HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/22/2003 - RegularWorking Document Subject to Revision Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Action Agenda July 22, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for July 22, 2003. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Sundays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call All present at 3:06 p.m. 2. Invocation: Reverend Samuel Belisle Penn Forest Church of God 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS ECH requested that Item S-2, Certificate of Recognition to David Barker, be removed from the evening session. Mr. Barker notified staff that he would be unable to attend the meeting. ECH requested that an additional item of new business, request for funding in support of the Project 50 capital campaign at Cave Spring High School, be added to the evening session. C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS None 1 D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on the 2003-2004 Capital Improvement Incentive Fund grant awards. (Debbie George, Chairman -Selection Committee) Briefing presented by Ms. George E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to amend the Public Use Manual to establish policies and standards for the creation of youth sports recreation clubs in Roanoke County. (Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation) A-072203-1 HOM motion to approve staff recommendation (approve the amendment to the Public Use Manual, Section IV) URC 2. Request from the Planning Commission for an extension of time to analyze a Section 15.2-2232 request -Bent Mountain public utility line extension, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) A-072203-2 HOM motion to approve staff recommendation (approve a 90-day extension of time to study the proposal) URC F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission JPM motion to approve 15t readings 2"d readings and public hearings - 8/26/03 URC 1. First reading of an ordinance to rezone 1.31 acres from AG-1 Agricultural Low Density District, to AV Village Center District, and to obtain a special use permit on 7.37 acres to operate a construction yard, landscape contractor, located at 5788 Kathryn Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Ground Up, Inc. 2. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to operate a car wash located in the 1600 block of Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of M. L. Leonard, Inc. a 2 3. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to construct ari accessory apartment on .52 acres, zoned R-1 Low Density Residential District, located at 5916 Blackhorse Lane, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Richard J. Sidor. G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES None H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES None I. APPOINTMENTS None 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (Appointed by District) 2. Virginia Western Community College Board J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. R-072203-3 HOM motion to adopt consent resolution U RC 1. Approval of minutes -July 7, 2003 (joint meeting with Roanoke County School Board and School Board Construction Committee) and July 8, 2003 2. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., Police Department, after twenty-eight years of service R-072203-3.a 3. Request to appropriate $28,250 from the state for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the Child Care and Development Fund Program in the Department of Social Services A-072203-3.b 6 3 4. Request to appropriate $122,500 from the state for fiscal year 2002-2003 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services A-072203-3.c 5. Request to accept additional state revenues and appropriate to the Sheriff's Office for fiscal year 2002-2003 budget A-072203-3.d 6. Request to accept and appropriate a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) grant in the amount of $1,500 for DUI and safety restraint checkpoints and roving DUI patrols A-072203-3.e 7. Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts A-072203-3.f 8. Resolution requested by VACo supporting Virginia's students and asking that the General Assembly commit to work for state funding of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding R-072203-3.g 9. Request to accept Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court into the State Secondary System R-072203-3. h 10. Request to accept Horseshoe Bend Road extension into the State Secondary System R-072203-3.i 11. Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Bradford Place A-072203-3.j K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS None 6 4 L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS None M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None N. REPORTS MWA motion to receive and file the following reports U RC 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Future Capital Projects 5. Accounts Paid -June 2003 6. Report of claims activity for the self-insurance program for the period ended June 30, 2003 7. Report from VDOT of changes to the secondary road system in June, 2003 O. WORK SESSIONS (4th Floor Conference Room) 1. Work session to discuss the Old Cave Spring Road and McVitty Road (Routes 1663 & 1662) Virginia Department of Transportation projects, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) Work session held from 4:52 p.m. until 5:42 p.m. Presented by Mr. Covey and VDOT staff Consensus of the Board that planning staff will evaluate the feasibility of proceeding with bike lanes in this area and, if feasible, where the bike lanes should begin and end. This information is to be presented to the Board at the August 12 meeting. 2. Work session to discuss the public information campaign for the proposed Regional Water and Wastewater Authority. (Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator) 6 5 Note: This work session was held prior to item O-1 Work session held from 4:11 p.m. until 4:50 p.m. Presented by Mr. Hodge and staff Mr. Hodge advised that the scheduled date to have the water and wastewater authority in place is July 1, 2004. He reported that the Board and members of Roanoke City Council will need to schedule joint meetings in late August and mid-November to discuss issues prior to the public hearings in December. In mid-February, the paperwork must be submitted to the State Corporation Commission. There was general discussion regarding the composition of the governing board of the authority. It was the consensus of the Board to schedule a work session at the first meeting of each month to provide updates regarding the proposed authority. Gary Robertson, Utility Director, presented the schedule for the wastewater treatment plant upgrade. Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer, reviewed the schedule for the proposed bond sale to finance the cost of the upgrade. There was discussion regarding a possible sewer rate increase to offset the cost of the upgrade. P. CLOSED MEETING pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 A (7) consultation with legal counsel and briefings by staff members regarding a specific legal matter requiring the provision of legal advice by such counsel, namely, cable television franchise renewal negotiations; Section 2.2-3711 A (5) discussion concerning a prospective business or industry where no previous announcement has been made. At 3:32 p.m., JPM moved to go into closed meeting following work sessions URC EVENING SESSION Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R-072203-4 JPM motion to adopt resolution at 7:01 p.m. URC R. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing regarding the Project 50 capital campaign for Cave Spring High School (CSHS}. (Terri Langford, President, CSHS Booster Club; Dr. Martha Cobble, Principal) 6 Briefing presented by Ms. Langford, Dr. Cobble, Laurence Loesel, and Ben Dowdy. Also present were Tom Hall, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel; Bill Irvin, Roanoke County School Board; and Allen Journell, Assistant Superintendent of Administration. 2. Request to appropriate funding for the Project 50 capital campaign at Cave Spring High School. (H. Odell Minnix, Cave Spring Magisterial District) A-072203-5 HOM motion to appropriate $10,000 to the Project 50 capital campaign from the Board Contingency Fund and to reserve an additional $5,000 in the Board Contingency Fund for subsequent distribution for an amount equal to 1 % of the funds raised. URC S. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Certificate of recognition to Cave Spring High School for being certified as a Parent Involvement School of Excellence by the National PTA Certificate presented by Chairman McNamara 2. Certificate of recognition to David Barker, Glenvar High School, for winning the 125 pound State Group A Wrestling Championship This item was removed from the agenda due to the fact that Mr. Barker was unable to attend the meeting. The certificate will be mailed to Mr. Barker who will be enlisting in the military in August and will not be able to attend a future meeting. 3. Resolutions of appreciation upon the retirement of the following volunteers after thirty-five years of service: (a) Volunteer Fire Chief Norman Darnall, Masons Cove Fire Department R-072203-6 JBC motion to adopt resolution URC (b) Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Fred Rector, Masons Cove Fire Department R-072203-7 JBC motion to adopt resolution URC 6 7 T. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES Second reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to construct a drive-in restaurant on approximately .75 acres, zoned C-2 General Commercial District, located near the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and View Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Christopher H. Hanes. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) Continued until August 26, 2003 Chairman McNamara confirmed that this matter has been continued until August 26, 2003. 2. Second reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-93 Signs upon the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) Referred to the Planning Commission for further consideration. This item is scheduled to be heard by the Board of Supervisors on August 26, 2003. Chairman McNamara confirmed that this matter has been referred to the Planning Commission and is scheduled to be heard by the Board of Supervisors on August 26, 2003. 3. Second reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to operate a private kennel on 2.21 acres, located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive, Catawba Magisterial District, upon the petition of Randy Grisso. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) Postponed from June 24, 2003 at the request of the petitioner Four citizens spoke regarding this matter. DENIAL OF PETITION A-072203-8 JBC motion to deny petition and allow the petitioner 45 days to comply with the ordinance URC 4. Second reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres, zoned R-1 Low Density Residential District, located at 3210 Lawndale Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, upon the petition of James C.,III and Laura B. Parrish. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 0-072203-9 JPM motion to adopt ordinance URC 8 5. Second reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to operate a primary educational facility on 4.76 acres, zoned R-2 Medium Density Residential District, located at 3432 Poff Lane, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Elijah S. Carroll. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) 0-072203-10 HOM motion to adopt ordinance with the following conditions: (1) enrollment shall be limited to 30 students unless a lower maximum number is established by the Virginia Department of Social Services; (2) the school driveway shall be gated URC 6. Second reading of an ordinance authorizing acquisition of the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc., the creation of a special utility service district, namely "Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer District," appropriating funds for the acquisition and construction of water and sewer facilities therein, and imposing and allocating certain fees or assessments with respect to the development of property located therein, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Gary Robertson, Utility Director) 0-072203-11 HOM motion to adopt ordinance URC 7. Second reading of an ordinance declaring a parcel of real estate to be surplus and accepting an offer for the sale of same; namely, Wipledale Avenue well lot, Tax Map No. 37.09-4-15, Catawba Magisterial District. (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 0-072203-12 JBC motion to adopt ordinance URC U. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None 9 V. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS Supervisor Church: He addressed the issue of the reassignment of Roanoke City School Resource Officer Butch Lewis which was covered in a Roanoke Times article today. He stated that the students, teachers, administrators, parents and the school resource officer (SRO) are the losers in this situation because it "puts handcuffs" on the SRO's. He emphasized that if situations are occurring in the schools, he wants the SRO's to report them. He noted that a SRO may be the last line of communication for troubled students, and he hopes a just decision in this matter will be rendered because it will have far-reaching effects. Supervisor McNamara: He noted that reports of board members are individual opinions which do not represent the opinions of the Board as a whole. Supervisor Minnix: He reported that he will be out-of-town attending a church conference until August 2, 2003. Supervisor Flora: He recounted a story regarding his recent travels on Delta Airlines and indicated that an additional reason for supporting the region's efforts to attract aloes-fare air carrier is that the increased competition will result in a higher quality of service for customers. W. ADJOURNMENT JPM adjourned the meeting at 8:48p.m. 10 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda July 22, 2003 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for July 22, 2003. Regular meetings are held on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. and on Sundays at 4:00 p.m. The meetings are now closed-captioned. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Samual Belisle Penn Forest Church of God 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing on the 2003-2004 Capital Improvement Incentive Fund grant awards. (Debbie George, Chairman -Selection Committee) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to amend the Public Use Manual to establish policies and standards for the creation of youth sports recreation clubs in Roanoke County. (Debbie Pitts, Assistant Director of Recreation) 1 2. Request from the Planning Commission for an extension of time to analyze a Section 15.2-2232 request -Bent Mountain public utility line extension, Cave Spring Magisterial District. (Janet Scheid, Chief Planner) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCES -CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission First reading of an ordinance to rezone 1.31 acres from AG-1 Agricultural Low Density District, to AV Village Center District, and to obtain a special use permit on 7.37 acres to operate a construction yard, landscape contractor, located at 5788 Kathryn Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District, upon the petition of Ground Up, Inc. 2. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a special use permit to operate a car wash located in the 1600 block of Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District, upon the petition of M. L. Leonard, Inc. 3. First reading of an ordinance to obtain a special accessory apartment on .52 acres, zoned R-1 District, located at 5916 Blackhorse Lane, Cave upon the petition of Richard J. Sidor. G H J FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (Appointed by District) 2. Virginia Western Community College Board CONSENT AGENDA use permit to construct an Low Density Residential Spring Magisterial District, ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY. 1. Approval of minutes -July 7, 2003 Qoint meeting with Roanoke County School Board and School Board Construction Committee) and July 8, 2003 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: July 22, 2003 Briefing on the 2003-2004 Capital Improvement Incentive Fund grant awards Pete Haislip Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Debbie George, Hollins District Representative Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission C ; ~ r ~". Elmer C. Hodge ~:~ ~~/~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In 1994 the Board of Supervisors, in response to numerous requests for financial support from sports groups and other civic and community service organizations, directed Parks and Recreation staff to develop a matching grant program for those groups wishing to make improvements and/or additions to parks and recreation facilities in Roanoke County. The program, the Capital Improvement Incentive Fund (CIIF) was approved and implemented in fiscal year 1994-1995 and provides assistance for individual projects of up to 50% of the project costs with a maximum grant of $10,000. Since the program was implemented, there have been 91 grants awarding a total of $502,237, to a variety of Rec Clubs, School P.T.A.'s and other community service agencies. The estimated value of improvements to public facilities is $1,474,554, which translates into a 3 to 1 return on Roanoke County's investment. The grant application process is very competitive. There were 16 applications this year requesting $77,080. The selection committee, which consists of Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission members and staff, evaluates all applications based upon established criteria. ~I -~ Following is a list of this year's awards, as well as an attachment showing the numerous improvements made countywide since the start of the program. We would like to recognize all the groups who have participated, as it is an awesome testimonial of the support Roanoke County citizens have for quality parks and recreation facilities. C.I.I.F. Program FY 2003 - 2004 Organization Location Description Value Award Back Creek Elem. PTA Back Creek Elementary Playground Replacement $25,700 $5,420 Cave Spring National L.L. Starkey Park Batting/Pitching Cages $10,420 $5,210 Glenvar Youth Boosters Green Hill Park Field House Insulation $972 $486 Glenvar Youth Boosters Green Hill Park Back Stop Sunscreens $629 $315 Hidden Valley Youth Sports Darrell Shell Park FootballlSoftball Scoreboard $7,354 $3,677 North Rke. Rec. Club Walrond Park Baseball Field Safety Project $6,000 $3,000 Oak Grove Elementary Oak Grove Elementary Eagle Scout Project $745 $370 Pathways for Greenways Wolf Creek Greenway Wolf Creek Greenway Bridge $8,880 $1,400 Roanoke County Schools R.C.C.C. Gym Lighting $8,850 $4,425 South Co. Softball League Darrell Shell Park Batting Cage & Store Building $28,100 $10,000 William Byrd Middle William Byrd Middle Wall Padding/Basketball Goals $3,395 $1,697 Youth on Wheels Gearhart Park Construct BMX Improvements $16,000 $4,000 North Roanoke Rec. Club Hollins Park Sports Lighting $50,000 $10,000 TOTAL $167,045 $50,000 CIIF PROJECT HISTORY _~ ~w Location Description Award Value FY 1994-1995 Green Hill Equestrian Judges stand, picnic shelter 3,759 7,159 Shell Park Fields 1 & 3 New backstops and sideline fence 8,500 17,000 Green Hill Field 2 Sideline fence & gates 1,600 3,200 Walrond fields 3 & 4 Dugouts, sideline & outfield fence 5,000 10,000 Roland Cook Elem. Playground 10,000 28,000 Starkey Park Concession/restroom 9,223 50,000 Wm. Byrd High Restroom on field 4,633 9,267 Green Hill Equestrian Riding Ring (near road) 4,904 9,808 FY 1995-1996 Clearbrook Elem. Playground (near tennis) 5,037 10,074 Shell Park fields Water hydrants & fountains 4,220 8,440 Merriman Fields Barrier and wheel stops 6,503 13,006 Starkey Field 3 Water service to field 2,543 5,085 Goode park Restrooms/concession 6,148 32,910 Burlington Elem. Walk track 800 8,300 Bent Mt. Elementary Trail 1,538 3,075 Oak Grove Field New concrete dugouts 2,217 4,433 Mt. View Elem. Paved track 10,000 40,000 FY 1996-1997 Camp Roanoke Renovate cabin 3,000 8,000 Northside Fields Concrete dugouts/plaza 10,000 24,000 Bent Mt. Elem. Marsh boardwalk 315 841 7 County Parks Tree plantings 5,000 10,000 Starkey fields 1 & 2 Dugout concrete, fence, benches 7,800 15,600 Green Hill Equestrian Judges stand 700 1,400 Shell fields 1 & 3 Concrete dugouts, new fencing 3,000 7,500 Green Hill field three New scoreboard 1,900 3,800 Green Valley Elem. New Playground 7,000 32,000 Mason Cove Elem. New Playground 9,000 18,000 FY 1997-1998 Northside Fields Concession/restroom 10,000 60,000 Back Creek Elem. Walk trail 2,000 4,935 Herman Horn Elem. New Playground 10,000 29,000 Freedom Playground Playground Surfacing 7,071 14,143 Clearbrook Fields Concrete dugouts, fencing 6,150 12,300 Goode Fields Outfield fence, dugouts 5,300 10,600 Burlington Elem. Paved walk trail 5,685 11,370 Green Hill Fields Field house enlargement 7,140 14,280 Green Hill Fields Concrete dugout pads, fencing 4,375 8,750 Green Hill Equestrian Arena fencing 2,250 4,500 Green Valley Elem. Parking/ picnic area 962 1,925 Starkey field one outfield fence 2,875 5,750 ~~ ~ ~, Location Description Award Value FY 1998-1999 Cundiff Elem. Playstructure 10,000 22,020 Bent Mt. Elem. Playground 6,929 13,858 Back Creek Elem. Playground 10,000 20,000 Oak Grove Elem. Playground 6,812 39,457 Starkey field two Outfield fence 3,600 7,200 M. A. Banks Park Picnic shelter 8,000 16,000 Mason Cove Elem. Picnic shelter 4,750 7,500 FY 1999-2000 Green Hill Equestrian Sound system 1,841 3,682 Back Creek Elem. Picnic shelter 7,205 17,610 Fort Lewis Elem. Nature trail 4,975 13,900 CSA @ Hid. Valley Dugout enclosure 3,750 10,000 Hidden Valley Jr Relocate field 10,000 30,000 Youth Haven Swing set 900 1,800 CSN @ Starkey Park Pave parking lot 10,000 20,910 Glenvar Elem. Playground 5,000 25,000 Northside Middle Spectator stands 5,000 10,000 Equestrian Committee Bleachers 1,358 2,715 FY 2000-2001 Youth Boosters/G. Hill Park Picnic Shelter/cage 7,125 14,240 Youth Boosters @ Ft Lewis Scoreboard 1,375 2,751 Oak Grove PTA Trail in park 4,800 19,973 CSA @ South Park Dugouts, fencing 10,000 26,500 NRRC @Walrond Park Batting cage 8,000 16,000 Pathfinders @ Wolf Creek Bridge 4,000 8,000 Mt. Pleasant PTA Playground 4,800 28,000 Equestrian Committee Ring fence 3,850 7,700 CSSL @ Shell Park Restroom/concession bldg. 10,000 108,610 FY 2001-2002 Equestrian Center Restrooms 9,900 19,800 M.A. Banks Park Playground 5,266 10,533 Mason's Cove Elem. Walking track 7,500 15,310 Starkey Park Batting cage 9,548 19,096 Wolf Creek Greenway Signage 2,000 5,200 Whispering Pines Concession facility 10,000 25,000 FY 2002-2003 Gearhart Park Skateboard & BMX Park 10,000 20,000 Starkey Park Water Line Installation 3,458 15,750 Merriman Fields Lighting Field # 3 10,000 45,000 Fort Lewis Elem. Walking Trail Improvements 4,200 24,050 Green Valley Elem. Playground Improvements 3,949 7,898 Green Hill Equestrian Picnic Area and Show Stand 9,998 19,995 North Roanoke Park Soccer Field Improvements 5,300 10,000 Walrond Park Ballfield Fencing 9,000 18,000 2 --' Location Description Award Value FY 2003- 2004 Back Creek Elem. PTA Playground Replacement 5,420 25,700 Cave Spring National L.L. Batting/Pitching Cages 5,210 10,420 Glenvar Youth Boosters Field House Insulation 486 972 Glenvar Youth Boosters Back Stop Sunscreens 315 629 Hidden Valley Y.S.A Football/Softball Scoreboard 3,677 7,354 North Roanoke Rec. Club Baseball Field Safety Project 3,000 6,000 Oak Grove Elem. Eagle Scout Project 370 745 Pathways for Greenways Wolf Creek Greenway Bridge 1,400 8,880 Roanoke County Schools Gym Lighting 4,425 8,850 South Co. Softball League Batting Cage and Storage Building 10,000 28,100 William Byrd Middle Wall Padding/Basketball Goals 1,697 3,395 Youth on Wheels Construct BMX Improvements 4,000 16,000 North Roanoke Rec. Club Sports Lighting 10,000 50,000 TOTAL $502,337 $1,474,554 3 ACTION N0. A-072203-1 ITEM NO. E-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to amend the Public Use Manual to establish policies and standards for the creation of youth sports recreation clubs SUBMITTED BY: Debbie Pitts Assistant Director of Recreation APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism sanctions community organizations to provide Roanoke County sponsored youth and adult athletic leagues in partnership with the department. In order for a club to be considered, it must meet the sanctioning requirements outlined in Section IV of the Public Use Manual, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in August 2002. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission has directed staff to review the sanctioning policy and develop amendments to include a more detailed definition of howa recreation club could and should be formed in Roanoke County. The quality of the youth sports program is directly related to the organizational strength of the volunteer recreation clubs in the community. The attached policy has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission as an amendment to Section IV of the Public Use Manual. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Approve the attached amendment to the Public Use Manual, Section IV. ~--- ". • Amendment to Public Use Manual Page 3, Section IV - Recreation Club Definition Roanoke County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism sanctions community organizations to provide Roanoke County sponsored youth and adult athletic leagues. • Roanoke County Parks, Recreation, & Tourism shall not sanction or approve the use of County resources or facilities by clubs or organizations, which will duplicate existing services already being provided by the Department, area recreation clubs, or the community. • A youth recreation club is anon-profit, chartered organization with bylaws that provides youth team sports for Roanoke County residents, ages 6-18. (18 year olds must be a student in high school) • The service area/s of the club (boundary) shall be based on Roanoke County Public High School attendance zones. Boundaries are based on Roanoke County public high school attendance zones and the elementary schools that feed into those high schools. Currently boundaries are based on the following public high school attendance zones: 1. Cave Spring High School 2. Hidden Valley High School 3. Northside High School 4. Glenvar High School 5. William Byrd High School • A club may serve more than one service area, however no more than one club providing the same sport shall exist within a service area. • Must maintain an organizational structure governing the management of the group and have organizational bylaws. • Have sufficient youth membership to provide adequate numbers of players on each team to participate in competitive play. • Have sufficient adult membership to create a board of directors to include, at a minimum, the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Coordinator for each sport that it sponsors and must have sufficient adult membership to provide coaches and assistant coaches for each team it sponsors. • Must have sufficient revenue or funding to support their operation. • Must have a certificate for $1,000,000 of general liability insurance listing the County of Roanoke as additionally insured, and a certificate indicating that the club has Boards and Directors Insurance to cover the actions of their board of directors, coaches, volunteers, and officers. Or sign a waiver acknowledging that they are operating without insurance and that Roanoke County does not provide liability insurance for their operation. • Clubs agree to abide by the department's standards and policies as written in the Community Use Manual. • Any standards required by national, state, or local franchises and/or sanctioning organizations that exceed the County's service levels will be the responsibility of the recreation club that endorses that franchise. Examples of franchises are ASA, USSSA, Little League, VYSA, RAYSA, and Dixie League, etc. • Clubs not meeting the above criteria at the time of adoption of this policy shall be grandfathered as a sanctioned club. o Mt Pleasant Recreation Club and Masons Cove Recreation Club do not serve entire high school attendance zones, but will be grand fathered as sanctioned clubs. o Cave Spring National and Cave Spring American Little League Baseball Clubs serve geographic regions established by Little League National rules that are not based on high school attendance zones, but will be grandfathered as sanctioned clubs. • 6 ~~ ~ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~E ~" ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to amend the Public Use Manual to establish policies and standards for the creation of youth sports recreation clubs SUBMITTED BY: Debbie Pitts Assistant Director of Recreation APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ,'~`"` ~~~- County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Parks, Recreation, and Tourism sanctions community organizations to provide Roanoke County sponsored youth and adult athletic leagues in partnership with the department. In order for a club to be considered, it must meet the sanctioning requirements outlined in Section IV of the Public Use Manual, adopted by the Board of Supervisors in August 2002. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission has directed staff to review the sanctioning policy and develop amendments to include a more detailed definition of how a recreation club could and should be formed in Roanoke County. The quality of the youth sports program is directly related to the organizational strength of the volunteer recreation clubs in the community. The attached policy has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission as an amendment to Section IV of the Public Use Manual. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Approve the attached amendment to the Public Use Manual, Section IV. Alternative 2: Do not approve the amendment to the Public Use Manual, Section IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1, approval of the attached amendment to the Public Use Manual, Section IV. ~--- _~ Amendment to Public Use Manual Page 3, Section IV - Recreation Club Definition Roanoke County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism sanctions community organizations to provide Roanoke County sponsored youth and adult athletic leagues. Roanoke County Parks, Recreation, & Tourism shall not sanction or approve the use of County resources or facilities by clubs or organizations, which will duplicate existing services already being provided by the Department, area recreation clubs or the community. A youth recreation club is anon-profit, chartered organization with bylaws that provides youth team sports for Roanoke County residents, ages 6-18. (18 year olds must be a student in high school) The service area/s of the club (boundary) shall be based on Roanoke County Public High School attendance zones. Boundaries are based on Roanoke County public high school attendance zones and the elementary schools that feed into those high schools. Currently boundaries are based on the following public high school attendance zones: 1. Cave Spring High School 2. Hidden Valley High School 3. Northside High School 4. Glenvar High School 5. William Byrd High School • A club may serve more than one service area, however no more than one club providing the same sport shall exist within a service area. • Must maintain an organizational structure governing the management of the group and have organizational bylaws. • Have sufficient youth membership to provide adequate numbers of players on each team to participate in competitive play. • Have sufficient adult membership to create a board of directors to include, at a minimum, the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Coordinator for each sport that it sponsors and must have sufficient adult membership to provide coaches and assistant coaches for each team it sponsors. • Must have sufficient revenue or funding to support their operation. • Must have a certificate for $1,000,000 of general liability insurance listing the County of Roanoke as additionally insured, and a certificate indicating that the club has Boards and Directors Insurance to cover the actions of their board of directors, coaches, volunteers, and officers. Or sign a waiver acknowledging that they are operating without insurance and that Roanoke County does not provide liability insurance for their operation. • Clubs agree to abide by the department's standards and policies as written in the Community Use Manual. ~_-` • Any standards required by national, state, or local franchises and/or sanctioning organizations that exceed the County's service levels will be the responsibility of the recreation club that endorses that franchise. Examples of franchises are ASA, USSSA, Little League, VYSA, RAYSA, and Dixie League, etc. • Clubs not meeting the above criteria at the time of adoption of this policy shall be grandfathered as a sanctioned club. o Mt Pleasant Recreation Club and Masons Cove Recreation Club do not serve entire high school attendance zones, but will be grand fathered as sanctioned clubs. o Cave Spring National and Cave Spring American Little League Baseball Clubs serve geographic regions established by Little League National rules that are not based on high school attendance zones, but will be grandfathered as sanctioned clubs. ACTION NO. A-072203-2 ITEM NO. E-2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request from the Planning Commission for an extension of time to analyze a Section 15.2-2232 request -Bent Mountain public utility line extension SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Janet Scheid Chief Planner Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County has received a proposal to extend public water and sewer tines from the Cotton Hill Road area to the Back Creek Elementary School area of southwest Roanoke County - a distance of approximately 14,000 feet. Section 15.2-2232 of the Code of Virginia provides authority to the Roanoke County Planning Commission to determine if this extension of public utilities is substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan of the County. This Code section also allows the Planning Commission sixty (60) days to complete their study unless an extension of time is requested and approved by the governing body. The Planning Commission has determined that in order to thoroughly study this proposal and analyze the various land use impacts of such an extension of public utilities and also to obtain critical public input that additional time is necessary. The Planning Commission on July 1, 2003 passed a resolution requesting a 90-day extension of time to study this proposal. FISCAL IMPACT: None "" ,. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2003 RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO ANALYZE A SECTION 15.2-2232 REQUEST -BENT MOUNTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY LINE EXTENSION WHEREAS, on June 5, 2003 Roanoke County received a request to extend public water and sewer lines from the Cotton Hill Road area of southwest County to the area of Back Creek Elementary along Route 221 south; and WHEREAS, this 14,000-foot extension of public utilities is not shown on the adopted comprehensive plan of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2232 provides the authority to the Roanoke County Planning Commission to determine if this extension of public utilities is substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined the need to study the issue, analyze the land use impacts of such an extension of public utility lines and receive public input; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is granted by the Code of Virginia Section 15.2- 2232 sixty (60) days to complete such a study unless an extension of time is requested of the governing body; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that additional time to thoroughly study this Issue is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Planning Commission is requesting an additional 90 days (for a total study time of 150 days) to 6 ~-~. study the Section 15.2-2232 request for the extension of public water and sewer to the Back Creek Elementary School area of southwest Roanoke County. Donald R. Witt, Chairman Roanoke County Planning Commission • • 'T ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request from the Planning Commission for an extension of time to analyze a Section 15.2-2232 request -Bent Mountain public utility line extension SUBMITTED BY: Janet Scheid Chief Planner APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~ ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County has received a proposal to extend public water and sewer lines from the Cotton Hill Road area to the Back Creek Elementary School area of southwest Roanoke County - a distance of approximately 14,000 feet. Section 15.2-2232 of the Code of Virginia provides authority to the Roanoke County Planning Commission to determine if this extension of public utilities is substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan of the County. This Code section also allows the Planning Commission sixty (60) days to complete their study unless an extension of time is requested and approved by the governing body. The Planning Commission has determined that in order to thoroughly study this proposal and analyze the various land use impacts of such an extension of public utilities and also to obtain critical public input that additional time is necessary. The Planning Commission on July 1, 2003 passed a resolution requesting a 90-day extension of time to study this proposal. FISCAL IMPACT: None ~~~ ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the request for an extension of time to study this proposal. 2. Do not approve the request for an extension of time to study this proposal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 1, 2003 RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF TIME TO ANALYZE A SECTION 15.2-2232 REQUEST -BENT MOUNTAIN PUBLIC UTILITY LINE EXTENSION WHEREAS, on June 5, 2003 Roanoke County received a request to extend public water and sewer lines from the Cotton Hill Road area of southwest County to the area of Back Creek Elementary along Route 221 south; and WHEREAS, this 14,000-foot extension of public utilities is not shown on the adopted comprehensive plan of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2232 provides the authority to the Roanoke County Planning Commission to determine if this extension of public utilities is substantially in accord with the adopted comprehensive plan of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined the need to study the issue, analyze the land use impacts of such an extension of public utility lines and receive public input; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission is granted by the Code of Virginia Section 15.2- 2232 sixty (60) days to complete such a study unless an extension of time is requested of the governing body; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has determined that additional time to thoroughly study this Issue is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Planning Commission is requesting an additional 90 days (for a total study time of 150 days) to . . ''~``~ study the Section 15.2-2232 request for the extension of public water and sewer to the Back Creek Elementary School area of southwest Roanoke County. r%'~/~ ~t~ - ~ ~~ Donald R. Witt, Chairman Roanoke County Planning Commission ~, ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ ; ~- . AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances; consent agenda SUBMITTED BY: Janet Scheid Chief Planner APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge C~°~ l ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for August 26, 2003. The titles of these ordinances are as follows: The petition of Ground Up Inc. to rezone 1.31 acres from AG-1, Agricultural Low Density District to AV, Village Center District and to obtain a Special Use Permit on 7.37 acres to operate a construction yard, landscape contractor located on 5788 Kathryn Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. The petition of M. L. Leonard Inc. to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a car wash located in the 1600 Block of Washington Avenue, Vinton Magisterial District. 3. The petition of Richard J. Sidor to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an accessory apartment on .52 acres, zoned R-1 Low Density Residential District, located on 5916 Blackhorse Lane, Cave Spring Magisterial District. Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the Clerk's Office. ~, t, ~'~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for August 26, 2003. 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Items 1-3, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. 2 ,County of Roanoke ~ . Community Develop~a-ent Planning & honing 5204 Bernard Drive P 0 Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 2401$-0798 For Staff Use 4~nly Date received: Received by: ~ ~ '~;~ Application fee: PC/BZA date: r~ j ~,7 L S Placazds issued: BoS date: (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 I Case Number ~~ '- ~~~~('~(~"~ `~F'LICAIV TS V of application filed (check all that apply) . necial Use Variance Waiver Applicants name/address w/zip Owner's name/address w/zip ~ ~~ K~-~ Property Location Tax Map No.: ' ~~' ~ - ! ' 3 .r Phone: ~ Work: Cell #~ '~~ ~~~-~- Fax No.: ~K~' ~ ~' ~ Z Phone #: .- Work: Fax No. #: Magisterial District: Community Planning area: Existing Zoning: 8-d - ~ - S' of parcel(s): Acres: a~ E;usting Land Use: ItE'20~~t'YG"S~'~'CZA~ CSE'P~'1~c1~TI~~'~D_WA~~`K fit'°LICr1~'VTS (R`/SIW} , - ,~.: - Proposed Zoning: ~~ ;~ oev Proposed Land Use: (, ~ ~~K:' s ~~' "~ ~ '~"''`~'~` D s e parcel meet the r~ O Alovare~a,~~d~,~ ~Q t~E~gs,~nts of the requested district? es No ~ No oes the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIIZED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No ,G ~ _~ ~~ ~~' ~" ~- VCF_, iV%9I~~'P -1 tiD~A'DtYlIVL~ '" ~Z.I¢~E.".~iPiaEA'Z, ~'PLIC~~"~j ~ lr~kl~t1A~)' ~; i ';: _- YAK~~ _ _ ._ , _ ,,5, ~,. ~.. ~,k . < ~. ~ Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance m oraer to: -~ Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s) : Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if. enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF AMY OF TIIESE ITEMS ARE ltiIISSING OR INCOMPL R/S/W V/AA R/S/W V/AA ~S~'i' /`~ Application fee t/ Consultation S 1/2" x 11" concept plan proffers, if applicable Application Metes and bounds description Adjoining property owners .1 Justification Water and sewer application eby certify that I am either the o~ner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner, wner's Signature 2 J~ [TLS771~~ ~TI4~I~+ ~'Gl? R.~ZO~V`~~, ~'~'~' ~.~ 1J 1: S~+, P~+ Ii~~~`l ~'~FZ ri':~~,' ~ ~~f_~T~~S ~ I^- 'C ... ~. Applicant The ' nning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the ~ ge in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible, Use additional space if necessary. Please e:>plain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Grdinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance• ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~, ~C~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ e'Gi~ J~o V~tiz Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. ' ~ °J ~ ~ ~ ~ d v~ ~`r~~~.t_~ ~a~t cam.. ~"~~~--~.. ~~ t'j t~ 5~~,.~ar fie`' +~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ a ~~~~~ Flease describe the imgact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. F Y ~ ~ f, ~ . J "C-~ 3 j ~Sr~I~~.1~:~~~l~,h ~~I~ ~1'T'~i.~2-i_~'~~it.L' ~'..2~~5 A „ '. -. 4 applicant ~'"~~" ~ ;he er''oning Appeals is re wired by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a Maria. ~an be granted. Pleas read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describehow the request meets ;ach factor. If additional space i needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary o the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) iuce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. ~, '_ z 4. The variance will not be of a to the adjacent properties or w.c should be addressed 4 ~za~r ~o~.~~~v~~s~.~~~~ ~T~s~ .~ 5 Applicant dev~ Pleases ~,spond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets o paper. 1 , ~°~" .~ 't i , a1 Z -- tom. . / ~ w c~ N = . Z i` vl m a ~ -- w~ L ~~' x `Q, N i ~ ~~ O~ ~ ~ Cw 1... ~n~s U,'. H p ~ ~ ~~4 ~ ~ v <'~ o r~ is J aN ,-? z < vl U .C 1 W X ~` p ~.. _ O o ..'. n ~ s a '~ " o= W lit =~ . c ~ ,. ~ _ _ `~\ r.~r. l¢I 2.' Y ~ e ~ 1. 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C 1 2:56_Ac.(C) . 9. q: AV 3.03 Ac. 5~~ (k'othryn O,J 6. cio/ AgrisemantJ 1 .~~ AC. _ 5795 3.1 Zoning: G 1 5797 2. t~ Ac. 3 ~,C~ A 1'~'$ 7 c. D 3.06 5.16 Ac.~C~ ~.~ .~ ~° 5765 10. '~' 1.71 Ac. 575? ~~ ° ~ 1. ~ 57~ 16 . ~~'~ 12. - e Zd 14 ~i1~s 5.37 Ac. . 5677 5625 / 57UZ 28. 27. 5724 29. 5678 ~~ Rt. 565'0 ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants name: Ground Up Inc. DEPARTMENT OF Rezoning: Proposed Special Use COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 98.04-1-3, 4, 5 ~ _ - J ' County of Roanoke Community Development - Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive , P 0 Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 „ , ~~ ~~. ~. a ., ail -- Check type of application filed (check all that apply) Rezoning pecial Use Variance For Staff use unit' Date received: f~ Received by: S Application fee: .Q ~ PCdate: ~ S Placards issued: a d BOS date: ~ Case Number ~ _ Ca F-a ~' f d~Nl~; _ ~~}~}~~,~a ~ r~(rF.~~eh. r~~kV t `i N.n, ~ __ Applicants name/address w/zip fin. ~• ~~IJAnC~ Zf~C- ~v~~~~ a~o~~ ~ ~N ~ ~ Owner's name/address w/zip ~'® ~~~~~ ~~~NY l.x-a ~~ -~ t'`cr'C tit • ~i",p s~~1L~iJ''; €'. Waiver Administrative Appeal Phone: GJ~` 'l1" ®~-~ Cell #' ~©' ~`~1" Fax No.: <j4C~' Ql,~ --137 Phone #: Work: ~t0- ' .~ "~ ~~ Fax No. #:C" `'~~ Property Location bi J ~~~ Magisterial District: ~ Gh~ t.~ ~~ Ct~b Community Planning area: C Tax Map No.: ~gi , lLF'pl ~ Existing Zoning: 1. ~-pt•4 of parcel(s) Acres ~~~~ Existmg Land Use .. ~~~ a 2.. •. ~, .. ~, a .. +.. ~~ ~' r ~, ~ ~ a k' ~ FN `•,~ pr2F+yFiF x sN+~. _ '~ s; .Wafd~ Y ~~r '~ "TY ~ G y~ }y ~i ~zNyr~, ~j ~+ ~.}> ~' Xk'§ (~,z~t~ ~~'S ~~i' tl' d StZe :vn~~.~~''f:4~4~~!?~ y~~ ,~L h't' ~, ~/HId~~W,~RI'+;=g1~,. _1.~ r."~f...~.-:,.v,kta~i~`Yd~fi~f/lC~d~J'/t~!'G'laCk\h;STaLS.~~9+,'f,~F~~~~~~i~ih_1~~?1 T.~.tSy... CS~,~~~fi Proposed Zoning: ~~ Proposed Land Use: Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? es No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS gEQUIItED FII2ST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIItST If rezonmg request are conditions being proffered wrth this requests Yes No ti.?'1 [c ~';~ t•+~1~Yet~,~-I ~fi ,,cc { 7T~ yJ,~ny ~ ~y~~~ ry y~ Tn + +~t~r F ~~ u~ YI R FEr ~ ~ ;~ t ~+-y~ ji 1 f~ 7~~,(4~ ~ ' F $ r Y ~ U ~-`L 1 Y P`~.{DL' .(~=m~E1~.L.ilWf1.~~~Q?k .Y i r "tn f ¢ t7"n~.! : !A ~,~y ', "d~~,t.,~ Y~~PJ~~£FY `i ~l~~~r~~. e '~'" _.+R c r''Haiff''S~z"?.vnPii'~'FJF«r"!.~c...xu~'.fSjiRt'.!4 ~ .: .. ~':fi!t9~+.i.,.~ . -. ~.~ ~+7iF ~.. ~,~'.Ksis~.. tRre~ ~i ..~1,k .~htt~}"r!{!~":'~$A K Y...... .~.s3+rss.~i ~1 ~. rf ~. ,..... -' Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I;F" ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R/S/W V/AA R/SIW V/AA ~ . R/S/W V/AA r Consultation 8 1/2" x ll" concept plan Application fee Application p3 Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and sewer applicatio Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner o oplr~ty r e r' ent r ntrac purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. ~ ~ I M Owner's Signature 2 ~.,,. M.L. LEONARD, Inc, (J4U) y//-U3L I P.O. Box 688 Fax (540) 977-1387 Blue Ridge, VA 24064 1-800-PUMP 055 YEY.E^ ~PEi Justification for special use permit for parcel 61.1404-44 and 61-14-04-44.2 This request conforms to the Roanoke County Ordinance. The building will be a single story building with five (5) bays and a raised metal roof. The site is located in a "core" development area for the Vinton Washington Avenue area. This request is classified as a "core" development and complies with the Roanoke County Community plan. This site will not have a negative impact on the surrounding properties or neighborhood. All landscaping, lighting and buffer zones will comply with Roanoke County ordinances. The traffic count will be between 100 and 150 cars per day. The site will be maintained by anon site attendant daily, as well as continuous monitoring via video cameras. The following conditions are to be proffered as part of the Special Use Permit for parcel 61.14.01-44 and 61.14.04-44.2: The property will be subject to the following conditions: 1. All building constructed on site will be one story in height. Construction materials for the buildings within the development shall consist of one or combination of the following: brick, wood, split face masonry, dry-vit, wood siding or vinyl siding. 2. All transformers and above ground utilities will be screened. 3. All dumpsters will be screened. 4. All lighting will be installed as not to cast glare to adjacent properties and will meet Roanoke County Ordinance of 1 / 2 foot candles at property line. Mr. Nichols is the current owner of Blue Ridge Minute Market located in Blue Ridge in Botetourt County. Mr. Nichols has over 30 years experience in the convenience store industry. He also is the owner of a carwash located in Bedford. He is very familiar with the operation and monitoring needs required for this development. * 15. RROKERAC;1? F1S1~.: Seller reprrtirnrs that hr has agreed to p:q~ :+ nrial brokerage fee of ~ ~ •~ of the (hn>ker+gc feel. In the event this is a cuuper.+iive sale. the Selling Firm is w n•crive total hrokcra~~c fcc, and the Listing Firm is to receive the remainder. Srllcr hrrchy authorizes and directs the settlement agent to disburse to the Listing Firm and the Selling Firm from Seller's proceeds the respective portions of the fee at uttlcment. * 16. ASSiGNARiLITI': T},is Contract ( )may or may nut he assigned without the written consent of the Purchaser and the Seller. If the Purchaser and the Seller agree in writing to an assignment of this~Cnntract. the original parties to this Contract remain obligated hereunder until settlement. 17. FACSI111fL,h:S: This Contract may he signed in one or more counterparts, each of which is deemed to he an original, and all of which shall together constitute one of the same instrument. Documents ohrtined via facsimile machines shall also be considered as originals. 18. ATTORNEY'S FEES: in any action or proceedine involving a dispute between the Purchaser, the Seller, the Listing and/or Selling Firm, arising out of this Contract. or to collect the Agent's Fec, the prevailing party shall be entitledll to/~receive from the other party reasonable attorney's fees to he determined by the court or arbitrator(s). / / I * 19. LEASES: The Property is subject to the following leases: ~ / ~ -1 Purchaser will assume all of Seller's obligations under the leases arising on and after the date of closing. At closing, Seller will assign all security deposits (plus accrued interest, if any) under the leases to Purchaser by w•ay of credit against the purchase price. The security deposits total $ 20. ADDITIONAL. TERMS: (Use this space for additional terms not covered in this Contract.) l- (-- , ~ ~, cv Q~ ~ , ~~ ~ ~ --_-~~-~ * 21. STANDARD PROVISIONS: All Standard Provisions on page 5 arc incorporated by rcfrrenre and shall apply to this Contract, unless expressly modified in paragraph 2(1, and except the following lettered Standard Provisi s, which a e hcrehy deleted: (If none are deleted, state "None" in this blank). 22. AUTHORITY: All parties to this Contract warrant that they have the power and the authority to enter into this Contract. if any party to this Contract is a corporation, partnership, estate or trust, any lxrson signing this Contract nn behalf of such party hereby warrants that the execution hereof is duly authorized. PURCHASER ANU SF,LLER ACKNOWLEDGH; THAT TIIIiY HAV1 BC:EN AllVISED BY THE AGENTS TO CONSULT AND RETAIN THEIR OWN EYPERTSTO ADVISIsANU RF.PRESk?N'1"1'lil?M CONCk•:RNING'1'lll? 1,1?GAL ANll'I'A~EFFECTSOFTHISPURCHASEAGREEMENT. OTHER EXPER'CS SHOUI,ll ALSO 1ZE CON'1'.ACTI?D 1'O ADVISE 1'Hls PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT ABOUT THE CONDITION OF IMPROVF.MI?NTS, EQUIPMENT, SOIi., TITT,I?, SURVEY, ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND CONTF,MPI,ATRD FINANCING. THE (SEAL) ~~3~SEAL) SELLF.k DATE URC}-1 E DATE ADDRESS~~//~~ ,/ n PHONFo-~~I-t~ ~.~`t ~~~3 S ' (Ofl ice) (Home) (Fax) SELLER (Email) DATE ADDRESS ~~//~~ PHONE~~`!J-`~77 7~ o ~S~'~a-~7~~ (Office) (Home) ` ~, (Fax) .(Email) ~e SEAL) ~`~/J ~ -~ ~.~ EAL) PURCHASER DATE ADDRESS Jun 20 03 08:24a Staff Town of Vinton 540-985-4582 p.2 ,~ ,.- ~.... June 20, 2003 TOWN OF ~INT(~N 804 THIRD STREET VINTON, VIRGINIA 24179 PHOhE {54~ 98,3.064G FAx (S40) 985-aS82 Joey M. Niner Well Technician RE: Property Tax Map: #61.14-Q l -44 Deaz Mr. Leonard: Concerning lots on Rt. 24 in Roanoke County next to the entrance of Ooode Park- Tax map #'s 61.14-O1-44 and 61.14-01-44.2. The Town of Vinton has an 8-inch water line on the opposite side of Rt. 24 from this property. A bore under the road would be necessary to access his line. To work under Rt. 24 would require consent from VDOT. The Town has a sewer line on the opposite side of Vi~oLf Creek across Leisure Lane from these properties. Permission would be needed from owner of property where sewer easement lies. Depth of sewer Line, distance from lots, and creek crossing are issues to consider finding if gravity fall will be sufficient. If you have any questions ca11983-0646 Sincerely, Joey M. Hiner Well Technician JMH/swj 5403445096 uE~TECHMICS ~~ ~~. ,~ 1 ~~ ,o ~ ~ 4'.2 aa' .. _ 47., s 30, `~~ ~~ .~.f&~ p ~, J4~ . ~ m' n~ ~n'" ,~ . ~ ~ ~' ~ ' ~ I ~' ~1~t`/ 43. ~ ~ y{v 1,D9 Ac. ,~ ~~~ ~~ •,~~~ .. .. ,.o 111 P06 JUN 12 '03 22 21 _~~_.. / ' / tt o '~ ° ~' ~` 0 . l~ri / ~o~`~~' , Go~~ . ti~ _....-.--~~-~`-'~`~, ,''~.... tom! -o ~ °44.1~,„,,t ~' (v R. C.B.S. ~~. 2.50 Aa. r h~ {~t,tK-©1• 44.2 1 44. ~ ~ ~~ l ~°r . :t'~ www• wra~rrr.ti:w'~!~'~'r*rwwwu'n'r"~wrrw 5 ` r,,,.,,,^'~ Nut `+ N}~ r,~~ .~ ~ rN~ S gJ~- 4 b'~'~ ~ /~~ ~rw~r~w~wrwn~ ~~ --'^~- ~1 ,~ ,` . •t \ ~. ~~ church a \~ ~f..,~~/.-J~` _.,--...•. t ~ ~.IMt1"5 OF PLACEMENT ARPA ,~,`. i .. .. 10F COAL CUM6U5TION pY PRODUCT5~~` ~ ~ _ ~ ~ to ~ ~ ~ .w"^"" .. ~"_. // / • ,_ ,/ o,<r _ ~ t0.. creek /~ • .~ i „~ ,,, ~! ~ ..~.s..zg _„ ... .4 te2o NM .~, °. CONCEPT.-PLAN CHECKLTST` A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS _/ a. Applicant name and name of development '/ Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions _~ d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties _/~ e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. / f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties `j g. All property lines and easements ~h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights 1/ i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development V j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS V k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site '/1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers _//m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals v Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections ~. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants _~. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed _~/ q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. ~~ Date Signature of applicant 6 ~-~ ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants name: M.L. Leonard Inc. DEPARTMENT OF Rezoning: Proposed Special Use (C2) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 61.14-1-44,44.2 .~w o, F ~ ___~_\ _--- ~ ~ ~. ~- - -~- - ~ \ \ E- ~1 ~- i ~ l -~ I AuT ^ ~-- i ~- I ~- ~ I I ~ I I _~ -~ -~ ~ I I I O ~. ~ MECH RM /~ AUTO ~ ~ ~. ,~ ~~ SELF ~ ~ \ -- - - \ SEUE ~ \ ~ ~~ I SEUE ~ \ -- ---z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O - _ __ ~ ~ ~. . _~~~ ~ ~--~oo ~ ~ ~ ~ I . ~ fTl D ~ 3 C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iI D~ fTlnOt~ ~ _ iii D ~ -,- T1 D i n I ~ ~ z HD~ Dt~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ E n ~ ~ D = ~ i~ ~~ C~~D --< ~-, {Tl ~ D ~ ~z a-<= ~, --< ~ I ~} ENLARGED LAYOUT OM N0: _ ~ o ~ ML LEONARD INC. 24CAR WASH DATE 6-19-03 ROANOKE COUNTY, VA SCALE: 1"=20' 2655 BLUE RIDGE BLVD PH. 540-977-0321 BLUE RIDGE, VA 24064 FAX 540-977-1387 ,... x ~: _ F~ 0 i -~ ~CAPIN~ ~ CTYP~ _--_._ o o ~ w~l z w O p A [V!2 C) ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ w o ____--- ~ f r W ~'~.-.'c,'~ _ ___--- ,. _._--- ___---- _ ~~ o~ ~ ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~, H ~ a~ ~~ a CO o ~ w~ W ~y ~ aw ~~ as P4 a ~ ~~ i 4 OF I 4 W `/-_,~ .-- ~ ~ _ _ ~----" . Fri ! WASH i ~ ~ ~H BAYS ~ ~AL R~~M ~ / ~ ERVE BAYS I ~ ~ T T~, ~ I ~~ ~ ,i, o I ~- ~I i ~ T~ T~ ~ \ \~-~, LEISURE LAP4E v v: z 0 D m r S ~'~ a a~ ~~~ v, z z v m ~9 m I ~ r~ E E E~~, E S E E \ E E v, a -~ m E ~° C ~ E D rm E o r~ ~ E z ~ ,- ~ ~ E ~ E E £ m ~- T ~~ --, z ? ~ ~E E L I I E E F -+ 1 I I E E ~ I E- ~ E DE F 1 E F I ~ E E _-~ E f _- ~l 5 \ E ~ I _~~_- F ~- ~ ~ E ~ F ~ , E E I I T ~ E T T ® E E o yi E ~ l I ~' F E -~ r~~ m a I E ®E =~ce F E E ~m~a D A ~. ~ p ~ D F E ~ o W d v,~ ~ mz ~E E z acv ~~ e -iD E ~\m . 0 rm ~ vz E ~m .orb A "~. _ _< E z D ~ o ~ -~ cz~ _/\ e7 ~ ./~ £ -o E r '~ o \ z ~ \\ -i z ci ~~-~~ ~ ~~ ~. ~i LAYOUT RTE 24CAR oM rro: -_ -~ ° W ML LEONARD INC. wASx DATE g-19-03 2655 BLUE RIDGE BLVD PH. 540-977-0321 VA ROANOKE COUNTY SCALE: 1"=40' BLUE RIDGE, VA 24064 FAX 540-977-1387 , ~L1' E ~'1PF11 County of Roanoke For Staff Use Only Community Development Dau received: Received by: 1 planning & Zoning Application fee: ' PC/BZA dale: Check type of application filed (check all that apply) Rezoning Special Use Variance Applicants name/address w/zip '~~~~ ~ ~ 5~ w~~ $~ib ~s~Lu.~~s~. L~ Owner's name/address wlzip i~~ J~~~E, J ~ , °~~~ c~ Property Location ~`~ l ~ ~ ~FrUi. i-~~5~,. ~.. ~ Tax Map No.: `~~ ~ ~ '" Size of parcel(s): Acres: ~~~ i~Z014~2Y~ ~PE'CL4L;, L%SE 1'~2 Waiver Administrative Appeal Phone: ~r-"~(CJ r `t `i%g '~3 ~' ~°.~ Work: ~-zS-~'3C>c~ Cell #• ~~"~' `~ ~-~`S:. Fax No.: ~' ~ - $"3~ C~ Phone #: ilia -5~~ - 3~~5 Work: ~-~~' S3o~ Fax No. #: =t2S' 53 a ~ _ Magisterial District: ~J ~, ~g~{ ~ !;,) Community Planning area: ~~~ S~~l t,} ~ Existing Zoning: ~,. ~ } Existing Land Use: ~ i~~Hf. ~~}~ L ~ ~lr.)Ir~" ., PPLICrA~'~'TS (R/Sf~~! Proposed Zoning: -'~--1 d ~+q ~-~ `~ '~ ~~- ~~~~ ~'f Proposed Land Use: ,~}'' Does the arcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage rDequ~~~nts of the requested district? Yes ;~ No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRE Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria far the requested Use Type? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FAST q s No If rezoning request are conditions being proffered with this re uest~ Ye ~~~~ ~, ~ - - ,~ ~,4 I~IA:c'VCE>~ WAI~ZaT~'.- .-~f)tV1711zIr,S~~~.~~ APP~'~ ~PL7C'AN~'S,.~~i ~T~Ftr<4i}- _ Variance(Waiver of Sections} ~~~ fr of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to ~-3 Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WII,,L NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE.. R/S/W V/AA R(S/W VlAA ~S~' V/AA A lication fee Consultation 8 1l2" x 11 concept plan pp Proffers, if a ltcable Metes and bounds description pp Application N ~ " Ad oinin roe owners Justification ~, Water and sewer application ) g p p ~ I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Owner's Signature 2 J;~S'Tl~.+Ia^ATT~)I~T pORRFZOIrTi G', SPECIAL, TJSE PERMIT' OR WAIV~;<t I~~QUEST". Applicant '~1~ ~ t~~-R~ -~ ~ t 1 ~~- r The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. ~~ ,l p a.r ~ t,~b~~ e~.-~°~ ~'t~ ~'~^@.~ J~- f ,nom -J~ c,..~l,, ~~... `j~,J~.~~ R1t u. ~ ;rte l ~.~-~~- ~`' ~,~; `~~,, G~-`--- Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Communi Plan. , ~'~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~- ~Jt.~3 i~i~.~1 ~~ Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parksL/rrecreation and fire and rescue. =. ~~WL_.. b~t_- 'a~ ~' ^u tv~ ~ ~.nlj C3't- `C `~- ~`~'`"~~ ~~~~a,. c~ (J 3 r~~~ar~T~o~ ~~R ~r~.ic~ QL>ES~ gpplicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describehow the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the Zoning Ordinance. spent and purpose of the !. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as iistinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or the character of the district. ~~ y ~ 4 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity. Such hardships should be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. ~~'~?F~ATION IF~R AD:VTI~'vZS'~Z~I~~I'1'YE APPEsAiJ RE,QL~+ ST ~ 2. Evidence supporting claim: 5 Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. ~ ~ ;. .. , ,_. > . CONG~E~T' ~LAl~, CHECT~LIST. = . ~- ? ; - '- A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS _ a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow _ c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions _ d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties ''i g. All property lines and easements _ h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZOMNG and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS _ k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site _ 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals - n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections _ o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants _ p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed _ q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. Signature of applicant Date 6 • ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - - ~}, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~~"' / ~~~' County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Appointed by District) The five-year term of Richard L. Jones, Jr., Catawba District, expired on June 30, 2003. 2. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD The four-year terms of Geoffrey Ottaway and James W. Arend expired on June 30, 2003. Mr. Ottaway and Mr. Arend are not eligible for reappointment since They have served two consecutive four-year terms. A letter has been sent to President Sandel requesting nominees for These appointments. e +~ ~M AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION 072203-3 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J-CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 22, 2003 designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 11, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -July 7, 2003 (joint meeting with Roanoke County School Board and School Board Construction Committee) and July 8, 2003 2. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., Police Department, after twenty-eight years of service 3. Request to appropriate $28,250 from the state for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the Child Care and Development Fund Program in the Department of Social Services 4. Request to appropriate $122,500 from the state for fiscal year 2002-2003 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services 5. Request to accept additional state revenues and appropriate to the Sheriff s Office for fiscal year 2002-2003 budget. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) 6. Request to accept and appropriate a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) grant in the amount of $1,500 for DUI and safety restraint checkpoints and roving DUI patrols 7. Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts a ~ 9. Request to accept Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court into the State Secondary System 10. Request to accept Horseshoe Bend Road extension into the State Secondary System 11. Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Bradford Place 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES : Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Dr. Betty McCrary, Director, Social Services J.R. Lavinder, Police Chief Jimmy Chapman, Police Department Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff W. Brent Robertson, Director, Management and Budget Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Gary Robertson, Director, Utility 2 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION 072203-3.a EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF FRANK C. WILKINS, SR., POLICE DEPARTMENT, AFTER TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., was employed by Roanoke County on February 16, 1975, as a Deputy Sheriff/Jailer, and also served as Deputy Sheriff/Bailiff, Deputy Sheriff/Uniform Patrol; Police Officer, and Civil Process Server; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins was one of the original members of the Police Department which was established in 1990; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins retired from Roanoke County on July 1, 2003, after twenty-eight years and three months of service; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins had the unique ability to form a bond with members of the community and devoted many years to working in one-on-one relationships with citizens; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins received many letters of commendation which attest to his excellent communication skills and his ability to instill confidence; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins showed a great deal of affection for working with the community, and will long be remembered by those residents that he served so well; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins has served with professionalism and integrity, and through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life and safety for its citizens. 1 • r NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to FRANK C. WILKINS, SR. for twenty-eight years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Resolution of Appreciation/Congratulations/Welcome J.R. Lavinder, Chief of Police Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources 2 i } ACTION N0. A-072203-3.b ITEM NO. J-3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF .SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate $28,250 from the state for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the Child Care and Development Fund Program in the Department of Social Services SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Betty McCrary Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available $28,250 Federal funds for the Child Care Development Fund Program. The Department of Social Services cannot access these funds until the County has appropriated the same. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. This is a recurring grant. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact - 100% federal and state reimbursement funds. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Appropriation of $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget and appropriate same revenues from the state. 2. Do not appropriate the $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1, appropriation of $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget and to appropriate same revenues from the state. VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Dr. Betty McCrary, Director, Social Services Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer 2 ACTION NO. A-072203-3.c ITEM NUMBER J-4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate $122,500 from the state for fiscal year 2002- 2003 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Betty R. McCrary Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available an additional $85,000 for Aid to Dependent Children -Foster Care, $15,000 for Adoption Subsidy, $7,500 for Special Needs Adoption, and $15,000 for Energy Assistance. The Department of Social Services cannot access these funds until the County has appropriated the same. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $122,500 to the fiscal year 2002- 2003 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact - 100% state funds STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of $122,500 to the fiscal year 2002-2003 Social Services budget for BL 602000-5730 Aid to Dependent Children -Foster Care ($85,000), BL 602000-5771 Adoption Subsidy ($15,000), BL 602000-5770 Special Needs Adoption 1 ($7500), BL 601000-1020 for Energy Assistance ($15,000), and to appropriate same revenue from the State. VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Dr. Betty McCrary, Director, Social Services Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance 2 1 ACTION NO. A-072203-3.d ITEM NO. J-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept additional state revenues and appropriate to the Sheriff's Office for fiscal year 2002-2003 budget SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During FY 2002-2003, as in previous years, the inmate population at the Roanoke County Jail has remained above capacity. In addition, the average daily inmate population increased from 220 to 240 through FY 2003, an increase of 9% over the prior fiscal year. The average population for the final quarter for FY 2003 was approximately 241. As a result, operational costs such as food, utilities, medical costs, etc. continue to consume a substantial portion of the Jail's budget. Due to the increased inmate population, the Sheriff is projecting expenditures related to inmate care to exceed original budget allocations by $147,000 for FY 2002-2003. For comparative purposed, the year-end adjustment approved by the Board for the prior year was $217,000. Roanoke County is reimbursed by the state for salaries, mileage, office expenses, and for housing state prisoners. The reimbursement for state responsible inmates varies between a rate of $6 and $8/day. In addition, the City of Salem reimburses the County for housing its prisoners on a per diem basis. State reimbursement for commonwealth responsible prisoners is subject to state prisoner population, general assembly appropriations, and political factors, variables difficult to consider in revenue projections. During previous fiscal years, state revenue receipts have exceeded the conservative state budget projections by an amount that would cover increased Jail expenditures caused by higher than normal inmate populations. The mid-year reductions employed by the state in the prior and current fiscal years have greatly reduced these additional funds. Based on the revenue estimates versus the projected revenues anticipated to be collected from the state and from the City of Salem for the Sheriff's Department for FY 2002-2003, revenues in excess of budget for these categories should total approximately $100,000. The remainder of the appropriation will be applied to general fund revenues that are projected to exceed original budget estimates. The FY 2003-2004 expenditure budget for the Jail has been adjusted to reflect the increased inmate population that has remained constant over the last several years; therefore, if additional appropriations are needed at the end of the current fiscal year the addition should be minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends an appropriation adjustment to recognize an additional $147,000 of revenue for FY 2002-2003 for personnel and operations reimbursement and increasing the FY 2002-2003 Care and Confinement budget within the Sheriffs department by $147,000 to cover increased operational costs of the jail caused by increased inmate population, staffing requirements, and capital reimbursements. VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File W. Brent Robertson, Director, Management and Budget Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff Diane Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance 2 ACTION NO. A-072203-3.e ITEM NO. J-6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept and appropriate a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) grant in the amount of $1,500 for DUI and safety restraint checkpoints and roving DUI patrols SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: James R. Lavinder Chief of Police Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Police Department conducts numerous child safety seat and DUI checkpoints per year. Child safety seat checkpoints provide an alternative to enforcement to help minimize the deadly impacts of accidents related to improperly installed child safety seats. DUI checkpoints and roving DUI patrols provide an effective tool to strictly enforce DUI and aggressive driving violations. The DMV has provided this grant to assist in paying the personnel cost of the officers working these checkpoints and roving DUI patrols. FISCAL IMPACT: DMV has provided $1,500 in grant funds with no matching funds required. The grant period runs from April 28, 2003 to September 30, 2003. ALTERNATIVES: At this time no alternative funding is available, and the funding is provided to the Police Department with no requirement of matching funds. If accepted, these funds should be appropriated to the Roanoke County Police Department's uniform personnel overtime and FICA accounts. .~, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends acceptance and appropriation of the DMV grant in the amount of $1,500. VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mt. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File J.R. Lavinder, Chief of Police Jimmy Chapman, Police Department Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance 2 ACTION NO. A-072203-3.f ITEM NO. J-7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. SUBMITTED BY: W. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County applied for a Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. The Commission will match up to $5,000, (if full funding is approved) any donation the County makes to qualified art organizations in the valley. In the FY 2003-04 budget, the Board of Supervisors approved an appropriation of $2,000 for the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge; $2,000 for the Harrison Museum of African American Culture; $5,000 for Mill Mountain Theatre; and $6,000 for the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Staff, therefore, applied for the maximum grant allocation of $5,000. Roanoke County was awarded $5,000 for FY 2003-04. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff recommends dividing the $5,000 grant evenly between the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge, the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, Mill Mountain Theatre, and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Combined with the County's appropriation, the following amounts would be available to the organizations referred to above: Organization Arts Council Harrison Museum Mill Mountain Theatre Roanoke Symphony ALTERNATIVES: County VCA Appropriation Grant Total $ 2,000 $1,250 $ 3,250 2, 000 1,250 3,250 5,000 1,250 6,250 6,000 1,250 7,250 15 000 5 000 20 000 There are no alternatives to this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts in the amount of $5,000 to be distributed as indicated above. VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File W. Brent Robertson, Director, Management and Budget Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION 072203-3.g IN SUPPORT OF VIRGINIA'S STUDENTS REQUESTING THAT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY COMMIT TO WORK FOR STATE FUNDING OF THE STANDARDS OF QUALITY AND THE LEGISLATIVE GUIDELINES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING WHEREAS, many students in Virginia's public schools are at-risk of not learning what is required to earn a high school diploma, enroll in a college or university or enter the job market, and even the successful students who graduate are affected by schools struggling to provide the level of educational quality they need and deserve; and WHEREAS, teachers often find they do not have the tools or training necessary to teach the subjects mandated for achievement of state standards and teachers' salaries and the uncertain state support of salaries do not provide the kind of incentives that attract and keep the most talented professionals; and WHEREAS, state funding for public education does not reflect the true cost of constructing, staffing, equipping, operating and maintaining schools that perform at the level needed to support the foundation for standards of quality and learning, and the costs of educating at-risk students create additional fiscal pressures on many school systems; and WHEREAS, not only are students being left behind, taxpayers are seeing the increasing burden of higher local real estate tax rates as local governments try to pay both their share and the state's share of education costs and, when Virginia's students plan for higher education, they face additional challenges because legislative reports also have verified that appropriate levels of funding have not been achieved for higher education, 1 and one of the worst results of reduced funding for college students is that so many qualified Virginia students are denied admission because the faculty, buildings, and equipment are simply not there to accommodate them; and WHEREAS, the effects of being left behind without a high school diploma or a college degree, especially for an at-risk student, are compelling. A Virginian who has a high school diploma earns a lot more than one who does not. A degree from a community college means more, and afour-year college degree means even more. Education literally pays, in addition to its other quality-of-life benefits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia urges the elected members of the General Assembly to commit to work for additional state dollars to fully fund the actual costs of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding. These actions are essential if our elementary, middle and high schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities are to meet the following goals: • Smaller classes in schools and colleges where teachers and faculty can provide students the individual attention they need to learn and graduate on time; • Sufficient numbers of well-qualified teachers and faculty to give every student the opportunity to graduate from high school and to have access to higher education and opportunities for training and skill development; • Competitive salaries to attract and keep well-qualified teachers and faculty to help students learn; • Modern, safe classrooms, laboratories, technology and equipment to provide the environment in which students learn best; • Accountability and performance measurement at all levels for students, teachers, faculty, administrators and others responsible for helping students learn. 2 r AYES : Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Virginia Association of Counties 3 .~. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 22ND DAY OF JULY 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 072203-3.h REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF GARSTVIEW CIRCLE AND MILLCREST COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None A Copy Teste: ~ <~. ~~~~ D~,~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 072203-3.h adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded vote on July 22, 2003. ~~~ ~ ~~ Brenda J. Holt , CMC Deputy Clerk ~i • =- c m E s U Q m r R 'II = a O o U d U'J • m L ~ O E 2 c ~ _ ,~ '' `m o V ~ Q ~ ~ O ~ j $ ~SS ~ C ~ 4 0 L 0. a ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~, ~ ~ ~ a ~ r O ~5 Y M t ~ p ~ s rr, F-- Q € `c L C E < z ~ ~ N N O < O ~ v; > c ~ ~ ~ .::. ti .::.~..:;~ ~ ~ W `O n P 1 i a ri 0 Z ~..~ b 4 ~C 6 r.= E z ~ w s ~"' C F- a o e z ., ~ O U sue-- u G n ~v E 9 g .~ METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS ~ SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCULATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCURATE BOUNDARY SURVEY. x. Garstvies Length: No. of H 19 TAX MAP N0. 76 12 ____ sCALE:__ 1 "= 200' PLAT SHOWING Aceceptance of Garstview Cr. & Millcrest Ct. into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:_~ =10= 03 !~ z THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 22ND DAY OF JULY 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 072203-3.i REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION_OF HORSESHOE BEND ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Minnix Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None A Copy Teste: ~ . ,~.~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 072203-3.i adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by a unanimous recorded votJe_ on July 22 2003. 1~-- Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk I,• t~I ~I C m L U Q 0 O a r ~ ~ _ C d" v • • r 0 s r ~ 07 .~' G O m „Q O Q ~ 3 ~ s a o ~ o ~ Y a °~ ~ m Q 'o ~ m$ N ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ A ~'q^ Y 7 VI O ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ U 4 < Z M ~ } ~ G tv n D K ~ s r, y s ~ ~:: 2 ~- ro: ~ u ~ .:: n ~ 4, ~ ~ ~ p , ~ U < Y F m ~ r t 0~.. 9 t ~ g [ i 2 Q W y t i a ~ J F ~" ( r O. c°n S 3 = d ~ ~ ~ .~ ' ~" M e a° i a ~ a° ~ a° e a m a a 0 Z ~ a`_ ~ v ~ ~ YpQ m ~ YpQ m YpQ m YpQ m YpQ m ~ E ~ 'p a 4 S ~ ~ y v ~ ~ O ~ D v ~ ~ fl Z w W < C C C o O Y Y m 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ C i O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c Q ¢ G Q Q ¢ C o E O w E E O Q E O a E O C ~ C E 6 O E O O ~ ~ a ~ r- a ~ 0 r S tL 0 r i ~i ~ r S u. ~ r a ii Q r a. ti ~ r d X 0 a 3 `o r S b ~ z `o L eF a ~ m Z .n v c O 6 t O Z r N` A - t N O ti O 2 0 'o a [c 0 Z ~ u r: ~ v U o < ~ ~ O r ~+- a O e O o g C n W "~ U E U 9 4 F-~ 'a i ~. .~-i o NORTH HORSESHOE BEND ROAD ~OANOKE COUNTY EXTENSION DEPARTMENT OF Acceptance into the Virginia COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Department of Transportation Secondary System. v ~ v~ ~ v r ~ r rvrr-~ r ACTION N0. A-072203-3.i ITEM NO. J-11 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Bradford Place SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robertson Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Bradford Place, B & B Builders, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Bradford Place subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sanitary sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Bradford Place, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $12,400.00 and $25,840.00 respectively. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Bradford Place subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. 1 VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to approve staff recommendation Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT REPRESENT A COMPOSITE OF DEEDS, PLATS, AND CALCiJLATED INFORMATION AND DO NOT REFLECT AN ACCt ~a TAX MAP N0.__~~-~ ~ ________ SCALE:__ '__ ' "" PLAT SHOWING Aceceptance of Water and Sewer Facilities Serving "BRADFORD CIRCLE" PREPARED BY: ROANOKE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE:_07-11= 03 w "" July 7, Zoo3 621 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 July 7, 2003 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia met this day at the Roanoke County School Board Administrative Offices, 5937 Cove Road, Roanoke, Virginia, this being an adjourned meeting from June 24, 2003 for the purpose of attending a School Construction Committee meeting. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to order at 11:31 a.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice-Chairman Richard C. Flora, Supervisors Michael W. Altizer, Joseph B. "Butch" Church, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Diane S. Childers, Clerk to the Board; Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer, Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation & Tourism OTHERS PRESENT: School Board Chair Marion Roark; Vice-Chair Jerry L. Canada; School Board members Drew Barrineau and Michael W. Stovall; Dr. Linda Weber, Superintendent; Brenda Chastain, Clerk to the School Board; Penny A. Hodge, Director of Budget and Finance; George Assaid, Construction Projects Coordinator; Darlene Adams, Construction/Operations Specialist OTHERS ABSENT: School Board member William I. Irvin ~uiy 7, Zoo3 623 School, and the remaining balance of approximately $1.5 million is for the South County Stadium. Supervisor McNamara stated that he would advise following the staff recommendation, attempt to negotiate cost reductions with the contractors, and use year-end funds to help meet the budget. Mr. Barrineau expressed concerns over using bonds to pay for technology purchases, which are short-term in nature. He stated that he would prefer to use year- end monies or the funds that have been set aside for 2005 school bus purchases. Mr. Canada stated that a decision should be made first regarding whether to proceed with the 4-classroom addition at Oak Grove, and then move forward with the rest of the alternatives. In response to a question from Supervisor Church, Mr. Flora advised that the anticipated amount of reductions after negotiations with contractors will be less than $100,000. Supervisor Minnix stated that in his mind, the four additional classrooms at Oak Grove are mandatory. He questioned whether all Southwest County elementary schools are at capacity. Dr. Weber replied that Cave Spring, Penn Forest, Back Creek, Oak Grove, and Green Valley are all close to capacity. Supervisor McNamara advised that he did not want to provide surplus capacity at one school when there are trailers at other schools. In addition, he advised that the handling of the technology purchase is consistent with the way technology July 7, 2003 625 million which will be reimbursed by future VPSA issues. Ms. Hyatt indicated that the resolution will be presented to the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on July 8. Mr. Canada moved to adopt a resolution of the School Board declaring its intention to reimburse itself from the proceeds of one or more financings for capital projects for public school purposes. Mr. Barrineau seconded the motion. The motion carried by a unanimous roll call with Mr. Irvin absent. Supervisor McNamara thanked everyone present for their participation and willingness to work together. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT Chairman McNamara adjourned the meeting at 12:18 p.m. Submitted by: Approved by: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Joseph P. McNamara Chairman ~uiy s, Zoo3 627 Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke, Virginia 24018 July 8, 2003 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the second Tuesday and the first regularly scheduled meeting of the month of July, 2003. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman McNamara called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Joseph McNamara, Vice-Chairman Richard C. Flora, Supervisors Michael W. Altizer, Joseph B. "Butch" Church, H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator; Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney; Diane S. Childers, Cterk to the Board; Dan O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by Father Dean Nastos, Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS Supervisor Minnix added a briefing, Item D-1, regarding recent storm damage and the County's policy for bulk/brush collections. July 8, 2003 62g covers the damage and they have hired contractors to clean up the damage, part of the contract should include removal of the brush. If citizens are cutting up the debris themselves, they need to ensure that it measures no more than six feet in length and six inches in diameter. Once the brush collection is scheduled through the General Services Department, staff will attempt to collect the debris as quickly as possible. If citizens wish to take the debris to the transfer station themselves, they can do this at no charge. If more than one load needs to be taken to the transfer station, citizens should contact General Services who will waive the one load per week restriction. Supervisor Minnix noted that extensive damage occurred, and he indicated that it was fortunate that no injuries or fatalities resulted. He stated that the Penn Forest area was hit especially hard, and he emphasized that if citizens hire a contractor to clean up debris that this should include removal of the debris from the site. In response to a question from Supervisor Minnix, Ms. Green indicated that Roanoke County does not own a chipper. The County uses the boom truck to transport debris to the Resource Authority where it is then ground up in a chipper. Supervisor Minnix requested that the Board appropriate emergency funds in an amount not to exceed $15,000 from the Board Contingency Fund to finance the cost of the cleanup, and asked that Ms. Green report back to the Board at the July 22 meeting regarding the progress of the cleanup and associated costs. Ms. Green requested that the Board allow staff to complete the cleanup process first and if ~uiy s, 2003 631 and when this process is completed in August, she requested that a work session be scheduled and noted that a cost analysis could be included at that time. Supervisor McNamara requested that the Clerk contact the petitioner who had submitted information to the Board regarding this issue and notify him of the date of the work session. IN RE: NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to a rove an option to purchase agreement with Western Vir inia EMS Council. Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services A-070803-1 Ms. Green reported that the Western Virginia Emergency Medical Services Council (EMS) has leased space on Poor Mountain since 1985 for a building and tower. Roanoke County leases space on the same site for a tower, which is located next to the EMS Council and some resources on the site are shared. In addition, Roanoke County stores equipment in the building. Ms. Green noted that the land on which the facilities are located is currently in condemnation proceedings, and Roanoke County anticipates purchasing this in the future. The building and the tower are not currently being used by the EMS Council, and they have offered to sell them to the County for $42,000. This is personal property and is therefore not part of the condemnation suit. This purchase will allow the County to retain control of the site as they will own both the tower and the building, and the EMS Council will retain the right July 8, 2003. 633 Alliance (RRAA). The contract was for a period of one year and in January 2003, the Board of Supervisors appropriated $12,500 to fund the County's portion of this contract. The City of Roanoke has now extended the contract for an additional six month period, and they have requested that the County participate in the funding. A grant was received from the Regional Competitiveness Fund in the amount of $7,470. Roanoke County's share of the contract is $8,193 and staff recommends that this amount be paid from the Board Contingency Fund. In response to an inquiry from Supervisor Minnix, Ms. Hyatt indicated that she has not received any information regarding an extension of the contract beyond the six month period. Supervisor Altizer questioned whether the County is brought into the process of negotiating and approving contracts of this nature. Ms. Hyatt reported that Ms. Burcham, Roanoke City Manager, and Mr. Hodge have had discussions regarding this contract. She indicated that a survey is currently being conducted to determine proposed usage and solicit pledges from businesses to support AirTran, a low-cost air carrier. Supervisor Altizer stated that if the Board is requested to fund a portion of contract expenses, they should be provided with an update prior to negotiation of the contract and should also be included in the negotiation process. Supervisor Church indicated that he has been involved in this process, and the long-range goals have been presented at leadership summit meetings. He H July 8, 2003 635 Supervisor McNamara moved to approve staff recommendation, appropriation of $8,193 from the Board contingency to be paid to the City of Roanoke for reimbursement of the County's share of the contract extension with Kaufman & Canoles Consulting. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 3. Request to appropriate funds to purchase new touch screen voting machines. Diane Henson, Re istrar A-070803-3 Ms. Henson advised that in a work session held on May 27th, a demonstration of the new touch screen voting system by Advanced called WinVote was presented to the Board. The equipment was used at the June 10th Democratic primary and the results were positive. Ms. Henson reported that election results were available within 10 minutes and she provided the results from a citizen questionnaire to the Board. She indicated that the equipment was rated favorably by individuals of all ages. Ms. Henson requested that the Board approve the purchase of 131 touch screen voting machines to replace the outdated lever machines in order to comply with the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA). This purchase will provide one machine per precinct that will contain all the necessary requirements relative to individuals with disabilities, as mandated in HAVA. Ms. Henson stated that the new equipment weighs Judy s, 2003 637 privacy and that due to the nature of the test of the equipment and the need to train voters during the primary, there may have been a feeling of having less privacy. Supervisor Altizer questioned how the grant funding is determined. Ms. Henson indicated it is a one-time reimbursement based on the number of lever machines currently in place at the County. The reimbursement will cover the cost of replacing one lever machine per precinct. Supervisor Flora questioned how many lever machines the County currently owns. Ms. Henson responded that there are 98-100 and noted that several of the machines are not in working order and replacement parts cannot be obtained. Supervisor Flora asked why there was a need to purchase 131 electronic machines to replace the 98 lever machines. Ms. Henson indicated that HAVA requires that one machine per precinct must be set aside to comply with the disability portion of the act. In the past, paper ballots were used to accommodate disabled voters. Mr. Chambliss noted that in the past, there were precincts that needed more machines than were available. Also, this is an investment in the future designed to accommodate growth in the number of voters over the next 10 years in order to maintain consistency of the equipment. The action will accomplish two things: (1) replacement of the existing equipment and (2) compliance with the disability portion of HAVA. 6 Judy s, 2003 639 Supervisor Minnix moved to approve staff recommendation, appropriation of $215,000 from HAVA grant funds and $103,800.50 from the 2002-2003 year-end surplus to complete the purchase of the voting machines. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None 4. Request to appropriate 22 Million for Phase 2 school ca ital improvements and adoption of resolution of intent to reimburse with future bond sales. Diane D. Hyatt. Chief Financial Officer Q_mnAn~_e Ms. Hyatt reported that in September 2002, a joint meeting was held with the School Board and County Board of Supervisors to review Phase II of the school's Capital Improvements Program (CIP). At that time, the Board of Supervisors indicated their initial approval and advised the School Board to proceed with the architecture and engineering services (A&E) for the top five projects on the list, which included the following: (1) Mountain View Elementary (2) Herman L. Horn Elementary (3) Oak Grove Elementary (4) Northside High - A&E only (5) Cave Spring High/Hidden Valley High stadium and playing fields. Ms. Hyatt indicated that the School Board proceeded with the A&E on the elementary schools and the construction bids for Mountain View, Herman L. Horn, and Oak Grove schools. The bids were returned on July 1, 2003. On July 7, 2003, the ~uiy s, 2003 641 will be repaid over 20 years and the first debt payment will be in the 2004-2005 fiscal year and will be approximately $2.4 million. Ms. Hyatt noted that Dr. Linda Weber, Superintendent; Penny Hodge, Director of Budget and Finance; and George Assaid, Construction Projects Coordinator, were present at the meeting to answer any questions. Supervisor Minnix praised the schools and their staff and stated that while many public schools are in trouble, Roanoke County schools remain in the top 17% in the nation. He noted the important role the schools play in economic development, and stated the need for the Board to keep the school system strong. Supervisor Church questioned if the $1,131,170 for the South County stadium is for Bogle stadium only. Ms. Weber responded that this is the total amount available to accommodate both football and soccer at Cave Spring and Hidden Valley. Mr. Church requested clarification as to whether this included funds for lighting of the soccer fields at Hidden Valley High School. Ms. Weber stated that it did not. Supervisor Flora moved to adopt the resolution. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 070803-4 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO REIMBURSE ITSELF FROM THE PROCEEDS OF ONE OR MORE FINANCINGS FOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES July 8, 2003 643 Supervisor Minnix questioned whether the individuals contiguous to this lot have received notice of the sale. Mr. Obenshain indicated that they will receive notification, and Gary Robertson, Utility Director, indicated that a sign has been placed on the well lot for the past two weeks advertising the sale. Supervisors Minnix and Church emphasized the need to contact the citizens adjacent to the property regarding the proposed sale. Supervisor Church moved to approve the first reading and set the second reading and public hearing for July 22, 2003. The motion carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None IN RE: APPOINTMENTS 1. VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE BOARD Supervisor Church indicated that he had spoken with President Sandel regarding this appointment and had been advised that no elected member of the General Assembly or local government body is eligible for appointment to this board. Supervisor McNamara had previously expressed an interest in serving in this capacity, and he requested that his name be withdrawn from consideration for this appointment. The Clerk was directed to send a letter to President Sandel at Virginia Western Community College requesting recommendations for a nominee for this board, as well as specifics regarding the background requirements for this appointment. Judy s, 2003 645 7. Request to accept and appropriate grants from the Department of Criminal Justice Services to fund a portion of the salary costs of School Resource Officers from July 1, 2003 -June 30, 2004 at the following schools: (a) Hidden Valley Middle School - $22,243 grant (b) Hidden Valley High School - $31,656 grant (c) Cave Spring Middle School - $26,857grant (d) Northside Middle School - $26,857 grant (e) William Byrd Middle School - $24,180 That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 070803-5.b EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF SANDRA G. HELM, TREASURER'S OFFICE WHEREAS, Sandra G. Helm was employed by Roanoke County on October 1, 1969, as an Account Clerk I in the Treasurer's Office; and also served as Account Clerk II and Tax Clerk II; and WHEREAS, Ms. Helm retired from Roanoke County on July 1, 2003, after thirty- three years and nine months of service; and WHEREAS, Ms. Helm has served with professionalism and integrity, and through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to SANDRA G. HELM for over thirty-three years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 070803-5.c EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF VICKIE G. MCCORKLE, SHERIFF'S OFFICE Judy s, 2003 647 AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None RESOLUTION 070803-5.f REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF MATISSE LANE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor McNamara Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara Nays: None IN RE: REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS 1. Request for work session on July 22. 2003 to discuss the Old Cave Spring Road and McVitty Road Routes 1663 & 1662) Vir inia Department of Transportation rp oject, Windsor Hills July 8, 2003 649 School Resource Officers (SROs), and praised Chief Lavinder for the manner in which he handles placement of SROs. He emphasized the confidence placed in these individuals, and stated that the SRO may be the last communication link for troubled students. He stated that the County should approach situations with open eyes and not restrict the ability of the SROs to do their job. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT Chairman McNamara adjourned the meeting at 4:16 p.m. Submitted by: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Approved by: Joseph P. McNamara Chairman ~ , ~~-~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J-CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for July 22, 2003 designated as Item J -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 11, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes -July 7, 2003 (joint meeting with Roanoke County School Board and School Board Construction Committee) and July 8, 2003 2. Resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., Police Department, after twenty-eight years of service 3. Request to appropriate $28,250 from the state for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the Child Care and Development Fund Program in the Department of Social Services 4. Request to appropriate $122,500 from the state for fiscal year 2002-2003 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services 5. Request to accept additional state revenues and appropriate to the Sheriff's Office for fiscal year 2002-2003 budget. (Brent Robertson, Budget Director) 6. Request to accept and appropriate a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) grant in the amount of $1,500 for DUI and safety restraint checkpoints and roving DUI patrols 7. Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts 8. Resolution in support of Virginia's students requesting that the General Assembly commit to work for state funding of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding 1 T J 6 '" 9. Request to accept Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court into the State Secondary System 10. Request to accept Horseshoe Bend Road extension into the State Secondary System 11. Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Bradford Place 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~'- o~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request for approval of resolution of appreciation upon the retirement of Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., Police Department, after twenty-eight years of service SUBMITTED BY: Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Human Resources Department has notified us that Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., Police Department, retired on July 1, 2003. Mr. Wilkins is unable to attend a Board meeting and requested that his resolution be mailed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolution and direct the Deputy Clerk to mail it to Mr. Wilkins with the appreciation of the Board members for his many years of service to the County. '" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF FRANK C. WILKINS, SR., POLICE DEPARTMENT, AFTER TWENTY- EIGHT YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., was employed by Roanoke County on February 16, 1975, as a Deputy Sheriff/Jailer, and also served as Deputy Sheriff/Bailiff, Deputy Sheriff/Uniform Patrol; Police Officer, and Civil Process Server; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins was one of the original members of the Police Department which was established in 1990; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins retired from Roanoke County on July 1, 2003, after twenty-eight years and three months of service; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins had the unique ability to form a bond with members of the community and devoted many years to working in one-on-one relationships with citizens; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins received many letters of commendation which attest to his excellent communication skills and his ability to instill confidence; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins showed a great deal of affection for working with the community, and will long be remembered by those residents that he served so well; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins has served with professionalism and integrity, and through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life and safety for its citizens. 1 .~ .. °~. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to FRANK C. WILKINS, SR. for twenty-eight years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S- 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate $28,250 from the state for fiscal year 2003-2004 for the Child Care and Development Fund Program in the Department of Social Services SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Betty McCrary Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available $28,250 Federal funds for the Child Care Development Fund Program. The Department of Social Services cannot access these funds until the County has appropriated the same. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. This is a recurring grant. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact - 100% federal and state reimbursement funds. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Appropriation of $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget and appropriate same revenues from the state. 2. Do not appropriate the $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1, appropriation of $28,250 to the 2003-2004 Social Services budget and to appropriate same revenues from the state. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate $122,500 from the state for fiscal year 2002- 2003 for Public Assistance Programs in the Department of Social Services SUBMITTED BY: Dr. Betty R. McCrary Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ ~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available an additional $85,000 for Aid to Dependent Children -Foster Care, $15,000 for Adoption Subsidy, $7,500 for Special Needs Adoption, and $15,000 for Energy Assistance. The Department of Social Services cannot access these funds until the County has appropriated the same. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $122,500 to the fiscal year 2002- 2003 Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact - 100% state funds STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of $122,500 to the fiscal year 2002-2003 Social Services budget for BL 602000-5730 Aid to Dependent Children -Foster Care ($85,000), BL 602000-5771 Adoption Subsidy ($15,000), BL 602000-5770 Special Needs Adoption ($7500), BL 601000-1020 for Energy Assistance ($15,000), and to appropriate same revenue from the State. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: July 22, 2003 Request to accept additional state revenues and appropriate to the Sheriff's Office for fiscal year 2002-2003 budget Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: During FY 2002-2003, as in previous years, the inmate population at the Roanoke County Jail has remained above capacity. In addition, the average daily inmate population increased from 220 to 240 through FY 2003, an increase of 9% over the prior fiscal year. The average population for the final quarter for FY 2003 was approximately 241. As a result, operational costs such as food, utilities, medical costs, etc. continue to consume a substantial portion of the Jail's budget. Due to the increased inmate population, the Sheriff is projecting expenditures related to inmate care to exceed original budget allocations by $147,000 for FY 2002-2003. For comparative purposed, the year-end adjustment approved by the Board for the prior year was $217,000. Roanoke County is reimbursed by the state for salaries, mileage, office expenses, and for housing state prisoners. The reimbursement for state responsible inmates varies between a rate of $6 and $8/day. In addition, the City of Salem reimburses the County for housing its prisoners on a per diem basis. State reimbursement for commonwealth responsible prisoners is subject to state prisoner population, general assembly appropriations, and political factors, variables difficult to consider in revenue projections. ~~ During previous fiscal years, state revenue receipts have exceeded the conservative state budget projections by an amount that would cover increased Jail expenditures caused by higher than normal inmate populations. The mid-year reductions employed by the state in the prior and current fiscal years have greatly reduced these additional funds. Based on the revenue estimates versus the projected revenues anticipated to be collected from the state and from the City of Salem for the Sheriff's Department for FY 2002-2003, revenues in excess of budget for these categories should total approximately $100,000. The remainder of the appropriation will be applied to general fund revenues that are projected to exceed original budget estimates. The FY 2003-2004 expenditure budget for the Jail has been adjusted to reflect the increased inmate population that has remained constant over the last several years; therefore, if additional appropriations are needed at the end of the current fiscal year the addition should be minimal. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends an appropriation adjustment to recognize an additional $147,000 of revenue for FY 2002-2003 for personnel and operations reimbursement and increasing the FY 2002-2003 Care and Confinement budget within the Sheriffs department by $147,000 to cover increased operational costs of the jail caused by increased inmate population, staffing requirements, and capital reimbursements. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. `(T- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: July 22, 2003 Request to accept and appropriate a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) grant in the amount of $1,500 for DUI and safety restraint checkpoints and roving DUI patrols James R. Lavinder Chief of Police Elmer C. Hodge ~"~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Police Department conducts numerous child safety seat and DUI checkpoints per year. Child safety seat checkpoints provide an alternative to enforcement to help minimize the deadly impacts of accidents related to improperly installed child safety seats. DUI checkpoints and roving DUI patrols provide an effective tool to strictly enforce DUI and aggressive driving violations. The DMV has provided this grant to assist in paying the personnel cost of the officers working these checkpoints and roving DUI patrols. FISCAL IMPACT: DMV has provided $1,500 in grant funds with no matching funds required. The grant period runs from April 28, 2003 to September 30, 2003. ALTERNATIVES: At this time no alternative funding is available, and the funding is provided to the Police Department with no requirement of matching funds. If accepted, these funds should be appropriated to the Roanoke County Police Department's uniform personnel overtime and FICA accounts. i STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends acceptance and appropriation of the DMV grant in the amount of $1,500. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S-~I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: July 22, 2003 Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. W. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget Elmer C. Hodge ~ fj County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County applied for a Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. The Commission will match up to $5,000, (if full funding is approved) any donation the County makes to qualified art organizations in the valley. In the FY 2003-04 budget, the Board of Supervisors approved an appropriation of $2,000 for the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge; $2,000 for the Harrison Museum of African American Culture; $5,000 for Mill Mountain Theatre; and $6,000 for the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Staff, therefore, applied for the maximum grant allocation of $5,000. Roanoke County was awarded $5,000 for FY 2003-04. FISCAL IMPACT: Staff recommends dividing the $5,000 grant evenly between the Arts Council of the Blue Ridge, the Harrison Museum of African American Culture, Mill Mountain Theatre, and the Roanoke Symphony Orchestra. Combined with the County's appropriation, the following amounts would be available to the organizations referred to above: _,,,... County VCA Organization Appropriation Grant Total Arts Council $ 2,000 $1,250 $ 3,250 Harrison Museum 2,000 1,250 3,250 Mill Mountain Theatre 5,000 1,250 6,250 Roanoke Symphony 6,000 1,250 7,250 15 000 5 000 20 000 ALTERNATIVES: There are no alternatives to this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the Local Government Challenge Grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts in the amount of $5,000 to be distributed as indicated above. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to approve a resolution in support of Virginia's students and requesting that the General Assembly commit to work for state funding of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) has requested that the Board of Supervisors consider adoption of the attached resolution urging legislators to commit to fully funding the actual costs of the Standards of Quality in Virginia and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding. Staff has consulted with representatives from Roanoke County Schools who have indicated that the standards being implemented will require additional funding, and any funding that could be made available from the state would be very beneficial in meeting these increased costs. FISCAL IMPACT: None ALTERNATIVES: 1. Adopt the attached resolution in support of state funding for the Standards of Quality and legislative guidelines for higher education funding. 2. Do not adopt the attached resolution in support of state funding for the Standards of Quality and legislative guidelines for higher education funding. ~-~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1, adoption of the attached resolution in support of state funding for the Standards of Quality and legislative guidelines for higher education funding. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF VIRGINIA'S STUDENTS REQUESTING THAT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY COMMIT TO WORK FOR STATE FUNDING OF THE STANDARDS OF QUALITY AND THE LEGISLATIVE GUIDELINES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING WHEREAS, many students in Virginia's public schools are at-risk of not learning what is required to earn a high school diploma, enroll in a college or university or enter the job market, and even the successful students who graduate are affected by schools struggling to provide the level of educational quality they need and deserve; and WHEREAS, teachers often find they do not have the tools or training necessary to teach the subjects mandated for achievement of state standards and teachers' salaries and the uncertain state support of salaries do not provide the kind of incentives that attract and keep the most talented professionals; and WHEREAS, state funding for public education does not reflect the true cost of constructing, staffing, equipping, operating and maintaining schools that perform at the level needed to support the foundation for standards of quality and learning, and the costs of educating at-risk students create additional fiscal pressures on many school systems; and WHEREAS, not only are students being left behind, taxpayers are seeing the increasing burden of higher local real estate tax rates as local governments try to pay both their share and the state's share of education costs and, when Virginia's students plan for higher education, they face additional challenges because legislative reports also have verified that appropriate levels of funding have not been achieved for higher education, and one of the worst results of reduced funding for college students is that so many qualified Virginia students are denied admission because the faculty, buildings, and equipment are simply not there to accommodate them; and WHEREAS, the effects of being left behind without a high school diploma or a college degree, especially for an at-risk student, are compelling. A Virginian who has a high school diploma earns a lot more than one who does not. A degree from a community college means more, and afour-year college degree means even more. Education literally pays, in addition to its other quality-of-life benefits. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia urges the elected members of the General Assembly to commit to work for additional state dollars to fully fund the actual costs of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding. These actions are essential if our elementary, middle and high schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities are to meet the following goals: • Smaller classes in schools and colleges where teachers and faculty can provide students the individual attention they need to learn and graduate on time; • Sufficient numbers of well-qualified teachers and faculty to give every student the opportunity to graduate from high school and to have access to higher education and opportunities for training and skill development; • Competitive salaries to attract and keep well-qualified teachers and faculty to help students learn; • Modern, safe classrooms, laboratories, technology and equipment to provide the environment in which students learn best; • Accountability and performance measurement at all levels for students, teachers, faculty, administrators and others responsible for helping students learn. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Request to accept Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court into the State Secondary System Arnold Covey Director of Community Development APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~`~{ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Radford and Associates, developer of the Cresthill Commons Subdivision, requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting that they accept 0.099 mi. of Garstview Circle from its intersection with Cresthill Drive (Route 1658) north to its cul-de-sac, and 0.086 mi. of Millcrest Court from its intersection with Cresthill Drive (Route 1658) north to its cul-de-sac. Roanoke County staff has inspected this road along with representatives from VDOT and finds the road acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. ALTERNATIVES: Approve the resolution requesting that VDOT accept Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court into the State Secondary System 2. Do not approve the resolution and leave Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court a private road. --~ '~ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the resolution accepting Garstview Circle and Millcrest Court into the State Secondary System. THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 22ND DAY OF JULY 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF GARSTVIEW CIRCLE AND MILLCREST COURT INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board the streets meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File 1V C m L U (C Q L m Q N O ~ ~ m ~ N c O V d m t .. O a~ 0 d N O a Q Q LL Z C ~_ C C a 0 E 2 _c T m 5 N A `v' a h v ~. r ~ \v C• C O Cf YV j 0 ~ UC ~ O 0 L ~ ~ Z ~ ~ N ~ ~ lll..~~~~ n V ~' Y ~ >, 2 U ti O n {=a o ~ ~ ,,.! i ~ ~ ~ ~~ `, < U C~C m O r z O `~ 9 m a a ~ L m c a m e a ~ d ~ pa, ~ as m ~ d ~ i nn,' \V j ~~ U m o m 0 0 0 m 0 b r < 3 J s y ~ J D N C o ~ i ` ~ S m i o ~4 j~ , 0 ~a q~! ~ ~ ~a m Oa ~° O pa O 2 E U ~ O E O U ~ O E O ~ ~ ~ Q O O 0 t] ~ ~ 6 E O p ~ 2 O ~ U C t1_ F~ d d O ~i ~ F- d ti ~ r ~ ti ~- 1 ti /- C ti F~- 0. ti F- 1 • -~ v ~ YN U v ~ ~ ~~ ~ V Z ~ ~• m ~ CL Z ~ N' t7 'f off f0 h. i A. 3 ri O Z "-'~ _ r~ m °o g a C F= ? Z W ~ L U t t- O H LL G O o Z n O c U ~. v CL n W ' U E 9 La F-. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: July 22, 2003 Request to accept Horseshoe Bend Road extension into the State Secondary System Arnold Covey Director of Community Development Elmer C. Hodge `j County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Staff requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting that they accept 0.05 mi. of Horseshoe Bend Road from the existing end of state maintenance east to a new turn-around. FISCAL IMPACT: This project is being funded through revenue sharing. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the resolution requesting that VDOT accept this portion of Horsehoe Bend Road into the State Secondary System. 2. Do not approve the resolution and leave the road privately maintained. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept the above named portion of Horseshoe Bend Road into the State Secondary System. ~ ~- THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 22ND DAY OF JULY 2003, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION OF HORSESHOE BEND ROAD INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Addition Form SR-5(A), fully incorporated herein by reference are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999 for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the streets described on the attached Additions Form SR-5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Reauirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right-of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved by: Seconded by: _ Yeas: Nays: A Copy Teste: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pc: Arnold Covey, Director, Department of Community Development Virginia Department of Transportation File . ~ - • C m E L U a r 8 L E ~ ~ S G O '~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ a o ao O ~ O '€ i a ; ~_ W Q ~ ~ d N ~ 2 ~ ~ c ~ a Y 7 y L ~ Z `"' ~ O ~ O ^ L ~ U E Q < Z a O w O Q 6 v: 6 a < 1 E ....:' ~:<' ~ w .i: Q A O CC ~ ~O ~ Q y 1 ~ CC 9 i < U V ~ °m $ _F' T ~ O r ~ P z a ~ { O 5 W i ~ d # d " o M S 3 = ~ 9 ~ ,~ -~ rl T s a e i ~ a° ~ a° e a° o n°. m a° 0 Z °' a ~ ~ ~ ~ h a ~ c ~ € 0 ~ H -1-~ ~ W a } ~ ~ e O o O o O e ~ e O v O m ~ ° - F a h Y ° FF 8 8 8 ° ~ E Y ° ~ o b Y ° F b o ~ Y a E o ~ Y a F a o ~ Y ° 'o ; ~ ~ 6 ~- a ti c r s u. o r a ~L r S ti r a ~i r ~ ti r d ~ 0 a 3 `o t y s `C L Ei tl ~ ~ 2 6 Z V~ K ~ t i ~O Z r N•. l7 ~ h O ^ C .~, ~ 1 b m 0 Cc m r E 2 ~ W: ~ v U ° r o ~ td v- a O ° 2 n O ° < $ U t; u G n W U E 9 ° a ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~- ~ ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept water and sewer facilities serving Bradford Place SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robertson Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Developers of Bradford Place, B & B Builders, Inc., have requested that Roanoke County accept the Deed conveying the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Bradford Place subdivision along with all necessary easements. The water and sanitary sewer facilities are installed, as shown on plans prepared by Lumsden Associates entitled Bradford Place, which are on file in the Community Development Department. The water and sanitary sewer facility construction meets the specifications and the plans approved by the County. FISCAL IMPACT: The value of the water and sanitary sewer construction is $12,400.00 and $25,840.00 respectively. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors accept the water and sanitary sewer facilities serving the Bradford Place subdivision along with all necessary easements, and authorize the County Administrator to execute a Deed for the transfer of these facilities. GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA of General Amount Fund Revenues Unaudited Balance at June 30, 2003 $8,977,656 6.60% July 1, 2003 Explore Park Loan Repayment $25,000 Balance at July 22, 2003 $9,002,656 6.62% Changes below this line are for information and planning purposes only. Balance from above $9,002,656 $9,002,656 6.62%~ Note: On December 18, 1990, the Board of Supervisors adopted a goal statement to maintain the General Fund Unappropriated Balance at 6.25% of General Fund Revenues 2003 - 2004 General Fund Revenues $135,971,831 6.25% of General Fund Revenues $8,498,239 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge E County Administrator f~l - I IV-. CAPITAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount Unaudited Balance at June 30, 2003 $360,172.56 Balance at July 22, 2003 $360,172.56 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator ~~..~ RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2003-2004 Original Budget $107,940.00 July 8, 2003 Appropriation towards Roanoke Regional Airport Alliance (8,193.00) Balance at July 22, 2003 $99,747.00 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~'~ County Administrator N -~-I FUTURE CAPITAL PROJECTS COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Savings from 1996-1997 debt budget $670,000.00 Transfer from County Capital Projects Fund 1,113,043.00 FY1997-1998 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 Savings from 1997-1998 debt fund 321,772.00 FY1998-1999 Original budget appropriation 2,000,000.00 FY1999-2000 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,219,855) 780,145.00 Savings from 1998-1999 debt fund 495,363.00 FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (1,801,579) 198,421.00 FY 2001-2002 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (465,400) Savings from 2001-02 debt fund 116,594 1,651,194.00 FY 2002-2003 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (2,592,125) (592,125.00) FY 2003-2004 Original budget appropriatio 2,000,000 Less increase in debt service (2,202,725) (202,725.00) Balance at July 22, 2003 $8,435,088.00 Reserved for Future School Operations FY2000-2001 Original budget appropriation $1,500,000.00 July 11, 2000 SW Co Regional Stormwater (290,000.00) FY2001-2002 Original budget appropriation 1,500,000.00 July 1, 2001 School Budgeted Start-Up Costs HVHS/Glenvar Middle (1,858,135.00) July 1, 2002 School Budgeted Start-Up Costs HVHS/Glenvar Middle (35,047.00) July 1, 2002 Transfer to Operating in original 2002-03 Budget (566,818.00) July 1, 2003 Transfer to Operating in original 2003-04 Budget (250,000.00) Balance at July 22, 2003 - Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By Elmer C. Hodge ~~f County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NO. N - Cj AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Accounts Paid -June 2003 SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Total Payments to Vendors $ - $ - $ 4,746,211.69 Payroll 6/6/2003 749,124.97 156,341.19 905,466.16 Payroll 6/20/2003 793,289.61 156,971.69 950,261.30 Manual Checks - 1,599.51 1,599.51 Voids - - - Grand Total $ 6,603,538.66 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (~ - ~p AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Report of claims activity for the self-insurance program SUBMITTED BY: Robert C. Jernigan Risk Manager APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~ /~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In accordance with the Self-Insurance Program, Ordinance #61494-4, Section 2-86.C, attached is the fiscal year-to-date claims activity report including the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2003. Attachment A -Auto; Attachment B -General Liability. FISCAL IMPACT: None ~ ~ ~~ ~ (O Z c} W O O ~- N aQ W M ~ CO N O 00 O ~ ~ LO M N l(y f~ M ~ ~ 7 I O O O O M 00 I O ~ ~ O O (O CD OO M M M I I O M W ; O M M O O O N ~ N O In O ~ O O O O O ! O O lf) ! O f~' ~ I M O M M W ~ 00 l17 (V i ~ O O O O ~ ~' f~ Q) M r ~ LO LO ~ W . M O ~ ~ O) O f~ 00 ~ h II N I~ O OO DO 1~ m M O CV ! ~ W ~ 'O V1 ~ O t0 U M ~ O O "O 4f O U i 'O ~ N N to V1 _O _O U U ! ~ N M _O U ! ~ "O U O ~ N N M tll N _O O O U O U i ~ ~ N f~ _O U ~ I ~ 'O O N - N N _O _O U U , "O N O O U ! I ' ~ -O N N U! N _O O U U ~ N U _O U I ! "O N y _O O 'O N N O U ! ~ N O _O U ~ O_ O 'O N O V "O N O O 'O N O U O F- N ~ O ~ M ~ ~ W ~~ O ~ Z ~ a a a w -~ o a 0 a¢ 0 a o' o o ¢ a¢ o ¢ O ¢¢ o ¢ 0 a a 0 ¢ I ~ o a I O ¢ o a ~ o a O a o a 0 Q ~ N °~ ~ O ~ W O ~ W N '3 t O L ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ Y W 7 U, Q (`~ V Z U O as W F- ~i F_ I I m 'a o 1 ~ ~ > ! ~ O y U ~ °' o L o ~ p _ ~~ N ~ N U ` ~ ~ ~ ~ o a~ m ~ , ~ ~ L p U N ~ ~ .0 o L N > ~ L O y U 2 ~ a~ ~ ~ a~ c w ~ ~ (0 ~ ! -O ~ V ~ o ~ ~ ~ , ~ o ~ L N ~ a~ > ` N ~ I a~ U N > ~ t O T L y o ~ I ~ ~ L ! , Q. pL N D U N Z ~ U i O W ` LL ~ ^ «. J F-. ~ W ~ Z O Q W W ^_ J C.) ~ N ~ C O~ U 0 C ~ to > U N y ~ N N O. .C 0 0 C C y ~ m o W U ~ " ~ w. O O) C m L, L j N: d > > U N N -~ L L, fd p p~ d ~ -p o 'O 'O ,C C C N N ~ a~ m m S N; L y > ~' L_ O y L O N >~ U N N L O O ~ .E ~ O C C N a~ ~ U w to O O a~ N C O L N~ N > U N N L > O ~ ~ o -OO N d N y a~ L N > N L O o C ~ m > 'O -O~' O d O C ,~ ca O C t6 d y m U ~ ~ m a fV U U N d y W -p Q O. O -p ~ L y 'c j U ~ m O_ o C ~ co 0 ~ L > ~ L O -a N ~ C a~ F- Q Q O fn Z LL ~ f-, Q >. _ W ... o _ ^ m ~~ N _U O a m H api ~ N >, .. (C , ._ _ a ~ a , - ~ ! ~~ m ~ o ~ ; ~ ~ > > m. v c`a ~ ° f° cn C7 in i y' U 0 a, ~ a ! 0; >, '~ N E i U ~ 0 0 a! U U ~ ~ m > 'O 0 cn ~ i~ o m ~ N ~ • U ~o ~o cn a m N U o a m N U ~o a m y ~ U ~ co a in a~ m ~ 'O ~o cn ^ d m > 'O ~o u~ m ~ ~ w y m a cn N U o a ~ O H a; W m ~ > 'O ~- ~o ^ cn z F- N Z O W ~(,} O Ca I-- N ~ _Q C~ U ^ ~ Q O~ .. ! N O O N ~ '-' O N N! O O O O N N ~.. N O O ~ O O N N O ! N N O O O O O O N N N' O Ni Ni O O i c- ~ ~ N O O~ N ~ N N O O O O N i N I O ~ ~ ~ N ~ I ~ ~ N O O N N~ ~ M M O O O O N N O, ~ ` ~ ~ N O O ~ ~ M O O N N N O M O O N ~ ~ M O! M O O N d' N V i O I M' O O N O M ~ O O O N l17 O I~ O - - M O O N m O (D O M O O N ~ r (O O - Q N ~ O O ~ N W M ~ N W ~ O - O Q O Z M~ U N O O M N O N~ M N * O ~ ~ N O, O N ~ O ~ M, ~ ~ ! N~ ~ O M~ N~ l0 O O M. M (~ (~! ~ O M N~ pMj O O. 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Hodge Roanoke County PO Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Dear Mr. Hodge: N-~ JAMES S. GIVENS STATE SECONDARY ROADS ENGINEER The enclosed report contains a list of all changes to the Secondary System of State Highways in your county approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer in June 2003. All additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System are effective the day they are approved by the State Secondary Roads Engineer. This date appears in the far right column of the monthly report. If you have any questions or comments about this report, please call Martin Law at 804-786-7399. James S. Givens ,~,~- Director of Local Assistance JSG/MII VirginiaDOT.org WE KEEP VIRGINIA MOVING r .~ ~ M a • O ~ '` . 0 V W 4r W ~ O Aa H ~bD .~ C ~+ r~ L F sue. 7 O C .~ .' ^O 7 u ,L Q.i '~ ~. 7 0 ~. u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ a C° ~ z o w a ~ ~ ~' a 0 U O O O ~ .M-i I~ .M. ' ~ ~ ~ I i I M 'i M M _O O O M N ~ N ~ Ii ~ ~ ~ O O i ~ C ' O i, O I III I ~ b I a~ 'n ', U ~' ~ ' U o ~ `~ °~ '°~ Fes- I ~ U ~ o! ~ °'I ~ ~ H ' ~I ~ ' 0 w ~o a' ~ C i~ x y O f 3, .N io o~ I ; ;.o ~ U ~ U L w i ~+ V N O Li N ° I 0 o o' I (i fi Ci N 00 i r O O ~ O O O I C O ^p b y N ~ p, a~ Q ~ ~ U I~ Q U o ~ .~ bD O ~ ~ .o C ea u R b ~ ~ G c c c u ~ as 0 3 '~~ 3 w d C ~ ~ R m` C 3 O M \ I ~ I N r J~ O OD C_ ~ ~ cad bA ~1 C a ca U ~ ~ o Z " ~ ~ I E- H 0 CC >I ~' c0 ', G 0 E o, 4.. w _O ' O .. O I ~ ? I C Q ' 0 ~ 3 O o ~ 0 e d OL w a 0 N ri r O '~ O m O Q i O a. r 0 r 0 v 3 ',U m z o '~ 0 v .~ .~ s 0 3 s 00 z Q O h r O U h d r .y d Q U +~.~ r v v 4. h d O r 0 N-1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (~- ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to discuss the Old Cave Spring Road &McVitty Road (Routes 1663 & 1662) Virginia Department of Transportation projects (priority projects #2 and #3 in the County's six year secondary system construction plan); located in the Windsor Hills magisterial district. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Arnold Covey Director of Community Development Elmer C. Hodge ~L"~'y"'~ ~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This work session is an opportunity for staff of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to review the Old Cave Spring Road and McVitty Road projects with the Board of Supervisors. VDOT staff will present the preliminary plans and display the proposed alignments (one set of plans that shows the alignment and its effects with the addition of a designated bike lane, and one alignment without a designated bike lane). An estimate for the cost of bike lanes on McVitty Road will be available. Proposed typical cross-sections for the project will also be on display. VDOT and County staff hope to receive input from the Board of Supervisors on the construction of a designated bike lane or paved shoulders to facilitate bicyclists. Staff would also like to discuss pertinent Greenway issues during this work session so that VDOT can proceed with their design. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. (~ ° c~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to discuss the public information campaign for the proposed Regional Water and Wastewater Authority APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the June 24 Board of Supervisors meeting, Chairman McNamara requested that staff provide an update to the Board at the July 22 meeting on the Regional Water and Wastewater Authority. At this work session, staff will discuss the status of current negotiations with the City of Roanoke, implementation of a citizen information campaign, and possible dates for a joint meeting with Roanoke City Council in August 2003. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION 072203-4 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia lawwere discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES : Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Closed Meeting File 6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. a ACTION NO. A-072203-5 ITEM NUMBER R-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE .BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: July 22, 2003 Briefing regarding the Project 50 capital campaign for Cave Spring High School and appropriation of funds Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the April 22 meeting, a briefing was presented to the Board regarding the Project 50 capital campaign to raise funds for renovations to the sports facilities at Cave Spring High School (CSHS). To publicize the fund raising efforts, the idea was conceived for the Cave Spring Knights Crossing run across America. On May 5, Laurence Loesel, Ben Dowdy, and Will Stuart began the 3,000 mile run which departed from San Francisco. They ran relay style across the country with each runner averaging approximately 10 miles per day for 100 days. The runners will be returning to Roanoke on Friday, July 18 and will join in the "Midsummer Knight Celebration" to be held at CSHS that evening. Presenting the briefing will be Terri Langford, President of the CSHS Booster Club; Dr. Martha Cobble, Principal; and Laurence Loesel, Ben Dowdy, and Will Stuart, runners for the Knights Crossing. They will share information regarding their travels and will present photos from the run. ,~- ~y VOTE: Supervisor Minnix motion to appropriate $10;000 to the Project 50 capital campaign from the Board Contingency Fund and to reserve an additional $5,000 in the Board Contingency Fund for subsequent distribution for an amount equal to 1 % of the funds raised. Motion Approved Yes No Abs Mr. Flora ® ^ ^ Mr. Church ® ^ ^ Mr. Minnix ® ^ ^ Mr. Altizer ® ^ ^ Mr. McNamara ® ^ ^ cc: File Rebecca Owens, Director, Finance Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Briefing regarding the Project 50 capital campaign for Cave Spring High School SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~~'""~ T' "~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the April 22 meeting, a briefing was presented to the Board regarding the Project 50 capital campaign to raise funds for renovations to the sports facilities at Cave Spring High School (CSHS). To publicize the fund raising efforts, the idea was conceived for the Cave Spring Knights Crossing run across America. On May 5, Laurence Loesel, Ben Dowdy, and Will Stuart began the 3,000 mile run which departed from San Francisco. They ran relay style across the country with each runner averaging approximately 10 miles per day for 100 days. The runners will be returning to Roanoke on Friday, July 18 and will join in the "Midsummer Knight Celebration" to be held at CSHS that evening. Presenting the briefing will be Terri Langford, President of the CSHS Booster Club; Dr. Martha Cobble, Principal; and Laurence Loesel, Ben Dowdy, and Will Stuart, runners for the Knights Crossing. They will share information regarding their travels and will present photos from the run. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Certificate of recognition to Cave Spring High School for being certified as Parent Involvement School of Excellence by the National PTA SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~'~'~"~ f~~z~- County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Cave Spring High School (CSHS) is one of fourteen high schools in the United States and the only school in the State of Virginia to be designated as a Parent Involvement School of Excellence by the National Parent Teacher Association. The winning schools were announced at the end of April, 2003. The Parent Involvement Schools of Excellence certification program recognizes schools that uphold the highest standards in parent involvement and help meet provisions in the 2001 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act. Attending the meeting will be Kay Harvey, CSHS PTSA President, Dr. Martha Cobble, CSHS Principal, Tom Hall, Assistant Superintendent of Administration, and Allen Journell, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel. (4A ~ ~~e CERTIFICATE OF RECOCz1~IITIOIY AWARDED TO CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL for being certified as a Parent Involvement School of Excellence > Cave Spring High School is one of fourteen high schools in the United States and the only school in the State of Virginia to be designated as a Parent Involvement School of Excellence by the National Parent Teachers Association. > The Parent Involvement Schools of Excellence certification program recognizes schools that uphold the highest standards in parent involvement and help meet provisions in the 2001 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act. > As part of the certification process, CSHS formed a team to complete aself-assessment based on six key standards: communication between the home and school, support of parenting skills, parents as an integral player in student learning, participation of parents as school volunteers, parent involvement in school decision making and advocacy, and collaboration with the community. > CSHS has worked diligently to implement new programs and improve existing ones as follows: ^ New parendstudent advisory committee was formed for the school guidance department. ^ One-day registration with teachers, advisors, parents and students meeting together was held for the first time. ^ The school's volunteer manual was updated ^ New parent survey was distributed with parents anonymously grading the school on parent participation. ^ The community of Cave Spring was recognized for their participation in the school's annual Health Fair, After-Prom Party, award winning Red Ribbon week, and other activities. ^ Students at the school were encouraged to sign up for volunteer work at the Student Volunteer Fair in the fall and were recognized for their service hours at an awards ceremony • The athletic boosters club, the band boosters club and the PTSA have formed a strong alliance to work together for the common goal of helping students succeed. Presented this 22th day of July, 2003 oseph McNamara, Chairm. aQn`,, . cl.. --~ ~- ~- `L or ... Rich rd C. Flora, Vice-Ch irman Michael zer ose B. "Butch" Church H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix •~„ ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: July 22, 2003 Certificate of recognition to David Barker for winning the 125 pound Group A State wrestling championship SUBMITTED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~=~"~ ~~ ~' County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Mr. David Barker, a recent graduate of Glenvar High School (GHS), won the 125 pound State Group A Wrestling Championship on March 9, 2003, at the Salem Civic Center. Mr. Barker became GHS's first state wrestling champion in ten years and had an outstanding season with a record of 30 wins and 3 losses. Due to graduation and vacation plans, Mr. Barker has been unable until now to attend a Board Meeting to receive this recognition. We wish Mr. Barker much success in the future as he has enlisted in the U. S. Marines and will leave for boot camp on August 17, 2003. Attending the meeting will be Curtis Hicks, GHS Principal, Tom Hall, Assistant Superintendent of Administration and Allen Journell, Assistant Superintendent of Personnel. Mr. Jamie Soltis, GHS Wrestling Coach, will be unable to attend because of his vacation plans. SSA ~ ~ttro~e CEKTIFICATE OF RECOC~I~IITIOI~I AWARDED TO ~~ ~~~~ for winning the 125 Pound State Group A Wrestling Championship > David Barker, a graduate of Glenvar High School, won the 125 pound State Group A Wrestling Championship on March 9, 2003. > Mr. Barker became Glenvar High School's first state wrestling champion in ten years, pinning Strasburg's Brandon Holbert in 4:23 in the Group A wrestling championship at the Salem Civic Center. > Mr. Barker had an outstanding season on the wrestling team with a record of 30 and 3, and demonstrated his exceptional athletic ability and good sportsmanship throughout the season. > The Board of Supervisors congratulates Mr. Barker upon winning this championship and expresses its best wishes for success in his future endeavors. Presented this 22nd day of July, 2003 Jo,~gf5h McNamara, Chairpma~n Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman ~~ Michael W. Altizer ~~ ~. ~~~~ ~f!~ ~ ose h B. "Butch" Church H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix . t ~*, AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION 072203-6 EXPRESSING. THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF NORMAN DARNALL, VOLUNTEER FIRE CHIEF, ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE, AFTER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Norman Darnall began serving as a volunteer firefighter with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue in 1968 as one of the original members of the Masons Cove Fire Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Darnall became Volunteer Fire Chief in 1974 at Masons Cove Fire Department and served in that capacity for 29 years; and WHEREAS, Fire Chief Darnall provided vital assistance to citizens during the Flood of 1985; and WHEREAS, Fire Chief Darnall has performed a crucial role in protecting the life and property of citizens in one of the most hazardous professions, and Roanoke County is very fortunate to have benefited from his dedication and many years of experience; and WHEREAS, Fire Chief Darnall has served with professionalism and integrity, and his leadership has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to VOLUNTEER FIRE CHIEF NORMAN DARNALL for thirty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and 1 ~. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~ ~~~~c~;~o~~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Richard Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 ~.... AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION 072203-7 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF FRED RECTOR, VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF, ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE, AFTER THIRTY- FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Fred Rector began serving as a volunteer firefighter with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue in 1968 as one of the original members of the Masons Cove Fire Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Rector achieved the rank of Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief in 1979 at Masons Cove Fire Department and served in that capacity for 24 years; and WHEREAS, Assistant Fire Chief Rector has performed a crucial role in protecting the life and property of citizens in one of the most hazardous professions, and Roanoke County is very fortunate to have benefited from his dedication and many years of experience; and WHEREAS, Assistant Fire Chief Rector has served with professionalism and integrity and through his volunteer efforts with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF FRED RECTOR for thirty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 1 ~. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Cc: File Richard Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Resolutions of Appreciation File 2 z ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S - 3 , n_~(~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: July 22, 2003 Request for approval of resolutions of appreciation upon the retirement of the following volunteers after thirty-five years of service: (a) Volunteer Fire Chief Norman Darnall (b) Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Fred Rector SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board Elmer C. Hodge ~ l J County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Volunteer Fire Chief Norman Darnall and Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Fred Rector, both founding members of the Masons Cove Fire Department in 1968, have retired following thirty-five years of service to the County. We would like to take this time to recognize their contributions to the County, and wish them well in their retirement. Chief Darnall and his wife Carolyn will attend the meeting. Assistant Chief Rector will attend with his wife Hope, his son Michael, his grandson Thomas, and daughter-in-law Melinda. Also attending the meeting will be Rick Burch, Chief of Fire and Rescue, and Jennifer Conley-Sexton, Volunteer and Marketing Coordinator. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board approve the attached resolutions. ~ 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF NORMAN DARNALL, VOLUNTEER FIRE CHIEF, ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE, AFTER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE 5-3. WHEREAS, Norman Darnall began serving as a volunteer firefighter with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue in 1968 as one of the original members of the Masons Cove Fire Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Darnall became Volunteer Fire Chief in 1974 at Masons Cove Fire Department and served in that capacity for 29 years; and WHEREAS, Fire Chief Darnall provided vital assistance to citizens during the Flood of 1985; and WHEREAS, Fire Chief Darnall has performed a crucial role in protecting the life and property of citizens in one of the most hazardous professions, and Roanoke County is very fortunate to have benefited from his dedication and many years of experience; and WHEREAS, Fire Chief Darnall has served with professionalism and integrity, and his leadership has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for the citizens of Roanoke County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to VOLUNTEER FIRE CHIEF NORMAN DARNALL for thirty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and S-~ ci FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF FRED RECTOR, VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF, ROANOKE COUNTY FIRE AND RESCUE, AFTER THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Fred Rector began serving as a volunteer firefighter with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue in 1968 as one of the original members of the Masons Cove Fire Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Rector achieved the rank of Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief in 1979 at Masons Cove Fire Department and served in that capacity for 24 years; and WHEREAS, Assistant Fire Chief Rector has performed a crucial role in protecting the life and property of citizens in one of the most hazardous professions, and Roanoke County is very fortunate to have benefited from his dedication and many years of experience; and WHEREAS, Assistant Fire Chief Rector has served with professionalism and integrity and through his volunteer efforts with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF FRED RECTOR for thirty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. T- PETITIONER: Christopher Hanes -Drive Thru Coffee Shop CASE NUMBER: 16-7/2003 Planning Commission Hearing Date: July 1, 2003 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 26, 2003 (Continued from July 22, 2003) A. REQUEST The petition of Christopher H. Hanes to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a drive-in restaurant on approximately .75 acres, zoned C-2 General Commercial District located near the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and View Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Several citizens expressed concern about the traffic entering Brambleton Avenue and the safety issues concerning the merge lane as you enter the City of Roanoke. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Ms. Janet Scheid presented the staff report. She clarified that the Special Use Permit is for adrive-thru restaurant and is not limited to a coffee shop unless a condition is attached to the Special Use Permit. The petitioner said he was willing to limit it to a coffee shop. D. CONDITIONS 1. Parking shall be limited to four (4) spaces. 2. The use is limited to a drive-thru coffee shop serving non-alcoholic beverages and pastries. 3. The access shall be no closer than eighty (80) feet to the property boundary closest to the City of Roanoke. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt made a motion to approve the special use permit. Motion carried 4-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission "~ STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Christopher Hanes Request: Special Use Permit for Drive Through Coffee Shop Location: Southside of Brambleton Avenue just east of View Avenue Magisterial District: Cave Spring ProfferedlSuggested Conditions:1) Parking shall be limited to 4 spaces. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Petitioner is purchasing 0.75 acres on the south side of Brambleton Avenue just east of View Avenue. He plans to construct adrive-thru coffee shop. The property is zoned C-2 Commercial. A Special Use Permit is needed for a drive-thru restaurant. The proposal is consistent with the land use designation of Core and staff recommends approval. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 30-91.10 Stacking Spaces and Drive-Thru Facilities of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance applies. Site plan review is required. Commercial entrance permit from VDOT is required. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background -This 0.75-acre property is vacant. It is situated in front and to the side of an existing strip shopping center containing various retail stores. TopographyNegetation -The property is flat. Approximately half is covered in grass and half in gravel. Surrounding Neighborhood -All properties directly adjoining this parcel and those across Brambleton Avenue are zoned C-2, Commercial. On the south side of Brambleton properties behind the C-2 are zoned C-1, Office. Behind the commercial properties, on all sides and across Brambleton Avenue, is Residential zoning. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture -Petitioner plans to construct a freestanding drive-thru coffee shop. Verbal information provided by the petitioner indicates that the structure will be wood sides with an A-frame pitched roof. Access/Traffic Circulation -Preliminary concept plan shows one new entrance/exit onto Brambleton Avenue and the utilization of the entrance/exit on the adjoining property to the west. Concept plan depicts travel lanes on both sides of the coffee shop. A parking lot with 11 parking spaces (including one handicap space) is shown. As of June 26, 2003 the petitioner in consultation with the Virginia Department of Transportation was revising this concept plan and expects to have this available for the public hearing. Fire & RescuelUtilities -Fire and rescue services will not be affected by this rezoning. f 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN This property is located in a Core land use designation and the petitioners proposed use is consistent with that designation. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS This petition is consistent with the Community Plan. Staff suggests that the parking on-site either be eliminated -and parking shared with adjoining businesses - or reduced to approximately 4 spaces. DATE: June 26, 2003 CASE NUMBER: 16.712003 HEARING DATES: PC: July 1, 2003 BOS: July 22, 2003 PREPARED BY: J. Scheid 2 . ,County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & ~onin.g 5204 Bernard Drive P 0 Box 29800 For Staff Use Only Dace received: Received by: `, Application fee: PClBZA date: Placards issued: I BoS date: Roanoke, VA 2401$-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAQ (540) 776-715 Case Number _~~~=L APP ~~ LICAC`1.T5`~ - Check type of application filed (check all that apply) Waiver Administrative Appeal Rezoning Special Use X X Variance Applicants name/address w/zip Christppher H. Hanes 3572 Larson Lane SW Roanoke, VA 24018 Owner's name/address w(zip Mary Rice Property Location 5 0 0 feet N E o f t h e Srambleton Ave./View Ave. intersection Tax MapNo.: 77.10-2-5 Size of parcel(s): Acres: 1 / 2 Phone: 7 7 4 - 5161 Work: 293-0650 Cell#~ ~a~_nh~q Fax No.: Phone # : _ Work:_ Fax No. #: Magisterial District: Cave S p r i n g Community Planning area: Cave S p r l n Existing Zoning: C 2 I Existing Land Use: V a c a n t Proposed Zoning: C 2 /sup _L_ Proposed Land Use Drive thru coffee shop Does the parcel meet the minimum Iot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested distract? Yes X X No DE' NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIl2ST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? ~'eS X X NO IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIItED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes No X X ~~~FfL-~4C.E, ~4%-I~'7~~ ~.'Vl~?~':~~I~?~~~`~'I~ APPvL~''~4I, ~'1z`~~(. ~'~S ~ ~ ~F',tlA~j Variance/Waiver of Sections} of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to ,..--~ 1 "'~ Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF T~SE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE.. R/S/W V/AA R/S/W V/AA R/S/W V/~' ~ Application fee Consultation 8 1(2" x 11" concept plan. proffers, if applicable Application Metes and bounds description Adjoining property owners Justification Water and sewer application I hereby cerrify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. `~ ~ }-'~ ~~,.,_,~,~ '~; a ~ Owner's Signature 2 TiIS'i'~+'IC ~i~iN'FOR ~ZOI~Gr S~ECI'Alr- ~TS~ P1/RIV~T OR W:~I`v~~ ~~2~-~5'~' Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district elassitication in the Zoning Ordinance. T h i s i s g o i n g t o b e a nice, clean wholesome business of selling quality coffee in a setting that is laid out for convenience. This will be a drive thru coffee shop that is geared to be quick and convenient for the customer with plenty of room to drive in, in either direction with no chance of stacking out onto Brambleton Ave. because of the distances. Each side will be able to accommodate the customer in a hurry. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Subject property is designated transition in the 1998 Community Plan. This is a small scale retail use. There is already limited commercial use, already zoned commercial. Located on Brambleton Ave. makes great access. Business is located toward the major street. Everything is still urban. There will be no misunderstanding for anyone who drives onto this property as to what to do, .and what direction to move. This site being a field before we attempt to pave and incorporate signage and the building. I will follow to the letter, every requirement needed to blend in will with existing businesses and the community. The .sign will be a part of existing signs that are on a tall sign holder. This whole site will be well lit with no dark areas. The landscaping will be done by professionals to blend in well with existing businesses and also residents. Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. This business will not have an affect on schools, parks, recreation, etc. because it is on Brambleton Ave. and no schools or parks are near. As far as other businesses, my business will only attract futur business for the adjoining businesses by it's brinying customers from other areas for the quality of convenience. This is also primarily a metal structure with only Styrofoam cups, etc. to use with little chance of fire. The entrance and exits will be roomy enough for the north bound traffic as well as the south bound traffic to enter with ease, as shown on the diagram. Sewer and water access will be on my side of the street. 3 ~ . .. J~I~"i~iC:~'~Oiv'FOIL'J~~tI~A_~CE REQiTES'T Applicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describehow the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the puouc ~«1~~~ ~u ~uu.~ ~~ --• --~-----~--~ --- - - Zoning Ordinance. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or vicinity by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or the hardships should be addressed the _.,-r-~ .... 4 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship [hat approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. G- ,5'TIE~IC~TION FOR. A3J3VTTNIS~fiA~'F, A~'~'~~'L~~3~QL~ST ....,~-~ t~~u Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. Reasons for appeal: 2. Evidence supporting claim: s5 SUE3JECT T4 lNFOR~tATIOtJ Wl {iC! 1 }v1AY Eit= { .A ~1TLE REPORT BY A LICENSED ATTOfZI~IEY. ,JB.~CT PROPERTY IS Wf~ IIN ~1 iE 1.1M17 S QF 7.OFIE AS S1~OWN UN TIIE FE.ktA FLOOD IiJSURA?-ICE . i~dAP. 11iIS OE7ER~41NAT10N 15 BASED ON, Sail) ~tAf' AI I1) -l S ~aT pEI`N yERiFiED BY ACTUAL. FIELfl ELEVATIONS. TRACT 1 8e TRACT 2 CONVEYED Ta A.T. WiL1.lAM5 01L CD.. ItIC, Iii D.B, 1119, PtJ. fi02. ~ PORT1oN o0, ~NCyA~DS BQULEVARD QUIT GLAII~ED TO A.T. 1~41LLlA~S Ali.. C )rI,H, ' 1119, PG, fi0i . O' D ~ t.OT 7 y 5 30 55'3S" E~ • Q 'QI r1I9 f`d'~ - Pe ~~~ `sari OLD 5 3a 23.1• OI.U O L0~ ~ P1N' ~~~ 72.1 ~' ~'"~ 1~lti I ~--~' ~ w z ~' .¢ Q ~~ ~ . h~~~1~ t~ ~~ -". `_ ~ ~ N ~~ r1 rn ; 1 r ; ~ - .. ~' r ~ a, ~, (~(10t'ERTY aF ~~ ~ flP~ENT Gi~OUE' w N 0.7~i aYA~~ As ISLAND S~ N-~~a` oz--o~4.o~T,as,ta eouraoE Ol ~ 'n 4 D.D. 1336, P~• 18,9 L,1 ~_ o t ~ICLU1SVE t PITI ~ ~ Z ~ PC TRACT 2 ~ 5t ~ 4.26.4 AC. cn i (Sl to t~; w TRACT 1 3 '' i-~ 0.405 AC. ~'' - ~. ~: {, N ~ 1. ~' - Q ~ N rn .~--'~' Ql U w z t'III :• •; •~, 1 P' ~ ~ - . G ~. 5E pQ /j; c`,,, ~n ~ I-r •~. ~ t~IIpPERTY or- ~} r9 p n~~•• .r °~ ~ ~N L. EH .~Z 1f JJ , C ~o • ., ~~ ~ P~TRfC1A 5. Ei31 ,SS• ~~! ~r ~°~ 1'lr~ TAx ,~ 77.14-Q2~}ta l '••. Cr~4,c ~~M''••. ••1~k-. ~ SEW ().t3. 1045, YG• f lJ ~ ~'~ (c 6 ~~ ~`~~ r•'' 71 us Haut IDJ+RY St1Rvr:~i 1~S ~~~ \~-~ ••••''• ~ ~ IS pA5ED Ott ~+ CUr1REaI 1 ~J / DoT •F~~ ~ ,~~, ~ o ' .~, F1ELfa St}RVEY ~ttt) Cy.Q SFc ? ••~, 'C1~ ` ~ q~ ~ [)F5C111P ii0tJ itt D.B. 1 f 1`)~ ~ / ~' I lY f'G. 602 be D.II• 1119, PG• tit / ~ PROPERTY OF ~ G,~, ~ • ~.? _!~-'~{-_---- N. l.Al~'RE3~C~ 8c J~a is SETS ~Q''•• • ~,~~~toraD c. ~ xs, L.~. Da ~~R~ R, RlC~ r i'AX ~ 77.1Q-G4-32,33,34 Q ~ !- ~f~ n,H. 1131, PG. 516 ~~• -. ~.. ~~ ~~ ` ` ~\ ~ \ ~ \ x(_ W I I I ~ l I i I I ~ a z J fG ~ `~ I~ ~ I I ~ ~ 4 I I 1 /~~ ~ , a- ~ ~~ ; ~ .~ I ~„~ ~ ~ I O d 4. Q Q v a V ^~ W C 2 N .~ t V r LL n CJ C N ..~ Q (6 ~`^ ^`, W V Z^` W . ~ N ~ ~ i ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~U ~MM 2~ W t t (Qj Q W i cA D D ~e~ .3rzo 44. .3r~~ 43. sr2e ya 42. ``~ NO ~'~~ 2. 41. 3936 A 6~~ 4d . .3'P 19 ,g~. .32x2 '~ s2os 39. ~~,~• .32ro 38. n 37. ~~ - (~ ~e'b ~~ w ~~ ti ~O _3 sari 3~. .350J i~ ~'r{ ~~/\ .: ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants Name: Christopher H. Hanes DEPARTMENT OF Zoning: Existing C2, Proposed Special Use COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT '. Tax Map No. 77.10-2-5 ,32ra •,~' 6'~ 4. ~aor 6. ~~ . 7. ,320,3 _5. ,3295 ~O '~[~~~ 3272 3i Y ~. ~~ ~~ ~ ~' r--ZOnin C P5~• yp y -~." f . -~-a PETITIONER: Roanoke County Planning Commission CASE NUMBER: 412003 Planning Commission Hearing Date: August 5, 2003 (Reconsideration continued) Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: August 26, 2003 A. REQUEST The petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-93, Signs. (Board of Supervisors referred petition to the Planning Commission for further consideration) B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. Roger Holnback spoke in favor of the off-premise (billboard sign) revisions. He stated that viewsheds in the rural areas of the County are increasingly threatened and proactive measures must be taken in order to preserve the quality of life in Roanoke County. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. David Holladay presented a summary of the work leading up to the proposed amendments, including the discussion at the 5/6/2003 afternoon work session regarding replacement of non-conforming signs. Mr. Witt asked if a separate motion was needed to add the alternative amendments dated April 30, 2003. Mr. Holladay suggested including reference to the alternative amendments in the motion to forward the petition. There was no further discussion. D. CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt made a motion to approve Draft #4, Proposed Sign Ordinance Amendments, dated April 23, 2003, including the Alternative Amendments to Sec 30-93-11. Nonconforming Signs, and Sec. 30-28. Definitions dated April 30, 2003. Motion carried 3-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE 072203-8 DENYING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO RANDY GRISSO TO OPERATE A PRIVATE KENNEL TO BE LOCATED AT 1459 MOUNTAIN HEIGHTS DRIVE (TAX MAP NO. 35.04-1-22), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Randy Grisso has filed a petition for a special use permit to operate a private kennel to be located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive (Tax Map No. 35.04-1- 22) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 3, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on May 27, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on July 22, 2003 (continued from June 24, 2003). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: On motion of Supervisor Church to deny the special use permit and to allow the petitioner 45 days to comply with the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~U111A~J ~ • C./IL(~Q'11J111J Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police ,~ . ~- 3 PETITIONER: Randy Grisso CASE NUMBER: 12-612003 Planning Commission Hearing Date: June 3, 2003 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 22, 2003 (Continued from June 24, 2003) A. REQUEST The petition of Randy Grisso to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Private Kennel on 2.21 acres, located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. (Petition was continued by request of the Petitioner) B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Linda Oliver, 1672 Mountain Heights Drive, stated she is fearful the dogs will dig under the fence jeopardizing the safety of the children in the area. J.M. Oliver, 1440 Mountain Heights Drive, stated he has noticed a lot of barking since the front yard fence was installed. Cleo Oliver, 1440 Mountain Heights Drive, stated her father, B. O. Martin, built the Mountain Heights Subdivision and applied restrictions at that time. Paul Shumaker, 1541 Mountain Heights, stated he was concerned other requests would follow if this request is granted. Calvin Waldron, 1456 Mountain Heights Drive, expressed concern about the safety of his children if the dogs get out of the yard. He stated he was concerned the petitioner would get more dogs. Christopher Brennan, 1504 Mountain Heights Drive, stated the dogs are a nuisance and the situation is not fair to the neighborhood. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Chris Lowe presented the petition. Ms. Hooker asked the petitioner if he had received complaints on the dogs. He stated yes, he had received one and thought it had been resolved. He stated that two of the dogs are outside a considerable amount of time but the three small dogs are primarily inside animals. Mr. Azar tried to establish the amount of time the two dogs are outside. The petitioner stated he works from home and his wife is at home so the dogs are in and out throughout the day and evening hours. Ms. Hooker stated that it seems that the barking is the primary problem that is bothering the neighbors. Mr. Witt asked the petitioner if he had considered any type of device to limit the dog barking. Petitioner said no but he would be willing to consider it. D. CONDITIONS 1. The Special Use Permit shall limit the number of dogs on the property to five (5). E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Ms. Martha Hooker made a motion to deny the rezoning. She stated that the neighbors have established that the dogs are a nuisance. This motion passed 3-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other ~° w~ Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Grisso Private Kennel Request: Special Use Permit for Private Kennel Location: 1459 Mountain Heights Drive Salem, VA 24153 Magisterial District: Catawba Suggested 1. The Special Use Permit shall limit the number of dogs on the Conditions: property to five (5). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This is a request for a Special Use Permit for a Private Kennel at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive. The property is designated as Transition in the Roanoke County Community Plan, and is currently zoned R-1. This request is for a Private Kennel. The request involves (1) one parcel, consisting of 2.21 acres. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Private Kennel is Permitted in R-1 Zoning District with a Special Use Permit. Private Kennels in R-1 shall follow the regulations set forth in Sec. 30-82-4 in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 1. Minimum lot size: One (1) acre. 2. A private kennel shall be permitted only when accessory to asingle-family dwelling. 3. Exterior runs, pens and other confined areas designed to house four (4) or more animals shall be set back at least twenty-five (25) feet from any property line. For the purposes of this section, perimeter fencing of a yard shall not be considered a confined area. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Back rg; ound -Currently the petitioner has 5 dogs. A115 dogs stay in the home at night. The petitioner's yard is completely fenced in. Two dogs, which are medium sized dogs, run in the front yard where the petitioner has just recently put up new fencing. The remaining three dogs are miniature-sized dogs and are let out in the rear yard on a need to go basis. Most of the time is spent in the home. The petitioner has roughly 1.5 acres of property fenced. Topo~raphyNe~etation - The petitioner's property has a continuous slope from side to side. To the rear of the property is a wood line, which is also on his property. ~. Surrounding Neighborhood -The surrounding neighborhood consists of residentially zoned properties. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture -The property is a single family residential home. The site is a 2.21- acre site with approximately 1.5 acres fenced. Access/Traffic Circulation - V DOT anticipates that the existing entrances are acceptable and that this request will have no impact to Mountain Heights Drive. Fire & Rescue/LTtilities -Fire and rescue services will continue, as they currently exist. The Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department primarily serve the site. Utilities are not currently provided to this property. Public water is currently provided while sanitary sewer is not currently available. This Special Use Permit does not affect the existing public water and sanitary sewer systems Department of Economic Development -The Department of Economic offer no objections. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The site is designated as Transition in the 1998 Community Plan. This particular use is not identified in the Community Plan, but does follow the pattern of different categories of housing within this planning area. Transition is defined as a development area, which should discourage strip development and encourage access and aesthetics. 5. STAFF CONCLUSIONS This is a request for a Special Use Permit for a Private Kennel. The request involves (1) one parcel, consisting of 2.21 acres on Mountain Heights Drive. Though this use is not identified in the Roanoke County Community Plan the site has ample space to conform to all applicable development standards. As long as the current conditions of the property and the suggested conditions requested by staff are in place, then no negative impacts are anticipated. CASE NUMBER: 12-6/2003 PREPARED BY: Chris Lowe HEARING PC: June 3, 2003 BOS: June 24, 2003 DATES: 2 t .TCiSTi~`ICATION FOR REZQNING, SPECI:~L tiSE ~ER~I~QT OR WAI~JER'REQL`EST "~ ..~,,~ Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. Please explain how the project conforms to the Plan. and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjo' g properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. 3 ,T[ISTIF'IC?,.TION TOIL VARIANCE IZEQ[TEST Applicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describehow the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege, or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the s~me zoning district or by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zonm~Ordinance. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent Such hardships should be addressed the character of the district. ..~° ~~' 4 TUS'IIFICATION FOR ADYTIl~ZSTR,~'T`IVE APPEAL'RFQII£S'[' Applicant 5 Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. CONCEPT PLa~i CHECKLIST ~ ~,'-.~',, A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions _ d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties _ e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties g. All property lines and easements h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains} and connections at the site 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections _ o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. Signature of applicant Date 6 ,~~- r AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO RANDY GRISSO TO OPERATE A PRIVATE KENNEL TO BE LOCATED AT 1459 MOUNTAIN HEIGHTS DRIVE (TAX MAP NO. 35.04-1-22), CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Randy Grisso has filed a petition for a special use permit to operate a private kennel to be located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive (Tax Map No. 35.04-1- 22) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on June 3, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on May 27, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on July 22, 2003 (continued from June 24, 2003). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Randy Grisso to operate a private kennel to be located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive (Tax Map No. 35.04-1-22) in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (1) The Special Use Permit shall limit the number of dogs on the property to five (5). 13 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. # - ~ ,.~~ , • ~~./ J 1- 15' 1 ? Zoning: R-1 20. \ ~.. ~,~ ~~ zoning: -1 + 21. \ 14~ ~ ~ _4 . 134(7 c~ ,a,~ 22. 144' Wiz. ~~ 1-39 ~~ ~~ Zo 'ng: R-1 25. / ~'"`Y *y ,~`~' ~• Q ~---~ .,..~ ~ ~ v ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants Name: Randy Grisao DEPARTMENT OF Zoning: R-1 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Proposed Zoning: R-1 S. U.P Tax Map No. 35.04-1-22 s AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE 072203-9 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JAMES C. PARRISH AND LAURA B. PARRISH TO CONSTRUCT AN ACCESSORY APARTMENT TO BE LOCATED AT 3210 LAWNDALE ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 77.10-7-27, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, James C. and Laura B. Parrish have filed a petition for a special use permit to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres located at 3210 Lawndale Road (Tax Map No. 77.10-7-27) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on June 24, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on July 22, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to James C. and Laura B. Parrish to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres located at 3210 Lawndale Road (Tax Map No. 77.10-7-27) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (1) All parking shall be restricted to the existing driveway. 1 Y , ~ ~ 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor McNamara to adopt the ordinance with one condition, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~o) ~l ~~~,~~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Janet Scheid, Chief Planner William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 a ~ r ~ ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants Name: James & Laura B. Parrish. DEPARTMENT OF Zoning: Existing R 1, Proposed Special Use COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 77.10-7-27 l '4 ~~ ~1 PETITIONER: James C., III and Laura B. Parrish CASE NUMBER: 14-7/2003 Planning Commission Hearing Date: July 1, 2003 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 22, 2003 A. REQUEST The petition of James C., III and Laura B. Parrish to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres, zoned R-1 Low Density Residential District located at 3210 Lawndale Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Ms. Heather Prokopchak, 5340 Cave Spring Lane, spoke in support of the request noting that no vehicles are on site presently, that any renters would not add more than two vehicles, and that the proposal would allow for added income and possibly assistance in the home for the petitioners. Mr. Wilson Hoffman, 5413 Canter Drive, stated that he had no objection with the request considering the county's standards in place. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Mr. Tim Beard presented the staff report. Mrs. Parrish began by saying that she and Mr. Parrish need to be able to lease an accessory apartment in order to supplement their Social Security Disability and trust funds. Mr. Witt asked if future tenants would use the existing basement side door or the front door to the house. Mrs. Parrish replied that the side door would be the main, private entrance for tenants and if required by the county -the front door also. Ms. Hooker asked if a time limit could be attached to the permit. Ms. Scheid replied that a limit could be imposed. Mrs. Hooker asked if other commissioners supported any time limit condition. Mr. Ross stated that he believed the standard requiring the owner(s) to live on the premises would help ensure that the building would not have a "duplex appearance." Mr. Ross had also asked if the total floor area of the accessory apartment should be reduced slightly so as to not exceed 50 percent of the finished floor area of the principal dwelling. Mr. Beard replied that the proposed apartment area could be reduced approximately 150 square feet to meet one-half of the existing finished floor area of the house. Mr. Witt noted that the driveway should not be extended or enlarged. D. CONDITIONS 1. All parking shall be restricted to the existing driveway. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Ross made a motion to make a favorable recommendation for the special use permit request. Motion carried 4-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map Staff Report _ Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission ~s ..` ~° F~~ STAFF REPORT Petitioner: James C. & Laura B. Parrish Request: Special Use Permit for Accessory Apartment Location: 3210 Lawndale Road Magisterial District: Windsor Hills EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This application seeks a Special Use Permit to construct an 800 - 900 square foot accessory apartment within the basement footprint of the petitioners' home - an approximate 2,600 square-foot modular dwelling. The subject property consists of 22,000 square feet and is zoned R-1 Low Density Residential. The probable layout of the apartment would contain two bedrooms, one bathroom and a kitchen accommodating a maximum of two adults and one child. The site is designated Neighborhood Conservation by the 1998 Community Plan. The proposal conforms with zoning ordinance standards at an acceptable residential density (four units/acre). 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS The ordinance defines accessory apartment as a second dwelling unit within a detached single family dwelling which is clearly incidental and subordinate to the main dwelling. In the R-1 district, a Special Use Permit from the Board of Supervisors must be granted prior to the construction of an accessory apartment. General standards include the following: 1. An accessory apartment shall only be considered as an accessory use to a detached single-family residence and no accessory apartment shall be located in any structure other than the principal structure on the lot. 2. Maximum floor area: upon completion of construction the apartment shall not contain more than 50 percent of the finished floor area of the principal dwelling located on the same lot, but in no case shall the accessory apartment exceed 1,000 square feet. 3. Only one accessory apartment shall be allowed on any one lot or parcel, and the property owner shall reside on the premises. 4. Exterior entrances to the apartment shall be located so as to appear as a single family dwelling. 5. Minimum floor area of the apartment shall not be less than 300 square feet. 6. One parking space shall be required in addition to required parking for the principal dwelling. 7. Health Department approval of sewage disposal shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit for an accessory apartment. ~°" 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background -The petitioner's one-story modular ranch was constructed in 1999. The subject house stands in the center of a 295-foot deep lot. The property dips slightly from Lawndale Road and is entirely grass-covered other than the homesite and 150-foot driveway. Residents of the proposed apartment would access the basement through an existing door on the north side of the house. The zoning ordinance (Section 30-82-1(A)) describes the intent of accessory apartments as "affording an opportunity for the development of small rental units designed to meet the special housing needs of persons with fixed or limited income, and relatives of families who live or desire to live in the county. Such apartments provide a degree of flexibility for homeowners with changing economic conditions and/or family structure, while providing a reasonable degree of protection for existing property values." Surrounding Neighborhood -The immediate vicinity is characterized by a variety of home sizes on lots ranging from less than 8,000 square feet to approximately 30,000 square feet. Most houses in the Lawndale Road area were built 40 - 50 years ago. 3. CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMMUNITY PLAN The subject parcel and all surrounding tracts are designated Neighborhood Conservation by the 1998 Community Plan. Accessory apartments are not specifically addressed. However, the Future Land Use Guide advocates preserving the stability of residential neighborhoods by discouraging the intrusion of incompatible uses and, recognizes that in order to discourage sprawl, some reasonable increase in housing density may be necessary as infill development occurs. Further, the Community Plan encourages the maintenance and enhancement of older neighborhoods, recognizing that these homes provide a viable source of affordable housing to the community. 4. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The petitioners' request complies with all use and design standards required by the zoning ordinance. It is staff s opinion that this proposed use, because of its scale, design and location, will be compatible with existing and future uses in the Lawndale Road area. As such, the accessory apartment use must pose minimum adverse impact to the immediate area considering such items as traffic congestion, noise, lights, dust, odor, fumes, vibrations, drainage, water quality and air quality. In consideration of, and in order to mitigate adverse impact, staff has reviewed the proposal (per Section 30-19- 1(B)1 and 2) and anticipates no negative impacts on the neighborhood. If recommended for approval, staff suggests limiting the accessory apartment's location to the basement of the principal structure. CASE NUMBER: 14 - 7 / 2003 PREPARED BY: Timothy Beard HEARING DATES: P.C.: 7/1/2003 B.O.S.: 7/22/2003 ,' ~ .County of Roanoke For Staft` Use +Oniy Community Development Date received:.. Received by:1'j'~~'~ Planning & Zoning ~` -~ ~3 / Application fee: f ~~ PClBZA dale: ~ ~ 5204 Bernard Drive ~ L~ p ~ BOX 29800 Piacazds issued:/_ B05 date: ~/,Z~ Roanoke, VA 2401$-0798 ~~~~~~' (540} 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 Casa Number ~ ~ .-` ~ (~ AL.L' ~'P~'LI~'fA~~S'~ Check type of application filed (c ck all that apply) Rezoning Special Use Variance Applicants name/address wlzip 3Z1 b ~wndAlt. Owner's name/address w/zip Waiver Administrative Appeal Phone• ~ ~~" ~ ~~.5? Work: Cell # ~ ~ `~ ~=~ ~-~---- Fae Na.: Fhone #:_ Work:_ Fax No. #: Property Location Magisterial District: \~ i N~ '~~ 3 z~ D L.bw~~e Community Planning area: ~~~ Tax Map No.: -~-~, 0 .._. --~- ~~ E,xistmg Zoning' ~, Size of parcel(s): Acres:Y 0. Existing Land Use: ~-`~1~4~'- It~`Zfli~I~V~ SFEG~AL, f/SE` 1'ERrt>fl~.T -1 YD .~A-~~En..1I'PLI~,1_`;'''S~ (R,'SfVv~' Proposed Zoning: ~ ~2.-t ,''~t~~` Proposed Land Use: .~~~' ~~~~`~~ ``~~~' Does the parcel meet the minimum Iot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQTJIItEI3 FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this requests Yes No ,~ ~ , s ;~ .~iPI~L~~L .~FI'L £C'A~c'~Z'S, ~~-:.,~ : L~ ~rfRlfL1V'EE,~~ ~i~AfinLR D 9fldkll~~Fl'~T~T~.' sa ~ . ~~ ~> Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to ~~ Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEP'T'ED TF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. ~g~~y Y/AA R!S/W Y/AA R/5/W Y/AA Consultation 8 1/2" x 11 " concept plan Application fee Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Application '~ Ad'oinin roe owners Justification 2. Water and sewer application i g p p nY I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. l`~- c ~ 0 net's Signature 2 ,. ~S'i`~ir:~'~CI~i ~'{)R 1~,ZONL'v~G, S~?EC~AL ~TS~ P:CR'4~'p OR t~%:~~ ~t`~ i~.~ ~~ Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinanc,. ~}ry, ~ ,-0 a A ar, 1 /.~'" y ~~ ~,[ .~, ~~ ~i l~~-1, .J a~ ~''~ -~.C:'.R~4''+s;'p 'f~rg ,JV' (~ °ety~~. `} °~'z~~' ~" ~'.;.~.~°~°'1 "`r , ~ n l~ ~, o Carnrn u r'L ~C` e're1 ~; ~r~- . s~~,~ ~-b ~~*~-~~°~j a.'~ p ~.~ ~ ~ "~ZS+~,~. ~u .~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ cy~ ~ ~.a~ may. ~"'!~°~st'~' ~ 4'~$;.rt ~~~TM.~''° _ ~° `,°. ' ~~ .~ ~ ~. ~,~ Ga.a~, se. ~ a, Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. ~ ~. ~,. ~ ~^- ' ~'`, ,.~~ a , r ~,~ ~~-- ~ ~~~.. .., i' @ ~ `~ is r ~_ _~' ~L~~ ~~1` ~~s m y •> a~ p ~. . - '~ ' #~ `.~ a S k~~ - ~ ,~~. 3 ~ - .mom ~ ~:~_ '^ . aa. , ,~ ~ ,E'er" A °° d ,, Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and ,fire and rescue. ,^ ~ , ; ~ ,~ ~ 3 ^'~~:.. , ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ >~rs~'~~~~o~r ~o~ ~TA~~eL ~Q~s Applicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describehow the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. r ~L_ 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the mtenaea spiri~ ~u vui~u~~ ~i ~~ Zoning Ordinance. 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or unreasonably restrict the use of the property. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties in the same zoning district or by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent Such hardships should be addressed or the character of the 4 t ~'.~,S'1~'~r'^~~QN ~'OR ~Dl~I~1I5'i`Rt~'~'IVE .~PE~.L ~,QL'E5'1' ~ `" Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. Reasons for appeal: 2. Evidence supporting 5 CONCEP~'PI.~~ C~CI~,IST -. A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any denciencies that may not be manageable by County permitting reg~.zlations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan thai is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permii procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS - a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow _ c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions _ d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties - e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties g. All property lines and easements _ h. A11 buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i. Location, widths and names of ail existing or platted streets or othex public ways within or adjacent to the development - j. Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for RE~OMNG and SFECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS _ k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site 1. Any driveways, entrances/exits, curb openings and crossovers _ m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals - n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections _ o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants _ p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed _ q. If project is to be. phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. ~~ ~~ ~~ Signature of applicant Date 6 EYE M.D.'s CHAD D. ALBRIGHT, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY LAS/K & REFRACTIVE SURGERY JON P. BRISLEY, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY CATARACT & LENS IMPLANT SURGERY ROBERT L. BROWNLOW, JR., M.D. DISEASES & SURGERY OF THE RETINA TIMOTHY R. BYRNES, M.D. DISEASES & SURGERY OF 7HE RETINA FRANK COTTER, M.D. GLAUCOMA & CATARACT SURGERY LASIK & REFRACTIVE SUAGERY KURT W. L. GUELZOW, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY EYE PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SUAGERY JOHN L. NINES, M.D. DISEASES &SUAGERY OF THE RETINA M. K. HUMPHRIES III, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY DAVID A. KINSLER, M.D. CATARACT & LENS IMPLANT SURGERY LASIK & REFRACTIVE SURGERY ALAN J. LePETER, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY THOMAS P. MARTIN, M.D. CORNEA & EXTERNAL DISEASE LASIK & REFRACTIVE SURGERY DONALD J. RACE, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY ANTERIOR SEGMENT SURGERY T ~( ~~~~ Vistar Eye Center ~~~-&s~s,~~ May 23, 2003 City of Roanoke Disability RE: Laura Parrish, Chart #: 385148 DOB: 8/9/51 To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Laura Parrish is along-standing patient of mine for the past ten years. Her ocular history is somewhat complicated, although she suffers from retinopathy of prematurity as well as toxoplasma retinochoroiditis and multiple retinal detachments. Presently her visual acuity is no light perception in the left eye and 20/300 in the right eye, which is considered legally blind. She is being treated at the present time for ocular inflammation and also rubeosis in the right eye. At the present time her eye seems quiet, although I do not see or project any visual acuity improvement. ANN B. SOWERS, M.D. COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY PEDIATRIC OPHTHAL. & STRABISMUS Laura has limited flinctionability with her right eye and she must remain In SCOTT A. STRELOW, M.D. a somewhat guarded state when mobilizing. I hope you understand that any help CORNEA & EXTERNAL DISEASES LASlK & REFRACTIVE SURGERY that the City of Roanoke or any other program can give Laura would ai er KENNETH D. TUCK, M.D. considerably since she is a very motivated individual. I hope this information is COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY ANTERIOR SEGMENT SURGERY helpful. If there are any questions, please feel free to c JOHN R. WOOD, M.D. CATARACT & LENS IMPLANT SURGERY Sincerely, l /f LASIK & REFRACTIVE SURGERY // COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY `,... OPTOMETRISTS /,~ CHARLES C. PEGRAM JR., O.D. ~j' D. MAC SCOTHORN, o.D. Mac Scothorn, OD KATHY P. COWAN ADMINISTRATOR MS/bp For Appointments Ca11 540-855-5 1 00 OFFICES LOCATED AT: 3320 FRANKLIN RD. SW 707 S. JEFFERSON ST 426 W. MAIN ST. 1138 SECOND ST. 375 HERSHBERGER RD. ROANOKE, VA 24014 ROANOKE, VA 24011 SALEM, VA 24153 ROANOKE, VA 24016 RO 540-563 4455 12 540-342-0801 540-344-4000 540-389-8639 540-345-0486 395 S. MAIN ST. 548 BLUE RIDGE AVE. ROCKY MOUNT, VA 24151 BEDFORD, VA 24523 540-483-3655 540-586-5700 ., ~.., .- ..~ ;. f ~'='f 9~a' :__ SFr, ~"=`~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO JAMES C. PARRISH AND LAURA B. PARRISH TO CONSTRUCT AN ACCESSORY APARTMENT TO BE LOCATED AT 3210 LAWNDALE ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 77.10-7-27, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, James C. and Laura B. Parrish have filed a petition for a special use permit to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres located at 3210 Lawndale Road (Tax Map No. 77.10-7-27) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on June 24, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on July 22, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to James C. and Laura B. Parrish to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres located at 3210 Lawndale Road (Tax Map No. 77.10-7-27) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following condition: (1) All parking shall be restricted to the existing driveway. ,. T~ 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants Name: James & Laura B. Parrish DEPARTMENT OF Zoning: Existing R>, Proposed Special Use COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 77.10-7-27 ... i '- ~ ~ i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE 072203-10 GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ELIJAH S. CARROLL TO OPERATE A PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL FACILITY ON 4.76 ACRES LOCATED AT 3432 POFF LANE (TAX MAP NO. 87.10-3-13), CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Elijah S. Carroll has filed a petition for a special use permit to operate a primary educational facility on 4.76 acres located at 3432 Poff Lane (Tax Map No. 87.10-3-13) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on June 24, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was he-d on July 22, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Elijah S. Carroll to operate a Primary Educational Facility on 4.76 acres located at 3432 Poff Lane (Tax Map No. 87.10-3-13) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) Enrollment shall be limited to 30 students, unless a lower maximum number is established by the Virginia Department of Social Services. 1 y a (2) The school driveway shall be gated. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance with two conditions, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Janet Scheid, Chief Planner William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 N!M - V - H _ - ~'1 - _ 1 ~ 1. _ - .A 14. ,~ - R.i71a \, - W~ 1S. T 1F"" ~~ ~ 4 6. Q Z. sa+ 9. ~ - 1. 9t awa E~ ~.., . ~. awr 1' _ .. 6_1 sw E.6 2.4 a E _ \,,,~~ .~- 4~~i'' L4,.'"" .~ E 9 " 2.7 s7wr E_8 1 - nw ~ _ rase ~ ~ ebnda~raaM`nr~ 2.9 ~'w.rw ...~ '" _ r nw ,iras~~is 6r ,iaa° a - rmr~ni rear-~taet - pr~abga ~ tBr-seat ,m,s~x-ova ~nen at ! lEas sra 34. ~~ ~~ a 43. 6. 4. » M ~'~' ~' a_s.a 3, r ,.ib b. 7~ b.(0) ~/ Zori~,ng: R `ti ~ e. QO ,~ ,ter ,iA6! '~ 13: ~, LYeorview Baplist Chuirh Aar1Y ~ 4.76 7G ~l 11_1 y~..~ .+.0 1.76 ~~ b. a+ao spa i. 1 .uss aaab i~ ~~ 8. e. 1-° Zontirig: R2 Zonir-,g: R2 ,.~ ~ _ 12. ~ j1. aovr _ES._ gtaC~i tai3i M. ,on r ~' ~AS66 rcb`~ . 7.0. ~~ ~. Zontirig: I1 CS Forest Condomm ~ 102 '~° ~x b. ~~ ~r 13• 12. ~' UniY 14. ,,~ ~~ 10,1 18. '~ 17. sar .w~v .xrs - ~~ strr -11. ~~ 15. -13. 18, ~ J16tl' 4 ~ 1 4~ ,~ r ~ ~ !4. ,irei Q 10. ~~ 10. `R~ ~ 19. ~ .tom ~ 9. a,. ~ ~ q3'' % '19~. -10.. 2Q' Jar7 ~eoa P/0 87.14-3-2 a 'Qo, 9 1 "~ 100' ~ ~ ~. 1. 8. .P°~`f~~. 21. ~ ROANOKE COUNTY Applicar+,ts Name: Elijah S. Carroll DEPARTMENT OF :Zoning: Existing R2, Proposed Special Use COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 87.10-3-13 L ~ ~~ PETITIONER: Elijah Carroll -Montessori School CASE NUMBER: 15-7/2003 Planning Commission Hearing Date: July 1, 2003 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: July 22,.2003 A. REQUEST The petition of Elijah S. Carroll to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Primary Educational Facility on 4.76 acres, zoned R-2 Medium Density Residential District located at 3432 Poff Lane, Cave Spring Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. Michael Price, 3440 Poff Lane expressed concern regarding the narrowness of Poff Lane and the amount of traffic a school would generate. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Ms. Janet Scheid presented the staff report. Mr. Witt asked the petitioner questions regarding Poff Lane and the safety of the road as access to the school. D. CONDITIONS 1. Enrollment shall be limited to 30 students, unless a lower maximum number is established by the Virginia Department of Social Services. 2. The school driveway shall be gated. E. COMMISSION ACTION(S) Mr. Witt made a motion to approve the special use permit. Motion carried 4-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: _ Concept Plan _ Vicinity Map _ Staff Report _ Other Janet Scheid, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission Petitioner: Elijah S Carroll Request: Special Use Permit for Primary Education Facility (Montessori School) Location: 3432 Poff Lane Magisterial District: Cave Spring Proffered/Suggested 1. Enrollment shall be limited to 30 students, unless a lower maximum Conditions: number is established by the Virginia Department of Social Services. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Roanoke Valley Montessori School wishes to relocate to an existing 1,550 square foot church building at 3432 Poff Lane. The school serves 25 students, ages three through six. The site is zoned R2, Medium Density Residential District, and located in the Cave Spring Magisterial District. The property and surrounding area are designated Neighborhood Conservation in the1998 Roanoke County Community Plan. The proposed change in use from a church to a school conforms with the Community Plan. As long as the school maintains a small enrollment, no negative impacts are anticipated. If the Planning Commission wishes to place a limit on the school enrollment, then the above-mentioned condition is suggested. . APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Primary Education Facilities are allowed by special use permit in the R2 zoning district. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background -The existing church building was constructed in the mid-1970s. It is approximately 1,550 square feet, and contains one large sanctuary room, and several small classrooms and offices. It was last used by Calvary Chapel in 2002. TopoQraphy/Ve~etation - A paved driveway slopes up to the east from Poff Lane to a gravel parking lot at the top of a hill. A 200-foot-wide American Electric Power transmission line easement crosses the driveway. Other than the developed area and transmission line easement, most of the property remains wooded. Surrounding Nei borhood -Adjoining property to the south and west is zoned R2, Medium Density Residential district, and contains single family homes on one to three acre tracts. Stonehenge Condominiums adjoins to the north, and is zoned Planned Residential District. Adjoining property to the east is zoned Il, Conditional, and contains amini-warehouse development. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture -The Roanoke Valley Montessori School is currently located at 4523 Brambleton Avenue. The school has an enrollment of 25 preschool students ages 3 through 6. The petitioners have stated that they wish to relocate from their current facility of approximately ' 1,000 square feet in order to provide more space for-their existing enrollment, rather than expand enrollment. The Virginia Department of Social Services regulates the size of the school's classrooms, based on square footage of the facility. The petitioners anticipate a new enrollment limit of approximately 30 students for the proposed new location. The petitioners have stated that if the Planning Commission wishes to place a limit on the number of students at the proposed location, that 30 would be an adequate number. Access/Traffic Circulation -Access would be via Poff Lane. Virginia Department of Transportation staff has commented that the existing entrance is adequate for the proposed use. The existing driveway and parking area is sufficient to handle the proposed use and enrollment levels. However, a significant increase in enrollment could result in traffic impacts to Poff Lane. Fire & Rescue/LTtilities -Fire and rescue service will continue as currently provided. The building is served by a private well and septic system. A six-inch public water line runs near the southeastern property line. The nearest public sanitary sewer is either in Stonehenge Condominiums to the north, or in Meadowlark Road, to the south. Connections to public water and sanitary sewer services would require easements across adjoining properties. 4. CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN The property is designated Neighborhood Conservation in the 1998 Roanoke County Community Plan. Areas designated Neighborhood Conservation are where established single family neighborhoods are delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged. Neighborhood institutional centers, such as schools, are encouraged land use types. The proposed change in use from a church to a school conforms with the 199$ Community Plan. STAFF CONCLUSIONS The existing building and parking lot are sufficient to serve the proposed use. The petitioner does not anticipate much, if any, additional enrollment beyond the current number of students. As long as the school maintains a small enrollment, no negative impacts are anticipated. If the Planning Commission wishes to place a limit on the school enrollment, then the following condition is suggested: 1) Enrollment shall be limited to 30 students, unless a lower maximum number is established by the Virginia Department of Social Services. CASE NUMBER: 15-7/2003 PREPARED BY: David Holladay HEARING PC:7/1/03 DATES: BOS: 7/22/03 ,~~ 2 - . ~ County of Roanoke For Staff Use Only Community Development Date received: eceived by: Planning & Zoning S ~- ° 3 Ap nation fee: PC/BZA date: 524 ~ernar~ ~frive ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ 3 P ~ $!X '19800 Placards issued: BOS date: Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 ~ " ~~ ~~' ° ~ (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-715 Case Number .F s -~ ~ z~~3 ,. AnLL 9.PPI;IC4~'TS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) Waiver Rezoning Special Use / Variance Applicants name/address w/zip ~..(f,~G~ S~ C~.rrn~lr~~~ ' ~j a, nti 15 ~ la ~~r w "~+ V^vc- ~ ^U4 ~ ~i 't:~ b~'l U, Owner''s~name/address w/zip P lei chc,rc~ ~~r~v1~ ~~, r`~~X `~SaO `~ cx.-~ Alec t ~ ~ ~{ ~t Property Location Administrative Appeal Work: S ~ As A-t~w~ Cell#~~t9 U3u -is7/S' Fax No. Phone #: ~~`~~~ ~fi~7 - ~~a? Work: - Spa-~-- Fax No. #:- Magisterial District: `., ~'/ 3 ~- ~v -f -t-- L- ~. -~ c~ Community Planning area: C ~ ~,.-t ;,, Tax Map No.: ~ .? r ~ ~ _, ~ _ ~ ~ Existing Zoning: ~ \\ ?ize of parcel(s): Acres: ~~ Existing Land Use: ~~,v r ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ t~ ~~~~~~J ,~+,ZOI~t'VG SPE~T,~L IiSE PEZL3IIT'~7VD T~~4FT~ER . fPPLIC:~'TS i12/Si.V~' Praposed Zoning: ~ ., ~ ~~ Proposed Land Use: ~P ~ ~„~~. C ~-~ ~ ~` e the parcel meet the minimum lot area, ~TCE IS REQ tUIl2EDgFIRS'i'nts of the requested district? Yes No IF NO, A VARIAI oes the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes No IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIltED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes o µ ~11VER ~11`~D gU~vII~'ZS7~I~iTlT!E APPE'~.:~I'PLIC~I~T.S (,y ti1''~:-1) V~VC'E, ~ ~ ~` VariancelWaiver~of Sections} ~~~ of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF Aiv'Y OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. R15/W V(AA R/S(W ti/AA R/S!W V/AA A lication fee Consultation 8 112" x 11" concept plan pp Metes and hounds description Proffers, if applicable Application Ad'oinin roe owners Justification Water and sewer application 1 g p p ~ >I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Owner's Signature 2 rCTS ~ ~I1 C:~3`TGN ~'t3R F.£ZDIVTNG, SPEEI`~L, ~,TS~, P~R1t~Q~' OR ~~%:~I~R ~~L~S i , ~-" `~' ~ Applicant Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit or waiver requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the ~ beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. ~1 3 Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including waterlsewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fue and rescue. `" ~ ~y ROANOKE VALLEY MONTESSORI SCHOOL 4523 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 (540) 989-3096 I do not feel that there would really be any impact on the surrounding houses. There is only on neighbor to the property and you can't see the house through the trees. We were also planning on planting a row of evergreen trees on 10 ft centers just for our own privacy, but also to give the neighboring house privacy. The street is a dead end after the driveway. It is accessible enough for any rescue vehicles. It is on a septic system. But if needed we would change over to county sewer systems.. ~t ~ ROANOKE VALLEY MONTESSORI SCHOOL 4523 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 (540) 989-3096 The preschool would conform to the guidelines you have set forth because we would have less people coming to and going than the last users of the property. The property backs up to Stonehenge Apartments, but you can really not see them through the woods. We would not have a constant flow of traffic. We have children that show up between 7:45 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the children are picked up between 12:00 p.m. and. 5:30 p.m.. The parents are really nice and respected people of the community. Some of our parents have seen the property and they love it. The property is kind of a center point with all the other schools in the area. Most of the parents have older children that go North Cross, Cave Spring Elem., and Penn Forest Elem. It would be convenient to a lot of our parents. The street up to the property is a public access road that dead ends after the turn in to the property, so no one drives past the property for any reason. y 5 "` .~ ROANOKE VALLEY MONTESSORI SCHOOL 4523 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24018 (540} 989-3096 I am requesting a special use permit for 3432 Poff Ln. The property is zoned R-2 and in the Roanoke County Community Plan Land Use guide, labels the property as Neighborhood Conservation. I would like to use the property as a Montessori Preschool. (I have enclosed a packet that we would give inquiring parents so that you could get a "feel" for what a Montessori preschool is). The property is perfect for our preschool. It has a building that the interior of would be perfect for the sort of classroom that the Montessori method suggest. The outside of the property is on 4.67 acres and is totally surrounded by trees and a forest. In the Land Use Guide under neighborhood conservation it mentions institutional centers which says schools. So we would be following the guidelines that you have set forth. ~- ~. ,n. 3 ~ 1120 ~~ 355 ~ I 120 rn ~ Z `03553 ~ o 120 ~~, cV 3555,~co 1 ~ N s+. ~I ~~, 355 co 5~ ~ 00 ~. 5 ~ 1 3 355k c°c~ I 1°0 h ~ ~5y6 ~I 100 ~ 5$ ~ 35 ~ d'1 '~ ~ti 1 120 ~1 ~ os. O ~ 559 0 ~~' ~ ~. 3 12 c~ "~ ~ ~ - ~,~ 356 ~ ~ I / ,n. 120 / ~ ~~, / / /~ i / v ~ ~ /~ ' ~~ o N ~~ /~3' Nm c ~~ ~~^ ^ ~ / O~ ~ o / u o m d' o m F CCCJJJ d°. o / ~ N c~ •~ ^N /n ~ ~ ~ ~Q aka ~ ~.vJ ~ C ~~ V ~o O f^ m m / q ` `~ -~ ,a? .~ nl "~ d' 'ON ~~~n-jam l ~- ~, ~ ~~ O ~ O ~ ~ o goo .~ ' N L~ l 1 pN .°N xol ^ ~ ~~ q 9- O Q ~ ,~~ ~ ! ~ C''~ I co ~ _ ~ I per / .Q~ ~ , ~ ~ ~N O~ Nco ~ ! ~ 001 ! j~ ~t d ~~ /~~\ ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ I° 0 •,~' ~~~~ •~ L\2 Q ~- J O O~ ^ r~ ~~ r`~C / ~ / //// ~~ ~ ~ / ¢ ~ ~ r~~ ~; N su I ~l /- ~ ~ i . Sib / ! / o ~! ~ ~ ~, / d~ `// `~' -}-~ `~ + `.~- ~ o ~ ~~ v ,\ O U U U ~.' 1 QQ ~ ~~_ ~ ~~ ~-.i-. l~ ~ U ~--I Q Q ~I 5~ g0 I u Q ~I rn ~ o N n m n q Ocv~ 3 ~ ~ p_ 0 0 ozd ~i~v~ z nw o cur ~ Q~oi ~ x~-o ~ s a S2lS _ F oaZ ~a~ w 0 0 ~N ~~ 9 F va ~ 0 ~ a M .OO,LS.SZ 5 4 _ - _ _ ,9tr'SL£~ I = n I m ~;~~ zna I ~o a1 r I W M Z ~^ w N ~ I ~ gym '~ N q~ I ~ ~ / D O~ I ~ f~ WE Q ~ I CV I ~~ / , .^ ! „~ O N m O j ~ r~ ~ ci `~ V M ~ r1 ~ ~ 0 ti ~ ~ n ~ ~ o ~' -1 ~ °' [~ ~~~~L,~ W'7. ~ ~ ~ 1~ U U o ~ w N ~ N ~ a •~~ ~ I~ M r~ ` U I ~y ~/ +- ~ ~ ~ ,GtKtw '~a ~` / r` ~ 1 4 ~~ m W / r d ~ I _ ~ _ ~ I n / ~ ~ORRO~ I II ~ / W o n I z ~ 11 / ~ .~~ ~ ~.. o ti / ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ 4 fZqq~ I / // K ~ N o d VWI Fy+~ / n. ~"o~ I I I o ONm I ~ FVA zap,, zna I ~ ~~~ I ,69~ZLt / I I ~ ~ ~ o 3 .OO,S£.bZ N - I I Z o ~n ~~~ 0 in ~ I I I I ~ fm e ~ro yo I I z ~-, I I I I .002 I `"~5b3 I I / I I ~Od d / / db ~ I Z. I NO n I °zN°m I Uq ~ I W I I a ~ ,~ lol / R ~ ' W ~ ~ I ~ I~I R ~ L ., m Z~~N I ~Om~ I N 17 to ~ I I / ~ ~n ~ %~ ~ m ° ~ mx1-o I I I / ~ ~~ ~ ~ I i / I I ~ R W I I I q i I I I / I I~ I / ~ ~ VU ?; °a I I ` ° ° j "' mod ^ ' d mo~ .09' _~ ~t Z` !T '_"3 .0£ N -do3- z ~ ~ C7 m v ~- ---L_ .. _. 3 DLO ~4- ~ ~ 3 q o: ~V U ~ ~-. i ~ h .- o ~ > awy - W vYi - a '§ '~ / W~~ ~ . n m ~~ .F'i°ag n C7 e W g9 m 0 ~~ / y ~ I °~ N.:y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO ELIJAH S. CARROLL TO OPERATE A PRIMARY EDUCATIONAL FACILITY ON 4.76 ACRES LOCATED AT 3432 POFF LANE (TAX MAP NO. 87.10-3-13), CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Elijah S. Carroll has filed a petition for a special use permit to operate a primary educational facility on 4.76 acres located at 3432 Poff Lane (Tax Map No. 87.10-3-13) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on July 1, 2003; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on June 24, 2003; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on July 22, 2003. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Elijah S. Carroll to operate a Primary Educational Facility on 4.76 acres located at 3432 Poff Lane (Tax Map No. 87.10-3-13) in the Cave Spring Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan pursuant to the provisions of § 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said Special Use Permit is hereby approved with the following conditions: (1) Enrollment shall be limited to 30 students, unless a lower maximum number is established by the Virginia Department of Social Services. "~"_... (2) The school driveway shall be gated. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. __~ r.r _ ~~;~. 1. 4.G7 Ia - ~1 . _ - 1 ~ - 14. ~ - ~ IS. _ ~ - ~ ~ ;1. '~~ ~ s. e. Z. ~. 4r .m~+ 23 t A., y _ ~ +A a 5.1 sta 2.6 - .._~ - sane 2 9 2.7 ssY 2_8 - ~ ~j' SA7rrwMr+W 2.9 - ww aq- + +~ i - .,xca an er .W+s yaw ap ,m+-mss r+pr-yam - /xr-~w11 ~ tv+-~•T41 .t~v + tan oc r-~ e ~ a ~5y~$T .saw 14. sftd-~-~ tdh 4 pax +e ~.r w es. 6. 4• 3. ,,,; +,,. ~ b.(D) ~/ Zoning: R l R.69 Aa S27 b.(C) e. QO ,~ .~ 13. ~o C/eorv/ew Boph'sf Church 4.~a ,~ Po$ En 11.1 Rl.1878 i. a ~~c3 .Acv ,,~ 'raee 11. .-ass .sa~+ ;.: ~l 8. e• 10 Zoning: R2 Zoning: R2 ,.~ ~. _ 1z 73. i~ ~ - \ \ l/"_ ,,,~ ~, Zoning: I1 CS Forost Condom+n+ s ~ ~ 10.2 '~ +x +a. N.~ 13• ,~'~ . i2. 10,1 18. '~ ~4~ ` 17. ~sesr ~ '~Y - ~ ~ X15. '11. .csxtl ,}l 13. ~ ~ 18. ~, .srar r ¢ 10. 4~ .~ !r I 14. ,7Mr 2 ~~ ~ 10. `~~ ! ~ N0._' ~' 9. ~ ~ ~ ' x-18. ~ 2Q. ~~ ,gyp, P/0 87.14-3-2 e..,~ ~~ 19_ 8. 1'100 6.r~ r ' ~ S~ .. ~`6: ~~ 21. Stas 1. ROANOKE COUNTY Applicants Name: Elijah S. Carroll DEPARTMENT OF Zoning: Existing R2, Proposed Special Use COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Tax Map No. 87.10-3-13 ,. - ?G '~ m ~~ o wan Q$• Q ONE 3 0: I a_ 0 ZoQwn~ a o~~ J Q ~ m \~b~ '3 S F- O ' 8 ~ ~~9 oaz a S2~F`s M .OO,L5.5Z 5 ~ a ~ ,94'S L£ oa°y I ~ aa~ I x ~ m ~ ~j~.- M~ aMa no ~ ~ I ~o ~~~ ~~ ~~ I ~- ~m N ~ zoo ~o I o ~~ ~o w 0 a r ~\~ ~r I a~ CV I' ~ / I ~ ~'~~• ~ ~ ! 1 "~ ~' N O ' o " }yQ- !~ F~J ~ ~~, y ~ ~. - W ~ y "ti ~ Q ~1 ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ N w O Q `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ M O U ~~ m I 009 I ~ p ~ ~ / ~6mm a / f b n / I 1~ I ~ n I I / I ~ ~ ~ i ~ Z o i / ,.. '~, I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ v m I I / 11a``''' ~ F W a O I / ~ ~ U Y ~ ~ ~ O• w ~'" ~ H ~ ~ vi o a vwi I I a d. I . / I I Zw0 w ONm ~ I ~a. w 69'ZLL I I I ' o a I O ~ , ' 3 .OO,St.4Z N I I I I I I I I v1 V n I °~~'° w I ~~~~ U`^"a I ~~~o I ~ ~ Zw~^ I ...,,~ O~gm / . I I I I I / n ~ I I I / ri m o MO ~ '_' ___. 3 ^~ I I i oo Z o ~n II '~ aro I I Z ~ .ooz ~ l 1N~~~V~ ~Od Oa l I I dy / II II a lal I$I ~ A ~ LL / ~ F7 O ~ I I FWi v ,~ I I ~ ~° .aM1 4 g II I I MOt! °p n .08' L ~ o 6 ~- o 6 ~ _ .OS N -dog--~ ~ f,, m ~Q~ ~~ p~ d o~ z n ~o E, A F~ ~ 4~ ~ ~~]~ h .~ K RCQiq ~~~ 00 ~~~ ~~ ~ryQ ~ o 4 ~ ~s H ~ N ti pOy ~ ~ 6 -? ~ z I m zy i~ ~w v z 4 .' ~- w w ~ ,~ o •oe• ~~ ~~ ~W p ~ \} AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE 072203-11 AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE SUNCREST WATER COMPANY, INC., THE CREATION OF A SPECIAL UTILITY SERVICE DISTRICT, NAMELY "SUNCREST HEIGHTS WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT," APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES THEREIN, AND IMPOSING AND ALLOCATING CERTAIN FEES OR ASSESSMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED THEREIN WHEREAS, the Utility Director has negotiated an agreement to acquire the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. owned by the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. and John A. Hall & Co., Inc.; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 24, 2003, and the second reading and public hearing was held on July 22, 2003; and WHEREAS, notice of this ordinance has been published as required in Section 15.2-2400 and 15.2-2409; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, Sections 15.2-2243, 15.2-2400 and 15.2-2404, et seq. authorize the County to create and establish a general water and sewer improvement program for a designated area of the County having related and common sewer and water conditions, to install certain public works improvements, and to impose fees, charges and assessments for said improvements; and WHEREAS, the extension of the public water and sewer systems, the creation of a 1 special utility service district, and the acquisition of the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. and John A. Hall & Co., Inc. will alleviate public health and safety problems and promote economic development; and WHEREAS, the Board hereby establishes the "Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer District"; and BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. and John A. Hall & Co., Inc., serving an area located in Roanoke County as shown on the map designated as Exhibit "A", from the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. is hereby authorized and approved. These assets include three parcels of real estate identified as Tax Map Nos. 98.02-01-53.1, 98.02-01-11.1 and 98.02-01-89, all easements, machinery, equipment, and other personal property. 2. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, acquisition of water and sewer facilities for the Suncrest Heights community from the Suncrest Water Company. That pursuant to the authority of Section 15.2- 2243, the Board establishes a general water and sewer improvement program for the Suncrest Heights community. Total construction cost of this public water and sewer project is estimated to be $200,000, to be assessed against the properties within the special utility service district as shown on the attached Exhibit A. That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $200,000 from the Water and Sewer Surplus Accounts. 3. That the Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer District is shown and designated on the attached plat entitled Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District prepared 2 by the Roanoke County Utility Department, dated June 2003 (Exhibit A). The Utility Department shall construct in and adjacent to the Special Utility Service District sewer and water lines and appurtenant facilities as shown in the map of this area, and shall acquire easements for these lines and facilities. 4. That the owner, subdivider or developer of vacant property (i.e. a lot or parcel with no residential structure located thereon) located within the Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District shall, on or before September 24, 2003 pay or provide for the payment of a share of the cost of construction of the sewer and water facilities, in the total amount of $6,500. Property owners of vacant lots who wish to connect to the water and sewer system after the September 24, 2003, deadline (other than new property owners) shall pay $8,125 [$6,500 construction costs plus 25%]. 5. The "Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District" is created for a period of ten years. Any owner of improved real estate within this service area may participate in and benefit from the public water and sewer in this service area by paying the following fees: $2,600 for water and $3,900 for sewer for a total of $6,500 per customer. Said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to or use of the public water and sewer systems or financed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6. 6. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before September 24, 2003, of their portion of the cost of extending or improving the public utility system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: (a) Payment of $6,500 to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 5% percent per annum. 3 (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which maybe required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. (d) New property owners (defined as persons who acquire ownership of real estate within the Project Service Area after the date of the adoption of this Ordinance) shall have sixty (60) days from the date of their acquisition of the real estate to participate in and benefit from the public water/sewer extension or improvements to this service district by the payment of $6,500, said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to or use of the public water/sewer extension or improvements. New property owners are not eligible to participate in the installment financing payment method described above. 7. Any owner of improved real estate within this special utility service district who does not elect by agreement to participate by paying the cost of extending or improving the public utility system to their property as provided in paragraph 6 then there is hereby assessed, imposed, and apportioned the cost of such improvements in the amount of $6,500 as provided in Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15.2. This assessment is 4 hereby determined not to be in excess of the peculiar benefits resulting from the improvements to such property owners. This assessment against each property shall be reported to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, who shall enter the assessment as a provided for other real estate taxes. 8. The payment of the assessment as provided in paragraph 7 of this ordinance or the payment of the fee as provided in paragraph 5 of this ordinance may be postponed for elderly or permanently and totally disabled property owners until the sale of the property or the death of the last eligible owner. Eligibility for postponement shall be subject to the conditions set forth in Section 58.1-3211 of the Code of Virginia for such elderly or permanently and totally disabled persons. In either event the entire amount of the assessment or fee shall be paid no later than ten years from the creation of the District. 9. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administratorisauthorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 10. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /1Jr~ ~ (1~/1~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors 6 5 cc: File Gary Robertson, Director of Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation Diane D. Hyatt, Chief Financial Officer Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 6 T~ EXHIBIT "A" SUNCREST HEIGHTS WATER & SEWER SERVICE AREA ACTION NO. ITEM NO. ~ - ( p AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Second reading of an ordinance authorizing the conveyance of the Suncrest Heights Subdivision water and sewer systems and appropriation of funding from water and sewer surplus funds SUBMITTED BY: Gary Robertson, P.E. Utility Director APPROVED BY: Elmer C. Hodge ~%~""~ ~~~~ County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Suncrest Water Company, owner/operator of the water system and sewage collection and treatment systems that serve the Suncrest Heights subdivision has approached Utility Department staff several times in the last 10 years regarding conveyance of ownership of the subject utilities to Roanoke County. Suncrest Heights is located at the southern end of the Clearbrook community on U. S. Route 220. Attached are copies of letters dated October 11, 1996, June 10, 1999, and February 6, 2003, from Suncrest Water Company representatives requesting that Roanoke County assume ownership and operation of the water and sewer facilities. This conveyance would include the water distribution system, well supply, sewage collection system, wastewater treatment plant, all water and sewer easements and associated real estate. The system currently serves 26 residential properties with 17 additional vacant lots available for sale as shown on the attached map. A community meeting was held on Thursday, March 27, 2003, at Clearbrook Elementary School to discuss the alternatives available to the residents of Suncrest Heights for the continuation of reliable water and sewer service. i A Fifteen (15) property owners attended the meeting. Following the meeting, letters were mailed to 27 Suncrest Heights homeowners, which transmitted a property owner agreement concerning payment of applicable water and sewer capital improvement fees and assumption of ownership and operation of the Suncrest Heights water and sewer systems by Roanoke County. To date, 24 property owners have signed or verbally agreed to the agreement. The first reading of this ordinance was held on June 24, 2003. Staff has evaluated the water distribution, sewage collection and wastewater treatment systems and has determined that work will be required in the future to bring the infrastructure up to Roanoke County, state and federal standards. It is estimated that approximately $200,000 would be required to accomplish the short term improvements to the water and sewer systems. Staff has contacted the Western Regional Office of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) who has indicated that upgrades of the wastewater treatment plant will be required in the near future in order to meet more stringent state and federal discharge requirements. It is the Utility Department's intention to install a sewage pumping station and force main to transport wastewater to the regional treatment facility. A draft consent order has been received from DEQ, which contains a proposed schedule for constructing the sewage pump station and force main and abandoning the existing wastewater treatment plant . Although some of the water lines are dated and not sized for fire protection, it is staff's opinion that the distribution system can be adequately maintained. Our intention would be to interconnect the water system to the County system within a reasonable period of time. The attached ordinance establishes a special water and sewer service area for the Suncrest Heights subdivision with each participating property owner paying their share of the cost through special water and sewer capital improvement fees. These fees are $2,600 and $3,900, respectively, for a total of $6,500.00 per customer to help defray the cost of anticipated water and sewer infrastructure improvements. The ordinance also establishes a method of financing the $6,500 capital improvement fee for property owners for a period of ten (10) years at an interest rate of 5% per annum. Participants who choose financing must agree to execute a promissory note and a lien document to secure the installment debt. At least three property owners presently have their residences on the market. They have requested that payment of the $6,500 capital improvement fee be deferred until sale of the property. Staff has requested and they have agreed that a lien of $6,500 shall be assigned against their property. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Establish a special water and sewer service area for the Suncrest Heights subdivision, which could potentially serve 43 properties, as indicated on the attached sketch. Approve construction of a sewage pump station and sewer force main, as well as, water distribution system improvements. Monies appropriated from the water and sewer surplus accounts would be used to construct water and sewer infrastructure improvements estimated to cost $200,000. Alternative 2: Do not approve acquisition of the water and sewer facilities, which serve Suncrest Heights, from the Suncrest Water Company. FISCAL IMPACT: If Alternative 1 is selected, the total construction cost for water and sewer infrastructure improvements would be $200,000, which would be financed from monies appropriated from water and sewer surplus funds. Water and sewer capital improvement fees of $6,500 collected from each property would be used to reimburse the water and sewer unappropriated fund balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Alternative 1 be approved and that the Board of Supervisors adopt the attached ordinance and authorize staff to proceed with acquisition of the Suncrest Heights water and sewer infrastructure with the following conditions: • Said ordinance shall approve appropriation of $200,000 from water and sewer surplus accounts. • Property owners with developed lots shall have the following payment options: a. Payment of entire $6,500 water and sewer capital improvement fee within 30 days of adoption of this ordinance. b. Upon execution of a connection contract by property owner, Roanoke County shall finance the $6,500 capital improvement fee in 120 equal monthly installments at an interest rate of 5% per annum. Property owners shall agree to execute a promissory note and lien document to secure this installment debt. c. Any owner of improved real estate within this special utility service district, who does not elect by agreement to participate by paying the cost of extending or improving the public utility system to their property as provided in paragraph a. or b. above, the cost of such improvements in the amount of $6,500 shall be assessed, imposed, and apportioned as provided in Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15.2. This assessment against each property shall be reported to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, who shall enter the assessment as provided for other real estate taxes. 3 °"" ~~ • Payment of the assessment as provided in paragraph c. above or the payment of the fee as provided in paragraphs a. and b. may be postponed for elderly or permanently and totally disabled property owners until the sale of the property or the death of the last eligible owner. In either event the entire amount of the assessment or fee shall be paid no later than ten years from the creation of the Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District. If, and when, vacant lots are developed, a water and sewer capital improvement fee of $8,125 would be paid without County financing. The $8,125 fee shall incorporate the $6,500 fee for all water/sewer capital improvement and off-site fees plus 25%. -640 ;#~'~ x,,,1.1,-," ~,,r~.t~~r--.~. ~ ~liii I ~.t PHONE AREA CODE X203}-774,4441 ~' ~ ~ L 1 f ~ ~` ~~ _ ~~ ;~. ~ { s ; ~~ _ ~ ~' FAX AREA CODE (703) 774-4443 l ~ OAT 95 10 00 JOHN 1~.. HALIy & COMPANY INC. 66614SR.A~[~C~~.R~AQ.S'W~ W ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24014_6617 October 11, 1996 County Of Roanoke Attn: Mr. Gary Robertson, Utility Director 1206 Kessler Mili Road Salem, Virginia 24153 ,.~"~ ~~ SUNCREST DR. OFFICE (STARKEY ROAD) RE: Suncrest Heights STP & Water System Dear Mr. Robertson: With regards to our recent conversation and previous corre- spondence pertaining to Roanoke Gounty taking over and operating the water and sewer systems for the residents of the Suncrest Hgts. Subdivision in South Roanoke County just below the Clearbrook Area. We are enclosing a copy of our Waste Water Permit No. VA0028711 effective until July 30, 1998. Also, we are enclosing discharge Mon- otoring Reports for the past two years, together with a letter not- ing the only exception for the period. Water and Sewer rates are structured in accordance with Roanoke County rates published July 1, 1995 and we bill our customers quarterly. Also, to the best of our knowledge, we are in full compliance with the many varied ,requirements of the Department Of Health regard- ing our water system. I will be available for any and ail questions that you may have until October 31, 1996. After this date, please direct ail questions and correspondence to Mr. John A. Hali, Jr.., Secretary of the Cor- poration. His telephone number is 540/362-9728 and address as above. We and the residents of Suncrest Heights will appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely yours, JOHN A. HALL,& COMPANY, INC. arr~ artman, L y LWH/bm Vice-President Enclosures: Cc: Mr. John A. Hall, Jr. Apll quontlona end aprgmenri an made upon ex4ting freight ntee and with the undentending Chet we en tort to M heW 11ebM fa f~tlun to perform eny ebltget[en ftn jirik~ orhotM~labor dlenubenw~,rdelaY+rbY o+ Mnalear~w trv~eklatiartye, h!°tOlun of ~ ura of iwpply alother aunia beyond~ouf mntro~l.~ N~hgwla. ad of God. ~r ~~~ ~~~~~~ Y Y ~~~~ 6 ~11P' Y ~~~~ ~~~ t M~~~~ JL!nB 10, 1999 MR, GARY ROBERTSON 12©6 KESSLER MILL F20AD SALtSCv:, ~.~A 24153 Dear MR. ROBERTSON ~,~ cp c~~'t, 4, ~'~.X'-C1 OVER THE LAST SEVER4L YEARS THEIR HAS EEC'"~:` A GROWCNG INTREST WaTH OUR !RESIDENTS IN SUNCREST HEIGHTS REGARDING -"H : r'OSSiBIL.ITY OF ROANOKE COl1NTl' ~t'AKING AVER AND SUPPLYING THEiP. WATER AND :SEWAGE NEEDS. WE WOULD LCKE TO ~EQLJEST THAT ROANQKE COUNTY TAKE OVER THCS WATER AND SEWER COMP.'~NY. tir',a~E REALISE THAT THiS iS A \>'ERY SMALL SUBDIVISfON WITH 2S HOI~ICES RECEIVING OJR .ERVICES AN[~ 13 AVAILABLE LOTS FOR SALE. WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU REGARDING THIS REQUEST. ENCLOSED YOU WILL FIND OUR PRESENT BILLING PRICES ANC RECEIPTS FROM GUR CAST QUARTER.. IF Y'GU AVE AIVY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL JO~iN HALL OR ANG!E RGWE AT 540-352-9?2$. __.. JOHN A. HALL PRESIGEN7 SUNCRI=ST WATER CORPOP.ATiON ~ ,~ SsuracR~s~ ~A~r~R conR~Aa~ TO; Suncrest Water Customers FROM: Suncrest Water Company DATE: February 6, 2(}03 Dear Customer: As you are aware, we have been in discussions ~~ith the County of Roanoke Utility Department regarding the transfer of the water and wastewater systems of Suncrest Water Company to the County. At this time, we have come to an agreement with the County for thorn to take over the systems. Tlrrough our discussions with the County, we understand that they will require a $6,500 connection fee per customer. This amount can be assessed over a 10-year period, which will result in an assessment of approximately $55.00 dollars per month nn the County's monthly utility bill. We believe that this transfer will greatly benefit the Suncrest Heights customers and avoid the necessary rate increases this Company would require to operate in accordance with State and Federal Regulatory guidelines. Shoutd you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call our office and/or Mr. Gary Robertson with the County of Roanoke Utility Departrricnt at (540) 3&7- 6104. Sincerely, .lohn A. Hall, .Ir. President cc: Gary Robertson, County of Roanoke l.Jtil ity dept. Fuzzy Mi~~ulix, Roa~~~oke CoLU7ty 13oaxd of Supervisors .~, : ~. P.O. l3ox 21173, Roanoke, Virginia 24018 • (540} 344-9800 • Fax (544) 344-9806 ~...~- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OF THE SUNCREST WATER COMPANY, INC., THE CREATION OF A SPECIAL UTILITY SERVICE DISTRICT, NAMELY "SUNCREST HEIGHTS WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT," APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES THEREIN, AND IMPOSING AND ALLOCATING CERTAIN FEES OR ASSESSMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED THEREIN WHEREAS, the Utility Director has negotiated an agreement to acquire the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. owned by the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. and John A. Hall & Co., Inc.; and, WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition of real estate be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 24, 2003, and the second reading and public hearing was held on July 22, 2003; and WHEREAS, notice of this ordinance has been published as required in Section 15.2-2400 and 15.2-2409; and WHEREAS, Ordinance 112288-7 authorizes the financing of local public works improvements and the imposition of special assessments upon abutting property owners upon the adoption of an appropriate ordinance by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, Sections 15.2-2243, 15.2-2400 and 15.2-2404, et seq. authorize the County to create and establish a general water and sewer improvement program for a designated area of the County having related and common sewer and water conditions, to install certain public works improvements, and to impose fees, charges and assessments for said improvements; and 1 ~~' WHEREAS, the extension of the public water and sewer systems, the creation of a special utility service district, and the acquisition of the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. and John A. Hall & Co., Inc. will alleviate public health and safety problems and promote economic development; and WHEREAS, the Board hereby establishes the "Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer District"; and BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the acquisition and acceptance of the assets of the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. and John A. Hall & Co., Inc., serving an area located in Roanoke County as shown on the map designated as Exhibit "A", from the Suncrest Water Company, Inc. is hereby authorized and approved. These assets include three parcels of real estate identified as Tax Map Nos. 98.02-01-53.1, 98.02-04-11.1 and 98.02-01-89, all easements, machinery, equipment, and other personal property. 2. That pursuant to the authority of Ordinance 112288-7, the Board authorizes and approves a local public works improvement project, namely, acquisition of water and sewer facilities for the Suncrest Heights community from the Suncrest Water Company. That pursuant to the authority of Section 15.2- 2243, the Board establishes a general water and sewer improvement program for the Suncrest Heights community. Total construction cost of this public water and sewer project is estimated to be $200,000, to be assessed against the properties within the special utility service district as shown on the attached Exhibit A. That there is hereby appropriated for this project the sum of $200,000 from the Water and Sewer Surplus Accounts. 2 r-~ 3. That the Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer District is shown and designated on the attached plat entitled Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District prepared by the Roanoke County Utility Department, dated June 2003 (Exhibit A). The Utility Department shall construct in and adjacent to the Special Utility Service District sewer and water lines and appurtenant facilities as shown in the map of this area, and shall acquire easements for these lines and facilities. 4. That the owner, subdivider or developer of vacant property (i.e. a lot or parcel with no residential structure located thereon) located within the Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District shall, on or before September 24, 2003 pay or provide for the payment of a share of the cost of construction of the sewer and water facilities, in the total amount of $6,500. Property owners of vacant lots who wish to connect to the water and sewer system after the September 24, 2003, deadline (other than new property owners) shall pay $8,125 [$6,500 construction costs plus 25%]. 5. The "Suncrest Heights Water and Sewer Service District" is created for a period of ten years. Any owner of improved real estate within this service area may participate in and benefit from the public water and sewer in this service area by paying the following fees: $2,600 for water and $3,900 for sewer for a total of $6,500 per customer. Said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to or use of the public water and sewer systems or financed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 6. 6. That the Board authorizes and approves the payment by the property owners in the project service area who elect to participate on or before September 24, 2003, of their portion of the cost of extending or improving the public utility system to their properties in accordance with the following terms and conditions: 3 t ,. ,. .~ (a) Payment of $6,500 to be financed for a maximum of 10 years at an interest rate of 5% percent per annum. (b) Property owners agree to execute a promissory note or such other instrument as the County may require to secure this installment debt. (c) Property owners further agree to execute such lien document or instrument as may be required by the County; said lien document or instrument to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. This lien instrument or document shall secure the repayment of the promissory note by the property owners to the County and shall be a lien against the property of the owners. Property owners also agree to pay the County any Clerk's fees or recordation costs which may be required to record any lien instrument or documents in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. (d) New property owners (defined as persons who acquire ownership of real estate within the Project Service Area after the date of the adoption of this Ordinance) shall have sixty (60) days from the date of their acquisition of the real estate to participate in and benefit from the public water/sewer extension or improvements to this service district by the payment of $6,500, said costs to be paid in full and in advance of connection to or use of the public water/sewer extension or improvements. New property owners are not eligible to participate in the installment financing payment method described above. 7. Any owner of improved real estate within this special utility service district who does not elect by agreement to participate by paying the cost of extending or improving the public utility system to their property as provided in paragraph 6 then there 4 ~ u ~Y ~ ~ ~ ~~ is hereby assessed, imposed, and apportioned the cost of such improvements in the amount of $6,500 as provided in Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15.2. This assessment is hereby determined not to be in excess of the peculiar benefits resulting from the improvements to such property owners. This assessment against each property shall be reported to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, who shall enter the assessment as a provided for other real estate taxes. 8. The payment of the assessment as provided in paragraph 7 of this ordinance or the payment of the fee as provided in paragraph 5 of this ordinance may be postponed for elderly or permanently and totally disabled property owners until the sale of the property or the death of the last eligible owner. Eligibility for postponement shall be subject to the conditions set forth in Section 58.1-3211 of the Code of Virginia for such elderly or permanently and totally disabled persons. In either event the entire amount of the assessment or fee shall be paid no later than ten years from the creation of the District. 9. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administratorisauthorized to take such actions and execute such documents as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this transaction, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 10. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. 5 ~~~'r ~,. .,: s„r ~~' ~~~ ~~~ Occupied Lots (Yes) - 22 ~ ~> ~~ 50. / 49. ~ Occupied Lots - 4 - ~ ~ 2.38 Ac z.3a~~~~ ~ ~. '°=`" Vacant Lots - 17 ~-` ~•. ~ ~~ ~11~~4 s~„f~ ~ 1.50 Ac. ~~ t~ _... 1 1.56 Ac. '' ~R 2'S5:'-E' ~I .' )1. 1,64 Ac. ~~ o ~~ III fit '~ ti~ ~ `77.57 1.50 Ac. G ~ri,j8~?~ _ ~,y0 ~..~3.39~ T ~ - \ d ~~ ~17 tb`Ja y~,~~ y 49.4 ,. 5 2. ~ ~ ~v , ~ 57 F,6 rf. N 06 ~O ~. ~I y ~1~~ ~ [:J9~ r. •~ ~ ~:~~ ~` "~ 69.5....11.1 N 95 ~7 .10 r Lof '122.03 ~.., _~~.~ Z 5~',~' ry ro 1 ~~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~' 8 ' m Sunc~ f ''~~' 4. 1 c , ~ _ ~ s 's~ / ~.~ .. < , r.. ~ ~ 264.37 'Y wOf@r O. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, _ +r {~ ((}} ~} N CIS ro 159. $ ~ • I; ' a ~ - ,: t7) 3a: n ~~. ~ e5crs ,~ 1. a 2a.~z t41.6 , ~,, ~ _ ~ 5ti 110 c ~,, ~ - ~' ~ • ,, ~~ 176.58 ^~a~ ~n' ~~~ J ~^" J 6 8.08 ^"~k.6bS9~~ ~.~~t ~ 9 ~ fk,~ ~ 53. --~ sa ~ •¢ ' r.~ 31.4Y~ `.~ r'd° 91:9A, 2'i•`t.4 t ,,~`a '1~~ .~, '^k w 5 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~; . ~ 1.09 Ac ~ 6.82 a ~,'' t~4i'~' ;C.'i71 f . M A f S l V <' ~ > aY ~'. ° 5 ~' .~ t~ x w rJ.4 E666 167.6. y.3 ry ~ ~ ^~ 2165,;, r .~"' ~ ~ ~ t `` q ~ 8sj 1 .~.'? 6c^ ~yt~ ~~ ` p uE_~r ~u •• ~ , `oEtr ~ 9~ 6 2 `ti`87s $ ~ . ° ~ - s 'f'd.s. f e ~~>' 1.85 1 `~ P' .s" ~ ~~f~ • ~~~~~ •y9 ~ ~ rDz-~.,~ ~ •~ 1'S' X31. 9a ~ ~ rV • 12.76 ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ti~9. 1 ~ ~~~~ c ~~ tS 4.1 ~ , Fc. ~1c.- .._''' 4.08 Ac. ~~ SUNCREST HEIGHTS WATER & SEWER SERVICE AREA EXHIBIT "A" ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE 072203-12 DECLARING A PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR THE SALE OF SAME; NAMELY THE WIPLEDALE AVENUE WELL LOT, TAX MAP N0.37.09-4- 15, CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property, having been made available for other public uses before permitting disposition by sale, is hereby declared to be surplus. 2. That an advertisement for bids for the sale of this surplus real estate and notice of public hearing was advertised in the Roanoke Times & World News on July 8 and July 15, 2003; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first read of this ordinance was held on July 8, 2003, and the second reading and public hearing was held on July 22, 2003, concerning the disposition of the following parcel of real estate identified as follows: Wipledale Avenue Well Lot 5221 Wipledale Avenue Well Lot, Block 31, Section 8. North Lakes Tax Map No. 37.09-4-15 4. That offers for said properties having been received, the offer of Chad S. McGhee in the amount of Twenty-seven Thousand Dollars ($27,000.00) be, and hereby is accepted. 5. That the purchase price for the property will be paid upon delivery of a deed therefor and all proceeds from the sale of this real estate will be deposited into the water fund in accordance with the trust agreements of the 1991 water revenue bonds. 1 6. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the sale of said property, all of which will be on form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this ordinance will be effective on and from the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES Supervisors Flora, Church, Minnix, Altizer, McNamara NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: ~~Q J ~0 • [,/I~GC~~UIU~ Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development William E. Driver, Director, Real Estate Valuation 2 r 6~ \~~1. ~r0 ~J • s~ J 1~,~g'I SJ14 ~ • ~ 5J1 6~ $ . ' ~~ o • o 71. o ~ s225 o `sue 4 ~ 4 p9 • o 2 125.46 ~ : > ~?o~ r'~ 1 J 7. 19 ~ ~~ cP ~ 6 s 1. ~ ~ B h~ • o ter' `° • c 2 ,~ • ~ p 5J06 ~ • 0°' ~°'9 s21J o~ -gyp 3~ ~~ ; 9 3 ~ a .~•'`~~• ~ ~2 ~~~ ~~ i ~ 9JS s219 ~,~,~• 36,g8 ~ 4 ~~ 61 • ~~y• ~ . _ ,,h ~• "' ~ `°a sz2s ~ S g8 .. ~' ~ ~~ s 7. a n~, ~ 5250 ~ ~a •~ ASS '~ ° 2 s112 rn ~ ~ 90 ~~ s219 m 1 14 p ~ j ~i ~~ " 1 s21s , 1 15. N i 1 0 1 ~ 901, ~~~~ j2.98 s104 qj f , s226 '~~~~' 136.11 g5 1 ~ 4. ~ 9011 '''''~ orth ~~ ~ c s22o 4j2S ••.~~ t •` ..`~ N 61,84 ~~~'' 's J 3' ^ ~ 'T . 2~ h~ s212 9 81 `~O t ~ ~ • X23 2 2. s204 ~'~ t 3 G ~~ ° t SS '~A ~ 1. t 2 •sS >>.Ig 7 1O M f 1p0 123•3j 1 O 1 14. ° 9s,s 2 t - r h 15. 1 1 p6.54 s229 R. C.B. S. ,~° 16 • 1 ~ szzl ^° 17. i 22.13 y~ f 1p1 s21J ° t of ~~~a~` 99 520s 1 ~~~~~~•.''''', 9384 ~~~~ tt - •~ Lake ~~ I~fr,. PROPERTY LINE COUNTY BOUNDARY - - - PARCEL LANDHOOK r-{~ FORMER LOT LINE - - - - - CITY BOUNDARY - --- - LEGAL LOT J O RAILROAD ' ''- TOWN BOUNDARY ----- LEGAL BLOCK ER 21 01 WATERCOURSE ~...~-• MAGISTERIAL BOUNDARY . PARCEL NUMB -'~ ~; POND r-- _ _ _ _ _ PRNATE ROAD MAP BLOCK BOUNDARY ~ ~ ~ ^ _ FLOODWAY ~• !- - pOWER LINE ~ ~ ~ MAP BLOCK SYMBOL 1 FLOODPLAW ~ • ~ PTD EP Town of Vinton p0 RLD R1 R2 R3 RB Nc -~ Zoning Codes ACTION NO. ITEM NO. T-~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: July 22, 2003 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance declaring a parcel of real estate to be surplus and accepting an offer for the sale of same; namely, the Wipledale Avenue well lot, Tax Map. No. 37.09-4-15, Catawba Magisterial District SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County received three offers to purchase a parcel of real estate identified as "Wipledale Avenue Well Lot" -Tax Map Parcel No. 37.09-4-15. The offers were in the amounts of $20,050, $20,480, and $27,000. Advertisement for bids for the sale of this surplus property and a notice of the public hearing were published in The Roanoke Times on July 8 and July 15, 2003. Notices have been mailed to the adjoining property owners and a sign has been posted on the property. This is the second reading of an ordinance to sell a surplus well lot, in response to the receipt of offers for same. The identity of the offeror and the amount, terms or conditions of the offer or bid will be kept confidential until the second reading. At second reading the Board may accept the best offer received or reject all offers. FISCAL IMPACTS: The proceeds from the sale of this real estate will be deposited into the water fund in accordance with the trust agreements of the 1991 water revenue bonds. 1 ~'~ tk STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance at second reading. ~~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 ORDINANCE DECLARING A PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE TO BE SURPLUS AND ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR THE SALE OF SAME; NAMELY THE WIPLEDALE AVENUE WELL LOT, TAX MAP NO. 37.09-4-15, CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property, having been made available for other public uses before permitting disposition by sale, is hereby declared to be surplus. 2. That an advertisement for bids for the sale of this surplus real estate and notice of public hearing was advertised in the Roanoke Times & World News on July 8 and July 15, 2003; and 3. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first read of this ordinance was held on July 8, 2003, and the second reading and public hearing was held on July 22, 2003, concerning the disposition of the following parcel of real estate identified as follows: Wipledale Avenue Well Lot 5221 Wipledale Avenue Well Lot, Block 31, Section 8, North Lakes Tax Map No. 37.09-4-15 4. That offers for said properties having been received, the offer of Chad S. McGhee in the amount of Twenty-seven Thousand Dollars ($27,000.00) be, and hereby is accepted. 5. That the purchase price for the property will be paid upon delivery of a deed therefor and all proceeds from the sale of this real estate will be deposited into the water fund in accordance with the trust agreements of the 1991 water revenue bonds. 6. That the County Administrator or any Assistant County Administrator is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as 1 ... ~~ are necessary to accomplish the sale of said property, all of which will be on form approved by the County Attorney. 7. That this ordinance will be effective on and from the date of its adoption. 2 ~F ROANp~,~ ~ 9 rasa Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VA 24018-0798 Joseph McNamara, Chairman Windsor Hills Magisterial District Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman Hollins Magisterial District July 25, 2003 Mr. David Barker 5375 Sundance Road Salem, VA 24153 Dear Mr. Barker: Michael W. Altizer Vinton Magisterial District Joseph B. "Butch" Church Catawba Magisterial District H. Odell "Fuuy" Minnix Cave Spring Magisterial District I am sorry that you were unable to attend the July 22 Board meeting so that we could publicly recognize you for winning the 125 pound State Group A Wrestling Championship during your senior year at Glenvar High School. The members of the Board send their congratulations to you upon this significant accomplishment. Please accept the enclosed certificate of recognition with our best wishes for success in your military career. We know that you will always maintain the same high standards that you demonstrated at Glenvar High School. Sincerely, ~r.u,.,.~._..,,~ Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Enclosure OFFICE: FAX: VOICE MAIL: (540) 772-2005 (540) 772-2193 (540) 772-2170 E-MAIL: bo s ~ co. roanoke.va. us OF pOANp~,~ ti z ~ Cn~a~xx~~ ~~ ~~xx~~.~..~ rasa Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VA 24018-0798 Joseph McNamara, Chairman Windsor Hills Magisterial District Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman Hollins Magisterial District July 23, 2003 Mr. Frank C. Wilkins, Sr. P. O. Box 78 Bent Mountain, VA 24059 Dear Mr. Wilkins: Michael W. Altizer Vinton Magisterial District Joseph B. "Butch" Church Catawba Magisterial District H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Cave Spring Magisterial District Enclosed is a resolution of appreciation upon your retirement which was unanimously approved at the July 22, 2003 Board Meeting. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and its citizens thank you for your many years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to the County. I am also pleased to send you a quilt which was exclusively designed for Roanoke County. We hope this quilt brings you enjoyment and remembrances of your time at the County. It will be mailed in a separate package and if you do not receive it within a week, please contact the Board office at 772-2005. If you would like to have your resolution framed, please bring it to the Clerk's Office, at the Roanoke County Administration Building, 5204 Bernard Drive, at any time. It has been our experience that framed resolutions may be damaged when mailed. Please accept this resolution and quilt with our best wishes for a productive retirement and continued success in the future. Sincerely, ~~~~ Joseph McNamara, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Enclosure Cc: Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Joe Sgroi, Director, Human Resources OFFICE: FAX: VOICE MAIL: (540) 772-2005 (540) 772-2193 (540) 772-2170 E-MAIL: bos ~co.roanoke.va.us o~ ROANp~.F z ~ a C~~~~~ ~~ ~~x~.~~ 1838 Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VA 24018-0798 Joseph McNamara, Chairman Windsor Hills Magisterial District Richard C. Flora, Vice-Chairman Hollins Magisterial District July 23, 2003 Reverend Samuel Belisle Penn Forest Church of God 4429 Buck Mountain Road Roanoke, VA 24014 Dear Rev. Belisle: Michael W. Altizer Vinton Magisterial District Joseph B. "Butch" Church Catawba Magisterial District H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix Cave Spring Magisterial District On behalf of the Board of Supervisors, I would like to thank you for offering the invocation at our meeting on Tuesday, July 22, 2003. We believe it is most important to ask for divine guidance at these meetings, and the Board is very grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for sharing your time and your words with us. It was good to have you with us. With kindest regards, eph McNamara, Chairman oanoke County Board of Supervisors OFFICE: FAX: VOICE MAIL: 6 (540) 772-2005 (540) 772-2193 (540) 772-2170 E-MAIL: bos C~ co. roanoke.va. us OF ROANp~~ ~ '~ p 2 ~ 2 ~ a~ 1838 DIANE S. CHILDERS CLERK TO THE BOARD Email: dchilders~co.roanoke.va.us P.O. BOX 29800 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2005 FAX (540) 772-2193 July 23, 2003 Mr. James D. Campbell Executive Director Virginia Association of Counties 1001 East Broad Street Richmond, VA 23219 Dear Mr. Campbell: BRENDA J. HOLTON, CMC DEPUTY CLERK Email: bholton~co.roanoke.va.us At their regular meeting held on July 22, 2003, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution 072203-3.g in support of Virginia's students requesting that the General Assembly commit to work for state funding of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding. If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, . Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Attachment cc: File C~a~t~t~ .~~ ~~ttz~n~.~ Dr. Linda Weber, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney ..Diane Childers -Support for Education Funding w From: "James D. Campbell" <jampbell@vaco.org> To: "James D. Campbell" <jampbell@vaco.org> Date: 7/10/03 3:57PM Subject: Support for Education Funding ATTENTION ALL COUNTY ADMINISTRATORS AND COUNTY CHAIRS VACo has been meeting with other groups that are concerned about the funding commitment that the State is putting toward the education of the students in Virginia. These discussions are consistent with the message that the VACo membership began to spread last November. To that end, your Board of Supervisors may wish to adopt a resolution similar to the one attached to reaffirm its concerns. You may also want to urge your legislators to make such a commitment. Please forward your resolutions to my attention. - -- Page 1 CC: <mamyx@vml.org>, <medwards@vml.org>, <don@vbhec.org>, <fornash@vt.edu> a ti A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF VIRGINIA'S STUDENTS Whereas, many students in Virginia's public schools are at-risk of not learning what is required to earn a high school diploma, enroll in a college or university or enter the job market, and even the successful students who graduate are affected by schools struggling to provide the level of educational quality they need and deserve; and, whereas, teachers often find they do not have the tools or training necessary to teach the subjects mandated for achievement of state standards and teachers' salaries and the uncertain state support of salaries do not provide the kind of incentives that attract and keep the most talented professionals, and, Whereas, state funding for public education does not reflect the true cost of constructing, staffing, equipping, operating and maintaining schools that perform at the level needed to support the foundation for standards of quality and learning, and the costs of educating at-risk students create additional fiscal pressures on many school systems, and, whereas, not only are students being left behind, taxpayers are seeing the increasing burden of higher local real estate tax rates as local governments try to pay both their share and the state's share of education costs, and, when Virginia's students plan for higher education, they face additional challenges because legislative reports also have verified that appropriate levels of funding have not been achieved for higher education, and one of the worst results of reduced funding for college students is that so many qualified Virginia students are denied admission because the faculty, buildings, and equipment are simply not there to accommodate them, and; Whereas, the effects of being left behind without a high school diploma or a college degree, especially for an at-risk student, are compelling. A Virginian who has a high school diploma earns a lot more than one who does not. A degree from a community college means more, and afour-year college degree means even more. Education literally pays, in addition to its other quality-of--life benefits. 2 Therefore be it resolved that, the County of urges the elected members of the General Assembly to commit to work for additional state dollars to fully fund the actual costs of the Standards of Quality and the legislative guidelines for higher education funding. These actions are essential if our elementary, middle and high schools, community colleges and four-year colleges and universities are to meet the following goals: • Smaller classes in schools and colleges where teachers and faculty can provide students the individual attention they need to learn and graduate on time; • Sufficient numbers ofwell-qualified teachers and faculty to give every student the opportunity to graduate from high school and to have access to higher education and opportunities for training and skill development; • Competitive salaries to attract and keep well-qualified teachers and faculty to help students learn; • Modern, safe classrooms, laboratories, technology and equipment to provide the environment in which students learn best; • Accountability and performance measurement at all levels for students, teachers, faculty, administrators and others responsible for helping students learn. Signature Title Organization Date - 1t Return to: Roanoke County Attorney's Office THIS -DEED, made this 10th day of June, 2002, by and between=B.& B Builders, Inc., party of the first part, hereinafter referred wo as the Developer; and -the BOARD ~OF `SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE.COUNTY,'VIRGINIA, its successors or assigns, party ofthe second part,'hereinafter referred to as the "County." WITNESSETH: THAT 1~'OR AND IN CONSIDERATION of -the mutual benefits accruing to the parties, he receipt and sufficiency of -which is hereby acknowledged, ahe .Developer hereby GRANTS CONVEYS, ASSIGNS AND TRANSFERS unto theCounty, with-GENERAL WARRANTY 'OF TITLE, all water andlor sewer lines, valves, fittings, laterals,-:connections, storage facilities, -sources~ofwater supply, pumps, manholes .and any and all other equipment...and appurtenances whereunto belonging, in and to the water .and/or sewer systems in the streets, .avenues, public utility easement areas,.and water and sewer easement areas that-have been or may hereafter~be installed by the Developer, .along with the right to perpetually use .and occupy the easements in which the same may be located, all of which is more particularly shown, described and designated as .follows, to wit: As shown on the plans entitled Bradford=Place, made by Lumsden Associates, PC, and on file in the Roanoke-County Department of Community Development. 1 t The Developer hereby covenants and warrants that it will be responsible for the proper installation, construction and maintenance of the said water and/or sewer systems, including repair of surface areas affected by settlement of utility trenches, for a period of one (I) year after date of acceptance by the•County and will perform any necessary repairs at its cost. This instrument is executed by a duly authorized administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, to signify -:acceptance of _this conveyance by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Resolution No. the day of .2003. WITNESS-the~following signatures and seals: Developer: ~ b ~ ~ 4~oE~R:S, ~N~= . By: (SEAL) As: ~~• ~~ State of Virginia County/£-i~y of~,~~~ ,~to-wit: adopted by said Board on The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .! D .day of , 2003, by tr ~ , on behalf of ~. -u._ -~, ~~ ~1) , ~,~•t,c, , Developer. Notary Public My commission expires: ?l ' Approved as to form: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA 2 By: (SEAL) County Attorney State of Virginia, County/City of Roanoke, to-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .day of 2003, by , on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Notary Public 1Vly.commission expires: i~ From: "DARLENE M. RATLIFF" <dratliff@res.k12.va.us> To: "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/17/03 3:33PM Subject: Re: 7-22 agenda items and Dr. Weber's attendance Tom Hall -Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Allen Journell -Assistant Superintendent of Administration Darlene Ratliff Office of Linda H. Weber, Superintendent Roanoke County Schools 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 (540) 562-3705 (Phone) (540) 562-3993 (FAX) dratliff@res.k12.va.us From: Diane Childers To: Brenda Holton Date: 7/15/03 2:28PM Caller: Sheila Huffman [*] Telephoned [ ]Will call again [ ]Wants to see you [ ]Urgent [ ]Please call [*] Returned your call [ ]Came to see you Curtis Hicks, Glenvar High School, will attend the meeting on the 22nd at 7:00 p.m. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 From: "DARLENE M. RATLIFF" <dratliff@res.k12.va.us> To: "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/15/03 11:11 AM Subject: Re: 7-22 agenda items and Dr. Weber's attendance Dr. Weber will be in Richmond on July 22 but, hopefully, she will return in time for the BOS 7:00 meeting. I will ask her as soon as I have the opportunity if she thinks that will be a problem and will let you know for sure after I have spoken with her. Darlene Ratliff Office of Linda H. Weber, Superintendent Roanoke County Schools 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 (540) 562-3705 (Phone) (540) 562-3993 (FAX) dratliff@res.k12.va.us From: Brenda Holton To: Darlene Ratliff Date: 7/15/03 11:05AM Subject: 7-22 agenda items and Dr. Weber's attendance Darlene, at the 7 p.m. session of the Board Meeting for July 22, there are several items on the agenda concerning schools. We thought Dr. Weber might want to attend. Would you please let me know if she can attend. Thanks, Briefing regarding the Project 50 capital campaign for Cave Spring High School (CSHS). (Terri Langford, President, CSHS Booster Club; Dr. Martha Cobble, Principal) Certificate of recognition to Cave Spring High School for receiving the National PTA Parent Involvement Award Certificate of recognition to David Barker, Glenvar High School, for winning the 125 pound State Group A Wrestling Championship. Principal Hicks has been invited and Coach Soltis will be on vacation and unable to attend. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us CC: Brenda Chastain; Diane Childers Diane C~iilders - Re:~Project 50 -CSHS - ~.. _ _ From: Elmer Hodge To: DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us Date: 7/11/03 5:42AM Subject: Re: Project 50 -CSHS -- _ .- _~ - Page 1 Diane, I like the idea of doing this. Please let Terry know that we will put it on for the 22nd. Thanks Elmer Hodge Roanoke County Administrator 540-772-2004 »> Diane Childers 07/07/03 14:28 PM »> Terry Langford, President of the Cave Spring Booster Club, called to see if they could get on the agenda for the July 22 meeting. The boys will be completing their cross country run on July 18, and she would like to present an update to the Board at the July 22 meeting. The boys would probably be able to attend the meeting, and they could present information obtained from their travels and also bring some slides of the run (if desired). Please let me know how you want to proceed with this. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 lane C~iilders -Terry Langford 345-8191 Page 1 :.. ,r From: Mary Brandt To: Brenda Holton; Diane Childers Date: 7/7/03 1:22PM Caller: Terry Langford Phone: 345-8191 [*] Telephoned [ ]Will call again [ ]Wants to see you [ ]Urgent [''] Please call [ ]Returned your call [ ] Came to see you Called to see about getting on the agenda for the July 22 board meeting regarding Project 50. She is president of the Cave Spring Booster Club. Per Brenda, I told her that normally citizen's speak under the citizen's comments portion of the agenda and that you would call her to discuss it with her. Mary Mary V. Brandt Office Support Specialist Board of Supervisors 540-772-2005 mbrandt@co.roanoke.va.us ~ Diane Childers -resolution r From: Janet Scheid To: Diane Childers Date: 7/8/03 11:15AM Subject: resolution Page 1 J Diane: I have the signed resolution on Section 2232 and need to transmit it to the Board for their meeting on the 22nd. Do you need a transmittal report, a board report or what? thanks. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Roanoke County Department of Community Development P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540)772-2094 (leu> UU~it1c~- _ _- --__- i~ Diane Childers - Re: BOS agenda -July 22 From: Janet Scheid To: Diane Childers Date: 6/19/03 9:32AM Subject: Re: BOS agenda -July 22 - -- -- -- Page. Diane: The Code of Va. provides under Section 2232 that any major utility/capital improvement proposed that is NOT included in the County's Comprehensive Plan shall be reviewed by the PC for compatibility with the Comp. Plan. Developers are proposing to run public water and sewer almost 3 miles from Cotton Hill Rd. to behind Back Creek elementary. The PC will be reviewing this under Section 2232. They are allowed 60 days to review it unless they ask for an extension of time from the governing body. That's what the resolution is for. thanks. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Roanoke County Department of Community Development P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540)772-2094 »> Diane Childers 06/18/03 04:44PM »> I will add this to the agenda for July 22. Also, can you fill me in on what a Section 2232 review means? Thanks. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Janet Scheid 06/18/03 10:42AM »> Diane: The PC will be sending a resolution to the BOS for their 7/22 agenda. The reso. will request additional time for the PC to consider a Section 2232 review. The Code requires the PC to conduct their review in 60 days "unless the time is extended by the governing body." The PC request will probably ask for an additional 60-90 days. Thanks. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Roanoke County Department of Community Development P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540)772-2094 Diane Childers - BOS agenda -July 22 • From: Janet Scheid To: Diane Childers Date: 6/18/03 10:42AM Subject: BOS agenda -July 22 Page 1 Diane: The PC will be sending a resolution to the BOS for their 7/22 agenda. The reso. will request additional time for the PC to consider a Section 2232 review. The Code requires the PC to conduct their review in 60 days "unless the time is extended by the governing body." The PC request will probably ask for an additional 60-90 days. Thanks. Janet Scheid, Chief Planner Roanoke County Department of Community Development P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540)772-2094 - __.. Diane Childers - Re: Retirement Resolutions From: Jennifer Conley To: Childers, Diane Date: 7/11/03 4:37PM Subject: Re: Retirement Resolutions Diane- Here is the list of folks that will be there on the 22nd: Chief Burch Retired Volunteer Fire Chief Norman Darnall his wife: Carolyn Darnall Retired Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Fred Rector his wife: Hope Rector his son: Michael Lee Rector I will also be in attendance -- Page 1- After speaking again with them and seeing your resolution- I think it looks great even though it is short and sweet. I will get with Chief Burch and see if we can add his special touch too. Thanks for all you do for us. Jennifer Conley-Sexton Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Volunteer and Marketing Coordinator 3568 Peters Creek Road NW Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540) 561-8060 Fax: (540) 561-8108 jconley@co.roanoke.va.us »> Diane Childers 07/11/03 02:24PM »> Rick, We have been working with Jennifer regarding retirement resolutions for Volunteer Fire Chief Darnall and Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Rector. We have some good background information that Jennifer has provided, and I am attaching draft copies of the resolutions for your review. If possible, could you please send us a sentence or two regarding each of these individuals that would personalize the resolutions? You can refer to any awards or recognitions received, particular strengths or contributions of the individuals, etc. Thanks for your assistance. These resolutions are on the July 22 agenda, and we would like to finalize them by Wednesday, July 16. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 Diane Childers - Re: Resolution for Volunteer Chiefs From: Diane Childers To: Jennifer Conley Subject: Re: Resolution for Volunteer Chiefs Sounds good -1 will place it on the agenda for 7:00 p.m. »> Jennifer Conley 07/02/03 03:37PM »> I think 7 would be better for the volunteers. Jennifer Conley-Sexton Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Volunteer and Marketing Coordinator 3568 Peters Creek Road NW Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540) 561-8060 Fax: (540) 561-8108 jconleyCa~co.roanoke.va.us »> Diane Childers 07/02/03 02:12PM »> Jennifer, _ '-_- Page 1 Thanks for the information. We can present the resolutions at either the 3:00 or 7:00 session on July 22. Please let me know which is more convenient for the recipients and any fire and rescue staff that may want to attend. Diane Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Jennifer Conley 07/02/03 01:10PM »> Diane- Here is some information that I had prepared for our ceremony recognizing Chief Darnall and Assistant Chief Rector. If you need more let me know. Will the resolution be presented on July 22 at 7:00 p.m.? Volunteer Fire Chief Norman Darnall original member of Masons Cove Fire Department started volunteering in 1968 when Masons Cove Fire Department first started Has served as a volunteer firefighter for 35 years became Volunteer Fire Chief in 1974 has served as Volunteer Fire Chief for 29 years Volunteer Assistant Fire Chief Fred Rector original member of Masons Cove Fire Department started volunteering in 1968 when Masons Cove Fire Department first started Has served as a volunteer firefighter for 35 years became Volunteer Fire Chief in 1979 has served as Volunteer Fire Chief for 24 years Diane Childers - Re: Resolution for Volunteer Chiefs Jennifer Conley-Sexton Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Volunteer and Marketing Coordinator 3568 Peters Creek Road NW Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540) 561-8060 Fax: (540) 561-8108 jconley(a~co.roanoke.va.us Page 2 CC: Brenda Holton; Mary Brandt - - _._ ff Diane Childers -Fwd: Re: Joint Chiefs Meeting Page 1 L~ _ _ ~_ __~ - ___~ _, - -~ .._ __ -- __ _ ..~--. ~ ~ as From: Wanda Riley To: Diane Childers Date: 6/23/03 3:31 PM Subject: Fwd: Re: Joint Chiefs Meeting Please see attached a-mail regarding resolutions for retiring volunteers at Masons Cove. I guess we can take care of these after Elmer returns. Thanks. ~ane Childers - Re: Joint Chiefs Meeting Page 1 From: Elmer Hodge To: JCONLEY@co.roanoke.va.us,EHODGE@co.roanoke.va.us Date: 6/22/03 9:15PM Subject: Re: Joint Chiefs Meeting Jennifer, Thanks for the invitation. I will be out of town that day so will not be able to attend. Would you please let them know why I will not be there. Wanda, please remind me to write each a short note of thanks. We should also have resolutions from the BOS to each for their years of service. Tell Diane, I would like to sign the resos also. Thanks Elmer Hodge Roanoke County Administrator 540-772-2004 »> Jennifer Conley 06/19/03 18:18 PM »> Mr. Hodge, I would like to invite you and Mr. O'Donnell and Mr. Chambliss to a recognition ceremony we will be having next Thursday, June 26 at 6:30 p.m. for one of our Volunteer Fire Chiefs and Assistant Chiefs that will be retiring soon. We are having a joint chiefs summit that evening and we will be presenting Fire Chief Norman Darnall and Assistant Chief Fred Rector with a small gift for all they have given to the county over the past years. Chief Darnall has been Fire Chief of Masons Cove for 29 years and Assistant Chief Rector has been assistant chief for 24 years. They have both been volunteering for 35 years as firefighters with Masons Cove Fire Company -since day 1. You may wish to attend and help us thank these two dedicated volunteers or you may wish to have the BOS approve a resolution recogizing them at a later date. Let me know what you think would be most appropriate. Jennifer Conley-Sexton Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Volunteer and Marketing Coordinator 3568 Peters Creek Road NW Roanoke, VA 24019 Phone: (540) 561-8060 Fax: (540) 561-8108 jconley@co.roanoke.va.us CC: DODONNELL@co.roanoke.va.us,JCHAMBLISS@co.roanoke.va.us,W RILEY@co.roan oke.va.us • r From: Brenda Holton To: Ray Lavinder Date: 7/9/03 12:08PM Subject: Re: Frank Wilkins Resolution Ray, thanks a lot for your input. It will add to the resolution. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co. roanoke.va. us »> Ray Lavinder 07/09/03 11:44AM »> Brenda here is a few works to Frank's Resolution CC: Diane Childers r' Officer Wilkins had the unique ability to form a bond with members of the community. His communication skills were excellent and his ability to instill confidence, is a tribute to the many letters of commendation in his file. Officer Wilkins spent many years working in a one to one relationship with the citizens of Roanoke County. He showed a great deal of affection for this type of work, and will long be remembered by those residents that he served so will. From: Brenda Holton To: Ray Lavinder Date: 7/8/03 2:52PM Subject: Frank Wilkins Retirement Resolution Attached is a resolution of appreciation for Mr. Wilkins upon his retirement on July 1, 2003. He does not want to attend a Board meeting. We plan to add this to the Consent Resolution for the July 22nd meeting. Would you review the resolution and add something to it to make it more personal? Thank, Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us CC: Diane Childers AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JULY 22, 2003 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF FRANK C. WILKINS, SR., POLICE DEPARTMENT, AFTER TWENTY- EIGHT YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Frank C. Wilkins, Sr., was employed by Roanoke County on February 16, 1975, as a Deputy Sheriff /Jailer, and also served as Deputy Sheriff/Bailiff, Deputy Sheriff/Uniform Patrol; Police Officer, and Civil Process Server; and WHEREAS, Office Wilkins was one of the original members of the Police Department which was established in 1990; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins retired from Roanoke County on July 1, 2003, after twenty-eight years and three months of service; and WHEREAS, Officer Wilkins has served with professionalism and integrity, and through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life and safety for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to FRANK C. WILKINS, SR. for twenty-eight years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. 1 ._.., GOfi~NTY OF i~OANOKE SUN 1 ~ ZAP ~ ~~ Retirement Resolution D=orm ~ ~ ,', I ~~ I { o be completed at the exit interview session with the retiring employee) l.j Ut_. t~\~n i~ Name of Employee: ~- ~-~ ,,,., k C ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,^,s Jr Dates of Employment: ~ - ~ ~, - ,q1S J ~ ~-~~ ,~ 1 a vG Current Position: __~~~~~,E,X. Retirement Date: _x'11 ~ I~~, ~ Length of Service: a~ ,, n ~ ,,~,~~~ Previous Positions Held: '~,~ f-, ..~. , ~i ~.,~- c-~ I `r l , _ 1 \_ _ i ci R ~ ~ r Other Information: ~'~~ ~~l (~ (,~,~~ l,{ ~~ ~~h-~- m ~ ,~,,-~s~::-~, V ~k . P ~ ~ o _ -~ ~3oard Meeting dates during retirement month: ~) ~~Lr ~ -I- I :~~~~~ s ~ aca P m Pions to attend board meeting on Would like to attend a board meeting at a later date. date. Date requested is: ~~f_~v Does not plan to attend a board meeting. Please mail resolution. Human F2e~ources Signature ®at~, Diane Childers - Re: Planning Commission Consent Agenda & Transmittals _ Page.1 From: Susan Carter To: Diane Childers Date: 7/11/03 3:08PM Subject: Re: Planning Commission Consent Agenda & Transmittals Yes, it should be 7.37 acres. Also on that same petition, David has requested we add landscape contractor to the Ground Up Inc. description. So as not to create anymore confusion, I've attached a revisied copy of the PC Consent Agenda. I'll be delivering the hard copies shortly. »> Diane Childers 07/11/03 02:36PM »> Susan, One question: on the board report description for Ground Up, Inc., it states "...obtain a special use permit on 7.37 to operate...". Should this be 7.37 acres? Thanks. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Susan Carter 07/11/03 11:07AM »> Please find attached the consent agenda & transmittal items for the July 22nd BOS meeting. As soon as I receive the supporting documents on the consent agenda item for Richard Sidor, I'll bring the packets up to you. Mr. Sidor is to deliver all of his documents to us today. Sorry for the delay. Thanks, Diane. From: "MARTHA M. COBBLE" <mcobble@res.k12.va.us> To: "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/11/03 6:05PM Subject: Re: Fwd: CSHS named Parent Involvement School of Excellence `t'f~ - ~ Hi Brenda ~ ~ The plan sounds great for July 22. I'll call on Monday and give you the ~ '""~~"'~" names etc. Enjoy the weekend and see you soon! Best regards, Martha "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> writes: >Martha, I left you a voice mail message but will also give you the same >information by email. >We would like to recognize CSHS for the PTSA award on July 22 at 7 p.m. >Terri Langford will be on the agenda for July 22 at 7 p.m. to give an >update on >Project 50 for CSHS. We thought that you would want to be part of the >presentation, so would like to schedule both recognitions for the evening >meeting. >Would you please confirm that July 22 at 7 p.m. is OK and let me know who >will >be attending with you for the PTSA award presentation. >Thanks, >Brenda >Brenda J. Holton >Deputy Clerk >Roanoke County Board of Supervisors >Phone: (540) 772-2005 >Fax: (540) 772-2193 >bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »» "MARTHA M. COBBLE" <mcobble@res.k12.va.us> 06/14/03 10:09AM »> >Hi Brenda- >I must apologize for taking so long in getting back to you about the >National PTSA Parent Involvment Award. Our parents and everyone is so >involved that we have a difficult time getting our calendars together. >June 24th will not work ...Kay Harvey is out of town. The best date is >July 22 and we are flexible on the time. Just let me and Kay know the >best time for your agenda purposes. >I will be out of town until Wednesday. >Enjoy the summer! >Best regards, >Martha >"It is often the small actions of daily lives that, over time have the >greatest influence on the world." -David Baird >Martha M. Cobble, Ed.D. >Principal >Cave Spring High School >mcobble@res.k12.va.us >Office Phone (540) 772-7589 >Office Fax (540) 772-2107 >"Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> writes: »Martha, thanks for the information. We would like to recognize CSHS at »our June »24 Board meeting at either 3 p.m. or 7 p.m. The meeting after that is »July 8 at »3 and July 22 at 3 and 7 p.m. »Just let me know when you want to come and who will be attending. We »have the »press release information which may give us enough to write our report. »If not, »I'll get with you later. »Brenda J. Holton »Deputy Clerk »Roanoke County Board of Supervisors »Phone: (540) 772-2005 »Fax: (540) 772-2193 »bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »»> "MARTHA M. COBBLE" <mcobble@res.k12.va.us> 06/05/03 12:55PM »> »Hi Brenda and Brenda- » »Brenda "Chastain" I hope that the School Board has CSHS on the agenda for »June 12th. »Brenda "Holt" just let us know what you would like and we will do »"Whatever It Takes." »Thanks, »Martha »BRENDA F. CHASTAIN writes: »>Brenda, just checking.... »> »>Do you know when the School Board will be recognizing CSHS for this »>accomplishment? The press release date was May 15 and I did not see it »>on your »>May 22 agenda. »> »>Thanks, »> »>Brenda J. Holton »>Deputy Clerk »>Roanoke County Board of Supervisors »>Phone: (540) 772-2005 »>Fax: (540) 772-2193 »>bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »> »"It is often the small actions of daily lives that, over time have the »greatest influence on the world." -David Baird »Martha M. Cobble, Ed.D. »Principal »Cave Spring High School »mcobble@res.k12.va.us »Office Phone (540) 772-7589 »Office Fax (540) 772-2107 "It is often the small actions of daily lives that, over time have the greatest influence on the world." -David Baird Martha M. Cobble, Ed.D. Principal Cave Spring High School mcobble@res.k12.va.us Office Phone (540) 772-7589 Office Fax (540) 772-2107 I From: "BRENDA F. CHASTAIN" <bchastain@res.k12.va.us> To: "Brenda Holton" <BHOLTON@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 6/4/03 8:15AM Subject: Re: CSHS named Parent Involvement School of Excellence Dr. Cobble was supposed to have gotten several recognitions to me, but have not heard from her. I will follow up with her. Thank you. Brenda F. Chastain, Clerk Roanoke County School Board 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3900 Extension 112 562-3993 (fax) bchastain@res.k12.va.us "May I never miss a sunset or a rainbow because I am looking down" Author Unknown it ~ From: Brenda Holton To: Brenda Chastain Date: 6/4/03 8:12AM Subject: CSHS named Parent Involvement School of Excellence Brenda, just checking.... Do you know when the School Board will be recognizing CSHS for this accomplishment? The press release date was May 15 and I did not see it on your May 22 agenda. Thanks, Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us f~,~t-1.5-2003(THU) 13:37 CAVE SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL (FAX)540 772 2107 P. 002/002 ,• FOR IMMEDIATE RELEAST CONTACT: CSI~S PTSA, KAY HARVEY, PRESIDENT, 772-2743 Cave Spring high School Certified as Parent Involvement School of excellence Roanoke, May 15, 2003 -More than 900 students at Cave Spring High School in Roanoke have one mare reason to take pride in their school. Notional PTA has certified CSHS us a Parent Involvement SchooE of Excellence. Cave Spring High School is one of fourteen (14) high schools in the United States to win this National PTA designation. National PTA's Parent Involvement Schools of E~cellencc certification program recognizes schools that uphold the highest standards in parent involvement and that help meet parent involvement provisions in the 2001 Elementary and Secondary I;ducativn Act, reauthorized as the No Child 'Left Behind Act. The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, National Association of Elementary School Principals, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Education Association, and National School Public Relations Association joined National PTA in the development and implementation of the certification program. Cave Spring has worked diligently to implement new programs and improve existing ones at the high school this year. Anew parcntJstudent advisory committee was formed for the school guidance department. Aone-day registration with teachers, advisors, parents and students meeting together. was held for the {first time on February 5, 2003. The school's volunteer manual was updated and a new parent survey was distributed with parents anonymously grading the school on parent participation. The community of Cave Spring was highlighted for their. participation in the school's annual Health Fair, AfterProm Party, award winning Rcd Ribbon Week and other activities. Students at the school Are encouraged to give back to the community by signing up for volunteer work at the Student Volunteer Fair in the fall and are recognized in the spring for their service hours at an award ceremony. The athletic boosters club, the band boosters club and the PTSA have formed a strong alliance to work together for the common goal of helping students succeed. According to the National PTA, there are 4.7 million PTA members at the elementary school level, 1.25 members at the middle school level, and only 248,000 members on the high school level. Cave Spring High School consistently enrolls PISA members in excess of 100% of their student population. Fifty parents serve on the FTSA board alone, with many other volunteers supporting projects both during and after school. As part of the certification process, CS~IS formed a team consisting of principals, teachers, parents, students and representatives from the community to complete a self-assessment based on six key standards that are provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act. These standards were communication between the home and school, support of parenting skills, parents as an integral player in student learning, participation of parents as school volunteers, parent involvement in school decision making and advocacy, and collaboration with the community. After the team evaluated the school, supporting documents were sent to the National PTA office in Chicago, Illinois for review on February 1., 2003. The winning schools were announced at the end of. April, 2003. The National FTA motto that good schools arc made and not born is certainly true at Cave Spring High School. "Every child deserves to attend a school of excellence," said National PTA President Shirley Igo. "The certification program is an unprecedented opportunity for all schools to achieve excellence and be recognized for their dedication to parent involvement." __ a e Diane'Childers - Re: June 10 agenda for Betsy Graves 9 __ _ - - --- From: Brenda Holton To: Brenda Chastain Date: 6/5/03 10:23AM Subject: Re: June 10 agenda for Betsy Graves Brenda, thanks!!! Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »> "BRENDA F. CHASTAIN" <bchastain@res.k12.va.us> 06/05/03 10:02AM »> We are planning to recognize CSHS for the National PTA award on June 12. Brenda F. Chastain, Clerk Roanoke County School Board 5937 Cove Road Roanoke, VA 24019 562-3900 Extension 112 562-3993 (fax) bchastain(a~res.k12.va.us "May I never miss a sunset or a rainbow because I am looking down" Author Unknown CC: Diane Childers 1 i, ~' ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rte.^: ~1, M~.~ ~' -, ~~ TO ~ ~ DATE t ~ (~I~.~AM ~~~ TIME ~~. PM DEPT W1 ~ ,v1 OF PHONE .~ 1•, ~ 1 J~ ABLA CUDE NUMBCfl EXTENSION FAX PAGER MOBILE E-MAIL MESSAGE ,~ ZzJ1(,~ ~~~- ,~ n _ __ `` E OPERATOR TELEPHONED CAME TO SEE YOU ^ PLEASE CALL WANTS TO SEE YOU [] WILL CALL AGAIN ^ URGENT ^ RETURNED VOUR CALL^ WILL FAX YOU ^ 7 CARBONLESS 23-021 200 SETS 23-421 40U SETS ~~ From: Brenda Holton f ~~ To: Diane Childers d~- ~ ~` ~,,,,J Date: 6/30/03 1:12PM /~-'~ ,~~` ~~~ 'v ` Subject: David Barker ` ~ ~~„~~ (0~3 U, Talked with secretary at Glenvar High School. Jill Green is g ne all week. They have a new principal coming next week, Mr. Curtis Hicks. Coach Soltis is out for the summ r but she will call him at home to see if he has any information about David coming to July 8 o~July 2 I explained that our last contact with Ms. Green on June 4 was that Coach Soltis was to call us a out July dates for David to come to Board meeting. If Coach Soltis is on vacation, or she is unable to reach him, she will call me back. This one sounds "iffy" to me. ~ ,~,1 ~ ~ Brenda J. Holton /1,,,a "" - Deputy Clerk ~ ~ ~ ~ / `~" Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us P .~y~ §j t r _ ,~.~..~e A,, - f r i. &! ~t.d .~ r ~. i`s ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ V ~ yA~. From: Brenda Holton To: Diane Childers Date: 6/4/03 12:OOPM Subject: Re: David Barker Diane, Jill Green just called back. David cannot come June 24 as he is going white water rafting. I gave them July 8 and 22. Coach Soltis will call us back. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us »> Diane Childers 06/04/03 11:14AM »> Thanks Brenda. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Brenda Holton 06/04/03 11:03AM »> I just heard from Jill Green at Glenvar High School. She said that June 10 was out for his recognition. They have exams and graduation. He is going into the Marines and boot camp in August. She will ask the Coach James Soltis to contact David to see if he wants to come on June 24. Either she or Mr. Soltis will let us know. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton co.roanoke.va.us From: Brenda Holton To: Diane Childers Date: 6/4/03 11:03AM Subject: David Barker I just heard from Jill Green at Glenvar High School. She said that June 10 was out for his recognition. They have exams and graduation. He is going into the Marines and boot camp in August. She will ask the Coach James Soltis to contact David to see if he wants to come on June 24. Either she or Mr. Soltis will let us know. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us ~. ., - ' ROANOI{E COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD May 22, 2003 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 5937 COVE ROAD, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 6:00 P.M. -Closed Session In Accordance with Code of Virginia Section 2.2-3711 (A) (1) to hear a request for a student expulsion. 7:00 P.M. -Regular Session I. MEETING OPENING 1. Call to Order -Chairman Marion Roark 2. Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance - Mr. Tom Hall II. ACTION FROM CLOSED SESSION 1. Certification 2. Other III. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CHANGES IN THE AGENDA 1. Announcement of changes 2. Approval of agenda with changes IV. PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS 1. Mr. David Baker, Glenvar High School, State Wrestling Champion -Mrs. Jill Green 2. Miss Betsy Graves, Hidden Valley Middle School, State Reflections Contest winner - Dr. B.J. Brewer V. HEARING OF CITIZENS AND DELEGATIONS VI. ACTION ITEMS 1. Consent Agenda (without discussion) A. Approval of personnel changes, including supplement B. Approval of the minutes of the May 8, 2003 school board meeting C. Policy 6.51 High School Graduation Ceremonies D. Revisions to the elementary report card E. Appropriation for the Rurchase of laptop computers in 2003-2004 F. Appropriation for the Lawson Personnel/Payroll System upgrade G. Approval of the After School Pros;ram recommendations H. Appropriation of the 2003-2004 Re tog nal Special Education Budget I. Third Quarter Report of Revenues and Expenditures for FY 2002-2003 2. Approval of Other Action Items A. Summer operating hours - Mr. Butch Kelly B. Textbook adoption for Center for Visual Arts - Dr. Lorraine Lange C. Textbook adoption for German -grades 8-12 - Dr. Lorraine Lange D. Textbook adoption for the Performing Arts School - Dr. Lorraine Lange E. Textbook adoption for Information Technology Fundamentals - Dr. Lorraine Lange F. Textbook adoption for Make it Your Business and Advertisin¢ - Dr. Lorraine Lange G. Textbook adoption for World Literature - Dr. Lorraine Lange H. Textbook adoption for Mass Communications - Dr. Lorraine Lange I. Textbook adoption for Center for En ine~ering Year II - Dr. Lorraine Lange J. Textbook adoption for AP Computer Science -Grades I 1 and 12 - Dr. Lorraine Lange K. Textbook adoption for Social Studies Grades K-12 - Mr. Ben Williams L. Pavroll deduction for the LEAP Program -Mrs. Sharon Sheppard VII. INFORMATION AGENDA 1. Student Advisory Council, Results of Student Survey - Mr. Garth Patterson 2. Reports by Superintendent - Dr. Linda Weber VIII. SCHOOL BOARD UPDATES (for reading purposes only) IX. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS X. RECESS TO SCHOOL BOARD RETREAT Individuals with disabilities who require assistance o r special arrangements To participate in or attend school board meetings or other programs and activities sponsored by Roanoke County Schools, please contact Dr. J ames A. Gallion at (540) 562- 3741 or TDD No. (540) 562-3996. We request that you pro vide a 48-hour notice so proper arrangements may be made. ;,+" From: Brenda Holton To: Brenda Chastain Date: 4/2/03 11:02AM Subject: recognition Brenda, do you have David Barker, from Glenvar High School, Group A State 125 pound wrestling champion on the list for recognition? The tournament was just March 9th. I just came across this information when looking for other information on Glenvar High School. Brenda J. Holton Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Phone: (540) 772-2005 Fax: (540) 772-2193 bholton@co.roanoke.va.us CC: Diane Childers a F '~, Barker makes Glenvar coach proud ~~~~ .~ ~,.; PJ.T AFiEltf#tIQN HEYYS UPIIATES W~~Iada~s by 41~~- ~~~ ~~~''~ ~ Page 1 of 6 ~~ -~ OltIL1fE'. ~., ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~)E'~4i'12.' ytliiY i~Ute. Sunday, March 09, 2003 Group A wrestling tournament News Front Page Barker makes Glenvar coach proud Roanoke Vallev New River Vallev AP News Northwood's Joel Surber rallies to win the 275-pound state Editorial championship. Neighbors Celebrations Photo Gallery By RANDY KING Multimedia Gallery Politics THE ROANOKE TIMES Road Watch Special Resorts Technology Jamie Soltis won two state wrestling ~-@M,d YFt1S snorts y ~,~, championships, a pair of state track titles and a state ~,, ~ ~#+mr Entertainment ~ cross country crown in his athletics heyday at "` ~ Fr~lend .......... Columnists Glenvar High School in the early 1990s. Outdoors Business None of those triumphs, however, felt better than the state title he Obituaries didn't win Saturday night. Community Travel Spurred on by Soltis and a loud, screaming clan of Highlanders fans, Health senior 125-pounder David Barker became Glenvar's first state wrestling Classifieds champion in 10 years, pinning Strasburg's Brandon Holbert in 4:23 in Dining Guide the Group A wrestling championship at the Salem Civic Center. Yellow Pages iobs.roanoke.com "I won five state titles in three different sports, but I believe I feel Search better after this tonight than I did after those," said Soltis, now Glenvar's ~~ wrestling coach. "In fact, I feel a lot better after this. I'm so proud of David. He worked so hard for this." A to 2 Directory Advertise Online Archives Barker, 18, who already has joined the U.S. Marines and is scheduled Celebrations to hit boot camp in August, didn t waste his final shot at the gold. After Circulation Crosswords scoring a pair of pins in Friday's preliminaries, Barker edged Zach Discussions Mowery of Randolph-Henry 6-5 in Saturday's morning semifinals. The Editorials Education 5-foot-5 bull-strong dynamo then finished his work orders by taking care Events calendar of Holbert. Home Delivery History Lottery "I who finished with a 30-3 record " said Barker "I'm lad to win it M~fpS Martgapes . , , g wanted to do it more for coach than myself. He's the one who made me Personal ads train so hard to get where I could do this. I was in great shape and that's ~~~~ ~ xat~~ what won it for me. He's like my dad. He keeps me out of trouble." Shopping smith Mt. Lake k Soltis made certain his bo was in sha a He hi hl su ested Barker Y p g Y gg Stoc s subscriptions join his cross country team last fall so he could stay fit for wrestling weather http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/news/story 146246.htm1 4/2/2003 r~, Barker makes Glenvar coach proud Page 2 of 6 .. season. "Coach [Dickie] Myers coached wrestling and cross country when I was at Glenvar and he made me do both, so I made [Barker] do it," Soltis said. "In his first year, David finishes seventh in the state. Then in ,,f ~ ~ here wrestling, we've got these 7 a.m. runs. Well, those 7 a.m. runs and Jeb Carriers Wright, who was David's training partner, are what made this happen." wanterlt With Brentsville District roaring to its second straight and fourth team title in five years, the eight Timesland competitors who advanced to the finals were basically flying solo. The only two to get it done came from opposite ends of the spectrum. Parry McCluer's Jonathan Woods captured the 103-pound title, and Northwood's Joel Surber came from behind to nip James River's Bobby Hoffert in the 275-pound division. In a rare final involving two wrestlers from the same district, Woods outlasted Covington's Steven Harris 5-4. Woods had lost his first two matches this season to Harris, but rebounded to beat his league rival in the two big ones -the region and state. "I got him the right two times," said Woods, a sophomore who has been wrestling for only two years. "It feels good to win it. I didn't expect it. I didn't even go to state last year, I was like fifth in the region. I'm going to take this [plaque] and put it on my wall. And I can try for two more since I've got two years left." Harris, who finished 38-4 compared with 29-10 for Woods, said the long ceremony introducing the finalists and all the hoopla of the event affected him. "I think all the hype got me," said Harris, a junior. "I don't do well with that. l started cramping up a little and made mistakes I normally don't make." Woods' triumph eased some of the pain in the Parry McCluer camp. The Fighting Blues saw the unbeaten season of star Boone Brockenbrough go up in smoke in a 10-21oss to freshman Todd Smoot of Manassas Park. Brockenbrough, who lost in the final on a controversial officiating call last year, threw Smoot and had him almost on his back in the match's waning seconds. Brockenbrough, though, couldn't get both of Smoot's shoulders simultaneously to the mat. "I waited too long to make my move," said a downcast Brockenbrough. "Why? I don't know why. If I would have had five more seconds, I know I could have pinned him." http://www.roanoke. com/roatimes/news/story 146246.htm1 4/2/2003 Diane Childers -Christopher Hanes legal ad Page 1 From: Diane Childers To: legals@roanoke.com Subject: Christopher Hanes legal ad Martha, As we discussed this morning, we will need to withdraw the legal ad for Christopher Hanes' SUP request due to his untimely death. Thanks for your assistance. Diane CC: Susan Carter T - __ - - - _ _.m~ -- _ -~ Page 1 Diane Childers -Sale of well lot ,.. From: Sue Bane To: Diane Childers; Gary Robertson Date: 6/20/03 11:42AM Subject: Sale of well lot Gary, We have received an offer to purchase a well lot located at 5221 Wipledale Avenue (North Lakes) Tax Map No. 37.09-4-15 in the amount of $27,000 which is within 10% of the appraised value. I have prepared a public notice requesting bids for this property and notifying the public of the first reading (July 8, 2003 and second reading and public hearing (July 22, 2003). The notice will be published on July 8 and 15. I will do letters to the adjoining property owners. Can you have a sign placed on the property? As you know we do not publicly disclose the identity of the offeror or the amount of the offer until the second reading. Sue CC: Paul Mahoney Diane Childers wipledale.notice.doc Page 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SALE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE BY ROANOKE COUNTY Roanoke County is making available for purchase the following surplus property: Wipledale Avenue Well Lot 5221 Wipledale Avenue Well Lot, Block 31. Section 8, North Lakes Tax Map No. 37.09-4.15 Inquiries should be directed to Paul M. Mahoney, at (540) 772-2007. Bids may be addressed to Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, VA 24018, and should be received no later than Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. A first reading of an ordinance will be held on Tuesday, July 8, 2003, on the disposition of this surplus real estate. The second reading and a public hearing to accept or reject bids will be held on Tuesday, July 22, 2003. Paul M. Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney Please run this ad: July 8, 2003 July 15, 2003 Please send bill to: r Mane Childers - suncrest.hgts.public.notice.doc _ Pag L .-_ ._ - ~ _ __ _ ._ - _ _ _ _ _ - ---_ _ - - _ _ -- _ I I ~ PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its meeting on July 22, 2003, at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia, at the session beginning at 7:00 p.m., will hold a public hearing on the following: ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF THE ASSETS OFT SUNCREST `-..- E CREATION OF A SPECIAL UTILI WATER COMPANY, INC., TH DISTRICT, NAMELY "SUNCREST HEIGHTS WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT," APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES THEREIN, AND IMPOSING AND ALLOCATING CERTAIN FEES OR ASSESSMENTS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF PROPERTY LOCATED THEREIN All members of the public interested in the matters set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. A copy of the full text of the ordinance is on file and is available for public inspection in the office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, whose office is located at 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Roanoke County, Virginia ~, Publish on the following dates: July 1, 2003 July 8, 2003 July 15, 2003 Send invoice to: Ms. Diane Childers Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 LDiane Childers -Notice - Suncrest Water Company acquisition From: Sue Bane To: legals@roanoke.com Date: 6/25/03 11:10AM Subject: Notice - Suncrest Water Company acquisition Martha, Please publish the attached notice 3 times -July 1, 8, 15. Thanks, Sue Page 1 CC: Diane Childers; Paul Mahoney - _ __-,....._ Pa e1 Diane Childers -Correction to Public Notice 9 ~, From: Sue Bane To: Martha Plank Date: 6/24/03 11:07AM Subject: Correction to Public Notice Martha, I found a mistake on my last notice so I have attached a corrected one. Thanks, Sue Sue Bane Legal Assistant Roanoke County Attorney's Office sbane@co.roanoke.va.us 772-2007 772-2089 (fax) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SALE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE BY ROANOKE COUNTY Roanoke County is making available for purchase the following surplus property: i ale Avenue Well Lot 5221 Wipledale Avenue Well Lot, Block 31, Section 8, North Lakes Tax Map No. 37.09-4-15 Inquiries should be directed to Paul M. Mahoney, at (540) 772-2007. Bids may be addressed to Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, VA 24018, and should be received no later than Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. A first reading of an ordinance will beheld on Tuesday, July 8, 2003, on the disposition of this surplus real estate. The second reading and a public hearing to accept or reject bids will be held on Tuesday, July 22, 2003: Paul M. Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney Please run this ad: July 8, 2003 July 15, 2003 Please send bill to: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\DCHILDERS\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMP\WIPLEDALE.NOTICE.DOC __ m_ ~, _ Mane Childers. wipledale~.notice.doc Page 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SALE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE BY ROANOKE COUNTY Roanoke County is making available for purchase the following surplus property: Wipledale Avenue Well Lot 5221 Wipledale Avenue Well Lot, Block 31, Section 8, North Lakes Tax Map No. 37.09-4-15 Inquiries should be directed to Paul M. Mahoney, at (540) 772-2007. Bids may be addressed to Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney, P. O. Box 29800, Roanoke, VA 24018, and should be received no later than Wednesday, July 16, 2003 at 5:00 p.m. A first reading of an ordinance will be held on Tuesday, July 8, 2003, on the disposition of this surplus real estate. The second reading and a public hearing to accept or reject bids will be held on Tuesday, July 22, 2003. Paul M. Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney Please run this ad: July 8, 2003 July 15, 2003 Please send bill to: Diane Childers, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 U:\W PDOCS\AGENDAU2EALEST\SURPLUS\W IPLEDALE. NOTICE. DOC _ _- -- - ~Diane Childers -Revocation of Ad -Sign Ordinance Page 1 From: Diane Childers To: legals@roanoke.com Date: 7/2/03 4:20PM Subject: Revocation of Ad -Sign Ordinance Dee, I apologize for the confusion, but the Chief Planner has just advised me that we will need to pull the ad for the sign ordinance (see below). This is the last one I sent to you. Thanks. Diane Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 „Diane Childers - 07-22-Sign Ordinance.doc ti-.. LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of the Roanoke County Planning Commission to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Section 30-93, Signs. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 2, 2003_ Diane S. Childers, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times: Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Tuesday, July 15, 2003 Direct the bill for publication to: Roanoke County Community Development Planning & Zoning P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 772-2068 Attn: Susan Carter SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Page 1 _ _. T _.. - _- - - --- Diane Childers - Ad - Sign•Ordinance ~ Page 1 ~.._ _ ~ - _ - _4 _ .__ . . From: Diane Childers To: legals@roanoke.com Subject: Ad -Sign Ordinance Martha, Attached is an ad to be run on July 8 and July 15. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. ~ - a - 03 ®~ =oa~rn ~Otc v~~ (k~ .n t,cgol~. ~kx ~a ~~- wa~Id nom}- be 0. ~~bble~rt #-o gG~ ~hi~ i!1 c~ J u~y 8 . ~5c. Diane Childers RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes . Page 1 From: Dee Shrader House <Dee.House@Roanoke.com> To: 'Diane Childers' <DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/7/03 10:04AM Subject: RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes Diane, I have scheduled your first legal ad (July 22nd Public Hearing) to run on July 8th and July 15th in the Roanoke Times. The cost of the ad is $147.20. The bill will be sent to Randy Grisso and the affadavit will be sent to you. Below is a copy of the ad as it will appear in the paper on July 8th & 15th. Thanks! Dee Dee House (I'm filling in for Martha Plank today) 540-777-6477 ~ra~ ad5 ~ -1-03 io:3~i am LEGAL NOTICE~~ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the etition Randy Grisso to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Private Kennel on 2.21 acres, located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive, Catawba v Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk (2164095) ~ -- Diane Childers - RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes , From: Diane Childers To: Dee Shrader House Date: 7/7/03 10:26AM Subject: RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes Dee, Looks fine except we need to insert the word "of" following ...on the petition "of' Randy Grisso (see below). This was omitted in my original a-mail to you. Thanks. Diane Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 »> Dee Shrader House <Dee.House@Roanoke.com> 07/07/03 09:49AM »> Diane, I have scheduled your first legal ad (July 22nd Public Hearing) to run on July 8th and July 15th in the Roanoke Times. The cost of the ad is $147.20. The bill will be sent to Randy Grisso and the affadavit will be sent to you. Below is a copy of the ad as it will appear in the paper on July 8th & 15th. Thanks! Dee Dee House (I'm filling in for Martha Plank today) 540-777-6477 LEGAL NOTICE~~ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administratio enter, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition "of' Randy risso obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Private Kennel on 2.21 acre , ocated at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk (2164095) Page 1 __ ~` Diane Childers - RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes From: Dee Shrader House <Dee.House@Roanoke.com> To: 'Diane Childers' <DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/7/03 10:04AM Subject: RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes -- Page 1 Diane, I have scheduled your second legal ad (for Chris Hanes) to run on July 8th & July 15th in the Roanoke Times. The cost of the ad is $161.00. I will contact Chris Hanes for payment of the ad, and the affadavit will be sent to You. Below is a copy of the ad as it will appear in the paper for the next two Tuesdays. Thanks! Dee Dee House (I'm filling in for Martha Plank today) 540-777-6477 LEGAL NOTICE~~ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Ce~eF;~04 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Christopher H. o obtain a Special Use Permit to construct a drive-in restaurant on approximately .75 acres, zoned C-2 General Commercial District located near the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and View Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk (2164125) Diane Childers RE: Grisgo, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes From: Dee Shrader House <Dee.House@Roanoke.com> To: 'Diane Childers' <DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/7/03 10:22AM Subject: RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes Diane, I have scheduled your third legal advertisement (for Montessouri School...attn: Elijah Carroll) to run on July 8th & July 15th in the Roanoke Times. The cost of the ad is $151.80. I will bill the Roanoke Valley Montessouri School & send you the affidavit. Below is a copy of the ad as it will appear in the paper the next two Tuesdays. Thanks! :) Dee Dee House (I'm filling in for Martha Plank today) 540-777-6477 Page 1 1 LEGAL NOTICE~~ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administrati er, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Elijah S Carrol obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Primary Educational acility on 4.76 acres, zoned R-2 Medium Density Residential District located at 3432 Poff Lane, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk (2164141) ,Diane Childers RE Gris~o, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes From: Dee Shrader House <Dee.House@Roanoke.com> To: 'Diane Childers' <DCHILDERS@co.roanoke.va.us> Date: 7/7/03 10:37AM Subject: RE: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes Diane, I have scheduled the fourth and final legal ad (Parrish) to run on Tuesday, July 8th & Tuesday, July 15th in the Roanoke Times. The cost of the ad is $156.40. I will contact Mrs. Parrish for credit card payment and will send the affadavit to you. Below is a copy of the ad as it will appear in the paper the next two Tuesdays. Thanks! Dee Dee House 540-777-6477 _ Page 1 LEGAL NOTICE~~ROANOKE COUNTY~~BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of James C., III and Laura . Parrish o obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an accessory a ent on .5 acres, zoned R-1 Low Density Residential District located at 3210 Lawndale Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk (2164193) Diane Childers -Ads: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes Page -_...._.__ __ - ~ _W._.-_ - From: Diane Childers To: legals@roanoke.com Date: 7/2/03 2:08PM Subject: Ads: Grisso, Parrish, Carroll & Hanes Martha, Attached are four legal ads to be published on July 8 and 15. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board County of Roanoke Phone: (540) 772-2003 Fax: (540) 772-2193 i Diane Childers - 07-22-Community Development.doc Page 1 LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition Randy Grisso to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Private Kennel on 2.21 acres, located at 1459 Mountain Heights Drive, Catawba Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times: Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Tuesday, July 15, 2003 Direct the bill for publication to: Randy Grisso 1459 Mountain Heights Drive Salem, VA 24153 (540) 387-3969 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Diane Childers - 07-22 Community Development.doc ~ ~ ~ ^ ^ ~_ _ Page_2 ~_.._ LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of James C., III and Laura B. Parrish to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct an accessory apartment on .5 acres, zoned R-1 Low Density Residential District located at 3210 Lawndale Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003_ Diane S. Childers, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times: Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Tuesday, July 15, 2003, Direct the bill for publication to: James C., III and Laura B. Parrish 3210 Lawndale Road Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 776-1469 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 2 ~ Diane Childers 07 22-Community Development.doc - Page 3 LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Elijah S. Carroll to obtain a Special Use Permit to operate a Primary Educational Facility on 4.76 acres, zoned R-2 Medium Density Residential District located at 3432 Poff Lane, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003_ Diane S. Childers, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times: Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Tuesday, July 15, 2003, Direct the bill for publication to: Roanoke Valley Montessori School Attn: Elijah Carroll 4523 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 989-3096 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 f __ Diane Childers 07-22-Community bevelopment.doc^ - ___ Page 4 L- - __ r- LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board Of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 22, 2003, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, on the petition of Christopher H. Hanes to obtain a Special Use Permit to construct adrive-in restaurant on approximately .75 acres, zoned C-2 General Commercial District located near the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and View Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District. A copy of this application is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: July 4, 2003 Diane S. Childers, Clerk Please publish in the Roanoke Times: Tuesday, July 8, 2003 Tuesday, July 15, 2003 Direct the bill for publication to: Christopher Hanes 3572 Larson Lane Roanoke, VA 24018 (540) 774-5161 SEND ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO: Diane S. Childers Clerk to the Board P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 4 r Hello, As some of you know there has been a bit of confusion as to why 1 want a Special Use Permit. To clear this up 1 would like to explain why. We have three extremely small inside dogs and two boxers who stay outside during the day and are brought in and crated no late than 10:00 p.m. Haley and Brandon, my two children are very attached to all of our pets and want to keep them. 1 was unaware of the limitation of dogs in Roanoke County and in order to meet the mandatory requirements, 1 need to get a Special Use Permit. This enables me to have no m~w~ than five dogs. 1 need you to understand that 1 am onl y trying to keep my children's family pets. NOT start a kennel. Hopefully this has cleared up any 4onfuslon that has been sta~~~ and you will allow my children to keep their well loved pets. /1~.n~ \S~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~W~ ,, r i ~, , ~~~, I I~a~ ~'~--t~n, `~s.~~ ~~ ~~ /'~~ ~~ ~;~ ~/~ ~ ~ . ,~- .~~ ©~ ~ ~ ~s ~ ,~~~ ~~ ~~~ r-~ ~ n~. g q0 ~ -G~~--__ /~Z ~ nv~,~7A~y /~~Gd~s ~ G9h^^`~~°'' nai o ~~ ~~ ,z ~.~~ 13 o ~ ~G~ ~- 2~b i AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~-e. r~ r~ ~t , ~-- I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ADDRESS PHONE ~ ~ .~~~~~ ~~ ~ ~ 'ti ~ ~~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: AGENDA ITEM NO.T ~! PUBLIC HEARING -ORDINANCE -CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: - ~- ~ Eti'ti~~ I I would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: i~ ~l v ~ n/ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ADDRESS: ~~G'f~ /~c~ccNt~iA1 ~~tlr~~~ ~P,- PHONE: ~ ~ 7 - / Z Z ~ GROUP/ORGANIZATION: AGENDA ITEM NO. r PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: ~~, G- f~ rt ;` ~~. ,~ L ~ ~: ~~, `. s ~ C would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements and/or comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: ~ 1 ~) ,~ _~ ~2 i~ L ~ ~ ~ 1 ~' y ADDRESS: / ~{ ~-I~~~ ~~~~ ~ v~y- PHONE: ~ , / - -S 7 GROUP/ORGANIZATION: AGENDA ITEM NO. PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCE CITIZEN COMMENTS SUBJECT: would like the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to recognize me during the meeting on the above matter so that I may comment. WHEN CALLED TO THE LECTERN, I WILL GIVE MY NAME AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE GUIDELINES LISTED BELOW: ^ Each speaker will be given three (3) minutes to comment, whether speaking as an individual or representative. The Chairman will enforce the rule unless instructed by the majority of the Board to do otherwise. ^ The speaker will be limited to a presentation of his/her point of view only. Questions of clarification may be entertained by the Chairman. ^ All comments must be directed to the Board. Debate between a recognized speaker and audience members is not allowed. ^ Both speakers and the audience will exercise courtesy at all times. ^ Speakers are requested to leave any written statements andlor comments with the Clerk to the Board. ^ Individuals speaking on behalf of an organized group shall file with the Clerk written authorization from the group allowing the individual to represent them. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY AND GIVE TO THE CLERK TO THE BOARD NAME: z~~l~~ ~. t~1~~~, ADDRESS: { y~G %I~r/~~~~~ ~ ~~~ G PHONE: ~ `~ ~ ~`'~, `~ / GROUP/ORGANIZATION: ~! ~ ~~ July 22, 2003 B.O.S. Work Session on McVitty Road /Old Cave Spring Road (Rte 1662 & 1663) Virginia Department of Transportation project (Prof. No. 1662-080-297 & 1663-080-298) AGENDA 1. PROJECT OVERVIEW • Priority #2 and #3 in the County's six year secondary system construction plan • Proximity and connection to Rte. 419 Electric Road and Rte. 221, Honeytree Learning Center, McVitty Forest residential complex • Functional Classification and Traffic Data o Urban Local road o Traffic Volumes: 8,900 ADT (current 2001), 12,000 ADT (projected 2026), 3% truck traffic 0 30 MPH min Design Speed 2. PROPOSED ALIGNMENTS • Alignment with designated bike lanes McU~~.{ Ca.n~ida~ ~ OCSL nod • Alignment with paved shoulders only • Impacts/effects of each alignment 3. TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS 4. COST ESTIMATES I-,I1 S. GREENWAYS ISSUES C«~ 15 0. ~0-i~1T1Q~ C~-du,~ • Connections/Attractions: +~lc ~~~~ o Hidden Valley High School o McVitty Forest (existing easement) o Roanoke County Library (existing easement) ~~~ ~~~! f ~QrjT' o Colonnade Corp. Center -t ~ r ~I~~ ~~ o Garst Mill Park (existing greenway) Tz~ o Radford's Park Proposal ~~~ ~ ~ ~~ 6. Questions from the Board??? ~ ~ II CloScc~ ~ ~rlOc~S o1r d u;~~1 ~ d -{~- ~im~ Qad~ < <~, ham- b~ pi~~ +h~ ~~o ~. . ~~ off- -}~e rea, ex.-~en~ ~c~~ i'-h~ 9 ~ ~10W vDoT P,ow . c*~ 0 N_ O U O Z ~ V -t- O Q T 7 O C O ('~ Cfd r G. Q. ~. ~ t0 ~ ~ ' v , ~ ~ o ~ ~° o N ~ I I~ ^ I IZ ^ I I~ +~ c~ ~ (6 O 4. N C a~ m a~ L L a~ N N (6 0 a~ 7 ° \ U A N ~ O '++ w- O (6 C U c U E U N C O N N C ' cn C6 CO XX X X X X X X X X X X X ~IQ m ~ °' N N I~ U V v c co a~ w 'C C6 U L (6 7 U ~U 3 ~ N N C O N ~ O ~ N O 7 c: '~ N O E o_ y C •~ N cl E C~6 Y fl N 7 ~ O C I N N O N ~ ~ C U N C6 ` O 7 ~ '~ U i N W ~ C O ~ E ~a~~ (~ ~1 Y D '~ lr ~ U C m c ~ t ~ N N N c c ~' ~ o 3 0 V a~ X ~ .j ' N fl. C E p - N ~_ ~ N O V ~ N •y7-,, N y, ~ d N p a + 0 ~ N N a N L ~ C O -p O Q O C O~ 'p N U0 . 0. m N ? C 7 O~ ~~ C~ O E O O f0 ~ O- Lf~ ~~ N d~ 3 L o~'cd~ oom ~°.~ ~°~~o °~ ~ c p O N 0~ ch O) N> p O N N 'C O U U O ~ O N a N ~ ~ J ~ O ~ ~ O U ~ ~ ~ V ~ > N ~ O ~ z m ~ +~ U Q ~ U z .. ~ ~ ° ' C U o ca O '- cv N +- N r ~ QQ~ Zj- Q ~ ? ~ m ~ a'~~ ~ m: 3 ~ o c c ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ N ~~~~~ b ~ ~ ~~ ~~QO ~ o ~U ~~ Zt) ~~ .r j ~ ° ° ~ C C ~ t 0 p.0 ~QU U~ V-~j1i~Q V ° o ~ u. O C (6 N d I .~ L C ~ C o v ~ E o ~ lC N O X ~ o u - UI O ~ - 'p N ~ ~ ~ N ~ C 1 N N ) y ~ ' O ~~ ~ n. r U ~ v ~ ~ ~ > .. ~ E i (6 p ~ ~ O1 U C. p N ~ ' C ~ Q1 +- ~ t6 N ~ ~ '7 C N rn fl' C ~ '~ y C ~ ~ C ~ G ` j rr ' to N ' a N a ~ N O c N . ~ N N £ .C ' 0 0 ~ c ' N f a E Q N .. N a~ ~ ,~N >..~ ~ v~, LG ~ j p V U U E r C ~ O ~ r t y~ C C c~~o_ o~ ` v ~ a E V - 6/27/03 Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade Estimated Budget Construction Costs Engineering Land Total Project Costs Less unallowed costs for DEQ Land Less Reimbursement from Roanoke City for change in usage allocation (Note 1} Roanoke County Total Costs Share (24.5%) 43, 500, 000 10, 657, 500 3,100,000 759,500 1,000,000- 245,000 47,600,000 11,662,000 k~oM ? Ogca(1'`' i~"""~h 0.fCuc~~ U~ "~fc'a ~(C~' (1,000,000) (245,000) 46,600,000 11,417,000 (706,345) 10,710,655 (1) This credit from Roanoke City will be applied equally against the first five bills to Roanoke County for this new phase of the upgrade project. w ~~: CSC ~"' ROANOKE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive, S.W. -Room 431 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Phone 772-2007 -Fax 772-2089 MEMORANDUM To: Board of Supervisors ~~ ~~~ From: Paul M. Mahoney Date: July 21, 2003 Subject: Board of Equalization The 2003 Session of the Virginia General Assembly adopted legislation introduced by Delegate Morgan Griffith to substantially change the qualifications, appointment, and terms of individuals to local boards of equalization. These boards are created to hear citizen complaints and to equalize local real estate tax assessments. This legislation will have a significant impact on Roanoke County. since on its effective date of January 1, 2004, it will force Roanoke County to appoint two new members to this Board. The first significant change restricts a person's membership on a board of equalization to no more than nine consecutive years, and upon the expiration of nine consecutive years, that person shall not be eligible for reappointment to the board for a period of three years. Galen Conner (Vinton) has served on Roanoke County's Board of Equalization since 1988. B. J. Brewer (Cave Spring) has served on Roanoke County's Board of Equalization since 1992. Neither one of these individuals will be eligible for reappointment in January 2004. J. C. Taylor (Catawba) has served since 1996, and Andy Clingenpeel (Hollins) and Wanda Manuel (Windsor Hills) have served since 1999. The next significant change required by this legislation is the new qualification requirements. Thirty percent of the members of the board shall be commercial or residential real estate appraisers, other real estate professionals, builders, developers, or legal or financial professionals, and at least one such member shall sit in alI cases involving commercial, industrial or multi-family residential property unless waived by the taxpayer. r :7 The next change requires that once in every four years each member of the board of equalization shall take a continuing education course provided by the State Tax Commissioner. In the past in order to be eligible for appointment to the board a prospective member had to take a course of instruction for board of equalization members by the State Tax Commissioner. The old course of instruction was typically completed in one-half of a day. This new legislation will require the Tax Commissioner to up-date the basic course of instruction to incorporate the provisions of the new legislation including but not limited to what constitutes evidence of generally accepted appraisal practice and fair market value. At this time the State Tax Commissioner's office is unable to advise us as to an anticipated time commitment by a member for this continuing education instruction. As you are aware the judges of the Circuit Court appoint the members of the board of equalization. Since the late 1980s the judges have welcomed recommendations from the members of the Board of Supervisors of individuals for possible appointment. Since this legislation mandates the removal of two existing members and imposes new requirements for qualifications for new members, we want to inform the members of the Board of Supervisors of these changes so that the Board can begin considering at an early date replacements for Mr. Conner and Mrs. Brewer. Any new recommended appointees should also be considered in light of the new qualification standards (30% of the members of the Board shall be commercial or residential real estate appraisers, other real estate professionals, builders, developers or legal or financial professionals). Either Mr. Driver or I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have concerning this legislation and its effects on Roanoke County. C: Elmer C. Hodge GREAT BAND (Kan.) TRIBUNE -THURSDAY. JUNE 19, 2003= I -, y .,r ~., =,v,~-_ ..... ~;. * sir: ++ s ~~ y '~ -~. ~ ~a t ~.. ~ •~ :e.~ 1 . ' ~' ~. ::~~': ..- Q :2.. " ,.. .. !tl •.. .:, _.,. DALE HOGG Great Benc: 1 Four •Emners who are running across the country to raise coney for a new athletic facility for their high Schoo! in Vlfginia in Grez?t Bend Wednesday. Pictured. from left to right. are Tommy Maguire. Laurence Loesel, Ben Dowdy and Wili Stuart. ::s.~~' . :~.. x ~i~ "~w~ .~..:i~...,., 4 _-~.: .. ' ~ , ~~ ~~: ~ ~, t~ :~ ~~ k s~ A- ,~:... ,}f a. ~ pp s y ~ r ° 'L it rS ~ kl m ~? ;~t) ,. ~. L~ ~~ i i~ C re~ M atak- i Hoor~vG rr Rtulner~ head It „a, da, ~; •'~f'h~~ het~ple :tlcsn,_ tlt~• ~=,a) ha~~ hc~n ~~re:u.~~ ,aid t Ti>mnl~ "~i:I~hin~~ C~un,. ~'t)5~ «)~LI`~' tU ~taL'illl~i. :I11t~Il1Cr t~l Ills= t'U11- ` • ~ .. ,. helh ~'11'~,nI11a nrr. and heal ('SFIS u-a~k ~ ~ , ~,,; ~u,lt'h. high Sch~)e)1 :,Jt,n;> tht' ~,:I,. tJte,~~~ attrnded te~ti~al,, ~i,it~tl ,,I the ~ntall. Ii,~all~ ,uahh~d ~9:t~~uir~ arc Ei~n U~t~~d~. nuueum, and nt~t ~rur~, ut By DALE NOGG tuunt~. That~~ ~+h~ Lt~r~rl <'Sf IS ,~huuintatr t~f E.I~e,'_ _- =,,, ~;,_ ~., :, h,;: ,:,. int.•r~.uu`~ tt~t~pl~. and cultt}tan~ ttu~k nuitt~r, :uul ~~'ili Stuart, s ~t,il~; :-\, Ittr the ~'<~ather. Ltn'u•1 inter their rn~n h;uul,. Thr tc:untn:ttr esf I.t~C~il. {)tt \\;t~in~~ an .Ant~ri~;tn 11a;•. ~ai~L excrht tt,r ctn~ hi`z `~htu!1 hay al~t~ a;~ltlic~l ft~r 1~a~~uire ~~a. t,n ~ustsnl. ftntr rssnnrr, ~Irt~tl~ intt, ,ttn-nt, ~]utL~r ~latw-r hay ~, ,- ,;ti•uicsn. .~11 the other, h: rant:_ and ha. rec <n tad ,ul Gr~:u l~~ntl \\edne>da~ alto- hen ~~r~ ct~ntterati~~e. ht,rt trt~m ttth~r lt~~:tl .t~_rn tt, lal.~• tintt• a~~a~ trtsnt the noun tin :I ~i'i1„-Ct1U1711'\ try}. lJlt'.lI' Cat1~C t~ lh~ ~l~lt,lrtli- ~It,. ~n laf. llt~~ ~~ I';Il~t•tl ts~h, ttlf lhr :Id F4nlllrC. to raise Hann •. for a ht~•]t tittn ctt~ a tnu alhlt~t;~ '.~i~•!tl at ;iEtuut ~a).000. - ~~;1.~ -~j~,t}~s~.--~.~•. ihc• ,~ hiu)1 111 I~, Ilu \':1. ^"t~{M" s~a, .~,rw.. ...-..~r..~ ~,. ~. ~~ ~,: L~ tl:~ ,; It.>t,l. "II', :I I~i_~-ti~t.~'t `9'+ 7; ~''` lIt taCh, 'hc C~tfti, ~. "It~~ h,cn a~~t;,tnn~. f'~t~pl~ item," ~]aguire said of the ` oi'ts net~~:ori. ESPI~ hay ~r~\~~~.cati~Cs}~riri~~i~~g?itticro ha~~• h:~n ~rr~ sul~}~t~rti~c.' ~1.~ millie,n t•t~mplex. RaIltrr e~ltre~~ed art intere,t in tltcir in;~.resrn. t~~kre~ad:lil~ jcu: ,ail L;.ur~n~•~ 1_i?es~~l. assi,- than aa.in~* ft~r Ict~;ll rr,l- yu~a Hal ul~ their trill anti to :lire tan! n;I,:l. :uttl crct„ .•cnnttr~ dents tt, tucx the ,ntirr hill. .luinin~_ Lt~c`~~I :uta t'tmtrihutitm~. ~~,,:~h Iur [he C~a,. S)ll~itt~• [h~\ tleeitt~d lt~ earner><11I1t' - -- f lilt S.~hut~l f;ni_~ht, antl national intcrr,t. "Our hi~~ i~reanii~r ut th~• "('arc ~~c~;tl i, to ,~~t ~untc stati~tn:t! Shrine Kni~~ht', Cr,,~~in~~ '~ t'~}ti»ur~.'. 'I-he runn~t ~ i~ t, lZeruttikc Iti~;utt-l.c rerrntl~ hats to S1a~ ~ t,~r Sun i-ran~i,~r.. huiitl a ne',>, hi«h srhuol. ~c~ front ,~ Is; r:• titr>, srt cnn nn huilrhn« <t Ile\l ~rUri, ~unl- thcir ?.UtIU-ntilr ic~urn~`` plus ~~a. askin_ un a~~ lul lot a~ rc~„ tJtc ~', ai~t ut Astt: ric:t. - 'i h~~ •isi~uld arri~ hack lti)In~ ,lulu IS atier ?~ ht-ttt•- ~arrilte ~4t~, alistt~_ hi~~h~~;t_. l~.S (I. 1:Iklt1~' tlll'n~ r~,ltni' lIl :I ~ • ~.uttlter ad~~rn~d ~~ ith their , it„t~ :utd a dyer', •kulL ea:h runnrr run. I ~ ntil~, Jter day. Tltc~ ,hint tltc Ili Ohl \\e~ln.•,~lu~ to their raltther in .: Great Ei~ncl 1}arl:in~.: Ictt. btribune.cort+ ~~ ~; R ~ X-~-.~~~T~ _ s o n'f ~' ~ ~ F ~ (T r ~_ r. ~ - J r ~- ~ r ~ - l ~'T ~ r ,~ _ _ n: ~~ G G r~ .~ r i..J ~', .,r .. ti ~ " S Y L~ v. . G ~, R '' ~~ ac r. R ~'.. pC `!~ J ~ f! r ~ . ~ v ..r ~~~~ >:: _~ __ _ ~ .,. ~W C r ~ J• _ ~! J ~' i t r R ~ ~ t~: b r =.. o ~ o v ~~ ~ ~ r. ~ '~ ^C ~ r_ ~ ~~~~~•~~ o_~s~c ~ .~ . ." ~~ M ~v k~--~~ ~. ~, . C~: ~ ~ ~~ ~, `iG'?~ ~ ~ ~.lr r •- ~~~e O•~~^ r~...~~ c "=__ O~_~"' ~~~ ~ -- ~~ ~'"I r, `~ _: R... I- Nathan Weber; Daily Globe Ben Dowdy (left), Tommy Maguire, Will Stuart and Laurence Loesel stop in Dodge City to rest before continuing on their run across America. The group is running to raise money for a new track at Cave Spring High school in Roanoke, Virginia. ~~lt"~InIQ stLCd~nts~ stop in Dodge City' L,~If>;"lj1 ~ ('yY)SS (:'OLty2t)"1' tYek to YCxISe li)2one1', fot" Cl r;2C'YL' 11i~g11 .School tl;"C7C'k By Sheryl Doubek cu~tiu,, SI.~ rttilliun. ~I~u help rai~c Cil\~• ~prin~. l~tn+tl\ nti.~~cl ! ~ da\. Dc~c:e City Uaih~ Globe the ntunc+, thr Iuur men are ,pread- ut runnin~~ Ihrllu~~h the Iturk.ir~ inr a im_ the: \{urd thn,tl~_h thr In~diil a~ jc,h int~r+ir\+. F~uur \ir,•ini;l ntrn. \+hu an run- thc+ stop ut( in ttn+•n~ alum- their Thr\ ,aid thr hardr;l part u1 thr nin<~ acru~. the c~xuttt'~ a~ a fund juurnl:+. url. ,~, far ha; been the lh~~irt. rai;lr_ ~tupp~li in I)ud~~c (~it~ T ~ll ~1a\ l~l hl: iixlr ui~ficialh ,tart "7'h.~ d~,crl ++:1, a\+tul: ~ I,ue>el 111,Illiil\ illtk•r till\ ran tl'unl (I:1r(Icn ,) t lrt hliiCl•\tllC'.. (:1111-.:Srtd ltil+l• 1:1111 '•lt l+il\ Intlrt.lC•lr hnrtrt~ with ('it+ alrcactc ran l .ItIU mild in -l + dint. ahu,lutcl\ nulhinc out thcr~. !t wa1 I.a++rencc Lur1l`I. ~?: ~4ill Stuart. ~'he\ sill ha\'r 1 ~)ttlt Inile~ to <<u reall\ culls at ni~~ht but in the da\ lhr ,,: Ben Uu\ril~. ~-l: iind Tunutt~ h~furr then mach their deltinatiun in ,un ++:r~ +.~r•+ intrnlc. }tut it'1 been !~4:,~uirr. ?-1, plan un running ~.(>!N) Ruanukc. ~'a. .+urth it... - 1nil~~ ut It)Il d:l\ < to hs:lp riilc The plan i1 tin- each nlan Its run '-It-. a hi~~ iuuntr+ uttt h~rr. Thi ml,ne~ li,r ('a\<~ Sprin~• Ili~,h Scltitul a~~ut l~ niilr~ a dii_~ ++hil~• the ulh- h.•.t hart ++il•; runnin~~ ir, Culifilrnia in kuanukc. ~'a. er1 ride behind in a cant}><r, ++firre un knutc I . ;Snit dri+in_• :ut,l nlectin I.l,l~lel and Dv++d~ arc brnh Ca\e they sleep and stun all ihrir cyuip all the h~u},Ic alun,• the \\:1\;- Stuart Sprin~_ alunuti ilnri !~la~~uit'e is a rttent filr the juurnr~- tiaiei. coach at the sluhuul. Stuart \ra1 a Stuart and t_ucscl arc Ihl unl\ t++u I_l>Ltil•I rail} the i~uur }r.ul come to :l truck tcanunate ut Ltx:1c] at rullc~~c out ttl the four \+'hu arc running, thl• cun~cn;u. that thl•~ r~•ull) ha\~c and \+a1 im tied h~ Luelcl Iu loin cntir'e ?.Of)U mile.. ~`Ia,uirt juinrll l•njurcll 1)uli~~~• (~ih. ~h;tltt un the run. Stuart and Lut's~) in ('uluradu "etc rcall+ likr Utxi~~c Cil\, ++'c l it~~ suid (`;1\C: Sprin_• nct~dc a Sprin~~. hrl:au.c hr had h, i'ini~h thr \+cr~• c~ccphll and it~1 hctn the n~\\ field huulc :out rubber track. lchuul \ear ruilrhin~~ anal tcachin,• at hi,~hli_lu ui th~• tril, .~, Far.~~ h~• tiiii~i. i aA ~ ;~ ~ , _ ' _ L .~ O ~..+ ~.. = O ~ ~ ..1 L r L O ~.+ C~ C ~~ c~ '~ c~ .r _ G:ON~ .. o - a~L _ i~ , a __ ~G~C ~~N yN C . O V'~~= _ ~ O>u~ ` V t .~ _ IC . L ' GD ' m -' - wP ~ O:O F O _ ~ L ^ E C. ~ N ` a y y 'r ~ ` _ a~$~ ~ ..... I_ ~~ *r ' • O = ~ }d L 0 0 = ~r ~~ t ~A .J r l /~ L ~~ ='~ . ~ ~ -~ -~ ~ :J _ ' I. - O _ u ! ! -~ .-V~r/n ~/~+~J :;~ °v~,~ia~t, .t3~.Y 1~, 2003 Friends run for school's athletic life Cross-country trek will help trio's alma mater By J.T. SiMMS DAILY MAIL SPORTSWRITER Thev have heard the refrain "run Forrest, run" so often from passers-by that it has become forever etched in their memo- ties. For Iaurence -: Loesel. Ben Dow dv_ and Will Stuari, ~ ''~"` though. their cross-countn' '+~ ~' trek is far from ~ being a case of simply feeling s like running. tT!OWDY They had a very specific purpose in mind when heginning their 1.80U-mile run back on Ma_v 5 near Sacramento, Calif. Loesel, Dowdy and Stuart are hoping to raise $1.; million in donations to renovate the track and athletic facilities at Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, t ~,.. where their journey ends 1~'riday. `IL~s a 50-year-old school," llo~adt said "It. s in prettt~ rough shapt•' . :biding to the school's woes is the recent completion of a rcarh}~ $3(1 million high school drat cut Cave Spring's 1,800 en- rolin+ent nearly in half and drained the county coffers of tund~. ~9onday, the trio parked its motor home at the university of Charleston afier spending the dal running along Route 62 from the Ohio border at Point Pleasant. Loesel. an assistani cross countn~ coach at Cave Spring. organized the creative fundrais- ing approach. "This originated when Hill and i were sitting in Roanoke ('ollege and trying to come up H•ith ideas for raising money to rux~n a mm~inu cir,rW " T.nPSVI COURTESY CAVESPRINGKNIGHTSCROSStNG.COM Wiii Stuart, left, and Laurence Loesel, along with Ben Dowdy are running across the country to raise money for the ath- letic needs of their alma mater, Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, Va. They came through Charleston Monday. said. A 1998 Cave Spring graduate. he connected wilh Stuart in cc,l- lege after attending high school with Dowdy. "Somebody said 'Why not run for it'?' " L<xsel said. "Then we found out there was a running store coming in already so Lhat. kind of bummed us out." But the seed of the idea to run across the nation had been planted and he just had to find another reason. There was al- ready amassive fundraising ef- fort to renovate much of Cave Spring called Project 50, aimed at being completed by Cave Spring's 50th anniversary in 2006. Loesel decided the run could fit nicely into it. "Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. I did a two- hour powerpoint presentation to the boosters club," he said. "Six mnnthc latter hrrF~ wa am -' Thev set a r~-day time limit on their journe~° and began ~yith no rommit.ment .lot donations, but a lot of confidrnce. "This is more of an aware- ness-type activity." l,cxrscl said. '~~i'e~ve had a lot of national ex- posure and are just getting the word out.° 1'hcy pass out their W'eb site address along the ~yay and any- one wishing to donate can do it there. It is called Knights ('rr>ss- ing and i~ located at ww«•.cayespringknightscross- ing.com on the Internet. \4oncv raised will help pay for turning the existing six-lane asphalt track into an eight-lane synthetic oval and the dirt in- field into either grass or artifi- cial t.url_ A new' fieldhouse wtth an aux- iliary gymnasium and addition- al athletic offices is also part of fhN ntan "«'c'vc raised about S•I~: so far which may seem tea our target." Loesel said. we expect most of it to con; the end. we're pretty c. dent." That's because the hni boast alumni like pro fvoti playing twins Rondi and Barber as well as a few felt pro baseball players whc; expected to come. through donations once the trio actr finishes iGs trip. "11'e ncvct• douhted H•c c make it." Loesel, ~'. Dowdy is 29 and Stuart `? were successful high school college runners with Do running for Virginia Tecir. "Getting through the: Hoy was a realh~ big thittg,~ 5; said. "()nee we gc-I to (hi it's all downhill." The three take turns rc+(r pretty much whatever list: they feel comfortable ~ while the others either c along beside them or dr~c~ motor home. "V4'e tn° to run aboui 15 n. each per day." Stuart said. Something many other not think they could do. "I Lhink the community d~; ed us the most," Stuart sal "No~s~ they're all behind Ikrwdy' added. Today. they will he hey+~ south on Route (i0. "The past. couple of ~.•: we've been on windinf rc ~+~ith a lot of trucks going Dowdy said. "And the shoo: has gotten a lot more narrc, 'I'hc~' arc naw looking ~t•ard to a hcri>'s w••cicomc t; home. "The sheriff of ttoanoke (' ty is actually escorting us t soli [tom the county lint:.' i sci said. "'That last mile or t~cu ~S inviting anyone who want come out and run with u~ come out." Dowdy said. "~~ hoping for 100 or more. !41~~ it'll look like Forrest Gum{ If the trio manage; <<~ complish what it hopes, "Itoc comparisons might be a he r; r . 7 Q '~ ^~`f~e I~' il~l~ ':ifs: ?~,f.` ~_~ ~~ )~` O ..~ L n z L7 ac to W 3 a 0 W 4 i e ser s~ c I1~. ssr '~ f t/i 1-~ W U O tY: RENO GAZE~TE~ FRIDAY. MAY 17.2003 FINAL EDITION JOURNAL 50 CENTS ;n5,e:';'~",`'„ Cross-country run to aid high school Athletic facilities: 3 runners seeking to raise $1.5 million. By Sheila Gardner tit~~t1,.•„~rrtr iut~x~:~~ \c,er heard otthe Crave Spring Knighrs~ T-hree relay ntnncrs represrnr- ilt~; the Roan~,ke. ~%a., hi);h school !tope ro change that, picking; up supporters and donations as they cr«s~. the- country to r-.tise $1.? million to fix up nc~ SU-year-old school-s athletic facilities. (ht Friday, assisrtnt track roach l,ailirnCC Lorsc•I, 2.i, Ben Dowdy, -+ ;ux} Wili Stuart, Z2, passed throut,h C::trson City and Fallon. l.ocsci said the three, none of whom had been to nc~ Silver ~t.uc, tounci the tc•rrau? n•rninis .rnt tit tlu' ~itrttir ft~'tt<nt ntot'tc .. Ircmctrs," set in ?~r~acla. "lt's rxact}v the sortie kind of c}itnatr -= desert an.} hoc," he said. hridar marked da~• 12 of their ,>-day, 2,RUO-mile ~ourrtry from San f rutcisco hark ro Koanokr. :. ~~'c• h:tvc• to hc• hark hr July ~,° I.ursr} saki. " l hats when the K\' has ut he retunted." L.oc•;ci and Dowdy w•crc high school tcammatcsat.:avcSpring, and Loescl and Snuttt ran togeth- er in colle>;r. The rn~> teamed un to kirk off thc• fund-raiser with a };teal vi r;ilcing the manCy by nCX[ suntrnrr. -The schcx;•I celebrates its S(hh annrncrsan• itt 2006. "It's pretty old," Loescl said. "We're trying to raise the money and get the new faciliticr built in time for the anniversary." Each participant runs 1 ~ miles a day for a cola} of 4.5. Whoever isn't running either hikes along side for t-S rnilrs ordrives the KL'. T-hey arc filing daily journals and photos of thru trip an the pro- lecr's V(•'eh sire. "It's a t•rrv heir F enmm<,r~r.n ..! what vvr're doing," L<xsrl said. "1 am on page _" of my journal since vvc left ~1a}• ~ " Thr. runnerscamc into I~cvada aver l:c}to Summit and down l'.S. )0 to Carson City. "Those snow-capped moun- tainsare something rise.," Lorsrl said. "VVc'rr taking several rolls of pictures; we're documenting everything. " Loescl said they haven't had much titer to explain there cattsc as they run through communi- ties. Theirspunsors include ?~ikr, ON THE WEB www.cavespringknightscrosstnc cam and the LLS. St>cccr l~rdcranon. "Prop-r don't know l5'lta: wr~rr darn!;. We j ust have tintr fo• one- ur two-word conversanctns like 'hr.llo,' and then v{•r keclz ~~,, gain!;," he said. "We• picked up some•.~lmrnc:tn Hags on nc~• side of the road anu srar•tcd running with them. 1'ec~ plc vvcrr gain}; crazy with char. they stop and cheer when vs c ro by. hhcy thought w•c• ~~•~•r: Olympic athlrtcs. lt's a pretty ,lr cent feciinl;," he said. Loescl saki the runners vs•;r~ tired ht• the time they got tot .:; t stm Citti. "V(lc •did want ro go our Iasr night, but nohudv hail the me r !;)•. W4• crashed pretty hard." ire sold. Hr said the ntnnrrs burn i.tu)i; to 6,000 colones a day anci nuti,t it up with hralrhti, rtrhohvdr,u~ - hravv snaclcsand meals. "~ionr of us has morn t}ttn pcrcc•nt body tat." Loescl s:ti;:. I',v nc~ rimy thc•~ renter ro Kuanol:r, l.ocsrl said hr c•~pccr . hundreds of people to lam tip, runners for the )oral dtstanrc. "T•he• lx•oplr in Rosnokc are rc- ally raring this up," h: sat.i. "Sornethittg like t}ti, ha, nr~.i~ Lba J. TNWFieno Gazette-Journal FRIENDS: Ben Dowdy, 24, from left, Laurence Loescl, 23, and Will Stuart, 22, are running across the country to help raise money for a Roanoke. Va., high school's athletic facilities. - J' /_ -- - _ _ .~ 7 ~ '~ r is ~ ~.. _ '^~ _. ~ ~ f J' r: ~. ~ ... r r r. JJ ~ - _ y T - - r 1 ...~- f - O _ _ _ ~ ~ - ,_ _ _ _ r ~' r ,~ T. r. ~ - ~ i i r' r ... ~r Z r - ~ - i ~ - J J ~ r ~ ~ . J ? J .? ~_ _. . _ i - -. - J S .-. ._ T :! ~! r :!- a ~~ ~7 n ~~ C~ ~_ ^~ :r n ~' V ~~ --~CI~Zr~C)C}na] w ~ N cn ~,~-..',. m N. ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~. ~ C. ~-•01tJ~N V ~j~ G1GQ1mm~C~WO n _ ..r 4 -~ ~ v. = IV v. ~ G O r ~) 1 (y 7 ~ ~• r 0 r. ~ v: C ;n n ~ ~ 3~ ~ ~i ~ :n •` J ~ ~ ~, n ~~ y m n y a~ G: y N tG -w 7 ~ ~. O :~ -~ ~ C ~. 7 (C . t!-` '' G TO to 7 ?~' v C c ~ o ~ O :~ f') O O Q ti N O '4 C tD Q C O 7 C Q r G A N Bi 3 a ~ = C n C ~ _. L L+ O v+ _: '~ *- - a '' ~_ i 1 n I L i .:, I r !o ~~ .-, .+ J ^ i Cr r, ~ ~ ^ 7 \ C j ~ J ~ If ~~ ~ ~~ .~ ~ J r r M,,,! ~ I r r ~+ N ~~ ~ ~ ~ r- ~ t - ~~ ~~ • J i ~\, J ~ i `/ _T.. ~~ N . ~ ~~ ~ i . i ~~ X v •...r a--~ a--~ G i ~'t G t L C: M O O N T T J Q ~_ tL r T L Runners span U.S. for charit _ ._._ ~~~ '~ ,~,~_. ~` Nuta .t'd1 ~'~jfttYywd _. g"1•tdKr ;r' , 4~~' ~. ~ ~ . Tnree runners an across-country trek stopped rn Hillsboro Thursday on tnei• way from Sacramento. Ca~if. to RoanokF \, r,;nners. b'Ji~l Stuart lpicturec I•rj. Laurerce Lcesel and Ben Dowdy Deft Placerville. Calif. May ~4 a^J expec. to cerr~ °: tourney J;ay ' 8 n their hometown in Virginia. According to Loeser. the group is rurn•r.g to rase money for a- z~nle: c c; fo• Cave Spring Kn;gnts Crossing Nigh School'n RoanoKe where Lcesel s a coach. k daily ;o~rna! and roo~e iniermaUOn tre~r guest cap be ford by visiting www.cavespr~ngknightscrossirg.com. ~ - ~._,_ ~.;~~ ~, ~~ ~~ TM~ t ``A b,s + ~ .~ . _ i F f ^ '? 6; s ~ ,s... .. , - 4` .,~ ~ ! '~,~.,i.,„r ~ "Y _ rr i t (~ n ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ rte- -`~-'- ~. ~, '.. ~ ~ 'f t ~" k ~~. _ `} ~~ r. i . '~ r ~.. - _ r t ~ ~~ ~~.' •.~°_' - .fir ,: r i D ~' . ~ xm f~ Cam, y~ - - j~' p" r ~. ~ „r - ~ - a ~< :~. . t6:. ~~ ~ M 2' ~ ~ ~~~ . ~. , , ,: ~, - , ~ ..... _ ..._ _.. ~ ... . Y i ~~ _. .. .. _ . . ~ ~_ _ 1 . id +r - a Y? ~( r' Y+a ~ f t ~ ,.r` .r.... - ..~'~_' .~ ~s+: =.r~ }~~ r. r, ~ ,S r, $- L ~ r y v ~^ t " t: L J ~ f C. L' "^ ~ ('r .•--~ ^-. v S T ~ :r t (~ C: f; J ~ ~ G ~ ^: ~ r. ~, ~ ~ s ~ r J rrr' r V. ^~ r~ I n r S f7 ~! ~ ~ U .G S ~ (; y ~ S `; V ~ ~ J ~ v ~~r; _~' 'C ~ t: ~ ~ v: ~' r _ ~ !t ~. ~ ~ -" ~ s G S ~ c; G. t,; G ~ C: ~ r , C~x~~ y ~~ ~ f' n~ ~ 1 ^' ~ r r r, s~ v ~ s: ^+ h ^ RG ~ .~ ~~ J ~ ~ ,^ r r r ~~ T- ~ r nY ~ J J ~ ~ ~ r ~ f ~ ^ v -~ ! J _ ~ n ~ .^.+ rJ ~ . C' 1. _- r- r r I ~-q :! ~ G i :~ J ~ R { r S r r ~ r C G 7 s ~ ~ - Tr ~~~ ~~ L r ~ ~ l z ~ ~ n~ L V~ r .',i R. R :,+ ~_ r ~^ 0 7 7 A 7 • cio C N O W '~ L N ~~ ~~. 3 Q' erg- ~a~'~ ~~ ~~ b ~.~ 3~•~~ S ~°;, ~: ~. 01 :~:. :'. C~~ ~m~ ~`: -~,~.. ;: ~~ ~-<.°.n.~l ..:GCS ~ ~c.~ ~ ~ Y~ ^_ ~ ~ o r; ~ co ;n ~ ~ r: .' nr `a' J ~'~v .tcn ~o~~ ~ra~c~ ~,~-. p Z ~ ~ ~ c~ G ~ ~i ~ ~ n ~ v ] I ~_ C ~ f. u"TS .+ A A l~7 ~ ~ f7 ~ ~ r C G ~ ~; r r fD fD - G^. G to "+ r: ~ " C ~ ~' "~ ,1 ~ r i . ~~ ~ ~~?~°C o ~~ o a~ ~°~°o°c c o - ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~rt ~ ~ ~ % ~ - r r,~ ~: ~ w ~~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~r ; r~ nc ~~~W N~o o~~~ ~~~ ^~b~K ~ ~~" ' . _ r~ . r _ ^ ~ J rJ G~ ~ •`• ~ t '~ (` r G ~~ ~ '/~ C n C C rv _ ~. _ .: Sr.. ~ ^_ v. ~ C (~ _ ~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ C' ~ - r. (-' r v ~ ~. nom'. ~„ ~ ...: r'y .-,. r~ C" ~z~~ v lb ~.. 3.~ -~ A3N°° a ~. C O 3 ~ ~ O p.~? "' A Q A a~~ ,K ? ~ ; W p ~ ~ 7 t m °" m 3a 70 - a C m .' ~ ~g ~~ is f m _C m ~ ~ i~ r K S 7Q S NV C7 %~. O U ~- n ~^ m' 0 y UrC,' • ~.h • w ti O .; ~.. a -~ roanoke.com ROANOKE. 'dIRGINiP. ~~~ JULY 18. 2003 PHOTOS 6Y SAM DEAN ! t Fr; ; vt ~ ~, r?A? r1 ur .~ '~ > ~~ "r~~. _::•~." La.ne~ce Loesei cheers or? Be~~ Dowry Thurs~~;w a~: ' ~~ s:~~~ ~ "~~ RV oasse~ him at the start of a 10-mile ~';:CI,, Lof's° 8'?C. '~~~1:: SIGa~~t d'e r~nn,ng aCrO55 the CU`s"t". t~ rc~l' 'c.~5~' :UCG3 tip renOViiiP. fc3C'fltl@S at Cave Sprang High. TI~t>;~~ ?.I'll fl~tlP.~~ co~l~~lt~~lr~ toc~cr/ ~f (~~tttf~ ~~'~~~at±~rr~Higjt ~S~~hc~ol Cave Spring fund-raiser sends trio on running tour of the United States C'av'E' tiE)rin~ Hi~'h alumni Laul•enc~E~ Loc~sel ~~ and lien Tk)vv'd~-, joined b~• friend s't'ill ~~~~HTS~ ~R~~s~N~ ~ 5~-.; ~lllat'(, ti(ilJ'(('d the I'UIl 'til\" :) \\•ith an e~'e Rnacokers L~nuence LOesel.'ttili Stuart and Bet Di,WCy wl!I finish their Z,81i-m~:e run tocat front Sacramento to RoanOKe. Tne three. ha'.i', beer. remm~g In relay siRCe May i? (Fri\'al'd lIIlj)1'O\'E'd ihT}1~eT1C f%lE'lhlleti. t0 rase money ?cr Carr. Spr?ng Htgh School's a;l}let c `ac.iht,e~ ren0~apon play. Proiec[ 5i1. h?OSt Ot ihfl~ IGI:m°'{ has beE?•1 aIOR~ U. S. ROtI ^ `/t? SOrnB hl~hlldhlS Ot ihP.:' O::rOev' sr RrAr~ etasEN I:.11\I:LLL. \~'.\'u. - Tiu'ri• are plenty' (ti ?~ikc rurnirtp, stu,i:ti aril shtn't~. Girt}' nlcl T-shirty l•rtim (•n11r~i track nlri•ts arul a prncianlatiun trorn tht• tnarur of \'incrnnes. ln(l. Luureni~e Liiescl. I3cn ih,l~cl~ tool ~\~ill titunt•t. ull of itu:uu,l:c. ha~•c rramnu'ii all that aril mutt' itnu a ticket)' R~' icn•a trip thc•~ call'( u\,• Si,rnt~ hut~his (ri,ssittg." lI'~ Hilt ~uur accra~~i• acts!-, .,i~i•r,~ road [t'ip. "hhr t'-I" i~ 1•i:!lmtt,t`, :a Cl,ti~ IIN.' ( itltl't! ~'iltC4 tU ht'1{, I~itltit' luuds to rt'nuC:ttc' tthlt tu•:. Ca(•ihlit?s ai i <t~v ~Prin~; ilea; tic•huni, Itu«i1~ s untl Lui:ticl's alma nrltcr. tint- <crt ~ tht•ri• l,ccau~t Itt• r:ut track untl cross t•ututtr)' Felt( l.l,i•~rl ut l>Irtn„ki' t"u11i•i(c~. llnn-rlc run al ~'ir- ~it?in "i~rrn. 'l•I is t riu li~(t L'uanukt~ ~la> : i anil )til t itr Pa\~enu•nt ;11:t~~ i ~i in i'lat•et~•illt•. C~alii~. Their '_'.H! 1 miles run- c•Intlc~ this aftertu,un at t.':n~(• `+pt'itl}; High tirtu,ul. <t~i~r ;:, il:t~~. thi•) na~i• a\-era,r:etl ulxuu l:, miles Per rL•t\. I'itiltitill; ut ~ttiti~. (m ~~c(ineticla~ anci "1'hursda}~ - cla}~s tiu. i:3 :ltul ~ I -- tni•)' ~t~t~rr ut suutlx`astcrn ~~~r~t \'trhiniu Erom California to Cave Spring Sacramento Salt lake City Vincennes. Ind. { Gu:,,p c•::es -;~• ! : f r~atr.; ;ou•ti rt•i i:dy a•t9 OrO~`s Ber The tf.0 rode opt nrle~-east +,r; Dowd, e't at 'ha aircOrt ?.1a? 2 ~. a Porsche in :; t'lai;~r:•~ e ir.. ~ ! DnwcPr ~eaee tl~e Troup for 3t)OLi i.llt •i paid :?Pi 1L~~ try, rAi ~ •e(~ks ;n altrn~ 0 `'r:r r>, t w; lnd :vere greeted s•ri-tc i ~t R x E.: _ _-- b. ti•,e rr:ay0r. ur!R!nt;. Rurnert '/ Monarch Pass. CMo. ,'•: ea~•e P ac~r:il~e Run, h+t'h;•,: p~,;•::.;: T~ 'r.1av 1.1 , +.~'.? ?ect abo4e ;ra te•:el _ ;! i t`~ Placerville :~ __- .. _ ,..__ . Il .IN OH yyy J~-.. Kar>`as ~ VA E+nc,nnat+ NV UT C CA MO + - Roanoke ~ 1::30 p.nl. ~4~cdnesdav. jatit (Fist of Rainelle, ~'4'.~'u. i-i!rir IAA' i~ tra~krit un tier shuuicfcr of L~.ti. l:uuti' l,ii. Lc.<•,t•i.:?~;. titu::rt. ''-~.:,iltl Itr)l~'(Il, ~ i. ll:t\'C• ('t)111pIPll'(1 ~31) ni the -}:t ntili•s iht~ ~~-tl! run tc+(la~• anEi art' resting; in,idc the i;~ . it ~ hcti•recl ~~~itli nt•\tispapt•r (aippin~s, lxx,ks. diri)~ (-lathe, :ini! n„tt•I,nul.ti- It >melh like a locker roan(. .ia~ul:, ~ :,~ ,iu•~ i•al; titeir '~ l-Cuuter. i~ tlecuruteci ~eitit }it:i~iu; t'russin;,; st i(•k(•rs aril I(>,rus. t he renulatas of a Itutnl,rr ~; it•ki•r Irum \t•\-xtia. stn :ltneri(•an 17ag fin the rear ~ti~indrnt•. t1E'u ntu;nuain l,ik(•• fshteued h> the i,urk.:'1 titer skull (•(imPlete ticith :~nti/~r~ an(i i+:rih is strun;; un the fi•unt (;( tlu• Itt• ~4•itil "I~lx~) {tick u1, Coact I~:•unt tiru};er - it'. "\~icncr ~\ednes- ii:il..' Lur•.c~ (~xt,laitt~. "file}- stop a! a lihrut7• to ,rnr1 e-ntaii. !n, i, heat! h:tt•k :i+ tLi• spot ~rhere th(?)• ennelude(I shat Colorado 5pnngs, Colo rL~ ne( il.~, L~ ~ S-Ile ~I.. ~l» II' •r ---~, s tt SIC.:_ ~-. it __ St. Louis LtaKu re toes hack to Roanoke f; ;;,r? 30 ace *.he 0•i~;lna! trc •est~ .or a da. a:tendirg a i „arc. -tai oasebai garnc - - ----- I 17(1: kl; I'~uh~;' 77JfJ'• tuurn{n~++•s r ur tool hr;.rin thi• rla~~'~ final I :3-milt' k•~;. l /+,~~(1}• untl Stuart each run fi~~e ntili:~, and Lutwcl pulishtr, it i,f'! ~~•itl~ :, s~tifl titn•r. ('la(i in 'lust runninf.; slu,ri_ti. suck. ~Itt rt'~, a '. Cl' .t1ti3 ~Ult¢;laStiC•~. ht' rtlliF 1,11 the tillitl tillt)U 1C11`r i%~~ I;uuti t1U left( rare ani+. trucks zucnninh h}'. tiuntrtinx•s iht•rf• arc riust• calls. I•::u'lier this Meek Loescl ,jumped and hu~;ed a tl•C'C' f/+ a\"u,il all i,rU'tillllni; l'E'lUC'le. 'Calla}~ s roll ~;ues cusih•. Luese! f•ini5hcs in Satn I31tt(•k C'It;lrt•i;. ahuitt l:; ntilcs t~•tat u1' Lc•t~i,hur~;..\s he ttPPrt><u•hcti (I,t' Iii rit,ullt -,;a11 p.ltl.. Sluat-t and I)tn~~(I~~ shake a nuisemakc'r Anti rhecr hint ur.. •l~itr hard Part ciC tiu•ir (la}• is rn•er. P~EASt SEE RUNNERS~A~' - '`n, _ t', _ -;aa'" ~ ... ~~c:^ Uo~tiZ], arc>t,r - -- _ - -__-__-_ _ _-- ---F ~~~ - tt ~ ~ ~ t II:1 ~ v Jl >> ' '-•^ ~ Ill l~•'. 1'i •.1~ ... rl ~I ~ ,.I`` - ~ F ~"~}t.,.~ t .. ~ ``: ~: '\l ills`' llll 11 'I t.l. 'bJ. _'l. i~ ~i ~!I (11 l':Ill lt'I ~ ~'~. ~...i.. r l'f r v:!) 1 1 11 S - A~ _ 1.111' rtl 1 .. ~ ~1'\ . 11 ~ : ~. ~'• ti .._ ~~~ tt 11 S.U.LI ~ 111111 If II 1 ,. ~ - ~ '- '1•. ;) 1 r a~'. a~.t ~ tiilliil' i'!! I .~, '' ,III' :,.~.c 't)1,1~,• 11tr !ttilr::1111., t'!.~I Ir ~l'1, .. . ~,;~' 1 - , ,~ c ~ ai4.A .^ ~'\~'` :lU~t. ,.ti; 1. ~.li. ! Il il,'\t' I! A ~' ' k. rs` '.t3e- ti • ~ 74f i~. ._ IU .~.r, :~i;l I~ . :. ~~ y+Yiy- 34.: r ~ ~ .,1: - l ~I_. 1 ~,. .fir.. ~: i'... ~h: i Y '.A .'1. :11111 .. .. .. ;1i:1~:.. I. Illy. ~1i;I'•. ~, - i \'. 7;II"! !il!'~1 ... 11 ., !r IUD.. 111':li~ ~.. il! .I~ .. .~ ... :iln ...111; ..•r .. ,. .. r.l k'1. 11 ... i \~I:ii ill~!n~ 41i. .. ' lu'C"~ fU ., -.1•• :llirl 1 t: tilti~:•!I•'~ ..~ .\ ~.. .li.. ti.!~ .I ~t'i Il,t ,ill.: .:1:~i:ill ~.;lf! R~a:~ 8t;scn car. u1r rcachca . ~ ~ ~. i;_; ; ,~ 1 t 9~1-3?:ii ;.- ry.t^.b~st:ni .'ru~nuh:,.ct,:;. S~iTU F~ [SAY ___ _ ___ IMES JULY 19. 2003 ~. SINGLE COPY 50~ fOVIGHTS HAVE CROSSED s-•,.. ..x .-. A:r ~~' camt~'~. _- -.: '3Jea'..". ' P .~^!+' 'p Y. a,.-±~,~` r _ ..~~.: k ~~n~.C. T _~ r a~ai ~ s. 'r, q; ?, .. _y~` ~ ~ - ~rt sti$,vi3l~+ ~"~y~Yt..s ,y_~ ~'+~+ ''~~,y. =~- k',~`~.+.i+ ~ ` a, ~;~s ;a ...~~,.'. ~,;,,,, ;~, i-'- ..ice .~'.. ~ -Y..3'v.. 'E y:7_ ..T. '~.. .~f SAM QEAN (7lU. ~; ~ ~ I '. ~ ,;..7 , _. THE THREE RUNNERS ui' t_,':)~~i' ~~n•in~ fini~~ht~ Crotiil~~~ - Ren Ih)~~"d}~ (fl•om icfl in ~~•hiti~ hats), Laurnnc(' LOesef an-i ti.~~ill tituxrt - li'ud ~) pact: ot~ runncr~ I''-•ida;~• ~~ti•iih htli~hts rI•o~s cuuntr~- roach "I'omm~~ JIa~'Uirc (sar IcfU. ~~.; l lll~ u~i~+ 1t~`tlti+'(i lu«~el-+d Czi~~(` 5pI•iI-~' Ilith ~(•hool in Iioauol:c CouIItV al tht' end of their '',',I l-lnili' journ('~~ [rul» ii~'1 al'Iii2l ~11I!, lIi('PC' ctrl` Il;l~('~ Lo L"~1 l~)\~";i1'(~ Ifl(` 1'i'iitiUt] l~h'\" 111dClt' ~hl' I'UIl. ~tOI'}` OIl B1. ~~ _ SAM DEAM I . ,• ~ +; ~ , .. ~ , r -- a .:: •::.~:a.aLori Fnda~, after he ana tnP two others was traveled what they CaIILO Cav( ~:; . - i.,:~.~:~ •~ `~•ralded return to Roanoke County's Cave Spring High School. C L,'1 v .7 N C/;: ti .C ti .,~ 3 r1 ~: ~~.. ~. C, s .~ v C v 1 /J ~~.: cam. •,~, ~; ~.~ 0 G~ W V1 .~ . r...~ ~--~ 4.~ O C.~ A crowd turned out for the three runners - tvvo Cave Spring grads and one who got an honorary diploma Friday. By R'YAt~t BASEN 'r'flt.' fro.-l:lohF TI.9~L.~' Thev were an?:iotl,~. Some had just finished a run of their own. Others were waiting to join in the fanfare. Finally at 4:4i) p.m., this throng of dozens of lil~ln school athlel.es, friends and children joined Roanokers Laurence Loesel. Ren Dowdy and ~~'itl Stuart to ntn tin' lust Ict; of Cavc Sprint; I;nit;hl.s Crossing -the trio's "r 5-day rule from California. They braved intense humidity, ,jogging up a hill on ('hat>arral Drive and turning right into the parking !ot at ('ave Sprint; High School shortly before ~ p.m.'Tht:re they n~•ere greeted by a large crowd and crosst~d a ribbon in front of the school to complete their journey. For most of them. it wa_ti 1.4 miles. I•'or the Knight, Crossing trio, it watt •~,i3I 1. "I rtut't believe that ii.'s all over." said Loesel, 2:3. "I tlnitk there were days when we PLEASE SEE KNIGHTS,'B4 Knights dnuhted it. trot 1 think tlecl, down we al! ix•liet•cd wr'ti make it." Lc)ta the hart( Dart hct;itts. littnttin); across the c•otuntn' was lintple. I,c>esel said. Aon' they have lU t)Ultlp lit) a lUtld-Calilnt; Cam- palt;il li)I' I'rt)ject ~~U. a ~ t . _~ million initiative to rcnrnatc turd build athk•tic• facilities at Cave Sprint; Higlt. "I'm trot. t;oint; to stop untii we t:.tise that S 1.") million." Li)esel talc! Litt' trutt•d as he. Dowdy. Stuart ant! l;ttit;lnt~5 cross countn- cuat•h 'foram}• 1lattuirt• stood on a podiutn in front c)f the st•hool a1'u•r t•omplclinf; their trot. "Et'en if wr itavc to go hack across tht• c•uunt t~•.'• hocstl. the assistant cross count.n• acrd track coach at Cavc Sprint;. and fello~t• ('ave Spring alU11t1nUS I)ln~'il}'. '?~l, rct+chcti their goal. 13ut it «•il1 he ttuhilc 1)etitrt• the school ]tits its target. As of 1'riday t'i't'11t1nI;. the s<•huol had t.tistd S 1~).()l)t}. 7~e1-ri Langford. the schools hut)ster t•htt) presidt~nt, said a privatr donor prontisetl annther ~ 1 t).000 Friday nigh[ anti the school is al)plr•ing for grants. ~:he etitimatctt I~ridtt~' nif;ht's pt)st-tltn ftstivitics. inclutlittg a silent auctiutt, dinner :uui a danc•c, t+~ould t~tise another couple of thuttstlnd tlullats. 1lumni including pro football pla~'cr~ 'I~iki and Kondc Iiarht•r figuri• to help Dui :Dora, as well. said ('ave tilx'ing athlctic• director Lindy ]'leek. 13ut the nu•ssage I-'rida}' was t•lear. 'fhe .ghoul nerd t•t•rrt•unr•s help. The Knigltt~ ('rusint trio. joined by ~Iagttire fur two +teeks. collec•tecl ttnd solit•iteti donatiott~ front pcupk• thry nu•I un the road, but the tt'ip tt~as intended to kick off anti pt'o- -They trcre rctvarded Fritht}~ t}-ith tt l:ry lc) the (',t~'e 5prhtg cumtnunity and an hunt,rary 1liplunta fat' ~iluat'l, ~''~. Not+. 1lrcl: said. "W~ have to be able (o c•al,i- talirc on all the altt~ntit)n +vc•~re gelling tudac. "They did their path. \u+t it's our runt," !41ec•k added. "]f «•t• don't have a net+~ trae•k and lields, tlti is guinf; to ht' fort;utten. ,tnd that would Ix• a tihttttx'." \tnrl: c.+irl t hr, cr•hnnl hnnrc to lx•<;it? ri~nut:tliuuv it; \„, I';ttetti al tht' ~t'hnui lug l llt• ;::: knows Iinight~ f~rossins; r.l:r. their hest idea. '"]'heir drexnt tvtts tt~ ;et :: track anc3 field." Ucc•k Bait: run ac~rus, cite t•cxtntn... 1'rlday ti I'tltt. R'hlt'IV ~,~ eili'1\` ltt the illOI'Illn'~;. \+'ii.~ Uil the must difticuli. int•ludin:z u' !)t) [tllieti ill ctri'Cr. 'I ill` Ct'lr) Cn~ faint }3ank and divided intr~ teams with 1ldaguirr and Dur.~ hrother..lttson. lierivicen tht ~. the)` scaled Putts `luuntain. thruut;h 1\et+• l'ttstlc anti 13i~t~ hurt;. scot>pcd ai Virt;inia'ft t It lunch anti crt)s.5cd into I:u:u; County ahuat '' p.m. ~'~ n.lt a polirr escort .the ;; later ran dott•n Salcnt', \Iai;s ti~ to I{uanuke Collct;e. 1ftt~r i' ~likc 11lttxev honored than t•, i prut•lanuttiun, they uu,k uf1 a' p.nt. for ('at'e til)rtnr Iii tit•Ituol. I <ttnih• tttetntx•t:ti and fri, greeleci them there. "fh,•': rt- hrirll~~. then cruised ul) Cital)le 1~'het t t hev ~u-rn•ed at t 'a+-~ ~ ~; , High, they c+ert• mart rt•lit chart ext•ited. "It feels uttheliev;tl)lt t nut+." lluwdv said. "Connie:; i to this kind of reception is a r~ tvav to end it." F!'Idtl~' In01'nlll}; "tCt' tt'er(• r, tired." Lotscl said n-inutes :, finishing the run. "t t•an~~ ~. dt•sc•ribt• that I'm feeling Wort' .. ~Vith t•ro~s c•ounul~ pr<tct due to begin in a Ce+t t+eek~. Lr t+'ill soon tact hack to work. 1)r. ])lira, to <tttc•nd a 1'ricntl'~ h:u•t party and t•rlttx fur a btt. ~•I ,jt1Sl R'tint to Stly, f ltlti '.ti ~;~ txl nth resunu•.'~ Stuart trait! t•rutvd trust the poclintn. tilUat't t71aIlN lr, rlllt ,t ln~tr2t'• in Chicago in (lelolu'r. aflrr s Wing about l:) milts evct~ d: r, nu)re than 11+•o nuutth~, he ltt~r,~ ncecl furthrr training. 13r;i f1o~~dt• and Loesel. h~. t+un'' ii)i' into;. t~•hert asket! aixxn iti~ tirr tiantrcla}~, he replied. "i t'. I~I! run tt>nu)t•ro++~•.. ll)t llrt' ;Vr't: rt rt rr.rurrttil)rirrt/hrrt~rGt.~ (' 1'r).b~Nl /Nl. r'Ull1 Ryan Bases can be reached at 981-3341 or ratan hacanrl~nann4n tram Y e Charleston Daily Mail Friends run for school's athletic life J.T. Simms <dmsports~d~dailvmail.com> Daily Mail sportswriter Tuesday July 15, 2003; 10:02 AM They have heard the refrain "run Forrest, run" so often from passers-by that it has become forever etched in their memories. For Laurence Loesel, Ben Dowdy and Will Stuart, though, their cross-country trek is far from being a case of simply feeling like running. They had a very specific purpose in mind when beginning their 2,800-mile run back on May S near Sacramento, Calif. Loesel, Dowdy and Stuart are hoping to raise $1.5 million in donations to renovate the track and athletic facilities at Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, Va., where their journey ends Friday. "It's a 50-year-old school," Dowdy said "It's in pretty rough shape." Adding to the school's woes is the recent completion of a nearby $30 million high school that cut Cave Spring's 1,800 enrollment nearly in half and drained the county coffers of funds. Monday, the trio parked its motor home at the University of Charleston after spending the day running along Route 62 from the Ohio border at Point Pleasant. Loesel, an assistant cross country coach at Cave Spring, organized the creative fundraising approach. "This originated when Will and I were sitting in Roanoke College and trying to come up with ideas for raising money to open a running store, Loesel said. A 1998 Cave Spring graduate, he connected with Stuart in college after attending high school with Dowdy. "Somebody said `Why not run for it?' "Loesel said. "Then we found out there was a running store coming in already so that kind of bummed us out." But the seed of the idea to run across the nation had been planted and he just had to find another reason. There was already a massive fundraising effort to renovate much of Cave Spring called Project 50, aimed at being completed by Cave Spring's 50th anniversary in 2006. Loesel decided the run could fit nicely into it. "Jan. 6 at 7 p.m. I did a two-hour powerpoint presentation to the boosters club," he said. "Six months later here we are." They seta 75-day time limit on their journey and began with no commitment for donations, but a lot of confidence. "This is more of an awareness-type activity," Loesel said. "We've had a lot of national exposure and are just getting the word out." They pass out their Web site address along the way and anyone wishing to donate can do it there. It is called Knights Crossing and is located at www.cavespringknightscrossing.com on the Internet. Money raised will help pay for turning the existing six-lane asphalt track into an eight- lane synthetic oval and the dirt infield into either grass or artificial turf. Anew fieldhouse with an auxiliary gymnasium and additional athletic offices is also part of the plan. "We've raised about $40,000 so far which may seem way off our target," Loesel said. "But we expect most of it to come at the end. We're pretty confident." That's because the Knights boast alumni like pro football-playing twins Rondi and Tiki Barber as well as a few former pro baseball players who are expected to come through with donations once the trio actually finishes its trip. "We never doubted we could make it, Loesel, 23, said. Dowdy is 24 and Stuart 22. All were successful high school and college runners with Dowdy running for Virginia Tech. "Getting through the Rockies was a really big thing," Stuart said. "Once we got to the top it's all downhill." The three take turns running pretty much whatever distance they feel comfortable with while the others either bike along beside them or drive the motor home. "We try to run about 15 miles each per day," Stuart said. Something many others did not think they could do. "I think the community doubted us the most," Stuart said. "Now they're all behind us," Dowdy added. ~~ Today, they will be heading south on Route 60. The past couple of weeks we ve been on winding roads with a lot of trucks going by," Dowdy said. "And the shoulder has gotten a lot more arrow." They are now looking forward to a hero's welcome back home. "The sheriff of Roanoke County is actually escorting us himself from the county line," Loesel said. "That last mile or two we're inviting anyone who wants to come out and run with us to come out," Dowdy said. "We're hoping for 100 or more. Maybe it'll look like Forrest Gump." If the trio manages to accomplish what it hopes, "Rocky" comparisons might be a better fit. .~ t, U ~~ '~f 1 ~i +1,~ ~ ~ ~.. $~t ,~ ~~:. ~1 e c~ v: a~ C C ~ i ~ ~ "' 'is ''_ ~ x` . a `} - ~- ~ _~ a.._~ - ". "_ a . ~ r s u' Y . s •ri~ ~ - i _ _ •~.. .... `g ~.. ~. x ~~ I~ilr (L ~ 1. v_ _ r'r_ ~ ~ , r rL' C':: - r` [ y '~~ _- ~;~ ~' .=• .._ .r C 'Z y, ,,- . r .,;; ` r- ., "' ='~ r - ~ .- •= ,~ - ._- _.., : ~ r-, - ~ -r~ f `~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ L ~ L- ~ .~ :~i [-. - :f! r. tip' a ar. y ~_, r ~ t„Lt T ~ ~ T7 ~` _ ~ C~7 Lri k ~~ ~}' ~ 1fJ '~ r L ~ i el' K--" ~. .c ~ tai J ~j ~ ~. :_ ~Z ` ~ ~. ~~ t ~ i "~ ui = j L_ i 1. t_s. _Y '_ _ i L' ~a t t` .~. ~ ~~ .~ q~ (~s P ~~ ~? c ~ '~ a-. l ~;- t .~ ~ ~ i L.. ~. ~ (x,11 :_T Cti ~- 4 ~+ ~ ~ .L7 ~.fi ~~ ~ .Z7 _ _., ~. i- ~- _ _ --- f_: C:1 _ ~'~} y_i 7 r v G G l ~t G ~~ r n, U O tt> C~] d N T M ~' ~~ a 0 ~'.: ~- T N Qi Q.~ r •~ •~ 'ol T T Q z 0 0 rn T U t'J O a N _~ C Cross-country runners hope to raise funds for athletic facilities •,lcnnefcr }iamte•~crlKi•T~urte•r `~i['k;1111:, Ci'"r>-l'uiL'ii.l". t~;:.. Itt't'.~ itilV'" C)(~i•ll illt?!!';` t:}:(' 1121 A~t'll.t L'lli U~I~~`r tl'" C,!l: i. funds ft:r nt•~~ „•ir~:;i ,,;},lit t~ f~<!c,iiUi•., iu }:uan;,2.i~ `~•u. L.:'ur('nrL~ L;,r•:<(•i. Vii eta;irt :;rar} I;,~r~ i:;n~,ij,,~ ~,.1?;' rut; iu (_~aliti,rni:;. t r•a~, i°li•ii tktrctut„i, (>ln~.•~ .u: i har=cltt~, thi• Fitlth (lu`: ~~n thi• rn;;,! '1'ht' lu•:It ~~:t< stiliin~ ,: n,1 :I~ suiul :ice t-lei' r!tn;~i'r~ n!;!:i, LIIt it toile- y(,,,::., ±~~~ tt~~• a2r. the t,x~lt ~Ilt•Itet' Itl in~• t.ll:il,;..- t', I(ich ^~,_nttlil..r'E••- ti!~ !~: "i tip !:.,u:,tlit~ i~ :I+'.:u ill:'. .>::!l{. OLll 1)„t('ii [li;li ~ ~;!a:-L lll+'C V.-i,UiU h;' li: Ili. !,i•~t: t~i tli ~lt~. "1'l l:' ~'~l:L~ Ill;'l 1. .:,:li ilft~ un ..~~(~ru~' ~,( ,,,;~;, . i~i'~~ 1,t•r~.,r, .. u:,~. :,l't rU 11 illl!_ 1.~i t';:Iri' :111i!7~~~ Ott:;i: .. .~l-- nlii:t~~:; Please see RUNNERS page S Wil! S:uart. Laurence Loesel and ee^ Dowdy. a' Virginia, rar thro:;gn Oiney ar, Thursday as part of 2 cress-country pro,ec' :c. rase awareness and funds far new atr:e~et~c fac~liues a: C~,_j:- Sprang High Schoa~ m Roanoke. Va. Daii~~ (V1aii photo f,; ,ierr,lfer r=tarr.seyerj 50 cents ~RNNRRS E:-tz•:~inued from pogle three ,.~.~~ ~C)rinp; Minh School. -~~; , n(Cr<i~~or hay beE•n • t 4'r•r~iect 5U, named fi)r ;: }r l ~ annivcr,ar~~ of the itt•ii~•ve that their ;rc• nc>eded to raise ~:ti~. intpuri:utt becausc,i '' iu.,r said, '«'e ncred 3 huiCd the facilities' •_,!; s:,ntet.hing of this t - i:~n ~• Lrx>se1 said. ,~t~,~ thl• school dis- ;viii, ~~bich caused thE' • :; ~~_, ion (,f a nee+' ~:3U • ~ C)i~h school to be :irl aI?10UIit ~5'hlch ~,. 3 h(• cuuutc of about ;,upulatiun strapped fur cash .Intl utuli)i;• t+ prr,- itic~. 1.u1•,r.l ,tn(i ~it._:i~t `l):)t}t aLtelldt'd thl• ~i'iltn~, l'.}1t'1't' Luescl i; rlO~ti~ :, (•r:~,.--;•I;ult- tt'~~ coach. Th?~~d~ f~ uriin:il- Iv fi-um Indr>C)~ ucic•nc•c•. ~•::. The rr:>ul, be~;:ln iC~!• run with a fr~urtl; r,:lt tn('r. Tintm~ .."I'h!' '.laciii;r i~ttr,., :~InC1.;lllr(~. :1~~!' :! Ct!;1C11 i„I' thc• school. Ceti Clr• }:ac1 to return; e:n-I~. t:~ C)~~r•C,:u~!• 1e:r classes. Th(' (':t~~l• ~nrit(•:.' lvu~ht~~ U•rt!~an~ 1-'rr,~!'ct :ii., !'fie ~Ch(ri!1 i?Ia~Ciit !r .. !~t1:;1)L' which has c unnr,it_a•( it, I~oarruke helping th(• run- ners rare mono}•, ~;'ill pres- vide• a s~-nthetic rubberized tract: and infield. The cony mitu>e also hopes to be abl(.• to pr•o~•ide :i ne„• field house and c)ther imprwcux>nh_ The ruuncrs arE~ expc~cti~d back in Itoanokc> by Jul}• It;, u•hc~n thc• contntitLee has planned a large hunu>comilig fur lhi'rll_ •Chl• c!)nunittec has also bl•en hl)sting phone-a-thous and cunt:.icting alumni fur• rlunatiOn_~ for the new athlet- ic r•t}uiprnenl. "«'e are duinlr thl~ atcare nes,.'fhc>~• are the t,nes rais- in.: the nuulc;~~.'• Lnesc~! said. 1'hr aw•at•enes~ ham successful, with n ri3 ~~~c•bsitc and a hr)m~ rc~par•ter rc;;ularl~~ t>i case. "fhc• croup hay been featured in natianall~• broadcast -C "Unless ~uu•~•e be(>n a rock, rl)u kno~~~ :tl!!nt Roanoke." Luese} said I'hc> comn?itu>e ha< grown fi.aur tinu>: u~ rt the Start of the project I••ur• more inf.+rrn about the' ('a•,,• ti Iini;;ht•s Crussin~. ~ :n•~ the ttc•bsite u•Itic;}: t~, hers re(;ularl~ utxlu'. w~i°w.ca~~esprin;.tkn i~11t sinh.rrnn. :~~~` .,. .. -- ,: _ ,: •$3.: -L1FES-i'YLE~ IZu~istiji~ Horfte to Roa~tc~ke ~f~~oy~t Cali fo~~~ii~.~) .. !, . I , . ,. I, .;, Y „ 1 1 c.+ _ , .,.. +. c~ .'I• m.- '~ ~: ...i ~.I .1.1,111 i~'~.I I,,, ,. .. I ~ - _11. l I ~_'1 1) ~ 111'- ~ ,. .. l ._ IJ')~ E~~~ 1~~~(//'(~ ~«~~~. e r ~ I:1 ~ `. ..."l I I .. ~ ...11I, ~. .. .. I ,. ~.. I...: ~(.i.l ;.~li '. 1. .. .~ 1j ~,. ,~ /. ,1. , ,'\!. ~.ti ll'I `. . 1, I~\\.,. ~!;. ~ .... JI 1. ,I ? ii~, .I~:- .il -~I` .. li! ~7,.' i 111'. ~1, 11 I ~ i ~ ~ ... ~. .. ... ,. . il'ii. •1\ ~I ~I ;I '., ~i ,.. ., ` 'Y. - I., .. ~ . !.1! ~ -..'f Ii ....'lit. ~ ~. .i,, I,. i~•. ,. .. ., 1_ IIL'r, ... i ,.!~ 1 . 1 : ., ,. 11.., .,'1t~ ~..~111 !~I. i' 'f'. .. I...'1 ~'..'t'~ ~ I...~,.~i!' .. . .. .I.. . 11!li 1` ti 11 .c'.. ...III. ,,., _. .. ._ ~!`i. .:i' JI1~:C I1' .Il i; ~;.i (, , ,. ~'!t;. ,. .__~. `~ ~~ i, .. ,;L ~ ', ini I 'iii! ~ I'at f 1~ - is ,_ ~.'' `' ~~ Knights in home stretch The Knights Crossing gt'oup w~t-s less than 7(}U miles from Roanoke as they rested in St. Louis ctn itilonday and Tuesday. Reached on a coil phone ;14onday afternoon on the campus o1' - • ~t vc:rsity, Laurence Loesel teas Ioctk- ing forward to re- turning to _ Rt>an~ke after nearly' iw~o HIGH rnonth.~ can the FIVE read. Tommy "The: Machine RYAN (gun" Maguire F3ASEN had just flow•tt hack to Roanoke after running with Luescl. Ben Dowdy and Will Stuart for t.~vo week. t.hrougn most o1 KalLca.S and 1'Iissuuri. Tht foursome started .tune f; ir, I)otlge City, Katt.. and Ei- nall~• arrived at t.hc Missouri hor- cit~r .Tune '~~3 in Kansas (pity. 11•l0. to Kunstss. they endured several sturnts, met w-ii h track coache:~ froth Nicf'herson College and Kansas 1'nivcrsit.y, rtu~ against ttu• flow' of tt parade in Cuunc•il (:ru~c• and attached a deer 5ku11 that they ltad found to the hunt. ~ ~;" ? heir 1Z1~. •I~hey ahn ran Inure than :fSi± tilitt`~ ltl t'1~;}I? days. "lt was e~a~•tly ~~#rtt wr t#tuu}~ht Kaunas ti~~tuld hc.'~ Loe- ;~el said. ;\lluciing to the flat. grid land of wc~stcrn Kansas and hilly. huutid eastern part of the ~ttttr, hr added. "terrain hasn't I,eett a {)rohlem at :Ill." 1L'Itilc running; through 4lis- ~ottri ills! wrc•k. they ntet w'itlt the track cuactx~s at the 1'niver- ~iiV !)1 ~'itStiUllrl-1\itiltiati anti t_'(`ti- trai !i•Iisscturi State t nit'ersity. rau un thr historic• Katy'Crail an!; ~ui~li~rc~d a punctured t.irc~ in 'l~hev arrived in tit. Luut.~ u: tiundac night and pl:-nned u~ at- tend a f'ardinah hasehulf {;atn~• 'fucsday. They will ruu fur tlu re nunnntg ItF(,-plus w'eekti <>,~ the uri~~inal trio that hcadrd out oi~ Roanoke in the 1:1' ~1a}~ :, - Lut~tic•i. Ik>wd}~ turd Stuart. 'they plan to stop in 1~inccnne~. lnd. un i~riday to p:triicipatr in a.lt-ty •1 ptu'ade~ and meet the tc,w•n~s mayor. Cave Springy htts },tanned a large cclchtation to welc•onx~ them home .July 1 t3. )->cspite los- ing A•laguirc and battling a b:td PLEASE SEE FIVE;'11 FROM 3 Five hamst.rin~;, Lc,csel is uptintistic Lhat the trio will complc:•te their :'.SUO-mile tvn cxt time. "~~%c'rc• gt,in~; t(, t.ry to st:i~ on course and hopelully get borne ott time." he stlid. ;\'1<tgtiirc~ "w'as here to help with sunup lurtger stretches in het~~'een to-sns...}Losing him} definitely will slow' us down a little bit_~~ Thr trio has dune see erai more inten-iew:s fc}r news{r<c- pers, magaLITteS alid tele~'1~1(,tl vtatit7ns, atxl are aniicipat.in~; national media attention when they arrive in Roanoke. 'that should holster fund-raisin;; c~f- forts for Project 5t). an initiativ(• launched by the (;aye tiprinit. T3oost.er Cluh to rc•no~•aii~ ihc• high school's athletic facilities by .?OOG. "The focal point ot• tilts thing is going to be at the end.° he said. "It's just fining to ktc~ u~ the next 1 R days.'. For rtto)-c~, risrl tt•tru~.rr~s.k~l~'.rzt.u.5~ :" t•,elts -~ k< , jvu 1 ~tul. kl att. o~ ~_ ~~ ~~ o~ ~~ 3 F~ ~ K A O ~ y ~ n o ~~ ~_ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ .~ ~~ ~~ ~3 3° d~ v~ ~- a~ ~~ o~ Q~ Q ~D ~ Or m m ~ m ~- r~ y ~ ~ ,. a m ~ m J A o~ c ~ ~ ~. ~< O Q W ~ 3 ~ O_ .y. n ~ y m ~ ~f cD '0 0 M~~ I ~ mac: i ~..T .J r_. _J J J t ,~ f... l ' ~ J r. F . ~ r: S _' r - ~ r. r_ T.~T}`~ Ll J v~ r 7 ti :a. i T ~. ~~ f ~. ~~ ~~ ~. ~~ Z n "S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Q C ~~ as n ~ V 4~ V nn q ... q C a Four Virginia men pass through Mac on fundraiser By STEVE SELL Sentinel Sports Editor Laun:ncc~ Lor~cl. Ben Dowdy, «-ill tituart and Tommy itlat;uirc• spent. their cross cuuntrv career: competing against each ether. Now they'vt• united I•or a common cause. The four Virgrinia men, who range in age. from `22 to l4, ran thrnut,Th ~IcPher- son lsst +. eek as part of thr Cave Sprin:r Knights Crossing, a ``},91-0-mile coast.-to-coast. run to help raise fund; and a+vart~ne for }'rr~ject 50, a 51.E mil- lion plan to renovate Cavc Spring High School's dete- riorating athletic tae}cities in Roanoke, Va. Originally, the run across the cnuntr~• w•a~ an idea ui' L,oe.~el and Stuart. who wcrc~ going to raise capital for (heir running= stare busine~~ ~-i:nture. Bu. when thee heard annther running store in koanoke was quint: to upon scx,n, they decidtK.I lu scrat, thc~ idea of• their businc~~, though they Mill +vantt~d to make the cross eountr+• run. Loesel, .+~ho graduated from Cave Spring in 1998 and then co~ni~eted +ritl, Stuart for P.oanokc• Col- lege, said he always +vant.ed to giti a something; back to his high school, which no++• has split into tu•o schoo:s. Loesel said Ca~•e Springs facilities -- track, li:,otball and soccer -- are borderline decrepit. Loesel said he gave a two-hour power-point pre- sentation to the Ex~ard and the idea was accepted. The four then later drove out to California fur a +~ac~+- tion. They mapped out a route that started ~3ay 1<I from Placer-+•illc, Cxlif., and took them east through numerous states, including "Why not do it now when you've got the time, the talent, the youth and the support?" -- Laurence Loesel, running across the country. I`Tevada, t'tah and Cul- orada before. arriving in Iiansa~, whtch is about the halfway point of their run. At last count, more than ~+40,E-L-O in contributions had been received for the run, and Loesel said other <•tthletic teams at. the school also are doing fundraisers. a~ thev try to inch toward the x;1.5 million goal. Cave Spring figures to get some help from some f4tnwus alumni. a~ it's thr school 'that produced NFL .tars Rnnde Barber and Tiki Farber, as c~-ell a prui,able l,asketball Atl- Amrrica J.J. kedick i>f Duke t?nirersit~°. Ue,+vdy, like Loesel, is C'a++: Spring alum and then .vent to Virginia Tech, whert• he enjt>_yed tremen- duu ~ucce5s. Stuart ran at. nearby Graysur. Gr.}unty Hit,*h ~chuvl in lndepen- dc•ncc. ~'a.. before joining Loesel at Roanoke. All three r•an against l~~taguire, +vho prepped at \orth~ide High School and then ran e•allegiaiel..• at nearby ftad- tbrd College. '`«`hy not du it noti<• when you've got the time, the tal- ent. the youth and the sup- port?" Loesel said. "And we've had great support." The runners keep in cnn- stant. contact with the folks back home, as there is a website that track:: their progretis and includes their daily journal. as well a: an update o`:• contributions. '. -. ~;, DEAN SMITH s n.siyn~r/CoFKWtamlOwnar T}try ari• a+•rr•a~~tnt; abc,u~ 6+J miles per i1a~- totrjl, +, itl. each amtribuun;; atwut 1 , miler. 'I~hry ;aid thc•+' vc encountered little •hacl weather and ++ere on pare to finiac L}' ~lul~ 18. ++'hirh i~ the d:ay thcit• -'ented H\• -- +chich t.hcy ~I~ep in at night unleti-. ~ornebud. puts them up -- hay to h~ returned. Feu- e~ t•r~' hour it's not rc`t.urncd un tirnu. it•~ a ~t,ll i,irnaltt. ++•hic:F Lot~sel ~:cu': i~ tnc•enU+'c eni,u-,~h i„ !.re•p un rennin:; e+'en ur. cis}•; whet•e thc• I111I7(I 15 P:11hI1~',• bllt Lh{' body i~ Mitt' and ,are. Thc' quartet hay cion~.~ nttmcr•Fnr~ nr•~+ ~p:tpr~r. radio, tcic+isi~n: and nta~:;- 21nt' ltttet'Vre\+'r, as IhC+' hope their start' ~,*oe~~ natiFtnal. Thry'r~• hupin~~ t~:, haul a .;t•<~nu`nt ur LAC\. Dc,++ci+ >;,:.! utu ;,t' the highlight; tla, been finding Artre.ricac~ (la~~ alon;; tlz~ highv+~tr} that ha+~r~ hl„++:~ oti' cars. The+ ha+•c• rollect• ed at least shalt=dozen ancf rnntori;:t~ honk and pump their Ci:ts ati a sign of encour:+rentent. "Evervunc• ha. been tic, nice,' Luc'.~t I ,:iid, addin; that Fian:.~ns. :ct Ir•a:.t. tr, this point, ha+•,• I,et~n more fi•iendiy ttuln f,c•uplc~ frmt; other :>tat~~. Unc,~ th~• runncr~ tr.adc: it through Kansas, they were guinh to hit. Missouri, lllinoi~. Indiana :uxf l)hir;, ~+-hcre thet~••11 begin their descent to+v:lyd E~'c5t ~'ir trinia anci finall~• Virginis~ ~'1mun~ thf~ tif,unsnr~ l~c~r the runncr~ sr,~ tiikc, Flat Feet Sports, Fritn I.a+ anr; ~Vrll-.11art. For those ++anting to keep up with t.hc• progrc::< of the quartet. there i~ i' websitc• that hay every- thing about the run and the project-- http:iha•ww.cavespringkni~; htscrus~ i n~.convindex.ph }: .: ~': , i!' li : i , t i'ir~f ~~ ~` GUNNISON TIMES On the road *Runners go cross country for good cause Laurence Loesel, 23, Will Stuart, 22, and Ben Dowdy, 24, are giving new meaning to the term cross country runners. Each was a competitive runner- in college -Loesel and Stuart at Roanoke College in Virginia, Dowdy at Virginia Tech.. But this summer they are literally running across the country, from Sacramento, Calif., to Roanoke - a total of about 2,800 miles. The trek is being made in an effort to raise money for Cave Spring High School, where Loesel and Dowdy graduated and now coach. The school's booster club is embarking on an effort to raise 1.5 million by November of 2004 for new and improved athletic facility projects. The threesome is running relay-style, with each logging about 15 miles a day. Last week they stopped in Gunnison (Dowdy was on a temporary leave of absence). "There's a story that comes out of every day," Loesel said. While in town they hung out with Western State College runners and visited Crested Butte with WSC skipper Duane Vandenbusche. To find out more about this project, or to donate, visit ~«~~ .ca~~esprin~~kni~,htscrossin<~.com 0 V1 T~ia ~1~~;11 • tlr~P ~ .~~z~~E' ~. ~~ ~,r h.ni~itt. tV:f~ r!!ni:tn^ tl!~! . .~ ` .. ( ,. r- .. {,laa:~trc icy v,a(+ NIGH :1nai ti,~t'nii ,,,!. t 7!t.:, -t!;:u: ,tmr. .. .... iii!. ii.,,,, ta;F:l~- ~I~.aL t ;!\t• 1t,t'?ate li:f; `rL't,ui ~hl)Itttll}- ~la};'uir<•. sl,;;:!: ; il!. l;rn f)+,ct'tlt. f.a!{t't•nt•t• Lut~sc'l , :Iii! L .. •i.. ,lli• ' .iil: ' .. . ,", ~t ..; t, ;lip ..ii sa, ,;:,`. I.`I~,!!' I:I:e!C tit ,11: ,1t~ t'It'If la•U ~:' ~, rt' i;tt~ ~i I::~F:, ?:iai 1l:iR7~rll lt' taal~,:nti11 l:a:i..lilt't Ihmtit lint ~. ir.l ~. `~.Ia\~ tl ..:i t'I it: .jt -,~, :Iii 1-•;~- .,. ..~.i•. i\-i, .. ~l'"t'i ~'(:. X11. r'. ~t', I,{i~t'hi•. c't,nllut'tt t::n:rt~'li'tc• ct~ii :: u'\v'r.tl It>ca: nr•t\;; ,,,I li`r., .~at1 :tl?:11.1' ;I rI'il~<•t: '.. 1 ~. ill,t':H:+• liirlll:;. til` .t .I!t. t, }'i:!'1't', til!.,2:'; .'.i!~ 1!1 li.t~ ldtYt:e'I! i!; tilt' I,a,(i1 i i!-t?ltit`r craf't' Gill; } hi\tY1\' ~~t'- inanrci t:u'm a' tl;i• atrJn,~t .h,ri•, J, "l~ha'\ r:ca t':!st titri>a:~~i` Inf,:r ail thr n•,t !tCi~t,iiirr.tltt. tilt`!: tlrnt'a• !,ai•)< t., {tit'!; :tJ, J1:!:;r:t'r ii'unt thr:air}x,r1 In (~a,lurarlat ~ttrinp,~~ r,nal rrln!~tu•c !.t I:n;.,l'. r'ItiP.fSri tl:t"f fll,f;}'. f~t llt irL't ii,. Ulia'i ?}rut a tln>u~.;h: ttu'ut:.~l:,,u! uu• ~~i:~! :lain Uu'tnv':ttiinnal (,u:n t t,lil i'?'tYa:aiun:i!1:; t!1t'!P a.~ t!It'\ :~'~It'ti 1t1 tllt'ir i~~~ !,:I II.t ~;hr:il t}t'rtt; fii,ult•.-,I t, })rncci~ ~:ufllnt' '1t'u;;n i::t~ i'n;'uu:;re'ri'ai iru Jn•n},. If~nts. ]hnvtlc ,aitf ht' )trc'tirrs not FtI{1~~ In f18nti:!~ tii ~('\:ili2, ;lilt tnr ~Yf,U{alp Ila ll It ia,xliti? a1 a!1\:11'i. t.. tlu' slat. iv,; \}it1\\r,l. "}t •~ flat Itan it . a (nt nta,rr rxf-itin~~ than \f't:ui:i." l)nt\ci~ ~aitl. "~t';atl:t t\':t. k,\' Iar Ilt~` 'I~hr}' Jaiannt'd lu v'rrr iii'I' fittillt' ~,1) !)Ilia {ittUtt` iti 1(, alit tfli' !'('EIl:atll{1~ :3l )1 )-J)iil~ Rllil'ti titruu;;h ftuntir~ thi. na`i•i.. tuaJ,- ~~~~ )]Od~e~IlObe.COm:~'Ir~1I11d SIUC1eIlI5 5lOp IIl 1JOU~'C l,ii} ltt,tiill~ ~:IW~ ~UUll~l~ ci~~ w ~a.~..... :~. ~ ~ 1 f i DafcigeGlobe. __ DoAge City batty Gbbe Online 1lievvC • Local • State/Regional • National/World • Today's Headlines Sports • Area • Sports Life • College/Pro • NASCAR c:n.-.:.,,,.,,r • Death Notices • Opinions • Business • Stocks • Agriculture • Health • Technology • Entertainment • Lifestyle • Church • Milestones • Seniors ~rs ; ~a;rn;Fr.a1 ~~~*- • Movie Listings • TV Listings • Forums • Cooking • Fun & Games • Multimedia • Photo Galleries Video Gallery • Archives Submit Info ,~.s:~i., ~ wig . •Feedback • Contact Us About Us • Jobs With Us Privacy Policy • Copyright Subscribe • E-mail Edition • Vacation Hold • Missed Delivery • Online Services • Globe Express Story last updated at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, June 17, 2003 Virginia students stop in Dodge City during cross country trek to raise money for a new high school track By Sheryl Doubek Dodge City Daily Globe Four Virginia men, who are ~, _~_ running across the country as a ~..,.s+ fund-raiser, stopped in Dodge City Monday after they ran from Garden City. ~~ Lawrence Loesel, 23; Will Stuart, 22; Ben Dowdy, 24; and Tommy Maguire, 24, plan on running 3,000 miles in 100 days to help raise money for Cave Spring High School in Roanoke, Va. Loesel and Dowdy are both Cave Spring alumni and Maguire is a coach at the school. Stuart was a track teammate of Loesel at college and was invited by Loesel to join them on the run. j s t' t e x t Nathan WebedDaify Globe Ben Dowdy (left}, Tommy Maguire, Will Stuart and Laurence Loesel stop in Dodge City to rest before continuing on their run across America. The group is running to raise money for a new track at Cave Spring High school in Roanoke, Virginia. They said Cave Spring needs a new field house and rubber track, costing $1.5 million. To help raise the money, the four men are spreading the word through the media as they stop off in towns along their journey. The four officially started May 14 in Placeville, Calif., and have already ran 1,100 miles in 43 days. They still have 1,900 miles to go before they reach their destination in Roanoke, Va. The plan is for each man to run about 15 miles a day while the others ride behind in a camper, where they sleep and store all their equipment for the journey. Stuart and Loesel are the only two out of the four who are running the entire 3,000 miles. Maguire joined Stuart and Loesel in Colorado Springs because he had to finish the school year coaching and teaching at Cave Spring. Dowdy missed 12 days of running through the Rockies for a job interview. They said the hardest part of the trek so far has been the desert. ~[ f'} t n ~ ~# Ci u ~ .i .s ...::r USD 374 Sublett Southwest Plains There are more Jobs! » View all To~A~ » Submit a ToQF Tai ,~ucf- Advertise your ai HERE! Call 620-. )> View all TopA~ » Submit a TopF Featured Adve~ "~`. ~ ~' _ Experts ~.•. USA WeekE http://www.dodgeglobe.com/stories/061703/Iif 0617030004.shtml 6/17/2003 DodgeUlobe.com:~~irginia students stop to lJUO~e ~,i>}~ aunii ~ru~~ c~uli~r~ inch w :a~~~:.. ,~u;~ _ .~- - 'The desert was awful," Loesel said. "It was intensely boring with absolutely nothing out there. It was realty cold at night but in the day the sun was very intense. But it's been worth it." "It's a big country out here. The best part was running in California on Route 1, and driving and meeting all the people along the way," Stuart said. Loesel said the four had come to a consensus that they really have enjoyed Dodge City. "We really like Dodge City, we were excepted and it's been the highlight of the trip so far," he said. .." -,- ~: _ .. _.. ~°; ~ Printer-friendly version Discuss this story I E-mail the editor ]une 2003 This month's stories -like all other stories -can be found by doing asite-wide search, or they can be found by clicking on the day the story appeared. Dodge Globe I `^ Web I ~ Stocks I r Classifieds I T Movies (7ro1 i Copyright 2003, Dodge City Daily Globe. All rights reserved. This document may be distributed electronically, provided d is distributed in its entirety and indudes this notice. However, d pnnot be reprinted without the express written permission of the Dodge City Daily Globe. Questions? Comments. Contact us. http://www.dodgeglobe.com/stories/061703/lif 0617030004.shtml 6/17/2003 Page 10, Lamar (COQ Dai)y tiews, iNonday, June 16, 2003 ;.,-,. .. ~ ~ 3 .. .. _ f '~ i ~ c ~~ ~ r- - 1 ~ ^'-'~- '~"e •" ~~ '~'..i i f ~: -1 i ~ 4- ~~ ~~~ ~~ 1 x • `F ~~ Rr~nnin across America aurence Loesel jogs down U.S. 50 on Saturday. He and two other Burners are running across America to raise money for an athletic complex at Cave Spring High School in their home town of Roanoke. Virginia. They started in San Francisco in mid May and should be fin- ~shed by mid July. They are the first group of runners crossing the country to come through Lamar this year, Photo by Micheel Holzmeister c s: x ~: r, ::.. i ~ ~ _f.: .' _ r d A~ ~• ~C L~ z v ~, .,~.-• C =` _ z ~~.~`. ~ a -;~:' .yir X t :.+ ~~ ~ ~~,~ G z r~.; E=a ~ -,~ a Z :. • rJ _.. x -~ r t~ . -. The Pueblo Chtettain Online -Thursday .rune i hut, Zuw CHIEFTAIN.COM t`~~~ v. . c"~Ilr ~Jucbla C'hicfr~~t~~ News Make Chieftain.com your Home Page Home -Personalize -Help/FAQ Site Search: co Subscribe here' -~ Navigatlor, Thursday .iul~e'?th, 20G:. Feature 5us!nasse_ er. - - _ _ Runners trekking cross ~~F country in fund-raiser more.., DEPARTMENTS: ~ "`~ News - National ~+~,~ Sports F,. Business Lifestyle ` Editorial Obituaries ~~ Classifieds ~ _ Daily Crossword Comics & Games Weather CHIEFTAIN PHOTO/MIKE SWEENEY Archives Daily Headlines Laurence Loesel carries an American RECENT issuES flag while running along U.S. 50 near Monday Chico Road east of Pueblo on Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday. Loesel and two Thursday companions are running across the Friday Saturday U.S. as afund-raiser for a Virginia sunday high SCh001. CLASSIFIEDS: By PETER WALKER ~~~ ~ ~ ~ THE PUEBLO CHIEFTAIN Announcements Automotive Employment Three recent colle a rads are ivin 9 9 9 9 Farm & Ranch Finance anew meaning to cross-country Merchandise Real Estate running- by literally running across the Service Directory E-Mail Notifier country. Place an Ad ABOUT PuEeLO Laurence Loesel Ben Dowdy and Will Business Directory City Guide , Stuart, all from Virginia, set out from Pueblowest View Chamber of Commerce San Francisco on May 12 intent on , Scnetfocus.com running the 2 903 miles back to their , home state of Virginia. Their goal is to sERVICES: raise $1.5 million for Cave Springs Contact Us Subscribe High School, where Loesel and fi 1 e://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\All%20Users\Documents\C S%20Knights%20Cr... 7/16/2003 The Pueblo Chiertain Unline - 1'hursdav .tune 12th, 2uu.i Advertising Dowdy attended and Laurence was General Rate Card Web Development recently a coach. The money will About this site appropriately go toward new track EVENTS facilities. ACTIVITIES: State Fair Pueblo Zoo The three runners came through Pueblo on Wednesday, intending to SPECIAL INSERTS: 50 for most of their route on U sta S Active Years . . . y Summertest Wintertest Guidebook "Colorado's probably one of the best Generation x-tra One Grand Christmas states we've been to," Dowdy said. Romance Special Wedding Directory 2002 Street Rods In 37 days, the three have covered 850 miles, traversed four states, Focus oN YouTH: Newspapers in crossed two mountain ranges and Education raised $40 000 Headbone Zone . , Classroom Chieftain School District 60 Sch°oi District ~o The low point of the trip was Nevada, Pueblo Library District with its long stretches of lonely desert. "Highway 50 there is called 'America's loneliest road.' You can run for hours and not even see another car," Stuart said. Each day, each runner covers 15 miles, for a daily total of about 45 miles. Working in shifts, one runner covers the ground on foot while the other two take turns riding beside him on a bike, or driving a rented 24-foot RV they call home. "The most physically draining part is behind us," Dowdy said, referring in particular to Monarch Pass through the Rockies where the runners found themselves running up steep mountain inclines. "The next part will be mentally draining," Dowdy said of the Midwest plains, with their flat land and lack of scenery. ra`c. _ . file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\All%ZOUsers\Documents\C S%20Knights%20Cr... 7/ 16/2003 The Pueblo Chieftain Oniine - Z hursaay .une 12tH, ~uu~ Each runner has approximately 10 years experience, according to Loesel, so the physical challenge has not been a problem. In fact, the runners have been covering each mile in under 7 minutes, which becomes especially impressive when you consider that they do this every day. The group expects to arrive back in Roanoke by July 18, and tardiness or failure is not an option. After that date, the rental agency charges them $50 an hour for the RV. The project, officially titled Cave Spring Knight's Crossing, named after the high school and its mascot, has received support from corporate sponsors such as Nike, Wal-Mart, Fleet Feet, and Frito-Lay, as well as countless individual contributors from Roanoke. The men cook most of their meals in the RV and, surprisingly, eat a lot of burgers and fries. "We eat some healthy stuff, but we eat a lot of unhealthy stuff too," said Stuart. Wal-Mart's support has been extremely valuable. The company allows the road warriors to park their RV and raise money in any Wal-Mart parking lot they come across. No longer in school, the runners quit their jobs to take the trip. "We didn't have the greatest jobs, so we weren't too sad to see them go," I'u`l' J iJ; file://C :\Documents%20and%20Settings\All%20Users\Documents\C S%20Knights%20Cr... 7/16/2003 The Pueblo Chieftain Uniine - ~1~hursday .tune 12tH, Zuw Loesel said. Stuart added that their parents were very supportive of their decisions. While everyone they have met on the road has been friendly and helpful, some don't quite grasp the scope of their voyage. "Some people don't believe us right off," Stuart said of other skeptics. But the runners remain optimistic of both finishing the trip and raising the finds. "When you get closer and closer, that's when the money starts to come in," Loesel said. So does the attention. Loesel said ESPN, USA Today and Runner's World magazine all have expressed interest in their run. "Everything is going to come in at the end," Loesel said. Click here for local News, Sports and more delivered to your doorstep daily! Back to top E-mail this story Print this story 1 Previous Next- file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\All%20Users\Documents\C S%20Knights%20Cr... 7/ 16/2003 Subj: Re: For Kristen White: Mountain Mail Staff Writer... Date: 6/242003 3:34:18 PM Eastern Standard Time From: krsten@them_ountanmail_com To: JELoesel@aol_.com Sent from the Internet (Detail Hi Jim. We published the article about Will and Laurence last week, on June 20. I mailed a hard copy of the newspaper to the address they gave me during the interview, which I remember being on Tanglewood Dr, so it should be arriving at your home soon. I also pasted the text into the end of this email. And I've enjoyed reading the journal and following them across country. Thanks for all your assistance, and let me know if ^an do anything else. Kristen White Mountain Mail by Kristen M. White Mail Staff Writer During the past six weeks, two Roanoke, Va., men who recently passed through Salida, have often heard the question, "Are you crazy?" But to many people, the question seems fitting because Will Stuart and Laurence Loesel are running across the country, via U.S. 50. The two men, with a third teammate, Ben Dowdy, started running in Placerville, Calif. and will finish their trek nearly 3,000 miles away in Roanoke. "Cave Spring Knights Crossing" is afund-raiser for Cave Spring High School in Roanoke. The runners hope to raise about $1.5 million for anew track, infield and field house for the high school, where Loesel is the cross country coach and an alumnus. "We were talking about ways to raise money (for the new sports facilities)," Loesel said. "We were joking about running across the country, and then we decided we really needed new facilities, so we pitched the idea to the school." Loesel said school officials "bit" on the idea, so he got Dowdy, a former high school and college teammate, and Stuart, a former college teammate, to help him run the course. Each day, the men travel a varied distance, depending on the night's destination, and sleep in a rented RV. They said the running "isn't as bad as it sounds" because they aren't each running the entire way, but instead take turns running pieces of the course. "When there's just the two of us, one runs while the other drives up the road awhile, and then we swap," Stuart said. "When there are three of us, we'll drop one guy off, drive up 10 or so miles and drop another guy off, so we're actually running (two 10-mile sections) at one time." Fund-raising is indirect, they said. By telling people what they are doing and having the story covered by various media throughout the nation, Loesel said they hope people will contribute to the cause. "We don't take pledges or anything like that," he said. "We're just doing it to raise awareness through the media." On day 33, June 6, Stuart and Loesel arrived in Salida (Dowdy was out of state for a few days) after running from Sargents, over Monarch Pass. "That was really hard," Stuart said. "The air was so thin up there." They joked they were looking forward to Kansas, where the running would be at a lower, flatter, elevation. On average, each person runs about 15 miles a day, sometimes all at Wednesday, July 16, 2003 America Online: JELoesel . :acs - ~ once or some days broken into two parts. Both men said getting up every morning to face another day of running isn't as grueling as it might sound. "Everybody's really in shape," Loesel said. Stuart added, "So far, we've held up pretty well." They said they have enjoyed all the running and the accompanying sight-seeing, and aren't in any hurry to return to their "regular" lives. "We all quit our jobs to do this," Loesel said. "We don't really want it to end. We meet so many different people, who say we're Crary, but they think it's cool. Going back might be boring." Before they return to every day life, the men will cross Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia before arriving in Roanoke. Along the way, Loesel said they hope to be interviewed by ESPN, USA Today and Runners World, each of which has expressed interest in the cause. "We've also contacted Tom Hanks' agent to see if maybe he'd run (as character Forrest Gump) the last part with us," Loesel said. "We don't know if he'll do it, but it would be fun." Sponsors for the runners include Nike, Fleet Feet, Frito Lay and Wal-Mart, as well as numerous Virginia sponsors. Stuart and Loesel said they hope all the miles they put in will be worth the effort and will raise "lots" of money for Cave Spring High School. "This is definitely a once in a lifetime thing," Loesel said. To learn more about the fund raising efforts, people may visit www.cavespringknightscrossing.com for details. Website visitors can click a link to read a daily, detailed journal written by the runners and can team how to contribute to the fund raiser. On Saturday, June 21, 2003, at 06:49 AM, JELoesel~aol.com wrote: > On May 6? you interviewed three runners from Roanoke Virginia who were > passing through the Salida area on their way across the country. The > guys said it was a very good interview. We would be interested in a > copy of the article/picture. If it can be sent electronically, please > send to: JELoesel@aol.com > If not, please send a hard copy to: > James Loesel > 2753 Tanglewood Drive > Roanoke, Virginia 24018 > Thank you for your assistance. The runners are now approaching > Lawrence Kansas. Their website with daily reports/ pictures is: > cavespringknightscrossing.corn > Jim Loesel, support team member Wednesday, July 16, 2003 America Online: JELoesel 3 T.- f--~-- Knights Cross~iru,~ tea~~a tales on I~oc~ies Laurenrc Locsel and Will . .~,, Si.uart. \\•err resJ- } ins in 1-clta. (c±- '~= 1,,.. tiundac night R'tl('ii TC'at'lled !)Ii a cellptx)Jte aFirr rennin; frcxtJ HIGH (Irxncl.;un<•tiitit f~ ea:•fier in lEte' dar. "1`iu` uu,i [~ ~vpt. ('!)1ltJlll111t5j Ilti' httii;tU~ i~r(~~5i{i;r r,r: vv~itiitr,{t. Ben I)vwdy~. w~h(, rrturnril Jr, th«• l:a.~! i ~irtst to at- J,°ill; ,i(,I, n11F`i'v'J('v1'~ ;ice pfal}Jleii- 1 f~,»{l\' nett nnJ r,'' ~<t". Loki. :'il\' iii} '~la\ ~- anu \\~i33 rrnniJ,~ \+-Jls: lh!' il`:ill? II`- (,tti(,rri(It• tiprir;i. uu ~tincla~. 21" ii'i3 ;ii1\'at}i! i•;iS', ;. .1 Ffi1\`'~" n~ii•, . ~~ir.• .int(! h~ r,. ;i\cra~ii: ,,i,r, lii~in iirir ~c,;ii ~ ;-, {tiii~'. r;i,\ .\~iJl! ikm'r7\ l~3, ilie' !!rs; !\~ri, \5~r('k1 its L!It• i1~:'Ji. ;:;i;i :.iti;~ , ~ i~tiP, iit3(!t_i':. >i' fiJ(l'~ ~. :%!',~ ,..itU ii i.' i. ii%'.. V!.~t`i'i.. lfli'iii(7tI1~ i_j.iu!r ~~'.~~' ~t„{i :Ci'ii 1~;1::> ai i :. ... it~t~~. atN)V'(' tit';: k'V't•': - 111,' !il~~L1!`~, 3;niJU i)i their.iuunu~\. 'flirt h;t. anticipated needin}; ai)<llu thri•i~ da~`~ iu rhrnil thr Kcu'kii:ti. After m~`,.`tins' I)inr•dv_ ur. ~titld;t)'. inc) vviis niu t,~ l.an}Jtr. f „if,.. llll'!i (II'll~t' tCi;'k '~+ i ~(,ili- ra(i(i Sl,rin~~ tip {,irk uI~ l';iv~,, Sprin); Ni,~ii track anil crl~~s- ri,untn• ri,act~i Tomm~• :I~Iagu- ire Eln .lone 1 a. 'fhe foursoltu~ .\-ill dri\•t,' hack ti, L<ultar and. mm~inn ahE,ut Cit) miles per da}~ ~) -3 each j. hupi :, w arri~•e in St . Lc)uis on .lone' :lU. Ltx:ticl is eagcrh~ anticipat- in); that pari oC the frill. across castenl Colorado, li~ut.~ti, and Missouri. "We're. looking for-w•ard tl) sim)e Ilat for a changr.° he slid. "We're kind of (iJ•td of 1LSCelld- ing and dE~tic•cnding. til'e'd' Irn)k- ing forward to Kansas - t)F~lieve It OC 11Ot •' Maguire ~r~ll the n II~• hark to Roanoke, and the original trio aillls ta) complet.e the run. Wilk the group in good he~llth and Maguire picking up more than L'l)0 miles, ihe~~ pl.ul to ronJ- piete their ~,li()0-mile nut in PLEASE SEE FlVt~'13 Five }-itiall~'iGt' .. "ifV' k~ t11~ r'(,Al`r!ii;~. ,r:,~ ,iitl niile~ lrun} ~f. Lixii~:ti~ i;rrittukr 1t1 I , tiav`ti. °31 ~ t~ltt=; Ir• h,• ;! i1IJI~~ r!1(!!,: i-},•' i,~)(•til` .,Gill ~. ..`~: `, IJav,'h~{ t'n('~HliJlt`i'!`fi ;iit)'lflltl:~ ttJ}c~pei•Jrii.:. ~s rr<tlh' ?=i,in~; ~U+' rl!iir~i'. i.S71 \l'\\9~~.17'S. iC I ~ .\'a.l 1~..<.cl l~ ~~ ,~ ~. ~ - ._~~ ~~ ~~~~- ~, ~~ -..- ~. r .-. A br•ealZ ~,n u 3000-mile run .. . ~~ Lu;4 ~,;;V ~~; -,, .~.r: , ~n~ar, sfopPed for a breather in Moab Friday a ternoon ~,,, ,~,;~,- ,~~..,; ,; _:~ ~: ~~I,: journey across th~~ country. Loesel and Stuart. along wits, their ~~~~ ~'~ aei ~^~'-:dy, not Pictured, are running cross-couniryto rase money {;, ~ ~ ~;;,,, r-;„nU~;iiy a:,~ivti:: center in their hometown of Roanoke. Vir- . , , - ;? ~;- ~Aa, 1 ~ in PlacFrville. Cali. and wiH cross the finish ,,,.~ ~ ,K~ ,, , ,;:• ~ ~ w~nen their rented RV is due back. A daily ~ournai anC :~;~;a?~-: =:.-= ~~-a~~eC = a~ v'~4~~4N.cavesPringknigMscrossing.com. v l9 N W <.. s:,, r `~ ~ ' ~~,.. .... r £~~ o r ;~ ~i `~~ c in --~ fli •c .- ~~ tCi ti T G 0 v a 5 c c~ ~~ ^~ i.i.. A~ W tL V N ~~: ~ a~`': G O N 1 T ~' o' Z N 67 O O N l0 '. M i ~ a stops in Delta B}~1-ath}• Nalkrr Faisung sport faciltncs Cage Spnne f sigh School ir. Roanoke. ~'+runa requires much ti~ork to rcf:atr anti ma+ntam Ca~c Spring Assistant Cross C~owitr~ Coati; Laurence Lor.;ai proposed nutninL acre„ :~menca Io raise SI mtllxm Pot the rrn: canon protect. Runners 13cr: Ik»~d~ o: Roanokcand ti5'ill Stuan o: lncicprn;ienc. Virginia {iked the idea an;J ,leciard to toci Loesai. the thrre'_+1_su:neth:n~ rnalc~ <irr.t use:; ;obs hack home, rented a K~', and drr~ c s,- Plaeenille. C alrfumi~; :n e.:rl~ \t;i~ ~ii:: relay stoic run hcean m ;'~ace~~ ills '~;a. 1 ?. The group a~ erages 3~ miles per da kith each nm:nn~ ! ~ ,r.i:es ~~ iae car=~, m :he.anuncan F;a; (hi«d~ as the Mini. ntembc+ that ~.rs been t~~tit. ar.d thr•. a+. ama/cd at ihC illliC> of ::e~Otale rU.r.°:: _t~- countered. Thc~ ha~c rccei~c~ a ~•c_... deal of support lrom e~.er:on~ the: t:.:~ met alum till ~+,r.. anal ma;ic ~r~.:~_~ u'.':': ..:..~; ~R . * t _ ..~ 3d_i ~- pti - ., ,~ ~ z , Runners pause fo admire Mark Twain s~utrtit,-e a' fi,<~ GeL`:: Ci,`v ~ibr~~n Knight's Crossing Lu . 3 to run cross-country for Cave Spring athletic program Three runners-Laurence l..r,esrl. `?3, 1i'ill Stuart. 22. slncl f;en I)owd~-. 24-set. ofi' an ~ cra~.=-countr~~ run which bean in Roanoke. ~'irginia• vn :eta}' ~. The actual runninti ht•;*an nn ~Ia: l:, in Placer- yille. Califi;rrtia. T}te 4:~ miles prr d:l~• i~ ,hared which each of thi: thrre runner: running l ~ mile, per dar. 7`he reasons iur ciuulg the cross-country trek front the ~~-est to the east. according to Loesel. is to hear the desert heat and returning to Roanoke for a m:ltor homecvmutt. '1•ne ;roa1 of the trek is to rai~f~ mone~• for the Cave tiering Nigh School's athletic facilities which need serious improyc:ment. hor the nert- t«~v manth~. the runners will r'LrIt r1hULt •? t~~il. "I'itc~y will run it; 11 states t}tr,ru;;it the sprir.:= and z;um- mcr. Meet:ink in the Rt' moat ni<~ht~. Thc~~--11 rotate. with vac rultnin<*. vne riding a bik~_• :Inu the at}t<~r driving "1-hr Gaye Spriltr IIig}1 ;;,•}~uc,; }tivc»ter Cltrb ~yil} try to raise ~1.:; ntiIlion in Private funds b.' ~o~ember10U~1 far n~•~. e}t'}tt -lane rubbt~rized Cit=rmart },Token-back track. ~;rtificra]-surface practice field fc~r :oceer and football. 1•ielli hou.,c. storage buiid- tn~` rtlltt UUt(~}aUr ~heltet'S. It c}ue~ nat inc}ode a football titaclium. :1ct<,I• 'I'I,m Hank::-who, in the 19th movie "Forest. (;,;ml;." portrayed a man tyhv ran across the country numerous tinter-hati ex- Pressed interest in r;tnnin; some with thYm. 'I`he club needs as much he}p as li CRIl Qr)L to Cruse its tart;ct 51.5 million fi>r the privately funded Project ~i). Cave Spring may der a grartt front Roanoke Count}• Park and Rerreat.ion. but will raise the hulk of the funds with donations from alumni, auc- tions and other ftmd-raiser. 't'tith r+ c•ntnt~atcr anti cc11.- IrPclat,• thc~it tjr«rr~~,~ in a «'e}~ ~itr- ca~~est~ri;t~l:tti;'rtt scrcx=in~-.c~on, '1'h~••~ U1._tl to return to thF~ ~c~hool -Iul.~ 1~. when l,vesel nta} thrc~~, a big homecominn {~art~ . The Irtoior sponsors 1•or the run arc•: ;\ike. \~-al'\Iart. Fritc.~ I.:~y, h}ect Feet. bout Le~cl- er~. :!. 'J. r r J '~ l~: x ti C C c~ :/.' n ~- M1 ~D ~_ ~~ m Cn ^L mil a' O ~__ n ~_ C7 cD y t_~ C~ (D ~ 1 CRnSS-C'OF:4'7'K}" fil':\'~'F:R.S • Stv;~pink* brieflt~ ir::Vepiti ' nr Fricla ;bray 23. l,aur•eract~ I,uc=~r%. 6'r'il% Stuart arty; I3en I~oudy sharer! inFornuttinn abcrul ti;ctir ~fnai.: rfurrn~ their CT'OSS-COllTLLrt:' rllrr. U_ C Q V, K~zights C~'OS~S272g 0~2 t~2e '~72 ~ tt('t'Kti ci;l!';''iit'~ ~'-- - ! ~: ` :t 1i<?t ~ '~ri~lhtior~ HIGH ~'iry't' -- tt'+'r~ rlt!?- F~ t!iil~s :llon{~ Pfitltt, i-?Yr1( BasEr~ ~f(,1,(I;i, tt~it('ti f •(•llphonc. E at~t' Sl,rin;: rraclu:urs I:au- !-ence Lcrescl alttl Ben Do~'d~'. .uui iricu(1L~"i1I titu:tri ha(i rf~.- cr('(i :lhuui _t!lil ?tltl('••,,~ ifx,+. Iu*. ihrir run barn: !f, Rnaitukr `l'h(•t••r(' ntnr:in~ acrrts4 ;:~f• na- ;.?f)li If, Ti11S1' aK-ai('!il'S.ti :ilUl itl?1f1~ {r,r {~I'llt(`(t ~~., ---:i;' :lilii:: t?t'(' talln('tlr'(1 ill' illy ! :Fl`I' '~I>I-ln Cj l,f,f>_.1c'r E'luh to rcu~,r:.:' ti~.(• tic•hnol~tia[hiettr ta~':i'.tt:~ i,t '(1i!(i. Tlic' 1rN~ tit,l`nl i`i!„1?; (4!t:~ t1rlVlttg 1rUm IitYUtnKC it: ~a:'r>~- llle3llft. t'l l(ii1171t~ %: IUt alts".: flit' tt-at. 1''nr(`t:uupk'. tt'iulr't„t't gray h:lvc ttml;('(i liar :i i=:,' '+ irf• i>ter out ~l-est. t.hcy In~tt`atl ~;ut :; flat tire' ht tt'e~i 'ie~:'•• Thct' al:+o iaborf>ri ill ti(? it,ut t;\ thrnut.*{i ru~i!-hf,cu u'::t'it i?t Ikil{a. ta'rt' kirKrr, f,lf :t (... i„rlii:i iarltit'r ~ t)ri,l,('r11' alit! %- tiau I•r.lnc•t~c•r, stn,`('? a!xi i~at~' t)a: n~`(i (tt't'I711;.'ilt Itt In!Itli(hC ~t~<:=tlarl~ -?1lf'!ll(1111;~ t~:@l' ;.-'%,i- It•~?,' Cilatil': ~ - ar:'R't'~: iIl ~a('i'::- r,,...;,, fin ~l'', . _: 't, ir.~:~il, ulf .. _.~J. R't-;;Iat' :.... I,.it~K j lii ..~,•{t:Kt . ~'~', is . '. a.,.' ~t,r•t• •:, i i1.. slri'!('?I nil lif,t:ti' ~,!) \CAti a irf't 143E l!:Itin113{,it' f(,r' /'Lil;lilllp;. Ell' \'Iat' i-1. tht'v rite} '3a ltitlt'> iru!1! I'lac•c'n'ill(' t(' ,nn?rtshc•r ut•ar. i.:tke Ta}lo('. then ran ~1:, ntih's rr, an(i ::-,~ lttil(`, u, i'~t,lior. or! ~l:i~ lE,. 'They tltt_:1: r:ut tc, Ausli:~ t,t: ~ia~ 1 ; anc: Eureka ou ~i:ty lr. Th(•y K-ere planning tf, titul, ~lun(iay night in thr (1(`s(`r! alxxlt :3i) mile:. \~°(:tit of ~l~' a stn<iii 1oa-rt in cast(~rn \(`vaci:l near tht' Great 13asin National i'ark. A fey\- ne\~:Sp<tlx'r~ in C.diCt,r- nia and tie~•ada ha~'c rau~r t up with the t riu. \+•ho Ira\~c• tx en run- ning will::lnteric~ut flaky. "ti%e'rc hating a bla~1,'~ sxi(i I.t,(`5t~i. who i~ :tstiitilant c•rosti- c•ount.rv coach at l ate spring. Pt.fASt SE-.'` FIVF16 ~, r FROh1 3 s FIVe _ !;tt .(' 1<itl~t?C'fi !H:` Ali:?'. 1C;tti !~-- i. tt'st'. ~:ti(i ii(~ ran -- y, ! t; •~vl «it! ,f'lir't •iar, r`~1„ ~ '-- t!'?r` .i?K':jf1 (,i '.I}. .. li:. ..~r• :ice t. ''~ :,apt f,t_'l ~ c::'.j~ ~, ,, , ,. 4. . \\' ..i . .. ....:. ... . c i•,:c . _ , ~:; :. . ,~ ~:. .., i.:. _.,..,. r: .,. . . .~., ~ :.. r,i•., •~r. :c : ('kris ~Iurri~ ::.u: P.an(i'• Bush r~,i:lf~i~ ii~,r~ il,,:,.!:•. ._• ~9ain Street T~ew'spapers !'a`~` i `~1 Sunday 2003 18 Ma ~~ _. 117 ~ I I~ , y X ii ~ News sports Knights running for new field - By B08 TIETELBAUM Salem Times-Register As in the movie "field of Dreams", Cave Spring boosters and Randy Meck News Messenger figure "if we build it, they will come". Radford News }ournal New Castle Record Cave Spring is going to build a track, soccer field and field house where Fincastle Herald athletes for outdoor sports can dress rather than the school locker rooms. Vrnton Messenger The field house will include coaches' offices, storage and multi-purpose areas Cave Spring Connection for indoor batting cages, driving ranges and running/throwing space. Subscribe The money is going to be privately funded, meaning that the X1.5 million dollars needed for the first phase must be raised from contributions and Submit a Classified grants. Submit a Letter Guestbook It isn't just putting up a simple track in the middle of the Knights' campus to hold dual or triangular regular season meets. (National News "We want to put in a rubberized synthetic [8 lane) track," said Meck. "We Financial News want it to be a place where we can host district, regional and state track Healih News events." Entertainment Town Hali That might take a while for the first phase includes only bleacher type seating for regular season soccer and track events. There will be time to raise the funds, as construction isn't scheduled to start Nold That Tiger until after the 2004-football season. Completion of the project should coincide with Cave Spring's 50th anniversary as a school. Titans in the hunt with no seniors Lights aren't in the plans. If they are added in the future, it might be the only item the school will approach the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to help with. -Lnigtat~ running ;or nevi #~eic~ '•We haven't had any negative responses," said Meck. "We actually had a public meeting for any Penn Forrest residents who might have questions or~ complaints. No one showed up." There are specific ways Cave Spring will attempt to raise the money for the new complex. "We sent out letters to 18,800 alumni, and students in the high school and those in our feeder schools," said Meck. Ben Dowdy and Laurence Loesel, who ran track for the Knights in the late 90s, will be running from Roanoke to San Francisco starting May 5 and keeping a schedule that calls for 75 days to make the trips. Dowdy and Loesel hope to collect pledges of support from people to benefit the construction. There will be a third runner, who can't be named because he's a Cave Spring graduate who is now an NCAA athlete. htto:irmainstreetnewsnaners.com;artides/Z00310~!17lcave sprin~Jsportsinews0~.txt >'18:'?U(?.~ ~.1ain Street Newspapers i'ii'-c - ~-; ' The school plans a big sendoff for the trio. For more information, contact CaveSpringcrossing. com. "we also talked to the people from Nike. They offer grants for track renovation," said Meck. BOYS' BASKETBALL: Meck said plans are to continue Holiday Hoopla at the Salem Civic Center December 26-27, 29. A!I of this year's eight entrants have agreed to return, but it's possible that as many as 12 teams will participate. This means there might not be a true tournament format over the three days of the event. BASEBALL: The Knights are finding life as a Group AA team delightful. Coach Randy Boone's team was off to a 5-0 start in the Blue Ridge District after beating William Fleming this past Tuesday. The key game of the regular season comes up Friday, April 18, when the Knights travel to William Byrd for a meeting of the top two schools in the Blue Ridge District. It's the only regular season battle between the teams. A big victory came over defending district champ Alleghany 4-3. Though the game was played on April 1, it was no Apri! Fools' joke that the Knights knocked off one of the Blue Ridge District perennial powers. Kreg Savoie was the star as he pitched the last two innings and hit athree- run homer to get the victory, As a Group AAA school, the Knights had been perennial visitors to the Northwest Region. They haven't given up facing Group AAA teams. Mills Godwin, one of the nation's top-ranked high school teams, visited Cave Spring Wednesday and beat the Knights 9-1. Cave Spring was to play Northwest Region member Halifax County on Thursday. Boone said the game with Mills Godwin came up when both teams were knocked out of traveling to out-of-state tournaments because of the war in Iraq. Pitching is the strength of the team. Savoie had struck out 19 batters in 11 innings going into the game with William Fleming. Andrew Lumsden, cousin to Clemson star pitcher Tyler Lumsden, had whiffed 11 and walked only three in 11.3 innings. SOFTBALL: The Knights got off to a fast start in their first season in the Blue Ridge District. Cave Spring was 5-D in the district and S-1 overall after beating William Fleming 15-0 earlier this week. Melandy Waldron pitched a no hitter and struck out 13. She has been a key for the Knights this spring along with Kendal Martin (4-for-4) against the Colonels, Susan Rodgers (3-for-5, two RBI) and outfielder Mary Greenway (2-for-3, three stolen bases). E,mar Ihrs Stogy, Front tl)15 StCr http iimainstreetnewspapers.cram/artic1es12003/0~/l7rcave sprin~,~sponsnews03.txt >!18:'?U0; SAiURDAt'. P1AY i-. 2110 _. -- __ ~IUi~. -- -- ~~s~-~~ntr~T run ~ ~~. 1~~ sc~~~~ ~t~~~ ~.~il~t~e ~V ShP.lf"o tiBTtiflS '': -, ~: RUHliERS ... 4r Runners/Athletes ma~l~~~ coast-to-coast } o~~"~~`; 1,':,}„ ~c 0~ THE WEB n~itit n rl 1 U ethcrn,cc tic.. t::nl. ru>rr ~\it : ~n?i us rus)i[;: t~V; Ili UliCt' ht- liCXt 1Li it1i11Cr, I il~ ,~h,,;)': ,~iehratc, it: >Olh .l r•, •[ .. J,~, prc•tt~ uic..~T Larsr: sai.'. ..\C r: tr\'in;~tc, r<ux'th~' m<xlet anti l:rt t~lic 1.:'\c t,i~iiltir; hulls in Ctfllt' 1[)r f}il':lnfl7ACrSdr\.~- f.a.li j~:lrticlE~an[ runti l ~ Tllilt•, .lei,. f;)r;lt[x:?lc}t~4~miks,~~'h;)- \~tr ich i t"tli?Hint, Lit ~1C1 i~SK[ ;innL', titllc` t[)r ~ ~ lnilc, 1)r drncs ih; k\'..~ hoc art tilinrdsii~' ~ulsi llai, alt?.': „{ic)tc), Lit ti~lrir Ui}7 un i,l, ~,-c,ic? ~ ~L rh site . •. ji.}?. lCrt' i,riCi 5U111 i77.1C1(Lt1 r)1 ' i\'t' rc v:171i ~ .i}<'il'i ~:llll. :\'i~... ,?}t? (7I1 i?.li.:' ~ l}t i11 A' ii>l'. rilai ;)'~;r. hl?~1'11l';. ~'Ci lit )\\17 ~~.~:. .IY ~- ~,.>n1Ct±':lI1„ri:.c .~ i,L}C~:I ,.~ii.'~ ~~~V'c fC' tart t" ~"t-Ctlj r,>ii-. . , ; r;nn::... ~: ; - Ili i • ,.i. r,1 - `; O;1 i? -lfl' O? t1!l' tUa" ,Uli: t - ~'. '. II 1 ! r \\ [= ilia t' I'C•. .. ... ~) .' _..~. . P. :. 1. Mai. f'i)j(' jli ~It'- i 1~~1j~tJt':s 171(7i.l37tc1117` l17'f' ~~>17_'C'~11171 ~ ~'1 ~i `~ t' }'C' I:11:111~' jC'2'1"'yid rc~ll~ ~~~~~~ictllr'c~.: tx~c'~rc' c~vcrlr~u~71tt71s; el ~t:~r~'thi~z,~. . Laurence Loess Running across the county i~l?F t.."it1 ;. tll ~a Y... .. .:'~~_- ~i1C tit: `[il'li. ~. .. ... ,~_nl t , ..~\t. .. \t 1ti. t~ ~_n i.. , . alt ct ,... _.,,, , i .... .. ),. th ....~_ .., .. .. ._. . ,. -t}I !111; ..;~IJti_ . . ;laic Cfli, ,: j~' ~- 1~ ... Lisa J. iD10Hr a ...: ' FRIENDS •: C _ ar. , -! ro:; ~ r~ ~: ~nr} t f6 O .7 pO , r ., i l' I .~ :~ ,F `. I ` 7 r s U "~ ~ 1 ` +~ Q3 " C~ +-~ ~ J ~ ..~ •r ~ ~ U t4 ~ ~ 4l cn ;"„ LX3 --, ~" f ,B ~ r.. L •~ ~d ~• V rw T~ V LI I ..~ r "' r Qom. .,..~ . f ^~ i. ~3 v :f :+ .~..r. ~. ,~ -F-- ~... ~--- 0 = - 4 - t~iountair~ Democrat -Friday. May 16. 2D03 ni hts gassing is g ~~~ect 50 endeavor ~:.tf~t" ti~ rita•:- j . .. _ •it i.77-~ 1' Iiti , - - ~ .. - ij~.!ii l'f ,. apt' .. .. ...n.... I~6i. ! . .. .. :ii!:.~.- I1 ~. .. . [~it~^'.OCi'~i~ .'~~~:;IO 1,•`.'' ~US~l ri:i r~iiffY~y vd=. f .;^."tt,;~ pk FiF"'TY. three Virginians started a 2940 mile run fror:~ C.<._:--rviiie tc; Roanoke yesterday. starting otf on the EI Doractr t ;~.,-~~~,''~ 3i;, since they can't run on Highway 50 when it is deemec i -;~~:at. Aoove, former Knights Lawrence Loesel. Wiil Stuart and her ~ .>~.~~ etnhari: on Knights Crossing. i Ile iS,tti,ti•r Cltth and CSIiS i~ ..,...: the f,rttjccr ahic'tt ttilf ;,,tc::~t lik' rltttrr cl,cit?, progrtm. ~, ~!~ l.':1• "~:tUUns ttltl alai InCfCa\l' ~,•:~. C.. the hi,,h ~Lhtxtl a, a : ;~, it~t ,i~ttr,, rnrcts :utd other • in,~~ ~~~~,. .r,r~~rncitul~ ctitunusnit~ ~;,:,.,:~.. 1 ;,r,rl. ik»td~ and ... ,. ;utt(ic~,eil rurnlin~ crcta~ ..vnt:•. t,• garner attemicin and ct,rt?rif~tai~,n,. ~ecrrtl C'avr `~,.ul _~~ •racluatrs arr hi,•h-prttiifc ~t,,.r,~ :nxi L~ntetiainment crlehri~ !:: .la~ nia~ raflr tt} the iause. ... .u,;,n~• tt+ Lur,rl. '; ~:. `;tr;c ua, Itatchrd in Stua>i ,t':.1 ;~~•,Cl , itillr~c diirttllltirt. ~.h.~:~: ;il~~ nlajcired in hu~ines. ~:~ -,•.:nui•a tt~ tlci ~<intrthin~~ tci It ~; . •?!c•r: ,t;lrtrtl ;, runnin~~ jttkr t+ ,• l:t~,i ul, asking: "~b'hat can t. ~: ~':•ttrr than rtulnin„',.. .,,•,;•i. t)tittdt and Stuat~ are t :~::..~ athfrtc~ ntui arr undaunt- r : ;;~ lhr luosl,t:ct of tratersin_ i r; ,. ,,, >O. 'I~het expect tci •. - ; ~ !nil:, lx:r dat. but need ~% .,•.titnt, o!' trrrtta} a-here err.. _ t~ not :Iliuticti. i'~. tliil, tflit tCCI, UUn~I I;t\ - ;,thlc:l~ rnduran~r. but t ~~ .:f,,~ Irar;tin_• :thciut htni- ,:, . ,~~:'• i.i~~. luntl-r:tisine and . _ .. ~1: ;': • au~ ins their ad~~n • .... ~lit~. thr~. ,Lt;~irti Iltrtr t~~ i ~ ihtritlo ~l~r:tii. lilan- ., :~ul;l h~tt, intci their ,uppciR trhicle. a t4elf-t~uttitted camper. and tratrrsr until the Er~c~ta~ turns hark rnu~ ttru-iane fti!~h~t~3~'. Sti tar. thrt~ie encoun(rreil a Ie`vt adtrnturr,. l'het he`~ttn Ihrir jcitrrnrt ttrstttaril frnm ~~ir~_inia jua a, the ,trrtu~ anit turnadc~: tirrr huffetin'_• the titiu[heast. Sltl~r thet ari• ~_ciin_• east tm [li~~h~ta~ ~(). thc~ Icxil: the st,utlt- tLe~(rr11I'OLltr. 1111cxas.lhC~ hail a hl<it~-t,ut in the middle tiC nci~thcrr. ck,tiest it~t~'n feet,.. '1'ex;ts. 19irarultiush. that t~'ere near an rxtt and ntana,~rd tti tt~ob- Me olt the rt,ad. 'The Yrt~ject ~O crew also hrtnt~~ht hikes alom_, planning tci ctcl~: in slime stretches. ttx~. in San (=rant:iticii. thc~~ >.~ere trapped in trattir tin ]9th Strria t>.'hen they hraril ;; htimtic hanging. [heir hike rack frail ditiintr_ratrd. Stuck Itrtttrrn ears ttn a road Jamntrd ,olid. thr~ tterr utrrbli: to exit their ~rhirlr u~ srr ~tifiat t>,'as ha~- prni n,~ . [ heir htkr, rsc;tprd danrt,~e. but that loa a d;tt lcxikint• tun the tvpr of hike rack thr~• ~nerded. i.intlin~• one at the L'-Flauf it S;trr;tmcntc ~. Stuart and (.cxxl had nc•vr horn tci C~alifurnia hc:lcirr "1 like it''~ Lt+esrl ,aitl. "It~~ ti•n iliffrrrnt. nntch nutrc• lihrra. here. He hasn't relcrrim_ ti: Ptilill~~ ,t> nwrh ~~ the ~'enrraf rrla~~r aurnisrhere that C~alitiirnia i, iamrtf tile: it's noire rtiilrnt U~ cnlt.idre, than rr.itlcnta tth<t arc' used tti i[. Route hti, tthli l tr:nrtsrs the' (_ 5,~ trt)tTl t1iC rasl Itt ltr.~t ~tiatil. ertis.in~~ sett:ral states. in~lu:iin~, 'I-exa.. \rN ti~trxicti and ~rrittna. has ~~onr ilott n in ihr annals cif hi.um and Colkhirr ~+ith tt niter, sui:h as Jar;: Krruuac and hard, like ~i'nudt Guthrie and Rufi ll_vlan nrtkim~ it famuu,. 'Vtnt Fli~~httat ~U, in .unlr tretche, knuttn a, ":~merica~~ Lttttelie;t Hi~~fnt:r~~~ is ;~ettin__ stnne attention, tcxi. Pr-tijcct ~O~s eaatxiund tttn ,gas to hr~~in in Sacramento, but then t~ arc unahlr u, run on the frre~ta~. ui the oCl ici;tl Mart carne tti hr Pktcert i (k . Loesrl. Ihntdt and Stuart hate aurartril the intrrr~t of a nrnnin;~ 1}};i`!a/rite. and <lnUi:IpatC ;t Ill tlt nlt•tGa aitrntiun on their teat hunl~. 1~`hrn thrt arrive hack. iu Ro;uuiki•. hi•_ ~rl~hratic,n• arr anticil,;n~~tl. just the he~_innim~ of ('t}-IS~• ;t)th annitrr.ar~ ~~u:rl~. Str~crrtcr t~<rrt~}~ St~i•r t-urr !ic` rc•trrlrrtl ct! ~u~t•t('t~artclrntru~ rUl.lrt" ^~ 3 as c 0 ~ ~ _ .:.:~ _~ : r~ ~ M .~ - ':~.j ~ ~ 4. ~~~ _-. . ~__ ~, _ . ~_: . w.,.. ;'. y- S C I`II ~~..~. ~r ~~ n~ M, C. C ~~ :~. r ..1. J G G ~1 =~'~ J ti .J V C ~ i ~'J /' ~'~ iJ r 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ¢ J m ~ L ~ v r L .~. ~_ -- - .-~ S y '~ U _ ~ '..' Z ~ H _ _ - '.t. J Q R G '~ ~ ~ - :f '- u'= CU ~ r.~r.J Goti~m L - - -~ _._ - - ~, ~; _ ~~ ~.. The Roanoke Times News Front Page Roanoke Valley New River Valley AP Neavs Neighbors Celebrations Politics Road t~datch Special Reports Technology Sports Entertainment Columnists Photo by NATALEE WATERS / 1 f~l ~, ti [' :'. Rrad i c:~ ~. r . Gv :u w~.r. ~a rU;. ~* w csl•:I~ vet :It4 [n(+Cfl Lt E. u~b~t~ 4~. ~,,.~r. ~'. ruyytlu i~~ x„ir rat t,~,:~t :,,.. E ROANOKE TIMES outdoors Will Stuart (from left), Ben Dowdy and Laurence Loesel hope Business to bring attention to Project 50, a Cave Spring High School Obituaries fund-raising effort. ~ ~_= ~~ ~-_ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ Community Travel Heatth Classifieds tJining Guide Yellow Pages jobs.roanoke.com 3 to run cross-country, literally, for high school 'Knight's Crossing' evolves from vision to reality for Cave Spring athletic program. May 8, 2003 By RYAN BASEN THE ROANOKE TIMES Laurence Loesel and Will Stuart were lounging in a friend's room on the campus of Roanoke College last •~t Yd~C i l)i http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/special_sections/knights/ 5/l 5/2003 Photo by NATALEE WATERS /THE ROANOKE TIMES Tne .koanoke Times ~-t ! s>' c'' . IJ+4 ~. . f/tess~a= ~~:, -u ~'fC?i':~:eaC7~° t~av.~~~a;-,a- _~: 4r~uca~ior. p~;•SL3f~~~ ~~~. ~.1'.p'tYr te``'IiRr~. .,~ ._ . ... S t G r C. :°r: !`r rr~ En ~ r~ ~~ fall when the Cave Spring High School subject of students see the trio off at a Cave Spring rally at the school Monday High School's afternoon. athletic facilities came ' S CR©SSING KNIGHT - ; Y~ ~.~ ~~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ Loesel, the ; _.. ~ ^ ~ ` - ..1, t-..i ~ ~ F . ice` - ~ ~ ~ ` ` assistant cross- ~- ~~ ~ ~ . , , - • ~ - ~ country coach '; ~ ~`~;~ '-~'+ ~ ~`- SQCRAMETViO ''-"'' -j BOAHOK: at Cave Spring, `~~.` ~ ~,' believed the a,~r:nx~r~ ;~trrenr..^ :o.~c•? 1'Jtll facilities 5:ua:~ and f3er uo'.dy •r:t run from needed serious 'fi`r„-'`~ta.:.arz.. « ko,~oK~ ~~ td~sr. tncn;~ ftr• Gave Sp;itr~ Hi~it 1mprOVement. 5ct;ocl's dtfrletc facil ties reno~~zti~r. ldn't it be Wo ;:lir. ~%rc,;ect SG.The, start l;ta•. 12 u ~,,:: ~.~r t~, ca-elude nc c~;r~ spr~~~ someone COOL ~l.l,. 9 ~. ylJ.l~ the lVr: trlCj :: I!; filfl , to r n aid il';Et~:F,tt ~li~.t~,C. C,U:ti., t\:'1t'Sa~• ~~;). $t. ' s , u i_;.~;,K ~:ki Cnar:esior t: ta,. am~r across the !T-a, ~a~:~r ca!~S.Tfteir trip ~r~!tl rnec• United States ~.,51I !rile:.. ...__ __ - -- __----------------.-.____-.-_. to help raise ..,,.:,:~.: , ~,,:..;;;;.., money for FACTS ABOUT facility PROJECT 50 renovations? Project 50, a plan to construct Others in the and renovate athletic facilities, room passed was announced in April by the the idea off as Cave Sprang High School a joke. Loesel Booster Club. The club will try didn't to raise $1.5 million in private . funds by November 2004. The club aims to begin construction Instead, he and renovation in the spring of pitched it to 2006. The booster club sent Cave Spring letters to about 18,800 Cave athletic Spring alumni seeking director Randy donations and will raise the rest Meek who of the money through auctions , was skeptical and fund-raisers. at first. But The project calls for new eight- over the past lane rubberized German few months, broken-back track, artificial- Loesel, 23, has surface practice field for soccer ra~e_~: http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/special_Sections/knights/ 5/15/2003 The Roanoke Times developed that idea and will soon act on it. For much of the next two or more months, he and fellow Roanokers and football, field house, storage building and outdoor shelters. It does not include a football stadium. The Knights continue to play football games at Cave Spring Middle School. In a separate project, Cave Spring plans to begin building a new softball field in 2004. Stuart, a Web sites of interest: former track vvww res k12 va.us/cshsl50thanniversary.htm and cross- (The home page for Project 50) country teammate at Roanoke College, and Ben Dowdy will run about 2,800 miles from Sacramento, Calif , to www. res. k 12. va. us/cshs/R5u layout. htm_ (A visual look at Project 50) .^ ,~r-,;u ~ ~r__ (Cave Spring's Knight's Crossing page) (Knight's Crossing home page) Roanoke to raise awareness and funds for Project 50 -- an initiative launched by the Cave Spring Booster Club to renovate the school's athletic facilities by 2006. And they're off On Monday, Loesel and Dowdy, 24, both Cave Spring graduates, left with Stuart, 22, in an RV headed for San Francisco. If they follow their arduous schedule, they should start the first leg of their return trip -- a 45-mile run from Sacramento to Placerville, Calif. -- May 12. The former college runners -- Dowdy at Virginia Tech -- will go as a relay team, each running about 15 miles per day for 68 days. They will run in 11 states through the spring and summer, sleeping in the RV most nights. They'll rotate, with one running, one riding a bike and the other driving the RV. Dowdy will leave briefly May 27 and return to finish the run, but they will never be alone. Dave McGillivray, who ran solo more than 3,400 miles from Medford, Ore., to Medford, Mass., in 1978, said that http : //www. ranoke. com/roati m es/speci al_secti on s/kni ghts/ 5/15/2003 The Roanoke Times makes their run more feasible. i a`C -r v- "A relay is significantly different than doing it solo," said McGillivray, a North Andover, Mass., resident who has advised the Roanoke trio. "Maybe that is the more palatable way to go." Attracting celebrity attention The trio has already attracted so much attention to their plans that Forrest Gump may join them. Actor Tom Hanks - - who, in the 1994 movie, portrayed a man who ran across the country numerous times -- has expressed interest in running some with them. According to Terri Langford, Cave Spring's booster club president, other celebrities and national media have also contacted the club about their journey -- dubbed "Knight's Crossing" for Cave Spring's nickname. They have also received offers to attend a parade and to have mayors run with them. "People are just going crazy," said Langford, a 1981 Cave Spring graduate whose son, Joe, is a freshman at the school. "I'm not sure how much people realize how this is going to bring Roanoke to the forefront." Wild idea, well thought out That is one reason Loesel, a 2002 Roanoke College graduate, pursued his far-fetched idea. He spent December planning the trip and, using his skills as a business student, wrote a 50-page report and devised a Power Point presentation to sell the booster club on it. "My initial reaction was, 'You are absolutely nuts,"' Meck said. "There are probably 10 people that come into my office every week with some crazy idea. But none of them were as prepared as he was." Despite not knowing Langford, Loesel persuaded her to let him speak to the booster club. On Jan. 6, he gave a persuasive three-hour presentation. "I had this young boy who calls me on the phone one night and says 'I need to come to your booster club meeting,"' http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/special_sections/knights/ 5/15i2GGs ' The Roanoke Times z"a~ = ..'~ , Langford said. "When they first came to us, from the parents on the board you had this ... doubt thing. And then you listen to them talk and you think, 'Why not?"' The club needs as much help as it can get to raise its target $1.5 million for the privately funded Project 50. Cave Spring may get a grant from Roanoke County Parks and Recreation, but will raise the bulk of the funds with donations from alumni, auctions and other fund-raisers. As of May 5, the club had raised $40,000, about 2.7 percent of the goal. Langford said they hope to begin construction after the 2004 football season, aiming for completion by the summer of 2006, Cave Spring's 50th anniversary. Raising awareness Knight's Crossing will not directly raise money, but it hopes to bring attention to Project 50. Loesel figures to benefit from the project. It calls for a new, eight-lane German broken-back synthetic track to be installed with two shelters, allowing for the school to host major track meets. "With the size of the community, I can't believe we don't have facilities like this," he said. The renovation will also feature refurbished football and soccer practice fields and a new field house with a weight room, opening up indoor storage space for winter sports. "Just about every sport is going to be helped by this project," Meck said. "I have no doubt this is going to be a reality three, four years from now. Hopefully the run will help win some of these people over." Top notch runners That is Loesel's goal. He initially planned to run alone until Dowdy and Stuart expressed interest in joining him. He and Stuart were All-Conference selections in cross country last year at Roanoke College, and Dowdy was Timesland's Runner of the Year in 1997. While Dowdy is prepared for long runs after training in college by running 100 miles in a week, Loesel, who has never run a marathon, is prepared after running 60-70 miles http:/1www.roanoke.com/roatimes/special_sections/knights/ 5/15/2003 The Roanoke Times in certain weeks in school. t'u~C v .): Finn Pincus, his coach at Roanoke College, said the run will not be as difficult as it seems. Pincus said because they have little pressure to finish quickly, the quality of their runs doesn't have to match the distance. "They're very capable," said Pincus, who coached Stuart and Loesel together for four years. "They're overachievers. 4~~lien they tackle a project they're going to see it through." Pincus believes they won't tire of running "because they nm every day anyway.... They may get tired of looking at each other in that vehicle." They're going the distance Despite obstacles such as the heat and snakes of California and Nevada and the mountains of Colorado, not to mention general health concerns, Dowdy and Loesel fully expect to finish the run. "We're doing this for distance," not speed, Dowdy said. "I think we can easily do this." McGillivray said the most difficult parts of his 1978 run were going through the hills of Pennsylvania and maintaining patience. The trio will face major hills in Ohio and West Virginia, but their patience should be bolstered by one another's company. McGillivray, who has advised others doing cross-country runs, was impressed by the trio's organization. He believes they will finish, though he warned that "all you need is one injury and you have to abort. "I'm fully confident that these guys have prepared," said McGillivray, who runs DMSE, a sports marketing and management company in North Andover, Mass. "My gut tells me this isn't a stunt. This is an honest effort to do something that's very challenging and at the same time very worthwhile." On the road Cave Spring showed its appreciation for their effort http: //www. roanoke.com/roatimes/special_secti ons/knights/ 5/l 5/2003 The Roanoke 1 Imes i .a`t. Monday afternoon, when Meck introduced the trio before the student body in the school gym. Calling Loesel "absolutely the craziest guy you will ever meet," Meck thanked them as they marched out of the gym, climbed into the RV and followed two ambulances out of the school parking lot to begin the drive to San Francisco. With a computer and cellphones on board, they will update their progress on a Web site, i:a~ _~~ ~~;, ~rf:,~ M ;t~~~ t~~;I„ c~~r They plan to return to the -- -- t-_ ~_ - - - ~. school July 18, when Loesel may throw a big homecoming P~Y~ After months of training and planning and selling his idea, Loesel said he's excited to finally get started. "We had to go through a lot of hoops to get where we are,' he said. "Ten years down the road I'll be able to talk about funning across the country instead of getting a job three months earlier." ©copyri9tn Zoos Privacy Policy ~ Contact Us 1111: H(11\Okl: 1~1111a rt~~inokc.~y,m http://www.roanoke.com/roatimes/special_Sections/knights/ 5/15/2003 Loesel, Dowdypave way for new track By ROBERT ANDERSON THE ROA:vOhE TtbIES majority of the money in the next 18 months and break ground on Forrest Gump had nothing on the facility after the 2004 football Laurence Loesel and Ben Dowdy. season. The school is holding a The two former Cave Spring news conference today at 1:30 track and field stars are about to p.m. at the Cave Spring gymnasi- embark on across-country run to um to announce details of the help their alma mater . Loesel, a 1998 Cave Sprin graduate, and Dowdy class of '97 project. g LALUSH BENEFIT: Hidden Val- , , ley and Cave Spring will send the will run approximately 3 000 miles , gate receipts from their varsity from California to Roanoke over and JV softball games against each 100 days as part of the school's other Tuesday to the family of S 1.5 million capital improvement Michael I.aluah the U S Marine , . . program. Corps sergeant from Botetourt Cave Spring is raising funds to County who was killed in Iraq co t , ns ruct athletic facilities on its Thy two schools are asking for cam us p . Called "Project 50" in connec- a ~~~ $3 donation at the gate tion with the 50th anniversary of for the two games. Hidden Valley the school in 2006, the Cave and Cave Spring meet for the first Spring project calls for aneight- tune in varsity play at Lynn Saun- lane, rubberized track, an ders Field near Penn Forest Ele- artificial-surface field for soccer mentary School at 6:30 p.m. The matches and football practice, and 'W game ~ at 4:30. ~ afield house and storage building. Hidden Valley coach Mike The Knights currently play Wglthall came up with the idea their boys' and girls' soccer for the benefit. matches at Cave Spring Junior "Because I'm caught up in the High. mood and sorrow of this war, it "There is no other eight-lane really plays heavy on my mind," track in Roanoke, so this will give Walthall said. "It's supposed to br us chance to host district, regional a home game for Hidden Valley, and state meets," Cave Spring but we decided to have it at Cave booster club president Terri Lang- Spnr-g's field. ford said. "We have not talked with the "The field we'll be putting in, family about what [the donation) because it's a synthetic surface, is ~ be, maybe something to the guaranteed to have aneight-to-10- vocational school that he was so year durability, and that's using it involved with, or to a scholarship 365 days a year." or something like that. Both Cave Loesel, a Roanoke College se- Spring and us thought that would nior, and Dowdy, a senior at Vir- be a good idea. We're going to ginia Tech, will begin their trek make it a nice event." May 5 on U.S. 50 and plan to Hidden Valley junior Kelly complete the cross-country run Doremus will sing the national July ~ at Cave Spring. anthem before the varsity game. The two runners, who are call- BROUGHMAN UNDECIDED: Lord ing their trip "Knights Crossing," Botetourt wrestler i;yan Brough- are soliciting pledges. Cave Spring ~, who posted a 41-0 record en will try to raise the rest of the funds route to a Group AA title at 112 through grants and corporate and Pounds last month, has narrowed private donations. his college choices to Virginia Langford said letters are being Tech and VMI. sent to approximately 18,800 Cave Broughman, who also won the SP~ng alumni. Once school offs- 2002 Group AA title, recently took cias received approval through all his official visit to Tech the proper channels for the . SCRIMMAGE NEEDED: Fors project. a Web site was set up to Chiswell needs a varsity football help solicit contributions. scrimmage for the weekend of Cave Spring hopes to raise the Aug. 15-16. M m 0 0 N ti .Q Q 0 a~ E i= a~ s 0 ~a 0 a~ ~~. INTEROFFICE MEMO From the Office of the County Administrator 772-2004 TO: Board Members FROM: Elmer Hodge C/~""- ~~~ DATE: July 18, 2003 SUBJECT: Explore Park Partnership Attached is a copy of information that Explore Park and Roanoke County staff will be presenting to Secretary of Natural Resources Tayloe Murphy on Thursday, July 24. This information has been prepared to submit to the General Assembly in an effort to form the partnership/ownership between the County, Explore Park and the National Park Service. While we are in Richmond, Paul Mahoney, Diane Hyatt, and I will also meet with bond counsel and financial advisor regarding the proposed City/County water and wastewater authority. If you have any questions, please call me. Attachment L ~' '~ INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: BOARll OF SUPERVISO S FROM: ELMER HODGE ~~~ SUBJECT: SURVEY OF UTILITY EMPLOYEES DATE: 07/18/2003 As part of the preparation for the Water and Wastewater Authority, we will be conducting a survey of the job duties of all the County and City utility employees. C-ver the next few weeks, we will be asking each Utility employee to complete a survey form. The purpose of this survey is to document the specific job duties of the employees, in order to assist in matching up equivalent positions from the City and the County. We will be explaining to the employees that it is not threatening to their positions. I wanted you to know that we were doing this, in case you get any comments or questions from the employees.