HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/2/2001 - Regulara~ aoaNO~.~ ~• z a 1838 C~~ixz~t~ ~# ~ a~rx~~~e ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 2, 2001 - 9:00 A.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call: ALL PRESENT AT 9:02 A.M. 2. Invocation: H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3. Pledge of Allegiance B. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD 1. Election of Officers a. Chairman JBC NOMINATED FUZZY MINNIX TO SERVE AS CHAIRMAN URC b. Vice Chairman ,~~~~,~ JPM NOMINATED BUTCH CHURCH TO SERVE AS VICE CHAIRMAN URC 2. Length of Term for Chairman and Vice Chairman HOM ADVISED LENGTH OF TERM WILL BE ONE YEAR TO ORGANIZATIONAL ® Recycled Paper MEETING IN 2002. 3. Resolution establishing the schedule for Board meetings in 2001. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) JPM MOTION TO SCHEDULE MEETINGS IN JANUARY ON 2ND AND 4T" TUESDAYS AND EFFECTIVE WITH THE FIRST MEETING IN FEBRUARY SET SCHEDULE FOR 2ND AND 4T" MONDAYS -DEFEATED AYES-JBC,JPM NAYS-BLJ,HCN,HOM R-010201-1 BLJ MOTION TO ADOPT RESOLUTION "A"AND ESTABLISH SCHEDULE FOR 2ND AND 4T" TUESDAY S AMENDED WITH THE ADDITION OF JANUARY 8 2001 REGIONAL WORK SESSION URC 4. Request for approval of holiday schedule for 2001 (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) A-010201-2 JPM MOTION TO APPROVE 11 HOLIDAYS AS FOLLOWS: New Year's Dav Memorial Dav Independence Day Labor Dav Thanksgiving Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve Christmas 3 floating holidays STAFF TO BRING BACK A REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION PLAN FOR THE FLOATING HOLIDAYS. AYES-BLJ,JPM,HCN,HOM NAYS-JBC HCN ASKED THAT ECH BRING FORWARD THE 2002 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE AT THE END OF THE BUDGET PROCESS. C. ADJOURNMENT MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:50 A.M. ~ ROAN ,~.~ ~, ~ ~ a 1838 C~~~xxt#~ .a~ ~~~xx~a~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING AGENDA JANUARY 2, 2001 - 9:00 A.M. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call: 2. Invocation: H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3. Pledge of Allegiance B. ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD 1. Election of Officers ~~~~~ a. Chairman b. Vice Chairman 2. Length of Term for Chairman and Vice Chairman 3. Resolution establishing the schedule for Board meetings in 2001. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 4. Request for approval of holiday schedule for 2001 (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) C. ADJOURNMENT ® Recyded Paper AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 RESOLUTION 010201-1 ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2001 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That for calendar year 2001, the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Monday, January 8, 2001, at 12 Noon (Regional Work Session, Jefferson Center, Fitzpatrick Hall) Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 27, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. (Board of Supervisors Retreat at Hollins University) Monday, February 5, 2001, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 27, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 14 , 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 28, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 11, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 23, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 18, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 2. That the organizational meeting for 2002 shall be held on Wednesday, January 2, 2002, at 9:00 a.m. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution as amended to add Regional Work Session on January 8, 2001, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ,~'• Mary H. Allen Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator Dan O'Donnell, Assistant Administrator 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. '**~+/ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 2, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2001 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In January of every year the Board of Supervisors reorganizes itself by electing a chairperson and vice-chairperson, by establishing a meeting schedule for the upcoming year, and by adopting rules of procedure. The attached resolutions suggest a meeting schedule for the calendar year 2001. I have not included in these draft resolutions the regional work session on January 8, 2001, at 12:00 noon at the Jefferson Center requested by Mayor Smith. If a quorum of the Board intends to attend this meeting, then it should be added to your meeting schedule. In reviewing the proposed meeting schedules you should note the following: Resolution A reflects a meeting schedule on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month and Resolution B reflects a meeting schedule on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. The evening public hearings will be scheduled for the second meeting of each month. The Roanoke County School Board has scheduled Spring Break for April 13 through 20, 2001. The Board has traditionally scheduled its meetings in November and December around Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Day. If the Board wants to continue this practice, then it is suggested that the Board consider Tuesday, November 13, 2001 for the one meeting in November (Monday, November 12 is Veterans Day holiday). In December, Monday, December 3 or Tuesday, December 4, and Monday, December 17 or Tuesday December 18 are possible meeting dates. I recommend 1 .~? ~• " ..w,a avoiding Monday, December 3 and Monday, December 17 since Roanoke City Council meets on these days. This conflict would result in no cable TV coverage for these County Board meetings. The 2001 organizational meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 2, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board consider the adoption of one of the attached resolutions. Respectfully submitted, ,V~` Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Action Vote No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by Church Denied ( ) Johnson Received ( ) McNamara Referred Minnix to Nickens U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\GENERAL\organizational meeting.wpd 2 .. RESOLUTION A AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2001 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That for calendar year 2001, the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Tuesday, January 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, January 23, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 27, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. (Board of Supervisors retreat) Monday, February 5, 2001, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Tuesday, February 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 27, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 27, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 8, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 24, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 14 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 28, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. U:\ WPDOCS\AGENDA\GENERAL\organizational meeting.wpd 3 ~-~ Tuesday, September 11, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 25, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 23, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 18, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 2. That the organizational meeting for 2002 shall be held on Wednesday, January 2, 2002, at 9:00 a.m. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\GENERAL\organizational meeting.wpd 4 "' ...~+ RESOLUTION B AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2001 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2001 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That for calendar year 2001, the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are set forth below with public hearings scheduled for 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise advertised. Monday, January 8, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, January 22, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Saturday, January 27, 2001, at 8:30 a.m. (Board of Supervisors retreat) Monday, February 5, 2001, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Monday, February 12, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, February 26, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday, March 12, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, March 26, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, April 23, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday, May 14, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday, June 11, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, June 25, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday, July 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, July 23, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Monday, August 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, August 27, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. U:\ WPDOCS\AGENDA\GENERAL\organizational meeting.wpd 5 e ' ~ ^"` 4> Monday, September 10, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, September 24, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 12 noon (Joint Meeting with Roanoke City Council) Tuesday, October 9, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Monday, October 22, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 13, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 18, 2001, at 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. 2. That the organizational meeting for 2002 shall be held on Wednesday, January 2, 2002, at 9:00 a.m. U:\WPDOCS\AGENDA\GENERAL\organizational meeting.wpd 6 A-010201-2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER L3 ~ y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 2, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of 2001 Holiday Schedule COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Before the Christmas holidays, several Board members received calls from employees asking for an additional day on December 26`h. Several of you called me to ask when the holiday schedule had been adopted and what days were authorized. The State and many neighboring localities granted an additional day on the 26`h and you wanted to know how their schedules compare to ours. I have gathered that information for you and have identified at least four issues that we should address. For many years, the holiday schedule was brought to the Board of Supervisors for ratification in January of each year. The Roanoke County Employee Handbook specified 11 holidays plus any additional days that the Governor declared. These additional holidays varied from year to year. On January 13, 1998, the Board of Supervisors amended the Employee Handbook, establishing the holiday schedule with 11 specific holidays, and eliminating the provision to give additional days off authorized by the Governor. The Board Report approving this action is attached. This policy has continued in 1999 and 2000, and no further action has been taken since. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a survey of holiday schedules for governments in the area and throughout the state that was prepared by the Department of Human Resources. We have noted those localities that approve additional days at Christmas, depending on when it occurs. This year, the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, the Town of Vinton and Botetourt County all provided an additional Christmas holiday for their staff. On several occasions in the past, I have suggested that we remain open on two of the minor holidays and let the employees float these at the employee and department ~~ ~ y convenience. This has also been discussed several times during previous work sessions. Because of concerns from the staff and Board, we decided not to pursue this option but you may wish to consider floating holidays again. There are several issues for the Board to consider: (1) Lee-Jackson-King Day was formerly celebrated on the 3`d Monday of January. Beginning this year, Lee-Jackson Day (a state holiday) will be celebrated on the 2nd Friday in January (January 12) and Martin Luther King Day (a federal holiday) will be celebrated on the 3`d Monday (January 15). The Commonwealth of Virginia will celebrate both dates and state employees will have afour-day weekend. The Board of Supervisors needs to decide whether to take the state holiday, the federal holiday or both. This could be a floating holiday. (2) The Board of Supervisors may wish to grant the Roanoke County staff an additional day off on Christmas Eve (Monday, December 24, 2001). As noted, the surrounding localities provided for an additional day for their staff this year and anticipate doing so next year. (3) The Board may decide to keep County offices open on one or more of the minor holidays and authorize floating holidays at Christmas instead. (4) If the Board of Supervisors chooses the 2"d and 4`h Monday meeting schedule, several of these will have to be moved to Tuesdays because of Monday holidays. Roanoke City Council meets the 1St and 3`d Mondays so those dates are not available for Board meetings. The current holiday schedule and the 2001 actual dates are as follows: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Presidents Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Christmas Day STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Monday, January 1, 2001 Monday, January 15, 2001 Monday, February 19, 2001 Monday, May 28, 2001 Wednesday, July 4, 2001 Monday, September 3, 2001 Monday, October 8, 2001 Monday, November 12 Thursday, November 22, 2001 Friday, November 23, 2001 Tuesday, December 25, 2001 I recommend floating two or three minor holidays and increasing the number from 11 to 12 as follows: ~,' _ L~ 1. Grant ONE day for Lee-Jackson Day OR Martin Luther King Day, to be chosen by the employees. The offices would remain open on BOTH of these days. 2. Designate Columbus Day and Veteran's Day as floating holidays and keep the offices open on both. 3. Add one day or a half-day during Christmas or Thanksgiving, depending on the day of the week that each occurs. This is reasonable, especially if we float holidays and keep the offices open when we did not do so in the past This is also reasonable considering that we used to close the offices during inclement weather and rarely do so anymore unless there is a state of emergency. Floating holidays will cause some inconveniences for smaller departments but we can work this out as other localities have done. The above recommendations increase the number of holidays from 11 to 12 but keeps the offices open two additional days for service to the citizens. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph McNamara to approve Denied () 11 holidays as follows: New Year's Dav; Received () Memorial D~• Independence Day; Labor Referred () Day' Thanksgiving Dav after Thanks- To () _givina• Christmas Eve Christmas; and 3 floating holidays and staff to bring back report on implementation plan for the floating holidays cc: File John M. Chambliss, Assistant Administrator Dan O'Donnell, Assistant Administrator Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Kathi Scearce, Director, Community Relations VOTE No Yes Church x _. _ Johnson _ x McNamara- x _ Minnix - x Nickens _ x _, ~~~~~ emo Ta Joe Sgroi Front Leah Coffman Date: 12/28/2000 Re: Holiday Schedules -Revised Here is the holiday schedule for a sampling of county and city governments across the state: Laeality # Official Hotidays Additional Days Nc3tes Roanoke City 11 1* Includes (2) Floating holidays *Closed 12/26 by City Council Salem 10 1* Includes (3) Floating holidays *Closed 12/26 b City Council Vinton 10 1 * 1* *Birthday off for high evaluation score *Closed 12/26 by City Council Mont ome Count 14 %2 Danville 9'/2 Includes Emplo ee Birthday holiday L nchbu 10 Albemarle 14'/2 Richmond 12 1 * Includes (1) Floating holiday *Closed 12/26 Arlin on 10 Charlottesville 12 Includes (1) Floating holiday S tsylvania Count 12'/2 Chesterfield Count 14 Includes 2 Floatin holida s Henrico Count 11 '/2 Includes (2) Floating Holida s Fairfax Coun 10'/2 1* Inau uration Da eve 4 ears Hampton 10 Staunton 10 2* *Extra Days usually given by Council (Jul 3`~ or 5th and 12/26) Virginia Beach 10'h 1 * Includes (2) Floating holidays *Birthda off after 10 ears Roanoke County 11 NOTE: Average time off for holidays has increased from 10.76 in 1997 to 11.8 in 2000. As of 12/28/00 CrfF'[ciai Hol±da s __ .._ Roanoke Gcaunty Roanoke City New Years Day 1/1/01 1/1/01 Lee-Jackson Da Martin Luther King's BD 1/15/011 1/15/01 Action may be needed on this Presidents' Day 2/19/01 2/19/01 Spring Holiday Easter Monday Jefferson's BD Memorial Day 5/28/01 5/28/01 m 4 Jul 7/4/01 7/4/01 y Labor Da 913/01 9/3/01 Columbus Day 1018/01 10/8/01 *Floatin Holida Election Day Veteran's Day 11/12/01 11/12/01 *Floating Holiday Thanksgiving 11/22-23/012 11/22-23/01 Christmas 12/25/01 12/25/01 Total Ho~~da s ' 11 '' 11 * Floating holiday allows County Government to remain open and allows employees to schedule time off at will. • Page 2 A-011398-5 ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER ~ "" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 13, 1998 SUBJECT: County Holiday Schedule for Calendar Year 1998 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Employee Handbook incorporates a schedule of 11 paid employee holidays, for regular, full-time County employees. On these days, most County offices are closed and most employees can enjoy the day off as a part of the County benefit package. In 1997, the Governor authorized three additional holidays for State employees around the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's holidays. Following the Employee Handbook, these additional days were also authorized in 1997, for Roanoke County employees. In granting these additional days, the Board of Supervisors also amended the Employee .Handbook to remove the granting of additional days authorized by the governor. The purpose of this Board Report is to approve the County holiday schedule for 1998 and amend the Employee Handbook to reflect the Board's earlier action. RECOMMENDATIONS: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors ratify the following holiday schedule for the 1998 Calendar Year: New Year's Day Lee-Jackson-King Day George Washington Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day New Year's Day January 1 January 19 February 16 May 25 July 3* September 7 October 12 November 11 November 26 November 27 December 25 January 1, 1999 '`July 4 falls on a Saturday r-y In addition, by the Board's earlier action, the Employee Handbook was amended to remove the following sentences: Chapter IX - Leaves of Absence K. Holiday Schedule " The following days shall be observed as holidays. a~-4egat-k~e4ida~-eF for .The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to amend the holiday schedule at any time and to increase or decrease the number of holidays observed. For those offices that remain open on designated holidays or do not follow the established holiday schedule, the total number of paid holidays shall not exceed 11 eight-hour working days or 88 hours. a . Holidays are considered an eight-hour work period that falls on the specified holiday." SUBMITTED BY: h .Sgroi Director of Human Resources E-3 APPROVED: ~~ ~~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ~~~ ~..~ ACTION V T No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nicksns ~to approve - Harrison _ . x _. Denied () 1998 holiday schedule and Handbook Johnson - x ._. Received () amendment with addititional modification 'McNamara- x _ Referred () to the Handbook Amendment and Minnix - x - To O addition of New Year's Day 1999 Nickens _ . x - cc: File Joseph J. Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Assistant County Administrators Department Heads