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10/10/2000 - Regular (3)
R ANON-F ,, f838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2000 ~ff~~~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are usually held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The meetings will be broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p m and SaturdaXs at 4 p.m. RVTV now nrnvirlac c/ncr~rl r~antinnincn fnr IivP_ and tared bl'~adCaStS Of the n]eetlnpS. ADMINISTRATION CENTER. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance so reasonable accommodations may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call BLJ ABSENT AT 3:01 P.M. BLJ ARRIVED AT 3:20 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS NONE 1 ® Recycled Paper C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS Proclamation declaring October 22-31, 2000 as Red Ribbon Week in the County of Roanoke HCN MOTION TO ADOPT PROCLAMATION URC WITH BLJ ABSENT MARY GWEN PARKER PRESENT TO ACCEPT PROCLAMATION 2. Recognition of County Officials for special achievement: a. Recognition of Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court for being elected President of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association. STEVE MCGRAW PRESENT TO RECEIVE CERTIFICATE b. Recognition of D. Diane St. John for achieving designation as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator. DIANE ST. JOHN PRESENT TO RECEIVE CERTIFICATE D. BRIEFINGS 1. Annual Report from the Health Department for 1999 and 2000. (Dr. Molly Odell, Director, Allegheny and Roanoke City Health Districts ) PRESENTED BY DR. ODELL E. NEW BUSINESS Request to approve a construction contract and advance funds for the New South County High School. (Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent and Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) ENTATION OF SCHOOL F. FIRST READINGS OF ORDINANCES 2 URC JOINT WORK SESSION WITH SCHOOL BOARD SCHEDULED FOR 11/14/00 First reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting Section 21-3. "Utility Service Tax" of Article I. "In General" of Chapter 21, "Taxation" of the Roanoke County Code to conform to the requirements of Virginia Statutes deregulating electrical and natural gas industries. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2 AND PUBLIC HEARING -10/24/00 URC G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES NONE H. APPOINTMENTS Grievance Panel 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. Industrial Development Authority HCN NOMINATED CRAIG W. SHARPE TO A FOUR-YEAR TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30, 2004. 4. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 5. Social Services Advisory Board I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. HCN MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO AFTER DISCUSSION OF ITEM 5. URC Confirmation of appointment to the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation. A-101000-2.a 3 2. Designation of a voting representative at the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Annual Meeting. A-101000-2.b 3. Request for acceptance and appropriation of $16,111 from the Department of Education for alternative student education. A-101000-2.c 4, Donation of a new 20' drainage easement and waterline easement and a new 20' waterline easement on property of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., Fairway Forest Villas, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A-101000-2.d 5. Endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve another term as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. R-101000-2.e J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS JPM SCHEDULED WORK SESSION ON 11/14/00 TO DISCUSS SCHOOL 6- YEAR PLAN. ~~ K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS PMM advised that the Board will meet with the Montgomery County 4 endorse their motion. Board of Supervisors later in the evening in Closed Meeting and that the material will be discussed at that time. M. REPORTS HOM MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE AFTER DISCUSSION OF ITEM 6 -URC 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Quarterly Report on Day Reporting Program 6. Update on renovations to the Salem Office Supply building HCN ADVISED HE HAD NO INTEREST IN GOING BEYOND THE ORIGINAL SCOPE AND PLANS. HOM ASKED... _ECH OR PMM IF THERE ARE LY 7. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of September 30, 2000. N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 5 commended the department on the activity. Grand Opening. RECESS AT 4:30 P.M. O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Work Session to discuss amendments to the Community Plan for the Hollins/Interstate 81 Exit 146 interchange area. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) NONE Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION 6 2. Work Session on year-end operations. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A NONE R. ADJOURNMENT INE ED MEETING AT 5:50 _P.M. TO TRAVE y ~ROAN~.~ z cpi az ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~.~Z.~ 1838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2000 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are usually held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The meetings will be broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 a.m. RVTV now Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance so reasonable accommodations may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring October 22-31, 2000 as Red Ribbon Week in the County of Roanoke 1 ® Recycled Paper 2. Recognition of County Officials for special achievement: a. Recognition of Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court for being elected President of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association. b. Recognition of D. Diane St. John for achieving designation as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator. D. BRIEFINGS Annual Report from the Health Department for 1999 and 2000. (Dr. Molly Odell, Director, Alleghany and Roanoke City Health Districts ) E. NEW BUSINESS Request to approve a construction contract and advance funds for the New South County High School. (Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent and Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) F. FIRST READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting Section 21-3. « „ Utility Service Tax of Article I. In General of Chapter 21, Taxation of the Roanoke County Code to conform to the requirements of Virginia Statutes deregulating electrical and natural gas industries. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. Industrial Development Authority 4. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 5. Social Services Advisory Board I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED 2 BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of appointment to the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation. 2. Designation of a voting representative at the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Annual Meeting. 3. Request for acceptance and appropriation of $16,111 from the Department of Education for alternative student education. 4, Donation of a new 20' drainage easement and waterline easement and a new 20' waterline easement on property of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., Fairway Forest Villas, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 5. Endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve another term as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Quarterly Report on Day Reporting Program 6. Update on renovations to the Salem Office Supply building 7. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of September 30, 2000. N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 3 1. Work Session to discuss amendments to the Community Plan for the Hollins/Interstate 81 Exit 146 interchange area. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) 2. Work Session on year-end operations. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. ADJOURNMENT TO 7: WITH THE MONTGON V, AND JOINT CLOSED MEETING. 4 t ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring the week of October 22 - 31, 2000 as Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County SUMMARY OF INFORMATION RAYSAC (the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition), the Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, and Blue Ridge Community Services, have asked that the Board proclaim October 22 - 31 as Red Ribbon Week. Attached is a letter from Mary Gwen Parker, Secretary/Treasurer, RAYSAC, describing the activities that are planned during this week. Ms. Parker will be present to accept the proclamation at the Board meeting. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ _ _ Denied () Johnson _ Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ c- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 PROCLAMATION DECLARING OCTOBER 22 - 31, 2000 AS RED RIBBON WEEK IN SUPPORT OF A DRUG FREE COMMUNITY WHEREAS, the Red Ribbon Campaign was initiated in 1985 by the Virginia Federation of Communities for Drug-Free Youth; and WHEREAS, the red ribbon was designated as the symbol of intolerance of illegal drug use and a commitment to a drug-free life style; and WHEREAS, a group of concerned citizens, parents, students, teachers, police officers, business people, judges, drug treatment providers, counselors, ministers, and other caring individuals have established the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition (RAYSAC) to bring better coordination and development of substance abuse prevention programs and resources; and WHEREAS, RAYSAC, the Roanoke Valley Drug and Alcohol Abuse Council, and Blue Ridge Community Services have asked that the Board of Supervisors recognize Red Ribbon Week in Roanoke County and are promoting the Red Ribbon Campaign in the Roanoke Valley through a variety of activities. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby proclaim October 22 through October 31, 2000 as RED RIBBON WEEK in Roanoke County, Virginia, and encourages all of our citizens to join in the observances and activities of this event. 'gAYSAr September 8, 2000 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Mary Allen County Clerk 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 ~' ~,oanoke Area youth Sudstanee Abuse Coalition 1 Dear Chairman and Members of the Board: ~,~ ~ 3 P.O. Bo~13543 `' `-' 2~,oanoke, NCI 24035 ~_ .: (540) 982-1427 ____~_a For the seventh year, citizens of the Roanoke Valley and Botetourt County will be asked to take a stand against illegal drug use through the observance of Red Ribbon Week. RAYSAC (the Roanoke Area Youth Substance Abuse Coalition) and Blue Ridge Community Services, would like to formally ask the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to proclaim October 22 - 31 as Red Ribbon Week in your community. The Red Ribbon Campaign was initiated in 1985 by the Virginia Federation of Communities for Drug-Free Youth following the murder of Federal Agent Enrique Camarena by drug traffickers. Since that time, the red ribbon has been designated as the symbol of intolerance of the illegal use of drugs and a commitment to a drug-free lifestyle. The last week in October is recognized as Red Ribbon Week by communities across the country. In the Roanoke Valley a number of events are scheduled: • Sunday, October 22, at 7:00 p.m., at the Hotel Roanoke Conference Center, a Candlelight Vigil of Remembrance and Hope will be held to remember those whose lives have been affected by substance abuse. • A number of businesses and agencies throughout the region will sport banners and ribbons in support of this week. RAYSAC is an organization that includes concerned parents, students, teachers, police officers, business people, judges, drug treatment providers, counselors, ministers, and more. Working with Blue Ridge Community Se:-~rices_ they are committed t~ creating a community norm that drug abuse will not be tolerated. Thank you in advance for considering our request for a proclamation. If possible, please present this to your elected officials at a meeting as close to the start of Red Ribbon Week as possible. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me at 982-1427. The proclamation can be sent to me at 541 Luck Avenue, Suite 230, Roanoke, Virginia, 24016, or please let me know and I will be happy to come by and pick it up. Sincerely, JJll ;~.1 ~t~,t..1C~~ Mary Gwen Parker Secretary/Treasurer ion Profit Organization - ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~l~Q- ~O~ b AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court, and D. Diane St. John, Registrar, for special achievement COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On August 27, 2000, Steven A. McGraw, Roanoke County Clerk of Circuit Court, was elected President of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association. His term will run from October 1, 2000 to September 30, 2001. This organization is comprised of 120 circuit court clerks from throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Mr. McGraw will be serving during the 91st annual state conference to be held next year at the Hotel Roanoke. He is a former member of the Board of Supervisors, and previously served as president of the Virginia Association of Counties in 1990. On September 1, 2000, Roanoke County Registrar Diane St. John was designated as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator (CERA). CERA designation is achieved through amulti-year course of study conducted by the Election Center's Professional Education Program and completion of twelve core courses taught by the Master's in Public Administration faculty of Auburn University. Only 200 of 21,000 election and voter registration officials in the United States have achieved this designation. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10,.2000 AGENDA ITEM: Annual Report from the Health Department for 1999 and 2000 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Dr. Molly Odell, Director of the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts, has requested time on the agenda to present the annual report of the Health Districts. Attached are copies of the September 1999 and September 2000 Public Health Report Cards for the Alleghany and Roanoke City Health Districts, as well as a copy of the Public Health Report Card for Roanoke County as of 1997-98. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- _ _ Referred () Minnix _ To () Nickens _ _ ~"' PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT CARD (SEPTEMBER, 2000) ALLEGHANY AND ROANOKE CITY HEALTH DISTRICTS ~~--_ F 0 Z m ~0 a V Oo a N J ,~? = h V J a ~o 00p O O Yf W ~ ! C ti O N a J ~N Q ~ h M S ~ ~ N N W ai N ~o r b m O N N N M m p C"fO ~~ tf N 0 V r K ~o Of ~ N N o x w M r r O m N ~ G N V W vn g ~ N N ~ J 0 Q w r ~ ~ M h v ~- ~ ~ a m ~ 0 a c ~ r ~ L ~ m ~o ~a~°~ ~ a~$a.~ ~.~ya ~ o ~~ ~- Q .,a C~ i°-vee as pO O r N O r M N ~ ~ ~ O WaODN~pM OfaOaa0, OO N W W SOn~HO,.ONOMO. ~ N rO N l~ ~ N M n ~ A~ ~ N ~~ N O O P 00 CO0 N COD M 0OD ~ ~ ~ ~ 009 O CVH NCV TN A r Pr G r r pp V A h ~~ p S ~ ^ h po ~ N P~ O tO~, r Iff ~ M O N M ~ N O ~ ~ O M 1"! r GSM ° ~ g ~ ~ ~ 80 M N t0 ~ M b O O N r ~ ~ 000 O C O O O O G C O C ~ ~ ~ ~ g$$ aoo r 0 O ~ ~ ~O ON 000 O ,~ r v dc~oo r 0 v C 7 w m m ~ m g ~ _ E ~ ~ E 7~ C '~ C ~ ~ T fl. ~„ 0 0 0 0 0 ~`~~~ °~m Q;~;; ~ ~~ ~,0 8 ~aaaaa ~~vo~~ aa~~e ~~ a~a~~ ~~ o $ °m, r ~ r N g 01 r °0 0 O O r ~ O O ~1 i- QQ Q~ a 83 ~ p 5 C ~ ' r - ~~~ _~~ ~ a ~ m`~ ~. ~~;~r ~~ ~ W ~ ~ '~' V P v ~~~c~ a' ~ ~~~~~~ ..~`s c .~ ~o e ~C V 0 w ti m J = W '~- W m Q ~ Q ~. 0 2 e 4 pf Z ~' Z c~ W J J Q ~' N C Z m ~f a V Oo aN ~~ J d W = y U r a i f $ ai o v ~ ~o ~ra Ch 0D h.~iC r~0larNeO- H W n ~ N °v, ~ C ~y°yn gi r ~ t0 N r Q y rN 00r tOGmOOODONA O ~~ t64i orin~ronv r ~ r r a ao ~ ~ O O o ~ ' $ ~~ ~ : o oc~ir . o O N M N m ~~ °o °o °a,~e°om°°, O O N O T P V If r O O ~ G G Vn O N r V ~ ° ° ~~ ~ ~ ~ . nm i i r r r . P ~~ O N O J Q °n ~ G W E w g C ~ ~' Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aL~"~C~Cm~~~~ ~.~_ m m ~ ~ ga a'a~ € J 0 ~ ~~ E~ a~~~~ `m~ z°o avi-~e a veF aE_= r n ~OfMra~M r r h 10 M P 0 0 0 N~ f~ N O O O ~ ~ ~ < O G G Oro tOO OrD tV OOO voiv`~o°o M aaoo>aooo Ip M Y1 M 0 0 0 P M h~ C C C ~~Saoog O N C G O C O r V' 0000 r tO0 CR OA OU 01 O p N N N N N O O 01 b ~ 1A ~!> O O N O! Of Oi W O O N N N N N O~ b N b b O O N m ' G O ~ W ~ O c U a g _ 0 ~ Q ~5 ~ J ~ C W '~~ Y~ ~ Z a' Cdlt. ~ ~ ~ , ~n ~ E a ~` c ~ W w ~s T ~ ¢ v vC i~ 0 ~ _v 1~ c0 W `_ W m 2 ~ Q ~ 0 2~ Q ~ 2 ~' c~ W J J Q ~~ M ~d 2 m a Oo a N m .Q Q Q V m 4 W J y o 0 O O j, m O a ~ ~ t4 U ~ x ~, m O /y~ ~ W 0 ~ ~ $ ~ ,Q m ~ ai O ~ ~ ~ ~ U O y O 4 N ..: o Q- ~ i- ~~ ~ ~ V ~ ~ O C ~ ~ ~ Z k ~ y O /~ ~ V _~ ~ .~ ~ 0 Q j ` ,~ Q ~ J ,~ ~+ o Q 3 W O O ~ v m _ m 2 ti ~ ~ ~ ~ _ O p 0 ~ J V ~ ~ O ~ J 0: ~, a ~ ~ O m ~, C7 ~ ~ m O ~ ~ N ~ N W O ~_ r' ~ O ~~ ~ ~ rn ... ~ ~ !- ~ •. h ~ g~ ~ w o O = Q `~- N V nNOo ~st'Od' ~ N O O OON \° ~' I~MtNDO~~~~N-' N /~ n ~ M ~}~u~p`- ntiWN MtA~o CrOC7MMN V ~~pp 0 r ~t M A N `d' N N d'NCOO~T'e-~tA r r ~OO~d'Oc0O ! O `_ ~ N e- ~F OO~~OCO00 N °O .- ~ M O r Nef'tp~MC0i~1~~} ~t7~MOMCNOt0 N N r' M r r 1n 00 ~ to f~ ~0 0 ~ O ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ .Q O y ~ ,, ~ ~. a O ~U m ~ ~ ~~ ....~ m o W 3~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ N .~ a ~ ~ ;~. ~ .c ap ~ '^- .C O U .C U riaoo u o~m ~ O ~ ~ CV a N M to Z O N 1~ r tD ~N~~- r r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N 5 .~......~..-.. . a _ ~ ~ ~ N O t C~ N N N W O M ~ O N r- O ~ ~ ti ~ ~ e~~ ti o M ~ ..~ ~ 2 ~ ~ a N M U ~ L; i O O ~ v O ~ N ~ ~ O -'NN U 1 c j ~ U U~ U~ O X :~ Ucv)Q~W 0W 000000._0 ~ W ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Q - fi cummmmw ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c c c c c c c I~ ~ 1°- I-° I-° I-° Q O LL O 0 LL LL CNO ~ O O m LL LL ~ ~ O d' O O r N O 0 O m N ~ LL O m M r Ll. ~ e- n N e~- m ~ O m LL LL LL ~ w ~ ti pp ~ ~ ~ U ~ N .m h ~ y vj uj ~ ~~ ~ ~ N~O~ O N^ E ~~~YVOi O y ~ '_ ro ~ 00' M Y ~1~U~~~ _ ~ ~ O U ~ N ~ ~ ~ U o a Y ~ `~ ca 0 U m m~ ~ ' ~ ~ o c •~ ~ ~ cII O _t C7 ~ $ F' ~ c NI~Ot~t~O cN ~- d' G0 O c0 N O N ~ ~oo~~~r M M rr-0~00~ T O O O to N O ON ~- N O O M~ O '~P N O O~ M M O MI~OODOO N 1~ ~ N d' N +.. m ~ ~ a N ~ N N w :Q :Q~~~ cucuc~cn~ N (00 ~ ~ N ~ ~~mo~~c ==UOIQ ~~~~~~ PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT CARD September, 2000 References A. KIDS COUNT IN VIRGINIA, 1999 Data Book, produced by Action Alliance for Virginia's Children and Youth. B. Reportable Disease Surveillance in Virginia, 1999, Office of Epidemiology, Va. Dept. of Health C. Virginia Health Statistics, 1998, Volume I, Center for Health Statistics, Va. Dept. of Health D. Virginia Primary Care Data Proft[e, January 1998, Virginia Dept. of Health and Va. Primary Care Association, Inc. E. Healthy People 2000, National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. F. Virginia Child Health and Immunization Survey (VCHIS), A Collaborative Project of the Center for Pediatric Research and Virginia Department of Health, Division of Immunization. G. The Statistical Record of the Virginia Medicaid Program and Other Indigent Health Care Programs, State Fiscal Year 1999, Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services. H. Va. Dept. of Health, Alleghany and Roanoke City Health Districts. I. 1996 Health Care Access Survey, Joint Commission on Health Care. J. Roanoke Valley -Alleghany Regional Commission -formerly the Fifth Planning District Commission. Reference by Indicator: Total Population (C: p. II-2) Population age 0-19 (C: p II-2) Population 65 and over (C: p. II-2) Per capita income (A: 1996 average per capita income) Public health spending per capita (H: Local health department's FY99 expenditure budget divided by locality population.) Risk Factors Objective (E) population uninsured (I) population unemployed (J: Percent unemployed in May, 1998) population below 100% poverty level (J: Est. Percent of the population in 1995 under 100% poverty.) population below 200% poverty level (J: Percent of the population in 1990 under 200% poverty.) population with Medicaid (G: p. 2-20) students receiving free/reduced-price lunch (A: FY97) over age 25 not H.S. graduate (D: p. 17-19, 1990 U.S. Bureau of the Census) Middle Schoolers passing all four Spring physical fitness tests (A, 1997) 2 yr. Olds properly immunized (F: Immunization Rate at 24 Months by HMO Region for Infants Born September 1994 to October 1996) school enterers properly immunized (Not Available) Deaths Total No. & Rate per 1000 pop. (C. Total Deaths By Place of Residence with Resident Death Rates Per 1000 Estimated Population, Table 1, p. VII-2) Death Rates age adjusted per 100,000 by cause of death: (C: Resident Deaths from the Thirteen Leading Causes of Death, Table 15, pp. VII 34-35.) Children (ages 1-15 per 1,000) (A: CY1997) Teen Violent Death Rate (Ages 15-1'1) (A: CY1997) Infant Deaths (C: Infant Deaths Under 1 yr. By Place of Residence with Resident Infant Death Rates per 1,000 resident live births, p. VI-4) Births Total No. by Place of Residence/Rate per 1,000 population (C: p. IV-4) Prenatal Care 1" Trim. (C: p. IV-34, % beginning care in first 13 weeks) LBW Live Births (C: P. IV-30, % Low Weight Live Births under 2500 Grams of Total Births) Births with Congenital Anomalies (C: p. IV-32, % of %Total Births) Teenage Pregnancy Rate (C: p. III-19, Rates per 1,000 Females) Nonmarital Live Births (C: p. IV-28, % Nonmarital of Total Live Births) Induced Termination Rate per 1,000 Females (C: p. V-4, Rates per 1,000 Females 15-44.) Reportable Diseases: (B: CY1999 incidence rates per 100,000 population) ~~~ PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT CARD (SEPTEMBER, 1999) ALLEGHANYAND ROANOKE CITY HEALTH DISTRICTS ~-i V W `~ 2 'Q J ~ Q 2 y V J m a ~~ r N S ~ M N A r r .Q p pp ~ p p p p p p p p p p O p o I,V ~f,O~ OONN01 O~pp O CaO O^O 000M O MODN~pm~N~ CD Nan ~aON^a{ eN+l N M~ N~ 0 NNr00'fNOO f~ ~ N r r N ~ O 00000 00 ooQ o n g ~p O r N N N 00 O Of O O Z O 00 N N N O 1q r M N N M ~ ~ N ~ 00D ~ N a O ~ O ~ N N N r Q ~ A O O O O O O O O O O Q O O r O O O ~q O! O N 0 O ~ r P 10 00 O OD O O Z OD O r h O ~ r N 00 C9 r N a~ M N W G N N O C0 00 OD M M 0 0 r N N r r r N M OD r~ N OD r W ~ N N M N M O O O Z 00 N M 00D N O O a ~~ l'9 tG r~ O l'9 OD b r N N N 1n G G O ~p N N~ N r r M 00 N r N m OV r r N p0j 000 O N O O~ ~ W W 0Op O O O '04~ N n N CA h n lMNf ~ ~~ 'e f O O O N r ~ r w moo mn °oZ °m a~+ ~ °o°o °o V ~ N N A~ p G O G G W N ~°a mn °o°oZ °o chi r0~°o°0 M N a r Ono N r N O O 0 OD N O V y N i ~ 00 OD N N 00D ~ O O O r n r OD f~ O O O O J N N C N O N Q ~ N ~ b~ V CA n O N N ~ ~ ~ ~ O OD N w W = o w g c 3 r ~ ~ V ~~pp ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ n ~ om a ° ,~ 3 ~ a A ~ ~ O. fD ~e ~ tt 4. ~ ~ g ~ Q ~ ~ m ~ ` ~~ ~ ~ ~ o8~~a aN ~.~ E Q ~c, a~ffi ~ c ~~ $. r Om~~ ~~~~~~ i a m='`~ ~a ~Q~~ ~L~ ~ 2 ~o,~g~~ oo~doc~ ~ °1Na~m N~~ ~go ~~~~ h !~ o~ffi ~ Q c ~a~N'°o ~s~ ~~~~ ~~o~o ~ as v aaao .a .'~ i ~° o v o. c's ~ c e ... V y J 2= O ~_ ~ V ~ Y 0 Q. Q '_ Q z W J J Q 0 V O W J W V J a o~ as o~ d m ~.. m y ? A O CA to n N r M r N ~- O p f0NM COOO~MA W ~C910~ C~9Nm00 ~CNO , r V A N CD r ~ N~~~ CO r . ~~ M ~ O O M ~ r r ~~pp W O O O O O pp O m ~ A O P~ O> O~ N~~ O O m q N N c~ W N r ~ O 'Q O N M N m COO r a N J h O CO O O O O 0 0 0 O O ~Q M ~p N ~ N O O N r m r IA M O O O P N N m r mOmr 01OMm V "" r, ~' r rO V f~ N ~7 C~ O O O O O O O O OJ Cp O I~ O r h h m O r m N O N O ~ 7 m CO ~ N r 0/ G O N r~~ CD r r M M O r m ~N ~°o~°o m°o goo°v O oaooooo ~, ~ O tT O N O ~ b N V ~f) ~ O N O~ p ~ O O O O O W r~uioui o 0 V oaA °o °o ,°~ °' nm~oooA ~ ao 0 0 ~ °°'~ ~ O " r V am °m uoi.°o °o~i°n NmNOOOn ~ ~ r ~ C M O M~ O O M IAp Q ~ N N ~ ~ ~ CV O r of r M ~ ffi ~ w Q ~~ 3 C O ~ r C ~ ~ ~ Q C C a ~ ~ o o r J o o - ~ y C~~~Y'~ r V ~r h~ _ ~ V ~ c ~ a° ~ ~ 3 m$ ~ j ~ $,ci mm aa ~ o ~~ ' ~ w ; o t m ,o_a.~ 3~ Oa f ~ ~~ _ ~ a~ n ~ mF-meE~ ~~.~• vE C J ~4:00072f 1 i+E °' U J W 2 v Y O 2 0 Q. O Z Q z W J J Q d w 0 e d c. d O .~ C O 4 ~ ~ W ~' `w Q w Q ~~ J 4. °°'~~+~.tor~ ~~ ~m ~ m ,- f,,, e+~ . N 't~Q l~~ ~ N r ~ rf t1? .- r N p ~} Z tOtA~~.'~ c9MN rCV e~-r r r e- '~"' OD Ct? QD Y r ~ ~ N +- ~ N f+ Q CO 4y C,3 ~p g~ t- '~Q' ~ N' st t'N d'Nl+?~'d't-rtA ,- s- ~ to t~ ~? v o ~ ~ 0 r .-.-N~~tVC? ~~~CbW~QTa Q ~ ~ `" Lt •r~~r>mnr• ~ ~v ~- as w c+~ cv ~~er,~'?~r7c~u~i~ .~ ,~ a ~ ~ ~ '~ T ~ ~ 3 c ~ ~ ov ~"~ M ~ d' fy m. w~ ~ ~ ~` N M ~ La Z `~} C L ~ O ~ W o ~' ~ QI°o au o_:~ moo ~~ ~ pyp ~a ~ o~ g ~g ~ ~°UO ~~° W c°OOOF--O~ WSW ~ ~m°~'E~j~oooooo~O~ w.~a~;p 3° titi~~~ti=~Cl cv-_~~m°V~°OWmmeocacom~L cry .~ fp O ~ m ~ ~ h ~ N ~ N ~ m +.. Q ~ °a.,.., ~, °~ ~~;~' 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~Oo ~;a_oae~~.~m~~~~titi~-~Q e a 3 u U. iL d tV 0llJru.° O a w, LO ~`: ~ ~ fl u. ~~ ~ m ' I ~ cs~ of ~ °i ti ~ ~o m a o. "~ ~ aY Y` T i ti ti ~ c ~ i h ~ H ~ N y ~ ~ ~ + W ^' ~ N E tO CI t NR E ~~~,~~~ ~ N ~?N ~~' y~ ~ ~ ~ ~i . _ .~ h ~ ~ V ~ ~ N m ~ ~ Q Y ~ ~ O ~~~0 ~C9~.°.~-=~ n R R~ l 6 kl a i ~~ rr. ... cbc9omr°rfQ ~;-~~rN cri M Cf C3 ~ ~:N r N C-QO~ e-0 0 r- «~ooNc+7ta `~ T-ac~~o ivy-©~~o ~c"~v°r~iaMO° t- O ~ '~ N E ~, as a ~ N ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ QC~ ~i °'m~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ ~: a,~.~ =2c~c~2Q ~~~~~~ d ~. 0 w d c of ~i PUBLIC HEALTH REPORT CARD September, 1999 References A. KIDS COUNT IN VIRGINIA, 1997 Data Book, produced by Action Alliance for Virginia's Children and Youth. B. Reportable Disease Surveillance in Virginia, 1998, Office of Epidemiology, Va. Dept. of Health. C. Virginia Health Statistics, 1997, Volume I, Center for Health Statistics, Va. Dept. of Health D. Virginia Primary Care Data Profile, January 1998, Virginia Dept. of Health and Va. Primary Care Association, Inc. E. Healthy People 2000, National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service. F. Virginia Child Health and Immunization Survey (VCHIS), A Collaborative Project of the Center for Pediatric Research and Virginia Department of Health, Division of Immunization.. G. An Assessment of Child & Adolescent Hospitalizations in Virginia. Va. Dept. of Health and Center for Pediatric Research, Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters and EVMS. H. Va. Dept. of Health, Alleghany and Roanoke City Health Districts. I. Indicators of Healthy Communities 1997, Roanoke Area Region, Va. Hospital and Healthcare Association 1. 1996 Health Care Access Survey, Joint Commission on Health Care. Reference by Indicator: Total Population (C: p. II-12) Population over 65 years (C: p.II-8) population ages 0-17 (C: ) Average per capita income (A: 1996 average per capita income) Public health spending per capita (H: Local health department's FY99 expenditure budget divided by locality population.) Risk Factors Objective (E) population uninsured (.n population unemployed (A: Average percent unemployed in 1997) population below 100% poverty level (D: p. 3-4, Percent of the population in 1990 under 100% poverty.) population below 200% poverty level (D: p. 3-4, Percent of the population iin 1990 under 200% poverty.) population with Medicaid (D: p. 3-4, Percent of the population with Medicaid as of July 1997.) Children Receiving TANF per 1000 (A: Children receiving assistance/population, ages 0-17 per 1,000) students receiving free/reduced-price lunch (A: FY97) over age 25 not H.S. graduate (D: p. 17-19, 1990 U. S. Bureau of the Census) Middle Schoolers passing all four Spring physical fitness tests (A,1997) 2 yr. olds properly immunized (F: Immunization Rate at 24 Months by HMO Region for Infants Born September 1994 to October 1996) school enterers properly immunized (Not available) Public Health Report Card References Page 2 Hospitalization Rates Asthma (ages 0-19) (G: Adjusted rate per 1,000, utilizing 1995 hospitalization discharge data. Diabetes (1995 Hospital Discharges By Diagnosis per 100,000) Deaths Total No. & Rate per 1000 pop. (C. Total Deaths By Place of Residence with Resident Death Rates Per 1000 Estimated Population, Table 1, p. VII-2) Rates per 100,000 by cause of death: (C: Resident Deaths by from the Thirteen Leading Causes of Death with Age-Adjusted Rates per 100,000 population, Table 15, pp. VII-34 - 35.) Unintentional Injuries CV diseases Suicide Malignant neoplasms Cerebrovascular (stroke) Children (ages 1-14) (A: CY1997, includes deaths of children 1-14 resulting from all causes, rate per 1,000) Teen violent death rate (ages 15-17) (A: CY1997, includes deaths occurring through homicide, suicide, accident, or legal intervention -include. motor vehicle deaths, rate per 1,000) I_ nfant Deaths (C: Infant Deaths Under 1 yr. By Place of Residence with Resident Infant Death Rates per 1,000 resident live births, p. VI-4) Births Total No./ Rate per 1,000 population (C: p. 1V-4) LBW Live Births (C: p. IV-30, % Low Weight Live Births under 2500 Grams of Total Births) Births with Congenital Anomalies (C: p. IV-32, % of Total Births) Prenatal Care 1st Trim. (C: p. IV-34, % beginning care in first 13 weeks) Teenage Pregnancy Rate (C: p. III-19, Rates per 1,000 Females) Out-of-Wedlock Live Births (C: p. IV-28, % Nonmarital of Total Live Births) Induced Terminations of Pregnancy (C: p. V-4, Resident Induced Terminations of Pregnancy Rates per 1000 Females 15-44) Reportable Diseases : (B: CY1998 incidence rates per 100,000 population ) AIDS Gonorrhea HIV Infection Syphilis, Early Tuberculosis Lead Levels in Children .~. i ,~ ~ ~N ~~°N~' N fl. ~y0~a3~ ~~ r~~ a~ t 7~~ C J! ~ C A~ ~. -;f i~i~. ¢: r..MN~CQ~" 4 ch ~ cc~~ 'd' "~$ Qi N 41' '~' r` t c3~NNMtt)NN~; ~ tta~AA~ ~ ~e- 00 t~h ~c" e- r tttV COfY~!'~; T..CVrN~t"N 4 _~ -~ ° .~= ~ ~r~ M ~°uNi { ~~~~' • g 1 Gt ~i ~ r d ~ ~ ::. c ~ s'~ s U ,., 'f5 ~ c ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ Q ~~' ~ ~~ ~ _ ~ ._,. .~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~cf FEW dS'C~ . 4~ o ~ ~ (!? ~ fn EnlA O ~~~~Q '~ R 7 d ocn~~V o> ¢a~~~~vatn~ cntnu3c4cnvvc~cqu3cntncncn cnrnartl~ (n>>>Y~EY[Y ~.~iOG~Ca>>> a?~>>Y~C>>~ 777 ~ > ~?> O d g Oi O Q d N h-, m~ lt3 N. V N r r r O.. ~ _ Q CA Q a0 ~ CA V1 ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01 Obi QS ~ ~ Q Q ~ ~ w Q~i Uri O Q CTi 01 d ~ 03 Qi m~ rn rn rn ~i ~ rn rn rn~ rn rn rn rn cs~ ~i rn rn~ rn c» ~ rn ~'rn ~ rn a> cn m rn a~ ~ r r r r r~ <+ r X^-. C~1 r ~` r r ~- r r r r sr r e>+ e-- `e+- r r r r r r r r .({7+. - fC ~ M v-- <. (~ 1~ t(JI +^. _G to M: tt. ? tU h~~? ,r<" 1. ,~~ c~ t~ `n ~ `~' t Q h N h., to `- f1j'~ 00 r !~- i+.. h. ' Ol~ *" Y'V h -M N CLl G'7. to O Ca O GO ht^'! r N. tV f`') G7 r- M N Crb ~ N t+7 oD ~ ~ `- r ~ M O C7 r ~ m ~ tt! c- OD ~ `- ~' O6 ~ ~ ~ ~.. CA M N i- ~-- Cd ~ ~ CD h: r ' ` Q:. h Q] N c~ n ~ h tp tC3 CO ~' CA N Sff Q h Op t0 V, O t 01 Q? .N.w `- N: N n ~ CO O. ~. a N 0 O C7 ~ h ~ 4Q7 r .~ CO:.:M 47 ~ r ~ '~ ~ r •- ~ ~ tf) r ~ ~ r,; h CA ~ N M h N ~ h V `Ct O ~ -C7 h G7 *'- CO V t`7 Rf? ~ 'rf `'' , ~ N ~- ~ m CV OmU O:~V' N N...O M N O tt tD ~`- rQ..1n r'. ~ ham}' r O fem."`,'-, ,~.,,,. '7 .- r r ~ N uQ? ~ m tD h N ii} ~ Oi tV ~ Y r ~m~' h N ~ O to ~- t0 M tU cp r C7 Q Q h ~~ O tS~ ~ M r ti Q O O si ~ 00 ~ In N r V ~ ~ f~ ~ M M O O) Q)' O CO Cp N .- <- 4i i~ dD N sf O C ~ ~ u~u c+~~n ~" a'~ nicn~cihcAC`i~cpv .- o ~- ~ ~ ~ Q o ~ rn •- r `4 ~ d, ~ t iYr ~'K ~~~ ~ ~ ~. ~. U o ~ O ~ •cf ~' ~ O~ O T O S+ Q `' U GT7 Q ~ N ~ ' s"'S^ r. '~+ t0 ~ m CT! y - ~ N o~~° O OU O n ~ ~ `- ~ C ~~ ~~ 7 N r O O O r~- ~ N LL. ~ ftf ~ m ~ d. ~ c`nn o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :_~ o ~ ~ n. c'oa m c o c ~' ~ -~ ~ ~' ~ ;3 °U g ~ ors En ~ rn rn o ~' .~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ rn~ vi c ~ ~ ~ ~ n cs L ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ rn c .~ .~ ~ tU Q. fl. ~ ~ ~ iLl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ (h ~' U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fi J t7 O . O d d `N '~ ~ fpR. fl. N O ~ Q m L'~ CJ C> CJ t- ~ ~ CLI o o~ o ~° ~ ~ . _ ~ ~~$~$~g AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 RESOLUTION 101000-1 TO ADVANCE FUNDS FOR CERTAIN EXPENDITURES MADE AND/OR TO BE MADE IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION, RENOVATION, CONSTRUCTION AND EQUIPPING OF CERTAIN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR SCHOOL PROJECTS (SOUTH COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL) WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County Board") adopted a resolution on August 19, 1997 declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made and/or to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, the School Board (the "School Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") adopted a resolution on August 28, 1997 declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more tax-exempt financings for certain expenditures made and/or to be made in connection with the acquisition, renovation, construction and equipping of certain capital improvements for school projects, and WHEREAS, the School Board requested an advance to award contracts of $318,000 for site development, $129,300 for architecture and engineering costs, value engineering, and surveying/testing, and $226,651 for project management for Glenvar Middle School, for a total advance of $673,951, on June 13, 2000, and WH EREAS, the School Board requested an advance to award contracts of $592,100 for site development, $500,000 for road construction, and $757,992 for project management for the new south county high school, for a total advance of $1,850,092, on June 13, 2000, and WHEREAS, the County Board approved an advance of $1,850,092 for the new south county high school and an advance of $673,951 for Glenvar Middle School on June 13, 2000, and WHEREAS, the School Board is now requesting approval to award the construction contract for the new south county high school for $19,094,000 and requires an advance in the amount of $9,500,000. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board authorizes the School Board to enter into a construction contract for $19,094,000 and advances the sum of $9,500,000 for construction of the new south county high school. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: `n'c~a- ~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board r ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER CC -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Award Construction Contract and Advance Funds for the New South County High School COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COMMENTS: ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On October 9, 2000, The School Construction Committee and the School Board reviewed construction bids for the new south county high school and awarded the construction contract to GMT Industries for $19,094,000. This bid includes the auxiliary gymnasium and four additional classrooms, which were included as bid alternates. The School Board would like to award the contract as soon as possible and begin construction in order to keep the project on schedule. At this time, the School Board would like approval for the full amount of the construction contract of in order to award the construction contract and begin construction of the new high school. In addition, the School Board is requesting an advance of $9,500,000 for anticipated construction draws through May 2001. The School Board recently awarded a contract to Nielson Builders for $757,992 for project management. This amount had been reallocated from the construction line item of the budget. With the acceptance of this bid from GMT Industries, general contractors, the School Board also voted to terminate the project management contract with Nielson Builders as allowed within that contract. The project management budget will be moved back into the construction line item. FISCAL IMPACT: This contract is within the construction budget for the new high school and maintains the overall project budget of $30,000,000, as shown on Attachment A. Proceeds from the state literary loan fund and the Virginia Public School Authority fund will be used to finance this project. A literary loan application has been submitted to the Department of Education and we anticipate participating in the Spring 2001 VPSA bond issue. The School Board is requesting an advance of $9,500,000 at this time for construction draws needed between now and May 2001 when the VPSA bonds are issued. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the attached resolution which requests an advance of $9,500,000 from the County for construction of the new south county high school and approval of the construction contract of $19,040,000. SUBMITTED BY: Ji'y.CcLr-.e~ ~ ~u4.~~ Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer ~~ Elmer Hodge County Administrator Approved () Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To O Motion by No Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens O O rn ~' a~i .~ Q' 0 V t _~ r+ 2m •0 ~ a Q ~ U~ a O 3 Z Q •+ C Z V a ~ OO UO O) O ~ ~ r' ti ~ M N aO ~ Q o aONOCAOOOOt0 0 c ornoMOOOOM n - n ~ 7 3 noooo orn~ N n N~ 0 0 0 0 C 0 O D 7 ~ ~O0MOOOO(~ O lL. 0 CflnOnMNOMst O~ m CO ~ ~ ~ N ~ ' in ~~ C ~ ~ O C7 0 y O ~0.. N C O N N O O ~ ~ N 7 O U N O U O C i ~ O (0 C'7 m O W ~ ~ r ~ O a~ 7 ~ ~ u N~ ~wc ~ G ~ = U f6 .N W ~ m O ~ U p C v ~ T 3 o r oa N O 0 0 N q t 0 CD O ~f' O ~ 0 0 t t0 N Cp t1D CO N OD 0 ~- O N X00 O t 0 CA O O O O ~ O ~ N t~C O O t0 O 0 ~ ~ N ~ ~I' O O' O O O 0 N CD n O 0 .~...~.r ... c0 O c0 O O CO N r- Q~ O O O O 00 O O)OOOOO6~tOMOOOO0~ O Q~Oa~tpOOQ~NnOOOOtp O MONaDONnOCAOOOOst o NM<DNO~OCOMOOOOM O 00 d' .- CO n O n M N 0 C'7 0 O N ~- CO M ~ •- r- O ~ M m o 0 0 o v o 0 0 0 0 0 g rnoaooo~ ~ 00000 ~o~oo~'~'ooooo o MOCOOO~ N 00000 O N N 0 0 0 0~ O O O O O n O 00 ~ ~~ CO MNOM<T O C N ~ M M ~ r' t0 U C O O 0000 O OOtN to U ~ O ' OCOOO ' O ' ' ' OOtA ~ O ON 00 O Ot[)M 0 0000 N 00th ~- M G O N .-- ~ ~ '~ .- t70 n 0 N U N ~ n M ~ r- r tp N ` w a~ m rn ~ C O O O C N M C ~Q'U W m0 N ~ ~ O L N°~ C E~ C O M N O C 'C ~ ~ N N V O C N ~ N .0. C C fl. 0...`+ C~ 7 ~' O U S 'O ~ N O O y 0 Of C N C ~ U ~ > > O ~ ~ i~ p) O ~' w a~i a~i ~ ~ -tea a ~ ~' ~ m c °~m~o~°~~o~~~o i - ~ mm JJQ~CnUd(nfnd'~Lt_~U 0 0 0 N CO O O M X N O a m O U s 0 n ~U L U C O O U N U C m c WHEREAS, the School Board is now requesting approval to award the construction contract for the new south county high school for $19,094,000 and requires an advance in the amount of $9,500,000, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board authorizes the School Board to enter into a construction contract for $19,094,000 and advances the sum of $9,500,000 for construction of the new south county high school. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Approve Construction Contract and Advance Funds for the New South County High School COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: This is great news and the School Board and school staff should be commended for working through a very difficult issue. I have asked Dr. Weber to attend the Board meeting to give us a more complete update on the scope of the project and the schedule. Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The School Capital Construction Committee and the School Board will meet on Monday, October 9, 2000 at 6:00 pm to award the construction contract for the new south county high school. Bids were opened on October 4, 2000, and the low bidder was GMT Industries with a bid of $19,094,000, which includes the alternates for the auxiliary gym and the four additional classrooms. This is within the budget of $19,139,739 that is available for construction. A complete report will be handed out at the meeting on October 10, 2000, based upon action taken at the School construction committee meeting. The School Board will be requesting an advance of funds in order to award the contract immediately. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt APPROVED: ~- {~-~ Elmer C. Hodge Chief Financial Officer County Administrator Approved () Motion by No Yes Abs Denied () Church Received () Johnson Referred () McNamara To () Minnix Nickens M:\FINANCEICOMMON\Board-Reports\2,000\10-10-0O.wpd ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance Amending and Reenacting Sec. 21-3. "Utility Service Tax" of Article I. "In General" of Chapter 21 "Taxation" of the Roanoke County Code to Conform to the Requirements of Virginia Statutes Deregulating Electrical and Natural Gas Industries COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Virginia General Assembly passed legislation deregulating the gas and electric industries in the state, effective January 1, 2001. As a result, localities in Virginia are required to amend their consumer utility tax and utility license tax ordinances before October 31, 2000, to allow a sixty day notice to be given to electric and gas companies. With deregulation, electricity and gas services will be "unbundled", wherein the generator of energy will be separated from the deliverer of energy. Consumers will have the option of purchasing their gas or electricity service from a choice of different providers. These providers may be located outside of Virginia. Federal law prohibits local governments from requiring out- of-state companies to collect the taxes imposed upon residents and businesses in their present form. For this reason, the tax basis must be changed from a percentage of the dollar amount paid by the consumer to a tax based on the amount of energy consumed. On January 1, 2001, three taxes providing sources of revenue to localities will be affected by the passed legislation. These three taxes are: a.) the local consumer utility tax; b.) the utility license tax (gross receipts); and c.) the public service corporation tax (real estate and personal property). State law requires that the consumer utility and utility license taxes be replaced with a "consumption tax" and the public service corporation tax will see a change in assessment methodology at the state level. The consumer utility tax currently shows on a customer's monthly bill as a percentage of the bill. This line will continue to show on the bill, but will be based on units consumed. The utility license tax will be listed in a similar fashion. Although the line for this tax will be new, consumers have been paying the taxes indirectly for years, as the tax was "imbedded" in the rates of the utility companies. Customers will see no affect of the change in the public service corporation tax. G:WTTORNEYUBO\COMMREV\10-10-00 UT[L.DOC ~~' The Virginia Municipal League has provided a model ordinance to aid localities in converting their consumer utility tax ordinances to a consumption-based tax. It is important to note that while the method for calculating the consumer utility tax will change, the amount of consumer utility tax that a consumer pays each month on their gas or electric bill should remain virtually the same. This is necessary to comply with the General Assembly's legal mandate that these changes in method of taxation be revenue neutral. Any locality that has not changed its local consumer utility tax ordinance by October 31, 2000, risks losing consumer utility tax revenue because the present authority to levy this tax lapses on December 31, 2000. Sixty days notice is required to be given to electric and gas companies. The Code of Virginia requires that a public hearing occur prior to final amendment to the consumer utility tax, even though technically the consumer utility tax rate change is not a rate increase. FISCAL IMPACT: State legislation affects two local taxes: 1) the consumer utility tax and, 2) the utility license tax. As noted above, both taxes will be changed to a consumption-based tax and will have little effect on current revenues. The new rate structure is supposed to be revenue neutral, generating the same amount of revenue that localities have been receiving under the current system, while at the same time not increasing the tax burden on the customer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the first reading of the ordinance and authorize advertisement for a public hearing and second reading on October 24, 2000, to amend the gas and electric consumer utility tax in accordance with recently passed deregulation legislation. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Jose B. O enshain Elmer C. Hodge Sen' Assistant County Attorney County Administrator Approved (~ Motion by No Yes Abs Denied O Church Received O Johnson Referred () McNamara To O Minnix Nickens G:WTTORNEY\JBO\COMMREVUO-10-00 UTIL.DOC r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REENACTING SEC. 21-3. "UTILITY SERVICE TAX" OF ARTICLE I. "IN GENERAL" OF CHAPTER 21, "TAXATION" OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF VIRGINIA STATUTES DEREGULATING ELECTRICAL AND NATURAL GAS INDUSTRIES WHEREAS, the 2000 session of the General Assembly, as part of its comprehensive electric utility restructuring legislation, amended Section 58.1-3814 of the Code of Virginia to convert the basis for the local consumer utility tax tokilowatt-hours delivered, for electricity, and hundred cubic feet (CCF), for natural gas, from the current basis of a percentage of the monthly amount charged to the consumer of the utility service; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly further required that any locality imposing a tax on consumers of electricity and natural gas must amend its ordinance to conform to these legal requirements not later than October 31, 2000, in order to permit the required notification to each utility so that the new consumer utility tax will be effective on and after January 1, 2001; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 10, 2000; and the second reading and public hearing will be held on October 24, 2000. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-3, Utility service tax of Article 1. IN GENERAL of Chapter 21, TAXATION of the Roanoke County Code be amended and re-enacted as follows: Sec. 21-3 Utility service tax. (a) There is hereby imposed and levied by the county, upon each and every purchaser of F-1 a utility service, a tax in the amount of twelve (12) percent of the charge made by the seller against the purchaser or consumer with respect to each utility service, which tax, in every case, shall be collected by the seller from the purchaser and shall be paid by the purchaser to the seller for the use of the county at the time that the purchase price or such charge shall become due and payable under the agreement between the purchaser and the seller; provided, however, that the tax hereinabove imposed shall not be deemed to apply to that part of the charge in excess of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month made by any seller of any utility service to any purchaser thereof who uses such utility service in private homes or residential units; provided, further that any commercial or industrial user shall pay the hereinabove set out twelve (12) percent on the first five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) of utility service. **** (a2j l~lectric and I\atural CJas Consumer "1•ax: (1} `'Electric Utility Consumer tax": In accordance with Code of Virginia ~ 58.1.-814, effective with the first bill for electric energy rendered for meter reading on or after January 1, 2001, the rate of tax on electric energy delivered to a consumer by a service provider, classified as determined by such provider, shall be as follows: Residential consumers; Such tax shall be $0.00900 per kilowatt hour (kWh) with a minimum tax of $0.90 per month. and a maximum tax of $ l .80 per month; (ii) Commercial consumers: Such. tax shall be $0.0061() per kilowatt hour (ku'h} delivered including customer charges with a minium tax of $090 per month and a maximum. tax of $600.00 per month.; 2 F- ~ (iii) hidustrial consumers: Such tax shall be $0.00640 per kilowatt (kWh) delivered including customer charges with. a xnini~.ntun tax of $0.90 per month and a maximum charge of $600.00 per month.. (2) "Natural bas utility consumer tax'': In accordance with Code of Virginia ~ 58.1-3814, there is hereby imposed and levied a monthly tax on each purchase of natural bas delivered to consumers by pipeline distribution companies and bas utilities as classified by "class of consumer"as such term is defined by Code of Virginia ~ 58.1-3814 J, as follows: {ivj Residential consumers: Such. tax shall be $0.121483per CCF delivered to residential consumers monthly with a minimum tax of $0.9O per month and a maximu~.n tax of $ 1.80: (v) Commercial consumers: Such tax shall. be $0.12183per CC;r delivered to commercial consumers monthly with a minimum tax of $0.90 per month and a maxunum tax of $ 600.00; (vi) Industrial constmlers: Such tax shall be $0.121.83 per CCF delivered to industrial consumers monthly with a minimum tax of $0.90 per month and a maximum tax of $ 6()0.00: (3) Exemptions: The folio«,-ing consumers of electricity and. natural gas are exempt from the tax imposed by subsections a and b hereof: (vii) Any public safety agency as defined by Code of Virginia ~ 58.1-381.3 (viii) The United States of America, the Commonwealth of Virginia anal the political subdivisions thereof, including this jurisdiction. (b) It shall be the duty of every seller or service provider in acting as the tax collecting medium 3 FI or agency for the county to bill to and collect from the purchaser or consumer for the use of the county the tax hereby imposed and levied at the time of collecting the purchase price or any transmission fee charged therefor. ~e The taxes collected during each calendar month shall be reported by each seller or service prop-~ider to the Commissioner of the Revenue of the county, on such forms as the Commissioner shall prescribe, on or before the last day of the calendar month thereafter, together with the name and address of any purchaser who has refused to pay this tax. Simultaneously therewith, the seller or service provider shall file a copy of such report with and remit to the Treasurer of the county the taxes so collected and reported in accordance 4vith. Section 58.1-814, Paragraphs F. and G., and Section X8.1-?901 of the Cade of Virginia. If any consumer fails to pay a Dill issued by a seller or service provider, including the tax imposed by this section, the seller or service provider must fi~llow its normal collection procedures and upon collection of the bill or any part thereof must: apportion the net amount collected beta-een t11e charge for the service; and th.e tax and remit the tax portion to the county. Any tax paid by tl~e consumer to the seller or service provider shall be deemed to be held in trust by such seller or provider until remitted to the county. The tax levied or imposed under this section with respect to the purchase of any utility service shall be applicable to charges first appearing on bills rendered for service provided after January 1, 1986. (c) The county Treasurer shall be charged with the power and the duty of collecting the taxes levied and imposed hereunder and shall cause the same to be paid into the general treasury of the county. (d) Each and every seller or service provider shall keep and preserve for a period of three (3) 4 ~~ years complete records showing all purchases in the county, which records shall show the price charged against each purchaser with respect to purchase, the quantity or volume of utility provided where applicable, the date thereof, and the date of payment thereof, and the amount of tax imposed hereunder and such records shall be kept open for inspection by the duly authorized agents of the county at reasonable times and the duly authorized agents of the county shall have the right, power and authority to make transcripts thereof during such times as they may desire. (e) In all cases where the seller or service provider collects the price of utility services, electric energy or natural gas periodically, the tax hereby imposed and levied may be computed on the aggregate amount of the purchases during such period, provided, the amount collected shall be the nearest whole cent to the amount computed. **** (j) The following words and phrases when used in this section shall for the purposes of this section have the following respective meanings, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. (1)(6~Commercial or industrial cojzsLrmer user. The term "commercial or industrial consumer user" shall mean the owner or tenant of property used for commercial, industrial and all other purposes, except those defiled as a residential consumer, who pays for utility service for such property; except, that with respect to local exchange telephone service, such term shall mean any person furnished service classified as "business" under tariffs filed with the state corporation commission. (2) Consumer. The word "consumer" shall include every person ~vho, individually or 5 r' through agents, employees, officers, representatives or perznitees, makes a taxable purchase of electricity, natural gas, telephone or water services in the county. (3) Gcxs utility. The word "gas utility" shall include every public utility authorized to furnish natural gas service in Virginia. (4} CC'F. 'The term "C'C1"shall. zi~ean the voluzr~e of gas at standard pressure anal temperature in units of 100 cubic feet. (5) Kilo~vall hour (kt~'h) delii~e~°ec~ 1'he term "kilowatt hour, or kWh, delivered"shall mean 1000 watts of electricity delivered in cone-hour period by an electric provider to a cozlsumer, except that in the case of eligible customer-generators (sometimes called "cogeneratoz•s") as defined in Code of Virginia 5 56-594, it means kWh supplied from the electric gird to such customer-generators, minus the kVl%h generated and ted back. to the electric grid by such customer-generators. (6){~j Mobile local telecommunication service. The term "mobile local telecommunications service" means any two-way mobile or portable local telecommunications service, including cellular mobile radio telecommunication service and specialized mobile radio. (7)(~ j Person. The word "person" shall include an individuals, company, firms, partnerships associations, corporations, or other entity, and combinations of individuals of whatever form and character. (8) Pipeline c~lisir°ibution cc~rrzpaszy. The- term "pipeline distribution company" shall include every person, other than a pipeline transmission company, which transmits, by means of a pipeline, natural gas, manufactured gas or crude pctroleuzn and the products or byproducts thereof to a purchaser for purposes of furnishing heat or light. ~- {9){~ Purchaser. The word "purchaser shall include every person who purchases a utility service. { 10){~-j Private homes or residential unit. The term "private homes or residential unit" shall mean the owner or tenant of private residential property who pays for the utility service in or for said property, except that, with respect to local exchange telephone service, such term shall mean any person furnished service classified as "residential" under tariffs filed with the state corporation commission. (11) Residential consumer. The term "residential consumer" shall. include the owner or tenant of property used primarily for residential. purposes, including, but not limited to, apartment houses and other multiple-family dwellings. (12) ~~ervice Provider. The tend "service provider" shall include a person who delivers electricity to a consumer or a gas utility or pipeline distribution company which delivers natural gas to a consumer. (13) UsedPrimarily. The teen "used primarily" shall refer to the Larger portion of the use for which. electric or natural gas utility service is furnished. (14)(-~j Utility service. The phrase "utility service" shall include local exchange telephone service of corporations falling within the provisions of article 4, chapter 38, title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and water service ,furnished in the county. (l5){$) Lnless otherwise indicated, the the terms "consumer," "gross charge," "mobile service consumer," "mobile service provider," "service address," and "taxable purchase" shall 7 ~~ have the meanings as provided in Section 58.1-3812 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and such definitions are incorporated herein by reference. **** (1) Whenever the tax levied by this section is collected by the seller or service provider acting as a tax collecting medium or agency for the county is accordance with paragraph (b), such seller or service provider shall be allowed as compensation for the collection and remittance of this tax, three (3%) percentum of the amount of tax due and accounted for. The seller or service provider shall deduct this compensation from the payments made to the county treasurer in accordance with paragraph (b), provided the amount due is not delinquent at the time of payment. (m) If any seller or service provider whose duty it is to do so shall fail or refuse to file with the Commissioner of the Revenue any return for the tax required to be collected and paid under subsection (b) within the time and in the amount specified therein, there shall be added to such tax by the Commissioner of the Revenue of Roanoke County a penalty often (10%) percent of the tax due. If any seller or service provider whose duty it is to do so shall fail or refuse to remit to the Treasurer of Roanoke County the tax required to be collected and paid under subsection (b) within the time and in the amount specified therein, there shall be added to such tax by the Treasurer of Roanoke County a penalty often (10%) percent of the tax due. Any such penalty when so assessed shall become a part of the tax. In the event any such tax is not paid on or before the date the same is due, interest at the rate of ten (10%) percent per annum, commencing on the first day of the month after the due date, shall be assessed and collected on the principal of and any penalties on such tax; provided however, that, for the second and subsequent years of delinquency, such interest shall be at the rate established pursuant to Section 6621 of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as 8 amended. F- t (n) The Commissioner of the Revenue shall promulgate rules and regulations for the interpretation, administration and enforcement of this section. It shall also be the duty of the commissioner to ascertain the name of every seller or service provider liable for the collection of the tax imposed by subsections (a), (al) and (a2) who fails, refuses or neglects to collect such tax or to make the returns and remittances required by subsection (b). The commissioner shall have all of the enforcement powers as authorized by article 1, chapter 31 of title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, for purposes of this section. (o) If any seller or service provider, whose duty it is to do so shall fail or refuse to collect the tax imposed by subsections (a), (al) or (a2) and to make within the time provided in subsection (b), the returns and remittances mentioned in this section, the commissioner shall proceed in such manner as he may deem best to obtain facts and information on which to base his estimate of the tax due. As soon as the commissioner shall procure such facts and information as he is able to obtain upon which to base the assessment of any tax payable by any seller or service provider who has failed or refused to collect such tax and to make such return and remittance, he shall proceed to determine and assess against such seller or service prot-~ider the tax and penalties provided for by this section and shall notify such seller or service provider, by registered mail sent to his last known place of business, of the total amount of such tax and penalties and the total amount thereof shall be payable within ten (10) days from the date such notice is sent. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after January 1, 2001. GaA'ITORNEYVBOICommRevlConsumerUuli(ylaa.Amend920(IO,ord.wpd 9 ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER }~/--~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. GRIEVANCE PANEL The three year terms of Henry H. Wise, Alternate; King Harvey, Alternate; and Karen Ewell, Alternate, will expire October 28, 2000. 2. HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION The four year terms of Jay E. Gaylor, Legal Representative, and James M. Martin, Senior Representative, expired June 30,1999. Mr. Martin has notified the Clerk's Office that he does not wish to serve another term. The four year terms of Thomas A. Abbott, Citizen at Large; Gordon E. Saul, Neighborhood; and Hank Gregory, Citizen at Large, Jr., expired June 30, 2000. Mr. Gregory has served two successive terms and is NOT eligible to serve another term. The one year term for a youth representative who must be attending a Roanoke County high school is vacant. 3 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Mr. J. Carson Quarles, a member of the IDA since 1986, and who lives in the Hollins Magisterial District, notified the Board that he resigned from the Authority as of June 30, 2000. The IDA appointments are not required to be made by magisterial district, but traditionally, each magisterial district is usually represented. 1 • ~~_~ The four year term of J. Richard Cranwell, who lives in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, expired September 26, 2000. 4. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS -ADVISORY BOARD The three-year term of Elizabeth Bogle expired March 31, 2000. The Advisory Board member is appointed by the League of Older Americans but must be ratified by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 5. SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD The four-year term of Robert H. Lewis, Vinton Magisterial District, expired August 1, 2000. Mr. Lewis has served two consecutive terms and is not eligible for reappointment. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Elmer C. Hodge Clerk to the Board County Administrator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix To () Nickens 2 .~ .~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 RESOLUTION 101000-2 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I-CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for October 10, 2000 designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive, as follows: Confirmation of appointment to the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation. 2. Designation of a voting representative at the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Annual Meeting. 3. Request for acceptance and appropriation of $16,111 from the Department of Education for alternative student education. 4, Donation of a new 20' drainage easement and waterline easement and a new 20' waterline easement on property of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., Fairway Forest Villas, in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 5. Endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve another term as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item 1 pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ,''Sd ~. Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Garland Life, Executive Assistant Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Penny Hodge, Budget and Finance Director Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Vickie L. Huffman, Senior Assistant County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development 2 A-101000-2.a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ..L AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee appointment to the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION HANGING ROCK BATTLEFIELD AND RAIL PRESERVATION FOUNDATION At the September 26, 2000 meeting, Supervisor Nickens nominated Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism, to a three year term which will expire October 25, 2003. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointment be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Submitted by: ~L Ma~en CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board Approved by, G.-~KR~C ~.D • )T Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Har~C. Nickens to a~rove Church _ x Denied () Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation File A-101000-2 . b ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ c~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Designation of a Voting Representative at the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Annual Meeting COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The Virginia Association of Counties has scheduled their Annual Conference for November 12 - 14, 2000. They have requested that each county designate a representative of its Board of Supervisors to cast its votes at the Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday, November 14. The voting credentials form must be submitted to VACo by November 1, 2000. Supervisor Nickens, Regional Director for Region 9, has indicated that he will be attending the VACo Conference and would be willing to serve as the voting representative. Supervisors McNamara and Minnix are also scheduled to attend the conference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors designate Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve as voting representative at the Annual Business Meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2000. ~Sk~L- Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~- o~ ACTION Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve cc: File Harry C. Nickens, Supervisor James D. Campbell, Executive Director, VACo VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ x Johnson _ x McNamara- x Minnix _ x _ Nickens x President Ferris M. Belman, Sr. Stafford County President-Elect Jackson T. Ward Hanover County First Vice President Gerald W. Hyland Fairfax County Second Vice President Oliver H. Bennett Northampton County Secretary-Treasurer Wayne A. Acors Cazoline County Immediate Past President Wanda C. Wingo Botetoun County Executive Director James D. Campbell, CAE General Counsel C. Flippo Hicks _1'~ • .r VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES CONNECTING COUNTY GOVERNMENTS SINCE 1934 TO: Chairs, County Board of Supervisors County. Chief Administrative Officers FROM: James D. Campbell, Executive Director RE: Voting Credentials for the Annual Business Meeting DATE: September 19, 2000 The 2000 Annual Business Meeting of the Virginia Association of Counties will be held on Tuesday. November 14, from 10:30 a.m. to Noon at The Homestead in Bath County. Article VI of the VACo Constitution states that each county shall designate a representative of its board of supervisors to cast its vote(s) at the Annual Business Meeting. However, if a member of the board of supervisors cannot be present for this meeting, the Association's Constitution does allow a county to designate anon-elected official from your county or a member of a board of supervisors from another county to cast a proxy vote(s) for your county. For your county to be certified to vote at the Annual Business Meeting, your annual dues must be paid in full and either a completed Voting Credentials Form or a Proxy Statement (attached) must be submitted to VACo by November 1, 2000. Alternatively, this information maybe submitted to the Credentials Committee at its meeting on Monday, November 13, at 4:30 p.m. in the Monroe Room or to the conference registration desk before this meeting. 1001 East Broad Street Suite LL 20 Richmond, Virginia 23219-1928 (804) 788-6652 FAX (804) 788-0083 E-mail: mail@vaco.org Web Bice: www.vaco.org i• L? NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Nominating Committee will meet at 4:45 p.m. in the Wilson Room on Monday, November 13th during VACo's Annual Conference at the Homestead. The committee is charged to nominate a candidate for President-Elect, First Vice President, Second Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer to be elected at the Annual Business Meeting. Please send your expressions of interest and nominations to the Committee or to VACo's Executive Director. REGIONAL DIRECTORS Pursuant to VACo's By-Laws. "regional directors shall be selected at the Annual Meeting by the member counties located within the region which the director will represent." Regional caucuses will be scheduled during the Annual Meeting to select directors. Incumbent regional directors should chair the caucuses. Reports should be given to VACo's Executive Director by 6:00 p.m. on Monday, November 13th. The attached list shows the regional directors that must be selected. JDC:bjp Attachments cc: VACo Board of Directors Nominations Committee . ~ VACo 2000 Annual Meeting ~' Voting Credentials Form Voting Delegate: (Supervisor) Name Harry C. Nickens Title Supervisor, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Locality County of Roanoke Alternate Delegate: (Supervisor) Name Title Locality Certified by: (Clerk of the Board) Name Mary H. Allen Title Clerk to the Board Locality County of Roanoke ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VACo 2000 Annual Meeting Proxy Statement County authorizes the following person to cast its vote at the 2000 Annual Meeting of the Virginia Association of Counties on November 14, 2000. anon-elected official of this county. -OR- a supervisor from Cou~~ty. This authorization is: Uninstructed. The proxy may use his/her discretion to cast County's votes on any issue to come before the annual meeting. Instructed. The proxy is limited in how he/she may cast County's votes. The issues on which he/she may cast those votes and how he/she should vote are: (List issues and instructions on the back of this form) Certified by: Name Title Locality Regional ~ireetors to be selected in 2000 We need a director from Term to Expire Incumbent Region 2 2000 B~'adshaw Region 3 2000 Donati Region 4 2000 Humphris Region 6 2000 Smith Region 7 2000 Winkelman Region 8 2000 Connolly Region 8 2000 Ferguson Region 8 2000 Hudgins Region 9 2000 Niclcens Region 10 2000 Satterfield Region 11 2000 Chandler ~s r ~: -L~~~ r •'N . -, <ua N_ y~ ~r~f~~ ~~. V C9 L' ('i J C W < i, W C O ~ ~ ~ O W < 4' J ~Q Q Z C~ EC i.o / ~~ rte ~g t e c ///~ ~\ V (~ v / u t ~ ~ ~ L SW G C 0 '~ r-cvc~~~nccr`c~rnG'rr a~ Z_ J O C Q U 'r C. O Z A-101000-2.c ACTION t+ ITEM NUMBER ~° MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request for acceptance and appropriation of $16,111 from the Department of Education for alternative student education. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Virginia Department of Education has made funds available under Virginia School Law 22.1-254 D. These services are to be provided to students 16 years of age and older who meet the provisions established in the Code and by the Board of Education. The provisions include: 1. A meeting between the student, parents and principal/designee, 2. The development of an Individualized Student Alternative Education Program, 3. Attendance in a general educational development (GED) or other alternative educational program for students who meet qualifications, 4. Counseling on the economic impact of failing to complete high school, and 5. Procedures for reenrollment. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Schools completed the formal ISAEP application and has received a grant of $16,111 that will be made available for reimbursement of expenditures during the 2000-2001 school year. FISCAL IMPACT: There will be no impact on the budget. Reimbursement for services rendered and materials will be requested not to exceed $16,111. T F RE OM EN~ATI N: Appropriation o the $16 111 grant. ~. Garland Life E mer C. odg Executive Assistant County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve Church _ x _ Denied ( ) Johnson _ x Received ( ) McNamara- x Referred ( ) Minnix _ x To ( ) Nickens _ x cc: File Garland Life, Executive Assistant Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Penny Hodge, Budget and Finance Director Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board A-101000-2 . d ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of a new 20' drainage easement and waterline easement and a new 20' waterline easement on property of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., Fairway Forest Villas (Tax Map Nos. 66.04-7-2 and 66.04-7-3), in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easements conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for drainage and waterline purposes, on property of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: a) Donation of a new drainage easement and waterline easement, twenty feet (20') in width, and a new waterline easement, twenty feet (20') in width, from Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., (Tax Map Nos. 66.04-7-2 and 66.04-7-3), Fairway Forest Villas, as shown on a plat prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., dated August 17, 2000, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The location and dimensions of these easements have been reviewed and approved by the County's Community Development staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of these easements. ~y Respectfully submitted, Vic ie L. Huffman Senior Assistant County Attorney ACTION Approved Denied Received Referred To (x) () () () () Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Senior Assistant County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development G: WTTORNEY\VLHWGENDA\CONSENT\FairwayForestVillas.rpt VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ x Johnson _ x McNamara- x Minnix _ x Nickens _ x 2 E%HIBIT A ~~ ~g~~ ~~~~ / ~ i~ //i W~ ~~~ i hN ~m 0. V ~1~-- ~ ~ W ~~ \ ~ yp ~. ~ ~ l ^N ` \ 'W \~ 1 30. `~`+ ~ '~~ `-~•` 3~~~~~ 2~~ ~ 3 ~ / 0. ~ ,- ~ M 3 ~-Q 1 o ,.~ W ~ ~~ \ \ ' ; ~ ~ ° ry ZpNE A~~ ~ ~ 7' Z~-'~ ~.- ~ y ~ X~ N ~ , ~m W 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ i ^ / 3 ` ,1~ ,~ w (~ \ ` i~~X 4j^\. ~ ~ N i ~ $ a ti ~ 3 ~ O ~ ! \ \ ~ cry 0 ~~N W cp C.~~ O ~ ~ ~ ` / (j / \ ".. ~ `~~V ~ N 1 / ~m~cn ~ ~ \ \ L~, 41 / ~ ~ h 3 p ~ ;'~ ~ ~~ \ 4r - - ~ - - ~ - ~ ~ , W ~ ~~ ¢ ~~~ W w hN O ~$ W m c~ ~ ill ~~ z ` ~ Q 3 ~i ~ z~ ./~ 4i lV QI~ m J ~ R :.. ~ ~ a y vv~~ ~ N ~ A N hN ~"S 0.~ \ `~' ~m ~"^) I~y ` 4~iR ~9. '~ O w v h a J~~ ~~~/ ~ ~ \ ~ ~~ ~~ 3 ~ O ?. ~ V ~~ ~ ( 6 V nl n! ~I ~ a 1 /~ ~ ~ ~ W O ~~ h W ~' I a ~ o = Z ~^ l V W~ 3 ~' 0. hry Wm 0. .% 10 ~ 2, ~ ~ C3 t9 ~ ~~ w wAY ESTATES m ~ Q ~ ~'a fA/A ~R/~/E wAY N r~ ~, N ~~ '~~ R~GH Q ~ W ~S ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~W ~ ~ Q ~ ,~ W ~"~` a ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~ w ~ww ~OY ~ 3osa`f3 x {rn. ~. =n^h ~ o N ~~ ~~~~ v i~ ~ ~~ W W 3 V' ~ ~ ~ Q h ~ ~ JQ W~ ~` ~~ m~h~ O =ham wm~o jQO~ ~~~ h. V ~~` 6 22 ~U~ ~~ g~~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~t ~a =~~'~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~y~~ ~O V ~ ~m~ y~~~ h '` ~ E"~ r~ j Z ~ ~ ~ F ~ o N ~ o~i0 ~ W ~ h 4i ~ ~ e \ to c~~ ^ "'S ~ h .~ ^ h co ~ Z W Z ~ ~ ~ ~1 pa ° a ~ ~" ~a N ~ ~ CU cn a~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,W~ ~ W W W W W ~ w W ~ `~ ~n Q ~ 5 -- f. ~ ~~: ~~ Z .n~i .n~i .'~ ~ `s ~ ~Z ~ Q ~ c~ Q ~ ~ o?;~ W ~ ~ ~ N m Z ~ Z Z W~ m W n p N a a p a~~ "~ ~ Z h Q ~' Z ~ r-? ~O O ~ ~ N L~. ~U xv~~ a Qa az Oa m Z -~Y g o~a q J ; ~ ~v o ~ ~ ~ . - ~ ~ ~ ~ W cai 0.'+ ° vii ~ .- ~ 2W ~' ~ di Q Z v ILJd~L9d ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ N ,SY77N 1S3dC~ .t YMdUY~ W (n ~t7 NYb/~/Y 6 - - - • - a ~~ e~' ~~},~. z. ~d . 9~~0~ g~ ` ~d~j)~C d'9~~e b 1 ~Z~~b~~''aNO ~b1 N~ZriIA ~~ O ~ JO ~ ~ r- f~' ~ mo 0 ~ Z~z w O ~~.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 RESOLUTION 101000-2.e ENDORSING SUPERVISOR HARRY C. NICKENS TO SERVE ANOTHER TERM AS REGION NINE REPRESENTATIVE ON VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, Supervisor Harry C. Nickens is currently serving a two year term as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, Supervisor Nickens has advised that he desires to continue serving as Region Nine Representative for another two year term which will begin January 1, 2001, and end on December 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, Supervisor Nickens has requested an endorsement from each of the governing bodies in Region Nine which includes Bedford County, Botetourt County, Craig County, Giles County and Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby endorse Harry C. Nickens to serve another two year term as Region Nine representative on the VACo Board of Directors; and FURTHER, the Clerk to the Board is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to each of the governing bodies in Region Nine, and James D. Campbell, Executive Director of VACo. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Minnix, Church, Nickens, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File James D. Campbell, Executive Director, VACo William C. Rolfe, Bedford County Administrator Gerald A. Burgess, Botetourt County Administrator Elizabeth Frank, Giles County Administrator Chris McKlarney, Giles County Acting Administrator Elmer C. Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Endorsement of Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve another term as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a letter from Supervisor Nickens requesting endorsement from each of the governing bodies in Region Nine to serve as their representative for another two year term starting January 1, 2001. If elected, he will represent Bedford County, Botetourt County, Craig County, Giles County and Roanoke County. Supervisor Nickens advises that he has served as one of six VACo representatives along with an equal number of persons from the Virginia Municipal League on a committee focusing on ways that the two organizations can become more effective in impacting actions of the General Assembly that benefit both counties and cities. Supervisor Nickens has served very capably as Region Nine's representative on the VACo Board of Directors. It is also beneficial for Roanoke County to have one of our elected officials in a leadership position at VACo. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached resolution endorsing Supervisor Harry Nickens to serve another term as the Region Nine representative on the VACo Board of Directors. Elmer C. Hodge, ounty Administrator -1- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church _ _ Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- _ Referred () Minnix To () Nickens _ _ 2 o~ AOANp,~,~ L ti z +7 z ~ .a 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540) 772-2004 C~~~n~~ of ~n~~~C~e P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 October 4, 2000 The Honorable Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Joe: (540)772-2005 For the past two years, I have been pleased to serve as your Region 9 Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. I believe I have been diligent in my presence and contributions to the business of the Association. I have also, for the past year, served as one of six VACo representatives along with an equal number of persons from the Virginia Municipal League on a committee focusing on ways that the two organizations can become more effective in impacting actions of the General Assembly that benefit both counties and cities. As your regional representative, I am responsible for convening a caucus of Region 9 representatives at the VACo Annual Conference. The Wilson Room at the Homestead has been scheduled for 4:15 p.m., Sunday, November 12, forthis purpose. I urge that your County be represented at this caucus in order for us to conduct the necessary business of electing a Region 9 representative. I would be honored to again serve as Region 9 representative for a second two year term, commencing January 1, 2001. If your Board deems it appropriate to support my nomination, I would greatly appreciate formal action being taken and notification of same by October 31. Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me at 540-985-8484. Sincerely, Harry C. Nickens Region 9 Representative Virginia Association of Counties cc: Elmer C. Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOSEPH MCNAMARA, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH B. "BUTCH" CHURCH CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Board of Directors Internet E-Mail Internet E-Mail ®Heoydea reran ehodge~www.co.roanoke.va.us bos~www.co.roanoke.va.us -f- ~t~~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 RESOLUTION ENDORSING SUPERVISOR HARRY C. NICKENS TO SERVE ANOTHER TERM AS REGION NINE REPRESENTATIVE ON VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES BOARD OF DIRECTORS WHEREAS, Supervisor Harry C. Nickens is currently serving a two year term as Region Nine Representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, Supervisor Nickens has advised that he desires to continue serving as Region Nine Representative for another two year term which will begin January 1, 2001, and end on December 31, 2002; and WHEREAS, Supervisor Nickens has requested an endorsement from each of the governing bodies in Region Nine which includes Bedford County, Botetourt County, Craig County, Giles County and Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby endorse Harry C. Nickens to serve another two year term as Region Nine representative on the VACo Board of Directors; and FURTHER, the Clerk to the Board is directed to forward a copy of this resolution to each of the governing bodies in Region Nine, and James D. Campbell, Executive Director of VACo. October 10, 2000 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors X204 Bernard Drive, S W Roanoke, V A 24014 Re: Virginia Gas Pipeline Company SCC Case No. PUE 9901167 Gentlemen, Attached please find a copy of a motion,~complaint signed and supported by citizens of Franklin, Roanoke, and Montgomery counties with respect to the certificate for easement granted the Virginia Gas Pipeline Company, SCC case no. PL?E 990167. We the citizens of Roanoke County who are property owners and other citizens interested in protecting our viewshed of Poor Mountain and achieving collocation of this gas pipeline in an existing easement owned by Duke Energy Corporation respectfully request that Roanoke County file a motion in support of this motion with the State Corporation Commission. Further, a similar request will be formally presented today to the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors. While Fve understand that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors was provided notification it has been generally accepted by this Board and our elected representatives in the General Assembly that the citizens of Roanoke County were not provided due process in the certification process for the Virginia Gas pipeline easement. The essence of our motion filed with the State Corporation Commission clearly illustrates that in both the required notices published by the Roanoke Times. that Virginia Gas Pipeline Company was deficient in providing the required 30 day time period for citizens to respond. The first notice published May 6, 1999 required citizens comments or request for hearing be made on or before May 28, 1999, a period of only 22 days, eight days short of the statutorily provided minimum of 30 days advance notice. The second notice published on August 11, 1999 required citizens comments or requests for hearing be made on or before September 7, 1999, a period of 27 days and 3 clays short of the statutorily provided minimum of 30 days advance notice. A third claim for decertification is made in the motion because the second notice published on August 11, 1999, did not inform the interested parties from Radford to Roanoke County of modifications and falsely stated the application only involved "Rocky Mount, Virginia". Again this published notice was deficient and violated the applicable statutes regarding informed notice to interested parties. Another aspect of the motion addresses the audacity of Virginia Gas Pipeline Company in using the Commission's certificate to additionally condemn an interested party's property to install telecommunication systems is unacceptable. It has been discovered that Virginia Gas is being purchased by N.U.I. a New Jersey based corporation that is in the energy business as well as telecommunications. This merger should be complete by the end of 2000. It is wrong for Virginia Gas to induce the Commission to issue the certificate for one particular reason and then employ the certificate to gain unrestricted, unauthorized and unapproved use and enjoyment of private property by condemnation. In conclusion, the Code of Virginia is established to protect both private citizens and corporations. It is only just that when the code is plainly violated and in this particular issue, several times, that the State Corporation Commission and Virginia Gas Pipeline Company be held accountable. Similar standards for notification and requests for hearings apply to county governments when rezoning issues are being proposed and asb~~eo plicenses and paymentuof to eply wrth deadlines with respect to driver's licenses, Again it is only just that the State Corporation Commission act on this motion as a result of clear violations of specific statutes that are established to ensure citizensaove rrnmentd due process under the law. Your endorsement of this motion at the county level can only serve to send a clear message to Richmond that Southwestern Virginia citizens are entitled to due process just as corporation are entitled to condemnation of private property upon full and complete compliance with the law. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Very respectfully yours, ~~~~ Chris Caveness Sensible Mountain Policy Action Coalition Stacy Snyder 1880 Den Hill Rd. Christiansburg, VA 24073 (540)381-6916 October 5, 2000 State Corporation Commission Attn: Cody Walker Division of Energy Regulation P.O. Box 1197 Richmond, VA 23218 RE: Virginia Gas Pipeline Company SCC Case No.: PUE990167 Dear Mr.Walker: Please find enclosed a courtesy copy of a Motion/Complaint signed and supported by more than, one hundred and twenty (120) citizens of Franklin County, Montgomery County, and Roanoke County who qualify as "interested parties" in regards to the above captioned case. This Motion was filed in the Clerk's Office of the State Corporation Commission on October 5, 2000. By letter dated August 30, 2000, Kenneth J. Schrad, with the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, wrote to Congressman Robert Goodlatte regarding the above captioned case (copy enclosed). In his letter, Mr. Schrad represented to Conrgressman Goodlatte that the "notice requirement was ,. met and that "[t}he company clearly" complied with the 30 day advance notice requirement that is prescribed by the statutes of the State of Virginia. As pointed out in the enclosed Motion/complaint, the notifications as published by the Virginia Gas Pipeline Company failed to to fully comply with the requirements set forth in the Virginia State Code. We are concerned that the rights and protection afforded to us as citizens may not have received due process. We appreciate all of the previous attention and courtesy that you and other members of the State Corporation Commission have given to us on this matter. We thank you in advance for your continued attention and courtesy. Sincerely, Stacy Snyder Enclosures: (as identified) VZRGINIA: STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION APPLICATION OF VIRGINIA GAS PIPELINE COMPANY CASE NO. PIIE990167 RE: Certification of a Natural Gas Transmission Line under the Utility Facilities Act MOTION TO REINSTATE, RECONSIDER, AND/OR VACATE The undersigned interested parties ("Petitioners"), being a group of the owners of land directly affected by the proposed "take" of land pursuant to the Final Order ("Final Order") of the State Corporation Commission ("Commission") dated December 6, 1999, granting Virginia Gas Pipeline Company ("VGPC") a certificate of public convenience and necessity ("Certificate"), file this Motion To Reinstate, Reconsider, And/Or Vacate ("Motion") ro se. This Motion is to reinstate the above-noted case to the Commission's docket and to pray the Commission to reconsider and/or vacate the Final Order, inter alia, granting VGPC a Certificate. Addition- ally, this Motion is a formal complaint by Petitioners against the wrongful actions and conduct of VGPC in procuring and operating under the issued Certificate. In support of this Motion, the Petitioners state as follows: 1. Section 56-265.2:1.B. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended ("the Code"), provides (emphasis added) as follows: [t]he Commission shall not approve construction of any such pipeline unless the public utility has provided thirty days' advance public notice of the proposed pipeline by (i) publishing a notice in a newspaper or newspapers of general circulation in each of the counties and municipalities through which the pipeline is proposed to be constructed.... Further, §56-265.2.A. of the Code provides (emphasis added) that [a]ny certificate required by this section shall be issued by the Commission onl after opportunity for a hearing and after due notice to interested parties. Additionally, §56-265.2:1.C. provides (emphasis added) that [ i ] f , within thirty days after publication of a notice as required in subsection B of this section, any interested party requests a public hearing, the Commission shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after such request, hold a hearing at such place as may be designated by the Commission. 2. The first published notice, as display advertising, by VGPC was in The Roanoke Times on May 6, 1999. This publication provided (emphasis added) that [a]ny person desiring to comment in writing on VGPC's application or request a hearing may do so by...comments or requests on or before May 28, 1999.... 3. There are 22 days between May 6, 1999 (the publication date) , and May 28, 1999 (the end of the comment/request period) , or eight (8) days short of the statutorily provided minimum of "thirty days' advance public notice." Accordingly, the first publication and/or notice was in direct violation of the mandatory, applicable statute. Further, as provided in §56-265.2.D., the Commission can issue a "certificate onl after compliance" with the 30-day notice provision in §56-265.2:1. 4. Based upon a change/modification in the application by VGPC, a new notice/publication was required. (See, e.g•, §56- -2- t ~ 265.2:1.E.) Accordingly, a second publication/notice, as display advertising, by VGPC was in The Roanoke Times on August 11, 1999. This second publication provided (emphasis added) that [a]ny person desiring to comment in writing on VGPC's application or request a hearing may do so by...comments or requests on or before September 7, 1999,.... 5. There are 27 days between August 11, 1999 (the publication date), and September 7, 1999 (the end of the comment/request period), or three (3) days short of the statutorily provided minimum of "thirty days' advance public notice." Accordingly, the second and final publication and/or notice was in direct violation of the mandatory, applicable statute. Further, as provided in §56-265.2.D., the Commission can issue a "certificate onl after compliance" with the 30-day notice provision in §56- 265.2:1. 6. VGPC's application to the Commission relates to eminent domain/condemnation procedures. Statutes regarding eminent domain are to be strictly construed, followed, and only exercised in a manner provided by law. The notices and/or publications by VGPC were in violation of the Utility Facilities Act and the statutes and case law regarding eminent domain proceedings. For this reason alone, this case should be reinstated to the Commission's docket, and the issuance of the Final Order should be reconsidered. 7. As noted above, VGPC's modification/amendment of its application required a new notice/publication. The modification/ amendment without question affected multiple jurisdictions and/or -3- counties, including at least Rocky Mount, Virginia, Franklin County, Virginia, and Montgomery County, Virginia. 8. The second publication/notice by VGPC on August 11, 1999, was 'indiscreet,' if not deceptive, in not once mentioning that the modification involved "interested parties" in Montgomery County and/or Franklin County. In fact, this second publication/notice definitively, falsely stated that the application only involved "Rocky Mount, Virginia." 9. Pursuant to the most important second and final notice, otherwise interested parties, for example, in the Counties of Franklin, Roanoke, or Montgomery would have had no notice at all to "comment" or "request a hearing." That is, pursuant to the second notice/publication, only "interested parties" in "Rocky Mount, Virginia," would have had 'notice' of anything. The second notice clearly and convincingly did not disclose that the natural gas pipe line was to be constructed "between two identified points" (i.e., between Radford, Virginia, and Roanoke City with laterals to Rocky Mount, Virginia). Certainly, this second notice failed to identify route changes, etc., within the County of Montgomery. Therefore, this published notice was deficient and violated the applicable statutes regarding an 'informed' notice. This case should be reinstated to the Commission's docket, and the Final Order should be reconsidered. 10. The second notice/publication on August 11, 1999, inappropriately excluded three complete paragraphs which were properly included in the first notice/publication on May 6, 1999. -4- r As noted above, these excluded paragraphs keep extremely "interested parties" from having notice of important, valuable information. 11. By excluding the second full paragraph in the first publication from the second publication, VGPC wrongfully kept "interested parties" from Radford to Roanoke County and into Franklin County from receiving 'notice,' inter alia, that a potentially dangerous high pressure natural gas pipeline was coming through their 'backyards.' This deletion was deceptive and, in effect, defrauded otherwise interested parties from receiving proper notice that they would/might be affected. 12. By excluding the third full paragraph in the first publication from the second publication, VGPC wrongfully kept "interested persons" from being "encouraged (by the Commission) to review VGPC's application" and from being "advised" that their input may effect the Commission's approval of VGPC's application. If these admonishments were appropriate/necessary in the first publication, they were for a stronger reason appropriate/necessary for the second publication. It was harmful to the interested parties not to have these prompting admonishments. 13. By excluding the last full paragraph in the first publication from the second publication, VGPC wrongfully kept "interested parties" from knowing that if they (or someone on their behalf) did not request a formal public hearing then the Commission may make a 'private' administrative decision on the matter without any input from the public. The exclusion of this last paragraph -5- works to the direct advantage of VGPC and to the direct disadvantage of the "interested persons." 14. The exclusion of the three noted paragraphs from the second publication indicate a wrongful motive by VGPC in keeping the public uninformed about public utility matters. The exclusion of these paragraphs from the second publication resulted in "interested parties" related to the original and the modified, overall application from having any informed notice regarding the matters. That is to say that, due to the second publication/ notice, the "interested parties" related to the first publication/notice in the Counties of Franklin, Roanoke, and Montgomery surely believed that their "interest" was abated since the modification only involved "Rocky Mount, Virginia." 15. Both publications are so vague that a party who would, in fact, be an "interested party" would not be on notice to act as an "interested party." That is, even though the Utility Facilities Act sets a minimum general standard for notices/publications, the establishment of this minimum standard does not relieve the Commission of exercising its discretion to ensure that all or as many as possible "interested persons," as defined in the Act, receive actual notice. After all, the Commission is the 'watch dog' related to public utility matters and is required, inter alia, by statute to protect the public's interests. 16. Attached hereto as EXHIBIT A is a fro forma of the "Grant Of Easement" ("Easement") which VGPC is using to procure easements and/or condemn the properties of interested parties. The Easement -6- is very, very telling as to the motives and intent of VGPC in procuring its Certificate from the Commission. In fact, it appears that VGPC may have wrongfully fraudulently induced the Commission to issue a Certificate based upon certain representations while excluding many material matters which should have been disclosed in the application process. These appearances will be related in the subsequent paragraphs of this Motion and are based upon the content of VGPC's pro forma Easement. 17. Generally, VGPC's application was for the construction, maintenance, and operation of a high pressure natural gas pipeline. VGPC wrongfully procured its Certificate based upon the fact that only a natural gas pipeline was its intention. However, the Easement discloses a material, wrongful intent by VGPC which was obviously not disclosed in the application process. The result of this wrongful, fraudulent activity by VGPC should be that the Certificate is ruled to be void ab initio. 18. For example, the Easement discloses that VGPC desired an easement across the properties of interested parties for purposes other than a natural gas pipeline. That is, the Easement discloses that VGPC is 'demanding' under its natural gas pipeline Certificate telecommunications or fiber optic lines or systems (including appliances and/or other related appurtenances), together with...other devices appurtenant to and necessary for the proper construction and operation of such...telecommunications system. The audacity of VGPC in using the Commission's Certificate to install a natural gas pipeline to additionally condemn an interested party's property to install telecommunications systems, -7- etc., is outrageous. Upon information and belief, before and during the application process, VGPC was already in negotiations with and planning to merge/associate with an entity with signifi- cant telecommunications interest and wrongfully failed to inform the Commission as to how this fact would impact the easements of the interested parties. 19. To add injury to insult, VGPC is using the easement appurtenant to a natural gas pipeline to make money off the landowners' property. That is, VGPC is demanding that the property owners allow it the right to sell and assign rights in the natural gas right-of-way and easement to telecommunications and fiber optic companies, pocketing all of the revenue therefrom. There may be health, safety, and welfare issues involved with locating certain other lines near high pressure natural gas lines which necessarily should involve the Commission's input as well as that of the interested parties. The bottom line is that VGPC has changed the "use" of the property it is seeking/condemning for natural gas pipeline purposes, dictating that the Commission re-evaluate the issuance of the Certificate. 20. Moreover, VGPC's wrongful inclusion of the telecommuni- cations and fiber optic systems in the 'approved' natural gas pipeline easement is an unauthorized, unapproved condemnation of an unlocated secondary easement. It was wrong for VGPC to induce the Commission to issue the Certificate for one particular reason and then to deceitfully employ the Certificate to gain unauthorized, unapproved use and enjoyment of private property by condemnation. -s- 21. The pro forma Easement demands that each interested party/landowner grant VGPC the "free right of ingress and egress over and across [the entire] lands (of the landowner) to and from the (VGPC) right-of-way and easement." This is true whether the non-VGPC right-of-way and easement is an half-acre parcel or a 300- acre tract of land. That is, VGPC is demanding an unlocated, all- inclusive easement of ingress and egress which was-not contemplated when the Commission issued its Certificate. Again, VGPC has changed the use and purpose of the approved natural gas pipeline easement to the extent -that the Commission must review and reconsider the issuance of the original Certificate. 22. VGPC's demand for an unlocated, all-inclusive easement of ingress and egress is an unauthorized, unapproved condemnation proceeding for a secondary easement which was not addressed in its application process with the Commission. This is especially true where this unlocated, all-inclusive easement of ingress and egress extends to telecommunications and fiber optic companies. The needed review will by necessity involve government agencies not involved in the original application process. This deceptive, wrongful action by VGPC essentially dictates that the entire matter be investigated and reported on again by various government agencies protecting the public. 23. VGPC is employing its rights under the Certificate related to natural gas pipelines to improperly grant and/or assign its own easement to others. That is, VGPC is demanding that its easement right be assignable to non-gas pipeline companies and that -9- such assignment is "divisible among" the assignor and the assignees, meaning that the assignor and the multiple assignees can enjoy all types of unlocated, all-inclusive easement rights "in common or in severalty." This ultimately means that the Commission and the landowners will inevitably have to deal in the future with multiple, unregulated companies .and regulated companies. This is not what the Commission anticipated or approved when it entered the Final Order granting the Certificate. The Commission should review and re-assess the entire situation based upon the material under- statements of intention by VGPC in the application process. 24. Based upon VGPC's 'assumed' right to assign right-of-ways and easements to other public and/or private entities, both the Commission and the local municipalities could, in essence, be forfeiting rights to regulate activity that they would otherwise have the power and ability to control through taxes, tariffs, etc. This Commission should not allow VGPC to circumvent the Commission's authority to regulate by the improper and unauthorized use of the Certificate issued through the Final Order. 25. Upon information and belief, the Commission's Staff Report(s) indicated that the Department of Environmental Quality, the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, and others recommended that the existing East Tennessee Natural Gas easement be used by VGPC. Any recon- sideration regarding the issuance of a new Certificate should consider these recommendations. -10- 26. Alternatively, based upon the herein stated violations of statutory law by VGPC and the readily apparent, willful misrepre- sentations of material facts by VGPC in masking its intentions in obtaining/procuring the Certificate, the Petitioners hereby respectfully request this Commission to treat this Motion as a formal complaint by the Petitioners against the wrongful actions of r VGPC pursuant to §56-265.6 of the Code. Specifically, the Petitioners hereby respectfully petition the Commission to vacate its Final Order granting the Certificate or to simply revoke the Certificate, affording the citizens of the various affected counties (i) due process of law, (ii) equal protection of the law, and (iii) an actual opportunity to be heard related to the issuance of a proper Certificate, all as provided for in the Virginia Utility Facilities Act and the Virginia statutes regarding eminent domain proceedings. WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated herein, the Petitioners, the undersigned interested parties, respectfully move/pray that the Commission return this matter to its docket, reconsider the merits of the Final Order, and vacate said Final Order or to revoke the Certificate issued to VGPC in the interest of fairness to all interested parties, the general public, other utility companies, and the governmental entities involved. Further, pursuant to §56- 265.6, the Petitioners pray that the Commission suspend all of the activities of VGPC related to the Certificate pending the outcome of this Motion and/or complaint. Dated: October 1, 2000 -11- INTERESTED PARTIES: Name : ~.~ivl Address : , g~(J ~~~G( `{~~ (~ ~'~• c~.~~ ~~ ~~ ~3 Telephone number: ~,2jgj ' l~ Name : j/1/, ~, ~.~~.~~ Address : (~- d• !/a. BSc ~~.3 Telephone number : .~~2-- ~ ~ Name : ~ ~~ ~~~f 1,~~1 Address: ?jQ0 ~ /,mss ~Q,f~f/H ~. N~'V cGv~1`s~>'auslac~~ ?~?3 Telephone number : g Z" ~~~ Name : ~~ T~~~ Address : ~i Z - ~~n S ~ Rr4~ ~~r-~ ~ i~- ~~ y i Telephone number: ~ ~j - ~- 7 7 'i-t- Name : ~ ~~~-~ ~„f-'c- Address : ~')'~~.{ ~ ~' Ln , Telephone number: ~.lU ~~ l1'SZo Name: Address : l~,s'`J ~ ~,~~~,c./ ~~ Telephone number : y ~ ~ ~ tid ~~ -12- Name: Address:. \~. z yG ~~ Telephone number : ~ ~l L~ - 3 ~~~ 7~' C .~ Name : _ ~,-~ `< ~`.~~ ~ . , ~1 l.t~~l~ Address : - ~ - -' -~ ~\ ~.. 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Y~ Telephone number : S~G~ - ~7 d - a 9 7 Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: -37- Name: ,' , ," :j~- -~~.\w~n i`~a:~. s r"C-=tom `r---- ~ Address. 5{~ -~ ~%v~'r-. a<,~~ .-, :J i Telephone number: i -,f ~~ '~~?~~ ~ ~.`~r" Name: i I~~ ~~yUN' ~ ~-- Address: S~~ ~~ Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Soo 989 S Spa Telephone number: -38- Name: Address: Telephone number: S ~ ~ ~~~ ~-~ Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: Name: Address: Telephone number: -39- A copy of this Motion To Reinstate, Reconsider, and Vacate was mailed to Michael L. Edwards, President, Virginia Gas Pipeline Company, P.O. Box 2407, Abingdon, Virginia 24212, on this 4th day of October, 2000. -40- GRANT OF EASEMENT phis Grant of Easement, made and entered into this da} of 20 b~, and bct.vecn Bruce A. ~tacFarland Hnd Gail R. tv1acFarlfrnd, husband and +vife, of 4712 Garth Drive, Salem. Vq ~•t I ~~. Grantor. +vhether vne or more, and VIRGINIA GAS PIPELINE COhtf ANl'. P.O. E3ox 2407, Abingdon \'~renria 24212, Grantee. WITNESSGI H: That for and in consideration of the Burn of X10.00 and other good and valuable consideration. in hand paid, the receipt of +vhich is hereb+ ackno++ledeed. Grantor does hereby Brant, bargain, sell, and convey unto Grantee, its successors and assiens. ++ith eeneral ++arranty and English Covenants of title, a perpetual right-of-wa} and easement ~U feet in width. and an additional temporan construction easement feet in width. The right-of-+vay and easement is granted upon the property hereinafter described, for the purpose of lad ing. constructing, maintaining. operating. altering, replacing. inspecting, patrolling, servicing and repairing and removing pipelines (not to exceed t++o in number), telecommunications or fiber optics lines or systems (including appliances and/or other related appurtenances). together with drips, valves, fittings, fencing and other devices appurenant to and necessar~~ for the proper construction and operation of such pipelines, for the transportation of oil, natural gas, petroleum products or any other liquids or gases of substances which can be transported through a pipeline and/or a telecommunications system. The right-of-way and easement granted hereby crosses a portion of the lands of the Grantor located in the Cata++~ba Magisterial District of Roanoke Counry, Virginia, and being the satt~e tract of land acquired b}~ Grantor from Ronald K. Testerman and James R. Lindsey, Jr., by deed dated .Aueust 5, 1977, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of said County in Deed Book 1073, page 390, and described as containing 88.18 acres, more or less. The Grantee, its successors and assigns, are hereby expressly given and granted the right to assign this right-of--way and easement, or an}' part thereof or interest herein, and the same shall be divisible among two or more owners, as to any right or rights granted hereunder, so that each assignee or owner shall have full rights and privileees herein eranted to be owned and enjoyed either in common or in severalty. The Grantee shall have all other rights and benefits necessary or convenient for the full enjoyment or use of the rights herein eranted, including. but without limitine the same to. the free rie_ttt of ineress and egress over and across said lands to and from the right-of-way and easement. The Grantor, his successors, heirs or assigns, reserves the right to fully use and enjoy the said premises except as the same may interfere with the right herein granted. For the consideration above mentioned Grantee shall have the right, without additional payment, to clear all timber, trees and undergrowth on or overhanging right-of- wav and easement and from time to time to remove and keep clear by any method all trees and undergrowth on or overhanging said right-of--way and easement and to remove and prohibit the future construction of buildings or portions thereof, other structures or portions thereof, landfill or removal of embankments of earth and other materials infringing upon, extending into, or extending about the right-of-way that may in the sole judgment of the Grantee injure, endanger or interfere with the use, operations, maintenance, safety of public awareness of said pipelines or fittings and appliances appurtenant to any of said lines. The Grantee, by acceptance hereof, agrees to bury all pipelines, unless otherwise agreed, to a minimum depth of 36 inches, except that when in consolidated rock, the minimum depth shall be 24 inches. It is understood and agreed that the above mentioned consideration does not include payment for loss of crops which may arise from the laying, constructing, maintaining, operating, expanding, altering, repairing, removing, changing the size of, adding to and/or replacing Grantee's facilities. Grantee agrees to restore fences to their original condition or better and to restore the disturbed land as nearly as practical to its original condition upon the completion of construction to the extent compatible with the purpose for which the right-of-way was granted. All payments hereunder ma~~ be made directly to the Grantor, or as authorized by him in writing delivered to the Grantee. Should there by an}' change in the ownership of said lands, then such payment shall be made to those acquiring such lands, but no change in ownership of said lands shall be binding upon the Grantee until the muniment of title by which such change becomes effective has been placed of record in the Counry wherein such I lands are located and a certified cope thereof delivered to the Grantee. Te);tis.contract and such other documents as may be signed b}' the parties contain all of the promises, terms, and provisions of the agreements made by the parties. The person or ;persons securing this grant on behalf of i~ Frye, RHS Hester Conrinued from Page I3( four straight stogies. Scott Moye lead RHS had etwo-E213f singly and Steele came back to the piste to cause more damage with a one out FL\DFORD - ~1ary [,ee Frye base rip that scored two moro pitched a four hitter to help the Spartan stns and nn 8.2 lead. Radford Bobcats brat Giles i ^ I ~ he nightmare wasn't over for in a five inning slaughter ails the Bnhcnts 'Roo Spartan hnL soRhall game T'veeds} Iere ranched base by fielders Fr}'e. now 6-I, struck nut choice pious and two errors. ei,tht. walked one and allowed ,fason Edwards started another two singles and two doubles to rally with e single end Eric Price ge to win. hit n three run shot over the Itohin fles[er led (tndfnrd's 12~ right field fence to give Giles e hIt atL~ck going four (nr (our with 16 2 lead. W'oolwine finally gat Cwn RBI ,lesalco Burton had the Bnhca to nu[ of the mouse- three hits including a triple anri `-rap by staking out Steele to end drove in two runs Jnnnl(nr the inning Cochran hsd two hlta and drove r'table end \Voolwine faced a home four alas also Intel of 19 batters in the inning Radford is now 6.3 and l5 4 and gave up three unearned runs overall. The Bohcata closes the and 13 earned rune. season on Friday at home Frazier said that the Redford against Auburn. pitching change is a two way GILE9 f00 00 1-d-3 street in different eituetions. RADFORD ON9 36 I7-12-1 'The difTerent look can either Dove and Shepherd. Frye and help you or itcnnhurtyou,"said Pelkey,tVerren (4r WP.Frye (6.1). Frazier. "]n our case, our kids LP Dove HR-none go[ on a roll and others just fol- {. lowed." B Ob Ca LS •I'he Bobcats had e chance to redeem themselves in the top of ~Op BHS LhefiRhinninq Andrew Crowder and Chris Alderman resched the bases BL.ACKSBURG-Aseven-run •vlth consecutive walks fiRh inning allowed the Radford \~oolwine scored Crowder nn a Bobcats to earn an 11-7 non-dis- high sac-fly to second base end trio softball victory over rVderman scored on en error to Blacksburg Monday eRernoon g,ve Radford two more runs. but the five inrnq, ten-run rule came Stacy Porter threw a seven hit- ter for Radford. She fanned 10 and walked four and allowed three earned runs to gam her ninth win in 12 outings this sea- son. Porter also led the Radford at tank going these-for-five. Andrea 'Warren, Sara Pelkev and Robin 'nester had two bite each. Abhv Carter, Ashley Hurt and Cryatel Furrow led Blacksburg s attack with two hits each, Fur- row also drove in two runs. FLidford led 4-2 going into the filth when Warren singled, Jamie Fisher bunted and Jenni- fer Cochran singled. Then, Jes- aI[A Burton singled, Warren doubled for s run, Porter had a RF elk. Pelkey s RBI single, C n a 12B1 walk and Jenni- fe, es a RBI single. Bla~,cehurgclosed the gap with a run in the (iRly end other run in the sixth and titres more in the seventh. Heidi Jones suffered the loss. She struck out seven and walked seven. BHS is now fr9 Overall. Radford is now 14-4 overall. In ta/Tect with the last Bobcat out. Cromer tosses one-hitter at Auburn R[NER -Jeremy Cromer threw none-hitter as Glem•ar remained on top oC the Three Rivers District with e I6-0 five- inning slaughter rule victory over Auburn Tuesday. The Engles, now 3-11 overall and 2- l 1 in the league, had only three base runners in the game. Travis Thompson walked in the fourth inning, but Cromer picked him off base. Then, J.C.Altizer had Bone-out single and TravisJarrelis reached first base aRer the catcher dropped the third strike. The FFighlanders, meanwhile, picked starting pitcher -I'.J.Campbell apart Glenvar scored in every inning including eight runs in the second. Cromer finished the game with 12 strikeouts and one walk. Glenvar is now 7-0 and 10-3 overall sad leads the district by two gsmes. RADFORD (02 170 0 11-12-4 8119 110 011 3. 7.7.2 Porter and Warren, Jones and Furtow tVp.Porter19~.3). LP Jon es. 1{R none GLENVAR 281 32-10.13.0 AUBURN 000 00 0.1.8 Cromer and Cemmona. Fnsnscht (3). Campbell and Thompson. \VP- Cromer. LP Campbell. HR-none. Radford hoeta Blacksburg on Thursday in a non-confernece game. They visit Auburn in a die- trict contest on Friday end then plays makeup games nest week. On Tuesday, they return to C~lenvnr and nn Wednesday, l`ist' 12 to host Floyd Co. RAI)FOftD 200 02 d d t GILES 000 UR)R 1R~R-3 Msble-, Wnolwine (dl sari Corn Hilton and Edwards WP Hilton LP' Mebie !{R Pncn tGllSltwo nn in the fourth. Auburn snaps losing streak NARROWS -The Auburn Eagles pounded out 16 hits m outscore Nerrowe 17-12 in e non-district baseball game Mon- des v. J.C.Altizer, T.J. Campbell and Travis Jarrells led the hitting attack with three hits each. Nick Stewart added two hits also. Altizer broke a I.1 tie in the second with e bnseloaded double in the seven-run second. Auburn added throe stns in the third. fourth in the fiRh and single runs in the sixth and seventh inning= Campbell drove in three runs with a double and a triple. Jarreils end Stewart had e double each and drove in two runs apiece. ' B.K. Tale end Core Fisher led Narrows' 17-hit attack with three hits each. Fisher hit the onh• home run, athree-run blast in the last of the seventlf. Thy win snaps a Rue-game Auburn losing streak. Ths Eagles are now 3-10 overall. AUBURN 173 OBI i1-17-1R-A NARROWS 101 3Z2 3 12-17-5 AI!izer. Seewert f5). Jarrelb !il and Thompson. St. Clair, Spengler (D, Tate f5) and Hazelwood. 44•p. Altizer. LP-St. Clair. HR-Fisher (NHS) two on in the 7°. BHS Continued ji-om Page B~ Steve F{sil, now 2-1, took the loss (or the Indiana. Hell, Shnbman and fiixon allowed nine Cnv Rller hits. The Indians bed a chance ear- lierbut stranded two runnere in both the first and second innings and came away with no rune. The lass drops Blacksburg to 2-6 end 3-7 overall. Botetourt is now 3.4 and 4-5 overall. BOTETOURT 00101318.8-3 IILACK9BURG 001 000 0 t ~ 2 Biecatte, Seundere (4) end Graybill. Fell. Shebmen (8), Hlxnn (6) and McKinney. WP-Saunders. LP-Hall (2-l). HR- Greer LBl A'" none on; Aliveto (LBI 6`", none on .New River Newspapers, LLC., Wednesday, May 5, 1999 page B7 Bobcat Jayvee team wins three straight RADFORD -After losing seven straight baseball gomes, the Rndfnrd Junior Varsity snapped their streak recently. The streak ended when Radford defeated Flnvd Co 5-4 in drarnntic fashion -I-he Bobcats led 4-1 going into the seventh when the Bu((s scored three limey !o tie the gn me sari send the Bnhcnta to there Inst et bat in the seventh. Steven Rutherford led oR the Radford seventh with a walk and moved to second on a passed ball. Two outs later and a 2-0 count on Chris Cook, Cook singled over the IeR fieldr.r's head in what could have been extra bases. Rutherford scored the game winning run and Cook was credited with a single. Justin Viars, who went seven innings, allowing six hits, strik- ingout 10 sad walking five, took the win. Dickens led Radford in hitting going two for three and driving rn two tuns On the nett afternoon, F1~ndforddefentedAubum 12-7 in Riney. Justin Hayes tad the Radford haters, nearly going Cor the cycle (single, double and triple) and three RBI. Blake Schaub and Chris Cook had two hits each. Schaub drove in two runs. Jeff Hawkins picked up the win in relief with two-and two- thirds of three-hit ball. Schaub started for Radford end Viars closed the grime by (acing one batter and striking him oat. On the third straight aRer- noon, Radford traveled to Nar- rows and came awn}' with a 20 9 victory. Will Crigler, Radford's left fielder, who hen two home runs to his credit thin season, had three hits (two singles and a double) and drove in n run. Haves, the center fielder, also had three hits and drove home four runs. Schaub went three for three with three RB[. Hawkins went five end two- third innings, striking out six end walking three to gain the decision. CHS Continued from Page B3 hits, six strikeouts and one walk) in the RRh allowed tyro hits, hut! the Demon defense got out o(thei jam to earn the win end eweepl~ the doubleheader LB3, CHS 2 Las[ Friday, at Dalecille, A.C.Conner hit a home run in the fast of the seventh to gives Lord Botetourt a 3-2 win over Chrietianaburg. The Demons had led 2-1 going into the seventh. Anthony Ford's solo home run tied it 2.2 Two outs later, Conner homered. NOTICE TO THE PUBUC OF AN APPLICATION BY VIRGINU GAS PIPEUNE COMPANY POR A CERTiFlCATE OF PUBUC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSRY TO CONSTRUCT. OWN AND OPERATE A NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION PIPEUNE SYSTEM AND RELATED FACRlTIES CASE NO PUE990161 Ors Mares 19. 1999, Vrgrra Gas Pberw Garoany (-vGPC a 'me Con'oerNl aed an epDecaOOn wDh the Smle CaDOratbn Commnsm f'Cornnsosim~ reWesDng ale Cpmm~sdl ro asps a cerWrate d p1AIC mrnenrrsce eno rwoessey auasohay VGPC b conduct win en0 Opereb a reNel gas trensmrssbn DOearM SySlem one retaled laG1DMS to provide en sddlhond fnrouyhpul 0121,500 OeiraD+erme d gas per day the p Wosed ptsetlne a an e~MisM d VGPC's eristlng P.25 paeans system ban CtIIMrNe, `/t'gnsm, to Redbrtl, Vkgne. VGPC poposes ro enero Dr It"e hom Radford 'rib Ftoenoke County, Virq,-Ya, and b corsstrstcl htsrah to RodY MaarC Vkgln4, Vnb dv city d RoareYe. Thy Company Velss Dal Die poises wii bid epprordsselsM 52.4 m4ee old wit tdnryc'1 VGPC7 Isadees wrN mar tau turD"er east iha Coe+Derry propose us41g tlse same IarM b Nm transportalbn ds Dsel anendy on Na with Dee Commhsbn for e7 P~25 hensmtssbn IarM. The proposed herumbsi0n lee passes Drotyh a+e Oistr~QNOn leeaahs d UNled CNes Gae Comperry and Roanoke Gas Company and cull po- olds reluM gas trer+sportatron servru aW, Interested oersom ors erx~rsged to revrrw VGPC's eppkalion and supperti.q aoc un+enle Ax a+e Oelails d M proposeb land hs ere aDp4catbn. Inlays sled persons s+"aAd M ednssd aseC Baer oonsldsr icy al d err rrNdenca, e+e Camrrrssion may Baer proposals appear rip m Ne C,anpenys appllralson a may approve a leers whim dDbn ban asal eppearrq n are Companys eppkJtbn. Copies d VGPC7 eppauDOn are avadade for pWrc bs0ec1l0n durk+g regular btaF ness boon el VGPC's ofM1ce el 200 Males StrseC Lydon. Yrgrsfe 212 t0, Burry ass taus d 9'00 e.m. b 5.00 D m., 1.brsdar Trough Friday Thy appNUlion b abo evslebN b puCao nspec0on Monday DrougrrFrldey, B t5 a.m l0 5:00 D. m. el ~ Stale Capdetlon Corrxnbsion, Doaansra Cd+vd Cenlsr. Fk sl Fboy 7ybr 8uitfry, 1300 Earl Main Street. Adorned, Vrgnie 27219. A^Y person desrng ro t:orraned n wrltky m vOPC's eppkzlion d repwsl a Mary may rip so Dy rflrecley sudr odrlnMnb a regllasts on a Mora May ?B, 1999. 10 .led H. PdpC ck!rtt d ma CommiDSbn. ap Oaurere corms Caner. Po Zt te, Rkyrndrd, vrg.lw Z721e aro shell relay to Cass IJO. PUE990167. Rapuesb b haying shat stale wDh speohily why su01 ooh. tarns ramol M adepteldy assessed it carman rnnrnenb. On d MAxe May ?8. 1999, s soy of the comnerDS a reWesu b tbar^9 mttsf also De seal IO 7se Cdrperry m bAOws: MdteM L Edwards, PresWenl, VFgtr.a Gas PipeFnp Canparry, p0 Bos 2407, ~'9~n, YayYSS 24f12. D no mpuesb br hearvy are received, a banal tgerng wM ad lesornorry may rid M Mb and the COnvnMion may malt' b Oeas+ons atrne+istradvety, based I.pon paper Ned h Nis procEedasg T C .. I !•. I. 1 .i• .. ~ ,~I,II , , I,,.I ,.I 11. f1 •1111 I .. .II ~I . ~ . i l l t :1 I .: ~~ II ,. iii1,• 1 ,.I 111• '~. II I iI 1.•1~ 1!•, I,,nI....1 1!11 .., 1' ,t!11111 I1,1~'l' 1•;11 n1•ti 11,1' I.. !,•1,11..,,•11( (Itt :,t~Il1• ;1t (:1(1(,11;!! 1'1,11(t':;t.:;1,I,11:.I,r1'tl • I lIl t•1 11111 It~llttl I'rt},1•r- ('1,11( 1•'I,t11111;1(11,11 •f•!'~!!!! !(11.1,,. ,!~• '~. {'.!r'.'.:!rt ! I tl;!i:l'.:;Int rt. I .;lt,. ~; !i 111 ir:tt;Itlsl,tlr,~I~. ;!11~i t I;:t~.l,.,-• 1(`}tri`;r1;1r1s;111!rl~l 1~;lll!,I' 1'1 ~,, c'lu•Il I,`.' Iln!If', (1';1111 I~; t't,l!1I!t'11111; ;lI';t1n`;I II :111 11111 i l I ' !t,,. 1.11 I.Ilt~l1'1 !t•. ,,1,~1:.,,, 1,.111111,1 ~.~~ ~; ,' ! 11,111 It1~l! •.1,1!111. ,I,., I,.,I!!~ 11,.111 111 I I i I I I r i 1 1. 1: ~' I~~~ : 11 .,11 1 11~ .11 i•. .~1~11 !'l l (lll (Yl1l(~ /i..511 /1,~, ;I ~At'iC~l~l llt(; ~ ~lr,l!!!t 'I~:Ih•,! 1Zttrlt;Ir1 (:Itth will 11r,lci !1'; !!~:,! l :li,:,, •'Jtltr.:'r\ ~~l'}1c1(,i i'It !!I,' tilra•ir,•~ ".;;1 I~~11 •ftri~c,r ltcl., lill!r'r:~;i~,`!I' }:•..,,r-`•(ttlt' t!: ~:~r'1ct,1111' ;'tcilllC: 1~'cn- inltrr' iufc~rtnnt.i<,1t, t •~ (! 1 r (rrltn "(- :;I,ttr'~: 11t~1 i,~,.. It :t;ll.)~ _ j -, _ ___.. __-----,r'---- nr:cr Ir•t Tt+~ nr'r t_ICl1TION OF VIRGIrJIn "ICE l r1 1 rri- r'UE?L!C. C,1 n Li I F~Ir'F!_ttJC= (<'OraF!`.tl1• rnF) ;t CEf1TIFICn1 E OF r'UE3UC COfJVF_rJIENCE p h?EGE~StI'Y T`O C,UWSIF7UC1. U~Jt!• /1r`llCn `?FL~TF~ ~~`CALITItE~ GAS -Ctnr•lcr~t^.StUt1 r'r('1.1 ItJ~ S {.,TFP,i A I 1 I 1 ~ I .,11 r, ('C nr ..I ,~ , I ~• r x:'.'11111 .'.111 V ..• . ,;'I i r•~rr !,• 1 1 I ti) It'_Tlr - _•,rT~tt~!SS'~" I, ,tai; •, 11,tt1 ..il •'!n ,;t, 1 ,,,r~,rr)`JFarl to E'Jt711.; _ ydd l 1 +I ~1. It tr. !~, 111 ~ = f I I. I~ [ I `.i r. "1 r, 1 ~, cS _ I iii ,frt,~,t ~~ vn ~!n J r nc.r~, . ? r a~ t !,,r1 }~•r111, 4 it r .~ a~ .1 rt '~` ~1~ t 11..117'JI?, , : ~ _ __ ' e m. -~c, ~ - .. ~. x r}'cf 1 ~ ~ C.. .. ., - l~ r l~'~tl._. ~ ' Q r'.!: - nlor_jlrlcat!sn ,~~ !~, hroDOSed ,"tt' frfl•Y '1 ! loa'1 11 p t "~•11Oart li'eC1 n F~'InC~ltiOn Ot 1nlp~F~~~l<y` ha;,UaLVir~1r11a' T'k~~.l rnodi(1G~~.1!0!1 '.rlt necessltat crcposc,el t„~F-fir," in t~~.<i iocal!nns and the ~cqu!s1Uonofadditignal nghts-of- the ctetalt~,xni'-wtiicll stay be r~wietved at the tolfo Qrlgf~fooUUO.ro{ 9 OOa ~5 •e al 200 tit~><!ti^Stror'l.,~Lingdon, Vuginla 242nOcd to Corporate Commission. OOpsrtt_ titr,rida~ t`hiolll~h Fridtt}"arid: al th.. ~ 1300 Easl plain Street, :omen( C:c1,I~o4 ~.eitter, Full F!o~~r 7ylrr BUilding. hmond. Virginia 2.321°. curing the hours of 8't; a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in wrihn on VGPC'S 3Dplication or Any person des!nng to ccmm_nt h Ccgr-(meats er rgqu?St5 on or. nest a hearing may do °'^ `oY d,1e~,hng suc~ nmmisslon• Uo cre SeptemCer ~ 1999: ti.: Joel H Peck. Clark of the C-• n Vlr In!a 232 t a. and shall x 2118. P.rChrn-rt,j` ch 91 stare w'th SDecil,clty ~um2nl C^nlrrl Ct;ntt.r, FU ~'= , ~n,rln7 r to Case Na FUEon016- Requests Ir-r t ~ Pn ~mmont5 Un Cr :SUCK Cprv.e.rn5 ~_?nnC'r ~,•± ~:~`-'CUdrely 3'~•~re55°~ ~" writ • cCrnr h~ZrtnC 'TtUSi ~re SecleR~C. r , , :_ es ~^ t t,~..~nl 1. `tii?":,~. ~`°SZrr,_ ...ter` ;.in. d5 - -.'," .. .. ...•:., '~'. I I - I r:' .. ~` ~~ ~ ' r~ PY AT'A'X arj'!!*'*~- rSCtYr rj'sxj. aM yC7JYJ'Yl` 1'-: .; rr -X'r'rr 't° t13~'~ '~ r'>'O~'~70r71~ tom'' Or r~P.'S rMJ~' j a r'-•~F! ~~~-'rt?C~:t plar'5 ! n Sf'~ ~ 'Y5'l.'; ~% •.'°. '~f X17 CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE ,~^ COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA //~.. Amount Balance from June 27, 2000 Board meeting $279,722.09 Balance at October 10, 2000 $279,722.09 Respectfully Submitted, ~ ~~ Diane D. Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Approved By, ~- /r-~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board-Reports\MonthlyReports\CAPOO.xIs 10/03/2000 M:\Finance\Common\Board-Reports\MonthlyReports\BOARDOO.xIs 10/03/2000 ~~ /11- `~ FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-1997 debt budget $670,000.00 Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund 1,113,043.00 FY1997-1998 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 June 23, 1998 Savings from 1997-98 debt fund 321,772.00 FY1998-1999 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 FY1999-2000 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,219,855) 780,145.00 November 9, 1999 Savings from 1998-99 debt fund 495,363.00 FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,801,579) 198,421.00 Balance at October 10, 2000 $7,578,744.00 Reserved for Future School Operations FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation $1,500,000.00 July 11, 2000 SW Co Regional Stormwater (290,000.00) Balance at October 10, 2000 1,210,000.00 Receivable from Roanoke County for purchase of refuse vehicles - to be repaid within two years (736,680.00) $ 473,320.00 Respectfully Submitted, Approved By, ~CG7rr,.v . ~-tCL~' Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hodge Chief Financial Officer County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board-reports\MonthlyReports\SCHOOLOO.xIs 10/06/2000 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER !'~! "~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Quarterly Report for Day Reporting Program COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: On August 14,2000, the Day Reporting Program opened and began taking referrals. On August 21, 2000, we started admitting participants who received individual counseling, family counseling, group counseling, anger management training, and life skills training. The remaining services, including Community Service, the Parent Support Group and the Substance Abuse Prevention Group were added at the end of September. In addition to the development and implementation of services, the program was heavily marketed in numerous ways to the community during the first six weeks after opening including an Open House on September 8, 2000. On August 18, 2000, I attended a Staff Meeting that included all Probation/Parole Officers and Supervisors for the City of Roanoke (23-A) Court Service Unit. I also attended meetings for each team of the Roanoke County and City of Salem Family Assessment & Planning Team on September 11,2000. On September 15,2000, Mike Lazurri and I met with Judges John Ferguson and Joseph Bounds to discuss the program and how Roanoke City referrals would occur. On September 28, 2000, RVTV interviewed John Chambliss and I for a Roanoke County Todax segment to air during October 2000. On September 26, 2000 the program's budget was approved by the Board of Supervisors. Attached is the first quarterly utilization report for the Day Reporting Program. ~ h ' • ~ ~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: PROGRAM PARTICIPATION Mont h of August Minimum Maximum Average Utilization %* Day Program 1 1 1 20.0% Evening Program 2 Roanoke County 2 City of Salem 2 Roanoke City 40.0% Other # of Admissions 2 3 0 0 AM/PM 0/2 1 /2 0/0 0/0 Daily Avg. # of Participants .67 2.33 0 0 Month of September Minimum Maximum Average Utilization %* Day Program 1 3 2.15 43.0% Evening Program 2 Roanoke County 4 City of Salem 2.80 Roanoke City 56.0% Other # of Admissions 1 2 0 0 AM/PM 1 /0 2/0 0/0 0/0 Daily Avg. # of Participants 1 3.95 0 0 *100% Utilization equals 5 participants per program as program ouaget was aetermmea oy neeaing an average or a.o cocci awry participants. PROGRAM REVENUE CSU August September Total Roanoke County $480 $1600 $2080 Roanoke County CSU will not be billed for any services as they made a $231,852.00 contribution to the Program Budget from their VJCCCA grant City of Salem $1680 $6320 $8000 Roanoke City $0 $0 $0 Other $0 $0 $8000 ~- Respectfully Submitted by l /~~ Ems- Approved by: Lim' /~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Sandi Worley Day Reporting Program S ervisor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara Referred () Minnix To () Nickens cc: File ~_ Item No. ~ `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Report on Status of Salem Office Supply Building Project COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Board approved purchase and renovations to the Salem Office Supply Building in February, 1999. Due to a variance which was required by the City of Salem and various environmental testing, the County did not actually close on the building until August of that year. Since that time, staff has worked with an architect and representatives from the offices which plan to move into the facility to allocate the space in an efficient and cost effective manner. During these discussions, Court Services staff has indicated that it would enhance their operation to include their five personnel who currently are located at the Salem Courthouse. There has been some initial contact with the City of Salem, and staff will follow up to determine whether Salem is interested in contributing to this project. The General Assembly allocated an additional judge whose office is located at the Salem Courthouse, which has put space at a premium in that building. The City is currently awaiting an estimate from the County of the cost to include five additional offices in the Salem Office Supply plan, and staff expects to provide that information within the next two weeks. Additionally, the following work has taken place: Interior demolition is essentially complete. The majority of this was done with inmate labor at minimal cost to the County. Construction easements have been acquired from the City of Salem, to allow access across the adjacent City property during the renovations. Staff has met with the City of Salem concerning permits, utilities, and potential construction related issues, such as temporary closure of the adjacent public alley. The plans should be finalized shortly, and staff expects the project to be put out for bid by the end of October. Depending on the response and contractors' schedules, work should begin in January, and be complete within a six to nine month period. Since the vast majority of the work is interior, weather should not be a delaying factor over the winter months. /~1-l0 Respectfully submitted: ~~~ C~~~ ~ ohn M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator Approved by: ~~~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to No Yes Abs Church Johnson _ McNamara _ Minnix _ Nickens 2 ~.. ACTION NO ITEM NUMBER ~' 1'" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: October 10 , 2000. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of September 30, 2000. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: BANKERS ACCEPTANCE: BRANCH BANKING &TRUST 3,930,105.56 WHEAT 1ST UNION 1,939,700.65 5,869,806.21 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS: FIRST AMERICAN 100,000.00 SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA SAVINGS & LOAN 100,000.00 200,000.00 COMMERICAL PAPER: BANK OF AMERICA 3,246,338.76 BRANCH BANKING &TRUST 1,964,905.84 PAINE-WEBBER 5,903,282.23 SUNTRUST 1,968,733.89 WACHOVIA 6,888,260.84 19,971,521.56 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL FUND 8,128,969.30 RESOURCE AUTHORITY 1,944,201.84 10,073,171.14 MONEY MARKET: SUNTRUST 1,456,651.28 FIRST UNION 2,127,985.61 PAINE-WEBBER 1,424,267.38 5,008,904.27 CASH INVESTMENTS: SUNTRUST 15,188,274.56 LB&T 3,320,033.51 MENTOR (GEN. OPER) 5,526,689.58 MENTOR (RES. AUTH.) 5,885,829.03 WACHOVIA 2,427,835.61 32,348,662.29 TOTAL 73,472,065.47 Pg 1 of 2 ACTION NO ITEM NUMBER ' •' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: October 10 , 2000. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of September 30, 2000. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Respectfully Submitted by i C. Anderson Treasurer ACTION Approved ()Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To () Approve y: i0 - ~-oo Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Ab3 Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Pg2of2 1 Motion by ITEM NO. O'"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on Amendment to the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan to adopt a revised future land use map and text amendments for the Exit 146 interchange area. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Attached for your review are the proposed text amendments and the proposed future land use map. Respectfully Submitted, Ja et Scheid, Senior Planner Department of Community Development Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to ACTION NO. Approved, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Vote No Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ~-I HOLLINS/EXIT 146 INTERCHANGE DISTRICT PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The Hollins Area Interchange District, shown on the attached land use map, is located at Plantation Road (Rt. 115). The District is bounded on the south by Williamson Road, on the east by the Roanoke/Botetourt County boundary, on the north by the ridgeline of Green Ridge and extends west almost to Enon Drive. In general, the topography within the project area is well suited for new development. North of the interchange the forested slopes of Green Ridge and Tinker Mountain have seen light development. In the northeast corner of the District is a vacant 85 acre tract of industrial zoned land owned by Hollins University. This property splits the Roanoke/Botetourt County line. Currently, the area north of the I-81 interchange is primarily comprised of open land, church property and residences. An easement for a high voltage power line serves as the northern boundary for this portion of the project area. The City of Roanoke's water treatment facility is located at the current terminus of Plantation Road and influences the design and location of the new interchange. The area east of Plantation Road is comprised of a wide mix of land uses. The area along Friendship Lane and Hollins University are characterized by open land and light residential and institutional development. Closer to Williamson Road, the amount of development intensifies and is comprised of industrial and commercial properties with scattered single and multi-family residential. ITT Industries and Hollins University are the largest property owners in this area and have a significant impact on the visual and developmental characteristics of the study area. Approximately 35% of the Interchange District is comprised of land owned by Hollins University. West of Plantation Road there is again a wide mix of land uses. The area near the I-81 interchange is comprised of single family residential, open farm land and highway oriented commercial uses such as gas stations, motels and restaurants. A large, undeveloped parcel is located between Plantation Road and Enon Drive and is zoned commercial. There is a proffered condition on the property specifying that commercial access to the property can only be from Plantation Road. Closer to Williamson Road the industrial and commercial development intensifies. ITT and Double Envelope are significant property owners in this area. There is also an established single family residential neighborhood located on Indian Road. This neighborhood is surrounded on three sides by commercial and industrial properties. ACCESS With the relocation of the interchange there will be some notable impacts on access and traffic flow within the project area. Plantation Road will no longer cross I-81 at its ~-/ current location but curve towards the northeast to meet the new interchange. Current VDOT plans call for the termination of the existing Plantation Road just south of the existing overpass bridge. This will allow access to the existing businesses in that area to remain. GREENWAY ACCESS Greenways are an important amenity in the Roanoke Valley and are especially successful when located near centers of employment such as the industries and businesses located in the Hollins community. Current plans call for a greenway to run through the Hollins University campus and connect with the trail system at Carvins Cove via an existing tunnel under I-81. As properties are developed and roads improved within the project area, efforts should be taken to create pedestrian/bicycle links from the businesses to the major greenway trail. Trail extensions from Walrond Drive, Friendship Lane and Lila Drive could serve as collector spurs that would provide access to the Hollins campus. OBJECTIVES OF THE HOLLINS/I-81 INTERCHANGE DISTRICT Due to the location factors cited above, the availability of public water and sewer facilities and the existence of significant tracts of undeveloped land, this is an area with opportunity for substantial growth. It is an objective of Roanoke County to direct and manage this growth in a way that provides suitable locations for new businesses, provides opportunities for commercial and industrial development and protects existing residential property values and quality of life in the area. In addition, the Interstate 81 corridor provides gateways into the Roanoke County community and this interchange is one of the front doors. It is desirable to have this gateway express the community's pride, our strong economic health ,our good public image and our concern for the natural beauty of this area. The County would like to ensure that this interchange area develops in a manner that is attractive and provides the appropriate setting for science and high technology businesses, research and development firms, office and commercial uses that support these facilities and tourist and traveler facilities and services. STUDY OBJECTIVES As a result of the increasing traffic along the Interstate 81 corridor, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has proposed improving the interstate to provide increased carrying capacity and address safety concerns. One of these proposed 2 v-~ improvements calls for the enlargement and relocation of the Hollins interchange, Exit 146. This interchange study has been conducted to analyze the potential impacts and opportunities that the road improvements provide on the current land uses. An additional objective of the project is to determine suitable land uses within the project area which can promote economic opportunities for the area while limiting the haphazard development of land in ways that are not consistent with the overall objectives of the interchange district as cited above. In addition, the study seeks to determine road improvements required to access properties within the project area. The current uses within the project area range from agricultural to residential to industrial. The impact of the interstate is quite evident in the area's transition from an agricultural/residential community to an industrial/commercial node. It is common in this community to see homes or pasture land adjacent to an industrial center. As this transition continues to progress with the widening of I-81 and the re-design of the interchange, it is important that the County Land Use Maps and Community Plan provide current property owners, and particularly residential owners, with the ability to adapt to changing uses and property values. DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES The following Design and Land Use Guidelines are recommended to ensure that the development of the Hollins/I-81 Interchange District conforms with the overall objectives of the District as stated above. Plantation Road will continue to serve as an important gateway into Roanoke County and it is extremely important that the improvements made to the area reflect the project's proximity to Tinker Mountain, Green Ridge, Hollins University and the adjacent residential developments. These recommendations will be implemented in all or some of the following ways: (1) as guidelines in the review of rezonings and special use permits; (2) as requirements of an interchange overlay district incorporated into the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; or (3) as guidelines used in evaluating public/private partnerships to advance economic development projects. Streetscape Improvements 1. This interchange area is a gateway into the Roanoke County community. Landscaped medians and right-of-ways, where appropriate and visual, are encouraged to be incorporated into road improvement projects. 3 ~-1 2. The coordinated use of shared entrances and parking lots is encouraged. This will create a safer vehicular environment along Plantation Road by reducing the number of entrances on the roadway. signage 1. The County should work with property owners to ensure that signage conforms to the Hollins Village Design Guidelines for suitable sign types, materials and colors to aid businesses in the design and construction of their signage. A financial incentive program is in place in this community to encourage owners of existing business signs to renovate their signage to meet these recommended guidelines. 2. Monument style signs are encouraged throughout the interchange area. In areas designated Transition, monument signs, whether for multiple or single business, should not exceed 7 feet in height and 10 feet in width. In areas designated Core or Principal Industrial, monument signs, whether for multiple or single business, should not exceed 15 feet in height and 10 feet in width. In all areas, monument signs should not be back lit but may have ground illumination. There should be a limit of one monument sign per parcel. 3. In situations where monument style signs are not used, then the sign regulations contained in the Office District (C-1) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, Section 30-93-13(D) should apply. 4. No new off-premises advertising should be allowed in the interchange district. Architectural Guidelines Exterior building materials are encouraged to be of high quality, attractive in appearance, durable and easily maintained for the life of the structure. Brick, stone or masonry construction is preferred for all structures but particularly for those buildings fronting or visible from the public street. Metal exterior construction materials should only be used on the sides of buildings not visible from the public street. 3. For properties zoned commercial, roof pitches of no less than a 4/12 pitch are encouraged on both primary structures and accessory structures. Flat roofs are not encouraged on commercial properties. Roof materials should be nonreflective. 4. Architectural design should be sensitive to form, texture, color and massing of buildings, with particular emphasis paid to articulating entrances and to minimizing bulk. 5. Bright primary colors for exterior materials, including trim, are discouraged. 4 f~- ~ Land Use Guidelines It is the intention of Roanoke County to encourage the development and re- development of this interchange district in an orderly manner that is consistent with the stated objectives. This will ensure development that protects the environment and aesthetics of the area while protecting against development that is likely to cause or create a hazard or nuisance to adjacent properties. 2. The development and re-development of property within this interchange district should only be conducted when proper and safe vehicular access is provided taking into consideration sight distance, turning movements, acceleration and deceleration lanes and speed of traffic. 3. It is the intention of Roanoke County to provide technical and/or financial incentives to property owners within this Interchange District, through public/private partnerships where appropriate, to encourage the development and re-development of property within the guidelines stated herein. 4. It is the objective of Roanoke County to encourage the development and re- development of those properties that are best situated for industrial and commercial development based on location, road access, topography and other physical attributes. In addition, it is the objective of Roanoke County to preserve and protect, where appropriate, existing residential properties and those properties best suited for no development or for very low intensity development due to their special natural features. I i• i• SE LEGEND: •~ ~. ~ 0 ee rhsre xt.f~ Berea. >nservatfon .'YMfI1000~ YThe/'e n oI the s%leti/g fNIdNItIG~ G)"ONt+1 ee WKt cbrt~ltbe. ~, ~ nt comnerckil etrlp or !afore developmerd . i . ~. / ~ xe eutvfbcn centere j ' opmont ore prevent /' Ydntrlee ad \ _ . _ LYe prevent 20 gY L- N~ O e s Whibeeoll Orison Inc. l,oak,@eA~edme t.~~s 1L1[i/OrpAw~ ~~Y\ Y1~47Y1i ..u...uarnsr i7.! s 6 - '6 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z . ~ ~ ' ~ ~ s 6 (n c s ~ ° z p ° ® ~ - ~ w ~ o ~ I ® ~ ® ~ ® 6 0 oc ~~ ~~ 4~Yks I Q7.1700 2 07.07.00 07.7!00 ltr~~e16: I!!le ~~~I ~ e~r_a_ 5-I )'ISO' O 900' 600' HOLLINS AReA 2APHIG SGAI..E scv~ r• . goo'-o^ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER 4` ~. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session on Year End Financial Information COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for a review of year end revenues and potential uses of revenues received in excess of budget. Attached is a memo from the County Administrator and summary information concerning year end revenues and potential uses of funds that will be discussed at the work session. SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Budget Director Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To O Motion by APPROVED: ~/ ~ ~~ l Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator No Yes Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Abs G:\FINANCE\COMMON\Board-Reports\2000\10-10-00 rev.wpd b-~. Memo To: Members, Board of Supervisors ~~ /~ From: Elmer Hodge, County Administrator ~ ,~/~ Date: October 10, 2000 Subject: Work Session on Year End Operations Enclosed you will find summary information regarding unaudited year-end operations related to revenues collected. I am pleased to report a very favorable year-end revenue surplus that will allow us to address several important issues. Expenditures are still being audited, but savings are expected to be $500,000-$700,000. Revenue growth continues to exceed expectations. Despite predictions of moderate economic growth, the national, state, and local economies continue to do well. Since much of the County's revenue base is economy related, revenues collected for FY99-00 exceeded budget projections by $3,366,381. During the current budget process, the Board approved $723,627 for major expenditures to be taken from this anticipated surplus. Details of this appropriation are on the enclosed handout. In addition, State reimbursement for programs account for over $500,000 of the surplus. $150,000 was related to the Sheriff and $360,000 was related to Social Services. Also, interest income related to rising interest rates and reserving funds for construction projects accounted for over $350,000 of the surplus. Staff projected surplus revenues at mid-year to be $1,131,604; however, over one-half of the County's revenue is recorded in the last several months of the fiscal year. The appropriation of $723,627 leaves available funds of $2,643,114. There are a number of critical issues currently under consideration by the Board. I would like to center the work session around a discussion of using a portion of this surplus for these needs. The Board is well aware of the need for EMS personnel for Fire and Rescue. As I have requested at the previous Board meeting, these additional positions are required to assist our volunteers at stations throughout the county. This underscores the Board's position of protecting the community in harmony with the volunteers. Even though EMS is an ideal service to institute user fees, utilizing year-end funds allows us to expedite implementation of this plan. Economic Development initiatives are also a high priority of the Board. Funding water and sewer extensions to the Clearbrook corridor initiates development of an upscale, professional business park at the one of the primary gateways into our community. This planned development would not compete with existing retail businesses in the area. The County Attorney has provided several V~ alternatives to allow the County to proceed in making this development a reality, one of which is developing a Special Assessment District to construct infrastructure needs for Land Rover and other potential prospects to the area. Mr. Mahoney's memo is included in the Board packet for your review. Also, allocating funds for investment in McDonald Farm continues our commitment to the cooperative gain-sharing agreement with the Town of Vinton. I am most pleased presenting this information to you and look forward to discussing these items at the the work session. Please give me a call with any questions you may have. ~~ Roanoke County Summary of Revenues Collected in Excess of Budget FY1999-2000 Property Taxes: Real Estate Tax (129,141) Personal Property Tax 1,085,997 Public Service Corp. Tax 239,221 $ 1,196,077 Other Local Taxes: Sales Tax 106,449 Business License Tax 376,122 Utility Consumer Tax 81,291 Meals Tax 152,570 Other Franchise Tax 146,920 Hotel/Motel Tax 80,130 Amusement Tax 71,377 1,014,859 Interest Income"` 355,660 Charges for Services- Salem reimbursement-Jail 75,703 Commonwealth and Federal'"` Sheriff 149,760 Social Services 366,818 516,578 Other 207,504 Total $ 3,366,381 Notes: " Interest income is a function of increased interest rates and reserves set aside to fund construction. Reserves will be depleted in the future as construction projects proceed and debt service payments begin. '"` Sheriff and Social Service revenues are reimbursements for program costs and allowable expendftures related to their specific function. Social Services expenditure budget has been increased accordingly for FY2000-2001. V ` °~ Roanoke County Preliminary Report of Year End Revenues Potential Uses of Revenues FY1999-2000 Final Budget FY1999-2000 Final Revenues FY1999-2000 (unaudited) Revenues in excess of budget Projected surplus appropriated in FY00-01 Budget: Facility Upgrades -Fire & Rescue Financial System Upgrade GASB 34 -Restructure Financial Reporting VWCC -Site Preparation Treasurer -Investment Tracking System Net funds available for other uses Funding Needs--Current Issues Under Discussion: Additional EMS Personnel (full year cost = $907,000) Economic Development: Clearbrook Development-Water and Sewer extensions McDonald Farm-County match related to gain-sharing Addition to Fund Balance $ 107,627,461 110,993,842 3,366,381 $ 500,000 100,000 50,000 32,267 41,000 (723,267) 2,643,114 500,000 500,000 500,000 (1,500,000) ** 1,143,114 ""Note: $167,166 is needed to bring Fund Balance up to 6.25% of current budget. Q AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. s TO: Board of Supervisors FROM: Jeffrey D. Johnson, County Administrator L. Carol Edmonds, Assistant County Administrator DATE: October I0, 2000 SUBJECT: AGENDA REPORT I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. INTO 'WORK SESSION PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BE TT RESOLVED, The Montgcrnery County Board of Supervisors hereby enters into Work Session for the purpose of discussi.r~g the following: 1. Discussion with It,oanol{p County Board of Supervisors concerning the proposed Virginia Gas Pipel°:ne. IV. OUT OF CORK SESSION PROPOSED RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors hereby ends their Work Session to return to Regular Session. V. INTO CLOSED MEETING BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors hereby enters into Closed Meeting for the purpose of discussing the following: Section 2.1-344{A} (7} Consultation with Legal Counsel and Briefings from Staff Members or Consultants Pertaining to Actual or Probable Litigation, Where Such Consultation or Briefing in Open Meetia~g Would Adversely Affect the Negotiating or Litigating Posture of the Public Body; and Consultation with October 10, 2000 Yage 1 of i7 10/04/00 043:26 FAX ib403828043 MONT CO Bll Ur SUY~xrlo~a z Legal Counsel Employed or Retained by a Public Body Regarding Specific ,Legal Matters Requiring Provision of Legal Advice by Sueh Counsel 1. Virginia Gas Pipeline VI. OU'T OF CLOSER MEETING BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors ends their Closed Meeting to return to Regular Session. VII. CERTIFICATION OF' CLOSED MEETING WHEREAS, The Board cf Supervisors of Montgomery Co~.mty has convened an Closed Meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 ofthe Code of Virginia requires a certif cation by the Board that such Closed Meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors of Montgomery County, V irginia hereby certifies that to the best of each member's lmowledge (i) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution appliesy and (ii) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion conveying the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board. VOTE $~ NAYS ABSENT DURING VOTE ABSENT DURING MEETING October 10, 2000 Page 2 of 17 a'~. F 1838 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE (540)772-2004 f ~ ~~st C~u~n~~ ~f ~a~t~~~e P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 FAX (540) 772-2193 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JOSEPH McNAMARA, CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT H. ODELL "FUZZY" MINNIX, VICE-CHAIRMAN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT JOSEPH B. "BUTCH" CHURCH CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BOB L. JOHNSON HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (540) 772-2005 October 12, 2000 Rev. Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 4122 Cresthill Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Reverend Whitaker: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2000. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. It was good to have you with us. With kindest regards, Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors a Internet E-Mail Internet E-Mail bos ~ www.co. roanoke.va. us ehodge ®www.co. roanoke.va. us ®a.ov~lea Pepar ROANp,`. O~ FG i ti ' '' ~ ~ c~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 2401 8-0798 BRENDA J. HOLTON CLERK TO THE BOARD (540) 772-2005 DEPUTY CLERK Intemet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us FAX (540) 772-21 93 Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us October 12, 2000 Mr. James D. Campbell Executive Director Virginia Association of Counties 1001 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Mr. Campbell: Attached is the VACo 2000 Annual Meeting Voting Credentials Form designating Supervisor Harry C. Nickens, as Roanoke County's voting delegate. This designation was approved by the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on Tuesday, October 20, 2000. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Attachment cc: The Honorable Harry C. Nickens ® Recycled Paper ~ rtOANpf.~ t G '' p 2 ~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail; bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us October 12, 2000 Mr. James D. Campbell Executive Director Virginia Association of Counties 1001 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Mr. Campbell: At their regular meeting held on October 10, 2000, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 101000-2.e endorsing Supervisor Harry C. Nickens to serve another term as Region Nine representative on the Virginia Association of Counties Board of Directors. We would appreciate your forwarding this resolution of endorsement to the appropriate individuals for action at the annual meeting. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Attachment cc: The Honorable Harry C. Nickens William C. Rolfe, Bedford County Administrator Gerald A. Burgess, Botetourt County Administrator Elizabeth Frank, Giles County Administrator Chris McKlarney, Giles County Acting Administrator Elmer C. Hodge, Roanoke County Administrator ® Recycled Paper ~ pOANp~.~ ~ , ~ A ~ ~ µaz C~~~~~ ~~ ~~x~~a.~.~e 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallenQwww.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (5401 772-2 1 93 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholtonQwww.co.roanoke.va.us October 12, 2000 Mr. Thomas S. "Pete" Haislip, Director Parks. Recreation & Tourism Department Roanoke County Public Service Center 1206 Kessler Mill Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Pete: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, October 10, 2000, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to re-appoint you as a member of the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Railway Preservation Foundation. This appointment is for a three year term which begins on October 25, 2000 and will expire on October 25, 2003. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosure cc: J. David Robbins, President HRB&RPF Board of Directors Salem Historical Society 620 High Street, Salem, VA 242153 ®Recycled Paper Mary Allen - BOS meeting 10/10 Page 1 From: Betty McCrary To: Mary Allen Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2000 11:22 AM Subject: BOS meeting 10/10 John C/Elmer asked me to file a quarterly utilization report on the Day Reporting Program for this meeting. My understanding from John is that it would just go in the "reports "section. I will get that to you by mid-week next week. Thanks. Betty Brenda Holton - Re: work session? _ Page 1 1 M' o~,e From: Brenda Holton To: Janet Scheid Date: 9/28/00 2:53PM Subject: Re: work session? Janet, I listened again to the tape to the sure and you are right. Bob moved to approve first reading and there was no mention of a work session. Joe did announced that public hearing and second reading as 10/24. As you know, ECH said in debriefing that we are having one. He also said that we want to have a work session on 10/10 in his comments. We will need to get clarification from him on whether to put it on the agenda or not. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 540-772-2005 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »> Janet Scheid 09/28/00 10:47AM »> Do you guys know if, based on the 9/26 BOS mtg., we are having a 10/10 worksession on the Hollins/I-81 study or not? ECH wanted one but the Board did not discuss it at the meeting and it wasn't part of their motion. Janet Scheid Senior Planner ischeid(a~co.roanoke.va.us 540/772-2094 Mary Allen .Consumer Utilty Tax amendments...Rnk Co Code.. _____. _ ___ . __ _... Page 1 From: Joe Obenshain To: Betty Coleman; Brent Robertson; Diane Akers Date: 8/14/00 2:47PM Subject: Consumer Utilty Tax amendments, Rnk Co. Code The electric industry deregulation legislation requires changes to localities consumer utility tax ordinances. These changes are effective Jan. 1, 2001, but the law requires 60 days advance notice to utilty companies of changes in local tax rates or ordinances. Therefore, Roanoke County needs to have its code changes in place by Nov. 1st. To give the county a good margin for error, it would be wise to present the proposed amendments to the Board in September. I would like to meet with each of you and any others who you think should be involved within the next 2 weeks to prepared for these changes. VACO's legal counse has forvvarded some proposed amendment language, but I would be happy to receive other suggestions. Please contact Wanda Riley to schedule a mutually agreeable time to meet on this important matter. Thank you in advance for your assistance. Joe. CC: Diane Hyatt; Mary Allen; Paul Mahoney Allen -Consumer From: Sue Patterson-Bane To: Mary Allen Date: 8/14/00 11:38AM Subject: Consumer utility tax Mary, We had planned on doing this in September -Joe will be handling it. I will pass your information on to him. Sue . ~" . ~ President Ferris M. Belman, Sr. Stafford County President-Elect Jackson T. Ward Hanover County First Vice President Gerald W. Hyland Fairfax County Second Vice President Oliver H. Bennett Northampton County Secretary-Treasurer Wayne A Acors Caroline County Immediate Past President Wanda C. Wingo Botetourt County Executive Director James D. Campbell, CAE General Counsel C. Flippo Hicks 1001 East Bmad Street Suite LL 20 Richmond, Virginia 23219-1928 (804)788-6652 FAX (804) 788-0083 VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES r i CONNECTING COUNTY GOVERNMENTS SINCE 1934 ~~ August 1, 2000 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Roanoke County P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke VA 24018-0798 Dear Elmer: g"- /y-ate Enclosed is the information furnished by the electric supplier serving Roanoke County to be used in amending your consumer utility tax together with a suggested amendment to your ordinance to put these changes into effect on January 1, 2001. The ordinance under law must be enacted on or before October 30, 2000. When your ordinance is adopted a copy must be sent immediately to all of the electric companies distributing electric energy in your county. I would appreciate a copy for my files. I have also prepared a draft of a press release to be made when the ordinance is advertised explaining that the General Assembly required the amendments because of electric restructuring. The ordinance does not increase the tax, it MERELY provides that the tax is computed on the kilowatt hours (kwh) used rather than the amount paid for electricity and that the amount of tax collected after January 1, 2001 is revenue neutral in so far as practical. E-mail: mail~vaco.org Web site: www.vaco.org As I stated, the figures I am suggesting for your county are revenue neutral to the best of my ability. I suggest that you may want to consult with your county auditor. There will be a workshop on Monday afternoon, August 14th 3:15 P.M. at the L.G.O.C. being held at The Omni Hotel in Charlottesville. Representatives of the electric utilities will be present to answer your questions and work with your county if necessary. Please do not hesitate to call me at (804) 343-2505 if you or your staff have any questions. Regards, C. Flippo Hicks General Counsel ,~ ~ ., ., ~/ k .. •.: r Virginia Association of Counties Suggested Amendment to Consumer Utility Ordinance of Roanoke County of tax for electric energy (reference to old ordinance) the ordinance of this county imposing a tax on consumers of utility services provided by electric utility suppliers is hereby amended to comply with the provisions of Sec. 58.1-3814 of The Code of Virginia providing that all such taxes are to be based on kilowatt hours (kwh) delivered including customer charges. Effective with the first bill for electric energy rendered for meter readings on or after January 1, 2001 the rate of tax on the electric energy delivered to an ultimate consumer shall be as follows: Residential customer $0.00900 per kilowatt hour (kwh) with a minimum tax of $0.90 per month and a maximum tax of $1.80 per month. Commercial customers $0.00610 per kilowatt hour (kwh) delivered including customer charges minimum tax of $0.90 per month and a maximum tax of $600.00 per month. Industrial customers $ 0.00640 per kilowatt hour (kwh) delivered including customer charges minimum tax of $0.90 per month and a maximum charge of $600.00 per month. ~ r N N lf~ 00 J e- N O O ~ N 'C O O O O m O O O 49 N9 e O O O V' h f"> (D to t~ m fh r ~ O ~ M f00 fOD F' J Q (p O fH M O fA !9 ~ F r r y O W ~ Z N Q m Y o O O o_ m ~n N r~ ~ u~ ~ W~ ~ ~ - ~ 00 O ~ ~ O O (h ~ (D QI O M J O O f~ O O Q ~ ~ U v+ N t» is ~ W ~ a~oZ z ~ Z J Z W =O ~ Q ~ ~ U U j W > Y WN~ " W ~ m ~ Q Q N W ~ O ~ Z ~' '~ ° O Qi ~ O N U~ ~ ~ r ~ o m rn ~ O v_ rn W W ~ 2 W O ~ ~ r i r ~ ~ ~ Q F m ~ M W W ~ ~ ~ W a p tL O ~ p W W w O m ~ N W m = ~ W O ~ ~ a Z Z Z ~ O > W Y O O ~ ~ ~ O U ~ ~ w Q i= ~ t i~ U U a ~ = O R C X X a ~ ~ ~ ¢ F Q H ~ ~ p U m ~ H ~ ~ d Y Z > rn rn m rn U ~ d O O n d 7 N _N d N p 0 c~ _ c l6 ~ N c 3 E ~ N O d N N ~ w O N Ew ~°> ~ ~ ~ Y C U f- m O a~~i EY~ o ~a~a~ Ju 1. 03 00 1 1 : 08a • ~.~d1i18~00 1J:58 Conf i dent i a 1 'a`80y 1A8 J1~8 r vHD ASSOG (540)864-5461 »»-~ CRAIG p.7 0031008 G~ ~ Cooperative: C ~~ IG - /~o TE rovR.T FG EC 721 G Co o~-erc~+ v ~„ Person Completing Form: ~o /~ S~~~L Locality: (County, City, Town); oA-,v o k E C~ v,,,, ; ~ --- C.~os 5 Total 1999 Local Tax ~R~~~ 3'/ 'r~~ Remitted ~ 3, 3 73, '~ 8 KWh Sales: Commercial s/ ~ , 4 a / _, Residential ` G, Y?d, ~~/ Industrial O Not Subject to Tax (State/Federal Accounts) Other ~f ~ , / j ~.. Tots) 7; o ~-? r Qo ~- Taxes by Class: Commercial ~ / ? /. ~-5 ~/, /37, 33 Residential Industrial ~ Other G ~{ 8v Total / 3, 3 7 3 , 3 ~ Please return ane (1) form for each locality in your service territory which imposes the local tax by 5:00 p.m.,luly 10 2000 to; MaNc Tubbs VMDA P. 0. Box 2310 Glen Allen, vA 23858-2310 Fax (804) 346-3448 NEWS RELEASE Date: Contact: Phone: Release Date: Immediately County is holding a public hearing on (date) at (time) at (location) relative to amending its consumer utility tax on electricity. This is necessary to comply with the statues of Virginia de-regulating electric energy. Under the law at the time the utility tax was adopted by this county, the tax was computed on a percentage of the amount of the bill with a $3.00 per month maximum for residential consumers. Under deregulation the tax will be computed on the number of kilowatt-hours used with the same $3.00 per month maximum for residential customers. This change is necessary because under deregulation a consumer may actually be receiving electricity generated out of state and receiving a separate bill for the generated electricity from the generator of the electricity even though the electricity is distributed by a company in Virginia regulated by the Virginia State Corporation Commission. The distributor will still be responsible for collecting the tax from the customers it serves, but the only information the distributor may have is the kilowatt-hours consumed by each customer but not the cost of the generated electricity being charged by the company generating the electricity. The same maximums will continue and the new rates based on 1999 consumption of electricity in this county are as revenue neutral as practical, that is on the same amount used by each customer, the tax should be the same per customer and the taxes received by the county should be the same by customer and class of customer. The reason for there being a minimum tax is at present there is a customer charge of the electric supplier taxed at the percentage rate for the electricity consumed, the customer charged multiplied by the local rate is the amount of the minimum charge. Mary Allen - Re: Recognition at 10/10 BOS Meeting ~ Page 1 From: Mary Allen To: Diane St. John Subject: Re: Recognition at 10/10 BOS Meeting See you at 3 p.m. on October 10! Mary »> Diane St. John 10/02/00 05:08PM »> Yes, that would be nice. Diane St.John General Registrar County of Roanoke »> Mary Allen 10/02/00 01:30PM »> We would like to recognize you at the October 10 BOS meeting for your recent accomplishments. Will you be able to attend? The meeting starts at 3 p.m. and recognitions are the first order of business. Please let me know if you can attend and congratulations! Mary H. Allen CMC Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 540-772-2003 Mary Allen - Re: Recognition at 10/10 BOS Meeting • Page 1 From: Steve McGraw To: Mary Allen Date: 10/2/00 3:09PM Subject: Re: Recognition at 10/10 BOS Meeting Thanks for your note, Mary; I certainly appreciate your and the Board's efforts at recognizing my accomplishments and I will certainly be there to receive same. Thanks again! Steve Mary Allen -Congratulations , Page 1 From: Elmer Hodge To: SMCGRAW.CRT_POST.CRT_DOMAIN,DSTJOHN.ADM_POST.ADM_DOMAIN Date: 10/1/00 8:26AM Subject: Congratulations Congratulations to both of you. Diane, congratulations to you on the Certification and Steve, congratulations to you on being elected as President of the Clerks association. I want to have both of you attend the next BOS meeting and have the Board recognize you appropriately. These are important accomplishments to you and to the County. CC: Mary Allen _ _ _ .. Aary Allen - „History Repeats'` _ . _._ - ~ _ Page 1 _ _ r From: Steve McGraw To: Mary Allen Date: 9/7/00 9:42AM Subject: "History Repeats" On August 27 Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk Steven A. McGraw, Sr., was elected President of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association for the term October 1, 2000 -September 30, 2001 at the culmination of the VCCA's Annual Convention held this year at the Homestead in Hot Springs, Virginia. After having served two terms on the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from 1984 through 1991, McGraw was elected Circuit Court Clerk in November, 1991 and re-elected in 1999. While a member of the RCBOS, McGraw was active in the Virginia Association of Counties, and in 1990 he was elected President of VACo during their annual convention at the Homestead. Ten years later, history has repeated itself! As President of the VCCA, McGraw will be responsible for directing the activities of this organization comprised of 120 circuit court clerks from throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Of utmost importance is the VCCA's lobbying efforts in the Virginia General Assembly in support of a number of legislative issues including continuation of the collection of Technology Trust Fund (TTF) recording fees which provide a revenue stream for institution computerized imaging of court documents and land records with the ultimate goal of providing Internet access to them. There's also an economic development angle to all this: McGraw has announced that the VCCA's 91st Annual Convention will be held at the Hotel Roanoke and Conference Center the weekend of September 28 - 30, 2001, bringing several hundred conventioneers and their families (including a number of public officials, support staff, vendors and others) to the Star Valley of Virginia! S Diane St.John, Registrar for Roanoke County was designated as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator, the highest professional achievement in ceremonies conducted by the Election Center at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco on Friday, September 1, 2000. CERA designation is achieved only through amulti-year course of study conducted by The Election Center's Professional Education Program and completion of twelve core courses taught by the Master's in Public Administration faculty of Auburn University ranging from ethics, to voter registration and elections law, planning, communications, and budgeting among others. The intent of the program is to professionalize the management of voter registration and elections administration in promoting and . preserving public trust in the democratic process. "There is no higher designation available to elections and voter registration officials," said R. Doug Lewis, Director of the Center. "Of more than 21,000 elections and voter registration officials throughout America, this graduating class of 39 officials takes us to less than 200 who have achieved the CERA status." "Roanoke County is indeed fortunate to have Diane as one of the top designated professionals in America. Obtaining and maintaining CERA status means that she has committed to a career long process of continuing education to improve the electoral process in Virginia and the nation," he stated. "These truly are the people who make democracy possible," Lewis said. Diane and other CERA professionals serve as this nation's first line of defense for democracy. Because of them, Americans have a trust and public confidence in the democratic process. They have assurance that that system is fair, free, honest and accurate. The importance of what Diane is doing for Roanoke County is incredible but rarely noticed." Diane St.John, an elections official for twenty-six years, said, "This is one of the most challenging education programs I have ever participated in. We covered the law, and ethical considerations in how to better serve the public. We also became more aware of how important it is to nurture and care for the democratic process." "It is my great honor to assure that the public's will is accurately reflected in our elections. I see my role to dignify all potential voters and to remove as many barriers as possible to participation in the democratic process. Our office cannot be responsible for how many actually turn out for each election, but we can certainly be sure that they have the opportunity to vote and have their votes counted accurately." m~- __ _ __ ~+~. Wiz- ,o-ra _ ..._ __ +..~._W ;d as a Certified ..___ _4_.__..__ ___... ial achievement in ceremonies ___..._.. _._ ___ ~ .. _ ..._._ .. ____ _. _..._ ._ in San Francisco on Friday, CERA designation is achieved only through amulti-year course of study conducted by The Election Center's Professional Education Program and completion of twelve core courses taught by the Master's in Public Administration faculty of Auburn University ranging from ethics, to voter registration and elections law, planning, communications, and budgeting among others. The intent of the program is to professionalize the management of voter registration and elections administration in promoting and preserving public trust in the democratic process. "There is no higher designation available to elections and voter registration officials," said R. Doug Lewis, Director of the Center. "Of more than 21,000 elections and voter registration officials throughout America, this graduating class of 39 officials takes us to less than 200 who have achieved the CERA status." "Roanoke County is indeed fortunate to have Diane as one of the top designated professionals in America. Obtaining and maintaining CERA status means that she has committed to a career long process of continuing education to improve the electoral process in Virginia and the nation," he stated. "These truly are the people who make democracy possible," Lewis said. Diane and other CERA professionals serve as this nation's first line of defense for democracy. Because of them, Americans have a trust and public confidence in the democratic process. They have assurance that that system is fair, free, honest and accurate. The importance of what Diane is doing for Roanoke County is incredible but rarely noticed." Diane St.John, an elections official for twenty-six years, said, "This is one of the most challenging education programs I have ever participated in. We covered the law, and ethical considerations in how to better serve the public. We also became more aware of how important it is to nurture and care for the democratic process." "It is my great honor to assure that the public's will is accurately reflected in our elections. I see my role to dignify all potential voters and to remove as many barriers as possible to participation in the democratic process. Our office cannot be responsible for how many actually turn out for each election, but we can certainly be sure that they have the opportunity to vote and have their votes counted accurately." _r The Professional Education Program is sponsored by the Election Center, anon-profit association of voter registrars and elections administrators throughout American. Its membership is comprised of township, city, county and state election officials. The Center's primary purpose is education for local and state voter registrars and elections officials to promote the democratic process. Professional Education Program participants receive continuing education credit from Auburn University as well as professional training credits from The Election Center. The Professional Education Program was recognized in 1996 as the top continuing education program by the National University Continuing Education Association. "Unfortunately, most Americans don't even know that the election officials exist in their community and that they work constantly to protect the democratic process for its citizens," Lewis said. "In my opinion the elections officials are American heroes and deserve the highest recognition that a community can give. If they don't do their job well, then citizens have no faith in the democratic process itself. Without faith in the process, it is almost impossible to believe in government itself, that is s very large responsibility." . f~ ~. C O V E R FAX S H E E T Clerk to the Board To: Kathy budding Fax #: 857-6987 Subj: Attached Report Date: October 5, 2000 Pages: COMMENTS: Kathy, attached is the report we discussed on the phone. I have circled where "1998" is located and that there is no data for 1998 in that column. Page 2 of the report seems O.K. Let me know what to do about the report. Thanks for your help. From the desk of... Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Phone: 540-772-2003 Fax: 540-772-2193 ~. '~., O O N a o: ti :ti ~ co rn m rn rn carnrnrnrn ~..rr r r. ~, O ~- (D ~. R ~ Ni •C ~ ~+ .~ O M M. ,r ~ N :-~ O M e- N ~ M Q C O M OO ~ M N Nr~'~ oor~ror~~n~r~r~r~ ti~tirti~~~~titi~ti ~o~~~~o~o~-rn~~~~ rnrnmmrnmrnrnrnrnrnrn~ ~ rn rn! rn rn rn o rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn ~. ~ r ~ r r r r r r r r r ~ r r r r r r ~- r r r d'N.NON,~ti ' O cD t~ M d. M .. N r N N ~~~ (D Oi N N M N M ~ r M r v~ r CO ~ M ~ ~, N O ~ OO ~-~N i N N` 1 r h r ~ ~ ~ ~ ... ~: r 1 ~rO d.~'~NrN Q1~~N~~CON r _~ r M ~ ~ N EA ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ O r N ~ ~ ~ O M Q ~ ~ ER U ~M`•`~ OO°'~ti ~ r O r ~ r (Q O N EA ~ ~ :. 1...'. __ o ti ti ~ ~ ~~~~~ rn rnrnrnrna~ r ~- r ~-- r r... d~ (fl C~J CO r. 00 ~' 00 ~ `I~ I~ c~") N O N c7 f~ O' M a0, b< h ti (fl r ti ~- ~ ~ N ~ ~ GO N N M O M ~" r r r :' ~ ~ :. r lV f~- (`7 {p ~tf7 al CO O ~0p C7 r ' N C'7 O N ~ ~ ~ 00 ~ . ~ ~ Q N r- CrT. O N M f~ O~ M~ O~ 01 N CO O I~ O ~t O a0 O O CO N M M CO r O M~ I~ ~ lf) ~ M M CQ ~ f6 ~ ti ~ O r O N 0 ~- r ~- ~ M r ~ N - O N CO lp ~ N M N O O ~ O O _ r CO ~ ~ N ~ ~ t~ N ~ f~ ~ d' O 00 O I~ O ~ O M to ~ ~ ~t N N ~ c~ N O ~ M r ~ tc~ ~- ~ ~ O ~' I` r r T r CO M CO CO r M O O M O~~ M M~ N O O ~ ~~ ~~- fII C O (D N ~ O N M r~ I~ M N~ ~O,' Map O C) to ~ O ~ ~ M rn ~ O r 7 U C f9 ~ N N L r~ U O ~' ~ r dj c/~ 0 ~ O ~ ~ O ,, - C o _ ~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O, ~ C rn rn r m N o.a ~ o o ~- Q (A o cn n/ ~ O O ~ ~ O ~ O p O i-+ L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ (D W ±" ~ ~ N M N O o .~'~'o~ m~o O.O °O .r L ~ O . o ~ o o ~~ m mo N' ~~ m .. ?>~~o~'O~ ~ aQ ~ o ~ °~a ~N' a~ ~`m~~m o L o o' No V o ~ . ~ ~UU ~ ~ ~ :: ~ O ` ~ ~ ° ~ d m ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ L . f6 t4~ O .-. ~ c o ui ~ L ~ ~ ~ f0 C O O O ~ ~ O Y ~ N `~ d" • O +0 ~ N l0 ~ ~ L (6 N ~ f!1 'C O ~ ~ L U O ~ O ~ r - O <O N ' ~ ~ .-.~ O O~ ~ O N ,N '~ O N N G O . r i~ O 7 L O "~ '~ 'C to (iS ~ ~~ ca ~ O c L O O r' O C~ o~ '~ O c r r V ~C '+-r. C ~ N N p) ~ ~ cp (6 •_ 'O ~ ~ ~ ~? to O .-~ a _ u + N CL cII (9 L v n. O ~ ca ~ U ~ N N N . m m m Q Q = ~ N~~ O N 0 O O O N O N c0 „_ ~ C u~i L c .C ~p a~ U L~ Q Q Q ~ ~' N C ~ ~~ ~ _ N N~ C O O L y O O f6 f4 .O N C ~ ~ O . E O .O N ~ fC ~ to N ~p ~ ~ t o oE t~:s .. ~ ~ c° m f0 ~ o ooo`m ~ i N~a oaaa.o o .~ a i'c ia o ~o ~mL~~~ 5'm ~UV ~a.o~~ 'm~~o i - ~ Q° a~aa ¢ o o o ~o a o o Q o~ ~ ~- - °~ Y m Y U U > > > 7 ~ Y Y Y > Y Y > > > > > U) > > > Y = > " > > > Y > > > 0 O ~ r' N ` M 0 _~ N N ~~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. S- r ~ e- c- r- , ~. t~0 ~ ~ r N ~ ~ N lV N N C~7' C'O COO O •~ ~ N ~ '~ to tf7 (h ~ ~ ~ ~' O ~ ~ O O ti O O tfi P- r ~• N O ~ ~_M ~ N O O ~ C7 N ~ CMD ~- '~O fII CO '~ d' CA N ~t d' ~- C O N N- M' (~ N N E '~ O r e- 00 f'7 ~ ~ M ~ to to M O N M ~!'? r~ O '~t NOM N d' ~ 7+ O N r CO Oj r CV .-~ C_ N C O' N (rC ~~O~~O ~ ~ O ~ CM N~ 00 M ~ ~ M ~ M ti N ~ O J O N' d N N N •--• i p ~ ~ ~ `-,' C ~ C C ~ ~ U ``?~ ~° `m ~°" c~ ~ ~ ° cu m va a~i ~ ~ , ~ ~m ,~~L._~~. >.o cn ~ ~ `o~~ ~ a. ~. o~ Q=UC7cnHw- U a~ ~ u~cncnv~cnu~= 'o D D 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ to ~~~~~~> h 0 o~ o, ,h 3renda Holton -Health Department Report Page 1 From: Mary Allen To: Brenda Holton Date: 10/2/00 2:15PM Subject: Health Department Report Do you remember if Dr. Rutledge (now Odell) presented the Health Department Annual Report last year? I'm looking for the report to just change the date, etc. You may have done it while I was off in Oct/Nov/Dec and it wouldn't be on my PC. Mary iDIY ~O~~j ~ ~~ ~ ~ 5 c~ ~-~ ~i;t~ U Anal, y,P-s8 6 ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~, These are the sections/ordinances found when looking for ("Rutledge") in the Roanoke County Board Minutes. 1994.05.24 -Roanoke County Board Meeting 1995.01.24 -Roanoke County Board Meeting 1995.02.14 -Roanoke County Board Meeting 1995.05.23 -Roanoke County Board Meeting 1995.06.27 -Roanoke County Board Meeting 1995.07.11 -Roanoke County/Roanoke City Joint Meeting 1996.03.26 -Roanoke County Board Meeting 1998.09.08 -Roanoke County Board Meeting HL - 1 10/04/2000 r y. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER `~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 8, 1998 AGENDA ITEM: Update on public health services offered by the Health Department COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Periodically, Dr. Molly Rutledge, Director of the Allegheny and Roanoke City Health Districts, attends a Board of Supervisors meeting to brief the Board members on the activities of the Allegheny Health District. On Tuesday, Dr. Rutledge will update the Board on public health services offered to the citizens by the Health Department. Respectfully Submitted by: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Harrison - - Denied () Johnson - _ - Received () McNamara- - ._ Referred () Minnix - _ - Brenda Holton - Re: Worksession Page 1 +~ , ~. From: Brenda Holton To: Susie Owen Date: 8/30/00 12:50PM Subject: Re: Worksession Thanks Susie for clearing that up. Wonder why she left all these 1999 reports here? I will hold on to them until we get the new information. »> Susie Owen 08/30/00 12:02PM »> Kathy said the reports that were left were 1999 and they were printing new ones for 2000 which would be ready to include in the Oct 10 agenda packets, being sent out on Friday. Dr. Odell will be here Oct 10. Susie B. Owen, CPS Executive Secretary to County Administrator Roanoke County P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 540.772.2004 FAX 772.2193 »> Brenda Holton 08/30/00 11:33AM »> Mr. Hodge came by and gave me ten copies of Molly's Public Health Report Card booklet and statistics for the work session. He said that it was going to be the first meeting in October which would be 10/10. I told him that you said the date was 10/24 and he said to check with you on the date but Molly told him the first meeting in October. Don't think the time will change but need the correct date. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 540-772-2005 bholton(a~co.roanoke.va.us »> Susie Owen 08/30/00 11:OOAM »> Dr. Molly Odell will present her 3rd "Public Health Report Card" to the BOS at Worksession on 10/24. Kathy's direct no. is 857.7600 x211 in case you can ca-I her with an approximate time Molly should be here (I told her 4:15). She will send 12 copies of the report on Monday to be sent out in Friday's packets re. this. Susie B. Owen, CPS Executive Secretary to County Administrator Roanoke County P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 540.772.2004 FAX 772.2193 CC: Mary Allen Mary Allen - Re: Worksession Page 1 ~.. J. ~ From: Brenda Holton To: Susie Owen Date: 8/30/00 11:33AM Subject: Re: Worksession Mr. Hodge came by and gave me ten copies of Molly's Public Health Report Card booklet and statistics for the work session. He said that it was going to be the first meeting in October which would be 10/10. I told him that you said the date was 10/24 and he said to check with you on the date but Molly told him the first meeting in October. Don't think the time will change but need the correct date. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 540-772-2005 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »> Susie Owen 08/30/00 11:OOAM »> Dr. Molly Odell will present her 3rd "Public Health Report Card" to the BOS at Worksession on 10/24. Kathy's direct no. is 857.7600 x211 in case you can call her with an approximate time Molly should be here (I told her 4:15). She will send 12 copies of the report on Monday to be sent out in Friday's packets re. this. Susie B. Owen, CPS Executive Secretary to County Administrator Roanoke County P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 540.772.2004 FAX 772.2193 CC: Mary Allen ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2000 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are usually held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. The meetings will be broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be broadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. RVTV now provides closed captioning for live and taped broadcasts of the meetings. PRIOR TO THE REGULAR MEETING. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL MEET WITH THE ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL AT 12:00 NOON AT THE ADMINISTRATION CENTER. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance so reasonable accommodations may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the week of October 22-31, 2000 as Red Ribbon Week in the County of Roanoke 1 2. -''~~dclamati a taring ~rrlpn~f O o e 000 as Wireless Etiquette Month in the County of Roan 3. a. Recognition of Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court for being elected President of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association. 3 b. Recognition of D. Diane St. John for achieving designation as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator. D. BRIEFINGS 1. Annual Report from the Health Department. (Dr. Molly Odell) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to approve a construction contract and advance funds for the New South County High School. (Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer) ~~,,. ~- yY~- FIRST READINGS OF ORDINANCES 1. treading f ordin nce rohi 't the fl of remote control plan and g ers ublic pa (Mark Co rtright, Assistant Director ark 2. First reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting ection 21-3. "Utility Service Tax" of Article I. "In General" of Chapter 21, "Taxation" of the Roanoke County Code to conform to the requirements of Virginia Statutes deregulating electrical and natural gas industries. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 3. Industrial Development Authority 4. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 5. Social Services Advisory Board I. CONSENT AGENDA 2 ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Confirmation of appointment to the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation. 2. Designation of a voting representative at the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Annual Meeting. 3. Request for acceptance and appropriation of $16,111 from the Department of Education for alternative student education. 4, Donation of a new 20' drainage easement and waterline easement and a new 20' waterline easement on property of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. Fairway Forest Villas in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Quarterly Report on Day Reporting Program 6. Update on renovations to the Salem Office Supply building 7. Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of September 30, 2000. N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 3 1. Work Session to discuss amendments to the Community Plan for the Hollins/Interstate 81 interchange area. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) 2. Work Session on year-end operations. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. ADJOURNMENT TO 7:15 P.M. 4 ' ~'- I~ t cvw,. ~~~ - 10/4/00 - 2; 00 ,~, ~. ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA OCTOBER 10, 2000 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings for October will be broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 4 p.m. ADMINISTRATION CENTER. Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangement in order to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005. We request that you provide at least 48-hours notice so that proper arrangements may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Phillip Whitaker Brambleton Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1 /' 1. Proclamation declaring the week of October 22-31, 2000 as Red Ribbon Week in the County of Roanoke ~' 2. Proclamation declaring the month of October 2000 as Wireless Etiquette Month in the County of Roanoke. ~ 3a. Recognition of Steven A. McGraw, Clerk of Circuit Court for being elected President of the Virginia Court Clerks' Association. / 3b. Recognition of D. Diane St. John for her designation as a Certified Elections/Registration Administrator. D. BRIEFINGS ~ 1. Annual Report from the Health Department. (Dr. Molly Odell) E. NEW BUSINESS .,P _. ,/-- -(~z,r ~l p,~ ~~-IL~ noun-h~ ?-I ~ ~-; S ~-hoc> F. FIRST READINGS OF ORDINANCES ~ 1. First reading of an ordinance to prohibit the flying of remote control planes and gliders in public parks. (Mark Courtright, Assistant Director of Parks) 20. First reading of an ordinance amending and reenacting Section 21-3. --~ ~~ "Utility Service Tax" of Article I. "In General" of Chapter 21, "Taxation" ~. ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ of the Roanoke County Code to conform to the requirements of Virginia Statutes deregulating electrical and natural gas industries. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES ~~ H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Grievance Panel 2. Highway and Transportation Safety Commission 2 s 3. Industrial Development Authority 4. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 5. Social Services Advisory Board I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. ~ 1. Confirmation of appointment to the Hanging Rock Battlefield and Rail Preservation Foundation. 2. Designation of a voting representative at the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) Annual Meeting. `~ 3. Request for acceptance and appropriation of $16,111 from the Department of Education for alternative student education. ,c.+c. .~ a n ~-i a r7 J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS ~~ 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance ~ 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund ~' 4. Future School Capital Reserve ,/ 5. Quarterly Report on Day Reporting Program /~ © Update on renovations to the Salem Office Supply building 3 N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. WORK SESSIONS (4TH FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Work Session to discuss amendments to the Community Plan for the Hollins/Interstate 81 interchange area. ~~a-net s5n~i0 J ~2~ Work Session on year-end operations. ~,t3/~en-~- ~o to er{-so ~) P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. ADJOURNMENT TO 7:15 P.M. THIS EVENING FOR A JOINT MEETING 4 rkw4 r '. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADh MEETING DATE: October 10, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring the month of Etiquette Month COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: U. S. Cellular has made a commitment to provide all wireless phone users with guidelines for proper and courteous use of their cell phones. As part of their activities, they have requested that the Board of Supervisors adopt a proclamation declaring the month of October 2000 as Wireless Etiquette Month. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the attached proclamation be adopted and presented to representatives of U. S. Cellular. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara- Referred () Minnix _ _ _ To () Nickens _ _ _ ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~-- • ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2000 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER AS WIRELESS ETIQUETTE MONTH WHEREAS, there are more than 100 million wireless subscribers in the United State today, and WHEREAS, there is a need to provide wireless phone users with guidelines for the proper and courteous use of their phones; and WHEREAS U. S. Cellular, a community partner since 1995, is launching a wireless etiquette campaign to educate wireless customers and the general public; and WHEREAS, U. S. Cellular is dedicated to educating the citizens of Roanoke County about the importance of wireless etiquette. NOW THEREFORE the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby proclaim October as Wireless Etiquette Month in Roanoke County, and FURTHER, The Board of Supervisors commends U. S. Cellular for its services and commitment to the local community, and encourages other wireless companies to join U. S. Cellular in educating customers in wireless etiquette. ,• U S. Cellular. September 15, 2000 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Roanoke County Administrator P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Hodge: U.S. Cellular, the nation's eighth largest wireless communications company, is a proud member of the Roanoke County community. We have a major commitment to provide all wireless phone users with guidelines for the proper and courteous use of their phones. As part of our activities, we would be most grateful if Roanoke County Supervisors would adopt a resolution declaring the month of October 2000 as Wireless Etiquette Month. I have enclosed a draft resolution to assist you in the preparation of a resolution and will be glad to attend a meeting of Roanoke County Supervisors when the resolution is adopted. Please call me at (540) 309-5852 if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration.