhood. Should the Planning Commission grant a favorable recommendation of this request staff suggests the following conditions be attached to the Special Use Permit: 1. The site shall be developed in substantial conformity with site plan prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. 2. The building shall be constructed in substantial conformity with the building elevations prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. i~~ 3. The exterior of the building shall be constructed with non-reflective materials and earth- tone colors to reduce the visibility potential from the Parkway. 4. The existing screening adjacent to Singing Hills Road shall be undisturbed, plus an additional 25 foot buffer yard shall be developed adjacent to Singing Hills Road with the following screening: one (1) large evergreen tree planted every 20 linear feet, each tree shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet at time of planting with an ultimate height of not less than 50 feet at maturity. The existing vegetation on the eastern side of the property shall remain undisturbed. • • • ~ " E COUNTY G~ ROr.NOK - date received: r..~_:, e^ bY: ~ ~ ° ING ~` .~,7 ~ `~~" ~~'~~ I GE PLANNING A.ND ZON DEPT ~~ . ;20~ Bernard Qr. appiic tion fee_ ~`'~,'i. - PCiBZ,~ date I ;;r'~_ : Cx.. Il ~~ ~/ P.0. Sox 2°8G0 piagards_Issued: `` ~ da'.e: ~ r.., ~: '. VA 24018 Rcar.oke , ( ~~^~ 7-'2-2063 FA. ~ (5=0) % % =-L1 Q$ Case ~~lurnoer: ~,,, ~~'- ~ ' ~ .. . ;' ;4;z~~~'~ 1~ ~ Check type or application filed (check afi that apply): ~~ .._ .~,~~,- rx,~~~r,~~~ ~~~~ nvaRlaNCt ~:. Applicant`s nay:~e: Evangel Foursquare Church, Trustees ' '.'O''e~ 982-3694 Code: Z' 24013 P Address: 612 Bull itt Ave . , S E (Attn : Mr . Ken Wright) Ro Owner's name: P'r~one: 982-3694 Evangel Foursquare Church, Trustees / ZpCode: 24013 Address: 612 Bullitt Ave., SE Roanoke, VA ~:~ .#~ ~c~2- ' ~` 3 Location of proper;•y; ~ T ax Map Numoer: 88.03-1-09 Along State Rt. 766 & 933 ~~rlagisteriai District: Cave Spring Community Planning Area; ~. _.. ., ~i<~ or parcel (s): Existing Zoning: AV 18 49 acres - xisting Land Use: Open sq.~~. - I .:. ::::..:...................I. ..: , . .::.:.. ,:...:.::...;:;:.:... ;,.,...:.:.:...:. . :~ ... j-- ~ ' . ~3. I: '~' ,~ :~ 'n ` , t rte.:,'g <' ~ ~ ~-~` # j Fir c,dr- !rsa Gr.! Proposed Zoning: Propnsed Land Usa: ; usz 'ype: Church ~ (~~;,..~ ~~ ~ ~ I Dces the parcz! meet the minimum lot area, width, and rrontage require;r~ents or the requested district? YES x NO IF NO, A V-.Rim.;~JCE !S REQUIRED FIRST . Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria fer t~~e requested Use Type? YES X NC IF NO, A ~.~ARiANCE IS REQUIRED FIRS i . If re_oning request, are conditions being ororfe: ed with this request% YES NO , :' '•" : . :, L ;.,` ::::::. ti :~ "':. x Variance or Section(s) o~ the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in crdar to: Is the application complete? F':ease check if enc`osed. A,rPLICA-ION'NILL ,~tO T of ,=.CCE°-FC IF ,^-.,~'Y GF Tr-{ESE ITEMS ARE MISCiNG OR WCOMPL~ ii F. ws v Rf5 V ~~gmr-V-~ Consultation I I ( 8 1 %2" x 1 ~" concept plan ~ P.ppiicat;on fee Application Nletes anc .bounds descriotien ~::`:''~ Fr07ferS, !r' appiicaoie F A.d~oinin rc er~ a~,vners !ustirication ~'~~ Water and sa~Ner apoiicatien ~ 9 P P f ~ hefeDy CeftlT/ that ~ am e:the.' the Ownef Qf rfle ~ropefi; Cf tr12 04Vf]e!`J' a~e,r7r Gf COi,ttc~Gt QU(C.'1aScf af1G _. r-~`- am acrir,g witr, the knowledge and consa.nr or the ownef~,--~"f/~ Owner's Signature: ~ ~~.,.-z~.,- -~. j ! ~.pplicant Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees i he Planning Commission `Ni1i study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justir'ication for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general ~Neifare. Please ans`rrer the felle`.^~ing gUeStiORS aS ti'IOrOUgilly aS pCSSible. USe addltlGnai Space IT neCeSSary. Please explain how the request rushers the purposes of the Loving Ordinance (Section 30-3) as `J~,reil as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in *.he zoning ordinance. This project is a religious assembly facility with a day care center to be located on a 18.49 acre site for Evangel Foursquare Church. The site is located at Stable Road (along State Routes 766 and 933). This request i,~ for a special use permit for. the Master Plan of a Multi-phase building program with an ultimate size of 43,000 SF with a seating capacity for 500. This facility will aid in the creation of a convenient, attractive and harmonious community and reduce over all land use density and increase the public services to the community through child care and by helping to extend public water service to an area where it does not currently exist. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guide?roes and policies contained ir, the Rcano;ce County Comprehensi~fe P;an. Religious assembly facilities and day care centers are permitted by the zoning ordinances by special use permit and are generally consistent with the comprehensive plan. Street access is available and public water is being extended to serve the .proposed facility. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the prcpery itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as welt as the impacts on public services and facilities, including vJater/sewer, roads, schools, par4cs/recreation, and fire rescue. The proposed project will have minimal impact on the adjoining properties with regard to fire rescue.-The project will enhance the community by helping to bring public water to the area. A day care center which will offer care for infants through age 12 with a before/after school program will be available to area schools. A gymnasium and outdoor recreational facilities will provide a new service to the community that will compliment the park/recreation services. No traffic outlet is proposed for Singing Hills Drive. Traffic along Sable Road will increase with the facility primarily Sunday mornings and evenings. Adequate on site parking is proposed. Storm water run off will be contained through a proposed holding pond. • i• i• ~ /~~ , ~4i ,~ ~-1 ~ ~ ; ' ~j li a /~~, i ~I~' i ~ ~ I~~ 'i ~~~~ ~ , ~,~ ~ , II.~, i ~ i ' ~l ~ /r ~ ~ ~ ~ I l o ~ ~~ i ~ I Pi, ill ~" ~'; ]i. ~ ~~~ !' ~,' { ~~~ ~~4. a J~ ~ ~ ~ I !Q". I ~'~ I ~~.:, / I~_'I /; ~J G~ ~~ ~~~ , , ;a if I~ ~Ij ~~% i_ ,rr J`.'' ,'; ~° ;. ~d ~~~ ~~ ~; ~, ~' ~' ,~ ,, ~i ~~-- ,,, . .~,. !~ ~~ FI ~~ `~ `~ ~I~ i;! -~ ~~ i J~.- `Z ~- .~ . ~. x, ~i~,- ~~~ ,i ~.. 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'~~ 2~' "' ~, ~ ?~~ ~~ 3 5 ; :I ~~~: .- ' ~ ~ ~ J l ~F~ ~I ~ _ ?+i) Ac ~ ~ 1 t~ . A N~ ~~ ~v ~.iL/ v I i 1 ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i~ f~~'~ ~ ~~ ~J ~~, - ,,-~ ~ 2.00 Ac. _. J1~~ ~~ ^ ;., ~O g~ ~~.?J ~ e,~ y q~,1- 1 ~a, A i RQAtYGf~E CUL'NTY E'21(X,TLgC~ FCa'u7'squ~z're Chzarch DEP.aRT~b1ENT OF' Special L'sF C0.1f1fUNITY DEVELUP:KE.'VT Tax biup No.88.03- !- 9 ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2000 ORDINANCE GRANTING TWO SPECIAL USE PERMITS TO EVANGEL FOURSQUARE CHURCH TRUSTEES -ONE FORA CHURCH AND ONE FOR A DAY CARE - TO BE LOCATED AT STABLE ROAD AND SINGING HILLS ROAD (TAX MAP N0. 88.03-1-9), CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees have filed a petition for two special use permits -one for a church and one for a day care - to be located at Stable Road and Singing Hills Road (Tax Map No. 88.03-1-9) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held public hearings on this matter on December 7, 1999 and February 1, 2000; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on November 23, 1999; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on February 29, 2000. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of two special use permits to Evangel Foursquare Church Trustees -one for a church and one for a day care - to be located at Stable Road and Singing Hills Road (Tax Map No. 88.03-1-9) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 1999 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permits are hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) The site shall be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. (2) The building shall be constructed in substantial conformity with the building U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\evangel.wpd 1 ~~~ elevations prepared by Pierson Engineering & Surveying, dated October 20, 1999. (3) The exterior of the building and all equipment shall be constructed with non- reflective materials and earth-tone colors to reduce the visibility potential from the Parkway. (4) The existing screening adjacent to Singing Hills Road shall be undisturbed, plus an additional 25 foot buffer yard shall be developed adjacent to Singing Hills Road with the following screening: one (1) large evergreen tree planted every 20 linear feet, each tree shall have a minimum height of five (5) feet at time of planting with an ultimate height of not less than 50 feet at maturity. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\ZONING\evangel.wpd 2 February 29,2000 Board Of Supervisors Roanoke County 5204 Bernard Drive, S.W. Roanoke, Virginia 24014 My name is Kathleen K. King, I live at 5186 singing Hills Road. I was born and grew up just three (3) miles South on 220 from where I now live. My husband and I bought our property on Singing Hills Road in June 1982; lived there six (6) years; sold it in May 1988. This property became available again and we loved this neighborhood so much that we bought this property back again in May 1993; Hoping never ever to move again. This is the reason I stand before you tonight asking you to please reconsider and pass the two (2) special use permits necessary for The Gateway Foursquare Church to build on the 18.5 Acres in front of my home. Looking out my door I see the 18.5 Acres and whatever else that may be built on this property. If you were living in my house which would you prefer looking at;A Church Building designed to worship our Creator OR Maybe a Walmart, Home Depot, or some other commercial building. I understand from a business point of view the church will not be paying real estate taxes and this is a valuable piece of land as far as the county views it, but must everything have to have a dollar sign on it to be of value ? I THINK NOT!!! Value to some people may not be value to others. Please help us the neighbors of this community to keep our neighborhood as peaceful and as unchanged as possible. I have a petition with the signatures from the neighbors in support of The Gateway Foursquare Church being built on the 18.5 Acres in our neighborhood. Also I am and have been a member of Clearbrook Baptist Church for sixteen (16) years. I teach prejunior church and my husband is a deacon and also he teaches junior church. Our Church is located at the back of this 18.5 Acres. I also have ~~ignatures from the members and attendances of Clearbrook Baptist Church in support of The Gateway Foursquare Church being built on the 18.5 Acres located at 5188 Stable Road. Thank you for allowing me to speak to you tonight and again I ask you to please reconsider this matter not just in dollar and cents, but from what would be better for our neighborhood and our people. Again Thank you 1. Page 1 Of 3 February 4,2000 ~~ ~' N,,i'~ l c We The Members Of The Clearbrook And Singing Hills Community Area Are In Support Of The Gateway Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen (18) Acres Located At 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke County. ~~, ~ e~~ s 7~~~3~~~ ,, .< << ,, uln ~ "~~_ ~.NV~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ( ~ t ~ l ~4V ~ , ~. i.J ~ ~ ~ mil cJ ~~./ J c~~~ ~ . ate. a ~ ~~,,-`.~'L~-c a ~ ~,~ ~ ~o ~ "~c.~ l`-~ ~ ~~ 5~ 3" ~u.~.Ce -~F~v ~ ~ z 7~ S - 4~0~~ ^y. spa S~ '~ ~l ~ -7G~ '~~,C~ lti~~ 5~~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ih ~ ~ 7 `~ - 3 i 6 ~~ Y-~D~~ / ~ Z / c.L~ ~ ~--~ / H~ ' / rt,, . / ,~ / ~' Q '. - ~ ~ ~~ .r ~~ ~ N Jl ~/ ~ l ~ J2LJ Y c~ it ~~„~.~ ~ ~~ ~ z5 i w~c~ci ~--~ 77 ~ -~-1~3 ~~~ ~ _ ~~ Doh ~~~ ~ ., ~ ~ y _, ~ .~' ~~ ~~ ~ S Slid ~~ ~~ ~ aN~l~~~~ 9 ~ g - .S`~o ~ S T a A n a k~~ A 7 - ~f' ~ 7~ NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE Page 2 Of 3 February 4,2000 We The Members Of The Clearbrook And Singing Hills Community Area Are In Support Of The Gateway Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen (18) Acres Located At 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke County. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE ~~~-. ~ ~ ~; ,7 ,~ is ~c~ 7 L/ ~~ ~ ~- -~-,-, ~'~--~:c-<,. ~~ y Fi~~~ l~ , ~, ~ mod, ~ - 2 / ~~ `" ,tom,( ---,~. ~ 5"l 3~ Sin i n l ; l(s - a 7a ~. ~, S ~ / ~~ -r%~,G- LNG- ~/~s ~~'~ ~ ~ , , _ 1 '7 ~ h~~ _ - SINGING N ~/s ~~gq' 227 ,~~ ~ J - .~ ~ '~ ~~ ~~h fi7. ~- 37 9 `~ S~,~l ~ ,~ e v nd. K-e , ~/u 2~ ~~`~' 03z~ - f oa ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~c~ ~~ ~ `~-C~ 3 ~ b ' i '" /_ '" (A ,~-, o~~ ._ - - _- .____-- i Page 3 Of 3 February 4,2000 We The Members Of The Clearbrook And Singing Hills Community Area Are In Support Of The Gateway Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen (18) Acres Located At 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke County. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE Cep- ~ 1 I t'lC ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~~ ~c ,. ~~~z ~`~~~ r ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ -~ ~ Sig C~ ~,~~ ~~~ -~ ~-.,,~' ~~ ~ ~ _~ A / -mac -~ ~ ' /~ ~ ~' r J ¢~~~L~;- ~~ ~,~ f -~ ~~tt `~ l., ~ ~'' `~ J ~ a ~' ~ o~„~ i Page 1 Of 4 February 4,2000 ~~ ~5 ~c~ C We The Members And Attendances Of Clearbrook Baptist Church Located At 5219 Singing Hills Road ARE In Support Of Having The Gateway Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen (18) Acres Located At 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke County. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE ~ ,/ 3 ~ l 3 r~~~s~ ~ ~~~-~ ~~ 2~~ ~--, ~. ~ ~ -~ ~oa~ +. ~ ~ '' r p ,~ - V ~ ~ yy-~~~ a~~ ~ .1~~,-, --~ .~~~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~'~j c~- ~ 3 ~ ~ --~-~" .C i -5~ l.~ z ~ ~g~ 3 (~ 1 ~~ ~-~, . ~ ~ ~S ~ 3 3 (~ C~.y~- ~u 3~s 3 5 3 ~J , ,..~ ~2 ~ ?~ "/,,`'~-a-a+-t ~.~~ \~//V X0/4 y l~ 3 7 2 ^ Z 3 ~` ~` ~~ ~ ` ~ Q ~ -CJ~I 1\ 1/ i ~ ~ I ~~ ~ y ~ - ~ ~ Z T ~~ ~C ~ / ~-l S -s ~ ~ Page 2 Of 4 February 4,2000 We The Members And Attendances Of Clearbrook At 5219 Singing Hills Road ARE In Support Of Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke .County. NAME ADDRESS Baptist Church Located Having The Gateway (18) Acres Located At TELEPHONE 3~~3 S~~f~~-~ ~ s; w. ~o~ ~~f5- y~ S~~ ~ 8 ~ ~ / ~ ,- ~~g -ys 4d ~ .~~~~ Q~ - S~J ~ ~.~ ~ _ s 5 ~ ~,ce~. ~4. ,~~ ay~~~ ~a o ~ U` ~ - ~ 1~ 2 3 ~a ~ ~ vQ, ~~~ -- 2 fr2 i ~ ~ ~ ss _~-- ~ s~~ 3Y3a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ - ~~ 3 y ~,~ ~ h~ q - 3~3 a ~~..-~ ~~~ -o~ ti ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~t~ ~c~-a~ai 3 9 g3`~L NGf'Gn~ `~-~ c~r'•I /. z4~~ ~~9_ ~s~ ~ ,~3~3 ~ ~, i7 - -a.~ ~ s Page 3 Of 9 February 4,2000 We The Members And Attendances Of Clearbrook Baptist Church Located At 5219 Singing Hills Road ARE In Support Of Having The Gateway Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen (18) Acres Located At 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke County. NAME ADDRESS TELEPHONE ~ -- cc C..~H~~-~ 04L (o .~ ,~ 4e o~ ~ D~NSS / ~~- v'A ~ b} ~~ -g-~~~ a~ ~~ /r ,~ ~; ~v-~ 3 ~t 3- ~~` 5 7 ~, s~ ~ Y ~ yr- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ,SGG ~SOn1 ~L~ u',~ ~N ~ s - S ~~>~ ~~..~ U~=--- ~ ~ ~-~z ,~ l ~,~~ 7~3 0~, 315-~ ~ag~ ti ~~D~lr~-r~ L~ I ~ ~ ,t S~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ S- 9 ~ D f C1~1, , -~i ~/~ ~wl~i s 1// ~~.~ ~~ ff2 , ~~~ ~J~ ' ~~ ~ 7 a-~G~.('~CC~ // / ~ /~ l~ l~ / r 1 i ~ l i/ ~ ~ ' ~. ~, 9 c~ 1-h ~, ^ i GL's ' ~? 1 ~ n ~ / ~ L ~ ' ~ Y Y ~T '~1 / ~ / /`~ Y ~~~ ~~~ %,t ~ ~ I f S r~~c S~ / -~~~ ~~ ~~//?y 3 ~ 3-~7~ ~~~~.~ ~~'L~ .~ C~-~' ~ `~~ ~ ~~ J ~.( ~~ Jf. l~ r i~ fG1 ~ ~~~ 1. ~~ ~~ f'3_ ~~~/~ ~ ~'~ -co~~ CR -~39,.~ ~/ [°cl~ ~t c~ ~ ~GC~,~~GI ~ ~ ~~ - ~ ~J _~1( lc~~ ~ 7< ~ 2 ~~/~ ~~/e < L ~ // u //~J~r/,~~Jy /J 9 // //~~7! ~~ltl~ C~~l~-~l~C'~.. ~3~'Q ~~Y~ L.CCv~S I~~Yc--~~ ~,tl-~'f~l~ ~ g j- ~ ~ Z~? ~~c .,~ '~?~.,.~-, ~G.'~~ ~`~~, ,~ ~r.~~%~~,~ ~! ,,% ,,, ~ ~ Ih . ~~~~~ ~ Pik y ~ _~.~ ~_ y G Page 4 Of 4 February 4,2000 We The Members And Attendances Of Clearbrook Baptist Church Located At 5219 Singing Hills Road ARE In Support Of Having The Gateway Foursquare Church Being Built On The Eighteen (18) Acres Located At 5188 Stable Road In S.W. Roanoke County. NAMF. ADDRESS TELEPHONE ~~~~ ~~,~~'~ l J j i - ; / aL ~c, ~ ~~.~~'z C ~ ~ ~ /~' ,~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ 2~c - '~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29 2000 RESOLUTION 022900-9 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Closed Session File O~ ROAN ~F ' ~ p t i Z ~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 2401 8-0798 BRENDA J. HOLTON CLERK TO THE BOARD (540) 772-2005 DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: mallenQwww.co.roanoke.va.us FAX (540) 772-2193 Internet E-Mail: bholtonQawww.co.roanoke.va.us February 29, 2000 Mr. Brooks McDaniel 1942 Oak Drive Extension Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. McDaniel: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, February 29, 2000, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Roanoke County Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens to represent the Catawba Magisterial District. This Commission was established to address the needs of this group of citizens and make recommendations to the Board. Ms. Debbie Pitts, Roanoke County's Assistant Director of Recreation, will be in touch with you concerning the date and time when the Commission will have its next meeting. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~• ~C~e.-~.c..~ Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator ® Recycled Paper 0~ AOANp,~.~ ~ A z a 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540) 772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 March 2, 2000 Reverent Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 4122 Cresthill Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Whitaker: (540) 772-2005 On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, February 29, 2000. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. It was good to have you with us. With kindest regards, t T C~n~xn-~~ ~~ ~2u~xx~.o~.e ~C~ Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOSEPH McNAMARA, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH B. "BUTCH" CHURCH CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Internet E-Mail Internet E-Mail ® Ratyclad Papar ehodge ~ www,co.roanoke.va. us bos ~ www.co.roanoke.va.us ~ POANp,FF ~ 'A A 2 ~ a 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540)772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 March 2, 2000 Ms. Betty P. Shockley 112 Baymeadow Lane Vinton, VA 24179 Dear Ms. Shockley (540) 772-2005 Enclosed is a resolution of appreciation upon your retirement which was unanimously approved at the February 29, 2000 Board Meeting. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and its citizens, I wish to offer my appreciation for your years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to the County. I am pleased to send you this resolution, and notification that Roanoke County has purchased a $100 Savings bond in recognition of youryears of employment with the County. This bond will be forwarded to you from the Federal Reserve Bank at a later date. If you would like to have your resolution framed, please bring it to the Clerk's Office, at the Roanoke County Administration Building, 5204 Bernard Drive, at any time. It has been our experience that framed resolutions may be damaged when mailed. On behalf of each member of the Board and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept this Resolution and savings bond with our best wishes for a productive retirement and continued success in the future. Sincerely, oseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attachment cc: Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Dr. Betty McCrary, Director, Social Services C~~~~~ u~ ~~ttx~v~~e BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOSEPH MDNAMARA, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH B. "BUTCH" CHURCH CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Internet E-Mail ®Recyclod Papar Internet E-Mail ehodge~www.co.roanoke.va.us bos®www.co.roanoke.va.us ~ pOANp,Y~ ~ ~ >7 z c~ o az 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540)772-2004 ~ ~ C~a~n~~ ~~ ~.a~t~~C~E P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 March 2, 2000 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOSEPH McNAMARA, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH B. "BUTCH" CHURCH CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (540) 772-2005 The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell The Honorable Morgan Griffith The Honorable Clifton Woodrum The Honorable A. Victor Thomas The Honorable Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo The Honorable John S. Edwards Dear Delegates Cranwell, Griffith, Woodrum, Thomas, and Senators Trumbo and Edwards: Attached is a certified copy of Resolution No. 022900-5 in support of continued state funding for Virginia's Explore Park. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, February 29, 2000. Virginia's Explore Park has long been a top priority for Roanoke County and is rapidly becoming a destination location for visitors along the Blue Ridge Parkway. In the past, the General Assembly has supported Explore, a state park, with a $450,000 contribution which was matched dollar for dollar by Explore Park. This year these funds have been reduced to $100,000 which will be highly detrimental to Explore's continued operation.. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, we request your support for restoring the funds to Explore Park. The loss of these funds would greatly impact the continued operation of Explore, and loss of this facility would be a devastating blow to our efforts to attract visitors to the Roanoke Valley. Sincerely, seph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attachment cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Roger Ellmore, Executive Director, Virginia's Explore Park The Honorable Bruce F. Jamerson, Clerk of the House of Delegates The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar, Clerk of the Senate Internet E-Mail ®a~r~iaa vea.r Internet E-Mail ehodge ®www.co. roanoke.va.us bos ~ www.co.roanoke.va.us ~ ROANps.~ ~ ,h A a c~ z COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540)772-2004 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 March 2, 2000 The Honorable James S. Gilmore, III, Governor Commonwealth of Virginia 3rd Floor, State Capital Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Governor Gilmore: (540)772-2005 Attached is a certified copy of Resolution No. 022900-5 in support of continued state funding for Virginia's Explore Park. This resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, February 29, 2000. Virginia's Explore Park has long been a top priority for Roanoke County and is rapidly becoming a destination location for visitors along the Blue Ridge Parkway. In the past, the General Assembly has supported Explore, a state park, with a $450,000 contribution which was matched dollar for dollar by Explore Park. This year these funds have been reduced to $100,000 which will be highly detrimental to Explore's continued operation. On behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, we request your support for restoring the funds to Explore Park. The loss of these funds would greatly impact the continued operation of Explore, and loss of this facility would be a devastating blow to our efforts to attract visitors to the Roanoke Valley. Sincerely, oseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Attachment cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Roger Ellmore, Executive Director, Virginia's Explore Park The Honorable Bruce F. Jamerson, Clerk of the House of Delegates The Honorable Susan Clarke Schaar, Clerk of the Senate C~a~tn~~ n~ ~Z~~z~~~e BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOSEPH McNAMARA, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH B. "BUTCH" CHURCH CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Intemet E-Mail ®a.~y~iaa PaP.r Internet E-Mail ehodge ~ www.co.roanoke.va.us bos ®www.co.roanoke.va.us ROANOKE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM This memorandum is submitted to you within the range of the attorney-client privilege, and as such, is confidential. Further, it is exempt from disclosure as a public record under the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, Section 2.1-342.B5. TO: Boazd of Supervisors FROM: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney DATE: February 25, 2000 SUBJECT: Land Use; Open-Space Agreements At the risk of opening old wounds, I would like to explore another issue with respect to the use value assessment program. You will recall that the County has implemented a local ordinance to provide for use value assessment for real estate devoted to agricultural, horticultural, forestal and open space uses. Staff is concerned that the County may be facing a possible problem with the open-space portion of this program. The purpose of this memorandum is to describe the requirements for open space uses in the program, identify possible problems, and suggest several options for dealing with these problems. I would like your suggestions as to how you would like to proceed in this matter. Section 58.1-3230 establishes and defines the special classification ofreal estate devoted to "open-space use" as follows: real estate used as or preserved for, (i) park or recreational purposes, (ii) conservation of land or other natural resources, (iii) floodways, (iv) wetlands (as specifically defined in Sec. 58.1-3666), (v) riparian buffers (also defined in Sec. 58.1-3666), .(vi) historic or scenic purposes, or (vii) assisting in the shaping of the chazacter, direction and timing of community development or for the public interest and consistent with the local land use plan under uniform standards prescribed by the Director of the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The minimum acreage requirement for open space real estate is five (5) acres, or such Greater minimum acreage as prescribed by local ordinance. For comparison purposes: agricultural or horticultural use requires a minimum of five (5) acres, as well as certain productivity standards; and forestal use requires a minimum of twenty (20) acres. Except that for real estate adjacent to a scenic river, a scenic highway, a Virginia Byway or public property in the Virginia Outdoors Plan, the local governing body may prescribe a minimum of two (2) acres. The County Code specifies a minimum of five (5) acres, but allows the two (2) acres exception. There are three ways to qualify for open space use: (1) be in an agricultural or forestal district (Roanoke County does not utilize this device), (2) record a perpetual easement with the Clerk of the Circuit Court (held by the County and promoting the open-space use classification), or (3) record a commitment ("open-space agreement") with the County not to change the use to anon-qualifying use for a period of time not less than four (4) years nor more than ten (10) yeazs. Landowners prefer open-space agreements instead of recorded, perpetual easements. Currently there are five pazcels in the land use program under the open-space classification, consisting of 432 acres. These aze primarily golf courses (Hunting Hills, Hanging Rock, Brookside, and Hollyfield), as well as a five acre community park in Cherokee Hills. Staffhas been approached by a local surveyor inquiring about the requirements for the open-space program, since he has been approached by a client to "engineer" a subdivision of six (6) acre lots to take advantage of this use value assessment program: five (5) acres for open-space use and one (1) acre for the house site. Staff has identified all of the pazcels in the County greater than five (5) acres but less than twenty (20) acres in size that are not currently in the land use program, in order to identify the magnitude ofthe fiscal impact if all these parcels were assessed under the open-space use value classification. Clearly this is an extreme example since not all of these landowners would apply for such a classification; however, it illustrates the potential magnitude ofthe fiscal impact. Two of the seven classifications for open-space use are so broad (see above, (ii) and (vii) of Section 58.1-3230), that it is difficult to justify rejections of open-space agreements. Currently under the County Code the County Administrator authorizes the Director of the Department of Real Estate Valuation to execute open-space agreements. The Director is to seek the advice ofthe County Planner in order to coordinate these commitments with the land use plan. You have several alternatives or options for action: 1) Administratively accept all applications for open-space agreements. This is basically what we are doing now, subject to limited scrutiny as described above. 2) Submit every application for anopen-space agreement to the Board of Supervisors for Boazd approval or denial. For example a circuit court decision upheld the rejection of anopen-space offer by a landowner. The court ruled that the county had the choice of either accepting or rejecting this offer. 3) Amend the County Code to increase the minimum acreage requirement from five (5) to twenty (20) acres, which is the same requirement for forestal property. 4) Direct staff develop uniform standards or criteria consistent with the State Code to allow staff to deny applications based upon criteria critical to our land use plan and our plans for future community development. I recommend alternative 4 for your consideration. Is the Board comfortable with staff implementing the open-space program in a fashion that attempts to restrict eligibility for this real estate tax break? Do you want staff to develop standards and criteria based upon the zoning and land use plan? Do you want to review these standards? Do you want to review all open-space applications and vote on each one? Thank you for your time and consideration. c: Elmer C. Hodge February 23, 2000 NOTE TO: Chairman McNamara FROM: Brenda J. Holton SUBJECT: BOY SCOUT TROOP Mr. John Echternach, Scout Leader for Boy Scout Troop 234 from Clearbrook, called to say that he will be bringing his group to the 7 p.m. Board meeting on February 29th. Another leader Rick Myer will also be with them. Told him I would let you know that the Boy Scout troop will be there so the group may be recognized. Cc: Mary Allen Elmer Hodge r • a Scotch` 7664 "Pos4it" Routing-Request Pad ROUTING -~ REQUEST The Roan ing at 7 p.m. on ^ KEEP OR DISCARD Tuesday, Febru ~anoke County Administration C ^ REVIEW WITH ME on of Roanoke County Planning Date _____-- F~°m-- 'housing option in the R-1, R-2, F A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of ~ommunity Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: February 8, 2000 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please ^ READ ^ HANDLE ^ APPROVE and ^ FORWARD ^ RETURN Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, February 15, 2000 Tuesday, February 22, 2000 Direct the bill for publication to: Roanoke County Planning Dept. PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2068 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 29, 2000, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of David and Zena Azar to rezone approximately 1.05 acres from R-3 to C-2 to operate a personal services facility, located at 520 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: February 8, 2000 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, February 15, 2000 Tuesday, February 22, 2000 Direct the bill for publication to: David &Zena Azar c/o Neal Johnson PO Box 21848 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 777-4604 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 29, 2000, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Evangel Foursquare Church to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly and day care facility, located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: February 8, 2000 Mary H. Allen, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times Tuesday, February 15, 2000 Tuesday, February 22, 2000 Direct the bill for publication to: Evangel Foursquare Church Tr. Attn: Ken Wright 612 Bullitt Ave, SE Roanoke, VA 24013 (540) 982-3694 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS P.O. BOX 29800, ROANOKE, VA 24018 RNKE ECON DE4~' PARThJERS Fax. ~ 5~~-314-6CI~r~, 7~r~ 26 °~~~ 15:34 P.O1:~rJ1 1V~~M(I~.ANDUIVX T0: Mary Allen FRUM: Bula Rosenberger R~ RB: Atuaual Partr~ezship Rcport to Raanolce County Board of Supervisors DATE: January 26, 200a Please reserve a slot an your county Board of Supezvisors agenda on Tuesday, February ?9 at 3:00 p.m. liar Plait Sparks to present the annual Partnership report, Please canl;trm date and time. Thank you. a-3 ~->~~~=-use-~-~Z 111 FRANKLIN PLAZA, SUITE 333 ROANOKE, V;R61N1A Q4011 5 4 0. 3 4 J 1 5 5 0 1. 8 0 0-LOCATE 2 FAX:540.344-6096 WWW.ROANS7KE ORG RVEDPOROANpKE.ORG From: "Elmer Hodge" <ADM01/ECH> To: "Mary Allen" <ADM01/MHA> Date sent: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:02:45 -0500 Subject: Re: Misc. From: "Mary Allen" <ADM01/MHA> To: adm01/ech Date sent: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 12:06:27 -0500 Subject: Misc. Copies to: adm01/bjh (1) I am working on the resolution of Appreciation for Don Myers' retirement. Usually, the Director (in this case you) gives us some unique information. What do you want to include? I already have the following --Establishment of Police Department -Reorganization of MIS - Instituting the Team approach to management in Roanoke County Anything else? Development of pay and classification systems Sister cities coordinator Staff development Project management PD accreditation (2) Now that the March Through Time Y2000 Celebration is "heating up" I will be out of the office slot attending meetings and working with the various organizations involed during the next month. Just wanted you to know in case you see I'm not here. Luckily this will only last for one month. (3) FYI -Brenda and I will have 5 sets (maybe 6) of minutes on this agenda. I think we've done a great job of catching up! (Just asking fora "pat on our backs") Great, Thanks Mary Allen, Clerk to Board 772-2003 Elmer Hodge 772-2004 Mary Allen -- 1 -- Wed, 23 Feb 2000 14:16:36 PUBL/C NOT/CE CNi7NGE/NBOABD OFSUPEBI~/SORB FEBHU.4BY MEET/N6 DilTE The second Board of Supervisors meeting date in February has been changed as follows: FROM: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 3 and 7 p.m. T0: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 3 and 7 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Public Hearings for February will be heard on February 29, 2000 at 7 p.m. Call 772-2005 for more information. Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board PROCLAMATION DECLARING DONNIE C. MYERS AS HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, The Roanoke County Police Department was created on July 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, Donnie C. Myers was instrumental in planning, organizing and advising the department, from the time of its approval until its establishment; and WHEREAS, since its creation, Donnie C. Myers has contributed countless hours providing professional guidance and technical expertise to the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, much of the professional recognition that the Police Department enjoys today is due in part to the dedication and hard work of Donnie C. Myers; and WHEREAS, Donnie C. Myers has the personal and professional traits, which °---•--~- ~..N~~*~ ~•++ohr~*~_ knowledge and sensitivity, that each To: adm01 /jww Subject: (Fwd) Appropriation for Explore Date sent: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 11:03:12 Joyce, since you got a copy of this, you know what's going on. I'll add to the 2/29 agenda. ------- Forwarded message follows ------- From: "Elmer Hodge" <ADM01/ECH> To: adm01/mha, adm01/ddh Date sent: Fri, 11 Feb 2000 09:25:59 -0500 Subject: Appropriation for Explore Copies to: adm01/jww, adm01/pmm Since the two of you are convinced that we did not appropriate the $300k for Explore, please get with Joyce and prepare an item for the next BOS meeting. Joyce, Paul, HNC and I talked at the General Assembly and decided to 1 Award the contract to Turner for the $1.3m 2 Take this to the BOS meeting on the 29th 3 Take the changes that you and Jack agree to at the same time 4 Take the appropriation at that time too. Please prepare Elmer Hodge 772-2004 ------- End of forwarded message Mary Allen -- 1 -- Fri, 11 Feb 2000 11:03:13 County Of Roanoke Office of Management and Budget PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 W. Brent Robertson. Director February 15, 2000 Roanoke Times and World News Retail Advertising Division 201 W. Campbell Avenue Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Tonya Goodrich, ~~ Enclosed you will find a Notice of Proposed Tax Increase advertisement for the County of Roanoke. Please publish this as a block ad on Tuesday, February 22, 2000. Bill the cost of publication to: County of Roanoke ATTN: Mary Allen Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 I would like to review a draft of the advertisement before publication. My fax number is 772- 2089. If you have any questions or concerns, please call Geraldine Barber at 776-7203, as I will be out of the office through Friday, February 18, 2000. Sincerely, ~, 3 a~ R~~ W. Brent Robertson Budget Director C: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board Anne Marie Green, Community Relations . . NOTICE OF PROPOSED REAL PROPERTY TAX INCREASE The County of Roanoke proposes to increase property tax levies. Assessment Increase: Total assessed value of real property, excluding additional assessments due to new construction or improvements to property exceeds last year's total assessed value of real property by 3.19 percent. 2. Lowered Rate Necessary to Offset Increased Assessment: The tax rate which would levy the same amount of real estate tax as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of real estate with the exclusions mentioned above, would be $1.10 per $100 of assessed value. This rate will be known as the "lowered tax rate." 3. Effective Rate Increase: The County of Roanoke proposes to adopt a tax rate of $1.13 per $100 of assessed value. The difference between the lowered tax rate and the current rate would be $0.03 per $100, or 2.73 percent. This difference will be known as the "effective tax rate increase." 4. Proposed Total Budget Increase: Based on the proposed real property tax rate and changes in other revenues, the total budget of the County of Roanoke will exceed last year's by 4.4 percent. The County will adopt the FY00-01 budget late spring, 2000. Individual property taxes may, however, increase at a percentage greater than or less than the above percentage. A public hearing on the increase will be held on Tuesday, February 29, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia. Special Instructions This notice shall be at least the size ofone-eighth page of a standard size or a tabloid size newspaper, and the headline in the advertisement shall be in a type no smaller than 18-point. The notice shall not be placed in that portion, if any, of the newspaper reserved for legal notices and classified advertisements. This notice must be published on February 22, 2000, and billed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. ~ ROANp~,~ ti~ 9 ~. 2 00 ~~ 1838 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE February 7, 2000 Roanoke Times & World News Legal Advertisement Department 201-209 Campbell Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 To Whom It oncern: ~ ~~" DIANE D. HYATT, CPA DIRECTOR PENNY HODGE, CPA ASSISTANT DIRECTOR W. BRENT ROBERTSON, CPA BUDGET MANAGER Please publish the enclosed legal advertisement on February 15, 2000 and February 22, 2000. Bill the cost of the publication to: County of Roanoke ATTN: Mary Allen Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 I would like to review a draft of the advertisement before publication. My fax number is 772-2089. A copy of the ad from 1998 has been included for your information. I would like the current ad to be of the same approximate size as the old ad. Sincerely, c~ -~j,~ W. Brent Robertson Budget Director c: Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Anne Marie Green, Director, Community Relations P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2020 FAX (540) 772-2186 • EMAIL: imurphy@www.co.roanoke.va.us C~o~xxtt~ a~ ~Za~x~~~e ® Recyded Paper PUBLIC NQTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at its meeting on the 29th day of February, 2000 at the Roanoke County Administration Center in Roanoke, Virginia, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter maybe heard, will hold a public hearing on the following matter, to-wit: TO SET A REAL ESTATE TAX RATE OF IvTOT MORE THAN $1.13 PER $100 ASSESSED VALUATION 1N ROANOKE COUNTY. TO SET A PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX RATE OF NOT MORE THAN $3.50 PER $100 ASSESSED VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. TO SET A MACHINERY AND TOOLS TAX RATE OF NOT MORE TITAN $3.00 PER $100 ASSESSED VALUATION IN ROANOKE COUNTY. Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Publish on the following dates: February 15, 1999 February 22, 1999 P'~L~~``~ N~`l~CE Pleasa°tie",~dvls8d~thatEtta~e Board~pf.Supervl- ; - 1 - ; sons of }3Qanoke. County#;a#,~<it~ ~meeitrrgg on the .24th day ~ ~of Fei~ruary °;1'898 at the ,Roanoke '-County .Administration ~ Cettt6r in Roanoke; ~1`/ir . ~ " :. ginia . at'~a'kD p.m.: or as. oon-thereafter` as-the " mattermay`tie=heard, wilt' hold a public hearing ot~` he following'matter, to-wii: '~'# T0 -'SE7~A AEAC ESTATE TAX RATE OF "~?? 'RIOT MORE"THAN`31.73PEfl's1~Q ASSESSED , ~UA~'IOM IN RONtVOKE COUNT'Y' ~ : X7'0 'SET A 1?EFISONAL:~~ PAOPJ=ATY TAX ATE. OF N07 IdifJFIE Ti:lAM, g3.5U PEA 83 i)0 rq~SESSED VALUATJON 1N FiOANOKE ,`~OUN~'Y,: "";.; TO=SET,A MACHINERY AMD TOOLS TAX _ G ~ A-AS~SE SAD UAtl1AT ONN'iN ~flOANOKE r :. COUNTY:.. ~u ~ ~ Mary ~H. Allen_ Clerk'to the board of Supervisors ~.,iz~~s2aj / 11 "" Si~~ ~' i 5 County Of Roanoke Office of Management and Budget PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 W. Brent Robertson. Director February 15, 2000 Roanoke Times & World News Legal Advertisement Department 201-209 Campbell Avenue, SW Roanoke, VA 24011 Dear Martha: Please publish the enclosed public notice as a block advertisement on Tuesday, February 22, 2000. Bill the cost of publication to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at the following address: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ATTN: Mary Allen P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 A copy of last year's ad is attached. This year's ad should be of the same approximate size. I wouki like to review the proof when completed. My fax number is 772-2089;phone is 772-2021. Thank you. Sincerely, ~ ~~-~a~~ W. Brent Robertson Budget Diredor EnGosure c: Paul Mahoney, County Attorney Mary Allen, Cleric to the Board Anne Marie Green, Diredor, Community Relations Elmer Hodge, County Administrator i COUNTY OF ROANOKE PUBLIC HEARING CITIZEN INPUT FOR THE 2000-2001 BUDGET The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County invites citizens of Roanoke County to offer written or oral comment for items to be included in the budget for the 2000-01 fiscal year. An informational public hearing, to receive citizen comment, will be held on Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as maybe heard, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, S.W., Roanoke, Virginia. All interested citizens are invited to attend this meeting. M:lfuiaacelbudget~advertiselpubhear.ad February 8, 2000 [~ cqc z z~ H Hr der E~ 4 H II 0 Uo (l~r H~F of 6l~ HC f1+ O Lf1F ~E x r~~~ H U F O ~ w r~a1 ~ E op F ~ Q aoArO~U i ~~~U~~ HG Q ~ H H I U C ~ Z H W O x E~ Cz, ~~ ~~ U] r OC c ~~ Z6 6 6 r O U O C ~ o r pW N xiF~ r ~~ I r W H ~+ ~~ ~ ~ a o C P; d{U ~ O o~ a fs., ~ O ~ O [i Waoa~o0 C7aoa+t~ A Zr~r, a ~Culr, Q ~ o Q W o A 00 00 o w o w 00 00 O q u o H r~ri rich ,-~ H x o 00 °z ~ a v ~ q r-I r-I H H O di cn O Lf1Ll1 L(1l.() G4 ~ ~ .w7 111 r~ NN NN 'T '~ ~ l0 O ~ H ~ Olll rl Wa O N a E-~00 >\ O a Orl W H61 O `] Q P W P i{ FC C r~ r ~ W FC H q f u w p '.H w z ~ qQ O zz Ln0 ~ x~ I I a w a r-Ir-i ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 010 z a ~a~ g w w, N 010 Q o0 g ~ aka ~C Q g c~ w ~ 00 H ~ a w ~ ' » w E Op w 00 ~ w z ~ ~ \~ ~ o~~ qq w w p;o O ~a `~ r10D o z 0 ~ cn wH uFia CSC~ 00 w a w > H u iu i H H po o q w ~ ~~ W z ~ olll ~ a w a x ~ c ~a Hl0 l0 ~ w 00 (Y, ~ qrF, u q Q ~ ~~ ~., a~ <` w x l ' C!~ w FC ~ ~ [~ o ~ ~ r d ~oao q o ~~~ ~~ H H w o -~o ~ 00 o ro , , H H H~H NH 00 a-1 H ~ ~ OO w 1 I q H ~~ ~ V w H I 6 o0 w ~ O rl o w ~ ~ '~ ~ ,4 ~ ~ OLfI L(lrl ~ A ~ H H z o ~ ° \~ ~ ~ V ~~ z ~ ~ ` H H ~ ,~ U ~ , ~i 4 W Q ~ /, ~ `u ~ ~ F OO \1~\„1 \ ~, 00 w 'i (a ~ l N 4 ~ m oo OLfI ~ v Y` ] zq a j ~ ~. a a Ot` z `~ ~ a Q ~ m ;~ ~ v Q ` \ o w z a w ~ v. x ~ b, a° H u l 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ A ' , Y Aa IL 1 ~ , ~ ~ ~ \ ` ~l ~ ~ W H ~ ~ 4 X1 ~ ° w x ~ p ~ ~ ~ 'c 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F' 00 w ~ \ ~ o aa O U u w OO Hr-{ qq 00 w a E 0 0 H [y w \ ~ w ~~ 00 ~ o ~ ~ H ~ oo. w ~ \ ~ ~ ] x a w q w x w u ~ \ o ~ z o a F ~ a z I 3 ~H ° a a N ~ ~ '" ~ ~ F x F o 0 w a ww 00 z ~ o ri r-I 0 0 Ey D H a H qq z w FC cn z ~ ~H xx OU q x ~ ~ 7 W C Q -~i x ~~ o ~~ u n V n >D -~ O d~ H O 0 0 N rl N W W f~ Q W 3 a ~H H ~H ~O ~~ ~~ ~a H as a Cluster Housing -same as IS` reading Evangel Recommend denial of this special use permit allowing the church to conduct commercial operations. The church can be built by right, so we can not prevent that. Churches are an asset to the community. In its undeveloped state zoned as agricultural, we have collected real estate taxes in the amount of $2,839 per year based on the assessed value of $251,300. However, the real estate taxes on the land as commercial use would be $7, 345 per year based on an assessed value of $650,000. This does not include taxes that could be collected from other commercial operations that might build in this area in the future. It is difficult to project what the commercial activities might be, but it could easily amount to $1 S0, 000 to $250, 000 per year for a medical, professional or retail use. rt Motion by - Mr. Mcl~al`nars ______., ~~'. Hia'~ens _____~.. Mr. Minnie _______ ~~°ir, Johnson ____~. Mr. Harrison ACTION NO. /,, 2 1 W ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 9, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Worksession to Discuss Cluster Housing Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance CO TTjTV ADMTNTSTRAT(~R ~ S COMMENTS This is excellent work by the Planning Commission and staff. These guidelines are reasonable for many projects and they also provide good preliminary work for those projects that might go to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors. I prefer that a new ordinance such as this, with the by- right staff approval, be a little tighter than necessary until we try a few. We can amend it later. There is always an appeals process if the developer wants more flexibility. Recommend that ,the Board approve on November 23th. BACKGROUND• This worksession has been scheduled to review the proposed cluster housing ordinance, and to evaluate Roanoke Regional Homebuilder's Association comments and concerns about the ordinance. The attached chart attempts to summarize the issues raised by the Homebuilders at the Board's October 26th meeting. Staff recommends as follows: 1. The Board of Supervisors hold a worksession on the proposed cluster housing ordinance on November 9, 1999. 1 Mr. Minnix ~- Mr. Johnson ~ ~ _ ~ Mr. Harrison ~ ITEM No . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER Motion ~ay_____ Mr Mo~~ars~ara~~ fir. Nickens ACTION NO. MEETING DATE: November 23, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Worksession on Proposed Cluster Housing Ordinance COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This information is being seat to you for our work session. We have included copies of the three examples of cluster developments as presented during the November 9t° work session. I would like to resolve any remaining issues during the work session so that the ordinance can be approved at the evening session, This is a very good plan and I ask for your support of it. BACKGROUND• The Board of Supervisors has scheduled this worksession to continue to discuss the major elements of the proposed cluster housing ordinance. Since the Board's last worksession on November 9th, the staff has met with representatives of the Roanoke Regional Homebuilder's Association. As a result of this meeting several minor changes have been made to the ordinance. These changes are in the areas of water and sewer standards, and standards for the dedication and accessibility of open space. No changes have been made to the private street standards, nor to allowable housing densities. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board of Supervisors hold a worksession on November 23, 1999 to review the proposed cluster ordinance. ~ { Draft - 2/Z~/00 -1:30 p.m. ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 29, 2000 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. /PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS " 1. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Walter L. Delaney, Jr., Sheriff's Office. ~ 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Donnie C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator 1 D. RIEFINGS 1. Presentation of Annual Report from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. (Phil Sparks, Executive Director) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for appr al t appr riate $300,000, award the contract f con ructio and cept grant funds for the Blue Ridge P way nterp tive nter. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant w Econo c De lopm nt Dire tQr) 2. Request for approval of a resolution nt supporting the Hardy Road project and supPol~ fo~o~.ag ie nst ~entin~,~~ bikeways and sidewalks- . (George Simpson, Assistant Director of Community Development) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of These items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. ~ 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an ice cream parlor, located in the 6400 block of Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Regal, Inc. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance authorizing Appalachian Power Company to expand the use of an existing easement across a well lot on Oriole Lane (Tax Map # 87.17-3-13) owned by the Board of Supervisors (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 2 . ., J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. League of Older Americans -Advisory Board 5. Library Board CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes a. October 26, 1999 and November 9, 1999, November 23, 1999 b. January 3, 2000, January 11, 2000, January 22-23, 2000 Q2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens. O Donation of two drainage easements on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District. 4. Request from Police Department for acceptance of a grant from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests. 5. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept $5,625 grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for criminal history records improvement. 6. Request from Police Department for acceptance of $37,983 V- stop grant from the Department of Criminal Justice for prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women. 7. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $50,221 to the Regional School Budget. 3 8. Request for acceptance of Lakedale Road into the VDOT Secondary System under the rural addition program. 9. Approval of a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting a "Watch for Children Sign." 10. Resolution of support for state funding for Virginia's Explore Park. 11. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Betty P. Shockley, Social Services Department. K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -January 2000 6. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 7. Changes to the VDOT Secondary System in January 2000 8. Notice of VDOT Salem District Preallocation Public Hearing 9. Report on proposed Sanderson Subdivision in Hollins Magisterial District N. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) Review of County Administration Goals established in July 1999. (Continued from February 8, 2000) Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator 2. ZDiscussion on amendments to the zoning ordinance concerning cluster subdivisions. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) ,3' I Update on Economic Development Strategy (David Porter, Economic Development Director) 4. ~ Budget Work Session (Brent Robertson) 4 a. Review of debt schedules b. Discussion on revenues O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A(7) consultation with legal counsel pertaining to pending litigation; Rising Star Camp and Roanoke County v. GE; 2.1-344A (1) personnel matter. ~ EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.1 P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to elicit citizen comment for items to be included in the budget for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. 2. Public Hearing on the "effective tax rate increase" as a result of increased assessed value of real estate. 3. Public Hearing to set the following tax rates: a. To set a real estate tax rate of not more than $1.13 per $100 assessed valuation. b. To set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation. c. To set a machinery and tools tax rate of not more than $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation. R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.05 acre from R-3 Residential to C-2 Commercial to operate a personal services facility upon the petition of David and Zena Azar, located at 5420 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 2. Second reading of an ordinance amending .and reenacting the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia by the addition of standards for cluster subdivisions, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 5 3. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the approval of a Special Use Permit for the Evangel Foursquare Church, for a religious assembly use located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) S. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS T. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS U. ADJOURNMENT 6 Draft - 2/l2/00 - 3:00 p. m. ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FEBRUARY 29, 2000 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County, please contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Walter L. Delaney, Jr., Sheriff's Office. 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Donnie C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator 1 D. BRIEFINGS U yx-t ~ ~o 1. Presentation of Annual Report from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. (Phil Sparks, Executive Director) E. NEW BUSINESS a 1. Request for approval t appropriate $300,000 for the Blue Ridge Parkway Interpretive Center. (Joyce Waugh, Assistant Economic Development Director) (~~ ~,-, ~ ~ ~c~ ~~~_~ ~~ ~~ ~~ F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an ice cream parlor, located in the 6400 block of Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Regal, Inc. G. H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance authorizing Appalachian Power Company to expand the use of an existing easement across a well lot on Oriole Lane (Tax Map # 87.17-3-13) owned by the Board of Supervisors (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES APPOINTMENTS 1. Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 2 • ~ j • J. 3. League of Older Americans -Advisory Council 4. League of Older Americans -Advisory Board 5. Library Board CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes a. October 26, 1999 and November 9, 1999 b. January 3, 2000, January 11, 2000, January 22-23, 2000 K. L. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens. 3. Donation of two drainage easements on property of LCP Summerview, Inc., (Tax Map No. 28.05-1-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District. 4. Request from Police Department for acceptance of a grant from the Department of Justice to purchase ballistic vests. 5. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept $5,625 grant from the Department of Criminal Justice Services for criminal history records improvement. 6. Request from Police Department for acceptance of $37,983 V- stop grant from the Department of Criminal Justice for prevention and investigation of violent crimes against women. 7. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $50,221 to the Regional School Budget. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 3 M M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Accounts Paid -January 2000 6. Proclamation signed by the Chairman 7. Changes to the VDOT Secondary System in January 2000 8. Notice of VDOT Salem District Preallocation Public Hearing 9. Report on proposed Beahm Subdivision N. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Review of County Administration Goals established in July 1999. (Continued from February 8, 2000) Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator 2. Discussion on amendments to the zoning ordinance concerning cluster subdivisions. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 3. Update on Economic Development Strategy (David Porter, Economic Development Director) 4. Budget Work Session (Brent Robertson) b. Revenue., re1,; ~v ~~ -~ O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A , EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.1 ~ - r~~`~ P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION y ~~ -~ Q. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to elicit citizen comment for items to be included in the budget for the 2000-2001 fiscal year. 4 ~ • w 2. Public Hearing on the "effective tax rate increase" as a result of increased assessed value of real estate. 3. Public Hearing to set the following tax rates: a. To set a real estate tax rate of not more than $1.13 per $100 assessed valuation. b. To set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation. c. To set a machinery and tools tax rate of not more than $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation. R. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone approximately 1.05 acre from R-3 Residential to C-2 Commercial to operate a personal services facility upon the petition of David and Zena Azar, located at 5420 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 2. Second reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia by the addition of standards for cluster subdivisions, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) 3. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the approval of a Special Use Permit for the Evangel Foursquare Church, for a religious assembly use located at 5188 Stable Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) ~~-su_ ~~ S. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS T. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS U. ADJOURNMENT 5