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9/26/2000 - Regular
0 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VINTON TOWN COUNCIL JOINT MEETING 5:00 P.M. Roanoke County Administration Center Fourth Floor Conference Room 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 A. WELCOME: Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 1. Introduction of Herb Cooley, new Police Chief for Town of Vinton Supervisors B. INVOCATION AND DINNER: Dr. Harry C. Nickens Roanoke County Board of Supervisors C. ROLL CALL: 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. Vinton Town Council D. OPENING REMARKS 1. Chairman Joseph McNamara 2. Mayor Donald Davis E. REQUEST TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS F. DISCUSSION ITEMS G. RECESS: The Board of Supervisors will be in recess until 7:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room. H. ADJOURNMENT: Vinton Town Council V / o ''-s ~ /~ O / / o ~~ / / / / R-1 / ~ o r~ % CHURCH . , ~ ./ ~f' ~ . `+-\ ~ e, \ \ •• Fi ~ • ~f j~ ,q 8 SF .~ ~ ~ 6 / ~ ~' ~' ~ ~ \\ ~ / r~ REGIONAL \~'-~""' ~'~~~ / ~ AREA /~ 7A \ - ien'-i ~ wM 'Q ~ © URCH ~' I o ;• - .. ~~ ~ ' " ~E CARE FACE ~ -' ,J, _ 16.3 9~ SF ~ - - © .r ~` i ~ ~ / a ~ ~ ~ •~. • • ~~ ~~ o I f • • ~,' /~ ~ ~ - ' "'""~ 1 ~.r I • O ;f ~~ o~cir P j. o ~ R-1 -- 3F ~ „N ~ ,m ~~ ~ / ~ ' ~' ONAL \~ ~•,, +r -- -T ~ ~ ~ j~ ` i ~+' 42 ACR ~~~ j ;,~;, ~ c ~ i ~ ~ a j Mattern & CraifT • cvxsucrrxa srva~xea.Ra • 8uaveYORB ~~ F ~~ ~l LE4 ER AY '°"'~T'Ta~T sw. :~'3 i;e a NOT TO SCALE xoANOK$ YIRa/x1A uae ~e.3 ~p ~p Hi-aslt 1.4 ~°"~"~°~ 1999 z.e~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VINTON TOWN COUNCIL JOINT MEETING 5:00 P.M. Roanoke County Administration Center Fourth Floor Conference Room 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 A. WELCOME: Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 1. Introduction of Herb Cooley, new Police Chief for Town of Vinton Supervisors B. INVOCATION AND DINNER: Dr. Harry C. Nickens Roanoke County Board of Supervisors C. ROLL CALL: 1. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 2. Vinton Town Council D. OPENING REMARKS 1. Chairman Joseph McNamara 2. Mayor Donald Davis E. REQUEST TO ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS F. DISCUSSION ITEMS G. RECESS: The Board of Supervisors will be in recess until 7:00 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room. H. ADJOURNMENT: Vinton Town Council September 20, 2000 ~~ NOTE TO: Harry Nickens by fax - 4 pages FROM: Brenda J. Holton SUBJECT: GAINSHARING AGREEMENT Mr. Hodge wanted you to see this in preparation for the meeting with Vinton. Another messaae from Mr. Worley (I faxed you his earlier message)• .3~3sP,,~ Mr. Worley called back and said not to bother you with his message. He called Mr. Perdue's office again and the lady said there was a breakdown in communication. He talked with a superintendent and he told him that unless there is a bad rain tonight or tomorrow, he will have a crew out to clean up the debris tomorrow morning. r -~~~ ~ ~ .~ ~,-, s"`z~~= ~ t 4 :;.~"~°~ November 2, 1999 4.02 Other Public Improvement Funding: The Town and the County further agree to negotiate, during the term of this Agreement, the joint funding of proposed publicly-funded and publicly-owned capital projects (such as a fire station or fire truck), costing $75,000 or more, in the Town or East Roanoke County. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement does not bind either of them to share in the cost of any capital project. 4.03 .McDonald Farm Economic Development Project: The Town and the County further agree to negotiate, during the term of this Agreement, the joint funding of the costs of apublicly-subsidized economic development project ("Project") on the property owned by the Town which is commonly known as the McDonald Farm (the "Property") in East Roanoke County. The parties acknowledge that this Agreement does not bind either of them to share in the costs of the Project. However, if the parties reach .~ G an agreement to fund jointly the costs of development of the Project ("Costs of Development"), then all new tax revenues generated by the Project ("New Tax Revenues") shall be shared by the County with the Town on the basis of the percentage ,. ..p; . ®.... . of each locality's total contributions toward the Costs of Development and subject to the following conditions: (a) "New Tax Revenues" shall include all those local tax revenues listed in Section 3.03 of this Agreement collected by the County from the property assessments of the Project and from transactions, privileges and activities directly associated with, or conducted on, the Property. 26 November 2, 1999 (b) "Costs of Development" shall mean all local funds expended by the ~. .~~ County and the Town and any in-kind donations by the County and the Town for the .T ;. ~:,a~., , . ~... s .. develo ment of ~...._ . , .,,....,~,,...~....~ p the Project including, but not limited to, land acquisition, site""„"""~ ,,. , . :. development, water and sewer facilities, other public improvements, and planning, engineering, architectural and marketing services related directly to the Project. Any state or federal funding contributed by the County or the Town and the time and expenses of County and Town personnel shall be excluded from the Costs of Development. For purposes of this Section, the value of the Property, which the Town proposes to contribute to the Project, shall be deemed to be $1,500,000, -which represents the parties' best estimate of the Property's current fair market value. If the parties have not reached an agreement to fund jointly the Costs of Development of the Project, within three years following Court approval of this Agreement, then the value of the Property shall be the fair market value of the Property at such time as the parties do reach agreement on the joint funding of the Development Costs of the Project, based upon an appraisal of the Property by an appraiser selected jointly by the parties. (c) The County shall pay the Town its percentage of the New Tax Revenues during each fiscal year in accordance with the same payment schedule set forth in Section 3.12 for Gain Sharing Payments, except that the County's obligation to pay a percentage of the New Tax Revenues from the Project shall continue in perpetuity. The initial payment of New Tax Revenues shall begin with the fiscal year in which the first buildings, structures or other improvements on the Property have been completed and revenues generated. 27 • ~ November 2, 1999 (d) The New Tax Revenues generated by the Project shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of this Section and shall not be considered part of the tax revenues subject to the separate gain sharing provisions in Section 3.02. However, if ,~.` ___... the Property is developed without an agreement, the distribution of revenues will not be based on the provisions of this Section and will instead be distributed as follows: (i) if neither the County nor the Town make contributions toward the Costs of Development, _..~ ,_ then the Property shall constitute Newly Constructed Property and the tax revenues from the Property shall be subject to the gain sharing provisions of Section 3.02; (ii) if the County does not participate in making contributions toward the Costs of Development, ~n~ , , .h.... .,,, .rm~ .~.,,,... w,.~a.,.,.~,.~.~..,,. _.~ .~-,~ but the Town does make contributions toward the Costs of Development, the Town shall ,w,..rM....,,. _u ~.~., .. .w ....... . ,,.n receive all New Tax Revenues from the Property in perpetuity; (iii) if the Town does not make contributions toward the Costs of Development, but the County does make contributions toward the Costs of Development, the County will receive all New Tax Revenues from the Property in perpetuity. Vie,«FS ~.~ ..w..r~+tcac. ~N w*JCS--.~. . , ,,....:..:.o. ., ,....: (e) The County's obligation to make payments to the Town as provided in this Section is subject to the annual appropriation of sufficient funds by the County Board of Supervisors. (f) The County agrees to create and maintain all records necessary to determine the Costs of Development and the New Tax Revenues. The County further agrees to prepare annually a summary of the calculation of the payments to the Town of its share of New Tax Revenues from the Property. 28 Brenda Holton -McDonald Farm Page 1 From: Susie Owen To: Diane Hyatt Date: 9/19/00 4:28PM Subject: McDonald Farm Elmer asked if you would look at McDonald Farm contract relating to the $1.5 Million and tell Mary Allen to put this on the Vinton agenda for Tuesday. (He said you would know what he was talking about.) Thanks. Susie B. Owen, CPS Executive Secretary to County Administrator Roanoke County P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 540.772.2004 FAX 772.2193 CC: Mary Allen INTER MEMO ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS O F F I C E CLERK'S OFFICE TO: Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge FROM: Brenda J. Holton ~~ DATE: September 19, 2000 SUBJECT: JOINT MEETING WITH VINTON TOWN COUNCIL As you know, we have scheduled a joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council to be held Tuesday, September 26, 2000, at 5:00 p.m. in the 4th Floor Training Room. If you have any items that you would like added to the agenda, please let me or Mr. Hodge know as soon as possible. The agenda forthe joint meeting will go out with your regular agenda this Friday, September 22th. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. cc: Mary Allen Note to Dr. Nickens: We have added the introduction of the new Vinton Police Chief Herb Cooley to the agenda. Mary Allen - Re: Dinner for 9-26 Vinton Joint Mtg Page 1 From: Mary Allen To: Brenda Holton Subject: Re: Dinner for 9-26 Vinton Joint Mtg Thanks. »> Brenda Holton 09/08/00 01:39PM »> Talked with Paulette Miller yesterday about having dinner for the 9-26 meeting with Vinton. Told her I thought we wanted the roast beef that she did before and would have to tell her number of people later. Tentatively I think probably about 35. Since I was talking with her, went ahead and asked her about date and she is reserving it for us. 7-.~~ I N T E R MEMO O F F I C E County Administrator's Office To: Board of Supervisors r ~ From: Elmer C. Hodge ~`#' Subject: Joint Meeting with Vinton Town Council Date: August 2, 2000 The joint meeting with the Vinton Town Council has been scheduled as follows: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 (our regular Board meeting date) 5:00 p.m. 4"' Floor Conference Room The Vinton Town Council has been invited to join us for dinner at 5:00 p.m., followed by the joint meeting. Our regular evening session will begin at 7:00 p.m. If you wish to add any items to the joint meeting agenda, please let me or Mary Allen know. CC: Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board Paul Mahoney, County Attorney John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator Jill Barr, Community Relations August 1, 2000 NOTE TO: Mary Allen FROM: Brenda J. Holton SUBJECT: MEMO TO BOARD Mr. Hodge called you and asked that you send a memo to the Board under his name to remind them about upcoming meeting with Town of Vinton on September 26, 2000 at 5 p.m. He said Clay was out of town but you might want to check and see if everything is still OK. He was a little vague about the time but when I reminded it was Board day and 5 p.m., he said yes, that was right and have dinner. Also said you might ask for items for the agenda. 8- / ..mac-~.~c~~ ~~ ~ ~ L~ ~ ~j~~ ,c-o Brenda Holton - Re: Introduction 9-26 Board Meeting Page 1 From: Brenda Holton To: Elmer Hodge; Mary Allen Date: 8/28/00 8:51 AM Subject: Re: Introduction 9-26 Board Meeting I'll put a note in the file also about inviting Chief Lavinder to the meeting. I put in the wrong date for the meeting -it's 9/26 and not 8/26 but I'm sure you knew that. Can't believe that September is almost here. »> Elmer Hodge 08/28/00 08:36AM »> Good idea. Please have Ray Lavinder there if he can make it. Elmer Hodge Roanoke County Administrator 540-772-2001 CC: Susie Owen ~~ ~~ Brend P - Introduction 8-26 Board Meeting Page 1 From: Brenda Holton To: Elmer Hodge; Mary Allen Date: 8/28/00 8:29AM Subject: Introduction 8-26 Board Meeting FYI, Friday afternoon, Susie passed a message from Dr. Nickens along to me that he would like to invite the new Vinton Police Chief Herb Cooley to be introduced at the joint meeting with Vinton on G~' Just wanted to let you know and will place this note in the agenda file for the,~6 meeting. ( ~-~ CC: Susie Owen ~~a ~ . ~ From the Roanoke Times PUBLIC PULSE Published on 08/25/2000. Article 1 of 16 found. Page: NRV2 Pulaski officials discussed interim appointments for police and fire chief positions in closed session at a town Personnel Committee Thursday morning. Town Manager Gary Elander will probably appoint the interim police chief, at least, in a few days since Chief Herb Cooley will leave to become Vinton's police chief next month. Fire Chief Jeff Hall will retire in November. The town will advertise nationally for both positions. Click for complete article ...........:.........Page 3 ..... ` ................... Page 11 „ .................... Page 10 ....................... Page 5 v~ ~ ~ ~. !._ _ ti ~r .~ ' ~ ,I;;li ~ ~ i ,'i, ~,' ~~ ._ ~ - BLUE There ..~~ ,.~.~ ~~ ~~~uaiu anca run in the air over the weekend during Vinton's Annual Otd-Time Bluegrass Festival and Competition Page 8 Vinton, VA Thursday, 50 Cents Tinton taps Pulaski chief o run police department By JEFF WALKER Staff Writer Vinton has a new top cop as of ptember 5, 2000. Herbert Gray Cooley was unani- ously appointed the police chief r the Town of Vinton at a special filled meeting of the Town Council lesday, August 22. "We got the best of the best," said auncilman Tom Rotenberry, after e announcement was made Tues- py afternoon. `Cooley, who goes by "Herb," was ~~e of the five finalists out of 35 ~plicants for the permanent posi- 7ayor Don Davis said, "We were ling to narrow the Held down to en out of the 35, but we ended up h the final five we actually inter- wed." although town council would not eal the names of other applicants the chief's job, previous reports icate that interim chief David vards was among the applicants. ;dwards was named chief after retirement of formerpolice chief Herbert Gray Cooley Rick Foutz amid a state police and grand jury investigation last year. Davis revealed in council cham- bers to the small assembly that the selection processed involved more than just town council. "There was an interview panel thatincludedthetowncouncil mem- bers, the town manager, assistant town manger, town attorney, two regional law enforcement represen- tatives and two Vinton citizens," Davis said in his prepared state- ment. The council with advisory panel conducted interviews from July 27- August 8, 2000. The mayor stressed the fact that the council are the only ones charged by the Town Charter to appoint the police chief, so the other panelist served in "an advisory capacity." Mayor Davis identltied the law enforcement officials as Roanoke City Police Chief A. L. "Joe" Gaskins and Bedford City Chief Milton Graham. The Vinton citizens included on the panel John Hartsook and Bar- bara "Bootie" Chewning. Chewning, a former Roanoke County School Board member and Continued on Page 2 call for support ,r olice chief Fund drive ontinued from Page 1 immunity leader said she was tonored and fortunate to have been part of the selection committee." "It was a rewarding experience ~d a real eye-opener," she said. Mayor Davis stated he appreci- :edall the input from the panelists. The police chiefs were very ben- ~cial with their insight," he said. Davis saic~~ the seven additional anelists were asked to name their free top choices, but the final deci- on came from council. "As mayor of Vinton, I wish to :ate that I am very pleased that the election process has successfully included with the appointment.of 'hief Cooley as Vinton's police hief," Davis said in his statement. Davis said the council was im- ressed by Cooley's involroement in is community and his desire to ecome involved in Vinton. Council members and panelists sere likewise impressed by 'ooley's strong community in- olvement. Both Councilman .otenberry and Chewning said they ;lt Cooley would tit into Vinton Cooley said, "I like this commu- ty and do not look upon this as a gipping stone, but as a place to Ong my hat until I retire." "My family is very excited about ~ming here, which is a big help," he added. Cooley is married with two chil- dren. He comes to Vinton. from the Town of Pulaski, where he has been the chief of police since 1994. He served as chief deputy-lieu- tenant colonel with the Wythe County Sheriffs office from 1980- 1994. His educational background in- cludes the FBI National Academy, and degrees from Guilford College and Virginia Commonwealth Uni- versity (VCU). He earned an associate of arts degree in Behavioral Science and a Bachelor of Science in Administra- tion of Justice from Guilford. Cooley received a masters degree in Criminal Justice and Risk Man- agement from VCU. The new permanent police chief will begin work September 5, 2000, with, the starting annual salary of $55,000. Cooley said he plans no sweeping changes as he begins his new ap- pointment. "I want to take it slow and get in tune with the community and the council." "I plan to work within the sys- tem," he said. He added, referring to interim chief Edwards, "I couldn't follow a better guy." Continued from Page 1 $260,000. Vinton's portion is larger than the County's since the station is within the town. The county helps fund half the salary of the four career fire-fight- ers,for example, but not the mainte- nance of the fire station. As Heptinstall showed a visitor Station 2 on 120 W. Jackson Ave., he pointed out the trucks, turn-out gear, uniforms, and much of the equipment-all paid for by the an- nual budgets of Vinton and the County. Heptinstall opened the door of the station's first floor office. "Members did all the re-model- ingand renovating of the office," he said. "They worked after hours, in their off-time to get it.done." "Members used their own exper- tise, got deals from businesses for the materials." There is an analyzer/conditioner unit in the office that recharges bat- teriesfor hand-held radios. "Volun- teer funds paid for this piece of equipment and it saves budgeted money," said Heptinstall. Elsewhere in Station 2, an ice machine and much of the equip- ment in the spacious training facil- ity are further evidence of volunteer fund-drives of the past. "And, people may think it's a luxury, but we pay for our coffee," added Heptinstall. "I tell you, at 3 o'clock in the morning, it sure comes in handy." A variety of supplemental items found on the fire trucks and paid for by volunteer fund-drive money makes the job of fire fighting more efficient: • Binoculars-often ideal to as- sess afire scene from a safe dis- tance; • Cameras-to take photographs that can be used for training, tire investigators, and for court cases; • Infrared heat sensors-to ana- lyze the temperature of electrical equipment that may be the source of a fire, such as a hot wire or light fixture; ments the reimbursement fc volunteers travel expenses to ing and classes, Heptinstall s "And we give ourselves a Christmas banquet and an a banquet," he said. Vinton's fire department p outside company to prepare tl- solicitation and mail it out for "Aside from. word of mou rely on that mailing pretty he; he said. He explains, "We pay the pany a t7at tee to prepare the n and send it out to the list we p to them, period." Heptinstall stressed, "We solicit funds through telephor of concert tickets, nor do we r any money from any tirefi; association that may call at home." "We just want people to that 100% of the money they us goes to the Vinton Volunte Department," said the capta Heptinstall went on the s the funds received are proce: a committee and are deposi the treasurer. "And once a y~ are audited by an outside fir said. "We're an open book.' Heptinstall said the 2000 to raise $25,000-$30,000. "Future ideas we're k around are to purchase a co cial grade washing machine t der turn-out gear and a them aging camera," he said. The firefighters coats anc clothing can hold toxins cleaned properly, "and a heav industrial washer is the onl~ that will do the trick," Hep explained. 'The thermal-imaging < would allow.us to go into a I larly volatile fire scene an time locating and getting tuns." He said, "When there is fire and smoke, we have to € touch and feel. Every second The thermal camera could c down considerably." Anyone wishing to supp Vinton Volunteer Fire Deps can contact 983-0629, by pt atP.O. Box426, Vinton, VA In Service ~~ High School. During the six weeks of training, the airman studied the Air Force mission, organization, and customs and received special training in hu- man relations. In addition, airmen who complete basic training earn credits toward an associate degree through the Com- munity College of the Air Force. Randarf S. Hodges Randall S. Hodges has graduated from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) Academy at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. He is the son of BarbaraJ. Hodges of Roanoke and is a 1988 graduate of Berean Christian Academy, Salem. u,.a~,.- i----~ `- ----0----- -- • Chainsaws--budgeted money ,:.74r..~nnn n}~oincoty 71araP Frhn• Elmer Hodge -Joint Town County Meeting Page 1 ~. _ -- - From: <Vintondb@aol.com> To: <ehodge~co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/25/00 11:45AM Subject: Joint Town County Meeting I spoke to Mayor Davis regarding a possible joint meeting. He and I reviewed the calendar and thought that the joint mee ~ e t~for---- -_. September 19 (Town Council meeting) Se tember 26, 2000, Board meeting . ~~ ~ I informed Don that the joint meeting could be schedu e i either date. If you wanted to meet in Vinton, the meeting could be scheduled -^~ at the War Memorial from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on either day. Could you check into this matter and advise if you wish to schedule the joint meeting on either of these dates listed. Clay AUGUST 22.2000 Work Session with Schools to discuss school capital construction and stormwater management. Include: Dr. Weber, George Assaid, Richard Flora, Arnold Covey, George Simpson. SEPTEMBER. 26 AT 5:00 P.M. Joint dinner meeting with Vinton Town Council.