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5/13/2003 - Regular
Working Document -Subject to Revision Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda May 13, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for May 13, 2003. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call Roll call at 3:01 p.m. with RCF absent 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH introduced Tarah Holland from the Roanoke Times, who is filling in for Tim Thornton, and Joel Shelton, Intern. ECH requested that items C-1 and C-2 be held until later in the meeting to allow time for the recipients to arrive. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable Malfourd W. Trumbo for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and the Senate This item was presented following Item C-5 1 R-051303-3 JBC motion to adopt resolution URC with RCF absent 2. Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable A. Victor Thomas for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates This item was presented following Item C-3 R-051303-2 JBC motion to adopt resolution URC with RCF absent 3. Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates R-051303-1 JPM motion to adopt resolution URC with RCF absent 4. Certificate of recognition to Jan McLeod for being named Administrator of the Year by the Virginia Association of Vocational Education for Special Needs Personnel Certificate of recognition presented to Ms. McLeod. Also present was Lorraine Lange, Assistant Superintendent of Schools. 5. Proclamation declaring May 11 - 17, 2003 as Business Appreciation Week in Roanoke County Proclamation presented to Doug Chittum, Director of Economic Development. Also present were Will Davis, Director of Economic Development, American Electric Power; Don Robb, Vice-President/Division Director, RR Donnelly; and Melinda Cox, Existing Business Program Manager. 6. Proclamation declaring May 18 - 24, 2003 as Emergency Medical Services Week in Roanoke County Proclamation presented to Rick Burch, Chief of Fire and Rescue; Adam Fleming, Volunteer Chief; Jim Short, Assistant Chief; and Dustin Campbell, EMS Captain. D. BRIEFINGS None 2 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution adopting procedures for the implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) R-051303-4 HOM motion to adopt resolution URC with RCF absent HOM requested that a work session be scheduled to further discuss the PPEA process. 2. Request for authorization and appropriation of funds for renovations to the Read Mountain Fire Station. (Richard Burch, Fire and Rescue Chief) A-051303-5 JPM motion to approve staff recommendation (approval of the renovation project) URC with RCF absent 3. Request to approve the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO) Charter Agreement for Workforce Investment Area III. (Joe Sgroi, Director of Human Resources) A-051303-6 JPM motion to approve staff recommendation (approval of the CLEO Charter Agreement) URC with RCF absent 4. Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and Fink's Jewelers, Inc. (Doug Chittum, Director of Economic Development) A-051303-7 HOM motion to approve staff recommendation (authorize the execution of the performance agreement) Ayes: JBC, HOM, MWA Nays: JPM Absent: RCF F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance appropriating the funds for the fiscal year 2003- 2004 budget. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) 3 JPM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 5127103 URC with RCF absent 2. First reading of an ordinance authorizing the vacation, quit-claim and release of an unused portion of a 20' waterline easement and a portion of a 15' sanitary sewer easement and to accept in exchange a relocated new variable width sanitary sewer easement across property owned by Lewis-Gibbs Corporation, Tax Map. No. 27.13-4-2, Hollins Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) JPM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 5/27103 URC with RCF absent 3. First reading of an ordinance to vacate, quit-claim and release two certain portions of a 25' public drainage easement crossing the property of James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC and to accept in exchange a relocated new 25' public drainage easement, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) HOM motion to approve 1St reading 2"a reading - 5/27103 URC with RCF absent G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES Second reading of an ordinance declaring a parcel of real estate to be surplus and accepting an offer for the sale of same; namely, the Western Hills Well Lot, Tax Map No. 68.17-2-17, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-051303-8 JPM motion to adopt ordinance URC with RCF absent 2. Second reading of an ordinance approving a residential lease at the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology, Catawba Magisterial District. (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) 0-051303-9 JBC motion to adopt ordinance URC with RCF absent 4 H. APPOINTMENTS None 1. Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) 2. Library Board (Appointed by District) CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-051303-10 JPM motion to adopt consent resolution URC with RCF absent 1. Approval of minutes -April 15 and 22, 2003 2. Resolution of appreciation to Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department for service and dedication upon its 60th anniversary R-051303-10.a 3. Resolution of appreciation to the Cave Spring Rescue Squad for their service to the community and in celebration of their 45th anniversary R-051303-10.b 4. Request to appropriate $305,000 for public assistance programs in the Department of Social Services A-051303-10.c 5. Request to accept Bradford Circle into the State Secondary System R-051303-10.d 6. Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Miller's Landing, Hollins Magisterial District A-051303-10.e 5 7. Request to accept Aarons Run Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System R-051303-10.f 8. Request to accept Kings Crest Drive, Fieldgate Road, and Avalon Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System R-051303-10.g J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS None K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS None L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None M. REPORTS JPM motion to receive and file the following reports URC with RCF absent 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future Capital Projects 5. Accounts Paid -March 2003 6. Statement of Expenditures and Estimated and Actual Revenues for the month ended April 2003 7. Statement of the Treasurer's accountability per investment and portfolio policy as of April 30, 2003 8. Clean Valley Council 6 N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor McNamara: (1) He stated that there has never been a meeting that he can recall in which the Board did not have any reports of Board members, a closed meeting, or work session. O. CLOSED MEETING None P. WORK SESSIONS (4th Floor Conference Room) None Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION None R. ADJOURNMENT JPM adjourned the meeting at 5:04 p.m. 7 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda May 13, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for May 13, 2003. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: John M. Chambliss, Jr. Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable Malfourd W. Trumbo for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and the Senate 2. Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable A. Victor Thomas for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates 3. Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates 1 4. Certificate of recognition to Jan McLeod for being named Administrator of the Year by the Virginia Association of Vocational Education for Special Needs Personnel 5. Proclamation declaring May 11 - 17, 2003 as Business Appreciation Week in Roanoke County 6. Proclamation declaring May 18 - 24, 2003 as Emergency Medical Services Week in Roanoke County D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution adopting procedures for the implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Request for authorization and appropriation of funds for renovations to the Read Mountain Fire Station. (Richard Burch, Fire and Rescue Chief) 3. Request to approve the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO) Charter Agreement for Workforce Investment Area III. (Joe Sgroi, Director of Human Resources) 4. Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and Fink's Jewelers, Inc. (Doug Chittum, Director of Economic Development) F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of an ordinance appropriating the funds for the fiscal year 2003- 2004 budget. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) 2. First reading of an ordinance authorizing the vacation, quit-claim and release of an unused portion of a 20' waterline easement and a portion of a 15' sanitary sewer easement and to accept in exchange a relocated new variable width sanitary sewer easement across property owned by Lewis-Gibbs Corporation, Tax Map. No. 27.13-4-2, Hollins Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) 3. First reading of an ordinance to vacate, quit-claim and release two certain portions of a 25' public drainage easement crossing the property of James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC and to accept in exchange a relocated new 25' public drainage easement, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2 G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance declaring a parcel of real estate to be surplus and accepting an offer for the sale of same; namely, the Western Hills Well Lot, Tax Map No. 68.17-2-17, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Second reading of an ordinance approving a residential lease at the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology, Catawba Magisterial District. (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Commission for Senior and Challenged Citizens (Appointed by District) 2. Library Board (Appointed by District) I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes -April 15 and 22, 2003 2. Resolution of appreciation to Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department for service and dedication upon its 60th anniversary 3. Resolution of appreciation to the Cave Spring Rescue Squad for their service to the community and in celebration of their 45th anniversary 4. Request to appropriate $305,000 for public assistance programs in the Department of Social Services 5. Request to accept Bradford Circle into the State Secondary System 6. Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Miller's Landing, Hollins Magisterial District 7. Request to accept Aarons Run Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System 3 8. Request to accept Kings Crest Drive, Fieldgate Road, and Avalon Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS . K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future Capital Projects 5. Accounts Paid -March 2003 6. Statement of Expenditures and Estimated and Actual Revenues for the month ended April 2003 7. Statement of the Treasurer's accountability per investment and portfolio policy as of April 30, 2003 8. Clean Valley Council N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS O. CLOSED MEETING P. WORK SESSIONS (4th Floor Conference Room) Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. ADJOURNMENT 4 /1 l_.. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION 051303-3 OF APPRECIATION TO THE HONORABLE MALFOURD W. TRUMBO FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AS A MEMBER OF THE VIRGINIA HOUSE OF DELEGATES AND SENATE WHEREAS, Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1990 until 1992, was elected to the Virginia Senate in 1992, and represents the 22"d Senate District which includes the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt, Cities of Salem and Radford and portions of the County of Montgomery; and WHEREAS, Senator Trumbo has served his constituents on many Senate committees including Courts of Justice, Finance, Rehabilitation and Social Services, Transportation, and as Chair of the Rules Committee; and WHEREAS, Senator Trumbo has also been active in his community serving on many organizations such as the Botetourt County BarAssociation, Botetourt County Heart Association, Bath County Education Association, and Botetourt County Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, Senator Trumbo, through his tenure in the House and Senate, has ~ always been willing to provide assistance to the County, and was instrumental in the formation of Pulaski Park, a regional industrial development park, and in securing legislation that would allow Roanoke County to obtain an ownership interest in Explore Park; and ~ WHEREAS, the County is very appreciative of Senator Trumbo's support through the years and wishes to recognize his invaluable service to the citizens of Roanoke County. 1 ., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its appreciation to MALFOURD W. TRUMBO for his many years of service to the residents of Roanoke County as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate, and as an active citizen in the Roanoke Valley community; and FURTHER, the Board expresses its best wishes to Senator Trumbo for success in all of his future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A OPY TESTE: Diane S. Chi ders Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 .~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ('_ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable Malfourd W. Trumbo for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~"' ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Malfourd W. "Bo"Trumbo served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1990 until 1992. In 1992, he was elected to the Virginia Senate representing the 22~d District. Throughout his time in the House and Senate, Senator Trumbo has always been willing to provide assistance to the County. He was instrumental in the formation of Pulaski Park, an regional industrial development park, and in securing legislation that would allow Roanoke County to obtain an ownership interest in Explore Park. He has served on the Courts of Justice, Finance, Rehabilitation and Social Services, and Transportation Committees, as well as serving as Chair of the Rules Committee. The County is very appreciative of Senator Trumbo's support, and this time has been set aside to recognize his service to the citizens of Roanoke County. Senator Trumbo will be present at the meeting to accept the resolution of appreciation. i C -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE HONORABLE MALFOURD W. TRUMBO FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AS A MEMBER OF THE VIRGINIA HOUSE OF DELEGATES AND SENATE WHEREAS, Malfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo served in the Virginia House of Delegates from 1990 until 1992, was elected to the Virginia Senate in 1992, and represents the 22"d Senate District which includes the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt, Cities of Salem and Radford and portions of the County of Montgomery; and WHEREAS, Senator Trumbo has served his constituents on many Senate committees including Courts of Justice, Finance, Rehabilitation and Social Services, Transportation, and as Chair of the Rules Committee; and WHEREAS, Senator Trumbo has also been active in his community serving on many organizations such as the Botetourt County Bar Association, Botetourt County Heart Association, Bath County Education Association, and Botetourt County Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS, Senator Trumbo, through his tenure in the House and Senate, has always been willing to provide assistance to the County, and was instrumental in the formation of Pulaski Park, a regional industrial development park, and in securing legislation that would allow Roanoke County to obtain an ownership interest in Explore Park; and WHEREAS, the County is very appreciative of Senator Trumbo's support through the years and wishes to recognize his invaluable service to the citizens of Roanoke County. 1 ~,~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its appreciation to MALFOURD W. TRUMBO for his many years of service to the residents of Roanoke County as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate, and as an active citizen in the Roanoke Valley community; and FURTHER, the Board expresses its best wishes to Senator Trumbo for success in all of his future endeavors. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION 051303-2 OF APPRECIATION TO THE HONORABLE A. VICTOR THOMAS FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AS A MEMBER OF THE VIRGINIA HOUSE OF DELEGATES ~-~~ WHEREAS, A. Victor "Vic" Thomas was elected to the House of Delegates in 1974 and represents the 17th House District which includes portions of the Counties of Roanoke and Botetourt, and the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has served his constituents on many House committees including Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Appropriations and Rules; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has been active in his community serving on the Chamber of Commerce, Civitan Club, American Legion and Woodmen of the World; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has been a supporter of the County's legislative initiatives which include adoption of the Roanoke County Charter and formation of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has also been actively involved in many of the highway projects that affect the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, the County is very appreciative of Delegate Thomas' support through the years and wishes to recognize his service to the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, expresses its appreciation to A. VICTOR THOMAS for his many years of service to the residents of Roanoke County as a member of the Virginia House of 1 ~~ r Delegates and as an active citizen in the Roanoke Valley community; and FURTHER, the Board expresses its best wishes to Delegate Thomas for success in all of his future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Chi ders Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 . ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C - a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of appreciation to the Honorable A. Victor Thomas for his service to the residents of Roanoke County and the Commonwealth of Virginia as a member of the Virginia House of Delegates APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~%~''~'`~ ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: A. Victor "Vic" Thomas was elected to the House of Delegates in 1974 representing the 17th District. During his tenure, Delegate Thomas served on numerous committees including the Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Appropriations, and Rules Committees. He has been a supporter of the County's legislative initiatives, some of which include adoption of the Roanoke County Charter and formation of a Regional Airport Commission. In addition, he has been actively involved in many of the highway projects that affect the Roanoke Valley. This time has been set aside to express the County's appreciation to Delegate Thomas for his support and recognize his service to the citizens of Roanoke County. Delegate Thomas will be present at the meeting to accept the resolution of appreciation. C-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISAODMINISTFtATIONE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT TTUESDAYOMAY 103u2003 CENTER ON RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE S DENTS OF ROANOKE THOMAS FOR HIS SERVICE TO THE RE COUNTY AND THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA AS A MEMBER OF THE VIRGINIA HOUSE OF DELEGATES WHEREAS, A. Victor "Vic" Thomas was elected to the House of Delegates in 1974 and re resents the 17th House District which includes portions of the Counties of Roanoke p and Botetourt, and the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has served his constituents on many House committees including Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Appropriations and Rules; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has been active in his community serving on the Chamber of Commerce, Civitan Club, American Legion and Woodmen of the World; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has been a supporter of the County's legislative initiatives which include adoption of the Roanoke County Charter and formation of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission; and WHEREAS, Delegate Thomas has also been actively involved in many of the highway projects that affect the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, the County is very appreciative of Delegate Thomas' support through the years and wishes to recognize his service to the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count ,Virginia, expresses its appreciation to A. VICTOR THOMAS for his many years of Y service to the residents of Roanoke County as a member of the Virginia House of 1 s c-~t p~putrtp of ~o~ttp~e CEKTIFICATE OF KECOC~I~IITIOIY AWARDED TO ~. ~~ For being named Administrator of the Year for Special Needs Personnel Jan McLeod has been principal of the Roanoke County Career Center for seven years, and also served as assistant principal. Ms. McLeod was a former teacher at Glenvar High School and has worked for the Roanoke County School District since 1984. The Roanoke County Career Center serves approximately 100 students and provides a prevocational program that offers additional assistance and hands-on training in real-world jobs for students having difficulties with their studies. The Virginia Association of Vocational°Education for Special Needs Personnel honored Ms. McLeod for her work with students at risk of dropping out of school and named her as Administrator of the Year at their convention in Roanoke. The Board of Supervisors congratulates Ms. McLeod for this accomplishment, expresses its appreciation for her guidance at the Career Center, and extends its best wishes to her in all of her future endeavors. Presented this 13th day of May, 2003 Jo h McNamara, Chairman Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman /.ul~ 2~ • ~~1~' Michael W. Altizer iJ"ose~ih B. "Butch" Church ~ - ,~/ H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix ~- ~ ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring week of May 11 - 17, 2003 as Business Appreciation Week in Roanoke County SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge G"~ ~°'~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Commonwealth of Virginia has declared the week of May 11 - 17, 2003 as Business Appreciation Week. This week honors all business community leaders and partners for their daily investment in our economic base, which contributes to the quality of life in Roanoke County. Doug Chittum, Director of Economic Development, will accept the proclamation in appreciation and recognition of the Roanoke County business community. Also present at the meeting will be Will Davis, Director of Economic Development at American Electric Power. yr "'h C-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 PROCLAMATION DECLARING MAY 11 THROUGH 17, 2003 AS BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke is pleased to have a thriving base of business and industry to support and strengthen the local economy; and WHEREAS, these businesses provide essential employment opportunities for the citizens of the County of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, these businesses provide local revenues from which the entire local citizenry benefit; and WHEREAS, these businesses also make significant contributions in our communities to promote educational opportunities for our children and promote a variety of civic activities which increase the quality of life of the area; and WHEREAS, the week of May 11 through 17, 2003 has been designated as Business Appreciation Week; and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to acknowledge the contributions of our existing businesses and recognize and express its appreciation to these businesses. NOW THEREFORE, We, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the week of May 11 through 17, 2003, as BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, by this proclamation give notice to our citizens that the businesses of the County of Roanoke are exemplifying this year's theme of "Success Starts Here." w ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C - ( ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring May 18 - 24, 2003 as Emergency Medical Services Week in Roanoke County APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~' ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Fire & Rescue Department is requesting that the Board adopt the attached proclamation declaring Emergency Medical Services Week. Present to accept the proclamation will be Fire & Rescue Chief Rick Burch, Volunteer Rescue Chief Joe Coyle, and EMS Captain Dustin Campbell. w' ~-~O AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 PROCLAMATION DECLARING MAY 18 THROUGH 24, 2003, AS EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, emergency medical services is a vital public service and access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and WHEREAS, emergency medical services teams consist of emergency medical technicians, shock trauma technicians, cardiac technicians, paramedics, firefighters, communication officers, police officers, emergency room nurses, emergency room physicians, administrators and others; and WHEREAS, the members of the emergency medical services teams are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, seven days a week; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has 109 career and 282 volunteer fire and rescue personnel; and WHEREAS, the members of emergency medical services teams, whether career or volunteer, engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their lifesaving skills; and WHEREAS, the people of Roanoke County benefit daily from the knowledge and skills of these highly trained individuals; and WHEREAS, it is appropriate to recognize the value and accomplishments of emergency medical services providers by designating Emergency Medical Services Week; and 1 ~-(o WHEREAS, the designation of Emergency Medical Services Week will serve to educate the people of Roanoke County about injury prevention and how to respond to a medical or traumatic emergency. NOW THEREFORE, WE, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors do hereby proclaim and recognize the week of May 18 through 24, 2003, as EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES WEEK in the County of Roanoke; and FURTHER, call upon the citizens of the County to observe this week with appropriate ceremonies and activities. 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION 051303-4 ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE EDUCATION FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ACT OF 2002 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has determined that it is in the best interest of the County to adopt procedures for the implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 pursuant to the provisions of Section 56-575.16.4 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby adopts the attached document. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A COPY TESTE: l ~ ~J Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 County of Roanoke Procedures April 2003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 Roanoke County Procedures Table of Contents I. Introduction ..................................................................................................p. 1 II. General Provisions ........................................................................................p. 2 A. Proposal Submission ................................................................................p. 2 B. Affected Jurisdictions ..............................................................................p. 3 C. Proposal Review Fee ...............................................................................p. 3 D. Virginia Freedom of Information Act ....................................................p. 4 E. Applicability of Other Laws ....................................................................p. 5 III. Solicited Proposals ........................................................................................p. 5 IV. Unsolicited Proposals ...................................................................................p. 6 A. Decision to Accept and Consider Unsolicited Proposal; Notice ..............p. 6 B. Initial Review by the Responsible Public Entity ......................................p. 7 V. Review of Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals .........................................p. 8 VI. Proposal Preparation and Submission .....................................................p. 8 A. Format for Submissions at the Conceptual Stage ...................................p. 8 B. Format for Submissions at the Detailed Stage .....................................p. 13 VI. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Criteria ..............................................p. 15 A. Qualifications and Experience ...............................................................p. 15 B. Project Characteristics ...........................................................................p. 15 C. Project Financing ...................................................................................p. 16 D. Public Benefit and Compatibility ..........................................................p. 16 .~ VII. Comprehensive Agreement .........................................................................p. 17 VIII. Appendix .............................................................................p.20 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 I. Introduction The Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (the "PPEA") allows responsible public entities to create public-private partnerships for development of a wide range of projects for public use if the public entities determine there is a need for the project and that private involvement may provide the project to the public in a timely and cost-effective fashion. For purposes of the PPEA, the County of Roanoke, is a "responsible public entity" that "has the power to acquire, design, construct, improve, renovate, expand, equip, maintain, or operate the applicable qualifying project." Individually negotiated comprehensive agreements between an operator and the County will define the respective rights and obligations of the parties. This document sets forth the procedures to guide the private partner(s) and the County in the application of PPEA. The approval of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is required for the County to enter into a comprehensive agreement pursuant to the PPEA. In order for a project to be considered under the PPEA, it must meet the definition of a "qualifying project." The PPEA contains a broad definition of "qualifying project" that includes public buildings and facilities of all types; for example: (i) An education facility, including, but not limited to, a school building, any functionally-related and subordinate facility (a stadium, for example), land appurtenant to a school building, and any depreciable property provided for use in a school facility that is operated as part of the public school system or as an institution of higher education; (ii) A building or facility for principal use by any public entity; (iii) Improvements, together with equipment, necessary to enhance public safety and security of buildings to be principally used by a public entity; (iv) Utility, telecommunications and other communications infrastructure; or (v) A recreational facility; and (vi) Certain service contracts. The PPEA establishes requirements that the County shall adhere to when considering proposals received pursuant to the PPEA. The County Administrator may receive and consider proposals in strict accord with the procedures specified in this document. In addition, the PPEA specifies the criteria that must be used to select a proposal and the contents of the comprehensive agreement detailing the relationship between the County and the private entity. II. General Provisions Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 A. Proposal Submission A proposal may be either solicited by the County or delivered by a private entity on an unsolicited basis. Proposers will be required to follow atwo-part proposal submission process consisting of an initial conceptual phase (Part 1) and a detailed phase (Part 2). The initial phase of the proposal should contain specified information on proposer qualifications and experience, project characteristics, project financing, anticipated public support or opposition, or both, and project benefit and compatibility. The Part 2 detailed proposal must contain specified deliverables. The PPEA allows private entities to include innovative financing methods, such as the imposition of user fees or service payments, in a proposal. Such financing arrangements may include the issuance of debt instruments, equity or other securities or obligations, including, if applicable, the portion of the tax-exempt private activity bond limitation amount to be allocated annually to the Commonwealth of Virginia pursuant to the federal Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 for the development of education facilities using public-private partnerships, and to provide for carryovers of any unused limitation amount. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a concise description of the proposer's capabilities to complete the proposed qualifying project and the benefits to be derived from the project by the public. Project benefits to be considered are those occurring during the construction, renovation, expansion or improvement phase and during the life cycle of the project. Proposals also should include a comprehensive scope of work and a financial plan for the project, which contains enough detail to allow an analysis by the County of the financial feasibility of the proposed project. For specific applications, the County may request, in writing, clarification to the submission. The PPEA is intended to encourage proposals from the private sector that offer the provision of private financing in support of the proposed public project and the assumption of commensurate risk by the private operator, but also benefits to the operator through innovative approaches to project financing, development and use. However, while substantial private sector involvement is encouraged, qualifying facilities will still be devoted primarily to public use and typically involve facilities critical to the public health, safety and welfare. Accordingly, the County shall continue to exercise full and proper due diligence in the evaluation and selection of operators for these projects. In this regard, the qualifications, capabilities, resources and other attributes of a prospective operator and its whole team should be carefully examined for every project. In addition, operators proposing projects shall be held strictly accountable for representations or other information provided regarding their qualifications, experience or other contents of their proposals, including all specific aspects of proposed plans to be performed by the operator. 2 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 . ~ Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 B. Affected Local Jurisdictions Any private entity requesting approval from, or submitting a conceptual or detailed proposal to, the County must provide other affected units of local government with a copy of the private entity's request or proposal by certified mail, express delivery or hand delivery, after the County determines whether to accept such proposal. Affected local jurisdictions shall have 60 days from the receipt of the request or proposal to submit written comments to the County at either or both the conceptual and detailed phases. Comments received within the 60-day period shall be considered in evaluating the request or proposal, however no negative inference shall be drawn from the absence of comment by an affected local jurisdiction. C. Proposal Review Fee ~~ No fee will be charged by the County to process, review or evaluate any solicited rp oposal submitted under the PPEA, other than what are considered reasonable and incidental permit, utility, and related fees during the construction stage of the project. The County may seek the advice of County staff or outside advisors or consultants with relevant experience in determining whether to enter into an agreement with the private entity. The County shall charge a fee of one-half of one percent (0.5%), not to exceed $50,000, of the estimated present value cost to the County of the proposal, but not less than $5,000, to cover the costs of processing, reviewing, and evaluating any unsolicited, Part 1 proposal or competing unsolicited Part 1 proposal submitted under the PPEA, including a fee to cover the costs of outside attorneys, consultants and financial advisors. This fee shall not be greater than the direct costs associated with evaluating the proposed qualifying project. "Direct costs" include (i) the cost of staff time required to process, evaluate, review, and respond to the proposal, and (ii) the out-of-pocket costs of attorneys, consultants, and financial advisors. For purposes of initial processing of the proposal, the County shall accept the $5,000 minimum fee with the balance due and payable prior to the proposals proceeding beyond the initial review stage. Such sums shall be paid with certified funds, and shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County in a special fund known as the PPEA Fund. The fund shall be established for such purpose, and deposits to the fund shall be apportioned to defray the direct cost of proposal review(s). ^ If the cost of reviewing the proposal is less than the established proposal fee, the County may refund to the proposer the excess fee. ^ If during the initial review the County decides not to proceed to publication and conceptual-phase review of an unsolicited proposal, the proposal fee, less any direct (itemized) costs of the initial review, shall be refunded to the private entity. ^ If the County chooses to proceed with evaluation of proposal(s) under the PPEA, it shall not do so until the entire, non-refundable proposal fee has been paid to the County in full. 3 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 D. Freedom of Information Act Generally, proposal documents .submitted by private entities are subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"). In accordance with § 2.2-3705 A 56 of the Code, such documents may be released if requested, except to the extent that they relate to (i) confidential proprietary information submitted to the County under a promise of confidentiality or (ii) memoranda, working papers or other records related to proposals if making public such records would adversely affect the financial interest of the Commonwealth or the private entity or the bargaining position of either party. Subsection 56-575.4 G of the PPEA imposes an obligation on the County to protect confidential proprietary information submitted by a private entity or operator. When the private entity requests that the County not disclose information, the private entity must (i) invoke the exclusion when the data or materials are submitted to the County or before such submission, (ii) identify the data and materials for which protection from disclosure is sought, and (iii) state why the exclusion from disclosure is necessary. A private entity may request and receive a determination from the County as to the anticipated scope of protection prior to submitting the proposal. The County is authorized and obligated to protect only confidential proprietary information, and thus will not protect any portion of a proposal from disclosure if the entire proposal has been designated confidential by the proposer without reasonably differentiating between the proprietary and non-proprietary information contained therein. Upon receipt of a request that designated portions of a proposal be protected from disclosure as confidential and proprietary, the County shall determine whether such protection is appropriate under applicable law and, if appropriate, the scope of such appropriate protection, and shall communicate its determination to the proposer. If the determination regarding protection or the scope thereof differs from the proposer's request, then the County will accord the proposer a reasonable opportunity to clarify and justify its request. Upon a final determination by the County to accord less protection than requested by the proposer, the proposer will be accorded an opportunity to withdraw its proposal. A proposal so withdrawn should be treated in the same manner as a proposal not accepted for publication and conceptual-phase consideration as provided in section IV.A.2 below. E. Applicability of Other Laws The applicability of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (the "VPPA") is as set forth in the PPEA. In soliciting or entertaining proposals under the PPEA, the County shall also comply with all applicable federal laws and applicable state and local laws not in conflict with the PPEA. Likewise, in submitting proposals and in developing, executing or operating facilities under the PPEA, operators shall comply will all applicable federal laws and applicable state and local laws. Such laws may include, but not necessarily be limited to, contractual obligations which require Workers 4 Roanoke County Procedures April 2003 . Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 Compensation insurance coverage, performance bonds or payment bonds from approved sureties, compliance with the Virginia Prompt Payment Act, compliance with the Ethics in Public Contracting Act and compliance with environmental laws, workplace safety laws, and state or local laws governing contractor or trade licensing, building codes and building permit requirements. Expenditure of County funds in support of a comprehensive agreement requires an appropriation in the County budget or other appropriation(s). The PPEA process should not be used to create County-supported debt. Comprehensive agreements involving any form of County-supported debt, require specific, project-level approval by the Board of Supervisors. III. Solicited Proposals With the written authorization of the County Administrator a Request for Proposals (RFPs) on an invitation for competitive sealed bids may be issued, inviting proposals from private entities to acquire, construct, improve, renovate, expand, maintain or operate qualifying projects or to design or equip projects so constructed, improved renovated, expanded, maintained or operated. The County shall use atwo-part proposal process consisting of an initial conceptual phase (Part 1) and a detailed phase (Part 2). The RFP shall invite proposers to submit proposals on individual projects identified by the County. In such a case the County shall set forth in the RFP the format and supporting information that is required to be submitted, consistent with the provisions of the PPEA. The RFP should specify, but not necessarily be limited to, information and documents that must accompany each proposal and the factors that will be used in evaluating the submitted proposals. The RFP shall be posted on the County's electronic procurement website. Notices shall also be published in the Roanoke Times and World News, a newspaper of general circulation. Pre-proposal conferences may be held as deemed appropriate by the County. Any proposal submitted pursuant to the PPEA that is not received in response to a RFP or invitation for sealed bids shall be an Unsolicited Proposal under these procedures, including but not limited to (a) proposals received in response to a notice of the prior receipt of another Unsolicited Proposal, and (b) proposals received in response to publicity by the County concerning particular needs when the County has not issued RFP or invitation for sealed bids, even if the County has encouraged the submission of proposals. IV. Unsolicited Proposals The PPEA permits the County to receive, evaluate and select for negotiations unsolicited proposals from private entities to acquire, construct, improve, renovate, 5 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 expand, maintain, or operate a qualifying project or to design or equip projects so constructed, improved, renovated, expanded, maintained or operated. From time to time the County may publicize its needs and may encourage interested parties to submit proposals subject to the terms and conditions of the PPEA. When such proposals are received without issuance of an RFP, the proposal shall be treated as an unsolicited proposal. Unsolicited proposals should be submitted to the County Administrator by delivering six complete copies, together with the required review fee. A working group may be designated by the County Administrator to review and evaluate all unsolicited proposals. A. Decision to Accent and Consider Unsolicited Proposal; Notice 1. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals at any time. 2. Upon receipt of any unsolicited proposal, or group of proposals, and payment of the required fee by the proposer or proposers, the County should determine whether to accept the unsolicited proposal for publication and conceptual-phase consideration. If the County determines not to accept the proposal, it shall return the proposal, together with all fees and accompanying documentation, to the proposer. 3. a. If the County chooses to accept an unsolicited proposal for conceptual- phase consideration, it shall post a notice on the County's electronic procurement website, and in such other public area(s) as may be regularly used for posting of public notices, for a period of not less than 45 days. The County shall also publish, at least once, the same notice in the Roanoke Times and World News, a newspaper of general circulation in the County, providing notice of pending or potential action in not less than 45 days. The County may provide for more than 45 days in situations where the scope or complexity of the original proposal warrants additional time for potential competitors to prepare proposals. b. The notice shall state that the County (i) has received and accepted an unsolicited proposal under the PPEA, (ii) intends to evaluate the proposal, (iii) may negotiate a comprehensive agreement with the proposer based on the proposal, and (iv) will accept for simultaneous consideration any competing proposals that comply with the procedures adopted by the County and the provisions of the PPEA. The notice will summarize the proposed qualifying project or projects, and identify their proposed locations. Copies of unsolicited proposals shall be available upon request, subject to the provisions of FOIA and § 56-575.4 G of the PPEA. c. Prior to posting of the notices provided for in this subsection the County shall receive from the private partner or partners the balance due, if any, of the required project proposal review fee. B. Initial Review by the County at the Conceptual Stage (Part 1) 6 .~ Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 After reviewing the original proposal, and any competing proposals submitted during the notice period, the County Administrator may recommend to the Board of Supervisors: (i) not to proceed further with any proposal, (ii) to proceed to the detailed (Part 2) phase of review with the original proposal, (iii) to proceed to the detailed (Part 2) phase with a competing proposal, or (iv) to proceed to the detailed (Part 2) phase with multiple proposals. In the event that more than one proposal will be considered in the detailed (Part 2) phase of review, the County Administrator shall determine whether the unsuccessful private entity, or entities, shall be reimbursed, in whole or in part, for costs incurred in the detailed phase of review. In such case reasonable costs maybe assessed to the successful proposer as part of any ensuing comprehensive agreement. V. Review of Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals 1. Only proposals complying with the requirements of the PPEA that contain sufficient information for a meaningful evaluation and that are provided in an appropriate format will be considered by the County for further review at the conceptual stage. Formatting suggestions for proposals at the conceptual stage are found at Section V A. 2. The Board of Supervisors will determine at the initial review stage whether it will proceed using: a. Standard procurement procedures consistent with the VPPA; or b. Procedures developed that are consistent with procurement of other than professional services through "competitive negotiation" as the term is defined in § 2.2-4301 of the Code of Virginia (competitive negotiation). The Board of Supervisors may proceed using such procedures only if it makes a written determination that doing so is likely to be advantageous to the County and the public based upon either (i) the probable scope, complexity or urgency of need, or (ii) the risk sharing, added value, increase in funding or economic benefit from the project would otherwise not be available. When the County elects to use competitive negotiations, its written determination should consider factors such as risk sharing, added value and/or economic benefits from the project that would not be available without competitive negotiation. In addition, the written determination 7 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 . i Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 should explain how the scope, complexity, and/or urgency of the project are such that competitive negotiation is determined necessary. VI. Proposal Preparation and Submission A. Format for Submissions at Conceptual Stage (Part 1) The County requires that proposals at the conceptual stage contain information in the following areas: (i) qualifications and experience, (ii) project characteristics, (iii) project financing, (iv) anticipated public support or opposition, or both, (v) project benefit and compatibility and (vi) such additional information as may seem prudent which is not inconsistent with the requirements of the PPEA. Suggestions for formatting information to be included in proposals at the Conceptual Stage include: 1. Qualification and Experience a. Identify the legal structure of the firm or consortium of firms making the proposal. Identify the organizational structure for the project, the management approach and how each partner and major subcontractor ($100,000 or more) in the structure fits into the overall team. All members of the operator/offeror's team, including major subcontractors known to the proposer must be identified at the time a proposal is submitted for the Conceptual Stage. Identified team members, including major subcontractors (over $500,000), may not be substituted or replaced once a project is approved and comprehensive agreement entered into, without the written approval of the County. Include the status of the Virginia license of each partner, proposer, contractor, and major subcontractor. b. Describe the experience of the firm or consortium of firms making the proposal and the key principals involved in the proposed project including experience with projects of comparable size and complexity. Describe the length of time in business, business experience, public sector experience and other engagements of the firm or consortium of firms. Describe the past safety performance record and current safety capabilities of the firm or consortium of firms. Describe the past technical performance history on recent projects of comparable size and complexity, including disclosure of any legal claims, of the firm or consortium of firms. Include the identity of any firms that will provide design, construction and completion guarantees and warranties and a description of such guarantees and warranties. c. For each firm or major subcontractor ($100,000 or more) that will be utilized in the project, provide a statement listing all of the firm's prior 8 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 projects and clients for the past 3 years and contact information for same (names/addresses /telephone numbers). If a firm has worked on more than ten (10) projects during this period, it may limit its prior project list to ten (10), but shall first include all projects similar in scope and size to the proposed project and, second, it shall include as many of its most recent projects as possible. Each firm or major subcontractor shall be required to submit all performance evaluation reports or other documents which are in its possession evaluating the firm's performance during the preceding three years in terms of cost, quality, schedule maintenance, safety and other matters relevant to the successful project development, operation, and completion. d. Provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons within the firm or consortium of firms who may be contacted for further information. e. Provide a current or most recently audited financial statement of the firm or firms and each partner with an equity interest of twenty percent or greater. f. Identify any persons known to the proposer who would be obligated to disqualify themselves from participation in any transaction arising from or in connection to the project pursuant to The Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act, Chapter 31 (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.) of Title 2.2. g. Identify proposed plan for obtaining sufficient numbers of qualified workers in all trades or crafts required for the project. h. Provide information on any training programs, including but not limited to apprenticeship programs registered with the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Council, in place for employees of the firm and employees of any member of a consortium of firms. i. Provide information on the level of commitment by the firm or consortium of firms to use Department of Minority Business Enterprise firms in developing and implementing the project. j. For each firm or major subcontractor that will perform construction and/or design activities, provide the following information: (1) A sworn certification by an authorized representative of the firm attesting to the fact that the firm is not currently debarred or suspended by any federal, state or local government entity. 9 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (2) A completed qualification statement that reviews all relevant information regarding technical qualifications and capabilities, firm resources and business integrity of the firm, including but not limited to, bonding capacities, insurance coverage and firm equipment. This statement shall also include a mandatory disclosure by the firm for the past three years any of the following conduct: (A) bankruptcy filings (B) liquidated damages (C) fines, assessments or penalties (D) judgments or awards in contract disputes (E) contract defaults, contract terminations (F) license revocations, suspensions, other disciplinary actions (G) prior debarments or suspensions by a governmental entity (H) denials of prequalification, findings ofnon-responsibility (I) safety past performance data, including fatality incidents, "Experience Modification Rating," "Total Recordable Injury Rate" and "Total Lost Workday Incidence Rate" (J) violations of any federal, state or local criminal or civil law (K) criminal indictments or investigations (L) legal claims filed by or against the firm k. Worker Safety Pro ams: Describe worker safety training programs, job- site safety programs, accident prevention programs, written safety and health plans, including incident investigation and reporting procedures. 2. Project Characteristics a. Provide a description of the project, including the conceptual design. Describe the proposed project in sufficient detail so that type and intent of the project, the location, and the communities that may be affected are clearly identified. b. Identify and fully describe any work to be performed by the public entity. c. Include a list of all federal, state and local permits and approvals required for the project and a schedule for obtaining such permits and approvals. d. Identify any anticipated adverse social, economic and environmental impacts of the project. Specify the strategies or actions to mitigate known impacts of the project. Indicate if an environmental and archaeological assessment have been completed. e. Identify the projected positive social, economic and environmental impacts of the project. 10 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 f. Identify the proposed schedule for the work on the project, including the estimated time for completion. g. Identify contingency plans for addressing public needs in the event that all or some of the project is not completed according to projected schedule. h. Propose allocation of risk and liability for work completed beyond the agreement's completion date, and assurances for timely completion of the project. i. State assumptions related to ownership, legal liability, law enforcement and operation of the project and the existence of any restrictions on the County's use of the project. j. Provide information relative to phased or partial openings of the proposed project prior to completion of the entire work. 3. Project Financing a. Provide a preliminary estimate and estimating methodology of the cost of the work by phase, segment, or both. b. Submit a plan for the development, financing and operation of the project showing the anticipated schedule on which funds will be required. Describe the anticipated costs of and proposed sources and uses for such funds. Include any supporting due diligence studies, analyses or reports. c. Include a list and discussion of assumptions underlying all major elements of the plan. d. Identify the proposed risk factors and methods for dealing with these factors. e. Identify any local, state or federal resources that the proposer contemplates requesting for the project. Describe the total commitment, if any, expected from governmental sources and the timing of any anticipated commitment. 4. Project Benefit and Compatibility a. Identify community benefits, including the economic impact the project will ` have on the County and local community in terms of amount of tax revenue to be generated for the Commonwealth and the County, the number jobs generated for Virginia residents and level of pay and fringe benefits of such 11 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 jobs, the training opportunities for apprenticeships and other training programs generated by the project and the number and value of subcontracts generated for Virginia subcontractors. b. Identify any anticipated public support or opposition, as well as any anticipated government support or opposition, for the project; c. Explain the strategy and plan that will be carried out to involve and inform the general public, business community, local governments, and governmental agencies in areas affected by the project; d. Describe the compatibility of the project with local, regional, and state economic development efforts. e. Describe the compatibility with the County's comprehensive plan, zoning ordinances, local infrastructure development plans, capital improvements budget and annual budget. B. Format for Submissions at Detailed Stage (Part 2) If the County decides to proceed to the detailed phase of review with one or more proposals, the following information, where applicable, shall be provided by the private entity unless a waiver of the requirement or requirements is agreed to by the County: 1. A topographical map (1:2,000 or other appropriate scale) depicting the location of the proposed project; 2. Conceptual site plan indicating proposed location and configuration of the project on the proposed site; 3. Conceptual (single line) plans and elevations depicting the general scope, appearance and configuration of the proposed project; 4. Detailed description of the proposed participation, use and financial involvement of the County in the project; 5. A list of public utility facilities, if any, that will be crossed by the qualifying project and a statement of the plans of the proposer to accommodate such crossings; 6. A statement and strategy setting out the plans for securing all necessary property. The statement must include the names and addresses, if known, of the current owners of the subject property as well as a list of any property the proposer intends to request the County to condemn; 12 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 7. A detailed listing of all firms that will provide specific design, construction and completion guarantees and warranties, and a brief description of such guarantees and warranties; 8. A total life-cycle cost specifying methodology and assumptions of the project or projects and the proposed project start date. Include anticipated commitment of all parties; equity, debt, and other financing mechanisms; and a schedule of project revenues and project costs. The life-cycle cost analysis should include, but not be limited to, a detailed analysis of the projected return, rate of return, or both, expected useful life of facility and estimated annual operating expenses. 9. A detailed discussion of assumptions about user fees or rates, and usage of the projects. 10. Identification of any known government support or opposition, or general public support or opposition for the project. Government or public support should be demonstrated through resolution of official bodies, minutes of meetings, letters, or other official communications. 11. Demonstration of consistency with the comprehensive or infrastructure development plans or indication of the steps required for acceptance into such plans. 12. Explanation of how the proposed project would impact local development plans of each affected local jurisdiction. 13. Description of an ongoing performance evaluation system or database to track key performance criteria, including but not limited to, schedule, cash management, quality, worker safety, change orders, and legal compliance. 14. Identification of any known conflicts of interest or other disabilities that may impact the County's consideration of the proposal, including the identification of any persons known to the proposer who would be obligated to disqualify themselves from participation in any transaction arising from or in connection to the project pursuant to The Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act, Chapter 31 (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.) of Title 2.2. 15. Detailed analysis of the financial feasibility of the proposed project, including its impact on similar facilities operated or planned by the County. Include a detailed description of any financing plan for the project, a comparison of that plan with financing alternatives available to the County, and all underlying data supporting any conclusions reached in the analysis of the selection by the private entity of the financing plan proposed for the project; 13 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 16. Additional material and information as the County may reasonably request. VI. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Criteria Some or all of the following items may be considered in the evaluation and selection of PPEA proposals. In selecting proposals, all relevant information from both the Conceptual Stage and the Detailed Stage should be considered. The County reserves the right at all times to reject any proposal at anytime for any reason. A. Qualifications and Experience Factors to be considered in either phase of an agency or institution's review to determine whether the proposer possesses the requisite qualifications and experience may include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Experience, training and preparation with similar projects; 2. Demonstration of ability to perform work; 3. Demonstrated record of successful past performance, including timeliness of project delivery, compliance with plans and specifications, quality of workmanship, cost-control and project safety; 4. Demonstrated conformance with applicable laws, codes, standards, regulations, and agreements on past projects; 5. Leadership structure; 6. Project manager's experience; 7. Management approach; 8. Project staffing plans, the skill levels of the proposed workforce, apprenticeship and other training programs offered for the project, and the proposed safety plans for the project; 9. Financial condition; and 10. Project ownership. 14 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 • Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 B. Project Characteristics Factors to be considered in determining the project characteristics may include, but are not limited to: 1. Project definition; 2. Proposed project schedule; 3. Operation of the project; 4. Technology, technical feasibility; 5. Conformity to laws, regulations, and standards; 6. Environmental impacts; 7. Condemnation impacts; 8. State and local permits; and 9. Maintenance of the project. C. Proiect Financing Factors to be considered in determining whether the proposed project financing allows adequate access to the necessary capital to finance the project may include, but are not limited to: 1. Cost and cost benefit to the County; 2. Financing and the impact on the debt or debt burden of the County; 3. Financial plan, including overall feasibility and reliability of plan; operator's past performance with similar plans and similar projects; degree to which operator has conducted due diligence investigation and analysis of proposed financial plan and results of any such inquiries or studies. 4. Estimated cost; and 5. Life-cycle cost analysis; and 6. Identity of any third party that will provide financing for the project and the nature and time of its commitment. 15 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 D. Proiect Benefit and Compatibility Factors to be considered in determining the proposed project's compatibility with the County's comprehensive or development plans and zoning ordinance include: 1. Community benefits, including the economic impact the project will have on the County and local community in terms of amount of tax revenue to be generated for the Commonwealth and the County, the number jobs generated for Virginia residents and level of pay and fringe benefits of such jobs, the training opportunities for apprenticeships and other training programs generated by the project and the number and value of subcontracts generated for Virginia subcontractors. 2. Community support or opposition, or both; 3. Public involvement strategy; 4. Compatibility with existing and planned facilities; and 5. Compatibility with local, regional, and state economic development efforts. VII. Comprehensive Agreement The Board of Supervisors shall approve any comprehensive agreement entered into pursuant to the PPEA between the County and a private provider. The County shall accept no liability for acquiring, designing, constructing, improving, renovating, expanding, equipping, maintaining, or operating the qualifying project prior to entering into a properly executed comprehensive agreement. Each comprehensive agreement shall define the rights and obligations of the responsible public entity and the selected proposer with regard to the project. The terms of the comprehensive agreement shall include but not be limited to: 1. The delivery of maintenance, performance and payment bonds or letters of credit in connection with any acquisition, design, construction, improvement, renovation, expansion, equipping, maintenance, or operation of the qualifying project; 2. The review of plans and specifications for the qualifying project by the County; 3. The rights of the County to inspect the qualifying project to ensure compliance with the comprehensive agreement; 16 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 4. The maintenance of a policy or policies of liability insurance or self-insurance reasonably sufficient to insure coverage of the project and the tort liability to the public and employees and to enable the continued operation of the qualifying project; 5. The monitoring of the practices of the operator by the County to ensure proper maintenance; 6. The terms under which the operator will reimburse the County for services provided; 7. The policy and procedures that will govern the rights and responsibilities of the County and the operator in the event that the comprehensive agreement is terminated or there is a material default by the operator including the conditions governing assumption of the duties and responsibilities of the operator by the County and the transfer or purchase of property or other interests of the operator by the County; 8. The terms under which the operator will file appropriate financial statements on a periodic basis; 9. The mechanism by which user fees, lease payments, or service payments, if any, maybe established from time to time upon agreement of the parties. Any payments or fees shall be set at a level that is the same for persons using the facility under like conditions and that will not materially discourage use for the qualifying project; a. A copy of any service contract shall be filed with the County. .~ b. A schedule of the current user fees or lease payments shall be made available by the operator to any member of the public upon request. c. Classifications according to reasonable categories for assessment of user fees maybe made. 10. The terms and conditions under which the County may contribute financial resources, if any, for the qualifying project; 11. A periodic reporting procedure that incorporates a description of the impact of the project on the Commonwealth and the County; and 12. Such other terms as the County may find necessary and convenient, that are agreed to by the private partner(s). 17 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 ' , Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 Any changes in the terms of the comprehensive agreement as maybe agreed upon by the parties from time to time shall be added to the comprehensive agreement only by , written amendment. Parties submitting proposals understand that representations, information and data supplied in support of, or in connection with proposals plays a critical role in the competitive evaluation process and in the ultimate selection of a proposal by the Commonwealth. Accordingly, as part of the Comprehensive Agreement, the prospective operator and its team members shall certify that all material representations, information and data provided in support of, or in connection with, a proposal is true and correct. Such certifications shall be made by authorized individuals who have knowledge of the information provided in the proposal. In the event that material changes occur with respect to any representations, information or data provided for a proposal, the prospective operator shall immediately notify the County of same. Any violation of this section of the Comprehensive Agreement shall give the County the right to terminate the Agreement, withhold payment or other consideration due, and seek any other remedy available under the law. 18 Roanoke County Procedures Apri12003 ACTION NO ITEM NO. ~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 13, 2003 Resolution adopting procedures for the implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: These are the standard guidelines that need to be in place before we participate in any solicited or unsolicited PPEA proposals. For the most part, they track the legislation adopted recently by the General Assembly. The School Board will need to adopt similar guidelines if they choose to use this method of financing. Recommend approval. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 2002 session of the Virginia General Assembly adopted the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) to authorize "responsible public entities" to create public-private partnerships for the development of a "qualifying project". Before a public entity can implement the provisions of this Act, it must first adopt procedures that it will follow to receive and evaluate any proposal submitted to it under the PPEA. The attached procedures comply with the requirements of this Act and implement this Act for the County. These procedures will guide the Board and staff as they receive and evaluate these proposals. These procedures are based upon the model procedures developed by the Division of Legislative Services and the procedures recently adopted by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Generally a private party will submit a proposal under the Act. This proposal can be in response to a solicitation by the County, or it may be unsolicited. If unsolicited, the County must then give notice by publication, with a reasonable time period (not less than 45 days) for any other person to submit a competing proposal. The County can also charge a proposal review fee of .5% of the expected cost of this facility, but not less than $5,000, to cover the costs of processing, reviewing and evaluating an unsolicited proposal. Proposers will follow atwo-part proposal submission process consisting of an initial conceptual phase and a detailed phase. In the evaluation of a proposal, the Board will E- consider the qualifications and experience of the proposer, the project characteristics, financing, and public benefit and compatibility. Finally these procedures provide an outline for the terms of the "comprehensive agreement" between the County and the selected proposer/operator. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: The Board may decide that it does not want to consider unsolicited proposals under the PPEA. Accordingly, it could decide NOT to adopt the draft policies and procedures. Alternative 2: Approve the resolution adopting policies and procedures. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolution adopting the procedures for the implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 for Roanoke County. ~--1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE EDUCATION FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ACT OF 2002 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has determined that it is in the best interest of the County to adopt procedures for the implementation of the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 pursuant to the provisions of Section 56-575.16.4 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby adopts the following: L~ '~ Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 County of Roanoke Procedures April 2003 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 Ei Roanoke County Procedures Table of Contents I. Introduction ...................................................................................................p. 1 II. General Provisions ........................................................................................p. 2 A. Proposal Submission ................................................................................p. 2 B. Affected Jurisdictions ..............................................................................p. 3 C. Proposal Review Fee ...............................................................................p. 3 D. Virginia Freedom of Information Act ....................................................p. 4 E. Applicability of Other Laws ....................................................................p. 5 III. Solicited Proposals ........................................................................................p. 5 IV. Unsolicited Proposals ...................................................................................p. 6 A. Decision to Accept and Consider Unsolicited Proposal; Notice ..............p. 6 B. Initial Review by the Responsible Public Entity ......................................p. 7 V. Review of Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals .........................................p. 8 VI. Proposal Preparation and Submission .....................................................p. 8 A. Format for Submissions at the Conceptual Stage ...................................p. 8 B. Format for Submissions at the Detailed Stage .....................................p. 13 VI. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Criteria ..............................................p. 15 A. Qualifications and Experience ...............................................................p. 15 B. Project Characteristics ...........................................................................p. 15 C. Project Financing ...................................................................................p. 16 D. Public Benefit and Compatibility ..........................................................p. 16 VII. Comprehensive Agreement .........................................................................p. I7 VIII. Appendix .............................................................................p.20 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 I. Introduction The Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (the "PPEA") allows responsible public entities to create public-private partnerships for development of a wide range of projects for public use if the public entities determine there is a need for the project and that private involvement may provide the project to the public in a timely and cost-effective fashion. For purposes of the PPEA, the County of Roanoke, is a "responsible public entity" that "has the power to acquire, design, construct, improve, renovate, expand, equip, maintain, or operate the applicable qualifying project." Individually negotiated comprehensive agreements between an operator and the County will define the respective rights and obligations of the parties. This document sets forth the procedures to guide the private partner(s) and the County in the application of PPEA. The approval of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is required for the County to enter into a comprehensive agreement pursuant to the PPEA. In order for a project to be considered under the PPEA, it must meet the definition of a "qualifying project." The PPEA contains a broad definition of "qualifying project" that includes public buildings and facilities of all types; for example: (i) An education facility, including, but not limited to, a school building, any functionally-related and subordinate facility (a stadium, for example), land appurtenant to a school building, and any depreciable property provided for use in a school facility that is operated as part of the public school system or as an institution of higher education; (ii) A building or facility for principal use by any public entity; (iii) Improvements, together with equipment, necessary to enhance public safety and security of buildings to be principally used by a public entity; (iv) Utility, telecommunications and other communications infrastructure; or (v) A recreational facility; and (vi) Certain service contracts. The PPEA establishes requirements that the County shall adhere to when considering proposals received pursuant to the PPEA. The County Administrator may receive and consider proposals in strict accord with the procedures specified in this document. In addition, the PPEA specifies the criteria that must be used to select a proposal and the contents of the comprehensive agreement detailing the relationship between the County and the private entity. II. General Provisions E- i Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 -' A. Proposal Submission A proposal may be either solicited by the County or delivered by a private entity on an unsolicited basis. Proposers will be required to follow atwo-part proposal submission process consisting of an initial conceptual phase (Part 1) and a detailed phase (Part 2). The initial phase of the proposal should contain specified information on proposer qualifications and experience, project characteristics, project financing, anticipated public support or opposition, or both, and project benefit and compatibility. The Part 2 detailed proposal must contain specified deliverables. The PPEA allows private entities to include innovative financing methods, such as the imposition of user fees or service payments, in a proposal. Such financing arrangements may include the issuance of debt instruments, equity or other securities or obligations, including, if applicable, the portion of the tax-exempt private activity bond limitation amount to be allocated annually to the Commonwealth of Virginia pursuant to the federal Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 for the development of education facilities using public-private partnerships, and to provide for carryovers of any unused limitation amount. Proposals should be prepared simply and economically, providing a concise description of the proposer's capabilities to complete the proposed qualifying project and the benefits to be derived from the project by the public. Project benefits to be considered are those occurring during the construction, renovation, expansion or improvement phase and during the life cycle of the project. Proposals also should include a comprehensive scope of work and a financial plan for the project, which contains enough detail to allow an analysis by the County of the financial feasibility of the proposed project. For specific applications, the County may request, in writing, clarification to the submission. The PPEA is intended to encourage proposals from the private sector that offer the provision of private financing in support of the proposed public project and the assumption of commensurate risk by the private operator, but also benefits to the operator through innovative approaches to project financing, development and use. However, while substantial private sector involvement is encouraged, qualifying facilities will still be devoted primarily to public use and typically involve facilities critical to the public health, safety and welfare. Accordingly, the County shall continue to exercise full and proper due diligence in the evaluation and selection of operators for these projects. In this regard, the qualifications, capabilities, resources and other attributes of a prospective operator and its whole team should be carefully examined for every project. In addition, operators proposing projects shall be held strictly accountable for representations or other information provided regarding their qualifications, experience or other contents of their proposals, including all specific aspects of proposed plans to be performed by the operator. 2 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 'f' B. Affected Local Jurisdictions Any private entity requesting approval from, or submitting a conceptual or detailed proposal to, the County must provide other affected units of local government with a copy of the private entity's request or proposal by certified mail, express delivery or hand delivery, after the County determines whether to accept such proposal. Affected local jurisdictions shall have 60 days from the receipt of the request or proposal to submit written comments to the County at either or both the conceptual and detailed phases. Comments received within the 60-day period shall be considered in evaluating the request or proposal, however no negative inference shall be drawn from the absence of comment by an affected local jurisdiction. C. Proposal Review Fee No fee will be charged by the County to process, review or evaluate any solicited ro osal submitted under the PPEA, other than what are considered reasonable and incidental permit, utility, and related fees during the construction stage of the project. The County may seek the advice of County staff or outside advisors or consultants with relevant experience in determining whether to enter into an agreement with the private entity. The County shall charge a fee of one-half of one percent (0.5%), not to exceed $50,000, of the estimated present value cost to the County of the proposal, but not less than $5,000, to cover the costs of processing, reviewing, and evaluating any unsolicited, Part 1 proposal or competing unsolicited Part 1 proposal submitted under the PPEA, including a fee to cover the costs of outside attorneys, consultants and financial advisors. This fee shall not be greater than the direct costs associated with evaluating the proposed qualifying project. "Direct costs" include (i) the cost of staff time required to process, evaluate, review, and respond to the proposal, and (ii) the out-of-pocket costs of attorneys, consultants, and financial advisors. For purposes of initial processing of the proposal, the County shall accept the $5,000 minimum fee with the balance due and payable prior to the proposals proceeding beyond the initial review stage. Such sums shall be paid with certified funds, and shall be deposited with the Treasurer of Roanoke County in a special fund known as the PPEA Fund. The fund shall be established for such purpose, and deposits to the fund shall be apportioned to defray the direct cost of proposal review(s). ^ If the cost of reviewing the proposal is less than the established proposal fee, the County may refund to the proposer the excess fee. ^ If during the initial review the County decides not to proceed to publication and conceptual-phase review of an unsolicited proposal, the proposal fee, less any direct (itemized) costs of the initial review, shall be refunded to the private entity. ^ If the County chooses to proceed with evaluation of proposal(s) under the PPEA, it shall not do so until the entire, non-refundable proposal fee has been paid to the County in full. 3 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~~~ D. Freedom of Information Act Generally, proposal documents submitted by private entities are subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"). In accordance with § 2.2-3705 A 56 of the Code, such documents may be released if requested, except to the extent that they relate to (i) confidential proprietary information submitted to the County under a promise of confidentiality or (ii) memoranda, working papers or other records related to proposals if making public such records would adversely affect the financial interest of the Commonwealth or the private entity or the bargaining position of either party. Subsection 56-575.4 G of the PPEA imposes an obligation on the County to protect confidential proprietary information submitted by a private entity or operator. When the private entity requests that the County not disclose information, the private entity must (i) invoke the exclusion when the data or materials are submitted to the County or before such submission, (ii) identify the data and materials for which protection from disclosure is sought, and (iii) state why the exclusion from disclosure is necessary. A private entity may request and receive a determination from the County as to the anticipated scope of protection prior to submitting the proposal. The County is authorized and obligated to protect only confidential proprietary information, and thus will not protect any portion of a proposal from disclosure if the entire proposal has been designated confidential by the proposer without reasonably differentiating between the proprietary and non-proprietary information contained therein. Upon receipt of a request that designated portions of a proposal be protected from disclosure as confidential and proprietary, the County shall determine whether such protection is appropriate under applicable law and, if appropriate, the scope of such appropriate protection, and shall communicate its determination to the proposer. If the determination regarding protection or the scope thereof differs from the proposer's request, then the County will accord the proposer a reasonable opportunity to clarify and justify its request. Upon a final determination by the County to accord less protection than requested by the proposer, the proposer will be accorded an opportunity to withdraw its proposal. A proposal so withdrawn should be treated in the same manner as a proposal not accepted for publication and conceptual-phase consideration as provided in section N.A.2 below. E. Applicability of Other Laws The applicability of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (the "VPPA") is as set forth in the PPEA. In soliciting or entertaining proposals under the PPEA, the County shall also comply with all applicable federal laws and applicable state and local laws not in conflict with the PPEA. Likewise, in submitting proposals and in developing, executing or operating facilities under the PPEA, operators shall comply will all applicable federal laws and applicable state and local laws. Such laws may include, but not necessarily be limited to, contractual obligations which require Workers 4 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~_ I Compensation insurance coverage, performance bonds or payment bonds from approved sureties, compliance with the Virginia Prompt Payment Act, compliance with the Ethics in Public Contracting Act and compliance with environmental laws, workplace safety laws, and state or local laws governing contractor or trade licensing, building codes and building permit requirements. Expenditure of County funds in support of a comprehensive agreement requires an appropriation in the County budget or other appropriation(s). The PPEA process should not be used to create County-supported debt. Comprehensive agreements involving any form of County-supported debt, require specific, project-level approval by the Board of Supervisors. III. Solicited Proposals With the written authorization of the County Administrator a Request for Proposals (RFPs) on an invitation for competitive sealed bids may be issued, inviting proposals from private entities to acquire, construct, improve, renovate, expand, maintain or operate qualifying projects or to design or equip projects so constructed, improved renovated, expanded, maintained or operated. The County shall use atwo-part proposal process consisting of an initial conceptual phase (Part 1) and a detailed phase (Part 2). The RFP shall invite proposers to submit proposals on individual projects identified by the County. In such a case the County shall set forth in the RFP the format and supporting information that is required to be submitted, consistent with the provisions of the PPEA. The RFP should specify, but not necessarily be limited to, information and documents that must accompany each proposal and the factors that will be used in evaluating the submitted proposals. The RFP shall be posted on the County's electronic procurement website. Notices shall also be published in the Roanoke Times and World News, a newspaper of general circulation. Pre-proposal conferences may be held as deemed appropriate by the County. Any proposal submitted pursuant to the PPEA that is not received in response to a RFP or invitation for sealed bids shall be an Unsolicited Proposal under these procedures, including but not limited to (a) proposals received in response to a notice of the prior receipt of another Unsolicited Proposal, and (b) proposals received in response to publicity by the County concerning particular needs when the County has not issued RFP or invitation for sealed bids, even if the County has encouraged the submission of proposals. IV. Unsolicited Proposals The PPEA permits the County to receive, evaluate and select for negotiations unsolicited proposals from private entities to acquire, construct, improve, renovate, 5 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~~-1 expand, maintain, or operate a qualifying project or to design or equip projects so constructed, improved, renovated, expanded, maintained or operated. From time to time the County may publicize its needs and may encourage interested parties to submit proposals subject to the terms and conditions of the PPEA. When such proposals are received without issuance of an RFP, the proposal shall be treated as an unsolicited proposal. Unsolicited proposals should be submitted to the County Administrator by delivering six complete copies, together with the required review fee. A working group may be designated by the County Administrator to review and evaluate all unsolicited proposals. A. Decision to Accept and Consider Unsolicited Proposal; Notice 1. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals at any time. 2. Upon receipt of any unsolicited proposal, or group of proposals, and payment of the required fee by the proposer or proposers, the County should determine whether to accept the unsolicited proposal for publication and conceptual-phase consideration. If the County determines not to accept the proposal, it shall return the proposal, together with all fees and accompanying documentation, to the proposer. 3. a. If the County chooses to accept an unsolicited proposal for conceptual- phase consideration, it shall post a notice on the County's electronic procurement website, and in such other public area(s) as may be regularly used for posting of public notices, for a period of not less than 45 days. The County shall also publish, at least once, the same notice in the Roanoke Times and World News, a newspaper of general circulation in the County, providing notice of pending or potential action in not less than 45 days. The County may provide for more than 45 days in situations where the scope or complexity of the original proposal warrants additional time for potential competitors to prepare proposals. b. The notice shall state that the County (i) has received and accepted an unsolicited proposal under the PPEA, (ii) intends to evaluate the proposal, (iii) may negotiate a comprehensive agreement with the proposer based on the proposal, and (iv) will accept for simultaneous consideration any competing proposals that comply with the procedures adopted by the County and the provisions of the PPEA. The notice will summarize the proposed qualifying project or projects, and identify their proposed locations. Copies of unsolicited proposals shall be available upon request, subject to the provisions of FOIA and § 56-575.4 G of the PPEA. c. Prior to posting of the notices provided for in this subsection the County shall receive from the private partner or partners the balance due, if any, of the required project proposal review fee. B. Initial Review by the County at the Conceptual Stage (Part 1) 6 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 /- ~. ~' After reviewing the original proposal, and any competing proposals submitted during the notice period, the County Administrator may recommend to the Board of Supervisors: (i) not to proceed further with any proposal, (ii) to proceed to the detailed (Part 2) phase of review with the original proposal, (iii) to proceed to the detailed (Part 2) phase with a competing proposal, or (iv) to proceed to the detailed (Part 2) phase with multiple proposals. In the event that more than one proposal will be considered in the detailed (Part 2) phase of review, the County Administrator shall determine whether the unsuccessful private entity, or entities, shall be reimbursed, in whole or in part, for costs incurred in the detailed phase of review. In such case reasonable costs maybe assessed to the successful proposer as part of any ensuing comprehensive agreement. V. Review of Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals 1. Only proposals complying with the requirements of the PPEA that contain sufficient information for a meaningful evaluation and that are provided in an appropriate format will be considered by the County for further review at the conceptual stage. Formatting suggestions for proposals at the conceptual stage are found at Section V A. 2. The Board of Supervisors will determine at the initial review stage whether it will proceed using: a. Standard procurement procedures consistent with the VPPA; or b. Procedures developed that are consistent with procurement of other than professional services through "competitive negotiation" as the term is defined in § 2.2-4301 of the Code of Virginia (competitive negotiation). The Board of Supervisors may proceed using such procedures only if it makes a written determination that doing so is likely to be advantageous to the County and the public based upon either (i) the probable scope, complexity or urgency of need, or (ii) the risk sharing, added value, increase in funding or economic benefit from the project would otherwise not be available. When the County elects to use competitive negotiations, its written determination should consider factors such as risk sharing, added value and/or economic benefits from the project that would not be available without competitive negotiation. In addition, the written determination 7 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 C=. `' should explain how the scope, complexity, and/or urgency of the project are such that competitive negotiation is determined necessary. VI. Proposal Preparation and Submission A. Format for Submissions at Conceptual Stage (Part 1) The County requires that proposals at the conceptual stage contain information in the following areas: (i) qualifications and experience, (ii) project characteristics, (iii) project financing, (iv) anticipated public support or opposition, or both, (v) project benefit and compatibility and (vi) such additional information as may seem prudent which is not inconsistent with the requirements of the PPEA. Suggestions for formatting information to be included in proposals at the Conceptual Stage include: 1. Qualification and Experience a. Identify the legal structure of the firm or consortium of firms making the proposal. Identify the organizational structure for the project, the management approach and how each partner and major subcontractor ($100,000 or more) in the structure fits into the overall team. All members of the operator/offeror's team, including major subcontractors known to the proposer must be identified at the time a proposal is submitted for the Conceptual Stage. Identified team members, including major subcontractors (over $500,000), may not be substituted or replaced once a project is approved and comprehensive agreement entered into, without the written approval of the County. Include the status of the Virginia license of each partner, proposer, contractor, and major subcontractor. b. Describe the experience of the firm or consortium of firms making the proposal and the key principals involved in the proposed project including experience with projects of comparable size and complexity. Describe the length of time in business, business experience, public sector experience and other engagements of the firm or consortium of firms. Describe the past safety performance record and current safety capabilities of the firm or consortium of firms. Describe the past technical performance history on recent projects of comparable size and complexity, including disclosure of any legal claims, of the firm or consortium of firms. Include the identity of any firms that will provide design, construction and completion guarantees and warranties and a description of such guarantees and warranties. c. For each firm or major subcontractor ($100,000 or more) that will be utilized in the project, provide a statement listing all of the firm's prior 8 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 / ~v / projects and clients for the past 3 years and contact information for same (names/addresses /telephone numbers). If a firm has worked on more than ten (10) projects during this period, it may limit its prior project list to ten (10), but shall first include all projects similar in scope and size to the proposed project and, second, it shall include as many of its most recent projects as possible. Each firm or major subcontractor shall be required to submit all performance evaluation reports or other documents which are in its possession evaluating the firm's performance during the preceding three years in terms of cost, quality, schedule maintenance, safety and other matters relevant to the successful project development, operation, and completion. d. Provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons within the firm or consortium of firms who may be contacted for further information. e. Provide a current or most recently audited financial statement of the firm or firms and each partner with an equity interest of twenty percent or greater. £ Identify any persons known to the proposer who would be obligated to disqualify themselves from participation in any transaction arising from or in connection to the project pursuant to The Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act, Chapter 31 (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.) of Title 2.2. g. Identify proposed plan for obtaining sufficient numbers of qualified workers in all trades or crafts required for the project. h. Provide information on any training programs, including but not limited to apprenticeship programs registered with the U.S. Department of Labor or a State Apprenticeship Council, in place for employees of the firm and employees of any member of a consortium of firms. i. Provide information on the level of commitment by the firm or consortium of firms to use Department of Minority Business Enterprise firms in developing and implementing the project. j. For each firm or major subcontractor that will perform construction and/or design activities, provide the following information: (1) A sworn certification by an authorized representative of the firm attesting to the fact that the firm is not currently debarred or suspended by any federal, state or local government entity. 9 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~~' (2) A completed qualification statement that reviews all relevant information regarding technical qualifications and capabilities, firm resources and business integrity of the firm, including but not limited to, bonding capacities, insurance coverage and firm equipment. This statement shall also include a mandatory disclosure by the firm for the past three years any of the following conduct: (A) bankruptcy filings (B) liquidated damages (C) fines, assessments or penalties (D) judgments or awards in contract disputes (E) contract defaults, contract terminations (F) license revocations, suspensions, other disciplinary actions (G) prior debarments or suspensions by a governmental entity (H) denials of prequalification, findings ofnon-responsibility (I) safety past performance data, including fatality incidents, "Experience Modification Rating," "Total Recordable Injury Rate" and "Total Lost Workday Incidence Rate" (J) violations of any federal, state or local criminal or civil law (K) criminal indictments or investigations (L) legal claims filed by or against the firm k. Worker Safet~Pro rg ams: Describe worker safety training programs, job- site safety programs, accident prevention programs, written safety and health plans, including incident investigation and reporting procedures. 2. Project Characteristics a. Provide a description of the project, including the conceptual design. Describe the proposed project in sufficient detail so that type and intent of the project, the location, and the communities that may be affected are clearly identified. b. Identify and fully describe any work to be performed by the public entity. c. Include a list of all federal, state and local permits and approvals required for the project and a schedule for obtaining such permits and approvals. d. Identify any anticipated adverse social, economic and environmental impacts of the project. Specify the strategies or actions to mitigate known impacts of the project. Indicate if an environmental and archaeological assessment have been completed. e. Identify the projected positive social, economic and environmental impacts of the project. io Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~!~ £ Identify the proposed schedule for the work on the project, including the estimated time for completion. g. Identify contingency plans for addressing public needs in the event that all or some of the project is not completed according to projected schedule. h. Propose allocation of risk and liability for work completed beyond the agreement's completion date, and assurances for timely completion of the project. i. State assumptions related to ownership, legal liability, law enforcement and operation of the project and the existence of any restrictions on the County's use of the project. j. Provide information relative to phased or partial openings of the proposed project prior to completion of the entire work. 3. Project Financing a. Provide a preliminary estimate and estimating methodology of the cost of the work by phase, segment, or both. b. Submit a plan for the development, financing and operation of the project showing the anticipated schedule on which funds will be required. Describe the anticipated costs of and proposed sources and uses for such funds. Include any supporting due diligence studies, analyses or reports. c. Include a list and discussion of assumptions underlying all major elements of the plan. d. Identify the proposed risk factors and methods for dealing with these factors. e. Identify any local, state or federal resources that the proposer contemplates requesting for the project. Describe the total commitment, if any, expected from governmental sources and the timing of any anticipated commitment. 4. Project Benefit and Com atibility a. Identify community benefits, including the economic impact the project will have on the County and local community in terms of amount of tax revenue to be generated for the Commonwealth and the County, the number jobs generated for Virginia residents and level of pay and fringe benefits of such 11 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~~~ jobs, the training opportunities for apprenticeships and other training programs generated by the project and the number and value of subcontracts generated for Virginia subcontractors. b. Identify any anticipated public support or opposition, as well as any anticipated government support or opposition, for the project; c. Explain the strategy and plan that will be carried out to involve and inform the general public, business community, local governments, and governmental agencies in areas affected by the project; d. Describe the compatibility of the project with local, regional, and state economic development efforts. e. Describe the compatibility with the County's comprehensive plan, zoning ordinances, local infrastructure development plans, capital improvements budget and annual budget. B. Format for Submissions at Detailed Stage (Part 2) If the County decides to proceed to the detailed phase of review with one or more proposals, the following information, where applicable, shall be provided by the private entity unless a waiver of the requirement or requirements is agreed to by the County: 1. A topographical map (1:2,000 or other appropriate scale) depicting the location of the proposed project; 2. Conceptual site plan indicating proposed location and configuration of the project on the proposed site; 3. Conceptual (single line) plans and elevations depicting the general scope, appearance and configuration of the proposed project; 4. Detailed description of the proposed participation, use and financial involvement of the County in the project; 5. A list of public utility facilities, if any, that will be crossed by the qualifying project and a statement of the plans of the proposer to accommodate such crossings; 6. A statement and strategy setting out the plans for securing all necessary property. The statement must include the names and addresses, if known, of the current owners of the subject property as well as a list of any property the proposer intends to request the County to condemn; 12 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 7. A detailed listing of all firms that will provide specific design, construction and completion guarantees and warranties, and a brief description of such guarantees and warranties; 8. A total life-cycle cost specifying methodology and assumptions of the project or projects and the proposed project start date. Include anticipated commitment of all parties; equity, debt, and other financing mechanisms; and a schedule of project revenues and project costs. The life-cycle cost analysis should include, but not be limited to, a detailed analysis of the projected return, rate of return, or both, expected useful life of facility and estimated annual operating expenses. 9. A detailed discussion of assumptions about user fees or rates, and usage of the projects. 10. Identification of any known government support or opposition, or general public support or opposition for the project. Government or public support should be demonstrated through resolution of official bodies, minutes of meetings, letters, or other official communications. 11. Demonstration of consistency with the comprehensive or infrastructure development plans or indication of the steps required for acceptance into such plans. 12. Explanation of how the proposed project would impact local development plans of each affected local jurisdiction. 13. Description of an ongoing performance evaluation system or database to track key performance criteria, including but not limited to, schedule, cash management, quality, worker safety, change orders, and legal compliance. 14. Identification of any known conflicts of interest or other disabilities that may impact the County's consideration of the proposal, including the identification of any persons known to the proposer who would be obligated to disqualify themselves from participation in any transaction arising from or in connection to the project pursuant to The Virginia State and Local Government Conflict of Interest Act, Chapter 31 (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.) of Title 2.2. 15. Detailed analysis of the financial feasibility of the proposed project, including its impact on similar facilities operated or planned by the County. Include a detailed description of any financing plan for the project, a comparison of that plan with financing alternatives available to the County, and all underlying data supporting any conclusions reached in the analysis of the selection by the private entity of the financing plan proposed for the project; 13 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 16. Additional material and information as the County may reasonably request. VI. Proposal Evaluation and Selection Criteria Some or all of the following items may be considered in the evaluation and selection of PPEA proposals. In selecting proposals, all relevant information from both the Conceptual Stage and the Detailed Stage should be considered. The County reserves the right at all times to reject any proposal at anytime for any reason. A. Qualifications and Experience Factors to be considered in either phase of an agency or institution's review to determine whether the proposer possesses the requisite qualifications and experience may include, but are not necessarily limited to: 1. Experience, training and preparation with similar projects; 2. Demonstration of ability to perform work; 3. Demonstrated record of successful past performance, including timeliness of project delivery, compliance with plans and specifications, quality of workmanship, cost-control and project safety; 4. Demonstrated conformance with applicable laws, codes, standards, regulations, and agreements on past projects; 5. Leadership structure; 6. Project manager's experience; 7. Management approach; 8. Project staffing plans, the skill levels of the proposed workforce, apprenticeship and other training programs offered for the project, and the proposed safety plans for the project; 9. Financial condition; and 10. Project ownership. 14 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 E-~ B. Project Characteristics Factors to be considered in determining the project characteristics may include, but are not limited to: 1. Project definition; 2. Proposed project schedule; 3. Operation of the project; 4. Technology, technical feasibility; 5. Conformity to laws, regulations, and standards; 6. Environmental impacts; 7. Condemnation impacts; 8. State and local permits; and 9. Maintenance of the project. C. Project Financing Factors to be considered in determining whether the proposed project financing allows adequate access to the necessary capital to finance the project may include, but are not limited to: 1. Cost and cost benefit to the County; 2. Financing and the impact on the debt or debt burden of the County; 3. Financial plan, including overall feasibility and reliability of plan; operator's past performance with similar plans and similar projects; degree to which operator has conducted due diligence investigation and analysis of proposed financial plan and results of any such inquiries or studies. 4. Estimated cost; and 5. Life-cycle cost analysis; and 6. Identity of any third party that will provide financing for the project and the nature and time of its commitment. 15 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 r G ~' D. Proiect Benefit and Compatibility Factors to be considered in determining the proposed project's compatibility with the County's comprehensive or development plans and zoning ordinance include: 1. Community benefits, including the economic impact the project will have on the County and local community in terms of amount of tax revenue to be generated for the Commonwealth and the County, the number jobs generated for Virginia residents and level of pay and fringe benefits of such jobs, the training opportunities for apprenticeships and other training programs generated by the project and the number and value of subcontracts generated for Virginia subcontractors. 2. Community support or opposition, or both; 3. Public involvement strategy; 4. Compatibility with existing and planned facilities; and 5. Compatibility with local, regional, and state economic development efforts. VII. Comprehensive Agreement The Board of Supervisors shall approve any comprehensive agreement entered into pursuant to the PPEA between the County and a private provider. The County shall accept no liability for acquiring, designing, constructing, improving, renovating, expanding, equipping, maintaining, or operating the qualifying project prior to entering into a properly executed comprehensive agreement. Each comprehensive agreement shall define the rights and obligations of the responsible public entity and the selected proposer with regard to the project. The terms of the comprehensive agreement shall include but not be limited to: 1. The delivery of maintenance, performance and payment bonds or letters of credit in connection with any acquisition, design, construction, improvement, renovation, expansion, equipping, maintenance, or operation of the qualifying project; 2. The review of plans and specifications for the qualifying project by the County; 3. The rights of the County to inspect the qualifying project to ensure compliance with the comprehensive agreement; 16 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 J ~-~ t 4. The maintenance of a policy or policies of liability insurance or self-insurance reasonably sufficient to insure coverage of the project and the tort liability to the public and employees and to enable the continued operation of the qualifying project; 5. The monitoring of the practices of the operator by the County to ensure proper maintenance; 6. The terms under which the operator will reimburse the County for services provided; 7. The policy and procedures that will govern the rights and responsibilities of the County and the operator in the event that the comprehensive agreement is terminated or there is a material default by the operator including the conditions governing assumption of the duties and responsibilities of the operator by the County and the transfer or purchase of property or other interests of the operator by the County; S. The terms under which the operator will file appropriate financial statements on a periodic basis; 9. The mechanism by which user fees, lease payments, or service payments, if any, maybe established from time to time upon agreement of the parties. Any payments or fees shall be set at a level that is the same for persons using the facility under like conditions and that will not materially discourage use for the qualifying project; a. A copy of any service contract shall be filed with the County. b. A schedule of the current user fees or lease payments shall be made available by the operator to any member of the public upon request. c. Classifications according to reasonable categories for assessment of user fees maybe made. 10. The terms and conditions under which the County may contribute financial resources, if any, for the qualifying project; 11. A periodic reporting procedure that incorporates a description of the impact of the project on the Commonwealth and the County; and 12. Such other terms as the County may find necessary and convenient, that are agreed to by the private partner(s). 17 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 ~,~ Any changes in the terms of the comprehensive agreement as maybe agreed upon by the parties from time to time shall be added to the comprehensive agreement only by written amendment. Parties submitting proposals understand that representations, information and data supplied in support of, or in connection with proposals plays a critical role in the competitive evaluation process and in the ultimate selection of a proposal by the Commonwealth. Accordingly, as part of the Comprehensive Agreement, the prospective operator and its team members shall certify that all material representations, information and data provided in support of, or in connection with, a proposal is true and correct. Such certifications shall be made by authorized individuals who have knowledge of the information provided in the proposal. In the event that material changes occur with respect to any representations, information or data provided for a proposal, the prospective operator shall immediately notify the County of same. Any violation of this section of the Comprehensive Agreement shall give the County the right to terminate the Agreement, withhold payment or other consideration due, and seek any other remedy available under the law. 18 Roanoke County Procedures December 2002 ACTION NO. A-051303-5 ITEM NO. E-2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Read Mountain Station Renovations SUBMITTED BY: Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief, Fire and Rescue APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. I would like to commend Chief Fleming and the volunteers from this station. They always have excellent response times and they have handled the increasing number of calls very well. They are also to be commended for their fund raising efforts. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Staff advised the Board during a work session at the December 2, 2003 Board meeting that renovations would be necessary to expand the Read Mountain Fire Station. Due to continued growth in the area, the number of calls at this station has been increasing. The Read Mountain Fire Station is currently the fifth busiest station in the County. The Read Mountain Volunteer Fire and Rescue organization has proposed that they will cover 60% of the cost of the renovations, the majority of which has been received in the form of donations. They will finance the remaining balance and continue their fund raising efforts. Roanoke County will serve as the coordinator for this project and as such, we have received bids for this expansion and now wish to proceed with awarding the bid for construction. The bid for the project totals $468,501 and we are requesting Roanoke County's matching 40% of the project which will be $187,400.40. FISCAL IMPACT: Read Mountain Volunteer Fire and Rescue will provide 60% of the project total or $281,100.60. With the Boards approval, the remaining 40% would be the responsibility of Roanoke County for a total of $187,400.40. These funds could be made available out of the remaining $307,000.00 balance in the Fire Department Renovations (102852 - ) account. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Defer the project until a later date. 2. Approve the total renovation project to include the following: (a) Construction and associated site work (bid) $440,701 Project Contingency (5% of construction) $ 22,000 Material Testing Services $ 4,000 Telephones (equipment/wiring-install) $ 1,050 PA System $ 750 Total Project $468,501 (b) Acceptance and appropriation of $281,100.60 from Read Mountain Volunteer Fire and Rescue to cover 60% of the cost to renovate the Read Mountain Fire and Rescue Station. (c) Appropriation of Roanoke County funds in the amount of $187,400.40 from the Fire and Rescue Capital Account to cover 40% of the total renovation project. (d) Awarding of the bid to Payne Constructions Co., Inc. for a project total of $440,701.00 for the renovation of the Read Mt. Fire and Rescue Station Renovation Project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #2. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Rick Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer ~- ' ~~- ACTION NO. ITEM NO. - - o~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 13, 2003 Read Mountain Station Renovations Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief, Fire and Rescue Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Recommend approval. I would like to commend Chief Fleming and the volunteers from this station. They always have excellent response times and they have handled the increasing number of calls very well. They are also to be commended for their fund raising efforts. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Staff advised the Board during a work session at the December 2, 2003 Board meeting that renovations would be necessary to expand the Read Mountain Fire Station. Due to continued growth in the area, the number of calls at this station has been increasing. The Read Mountain Fire Station is currently the fifth busiest station in the County. The Read Mountain Volunteer Fire and Rescue organization has proposed that they will cover 60% of the cost of the renovations, the majority of which has been received in the form of donations. They will finance the remaining balance and continue their fund raising efforts. Roanoke County will serve as the coordinator for this project and as such, we have received bids for this expansion and now wish to proceed with awarding the bid for construction. The bid for the project totals $468,501 and we are requesting Roanoke County's matching 40% of the project which will be $187,400.40. FISCAL IMPACT: Read Mountain Volunteer Fire and Rescue will provide 60% of the project total or $281,100.60. With the Boards approval, the remaining 40% would be the responsibility of Roanoke County for a total of $187,400.40. These funds could be made available out of the remaining $307,000.00 balance in the Fire Department Renovations (102852 - ) account. s . .` Ea ALTERNATIVES: 1. Defer the project until a later date. 2. Approve the total renovation project to include the following: (a) Construction and associated site work (bid) $440,701 Project Contingency (5% of construction) $ 22,000 Material Testing Services $ 4,000 Telephones (equipment/wiring-install) $ 1,050 PA System $ 750 Total Project $468,501 (b) Acceptance and appropriation of $281,100.60 from Read Mountain Volunteer Fire and Rescue to cover 60% of the cost to renovate the Read Mountain Fire and Rescue Station. (c) Appropriation of Roanoke County funds in the amount of $187,400.40 from the Fire and Rescue Capital Account to cover 40% of the total renovation project. (d) Awarding of the bid to Payne Constructions Co., Inc. for a project total of $440,701.00 for the renovation of the Read Mt. Fire and Rescue Station Renovation Project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #2. ACTION NO. A-051303-6 ITEM NO. E-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO) Charter Agreement for the Workforce Investment Area III SUBMITTED BY: Joe Sgroi Director of Human Resources APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the mayors of the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem, and the Chairmen of the Board of Supervisors of the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke have agreed to continue to work together through a consortium to be called the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Consortium. The action to approve a new Charter is an administrative mandate. The purpose of the prior local governmental agreement between the jurisdictions (entitled An Agreement Continuing the Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium) was for the administration of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) through the continuation of the 5th District Employment and Training Consortium (a consortium of governmental agencies which was structured to administer the prior JTPA employment and training services program). JTPA was rescinded in 1998 and replaced by the WIA. Further, WIA mandates a specific agreement between the Chief Local Elected Officials when there is more than one local entity. The 5th District Employment and Training Consortium is now a service contractor under WIA. Since the prior governmental agreement between the local governments in WIA Area III maintains the prior JTPA grant administration structure, it must be replaced with an agreement that complies with the WIA structure and requirements. i .l How does Roanoke County benefit from its relationship with Workforce Investment Area III? The workforce training program funds are provided by the federal government. Roanoke County has had along-standing relationship through the Consortium with these federal programs. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 provides for streamlined and flexible job training, adult education, and literacy, and vocational rehabilitation. Federally funded agencies are compelled under the Act to work together in a One Stop Center to provide services to customers. The three funding streams from the federal government that the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board oversees are: 1. The Adult Program providing career counseling, job searches, educational opportunities and GED attainment. 2. Dislocated Worker Program which provides job referral, career counseling and job re-training available at the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC). 3. Youth Programs provide year round mentoring and summer programs for disadvantaged youth. These services are provided to Roanoke County residents at no cost to the County because these are federally funded programs. Eligible county residents make use of the VEC, Roanoke County Schools, Virginia Western Community College to name a few under these federally-funded programs. Outline of the major changes in the CLEO Charter Agreement The following is an overview of the major changes in the proposed CLEO Charter Agreement: 1. Purpose of Agreement: Change from continuing the Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium as responsible for operation of the Area III Workforce Development System to appointing the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board to function as operator. 2. Membership: Removed City of Clifton Forge 3. Area and Population to be served: Removed square miles and population 4. Powers, Functions, and Responsibilities of the Consortium: Section 6 in proposed agreement replaces Article V in prior agreement. 5. Policy Board: Section 2 in proposed agreement replaces Article VI in prior agreement. 6. Powers and Responsibilities Delegated to City of Roanoke: Section 8 in proposed agreement replaces Article VII in prior agreement. 7. Workforce Investment Board: Sections 2 and 7 in proposed agreement replace Article VIII in prior agreement. 8. Consortium Staff: Section 11 in proposed agreement replaces Article IX in prior agreement. 9. Liability: Section 9 in proposed agreement replaces Article X in prior agreement (Liability Distribution Policy). 10. Duration and Amendments of Agreement: Sections 12 and 13 in proposed agreement replace Article XI in prior agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: The other locality members of the Workforce Investment Area III have approved or are in the process of approving the agreement. The deadline is June 6 for all the localities in the consortium to approve the agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the CLEO Charter Agreement for the Workforce Investment Area III. 3 VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO) Charter Agreement for the Workforce Investment Area III SUBMITTED BY: Joe Sgroi Director of Human Resources %~ APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ / County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), the mayors of the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem, and the Chairmen of the Board of Supervisors of the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke have agreed to continue to work together through a consortium to be called the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Consortium. The action to approve a new Charter is an administrative mandate. The purpose of the prior local governmental agreement between the jurisdictions (entitled An Agreement Continuing the Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium) was for the administration of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) through the continuation of the 5th District Employment and Training Consortium (a consortium of governmental agencies which was structured to administer the prior JTPA employment and training services program). JTPA was rescinded in 1998 and replaced by the W IA. Further, W IA mandates a specific agreement between the Chief Local Elected Officials when there is more than one local entity. The 5th District Employment and Training Consortium is now a service contractor under WIA. Since the prior governmental agreement between the local governments in WIA Area III maintains the prior JTPA grant administration structure, it must be replaced with an agreement that complies with the WIA structure and requirements. ~'-3 How does Roanoke County benefit from its relationship with Workforce Investment Area III? The workforce training program funds are provided by the federal government. Roanoke County has had along-standing relationship through the Consortium with these federal programs. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 provides for streamlined and flexible job training, adult education, and literacy, and vocational rehabilitation. Federally funded agencies are compelled under the Act to work together in a One Stop Center to provide services to customers. The three funding streams from the federal government that the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board oversees are: 1. The Adult Program providing career counseling, job searches, educational opportunities and GED attainment. 2. Dislocated Worker Program which provides job referral, career counseling and job re-training available at the Virginia Employment Commission (VEC). 3. Youth Programs provide year round mentoring and summer programs for disadvantaged youth. These services are provided to Roanoke County residents at no cost to the County because these are federally funded programs. Eligible county residents make use of the VEC, Roanoke County Schools, Virginia Western Community College to name a few under these federally-funded programs. Outline of the major changes in the CLEO Charter Agreement The following is an overview of the major changes in the proposed CLEO Charter Agreement: 1. Purpose of Agreement: Change from continuing the Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium as responsible for operation of the Area III Workforce Development System to appointing the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board to function as operator. 2. Membership: Removed City of Clifton Forge 3. Area and Population to be served: Removed square miles and population 4. Powers, Functions, and Responsibilities of the Consortium: Section 6 in proposed agreement replaces Article V in prior agreement. 5. Policy Board: Section 2 in proposed agreement replaces Article VI in prior agreement. 6. Powers and Responsibilities Delegated to City of Roanoke: Section 8 in proposed agreement replaces Article VII in prior agreement. 7. Workforce Investment Board: Sections 2 and 7 in proposed agreement replace Article VIII in prior agreement. 8. Consortium Staff: Section 11 in proposed agreement replaces Article IX in prior agreement. 9. Liability: ~-3 Section 9 in proposed agreement replaces Article X in prior agreement (Liability Distribution Policy). 10. Duration and Amendments of Agreement: Sections 12 and 13 in proposed agreement replace Article XI in prior agreement. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: The other locality members of the Workforce Investment Area III have approved or are in the process of approving the agreement. The deadline is June 6 for all the localities in the consortium to approve the agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the CLEO CharterAgreementforthe Workforce Investment Area III. .~ ur"oRKforce N E T W O R K Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Charter Agreement PURPOSE OF THE AGREEMENT: In accordance with the Workforce Investment Act (WIA), herein referred to as the ACT, the mayors of the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem, the Chairmen of the Board of Supervisors of the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke, hereafter referred to as the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO), enter into this agreement to continue to work together through a consortium to be called the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Consortium (hereinafter, the Consortium). The purpose of the Consortium is to implement activities pursuant to the Act [Section 117 (c)(1)(B)(i)(ii)] in the Western Virginia Workforce Development Area III by executing an agreement that specifies the role of the individual Chief Local Elected Officials, appointing the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB), and carrying out any other responsibilities assigned to such officials under this subtitle. The Consortium hereby agree to work together according to the provisions of the WIA and the Federal Regulations (Regulations) as issued by the United States Secretary of Labor for the implementation of terms of this agreement certifying by their signatures that they posses full legal authority, as provided by state and local authority, as provided by state and local statutes or ordinances, to enter into this agreement. In cooperation with the WDB, the Consortium shall work to ensure success of the programs operated under the ACT and that all programs, procedures, and activities comply with all regulations and the local plan. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of - , 2003, by and between the jurisdictions o£ The City of Covington The City of Roanoke The City of Salem The County of Alleghany In the Commonwealth of Virginia WITNESSETH: The County of Botetourt The County of Craig The County of Franklin The County of Roanoke (hereinafter, the Jurisdictions): WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors/City Council of the aforementioned jurisdictions did previously adopt resolutions authorizing the County Board Chairperson/CityMayor to sign a charter creating the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Consortium in order to administer the provisions of Public Law 105-220, the Federal Workforce Investment Act, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors/City Council of each of the aforementioned jurisdictions has adopted a resolution authorizing the County Board Chairperson or City Mayor to sign this Charter of the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Consortium under the Workforce Investment Act (P.L. 105-220) (hereinafter, the "Charter"): NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above premises and the mutual covenants of the parties hereinafter set forth, the receipt and each party acknowledges sufficiency of which for itself, the Jurisdictions do hereby agree to the following Charter: AGREEMENT SECTION 1: That the Jurisdictions of The City of Covington The City of Roanoke The City of Salem The County of Alleghany The County of Botetourt The County of Craig The County of Franklin The County of Roanoke n . Do hereby constitute themselves to be a "Consortium" for the purposes of Section 117 (c)(1)(B) of Public Law 105-220, the Workforce Investment Act. SECTION 2: The chief local elected of$cials (the chairpersons of the County Board of Supervisors or City Mayor) or the designees of said officials of the jurisdictions shall constitute ,~ the Workforce Investment Area III Chief Local Elected Officials Consortium, which shall appoint the Local Workforce Investment Board under Section 117 (c) (1) (B) of the Act. SECTION 3: The Consortium shall elect from its membership aChairperson, aVice- Chairperson, and such other officers as may be provided for in the bylaws to serve for a term of one year or until a successor is elected and qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by election for the remainder of the unexpired term. The Chairperson may appoint a staff person to serve as a board clerk. SECTION 4: Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the procedures of the Consortium insofar as they do not conflict with applicable law, or administrative rules and/or bylaws duly adopted by the Consortium. SECTION 5: The Consortium may adopt operational and procedural bylaws consistent with this Charter, applicable federal and state laws, and rules or regulations pursuant thereto. Bylaws or amendments thereto maybe adopted by a simple majority vote of members present at any regular meeting called for that purpose, provided that written copies thereof are delivered to each member fifteen days prior to consideration. SECTION 6: The Consortium shall perform all functions for local elected officials contained in P.L. 105-220, the Federal Workforce Investment Act as described in Section 117. The Consortium's responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to: 1. Appointment of all members to the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board. 2. Initial development of Bylaws for the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board operations. 3. Through designation of a Grant Recipient and Fiscal Agent will: a. Receive funding; b. Account for funding; c. Function as the program administrative entity; and d. Provide for staffing of both the CLEO Consortium and the Workforce Development Board. 4. Will insure appropriate auditing of program funds. 5. Will approve the Workforce Investment Act and other appropriate funding source budget(s) of the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board. 6. In cooperation with the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board, the CLEO Consortium will perform the following partner functions: a. Develop the local s-year plan; b. Negotiate local performance standards with the Governor; c. Appoint the Youth Council; d. Designate or certify local One-Stop Operators e. Provide agreement for Memorandums of Understanding with One-Stop Partners; and f. Conduct oversight of the One-Stop Delivery System SECTION 7: The Consortium will approve a budget for the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board and shall support the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board in the performance of the partner functions as defined in the agreement between the Consortium and the WDB. SECTION 8: The Consortium designates from its membership the local government jurisdiction of the City of Roanoke to serve as the grant recipient and the WDB to serve as the fiscal agent for Title I funds of the WIA. SECTION 9: The parties acknowledge that they are accountable to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Acts of the OLEO Consortium and the WVWDB and for the performance of any subcontractors. The parties acknowledge the authority of the CLEO Consortium to monitor, evaluate and take corrective action concerning performance specified in the Job Training Plan and contracts or agreements negotiated pursuant thereto. The parties to this Agreement, to the extent consistent with applicable law, certify acceptance of the responsibility for the total management, operation and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Any fmancial or legal liability of the CLEO Consortium shall be shared on the same pro rata basis as the population, per the most recent United States Census. Ci l,C i:cr~~rrtitxra t:l~ar€4r ,Y'age ? ~'3~'2~)03 i SECTION 10: The Consortium shall appoint the Local Workforce Investment Board (Western Virginia Workforce Investment Board) Area,III, under Section 117 (c) (1) (A) of P.L. 105-220 and applicable rules thereunder. The Consortiwn will comply with local Workforce Investment Board requirements as contained in Virginia Employment Commission Policy Number 99-2, .~ "Establishment of Local Workforce Investment Boards" effective November 19, 1999. SECTION 11: The Consortium shall execute an agreement with the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board for the operation and functions of the Board under Section 117 of the Workforce Investment Act, and shall approve all Local Plans under Section 118 of the Act. SECTION 12: This Charter agreement shall be effective when approved by Resolutions adopted by the County Board of Supervisors/City Council of each jurisdiction party hereto and executed by the chief elected official thereof pursuant to said resolution. This serves to repeal and supersede any and all prior written or oral consortium agreements under P.L. 102-357, the Job Training Partnership Act, effective 7/1/2000. SECTION 13: Amendments to the Charter agreement maybe adopted with the concurrence of the Board of Supervisors/City Council of each jurisdiction party hereto. The Consortium maybe dissolved and this agreement maybe rescinded only with the consent of all the Boards of Supervisors/City Councils of each jurisdiction party hereto and the Governor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Charter Agreement to be executed by the Chairperson of the County Board of Supervisors or the City Mayor of the aforementioned jurisdictions. Temple L. Kessinger, Jr.; Mayor, The City of Covington Ralph Smith, Mayor, The City of Roanoke Carl E. Tarpley, Jr., Mayor The City of Salem Rickey May, Chair, Board of Supervisors, The County of Alleghany Stephen P. Clinton, Chair, Board of Supervisors, The County of Botetourt Lyndell Keffer, Chair,Board of Supervisors, The County of Craig Date Date W. Wayne Angell, Chair, Board of Supervisors, The County of Franklin Date Joseph McNamara, Chair, Board of Supervisors, The County of Roanoke +.~_1=..~ ~.:(.i5r~r'~:u~11~,~t81`i?r 'r ?L',r:' ~~'-~'- '~'~~i)O~ Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 2 ~-3 Board Meeting Schedule June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Dabney Lancaster Community College October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Roanoke Higher Education Center December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Location: TBA WDB Mission To Cultivate a Dynamic Workforce Development System that Stimulates Economic Development in Workforce Investment Area III (the Cities of Covington, Roanoke & Salem, and the Counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin & Roanoke) ADVERTISEMENT FOR PROPOSALS ~~i Bruce Wood discusses the WDB vision and the highlights of the 2003-2004 RFPs during a press conference Apri19, 2003 The Workforce Investment Act Area III Western Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB) is soliciting innovative, results-oriented proposals for Youth, Adult and Dislocated Worker services. The geographic area covered by Area III includes the counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin, Roanoke and the cities of Covington, Roanoke, and Salem. The scope of services requested, in accordance with provisions, rules, and regulations pertaining to Title I of the Workforce Investment Act, are more fully described in the Request for Proposals dated April 9, 2003. The proposal packages can be obtained by accessing www.westernvaworkforce.com, calling 540 767- 6149, or writing/visiting the WDB office in the Roanoke Higher Education Center at 108 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 503, Roanoke, VA 24016. Proposals are due, in person or by mail, on or before 4:OOp.m. Friday, May 9, 2003. For technical assistance or additional information, contact: Bruce Wood (bruce.wood@education.edu) or Katy Herbst (katy.herbst@education.edu) 540 767-6149 Fax 540 767-6088 Equal Opportunity Employer/Program Auxiliary Aids & Services are Available to Individuals with Disabilities upon http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/ 5/5/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Request Download Youth RFP Packet Download Adult Program RFP Packet Download Dislocated Worker RFP Packet WDB Coverage Area Western Virginia Workforce Centers serve employers and job seekers in Region 3: frarrclin Download Board of Directors and Committee Meeting Packets .: '.'U2Y.arn V~rp~rna L'Jarkla.>te P~et~vork Page 2 of 2 -~ http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/ 5/5/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 1 ~-3 Local Elected Officials The Western Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB) works in partnership with the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs) from eight local jurisdictions which include counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig, Franklin and Roanoke and the cities of Covington, Roanoke and Salem. The responsibility of the CLEOs is to appoint the members to the WDB. They work in partnership with the WDB to submit a comprehensive 5-year workforce development plan to the Governor, oversee the local workforce development delivery system, appoint the Youth Council and certify workforce centers. Local Elected Officials (CLEOs): Rolanda B. Russell ~,,~ Acting Human Services Manager _ City of Roanoke - Representing the Mayor of the City of Roanoke ~ Rick Huff County Administrator Franklin County Representing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Franklin County Tammy Stephenson County Administrator Board Meeting Alleghany County Schedule Representing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Alleghany County Joe Sgroi June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Human Resources Manager Franklin County Workforce Roanoke County Development Consortium Representing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Jay Taliaferro August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Assistant City Manager Dabney Lancaster City of Salem Community College Representing the Mayor of the City of Salem October 3, 2003 9:00 AM John Holpe Roanoke Higher Education City Manager Center City of Covington Representing the Mayor of the City of Covington December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Ned McElwaine Location: TBA Deputy County Administrator Botetourt County Representing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Botetourt County Matt Collins County Administrator Craig County Representing the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Craig County '.'~kyarn V:rg:nia ':~ar~force FJet~+rork http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/policyboard.cfin 5/2/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 1 ~3 Board Meeting Schedule June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Dabney Lancaster Community College October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Roanoke Higher Education Center December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Location: TBA For Business The Workforce Centers offer businesses a wide range of value-added consultation and services including: • Applicant Screening • Applicant Referrals • On-the-Job Training • Work Keys Assessment • Skill Proficiency Testing • Pre-employment Assessment • Pre-employment Training • Labor Market Information • Area Wage Surveys • Small Business Assistance • Entrepreneurial Training • Job Postings • Computerized Skills-Based Matching • Tax Credits for Hiring Eligible Employees • Prevailing Wage Information • Economic Trends • Other Business Resources Partners work with employers to find qualified employees who can perform well on the job. No fees for employers or qualified individuals. .: Y~kx~rr• V:rg:roa '+'u~r~?ofce Flat,roTk http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/forbusiness.cfm 5/5/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 1 ~~ Programs The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (H.R.1385) (ACT) rewrote federal - statutes governing. programs for job training, adult education and literacy, and vocational rehabilitation, making them streamlined and more flexible components of workforce development systems. One of the major changes is the requirement. that federally -funded agencies work together in a one-stop center to provide services to customers. The program operates in accordance with the principles of universal accessibility, cone-stop approach, individual choice, responsiveness to the needs of customers and continuous improvement. The ACT creates three funding streams that the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB) oversees in Western Virginia. Adult Program Board Meeting Schedule June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Dabney Lancaster Community College October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Roanoke Higher Education Center December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Location: TBA The adult program provides career counseling programs, job searches and educational opportunities including General Education Diploma (GED) attainment for adults in need of these services. The Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium is currently under contract to provide these services in Western Virginia. 540-767-6130 or www.FDETC.org. Dislocated Worker The dislocated worker program provides career counseling, job referral services and educational opportunities for individuals who have lost their jobs. The Virginia Employment Commission in Roanoke and Covington is currently under contract to provide these services in Western Virginia. Covington 540-962-1151 Rocky Mount 540-483-0179 Roanoke 540-561-7480 Youth The youth program serves disadvantaged youth through an intensive summer program and a year round mentoring program. See youth programs for more information. The Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium is currently under contract to provide these services in western Virginia. 540-767-6130 or www.FDETC.org. .. ~l~e5t~r.^• V:rA:nia :"~r~farce haetarork http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/programs.cfin 5/2/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 1 ~3 Board Meeting Schedule Workforce Centers The Western Virginia Workforce Centers provide workers age 16 and older with services ranging from career counseling to education and training to language skills. The Centers unify services from state agencies and private partners into aone-stop center. where customers are linked to all services through one location. The Workforce Centers are part of the Western Virginia Workforce Development Network which is overseen by the Western Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB). As a result the workforce system in Western Virginia is guided by business, government and community organizations and is closely tied to regional economic growth trends. It is amarket-driven approach. The WDB works in partnership with the Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs) from the eight local jurisdictions Covington r ~ 106 N. Maple Avenue, Box 918 _ Covington VA 24426 540-962-1151, Fax 540-962-8750 Rocky Mount Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium 70 Way Street Rocky Mount VA 24151 540-483-0179, Fax 540-483-1297 June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Dabney Lancaster Community College October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Roanoke Higher Education Center December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Location: TBA Roanoke 5060 Valley View Blvd. Roanoke VA 24012 540-561-7480, Fax 540-561-7510 Informational Sites -Roanoke Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium 108 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 312 Roanoke VA 24016 540-767-6130, Fax 540-767-6135 TAP -This Valley Works 108 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 303 Roanoke VA 24016 540-767-6220, Fax 540-767-6135 .:~'.'~stem V~rg:nie'.'VOr~force Network http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/onestop.cfin 5/5/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 1 -3 Board Meeting Schedule June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Dabney Lancaster Community College October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Roanoke Higher Education Center December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Location: TBA Partners Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Department of Rehabilitative Services Experience Works/Green Thumb, Inc. Ferrum College Fifth District Employment and Training Consortium Franklin County Public Schools/Adult Education Center Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium Goodwill Industries Jackson River Technical Center Job Coros League Of Older Americans Patrick Henry Community College Total Action Against Poverty Roanoke City Department of Social Services Roanoke City Schools Adult Education Roanoke Redevelopment and Housing Authority Safehomes Systems, Inc. Support to End Poverty (STEP) Virginia Dot for the Blind & Visually Impaired Virginia Employment Commission Virginia Western Community College ,n, Y~kSt~rn V:rg:rna 'Ncr~force Met~vork http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/partners.cfm 5/5/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 1 ~-3 Western Virginia Workforce Development Board The Western Virginia Workforce Development Board (WDB) is governed by a volunteer board of directors responsible for developing policy and overseeing local workforce development initiatives in partnership with the local elected officials. Members are appointed by the chief local elected officials from eight jurisdictions. WDB membership.. includes representatives from business, education, community based organizations, economic development, public employment services, public assistance agencies, vocational rehabilitation and labor organizations. Membership is drawn from individuals who have policy- making authority. The WDB serves as a point of contact for business, industry and the public sector to communicate their workforce needs, promote strategies to encourage lifelong learning and improve workplace skills. The WDB assists in the development of new training programs to benefit the area's workforce, conduct planning, oversight and evaluation of local workforce development programs including the Workforce Centers. It coordinates efforts and activities with economic development to promote the area's availability of qualified workers and promote cooperation among the business and the public sector. Board Meeting Schedule June 6, 2003 9:00 AM Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium August 1, 2003 9:00 AM Dabney Lancaster Community College October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Roanoke Higher Education Center December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Location: TBA :; '.'4~Y.er.^. v:ra:nia Y~r~foree Netvrork http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/about.cfm 5/2/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 1 of 3 ~-~ Board of Directors The Western Virginia Workforce Development Board is a partnership of the public and private sectors with both represented on the Board. The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) requires that the Board be composed of 51 % business leaders who are chief executives or other decision makers from companies within the Workforce Development area. The other members of the Board are partners in the success of the organization who provide the front-line services to our customers. They are all forward thinking people who are dedicated to achieving regional workforce and economic development goals. Business Sector Susan Arbogast (2002-2005) Human Resources Manager ,a. °:.. - ~~~~~`~``-• New Bold Corporation - Rocky Mount, VA Brucie Boggs (2002-2004) Vice President -Human Resources Carillon Health Systems Roanoke, VA Roger Dalton (Chair) (2003-2004) Director of Communications Board Meeting National College of Business and Technology Schedule Salem, VA E. Wilson Davis Jr. (Vice Chair) (2002-2005) June 6, 2003 9:00 AM State Economic Development Manager Franklin County Workforce American Electric Power Development Consortium Roanoke, VA Beth Doughty (2001-2004) August 1, 2003 9:00 AM President Dabney Lancaster Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce Community College Roanoke, VA October 3, 2003 9:00 AM Wayne Flippen (2001-2003) Roanoke Higher Education General Manager Center John C. Nordt, Inc. Roanoke, VA December 5, 2003 9:00 AM Robert Glenn (Treasurer) (2002-2005) Location: TBA President The Issues Management Group Roanoke, VA Jim Hawk (2002-2004) Vice President Yokohama Tire Corporation Salem, VA John Hertzog (2000-2003) Director of Human Resources ITT Industries Roanoke, VA http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/board.cfin 5/2/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 2 of 3 Marion Vaughn-Howard (2000-2003) ~_~ Proprietor Vaughn-Howard Associates Roanoke, VA William F. Jones Jr. (2002-2005) Manager First VA Bank -Southwest Roanoke, VA J. Glynn Loope (2001-2004) President Commonwealth Advance, LLC Covington, VA David Nelson (2001-2003) Plant Manager Virginia Forge Co. Buchanan, VA Kathleen Page, Secretary (2002-2005) Director of Human Resources Roanoke College Salem, VA Tom Richmond (2002-2005) Director of Manufacturing Altec Industries, Inc. Daleville, VA Lutheria Smith (2001-2004) Director of Human Resources Optical Cable Corporation Roanoke, VA Debbie Snead (2002-2005) Owner Mountain Branch Farms New Castle, VA Board Partners Stephen Awkward (2002-2005) Regional Manager Virginia Department for the Blind & Visually Impaired Roanoke, VA John Baker (2000-2003) Executive Director Roanoke Redevelopment & Housing Authority Roanoke, VA Francie Cumby (2000-2003) Director Franklin County Workforce Development Consortium Rocky Mount, VA W. Allen Downey (2001-2004) Community Alternatives for Positive Prevention Covington, VA Toni Hamilton (2000-2003) Human Services Manager Department of Rehabilitative Services Roanoke, VA http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/board.cfin 5/2/2003 Western VA Workforce Development Board Page 3 of 3 Bruce Johannessen (2002-2005) Manager-Roanoke Office Virginia Employment Commission Roanoke, VA Roger W. Johnson (2001-2003) Career & Technical Education Administrator Roanoke County Schools Salem, VA Annette Lewis (2001-2004) Director-This Valley Works Total Action Against Poverty Roanoke, VA Michael Mays (2000-2003) Local 100 Sheet Metal Workers International Association Roanoke, VA Harriet Woodward (2002-2005) Case Worker Supervisor Alleghany/Covington Department of Social Services Covington, VA Paul Paradzinski (2001-2004) Catawba, VA Dr. Robert Sandel(2003-2006) President Virginia Western Community College Roanoke, VA Richard Teaff (2001-2004) President Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Clifton Forge, VA Archie Whitehill (2001-2004) Job Developer Job Corps IWEP Program Norfolk, VA Susan Williams (2000-2005) Executive Director LOA Area Agency on Aging Roanoke, VA ~3 :: 4'~xer!: b':~o.rna L'~sr+cforea Net~+ork http://www.westernvaworkforce.com/board.cfin 5/2/2003 A ACTION NO. A-051303-7 ITEM NO. E-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and Fink's Jewelers, Inc. SUBMITTED BY: Doug Chittum Director of Economic Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Fink's Jewelers Inc. has negotiated an agreement to purchase a 1.284 acre commercially zoned parcel on Rte. 419 in Roanoke County for the purpose of constructing a new 12,000 square foot retail/office building. The office portion will serve as Fink's corporate headquarters and the retail portion will be a "signature" jewelry store. Due to inadequate infrastructure available to the site (public water and sewer, vehicular access), the development costs are prohibitive to Finks. Also, once the necessary infrastructure is constructed, a remaining five acre commercial site not owned by Fink's will be served by public utilities and roadways and will be enhanced for future development. Therefore Fink's proposes to construct the needed public infrastructure improvements, and requests that the Public Private Partnership Policy be utilized to reimburse them an amount equal to two years new tax revenue generated by their project, not to exceed $150,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Per the performance agreement, the incentive will be calculated as a reimbursement based on realized new tax revenues; therefore, the financial impact will be in the form of forgone revenue. No current funds are needed. 7 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizing the execution of a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and Fink's Jewelers, Inc. to be approved by the County Attorney. VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ^ ® ^ cc: File Doug Chittum, Director, Economic Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development ACTION NO. ITEM NO. L' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 13, 2003 Request for authorization to execute a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and Fink's Jewelers, Inc. Doug Chittum Director of Economic Development Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Fink's Jewelers Inc. has negotiated an agreement to purchase a 1.284 acre commercially zoned parcel on Rte. 419 in Roanoke County for the purpose of constructing a new 12,000 square foot retail/office building. The office portion will serve as Fink's corporate headquarters and the retail portion will be a "signature" jewelry store. Due to inadequate infrastructure available to the site (public water and sewer, vehicular access), the development costs are prohibitive to Finks. Also, once the necessary infrastructure is constructed, a remaining five acre commercial site not owned by Fink's will be served by public utilities and roadways and will be enhanced for future development. Therefore Fink's proposes to construct the needed public infrastructure improvements, and requests that the Public Private Partnership Policy be utilized to reimburse them an amount equal to two years new tax revenue generated by their project, not to exceed $150,000. FISCAL IMPACT: Per the performance agreement, the incentive will be calculated as a reimbursement based on realized new tax revenues; therefore, the financial impact will be in the form of forgone revenue. No current funds are needed. ~y STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends authorizing the execution of a performance agreement between the County of Roanoke, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and Fink's Jewelers, Inc. to be approved by the County Attorney. wo~~dNaaswmJ~iew ubw-a eiuhi, b~ul~ain'3~or+-eoa dlil[J21IA'd?IONd021 SCb6'ZLL (ObSi ~KV~ 6990Z XO9 ~O~d S?13Nt\Id'Id-SdOA~A~1flS-S11~31~If0;~9 ltb4-bLL (Oh;l'3NOHd M5~3(1N3~V ~013lgWb'71S.I b994 ~~'d `s~J.,d~~oss~ u~asW.n~ - I , I II I I I I I ~~"` / I~ II l 1 ~t~~ \ ~' / ~/ ~, ,.~3~6., b {\,d ~,~ ,~, \ ~,, \ ~ s ~N `.. \ a ~ ~~r ~ \ \ 1 D ~~' r ~ ~ \ \ ` p ~ I ~, ~ \\ it II ~ J I I ~ ~ ~I II I ~ ~ LJ ~~ °~II} ~ ~ ~- J / C3 I ~ ~~ d ; I~ pi I ~ Lj - ,- I I i I ~ ~~ ~~ __ I I I I AI ~- __ • .D01 - i~ I I I I / f ~ DMO7N19 ~ ~ '~_ ~_ i O I I I I aasoaoxa ~ o 1 1 I I +~ ~ I I I t - - ~ or \ fr~, ~~^ ~ r 3r+n.~ttuavad msoovad I~ ~y I I I f s ~ I I i~ I ! I I ~ I I of O I b ~ ~ ~ I I L -~ _ ~ l o ~ ~ r- 0 II I [- ~~~.~ ; I I I I i '~. - ;i~ ~I I I ~~~ fI W D~90 C0\DN3\t9000\COOG\'f '3~f GarD 'OS''t +airDe 450-EO ,~ tNaD EOOZA4itlf1N93j5t ,,,,,,, W "v W 3~ J z ;. ~7 O ! U ~ 4 . ~~a a 2 ~ cn - '< J4 ~ ~ zz ~ O ~o~q ?off ~ o q~ ~~~ WW a o ~ ~ ~O a O `" ~ " a ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 13, 2003 First reading of the fiscal year 2003-04 budget appropriation ordinance. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The fiscal year 2003-04 budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors on April 22, 2003. A budget public hearing was held on April 22, 2003 to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed budget and FY2004-2008 Capital Improvements Program. Attached for your approval is the 2003-04 fiscal year budget appropriation ordinance. During a work session at the April 25, 2003 meeting, the Board reached consensus on the level of funding for the Social Service, Human Service, Cultural, and Other agencies for FY03-04. Attached is the finalized listing of the contributions for review. The remaining funds of $7,940 have been allocated to the Board Contingency account. This allocation can be re-directed by consensus of the Board and approved at the 2"d reading of the appropriation ordinance. This year's presentation of the appropriation ordinance again includes projected fund balance amounts. This presentation discloses all significant financial resources available to fund County operations for FY03-04. The total County budget is $294,603,167. This includes all inter-fund and intra-fund transfers. The budget net of transfers is $215,116,953. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The format of the appropriation ordinance conforms to the reporting basis used at year-end in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This presentation allows the same level of budget F~ comparison as is required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for financial reporting purposes. This format will also consistently apply the appropriation on a fund basis for County Funds as has been used to appropriate School funds in the past. Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the 2003-04 fiscal year budget appropriation ordinance. Staff also recommends approval, of the attached Classification Plan for fiscal year 2003-04 which includes 4 new positions in the Sheriff's Office that are funded utilizing fee increases previously approved by the Board of Supervisors. The second reading and resolution adopting the budget is scheduled for May 27, 2003. ~~ 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 2003-04 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, a public hearing was held on April 22, 2003, concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2003-04; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 27, 2003, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 13, 2003, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 27, 2003, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2003, and ending June 30, 2004, for the functions and purposes indicated: County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2003-2004 Budget May 13, 2003 Revenues: General Fund: General Government $ 127,363,953 Comprehensive Services 2,814,180 E-911 Maintenance 975,131 Law Library 41,648 VJCCCA/Life Skills 317,620 SB & T Building 387,609 Recreation Fee Class 965,878 Internal Services 2,753,219 County Garage 282,606 Total General Fund $ 135,901,844 Debt Service Fund -County $ 3,121,789 Capital Projects Fund $ 3,388,515 Internal Service Fund -Risk Management $ 937,906 Water Fund $ 11,781,093 Beginning Balance 6,359,765 18,140,858 Sewer Fund $ 7,311,583 Beginning Balance 2,570,328 9,881,911 School Funds: Operating $ 104,532,177 Cafeteria 3,871,000 Capital 1,186,193 Debt 8,409,277 Regional Alternative School 361,143 Grant 3,905,018 Textbook 965,536 Total School Fund $ 123,230,344 Total All Funds $ 294,603,167 F- ~ County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2003-2004 Budget May 13, 2003 Expenditures: General Government: General Administration Board of Supervisors $ 277,339 County Administrator 220,913 Community Relations 109,446 Asst. Co. Administrators 286,791 Human Resources 486,663 County Attorney 387,327 Economic Development 544,042 Total General Administration $ 2,312,521 Constitutional Officers Treasurer $ 679,926 Commonwealth Attorney 608,589 Commissioner of the Revenue 652,901 Clerk of the Circuit Court 821,519 Sheriffs Office 1,496,025 Care & Confinement of Prisoners 3,971,976 Total Constitutional Officers $ 8,230,936 Judicial Administration Circuit Court $ 197,068 General District Court 40,878 Magistrate 1,655 J & DR Court 13,429 Court Service Unit 857,405 Total Judicial Administration $ 1,110,435 Management Services Real Estate Assessments $ 832,425 Finance 1,032,236 Public Transportation 195,000 Management and Budget 168,135 Procurement Services 292,420 Total Management Services $ 2,520,216 F~ County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2003-2004 Budget May 13, 2003 Public Safety Police $ 8,119,71 S Fire and Rescue 8,214,972 Total Public Safety $ 16,334,687 Community Services General Services $ 266,569 Solid Waste 4,401,501 Community Development 3,463,372 Building Maintenance 1,516,386 Total Community Services $ 9,647,828 Human Services Grounds Maintenance $ 1,724,629 Parks and Recreation 2,389,477 Public Health 459,403 Social Services 5,006,771 Contributions-Human Service, Cultural, Tourism 407,483 Library 2,086,791 VPI Extension 89,456 Elections 242,758 Total Human Services $ 12,406,768 Non-Departmental Employee Benefits $ 1,340,000 Miscellaneous 821,000 Internal Service Charges 2,399,417 Total Non-Departmental $ 4,560,417 FI County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2003-2004 Budget May 13, 2003 Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt -General & Schools $ 8,600,030 Transfer to Capital 3,388,515 Transfer to Schools 55,447,942 Transfer to Schools -Non Recurring 125,000 Transfer to Schools -Dental Insurance 347,299 Transfer to Internal Services 937,906 Transfer to Comprehensive Services 1,153,000 Transfer to County Garage 132,513 Total Transfers to Other Funds $ 70,132,205 Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency 107,940 Total General Government $ 127,363,953 Comprehensive Services $ 2,814,180 E-911 Maintenance $ 975,131 Law Library $ 41,648 VJCCCA/Life Skills $ 317,620 SB & T Building $ 387,609 Recreation Fee Class $ 965,878 Internal Services Management Information Systems $ 2,306,216 Communications 447,003 County Garage $ 282,606 Total Internal Services $ 3,035,825 Total General Fund $ 135,901,844 ~~! County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2003-2004 Budget May 13, 2003 Debt Service Fund -County $ 3,121,789 Capital Projects Fund $ 3,388,515 Internal Services Fund -Risk Management $ 937,906 Water Fund $ 12,166,360 Unappropriated Balance 5,974,498 18,140,858 Sewer Fund $ 6,969,139 Unappropriated Balance 2,912,772 9,881,911 School Funds: Operating $ 104,532,177 Cafeteria 3,871,000 Capital 1,186,193 Debt 8,409,277 Regional Alternative School 361,143 Grant 3,905,018 Text Book 965,536 Total School Funds $ 123,230,344 Total All Funds $ 294,603,167 In addition to the above revenues and expenditures, the following beginning balance will be appropriated to the Unappropriated Balance of the respective fund: General Fund $ 9,000,000 Capital Fund 360,000 r-- ~ ~.~ t 2. That the County Administrator may authorize or delegate the authorization of the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one department to another within a fund. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 2003, are re-appropriated to the 2003-04 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 2003, and appropriations in the 2003-04 budget. 5. That all school fund appropriations remaining at the end of the 2002- 03 fiscal year not lapse but shall be appropriated to the School Capital Improvements Fund in fiscal year 2003-04. 6. That all General Fund appropriations remaining unexpended at the end of the 2002-03 fiscal year not lapse but shall be re-appropriated as follows: a) 40% of these unexpended appropriations shall be transferred to the unappropriated Capital Fund Balance; b) 60% of these unexpended appropriations shall be re-appropriated to the same depar#ment for expenditure in fiscal year 2003-04 as provided by Resolution 042396-5. ~i'' 7. Revenues collected for FY02-03 that exceed revenue appropriations and expenditure appropriations for FY02-03 that exceed actual expenditures for the year shall be re-appropriated for specific expenditures as follows: HP Migration and Software Application Upgrades $230,463 8. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 2003. Contribution Requests -Cultural and Tourism Agencies Results as of 4/16/2003 - ~ .~~.~ _ . ~ gency ...:., ,,.z_ Art Museum,of Western Virginia X02 Actual . - .~. - . _ , 6. 5,000 ~F nd d'i ` .mo .-~i: $ - "` Arts Council of the Blue Ridge 2,000 2,000 3,000 2,000 Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District 1,250 1,250 2,000 1,250 '~ Center in the Square Operating 35,000 35,000 40,000 35,000 '~ Convention and Visitors Bureau 130,000 130,000 150,000 130,000 Downtown Music Lab - new request 5,000 - Economic Development Partnership 130,000 130,000 138,282 130,000 * Explore (The River Foundation) 215,440 515,440 515,440 500,000 * Harrison Museum of African American Culture 2,000 2,000 5,000 2,000 Highland Cultural Coalition - - 1,000 - * History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va. 7,500 7,500 10,000 7,500 * Julian Stanley Wise Museum 20,000 20,000 35,000 15,000 Medical History Foundation, InC. - - contribution - * Mill Mountain Theatre 5,000 5,000 8,500 5,000 * Mill Mountain Zoo 5,000 5,000 8,000 5,000 '` Mill Mountain Zoo -Capital Request - - 10,000 - * New Century Venture Center - 25,000 - "` Opera Roanoke - - 1,200 - * Planned Pethood Clinic - - 888 - Roanoke Higher Education Center new requesf 100,000 10,000 Roanoke Symphony 6,000 6,000 7,000 6,000 Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission 29,614 29,614 47,411 29,614 Roanoke Valley Greenways Commission 10,800 10,800 10,800 10,800 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 Saint Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation - new request 3,500 1,000 * Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce 6,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 Salem-Roanoke Baseball Hall of Fame 3,000 3,000 contribution 2,500 Science Museum of Western Virginia 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Science Museum of Western Virginia -Capital 15,000 - Southwest Virginia Ballet - - 1,000 - * TAP -Dumas Center -Capital -over 3-5 years new request 250,000 - VAWestern Community College -Scholarship 5,470 7,010 7,200 7,010 Vinton Chamber of Commerce 500 500 500 1,000 Vinton Dogwood Festival 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 * Virginia Amateur Sports 40,000 40,000 55,000 40,000 Virginia Association of Counties 13,940 15,624 15,624 15,624 ~` Virginia Museum of Transportation 5,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 Western Virginia Land Trust - - 10,000 - * Williamson Road Area Business Association - new request 10,000 1,000 _ Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc. - - , Total $ 692,514 $ 995,738 $ 1,534,345 $ 986,298 ~-1 page 2 Contribution Requests -Health and Human Service Agencies Results as of 4N 6/2003 Ji i 1 ~ 4 3! ~ _, ,~~ N .,'_`. ~Agenc~ ~~. , ' '~Yr:~ ~ " I r. a;> '^ FY02 {~h ,Actual BuYOe S ues ed ' AmQU~t~,~~ * Adult Care Center of the Roanoke Valley $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Alzheimer's Association - - 5,000 - * American Red Cross - - 4,000 - * Bethany Hall 500 500 20,075 500 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valley 3,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 * Blue Ridge Behavioral Health Care 117,755 117,755 127,478 117,755 Blue Ridge Independent Living Center - - 10,000 - * Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. - - 3,732 - * Bradley Free Clinic 5,000 5,000 contribution 5,000 * Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP) 16,660 16,660 20,960 16,660 * Children's Advocacy Center of the Roanoke Valley, Inc 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 * Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. - - 7,500 - '~ Council of Community Services-Info and Referral Center 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 * Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) 2,000 2,000 6,000 2,000 Family Service of the Roanoke Valley 4,000 4,000 5,000 4,000 * Fifth District Employment & Training Consortium - - 3,500 - Good Samaritan Hospice, Inc. 1,000 1,000 1,000 Goodwill Industries of the Valleys 15,000 5,000 15,000 4,000 * Habitat for Humanity - - 6,500 - * Literacy Volunteers of America-Roanoke Valley 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 * LOA Area Agency on Aging 13,750 13,750 27,015 13,750 * Mental Health Association 640 700 1,000 700 * National Conference for Community and Justice 610 650 1,500 650 National Multiple Sclerosis Society - - 1,000 - * Presbyterian Community Center - - 2,500 - * Roanoke Area Ministries (RAM) 1,000 1,000 3,000 1,000 * Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality Network - - 8,667 - Roanoke Valley Speech & Hearing Center 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 * Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry 2,500 3,000 10,000 4,500 Smith Mountain Lake 4H Camp - - contribution - * Southwestern Virginia Second Harvest Food Bank 2,500 3,000 5,000 4,000 * TAP 30,000 30,000 31,500 30,000 * TAP-Transitional Living Center 20,000 20,000 21,000 20,000 * The Salvation Army 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,000 * TRUST 4,750 4,750 8,000 4,750 Total $ 261,165 $ 252,265 $ 382,077 253,765 additional request YWCA of the Roanoke Valley new request contribution - ~! 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ITEM NO. ~ -a AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance to vacate, quit-claim and release an unused portion of a 20' waterline easement and a portion of a 15' sanitary sewer easement and to accept in exchange a relocated new variable width sanitary sewer easement across property owned by Lewis-Gibbs Corporation, Tax Map. No. 27.13-4-2, Hollins Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Arnold Covey Community Development Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: D _.~r~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The petitioner, Lewis-Gibbs Corporation, is the current owner of property acquired in Deed Book 1273, Page 1681. The existing sewer and water line easements were originally acquired by deed, recorded in Deed Book 1305, Page 1397. Lewis-Gibbs Corporation has submitted development plans for the expansion of their facilities at the First Team Auto Mall. To be able to build the new facilities as shown on the approved plans, it is necessary to vacate a portion of a 15 ft. sanitary sewer easement and a portion of a 20 ft. water line easement encumbering one of the proposed buildings. The portions of the easements being vacated are shown on the attached plat. Lewis-Gibbs Corporation is prepared to move the existing sewer line and replace it with a new line and easement as shown on the approved development plans. The portion of the existing water line easement being vacated does not have an active water line in it; therefore, there is no proposed relocation of the line or the easement. They are requesting that the portions of the unnecessary existing easements be vacated and that acceptance of an alternative sanitary sewer easement, as shown on the attached plat, be authorized. The Department of Community Development and the Utility Department have both reviewed the submitted plans and approved them for construction. Bonds have been posted for this project and the petitioners have already begun construction. ~/ FISCAL IMPACT: Lewis-Gibbs Corporation will incur all costs associated with the vacation of a portion of this 15 ft. sanitary sewer easement and the relocation of the sewer line and the vacation of the water line easement. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Vacate the portion of the Sanitary Sewer Easement and the portion of the Water Line Easement as shown on the attached plat and authorize acceptance of the relocated sanitary sewer easement. 2. Deny the vacation of the portion of the Sanitary Sewer Easement and the portion of the Water Line Easement as shown on the attached plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. ~_ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE TO VACATE, QUIT-CLAIM AND RELEASE AN UNUSED PORTION OF A 20' WATERLINE EASEMENT AND A PORTION OF A 15' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT CONVEYED TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS IN DEED BOOK 1305, PAGE 1397, AND TO ACCEPT IN EXCHANGE A RELOCATED NEW VARIABLE WIDTH SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT, ACROSS PROPERTY OWNED BY LEWIS-GIBBS CORPORATION (TAX MAP NO. 27.13-4-2) IN THE HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by deed of easement dated March 3, 1989, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 1305, page 1397, Lewis-Gibbs Corporation, as owner of the subject parcel of land, conveyed to the County of Roanoke certain non-exclusive perpetual easements, including a 20' water line easement and a 15' sanitary sewer easement, upon and across the parcel of land identified upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 27.13-4-2; and, WHEREAS, Lewis-Gibbs has requested that the Board of Supervisors vacate, quit-claim and release an unused portion of the 20' waterline easement and a portion of the 15' sanitary sewer easement, and to accept in exchange a relocated new variable width sanitary sewer easement; and, WHEREAS, the proposed new easement meets the requirements of the affected County departments, the relocation will provide equivalent service, and the relocation will be accomplished without cost to the County. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1 r--~ 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on May 13, 2003; and a second reading was held on May 27, 2003. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject real estate (unused portion of waterline easement and portion of sanitary sewer easement) is hereby declared to be surplus and the nature of the interest in real estate renders it unavailable for other public uses. 3. That, subject to the following conditions, an unused portion of a 20' waterline easement and a portion of a 15' sanitary sewer easement conveyed to the County of Roanoke by deed of easement dated March 3, 1989, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1305, page 1397, across the property of Lewis- Gibbs Corporation identified upon the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No. 27.13-4-2 in the Hollins Magisterial District of Roanoke County, designated as "PORTION OF EXISTING WATERLINE EASEMENT (D.B. 1305, PG. 1397) TO BE VACATED - L THRU O TO L" and "PORTION OF EXISTING PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT (D.B. 1305, PG. 1397) TO BE VACATED - A TO G TO H TO C TO A" on the `Easement Sketch for Lewis-Gibbs Corporation,' dated May 5, 2003, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, be and hereby is authorized to be vacated, quit-claimed and released. 4. That, in exchange, the "NEW PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE GRANTED," as shown on the above-referenced plat attached hereto as Exhibit 2 A, shall be granted and donated to the Board of Supervisors and acceptance of this easement is hereby approved. 5. That, as a condition to the adoption of this ordinance, Lewis-Gibbs Corporation shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to, all costs associated with relocation of any lines, surveys, publication, and recordation of documents. 6. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this vacation and acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 3 NEW PUBL/C SAN/TARY SEWER EASEMENT lE BEAR/NG LENGTI •B N7025'13'W 40.93 -C 529'04 ;30 "W 34.28 •D 573'36 50 "W 14.26 •E N29'04 30 £ 63.04 -F 57025'13 £ 75.29 -A S7.J' 36'Sn "W 34.05 93.48 21.41 57.53 67.60 14.09 CURIE TABLE CURVE LENGTH 840/US TANGENT CHORD BEAR/NG CHORD DELTA Cf 145.72' 357.58' 73.89 N43'4829'1Y 144.72' 23'2058" f tRPp/t~p02~ ~G',~, G~ i~~ 2 g i i ~\ ~ EX/ST/NG 15' PR//ATE `~ ~ ~ y TELECOMMUN/CAT/ON i ~ ~ EASEMENT p• ~ ~ D.B. 1730, y ~ \~ \PG. 945 C`~~,~~~p~'. F _ ~~~yc ~ \ }h~Q~Q / v I--~--EX/ST/NC 15' S.S.E. o ~ ~ / / Q ~ D.B. 1305, PG. 1397 s ~o~ ~ c ~s ~~ ~ ~%~ ~ NEW PUBVC SANITARY SEIf'FR-~ ~' ti ~~ ~ ~ ~ \~ PIORAON OF IX/SANG WATFRL/NE- EASEMENT D.~ 1305 PIG. 1397) BE 1/ACAfED © A4RU QO 7YI PORTION OF EXISTING 15' PUBL/C SAN/TARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE VACATED LEGEND O DEEDED CORNERS D.E. ORA/NAGE EASEMENT S.S E. SAN/TARY SEWER EASEMENT W.L.E. WATER L/NE EASEMENT L/NE TABLE L/NE BEAR/NC LENGTH L 1 N20'06 50 W 5.49 L2 55752 00 "W 6.00 o.B >2j3 A C X687 '~ N/F EDWARD W. & JEAN M. STR/TESKY D.B. 1100, PG. 340 TAX MAP / 27.14-1-2 ~ -- - ~ -c i N/f- EDWARD W d ~ ~ DELORES STR/TESKY h O O.B. 7117, PG 67 w nl TAX MAP ~ 27.14-1-/I y c~~~a~anx ~~ ~o_. I - PORAON OF IX/SANG PUBL/C SAN/TARY SEWER EASEMENT (D.B. 1305, PIG 1397) lt7 BE f/AG41EU ~~©700 ~© ~~ \ ~ ~\ \ ~ EX/ST/NC 30' SS.E. & W.L.E. O.B. 1305, PG. f397 \ ~ ~~ ~ ~ EX/ST/NG 20' D.E. T.M. ,27.13-4-2 ~ f O.B. 1305, PC. 1402 9.439 ACRES ~ ~~' ~ EX/ST/NG 20• D.E fROM RECORDS ~~ ~~~ D.B. 1305, PC. l4~ / ~` N/F v ROANOKE COUNTY ~ BOARD OF SUPERI/SORS ~` D.B. 11 l5, PG 36 ~~?. TAX MAP ,~ 27. 13-4- f Qe/ N3x~ ~~,QARRENS 1/~ ' R~A~ EASEMENT SKETCH FOR LEWIS-GIBES CORPORATION 6520 PETERS CREEK ROAD 9.439 ACRES FROM RECORDS AS DESCRIBED IN DEED BOOK 1273 PAGE 1681 .~ ~ ~ VARIES R/W ~W g Q ~~ W~ V PORT/ON OF EX/ST/NC 20' WATERL/NE EASEMENT TO BE IACATED L/NE BEAR/NG LENGTH K-L N29'04 30 E 297.79 L -M N60 55'12 "W 33.42 M-N N29"04 %18 E 20.00 N-O 560'55'12 £ 33.42 0-L 529'04 ;30'lY 20.00 LESS AND EXCEPT A RIGHT-OF-WAY TAKE RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 1311, PAGE 1743 A PORTION OF A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE VACATED A NEW PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT TO BE GRANTED AND A PORTION OF A WATERLINE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA DATED MAY 5, 2003 JOB #80200107.00 SCALE: 1 " = 60' TEL: 540-772-9580 FAX: 540-772-8050 PLANNERS ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS SURVEYORS Balzer & Associates, Inc. 1208 Corporate Circle Roanoke Va. 24018 T/E L/NE ~• .r~ar+Eas .nacNtrecrs >erocutcas .suaveraas N/F ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERI/SORS D.B. 872, PG 368 TAX MAP ~ 27.14-1-3 3. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISIORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: May 13, 2003 Ordinance to vacate, quit-claim and release two certain portions of a 25' public drainage easement crossing the property of James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC and to accept in exchange a relocated new 25' public drainage easement, Cave Spring Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: By deed dated January 16, 2003, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, as Instrument No. 200302859, James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC, as owner of the subject parcels of land, conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County perpetual easements (15', 25' and variable width) for the purpose of management, collection, transmission and distribution of drainage. The Board accepted the conveyance of this real estate by Ordinance No. 102787-4/Action No. A-031202-5. This is the first reading of an ordinance to authorize vacation and release of two certain portions of a 25' public drainage easement crossing the property of James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC and to authorize acceptance of an alternative 25' public drainage easement. The petitioner, James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC, is the current owner of the property over which the above-described easements are located, said parcels being located on the east side of U. S. Route #220 at its intersection with Va. Secondary Route #766 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and being designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map #88.03-1-29 and 88.03-1-29.1. f3 Walker has requested that the Board of Supervisors vacate, quit-claim and release two certain portions of the 25' easement to eliminate the encumbrance. The locations of the easement areas to be released are shown as "25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" containing 2,149 sq. ft. and "25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" containing 1,525 sq. ft. on the "Plat Showing New 25' Public Drainage Easement And The Vacation Of A 25' Public Drainage Easement Crossing The Property Of James R. Walker Of Roanoke, LLC" dated April 8, 2003, a copy of which is attached to the proposed ordinance as Exhibit A. In exchange, Walker is to grant a "NEW 25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT" containing 1,082 sq. ft. as shown on the above-mentioned plat (Exhibit A). The new drainage easement has been approved by the Engineering Department and will provide equivalent service. FISCAL IMPACTS: All costs associated with this exchange are to be paid for by Walker as a condition of this action. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the proposed ordinance. 2 ~- 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE TO VACATE, QUIT-CLAIM AND RELEASE TWO CERTAIN PORTIONS OF A 25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT CROSSING THE PROPERTY OF JAMES R. WALKER OF ROANOKE, LLC AND TO ACCEPT IN EXCHANGE A RELOCATED NEW 25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, by deed dated January 16, 2003, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, as Instrument No. 200302859, James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC, as owner of the subject parcels of land, conveyed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County perpetual easements (15' 25' and variable width) for the purpose of management, collection, transmission and distribution of drainage; and, WHEREAS, the petitioner, James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC (Walker) is the current owner of the land over which the above-described easements are located, said property being located on the east side of U. S. Route #220 at its intersection with Va. Secondary Route #766 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and being designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map #88.03-1-29 and 88.03-1-29.1; and WHEREAS, Walker has requested that the Board of Supervisors vacate, quit-claim and release two certain portions of the 25' public drainage easement, and in exchange, Walker is to convey an alternative 25' public drainage easement to the Board; and, WHEREAS, the proposed new easement meets the requirements of the affected County departments, the relocation will provide equivalent service, and the relocation has been accomplished without cost to the County. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1 F3 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on May 13, 2003; and a second reading was held on May 25, 2003; and, 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject real estate (portions of public drainage easement) is hereby declared to be surplus and the nature of the interest in real estate renders it unavailable for other public uses; and, 3. That, subject to the following conditions, two certain portions of a 25' public drainage easement across property of James R. Walker of Roanoke, LLC, located on the east side of U. S. Route #220 at its intersection with Va. Secondary Route #766 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and being designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map #88.03-1-29 and 88.03-1-29.1 designated as "25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" containing 2,149 sq. ft. and "25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT TO BE VACATED" containing 1,525 sq. ft. on the "Plat Showing New 25' Public Drainage Easement And The Vacation Of A 25' Public Drainage Easement Crossing The Property Of James R. Walker Of Roanoke, LLC" dated April 8, 2003, a copy of which is attached to the proposed ordinance as Exhibit A be, and hereby are, vacated, quit-claimed and released; and, 4. That, in exchange, the "NEW 25' PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT" containing 1,082 sq. ft. as shown on the above mentioned plat, shall be granted and donated to the Board of Supervisors and acceptance of said easement is hereby approved; and, 2 5. That, as a condition to the adoption of this ordinance, Walker shall be responsible for all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to, all F3 costs associated with relocation of the lines, surveys, publication, and recordation of documents; and, 6. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish this vacation and acquisition, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 3 ~trav . r t~ura-av ~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~S 'g~'~ ~-~' ., t `+~ ~LS) ~' a~wi r ~~ ~ ~ 1 Q1 rax:~uu-ttu-zur~u ZQ' rNlBLTC DRMYAIE: . 70 7FD ~AS~r Jl? ~' YACATiD rAx /~e.as-of-~.~ ~ouvac wsr ,~roozazz3s iTtACr 1-A7 P.B, 2a PG !37 Hpr io tvv;, i~•~ G N~ ~1 ~'~~, ~• ' ~,A O a~ Z r t ~uaAMAaE r 1 ~e ,~ ~ rAx ~eao,~-a-zs ,nwFS It. Mc4ua~R ~ ~ ~ t ,~ ,~~r' Oo°~i1aa rr ~~ ~ t ,, ,~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~~ ~(' ' Af~HN ~' ~~ 1~ sf~~G' ¢ ~~ a N@>Fs ~1 _o~ ~~ ~ ~r r~x ~o3-oi-~ JAYES R WNXER ar- rta~nra« uc swsr. aoost~7 1RACT t-A P:dv 1:7, PG 138 ~` IV~A~C~El4(~ O~ , ~~~ ~~ ~~:~~~' ORAAYAQE (' ~ ~eit~iV1aJT PLAT SNON?NG NEW . 2b' PiTBI.IC DRAINAGE EASEMENT anfo rN~ VACa rroN of: A Z5',PU$L,tC ,DRAINAGE EASEMENT r. TMlS PUT 1s BA9ED ON ~ ClpkEQPT AEiD suR~r. CRaSS1NG TKE PROPERTY OF z .nT~ Pry o~ n~s.PUr Js.~ a~A>awc A +~r JAhfES R. 1fALKER OF ROANOKE, LLC 2d' ~ EAl11ENS' AND ilk VAGfE AN CRtS~ZS' Mr~-C DMtAMPArti ~IGVr QW.1: SITUATED ALONG U. S. RiE 220 d: x ARANAOE EASG~V1i 51i0MV 18RllOR nuu,t ~ wnVAiAr VA. SE'C RTE .,766 AUpUrAMfD' CAVE SPRING MACfS7ERfAt afSTRICT ~ nYS PrAr NNS PRCPAIm NHf#OUT 1-r~ ~JIE'flr GF A CI~JT ntLe epoartr ANO nor wAr E,JOSr:EASraSavrs ROAN@ll'R COUNTY, y1RGINU a~ ~ ~IAr Afi~Cr rflE J~lOPERTY Igor dNi01W -+~ow. DATE ~ APRIL 8, 2uo~ LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. scALB~. I;NGINEERS-SURVEYORS-PLANNERS ~~ ~ too' VIRGINIA ROAN014E coww. J4a~ , o~-~~o 4664 BRAhhHLETON AVENUE PHONE: (540J 774~94t1 CAOD FA.F.+ P.O. BOXZ0669 FAX: 1540} »Y-4145 FV001\OL1T0\9UR\01710EA9E~DW0 ROANOKE, YIRpN1A 24016 E'1vWi: MNf~LVMSPENPGCOM r. ~~~ 1ME~N 23' 1"ir19R.JC rose sar7 JJNE eEnRtNC asrA tJ L3 4' L4 ' 4d' f'U~JIC DAANYAC~ } ~ EA~VT 7U ~ VAC:AIL4~ .'LT4~ SO,Ff. uNE ~~ e~AnJrvc. , . asr !Jl N Jd 27'43' w 3230' L6 N 'f ' 4 ' ! ~• w ' Le ' as tx~uc aRawao~ eAS~+rr Tt:16~ YACAT~ J,d213 9q~f'I L-NE ~ eEARJNC rxsTANCE 9 " !to X4'4 ` w ' LJJ ' !J2 '4 ' ' -3 A ,..,. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE 051303-8 DECLARING A PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR THE SALE OF SAME; NAMELY THE WESTERN HILLS WELL LOT, TAX MAP NO. 68.17-2-17, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property, having been made available for other public uses before permitting disposition by sale, is hereby declared to be surplus. 2. That an advertisement for bids for the sale of this surplus real estate and notice of public hearing was advertised in the Roanoke Times & World News on April 17 and April 20, 2003; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on April 22, 2003, and the second reading was held on May 13, 2003, concerning the disposition of the following parcel of real estate identified as follows: Western Hills Well Lot, 3559 Overbrook Drive Lot 11A, Block 2, Section 1, Western Hills Tax Map No. 68.17-2-17 4. That offers for said properties having been received, the offer of Calvert L. Saunders and Patricia G. Saunders to purchase this property for the sum of $41,000.00 is hereby accepted. 5. That the purchase price for the property will be paid upon delivery of a deed therefor and all proceeds from the sale of this real estate will be deposited into the water fund in accordance with the trust agreements of the 1991 water revenue bonds. 6. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the sale of said property, all of which will be on form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this ordinance will be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation 2 .~ o ~ `n `' .. ~~ ~ C~ "~i ~ ~ 261.70 _ --- ~ r;l'' ~ ~~'_ ~Z. 195 ~ II My ~~ s!, ono o i~~/ r- n I o ~~~ ~o ~ ~`s Chelsea S~ 45~`~ ~ ~9 ~ ~ ~ 77.23 ~ S j ~ _,. ~ tSdy M ~ M i t; ^ 195 o~ O I~ ~~` ~2 N O C~ ~ " ~ o co 220 ,n ~ ~ I s~ ~ ,`',~ ~ I a~- 1 ~ ~ o ~- ^ ~, ' 3 ~ : N °o `~ 28 ~ ~ M o r ~. _ o, I •-, 220 , '~ ~ ~ I `O w ~ d' I ~' "~ ~ I ~>_ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ Nm ~? _, ~ ~I M' `° 253.41 i._.'' ~ , r ~ ri d' O ~., 220 ~~ O N d{ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~, ' °o ~ 1 "~i ~ ~ 223.79 i N ~I ~. ~ I C I i I 1' M~ ~ N ~ 7 ) N s ~ ,,.,' w ~ ~ ~~ h o I ~ . ,,`} 220 ~ °o ~^ ~ ~ d' ~_..~ ~ N I . ~...~ 'r ~; b CrJ I ~ ` I 194.17 ro f,..`> d I ~ mN rn ~ I ~ ~ ~ 220 ~ , ~ o h ~t`I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ C ~ r ~ ~ ° ~ ~ O ~ 0 164.55 wj i a }~ ~ ~ I ^I rn ! ""~ v cfl ~ ~ .--a N 220 ;~ ~ ~x ~ N JI h "~ ° ~ ~ I r ~ ~ I ~ v o 153.93 ~ ~o ~~{{pp 0 ~ z 220 ~ ~ ° ~ d' °~ o I ~ n ~ °o ~I ~ 150 ~ >~'n ~ 90 ~ •- i arr I M'~~ ~ "~ 220 ~ I ^ /c ^ ,,~ n z~.g h I ~ 1^~ ~ I, ^ u, _ ~ ~ ~ 220 ~ "-~ ~-~ ^= N C0I ,~~ ^ ~~".~ Sd ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ^ ~ Ie X53 ;~ ~ M ~ ~~- ~ •- 214.31 ^ y,,' p o Q ~~ Qj ~ I ~~ hoW °o ;' ~ `. a "~i `~ 220 ~ e~' 1 ° 207.32 '',~ y` ,~ 11 ~- ~ I + i ti I I > ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~T - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance declaring a parcel of real estate to be surplus and accepting an offer for the sale of same; namely, the Western Hills Well Lot, Tax Map. No. 68.17-2-17, Windsor Hills Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~ ~~"'~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This is the second reading of an ordinance to sell a surplus well lot, in response to the receipt of an offer for same. The Board of Supervisors has received an offer to purchase a County well lot. The identity of the offeror and the amount, terms or conditions of the offer or bid will be kept confidential until the second reading. At second reading the Board may accept the best offer received or reject all offers. The County received two offers to purchase a parcel of real estate identified as "Western Hills Well Lot" -Tax Map Parcel No. 68.17-20-17. Advertisement for bids for the sale of this surplus property and a notice of the public hearing were published in The Roanoke Times on April 17 and April 20, 2003. Notices will be mailed to the adjoining property owners and a sign will be posted on the property. FISCAL IMPACTS: The proceeds from the sale of this real estate will be deposited into the water fund in accordance with the trust agreements of the 1991 water revenue bonds. 1 ~~ I STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance at second reading. G-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE DECLARING A PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR THE SALE OF SAME; NAMELY THE WESTERN HILLS WELL LOT, TAX MAP NO. 68.17-2-17, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property, having been made available for other public uses before permitting disposition by sale, is hereby declared to be surplus. 2. That an advertisement for bids for the sale of this surplus real estate and notice of public hearing was advertised in the Roanoke Times & World News on April 17 and April 20, 2003; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on April 22, 2003, and the second reading was held on May 13, 2003, concerning the disposition of the following parcel of real estate identified as follows: Western Hills Well Lot, 3559 Overbrook Drive Lot 11A, Block 2, Section 1, Western Hills Tax Map No. 68.17-2-17 4. That offers for said properties having been received, the offer of Calvert L. Saunders and Patricia G. Saunders to purchase this property for the sum of $41,000.00 is hereby accepted. 5. That the purchase price for the property will be paid upon delivery of a deed therefor and all proceeds from the sale of this real estate will be deposited into the waterfund in accordance with the trust agreements of the 1991 water revenue bonds. 6. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby G~~ authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the sale of said property, all of which will be on form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this ordinance will be effective on and from the date of its adoption. i• rn N` ~ "~ ~ ~ 26 71.0 ____- .n ~ t N cic ~ ` Q,N I( Sti ~t~ ~'~Z r ~ ~~'~~ " ~2E 195 ~ - Mg ~3~_ Mg 1 B~ o~ v o ~g~ ~. ~, I ~ ~, 'Chelsea ~ ~ ~ ,, 6w 45 ~cD ;~ _. `9 ~ ~~77.23 I ~ ~ ~' 195 ~ ~ "~ M M o cfl 220 ~p I ~c, ^ ~I v~ I r ~ ~ `~ p '~ i `'~ o n 1 ~ 283 ~ 3 ~' rv o 1. ~L rn z ~`~ II ~ ~~ v~ ~ ~ ~a 220 `D n ~ o O o 1 ~~ o ~ ~ ~~ I i ~ ~I ~ ~ 253.41 's ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ rn _~ ` , K 220 ^ o N d+ i ~ `. ~~ 223.79 ~; ~ ~ oo ~ C~\2i ~ fir) I ~ ~~~ ~ ~ I ~ OI t~ ~ N `"~ _ n N ~ v: h o I ~ _ 220 r\ °o "' c° ' d' ~' ,~ co ~ I "~ i I 194.17 _ ', O r.,~ ~~ '-~ cur-' N L ', r ~ ~ c-~~ II O ~r n `- r ~ 220 cO o ~ ~ '-~ c~ co o v `~_ I ^ '~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I .~ ~ l ~i c C~2 '~ O ~ ° h C~2 I "~ O ''~ 164.55 ! ,~ ~ I co ° J S-~ c° ° a, `~ ~ ~ '~ ~ 220 c.~ ~ ~ _ ~ j ~~ a ~ _ o OI ~ ~ ~ M n `i ~ Cat i ~ ~ ~ 153.93 . mss: ~, ° ~ ', 2zo ~ ,' i ° ~ ~ ~ o '' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i o "~ C0~21 ~ 150 o ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ Ic ~~ ~ "~ 220 ~ ~S. ~ ~~ ^ i ~,, cti o ~ ~ I oi' ~b ~ OJ I h ~ ~; ~ i b J ~' ~ ~ ~~'~ it ~ ~ ~,o h ~ ~ I ^~ ° A"~~ ~ ' -- ~r;a 220 ~, t ` _ c? `` ":~ ~" ~ ~ ': crnv ~ I ~ ~ ., ~`s3 ' ~ h ~~.", O ~ ~ ~ L5~' ~ C~ .--I ,' r ", _ ~, ~ '' ~ 214.31 vv{{} ~ ~ z} ~ ~~N oo ~^ ~ li o Q ~' I -~ h a; ~ Qp ° V 6~ `'~ ~o, . N ,~~ `~ ~ 220 r e I ,o 207.32 I I I ~ ~ ~,,, '1 ~~a`o AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE 051303-9 APPROVING THE RESIDENTIAL LEASE TO CLINT AND SANDY LAWRENCE OF THE LOG CABIN LYING GENERALLY IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PROPERTY (TAX MAP NO. 54.00-1-2) IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is the owner of a tract of land containing 457.60 acres, and being located in the Catawba Magisterial District and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No.54.00-1-2, which is being developed for economic development purposes as the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance 031098-7, the Board of Supervisors authorized the continued rental of the three residences on the property until such time as construction would begin and require termination; and WHEREAS, the leases for 5365 Glenmary Drive and 5393 Glenmary Drive were terminated by the County, effective November 1, 1999, to permit commencement of construction and, WHEREAS, the log cabin at 4958 Glenmary Drive had been rented until recently; and WHEREAS, it would serve the public interest for the County to have the log cabin occupied and maintained until such time as all or portions thereof may be needed for economic development purposes; and, WHEREAS, on December 2, 1997, the Board authorized creation of a self- balancing account entitled Glenn Mary Capital Account for acceptance of rent payments and expenditure of the funds on maintenance of the property; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition or conveyance of an interest in real estate, including leases, shall be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 22, 2003 and the second reading was held on May 13, 2003. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement with Clint and Sandy Lawrence for the log cabin residence having the address of 4958 Glenvar Heights Boulevard, from June 1, 2003, to May 31, 2004, thereafter continuing on a month-to-month basis, for a monthly rental of $600.00 to be paid into the Glenn Mary Capital Account. 2. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is authorized to execute said lease agreement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such further actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A COPY TESTE: ~11~t11, S~i~( ~~ ~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File 2 Anne Marie Green, Director, General Services Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~T - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Second reading of an ordinance approving a residential lease at the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology. SUBMITTED BY: Anne Marie Green Director of General Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ~~~ SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors acquired four dwellings as part of the transaction for the property for the Center for Research and Technology (CRT). Three of the houses have been demolished, but the fourth house, a log cabin, has been rented out until recently. The cabin is located on Glenvar Heights Boulevard, at the far southeast corner of the property, and the area behind it provides access to the CRT site in case of emergency. Since the last tenant moved out, there has been evidence of poaching activity on the CRT site, as well as a break-in at the cabin. Staff believes that it is important to keep the cabin occupied, which will increase security at the back entrance of the property. The cabin was advertised for rent in the Roanoke Times and applications were reviewed by staff in the General Services Department. Based on a variety of factors including rental and employment history, ability to maintain the surrounding grounds, and number of occupants, staff recommends that the cabin be leased to Clint and Sandy Lawrence. In order to maintain upkeep at the cabin, the rental income in the past has been placed in a special fund. This has worked well, and the fund was recently used to prepare the house for new occupants. Because the well may have to be replaced in the near future and a connection made to County sewer, staff recommends that this funding mechanism be continued. ~_a FISCAL IMPACT: The cabin will rent for $600/month or $7,200/year. This money will replenish the maintenance account for the facility and provide for future needs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt the ordinance renting the log cabin at CRT to Clint and Sandy Lawrence. G-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 ORDINANCE APPROVING THE RESIDENTIAL LEASE TO CLINT AND SANDY LAWRENCE OF THE LOG CABIN LYING GENERALLY IN THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PROPERTY (TAX MAP NO. 54.00-1-2) IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OWNED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is the owner of a tract of land containing 457.60 acres, and being located in the Catawba Magisterial District and designated on the Roanoke County Land Records as Tax Map No.54.00-1-2, which is being developed for economic development purposes as the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance 031098-7, the Board of Supervisors authorized the continued rental of the three residences on the property until such time as construction would begin and require termination; and WHEREAS, the leases for 5365 Glenmary Drive and 5393 Glenmary Drive were terminated by the County, effective November 1, 1999, to permit commencement of construction and, WHEREAS, the log cabin at 4958 Glenmary Drive had been rented until recently; and WHEREAS, it would serve the public interest for the County to have the log cabin occupied and maintained until such time as all or portions thereof may be needed for economic development purposes; and, WHEREAS, on December 2, 1997, the Board authorized creation of a self- balancing account entitled Glenn Mary Capital Account for acceptance of rent payments and expenditure of the funds on maintenance of the property; and, ~-a WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition or conveyance of an interest in real estate, including leases, shall be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 22, 2003 and the second reading was held on May 13, 2003. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement with Clint and Sandy Lawrence for the log cabin residence having the address of 4958 Glenvar Heights Boulevard, from June 1, 2003, to May 31, 2004, thereafter continuing on a month-to-month basis, for a monthly rental of $600.00 to be paid into the Glenn Mary Capital Account. 2. That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator is authorized to execute said lease agreement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke and to execute such other documents and take such further actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions approved by the County Attorney. 3. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ I -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. COMMISSION FOR SENIOR AND CHALLENGED CITIZENS (Appointed by District) Marie Papp, representing the Hollins District, has resigned from the Commission. Members of the commission are looking for a citizen to fill this vacancy and will make a recommendation. There is no term limit for this appointment. 2. LIBRARY BOARD (Appointed by District) Mr. David Smith, who represented the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, recently resigned. Mr. Smith passed away on April 10, 2003. This four-year term will expire December 31, 2003. Ms. Sheryl Ricci, a resident in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, has been contacted and indicated that she would be willing to serve. ~" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION 051303-10 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 13, 2003 designated as Item I -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -April 15 and 22, 2003 2. Resolution of appreciation to Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department for service and dedication upon its 60th anniversary 3. Resolution of appreciation to the Cave Spring Rescue Squad for their service to the community and in celebration of their 45th anniversary 4. Request to appropriate $305,000 for public assistance programs in the Department of Social Services 5. Request to accept Bradford Circle into the State Secondary System 6. Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Miller's Landing, Hollins Magisterial District 7. Request to accept Aarons Run Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System 8. Request to accept Kings Crest Drive, Fieldgate Road, and Avalon Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required bylaw to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant 1 to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora cc: A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Betty R. McCrary, Director, Social Services Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance John M. Chambliss, Assistant Administrator Rick Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development 2 ri April 15, 2003 331 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 April 15, 2003 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being an adjourned meeting from April 8, 2003, for the purpose of a work session and action item on intersection improvements at Indian Grave Road and Route 220. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice-Chairman Richard C. Flora, Supervisors Michael W. Altizer, Joseph B. "Butch" Church, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Diane S. Childers, Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Hodge added a closed session pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. April 15, 2003 333 Mr. Covey reported that VDOT has indicated that the County funds spent to date on the engineering, environmental and surveying may be eligible for reimbursement. Therefore, if the Board agrees to move forward with the 4-way intersection, staff will be requesting the Board at the April 22, 2003 meeting to amend the Six Year Secondary Construction Plan for FY 2003-2009 and the allocation of funds for FY 2003-2004 to reallocate $430,000 from the Buck Mountain Road project to the Indian Grave Road project. This adjustment was not made earlier because it appeared the 3-way intersection improvement was the only alternative. Supervisor Flora questioned whether there would be any appreciable difference in the amount recoverable from VDOT with the 3-way vs. the 4-way intersection. Mr. Covey indicated that if the 3-way alternative is selected, VDOT will reduce some of the reimbursement for engineering costs. Supervisor Church indicated if the difference is $103,000 between the 3- way and 4-way intersection alternatives, then the choice seems obvious. He confirmed with Mr. Covey that staff feels confident in the accuracy of these, numbers. In response to a question from Supervisor McNamara, Mr. Covey indicated that with the 4-way intersection alternative, an additional $300,000 will need to be reallocated from the Buck Mountain Road project to the Indian Grave Road project. This will require an amendment to the Six-Year Secondary Construction Plan. April 15, 2003 335 investment of taxpayer dollars. In discussions with Mr. Covey, it was noted that the $388,424 in additional costs for contingencies may potentially be reduced further by utilizing County staff. If this is the case, the $103,075 difference would be even less. Supervisor Altizer stated that today's action could facilitate development of the property sooner and indicated that if the Board fails to act, there is no guarantee of future donations of easements or funds for construction. He stated that good stewardship involves the wise investment of taxpayer dollars and that support of the 4-way intersection will generate revenues sooner. Supervisor McNamara stated that the Board should realize that this is a $.1.7 million investment plus the $300,000 in engineering costs which are not reflected on the spreadsheets being reviewed. There is $2 million being invested in this project, and he indicated that the Board should keep this in mind in terms of incentives for this property. He stated that the Board is providing greater incentive for this property than had originally been anticipated when an economic development prospect existed. Supervisor Minnix stated that everything is relative and the Board must evaluate each project based on its merits and the information available at the time. Supervisor Church again voiced his support for the 4-way intersection and questioned what the difference is between the 3-way and 4-way intersection. Mr. Covey stated that it is $103,075 but that this does not include the $300,000 in engineering costs. These costs would be incurred regardless of whether a 3-way or 4-way April 15, 2003 337 (a) Acceptance of the offer of Vine & Branch to contribute $75,000 and the offer of Wray and Jackson to contribute $75,000 fora total of $150,000 to be appropriated to this project. (b) Property owners on the east side of Route 220 to donate the necessary rights-of- ways and easements prior to executing the 4-way contract with Allegheny Construction Company. (c) Reaffirming Resolution 111902-10 approving aCounty-State agreement with VDOT for construction of a 4-way intersection. (d) Reaffirming the previous appropriations for this project. (e) Consider amending the April 8, 2003 resolution for the Six Year Secondary Construction Plan for FY 2003-2009 and the allocation of funds for FY 2003-2004 to show the reallocation of $430,000 from the Buck Mountain Road to the Indian Grave Road project on April 22, 2003. (f) Rescind the March 11, 2003 Board action for the 3-way intersection upon Roanoke County receiving items a and b. There was no discussion on this matter. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 5:34 p.m., Chairman McNamara moved to go into closed meeting pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None Submitted by: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board April 15, 2003 Approved by: Joseph P. McNamara Chairman 339 ri April 22, 2003 341 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 April 22, 2003 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the fourth Tuesday and the second regularly scheduled meeting of the month of April, 2003. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to order at 3:01 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice-Chairman Richard C. Flora, Supervisors Michael W. Altizer, Joseph B. "Butch" Church, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk to the Board; John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Reverend Gregg Breisch, Youth Minister at Penn Forest Christian Church, Roanoke, Virginia. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS April 22, 2003 343 driving ranges and running/throwing/marching space. Funding of $1.5 million is necessary for these improvements and she believes that through contributions from CSHS alumni, businesses, grants and other revenue sources, this project can be successful and will benefit the school, the community and the County. The 8-lane track will enable the County to hold district, regional and state meets which will have an economic impact. It will also provide additional playing fields for the Commonwealth Games and the Roanoke County Parks, Recreation & Tourism Department. Mr. Lawrence presented the Board with a series of photographs showing the deteriorating conditions of the track facilities at the high school. He advised that he and five to seven other individuals plan to run from San Francisco to Roanoke starting May 5. He introduced Will Stuart, who will be one of the runners, and advised that they will run about 45 miles per day for 74 days with each athlete running about 10 to 15 miles per day. He thanked the Board for being allowed to make his presentation and asked the Board for their financial, spiritual and moral contributions. In response to Supervisor Minnix's inquiry about the County matching whatever funds are raised, Mr. Hodge advised that he believes that the limit on matching funds is $50,000 per year but he is not sure of the amount per project. Supervisor Minnix asked for unanimous consent from the Board to donate $10,000 to this project. Chairman McNamara advised that is a request for an appropriation and the matter should be considered at another time. Supervisor Minnix advised that he wanted to get the Board members' approval of the contribution on the record at this time. April 22, 2003 345 ` and $6 million was contributed to the schools debt service. In addition, $419,182 out of $700,000 was used from the reserves which were set aside last year for non-recurring capital items. Mr. Hodge reported on the highlights of the proposed budget as follows: Public Safety: He advised that since public safety was a priority, Fire & Rescue personnel were increased by ten and the deputies in the Sheriff's Office by four. He reported that the user fees, which helped to fund the increases in public safety, personnel were: $345,000 rescue fees, $120,000 Sheriffs jail booking fees, and $160,000 Sheriff's Conviction Fees. He pointed out that in addition to the personnel for Fire & Rescue, $130,000 was included as the County's share of debt service for the new SPCA, a regional program between the County, City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, and County of Botetourt. Community Development: He advised that $200,000 was included to begin storm water management and a fleet replacement program has also begun. He advised that tipping fees for garbage disposal will increase for fiscal year 2003-2004 with $120,000 allocated to the Solid Waste Collection budget. Other: He expressed appreciation to the Board for their support of the information technology upgrade. Many of the County's hardware and software systems have become outdated and must be replaced. He noted that $1,000,000 has been allocated to upgrade these systems. Employee Benefits: He advised that the health care increases this year were much less than in the past and that some good cost control mechanisms are now in April 22, 2003 34,7 given its teachers a raise. He was complimentary of many County departments including Fire & Rescue, Police, Parks & Recreation, General Services, and Schools Supervisor Church advised that he agreed with Supervisor Minnix's comments and thanked the County and School staffs and the citizens who allow the Board to use their money. He agreed that the process this year was much improved from previous years and that the preliminary work done was beneficial. He advised that the cultural, tourism, and human services agencies did not get all of the funds they requested but the Board tried to accommodate them as much as possible. He agreed that the CIP projects need to be addressed. Supervisor Altizer expressed his appreciation to all of the people involved with the budget process. He advised that he was pleased that the budget included raises for the County and School employees. The budget is a reflection of the things that the Board was able to do and not a reflection of things they were not able to do. During a very difficult budget year, the County and Schools accomplished more than he thought they were going to be able to do and he was pleased that everyone worked together. Chairman McNamara advised that the Board is not being asked to adopt the budget at this time. There is a public hearing tonight for citizens' comments and the Board has scheduled an afternoon work session to finalize the allocations to the agency requests for funding in the budget. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS April 22, 2003 349 Deputy Superintendent, Dr. Tom Hall, Assistant Superintendent, and Dr. Lorraine Lange, Assistant Superintendent, were present and that the Board and School Board work together for the good of the County. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve the staff recommendation to approve and adopt the School Board budget for the fiscal year 2003-2004. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 2. Request for approval of Roanoke Regional Air ort Commission budget for fiscal near 2003-2004. Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer: Jacqueline Shuck, Executive Director, Roanoke Regional Air ont R-042203-2 Ms. Hyatt advised that the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission is required to submit their budget to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke City Council for approval before it can be formally adopted by the Commission. The Board has a copy of the budget and the Airport Commission is self supporting and does not require any additional contribution from the County. She advised that Ms. Jacqueline Shuck, Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, was present to present the highlights of the budget. April 22, 2003 351 RESOLUTION 042203-2 APPROVING THE ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION BUDGET FOR FY 2003- 2004, UPON CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Section 24.B of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission Act and Section 17.(a) of the contract between the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, and the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission provide that the Commission shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County and City Council of the City; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 12, 2003, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk to the Board, the Executive Director of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission has submitted a request that the County approve the FY 2003-2004 budget of the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that the FY 2003-2004 budget and proposed capital expenditures for the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission as set forth in the March 12, 2003, report of the Commission Executive Director, a copy of which is incorporated by reference herein, is hereby APPROVED, and the County Administrator and the Clerk are authorized to execute and attest, respectively, on behalf of the County, any documentation, in form approved by the County Attorney, necessary to evidence said approval. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 3. Request for approval of Roanoke Valley Resource Authority RVRA budget for fiscal year 2003-2004. Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer: John Hubbard. Chief Executive Officer, RVRA) R-042203-3 Ms. Hyatt reported that on March 26, 2003, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) adopted an operating budget for the year ended June 30, 2004. As specified in the RVRA's Members Use Agreement, the Charter Member Users must now ratify this budget. The RVRA's budget impacts the County in several ways: (1) April 22, 2003 353 and he inquired about the debt status. Mr. Hubbard advised that the debt runs through 2012 and $2.7 million is a significant portion of the $8 million budget. Several years ago, they did refinance several bonds that could be refunded and the debt was reduced about $200,000 a year. At this time, there are no additional bonds that can be refunded and this debt will remain until 2012. Supervisor McNamara stated that in 2012 the landfill will still have a large capacity, they will have no debt service, and the rates will be very attractive. Mr. Hubbard advised that it has been their goal during the past five years to avoid any additional borrowing. An expansion might be necessary over the next three or four years but this can be funded without additional borrowing. Supervisor Church moved to adopt the resolution approving the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority budget for the year ended June 30, 2004. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 042203-3 APPROVING THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY BUDGET FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2004 WHEREAS, Section 5.9 of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement provides that the Authority shall prepare and submit its operating budget for the forthcoming fiscal year to the Board of Supervisors of the County, the City Council of the City of Roanoke, and the Town Council of the Town of Vinton; and WHEREAS, by report dated March 31, 2003, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Board, the Chairman of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority April 22, 2003 355 Family Residential District in order to construct multi-family dwellin gs located at 1400 Hardy Road, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the p etition of Develop ment 8~ Design, LLC. IN RE: FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. First reading of ordinance approving a residential lease at the Roanoke County Center for Research and Technology, Catawba Magisterial District. Anne Marie Green. Director of General Services Ms. Green reported that County acquired four dwellings as part of the transaction for the property for the Center for Research and Technology (CRT). Three of the houses have been demolished, but the fourth house, a log cabin, has been rented out until recently. The cabin is located on Glenvar Heights Boulevard and the area behind it provides access to the CRT site in case of emergency. Since the last tenant moved out about three months ago, there has been evidence of poaching activity on the CRT site, as well as a break-in at the cabin. Staff believes that it is important to keep the cabin occupied, which will increase security at the back entrance of the property. Ms. Green advised that the cabin was advertised for rent in the Roanoke Times and applications were reviewed by staff in the General Services Department. Based on a variety of factors including rental and employment history, ability to maintain the surrounding grounds, and number of occupants, staff recommends that the cabin be leased to Clint and Sandy Lawrence. In order to maintain upkeep at the cabin, the rental income in the past has been placed in a special fund. This has worked well, and April 22, 2003 357 RESOLUTION 042203-4 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J -CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for April 22, 2003 designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 10, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -April 8, 2003 2. Ratification of appointment to the League of Older Americans Advisory Board and confirmation of appointment to the League of Older Americans Advisory Council 3. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Thomas C. Fuqua, Fire & Rescue Department, after twenty-six years of service 4. Request to accept grant in the amount of $32,409.50 from the Virginia Department of Health for the purchase of an ambulance 5. Request to accept and appropriate E-rate reimbursements in the amount of $47,478 6. Request to accept and appropriate regional technology education grant in the amount of $636,563 7. Request to accept Winnbrook Drive and Winnbrook Court into the State Secondary System 8. Request for approval of 1998 Utility Billing bad debt write-off 9. Request to amend the Secondary System Six-Year Construction Plan for fiscal year 2003 through 2009 and the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2003- 2004. 10. Acceptance of donation of variable width water line easement from Rapidan Mill Works. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 042203-4.b EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY April 22, 2003 359 WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 042203-4.h AMENDING RESOLUTION 040803-3 APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE SIX-YEAR SECONDARY SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION PLAN FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR FISCAL YEARS 2003-2009 AND THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2003-2004 WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on March 25, 2003 to receive comments on the adoption of the Secondary Road System Six-Year Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2003-2009; and the adoption of the funding for Fiscal Years 2003-2004; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 040803-3 adopted on April 8, 2003, the Board of Supervisors approved and adopted the Six-Year Secondary System Construction Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2003-2009 and the allocations for Fiscal Years 2003-2004; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors on April 15, 2003 approved the reallocation of a portion of Fiscal Year 2003-2004 Six Year Secondary Construction funds from the April 22, 2003 361 4. Future Capital Proiects 5. Statement of Expenditures and Estimated and Actual Revenues for the month ended March 2003 6. Proclamations signed ~ the Chairman 7. Report of claims activity for the Self-Insurance Program for the ep riod ended March 31' 2003 8. Statement of the Treasurer's accountability der, investment and portfolio oq IICY as of March 31, 2003 IN RE: CLOSED MEETING At 4:10 p.m., Supervisor McNamara moved to go into Closed Meeting pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (7) consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff pertaining to water and sewer authority. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: CLOSED MEETING The closed meeting was held from 4:10 p.m. until 4:40 p.m. IN RE: WORK SESSIONS (4T" FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM) - 4:30 P.M. April 22, 2003 363 It was the consensus of the Board to move forward with Option #1 at a cost of $1,445,626 using existing County funds. Supervisor Minnix suggested that any rental income from the property be used to reimburse the capital fund. Supervisor Altizer expressed his concerns about what might be found under the building. Ms. Green was asked to determine if the property next door, which is owned by the City of Salem, could be used for additional parking. There was discussion concerning the condition of the Guy House which is located near the Sheriff's Office. It was the consensus of the Board that the roof on the Guy House would be replaced as part of this project IN RE: ABSENCE Supervisor Minnix left the meeting at 5:40 p.m. IN RE: WORK SESSION 2. Work session to discuss final fiscal near 03-04 budget including contributions to organizations. Brent Robertson. Bud et Director The work session was held from 6:00 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Mr. Robertson asked the Board members to review and finalize all agency requests for funding in the 2003-2004 budget. He distributed a list of the organizations showing fiscal year 2001- 2002 payments, fiscal year 2002-2003 approved amounts, fiscal year 2003-2004 requests and the amounts that each supervisor suggested for funding. After discussion of each organization's request and the suggested funding amounts, the Board members April 22, 2003 365 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the Resolution and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Public hearing to receive written or oral comments concerningt the proposed annual budget for fiscal near 2003-2004 and the fiscal year 2004-2008 Capital Improvement Program. Brent Robertson, Budget Director Mr. Robertson advised that this time has been set aside to receive written and oral comments from the public concerning the proposed budget for fiscal year 2003-2004 and the fiscal year 2004-2008 Capital Improvement Program. A summary of the proposed budget was advertised in the Roanoke Times on April 15, 2003, and the information previously discussed with the Board concerning the proposed budget was distributed to all Roanoke County libraries. The total Roanoke County budget including the school system is $294,703,181, and the total without transfers is $215,216,967. Mr. Horace McPherson, 3561 Forester Road, speaking on behalf of the Greenwood Forest Subdivision, presented a petition asking that the County request the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to include in their 2003 schedule the resurfacing of the roads in the Greenwood Forest Subdivision which are Wedgewood April 22, 2003 367 Spectrum Design to prepare architectural and engineering plans and bid documents for renovation of the entire building. On March 10, 2003, the lowest responsive bid was received from Loeb Construction in the amount of $1,555,910. County staff met with representatives from Spectrum and Loeb Construction, and made changes in the specifications to reduce the bid price to $1,445,626 for the entire project. The Court Services Unit and the Sheriff's Office which are located in the Courthouse complex, both have inadequate space and the facility has become outdated for their operations since the Courthouse was built in 1984. By moving these two offices to the Salem Office Supply Building, space will be freed up in the Courthouse to allow additional storage for the Circuit Court Clerk's Office and parking spaces where the current Sheriff s Office building is located. Ms. Green advised that the costs and financing options were discussed in the work session held earlier and she described the two financing options as follows: (1) Use existing funds which consist of $788,031 from the current Salem Office Supply budget and office renovation budget for Probation; $75,000 from an account set aside for Tanglewood Mall; $285,000 in unappropriated funds from the 1993 General Obligation Bonds projects; and $296,000 to be appropriated from the Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance. (2) Finance the renovations through the Industrial Development Authority with either aten-year or fifteen-year payback. Ms. Hyatt has estimated that the fifteen-year payback would be $93,000 annually which would increase the cost of the project by $395,000. Staff recommends that the Board accept April 22, 2003 369 of the ordinance on May 13, 2003, he will furnish details concerning the names and amounts of offers that have been received. There was no discussion and no citizens present to speak on this matter. Supervisor McNamara moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading for May 13, 2003. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Second reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoninct Ordinance Section 30-93 Sictns upon the etition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Postponed until May 27, 2003 ~ the Planning Commission Chairman McNamara noted that this item has been postponed until May 27, 2003 by the Planning Commission. 2. Second reading of an ordinance extending the franchise of CoxCom, Inc. to o erate a cable television system in Roanoke County fora ep riod of six months. Paul Mahoney, Countv Attorne 0-042203-7 April 22, 2003 371 cable television services to customers of Cox Cable for the operation of a cable television system within Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby extended for a period of six (6) months beginning at 12:00, midnight, on May 1, 2003, under the same terms and conditions as contained in the existing franchise agreement originally granted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to Cox Cable, in Ordinance 42391- 15, adopted April 23, 1991; and 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from its passage. On motion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 3. Second reading of an ordinance to vacate a op rtion of a sanita sewer easement crossing Lot 3 Section No. 4 "Orchard Park", Hollins Magisterial District. Community Development) 0-042203-8 Arnold Covey, Director of Mr. George Simpson, Assistant Director of Community Development, advised that Mr. Covey was on vacation, and that there have been no changes since the first reading of this ordinance. There was no discussion and no citizens present to speak on this matter. Supervisor Flora moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ORDINANCE 042203-8 AUTHORIZING THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ON LOT 3 (TAX MAP NO. 40.05-8-03), OWNED BY TIMOTHY B. BOITNOTT, April 22, 2003 373 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on. and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with §15.2-2272.2 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 4. Second reading of an ordinance to rezone 22.743 acres from AR Agricultural Residential District to R-1 Low Density Residential District with conditions for the development of single family housing located at Virginia Secondary Route 688 Cotton Hill Road and Raintree Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. upon the etition of Cotton Hill Land Company, LC. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner 0-042203-9 Ms. Scheid reported that this petition was heard by the Planning Commission on June 5, 2002, and received an unfavorable recommendation at that time. On January 28, 2003, the Board returned the petition to the Planning Commission and a hearing was held by the Planning Commission on April 1, 2003. The original petition which was denied by the Planning Commission was to rezone 22.743 acres from AR to R-1 with the following conditions: (1) There would be no driveways on ` Cotton Hill Road. (2) There would be one entrance to the subdivision. (3) The property April 22, 2003 375 recorded among the land records of Roanoke County covenants which prohibit future owners of any lots from removing any tree that measures 3 inches or greater in diameter at a height of 4 feet above the ground as long as said tree is healthy. Said covenants shall further include provisions establishing an Architectural Review Committee which shall be charged with the responsibility of reviewing requests of future owners to change the existing landscaping and grounds on any lot once the lot has been developed and has a home constructed on that lot. Said Architectural Review Committee shall prohibit the removal of any trees 3 inches or greater in diameter at a height of 4 feet above the ground unless the removal of such tree is in the interest of safety as determined by the Architectural Review Committee. (4) No driveways for lots will be permitted on Cotton Hill Road, Raintree Road or Sylvan Brook Road. (5) The property will be accessed by a single entrance from Cotton Hill Road at a location to be approved by VDOT. (6) Developer agrees to dedicate in fee simple to VDOT all property necessary for the improvements to Cotton Hill Road up to a maximum amount as shown on the plan dated March 26, 2003, or such lesser amount as may be agreed upon between the developer and VDOT. (7) Designated areas along Raintree and Sylvan Brook Road, as shown on the plan shall be left in their natural, undisturbed state. (8) A water line easement shall be provided through the property to Sylvan Brook Road. The Developer shall install a water line within said easement and place a fire hydrant at Sylvan Brook Road in a location to be approved by the Roanoke County Fire Department. Developer shall plant trees within the area where trees of any substance April 22, 2003 377 be allowed. Ms. Scheid advised that in summary, there are problems with sight distance on Cotton Hill Road and that probably not all seven driveways could be constructed. (2) Traffic study at the intersection of Cotton Hill Road and Rt. 221: The County requested that VDOT study this intersection and VDOT reports that today's traffic, as well as projected traffic, does not justify a traffic signal. (3) Right-of Way Required for Improvements to Cotton Hill Road: VDOT has done a preliminary design for this section of Cotton Hill Road, indicating proposed right-of-way needed for the road improvements. She advised that the petitioners have agreed as a proffer to give the right-of-way that is necessary for improvements to Cotton Hill Road unless a lesser amount can be negotiated with VDOT. (4) Speed Limit Study on Cotton Hill Road: VDOT has completed this study and reports that there is no justification to change the speed limit which is currently 55 mph for automobiles and 45 for trucks. (5) Methods to Ensure That New Homebuyers Know What School Their Children Will be Attending: The best method for doing this is to have the school attendance zone indicated on the property sales contract. It was felt that this information, which is subject to change, should not be placed on a property deed that is recorded. The realtors in the area have advised Ms. Scheid that they are aware of the school districts and this information is also on the Roanoke County School website. April 22, 2003 37g and to have the entrance line up with Monet Drive. He advised that it was unfortunate that they did not solicit input from the community, and it was an incorrect assumption on their part that there would be no opposition. As a result of listening to the comments from citizens asking to substantially alter the original request, they asked the Board in January, 2003, to send the request back to the Planning Commission. Prior to the Planning Commission meeting, they held community meetings and received valuable input that was incorporated in a compromise plan. Mr. Boone advised that at the Planning Commission meeting in April, 2003, they presented the compromise plan and proffers. He advised that they should not have gone forward with the initial rezoning request for 62 lots on property that would support 39 under its current zoning. They subsequently modified the density of the development to 44 homes to support the additional expense that the development plan would require since they have proffered that all of the residences will be developed off one interior road system. By doing this as opposed to utilizing external streets that exist, a great deal of road and infrastructure work has to be done. He feels that this plan is a combination of what will work financially for the petitioners and address the concerns of the surrounding community. Mr. Boone advised that there has been a lot of justified discussion about traffic on Cotton Hill Road, and the petitioners believe that this plan will reduce the dangers by containing all of the homes with one means of ingress and egress. The petitioners do not want to develop under AR zoning because of the required amount of April 22, 2003 38 copies of Mr. Creekmore's letter were distributed earlier to the Board members for their review. Chairman McNamara advised that a group of citizens requested to yield their time to Ms. Pam Berberich. He advised that after consulting with staff and the other Board members, he would allow Ms. Berberich sufficient time to make her presentation since the petitioner was allowed time for a presentation. He verified that Robert Jessup, Mary Shipp, Kathy Lawson, John Carson, Jamie Carson and Katharine Shank were yielding their time. No response was received when Katharine Shank's name was read. Ms. Pam Berberich, 6679 Mallard Lake Court, President of the Homeowners Association of Mallard Lake, advised that many people are opposed to the rezoning and that there are no citizens speaking in favor of the rezoning. This rezoning is significant due to four reasons: (1) Cotton Hill Road, (2) schools, (3) the Blue Ridge Parkway and (4) quality of life. She advised that this rezoning is contradictory to the Roanoke County Community Plan and that the infrastructure cannot support this development. She stated that Cotton Hill Road cannot handle the traffic that it has now and it has been on the County's Six-Year Construction Plan since 1996. It is currently 6th out of 19 projects with a scheduled completion date in June, 2008. The amount currently funded is $792,000 with a total of $5 million needed. Ms. Berberich advised that the Community Plan states that the impact of every new development upon the School system needs to be evaluated and this has not April 22, 2003 383 materials and color selection. She advised that when she questioned Ms. Scheid about this agreement, she was advised that it was open to interpretation. Ms. Berberich advised that Scenic America, a national organization dedicated to protecting natural beauty and distinct community character, has declared the 28 miles of the Parkway through Roanoke as a Last Chance Landscape. The houses in the Groves subdivision and on Cotton Hill Road are of concern to the National Park Service as part of this Last Change Landscape. She was concerned about the petitioners' credibility since they did not follow the agreements and plans for the Groves subdivision when it was developed. She believes that the plan originally submitted under the AR zoning was not realistic and the petitioners could have 39 homes in AR zoning with one road. She advised that the citizens she was speaking for and those that she had already spoken to are opposed to this rezoning. The Community Plan for Back Creek states that the rural character associated with this area is an important quality to protect and preserve and that a low density of single family homes in the Back Creek Community is to be maintained. This rezoning is at variance with the Community Plan that many citizens worked to complete in 1998. This would set a precedence to allow another developer in this area to ask for a similar rezoning of increased density. Mr. Steve Burak, 5832 Kirk Lane, advised that he was opposed to the rezoning from AR to R-1 primarily because of statements already made by Ms. Berberich. The residents are opposed to this and he has talked to no one in favor of it. The developers are in this area for a short time and they buy, build and bolt, leaving April 22, 2003 38rJ brought to the Board's attention repeatedly. If the Community Plan is to be trusted, the long-term impact of this rezoning on the citizens needs to be considered. Supervisor Minnix advised that it is difficult to balance the needs of the community and the developers, but it is essential that the County continue to grow. The Community Plan has been changed many times and sometimes it is not adhered to because as the core of the community begins to build and expand, it has to become denser. He advised that the choice is to either rezone the property to R-1 with one road coming out of the subdivision or deny the rezoning with the property remaining AR and VDOT will make the final decisions. Once the Board approves the AR zoning, it has no control over how many driveways can be placed on Cotton Hill Road or how the petitioners can develop the project. The proffers are a way to neutralize the concerns of the citizens about the project and he elaborated on the benefits of the individual proffers. If the Board approves this rezoning with the proffers, he asked that Mr. Hodge have staff mark the trees that are to be saved. Supervisor Church advised that he voted not to send this back to the Planning Commission because this would set a precedent for other developers to request a similar action. He advised that there are two options which are to leave the property AR or to approve the R-1 zoning with the extra five houses. This has been a difficult situation and neither decision will be popular with everyone. He has reservations about the future development of the County and he still feels that this April 22, 2003 387 Supervisor Church advised that he would like to find some way to have VDOT review the speed limits on certain roads such as Cotton Hill Road and Carvins Cove Road in his area. This is a vote that he will not enjoy making because he is not sure that there are any real winners here. Supervisor Altizer advised that he has already communicated to the petitioners that he was not pleased with the process and their handling of this project. It is certain that either 39 or 44 homes will be built and he felt that the proffers are tangible and can be enforced. He advised that he would support the rezoning project because of these protections. He advised that involving the community in the early stages does a lot to increase credibility between builders, homeowners and the Board members, and he hopes that this lesson has been learned. Supervisor McNamara advised that this project is drastically different than the initial project and he supported sending the project to the Planning Commission. He did not want to evaluate a different project without the benefit of the Planning Commission's expertise and community meetings. He did not think this was unprecedented because in the past, the Board has allowed petitions to be delayed and returned to the Planning Commission for review at the request of the Planning Commission or the petitioners. When property is zoned AR and a rezoning is required, the Board has an opportunity to protect the interests of the citizens and they have some leverage to create a better project. If this property was zoned R-1 to begin with, the Board would have no input. He felt that the Board has always taken a conservative April 22, 2003 389 22.743 acres, as described herein, and located at VA. Secondary Route 688 (Cotton Hill Road) and Raintree Road (Tax Map Number 96.02-1-33) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of AR, Agricultural Residential District, to the zoning classification of R-1, Low Density Residential District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Cotton Hill Land Company, LC. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: 1. Development of the property will be limited to forty-four (44) lots in substantial conformity with the plan entitled "Hampshire Prepared for Cotton Hill Land Co., LC" by Lumsden Associates, P.C. under date of January 8, 2003, entitled "Layout With New Proffers for Revised Rezoning Request"; provided, however, that should VDOT require the entrance to be relocated, the internal street pattern may be adjusted to provide for forty-four (44) lots. 2. Other than as necessary for the installation of the road system within the property, the installation of utilities, storm drainage and detention basins required by the appropriate governmental officials for development of the property, and the clearing and grading for the proper use of the building sites on the lots, no trees will be removed: 3. Developer will cause to be recorded among the land records of Roanoke County covenants which prohibit future owners of any lots from removing any tree that measures 3 inches or greater in diameter at a height of 4 feet above the ground as long as said tree is healthy. Said covenants shall further include provisions establishing an Architectural Review Committee which shall be charged with the responsibility of reviewing requests of future owners to change the existing landscaping and grounds on any lot once the lot has been developed and has a home constructed on that lot. Said Architectural Review Committee shall prohibit the removal of any trees 3 inches or greater in diameter at a height of 4 feet above the ground unless the removal of such tree is in the interest of safety as determined by the Architectural Review Committee. 4. No driveways for lots will be permitted on Cotton Hill Road, Raintree Road or Sylvan Brook Road. 5. The property will be accessed by a single entrance from Cotton Hill Road at a location to be approved by VDOT. 6. Developer agrees to dedicate in fee simple to VDOT all property necessary for the improvements to Cotton Hill Road up to a maximum amount as shown on the plan dated March 26, 2003, or such lesser amount as may be agreed upon between the developer and VDOT. 7. Designated areas along Raintree and Sylvan Brook Road, as shown on the plan shall be left in their natural, undisturbed state. aprii 22, 2003 391 5. Second readin of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a used automobile dealership on .57 acres located at 406 Dexter Road, Hollins Magisterial District, upon the etp ition of Jeff Montgomery. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner 0-042203-10 Ms. Scheid stated that this petition is for a special use permit to operate a used automobile dealership. She advised that the petitioner plans to use the existing building to store and display collector automobiles for sale via the internet. The property will remain unchanged and the petitioner plans to operate entirely inside the building. This request is different from other used automobile requests since nothing will be stored outside the building and there are no outside displays. The Planning Commission approved the request with the condition that all storage and display of used automobiles and any automobile parts shall be indoors. Mr. Montgomery, 5223 Hearthstone Road, petitioner, advised that he was starting a new business called R.P.M. Motorsports and he sells collector cars via the internet. This is not a normal used car dealership and is strictly indoors to keep the cars ' out of the elements. The site will remain the same as when it was Crozier Racing and everything will be done inside. There was no discussion and no citizens present to speak on this matter. Supervisor Flora moved to approve the ordinance with the condition. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: April 22, 2003 393 6. Second readin of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a rip vats stable on 13.460 acres located at 5800 Huntridge Road. Hollins Magisterial District, upon the etp ition of Maurice Lucas. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner 0-042203-11 Ms. Scheid stated that when the petitioners purchased approximately 13 acres in 1991 they intended to build a house and stable horses since the property was zoned agricultural and rural residential designation which would allow this. However, through the 1992 comprehensive rezoning of the County, their property was rezoned to R1 and a special use permit is needed to build a stable. They plan on keeping a couple of stable horses and on weekends, they will have several horses in addition to their own. The Planning Commission approved the request with the following conditions: (1) No more than 7 horses (1 horse per 2 acres) shall be permanently housed on the property. (2) All animal grazing areas shall have sufficient ground cover to minimize storm water runoff and erosion. (3) The area for containment of the horses shall be fenced on all sides. (4) Animal waste shall be managed properly so as to not create a nuisance or health hazard to adjoining or nearby property owners. Mr. Lucas, petitioner, advised that he was present to answer any questions. There was no discussion and no citizens present to speak on this matter. Supervisor Flora moved to approve the ordinance with conditions. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: April 22, 2003 395 NAYS: None 7. Second reading of an ordinance to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct and operate a car wash located at 7005 Williamson Road, Hollins Magisterial District, u on the etition of Graham Family Limited Partnership. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner 0-042203-12 Ms. Scheid stated that this is a petition for a special use permit for an unmanned car wash at 7005 Williamson Road because it is located in a C-2 district. The Planning Commission approved the rezoning with the following conditions: (1) The site shall be developed in substantial compliance with the site plan dated March 21, 2003. (2) The site shall be developed in substantial compliance with the Williamson Road Guidelines. (3) Access shall be granted from Boxley Road (Route 1802) only and the improvements to Boxley Road shall not connect to Greenway Drive. She advised that the question about ownership of Boxley Road and whether or not the petitioner has control of the road has not been fully answered at this time. She advised that the petitioner's counsel felt comfortable going ahead with the three conditions as stated. The unmanned car wash will have to comply with all the water recycling stipulations of the Zoning Ordinance, and this project fits well in the Williamson Road corridor. Mr. Ed Natt, Attorney, advised that he was representing the Graham Family Limited Partnership, and that Mr. Graham, petitioner, and Mr. Black, who owns the lot to the rear of the property, were present. He advised that he would be glad to April 22, 2003 3g7 AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ORDINANCE 042203-12 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO THE GRAHAM FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE A CAR WASH LOCATED AT 7005 WILLIAMSON ROAD (TAX MAP N0.27.14-8-9) HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, The Graham Family Limited Partnership has filed a petition for a special use, permit to construct and operate a car wash located at 7005 Williamson Road (Tax Map No. 27.14-8-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on April 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on March 25, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on April 22, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to the Graham Family Limited Partnership to construct and operate a car wash located at 7005 Williamson Road (Tax Map No. 27.14-8-9) in the Hollins Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (5) The site shall be developed in substantial compliance with the site plan dated March 21, 2003. (6) The site shall be developed in substantial compliance with the Williamson Road Guidelines. (7) Access shall be gated allowed from Boxley Road (Route 1802) only and the improvements to Boxley Road shall not connect to Greenway Drive. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Flora to adopt the ordinance with conditions and revise Condition #3 as follows: Access shall be gr-aflte~ allowed from Boxley Road, Route .. April 22, 2003 399 Board has some control over granting the request. He would rather tighten the restrictions than loosen them. Supervisor Flora advised that he felt that personal services fit in with the other permitted commercial uses such as business or trade schools, communications services, and veterinary hospitals/clinic. There were no citizens to speak on this matter. Supervisor Flora moved to adopt the ordinance. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ORDINANCE 042203-13 AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE, SECTION 30-53, C-1 OFFICE DISTRICT, TO INCLUDE PERSONAL SERVICES AS A PERMITTED USE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 30-53 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 30-53-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards are listed in Article IV, Use and Design Standards, for those specific uses. ,~*** 4. Commercial Uses Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Communications Services Personal Services Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic **** ,~- ..----~ .. ;~.... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION 051303-10.a OF APPRECIATION TO CAVE SPRING VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR SERVICE AND DEDICATION UPON ITS 60T" ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, Roanoke County Volunteer Fire Department Company 3, Cave Spring, was founded in 1942; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department, consisting of over fifty volunteers, have provided protection for the residents and businesses of southwestern Roanoke County for over sixty years, responding to calls for all types of emergency situations; and WHEREAS, the volunteers of the Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department have assisted Roanoke County by using donations and fund raisers to help purchase trucks and state of the art equipment to better enable the department to protect the community from loss due to fire and other disasters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the Cave Spring area, does hereby extend its gratitude and appreciation to the many volunteers of the CAVE SPRING VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT on the occasion of their 60th anniversary for their service and dedication to public safety in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara ' NAYS: None 1 ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Rick Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue 2 T-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO CAVE SPRING VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR SERVICE AND DEDICATION UPON ITS 60TH ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, Roanoke County Volunteer Fire Department Company 3, Cave Spring, was founded in 1942; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department, consisting of over fifty volunteers, have provided protection for the residents and businesses of southwestern Roanoke County for over sixty years, responding to calls for all types of emergency situations; and WHEREAS, the volunteers of the Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department have assisted Roanoke County by using donations and fund raisers to help purchase trucks and state of the art equipment to better enable the department to protect the community from loss due to fire and other disasters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of the Cave Spring area, does hereby extend its gratitude and appreciation to the many volunteers of the CAVE SPRING VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT on the occasion of their 60th anniversary for their service and dedication to public safety in Roanoke County. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION 051303-10.b OF APPRECIATION TO THE CAVE SPRING RESCUE SQUAD FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AND IN CELEBRATION OF THEIR 45T" ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad's original thirteen members were sworn in on April 24, 1958, and ran their first call on May 3, 1958, at the Vinton Dogwood Festival; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad was first housed in a single car garage next to what is now the Coffee Pot Restaurant on Brambleton Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad continued to purchase rescue trucks, ambulances and equipment and their membership steadily increased as the Cave Spring area experienced rapid growth; and WHEREAS, in 1973, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad purchased the Hurst Jaws of Life hydraulic tools and was one of the first crews in the area to have this new state- of-the-art extrication tool; and WHEREAS, in 1976, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad began work on a new custom-built crash truck which was put into service in 1977 and contained a unique feature which was the power take-off winch located in the front bumper; and WHEREAS, in 1977, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad was one of the first crews in the Roanoke Valley to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS); and WHEREAS, in 1990, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad moved into their new building on Brambleton Avenue which was a joint effort between the squad and Roanoke County; and 1 .~ WHEREAS, in 1998, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad, along with Back Creek, Bent Mountain, and Clearbrook Rescue Squads implemented a Float Medic program to provide increased ALS coverage to South Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad has been responsible for helping numerous injured people and saving many lives; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad is celebrating its 45th anniversary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations and appreciation to the CAVE SPRING RESCUE SQUAD on the occasion of its 45th anniversary; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes for many years of continued service to the community. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Flora A OPY TESTE: . Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Rick Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue ~, 2 R_ --r- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION TO THE CAVE SPRING RESCUE SQUAD FOR THEIR SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AND IN CELEBRATION OF THEIR 45T" ANNIVERSARY WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad's original thirteen members were sworn in on April 24, 1958, and ran their first call on May 3, 1958, at the Vinton Dogwood Festival; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad was first housed in a single car garage next to what is now the Coffee Pot Restaurant on Brambleton Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad continued to purchase rescue trucks, ambulances and equipment and their membership steadily increased as the Cave Spring area experienced rapid growth; and WHEREAS, in 1973, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad purchased the Hurst Jaws of Life hydraulic tools and was one of the first crews in the area to have this new state- of-the-art extrication tool; and WHEREAS, in 1976, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad began work on a new custom-built crash truck which was put into service in 1977 and contained a unique feature which was the power take-off winch located in the front bumper; and WHEREAS, in 1977, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad was one of the first crews in the Roanoke Valley to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS); and WHEREAS, in 1990, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad moved into their new building on Brambleton Avenue which was a joint effort between the squad and Roanoke County; and 1 ~3 WHEREAS, in 1998, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad, along with Back Creek, Bent Mountain, and Clearbrook Rescue Squads implemented a Float Medic program to provide increased ALS coverage to South Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad has been responsible for helping numerous injured people and saving many lives; and WHEREAS, the Cave Spring Rescue Squad is celebrating its 45th anniversary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby extend its congratulations and appreciation to the CAVE SPRING RESCUE SQUAD on the occasion of its 45th anniversary; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes for many years of continued service to the community. 2 r ~ r .r- ACTION NO. A-051303-10.c ITEM NO. 1-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Appropriate $305,000 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Betty McCrary Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available an additional $130,000 for VIEW Purchase of Services and Administration and $175,000 for Aid to Families with Dependent Children -Foster Care. The Department of Social Services cannot access these funds until the County has appropriated the same. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $305,000 to the 02/03 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact; 100% state funds STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of $305,000 to the 02/03 Social Services budget for the View Purchase of Services and Administration ($130,000) and Aid to Families with r Dependent Children -Foster Care program ($175,000), and to appropriate same revenue from the State. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Betty R. McCrary, Director, Social Services Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Brent Robertson, Director, Budget John M. Chambliss, Assistant Administrator 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Appropriate $305,000 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Betty McCrary Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available an additional $130,000 for VIEW Purchase of Services and Administration and $175,000 for Aid to Families with Dependent Children -Foster Care. The Department of Social Services cannot access these funds until the County has appropriated the same. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $305,000 to the 02/03 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact; 100% state funds STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of $305,000 to the 02/03 Social Services budget for the View Purchase of Services and Administration ($130,000) and Aid to Families with Dependent Children -Foster Care program ($175,000), and to appropriate same revenue from the State. ,r..... ~y THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 13TH DAY OF MAY, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 051303-10.d REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BRADFORD CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Flora A opy Teste: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 051303-10.d adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote with Supervisor Flora absent on Tuesday, May 13, 2003. Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors T c s~ C m t U ft7 M 3 L a _a N O m L a -a c o 0 0 U a a € .C E `~ ~ O c N '` C O ~ 0 '~ ~ a ; o ~ ~ o ~ a °. . ~ ~ ~ 'o Q ~ c ~ ~ ~. O ~ ~ s . L . i ~ r ~ z9 Q < , .~ G N D C t/, > ~ N E >. 2 v O n ` m ~ ~ € ~ ~ c3 U < ~y O }- Z n ~ ~ ~ - o a o m ° m ° m ° m ~ i a a° a a a i m a a N ~ c ~ ~ a m ~ V O O ~ O O O O Yl C O ~ t~ V < V 1r g b c ~ r ~ 4 y ~¢' y m ei m m 6i a m o m c , ~ O ~ O ~ O ~ O ~ O m O v O m ra ~ ._ a ~ o d `a b o a ~ o a ~ o a ~ o o e c r a ~ o r a u`, c r a ti r a ~t r a u. r a ii r a x m ~~ ~. i '~ 7_ L •'•~sJ 'c c _ b ~ m ~Y[ U e a Z ~ N' t7 t N f0 ti n d O Z r 2 t O Z O U r= CL W V ' METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~{ .~ ~~ r/~. "~~' 1y .Q~~ TAX MAP NO 86.12 ~f err1ni ~ an SCALE: 1"=100' PLAT SHOWING Aceceptance of Bradford Place into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:_05-13-03 u { ,~. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Z-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 13, 2003 Request to accept Bradford Circle into the State Secondary System Arnold Covey Director of Community Development Elmer C. Hodge ~~f County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: B & B Builders, developers of Bradford Place, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting that they accept 0.007 miles of Bradford Circle from its intersection with Route 613 (Merriman Road) south to its cul-de-sac. Staff has inspected this road, along with representatives from VDOT, and finds the road acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the resolution requesting that VDOT accept Bradford Circle into the State Secondary System 2) Do not approve the resolution and leave Bradford Circle as a private road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the resolution accepting Bradford Circle into the State Secondary System. ,. ~' ~-LJ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 13TH DAY OF MAY, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF BRADFORD CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File c 0 T U C m S U Rf Q m Q ~ -^ m i) •+ ~ _ 1 L a 'a c o 0 0 v d ~ _ m ~ .~ E ~-' 2 O Cl '' C m O ~ y ~_ O a ~ ~ d N /~ p ~ `4+ O 4. ~ t ~ ~ 'o Q a ~ ~ ~ ^^~~~ (n ~ ~ l-~ Q ~ O ~ ~ s j ~ n ~ O_ ~ o L ~ v E: Q ~ Z ~ ~ N ~ N 0 ~ O i „; > ~ t ~ ;. z ~ U O n ~+ ~ ~ ~ m r- < U Q O r 2 n ~' _ m m ° m ~ ° ~ ° O+ ° ~ d L o d a a ° a a a a ~Cj { i ~ N ~ v 0 '$ ~ o E ~ ~ a a o 0 r t ~ (U v1 ~ 1 y --f U ~~, `~ ~ m m J ° m ° o ° ° c ° p Q r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( ,~ m a FF b U U N a F 8 ~ a FF b o Q a F b o ~ ~ a ~ c ~ S o F b o Q a {L c r 0., tL a r d {L p r d IL r d lL r C tL r a w r d cy t '°`~~ Ya U ~ 4 ~ °°~ z U ~ m o ~ Z ~ a' ~ ~ ~ .n `° b ~ o. ~ ~ F o & ~ ~ °u v ~ E ~, z ~ ~ w O ~ ~ = m ~ L < j ~ O U j L~ o ~ a i. O ° O e 7 t= $ L a U `" r LL ~ V O W ~ L U ~ E 9 c a ti ~ ~ ' O ~ 2 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A +COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. ~ ~_ tJ ~~ $ti ~~~ TAX MAP NO 86.12 ~I err1~h ~ an PLAT SHOWING Aceceptance of Bradford Place into SCALE: 1 "=100' the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:_05-13-03 ACTION NO. A-051303-10.e ITEM NO. I-6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Acceptance of Water and Sewer Facilities Serving Miller's Landing SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robertson Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Miller's Landing, Miller Perkins Corporation, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Miller's Landing subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sanitary sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates, PC entitled Miller's Landing, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $20,600.00 and $34,800.00 respectively. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Miller's Landing subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. VOTE: Supervisor McNamara motion to approve staff recommendation Motion approved Yes No Absent Mr. Flora ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Ste" _ -. ~-.__~C. _._ .....~.,~...._, ~ _ ,, . ,~ ..,, ~y .. -~, ~^ ,. > > •~ --~~ ,~~,~? fib' ~~ ,~ °~". ~ s -/' ;..j~F ~l~ } •. `7`7 t k' _ Ul a ~• . ,, 1. _, ' - ..-_..' X69 s 1 !,' v7 n ~, ~~1 , ,W ; ~ `;`-~ ~ ~~--1 ~.~ ~ ; 8 Sasvtary Sewer . y~ # n ~ '~~ i I,R N',~hi D ~~ `~' W o ~ ~ `~. ~ " `~' ',O ? ~~4•v ~ /,,~~ ~~ ';ro ~~+'~ /„rJ ~,~1 ,01°~ ,%~ ' /f Z ~'L _D ~~ ,~~ +~ ~ n ~7 t ft' C^, 4 \ }~> ~ h (~-'' v't' ~ i t" r 1 ~ . ~'Y6'- , .:~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ I~,r / by 4 ~+- ~~ ~~y~ I ~ ` } ~ 1 ~' ' i';. ~t7~ QJ ~''\ \ \Jr;1 `rs.-,.~`_'t~. ~. /""' 6» Water ; %~ v r~ ~ ~ ~ / /; 1 ~ ~ ~\ ~, ~ O~; ~` ht', !~ ~ ti ~, ~D l ,, .i~ r~, `~' I h~~r . ~., Ary ~/ .~:, ~-;,,8„ Sanitary Sewer ~ ~ ~~°~~, , ~~- f ; ~J ~ ~!'~G~J~'i~~ 3-r'- r~ ~ -\ ~ t~,/ C'° `ate ~, ':. ~ ~ ~~ ^ - r .. % V w. ! r G0. / i , la~~ . F~®AN~7~ CE3UNTY • • UTILITY IJJEPAR'TlI~NT .~, 1VIiller's Landing Acceptance of Water and S . -tart' SewerFacilities •~ r ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Z-(~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 13, 2003 Acceptance of Water and Sewer Facilities Serving Miller's Landing Gary Robertson Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Miller's Landing, Miller Perkins Corporation, have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Miller's Landing subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sanitary sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates, PC entitled Miller's Landing, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $20,600.00 and $34,800.00 respectively. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Miller's Landing subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. `^. "iJ ~! '.V G~`^V ~•~~ ~y •~ v ,. `', 8. G. _ ~. ~ ~ '^~ ~ - :` ~ d ~.~~ ~ .0• r } o - ~,t ~ 81-:7 i..j ,eS'6bF '~" Ol- ~.. ,r ~ J "' ;, ~a. r, ~ e h c~j. - F r ..~ a~tr, ~ ~, , ~ -. `: .c %. %~ ~u''„, ! t .~~'~ •~.,~~ ASV Y _a _ ~- ~ , . •'~ nq ~• / c L~ ~.. I -`'~._-:! ~ :'' 8" Sanitary Sewer ~. ~ ' ,G'~? ~~ ~; ~ ~~ ~ ~ L a ; I +D ~~' .c~s~ ~y~• "~ i• X5,1 / ~1'~/ ~' ~'l'~'L ~~ M~ ~~'.O ( ~~.~. ~ ~ ,~ 0 f 'o~04•V ` % , ~s~ `L ~'~'~ /'%rr ^ iD~O` ~/ ~ //~ ~r~ ~ C ,/: ~ •1\ ~ l~ .~;" ~ '~ ~. ~/a `~'~. ~.' 6" Water ;r ~c~,~ '''''o' / +~ ~ ` i 1 ~n7. c ~ `/''..•"F~ ~ '~.p ~..~j=.' :. ~ /,,, ~e~~ ~ t~';/ ~- 8» jx7at ~~ \ ~' ~, ' ~ 8" Sanitary Sewer / ~ •"'°,~,, ~ I Iii --~, ~. r.~'~,. ~- h '.~ _ ''~-- ' l r, •. t `\ .,+ ~ 'yam'{ s. .~ ,,` ~ i~' ,;, v'~ _~_ f' ~,~ -f~, .f ~.\~!•~t /L'.-~0 .' y/,may o ~ , ; CL~ ~. •L~~, ~~ . wm 1~ -'~~ ~, ~+- .~ ~;' ti~ J. .t`'zti`~-L~/--._~_~ ' ~ • ~j rrte,r, \, ~.._._r_y - ~ T~®A.N®KE CC3UNTY UTILITY DEPARTME1vT ;l Miller's Landing Acceptance of Water and Sanitary Sewer Facilities ,:r„ ;, ~. . o °" ~~} ~- THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 13T" DAY OF MAY, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 051303-10.f REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF AARONS RUN CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Flora A Copy Teste: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 051303-10.f adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote with Supervisor Flora absent on Tuesday, May 13, 2003. Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors J ~~ 0 E s U Q 4 s .. N i• • ~9 O a ~rr ~~ i TQ ~ V ^ Q ~ ~ 3 0 O e L a ; i Q 9 a ~ ~ C O ~ a Y ~ r .ten O -° ~ F- ~ O ^ L ~ u E Q < Z 01+ y O a 4'~ i Y. Y c ~ :> oZo ~ ~ U O '' n L.. P 5 ~ ~ ~ {' ~ O O m 8 z 5 's a ~= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 O a° a° 0 a ~ ~ a ~ ~ a ~ a a CS e a 0 ~`a ~ c N ~ _C ~ ~ ~ 9m 0 ` bF O O Y C ~O C a V Q s < Q r & 2 H ~ ~ e e o e e o m i ~ 0 0 0° 0 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ 8 ~ ~ j b ~ 5 b $ ~ b i a a a b a ~ `a ~ a ~ o a ~ c a a c r a LL c r ~ ~i ~°- a u`. ~°- a u`. f°- a u`. r a ii r a '. v V h ~ ~ . z ~ i O O r N •. l7 I~ f h m ti K Z i i u i O O 0 m 0 a C r ~ z w: ~ ~ U o < ~ r a r ~ a O e p a U r u ~ n W U E t u 9 n ~~ PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIPTION: AARONS RUN CIRCLE LENGTH: 0.15 MI. RIGHT OF WAY: 40 FT. PAVEMENT WIDTH: 28 FT. SERVICE: 11 HOMES OANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WALKERS MEADOW Acceptance of Aarons Run Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. .~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. Z ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 13, 2003 Request to accept Aarons Run Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. Arnold Covey Director of Community Development Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Fralin and Waldron, Inc., the developer of Walkers Meadow, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting that they accept 0.15 mi. of Aarons Run Circle from the intersection of Wildwood Road northwest to its cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected this road, along with representatives of VDOT, and finds the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the resolution requesting that VDOT accept Aarons Run Circle into the State Secondary System 2. Do not approve the resolution and leave Aarons Run Circle a private road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative #1. .~ ~7 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 13T" DAY OF MAY, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF AARONS RUN CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: _ Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File C m E s U U Q 0 P~ ~A ~_ E e .Sr i a S s m '~ f}~~d 10~ 3 o ~ o U ~, O , u .O O _ ~ O L ~ V Z O ti 0 ~ s Y, ~' C a Q 5 ~ ~ ~_ ~ U Q Q m _8 O N Z ~ _ i r 3 . ~ ~ ~ r e o a o a a ~ a° a ~ o° a e a o o a m 0 a 0 e N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ C 4 S ~ 4 & ~ ~ ~ ~ O O O O O O ~ a _ ~ ~ o 8 ~ ~ r - e e o m o 0 o h m O O ~ D D O O c C ~ ~ O ~ c ~ C ~ d ~ O ~ ~ ~ Y. F- a lL C H ~L l`L C F- d tL C -- S LL. O H d li C H 1 LL. C F- d U x 0 V D 3 J L ~ V $ o b ~ L.. h $ ~ V ; N ~ a S 2 ~ C a a Z ~ N' l7 I f 1f1 O h b Z Z w. U H Z 0 v e U ~~ v PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY DESCRIl'TION: AARONS RUN CIRCLE LENGTH: 0.15 MI. RIGHT OF WAY: 40 FT. PAVEMENT WIDTH: 28 FT. SERVICE: 11 HOMES ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WALKERS MEADOW Acceptance of Aarons Run Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. ..... THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 13T" DAY OF MAY, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 051303-10.g REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF KINGS CREST DRIVE, FIELDGATE ROAD AND AVALON CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Reauirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Reauired Yeas: Supervisors Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None Absent: Supervisor Flora A Copy Teste: Diane S. Chi ders Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 051303-10.g adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote with Supervisor Flora absent on Tuesday, May 13, 2003. Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors N l J m E L U Q M a 1 8 -~ 4 ~ .~ E .. ~ .6 C1 ~" C Q ~ 3 0 Q ~... O ~ P o ~ ~ d a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ V ~ ~ C iCO.. e C ~ ~ s ~ N =_ ~ p s ~'n F= ~ o Q = m U ~ y4 e3 Q ~ Z M a ~ a o n O Q v; > s ~ ~ E :.:::>>:»:>:: O '^ o ~. Q ci J O QO 1 fi ~ O 4 p N <~ p O Q a 8 O H 2 Y a 3= ~ v ~ ~ ~ r ~ s a a° o w a° ~ a a° ~ a a° e m a° m a° m m a m a a n, w N d ~ ~ 4 ~ ~ Q 0 0` ~' ~ -~ g. ~ © y ` ) ~., a a m 3 e o ~, ~ v 1 ~ 0 o ~ N o o e 0 e 0 e 0° o o m c ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a '~ v Y ~ ~ •• ~ Y Y Y ~ Y ~ e F F 0 FF 0 0 ~ c a ~ c a ~ o o FF b c o o > ~ lL c F- a lL c F- ZL tL 0 H d LL H O. LL. F d lL F- d {L H 6. ~ 0 a i `o ~ r S ° L b y L (~ V O N ~ "' p ~ z Q~ C b 0) CS 7 ~ a a z ~ N. ~ m ~ m z ~~ 0 'o O O 0 a z ~ ~: U O < ~ ~ O { ~- a O e Z n O o < ~ v ° n c W '- .c1 U ~ _\.)} U n c ~ 9 OANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT KINGS CREST SECTION 1 Acceptance of Kings Crest Dr., Fieldgate Rd., & Avalon Cr. into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ -8 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 13, 2003 Request to accept Kings Crest Drive, Fieldgate Road and Avalon Circle into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System Arnold Covey Director of Community Development Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Fralin and Waldron, Inc., the developer of Kings Crest Sect. 1 requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting that they accept 0.08 mi. of Kings Crest Drive from the intersection of Wildwood Road north to Fieldgate Road; 0.15 mi. of Fieldgate Road from its intersection with Kings Crest Drive north to its cul-de-sac; and 0.02 mi. of Avalon Circle from its intersection with Fieldgate Road east to its cul-de-sac. The staff has inspected these roads, along with representatives of VDOT, and finds the roads acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the resolution requesting that VDOT accept Kings Crest Drive, Fieldgate Road and Avalon Circle into the State Secondary System. 2. Do not approve the resolution and leave the roads privately maintained. ~,g STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Kings Crest Drive, Fieldgate Road and Avalon Circle into the Secondary Road System. r-~ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 13T" DAY OF MAY, 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF KINGS CREST DRIVE, FIELDGATE ROAD AND AVALON CIRCLE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: _ Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File N) F t U a e N O 0 W p Z ~~ y In ~J m a 0 8 m N O ~ .~ E ~. ~ C ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ 3 O Q ""' ~ p O 8 o ~ a ~ ~ ~ a ~, ~ v ~ '~ c ~ ~ O ~ Y j N L ~ O y ~ N f= ~ o ~ t mC V C Q < z M D a D t ~ '~I .~ C1 v: ~' s C~lJ 2 O Y {++ O O S ~ ~ 5 QO ~ O N <~ O ~ a p z 5 r 3= a ~ ~ ~ ~ r r ~` o e m ~ o ~ ~ ° o ~ o m m a° a° a° a i a a °a a c .a N N N ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r s ~ ~ ~ ~ -° , ~ a = ~- _ N N ~ r~. O ` V ~ e ~ o Y e o O a G b o V V o a o a a ~ ~ ( ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2i .3 Y .~ ~ Y •` ~ Y Y Y Y Y e ~ a ~ c e ~ e `a ~ o a ~ c a FF 0 o a FF b a e u. r a ~ r ~ u`. r a ~L -- s ~ r a S r d ii r a , i j b i H 6 L V ~. C ~ ~ O Z Q ~ N' A r 1A m A e U r O 2 O i U C U ~~ I 1~ ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT KINGS CREST SECTION 1 Acceptance of Kings Crest Dr., Fieldgate Rd., & Avalon Cr. into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. ~J GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Balance at June 30, 2002 Amount of General Fund Revenues 6.93% July 1, 2002 Explore Park Loan Repayment $9,070,656 $25,000 Balance at May 13, 2003 $9,095,656 6.95%~ Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above $9,095,656 $9,095,656 6.95%~ Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 2002 - 2003 General Fund Revenues $130,889,561 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $8,180,598 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator "C~ CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Balance at June 30, 2002 $1,380,050.57 Remaining funds from completed projects at June 30, 2002 9,020.97 Amounts used in 2002-2003 original budget: IT Infrastructure Upgrades (500,000.00) Stormwater Management-NPDES (200,000.00) Virginia Western Community College Site Preparation (32,267.00) Close out of completed 1993 GO Bond subfund 285,963.02 4/22/2003 Renovations to Salem Office Supply Building (582,595.00) Balance at May 13, 2003 $360,172.56 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator ~'~ " RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2002-2003 Original Budget $100,000.00 August 13, 2002 Special Assistant for Legislative Relations (18,000.00) January 14, 2003 Consultant for Roanoke Regional Airport Alliance (12,500.00) Balance at May 13, 2003 $69,500.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator ~' FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-1997 debt budget Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund FY1997-1998 Original budget appropriation Savings from 1997-1998 debt fund FY1998-1999 Original budget appropriation FY1999-2000 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Savings from 1998-1999 debt fund FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service FY 2001-2002 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Savings from 2001-02 debt fund FY 2002-2003 Original budget appropriation Less increase in debt service Balance at May 13 , 2003 Reserved for Future School Ooerations FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation July 11, 2000 SW Co Regional Stormwater FY2001-2002 Original budget appropriation July 1, 2001 School Budgeted Start-Up Costs HVHS/Glenvar Middle July 1, 2002 School Budgeted Start-Up Costs HVHS/Glenvar Middle July 1, 2002 Transfer to Operating in original 2002-03 Budget Balance at May 13 , 2003 $670,000.00 1,113,043.00 2,000,000.00 321,772.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000 (1,219,855) 2,000,000 (1,801,579) 2,000,000 (348,806) (116,594) 2,000,000 780,145.00 495,363.00 198,421.00 1,534,600.00 _.(2,592,125) (592,125.00) $8,521,219.00 $1,500,000.00 (290,000.00) 1,500,000.00 (1,858,135.00) (35,047.00) (566,818.00) 250,000.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~'/~ County Administrator ACTION NO. May 13, 2003 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Accounts Paid -March 2003 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance ITEM NO. M -~ Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Total Payments to Vendors $ - $ - $ 3,783,465.46 Payroll 3/14/03 760,901.33 136,956.95 897,858.28 Payroll 3/28/03 776,733.83 144,914.29 921,648.12 Manual Checks - 846.30 846.30 Voids - - - Grand Total $ 5,603,818.16 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. " W _ o 0 N r c .. c, Q CC .~ .~ L ti O A O ~i O A C 7 O V 0. M N o N N { ~y N 7 C d > a CQ u d .Q C '~ d CC ~' i:+ W O C Y 67 CC ~ V1 _O ~--~ ~--~ 00 [~ D\ M N O D\ r W 00 00 ~ ~ h D\ --~ N O ~ O oo --~ vl n ~ N N D\ O '!1 O d ~ O M ~ [~ [~ M M ~ v1 00 ~ v'i ~ ~ ~ M ~ 'n r ~ O~ V l~ O V ~O v1 v'1 vi ~O 7 O O O O A d O '~1 N V'1 ~fl l~ V1 W D\ M M ~ ~ W V) ~O ~--~ ~D '/~ M l~ '!1 00 '~ V'1 ~ V'1 O M O h M ~ M ~ ,a 7 c ~ V'1 .-. O ~O V l~ [~ O V M l~ 01 ~ ~ ~ ~ oo [~ ~ O V l~ N W O M ~ ~ •-~ D\ n ~ 00 4l ~ ~ e 'fl .-. ,-. .-. N ~-- ~ ~Y O --~ ~ O ~ y ~i ca O a, ' O R N O ~ ~n ~ N N O o0 n O [~ U M O~ M ~O oo 'n N T O o0 ~D [~ N '~ 01 M 00 M~ M M N '/1 O N~~ 7 00 ~ V M N O O~ p~ 0~ M O M p~ M O~~ 'n N 01 O ~~,,~ O W N ~ O •--~ •--~ b O O 7 00 01 ~O oo l~ ~ ~ n V'1 ~ ~ ~ .--~ N W ~ ~ M a1 n M D1 ~ ~ d AO [~ O~ N V 7 V V1 O M V1 N o0 ~D ~O N ~ ~ ~ ~--~ .--. M N --~ oo N ~ a, N ~ ~ a, h ~ oo O~ l~ 00 N ~--~ M N ~ N ~ N 7 h ^ N M ,-. V O o0 pp V .-. [~ M ~ O N ~/1 ~ ~O Y ~ O [~ ~ ~--~ M v'1 M \O ,--~ M N V1 ,-. [~ V ~ ~. 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N Q~ 7 l~ l~ V~ ^" ~° ~O 7 L U ~ ° ~ ~ a ~ U ~ C ° o y ~ aroi ~ ~ - a, ~ ~ U ro „ C ~ , , a3 ~ O O v ~ a, ~ on ' .y'' N ~ ° c ~ C C ~ ~ ~ ~" C Y ~ ~ ~ a ~ cd ~ ~ W w L ~ o ° ~ N C Ri W O °~ ? Q . ~ a i w v ° ' G' F. [~ ea a3 ~ c ~ ~ ~ V ~, U ~ a U ~ ° z ~ ~° F" X ~ ~ ~ 0. ~ ~~ . ~ ~i °' ~ ~ ~ a U O O . c i c 0.. a U c n. U W U c W Ll ~ H ~' ~ ~ ~ , .. '~ N M O O O O O O O N M V ~O [~ oo .--~ N O O ~D ~O ~O 0 0 0 [~ l~ l~ l~ O O O O 00 W 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O p r O H C R L C7 m-e t ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER M -'r1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, V HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Po April 30, 2003. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: BANKERS ACCEPTANCE: SUNTRUST CAP 1,220,509.49 1,220,509.49 CASH INVESTMENT:: ALEXANDER KEY -LIR 9,547.99 9,547.99 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSITS: SOUTHWEST VIRGINIA SAVINGS & LOAN 100,000.00 100,000.00 COMMERICAL PAPER: EVERGREEN 1,991,597.12 SUNTRUST -CAP 798,206.89 2,789,804.01 CORPORATE BONDS EVERGREEN 1,412,192.85 PAINE-WEBBER -LIR 219,622.92 1,631,815.77 GOVERNMENT: ALEXANDER KEY 9,000,000.00 ALEXANDER KEY -Sub Acct 3,927,547.50 EVERGREEN 8,905,453.01 SUNTRUST -CAP 6,491,355.99 28,324,356.50 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION {G.O.) 8,978,419.85 8,978,419.85 MONEY MARKET: ALEXANDER KEY -LIR EVERGREEN FIRST UNION 3, 085, 218.36 {324,755.37) 2, 289, 303.06 1 oft ~. r ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, V HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: May 13, 2003. AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Po Aprii 30, 2003. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: BANKERS ACCEPTANCE: ALEXANDER KEY -Sub Acct 372,392.50 SUNTRUST -CAP 6,581,030.45 SUNTRUST -SWEEP 2,810,968.09 14,814,157.09 REPURCHASE AGREEMENT: 1,155,352.00 1,155,352.00 EVERGREEN TOTAL 59, 023, 962.70 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Respectfully Submitted by I ~~~ Alfr`e C. Anderson County Treasurer Approved by: Elmer C. Hodge Courty Administrator 2of2 ~° Lee B. Eddy 2211 Pommel Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Tel/Fax: 540/774-2930 MEMORANDUM To: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Date: April 23, 2003 Subject: Monthly Meeting - 4/22/03 Clean Valley Council Board of Directors This is a brief summary of the meeting of the Clean Valley Council Board of Directors held Tuesday, April 22, 2003, at the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority offices in Roanoke. Executive Director Ann Masters reported that the Council's finances were on track. She stated that a letter had been received from the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority to the effect their contribution to the Council in FY2004 would be the same as it was in FY2003. She also expressed pleasure that state litter funds were not eliminated by the 2003 General Assembly or by action of the Governor. Educator Bonny Branch reported on her activities from March 26th through April 22nd. See the attached "EdReport". She said all area localities except Salem had authorized the stencil painting of storm drain structures with wording to the effect they drain to the river. Administrative Assistant Norma Kinnick reported that 73 groups and 1609 people had participated in Clean Valley Day cleanup activities. She said a total of 125 tons of trash had been collected, substantially exceeding the goal of 100 tons. She also expressed pleasure at the good news coverage. After discussion the board authorized the development of a legal agreement under which the CVC staff would provide limited financial services for one year for Project Impact, which does not yet have 501(c)3 tax exempt status. Board member Rich Maxwell, an attorney, will prepare a document for board approval in May. I will be pleased to respond to any questions. `~, ~ A' M-8 I»-~ EdReport April. Mar. 2aQ3 Educe#ion Report (Mar. 2fi~'- April 22"d) Total S#udents: 2135 Programs: 68 CVC 2 Puppets with Pizzazz Schools: West Salem Burlington Glenvar High#and Park Fairrriew Magnet Back Creek Oakgrove Ft. Lewis Baptist PS Penn Forest Buchanan Hurt Park Wasena New Vista Montessori Forest Park Mountain Vew Roanoke Valley Montessori Colonial Eagle Rock Glen Cove Monterey Con~esponding Gov't or Priva#e: City - 20 County - 24 Salem 4 s Priva#e -- 3 Botetourt - 22 Ma#erials Dis#,: Stickers - 491 Lunch bags - 1 t71 Pencils -- 441 Rulers -145 Erasers - 351 Back pack tags -1 ~8 Frisbees - 49 B. Branch 4f22f03 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 13, 2003 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke , County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. =Doug G~hittum - 0806767.DOC Page 1 5/5/03 WRH DRAFT THIS AGREEMENT made as of this _ day of May, 2003, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereafter (the "Countyn), the INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA (hereinafter referred to as (the "Authority"); and FINK'S JEWELERS, INC., a Virginia corporation, hereinafter (the "Companyu) WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia, desire to promote and encourage the economic development and vitality of Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley through the recruitment of new business for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley, in order to provide for increased employment and corporate investment in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Company desires to relocate its corporate headquarters with its 40 employees from downtown Roanoke City (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, the County and the Authority desire that the Company will create high quality employment opportunities for the citizens of the Roanoke Valley by the development of this Project which will promote economic development and generate new tax revenues for Roanoke County; and I:\DOCS\KEMPER\032950\OOWO-01 WGREE\0806767.DOC {RKE# 0806767.DOC-], 032950--00000-0] } 1 Doug G~hittum - 0806767.DOC Page 2 WHEREAS, the Company has contracted to acquire a 1.284 acre tract of real estate ("the Property°), which will be subdivided from an 11.89 acre tract of real estate (Tax Map Parcel No. ); and WHEREAS, this increased employment and investment constitutes a valid public purpose for the expenditure of public funds. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to accomplish the following: 1. Site development by the Company.. A. The Company will cause the following improvements to be made, subject to customary approvals by the County: (1) Construct a 12,000 square foot two-story office building with retail operations on the Property, install new and relocated equipment and provide employment. Company shall complete construction as evidenced by the issuance of a certificate of occupancy within eighteen (18) months of this Agreement. This Project will result in an initial minimum investment by the Company of $2,800,000 in improvements, including site development costs, building, equipment and related construction costs. (2) Install off-site public infrastructure improvements, including (i) new entrance to "the Property° including acceleration and deceleration traffic lanes on {RKE# 0806767.DOC-1, 032950-00000-01 } I:\DOCS\KEMPERW32950\OOQ00-01\AGREE\080fi767.DOC 2 Doug ~hittum - 0806767.DOC Page 3 Route 419 (Electric Road), (ii) extension of 750 feet of water, and 75 feet of sewer lines, to the Property, (iii) new entrance along with modifications required by the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Transportation, to the Rt. 419 cross-over, (iv) storm water management and drainage improvements, and (v) ancillary engineering, metering and connection fees. B. These off-site public infrastructure improvements totaling approximately $214,562 will benefit not only the Company's development, but also the remaining acreage in the newly subdivided parcel for future development. 2. Procedures for the reimbursement of Authority funds to the Comaany. A. The County shall appropriate a sum sufficient to the Authority as an Economic Development Incentive Grant to fulfill the purposes of this Agreement. This sum sufficient amount shall be equivalent to two years of new local tax revenues ("new local tax revenues" means local real estate taxes, business personal property taxes, local sales tax, and license fees or taxes) generated by this Project, less any local tax revenues lost or reduced by the closure of any existing facilities of the Company within the County. The Economic Development Incentive Grant shall not exceed $150,000. The Authority, upon receipt of the appropriation of funds from the County, will award an economic development incentive grant to the Company for the 1:1DOCS\KEMPERW32950\00000-d1 WGREE10806767.DOC {RKE# 0806767.DOC-1, 032950-00000-01 }3 Doug Chittum - 0806767.DQC Page 4 construction of its public infrastructure improvements and facilities, and new employment benefiting the Property. Payments shall be made in two (2) annual installments. Such payments will be made over a tvw (2) year period in accordance with this Agreement six (6) months after an occupancy permit is issued for the Project and after the inspection and acceptance thereof by the County and/or the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Company shall provide such employment, financial and tax revenue data as may be reasonably required by the Authority so that the Authority may calculate the reimbursement within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year. The Authority shall pay such amount within thirty (30) days after receipt by the Authority of the data. 1. B. The obligations of the parties to this Agreement are subject to the condition that the Company shall have consummated the acquisition of the Property. If the Company terminates this Project or fails to complete the improvements for the Project described in paragraph 1.A within eighteen months of the date of this Agreement, then the Authority shall be relieved of any obligation to the Company for any economic development incentive grant. 3. The Company shall have the right to assign this Agreement to a separate entity provided that any such assignment shall not relieve the Company of its obligations herein. {RKE# 0806769.DOC-], 032950-00000-01 } 1:\DOCS\KEMPE R1032950\00000-01 \AC3 REE\080fi7fi7.DOC 4 Doug ~hittum - 0806767.DOC Page 5 4. If any party is unable to perform its commitments under this Agreement by reason of force majeure, then that parry shall not be deemed to be in default of its obligations under this Agreement, and any deadlines for the performance of its obligations shall be extended for a time equal to the time period of the force majeure event, plus ten days. The term "force majeure° as used herein shall include without limitation acts of god: hurricanes, floods, fire, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms; strikes or other industrial disturbances; acts of public enemies; orders of governmental authorities; insurrections; riots; epidemics; acts of third parties, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers; or any cause or event not reasonably within the control of that party. 5. This Agreement shall be governed by and all disputes related hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. 6. This Agreement and any payments of public funds from public funds is subject to future appropriations by the Board of Supervisors to the Authority. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Agreement the day and year first above written. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA By: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator I:\DOCS\KEMPER\032950\00000-01 WGREE\0806767.DOC {RKE# 0806767.DOC-l, 032950-00000-01 }5 ~D~oug Chittum - 0806767.DOC Page 6 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY By: Chairman Seen: County Attorney STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of May, 2003, by Elmer C. Hodge, Jr., on behalf of the Board of Supervisors for Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My Commission expires: / / STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of May, 2003, by Chaim~an of the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia. {RKE# 0806767.DOC-1, 032950-00000-01 } I:\DOCS\KEMPER1032950\00000-01 WGREE\0806767.DOC 6 e ,Bio for Clifton A. Woodrum Virginia House of Delegates Delegate Clifton A. Woodr~ Preferred Name: Chip Member Since 1980 D -11th District County of Roanoke (part); Ci Roanoke (part) r' r t~~ ~ r r•~. ~.~~. tiff ~~ ~l.s~~ ~~~ ~7E~ [~~~~~.~~~s I Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office ~e~e,~ct des CONTACT INFO Telephone List Capitol Offices District Addresses Email List Capitol Office REPRESENTATION General Assembly Building Leadership P.O. Box 406 House Districts Richmond, Virginia 23218 Seniority Phone: (804)698-1011 District Maps Fax: (804)786-6310 Constituent Viewpoint: (800)-889-0229 Email: Del_Woodrum@house.state.va.us PARTY AFFILIATION Republicans Room Number: 802 Democrats Legislative Assistant: Clara Crouch/Ann Independents Brooks Secretary: Sondra Thomas OTHER Downloadable Lists Senate Membership Seating Chart Past Members zooz Page 1 of 1 District Office P.O. Box 990 Roanoke, VA 24005 Phone: (540)982-5° Email: Del_Woodr~ ~~' 1-~~ e ~,~~ J' ~y~5 ~~,~ http://dela.state.va.us/dela/MemBios.nsf/a7b082ef6ed01 eac85256cOd00515644/3 f77ec78c... 4/25/2003 Birth Date: Washington, DC, July 23, Occupation/Profession: Attorney 1938 Membership 8~ Affiliation: St. John's Gender: M Episcopal Church Race: C Roanoke Bar Association Religion: Episcopal Virginia Bar Association Education: University of North Carolina atAmerican Bar Association Chapel Hill, NC (A.B., 1961) American Trial Lawyers Association ', University of Virginia (LL.B., 1964) Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley ', Virginia Colleges and Universities: (board of directors, 1967-76; former vice University of Virginia president) j Roanoke College Community Advisory Committee Roanoke City Democratic Committee Roanoke City Young Democratic Club (1960-72) Roanoke Chamber of Commerce United Way State Crime Commission (1982-2000; chairman 1995-1998) State Water Commission (1981-2000) Commission on Family Violence Prevention (1997-2000) Freedom of Information Advisory Council (2000-present) Legislative Transition Task Force-Electric Utility Deregulation (1999-present) Spouse: Emily Clyde Abbitt Children: Robert H., Meredith W. Snowden, and Anne H. ©2002 Commonwealth of Virginia I Pr;Yac~~..Statement Bio for Clifton A. Woodrum Page 1 of 1 r' f r t~ ~ ~ r" r•l. ~ ~~. ~~1~~ ~~. ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ l ~~~~ c~. t ~a Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office ~;E„~ Virginia House of Delegates ~ ~ Delegate Clifton A. Woodr~ a Preferred Name: Chip ~~ ~ Member Since 1980 iw ~+~ ~~ D -11th District County of Roanoke (part); Ci CONTACT INFO Roanoke (part) ~. Telephone List Capitol Offices District Addresses ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Email List ~ Committee Assignments REPRESENTATION Commerce and Labor Leadership General Laws House Districts Privileges and Elections Seniority District Maps Subcommittee Assignments Commerce and Labor -Utilities General Laws - FOIA-Procurement PARTY AFFILIATION Privileges and Elections -Election Laws and Reapportionment Republicans Privileges and Elections -Special Subcommittee on Appointments Democrats Independents OTHER Downloadable Lists Senate Membership Seating Chart Past Members © 2002 Commonwealth of Vir inia Priva Statement http://dela.state.va.us/dela/MemBios.nsf/a7b082ef6ed01 eac85256cOd00515644/3f77ec78c... 4/25/2003 Cave Spring Rescue Squad History Items The first organizational meeting of the squad was held in late 1957. A volunteer rescue squad was needed in the Cave Spring area since the Salem and Roanoke crews were a long distance away. At the time the Cave Spring area was mostly rural. Mr. Robert L. Monahan was the main individual behind the organization of the crew. He was assisted by Tredway Coleman, who was the Civil Defense Chief of Roanoke County. Monahan, along with 12 charter members and some help from the Cave Spring Fire Department, started the organization. The original 13 members were sworn in on the 24th of April in 1958 by the Civil Defense. The newly formed squad planned to start serving the community on the 6th of May, but actually ran its first call on the 3rd of May 1958 at the Vinton Dogwood Festival. The first ambulance was a 1951 Cadillac donated by the Army. When it arrived, the members had to paint and equip the unit. The unit was housed in a single car garage next to what is now the Coffee Pot Restaurant on Brambleton Avenue. The building only had room for the unit and when meetings were held, the unit had to be parked outside. In its first year of existence, the squad ran 32 calls. During the first full year of service, the crew set up a formal communications system to dispatch its members to the station. A phone network was established and anyone in need would call the Monahan residence. They would in turn contact members by phone so they could respond to the station to get the ambulance. At that time, a few members were certified in Advanced First Aid, while the majority were trained at the weekly meetings held at the building. The membership of the crew had grown to 15 members, mostly made up of local residents. Many times the squad was called to drag the Roanoke River and Smith Mountain Lake for drowning victims. In 1962, the crew needed more space, so it signed a lease agreement with D.L. Ferguson to rent a small one-bay building on Brambleton Avenue for $1.00 a year. During that year, the crew moved the ambulance and the other equipment to the new building. They also purchased a rescue truck to help handle the increase in call volume. The new rescue truck was a 1954 Panel Wagon which was purchased second-hand for $1,000. Two additional phones were purchased and installed in other member's homes to help take some of the burden off the Monahan family. During that year the number of calls had climbed to 105 as the Cave Spring area grew in size. In 1963 the membership had increased to 19 members which helped reduce a growing manpower shortage. A second ambulance was purchased. It was a new 1963 Ford station wagon from Magic City Motors at a cost of $2,400. It was put into service in early February of 1963. Diamond Chevrolet donated a 1963 Chevrolet station wagon. This was used to replace the original unit, which was passed on to the newly forming Bent Mountain Rescue Squad. After the addition of this new unit, it was decided that a small carport would be added to the existing building. This was completed using donated materials. During the winter months, heat lamps were placed inside the ambulances parked outside to keep the equipment warm. In 1964 a brand new Chevrolet Impala station wagon was purchased to replace one of the earlier units. Stand-by duty teams were established to ensure coverage for calls. The Junior Crew was formed to help reduce the manpower shortage. It consisted of four members in its first year of existence. In 1965 the crew realized that a larger building would be needed since the Cave Spring area continued to experience rapid growth. Many sites were evaluated, but the decision was made to add onto an existing building located at 3309 Brambleton Avenue. Plans were completed and modifications began as soon as funds were available. The rapid growth also caused a major increase in the number of automobile accidents. Since the crew's 1954 rescue truck was worn out and had a limited amount of room, the crew decided to buy a new truck from Magic City Motors. This new truck was the most modern crash truck in the area. It was one of the first to use four- wheel drive. Manual hydraulic tools and many other new extrication tools were placed on the squad. In 1973, the first set of Hurst Jaws of Life Hydraulic tools was purchased. Cave Spring was one of the first crews in the area to have this new state-of-the-art extrication tool. Radio dispatching was just starting to be used. This was significantly faster than the old method using the phone system. In 1974, the crew ordered two new Dodge van ambulances. One of the old vans was sold to Chamblisburg Rescue Squad in Bedford County, VA. These were the first custom ambulances purchased by the crew. They allowed for increased room for the squad members and the patient. In the same year, one of the first EMT classes was held at Cave Spring. There were 69 students enrolled in this first class. The membership had grown to over 35 members. In 1976, the squad began work on a new custom-built crash truck. This unit was eventually put in service in early 1977. One of the more unique features was the power take-off winch located in the front bumper. The body of the truck was purchased from Beach Brothers Dodge. 1977 marked the beginning of a new era. Cave Spring Rescue Squad was one of the first crews in the valley to provide Advanced Life Support (ALS). Members responded to all parts of Salem and Roanoke to provide ALS care. An additional ambulance was purchased that was equipped with a LifePak 5, a one-watt Apcor radio, and afully-stocked drug box. In October of 1989, the crew moved temporarily into the Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Department station while a new building was being completed. The new building was completed and occupied in the summer of 1990. The building was a joint effort of Cave Spring Rescue Squad and Roanoke County. This was the first building that the crew had ever moved into that was actually new. Units no longer need to be moved out of the bays to allow for meetings. The new building has a very large meeting room located above the bays. In 1996 the old 1977 squad was replaced with a custom built four-wheel drive Squad. It is one of only two squads in the valley equipped with a 25 foot telescoping light tower to provide maximum lighting during rescue operations. 1998 marked the 40th anniversary of Cave Spring Rescue Squad providing prehospital care and rescue services. 1999 Cave Spring, along with Back Creek, Bent Mountain, and Clearbrook Rescue Squads implemented a Float Medic program to provide increased ALS coverage to South Roanoke County. The Float Medic responds to assist a BLS ambulance or another medic if the call is of a serious nature. 2000 Cave Spring Rescue implements aggressive chest pain protocol which eventually becomes the model adopted by the region. COPY Return to: Roanoke County Attorney's Office THIS DEED, made this 24t" day of A ril, 2003, by and between Miller Perkins Corporation, a Virginia Corporation, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as the Developer; and the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, its successors or assigns, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as the "County." WITNESSETH: THAT FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Developer hereby GRANTS CONVEYS, ASSIGNS AND TRANSFERS unto the County, with GENERAL WA,RR.ANTY OF TITLE, all water and/or sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals, connections, storage facilities, sources of water supply, pumps, manholes and any and all other equipment and appurtenances thereunto belonging, in and to the water and/or sewer systems in the streets, avenues, public utility easement areas, and water and sewer easement areas that have been or may hereafter be installed by the Developer, along with the right to perpetually use and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of wluch is more particularly shown, described and designated as follows, to wit: As shown on the plans entitled Miller's Landing, made by Lumsden Associates, PC, and on file in the Roanoke County Department of Community Development. 1 The Developer hereby covenants and warrants that it will be responsible for the proper installation, construction and maintenance of the said water and/or sewer systems, including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches, for a period of one (1) year after date of acceptance by the County and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. This instrument is executed by a duly authorized administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, to signify acceptance of this conveyance by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Resolution No. the day of , 2002. WITNESS the following signatures and seals: Develo r: By: ~,.~.~~-----~ (SEAL) on behalf of M -~~-~~ ~< <' ~ ~~~M-~ ~o ~u. State of Virginia Count City of '~ , to-wit: adopted by said Board on a Virginia Corporation, Developer. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of , 200 by GV ~ 1 ~~~ V ~ C~.L-- 1 ~-~ on behalf of ~ ~ 1IP/I' ~-P/V ~l h 5 fi~~iy~~~. , Developer. ,~ G' _ j Notary Public My commission expires: 2 . - ~. Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA County Attorney By: (SEAL) State of Virginia, County/City of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2002, by , on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public My commission expires: From: Brenda Holton To: Lorraine Lange Date: 4/16/03 12:38PM Subject: Re: Recognition of Jan McLeod by County Board Lorraine, thanks so much. I appreciate your help. I will let Diane Childers know to put on the agenda for May 13 at 3 p.m. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »> "LORRAINE S. LANGE" <Ilange@res.k12.va.us> 04/16/03 12:36PM »> Brenda, Jan and I will be at the May 13 meeting. I will send you somthing on her. Thanks. Lorraine S. Lange, Ed. D Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Roanoke County Public Schools 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Ilange(a~res.k12.va.us (540) 562-3700 ext. 131 (540) 562-3998 (fax) CC: Diane Childers From: "LORRAINE S. LANGE" <Ilange@res.k12.va.us> To: "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 4/15/03 5:16PM Subject: Re: Recognition of Jan McLeod by County Board "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> writes: >Holton Hi Brenda, I will check with Jan and get back with you. Lorraine S. Lange, Ed. D Assistant Superintendent of Instruction Roanoke County Public Schools 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 Ilange@res.k12.va.us (540) 562-3700 ext. 131 (540) 562-3998 (fax) From: Brenda Holton To: Lorraine Lange Date: 4/15/03 4:09PM Subject: Recognition of Jan McLeod by County Board Lorraine, Brenda C. notifed us that the School Board recognized Ms. Jan McLeod at their last meeting. The County Board would like to recognize her at one of our meetings in May. May 13 at 3 p.m. May 27 at 3 p.m. or 7 p.m Could you check with her to see when she would like to attend a meeting? or if you will give me her contact information, I will be glad to call her. Since you were listed as introducting her award at the School Board meeting, we could like to invite you to attend and perhaps say a few words about the award. We also need some information to write a Certificate of Appreciation. Thanks for whatever help you can give us. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us From: "BRENDA F. CHASTAIN" <bchastain@res.k12.va.us> To: "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 3/31 /03 10:19AM Subject: Re: Jan McLeod Brenda - I am sure we will recognize her............1 will find out and let you know when. Thank you. Brenda F. Chastain, Clerk Roanoke County School Board 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3900 Extension 112 562-3993 (fax) bchastain@res.k12.va.us "If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." by Anne Bradstreet a~ `9 O ~ :1. cC r a ~ on ~ c .~ ~ ~ x a ~ ~ d p C .y ~' ~-. ~ ."G.-~ M W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M X.. ~ N 3 a s G ~ ,~ a - c y x ~ .°o ~ ~ ~ 4 E ~ ~~ c. ~ c`s y ~ c o d o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v m 'b a .~ ~ ~ ~' ~ a B ~~~ _ '~ J a~ UG` N E-~ G r p .d C F W a"--. tom. ~ ~' 4. ~ .~ .~ 'G ~. d ® O y bq ~ w c ~ ~ m 'O , `o :J ..c, r ^J O. `~ ~' C~J .~ ^J ~ ~_ ~ G ~ ~ v ~ G ~ ~ _ cn~' ,~ ~ .C ~ '~ r^~" .5 w .~ 'ci ~ ~, •N ~ J ~ ~ ~' r. C ,~ C C v U ~ ~ ~ A G m c. ~ O ,cG, G. ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y m o ~ O N ~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ G ~ •N ~ ~ ~ Fa y a c~ ~ n `" ~- ~ ~ m ~ y ~ ,~' y x ~ m ~_ ~ •° ~' O P.`~ ~[[ O O v Cq l^J . 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'-' ~ ~ ti ,r ~ ~ ~ ~ _ .~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ._ G j ~ O ~ ~ O b ~- ~ ~ bc~ o~^ 3 y~-°o ° • e -oo~ "' ~ ~ y a; w ~ x y ~ ~ ~ .G ~ ~ , ~ c~ F 4 ~ d ~ r~ m ° ~ > c~ o ~ ~~:~ 'C~3o~ '=~c~ ~. ~ " pF ~~-tea ~ , . , c c r ° ° ~ ~ a ~ 3 ~ ~ m 3v~,c° y ~~ a ° E °' ^^~+J ~ W ~ -i Q ,~ o ~ Q Q r®' ^C^` W ~ ~e /~7 LW ~. ~~ • t .~. T`s ~. tw_ ~Itll 1 ~^ ~~ I ~~ • 'MOUNTAIN VALLEY TTL 540 473 3308 05/06 '03 09:5b N0.524 02/03 'Maifourd Whitney (Bo) Trumbo Post Office Box 44 Fincastle, VA 24090 5401473-2781 Professional Bmnlovment: Trumbo and Massey, PLC P_O. Box 44, Fincastle VA 240900044 Managing Member 1999-Present Trumbo and Tucker, Attorneys at Law P. O. Box 44, Fincastle, VA 24090-0044 Partner 1989-1999 Commonwealth ofi Virginia 22"~ Senatorial District Senator 1992-Present House o f Delegates 1990-1991 Malfourd W. Trumbo Attorney at Law Fincastle, VA 24090 Sole Practitioner 1988-1989 Carter, Roe, & Bmick, P.C. Attorneys at Law Fincastle, VA 24090 Associate Attorney 1986-1988 Bath County High School Wot Springs, VA Teacher, Football Coach and Assistant Athletic 17irector 1977-1979 Education: The College of William and Mary, Doctor of Jurisprudence, 1983 The College of William and Mary, Bachelor of Arts, 1978 Professional Activities; Senate Standir,QCommittees and Subcommittees RuXes, C}~aiu.~ Courts of Justice Criminal Law and Procedure Finance Commerce and Trade/Natural Resources General Government, Chair Revenue Resources Rehabilitation and Social Services Transportation Joint Legislative Subcommittees Joint Rules School Dropouts and ways to promote self-esteem (HJR 241, 1996 Continued) Incentives Offered to Attract New Businesses (HJR 157, 2000 continued) Satellite Chip Mills (HJR 730, 1999) Legislative Commissions Intergovernmental Cooperation Management of the Commonwealth's Work Force (SJR 39, 2000 continued) MOUNTAIN VALLEY TTL 540 473 3308 05/06 ' 03 09:56 N0.524 03/03 Land Cvnsenration Foundation, Board of Trustees District Courts _~ er Commissions Boards, Etc. NCSL (AFI) Law and Justice (2000-2001) Southeastern Interstate Forest Fire Protection Compact Civic Activities: Botetourt Gounty i3ar Association, Past President Botetourt County Heart Association, Past President Bath County Education Association, Past President-Elect Botetourt County Chamber of Commerce, Past Director Masonic Lodge #342, Member Fincast<e Ruritan Glub, Member Natural Bridge Ruritan District, Past Zone Governor ' `MOUNTAIN VALLEY TTL 540 473 3308 05/06 '03 09:5b N0.524 01/03 FA,~ COVER SHEET TO: _,~, X L~n2~ ~ DATE• ..~ Co r ~ _ FAUX NUMBER• ~ ~~ "' ~ ~ ~ 3 COMPANY: CITY/STATE: NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover sheet) ~ _. F1Z4M: NYalfourd W. "Bo" Trumbo SE~V'ATO1,Z MALk'OURD W. "BO" TRUMBO P. O. Box 448 Fincastle, Virginia 24090 Office Number: 540-473-2781 Fax Number; ,p5~40-473r2I88 RE: 1U' p ~t~ dJD ,~ Senate of Virginia -Membership Page 1 of 2 Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office General Assembly Membership Home Senator Bo Trumbo Blevins, Harry B. Republican -District 22 Bolling, William Byrne, Leslie L. Chichester, John H. Colgan, Charles J. Cuccinelli, Kenneth T., II Deeds, R. Creigh Capitol OfflCe Edwards, John S. Senate of Virginia Phone: (804) 698-7522 Hanger, Emmett W., Jr. P.O. Box 396 Fax: (804) 698-7651 Hawkins, Charles R. Richmond, VA 23218 Constituent Hotline: (800) 889-0229 Houck, R. Edward Email*: district22@sov.state.va.us (Session Only) Legislative Assistant: Nikki Howell, Janet D. Daugherty Lambert, Benjamin J., III Lucas, L. Louise District Office Marsh, Henry L., III P.O. Box 448 Phone: (540) 473-2781 Martin, Stephen H. Fincastle, VA 24090-0448 Fax: (540) 473-2188 Maxwell, W. Henry Legislative Assistant: Loretta Parr Miller, Kevin G. Miller, Yvonne B. Committees Mims, William C. Rules, Chair Newman, Stephen D. Courts of Justice Norment, Thomas K., Jr. Finance O'Brien, Jay Rehabilitation and Social Services Potts, H. Russell, Jr. Transportation Puckett, Phillip P. Legislation Sponsored Puller, Linda T. Chief Patron Quayle, Frederick M. Co-Patron Rerras, D. Nick Reynolds, Wm. Roscoe 22nd District Ruff, Frank M., Jr. Botetourt County (All); Montgomery County (Part); Radford City (All); Saslaw, Richard L. Roanoke County (Part); Salem City (All) Stolle, Kenneth W. Stosch, Walter A. Biographical Information Ticer, Patricia S. Born in Staunton, Virginia, November 18, 1954; educated at The College Trumbo Malfourd W. of William and Mary (B.A.); Marshall-Wythe School of Law (J.D.); Attorney , at Law; member: Presbyterian Church; Member of House of Delegates: Wagner, Frank W. 1990-92. Member of Senate: 1992-. Wampler, William C., Jr. Watkins, John C. "` When contacting by email, please include full name, address, and phone Whipple, Mary Margaret number. Williams, Martin E. http://sov.state.va.us/SenatorDB.nsf/b95874cd50c2c66b85256c0500610987/8585c 16217a... 4/25/2003 ~ Republican Party of Virginia '?ili~!2'~r Ifs!' Ili' IEII~!~I f~~if'li';Ij hiElk!4~ r Sign me up! Page 1 of 1 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Shawn M. Smith March 4, 2003 (804)780-0111 STATEMENT BY RPV CHAIRMAN GARY R. THOMSON REGARDI~ RETIREMENT OF SENATOR BO TRUMBO RICHMOND - °Senator Bo Trumbo's decision to retire marks the end o' long career of service in both the House of Delegates and the Senate c Virginia. Bo Trumbo served the Commonwealth and his constituents wi honor and distinction and he will be sorely missed. We wish him all the best in his future endeavors." ##### Paid for and authorized by The Republican Party of Virginia 115 East Grace Street ~ Richmond, VA 23219 ~ (804) 780-0111 Developed by Hockaday Donatelli Campaign Solutions http://www.vagop.com/cgi-data/content~ress/files/58.shtml 4/25/2003 Flpr,25 03 09:57a TOWN OF VINTOIY 540-983-0621' p.2 }~a/15/LiJ~~ tJ`~:~j ~ue~~4~o~iu A. Victor Thomas Member, House of Delegates 1 ?"' House District Roanoke City -Roanoke County - Botetourt County Vic Thomas was born November S, 1929 in Roanoke. His father owned and operated the EJ Thomas Market on. Orange Avenue next to Tinker Creek in what was then Roanoke County. Vic married Dorothy Lucas on November 25, 1946. They have four children. Vic bought the EJ Thomas Market from his masher and operated it with Dot and his sons u:z<il December 31, 20s?2. Vic served as chairman of the Roanoke Valley Young Democrats, the Roanoke City 1}emacratic Committee, and the Sixth Congressional Dsstiict Democratic Committee. Vic first ran for the House of Delegates in 1973 Delegate Thomas has been a strong supporter for sportsmen and for Virginia's natural resources. He was one of the driving forces behind the constitutional amendment pmteGting Virgi.??iaa's right to hunt end fish He has also been a supporter of mental health programs in Virginia. As a member of the Health and Human Resources subcommittee, which he has described as his most difficult assignment; he has been a champion for Catawba Hospital. He has worked for elderly Virginians, supporting Meals on Wheels, help for prescription drug prices, freezing property taxes, and working to help seniors stay safe, healthy, f nancially stable, and independent for as long as possible, He is now the senior Democrat in the Hvusc of Delegates, and a member of the Appropriations Committee and the budget conference committee. Yic has announced that he will not seek reelection this fall, retiring after thirty years representing this area in the House of Delegates. Bio for A. Victor Thomas Page 1 of 1 T• Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office Virginia House of Delegates Delegate A. Victor Thoma Preferred Name: Vic ~ ~, ; Member Since 1974 ~~ ~~ D -17th District Counties of Botetourt (part) CONTACT INFO Roanoke (part); City of Roan (part) Telephone List Capitol Offices District Addresses ~ Email List ~~ ~~~ ~~~~ Personal Information REPRESENTATION Birth Date: Roanoke, VA, November 9, Military Service: USA Leadership 1929 Zone) House Districts Gender: M Occupation/Professic Seniority Race: C operator (E. J. Thomas District Maps Religion: Catholic Membership 8~ Affiliat Education: Jefferson High School Church Virginia Southern College Chamber of CommercE PARTY AFFILIATION University of Virginia Extension Civitan Republicans Virginia Colleges and Universities: American Legion Democrats University of Virginia Woodmen of the World Spouse: Dorothy Mari Independents Children: A. Victor, Jr. Genevieve Thomas Jol OTHER Thomas P. Downloadable Lists Senate Membership Seating Chart Past Members ©2002 Commonwealth of Vir inia Priva Statement ~r~'"`~~ http://dela.state.va.us/dela/MemBios.nsf/a7b082ef6ed01 eac85256cOd00515644/7ccc6d5ba... 4/25/2003 Bio for A. Victor Thomas Page 1 of 1 r• 1 t'~ ~ f J'I. ~. ~~. ~ ~~ ~[.S ~' ~i~ E'.. ~E'.~~ GI. ~E'. S Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office ~,~...~F Virginia House of Delegates Delegate A. Victor Thoma Preferred Name: Vic Member Since 1974 +~~~~~ D -17th District Counties of Botetourt (part) CONTACT INFO ~ Roanoke (part); City of Roan (part) Telephone List Capitol Offices District Addresses ~ ~, Email List Committee Assignments REPRESENTATION Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources Leadership Appropriations House Districts Rules Seniority District Maps Subcommittee Assignments Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources -Natural Resourc Appropriations -Commerce and Technology PARTY AFFILIATION Appropriations -Health and Human Resources Republicans Appropriations -Public Safety Democrats Rules -Studies Independents OTHER Downloadable Lists Senate Membership Seating Chart Past Members © 2002 Commonwealth of Vir inia Priva Statement http://dela.state.va.us/dela/MemBios.nsf/a7b082ef6ed01 eac85256cOd00515644/7ccc6d5ba... 4/25/2003 Bio for A. Victor Thomas .. Page 1 of 1 r' ~. Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office -r= Virginia House of Delegates Delegate A. Victor Thoma Preferred Name: Vic ~ Member Since 1974 ~ ~~ ~~~ D -17th District Counties of Botetourt (part) CONTACT INFO Roanoke (part); City of Roan Telephone List (part) Capitol Offices District Addresses ~~~,~, '~~ Email List ! House District Information Congressional Dist REPRESENTATION House District: 17th Congressional Dist Leadership District Description: Counties of House Districts Botetourt (part) and Roanoke (part); City Seniority of Roanoke (part) District Maps PARTY AFFILIATION Republicans Democrats Independents OTHER Downloadable Lists Senate Membership Seating Chart Past Members © 2002 Commonwealth of ~r inia Priva Statement http://dela.state.va.us/dela/MemBios.nsf/a7b082ef6ed01 eac85256cOd00515644/7ccc6d5ba... 4/25/2003 Bio for A. Victor Thomas _. Page 1 of 1 r• ~. Membership Committees Floor Minutes Clerk's Office Virginia House of Delegates Delegate A. Victor Thoma Preferred Name: Vic Member Since 1974 ~~~~~~~ D -17th District Counties of Botetourt (part) CONTACT INFO Roanoke (part); City of Roan (part) Telephone List Capitol Offices District Addresses ,~, ~~ Email List Current Legislation REPRESENTATION Chief Patron (A fter prefiled period) Leadership Co-Patron House Districts Seniority Past Legislation District Maps 1994 1998 2002 1995 1999 1996 2000 PARTY AFFILIATION 1997 2001 Republicans Democrats Independents OTHER Downloadable Lists Senate Membership Seating Chart Past Members © 2002 Commonwealth of Vir inia Priva Statement http://dela.state.va.us/dela/MemBios.nsf/a7b082ef6ed01 eac85256cOd00515644/7ccc6d5ba... 4/25/2003