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7/30/2001 - Regular
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN FISCAL YEAR 2001 AND FIVE YEAR BUSINESS PLAN FY 2001-2006 Prepared in July 2000 ROANOKE COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK. PLAN FY 2001 [DRAFT - 07/03/00] Eep~~x~7ic developr~e~t is the process 'l~~ ~~hch society's nlajox public and private: irastituti~ns use the rrzarket,place and Q~v~rnrnent police to rnal~e nevi econonti investments that create additional per capita wealth for ciCizens 'of all economic ~e~~e3 s , V~'ealth creation occurs most effcientl3- and ecluitabI~J ~rhen public and private irldi~~iduals and enterprises are actively encouraged-.and enabled ~to reel: ne~x~ econoiaic- oppprtunity and to pxflductively use theix resouxces in ~va~rs thafi add economic value to the communit}>, fission: ~'o design and in~plernent innovati~~e econoric development pro~ranls and ser~~ic~s that lerera~~e cornmunit<~ assets, create wealth and prosperity, and embrace the: reyioxi~s -eas:bf Focus: 3vlarketii~~ & B'~siness Recruitrnent.....(pa`e ~) [DRAFT - 07/03/00] MARKETING & BUSINESS RIECRUITMEleTT (MBR) PURPOSE: To attract to the region quality jobs and investment that diversify the economy, broaden the tax base, and provide quality employment opportuiuties. GOALS: To increase the number of qualified prospects considering Roanoke County as a place for location or expansion. 2. To showcase Roanoke County in ways which distinguish it from other jurisdictions/locations and create a compelling intexest among prospective investors. 3, To strengthen relationships with economic development partners (Appendix-A). 4. To mobilize conununity resources in support of economic development. 5. To position GlenMary Center for accelerated development. To levexage the Business Retention & Expansion Program. OBJECTIVES: (neat 12 months) To create in the xegion 1000 new jobs of which 50%+ are primary or family wage. NOTE: "Primary Jobs" are those whose output (product or service) is exported or consumed outside the region. "Family Wage" jobs are those that pay at least $10 per hour with a20+% benefits package. 2. To create in Roanoke County or the jurisdiction of its economic development partners 400 new jobs of which 50%+ are primary or family wage. To create in Roanoke County or the jurisdiction of its economic development partners $50,000,000 of new investment of which 60%+ will come from industrial/manufacturing or from Class-I commercial development (Appendix-B). MBR (con't) [DRAFT - 07/03/00] STRATEGY-I: Upgrade Marketing Materials and Presentation Review the Department's inventory of marketing materials.and evaluate each piece in terms of overall quality and applicability to current target markets (Appendix-B). 2. Consult with economic development partners about their current offerings to ensure compatibility. 3. Update/revise/create materials and print necessary copies. 4. Determine the feasibility of creating digital marketing materials to include a virtual tour of G1enMary Center. Review economic development publications, professional journals, and resource libraries and inventory best practices. 6. Develop and deliver staff development programs that enhance professional and personal presentation skills and abilities. STRATEGY-II: Energize Relationships with Economic Development Partners 1. Visit or otherwise connect with key players at the Virginia Economic Development Partnership (VEDP) and the Virginia Department of Business Assistance (VDBA) to coordinate program development & marketing efforts and to showcase County assets. [monthly] 2. Participate in statewide and regional economic development .organizational meetings and educational programs. [quarterly] 3. Maintain continuous connection with the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership (RVEDP) for purposes of case management and program development. [weekly] 4. Visit or otherwise connect with other economic development partners for purposes of progralu development and marketing and to showcase County assets [monthly] (see Appendix-A) ~. Brief "E-TEAM" on economic development issues and look for opportunities regularly to involve members in marketing or case management activities. [quarterly) MBR (con't) [DRAFT - 07/03/00) 6. Take a lead role in developing and deploying the "Roanoke Valley Ambassador Program" in conjunction. with the RVEDP. 7. Help the Town of Vinton develop and market McDonald Farm. 8. Help the Montvale Consortium develop and market property in Bedford County. 9. Help the New River Valley Consortium develop and market property in Pulaski. 10. Tell the economic development story at locallregional chambers, business associations, industry groups, community meetings, etc. [monthly] STRATEGY-III: Develop Target Markets 1. = Assign target industry specialization among Department staff. (Appendix-B} Z. Set up contact management software (ACT) to acconnmodate target industry research and contact information. Increase participation in target industry groups or trade association to include attendance at select trade shows, conventions, and educational programs. 4. Screen target industry publications, trade journals, and related business periodicals and maintain ACT or hard copy files of relevant information. Secure directories or mailing lists that feature key players in target industries. 6. Identify and regularly screen target industry web sites, track press releases, and secure annual reports. 7. Establish relationslnips with key players in the region who are employed by or affiliated with target industries -customers, suppliers, and service providers. S. Develop and maintaiin a list of "Hot Prospects"... • New Products or Markets • Acquisitions/Mergers/Joint Ventures/IPO's • Rapid Employment Growth (25% annually) • Rapid Sales Growth (40% annually) • Economic or Natural Disaster (CA water shortage 1995-96) • New Leadership/Management • Technology Opportunities or Obsolescence 4 MAR (con't) [DRAFT - 07/03/00] STRATEGY-IV: Disseminate Iylarketin~ Information 1. Develop and place print ad campaigns in target industry publications or trade journals -ads that feature challenging copy including call to action and reward. 2. Host visitations by select site consultant {3-5). 3. Distribute marketing materials at select trade shows and target industry events. 4. Contact "Hot Prospects" by combination E-mail, telecom, and direct mail using referrals and "trail of agreement" approach. 5. Deploy "Roanoke. Valley Ambassadors". 6. Develop strategy with RVEDP to regularly distribute County marketing materials. [DRAFT - 07/03/00 SIUSIN~SS RETI~NTi(3N ~ ~XPA1VSl[ON (B~} PURPOSE: To create and maintain a regional business climate that supports the retention and growth of local enterprise. GOALS: 1. To minimize the loss of quality j obs and productive capacity in the conununity. 2. To encourage entrepreneurial development and ensure that local businesses get necessary assistance in a timely manner. 3. To leverage the Marketing Bz Business Recruitment Program. 4. To strengthen relationships with economic development partners. S. To mobilize community resources in support of economic development. 6. To create greater aligiunent between the community's work force development efforts and labor market demand. OBJECTIVES (next 12 months): l.. To create through expansion or retainin Roanoke County 250 jobs of which 50% are primary or family wage. 2. To conduct appropriate intervention with ten (10) enterprises facing potential "Crossroad Events". (Appendix-B) STRATEGY-I: Establish and Maintain BRE Task Force 1. Define member responsibilities and performance expectations. 2. Set up shvcture and procedures to include schedule of meetings and reporting requirements. 3. Identify and recruit qualified members for the Task Force. 6 SRE (con't) [DRAFT - 07/03/00] 4. Provide members with appropriate training and support material. 5. Create system to acknowledge the participation and accomplislunents of members. STRATEGY-II: Develop Inventory of Community Resources Identify the nature & scope of resources necessary to effect interventions in the face of potential "Crossroad Events". 2. Conduct inventory of existing community resources to determine relative quality and availability. 3. Promote the BRE Program on a continuing basis with local chambers, business associations, target industry groups, etc.. 4. Produce one-page "flyer" that details the Program and invites participation. STRATEGY-III: Enroll Businesses in the BRE Pro~-ram 1. Develop "Profile Sheet" to catalog information about participating companies. 2. Develop strategy by which targeted businesses can successfully be recruited to participate in the program. Give special attention to potential concenls about time inanagenlent and confidentiality. 3. Design and schedule promotional events and communty outreach. 4. Set up electronic interface/bulletinbnard. 7 BRE (con't) [DRAFT - 07/03/00] STRATEGY-IV: Establish and Maintain Early Warning Svstem 1. Identify criteria by which to flag enterprises at the risldopportunity crossroads. 2. Contact enterprises at least quarterly to update profiles and spat crossroad events. 3. Screen industry publications and periodicals to monitor trends and identify potential crossroad events. 4. Attend target industry seminars, conventions, trade shows to gather relevant information. STRATEGY-V: Develop and Support Business-to-Business Response Teams 1. Identify and recruit qualified team members. 2. Secure agreement with target enterprises to allow assistance or intervention. 3, Establish executive dialogue and mentorina programs. 4. Set up system for continuing follow up and interaction. 5. Showcase successful interventions and acknouTledge key players. 8 jDRAFT - 07103/00] PRODUCT ETI~IANCEMENT (PEN} PUPROSE: To create and maintain an inventory of quality industrial and commercial land and buildings sufficient to meet market demand. GOALS: 1. To increase the number of qualified prospects considering Roanoke County as a place for location or expansion. 2. To showcase local Iand and buildings in ways which distinguish them from other jurisdictions/locations and create a compelling interest among prospective buyers or investors. To strengthen relationships with economic development partners. 4. To increase to 20% that portion of the County's assessed valuation attributable to industrial and commercial real estate. OBJECTIVES: (next 12 months) 1. To develop in Roanoke County an inventory of 80-100 acres of ualit * land for industrial and/or Class-I commercial use and 50-75,000 square feet of building space. To develop in the jurisdiction of our economic development partners an inventory of 250-300 acres of ualit land for industrial and/or Class-I commercial use and 75-100,000 square feet of building space. *NOTE: ualit industrial property is characterized by the following criteria: • Ability to break ground in 120 days or less... • Appropriate zoning in place.. . • Compatible uses on or adjacent to the property... • Covenants, controls & restrictions that attract market demand... • Size of industrial sites twenty (20+) acres... • Size of commercial sites five (5+) acres... PEN (con't) [DRAFT - 07/03/00] STRATEGY-I: Position GlenMary Center (GMCI for Accelerated Development: 1. Establish GMC Development Team (Porter, Cox, Covey, Robertson, Hyatt, O'Donnell, Barr). 2. Complete road construction, paving, and landscaping (September) at current entrance and establish reception area including appropriate signage, sheltered meeting place, acrd helicopter landing pad. Construct network of temporary roads to facilitate access throughout property. 4. Marls sectors or investment zones with flags or signage. Produce video/digital animation showing GMC development plans. Identify & recruit qualified development partner(s) and establish takedown schedule. STRATEGY-II: Tax~et Other Sites for Development Create inventory of potential sites for future development and select 5-7 with greatest market appeal/potential and upgrading theirs to qualit~~ status. 2. Secure purchase options on sites with good potential return on investment. Establish consortium of key stakeholders to identify, develop, and market quality sites. Establish development standards that minimize uru~ecessary clearilZg and grading, alzd encourage aesthetic and leisure amenities. STRATEGY-III: Establish Real Estate/Property Development Partnerships Educate members of the commercial/industrial-real estate and development conununities about the depat-tment's marketing and client development strategies. 2. Maintain active participation in development partnerships in Pulaski, Montvale, and McDonald Farm. Encourage speculative building on selected sites. in [DR.AFT - 07/03/00) WORKFOROE DEyELQFMENT (WDEV) PUPROSE: To attract and maintain a generous inventory of skilled workers who are well positioned to meet labor market demand in target industries. GOALS: 1. To showcase Roanoke County's workforce in ways which distinguish it from that of other jurisdictions/locations and create a compelling interest among. prospective employers. 2. To strengthen relationships with economic development partners. To reduce the ntunber of qualified workers that are under employed. 4, To increase the number of workers qualified for employment in target industries. To create greater alignment between the community's work force development efforts and labor market demand. To mobilize community support for economic development. OBJECTIVES: (ne~~t 12 months) 1. To develop and disseminate a projection of labor market demand in target industries over the next 36 months. 2. To promote upgrading the skills of 150 under-employed persons u1 preparation for jobs in target sectors. To create viable employment opportunities in the area for 80% of those who successfully complete a qualified targeted-sector workforce development pro gram. 11 WDEV [DRAFT - 07/03/00] STRATEGY-I: Mobilize Local Workforce DeveloUment Resources 1. Participate in select workforce development groups/entities. 2. Champion the cause at community forums, industry group meetings, educational conferences, etc.. 3. Support and showcase the region's workforce development efforts and provide financial incentives/xewards for innovative/successful programs. STRATEGY-II: Profile Labor Market Demand: Survey target industries in conjunction with BRE program. 2. Review relevant literature, reports, and industry data sources. 3. Compile and distribute profiles and encourage educational institutions to develop curriculum that reflects labor market information. 12 [DRAFT - 07/03100] ECONCIMIC D ~+ VEL®PNfiENT W®RKPLAN ~PP~NDIX-A. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS: • American Electric Power - Fraa.~lt Crockett; Economic Development Executive • Bedford County -Sue Gilbert, Economic Development Coordinator • Botetourt County -Jerry Burgess, County Administrator • Carilion Biomedical Institute -Dennis Fisher, President • City of Roanoke - Daine Alters, Economic Developna.ent Director (Acting) • City of Salem -Joe Yates, Director of Planning cX: Development • Fifth District Employment Commission -Vickie Price, Executive Director • Hollins University -Charles Christ, VP Finance & Administration • New Century Technology Council - Ray Pethtel, Executive VP • New Century Venture Center - Lisa Ison, President • New River Valley Economic Development Alliance -Stuart Gilbert, Executive Director • Norfork Southenl-Dan Motley, Industrial Development Manager • Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership -Phil Sparks, Executive Director • Roanolte Valley -Allegheny Regional Commission - Vdayne Strickland, Executive Director • Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce -Beth Doughty, President • RRCC -Small Business Development Center -Roy Baldwin, Director • Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau -David Kjolhede, Executive Director • Roanolte College -David Gring, President • Roanolte County Schools -Linda Weber, Superintendent --Riclt Calhoun, Director, Vocational & Adult Education • Tanglewood Mall -Jake Repass, Manager • Town of Vinton -Clay Goodman, Town Manger [continued on next page) 13 [DRAFT - [07/03/00] ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS: (con't) • VA Department of Business Assistance -David Dickson, Director --Ken Drummond, Existing Industry Development (Regional Representative) -- .......................................:......Workforce Services --Patricia. Thorne, Senior Project Finance Manager • VA Department of Agriculture -William Dickinson, Jr., Commissioner • VA Department of Transportation (VDOT) -Jeff Echols, Resident Engineer • Virginia Economic Development Partaiership -Mark Kilduff, Executive Director --Paul Grossman, Director, International Trade Development --Joe Robinson, International Trade Manager -- ........................................., Director, Education & Special Projects • Virginia Employment. Commission - Majorie Skidmore, Jobs Services Manager • Virginia Tech -Charles Steger, President --John Phillips, Economic Development Manager --Tracy Wilkins, Fralin Bioteclulology Center --Joe Mexedith, Corporate Research Center • Virginia Western Conuntulity College -Mark Emick, Assistant to the President --Ben Bowman, Center for Business, Industry & Teclu7ology 14 [DRAFT - 07/03/00] ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORKPLAN A.PPENDI~-B TARGETED INDUSTRIES: • Transportation Systems & Equipment • Biotechnology & Biomedical Products and Services • Metal Fabrication and Machine Tools • Electronics/Blectrical Components & Assembly • Information & Telecommunications Tecluzology CLASS-I COMMERCIAL: Developments in this category feature corporate/regional headquarters, major administrative service centers, or large "back-office" operations. The majority of employment opportunities are in primary or family-wage jobs. Examples: Atlantic Mutual, Hanover Direct, and Advance Auto. CLASS-II COMMERCIAL: Developments in this category feature locally-based administrative or customer service activities or'retail operations. The majority of employment opportunities are not in primary or family-wage jobs. Examples: Walmai-t, Lowes, hospitality industry, medical & professional service companies. CROSSROAD I<JVENTS: • Declining employment • Expanding employment • Declining sales or inarlcet share • Expanding sales or market share • Technological displacement • Larger non-local ownership/control • Changes in leadership/management • Economic or natural disaster • Changes in real estate ownership or lease • Change in facilities requirements • Local competitive pressure • Negative attitude about community • Burdensome regulatory climate ~FINIS~ ~s Roanoke County business Plan F'~' 2001-06 Department Name: - ECON®MIC DEV~~®PMJENT "PREAMBLE" .._ .. De~i,natiAn: Econ;ornic developrnent is the process by wlieh socet_y's major public and private institutions uae t'ltie marl~et place arld government policy to make new economic investments that create additional per capsta wealth for- citizens of all economic l:e~els. Wealfll creation o:ccu~s mast .efficiently and equitably when public and private rndrviduals and enterprises are actively encouraged and enabled to seEk new economic opportunity ar~d to productively use their resources in ways that add economic value to the comn7unty. ;, :. _.. _. VT~assio:fla_:: T'lo design aricl irripl'cmertt ano~ati~e eca~nomzc d'evelopinerit progratri.s and servi,c.es that beverage cor~~muaity assets, create wealth and prosperity, and embrace the a~egion's future. ... _. .. _.. Area of T+ocus: T. 15!Tr~,:Tt_KETTN~G ~ B~J:STIVESS RECRT;TI.7C' ~ ~ ~T1`~`I' 2;. Pf~OI~'TJ~T D1{~EIa;QPMEIY'T ~. BUSINESS RE'TEP~"TION & E~PAi'~S'TON 4: W~ORK~'4R.Cl~ DE~ELO~PMENT , Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001-06 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [07/OOJ • _.. Miss o n ~o design artd n2plement innovative economic zlevelap.mentprogpams and services that leverage cammzcni,ly assets, create wealth and prosper~t~, and ernb.race the region's futa~re. Area of Focus: MARKETING & BUSINESS RECRUITMENT `i To attract to the region quality jobs and investments that diversify the economy, broaden the tax base, and pz-ovide lonb term employment opportunities. To attract to the region 4000 neiv jobs of ~i~I~ich at least (50%) are prirazary* or family-stage.., (Tetrget Date -June 2005] To attract to IRoanoke County and/or to the jurisdiction of its development partners 2000 new jobs of which SO% are primary or family-wage...(Target Date -June 2 D.OSJ r To attract to Roanoke County $300, 000, 0'0'D worth of new i9zvestment of which 6.00% will come from industrial or Class-I commercial develapment, and 40% from Class- IIcommercial or retail d~veloprnent...[Target Date -1Ztne 20.05] .~ ~'o 'increase to 2'0% that portion of Roanoke Coainty's assessed valuation attributable' to industrial and commercal real estate.:;~Target Date -June 2005] To restructure incentives in ways that favor the development of industries in target sectors and the creation of primary and/or family wage jobs...~Target Date - Septemb.er 200.0] *NOTE: "Primary" jobs are defined as those the output of which (product or service) is exported or consumed outside the region. "Family Wage" jobs are those that pay at least $10 per hour with a 20+% benefits package. 2' MARKETING & BUSINESS RECRUITMENT [07/00] . _ _ Strategies: ~ To focus marketing efforts on 4-~ target industries. - To energize the relatzanship with RVFD.~ including the esta~l'ishment of an incentive-based contribution schee~ule. ~ ?'o upgrcide Departme,nt's marketing materials and prese~~tatio~. To undertake t~ndependent marketing tnitatives~ y To focus on established industry sectors in the Roanoke ~'crlley. To increase the percentage of Public-Private Partnership (`PPP) dollars flowing to c~~ualif ed' industrial development. Tcz en~~oll local'business leaders in target marketing efforts, T'o establish local Foreign Trade Zone(FTZ) TARGETED INDUSTRIES: Transportation Systems & Equipment Biotechnology & Biomedical Metal Fabrication and Machine Tools Electronics/Electrical Components & Assembly Information & Telecommunications Technology CLASS-I COMMERCIAL: Developments in this category feature corporatelregional headquarters, major administrative service centers, or large "back-office" operations. The majority of employment opportunities are in primary or family-wage jobs. Examples: Atlantic Mutual, Allstate Insurance, and Advance Auto. CLASS-II COMIVIERCIAL: Developments in this category feature locally-based administrative or customer service activities or retail operations. The majority of employment opportunities are not in primary or family-wage jobs. Examples: Walmart, Lowes, hospitality industry, medical & professional service companies. 3 Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001-06 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [07/00 ~1{Is:s!in~n: ~'o cie ign and implement nnotiattve economic development programs.~nd services that leverage community assets, create wealth .and prosperity, eznd embrace the region's future. Area of Focis: ""` PRODUCT DE`VELOk'\~T- To create and maintain an inventory o:f quality industrial/commercialreal pro~p.erty in the region suff ci_ent to meet market demand. ,: ._ es; r To develop in the .region an inventory of at least 30D0 acres of "qual'ity "* industrial land and a total of 250, D00 square feat of industrial building spezce, and maintain that level for the next fwe (5) years regardless of take down ritte...[T~rget Date -June 2002 To develop in Roanol~e County and/or with its JV partners an inventory of at least 1'000 acres of quality industrial land and a total of 100; QUO square feet of industrial building space, and maintain that level for the ne,~t five (5). years regardless of take down rate..: Target Date -June 2QQIJ *NOTE: "Quality" industrial property is characterized by the following criteria: • Ability to break ground in 120 days or less... • • Appropriate zoning in place... • ~ • Compatible uses on or adjacent to the property... • CC&R's consistent with market demand... • Size of industrial•sites twenty (20+) acres... • Size of commercial sites five (5+) acres... 4 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT [07/00 Strate~les; To identify in Roanoke County or the jurasdi:ction of its partners 8-10 sites with the g-~^entest market pa ential/appeezl and focus resources a,n upgrading there to "deliverable" status. .~ To .establish viable real estate development partnerships with other jurisdiction and private developers. ~ To establish a consortium of key stakeholders to identify, clev~ op, and nzaT^ket quality sites. .~- To educate members of the commercial%industrial real estate cznd devel'oprizent communities aboztt the Departnz:ent's marketing and client mariagernent strategies. r To minimize unnecessary Blearing cznd grading of industrial/commercial sites to preserve theii^ natured eha~~crcter anel beauty. To encourage the development of .greenwcrys; bike tz°ails, pedestrian paths, and other amenities at all sites in the inventory. ?'a etzcozirage the reuse, redevelopment, and occupancy of the .current inventory of corxcmeYCZal/ndustrz~zl bx~i'?~ir7as c~=zd sites. To encouz~age speculative b:uzlding on ,selected sites. 5 ]~oanoke County Business Plan FY 2001-06 Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [07/00 _.. ., .. , _,:. Mission: To design and implerr~ent innovative econpmie de.velopmen;t proo~-arns a~ncl S~ervzces .that leverage comrri~i~ity assets, create wealtl and prosperity and embrace the r~gto:n's future. Area of Focus: BUSINESS R~'~ENT~ON ~ EX1?ANSxQN ,- To create and m~;amta~in a regional bus;in.ess climate that encour~ges~ Gh~ retention amd growth of local, enterprise. .. ~j e~ctiv es;k To create/retain in Roan©ke County 1 Q00 new jobs, cxt least 60% of which are pr<ifinatyr*or~anl~w~rge.:;[Ta~~g~tDate June ~OQSJ: - To. identify at least 30 bzasinesses at crassroccd euents .an, d take appropt late actzorc. to: en,s~ure that they: remain viable County enterprises... [Target Date - June 2aQ3J *NOTE: "Primary" jobs are defined as those the product or service output of which is exported or consumed outside the region. "Family Wage" jobs are those that pay at Ieast $10 per hour with a 20+% benefits package: fi: BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION j07/00] ~trate~ies: ~ To implement early warning system that ident f es businesses at the crossroads. ~ To mobilize .cotnm~nity resources in support of lo::cal business development. To establish a BRE' bask force. To encourage local busi:t?ess to participate. >? regional economic development initiatives. (- To reduce barraers to entrepreneurial development. 7'0> develop and publish an' inventory of l'ocal.business de•~elopri~ezt resources. - 7'o improve access to capital. To promote the development of export markets for~ 1'oc~zl prodirrc~s/services. To increase the availability of ~ucilty business ecluccztion pr°oo crrns and services. To prorizote BRE programs with local charribers, irZ~dzestry groups, and :business assQ:czatons. To encourage :entreprenezr~l development programs. ~ To provide financial incentives/rewards far innovative/successful &RE programs. ~ To showcase local business development efforts on a c~uzirterly basis: - To interyieYv and prof le 150 local businesses over the next three (3) yezirs. 7 Roanoke County Business Plan FY 2001-Ob Department Name: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT [07/00] _. _. . ;1VTission: .. ~. ,. 'To~ design:, c~nd impl'einent innovcitive;eeanoinic .development pi^ogr~ams and services that l~~ueNage cammuniy assets, create wealth rind prosperity,. and embrecce tie regio;n's fzitzire. _. ., . _, . _: _ _ ®b.i ect~wes - To develop an°d dcssemznate a prof le Qf the antacipc~~ed ler`b;oY ,~z~r;~~e* c'e~~?c;=~d in target industries o.uer the next three. (3) yeaf~s . [Target Date - Decenibe~r ~'DDO - To upgrade the skills of Crider e.trployed persons in the >"egion to prepare them far jabs in target industries... ~I ~ D per year over the next f ve ye!ezrj - Z'o attract ~o the regign new woxkers tivth target industry skills ,..~I50 per }~e;ar over tl?e next f ve yeai~sJ To create viable target industry .employment oppartunity zn the. Yeg:o=~ far crt least 8.0% a~'those who successfully complete a qua~~ed yv~~rk~orce~ development program, 8' WORKFORCE DEVELO~'MENT [07/00 r To molxilt~e and focus tYie region's educattoncil resources. r ~ T~:: esta~ltsh .a regtgn-~tde workforce developrnen~ task f~re.e: .~ To: provide f na~tcial incentives/rewards for nnoucztve%successficl w~rkforae development programs in the region. r To; s~r~v~y~ 1©ca~l but~snesses to assess labor xnet~rke~ clemancl,' Tq sut-vet tat~get industries to assess labor market a'emun.d ~'o. sh~ivcctse tke region's workforce development efforts no less often than quarterly. 9' DISCUSSION TOPICS For work session with Board July 30, 2001 STRATEGIC ISSUES • Product Development Transportation Planning • Existing Business Retention and Expansion • New Business Recruitment • Tourism Development PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT CRT Infrastructure & Access Valley Pointe -Phase 2 McDonald Farm Ingersoll-Rand TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Valley Gateway/460 East Corridor Clearbrook/220 South Corridor Dixie Caverns Corridor I-73 EXISTING BUSINESS RETENTION & EXPANSION Visitation Program District Breakfasts Electronic Newsletter Referral System Tanglewood Mall Revitalization Facade Grant Program Expansion NEW BUSINESS RECRUITMENT Marketing/RVEDP & VEDP Web Site Redesign Data CollectionlBuildings, Sites, and Demographics TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Explore Park Water Park/Dixie Caverns i .ti PROSPECT REPORT Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership July 18, 2001 Inquiries 700 ~-- soo 500 400 300 200 100 I ~ ~. 0 _. 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 VEDP ®RVEDP O Misc. Prospect Files Opened 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2000 2001 NY/NJ/PA' 4 5 5 4 2 2 MD/VA 3 3 1 5 7 2 South 5 4 8 2 2 Local 7 9 5 7 4 3 West .Coast 1 1 1 Canada 1 1 1 1 1 Europe 1 5 5 4 1 1 Pacific 4 2 2 1 1 2 .Great Lakes ~ 4 4 3 1 1 Mid-West 1 3 1 2 1 New England 3 2 1 1 .Southwest ` 3 1 1 1 South America ' 1 2 Other/DNK 1 VEDP "' 9 7 12 11 17 9 9 14 11 9 8 3 ,RVEDP 23 10 23 24 35 18 24 28 23 20 17 1 ~ ~auuar-~ ~~~ 1/1 4/5 3/3 5/6 1/1 0/1 6/8 4/9 'Februar~~ 2/2 4/6 3/9 2/3 1/6 2/11 4/2 1 /4 3/7 :March 2/1 2/3 2/7 1/4 2/2 3/8 1/5 5/5 5/11 April 5/8 1 /3 3/6 3/5 3/2 3/3 3/9 7/4 3/8 Mai' 2/6 0/1 3/3 5/10 4/7 5/6 3 /4 6/14 3/3 June 0/3 2/2 5/5 4/9 3/3 4/3 2/3 2/18 3/3 July 1/3 3/ 4 3/4 7/9 6/8 3/8 4/4 5/10 1 /2 August 2/3 1/1 2/5 2/4 6/6 0/5 5/17 0/6 September 1 /2 1/1 3/7 6/4 2/1 1/5 0/7 3/3 October 2/2 2/2 2/4 5/13 3/2 4/5 6/6 3/11 November„ 4 /5 0/0 1/3 2/3 0/1 2/7 4/4 1/ 4 December 3/3 2/2 1/5 3/3 1 /4 3/7 5/7 6/8 Not Noted for #340 notetourt 6 13 7 10 15 8 13 22 8 4 4 Craig 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 Franklin 1 8 5 7 2 5 10 2 5 7 2 Roanoke 7 19 15 23 17 11 23 21 15 13 7 Roanoke Co. 11 17 12 22 16 9 17 26 15 13 9 Salem 8 15 7 16 1 9 6 6 4 6 4 .Vinton 2 4 5 1 2 1 notetourt 11 ZZ 7 12 22 8 16 29 13 4 5 Craig 1 2 1 2 1 2 7 1 1 Franklin 3 8 5 10 2 8 15 2 8 9 2 Roanoke 18 39 23 37 22 16 41 22 21 22 9 .Roanoke Co. 19 22 18 34 19 11 20 34 22 18 14 Salem 19 17 14 20 2 10 9 6 5 11 8 Vinton 3 4 6 1 1 1 v-~~+,vvv s.i. S ~ y 1Z 3 6 16 3 6 6 5 25-50,000 s.f. 3 5 5 6 6 2 4 6 6 8 2 60-100,000 s.f. 1 3 2 3 7 6 3 3 4 3 2 100-150,000 s.f. 7 6 10 2 1 8 3 5 2 3 151,000+ s.f. 3 7 3 4 3 0-5 acres 3 4 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 6-10 acres l 3 2 8 7 5 4 2 1 1 1 11=25 acres 1 4 2 7 4 4 6 6 6 1 1 26-SO acres 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 3 1 51=100 acres 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 10.1+ acres 4 1 2 1 2 2001 ANNOUNCED PROJECTS Carilion Health Gare $11,000,000 Maple Leaf $11,000,000 TOTAL $22,000,000 40-50 40-50 Company Employees Investment Type 2000 Locations Precision Technology USA 100 $2 M/H Altec Industries 150 $12.5 M 2000 Expansions Tower Automotive* 120 $50 M * Announced, but not yet built M=Manufacturing H=Headquarters AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY JULY 30, 2001 RESOLUTION 073001-1 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Johnson, McNamara, Church, Nickens NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Minnix cc: File Closed Meeting File A COPY TESTE: rte. ~--e.e.-~c.~ Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board of Supervisors ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS JULY 30, 2001 - 6:00 P.M. WORK SESSION AGENDA 1. ROLL CALL 2. DISCUSSION Attachments: • List of proposed discussion topics • Economic Development Work Plan and 5 year business plan 3. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344A (3) to discuss or consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, economic development. 4. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION (Attached) 5. ADJOURNMENT July 30, 2001 County staff requests the Board to adopt a motion to enter into closed session within the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act as follows: 1. to discuss or consider the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, economic development, pursuant to the provisions of Section 2.1-344 A.3., of the Code of Virginia, as amended. f M AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON MONDAY, JULY 30 2001 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia.