HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/12/2001 - RegularWoking Document-Subject to Revision ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JUNE 12, 2001 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m; on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7 P.M. and Saturday at 4.m., and are now closed captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance so reasonable accommodations may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call ALL PRESENT AT 3:03 P.M. 2. Invocation: The Reverend Joseph A. Keaton Central Baptist Church Retired Roanoke County Employee 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH MOVED ITEM I-10 UNDER CONSENT AGENDA TO NEW BUSINESS, ITEM E-3 C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Bob Slaughter for his military service during World War II and his dedication and commitment to establishing the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia. R-061201-1 JBC MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC MR. SLAUGHTER PRESENT TO ACCEPT RESO 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of James A. Poindexter, General Services Department, after more than twenty three years. R-061201-2 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO URC MR. POINDEXTER PRESENT TO ACCEPT RESO D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on Economic Development trip to Japan ECH UPDATED THE BOARD ON THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TRIP TO JAPAN E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to authorize the County Administrator to execute a drainage agreement for North County Soccer Complex. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) A-061201-3 BLJ MOTION TO EXECUTE DRAINAGE AGREEMENT URC 2. Confirmation of funding of four fire vehicles through borrowing from the County Risk Management Fund. (Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Burch, and Chief Financial Officer Diane Hyatt) R-061201-4 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT RESO BORROWING $2,035,000 FROM RISK 2 MANAGEMENT FUND URC 3. Appropriation of matching funds for School Resource Officer grants. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) A-061201- 5 JPM MOTION TO APPROVE APPROPRIATION URC F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance reapportioning the representation in the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by altering the boundaries of the election districts by establishing voting precincts therefor, incorporating a map showing the boundaries of said districts and precincts, changing polling places, and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) HCN MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND AND PUBLIC HEARING - 6/26/01 URC HCN ASKED THE COMMITTEE TO REVIEW THE DISTRICT BOUNDARIES ALONG BANDY ROAD BEFORE 2ND READING. 2. First reading of ordinance authorizing conveyance of an easement to Appalachian Power Company for electric service to Starkey Park owned by the Board of Supervisors. (Mark Courtright, Assistant Director of Parks) HOM MOTION TO APPROVE 1ST READING 2ND _ 6/26/01 URC G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2-1414.3 of the Code of Virginia. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-061201-6 HCN MOTION TO ADOPT ORD. URC 3 H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Clean Valley Council 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 3. Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission HCN NOMINATED BOBBY SEMONES VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT TO ANOTHER THREE-YEAR TERM EXPIRING JUNE 30 2004. 4. Roanoke County Cable Television Committee 5. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission 6. Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee 7. Social Services Advisory Board I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-061201-7 JPM MOTION TO ADOPT CONSENT RESO (ITEM 10 REMOVED AND DISCUSSED UNDER NEW BUSINESS) U RC 1. Approval of Minutes -March 13, 2001, March 27, 2001, April 10, 2001. 2. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals, Clean Valley Council Liaison, Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens, and Parks and Recreation Advisory 4 Commission A-061201-7.a 3. Confirmation of County Treasurer Alfred Anderson to serve as Roanoke County's voting delegate at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference to be held on July 13 - 17, 2001. A-061201-7.b 4. Donation of a utility lot from Fralin & Waldron, Inc. for a sanitary sewer pump station serving Brookfield Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. A-061201-7.c 5. Request from Schools to appropriate funds received from the sale of "Listen to Me" videos. A-061201- 7.d 6. Request for approval of annual write-off of Utility Bad Debts for 1996. A-061201-7.e 7. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept a $1175.87 federal grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase bulletproof vests. A-061201- 7.f 8. Request for placement of a "Watch for Children" on Nicholas Hill Lane near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane. R-061201-7.q 9. Request to appropriate funds for interest expense on the Valley Gateway Shell Building from July 1, 2001 to May 15, 2002. R-061201-7.h MOVED TO NEW BUSINESS 11. Acceptance of donations of water, sewer, and drainage easements for Minnick Education Center, Old Locke Court Water Tank, The Groves, Section 7 and Hollins Garden. A-061201-7.i 5 12. Authorization to appoint an Interim Zoning Administrator. A-061201-7.i 13. Request from Schools to appropriate $83,263.95 Universal Service Fund grants to upgrade school fileservers. A-061201-7.k 14. Request from Schools to appropriate $11,813.69 Dual Enrollment net revenues to the instructional program. A-061201-7.1 15. Acceptance of Colonial Place Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. R-061201-7.m 16. Authorization to submit a grant proposal to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for a Delinquency Prevention Planning Grant. A-061201- 7.n J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS NONE K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS NONE L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS NONE M. REPORTS BLJ MOTION TO RECEIVE AND FILE -URC 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 6 4. Future School Capital Reserve N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor McNamara (1) commended the staff for the redistricting process; ~2) Ask for an update on meetings held with VDOT on changes to the intersection of Route 419 and Brambleton Avenue. ~3) Noted that an article in the Roanoke Times quoted a Salem City Council member stating that Roanoke County could not adequately supply water to Salem and that the Board received a report on the water supply on May 22 emphasizing that the County is running at 25% of capacity. Asked that we aaain offer assistance to Salem. Supervisor Church: (11 Agreed with Supervisor McNamara on the water issue and is ready to work with Salem to solve their water problems (21 Expressed pride in recognizing Bob Slaughter as one of Roanoke County's citizens. (3) Advised that. he has received calls from elderly people concerned that if they use ambulance service and don't have health insurance, they may have to work out a payment plan with the County to recover the fee. Emphasized that there are no plans to recover costs other than through insurance payments. ECH updated the Board on their public information campaign and suggested scheduling a work session on this issue. Supervisor Nickens: (11 Advised that the State Office of Emergenc Medical Services is in the .process of revising the Virginia EMS regulations that consists of nearly 300 pages of text that aoverns EMS services. The VACO Board has asked them to delay implementation until Counties can ascertain the affect of the regulations. Asked ECH to review the resolution with Rick Burch and bring back a report on June 26 requesting that the state reserve implementation. Supervisor Johnson; Asked for information at the last Board meeting on the Counts and Dobyns contract for road improvements on Pleasant Hill Road, and announced that he received two memos in response from the School administration. He expressed concern about the responses and did not feel he received a straight answer. Mr. Covey responded that the cost of the road was $700,000. BLJ requested more information, i.e. exactly what was the bid. O. SENIOR CITIZENS HALL OF FAME AWARDS AND RECEPTION (4:00 P.M.) The reception will be held on the fourth floor of fhe Administration Center following the awards ceremony. AWARDS PRESENTED TO (1) IMOGENE PERDUE FOR HER VOLUNTEER EFFORTS FOR THE ALZHEIMERS ASSOCIATION (2) VASTINE "TOTSIE" CHEWNING FOR VOLUNTEERING AT CARILION ROANOKE COMMUNITY HOSPITAL (3) THE ATHENIAN SOCIETY FOR THE ARTS AND SCIENCES ACCEPTED BY JEAN BOGGS, PRESIDENT P. WORK SESSIONS Work Session to discuss proposed ridgetop/mountainside development ordinance. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) HELD FROM 5:10 P.M. to 5:45 P.M. BOARD CONSENSUS TO MOVE FORWARD WITH PROPOSED ORDINANCE WORKING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION AND CHECKING WITH OTHER LOCALITIES FOR SIMILAR ORDINANCES. Q. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) consultation with legal counsel concerning specific legal matter, negotiation of a contract with the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority and Explore Foundation; 2.1-344 A (3) discussion of the acquisition of property for public use; and 2.1-344 A (1) personnel matter, performance evaluation of County Administrator and County Attorney; 2.1-344 A (3) disposition of public property, Salem Office Supply and shell building. HOM MOTION TO GO INTO CLOSED MEETING AT 4:10 P.M. URC CLOSED MEETING HELD FROM 5:45 TO 9:00 P.M. 8 R. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-061201-8 HOM MOTION TO RETURN TO OPEN MEETING AT 9:00 P.M. AND ADOPT CERTIFICATION RESO. URC BOARD CONSENSUS TO INCREASE SALARIES FOR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND COUNTY ATTORNEY AT 4%. S. ADJOURNMENT HOM ADJOURNED MEETING AT 9:01 P.M. . ~ A aN ,~ F ti p z a 1838 (~~~x~tg o~# ~~~rx~~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JUNE 12, 2001 ,~~~~,~ Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. .Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7 P.M. and Saturday at 4.m., and are now closed captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend. Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance so reasonable accommodations may be made. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: The Reverend Joseph A. Keaton Central Baptist Church Retired Roanoke County Employee 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation to Bob Slaughter for his military service during World War II and his dedication and commitment to establishing the National D-Day Memorial in Bedford, Virginia. 2. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of James A. Poindexter, General Services Department, after more than twenty three years. 1 ® Recycled Paper D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to authorize the County Administrator to execute a drainage agreement for North County Soccer Complex. (Arnold Covey, Community Development Director) 2. Confirmation of funding of four fire vehicles through borrowing from the County Risk Management Fund. (Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Burch, and Chief Financial Officer Diane Hyatt) F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance reapportioning the representation in the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by altering the boundaries of the election districts by establishing voting precincts therefor, incorporating a map showing the boundaries of said districts and precincts, changing polling places, and providing for an effective date of this ordinance. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. First reading of ordinance authorizing conveyance of an easement to Appalachian Power Company for electric service to Starkey Park owned by the Board of Supervisors. (Mark Courtright, Assistant Director of Parks) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2-1414.3 of the Code of Virginia. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Clean Valley Council 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 3. Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission 2 4. Roanoke County Cable Television Committee 5. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission 6. Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee 7. Social Services Advisory Board CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of Minutes -March 13, 2001, March 27, 2001, April 10, 2001. 2. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals, Clean Valley Council Liaison, Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 3. Confirmation of County Treasurer Alfred Anderson to serve as Roanoke County's voting delegate at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference to be held on July 13 - 17, 2001. 4. Donation of a utility lot from Fralin & Waldron, Inc. for a sanitary sewer pump station serving Brookfield Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. 5. Request from Schools to appropriate funds received from the sale of "Listen to Me" videos. 6. Request for approval of annual write-off of Utility Bad Debts for 1996. 7. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept a $1175.87 federal grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase bulletproof vests. 3 8. Request for placement of a "Watch for Children" on Nicholas Hill Lane near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane. 9. Request to appropriate funds for interest expense on the Valley Gateway Shell Building from July 1, 2001 to May 15, 2002. 10. Appropriation of matching funds for School Resource Officer grants. 11. Acceptance of donations of water, sewer, and drainage easements for Minnick Education Center, Old Locke Court Water Tank, The Groves, Section 7 and Hollins Garden. 12. Authorization to appoint an Interim Zoning Administrator. 13. Request from Schools to appropriate $83,263.95 Universal Service Fund grants to upgrade school fileservers. 14. Request from Schools to appropriate $11,813.69 Dual Enrollment net revenues to the instructional program. 15. Acceptance of Colonial Place Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 16. Authorization to submit a grant proposal to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for a Delinquency Prevention Planning Grant. J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4 4. Future School Capital Reserve N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. SENIOR CITIZENS HALL OF FAME AWARDS AND RECEPTION (4:00 P.M.) The reception will be held on the fourth floor of fhe Administration Center following the awards ceremony. P. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work Session to discuss proposed ridgetop/mountainside development ordinance. (Janet Scheid, Senior Planner) Q. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (7) consultation with legal counsel concerning specific legal matter, negotiation of a contract with the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority and Explore Foundation; 2.1-344 A (3) discussion of the acquisition of property for public use; and 2.1-344 A (1) personnel matter, performance evaluation of County Administrator and County Attorney; 2.1-344 A (3) disposition of public property, Salem Office Supply and shell building. R. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION S. ADJOURNMENT 5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION 061201-1 OF APPRECIATION TO JOHN ROBERT "BOB" SLAUGHTER FOR HIS MILITARY SERVICE DURING WORLD WAR II, ESPECIALLY THE D-DAY INVASION ON JUNE 6, 1944, AND HIS DEDICATION TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATIONAL D-DAY MEMORIAL WHEREAS, during World War II Sergeant John Robert Slaughter, a Roanoke native, served from 1941-1945 in the D Company of the 29th Infantry Division's 116th Regimental Combat Team, joining the military when he was only 16 years old; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Slaughter, at the age of 19, was among those who landed on the Easy Green sector of Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Slaughter was wounded twice and served on the front line throughout Europe liberating French towns from the Nazis; and WHEREAS, in 1945, Sgt. Slaughter returned to the Roanoke Valley where he worked for the Roanoke Times before retiring from the newspaper in 1987; and WHEREAS, in 1987, Mr. Slaughter with three other men, felt it was important to recognize the contributions of the brave soldiers who participated in the D-Day landing at Omaha Beach, the largest coastal invasion in the history of the world, and established a memorial committee which ultimately became the National D-Day Memorial Foundation; and WHEREAS, since then, Mr. Slaughter has dedicated most of his time and efforts promoting the National D-Day Memorial located in Bedford, Virginia, and was instrumental in raising almost $14 million for its construction. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of all its citizens, does hereby extend its gratitude and appreciation to John Robert Slaughter for his valor and heroic contributions in World War II, especially during the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, and for his dedication to the establishment of the National D-Day Memorial; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors expresses its pride that Mr. Slaughter is a resident of Roanoke County, and wishes Mr. Slaughter continued success in his efforts to recognize the brave Americans and Allied soldiers who died in the June 6, 1944 invasion of France. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~. Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 C-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO JOHN ROBERT "BOB" SLAUGHTER FOR HIS MILITARY SERVICE DURING WORLD WAR II, ESPECIALLY THE D- DAY INVASION ON JUNE 6, 1944, AND HIS DEDICATION TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NATIONAL D-DAY MEMORIAL WHEREAS, during World War II Sergeant John Robert Slaughter, a Roanoke native, served from 1941-1945 in the D Company of the 29th Infantry Division's 116th Regimental Combat Team, joining the military when he was only 16 years old; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Slaughter, at the age of 19, was among those who landed on the Easy Green sector of Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6, 1944; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Slaughter was wounded twice and served on the front line throughout Europe liberating French towns from the Nazis; and WHEREAS, in 1945, Sgt. Slaughter returned to the Roanoke Valley where he worked for the Roanoke Times before retiring from the newspaper in 1987; and WHEREAS, in 1987, Mr. Slaughter with three other men, felt it was important to recognize the contributions of the brave soldiers who participated in the D-Day landing at Omaha Beach, the largest coastal invasion in the history of the world, and established a memorial committee which ultimately became the National D-Day Memorial Foundation; and WHEREAS, since then, Mr. Slaughter has dedicated most of his time and efforts promoting the National D-Day Memorial located in Bedford, Virginia, and was instrumental in raising almost $14 million for its construction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of all its citizens, does hereby extend its gratitude ~' and appreciation to John Robert Slaughter for his valor and heroic contributions in World War II, especially during the D-Day invasion on June 6, 1944, and for his dedication to the establishment of the National D-Day Memorial; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors expresses its pride that Mr. Slaughter is a resident of Roanoke County, and wishes Mr. Slaughter continued success in his efforts to recognize the brave Americans and Allied soldiers who died in the June 6, 1944 invasion of France. I ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION 061201-2 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF JAMES A. POINDEXTER, GENERAL SERVICES, AFTER MORE THAN TWENTY THREE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, James A. Poindexter was first employed by Roanoke County on September 19, 1977 as a Laborer in the General Services Department; and also served as Refuse Collector; and WHEREAS, Mr. Poindexter retired from Roanoke County on May 1, 2001, as a Custodian after more than twenty three years of service; and WHEREAS, Mr. Poindexter showed his dedication and commitment to the citizens of the County when he worked extra hours during the 1985 Flood and again during Hurricane Hugo in 1989; and WHEREAS, Mr. Poindexter, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for his fellow employees and County citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to JAMES A. POINDEXTER for more than twenty three years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Anne Marie Green, Director, General Services 2 C -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF JAMES A. POINDEXTER, GENERAL SERVICES, AFTER MORE THAN TWENTY THREE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, James A. Poindexter was first employed by Roanoke County on September 19, 1977 as a Laborer in the General Services Department; and also served as Refuse Collector; and WHEREAS, Mr. Poindexter retired from Roanoke County on May 1, 2001, as a Custodian after more than twenty three years of service; and V'VHEREAS, Mr. Poindexter showed his dedication and commitment to the citizens of the County when he worked extra hours during the 1985 Flood and again during Hurricane Hugo in 1989; and WHEREAS, Mr. Poindexter, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for his fellow employees and County citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to JAMES A. POINDEXTER for more than twenty three years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. A-061201-3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~+ '" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: DRAINAGE AGREEMENT FOR NORTH COUNTY SOCCER COMPLEX COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS; BACKGROUND: The Board of Supervisors, by Resolution dated January 26, 2000, requested VDOT to establish a project that would provide adequate access to the North County Soccer Complex in the Hollins Magisterial District of Roanoke County. The Board subsequently entered into an agreement with VDOT on April 17, 2001, that would allow Roanoke County to administer the design and construction of the project with $180,000 from the Recreational Access Fund, pursuant to Section33.1-223 of the Code of Virginia. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Community Development has prepared plans for the construction of the access road that will conform to VDOT's requirements for Recreational Access Funding. The project consists of the construction of an 18-foot wide asphalt road, 0.14 miles in length, from the planned intersection with Route 601 to the complex parking lot and has been designated as Project 0952-080-310, M501. During the review of plans for the project by VDOT, it was noted that no easement exists for an existing pipe under Route 601 that will carry the runoff from the proposed access road. County stormwater management regulations are being complied with by the construction of an on-site stormwater detention facility, however there is runoff that will flow to the right-of--way ditch along Route 601. In the absence of a drainage easement from the right-of--way, VDOT and the County will enter into the attached agreement for the purpose of fulfilling requirements for acceptance of the access road into the state system for maintenance. E-1 FISCAL IMPACT: In the absence of this agreement, we would have to acquire approximately one mile of drainage easements across private property to reach a natural watercourse at the lower end of Hollins Road. This would not only be cost prohibitive, but would be very impractical. The project essentially could not be constructed without this agreement. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the County Administrator to sign the agreement on behalf of Roanoke County. 2. Decline the agreement and have staff pursue drainage easements across private property. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative 1. SUBMITTED BY: ~~ Arnold Covey ,Director Department of Community Deve opment Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) APPROVED BY: .e L ~~ ~~= Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to execute Church _ x drainage agreement Johnson _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development 2 ,.~ f DRAINAGE AGREEMENT PROJECT 0952-OSO-310, M501 North County Soccer Complex Roanoke County THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 2001 between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County (the "Locality") and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation ("VDOT"), is to satisfy the provisions of 24 VAC 30-90-130.F (Subdivision Street Requirements) and VDOT's requirements regarding conveyance of storm water runoff, which impact its acceptance of new streets for maintenance as part of the secondary system of state highways. WHEREAS, as a condition for the VDOT's acceptance of new streets for maintenance as part of the secondary system of state highways, 24 VAC 30-90-130.F.4. requires that an adequate and acceptable method for transporting storm water runoff be provided from new streets to a natural watercourse. WHEREAS, VDOT's drainage design manual requires, whenever drainage from a roadway to a natural watercourse is interrupted or is not conveyed via a dedicated easement, assurances from the Locality that VDOT is not responsible or liable for the results of such drainage. WHEREAS, development of the County's North County Soccer Complex requires the road that is to be built under the captioned project, from which storm water runoff will be discharged onto a road currently maintained by the VDOT and ultimately from a pipe placed under Hollins Road, State Route 601; from which point no dedicated drainage easement exists to convey the discharge to a natural watercourse. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of: • The County's request for and the Commonwealth Transportation Board's allocation of funds to help build the access road to the North County Soccer Complex premises, • The VDOT's policies regarding drainage, • The VDOT's willingness to accept the maintenance of roads developed under the Recreational Access Road Program, pursuant to the acknowledgements provided herein: The Locality agrees: 1. That VDOT has no maintenance, upkeep and/or repair responsibility or liability for the subject storm water drainage discharged beyond the right-of--way limits of State Route 601. 2. To not hold VDOT liable for damages. 3. It will not seek indemnification or contribution from VDOT to correct damages arising from improper maintenance or construction of storm water facilities. ~~s / VDOT agrees to accept the road serving the North County Soccer Complex as part of the secondary system of state highways upon the satisfactory completion of all construction administered under Project 0952-080-310, M501. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement is not intended to create in the public, or any member thereof, any rights as a third party beneficiary, or to authorize anyone not a party hereto to maintain a suit for any damages pursuant to the terms or provisions of this Agreement. In consideration of the aforesaid, the following signatures and seals are affixed as of the date written above: FOR THE GOVERNING BODY OF ROANOKE COUNTY Approved as to form County Attorney Signature: Name and Title FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION /s LePage 5/2001 (KMS) Approved as to form Office of the Attorney General Charles D. Nottingham, Commissioner AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION 061201-4 AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF $2,035,000 FROM THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of Roanoke County, Virginia, (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $1,535,000 from the County Risk Management Fund to finance certain fire and rescue vehicles. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to loan monies available in the County Risk Management Fund to purchase fire and rescue vehicles (the "Loan"). The Loan shall be made on the terms set forth in this resolution. The County Risk Management Fund shall lend an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,535,000. There will not be an interest charge for this loan. 2. The Fire and Rescue Department will repay the Risk Management Fund with 3 annual payments. In July 2001, 2002, and 2003, the Fire and Rescue Department will repay the County Risk Management Fund $500,000, $500,000 and $370,000 respectively. The additional funding to repay the County Risk Management Fund will be provided in 2001-02 from the Town of Vinton and in 2002-03 from the sale of existing vehicles. The County Risk Management Fund will be fully repaid in July 2003. 1 3. The Fire and Rescue Department may prepay the Loan at any time without penalty. 4. If the funds from the County Risk Management Fund are needed before the Loan is repaid, a request can be made to the Board of Supervisors to accommodate if possible. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution borrowing $2,035,000 from Risk Management Fund, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Chief Rick Burch, Fire & Rescue Danial Morris, Director, Finance Bob Jernigan, Manager, Risk Management 2 ~~ • ATTACHMENT A Schedule of Repayment of Loan from Risk Management Fund For Purchase of Fire Vehicles 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Purchase of fire vehicles $ 2,035,000 Repayment from Fire and Rescue vehicle replacement budget (500,000) $ (500,000) $ (500,000) $ (370,000) Reimbursement from Vinton for half of pumper in Vinton station (140,000) Sale of current equipment (25,000) Activity for year 1,535,000 (640,000) (525,000) (370,000) Loan Payable at beginning of year - 1,535,000 895,000 370,000 Loan Payable at end of year $ 1,535,000 $ 895,000 $ 370,000 $ - • • m:\financelcommonlboard-rpts12001\6-12-01FIRE.xIs 06/06/2001 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION 061201-4 AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF $2,035,000 FROM THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of Roanoke County, Virginia, (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $1,535,000 from the County Risk Management Fund to finance certain fire and rescue vehicles. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to loan monies available in the County Risk Management Fund to purchase fire and rescue vehicles (the "Loan"). The Loan shall be made on the terms set forth in this resolution. The County Risk Management Fund shall lend an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,535,000. There will not be an interest charge for this loan. 2. The Fire and Rescue Department will repay the Risk Management Fund with 3 annual payments. In July 2001, 2002, and 2003, the Fire and Rescue Department will repay the County Risk Management Fund $500,000, $500,000 and $370,000 respectively. The additional funding to repay the County Risk Management Fund will be provided in 2001-02 from the Town of Vinton and in 2002-03 from the sale of existing vehicles. The County Risk Management Fund will be fully repaid in July 2003. 1 3. The Fire and Rescue Department may prepay the Loan at any time without penalty. 4. If the funds from the County Risk Management Fund are needed before the Loan is repaid, a request can be made to the Board of Supervisors to accommodate if possible. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution borrowing $2,035,000 from Risk Management Fund, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /`v`• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Chief Rick Burch, Fire & Rescue Danial Morris, Director, Finance Bob Jernigan, Manager, Risk Management 2 ~~ ATTACHMENT A Schedule of Repayment of Loan from Risk Management Fund For Purchase of Fire Vehicles Purchase of fire vehicles Repayment from Fire and Rescue vehicle replacement budget Reimbursement from Vinton for half of pumper in Vinton station Sale of current equipment Activity for year 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 $ 2, 035, 000 (500,000) $ (500,000) $ (500,000) $ (370,000) (140, 000) (25, 000) 1, 535, 000 (640, 000) (525, 000) (370, 000) Loan Payable at beginning of year - 1,535,000 895,000 370,000 Loan Payable at end of year $ 1,535,000 $ 895,000 $ 370,000 $ - m:\finance\common\board-rpts12001\6-12-01 FIRE.xIs 06/06/2001 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Funding of Four Fire Vehicles through Borrowing from the County Risk Management Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~a-r.d ,~1~ C ~cu~ ;~ ~-~-~~ -~.~ ~~- ~~~~ ate.. ~.~~~~..~ ~~ BACKG OUND: During the 2000-01 budget process, the Board of Supervisors approved the lease- purchase of four new fire service vehicles and asked that these units be financed within existing County funds in order to save interest costs associated with an outside lease- purchase agreement. The 2000-01 Fire and Rescue Department vehicle replacement budget includes first year funding for the lease-purchase of 2 pumper trucks and 2 ladder trucks. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County will be purchasing the following: • Two pumpers with 1500 gallon per minute pumps and 750 gallon water tanks. One will go to Hollins and one will go to Vinton. Vinton will pay for half of the pumper that will go into their station. • One all wheel steer quint with 105 foot ladder and 1500 gallon per minute pump, similar to the unit we bought several years ago. This unit will go to Cave Spring. • One quint with a 104 foot ladder tower and 1500 gallon per minute pump. A ladder tower has a basket at the end of the ladder. This unit will go to Ft. Lewis. Bids have been received for the units and total approximately $1,835,000. An additional $200,000 in related equipment to be placed in service on these units will be purchased in the current year and in 2001-02. This will be a total cost of $2,035,000 for these four vehicles and the related equipment. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on discussions by the Board of Supervisors, staff has investigated using existing County funds to purchase the vehicles, rather than obtaining financing from an outside agency. A repayment schedule for this loan is shown as Attachment A. Budgeted funding of $500,000 from the Fire and Rescue Department will be applied toward the total purchase price when the units are received. Two additional annual payments of ~- $500,000, and a final payment of $370,000 in July 2003 from these budgeted funds will be made. The additional funding of approximately $165,000 from the Town of Vinton and the sale of fire vehicles will provide the remaining funding. Interest expense in excess of $41,000 will be avoided through this financing. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the attached resolution which will finance $1,535,000 with an interest free loan through the County Risk Management Fund to be repaid over the next three years. In addition, apply the proceeds from the sale of the existing equipment and the payment from Vinton to pay down the loan. 2. Finance $1,535,000 through a conventional lease purchase method, which will cost an additional $41,000 more in interest expense. In addition, apply the proceeds from the sale of the existing equipment and the payment from Vinton to pay down the loan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adopting the attached resolution (alternative 1 above). Respectfully Submitted by Richard Burch Chief of Fire and Rescue Diane Hyatt Chief Financial Officer Approved by Elmer C. H ge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved () Motion by: Church Denied () Johnson Received () McNamara Referred () Minnix To () Nickens cc: File G~~ ATTACHMENT A Schedule of Repayment of Loan from Risk Management Fund For Purchase of Fire Vehicles 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 Purchase of fire vehicles $ 2,035,000 Repayment from Fire and Rescue vehicle replacement budget (500,000) $ (500,000) $ (500,000) $ (370,000) Reimbursement from Vinton for half of pumper in Vinton station (140,000) Sale of current equipment (25,000) Activity for year 1,535,000 (640,000) (525,000) (370,000) Loan Payable at beginning of year - 1,535,000 895,000 370,000 Loan Payable at end of year $ 1,535,000 $ 895,000 $ 370,000 $ - m:\finance\common\board-rpts\2001\6-12-01FIRE.xIs 06/06/2001 L- _ ~ AT A REGULAR MEEING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BORROWING OF $2,035,000 FROM THE INTERNAL SERVICE FUND BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of Roanoke County, Virginia, (the "Countyn) has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $1,535,000 from the County Risk Management Fund to finance certain fire and rescue vehicles. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to loan monies available in the County Risk Management Fund to purchase fire and rescue vehicles (the "Loan"). The Loan shall be made on the terms set forth in this resolution. The County Risk Management Fund shall lend an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,535,000. There will not be an interest charge for this loan. 2. The Fire and Rescue Department will repay the Risk Management Fund with 3 annual payments. In July 2001, 2002, and 2003, the Fire and Rescue Department will repay the County Risk Management Fund $500,000, $500,000 and $370,000 respectively. The additional funding to repay the County Risk Management Fund will be provided in 2001-02 from the Town of Vinton and in 2002-03 from the sale of existing vehicles. The County Risk Management Fund will be fully repaid in July 2003. ~"' 3. The Fire and Rescue Department may prepay the Loan at any time without penalty. 4. If the funds from the County Risk Managment Fund are needed before the Loan is repaid, a request can be made to the Board of Supervisors to accommodate if possible. 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE REAPPORTIONING THE REPRESENTATION IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BY ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ELECTION DISTRICTS, BY ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS THEREFOR, INCORPORATING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICTS AND PRECINCTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: This ordinance amending the election district and precinct boundaries as a result of the population changes in the County as reported by the 2000 federal census is submitted to the Board of Supervisors for its consideration. The first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for June 12, 2001. A second reading and public hearing is scheduled for June 26, 2001. Your redistricting committee submitted several optional redistricting plans to the Board in work session on May 22, 2001, and the Board indicated its preference for the plan that is being submitted for consideration. The committee has continued to refine and modify this preferred plan. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance adjusts the boundaries of each of the election districts, and also adjusts the boundaries of the various precincts to reflect the election district changes. At the May 22, 2001 work session the committee described one redistricting plan that would move the entire Woodlands Precinct #207 from Hollins to the Catawba Magisterial District. Upon closer review the committee recommends eliminating this precinct and dividing it at Woodhaven Rd. between the Hollins and Catawba Districts. This revision improves the population differences between the districts, and avoids moving an appointed member of the Board of Zoning Appeals from one district to the other. The Cave Spring District boundary with the Vinton District is changed to follow Bandy Rd. and Crowell Gap Rd. The Vinton District boundary with the Cave Spring District is changed as described above, and G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\AGENDA\districts&precinctsord.rpt.frm 1. ~i its boundary with the Hollins District is moved to Challenger Drive (Route 460). The Hollins District is changed as described above (with Catawba, Woodhaven Rd. is the new boundary; with Vinton the new boundary is Challenger Dr.). The Windsor Hills District remains unchanged. These election district changes, as well as new General Assembly House and Senate boundary changes, required numerous precinct changes. These changes are included in the attached ordinance. Major precinct changes are identified as follows: -Woodlands Precinct #207 has been eliminatedby dividing itbetween Northside Precinct # 104 and Botetourt Springs Precinct #204. -Peters Creek Precinct # 105 is split at Forest Acre Trail between Mason Valley Precinct # 102 and Glenvar Precinct #103, due to changes in the 21st and 22nd Senate Districts. - new Bonsack Precinct #402 is created to include the area between the old Vinton District boundary and the new District boundary at Challenger Dr. The old Bonsack Precinct #205 has been renamed the Orchards Precinct and it reflects the new District boundary change. - Lindenwood Precinct #405 is divided at Mountain View Rd., Sunflower Dr., Ivy Ln. and Wolf Creek and added to North Vinton Precinct #403 due to changes in the 11th and 17th House of Delegates Districts. - Mt. Pleasant Precinct #406 and Clearbrook Precinct #505 boundaries are amended to reflect the changes in the boundary between Vinton and Cave Spring Districts. These amended districts now result in the following: Total Population Population Deviation Deviation Percentage Catawba 16,801 -355 -2.07 Windsor Hills 17,360 204 1.19 Cave Spring 17,253 93 0.57 Vinton 16,691 -465 -2.71 Hollins 17,673 517 3.01 Total 5.72 Finally several polling places have been changed. This proposed ordinance provides for election districts composed of compact and contiguous territory and it has clearly defined and clearly observable boundaries. Its total population percentage deviation is 5.72%. Finally it makes minimal changes to the election districts so as to minimize any inconvenience or confusion for our citizens. G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\AGENDA\districts&precinctsord.rpt.frm 2 ~~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board give favorable consideration to the adoption at first reading of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~y,`Y~l 'll1 Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Action Vote No Yes Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Abs G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\AGENDA\districts&precinctsord.rpt.frm 3 F- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 ORDINANCE REAPPORTIONING THE REPRESENTATION IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BY ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ELECTION DISTRICTS, BY ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS THEREFOR, INCORPORATING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICTS AND PRECINCTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on February 27, 2001, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held a public hearing to receive comments on developing guidelines for the redistricting of Roanoke County in accordance with the decennial census; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2002, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted Guidelines for the 2001 Redistricting of Roanoke County. WHEREAS, legal notice of a public hearing concerning the adoption of an ordinance establishing magisterial districts for the County of Roanoke was provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held June 12, 2001; and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 26, 2001; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of SUPERVISORS of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That there shall be established in Roanoke County five magisterial or election districts to be known and designated as follows: Catawba Magisterial District Hollins Magisterial District Vinton Magisterial District Cave Spring Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District from each of which there shall be elected one member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; and ~~ 2. That the outside boundaries of the five magisterial districts shall be as follows: 1 Catawba Magisterial District 2 3 Beginning at the common corner between Craig, Montgomery, and Roanoke counties; thence with the 4 line between Craig and Roanoke counties along the crest of North and Brush Mountains in a 5 northeastern direction to the common corner in the line between Roanoke, Craig, and Botetourt 6 counties; thence with the line between Roanoke and Botetourt counties in a southeasterly direction to 7 the southerly right-of--way line of Interstate 81; thence with the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 8 and in a westerly direction to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence in a southerly direction with 9 Interstate 581 to its intersection with Woodhaven Road (Route ..628) ; thence in a southeasterly 10 direction with Woodhaven Road (Route 628} 'to its intersection _with Peters Creek Road (Route 117), 11 said point being on the northerly boundary of the City of Roanoke and the northerly right-of--way of 12 Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in the southwesterly direction of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) 13 and with the City of Roanoke corporate lines to their intersection with Cove Road (Route 116); thence 14 with Cove Road (Route 116) and with the City of Roanoke corporate line in a westerly and 15 southwesterly direction to its intersection with the east corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with 16 the east corporate line of the City of Salem in a northwesterly direction to Electric Road (Virginia 17 Primary Route 419); thence with the east corporate line of the City of Salem and Electric Road (Virginia 18 Primary Route 419) to Interstate 81 and the north corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the 19 north corporate line of the City of Salem and Interstate 81 in a southwesterly direction into the west 20 corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the corporate line of the City of Salem in a southerly 21 direction to a point of intersection with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence in a southerly 22 direction with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) to a point where it intersects with a gas 23 transmission line at the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob (elevation 2683); thence with the crest of Twelve 24 O'Clock Knob and with the crest of Poor Mountain, the dividing line between the Catawba and the 25 Windsor Hills Magisterial Districts, in a westerly and southwesterly direction to its intersection with 26 Poor Mountain Road (State Secondary Route 612); thence following the ridge line of Poor Mountain 27 in generally southwesterly direction to a point of intersection with Honeysuckle Road (State Secondary 28 Route 916) at the Roanoke/Montgomery County line; thence with the Roanoke/Montgomery County 29 line in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. 30 31 32 F~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Windsor Hills Magisterial District Beginning at a point on the east side of Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) and the north side of Keagy Road (Virginia Secondary Highway 685) a common corner on the City of Salem/City of Roanoke/Roanoke County boundary; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the east side of Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) in asouth-southeasterly direction to the intersection of Glen Heather Road (Virginia Highway 713); thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Glen Heather Road (Virginia Highway 713) in an easterly direction to the intersection with Grandin Road Extension (State Secondary Route 686); thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Grandin Road Extension (State Secondary Route 686) in an easterly direction to the west outside boundary of Taryn Hill Subdivision; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke to Garst Mill Road (Route 682); thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Garst Mill Road (Route 682) in an east-northeasterly direction to the intersection of Grandin Road Extension (State Secondary Route 686); thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Grandin Road Extension (State Secondary Route 686) in an easterly direction to the center of Mudlick Creek; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke to Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221); thence leaving the corporate line of the City of Roanoke and with Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) in a southwesterly direction to Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690); thence southerly with Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690) to Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 691); thence with Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 691) in a southerly direction to the Roanoke/Franklin County line; thence with the Roanoke/Franklin County line as it meanders in a southwesterly direction along the crest of Blue Ridge Mountains to its intersection with the Roanoke/Floyd County line; thence with the Roanoke/Floyd County line westerly to its intersection with the common corner of the Roanoke/Montgomery/Floyd county line; thence with the Roanoke/Montgomery County line in a northerly direction to the crest of Poor Mountain at its intersection with Honeysuckle Road (State Secondary Route 916); thence along the crest of Poor Mountain in a generally northeasterly direction thence continuing along the crest of Poor Mountain and Twelve O'Clock Knob to a point where a gas transmission line crosses the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob (elevation 2683) at Twelve O'Clock Knob Road; thence with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road in a northerly direction to its intersection with the corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the corporate line of the City of Salem in an easterly and northerly direction to Keagy Road (Virginia Secondary Highway 685); thence in a northerly and easterly direction with Keagy Road (Virginia Secondary Highway 685) to its intersection with Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) to place Fo 1 of beginning. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Cave Spring Magisterial District Beginning at a point where Yellow Mountain Road (Virginia Secondary Route 668) crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a southerly direction until Yellow Mountain Road (Virginia Secondary Route 668) intersects Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Mayland Road (Secondary Route 667) to its intersection with Bandy Road (State Route 666); thence in a southerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Crowell Gap Road (Route 657); thence in an easterly direction with ...Crowell Gap Road to the Roanoke/Franklin County line; ti~eneeirr-a ' ;thence with the Roanoke/Franklin County line in a southwest to northwest direction as it meanders along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to a point where Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 691) crosses said Roanoke/Franklin County line; thence in a northerly direction with the Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 691) to its point of intersection with Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690); thence with Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690) in a northerly direction to its intersection with Bent Mountain Road (U. S. Highway 221); thence in a northeasterly direction with Bent Mountain Road (U.S. Highway 221) to a point where said route enters the City of Roanoke; thence with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a southeasterly and easterly direction until it intersects with the western side of Yellow Mountain Road (Virginia Secondary Route 668) at the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Beginning at a point of intersection of the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 and the Roanoke/Botetourt County line; thence with the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence in a southerly direction with Interstate 581 to Woodhaven. Road (Route 628); thence in a southerly direction with Woodhaven Road (Route 628) to its intersection .with Peters Creek Road (Virginia Route 117) and the corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence in an easterly and southerly direction with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke to a point of intersection , E'otmtghtte; with Challenger Avenue(Route 460); thence in a northeasterly direction withChallenger Avenue (Route 460) to its intersection with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line; thence in a northerly and Fi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 westerly direction with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line to the place of beginning. Vinton Magisterial District Beginning at a common point between Botetourt and Roanoke counties and Route 460 (Challenger Drive); thence in a southwesterly direct~gn to the City'of , Roanoke corporate line; thence in a southeasterly direction along the said City of Roanoke's corporate line to the northern-most corner of the corporate line of the Town of Vinton; thence following the courses of the corporate line between the Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke in a westerly and southerly direction to a point at the corner of the Town of Vinton corporate line at the Roanoke River and on the City of Roanoke corporate line; thence continuing with the City of Roanoke corporate line in a south and southwesterly direction until the said City of Roanoke corporate line intersects the western right-of--way line of Yellow Mountain Road (Virginia Secondary Route 668); thence continuing with the western right-of--way line of Yellow Mountain Road (Virginia Secondary Route 668) in a southerly direction until its intersection with Mayland Road (Virginia Secondary Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Mayland Road (Virginia Secondary Route 667) until its intersection with Bandy Road (Secondary Route 666); thence in a southerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Crowell Gap Road (Route 657); thence in an easterly direction with Crowell Gap. Raad to the Roanoke/Franklin County line; thcnce-irr-a thence following the Roanoke/Franklin County line as it meanders in a northeasterly and northerly direction to the Roanoke/Bedford County line to the place of beginning. 25 3. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 That the outside boundaries of the thirty-one voting precincts shall be as follows: BENNETT SPRINGS PRECINCT - 107 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke/Montgomery County line at the top of Catawba Mountain; thence with the crest of Catawba Mountain in an easterly direction to the top of McAfee Knob; thence with the crest of Tinker Mountain in an easterly direction to the Roanoke/Botetourt County line; thence with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line in a southeasterly direction to the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81; thence west with Interstate 81 to its intersection with Interstate I-SSl, thence north with Interstate I-58I to its intersection with Loch Haven Lake Drive (Route 5 ~~ 1 5004); thence north with Loch Haven Lake Drive (Route 5004) to , 2 Timberview Road (State Secondary Route 1404); 3 thence in a westerly direction with Timberview Road (State Secondary Route 1404) to the City of 4 Roanoke Water Department west property line; thence north with the City of Roanoke Water 5 Department west property line to the topographic crest of Brushy Mountain; thence with the crest of 6 Brushy Mountain in a southwesterly direction crossing Mason's Creek to the intersection of Catawba 7 Valley Drive (Virginia Route 311) at its intersection with Dutch Oven Road (State Secondary Route 8 863); thence north with Virginia Route 311 to Plunkett Road (State Route 874); thence west with 9 Plunkett Road (State Route 874), to a point where Mason's Creek crosses under Plunkett Road (State 10 Route 874); thence in anorth-northwesterly direction with Mason's Creek to its intersection with Old 11 Catawba Road (Route 864); thence south with Old Catawba Road (Route 864) to its intersection with 12 Bradshaw Road (State Secondary Route 622); thence with Bradshaw Road (State Secondary Route 622) 13 in a westerly direction to the Roanoke/ Montgomery County line; thence with the 14 Roanoke/Montgomery County line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. 15 Catawba Magisterial District 16 Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 -Voting Place 17 18 19 BENT MOUNTAIN PRECINCT - 301 20 Beginning on the Roanoke/Montgomery County line at the top of Poor Mountain at the intersection 21 of Honeysuckle Road (State Secondary Route 916); thence following the ridge line of Poor Mountain 22 in a generally northeasterly direction to its intersection with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612); an 23 ;thence continuing in a generally 24 easterly southwesterly direction with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612), down the slope of Poor 25 Mountain to an elevation of 2800 feet; thence following the 2800 feet contour elevation of Poor and 26 Bent Mountains in a generally southern direction to the contours point of intersection with the AEP 27 Company high tension Roanoke-Claytor transmission line; thence easterly with the AEP Company high 28 tension Roanoke-Claytor transmission line down the slope of Bent Mountain to the topographic 29 elevation 2000 feet at a branch of Back Creek; thence with the topographic elevation 2000 feet in a 30 southeasterly direction with the base of Bent Mountain to Dividing Spring Branch; thence southerly 31 with Dividing Spring Branch as it meanders to the Roanoke/Franklin County line at Slings Gap; thence 32 with the Roanoke/Franklin County line in awesterly-southwesterly direction to the Roanoke/Floyd 33 County line; thence with the Roanoke/Floyd County line westerly to the Roanoke/Floyd/Montgomery 6 F_ 1 County line; thence with the Roanoke/Montgomery County line in a northerly direction to the place 2 of beginning. 3 Windsor Hills Magisterial District 4 Bent Mountain Fire Station -Voting Place 5 6 ~~ ORCIiAR.DS PRECINCT -205 7 Beginning at a point of intersection of the Roanoke/Botetourt County 8 line and Challenger Avenue. (U.S. Route 460); thence in a southwesterly direction with Challenger 9 Avenue (U.S. Route 460) 10 to a point on the east corporate line 11 of the City of Roanoke; thence with the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a north- 12 northwesterly direction to its intersection with Read Mountain Road (State Secondary Route 611); 13 thence in a westerly direction with Read Mountain Road (Secondary Route 611) until it intersects with 14 the crest of Read Mountain extended; thence northeasterly with the crest of Read Mountain until it 15 intersects with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line; thence southeasterly with the Roanoke/Botetourt 16 County line to the place of beginning. 17 Hollins Magisterial District 18 Bonsack Baptist Church -Voting Place 19 20 BONSACK PRECINCT -402 21 Beginning at a point_on intersection of the Blue Ridge Parkwayand the Roanoke/Botetourt County 22 line; thence in a, southwesterly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway to the topographic crest of 23 Stewart's Knob; thence with the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob in a westerly_direction to a point 24 on the east corporate line of the City. of Roanoke; thence with the east corporate Line of the .City of 25 Roanoke in anorth-northwesterly direction it its intersection with Challenger Avenue (State Route 460); 26 thence in a ;:.northeasterly direction to_ the -Roanoke/Botetourt County line; thence with the 27 Roanoke/Botetourt.: County line to the place of beginning. 28 Vinton Magisterial District 29 Bonsack United Methodist Church -Voting Place 30 31 32 BOTETOURT SPRINGS PRECINCT - 204 33 Beginning at the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 and Deer Branch Creek; thence south with Deer 7 F~ Branch Creek to Peters Creek Road (Virginia Route 117); thence with Peters Creek Road (Virginia 2 Route 117) in a westerly direction 3 4 ,' 5 ' 6 to its intersection with Wood Haven 7 Road (Virginia Secondary Route 628); thence with Wood Haven Road (State Secondary Route 628) 8 west to the west right-of--way of Interstate Route 581; thence north with the west right-of--way line of 9 Interstate Route 581 to Interstate Route 81; thence east with the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 10 to the place of beginning. 11 Hollins Magisterial District 12 Hollins Fire Station -Voting Place 13 14 BURLINGTON PRECINCT- 202 15 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Williamson Road (U. S. Highway 11) and Peters Creek Road 16 (Virginia Route 117); thence west with Peters Creek Road (Virginia Route 117) to its intersection with 17 Wood Haven Road (State Secondary Route 628) and the north corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; 18 thence with the north corporate limit of the City ofRoanoke in aneast/southeasterly direction to Rye 19 ' °`°~ `'--~ -- ~-~~`'' " ~-`- ' 058 ~a~< <~ Florist Road (State Secondary Route 623); thence with Florist 20 Road (State Secondary Route 623) leaving the north corporate limit of the City of Roanoke in a 21 northerly direction to Williamson Road (U. S. Highway 11); thence north with Williamson Road (U. 22 S. Highway 11) to the place of beginning. 23 Hollins Magisterial District 24 Burlington Elementary School -Voting Place 25 26 CASTLE ROCK PRECINCT -305 27 Beginning at a point in the intersection of Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) and Brambleton 28 Avenue (U. S. Highway 221); thence southwesterly with Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) to 29 its intersection with Ran Lynn i~tcl Drive (Route 745); thence in a northwesterly direction with Ran 30 Lynn Drive (Route 745) to its intersection with South Roselawn Road (State Route 690); thence 31 with South Roselawn Road (State Secondary Route 690) in a northeasterly direction to its intersection 32 with Roselawn Road (State Route 689); thence in a northerly direction with Roselawn Road (State 33 Route 689) to the crossing location of the AEP Company high tension Glen Lynn-Hancock Electric 8 ~'~ f 1 Transmission line; thence with Appalachian Power Company high tension Glen Lyn-Hancock Electric 2 Transmission line in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Brahma Road (State Secondary 3 Route 1687); thence northwest with Brahma Road (State Secondary Route 1687) to Longhorn Road 4 (State Secondary Route ..1687 ~i6$$); thence north with Longhorn Road (State Secondary Route 1687 5 ~fi$$) to Castle Rock Road (State Secondary Route 702); thence in a westerly direction with Castle 6 Rock Road (State Secondary Route 702) to Stoneybrook Drive (State Secondary Route 1316); thence 7 north/northeasterly with Stoneybrook Drive (State Secondary Route 1316) to Electric Road (Virginia 8 Primary Route 419); thence in asoutheasterly/easterly direction with Electric Road (Virginia Primary 9 Route 419) to its intersection with Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) being the place of 10 beginning. 11 Windsor Hills Magisterial District 12 Cave Spring Junior High School dire-Sta~ian -Voting Place 13 14 15 CATAWBA PRECINCT - 101 16 Beginning at the top of Brush Mountain at the Montgomery/Roanoke/Craig County line; thence with 17 the Roanoke/Craig County line in a northeasterly direction to the Roanoke/Craig/Botetourt County 18 line; thence with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line in a southerly direction to the crest of Tinker 19 Mountain; thence with the crest of Tinker Mountain in a westerly direction to the top of McAfee Knob 20 on Catawba Mountain; thence continuing in a westerly direction with the crest of Catawba Mountain 21 to the Roanoke/Montgomery County line; thence with the Roanoke/Montgomery County line in a 22 northerly direction to the place of beginning. 23 Catawba Magisterial District 24 Catawba Fire Station -Voting Place 25 26 CAVE SPRING PRECINCT - 503 27 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) and Colonial 28 Avenue (State Secondary Route 720); thence east with Colonial Avenue (State Secondary Route 720) 29 to Penn Forest Boulevard (State Secondary Route 687); thence continuing east with Penn Forest 30 Boulevard (State Secondary Route 687) to Chaparral Drive (State Secondary Route 800); thence 31 southwest with Chaparral Drive (State Secondary Route 800) to Merriman Road (State Secondary 32 Route 613); thence with Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613) southeasterly to Cartwright Drive 33 (State Secondary Route 1726); thence with Cartwright Drive (State Secondary Route 1726) in a 9 F- ~ 1 southwesterly direction to Crystal Creek Drive (State Secondary Route 897); thence with Crystal Creek 2 Drive (State Secondary Route 897) in a westerly direction to Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221); 3 thence with Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) in a northerly direction to the place ofbeginning. 4 Cave Spring Magisterial District 5 MasonicZodge/Community Center -Voting Place 6 7 CLEARBROOK PRECINCT - 505 8 Beginning at a point in the City of Roanoke corporate line where Franklin Road (U. S. 220) south exits 9 the City; thence with the southerly boundary of the City of Roanoke in the northeasterly direction to 10 a point where it intersects Yellow Mountain Road (Secondary Route 668); thence in a southerly 11 direction until Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) intersects Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a 12 southeasterly direction with Mayland Road (Secondary Route 667) until it intersects with Bandy Road 13 (Secondary Route 666); thence in a southerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection 14 with Crowell Gap Road (Route 657); thence in an easterly direction with Crowell Gap to the 15 Roanoke/Franklin County line 16 , 17 18 ;thence with the Roanoke/Franklin County line in a southwesterly to 19 northwesterly direction as it meanders along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to Merriman Road 20 (State Secondary Route 613); thence northerly along Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613) until 21 it intersects the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a southeasterly and northeasterly direction with the Blue 22 Ridge Parkway until it intersects Franklin Road (U. S. 220); thence northerly with Franklin Road (U. 23 S. 220) to the place ofbeginning. 24 Cave Spring Magisterial District 25 Clearbrook Elementary School -Voting Place 26 27 28 COTTON HILL PRECINCT - 501 29 Beginning at a point on the western right-of--way of Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) at its 30 intersection with Crystal Creek Drive (State Secondary Route 897); thence with Brambleton Avenue 31 (U. S. Highway 221) to Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690); thence south with 32 Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690) to Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 33 691); thence in a southerly direction with Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 691), if extended 10 F~ 1 would intersect to the Franklin/Roanoke County line; thence in an easterly direction with the crest of 2 the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Franklin/Roanoke County line to Merriman Road (State Secondary 3 Route 613) northerly direction with Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613) through Starkey to 4 Crystal Creek Drive (State Secondary Route 897); thence with Crystal Creek Drive (State Secondary 5 Route 897) in a westerly direction to the point of beginning. 6 Cave Spring Magisterial District 7 Penn Forest Elementary School -Voting Place 8 9 10 GARST MILL PRECINCT - 306 11 Beginning at a point on Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) where the west fork of Mud Lick 12 Creek crosses Electric Road (Route 419); thence with the west fork of Mud Lick Creek as it meanders 13 in a northeasterly direction to the southerly corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the 14 corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a northeasterly and southeasterly direction to a point where 15 it crosses Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221); thence with Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 16 221) in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419); 17 thence with Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) in a northwesterly direction to the place of 18 beginning. 19 Windsor Hills Magisterial District 20 Library Headquarters -Voting Place 21 22 GLENVAR PRECINCT - 103 23 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke/Montgomery County line where U. S. Interstate 81 intersects that 24 line; thence with the said U. S. Interstate 81 in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Ste 25 the western most 26 corner of the City of Salem corporate line; thence in a generally northeasterly direction with the said 27 City of Salem corporate line to a point where Dry Branch forks into an easterly and westerly fork; 28 thence with the easterly fork of the said Dry Branch as it meanders in generally a northwesterly 29 direction to where this branch or hollow intersects ~~re-traii~t with the AEP power. line; thence 30 following the AEP power line in an easterly direction to intersection with Catawba Valley Drive (Route 31 311); thence in a northerly direction with Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311) to its intersection with the 32 topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain, 33 ~i~~e; thence west with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain to its intersection with 11 F~ 1 Forest Acre Trail {Route 700);: thencewith Forest Acre Trail (Route 700) back to the topographic crest 2 of Fort Lewis Mountain;-thence with he topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain to its intersection 3 with the Roanoke/Montgomery County line; thence with the Roanoke/Montgomery County line to 4 the point of beginning. 5 Catawba Magisterial District 6 6-lenvar Fort Lewis Baptist Church -Voting Place 7 8 9 GREEN HILL PRECINCT - 106 10 Beginning at a point on U.S. Interstate 81 at its intersection ' 11 Werth-af with the City of Salem corporate limits; 12 Salem; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Salem in a southerly direction and with the 13 south corporate line of the City of Salem in an easterly and southerly direction to its intersection with 14 Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) in a 15 southerly direction to a point where it intersects with a gas transmission line at the crest of 12 Twelve 16 O'Clock Knob ;thence with the crest of 12 Twelve O'Clock Knob and with the crest 17 of Poor Mountain, the dividing line between Catawba and the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, in 18 a westerly and southwesterly direction to the intersection of Poor Mountain Road (State Secondary 19 Route 612); thence following the crest of Poor Mountain in a generally southwesterly direction to its 20 intersection with Honeysuckle Road (State Secondary Route 916) on the Montgomery/Roanoke 21 County line; thence with the Montgomery/Roanoke County line in a northerly direction to U.S. 22 Interstate 81; thence in a northeasterly direction with U.S. Interstate 81 to the point of beginning. 23 Catawba Magisterial District 24 Fort Lewis Fire Station -Voting Place 25 26 27 HOLLINS PRECINCT - 206 28 Beginning at the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 and the Roanoke/Botetourt County Line; 29 thence with the southerly right-of--way of Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to Deer Branch Creek; 30 thence south with Deer Branch Creek as it meanders to Peters Creek Road (Virginia Route 117); thence 31 easterly with Peters Creek Road (Virginia Route 117) to its intersection with Williamson Road (Route 32 11); thence in a southeasterly direction with Williamson Road (Route 11) to its intersection with 33 Clubhouse Drive (State Secondary Route 1821); thence in a southeasterly direction with Clubhouse 12 F-I 1 Drive (State Secondary Route 1821) extended until it intersects the east fork of Carvins Creek; thence 2 northeasterly with Carvins Creek as it meanders until it intersections Plantation Road (Virginia Primary 3 Route 115); thence in a northwesterly direction with Plantation Road (Virginia Primary Route 115) 4 until it intersects Williamson Road (Route 11) until it intersects the Roanoke/Botetourt County line; 5 thence with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. 6 Hollins Magisterial District 7 Hollins Library -Voting Place 8 9 ~IUNTING HII.LS PRECINCT - 507 10 Beginning at a point where Electric Road (U.S. Route 419) intersects the corporate line of the City of 11 Roanoke; thence in a southeasterly direction with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke and 12 partially with Franklin Road (Route 220) to a point where the said Franklin Road (Route 220) 13 intersects the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence with the Blue Ridge Parkway in a southwesterly and then 14 northwesterly direction to its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a northerly 15 direction with Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613) to Starkey Road (Secondary Route 904); 16 thence in an easterly and northerly direction with Starkey Road (State Secondary Route 904) to its 17 intersection with Electric Road (State Primary Route 419); thence in a northeasterly direction with 18 Electric Road (State Primary Route 419) to the place of beginning. 19 Cave Spring Magisterial District 20 Penn Forest Church of God -Voting Place 21 22 23 LINDENWOOD PRECINCT - 405 24 Beginning at a point of intersection of the east corporate limit of the City of Roanoke and the 25 topographic crest of Stewart's Knob; thence in a easterly direction with the topographic crest of 26 Stewart's Knob to the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a northeasterly direction with the Blue Ridge 27 Parkway to the Botetourt/Roanoke County Line; thence south with the Botetourt/Roanoke County 28 line to its intersection with the Botetourt/Bedford/Roanoke County line; thence with the 29 Bedford/Roanoke County line in a southerly direction to the Roanoke River; thence west with the 30 Roanoke River to Wolf Creek at the east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton; thence north with Wolf 31 Creek and the east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton to a point where Wolf Creek exists from the 32 east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton; thence northeasterly with Wolf Creek to its intersection 33 with an imaginary line extending from the end of Ivy Lane (Route 1023); thence with Ivy Lane to its 13 1 intersection: with Sunflower Drive (Route .1019); thence with Sunflower Drive (Route 1019) to its 2 intersection with Mountain View Road (Route 651); thence in a westerly direction. with Mountain View 3 Road (Route 651),until its intersection with the east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton; .thence with 4 the east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton to the place of beginning. 5 Vinton Magisterial District 6 William Byrd High School -Voting Place 7 8 MASON VALLEY PRECINCT - 102 9 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke/Montgomery County line at its intersection with Bradshaw Road 10 (Route 622); thence in an easterly direction with Bradshaw Road (Route 622) to its intersection with 11 Old Catawba Road (Route 864); thence north with Old Catawba Road (Route 864) to its intersection 12 with Mason's Creek; thence with Mason's Creek in a southerly direction to its intersection with Plunkett 13 Road (Route 874); thence in an easterly direction with Plunkett Road (Route 874) to its intersection 14 with Catawba Valley Road (Virginia Route 311); thence in a southerly direction with Catawba Valley 15 Road (Virginia Route 311) to the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain; thence leaving 16 Road (Virginia Route 311) with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain to its intersection with 17 Forest Acre Trail (Route 700); thence with Forest Acre Trail (Route 700) back to its intersection with 18 the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain; thence with topographic. crest of Fort Lewis Mountain 19 in a westerly direction to the Roanoke/Montgomery County line; thence with the 20 Roanoke/Montgomery County line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. 21 Catawba Magisterial District 22 Mason Cove Elementary School -Voting Place 23 24 MOUNTAIN VIEW PRECINCT - 203 25 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke/Botetourt County line at its intersection with Williamson Road 26 (U. S. Primary Route 11); thence in a westerly direction with Williamson Road (U. S. Primary Route 27 11) to its intersection with Plantation Road (Virginia Primary Route 115); thence in a southerly 28 direction with Plantation Road (Virginia Primary Route 115) to a point where it intersects with the 29 north corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence northeasterly with the corporate line of the City of 30 Roanoke as it meanders until it intersects with Read Mountain Road (Secondary Route 611); thence 31 in an easterly direction with Read Mountain Road (Secondary Route 611) until it intersects with the 32 crest of Read Mountain Extended; thence northeasterly with the crest of Read Mountain until it 33 intersects with the Roanoke/Botetourt County line; thence northwesterly with the said 14 1 Roanoke/Botetourt County line to the place of beginning. 2 Hollins Magisterial District 3 Mountain View Elementary School -Voting Place 4 5 6 MOUNT PLEASANT PRECINCT - 406 7 Beginning at the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton and the east corporate line of the City of 8 Roanoke at the Roanoke River; thence with the Roanoke River in a southwesterly direction to the 9 Roanoke/Bedford County line; thence in a southerly direction with the Roanoke River/Roanoke 10 County/Bedford County line to the Roanoke/Franklin/Bedford County line; thence in a southerly 11 direction with the Roanoke/Franklin County line to 12 Crowell Gap Road (State Route 657) ;thence in a 13 northwesterly direction with Crowell Gap Road (State Secondary Route 65766=t) to its intersection 14 with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence continuing with Bandy Road (Route 666) in a sa~ttlrwesterlp 15 northerly direction until it intersects with Mayland Road (State Route 667); thence in a northwesterly 16 direction with Crowell Gap Road (State Route 65 7 66~ until it intersects Yellow Mountain Road (State 17 Route 668); thence in a northerly direction with Yellow Mountain Road (State Route 668) until it 18 intersects with the southern corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the southern corporate 19 line of the City of Roanoke in a northeasterly direction to the place of beginning. 20 Vinton Magisterial District 21 Mount Pleasant Elementary School -Voting Place 22 23 24 MOUNT VERNON PRECINCT -506 25 Beginning at a point on Colonial Avenue (State Secondary Route 720) and the south corporate limit 26 of the City of Roanoke; thence with Colonial Avenue (State Secondary Route 720) in a southwesterly 27 direction to Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221); thence in a northeasterly direction with 28 Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with the 29 south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke in a southeasterly direction to the place of beginning. 30 Cave Spring Magisterial District 31 Brambleton Center -Voting Place 32 33 NORTHSIDE PRECINCT - 104 15 ~_ i 1 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Peters .Creek Road (Route 117); and Wood 2 Haven Road (State Secondary Route 628); thence in a northwesterly direction with Wood Haven Road 3 (State Secondary Route 628) to its intersection with Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in a 4 southerly direction with Green Ridge Road (Route 629)to its intersection with Twilight Road (Route 5 1577); thence in an easterly direction with Twilight Road (Route 1577) to its intersection with North 6 Lake Drive (Route 1524); thence in a southeasterly direction with North Lake Drive (Route 1524) to 7 its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Virginia Route 117); thence east with Peters Creek Road (Route 8 117). ' 9 , 10 11 12 to the place of beginning. 13 Catawba Magisterial District 14 Northside High School -Voting Place 15 16 NORTH VINTON PRECINCT - 403 17 Beginning at the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the west corporate line of the Town of 18 Vinton at Virginia Avenue; thence with the corporate line of the Town of Vinton in a northeasterly and 19 easterly direction to its intersection with Mountain View: Road (Route 651':);:. thence in an easterly 20 direction til its intersection with Sunflower Drive {Route 1019);, thence with Sunflower Drive (Route 21 1019) in a southerly direction to its intersection with Ivy Lane (Route 1023.);. thence following Ivy.: Lane 22 (Route 1023) along an imaginary line to Wolf Creek; thence with Wolf Creek to the east corporate line 23 of the Town of Vinton and. with east corporate line of the Town of Vinton in a southerly direction to 24 Washington Avenue; thence with Washington Avenue in a westerly direction to South Pollard Street; 25 thence with South Pollard Street in a southerly direction to Virginia Avenue at First Street; thence with 26 Virginia Avenue in a westerly direction to the place of beginning. 27 Vinton Magisterial District 28 Vinton Baptist Church' ~ire-Statian -Voting Place 29 30 31 OAK GROVE PRECINCT - 304 32 Beginning at a point on the east side of Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) and on the north 33 side of Keagy Road (Virginia Secondary Highway 685) being a point on the City of Salem/City of 16 Fi 1 Roanoke/Roanoke County boundary; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and 2 the east side of Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) in asouth-southeasterly direction to the 3 intersection with Stoneybrook Drive (State Secondary Route 1316); thence in a southwesterly direction 4 with Stoneybrook Drive (State Secondary Route 1316) to Castle Rock Road (State Secondary Route 5 702); thence in an easterly direction with Castle Rock Road (State Secondary Route 702) to Longhorn 6 Road (State Secondary Route 1688); thence south with Longhorn Road (State Secondary Route ~fi$$ 7 1687) to Brahma Road (State Secondary Route ~fr8-71689); thence southeast with Brahma Road (State 8 Secondary Route X6$-7 1689) to the crossing of the AEP Company high tension Glen Lyn-Hancock 9 electric transmission line; thence with the AEP Company high tension Glen Lyn-Hancock electric 10 transmission line in a southwesterly direction to Roselawn Road (State Secondary Route 689); thence 11 northwest with Roselawn Road (State Secondary Route 689) to Mount Chestnut Road (State Secondary 12 Route 692); thence west with Mount Chestnut Road (State Secondary Route 692) to the crossing 13 location of a gas pipeline; thence with this gas pipeline in a northerly and then westerly direction to its 14 intersection with the crest of 12 O'Clock Knob at Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 15 694); thence with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) in a northerly direction to the corporate line 16 of the City of Salem; thence with the corporate line of the City of Salem in an easterly direction to the 17 place of beginning. 18 Windsor Hills Magisterial District 19 Oak Grove Elementary School -Voting Place 20 21 22 OGDEN PRECINCT - 504 23 Beginning at a point on Colonial Avenue (State Secondary Route 720) and the south corporate limit 24 of the City of Roanoke; thence with Colonial Avenue (State Secondary Route 720) in a southwesterly 25 direction to Penn Forest Boulevard (State Secondary Route 687); thence east with Penn Forest 26 Boulevard (State Secondary Route 687) to Starkey Road (State Secondary Route 904); thence northeast 27 with Starkey Road (State Secondary Route 904) to Electric Road (Virginia Route 419); thence northeast 28 with Electric Road (Virginia Route 419) to the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence 29 north and westerly with the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke to the place of beginning. 30 Cave Spring Magisterial District 31 Green Valley Elementary School -Voting Place 32 33 17 f- ~ 1 PENN FOREST PRECINCT - 502 2 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Penn Forest Boulevard (State Secondary Route 687) and 3 Chaparral Drive (State Secondary Route 800); thence with Chaparral Drive (State Secondary Route 4 800) in a southwesterly direction to Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613); thence southeasterly 5 with Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613) to Cartwright Drive (State Secondary Route 1525); 6 thence in a southwesterly direction with Cartwright Drive (State Secondary Route 1525) to Crystal 7 Creek Drive (State Secondary Route 897); thence east with Crystal Creek Drive (State Secondary Route 8 897) to Merriman Road (State Secondary Route 613); thence with Merriman Road (State Secondary 9 Route 613) in a southeasterly direction to Starkey Road (State Secondary Route 904); thence east and 10 north with Starkey Road (State Secondary Route 904) to Penn Forest Boulevard (State Secondary 11 Route 687); thence with Penn Forest Boulevard (State Route 687) in a westerly direction to the place 12 of beginning. 13 Cave Spring Magisterial District 14 Cave Spring High School -Voting Place 15 16 17 PETERS CREEK PRECINCT - 105 18 Beginning at a point on Wood Haven Road (Route 628) where the said Wood Haven Road (Route 628) 19 crosses the western right-of--way line of U.S. Route 581; thence north with the west right-of--way line 20 of Interstate 581 crossing Interstate Route 81 21 ~ej to the its intersection , 22 with Loch Haven Lake .Drive (Route 5004); thence northerly with Loch 23 Haven Lake Drive (Route `5004) to its intersection with Timberview Road (Route 1404); to-Stye 24 ,thence in a westerly direction with State Secondary Route 1404 to the City of 25 Roanoke Water Department west property line; thence north with the City of Roanoke Water 26 Department west property line to the topographic crest of Brushy Mountain; thence with the 27 topographic crest of Brushy Mountain in a southwesterly direction crossing Mason Creek to the 28 intersection of Catawba Valley Road (Virginia Route 311), Dutch Oven Road (State Secondary 29 Route 683 863), and the AEP power line; 30 , 31 thence in a westerly direction 32 with the AEP powerline to its intersection nrterseeti2rg with, 'the east fork of Dry 33 Branch ' ;thence with the hollow which is the east fork of Dry Branch in a 18 ~- i 1 southerly direction as it meanders to a point where Dry Branch divides into an east and west fork at the 2 north corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the north corporate line of the City of Salem and 3 in a generally northeasterly direction to its intersection with Electric Road (State Route 419); thence 4 with the east corporate line of the City ofSalem in asouth-northeasterly direction to a point on the City 5 of Salem, Roanoke County, and City of Roanoke line at Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in a 6 sa~r northeasterly direction with Green Ridge Road (Route 629) to its intersection with Cove Road 7 (Route 780); thence in an easterly direction with Cove Road (Route 780) to its intersection with Peters 8 Creek Road (Route 117): thence in a northeasterly direction with Peters Creek Road (Route 117} to its 9 intersection with North Lake Drive (Route 1524); thence in a northwesterly direction with North Lake 10 Drive (Route 1524) to its intersection with Twilight Road (Route 1577); thence in a westerly direction 11 with Twilight Road (Route .1577) to its intersection with Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence north 12 with Green Ridge Road (Route 629) to its intersection with Wood Haven Road (Route b28); thence east 13 with Wood Haven Road (Route 628) to the place of beginning. 14 Catawba Magisterial District 15 Glen Cove Elementary School -Voting Place 16 17 PLANTATION PRECINCT - 201 18 Beginning at a point where Williamson Road (Route 11) intersects Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); 19 thence southeasterly with Williamson Road (Route 11) until it intersects Florist Road (Secondary 20 Route 623); thence in a southeasterly direction with Florist Road (Secondary Route 623) until it 21 intersects the north corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence in an easterly direction with the north 22 corporate line of the City of Roanoke until it intersects Plantation Road (Virginia Primary Route 115); 23 thence in a northwesterly direction with Plantation Road (Virginia Primary Route 115) to a point where 24 the said road intersects the east fork of Carvins Creek; thence with the east fork of Carvins Creek in a 25 southwesterly direction as it meanders to a point opposite the center line extended of Clubhouse Drive 26 (Secondary Route 1821); thence northwesterly with the center line of Clubhouse Drive (Secondary 27 Route 1821) to its intersection with Williamson Road (U. S. Route 11) the place of beginning. 28 Hollins Magisterial District 29 Roanoke Valley Christian Schools -Voting Place 30 31 POAGES MII,L PRECINCT - 302 32 Beginning at a point on the western right-of--way of Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Highway 221) and its 33 intersection with Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745); thence in a northwesterly direction with Ran Lynn 19 F~ 1 Drive (Route 745) to its intersection with South Roselawn Road (State Route 690); thence with South 2 Roselawn Road (State Secondary Route 690) in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with 3 Roselawn Road (State Route 689); thence in a northerly direction with Roselawn Road (State Route 4 689) to Mount Chestnut Drive (State Secondary Route 692); thence west with Mount Chestnut Drive 5 (State Secondary Route 692) to the crossing location of a gas pipeline; thence with this gas pipeline in 6 a northerly then westerly direction to its intersection with the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob mien 7 2683j; thence with the topographic crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob and Poor Mountain in a westerly- 8 southwesterly direction to Poor Mountain Road (State Secondary Route 612); thence in a generally 9 southeasterly westerly direction with Poor Mountain Road"(Route 612) direetion down the slope of 10 Poor Mountain to an elevation of 2800 feet; thence following the 2800-foot contour elevation of Poor 11 and Bent Mountains in a generally southern direction to the contours point of intersection with AEP 12 Company high-tension Roanoke-Claytor transmission line; thence easterly with the AEP Company 13 high tension Roanoke-Claytor transmission line down the slope of Bent Mountain to the topographic 14 elevation 2,000 feet at a branch of Back Creek; thence with the topographic elevation 2,000 feet as it 15 traverses in a southeasterly direction with the base of Bent Mountain to Dividing Spring Branch; thence 16 southerly with Dividing Spring Branch as it meanders to the Roanoke/Franklin County line; thence 17 with the Roanoke/Franklin County line easterly to its intersection with Dawnwood Road (State 18 Secondary Route 691); thence in a northerly direction with Dawnwood Road (State Secondary Route 19 691) to its intersection with Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690); thence in a 20 northerly direction with Poage Valley Road Extension (State Secondary Route 690) to the intersection 21 of U.S. Highway 221; thence with U. S. Highway 221 to the place of beginning. 22 Windsor Hills Magisterial District 23 Back Creek Elementary School -Voting Place 24 25 26 SOUTH VINTON PRECINCT - 404 27 Beginning at the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the west corporate line of the Town of 28 Vinton at Virginia Avenue; thence with Virginia Avenue in an easterly direction to Pollard Street at 29 First Street; thence with South Pollard Street in a northerly direction to Washington Avenue; thence 30 with Washington Avenue in an easterly direction to Wolf Creek being the east corporate line of the 31 Town of Vinton; thence with Wolf Creek and the east corporate line of the Town of Vinton in a 32 southerly direction to the Roanoke River; thence in a westerly direction with the Roanoke River and 33 the south corporate line of the Town of Vinton to Tinker Creek being the east corporate line of the City 20 F, i 1 of Roanoke and the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton; thence with Tinker Creek in a 2 northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. 3 Vinton Magisterial District 4 Vinton Senior Citizens .Center -Voting Place 5 6 WINDSOR H1LLS PRECINCT - 303 7 Beginning at the City of Roanoke corporate line where Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419) 8 intersects Glen Heather Drive'(Route 713; thence easterly then southerly with the corporate line of the 9 City of Roanoke to a point where the said corporate line intersects Mud Lick Creek; thence with the 10 west fork of Mud Lick Creek as it meanders in a southwesterly direction to Electric Road (Virginia 11 Primary Route 419); thence north with Electric Road (Virginia Primary Route 419); to the place of 12 beginning. 13 Windsor Hills Magisterial District 14 Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church -Voting Place 15 16 17 18 , 19 20 , 21 22 , 23 , 24 25 26 27 28 29 4. That certified copies of this ordinance shall be mailed by the Clerk to the local electoral 30 board, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the State Board of Elections, and the Division of 31 Legislative Services. 32 5. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. 33 21 fa ACTION N0. ITEM N0. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO STARKEY PARK OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARX: This is the first reading of the proposed ordinance to authorize donation of an easement to Appalachian Power Company (APCO) for an electric service line(s) across Starkey Park for lighting the ball fields. BACKGROUND: The Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is developing ball fields and related facilities on the property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, located off Virginia Secondary Route No. 613 {Merriman Road) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, known as Starkey Park. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Installation of electric transmission lines and related improvements is necessary to provide lighting to the ball fields at the new regional park. Appalachian Power Company (APCO) requires a right of way and easement for the electric line(s) across the park property as shown on APCO Drawing No. V-1183, dated May 1, 2001. FISCAL IMPACTS: ~~, ~ ~r~ Consideration for the proposed easement is the sum of $1.00. nr m~n~.TnmT~~~c . Fa (1) Adopt the proposed ordinance authorizing the County Administrator to execute the necessary documents for donation of the electric service line(s) easement as shown on APCO Drawing No. V-1183, dated May 1, 2001, to Appalachian Power Company. (2) Decline to authorize donation or conveyance of the easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the proposed ordinance as provided in Alternative #1. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Pete Haislip Director Elmer C. H Parks, Recreation & Tourism County Administrator Action Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred to Motion by Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens Vote No Yes Abs ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF AN EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE TO STARKEY PARK OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism is developing ball fields and related facilities on the property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, located off Virginia Secondary Route No. 613 (Merriman Road) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, known as Starkey Park; and, WHEREAS, Appalachian Power Company (APCO) requires a right of way and easement for an electric line or lines and related improvements across Starkey Park to provide electric service for lighting the ball fields, as shown on APCO Drawing No. V-1183, dated May 1, 2001; and, WHEREAS, the proposed right of way will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of citizens of the County of Roanoke. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: ~a 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 2001, and a second reading was held on June 26, 2001. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the interests in real estate to be conveyed are hereby declared to be surplus, and are hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to Appalachian Power Company for the provision of electrical service in connection with Roanoke County's Starkey Park development. 3. That donation of a right-of-way and easement for a line(s) and related improvements across Starkey Park to provide electric service for lighting the ball fields, as shown on APCO Drawing No. V-1183, dated May 1, 2001, to Appalachian Power Company is hereby authorized. 4. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be in a form approved by the County Attorney. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. i 23' F I C I i 1 i ~, 1 0 50' 700' 200' 300' SOUTHWEST ROANOKE COUNTY PARK APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY ROANOKE REGION - ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ROANOKE DISTRICT PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON PROPERTY OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY DR.MI eT: LMA D~rEi S~1IO1 .nv. erg MJM scAEE: AS SHOWN SXEET ___!___ pi DRAW 1 NG N0. V-1183 --~ ` --__ _ ~,_ i PLASTICS ONE ~~~ Qa2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ~/NE' T.D. 665000 EX/ST/N~ POLE MAP 3780-348-D3 348-6046 RW* 01-10050 _ ~__ _ ____ ~L _ - --___ \ ~ l /\ \,\ ~ ~ ~. r A-061201-5 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~ ~ ~• AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Appropriate Matching Funds for the School Resource Officers COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On July 25, 2000, the Board approved the acceptance of grant funding for four school resource officers (SRO's). A copy of this board report is attached. The matching funds were not identified at the time, because staffwas going to come back at a later time after it was determined how long it took to actually get the officers on the payroll. The Police Department was able to get the SRO's in place immediately by reassigning trained police officers. FISCAL IMPACT: The $71,352 matching funds for the school resource officers needs to be appropriated at the time. As stated in the July 25, 2000 board report, these monies can be appropriated from 599 revenues in excess budget that were received during the 2000-01 fiscal year. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends recognizing $71,352 of additional 599 revenues and appropriating it for the match requirement for the four new school resource officers. SUBMITTED BY: ~~~ ~~ ~~ Diane D. Hyatt APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge Chief Financial Officer County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x _ Denied () to approve appr~riation Johnson - x - - Received () McNamara- x - - Referred () Minnix - x - - To () Nickens - x action - cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Danial Morris, Director, Finance Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board ___.~~: ~~ ~~` A-072500-4 ~' = ~ ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER-~- ~- AT AREGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIItGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 25, 2000 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept Grant Funding for~Four School Resource Officers at the Middle Schools and increase foil-time personnel and vehicle count COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COh~Il1~1ENTS: SZTIyIMARY OF INFORMATION The County of Roanoke currently has four School Resource Officers located in the high schools. During the budget, the school administration discussed the need to expand this program to the middle schools. Staff was directed to try to find grant revenues to fund the positions. With the help of Delegate Morgan Griffith and Supervisor Butch Church we have received notification that we have been awarded grants to fund four School Resource Officers at the middle schools. This will result in a School Resource Officer being located at each of the high schools and middle schools in the County, with the exception of Glenvar which will share a School Resource Officer between the high school and middle school. In order to accept this grant the County will need to increase the number of police officers by four (from• 103 to 107 positions). In addition we will need to increase the vehicle count by four. The police department will utilize vehicles that were previously to be surplus and will not spend any additional funds for these vehicles. FISCAL Il~IPACT: The grant award for these four positions totals $167,340. Of this amount $95,988 will be paid by the Department of Criminal Justice Services. It will require a local match of $71,352. Funding for the needed $71,352 grant can come from the following sources: 1. We have recently been notified that we will receive a $252,000 increase in 599 monies that was not budgeted in the 2000-O1 budget process. These funds could be used for the match. ~ 2. We can accept the grant awards and wait until mid-year to see how much money is actually needed for the grants. Since it will take some time to select and train the officers we may not actually be incurring a fuIl.year of expenses. -~~TAFF RECO1~gY1EENDATION: Stag requests authorization to accept the four grants for School ~°~~ ~, ~~Resource Officers at the County middle schools, increasing the personnel count for the Police ~ Department by four people and increasing the vehicle count for the Police Department by four. It is also recommended that funding option 2 above is selected, and the need for additional funds will be revisited mid-year. SUBMITTED BY: ~~~ ~ ~~~~ John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator L -=G~, Ray avinder Chief of Police ACT10N Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to aoprove funding and personnel and vehicle increases (option 2) John M. Chambliss, Jr:, Assistant Administrator Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources W. Brent Robertson, Director, Budget Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board John Willey, Fleet Manager VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ x _ Johnson _ x _ McNamara- x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x G.~.COMIv10NVuly~SROgrant wpd r ,, _. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 ORDINANCE 061201-6 TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE MEM- BERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 14.1-46.01:1 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members at $12,658.97 by Ordinance 061300-7 and further has established the additional annual compensation for the chairman for the Board to be $1,800 and for the vice-chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an inflation factor not to exceed five (5%) percent; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on May 22, 2001; the second reading was held on June 12, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of 4% pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 14.1-46.01:1 of 1 r , the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $13,165.32 for members of the Board. In addition, the chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the vice-chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1,200. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2001. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 15.2-1414.3 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: In June of 2000, the Board adopted an ordinance to increase its salaries pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. This section of the State Code and Section 3.07 of the County Charter require that any increase in Supervisors' salaries be accomplished by ordinance after public hearing between May 1 and June 30. Any increase is limited to an annual five (5°/0) percent inflation factor. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The first reading and public hearing of this proposed ordinance was held on May 22, 2001, the second reading is scheduled for June 12, 2001. The current salary for Board members is $12,658.97. There is an additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board at $1,800 and for the Vice-Chairman at $1,200. This ordinance increases salaries by 4%. FISCAL IMPACTS: A 4% increase would cost $2,531.75 ($506.35 each). The new salary for each Board member would be $13,165.32. G:\BOARD\2001\JUne12\6-12BOS salary increase.doc ~~ Respectfully submitted, au~~ , Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) to Motion by No Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens G:\BOARD\2001\June12\6-12BOS salary increase.doc G-I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 14.1-46.01:1 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within. certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members at $12,658.97 by Ordinance 061300-7 and further has established the additional annual compensation for the chairman for the Board to be $1,800 and for the vice-chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an inflation factor not to exceed five (5%) percent; and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on May 22, 2001; the second reading was held on June 12, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of 4% pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 14.1-46.01:1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $13,165.32 for members of the Board. In addition, the chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the vice-chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1,200. G:\BOARD\2001\JUne12\6-12BOS salary increase.doc ~'„'," This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2001. :;:ABOARD\2001\Junel2\6 12BOS salary increase.doc i ~ ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER I'T AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 SUBJECT: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. CLEAN VALLEY COUNCIL The two year terms of Joseph McNamara, Board Liaison, and R. Vince Reynolds, will expire June 30, 2001. Mr. McNamara requested that the Clerk to the Board contact Lee B. Eddy, a member of the Clean Valley Council, to serve as the Board Liaison. Mr. Eddy has agreed to serve and his confirmation is on the Consent Agenda. 2. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS ADVISORY COUNCIL The one year term of Steven L. Harrah expired on March 31, 2001. 3. PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY COMMISSION (Appointed by District The three year term of Bobby G. Semones, Vinton District, will expire June 30, 2001. 4. ROANOKE COUNTY CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE The three year term of James B. Dickey will expire June 13, 2001. 5. ROANOKE VALLEY GREENWAY COMMISSION The three-year term of Donald Witt expired April 8, 2001. 1 `~ /~s-7 6. ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL CABLE TV COMMITTEE The three year term of James B. Dickey will expire June 30, 2001. 7. SOCIAL SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD The unexpired four-year term of Raymond Denny, representing the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, is vacant. Dr. Betty McCrary, Director of Social Services has received notification from Mr. Denny that he resigned effective January 17, 2001. The term will expire August 1, 2004. SUBMITTED BY: ~/. C_~c..p.C.c..,~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Church _ Johnson _ _ _ McNamara- _ _ Minnix _ _ _ Nickens 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION 061201-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 12, 2001, designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 16, inclusive, as follows: Approval of Minutes -March 13, 2001, March 27, 2001, April 10, 2001. 2. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals, Clean Valley Council Liaison, Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 3. Confirmation of County Treasurer Alfred Anderson to serve as Roanoke County's voting delegate at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference to be held on July 13 - 17, 2001. 4. Donation of a utility lot from Fralin & Waldron, Inc. for a sanitary sewer pump station serving Brookfield Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. 5. Request from Schools to appropriate funds received from the sale of "Listen to Me" videos. 6. Request for approval of annual write-off of Utility Bad Debts for 1996. 7. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept a $1175.87 federal grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase bulletproof 1 vests. 8. Request for placement of a "Watch for Children" on Nicholas Hill Lane near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane. 9. Request to appropriate funds for interest expense on the Valley Gateway Shell Building from July 1, 2001 to May 15, 2002. 11. Acceptance of donations of water, sewer, and drainage easements for Minnick Education Center, Old Locke Court Water Tank, The Groves, Section 7 and Hollins Garden. 12. Authorization to appoint an Interim Zoning Administrator. 13. Request from Schools to appropriate $83,263.95 Universal Service Fund grants to upgrade school fileservers. 14. Request from Schools to appropriate $11,813.69 Dual Enrollment net revenues to the instructional program. 15. Acceptance of Colonial Place Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 16. Authorization to submit a grant proposal to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for a Delinquency Prevention Planning Grant. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the Consent Resolution with Item 10 removed and discussed under New Business, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None 2 A COPY TESTE: ~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Vickie Huffman, Senior Assistant County Attorney Danial Morris, Director, Finance Michele Dowdy, Coordinator of Guidance Services Jane James, Director, Technology Lorraine S. Lange, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Rosemary R. Trussell, Finance Manager Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Doug Chittum, Director, Economic Development Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John M Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 12, 2001, designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 16, inclusive, as follows: Approval of Minutes -March 13, 2001, March 27, 2001, April 10, 2001. 2. Confirmation of committee appointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals, Clean Valley Council Liaison, Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens, and Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 3. Confirmation of County Treasurer Alfred Anderson to serve as Roanoke County's voting delegate at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference to be held on July 13 - 17, 2001. 4. Donation of a utility lot from Fralin & Waldron, Inc. for a sanitary sewer pump station serving Brookfield Subdivision in the Vinton Magisterial District. 5. Request from Schools to appropriate funds received from the sale of "Listen to Me" videos. 6. Request for approval of annual write-off of Utility Bad Debts for 1996. 7. Request from Sheriff's Office to accept a $1175.87 federal grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance to purchase bulletproof vests. 8. Request for placement of a "Watch for Children" on Nicholas Hill Lane near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane. 9. Request to appropriate funds for interest expense on the Valley Gateway ..~. e - ~ Shell Building from July 1, 2001 to May 15, 2002. 10. Appropriation of matching funds for School Resource Officer grants. 11. Acceptance of donations of water, sewer, and drainage easements for Minnick Education Center, Old Locke Court Water Tank, The Groves, Section 7 and Hollins Garden. 12. Authorization to appoint an Interim Zoning Administrator. 13. Request from Schools to appropriate $83,263.95 Universal Service Fund grants to upgrade school fileservers. 14. Request from Schools to appropriate $11,813.69 Dual Enrollment net revenues to the instructional program. 15. Acceptance of Colonial Place Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 16. Authorization to submit a grant proposal to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services for a Delinquency Prevention Planning Grant. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. 1 ~'~f March 13, 2001 ~ ~ ~~ Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 13, 2001 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 2001. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice-Chairman Joseph "Butch" Church, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens (Arrived 3:10 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: Supervisor Joseph McNamara STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Dan R. O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Kathie B. Scearce, Community Relations Director IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Hodge added a report from County Treasurer Alfred Anderson on the County's PG&E investment as Item D-1. He also moved citizens comments until after St March 13, 2001 ~ '~'; - 2. Annual Report from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership. Phil Sharks, Executive Director Mr. Sparks showed a power point presentation. He advised that there are 16 economic development groups in the state including the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership, which was established in 1983. The annual budget is $803,442, of which 47% is spent on marketing efforts, 35 % on personnel and 18% on administrative costs. In 2000, the Partnership received 320 inquiries, there were 35 prospect visits and 3 announcements. 3. Briefing ~ Delegate Morgan Griffith on the ,pending state 2001-2002 budget. Delegate Morgan Griffith requested time on the agenda to discuss with the Board the pending state 2001-2002 budget. He advised that in 1999, 1743 bills were passed, and only 1381 were passed this year. He explained that the Governor has more than 34 votes in support of reducing the car tax by 70%, therefore, the House and Senate cannot override the Governor. He also reported that there are not enough funds to give pay rises to teachers, state employees and sheriff deputies if the house and senate go back in session. In response to questions, he explained that he was also disappointed that the Senate and House of Delegates could not come to agreement, and that they are looking at revamping the entire tax structure with additional local tax options beside personal property, Business, Professional, Occupational Licence(BPOL) tax and real estate taxes. Supervisor Johnson pointed out that instead of reducing a state tax, they reduced a local tax and he was concerned about the lack of funding for teachers, police, March 13, 2001 ~ ~~ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors finds that a dangerous condition has developed on the public streets and highways in Roanoke County, with solicitors seeking donations from operators of motor vehicles while in the street, from the curbside or from the median; and, WHEREAS, many of these solicitors are children who do not appreciate the danger from moving vehicles among several lanes of traffic or from the obstruction of traffic arising from these solicitations; and, WHEREAS, these solicitations pose a threat to public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the County; and, WHEREAS, this ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority found in Section 15.2-1200, and Section 57-63 of the Code of Virginia, and Section 2.01 of the Roanoke County Charter; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 27, 2001, and the second reading was held on March 13, 2001. BE IT ORDAINED, By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) That Chapter 19, SOLICITORS AND SOLICITATIONS, is amended to read as follows: Sec. 19-1. Definition. For the purpose of this chapter, the term "solicitation" shall mean and include any one or more of the following activities: (1) Seeking to obtain orders for the purchase of goods, wares, merchandise, foodstuffs or services of any kind, character or description. (2) Seeking to obtain prospective customers for application for, or purchase of, insurance of any type, kind or character. (3) Seeking to obtain subscriptions to books, magazines, periodicals, newspapers or any other type or kind of publication. (4) Seeking to obtain contributions for charitable nonprofit organizations or selling any goods, wares, merchandise or other things for the benefit of such an organization. (5) Seeking to obtain donations for individual usage by requesting food, money or any other goods or offering services for these goods. Sec. 19-4. Soliciting prohibited during certain hours and locations. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in solicitation in the county at any time prior to 9:00 a.m. or after ~-9~@8 9:00 p.m. (b) !t shall be unlawful for any person to engage in solicitation from any operator or passenger of a motor vehicle That is in traffic on a public road. A public road shall include the areas of the median and the public right-of--way along the curbside. ARTICLE II. PERMIT FOR CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS Sec. 19-21. Required; exceptions. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to make any solicitation for the March 13, 2001 ~ Z 7 nonprofit purposes. Sec. 19-24. Issuance or denial. (a) Upon approval of an application fora permit under this article, the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors shall issue the permit authorizing the solicitation described in such application. (b) If the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors disapproves the application, he shall deny the permit. In such case, the applicant shall, upon request, be granted a hearing by the county administrator. (c) Upon investigation if it has been determined the applicant has previously violated any section of this code then the application shall automatically be denied. (d) If the county administrator still denies the application, the applicant shall, upon request, be granted a hearing before the Board of Supervisors. Sec. 19-25. Does not constitute endorsement by county or eat~-rrt~r Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. No permit issued under this article shall, in any case, be construed as, or be deemed to be, an endorsement by the county or the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors of any of the solicitation or of the purpose for which the same is made. Sec. 19-26. Not transferable. A permit issued under this article shall be nontransferable; provided, however, that this shall not prevent any permittee from using such number of solicitors as are required to conduct the solicitation. Sec.19-27. Revocation. (a) If, upon receipt of written information or upon his own investigation, the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors shall find: (1) That the holder of a permit issued under this article, or any agent or representative of such holder, is making or has made misrepresentations or untrue statements in conducting the authorized solicitation; or (2) That such solicitation has been or is being conducted in a manner inconsistent or not in conformity with the intent and purpose of this chapter or in a manner which endangers the health, life or property of the citizens of the county; or (3) That any person connected with such solicitation is making or has made any representation that such permit is an endorsement of the solicitation; (a) the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors shall revoke such permit and it shall thereafter be unlawful for any person to make any solicitation pursuant thereto. (b) Before any permit is revoked under this section, the eea-rrtp Clerk to the Board of Supervisors shall give the permittee a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours' notice, in writing, that a hearing is to be had before the county 3 March 13, 2001 1~'~~ Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 13, 2001 designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 13, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes -December 19, 2000, January 23, 2001, January 27, 2001. 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Roanoke Valley- Alleghany Regional Commission Metropolitan Planning Organization. 3. Acceptance of Water and Sewer Facilities Serving Winn Dixie Food Store. 4. Request from schools for approval of the Roanoke Valley Regional Board budget amendment for 2000-2001 in the amount of $7,121. 5. Request from schools for acceptance of $700 Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. 6. Acceptance of $5,000 grant from Virginia Tourism Corporation for promotion of Valleyfest. 7. Acceptance of $1,000 donation from Fab 5K Race for Green Hill Park improvements. 8. Appropriation of $24,250 for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Family Violence Intervention Program. 9. Resolution initiating the abandonment of Arthur Thurman Road from the Virginia Secondary System of State Highways. 10. Resolution of Appreciation upon the retirement of Victoria S. Dillard, Department of Social Services. 11. Resolution adopting guidelines for the 2001 redistricting of Roanoke County. 12. Acceptance of Old Black Horse Road and a portion of Carolina Trail into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 13. Acceptance of water and sewer facilities serving Belle Grave, Section 2. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Consent Resolution, and March 13, 2001 1 ~ ~ has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens, as well as her co- workers at the Department of Social Services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to VICTORIA S. DILLARD for twenty-one years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara RESOLUTION 031301-2.i ADOPTING GUIDELINES FOR THE 2001 REDISTRICTING OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, on February 27, 2001, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held a public hearing to receive public comments on developing guidelines for the redistricting of Roanoke County in accordance with the decennial census; and WHEREAS, notice of this public hearing was published in the Roanoke Times and World News, the Salem Times Register, -the Vinton Messenger, and the Roanoke Tribune; and written notice was sent to numerous civic organizations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors finds that the following procedures shall guide the 2001 redistricting process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That Roanoke County shall continue to be divided into five single- member election districts; and 2. That the Town of Vinton should be contained entirely within one district; and 3. That each district will have equal population based upon the 2000 Census, with no more than aplus/minus 5% deviation between districts; and 4. That each district should be compact and contiguous, unusual elongations or irregularity of boundaries should be avoided; and 5. That each district shall be identified by clearly definable and distinguishable boundaries such as streets, rivers, streams, drainage features, or other permanent physical features shown on official maps; and 6. That districts should reflect "communities of interest" taking into consideration rural, suburban and urban interests, as well as income and neighborhood characteristics; and 7. That the location of racial or language minorities should be identified for the purpose of establishing districts; and 8. That one or more Roanoke County redistricting plans shall be prepared by Roanoke County Registrar Diane St. John, County Planner Terry Harrington, and County Attorney Paul Mahoney. 9. That this resolution shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the } ~ March 13, 2001 ~ - 5. Report on solid waste collection IN RE: WORK SESSIONS 1. Work Session to resent the Fire and Rescue staffing plan and review call statistics The work session was held from 4:30 p.m. until 6:05 p.m. in the Board Meeting Room and was presented by Mr. Hodge and Chief Burch. Mr. Hodge expressed appreciation to the Board for authorizing the addition of 20 career staff. He pointed out that the stations cannot function with just one additional staff because it takes two people to take an ambulance out and three people to staff a fire truck. He reported that Phase I is complete and staff is ready to move on to Phase II. They have focused on the rescue side, placing priority on life over property. Chief Burch showed a power point presentation. He reported that beginning on December 11 a new dispatch system was implemented, and a complete analysis of EMS calls was undertaken. He advised that from December 11, 2000 to January 31, 2001, there were 1456 calls. There are currently 57 career staff with a planned staff of 77. At this time, the Cave Spring station has enough volunteer support that they can adequately provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) coverage for their calls. By adding three 24-hour ALS units at three other high volume stations, it is projected that the County will be able to provide 71 % of the total County call volume with ALS coverage on a 24-hour basis at the Hollins, Cave Spring, Vinton and Fort Lewis stations. The enhanced system will also allow for the increase of career coverage to 12-hour shifts during the weekend days at Back Creek, Mason's Cove and Clearbrook. He reported that the other existing needs include additional staffing for Clearbrook i s March 13, 2001 ~ d,~ complained that the tax rate on motor homes was excessive and asked that the Board consider Senate Bill 115 which allows motor homes to be taxed at the real estate tax rate of $1.13 instead of the personal property tax rate of $3.50. Supervisor Minnix asked Mr. Hodge and Mr. Mahoney to investigate and report back to the Board. 5. Brent Ri1ey, 5280 Wade Road, presented a proposed resolution that he asked the Board to consider adopting which supports use of existing pipeline easements where feasible for the Virginia Gas Pipeline. Supervisor Minnix asked that the issue be considered at the evening session when the Board has had time to review the proposed resolution. IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 6:10 p.m., Supervisor Minnix moved to go into closed meeting following the work sessions pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344A (3) acquisition or sale of publicly held property, i.e. Lloyd Property, Salem Bank and Trust, Salem Office Supply. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara IN RE: WORK SESSIONS 1. Joint budget work session with the School Board and School Administration The work session was held from 6:10 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. in the fourth floor conference room. School Board members, Michael Stovall, Chairman, Marion S ~ March 13, 2001 ~ d7 absent for a portion of the Closed Meeting. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara RESOLUTION 031301-3 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Report and recommendation concerning the acquisition of real estate located at 220 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia, known as the Salem Bank and Trust Building. Paul Mahoney, County Attorne A-031301-4 Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss reported that the County i March 13, 2001 ~ 4 C~ of Salem -The Lloyd Propertx, Tax Map No. 194-1-1. Paul Mahoney, County Attorne ACTION CONTINUED FROM 2/13101 AND 2/27/01 This item was continued to March 27, 2001. IN RE: BUDGET PRESENTATIONS 1. Requests from Social Services, Cultural and Tourism agencies for inclusion in the FY2001-2002 budget. Brent Robertson, Budget Director Forty-eight agencies requested funding from the Roanoke County budget for fiscal year 2001-2002. They were: 1. Roger Ellmore, Virginia's Explore Park, requested $215,000. 2. Sigmund Davidson, Center in the Square, requested $75,000 and presented a petition signed by 159 people. 3. Daren Gunter, Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality Network, requested $8,000 for emergency homeless shelter for families. 4. Ted Edlich, Total Action Against Poverty, requested $33,500. 5. Ellen Brown, the Transitional Living Center, requested $22,000. 6. William B. Robertson, Camp Virginia Jaycees, requested $70,000 or $14,000 per year for five years. 7. Pam Irvine, Southwest Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank, requested $10,000. 8. Dan Brown and Steve Smith, American Red Cross in Roanoke, requested $4,000 for their disaster program. 9. Roger D. Matthews, Goodwill Industries of the Valleys, requested March 13, 2001 ~ ~ ~~~____ 24. John Levin, Mill Mountain Theater, requested $7,500. 25. Judy L. Larson, Art Museum of Western Virginia, requested $8,000. 26. Bob Slaughter and Richard Burrow, National D. Day Memorial, requested $10,000. 27. Shannon Brabham, Prevent Child Abuse Roanoke Valley, requested $3,850. 28. Aletha Bolden, Harrison Museum of African American Culture, requested $5,000. 29. Carol Key, Roanoke Valley CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate), requested $6,000. 30. June House, Big Brothers, Big Sisters of the Roanoke Valley, requested $5,000. 31. Sandra Simmons, Bradley Free Clinic, requested $3,470. 32. Dr. Bill Krause, Opera Roanoke, requested $1,200. 33. Kent Chrisman, History Museum of Western Virginia, requested $10,000. 34. John Pendarvis, Family Service of Roanoke Valley, requested $6,000. 35. Kathy Ryder, Roanoke Area Ministries, requested $6,000. 36. Wendy Moore, NCCJ, requested $1,000. 37. Christine Poulson, Conflict Resolution Center, requested $6,000. 38. Pam Kestner-Chappelear, Council of Community Services, requested $3,150. 39. Karen Mason, Habitat for Humanity in the Roanoke Valley, requested $11,000. March 13, 2001 ~ ~ ~ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has previously submitted its comments to the State Corporation Commission on Case No. PUA000079, the proposed merger of NUI Corporation, VGC Acquisition, Inc., and Virginia Gas Company; and WHEREAS, on August 8, 2000, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Virginia adopted Resolution 080800-4, emphasizing the important of co-location of public utility facilities wherever feasible, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia continues to support the co-location of this new natural gas pipeline within the existing natural gas pipeline easements. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the construction plan that will be implemented if the State Corporation Commission approves the proposed merger of Virginia Gas Company and the NUI Corporation will not be in the best interests of Roanoke County or its citizens; and 2. That consideration should be given to the feasibility of utilizing the existing pipeline easement of Duke Energy where it exists within the certificated 1000 foot corridor; and 3. That the propriety of additional certification should be considered to allow the use of the existing pipeline easement where it is feasible outside of the current certified 1000 foot corridor for the purpose of preserving and protecting the environment, the viewshed and scenic integrity of Roanoke County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the delegates and senators representing the Roanoke Valley in the General Assembly requesting their support for the Board's efforts to preserve the environment, the viewshed and scenic beautify of the Roanoke Valley by encouraging co-location wherever feasible. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor McNamara IN RE: REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS These reports and inquiries were made after the evening session. Supervisor Johnson: He expressed concern about the budget dilemma because of the decreased state funding for localities due to the 70% car tax reimbursement, and advised that he supported Senator Bo Trumbo's assessment of the situation. t tit March 27, 2001 1 55 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 27, 2001 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 2001. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice-Chairman Joseph "Butch" Church, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Joseph McNamara, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Dan R. O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Kathie B. Scearce, Community Relations Director IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by the Reverend Keith Beasley, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Hodge added introduction of Douglas Chittum, new Economic Development Director. March 27, 2001 1 7 captioning of Board meetings, and has been working with staff to improve ADA compliance within Roanoke County. The Commission has produced two public service videos and hope to start on the third in the near future. Over the last year, they have studied the availability of affordable and accessible housing in Roanoke County and presented a report for review and consideration for possible future action. Ms. Pitts advised that the Commission has concluded that the County might need more rental, accessible, and affordable housing for low to moderate income households. They recommended that the Planning Department together with human service agencies in the region conduct a needs assessments on affordable and accessible housing in Roanoke County. Supervisor Nickens commended the Commission for their work and suggested referring the report to Mr. Hodge and staff to moved forward with the Commission's recommendations. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for additional Fire and Rescue Staffing. (Rick Burch, Fire and Rescue Chief) A-032701-1 Chief Burch presented a staffing allocation plan for Phase II. He advised that their objectives are to place the highest priority on life and provide benefit to the most people; to promote and support volunteers; and to promote a proactive, systematic and regional approach. He highlighted the actions taken previously in Phase I by hiring and training 20 additional paramedic/firefighters. Phase II will include 7 additional paramedic/firefighters at Clearbrook, 4 additional paramedic/firefighters at Fort Lewis, 3 additional paramedic/firefighters at Back Creek and 1 additional paramedic/firefighter at t March 27, 2001 ~ ~(~ with the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton concerning coverage at Mount Pleasant, and Back Creek is covering Bent Mountain. In response to a question from Supervisor Johnson, Chief Burch advised there were 50 paid fire and rescue personnel before Phase I, 70 after Phase I and there will be 85 after Phase II is completed. Mr. Hodge advised that this action only allows the staff to move forward, and that there will be a public hearing before the County can approve fees for rescue services. Mr. Mahoney explained that there is a specific state code provision that authorizes the County to impose fees and charges and that the County will follow the advertised public hearing process. Supervisor Johnson moved to authorize the County Administrator to move forward with advertisement for fifteen positions. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None Supervisor Nickens moved that the source of funding come from implementation of fee for service, and in the interim, authorize the County Administrator to use the audited year-end surplus. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: Supervisor McNamara 2. Request for endorsement of transfer of administrative responsibilities for the Housing Choice (Section 8~ Voucher Program from Virginia Housing Development Authority to TAP/Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation. (Terry Harrington, County Planner) t March 27, 2001 1 administrative and financial aspects of the program. TAP is willing to accept the additional responsibilities so that the program can continue to be operated for the benefit of the Roanoke County families served. VHDA has requested that Roanoke County endorse the administrative transfer of the program to TAP. Mr. Harrington recommended that the Board endorse the transfer of all administrative aspects of the Housing Choice (Section 8) Voucher Program From Virginia Housing Development Authority To TAP/Blue Ridge Housing Development Corporation. {TAP) Supervisor Johnson moved to endorse the transfer to TAP/Blue Ridge Housing. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None 3. Request to approve the consolidation of Starkey, Merriman, and the New South County Park into one facility to be named Starkey Park. (Postponed from February 27, 2001) (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism. A-032701-3 Mr. Haislip advised that from the 1992 bond program, Roanoke County has acquired several new properties and developed new park facilities in South County. These include Starkey Park, the Merriman Soccer complex, the new "South County Park", and the upcoming acquisition of the Guthrie tract. Roanoke County has an opportunity to consolidate these parks to create an interconnected multipurpose park facility that would not only provide for the youth athletic needs but also opportunities for additional greenways, picnic areas, an additional playground, and open green space. The park is also bordered by approximately 3/4 of a mile of Back Creek. If access can March 27, 2001 A-032701-4 Mr. Haislip advised that with the development of the new park in south county, the South County Recreation Clubs and Roanoke County agreed to allocate the new park to Cave Spring American so they could develop a tournament level complex on County owned property. The Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Department supports this action because it fits in to the long term plan for each county athletic program as well as the County's sports marketing program. Cave Spring American Little League has agreed to give up a lit field at Shell Park, for the unlit field at South County Park (now Starkey Park). This allowed the Cave Spring Girls Softball Association to create their own tournament level complex, but left Cave Spring American short one lit field. The Cave Spring American Little League Program is asking the County to help light the large field for the coming season. Mr. Haislip explained that the Cave Spring American Little League is strongly committed to developing a first class baseball complex and are looking at a total long-term investment of close to $200,000. They have also implemented a successful fund-raising campaign with total cash and pledges of over $70,000, which will be used for scoreboards, batting cages, bleachers, and other improvements. Because some of these funds are dedicated to specific improvements, they need an additional $25,000 to match the approximately $35,000 they have received to light the large field this spring. In order to save money, they would like to light the small and large fields at the same time. Because of the significant financial and community support for this project, the Cave Spring American Little League is requesting that this portion of the project be accelerated. However, here are no funds currently available in the Parks, Recreation and Tourism budget to match the funds raised by the Cave Spring American Little League. Staff is requesting an appropriation of $25,000 from the March 27, 2001 ~ ~,~ shares not purchased in this round will be offered to those jurisdictions that bought additional shares during the first round offering. Finally, any remaining shares will then be offered Pulaski County. The impact on Roanoke County under this first round offering would be to consider the purchase of 638.30 additional shares at $1,755 annually. This would increase the County's total participation to 10,638.30 shares, or 7.1 % ownership in the Park. The additional cost of $1,755 annually for the increased shares would make Roanoke County's total contribution $29,255 per year. The current allocation is funded through the County's Public Private Partnership budget and the proposed increase would also be funded through this budget. Ms. Barr recommended that the Board approve the acquisition of additional shares in the New River Valley Commerce Park. Supervisor McNamara questioned whether the Board would also be taking on additional debt if they purchased additional shares. Mr. Hodge responded he would check on whether the County is assuming the debt. Supervisor Nickens pointed out that the County should continue to be involved and didn't think the small cost should be a concern. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve acquisition of the additional shares. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None 6. Consideration of bid protest of Heimann Systems concerning x-ray security equipment.. for Roanoke County. (Joseph Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorne R-032701-6 March 27, 2001 ~ ~)7 IN RE: REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA Chairman Minnix announced that the following first reading had been withdrawn by the petitioners. 1. First reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a convenience store on 1.612 acres located at 3752 Challenger Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Go-Mart, Inc. IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance amending Chapter 15 of the Roanoke County Code prohibiting the flying of any aircraft including motorized and non-motorized remote control planes, helicopters, and gliders in public parks without a County Parks & Recreation Permit. (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) Mr. Haislip reported that recently there have been numerous complaints concerning the rocket launching, and flying of remote control planes, helicopters, and other small aircraft in County parks. The existing park ordinance clearly prohibits the firing of missiles, rockets, firecrackers, and fireworks on County property without a permit from the Director of Parks and Recreation. This ordinance was designed to protect patrons using the parks, while at the same time allowing for the managed use of fireworks, missiles etc., with a special use permit. Mr. Haislip explained that the staff and police have been able to address the issue of rockets and missiles in the parks, but the ordinance does not address the March 27, 2001 ~ ~(~ the County, leased to the IDA for a period not to exceed 25 years, and leased back to the County. The County currently leases three of the five floors of the building for Social Services, so the financing will be 60% non-taxable and 40% taxable. Ms. Hyatt reported that staff retained Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern to review and evaluate the building. Based upon this evaluation, staff recommends replacing the existing fire alarm devices with a completely new fire detection and alarm system. The purchase of the building, the fire alarm and the closing costs will total $2,650,000. The most favorable bid was from SunTrust bank at 6.32% for the taxable bonds and 5.39% for the non-taxable bonds. The debt service will be covered from the net revenues of the building. The IDA will consider the financing at their meeting on April 4, 2001. Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for April 10, 2001. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson 3. First reading_of ordinance authorizing a Special Sewer Service Area/Reimbursement Agreement for the Hanging Rock Commercial District. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) Mr. Robertson advised that the Hanging Rock Commercial District has been plagued with marginal septic systems for years, and because of poor soil, the area will not meet today's standard for new septic systems. This has been a major impediment to new development in the area. Although public water is presently available to the area, public sewer is more than 2,500 feet away at the Roanoke County Public Service Center. Although the County has received numerous inquiries in the March 27, 2001 171 Supervisor Church moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for April 10, 2001. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission Supervisor Church nominated Richard Kelley to serve another three-year term which will expire April 8, 2003. IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-032701-7 Supervisor Nickens moved to adopt the Consent Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLUTION 032701-7 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 27, 2001, designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive, as follows: 1. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $2,000 grant to cover expenses for 2000-2001 regional superintendents and judges meeting. 2. Request from Schools to accept and appropriate $20,000 grant from Carillon Community Health Fund to the School Nurse March 27, 2001 ~ ^~'~, NAYS: None 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Statement of Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of February 28, 2001 6. Changes to the VDOT Secondary System in February 2001 7. Consent Judgement and Decree granting Roanoke County's Request for exemption from coverage pursuant to Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act 8. Revenues and Expenditures for the eight months ended February 28, 2001 9. Status Report on the redistricting process IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 5:25 p.m., Supervisor Minnix moved to go into Closed Meeting following the work sessions pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 A (3) sale of publicly owned property, i.e. Salem Office Supply, and well lot; 2.1-344 A (5) economic development prospect where no previous announcement has been made; 2.1-344 A (3) sale of publicly owned property, Lloyd Property; and 2.1-344 A (7) discussion with legal counsel concerning bid protest (Item E-6) The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None March 27, 2001 175 the site. In order to position the County to provide citizens with these capabilities Mr. Hodge has supported the need to redesign the County Web site to make it easier to navigate, provide a better look, and provide our citizens with 24hours/7days access to the information and services they want and need. Since early February the Information Technology Department has been working on a Web site and e-government needs assessment. On March 9`" the Information Technology Team and the County Administrator viewed a PowerPoint presentation outlining the findings to date, the concept plan for future site development, and a timeline for implementation. Ms. Carver and Mr. Gee offered a presentation that highlighted: (1) samples of other locality Web sites; (2) activity statistics on our current site; (3)a concept plan for our Web site development; (4) highlights of some of the current e- government initiatives; and (5} an outline of a plan for providing additional e-government services. 3. Budget Work Session This work session was not held and was continued to April 10, 2001. 4. Work Session on private and commercial stables This work session was not held and was continued to April 10, 2001. IN RE: CLOSED MEETING The closed meeting was held from 6:15 p.m. until 6:55 p.m. IN RE: CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-032701-8 March 27, 2001 Christian Life Fellowship Church for $984,000. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ORDINANCE 032701-9 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF 37.86 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE CITY OF SALEM (THE LLOYD PROPERTY -TAX MAP NO. 194-1-1) BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus, and has been made available for sale; and 2. That the public notice regarding the public hearing for the sale of this surplus property was advertised in the Roanoke Times & World News on January 30, 2001 and February 6, 2001; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on January 23, 2001; and the second reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on February 13, 2001, continued to February 27, 2001, continued to March 13, 2001, and continued to March 27, 2001, concerning the sale and disposition of 37.86 acres of real estate located in the City of Salem, and known as the Lloyd Property; and 4. That an offer has been received from Christian Life Fellowship Church to purchase 37.86 acres of real estate for the sum of 984 000 and this offer is hereby accepted; and 5. That the proceeds from the sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the capital reserves of the County to be expended solely for the purposes of acquisition, construction, maintenance, or replace of other capital facilities; and 6. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the ordinance accepting an offer from Christian Life Fellowship Church for $984,000, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS, AND AWARDS 1. Recognition of the Roanoke Moose Lodge #284 for their March 27, 2001 2. Resolution of Congratulations to George Thomas "Tommy" Morgan for an outstanding football season and being named to the all-state first teams, Group AA and Defensive Player of the Year. R-032701-11 Mr. Morgan was present to accept the resolution. Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLUTION 032701-11 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO GEORGE THOMAS "TOMMY" MORGAN FOR AN OUTSTANDING FOOTBALL SEASON AND BEING NAMED TO ALL-STATE FIRST TEAMS, GROUP AA, AND DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR WHEREAS, team sports are an important part of the curriculum at schools in Roanoke County, teaching cooperation, sportsmanship and athletic skill; and WHEREAS, George Thomas "Tommy" Morgan, a senior at Northside High School, had an outstanding season on the football team, resulting in the 2000 Vikings becoming the Blue Ridge District Champions with a record of 10 wins and 2 losses; and WHEREAS, Tommy served as Team Captain and demonstrated his outstanding athletic ability and good sportsmanship throughout the season; and WHEREAS, Tommy received the following honors during the 2000 season: ^ First Team -All-Blue Ridge District ^ District Defensive Player of the Year ^ First Team -All-Region III and Defensive Player of the Year ^ First Tearn - V.H.S.C.A. All-State ^ Group AA Defensive Player of the Year ^ First Team -Associated Press All-State ^ First Team -All Timesland -Defensive Player of the Year NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to GEORGE THOMAS "TOMMY" MORGAN for his outstanding football season and being named Group AA Defensive Player of the Year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to Tommy Morgan for continued success in all of his future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor to Johnson adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: March 27, 2001 ~ Q~ qualifying standards. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to the members of the CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL BOYS SWIM TEAM, Ryan Adams; Scott Adams; Chris Adkins; Andy Bauman; Mark Bauman; Ryan Blackwell; Kevin Boucher; Pierre Boucher; Jake Bova; Daniel Eggleston; Brett Fonder; Court Freedman; Josh Hailey; David Harbourt; Scott Johnson; Jason Nanz; Tommy Rappold; Leo Straub; Josh Shepherd; and Trey Watkins; for their athletic ability, their team spirit, and their commitment to each other; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to the members of the team, Coach Summerlin, and the school in their future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public Hearing to elicit citizen comment for items to be included in the budget for the 2001-2002 fiscal year. 2. Public Hearing on the "effective tax rate increase" as a result of increased assessed value of real estate. 3. Public Hearing to elicit citizen comment to set the following tax rates in Roanoke County. a. To set a real estate tax rate of not more than $1.13 per $100 assessed valuation . b. To set a personal property tax rate of not more than $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation. f March 27, 2001 ~ R~';_ application and resolutions to participate in the Spring 2001 VPSA bond sale. As part of this application process, a public hearing must be held and a specific resolution as to the form of bonds must be adopted by the Board. Ms. Hyatt advised that the interest should be 5 1/2% or less and the sale will occur in April. There were no citizens to speak and Supervisor McNamara moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLUTION 032701-13 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF NOT TO EXCEED $16,500,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow $16,500,000 and to issue its general obligation school bonds to finance certain capital projects for school purposes. WHEREAS, the County has held a public hearing, after due publication of notice, in accordance with Section 15.2-2606, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ("Virginia Code") on March 27, 2001 on the issuance of school bonds in an amount not to exceed $16,500,000. ~~ WHEREAS, the School Board of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (School Board") has requested by resolution the Board to authorize the issuance of the Bonds (as defined below) and has consented to the issuance of the Bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt and to issue and sell general obligation school bonds of the County in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $16,500,000 (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing certain capital projects for school purposes. The Board hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of the Bonds in the form and upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. 2. Sale of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to accept the offer of the Virginia Public School Authority (the "VPSA") to purchase from the County, and to sell to the VPSA, the Bonds at a price determined by the VPSA and March 27, 2001 redemption, or if such date is not a business day for Virginia banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption; (b) All overdue payments of principal and, to the extent permitted by law, interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Bonds; and (c) SunTrust Bank, Richmond, Virginia is designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds. 7. Prepayment or Redemption. The Principal Installments of the Bonds held by the VPSA coming due on or before July 15, 2011, and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature on or before July 15, 2011 are not subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities. The Principal Installments of the Bonds held by the VPSA coming due after July 15, 2011 and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature after July 15, 2011 are subject to prepayment or redemption at the option of the County prior to their stated maturities in whole or in part, on any date on or after July 15, 2011 upon payment of the prepayment or redemption prices (expressed as percentages of Principal Installments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the date set for prepayment or redemption: Dates Prices July 15, 2011 to July 14, 2012, inclusive .............. 102% July 15, 2012 to July 14, 2013, inclusive .............. 101 July 15, 2013 and thereafter ........................ 100% Provided, however, that the Bonds shall not be subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities as described above without first obtaining the written consent of the registered owner of the Bonds. Notice of any such prepayment or redemption shall be given by the Bond Registrar to the registered owner by registered mail not more than ninety (90) and not less than sixty (60) days before the date fixed for prepayment or redemption. The County Administrator is authorized to approve such other redemption provisions, including changes to the redemption dates set forth above, as may be requested by the VPSA. 8. Execution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Bonds and to affix the seal of the County thereto. 9. Pledqe of Full Faith and Credit. For the prompt payment of the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged, and in each year while any of the Bonds shall be outstanding there shall be levied and collected in accordance with law an annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal ,• March 27, 2001 1R~~ designate are hereby authorized to take such action as the County Administrator or the Chairman of the Board may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 15. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on March 27, 2001, and of the whole thereof so far as applicable to the matters referred to in such extract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the consideration of the foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. The front page of this Resolution accurately records (i) the members of the Board of Supervisors present at the meeting, (ii) the members who were absent from the meeting, and (iii) the vote of each member, including any abstentions. WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, this 27th day of March, 2001. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second Reading of ordinance to rezone 200 acres from R-1 Residential District to AG-3 Agriculture and Rural Preserve District for a commercial stable located on 5350 Poor Mountain Road, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Judy Gustafson. 0-032701-14 Mr. Harrington advised that The Planning Commission asked about horse manure disposal and Dr. Gustafson stated that a dairy farmer from Catawba hauls off the horse manure on a regular basis to use as fertilizer on his farm. In addition, the pastures are regularly "raked" with a tractor to break up manure and speed up its decomposition. Planning Commission members felt that a commercial stable seemed March 27, 2001 1 R9 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: (1) No more than 18 horses will reside on the property containing 200 acres and shown on metes and bounds survey by T. P. Parker & Son, dated November 28, 1989. (2) A maximum of 3 riding clinics may be held in any calendar year. A clinic is defined as an organized training/education event, involving a maximum of 10 non-resident horses and occurring over a 2-day period. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the west side of Virginia Secondary Route 612, also known as Poor Mountain Road, and corner to the property herein described designated as Point No. 1, as shown on Boundary Survey and Subdivision for Mark W. and Judy S. Gustafson by T. P. Parker & Son dated November 28, 1989 and recorded in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Plat Book 12, page 48; thence leaving said point of beginning and following the west side of Poor Mountain Road N. 09 deg. 23' 49" W. 117.60 feet to Point No. 2; thence continuing along the west side of said road with a curve to the left whose radius is 445.00 feet and whose length is 134.53 feet (chord=N. 18 deg. 03' 27" W. 134.01 feet) to Point No. 3; thence continuing along the west side of said road N. 26 deg. 43' 04" W. 311.48 feet to Point No. 4; thence N. 78 deg. 44' 00" E. 15.08 feet to the center of said road at Point No. 5; thence up the centerline of said road the following courses and distances: N. 25 deg. 04' 44" W. 44.36 feet to Point No. 6; thence N. 22 deg. 44' 43" W. 84.64 feet to Point No. 7; thence N. 12 deg. 38' 20" W. 70.33 feet to Point No. 8; thence N. 03 deg. 35' 17" W. 65.20 feet to Point No. 9; thence N. 01 deg. 34' 38" W. 140.44 feet to Point No. 10; thence N. 04 deg. 16' 53" W. 185.57 feet to Point No. 11; thence N. 05 deg. 56' 08" W. 182.02 feet to Point No. 12; thence N. 02 deg. 46' 47" W. 48.31 feet to Point No. 13; thence N. 00 deg. 58' 38" W. 70.94 feet to Point No. 14; thence N. 03 deg. 14' 02" W. 89.53 feet to Point No. 15; thence N. 05 deg. 13' 39" W. 49.81 feet to Point No. 16; thence N. 06 deg. 06' 28" W. 106.52 feet to an iron pin set at Point No. 17; thence leaving Poor Mountain Road N. 63 deg. 16' 17" E. 233.00 feet to a pin set at Point No. 18; thence S. 75 deg. 48' 43" E. 192.00 feet to a pin set at Point No. 19; thence S. 12 deg. 11' 17" W. 33.00 feet to a 36" sycamore at Point No. 20; thence S. 83 deg. 04' 07" E. 1881.00 feet to a pin set at Point No. 21; thence N. 79 deg. 10' S9" E. 1925.23 feet to a pin set at Point No. 22; thence S. 18 deg. 25' 08" E. 235.95 feet to 18" twin hickories at Point No. 23; thence S. 35 deg. 58' 08" E. 1572.22 feet to a 24" white oak at Point No. 24; thence S. 21 deg. 33' 18" W. 575.23 feet to an old pin at Point No. 25; thence N. 62 deg. 43' 33" W. 1648.26 feet to an old pin at Point No. 26; thence S. 12 deg. 14' 44" W. to a 24" black gum at Point No. 27; thence S. 05 deg. 16' 10" W. 275.70 feet to a pin set at Point No. 28; thence S. 50 deg. 21' 00" W. 885.81 feet to a pin set at Point No. 29; thence S. 02 deg. 39' 00" W. 716.98 feet to a pin set at Point No. 30; thence N. 55 deg. 09' 00" W. 420.00 feet to a pin set at Point No. 31; thence N. 49 deg. 40' 00" W. 630.00 feet to a pin set at Point No. 32; March 27, 2001 12 was lost because the acreage was needed to build .on Lots 9, 10 and 11. He is requesting to rezone the property only to amend one of the conditions, and there would be the same number of homes as originally planned. The Planning Commission recommended approval with amended conditions. Supervisor McNamara moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ORDINANCE 032701-17 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 4.068-ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF CAVE SPRING LAND AND OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 76.20-9-1 TO 11) IN THE WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-3, WITH CONDITIONS, TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF R-3, WITH AMENDED CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF JEFFREY S. MARONIC WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 27, 2001, and the second reading and public hearing were held March 27, 2001; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 6, 2001; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Ordinance 102296-10 changed the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 4.068 acres, described herein, and located at the intersection of Cave Spring Lane and Old Cave Spring Road (Tax Map Numbers 76.20- 9-1 through 12) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, to the zoning classification of R- 3, Medium-Density Multi-Family Residential District, with the following conditions: (1) The subject area will be developed in accordance with the approved plan of Farmington Place Subdivision, bearing revised date of 11 /27/95, with the exception that: (a)The access easement across Lots 1 and 9 will be eliminated, and (b) Lots 9 and 10 will be served by the same private road currently serving Lots 11 and 12, and the storm water detention pond. March 27, 2001 1 97 now or formerly of R. J. Birkenmaier (Tax No. 76.20-3-9); thence with the Birkenmaier line N. 32 deg. 00' 00" W. 293.56 feet to a point on the southerly line of property now or formerly of J. S. Maronic (Tax No. 76.20- 3-8); thence with the Maronic fine N. 78 deg. 20' 00" E. 52.30 feet to a point; thence N. 11 deg. 12' 30" W. 137.87 feet to a point on the southerly side of Cave Spring Lane (Route 1652); thence with Cave Spring Lane N. 79 deg. 47' 08" E. 89.54 feet to a point; thence N. 75 deg. 43' 30" E. 472.02 feet to a point; thence S. 84 deg. 18' 49" E. 23.53 feet to the point and place of beginning, and containing 4.068 acres as shown on a survey for Jeffrey S. Maronic and Laura J. Maronic dated December 27, 1993 and made by Balzer & Associates, Engineers and Surveyors. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 1. Roberta Johnson, 9964 Patterson Drive Bent Mountain VA was opposed to any allocation of fire and rescue personnel that does not result in the reopening of Bent Mountain station. 2. Alan Gleiner,10185 Bottom Creek Road was pleased with Phase II but concerned that there is still no fire and rescue personnel at Bent Mountain during daylight hours. 3. Annie Krochalis, 9428 Patterson Drive Bent Mountain VA presented petitions with 250 signatures. She expressed support for Phase 1 and 2 and requested that Chief Burch meet with the Bent Mountain Civic League to discuss Phase 2 and explain the proposed fee for service. April 10, 2001 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 April 10, 2001 199 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Counfiy, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of April, 2001. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 3:05 p.rn. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odeli "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice-Chairman Joseph "Butch" Church, Supervisors Bob L. Johnson, Joseph McNamara, Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Dan R. O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Kathi B. Scearce, Community Relations Director IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS Supervisor Minnix asked for a work session to discuss use of public park facilities on April 24, 2001. ~~ , April 10, 2001 201 either the County or the City. This budget includes a 4% salary increase for employees. Ms. Hyatt advised that on June 30, 1996, the County made its final payment of $264,640 which completed our .original ten year capital contribution to the airport. There will not be any additional monies needed as a result of this budget. Ms. Shuck advised that the budget includes capital projects that are expected to exceed $100,000 and reported that the overlay of runway 6/24 will be brought up to FAA standards. Supervisor Johnson asked when the parking lot will be expanded. Ms. Shuck responded that they will expand the overflow lot and then look at the deck in front of the airport. They will be breaking ground on the employee parking lot in June. Supervisor McNamara asked if there were plans for better screening equipment and Ms. Shuck responded that they hope to get a "sniffer" that will detect explosives. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve the Airport Commission budget. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLUTION 041001-1 APPROVING THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 2001-2002, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Act and Section 17.(a) of the contract between the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County and City Council of the City; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 15, 2001, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board, the Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a request that the County approve the FY 2001-2002 budget of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 2001-2002 budget and proposed capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission as set forth in the March 15, 2001, report of the Commission Executive Director, a copy of which is incorporated by reference April 10, 2001 203 stop loss limit for an individual plan member, which was increased from $75,000 to $100,000. Prescription drug pricing and utilization continue to grow at well over 25% annually. These, as well as high overall utilization of medical providers and facilities, account for this increase in costs. Athree-tiered prescription drug plan was adopted this year to try and slow the growth in plan costs for prescription drugs. Mr. Morris reported that a team of County and School representatives participated in discussions with Trigon, and Palmer & Cay, insurance consultant to the County and Schools. This team agreed that it was important to maintain the current level of benefits since there were numerous changes when the coverage was changed this fiscal year from AETNA to Trigon. As this increase is substantial, it was also recommended that the current percentages paid by the employer and employees be maintained. Supervisor Johnson asked if there were savings with the Point of Service Plan and Supervisor Church asked if the County was considering eliminating the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Morris responded that there are only 48 employees currently in the Comprehensive Plan and their goal is to eliminate this plan in the future. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve the health insurance rates. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None 4. Request for approval of Dental Insurance rates for the 2001- 2002 fiscal year. Danial Morris. Finance Director A-041001-4 Mr. Morris advised that the County of Roanoke and Roanoke County April 10, 2001 205 from VDOT, which administers the distribution of the grant, that we are now cleared to begin spending these funds. These funds will be used to prepare the construction specs of the exhibits from the preliminary design that is currently available, furnish the theater area with equipment and seating, upfit the lobby area with track lighting, furnishings and racks, fabricate the large rock formation that serves as the entrance to the exhibit area, and fabricate the "Region Today" portion of the exhibit. Ms. Hyatt explained that the TEA-21 funds require a 20% match; however, the money that the County has already spent on the preliminary design of the exhibits will meet this match requirement. She requested that the Board appropriate $211,000 TEA-21 grant funds to complete work inside the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center. Supervisor Nickens commended former employee Joyce Waugh's efforts on this project and moved to approve $211,000 grant fund appropriation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None b. Appropriation of 25 000 to re lace anticipated grant funds for construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center. A-041001-6 Ms. Hyatt advised that on February 29, 2000, the Board approved the construction of the Blue Ridge Parkway Visitor Center with a total budget of $1,284,800. This construction budget was funded from a variety of revenue sources, including Federal Highway Administration, the National Park Service, regional grants, and County ~~ April 10, 2001 207 There was considerable discussion about the possibility of reducing the tax rates, with most Board members in support of some reduction but concerned about the impact of the lost state revenues and how that would affect the County budget and employee salaries. Supervisor Nickens noted that by reducing the tax rate by only one cent, it would only involve some "belt tightening" by the County. After additional discussion, Supervisor Nickens moved to call for the question. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the real estate tax rate of $1.12. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ORDER 041001-7 SETTING THE TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2001, and ending December 31, 2001, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 1.12 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate and mobile homes classified by §§ 58.1-3200, 58.1-3201, 58.1-3506.A.8, and 58.1-3506. B of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the order setting the real estate tax rate at $1.12, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None b. Personal Property tax rate of 3.50 der 100 assessed valuation; R-041001-8 April 10, 2001 209 There was no discussion and Supervisor Nickens moved to approve the machinery and tools tax rate of $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ORDER 041001-9 SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON A CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY -MACHINERY AND TOOLS -SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in § 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 2. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2001, and ending December 31, 2001, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by § 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the order setting the machinery and tools tax at $3.00, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing quitclaim and release of a 20-foot water line easement and 20 foot sanitary sewer easement within the boundaries of Sequoia Drive and located between the temporary cul-de-sac, Sequoia Drive, Whitney Estates. Section 1 and the cul-de-sac, Sequoia Drive. Whitney Estates. Section 2 in the Catawba Magisterial District. Arnold Covey, Community Development Director April 10, 2001 211 2. In order to access this property, the prospect needs a 30 foot easement on a private road on private land leading to the site. The current owner has agreed to grant the easement. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for April 24, 2001. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of ordinance amending Chapter 15 of the Roanoke County Code prohibiting the flying of a_y aircraft including motorized and non-motorized remote control lanes helicopters, and liders in ublic arks without a County Parks & Recreation Permit. Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism (POSTPONED TO MAY 8 2001 This item was postponed until May 8, 2001. 2. Second reading of ordinance to approve the purchase and financing of the Salem Bank & Trust Building. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) 0-041001-10 Mr. Hodge reported that on March 13, 2001, the Board authorized the County staff to proceed with the purchase and financing of the Salem Bank & Trust Building. The County will purchase the building for $2,400,000 from East Main Properties, L.L.C. The financing will be done as a lease/purchase through the Industrial April 10, 2001 213 methods. Mr. Mahoney advised he could, and Supervisor Johnson expressed support for Supervisor McNamara's recommendation. Supervisor McNamara moved to adopt the ordinance authorizing the purchase of the building, closing costs, and installation of new fire alarm through a financing not to exceed $2,650,000, with funding as follows: (1) Establish a separate self-supporting fund for the building revenues and expenditures. Any unused balances at the end of each fiscal year will remain in the fund for future capital improvements to the building; and (2) Appropriate the budget for the building for the remainder of the 2000-2001 fiscal year as outlined in the Board report. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson ORDINANCE 041001-10 AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF 0.68 ACRES OF REAL ESTATE (TAX MAP PARCEL NUMBERS 106-13-6, -2 AND -1) FOR COUNTY OFFICE FACILITIES AND REQUESTING THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO ISSUE LEASE REVENUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF OFFICE FACILITIES FOR THE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and advisable to undertake the acquisition, renovation, and equipping of certain real estate identified as the "Salem Bank & Trust Building", a portion of which shall be used by the County's department of social services (the "Project"), and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County proposes to provide for the issuance of lease revenue bonds through the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia (the "Authority") to finance the Project, and WHEREAS, the County will lease the Project to the Authority pursuant to a lease ("Prime Lease") and the lease revenue bonds will be payable solely from revenues derived by the Authority from a Lease from the Authority to the County ("Lease") pursuant to which the Authority will lease the Project back to the County, and 1 April 10, 2001 215 6. Nature of Obligations. Nothing in this Ordinance, the Bonds or the Basic Documents shall constitute a debt of the County and the Authority shall not be obligated to make any payments under the Bonds or the Basic Documents except from payments made by or on behalf of the County under the Lease. The County's obligations to make payments pursuant to the Lease shall be subject to and dependent upon annual appropriations being made from time to time by the Board for such purpose. Nothing in this Ordinance, the Bonds or the Basic Documents shall constitute a pledge of the full faith and credit of the County beyond the constitutionally permitted annual appropriations. 7. Official Intent. The Board of Supervisors adopts this declaration of official intent under Treasury Regulations Section 1.150-2. 8. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. The undersigned Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true, complete and correct copy of the Ordinance adopted upon second reading at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, held on April 10, 2001. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance with funding as follows: (1) Establish a separate self-supporting fund for the building revenues and expenditures. Any unused balances at the end of each fiscal year will remain in the fund for future capital improvements to the building; and (2) Appropriate the budget for the building for the remainder of the 2000-2001 fiscal year as outlined in the Board report; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Johnson 3. Denial of Second readina of ordinance authorizing a Special Sewer Service Area/Reimbursement Agreement for the Hanging Rock Commercial District. Ga Robertson, Utility Director 0-041001-11 Mr. Robertson advised that the Hanging Rock Commercial District has been plagued with marginal septic systems for years. Because of poor soil, the area will not meet today's standard for new septic systems. This has been a major impediment to new development in the area. Although public water is presently ~ ~ ~~ • ~ April 10, 2001 217 Suzanne Thornhill, jointly own the 5.22 acres. The majority of the property is a ridge and cliff with large rocks and could not be developed. The property owned by the Miles' has good commercial potential use, while his property has very little potential use with only one acre that could be developed. He expressed opposition to this becoming a special sewer service district but if the decision is made to move forward, the costs should be based on the assessment. Supervisors McNamara and Johnson noted that it appeared that this action is only for the convenience of the Sheetz Convenience store and will not benefit any of the other property owners, and, in fact, may have a negative effect on the Orange Market. Supervisor McNamara suggested deferring action to get more information, but Supervisor Johnson questioned whether it would cause problems for Sheetz or the Miles property owners to delay action. Supervisor Nickens moved to DENY the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: Supervisor Church DENIAL OF ORDINANCE 041001-11 AUTHORIZING THE CREATION OF A LOCAL PUBLIC WORKS IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, HANGING ROCK COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER FACILITIES THEREIN, IMPOSING AND ALLOCATING CERTAIN FEES OR ASSESSMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED THEREIN, AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, Sections 15.2-2243, 15.2-2400 and 15.2-2404, et seq. authorize the County to create and establish a general sewer improvement program for a designated area of the County having related and common sewer conditions, to install certain public works improvements, and to impose fees, charges and assessments for said improvements; and WHEREAS, written notice has been given to all owners of real estate April 10, 2001 219 45.03-1-21), IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF AG-1, AGRICULTURAL/RURAL LOW DENSITY, TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF AR, AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL, UPON THE APPLICATION OF W. F. WALKER WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 27, 2001, and the second reading and public hearing were held March 27, 2001, and continued to April 10, 2001; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on March 6, 2001; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: On motion of Supervisor Nickens to DENY adoption of the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: Supervisor Johnson IN RE: CONSENT AGENDA R-041001-13: R-041001-13.c: R-041001-13.d Supervisor Johnson moved to adopt the Consent Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES:. Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLUTION 041001-13 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. that the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 10, 2001, designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes -February 13, 2001, February 27, 2001 2. Confirmation of Committee Appointment to the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission. ,r+ . ' April 10, 2001 221 WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999, for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of- way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix Nays: None Absent: None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS Supervisor Minnix requested a work session on April 24, 2001 to discuss the use of park fields and special permits. IN RE: CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS The following citizens, representing the Virginia Scrappers Fast Pitch Softball team, spoke in opposition to the Parks and Recreation requirement that athletic teams not sponsored by the County of Roanoke get special use permits and pay a fee to use County fields. They felt they had an equal right to use the fields when they were not in use by the County sponsored teams. 1. Steve Sullivan. 5233 Falcon Ridge Road 2. 1799 Millbridge Road, Salem 3. Charlie Peters. 834 Olney Road, Vinton ~ ~r ~ April 10, 2001 223 Supervisor Nickens: (1) He pointed out that there is a large County- owned park located in Roanoke City, and he would like to have the park relocated into the County. (2) He asked staff to bring back a request to increase to the maximum income limits for senior citizens and disabled people to have their taxes frozen. Supervisor Johnson: asked Mr. Hodge the status of the proposed Walmart on Route 460. Mr. Hodge advised that he had no information because this is a negotiation between Walmart and Fralin and Waldron, and the property is already zoned for commercial. Walmart never executed a contract with the County, and the County has nothing to do with any of their decisions. IN RE: WORK SESSION (4t'' FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 1. Work Session on rivate and commercial stables This work session was not held. 2. Budget Work Session with Schools The work session was held from 6:35 p.m. until 7:40 p.m. School Board members and staff present were Board Chairman Michael W. Stovall, Vice-chairman William A. Irvin, III, Jerry L. Canada, Thomas A. Leggette and Marion G. Roark; Superintendent Linda H. Weber; Deputy Superintendent James A. Gallion; Assistant Superintendents Lorraine Lange and Tom Hall; Executive Assistant for Operations Richard Flora; Budget and Finance Director Penny Hodge; Deputy Clerk Darlene M. Ratliff; and Clerk Brenda F. Chastain. Board of Supervisors and County staff present were Chairman Odell Minnix, Vice-chairman Butch Church, Bob Johnson, Joseph McNamara and Harry / ~ ~ Y' April 10, 2001 225 health insurance increase would cost $779,000. Ms. Hodge explained that the Virginia Retirement System credit will equal approximately $2 million, which would result in a total amount for new revenues from the County of $1,800,000 as presented by Mr. Hodge. Dr. Weber advised that the VRS credit was already built into the School Board budget, which includes $5 million of unfunded needs. There ~ was a discussion on whether the County could fund a 4% salary increase for both school and County employees without reducing other requests. Dr. Weber noted that the School Board could not provide a 4% salary increase with only $1.8 million in new revenue, but Mr. Hodge suggested that this could be done by prioritizing the budget requests. Ms. Hodge advised that the School Board would need to reduce its budget by $2 million or reduce the proposed salary increases. Chairman Minnix suggested that Mrs. Hodge, Mrs. Hyatt, Mr. Hodge and Dr. Weber meet to discuss 3%, 3 1/2% and 4% salary increases. He advised that the School Board and Board of Supervisors should meet again on April 24, 2001. Dr. Weber stated her appreciation to the governing body for its efforts. 3. Work Session with Fire and Rescue Chiefs Board The work session was held from 7:50 p.m. until 8:10 p.m. Chief Rick Burch and Rescue Chief Joe Coyle updated the Board on the recently hired twenty paramedic/firefighters who have now begun work for the County, and the recent truck accident on I-81. Mr. Hodge reported: (1) that the County has agreed to offer training opportunities for volunteers; (2) that the staff was going forward with plans for fee for service and is putting together a public information campaign; and (3) that he and other County staff will be meeting with all rescue chiefs on April 11 to discuss these issues. - • ~ .. April 10, 2001 227 School and County staffs were directed to meet prior to the April 24th joint work session and review budget details and revenues for both budgets.. IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 10:30 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to go into Closed Meeting pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344A (3) acquisition or sale of real estate, Salem Office Supply, Virginia Gas Pipeline easements; and Section 2.1-344 A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business where no previous announcement has been made. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None IN RE: CLOSED MEETING The Closed Meeting was held from 10:30 p.m. until 10:50 p.m. IN RE: CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-041001-14 At 10:50 p.m., Supervisor Johnson moved to return to open session and adopt the Certification Resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None RESOLUTION 041001-14 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and ~~ ',~ A-061201-7.a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER x'"+'L AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Clean Valley Council, the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens, and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION At the May 22, 2001 meeting, the following nominations were made. 1. Board of Zoning Appeals Supervisor McNamara nominated Eldon Karr to serve another five year term which will expire June 30, 2006. 2. Clean Valley Council Supervisor McNamara nominated Lee B. Eddy, a current member of the Clean Valley Council, to serve as liaison to the Board of Supervisors for a year term which will expire June 30, 200: ~`'' 3 3. Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens Supervisor McNamara nominated Linda Lang to represent the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. There is no term for this appointment. 5. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Supervisor Minnix nominated Jack Griffith to represent the Cave Spring Magisterial District for another three-year term which will expire June 30, 2004 1 r STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointments be confirmed. Submitted by: Mary H. Allen CMC Clerk to the Board Approved by, ~~ ~~~ ~ Elmer C. Hodg County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x - Denied () to approve Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: Board of Zoning Appeals Clean Valley Council Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 2 ACTION NO. ~-061201-7. b ITEM NUMBER ~,~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Designation of voting delegate to the National Association of Counties Conference, July 13 - 17, 2001 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The National Association of Counties Annual Conference will be held July 13 - 17, 2001, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Treasurer Alfred C. Anderson has advised that he plans to attend this conference and is willing to serve as the voting delegate for Roanoke County at the business meeting. The Credentials Identification Form must be returned to NACo by June 18, 2001. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors confirm the designation of Alfred C. Anderson to serve as Roanoke County's voting delegate and that the credentials form be forwarded to NACo. Submitted by: Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Credential Committee Approved by: t2~~-ems ~~ ~~n ~~x~, Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x to approve Johnson _ x _ McNamara- x _ Minnix _ x Nickens x `i "'~~ ~~~~.~• CC~, ~'_~~1~-~'~' MEMORANDUM To: County Executives, Parish Presidents, Borough Mayors, and County Board Chairpersons From: Jane Hague, NACo President Date: May 15t, 2001 Re: Voting Credentials - 2001 Annual Conference We are preparing for NACo's 66`h Annual Conference, being held July 13-17, 2001 in the City and County of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We need your help to ensure that your county can participate in the association's annual election of officers and policy adoption for this year's American County Platform. According to NACo bylaws, in order to vote, a county must have paid its membership dues and have one paid registrant for the conference. Please indicate on the enclosed form the name and voting delegate and alternate(s) authorized to pick up you county's voting materials. Additionally the chief elected official must sign the form. In addition, state association Executive Directors or Presidents are entitled to pick up unclaimed credentials on Monday, July 16. If you do not want the state association to receive your voting materials, please check the box on the enclosed form. Please mail the enclosed form to the following address no later than Monday, June 18`h. Credentials Committee C/o Josh Fudge National Association of Counties 440 First Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 You may fax the form, attention to Josh Fudge, to 202.393.2630. Membership Coordinator Josh Fudge can be reached at 202.942.4242 should you have any questions regarding voting procedures. We look forward to seeing you in Philadelphia! ®r ~~ NACo 2001 Credentials (Voting) _ ~ 38553 Identification Form ~ "~' Please complete and return this form to: NACo, Attn: Josh Fudge, 440 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 or fax it to Josh Fudge at (202) 393-2630 by June 18th or have the voting delegate(s) carry it with them to the conference and present it at the Credentials Desk. Conn /Parish/Boron h State v~ Designated Delegate First Name Last Rame Job Title f ~ ~1- S .2- ~ ~ First Alternate First Name Last Name Job Title Second Alternate First Name Last Name Job Title This form must be signed by the Chief Elected Official from your county. Submissions without an appr riate signature will not be accepted. . i~ ,, i Signature: Board President/ hairm~ Required Q Check here if you do not wish the State Association Representative to pick up your credentials. Check here if you wish to vote by proxy. If checked, list the county to cast your votes below. The proxy county must have at least one paid registrant for NACo's Annual Conference. allowed to cast my votes A-061201-7 . c ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -~ "' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of a Utility Lot, .080 acre, for a sanitary sewer pump station serving Brookfield Subdivision, in the Vinton Magisterial District, as shown on Plat Book 18, page 77, from Fralin & Waldron, Inc. to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~.~~- SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation and acceptance of the following parcel of land for the sanitary sewer pump station to serve Brookfield Subdivision, in the Vinton Magisterial District, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: a) Donation from FRALIN & WALDRON, INC., a Virginia corporation, of the fee simple interest in a parcel of land, consisting of 0.080 acre, shown and designated as "uTiLiTY LoT - 0.080 Ac." on Sheet 4 of the `Survey for BROOKFIELD SECTION 1', surveyed May 22, 1995, prepared by Robert G. Cantley, Inc., said plat being recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 18, page 77, a partial copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. Said lot is designated upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map #79.01-3-26.2. The location and dimensions of this property have been reviewed and approved by County staff. ~=y FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donation. Respectfully submitted, V ckie L. Huffma Sr. Asst. County orney ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x _ Denied () to approve Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Vickie Huffman, Senior Assistant County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility G: \ATTORNEY\V LHW GENDA\CONSENT\Brookfield 1 &2.rpt. wpd .~ ~~ r / ,~ i r ^~ 2 \!6j b ~ ~s~ 4~ m . } L__ .. ~~~ ° `~ ~{SI~ f8 ~ 1 / ~ ~~ 1 ~ \2p~ D.F ~.,, ~ i -~ • v ~. V ~~ 7 ~ ~ / ~ i r 11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I t ~5 ~~ I ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ > ~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 1 /~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ F4 '~, a~~ ~ .~ ~~ < `~ ` `F3 ` F2 ~^ ~. ~ ws ~~ 11 ~12 BOAERT LEE de CLAIRE A TUCItEIt ` AB 466 PC 4D2 \` TA}C ~lAP No. 79.D1-3-37 93.971 ACRES t RFaIAINING PROPI~:RTY OF t?itALiN de I/ALORON, INC. DB 1449 PG BD DB 144.9 PQ 84 TAX MAP No. 79.01-3-R8 S9 Ir 9 .`~ r ~` MAT~HC1N E~_ -_ .S~£ sh~ _ _ A6 SB ET 3 OF 4 ",,~. 1 .~ SURVEY FOR BRQG~IYF/ELD SECT/QN / PROPERTY OF ' FRA[!N ~ W.4[D11ltQIK /YMC. VINTON h4AGISTERIAL DISTRICT / 13 a~' ~~ tiryry. /~' pw G ~(,Y ~By~ / 1~ . ,f \ gyp. ~,M f X66 j ~`'yMANAGEMENT LAT ./ ~ F .~ x /` i 4 1.342 AC ~ " \ (SEE NOTE 6) -- 20._p'F' ~,p ~-- ACTUAL DETENTION/ `~S~ RETENTION AREA S ~'9 •- UTILITY LOT Oa O.DBD AC' 'C ~?S / ~ LIMIT OF `99) ~ o' / HIGH WATER. O ~,~ / ,~ ELEV ti218.41 t5 o~ /~ ~f.3~~ ~ .\ _ N t~•ao 2^~~ SH~E~•. ~ ~~ 4 --~-- SSE + MATGxLtN~ ROBERT 8. CAMit~Y Ma 1, lyis7~~ ~~ ,96~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THI: IS BASED ON AN ACTUAL Fl' E%HIBIT A A-061201 ~~.~ ACTION # ITEM NUMBER , MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 12, 2001 Request for appropriation of funds from the sale of "Listen to Me" videos. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION : In 1992, TRUST and Guidance Services produced the video "Listen to Me" as part of the training for the Natural Helper Program. The video is the property of Roanoke County Schools and TRUST. Recently requests have been received from other school systems to purchase the videos. One video has been sold at this time for a sum of $45.00. Roanoke County Schools has agreed to an equal share of the profit from sale of videos with TRUST. Revenues received will be used to purchase additional materials for the Natural Helper Program. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends appropriation of $45.00 and any addition monies received from the sale of the video to the Guidance Services Natural Helper Program. Mrs ichele Dowdy Elmer C. Ho e Coordinator of Guidance Services County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x _ Denied () to approve Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x cc: File Michele Dowdy, Coordinator of Guidance Services Danial Morris, Director, Finance Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Y' A-061201-7 . e ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 12, 2001 Request for approval of annual write-off of Utility Bad Debts for 1996 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Each year the County writes off the Utility delinquent accounts that are over five years old. This policy is consistent with the procedures used by the Treasurer for the write off of delinquent personal property accounts as prescribed by law. The following efforts have been made to collect these accounts: 1. Collection letters requesting payment. 2. Filing with the Department of Taxation Debt Set-off Program. 3. Filing Warrants in Debt where a valid address is available. 4. Continuing to research for delinquent accounts through the DMV, VEC and Department of Taxation Records. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The delinquent utility accounts to be written off at this time are: Year Amount Number of Accounts Total Billing Delinquencyr 1996 $6,264.59 36 $11,895,402.00 .05% '• N .~AN11 A comparison of the prior four years of delinquent account write-offs is shown below: Year Amount Number of Accounts Total Billing Delinquencx 1995 $8,018.07 41 $11,590,475.00 .07% 1994 $7,838.15 39 $9,848,704.00 .08% 1993 $6,389.56 43 $8,636,519.00 .07% 1992 $9,370.49 45 $7,801,429.00 .12% FISCAL IMPACT: None. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends writing off the 1996 delinquent accounts. Respectfully submitted, Ap~v~ed by, ~ ) ~~ Rosemar R. Trussell Eff I~~mer C. Hdd e ~ ~~ d" Y 9 Finance Manager County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x Denied () toto a~rove Johnson _ x Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Rosemary R. Trussell, Finance Manager Danial Morris, Director, Finance ACTION NO. A 061201-7.f ITEM NO. ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: The Sheriff s Office requests the acceptance of a federal grant approved under the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1998 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Sheriffs Office applied to the Bureau of Justice Assistance for funding under the Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Act of 1998. The grant was approved byInternet e-mail to Ms. Lisa Ward, Finance. (See Attachment A) This grant would allow the Sheriff's Office to purchase bulletproof vests to provide heightened protection for Court Bailiffs in the Court Services Division and for Transportation Deputies in the Corrections Division. The Sheriff s Office received an award of $1175.87. With the required cash matching funds (50%/50%), the total amount of the award approved by the Board will be $2351.74. The Sheriffs Office will match the $1175.87 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance from the Sheriff's Sub-Fund Account for a total of $2351.74 available to purchase vests. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: I request that the Board of Supervisors accept the grant award from the Bureau of Justice Assistance for the purchase of bulletproof vests for Sheriff s Office personnel. FISCAL IMPACT: None. Matching funds are available in the Sheriffs budget. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the acceptance of the awarded funds. Respectfully submitted, Approved by, ~~' Gerald S. Holt Elmer C. Hodg Sheriff County Administrator I-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x _ Denied () to approve Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara_ x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens x action cc: File Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Danial Morris, Director, Finance ~~a c ~ /Y1e n -~` ~-~ From: <vests@ojp.gov> To: <Iward@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 5/17/01 12:04AM Subject: BULLETPROOF VEST PARTNERSHIP GRANT PROGRAM FUNDING ANNOUNCEMENT Congratulations! It is our pleasure to officially announce that the application for the 2001 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program from ROANOKE COUNTY has been approved in the amount of $ 1175.87. This amount represents the maximum federal funds available. These funds may now be used to pay up to 50% of the cost of approved vest purchases. Electronic requests for payments will be processed beginning June 1st. As vests are delivered to the jurisdiction's participating law enforcement agencies, online receiving reports must be completed, followed by the jurisdiction's online payment request (section 3.3 in the jurisdiction electronic handbook). Jurisdictions are responsible for ensuring that purchased vests are in compliance with applicable program standards, that the invoiced prices do not include unrelated law enforcement equipment, and that program payments do not exceed 50% of the total costs. When the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) receives the jurisdiction's request for payment, funds are electronically transferred from the U.S. Treasury to the jurisdiction's bank account, as specified during the online registration process. The payment process automatically calculates and transfers half of the total amount in each request for payment, until the jurisdiction's available funds are depleted. Please allow up to twenty-five business days after each request for the electronic transfer to be completed. Jurisdictions are responsible for facilitating prompt payment to vest vendors. We recognize that jurisdiction and law enforcement agency operational and equipment needs are subject to change. Consequently, participating agencies are not required to purchase the exact number, type or model of vests contained in the approved application. Vests may be purchased at any threat level, make or model, from any distributor or manufacturer, as long as the vests have been tested and found to comply with applicable National Institute of Justice ballistic or stab standards. The original application cannot be changed; any changes in actual purchases will be reflected in the online Receipt of Vest portion in each participant's electronic handbook. Only law enforcement officers may receive vests through this program. According to the Act, "law enforcement officer" means any officer, agent, or employee of a State, unit of local government, or an Indian tribe authorized by law or by a government agency to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, or investigation of any violation of criminal law, or authorized by law to supervise sentenced criminal offenders. Eligible officers may be full-time, part-time, paid or volunteer. Jurisdictions may request payments from this year's application through September 30, 2005. Payments of federal funds can be requested whenever vests are received. Jurisdictions are not permitted to purchase vests through this program if they also use money from BJA's Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program to purchase vests during the same fiscal year. =~-7 Procurement transactions and payments may be subject to audits by the U.S. General Accounting Office, U.S. Department of Justice's Office of the Inspector General, state or local government auditors, and auditors from independent public accounting firms. Jurisdictions must follow their local procurement policies and procedures, including maintenance of reliable and accurate accounting systems, record keeping, and systems of internal control. Recipients of federal funds are expected to retain documentation supporting all program transactions for at least three years after the closure of audit reports related to such findings. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, or other action involving records has been started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records must be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all related issues, or until the end of the regular three year period, whichever is later. This electronic message serves as BJA's primary funding notification. No award or grant documents will be forthcoming and this program does not have a generic grant or award number. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for this program is #1607, the full text of which can be found under Program Resources at the program's main web site http://vests.ojp.gov. If you require additional information, please address your questions to the attention of the Bulletproof Vest Program Manager, Bureau of Justice Assistance, 4th floor, 810 7th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20531. If you need help with the electronic handbooks or other technical, Internet issues, please call the BVP technical support staff at toll-free 1-877-75VESTS (1-877-758-3787) or at the toll number 301-595-4595. Thank you. Again, congratulations and thank you for participating in this important program. Sincerely, The Bulletproof Vest Program, BJA .~~.~~ ~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 2001, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 061201-7.g THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER REQUESTING A "WATCH FOR CHILDREN" SIGN WHEREAS, the General Assembly enacted an amendment to the Code of Virginia, adding Section 33.1-210.2 regarding the installation and maintenance of "signs alerting motorists that children may be at play nearby," and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors along with the Virginia Department of Transportation staff institute a local policy, and WHEREAS, a petition has been received that meets both Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation guidelines, and WHEREAS, the homeowners of Nicholas Hill Lane have agreed to fund the installation of the sign, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the following street location be reviewed fora "Watch for Children" sign, pursuant to Section 33.1-210.2, Code of Virginia: Sign Location: On Nicholas Hill Lane near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson McNamara Church, Nickens, Minnix Nays: None Absent: None A Copy Teste: `y' ~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation u ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER '"' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 SUBJECT: Placement of a "Watch for Children" sign on Nicholas Hill Lane (Rte. 7009) near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane (Rte. 7007). COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: In 1997 the General Assembly enacted an amendment to the Code of Virginia, adding Section 33.1-210.2 regarding the installation and maintenance of signs which alert motorists that children may be at play nearby. In accordance with this law, effective July 1, 1997, counties may request VDOT to install and maintain these signs. On June 23, 1998 Roanoke County adopted a policy to supplement the VDOT policy for a Watch for Children sign. The guidelines adopted require a petition signed by at least 75% of the property owners along the street or subdivision. The property owner/owners pay 100 % of the costs to install the sign at the time (sign cost is approximately $150.00). The street must have a minimum traffic count of 200 vehicles per day or twenty lots and/or be a thoroughfare or cut-through to another road. Other streets to be considered regardless of traffic counts will be streets adjacent to a public park or walking trail, parallel streets in the vicinity of schools, and any other public or private facility where children frequent. Generally, signs will be installed at points of ingress or egress to the street. The suggested minimum distance between signs is 1,000 feet. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County has received a petition from the Nicholas Hills community requesting fora "Watch for Children" sign to be placed on Nicholas Hill Lane (Rte. 7009) near the intersection of Polly Hill Lane (Rte. 7007). Staff has completed our review and found that all requirements have been met. ~ ~ 4 - J ~ FISCAL IMPACT: +/I/p" No county funding is required. The homeowners are responsible for the cost of the sign and its installation. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve the resolution requesting the placement of a "Watch for Children" sign at the intersection of Nicholas Hill Lane (Rte. 7009) and Polly Hill Lane (Rte. 7007). MITTED BY: APPROVED: Arnold Covey, irector Elmer C. Ho e Department of Community De elopment County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ()Motion By: Denied () Church Received () Johnson Referred McNamara To Minnix Nickens No Yes Abs 1 ~ - - • ~/- V THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE DAY OF , 2001, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION THE TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIONER REQUESTING A "WATCH FOR CHILDREN" SIGN WHEREAS, the General Assembly enacted an amendment to the Code of Virginia, adding Section 33.1-210.2 regarding the installation and maintenance of "signs alerting motorists that children may be at play nearby," and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors along with the Virginia Department of Transportation staff institute a local policy, and WHEREAS, a petition has been received that meets both Roanoke County and the Virginia Department of Transportation guidelines, and WHEREAS, the homeowners of Nicholas Hill Lane have agreed to fund the installation of the sign, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the following street location be reviewed fora "Watch for Children" sign, pursuant to Section 33.1-210.2, Code of Virginia: Sign Location: Intersection of Nicholas Hill Lane and Polly Hill Lane. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File R AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION 061201-7.h APPROPRIATING AND DONATING PUBLIC FUNDS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO PAY INTEREST EXPENSE FOR THE VALLEY GATEWAY SHELL BUILDING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ("the County") and the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County ("the Authority") desire to promote and encourage the economic development of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Roanoke Valley by the recruitment of new industry for the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in the County; and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to support these economic development efforts of the Authority by donating public funds to the Authority in accordance with the provisions of § 15.2-1205 of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, by an agreement between the Authority, the County, F&W Properties II, Inc., and the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation ("the Foundation") a shell building was constructed at Valley Gateway. This agreement provides that the Authority will begin making the interest payments on the construction loan held by the Foundation beginning two years after the completion of construction (November 11, 2000) and continuing until either (a) the building is sold, or (b) the Foundation's five year note to the Authority has become due (May 15, 2002) . WHEREAS, on November 14, 2000,the Board of Supervisors appropriated and donated to the Authority $45,000 to pay interest payments on the construction loan held 1 by the Foundation on the shell building in Valley Gateway from November 11, 2000 to June 30, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $70,000 is hereby appropriated and donated to the Authority. That this appropriation of public funds is made from funds available and previously appropriated in the County's Public Private Partnership account. 2. That this appropriation and donation to the Authority is made for the following economic development purposes: to pay the interest payments on the construction loan held by the Foundation on the shell building in Valley Gateway from July 1, 2001 through May 15, 2002. 3. That the appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this resolution, and all actions taken by such officers and agents in connection with this transaction are hereby ratified and confirmed. 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~~~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the. Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Doug Chittum, Director, Economic Development Danial Morris, Director, Finance 2 w A-061201-7 . h ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Appropriate Funds for the Interest Expense on the Valley Gateway Shell Building from July 1, 2001 through May 15, 2002 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: ,~;~ c~~z~ ~~ ~~~ .C,ruAeCe„-q d When the shell building was constructed at Valley Gateway, an agreement was signed between the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County (the IDA), the County of Roanoke, F & W Properties II, Inc., and the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation. As part of this agreement, the IDA agreed to begin making the interest payments on the construction loan held by the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation beginning two years after the completion of construction (November 11, 2000) and continuing until either a) the building is sold, or b) May 15, 2002. This payment from the IDA is subject to appropriation of funds from the County. On November 14, 2000, the Board appropriated $45,000 for interest expense from November 11, 2000 through June 30, 2001. At this time it is necessary to appropriate the interest expense for the remainder of the County commitment (July 1, 2001 through May 15, 2002). If the building is still unsold at the conclusion of this time period, the interest expense will revert back to the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation. The construction loan outstanding is $772,090, and the interest is LIBOR + 2%, so it will vary from month to month. The interest rate charged for May 2001 was 6.03625%. M:\FINANCE\COMMON\Board-Reports\2001 \6-12-0 l shellbidg.wpd Z1 FISCAL IMPACT: The Board will need to appropriate $70,000 for interest expense payments from July 1, 2001 through May 15, 2002. These funds will be transferred to the IDA to be paid to the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation. This will complete the County's obligation to make interest payments on the outstanding loan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staffrecommends appropriating $70,000 for interest expense on the shell building from funds available in the Public Private Partnership account. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Diane D. Hyatt Elmer C. Hod Chief Financial Officer County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x Denied () to approve Johnson - x _ Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix - x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Doug Chittum, Director, Economic Development Danial Morris, Director, Finance M:\FINANCE\COMMON\Board-Reports\2001 \6-12-01. shellbldg.wpd AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 2001 RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING AND DONATING PUBLIC FUNDS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO PAY INTEREST EXPENSE FOR THE VALLEY GATEWAY SHELL BUILDING WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ("the County") and the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County ("the Authority") desire to promote and encourage the economic development of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Roanoke Valley by the recruitment of new industry for the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in the County; and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds; and WHEREAS, the County desires to support these economic development efforts of the Authority by donating public funds to the Authority in accordance with the provisions of § 15.2-1205 of the Code of Virginia. WHEREAS, by an agreement between the Authority, the County, F&W Properties II, Inc., and the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation ("the Foundation") a shell building was constructed at Valley Gateway. This agreement provides that the Authority will begin making the interest payments on the construction loan held by the Foundation beginning two years after the completion of construction (November 11, 2000) and continuing until either (a) the building is sold, or (b) the Foundation's five year note to the Authority has become due (May 15, 2002). M:\FINANCE\COMMON\Boazd-Repods\2001\6-12-01 shellbidg.wpd WHEREAS, on November 14,2000,the Board of Supervisors ~~ appropriated and donated to the Authority $45,000 to pay interest payments on the construction loan held by the Foundation on the shell building in Valley Gateway from November 11, 2000 to June 30, 2001. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $70,000 is hereby appropriated and donated to the Authority. That this appropriation of public funds is made from funds available and previously appropriated in the County's Public Private Partnership account. 2. That this appropriation and donation to the Authority is made for the following economic development purposes: to pay the interest payments on the construction loan held by the Foundation on the shell building in Valley Gateway from July 1, 2001 through May 15, 2002. 3. That the appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this resolution, and all actions taken by such officers and agents in connection with this transaction are hereby ratified and confirmed. 4. That this resolution shall take effect immediately. M:\FINANCE\COMMON\Board-Reports\2001\6-12-01 shellbldg.wpd ACTION ~ A-061201-7 . i ITEM NUMBER "~ f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 SUBJECT: Request to Accept Donations of Water, Sewer and Drainage Easements COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: These consent agenda items involve acceptance of the following easements for water, sewer or drainage purposes in connection with the referenced location or project: A. Minnick Education Center -Water Easement Donation of a water easement, of variable width, from Minnick Education Center, Inc. (Deed Book 1642, page 1764; Tax Map No. 27.17-04-13.1), as shown on a plat dated December 21, 2000 and revised February 14, 2001, which was prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department. A copy of the plat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1". The easement was donated in conjunction with the water line extension installed to serve the Minnick Education Center. The water line easement is located along the northern shoulder of Dent Road at its intersection with Airport Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. B. Old Locke Court Water Tank -Drainage Easement Donation of a 15-feet wide, water tank drain line easement from Carol Bell Chappell (Deed Book 1648, page 1442; Tax Map No. 86.01-10-15) as shown on the plat dated March 30, 2001, which was prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department. A copy of the plat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A-2". The easement shall allow for relocation of the existing overflow/drain line for the Old Locke Court water tank located at 5820 Old Locke Court in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. C. "The Groves" -Section 7 -Sewer Easement Donation of a sewer force main easement, of variable width, from Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. (Deed Book 1646, page 449; Tax Map Nos. 96.07-07-39 and 96.07-07-40), as shown on the plat dated May 22, 2001, which was prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department. A copy of the plat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A-3". The easement is located between the properties located at 6224 Broughton Drive and 6230 Broughton Drive in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. ~~ D. Hollins Gardens Sewer Line Extension -Sewer Easement Donation of a 15-foot wide sanitary sewer easement, from Elmo and Sandra P. McLaurin (Deed Book 1202, page 233; Tax Map No. 27.11-04-49), as shown on a plat dated May 21, 2001, which was prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department. A copy of the plat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A-4". The easement is situated at the rear of the property located at 7425 Estes Street in the Hollins Magisterial District. FISCAL IMPACT: These easements are being donated by the respective property owners and will have no fiscal impact. RECOMMENDATION: Staff' recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the donation of these easements and authorize the County Administrator to execute the subject deeds of easement. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED: Gary Rob rtson, P.E. Elmer C. Hod O Utility Director County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x Denied () to approve Johnson _ x _. _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development M ~ W c0 - O C~ CO ~I W ~ Q L v p~ J p a r >- ~ > i-- .- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~`~ = W O [1_ M ~ ~ ~ ~~za° ai x ~ w a U ~ r- a a ~- ~ a. ~~// o ' a ~~; 5 1. ' n . Soo r /~ ~~ j 62 i ,' /,3' % % ;~~/o , ,,0 o / ~ W Z t_O /_~ ~ / / ~ ? f w w ~ ~ N ~ ~ ! ~7 ~ ~ 1. ~ (~ N W ~ ~ ~ W No0o0cfl MN ~ d ~ O 00 h ~ u7 ~- ap N Z M U ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ C~ ~ ~Q~t- ~ C1lU ~ ~ 1' o° ~ \~ \\ \\~ ~9 ~- A '~ \ Sri ~ \ ' w O Z ~ ~w~Q d~~o w~wz o,,,o°o cnzom J J = W Q ~ F- ~ ~ O Q O ~,_ Q ~-Z W (n (' 2 Q I-{-aZ-ZFW- ~WOF-}}. ~-~2i--W ~ U ~ Z ~ ~OQOUC~n ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~~ i ~ ~ ~. ~ 7 d O Q U ~ vz rn r~-~ ~ ~o ~L.J Q-N N W W ~ NQ-y~[O ~ Vw~ ~ U d Z X ~_ ~ Q g G F- r , -yJ ~ z ass, 0 0 O L___L__1__1_J ~6 ~_l ~ \ ~ 9 `! OO !s ~ ~ ,OS ~ ~ ~ d \\yis ~~: \~`~ 6Gd, ~ \ ~~ ~Y~ U ~- `~ N ~~~y , C- J arr~ k j ~. ~" ~~ ~c s u, ~, ~. ~` N r .;,~ l I O ~ C) ~ ~1 N W ~ ~ ~ W ~~~~~~~~ ~O ~~ ~~ Y ~~ ,' ~~Q O~ ~ ~' cJ C ~A~, 0.9~../_ N z w w '~ w w z H di _ o ~{! H ~ Q Z ~ r- H ~ ~ a w ~ ~ ?~ 4 ~ d- ~ m U c di W ~ r~ ~ Z `` ° W O x ~, '- ~ ~ b- ,- rJ-- Z ~- ~ Qi U N p ~ ~- cy ~ > oz ~z J ~~ Q~ ~Q~ wz~Q~ ~~ry OW ~Z Q QOM w ri N--+ z ~ ~ W a- ~ Y O W [--J m E-y Z U Z x Q cn O z 0 z Q ° 'z ~ o _ I O •- ~ ~ n ~ m O O U ~ Q ~ ~ W W a W x ~w ~ U ~ ~ ~ W Z Z ~~' ~ ~ `'~ F- aZo ~~; W ~~W II ~ I Wive ~ .- ~~W = ~ W Q Q s~~ 4 / ~ ~ 4 I . J a~~a J ~ %~wz Ww / l / ~~W Zo Q i ~ ~__ ~ O = ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~/ ' wWW Wes. ~~~ ~~ ~~W Q~ ~~~ ~~ V ~ ~ "l ~JZW~~ V ~ ~ Z ~ Z O Z ~ ~i ~-i cri ~- 17 q Z Q SINE DIRECTION DISTANCE 1 -2 N01'39'35"W 92.22' 2-3 N25°40' 1 6"W 156.00' 3-4 S78° 1 1 '43"E 15.45' 4-5 S25°40'16"E 155.49' 5-6 S01'39'35"E 99.89' 6-1 S86°20'36"W 15.01' EASEMENT AREA = 3,815 S.F. I I I I I I ~ a I I I Qo I LOT 13 LOT !4 °Y I I ~o `'' o ~ 00 SECTION No.I 1.2 ' " ~ J a TERBURY PARR lACE HO,ffES OF CA~Y CAR I P.B. .ZO, PG. I B9 I I I I I I I / ~ ~ / i i / ~' ~- r NATURAL WATERCOURSE NEW 15-FOOT W/DE ~ ~ DRA/N L/NE EASEMENT TAX PARCEL ,x'76.19-05-06 PROPERTY OF BOONS, BOONS & LOEB, INC. LOT 5, SECTION 7 OF STEEPLEIlUNT 0/~' CANTERBURY PARK Z ~~ ~~ ~~ TAX PARCEL ,x'76.19-05-[ PROPERTY OF ~ LOT 15 CARP A. & ELLEN C. REXRODE w D.B. 1967; PG 1999 NEW 15-FOOT- W/DE DRA/N L/NE EASEMENT N 0 o E TAX PARCEL ,~B6.Ol-10-15 ~ ~~ PROPERTY OF \ ~ 5$ CAROL BELL CBAPPELL R'ERTZ ORCHARD ROAD D.g 168, PC. 1.905 40' R/A~ C-1 1 6 A= 31'14'34" ~ 131.24' R= 55.00 5 86'20'36" W - - T= 15.38 / 1 / 1 /1 /1---' I L= 29.99 1 ! l ! ! / l I ! 1 ! ! l 1 ! ! I ! l BRG. N 14'05'10" W / l~ 1 !~ / l!1/ !! J~ / l~ Existing 20' Water Line Easement ~ ! l~ 1 I CHD. 29.62 ~!l / Il ! I/ //!1 !1 1 /1 ! 1 1 ! 1 ! / i / ! / ! ! l1 / I! ! 1 EXISTING I ~! ! ll 1 !I ! 1! 1 !i 1 /! 1 !l 1!! 1 1 1! 1 1 1 ! l 1 I ~ LOT 16 WATER TANK ~ X07 I ~ TAX PARCEL X86.01-10-16 NOTES' ~ PROPERTY OF BOONL; BOONS & LOEB, INC. (ROANOKE COUNTY) I I 1. TOTAL AREA OF NEW DRA/N L/NE EASEMENT = 3, 814 S F. I I 2. /T /S THE EXPRESS /LATENT OF TH/S PLAT TO CREA TE THE NEW DRA/N L/NE - - - - - - EASEMENT TO BE L OCA TED ON TAX MAP PARCEL NO. 86.01-10-15 PLAT SHOWING CATER TANK DRAIN LINE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO ExHi~iT THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY 9 I-~ ~ ~ CAROL BELL CHAPPELL ACROSS TAX MAP N0. 86.01 -10-15 THIS PLAT IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CREATING A 15' DRAIN LINE EASEMENT AS SHOWN HEREON AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. TAX PARCEL X76.03-04-23 PROPERTY OF EZERA L: & ELSlE C. ~'ERTZ B.B. 1670, PC. 730 NEW DRAIN LINE EASEMENT _ _ _"-~ O~ ROANO~~ ~ ~A L ~- ~ z c~ o :, *z OLD LOCKS COURT WATER TANK CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA nn n>\tnu~ rnT T1\TTV NEW SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE 1-2 N53'01'37"E 67.87' 2-3 N26°42'47"E 71.86' 3-4 S22°21'06"E 19.86' 4-5 S26°42'47"W 73.64' 5-6 S53°01'37"W 64.92' __ 6- 1 N26°37'?_5"W 20.33' (CH) EASEMENT AREA = 2,408 S. F. ~' (~ TAXPARCEL #9G.07-07-38 ~' PROPERTY OF ~ BOONS BOONS & LOEB, INC. ~ocy 1 D.B. IG4GPG.~449 \ i \ \z \ \ \ r~ TAXPARCEL #96.07-OI-02 PROPERTYOF JANET T. SCULL D.B. 1248 PG. 988 r TAXPARCEL #9G.07-07-39 PROPERTY OF BOONEBOONEcPcLOEB, INC. D.B. IG4GPG. 449 \ \ i > > ~ i "~ 20'EX. S.S.E. 1 ~ I I ' o ~ ~ ~ \ oaa ~ ~ ~ ~ C2 \\ / r < m 1 / C2 Yo ~ A= 41°21'24" 1 ~ ~ m V R= Ss.00 7'= 20.76 C3 a L= 39.70 1 a BRG. N s7°s7'19" W CHD. 38.84 CI PROP. Is' S.S.L'. 4 N EX. ls' D.E. No ~ N/_ O o ~; ~~ 10.00' PROP. 20' S.S.E. va / C~o~ / / / ~ C.7~ _ / / / / o~'¢AXPARCEL #96.07-01-G ~- EX. 20' W.L.E. ~ PROPERTYOF REGQVALD S. SNYDER D.B. 1078 PG. IOG TAXPARCEL #96.07-07-40 cl I 1sP.o.E. PROPERTYOF ~\ C3 A= 30°44'38" BOONEBOONE & LOEB, INC. ~ R= ss.00 D.B. 1 G4G PG. 449 A= 21°18'42" T= 15.12 R= s4.97 Ir 29.51 T= ]0.34 BRG. N O°3s's3" W / N7So13~ " ~ 16 7 W CI'ID. 29.16 " 1.9 C W RG. N 26°3725 CHD. 20.33 \ TAXPARCEL #9G.07-07-41 \ PROPERTY OF \ BOONS BOONS cPc LOEB, INC. \ IG4GPG. 449 D B . . \ NOTES.• 1. TOTAL AREA OF NEW SAN/TAR Y SEWER L/NE EASEMENT = 2, 406 S. F. Z. /T /S THE EXPRESS /LATENT OF TH/S PLAT TO CREA TE THE NEW SAN/TARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE LOCATED ON TAX MAP PARCEL NOS. 96.07-07-39 & 96.07-07 -40 PLAT SHOWING SANITARY SLATER LINE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY BOONS BOONS & LOEB, INC. ACROSS TAX MAP PARCEL NOS. 96.07-07-39 & 96.07-07-40 EXHIBI'T' "A'=3 THIS PLAT IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF ADDING A VARIABLE WIDTH SANITAf2Y SEWER EASEMENT AS SHOWN HEREON AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. O~ ~OANO~~ ~ ~A L F- ~ z c~ o. 1;; ,2 SECTION No. 7 "THE. GROVES" CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NEW SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE 1 -2 N 1 4° 1 1' 19 "W 1 45.60' 2-3 N 12°48'43"E 25.89' 3-4 N69°09'00"E 3.27' 4-5 S14°11'19"E 152.29' 5-1 S27'32'05"W 22.54' ~i~ i / ~ off, E / / N 69 0 3p~ / 3 / / 4 / / EASEMENT AREA = 2,274 S.F. / / / ~ / / / ~^ / / 2 N / / ~ o / / / ^ F` / /P~~~~~ / / I LOT /7 ~ ' N / /~2~ / I W / TAX PARCEL X27/l-Of-fB / / PROPERTY OF ~°- LOT 16 I ROBERT D. et wa od Z a° O Y ~O w~ ~m a a BARBARA S. c/1lccs NEW 1 S -FD^ T D.B. 731, PC. 296 \ WIDE SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT \ TAX PARCEL ,/27!1-Of-50 PROPERTY OF W \ ROBERT D. Ar I _ BARBARI S. GR/CGS ~ \ \ D.B. 713, PC. 3/ I - z \ I 7 / \ .4.1'PA/PCEL j27/l-Of-f / \ PROPERTY OP \ I EL.fIO .4 SAND/P.4 P. A/CLAUR/ / \ \ D.B /202, PG. 299 b \ I ~ / -~-- ~ ~ \ / / / LOT !B \ i~ ~ / -~ -, \ \ ~ ~ r,o° / TAX PARCEL /27.!/-Of-50 \ \ / / PROPERTY OF \ ,~ EL.A/O cF SANDRA P. AfCL9UR/N \ I / ~ 1 Q 5 \ D.B. /202, PC. 233 A= 20'46'07' I T= 7.33 ~' og, \ L= 14.50 ~'SO ~0- DRG. N 21'12'00' V 0 A' \ ` CHD. 14.42 \ \ \ \ EST65 STREET ~ \ \ \ 50' R/ll" ~ I ^\ \ ~ ~\ TAX PARCEL J27./l-Of-f6\ ~ \ \\ PROPERTY OF ERlC .f: B CARLA C. HURLEY D.B. //90, PG. /756 ~ NOTES• ~ ~ 1. TOTAL AREA OF NEW SEWER LINE EASEMENT = 2, 274 S F. 2. /T /S THE EXPRESS /LATENT OF TH/S PLAT TO CREA TE THE NEW SAN/TARP SEWER EASEMENT TD BE L OCA TED ON TAX MAP PARCEL NO. 27. 11-04-49 ~-- PLAT SHOWING 15 -FOOT WIDE SANI'T'ARY SEWER EASElVIFN'I' BEING GRANTED 1-0 THE COUN`T'Y OF ROANOKE BY ELMO 8c SANDRA P. MCLAURIN ACROSS TAX MAP NO. 27.1 1 - 04-49 EXHIBIT "A"~-- y~ HOLLINS GARDENS THIS PLAT IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE ~OANO/r SEWER LINE EXTENSION OF CREATING A 15' SANITARY SEWER O~ ~L HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT EASEMENT AS SHOWN HEREON AND ~ ~~- DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACTUAL ~ ~ ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA nni in~nn vv ci io~irv .. /p ,., t~ A-061201-7. j ACTION NUMBER ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT INTERIM ZONING ADMINISTRATOR COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance provides that the County Planner shall serve as the Zoning Administrator, with all the duties and responsibilities for administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. Upon receiving the resignation of Mr. Harrington, County Planner, Roanoke County needs to appoint, on an interim basis, a new zoning administrator. In the past, the Board of Supervisors has appointed the Zoning Administrator. As Director of the Department of Community Development, I am requesting the authorization to assign this responsibility to David Holladay who currently holds the position of Planner. The Department of Community Development is currently developing a restructuring plan for the planning division. This interim appointment will help provide the time necessary to complete the work and to prepare the necessary documents to implement the new restructuring plan. Once the plan is complete, staff will submit any additional action required by the Board. Staff is requesting that the Board of Supervisors approve and authorize this appointment to avoid any legal challenge to the validity of existing or future County enforcement actions. ALTERNATIVES AND IMPACT: 1. Approve the appointment of David Holladay as Interim Zoning Administrator. 2. Take no action, and by default, the Senior Planner will act as Zoning Administrator. i • ~'_r ~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors to approve alternative one. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community evelopment APPROVED BY: ~~~ ~~ ~~O Elmer C. Hod County Administrator Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x _ Denied () to approve Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara- x _ Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs action cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 A-061201-7 . k ACTION ## ITEM NUMBER ..L`I~ MEETING DATE : June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Request for appropriation of Universal Service Fund Grants COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF The program is designed to support technology and communications for instructional use in schools and libraries. Staff suggests using this unanticipated funding to upgrade file servers to support library and instructional programs. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends appropriation of Universal Service Fund grants totaling approximately $83,263.95 to be used to upgrade school fileservers. ~~~ c'~ Dr. ane James, Director Elmer C. Hod Director of Technology County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x Denied () to approve Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x _ cc: File Jane James, Director, Technology Danial Morris, Director, Finance Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board INFORMATION : Roanoke County Schools has received notification that additional funding has been approved for an "out of the window" application for the 1999-2000 school year. This funding was requested for the upgrades to our network and wireless networking approved last spring. The school system is eligible to receive reimbursements up to $38,335.15 for the network routes purchased from Verizon and up to $44,928.80 for wiring projects purchased from Network Integrators. The actual amounts received will depend on both contract dates and dates that work was completed. ACTION $# `-061201-7. ~ ITEM NUMBER °"'~' ~~ MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM : Request for appropriation of Dual Enrollment Net Revenues COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Roanoke County Schools and Virginia Western Community College have an agreement whereby the college provides college level courses in English, US History, and certain vocational subjects. These courses are taught by Roanoke County teachers who meet the college's criteria for adjunct professors. Monies that have been collected exceed the expenses; therefore, there is a request for these additional funds to be appropriated for inservice and materials that will be used in the program. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Schools collected $24,600.00 tuition from 490 students. VWCC will reimburse $43,607.69 for services rendered (teachers, administrating expenses, rooms, utilities, and maintenance). Roanoke County Schools owes VWCC $56,394.00 for tuition and technology fees and college service fees. The difference between what was collected and what was spent is $11,813.69 FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County Schools requests that $11,813.69 be appropriated to the instructional program for use in the dual enrollment program. Budget Code: 797530-6501 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Lorraine S. Lange mer Hodge Assistant Superintendent of Instruction County Administrator Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x _ to approve Johnson _ x _ McNamara- x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x cc: File Lorraine S. Lange, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Danial Morris, Director, Finance Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12TH DAY OF JUNE, 2001, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 061201-7.m REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF COLONIAL PLACE DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Johnson. McNamara, Church, Nickens, Minnix Nays: None Absent: None A Copy Teste: ~• Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation I ~ ~ `o U ~ c •_ % © fl ~ N 1 U • Q C m m L S ~ ~ ~ ¢ o ~ r 2 1 ~ c z _ Ot ~ - ~ C c C O 6 ~ V L ('a ~ ' O V ~ ~ v {n O .v ~ ~ ~ L F ~ 2 O _ a7 ? C ~ ~ O _ y .... ^ ~ 'v7 m m m a e m U' m ~ . ~ ~ ° TA C~ ' CD Q ° d Q ~ a i a a a a m $ P V7 2 a ~ O ~ ~ a ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c _ ~ •~ ~ ~ m m ~ ~ n ~ `0 4 ,D c A : ~ ~ m m ~ ~ ~ . ~ u ~ ~ n a o 0 0 0 ~ a ~ ~ ~ v < a ^~. „ ~ ~ m ~ 0 ~ ~ b - ~ ~ r "~ - p 9 ' 1L m m ~ -}. d K m S ~ Z ~ > y~ 3 ~ ~ o ,o m 0 m 0 m o m a m n m n c ~ ~ ~ ~ m o m ~ '' z a O ~ p ~ b ~ ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ^ L m ~ ~ J `, ~ ~ S ~ LL ~ G ~ 2 ~ ~ a FF CC a ~ ~ 2 a ~ U L ~ ~ `o ~ Q < Z . ~ c ~- a a ~i o f- d a ~i c r a ~ tL e t- a 'a w c r a b w c r- a. ~i c ~- n, x .~ rd '~ a - ~ a p a ' L ~ . ~ ~- > ~ ~ m ~ v _ G t ~ }- CC ~ v ~ v~ v a U ~ 0 C .~ N C 3 ~ ~ ~ S ,~~. < ~ o Z ~ ~ ib . n `d' a a = }' ~ Z v V . ~ ~ (7 ~ ~ e . . O n ~ .. - ~ ; ~+ ~ ~ N A t N m~ I ~ O Z ~ Brambleton Ave. Rte. 419 olonial Place Dr. Colonial Ave. VICINITY MAP ~~~. NORTH ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COLONIAL PLACE Acceptance of Colonial Place Dr. into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ~- ~.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Colonial Place Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Boone, Boone and Loeb., the developer of Colonial Place requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept .20mi. of Colonial Place Drive, from the intersection of Colonial Avenue north to its cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of the Virginia Department of Transportation and finds the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Colonial Place Drive into the Secondary Road System. ~'~~~' SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodgrn V County Administrator ACTION Approved ()Motion By: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To VOTE No Yes Abs Church _ Johnson McNamara _ Minnix _ _ Nickens ^~~~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 12'TH DAY OF JULY, 2001, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF COLONIAL PLACE DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of--way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: _ Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Mary Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File ~~ a~ `o U C m L U RI L Q ~ d `o ~ a~ ~ ~ L G 'B C e O p v d ~ _ m € .C E 2 O c 0'1 ~' ~ ~ O h ~ ~ 'G ~ ~ ~ N O ~ O '~ 0~ L ~ a ~ ~ `0 4 Q a ~ Ll) ~ ,~ ~ ~- C ~ C a C ~,[~ ~ Of Y j N L ~ Z -- ~ p _° cn {__ ~ o D .c m u E Q. < Z .~ ~ _ ~ ~ a O C r, >" tC ~ o ~ ~. Z C V D n ~. ~~ ~ m ~, ~ ~ - ~ N ~ ~ N D < U • O H '~ 2 a a 3 v s ~ ~ -~. m m n ~ a m a m v m oe a m w a a cL a a a a a a a . a ~ a a eel a •~ m p m p ~ O p o a 25 r ~ .~. '~ < 1 m ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ n m tp~~ o m m m o m m K ~ ~ d - ~p m ~ $ p m p ~ D d D ~' p m C ~' o h s s m ~ m m a ? F C,! a d s a ~ a 2 a pp a o R a pp b 8 R a pp a o fL o m a. 3 i •t. . z ~ d a '~ b N L ' N m . D 3 m ~ d •~ V ~ Q Z ~ ~ ~ ,~ m I ti m Z ~r~ 0 O d q v E z ~ ~ II < t ~' O F- 1 '~- a O ~ O a t U S ~ }- V Q w U m L u a = r- L e F- Brambleton Ave. . , Rte. 419 olonial Place Dr. Colonial Ave. VI CI NI TY MAP =,s NORTH ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COLONIAL PLACE Acceptance of Colonial Place Dr. into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. A-061201-7 . n ACTION N0. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 12,2001 Authorization to Commonwealth of Justice Services Planning Grant Submit a Grant Proposal to the Virginia Department of Criminal for a Delinquency Prevention COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke has been notified by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services that grant monies are available for Risk-Focused Delinquency Prevention Planning Training. This training requires a collaborative effort among the various agencies dealing with the issues surrounding delinquency prevention. The related planning efforts and the resultant studies will be used by corresponding State agencies to determine the most productive use of other grant funds. Participation in the County planning process already include representatives from the Schools, Social Services, Health, Court Service Unit and other agencies such as Blue Ridge Behavioral Health. The cost of the training will be covered by the State, however, the grant application requires that the application be acknowledged by the governing body. There will be no cash match required if the grant is approved. The purpose of this report is to advise you of our desire and plan to apply for this grant. The paperwork has been submitted to Richmond for consideration, but is on hold until the Board of Supervisors has been advised of this effort. Through the collaborative planning efforts within our community and the training afforded by this grant, we should be better able to identify and focus on the risk behaviors where we can effect the greatest change. Through data collection in this collaborative effort, we should be more focused in the intended results of other grants that we may seek in the future. RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff requests your permission to apply to the Department of Criminal Justice Service for this training grant. 1 ' L .. i~ d~ Respectfully subm~iptted, App/r~oved by~r,/ ~ r ~ /_ ~~ 1 ~~ ~ ~ Cam,--Tim-, ~Ci~di>--ems ~t-~~..c/ a~C11 ~_scn'`e,, ~~4~ J n M. Chambliss, r. Elmer C. Ho e Assistant Administrator County Administrator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Joseph P. McNamara motion Church _ x Denied () to approve Johnson _ x _ Received () McNamara- x Referred () Minnix _ x _ To () Nickens _ x action cc: File John M Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator 2 ~~ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA of General Amount Fund Revenues Audited Beginning Balance at July 1, 2000 $9,908,641 8.33% Oct 24, 2000 Funds for twenty additional paramedic firefighters (907,000) and planning for renovations to Vinton, Read Mountain, and Mason Cove stations Dec l9, 2000 County's half share in Phase I Construction Costs (500,000) for McDonald Farm business park Dec 19, 2000 Advance of funds for water and sewer improvements (500,000) for the Stable Road Water and Sewer District ($418,766) and traffic signal and road improvement ($81,234) in the Clearbrook community Jan 9, 2001 Matching funds for TEA-21 grant to construct the Green Hill Park section of the Roanoke River Greenway ($47,100) Apr 1 U, 2001 Local cost State-wide Democratic Primary Jun 12, 2001 ($23,160) Balance at June 12, 2001 $7,931,381 6.67% Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above $7,931,381 Jan 23,2001 Potential use for Phase II NPDES stormwater assessmen (40,000) $7,891,381 6.63%~ Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 2000 - 2001 General Fund Revenues $118,982,797 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $7,436,425 Respectfully Submitted, Danial Morris Director of Finance Approved By, fir,, ,~~c.~..-,~ ~~~~1 Cam-, e~t,r~~Q , Elmer C. Ho e O _ County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board-Reports\MonthlyReports\GENOO.xIs 06/04/2001 /~~""~ CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Balance from June 27, 2000 Board meeting $279,722.09 Addition for sale of land and equipment during 1999-2000 303,501.34 Audited beginning balance at June 30, 2000 583,223.43 Transfer from 1999-2000 departmental savings 224,701.00 Mar 27,2001 Funding combined with community donations to provide for lighting of baseball field at Starkey Park (See Note 1) (25,000.00) Apr 10,2001 Blue Ridge Parkway Visitors Center (replace grant funding) (25,000.00) May 8, 2001 Fire Alarm System, County Administration Center (101,500.00) Balance at June 12, 2001 $656,424.43 ~ Note 1: Capital Fund to be reimbursed from any Virginia Gas Pipeline proceeds Respectfully Submitted, Danial Morris Director of Finance Approved By, Elmer C. HoC. Ho ge J County Administrator M:\Finance\Common\Board-Reports\MonthlyReports\CAPOO.xIs 06/04/2001 ty~... RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA From 2000-2001 Original Budget July 25, 2000 Contribution to D-Day Memorial Sept 12,2000 Video distribution for Senior and Challenged Citizens Commissic Sept 12,2000 Project Impact Jan y, 2001 VML/VACO Assessment, AEP Negotiations Feb 27, 2001 Purchase of Automated External Defribillators Feb 27, 2001 Agreement with SMPAC to provide information to SCC Balance at June 12, 2001 Respectfully Submitted, Danial Morris Director of Finance Amount $100,000.00 (10,000.00) (1,000.00) (12,800.00) (4,183.00) (60,000.00) (5,000.00) $7,017.00 Approved By, ~z~~ ~~ ~~ Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator m-v FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-1997 debt budget $670,000.00 Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund 1,113,043.00 FY 1997-1998 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 June 23, 1998 Savings from 1997-1998 debt fund 321,772.00 FY 1998-1999 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 FY 1999-2000 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,219,855) 780,145.00 November 9, 1999 Savings from 1998-1999 debt fund 495,363.00 FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,801,579) 198,421.00 Balance at June 12, 2001 $7,578,744.00 FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation my 11, 2000 SW Co Regional Stormwater Balance at June 12, 2001 $1,500,000.00 (290,000.00) 1,210,000.00 * Of this amount $736,680 is currently being used for the lease purchase of refuse vehicles and will be repaid within two years. Respectfully Submitted, Danial Morris Director of Finance Approved By, Elmer C. Hod' e g County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER C:~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Awards COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to recognize senior citizens for their contributions to the community. This is the 16th year of the Hall of Fame awards, and the fifth time the awards have been presented at a Board of Supervisors meeting. The Board members have previously received information about the presentation and recipients. The many contributions of these volunteers are always impressive and we are grateful for their work in Roanoke County. The Hall of Fame was established to give recognition to Roanoke County residents, age 60 and over, who through their volunteer efforts, have improved the quality of life in their communities. The Hall of Fame also recognizes a community minded business, agency or organization that provides a service to the senior citizens population or has as a statement of purpose, the betterment of the community. The ceremony is coordinated by the Parks and Recreation Department staff, under the direction of Myra Sellers. Following the awards ceremony, there will be a reception on the fourth floor of the Administration Center honoring this year's award recipients. Submitted by: Elmer C. Hod County Administrator Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: ACTION VOTE No. Yes Abs Church Johnson _ _ _ McNamara- Minnix _ _ Nickens _ _ _ cc: File Welcome to the Sixteenth Annual Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame was established in 1986 by Roanoke County Parks and Recreation Department at the request of the Board of Supervisors. The purpose of this awards program was to honor senior citizens who serve the community by acts of volunteerism. Each year, up to three (3j county residents who are 60 years of age or older, are recognized for their volunteer efforts that have improved the quality of life in our community. Many times their significant contributions and outstanding service go unnoticed. The Hall of Fame focuses public attention on the outstanding and innovative efforts of these individuals. A Special Award Category was also established to recognize one community-minded business, agency, or organization that operates for profit, non-profit, or on a volunteer basis. This nominee must provide a service to the senior citizen population of the community or have as a statement of purpose, the inclusion of community betterment in some form. This year there were two nominees in the Individual Award Category and one nominee in the Special Award Category. As I call your name, please come forward and stand with me at the podium as I read your volunteer information and then present the award. If you would like to do so, we would appreciate you saying a few words. 2 Imogene Perdue Imogene has been a volunteer for the Alzheimer's Association, Blue Ridge of Virginia Chapter, for seven years. She spent ten years previous to this time providing care for her husband who had Alzheimer's disease . She currently volunteers her time to educate civic organizations, churches, and others about Alzheimer's disease and its effects on the patient, family and community. Imogene attends health fairs to give out free information concerning Alzheimer's. She also informs people about the Chapter and its resources, and speaks publicly about her experiences . Imogene works on the Chapter Helpline, volunteers on the Memory Walk committee and assists with support groups . By sharing her personal story she helps caregivers find strength, hope and resources to assist them in caring for their family members . There are currently almost 15,000 individuals in our area diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Roanoke has become a wonderful retirement area that draws many retirees who fall into the at risk category for Alzheimer's disease. As the general population ages, the incidence of Alzheimer's disease increases . 3 Alzheimer's disease is a disease of the family. Over half of all patients are cared for at home until their death. The emotional, mental, financial, and physical strain of caring for an Alzheimer's disease patient is almost immeasurable. Many times, only someone who has experienced this disease has the insight to inform the public and other caregivers about what to expect, and how to deal with the day-to-day issues. Imogene's efforts to educate the community and the emotional support she provides serves to give strength to those people she speaks to about this disease. Imogene has reached hundreds of community members through her outreach efforts. Her actual contribution may never be known because Alzheimer's disease is such a private issue. This chapter regularly receives calls from individuals who have met Imogene at a health fair or heard her speak at a meeting. These callers express genuine thankfulness for Imogene and her willingness to share such a private and emotional story. Many requests from the public are specifically to ask her to speak again at a meeting or group . She rarely turns down any request to represent the Chapter and share her story. We know she has made a difference in the way the community perceives Alzheimer's disease because of the follow-up contact 4 people make with our chapter . We know she has touched many caregivers because they eventually contact us for assistance and will mention Mrs . Perdue before even being asked how they learned of our organization . Imogene truly deserves to be recognized for her contributions to The Alzheimer's Association, for her ability to connect with those individuals who are living the life of a caregiver and need support and comfort, and for her willingness to serve the community to deal with what most people would not want to think about . Imogene, you are a wonderful addition to the Roanoke County Hall of Fame. 5 Vastine "Totsie" B . Chewnina Totsie Chewning became a volunteer at Carillon Roanoke Community Hospital in August 1986. Since that time, she has donated 2,164 hours of service. Totsie has worked on patient floors; running errands and visiting patients with mail, flowers and newspapers. She brightens their day with conversation and a smile. Totsie also volunteers at the Information Desk in the main lobby where she transfers telephone calls, gives directions to visitors and in-coming patient/families. Totsie is always cheerful, helpful and acts in a style that presents the hospital in a dignified manner, making that first impression of the hospital a positive one. Totsie is willing to do any task requested within the realm of volunteer work . She gives each job her full and accurate attention . Totsie works well with other volunteers, both adult and youth, and the hospital staff . Totsie is enthusiastic about the hospital and its place within the community . In Totsie's community, the town of Vinton, Totsie is a charter member of the Vinton Church of the Brethren where she has been Church Treasurer, Sunday School Teacher, Woman's Fellowship President, Church Board Chairperson, and 6 Chairperson of the Witness Commission. Currently, Totsie is Choir Director, President of the Women's Fellowship and serves as Vice- President of the Virginia District Women's Fellowship Group. Totsie is noted for her readiness to serve as needed, no matter what. Totsie is active in her neighborhood, collecting for local organizational charities, and helping neighbors during times of illness or death. With Totsie's continuing service to her hometown of Vinton, her church and Community Hospital, she is a very worthy recipient of the Senior Citizens Hall of Fame Award. 7 The Athenian Society for the Arts & Sciences Would Mrs. Jean Boggs, president of the organization, please come forward to accept the award. The object of the Athenian Society is the furthering of the arts and sciences in the Roanoke Valley by cultivating opportunities for enrichment and education and by nurturing cooperation with and lending assistance to organizations dedicated to the arts and sciences. Since 1983, when Center In The Square opened, the Athenian Society has filled 55 time slots a month at the Information Desk in the atrium. They also provide additional clerical and secretarial office assistance and act as hostesses for special events at Center in the Square, saving the expense of hiring others to do this work. The Athenians held a series of four doll house shows at Center in the Square at Christmas and donated the proceeds of $6,000 to the Center. Since 1983, in addition to their work at Center in the Square, they have completed 60 projects designed to help citizens in the community. The Athenians donated 38 original paintings to Lewis Gale's Oncology Department walls and paid to have them framed. In addition, they purchased an "Art Cart" to move the art from one room to another. Funds to carry on this s project were raised through the raffle of a quilt designed and hand sewn by Athenians. CHIP (Child Health Investment Project) benefits by having members develop aone-on-one relationship with a group of children chosen by CHIP to learn about crafts, sculpture and art. The children also receive new books collected by Athenians to take home and are taught how to use a library card. The Athenians donated an original oil painting by artist Vera Dickerson to Youth Support Services, which counsels juvenile offenders. The mural is four feet long by two feet wide and is designed to show youthful offenders the results of their actions. Athenians promoted the book,"The Long Trek to Solola" written by artist Inga Solonevich. Members spoke to over 1,000 people about Inga' s adventures as a displaced person during World War II. Twenty-five Athenians devoted 242 hours to cataloging the books owned by the Science Museum at Center In The 9 Square, using the Dewey Decimal System. This was a 6-week project. These are just a few of the many projects completed by the Athenians to benefit the Community and it is my pleasure to be able to recognize this worthy organization with the Special Award. 10 I am sure everyone will agree with me that we have met some very special and dedicated volunteers who have a wide range of interest. It is an honor for us to be able to spotlight this kind of volunteer service. In addition to the awards presented here tonight, each name will be placed on a plaque that hangs on the wall at the Brambleton Center. There is also a Hall of Fame book that houses the volunteer information for each recipient, past and present. This book is also on display at the Brambleton Center. Both the book and the plaque will be on display upstairs tonight. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the nominators for filling out the nomination forms. A program like this could not be held if we did not have these people who cared enough to nominate a deserving volunteer. This is a great forum for organizations to use to honor their volunteers. Now I would like to invite everyone to join us on the Fourth Floor for a reception to honor these fine volunteers we have met here tonight. 11 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 12, 2001 AGENDA ITEM: Worksession on June 12, 2001 to Discuss Potential Ridgetop/Mountainside Development Ordinance. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: As a result of the visioning process and input from citizens, Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors during the Community Plan development process, staff has begun preliminary work on scoping out aridgetop/mountainside development ordinance. On June 12 staff will discuss with you various options for developing such an ordinance, goals, objectives and potential strategies. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: Hold a worksession on June 12, 2001 to discuss with staff the potential development of a ridgetop/mountainside protection ordinance. Respectfully Submitted, Approved, Ja et Scheid, Senior Planner Elmer C. Hodge 4 Department of Community Development County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Motion by: No. Yes Abs Church Johnson McNamara Minnix Nickens ~. ~.a. ~~ ~; ,.: ~,' a a t. '~ ~ - i .: .4 :_: ' _ 1~ ti~~I 1 f ~: ~ i ') J ~j <<: 4 ~ j v { f I v `. i n., x~ { .. -i t ~ [.... 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BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Bob L. Johnson Cave Spring Magisterial District Hollins Magisterial District Joseph B. "Butch" Church, Vice-Chairman Joseph McNamara Catawba Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District June 14, 2001 Harry C. Nickens Vinton Magisterial District Ms. Denise Swanson 5451 Lonsdale Road Roanoke, VA 24018 r~ Dear Ads..-~rvaflsof~. The members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service on this Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens. Citizens, like you, who are responsive to the needs of their community and are willing to donate their time and talent toward making Roanoke County a better place to live are special people. Roanoke County is fortunate to have benefitted from your unselfish contribution to our community. Allow me to personally thank you for the time that you served on this Commission, and as a small token of appreciation, we enclose a Certificate of Appreciation for your service to Roanoke County. Sincerely, H. Odell "Fuz y" Minnix Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Enclosure cc: Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation OFFICE: FAX: VOICE MAIL: (540) 772-2005 (540) 772-2193 (540) 772-2170 E-Mail bos C~co.roanoke.va.us 4fi ~~ ~' w S~, '-~--i ~~ ~`Q~` Q Z W~ O Q ~° V z N V O V W W V W 0 o C~ W F•. W GG a ~~ z U w z~ w~ a° N N .-y ~V W ~~F WO~ ~W~ ~~ ~"+ ^^ ~ O N SOW z~ ~~~ ~~w a H a ~O~ U~ F~., O ~w U O 0 O O N O 'C N w _> OF ROANp~~ ~,,~ z _ .-. c> 1838 Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Chairman Bob L. Johnson Cave Spring Magisterial District Hollins Magisterial District Joseph B. "Butch" Church, Vice-Chairman Joseph McNamara Catawba Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District Harry C. Nickens Vinton Magisterial District June 12, 2001 Reverend Joseph A. Keaton Central Baptist Church 1544 Deborah Lane Salem, VA 24153 Dear Reverend Keaton: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, May 8, 2001. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. It was good to have you with us. With kindest regards, ~7 f`~ `~ is%~ C~' ~'~ , ~ ~. ~ ~~.-~~ - ~, :~ , ,/ H. Odell Fuzzy Mlr~n~tx, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors OFFICE: FAX: VOICE MAIL: (540)772-2005 (540)772-2193 (540)772-2170 E-Mail bos ~co.roanoke.va.us O~ ROANp,`.~ , ti `, 9 z c~ a Cn~~xx~~ ~~ .~~xx~.a.~.~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-21 93 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us June 13, 2001 Mr. Lee B. Eddy 2211 Pommell Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Eddy: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you to the Clean Valley Council as liaison to the Board for a two year term. This term will begin June 30, 2001, and expires on June 30, 2003. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re-appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, .~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Enclosure cc: Ms. Ann Masters, Executive Director Clean Valley Council P. O. Box 523 Roanoke, VA 24003 ® Recycled Paper o~ ROANp~.~ ~ . ~ ,p ? .. G7 J :- :ate 2 ^ ~ r1' 1 Y 1i1~ ~ 1~' r1- ~ A K ~r1~ !-4~ 1~Y r1~ N A P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us June 12, 2001 Ms. Linda Lang 5932 Big Horn Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Ms. Lang: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Roanoke County Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens to represent the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. This Commission was established to address the needs of this group of citizens and make recommendations to the Board. Ms. Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation, will be in touch with you concerning the date and time when the Commission will have its next meeting. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosures cc: Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation ® Recycled Paper O~ FtOANp,Y~ z .,~ 7838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us June 13, 2001 Mr. Eldon L. Karr 8011 Poor Mountain Road Bent Mountain, VA 24059 Dear Mr. Karr: I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you to the Board of Zoning Appeals, representing the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, for anotherfive year term. This term will begin on June 30, 2001 and expires on June 30, 2006. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. State law requires that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. This oath must be administered prior to your participation on this Board. Please telephone Steven A. McGraw, at 387-6205, to arrange to have this oath administered, and Mr. McGraw has asked that you bring this letter with you. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Enclosures cc: Tim Beard, Secretary, BZA Steven A. McGraw, Clerk, Circuit Court ® Recycled Paper O~ POAN ,Y~ a ti ~ ~ ~ 1838 P.O. BOX 29800 MARY H. ALLEN, CMC CLERK TO THE BOARD Internet E-Mail: mallen@www.co.roanoke.va.us 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-21 93 BRENDA J. HOLTON DEPUTY CLERK Internet E-Mail: bholton@www.co.roanoke.va.us June 13, 2001 Mr. Jack W. Griffith 4043 Snowgoose Circle, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Griffith: The members of the Board of Supervisors wish to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission for another three year term representing the Cave Spring Magisterial District. Your new term will begin on June 30, 2001, and expires on June 30, 2004. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, • CC.L.~.L_ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors bjh Enclosure cc: Pete Haislip, Director, Parks, Recreation & Tourism ® Recycled Paper Mary Allen - RE: Re: Denise Swanson Page 1 --- --- From: "McNamara, Joe" <jmcnamara@a4healthsystems.com> To: 'Mary Allen' <MALLEN@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 5/17/01 10:32AM Subject: RE: Re: Denise Swanson Yes, I have talked to Denise Swanson about this. Please verify that Linda L wants to serve. Her number is 774-3066. Thanks, ~ h ~-- 5~ G Joseph McNamara Director -National Accounts A4 Health Systems 3247 Electric Road, Suite 2C Roanoke, VA 24018 phone 540.725.8264 www.a4healthsystems.com G h~f ~~`~ ~- ~of s/~ g -~ Ccz- ~ /eL~ .~.. roe. ~ es ~/ ~~ -----Original Message----- ~~ ~~~~- From: Mary Allen [mailto:MALLEN@co.roanoke.va.us] ~~ C_~ ~~~ Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 8:11 AM 9 To: jmcnamara@a4healthsystems.com Subject: Fwd: Re: Denise Swanson Please see the attached emails. Denise Swanson has resigned from the Commission for Challenged and Senior Citizens. She represented the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Denise has contacteda Linda Long, also in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District who is interested in serving. Do you want to nominate her at the May 22 meeting? Mary H. Allen CMC Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 540-772-2003 - -_-_-- Mary Allen -Fwd: Re: Denise Swanson Page 1 From: Mary Allen To: Jmcnamara@a4healthsystems. com Subject: Fwd: Re: Denise Swanson Please see the attached emails. Denise Swanson has resigned from the Commission for Challenged and Senior Citizens. She represented the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Denise has contacteda Linda Long, also in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District who is interested in serving. Do you want to nominate her at the May 22 meeting? Mary Allen - Re: Denise Swanson Page 1 ,~ ^'~. From: Mary Allen To: Debbie Pitts Subject: Re: Denise Swanson Thanks. I'll let Joe McNamara know. Do you have a letter of resignation from Denise? I would hate to mess this up and she didn't really resign. »> Debbie Pitts 05/16/01 01:55PM »> I spoke with Linda Long today and she is interested in serving. Debbie Pitts Assistant Director of Recreation 540-387-6078 ext 252 Our Work is Your Play! »> Mary Allen 05/10/01 04:04PM »> I'll add her appointment to the next agenda. Once someone else is appointed, we send a letter and a Certificate of Appreciation from the Board of Supervisors. Please make sure that this Linda Long is interested in serving. Denise Swanson represented the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. I'm assuming Linda Long is also from that district. Could you call her and confirm that she is interested in serving and I'll send a note to Joe McNamara to appoint her. Mary H. Allen CMC Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 540-772-2003 »> Debbie Pitts 05/09/01 09:31AM »> Denise Swanson has officially resigned from the Senior and Challenged Citizen Commission: Denise has contacted Linda Long, a woman in her district who would be interested in serving on the commission. Linda Long 5932 Big Horn Drive Roanoke, VA 24018 home phone #774-3066 Mary.....please ask the Board to appoint someone to replace Denise. Do you send a letter of thanks to heron behalf of the Board or do I need to do something? Debbie Pitts Assistant Director of Recreation 540-387-6078 ext 252 Mary Alien -Committee appointments From: Mary Allen To: Jmcnamara@a4healthsystems. com Subject: Committee appointments ~~ ~~~5 I have contacted Linda Lang and she is willing to serve on the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens so you need to nominate her at the May 22 meeting. I have a call in to Eldon Karr (Board of Zoning Appeals) and left a message but he has been out of town and will return Monday so hopefully, I will have a response for you then. Page 1 CC: Brenda Holton i NEW SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT . ~~ LINE 1 -2 --------- 2-3 DIf~ECTION N53°01'37"E -- ------- N26°42'47"E DISTANCE 67.87' ----------- 71.86' 3-4 S22°21'06"E 19.86' 4-5 _ S2_6°42'47"W 73.64' _ --- 5-6 S53°01'37"W _ 64.92' --- 6-1 ------------ N26°37'25'W _20.33' (CH) EASEMENT AREA = 2,408 S.F. ~' ~ TAXPARCEL #96.07-07-38 W PROPERTY OF ! I BOONS BOONS cP~ LOEB, INC. lacy I D.B. 1646 PG. 449 \ '~ I ~\ \ Z I \ \ I \ \ II \~ ~ I ~ I 1 ~'~- -~ I ~ No ~ N\ ~ /_ •~ O TAXPARCEL #96.07-07-39 PROPERTY OF BOONEBOONE &LOEB, INC. D.B. 1646PG. 449 PROP. 15' S.S.E. EX. IS' D.E. 20' EX. S.S.E. ° I ' I ~ ~ `o a I ~ / C2 \ \ / a m / C2 I Yo I ~ A= 41°21'24" ~ 1 ~ o m R= s5.00 ~ , T= 20.76 , ~ 3 a L= 39.70 a BRG. N 57°57'19" W I CHD. 38.84 Cl 7.s' TAXPARCEL #96.07-01-02 PROPERTYOF JANET T. SCULL D.B. 1248 PG. 988 ~'o u~ ~\ ~o uz / r'o~ i ~ N~ /' ~ G i / EX. 20' W.L.E. `- 10.00' PROP. 20' S.S.E. i i ~ 4XPARCEL #96.07-01-04 PROPERTYOF REGINALD S. SNYDER D.B. 1078 PG 106 TAXPARCEL #96.07-07-40 Cl - ~ 1sP.u.E. PROPERTYOF ~`~\ C3 A= 30°44'38" BOONS BOONS & LOEB, INC. ~ R= ss.oo D.B. 1646PG. 449 A=21°18'42" Z'=1s.12 R= 54.97 L= 29.51 T=10.34 BRG. N 0°35'53" W / L= 20 45 N7So ~- 13 4 " . CHD. 29.16 / " ~ W 16 BRG. N 26°3725 w 1.39, CHD. 20.33 \ TAXPARCEL #96.07-07-41 \ PROPERTY OF \ BOONS BOONS & LOEB INC. \ , 1646PG. 449 D B NO TES• \ . . 1. TOTAL AREA OF NEW SANITARY SEWER LINE EASEMENT = 2,408 SF. 2. /T /S THE EXPRESS INTENT OF THIS PLAT TO CREA TE THE NEW SAN/TAR Y SEWER EASEMENT TD BE L OCA TED ON TAX MAP PARCEL NOS. 96.07- 07-39 & 96.07- 07 - 40 PLAT SHOWING ~A1~1-I'I~ARX SL~W~~I~ LIFE LASF~M~N'I' BEING GRAN I ED TO TIE CUUNTY OF ROANOKE BY 1300NE BOON; 8c LOMB, :INC. ACROSS TAX MAP PARCEL NOS. 96.07-07--39 & 96.07-07-40 EXI-IIBIT "A'=3 iFiIS PLAT IS FOR 11~E SOLE PURPOSE OF ADDING A VAf~IABLE WIDTH SANITARY SEWER EASEMEM AS SHOWN HEREON AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. SCALE: 1 " = 40' DATE: 22 MAY 2001 JK~R SLCTIUN No. 7 "TITS GROVES" CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC ~ ROANOKE COUN l Y, VIRGINIA ROANOKE COUN'T'Y UTILIrI'Y DEPARTMENT SHEET 1 of 1 \\ I TAX PARCEL X76.03-OI-.23 PROPERTY OF ~ EZERA E. & LLS/E C. 1YERTZ D.B. 1670, PG. 730 NEW DRAIN LINE EASEMENT _ _ _-"-'a.11,2~~ ' LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE 1 -2 N01 °39'35"W 92.22' 2-3 N25°40' 1 6"W __ _156.00' 3 -4 S78° 1 1 '43"E 15.45' 4-5 S25°40' 1 6"E 155.49' - _ - -5-6 S01°39'35"E '_ 9 9.8 9 - _ 6-1 S86°20'36"W _ _ _ 15.01' EASEMEN ( AREA = 3,815 S.F. i I I I I i c`~a I I ~ a II LOT 13 II LOT 1~ Qo °Y I I ~o `'' o I SECTION No. 11,2 ~ 00 'CARR/ACE BO.t1ES OF CANTERBURY PARK" a I P.B. ,ZO, PC. I B9 J o_ I I I I I I I / ~ L- ~ 65 _ ~ ~ ~, 6a. NATURAL WATERCOURSE NEW 15-FOOT W/DE ORA/N L/NE EASEMENT TAX PARCEL ,76.19-05-06 PROPERTY OF BOONL; BOONS & LOEB, /NC. LOT 5, SECT/ON 7 OF STEEPLEf/UNT OF CANTERBURY PARK Z A s 1 s ~ ~. ~ TAX PARCEL ,x"76.19-05-1 PROPERTY OF ~ LOT /5 CARP A. & ELLEN C. RE,YRODE w D.B. 1367' PC. 1999 NEW 15-FOOT W/DE ORAIN LINE ~, EASEMENT o to ~- TAX PARCEL , f'B6.OI -10-15 \ .~~ ~~ PROPERTY OF \ ~ 5$ CAROL BELL CHAPPELL IYERTZ ORC//ARD ROAD D.B. 1648, PC. 1305 40' R/TY ' c-1 F ~ A= 31'14'34" 6 131.24' R= 55.00 S 86'20'36" W _ _ T= 15.38 > %~_ j T"~1 1 _ - - L= 29.99 /-lr-~r ~-r~-r`1 1~ ~1 1/ 11 I1 11 1 1 1 1111 BRG. N 14'05'10" W 1~ 11 1 11 / 11 1 I 1 f 1 11 Existin 20~ Water line Easement 11 1111 I CHD. 29.62 dll 1 /1 1 I1 1 11 11 1 11 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1/ 1 l 11 11 1 11 1111 Il ~(1 ~ X111 1 ~ 1 /Ll 1 I I ~ 1 / i1 1 1 1 _ 1~~1 = EXISTING I ` LOT 16 WATER TANK ~ t_OT ~ TAX PARCEL ,~'B6.OI -10-16 NOTES.' ~ PROPERTY OF BOONS, BOONS & LOEB, /NC. I (ROANOKE COUNTY) [I 1. TOTAL AREA OF NEW DRAIN LINE EASEMENT = 3, 814 S. F. ~ 2. lT lS THE EXPRESS INTENT OF THIS PLAT TO CREA TE THE NEW ORAIN LINE I - - - - - -" EASEMENT TO BE L OCA TED ON TAX MAP PARCEL NO. 86.01-10-15 ~~r /~ ~l PLAT SrI10WNG dd A~~~ ~i 11V _~ ~~AlN ~~1V ~ ~t1~J~1bl~Nr~, BEING GRANTED TO ExHieliT THE COUNrI'Y OF ROANOKE ~ 11 ~1 BY ~-~ CAROL L3ELL CHAPPEt~L ACROSS TAX MAP N0. 86.01 -10 - 1 5 THIS PLAT IS FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF CREATING A 15' DRAIN LINF. EASEMENT AS SIiOWN HEREON AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE AN ACTUAL E30UNDARY SURVEY. OLD LOC KE CU U RT WA`hER `T'ANK CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISIRiC-I ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ROANOKE COUNTY UTILITY DEPARTMENT SCALE: 1 " = 40' DATE: 30 MARCH 2001 JKAR SHEET 1 of 1 ~' Q r'~ CY ~., cD .- o c? 00 i z =r: ~- ~ i z ~ ~ ~ _~pn> •- f- ~ (-, cyU~SZpO __ oo~~ >~ r- ~~ n z~~ai f x i_~~ Q c-- _I ,c r~ 2 `~ ~- ~~ ~ ~ `N, ~ ,ho \ _ __ O~ j g ~ / I ~~c~ ,~:- t / ~ ; 2 ~ / ~ 6 ,. ;.;. o ~ ~ o L1.J _ / ~ ~_ L17~ i'' I .J E- ~-/ 7~ ~ ~i ~~ r `~ L~J Li.J ~~ Cif ) 1 1. L~J L I r >> t!.) w ~~ W W cV o0 00 cfl M rn irk ~ ~ iN z r~) U w oz~ ~w0>- ~ W Z Q Q (n ~ w~wZ JO w o O cnz_om J z J W Q = W Q ~ I- (r~OQ O tLQWZ (n (~ = Q f-~~~ A ~ \~ ~j / -~ ~ ~L -N`1 NQ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~i ~ ' ~ Q m a W _ ~w U~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ U ~w o ~i W O r` Q ~ z `L ° } F-- W o ~ F + '- ~ ~ mss- r- ' r~~- F- O ~ ~ N p ~ ~ ~ N ~ z c~ Z w U Z t-, ~ Z ~ ~ Q ~ P1 ~ Q W ~ wz > ~ cWi~Q ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ m w w c n > g ~ ~ Cz' x ~ Q Q O M w ~ ~ z0 U W a- ~Y o W m ~ ~~ ~ ~ O ~ ¢ z O ~ r-~. 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J ~V~ o~ ~ ~~~ ~~ N i Q h U Q S~~W Q~ ~- ~ Q=Q=QQ ~~v~Q~ ~~ \sv ~ p ,'~j` hZV~ZE~Z \C6~ ~ ~ ~O ~"~ ~ ~ Z ~ N ~~ c 95` r-- ~,~ E+ o C ~ '~/ O~ ~ ; ' ~ ` Y ~ ~ N O ~ V ~ u~ ~ ~ M ~' ~ wwA\ VV ~ ~) I O _ ~ ~-~lJ ` ~ V 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ >: ~ ~cf [D `~~~ ~ W Q ~ O ~ O ~ ~n1, 1P.. pf P 0 Z ~rER~o~PN ~'~ W z w U _ ~ = LL U U z Q O h _ d CO ~ ~f' 00 t~ M cp ~ O1 Q~ n ,- O) N M M _ f7 N ~ (n N N O~ O d' O I~ ~j ~ N ~ o0 .- O ~ c0 ~ 00 rn 00 ~ ~ M ~ ~-- i'^ ~ N ~ r} O~ c0 00 u7 ~ cD f~ M O~ ~F '- , p .- N cr N ~ ~ I\ Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w w w w w w wwwll O O N ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ F- O ~-- I~ M O d N O N 0 d' 0 O ( N M 0000 r 0 tf7 W U o0 ~ ~ N d- O h ~ h O ~t ~ h u7 ap CO W O r7 ~ M N O lf') t1') M O N O M ~ I~ O O Q ~ ~ h cfl 1~ N •- •- ~ N (~ Z Z U1 Z Z Z Z Z U1 (n ( Z (/) (n ~ Z w z N r~ ~ ~ cfl ~ ~ rn O .- N r'7 ~! rte cD ~ w _I r- N r7 ~ rf') cp ~ 00 I O) I O I .- i N l M l l l d- to cp Q W ;;',; Mary Allen - Re: Voting Credentials - NACO Page 1 From: Elmer Hodge To: Mary Allen Date: 5/21 /01 11:48AM Subject: Re: Voting Credentials - NACO Please check with Fred and place on agenda if necessary. Thanks Elmer Hodge Roanoke County Administrator 540-772-2004 »> Mary Allen 05/21/01 11:17AM »> Fuzzy Minnix got a letter from NACO concerning voting credentials at the 2001 NACO Annual Conference. You may have received a copy also. In the past we have asked Fred Anderson to to represent the County in voting because none of the BOS or you attend. Do you want me to check and see if Fred is attending? If so, we can place this on the June 10 agenda. Please let me know Mary H. Allen CMC Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 540-772-2003 Mary Allen -Voting Credentials - NACO _ _ Page 1 J From: Mary Allen To: Elmer Hodge Subject: Voting Credentials - NACO Fuzzy Minnix got a letter from NACO concerning voting credentials at the 2001 NACO Annual Conference. You may have received a copy also. In the past we have asked Fred Anderson to to represent the County in voting because none of the BOS or you attend. Do you want me to check and see if Fred is attending? If so, we can place this on the June 10 agenda. Please let me know. L ~~ ' MEMORANDUM 1»~/R. ~~~ 1. ('`'".,~~,.t To: County Executives, Parish Presidents, Borough Mayors, and County Board Chairpersons From: Jane Hague, NACo President Date: May ls`, 2001 Re: Voting Credentials - 2001 Annual Conference We are preparing for NACo's 66`h Annual Conference, being held July 13-17, 2001 in the City and County of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We need your help to ensure that your county can participate in the association's annual election of officers and policy adoption for this year's American County Platform. According to NACo bylaws, in order to vote, a county must have paid its membership dues and have one paid registrant for the conference. Please indicate on the enclosed form the name and voting delegate and alternate(s) authorized to pick up you county's voting materials. Additionally the chief elected official must sign the form. In addition, state association Executive Directors or Presidents are entitled to pick up unclaimed credentials on Monday, July 16. If you do not want the state association to receive your voting materials, please check the box on the enclosed form. Please mail the enclosed form to the following address no later than Monday, June 18`h. Credentials Committee C/o Josh Fudge National Association of Co 440 First Street, N. W Washington, D.C. 200( You may fax the form, attention to Josh Fudge, to 2C Membership Coordinator Josh Fudge can be reached at any questions regarding voting procedures. We look for Philadelphia! --~~e.~c-o o--~L.~ ~'//'' S t .~ ~~® NACo 2001 ~ Credentials (Voting) ~ 38553 Identification Form Please complete and return this form to: NACo, Attn: Josh Fudge, 440 First Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001 or fax it to Josh Fudge at (202) 393-2630 by June 18th or have the voting delegate(s) carry it with them to the conference and present it at the Credentials Desk. Count /Parish/Boron h State m Designated Delegate First Name Last Name Job Title First Alternate First Name Last Name Job Title Second Alternate First Name Last Name Job Title This form must be signed by the Chief Elected Official from your county. Submissions without an appropriate signature will not be accepted. Signature: Board President/Chairman/Judge/Mayor Signature Required Date Check here if you do not wish the State Association Representative to pick up your credentials. Check here if you wish to vote by proxy. If checked, list the county to cast your votes below. The proxy county must have at least one paid registrant for NACo's Annual Conference.