HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/12/2001 - RegularFILE No.438 07112 '44 49:38 ID~BEDFORD CO ADf1IN FAX~544 586 4446 PAGE li 1 ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT MEETING IN BEDFORD COUNTY THURSDAY,, JULY 12, 2401 11:30 AM ABOARD THE VIRGINIA DARE 11:3Q am Arrival at Dock, Virginia Dare Noon Departure Welcome Greeting from Host Locality Bedford County -- Vice Chairman, Bedford County Board of Supervisors, Kirby Richardson Lunch 1:00 pm Meeting Call to Grder ~ Acting Chairman, Kirby Richardson Introduction Host Locality Presentation - Tourism - Nanci Drake Economic Development -Sus Gilbert General Local Government -- Bill Rolfe 2:00 pm Report from Subcommittee -Clay Goodman, Town Manager, Town of Vinton Discussion Establishment of Next Maetina(s) Adjourn Return to Dock bas/rvsummagen Post-It' Fax Note '7671 Oatet7..~v~-~~ P89eS~ / 7o Fro n 1.,,~c et,. ~A ~fI~ CoJDept //_ I ~L Co. ~ Phone N Phone ~~ _ r~~l Faxx ~~ /9~ Faxa~~g ~ p(, ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING RECOMMENDATIONS TO ESTABLISH A REGIONAL IDENTITY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM PURPOSES Thursday, June 21, 2001 - 4:00 p.m. Roanoke County Administration Center NOTES FROM THE MEETING PRESENT: Bedford County Bobby Pollard, Bedford County Board of Supervisors Sue Gilbert, Economic Development Coordinator Nancy Johnson -Citizen Representative Franklin County Wayne Angell, Board Chair, Franklin County Board of Supervisors Rob Glenn, Citizen Representative Roanoke County H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Elmer Hodge, County Administrator Victor lannello, Citizen Representative Mary Allen, Clerk to the Board City of Salem J. Scott Sexton, Citizen Representative City of Roanoke Darlene Burcham, City Manager Catherine Fox, Citizen Representative Town of Vinton Don Davis - Mayor, Town of Vinton Clay Goodman -Town Manager Bootie Chewning -Citizen Representative Botetourt County William Loope, Chair, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors David Moorman, Assistant County Administrator WELCOME: Roanoke County Board Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix welcomed the participants to the meeting and asked that they introduce themselves (membership list attached). He advised that he requested the establishment of this subcommittee to provide an opportunity to the governments participating in the Leadership Summit meetings to determine a future direction and establish a regional identity. He offered examples of increased visibility and clout in the General Assembly, and consensus on such issues as a single meals tax for all the participating localities. He opened the meeting for discussion. DISCUSSION/BRAINSTORMING OF IDEAS• The following suggestions were offered for consideration by the subcommittee members: • Exercise political clout and more lobbying power in the General Assembly. • Institute one meals tax for all region localities • Identify what's important and shared by both the core-urban and outlying- suburban communities • Identify what's going on exciting in each locality • Identify common interests • Continue with regional luncheons • Determine exactly what constitutes the region • Consider including the following localities in future meetings: - Montgomery County - Blacksburg - Covington - Clifton Forge - Lynchburg - Allegheny County - Christiansburg - Craig County - Virginia Tech representation • Use National Public Radio to get the region's message out • Develop a name and/or logo that would be representative of the entire region. Following discussion, the participants determined what their common objectives were, and recommended moving forward with one or more of these. The following common objectives were identified: 2 Common Objectives among the subcommittee members: • Education • Workforce Development • Transportation • Creation of one identity and image • Historical resources • High paying jobs • One physical identity and one tourism package to market the region RECOMMENDATIONS: Consensus was reached that the Vinton Town Manager Clay Goodman would represent the subcommittee and report back at the next Leadership Summit meeting with the following specific recommendations: (1) That the localities previously discussed would be invited to participate in future Leadership Summits. (2) That the localities create an identity and image or "brand" for regional marketing, tourism, economic development, and political strength. (3) That at each Leadership Summit meeting, the host will speak briefly about the host locality, it's biggest issues, positive attributes, etc. (4) That the Subcommittee will continue to function in the future, with the host locality setting the date, time and location of the subcommittee meeting, preparing an agenda, and reporting back to the full Leadership Summit. Prepared by: Mary H. Allen, Clerk to the Board Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 3 LEADERSHIP SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING PARTICIPANTS Bedford Countv Kirby E. Richardson, Vice Chair, Bedford County Board of Supervisors Sue Gilbert, Economic Development Coordinator Nancy Johnson -Citizen Representative Franklin Countv Wayne Angell, Board Chair, Franklin County Board of Supervisors Rick Huff, County Administrator Rob Glenn, Citizen Representative Roanoke County Harry Nickens, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Will NOT be able to attend} John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator Victor lannella, Citizen Representative City of Salem Howard Packett,Council member, City of Salem Forest Jones, City Manager J. Scott Sexton, Citizen Representative City of Roanoke Ralph Smith, Mayor, City of Roanoke Darlene Burcham, City Manager Catherine Fox, Citizen Representative (Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau) Town of Vin#on Don Davis - Mayor, Town of Vinton Clay Goodman -Town Manager Bootie Chewning -Citizen Representative Botetourt Countv William Loope, Chair, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors David Moorman, Assistant County Administrator ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL LEADERSHIP SUMMIT MEETING IN BEDFORD COUNTY THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2001 11:30 AM ABOARD THE VIRGINIA DARE 11:30 am Arrival at Dock, Virginia Dare Noon Departure Welcome Greeting from Host Locality Bedford County -Vice Chairman, Bedford County Board of Supervisors, Kirby Richardson Lunch 1:00 pm Meeting Call to Order -Acting Chairman, Kirby Richardson Introductions Host Locality Presentation - Tourism - Nanci Drake Economic Development -Sue Gilbert General Local Government -Bill Rolfe Report from Subcommittee -Clay Goodman, Town Manager, Town of Vinton Q ~, Discussion ff G ~~ t~~a ~~ Establishment of Next Meeting(s) P ~~u ems, a ~, ~ ~ ~~- ~.9'~"~e~ ~i e ~~S Adjourn ---),'S`.s~ ~ 2:00 pm Return to Dock ~ ~ ~~ -~ ~~~~;~ Z~_.,~- 'vim ~--~, --~ ~7 bos/rvsummagen e O U ~~~{~-0.1I"/ D l~ Leadership Summit Subcommittee Resort The Roanoke Valley Regional Leadership Summit Subcommittee held a meeting on June 21, 2001 at the Roanoke County Administration Building. The purpose of the Subcommittee meeting was to discuss recommendations to establish a regional identity for economic development purposes and to offer suggestions for consideration by all localities participating in the Leadership Summit meetings. Roanoke County Board Chairman, Fuzzy Minnix, opened the Subcommittee meeting asking the participants to provide their thoughts and comments on the future direction the Leadership group may wish to take. Meeting and conversing with the local government elected and appointed representatives is helping to forge regional cooperation. If the group is to be effective it is essential that the participants start to identify what the group can agree on in order to forge a regional identity. This new regional identity could result in the members coalescing into an effective body to provide results that would help each government to meet their goals and objectives for their citizens and communities. Several suggestions were discussed. The Subcommittee focused on establishing a regional General Assembly lobbying effort on those issues which all-participating governments could reach agreement. Look to establish an identity that can unite and reach across urban, subrban and rural constituents and establish a name and/or logo, which could help, identify and unite the region. The Subcommittee discussed in great detail the possibility of inviting other local government to participate in forging this new regional effort. After a lively discussion, the Subcommittee agreed on the following common objectives: • Education • Workforce Development • Transportation • Creation of one identity and image • Historical resources • High paying jobs • One physical identity and one tourism package to market the region The following specific recommendations were recommended for presentation for approval to the main Leadership group. The following localities be invited to participate in future Leadership Summits. • Virginia Tech 9`" ~ -«~ ~~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ c' .r ~y • Montgomery County • Blacksburg • Christiansburg • Alleghany County • Covington • Clifton Forge • Lynchburg • Craig County /~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~' 2. The localities create an identity and image or "brand "for regional marketing, tourism, economic development, and political strength. 3. That at each future Leadership Summit meeting, the host community provide a brief community profile which would include the community's pressing issues, positive attributes and any other information the host wishes to share with the Leadership Summit group. 4. Finally, the Subcommittee would continue to function in the future, with the immediate past Leadership Summit host community serving as host for the next Subcommittee meeting. The Subcommittee's charge would be to act as an executive board of the full group to afford time and opportunity to discuss action plan recommendations to the full Leadership Summit membership. The Subcommittee host community would set the meeting date, time and location. The host would prepare an agenda and provide the full membership with a report at the next Leadership Summit meeting. These four recommendations are hereby presented as the Subcommittee report and the full membership is asked to act on these recommendations. Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Regional Leadership Summit Subcommittee by Clay Goodman as authorized by the Subcommittee. If you have any questions regarding these recommendations, Iwould be glad to attempt to answer your questions. 1 v ~~oRO f ~~~~.~x~ ~.~~~~~ ~~ ~ „ ~ ~ ~ ~, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR v1RGIN~P ~ June 26, 2001 Ms. Mary H. Allen, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Marv: ~8 The next meeting of the Roanoke Valley Leadership Summit which will be hosted by Bedford County will be held on Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 12:00 Noon on The Virginia Dare, located off White House Road, Route 608, on Airport Road, Route 853 in southern Bedford County, 540-297-7100 (directions attached). The Virginia Dare will leave promptly at 12:00 Noon so please plan to arrive at 11:30 a.m. in order for everyone to be able to board. The dress will be casual attire. This will be a lunch cruise and will be set up buffet style. The crew will take one table up to the buffet at a time and serve them. Please let Tabatha Atkinson of my office know by Friday, July 6, 2001, how many from your locality will be attending. I look forward to our continued working relationship as we strive to accomplish goals for the benefit of all of our citizens. Sincerely, William C. Rolfe County Administrator WC R/ta Attachment - (Virginia Dare Directions) a .~,;` J'` ~`,~ " ~ia..~ ~. N -- y e. S ~~-~zz~_y~~ ~,. MG~-~" y - y e S ~~ rV ___ ~' -~ s 122 EAST MAIN STREET, SUITE 202, BEDFORD, VIRGINIA 24523 (540) 586-7601 FAX: (540) 586-0406 www.co. bedford.va. us e Directions to The Virginia Dare • Smith Mountain L~ ~~ ~ ~, ~; ~~ & Marina ~ is Dare cruses it ~n V J To Flnd. -7 Were Easy ^" (.9 ~ ~ .3L ,G Jt ~'~ ` ~ ou comin9 from? Where are y Blacksbur _ . _ ~ nchbur VA Roam Danvi Christiansbur VA V A gluefi ~,ta~ Richmond _ Winston-Sa1em . Greensboro ;7~r. ai: OANOKE, VA ~ ), Follow Rt• 697 r.- ;~~~t> From R 697 (~ Take a J .;~~aci=~t• c~ ~,. to a LEFT onto Rt. T. N-ashington HwY ). 220 gouth 122 (gooker Take Rt• ection with Rh and proceed with Directions # .~ LEFT onto Rt.122 Nort Rt. 801 (at Staunton River Middle HT onto with Rt. 122. Go t, 24 East tO a RIGo the T-intersection Proceed with Take R Follow oad )• ..~~ ..~._; .~ h Schools )• oath. (nAoneta R & H~9 T onto Rt• 122 S RIGH . pirect-ons #3 c~ a~ ~y t 122 From ly nchburg, V A Turn LEFT onto R est to Rt. 122 at Bedford. -~.; Por extend°d forc~st' #2 Take Rt• 460 W pirections South and proceed with ~~ ~ Christiansbur9° VA Take a LEFT From Blacksburg onto Rt. 220 gOUth• with Rt 122 South 122 Nosh and onto 1-581 t g97 to the inton o Rt n Take 1-81 Nort~rtz )• Follow R Take a LEFT onto Rt• 697 ( ton H`-'N )• (Booker T: Washing proceed with Directions #1 6126101 vadazeC~ises.co~directions.htm h~p:llwww. ~ r Smith Mountain Lake, Directions to The Virginia Dare . , Page 3 of 3 State Park turnoff ). Go 5.8 miles to a RIGHT onto Rt. 853 (Airport Road ). Follow to the end of road, 2.75 miles. You are HERE! Directions #3 On Rt. 122 South, (Moneta Road ), travel for 2.8 miles. Take a LEFT onto Rt. 608 (White House Road) (Smith Mountain Lake State Park turnoff ). Go 5.8 miles to a RIGHT onto Rt. 853 (Airport Road ). Follow to the end of road, 2.75 miles. You are HERE! p~ ~ FO e~Cibr6 1 Y ~~~1• Monola 4t6 606 70 k41rtOkQ "653 Gurnt Chimney N a ~ °° 'rbfretne To Roam 220 & Rocky Atawrt =`ri~ ~t this pace fir ?asy reference on the roadl Cruises ~ Marina ~ Portside ~ Directions ~ Contact Us ~ Local Links E-Mail: Info(a~VaDareCruises com Toll Free: 800.721.3273 or Local: 540.297.7100 Copyright©Virginia Dare Cruises & Marina All Rights Reserved. Site design and maintenance by_tvlarketina Masterminds http://www.vadazecruises.com/directions.htm 6/26/01 ~ Smith Mountain Lake, Directions to The Virginia Dare Page 1 of 3 - Virginia Dare Cruises & Marina ~ ~ --s•.w~i v r'.'.~:`~1.s'lr:J We're Easy To Find! Where are you coming from? Roanoke VA ~inchbur VA Bla ~-~~„-;,,~, 9 cksburg Richmond VA Christiansburg VA Danville, VA ~'+, - > `c1e Greensboro Winston-Salem Bluefield, WV '-;3<r„ciss s• ~r' ~'verstti si' ;i.`i5t `1 a'~.::3s~. i;5 L.t~caf L.'tilts ~':!k;~:. For f~xter,ded forcast! From ROANOKE, VA Take Rt. 220 South to a LEFT onto Rt. 697 (Wirtz ). Follow Rt. 697 to the intersection with Rt. 122 (Booker T. Washington Hwy ). Take a LEFT onto Rt. 122 North and proceed with Directions #1 -OR- Take Rt. 24 East to a RIGHT onto Rt. 801 (at Staunton River Middle & High Schools ). Follow to the T-intersection with Rt. 122. Go RIGHT onto Rt. 122 South, (Moneta Road ). Proceed with Directions #3 From Lynchburg, VA Take Rt. 460 West to Rt. 122 at Bedford. Turn LEFT onto Rt. 122 South and proceed with Directions #2 From Blacksburg /Christiansburg, VA Take I-81 North onto I-581 South onto Rt. 220 South. Take a LEFT onto Rt. 697 (Wirtz ). Follow Rt. 697 to the intersection with Rt. 122 ( Booker T. Washington Hwy ). Take a LEFT onto Rt. 122 North and proceed with Directions #1 http://www.vadarecruises.com/directions.htm 6/26/01 "~ Smith Mountain Lake, Directions to The Virginia Dare Pa e 3 of 3 g State Park turnoff ). Go 5.8 miles to a RIGHT onto Rt. 853 (Airport Road ). Follow to the end of road, 2.75 miles. You are HERE! Directions #3 On Rt. 122 South, (Moneta Road ), travel for 2.8 miles. Take a LEFT onto Rt. 608 (White House Road) (Smith Mountain Lake State Park turnoff ). Go 5.8 miles to a RIGHT onto Rt. 853 (Airport Road ). Follow to the end of road, 2.75 miles. You are HERE! ~0 E3CnOr6 ~tih Monala tt6 6Q8 70 RpprgkQ 653 ~~rnt Chimxy N a ~ ~ ~a~Ne. To Routa 220 ~ Rocky Abunt =:'int this page for easy reference on the road! Cruises ~ Marina - Portside ~ Directions ~ Contact Us ~ Local Links E-Mail: Info(c~VaDareCruises.com Toll Free: 800.721.3273 or Local: 540.297.7100 Copyright©Virginia Dare Cruises & Marina All Rights Reserved. mite design and maintenance by Marketing Masterminds http://www.vadarecruises.com/directions.htm 6/26/01