HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/22/2010 - RegularRoanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda June 22, 2010 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for June 22, 2010. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Friday, June 25, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. and on Sunday June 27, 2010, at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed-captioned, so it is important for anyone addressing the Board speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Pastor Johnny Stone Hill Street Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. BRIEFINGS D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Certificate of recognition to Rachael Sloan, Hidden Valley High School, for being selected for All-State Choir 2. Recognizing the Fire and Rescue Department for receiving two Regional Emergency Medical Services Awards Page 1 of 4 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for authorization to pick up the employee's contributions to Virginia Retirement System for Plan 2 employees (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) 2. Request to approve a resolution granting a waiver under Section 13-23 of the Roanoke County Code to the provisions of the County's noise ordinance - Article II. "Noise" of Chapter 13. "Offenses-Miscellaneous" of the Roanoke County Code to Counts and Dobyns at the request of Branch Family LLC and Timberbrook Properties -Buck Mountain Road Improvement Project (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development} F. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDAAND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes -March 23, 2010; April 13, 2010 and April 27, 2010 2. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Sarah S. Alls, Accounts Representative, upon her retirement after more than thirty-one years of service 3. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Dorothy P. Dickason, Treasurer Clerk III, upon her retirement after more than thirty-five years of service 4. Request to transfer $1.8 million from Health Insurance Reserve to the General Fund Unappropriated and Minor Capital 5. Confirmation of appointment to the Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) Board of Directors G. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS H. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS I. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Page 2 of 4 J. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Accounts Paid -May 2010 5. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances for the month ended May 31, 2010 6. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues for the month ended May 31, 2010 K. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to discuss the upcoming redesign of Roanoke County's website (Teresa Hamilton Hall, Director of Public Information; Bill Greeves, Director of Communications and Information Technology) 2. Work session on amending the policy for the use of the Roanoke County Administration Board meeting room (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 3. Work session to review policy for informational displays at Roanoke County Parks and Recreation facilities (Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) 4. Work session on the amended Roanoke County Employee Handbook (Joe Sgroi, Director of Human Resources) L. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711(A)(1): Personnel, namely discussion concerning appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals (Fire Code Board of Appeals); Social Services Advisory Board and Virginia Western Community College Advisory Board Page 3 of 4 EVENING SESSION -7:00 P.M. M. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION N. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing to receive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the fiscal year 2009-2010 budget in accordance with Section 15.2-2507, Code of Virginia (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) a) Request to appropriate an amount not to exceed $6 million for a new Glenvar Library b) Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $575,000 for fiscal year 2009-2010 to the Department of Social Services for provided services 0. PUBLIC HEARINGAND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 1. Ordinance amending Chapter 2 - "Administration" of the Roanoke County Code by the adoption of a new section 2-10- "Assessment of Court Costs to Support Local Criminal Justice Training Academy" (Daniel O'Donnell, Assistant County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, CountyAttorney~ P. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to appropriate $5,800,491 for the design and construction of the Glenvar Library (Diana Rosapepe, Director of Library Services; Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) 2. Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $575,000 for fiscal year 2009-2010 to the Department of Social Services for provided services (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) Q. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS R. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Michael W. Altizer 2. Richard C. Flora 3. Eddie "Ed" Elswick 4. Charlotte A. Moore 5. Joseph B. "Butch" Church S. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 4 ACTIQN N~3. ITEM NC. AT A REGULAR MEETING CAF THE BGARD GF UI'ERVISGRS CAF RQANC~I~E COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R(~ANGI~E COUNTY ADMINI~STRATIGN CENTER I~EETINC DATE: June 22, 2010 AGENDA 1TE~ Certificate of recognition to Rachael Sloan, Hidden Valley High School, for being selected for All-Stag Choir ~U~~If TIED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Deputy Clerk to the hoard of Super~isars A~P~R~11ED~ ~Y: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator D+DtJNTY AD~1INI~ST~ATaR'S C~-II~IENT: SLIMl~'ARY ~-F f~1FaRN1ATIN: Certificate of recognition will be presented to Rachael Sloan, Hidden Malley High School, far being selected for All-State Choir, The All-State Chair was held at The Sheraton Premiere in Tyson's Corner, Virginia on May 1, 2010. Students are selected through school, district, and state auditions and are required to perform prepared and sight reading materials in front of selected music educators from the State. Alone with Ms. Sloan and .her family, Principal Rhonda Stegall aid Jahn Meyers, Choir Director are expected to attend, ACTION N~. ITEM N~Q. AT A RE~aULAR MEETING` CAF THE BARD F SIJP`ERVISC~RS CAF R~AN~KE CC~IJNTY, VIRGINIA HEI~[~ AT THE RC~AN~I~E COUNTY AaMINISTRATI~N CENTER MEETING QATE: June ~~, 2010 AGENaA ITEM. Recagnizing the Fire and Rescue C~epartment far recei'~ving twt~ Regianal Emergency Medical Services Awards U~MITTE~ ~Y Jennifer Sextan V~alunteer and Marketing Caordinatar APPRQVE~ BY; B. Claytan Caa~dr~an III Caunty Adminstratar COUNTY A'~MINIS~T~ATG~'S COMMENTS: SUMMITRY CAF INFt~~MA~TIGN: Raanake Caunty Fire and Rescue Department has receivedtwa 200 Regianal Awardsfar C~utstanding~ Cantributi0ns to Emergency Medical Services GEMS}. The sixth annual Western Virginia EMS Cauncil Awards were presented at the awards banquet June 10, 2010, at the Salem Civic Center. The Western Virginia EMS Cauncil Awards were established in 2004 as a formal recognition of outstanding contributions to EMS in the Western Region of Virginia. Nominees are carefully reviewed~~ and selected by the Awards Selection Committee made up ofthe 2008 regional award winners. The awards are presented annuallyto recipients in ten categories. The winners in the ten categories Pram the eleven EMS regions of the Commonwealth will move on to be considered far the 2010 Governor's Awards far +~utstanding Contribution to EMS in Virginia.. Roanoke Caunty Fire and Rescue received the following Regional Awards this year: RECaIC)NAL -4A-R®TC3 THE C,)UTST~N~ING EMS A-GENC~Y The department was selected far the outstanding EMS Agency award because of their commitment to delivering quality fire and EMS services to the citizens and visitors of Roanoke County, Virginia. l~uri~ng the 2009 calendar year, the department. dedicated a new station in North Raanake Caunty to enhance fire and rescue services across the Page ~ of 0 county, upgraded their Emergency Radio System to allow the County to maintain interaperabilityith other local agencies, dedicated the new Roanoke Valley Regional Fire Training Tower that allows fi~irefighters from across the valley and beyond to train for a range of fire and rescue scenarios, contunu~ed to participate in the ~regio~na112-LeadlHeart Alert Program, continued to train students through iits accredited EMT-1 regional program located at the Roanoke Malley Regional Fire#EMS Training Center, enhanced current safety protocols and procedures to include introducing a captain's chair that has integrated enfant and toddler seats in the back of ambulances, launched the Roanoke County iPartnersAd~vancin SeniorSafet RoCaPASS initiative hosted the ~~n annual Character g y~ ~ , Academy for Kids Camp and continued to spearhead the Roanoke Regional Fire~EMS Hir%ngi Process. The department was also responsible for rescuing 6~ stranded motorists from Interstate 81 after a snow storm dumped a record ~6 inches of snow an the region and paralyzing motorists, Battalion Chief Bill 'Ruff accepted the award on behalf of the department. REI~NAL AWARD To Th~E oUTTANaIN~ PRE-HC~~PITAL PROVIDER ~~~CAPTAIN JE~~ LAWS~ON Captain Jeff Lawson was selected as the Outstanding Pre-HospitalProvider because he has been a true asset in the EMS field in the Roanoke Valley and beyond for over thirty years. Jeff started volunteering in EMS becoming certifiied at a young age and upgrading his certifications along the way. Jeff has proven himself to ~be an extraordinary Paramedic, moving up the ranks and serving as a mentor and trainer to EMS providers both in his department and regionally, At the age of 1~, Jeff started his career in EMS with the Fort Lewis Volunteer Rescue Squad, soar 'becami~ng one of the youngest EMTIInstructors yin the Commonwealth. Out of high school, Jeff went to work far Lewis Gale Emergency Room and then vuas hired by Roanoke County Sheriff's Office as a MediclDeputy Sheriff, He received his Paramedic certification through Roanoke Memorial Hospital and worked for a short stint with Salem Fire Repartme~nt before establishing what would become along-time career with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue pepartment. In ~ ~~~, Jeff was hired as one afi the original six ParamedicfFirefghters for the newly fo med Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department.. Since t'he~n, Jeff has become certified to i~~nstruct in almost every EMS su~b~ect matter including, Cardi~opu~lmonary Resuscitation, Emergency Medical Technician, Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Basic Trauma Life Support, Pediatric Advanced! Life Support and Pediatric Education for Pre-hospital Professionals. Jeff is widely recognized as one of the Commonwealth's premier instructors,., Additionally, Jeff has excelled with Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Repartment working his way u~p from a ParamediclFirefghter to Lieutenant to Captain and most recently to Fire CaptainlEMS upervisor. Jeff has spent a lifetime helping to improve the EMS System inn the Roanoke Valley and Page 2 of 3 has touched countless people with his generosity and sincere cari~n for his fellow man. Jeff has been described as "superman without a cape." Jeff is an ea~cellent candidate for the outstanding Pre-Hospital Provider. Page 3 of 3 ACTIQN NG. ITEM NO. ~ I AT A REGULAR MEETING G'l= THE BEARD GF SUPERVISGRS GF RC~ANGKE CG~NTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RaANGKE GLJNT'~ ADMI'NISTRATIGN CENTER IUIEETIN~; DATE: A~ENDAITEM: S~lB~IITTED B4': APPRC~~'ED BY: June ~~, ~Q1 Q Request for autharizatiar~ to pick up the employee's contributions to Virginia Retirement System far Plan 2 employees Diane D~ Hyatt Assistant County Ad'minstratar B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ~~' COUNTY AD~1~IiNISTRAT~R~S ~~~II~ENT~: UI~~IARYO~F INFC~RIATIC~N: In an effort to limit the increasing cost of Virginia Retirement System VRS} retirement contributions, the ~g~ a General Assembly made mayor changes to the retirement benefits far employees hired after July ~ , 2g~ ~Q. These employees will be participants in VRS Plan ~. The General Assembly also gave local governments the following options related tathe member contribution far the employees hired after July 1 ~ X01 g: 1. dour employees pay the five percent member contribution. 2. Yau elect to pick up between one and five percent of the member contribution with the balance paid by your employee. 3. You elect to pick u~p the full five percent member contribution on a sip-year, phase-in schedule. The legislation does NGTallowyou to pass alongthe paymentofthe membercantributian that a locality is currently paying far employees that were already hired prier to July 1, 2C} 10. The locality must file a form with VRS indicating their chosen method of paying employee contributions for those hind after July 1, 241' (~. if the Board wishes to pay any portiwn of the five percent employee contributions theywill need to adopt a resolution expressing this intent before June 3g, ~~~ U. The derision you make regarding member contributions remains in effect for fiscal year ~~1 ~-~g11. Your election remains in effect until you submit another resolution. Any change becomes effective the beginning of the next fiscal year, and will affect all Plan 2 members hired after July ~; ~'~1g, FISCAL IMPACT: The impact of this will only be seen as new employees are hired. If the Board drowses to pay the five percent employee contribution, there will not be any addtiwnal cost to hire a new employee after July 1, ~(~1 ~, to replace an existing employee. If the Board does not pay the five pwrdent employee contribution, the Beard will see savings over time as the current employees leave and new employees are hired~~. STAFF ~RECQ~I M EN[~ATICN: Staff recommends approving the attached resolution to pick up the five percent ~5°~~~ employee cwntributi~on for employees hired after July ~ , ~4~ g. It would be difficult to have a staff that has two different payment methods for their VRS. AT A REGULAR 'EET'1N~ ~F T'H~E B~~AR~ ~l= SUPERVISORS CAF R~ANC~I~E CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, HEI~a AT THE RGANC~KE CGUNTY AaMINISTRATIC~N CENTER QN TUESDAY, JUNE ~~, ~01~ RESOLUTION FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PICK UP THE EMPLOYEE'S CONTRIBUTION TO VIRGINIA RETIREMENT SYSTEM UNDER § 414(h) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE FOR PLAN 2 EMPLOYEES 'WHEREAS, the Virginia General Assembly, in its ~~ o session passed legislation creating a separate retirement plan for employees hired on or after July 1, 20~ D, thereafter referred to as "Plan ~ Employees"}. The legislation stipulates that Plan 2 Employees will pay their 5 ,percent member contribution and that, absent other action by the employer, such contribution will be paid through salary reduction according to Internal Revenue Code § 414 (h) on a pre-tax basis; and 'WHEREAS, the legislation allows certain employers, including the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to pick up and pay all or a portion of the member contributions on behalf of its Plan 2 Employees as an additional benefit not paid as salary; and 'WHEREAS, the election to pick up and pay all or a portion of the member contributions on behalf of its Plan ~ Employees as an additional benefit not, paid as salary shall, once made, remain in effect for the applicable fiscal year (July 1 -June 30) and shall continue in effect beyond the end of such fiscal year absent a subsequent resolution changing the way the b percent member contribution is paid; and WHEREAS, employee contributions that are picked-up as an additional benefit not paid as salary are not considered wages for purposes of VA Code § 51.1-700 et seq. nor shall they be considered salary for purposes of VA Code ~1. ~ ~10o et seq..; and Pacge 1 of 1~II~EREA, the County of Roanoke, Virginia desires to pick up and pay its Pion 2 Employees' member contributions to 1RS~ as an additional benefit not paid as salary in an amount equal to ~ percent of creditable compensation; and l-~EREAS, VR tracks such pic~+~d-up member contributions and is prepared to treat such contributions as employee contributions for all purposes of1R. N~~lll, ThJE~REFC~RE, lT lS l-i~~E~EBY ~E~~L1~Ea that effective the first day of ,July, ~~~ ~, the County of Roanoke, Virginia shall pick up member contributions of its Plan Z Employees to 1RS as an additional benefit not paid as salary in an amount equal to ~°1a of creditable compensation subject to the terms and conditions described above; and it is further RES~C~LVED that such contributions, although designated as member contributions, are to be made by the County of Roanoke, Virginia in lieu of member contributions; and it is further REC~LVED that nothing herein shall be construed so as to permit or extend an option to 1R members to receive the picked-up contributions made by the County of Roanoke, Virginia directly instead of having them paid to 1RS. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. L= -~ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELC~ATTHE ROANOKE COUNTYAnMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATEa A+GEN~A ITEM: SUBMITTED BY. PPR+DVED BY: Jung ~~, ~0~10 Request to approve a resolution granting a waiver under Section ~3-~~ of the Roanoke County Code to the previsions of the County's noiseardinance-Article II, "Noise" of Chapter 1 ~. "Offenses-Miscellaneous'' afthe Roanoke County Code to Ca~unts end Dabyns at the request of Branch Family LLC and Timberbraak Properties -Buck Mountain Road Improvement Project Arnold Covey director of Community Development B. Clayton Goodman II~ County Administrator COUNTY A~DMINISTI~ATC~R'S CC3MMENTS4 SUMM-4F~Y ~F INF~RM~-TIC~N Roanoke County received a request from Branch Family LLC and Tirnberbrook Properties requesting ~ waiver of the County noise ordinance under Section ~ 3-23 "Undue hardship waiver," from June 12, ~0~ Q, through August ~ 7, X010 Metter attached}. This waiver is requested due to the Virginia Department afTranspartation's {1DOT} request thatcertai~n road construction within ar affecting the public right-af-way be incorporated into the road work currently being constructed byalmart. Tasks that have currently been identified as those that will be performed at night include but are not limited to. . Storm drain piping and structures including iroad crossing ~. Il~ater line relocation 3. Curb and gutter, and concrete medians that. tie to US ~2o from Buck Mountain Road ~. All road widening, profiling and paving ~. Pavement marking Page ~ of 2 TIMBERBROOK PROPERTIES II, LLC P.O. BOX 20287 ROANOKE, VA 24018 (540) 989-7060 FAX (540) 989-7062 June 1, 2010 To: Roanoke County Board of Supervisors From: Branch Family LLC and Timberbrook Properties Reference: Request for Noise ordinance Waiver Members of the Board: Branch Family LLC and Timberbrook Properties request a waiver from the Noise Ordinance of Roanoke County underSection 13-23 "undue hardship waiver" so as to be able to complete certain required improvements to Buck Mountain Road during the evening hours from June 12, 2010 thru August 17, 2010. This request is being made in the interest of the public's health, safety and welfare. ~f primary concern is to ensure completion of the work prior to the opening of Roanoke County schools, Faith Christian School, and Wal-Mart in Clearbrook. The Buck Mountain Road improvements that are required include the installation of drainage pipes and related road crossings, relocation of a water pipe, installation of curb, gutters and concrete medians, road widening, and pavement marking. The above work will be incorporated into and completed with the work presently being performed on Rt 220 and Buck Mountain Road by Wal-Mart. As such, so that this work can be done in as safe a manner as possible, performing a part of this work in the evening hours during lower traffic volumes will result in safer working conditions for the workman as well as far the traveling public. In addition, by performing a portion of the work in the evening hours, the time period of disruption to the public will be minimized, thus improving the public's health, safety, and welfare as compared to if this work was stretched out over a longer period of time due work being limited today light hours only. Once the schools go back in session at the end of August/early September, the traffic volume increases significantly during the morning and mid afternoon periods. Failure to complete the work prior to the opening of the school year may create conflicts to the traveling public within this area of Rt 220 and Buck Mountain Road. Another advantage to the public of incorporating the Buck Mountain Roadwork with the Wal-Mart work is that there wi[I only be a single disruption of the traffic patterns as compared to two if this work were to be done after the completion of the Wal-Mart work. Thus the public will not have multiple disr~~ptions. Both Roanoke County Engineering Department and VDOT have strongly encouraged that this additional Buck Mountain Road work be incorporated into the Wal-Mart work, and as such, Branch Family LLC and Timberbrook Properties would like to accommodate that request. Respected Submitted, Michael M. Branch Branch Familv~LC _~~ Ste Str s Tim erbrook Prop ies Earlier this year the Board of Supervisors granted almart's contractor 4Counts and ~o~byns, Inc.} a similar request and the items that were approved for night dime work were the same items listed above. That waiver is valid from lUl~arch ~ 5, 2010, through July 2~, 201a. Counts and' ~obyns will allso be performing the work on Buck IVlountain Road; therefore, the granting of this waiver will alilow for all of the work to be coordinated in an efficient manner, resulting in less imposition on our citizens and the travelling publiic. This request. is beingmade with the intent that the work identified above 'be done in as safe a manner as possible, Staff believes the applcants¢ letter accurately reflects the benefits to be realized from. granting the waiver, There will be lower traffic volumes in the evenings resulting in safer working conditions for the workers and minimal disruption to the public. Another major factor is the avoidance of disruption to the opening of Roanoke County Schools ~Clearbrook Elementary} and nearbyFaith Christian School. The waiver will also allow for the new traffic patterns from the vllalmart develapment and this project to be open to the public simultaneously. It should also be noted th~atthe waiverwill not be utilized on an everyday basis; rather it will be used when necessary and prudent to do so. This action item was initially placed on the Board's June 8, Zo10, agenda; however, staff requested that it be removed from the agend'~a to clarify certain approval steps thatwould have to occur prior to the commencement of any work.. vllolverton and Associates had previously prepared road imp~roveme ~ ~ t plans for the Walmart project. These plans have been reviewed and approved by both the County and 1~aC~T. The applicants forthis waiver have modified these plans for their development. Therefore, these modified plans roust be reviewed and approved by Illlolverkon and Associates, Vvalmart, t'he County and V~C~T before the applicant can commence this project. FISCAL II~~ACT: There will be no fiscal impact to Roanoke County. ALT~RNATI~IES: 1. Board of Supervisors. adopt the attached resolution granting a waiver of the County noiseordinance underSection 1,~~23allowingforcertain road workrelatedtothe Buck Mountain road development during the time period from June 1' 2, 2010, to August 1l, 2010, to be peri"ormed at night. 2. Board of Supervisors does not adopt the attached resolution granting a waiver of the county noise ordinance allowing for certain road work related to the Buck Mountain Road improvement project. STAFF R~C~I~MIENC~AI~I~N: Staff recommends Alternative Cane. Page 2 of 2 ATA REGULAR MEETING ~F THE B~AI~D CAF SUPERVISORS ~~F I~t~AN~KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RUANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 2g1 RESC~LUTI~N +RANT1111!+G A V1~AIVER U~JC~ER SECTION ~-23 CAF THE RaAN~KE ~CC~UNTI~ C~~E TC~ THE PRC~VISIC~NS ~F THE COUNTY'S NOISE ORDINANCE -ARTICLE II, "NOISE" OF CHAPTER ~~. "OFFENSES -- MISCELLANEOUS" OF THE ROANC31"CE COUNTYCODE TO COUNTS AND DO~SATTHE REQUEST OF BRANCH FAMILY LLC ANC TI~IBERBROOK PROPERTIES - BUCK IOU~ITAIN ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, Branch Family LLC and Tmberb~rook Properties have requested a waiver of the County's noise ardinan~ce as contemplated under Sec.. 13-23. "Undue ~hard!shp waiver" be given to Counts and Dobyns, the contractors for the Buck Mountain 'Read improvement pro~~ect, to permithe raadi co~~nstructian to be performed at nicPubtatake advantage of laver traffic volumes ibeginning on June ~1 ~, 2~~ U, and ending August ~ 7, 2~}10r and WHE~R!EAS, Wa~lverton and Associates had ;previously prepared road improvement plans for the Walmart pra~ect. These plans have been reviewed and approved by bath the County and Virginia Department of Transpartati~on ~VDOT~. The applicants for this waiver have modified these plans far their development. Therefore, these modifiedplans must be reviewed and approved by Wolverton and Associates, Walrnart, the County and VDC~T before the applicant can commence this project; and WHEREAS, Section 13-23 of the Raanake County Code establishes certain standards for the Board of Supervisors to grant waivers from the provision of the '~Roanake County Noise +Drdnance .. Article I I. "Noise" of Chapter ~~ 3. "Gffenses - Miscellaneous" to avoid undue hardship upa~n cansderat~on of certain factors set. forth in subsection fib} of Sec 13~~3 and after making certain alternative findings. Page ~ of ~ B~ IT R~S~LV~L'~ by the Board of supervisors of the bounty of Roanoke, ~lirgnia, as follows: 1. In making its determination as to whether to grant the requested waiver to founts and Bobyns from the bounty's noise ordinance, the hoard of Supervisors has considered the following factors: a. The time ~of day the noise will occur and the duration of the noise: Beginning at approximately ~ fC~:oo p.m. on June 1 ~, X010, and ending ~~oo a.m. on August 1~, X010. b. whether the noise is intermittent or continuous: The noise produced during the process of performing road construction is done in order to take advantage of lower traffic volumes, minimizing impacts on the public, while maximizing safety to the public and construction workers. Tasks currently identified as those that will be performed at night include but are not limited to: storm drain piping and structures including road crossing, water line relocation; curb and gutter and concrete medians that tie to US Z0 from 'Buck Mountain Road; all road widening, profiling and paving and pavement marking. The noise waiver will not be utilized on a daily basis; rather it ill'be used when necessary and prudent to do so. c. The extensiveness of the noise: May be extensive attunes depending upon the nature of the work. d. The technical and economic feasibility of bringing the noise into conformance with the noise ordinance:. This work has to be completed at night in orderto minimize impacts on the traveling public, while maximizing F~age of 4 safety to the public and construction workers. Also the Virginia Department of Transportation requests that this work be done at night. e. ether matters related to the impact of the noise on the health, safety and welfare of the community and the degree of hardship resulting from enforcement of the ordinance: Work is being done at this time to avoid disruption to the opening of Roanoke County Schools (Clearbrook Elementary) and nearby Faith Christian School. f. The extent to which the noise is necessary and incidental to the commercial and industrial use generating the sound: The noise to be generated by this read work is necessary and incidental to fulfilCing the conditions of the special use permit approved by the Board of Supervisors for the Clearbrook Walmart development and will allow the Buck fountain F~oad improvement project to open to the public simultaneously to the new traffic patterns from the Walmart development. ~. The Board of Supervisors makes the following finding: Compliance with the provisions of the County's noise ordinance concerning the specific act of noise disturbance by operation of equipment for road construction under subsection (1) of Sec. 'l 3-~1. "Specific acts as noise disturbance" or under the provision of Sec. ~ 3- ~o. "general prohibition" would produce serious economic hardship for Branch. 1=amity LLGp Timberbrook Propertiesand Counts and ~ol~yns~vithoutproducing any substantial benefit. to the public, further it would result in greater impacts on the public using D.S. route ~~o, increase safety hazards bath for the public and the construction workers and be contrary to the directives of the Virginia Department of r'age~of4 Transportation. 3, That the provisions of Sec.13~21. "Specific acts as noise" subsection {1 ~ and Sec. 13-20. "general prohibition" of Article II. "'Noise" of Chapter 1~. "offenses -- Miscellaneous" be WAIVED for a period from June 1 ~, 2010, until August 17, 2010. 4. This waiver is granted specificallyto Counts and Dobyns, their officers, employees and agentsforroad constructionworkand related activitieson BuckMountain load at~oute220attheClearbrookWalMartdevelopmentin f~oanokeCounty,Virginia. ~. That this waiver i subject to the following approvals. a. Any modifications to the Wolverton and Associates road improvement plans by Lumsden Associates, on behalf of the applicant, be approved by Wolverton and Associates and Walmart b. By the County for compliance with the special use permit conditions c. By the Virginia Department of Transportation ~, That this waiver may only be extended upon written application and approval by the Board of Supervisors. ~. That this resolution shall be in full force and effect from its passage, ~'ag~e 4 of 4 F ATA REGULAR MEETING GFTFIE B~]ARU C~FSUPERVI,S+~RS GF RGAN~JI~E CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, MELD AT THE R~DANC~~CE CGUNTY AC~MIN~ISTRATIGN CENTER GN TUESDAY, JUNE ~~, 2g1 v RESt~LUT~+~N A~~R~VING AN~~~N+~RRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET ~~RTH ~N THE B~3ARD +~F SUPERIIIS~RS AGEN~~A FC~R THIS GATE. I~ESI~GNATE©AS ITEM F-+NSENT AENQA BE IT RESGLVEa by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors fc~r June ~~, 201 g, designated as Item F -Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval ofminutes -March ~3, Z010; April 13, ~g1 o and April ~, 2g1 v ~. Resolution e~cpressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Sarah S. APIs, Accounts Representative, upon her retirement after more than thirty-one years of service 3. Resolution expressingtheappreciation vfth Board of S~uperv~isars of Roanoke County to ~~Uarathy P. Dickasvn, Treasurer Clerk lll, upon her retirement after more than thirty-five years of service 4. Request to transfer $1.8 million from Health Insurance Reserve to the General Fund Unappropriated and Minor Capital 5. Confirmation of appointment to the Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) Board of Directors ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1 AT A REGDLAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~1F ROAN+DI~E COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITE'~M: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED ~Y: June 22, 2g1 g Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Sarah S. AIIs, Accounts Representative, upon her retirement after more than thirty-one years of service Deborah C. Jacks Deputy Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator RvY' BOUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Sarah S. Alls, Accounts Representative will retire on June 30, 2010, after more than thirty- oneyears of service. She will not he attending the meeting, STAFF RECOIti~MENDATION: Stafif recommends adoption ofth attached resolution, ATA REGULAR MEETING oFTHE BOARD of SUPERVISORS of RoANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RoANO~E CC7UNTY ADMINISTRATi~N CENTER oN TUESDAY, JUNE ~, 2010 RE,SOL~UTION EXPRESSING THE APPRE~GIATi~N of THE BoARQ o~F SUPERV'IS~RS of RC~AN~KE COUNTY To SARAH . ALLS, ACCOUNTS REPRESENTATIVE UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER MORE THAN THIRTY-ONE YEARS of SERVICE 'WHEREAS, Sarah S. Ally was hired on June 1, 1 ~?~, as ~ Clerk Typist; promoted to Clerk Stenographer on July 1, 1080; Account Clerk II on February 1, 1 g81, and lastly was promoted to the position of Accounts Representative on July 1, 200; and WHEREAS, I'Ills. Alin retired as Accounts Representative on June 80, 2010, after a total of thirty-one years and one month of devoted, faithful and competent service with the County; and WHEREAS, during her time as Accounts Representative, Ms. Alls was responsible for providing excellent customer service to those depa~ments to which.. she was assigned; and WHEREAS, Ms. Alls was also responsible for promptly and accurately processing payments to County vendors, employees and citizens; and WHEREAS, Nis. Alls processed payments for the Board of Supervisors, bounty Administration, Community Development, Library, Palice, Finance and Human Resources; and WHEREAS, Ms. Alls was also responsible for payments for the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority, Roanoke Valley Television and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority. Page 1 of 2 iN'ovV, THBRBFoRE, BE ~T ~~RBSOL~IB~ that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke bounty expresses its deepest a~ppre~ciaton and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to ~ARA~H S. ALLS for more than thirty~o~ne years o~ capab~le,loyal, and dedicated service to~ Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best v~ishes for a happy and productive retiren~enti Page Z of 2 ATIC~N N0. ITEM NO. ~~ AT A REGULAR I~EETIN~ CAF THE ~C3AR~ ®F SUPERVISC~I~S ~F RC~AN~KE ~~UNTY, VIRGINIA HELDATTHE RC~AN~K'ECC~UNTYA~IVI'INI~TRATIC~N ~ENTE~ I~IEETING [SATE: AGENDA ITEI~I: SI~~I~ITTEa BY: AF'PR+~VED BY: J ~ ne ~, 2010 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Qorothy P. Qickason, Treasurer Clerk III, upon her retirement after morethan thirty- five years of service Qek~orah C. Jacks deputy C'Ierk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator 13UY C~I~NT~' A~MINISTRAT~I~~S C~II~IVIEI~TS~ SUI~IARY ~F INF~RMATIC~N: aorothy ~. C~ickason, Treasurer Clerk III -~ill retire on July 1, 2010, after r~o~re than thirty five years of service. She ~vl1 not be attending the meeting STAFF REC~IVIIVIENDATIC~N; Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. ATA REGULAR MEETING CAF THE SGARD CAF SUPERVISORS GF RUANGI~E CGUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE RUANt~I~E C+~UNTY ADMINISTRATI~4N CENTER GN TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 20~ o RES~QLIJTI~N E~CPRESSIN THE A~PRE~IATIC~N ~~' THE BC~ARa ~F ~UPERVIS+~RS ~F R~AN(71~E COUNTY TC~ C~~!R~THY P. UIC~(ASON, TREASURER ~LER~C III, UPON' HER RETIREMENT AFTER MORE THAN THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Dorothy P. Dickason was hired on February 1, 1 g75, as Account Clerk I and was promoted through the ranks to Treasurer Clerk 11 then subsequently promoted to Treasurer Clerk 111 on June 8, 19~8~, and WHEREAS, Mrs. Dickason retired as Treasurer Clerk III on July 1, X010, after a total of thirty-five years and five months of devoted, faithful and accomplished service with the County; and WHEREAS, during her time as Treasurer Clerk, Mrs. Dickason,, was first hired to work park-time during her high school' years as a teenager in theRoanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Dickason, during these early years was responsible for manually reviewing the Treasure~r1s Gffice tax books and would hand write the delinquent tax tickets that were to be mailed; and WHEREAS, !Mrs. ~Di~ckason, survived these early years to see the Treasurer's Gffice convert to its first. electronic billing system; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Dickason, proved herself to be a model of consistency in her attendance and work ethic; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Dickason, acted in accordance with the appropriate integrity worthy of every County employee; and Page 1 Qf 2 WHEREAS, Mrs. Dckason, pursued a higher level of job performance for the advancement of her skills through professional educational courses administered through the Weldon Cooper Center of the University of Virginia for the T~reas~urers' Association of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Dickason, has held herself accountable to a higher standard in the performance of her duties to adhere to the monetary fiduciary responsibilities beholden to public trust. NoW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of RoanokeCounty expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Dvra~hy P`. Dickas~n far more than thirty-five years of capable, loyal, and, dedicated service to Roanoke County;., and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and. productive retirement. Rage 2 of 2 ACTION NG . ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARa OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HEL®AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETI'N DATE: A~GEN©A ITEM: SUBMITTEQ BY: APPR~UEU BY, June 2~, ~g1 g Request to transfer $1.8 million from Health Insurance Reserve to the General Fund Unappropriated and Minor Capital Rebecca Owens Director of Finance B, Clayton "Clay" Goodman Ill CauntyAdministratar ~` C~}UNTY AUMINISTRATC~R'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY ~F IN F~RMATI~N: The County of Roanoke and Roanoke County Public Schoals participate in a joint health insurance program for eligible employees. The Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ~RVRA} and the Vllestern Virginia Regional Jail Author~~ity ~wVRJA}else participate in our plan. This medical plan is self-funded with reinsurance coverage to protect the financial risk assumed~~. Under the current contract, reinsurance is composed of two elements: specific and aggregate stag lass. The specific step Vass threshold is Zaa,aaa. Specific reinsurance protects theplan from any catastrophic claims paid an a memberduring the plan year.. The aggregate limit of 11 ~ percent prefects the total financial liability assumed for fihe plan at 15 percenfi above "expected" claims level, Over the past several years the health insurance reserves have increased as a result of premiums set at maximum liability, laver claims experiences and transfer of unused health budgets to reserves. At the May 11, g~U, board meeting, a presentation an the health insurance reserves was made to the Soard. Staff recommended having a reserve of 4~~ millian. Following the presentation a request was made to obtain an expert opinion with regard to adequate reserve levels. Page 1 of 2 At the June ~, 201 ~, beard meeting, a work session was held to present the recommendation from the County's consultant with. regard to an appropriate reserve level for the health insurance. Ms. 1Nhite, Senior Vice President of 'I~~I'ells Fargo Insurance Se~rvi~ces provided the experkopinion and recommended herding anywherefrom $5.~to$~6 million in the health insurance resenrefor nextyear. An adequate and healthy reserve should allowfunding forthe following: Claims incurred but not reported ~IBNR~ +~ Aggregate risk level {11~°r'~~ • Adverse claim fluctuations, sharp rate increases and uncertainty in the market Health care reform • UVellness Clinic After a review of the information presented and discussion, the Board indicated a reserve in the amount of 5- million was appropriate and should be reviewed each year during the budget process. The Beard directed staff to transfer 1.~ million from health insurance reserves and allocate ~9~00,00o to General Fund Unappropriated and ~900,00o to the Minor Capital. The health insurance reserves will be reviewed each year during the budget process with the Board to determine an appropriate level. FIS+~AL I~IP'ACT. Health insurance reserves are projected to be at approximately $~ million at June 30, X010, after transferring 1.~ million to the General Fund and Capital Fund. The General Fund Unappropriated balance will increase to $19~,g5g-,122 which is 10.9 percent of General Fund revenues. The County's policy goal is 11 percent. The Minor Capital will increase by X900,000. STAFF RECCII~MEN'DATI~N. At the Boards direction, staff recommends transferring 1.8 million from the health insurance reserves and allocating 9oo,oQO to the general fund unappropriated balance and $900,00o to the Minor Capital. No appropriation is required. Page ~ of 2 ACTION NUJ. ITEM NG. AT A REGULAR MEETING CAF TIDE BEARD aE UPERVI~C~R~ GF R~AN+C~CE CC~UNT~, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R~AN~KE COUNTY ADMINIBTRATIGN CENTER I~EETII'~G DATE: June 22, 20 A~EI'~DA ITE~IIII: Confirmation of appointr~ent to the Total Action Against Poverty TAP} Beard of Directors 54JBI~ITTED BY: Becky R. Meader Clerk to the Beard APPR~3VED B4': B. Clayton Goodman III Count Administrator ~'-~ y DC~UP~TY ADI~11N1T~ATR'S ~C~I~IIENT: SUMMARY ~F IC~FC~RMATiC~N: During the closed meeting on June 8, X01 ~, it was the consensus of the Board to appoint Torn Rotenberry to represent Roanoke County on the Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors. Confirmation of the appointment has'deen placed on the Consent Agenda. GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA J-1 of General Amaur~t Fund Revenue Prior report balance $ 1 T,493,808 9.55°l~ ~-ddition of 2908-2009 operations 1,555,314 Audited balance at dune 30, ZQO9 19,059,122 Balance at June 22, 2010 $ 19,059,122 10.21% ~~ f~ote~ Gn Qecember 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. 2008-99 a range of 9.0%~-10.o°~'Q of General Fund Revenues 2058-2D09 General Fund Revenues X181,259,899 9.9% of General Fund Revenues X15,313,391 10.x% of General Fund Revenues X18,125,990 *~ 2009-10 a range of 9.5%-10.5% of General Fund Revenues 2009-10 General Fund Revenues X185,155,550 9.5% of General Fund Revenues X11,141,812 10.5% of General Fund Revenues $19,509,438 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 10.2.1 °l~ vrhich is within the range of our goal for 2009-10. The County's goal is to increase the balance over time to 11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Qwens Directar of Finance approved By B. Clayton Goodman 111 County Administrator ~ J-2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES ~inc~r C+~~nt capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Amount Audited balance at June 30, 200' 1,93~,~11.20 Addition at X00$-009 ~oparatians $1,1~8,~80.00 July ~4, X009 Appropriate funds to compensate the City of Raana~l~e tar the fair value ~10~,~{~4.00} of the firing range and driving range March 9, 2010 Appropriate funds far the purchase of electronic pallbaoks ~1,2Z0.00} Balance at June 2~, 2010 $x,845,233.20 Major Cvunt~ Capital Reserve (P're~ec~s in tJ~e ~'iP, debt payments ~Q expec~i~e ~ro~ec~s ia~en~ified' in Cif, ana~ ian~',~~urcf~ase o,p,~ortunities.) Unaudited balance at June 30, 2000 $2,330,030.00 Balance at June 22, 2010 submitted By Approved By Rebecca E. Dwens Director of finance B. Clayton Goodman 111 County Administrator ~~ ~2,3~~,0~0.0 J-3 RESERVE FAR ~~AR~ ~~~JT~I~EN~Y C~UNfiYC~F R~AN~KE, VERINEA Amount Frain 2009-2010 Original Budget $100,000.00 flay 26, 2aa9 Appropriation of funds for the lease of property far the temporary X15,000.00 location of the N~It. Pleasant Library June 9, 2009 Appropriation far Legislative Liaison ~2~r00D.aa~ August 2.5, 2..009 Appropriation far Interstate-$1 Corridor Coalition X1,000.00} December 1 ~, 2009 Appropriation far assessment of Appalachian Power Company ~negatiatians X3,094.00} January 12, 2010 Appropriation to William Byrd High Schaal Drama Club X2,500.00} April 13, 2010 Appropriation to upgrade the Board Raom microphone system X12,515.35} Balance at June 22, 2010 41,230,05 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton ~aodman III County Administrator ACTIGN ~NG. AT A REG~IL~AR MEETING GF THE BOARD C-F S~lPERVIGR ~JF R~AN~KE C+DUNTY, VIRGINIA HE~.D AT THE R~ANGKE CGDNT~' ADMINISTRATI~QN CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM; SUBMITTE© BY: AI~I~R~DVED BY: CGUNTY AaMINITRATC~R' CGMMEN~TS. June 22, ~Q1 D Acceunts Paid-May ~~~ a Rebecca E. C}wens Dlrectc~ref Finance ~, Clayten Gc~t~dm~an III County Ad~ninistrat~ar ~~' ITEM N~. J^~ SUMMARYGF INFGRMATIGN Payments to Venders Payroll 9~11411(~ Payroll D5128119 Manual Checks Grand Tatal aired 'Depvsi~ 1,191,3~9.~~ 1,151,19~.~3 Checks Taal 4, a~8, ~~3.91 119,315.3 ~ f~~ f ~ ~ ~~. 1 1~~,341.3~6 1,19,533.19 2, 319.93 ~, 319.93 5,511,1~.4~ A detailed' listing cf the payments is on file with the Clerk to the hoard of Supervisors. O N V ~ ~ ~ G. Q ,~ I C 7 C W C I~ VI Ir 7 t~ C ~ 4~ d c~ K ~ W G ,_ ~_ ~ •~ ~~ ~ C~ 'D ~ ~C C E Q ~ W Q ~ ~ ~ G. ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~, ~ Q C '~ ;~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1~? v.+ p '~+ LL ~_ L Q E D N ~_ v`r -- N (~ OD ~ (D f*4 ~ fl7 r (~ ~7 N i!7 r ~} N to ~ 4' O O O [~ ~ © ~ f'-- r c~? 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Q ~ C A~ t~ I Ri 3 + + is ~ ~ a~ a ~ C v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4V ~ C ~ C Gi ). ~ QJ C ~a 7 ~ +~ ~ v ~ ~ ,~ ~ ,~ .~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ 1~ii ~ Y D) 'o C ~ ~ C +~ m "~ p ~tC ,~, ~a o ~, a o 0 ~ t w ~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ ~ 41 N ~ C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~} ,N ~ ~ r 07 tl? ~ ~ 1~\ F +}i L ~ LL . tii. L ~/ ~© L U a a .'~ £`l ~i' v1 J " O r 1r r a rn ~ N a ~ N ~ Q ~ ~ ["~ G• I~ N ~ ~ r p d t0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ty CV h i ~ ~ M C7 Q ~ ~ r T r t r CD ~. h M D G- N N N r o ~ ~ a Qy r r e~' h N O O N N N N ~ r r r h p 00 00 tD rn +~ ~ O er' ~ N ~ ti M h ~ Kt ` 1~ N !" e'J M o0 (D 00 tp M Cri tp r ! C ~"~ C~7 l"'h flb b' CC7 t0 O ~ ~ N t~f u m ~ L a~ N ~. L ~ (~ ~ C r ~ ~ ~ ++ ++ 10 V }" ~ O ACTioN No. ITEM N0~ AT A REGULAR MEETING of THE BOARD of SUPERVISORS of RoANOI~CE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RoANOKE COUNTY' ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June ~2, ~~~ o AGENDA. ITEM: Work session to discuss the upcoming redesign of Roanoke County's ebsite ~U~I~IITTED BY: Teresa Hamilton Hall Director of Public Information 8 i I l G reeves Director of Communications and Information Technology APPI~oVED BY: B~ !Clayton Goodman III County Administrator CoUNTYADMINISTRAToR'S DoI~~lENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMATION: The County's Communications and Information Technology Department and Public information office are working together to oversee the redesign of Roanoke County's website. The County has contracted with Civic Plus to design the new site and assist County staff in creating web pages that will be easier for citizens and other visitors to navigate. This time has been setasideto providethe hoard of Supervisorswith an update on the project including why a redesign of the County's current website is needed, what wili be involved in the project and key dates throughout the redesign process prior to "going live" with the redesigned site, which, at this time, is expected to occur in November. ACTION NG. ITEM NO. ~' Z AT ~- REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD GF SUP~ERVISC~RS GF RGANC~I~E C+CUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE Rc~AN+CKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATI{~N CENTER MEETIP~G GATE. AGENDA ITEM: S'~B>UIITTED 8Y June 22, 2010 work Session on amending the policy for the use of the Roanoke County Administration Board meeting morn Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ~{~UNTY AQMINISTRAT~R' ~~M~IENTS. StJM~IAR'~ ~F INF~RMATI~N: The Board of Supervisors discussed amending the policy for the use of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting room in a work session on May 11, 2010. A draft amendmentto this policy was prepared for the Beard's cons%deration at its May 25, 2018, meeting, At that meeting the Board decided to further study the proposed amendments to this policy on June 8, 2010, and then dec%ded that an additional work session was necessary. Based upon previous Board comments it appears that it will continue to allow non- governrnental uses of the Board r©om subject to requiring the hiring ©f an off-duty police officer for security purposes in lieu of a base fee. In addition, more stringent rules for the use of this meeting room are proposed. These changes are highlighted on the attached draft policy. STAFF RE~CC~I~IIVIENQATIC~N: It is recommended thatthe Board provide staffwth its comments astotheseamendments to this policy. ~If the Beard decides to amend its policy then this item would, be placed on yourJuly 13, 2010, agenda foradoption oron yourJuly2~, 2010, agenda at~00p,m. for a public hearing. OPTION B ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING ROOM RENTAL AND USE POLICY Roanoke County Administration Center ~RCAC~ ~~a4 Bernard Drive, Raanake, VA 24a~ ~ . D. Box 2~8aa, Roanoke, VA 2~a18-g7~8 Telephone: ~~a-7~~-aa~ Fax: X40-~7~-~ 1 ~3 E-mail: bas roanokecountyva.gov ~. Permitted Uses din order ofprarity}and Fee Schedule: A. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County B. Raanake County: departments, employees, agencies, committees and commissions application required C. State and Federal government: officials and agencies D. Nan-governmental: civic cultural,political, and religious a~~nd educational groups application required E. ~lf any non-governmental use extends beyond 1 o:g4 p.m., an additional per hour fee will be charged. ~. Permitted Uses As Approved by the Board of Su ervisors: A. Social gatherings ~appli~cation required B. If any social gathering use extends beyond 1 a:aa p.m., an additional per haurfee will be charged. ~. Prohibited Uses: A. Commercial uses B. Fund-raising uses -No Fee -Na Fee -Na Fee 4. No smoking, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drinks or food are allowed. Non-governmental users shall be required to clean the room after use and to deposit all trash in the outside dumpster. 5. No fires, flamosr or burning of any material is permitted in the meeting ream.. ..-.. Animals are not ;prmitte~_ in the r~egtir~_g room, with the exception of gu%de or corn .anion animals. 7. Perr~ission tv use a s ecific area does not ive the user the ri ht to an other arias in the building. User a sumes responsibility for seeing that participants ink rental are gra~erl-~ iced. Children attendin meetin with adults must have adult supervision at all times. Therrr~astats era preset and era net to be chan~ ed. Firs exits are clearly marked. Thy County reserves the right to refuse the use of said facilities ta~ any user who does net cam~aly with the above regulations. Groups are net to charge admission or ask liar donations at any meeting. ~. if required per above, an ,~,~~lica~or~ ~vr Use must be completed as soon as passible prior to the date of the event. Approval will be via letter. 1a. Applications can be obtained by contacting the Clerk's office at 7~~-a05 or bas Q roanokecountyva.gov. 11. Naorgan~zat~on outside of the Roanoke County government may use the name or address of the RCAC as its off cial address or headquarters. 1 Grganizations balding meetings assume responsibility far any damage to the ream or contents. The ream must be left in a neat and orderly condition. if additional cleanup is required, the organization will be notified and charged far this service. The organization will indemnify and bald harmless Roanoke County foram any and all claims far damages or injuries arising out of the use of the Eoard Meeting Roam. 1 ~. Ala aNE will be permitted to be in the designated area of the ward of Supervisors dais; or beyond the padiurn. ~Na ECEPTINS~. Absolutely na attachments to the walls. 14. Flo additional furniture ar equipment other than that situated in the Beard Meeting Raam is to be used without approval. The r~Q~n is t~ k~e used fir cangregati~nal seating only, Raam capacity is 1 ~ with stadium seating capacity of 1 a1. 15~. Use of ether equipment is considered a special request and permission must be granted in advance. 1 ~. Deposit~Security User Fees: A, If anon-governmental event ~1.[~ ar .A) is held before or after the normal business hours of ~.aa a.m. ta5.a~0 p.m., custodial serviceswill be arranged far and paid to Raanake County General Services department at the rate of ~4.~aolh~aur. The party renting the ream must contact General Services at ~~$7-~~~ to make payment arrangements. , . .. ! ." ~. 1 ^ f Rental an+d Use Palmy Board of '~uper~risars Meeting Room An~en~e~ fi-~~-1 ~ B. A user fee of 5.~olhour ~ hour minimun will be required costs to pay for off County police officer attending the meeting. 1 ?. The person requesting use of the Board Meeting Room assumes the responsibility for adherence to the ~e~~~~ ar~d Use Pc~l~c~ for the Board Meeting Room. The responsible person, or a person specifically designated, shall be present at all times during use of the room. 18. These rules are subject to change by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors The County Administrator is authorized by the Board to develop ruins and regulations concerning the use, scheduling and operation of the Board Meeting Room, 19. ~PE~IAL ~IoTE The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors reserves the rightto alter or amend any previously approved or scheduled use of the Board Meeting Room for governmental purposes. 20. Due to limited parking at the RCAC, use of the Board Meeting Room may be denied based on the parking requirements of the requesting organization, 21. An application must be completed when a County employee is requesting use of the room fora professional organization and custodial charges may be assessed if the meeting is held after normal business hours. ~I. l~oa~~ake ~Coun~ty yard of ~p-er~s©rs dental and Lase ~'+~1ey fir other RCAF 11~eetin~'rainin~ Roams (lo~catect ~-~ the. nth Floor of the RC~-~~ ~. l~errr~itted C~se~ din corder ol: prarity and Fee Schedule A,. Board old ~upervi~QrS ~. Roanoke County: l~epartrnents may lie scheduled n~ing -No Fee ~roup~G'ise or bey centactin the County Administration executive Secretary at ~~~.7?2.~~~~. . Agencies Corr~mttees and +~omirnissions. -+a Fee application required l~. Joint tra~nln~ sessions with other local governments, -I~o Fee ,State, and federal agencies. application required.} E. State and Federal government agencies which may -No Fee conduct events or hearings that serve loanoke County residents. application required} ~. o other uses are perrr~itted. 3. A~n application will lie regquired of alt except. the Beard of Supervisors. 4. Applications can, be obtained by contactin,~ Board of Supervisors. Rental and Uae Policy ~ ward of Supervisors Meeting Room Amended ~-~2-1 Q ~~ard a~ ~uperv~s~rs' +Off~ce 524 Bernard Drive, P, ~. $ax Z~~(~ ~. Na ~or~ar~izat~~n ~~ut~ide of the Raa~oke ~our~ty averr~~nent r~a~r ~~e the name ~~ address ~~ the ~.A~. as its c~~fc~al address ~r headquarters. f~en~V~ti~nS: Security-After heurs Acct~unt~bility: Microphone/Speakers (Equipment) Rental and USe i'viicy 4 ward of Supervisors Meeting ~wQm Ar~en~de~d G-~2~10 ACTION N0. ITEM N0. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: June 22, 2010 Work session to review policy for informational displays at Roanoke County Parks and Recreation facilities Pete Haislip Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism B. Clayton Goodman III ~~- County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside to review draft policies from Parks, Recreation and Tourism staff for informational displays in the lobby of Roanoke County Parks and Recreation facilities. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1l'`t" AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BvARQ OF SUPERVIBVRS vF RvANvKE GvUNT`Y, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RvANvI~E GvUNTY ADMINISTRATI~JN CENTER MEETING DATE: June ~~, ~U1 D AGENDA ITEM: Work session vn the emended Roanoke County Employee Handbook SUBMITTED ~Y: Joe Sgroi Director of Human Resources AF'PRO~'ED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III Count Administrator ~~'-- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR`S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Employee Handbook ~Handbook~ hasfrvm time to time been changed tocomplywith federal and state !ew es e[I es to address changing workplace issues. The last revision to the Handbvvkwes presented to the Board of Supervisors in 2vv~when the edvption ofthe Flexible Leave Plan was the focus. A summary of the proposed revisions is ettached to this report. As is our practice, the proposed revisions were presented to the Eteam and the Employee Advisory Committee for review and comment. Those meetings were mostly informative i~n nature, but one issue resulted in divided viewpoints. Workplace Violence is the section in the Handbook that contains policy revision for which we need your guidence. Primarily the contention is around weapons on the worksite and specifically guns in vehicles parked by employees on Gvunty property. Hunters and other sportsmen want tv be able to have firearms stored in vehicles on Gvunty property. Below is prvpvsed language far the Handbook on conduct that is prohibited. P~~sessi~r~ c~ ~ w~a ~n w~iTe ~~ ~©~nt ro erg ~~ whiT~ on ~c~un~ busi~~ss. ~~ertfiec~, swa,rn ~ffic~~~ of tie Ra~n~ke Jaunty P~Tc~, ~heri~f and F~.r~ MaarshaT~. ~e~a~tments ~.~e ~xem~t from t~ais s~~tic~n ~ t~.e ~~Ti~y Human Resources conducted a survey of Virginia governments and found that 76 percent had policies that prohibited employees from possessing weapons (except where required by the job) in the workplace or government property. Three of the seventeen survey Page 1 of ~ respondents allowed possession of guns in personal vehicles parked an government praperky. only ~~ percent. had' policies an workplace violence prevention. This is of course but anefacetofthe issue. ''!orkplacevialence is an issue that statistics show is significant and that employers attempt to manage with policies and actions to prevent incidents. An average of `l .l million people were victims of violent crime while working Oran duty in the United States, according to a report published bythe Bureau of Justice Statistics ~BJS}, each year from ~ gg3 through 1 g'g9. BJS Survey of vU'arkplace Violence Prevention, Zgg~, asked whether an incident of workplace violence had occurred during the past year and, if so, how had the incident affected the staff and had the emplayerimplementedchangestareducetheriskaffurtherincidence. U1lhilefivepercent of all establishments, including State and local governments, had a violent incident, half of the largest establishments employing 1,aaa or more workers reported an incident. The higher reported incidence of violence in State and local government workplaces may be attributed to their work environments. These workplaces reported much higher percentages of working directly with the public, having a mobile workplace, working with unstable or violent persons, working in high crime areas, guarding valuable goods or property and working in community based settings than did private industry. A ~aa~ report from the BJS shawl that sixteen percent of workplace fatalities were caused by assaults and violent acts. A May ~gQ~ study published in the American Journal of Public Health found thatworkplaces where guns were permitted were five to seven times mare likely to be the site of a workplace homicide compared to workplaces where duns are prohibited. FISQAL IMPACT: Funding is not an issue. ALTERNATIVES: A. Adopt the revisions to the Employee Handbook in the attached summary including the language which prohibits weapons in the workplace and County property (including parking lots). B. Adopt revisions to the Employee Handbook in the attached summary with modification to the language to prohibit the possession of weapons in the workplace and prohibit displaying of weapons on bounty property including parking fats. STAFF RE~CaM~IENQATIaN: Staff recommends Alternative A above. Page 2 of 2 June ~~ ~ a Handbook Revisions County Administrator Message I~.eplace ECH welcome page with Clay Goodman Wage ~ -Add ADA Policy ADA Policy The Americans with Disabilities Act ADAM prohibits discrirninatian against qualified individuals with disabil' hies in regard to application procedures, hiring, advancenraent, discharger compensation, training or ether terrr~s, conditions and privileges of en~aplayment, and requires reasonable accarr~modatian far qualified individuals with disabilities so that they can perform the essential functions of the jdb in question. It is l~oandke County's policy to comply with all federal, state and local laws concerning the employment of persons with disabilities. Page 4 -~ Tykes of Ap~pai~tments - Devised to clarify meaning of statement ~y es of l~,mplo rr~ent Status 1~~~~plc~y~~~cnt statuses f~7~~ o~~~~t~r positions include regular full-tune, part-time or ternpara~~~~r. regular full-time positions are outlined il~ the Classification Plan. These pasitians usually have no fixed duration of service and are eligible to receive all employee benefits. Part-tune positions work ~~a ~~~~~re ~1~~~~~ ~~ hours per week. E~~~la~lcc~ i~~ temporary positions ~~re hired far a specific time frame, normally na mare than six months. Bath temporary and part,time employees are paid an an hourly basis Page 4 - Probationary Period - Revision included that probationary employees are net eligible far another jab while in probationary period Page ? -Direct Deposit -Add statement that County can retract erroneous deposits Page S - +~T CQmpensatian far 1'~an-exempt Elm .~layee -Added stated to comply with state law far public safety. Paid forms of leave are considered actual works hours tar the purposes of calculating overtime far employees whale primary duty is law enforcement ar fire protection Page 1 ~ -Health and Dental Insurance -Revised t® comply with retiree health insurance guidelines • l ~ ye{rrs full years of continuous full-time employment with no break in service to be eligible; i enrolled in the health andlar dental plans far at least ~ years at the time of retirement; • !overage ends at age ~, dependents may remain on plan uiatil age b Page 1 ~ - Virg i~ nia Retirement S s -revised t~ include ~D l (~ General Assembly change to add VRS Plan 2 far employees hired or rehired after July 1, ~~Ia Page 16 - Reco ninon -Deleted special Board recognition language mploye~s are ~~onor~cl anr~ual~y by ~l~e ~oarc~ of ~'up~rvsors, normally at a ~oar~l me~tin~, and art given a ~'~toiG~e of s~er~lc°e a~ard.~. Page l~ -Extra Mile Club - Remove as program no longer exists Pages 1 ~, 20, ~ 1-Leave accruals rounded to 2 digits for FLP, annual and sick Page 1"~ -Statement regarding Secondary employment and FLP added: Flexible Lea~Ac and Secondary n~ploy~r~e~~ Employees who are utilizing flexible leave on the basis ~ a medical authorisation nay not work at their secondary employment unless they receive the prier permission of their department director. Page 24 -Sick Leave Bank -Language added to clarify grandfathered plan only, remove references to enrollment: The Sicl~ Leavy dank is a grandfathered program only for those employees who remained iri the traditional a~~~ual and sick. leave plans. Page ~4 -Absences for Maternity and_Paternity -Language added to state that absence runs concurrent with FMLA Page 25 - FMLA -Revised FMLA policy with new employer notice requirements (policy attached) Page Z+6 -Leave without Pay_ -LTD added to list of insurances Page 30 - Holida ~ - clarification that holiday not paid while on STD1I:~TD Pages 3~ 33 o Employee classification & Position Reclassification -~ reference to ~o'b Evaluatian Team changed to Human Resources Page 38 -Severe Weather Policy -clarifications to policy statement (policy attached) Page 40 -Social Media Policy added (attached) Page ~7 -Dismissals - Add possession of dreg para,~~ernalca to list Page So - ~~rkplace violence Polio- Add statements prohibiting weapons and threats in workplace (policy attached} 2 Page Z~ - FLAB The federal Famil and l~'ledical Leave Act of 1~~ and as amended ~~~5 and throe h the National. Defense ~-uthori~ation A~.ct I~R ~b~7 rovides u to l ~ weeks of un aid job protected leave to eli able employees for the f~allowin reasons: For incapacity d~pre~prenatal medical care or child birt~~ ~ ~"~ care for the e~~ to ee's child after birth or lacernent for ado tion or faster care ~ ~~ care for the employee' spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition, or ~ For a serious health condition that rn~kes the employee unable to perform the employee's 'ob, serious health condition is an illness in'ur m airment h sisal or mental condition that involves either an overnight sta in a medical care facility, or cantinuin treatment by a health care provider for a condition that either prevents the ernpl~o,: ee from performing the functions of the employee's~ob, or prevents the qualified fancily member frem. p~ticpatin~, in school or other daily activities, ,~ub~ect to certain conditions, the continuing treatment requirement may be rnet by ~ period of il~capacity of more than consecutive calendar days combined with ~t least two visits to a health care provide or one visit and a re%g mien ~f centinuin;~ treatment, ~r inca~~act~ due tc~ ~pre~anCy. Qr a chronic condition Eli ible employees with a pause, child, or ,parent on active duty or called to active duty status i~a the National ward or l~.eserves in support of a contr~~ e~nc~peration may use their 1 ~-week 1~~ve_ entitlement to address ~certai~~ ~ualfyi~~enci~es. _ Qualf exiencxes may include attendin, certain mll~tar~ever~ts, a~~rar~,n~ for altern~.tiv~ childcare, addressing certain financial and le al arranen~ents, attendin certain caunselin,~ sessions and attendinpost-deployment reintegration briefn` s. ~1L~ also includes a special. leave entitlement that hermits eligible empees to take up to ~ weeks of leave to care for a covered service member during a r~~le ~~-month peri~~d, _A covered service member is a current member of the ~-rmed Forces, including a member of the National ward ~r deserves, who has a serous Ynaur~ ar l~lness Incurred ~n the line of duty an active duty that may render the service member medically unfit to perform his or her duties far which the service member is under,~onmedical treatment, recuperation ar ~hera~y or is in outpatient status or is on the temporar, disabil~t~ r~et~red list. The caregiver leave provision also includes veterans who are under,in medical treatment. recu eration or theca far serious in'ur or illness that occurred an time Burin the five ye~precediu~ the date of treatment, burin FI~L~- leave eli ible em to ees are entitled to continued roe health Ian coverage on the_ same terms as if the employee had continued to work, upon return. from F1LA leave, most empties must be restored to their aril or e uivalent position with equivalent ~ ay, benefits anal other employment terrus. Empl~ayees are eli ible for FLA if they have worked for at least one year, for ~,2~ hours over the revious 1~ months, The fount uses a rollin ~-month erod measured backward.. from the date an em loyee used any FMI~A leave. The _County requires e_l_iible employees to substitute accurrYUlated paid leave time to FMLA unpaid absences. Employees must provide o days advance notice of the need to take FMLA leave when ^ 7 the need is fdreseeable. mien o days advance notice is not possible, the emp~~ ~ must provide notice as soon a pra+~ti~cable and must comply with norrnai call-tn procedures. To be considered for FMI~A leave, an employee should notify their immediate supervisor and request an FMI~A aplication_from the Department of Duman Resources. Pa~~e 38 - severe weather PaIYC_y Employees are responsible far reporting to work on time. when weather conditions cause transportation or reporting to work problems, the employee n7ust contact the appropriate supervisor. If the supervisor decides the employee is not required to report to work, or to re~~~aiz~ ~:t w~~~~k ~l~.~c ~~~ R~eve~e_wcatl~cr, the supervisor may let the employee take leave or co ~~ pensatory tune cif eligibles or leave without pay as appropriate. An employee who fails to make a reasonable effort to get authorization for an absence maybe subject to disciplinary action, Department management will inform employees who maybe required to remain at work or report to work when such weather conditions occur according to departmental reporting guidelines. In severe weather conditions, County offices lay be closed by the County Administrator. ~Iowever, public 4afety will re~~~~ai~~ opc~1 Fire ~. Rescue, Police, Sheriff and ECC Departments. En~plo ey es in non~pubic safety~ositic~ns ~na~ ~~ called in darn severe ~~catl~e~. ~~ ~~ecessarwhen this occurs, every attempt will be made to notify employees through their supervisor, county communication media, i.e,, county website, or the local media. All other employees who are not required to work during authorized closings can elect to use flexible or annual leave, compensatory time ~~f eligible}, or leave without pay, Upon the discretion of the departmental management and within Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, employees may be permitted to makeup lost hours due to the closing, Page 4~ . S~acal Media P'alicy To address the fast-changing landscape of the Internet and the way employees communicate, +county departments may consider participating in social media formats to reach a broader audience. Roanoke County encourages the use of Social Media to further the goals of the County and the missions of its departments where appropriate. The hoard of Supervisors and the County Administrator have an overriding interest and expectation in deciding who may '"speak" and what is "spoken"' on behalf of Roanoke County on social media sites. The County shall approve what Social Media outlets may be suitable for use by the County and. its departments. Employees representing the County government via Social Media outlets must conduct ther~nselves at all times as representatives of Roanoke County. Employees that fail to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner shall be subject to the Disciplinary Procedures outlined in the Roanoke County Employee handbook. 4 The County acknowledges employee rights to privacy and free speech ghat nnay prated on-line activity conducted an personal social networks. However, what is published on such personal situ should not be attributed to or reference the County and should nat. appear to be endorsed by or originated from the County. rnplayees that choose to list their worl~ affiliation or reference their employment with the County in any way on a social network should regard all. co:mn~unication an that network as if it were a professional network. +~n-line lives are ultimately linked, whether ar not err~ployees choose to mention the County on personal on-line networks. County employees engaging in social media networks must at all times be conscious and respectful of the fact. that their wards and actions are representative of the County, regardless of when, where and how the content was posted. page ~ -workplace Violence Policy l~aanoke County i~~ committed to providing a safe wank ~~nviranment far all employees. The County will not tolerate any type of workplace violence committed by or against emplayees. employees are prohibited from making ~ threat or engaging in are act of vialen~e. This list of behaviors, while not inclusive, provides examples ofconduct that is rohibited. ~ P`h~sical attack or causinysical injury to another person; ~ 1'~lakin~, threatenin remarks; ~ Aggressive ar hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear to nether ~gersan ar subjects another individual to emotional distress a • fntentionall d~~ Count~,praper~y oproperty of another emp~o~ee; • possess%on of a weapon while on County_propert~y ar while on County business. Certified, sworn officers of the Roanoke County Police, sheriff anal Fire 11~arshall I~epartrr~ents are exempt from this section of the pc~l~*y, * ~or~~nitting acts motivated by, or related ta, sexual harassment or domestic ~vinl~nc-, Any instances of violence or potentially dangerous situations must be reported immediately to a su -ervisox~ or the Human Resources Department. R will be fully investigated. Tllase re~arts warrant~n canl~dentlality will be handled a~p~prxatel, itarn~atia~l will be disclosed to others onl on a need to know basis. Parties involved will be counseled and the results of investi ations will be discussed with them. ~m~loyees found to have violated this r~olicv will be subiect to discinlinarv action un to and including termination. 5 I ~~ I -_ _ -- E ~, 1 ~. .. ri v ~.. ti r ~~ r ~ I - I, - . k A.. u~ Y ~ ' 1 d -' r ~ ~ ire ~ ~~I_ ~ ~~~ ~ iL ~„ ~ _ ~ ~ a,h II ~ ,w' ~ -~ ~ `J y ` ~f t x ~ ~ 3 ~~ 'V I, .I _, r 1, _~ I t 1 ~. ®,.' ~~,: LiTIC To the Employees of Roanake County. ~t Roanoke bounty, our tWO highest priorities are our citizens and our staff. (fin behalf of the Board of supervisors ~,~~~ 111 ~f~a~r y , ~ , I am pleased t0 provide you With the latest editlan of the Roanoke bounty Employee ~Iandbook. Whether you are a new employee ar a long-time member of our staff, this handbook Will provide you with the information you need to make the most out of your employment With Roanoke County. Based on the conce t of high performing or anizations} the Roanoke County rnana ee~t philosophy is to create an environment Where work is not,~ust a job, but an op c-p unit~r far ,all em to ees to show what the can contribute, This hel s romote a work culture that thrives on everyone's_successes and encourages em ~lo,yee self-development. The Roanoke Count Employee handbook sets cut the policies and regulations ~r ,~~a-,;,,i~ ~~r° ~,,,~r'~ Which foster these ideals. e have tried to mare these policies straight forward and easy to understand, ,~ ~ ~ ~ , ' ~ : ~ . You are encouraged. to review the County policies and procedures outlined in the handbook. [f you have andquestions, mare invited to discuss these policies with your department director ' ~ ~~~. This handbook also provides information on a variety of benefits and career development. programs that are available to County employees. We value our staff and seek to help make your years With us as productive and enjoyable as possible. It is our intention to mentor employees, provide ed~~~~~1-a~.~ ° . ~ straining opportunities, and do all that We can to help '~ eep your employment skills current.. Recruitment and retention of our employees is very important to us. Jobs often evolve, and When they do, Roanoke County makes every effort to use these changes to improve service to our cltlZens and to provide opportun~t~es for a~ur staff to progress as Well. ~: . I Would ~ like to express appreciation to the Board of ,Supervisors for their support of our employees. They have provided us With ~~ompetitive Wa~~~~ aid exce~~ lent benefits_-gust as i~~~po~ y thehave given us great flexibility ~n how we do our Work. . ~,, ~ 1 ~ 7 We welcome our su estions for the ~ y gg improvement of our programs and policies. Feel free to contact the Duman Resources staff or contact me directly by phone or by e- mail, Sincerely, County Administrator PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF HANDBOOK This handbook is a source of information about your employment with Roanoke County. If you need further assistance with the matters covered by it, please contact your supervisor, department director, or the Department of human Resources. The information in this handbook is drawn from relevant laws, regulations, and policies. It was prepared solely for informational purposes and does not create an express or implied contract, This handbook is not all-inclusive and is only a set of guidelines.. The handbook supersedes any previous handbook or unwritten policy. Finally, the handbook does not guarantee employment for any definite period of time and does not alter the "at-will" relations~~ ip between employer and employee. Should there be a conflict between any statement, fact, or .figure in this handbook and current official regulations and policies, the latter will take precedence, ~mplayees, therefore, have the responsibility to keep informed of changes in County policy. The mast current edition of the employee handbook will be located an the human Resources Intranet site. This handbook. applies to all employees whose job descriptions and position classifications are established within the Classification Plan of the County. This includes all regular classified and unclassified employees, employees in the constitutional offices of the Treasurer, the Commissioner of Revenue, the Sheriff, the Commonwealth's Attorney, the Clerk of the Circuit Court and the Office of the Registrar. It does not apply to the five constitutional officers or the Registrar. Yn addition, the Chief Deputy in each of these offices is exempt from the portions of this handbook that relate to application, qualification, appointment, disciplining, dismissal,. and grievance procedure. The Chief Deputy of each office is in a confidential policy making position. These positions shall remain subject to the express provisions of Section 15,Z-lbo3 of the State Code. Regular part-time employees are defined as those employees whose normal work schedule is 24 32 hours per week. The regular part-time employee is covered by all guidelines within the handbook except those pertaining to insurance, benefits, and time-off programs. Seasonal, limited term, and temporary anon grant-funded employees are excluded from all portions of this 1andbook. This handbook is subject to subsequent amendments that maybe approved by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, CONTENTS L.wL.i~U~~~ ~\~+['#„l`#~.I1,L..~---------r~ir-rsrr*-~----a--rrt-rrr~rr-~r--a----rr--~~-;--r-~-------r-r------t-ssrar-~r-r---w w~-rr--r~-r--r--a-rir---R-~rar-r--+-r--r--r----~-~~ar-ra-- 41 ~rI.r1.J~ ~,A~71 ~1~171..1111\-r-rr----~air~--r---s-----rrr-----a----~r---r-a-f------r-rr-------+rsr-----er-t-------r-ar-r~x---r----~ar-rr-rrr-----rrr--~--ar----s--s-rri-r----s-r--a V ~~..~~~ ~~ ~~~iJ ~~ ~ ~JaA~~ sis w-ii--~---•ssss•sis•-i-r-~--r-~--r--i-•--~iii-ss-------asit-i-trats--ttsMS~---r-its--t----sr--si-as-a•-s-t ~~~1:~~~1,7~-srstr-ts-stsa-arsrt-s-srts-st--srrrtter---st--tatt-ssr-s-srttrt-sssr---srts-tt-s-rtrs-s--tr-s-ss-sss-ss-----trr-ssrar-:-t-ts--t---trt-r-rrsss-ss--s-w-ssrss+ss-t ~~~,L:a~ ~ ` ~~4J ~~~ ~ ~ i:l~~~ l~ ~~~~~ ~~ V 1 \~~St-tit-/I-t-litt--t-itt-t-tit-llttt-i1AMit--ltl--Al-----i---N--ftiFllF-t-Iil-ttt-N 1 ~.. 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Tl.l....<, liaYl iaalilisaaa laai lai• ..i..••1.lxl•.••F.Fa.I,.lF.a.,Frri..•.,F„1F....i...e.,,..•.......... ....r,.....r..n......r.,.•,..a..•..Fx..a..w..l,..i..il..ii;.......ia..n.......e ...................ai.l..l.......•1.ll..i.lF.l,a.iliil..a.la.lila,Fli.ir. ~~'~lyriz~~~ .....r,x....x.,..a..Y..nr,..,.,l.i..,...,...,1.n..a..li.,.......•.....n ....................r.........•........i....w...,..1.........e..... ,~ 1 rr ri- i_ •. # - r - r:_ r rrr - rr r r / r•r i4 r aril rr rrrr ~ rrM ~ • # -/ •. i!r it rr - rrr rrr ! rr _ • •r#i • a. rr r. ##. r r 1 CHAPTER 1 -PUBLIC SERVICE IN ROANOKE COUNTY A. Goverment The Code of Virginia and the Charter for the County of Roanoke establish the powers of the Roanoke County government. These powers are vested in a board of Supervisors consisting of five members, one from each of the County's five magisterial districts. The qualified voters of the respective districts elect members of the board of Supervisors for a term of four years. These terms are staggered. The County Administrator is appointed by the Board of Supervisors and carries out the day-to-day operations of Roanoke County as directed by the Board. Specific responsibilities of the County Administrator are set forth in the County Charter, in Board resolutions, and in ongoing instructions from the Board.. Zn general, these duties include responsibility for the overall personnel, budgetary, and operational functions of County government; these functions are carded out through the Assistant County Administrators, Department Directors, and staff. The Adrrxinistratordow not have authority over the County Attorney, elected Constitutional Officers, nol• ~o school operations, which fall under a separately elected School Board and Superintendent. B. Equal Em~~o~ment O~ ortunity Equal Employment Opportunity has been, and will continue to be, a fundamental principle in the County of Roanoke, where employment is based upon personal capabilities and qualifications without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability or any other protected characteristic as established by law. This policy of Equal Employment Opportunity applies to all policies and procedures relating to recruitment and hiring,-compensation, benefits, termination and all other terms and conditions of employment. The Human Resources Department has overall responsibility for this policy. Err~ployees" questions or concerns about Equal Employment Opportunity should be referred to the Human Resources Depa~ment. The County has voluntarily adopted an affirmative action plan to enhance its cornrnitment to equal employment. The plan is available in the Department of Human Resources. Employees are also protected against sexual harassment, which is defined as any unwanted attention including advances, offers, proposals or suggestions of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment is described rn more detail in Chapter b, sectioniL, "Sexual ~~ara~~n~~~t.~} C. ADA Fol~c~ The Ar~~ericans with Disabilities Act DADA) p~:ohibts discrimination a air~st qualified individuals with disabilities in re and to a ~lication procedures, hirin,~, advancement, discharex compensation, training or other terms,.. conditions and privile es of emplaym+~nt, and re~u~res reasonable acca~adatlan far ~,uallf~ed ~ndiv~duals with disabilities sa thafi theperforrr~ the ~s~~nfiial ~un~tian~ of tla~ iab ~n qu~~tian. It is Raanc~ke Caunt~olicy to camly with all federal, state and local laws cancernin; the ernpla~me~t of persons with d~sab~llties~ I~. Ike artment of Human Resources The Board of ~upervisars established the department of Human Resources to administer and interpret the personnel policies in this handbook and to establish personnel rules and regulations to comply with these policies. The Department of Human Resources is also responsible for training employees, administering County benefits, recruiting far County positions, ernplayee relations, and working with the constitutional officers in the appointment of chief deputies as provided in ~eetian 15.Z- I+6a3 of the Cade of Virginia, ~. Environmental ~o Roanoke County is committed to maintaining and improving the enviranrr~ent of the Roanoke Valley and has established an environmental management policy far this purpose. Employees will be trained on this policy and general environmental awareness. Additional training and competencies may be established far thane positions that can cause a significant impact on the enviranment~ CHAPTER 2 • GETTING STARTED A. .~ licaton Process Applicants for employment or County employees interested in another County position must complete an ~4~p~~c~tr'an ~~r r~p~~a~~r~~~~n~ or I~~t~r~ncr. A~~rcc~ti~n ~nr, mailable in the Department of Human Resources, on Roanoke County's Internet and Intranet sites, and in all County libraries. Applications are only accepted for posted positions. Positions are posted for a minimum of f ive working days unless otherwise authorized by Human. Resources. fob postings can. be found in the Department of Human Resources, on Roanoke County's Internetllntranetsitc, and telephone Job Line. After the posting deadline, applications are referred to the appropriate department or office for interviewing and selection. Applicants who are not selected are notified after the hiring decision has been remade, Employment applications remain active, or held on file, for six months. An extended active period may apply to certain public safety positions. If an applicant wishes to apply for another posted position during the active period, he or she may use the active application by contacting the Department of Human Resources. If an applicant wishes to be considered for a position after the six-month active period, another application must be completed. B. Ph sisal Standards To be considered for a position, an applicant must be able to perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation, Depending on the identified County position and after the conditional job offer, the applicant maybe required to pass a medical examination or test completed by aCounty-chosen physician.. The County will pay for the cost of any required medical examination or test. A medical examnnation may also be required periodically throughout employment for positions where physical standards roust be maintained, C. Operation of fount ~~wned Motor Vehicles Applicants for positions requiring the operation of aCounty-owned motor vehicle roust possess a valid Virginia driver's license (including a Commercial Driver's License, if necessary at the time of employment. They may be asked to show the required license~s~ and submit a copy of their Division of Motor Vehicles driving record. Employees who are required to drive a County vehicle must Successfully complete a defensive driving Bourse, as required by their supervisor, within the initial probationary period. D. Awe Limitations Sixteen is the minimum age for non-hazardous employment. ,Age twenty-one is the minimum age for public safety employment. There is no maximum age for employment. E. work ,Authorization The Immigration Refarm and Control Act makes it illegal for employers to employ anyone who is not authorized to work in the United States. 'Within three business clays of the date employment begins, all new employees must provide documentation that is identified on the 1-9 form Employment Eligibility Verification form) to establish their identity and authorisation to work in the United States. If employees are authorized to work, but are unable to present the required document~s~ within three business days, they must present a receipt for the application of the documents}within three business days and the actual documents) within ninety X90}days. A copy of the employee's social security card is required by the Payroll Department to verify information for Social Security purposes. I F. hypes o~ ~-~;,~~,~.~~,t~,mployn~ent Status Employment statuses for County positions include . Re ular regular full-time, ~~ ~~-~ A part-time or tem vrar g full-time ~~ impositions are s~~~-c~~~tlit~ed i~~ the Classification Plan. These positions usually have no fixed duration of service and ~~-are eligible to receive all employee benefits.. part-time .:,~t~ri~~~~,tt~ . t-positions work ~~-1~0~ ~~~o~~e tha~~ 3~ hours per week. Emlon tTemporary ,pepostions ~ emp~ ~ rare hired for a specific time frame, normally no more thanrsx months. Both temporary and part-time employees are paid on an hourly basis ~~ ~ ~ -.~ .~. ~. '(~rlentatlon The Department of Human. Resources conducts new employee orientations regularly. Employees will be notified by their supervisor of their scheduled orientation session, Each department is also responsible for providing the new employee with an on-the-job orientation. This orientation will introduce the employee to their work environment, responsibilities, work schedule, safety requirements, and tl~e application of departmental . po ides. H. probationary Period The work and conduct of a new employee during the first six months of employment are considered a working test period, or pr~~c~tionary period, During this time an employee must demonstrate the ability to perform essential job functions and suitability as a County 4 employee. Frobat~or~ary empl~ ~~~ are not ~l~g~ble to ~ppl~ for another poSrt~on within tl~e Cc~~~nt~An employee may be dismissed. at any time during the probationary period with no rig ~~t of appeal, except where discrimination is clamed. I'robationar employees a~sertin barges of discrimination have the right of appeal through the rierrane~ procedure described in Chapter ~. ~ ~ , ° , -. . During this probationary period, it is recommended that their supervisor evaluate the new employee three months and six months after the employment date, or as determined by departmental needs. This evaluation is intended to give both the employee and the supervisor the opportunity to discuss their working relationship and mare improvements, if necessary. During this evaluation, the supervisor has the option to transfer the probationary employee to regular employment, to extend the probationary period, or to dismiss the probationary employee. With the approval of the Director of Human Resources, the supervisor may extend the probationary period for as much as six additional months. The probationary period may be extended when the employee's ability to meet essential job functions is questionable or when the duties of the job require additional training. borne County departments may establish other schedules for probationary periods as their departmental needs mandate. The probationary employee accrues Flexible Leave hours which may be used after it has accrued. "Chapter ~, Leaves of Absence," describes Flexible Leave usage. After successfull~r cornpletin~ the probationax ~eriod~ employrrtent will continue on an at-will h~~ic_ I. Work Routine because Roanoke County relies heavily upon its employees, it is important that employees attend work as scheduled. Dependability, attendance, punctuality, and a commitment to do the job right are essential. at all times. As such, employees are expected at work on all scheduled workdays and during all scheduled work hours and to report to work on tune. Moreover, an employee must notify his~her supervisor as far in advance as possible for an amount of time established by departmental policy if helshe expects to be late or absent. The appropriate supervisor will provide the employee with a daily schedule. The supervisor or management may alter work hours during the workday, or may increase or decrease the normal work hours or work schedule. Regular full-time employees work a 4o-hour week. However, as defined by the Fair Labor standards Act, Roanoke County places employees whose primary duty is law enforcement or fire protection on an 5 extended ~~-day work period. dour supervisor will inform you as to whether or not your position is considered law enforcement or fire protection. Depending on the nature of their work, employees maybe allowed to alter their work hours or lunch schedule with approval from the appropriate supervisor. ~ffees that serve the public, however, must remain open and staffed from ~:~~ a.m. until S:QO p.m. Monday through Friday. While there are no designated times for enr~ployee breaks, individuals may need a rest period or brief break during the day, Break periods may not exceed ~ 5 minutes in the morning and ~ 5 minutes in the afternoon. Breaks must not conflict with ongoing work in the office or work. area and,. therefore, must be scheduled so that offices are open and staffed from S:oo a.m. until 5.0~ p,m. The employee must notify the appropriate supervisor before taking a break. Breaks shall not be used to arrive at work late, leave work early, or to extend the lunch period. An employee may be rewired to work overtime. The guidelines found in Chapter 3, "Compensation and Benefits," describe overtime compensation. CHAPTER 3 -COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS A. Classification Plan The pay of all regular County employees is established by The Cl~ssif cuti~n Ana' ~°a~ Pun, which is approved annually by the Board of Supervisors. The Department. of human Resources is responsible for developing and maintaining a uniform plan. Pay ranges, or grades, are assigned for every classified position in the Plan, Every grade consists of minimum and maximum pay rates for a position. B. Recordinwork fours Personnel covered by this handbook must accurately record all work hours and leave time on an approved time sheet or time card. The standard workweek for payroll purposes begins on Saturday at 12;111 a,m. and ends on Friday at 12:~o midnight. Time sheets or cards must be submitted to the appropriate supervisor after the biweekly pay period is complete see next section). The appropriate supervisor verifies and approves hours worked and departmental tune records are forwarded to the Payroll office. C. Pa~~da Employees are paid biweekly. Paydays occur on alternate Fridays throughout the year, ~f a payday falls on a holiday, employees are paid on the workday before the holiday. D. Direct Deposit The County provides electronic funds transfer into your bank or credit union account. All new full-time employees are required to participate indirect deposit. Regular part time employees who work on a weekly basis mazy also participate in the direct deposit if they choose._~'ithdrawals cf a d~ect deposit nla occur, in order ~o correct. pan~ents m~irt~ ifi~ t~r~~n~`- E. Deductions The amount of salary earned and the amount of salary received will differ. This is a result of pay deductions. Borne deductions are required by law and others are made at xhe employee's request. State and federal income taxes and Social Security deductions are required by law. ether legal deductions could include garnishments, tax liens, and other wage assignments, These payments are deducted from each employee's salary according to federal and State rates. All other deductions are voluntary and made at the employee's request, Voluntary deductions may include health insurance, savings bonds, credit union payments,. United way contributions, deferred compensation and Roanoke County Flexible Spending Accounts. 7 F, Overtime darn ensatian The jab class status is used t© determine overtime compensation. Fach jab class is given the status of either n©n~.xem~at or exempt, and exempt job classes are further separated into exempt,~c~mp~nsa~or~ and exemptl~'i~eretc~nary. To be considered exempt, an employee's fob duties must fit into an executive, administrative, professional, or computer category by the Fair Labor Standards Act.. Thane employees whose jab duties do not fall rota these categories are classified as nonexempt. Your supervisor will inform you of your status when you are hired. It is the bounty's intent to amply with all Fair Labar Standards Act ~FLSA} regulations and to classify and pay employees correctly. improper pay deductions are prohibited. If an employee believes they have been paid incorrectly or that improper deductions have been withheld from a paycheck, Human Resources should be contacted. if it is determined that pay is incorrect or the deductions were improper, the situation will be corrected and any reimbursements due the employee will be made. 1. Overtime ~arripensation far Nonexempt l~mplo, ewes Overtime compensation will begin far all hears actually worked aver 4~ during the established workweek Saturday ~ 2;+D Z a.m. through Friday 1 ~:aa midnight}. The County provides overtime compensation in the form of time and one-half the nonexempt employee's hourly pay rate. Sick leave, annual leave, holiday or Flexible Leave hours are not considered actual work hours for the purposes of calculating overtime. Management may reschedule employees during the work period so that no more than the normally scheduled hours. are worked. As defined by the Fair Labar Standards Act, Roanoke County plaices employees whale primary duty is law enforcement or fire protection on an extended work period. The extended work period is 28 days and the County pravides overtime campensatian in accordance with FLSA guidelines. Carnpen.satian is at time and one-half the employee's haurly rate. Paid for~i~~ of leave are cux~sidered actual. wurl~ hours far thy; pu~wpascs of calculating avcrtrna far employees whose_ r nary duty is law enfarcetnent or fire protection. For all other positions dick leave, annual leave, holiday or flexible leave hours are net considered actual work hours far the purposes of calculating overtime. Management may reschedule employees during the wank period so that. na mare than the normally scheduled hours arc worked in the 28-day period, Upon employment, your supervisor will infarm you as to whether or not your position is considered law enforcement or fire protection. The appropriate supervisor must pre-approve all overtime.. Overtime payment is included on the employee's paycheck that follows submission of the biweekly time sheet containing the overtime wank except those on a Z~-day cycle. employees on S a ~.8 day cycle public safety are paid their overtime on the paycheck that follows the submission of the time sheet at the end of their 2$ day cycle. ~. ~xemptl~ompensatory Overtime compensation Employees maybe designated as ex~~t/cc~mp~nsatory if their job duties fit into an executive, administrative or professional category but are below the assistant. department director level, Exemptlcornpensatoryempgoyees earn compensatory time off on anhour-for-hour basis for all hours actually worked over 4(~ during the established workweek.. Compensatory tinge off must be taken as soon as is practical according to the workload of the department. If the department's workload makes it impractical to take compensatory time off as soon as it is earned, compensatory tirr~e off can accumulate. however, accumulated compensatory time off may not exceed ~~~ hours by the last pay period of each fiscal year. Employees who move from an exempt~compensatory position to either nonexempt or exemptldiscretonary position will forfeit all accumulated compensatory time off. 'his provision does not apply if the new position was a result of a reclassification. when an employee leaves County service voluntarily or involuntarily, he or she forfeits all compensatory time off. ~f an employee with accumulated compensatory time is placed on reduction in force status, the compensatory time will be paid out as a lump sum with any accrued. annual leave, sick leave andlor p"lexible Leave hours. 3. Exem. ~tlDiscretionar~Overtime compensation An err~ployee is designated as e.~~p~/di~~cretc~~n~ry if their job duties fit into an. executive, administrative, or professional category and is at the assistant department director or senior management level or above. Exemptldiscretionary employees are expected to work the hours necessary to complete the jab and do not accumulate or record overtime comp time) hours worked on an hour for hour basis as described above in the Exempt~Compensation section. Exemptldiscretionaryempgoyees are eligible to take tinge off at their discretion based on hours that have been worked beyond the normal workweek. G. ~tandby and On-Call dome County departments have a need for essential work to be performed outside regularly scheduled hears. Employees who are required to perform this work are placed on either st~n~~y or can-ca~~ status and are called back to work if necessary. 9 1. Sta~n~~ Stan~hy is a preplanned status where employees are required to be available for specified periods of time to perform essential work outside regularly scheduled hours and are paid. Employees on standby status are not restricted in the use of personal time, but must be available for call back when contacted by beeper, radix, telephone or other prearranged means. Those on standby are eligible to receive the standby pay rate approved by the Board of Supervisors in the County budget adopted annually. Employees on standby status who do not respond when called for work may be subject to disciplinary action. Standby status must be requested by the appropriate department director, submitted to the Department of Human Resources for recommendation, and approved by the County Administrator or the Administratar'sdwignee. 2. Dn-Call +~n-calf is a status designated in the job description or by the supervisor that subjects the employee to being called back to work outside regularly scheduled hours. Employes do not receive any p~ o~com,~ensation for on-call ~~ta~us. However, call back far employees on-call. is normally not as frequent as for these on standby status. +~nce called back to work, either by standby status or on-call status, nonexempt employees are paid for all time worked. Exemptlcompensatoryempbyees who are called back. to work receive compensatory time. See Chapter 3~, section F, "Overtime ~n~-ensaton," for information on nonexempt and exempt~compensatory status as well as compensation for overtime. H. Acting Status Corn ensatiH An employee who is required to assume the duties of another employee in a higher pay grade ~s entitled to acting status cornp~n.sation. This cornpensat~on ~s a temporary l ~ percent increase in the employee's salary, or to the minimum of the pay grade, whichever is more. The employee fulfilling acting status will receive the appropriate compensation beginning on the first day of the pay period fallowing two consecutive weeks of acting duty status. I. 2~ 'dear Service Fay When afull-time employee has reached 2Q years of continuous full-tune service with the County, the employee is eligible for an additional ~-0~ of pay each year or otherwise approved by the Board of Supervisors in the classification plan. This amount is added to the regular salary over ~b pay periods. Payments will begin an the pay date coinciding with the attainment of the employee's 20r~ anniversary of full-tune service. If an l~ employee leaves County service during the year for any reason., the employee will not be eligible for any unpaid portions of the award. J. health and Dental Insurance only full-time employees are eligible to participate in the County's health andlor dental insurance plans. For those who participate, the cost of these insurance plans is partially funded b~y the County and the remaining amount is deducted from the employee's salary. Those enrolled in the County's health andlor dental insurance plans will receive a handbook explaining the plans and benefits in detail. The employee may only enroll, make changes in, or cancel the health andior dental insurance plans upon employment, during yearly open enrollment periods, or within ~ days of a qualifying event. Contact the Department of Human Resources or see the Roanoke County Human Resources Intranet site for more details on q~alifyin ems. C~BR Continuation Coverage: Employees leaving County service may elect to continue their healthldental insurance for up to I ~ or ~q months following termination of employment following the provisions of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation A.ct (C~1BRA}. The 9-month period is only available to qualified beneficiaries who are deemed by Social Security administration to have been disabled before the end of the f first bo days of the 18 month COBRA continuation period. In addition, family members who are enrolled may also continue coverage through the County's health and dental insurance plans if certain qualifying events would otherwise end their coverage. A qualifying event may include termination of employment, marriage, change in employment status, death, divorce,. child reaching ineligible status due to age, etc. Spouses of employees may elect to continue their healthldental insurance for up to 3~ months in the case of the employee's death or divorce. Dependent children of employees may also elect to continue their healthldental insurance for up to +~ months when the child ceases to be an eligible dependent. Retire ~Iealth Coverage: Employees who are considering retirement should check with Human Resources concerning health and dental insurance coverage. To qualify for continuation of coverage and to be eligible to receive the County's premium contribution toward the health insurance, the employee must have at least -1~ears of continuous full-time employment with no break in service through the date of retirement with Roanoke County and be eligible for the VRS retirement benefit. Both the employee and eligible dependents must have been enrolled in the health andlor dental plans for at least ~> ears at the tirrae of retirement. Employees applying for work-related or non work-related disability must also meet the eligibility requirements for early or regular retirement to be eligible for the County Retiree HealthfDental Benefit plan. When the ~p ~ , ale b~, .. .. retiree or their 5 Ouse turns + ~ - ~ , ~ .r . ~ -y ~~~'~~~ ;~,r,~~,.~.,~~their health ii~~~~rance ~~overa e will end. Retirees who wish to continue participating in the dental plan are responsible for payment of the full dental retiree premium. Il Contact the Department of Human Resources. for further information regarding the County' ~ health and dental plans. ~.. short and Lon Term Disability Insurance ~Dnly full-tune employees are eligible to participate in the County's short and long term disability plans. short and long term disability are integral components of the Flexible Leave plain and new employees are automatically enrolled. These plans have been established to provide income protection during times of extended illness or injury when the employee is unable to work. The County fully funds the short term disability coverage and partially funds the long term disability. ~Jpon enrollment, a document explaining the plans and benefits will be provided. Contact the Human Resources Department for additional information on short. and long term disability. L. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability pct (HIPAA Roanoke County's health and medical benefits must comply with the Privacy Regulations found in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ~HIPAA~ as found in the Code of Federal Regulations 45 CFR Part 164.S~o. Roanoke County is required to maintain the privacy of your health infarn~ation and to provide you with notice of its legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your health information. This Notice of Privacy Practices will be provided upon enrollment in the insurance plans during your Benefit t~rientation. The notice may also be found, on the Human Resources Intranet site. Life Insurance Each full..-time employee participates in thep life insurance plan. The Virginia Retirement system administers the plan, which offers life insurance without the requirement of a medical examination. The full-time employee may also purchase additional insurance through the optional life program. Employees must choose a beneficiary when. they begin County service and are responsible for keeping beneficiary records cuent. Contact the Department of Human Resources if the beneficiary changes. The Virginia Retirement system publishes a handbook that includes an explanation of the group life insurance plan. This maybe obtained in the Department of Human Resources. N. Worker's Compensation The County may pay related medical expenses--at no cost to the employee--for an accident or qualifying illness that occurs as a result of work. ~+Vorker's compensation coverage is provided far full-time, part-time and temporary employees and authorized volunteers. In addition, the employee maybe entitled to compensation to help offset the 12 lass of wages while unable to work, Employees do not share in the cast of worker's compensation; the County pays the entire cast. Ta be considered for full worker's compensation, accidents on the jab must be reported to the employee's supervisor immediately. The `er~rt f Acc~~'e~~t c~~ In~~~v and the ~'an~l r~~,P-~yscians~f~~ms must be +campleted by the supervisor and emplayee and forwarded to the :Department of Risk Mana e within two working days of the accident. These farms are to be completed even if the employee does not receive medical treatment. The County's Worker's Compensation third party administrator reviews all claims that are submitted for eligibility. During the first seven calendar days that a regular full-time employee is absent from work because afjab-related illness ar injury, the employee must use accrued sick leave or Flexible heave hours to receive full pay. After the first seven calendar days and up to the next '~0 working days, the employee could receive full pay at the recommendation of the department director and approval of the Disk Manager. The Board of Supervisors may grant up to an additional bQ days with pay in special instances. If the employee is absent more than ~l calendar days because of an approved jab-related illness or injury, the County will reinstate the leave that was used, In order to receive full pay, the employee must sign over any worker's compensation checks to the County. State law allows the County to designate physicians that the employee must choose from far an examination verifying the extent of injury ar illness. If an employee chooses to be treated by a physician other than one an the County's panel of physicians, the employee may be responsible far medical expenses related to that treatment. In cases of jab-related injury or illness that extends beyond approved limits ar incases of permanent disability, the employee will receive the compensation allowed under the Worker's Compensation Act. The emplayee will not be an pay status with the County during this time and, therefore, will not accrue leave hours. Questions regarding worker's compensation may be directed to the Risk Mana eg,~me~t I~epartn~ent. ~. Unemployment Cam~pensatian The County contributes to an unemployment compensation fund for employees who leave County service and are eligible to apply for unemployment compensation through the Virginia Employment ~Commissian ~VEC~. After applying, the VEC determines compensation eligibility an an individual basis. P. Virginia Retirement System _ .~ . The Virginia Retirement System (VRS}was designed by the State to supplement federal Social Security retirement coverage. Membership in VRS is a condition of employment for all full-time regular County employees; however, new full-time employees b5 or alder may choose not to . 1 ~ partlc~pate. l3 t~ ~ car ~, i r o r '' ~ ' ~, T I"&C ~ ti , ~ ~ , ,. , ' ,- - ~ w ~ _ ,~ ~ - a A4 1 , b ~ e ~ _. , , Thy V~r~~n~a +~e~~eral Assei~~bly, in its 01o session,. passed 1e~islation im~le~entn~ new ~1an p~rovision~ for ern~alo~ees hued or rehired can or after July 1 ~ ~~10, The new plan provisions are called the Virginia Retirement System (VRS~ Plan , Prig to Ju1~ 1, 2010, the plan provisions are called the RS Plan I. Em~luyees hired before July 1, 2o1~a are in Plan 1. Nio~~ ernples hired or rehired on car after Jul; l , 201 o are covered under Plan . Rehired ernplo~ees are those who left covered employment, withdrew their funds and returned to covered emplayn~ent with no service credat ~n ~ or no account balance In a. V~r~an~a optional retirement Alan, Their membership date is the date the, were rehired. The County makes contributions to the ~ for each en~~loyee. These ~ayrnents are divided into the e~np~loyee'~ share! which is ~ percent of the annual salary^and the employer's share, but fhe County currently pays both. shares as one of the employee's benefits. The bolo plan provisions allow the County to chafe the amount. ~f the emyee share that is laid by the County for all employees in Plan . Vested members are entitled to receive VRS benefits upon retirement, Employees may receive fu11 or partial VRS benefits depending on their age when they retire. If an employee terminates service with the County before retirement, he or she may be able to withdraw the employee's VRS share, depending on provisions of the VRS. The VRS membership handbook gives a detailed explanation. of the VIES benefits. Copies of the handbook may be obtained in the Department of Human Resources or accessed on tl~e VRS webs ate at www, ~f ~I ctit e.oi ~, Employees who become permanently mentally or physically unable to perform present job duties maybe eligible for work-related or non work-related disability retirement with the Virginia Retirement System. Contact the Department of Human Resources for more information. Law enforcement officers and firefighters may be eligible far an additional retirement benefit through the Virginia Retirement System, ~h~ haw En~orc~emen~ ~f fi~'~r~s, Frr~f i~hters and Sheaf fs~ Pr~~r~m. Contact the Department taf Human Resources for additional information regarding this benefit. Q 5acal Security The County contributes to the Social Security payment fear each employee. The balance of the payment is deducted from each employee's salary. These payments are then credited to each employee's account. X11 payments made to Socia'~ Security by the i~ employee and his ar her employer(s) are totaled and determine the amount o~f social security benefit that the individual will receive upon retirement. R. Employee Assistance Program HEAP) The County offers EAP services as a benefit to employees. Full-time employees and their immediate family members including spouses, children, parents, or other relatives living in the employees household, may obtain confidential, professional assistance in resolving personal problems through the Employee Assistance Pry ream {EAP). The EAP provides professional counseling and referral services. Its purpose is to help employees and their families identify, resolve, and gain control over personal or work-related problems that may be interfering with work and daily life. The employee or the immediate family member may contact the I~,AP directly, The supervisor may refer an employee to the program as well. This referral is in strict confidence. Far mare information on the EAP contact your supervisor or theDepartment of Duman Resources. S. Deferred Compensation All full-time employees have the option of participating in the voluntary deferred compensation program. Contributions can be made through pre-tax deductions from paychecks. The County makes a matChing contrlbUtlan determined by the Paard of supervisors for each participating employee.. Employees are 1(lQ~o vested in the deferred compensation program once they enroll. For further information regarding the deferred cal~~ ensatio~~ ro rarn or the amount of the County contribution, contact the Department of l~Iuman Resources. T. Flexible S ep ndinAccounts Flexible spending accounts may beestablished byfull-tune employees to have qualifying medical expenses andlor dependent care expenses deducted through pre-tax payroll deductions each payday. Employees may only enroll in this benefit wrthin thirty days from the date of hire, ar during annual open enrollment periods, Please contact the Department of Human Resources for further information regarding the flexible sgen accounts. U. Tuition Reimbursement Pro ream The Tuition Reimbursement Program helps employees pursue professional growth and development with the County. The program is normally intended far those completing an academic degree, such as a GED, an associates, bachelor's or master's degree. The course of study should be related to the business of the County, the department, employee's current position or prepare the employee for promotion into another County .. posit~an. 15 The Tuition Reimbursement ~'ragram is not intended to replace jab skills training, seminars, workshops and ether training provided by the employee's department or required for the fob. Employees who are eligible far educational assistance from ether sources, including veteran' ~ benefits, grants, andlor scholarships, must exhaust those sources before applying for tuition reimbursement, Additional information, including procedures and the application form for tuition reimbursement may be found on the Human Resources Intranet p~ag or in the Human Resources Department. ~. Credit iJnian The credit union is a financial organization awned and operated by its members.. ~'Iembers are eligible far a variety of benefits and services, including leans, dividends, and family memberships. Credit union transactions for Roanoke County employees are handled through the Member Qne Credit Union. Any Roanoke County emplayee may become a member of the credit union. Contact the Member ~Jne Credit Union for membership information. ~', Reca nitian pia. r The Employee Recognition l~rograrn recognizes and awards employees far their years of service with Raanake County. ~~ } d i '. ~ ~ _ .- . E~:lyees are recognized for five-year increments of consecutive County service (5, 1Q, 1. , etc.), ~ _ ~ t f ~ i ° ,, ~ ~ ~ ~ , ° ~ , ~ ., L ~~~~i~- After ~5 years of service, employees become members of the Quarter Century Club. X. Employee Advisory Committee The Ernplayee Advisory Corn~nittee {EA+C}provides all employees with. a way to make suggestions concerning personnel policies, benefits, working conditions, and other areas of concern. The committee typically meets monthly to address emplayee concerns. Contact the Department of Human Resources far more information. ~~ ~~ - 4 ~i ~ . . Z 9 . CHAPTER 4 -LEAVES OF ABSENCE A. Flexible Leawe The Flexible Leawe Plan ~FLP) is a comprehensive program that recognises the many diverse needs of employees for time off from work, and includes a disability plan for income protection. Hours accrued in the flexible leave plan maybe used far any purpose when scheduled in advance or at times when unforeseen circumstances cause an unscheduled absence. An integral part of the Flexible Leawe plan is short and long term disability insurance to cower periods of extended illness or injury. Employees are automatically enrolled in the disability plans as a part of the flexible leave plan. Additional information on short and. long. term disability insurance may be found in the Benefits Section of this handbook or by contacting the Human Resources Department. • Employees hired after November 4, 200 will only haws the Flexible Leawe plan availab~'e for the accrual of leave time. Employees hired before November 4, Zoab, may choose to enroll in the Flexible Leave Plan or remain in the traditional Annual and Sicl~ Leawe plans. Employees who do not enroll in the FLP when first eligible may loin during annual open enrollment periods. For late entrants, evidence of insurability will be required with application to the long term disability plan and acceptance into the plan may be denied. Transitional details are documented in the Human resources Management Policy on Flexible Leave and can be found on the Human resources Intranet site. Accrual schedules for the Flexible Leave Plan for Fire and rescue personnel are available from Fir departmental management. 1. Accumulation Full-time employees will accrue flexible leave hours based on their years of continuous County service. Leawe is applied biweekly to the employee's payroll record according to the table below: Years of Service Annual Accumulation Biweekly Accumulation o up to 4 ~o days ~.~ up to 9 ~3 days hours to up to 14 2~ days 7.(~ 15+ 2 days hours ~.oo hours 8.93 ~ hours 17 Flexible leave may be taken in quarter-of an-hour X15 minutes} increments and is available for use after leave accruals have been applied. Unless the employee has accrued flexible leave available for use, he or she will not be granted flexible leave. Absences with pay due to flexible leave, civil leave, military leave or ether types of paid leave do not affect the flexible leave accumulation. However, leave will not accrue for any unpaid absence of 4Q hours or snare, per biweekly pay period including absences f©r FIVILA reasons. This applies to new employees, those leaving County service or employees on leave without pay, Flexible Leave will accrue for all employees serving a probationary period. Employees may accumulate Flexible Leave not to exceed 40~ hours ~5~ days} by the last pay period of any fiscal year (June 3a} or when the employee leaves County Service. ~. Schedulin Flexible Leave Although Flexible leave is a benefit provided for employees to self#manage their time off, it should be scheduled so the ongoing work effort in a department is still productive. Flexible leave may be used for any pureose and should be scheduled in advance. Leave requests must be submitted no less than three working days in advance and approved by the appropriate supervisor. The supervisor may waive the three-day requirement in emergency circumstances or when an unforeseen circumstance causes an unscheduled absence. In some departments, flexible leave must be requested more than three days in advance. The appropriate supervisor will inform the employee when hired if a longer submission time applies. 3. Flexible Leave l~pon Termination Employees who leave County service are entitled to payment for Flexible leave up to the maximum accrual rate of 40~ hours ~~~ days}. This includes retirement, voluntary resignation, death, or dismissal. The County will pay the ernployee once all County property is returned to the appropriate departments} and any debt to the County is settled. An employee must give atwo-weeks notice of resignation~~ee ~`Termnati+on ~f Se~~viee"~ se~°tion;~-Any flexible leave taken during this time must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and must not interfere with the ongoing work effort of the department. Flexible Leave can not be used to extend a resignation past the two-week notice, ~, Holida s burin Flexib~~e Leave Any scheduled holiday that. falls during an employee's flexible leave time will not be charged to that leave balance. l~ ~. Verification and Notification fibs appropriate supervisor has the right to request verification of absences reported as unscheduled flexible leave by requiring a physician's statement. When an unforeseen need for flexible leave occurs, employees must notify the appropriate supervisor no later than the beginning of their shift. In same departments a longer notification period may be required. The appropriate supervisor will inform the e ~~ployee if this applies. Failure to notify the supervisor of an absence, except in an emergency situation, is considered grounds for counseling and]or disciplinary action. ~. Flexible Leave and Secondary Einplo Employees who are utilizin flexible leave on the basis of a ined~al authorization n~ay not work at their secondary~plo~rr~ent unless they receive the~-ri~r perrriission of their departrrient director. 7. Extended Illness or Disabilit It is recommended that employees maintain enough Flexible leave hours to cover unexpected absences, including FILA, Workers Comp, and the Short-Term Disability waiting period. If an employee will be out of work because of a prolonged illness or injury, he or she should refer to the Benefits section of this handbook describing chart and long term disability for more information. ~. Family Death The County provides up to three working days to cover any absence related to the death of the employee's spouse, the employee's child ar stepchildren, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, parent, spouse's parent, stepmother, stepfather, grandparent, grandchild ar a relative living in the employee's household. In unusual circumstances, the Director of Duman Resources may extend the three- daylimit orthe six-day fiscal year lirrirt at the recommendation of the employee's supervisor. This time off is not deducted from the flexible leave balance, If additional time off is required, the employee may use flexible leave, compensatory time cif eligible}, or leave without pay, following the guidelines in this chapter. ~. ~rVorker's Com~ensatian Leave All work-related accidents must be reported to the appropriate supervisor as loan as possible. If the accident requires medical attention, the cost maybe covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance. (For mare infarination on this insurance, see Chapter 3, ~~ ? ~~ , "Worker's Compensation section-") lq Flo. Cash-_In Option Employees may Dash-in up to 40 hours of accrued flexible leave per fiscal year, To be eligible for the Cash.-In t~ption, a minimum 4o-hour balance must be maintained in the FLp plan after any cash-in payment is made.. Hours maybe cashed-in only during May and November of each fiscal year, The request to cash-in must. be received in the payroll Department by the first day of the month and will be paid during the last pay period of the month. Cash-in hours will be paid at the employee's regular hol~rly rate at the time of the request, pay received from the Cash-In option can be rolled over into the Deferred Comp plan if the employee has an established account. B. Annual Leave Note: Annual leave only applies to employees hired before November ~, ~00~ who have not enrolled 1n the lexlble Leave plan, ~. Accumulation Full-time employees receive annual leave based on their years of continuous County service. Leave is applied biweekly to the employee's record according to the table below: dears of service Annual accumulation Biweekly Accumulation o up to S l~ days ~,~~(~ 5 up to l0 15 days hours Io up to 15 ~ ~8 days ~.b~~ hours 15+ 2 t days ~.5~ hours ~.4~7 hours Annual leave may be taken in quarter-of an-hour ~~.~ rninutes~ increments and is available for use after leave accruals have been applied. finless the employee has accrued annual leave available for use, he or she will not be granted annual leave, Absences with. pay due to annual leave, sick leave, civil leave, military leave or other types of paid leave do not affect the annual leave accumulation. l=Iowever, leave vain not accrue for any unpaid absence of 4o hours or more, per biweekly pay period including absences for FMLA reasons. This applies to new employees, those leaving County service or employees on leave without pay. Annual leave will accrue for all employees serving a probationary period. Employees may accumulate annual leave not to exceed 33b hours ~4~ days by the last pay period of any fiscal year June ~0) or when the employee leaves County service. 20 Z. Scheduling Annual Leave Although annual leave is an employee benefit, it should be scheduled so the ongoing work effort is not disrupted. Therefore, all annual leave requests mint be submitted no less than three working days in advance and approved by the appropriate supervisor. The supervisor may waive the three-day requirement in emergency circumstances. In some departments, annual leave must be requested mare than three days in advance. The appropriate supervisor will inform the employee when hired if a longer submission time applies. 3. Annual Leave Upon Termination Employees who leave County service are entitled to payment far annual leave up to the maximum accrual rate of 3~b hours (~Z days}. This includes retirement, voluntary resignation, death, ar dismissal. The +County will pay.. the employee once all County property is returned to the appropriate departments) and any debt to the County is settled. An employee must give atwo-weeks notice of resignation (see "Termination of Service'" sectian~. Any annual leave taken during this time must be approved by the appropriate supervisor and must not interfere with the ongoing work effort of the department. Annual leave can not be used to extend a resignation past the two-week notice. 4. Hal idays l~uring_Annual Leave Any scheduled holiday that falls during. an employee's annual leave will not be charged to that leave balance. C. Sick Leave Note: ~i~ck Leave only applies to employees hired before ~loven~ber 4~ 2006 who have not enrolled in the Flexible Leave. 1. Accumulation All regular and probationary full-time employees receive 12~ hours ~ ~ ~ days} of sick leave per year. Sick leave is applied to the employee's record ~+~ times per year. The biweekly accumulation is 4.6?-~ hours. Sick leave maybe taken in quarter-of-an-hour (1 ~ minutes) increments. Accumulated hours are available for use by fu11-time regular and probationary employees after they are applied to the employee's record. Unless the employee has accrued sick leave available for use, he or sloe will not be granted sick leave, Absences with pay due to annual leave, sick leave, civil leave, military leave ar other types of paid leave do not affect the sick leave accumulation. However, 21 leave will not accrue for any unpaid absence of 4~ hours or mare, per biweekly pay period including absences far FNILA reasons. Th1s includes new employees, those leaving County service, or employees on leave without pay. S ick leave hours will accrue for all employees serving a probationary period. Sick leave can accumulate and accrue from one fiscal year to the next. `here is no maximum on the amount of hours allowed to accrue. Z. Justification far Sick Leave 1`1se a. Personal Illness Sick leave may be used to cover any absence from work that results from a personal illness ar injury, exposure to a contagious disease that could create a hazard to fellow employees, orhealth-related appointments when these appointments cannot be reasonably scheduled outside working hours. b. Family Illness employees may use sick leave for illness of the spouse, children and parents ar a relative living in the employee's household, or for health related appointments far those relatives when appointments cannot be scheduled outside business ~~ours. A maximum often working days in the fiscal year maybe charged against sick leave far family illness. In unusual circumstances, the Director of Human Resources may extend the ten-day fiscal year limit at the recammendatan of the employee's supervisor. c. MaternitylPaternity Absences caused by or related to maternity and paternity, nclu '~ing adoption of children, nlay be covered by sick leave, For more information c©ncerning maternity and paternity leave, seems: , "Absences for ~'Iaternity a~~l ~`atert~it~ section," in this chapter.. d. Famil~ Sick leave may be used to caves any absence related to the death of the employee's spouse, the employee's child or stepchildren, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, parent, spouse's parent, stepmother, stepfather, grandparent, grandchild or a relative living in the employee's household. A maximum of three working days may be charged against sick leave for a family death, and a maximum of six days for the fiscal year. In unusual circumstances the Director of Human Resources may extend the three~day limit ar the six-day fiscal year limit at the recommendation of the employee's supervisor. ~2 If additional tinge off i~ required., the employee may use annual leave, compensatory time cif eligibles, or leave without pay, following the guidelines in this chapter. 3. Verification and Notification The appropriate supervisor has the right to request verification of absences reported as sick leave by requiring a physician's statement. when sick leave needs to be used, all employees must notify the appropriate supervisor no later than the beginning of the shift. In some departments a longer notification period may be required. The appropriate supervisor will inform the employee if this applies. Failure to notify the supervisor of an absence, except in an emergency situation, ~s considered grounds for discipline. 4. l~xtended Illness or Disability ~f an employee will be out of work because of a prolonged illness or disability, he or she must submit to the appropriate supervisor a physician's statement that estimates the probable duration of the illness or disability. The employee must use accrued sick leave, annual leave, or leave without pay (as described in "Leave without P`a sectio~~," of this chapter} to cover his or her absence. ~. worker's Compensation Leave All work-related accidents must be reported to the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible. If the accident requires medical attention, the cast may be covered by worker's Compensation Insurance. For mare information on this insurance, see Chapter 3, s~e-~ "worker's ~ap~nsatan section."~ +~, Sick Leave bonus when an employee leaves County service, he or she is eligible to receive payment fir all unused sick leave. Those who separate by resignation or death are paid 1.~~ per unused sick hour ~$ I o per unused sick day} up to Z,4o~. Retirees are paid $4.75 per unused sick hour ~3~ per unused sick day) with no maximum. T© receive payment, the employee must return all County property and all debt to the County must be settled. ~. Abuse of Sick Leave Sick leave is available to the employee as an aid in time of need and should only be used when necessary. It should be used with care to prevent financial hardship that might result from leave without pay status during an extended absence because sick leave has already been exhausted. 2~ It is the department director's responsibility to manage this policy and ensure that sick leave is used as it is intended. Sick leave usage shad be nnonitored and reviewed with the employee when six ~b~ or mare days of sick leave have been used during a fiscal year. >~mplayees who utilize their sick leave w~thaut producing a medical excuse are prohibited fram working at their secondary employment while receiving this aunty benefit. Employees who are utilizing sick leave on the basis of a medical authorization may net wank at their secondary employment unless they receive the prier permission of their depa~ment director. Sick leave pay will be denied to any employee who is found guilty of making a false statement of sickness or otherwise abusing the sick leave privilege. An employee could also be considered guilty of abusing sick leave even if he or she has not used the 1 ~-day yearly allowance, Abuse of sick leave is considered grounds far counseling andlor discipline. ~. Sick Leave Bank the Sick Leave .dank is a grandfathere~l program only far thane employees who remained in the tr~~diti~~~~al annual and sick leave plans. ~It provides a "sick leave loan" to members who have exhausted all accumulated sick leave and annual leave balances. Loans are far personal major or prolonged illnesses;, they are net available far family illness, ~ ~ .. .. . , A11 sick leave loans must be repaid following the procedures in the Sick Leave dank Policy available in the Department of Human resources, Leave hours donated to the bank must have been earned while actively employed by the bounty. ontact t e Department of Human Resources or further information an ~~*~~~ ~laan requests, and lean repayments. D, Absences far Maternit.~Pat the time an employee is medically disabled fram apregnancy-related condition ~s treated as any ether personal illness or disability described in this chapter. Absences maybe charged to earned sick leave for any medically disabling canditian related to pregnancy that is certified by a physician. Maternity and paternity absences for parental banding andfar child care fallowing the birth or adoption of a child may also be charged to earned sick leave, not to exceed 16a hears ~2a working days). A~~se~~~°es_far ~~~ater~~it ~1~ ater~~rt. leave will r«r~ conc~lrre~~t with I~MLA. To request maternity ar paternity leave, the employee must obtain a physician's statement ar a statement from the adoption agency. 'his statement must be submitted to the appropriate supervisor ~a days in advance, when possible, of the requested absence. Fallowing the appropriate supervisor's approval of the absence, the 13epa~~ment of Duman Resources is notified.. If accumulated sick leave is exhausted, the employee may charge maternitylpaternity absences to accumulated annual leave, compensatory time {if eligible}, or leave without pay, following the guidelines described in this chapter. Use of MaterntyrPaternity Leave is limited to pregnancy-related medical. conditions, parental bonding, and childcare only. Abuses of this leave could result in disciplinary action. E. Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) The federal Farr~il,y and Medical Leave Act of I '~, ,and. as amended ~[~~ and throw the National Defense Authorization Act ~~I ~~4?)~, rovides up to 12 weeks of unpaid jib protected leave to eligible employees for the fol'~owin reasons:. ~ For incapacity due to prey prenatal medical care or child birth; • To care for the employee's child after birth~ar pl_acerr~en~ for adoption. or foster_cares To care far the employee's spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition, ~r + For a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to porfc~rrn the employee's job. A serious health condition is an illness, injury, impairment, ,physical or mental condition that involves either an overni hg t stay-in a medical care faci~~ty, c-r_contnuin tg~ r~atn~ent b~y a health care provider for a condition that either prevents the empla~ ee from performing the functions of the en~pla,~ree's~~ ar prevents the ~ualifi++~ farr~ily member from a~rtcipatn in .school or other daily activities. subject to certain conditions, the ~continuin tg reat~nent re~urernent a bye met bra peria~d cif incapa+cit~ cif n~c~re tha~_ consecutive calendar days combined with at least two visits to a health care provide or .. ~ p . one visit an are- linen o continuing treatment, or Inca acct ~ue to pre ~nanc, chronic condition Fl ible employees with a spouse, child, or parent on active duty ar +called to active duty status in the National ward or deserves in support of a contnY operation r~~.~ use their 1 -weep leave entitlement to address certain ~,ualifying +~xigences. ~alifying exi envies may include attending certain military events, ai-rangi~g for alternative childcare, addressing certain financial and 1e al arran err~ents, attending certain, counseling ~essi+cns~ an+~ attending pest-deplc~ym~ent reintegration br~efing~. FMLA also includes a s ecial leave entitlement that errnits eli ible ens to ees to take up to ~+~ weeks of leave to care for a covered service member Burins a single 1 -month ,period. A covered service e~.ber is a current member of the Armed.. Forces, including member +~f the National ward or Deserves, wha has a serious injury or illness incurred in ,the line of duty on active duty that may render the service member medically unfit to perform his or her duties for which the service member is under og lrne~dzcal treatment, recuperation or therapy; oar is in ou, t~ati~nt status, or is on the temporary disabilit, re~r~d .list. The caregiver leave provision also includes veterans who are under oin medical. 2~ treatment recuperation. or therapy for serious injury or illness that occurred an`y i. Burin the Five years ~precedin~ the date ~~ treatment. wring l~"l~'iLA, leave, eliible emplo~rees are entitled to continued ~ health lan covers eon the sarr~e terms as if the err~ployee had continued to work. [Jpon return from >~Ir~ leave} most employees mint be restored to their on final ore uivalent position with equivalent pair, bene~'its and ether employrr~ent terms. Employees are eligible l~or FILA if they have worked for at least one gear, fdr ~,~~ hours ever the previous 1 months. The bounty uses a rolling l -month period measured. backward l~rom the date an employee used an~FLA leave. The aunty requires e11 lble employees to substitute accumulated paid leave time to FML~ u~pa~~ absences. Employees must provide ~+~ days advance notice ~ the need to tie FLA leave when the need is foreseeable. when 3o days advance notice ~~ not possible, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable ar~d roust comply with normal cal~~in procedure. To be cansdered for FN~L.~ leave, an employee should notify their .immediate supervisor and, request an p'LA application from the ~e~artment of human Resources. r y ~ r . . ! ' . . . s ~, s _ ~ L ~i~ ~~ 1 ' l _. ~ ~ ~ l 1~ A . 1 5 a • • ~ y l f . l A' t R J ! ~ ~ a . . ~~ i . ~' 1. F. Leave Without Pa Although the County is not obligated to grant leave without pay, the department director may approve leave without pay requests for extended illnesses or for personal reasons given by the employee. Leave without pay maybe granted for as much as 1 ~D calendar days during the course of employment. The employee cannot accumulate additional leave if on leave without pay for more than 4o hours, The employee will not receive pay fc~r any holidays that occur while on non-pay status. if on leave without pay for longer than two pay periods, the employee must cover the entire premium balance to continue medicalx-~ dental c~z" Long Ter~~~ ~isabil~ty insurance coverages ~err~ployee's share and the County's share}. For those covered by the Virginia Retirement System, the employee must pay the err~ployee's share of the life insurance premium to continue coverage. G. 1'~ilitar Leave ~t is the County's objective to grant military leave to fullTtime and part-tune regular ernplayees far active duty in the armed services of the United States or for employees who are farmer members of the armed services, current members of the reserve forces of any of the United States armed services, or of the Commonwealth's militia National ward, Naval 1Vlilitia and Virginia State Defense Force, in accordance with federal and state law, Full-time employees are entitled up to 1 S clays of military leave wrth pay during each federal fiscal year (~ctaber 1 ~ September 30} while engaged in active military duty for state ar federal funded military training duty ar who are called into active duty. Regular monthly drills and annual training are considered . training uty. i. ~- period. of work usually totals eight hours per day. For employees who normally do not work equal workdays on five or more days of each calendar week, the term "workday" shall mean 112bo of the total working hours such employee would be scheduled to work during and an entire federal fiscal year, not taking into account any holiday, annual leave, military leave or other absences. When such employee returns from federally funded. military duty and. the eight-hour rest period required by the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act overlaps such employee's scheduled work shift, the employee shall receive paid military leave to the extent of such overlap. For those employees, military leave will be paid in proportion to the regular work schedule. ii. Employees ordered to active duty, including training duty, for a period not to exceed 3o workdays will remain active under all County benefit plans.. 27 iii. Should an employee's tirr~e away from work exceed the maximum 15 days paid leave per federal fiscal year, the following shall apply. a. If the military leave is more than ~~ hours without pay, the employee must continue to pay their portion of any insurance premiums, ar~d will not accrue additional flexible or annual leave and sick leave. b. employees ordered to active duty for more than ~o days, must contact Human Resources to determine the status of their benefits. c. The employee may choose to use accumulated flexible or annual Leave or compensatory time (if eligible, but will not be required to do so. The employee must notify hislher immediate supervisor if helshe wishes to be paid this time.. iv. The employee's supervisor is responsible for ensuring that no more than 1 ~ days ~ 1 ~o hours with pay are granted for approved military leave. a. If the employee chooses to use accumulated flexible or annual leave or compensatory time, the employee's supervisor is responsible for indicating these hours on the employee's tmesheet and submitting the timesheet to Payroll. b. For employees on military leave for more than 3o-days, the supervisor is responsible for completing an Employee Status Sheet placing the employee on .Military Leave. c. Upon return of the employee, the supervisor is responsible for completing an Employee Status Sheet returning the employee to active status. ~,. Pat-t-time regular employees are granted leave without pay while engaged in active military duty for state or federal funded military training duty or who are called into active duty. Regular monthly drills and annual training are considered training duty. ~. p'ull-time or part-tune regular employees who leave the County to enter full-time military duty with the active armed forces of the united States will be granted unpaid leave. Employees shall be granted. military leave without pay for the duty. indicated in their military orders that is not covered by military leave with pay, for up to five (5~ years. ~. after completion of approved military leave or active military service for a period up to five ~~} years} the employee will be eligible for reinstatement to the same or similar position in accordance with USERRA guidelines (Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Acts as long as they; i. Report back to the civilian job in a timely manner or submit a timely application for reemployment a. for periods of military service of up to 30 consecutive days, the employee must report back to work for the first full regularly scheduled work periods on the day following the completion of the period of service and safe transportation home, plus an ~-hour ~8 period of rest. If reporting hack within this deadline is "impossible or unreasonable" through no fault of the employee, he or she must repast hack as soon as possible after the expiration of the 8-hour period. h. far periods of service of 31-18a days, the employee must submit a written or verbal application for reerraplayment with the employer not later than 14 days after the completion of the period of service. If submitting the application within I4 days is impassible or unreasonable through no fault of the employee, he or she must submit the application as soon as possible thereafter. c. for period of service more than 18~ days, the employee must submit a written or verbal application for reemployment not later than '~~ days after completion of the period of service. 5. The employee is responsible far providing a copy of the orders or other support documentation from a responsible military official as soon as possible after the employee is aware of training dates, active duty dates, etc, If written documentation is not availabler i, The employee is responsible for notifying hislher supervisor orally as soon as practical after the employee is aware of training dates, active duty dates, etc. ii. If the military leave is for more than 30-days and orders were not presented prior to the employee leaving, they should be provided as soon as passible upon returning to ernployrnent. l II. Required Tra~ning Employees may be required or approved by their supervisor to attend job-related training, The training will be considered working time and the employee will be compensated according to Chapter 3, "Compensation and Benefits," In addition, the County will pay for reasonable training-related expenses. I. Educational Leave Employees who choose topursue ajab-related course nc~~ required by the County maybe reimbursed for their tuition, as described in Chapter 3, ~t~"Tuition ~.eimbursement P'ro~ ram." {optional coursework is not considered working time and employees will not be paid far their time to attend such courses. J, Civil Leave Any regular full-time employee who is summoned to serve on jury duty or summoned or subpoenaed to appear in a court of law will be entitled to civil leave with pay. To receive civil leave, the employee must provide the appropriate supervisor with a copy of the subpoena or summons and must turn over a cc~,~y of the jury duty payment check to the payroll office. The employee will Deep payment received for jury duty, and payroll will 29 deduct from the employee"s ,gross wages an amount equal to the jury duty payrr~ent {excluding reimbursement for travel expenses}. If the employee chooses to charge civil duty to flexible or annual leave, he or she need not turn. over a copy of the j ury duty payment check to payroll. and no funds will be deducted from the employee's gross wages. Civil leave may not exceed the tune actually spent fulfilling the civil duty. Any additional time off on the same day must be charged to flexible or annual leave, compensatory time cif eligibles, or leave without pay. When an employee may need to use civil leave, he or she must notify the appropriate supervisor as soon as possible and complete a leave request form. A copy of the civil leave request must be forwarded to the Department of Human Resources. Employees who are defendants in a criminal court case or a party in a civil lawsuit may not use civil leave. They must charge the absence to flexible or annual leave, compensatory time (if eligible, or leave without pay. K. Blood Donor ~,eave The department director may approve time off with pay during the normal working day for the purpose of donating blood. Any additional time off on the same day must be charged to flexible or annual leave or compensatory time elf eligible}, or leave without pay. L. Holidahedule Roanoke County employees receive eleven ~l l~ holidays per year. For a complete listing of the holi~la schedule, please refer to the Human Resources Intranet site. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to amend the holiday schedule at any time and to increase or decrease the number of holidays observed. For these offices that remain open on designated holidays or do not follow the established holiday schedule, the total number of paid holidays shall not exceed 11 eight-hour working days or $~ hours. Any additional days} appointed by the Board of .Supervisors will be added to the 88-hour maxirnurn for these offices. Holidays are considered. an eight-hour work period that falls on the specified holiday. Employees working in public safety and other departments with special shift:S may have holiday hours applied in a different manner not to exceed 88 ours in a year.. When a holiday falls on ,Saturday, the Friday before the holiday will be observed. When a holiday falls an Sunday, the Monday following the holiday will be observed. All regular full-time employees are eligible to take the holiday off and to receive payment at the hourly rate for time off. However, an employee must be on pay status the full workshft (normally eight hours before and after the holiday to receive holiday pay. Employees who are on leave without pay on the workday immediately before or after a holiday will not be paid far that holiday. ~~ Err~layecs -that are not actively warping and are reCeivin short ar land term. dis~bil~t; insurance are not paid haliday~pa l~ull~time, exempt, and nonexempt cn~ployces required by their supervisor to warp an a County holiday arc paid at the regular hourly rate far the amount of time warped. The employee, with director approval, may choose to either be paid far the holiday ar to "banp" the holiday hours far use at a future date Haur~ held in the holiday ~anp may accumulate, but may not exceed 2~ hours by the last pay period of any fiscal year or when the employee leaves County service. ~l CHAPTER 5 -ADMINISTRATIVE POLICIES AND EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES A. Personnel Files The Depa~ment of Human Resources maintains a personnel file for each County employee. Employee records are maintained in accordance with the retention schedule established by the Comoro ~~wealth of Virginia Mate Eibrary for local government records. This file is the official record. of all employment with Roanoke County. Files contain personal data, benefit records, performance evaluations, disciplinary actions, training records, and other pertinent information. In keeping with the Privacy Act, personnel files are available for inspection only by the employee and the employee's supervisor or other authorised supervisor. An employee may review his or her file by contacting the Department of Human Resources for an appointment. A Department of Human Resources representative must be present during a review of a personnel file. Any changes of address, name, telephone number, number of dependents, or other information should be reported to the Department of Human Resources so that personnel records and insurance benefits may be kept up-to-date. B. Performance Evaluations Roanoke County is committed to evaluating employee performance and to providing feedback about employee efforts, The performance appraisal is an opportunity to evaluate past performance, set performance goals for the future, and to develop plans for.. skills learning and career development. Written performance evaluations will be conducted at least once a year for regular full- time employees, as well as regular part-time employees, and may also be conducted at other intervals determined by the supervisor. These evaluations do not replace day-to-day performance discussions between the employee and the employee's supervisor. They should instead help the employee set goals, determine dimensions related to those goals, and establish job specific examples that meet those goals. By doing this, the employee will be able to identify his or her job performance level, growth level, and developmental needs. Probationary employees are evaluated during the third month of employment and again 30 days before completing the probationary period. Employees are normally evaluated annually on or about their anniversary date ar other dates as defined by the department. The County depends on all employees to deliver efficient, quality services to all County residents. Any non-probationary employee who receives an unsatisfactory performance evaluation will be reevaluated in accordance with a plan of action by the appropriate supervisor. Any employee who receives two or more unsatisfactory c~nnua~ performance evaluations, not necessarily consecutive, within athree-year period maybe subject to ~2 dismissal. As outlined in Chapter b, "Disciplinary Procedure," this dues not preclude an earlier dismissal. '~. EITlplayee Classiflcatxon Roanoke County has established a personnel classification plan that is maintained by the Department of Human Resources. ~lmllar pas~t~ans with like duties and responsibilities are placed in the same job classification and are assigned a pay grade. The Department of Human Resources maintains a description of duties and qualifications far each jab classification. It is the responsibility of each department director to review jab descriptions far significant changes in jab duties and submit requests for changes in classification to b~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~H~in~~~r~ Re~~~~~~~ces. Recommendations -~n~ust be approved by the County Administrator. D. Promotions A promotion is the selection of an employee from a jab in one salary grade far a position in a higher salary grade. To be considered far a promotion, an employee must meet the requirements and qualifications specified in the dab descrrpt~an. Jab vacancies are pasted as described in ha ter 2, "Getting farted." ~JVhenever passible, current Roanoke Caunty employees who meet minimum qualifications should be given preference in hiring. When an employee is promoted into a new : ositia~~ that employee will serve up to a six-month transitional review period or a period of tune determined by departmental needs, During this time, the promoted employee must demonstrate suitability far the position and the ability to perform the essential jab functions, The department will do what it can through training and. development to ensure successful transition to the new jab. E. Demotions When an employee has displayed an inability to meet jab requirements or to perform the assigned tasks of the position, demotion may result. The employee maybe assigned to a position in a laver salary grade,. if a position is available and the enr~playee can perform the tasks required for the new position. A voluntary demotion may occur if an employee requests and is granted reassignment in a laver salary grade. All dernotians must be approved by the appropriate department director, constitutional officer ar other Caunty official after review and concurrence by the Director of Human Resources. The salary of a demoted employee may be set at any paint within the range established for the new position. If the demoted employee's current salary is above the maximum rate established far the new position, the employee's salary will be reduced. The new salary will be based upon the recommendation of the department director,. constitutional officer or other official, and approved by the Director of Human Resources. 33 F. Position Reclassification The County may make changes in the classification system and adjust an employee's salary if essential jab functians increase ar decrease to the extent that, a different classification is appropriate. The County may make minor changes in the jab description or title without affecting the positian classification. Department directors may request a position reclassification at any time, The request must be submitted through ~.r~~~ ,~#*r'}~~ T~~m l~uiY~al~ T~esc~uree~ and must be approved by the County Administratar. A positian reclassificatianmsy occur in an existing pasitian because of significant increases ar decreases inessential jab functians and responsibilities. where a positian reclassficatanr~sults fram changes inessential jab functians and responsibilities and the incumbent fills the reclassified pasitian, the County's application process daes not apply. The employee whose positian is reclassified may receive an appropriate increase in salary according to the Rc~ano~'ce ~'~unty Pay Phit~,~c~~hy, which includes maintenance of market competitiveness and the County's ability andlor willingness to pay. The salary far an employee whose pasitian is reclassified downward may remain the same. I-~awever, if the employee's present salary is left shave the maximum salary of the new,. lower grade, the employee will not be eligible to receive merit ar performance-based salary increases.. G. Position Establishment and Abolishment The County may establish or abolish pasitians in the Classificatian Plan according to its needs. ~f a new pasitian is established, it wi11 be pasted and applications for employment will be accepted according to the County's application process, as outlined in Chapter ~, "Getting started". If a pasitian is abolished, or when there are significant changes to the positian requirements whereby the incumbent daes not qualify far the revised responsibilities, ar when the resulting reclassification is such that the incumbent is not reasonably considered a candidate far the new pasitian, the County will assist the affected employee~s~ with career transitional services, H. Other Classificatian Adjustments The County may make changes at any time in the classification system and adjust employees' salaries based an periodic marketplace conditions ar salary surveys.. Adjustments may occur within identified groups, classes of positions, ar system-wide. The reassignment of a pasitian. ar pasitians at any time in the Classification Plan as a result of periodic marketplace ar salary surveys is wholly separate fram the reclassification process. The County Administrator defines the method by which positions are reassigned and. employees' salaries are adjusted, 34 I. Reduction In Farce SRI a} Definition - A Reduction in Force is a reduction in the workforce of the County, or any of its departments ar programs, caused by adverse economic conditions, reorganization by management, lack of sufficient work, or a decision by management to decrease services. A RIF can be County wide or within a specific department or program. The County Administrator has the right and obligation to manage the workforce in the best interest of the County and may require implementation of the Reduction in Force. The following shall serve as the general procedure far a reduction in force. The County Administrator will ultimately decide if a RIF is necessary. If requested.. to review a department far a passible RIF, the Department Director, in consultation with the County Administrator and ~Iuman Resources, will have the responsib~l~ty far the identification of specific functional areas of a department, job classifications, positions, and the individual employee(s) to be affected. b) RIF Criteria If a RIF occurs within a job classification in a department. where mare than. one employee is in a position, the Department Director will use the fallowing criteria to determine which employees are retained. 1. Probationary employees - If two ar mare employees are in the same classification in a department or program identified far a RIF and one of them is a probationary employee, the pro' atianary employee shall be reduced when feasible, unless the success of the program or department depends upon the specific skill set of the probationary employee (skills set is defined belaw~. If two ar mare probationary employees are ~n a dab classification identified far a RIF, the criteria set forth far non-probationary employees shall be used to identify the probationary emplayee~s~ to be reduced. 2. Nan-Probationary Employees- If a position is identified far a RIF and two ar more non-probationary employees are in the same classification, the following criteria will be used to determine which employees} will be retained. i. Skill Set -Shill set is defined as an assessment of qualifications and experience including any or all of the fallowing: • Specific qualifications and experience to perform the duties of a position that will be retained. • General qualifications and experience beneficial to the future achievement of department goals and objectives. • Demonstrated performance on specific, related tasks. required by the position to be retained. 35 ii, General Performance History - Performance history as documented by annual performance evaluations. iii. Length of service -Length of service is defined as the continuous full time tenure the employee has with the County. iv. Tune in Job -Tune in job is defined as the length of time the employee has been in the current position within the department. c} The department director shall determine if the reduction of temporary andlor part time employees serves to adjust staffing levels to avoid a reduction in force to full tune employees. There is no requirement that part time employees are eliminated first as in some instances part time and temporary employees are necessary to ensure needed flexibility in service delivery. d} The recall process is provided in accordance with the guidelines set forth in HR Management Policy ~. Procedures. e} Benefits The employee affected by a reduction.. in force wi11 not accumulate flexible or annual or sick leave since he or she will not be receiving pay. If two pay periods or less, the employee will have the option to be paid for accumulated leave or to keep the balance as a credit. Sick leave and comp time will remain as a credit. The employee must continue to pay the employee's share of the premium far health andlor dental insurance coverages) to continue. Beyond two pay periods, the employee will be paid for any of the unused balance of flexible or annual leave, comp time and sick leave as a lump sum payment. The sick leave will be paid as described in the dick Leave Bonus section. This employee will be offered the option of continued health andlor de ~~tal insurance coverage through Ct~BRA, Virginia Retirement System benefits will cease. J. Termination of Service Those terminating their employment with the County are required to give a minimum of two-weeks written notice to the appropriate supervisor and a Dopy of the notice to the Director of Human Resources, This notice enables the supervisor to make arrangements for a replacement and provides for work continuity. The employee should also contact the Department of Human Resources to schedule an appointment for the exit process. B y mutual consent, the supervisor and the terminat~ng employee may valve or modify the two-weeks written nonce. Employees leaving County service must return all County property in their possession to the appropriate department, This includes items such as manuals, identification cards, books, badges, keys, uniforms and tools, The employee will not receive payment for accumulated flexible or annual or sick leave until all County property is returned and any debt to the County is settled. The Department of Human Resources conducts exit interviews with regular full-time employees leaving County service. The purpose of the lntervlew 1s to gather inforrrlatlon ~~ that may help reduce turnover, improve working conditions and increase efficiency. The representative Pram the Department of FIuman Resources. will also make provisions far maling'W-~ forms, leave reimbursement, and other vital information. Exit interview results are kept confidential. K. Continuous Service If an employee shauld terminate in goad standing and return to County employment within ~~ days of the date of termination, the employee will retain seniority and shall be given credit for previous service for the purposes of accruing flexible leave, Individuals wishing to return to their previous positions with the County shauld complete an A,~~-licutinn4 fc~r m~~ayr~en~ form described in Chapter 2, s~ ~ ~ , "A~-~lication Process." ~. Anniversary dates If employed in a regular position on or after October 1,1g8~~, the anniversary date is the date of employment and will not change. For persons employed before October 1,198b, the anniversary date is the date already in effect on October 1,19$+ and that date also will not change. 11~. Travel Reimbursement Employees required to travel for County business will be reimbursed for work-related travel expenses. ,All travel is subject to prior approval by the appropriate supervisor. Reimbursement will only be approved after submitting all eligible travel expenditure receipts. Ineligible expenses include but are not limited to the following: purchasing alcoholic beverages, personal recreation-related expenses, and in-room hotel "pay-for- V1eW" maV1eS. Employees who use their personal vehicle for County business are also eligible to receive mileage reimbursement.. Reimbursement is paid at the current per-mile amount. Far further information, refer to the c~~~~rt~,~ ~'rc~~~~~ P~~~c'y on file in the Depament of Finance or on the Department of Finance Intranet site. 1~1. Sam Safety an the job is crucial. It is the responsibility of all County employees to observe the safety rules established far their positions. Department directors and supervisors shall be held responsible far providing the training of employees in the proper use of any required machinery, equipment, tools, and personal protective equipment and will also be responsible for documenting such training. Employees will be expected to participate in and complete training as to the proper use of any required machinery, equipment, or tools. They will also be trained and expected to use the proper personal protective equipment that is required for theirjob. Employees who use a County vehicle shall be expected to follow the established County and State safety procedures and traffic laws. 3~ Any questions that. any employee may have about these safety procedures ar laws should be promptly addressed to the employee's supervisor. Failure to follow established safety rules or improper use of protective equipment will be considered a violation of conduct standards and appropriate disciplinary action will fallaw.. An employee who finds any apparent defect in County equipment must report it to the appropriate supervisor as seen as passible, preferably before beginning the shift. Any accident involving County equipment must also be reported immediately to the appropriate supervisor regardless of the cause, (~. Use of Count Vehicles Employees are responsible far the proper care and maintenance of County-awned vehicles used in their work. Those who will operate County vehicles must at all times possess a valid Virginia driver's license and must have and maintain a satisfactory driving record. In addition, employees who will be driving vehicles meeting DDT requirements mast possess the appropriate Commercial Driver's License (CDL}. Employees holding a CDL will be subject to druglalcahol testing as required under the federal Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 199I, which is further discussed in-~;~~~ the "Drub Free workln~ Environment" section In this chapter. The County requires a current Department of Motor Vehicles {DMV) record from new.. employees and at the time any employee is transferred, promoted, or reassigned to a position that requires driving a County vehicle. The revocation or suspension of an employee's driver's license or any driving restrictions must be reported to the appropriate supervisor, The existence of a revocation, suspension, ar driving restriction, or the failure to pramptly notify the supervisor of its existence, maybe sufficient grounds far demotion or dismissal. Established County and State safety pracedures must be followed while using County vehicles. Vehicles maybe assigned to an employee either on a take hQ~e basis from a peal of vehicles or an a task basis. County vehicles are not far personal use except far commuting to work. when authorized. Use of Police Department and Sheriff's Department vehicles is governed by the Take Fame V'ehic~e P'olicy~ of thane departments. If an employee is involved in an accident with aCounty-owned vehicle, the appropriate supervisor must be notified of the accident immediately. An investigation of all accidents must be conducted bylaw enforcement personnel. A ~e,~icle Accr"'en~~'orm must else be completed and submitted to the Risk Manager within Z4 hours of the accident or by the next workday. The County Vehicle Accident Review Committee and Risk Manager review all accidents. Employees involved in an accident while driving their personal vehicles on County business must notify the appropriate supervisor. 3~ P. Severe Weather Policy Employees are responsible for reporting to work on time. When weather conditions cause transportation or reporting to work problems, the employee must contact the appropriate supervisor. If the supervisor decides the employee is not required to report to work, or to re~~~ain at_ ~°~rl~ c_~~~e to severe ~veathe~~, the supervisor may let the ~employ~ee tape leave or compensatory time cif eligible} or leave without pay as appropriate. An employee who fails to make a reasonable effort to ,get authorization for an absence maybe subject to disciplinary action. Department management will inform employees who maybe required to remain at work or report to work when such weather conditions occur according to departmental reporting guidelines. In severe weather conditions, County offices nay be closed b~ the County Administrator ~` . Public afet i.e. Fire . Rescue Police, Sheriff and ComIT Departments,. will remain open. 'hen f~,;~: r.r+.~ijr~~~~'o~nt~ offices are closed, every attempt will be made to notify employees through their supervisor, county communication media, i.e., county website~_~ ~~ ;r,~g~~,~r1,~~;~, ~-or the 1oca1 media. 1-employees who are not required to work during authorized closings can elect to use flexible or annual leave, compensatory time cif eligible, or leave without pay. Upon the discretion of the departmental management and within Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, employees may be permitted to makeup lost hours due to the closing. +~, Immediate Family Members within a Department Nepotism} It is the policy of the County not to place immediate family members in a supervisor- subordinate relationship within the same department. This includes regular full-tune, part-time, probationary, seasonal, and temporary employees. The i ~ ~ mediate family includes: spouse, children, brothers, sisters, parents, and grandparents of the employee andlor the spouse. R. Smoking The County is concerned about the health and welfare of its employees and is responsible for providing a work environment that does not present a health or safety hazard to employees or County citizens. Wherefore, smoking is prohibited in County-owned including leased space) buildings and facilities, except in designated areas, and in all County owned vehicles.. Employees who violate the Smnin~ Pc~~ic~ could be subject to a reprimand. See your supervisor if you have any questions. S. D~-ug_Free'4~arking Environment The County of Roanoke is committed to providing adrug-free working environment for all employees. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of alcohol or a controlled substance by an employee is prohibited in the workplace and is ~9 cause for immediate dismissal. o employee shall distribute, dispense, possess, use, or be under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or other intoxicating substances. The County is mandated to perform druglalcahol testing far employees covered under the Omnibus Transportation. Employee Testing Act of 1991, specifically those employees who are required to have a commercial driver's license (CDL) and wha perform safety- sensitive functions for Roanoke County. Requirements include pre-employment, random, reasonable cause, return to~ duty, and follow-up tests following a positive test result. Employees wha must be tested will be provided written information on testing requirements and an opportunity to ask questions at the time of employment, The Office of Risk Management has the responsibility far all druglalcohal testing of CDL holders, Employees taping prescription drugs issued by a licensed physician or over-the-counter drugs are responsible for knowing how the drugs will affect his~her job performance, reporting the use of such substances to his~her supervisor, and obtaining Roanoke County's authorization to use such drugs while working. Please consult your supervisor if you have any questions or concerns about the County's policy on drugs or alcohol in the workplace. The County intends to ~~ ully comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free workplace Act, the Drug-Free ~chaols and Community Act, and the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991. questions on druglalcohol testing for CDL holders should be directed to your supervisor and the Office of Risk Management. The Department of Human Resources will provide technical assistance in this area open request. This policy is intended to cover all employees of the County if it is determined that "reasonable cause" exists for druglalcahol testing and it is necessary to ascertain an employee's fitness for duty. The County has contracted with an Employee Assistance Program to provide confidential assistance to employees and their families who suffer from a wide variety of problems. See Chapter 3, section R, "Employee Assistance Pro. x,am"}. You are encouraged to contact the EAP counselor if you are experiencing problems with alcohol or drug abuse. All conversations with the counselor will be held strictly confidential unless you request otherwise. T. Electronic Media Hsa eg Fc~licy This policy governs the use of e-mail, the Internetllntranet, telephones, and any ether electronic device provided by the County and used by an employee in the furtherance of County business. It is the responsibility of the department director to ensure compliance with the policy. Employees are responsible for the proper use of electro~ ~ic equipment, software, data, log-on IDs, and passwords. Log-on IDs and passwords assigned to individual employees are to be held strictly confidential and are not to be divulged to other employees c-r to individuals not in the employ of the County unless specifically 4~ directed by a supervisor. Unauthorized access and use of computers.,.. software, and data ~s strictly prohibited. when using the Internet or fax machines, employees are directed not to send materials of a sensitive nature or which constitute the confidential inf©rmation of Roanoke County unless the information is appropriately encrypted to prevent access or interception by unauthorized third parties. Employees are expected to treat all electronic and verbal communications, particularly of a confidential nature, the same as written materials. Employees who use these communication systems for sending any message that damages the County's reputation may be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.. A11 electronic communication systems and all communications and stored information transmitted, received, or contained in the County's information systems are the property of the County and as such are to be used solely for job-related purposes. Cane should not expect that any communications made through the County system are private. The County retains the right and maintains the obligation as the owner of computer, software, and data to access, review, and use such for County business and to gather information as deemed necessary to conduct investigations or to assist in legal investigations of individuals or incidents at any time and without prier notice. Ilse of County telephone, voice mail, and computer systems constitutes acceptance of such monitoring.. Roanoke County policies against sexual or other harassment apply fully to the email, computer, Internetlintranet, and voice snail systems, and any violation of those policies is grounds for discipline up to and including dismissal. Therefore, no messages should be created, sent, or received if they contain intimidating, hostile, or offensive material concerning race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability ar any ether classification protected by law. Limited personal use of the Internet is acceptable but should not adversely affect employee productivity. Roanoke County is not responsible for material viewed or downloaded by users from the Internet; the intentional use of County time or property to download music protected by copyright or to view or download pornography is prohibited. The Internet is a worldwide network of computers that contains billions of pages of information, Users are cautioned that many of these pages include offensive, sexually explicit and inappropriate material, In general, it is difficult to avoid at least some contact with this material while using the Internet.. Users accessing the Internet do so at their own risk. Employees may not use the County's Internet connection to download games or other entertainment software, or to play games over the Internet. Also, employees are responsible for complying with copyright law anal applicable licenses that may apply to software, files, graphics, documents, messages and ether material available to download or copy. U. social Media Policy. ~~ ~1 Ta address the fast-changin landscape cf the Internet and the way em~lcy~es car:unicate, caunt.~depar~ments may consider par~ic~patn,n ~a~cial media farn~a~ t reach a broader audience. ~aandke Caunty encourages the use cf oeial 1'~edia to further the .awls of the Count and the rnissians of its de a~ments where a ra riate. The Beard of supervisors and the Ccuntdministratar have an averridin interest and expectation in decidin who rna~ eak" and what is "spal~en" an behalf cf Roanoke County cn racial media sites. The Count shall approve what ccial l'edia cutlets may be su~tb~le fear use by the County and its departments. '~. Employees representing t~e_ ~a~unty government via ccial Media cutlets must conduct themselves at all times as representatives cf Raanake County. Employees that fall to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner shall be subject to the I~sciplinar~ Prace~dures outlined in the Rcanake County Employee Handbook. The Caunty acl~navrled e,~ s ~mplay~e ri htpriva~ and free speech fat _may prefect cn-line activity ccnduct~d cn personal social networks. However} what is _publishe±d cn such personal bites should net be attributed tc cr reference the County and should nal appear to be endorsed by ar originated Pram the County. Employees that choose to list their warp affiliation or reference their employment with the County in any way an a racial netwaik should regard all ccmmunicatian an that network as if it were_ a prafessicnal network ~n-line lives are ultimately linked,. whether ar not employees cheese to mention the Count a,~n personal an-line networks, ~aunt~r e~nlaye~s eng~a in in racial media networks must at all times be ccnsciaus and respectful of the fact that their wards and actions are representati~re of tl~e Cauntgardless of when, where and haw the eantent was posted. Conflict of Interest in keeping with the Conflict of interest Act,. Chapter ~~.1 of Title ~.1 of the Cade of Virginia, County ~,~laye~s ~ar~e prdhi~ted j~r~m usi~ information they have wined w1~i~e performing t~eir,~o~ t~ further their persanai interests. Same County enlplayees may be required to file a statement of their interests ~i.e. investments) as prescribed by Caunty ordinances ar State law. These who are uncertain whether their interests may present a conflict with their position as a Caunty employee should contact the I~aanoke Caunty Commonwealth's Attorney. Violation of the Conflict of Interest Act could result in disciplinary action as described in Chapter ~, "I~lsclpllnary Procedures,,, I '~~'. Canfidentialit,r~I~ecords Many Caunty employees will work in pas'~~tions where confidential information concerning the plans and affairs of the Caunty, their department, or ether employees will be handled. En~playees shall not discuss such plans cr records with persons net authorized to have access to this infarmatian. If an employee is uncertain about releasing 4 information, hear she should refer the individual requesting the information to the appropriate department director, constitutional officer, ar ether County official. An employee who releases confidential information could. receive disciplinary action as described in Chapter b, "Disciplinary Procedures." Gifts County employees are In a position of public trust and may not accept gifts, gratuities, favors., or rewards far any services they perform in connection with County employment. In addition, it is unlawful to solicit, offer, ar accept money or anything of value in exchange far an appointment, promotion or special privileges with the County. These limitations are not intended to prevent employees from accepting articles of little value that may be distributed by other County employees ar citizens. V~alatlon of this policy Could result ~n disciplinary action as described In Chapter ~6, "Disciplinary Procedures." Y. Secondary Employment Although employees are allowed to have secondary employment outside the County, it must not interfere with work performance in the County position or create a conflict with responslbllltles to the County. Any non-County employment--including self- employment--must beore-approved. The employee must complete the Outside Ernp~~yment,~pra~al~or, available in the Department of Human Resources, before accepting the second job. This farm must then be submitted to the appropriate department director, constitutional officer or other County official for approval. Gnce approved, the farm will be forwarded to the Department of Human Resources and maintained in the employee's personnel file, If the authority that approved the outside work ar the Director of Human Resources determines that the second position interferes with the employee's jab performance or creates a conflict of interest, the employee must end the secondary employment or resign his or her position with the County, Failure to complete the Uutside ~mplayment. Approval farm could result in disciplinary action as described in Chapter ~, "Disciplinary Procedures." ~, Palltlcal Activity ~mplayees shall serve all County residents equally, regardless of residents' political opinions ar affiliations. In noway shall the amount ar quality of service an individual receives from the County be affected by the resident's political opinions or affiliation. secondly, the appointment, retention, or promotion of a County employee shall in na way be influenced by the employee's political affiliation, preference, opinions, or activities, While on County time or County property, employees may not campaign for themselves, 43 for other persons, parties ar organizations; and they may not display campaign posters, solicit campaign funds or circulate candidacy petitions. Vlalatlon of this pulley could result rn disciplinary action as described. ~n Chapter ~, "Disciplinary Procedures." ~A. Conduct and Appearance Employees represent the County government to the public and must conduct themselves at all tunes as representatives of Roanoke County. This is especially important far those required to be in uniform or to operate County vehicles since they are more visible to the public. In addition, as a general standard, the County expects employees to be neat, Shaw goad taste in dress, and to maintain a neat warp area. Departments may have specific dress code policies. Violation of this policy could result in disciplinary action as described in Chapter 6, `Disciplinary Procedures." BB. Personal Use of County Time and Equipment The County provides telephones for employees who need them to conduct County business. Personal calls should be limited. They should not be made or received when they will interrupt or interfere with the employee's work ar interfere with the use of t1~e telephone for County business, Fax machines, personal computers, copiers, and other County equipment should be used for County business. Unauthorized removal of County equipment. ar property from the premises or the unauthorized use of County equipment ar property far personal reasons is prohibited. Employees will report to work as scheduled and make every effort to use time wisely fir completing assigned duties. Using County time for personal reasons is not allowed. It is considered time t~~ft and will be grounds far disciplinary action. ~An example of time theft might be having another employee type personal correspondence. Prolonged ar repeated "visits" between employees while working interferes with the an-going work effort and is also considered time theft. Violation of this policy could result in disciplinary action as described in Chapter ~, "Disciplinary Procedures." CC.. Solicitation County employees are net permitted to sell items far personal gain to other employees or members of the general public during regular office or work hours. Uther farms of solicitation shall not be permitted in any County buildings, except as provided by County building use regulations ar by these individuals or organizations approved by ar sponsored by the ward of Supervisors. ~4 Violation of this policy could result in disciplinary action as described in Chapter ~, "Disciplinary Procedures," 45 CHAPTER 6 -DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES A. Conduct standards Upon accepting a position with the County, employees are expected to apply themselves efficiently to their assigned duties, to be timely and regular in attendance, and to maintain satisfactory worlf performance. Failure to meet these standards will normally result in disciplinary action. It is not possible to list every conceivable form of misconduct. Therefore, the conduct standards listed in this chapter are illustrative. Other forms of misconduct or nonperformance not listed here will be treated consistently within the guidelines described in this chapter..Although the County attempts to offer corrective action whenever possible, immediate dismissal may result where employee behavior undermines public confidence in the County's mission or from situations where the County believes corrective action is inappropriate. The Cclunty eves not Intend for t~iis han~'bvcak to Ater the at-wild nature ~f its relc~t~nshi~ with employees. Instead, this handbool~ is intended to provide employees with a general understanding of what can be expected. from a violation of certain policies andlor procedures, B. Counselin Counseling is intended to bean informal discussion between supervisor and employee relating to worl~ performance or behavior problems which, if not corrected, could lead to disciplinary action. It is not, however, a prerequisite for taping disciplinary action. Through the counseling session, the employee, the immediate supervisor andlor other appropriate supervisor should determine how the employee can improve his or her performance or correct behavior problems. C. Disc%plinar~ Action Disciplinary action will normally fa11 into one of four categories: reprimands, suspensions, demotions, or dismissals. The employee's supervisor issues disciplinary action based on the conduct violation or unsatisfactory job performance. To explain the consequences of misconduct and to maintain uniform standards of discipline throughout the County, illustrative examples are given for each form of disciplinary action. 1. Reprimands There are two types of reprimands, verbal and written. reprimands are normally issued for violations that include but are not limited to the following; unsatisfactory attendance 4b ~ abuse of flexible or sick leave {see Chapter 4, ~~ . , "dick Leave" section} abuse of County time, such as unauthorized time away from the work area or the use of County time to perform personal work • offensive language conviction of a traffic violation while using a County vehicle ~ failure to abide by the established safety belt policy failure to abide by the established smoking policy unsatisfactory job performance • unauthorized use of computers, software or data, or unauthorized disclosure of access methods or passwords when data has not been. modified. a. Verbal Re rimands Before receiving a verbal reprimand, the employee will be allowed to provide an explanation for misconduct or poor job performance. If a reprimand is still to be issued, the super~~isor must then advise the employee that a verbal reprimand is ~ein~ issued and discuss with the employee the unacceptable conduct, including a recommendation for correcting the behavior. The employee will also be advised that any further misconduct could result in a written reprimand.. Depending upon the seriousness, nature, and type of misconduct, other disciplinary action may be issued instead. supervisors and employees are encouraged to keep an informal record of any verbal reprimand or counseling sessions that may take place since these are not formally documented in the employee's personnel file. b. written Reprimands Misconduct. that takes place within ~~ months of a verbal reprimand will normally result in the employee receiving a written reprimand, Before receiving a written reprimand, the employee will be allowed to provide an explanation for misconduct or poor job performance. If a reprimand is soli to be issued, the .supervisor must then advise the employee that a written reprimand will lac issued indicating the nature of the misconduct ~i.e, "unsatisfactory attendance"}. A copy of the written reprimand is given to the employee, the supervisor retains a copy, and a copy is placed in the employee's personnel file. written reprimands remain active for 24 months; during this time they can be considered by management as grounds for further disciplinary action. At the end of the active period, written reprimands become inactive; they are removed from the employee's personnel. file and retained only for archival purposes by the Department of Human Resources. If a copy of the written reprimand is maintained in the employee's department, it shall be destroyed when it becomes inactive, 47 2. suspensions Suspensions arc normally issued far more serious violations, which include but arc not limited to the following: * failure to follow a supervisor's instructions or to perform assigned work • failure to abide by safety regulations • failure to abide by established County andlor departmental policies • reporting to work or working under ~hc influence of alcohol or illegal substances (some departments may have a separate policy, with approval by the Department of Human Resourecs~ • leaving the workplace without permission during warping hours • unexeused absences • unauthorized use ar misuse of County property ar records • sleeping during working hours • receipt of a second active written reprimand. Suspensions are normally issued for no more than five working days without pay, as specified by the supervisor. Before receiving a suspension, the employee will be allowed to provide an explanation for misconduct or poor jab performance, If a suspension is still to be issued, t~~ su,~e~vis~r must thin advise the emp~~ye~ that ~ ~suspen,fiian wi~~ b~ is~su~d indicating the nature of the misconduct ~i.e. "failure to follow a supervisor's instructions"}. A copy of the written suspension notice is given to the employee, the supervisor retains a copy and a copy is placed in the employee's persar~nel file. Suspension notices remain active far 3b months.. At the end of the active period, suspcnsians became inactive. they are removed from the employee's personnel file and retained only far archival purposes by the Department of Human Resources. ~f a copy of the suspension native is maintained in the employee's department, it shall be destroyed when it becomes inactive. Depending upon the circumstances and severity of the offense and pending investigatlan period, a suspension without pay maybe issued for up to 3~ calendar days with the approval of the Director of Human Resources. 3. Demotions A demotion may be based on performance if the employee has displayed an inability to meet essential job functions. The employee maybe assigned to a position in a lower salary grade, provided the employee can perform the essential Job funct~ans and a position is available. Refer to Chapter 5, section E, "Dc~rlotians,"for further information.. 4$ 4. Dismissals Dismissals normally occur for violations that include but are not limited to the following; ~ deliberate disregard for a specific order or directive • absence for two consecutive working days without notifying the appropriate supervisor + use of alcohol while on the job ~ use, possession, or sale of unlawfully possessed controlled substances car ~drl1~,~p~~I'~lphernalia while on the job willfully falsifying or damaging County records or property • theft, unauthorized removal, ar unauthorized disclosure of County records, information or property + gambling while at the worksite ~ willfully violating safety rules where there is a threat to life or health participating ~n a work, slowdown, sit-down, or strike + unauthorized use or unauthorized possession of firearms, dangerous weapons, or explosives • threatening or harassing other employees ar a member of the public • accepting or offering bribes • criminal conviction for conduct occurring on or off the worksite that is related. to job performance or could affect public confidence in the employee's ability to perform County business # the second. active suspension notice or the third active written reprimand ~ any act that is physically or verbally threatening, or any action that may carry the potential to harm or endanger the safety of others, to result in an act of aggression or to destroy or damage property The appropriate supervisor will notify the employee verbally or in writing that a dismissal notice is bung issued (see section I, "Err~plo. ee~ 's Ri,ht to l~otice" xn this chapter}, ~. copy of the dismissal notice is given to the employee, the supervisor retains a copy, and a copy is placed in the employee's personnel file. Dismissals may also be issued when the employee does not meet performance or conduct standards or the conditions of employment far the position. This may include; unsatisfactory job performance documented by two unsatisfactory annual performance evaluations in a three-year period, (allure to maintain Valid licenses or other necessary job qualifications, and inability to perform essential job functions, 49 D. Other suspensions An employee maybe suspended without pay during an investigation of alleged misconduct led by appropriate County officials. Further, any employee who is arrested for or charged with committing a felony, a crime of moral turpitude crimes contrary to justice, honesty or good. morals}, or any offense that could directly affect public confidence in the employee's ability to perform County business will normally be suspended without pay. wring suspension without pay, if the employee wishes to continue insurance coverage, he or she must pay the employee's share of the premium{s}. The County will continue to pay the employer's share of the premium~s~. Contact the Department of Duman Resources for more information on premium payments. ~f the County investigation clears the employee of all alleged misconduct, the employee will be reinstated wlthout loss of any benefits, pay, or County service time. where warranted, tl~e County may impose disciplinary action, rnclud~ng dismissal, upon completion of the investigation of alleged misconduct, Bef ~1re ~~y su.5~~en~sidn discussed in this ~S~ectio~ gc~~es into e`ect, the e-~pl~~ye~ will be nc~tif ced venally car in writing ~f the rea~s~~~ns~fQr the sus~en.s~ic~n (see section I, "~,plo. eel Right to Notice," in this chapter). The employee will also be allowed to offer an explanation for why the suspension should be with pay. After consulting with the Department of Human Resources and only in exceptional circumstances, a constitutional officer, department director, or other appropriate County official may approve a suspension with pay for an employee who is the subject of an investigation. The use of this procedure shall not limit the disciplinary action that maybe tal~en against the employee as a result of the outcome of the investigation. grievance Procedure Non-probationary full-time employees and regular part-tune employees are entitled to use the County Grievance Procedure for any matters relating to these conduct policies. Probationary employees are not entitled to use the Grievance Procedure unless they allege discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, sex, political affiliation, dlsablllty, veteran status or national origin. ~~ee Chapter ~, "Grievance PrQC~edure,"for more lnfarlnatlan.~ F. Rebuttal statement The employee may place a statement in his ar her personnel file explaining situations that led to a disciplinary notice. This statement does not tale the place of the informal discussion step in the Grievance Procedure see Chapter 7, "Grievance Procedure"). o Procedural Guarantees Employees who serve in the Police Department in a sworn law enforcement capacity, firefighters, and emergency medical technicians are eligible for certain procedural guarantees provided by the Code of Virginia. For the Police Department, the procedural guarantees apply to any sworn officer, other than the Chief of Police, who "in his official capacity, is authorized by law to mare arrests and who is anon-probationary member's of the Police Departrr~ent. These procedural guarantees provide an alternative to the County Grievance Procedure and can be found in. Chapter lo. l of Title Z. l of the Code of Virginia Sections ~. l -11 X6.1 through i ~~.~N Far tl~e Fire and Rescue Department, these procedural guarantees apply whenever an officer, a firefighter, or an emergency medical technician is subjected to an interrogation that could lead to dismissal, demotion, suspension, or transfer far punitive reasons. These procedural guarantees can be found. in Chapter 1 ~. I.1 of Title 2.1 of the Code of Virginia, ~ ~'SQ, as amended, Sections 2.1- I 1 f .9: I through 2.1-11 ~, ~: ~. H. Investi ations The County.. may conduct investigations andlor tests, including drug and alcohol testing, as part of its investigation. of unacceptable conduct. These investigations andlor tests will follow accepted administrative policies and current laws. After consulting with the Department of Hurnan Resources and the ~-ffice of the County Attorney, the appropriate department director, constitutional officer, or higher County official may recommend an investigation andlor testing. All departmental policies and guidelines on drug and alcohol testing must be reviewed by the County Attorney and Director of Human Resources and are then approved by the County Administrator. These policies and procedures should include provisions regulating selection of employees for testing, custody of test samples, qualifications of testing facilities, opportunities for second tests, security and con~rnuncation of test results, and the range of consequences or alternatives for positive test results. They will also designate the methods that will be used to inform all departmental employees of the provisions. Any drug or alcohol testing conducted on a random basis or to comply with federal or State mandates, including those required for holders of a Commercial Driver's License (CDIc,), shall be performed following those approved policies and guidelines. I. Employee's Right to Notice Before any dismissal, demotion, transfer instead of dismissal, suspension or receipts of a written reprimand, the employee shall be given verbal or written notice of the offense by the appropriate supervisor, depa~ment director, constitutional officer, or other County official, Further, the employee shall have the right to offer an explanation andlor contest 51 ~. Sexual Harassment The County has an obligation to maintain a place of employment that is free of harassing, abusive, or disruptive conduct, Sexual harassment constitutes dlscrlminat~on, ~s illegal under federal and state laws and county policy, and will not be tolerated. The County is cornrnltted to taking positive corrective action where the need arises. ~ . Deflnrtron Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual attention of a persistent ~r offensive nature made by a person who knows, or reasonably should know, that such attention is unwanted. Sexual harassment includes sexually oriented conduct that is sufficiently pervasive or severe to unreasonably interfere with an employee's job performance or create an :intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. This may Include a range of subtle and not so subtle behaviors and may involve individuals of the same or different gender, While sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of conduct, some examples of specifically prohibited conduct include: • sexual jokes and innuendo • sexual commentary.. about an individual's body, sexual prowess, or sexual deficiencies • display or circulation in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures including through e-mail} • insulting or obscene comments or gestures • verbal harassment or abuse • ongoing, :subtle pressure for sexual activity engaging in sexually suggestive physical contact or touching another employee in a way that is unwelcome +~ making sexual or romantic advances toward an employee and persisting despite the employee's rejection of the advances • requesting sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning an individual's employment status or promise of preferential treatment for an individual's employment status • actions or activities--even though frivolously intended--that express employment preferences motivated by sexually oriented concerns • the promotion or condoning of a hostile, sexually harassing environment ,Sex-based harassment, that is, harassment not involving sexual activity or language ~e.g., male manager yells only at female employees and not males} may also constitute discrimination if it is severe or pervasive and directed at employees because of their sex.. 5~ Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when any of the following occur: submission to such conduct is made either directly or indirectly a term or condition of employment submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual such conduct has a purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work performance or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment 2. statement of Action Individuals who experience sexual harassment must notify the violator directly or indirectly that such behavior is offensive and if repeated will be reported to the appropriate supervisor, The County strongly urges the reporting of all incidents of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation, regardless of the offender's identity or position. Individuals who believe they have. experienced conduct that they believe is contrary to Roanoke County's sexual Harassment Policy or who have concerns about such matters should file their complaints with their immediate supervisor, the Director of Human Resources, or any member of the Human Resources Department before the conduct becomes `severe or pervasive. Individuals should not feel obligated to file their complaints with their immediate supervisor first before bringing the matter to the attention of one of the other County designated representatives identified above. Violation or misapplication of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. The County's commitment to eliminating sexual harassment from the workplace should not be viewed as an opportunity for employees to intentionally make unfounded, frivolous or vindictive actions that violate the intent of this policy. The availability of this complaint procedure does not preclude individuals who believe they are being subjected to harassing conduct from promptly advising the offender that his or her behavior is unwelcome and requesting that it be discontinued. ~ dealing with complaints of sexual harassment, the County will follow due process and the rights of all parties will be protected. All formal complaints of sexual harassment shall be investigated following the formal investigative procedures developed or approved by the Director of Human Resources. The sexual Harassment InvestigQtive ~'raceu~e is on file in the Department of Human Resources, M. Retaliation or Acts of Reprisal for Filina rievanc~e Roanoke County prohibits retaliation against any individual who reports discrimination or harassment or participates in an investigation of such reports. retaliation against an individual for reporting harassment or discrimination or for participating in an ~4 investigation of a claim of harassment or discrimination is a serious violation of this policy and, like harassment ar discrimination itself, will be subject to disciplinary action. Non-probationary full-time employees and reg ~~lar part~tme employees are eligible to file grievances, following the provisions and exclusions described.. in Chapter ~. Thaw who believe they have been retaliated against for filing a grievance may use the Grievance Procedure described in Chapter 7 or may choose to follow the policy described below. ~.. l~eflnltlon Retaliation or acts of reprisal for filing a grievance may include but are not limited ta; disciplinary action, demotion, suspension, dismissal or other adverse ~iob action taken against an employee who files a grievance. Retaliation or acts of reprisal may also include harassment, unfavorable work conditions, work assignments that are not directly related to essential County business, and implied or avert threats concerning an individual's employment status, 2. Statement of Action The employee must report any retaliation or reprisal to the appropriate supervisor, the County Attorney, the Director of ~Iuman Resources, or the County Administrator The appropriate supervisor ar official must immediately deal with any known act of retaliation ar reprisal against an employee far filing a grievance. Violation or misapplication of this policy may result in disciplinary action, including dismissal. The County's commitment to eliminate workplace retaliation or acts of reprisal for filing a grievance should not be viewed as an opportunity for employees to intentionally make unfounded, frivolous, ar vindictive claims that violate the intent of this policy. In dealing with complaints of retallat~an or acts of reprisal for filing a grievance, the County will observe due process and the rights of all parties will be protected, 55 CHAPTER 7 -GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE A. Pur~-a~e Generally, the majority of emplayeelemployer problems can be settled to the satisfaction of both. through informal discussion between the employee and the supervisor. 7f not, the ~rieva~~.~e Pr~c~dur~ described in s~ctian ~ of this chapter, maybe used. This procedure provides an immediate and fair method far the resolution of disputes and complaints that arise out of the emplayeelemplayer relationship. The purpose of this procedure is as follows: • Ta provide employees a metl~ad far having complaints considered rapidly, fairly and without fear of reprisal • To encourage employees to express themselves about war1~ conditions that affect them as ernplayees • To assure employees that persanrxel actions will fallow fair and uniform policies and procedures • To develop in supervisors a greater sense of responsibility in dealing with employees Any supervisor ar ether management official who makes a reprisal against an employee far filing a grievance may be subject to strict disciplinary action, including demotion and dismissal, B. Cavera~e of Personnel The following personnel may use the grievance Procedure: • non-probationary, full-time ~oanake County Department of facial services employees • non-probationary, full-time employees of constitutional officers who have chaser to have their offices participate in the County's grievance procedure • all other non-probationary, full-time employees • part-time employees who have worked far the County at least six consecutive n~anths. The fallowing County employees are not allowed to use the Grievance Procedure: • Board-appointed. officers • elected officers • the County Administrator • the County Attorney • chief deputies of constitutional officers • chief financial officer • assistant county administrators 5b • department directors • probationary, temporary, limited term, and seasonal employees • law enforcement officers who choose to file a grievance under the statutory grievance procedure for law enforcement personnel Probationary, temporary, limited term, and seasonal employees may file a grievance if the complaint involves a charge of discrimination. Assistant county administrators and department directors may file grievances regarding disciplinary actions limited to dismissals. The County Administrator will determine which positions are exempt from coverage under this ;procedure and will maintain an up-to-date list of all exempt positions. C. Management Rights The County has management rights, or the authority to arrange its human and material resources in order to provide efficient and effective services to County residents. fi~othing in the Grievance Procedure is intended to restrict or change the following management rights, so long as they are not exercised in an arbitrary andlor capricious manner, • To direct the work of employees as well as establish and revise wages, salaries, pos~t~on elasslflcatlons and general employee benefits • To hire, promote, transfer, assign, retain, or dismiss employees • To maintain the efficiency of County governmental operations • Ta relieve employees from duties in emergencies • To determine the methods, means, and personnel to accomplish operations D. Usi the Grievance Procedure ~, Definitions A g,rieva~r~e is a complaint or dispute by an employee relating to his or her employment; a grievant is an employee who files a grievance. An employee has the right to use the Grievance Procedure for any matter he or she believes needs to be formally addressed. However, the County Administrator will determine grieva~i~it~, or whether an employee's complaint will be resolved using the Grievance Procedure. If the County Administrator determines that the complaint is not grievanle, the employee may appeal the decision to the Roanoke County Circuit Court, The employee also has the option to request administrative review of the complaint outside the Grievance Procedure. Grievability and appeal are discussed in section F of this chapter. 2. Grievanle Complaints Following the Code of Virginia, the County has distinguished circumstances where a complaint will generally be determined grievanle and situations where it will nat. Complaints or disputes related but not limited to the following will generally be found grievable: 57 • disciplinary actions involving disr~nissal, demotion, suspension, or written reprimand. • dismissals resulting from discipline ar unsatisfactory job performance • concerns regarding the proper application of personnel policies and regulations • complaints of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, political affiliation, handicap or disability, veteran status, or national orig~~n • any complaint alleging any action that would be prohibited by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act An employee will typically be allowed to use the Grievance Procedure for complaints or disputes related to retaliation ar acts of reprisal associated with the following: • using the Grievance Procedure ar participating in the grievance of another County employee • compliance with any United States law or Virginia law • reporting any violation of United States law or Virginia law to a governmental authority • seeking to change United States or Virginia law before the Congress of the United States or the Virginia General Assembly 3. 1'~an Grievance Complaints Complaints or disputes related but not limited to the following will generally be cleclded as not grievanle: • management rights described in section C of this chapter • content of ordinances, statutes, ar established policies or regulations • establishment or revision of wages, salaries, position classifications, reclassifications, or general benefits • failure to be promoted except where the employee can show that established policies were not followed or applied fairly • work activity accepted by the employee as a condition of employment or work activity which may be reasonably expected to be part of the job content • measurement and assessment of work activity through perfarrnance evaluation, except where the employee can show that the performance eva cation was arbitrary or capricious • dismissal, demotion, or layoff because of lack of work, reduction in work force, or job abolition, except where the action affects an employee who has been reinstated within the previous six months as the result of the final determination of a grievance ~~ For grievances brought under this last exception, the County's action will be upheld once it shows that a valid business reason existed for the action and that the employee was notified of the reason in writing before the effective date of the action. E. Employee Ri g hts and representation The grievant shall be permitted to be accompanied by or represented by an individual of his or her own choice at the step III meeting and the step ICJ panel hearing, The grievant is responsible for any expenses related to representation. By mutual agreement., the grievant and the County may extend the time periods established in the steps of the Grievance Procedure, unless law designates those time periods. E. Determining and Appe~~ Grievability Whether or not a matter is grievabce may be wised at any time during the Grievance Procedure until the Step IV panel hearing begins. Grace raised, the issue must be resolved before any further proceedings on the grievance: The issue ~~' ~rie~ability shall lie resolved be fore the panel hearing convenes; otherwise it shall be eonsi~ered waived. At the request of either management or the grievant, the County Administrator will decide Whether or not a matter is grlevable. The determination o ~rievabili~y dorm Form A} must be used to make the request and. the decision shall be made Within 10 calendar days of its receipt. The County Administrator will notify the grievant of the decision through the Determination of Grievability form. The grievant may appeal the decision by signing the " l'~otice of Appeal" on the form and returning it to the County Administrator within Io calendar days of the Administrator's decision. A copy of the form asking for appeal must be given to the Department of Human Resources, The grievant must also file a motion with the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk. The County Administrator will then Dave to calendar days to transmit the following materials to the Clerk of the Court: a copy of the County Administrator's decision, a copy of the notice of appeal and any exhibits, A list of any exhibits or evidence given to the court shall be given to the grievant at the same tune. If the County Administrator fails to transmit the .materials within the time allowed, the grievances rights sha11 not be compromised. The Court, on a motion filed by the grievant, nay issue a writ f eertinrari, which would require the County Adrr~inistrator to transmit the records to the Clerk on or before a specified date. The Court may affirm the County Administrator's decision or may reverse or modify the decision, The decision of the Court is final and is not appealable. 59 G, Policy Both the grievant and the County mint obey, or cnm~pl~ with, the substantial procedural requirements of the Grievance Procedure. If one party does not comply, the other party n1l1St Send a written notTCe of the vlolatTOn to the other. ~ Copy of the n©tlflcatlon must also be sent to the County Administrator. The violator must correct the violation within five working days of receiving the written notice. Gtherwise, a decision will be made in favor of the other party. The County Administrator or the Administrator's designee shall make the final determination on all compliance issues, Decisions made by the County Administrator or the designee may be appealed by filing a petition with the Clerk of the Circuit Court within 3~- days of the compliance determination, I-I. Procedure Grievances beyond the informal discussion step shall be documented in writing on forms supplied by the Department of Human Resources. During Steps I, II and III, both the grievant and the County may call upon appropriate witnesses. At least ~4 hours in advance, the grievant and the appropriate County representative shall make a reasonable effort to notify one another of all witnesses expected to appear at their meeting. Either party has the right to have any witness excluded during the meeting when that witness is not actually testifying. The resolution of complaints or disputes through the Grievance Procedure shall proceed in the following manner: 1. Informal Discussion with the Immediate Supervisor An employee with a complaint shall first discuss the problem directly with his or her immediate supervisor. The complaint does not need to be in writing at this point. The employee has ~o calendar days from the time the event occurred that created the complaint to initiate the informal discussion with the immediate supervisor. The immediate supervisor shall give the employee a verbal response within l calendar days following their discussion. If the problem is not resolved through informal discussion, the employee has the right to pursue the grievance through the procedure outlined below. ~. Ste,p I--Meeting with the Step I Official If the informal discussion does not resolve the employee's complaint, the employee may file a written grievance with his or her department director on the rievanc~~ firm (form B), The form must be filed within 10 calendar days following the end of the informal discussion procedure and it must specify the bo employee's expected resolution to the complaint. A Step I official shall submit a copy of the Grievance farm to the Director of Human Resources as soon as it is received. For most departments, the department director is the Step I official. The Chief of .police, Chief of Fire and Rescue, and the Sheriff may designate in writing another appropriate official at the ranl~ of Captain or above to be the Step I official far addressing grievances originating in their departments. The Step I official shall call a meeting to gather information about the grievance within 1 ~ calendar days of receiving the Grievance form. The grievant and Step I official are the only persons who maybe present at this meeting. Either party may call witnesses during the meeting to present facts and evidence related to the grievance. The Step I official shall give a written response to the grievant within to calendar days fallowing the Step I meeting, and a copy of the response shall be given to the Director of Human Resources. ~, Step II--Meetin with the Top Level official If the Step I written response does not resolve the grievance, the grievant may indicate his or her disapproval on the Grievance form and resubmit the form within to calendar days to the appropriate assistant county administrator or other top level management official, These persons serve as the Step II top level official. Should the next level of supervision for a department be the County Administrator, the grievance shall proceed directly to Step III. For police, Fire and Rescue, and. Sheriff's Department employees, Step II grievances will be addressed by the Chief of Police, Chief of Fire and Rescue, or the Sheriff respectively, if these officials have not already addressed the grievance. The tap level official shall call a meeting to gather information about the grievance within Io calendar days of receiving the Grievance form. The grievant and the top level official are the only persons who maybe present at this meeting. Either party m.ay call witnesses during the meeting to present facts and evidence related to the grievance. The top level official shall give a written response to the grievant within to calendar days following the Step II meeting, and a copy of the response shall be given to the Director of Human Resources. 4. ,Step III--Meeting with the_Count~ministrator If the Step II written response does not resolve the grievance, the grievant may again indicate his or her disapproval on the Grievance form and resubmit the farm to the County Administrator within l o calendar days of the Step II reply. ~l The County Administrator shall call a meeting to gather information about the grievance within 1(~ calendar days of receiving the grievance form. At the agreement of both parties, the County Administrator may designate an assistant county administrator to address the grievance, if an assistant county administrator has not already served as the Step II tap level official. At the Step III meeting, the grievant may have a representative present. If the grievant is represented by legal counsel, the County may likewise be represented by counsel. Either party may call witnesses during this meeting to present facts and evidence related to the grievance. The County Administrator shall give a written reply to the grievant within 10 calendar days fallowing the Step III meeting, and a copy of the reply shall be given to the Director of Human Resources. 5. Ste I~--Panel Hearin ~. If the Step III written response does not resolve the grievance, the grievant may request a panel hearing. The request far the Step IV panel hearing shall be submitted in writing to the County Administrator on the P~ne~ He~rri~~ farm Farm C} within I Q calendar days from receiving the Step III decision. The County Administrator shall immediately submit a cagy of the panel-hearing request to the Director of Human Resources. The County Administrator or the Administrator's designee shall arrange a hearing and forward copies of the grievance to the panel members, The panel is appointed by the Board of Supervisors and consists of three regular members and four alternate members. All are appointed for three-year terms. The panel selects a chairperson at the beginning of each grievance panel hearing. 'To insure impartiality, the fallowing persons will be disqualified and will not serve on the panel: • individuals who are directly involved with. the grievance or with the circurnstance that caused the grievance • an attorney who is directly involved with the grievance, ar a partner, associate, employee, or ca-employee of such an attorney • a spouse, parent, child, descendants of a child, sibling, niece, nephew, ar first cousin of any participant in the grievance • a parent, child, descendants of a child, sibling, niece, nephew, ar first cousin of the spouse of any participant in the grievance An alternate panel member shall serve for any member disqualified from the grievance hearing. The panel shall hear the appeal within 1 ~ calendar days from receiving the case or as soon as a panel can reasonably be assembled. ~2 I. Rules and guidelines for Conducting Banel Hearin. s 1. Rules The following rules govern each panel conducting Step I~' appeals: a. The panel has the responsibility to rule an the interpretation and application of the County's personnel policies, rules, and regulations. It is not authorized to create policies or procedures, ar to change existing policies ar procedures. b. At the request of either party that the hearing be private, the panel shall determine whether persons who da not have an interest in the hearing may be present. c. Before the Step IV hearing begins, the County shall simultaneously give copies of the grievance record, including any documents, to the panel members and the grievant. The County shall give the grievant and his or her attorney access to view andlar copy all relevant files that will be used in the Step IV hearing. They shall be given access to these files at least l~ days prior to the hearing. d. Both parties shall be given full and equal opportunity to present their evidence. The panel chairperson shall have the authority to determine the admissibility of evidence, without regard to the burden of proof, and the order of presentation of evidence. The panel may receive as evidence exhibits offered by the grievant or the County, and these shall be marlfed and made part of the record, e. The hearing is not intended to be conducted life a court proceeding and the formal court rubs of evidence da not necessarily apply. All evidence shall be presented in the presence of the full panel and both parties, unless both parties mutually agree otherwise. f, At least 5 days in advance of the hearing, the parties will exchange copies of all documents and exhibits that will be introduced at the hearing and a list of expected witnesses. g. The panel's decision an the appeal shall be made by majority vote. ~t shall be final. so long as the dec~slan is Wlthln the panel's authority. The decision will be subject to existing County pol~cles, procedures, ordinances, and any applicable laws. h. ~1a later than 1~ calendar days after the Step ~~' hearing is complete, the chairperson shall file the panel's decision using the Pc~ncl He~rin~ farm with the County Administrator. The County Administrator shall promptly send ~3 copies of the decision to the grievant, the tap level official, and the Director of Duman resources. ~. guidelines The following guidelines may be used by the panel to conduct the hearing: a. At the beginning of the hearing, the panel may ask far statements fram. the grievant anti the County ar their representatives that clarify the issues related to the grievance. b. The County or its representative shall then present claims, proofs, and witnesses who sha11 submit to questions or other examinations. This process will then be repeated by the grievant. At its discretion, the panel may vary this procedure but must give bath parties Ball and equal opportunity to present any material, relevant praof~s, or witnesses. c. Bath parties may offer evidence and may be required by the panel to provide additional evidence necessary to understand the ~disput~e and make a ,. etermnatYan. d. The chairperson shall determine if bath parties have completed. their presentations by asking the grievant and the County if any further proofs or witnesses are to be heard, When both parties state that they have na further proofs or witnesses, the chairperson sha11 declare the panel hearing closed. e, Before the panel's decision is filed with the County Administrator, the hearing may be reopened by a panel motion or an application fram either party. The application must give gaad reasons why the hearing should be reopened, f. Any or all of the time periods established in the hearing procedure maybe extended by the panel chairperson ar by the mutual agreement of the grievant and the County, ~ . Im lementatian and Other Matters a, +~nce the panel has concluded the hearing and reached a decision, the County Administrator shall implement the panel's remedy to the extent that it is consistent with Mate and federal laws and County policies. b. If either the grievant or the County believes the panel's decision is not consistent with Mate and federal laws and County policies, the party in disagreement shall inform the panel and the other pay within ~a calendar days of receiving the decision. dither party may petition the Circuit Court far an order requiring the County Administrator to implement the panel's decision.. 64 c. The question ~~ whether a panel decision is consistent with +County policies shall be determined by the bounty Administrator or the .Administrator's designee. The decision shall be made by the Roanoke County Commonwealth's Attorney if the County Administrator or the designee is directly involved with the grievance. d. The grievant must assume any costs for legal representation or far preparing his or her case. ~5 ROANOKE COUNTY EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I hereby acl~nowle~ge receipt of a copy of the Roano~.e bounty Employee Handbook. The ~nforrnation in this manual is su sect to change as situations warrant, and I understand any change in these policies rr~ay supersede, modify, or eliminate the policies in this manual. Changes in policy will be communicated to me by my supervisor or through official notices. Revised. and approved J une ~!~~ 1 ~~. Print Your dame Your ~ ignature Bate ~~ AT A REGULAR MEETING CAF THE 'BGAR~ CAF SUPERVISGRS GF RGANC~I~E ~C~UNTl~,VIRGINIA, HELD ATTHE RGAN(JKEC~UNT~'AaMINISTRATIGN CENTER GN TUESDAY, JUNE 22., 201 ~EO~LUTIC~N CEI~TI~YII~ THE ~L~~E~ I'VIEETIIV~ wAS HELD IN GaIVF~3R~fITY I~VITH THE DBE ~F ~IRGINf~4 VIJHEREAS, the Board ~~Supervisors of Roanoke ~Count~, Virginia has convened ~ closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and VI~HEREAS, Section 2.~-3~~ ~ of the bode of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Counter, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted inconformity with Virginia law. NGV11, THEREFGRE, BE IT RESGLVE~, that the Beard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: ~ . Gnly pudic business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and ~. Gnly such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ACTION NO. ITEM NO. N~ I CQ)~b~ AT A REG~JLAR MEETING of THE ~(~ARD of SUPERVISORS of RoANGI~E CoUNTY~ VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RoANoI~E COUNTY ADM1Nl'STRATIGN CENTER MEETI~JG SATE: June 2~, 20~ ~ AGE~I~A ITEM Public hearingtoreceive citizen comments regarding proposed amendments to the final year Moog-201o budget in accordance with Section 15~.~-507, Cede of Virginia U~I~iTTE~'~Y: APPR~OVE~ 8Y: Diane D. Hyatt Assistant County Administrator B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator +D~lNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S ~C~~IMENTS: S~JMI~ARY fiJF INFC~R'MATIC~N: This is a public hearing to secure citizen's comments concerning amending the fiscal year 2009-201 o budget by adjusting the aggregate amount to be appropriated during the fiscal year. Section 15.E-2507 ofi the Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that whenever such amendment exceeds ~ percent of the total expenditures shown in the adopted budget, the County must publish notice of a meeting and public hearing. The notice must state the County's intent to amend the budget and include a brief synopsis of the proposed budget amendments}, This notice was published on June 15, 2010. 1. Request to appropriate an amount not to exceed $6 million for a new Glenvar Library ~. Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $575,000 for fiscal year 200-201 ~ to the Department of Social Services for provided services Page 1 of F~SCA~ ~ M PACT: There is no fiscal impact as a result of the public hearing. Requests forthe appropriations will occur later on this agenda. STAFF ~ECC~I~IENQATI{~N: It is recommended that the Beard held the required public hearing. Board action appropriating funds, as previded in this native, will evvur later during this meeting. Conduvting the public hearing does not guarantee the requested appropriations will be approved.. Each request will be reviewed individually by the Board of Supervisors. P'age~of~ ACTIN l~lQ. ITEM NCB. AT A REGULAR MEETING GF THE BUARC~ CAF ~UPERVI~GR~ CAF RGANGKE CC~UNTY, VIRG1NlA HELD AT THE RC~ANUKE CC~UNTY AaMINISTRATIC~N CENTER tVIEETII~IG SATE: AGENDA ITEIV~: ~UB~1ITTED B~': June ~~, 2010 Grdinance amending Chapter 2 - ".Administration" of the Roanoke County Code by the adoption of a new section 2-1 D - "Assessment of Gourt Costs to support Local Criminal Justice Training Academy„ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney CGUNTYA~~IINI~TRAT{~R~' CC~NIMENTS~ UEMAf~Y CAF INFC~~MATIC~N This ordinance imposes a $S.Dg fee on a variety of criminal and traffic cases to support the County's independent criminal justice acaderny. Last year the Board of supervisors adopted a legislative program far the 201 Q session of the Virginia General Assembly. Gne item of this program was to seek an amendment to section 9.1-1 g~ of the State Code to aut~hori~e the County to impose a fee to support its independent criminal justice academy. Qelegate Gn~lee Ware agreed to patron this legislation on behalf of the County. House Bill 3~~8 passed the General Assembly and was signed into lain by the Governor. Chief Lavinder reparks that there are approximately 17,000 traffic and 4,ogo criminal oases annually. Adjusting for rates of conviction and payment by defendants, it is estimated that a $5.00 fee could generate X0,000 to $1~,00o annually, These proceeds can only be used to support the locality's certified independent criminal justice academy. A survey of other localities wifih independent academies revealed that the local fee imposed for this purpose ranges from $1.00 per case to $5.00 per case. This is the seoand reading of this ordinance. The first reading was held May 25, 2010. Advertisement for public hearing was published in the Roanoketin~es on June 12 and Jung 1g, 2010. Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT; It is estimated that a $5.00 fee will generate $50,000 to $75,000 annually. The proceeds shall only be used to support the independent criminal justice academy. STAFF RE~{31U~IM~N'C~ATI~N: Staff recornr~ends adoption of the attached ordinance. F'a~e ~ of ~ AT A REGULAR MEETING CAF THE 'B+~AR~ QF SUPERVIS+~RS GF R~4ANGKE CC~UI'VTY, VIRGINIA, HE'Lb AT THE RQA~IGKE CG~UNTY A~NiIf~ISTRATIGN CENTER GN TUESaAY, JUNE 22, 2010 C~RDINA~I~E A~IEN~ING CHAPTER ~ ~ "A~I~INITRA~TIQN" t~F THiE R~ANUKE COUNTY C~D~E B~' THE A~~PTIt~N CAF A NE~V- SEGTIQN ~~~ 0 _ `~ASES;SI~ENT ~F COURT C~~TS TD SUPP'~7RT LOCAL CRIMINAL J!U~T1CE TR~ININ ACADEMY" WHEREAS, the 2010 session of the Virginia Generals Assembly adopted an. amendment to Section 9.1-10!6 of the Code of Virginia, authorizing Roanoke County to impose a fee to support its local independent criminal justice training academy; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervi~~sors of Roanoke County finds that the assessment of this fee will benefit the citizens of Roanoke County by providing for the training of its police officers and sheriff's deputies, thereby enhancing the public health, safety and welfare of the County and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordiinance was 'hel'd on May 25, 2010, and the second reading and public hearing was held on ,dune 22, 2010. BE IT GRDAINEQ By the 'Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows; 1. That Chapter 2 - Administration of the County Code be amended by the adoption ofthe foliliong new section, Section 2-10. Assessment of court costs to support local criminal justice t~ra~ning acaderr~y. ~a~ In addition to any other fees imposed by Taw there is hereby imposed inn every criminal or traffic case in which costs are assessable pursuant to Code of Virginia, ~~ 1! 0.1-69.48.1, 17.1-275.1, 17.1275.2, 17.1-275.3, 17.1-275..4,. 17.1-275.7, 17.1- 27'6.8, or 17..1-275.9. an additional fie of Five Collars ~$5.00~ to support the County's criminal justice training academy. The clerks of the district and circuit courts shall charge and collect this assessment as a part of the fees taxed as costs. Page 1 of 2 ~h~ After collection by the clerk of the court in which the case is heard, the assessment shall be rer~itted to the aunty treasurer and held subject to appropriatian by the heard of supervisors to support the county"s criminal justice training acaderr~y, in accordance with section 9.1-~ ~}~ of the Cade of Virginia. 2. That this ardinance shall be effective from and after July 1, ZQ1 ~0. Page ~ of 2 ACTIN NC~~ ITEM NO. ~- AT A REGULAR MEETING ~F THE BARD ~F UPEI~VI~~R ~F F~~AN~I~E COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT TH'E ~GANa~E COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE; June 2~, ~~1 AGENDA ITEM; Request to appropriate 5,8ag,4g~ far the design and construction of the Glenvar Library SUBMITTED BY; Diana Rosapepe Directoraf Library Services Diane Hyatt Assistant County Administrator APPiRt~VED BY; B. Clayton Gaadma~n III County Administrator ~- CC~IJNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S CGMIEf~T. SUMMARY OF INF~-RMATIC~N; In ~~Q~, the County began making plans to renovate or replace the Glenvar Library. This is currently the top ranked project in the County Capital Improvements Program ~CIP~. Through previous research, it has been determined that the best course of action is to build a new library an the site, then demolish the existing structure. The current structure is ~,4gQ square feet. The new ~buildi~ng will be around ~ ~,~C~U square feet. Attachment ~ describes the current library and the proposed new library. Attachment B shows the historic timeline for this project. Staff began in earnest in ZC~t~7 working with the community and trying to set aside funding where possible for the project, However, when the economy took a drastic turn in the fall of 2~~~, it became difficult to direct additional funding to the project. In addition, the County was in the middle of constructing several major capital projects that had been approved before the economic downturn. FISDAL IMPACT; It is estimated that the Glenvar library will cost around ~ million. As shown on Attachment Page 1 of 2 C, this project can be funded u~ith cash, rather than incurring additional debt far t'he County. The funds that are identified are all appropriate to use for non-recurring capital prajects. The constructian environment is still veryfavorable. ~''e may be able to realize savings in construction if we proceed at this time. ~TA~F RE~~~IMENaATIUN: Staff recommends appropriating ~,8~f~,~91, as detailed inAttachment ~, tocompletethe funding for the near ~Ienvar Library. Page Z of 2 ATTAC~~MENT A OVERVIEW OF GLENVAR LIBRARY Building size ~pene~d Items circulated U8-~9 IUurnber v visitors ~~~ Prw~ram attendance +~~-09 Nv. of c~m~uters WiFi available ~~mRuter lab Cvllectic~n size 5, 40o sf 197 66,~~~ 65,3'4 3,046 Adult; 1 Child; ~ Staff Yes o 48,726 Items rer~cved ~~-Q9 due tc~ lack ~~ space -3,63 Current CvnditiQns at Glenvar Library: • Itlo renovations since 1 ~7'g, except painting and recarpeting ten years ag~~o • Worn furnishings & poor lighting • Limited shelving requires removal disposal of over 3,00o items annually • Cramped and unappealing conditions discourage public use • No separate children's area CPC's for adults are in children's area} • N~o separate teen area • No quiet seating or browsing areas • ~111ot ADA compliant shelves too close together; no turning radius; aisles obstructed; no handicapped accessible entrance • Insufficient number of computers to rneet demand; some are partially in doorways • No computer lab so no computer classes as at other branches • Meeting room is too small for some programs or civic uses • Inefficient work spaces CIR Prapvsal fer Glenvar Library; • Estimated cost of $6,000,000 Replaces existing building with a 15,00o sf ~+1-~ library on the same site. • Extensive browsing space and readers' seating • Attractive display areas • Sufficient. shelving for books, plus collection expansion • Attractive children's area • Separate teen area • Larger meeting room and a conference room • More computers and an instructional lab. • Self-checkout stations • Functional workroom and office spaces • Secure server and technology support room • Space for archival storage • Drive-through book pickup and return lane • Larger parking lot with improved traffic f love • Sustainable eiements LEED~~" certification • Flexibility to allow for future growth and changes in services ATTACHMENT B Glenvar Library Project Timeline of Events date ~~e nt Budget Amount September ~.(~, 2007 Fiat community meeting held at the Glenvar library to begin discussion of needs September 11, 2007 Board appropriates X100,000 to begin the needs assessment for Glenvar Qctober 9, 2007 Second meeting with the community at the Glenvar library to discuss needs February 11, 2008 The County received an unsolicited ~IaEA proposal to build a new Glenvar Library April 8, 2008 Work session with the Beard to discuss the unsolicited PPEAproposal. The consensus of the Board was to hold off until the funding is available May 9, 2009 VDGT paid the County for an easement to widen Rt 460 in front of the Glenvar library, and the Board appropriated this money to the Glenvar Library account 2008-09 Budget The budget included $450,000 to start the Glenvar adoption Library project, which was ranked 1 on the CIP~ Late 2098 -early 2009 The financial world as we knew it changed dramatically May 1.2, 2009 The Board approved the second mid-year budget reduction. This one included the elimination of the $450,~Q00 C11~ funds for the Glenvar Library 2009-10 Budget Budget cutbacks did not allow us to include the adoption planned $450,000 far the Glenvar library 2010-11 Budget Budget cutbacks did not. allow us to include the adoption planned $450,OOQ for the Glenvar library July, 2.010 Board appropriated additional funds to the Glenvar Library project SZOO,ooo 74,509 450,000 (450,000) 450,000 (450,000) 450,000 (450,000) 25,000 Total current budget $199,509 ATTAC~iM~~~~ Glenvar Library Project Recommended Funding Sources as of June 8, 2010 estimate for Glenvar ~'roject Funding Sources (1) Currently appropriated 2008 Bonds Interest earnings South County Library Roundabout funding (2) Site Improvements Major Capital (3) Minor Capital Health insurance reserves $ ~6,000,0~0 Recommended Available Use $ 199,509 $ 199,509 1,509,000 1,590,900 1,~~0,~~~ ~oo,ooo 450,000 - 2,39,030 1,455,491 2,45,233 ~,~~~,~~'~ SOO,OOO - $ 0,0OO,o00 (1) We used $450,000 of money that had been appropriated to the project in a mid-year budget cutback in 2008-09. (2) Anticipates the approval of $250,000 wetland trail work in previous board item. (3) We expect year end expenditure savings will restore around $2 million to the account. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETIN ~F THE '~~ARD ~F SUPERVISQRS CF R~AN~~E COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE R~AN~KE CUUNTY ADMIIrIISTRATI~N CENTER MEETIN+~ DATE: AGENDA ITEM; SUBMITTED B1(: ~1une 2, Zara Request to accept and appropriate state revenue reimbursements in the amount of $575,000 for fiscal year 2009-2010 to the Department of Social Services for provided services Dune ©. Hyatt Assistant CauntyAdministratar ~~UNTYADMINISTRAT~-R'S D+DMMENTS: UMMARY~F INF~RMATIC~N: The Department of Social Services receives, throughout the year, additional appropriations for public assistance and services delivery. The State has made available $240,000 Special Needs Adoption; $220,000 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)Nirginia Initiative for Employment not Welfare (VIEW) work and transitional child care and $115,000 Adoption Subsidy. The Board of Supervisors is requested to appropriate $575,000 to the Social Services budget and to appropriate the related revenues from the State. FISCAL IM~ADT: Na fiscal impact; lacal required mach is currently in budget. STAFF REC+~MMENDATIC~N: Staff recommends appropriation of $575,000.00 to the fiscal year 2009-2010 Social Services budget to be distributed in the following manner: $240,000 Special Needs Adoption (602000-5770); $220,000 TANF/VIEW work and transitional child care (602000- 5749)and $115,000 Adoption Subsidy (602000-5771) and to appropriate same revenues from the state.