HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/25/2003 - RegularWorking Document - Subject to Revision Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda March 25, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for March 25, 2003. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call Roll call at 3:02 p.m. with JBC absent 2. Invocation: Rabbi Manes Kogan Beth Israel Synagogue 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH reported that JBC would be unable to attend the meeting today due to the death of Drema Dillard, an employee in his office. PMM added closed meeting pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (1) discussion regarding the assignment of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of the County; Section 2.2-3711 A (3) discussion regarding the disposition of the County's interest in certain publicly held real estate, Western Hills well lot; Section 2.2-3711 A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of congratulations to Christian L. Kuyper for being named Officer of the Year by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce R-032503-1 RCF motion to adopt resolution URC with JBC absent 2. Resolutions of congratulations to the following individuals who were recognized by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce for outstanding service to the community: (a) Geraldine B. Barber for being named Citizen of the Year R-032503-2 RCF motion to adopt resolution URC with JBC absent (b) Detective Brian Scott Horne for being named Police Officer of the Year R-032503-3 RCF motion to adopt resolution URC with JBC absent (c) Cynthia Sheppard for being named Educator of the Year R-032503-4 RCF motion to adopt resolution URC with JBC absent 3. Certificates of recognition to the 2002 Police Department Employees of the Year. Certificates presented by Chairman McNamara and Chief Lavinder D. BRIEFINGS None E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt the following tax rates for calendar year 2003: (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) (a) Real Estate tax rate of $1.12 per $100 assessed valuation 2 0-032503-5 HOM motion to adopt order URC with JBC absent (b) Personal Property tax rate of $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation 0-032503-6 HOM motion to adopt order URC with JBC absent (c) Machinery and Tools tax rate of $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation 0-032503-7 HOM motion to adopt order URC with JBC absent 2. Request to revise ambulance transport fee schedule and provide for an effective date. (Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator) R-032503-8 RCF motion to approve option #2 and adopt the resolution URC with JBC absent F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. HOM motion to approve 1St reading 2"d readings and public hearings - 4/22/03 URC with JBC absent With regard to Item F-1, HOM requested that the six or seven items he previously requested be included in the agenda packet when this matter is returned for a second reading. First reading of an ordinance to rezone 22.743 acres from AR Agricultural Residential District to R-1 Low Density Residential District for the development of single family housing located at Virginia Secondary Route 688 (Cotton Hill Road) and Raintree Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cotton Hill Land Company, LC. 3 2. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership on .57 acres located at 406 Dexter Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jeff Montgomery. 3. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a private stable on 13.460 acres located at 5800 Huntridge Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Maurice Lucas. 4. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a car wash located at 7005 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Graham Family Limited Partnership. 5. First reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-93 Signs upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. 6. First reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-53, C-1 Office District, to include personal services as a Permitted Use, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance enacting Section 2-8. Booking Fee for Individuals Incarcerated in the Roanoke County Jail. of the Roanoke County Code to authorize a $25.00 booking fee for administrative processing of prisoners into the Roanoke County jail. (Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator) HOM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 04/08/03 URC with JBC absent 2. First reading of an ordinance enacting Section 2.9. Court Costs for Courthouse Security. of the Roanoke County Code to authorize a $5.00 court cost for individuals convicted in Roanoke County courts to fund courthouse security personnel. (Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator) HOM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 04/08/03 URC with JBC absent 3. First reading of an ordinance amending Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Chapter 18 of the Roanoke County Code of 1985. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 4 JPM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 04/08/03 URC with JBC absent 4. First reading of an ordinance authorizing the dedication of a County well lot at Whispering Pines Park for the benefit of the Virginia Department of Health, Catawba. Magisterial District. (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism) HOM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 04/08/03 URC with JBC absent 5. First reading of an ordinance authorizing and financing the Roselawn sanitary sewer extension, and authorizing the acquisition of easements either by donation or by purchase, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 0-032503-9 JPM motion to adopt ordinance with conditions and waive 2"a reading URC with JBC absent H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES NONE APPOINTMENTS Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 3. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 4. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission JPM nominated Charles A. Blankenship to serve an additional three-year term expiring on April 8, 2006. J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION 5 IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-032503-10 JPM motion to adopt resolution URC with JBC absent 1. Approval of minutes -March 11, 2003 2. Confirmation of appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) A-032503-10.a 3. Request to accept 0.15 miles of Roselawn Court into the State Secondary System R-032503-10.b 4. Request to accept donation of a deed of easement from J. Milton Miller, Cave Spring Magisterial District A-032503-10.c 5. Request to accept and appropriate Title III funds in the amount of $10,238 to support educational programs for students with limited English proficiency A-032503-10.d 6. Request to accept donation of sewer and temporary construction easement located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District A-032503-10.e 7. Request to accept donation of a drainage easement on Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1, Glenvar East Subdivision, in the Catawba Magisterial District, from Patricia A. Lowe A-032503-10.f K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS HOM requested a work session within the next 30-60 days to discuss citizens storing items in their yards (refrigerators, junk cars, furniture, etc.) 6 L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS None M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Annie Krochalis spoke regarding the Cotton ,Hill Road rezoning, Item F-1 on the agenda. N. REPORTS HOM motion to receive and file the following reports URC with JBC absent 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Statement of Expenditures and Estimated and Actual Revenues for the month ended February 2003 6. Report from VDOT of changes to the secondary road system in February 2003 O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (3) consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff to discuss disposition of real estate; Section 2.2-3711 A (7) consultation with legal counsel pertaining to specific legal matters, namely performance agreement with Gold's Gym and agreement with the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation. At 4:32 p.m., JPM moved to go into closed meeting following the work session URC with JBC absent P. WORK SESSIONS (4th Floor Conference Room) 4:30 P.M. 1. Work session to discuss bid proposals for renovation of Salem Office Supply building. (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) Time: 4:41 p.m. until 5:04 p.m. Presented by Ms. Green 7 Ms. Green reported that the lowest responsive bid was $1.55 million from Loeb Construction. The price includes finishing the 2"d floor and making it ready to be sub-divided. The building contains 19,000 square feet, which would bring the price per square foot to $82.00. Ms. Green stated that the bids were higher than anticipated, and staff is working with the contractor to identify areas where costs can be reduced. Proposed funding is as follows: $500,000 previously appropriated by the Board; $250,000 in the Court Services Unit budget; $600,000 in the unappropriated capital fund. This totals $1.35 million, and it is anticipated that the cost reductions will result in the bid price being lowered to $1.4 million. It was the consensus of the Board that Ms. Green would schedule a time for the Board members to visit the site, if desired, and would prepare a packet containing proposed costs and uses of the building to be distributed to the Board. EVENING SESSION JBC arrived at 7:00 p.m. Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Closed meeting held from 5:10 p.m. until 5:35 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. until 6:45 p.m. R-032503-11 JPM motion to adopt resolution URC R. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS Resolution in memory and recognition of Roy L. Stanley for his contributions to the Roanoke Valley. R-032503-12 RCF motion to adopt resolution URC 2. Resolution of congratulations to Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department for receiving the Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Service Award for Most Outstanding Fire Department Response for their handling of the Starlight Lane tire fire. R-032503-13 JBC motion to adopt resolution URC 8 S. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to vacate an existing 20' sanitary sewer easement crossing Lots 1, 2A, and 2B1-A of Shamrock Industrial Park, Catawba Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 0-032503-14 JBC motion to adopt ordinance with alternative #2 URC 2. Second reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a daycare on 15.652 acres located at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Fellowship Community Church. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 0-032503-15 JBC motion to adopt ordinance URC T. FUNDING REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 BUDGET 1. Fire and Rescue Volunteer Chiefs Board Dennis Furrow and Woody Henderson spoke on behalf of the Volunteer Chiefs Board 2. Social and Human Service Agencies Representatives from 26 agencies requested funding in the fiscal year 2003-2004 budget U. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing to receive citizens comments on the Secondary System Six-Year Construction Plan for fiscal year 2003 through 2009 and the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2003-2004. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) There were no citizens present to speak on this matter V. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Kris Peckman and Bob Egbert spoke regarding the proposed widening of I-81. They stated that any proposed solution should include upgrades to the rail 9 infrastructure. Mike Roop, Paul Paxton and Gary Myers spoke in opposition to Norfolk Southern's practice of using remote control technology for switching trains within yard limits. It was the consensus of the Board that PMM would research this matter further to determine if the County has any authority or jurisdiction. W. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS JBC reported that his secretary, Drema Dillard, had passed away unexpectedly today. He conveyed his sympathies to the family members. JPM extended his condolences to JBC and Ms. Dillard's family. X. ADJOURNMENT JPM adjourned the meeting at 9:36 p.m. 10 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda March 25, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for March 25, 2003. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Rabbi Manes Kogan Beth Israel Synagogue 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of congratulations to Christian L. Kuyper for being named Officer of the Year by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce 2. Resolutions of congratulations to the following individuals who were recognized by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce for outstanding service to the community: (a) Geraldine B. Barber for being named Citizen of the Year (b) Detective Brian Scott Horne for being named Police Officer of the Year (c) Cynthia Sheppard for being named Educator of the Year 1 3. Certificates of recognition to the 2002 Police Department Employees of the Year. D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt the following tax rates for calendar year 2003: (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) (a) Real Estate tax rate of $1.12 per $100 assessed valuation (b) Personal Property tax rate of $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation (c) Machinery and Tools tax rate of $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation 2. Request to revise ambulance transport fee schedule and provide for an effective date. (Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission. 1. First reading of an ordinance to rezone 22.743 acres from AR Agricultural Residential District to R-1 Low Density Residential District for the development of single family housing located at Virginia Secondary Route 688 (Cotton Hill Road) and Raintree Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Cotton Hill Land Company, LC. 2. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership on .57 acres located at 406 Dexter Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Jeff Montgomery. 3. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a private stable on 13.460 acres located at 5800 Huntridge Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Maurice Lucas. 4. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a car wash located at 7005 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the petition of Graham Family Limited Partnership. 2 5. First reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-93 Signs upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. 6. First reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-53, C-1 Office District, to include personal services as a Permitted Use, upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance enacting Section 2-8. Booking Fee for Individuals Incarcerated in the Roanoke County Jail. of the Roanoke County Code to authorize a $25.00 booking fee for administrative processing of prisoners into the Roanoke County jail. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) 2. First reading of an ordinance enacting Section 2.9. Court Costs for Courthouse Security. of the Roanoke County Code to authorize a $5.00 court cost for individuals convicted in Roanoke County courts to fund courthouse security personnel. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) 3. First reading of an ordinance amending Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Chapter 18 of the Roanoke County Code of 1985. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 4. First reading of an ordinance authorizing the dedication of a County well lot at Whispering Pines Park for the benefit of the Virginia Department of Health, Catawba Magisterial District. (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism) 5. First reading of an ordinance authorizing and financing the Roselawn sanitary sewer extension, and authorizing the acquisition of easements either by donation or by purchase, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES APPOINTMENTS 1. Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) 2. League of Older Americans Advisory Board 3. League of Older Americans Advisory Council 4. Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission 3 J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes -March 11,.2003 2. Confirmation of appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) 3. Request to accept 0.15 miles of Roselawn Court into the State Secondary System 4. Request to accept donation of a deed of easement from J. Milton Miller, Cave Spring Magisterial District 5. Request to accept and appropriate Title III funds in the amount of $10,238 to support educational programs for students with limited English proficiency 6. Request to accept donation of sewer and temporary construction easement located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District 7. Request to accept donation of a drainage easement on Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1, Glenvar East Subdivision, in the Catawba Magisterial District, from Patricia A. Lowe K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4 4. Future School Capital Reserve 5. Statement of Expenditures and Estimated and Actual Revenues for the month ended February 2003 6. Report from VDOT of changes to the secondary road system in February 2003 O. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (3) consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff to discuss disposition of real estate; Section 2.2-3711 A (7) consultation with legal counsel pertaining to specific legal matters, namely performance agreement with Gold's Gym and agreement with the Greater Roanoke Valley Development Foundation. P. WORK SESSIONS (4th Floor Conference Room) 4:30 P.M. 1. Work session to discuss bid proposals for renovation of Salem Office Supply building. (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) EVENING SESSION Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution in memory and recognition of Roy Stanley for his contributions to the Roanoke Valley. 2. Resolution of congratulations to Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department for receiving the Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Service Award for Most Outstanding Fire Department Response for their handling of the Starlight Lane tire fire. S. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to vacate an existing 20' sanitary sewer easement crossing Lots 1, 2A, and 2B1-A of Shamrock Industrial Park, Catawba Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 2. Second reading of ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a daycare on 15.652 acres located at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Fellowship Community Church. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 5 T. FUNDING REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-2004 BUDGET 1. Fire and Rescue Volunteer Chiefs Board 2. Social and Human Service Agencies U. PUBLIC HEARINGS Public hearing to receive citizens comments on the Secondary System Six-Year Construction Plan for fiscal year 2003. through 2009 and the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2003-2004. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) V. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS W. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS X. ADJOURNMENT 6 ~ , ~- I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-1 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO CHRISTIAN L. KUYPER FOR BEING NAMED POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR FOR 2002 BY THE ROANOKE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Christian L. Kuyper was employed in 1994 as a police officer in the Roanoke County Police Department and also served one year during this time with the Police Department in Charlotte, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper was named the Police Officer of the Year for 2002 by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce at their meeting in December 2002; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper, who was promoted to Police Officer II in March, 2002, is a member of the SWAT team, and as a defensive tactics instructor, teaches other officers how to protect themselves; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper responded to a domestic incident, and his actions at the scene exemplify the characteristics which contributed to his being named Officer of the Year; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper's actions went above and beyond the scope of expectations of the Department, and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper's daily efforts in addition to his participation in specialized Department functions led to his selection as Police Officer of the Year for 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby congratulate CHRISTIAN L. KUYPER for being named Police Officer of the Year FOR 2002 by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce; and 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its appreciation to Officer Kuyper for his dedication to his profession and for the significant contributions that he makes to the safety and well-being of all County citizens. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: dl0 ~~ A'~ Alm Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resouces 2 _^ . t ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of congratulations to Christian L. Kuyper for being named Officer of the Year by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At their annual meeting in December, 2002, the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce recognized Officer Chris Kuyper as Officer of the Year. Beth Poff, Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Chamber, will be present at the meeting. c-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO CHRISTIAN L. KUYPER FOR BEING NAMED POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR FOR 2002 BY THE ROANOKE REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Christian L. Kuyper was employed in 1994 as a police officer in the Roanoke County Police Department and also served one year during this time with the Police Department in Charlotte, North Carolina; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper was named the Police Officer of the Year for 2002 by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce at their meeting in December 2002; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper, who was promoted to Police Officer II in March, 2002, is a member of the SWAT team, and as a defensive tactics instructor, teaches other officers how to protect themselves; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper responded to a domestic incident, and his actions at the scene exemplify the characteristics which contributed to his being named Officer of the Year; and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper's actions went above and beyond the scope of expectations of the Department, and WHEREAS, Officer Kuyper's daily efforts in addition to his participation in specialized Department functions led to his selection as Police Officer of the Year for 2002. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby congratulate CHRISTIAN L. KUYPER for being named Police Officer of the Year FOR 2002 by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its appreciation to Officer 1 G Kuyper for his dedication to his profession and for the significant contributions that he makes to the safety and well-being of all County citizens. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C- c,~ to -C~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions of congratulations tothe following individuals who were recognized by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce for outstanding service to the community: (a) Geraldine B. Barber for being named Citizen of the Year APPROVED BY: (b) Detective Brian Horne for being named Police Officer of the Year (c) Cynthia Sheppard for being named Educator of the Year Elmer C. Hodge £d~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At their annual meeting on Thursday, March 13, 2002, the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce recognized the above individuals for outstanding service to the community. Debbie Kavitz, Executive Director of the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber, will be present at the meeting. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-2 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO GERALDINE BRICKHOUSE BARBER FOR BEING NAMED CITIZEN OF THE YEAR BY THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Geraldine Brickhouse Barber, a graduate of Virginia Tech and Averett University, has been employed by Roanoke County since 1998 and is currently an Assistant Director of Finance; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber was named the Citizen of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Dinner Meeting on March 13, 2003; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber has served her community with active leadership and involvement in many organizations including the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, the Roanoke Valley Speech and Hearing Center, the River Foundation and Maple Street Baptist Church; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber is currently serving as Second Vice-President of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the American Cancer Society and is an advocate speaker on the need for continued funding of cancer research, serving as one of the national Ambassadors at the 2002 Celebration on the Hill and speaking to approximately 60 members of Congress in February 2003; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber's dynamic presentations and ability to motivate have captured audiences everywhere and she is now receiving requests to speak at American Cancer Society conferences and events through the United States; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to congratulate Ms. Barber and commend her dedication and service to the community and the well-being of County citizens. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby congratulate GERALDINE BRICKHOUSE BARBER for being named Citizen of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce.; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board recognizes the significant contributions made by Ms. Barber to the citizens of the Roanoke Valley through her community service. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: /~ a ~ ,~~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 ~ ,,~ 1 c - a c~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO GERALDINE BRICKHOUSE BARBER FOR BEING NAMED CITIZEN OF THE YEAR BY THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Geraldine Brickhouse Barber, a graduate of Virginia Tech and Averett University, has been employed by Roanoke County since 1998 and is currently an Assistant Director of Finance; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber was named the Citizen of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Dinner Meeting on March 13, 2003; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber has served her community with active leadership and involvement in many organizations including the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, the Roanoke Valley Speech and Hearing Center, the River Foundation and Maple Street Baptist Church; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber is currently serving as Second Vice-President of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the American Cancer Society and is an advocate speaker on the need for continued funding of cancer research, serving as one of the national Ambassadors at the 2002 Celebration on the Hill and speaking to approximately 60 members of Congress in February 2003; and WHEREAS, Ms. Barber's dynamic presentations and ability to motivate have captured audiences everywhere and she is now receiving requests to speak at American Cancer Society conferences and events through the United States; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to congratulate Ms. Barber and commend her dedication and service to the community and the well-being of County citizens. 1 ~. aC=) NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby congratulate GERALDINE BRICKHOUSE BARBER for being named Citizen of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board recognizes the significant contributions made by Ms. Barber to the citizens of the Roanoke Valley through her community service. 2 '~ ~ . .~ c '~_~`'(i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-3 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO BRIAN SCOTT HORNE FOR BEING NAMED POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR BY THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Brian Scott Horne, a graduate of East Tennessee State University, has been employed since 1994 as a Detective in the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne was named the Police Officer of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Dinner Meeting on March 13, 2003; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne's dedication and tenacity in his investigations also led to his selection as Detective of the Year by his peers in the Criminal Investigations Division of the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, beginning in 1997, Detective Horne served in the Roanoke County Vice/Narcotics Unit, being promoted in February 2000 to Police Officer II and later that same year, promoted to Detective assigned to the white-collar crime unit; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne has worked for the past two years in the Fraud Unit investigating various white-collar crimes, check crimes that include forgery and uttering, credit card fraud, and identity theft investigations; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne worked a total of 141 related fraud cases in 2001 with approximately 16 identity theft offenses; and in 2002, he worked 198 related fraud cases with approximately 20 identity theft offenses; and WHEREAS, in 2002, Detective Horne had a 60% case clearance rate and has been selected by the Police Department to attend a Questioned Document Course at the 1 a .. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glencoe, Georgia in the spring of 2003; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne in his off-duty time works as a Certified Motorcycle Instructor through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation co-sponsored by Virginia Western Community College, and as a basketball and baseball referee for the City of Salem Youth Sports. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby congratulate BRIAN SCOTT HORNE for being named Police Officer of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its appreciation to Detective Horne for the significant contributions that he makes to the safety and well-being of all County citizens. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: ~~~ • ~~ ~~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 ~ ~ C-aCb~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO BRIAN SCOTT HORNE FOR BEING NAMED POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR BY THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Brian Scott Horne, a graduate of East Tennessee State University, has been employed since 1994 as a Detective in the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne was named the Police Officer of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce at their Annual Dinner Meeting on March 13, 2003; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne's dedication and tenacity in his investigations also led to his selection as Detective of the Year by his peers in the Criminal Investigations Division of the Roanoke County Police Department; and WHEREAS, beginning in 1997, Detective Horne served in the Roanoke County Vice/Narcotics Unit, being promoted in February 2000 to Police Officer II and later that same year, promoted to Detective assigned to the white-collar crime unit; anti WHEREAS, Detective Horne has worked for the past two years in the Fraud Unit investigating various white-collar crimes, check crimes that include forgery and uttering, credit card fraud, and identity theft investigations; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne worked a total of 141 related fraud cases in 2001 with approximately 16 identity theft offenses; and in 2002, he worked 198 related fraud cases with approximately 20 identity theft offenses; and WHEREAS, in 2002, Detective Horne had a 60% case clearance rate and has been selected by the Police Department to attend a Questioned Document Course at the 1 ~ '• ~ _ a.~6~ Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glencoe, Georgia in the spring of 2003; and WHEREAS, Detective Horne in his off-duty time works as a Certified Motorcycle Instructor through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation co-sponsored by Virginia Western Community College, and as a basketball and baseball referee for the City of Salem Youth Sports. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby congratulate BRIAN SCOTT HORNE for being named Police Officer of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its appreciation to Detective Horne for the significant contributions that he makes to the safety and well-being of all County citizens. 2 ~ ~" r C'o+'lr AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-4 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO CYNTHIA SHEPPARD FOR BEING NAMED EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR BY THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Cynthia Sheppard, a graduate of Roanoke College, has been a dedicated teacher employed by Roanoke County Schools for twenty-five years; and WHERAS, Ms. Sheppard taughtfourth and fifth grades at Mason's Cove Elementary School for twenty years and moved to Northside Middle School in 1998 where she teaches seventh grade Civics and Economics; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sheppard is involved in the following educational projects: Educational Foundation Scholarship for Champions are Heroes; collaborative teaching; differentiated instruction; Motivating Today's Learner by using Involvement Strategies; and positive reinforcement to encourage study skills; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sheppard serves as sponsor of IMPACT, a student led Christian group; Chairman of the American Education Week Committee, and is a Roanoke County Schools Federal Credit Union Representative; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sheppard is a member of Ridgewood Baptist Church and the Salem Fine Arts Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby congratulate CYNTHIA SHEPPARD for being named Educator of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Sheppard for her dedication and commitment to her profession and educating the youth of 1 Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: ~o A~~. ~lc~~ .~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board 2 ~_a~C~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO CYNTHIA SHEPPARD FOR BEING NAMED EDUCATOR OF THE YEAR BY THE SALEM/ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WHEREAS, Cynthia Sheppard, a graduate of Roanoke College, has been a dedicated teacher employed by Roanoke County Schools for twenty-five years; and WHERAS, Ms. Sheppard taughtfourth and fifth grades at Mason's Cove Elementary School for twenty years and moved to Northside Middle School in 1998 where she teaches seventh grade Civics and Economics; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sheppard is involved in the following educational projects: Educational Foundation Scholarship for Champions are Heroes; collaborative teaching; differentiated instruction; Motivating Today's Learner by using Involvement Strategies; and positive reinforcement to encourage study skills; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sheppard serves as sponsor of IMPACT, a student led Christian group; Chairman of the American Education Week Committee, and is a Roanoke County Schools Federal Credit Union Representative; and WHEREAS, Ms. Sheppard is a member of Ridgewood Baptist Church and the Salem Fine Arts Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby congratulate CYNTHIA SHEPPARD for being named Educator of the Year by the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and 1 Gad) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its appreciation to Ms. Sheppard for her dedication and commitment to her profession and educating the youth of Roanoke County. 2 r~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C -,~j AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 25, 2003 Certificates of recognition to the 2002 Police Department Employees of the Year Ray Lavinder Chief of Police Elmer C. Hodge '~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Certificates of recognition have been prepared for the following individuals who were recognized by the Police Department as Employees of the Year: Roanoke County Police Department Officer of the Year Detective Scott Horne Uniform Division Platoon Officers of the Year Officer Tim VanMarter Officer Chris Kuyper Officer Steve Short Traffic Officer of the Year Officer Billy Smith Uniform Division Rookie of the Year Officer Wes Campbell Uniform Division Platoon Rookie of the Year Officer Travis Akins Officer Brian Blankenship Officer Wes Campbell •.. i C-3 Criminal Investigations Division Detective of the Year Detective Scott Horne Communication Officer of the Year Jessica Dotson Platoon Communication Officers of the Year Susan Smith Jessica Dotson Beth Clemson School Resource Officer of the Year Officer Cindy Jancso Community Service Officer of the Year Officer Kenneth Broughman Civilian Employee of the Year Tess Graham ti ~~,~~~~ ~~ ~ o~~~~~ CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION AWARDED TO DETECTIO/E SCOTT HORNE for being named the Roanoke County Palice Department Officer of the Year > The Police Department recognizes those individuals who exempfity the characteristics of an outstanding employee. Nominations for the awards are submitted by their peers to the supervisors for consideration. > Individuals who are selected for recognition exhibit traits that other officers respect including extensive job knowledge, self-initiated activities, positive attitude, and ability to independently identify issues of concern. > The 2002 Police Department Employees of the Year were recognized at a ceremony held at the Police Department on March 17, 2003. > The Board of Supervisors wishes to congratulate Detective Horne for receiving this award and for service to the community. Presented this 25th day of arc 03 , Joseph McNamara, Chairman Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman ~r. C ~h~r ~ Michael W. Altizer ~v~~ ~. ~~~~ ~f!~ ~ Joseph B. "Butch" Church ,~ rGu~~ ' ~~r° H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix { ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDER 032503-5 SETTING THE TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 1.12 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate and mobile homes classified by Sections 58.1-3200, 58.1-3201, 58.1-3506.A.8, and 58.1-3506.6 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Order setting the real estate tax rate at $1.12 per $100 assessed valuation, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: ~L.ll~~ ~~~~Q~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance W. Brent Robertson, Director, Budget William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Nancy Horn, Commissioner of Revenue .- ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - ! t'Q~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Adoption of the Real Estate Tax Rate for the Calendar Year 2003. SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Real Estate Tax Rate for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, was advertised on February 25 and March 4, 2003 at $1.12 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The public hearing for citizen comment on the above advertised tax rate was held on March 11, 2003. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposed budget for fiscal year 2003-04 is predicated on the current Real Estate Tax Rate; therefore, staff recommends that the Real Estate Tax Rate again be established at the rate of $1.12 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the 2003 calendar year. r ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDER SETTING THE TAX RATE ON REAL ESTATE SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of °I.12 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate and mobile homes classified by Sections 58.1-3200, 58.1-3201, 58.1-3506.A.8, and 58.1-3506.6 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, situate in Roanoke County. t :~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDER 032503-6 SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON PERSONAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of $3.50 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property, excluding that class of personal property generally designated as machinery and tools as set forth in Section 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in Sections 58.1-3504 and 58.1-3505 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, but including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. 2. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in Section 58.1- 3506 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and adopted by Ordinance No. 121592- 11, and generally designated as Motor Vehicles for Disabled Veterans. 3. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set at fifty (50%) percent of the tax rate established in paragraph 1 for the taxable, tangible personal property as herein established i i as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by Section 58.1- 3506 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as Motor Vehicles for Disabled Veterans. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Order setting the personal property tax rate at $3.50 per $100 assessed valuation, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance W. Brent Robertson, Director, Budget William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Nancy Horn, Commissioner of Revenue a ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E - ` (~_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Adoption of the Personal Property Tax Rate for the Calendar Year 2003. SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~ ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Personal Property Tax Rate for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, was advertised on February 25 and March 4, 2003 at $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The public hearing for citizen comment on the above advertised tax rates was held on March 11, 2003. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposed budget for fiscal year 2003-04 is predicated on the current Personal Property Tax Rate; therefore, staff recommends that the Personal Property Tax Rate again be established at the rate of $3.50 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the 2003 calendar year. . i 1 ~ ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDER SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON PERSONAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of ~` ~ per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property, excluding that class of personal property generally designated as machinery and tools as set forth in Section 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and excluding all those classes of household goods and personal effects as are defined in Sections 58.1-3504 and 58.1-3505 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, but including the property separately classified by Sections 58.1-3500, 58.1-3501, 58.1-3502, 58.1-3506 in the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, of public service corporations based upon the assessed value thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified. 2. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in Section 58.1- 3506 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and adopted by Ordinance No. 121592- 11, and generally designated as Motor Vehicles for Disabled Veterans. 3. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set at fifty (50%) percent of the tax rate established in paragraph 1 for the taxable, tangible personal property as herein established ~ - i ~~ as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by Section 58.1- 3506 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as Motor Vehicles for Disabled Veterans. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDER 032503-7 SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON A CLASSIFICATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY - MACHINERY AND TOOLS - SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in Section 58.1- 3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 2. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of $3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by Section 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Order setting the machinery and tools tax rate at $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance W. Brent Robertson, Director, Budget William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Nancy Horn, Commissioner of Revenue •~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. [-- ~ (C I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 25, 2003 Adoption of the Machinery and Tools Tax Rate for the Calendar Year 2003. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: (~'..'"'0 ^"l SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Machinery and Tools Tax Rate for thetwelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, was advertised on February 25, and March 4, 2003 at $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation. The public hearing for citizen comment on the above advertised tax rate was held on March 11, 2003. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The proposed budget for fiscal year 2003-04 is predicated on the current Machinery and Tools Tax Rate; therefore, staff recommends that the Machinery and Tools Tax Rate be established at $3.00 per one hundred dollars assessed valuation for the 2003 calendar year. ~. ~- I (c~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDER SETTING THE TAX LEVY ON A CLASSIFCATION OF PERSONAL PROPERTY -MACHINERY AND TOOLS - SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 2003 BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That there be, and hereby is, established as a separate class of personal property in Roanoke County those items of personal property set forth in Section 58.1- 3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. 2. That the levy for the twelve-month period beginning January 1, 2003, and ending December 31, 2003, be, and hereby is, set for a tax rate of 3.00 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable, tangible personal property as herein established as a separate classification for tax purposes and as more fully defined by Section 58.1-3507 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and generally designated as machinery and tools. .~ ~'~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-8 ADOPTING A REVISED SCHEDULE OF AMBULANCE TRANSPORT FEES AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors enacted a Fee for Services ordinance as an addition to the Roanoke County Code on May 22, 2001, which established the legal structure for providing emergency medical transport services and accompanying fees as provided for by the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Section 2-131 of this ordinance, contained in Chapter 2 Administration of the Roanoke County Code, provides that the Board of Supervisors, by resolution, may establish reasonable fees for the provision of emergency medical services by all emergency medical service personnel, whether provided by volunteers or public employees, upon the recommendation of the County Administrator and the Chief of Fire and Rescue; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution on August 14, 2001, which resolution was revised on March 26, 2002 by Resolution 032602-2, upon the joint recommendation of the County Administrator and the Chief of Fire and Rescue for the establishment of reasonable fees for the provision of various levels of emergency medical services, including mileage fees for vehicles; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued regulations, effective April 1, 2002, which establish a fee schedule for the payment of ambulance services under the Medicare program based upon specific codes or categories of ambulance services which must be complied with to receive Medicare reimbursements. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The fees which shall be charged by the County of Roanoke for the following described emergency medical services provided by Roanoke County owned, operated, funded, housed or permitted emergency vehicles shall be as follows: Advanced Life Support (ALS) 1 Emergency $310.00 Advance Life Support (ALS) 2 Emergency $440.00 Basic Life Support (BLS) Emergency $265.00 Mileage: $5.47 per mite with a maximum charge of $75.00. 2. No recipient of ambulance service who cannot afford to pay the ambulance transport fees will be required to do so. 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2003. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES NAYS: ABSENT Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara None Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: faro ~~~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Richard Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator Circuit Court Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Jonathan M. Apgar, Judge James R. Swanson, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Joseph M. Clarke, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge John B. Ferguson, Judge Joseph P. Bounds, Judge Ruth P. Bates, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court George W. Harris, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Julian H. Raney, Judge Jacqueline F. Ward Talevi, Judge Skip Burkart, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Randy Leach, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library Ray Lavinder, Police Chief Richard Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Law Library, Singleton Osterhoudt Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer O. Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance David Davis, Court Services Elaine Carver, Director, Information Technology Anne Marie Green, Director, General Services Thomas S. Haislip, Director, Parks, Recreation & Tourism William E. Driver Director, Real Estate Valuation Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer Nancy Horn, Commissioner of Revenue ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: 03/25/03 AGENDA ITEM: Request to revise ambulance transport fee schedule and provide for an effective date SUBMITTED BY: Dan O'Donnell Assistant County Administrator Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief of Fire and Rescue APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: -~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In February 2003, the Board of Supervisors approved the creation of ten additional firefighter/paramedic positions to provide the following: three positions for the Catawba station three positions for the Hollins station permanently fund four positions at the Mason's Cove station At that time, the Board was informed that this staffing would create a deficit of $185,000.00. In order to address this shortfall, staff is recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve an adjustment to the ambulance transport fee schedule. Please refer to Chart A for a detailed breakdown of who will be impacted by this change. As indicated in the chart, approximately 95% of our citizens have some type of insurance coverage for this fee and will not directly incur additional expenses. Chart B illustrates the proposed fee schedule options. "` FISCAL IMPACT: A shortfall of $185,000 was originally projected for fiscal year 2003-2004. The amount of funds generated by this proposal to offset the deficit will depend directly on the option approved. Chart C illustrates the fiscal impact of each option presented. ALTERNATIVES: Option 1: Maintain the current rate schedule which would generate approximately $27,000 solely from the projected increase in call volume of 2.8°/a. This would leave a gap of $148,000 in the fire and rescue budget for fiscal year 2003-2004. Option 2: Adjust the current rate schedule to reflect the same rates as Roanoke City and keep our mileage rates within the maximum amount allowed by Medicare. We will continue to cap our mileage billing at a maximum of $75. This would generate approximately $143,500, leaving a gap of $41,200 in the fire and rescue budget for fiscal year 2003-2004. Option 3: Adjust the current rate schedule to reflect the maximum rates allowable by Medicare. This would generate approximately $157,000, leaving a $28,000 gap in the fire and rescue budget for fiscal year 2003-2004. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 2 which would generate $143,500 toward the $185,000 needed. This would allow us to significantly decrease the shortfall and would allow for a consistent rate structure between Roanoke County and Roanoke City. ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A REVISED SCHEDULE OF AMBULANCE TRANSPORT FEES AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors enacted a Fee for Services ordinance as an addition to the Roanoke County Code on May 22, 2001, which established the legal structure for providing emergency medical transport services and accompanying fees as provided for by the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Section 2-131 of this ordinance, contained in Chapter 2 Administration of the Roanoke County Code, provides that the Board of Supervisors, by resolution, may establish reasonable fees for the provision of emergency medical services by all emergency medical service personnel, whether provided by volunteers or public employees, upon the recommendation of the County Administrator and the Chief of Fire and Rescue; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution on August 14, 2001, which resolution was revised on March 26, 2002 by Resolution 032602-2, upon the joint recommendation of the County Administrator and the Chief of Fire and Rescue for the establishment of reasonable fees for the provision of various levels of emergency medical services, including mileage fees for vehicles; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services has issued regulations, effective April 1, 2002, which establish a fee schedule for the payment of ambulance services under the Medicare program based upon specific codes or categories of ambulance services which must be complied with to receive Medicare reimbursements. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. The fees which shall be charged by the County of Roanoke for the following described emergency medical services provided by Roanoke County owned, operated, funded, housed or permitted emergency vehicles shall be as follows: Advanced Life Support (ALS) 1 Emergency $310.00 Advance Life Support (ALS) 2 Emergency $440.00 Basic Life Support (BLS) Emergency $265.00 Mileage: $5.47 per mile with a maximum charge of $75.00. 2. No recipient of ambulance service who cannot afford to pay the ambulance transport fees will be required to do so. 3. This resolution shall be in full force and effect on and after April 1, 2003. ~-a, ~• c .~ ca d 0 Q c~ U ~ L ~. O I` O M O M \ o \ 0 \ o O \ O U L ~ ~ ~ - C~ ~ - ~ ~ . ~ ~.~- a ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~ ._ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ c~ ~ U ~ ~ a~ ~ ~ ~ CCU ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ L Q~ - O a O ^ P1 r a~ c~ a~ U C f6 E Q m c~ U ~ O O O ~ ~ ti d Q- d' CO . O M ~t N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ 0 (6 0 0 I` U ~ ~ 00 N ~ _ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ° ° ° o ~, o o o 0 O ~ V am N O C'7 d ' 6F} ~ ~ ~ ~ - C O +-- U o o °o ~ 0 ~ ~ N N ~ 0 U ~ ~ ~ 6 f} 0 ~ ~ o ° a Q ~ ~~ ~ o ~ ~, ~ ~ I- N ~ F- ~ ~ (~ J J ~ J ~ Q Q ~ m O O c~ 0 a~ c c 0 0 ~X ,~ ~' ~--+ U N 0 U a~ Z U c~ U 0 O N M f~ C'~ 0 N O 0 ._ U O U U .o M ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ o ~ U ~ . . O -~-+ ~ ~ >C ~ ti O ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ N -~ °o ~ ~ O o p ~ ._ ~ ~ ~, -~-' ~ o ~ ~ ~ d' 0 ~- O O ~ ~ 0 0 ~ o ;~- Z ~ o ~ U ~ ~ ~ L ~ O ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ - ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F ~ -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for Public Hearing and First Reading for Rezoning Ordinances; Consent Agenda COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions, rather approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for April 22, 2003 The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. The petition of Cotton Hill Land Company, LC to Rezone 22.743 acres from AR Agricultural Residential District to R-1 Low Density Residential District for a development of single family housing located at Virginia Secondary Route 688 (Cotton Hill Road) and Raintree Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. The petition of Jeff Montgomery to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership on .57 acres located at 406 Dexter Road, Hollins Magisterial District. 3. The petition of Maurice Lucas to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a private stable on 13.460 acres located at 5800 Huntridge Road, Hollins Magisterial District. 4. The petition of Graham Family Limited Partnership to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a car wash located at 7005 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District. i .•~ 5. The petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-93, Signs. 6. The petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-53, C-1 Office District, to include personal services as a Permitted Use. MAPS ARE ATTACHED; MORE DETAILED INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: (1) That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for April 22, 2003. (2) That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item 1_6, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney a • • STAFF REPORT :Petitioner: Cotton Hill Land Company, LC C/O Steve Strauss, P.O. Box 20287 Roanoke, VA 24018 Request: Rezoning from AR to R-1 i "` Location: Va. Sec. Rt. 688 (Cotton Hill Road) and Raintree Road Magisterial District: Cave Spring Proffers: 1. There will be no driveways from Cotton Hill Road. 2. There will be one entrance to the subdivision from Cotton Hill Road. 3. The property will be developed to a maximum extent of 2.751ots per ac. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is a rezoning request from AR to R-1 for 22.743 acres, at Cotton Hill Road. The propertyis zoned AR, Agriculture Residential and is designated as Development in the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan. The petitioner requests to rezone the entire tract. L APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Building Permit for Single Family Home Required. V DOT Entrance Approval Required. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS United States Department of Interior -The petitioned property lies to the north and down slope from the Parkway. Between the Parkway road and the petitioned property there is a fairly dense wooded area and Raintree Road, all within the Parkway's property. This provides a substantial visual buffer for travelers using both the Parkway motor road and Parkway overlook. Utility rights-of--way will not be required of the National Park Service, so there will be no direct or secondary impacts from that use. The Parkway requests that the Parkway boundary be clearly surveyed and marked by the developers on proposed lots, which share a common property line with the Parkway. The National Park Service's major concern is the continued growth on Cotton Hill Road and the inevitable need to improve this secondary road. With that eventual improvement will come the need to remove and rebuild the parkway overpass. Topograph~/Ve etation -The property has a ridge, which runs from south to north down the • center of the property. The property drops 100' from the top of this ridge in the south east corner to the northwest corner. Swales run along both sides of the ridge following Cotton Hill Road to the north and Sylvan Brook Road to the south. East Tennessee Natural Gas has a 50' easement from the northwest ortion of the roe to the western ed e of the ro ert The roe is p p p m' g p p Y• p p ~' mostly open field with sporadic bushes and a tree line to the rear of the property. Surrounding Neighborhood -This property adjoins AR zoned residential properties to the Southeast, Southwest, West, and Northwest ranging from 3-acre lots to 3/4 acre lots. Across Cotton Hill Road are R-1 zoned residential properties ranging from 1/3-acre lots to 1-acre lots. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Back round -Current conceptual plans show a subdivision ranging from 44 to 57 lots. Anticipated use is asingle-family neighborhood, which will fit into the existing community. The proffered condition allows a maximum of 62 lots. Site LayoutlArchitecture -The conceptual plans show two different possible layouts. One has a main arterial drive with lots placed along this road. The second conceptual plan shows one main arterial drive with multiple cul-de-sacs accessed off this arterial. Both plans access Cotton Hill and are aligned with Monet Drive. Most lots show approximately 85' of frontage. No architecture plans have been submitted. Access/Traffic Circulation - V DOT states that the development of this single-family residential subdivision will have an impact on the peak hour traffic. Traffic on Cotton Hill Road is 2,300 VPD. Increased traffic as a result of this development would be approximately 440-620 additional vehicle trips per day. As a minimum a right turn lane will be required for the new entrance. Additional right of way will be needed for construction of this turn lane. The development of the proposed entrance will need to include the development potential for the property south of the Parkway. A left turn may also be required. Fire & Rescue/IJtilities -Fire and rescue services will continue, as they currently exist. Public water and sanitary sewer is currently available. This petition does not affect the existing public water and sanitary sewer systems. Department of Economic Development -The Department of Economic does not object to the rezoning request from the petitioners to rezone from AR to R-l . Lon -Range Impacts -Cumulative long-range impacts of this proposed subdivision as well as others, include impacts on school populations and attendance zones, road improvements, parks and recreation facilities, emergency services and other general services such as trash collection and libraries. The Park Service has noted in their comments their concern about road improvements and the subsequent impacts on Blue Ridge Parkway facilities; the school administration has recently dealt, at least in the short-run, with overcrowding at Back Creek Elementary by shifting school attendance zones. There is the recognition on the part of staff that continued residential growth has a direct impact on school capacities and other capital improvement needs such as roads and park facilities. These capital improvement needs must be met in order to maintain a high quality • of life in Roanoke County. 2 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The site is designated as Development in the 1998 Community Plan. Development designated ,, Land use areas are where most new neighborhood development will occur, including Large-scale planned developments which mix residential, retail and office uses. Innovation in housing design, environmental sensitivity by incorporating natural features and resources within the developed area, greenways and bike and pedestrian trails are all key objectives of the Development designation. Clustered developments are also encouraged. Without additional information from the petitioner it is not possible to determine whether or not this proposed development meets these objectives or not. Land use types, which fall under the designation of Development, are Conventional Residential, Cluster Residential, Multi-Family, Planned Residential Development, Planned Community Development, and Community Activity Centers. The proposed petition would fall under the land use type designation of Conventional Residential. This would include single-family developments in conventional lots, which include attached, detached, and zero lot line housing options. This petition is consistent with the Development designation of the Roanoke County Community Plan. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS This is a request to obtain a rezoning from AR to R-l. The request involves a 22.743 acre tract off of Cotton Hill Road. The petitioner's request is consistent with the policies and guidelines of the Roanoke County Community Plan. The site has ample space to conform to all " ' applicable development standards. No negative impacts are anticipated. CASE NUMBER: 23-10/2002 PREPARED BY: Chris Lowe HEARING PC: October 1, 2002 BOS: October 22, 2002 DATES: • a County of Roanoke . a~ Community Development Planning ~ Zoning • 5204 Bernard Drive. P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 772-2108 Fnr .Staff TTse Oniv Date received; Received by: Application tee: PGBZA dale: Placards issued: I BOS date: rase Number '~ ~~ ~ I _~'1 L ~PPLIC:~'TTS Check type of apphcanon filed (check all that apply) Q Rezoning ~ Special Use 0 Variance CXJN'1"AGT : EI7iNARD A. NA7T, 3912 ELECTRIC f~AD, RQAN01~ VA 2 4018 Applicants name/address wizip one' 725-8180 Cotton Hill Land Company, LC c/o Steve Strauss, P. 0. Box 20287 Fax No. 772-0126 Roanoke VA 24018 Owner's name/address w/zip Phone: Same as above Fax No. Property Location Magisterial D1S'~.r1Ct: Cave S r i Va. Sec. Rte. 688 and Ra i nt ree Road Community Planning area: ..Back Creek - Map No.: 096.02-01-33 Existing Zoning: qR ricu! Mara! Reside.n i Size of parcel(s): Acres: 22.743 Existing Land Use: vacant REZONL~~'G::~ tiD SPECI=IL Z'SE PE~~VIIT _-1_,DPLIC~.~TS (R,'Sl" II Proposed Zoning: Rl (Low Density Res i dent i a I j Proposed Land Use: residential -sin I e- fam i l Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes ~ No 0 IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIlZST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes ~ No ~ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIl2ED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes ~' No O ~9I~Ir-1 ~CE..~PPLIC~.~'.TS ;(Vj Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: ~_ I Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WII,L NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANA OF T~SE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. / V R/ V R! V X Consultation 8 1!?" x 11" concept plan '~" ~ Application fee X ~ Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applieable X I Tustification Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners reby certiry that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and .gent of the owner. (~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~.o~ Owner's Signature ;T7STIr~~~~'I(~"i .FOR ~;ZO~ZN~ t7~ S~~C~-~L USL^ PER>>~T R~~~~-Ee-n Applicant Cotton Hiil Land Company, L.C. °nning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the ~~ in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. P?ease answer the following questions as thoroughly as possi'oie. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 3U-S) as well as the pumose rounu at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. The zoning of land in the subject area is basics{ly single family residential. The entire area has been developed as a close-knit community of single family homes. The proposed zoning adds to this existing use in this area. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the KoanoKe t.:ounry t.;ornrnunuY Plan. • The guidelines and policies in the County's Comprehensive Plan call for 'appropriate uses of property so that they fit into a comr~unity. The use of the subject property as single family residential will continue the development of the subject area as single family residential. Appropriate utilities are available far the development. The 1998 Comprehensive Plan for Roanoke County designates this property as development. Single family residential development, i.n a variety of formats, is strongly recommended in the development area. Thus, the single family residential zoning is a most appropriate zoning for this use. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parksrrecreation and fire and rescue. The physical impact on the adjoining properties will be minima( as the development will continue the single family residential growth in the area. Public utilities and facilities in the area have been and are being developed to serve the property. Therefore, no negative impact is expected from the development of the property as single family residential. • +tr .+'r"~ 5 Address of Subject Property: Situate along Virginia Secondary Route 688 and ~ Raintree Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia Tax Map No.: 096.02-01-33 Applicant/Owner's Name: Cotton Hill Land Company, L.C. LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain parcel of land situate in the County of Roanoke, Virginia: • BEGINNING at a point at the northwest corner of the property of Jon K. Ayers (D.B. 1416, PG. 1692 -Tax +#96.02-1-30) on the northeasterly side of Sylvan Road (VA. SEC. RTE. #888); thence N 32° 48' 00" W 732 feet to a point; thence N 47° 17' 00" E 178.50 feet to a point; thence N 86° 00' 00" E 245 feet to a point; thence N 38° 49' 00" E 350.40 feet to a point in Cotton Hill Road (VA. SEC. RTE. 688); thence with the same S 69° 21' 25" E 391.47 feet to a point; S 51° 11' 25" E 350 feet to a point; thence S 39° 00' 25" E 353.11 feet to a point; thence leaving Cotton Hill Road (VA. SEC. RTE. 688) the following courses and distances: S 62° 10' 46" W 442.87 feet to a point; thence S O1 ° 12' 43" W 322.22 feet to a point; thence S 76° 57' 28" W 250.66 feet to a point; thence N 65° 26' 31" W 458.79 feet to the place of BEGINNTNG and being designated as New Tract 1, containing 22.743 acres as shown on the "Plat Showing The Subdivision of 2 7.668 acres Property of Mary M. Helvestine & The Dorothy W. Helvestine Estate Creating Hereon New Tract 1 (22.743 ac.), New Tract 2 (3.085 ac.) & New Tract 3 (1.840 ac.)" of record in Plat Book 22, page 191 of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. • v f~ C] • • w ~ ~' ~, w ~ ~ ~ Ua ~~ a W -- " s cd ~ j ^ CJ C1~ z ~ a o ~ ~~ o O Z F C'J ~~~ o z N Wa¢ ..: 9 ~a z ~ ~ o W ~ °w ~ ~ ~ w~ ~ 5 4 ~aa ~~ x ~ ~--~ v ~ '-7 w~ C') ~ '" w a U 0 5 ~ Rl rc o q a~ ,a W x~ .~ d~ vii z z 0 ~" ~z ~ ~. ~ .o o ~+ F ~ N z~ ~ ° sar=i ~~ z~ ~ ~ cri a W ~ O~ ~ w ~ ~C~i~ 0 ~ zg~ C°~ a o ~~ ~ U C~ 6 0< a z z o o ~Fm I x `~ ~ O ~ ~ ~r uY v Q QZ z s~i°~ ~ ~ O r~zl W Z ~ z w ~~~o < q Z Z .-a w ~~~~ Yi~g ~ W Nz ~q~q m~ ~ ~5"- 1 ~ ~~ aga<°j gz WWn 3 > ~ ~~72 K =~ ° ~m ° N J`~' f/1 o K F <~ ~IhC N~~ <m~fA~ ~ ~ ~ ??Z~< S W< W q ~ U~ D; n a ~ F~ g a ~~Y! g'^~~~~~~~NCi$ na T9~iW~ a(?=?S5 ~U~y vi_~g~r3p oi~ WW3 N(~<~~Zm~gmq$W~ ;m ~ZFV ~w73FWt~iwz<4'J~ '3 ~~Yq~~~~i$~F~,Toj~$W~c~i B^p y~ y z':~min°nonotOmp m'oM m~m%on ~~Y~~w ~a~"'~1-<~mO~ MN ~~ WhMU1n~MbaDm a+W~mnNY^,m C z~<oo~w 5o}~mS ti Q °oooFi':^^^~~L: ~^~Fo v O~~t=li~m~~Z~muzioaq~q~ cry ~~ ^ ~ ¢G~NIA ~z ar~~z~TN L~iozi,z5,,~ n fL~ ~°• 4~ ~ bo m;€~N~NOw~~~~<Cla LZim Oz o^r°unm=~YC~imm~mo,o tmVno `" ~ i m ~~tt ~ ppp,.. 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LC DEPARTMENT OF Zoning: Existing C2, Proposed Zoning R7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 96.02-1-33 _ ~' 29. 22,.'Y ~ i .62 ac. , ~ ' I i ~~ ~~- a~¢e i ~~-~T ~ (1 ~'rt~'" ~` - ^t ~~y\\ ~^~ $ ~P~n ~ DI §~ps ~~~~~ ~aa '° 6C • ~ r`~ ,r V ,~~, ~ w ~ z ' 1 ~ i . G`i ~.: ? l ~, ~ ' _ - /~~/ "~ !~ w m ~ N a C m l FJ ~ a ~ W ~ ~ i 0 W 1 ~ `~ m tC tt `- tq m ~ ~ VV ~~ , ~p~, A r ~ y;1 O s ~., ~ ~ T-= m ~.:~ r.:.~ ., ~~ ~,A y m Z V - 0 a' 1 ~ W / y~;~`s , 4~~~ t~4r \ ' :::74'~ l v ~ 4 ~ 1 /, ~~ ~, ~ N O _ '~ ~ a ~ °~°"° ~' : LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. m HAIv1PSHIRE -m'` a ~¢ p ~'~ *~ PRELIMINARY PLAN _ _ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS g COTTO6! HILL LAND COv LC - ROANOKE,YIRGINIA b~ ~Z o cAvE-~[aq ~uaetBeu aenact ~ w.wwner~mauE ..~n~.n~ «': 7' - ~~a8 a~~E .$9" 7~ ff// 4 •~ gg - \ ~9 A~~4 t~qk m N 0 `y\~ ~ \ ~\... ~4~yy N +~~ ~~' I W jyfy. / TP ~1 ` ~ J~~~;~ a ~,c~74 H Fi ` .County of Roanoke Community Developmeut Planning & Zaning • ~ 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 2401$-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 I'or Staff Ilse Caniy ~"~ Date received: Received by: _ ~qac,~ Appl'cation fee: ~ PC/B2'F~ date: Placards issued; BOS date: ;2 ~a C= ~/ ~- z /vim' Case Number "'~, Check type of application-€ifed-(check all that apply) Rezoning ~pecial Usk Variance Waiver Administrative Appeal _.._ ~. Phone: > z~~ s . rf~, ;~, - ~.. %:~' ~ Applicants name/address w/zip __ .. _ w f-~f -,; ; ; : ; j~:1t Work. ~ ~ 1 ,~" . Cell #• ;% ~~; . - ~, ,~~., r ._ ,=r :~, 1 ~~ - -w'=-~y = ~ Fax No.: r ~ ,, , Owner's name/address w/zip Phone ~: -~'r~-` ~ ¢'. `~ - ~ - Work: 'c ~ ,,,,~ ~" C 'L r i-. "' Fax No. #: ~ Location l District: ~-~ t i P i U, ~~ ~ roper y a ster Mag ~ _ , y ~' / ! l~ z.. ! i ,~~ ~~ " -~ ~ Y. ~'~ Community Planning area: v ~ ~ ~ ~, , Tax Map No.: ~ ~ , ~ _ t ~ ~ ~ ~ o `3 Existing Zoning: ~.- t '~ Size of parcel(s): Acres: ~ -~ ~ tt~ v.~ 5 Existing Land Use: ~;.~ La ~,.- rcf.i t~.,, REZC1 ~4"I~~+rG SPECIAL- IiSL' PER~~IIT.~iVD W1~11 VEIZ f1PPLIC:4~~'TS (R/Sl v ~ ~ ~ . Proposed Zoning: Proposed Land Use: ) ~ ~ ~ ~v~ v~ (~ v~ -~. ' ~ ~' ' ~°`'~ ~ `~~ ~~' Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? J No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. es . Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIItST IF NO , If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No V-1:R.It1_NG'E, W.~1_IVL'R AND :1DNIINISTRAZ'IVE .4PPE`AL =4PPLIC4NTS (Y/W/~) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: /~ - tion s '' -f" Vanance(Watver of Sec ( ) Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to I of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to _ . rr. rn a ~r*inlU [Am 4 N(~T RF A ~r~~,n TF ANg' nF TH SSE Is the application complete'! rtease cnecx u CllG1UJCU. n+ + +~_~+~ _ ~ ~`-" ~ ~ ~ -_ _ - ITEMS ARE NIISSING OR INCOMPLETE.. RJSIW V/AA R(S/11V V/AA R/S/W V/AA Consultation 8 I/2" x 11" concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Ik Proffers, if applicable ~' Justification W~Ser and sewer application Adjoining property owners • I hereby certify that I am either the own r of the pr~Ia~i`ty or the owner's ag~.ar cgntract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. ~,~,r~~ ~ ; i'--'~- ~, ~N~;? --~ ~ ,r"` Owner's Signature ` ,TT~STLk~'IC:~TION I~OR REZONL~IG, SPECL~L USL PER"/II'p OP W:~~dER RLQLrES'~ Applicant ~he Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zonuig Ordinance } .~ ~ : r 4 - ~.._ ~' _. 9 ~ ' / ~ /~ ~ , l ,° y. ~'~,, y , ~ - Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community ~, ,j,- f- ~ , ,;:~ Plan. j ,: ~ a ~, , ;~' ~ . ~ L __ _ ~ -~ , _> ~. , -. ,_ ~% ~. r ~- ., , ~ , ~,, - :.~ _- .~_ -- ~ ~, a~ f ~' ~ t ~` r, r ~. ,, d.~ ~ ~ I ~;',r ~=) Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. r t ~` ~,, A r ~' C ',s~ lf' t G c` . _ , f ~ ~ ;~ ,. J F r«~ 3 .r (r, ! 1~' ,~ , '`'~ `j~~ ~~ ~ ~ 1 , ~J ~ / n _ i ~ ~' y f }} ~a R J I :7 ,...,.ww.,.w.-.=,.~. .,v..,. a` • 4. ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 6, ~. .os a,~. ~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ Applicants Name: Jeff Montgomery Zoning: SUP Proposed Zoning: C2, SUP Tax Map No. 27.10-6-5.3 ~~ • County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 For Staff Use Onl Date received: R ived by: .,2 ,2 f lJ ~ r~i..S Application fee: PCBZA te•` ~¢6 .~ ~ =~ Placards issued: BOS date: Case Number ~-~ ~ ~ ~-~,.~,~ `°~ ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) rative Appeal ^ Rezoning ^ Special Use ^ Variance ^ Waiver ^ Administ / Applicants name/address w/zip Phone: ~~~t "3~~ ~~~~ ~}'J~t{rrc.e ~ • L.c~c4$ ~~ar.,~~4 ~ Work: ~~~ ~- t~t1 ~ r ~~-c~L 1 ,Or• Cell #: .,~ Mfr'/ 3 ~1,,;~ r ~~ 6 ~` Fax No.: Owner's name/address w/zip Phone #: ~~f~%f ~~~ `-~~~ ~~ /YIN c!,!-c~ ,, G . ~-:-cG ~ Work: Laz~a~ c~cJ~~~~~~.-f / ,0~- Fax No. #: Property Location (~ / ,(I / ~ Magisterial District: ~.~.aj Community Planning area: Tax Map No.: ~~~ _~~ Existing Zoning: ~- j Size of parcel(s): Acres: ~3 , ~ ~a ~ Existing Land Use: REZONING SPECIAL USEPERMITAND WAIPERAPFLICANTS(RlS/W) Proposed Zoning: ~r~ a v ~~:;:_ '~~~--'_ Proposed Land Use. ,~ ,~~~'~ Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes ~~ No ^ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. ~ N o ^ Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes ^ No 0 PARLANCE, FYAI VER AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (v/W/AA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S/W V1AA RIS/W V/AA RIS/W V/AA Consultation 8 1/2" x I l" concept plan Application fee • Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the prope the ner's agent or contract rchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. ` ~ ECG/%Ti ~ /~,~*? Owner's Signature JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERNIIT OR WAIVER REQUEST: 'I~~-~ Applicant Maurice L. Lucas ~e Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain. how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. This request does not impact the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Rezoning this property to Rl-S to allow pleasure horses is well within all permissible guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. . The property will. be improved by a better control of weeds briers, poison oak. This will afford the viewer a more pleasant scene and result in better use of the land. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and. fire and rescue. Adjoining properties would be improved by the installation of fencing where none exist and improvement where it does. There will be no impact on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. • CONCEPT PLAN'CHECKLIST fA concept plan ofthe proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shalt address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan maybe altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature ofthe request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some ofthe items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties _ g. All property lines and easements •_ h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers _ m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals _ n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. .,~~ ~-,may.. Si ture of applicant Date f3 • • February 21, 2003 This property was purchased in January of 1991 at that time the 13+ acres was approximately evenly divided between "A1" and "RE" zoning. Our goal was to first pay for the property and them to make improvements. Our long-range plans included a home and possibly a couple of pleasure horses together with ample garden space for my wife's projects. Our home and this property were paid off in January. We were happy to be finally moving ahead with our plans. While researching our property lines for fence construction I was shocked and dismayed to find that our property had been rezoned to Rl without our knowledge or consent and that would prohibit horses. This probably doesn't sound like much to you but my wife and I feel as if we have been "zoned out" of our dreams. I am told that in 1993 Roanoke County rezoned large areas of the county from agricultural to R1. The obvious explanation for this is to increase the tax base and to squeeze out the less taxable agricultural use of the land. This is the county after all and I think that it would be nice to see something beside rows of multi unit housing upon every square foot of the landscape. From our viewpoint county acted clandestinely in order to minimise resistance from landowners. This is • abusive to citizens on both sides of the process. There is certainly the possibility that other owners in the area are not aware that their property has been rezoned and are still conducting there lives as they always have. In that case I am sure that those individuals would also find it to be a "hardship" to be in violation of the zoning law or be forced to cease Rl prohibited activities in areas that they thought were agricultural. We are relived that it is possible to have our property rezoned so we may use the land as we intended. However it seems unreasonable that we must be subjected to a large expense and political scrutiny when the county government acted in such a capricious and arbitrary manner in the rezoning of our property in the first place. We hope that the county will rectify this and act promptly to approve our request for rezoning. Maurice L. Luc . Gc~t~'' Sandra B. Lucas,. f ~ i s' f ~-.. a' ~. i~ ~` ~.~~ ~1 s .ti' ~.~ 46. rs za5r ~ • i . u/ ~ _ ~~ =/ ~ •~ ,> ~ ,~% ti ~ 1zCi /]h g~.y 4'~5 sas, ~s ~~~~ ' ~ ~ ~_o ~~ ~ U~' ~` 1939 \~ +'Si ~ J! 5~. ~ ti / \ _~ ~ _. ~ / ~ \ `a c~ i e~ ;.~ ~ =5F 1 ~\ \% _ W // LG/ ~~~ e.., // ~0 /~ r3. :',6. ~'~ _ ,- r: r~ ~ ~ s ,~ ~ _ i' - ~~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1`, ~ \ .- ~ ~1 ,~ ~'' -~~ ~, ~ ~~ i ~ v ,u'~I ~~s ~ ~,- ~ gee MoG 4C_U1 ~ - ~o is~s ~ ~ 1~ -3----/ ~~ ~' ~- i ~~~ Kra ,~ -~, ,. ;~ IU r C.~. N4. ~~~{~~ ,s.E ~~ ~ ~~~, ~C r (..:.iega roo J ~j s~ \ `~ i v ~~ y ~.~ ~ere~ ~~ ~J/ ~B 6 h. ~-~\ ~/ _ \ \ ~. \ ~`/ PLO 39_'. G--t-9 7'=IUD' \ _~ ~...~ \ ~~d/ y ~~ -----.-. ~A~T ~SE~ - ~,;z,i95 ~ _ ~ / ~ ~ ~~ ,~ 39 02 4o O1 40 01 PRDPI'R'TY IDENTIFICATION Mf1P ~- 3 9 , COUNTY BOUNRARY ~ -- PARL'EL LANDH09K ^~~ I ^AL4~'ULATE D4ACREAGE 17S A(~C.') \ . . . ~ 1 38.02 ~~~ 40.09 ~~~, `'` • '$EGINNING at an iron pin set at the northeast corner of Lot 35, Block 15, Section ~, I~iap of Lageilevue (Plat Book 9, page 8) and corner to the southerly side of property of F & W Community Development Corp. ~(DB 9+52, page 651); thence with the property of F & W Community Development Corp. the following courses and distance; S. 57° 18' 08" E. 853.47 feet to an iron pan set; thence S. 28° 14' 20" E. 406.80 feet to an iron pi.n set; thence S. 61° 49' S4" E.. 455,19 feet to an old pin corner to the westerly side Qf property of Edward R. Rumb7.ey, fir. (DB 961, page 2€?5) ; thence leaving the F & W Co~aunity Developement property and with the property of Rumb1Year a dry 1 br nech; thence feet to an iron pin leaving the Rum3~ley property and with a dry branch, as it meanders, the fo~.lowing courses and distances: ~, 56° ~~' 08" W. 49.50 feet to a point; thence N. 2{l° 35' W. 89.3fl feet to a point; thence N. 49° 47' W- 102,50 feet to a paint; tkience N. 67° 33' W. 103.5fl feet to a point; thence N. 80° 17' W. 137.90 feet to • a point, thence S. 85° 59' W. 108.10 feet to a point; thence ~ , 5 Z ° 14 ' W . 12 8.9 0 feet to a point ; thence Nf. 19° l9' W. 230.10 feet to a point; thence N. 28° 51' 4~. 242.90 feet to a paint; thence N. 18° 51' W. 190.Ofl feet to a point; thence N. 48° 26' W. 212.$' feet to a paint corner teor Los S .3 4 8S 12 ~G k E ~ 1.8 8cf eet 5, LaB,ellevue, which corn from an old irc-n pipe; thence with Lots + 33 , 34 , ~ and 35, I,aHe3levue, 1~. 28° 39 ~ 35" E. , passing old iron p~.ns at 56.20 feet and 169.27 feet, a total distance ,~f 3 3 5.4 ? feet to the PLACE QF BEGII+T~ING and containing 13.460 acres as shDWn on a survey for 1~laurice L. Lucas and Sandra B. Lucas, prepared by Jack C. Bess, Certified Land Surveyor, dated December 26, 199x, recorded in the Clerk's C7ffice of the Circuit Court far the County of Roanoke, Virginia in Plat Book i 3 pag,~ 4 6 ; and C] ~~ ALL ~A~~~~~~~c:~~4,,.~ ..~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~,~ I ~~ r, (a~TN~~;~~''~~~~~ Ii~~~~~ ~ Ltd. ~ ~~ _ _ °~. ~%.-~ ~"" \ 49 \ , C~ ~ ,y~ %1~ ._ , rr G / ~ t~',~jrYuu v, ~ .,~''' ~ ~ .- ~~.,, ~d ~ ' n0ACN1~ c. RB 5. 1 b ~+' I ~~ ~• r f ' ~ / \ ~~ 83 ~~. _ . _~\ `\~ RE '1~ \~ `\..,_ ~/ ,,\. P/O 39.16-1. 9 '/ \,\\ • 100' ~ \ ~ ~ / ~~~ r ~,,~~ ~\ ~~ ~ j1 ~qSL p.l °'~' ~o ~•-` P~' G $ ~ ~ oG ~~a~o~r NOTE: IQON PIt~1S SCT li Goc~t\tE2S /~LON G-~ O Rte( gR!>1~1GH - ~~ U ~ O 2~ ~'~7 ~~ ~ ~ ~ %t' G/ ..~ o.~ s' o Z • A ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ D m ~ ,~~ .. Q' O. \°~ ~~ O cS ~p.~ Z '' ~d o _ ~- /" (~ N , (/1 T/ ~~ 1 . ~ ~Q n~ ~ `O S ,pr o 'r ; 6 a' ~ r m 7 ~ \ '~ N r ,~ s ~ ~ ~~ z , "In o ~ ~ d /o N U ~ p, N ~ . O G1' a ,~ z /a~ ~ ' ~C Q~ W ~ , 1 R E ' '" 5.13°3108' W.~322.00 pROpE{ZT~( OF (~ ~EpWAFZO R. RUMg!_E~( JIz. v O. B.9~i ~. 205 TAX No . 4-p.13_ I_ I ~ (1 3-f • 8 mac. / '' 3 3 4 MAP O~ LA}3ELLEV ~. (? e. 9, Pca.B / s ~O O p7 ~ Q b /-y C.pR £ plpN O.,Q7 N F / N 'NN DQY AA.y CK) ~OLp ~ ~ /, IRpN PIK ~ /.. i; /; ~ // m ~~ O - ~ ~~4- ~. va' 13.40 iyC2ES IJoT E.•. SEE, Map o~ Co~PTioa QROAEATY SHOW tN G~ II.6; ACRES X02 GqV Mpcac~cER OQGH Ro BY C.g.Mo.~.co~M C, .~,.5. DPGC'Ep JA.N.II, t'jS2, MAp N~'-s EaaocZ, OG COOS VQ~ O~ IOT.'3 GEET. N 0 //~ ~~ {RO tiI ~,~ o ~. SET .h ~p6. 80 .~ Off. Q ~ E . I RO 1~1 ~ J`~ N PIN Q ~cI' P(9 SET O q~ " iv ~ v ~ ~- ~ ~~ ~ _-- . __ --__ _ ~ ~. _ m - - - ,._~ ~ ~ 0 S ITE~~~ IN THE CLERKS oFF1CE FoFZZ'KE CIRCUIT COURT OLO OF tZOANOKE COVLI Tom( VIRUI(1~t~ THIS MP.P WFaS IRON PRESES~lTEO A1~10 WITH GEGZT 1~ICp~--~E OF S~I~.1 sue... P~cKtJOW IEpGEMEN~T- TKERE'TO AriKE~Ep~ a.DMITZEp sa TO R6COR0 A.T_O'G~ocK_L,~, of,l TKIS pA-~ O F l°1gO. TESTE: ELIZr-aBETK W. STOKES , G~E.tZK B~f : I DEPUTY Cl_. ~`RK ~3 NORTH x N \ ~ / K ~ _ ~ ~. a ng ~I ~ ' .! P ,~, ~` ~°~ Zoning: R-3 ~. - ~. ~~ .~ ~-- ~. ~. „# ~M 4 ~ a 90. !6 t T4 u- ~ n- Zoning: R-1 M Zoning: R-1 '~, / / / ~\ ~- 9i ~~~ ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Applicants Name: Maurice L. Lucas Zoning: R-1 Proposed Zoning: SUP Tax Map No. 39.12-2-84 ~3 ~ - ~_:_1__`_/ County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 For Staff Use Only Date received: •' Z r ~~ .a Applica ion fee: ~~ . c:' t Placards issued: ~ + ~ ~" ~ l.~ Case Number ~ y ~~ Received by: (~ ~,~~ PC/BZA date: ~-~'~/ BOS date: ~- ALL" APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) Rezoning .,,fl Special Use Variance Applicants nameladdress w/zip ~,~~~~`ti~~, ~~~~-^,~~~y ~~~~~=tip\"~c~,~~,~,_ ~,o, r 1 c-i'v.~ ~' ;!\F°_ . ~i'~~ Z X11 `~ ` Owner's name/address w/zip ~.~ are ~~ ~`~ ~ti'~~i'v' Property Location ~C ~ j_~ ~~ ~~\ec_t.~~c;-r~~~ r-t~~~.t_~ - Tax Map No.: ~ ..a ! ~ ~~ Size of parcel(s): Acres: Magisterial District: Phone• ~~1.t41c• .. ~ ~.~ ~., Work. Cell #• `~~'` ~~-` ~ ~ Fax No.: ~ §~~ ~- --1-11'1 Phone #:_ Work:_ Fax No. #: Community Planning area: Existing Zoning: r Existing Land Use: ~ C REZONING. SPECL4Z-L%SE PER~'~TIT~IND Wt1IVER r1PPLICA~'~'TS (R/S/VV) Proposed Zoning: Proposed Land Use: .~_~~. 5 Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? es No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQITQtED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No IF' NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIItST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No VrLRI~I~\rCE, W.<1_IVER AIVD ADNIINTSTRATNE fLPPEf1L APPLICANTS {V/W/f1A) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) Waiver Administrative Appeal of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S/W V/AA R/S/W VlAA ~,~' Consultation v 8 1/2" x 11" concept plan ~' Application \ Metes and bounds description ~i Justification ~' Water and sewer application or I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or consent of the owner. tom.-.-'_'~~~J _ ./ R/S/W V/AA Application fee Proffers, if applicable i Adjoining property owners tract ptuchaser and am acting with the knowledge and Owner's Signature 2 'NSTIFICATION FOR REZOIVIlVG, SPECIAL USE PERiVIIT OR WAI~%ER REQUEST r ~~ _., :> Applicant 1~ ~ i i ~e Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. \ ~ ~~~~ -~ - _ _ , . t~~ ~Cl\ tY. ~~~ ~ ICr CUIC~. ~:~7 ~ \ t, ~C~`•1 ~,~~\ ~~ ~'t ~ r ~ l~\+t~\~: _~ .. `~ ~~ t ~'~c~~\ ~~r \ ~~ ~\~c~c\ ca~~cct\\ ~~r~~~~~~ C~. ~:~,~tic~r ~.:r..:L~ _~r~~.~L~~:-e~.: ~ ~ ~:~-,'~~~: ~~~-~C".` i_ C~ ~ ~ ~ ' t \_ ~ e_'(~~. Lam, Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. _s_ l._ ~ ~ ~,~jvy~1f. ~~~`~~ C\ A `~ r~ 1 C~' .~ ' ~~`~~. ~-.^`-c=am - ~~Sc ~f~. tl i ~ C~\ ~~~ - ~ ~ Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. -~- ;~ ~ c ~_-~~ ~;:;;, \ \ ~ ~~~_=~~~- ~v ivi~ ~ r~Y ~ c~C~- -~ ~ ~~~ y ~~~\~c:~_ ~~ i~F ~C~hx~~~~ .~ {~ Qrmc~~~i Cat: ~\ \ G~ ~~w~ Y~. y h < r ~'`~ r r"~t: - .~~~-~\ ~ ~rr..~- ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~, t~ -~, 3 J[JSTIFICATiON FOR V ARIr1NCE REQUEST Applicant ~e of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describehow the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. ~% 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce unpue hardship; a hardshiy that approaches confisPatipn~s distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would rohibit or unreasonabl restrict the use of the ro e ,~/~ 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. Such hardships by the Boazd of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. N jig 4. 'The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to A~r/~ be addressed adjacent properties or the character of the district. Fy 4 3US'C1~ICATLON FOR ADIVTIlVISTRA'TIVE APPEAL REQUEST ~ 1 5 ~pplicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. c~NCEPT'PLAN CHECh'L,IST ncept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the d use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS a. Applicant name and name of development _ b. Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions _ d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. •~ f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties _ g. All property lines and easements _ h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights ~-- i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS _ k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site _ 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals _ n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections _ o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants l(l~ p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed ,L%~, ~ q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule .I certify that all items required ' the checklist above are complete. .- . , Date Signatu~ o~ap~Iicant 6 i~ NORTH ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Applicants Name: Graham Family Zoning: SUP Proposed Zoning: C-2 Tax Map No. 27. >4-8-9 6_ ~. 5. ~°~~,s - ~~ - • DRAFT #Z Proposed Sign Ordinance Amendments November 19, 2002 SEC. 30-93. SIGNS. Sec. 30-93-1. Purpose. (A) These regulations are intended to define, permit and control the use of signs. They have been established by the board to achieve the following community goals and objectives: Protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. 2. Promote the economic growth of Roanoke County by creating a community image that is conducive to attracting new business and industrial development. 3. Distribute equitably the privilege of using the public environs to communicate private information. • 4. Permit reasonable legibility and effectiveness of signs and to prevent their over-concentration, improper placement and excessive height, bulk, density, and area. Promote the safety of persons and property by requiring that signs not create a hazard due to collapse, fire, decay, or abandonment. 6. Ensure that signs do not obstruct fire-fighting efforts, and do not create traffic hazards by confusing or distracting motorists or by impairing drivers' ability to see pedestrians, obstacles, or other vehicles or to read traffic signs. 7. Provide for the reasonable advertising of business and civic products and services, with recognition of the effects of signage on the character of the community. Control visual clutter, and encourage high professional standards in sign design and display. 9. Establish clear procedures for the administration and enforcement of this ordinance. • Sec. 30-93-Z. Permitted Signs. (A) Any sign displayed in Roanoke County shall be comply with: All provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; and, 2. All applicable provisions of the Uniform Statewide Building Code and all amendments thereto; and All state and federal regulations pertaining to the display of signage. (B) If any two (2) or more sections of the above referenced regulations are in conflict, the provision that provides the most restrictive standard shall apply. Sec. 30-93-3. Exempted Signs. (A) The following signs shall be exempted from regulation, and maybe displayed within Roanoke County without obtaining a sign permit. However, an electrical permit shall be required for any sign requiring or incorporating electrical service: Official traffic signs or similar regulatory devices,. identification; directional ar any other signs owned, erected and maintained by a duly constituted governmental body. 2. Signs required to be displayed or maintained by law or governmental order, rule or regulation. Memorial tablets or signs, provided they are displayed by a public or quasi-public agency. 4. Directional signs provided that each such sign does not exceed z ev:zeeezzz eez:T three (3) square feet per sign nn~ r~ ~„^~' °~^n- ~ ~^nrnin on[i n ~~~arl'icinrt mntFar 5. Street address signs, not exceeding ten (10) square feet in size. 6. Non-illuminated signs, not more than three (3) square feet in area warning trespassers or announcing property as posted. 7. Signs displayed on a truck, bus, or other vehicle while in use in the normal conduct of business. This section shall not be interpreted to permit the parking for display purposes a vehicle to which a sign is attached or the use of such a vehicle as a portable sign. 8. Flags and insignias of any government except when displayed in connection with commercial purposes. • .. 2 9. On-premises real estate signs in residential or agricultural zoning districts ~~ • not exceeding five (5) square feet in area, or on-premises real estate signs in commercial or industrial zoning districts not exceeding sixteen (16) square feet in area. On-premises real estate signs larger than these exempted allowances maybe installed as temporary signs in accordance with Section 30-93-8(B). 10. Clocks that display time and temperature through the use of mechanical means or the controlled display of lights, provided these devices do not display any other message. 1 1. Political campaign signs provided that they are located outside of the public right-of--way, and are removed within fourteen (14) days after the campaign. 12. Signs displayed between Thanksgiving and Christmas associated with the sale of Christmas trees and wreaths. 13. Signs on the inside of establishments, except those signs specified in Sections 30-93-4(A)5. and 7., which shall not be excluded. 14. On-premises agricultural product signs associated with the seasonal and/or incidental sale of such products on property where the primary land use is residential or agricultural, provided such signs do not exceed four (4) square feet in area. 15. Signs that are displayed by or promote civic, religious, educational or charitable organizations or causes, provided such signs are displayed no longer than thirty {30) days per calendar year. Sec. 30-93-4. Prohibited Signs. (A) The following signs are prohibited within Roanoke County: Any sign that due to its size, location, color, or illumination obscures a sign displayed by a public authority for the purpose of giving traffic or safety instructions or directions. 2. Any sign that contains or consists of pennants, ribbons, spinners, or other similar moving devices. Any sign, except an official public notice, which is nailed, tacked, posted, or in any other manner attached to any utility pole, or structure supporting wire, cable, or pipe; or to public property of any description. • ~f 4. Any sign located within a public right-of--way, except for signs displayed • by a duly constituted governmental authority. 5. Flashing or revolving lights, or beacons intended to direct attention to a location, building or service, or any similar device otherwise displayed that imitates by its design or use, emergency service vehicles or equipment. 6. Any sign that simulates an official traffic sign or signal, and which contains the words "STOP," "GO," "SLOW," "CAUTION," "DANGER," "WARNING," or similar words. 7. Any sign or portion thereof that rotates, or otherwise moves through the use of electrical or wind power. This prohibition does not include the changing of messages on electronic message boards. 8. Signs advertising activities or products that are illegal under federal, state, or county law. 9. Any sign that obstructs any building door, window, or other means of egress. 10. Any electrical sign that does not display the UL, ETL, CSA, or ULC label, unless such sign is constructed, installed, and inspected in accordance with • Section 30-93-9(B). 11. Signs or sign structures that are erected on, or extend over, a piece of property without the expressed written permission of the property owner or the owner's agent. 12. -Any sign that due to its size, location or height obstructs the vision of motorists or pedestrians at any intersection, or similarly obstructs the vision of motorists entering a public right-of--way from private property. 1 ~. Portable si~~ns. 1-#. Roof si~~ns. Sec. 30-93-5. Sign Permits. (A) Except as provided in Section 30-93-3, no sign maybe erected or displayed in Roanoke County without an approved sign permit. Applications for a sign permit maybe obtained from the Roanoke County Department of community development. Signs that are not visible from a public right-of--way do not have to conform to the provisions of Section 30-93-13, District Regulations, and the • 4 square footage of such signs shall not be included when calculating allowable signage on a lot. (B) Any owner of a parcel of land upon which a sign is to be displayed, or any authorized agent of such owner may apply for a sign permit. (C) Every application for a sign permit shall include a sketch of the property indicating the lot frontage. The application shall also indicate the square footage of all existing signs on the property, and the area, size, structure, design, location, lighting, and materials for the proposed signs. In addition, the administrator may require that the application contain any other information that is necessary to ensure compliance with, or effectively administer, these regulations. (D) Anon-refundable sign permit fee is due and payable with the filing of a sign permit application. More than one sign on one building or group of buildings located on the same parcel of land maybe included on one application provided that all such signs be applied for at one time. e n,nrtio +A„-,,,,,,-gin, ~;~,,, rA,-,,,;+,,,~.. ~,P „~o,~ ~,,,- (E) After the issuance of an approved sign permit, the applicant may install and display any such sign or signs approved. Once installed, the administrator may inspect the sign(s) for conformance with the approved sign permit and this ordinance. If the displayed sign(s), due to size, location, height, or number do not conform to the information on the approved sign permit, or the applicable standards of this ordinance, the administrator shall notify the applicant in accordance with Section 30-21. (F} Any sign permit issued shall be null and void if any sign for which the permit was issued is not installed in accordance with the permit within six (6) months of the date the permit was approved. (G) Maintenance, repair, or restoration of nonconforming signs shall be in accordance with Section 30-93-11. If the value of such work exceeds fifty (50) percent of its replacement value, it shall only be authorized after the approval of a sign permit application. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § ld., 4-27-99) Sec. 30-93-6. Measurement of Sign Area and Distances. (A) Sign area shall be calculated as follows: The area of a suspended, attached, or projecting sign, where the letters, numerals, or symbols are on a sign surface which is hung or affixed to a structure, shall be the total area of the hung or affixed surfaces. 5 2. The area of an attached sign where the sign consists of words, symbols, or numerals painted on or affixed to a wall, fence, or other building element shall be the entire area within a continuous perimeter enclosing the extreme limits of each word, group of words, symbol, numeral, groups of symbols, or groups of numerals, where the symbols or numbers are meant to be read as a unit. 3. The area of a freestanding sign shall be the total area of all surfaces (excluding poles or other support structures) visible from the public right- of-way. For double or multi-faced signs, only the area of surfaces visible at any one time, at any one point on the public right-of--way shall be measured when calculating sign area. 4. The area of monument-type freestanding signs shall be determined by (1) the size of the copy area, (2) visual breaks in the structural components of the sign, and/or (3) variation in the monuments color scheme. (B) The minimum separation between freestanding signs shall be the shortest distance between two (2) signs, measured in a straight line. (C) In situations where these criteria do not provide guidance in determining sign area or minimum separation the administrator shall make the determination. Sec. 30-93-7. Calculation of Allowable Sign Area on Corner Lots. (A) On corner lots, the front shall be either (a) the side fronting the street providing major access, or (b) the side which the main entrance of the structure faces. In situations where neither of these methods clearly distinguishes the front, the administrator shall make a determination. (B) For commercial or industrial uses, the front shall not be a primarily residential street. (C) On corner lots where a building or buildings face more than one street, sign area shall be allowed for front lineal footage as indicated in the district regulations, and for one-half the side street frontage, provided: 1. The side street does not front on a primarily residential area; 2. Sign area as determined by each frontage is placed only on the frontage from which it is determined. Sec. 30-93-8. Temporary Signs. (A) Any person wishing to display a temporary sign must apply for a sign permit pursuant to Section 30-93-5. Except as provided in subsections (B) and (C) below, 6 pertaining to real estate and construction signs, temporary signs shall comply with ~--~ the following standards: 1. Each business or use on a lot shall be allowed to display a one (1) temporary sign ~ m~v;m„m ^~ r^„r ins *imP° .,Pr at any time during a calendar year. Each business or use wishing to display a temporary sign must apply for a temporary sign permit. Temporary sign permits shall expire at t11e end of each calendar year. ter„ r,.,~;nA~~ ri,~<) T~;onl o<T +Pm+~nrnn) ~irmnnP -Fnr mnrP ~l,nn nnP r~iTn r~rPrl fi:)Pn+<T (~'7 (~~ rln<TO nPr of t1,PeP rrn<)i cinne m~<) nrnl<T fnr o rPrrrxnn Pn* cirm nPrm i+ <x Tl,i nl, ol,nll Y1P P<Tn rii nfPT~ n)xnin et t1,P nnnrinn{~1P rli c+n n/' a+nnT-l~rrrc I In~[T nHP ~~ l 11nY~'n~rP Cl(Tn m~1TT flP (~1 C~Y11 .][TP~ n11 !1 rn~' nY .]~ .] C+~n911A'1nR '~'! c+<m~ nP+l~nnlr nFTnrf.) (/I (11 TPP+ •'i-nm ~'Y1P nPn+PrrinP of ~rx[) n11r~11n v-~n1~4_nf xZ7~]<T nY TT'TPPn ~~ Cl TPPI' fi-nm ~mT frnnl- nrnr[PY+<) 1xnP <I1 Yll l•~P[TPr 1C~ ITYP!I+PY T~Tl. Mlln;v<Pn[. ). P~+nl~li nl~m Pn* or,oll ~ionln<T mnrP fl,nn fixrn ~'7~ +Pmrnrnx^xT 3?. ~icrra<rPr~ n~ nnP +imP cl[nll nn4 PV nPPII oivt<T (tilll ann nrP TPPI' lil commercial zoning districts, the total square-footage of any temporary sign shall. not exceed thirty (30) square feet. In all other zoning districts, the total square footage of any temporary sign shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet. (B) Real estate signs greater than sixteen (16) square feet in commercial or industrial zoning districts or greater than five (5) square feet in agricultural or residential zoning districts maybe installed on a lot provided that each such sign does not exceed ninety-six (96) square feet in area, and has a minimum sign setback of fifteen (15) feet from any public right-of--way. All real estate signs must be removed within fourteen (14) days after the property has been sold or leased. (C) On premises construction signs maybe installed on active construction sites. No construction sign shall exceed ninety-six (96) square feet in area. Any such sign must have a minimum sign setback of fifteen (15) feet from any public right-of- way. All construction signs must bexemoved from a construction site prior to the issuance of a certificate of zoning compliance for the building or project. Sec. 30-93-9. Illuminated Signs. (A) Signs maybe illuminated either through the use of backlighting or direct lighting provided the following standards are met: Information on any illumination proposed as part of a sign must be provided by the applicant on the sign permit application. • 5 2. No light from any illuminated sign shall cause direct glare into or upon any building other than the building to which the sign is related. 3. No light from any illuminated sign shall cause direct glare on to any adjoining piece of property, or any adjoining right-of--way. (B) Any sign containing electrical components shall conform to current UL, ETL, CSA, or ULC standards and display a label from one of these recognized testing labs; or as an alternative, shall be designed and constructed to standards that would allow one of the above referenced labels to be affixed and thereafter inspected by Roanoke County to insure compliance with these standards. Sec. 30-93-10. Projecting and Suspended Signs. (A) No projecting or suspended sign shall extend more than six (6) feet from any wall or other structure to which it is affixed, nor shall any such sign have a setback of less than fifteen (15) feet from the nearest public right-of--way. (B) The bottom edge of any projecting or suspended sign must be at least seven (7) feet above the ground if located above any publicly accessible walkway or driveway. (C) No projecting or suspended sign shall project or suspend over an adjoining lot, without the expressed written consent of the adjoining property owner. Sec. 30-93-11. Nonconforming Signs. (A) Any sign which was lawfully in existence at the time of the effective date of this ordinance which does not conform to the provisions herein, and any sign which is accessory to a nonconforming use, shall be deemed a nonconforming sign and may remain except as qualified in subsection (C), below. No nonconforming sign shall be enlarged, extended, structurally reconstructed, or altered in any manner; except a sign head maybe changed so long as the new head is equal to, or reduced in height, sign area, and/or projection, and so long as the sign is not changed from an on-premises sign to anoff-premises sign. (B) The addition of lighting or illumination to a nonconforming sign, shall constitute an expansion of a nonconforming structure, and shall not be permitted under these regulations. (C) Nonconforming signs may remain, provided they are kept in good repair, except for the following: A nonconforming sign which is destroyed or damaged to the extent exceeding fifty (50) percent of its replacement value shall not be altered, replaced or reinstalled unless it is in conformance with these sign • 8 (''S regulations. If the damage or destruction is fifty (50) percent or less of its replacement value, the sign may be restored within ninety (90) days of the damage or destruction, but shall not be enlarged in any manner. 2. A nonconforming on-premises sign shall be removed if the structure or use to which it is accessory is destroyed or demolished to the extent exceeding fifty (50) percent of the principal structure's value. 3. Whenever a change of zoning occurs by petition of the owner, contract purchaser with the owner's consent, or the owner's agent upon a lot which contains a nonconforming on-premises sign, such sign shall not be permitted without being modified in such a manner as to be in full compliance with these sign regulations. Sec. 30-93-12. Damaged or Neglected Signs. (A) The Building Commissioner of Roanoke County shall have the authority to order the removal, without compensation, of any sign or sign structure that due to neglect or damage poses a clear danger to the health, safety and welfare of the public. Sec. 30-93-13. District Regulations. (A) AG-3 and AG-1 Zoning Districts. 1. Lots within an AG-3 and AG-1 districts shall be allowed a maximum signage allocation not to exceed one-quarter (0.25) square foot of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. 2. The following signs shall be allowed in the AG-3 and AG-1 districts subject to the regulations contained herein: Business Signs. Each permitted business shall be allowed a maximum of fifty (50) square feet of sign area, provided that the total signage on the lot does not exceed the allowable maximum as defined in (1) above. Businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet of signage. Identification Signs. A maximum of thirty (30) square feet shall be allowed per use. Home Occupation Signs. A maximum of two (2) square feet shall be allowed per home occupation, or group of home occupations within one (1) home. Historic Site Signs. A maximum of fifteen (15) square feet shall be 9 allowed per sign. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed in accordance with Section 30-93-$. No freestanding sign shall be allowed on any lot having less than qua h„r,~rara ('7(1(11 faa4 nFln+ fi-nn+otra the mn1ll11Lll11 Teglllred lOt frontage fOr the zonin~~ district o f the property. The required minimum separation for freestanding signs on a lot or lots under single ownership or control shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet. No freestanding sign shall be located within fifteen (15) feet of any other freestanding sign on an adjacent or adjoining lot. 4. = a .T Po~+ r.~;,,o ~•n,,, PrA,.+P,~ ,,,,,~+ 1~.,,.a ., ,,,;,,,,,,,,,,-,s,vn ~p+~,.,,.U ,.f fn,-~ fi-nrr+ nnv {-'rnn+ r~rnr,ar+~~ line «~hinha~~ar ;c rrraat ~~j11111Um Sign Setbc`1C~ from front property line: fifteen (l ~) feet 5. T~Tn fi-aaa+nnrainrr Ginn 1-,11 PVl~PPl1 TI~PP,'1 (1 G1 fi a+ in 1-,aifr},+ ~laxlm"U111 ~ i a sign height: fifteen (l 5) feet. 6. No establishment shall be allowed more than four (4) signs. • (B)AR, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-MH Zoning District Regulations. Lots within AR, R-l, R-2, R-3, R-4, and R-MH districts shall be allowed a maximum signage allocation not to exceed one-quarter (0.25) square foot of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. 2. The following signs shall be allowed in the AR, R-l, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R- MH districts subject to the regulations contained herein: Business Signs. Each permitted business in a residential district shall be allowed a maximum of thirty (30) square feet of sign area, provided that the total signage on the lot does not exceed the allowable maximum as defined in (1} above. Businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum oftwenty-five (25) square feet of signage. Identification Signs. A maximum of thirty (30) square feet shall be allowed per use. Historic Site Signs. A maximum of fifteen (15) square feet shall be allowed per sign. • Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed in accordance FS 10 with Section 30-93-8 °~^°r+ *~,^+ „^,-+^~,'° ~;r.,,~ ter,^" ~,° „r^~,;~,;*°,a. • 3. No freestandin/1g/~b1\us//~~iness sign shall be allowed on any lot having less than +.i~n ~,,,-.~r°.i l /11111 TP°+ nr in+ ~-n„+., ~.A the minimurrixequire~i: tot lYOntage for the ronin~~ district of the property. The required minimum separation for all freestanding signs on a lot or lots under single ownership or control shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet. No freestanding sign shall be located within fifteen (15) feet of any other freestanding sign on an adjacent or adjoining lot. 4. [~r~c~ ~r°°c.+n.~~ir~rT n rm °rcan+a~ mi~c+~^<~° n mirimi~m cirtn oc+~n^~r n~~n r+~r ~/~n> f°°+ frnm +~° nor+°r~;n° n~ nri~r r~i~~in rind+_n~.cz ~n~~ nr ~~+°ari (1 CLl f°°+ fi-nm ^n~~ frnn+ nrnr°r1'~~ ~iri° ~i~~i^~P[1PY ie nrao+°r Mlrumum Sl~ SetbaClC from front property`line: fifteen (1~) feet 5 Tern fra°a+on.ii„rr jinn l,nll av^a°r~ for (1(ll f°°+;r~ 1~°1R~+ Maximum sign height:` ten (10) feet. 6. No establishment shall be allowed more than two (2) signs. (C) AV Village Center and NC Neighborhood Commercial District Regulations. 1. Lots within AV and NC districts shall be allowed a maximum signage allocation not to exceed one (1) square foot of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. 2. The following signs shall be allowed in AV and NC districts subject to the regulations contained herein: Business Signs. Each permitted business in AV and NC districts shall be allowed a maximum of four hundred (400) square feet of sign area, provided that the total signage on the lot does not exceed the allowable maximum as defined in (1) above. Businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet of signage. Identification Signs. Identification signs shall be subject to the same regulations as business signs within this district. Historic Site Signs. A maximum of fifteen (15) square feet shall be allowed per sign. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed in accordance with Section 30-93-8. 3. No on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed on any lot having less 11 than nna hnnrlraa 11 Ml Faat of lnt frnr~+.~nr~ the minlmui7l I;equlred lot /~ frontage for the zoning district of the property. The required minimum separation for freestanding signs on a lot or lots under single ownership or control shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet. No freestanding sign shall be located within fifteen (15) feet of any other freestanding sign on an adjacent or adjoining lot. q,, e,,., TYPPC~I .\Yt l11H (T [+; frYl ~YPl•I'P.1 VH 11Ct Yl.]~lP n minim~irn e;rrn c~el~l~nn,. ~.~~ .-F.. !/1(ll fn c+ Frnm +l~c ncri4arlir~a n{ ~n~~ r~iil~lir rirrl~t_nf'_~i»~~ ^r fi++oor~ (1 Cl ~ e+ so~~r;=f~e~t~r^~l?~~~~is~eve~ is-g~°ate~, Minimum si~i setback from front property line: `fifteen (15) feet 5 ATn TYPPG•f'.1Y1~1Y1f1 c~irtn cl~nll avnaa`1 ff4PPr~ (1 Sl fcat in l~ainl,+ Maximum sign height: fifteen (15) feet 6. No establishment shall be allowed more than four (4) signs. (D) C-1 Office District Regulations. Lots within a C-1 district shall be allowed a maximum signage allocation not to exceed one-half (0.5) square foot of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. • 2. The following signs shall be allowed in the C-1 Office District subject to the regulations contained herein: Business Signs. Each permitted business in a C-1 district shall be allowed a maximum of five hundred (500) square feet of sign area, provided that the total signage on the lot does not exceed the allowable maximum as defined in (1) above. Businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet of signage. Identification Signs. Identification signs shall be subject to the same regulations as business signs within this district. Historic Site Signs. A maximum of fifteen (15) square feet shall be allowed per sign. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed in accordance with Section 30-93-8. 3. No on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed on any lot having less than nno 1~»r„i~-ari (1(1(11 fPCr nf'ln+ fr^r~torTa the 1I11I21mUn1 rZC~i1ll"ed lOt ~ronta~Je for the zoning distract of the°property. The required minimum separation for freestanding signs on a lot or lots under single ownership or 12 control shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet. No freestanding sign shall be located within fifteen (15) feet of any other freestanding sign on an • adjacent or adjoining lot. `F. e»<, franc.+n»~;»n o;rt» Grantar~ mt,c+~n<ra ., mi»,m„m c+; `r» ca+~~n~r of ~ ,-1~<r (/1(1~ fa a+ frnm +~a na»+ar~i»a of n»<~ »„~~in rim+_nf-,<~n<~ nr ~f+aa» (1 Cl fa c+ from •+»,r frn»+ »rnt<ar+<~ li»a ,<~ti,in~a<~ar ie fT1•P n+PY Options for sign setbacks and height shall be as follows: Option. l Minimum signsetback from front property line: ten:(10) feet Maximum sign height: ten (T0) feet Option 2 Minimum sign setback from front property liner fifteen (15) feet Nlaximtun sign height: fifteen (15)feet ~. 1~Tn 1'I'aa[~+A»~1»(1' oin» Cl-~nll aVnPP~ fi-,f~PP» (1 Sl fP a+ 1» Na1fT~+ ~5. No establishment shall be allowed more than four (4) signs. (E) C-2 General Commercial District Regulations. 1. Lots within a C-2 district shall be allowed a maximum signage allocation not to exceed one and one-half (1.50) square feet of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. 2. The following signs shall be allowed in the C-2 General Commercial District subject to the regulations contained herein: Business Signs. Each permitted business in a C-2 district shall be allowed a maximum of five hundred (500) square feet of sign area, provided that the total signage on the lot does not exceed the allowable maximum as defined in (1) above. Businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet of signage. Identification Signs. Identification signs shall be subject to the same regulations as business signs within this district. Historic Site Signs. A maximum of fifteen (15) square feet shall be allowed per sign. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed in accordance with Section 30-93-8. • 13 3. No on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed on any lot having less than nnP 1,„n~irPrt (1(1(11 iPPf nntnnP Clle minlmllm Tegtzlred lot rv eTaee v o frontage for the zoning district of the property. The required minimum separation for freestanding signs on a lot or lots under single ownership or control shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet. No freestanding sign shall be located within fifteen (15) feet of any other freestanding sign on an adjacent or adjoining lot. Notwithstanding the above, the administrator may waive, in writing, the two hundred fifty-foot separation requirement between freestanding signs provided the administrator finds the following standards are met: a. No more than one (1) freestanding sign shall be allowed for each two fifty (250) feet of lot frontage, or portion thereof, under single ownership or control. b. The new freestanding sign is a monument sign with a maximum height of fifteen (15) feet and a maximum width often (10) feet. c. The placement of the sign in the desired location does not promote visual sign clutter on the property or surrounding area. d. In exchange for the placement of the new freestanding sign in the • desired location, the applicant or property owner proposes, and agrees in writing to undertake, significant improvements to existing signage on the property. These improvements shall be designed to reduce existing sign clutter, enhance sign design, and promote the overall visual appearance of the property. e. All other sign ordinance requirements regarding the placement and size of the sign are met. 4 !11'1ti t'1 PPf~' „.a;., (T [.;RH PYPl~~P~ m„C~i'_Il l~dr(11 TPP+ {rnm +Y1P rcn+PrlinP of nr~1~ ni1111ir rinti1+ n~ n~nt~ `/~,eTrese-a(~v::: a::e~eerYee:lx:::e e:1ee::1Tp ~ TYnm nYlcl l'f'nn}' Y1rnY1PY~11 11nP 11 ~~11 /`Il P1sPr lC• (TYP Options for. sign setbacks and height. shall be as follotivs: Option 1 Minimiun sign setback from fxont property line: ten (10) feet Maximum signheight: ten (10) feet Option 2 Minmum'sign setback from front property Line: fifteen (15) feet. Maximtun sign height:::. twenty-five (25) feet FS 14 T~Tn fi-PPetnn`linrt oirm a1~o11 PvrPPrl fi[/Pnt[/_F[/P (7G1 TPPt In YIP1(~~t z~c-a~ vaueerezriS a ta5. No establishment shall be allowed more than five (5) signs. (F) I-1 and I-2 Industrial Zoning District Regulations. 1. Lots within I-1 and I-2 districts shall be allowed a maximum signage allocation not to exceed one and one-half (1.5) square feet of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. 2. The following signs shall be allowed in the I-1 and I-2 districts subject to the regulations contained herein: Business Signs. Each business in an industrial zoning district shall be allowed a maximum of three hundred (300) square feet of sign area, provided that the total signage on the lot does not exceed the allowable maximum as defined in (1) above. Businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet of signage. Historic Site Signs. A maximum of fifteen (15) square feet shall be . allowed per sign. Identification Signs. Identification signs shall be subject to the same regulations as business signs within this district. Temporary Signs. Temporary signs shall be allowed in accordance with Section 30-93-8. 3. No on-premises freestanding sign shall be allowed on any lot having less than ^l'° 1,,,Y,AY°,a r1 nm TPPt ^f ln+ fi-nnt a the minimum required lot frontage for the zoning district afthe property. The required minimum separation for freestanding signs on a lot or lots under single ownership or control shall be two hundred fifty (250) feet. No freestanding sign shall be located within fifteen (15) feet of any other freestanding sign on an adjacent or adjoining lot. 4, e„[ r~-PPG+.,,,,a;,, ~, c; r.Y1 PrartPrl m„ot Yl ~][TP o mlmmllm oirm oP41~~r1> n~fn rt[/ /r~ /~ 1 a o rnm TPPt TYllm t11P rPntPY11Y1P l[T nYll/ Y111F111f YIfTYIt flT [i)~l[/ !1Y TITTPPYt !1 Cl fPPt /~ /~ TYnm .1n[/ fi-nrlt !1Yl1t1Pl't[/ line [x )1'11 C1'1 P[/PY 1C m-P.]tPY C)ptors for sign setbacks and height shall be as follows: Option 1 ~5 15 Miniminh sign setback from front property line: ten (10) feet Maximum. sign height: ten (10) feet • Option 2 Minimum sign setback from front property line: fifteen_(l~) feet Maximtun sign height: twenty-five (25) feet ~,_ T~Tn fraoa4nrirainn ei~m ol,~ll avnca~ firranl'~~_~<~a ('~Sl Feo+ i» l~ai`r1~1~ b5. No establishment shall be allowed more than five (5) signs. Sec. 30-93-14. Special Signage Districts and Regulations. (A) Off-Premises Signs. Nq new off-premises signs shall be allowed. Existing. off- premises signs maybe allowed to relocate if the new site is-approved based on the standards set forth in this section. For ptuposes of this section,. existing off- premises signs shall be those existing on or before Gate of ordinance passage). 1. ' Applications to relocate an existing off premises sign shall b accompanied by a demolition permit for an existing off premises sign,. 2. No permit for a relocated off-premises sign shall be issued tultil an existing off-premises sign, or combination ofoff-premises signs, of at least equal square footage are removed. 3. Existing non-conforming off-premises signs shall be removed first: When all non-conforming off-premises signs are removed, then existing conforming off-premises signs may be relocated pursuant to the standards set. forth in this section. Legally established existing. off-premises signs located within theC-2, I-1' and I-1 zoning districts that meet the locations and design standards in Section 30-93-1~ (A) 4. a-f. shall be considered conforming off-premises. signs.. ~. Relocated off-premises signs shall be allowed in the C-2, I-l, and I-2 Districts provided the following location and design standards are met: ~. No off-premises sign shall be located within a five hundred-foot ,W, radius of an existing off-premises sign, or an off-premises sign for which a valid permit has been obtained, but has not yet been erected. 3b. No off-premises sign shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of any residential zoning district, public square, park, school, library, or religious assembly property. fie. No off-premises sign shall be allowed to be installed on any roof structure, nor shall any such sign exceed thirty-five (35) feet in • 16 height above the abutting road. , • J~ 4d. Side by side, double and multi-decker off-premises signs shall not be permitted. Vie. Any off-premises sign must have a minimum sign setback of forty (40) feet from the centerline of any public right-of--way, or fifteen (15) feet from any front property line, whichever is greater. Any off-premises sign shall have a minimum side and/or rear yard setback of fifteen (15) feet. ~ The maximum size of any off-premises sign on a lot shall be three hundred seventy-eight (378) square feet plus ten (10) percent for embellishments. (B) Shopping Centers. Within shopping center square footage that existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance, new or existing businesses may modify or replace their existing attached signs provided the area of the modified or new signage is equal to or less than the original displayed signage. Modifications to freestanding signs shall be in accord with the district regulations. In addition, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 30-93-13(E)2., within enclosed shopping centers exceeding two hundred fifty thousand (250,000) gross floor area, businesses that request sign permits for lots that meet or exceed their allowable sign allocation shall be allowed a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet of signage, provided the business has a minimum gross floor area of thirty-two thousand (32,000) square feet, and the sign displayed shall be located a minimum of three hundred (300) feet from the closest public right-of--way. (C) Planned Developments. A signage plan shall be submitted as part of any proposal for a Planned Residential Development (PRD), Planned Commercial Development (PCD), or Planned Technology Development (PTD) as authorized elsewhere in this ordinance. The signage plan shall be part of the required preliminary development plan. All signage plans shall be of sufficient detail to allow the commission and board to judge the compatibility of the proposed signage with the character of the proposed PRD, PCD or PTD. At a minimum, all signage plans shall provide information on the general size, location, style, color, and materials of all signs proposed. In evaluating the PRD, PCD or PTD proposal, the commission and board shall consider the appropriateness of the proposed signage plan in relation to the character of the proposed development, and the surrounding area. (D) Airport Overlay District. The allowable height of signs within any established Airport Overlay District shall be governed by the height restriction for that district, or the height restriction imposed by the applicable district regulation, whichever is more restrictive. • 17 (E) Lots without Public Street Frontage. Lots without public street frontage that existed "'~ • upon the effective date of this ordinance shall be allowed signage based upon the applicable district regulations as provided for in Section 30-93-13 of this ordinance. Permitted Signage shall be calculated based upon the frontage width of the lot that parallels the nearest public street. (F) Clearbrook village overlay district. Signage within the Clearbrook village overlay district should be planned, designed and installed to complement a buildings architectural style. All Signage within the Clearbrook village overlay district shall comply with C-1 office district regulations with the following exceptions: 1. Lots within:.the Clearbrook village overlay district shall be allowed a maximum Signage allocation not to exceed one (1) square foot of sign area per one (1) lineal foot of lot frontage. 2. Signage placed on a building wall shall occupy less than five (5) percent of the facade of that wall. All freestanding signs shall be of a monument design and shall meet the following criteria: a. Monument signs, including their structure, shall not exceed seven • (7) feet in height, or ten (10) feet in width. b. Signs shall be channel lit, ground lit, or top lit with a shielded light source so as not cast light onto the path of traffic or on any adjacent road or property. 4. No establishment shall be allowed more than three (3) signs. 5. A maximum of two (2) directional signs shall be allowed per lot, and no directional sign shall exceed two (2) square feet in size. 6. The following signs shall be prohibited in the Clearbrook village overlay district: a. Off-premises signs. b. Temporary signs. c. Portable signs. d. Roof signs. • (Ord. No. 42694-12, § 25, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 72595-9, § 1, 7-25-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, 18 Sec. 30-93-15. Variances. (A) Requests for variances to these sign regulations shall follow the procedures outlined in Section 30-24 of the Zoning Ordinance. The board of zoning appeals, in considering any variance request, shall follow the guidelines of this section, and section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia, (1950), as amended. The power to grant variances does not extend to an economic hardship related to the cost, size or location of a new sign, or to the convenience of an applicant, nor should it be extended to the convenience of regional or national businesses which propose to use a standard sign when it does not conform to the provisions of this section. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § la., 4-27-99) Sec. 30-28, Definitions Freestanding sign: A sign which is supported by structures or supports ~^ ^r ~~~^„ *~° ~,. andis permanentlyaff xedto the. ground, and is independent of any support from any building. ti Portable sign: A self supported sign that is designed to be moved easily, and is not permanently affied to the ground;includng but i~ot limited to • portable changeable messab cabinets andsand~~ich signs. Roof sig~a: A si~z attached to a building, wall, or the roof of a building in whiclz'the sib height exceeds .the highest point of the building. Temporary sign: Any sign °+^~^+"''° "~~~^~` ~° "^+ "°'''~"'^°"+i., ,other than a portable sign., which is temporarily affixed to the ground, a building or other structure, including, but not. limited to banners and flags, and/or an on-premise sign applying to a seasonal or brief activity such as, but not limited to, summer camps, horse shows, yard sales, Christmas tree sales, business promotions, auctions and carnivals. For the purposes of these regulations, on-premises real estate signs and sings displayed on active construction projects shall be considered temporary when displayed in accordance with Section 30-93- 8. • ~5 19 ~" '° '~ SEC. 30-53. C-1 OFFICE DISTRICT. Sec. 30-53-2. Permitted Uses. (A) 4. Commercial Uses Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Communications Services Personal Services Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. CT - ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance enacting Section 2-8. Bookin Fee for Individuals Incarcerated in the Roanoke County Jail. of the Roanoke County Code to authorize a $25.00 booking fee for administrative processing of prisoners into the Roanoke County jail SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Virginia Code Section 15.2-1613.1 authorizes local governments to impose and collect fees of up to $25.00 to cover the cost of booking prisoners into the jail. This legislation was adopted by the General Assembly to allow local governments the recovery of additional costs involved in the collection of DNA samples, criminal history checks for the Magistrate on all arrestees, and pre-arraignment investigations. The fees will be collected by the Clerk of the Court as an additional court cost and remitted to the County of Roanoke. The use of these fees are not restricted by state code for a particular use. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on the number of bookings at the jail for the prior year, it is estimated the $25.00 booking fee will generate approximately $120,000. The implementation of these fees will approximately offset the reduction in reimbursements for Constitutional Officers from the State Compensation Board for fiscal year 2004. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the proposed ordinance. c~~i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE ENACTING SEC. 2-8. BOOKING FEE FOR INDIVIDUALS INCARCERATED IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY JAIL. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO AUTHORIZE A $ 25.00 BOOKING FEE FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESSING OF PRISONERS INTO THE ROANOKE COUNTY JAIL WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1613.1, of the Code of Virginia authorizes local governing bodies to impose and collect a fee of up to Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for administratively processing or "booking" prisoners into a local jail in order to partially recover the costs involved in the collection of DNA samples, criminal history background checks and pre- arraignment investigations which are required by state law; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Roanoke County desires to begin the implementation of this Booking Fee which will be collected by the various Clerks of the Courts as a court cost in all cases involving incarceration in the Roanoke County Jail and be deposited to the account of the Treasurer of Roanoke County to be used to help defray the costs of processing arrested individuals into the County's jail; and, WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on March 25, 2003, and the second reading was held on April 8, 2003. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. That Section 2-8. Booking Fee for Individuals Incarcerated in the Roanoke County Jail., of Article I. In General, of Chapter 2, ADMINISTRATION, of the Roanoke County Code be enacted as follows: A~ G-I Sec. 2-8. Booking Fee for Individuals Incarcerated in the Roanoke County Jail. The Clerks of the District and Circuit Courts of the County of Roanoke, respectively shall assess and collect the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) as part of the costs in each criminal or traffic case in which a period of incarceration or confinement in the Roanoke County Jail shall be imposed or served as any part of the sentence for conviction of any statute or ordinance. Such sums shall be collected by the Clerk of the Court in which the case is heard, remitted to the County Treasurer and be held by the Treasurer to defray the costs of processing arrested persons into the Roanoke County Jail. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (-~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance enacting Section 2.9. Court Costs for Courthouse Security. of the Roanoke County Code to authorize a $5.00 court cost for individuals convicted in Roanoke County courts to fund courthouse security personnel SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget Elmer C. Hodge t~'~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Virginia Code Section 53.1-120 authorizes the adoption of an ordinance by localities for the assessment of a fee of $5.00 for each criminal and traffic conviction in our courts. This legislation was adopted by the General Assembly to enable localities the opportunity to provide a minimum of courthouse security that will be funded by the offender and not the general taxpayers. The adoption of this ordinance will provide for the employment of four (4) additional deputies for the purpose of security in the Roanoke County Courthouse. If the County's ability to collect this fee is prohibited or restricted by the state in the future, the Sheriff's budget (related staffing) will be adjusted proportionately. FISCAL IMPACT: Based on the number of court cases and the related convictions from the past year, projected revenue from the $5.00 fee will generate approximately $160,000. This increase in fees will be offset by increasing the Sheriff's expenditure budget by $160,000 for the hiring of 4 additional Deputy Sheriff positions and the related operational costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the adoption of the proposed ordinance. ~.-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE ENACTING SEC. 2-9. COURT COSTS FOR COURTHOUSE SECURITY. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO AUTHORIZE A $5.00 COURT COST FOR INDIVIDUALS CONVICTED IN ROANOKE COUNTY COURTS TO FUND COURTHOUSE SECURITY PERSONNEL WHEREAS, Section 53.1-120, of the Code of Virginia authorizes local governing bodies to impose and collect a fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) to be used by localities to provide funding for courthouse security personnel; and WHEREAS, the Sheriff of Roanoke County desires to begin the implementation of this Courthouse Security Fee which will be collected by the various Clerks of the Courts as a court cost in all cases involving conviction for violation of any statute or ordinance in these courts and be deposited to the account of the Treasurer of Roanoke County to be used to defray the costs of providing deputies for security in the Roanoke County Courthouse; and, WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing ofthis ordinance was held on March 25, 2003 and the second reading was held on April 8, 2003. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. That Section 2-9. Court Costs for Courthouse Security, of Article I. In General, of Chapter 2, ADMINISTRATION, of the Roanoke County Code be enacted as follows: Sec. 2-9. Court Costs for Courthouse Security. The Clerks of the District and Circuit Courts of the County of Roanoke, respectively shall assess and collect the sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) as part of the costs in each criminal or traffic case in which an ~,. ~g-~. individual is convicted of a violation of any statute or ordinance. Such sums shall be collected by the Clerk of the Court in which the case is heard, remitted to the County Treasurer and be held by the Treasurer subject to appropriation by the Board of Supervisors to the Sheriff's office for the funding of courthouse security personnel in the Roanoke County Courthouse. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. r . ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G ~° AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: First Reading of Ordinance Amending Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Chapter 18 of the Roanoke County Code of 1985 SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robertson, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 1994 Sewage Treatment Agreement between Roanoke City and Roanoke County requires the County to adopt such ordinances and regulations that conform to those adopted by the City as they pertain to Sewer Use Standards. Recent requirements of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in conjunction with the sewage treatment plant permit re-issuance have required Roanoke City to amend their Sewer Use Standards. By Ordinance Number 36147-120202 dated December 2, 2002, Roanoke City amended their ordinance to include the provisions of the attached proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Sewer Use Standards. Attached is the proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Sewer Use Standards that is required so that the County Ordinance conforms to the form and intent of the Roanoke City Ordinance. Section 163 (a) and (e) of the Ordinance is amended to clarify administrative and technical procedures for wastewater sampling. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact is anticipated. ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors conduct the first reading of the Ordinance amending Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Chapter 18 of the Roanoke County Code of 1985 ~-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III, SEWER USE STANDARDS, OF CHAPTER 18. SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Section 18-163 of Article III. Sewer Use Standards of Chapter 18. Sewers and Sewage Disposal be, and hereby is, amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 18-163. Measurement, sampling, etc., and report of discharges (a) The owner of each facility discharging other than normal wastewater or discharging Group A wastewater shall upon the written request of the control authority submit monthly, or at such other frequency as may be required by the control authority, to the county, on forms supplied by the county, a certified statement of the quantities of its wastes discharged into the sewers and sewage works of the county or into any sewer connected therewith. Copies of pertinent water bills may be required to be submitted with the above statement. Such documents shall be filed with the county not later than the tenth day of the following month. A separate statement shall be filed for each industrial plant. The total quantities of wastes to be measured and certified by the person so discharging shall be established by the control authority and shall, as a minimum, include: (1) Liquid in gallons (2) Five-day BOD in pounds. (3) Suspended solids in pounds, on a dry solids basis. (4) Total phosphorus in pounds. (5) Total Kjeldahl nitrogen in pounds. (6) COD in pounds. (b) Unless otherwise provided, each measurement, test, sampling, or analysis required to be made hereunder shall be made in accordance with 40 C.F.R. Part 136, as amended. (c) In order to provide for accurate sampling and measurement of industrial wastes, each person discharging Group A wastewater, or other regulated wastewater if deemed necessary by the Control Authority shall provide and maintain, on each of its industrial waste outlet sewers, a 1 -3 large manhole or sampling chamber to be located outside or near its plant boundary line, where feasible. If inside the plant fence, there shall be a gate near the sampling chamber with a key furnished to the county. There shall be ample room provided in each sampling chamber to enable convenient inspection and sampling by the county. In order to meet the intent of this ordinance, and to minimize disruption of developed property, all non-residential users or facilities shall be required to install a sampling chamber on its outlet sewer for all new facilities, remodeling of existing facilities, change in use, or upon the control authority detecting any violation of this article. (d) Each sampling chamber shall contain a Parshall flume, accurate weir or similar device, with a recording and totalizing register for measurement of the liquid quantity; or the metered water supply to the industrial plant may be used as the liquid quantity, where it is substantiated that the metered water supply and waste quantities are approximately the same, or where a measurable adjustment can be made in the metered supply to determine the liquid quantity. (e) , sane Composite samples shall consist of samples taken at least every hour for the time period required by the facility's permit using flow proportional or timed composite sample collection methods. Such samples shall be properly refrigerated. For oil and grease, pH, phenols, cyanide, volatile toxic organic and other appropriate pollutants, property grab sampling shall be performed. Such sampling shall be repeated on as many days as necessary to insure representative quantities for the entire reporting period. Industrial plants with wide fluctuations in quantities of wastes shall provide an automatic sampler paced automatically by the flow-measuring device. (f) Minimum requirements for representative quantities under this section shall include reevaluation during each twelve (12) month period. The determination of representative quantities shall include not less than seven (7) consecutive days of twenty-four (24) hour composite samplings, taken during periods of normal operation, together with acceptable flow measurements. The frequency of sampling, sampling chamber, metering device, sampling methods and analyses of samples shall be subject, at any time, to inspection and verification by the county. Sampling and measuring facilities shall be such as to provide safe access for authorized personnel of the county for making such inspection and verification. (g) Plans for sampling chambers, with their locations shown on a site plan, shall be submitted to the county for approval. 2 CITY OF ROANOKE Office of the City Clerk Mary F. Parker, CMC City Clerk C-3 Stephanie M. Moon Deputy City Clerk Sheila N. Hartman Assistant City Clerk December 6, 2002 Darlene L. Burcham City Manager Roanoke, Virginia Dear Ms. Burcham: File #24-27-46$-529 ~~~ ~:w `> A;~~~ '~jA'~a Y.'°~. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ I am attaching copy of Ordinance No. 36147-120202 amending and reordaining subsections (a) and (e) of Section 26-55, Measurement sampling, etc., and report of discharges, of Chapter26, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, to clarify existing provisions of said Chapter and to make provisions consistent with other aspects of the program, which proposed amendments have been approved by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. The above-referenced measure was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at a regular meeting which was held on Monday, December 2, 2002, and is in full force and effect upon its passage. Sincerely, y 1 ~j ~~ Mary F. Parker, CMC City Clerk MFP:srn Attachment H:\Agenda.02\December 2, 2002 correspondence.wpd Darlene L. Burcham December 6, 2002 Page 2 G-3 pc: The Honorable Robert P. Doherty, Chief Judge, Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit of Virginia The Honorable William D. Broadhurst, Judge, Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit of Virginia The Honorable Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge, Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit of Virginia Tate Honorable Charles N. Dorsey, Judge, Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit of Virginia The Honorable Jonathan M. Apgar, Judge, Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit of Virginia The Honorable James R. Swanson, Judge, Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit of Virginia The Honorable Julian H. Raney, Jr., Chief Judge, General District Court The Honorable George W. Harris, Jr., Judge, General District Court The Honorable Vincent A. Lilley, Judge, General District Court The Honorable Francis W. Burkart, III, Judge, General District Court The Honorable Jacqueline F. Ward Talevi, Judge, General District Court The Honorable John B. Ferguson, Chief Judge, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court The Honorable Joseph M. Clarke, II, Judge, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court The Honorable Philip Trompeter, Judge, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court The Honorable Joseph P. Bounds, Judge, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Sheila N. Hartman, Assistant City Clerk, (For transmittal by electronic mail to Municipal Code Corporation) Raymond F. Leven, Public Defender, 210 First Street, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia 24011 Ronald S. Albright, Clerk, General District Court David C. Wells, Clerk, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Peggy B. Stewart, Office of the Magistrate Michael R. Meise, Law Librarian Jesse A. Hall, Director of Finance George C. Snead, Jr., Assistant City Manager for Operations Mic el T. McEvoy, Director of Utilities .Scott Shirley, Manager, Water Pollution Control Plant N:\CKMH11Agenda.021December 2, 2002 correspondence.wpd /~ ~ ~ G3 IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, The 2nd day of Decembe?~, 2002 m No. 36147-120202. AN ORDINANCE amending and reordaining subsections (a) and (e) of §26-55, Measurement• sampling, etc. and report of discharges, of Chapter 26, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, in order to clarify existing provisions of this Chapter and make them consistent with other aspects of the program; which proposed amendments have been approved by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ); and dispensing with the second reading by title of this ordinance. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Roanoke as follows: 1. Section 26-55, Measurement• sampling etc., and report of discharges of Chapter 26, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, Article III, Sewer Use Standards, Code of the City of Roanoke (1979), as amended, is hereby amended and reordained to read and provide as follows: §26-55. Measurement• sampling etc. and report of discharges. (a) The owner of each facility discharging other than normal wastewater or discharging Group A wastewater shall upon the written request of the control authority submit monthly, or at other frequency as may be required by the control authority, to the city, on forms supplied by the city, a certified statement of the quantities of its wastes discharged into the sewers and sewage works of the city or into any sewer connected therewith. Copies of pertinent water bills may be required to be submitted with the above statement. Such documents shall be filed with the city not later than the tenth day of H:\MEASURES\o-amsewuseord.l good.doc 1 G-3 the fol]owing month. A separate statement shall be filed for each industrial plant. The total quantities of wastes to be measured and certified by the person so discharging shall be established by the control authority and shall, as a minimum, include: (1) Liquid in gallons. (2) Five-day BOD in pounds. (3) Suspended solids in pounds, on a dry solids basis. (4) Total phosphorus in pounds. (5) Total Kjeldahl nitrogen in pounds. (6) COD in pounds. *** (e) Composite samples shall consist of samples taken at least every hour for the time period required by the facilit~'s permit using flow proportional or time composite sample collection methods. Such samples shall be properly refrigerated. For oil and grease, pH, phenols, cyanide, volatile toxic organics and other appropriate pollutants, proper grab sampling shall be performed. Such sampling shall be repeated on as many days as necessary to insure representative quantities for the entire reporting period. Industrial plants with wide fluctuations in quantities of wastes shall provide an automatic sampler paced automatically by the flow-measuring device. **~ 2. Pursuant to the provisions of §12 of the Roanoke City Charter, the second reading of this ordinance by title is hereby dispensed with. ATTEST: ~~ : Gity Clerk. H:\MEASURES\o-amsewuseord.lgood.doc 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: First reading of an ordinance authorizing the dedication of a County well lot at Whispering Pines Park for the benefit of the Virginia Department of Health SUBMITTED BY: Pete Haislip Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~t.e'..^+~H*,s....~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, in a cooperative venture with Mason's Cove Recreation Club, is seeking to provide water service at Whispering Pines Park. The process requires dedication of a `well lot' for the development of the water system. The dedication document will be utilized to record the deed with the Clerk of Court. The well lot lies wholly within Park boundaries and will not adversely affect any Park activity. The water service will provide drinking fountains, yard hydrants, and serve the future restroom/concession operation. Service will be extended to the softball field, baseball field and the picnic shelter as funding becomes available. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Approve the ordinance authorizing the dedication of a well lot in Whispering Pines Park. G `I Alternative 2: Do not approve the dedication of the well lot. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1, approval of the ordinance authorizing the dedication of a well lot in Whispering Pines Park. G-`f AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE DEDICATION OF A COUNTY WELL LOT AT WHISPERING PINES PARK FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke owns a certain well lot which its Utility Department is desirous of putting into service for the County's water system; and WHEREAS, prior to issuing a permit for the operation of any well lot by a locality, the Department of Health requires that said lot be dedicated exclusively for use as a well lot and not for human habitation or other activity which might pose a danger of contamination to that source of water. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on the dedication of the hereinafter-described real estate was held on March 25, 2003. A second reading on this matter was held on April 8, 2003. 2. That the dedication of the following well lot exclusively for water supply use and to the exclusion of human habitation or other sources of contamination is hereby authorized and approved: 0.230 acres in Whispering Pines Park situated along Absalom Smith Road (VA Secondary Route 912) Catawba Magisterial District as shown on the attached plat (Exhibit A). 3. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on G-~ behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the dedication of this well lot, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. r0 ~a. sFC. s ~6 No r0 ca rq~A #3~1 11 p04 F ~' 300. oo. rAx ~IS.o1-ol-70 PROPERTY OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA D.B. 1234, PG. 568 A qB Rq qoM SM~ T s~ss Rjw) R vr~ #~,OAD EXISTING TRAIL ~ r `~ `I __ _-- ~-___ ~ I ~ =~__ '-~_ r Q~ J / X0'33` E _ ' o ~ 10`0 ~ o/ 1 I ~ rr r r r r r r r r r r r r 1 1 1 r o WELL LOT 1 ~ ~ I , PROPOSED /o WELL HOUSE O i Q •~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ `o ~ I ~ Q ^/ ~ r - r -- ~ ~ h ~ ~ ~ N 76b ''\ 3 ~ ~` ` -~ 100 0 , ~ ~ i o o / p \ r ~ ~ '-~_ \ ~~ ~ ~ _o N ° EXISTING SHELTER -^~` ~ ~' r ~_ r '~- r ~~~, r r ~~- __ ~ EX/ST ~ ~ ' - - _ BASKF COURTALC ~ ' ~ ~ r r EX/ rr ~ _ ~ ~NNIg COUA,r r -_ _ r r _ _ ____ % N>`OOry ~ ~__,__` _``` err W 383 p0 TAX X16.03-01-46 PROPERTY OF ROANOKE LODGE N0. 284 D.B. 1008, PG. 464 NOTES: ~~ O~ Z4 Q ~ ~~ N ¢i 0 TAX X16.03-01-05 PROPERTY OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ~~~ V ~/~ ~.g VINCENT K. Z ~ LUMSDEN y No. 14286 `qN~ SURVE~~~ PLAT SHOWING 1. THIS PLAT IS BASED ON A CURRENT FIELD SURVEY. WELL LOT 2. THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF A CURRENT TITLE REPORT AND THERE MAY EXIST EASEMENTS OR (0.230 ACRES ENCUMBRANCES WHICH AFFECT THE SUBJECT PROPERIY THAT ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. PROPERTY OF 3. THIS PROPERTY DOES NOT LIE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE 100 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS YEAR FLOOD PLAIN AS DESIGNATED BY F.E.M.A. .THIS OPINION IS BASED ON AN INSPECAON OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAPS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AND HAS NOT BEEN VERIFIED BY ACNAL FIELD ELEVAT10NS. SITUATED ALONG ABSALOM SMITH ROAD SEE COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 510190 0017 D, (VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE #912) DATED OCTOBER 15, 1993. CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 4. 1HE LINES BETWEEN CORNERS A THROUGH D TO A ARE ESTABLISHED FOR WELL LOT DEDICATION PURPOSES ONLY. ROANOKE. COUNTY, VIRGINIA DATE: SCALE: COMM. NO.: CADD FILE: 26 APRIL 2002 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS 1 ~~ = so~ ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 02-083 F:\2002\02083\ENG\02083BAS7 4664 BRAMBLETON AVENUE PHONE: (540) 774-4411 P.O. BOX 20669 FAX: (540) 772-9445 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 E-MAIL: MAIIC~DLUMSDENPC.COM G-9 ,~ . ~.. "' `'1 3-~~-03 Exemption Claimed: Grantee is exempted from recordation taxes and fees pursuant to § 58.1-811A(3), Code of Virginia. Prepared by: Kirk A. Ludwig, Attorney at Law Tax Map No.: 98.01-01-75 THIS DEED made this l7 ~ day of ~C~~E~1 ~~~-' , 200 by and between J. MILTON MILLER (whether one or more, "Grantor") and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA ("Grantee") WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), paid in hand at and with the execution and delivery of this Deed, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Grantor does hereby GRANT and CONVEY in fee simple, with General Warranty and Modern English Covenants of Title unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns, the following described real estate for street purposes: An area of 803 square feet as shown on the Plat entitled "Plat Showing Property (803 S. F.) Being Dedicated to the County of Roanoke for Street Purposes and a New Temporary Construction Easement Being Granted to the County of Roanoke by J. Milton Miller Situated at the Intersection of U.S. Route 220 and Indian Grave Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia" prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., Engineers-Surveyors-Planners dated October 3, 2002 (the "Plat"), and being a portion of the property belonging to the Grantor, acquired by deed dated December 13, 1990, of record in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1335, page 725, and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 98.01-01-75 (the "Property"). The location of said property is more particularly described on the Plat, which is attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and by this reference made a part hereof. Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig 1 ~. TOGETHER WITH a Temporary Construction Easement of 1,223 square feet for use as temporary work space and to allow for necessary grading and storage during any phase of construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of the improvements to the roadway system (the "Easement"), the location of which is set forth on the Plat. The Grantee agrees to restore and repair any actual damage to Grantor's property that may be directly caused by the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of said project except as hereinafter provided. The Grantor agrees that the Grantee will not be expected to restore the property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as is practicable, and that the Grantor will cooperate with the Grantee in effectuating such restoration. It is expressly agreed between the parties hereto that the Grantee and its agents shall have the right to inspect the Easement herein granted and to cut, clear, and remove all undergrowth, obstructions, or improvements lying within, upon, or adjacent to said Easement, that in any way endanger or interfere with the proper use of the same. The Grantor covenants that no building or structure shall be erected upon or within the Easement herein granted or placed in such location as to render said Easement inaccessible. In the event that this covenant is violated, the Grantee shall not be obligated to repair, replace, or otherwise be responsible for such improvements if damaged or removed. The Grantor acknowledges that the plans for the aforesaid project as they affect Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig Grantor's property have been fully explained to Grantor or Grantor's authorized representative. The fixtures, facilities, lines, utilities, and any other improvements 2 ~ . placed upon, under, or across the Easement by the Grantee shall remain the property of the Grantee. The Easement herein granted is in addition to, and not in lieu of, any easement or right-of--way now in existence or which may be acquired in the future. The Grantor covenants and agrees for themselves, and for their heirs, successors, successors in title, executors, legal representatives and assigns that the consideration aforementioned and the covenants herein shall be in lieu of any and all claims to compensation and damages by reason of the location, construction, operation, maintenance, or reconstruction of or within either the 803 square feet being granted in fee simple, in the area across which the Easement is being granted, or both. The grant and provision of this Deed shall constitute a covenant running with the land for the benefit of the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. To have and to hold unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the acceptance by said Board of Supervisors of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance No. adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the day of , WITNESS the following signatures and seals: ~j~ - ~ ,-- ~ (~'4 (SEAL) :MILTON MILLER Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig 3 OF ~~, , ~, ~c.. COUN /CITY OF ow,~K.c, , to-wit: ~~`t~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this cce.K b~• , 200 Z by J. Milton Miller. ~ ~ (.~-', Nota Public My commission expires: U~~~//~ ~Y Approved as to form: ~-~ d Kirk A. Ludwig Attorney at Law STATE OF VIRGINIA, COUNTY/CITY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator day of (SEAL) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of by Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public Law Office Of Kirk A. Ludwig My commission expires: 4 f ~ ..,35 :W3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE 032503-9 AUTHORIZING AND FINANCING THE ROSELAWN SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS EITHER BY DONATION OR BY PURCHASE WHEREAS, an area containing approximately 700 acres of property located in a drainage area along Roselawn Road (including a majority of the Wexford, Homewood, and Steeplechase subdivisions) is currently being served by either a private septic or a sewer lift station operated and maintained by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the proposed development of Stone Manor subdivision (91 total lots) in this drainage area will require the installation of a second sewer lift station and force main in this drainage area at a cost of $125,000; and WHEREAS, the proposed development of a single-family residential development (50 total lots) along Two Ford Road will also require the installation of a third sewer lift station and force main in this drainage area at a cost of $80,000; and WHEREAS, the Utility Department staff has defined a 4,700 lineal foot gravity sewer route that would allow the de-commissioning of the existing lift station and provide gravity sewer service to the two proposed development at an estimated cost of $395,000; and WHEREAS, upon approval of the project, Boone, Boone & Loeb would be required to contribute $125,000 plus 50% of the sewer off-site facility fees in the amount of $80,000 to this project; and 1 ~ T WHEREAS, also upon approval of the project, B & B Builders would be required to contribute $80,000 plus 50% of the sewer off-site facility fees in the amount of $50,000 to this project; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on March 25, 2003, and the second reading was waived pursuant to Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board authorizes and approves the construction of a public sanitary sewer extension project for a portion of Roanoke County along Roselawn Road. The total construction cost of this public sewer project is estimated to be $395,000, to be initially financed as follows: Boone, Boone & Loeb ($125,000 plus $80,000) $205,000 B & B Builders ($80,000 plus $50,000) $130,000 Sewer Fund Unappropriated Balance 60 000 Total $395,000 That the funds contributed by Boone, Boone & Loeb and B & B. Builders are hereby accepted and appropriated for this project. That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $60,000 from the Sewer Fund Unappropriated Balance. 2. That the Board authorizes and approves this sanitary sewer extension project upon the following conditions: 2 l T (i) The B&B development will be limited to a maximum of 40 residential units. (ii) The agreement pertaining to the Declaration of Restrictions between B&B Builders, Inc. and Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. dated March 20, 2003, shall be recorded among the land records of Roanoke County within 30 days of the adoption of this ordinance. 3. That the acquisition and acceptance of the necessary water and sewer line easements, as shown on the attached map for the Roselawn Road Sanitary Sewer Project, either by donation or by purchase pursuant to paragraph 3 of this ordinance, is hereby authorized across the following properties, referenced by tax map number: 86.01-2-19.5 86.01-2-19.6 86.01-2-19.7 86.01-2-1.2 86.01-1-8 86.01-1-7 86.01-1-6 86.01-1-5 86.01-1-4 86.07-1-4 86.11-4-13 86.07-3-34 86.07-3-26 86.07-3-27 86.11-4-48 86.01-2-3 86.01-2-1 86.11-4-27 4. That the consideration for these easement acquisitions shall not exceed a value equal to 40% of the current tax assessment for the property to be acquired plus the cost of actual damages, if any, or the amount determined by an independent appraisal; and 3 5. That the consideration for these easements shall be paid from the Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund; and 6. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance with conditions, waive the second reading, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: ~. ~,~~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance 4 ~ ~•_ _.,, ~ ~ : a ~ ~ - ~' _ ~ ~ z ~ \ _', QO ~ _ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q W U N 1 ~~cn~w WOZwor~ ~ j LL _y__ ~ o~;~- ~ ~ ~ Q~~~ w" w o w ~ J W LlJ ~ tn:cn.~ O W ~ ~ (n W ~ >~J ~ ~ Q Q O _ ' W~ d . ~~ ~ ~ Z , ~ w o ~ o v~ 1 ,y l1 ~ O > - ~ y Opp U w Z ~ f m l w'~ ,cn cn O cn ° " Z o-o O 2 ~ w cn ~_ o O~~ o ~ ~ > I o, Q ~m x- ~---- ..--~ O ~ ~.w w ,o ~,z = cn o~ z w o ~ o F- \ w.N f- - ~> N N ~- ~ Q~~ w ° _cn ~ ~ o a ,~ w ~ x w Q ~ z Q 0 -r _ ..- , • C. M o ~ ~ ~ ~ o \ / J ~ / 1 ' ~ ~ ~'' ~ / q~" \\ ~ O/~~c ~ _~ ~ I~ ~_ I \ o a -~ \ g ~ I ~ A / ~"~ 1 R1 I m ~~ / / I _ / ~,/ J 0KY'yjj a ~ ~, ~z ~~ ~ Wo U (/~w of F2i ~U J o ~ ~o~ o W I ~ I o a~ W '~ °a ~ • ~ ~ ~ a °~ F ~ ~~ W a ~ °)~G' ~p d d~o~~~,~~s' \' ~/ ~J u Nouo3s Havd,~anaa~LNV~ d0 1NnH37d331S os ~d 'sl •e•d d0 NVIOla3~ r W~ ~~ QU ti~ p '~' OO ~ O `~ OO w O~ c=i~hw Qp ~ ~ ~C~ ~ ~-~~ ~cc a ~ z~ O W ~'' ~ IQ- 0 2 O ~~ w~ ~ ~ Qo O = ~ ~o h ~~ ~~ c'J~ 0 /TAX /86.11-04-27 LEWIS H. 7RA VER d DONNA F. BURCHFlELD ~ ~_ _~ ~~ ~~ ~Z oe o~ ((~~ I zQ \ k'~ ~!!m 3~ ~~~ ~~ x~z N ti O O C /~~~ \ o m \ ~~g e~ O ~o~// 'f'Rp Fp=R~ ~ ~- ~ \ ~ \ / 1 ¢¢ 'm'oo ~~c~n h z2V c{~~ ~ V~~~W ?W>-iZ~mN Qlh~~ WO~~NW~~WlWUO 9~"w¢~>~¢z~' m~~ ~~o~~ ¢wo ¢1~Z ~zW~y ~QU ~a~ w~~z~ dig O¢Q~W-~~>'VC~Y ~yOZW~~~W2~ ~zz~aQZ~z~o waOW=' ~o¢=~" a=°za~oa~~eo~ Q z~ w~~z °z ~v~a v~~W'o¢ ~°zQ ~' ~ ~ ~~ N N 0 N O U Q ~ 0 g N O i D U U ~~O sf`tU ~ Q. N Z ~~w ~o p O N ~ 'd' ~ vv J X O~~ a _; a w W~ > ~ N Q Z Q Z O~C~ m O ~ ~ N ~ Qxw m m o ~ Z 0 ~ a ~ r~ Z C/~ W d E--' ~ ~~ ~-.i ~ Q ~ ~ ~ Z ~~(~ r~ C~ ,-, W ~ y QWx z~ z C7 d ~lwx~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (,T -5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 25, 2003 First reading of ordinance authorizing and financing the Roselawn sanitary sewer extension, and authorizing the acquisition of easements either by donation or by purchase, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Gary Robertson Utility Director Elmer C. Hodge (!/~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval BACKGROUND: Approximately 700 acres of property located along Roselawn Road is currently served by either private septic or a sewer lift station operated and maintained by Roanoke County located at the rear of 6014 Cavalier Drive (see attached Overview Map). This lift station became operational in November 1990 and requires continued maintenance to remain in service. The areas served by private septic include a majority of the Wexford, Homewood and Steeplechase subdivisions, which areas have experienced problems with private septic in the recent past. Recently, Roanoke County staff has been informed of proposed single family developments on tracts of land within this drainage area. Boone, Boone & Loeb has submitted plans for Stone Manor subdivision, showing 91 total lots. Because gravity sewer is not presently available, Boone, Boone & Loeb has proposed a second sewer lift station and force main in this drainage area at a cost of $125,000. B & B Builders is currently preparing plans for a single family residential development along Two Ford Road showing 40 total lots. For the same reason, B & B Builders has proposed a third sewer lift station and force main in this drainage area to serve this development at a cost of $80,000. B & B Builders has acquired options to purchase the necessary easements to construct the force main, as evidenced by an agreement between Boone, Boone & Loeb and B & B Builders, signed by both parties. ~' ~-_ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As an alternative to constructing two new lift stations, County Utility Department personnel have defined a 4,700 lineal foot gravity sewer route that would allow the de-commissioning of the existing lift station and provide gravity sewer service to the two proposed developments. In addition this extension of the gravity sewer would also make sewer petition projects more economically feasible for approximately 130 existing residential lots in the areas with a history of private septic difficulties and provide sewer service to the ultimate development of this drainage area. The estimated cost of the off-site extension, including easements, would be $395,000. Should the project be approved, Boone, Boone & Loeb would be required to contribute the $125,000 that would have been spent on the new lift station and force main serving Stone Manor. In addition, credits toward the sewer off-site facility fees Boone, Boone & Loeb will be paying, totaling $80,000, can be applied to this project. This results in a total cost of $205,000 for Boone, Boone & Loeb. B & B Builders would contribute the $80,000 that would have been spent on the new lift station and force main serving their proposed development. In addition, credits toward the Sewer Off-Site Facility Fees B & B Builders will be paying, totaling $50,000, can be applied to this project. This results in a total cost of $130,000 for B & B Builders. The contributions by developers and off-site facility fees credits total $335,000, leaving a balance of $60,000 to be funded by Roanoke County from the Off-Site Facilities Fund. The Off-Site Facilities Fund is solely financed by connection fees paid by developers and other utility customers. These monies are used to fund major infrastructure improvements such as main line extensions, treatment facility improvements, etc. The current average annual operating costs of a sewer lift station are approximately $7,000 to $9,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are available for Roanoke County's share of the cost in the Sewer Fund Unappropriated Balance. Average annual operating costs saved for three lift stations would be $24,000 so that Roanoke County's $60,000 funding would be recovered in less than 3 years. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Roselawn Sanitary Sewer Extension Project be approved with the following conditions: 1. The B&B development will be limited to a maximum of 40 residential lots. 2 - ...J 2. The agreement between B&B Development and Boone, Boone & Loeb pertaining to the Greenway and minimum setback requirements be recorded and become part of this agreement in perpetuity. Recordation of the agreement shall take place within 30 days of the approval. Staff also recommends funding the project in the amount of $395,000 and that acquisition of easements be approved for the following properties: 86.01-2-19.5 86.01-2-19.6 86.01-1-6 86.01-1-5 86.07-3-26 86.07-3-27 86.01-1-1.16 86.01-2-19.7 86.01-2-1.2 86.01-1-4 86.07-1-4 86.11-4-48 86.01-2-3 86.01-1-8 86.11-4-13 86.01-2-1 86.01-1-7 86.07-3-34 86.11-4-27 Due to time constraints for construction, staff recommends waiving the second reading of this ordinance. 3 ~~ 0 ~. .. ~ Z Q ~_ O N -' ~ ZZI-o Q W U N ~~cn~-W woZx~~ ~ ~~ Wo- w.- ~ ~ ~ f- ~ U p~;Z W QW~W w"wow > cn ; cn . ~ ~ ~..~ ~ ~ cn w ~~Q\Q ~ _ ~`~6r~ n >.c N %~ ~ c~ z w ~ ~ h i ° ~~ y O > ~~ Opp ~ t m w Z C/) ~ Z 1 w=~ `v' N k o-O A O 2 ~ W (n O \ O' p O i LL > t p_O- z Q = ~ m w-~ X p w m I Q V O v, ~~ ~~~~~ _ O Lc / , ... V' LL ~ w O w O \ w .(n N N H p Q Q w p (n / LL ~ O Q w ~ x w Q 7 Z Q I..L / L/ p / - ~~ _..'i • • ~ ~ i ~ o / /~ ~ / 1 ' ~ ~ ~'' ~` Q'i U ~ ~~~ I \ o ~ J , \ g ~ 0 J / I J Q ~ -~I ~ ~ ~o w~J~ J ~a~ ` '1~. J jLiC~J+~ z ~ ~~ W o CJ ~ ., eh ~U J o ~ • s°~ i w I J ~ x~ w ~aoa w oa E., df ~ _ ca ~e X07 ~rO y~ ~ NO ~\ , ,~, c~ ~~,~~ ~~~ ~ S~ \J / u Nouo3s Havd .~anab3LNVo ~0 1NnH37d33LS oe •Dd 'sl •a•d ~0 NdIDR13W r A~ QW'y~ ~U ~"~ Z U ~~ ti O p ''" O ~ C7 c,A~, ~o oQ '~ a1WW ~~ 2 O W O~ V ~ O J ¢ W ~ ~ ~ M ~ ^w Q ~ ~ ~ Q ~~ 1 ~J ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ti 0 \ /TAX ,~8s.11-04-27 \l,[/ LEWIS H. 7RAVER do DONNA F. BURCHFlELD 1. ` ~~ ~ \ ~~ ~ \ ~`WWZ O ~ ~ ~ m ~W ~~~ ~~ X N ti 0 C / O Q \ \ ~ ohm ~9g ~~ ~' ~ \ ~/ 1 \ e¢ moo ~°~~ ~ ¢~~ W~ WOm F¢'y~ o I_ Y h ~ W WOj~yW~2~W0 p cn ~ ~ Z j20~-aW= ~~2¢~ 0~~~, ~yOU ¢Wp m~OM¢W~~OQW ~~o W~~z~~ig mUm~>OU4j~Wja O¢¢WW~W>UC~Y I. OhWO~ <¢ ~N2 2~~~m YQ~ ~Z 0a¢2~2~~0 a~y~Wa=2 vi W ¢ W~¢'~IO~3Qo ~~o~~oWyea~~ti o-.x5-~z ~^-~I-ocn o o N N II O 2 T U Q I N 4 N 0 z ~ Q D ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ d' U ^~a N Z W n ~ ~ O (n ~~~ vv J Oaf ~- ~- .J a W ~ g o ¢ w~c~ mom ~ N ~ Q X W Y m00z ~r 0 ~a~ U ~ CZ. w ~z wa ~~ Q ~ U °~ O°¢ ~ ~ Z ~ ~ r~ V] .._. w ~ ~ W ~ ~ C.t] 0 Z Z W ~ -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND FINANCING THE ROSELAWN SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION, AND AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS EITHER BY DONATION OR BY PURCHASE WHEREAS, an area containing approximately 700 acres of property located in a drainage area along Roselawn Road (including a majority of the Wexford, Homewood, and Steeplechase subdivisions) is currently being served by either a private septic or a sewer lift station operated and maintained by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the proposed development of Stone Manor subdivision (91 total lots) in this drainage area will require the installation of a second sewer lift station and force main in this drainage area at a cost of $125,000; and WHEREAS, the proposed development of a single-family residential development (40 total lots) along Two Ford Road will also require the installation of a third sewer lift station and force main in this drainage area at a cost of $80,000; and WHEREAS, the Utility Department staff has defined a 4,700 lineal foot gravity sewer route that would allow the de-commissioning of the existing lift station and provide gravity sewer service to the two proposed development at an estimated cost of $395,000; and WHEREAS, upon approval of the project, Boone, Boone & Loeb would be required to contribute $125,000 plus 50% of the sewer off-site facility fees in the amount of $80,000 to this project; and 1 -~ WHEREAS, also upon approval of the project, B & B Builders would be required to contribute $80,000 plus 50% of the sewer off-site facility fees in the amount of $50,000 to this project; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public sewer system will alleviate a critical public health and safety problem; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this Ordinance was held on March 25, 2003, and the second reading was held April 8, 2003. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board authorizes and approves the construction of a public sanitary sewer extension project for a portion of Roanoke County along Roselawn Road. The total construction cost of this public sewer project is estimated to be $395,000, to be initially financed as follows: Boone, Boone & Loeb ($125,000 plus $80,000) $205,000 B & B Builders ($80,000 plus $50,000) $130,000 Sewer Fund Unappropriated Balance 60 000 Total $395,000 That the funds contributed by Boone, Boone & Loeb and B & B. Builders are hereby accepted and appropriated for this project. That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $60,000 from the Sewer Fund Unappropriated Balance. 2. That the acquisition and acceptance of the necessary water and sewer line easements, as shown on the attached map for the Roselawn Road Sanitary Sewer Project, either by donation or by purchase pursuant to paragraph 3 of this ordinance, is hereby authorized across the following properties, referenced by tax map number: 2 ~ _.s 86.01-2-19.5 86.01-2-19.6 86.01-2-19.7 86.01-2-1.2 86.01-1-8 86.01-1-7 86.01-1-6 86.01-1-5 86.01-1-4 86.07-1-4 86.11-4-13 86.07-3-34 86.07-3-26 86.07-3-27 86.11-4-48 86.01-2-3 86.01-2-1 86.11-4-27 3. That the consideration for these easement acquisitions shall not exceed a value equal to 40% of the current tax assessment for the property to be acquired plus the cost of actual damages, if any, or the amount determined by an independent appraisal; and 4. That the consideration for these easements shall be paid from the Sewer Repair and Replacement Fund; and 5. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is authorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this Ordinance shall take effect on and from the date of its adoption. 3 JAN-22-1900 08 39 P.02i08 -- This instrument prepared by: Woods, Rogers & Hazlegrvve, P.L.C. (DFL7r.) P. O. Box 14125 Roanoke, Va 24038-4125 Tax Map No. 86.01-1-4 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS THIS DECLARATION is made this ~b day of March, 2003, by B & B BUII.DERS, INC., a Virginia corporation, to be indexed as both Crrantor and Grantee; Wl'1'NESSETH T)`TAT: As a condition to, and in consideration of, the approval by the County of Roanoke, Virginia, of extension of a gravity-fed sanitary sewer line to serve the real property described in Schedule A attached to tbas Declaration ("the Land"), and also in consideration of the agreement ofBoone, Boone & Loeb, Iz~c., not to oppose, but to facilitate and cooperate in, the extension of said sewer line to serve the Land, B & B Builders, Inc., a Virginia corporation, the undersigned owner of the Land, hereby covenants and declares that the Land shall be subject to the following restrictive covenants, which shall be covenants running with the title to the Land and each, any and all pardons thereof (whether subdivided or otherwise), binding on B &. B Builders, Inc. and its successors and assigns as owners of the Land for the period set forth below: (l) These restrictions shall apply to that portion of the Land {"the Abutting Land"} which abuts any land shown on the map of either Section 11, SteepleHunt of Canterbury Park, or Section 4, Canterbury Park, as those maps are recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Caunty, Virginia ("the Benefitted Land"). RifEJF 0744097.WPn-4, 888686-998888 ~~ JRN-22-1900 08 39 ~ P.03i08 ~--~ (2) Any portion of the Abutting Land which lies within one hundred thirty-five (135) linear feet of any portion of the Benefitted Land shall remain in its natural, undisturbed state during the term of these restrictions. Within this restricted axes ("the Restricted Area"), no slYUCtures or other improvements of any kind shall be constructed or placed, no clearing or grading shall be performed, and no action of any other kind shall be taken which would disturb or change the area from its present natural condition oz~ otherwise interfere with its natural evolution; Qrovided, however, that a storm water management area may be constructed in that portion, but only that portion of the Restricted Area that is identified as "Stormwater Management Area" on the plat labeled "Exhibit Showing 135' Pe~rrnanent Undisturbed Natural Preservation Area" and attached as Schedule B to this Declaration and that no ather part of the Restricted Area shall be disturbed in any manner as a result of the construction of the storm water management area or otherwise. (3) In addition, any portion of the Abutting Land which lies within thirty {30) linear feet of the Restricted Area {"the Rear Yazd Area") shall be used for no other purpose than as the rear yard{s) for any residence(s) constructed on the Abutting Land. Within the Rear Yard Area, no structure or other improvement of any kind shall be constructed or placed, except as specifically provided in paragraph (4) below. (4) For purposes of these restrictions, "structure" shall mean anything that is constructed or placed with a fixed location (whether temporary ar permanent) on the ground, or attached to something having a fixed location on the ground, including without limitation buildings, decks RKE# 0794087. WPD~4, 999999.989999 2 JAN-22-1900 08 39 ~ P.04i08 and caz~.tilevered structures attached to structures outside the rear yard area, signs, swimming pools, walls, and driveways; provided, however, that the following improvements are permitted in the Rear Ward Area: fences (other than chainlink fences, which are not permitted), swingsets and other children's play equipment, patios and in-ground swimming pools. (S) The foregoing restrictions aze imposed for the benefit of, and shall be enforceable by any one or more of the owners of, any land shown on the maps of Section 11, SteepleHunt of Canterbury Park, and Section 4, Canterbury Paxk. These restrictions shall also be enforceable by the hlvmeowners' Association for Section 11, SteepleHuat of Canterbury Park, and, for so long as it ov~ms any land in any section of either SteepleHunt of Canterbury Park or Canterbury Park, by Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. (6} Enforcement o#'these restrictivris shall be by suit filed in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia (or the equivalent court if designations have changed}, and available remedies for violations shall specifically include injunction against further violation, injunction requiring removal of violations and restoration of disturbed areas, and payment of damages resulting from violations, (7} These restrictions shall be covenants running with the title to the Land and shall remain in force for a period of forty (40) years from the date of recordation of this Declaration in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Thereafter, these restrictions shall automatically renew for successive ten (l0)-year periods unless and until at least two-thirds of RKE# 0794087,WPD~, 999999+999999 ~~ 3 JAN-22-1900 08 39 ~ ~ ~ P.05i08 ~° the owners of the Benefitted Land point owners of any single parcel being counted as one owner for this purpose) sign an agreement terminating these restrictions. (8) $ & B Buiidexs, Inc., a Virginia corporation, as owner of the Land, hereby states and confirms that it has requested the extension of the above-mentioned gravity-fed sanitary sewer lute: and has agreed to make a monetary payment to Roanoke County, Virginia in excess of normal hook-up fees, in order to defray the cost of the extension of the gravity-fed sanitary sewer line. In the event that Roanoke County, Virginia fails to approve the extension of the above- mentioned gravity-fed sanitary sewer line within six (6) months of the date hereof for a reason oilier than the failure or refusal of B & B Builders, Inc. to make the agreed payment or to perform some other condition precedent to the County's approval, then the parties agree to execute and record an agreement nullifying the restrictions contained in this Declaration. Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc,, acting through its duly authorized officer, joins in the execution of this Declaration tv evidence its agreement with respect.to cooperatian in extension of the sewer line as set forth above and to acknowledge its acceptance of the impositYOn of the foregoing restrictions on the Land as consideration for that cooperation. WITNESS the following signatures and seals as of the day and year fast above written: B & B BUILDERS, IN'C. (SEAL) By President & LQEB, INC. (SEAL) Vi State of Virginia RKE# 0794087.WPD~, 999999-998999 JAN-22-1900 08 40 ~ ,, ~ To-wit: City/County of ,,, ) The .foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, the undersigned notary public, in my jurisdiction aforesaid, this day of , 2003, by of B&B Builders, Inc., on behalf of the corporation. P.06i08 ~S Notary Public My commission expires: State of I To~wit: /County of The foregoing instrurnent.was acknowledged before me, the undersigned notary public, in my jurisdiction aforesaid, this ~ day of , 2003, by ~, boo n.~ 1t2 of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc., on behalf of the corporation. My conunission expires: ~3 ~ `- 0 ~ tary public RKE~f 0794oe7.WP0~. 999999-999999 5 JAN-22-1900 08 40 ~ - ~ P.07i08 G_s Schedule A BEGINNING at a point in the center of Virginia Route 690, which point is the southernmost point on the division line between the properties of M. Donald Lambdon and Roulette N. Lambdon, being the common center of the two properties; thence following the said Virginia Route No. 690, N. 45 deg. 30' W. 188.77 feet to a point; thence N. 11 deg. 00' W. 416.2 feet to a point; thence N. 45 deg, 25' W 103.5 feet to a point; thence leaving the general center of the said road, S. 78 deg. 00' W. 24.0 feet to a point; thence passing an iron at 2.5 feet, N. 51 deg. 40' W. 28.1 feet to an iron on the south side of the said Virginia Route No. 690; thence following the east line of the Jerry D. Coon property, N. 30 deg. 42' E. 314.8 feet tv an iron; thence N. 31 deg. 34' E. 305.3 feet to a point; thence S. 66 deg. 00' E. 577.0 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 55 deg. 00' E. 462.0 feet to a point on the edge of a branch; thence S. 48 deg. 30' W. 289.7 feet to an iron; thence N. 61 deg. 00' W. 75.8 feet to an iron; thence following the westerly line of the M. Donald Lambdon property, S. 51 deg. X O' W. 793.4 feet passing an iron at 778.4 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 16.98 acres of which 0.34 acres is located in the road leaving a net of l 6.C4 acres, more or less, as shown on that certain plat of survey made by T.P. Parker, State Certified ingineer, dated February 19, 1966, a copy of which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 827, Page 594. BEING the same property conveyed to B & B Builders, Inc., a Virginia corporation from Edith B. Jones, by deed dated March 6, 2003 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, as Instrument No. 200305152. C-~'' RKE7F 079912D.WPD-1, 999-988 80 ' d 1ti101 f -r ~ i ~/ ~ 1 t ~~/ ~ ~~l ~ ~ ~~ \ b ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ `e --~ ~ ~ ,~, 0 ~ry8 ,' " 2~ ti~ i U ~ I ~ ~ 1, y ~~ ~ w / w ~ ~~ ° ~ ~~~ o - ~ \ ~ ~ N ~~ ~ ~ o ` ~ U J ti~ ~ ~~.r~'~ ~~~~i 1°~ ~'lp G- ~ ~plk ` x ~o~~~ ~~P~ s \~~J ~~/ ~~ ~~ wr 4 -q ~~~ // ,~`, ZUU O R ° ~ o ~~ 1~y'~ ~ ~ pa ~, ~ a ~ m . , - (,3~ w~ ~~~ . ~~ ~2z ~ ~ „~ a Q` --. caA~, ~a - ~dy~ t cn 4 ~ Q ~ W ~k QZ .~ 4 ~~~ ~~ Sx ~ ~ {~ Qy ~- e~ ~~ ~ ~4 oC ti ~~ s ~-r s'C'~ /TAX ~re6. } i-04-27 tEWfS H. TRAVfR ~ ~ DONNA F. 8lJRtHFlF1D ~-.. L _1 ~z ~~ ~~ 4~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ Q ~ \\ 4 C ~ ~ ~~~ `r ~ ~\~ { P~~/// .~O _~ !! NO!(D~$ xxrd ,~ansx~cNV~ ~ 1Nnuarav~s 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oQ ~d •s! •~•d ~ ~ a 4 ~ ~ ~o Nrrai~w ~ ~, w ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ yU~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~I.~I..~~~ ~~~~c~~Q~~d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.,~~~~~~~ w ~ ~ ~- ~ ~o~ ~~~~g ~~~~ -€~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~Q 'i'~Q F`OR~ R ~ ~_ ,rr ~ g w ~~ ~ a N NN N ~ o ~ N 0 e o t o '~ w N 0 G ui 2 LL yj ~a~ d a ~ U z w g `" ~ J O~@~ ~u W o N ~ ~ O~ o ~ N .•' ]Q~ m Z '~ a ~ O ~~ ~: w w ~ ~-- -~ a~ .. z U Q °° ~c ~ ~ ~~-. ~ ~l~"" w~~ ~ O C.3 ~ ~ CZ 80iB0'd 0b :80 0061-ZZ-NFJr ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Z ~ -I''I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 11, 2003 Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. COMMISSION FOR SENIOR AND CHALLENGED CITIZENS (Appointed by District) Marie Papp, representing the Hollins District, has resigned from the Commission. Members of the commission are looking for a citizen to fill this vacancy and will make a recommendation. There is no term limit for this appointment. 2. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS ADVISORY BOARD The three-year term of Elizabeth Bogle expires on March 31, 2003. This appointment is made by the League of Older Americans and ratified by the Board. The League of Older Americans has elected Linda Manns to fill this vacancy. The Board can ratify this appointment at the March 25, 2003 meeting. 3. LEAGUE OF OLDER AMERICANS ADVISORY COUNCIL The one-year term of Beverly Eyerly expired on March 9, 2003. Ms. Eyerly has indicated that she would be willing to serve an additional term. --Y 4. ROANOKE VALLEY GREENWAY COMMISSION The three-year term of Charles A. Blankenship expires on April 8, 2003. Mr. Blankenship has indicated that he would be willing to serve an additional term. .,~ J ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-10 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for March 25, 2003 designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 7, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -March 11, 2003 2. Confirmation of appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) 3. Request to accept 0.15 miles of Roselawn Court into the State Secondary System 4. Request to accept donation of a deed of easement from J. Milton Miller, Cave Spring Magisterial District 5. Request to accept and appropriate Title III funds in the amount of $10,238 to support educational programs for students with limited English proficiency 6. Request to accept donation of sewer and temporary construction easement located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District 7. Request to accept donation of a drainage easement on Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1, Glenvar East Subdivision, in the Catawba Magisterial District, from Patricia A. Lowe That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required bylaw to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant 1 to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Church A COPY TESTE: ~I ~Q ~ .C~~1/1~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Mrs. Joni Poff, Associate Director of English Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent\ Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Vickie L. Huffman, Senior Assistant County Attorney 2 ~ . ~'~ March 11 2003 191 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 March 11, 2003 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of March, 2003. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to order at 3:04 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice-Chairman Richard C. Flora, Supervisors Michael W. Altizer, Joseph B. "Butch" Church, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Diane S. Childers, Clerk to the Board; Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Father Tom Miller, Saint Andrews Catholic Church, Roanoke, Virginia. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: BRIEFINGS 1. Annual Report from the Roanoke Valley Economic Development Partnership Phil Sparks, Executive Director March 11 2003 193 businesses. Mr. Spark's goal for this year is to contact 104 companies and to date he has contacted 43. Other staff members will also conduct visits with existing businesses to make them aware of the goals of the partnership in working with governmental agencies to promote economic development in the valley. The VEDP is also working to strengthen ties with the New River Valley (NRV) Alliance and Virginia Tech. They have currently agreed to do two trade shows with the NRV Alliance and develop two marketing missions. Mr. Sparks reported that in the last eight months, the VEDP has announced more than $48 million in new projects generating a payroll of more than $10.3 million and 400 new jobs. 2. Briefing to update citizens on the status of the Regional Water and Wastewater Authority. Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Gar• Robertson, Director of Utilities Mr. Hodge reported that staff is focusing on an informational campaign to keep citizens advised of the status of the Water and Wastewater Authority. A question and answer sheet has been developed and will be posted on the County's website. In addition, staff will be visiting civic leagues, PTA meetings, community meetings, inserts will be placed in water bills, and information will be posted on RVTV Channel 3. Mr. Hodge noted that in the future, there will be opportunities for citizen comment at public hearings regarding the formation of the Authority. Mr. Hodge stated that this process began with the drought of 1983 when the four area localities (Roanoke County, Roanoke City, Salem City, and the Town of March 11, 2003 195 City rates will increase to cover their share of the debt and County rates will reduce. (2) Some County residents have asked if the City will be compensating for past years when only County residents paid the debt. While the agreed upon concept is fair and equitable for all involved, City residents will be assuming a larger share of the debt than they would have paid by joining at the beginning. Prior to the authority beginning operation, a rate study will be necessary to determine the exact charges in County and City rates. (3) The authority will strengthen existing interconnections between the two systems providing redundancy for all customers. A water system can only be so strong if it relies solely on one source of water. Under the authority, customers will have the redundancy of multiple water sources during times of emergency. (4) The authority will be better able to plan for future water and wastewater needs than single entities. Should a new water source be necessary in the future, a regional authority will be better positioned to negotiate with regulatory agencies. (5) Roanoke County presently has no ownership in the wastewater plant, only contract capacity. Under the authority, County residents will share equal ownership with Roanoke City residents. This removes the uncertainty of renegotiating a contract for wastewater services in the future and also gives the authority increased leverage for permitting with government agencies. (6) The authority will gain significant efficiencies such as shared personnel and equipment, joint meter reading and billing operations, consistent operating policies, and combined management of the water reservoirs. Studies have indicated that over 300 million gallons of water per year could be gained by operating Carvins Cove and Spring Hollow March 11 2003 197 of all parties to govern as a region and once this agreement is in place, other localities should be allowed to join. He indicated that this agreement will drive economic growth in the Valley, and the formation of the authority will result in less government. 3. Briefing concerning the Drought Relief Grant Program. Jon Vest, Extension A ent Mr. Vest reported that the Board adopted a resolution on October 8, 2002 requesting that Roanoke County be declared a disaster area due to the ongoing drought conditions that resulted in significant damage to livestock and crop production in the County. The request was, however, submitted after the September 19, 2002 deadline which staff was not aware of at the time. Staff then communicated with Senators Warner and Allen and Congressmen Goodlatte and Boucher asking for their assistance to obtain additional funding for the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the numerous other Virginia localities that had experienced losses but were not approved by the original deadline. Mr. Vest reported that on February 20, 2003 the Agricultural Assistance Act was passed which extended the time period available for the farmers of Roanoke County to participate in the Livestock Compensation Program. Farmers may apply to the Farm Service Agency for grant funds from April 1 through early June, 2003. The potential impact to Roanoke County is $120,000. Mr. Vest indicated that the extension office will send a letter to all Roanoke County farmers notifying them of the availability of the grants. March 11 2003 199 • Illicit discharge detection and elimination: develop, implement and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit discharges, develop a storm sewer system map showing all outfalls, and detect and address non-stormwater discharges • Construction site runoff control: develop, implement, and enforce a program to reduce pollutants in stormwater from construction activities • Post-construction runoff controls: develop and implement ordinances to address post-construction runoff from new development or redevelopment that includes stormwater quality "best management practices". The deadline for implementation is March 2006. • Pollution prevention/good housekeeping: develop and implement an operation and maintenance program, including training, for County operations and County facilities. Compliance with these regulations has been estimated to cost $200,000 per year for the five year permit period In response to inquiries from Supervisor Minnix, Mr. Simpson reported that DEQ will not be providing any funding to cover the cost of this mandate and this will be an ongoing process in which the restrictions and costs will likely increase in the future. Supervisor McNamara noted that there had previously been discussion regarding stormwater utilities and the projected cost was approximately $30 per household annually. He questioned why there was such a significant reduction in the projected cost of the project. Mr. Simpson stated that in the past, staff had been examining the possibility of recovering the cost of drainage maintenance and capital improvements. The current cost estimate is $2.35 per capita, and this is parallel with the costs in Roanoke City. Supervisor Minnix moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: March 11 2003 201 2. Request to adopt a prioritized list of rima and interstate projects to be presented at the pre-allocation public hearing for the Vir inia Department of Transportation Development Plan for Fiscal Years 2004-2009. Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) R-031103-2 Mr. Covey reported that the Virginia Transportation Development Plan is the Commonwealth Transportation Board's (CTB) annual plan for identifying funds anticipated to be available for highway and other forms of transportation construction for distribution in the six-year program. Roanoke County is within the Salem District along with eleven (11) other counties and ten (10) cities, all of which are lobbying for these construction funds. Last year, the CTB adopted the six-year program and allocated 36% of the Salem District primary budget to pay for the Smart Road. The Board of Supervisors has voiced their objection to directing these funds to the Smart Road project and taking away necessary funds needed to complete critical projects in Roanoke County and the Salem District. Mr. Covey reported that the other aspect of the CTB's restructuring program was the division of the program into two phases: development and construction. Projects in the development phase are in the planning stages and do not have the funding available to advance to construction. Projects in the construction phase have funding to begin building over the next six fiscal years. Because of the March 11 2003 2~3 Route 11/460 (West Main Street) -Development of the final construction phase is continuing. Public hearing will be held but no date has been scheduled. Mr. Covey reported that the following list of projects need to be added to the CTB Interstate and Primary Six-Year Plan to address congestion and safety concerns in Roanoke County. Route 11 (Williamson Road) -The widening of Rte. 11 North of Rte. 115 leaves a section of three-lane road south of Rte. 115 to Roanoke City Corporate limits (existing five lane flush). Route 115 (Plantation Road) - We encourage the continuation of improvements north to Rte. 11; however, if funding is not available for the entire project, Roanoke County is asking consideration be given to additional spot improvements (turn lanes, alignment and grade improvements) at various locations. Route 116 (Jae Valley Road), Bridge - VDOT staff has informed us that the bridge over Back Creek is in need of replacement. Route 220 S (from Rte. 419 to Buck Mountain Road) -This section of Rte. 220 is partially in Roanoke City and County. Development and traffic in this area has increased tremendously over the past couple of years. We request the Transportation Board review the possibility of adding additional lanes to handle the increasing traffic congestion in this area especially from the intersection of Rte. 419 past Buck Mountain Road. Route 221 (Brambleton Ave.) -portion between Route 735 (Coleman Road) to Route 688 (Cotton Hill Road) was removed from the Six-Year Plan last year due insufficient funding. Route 460E (Wal-Mart development) -Route 460E from the Roanoke City limits to alternate Route 220 continues to see increased traffic demands and the proposed development at the intersection of Route 220 will add to traffic counts in this section of Roanoke County. Mr. Covey stated that additional projects have been recommended for spot improvements, and staff is now requesting that the Board adopt the resolution to be presented at the pre-allocation hearing and appoint a Board member representative to attend the meeting. 205 March 11, 2003 WHEREAS, the Six Year Program is the Commonwealth Transportation Board's plan for identifying funds anticipated to be available for highway and other forms of transportation construction; and WHERAS, this program is updated annually to assist in the allocation of federal and state funds for interstate, primary, and secondary roads. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: and 1. That it hereby expresses its opposition to the funding allocation decision of the Commonwealth Transportation Board to require that expenditures for Virginia's Smart Road project be taken or diverted from other approved road projects in the Same District. 2. That it requests the Commonwealth Transportation Board to reconsider its adopted method for distributing funds to road projects within the Salem District, and that it develop a more equitable system for funding these road projects. 3. That the following projects identified as "Projects on Development Plan" are recommended to continue to receive funding for planning and construction • Interstate 73 -Roanoke County continues to be very supportive of this project. In a letter dated June 3, 2001, the Board of Supervisors encouraged VDOT to work closely with the impacted citizens to address their concerns and mitigate any negative impacts to them. This is in addition to the resolution 120500-2 passed December 5, 2000 reaffirming the Boards support for I-73. • Interstate 81 - Roanoke County continues to support VDOT's proposed plan to widen I-81 from its present four lanes. We look forward to reviewing the prioritized segments of I-81 and want to continue to work with local VDOT staff to develop regional cooperation for storm water detention facilities and potential utility crossings. • Route 11/460 (West Main Street) -Roanoke County continues to support the ongoing design for improvements in this important commercial and residential development area. Improvements will provide an increase in the level of service bringing it up to standards required for the expected growth. 4. That the following projects identified as "Projects Not on Plan" have been identified by the Board of Supervisors as extremely important to the growth of Roanoke County or for safety improvements and are requested to be included in the Virginia Transportation Plan for Fiscal Years 2003- 2009. They are listed in Priority Order: 207 March 11, 2003 6. Route 460E (Wal-Mart development) Need: This section of Route 460 beginning west of the East Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke and proceeds east to the Bedford County Line, a distance of 7.59 miles. The continued growth within this corridor has increased traffic demands. Other primary roads in Roanoke County which deserve consideration for spot improvements: 7. Route 419 (Electric Road) Intersection improvements, Route 118 (Airport Road), Route 24, (Washington Ave.) improvements at the intersection of William Byrd High School, Route 311 (Catawba Valley Road) at Route 864 (Bradshaw Road) construct a left turn lane. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution and appoint Chairman McNamara as the County's representative at the pre-allocation meeting, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 3. Request to compensate Roanoke Co_ unty employees, activated for federally funded military duty, for the difference between re ular may and the military p,~a /r rate. Joe Sgroi, Director of Human Resources) A-031103-3 Mr. Sgroi reported that an amendment was added by the General Assembly to the Code of Virginia in 2002. The amendment provides for local governments to pay employees activated for federally funded military duty all or any portion of the difference between the regular pay rate and the military pay rate. Staff conducted a survey of neighboring localities to determine how this issue is being handled. The City of Roanoke, City of Salem, and Bedford County indicated they supplement military pay upon the employee's return to work. Botetourt County has not March 11, 2003 209 $2,400 per month. The deputy would receive a supplement in the amount of $646 per month of active duty. Mr. Sgroi stated that it is the staff's recommendation to approve a supplement within the specified period of October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. At the end of this period, the Board of Supervisors should consider the termination or the continuation of this benefit. The Board members expressed their support of the supplement and their appreciation to those who are serving the country. Supervisor Flora moved to approve staff recommendation. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance to vacate an existing 20' sanitary sewer easement crossing Lots 1 2A, and 2B1-A of Shamrock Industrial Park, Catawba Magisterial District. Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) Mr. Covey reported that this vacation is to correct an existing problem by removing an encumbrance. He stated that when the utilities were extended, they were brought up Daugherty Road but were not extended through this property. The owners of the property have requested that the easement be vacated, and the County has no 211 March 11, 2003 SAFETY TOWER SITE ON TINKER MOUNTAIN IN THE COUNTY OF BOTETOURT, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke owns or rents a number of real estates sites throughout the Roanoke Valley for the purpose of maintaining towers, antennae, and equipment buildings for the operation of its public safety radio communications systems; and WHEREAS, one of the sites, currently shared and used in conjunction with the County of Botetourt and Emergency Medical Services of Virginia, Inc., is located on Tinker Mountain in the County of Botetourt, Virginia, on property owned by Lee C. Hartman, Jr., said property being designated upon the Botetourt County Land Records as Tax Map No. 106-45; and, WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke has leased this site for over a decade to provide E911 coverage to critical areas and to provide back-up capabilities for the public safety system; and, WHEREAS, the most recent lease term has expired and staff has negotiated with the property owner for a new lease of this site; and, WHEREAS, the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County require that the acquisition of any interest in real estate, including the lease of real property, shall be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on February 25, 2003, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on March 11, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the lease of a parcel of land from Lee C. Harman, Jr., consisting of 0.0363 acre, more or less, as shown on Exhibit A attached hereto, together with the non-exclusive right of ingress, egress and regress from Tinker Top Road (Frontage Road) over the existing gravel access and private driveway to the site, for an initial term effective as of July 1, 2002, through June 30, 2004, at an annual rental of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), with the option to the Board to renew for an additional successive two year period, through June 30, 2006, at an annual rental of Three Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($3,400.00), is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the rent payment shall be paid from the E911 Maintenance Account. 3. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is authorized to execute this lease on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and to execute such other documents and take such further actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara 213 March 11, 2003 3. Request to approve resolutions of appreciation upon the retirements of: (a) Harold A. Phillips, Police Department, after twenty-eight years of service (b) Caroline A. Gray, Social Services, after twenty-seven years of service 4. Resolution Authorizing the Application, Acceptance and Appropriation of Grants from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Emergency Management for the Acquisition of Equipment and Supplies Related to Events of Terrorism and Incidents Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the Consent Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 031103-5.b EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF HAROLD A. PHILLIPS, POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Harold A. Phillips was employed by Roanoke County on March 16, 1975, as a Deputy Sheriff, and advanced to the rank of Lieutenant; and WHEREAS, Lt. Phillips was one of the original members of the Police Department which was established in 1990; and WHEREAS, Lt. Phillips retired from Roanoke County on March 1, 2003, after twenty-eight years of service; and WHEREAS, Lt. Phillips spent his entire career in the Uniform Patrol function of the Department, and was known for his meticulous record keeping; and WHEREAS, Lt. Phillips was always willing to help less experienced officers and many times, officers requested to be assigned to his shift because of his caring attitude and willingness to make sure that they had the resources to complete their responsibilities; and WHEREAS, Lt. Phillips has served with professionalism and integrity, and through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens ~. 215 March 11, 2003 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that Elmer Hodge, County Administrator or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the Roanoke County, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Virginia, this application and to file it in the appropriate State Office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the OJP, National Domestic Preparedness Office Grant Program(s), administered by the Commonwealth of Virginia. That, the Roanoke County, a public entity established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereby authorizes it agent to provide to the Commonwealth and to the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) for all matters pertaining to such Federal financial assistance any and all information pertaining to these Grants as may be requested. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorizes the acceptance of said grant monies in the amount of 3 777.72 and authorizes the appropriation of said monies for the purposes authorized in the grant application. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 031103-5.e DESIGNATING THE APPLICANTS AGENT, THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT AND APPROPRIATION OF GRANT MONIES BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that Elmer Hodge, County Administrator or his designee, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behalf of the Roanoke County, a public entity established under the laws of the State of Virginia, this application and to file it in the appropriate State Office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the OJP, National Domestic Preparedness Office Grant Program(s), administered by the Commonwealth of Virginia. That, the Roanoke County, a public entity established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereby authorizes it agent to provide to the Commonwealth and to the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) for all matters pertaining to such Federal financial assistance any and all information pertaining to these Grants as may be requested. March 11 2003 2 ~ 7 Virginia, this application and to file it in the appropriate State Office for the purpose of obtaining certain Federal financial assistance under the OJP, National Domestic Preparedness Office Grant Program(s), administered by the Commonwealth of Virginia. That, the Roanoke County, a public entity established under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereby authorizes it agent to provide to the Commonwealth and to the Office of Justice Programs (OJP) for all matters pertaining to such Federal financial assistance any and all information pertaining to these Grants as may be requested. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorizes the acceptance of said grant monies in the amount of 41 998.36 and authorizes the appropriation of said monies for the purposes authorized in the grant application. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: REPORTS Supervisor McNamara moved to receive and file the following reports. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future School Ca ital Reserve 5. Clean Valley Council 219 March 11, 2003 It was the consensus of the Boards that Ms. Hyatt and Ms. Hodge would meet to further refine the projections, and the Board of Supervisors and School Board would meet again on March 25. 2. Work session on Fiscal Year 2003-2004 budget development. Brent Robertson, Budget Director The work session was presented by Mr. Robertson and was held from 6:05 p.m. until 6:55 p.m. ~ Sheriff Gerald Holt. Sheri Sheriff Holt requested that the Board allow the imposition of fees on offenders and inmates to offset the State funding-reductions. There are two fees to be implemented: (1) A $25 booking fee which is anticipated to generate $120,000 in annual revenue. These funds are not restricted as to their use. (2) A $5 fee charged upon conviction of a criminal charge. These funds must be used for courtroom security, and anticipated annual revenue is $163,000. It was the consensus of the Board to proceed with implementing the fees. Other issues addressed included: (1) Jail overcrowding due to the increasing inmate population. (2) Potential use of inmate labor in County departments to provide services such as landscaping. Management and Budget Brent Robertson, Director Mr. Robertson reported that the budget department performs two key functions: transactional and planning/analysis. He indicated that he would like to consider implementation of a strategic budgeting process, possibly utilizing atwo-year March 11 2003 22 continue to look for ways to reduce costs. He also reported that due to the low interest rates, real estate recordings are increasing and are anticipated to total in excess of 28,000 documents this year. ~ Virginia Cooperative Extension Leslie Prillaman, Unit Director Ms. Prillaman reported that the extension office received a 19% funding reduction from the State. In addition, several key employees accepted early retirement options. The department is requesting level funding to keep their current number of positions in place and attempt to re-hire for the positions which were vacated due to early retirements. IN RE: PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of congratulations to Allyson Fasnacht for an outstanding basketball season and being named Associated Press Group A Planer of the Year for 2002 Chairman McNamara presented the certificate of congratulations to Allyson Fasnacht. Also present at the meeting were Mr. and Mrs. Fasnacht, parents; Jill Green, Principal at Glenvar High School; and Brian Harvey, Glenvar High School basketball coach. Supervisor Church moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara March 11 2003 223 Cove Director of Community Development) A-031103-7 R-031103-7.a Mr. Hodge reported that this project was bid as two alternatives: a 3-way intersection or a four-way intersection with an extension into open land for future economic development purposes. The bids were very favorable and within reach. If a 3-way intersection is approved, the necessary right-of-ways and easements have already been donated and construction can proceed. If a 4-way intersection is selected, there are additional right-of-ways which have not been contributed by the property owners. Mr. Hodge reported that yesterday, Reverend Wright contacted the County and agreed to donate the land needed for this purpose. At this time, Dr. Resk is the only remaining property owner who has not donated the necessary right-of-ways. Letters have been sent to the property owners explaining that this is the last opportunity to build the intersection as a 4-way intersection and if this opportunity is lost, the necessary safety issues will be addressed but the potential for future economic development will not be achieved. Staff is requesting approval to proceed with a 4-way intersection and if the donation from Dr. Resk is not obtained, then staff will revert to the plans fora 3-way intersection. An additional appropriation of $150,000 from the capital fund would also be required to proceed with the 4-way intersection. Mr. Hodge noted that there would be significant cost increases if it became necessary to later come back and convert the intersection from a 3-way to a 4-way. March 11 2003 225 VDOT is in the process of re-examining the cost estimates in light of the conditions surrounding this project. Mr. Covey outlined the following alternatives for the Board to consider: 1. Authorize the County to enter into a contract with Allegheny Construction to build the 3-way intersection at a cost of $510,890. Funds for this alternative have been appropriated as follows: the Board has already appropriated $450,000 in revenue sharing funds, which has been equally matched by the State. The Board also appropriated $300,000 for a total of $1.2 million that is available for the project. 2. Authorize the County to enter into a contract with Allegheny Construction to build the 4-way intersection subject to the following conditions: (a) An additional appropriation of $150,000. (b) Property owners on the east side of Route 220 donate the necessary rights-of-ways and easements by March 26, 2003. 3. Authorize the County to enter into a contract with Allegheny Construction to build the 4-way intersection with these contingencies: (a) that an additional allocation of $150,000 is appropriated and, (b) that all necessary easements and right-of-ways are donated by Vine and Branch and Dr. Resk by March 26, 2003. If these contingencies are not satisfied, then the County shall proceed with 3-way construction. Mr. Covey stated that approval of Options 1 or 3 would require the Board to approve a resolution allowing the execution of a new agreement with VDOT so that March 11 2003 227 construction of traffic lights. He indicated that an additional $800,000 will be necessary to proceed with the 4-way intersection, and he does not recall any past actions where the Board has committed County funds to open up private property for economic development purposes. He stated that there is much work to be done at County-owned properties such as the Center for Research and Technology and the Vinton Business Center. He indicated that going from a 3-way to 4-way intersection will not improve safety in any regard; it only opens up potential economic development opportunities on private land not owned by the County. Supervisor Minnix moved to adopt the necessary resolution and approve Alternative #3, authorize the County to enter into a contract with Allegheny Construction to build the 4-way intersection with these contingencies: (1) that an additional allocation of $150,000 is appropriated and (2) that all necessary easements and right-of-ways are donated by Vine and Branch and Dr. Resk by March 26, 2003. If these contingencies are not satisfied, then the County shall proceed with 3-way construction. Mr. Hodge stated that the difference between the 3-way and 4-way intersection for the County is $150,000. This is due to changes which occur in the revenue sharing depending upon which option is selected. He encouraged the selection of a 4-way intersection if possible. Following general discussion regarding the two alternatives, it was determined that selection of the 4-way intersection would result in an additional cost of $600,000. Mr. Covey noted that in this case by extending Indian Grave Road to Clearbrook, the County would be removing a dangerous 229 March 11, 2003 At the request of Supervisor Minnix, Supervisor Flora withdrew the substitute motion. Supervisor Minnix moved to approve Alternative #1. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 031103-7.a APPROVING A COUNTY-STATE AGREEMENT WITH THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE FOLLOWING PROJECTS - EXTENSION OF INDIAN GRAVE ROAD AND INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, Title 33.1 of the Code of Virginia provides for the availability of funds for implementing approved improvements to public streets to enhance and promote economic and industrial development and continued public safety along public streets; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County is desirous of developing the Clearbrook/Indian Grave Road area of Roanoke County for the purpose of job creation for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Transportation Board has approved this project; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has estimated the cost of these projects to be $690,000; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors hereby authorizes the County Administrator or his designee to enter into a County-State agreement allowing the County to advertise, bid, award, and administer the construction contract for certain road improvements to Indian Grave Road (Project #0675-080-320, C501) and for intersection improvements, said contract to be on a form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing to elicit citizen comment on the following items: March 11 2003 231 allowing him to serve, to County and School staff members, and to his fellow Board members and School Board members. Supervisor Altizer: (1) He stated that he had a friendship with Supervisor Minnix prior to serving on the Board of Supervisors, and it has been his pleasure to extend that relationship from their officiating days to their service together on the Board of Supervisors. He noted that the County is losing a true statesman. Mr. Hodge requested time to speak and thanked Supervisor Minnix and his wife for the time they have devoted in serving the citizens of Roanoke County. He reflected on instances when Supervisor Minnix has come to the assistance of citizens, and stated that he is a man with the heart to consider the needs of every person he serves. IN RE: CONTINUATION OF WORK SESSIONS (4T" FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) 3. Work session to rp esent the 2002 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report CAFR . Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance The work session was presented by Ms. Owens and was held from 8:13 p.m. until 8:27 p.m. Ms. Owens highlighted the additional information contained in the CAFR as a result of the implementation of the GASB 34 pronouncements: (1) Management Discussion and Analysis (2) Statement of Net Assets (3) Statement of Activities. 4. Work session to discuss issues relatin to sewer backups as a .~ ACTION NO. A-032503-10.a ITEM NO. J-2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of appointment to the Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (appointed by district) SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. COMMISSION FOR SENIOR AND CHALLENGED CITIZENS (APPOINTED BY DISTRICT) At the March 11, 2003 meeting, Supervisor McNamara nominated Ms. Jo Russin to serve as the Windsor Hills Magisterial District representative on the Commission. There is no term limit for this appointment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointment be confirmed. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens File THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 25TH DAY OF MARCH, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 032503-10.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF ROSELAWN COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Flora, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Church A Copy Teste: .1~1~'~ ~ • C.~/lCIIXO/11~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 032503-10.b adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote with Supervisor Church absent on Tuesday, March 25, 2003. Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~ vi 0 L U a O M ~ ~ • O j~ of ' VJ c/' ~ ~ 'a ~_ O O ~ ~ ~ O S ~ ~' C ~ O m ~ ~ ~ ~ .~,y~~ A + a , ~ ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~ C a ; `3~. CA _ ~ ~~ ~ ' O ~ c O Li. O1 .D Z '-' ~ Q. ~ N E... ~ O ^ L E, Q t 2 t+i a ~ ~ o N G ~Q. O ~: s CL o :..: O z ~~3 m a °a a ~ ~ 2 lt:: ~ ~ .) U ~ < ~ ~' O C u. y O e z U u., U s ,,,,~ o n e RDAN^KE C^UNTY DEPARTMENT ^F C^MMUNITY REVEL^PMENT ROSELAVYN COURT Acceptance of Roselawn Court into the Virginia Department of Tranportation Secondary System. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ,T-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Roselawn Court into the State Secondary System SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: MRW Developers, L.L.C., developers of Roselawn Court, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation requesting that they accept 0.15 miles of Roselawn Court from its intersection with Route 689 (Roselawn Road) north to its cul-de-sac. Staff has inspected this road, along with representatives from the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT), and finds the road acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the resolution requesting that VDOT accept Roselawn Court into the State Secondary System 2. Do not approve the resolution and leave Roselawn Court as a private road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the resolution accepting Roselawn Court into the State Secondary System. .~-3 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 25TH DAY OF MARCH, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF ROSELAWN COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Diane S. Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File !~1 G O L U 'd O N O ~ e O b N m` i '~ oa m L E .r ~ O ~^ w Q ~ ~ ~ ,~, ~i Q a 0 L Q j ~ ~ N _ '~ O ~ c LL ~ .D ~ ~ L ~ 67 Q ~ z M ~ i O N a D O Y' ~ c a o .; O e ps ~ ~. b ~ _ I < U ~'~ m _g 2 5 ~~ e m a° e m i e o a o ce a° o a i m as m ~ a a (~, s'-1V~1 i S t i C ~ ~ ~ O i Q C O a v ~ ~ ~r 1 '`9 t ~ H '- e o e a e ~ m O O ~ e ~ O O O G ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ C ~ C ~ O ~ ~ ~ O ~ O ~ C ~ d ~ C ~ ~ {~. r G. ti r d lL r d tL r 6, ti r d ti r 1 ti r CL L b h ~ .. EO tl `O O Q Z r N ` t7 ~ t 1t/ O ~ . ~-3 m ~-' ~ O 0 n o ~ i ~ v C ~ ~ b j ~ J ~ U < • ~ O ~ D ~ ~ LL c O ~ a 0 i ` $ ,~ a U L ,~` ' L C W ~ S ( `^~j ~ 7 U C V 0 L a U _ u a ~ ~ u 0 ~ ~ ~ L _ = e o .,.f Z `r R^AN^KE C^UNTY DEPARTMENT ^F C^MMUNITY DEVEL^PMENT ROSELAVYI~I COURT Acceptance of Roselawn Court into the Virginia Department of Tranportation Secondary System. ACTION NO. A-032503-10.c ITEM NO. J-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: DONATION OF A DEED OF EASEMENT FROM J. MILTON MILLER (TAX MAP NO. 98.01-01-75) TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves conveyance of an easement to the Board of Supervisors in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: An area of 803 square feet as shown on the Plat entitled "Plat Showing Property (803 S.F.) Being Dedicated to the County of Roanoke for Street Purposes and a New Temporary Construction Easement Being Granted to the County of Roanoke by J. Milton Miller Situated at the Intersection of U.S. Route 220 and Indian Grave Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia" prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., Engineers-Surveyors-Planners dated October 3, 2002 (the "Plat"), and being a portion of the property belonging to the Grantor, acquired by deed dated December 13, 1990, of record in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1335, page 725, and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 98.01-01-75 (the "Property"). The County's engineering staff has reviewed and approved the location and dimensions of this easement 1 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this deed of easement. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 r~ ~J o a° 3 N ~~ ~ ~y ~L ~ ~ M ~1 Q ~ U O W y` ~ ~ ~ ,mow ~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~ tri ~ m o ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~. w~ ~ ¢ '~~ ~ ~ooo ~ ~~~o boa ~W~°~' w ~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ z~~~a ~~ WWo~ W V ~cn2¢~ w o o ~. r~ ¢ - Vl h ~ UOt~il2~~~~" z02 ~ 4~~W0~~ di u. v o ~ -- ~-+ WW¢ •c~~ ~ z¢o ~~ V ~o~ W~' tii-oc~ ~ ~m ~ ~ o ~~ ~ a o A tr ~ ¢~~~ o V ~~ v j 4~ ~ 3 ~ Z11I A a~ ~~z~ ~ ~ ~' Z~ ~ Z ¢ A~ ~ ~~ ~, ~wwy~~'`ztiz W~ cn, p o ~ .. 6z~~~w~~C~.t O ' WO •d~ ~ Z -~ A J ~ IL m~'~? ~ mw ~. - w~ ~ o v v ~~ o~~~ ~~o = ~ v ~~zo~a~~~~s ~Oa ~ ~ o ~~wQ~H~QZ~a va.U ~Q~N~~~~W~ ~ ~ n. 8W~4~~~~~~ so W ~~~yU~ R4 ~ ~ ~ Ida c''+,'~~~ 3Z ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ E~Q~~o~z~~o ~~~~QwQZ~~ e~ a ~^~ 3~wo x~ x~ h ~ 1jj~~UW~~~O~~~ V~ ~~Nh w p ~~~~~c~ aeZa W4i ~ ~ ~ w ~, N M ~~ y 2~ w ° ~ N Va jaw < a ~W Q o z J ~ ~ ~ VARIABLE-WIDTH R/W ~~ lNC~IAN GRAVE ROAD ~xY °~~~ VA. RTE. X675 ~oo Q h~ mW~ ~' ~ Q o ~ ~°° ~ U v~ ,? ~ p., w C/~ 'o ~- Q ",~ ''1, f ~ gSPNq~1 2 m ~ ;''`~ : ~ ~ o U o -~. N I ` ~s~^ ~ ~ ~ W ~, ~ of ~ w ~ ~ ~~~ ~pW`J ~'y~.y ~ ~N ~ 3 0~~ raw w ~`~ M ~440Q~ul~y~ ~I 0v~ Z. w cbWti Cl~~'-~ O ~ 4~7~~ o i ~ ~C9 ~ ~~~ ~~ W ~ I ~~ ~ ~ W ~ ,~, ~m ~~ Y ~iWOh ~ ,~ z ~°~o ~w~ ~ Q ~„ Zvi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~P o V ~ P ~ 0 ~ U'x ~ Q ~ ~Q ~~~ Gp.~ ~ h I~ ¢ ~~ a. 0 h W ~ °~' " h h ~ ~ ~ o, ~ o, w 'n g ~i e h oc~iZ a ~ h ~Qy ~ ~ ~ ;: g °.~ ,~ ~ p iW ~ ~ s~ sv ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ w H M ~t h 'o n N ~ ~ ~ h ° ~ ~ h h 2 2 ~ A H O O Q W ~ a $ ~ ~ ~~o a ~ h ~ ~ ~ ° ~ w~ ~~ z ~ ~ ~ u ~~W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ®~ h = y w H ~ ~ ~ ~ ti " S`~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: DONATION OF A DEED OF EASEMENT FROM J. MILTON MILLER (TAX MAP NO. 98.01-01-75) TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey, Director Department of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~'~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves conveyance of an easement to the Board of Supervisors in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: An area of 803 square feet as shown on the Plat entitled "Plat Showing Property (803 S.F.) Being Dedicated to the County of Roanoke for Street Purposes and a New Temporary Construction Easement Being Granted to the County of Roanoke by J. Milton Miller Situated at the Intersection of U.S. Route 220 and Indian Grave Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia" prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C., Engineers-Surveyors-Planners dated October 3, 2002 (the "Plat"), and being a portion of the property belonging to the Grantor, acquired by deed dated December 13, 1990, of record in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1335, page 725, and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 98.01-01-75 (the "Property"). The County's engineering staff has reviewed and approved the location and dimensions of this easement. 1 S `I STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of this deed of easement. c~ • ~ - ~ v° 3 N ~~ ~ ~~ U o w ~. ~ ~ ocWn W ZW~o Wow ~w~°~ w '~ ~ ~ c~~~ °a ~~ Wwo ~ v cnZQ_~ v VVV ~~» a y~ g ~~ vziyy,,,,,cQioi~u°2"~Ytiz~~~~111CsaZO~Csl~wmoW°¢~ J LL o° ~~ ~ ~-C~4 WQwC~.QWW~ Qfl;o~W7 ~~Q~„~~Ujj a w II A aWo ~ ~~ ~Z~z a~ ~QN_z~ ~~~~~~~e o?oo W~ Ga~,zbo ~mv °Na° I I amU~ Z~ ~qmc~ ~ ~ tiQ~~~ ~, o ~~~~ ° U ~ vi v ~ 3 ~ 13I A ~~ ~oZ~~ a4r.11 A ~ '~~ .~z a~ e ~ ~' U ~~o 0 a~~~n~ w~ `~~f~~tK~~CC.~ O A J~.~- Z IL ~~3~a~WZ~ H ' mo ~Z ~ ¢ O Q m~~2a~a~W ~ N w~ v~ o v v ~N°zo~~ ~~QS COD v v o ~~t~O~?y?ti~~j[L v m U 1-Q(nlt0l~i~~y ~ ~ U ~~a~ ~~+ ~i?~ a ~ ~ N ~~~~~~~~~~ Wz ~ ~. w t~o~~o~2~~,0 W ~ Z~~ ~~~~oW 40~~ ~W a ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ 3~W~io~zj-~Zi~~ Oe q W 4~U0.~~~oti$ ~4 ~ ~ ~ " W p ~~~~a~ az~Za ~V4i `~ r^. ~ ~ j Z ~ N ~i ~~ y2 A w °v N C1~ jww Z Q ~W ~ ~ Z y VARIABLE-WIDTH R/W "' `° ~ J~- ~~ INDIAN GRAVE ROAD ~XY °~~~ Va RTE. X675 ~oo o4Q ~ Q Wes'- .. N .. ., ~' boo m W _.. ,LO'99! o-- M.f ti,~RLi•S ^ a ~~ v a: ~ M ~ ~~' r" V cn W ~ ~ A., w ~ ~ ? ~ o h ;` N ~ ~- ~ z ~ f N ~ z w ~ ,r` o~ p5PHAL1 Z m ~ o U o `V ~';: ~ ~ ~, ~ OWE N ti E ~ ;~ Q w ~ .! j ~ ~ ~ ~ -~ o ~ h ion' W~ N~n ~W~ ~y~ ~ ~N ~ 3 00~ ~wr~i ~, ~ '- '~ Q ~ ~ o e z m h ,~ ~Woh c~~~' I W ~ ~~ v ti ~~ ~ '~ ~~Q P~ ~~ h ^~ ~ W . m ~y ~ .. v o~ h ~ o, .. ~ ~ ~h~ a ~ h ~ .. ~ ~~W 1. v = ~ 3 ~ ~ ;. ~ 8 .~ °~ ~ w ~ N u W ZW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v h ~ y Z ~ Z W N °'~ 'f h `a ^ N i ~ ~ W ~ . ~ N ~ ~ WSW = ~ ~ N ~ ~ u ~ ~n ~n ? ? z ? ~ ~ " o N o ~ a N N p 4 ~w py ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~p a ~ h ~ ~ 4 ~ D Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h RAW ~ = ~ $ ~' ~ ~ p~ h 2 y ~ ~ N '~ S'~ ACTION NO. A-032503-10.d ITEM NO. J-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Appropriation of Title III funds SUBMITTED BY: Mrs. Joni Poff Associate Director of English, Title I and English Language Learners APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Title III, Part A is a federal grant that supports educational programs for students with limited English proficiency. This is the first year Roanoke County Public Schools has qualified for this grant. Roanoke County Public Schools filed a Title III grant in consortium with Salem City Schools. Under this agreement, we will serve as the fiscal agent for Salem City Schools. Roanoke County Public Schools has been awarded $10,238 and Salem City Schools is receiving $2125 FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance and appropriation of the $10, 238 to support educational programs for students with limited English proficiency. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Mrs. Joni Poff, Associate Director of English Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-- Fj AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 25, 2003 Appropriation of Title III funds Mrs. Joni Poff Associate Director Learners COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: of English, Title I and English Language Title III, Part A is a federal grant that supports educational programs for students with limited English proficiency. This is the first year Roanoke County Public Schools has qualified for this grant. Roanoke County Public Schools filed a Title III grant in consortium with Salem City Schools. Under this agreement, we will serve as the fiscal agent for Salem City Schools. Roanoke County Public Schools has been awarded $10,238 and Salem City Schools is receiving $2125 FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance and appropriation of the $10, 238 to support educational programs for students with limited English proficiency. ti ACTION NO. A-032503-10.e ITEM NO. J-6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept donation of sewer and temporary construction easement located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Gary Robertson Utility Director Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The "Hidden Ridge" subdivision located in the Cave Spring magisterial district and developed by Buck Mountain L.L.C. was approved by Roanoke County in 2002. A portion of the off-site sanitary sewer extension to serve this development will cross the front of property of Faith Christian School, Incorporated. This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easements for construction of the sanitary sewer: Faith Christian School -Sanitary Sewer and Temporary Construction Easements Donation of a sanitary sewer easement, of variable width, from Faith Christian School, Incorporated (Deed Book 1721, page 1778; Tax Map No. 88.03-03-11), as shown on a plat dated November 14, 2002, which was prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. A copy of the plat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". A 20' temporary construction easement across the same property was donated in conjunction this Sanitary Sewer Easement to provide temporary work space during construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer and temporary construction easements are located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. FISCAL IMPACT: This easement is being donated by the referenced property owners and will have no fiscal impact. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the donation of this easement and authorize the County Administrator to execute the subject deed of easement. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development • • Y i ~ dj N O ~ ~ ~ N ~ Q W N II ~ Q O ~ w (,~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ CWi~'~ 5 Uq¢^~~ o 0 ww ~ ~ ~ho~Qs ~ N Z OOH ~•~~~~ 3 (~ W ~~~~g ~Z ~ ~ ~ mm ~ 0., ~ ci Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ w ~ C:1 O a ~+ (Yy (~ ~ Cl ~' ~ g~W ~ ~~ ~~~ aOz c~ ° o zN ~~~~`N° a ~~ w Gty t~~ ~ V O Z Z ,~ ~~~~ ~°'ggsp (Y ~ m O ti o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~y~ ti ~+ ~ Q Q ~ LL ~ ~ s£ssotooz f zusNr ~ C ~ O ~ ~ a3cvaodaa~Nr ~oorr~s ~ U Nvusral~ fulvd do ua3doad ~ . ~ ~G Z J ~ ypt~~~OP~ ~61~ a o Q d U U ~G•~ ~• ati4G1~~ ~o ~ ~ ~ o s ~o ~~~ N ~ ~ ~~ v: ~ w ~ v, H ~ ppw ~ o ° N ~ r ~'L - Z°~Z ~ X ~ ~ ~,~ w_^ ti Z¢~ O LL (~, ~(1~l ~ Q 1 ~~~PO ~ d ^~ ~ J N 4 ti Q~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W w Z W" ~ ~ ~ ~~ ti h e ~ w ~-~°p !~ 3 Z~~ D oQo W > oN ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ N ~ ~ Z ~a~o ~ ~ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ O 0.(~?~W ~ m m y ~~~ v a: ~ 4 o J ~2~m ~ Z V- ~ ~ ~~ ~ (n a y ~~o~3 W tlpc i~li I- 2 4r ~ .-~ (u ~ ~ ti N ~~~z d cn ~'_" t ~ ti N ~/• ~ ~ ONi ~ $ cn ~i ~ y ~~1 ~ e Z W ~ ~^ 8~ ~•' W A= w ~, o p ~~, y ~ N ~ " m~~~ ~ z O ~ z ff ~ 4i U ISu ~o a~ ~ C~ Q z r,N7 ro V ~~zti .~ W ~ 3NOZ xtnos ,~ 4; 3Nb'7d 31V1S V1N19aY1 jo NVIOIa3W &j ¢ 2 .; N MS ~ ` 2 \\ Ci . ~ ~ F r 7 1` y ~nn j • V o0 vi,gnaio;r~ W~ ° ~~°p~°vNM 3 '~ d W y p 3 3 W W W W W Z ~~ ~y ~ I~N~NOp ~N=t~~ T ~ ~ ^ ~ n n y~n2z22y iy W OOUpW W(9Q emc~.ioW~ic~, ~~ r. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J - ~o AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept donation of sewer and temporary construction easement located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robertson Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The "Hidden Ridge" subdivision located in the Cave Spring magisterial district and developed by Buck Mountain L.L.C. was approved by Roanoke County in 2002. A portion of the off-site sanitary sewer extension to serve this development will cross the front of property of Faith Christian School, Incorporated. This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easements for construction of the sanitary sewer: Faith Christian School -Sanitary Sewer and Temporary Construction Easements Donation of a sanitary sewer easement, of variable width, from Faith Christian School, Incorporated (Deed Book 1721, page 1778; Tax Map No. 88.03-03-11), as shown on a plat dated November 14, 2002, which was prepared by Lumsden Associates, P.C. A copy of the plat is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". A 20' temporary construction easement across the same property was donated in conjunction this Sanitary Sewer Easement to provide temporary work space during construction, reconstruction, repair or replacement of the sanitary sewer system. The sanitary sewer and temporary construction easements are located along the northern right of way line of Buck Mountain Road in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. ,~-~ FISCAL IMPACT: This easement is being donated by the referenced property owners and will have no fiscal impact. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the donation of this easement and authorize the County Administrator to execute the subject deed of easement. v ~ xY~ ~~~~g ~~~Ja W ti~ p Z~ ~~~~~ c~ ~~~ x4 m o ~ 7 W~ y ° . r~ vj~^UOj o~ V~op ~^°pNNM~ 3 ~ '~ ~y p ~q ~ z 3 3 W W W W W " "o~ "rio~~"o, ~ r N ~- h N ~a ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ ~~N~NOp ~S`~:~C~:FMt- ° ~~ m ~~ ~nv~~n v,cnzzzzy ~ ~~yY iy W ~ QOUOWt~t9e em~oi:,i:.c~, 91'890ZOOZ # '21LSNl Q3L da0da0~N1 7'OOIpS Nd11S1aFp Hlldd d0 .lLa3dONd 0l-FO-fO'88 ~' Xdl 3 ~~~~ ~~~aa 4 ~+,_ a c~' ~~~~~ ~-°~mW ~ d J z `° ;m f -- _- W snpgv~ N M 2 jai "~~~ N ;n '' o ~~~ xxa ~-~O z a y w a~ way ~ y ~ . s "' 2 y 3NOZ lunos 3Nd7d 3L d15 dIN19aU1 ~~~v--~« ~o Ndloia3ly ~ I W N r ~ ~ N o ~ O O F- V ' ~ O ~ ?rn C7 wGy O~~ ~ ~O~iQ~ tiZw ~v~mti~mLVQO ~o ~~ 0.;i ~~~ ~~ O ~ ~a~ ~ ~ X5"'0 ~ ~ ~ Qa ~ G" in U ~. j 3I 0 '' N ~ C W' N vi N t~ 4i z ~ ro ~ ~ z N h z y 8 ~~ bx ~~ ~~> o ~"`'~~ ~~ti~ y~23 2 ~g~Q ~~4W ~ W zy~~~ 6 ~ U y ~e~~ xy m O a 3 ~~~~ ~~~~ y J ~~~~ ~ ..N Mi N p O O O N N ~~ LL _ w ,- m w O z d ul J Q U m O w 2 LL ~ o O U U ~~~ ~~~ ~., ~~~ ^^Z w o °v ~ ~ ~ Z Q J p "- @j J d <Q L Q w ~ ~ N Q Z Z ~ ~ cm o> < N w X Y o, OO v Q X40 U ~ t~ w ~ Z ~" ~-a ~~ ~. ~ 0 O~-¢ ~wz cry ~ .._, d ~ ~~x w~~ W `~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ W (~ ~~QQ`~PO .~18 JP' x ~ ~~ E'` 1 ai w ~ o tJ'~~' _ w Dl ACTION NO. A-032503-10.f ITEM NO. J-7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept donation of a drainage easement on Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1, Glenvar East Subdivision, in the Catawba Magisterial District, from Patricia A. Lowe to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Vickie L. Huffman Senior Assistant County Attorney Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easement conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for drainage purposes on property of Patricia A. Lowe, in connection with the Ingal Boulevard drainage improvement project and related improvements, in the Catawba Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: Donation of a drainage easement, of variable width, on a portion of Lot 7, Block 1, Section 1, Glenvar East Subdivision, from Patricia A. Lowe (Plat Book 7, page 12; Tax Map # 54.02-3-8), as shown on plat prepared by Caldwell White Associates, dated May 24, 2002, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The location and dimensions of this easement have been reviewed and approved by County staff. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Senior Assistant County Attorney Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development co P .. `'c~T ry~~ P -~ P rowQt ro~E fil.EN~/AR SCH00l.S '~~~ ~gdst. sdmh -___ ~/ TAX PARCEL i0 30' #54.02-4-3 5.13' -y=t-{---~--{ N. 25'47' W. -- -- -- -- 107.5x' --- Lat B "' ' "• ~ SAX PARCEL _ - - ! - -":::•: :, s - - - - EXfS11NG 12` PUBLIC , X54,02-03-08 o'•:'~~~• o UTILITY EASEMENT EXISTING 10' WIDE ~ °D •' `"'` ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~;•: ~ .~ Z f ...... ~' Cr- ~ °- ~ w_ TAX PARCEL ~ NEW DRAINAGE ~ t!'`~ #54.02-03-07 ~ EASEMENT W n', -1.0' '`'`' exist. brick TAX PARCEL ~~' residence #54.02-03-08 338 /NGAL Blrr/ bein g ~ ~'~::~~ LOT 7, BLOCK 1 ' `~' ~ SECTION 1 334 /N6AL B/r+d ;:"~ °; x GLENVAR EAST .:; ~ ° o SUBDIVISION a P.B. 7 Pg 12 exist. paved ` N driveway L" exist. 'INLET' /ice 's\~ ~~~\ exist. curb ~11~Q/AN ~A s, A9 ~~ tD _ --- 22.29' ~ A S.25'47'E. o R a 238.17' =5.00' T = 27.59' L = 54.87' Ch= S.32.'23'01 "E d =54.74' V ~~~ ~ ~~~1F ` r~ a `~) (~ r? TH OF Y tNK B. CALDWELL.,I N0.~~1//335 r7iCy fl'Z `~ ~.~ ~, ~ N ~ ~ -~ 'S b ~ aN ~g O ~. V ~' ~ ~ Q '~ ~ N ~ ~ ~~~b~~a 4 ~ d ~ ~ 3 H U a C'' a U a 02 a z ~~ E p M a~ .~ q8~ ~ v z 0 S Zm ~ w ~ W cn ~ ~ I-- Na ~ w O O _U ~ ~ Z ~Y ~ > o~ QO w ~5 ~O ~ ~ ~~ oa: z ~ ~0 ?r0 W f- Q Z ~U Q . ~° ~ U O ~ Qo Z ~ w Z a O - ~ ,_ I t=!) OU ~ Y V _. f- (U I~ O a W ID m r; --- F:%HiBi~ .V. ~ . G ~ ~i P e cc~ p ^ P ~~ •~ o ~ o ~~~ ~'~" GLENVAR SCF'IOOLS ~ sxht. sdmh -~_~ /~ TAX PARCEL ~ 10.30' X54.02-4-3 5.13' --t---}•---~ __ N. 25'47'_W. -- -- 107.56' -- LOt 8 0 ~ z ~"'~~' ~'`. ~ SAX PARCEL '- - - _ - -"_ :. s - - - -EXISTING 12` PUBLIC X54.02-03-06 ~''`"" ~ U11UTY EASEMENT i EXISTING 10' WIDE t °D'~"''~' l DRAINAGE EASEMENT ~?''~'~`''• m 1 J cNr rn ...... ~ Lot 6 ~t ::. tW t '~', NEW ORA/NAGS ~ t cn U TAX PARCEL ~ EASEMENT X54.02-03-07 j W 1.0' ''`'' exist. brick TAX PARCEL ~~' residence #54.02-03-08 t : ~ 338 /NGAL B/rd being t 't;~:~ LOT 7, BLOCK 1 `• R``i ° ~ SECTION 1 334 lNCAL B~v+d ` ~ ~ = GLEN VAR -EAST ~:: ~ ~ o SUBDIVISION o. P.B. 7 Pg 12 exist. paved ~ ~, driveway ~ Z m exist. INLET' ~ ""`- 22.29' ~ ~ - ~ S.25'47'E. W z o - ¢~ O R ~ 238.17' W U ~ ~ L=5.00' T = 27.59' W W / L = 54.87 Q ~ / Ch= S.32.'23'01 "E Z d =54.74' ~ O / ~~ '0 ~ 4. ~ Q ~ a~ ' /~ lNGA D LD ~~~~ ~ / Z ~ $,s ~ yTH 0,~+ y = o exist. arb Inlet 'r Q t7 Z ANK B. CALDYYELL,III a m N0.rr1,,335 N °,~,~~ ~ ,gym ' + .09 ~? EgHiBiT A N N ~ w g Rif . g O N w ~ O . ~ z m ° a° cX ~ 3 W Q H ~' U m ggn ee e~ a ~ ~ ~ a .~ ~. ~ o, a~ v a ,~ w ~~ 0 S n m ~~ W U Q O ~ ~ Z J Z~s ~ J Q ~ ~ Z Q ~ ~ O Z Q V U FEW Ua0 W Z Q nQ Y V ti O J m r --- O u~ GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA of General Amount Fund Revenues Balance at June 30, 2002 $9,070,656 6.93% July 1, 2002 Explore Park Loan Repayment $25,000 Balance at March 25, 2003 $9,095,656 6.95%~ Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above $9,095,656 $9,095,656 6.95%~ Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 2002 - 2003 General Fund Revenues $130,889,561 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $8,180,598 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator ~~C~1 CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Balance at June 30, 2002 $1,380,050.57 Remaining funds from completed projects at June 30, 200 9,020.97 Amounts used in 2002-2003 original budget: IT Infrastructure Upgrades (500,000.00) Stormwater Management-NPDES (200,000.00) Virginia Western Community College Site Preparation (32,267.00) Balance at March 25, 2003 $656.804.54 I Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~(' County Administrator _~ RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2002-2003 Original Budget $100,000.00 August 13, 2002 Special Assistant for Legislative Relations (18,000.00) January 14, 2003 Consultant for Roanoke Regional Airport Alliance (12,500.00) Balance at March 25, 2003 $69,500.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator N-y FUTURE SCHOOL CAPITAL RESERVE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-1997 debt budget $670,000.00 Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund 1,113,043.00 FY1997-1998 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 Savings from 1997-1998 debt fund 321,772.00 FY1998-1999 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 FY1999-2000 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,219,855) 780,145.00 Savings from 1998-1999 debt fund 495,363.00 FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,801,579) 198,421.00 FY 2001-2002 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (348,806) Savings from 2001-02 debt fund (116,594) 1,534,600.00 FY 2002-2003 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (2,592,125) (592,125.00) Balance at March 25, 2003 $8,521,219.00 Reserved for Future School Operations FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation $1,500,000.00 July 11, 2000 SW Co Regional Stormwater (290,000.00) FY2001-2002 Original budget appropriation 1,500,000.00 July 1, 2001 School Budgeted Start-Up Costs HVHS/Glenvar Middle (1,858,135.00) July 1, 2002 School Budgeted Start-Up Costs HVHS/Glenvar Middle (35,047.00) July 1, 2002 Transfer to Operating in original 2002-03 Budget (566,818.00) Balance at March 25, 2003 250,000.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator N-5 s _o 0 N A .. a ~ td ~C .~ L d O C ed 0 a O T C 7 O U a Q M N O ^ z ? Li. ~ O N O CO --~ M oo ~O [~ O l~ ~ 00 ~ D, O ~ O~ l~ 00 M M ~O ~O O a\ 01 ~ O O M V'l d' O ~O O O d ~ ~ --~ N ~ O DD W V'1 U M d' M 00 l~ l~ ~O ~!1 ~O N ~D ~O M 00 N O M M M ~ O (~ 00 V1 O 00 O O iC d o D\ .-. vi O~ -~ O DO 00 ~ b D\ ~ .-: vi W ~ Oi Oi O l~ l~ vi vi vi -~ D\ M N N O W O ~ a0 . d V O v1 ~ ~O ~O ~O V' V1 V V1 ~O ~O vl ~!1 v1 vl 00 ~ Vl N - 00 U N O~ - 00 ~O •--~ ~O ~/1 V Q ~ e 'O - N M N ~-+ - ~. y ea 7 - R a ~ ~ u vl ~ ~ - V 00 00 O~ l~ ~ W - M D1 V1 N V N Vl ~ M l~ l~ O~ N O O ~ ~O [~ O O O ~O oo "" N M O O O O~ O~ M [~ N O~ vl D\ [~ v'1 ~ - oo M o0 ~ O~ ~ ~ ~ vi ~ V '"' ~O M O ~D ~ ~O N M N M D\ W r O [~ M O D1 M 7 Q O M 40 M h N- O n ~~ -r M N~ N~ 7 ~ V ~ M O~ M ~ t~ --~ N ~ oD n M N !~ N ~ - --~ N O O ~D 00 ~O v1 ~D vi l~ O M [~ O v-, O O~ ~ O V' ~ N Q\ h v'i O N~ N- O~ O V-- O~ - N~~ N M~ M M N M a0 M~ <}' ~~ r ~ ~-~ N M Vl M ~O v1 V1 N N O - N I~ M~ N~ V1 N O~ N O N N N O C of 00 M N N ,-• •-• •-• ,_„ ~ .7 ~ N N V1 - - a, ~ N ~ --~ M M N O~ l~ vl 00 ~O o0 Vl V n M ~ [~ O DD [~ N h d' N r W N [~ y M - ~n l~ ~ D, O a, O O ~ N r O ~ O N ~ N M ~-+ ~ oo O~ ~D ~O v~ O ~ ~ oo D\ ~ ~ V O~ ~ ~O l~ M O - N D\ N ~ O~ O ~O vl M a\ ~ O N h V oo V ~O M M 7 [~ oo O~ d: ~t O - N 7 O~ A V'1 N l~ M ~O O O N 00 l~ N 1~ O M 00 l~ ~ M V M M ~ M V1 D1 00 W ~D N ~O ~ U1 ~O D\ DD V y y D\ v1 N ~O M 00 O a0 - 00 O 00 N l~ - - M N M N M vl N D\ O~ O~ l~ N I~ Vl M -~ d' N 7 N~ V M DD ~ W v1 ~--~ ~O N M ~O ^~ M N ~~ ~ O\ M~ M N ~, y o0 N M M N - -- N ~--~ N ^-~ ~ ,~ N ~ a M M N_ N ~O oo O_ ~O o0 V t~ M O O ~ O~ l~ v1 O~ O~ M o0 ~O N l~ O ~O V ~ M M M O M ~ O l~ 01 M DO ~ [~ ~ V1 N ~O 00 - ~ (~ ~ l~ O ~ ~-+ l~ M ..-i 01 D, N y u M '~ 00 N O ~O O ~O ~ N M V1 ~O ~O t~ M O~ ~ O [~ V 0\ h D\ ~ oo ~D ^' ~O M M ~ (~ vl O\ h [~ vl 00 ~ ~O O N l~ ~/'~ N O O - v1 vl O ~D O_ O N l~ ~ C ; \O N N~~~ M N ~ n O N •-• •-• •-• d' 7 N N ~- O M~~ ~ ~ .~ N .-. 9 u 9 C W 'O 0 .` d a. ~ O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O O O O O oo O O M O O~ O O N O V --~ V' v1 O N O C 0 0 0 0 0 0- O O O O O O O O O O O O 'cf O O [~ O ~O O~ O O~ O N-- O O O ~O O ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~O - ~O O V M vi vl O O O N O O~ M ~O o0 M V'1 M b O O O vl a\ vi 00 O N O O O vl h O O v1 M ~ ~ O O O N~ N ~O M M M t~ - M O~ v1 00 ~ 7 0 0 0 l/'1 00 M O--- N [~ N N M ~!1 N V' 'a' ~ 00 O ~ N M M O\ 7 V~ V O V1 O l~ ~ (,n r ~ M Vl - - U1 N N I~ N V ~O ~O ~--~ N N vl O N - M ~/'1 M D\ - O vl Vl O O ~O M N ~O ~O ~ - ~--~ --~ N - N ~ - V' N N vi N ^" u t i. 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SHUCET COMMISSIONER March 11, 2003 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge Roanoke County P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: Iv "~ JAMES S. GIVENS STATE SECONDARY ROADS ENGINEER The enclosed report contains a list of all changes to the Secondary System of State Highways in your county approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer in February 2003. All additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System are effective the day they are approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer. This date appears in the far right column of the monthly report. These changes will be presented to the Commonwealth Transportation Board at its monthly meeting on March 20, 2003. If you have any questions or comments about this report, please call Martin Law at 786-7399. 1i1~ ~--~,~-- J ~ es S. Givens State Secondary Roads Engineer JSG/MII VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING o N °' 7 ~ u w W ti W ti 0 ~ O C~ ~ Q a bD .~.. C '~ .~ .~ i.i E" ~ w y L ~ ~ ~ ~ ~;o Oa +v w O ~ ~` > +~ b ~~ ~_ ~' .~ v ~ ~ ~ 'o ~ Pr V ~ ~ ~ d ~ C s. v~ CD ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ z w U P; 0 o v~ o c o 0.! U C a> C O b C d bD a es .C U M O N N O N N v-~ .-. O 0 z O N O O Fr _O (Y. z O O O w 0 0 C O ~ ~ d ~, ~~. ~ Q a a ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ V G ~ ~ o ~ ~ y ~ ~ M O N N O .~-~ M N O W C O U 7J N Q w O z 0 z M N O O H ~_ .~+ 7 O 4r 0 Q O U N ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ w r~ 0 .~ C o ~ .~ V ~ ~ Q y ~ a~ N U W ~ a~ d ~ U d M O N N O N O O 0 M O N N O O N_ O rn 0 a~ v M U N .-. ~ o H U ~ C ~ ~ o H > U 0 as v~ N O bA CC ~I~II /ti O .~ ea U z 0 H N-~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. tom- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: March 25, 2003 Work Session on Salem Office Supply Anne Marie Green Director of General Services Elmer C. Hodge ~/y County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to bring the Board up-to-date on the status of the Salem Office Supply renovation process and financing recommendations. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-11 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the Resolution and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Closed Meeting File (~? . i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-12 IN MEMORYAND RECOGNITION OF ROY STANLEY FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ROANOKE VALLEY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County wishes to honor the memory of Roy Stanley who died on April 9, 2002, at the age of 51 following a brief illness; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley, a native of Wytheville and a graduate of George Wythe High School, began his career as a sports reporter at Roanoke's WDBJ-7 in 1972; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley later served as weekend sports anchor at WDBJ-7 for nearly 20 years where he earned a reputation as one of the most popular and respected sports journalists in the Roanoke Valley, noted for his ever-present smile and positive outlook; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley was the recipient of the Marshall Johnson Award from the Virginia High School Coaches Association for outstanding contributions to high school athletics; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley was recently recognized by Virginia Senate Joint Resolution No. 297 for his many achievements; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley, a dedicated family man, an outstanding citizen, and a popular sports journalist actively touched the lives of many citizens in the community, both those who knew him personally and those who knew him through his years on television. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Board does hereby express its deepest appreciation and the 1 appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County for the life and contributions of ROY STANLEY; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its condolences to the ~ family and friends of Roy Stanley. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolutions In memory File 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Q, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution in memory and recognition of Roy Stanley for his contributions to the Roanoke Valley APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roy Stanley began his career at WDBJ-7 in 1972, eventually becoming the weekend sports anchor. He was the recipient of the Marshal Johnson Award from the Virginia High School Coaches Association for outstanding contributions to high school athletics, and was also recently recognized by the Virginia Senate Joint Resolution No. 297 for his many achievements. In his capacity as sports announcer, Mr. Stanley actively touched the lives of many citizens in the community and this time has been set aside to honor his contributions. Family members present to accept the resolution include his wife, Karen Miller; children, Keisha and Christopher; father, Roy Lee Miller; and sister-in-law, Rhonda Rogers. Also present from WDBJ-7 will be Mike Stevens, Sports Director. °~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION IN MEMORY AND RECOGNITION OF ROY STANLEY FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ROANOKE VALLEY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County wishes to honor the memory of Roy Stanley who died on April 9, 2002, at the age of 51 following a brief illness; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley, a native of Wytheville and a graduate of George Wythe High School, began his career as a sports reporter at Roanoke's WDBJ-7 in 1972; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley later served as weekend sports anchor at WDBJ-7 for nearly 20 years where he earned a reputation as one of the most popular and respected sports journalists in the Roanoke Valley, noted for his ever-present smile and positive outlook; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley was the recipient of the Marshall Johnson Award from the Virginia High School Coaches Association for outstanding contributions to high school athletics; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley was recently recognized by Virginia Senate Joint Resolution No. 297 for his many achievements; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley, a dedicated family man, an outstanding citizen, and a popular sports journalist actively touched the lives of many citizens in the community, both those who knew him personally and those who knew him through his years on television. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the Board does hereby express its deepest appreciation and the 1 1 appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County for the life and contributions of ROY STANLEY; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board expresses its condolences to the family and friends of Roy Stanley. 2 `V -, ~.;. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION 032503-13 OF CONGRATULATIONS TO ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE & RECUE DEPARTMENT FOR RECEIVING THE GOVERNOR'S 2002 VIRGINIA FIRE SERVICE AWARD FOR MOST OUTSTANDING FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE WHEREAS, on February 21, 2003, the Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Services Awards were announced for recipients in eight categories; and WHEREAS, the award for Outstanding Fire Department Response was given to the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department for their handling of the Starlight Lane tire fire; and WHEREAS, the criteria for this award was for outstanding fire department response made in the last year that demonstrated mutual aid, integration of multiple system components, interagency interfacing and cooperation, or complex assessment or rescue; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 2002, the largest illegal tire dump in Virginia, estimated to contain 3 to 4 million tires, was set on fire by arsonists. The fire began in the brush but quickly spread to the tire site. With prior knowledge of the potential public threat that existed as a result of the tire dump, apre-incident survey plan had been conducted and was immediately implemented. Despite sustained winds of 15-22 mph, gusts recorded between 30-40 mph, and relative humidity of 14%, the fire was contained at 1,064 acres just five days later; and 1 -„ WHEREAS, Roanoke County's response helped to save lives, minimize property damage and avert significant environmental contamination, and throughout this event. Roanoke County displayed great cooperation with local, federal and state agencies. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby congratulate the ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT for receiving this most prestigious award, and expresses it appreciation for the preparedness of the department in the handling and containment of the Starlight Lane tire fire; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board recognizes the significant contributions that the Fire & Rescue Department makes to the safety of all the County citizens. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~1LI~t~L ~~~/G[,LQ~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolutions of Congratulations File Chief Richard Burch, Fire & Rescue 2 .~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (~,-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of congratulations to Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department for receiving Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Service Award for Most Outstanding Fire Department Response APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department received the Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Service Award in recognition of their outstanding response in handling the Starlight Lane tire fire. The department's preparedness in developing apre-incident survey plan was crucial in saving lives and limiting property and environmental damage as a result of the fire. In addition, the County demonstrated great cooperation with local, federal, and state agencies throughout this event. Present to accept the resolution will be Chief Burch and members of the fire department. -- R-a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE & RECUE DEPARTMENT FOR RECEIVING GOVERNOR'S 2002 VIRGINIA FIRE SERVICE AWARD FOR MOST OUTSTANDING FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONSE WHEREAS, on February 21, 2003, the Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Services Awards were announced for recipients in eight categories; and WHEREAS, the award for Outstanding Fire Department Response was given to the Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department for their handling of the Starlight Lane tire fire; and WHEREAS, the criteria for this award was for outstanding fire department response made in the last year that demonstrated mutual aid, integration of multiple system components, interagency interfacing and cooperation, or complex assessment or rescue; and WHEREAS, on March 23, 2003, the largest illegal tire dump in Virginia, estimated to contain 3 to 4 million tires, was set on fire by arsonists. The fire began in the brush but quickly spread to the tire site. With prior knowledge of the potential public threat that existed as a result of the tire dump, apre-incident survey plan had been conducted and was immediately implemented. Despite sustained winds of 15-22 mph, gusts recorded between 30-40 mph, and relative humidity of 14%, the fire was contained at 1,064 acres just five days later; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County's response helped to save lives, minimize property damage and avert significant environmental contamination, and throughout this event Roanoke County displayed great cooperation with local, federal and state agencies. 1 R-a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby congratulate the ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT for receiving this most prestigious award, and expresses it appreciation for the preparedness of the department in the handling and containment of the Starlight Lane tire fire; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board recognizes the significant contributions that the Fire & Rescue Department makes to the safety of all the County citizens. 2 S- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE 032503-14 VACATING AN EXISTING 20-FOOT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ON LOT 1 (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20) OWNED BY PLANTATION & KANTER, LOT 2A (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1- 20.01) OWNED BY FRALIN PROPERTIES, LLC, AND LOT 2B1-A (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20.02) OWNED BY RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY, CREATED BY SUBDIVISION PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 94, AND FURTHER SHOWN ON RESUBDIVISION PLATS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 134, PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 86, AND PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 87, LOCATED IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled `PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK', surveyed January 15, 1990, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 12, page 94, a twenty-foot (20') sanitary sewer easement was dedicated to the public across Lots 1 and 2; and, WHEREAS, Lot 2 was subsequently resubdivided into Lots 2A and 2B by plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 2, SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK ...', dated May 1, 1991, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 13, page 134; and, WHEREAS, Lot 2B was subsequently resubdivided into "NEw LoT 2B1 - 4.824 Ac." by plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR COUNTY OF ROANOKE...', dated July 11, 1996, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 86; and, WHEREAS, Lot 2B1 was subsequently resubdivided into "NEw Lot 2B1-A - 8.770 Ac." by plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY...', dated October 10, 1996, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 87; and, WHEREAS, the Petitioner Fralin Properties, LLC, is the current owner of Lot 2A, Shamrock Industrial Park (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20.01); and, WHEREAS, Plantation & Kanter is the current owner of Lot 1, Shamrock Industrial Park (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20), and Richfield Retirement Community is the 1 current owner of Lot 2B1-A, Shamrock Industrial Park (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20.02); and, WHEREAS, the Petitioners, Planta and Fralin Properties, LLC, have requested that, pursuant to §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, vacate the existing 20' sanitary sewer easement extending across Lot 2A; and, WHEREAS, staff recommends that the entire existing 20' sanitary sewer easement extending across Lots 1 and 2B1-A, as well as Lot 2A, be vacated; and, WHEREAS, this vacation will not involve any cost to the County and the affected County departments have raised no objection, there being no County facilities located or proposed to be located within the subject easement; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by § 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), and the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 11, 2003; the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on March 25, 2003. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the 20' sanitary sewer easement, extending across Lot 1, Lot 2A and Lot 2B1-A in Shamrock Industrial Park, in the Catawba Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, being designated and shown as "C/L 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" on Exhibit A attached hereto, said easement having been dedicated to the public by subdivision plat entitled `PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK', surveyed January 15, 1990, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 12, page 94, and being further shown on `RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 2, SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK ...', dated May 1, 1991, and recorded in Plat Book 13, page 134, on plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR COUNTY OF ROANOKE...', dated July 11, 1996, and 2 recorded in Plat Book 19, page 86, and on plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY...', dated October 10, 1996, and recorded in Plat Book 19, page 87, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to § 15.2-2272 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), subject to the conditions contained herein. 2. That all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to publication, survey and recordation costs, shall be the responsibility of the Petitioner. 3. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Janet Scheid, Chief Planner William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 • METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENTS A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. TAX MAP No._ 55.09-1 _ 20_= 20.1,Vy_ 20.2 ____ PLAT SHOWING EXISTING 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE VACATED BY ROANOKE COUNTY PREPARED BY.• ROANOKE COUNTY EXHIBIT "A" 0. ~i m ~r ~ SCALE:_ 1 _ 1 00 -! ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ -- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance vacating an existing 20-foot sanitary sewer easement on Lot 1 (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20) owned by Plantation and Kanter, Lot 2A (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20.01) owned by Fralin Properties, LLC, and Lot 2B1-A (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20.02) owned by Richfield Retirement Community, created by subdivision plat of Shamrock Industrial Park, recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 94 located in the Catawba Magisterial District. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Department of Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge '~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Planta and Fralin Properties, L.L.C. are requesting that a portion of an unused 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement, created on Plat Book 12, Page 94, and further shown on resubdivision plats recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 134, Plat Book 19, Page 86, and Plat Book 19, Page 87 crossing Lot 2A -Shamrock Industrial Park be vacated as shown on the attached plat. This easement was never used for a sanitary sewer line; the existing sanitary sewer line runs along and with Daugherty Road. Since this easement is not needed for sanitary sewer and all of this property is commercial, Community Development is requesting that the entire easement crossing Lot 1, 2A, and 2B1-A be vacated now to eliminate any need in the future to vacate the remaining sections of easement. FISCAL IMPACT: Planta and Fralin Properties, L.L.C. will incur all costs associated with the vacation of this unused 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement. S-I ALTERNATIVES: 1. Vacate the portion of the unused 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement crossing Lot 2A - Shamrock Industrial Parkas Planta and Fralin Properties, L.L.C. have requested; or 2. Vacate the 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement crossing Lots 1, 2A, and 2B of Shamrock Industrial Park STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Gary Robertson, Utility Director has no objections to the vacation, and vacating the entire easement now will eliminate any need for future vacation of other sections of the easement. Staff recommends Alternative 2 above. ~I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE VACATING AN EXISTING 20-FOOT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ON LOT 1 (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20) OWNED BY PLANTATION & KANTER, LOT 2A (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20.01) OWNED BY FRALIN PROPERTIES, LLC, AND LOT 2B1-A (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1- 20.02) OWNED BY RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY, CREATED BY SUBDIVISION PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 94, AND FURTHER SHOWN ON RESUBDIVISION PLATS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 134, PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 86, AND PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 87, LOCATED IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by subdivision plat entitled `PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK', surveyed January 15, 1990, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 12, page 94, a twenty-foot (20') sanitary sewer easement was dedicated to the public across Lots 1 and 2; and, WHEREAS, Lot 2 was subsequently resubdivided into Lots 2A and 2B by plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 2, SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK ...', dated May 1, 1991, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 13, page 134; and, WHEREAS, Lot 2B was subsequently resubdivided into "NEw LoT 2B1 - 4.824 Ac." by plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR COUNTY OF ROANOKE...', dated July 11, 1996, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 86; and, WHEREAS, Lot 2B1 was subsequently resubdivided into "NEw LoT 2B1-A - 8.770 Ac." by plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY...', dated October 10, 1996, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 19, page 87; and, WHEREAS, the Petitioner Fralin Properties, LLC, is the current owner of Lot 2A, Shamrock Industrial Park (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20.01); and, S- WHEREAS, Plantation & Kanter is the current owner of Lot 1, Shamrock Industrial Park (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20), and Richfield Retirement Community is the current owner of Lot 2B1-A, Shamrock Industrial Park (Tax Map No. 55.09-1-20.02); and, WHEREAS, the Petitioners, Plants and Fralin Properties, LLC, have requested that, pursuant to §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, vacate the existing 20' sanitary sewer easement extending across Lot 2A; and, WHEREAS, staff recommends that the entire existing 20' sanitary sewer easement extending across Lots 1 and 2B1-A, as well as Lot 2A, be vacated; and, WHEREAS, this vacation will not involve any cost to the County and the affected County departments have raised no objection, there being no County facilities located or proposed to be located within the subject easement; and, WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by § 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), and the first reading of this ordinance was held on March 11, 2003; the public hearing and second reading of this ordinance was held on March 25, 2003. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the 20' sanitary sewer easement, extending across Lot 1, Lot 2A and Lot 2B1-A in Shamrock Industrial Park, in the Catawba Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke, being designated and shown as "C/L 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" on Exhibit A attached hereto, said easement having been dedicated to the public by subdivision plat entitled `PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK', surveyed January 15, 1990, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 12, page 94, and being further shown on `RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF LOT 2, SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK ...', dated May 1, 1991, and recorded in Plat Book 13, page 134, on plat entitled ,,, ~-' `RESUBDIVISION FoR COUNTY OF ROANOKE...', dated July 11, 1996, and recorded in Plat Book 19, page 86, and on plat entitled `RESUBDIVISION FoR RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY...', dated October 10, 1996, and recorded in Plat Book 19, page 87, be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to § 15.2-2272 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended), subject to the conditions contained herein. 2. That all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to publication, survey and recordation costs, shall be the responsibility of the Petitioner. 3. That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). i• i• ~~~ METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESEN TS A COMPOST TE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. EXHIBIT "A" m TAX MAP No._ 55_09 =1= 20_= 20.1, 20.2 1 "=1 00' --------- SCALE:---------- PLAT SHOWING EXISTING 20' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE VACATED BY ROANOKE COUNTY PREPARED BY.• ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: 02= 28= 2003 -~ ~ (~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE 032503-15 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A DAYCARE TO BE LOCATED ON 15.652 ACRES AT RED LANE EXTENSION AT INTERSTATE 81, BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME (TAX MAP N0.45.02-1-15), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Fellowship Community Church has filed a petition for a special use permit to construct and operate a daycare to be located on 15.652 acres at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81 (Tax Map No. 45.02-1-15) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matteron March 4, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matteron February 25, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on March 25, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Fellowship Community Church to construct and operate a daycare to be located on 15.652 acres at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home (Tax Map No. 45.02-1-15) in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its 1 L final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Janet Scheid, Chief Planner William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 ROANOKE COUNTY Ap1olicants name: I'eZlowship DEPARTMENT OF Application Zoning: Special COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Proposed Zoning: R- > Tax Map No. 45.02-1- > 5 Community Church Use S-~ PETITIONER: Fellowship Community Church CASE NUMBER: 5-3/2003 Planning Commission Hearing Date: March 4, 2003 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: March 25, 2003 A. REQUEST The petition Fellowship Community Church to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a daycare on 15.652 acres located at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home, Catawba Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS None spoke. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Chris Lowe presented the staff report. Mr. Azar asked the petitioner's attorney why such a long time before Phase III was completed. Ms. Goodlatte replied that the church did not want to give any false expectations concerning their ultimate goals, and they felt it necessary to show to the fullest extent of their goals even if they may not be immediately reachable. No other questions were asked. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Ms. Hooker made the motion to approve the Special Use Permit request. The motion carried 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Fellowship Community Church c/o Maryellen F. Goodlatte, Counsel • Request: Special Use Permit for Daycare Center Location: Red Lane Extension at I-81 Magisterial District: Catawba EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: __ s ~~' ~. This is a request for a Special Use Permit for a daycare center, at Red Lane Extension at I-81. The property is currently zoned R-1, Residential and currently has a Special Use Permit for religious assembly. The property is designated as Development in the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan. The request involves one parcel, consisting of 15.652 acres. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Daycare center is permitted in the R-1 Zoning District with a Special Use Permit. • Site Plan Review required. VDOT approval required. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background -Fellowship Community Church received approval in February 2002 for a Special Use Permit to construct a religious assembly facility. The applicant is now petitioning for a Special Use Permit to add a daycare center to the site. The site is located at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81. No structures or recreational facilities exist on this site. Topo~raphv/Vegetation -The site slopes into two directions toward the center of the property forming a ravine, which carries runoff to culverts, which run under I-81. The western portion of the property where the church is proposed slopes east towards the ravine. The eastern portion of the property where the ball field is proposed slopes west towards the ravine. Surrounding Neighborhood -The surrounding neighborhood consists of residential properties located in both Salem City and Roanoke County. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Background -This request is for a Special Use Permit for the use of a daycare center. The daycare center would be designed to have 100 children. A master plan of a multi-phase building program was submitted during the previous public hearing regarding the original Special Use Permit. This master plan has not changed. Phase I will be amulti-purpose facility including a sanctuary/gym and office/religious education space. The initial facility (Phase I) will seat approximately 500 people and would include classrooms, which would be utilized for the daycare center. It is anticipated that Phase I will be completed within 3 years. Phase II would consists of an additional educational facility which would be attached to the Phase I building. Phase III "` would ultimately create a 1,500 seat sanctuary. It is estimated that Phase III could be as far as 15 . years off. On February 4, 2002, the petitioner held a community meeting, which was attended by 3 neighbors and 14 total participants including church members. Citizens inquired about the sewer/water extensions. There were no serious concerns expressed at the meeting. Site Layout/Architecture - Phase I layout consists of an approximately 16,700 square foot building with 176 parking spaces. This building would serve as a temporary sanctuary, educational, and recreational facility. Also a softball field is proposed at the eastern portion of the property along side Red Lane Extension. Phase II consists of an approximately 12, 916 square foot educational facility and 108 additional parking spaces. Phase III consists of an approximately 37,484 square foot sanctuary and an additional 142 spaces. Access/Traffic Circulation -Access to the site will be located along Red Lane Extension. Currently VDOT estimates 850 VPD. VDOT comments that sight distance should not be an issue but should be verified in the field by the developer. Based on traffic counts and if a new commercial entrance is permitted, a right and left turn lane may be required for the site. The length of the full width turn lane and the taper will be determined once additional information is received about the estimated trips generated by the site. Additional right of way maybe needed for the construction of these turn lanes. VDOT also comments that future construction of I-81 will impact this parcel. Fire & Rescue/Utilities -Fire and rescue services will continue, as they currently exist. Public water is available while sanitary sewer is not currently available. This petition does not affect the existing public water and sanitary sewer systems. Department of Economic Development -The Department of Economic Development have no objections to this petition. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The site is designated as Development in the 1998 Community Plan. Daycare centers are promoted in areas designated Development. Development objectives include creating large- scale planned developments, which mix residential with retail and office uses. Community activity centers including parks, schools, religious assembly facilities, and meeting areas are all encouraged in the Community Plan. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS This is a request to obtain a Special Use Permit for a daycare center. The request involves (1) one parcel, consisting of 15.652 acres on Red Lane Extension. This petition conforms to the Roanoke County Community Plan and the site has ample space to conform to all applicable development standards. No negative impacts are anticipated. CASE NUMBER: 5-3/2003 PREPARED BY: Chris Lowe HEARING PC: March 4, 2003 BOS: March 25, 2003 DATES: • 2 County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 772-2108 For Staff Use Only Date received: Received by: 0 3 ',L Application f e: e PCL)3Z~r date: ~~ (( (~ L~ ~ V ',..~ 1 L` ` ~ Placards issued: BOS date: I ~ ~I ~3 _3 Case Number ~G~°'3 ~~ ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) ^ Rezoning $I Special Use ^ Variance Ap licants name/address w/zip Phone: (540) 387-3200 l lowship Comrrnt.nity Church Fe 229 Apperson Drive FaxNo. ~540 ~ 387-3200 , Salem, Vir inia 24153 Owner's name/address w/zip Phone (540) 387-3200 Fellowship Comrrn>nity Church 229 Apperson Drive FaxNo. X540) 387-3200 Salem, Vir inia 24153 Property Location Magisterial District: Catawba Red Lane Extension at I-81 Baptist Children ~ s Home Community Planning area: Glertvar Tax Map No.: 45.02-1-15 Existing Zoning: R-1 Size of parcel(s): Acres: 15.652 Existing Land Use: VACANT REZONING AND SPECIAL USE PERh1IT APPLICANTS (R/S) Proposed Zoning: R-1 Proposed Land Use: Religious assembly; day care center Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes ~ No ^ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes $1 No ^ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes ^ No ^ N/A VARL IiVCE APPLICANTS (V} Variance of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S V R/S V R/S V Consultation 8 1/2" x 11"concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners • I hereby certify that I am either the owner oft roperty or the owner=s agen tract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. ALLOW P CO RCH B Owner=s Signature Jan P_ Whit OW, OwnerrS Agent JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING OR SPECLAL USE PERMIT REQUEST ~pplicant Fellowsh~ 1? Community Church The Planning Commission will study rezoning and special use permit requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Zoning Ordinance (Section 30-3) as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. In May 2002, the applicant received. a special ttse permit allowing the development of the property for a religions assembly. The applicant i_s progressing with this development as outlined. in its application previously fi]_ed. As part of its ministry, however, and before its building plans are finalized, the Church would. like to create a day care center for not more than 100 children. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Day care facilities are permitted by the zoning ordinance and are generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. designates this area as "development" for which religions facilities are appropriate. by special rise permit The Comprehensive Plan assembly and day care Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The proposed project will have minimal impact on the adjoining properties with regard to water, sewer, schools, fire or rescue. s-~ CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST. A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan maybe altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or sueeest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS _ a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. _ f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties _ g. All property lines and easements _ h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights • i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING AND SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS _ k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site _ 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers _ m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections _ o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants _ p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. if project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH B ~ /.~ • Signature of a licant Maryellen F. Goodlatte, Cotmsel Date '~ • SCHEDULE FOR DESCRIPTION Located in the County of Roanoke, Virginia BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Red Lane Extension, said point being a Virginia Department of Transportation monument found, and being designed as "7" on that certain Vacation and Combination Plat for Virginia Baptist Children's Home and Family Services and Hanging Rock Golf Club, Inc., Showing a Portion of Old Red Lane, Being Combined with Adjoining Property Situate on Red Lane Extension, dated August 6, 2001, made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers, Surveyors, Planners, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book 25 at page 7; thence leaving Red Lane Extension, S. 21 deg. 14' 00" W. 67.72 feet to a point; thence, S. 57 deg. 39' 00" W. 1018.90 feet to a point; thence N. 13 deg. 22' 00" W. 621.69 feet to a point; thence N. OS deg. 29' 30" E. 334.14 feet to a point; thence N. 86 deg. 50' 21" E. 327.98 feet to a point; thence N. 83 deg. 52' 21" E. 438.63 feet to a point; thence S. 03 deg. 20' S5" W. 85.67 feet to a point; thence N.86 deg. 13' 40" E. 193.03 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the left whose radius is 25.00 feet, whose chord bearing and distance is N. 41 deg. 13' 40" E. 35.36 feet to a point; thence S. 03 deg. 46' 20" E. 174.28 feet to a point; thence S. 03 deg.38' 20" E. 174.26 feet to a point, being the PLACE OF BEGINNING, and being Tract "B," • containing 15.652 acres. • S-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO FELLOWSHIP COMMUNITY CHURCH TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A DAYCARE TO BE LOCATED ON 15.652 ACRES AT RED LANE EXTENSION AT INTERSTATE 81, BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME (TAX MAP NO. 45.02-1-15), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Fellowship Community Church has filed a petition for a special use permit to construct and operate a daycare to be located on 15.652 acres at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81 (Tax Map No. 45.02-1-15) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matteron March 4, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matteron February 25, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on March 25, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Fellowship Community Church to construct and operate a daycare to be located on 15.652 acres at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home (Tax Map No. 45.02-1-15) in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its 1 ~:. _'`~ final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 2 • • • HUGHES ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS • S- ~ City of Salem Sanitary Easement Existing Tree line 40 ft. Buffer Yard Existing Tree Iin~ . ~~`~ LOT SIZE = 15.652 ACRES ~ ZONING R-1 AJOINING ZONING R-1 PROPOSED LOT COVERAGE 21% PROPOSED BLDG. PHASE I = 16,"100 5fi \ PROPOSED BLDG. PHASE II = 12,916 sF PROPOSED TOTAL BLDG. = 29,616 sfi REQ'D PARKING 9'X19' W/24' DRIVE ~ HG PARKING 12 SPACES ~ ,` PROPOSED PARKING PHASE I = 1"f6 Spaces © ~ \ PROPOSED PARKING PHASE it = 108 spaces ~ - - PROVIDED TOTAL PARKING 284 SPACES \ ~ ~ SAN SEWER d WATER PROVIDED BY CITY OF SALEM ` ~ \~ TAX MAP NO. 45.02-01-15.00 \ ~ ~ ~ p © ,^_ . - i ` O \ i 40 ft. ` c ` I, © Buffer ,F-xi5ting `; rte .. Buffer`. ,~ ~ Yard `pr©per y Yard ,IrraW~`'""W'Lllllla~~i~„~ ~~ i Exlsting Tree Ilne- =-' : /%/, r1 LJ ,J ~~ ~~ 1'~, --v ~ i - ® I V~~~ r /~~ ;~ ~~ ;' i -' ~ '~ ~ ~ ' ~ NORTH %' ,i SCALE 1"=60' ' ' ~ Site Plan for ' ~ FELLOWSHIP ' ~~ COMMUNITY CHURCH = PH~,5E it Roanoke County, Virginia j PHASE I -BUILDING ~ PHASE I - PARKING March 19, 2002 PH,45E II -BUILDING PH,45E II - P,4RKING HUSHES AssocIAT~Es ARCHITECTS • • CJ _. LOT SIZE = 15.652 ACRES ~ S~ ZONING R-1 AJOINING ZONING R-1 PROP05ED LOT COVERAGE 38% PROPOSED BLDG. PHASE I = 16,'100 sf PROPOSED BLDG. PHASE II = 12,816 5f PROPOSED BLDG. PHASE III = 37,484 sf PROPOSED TOTAL 6LDG. = 6?,200 sf ~ REQ'D PARKING q'X1q' W/24' DRIVE ~ SEATING GAP = 1500 ©~ Q REQ'D PARKING = 3"i5 SPACES ~ ~ - \ HG PARKING 12 SPACES ~ ~ PROPOSED PARKING PHASE I = 176 spaces \ PROPOSED PARKING PHASE II = 108 spaces , p PROPOSED PARKING PHASE III = 142 spaces ~ PROVIDED TOTAL PARKING 426 SPACES ~ O SAN SEWER d WATER PROVIDED , O - BY CITY OF SALEM \ - , TAX MAP NO. 45.02-01-15.00 _ Q r-- I ~ O ~ ~, --. 40 ft. c I, 40 ft. ~ ~ Buffer EX15tin~ e ,` Buffer. Q ~ Yard' Proper y Q Yard -,_ _~ .- Pr perty En ante City oP Salem , . ~ ~ ~~,` ~ = ~ 5anltary ' `~ Easement Existing '~ Tree line ' ;~,~ ~ ~ ~~~ 3~ Y 7 ,. , 40 ft. I' Buffer '_ ~ Yard ar _-- ~, yid ~~ ~~ Existing ~~,~ j Tree Ilne ~~~ ' ' ~ ~ ~ , I i~ X , ~1 ~/~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,j ~ , ~~ NORTH ' a~\~ ~ ' ' .~' Q~Q~P1 j'' / SCALE 1 "=60' Existing ~~'~~~j~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Site Plan for Tree line ~i-~ %- ~ o ~ PELLOW5H 11° ~' -' i - .-: " COMMUNITY CHURCH r i _ , i 1 PH~+5E III Roanoke County, Virginia PH,45E I -BUILDING _~ PHASE I - PARKING March 1q, 2002 PHASE II -BUILDING ~ PHASE II -PARKING HUGHES _~ PHASE III -BUILDING PHASE III -PARKING ARCHITECTS .bWrt,wf •r4,.n~nq •r.-amrr4r~i ~` ~-_,~` ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: 03/25/03 AGENDA ITEM: Volunteer Chiefs' Board fiscal year 2003-2004 budget presentation SUBMITTED BY: Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief of Fire and Rescue APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Annually, the chairmen of the two Volunteer Chiefs' Boards meet with the Board of Supervisors to discuss budget. Rescue Chief Joe Coyle, representing the Volunteer Rescue Chiefs Board and Chief Woody Henderson, representing the Volunteer Fire Chiefs Board, will be present to discuss funding with the Board of Supervisors. Other members of the Volunteer organizations may be present at the request of Chief Coyle or Chief Henderson. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. T- ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Funding requests from social and human service agencies for fiscal year 2003-2004. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget Elmer C. Hodge E~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside for presentations to allow social service and human service agencies the opportunity to orally submit funding requests to the Board of Supervisors for inclusion in the FY 2003-2004 budget. At the April 8, 2003 Board of Supervisors meeting, presentations from cultural, tourism, and other organizations requesting contributions from the County for inclusion in the FY 2003-2004 budget will be heard. Consistent with prior year's process, the requesting organizations have been categorized into two groups and presentations will be heard at separate Board meetings. All organizations that submitted funding requests for FY 03-04 were contacted by letter indicating the date their group would be making presentations and advising them that speakers will be called in alphabetical order. An Appearance Request Form was included in the letter and they were instructed to sign and return the form to the Clerk to the Board if they wanted to make an oral presentation. Please find enclosed an updated listing of organizational requests that include prior years' actual payments, FY02-03 approved budget, and the organizations' funding request for FY03-04 for your review during the presentations. The "proposed" funding column has not been completed. The County Administrator will make recommendations for funding and present them to the Board as part of the FY 2003-2004 proposed budget that is planned for April. The written requests and accompanying literature submitted by each organization has been placed in the Clerk to the Board's office for review. I ~~ Contribution Requests -Health and Human Service Agencies Agency FY02 Actual FY03 Budget FY04 Request Adult Care Center of the Roanoke Valley $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Alzheimer's Association - - 5,000 * American Red Cross - - 4,000 '' Bethany Hall 500 500 20,075 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valley 3,000 3,000 6,000 * Blue Ridge Behavioral Health Care 117,755 117,755 127,478 Blue Ridge Independent Living Center - - 10,000 " Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. - - 3,732 * Bradley Free Clinic 5,000 5,000 contribution * Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP} 16,660 16,660 20,960 * Children's Advocacy Center of the Roanoke Valley, Inc 3,500 3,500 3,500 * Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. - - 7,500 "` Council of Community Services-Info and Referral Center 3,000 3,000 3,150 Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) 2,000 2,000 6,000 Family Service of the Roanoke Valley 4,000 4,000 5,000 * Fifth District Employment & Training Consortium - - 3,500 Good Samaritan Hospice, Inc. 1,000 1,000 Goodwill Industries of the Valleys 15,000 5,000 15,000 * Habitat for Humanity - - 6,500 * Literacy Volunteers of America-Roanoke Valley 1,000 1,000 1,000 * LOA Area Agency on Aging 13,750 13,750 27,015 * Mental Health Association 640 700 1,000 * National Conference for Community and Justice 610 650 1,500 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - - 1,000 * Presbyterian Community Center - - 2,500 * Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) 1,000 1,000 3,000 * Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality Network - - 8,667 Roanoke Valley Speech & Hearing Center 1,000 1,000 1,000 * Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry 2,500 3,000 10,000 Smith Mountain Lake 4H Camp - - contribution * Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank 2,500 3,000 5,000 * TAP 30,000 30,000 31,500 * TAP-Transitional Living Center 20,000 20,000 21,000 '` The Salvation Army 2,000 2,000 2,500 " TRUST 4,750 4,750 8,000 Total $ 261,165 $ 252,265 $ 382,077 '` Presentation Scheduled (as of March 20, 2003) Contribution Re uests -Cultural and Tourism A encies q 9 Agency FY02 Actual FY03 Budget FY04 Request * Art Museum of Western Virginia $ - $ - $ 5,000 * Arts Council of the Blue Ridge 2,000 2,000 3,000 Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District 1,250 1,250 2,000 * Center in the Square Operating 35,000 35,000 40,000 * Convention and Visitors Bureau 130,000 130,000 150,000 * Downtown Music Lab - new request 5,000 Economic Development Partnership 130,000 130,000 138,282 * Explore (The River Foundation) 215,440 515,440 515,440 * Harrison Museum of African American Culture 2,000 2,000 5,000 Highland Cultural Coalition - - 1,000 * History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va. 7,500 7,500 10,000 '' Julian Stanley Wise Museum 20,000 20,000 35,000 Medical History Foundation, InC. - - contribution " Mill Mountain Theatre 5,000 5,000 8,500 * Mill Mountain Zoo 5,000 5,000 8,000 "` Mill Mountain Zoo -Capital Request - - 10,000 * New Century Venture Center - 25,000 * Opera Roanoke - - 1,200 * Planned Pethood Clinic - - 888 Roanoke Higher Education Center new request 100,000 Roanoke Symphony 6,000 6,000 7,000 Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission 29,614 29,614 47,411 Roanoke Valley Greenways Commission 10,800 10,800 10,800 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities 3,000 3,000 3,000 Saint Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation - new request 3,500 '` Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce 6,000 6,000 5,000 Salem-Roanoke Baseball Hall of Fame 3,000 3,000 contribution Science Museum of Western Virginia 15,000 15,000 15,000 Science Museum of Western Virginia -Capital - - 15,000 Southwest Virginia Ballet - - 1,000 * TAP -Dumas Center -Capital -over 3-5 years new request 250,000 VA Western Community College -Scholarship 5,470 7,010 7,200 Vinton Chamber of Commerce 500 500 500 Vinton Dogwood Festival 1,000 1,000 1,000 * Virginia Amateur Sports 40,000 40,000 55,000 Virginia Association of Counties 13,940 15,624 15,624 * Virginia Museum of Transportation 5,000 5,000 10,000 Western Virginia Land Trust - - 10,000 * Williamson Road Area Business Association - new request 10,000 * Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc. - - 4,000 Total $ 692,514 $ 995,738 $ 1,534,345 "Presentation Scheduled (as of March 20, 2003) T- a Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Funding Requests Speakers List Human and Social Service Agencies The organizations listed below have requested time to speak to the Board regarding funding requests for the 2003-2004 fiscal year. Speakers will be called in alphabetical order from Z-A. Or anization S Baker Trust House Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank Salvation Army Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality Network Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) Presbyterian Community Center National Conference for Community and Justice Mental Health Association of Roanoke Valley Literacy Volunteers of America -Roanoke Valley League of Older Americans (LOA) Habitat for Humanity -Roanoke Valley Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium Council of Community Services Conflict Resolution Center CHIP of Roanoke Valley Children's Advocacy Bradley Free Clinic Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Bethany Hall, Inc. American Red Cross Colleen Carrell Ellen L. Brown Pamela Irvine Darlene Young Michael Chandler Daren Gunter Kathy Ryder Pat Dillard Kirk Bailin Diane Kelly Floyd Addison Susan Williams Karen Mason Willma Conner Pam Kestner-Chappelear Margaret Beazley Robin Haldiman Jenny Lee Estelle Avner John Whitfield Rita Gliniecki Maryanne Chamberlain Steve Smith ACTION NO. ITEM NO. U - I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: March 25, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Public Hearing of Secondary System Six-Year Construction Plan for Fiscal Year 2003 through 2009 and the allocation of funds for FY 2003-04. SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~l~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, the Board of Supervisors is required to conduct a public hearing on the Secondary Road System Six- Year Construction Plan to receive public comments. This plan was developed jointly with the Virginia Department of Transportation and County staff. The projects identified are the result of reviewing the current construction plan and requests received by both County citizens and the Board of Supervisors during the past. The plan before the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors was presented to you at a work session on February 25, 2003. At the work session, County staff reviewed the projects and explained the distribution of this year's allocation of approximately $3.2 million among the three funding categories (Countywide Items, Incidental Construction and Numbered Projects). Because of last year's reduction in funding by the Commonwealth Transportation Board, no new projects funded out of this year's allocation were added to the plan. .,~ .~ Upon conclusion of tonight's Public Hearing, staff will make final adjustments, if necessary, and resubmit to the Board of Supervisors at the April 8, 2003 meeting for adoption of the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for 2003-2009 and the allocation of funds for FY 2003-2004 Staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors conduct the public hearing. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct the public hearing and receive public comments on the Six-Year Secondary Road Construction Plan for fiscal year 2003-2009 and the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2003- 2004. O~ ROANp~~ ~ •~ A Z ~ z °v a 1838 DIANE S. CHILDERS CLERK TO THE BOARD Email: dchilders~co.roanoke.va.us P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 March 26, 2003 Ms. Jo Russin 6917 Hidden Forest Court Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Ms. Russin: BRENDA J. HOLTON, CMC DEPUTY CLERK Email: bholton ~ co.roanoke.va.us I am pleased to inform you that, at their meeting held on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Roanoke County Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens to represent the Windsor Hills Magisterial District. This Commission was established to address the needs of this group of citizens and make recommendations to the Board. Ms. Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation, will be in touch with you concerning the date and time when the Commission will have its next meeting. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, or appointed to any public body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act. Your copy is enclosed. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Sincerely, ~~,~QA.Q~ ~(J . ~-~GC~2~G11J Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Enclosures cc: Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation O~ ROAN 4'F ti' ~ ~ °v a r sa Board of Supervisors P. O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VA 24018-0798 Joseph McNamara, Chairman Windsor Hills Magisterial District Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman Hollins Magisterial District March 26, 2003 Rabbi Manes Kogan Beth Israel Synagogue 920 Franklin Road, SW Roanoke, VA 24016 Dear Rabbi Kogan: On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2003 to ask for divine guidance at these meetings, and th contribution. Michael W. Altizer Vinton Magisterial District Joseph B. "Butch" Church Catawba Magisterial District H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Cave Spring Magisterial District like to thank you for offering the . We believe it is most important e Board is very grateful for your Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. It was good to have you with us. With kindest regards, eph McNamara, Chairman oanoke County Board of Supervisors OFFICE: FAX: VOICE MAIL: (540)772-2005 (540)772-2193 (540)772-2170 E-MAIL: bos @co. roanoke.va. u s Schedule A BEGINNING at a point in the center of Virginia Route 690, which point is the southernmost point on the division line between the properties of M. Donald Lambdon and Roulette N. Lambdon, being the common center of the two properties; thence following the said Virginia Route No. 690, N. 45 deg. 30' W. 188.77 feet to a point; thence N. 11 deg. 00' W. 416.2 feet to a point; thence N. 45 deg. 25' W 103.5 feet to a point; thence leaving the general center of the said road, S. 78 deg. 00' W. 24.0 feet to a point; thence passing an iron at 2.5 feet, N. 51 deg. 40' W. 28.1 i:eet to an iron on the south side of the said Virginia Route No. 690; thence following the east lane of the 3erry D. Coon property, N. 30 deg. 42' E. 314.8 feet to an iron; thence N. 31 deg. 34' E. 305.3 feet to a point; thence S. 66 deg. 00' E. 577.0 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 55 deg. 00' E.. 462.0 feet to a point on the edge of a branch; thence S. 48 deg. 30' W. 289.7 feet to an iron; thence N. 61 deg. 00' W. 75.8 feet to an iron; thence following the westerly line of the M. Donald Lambdon property, S. 51 deg. 10' W. 793.4 feet passing an iron at 778.4 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 16.98 acres of which 0.34 acres is located in the road leaving a net of 16.64 acres, more or less, as shown on that certain plat of survey made by T.P. Parker, State Certified Engineer, dated February 19, 1966, a copy of which is recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 827, Page 594. BEII~dG the same property conveyed to B & B Builders, Inc., a Virginia corporation from Edith B. Jones, by deed dated March 6, 2003 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, as Instrument No. 200305152. ~'° C-G~' RKE# 0799120.WPD-1, 999-999 March 25, 2003 County staff requests the Board to adopt a motion to enter into closed session within the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act as follows 1. Discussion regarding the assignment of specific public officers, appointees, or employees of the County in accordance with Section 2.2-3711 A. 1. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. Discussion regarding the disposition of the County's interest in certain publicly held real estate, Western Hills Well Lot, in accordance with Section 2.2-3711 A.3. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. eccil~rn is d~l~~l~ A (5~ ~ne Childers -Karen Miller (Roy Stanley) Page 1 From: Brenda Holton 1 To: Diane Childers ~/ Date: 3/4/03 10:12AM Subject: Karen Miller (Roy Stanley) I talked with Ms. Miller at her work number 853-2763, and invited her to the Board meeting March 11 at 7 p.m. She immediately said that she could not come to Board meeting. She knew it had been a year but it was very hard and she was very shy. I explained that we could adopt the resolution at our Board meeting and one of the members could present it to her at her home. I also explained that she could be accompanied by her family members and explained the process. She then said that maybe this could be a coming-out for her but at another meeting. I suggested March 25 at 7 p.m. and she said she would do it. I told her I would call her back around March 17 or 18 to confirm with her and find out who would be attending with her so we could introduce them. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us P ~l II~V Z1 t L+-~ ~ "~< ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~_~ ~~-~~~~- ~ as ~-,,-~ I ~~C' i 54'~~J ~~~ ~~y~l d'.~~ ~~ ti ne Childers 1 Fwd: Karen Miller (Roy Stanley)_ From: Diane Childers To: Butch Church Date: 3/4/03 1:19PM Subject: Fwd: Karen Miller (Roy Stanley) Butch, _._ Page 1 I wanted to update you on the status of the resolution you requested in recognition of Roy Stanley. Please see the attached a-mail regarding Brenda's conversation with Ms. Miller, his wife. At present, we have rescheduled this item for March 25. If Ms. Miller decides she would be unable to attend a Board meeting, we can proceed with adoption of the resolution and have it delivered to her home. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchilders@co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 CC: Brenda Holton; Elmer Hodge Lill Tracking - 2003 session / .~ i Page 1 of 1 S -`IA~I. ~¢_ ~3 r ~ summary ~ pdf 033581524 r~- ~ ~~' ~`` SENATE JOINT RESOL ~~,T.,l~-l,~.-:.~ ~, , y-~ Offered January ~~ ; 5 ~ Prefiled December --~ On the death of Roy Stanley. Patrons-- Reynolds; Delegate: Armstrong WHEREAS, Roy Stanley of Roanoke, the dean of Virginia's television sportscasters, died on Apri19, 2002; and WHEREAS, a native of Wytheville and a graduate of George Wythe High School, Roy Stanley began his career as a sports reporter at Roanoke's WDBJ-TV in 1972; and WHEREAS, for the past 20 years, Roy Stanley served as weekend sports anchor at WDBJ, where he became one of the most popular and respected sports journalists in the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, Roy Stanley is remembered for his unparalleled ability to earn the respect and trust of the athletes and coaches he covered; and WHEREAS, in recognition of his ability and his long and successful tenure at WDBJ, Roy Stanley was honored with the prestigious Marshall Johnson Award from the Virginia High School Coaches Association; and WHEREAS, in 2000, Roy Stanley was the recipient of the Image Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and had been nominated for induction into the Wythe County Sports Hall of Fame; and WHEREAS, a dedicated family man, an outstanding citizen, and an exceptionally skilled, talented, and popular sports journalist, Roy Stanley will be sorely missed by the athletes whose stories he told and the audience who watched and listened; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Senate, the House of Delegates concurring, That the General Assembly note with sadness the untimely passing of a fine Virginian, Roy Stanley; and, be it RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Clerk of the Senate prepare a copy of this resolution for presentation to the family of Roy Stanley as an expression of the high regard in which his memory is held by the members of the General Assembly. Legislative_ Information _~stem file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Bill%20Tracking%20%202003%20session.html 1/13/03 From: Brenda Holton To: Diane Childers Date: 3/4/03 10:12AM Subject: Karen Miller (Roy Stanley) I talked with Ms. Miller at her work number 853-2763, and invited her to the Board meeting March 11 at 7 p.m. She immediately said that she could not come to Board meeting. She knew it had been a year but it was very hard and she was very shy. I explained that we could adopt the resolution at our Board meeting and one of the members could present it to her at her home. I also explained that she could be accompanied by her family members and explained the process. She then said that maybe this could be a coming-out for her but at another meeting. I suggested March 25 at 7 p.m. and she said she would do it. I told her I would call her back around March 17 or 18 to confirm with her and find out who would be attending with her so we could introduce them. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us 'Diane Childers ~~ Re: Two items... From: To: Date: Subject: Hi back at you.... Geraldine Barber Diane Childers 3/3/03 4:13PM Re: Two items... Leah and I both are planning to go tonight....so don't sweat not being there. 4 Address for Katie is: Karen Miller W r f 1915 Garstland Rd. S~P~^ a~(.~ ~~'I~4~ ;:,i Roanoke, VA 24017 u' Talk w/you tomorrow...... •~ t ~1 'l Geraldine Brickhouse Barber ~ ~ Assistant Director of Finance -Operations ~;,;~ County of Roanoke (~ 540-772-2061 x308 gbarber@co.roanoke.va.us `~~' »> Diane Childers 03/03/03 10:13AM »> Good morning Geraldine, Page 1 ~, Two questions for you: 1. Are you planning to attend the Relay for Life meeting this evening? I know we need to have a representative at the meeting to select our campsite (we need to have our number with us). I will not be able to attend -Rachel has a sports potluck dinner at school at 5:30 tonight. 2. Do you have contact information for Roy Stanley's family? The Board would like to prepare a resolution, and I would like to contact his family to see if they wish to be present to accept the resolution. Thanks -hope you had a great weekend! Diane Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchilders aC~co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 Page 1 of 2 #EWS~A~T5 Pt~t?FIL~ ~~ ~' ~iEYR W E~W RF '~EGME S T ATCH fI~ PtTS wmc Moa~r R~ Ead ~wc~ Pr" ARCH -VID TAP L!-iVEW IVE EI~` ES S` Roy Stanley (1951 - 2002) Read. the Tributes & Post Yo__ur Thoughts Memorial Gift Information - -- Read a .Thank You from the Fami/y_ Roy Stanley died Apri19, 2002 at the age of 51 after a brief illness. He was buried Saturday, April 13, 2002 at Williams Memorial Park in Roanoke after a funeral at Pilgrim Baptist Church. A Wytheville native, Roy attended Scott Memorial before integration and graduated from George Wythe High School in 1969. He got his start in broadcasting at WYVE radio before coming to work at WDBJ in 1972. He was hired at WDBJ-TV in 1972 and eventually became Weekend Sports Anchor. Roy is a winner of the prestigious Marshal Johnson Award from the Virginia High School coaches association recognizing his outstanding contributions to high school athletics. Roy's last newscast was March 30, 2002. On April 1, he was admitted to the hospital, where doctors discovered he was suffering from terminal liver cancer. Roy is survived by his wife and two grown children, his dad and a sister. He will be greatly missed by his viewers and by his extended family here at WDBJ 7. Memorial Gift Information Roy Stanley's family has asked that memorial contributions be made to the Wytheville Training School Cultural Center. This school operated in Wytheville from 1882-1951 and provided education for black students in four counties around Wytheville. A group in Wytheville, including Roy and his father, were involved in restoring this school as a center for literacy and technology. The emphasis of the project is making computer education and literacy training available free-of-charge to all people in the area. The center hopes be begin a mentorship program for children very soon. The Wytheville Training School Cultural Center is just opening now and has been in development for about three years. It is a 501c3 organization and needs contributions to move forward with its many ambitious programs. The organization's leaders are honored that the Miller family and the WDB) family would designate this organization as recipient of memorial gifts. Contributions should be made to the address below with a note in the memo of the check that designates this as a gift in memory of Roy http://www.wdbj7.com/anchors/rstanley.htm 3/3/2003 NEWS 7 -- Roy Stanley NEWS ? -- Ro Stanle Y Y Stanley: Page 2 of 2 Wytheville Training School Cultural Center 205 Tazewell Street Wytheville, VA 24382 Thank You from the Family (Apri115, 2002) Dear Friends, This is not meant to replace the personal thank you's to all who kept us in your prayers. I just wanted you to know how we felt. The day that we lost Roy we came home to prepare ourselves jor the devastation of having to bury a loved one. We were all hurt and alone. Never once did we ever dream that he was a "celebrity. "He was just plain Roy. The sadness was everywhere. We knew that day that our grief was not just ours, it was the grief of many. We needed strength and we needed guidance to help us all. The guidance was the best that God could send. Duke Curtis, with his most professional and patient staff and Reverend Steele and the Pilgrim Baptist Church embraced us from beginning to end. And our strength came from all of you. Your condolences, your cards, the food and the flowers were the most spectacular show of love that we have ever seen. You lifted us up when you were hurting just as bad. Our thanks to each and every one. We have always been glad to share Roy with the world. From the Family of Roy Stanley Miller Home ~ News ~ Weather ~ worts ~ P_r_oyrams ~ Community ~ Contact. Us Advertise on WDBJ-TV or WDBJ7.com © WDBJ Television -- Roanoke, Virginia http://www.wdbj7.com/anchors/rstanley.htm 3/3/2003 „ WDBJ 7 news at 6 for 04/13/02 Page 2 of 7 Hundreds come out to say good-bye to our friend Roy Stanley. [ANCHOR=Teresa] [GRAPHIC=News7at6] Good evening, I'm Teresa Hamilton. [Roy-Funeral] [ANCHOR=Teresa] [NEWSCAST=6 PM] [WRITER=jus] [TAPE#=02-15 TC-1:00:56] [GRAPHIC=Roy Stanley] The weekends here at your hometown station won't be the same without Roy Stanley. He sat in the sports chair on Saturdays and Sundays for the better part of two decades. But he was more than just that lovable sports guy. Roy was a friend to many, a family man, and overall just a good guy. Justin Mcleod shows us how Roy meant so much to so many people. (///// SOT ////n [SOT] [IN Q=] [SUPER=03-Roanoke; :00] [SUPER=01-Jim Kent/WDBJ-7 News Director; :45] [SUPER=01-Kory Blackwell/Family Friend; 1:04] [SUPER=01-Jean Jadhon/WDBJ-7 Anchor; 1:32] [RUNS=2:07] [OUT Q=Roy Stanley, News 7] ((((SHOTS OF PEOPLE GOING INTO THE CHURCH)) They came by the hundreds. Family, friends, co-workers, former colleagues, even people who never knew Roy Stanley but felt they did through his years on television. [SOT 8:31:41; 8:33:04] [IN Q=Everywhere he went] ((ED GREEN/FORMER R.C. BASKETBALL COACH: EVERYWHERE HE WENT EVERYBODY LIKED HIM, EVERYBODY ENJOYED HIM. HE WAS A CHARACTER, HE WAS A CHARACTER IN A VERY POSITIVE WAY.)) ((CLAUDE PICHE/FORMER PROFESSIONAL HOCKEY PLAYER: HE WAS SUCH HAPPY GO LUCKY GUY EVERYDAY OF HIS LIFE.)) [Runs= 09] [OUT Q=everyday of his life] Roy spent a lot of his happy days here at WDBJ-7 where he was a sportscaster for more than thirty years. Roy made friends everywhere he went, whether it was on the golf course or at a high school football game. It was that trademark laugh and his outgoing personality that made him so special to so many people. (SOT 8:34:20] [IN Q=Roy was Roy] ((JIM KENT/WDBJ NEWS DIRECTOR: ROY WAS ROY AND HE JUST WAS HIMSELF AND EVERYBODY LOVED HIM FOR IT AND I DON'T THINK HE HAD ANY IDEA THERE WAS THIS KIND OF FEELING OUT THERE.)) [Runs= 07] http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/WDBJ-7/script_archives/02/0402/041302/041302.6.htm 3/20/2003 _ WDBJ 7 news at 6 for 04/13/02 [OUT Q=feeling out there] Page 3 of 7 Roy was more than just Roy Stanley the sportscaster. He was a family man who loved to spend time with his children. Family friends remember a guy who was always cracking a joke and a smile. [SOT 8:40:19] [IN Q=I think the most] ((KORY BLACKWELL/FAMILY FRIEND: I USED TO BE IN THE BAND WITH HIS SON AND HIS DAUGHTER AT WILLIAM FLEMING HIGH SCHOOL AND I THINK THE MOST I WILL MISS ABOUT HIM HE USE TO SAY I WALK A LITTLE TOO SLOW AS WERE MARCHING IN OUR PARADES AND EVERYTHING SO I THINK THAT WILL BE ABOUT WHAT I WILL MISS ABOUT HIM.)) [Runs= 13] [OUT Q=miss about him] Roy will also be greatly missed in his hometown of Wytheville where people knew him by his nickname Petie. And there's no counting the thousands of viewers who watched Roy over the years here on your hometown station. [SOT 8:41:24] [IN Q=Its definetely not going to] ((JEAN JADHON/WDBJ ANCHOR: IT'S DEFINETELY NOT GOING TO BE THE SAME AT CHANNEL 7 WITHOUT ROY. HE'S JUST ONE OF THOSE GUYS WHO SMILES EVERYTME YOU SEE HIM AND IT'S JUST GOING TO BE THIS BIG EMPTY SPOT WITHOUT HIM THERE. WE'RE GOING TO MISS HIM.)) [Runs= 11] [OUT Q=going to miss him] His colleague Mike Stevens said it best at Roy's funeral. If you know yourself, be yourself, and give of yourself, you will live an abundant life. There's no doubt Roy Stanley lived that everyday of his life. Justin McLeod, News 7, Roanoke.)) (XXXXXXX) [WIPE TO PINNACLE PAGE 1000ESSC] [ANCHOR=Teresa] Roy Stanley's family has asked that memorial contributions be made to the Wytheville Training School cultural center. This school provides education for black students in four counties around Wytheville. Please note in your donation that it is in memory of Roy Stanley. The address is 205 Tazewell Street. Wytheville, Virginia, 24382 [WIPE TO WDBJ7.COM FS] If you would like to share your memories about Roy, head to WDBJ-7 dot com and in the top left hand corner of the screen you will see a remembering Roy Stanley icon. You can share your thoughts and memories with others about the dean of sportscasters in the Commonwealth Roy Stanley. We'll be right back. (XXXXXXX) i~ ~~ ~ ,~o [ANCHOR=Teresa] [NEWSCAST=6 PM] [WRITER=jus] [Grandin-Theater] http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/WDBJ-7/script_archives/02/0402/041302/041302.6.htm 3/20/2003 Diane Childers - RE: Legal Ad Page 1 b'°~ ~~~ From: Martha Plank <Martha.Plank@Roanoke.com> To: 'Diane Childers' <DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 3/10/03 9:20AM ~~ Subject: RE: Legal Ad 1~ Thanks! This runs March 11 and 18 -cost is 64.40... THE ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS~WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003 THROUGH 2009 AND THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FY2003-2004. (2085676) Martha F. Plank The Roanoke Times Legal Advertising Rep. Phone 540.981.3440 Fax 540.981.3415 Email: legals@roanoke.com > From: Diane Childers > Sent: Wednesday, March 5, 2003 9:13 AM > To: legals@roanoke.com > Subject: Legal Ad > «File: 03-25-Six Year Secondary Road Plan.doc» > Martha, > Attached is a legal ad to be published on March 11 and 18. Thanks and > have a > great day! > Diane > > Diane S. Childers > Clerk to the Board > County of Roanoke > 5204 Bernard Drive, SW > Roanoke, VA 24018 > E-mail: dchilders@co.roanoke.va.us > Phone: (540) 772-2003 > Fax: (540) 772-2193 -- r MEMO To: Diane Childers, Clerk to Board of Supervisors From: Arnold Covey, Engineering and Inspections Subject: Legal Notice Date: March 4, 2003 Please advertise the following notice in The Roanoke Times: THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:00 P.M. ON TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2003 TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE SECONDARY SYSTEM SIX-YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003 THROUGH 2009 AND THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FY2003-2004. Thank you. Please publish in The Roanoke Times Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Tuesday, March 25, 2003 Direct bill for publication to: ARNOLD COVEY COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT P.O. BOX 29800 ROANOKE, VA 24018 }~cr ~Id ~~1 C e Qd Yt~fl C~a~s '"'"~ -~, 3-i~ -~ 3-~s-o3 ~~ Diar;e~Ct;;lders -Correction to Shamrock legal ad 3/11 and 3/18 Page 1 ', From: Vicki Walker 1 / To: legals@roanoke.com V Date: 3/6/03 5:OOPM Subject: Correction to Shamrock legal ad 3/11 and 3/18 Sorry -This ad should be run on 3/11 and 3118 (instead of 3/19) A corrected version is attached. Thanks. Vicki Walker Legal Secretary (540) 772-2071 vwalker@co.roanoke.va.us CC: Diane Childers Diana iC`~Iders -Shamrock IP legal ad.doc Page 1 PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, at the evening session beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Roanoke County ', Administration Center, Board Meeting Room, 5204 Bernard Drive, S.W., Roanoke, VA 24018, will hold a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE VACATING AN EXISTING 20-FOOT SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ON LOT 1 (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20) OWNED BY PLANTATION & KANTER, LOT 2A (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20.01) OWNED BY FRALIN PROPERTIES, LLC, AND LOT 2B1-A (TAX MAP NO. 55.09-1-20.02) OWNED BY RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY, CREATED BY SUBDIVISION PLAT OF SHAMROCK INDUSTRIAL PARK, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 94, AND FURTHER SHOWN ON RESUBDIVISION PLATS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 13, PAGE 134, PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 86, AND PLAT BOOK 19, PAGE 87, LOCATED IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT A complete copy of the proposed ordinance and related documentation is on file in the Office of the County Administrator and in the Office of the County Attorney and is available for public inspection. All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the public hearing scheduled as aforesaid. Dated: March 6, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Publish on the following dates: March 11, 2003 March 18, 2003 Please send invoice to: Fralin Properties, L.L.C./Planta c/o Maryellen F. Goodlatte, Esquire Glenn, Feldmann, Darby & Goolatte 210 First Street, S.W., Suite 200 Roanoke, VA 24011 (540)224-8018 Diane Childers - RE: Legal Ad Page 1 ,b~ \~ From: Martha Plank <Martha.Plank@Roanoke.com> To: 'Diane Childers' <DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us> / Date: 3/10/03 8:57AM V Subject: RE: Legal Ad Hi Diane... here is one of your ads to run March 11 and 18 -cost is 161.00 ALSO: Maurice Lucas called to see if I had gotten his ad. I think he said his hearing was April 2. I told him I hadn't received it yet. Thanks LEGAL NOTICE~~ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Fellowship Community Church to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a daycare on 15.652 acres located at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home, Catawba Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: March 7, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk (2085641) Martha F. Plank The Roanoke Times Legal Advertising Rep. Phone 540.981.3440 Fax 540.981.3415 Email: legals@roanoke.com > From: Diane Childers > Sent: Monday, March 3, 2003 4:33 PM > To: legals@roanoke.com > Subject: Legal Ad > «File: 03-25-Fellowship Community Church.doc» > Martha, > Please find attached a legal ad for publication on Tuesday, March 11 and > March > 18. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. > Diane S. Childers > Clerk to the Board > County of Roanoke > 5204 Bernard Drive, SW > Roanoke, VA 24018 > E-mail: dchilders@co.roanoke.va.us > Phone: (540) 772-2003 r __ _ _ __ 'Mane Childers - RE: Legal Ad > Fax: (540) 772-2193 Page 2 LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Fellowship Community Church to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a daycare on 15.652 acres located at Red Lane Extension at Interstate 81, Baptist Children's Home, Catawba Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: March 7, 2003 Diane Childers, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Tuesday, March 18, 2003 Direct the bill for publication to: Glenn Feldmann Darby and Goodlatte Attn: Maryellen Goodlatte 210 First Street Suite 200 Roanoke, VA 24001 (540) 224-8000 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: Diane Childers Clerk to the Board P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients Page 1 of 6 Se Err Lir Sit we Welping #o protect life, property and the environment against the devastating effects of fire, technotogicaf and natur. rmation Inf A Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients gency o Directory/Area Offices Fire Services Board On Friday, February 21, 2003, ten individuals were honored as recipie ' ~Training s 2002 Fire Services Awards. Governor State Forms Bookstore The Honorable John W. Marshall, Secretary of Public Safety, Adam Thi Grants/Funding Executive Director of Virginia Department of Fire Programs, Chief Rich Legislation Steinberg, Chairman of the Virginia Fire Services Board, and Jimmy C~ Public Education President of the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association were present to conga ' Fire Data/Statistics s Fire Service. recipients and acknowledge excellence in Virginia Calendar/Events Awards were presented in the following categories: Excellence in Private Sector Virginia Fire Services Support Civilian Lifesaving Excellence in Fire Prevention Excellence in Virginia Fire and Life Safety Education Excellence in Virginia Fire Service Training Group Fnoi Excellence in Virginia Fire Service Management Outstanding Fire Department Response Excellence in Virginia Fire Services Please join us in congratulating the following recipients: Award: Excellence in Private Sector Virginia Fire Services SupE HONORABLE MENTION Recipient: New Outlook Pioneers -Atlantic Coast Chapter # 133, Ricl Metro Club Accomplishments: Helped start the Junior Firefighter Program for 1st 2nd and 3rd ~ Henrico County-built props, purchased books and provided mar each event. The goal of the program-through education to make safe from the dangers of Fire. . Approximately 3,000-4,000 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders benefit each this program. . Dedicated partnership between the New Outlook Pioneers and H County for over 10 years. Award: Excellence in Private Sector Virginia Fire Services SupF http://www.vdfp.state.va.us/govawardsrecipients.htm 3/17/2003 Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients Page 2 of 6 Recipient: Altrusa Club of Martinsville and Henry County Accomplishments: "Altrusa International is an international association of professio and men who volunteer their energies and expertise in projects to community betterment." 444 clubs in 18 countries, with a toi 972 members worldwide. Martinsville/Henry County chapter has 18 members. The members of the Martinsville/Henry County Altrusa Club recc need for thermal imaging cameras-despite bleak economic cony the area, the club raised funds to pay for 2 thermal imaging carr money left over to divide between the two localities to be used t additional cameras. Award: Civilian Lifesaving Recipient: Eddie Heussler Accomplishments: . On January 22, 2002 this Fed Ex Employee noticed a young wom small child running from a burning home-without regard for his safety he ran into the burning home to try and save the 79 year homeowner-a stranger. Once inside the home, he made his w~ homeowner, once he reached her a flashover occurred and the f• lost her life and Eddie suffered severe burns resulting in a 2 mor MCV's burn unit. Through this entire ordeal Eddie has remained and steadfast in his belief that helping another is what anyone ~ a similar situation." Award: Excellence in Fire Prevention Recipient: Jan Mitchell Accomplishments: . Member of the Board of Directors of the Virginia Fire Prevention Association where she has served 2 terms as president; during t she helped lay the groundwork for a scholarship program and ra membership by nearly 100. . She currently serves a Chair of the Virginia Fire Services Board c Change and Development Sub-Committee. Jan is an active Cod through BOCA and the Virginia Department of Housing and Com Development. • She has served as a state representative to the International Fir Prevention Code Committee and is recognized locally, statewide, nationally as an expert in the field of Code Development. http://www.vdfp.state.va.us/govawardsrecipients.htm 3/17/2003 t Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients Page 3 of 6 Award: Excellence in Virginia Fire and Life Safety Education - HONORABLE MENTION Recipient: Wanda Willis Accomplishments: Wanda worked for part-time as the Public Education Officer for t Harrisonburg Fire Department for over 10 years where she also full-time as an E-911 dispatcher. During this time her primary responsibility as Public Education Officer was to develop and pre safety program to all of the City's third graders. In September of 2001 Wanda assumed the duties of Public Educ Officer full-time. Since becoming full-time Wanda has: revamped the 3~d grade p mirror the Risk Watch program, received permission to develop present the Risk Watch program at the middle school level, initi~ to purchase a used fire safety house as well as secured funding local Lowe's Home Improvement store to remodel it, one of last organizers for the Virginia Fire and Life Safety Conference, coon with the Virginia Department of Health for a child safety seat tec class where she also secured a $1,500 grant from DMV to purch supplies for the program, implemented a juvenile fire setter pros working with both juveniles and parents, and is working with Jh address fire safety in student housing complexes. Award: Excellence in Virginia Fire and Life Safety Education Recipient: Richard A. Sisler Accomplishments: . Developed and implemented a plan of action for a Citizen Fire Ac . Facilitates public fire and life safety education by using the Safei public gatherings, through the local Comcast cable television prc Line', and by delivering special safety program events for senior and school age children. . Aided in the formation of the Alexandria Be Safe Coalition - a co involvement program educating residents and visitors about fire safety. . Assists local businesses with individualized fire training. Participates in statewide efforts to organize educational conferer other fire and life safety educators. . Contributor to the Washington Council of Governments Fire Publ Education Committee. Award: Excellence in Virginia Fire Service Training Recipient: Aubrey W. "Buddy" Hyde, Jr. http://www.vdfp.state.va.us/govawardsrecipients.htm 3/17/2003 Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients Accomplishments: Page 4 of 6 . Pivotal is setting up non-funded training classes in Brunswick Co surrounding counties. . Assists rural volunteer fire departments with non-funded traininc . Facilitated bringing instructors together from a five county area, their own perspective, to teach classes from their own perspecti~ Lead instructor for Firefighter I and II, and Haz-Mat Awareness Operations in Brunswick County-all classes were non-funded re countless hours for preparation and delivery. . Assisted in setting up fire science program at Southside Virginia Community College. Award: Excellence in Virginia Fire Service Management Recipient: Charles Werner Accomplishments: Involvement at the local, regional and national levels. Local Level: implemented a core values program into the fire dE challenging the traditional roles of personnel and by instituting e strategy to enhance team effectiveness, instilled a new leadersh approach, initiated and coordinated the regional response plan t suspicious powder calls following the Anthrax scares, continually enhance the relationship between the City Police and Fire Depar~ instrumental in moving the region toward a unified command sy planned and coordinated local events in remembrance of 9/11 a coordinator in the effort that raised over $300,000 for firefighter in NYC. Regional Level: Initiated the development of the Regional Emer Planning Group (asub-committee of the Local Emergency Planr Committee), initiated monthly planning program with UVA for sf gathering events, assisted in the development of integrated corr between the UVA Police and City Fire Department, continuous w Emergency Communications Network, co-facilitated a new leade program called Horse Sense for Leaders with the UVA Leadershil Development Center, initiated the statewide Thermal Imaging C. Users Group, and serves as a member of the Secure Virginia Par Interoperability Sub-panel. National Level: Contributing Editor for Firehouse Magazine, Tecl Editor for Firehouse.com, Chairperson of the International Assoc Fire Chiefs Communications Committee, advised the US Fire Administration's Critical Infrastructure Protection Center on way: improve relationships between fire and law enforcement agencie participated in the Information Protection Program and participa review of the fire service vulnerability survey for the FBI's Natioi Infrastructure Protection Center. Award: Outstanding Fire Department Response http://www.vdfp.state.va.us/govawardsrecipients.htm 3/17/2003 Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients Page 5 of 6 Recipient: Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department Accomplishments: . On March 23, 2002 VA's largest illegal tire dump (estimated 3-4 tires) was set on fire by Arsonists. The fire began in the brush surrounding the tire site. Despite sustained winds of 15-22 mpl- recorded between 30-40 mph and relative humidity of 14% the contained at 1,064 acres just five days later. Roanoke County's helped to save lives, minimize property damage and avert signif environmental contamination. Throughout this event Roanoke C displayed great cooperation with federal and state agencies. Award: Excellence in Virginia Fire Services Recipient: Selby Jacobs Accomplishments: . Selby has a long history in Virginia's fire service community. As in Prince William County, Selby was the first in the Commonwea implement a 9-1-1 system to provide for rapid communication o emergency events, was able to obtain legislative support for res sprinkler systems, and helped the Department to grow to over 2 employees. . Selby has served as Chairman of the Council on Governments Fi rescue task groups, was Chairman of Steering Committee for the Eastern Conference on Women in the Fire Service, founding mer Fire Science program at the Northern Virginia Community Colleg of the first ~~People to People Emergency Services Delegation" to People's Republic of China, a Red Cross volunteer for over 40 ye including Director of local chapter, Past Chairman of the Metro V' Council of Governments, Past President of the Virginia Voluntary Organizations Active In Disaster group, Past President of the Virg Defense Association, member of the State Building Code Technic Board, and Immediate Past President of the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association. . He was also an adjunct instructor at the National Fire Academy, Emergency Management Institute, Virginia Department of Emerc Management, the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and for Intermediate Disaster Services. . Selby has also played a significant role in implementation of the Mutual Aid Program. Selection Process: The Executive Committee of the Virginia Fire Ser served as the Governor's Virginia Fire Services Award Selection Comm selection committee reviewed and scored all nomination packages in a meeting pursuant to the Code of Virginia § 2.1-344 A-10. After review scoring all nominations a determination was made by the selection coi The selection committee then forwarded their recommendations to the Governor, through the Secretary of Public Safety for final approval. http://www.vdfp.state.va.us/govawardsrecipients.htm 3/17/2003 Governor's 2002 Fire Services Awards Recipients Page 6 of 6 Privacy/Security Please contact us with any questions or comments: Virginia Department of Fire Programs / 101 N. 14th Street, 18th floor /Richmond, VA 23219-3684 /USA tel: (804) 371-0220 /fax: (804) 371-0219 / e-mail: vdfp mail@vdfp state va us / www.vdfo.state.va.us http: //www.vdfp. state.va.us/govawardsrecipients.htm 3/17/2003 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE ~ 97722193 N0.935 D01 Roanoke Co~,~, Fire and Rescue J7epa_~-zm,eut "~o8psrers Cre;I;Road Roanoke, V ~ 34Qx9 Date: ~ •]^' To: From: C vmtncnis: F~ = ~ aa-soy-sios ~°hone n 5~0-aos-S1QU Page{s) to ia~iow F~~ #: "' !/ e / F'a~ Cc~~cJer Sheet 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE ~ 97722193 N0.935 D02 (i~VERNUR'S 2Q42 VIRGINIA FIRE SERVICES ~WARU PRUGR~iM 2002 .NOM~~V~ 1"ID~ PACKAGE sponsored by the: V~RCINI~ DEPAKTMENT of FxRE ~ROiCRAMS amd the VIRGINIA F ' + SERVICES BC3ARD 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE ~ 97722193 N0.935 D03 NOMINATION YN~'OR~VIATION Everyone is encouraged to submit nominations for the Governor's 2002 Virginia Fire Services Awcuud program. Notninativns must be typed or handwritten, in a legible manner, on the enclosed nomination form. The person making the nomination. should have knowled;e of the nominee's qualifications and should carefully select the category that m.oSt appropriately matches the nominee's qualifications. A checklist of required. supporting documentation vtrifyin~; the norXl,i.T~ee's qualifications has been included in the nomination package. These requiremeuis include attaching four letters of recommendation, a restux~e oz list of accompli.shmcnts and a photo. NOTE: six (6) copies of the nomination form, including all required supporting matexials must be submitted. Only one (1) photo is required. Facsimiles will not be accepted. MAILING/DELTVERING COMPLETED NOMYNATXONS Couapleted nomination paclages, including six (6} copies, Must be submitted to: Governor's Virginia Fire Services Award .Diagram, c/o Vi~gjhia Asparlment Qf Fire Programs, lames lvionroe Building, 14I North 1.4~' Str.eet, 1 Sa' Floor, Richmond, Virginia 2321.9-3684. Questions should be directed to Ms. Gluisty King, clerk to the Virginia Fire Services Board 804/ 371-0?20. DEADLINE Nomination packages must be received by 5:00 p.rn. on November 1, 2002. There will be no exceptions and po facsimiles will. be accepted. SELECTION PROCESS The Executive Committee of 'the Virginia Fixe Services Board will serve as the Governor's Virginia Fire Services Award Selection Carrunittee. Once all narnination packages have been received, the Clerlc to the Virginia Fire Services Beard will forward them to the selection committee. The a©lectti.on committee will then review and score all norninati,on packages iu a closed meeting pursuant to the Code of Virginia § 2.1-344 A- 10. After reviewi~zg and scoring ail xwminaiiox~s a determinaiian. will. be made by the selection coirtrnittee. The selection committee will then forward their recomrnen.dativns to the Governor, through the Secretary of Public Safety for final approval. RECOGNI'T'ION OF NOMINEES AND PRESENTATION OF AWARIDS The Governor's Virginia Fire Services Awards recipients wi11 be announced and honored ai the Virginia Fire Chiefs Association's Mid.-~.tlAntic Expo & Syrnpaaium in. February 2043 in Virginia Beach_ 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE -~ 97722193 N0.935 D04 GOVERnT~R'S AWARD for OUTSTANDYNG FXRE pEPARTMEN~` ~~ ~'~ RESPONSE GRITERL4: Any outstanding Fue Aepartznent Response made in the last year, tbat demoAStrates mutual aid, integration of multiple system components, interagency interfacing axed cooperation, or complex assessment or rescue. The nomination must i~lclude a copy of the '~TF'IRS report. E',T.IGIBILITY.• Any fxaservice orgaxiiZation. GOVERNOR'S CIVILIAN LIFESAVING AWARD CR.ITEIZIA: Any civilian who exemplifies an. outstanding dedication to helping protect the citizens of Virgnia against the devastating effects of fire. ELTGIB.Iil~'. Any citizen of the Commonwealth of'Virginia 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE -~ 97722193 N0.935 D05 D©Ctfi'xENTATYON SCT~'PORTING NOMI~T.ATICIN Please iucludc tYtc following information: l„ Please List below (ar attach) the reasons for your nomination,; ittclude additional sheets as necessary. 2. Please attach four individual letters of recornmendatian for this individu.aUorganization. 3. Please attach a Iist of honors 2nd awards, civic oz profe&sional tb.at tlus individuaUorgauization has received in the past year. 4. Please includo z resumeJlist of aceompl.iehmentslexpexiences of the indi.vi,duallargani~~tion nominated. ~. Please include 6 copies (all doouxnentation} of each nomination y'ou are subuuttiu~, ixtoluding one photo_ 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE ~ 97722193 N0.935 D06 ~ovERNa~~s vrR~ Fxx~ s~RVrc~s ~vv~RDS ~Fr~.~c~~or~ NQM~ATION FORM Check only one category for this narnasi.ation. Nominate oxtly oae person or organization per foxm_ Please review the awards crztexza to erasure that the poalinee is placed in the most appropriate category_ 1. Excellence iae Virmi~afa Fire Servlces Excellence fn Vir~infa Fire anal 7LEte Safety Educatiob 3. Excellence fn Vfrafaaia Ffre Service Management 4. ExceAeuce in. Virginia Fir. a Service Training 5. Excellence in Virginia. Volunteer Recruitment and Retention 6. Excellence iaa Virginia Ffre Prevention 7. Excellence in Ffre investipati.a>a,s and Forensics 8. Excellence iu Private 6ectar ~~irgfaia Fire Services Support 9. X OutstandiaQa Fire Department Response 10. CivfUan l:,lfesaving Award Name of >wQmineelareani~atiQU: Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department Address: 3568 Peters CreeK Road Roanoke VA 24019 City: State: Zip: 540-561-8100 540-5fi1-8108 rDurch~co.raanoKe.va.us Tel: Fax: Email: Nouunation submitted b~~: Chief Richard E. Burch, Jr. Address: 3568 Peters Greek Road Roanoke City: State: VA 24019 Tel: 540-561-8100 Fax: Sao-561-8108 Zip: ~m~; rburch~co.roanoke,va.us 03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE -~ 97722193 N0.935 D07 REASONS FOIL N'01VIY1~'ATION March 23, 2002 will forever be etched into Roanoke County history- Spring was only a few days old and the weather was beautiful in the Roanoke Valley. At 15:12 that afternoon, al] would. change. Company 7 and Rescue 7 were dispatched to a possible brush fare in the 7200 block of Starlight Lane. Station 7 is located in Southwest Roaaokc County approxiniatcly 3 miles from this area of Starlight, Due to his faaniliarity with this particular area, 8attaliou Chief Steve Poff responded with Wagan 7, Brush 7 at-d Medic 75. Chief poll and all of Roanoke County were familiar with this area du.e to a large illegal tine dump being in the 7000 block of Starlight. There was a history of foes ou ibis site dating back over 2~ years and it was estitnatcd to have over 3 millior- tires oa sift spiced ovcr 40 acres of property. Wagon 7 arzived to find a relatively araall fire of erpproxinustely '/: acre that was gpxcading quickly up very steep tarraia. Sustained winds ware 15-22 t~h and wind gusts were recorded at between 30-40 miles per hour. 'f74e relative huuuclity was 14°/v- Chief Poff en.d Brush. 7 circled up a netuby driveway around the direction where the foe vvas spzeading its an attempt to cut off the foe at the head Twa 'brush trucks, a tariktr and an engine were assigned to try to keep the fire from involving the fire pies at the tap of a large raving that led to the Feeling propee•Cy. The Virginia. Division of Forestry was requt:sted to respond with at least one dour and a laclicoptcx by tlrc inci.den.t eonvmander, These were to ai.d in the brush fue suppression efforts. ,~ At approximately 1j:28, a, large blow-up" otthc brush fire occurred and swept fue swiftly into the 1Gltdzu covered ravine and towards the firefighters protecting the main fire site. Crusty winds were starting spot faros around and behind all t)ze staged units as they fought to control the blaze. An emergency evacuation order wan given when personal safety was gravely eadangcrod. With prior losowledge of such potential public threat, the dapaxtaaent had an extensive pre-incident survey in place- With the tine piles being somewhlt segregated, tyre iseitial. plats essentially was to Iiurit foe spread prior Lo extinguishment activities, This was flu why itutial oral's were placed at the head of the 5re is an aCteulpr [o limit the fire to the ravine area. only. Aue io the con.ditioms, this attempt proved to be wastucessful. The pre-incident survey also afforded tree awareness of other. iurique hazards iwn at-d around the property. Not o»ly was it located in difficult terrain, a gas pipeline crossed. the site. in addition, the location was bordered by a busy rail. line, Back Creek which fends into Smith Mountain. I.a1ce, and the Blue Ridge Parkway. As heavy black smoke began to cover the satire silo, ~llxe incident cotennaAder notified the conunuaicatious center that the fire had now spread to the fire d.urnp ared. the pre-incident survey plan was activated. State and County agencies previously ideAtified in the plan were aeitotnatically notified_ Within a matter of hours, the County 1/energertcy Operations Center. was operating 'uar~d.er a state of emergency and housed representatives from the Deparrinent of Enlcrgency Manngcment (VDEM), Department of Euvironnuatal Quality (D&Q), the Asnericaa Red Cross, the Vizgipia State Police (VSP), the VirPinia peptutmeAt of Transportation (VDpT), the Deparlmtut of Forestry (DOF), t1i.e National Park Service (Nl'3} as well as mast RnaDOke County Departments. Just a few hours later, tb.e Envirotuneatal. Protection Agency (EPA) was also part of the u>~ified coittmand system managing this incident, Tla,c iACideAt now involved a tine dump and a substantial forest foe. Tl1c depamnent lead to make a difficult but conscious decision to let the tires burn sad corrcantrate on eo>ztaining the forest fire, The Roanoke VaIley Regional Hazardous Materials Teatta corrtprised. of Roanoke Ciry and. City of Salem pezsoanel under. the direction of VDEM were iititi.aliy in place to facilitate the control of any rtua-off from tl~e Site as v~lell as monitoring the air quality. Several darns and catch basins were built to Back Creek which borders flu sift and slows intro 5u~ith Mountain l.ake- The decision. to let the foe burn as hot as possible did require several. health advisories to be posted for t1~e entire Roanoke V'a11ey due to the heavy hints` smoke blanketing the valley. We are very thankful that this .03i17i2003 11:18 ROA CO FIRE RESCUE ~ 97722193 N0.935 D08 air, while very irritritinP, was not toxic off site. To date, we are also glad to report that no runoff bas left tke immediate property. Tbzough the combined efforts of, all the responding agencies, the forest fire was finally contrvIIed and contained at 1~b4 acres on Thursday, Mareb 28th. Personnel from Roanoke County, the National Park Service, and the Depatom.ent of Forestry worked during the weel. with various line and saw crews to aid in the containrucnt of the fire. High humidity and li.gbt rain on Tuesday the 26th. obviously were helpful in bringing the forest fire portion of the incident to a close. The fire fire was considered the "second" incident. While helpful for those working on the forest fire, the initial rain was feared to lead to run off concerns at the fire fua site. Fornlnately, this did Aot occur. On Sunday, March 31, unified. command intcrvicwed representatives S~om Williams Fire and Hazard Control on extinguishzncnt alternai"ives. They era basal out of Texas and were selected. to lead the exfinguishraent process, Their equipment was delivered, mobilized, and deployed au site through the wtvel: and the actual work began op Thursday, April 4th to extinguish tb.e tires, This continued until April 16 when the fire was officially declared fully extinguished. >rasentiaAy, using heavy equipment, they dug out a bucket full of burning toes at a time and. extiin~ish with water/foam cornbinatious. 'This process was slow due to the fact that liras ate buried and itj p~1es that are up to 25 feet deep. The initial burn lied formed a czust over the ignited areas with extensive underground burning stiII occurring. Roanoke County firefighters worked with Williams personnel under the direction of a unified cotrunand in this process which took &evexal more weeps. The Health Deparaaaent took well water samples t)u'ougllout the area for a baseline during the onset of the incident and along with DEQ, the Health Dapatlment continued to moziitor air samples on a ?4-hour basis. This site was obviously a long term extiuguiahment and, cleanup process. Area citi2ens continued to be advised of t17e process by posting door-to-door fli.ess, holding community meetings, and through. 8 txtailiag list that was developed. PPA continued tv work op-site until. Juno 23~d when ell oil.-site nativity ceased. We are extremely pleased that through tlic work of all. agencies, eontarninatioa was limited to the site and it was rernediated there. Our depattnnant made t]re initial reeponFe to this incident and the decisions that were tsiade both saved lives and ~n~*r+r~ed the envirournental impact that this ixtci.dent could have caused. The proper preparation of a pre-incident sneey, the implementation of that plan, and the professional response by our. depAraaent, as well as other involved agencies, were esst:utial to the final aucccss and. closure of this major want. 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 FROM ~ RORNOKE COUNTY POLICE „ ~~~ ~PKO~ POLIO oour-~'~ 3aale5 ~„ La~iridCr hie!' oX' Police SALEMROANOKECHAMBER PAGE 01 545619107 Mar, t75 2~~3 01,:46PM P2 pax ~o- 3568 f'Zters Creek Road Roanoke. `1-~,tginia 7.4ii 19 f)I'tic~- 540156L-8071 ~ioanoke ~ourity Fax Sao 581_8iA3 Police Depar~xnent _ _ - __ _ _ _. _... _ _ - - - -- February 3, 2002 Lenara powx~inq, president ~~~ ~~ 77a- a19~. Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of c.;omxnerce p, c?. Box 832 Salem, VA 247.53 Clarion Hogt4eal~c2~scoke Airport ,,,~,~onndceelarb~.com MS~ Downing: Detective Brian Scott Horne is a gxaduat~reQ EnsCriminalsJustice~ Ur_iversity with a Bachelor of Sciencethe~ Rvanake County Eoiice Detective ??erne was employed by . Department ~.n Augt15t 159 . In. ;:'ebrua-y 1°g j, Scott was selected to serve ir_ the Roano,~yectnve Vice/Narcotics Unit as a temporary duty as5ic}~n~ment. ears. Scott was Horne sewed iz~ ghat capacity foz three y 2000. su>asequEntly presmoted to police Crom fed xto i Etecbi~rer and was D~~.r.i.r.g khan soma year Scott was P ;,t- Detective Horne has ;signed to the "white-collar crime ~-- ears wozk~ rig various wor'red ii. the Fraud Unit nor the past two y i~'lvestigati4n': assac;iat~d with: white collar C~llfl~S~tTdr2C5 w 1].mas tha.L include fozaery and utte?'ing and credit G&_.d idezitity theft investigations. rdentity theft crimes are the latest trend in white co.tteii~dingnthe ~3 utilizing various mean.., across the country. 1T i n trim i nFl o;:~ea15e5 nternPt:r individuals that involve themselves ~ are male to ar-cess an unsuspeCti.nc victim's biagzaphica_ information to ai.d ir, structuring ~~auaulenr accounts =ox purchases thzvughout the countzY- ~~\ ~. ~~ a VA'1'IONALLYACCRLD[['SA AS:E~CY 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 SALEMROANOKECHAMBER PAGE 02 5405618107 Mar. 05 2403 ~1:47PM P3 FAK NO• FROM RORNOKE C01,1NTY P(1L I GE Identity theft cases requixe a great dee.~ of woxk in doct~m,enting time to tk1e chain of events and' `ake a Significant amount of is ate.. often, several court ordet's a:icl yften ~ayeassi t ache ingest q obtain information what tt~e warrants are ~eaded{to identifying the suspect. Often- iavesLigating Detec~~ve ~ u;i,sdi.ctiori end often times, i~ suspect is living i1: another j another state. witkL Detective Horne net. Home worked a total of 141 f~er~ses. f In 2002ges in 2001, i approximate? 1 16 identity theft o roxi.mately 2C identi .ty wozked 198 xelated fraud cases. with. aDp.. identity theft offen9es. Detective Horne hadnt ~~~ Ynvestigati ge rate ~n 2002. As a resui,t of his comm1txae the Depar~men~ to theft eases, Detectiva Horne has beer salected by En.foxcement attend a Quest o Yn G1e*? oer,t C- orgia in theFSp~ir_g Q~w2003 . Txairing Cente In his oft-duty time, Detective Home works as a Certified Moto~~-ycle In,struGtox tnt'ough tkze Motorcycle Safety Fouz?.datior- co- v;,- in;a Westezr_ CoLnmunity College. ~dditiorally. sponsorea by g 1~ refexee for the netective Horne works as a basketball and baseba-~ ^_i CV of Salem .vutr. SpoXts. ,~ ty n his _rve$~i ~ationS led r}PrP~tive i:arne` s dedication an,d Lenaci ~. .~Derective oT t`~e ,~ea_~~ by hi.s p2aZS i~ the to his set ect_or as ent3.y Criminal Tnve$ti y .t p eX oiv ~hE Yeare by the Dew rtm2rztsub~~~cti.ve selec:tCci as the off k~IoYo.e cox~ti.nues to be an asset to tha Department and is cEZtainzy Weil. dESerV ~ Ilg U ~ ti2i 5 ~w$iG. The ir_foxmation you ±-e~ruested zegazding Scott is as follows: DetcCti.ve Srct~: ucarrie 3569 pE~ers creek Road Rcaxlok2, Va 7t1Q~~ ssN 2aa~88-7397 S1nCPr~ly, ~. R. G;-:i fir" 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 FHB-13-2003(THU) 16 57 RKE CO SCHOOLS PERSONf~L SALEMROANOKECHAMBER PAGE 03 (FAX)1 540 562 3995 P. 002/002 p.OZ Fab-13-q~ 02:a7A ~~ ~ • ,~o~.~. Gyretl~riSheppard ZZJt-d~t~TB?n • 9~sidre ar Sate wi ~r4T g~ZQ~iz~aa~ • J~lather'af ttiw rhrldrrn -» ~ta~tc. ~ 19yr-0crar otd, a~rfuau pfd ~rgfr St.IFeo~ arrnmely atte~rrdirrg ~Vi~fn .~ L'onr+nanity Coe ,.~.~-~ ,~+n~~ ('altering,•a,rrpkynro-ede,Sdferrrlt~~Sc~ • ?fo66res - wA~ng ar~scmp6oal~prg • I.aaes to sort tarxs~ tFe i;~car~ tours cFeitt~n, fo.~~Aew- ta~c fi~xdla'~ fixe'td'~ , feed arr ...ter C~ ~vY'~lw.~' Gi`-ffr 1 b~lC'~i ' ~ ~.. Cyn~+- Mcrrr~crv~ly~gea~cad~pp~ Chi ~' ,' s are c~,c~iwa ~~t. Mrs. j~„~p~.,w ~litee6eraf ttrr 6oardjor;~atenr ~Fme~lnts CmRmijsriarr i~ s~~ • • 'E~uttton ~ 5 . . ~fuaruflrarr, ~aerak~ Comae in 1978 witf~a rBaclref~r pfArts dtarrelJ ~dVCUt7v+r c~vursrs y~rnly to rrraintair, ,~~e. ~5. at 7Kamn s Cayce+Etcrosrrt,~Rry far2v ~~t.. ~n -,~~ ~-. LicRrrsr i~.r5+ s a.~.oe. +S C~~p~n~ rErfucativrrat~'oundationS~fayrkfp~4rr rarrr io {: Q ~'eGa6arntevt 7eae(y~ lA~lojdGd rn `~ errRttattdrrts'ttuetiari -1^s(l0 • 7 atotruatirre?oi{ar'sGeartisr6y wirrg,ireaets~eartrtisirutsgrss ~ ~Ivsieeve,~nfarrerrrnt to erub,rmga ztwFy rl~{Qf ~`L . V ,3 • .S~trrr. r'~t~j+l C7'~ a atr~dsnt Ctd Cruistian 6rau;~ a Clrairnran vftnrtriran ~:di~rcdpon'Week Lbrnrnfttcc • ~a~ Corcrerysrtraots 4~edtra6C.~tu'tlr~ron ~I~gprrsdntates~ `ear r5 ~~ ?wv tiarc Car~oerrrnvError !~ ~~c.o7' ~~ri~z.cc~ ~~at_~ ~ Q 5 This ~v~vlcu~ a G ~ 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 SALEMROANOKECHAMBER PAGE 04 Debbie Kav'~# from: "Elmer Hodge" cEHODGE~co-roanoke.ve~.us> To' <dkavitzC~saiemva.org> Sent Monday, March 10, 2003 2:57 PM Subject: Comments that you requested Debbie, My secretary told me that you. want a few remarks from nrte about Geraldine. Please pick a»d choose frorx~ the info below. Edit as you wish. Thanks. "Geraldine is fun to work with. Here is a person who is intelligent, who demonstxates initiative, who is a great teacher, and svzneone who can. get people to work together. In addition to all that, she really is fun to v-rork with." "Many people admire Geraldine for what she has done to raise two fine sons, and so do I but I ad.nrtire her even raorc for the wonderful person that she is. Geraldine Barber faces difficulties with dignity. She is a person of integrity and charm. With all that she has given to her family aztd the community, it is only sitting that she receive the Outstanding Citi~~en of the Year award." Elmer Hvdge Roanoke County Adrrtinistrator 540-7722004 3/10/03 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 RKE BOARp SUPERVISOR 540 772 2193 SALEMROANOKECHAMBER PAGE 05 03/11 '03 16:52 N0.516 0~l02 ARBE~R'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS ~'~eS~~~- GERALD~iNE B ~ p d 3 ~" ~.s~~ ~~~. v~f ~%+an~ ~e ,b ooh ~ba Positi~ot~s Hcld 12199 -~ Budget Administrator Roanoke County -Budget Computer Applications 7rainerfTechnical Writer 01198 -12/99 Roanoke Cvwnty - l.T. Assistar+t Executive Director 08rT8 - 09/97 VA Skyline Girl Scout Council -Finance Business Education Teacher 09(17 a a6R7 Blacksburg Middle School ~d~G~~drA MBA -Business Averett College, Danville, VA Bachelor of Science ~ Business Education Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA Community Involvorn~!rtt American Cenoer Society -Roanoke Chapter Boar(! VP and National Trainer Habitat for Humanity -Roanoke Chapfier Board VP Roanoke County High Schools That Work Task Force - Fvrrner Roanoke County Citizens'Advisory Committee '1996-1987 Roanoke County Schools Secondary Social Studies Textbook Selection Group 1997 M2ple Street Baptist Church Board of Trustees 1997-2001 United Way of Roanoke Valley - Alloca#ians Committee 2002 United Way of iRoanoke Valley ~ Trainer 199-1886 Csve Spring H5 Indoor Track Team ~ Cec~rdinator 1992-1993 Rotary Oroup Study Exchange Team Member (Philippines) 19$~ 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 SALEMROANOKECHAMBER 03!11 '03 16:52 nia.516 02/02 RKE BOARD SUPERVISOR 540 772 2193 Biographical Date -Geraldine Brickhouse Barber E o t ent: girl Scout Council -Director of Finance and Business Services (1978-1998) County of Roanoke -Assistant Director of Finance - (2043-Present} County of Roanoke -Budget Administrator (19992003) Edu ion: Virginia Tech (Bachelor's Degree) -197 Averett University (Master of Business Administration) -Year Unknown Bo of Dir o Y American Cancer Society ~ Roanoke Valley (Second Vice-President) Habitat far Humanity Nice-President) A , Roanoke Valley Speech and Hearing Center - the River Foundation {previously served on this board) A rican C ncer Socle PAGE 06 D First speaking engagement was at the 1999 Kickoff Ceremony -Relay for Li#e ~ Previously serv®d as Treasurer of the Roanoke Va~fey Chapter A Currently serving as Second Vice~President of the Roanoke Vall®y Chapter Ambassador for the American Cancer Society's Celebration on the Hill in 2042 Advocate speaker on behalf of the American Cancer Society -she recently spoke to approximately 60 members of Congress in February 2403 to advocate funding for canner r®search Her dynamic presentations and agility to motivate have captured audiences everywhere, and she is now receiving requests to speak at American Cancer Society conferences and events throughout the United States. 03/17/2003 05:37 5403874110 SALEMROANOKECHAMBER PAGE 07 Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award Our community is enriched by people who serve beyond the call of family and career. This year's recipient has a varied background from which she has drawn experience and put commitment into action. The recipient has served on the Board of Directors of the American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, Roanoke Valley Speech and Hearing Center, and the River Foundation. She has also been involved in Roanoke County High Schools that Work Task Force, Citizens' Advisory Commitkee, and textbook selection committee. The recipient has served as a Rotary Study Exchange Team member, and worked hard far United Way as well as the Maple Street Baptist church, where she is a past member of the Board of Trustees. She has excelled in her commitment to the American Cancer Society, serving in many areas and working for Relay for Life. She recently spoke to approximately 60 members of congress in February to advocate funding for cancer research. Her dynamic presentations and ability to motivate have captured audiences everywhere, and she is now receiving requests to speak at American Cancer Society conferences across the United States. In February, she was promoted to Assistant Director of Finance for Roanoke County...and what dues her Administrator have to say about her? received this quote from Elmer Hodge: "Many people admire Geraldine for what she has done to raise two fine sons, and so do i, but i admire her even more for the wonderful person that she is. Geraldine Barber faces difficulties with dignity. She is a person of integrity and charm. In addition to all of this, she is really fun to work with! In all that she has given to her family and the community, it is only fitting that she receive the Citizen of the Year Award.» The chamber of commerce is proud to congratulate Geraldine Barber Citizen of the Year 2002. D~~hilders -Officer of the Year Information 5 From: "Andrea Price" caprice@roanokechamber.org> To: "Diane Childers (E-mail)" <dchilders@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 3/19/03 2:04PM Subject: Officer of the Year Information Diane, -- ___ _ ; Page 1 I have attached the details on Officer Kuyper's Officer of the Year award. We work closely with the Roanoke County Police Department on this award and they havethe final decision on it. The attached information was taken from the details that they provided to us. Beth Doughty will be present at your Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 3:00 p.m. for your recognition of Officer Kuyper. Please send me the meeting agenda by a-mail or fax when it becomes available. Call or e-mail me if have any questions or need anything further. Thanks! Andrea Price Communications Manager Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Phone: (540)983-0700, ext. 227 Fax: (540) 983-0723 www.roanokechamber.org ROANOKE REGIONAL CHAMBER AND KIWANIS CLUB OF ROANOKE RECOGNIZE ROANOKE COUNTY OFFICER OF THE YEAR Officer Christian L. Kuyper of the Roanoke County Police Department has been selected as Officer of the Year for 2002 by the Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce. Kuyper is commended for his actions that may have saved a woman's life. In August 2002 Officer Kuyper responded to a domestic related incident in Roanoke County. He advised the victim to obtain a warrant and a protective order and also convinced the woman and her mother to leave the residence and stay in a motel until the matter could be resolved. Later that night, the suspect returned to the residence and began shooting into the home. He eventually determined that his intended victim was not at home and committed suicide at the scene. The extra effort Officer Kuyper spent convincing the complainant to leave the residence prevented the suspect from locating her and apparently saved her life. The Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce is the largest business organization in Western Virginia. It has approximately 1400 members in 42 localities in Virginia. The Chamber and Kiwanis Club honor police officers monthly and award an officer of the year at the Chamber's annual membership meeting. ### Roanoke Times Online Archives Page 1 of 4 ~~TIIE ROll~()I(~ TI111GS This article is ©2003- the Times-World Corp. • CJick here to conduct another search • 1-l~lp ~~ ith searching; POLICEMAN SAYS HE HAS 'BEST JOB IN THE WORLD' ~~ ,~``j ~G.~ ~ v~ t~~ a Date: January 14, 2003 Section: VIRGINIA Page: B 1 By SHAWNA MORRISON THE ROANOKE TIMES When Chris Kuyper was 5 years old, his uncle asked him, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" "A cop," Kuyper answered matter-of-factly. "He has plenty of time to decide," Kuyper's mother told his uncle. But little Chris Kuyper didn't need time to decide. "Growing up, I had the utmost respect for police officers," said Kuyper, now 32. "I was born to be a cop." ~~ . ~°,~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ 1 r?~` ., ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~ U Kuyper left Buffalo, N.Y., to become a Roanoke County officer in 1994. He is now Roanoke County's Officer of the Year. He serves as a patrol officer, is a member of the SWAT team, and, as a defensive tactics instructor, teaches other officers how to protect themselves with pepper spray and "flash-bangs" distraction devices. He is a police officer II, a senior police officer. "Chris was the kid who would sit in the back of class and not say anything," said P.J. Pascoe, Kuyper's best friend from Buffalo. "But now he's a police officer, and a good one." Pascoe became a Roanoke County officer about a year after Kuyper. In 2000, Kuyper left the department for a job as an officer in Charlotte, N.C. His wife, Tiffany, missed her hometown, so the couple moved back to Roanoke County in February 2001 and Kuyper resumed his position at the department. "He's one hell of a street cop," said Lt. Chuck Mason, one of Kuyper's supervisors. "It was probably a cumulative effort rather than a single incident" that earned Kuyper the title of Officer of the Year, Mason said. z~~~z 2~~~ http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_action=doc&p_docid=OF 89400493 60D2... 3/20/2003 ~' Roanoke Times Online Archives But one incident that took place in July clinched the award for him. The police department had received a call from a woman who said her estranged husband, James Wroblewski, had been threatening her over the telephone. Wroblewski had left Roanoke for Buffalo after the couple split up. But the threatening calls weren't made from Buffalo; he was in a Roanoke hotel. Scared that her husband's threats might be real, the woman called local firearms dealers, asking if Wroblewski had recently purchased a weapon. He had. "She was just frightened to death," Kuyper said. She had spotted Wroblewski casually smoking a cigarette outside a window at her home in a heavily wooded area in southern Roanoke County. Several officers, including Kuyper, who was armed with night vision goggles, spent about two hours trying to locate Wroblewski. But Wroblewski had an advantage over the officers. "He knew the woods better than we did," Kuyper said. Kuyper told the woman and her mother, whose house was just next door, that they would be safer if they spent the night somewhere where Wroblewski couldn't find them, but the woman didn't want to leave. "She thought because she knew him better than we did, that he wouldn't act on [his threats]," Kuyper said. But Kuyper was convinced that Wroblewski was dangerous. He finally persuaded the women to leave. Kuyper searched Wroblewski's empty hotel room, let the midnight units know what was going on, and went home for the night. About 3 a.m., he got a phone call from a friend and fellow officer. Wroblewski had returned to his estranged wife's home. He fired multiple shots into her house and her mother's house and kicked in the doors. "The way it was told to me," Kuyper said, "there were just bullet holes all down the sides" of the houses. Page 2 of 4 http: //nl.newsbank. com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_action=doc&p_docid=OF 89400493 60D2... 3/20/2003 ~~ Roanoke Times Online Archives When Wroblewski realized the homes were empty, he shot himself. "If we hadn't taken the time to get them out, they'd probably be dead," Kuyper said. "The end result was still a tragedy because somebody died." "Kuyper decided to really work it," Mason said. "He was really concerned for their well-being." Pascoe said Kuyper takes every situation as seriously as he took the one in July. "To someone who calls, even for something minor, he knows it's a big deal to that person or they wouldn't have called," Pascoe said. "He shows them respect." Kuyper's reasoning is simple: "The community basically are the eyes and ears of the police department," Kuyper said. "If we solve their problem, we're probably solving the problems of that community. And that's what we are. We solve people's problems. "Any time you get to change someone's life, either directly or indirectly, you take pride in that. It's the best job in the world." Shawna Morrison can be reached at 981-3341 or shawna.morrison@roanoke. com. Caption: Photo - 1 JOSH MELTZER THE ROANOKE TIMES Roanoke County senior police officer Chris Kuyper (center) and fellow officer Greg Branch (right) interview a man who was walking along U.S. 220 South on Jan. 7. Kuyper has been named Roanoke County's Officer of the Year, in large part because of efforts he made to save a woman and her mother from the woman's estranged husband, who was making threats and later fired shots into her house. COLOR Photo - 2 JOSH MELTZER THE ROANOKE TIMES Roanoke County senior police officer Chris Kuyper, who is the county's Officer of the Year, directs traffic Jan. 7 on Va. 419 at Tanglewood Mall after a power outage shut down the traffic lights for a couple of hours. Page 3 of 4 http://nl.newsbank.com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_action=doc&p_docid=0F8940049360D2... 3/20/2003 ''' Roanoke Times Online Archives Kuyper said he wanted to be a policeman from the time he was a boy. 3. "I was born to be a cop," says Chris Kuyper, Roanoke County's Officer of the Year. COLOR All content herein is ©1997 Times-World Corp. and may not be republished without permission. The Roanoke Times Online is a service of The Roanoke Times. Page 4 of 4 The Roanoke Times archives are stored on a SAVE (tm) newspaper library system from MediaStream, Inc., aKnight-Ridder Inc. company. http://nl.newsbank. com/nl-search/we/Archives?p_action=doc&p_docid=OF 89400493 60D2... 3/20/2003 From: Diane Childers To: Brenda Holton Date: 3/19/03 3:13PM Subject: Fwd: Officer of the Year Information Good morning Brenda! Alot has changed with the agenda in the last two days. Regarding recognitions, Elmer wants to have both the Salem/Roanoke County and Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce's here for the recognitions. All parties have been contacted and will be in attendance. We will need to add one additional resolution for Chris Kuyper who was recognized by the RRCOC as the Police Officer of the Year. Attached is an e-mail from Andrea Price with the background information if you could prepare a resolution. Thanks! Diane Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 From: "Andrea Price" caprice@roanokechamber.org> To: "Diane Childers (E-mail)" <dchilders@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 3/19/03 2:04PM Subject: Officer of the Year Information Diane, have attached the details on Officer Kuyper's Officer of the Year award. We work closely with the Roanoke County Police Department on this award and they havethe final decision on it. The attached information was taken from the details that they provided to us. Beth Doughty will be present at your Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, March 25 at 3:00 p.m. for your recognition of Officer Kuyper. Please send me the meeting agenda by a-mail or fax when it becomes available. Call ore-mail me if have any questions or need anything further. Thanks! Andrea Price Communications Manager Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Phone: (540)983-0700, ext. 227 Fax: (540) 983-0723 www.roanokechamber.org • Diane Childers - Re: Officers of the Year From: Diane Childers To: Tom Kincaid Subject: Re: Officers of the Year Thanks Tom. I will schedule it for 3:00 on March 25. »> Tom Kincaid 02/06/03 09:20AM »> 3:00 p.m. works best for the Chief. Thanks. Page 1 ~~. l ~ O~ ~ ~- Qb~~,:p~ 5_ ~ b~1i »> Diane Childers 02/05/03 09:27AM »> Thanks so much - I have received the information. We will put this on our agenda for March 25 which will be following the Police Department's awards ceremony on March 17. Would you prefer that this be scheduled for the 3:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. session? Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchilders aC~.co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Tom Kincaid 02/05/03 08:37AM »> I have faxed the information to you. »> Diane Childers 02/03/03 02:38PM »> I am drafting the agenda for the February 11 Board meeting and wanted to touch base to see if you had determined a date for recognizing the Officers of the Year. If you would like to place this on the agenda for the February 11 meeting, please let me know as soon as possible. The agenda will be finalized on Thursday, February 6 and distributed to the Board on Friday, February 7. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchildersla co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 ,~5.~a 3 ,:~`e yea ~~ ~ ~~e Q~ FROM ROANOKE COUNTY POLICE FAX N0. 5405618107 Feb. 05 2003 09:51AM P2 '~ ~ ~', ROANOKE COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ORDER NUMBER: 03-03 ,~ -~ BY ORDER O _ DATE: January 27, 2003 PURPOSE: To announce and congratulate the 2002 Department Employees of the Year. PROCEDURE: The following Department personnel were selected for recognition by their peers: Detective Scott Horne Uniform Division Platoon Officers of the Year Officer Tim VanMarter Officer Chris Kuyper,/ Officer Steve Shorn/ Traffic Officer of the Ye r Officer Billy Smit ~ Uniform Division Rookie of the Year Officer Wes Campbell Uniform Division Platoon Rookie of the Year Officer Travis Akins/ Officer Brian Blankenship, Officer Wes Campbell, Detective Scott Hvme Communication Officer oft a Year Jessica Dotson Platoon Communication Officers of the Year Susan Smith Jessica Dotson Beth Glemson School Resource Officer of the Year Qfficer Cindy Jartcso,/ ~ : Communi Service Officer of the Year Officer Kenneth Broughman~ Civilian Em to ee of the Year Tess Graham FROM ROANOKE COUNTY POLICE FAX N0. 5405618107 Feb. 05 2003 09:50AM P1 r _. ., i~w ~ ~ ;~ ,, ~. ~D A M 0'PE' POLICE ~ouw~y FAX TRANSMISSION Ronnoke County Police llepu>rtmeut 35G8 Peters Creek IZd Roanoke, VA X4019 FAX: 540-SG 1-8 I43 (Kecords) O FAX: 540-SGI-8115 (Dispatch/Uniform) O FAX: 540-SG1-8114 (Crirnigal Investigations) C7 FAX: 540-SGI-8107 {Uuifvrm Adminisiration) (~ Date: ~ ~~ Tv: ~~-~ ~a ,~ ~-~1~ ~ rc From: ~ ~'~~ \ h~~ cuz~ Fat #: --- ~~ '~.- Z t ~Z Phone: ~ Cc l f3oc~~ i'ltone: ~1 Z - '2. c:~a~ 1'~>tges: ~. inclid tSin_g c;c~ver 4lt~e~t Subject: .~wa- ~a~ Remarks ur SpeciAl .tnstrnetions: Notice: Tiiis con~nunicatiorl from the Roaravke County Police Department, including attachments, if any, is intended as a confidential and privileged communication. If received in error, you should not copy, save, or reproduce in any manner or form, but delete immediately and notify fhe sender. Thank you, RCPD-CSI to~zoa t ~ Diane Childers - Re: Officers of the Year Page 1 From: Tom Kincaid To: Childers, Diane Date: 2/5/03 8:38AM Subject: Re: Officers of the Year I have faxed the information to you. »> Diane Childers 02/03/03 02:38PM »> I am drafting the agenda for the February 11 Board meeting and wanted to touch base to see if you had determined a date for recognizing the Officers of the Year. If you would like to place this on the agenda for the February 11 meeting, please let me know as soon as possible. The agenda will be finalized on Thursday, February 6 and distributed to the Board on Friday, February 7. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchilders~co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 Diane Childers - Re: Officers of the Year Page 1 ~! From: Diane Childers To: Tom Kincaid Date: 2/5/03 9:27AM Subject: Re: Officers of the Year Thanks so much - I have received the information. We will put this on our agenda for March 25 which will be following the Police Department's awards ceremony on March 17. Would you prefer that this be scheduled for the 3:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. session? Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchilders@co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Tom Kincaid 02/05/03 08:37AM »> I have faxed the information to you. »> Diane Childers 02/03/03 02:38PM »> I am drafting the agenda for the February 11 Board meeting and wanted to touch base to see if you had determined a date for recognizing the Officers of the Year. If you would like to place this on the agenda for the February 11 meeting, please let me know as soon as possible. The agenda will be finalized on Thursday, February 6 and distributed to the Board on Friday, February 7. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke 5204 Bernard Drive, SW Roanoke, VA 24018 E-mail: dchilderst~co.roanoke.va.us Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 CC: Brenda Holton FROM :ALZHEIMERS ASSOCIATION FAX N0. :540 345 7900 Mar. 25 2003 11:21AM P2 a ~~ AGENaA 1TEM NO. X PUBLIC WEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that !may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERNy I W1LL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker wilt be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY ANb GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: 4~c.~ ,r, 'N ~~-,z ADDRESS: ~7:z ~ ~ lo.~- ,4 ~ ~ v~ ~~ ~~T~ z f3'~4~0 ~~ Z~U/~~.. PHONE: ~~o- 3 ~~- ~~ ~~? GROUP/ORGANISATION: ~B.4~cK ~ FROM :ALZHEIMERS ASSOCIATION FAX N0. :540 345 7900 Mar. 25 2003 11:21AM P1 FAX SPIFFY AIIhC,irTIE't~5 /~Stic.r( I~ltk)11 C:Crlh~~ll ~ Wcslc~nl VA C.fl~fl>lCl-IZc>,~ni>kr f{cckioll 27'lf3 C~c.)lonial Avg.. 5uiic~ l (54U) 34S-7f_~C)() FAX (S~Id)f 345-7~~(.x7 1lelpli-~e I-(877~34S~7S()(7 _ __ -... . ~~ EN ~iQ /~ t/~O /~ /lr /J ..,. Fax Number: ~ -r 2 I)F~Ic:" 3 ~ ~ p j ~I otak Pabes {Including (a)ver) t)('fie~ I_c)cation_ Rcianc)k~ Region U lJrgent 0 Reply ASA!' 0 Please Comment n Please Review ~ For Your ktformation ~i4 / 7 y / ~~' ~ a! '"? r: `r~'c,~i.4 ( ~ i / 1/~+/~' ~' C. /c~K ~~s O~(~ Gl N mac. ~G . ` f I~/ E SS, ~ r ~/~ ~j G i / H f .~ /r~ `, J << /'T' C~ ~'~ / ~¢/L~/ t°-r.Y C~ G C~ /~ G~!/i~f G> 6S~ ~ y ~o, i i? G~ cvr /(/ iZt~`j ~~. ' ~1 ~ ~/1 ~S ~i'.~ (l ~i..v s YOUR DONATION 1HAIiBS A DIFFBRBNCB Alzheimer's Association Memberships X25.00 Individual $l00 Corporate In the U.5» 4.3 million people are diagnosed with Alzheimer s disease 15,000 people are affected in the Roanoke Region Upcoming _ eve»ts»> AT~"~;lYIX7/y BQ'tF.RS.• Memory Ride July S, 2003 Roanoke Memory Walk -flanging Rock -September 13 hew River Vauey Memory Wank -- I`iVR Mall -October 18 Call us for ir~formation or to discover the resources We provide to professional and family caregivers! FROM :ALZHEIMERS ASSOCIATION ALZ ~~~~IJ1, ASSOCIATION Somr.(rtc to Stand by You FAX N0. :540 345 7900 Mar. 25 2003 11:22AM P3 Central and Western Virginia Chapter December 13, 2002 C:fl:u•Ittttrst~iNc Re~io,rtl Ot'tit'c C4~ ~'.n ('t,uprer Oflier Ms. G. B. Barber, Budget Administrator t>;il% stl~fi~,~rir I r-+i~ County of Roanoke, T)ept of Management and Budget "i'~''(''I P.O. Box 29800 i~~.i: (a.i.~l~)<< (,122 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Fug: (<ll%1)'ll,l--M1Z2~ Deat Ms- Barber, llnrrisonnurg Regional O~'fice li(~x :;, i, r (, ou for your rcxCnt notification that the Coul'Ity of Roanoke is accepting Thank . fl:trrlsottbt,rg, vn „~03 y applications for fundvng for the 2003-2004 fiscal year- T'cl: (~yb) SGS G15~ Enclosed you will find a sul'luYlary of our Caregiver's Support Project. The f.}',tchburg spy tells the alarnung story -over 4.3 million Americans have been [tegion:~t ~rr;or ~ with Alzheimer's disease and related de~ia. Without a cure or 1 y»chhur);. VA '),A50? treatment that,number is expt~tsd t0 s0dr t0 l4 I[fIll10r1 by 205U~ W6 cart only Z'cl- (4.14} R4j $5•{() iIllag]IiC the Impact Lo Our ht~lth G$re Syste<IIS and COQ1Rr4l1L1Ity resources. F'ux: (434) 395-8378 Itpannke Would the County of Roanoke consider making a dton of $5,000 to the Itrgit,,,al ot;ftcc ~~~ Region? Our region has over 15,000 afFeoted by A1Tlieil>rltyr's disease 272lS C'ulooi;tt A\~cnuc and relat+od dennecltia -that number is growing. We seed additional to s(,;,2 ~ Koancike, vn Sao) s continue oar caregiver support program- The statistics are dcvastatil7ig. One in Tci: (sat)) _sa,...7(,0o throe Families have a close relative that suffers from Alzheimer's disease (AD). h~ltx: (540) 3a5-7~;•i)(1 One in ten individuals over the age of 55 and nearly half of those over 85 have Websitc AD. W W'\M1'. EI\'C'n4C.111'~lit7h(aIDCfY This grant would partially fund our Caregiver's Support Project. Y.aSt mOntlL, t11C Tioard of 1)irt;ctorv (ventral &. Wt~ctcru Roanoke Regiv>t>< offered 17 Support Groups acmes the region, handltad 2l Help vi.rgtnia ('ttancc.t-: Line calls and offered caregiver training to over 100 home and prof~essiotlal ' caregivers- We partnCred with local police to proltlOtC Safe Return and Project 1 ~~ r~ r:,. Wiu;gn„ 1'citorl. 1 facilitated a meeting with l 1 local police jurisdictions to in fact Lifesaver -an l rea;t+at,r f(rltt, Annc P,tr;(»t, , a , an effort t0 foster partrlerships and awazeness of these two critical programs. \'•;QC h1'CSlliCl ll Kobcrl .f. Sick Trca~urcr We appr(xiate your consideration of this request. Please call with ally questions M;IrI}r:, Trl:rant Or (;,pI11I1LeI1tS. Secretary Cvnl)ria f:. Abbott Sharon i:iai,~ Sulccrcly, f.stainc }3}'fit Jcrcclry J, I,,;tU)than CNth)' I.cimcr ~ylvilt I.on4 KBthy G. Boyd, NT"lA Robert Montgrnnay }2oi,crt A. Mourefirld Regional Dirator i7onald S:mdrid~c Marth,l Vi'atkins EnC. A Thomas Withe.rh,gu,n Exrcutlve UirectAr Email: kathy.boyd@alz.org F.lnstbeth Sc;l!?rOt,k AI7IikIMLi R'5 UIYtASE ANP RGLATED UlS(JltUtlt$ ASSOCIATIO\. fn1C'. FROM :ALZHEIMERS ASSOCIATION ALZ IMER'S~' ~• ~ • ~ ASSOCIATION Sv,nec,ne rn .Sranr! 8y YUu t":hn,-lntt~sviill~ tiey;ioual Uf1ii'r' C~~1 \':1 C'h~tptt~,r C)t'fi~c ti„i[c_ua c.t~a~i,,,,t•~;,~il.•. ~~,ti ~zt,ni fcl: (~1:;.tr+:r7t-(.112 lterritionbuc~ Ite.Kioniil Ot~tice r 1). lit, :~ i () FI:u-ris.n,Lur;;. \'A "Y.17i i.,y,lcUburk (ZeKiottnf (:)ft"icc f~ (.). llo. K?3 l vnc:nnttr~. v,o 1~5i)5 I cl: (43d) iz45-;SS.11] Fax: l4 {~! ;;1i-K376 Raauoke Rc~ianuf ()ffSce 7.726 Ci,1ut~1~,1 .4vcnue iuitc 2 Koanokv, V A 24(11 5 7•c1: (54Q) 345-'7A00 Fax: (5411) :i4i-790(1 \V ebsitc www.nvcnu~..tttFiulzttt:intcrs 13ourd o#' Directors ('entral & Western Virfiinia Chapter: J?, win;a„t:; i~t•.f~t,,,, n ;vt.l_>. t'r.;iJct,t ktanh Anne ]'ar;vu, Vier President Rc,bcrE 1. $auk Trcusuror ivfattha f~atr',i~,r 5c~:rcntt,- c^~•ntitiu i'. ,11.:horn ~i„tron laaa l.ih,ini^. 13) ri1 Ji'remy .I. Laugh„n l.idilb [,nw i:r,tfiy L,ci,,,~,' SY1vis Lone. l~ubet•f M,,ntq,>cne,y. Kuban A. tvlourrfiCld f:)unald S:uutridg.: i\4ctrtha Vdaukinc A,'['hun,,. Withcrmgtun Rxecutivc Uircctar f:aizab,riL tieahroo): Central and Western Virginia Chapter CAIZEG~IVFR'S SUPpOR~i' i'ROJ~CT Roanoke Region, Central & Western VA Chapter We need your help! Would you please consider freaking a gift to the Alzheimer's Association, Roanoke Region Central & Western VA Chapte><'? The Roanoke Region spans 18 counties {from Rockbridse County to Smyth County). There are 15,000 people affected by this devastating disease just in our region. The statistics are staggering: one in ten persons over age 65 and nearly half of those over age $5 havc Alzheimer's disease (AD). Today there are 4.3 million diagnosed with AD in the United States- That number is expected to reach over 14 million by 2050- Your question might be "How will my donation help Alzheimmer's patients and Caregivers in the Roanoke Region?" A donation will offset the cost to' • Organize and staff support groups for those in early stages of Alzheimer's disease including their family and caregivers; • provide "Safe Return" - a national registry #o assist in teturning wandering persons to their home and family; • Staff our Help Line tv provide infornfation and referral across our region; • Provide Respite Care Scholarships to give caregivers a needed break; • Provide educational seminars, counseling and conferences; Provide a Resource Library with free brochures and a lending area of books and videos for family, caregivers, police and schools. As you can see, the needs are great as we seek to provide support and services across the Roanoke region. Help us help your family, friends and neighbors who are struggling with Alxhtsimer's disease and other related dementia. Your contribution will make a difference in our community. Kathy G. Boyd, NHA Regional Director Central 8c Western VA Chapter 2728 Colonial Ave., Suite 2 Roanoke, VA 24015 540-345-7600 FAX N0. :540 345 7900 Mar. 25 2003 11:22AM P4 .iLZRE1MGR~y Oiyt•:ASF. aND RELATliI) ulSi)RDERS nsstx:urto~i, tNC FROM :RLZHEIMERS RSSOCIRTION FRX N0. :540 345 7900 Mar. 25 2003 11:23RM P5 Central Western VA Chapter Caregivers Support Project Budget Roanoke Region 2002-2003 Line Item Salaries Fringe Benefits Development Newsletter Office Supplies Telephone -Regular Telephone -800 Help tine Postage Printing Programs & Caregiver training Rent 8~ Utilities Special Event Costs Travel Volunteer Recognition Misc. T07AL EXPENSES fog Project Planned Income by Source Grants 1896 Special Events 43°~ A110ther 3996 Amount Comments $ 35,000.00 Portion of two-full time staff $ 7,350.00 21°~ of base salaries $ 500.00 Potential Donor Recruitment $ 500.00 Printing 8 Postage -quarterly mailing $ 400.00 Paper, printing, other misc. $ 900.00 Phone & intemet $750 Covers 18 counties and 10 cities $ 750,00 Routine correspondence and thank-you ods $200 Brochures $20,000 Respite care-Support Groups-Education Resource library-Safe Ret~.,~-t-Counseling $8,400 Negotiated non-profit rate x3,000 Two Memory Walks ~ Memory Waltz $2,000 Most within Roanoke Region $100.00 Appreciation event $500.00 Audit -Software upgrades 80,350.00 TOTAL 10096 MAR-20-2003 09:31 AM ADULT. CARE 5402241964 P. 01 X PUBLIC HEARING ORpiNANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Regurest - Human a,~nt~ Social ~erylce Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE ~,ECTERN~ I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE SY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ~ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chalrman will enforce the rule unless Instructed by the maJorlty of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clariflcatlon may be entertained by the Chalrman. ^ AEI comments must be directed to the Board. pebate between a recognized speaker and audience m®mbers Is not allowed. . ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at ali times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. • Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIB~,Y AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TQ THE BOARD NAME: c~~~t ADDRESS: i~'70 ~orwo~eJ~ ~1va . 41d~ '7~-i ~~ Vi4 ~~JJ 53 PHONE: 530 - 9~3~ 1 Zo ~ GROUPlQRGANIZATION: _ ~~uLT (.r1+~. a~ ~bwwowt V~1~j ~~~~ FROM : CASH FAX N0. : 540-473-2576 Mar. 24 2003 01:07PM P1 .. ,.... ..,~.r- AGENpA ITEM NO. x PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMIUIENT5 SUBJECT'; l=undin Re uest -Human and Social Service A encies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting vn the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLEb TO THE LEGTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS I'OR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIpELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative, The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority ofi the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only, Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ Ail comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at al! times. Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board, ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE 130ARD n , NAME: (,'Q~ AC~DRESS: .~~1~2~v PHONE: ~a '3. GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~~~,~~~ Mar 19 03 08:15a Fifth District Consortium 540-767-6135 p•z AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN Ct)MMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service A~ eg, ncies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE: BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3} minutes to comment, whe#her speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions ~f clarification may he entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is nvt allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: 1.~ ~ it ri,.a C~N,u e.t ADDRESS: ~o$' N,-ca..}~,ersow ,,,~.=Sw~~~ 30"1 ~or~~ot~, a~o-~o PHONE: (s~lo~ ~~~- C r~l G ~. ~o~ ~~~- ~r3d GROUP/ORGANIZATION: !:•1~1ti7-s~r:c.} ~+mrslo.,~,ti~_}1cR~~'+'n-o (1~nsD(~'~~riru y ,~~, LVR Roanoke Valley Fax~540-265-4814 Mar 18 '03 16 19 P.02~02 AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Requesf -Human and $ogial ServiC~ AgelnCies 1 would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. VNHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, 1 WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: • Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual ar representative, The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. • The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ AEI comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is nat allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times, • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ ~ Dl.~ ~ AL~G~ I SO~'1 ._.. ADDRESS: 5~ ~ 7 ~ r w ~ a~-o l 8 PHONE: ~ 14 ` ~ ~ ~5 GROUPlORGANIZATION: ~I-rC~V 0.Cy V~~V/~'~'~RfS ~Vtpf t C c~ -~ ~{~ 0~'t a ~C.2 V a~~1 a LVR Roanoke Valley Fax=540-265-4814 ~aX Mar 18 '03 16 19 P. 01/02 o~t~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o~ Ya: ~re~r~ o~ ~ 1-~~ Fix: l7 `7 Z ~' Z I~. ~ Pages: C~ ~! ti Q ~~ i v1 ~ 1 ~ der L~ a-el-z~t~ ~/~ ~ vvt~--c_pr- s ~ ~, Lie ~ ~ b~ ~ ~c~n ~ ~Ir~.~ l c5~ o~ ~ ~n a~ 2~ ~ a~ ~ . ~ Y l i ~_ ~~ 50021Mtiamson Rd., 2A Roanoke, VA 240 2 {544) 265-933° FAX (540) 265-~'.8~ ~ Ma' 18 03 12:58p FIT * ,~ ~~. [5401344-6623 p•2 AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ,_ ORDINANCECITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: undin Re uesz - nu+++Q' ~ a~ ~~ -----•-_ _ uld like the. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the l wo meeting on the above matter so that !may comment. 11-111LL GIVE MB D A BY THE WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTD; RN~ AGREE TO A ADDRESS FOR THE RECOR GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to co Ce ehe~ u ceuhnless enstr 9 ted by individual or rep~e Board to do othervvise.an will enfo the majority of ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of cfarificativn may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ S Bakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the P Clerk to the Board. i~^ individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shalt fife with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. ~ /~ ~,~`~, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE (:LERK TO THE BOARD NAME: C~~-vt ~ t ~ ~`~ t,~J /1 ADDRESS: I~5 ~~ ~ C~, PHONE l' .~ ~S~ .u GROUP/ORGA , `~ ~- z Cl yam, (~} ~,J Ma~18 03 12:58p FIT [540)344-6623 p•1 ~nr ~- Education Employment Health Housing and Homelessness Neighborhoods Economic Development Crime Prevention A Center for nployment Tralnirtg cult Basic Education !leghany Higfilands :ommuniry dome provement Program munlty Development and Outreach Xmas Hatel Mus1c [er on Henry Sticet rgenry Home Repalr ~preneur Tralning 6t roenterprlse Loan Program Pam[lles FYrst ' SMART Truancy Program ' Head Start igii Risk Drug -entlon Program .less lnterventlon Program ping Counseling Readiness and ~ntion Training racy Programs ct DISCOVERY ect PIPELINE eject ARIDE pct SUCCESS yoke County n e Screening Ce ~arnIng Center mer Youth 'nt and'[7aining al Living Center u`tES Programs :LEY WORKS Outreach skies Ttaitling :atioMndoor ;and Rehab Resource :I t2C Box 2868 Virginia •2868 ~•578i ia~.a461 T0: FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FROM: DATE: ~ _ c7~ ~ NUMBER OF PAGES IF YOU DO 'NOT RECEIVE ~ ALL PAGES, CALL 345-6781 EXT, ~ `'3 c~ NOTES: Ru7ictpact~q,~ger,O, Mar 12 03 04:49p Conflict Resolution 5407678992 p.l AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~ClTiZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3} minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman wilt enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ar arz~ ~5eoiz.le ADDRESS: ~ZDZ Sa~~1~ Ridgy e ~d. bgnol<~ Ulf Z`Io18 PHONE: qg~ - (~ivl GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~~o~ ~~,~ c;+ Rc'so+ U'I -on C~n~'~>( FROM HABITAT FOR HUMANITY IN ROANOK FAX N0. 5403431492 Mar. 11 2003 03:37PM P1 AGENbA ITEM NO. x PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~CIT[ZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fund[n Re uest ,Human and So [a rvice A encies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES. LISTED BE~,OW: ^ each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to da otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ Afl comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy a# all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO'THE BOARD NAME: A r ~ in +(1(1 ~Sa ,n ADDRESS: 1`Ta 1 Gte•v~.~a nd ~-e,~ u,~ (Zoavbl~c _y p ~~'~ !b _.,_ ~ - PHONE: ~- 3 ~~ 0-1 `f-7 GROUPlORGANIZATION:__ ~..~ A~ t~~. `~~ 1~ ~ ~ « ~~ . Roan~k-e- 1,^~Il 03/05/03 ~e~ AGENDA ITEM NO. x PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies .~ I would like the Chairman of the Board. of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that 1 may comment, WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, 1 WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker wilt be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: GROUP/ORGANIZATION: WED 17:03 FAX 540 857 6999 CHIP ~ ool D GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MAR-85-2003 13 56 COUNCIL OF COMM. SERVICES 1 540 982 2935 P.02 AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: t"undinq Request - Humart and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. ~1i=fEN' Catt~D TO THE LECTERN, !WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: Each speaker will be given three {3} minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the 6vard tv dv otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clamcation may be en#ertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments rnust be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise Courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^_.: Endivid.uals_speaking.. on behalf of an organized group shall fake with .ihe -.Clerk written authorizattori'from~th® group allowing the individual to represent therm. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO 1`HE BOARD ADDRESS: ~d • ~x ~J9g PHONE: "Ig5 6I?JI GROUP/ORGANIZATION: el ea/' oCU-~ok.e_ U 310 .. r~ ~rC~'.S TOTAL P.02 MAR-05-2003 13 56 i Council of COUNCIL OF COMM. SERVICES Community Services n 1 540 982 2935 P. 01 502 CAMPE3EI..L. Av>=NU>=, I~DANOIC~ 240'[ 6 P.C~. Box'"v98 R4ANdKE, VA 2404 (540) 9854131 IFAX (ra40) 98~~2935 FAX ~7~ ~a r~~ 3 ~ x ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~e ~r ~ ~r ~ ~r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ,~ ~ ~ MESSAGE: CONFI[aEN7'IAL,ITY rl~"1"1C~ TI-~IIS FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION HELONGING TO THE SENDER, WHICH MAY BE LEGALLY PRIVILEGED INFORMATION. THE INFORMATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE [NDiVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT YOU ARE I-tEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISCLOSURE, COPYING, DISTRIBUTION, OFt THE TAKING OF ANY ACTION 1N RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF THE FACSIMILI^ DOCUMENTS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF' YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TRANSMISSION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US 13Y T)~LEPHONE SO THAT WE MAY ARRANGE FQR ITS RETURN. PAGES: ~ (INCLUDING COVEF2) MAR-05-2003 15 88 LOA AAA 1 540 981 1487 P. 02/02 • r AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fundlnq Request ~ Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors tv recognize me during the meeting on the above matter sv that I may comment. WHEN CA~.~,Ep TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE. RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ ~~ ADDRESS: ~OIo (,'a~„_ l~l~,r~. IhCar,~.~slc~, W~-Z~Cb~ PHONE: ~~~LS~ OY~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION TOTAL P.02 MAR-05-2003 15 00 LOA AAA 1 540 981 1487 P.01i02 - ~. I~ O A AREA AGENCY ON AGING FAX NUMBER: (540) 98 ~.-14$7 DATE: ~.- ~ - FAX NO. a-GCt~ PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: FROM:, ~c1 S T7Y~ f /11~ LC.c t - - COMMENTS:...!' ,,~ -- ~ ~ ? We are transmitting ~ page(s), including this cover letter. If you do not receive all the pages, please call back as soon as possible. Telephone: 540-345-0451 706 Campbell Averi,xe, SW . PO Box 14205 . Roano~Ze, VA 24038-4205 63/65/2063 15:44 5407760871 STAPLES 321 PAGE 62 . ~~ • AGEND,+i~ ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE .. CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fundinyg Rectuest -Human and ~hocial Service Agencies I would Like the Chairman of the Board of Supervis+~~rs to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALI*,ED TO THE LECTERN, 11NI!LL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORb. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes fio cc;~mment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enf~~rce the rule unless insfiructed by the majority of the board to do otherwise. The speaker will be limited to a presentation of hisll•uer point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • Ali comments must be directed to the Board. Debai;c3 between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtEUSy at all times. R Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlvr comments with the Clerk to the Board, R Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual t~,~ represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO TH~~~ CLERK To THE BOARD NAME: L ADDRESS:. ~jO~7 ~7~ (O G~ f~:~ PHONE: 3rJ3 -Q{pl~.(~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION:~~rVI~RDAf~Dr~.. ~UN~'1 ~~(V~V14111A 1 ~ct~ ~'~(~ ~~~ L 03/05/2003 15:44 5407760871 STAPLES 321 PAGE 01 Complimentary Fax Cover Sheet ro~ ~ ~` date: ~ ~ p~ ~fumber of Pages: Including Cover} From: J~ ~ r. cl " ` Phone # ~''~~ ~ ~ -~(~ 3 $ p Urgent ~i,~ Confidential p Confirm Receipt Reply Fa;~~c #: Staples Copy Centers also offers these additional services: ligh Speed Blacic and White Copying Digital Colar Binding Services Laminating Services :ustom Printing Custom Checks & Forms 'W. • ~ Your UP5 Authorized Shipping Outlet Convenient 5eff-Serve Copiers Custom Stamps & Engraving Personalized Calendars Visit WS at: www,sianles.clicktactics.ccnrn Online Copying: From your Desktop PC to your doorstep in as Tittle 2~s two hours± For Details see us at: httn:!lstaoies.nowdocs.corn • ~=A-R~05-2003 10 ~ 57 AM 540 3440308 P, 02 ADENDA ITEM NO. x PI,~BLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fu dln Re uest -Human and Social Seirvlce A encles I would like the Chairman ~ of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment, WHEN CALLEp YO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADpRES$ FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE T.Q .A,~DE BY THE GUIDELINES ~.IS`I'ED~ BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be givers thre® (3} minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or represent2~tive. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by th® majority of the Board to do otherwise. • The speaker will be limited to a presentation of hislher point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman, ^ All comments must be directed tp the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not al{owed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the Individual #o represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ADDRESS' ~ ~ ~ ;~ rn ~_~ e.l t ~~~ e_ _ ~~ K k~ _ ~.~b 1 ~ x PHONE: 4~_ ~ ~-} 5- ~ ~ $ crc.. 3~~ - ~ g S~ GROUP/ORGANISATION: ~Oo~x~~~p ~Q~s~ ~1+1 iv~~s-~-Q i ~,''SA~t05-2003 10 ~ 56 AM 540 3440308 P, 01 DEBBIE DEIYI~ON KATHY RYDER Cp.E~(e4utlut ,[~1ractOK Roanoke Area Ministries 824 Camvbell Avanue, S,VJ. Room 5 Rvznoks, Virginia 24016 Phone: (540) 3458850 Fax; 1540) 344-0308 . ; ri ~~~ R~tM ROAIVOKE gRLA NiSN15'PRIF.S DATE;: _,~. ~ r ~ -- • '"'' (itfclaUirt}; cu~•er sEitet) FROM NT,cssage: Zfyou have qtly questio>:ts, ~tc~tse feel frec to contact i>ie a( the itufllbCr Issicd ,Ibovc. Tlit~nk you! AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: Diavle ADDRESS: PoS~ C~ica (a}Ox 5~T~t~t,Y1a}C~ V~ ~~-40~- PHONE:_ (~~0~3~-og31 GROUP/ORGANIZATION: N~ey~~'a~ 1-~eal~~/1 AsSac.igttoh cs~ ~ogVlo~ Vgll~y AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ c i~/ ~ //CCS ADDRESS: ~ ~ ` ~a X (~Z ` YC~u v~ 6~~P ~ z~rov~- PHONE: ~~~o ' ~~-tl ~~~' 3yL- y5'~3 ~~X ~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~~C ~ ~~'-~l v~ ~ t' C°a~ ~ ~ ~v-~ yuG~, ,~ d- ;~"cc , ~-i ~ ~ d~~ ~ P f ~~l~,S~ ~ S~ Cu~~~'S' ~ •-~-6t ~P/ ~u ; ~~ ~~ ~ ~'Ov~r 03/03/2003 13:26 2ND HARVEST FOOD BANK ~ 7722193 N0.962 D01 AGENpA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~CITI~EN COMMENTS SUBJECT; Fundln Re uest -Human and Social Servoce A encies ! would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting an the above matter so that I may comment. UVHEN CALLED TQ THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND AQDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE E3Y THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOVII: ~ Each speaker will be given thr®e {3j minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of hislher point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be direCtsd to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members Is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audi®nce will exercise Courtesy a# all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor Comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ individuals speaking on b®half of an organized group shall fills with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to repr®sent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY A-ND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE 80ARD f ! I ~ LS ~ ~~ QNC'rC0 caul, /C} V G AQDRESS: l~ d • ~nst l4 ~~.3 _~ C.< NoK Nr, U ~~ PHONE: ~ ~ Ut l GROUPlORGANIZATION: ~'~Conlp ~G ~'veST `f ~OQ~ ~~~ 03/_P4/2003 13:09 7033429707 THE SALVATION ARMY PAGE 02 ~~~ AGENDA 1TEIM NO_ X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fu~;'ir~g Request - Hurnan and Soc+a~ Service A envies I would like the Cl,~~irman of the Board of Supervisors tc~ !°ecognize me during the meeting on the abo~- ~~ matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABfDE BY THE GUIDELINES ~.I~TED BELOW: ^ Each speaker ~~;!I he given three (3) minutes to commerll, whether speaking as an individual or rf~p£~~sentative. The Chairman will enforce thE~ rule unless instructed by the majority of t;,,.., hoard to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will ",e limited to a presentative of his/her pc:,ir~t of view only. Questions of clarification n•~~;, ;~ be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments ir.f i~t be directed to the Board. Debate bet~~r~~en a recognized speaker and audience mf~~mbers is not allowed. Both speakers ~:,r,~~ the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are rE3~:~~,.,Psted to #eave any written statement:; and/or comments with the Clerk tv the Bo2rr.. ^ Individuals spe~~l:ing on behalf of an organized group sh<~Il file with the Clerk written authorization frc~ ~~~ ±he group allowing the individual to rep~reaent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THpE CLIERK TO THE BOARD .,..._~ ... ADD E ,~_.:' _ -'-° 1 ~c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~--- ~-~~~=. ~~. R SS: PHONE: _ ! ~:~, .. ~ 3 3 5 GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~ ~o~-t~~'-~'f~''"t _ ~'~' ~~'''~_`_ .~ 03/04/2003 13:09 7033429707 THE SALVATION ARMY PAGE 01 To: Brenda Holton-County of Roanoke Date: March ~+, 2003 From: Gaptaiiz Erik K. Nickell The Sa:Lvatioz~ Army ~ SMITT L FO M 772-2193 -^ Captain ~~rik i~. Nickell-Office .- FROM : --•- ADIaRESS: , -__,.~ SAL.VATtON ARM`( .- - 24 A E AV _ E •-- OA OKE V GINi 2d0 3 ,_ ~~40 343.5 3 ~ •- PHONE: r~.,..,._.... 54 34 -9707 •- PAX # • _~...~ TO: Brenda_Z3,~~1ton -- COMPANY NAME: _.-...._." - E' . 0. Box 29800 .'. ADDRESS: _~-_ Koanvke, Va. -- 772-2178 , PHONE= ~--~--..,-- FAX # ; ~~__, ..._ 7 7 2 - 2 0 8 9 :` - '~= TOTAL NUM6ER CAF PAGES (INCLUDING CgL'E:~ SNEET~: •- GOMMENTSlINST=,!~,TIONS: P1.~A~~ .s -- - '~' . -- « ~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Selrvlce Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment, WHEN CALLED TO THE LEGTERN, M WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIpELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ Ail comments must be directed to the Board. debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board, ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRIN?` LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD IVAM E : ~~ rz,~~a ,~,~~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~ ADDRESS: ~ l a ~ ~rz ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. `~ v~alce `//~ ~~ t S 1 PwoNE: 5''~0- ~3`~3--~~ - ~l GROUP/ORGANIZATION: Q e.~F-~-a.,.- a Hd 11 .. ~„ • 1109 ~rAn]~]'sn Road • - Roanoke., VA :!~;t)'I c+ (S40)3~i~-4261 1'0; -----~~re..v ~ A _ ~p ~`~~.1..,.,.,.,,.--------~-4~ax~-, `77 a - ~ J 9 3 --~.....-.,._..,,...-...-..._ 1=coin: ~ f ~ [3atr~: ~ ~ D 3 / ' /~92 rfiNN~ 17 r4-rn ae!' ~4+N 1 Fie: ~ F7~2.Tt-e-~rv fed ~~ Pa~~~: ~ pages inaludin~; eovc:r cr,: (~f LJr~rctar, L] rcr Jzeview f~ J'lcasc: C:oiaaanent G7 Plc•~sa Rely ^ 1'leasC Rccynl a 'I'faE docximents aec4~ntpatayi~z~ this ~~~ transmission inay coni;Rin oaia~desttial it?~araaa:t':ic'~~?. Alf infamtatioit trans~>7it~ccl is fintrt?did only fnr t;l~~ use cif i;]te aU~v~ named reai]ai~i?t. f1' •yo~.a ~.rc; not i:lae clamed 1•eail~ieaax, you arc not nut;]a0ri~cd to ~'eaC.l, disclose, copy, d.isrx•i'~.it:~, r„r tAkc Arty action in ra]ianec on t]ae infoa7aaation. Any action otlaex tlaata ixtattaccliatc deliv~ r;,~ t~~ the natncci t~eei~?i.cnt is sirict]y J~~~)~ibited. WE z'cS]?~et~'u.lfy requast-iltat you not~{y tPac intcnc]rd reciPicnt; t]ha.t; this 'rnfottiaaatiott is aYailablc and ready ~px ]?ic]c ui~, Il YOI.J J,JI-lVF3 IZ.J3~T:JVED TJ:•iIS F/lX JN T;RRC?R, do Wert read t]?c infurta.?.a,tion an6 -~lr..t,s c im~azcdiately notify ~endcr ~iy telephone to t~t•c•Rtage for ~ t•etut7a oTthe actual dacttmenc. • • • • • • f • ~ • • • • • • • ' From: John E. Whitfield (540) 433-2202 To: Brenda Holton Date: 3/4/2003 Time'. 9:47:00 AM Page 2 of 2 -~ `F. AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fundinc# ReQUest -Human and Social Service Agencies i would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that 1 may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three {3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: John E. Whitfield, Executive Director ADDRESS: P.O. Box 551, Harrisonburg, VA 22803 PHQNE: (540) 433-1830 GROUPlORGANIZATION: Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. From; John E. Whitfield (540) 433-2202 To; Brenda Holton Date'. 3/4/2003 Time; 9;47:00 AM Page 1 of 2 . -. ~t. Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. P.O. Box 551, Harrisonburg, VA 22801 Phone: (540) 433-1830 Fax: (540) 433-2202 To: Brenda Holton Company :Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Office From :John E. Whitfield Company :Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. Fax Cover Page Fax Number: 15407722193 Date :3/4/2003 Fax Number : (540) 433-2202 Pages including cover page: 2 Subject :Appearance Request Form, Budget Work Session Comments: Attached please find my Appearance Request Form for the Board of Supervisors' budget work session to be held March 25, 2003. Thank you for your assistance. WinFax PRO Cover Page Mar, 3, 2003 6;05PM BRAOI,EY CLINIC No, 7152 P, 1 ~-i AGENDA ITEM NO. ~_ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN CQMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that 1 may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW; • Each speaker will be given three (3} minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representa#ive. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presen#atian of his/her point ofi view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman, ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed- ^ Both speakers and the audience w111 exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board, ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND C31VE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME; E~T~L~ ~ ~V ~~'J~ ADDRESS: /a?~d ~~/~~b ~ PHONE: ~ $~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION:,_ ~,P~,~ L -~ ~~P~~~ CG `lV~. ent B BLUE RIDGE B Y EHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE•345 6891 Mar-3-03 4 21 PM, Pag : ~ ~ ~2 e 2 : ;. ....... ...... s`::... ~~Q ~~ `. A ~ ~ Nt3. N~~- .~ is ;.t, X SUB ~~~IA~~~ ~i~ITIZE~t ~~C11~~#~~T~ ~C .H ~ Ai#~iN~ ~.~ ~ ; ,. 13B.~~~~`. . t i~i~a ~t 5~ i ~ ~et"v'i ~ ~ ~ . a ~uii~ ~ +a' e ~~ ~ , , ~ autd i~ke urlrt #h the ~ irrt~ar~ of the ~d d of Su~~visrn's to recng:n~~ rrie ~ ~ ~ ` i~t~et~.n~ ~:: a ~~ ~ rr~tter so.tha# i y €avtmment is . ;. V11'HE~# ~ x TD THE LE+G E~tV, 1 x'141, ~t~ilE N ~+t~kNt~ ~;p-~ 'lt~t? t :. .. ....:...:... . ....:: ,.,...: x;;;,:... ,. ,'. .: f ~. Eaich ~ ker w~ b`e glVen tYttbe ~ rrilt~t~tt,~~ t+a ~mm~er~t whether s~e~t~Er*g'~s ~ irad~vidu~# ~I^ fir, taerttetive, 7t~s +~ : lrm~n wlii ~nfarce the ruie u~1~a~ ir~stn:~C~ed b ~ the ma yr ~ .. vf. th " Board: tca da othe se. ~:. :. 7h.±a spe. ~r viii! 8 Limited to ~ ice : i~~tfQ~ ~f t~slher pomf of vfe~- ~~y Questrvn oir ~ia~fi .. tivn: rn be ~ntertai~tied b ~e ~hairrt~an ,: Y >< 4 be dir`eoted tca t ' Board .bg~ate between a ret:ni~eci'Spe~k and au~~ ' nc~`m rr~b+~rs is not ailav~ .d ,. , ~ Both spe :. ,:.. ;:: „ sy at all times. x~rcise ;c+~~rrte e ~ pence ker sa e r ~ site .; .. ~ ..:: ~r~r®nts with t ar+~.: re ue~ted y written s#atarrtents and/+ar to ae.~ive a h Citric, #fl 'E a Boa , . w in~i~ sp~e ~ ir~g can taeh~if of a . or~si~izerl ~rctup: si~aii ~i~ w~tM the ~ierk r+uritte ~., authoriza lon fro.: tine group ai'lowin the individual to represent therm. ..... ,. ,:-.. P1r~A~.E 1~lNT; LEGIBLY ~N1' f~A1~E ; .. , Rits~ J. Gliniecki C~l~t~~~ 52l';T Hawkbill C ~'t~' N 7T4' - 4385 ` : BLGI~E R/DGE ~3~ `GRO~J !~ ; Chairman of the Accompanied b' '; Johan T : Plichta, ._ . '. ~... ~ 'r.' EfVE rq ~fHE ~L~R~C T~ ~w~ ~r~~t 5'W Roanoke, VA 24074 V/aRAL MEAL THCARE and of Directors tor, Administrative Services GBH ~ . ant By: BLUE RIDGE BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE; 345 6891; ,, .,. flue Ridg , ~eheviora He~lthcar Date O - o~ - o~ PLEASE ELIV~R TO: Phone # .Fax ~ '1 Z • Z t X13 REMARKS Mar-3-03 4:21 PM; Number of Pages fIncludzn~ +i;over: Sheet FROM: ~u~lr~!'~ ~o~peC'~"5 Phone # ~--15 -age t Fax # 3W ~ '~ i. S~ 1 u~e~~•~ 5 SI1rJ~ ~ ~<<t~~d ~ ~ ~~t~ s ~ ~, Tranon Fi ';'ran mission The infonmati n contained iu this fax intended only for the u'-se of the individu the intended cipient you are hereby n strictly prolv;b tcd. If you have received telephone and return the origuaal messa~ :xec five Office's 301 E!m Avemie SW The Community $prvirgs l3aard serving the ~~ ~~~ Betsy Walker ~ 3~5~~84I HP 3100 590/'345-6891 Pac 1/2 ;a~ tes.~e is pRNILEGEI7 APiD GONFYbENTIAL Nation or entity named above. If the t,gades of this me a is not iSed that; any distribution or copy of this cotx~m 'on is is commtarxication ixs errax, please notify us imm ~ ately by to us at the tieiow address. Hoke, Virginia 24016-4001 (540) 345-9841 'Fax (540) 345-6891 of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties o1 9otgtpUrt, Craig and Roangkr, Mar-03-03 15:40 RED CR055- Roanoke, Va_ 540-985-3010 AGENDA ITEM NO. x PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fundin Re uest -Human and Social Service A encies P.Ol ~i ~~ would like the Ch~airri~an of tho Board of Supervisors to recogr~il...F~ r7~r during the rl~ceting on the abovt~ r~~atte:r so that I may commc;nt. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each spe~kcr will be c3iven three (3y minutes to comrraent, whether spe~~kiriy ~~s are individual or representativt?. The Chairman will enforce the rule unl~;ss irrstructed by the majority of the E3oard to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of hislher point of view only. Questions of clarification nay be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recogni7c~d speaker and audience members is not allowed. Both speakers and the audience will Pxercise courtesy at all tlnlP.S. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comrl~c;nts with tl~e Clerk to the Board. • Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent ti~ern. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBE.Y AND GIVE TD THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: s`rE~1E SMI'~H __ __.. ADDRESS: 3sz CHURCH AVF SW, ROANOKE, VA 2016 PHONE: 9 F35-3553 ._.. .. GROUPIORGANIZATION: AMERIC~v RED CR055 Mar 03 03 02:16p p.2 ~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Fundin Re uest -Human and Socia! Service A encies would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. • Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. • Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME:_ ~~~1L CC (~ ADDRESS: ~~ to Lj C O~._U 1V ~ ~(_,_ A V i~ -~ O~'~ ZU~Kr- vA ~4c;~g; PHONE: ~ ~ 3 ~ ~` GROUP/ORGANIZATION: 2.oA~o~ct-, ~~~`"`~ r.~'r~~~ ~ tr~t t-1os~~ r~ a ry /V ~ Tw~;r~-ic_ Mar 03 03 02:16p FAX COVER SHEET TO: FROM: Brenda Holton Daren Gunter RE: Funding Request Service Agencies DATE: 3/03/03 NUMBER OF PAGES: 2 Human and Social (including cover sheet) p.l COMMENTS: Thank you! DWG :t-i; ~~x Note; .`~~z- zr~ 3 ^~ PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY C 5403423568 P. 01 7611 Dalc^S/~ ~u3 pe4es~ ~ ~,.~.'..,._~.,,,~...~..,::~_-.~. ,.._ From r ,I., ~ M "~ PhunC n ~ Z -~ t .~_ Fax ~ .2., ., _ z «_ ~ AGENDA ITEM NO. .~,.~ ,..,...__.., ....X ._ . P~~3LI~A~~~~DINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS IrOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISPED BELOW; • Each speaker will be given three (3~ minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman wil! enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. • All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. * Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. • Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: 44-~ • ADDRESS: 7iZ ~ PHONE: G1 ~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: f= S ~ h. rn.i~n~JJ~r 03/03/2003 09:13 15403444695 TRUST PAGE 01 ~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. x PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Seirvfce Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment, WHEN GALLED TO THE LECTERN, f WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual yr representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ' The speaker will be limited to a presentation of hfs/her point of view only, Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. • Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them, PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE GLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ollce~ t~ARRGII ADDRESS: ~o~ elm ~ve~k~.+ 5 ~? lCpGNO~'t VA a vl ~ __~__ GROUP/ORGANIZATION:_ ~IQu~ 1 l~oks~ CHILD ADVOCACY CTR 540 344 3520 02/28/03 12:13am P. 002 'tt' 1 AGENDA ITEM NO. X PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that i may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of hislher point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~e, ~1 Yl ~~ ~('_ L- ADDRESS: ~-~~ G J ~> r- ~-.~~ ~~,~'- PHONE: `-~ ~~ `~ ~~~ ~- ~ ~ ~~ 9 ~,e ~ ~ ~5~~-~e . I ~~a~~~wlce , ~~~ z~~el~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~.Oti~ rc~.re--~~ S ,~r~V't7Cu c (. %` CHILD ADVOCACY CTR 540 344 3520 02/28/03 12:19am P. 001 Advocacy Center OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY, INC. FAX COVER PAGE G~ ~_ FAX#: `~ ~~ - :~ J ~.? FROM: Name: ~~-~~ ~ ~- f--~'- ~- FAX#: 344-3520 NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: ~~ `~~~~. ~ T COMMENTS: ~/-~ ~ ~l 2 ..y~~G 3 ~~.ti~z~ GLI~~ 42b'K- ~ Watch or read ~~ ~ the news with ~ Y children. v' . SP~R ' NEWS-~ p~R ~~~ , ~,; .. l r e n -~ -__ _ :, _ r-a: ~I' `y~ ,.~ ~IJ ~' :~. News should be appropriate for the child's age. Acknowledge fears. ~.~erryt Child Abuse Virginia I -801)-CHILDREN A Z0021A~wM CW ~w• Vup•n AfJifiw .~ N'~YMIt CAM AN~~ 3201 Brandon Avenut, Suite 1 • Roanoke, VA 24018 • P: 540-344-3579 • F: 540-344-3520 A United Way Agen a BLUER/OGE BEHAV/ORAL HEALTHCARE MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare is to support and promote the health, independence and self-worth of individuals and families impacted by mental illness, mental retardation and substance abuse by providing quality, community-based services that are responsive to the individual's needs. Report to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Budget Work Session -March 25, 2003 B/ue Ridge Behavioral Hea/thcare Pro. rq am Highlights -Roanoke County July 1, 2001 -June 30, 2002 This report is offered to provide you with information specific to our involvement with citizens of Roanoke County. We cover that in the next few pages. But we also want to call your attention to our website, www.brbh.org, which we hope you will visit for a more global understanding of our agency and the scope of our work throughout the Roanoke Valley. In fiscal year 2002, Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare staff delivered 125,841 units of service to 3,647 Roanoke County residents. The value of those services was $3,604,979. The County's FY 2002 local tax contribution to our agency's operations was $117,755. That means that County residents received $30.61 worth of services for each tax dollar allocated to their Community Services Board. The following are examples of how Blue Ridge is working for Roanoke County residents: Assessment and Counselin_g Services is the single gateway to agency services, crisis response, comprehensive assessment, and short-term interventions for all mental disabilities. • Shenandoah Recovery Center (SRC) admitted 19 Roanoke County residents who met the criteria for a temporary detention order or a civil commitment order. These individuals received detoxification, stabilization, and in some cases short-term residential substance abuse treatment. Hospitalization in a state or private facility was avoided by providing this service. Although BRBH receives some special state funding to support this service, the mandate that we severely minimize state hospital admissions influences the services and populations we must prioritize. • The RELATE Project (Relationship Education Leading Adolescents Towards Empowerment) is a collaborative effort between the SARA (Sexual Assault Response and Awareness) Program and Alternatives, Inc. This five-session peer education curriculum addresses the issues of healthy relationships, communication skills, boundary setting, and reducing incidents of dating violence. One hundred sixty Roanoke County students participated in this training. • In an effort to reduce waiting times for crisis intervention and evaluation between the peak hours of 9 p.m. and 4 a.m., BRBH established a Crisis on Call service. This allowed additional crisis counselors to be called to reduce wait time for six Roanoke County residents. • Two staff participated in training fifteen Roanoke Valley police officers in crisis intervention training. This 40-hour specialized police training teaches officers how to recognize the symptoms of mental illness and how to better deal with those types of calls. • Regional Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing have served three county residents who needed crisis stabilization, prescreening, discharge planning, case management, consultation or short-term counseling. Child and Family Services provides a continuum of prevention, early intervention, and therapeutic services and supports for families with children who are at risk of developing or who have serious emotional disorders, mental retardation and substance use disorders. • A full-time child and adolescent psychiatrist was added to the staff in order to provide medical support to children living in the community who have behavioral health disorders. • The middle school Day Treatment Program continued to be delivered in partnership with Roanoke County Schools and the Roanoke County Community Policy and Management Team at the Roland E. Cook site in Vinton. These services help to maintain adolescents in this public school site through therapy and case management. Thereby avoiding more costly private day school or residential placements. Community Support Services provides the necessary services and supports to consumers with long-term mental disabilities to maximize each individual's potential for independence, improved quality of life, and optimum level of functioning. Services through Community Support Services programs have remained constant throughout the year even after 3% budget cuts in March 2002. • The Long Term Support programs have served 28 Mental Health clients helping them to maintain their independence and stability in the community. For Mental Retardation services, 27 Roanoke County clients have received Alternative Day Supports in FY 2002. • Outpatient Services in Mental Health through the Psychiatric Services program has served 148 Roanoke County clients this year through medications management, psychiatric services and nursing services. • The Adult Resource Management in Mental Health and Mental Retardation along with the Adult Living Facilities programs served 162 adults in Roanoke County. ARM programs offered comprehensive case management, crisis services, and psychosocial services and ALF provided case management to residents of two adult living facilities located in Roanoke County. On the following page is a table that displays Service data for Roanoke County in the manner the Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services requires of us. It shows in summary: the County's clients seen according to service, the number of units of each type of service delivered, an indicator as to whether a given service unit is an hour, a day, etc., and the total cost of each type of service. B/ue Rid a Behavioral Hea/thcare Directl Funded Pro rams - FY 2002 Performance Re ort Roanoke Coun Unduplicated Client Count (by Service Number of Units Units of Service Total Cost of Services Mental Health Services Emer enc Services 238 2,060 SH 123,293 Out atient Services 256 2,828 SH 397,035 Intensive In-Home Services 11 1,551 SH 94,263 Case Mana ement Services 78 3,049 SH 136,293 Children's Da Treatment 12 4,450 DSH 121,671 Rehabilitation Mountain House 8 689 DSH 30,521 Alternative Da Su ort 6 54 DSH 1,398 Su ortive Residential Services 5 558 SH 26,236 Assertive Communit Treatment ALF 28 1,750 SH 72,329 Assertive Communit Treatment PACT 9 1,638 SH 92,794 Purchase of Individualized Services 2 35,815 MH Subtotal 653 18,627 $1,131,648 Mental Re tardation Services Case Mana ement Services 108 5,106 SH 203,491 Alternative Da Su ort 61 4,502 SH 78,549 Rehabilitation 38 956 DSH 7,359 Su orted Em to ment 5 241 SH 10,168 Con re ate Residential Services 20 80,698 BD 1,231,175 Su ervised Residential Services 9 164 SH 28,454 Su ortive Residential Services 5 697 SH 56,173 Famil Su ort 15 58 F 18,874 Earl Intervention 21 677 SH 53,623 MR Subtotal 282 93,099 $1,687,866 Substance Abuse Services Out atient Services 133 2,828 SH 176,164 Case Mana ement Services 244 2,963 SH 127,170 Da Treatment Services 11 361 DSH 6,988 Hi hl Intensive Residential Services 39 275 BD 71,035 Intensive Residential 24 702 BD 60,268 Jail-Based Habilitation 25 3,015 BD 67,113 SA Subtotal 476 10,144 $508, 738 Preve ntion Services MH Prevention Services 669 132 SH 37,247 SA Prevention Plus 1,567 2,179 SH 239,480 Prevention Subtotal 2,236 2,311 $276,727 Grand Total 3,647 125,841 $3,604,979 FY 2002 Local Tax Share $117,755 Service /Local Dollar $30.61 Units of Service: SH =Service Hours DSH= Day Support Hours D=Days BD=Bed Days F=Families Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare Rita J. Gliniecki Chairman John M. Hudgins, Jr. Vice Chairman Robert Williams, Jr. Treasurer Meredith B. Waid Secretary Executive Director S. James Sikkema, LCSW December 31, 2002 Mr. W. Brent Robertson, CPA, Director Department of Management and Budget County of Roanoke P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Robertson: Enclosed is information in support of Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare's request for funding from Roanoke County for fiscal year 2003-2004. Our request has been developed according to the utilization formula and match ratio requirements as in past years. However, in light of the current budget situation in the Commonwealth, our Board of Directors agrees with the staffs recommendation that we ask our local government partners to fund us at a level that fits within their budget priorities and their local ability to support our efforts for the upcoming fiscal year. We would hope at least not to have our allocations reduced from currently approved FY 2003 levels. Our request for FY 2004 is summarized below: • Funding Requested for FY2004: $ 127,478 • Requested for FY2003: $ 164,627 Approved for FY2003: $ 117, 755 • Proposed Use of Funds: Continuing support of mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse programming provided by Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare, the Community Services Board of which Roanoke County is a member under Chapter 10, Title 37.1, of the Code of Virginia. • Services to County Residents: Our most recent performance report details 125,841 units of service to 3,647 Roanoke County residents, at a value of $3,604,979. • Justification for Requested Increase: The requested amount is based upon a service utilization formula that is equitable to atl member localities of the CSB and that meets the requirement of the Virginia Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services for State controlled funds to be matched with Local tax dollars in a 90:10 ratio. Executive Offices 301 Elm Avenue SW Roanoke, Virginia 24016-4001 (540) 345-9841 Fax (540) 345-6891 The Community Services Board serving the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke Blue Riar a Beha viara/ Healthcare FY 2004 Local Government Funding Request State / Lacat "R+svenue Summary Actual Projected FY 2003 FY 2004 ratio State General Funds Local Matching Funds 6,431,003 6,431,003 90% 662,748 714,556 10% TOTAL 7,093,751 7,145,559 100% Lc-ca1 Mlatch Share Formula FY 2002 Cost of Services Percent of Total Requested Increase Over Provided by Blue Ridge Cost of Services FY 2003 Local Tax Total Directly Distributed by % of Cost City of Roanoke 12,411,991 64.62% 33,477 Roanoke County 3,604,979 18.77% 9,723 City of Salem 1,848,831 9.63% 4,987 Botetourt County 1,244,349 6.48% 3,356 Craig County 98,067 0.51 % 265 Total 19,208,217 100.00% 51,808 Loc at Tax Recap Actual FY 2003 Share Plus Requested 2004 Share of Requested Local Tax Match Increase by % of Cost Local Tax Match City of Roanoke 409,428 Roanoke County 117,755 City of Salem 93,600 Botetourt County 31,965 Craig County 10,000 33,477 442,905- 9, 723 127,478 4, 987 98, 587 15,314 47,278 265 10, 265 Total Local Tax 662,748 51,808 714,556, _ _ Total .pcal Matching Funds for FY 2D`04 tsy Fvrrnula : 714,550 The State General Funds number used in this calculation includes the 70% reduction in October and projects no increase for the new fiscal year 2004 Local Gov't Funding Formula.xls Total Action Against Poverty 2002 TAP Board Report Summary of Accomplishments Jurisdictions Served TAP served over 8200 low-income individuals and families living in the Roanoke Alleghany Highlands Planning District, which includes the Cities of Roanoke, Salem, Covington, Clifton Forge, Lexington, Buena Vista, the Town of Vinton, and the Counties of Roanoke, Botetourt, Alleghany, Craig and Rockbridge. We also served people living in Franklin County, and elsewhere in Virginia. 374 unemployed youths and adults were helped with employment training, placement, and work-site support in living-wage jobs through This Valley Works and other TAP support programs; 337 young students may be the first in their families to attend college because of Project Discovery; 202 students who had dropped out of school, and consequently, out of life's opportunities, were helped to drop into life again, returning to middle school or high school, achieving equivalency diplomas, or learning a trade through Project Recovery; 14 families will buy their first home due to the encouragement of a savings and financial training program called Individual DevelopmentAccourrts; 290 people who were released from prisons and jails with little support and slimmer chances tolive acrime-free life have been guided into responsible citizenship by Virginia CARES; Program Activities and Outcomes 147 homeless people, many families with small children, many brought to homelessness by catastrophic medical bills, plant closing, or lost employment, have reinvented steady, mature, indepen- dentlives through the Transitional Living Center; 150 young non-custodial fathers, who were not connected to their children, have teamed supportive and caring roles, learned the responsibilities of parenting, established formal paternity, found good jobs, and started paying regular child support through Fathers at Work and the ROAD Program; 175 people in Alleghany and Roanoke have teamed howto use the Internet, teamed how to write with a word processor, keep track of expenses, and have joined the digital age at our community technology centers; 877 pre-schoolers were helped by Head Start to begin their education on a more even footing with their more advantaged school mates; 164 families, many of them elderly, were assisted with concentrated housing services, including weath- erization (to reduce energy bills and increase comfort), restoration of household plumbing, and emergency home repair, 287 families were saved from homelessness through housing counseling, rental assistance, and mortgage conversion; 788 women and children have been rescued from persistent, violent and dangerous domestic lives by the Women's Resource Center. Total Action Against Poverty 145 Campbell Avenue SW Roanoke Virginia 24011 540.345.6781 vwvw.TAPRoanoke.org TAP PRESENTATION TO ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REQUEST FOR FUNDING MARCH 25, 2003 Presenter: Ellen L. Brown, Co-Director, Families in Transition HIGHLIGHTS: ~ Thank you for many years of support, which helps thousands of people each year. ~ Services provided by T.A.P. for Roanoke County residents and outcomes: ^ During first quarter (Jan-March) of 2003, TAP's Women's Resource Center provided crisis services for 98 domestic violence victims and their children. 80% of TAP-WRC clients leave the abuser to start a healthier life. ^ Our Transitional Living Center served 32 persons who became homeless in Roanoke County last year, providing case management as well as food and housing for up to 2 years. ^ Approximately 28 families were spared the tragedy of homelessness by TAP's Homeless Prevention program. ^ Head Start helped prepare preschoolers from 46 Roanoke County families. ^ TAP's housing division helped 47 families find affordable, suitable housing through the Section 8 Housing Administration. Nee ~ TAP is asking Roanoke County for $21,000 in support of TAP's Transitional Living Center, and $31;500 in support of other TAP programs. ~ Due to Virginia's revenue crisis, TAP will lose over $100,000 -possibly $150,000 of state funds for FY 03-04. This makes matching of federal grants very difficult. ~ TAP will lose other crucial funding in FY 03-04 (beginning July 1, 2003) due to cuts in TANF- funded service contract, i.e. $25,000 cut from D.S.S. contracts for domestic violence services. ~ Because of lay-offs, business closings, decreasing employment possibilities, loss of family income due to military obligations, cuts in state and federal assistance programs, etc., more families and individuals will need T.A.P. programs next year, the personal touch, and the hope we offer for a better life against all odds. Community Solutions Collaborative Processes for Community Decision-Making r1 CONFLICT P.O. Box 1185 Roanoke, Virginia 24006 540.342.2063 540.767.8992 fax conflict.resolution@educa[ion.edu www.rev.net/~crc ® IZESOLUTION CENTER Christine Poulson Because people see things differently Executive Director Phone Fax (540) 989-6101 (540) 776-9941 MARGARET S. BEAZLEY Certified Mediator Supreme Court of Virginia 6206 Saddleridge Rd. Roanoke, VA 24018 .~ C CONFLICT oO RESOLUTION CENTER Because people see things differently January 20, 2003 FUNDING REQUEST Name: Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. Contact Person: Christine Poulson, Executive Director Address: P.O. Box 1185 Roanoke, VA 24006-1185 Phone: (540) 342-2063 Fax: (540) 767-8992 Email: conflict.resolution@education.edu Agency Mission: To provide the community with innovative, affordable and cooperative ways to resolve differences and transform relationships. The Center accomplishes its mission by: • Increasing the awareness and use of alternative dispute resolution; • Providing education and training on alternative dispute resolution and communication skills to individuals, families, organizations, governments and businesses; • Ensuring the availability of qualified mediators and other resources for the resolution of conflicts; • Aiding individuals and families, neighborhoods and communities with the prevention of conflicts; • Promoting an atmosphere of tolerance, cooperation and acceptance; • Transforming conflicts into opportunities for understanding and growth. Specific Request Amount: $7,500 P.O. Box 1185 Roanoke, Virginia 24006-1185 540.342.2063 540.767.8992 fax conflict.resolution@education.edu www.rev.net/~-crc ~> Description of Program: For almost 13 years the Conflict Resolution Center has served as the leader in providing the Roanoke Valley and neighboring localities with innovative, affordable and accessible methods of alternative dispute resolution. The Center asks Roanoke County to support its current conflict resolution efforts through local schools, courts and police referrals, and especially the following programs: The For Kids Sake Parent Education Class. This acclaimed class teaches separating parents how to help their children through the transitions of divorce. Client evaluations from this class are positive and encourage us to continue and even expand the program. The Center charges $35 for parents to participate in this class and often discounts the fee for parents who cannot afford it. Mediation for School-Related Issues. Center staff and volunteers would like to help keep Roanoke County students in school by developing a truancy mediation program like those used in other parts of Virginia. Truancy (absence from school) is the first public indication that a child is "at risk". Mediation provides anon-threatening opportunity for school personnel and families to identify and discuss the issues around a child's unexcused absences and to develop mutually acceptable solutions. This program is unique because it requires families, schools, juvenile courts and social service agencies to work collaboratively to address truancy prevention and the root causes of truancy. The Conflict Resolution Center would also like to provide help with other issues that arise between the schools and community members in the course of a school year. Community Solutions. Center staff and volunteers are interested in helping Roanoke County use effective and participatory processes for resolving issues of community-wide impact such as: ^ Economic Development ^ Land use ^ Redistricting ^ Local Government/Neighborhood Issues ^ Community Agencies & Essential Services With funding from Roanoke County, the Center's facilitators (many of whom hold advanced degrees in dispute resolution) could provide assistance to county groups that are unable to pay for these important services. Referrals would be accepted from police officers and local government leaders who are aware of lazger community-wide issues. Community Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training. The Center's staff and volunteers would continue to provide early, accessible and affordable conflict resolution services to individuals and groups struggling with potentially destructive conflicts. Some of the issues for which we would provide mediation or other conflict resolution services (e.g. training) include: Family WorkplaceBusiness Landlord/Tenant The Center would continue to accept referrals from police, schools, courts and social service agencies aswell asself-referrals. Communities across the country aze tapping into the resources of their community mediation centers. We hope that Roanoke County will do the same. P.O. Box 1185 Roanoke, Virginia 24006-1185 540.342.2063 540.767.8992 fax conflict.resolution@education.edu www.rev.neb~crc Mental Health Association of ~~TM Roanoke Valley, Inc. 411 South Jefferson Street, Suite M-1, Roanoke, Virginia 24011 • Telephone (540) 344-0931 • Facsimile (540) 344-0932 • Email mharv@roanoke.infi.net TESTIMONY IN SUPPORT OF BUDGET REQUEST Roanoke County Board of Supervisors March 25, 2003 Good evening. I am Diane Kelly, Executive Director of the Mental Health Association of Roanoke Valley. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you in support of our request for $1,000 for the next fiscal year to purchase psychiatric medications for clients served through the Roanoke Valley Mental Health Care Collaborative. The Collaborative, a program of our agency, provides free assessments, counseling services, psychiatric care, and access to medications for adults with mental illnesses or emotional disturbances who are uninsured and who lack financial access to, or are ineligible for, services through any system of care already available in the community. The Collaborative utilizes volunteer licensed mental health professionals and psychiatric nurses to conduct assessments and provide treatment following a model similar to that utilized in other free clinics. During 2002, 33% of the clients served through the Collaborative-58 individuals-were residents of Roanoke County. These individuals received a total of 33 assessment interviews, 81 counseling sessions, and 142 psychiatric medication management sessions through this program. They also received a number of support services-including sample medications or paid prescriptions obtained at local pharmacies-as a result of their participation in the Collaborative. Access to mental health services was the number one health care need identified through the Roanoke Community Health Assessment study results released in late 2000. When individuals go without care, manyif not most-of them will experience an escalation in their symptoms accompanied by deteriorating relationships with family and friends and by reduced productivity or inability to continue to work or accomplish tasks necessary for daily living. Many of these individuals will go without care until their illnesses result in a crisis or disable them to the extent that they require hospitalization, reminding us time and again that not treating mental illnesses is far more costly than treating them. During the past three years Roanoke County has helped the Mental Health Association of Roanoke Valley to provide mental health treatment to this at-risk population by allocating funds to purchase necessary medications when samples from pharmaceutical firms are unavailable. We are requesting an allocation of $1,000 during the next fiscal year as continuing support for clients served through the Collaborative. Thank you for caring about Roanoke County residents who struggle with mental illnesses and for considering our request for funding. Salem/Roanoke CommunFty Food Pantry ~. ~';j ~; food ~antrg ~Ipdatsz January/February 2003 ~ 2002 Cnd~ V~i~h ~ ~an~ ~ Happy New Year! As we welcome 2003, we 'look back at 2002 with amazement. We nearly ran out of food twice during the year. By when all seemed lost we were blessed to have food come in. We again fed record numbers of people. We were able to serve a weeks worth of grocer- iesfor less than $i.oo per person per day. We fed over 200o families in the Roanoke Valley. 3ioo children and 220o senior citizens were served because of your help. We have ex- perienced heavy demand already in .January EAR 1999. 2000 2001 2002 anua 195 199 198 218 Februa 121 140 166 198 March 166 253 375 370 ri l 186 221 388 410 Ma 100 310 396 399 June 141 333 433 452 J u I 128 258 497 .512 u ust 164 174 581 615 Se tember 201 299 503 779 October 199 318 511 837 November 213- 300 737 871 December 149 191 692 904 TOTAL 1963 2996 5477 6565 THINGS W~E NEED • FINANCIAL SUPPORT • CANNED JUICE • CANNED TOMATOES • CRACKERS • MAYONNIASE • CANNED FRUIT • MAC & CHEESE TUNA • DRY POTATEOES • CANNED VEGTABLES CANNED MEATS RICE • JELLY • DRY PASTA We are planning for greater In this coming year! AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~P/1r~-• r:, ,-, _.~r ~ v~ ~' `. . I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ ~ ,~~:~= ' ~ D /~ '~:_.~-. 7 ADDRESS: ~j'31 ~ ~' ~?-~;~.~,_4.1,Ii~ 1.±°~ ~ a ~',~ fi... ~.! ~ r>>.,°~~ ~~ , , PHONE: s~._. ~_ ~ _ ;~ ' ~~ - .~ _...~ , ~-- GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~~fi~~r ~o~r ;-..t~C-~?N':,~ ,; _ ~~ ,~ ~ r ,,-F AGENDA ITEM NO. ~~/ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE /CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: `~ ~ M r~~--~ Lv.or. ~ -, t .-~ ~.... '~~. ~- ~ r.~ would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: p,~ ~.~ L 'D ~ ,e.._ ;~ ~r ~ ~~~ ADDRESS: ~~?3 Jt-` ~~:.. ~-f~~~r ~.~- :~,~~~r ~~./ ~,~~-;, .~,~, ~ PHONE: - <~ r -, _._ =/~; ~-~ .___ ~ T- ~ ~ :' GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~~,.~. ~ .? ~~~ : ~ a ~~ - _,r,~ ; ;. F~~ #_,7 ~. ~- ,~ , AGENDA ITEM NO. ~/ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~ITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: `~ m~ ; .~ ~GN7~~9~ would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: .~L /ic ADDRESS:_ ~G~ ~ ~ ~15~ n~,~s-,Q~L PHONE: ~/~,7 7-~~/~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION:`- ~,--,,~{~ rZF,~~,~, ~ ~,c L~ r.~ ,,~.T, u ~ ~ia,n/L~zs AGENDA ITEM NO. _~~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE ~ CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~j EI G I~'t ~ ~'I n~Q ~-~ ~ ~c.~gEl _ (~-oo would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: I -' I ~ ~U ~ ADDRESS: ~ ~ L~ A'S d o 1 LAC {/ ~ n ~O n ~i~ l 7 ~. y 5 PHONE: `7 ~ ~ l 17 GROUP/ORGANIZATION ~~~~~ ~~~ AGENDA ITEM NO. V PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE /CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: 7 ~ k ~cI ~ i M ~ ~-o ~, ~,~, Ae would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD .---_ ~-- NAME: 2 ~ ltAn ~~ ~, h ~ t,~Gn S ADDRESS: ~ 70~ ~ / l ~C~~- ~ l'2J~ . 12i~ PHONE: 3Cp ~ I ~' b ~"~ / /. GROUP/ORGANIZATION: I r~~~.rr hap °~ ~~co~tc ~`~%~ ~ ~J ,e-~-a- S ~N S RESOLUTION SUPPORTING RAIL ALTERNATIVES TO WIDENING I-81 To the Honorable Mark Warner, Governor of Virginia: WHEREAS I-81 truck traffic has grown to 30-40 per cent of total traffio--over double the design capacity for heavy trucks, and WHEREAS the I-81 corridor is increasingly the route of choice for trucks traveling between the northeast and the south and southwest because of congestion on I-95 and expanding shipments generated by the North American Free Trade Act, and WHEREAS two multi-national corporations -Halliburton and Fluor corporations-have submitted proposals to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to expand the number of lanes and other appurtenances on I-81, and WHEREAS the increase in accidents and air pollution along the entire I 81 corridor is alarming, and WHEREAS 5 per cent of freight traveling the east corridor (which includes I-81) travels by rail, while 40 per cent goes by rail from New York to Chicago, and 80 per cent rolls by rail from Chicago to Los Angeles, and WHEREAS Norfolk-Southern Corporation estimates that 70 per cent of truck traffic on I-81 passes through Virginia to destinations south or north, and WHEREAS the minimal rail freight proposals included in the Star Solutions and Fluor Public Private Partnership Act proposals do not adequately address rail freight potential in the whole I-81 corridor, and WHEREAS these same proposals provide no option for passenger rail, although upgrading the corridor's main rail line would secrrce the passenger rail option, and WHEREAS, studies cited in Senate Joint Resolution 55 (p. 24) show that Virginia now saves $.OS per truck mile diverted to rail, when interstate infrastructure damage from trucks (1,~ is subtracted from truck road-use taxes, and failing to divert truck cargo to rail constitutes a state subsidy for trucks, and WHEREAS the Virginia General Assembly passed almost unanimously a bill to establish a Rail Transportation Development Authority to finance or assist in financing capital ~. improvements to rail lines and associated facilities, and WHEREAS the Commonwealth of Virginia is planning the future of the I-81 corridor, those decisions containing dramatic impacts for the future of western Virginia, and WHEREAS the Commonwealth of Virginia is in poor financial condition due in part to poor transportation decisions and mismanagement of past transportation budgets. THEREFORE, we the members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors strongly petition for the development and promotion of rail freight and passenger alternatives to further expansion of Interstate 81. 2 We whose economic life blood flows up and down the I-81 corridor, whose safety is at risk from the ever-increasing number of large trucks through our communities, and who must breathe the valley air after each vehicle accelerates beyond our borders, respectfully insist that the Commonwealth of Virginia decline to enter any public-private partnerships to widen I-81 without first examining and applying cheaper, safer, more convenient, and more environmentally benign rail alternatives. Virginia must lead with a remedy to I,81 congestion, but not with the old "solutions" of condemnation and pavement widening. Our neighbor, Tennessee, is actively planning to divert freight to rail and provide for rail options for passengers. We beg the Commonwealth of Virginia to join Tennessee in this healthy, achievable vision. Signed, cc: Mr. Whittington W. Clement, Secretary of Transportation Mr. Phillip Shucet, Commissioner of Transportation Ms. Karen J. Rice, Director, Department of Rail and Public Transportation Mr. Bill Bestpitch, Chairman, Metropolitan Planning Organization Mr. Temple Kessinger, Jr., Chairman, Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission Honorable John W. Warner, U.S. Senator Honorable George Allen, U.S. Senator Honorable Frederick C. Boucher, Member, U.S. House of Representatives Honorable Bob Goodlatte, Member, U.S. House of Representatives Senator John S. Edwards Senator Malfourd (Bo) Trumbo Delegate H. Morgan Griffith Delegate Clifton W. Woodrum Delegate A. Victor Thomas Members of the Commonwealth Transportation Board Mr. Onzlee Ware Mr. Ambrose W. Bailey Mr. Jim Bowie Ms. Julia A. Connally Ms. Helen Dragas Mr. Butch Davies Mr. James Keen Mr. Kenneth Klinge Mr. Harry Lester Mr. Gerald McCarthy Mr. Leonard Mitchell Dr. Phillip Stone Mr. Kenneth White Mr. Hunter Watson ,. 3 ADDENDUM: Cost/Benefit Comparisons Cost: • Rail is the best investment. Compare Star Solutions' $7.75 billion, eight-lane, mega-plan or Fluor's $1.8 billion, six-lane stopgap "upgrade" proposal vs. $2.4 billion to upgrade Norfolk-Southern's parallel line which would provide a permanent alternative for interstate freight traffic. • Financing rail is less burdensome. Compare the use of Federal taxes and imposition of highway tolls on trucks and possibly cars (Star Solutions), or tolls on trucks and cars (Fluor) vs. no highway tolls required and the repayment oftaxpayer-financed bonds by Norfolk-Southern user fees. • Maintenance is far cheaper. VDOT calculates trucks cause $.19 per mile damage to interstates vs. Norfolk-Southern would (1) reimburse state bond investments through a user fee, (2) pay taxes on land and equipment, and (3) provide its own maintenance. Safety, Convenience, and Implementation-time issues: • Jersey barriers are dangerous; Fluor calls for them in many areas, and Star Solutions has them the interstate's entire length. Compare the elimination of medians creating highways intolerant of driver error vs. maintaining the current design of virtually no barriers and plenty of wide medians that forgive error. • Trucks massing at exits and disgorging onto parallel secondary roads vs. no through trucks on secondary roads trying to evade tolls. • At least 8 (Fluor) to 15 (Star Solutions) years of construction inconvenience, negative impacts on tourism and local economies, and related safety problems vs. export of construction to the rail line, fewer hazards to drivers and construction personnel, and a much quicker completion schedule. • No passenger rail in the I-81 corridor in the Star Solutions or Fluor plans vs. an upgrading of the rail line removing numerous grade crossings and furnishing a realistic passenger-service option for the first time in a generation. • Star Solutions' plan for barriers separating car and truck lanes that would cause access problems for emergency personnel vs. freight and passenger-rail options, which maintain current I-81 accessibility for emergency personnel and reduce the number of fatigued drivers on the road. 4 Environmental issues: • Markedly increased pollution in valley corridors vs. significant reductions in diesel particulate, nitrous-, sulfur-, and carbon-oxide pollution. • Potential EPA listing of localities as air-pollution non-attainment areas resulting in harsh limits on industrial development vs. a declining curve in growth of emissions averting industrial development limits on our communities. • Huge air pollution increases from increased truck traffic drawn to a widened interstate with attendant respiratory illnesses and deaths vs. decline or slower growth in air pollution, fewer health problems and costs, and healthier, happier, and more productive citizens. • Diesel-emission growth decreasing visibility while increasing acidity of streams in Shenandoah National Park, Washington and Jefferson national forests, and Mt. Rogers National Recreation Area vs. cleaner air and increased value returned to threatened areas, increasing their attraction to tourists. • Toxic spills greatly increased vs. less toxic cargo on the highway, reducing hazards to the traveling public and to communities along the corridor. Railroads' safety record is superior to that of trucks. • Loss of taxable and productive agricultural and commercial land to condemnation (1.5 acres per mile of lane) vs. far less condemnation. • Accelerating noise pollution and ugliness along one of the nation's most beautiful interstates vs. beauty maintained and enhanced for residents and tourists. • The increased Interstate highway traffic will require increased importation of oil (already an alarming 60 per cent) and higher greenhouse-gas emissions vs. less dependence on foreign oil. Rail freight is hugely more fuel-efficient. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING RAIL ALTERNATIVES TO 1-81 CONVERSION INTO EAST-COAST TRUCK BYPASS WHEREAS, the 1-81 corridor is increasingly the route of choice for trucks traveling between the northeast and the south and southwest because of congestion on 1-95 and expanding shipments generated by the North American Free Trade Act, and WHEREAS, two multi-national corporations-Halliburton and Fluor corporation have submitted proposals to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to expand the number of lanes and other appurtenances on 1-81, and WHEREAS, Norfolk-Southern Corporation estimates that 70 percent of truck traffic on 1-81 passes through Virginia to destinations south or north, and WHEREAS, the minimal rail freight proposals included in the Star Solutions and Fluor Public Private Partnership Act proposals do not adequately address rail freight potential in the whole 1-81 corridor, and WHEREAS, these same proposals provide no option for passenger rail, although upgrading the corridor's main rail line secures the passenger rail option, and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia is now planning the future of the 1-81 corridor, those decisions containing dramatic impacts for the future of westernVirginia, and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia's decision on this corridor will determine whether 1-81 and connecting interstates will become amulti-state "East Coast Truck By~Pass", THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Bristol, Virginia, stronglypetitions for the development and promotion of rail freight and passenger alternatives to further highway expansion construction. Dr. Douglas R. Weberling, Mayor Date ~t ~ • ~.. z Li..1:i1 1. ~ -' ~ ., . °~. sr.i~ r~.r ?.,~-~. 1 ~1'a+rst,.r?l 1. ~ ~ : 1 .:3ate fi-°il 15.,1-.. `~.°~~i'v~.1=v.f.r-.•1'-~,"I.:~:~~rf~.~ttf~[a~l'.C~CJ'a..~.~'' ,I~'`•ti~it'+.•~r'~f~i:1.~Jf.-,.~~&.'a:;.',...! ``_1;1..1. 'i'. hn ! c'~[ f. ~':i`i ~7.~...:1T:.~ 'It~>°~..~ _ ... i~•:~Gl;,rs•.?" :Et1 9Iv, a ~. ~ .•1n-i•n` <..} ~r.r~j('.~'i?i!~ :~1. (~_,i~..i it'. ._rr lala?.'11..e'!:r<'t a'I.Ir I r 1, .•rt~i .t.._T:+: _f _:fl~a. {1:'.+""t~...111~1.1'.ti ~~rD. .. ~'t"y"tul~rr..~a~r~:~~r°e la .. "3'1"~.- `~;~_ 11 }`i i..`r~ f t °1~"1!i~l .'C~'t' ~',:. x.11 •, .is rr-r r'tuct'ts ~~a.l t}i.a•[~- ~s.~ ~ °^r r ;;.8, " 1 (~ *. T'"T'F. R#",k`'~ ~.. F[~4 :1'+tC°dz ~I1~ S.'~..~ry..: tC• _f _.l.~:i!f;rh 5;13i1i is ~l!`.~s'_-E14'"fl I';r '~'~T~~'gf„•'trtir ryrC~'d ~~ ~'~~ZiIJ ~F.~~'C vt`''}" Ir:~E'~~;c~~1 ~II (Irl'=r ~.a..'"I i:. ;~P;`~.rarrl a.•~t a,i•E ~w .. ~~~.~I i~r~ [:ni3c'~~-7(' ~t. 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Yet except for funding of selected commuter programs, the commonwealth has heretofore ignored both planning and funding of our rail freight and pas- senger transportation system. ht the past, at both the state and federal levels, planning and funding for transportation has focused almost exclusively upon highway, aviation and maritime systems, and policymakers have largely neglected the rail transportation system. Today, a parad{gn- shift in transpor- tation policy is needed, one that recog- nizes for the first time the critical role the commonwealth moat play in planning and funding the rail transportation sys- tem In Virginia. The Interstate 81 corridor is but one example of the reason rail transportation is important. When it opened in the late 1980x, I.81 was designed for 16 percent truck traffic. Now, with 40 percent to 60 percent truck traffic, it is sometimes called the "NAFTA Tra1l." The auto count has also increased dramatically, and speeding and aggres- sive driving have become chronic. Di- verting long-haul interstate truck traffic to trains would aigniticantly relieve con- gestion and promote safety on I-81. Furthermore, a rail component could be achieved years sooner and would be less costly than widetdng the highway and would be more environmentally sound. For these reasons, the commis- sioner of the Virginia Department of Transportation directed the competing plans for widening I-81 to indude a rail component as part of any proposal. More than a dozen other rail projects in Virginia are currently being promoted. Among them are TranaDominion Ex- press, to transport paraengers from Bristol to Richmond and Washington via Roanoke and Lynchburg; High-Speed Rail, from Washington to Richmond and Hampton Roads; Virglttfa Railway Ex- press, from Fredericksburg to Wsahing- ton and other parts of Northern VirgiNa; and light rail for commuters in Northern Virginia and the Hampton Roads areas. None of these projects can achieve much suttees, however, unless substan- tial capital L5 invested in upgrading and improving the Taff lines. The capital cost of upgrading exit- ing Linea or constructing new lines i pro- hibitive for the railroads acting on thefr own. The decline in the rail transportation system relative to other forma of trans- portation in the last 40 years explains the reason state leadership is critical. In the 1980x, when the interstate highway system opened, the railroads began los• ing freight traffic to trucks, aryd passen- gers deserted trains for sutomoblles: A number of mostly Northeastern rail lines went banlavpt. In 1971, Amtrak, aubai- dized, by federal flmda, took over a de- clining rail passenger system. In the subsequent restructuring, the railroads abandoned 60 percent of their lines nationwide. In the last 40 years, more than 170,000 miles of rail Linea have been abandoned, and many other miles of rail have been downaized. The. rail line parallel to I-81 in its current state is not salted for transporting tlme- aensitive freight for "just in dine" delivery of inventory. Today, none of the private railroads provide rail passenger transpor- tation, and they are unlikely to be per- suaded to re-enter this field or improve and extend their Linea to haul additional freight or to become "high speed" on their own achy time soon because of the high capital cost. The commonwealth, even without the current budget crisis, ie not in a posi- tion to provide the finandal capital need- ed to improve o; extend the rail lines. The federal government lies provided no more than negligible funding Por rail cap- ital improvements. Thus, for rails to be- come animportant component of a 21st century transportation system, a new ap- proach to financing rail infrastructure improvements is needed This session of the General Assem- bly, I sponsored legislation to create and study a Virglris l.~il'Transportation De- velopment AuLr~ority to finance needed improvements to the rail infrastructure. A seven-member authority, appointed by the governor, could issue bonds paid for by a surcharge on freight and passenger transportation rates, to upgrade the ra11 lines. It i anticipated the new authority could arrange the funding with a mini- mum of taxpayer subsidy. A Rail Transportation Development Authority would make possible the vari- ous rail projects, including the plan to shift long-haul interstate truck traffic on I-81 to trains. A study I sponsored in 2000 condud- ed that some 10 percent to 20 percent of truck freight on I-81 could be diverted to trains. Trucks carrying freight in contain- ers originatic~g ht the South and South- east could be delivered to intermodal transfer stations in, for example, ChattaR, nooga, Tenn., fortrans-shipment on trains to Harrisburg, Pa., where trucks could again pick up the containers at an intermodal station for delivery to North- eastern states. Since trains are more efiident and "~ costreffective in hauling freight more than 600 miles, shippers would have an incentive to utilize the intermodal ap- proach to transporting long-haul, inter- state, containerized cargo. in fact, the use of containerized cargo which can be hauled on both trucks and trains has been in common practice for a number of decades where adequate rail infraatruc- tore exists. A Rail Transportation Development Authority could finance upgrading the rail line along the I-81 corridor in Virgin- ia in three to four years at a cost of a 1.8: billion dollars. Thin is faster and less ex-. pensive than widening I-81, which may , _ take 20 years and could cost more than :. 38 billion. sr., Moreover, by the time I-81 is wid- ened, traffic will have grown to fill the extra lanes and I.81 may need widening again. Thus, improvements to I-81 must" indude a rail component if a timely, cost:' effecttve, safe and environmentally sound approach is to be successful. Similarly, TransDominion Express, High-Speed Raft, Virginia Railway ~- ;. press, light rail and more than a dozen other rail projects hi Virginia would bene- fit from creation of a Rail Transportation Development Authority. In eadt case, im- proving the tall infrastructure is a critical first step for the projects to succeed. The time has come for a new ap- proach to Virginia's system of transporta- tion. An intermodal approach using rail height and passenger transportation, with improvements being financed by an authority operated by the common- wealth, is the.foundation for this new paradigm. It is essential to include rail freight and passenger transportation in the commonwealth's planning and fi- nandng of a comprehensive 21st century transportation system. • • JOHN & EDWARDS gjRoanoke is a Denw ocratic member of the Virginia Serutts- e.o. gaYNNpwi ILOSM'o~s r~'senvntc+Ta THF. R0:1:~OKE 17AfES Co y ~~~rAR Use more rail, not more trucks HORIZON Air-quality pledge conflicts with I-81 plans BY HARRIET NUDGES I CAN laugh because I can leave. In December, Roanoke Valley govern- ments pledged to plan air-pollution control. The pledge avoided our placement on the Environmental Protection Agency's "nonat- tainment" of cleaner air list and the with- holding of federal funds for roads. Some joke, huh? Our region's air is filthy -thanks mostly to trucks on Inter- state 81 smoking down our middle. Now we welcome more. The valley's cynical pledge to "plan" gains us three years before we must com- ply with air-quality standazds. Then we look up from road building and say, "Oh golly, we're not going to be able to make our goals. I.81, you know." Conniving? Stupid? A good dollop of each. Pretty fumw,y if you can leave - as can retirees and CEOs of big corporations. "Yes, yes, bring us mare trucks. Make us your East Coast truck bypass. And we'll have some more cars, too. They're small." We're eager to pour a concrete trough through our beautiful countryside. We em- brace eight lanes of traffic channeled by huge, dangerous, hideous "Jersey barriers." Strangers to our state say, "Virginia is so lovely," meaning mostly I-81 and its vistas. Won't they be surprised their next trip as they white-knuckle their way down one of eight 3-foot-high concrete grooves? Are there no leaders to say, "Folks, we're killing ourselves - economically and physically"? Where aze those brave enough to tell us vehicle-crazed zombies that we must have fewer on the road or we are doomed? Or is it that our leaders with access to the money boxes will not listen to anyone, even their own experts. Even military ones. Rear Adm. David Architzel, commander of the Mid-Atlantic Fleet, has warned of secu- rity dangers from congestion and lack of alternative transport. He is entirely un- heeded. My family goes eight generations back in Vircinia. My mother o-vs a little girl was chosen to unveil the Jamestown statue of Pocahontas as a result of tales that we were her descendants. It's been a long time, howeveq since I've pridefully called myself a Virginian in intelligent company. We are 50th in envi- ronmental spending and concern. And looking to go lower. The elegant solution for the I-81 prob- lem is right before us: railroads (which the automobile industry systematically almost destroyed two generations ago). Other re- gions are in on this secret. Forty percent of freight between New York and Chicago travels by tail; 80 percent takes the train between Chicago and Los Angeles. Here, we squander gasoline, fresh air and lives limiting our rail freight to a teegy 5 percent. In fact, we really aze already the truck bypass: Seventy percent of that freight roaring along I-81 is headed through, not to, Virginia. To upgrade Norfolk Southern's tracks would cost $2.4 billion vs. the NAFTA- driven industrial "solutions" of $1.8 billion for a stopgap measure and $12 billion for the ultimate concrete nightmaze. Upgrading rail would cut construction time by one-third and cut inconvenience b, an incalculable degree. Finished, the rails would be there for high-speed passenger trains. Pollution would be cut dramatically and U.S. importation of gas (60 percent of what we use) would plummet. We even, as of the middle of last week almost have a Rail Authority, with the abili ty to issue bonds, hold property, weather political change and -best of all - for- mulate and implement long-term plans anc finances. Bills to do so have passed the Senate unanimously! Now, if ottly the House of Delegates can follow. Why is this obvious solution to ati I-81 woes ignored? Money, of course. Handshakes in the back rooms of Richmond and Washington. Fluor and Star Solutions are big money talldng fast and strong. Destroying onq,pf the moat beautiful intetstates in the cotttt- try, plowing through towns, leaving a time of fllth and the rumble of huge rigs heacTed to and from Mexico -well, to say they ~ " don't care is the understatement of the de- cade. They live in Bermuda. But you don't. So take a politician to lunch or to task. Tell him or her of the res- olution making the rounds of local govern- ments and officials listing the overwhelm- ing advantages of rail. It's addressed to Gov. Mark Warner. Its facts and figures aze compelling to anyone -unless he has connections to Big Oil or huge consfrttc- tlon fume. Beg him or her to support the resolu- tion for the railroad solution to I-81 over- load. If she has your town's good at heart, she'll sign it with a sigh of relief. If she won't, make her explain publicly what she could possibly object to. Maybe our next generation of valley children will not all be asthmatic. HARRIET NODGES o/ Salem is a chair maker and ez farmer-. DDNNII MMIE GRETNEIFTOIq I LOSANQELE9 TI,YES SYNDICATE o ? i°ol ~ ~ c°',~" ~ 0~ 0 ~ 3 ~ Vag-~ ~ c3 ~U ~'•~ .G, y o o "" ~ o o °' ~ o~ N~ b ~a~v~o ~°' ~ ,~ a o T/1 '~ y G'~~' o ~ ~ i..I ~ ~ 'LS 'yam" 1.. ~ ~ ,HC ,~>a R''` V .~~„ s C3 ~ v ~ b tea, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~o~~~°~ ~aa~or''o~`'"' ~A ova ~?~,~ ~ ~ ~ ,0 0 ~' oo y „ a~ o ~., o ~ a .., +, ~ o . .a v c~ „ ~ m ~ m a~ _ ` U ?~~. •1~1 ~ ~~ ~ °' vwwF ~ o~~ ~ `~ ~'`" ~~'°~;~ tab ~~ ~ ,n~aoca ~~.o 0 WSJ "'~' ~ ~' ~ ~' ~~ ~ v ~ a ~ o a~ aoo o ~ 0 0 0 ~ a' o ~~ v, ~, a g o ~ /~ ~ c~ ai ~ ,n ~ cvd G a •° ~ ° ti ~1D ryn b~iD a~i ~ ai vas ° -~ i~ Q AGENDA ITEM NO. x PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: Funding Request -Human and Social Service Agencies I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ U~ ~? ~ct5~. ADDRESS: ~~~ (,tle~~S f~f/C~ PHONE: ~~I S~- ~/'(o ~ ~y GROUP/ORGANIZATION: / ~~~G ~r~'`~'~~YS ,~,~c~ S~S~ AGENDA ITEM NO. 1~~ PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: _ ~ 1 ~/~ ~~ / 1 ~~f~ ~/~S ADDRESS: ~~,~~ /"C~~I~IV ,EJ/, PHONE: ~`~~~j ~~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: AGENDA ITEM NO. ~a PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~~ >~ would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3J minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD ~~ ,. NAME: '_ ~1 !"1 I ~, ~ ~ ~ t~ Cc..~~ ADDRESS: ~~l r~ ~ ~~ ~~r'S~ ~ ,,~ ~ G~-C ,~~~0!' ,//1~ PHONE: ~r~~ '~/~~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~ /~1 AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE _~CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: -~/~/i~2s~T.~T~ ~/ - ~?/~~.z i~~ -r~'~ ~Ii~~r~y~ I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ ,~ l S F~ c ~~ rat ~-~ d- ~ a ~ ~ G ~ ~,~ T- ADDRESS: 3s- 7i ~ R ~ i) s 1~,~ ~v ~ ~ . s°~~ ~'~ PHONE: S ~~ - 3 ~ ~ - Z ~ ~ ~ ~~ ,~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~~/L ~ ~ ~ U TIl'~S