HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/24/1996 - Adopted Board RecordsAT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER HELD ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-1 OF SUPPORT TO AMEND THE LICENSE OF YOUTH HAVEN II BY THE DEPARTMENT OF JUVENILE JUSTICE TO ALLOW A 28 -DAY RESIDENTIAL CASE EVALUATION AND TREATMENT COMPONENT WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke operates Youth Haven II, a group home for adolescent girls offering long term residential treatment program for residents of southwest Virginia, and WHEREAS, the Department of Juvenile Justice for the Commonwealth of Virginia provides the licensure for the program offered by Youth Haven II, and WHEREAS, a need has been identified by the Court Service Unit for a 28 -day residential placement program for adolescent girls which includes case evaluation to determine the service needs of the youth, and WHEREAS, the diagnostic workups in addition to stabilization prior to the Court's disposition of the case should result in more appropriate treatment for the child as well as being more cost effective. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County supports the request to modify the license of Youth Haven II as regulated by the Department of Juvenile Justice for the Commonwealth of Virginia to include the 28 -day case evaluation and treatment component to better serve the needs of the youth of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: 1 .. i AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Wolton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Beverly T. Waldo, LCSW, Manager, Youth Haven II Department of Juvenile Justice 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-2 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM L - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of.the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for September 24, 1996 designated as Item L - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 7, inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes - August 13, 1996, August 24, 25, 1996, August 27, 1996. 2. Confirmation of appointments to the Metropolitan Transportation District Study Committee and the Fifth Planning District Commission Legislative Committee. 3. Request to retain a Police Department vehicle to be restored by vocation education students and used for special projects. 4. Appropriation of $6,020 grant funds from the Allstate Foundation to the Fire and Rescue Department. 5. Request from School Board for appropriation of $1,000 grant from the Education Foundation for William Byrd High School Saturday School. 6. Resolution of support for STEP 21 federal legislation (ISTEA Reauthorization). 7. Resolution of support for Governor George Allen's Fall River Renaissance campaign. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items 1 the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Consent Resolution without Item 6, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt a revised resolution for Item 6, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 4UAI-J'� G.� Brenda J. Kolton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John Cease, Chief of Police Richard Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 PLACED IN FILE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ACTION NO. A -092496-2.a ITEM NUMBER L-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 24, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of minutes - August 13, 1996, August 24, 151 1996, August 27, 1996 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER A -092496-2.b L -•r ✓ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE-COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER September 24, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Metropolitan Transportation District Study Committee and the Fifth Planning District Commission Legislative Committee Supervisor Johnson nominated M. Caldwell Butler, Steve Musselwhite and Supervisor Harry Nickens to serve. • . ■ . • D31 nW• n u • 1 CT -7 - - • 1i* - T Supervisor Johnson nominated Alfred C. Anderson to serve. Mr. Anderson has been contacted and he is willing to serve. It is recommended that the above appointments be confirmed by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, Mary H. Allen, CMC Clerk to the Board Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to No Yes Abs Denied ( ) approve _ Eddy _ Received ( ) Harrison x Referred ( ) Johnson x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Metropolitan Transportation District Study Committee Fifth Planning District Commission Legislative Committee A -092496-2.c ITEM NUMBER 2--3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 24, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Request to retain a Police Department vehicle to be restored by vocational education students and used for special projects. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke County Police Department began operations on July 1, 1990 at 12:01 A.M. Many police officers proceeded to their assigned areas in new 1990 Chevrolet patrol cruisers which were marked with distinctive colored striping, County seal, and agency lettering. The very first RCPD vehicle is still in service with the department but will be retired in the near future. The department proposes to recondition the first Chevrolet delivered to the police department and utilize it for special projects and public display during County functions. This proposal is similar to the 1930's Seagrave Fire Truck used by the Fire and Rescue Department for ceremonial activities. This automobile will not be utilized for agency operations. The reconditioned vehicle should not be counted against the police department's total allotment of cars. FISCAL IMPACT: The costs associated with this project will be minimal as vocational education students will complete the restoration as a school project. STAFF RECOMMENDATION,• Staff recommends that the Board authorize the use of the retired police department vehicle for ceremonial use and that the vehicle not be included in the police department allotment of cars. SUBMITTED BY: ,ael Z&U� H. Cease Chief of Police APPROVED: Y-"7� zgew Elmer C. Hodge,Sr'. County Administrator Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve z-.-3 VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy x Harrison x Johnson x Minnix x Nickens x John Cease, Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance William J. Rand, III, Director, General services John Willey, Fleet Manager A -092496-2.d ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 24, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Appropriate the Grant Monies Received from the Allstate Foundation for use by the Department of Fire and Rescue COj=V ADIM NISTRATQRIS COMMENTS: °& At the September 10 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, Kellie Powell from Allstate presented a grant for $6,020 to the Department of Fire and Rescue Office of Fire Prevention to purchase an Animated Fire Truck Replica Robot for Educational programs. The Board of Supervisors acknowledged the receipt of the grant during the briefings portion of the meeting and we need to officially receive the monies and appropriate its use to the Department of Fire and Rescue for the purchase of the truck. The Allstate Foundation has awarded the grant in the amount of $6,020 to the County of Roanoke's Department of Fire and Rescue, Office of Fire Prevention. The grant needs to be appropriated to allow the purchase of the truck. RE COMMEDMATT I O Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors officially accept the grant and appropriate the money to the Department of Fire and Rescue Office of Fire Prevention for the purchase of the truck. Respectfully submitted, Appro d by, '. Ix ohn M. Chamblis , Jr. Elmer C. Hodg Assistant Administrator County Administrator ---------------------------------------------------------------- Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve VOTE No Yes Abs Eddy Harrison_ Johnson x Minnix x Nickens _x cc: File John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Richard Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue A -092496-2.e ACTION # ITEM NUMBER Z___ `5 MEETING DATE: September 24, 1996 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Appropriation to the School Operating Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,/ f'�F BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County School Board has received $1,000 from the Education Foundation. The funds will be designated for the William Byrd High School Saturday School as part of its remediation plan. The program is for targeted students who need extra help on long-range written assignments. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of $1,000 to the S hool Operating Fund. J y rig Elmer C. Hodge ervis r of Fede 1 Programs County Administrator and Remediation ---------------------------------------------------------------- ACTION VOTE Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to No Yes Abs Denied ( ) approve Eddy x Received ( ) Harrison x Referred ( ) Johnson x To ( ) Minnix x Nickens x cc: File Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance J FROM THE MINUTES OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY MEETING IN REGULAR SESSION AT 7 P.M. ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 IN THE LIBRARY OF GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL RESOLUTION REQUESTING APPROPRIATION BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO THE SCHOOL OPERATING FUND FOR REMEDIATION PURPOSES WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Schools has received a donation of $1,000 from the Education Foundation designated for the remediation program; and WHEREAS, the funds have been designated for the William Byrd High School Saturday School as part of its remedial plan; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia requests an appropriation in the amount of $1,000 by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the school operating fund for the above stated purpose. Approved on the motion of Mr. Stovall and duly seconded, and on the following recorded vote: AYES: Jerry L. Canada, William A. Irvin, III, Marion G. Roark, Michael Stovall, Thomas A. Leggette NAYS: None TESTE: c: Diane Hyatt Penny Hodge AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-2.f OF SUPPORT FOR THE ISTEA INTEGRITY RESTORATION ACT (HR3775). WHEREAS, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) was adopted by the Congress in 1991; and WHEREAS, said act authorizes funding for highway construction, highway safety programs, and mass transit and other transportation related projects, and is due to expire September 30, 1997; and WHEREAS, there are several thoughts on how this act should be reauthorized; and WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Virginia is a member of the coalition of 19 states called STEP 21 that is proposing the ISTEA Integrity Restoration Act; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Transportation supports HR3775; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the County of Roanoke will receive more funding from the Highway Trust Fund under this proposal; and WHEREAS, the provisions of the "ISTEA Integrity Restoration Act" HR3775 generally seem to be most favorable to the interests of Roanoke County citizens; and WHEREAS, the Enhancement Program of ISTEA has great potential benefit for all the Roanoke area and western Virginia in promoting alternative forms of transportation, preservation and enhancement of scenic and historic sites, beneficial use of abandoned railway 1 corridors, control of outdoor advertising, archaeological planning and research, and mitigation of highway related pollution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County supports the ISTEA Integrity Restoration Act HR3775 and recommends that components be included at the federal or state level that will continue the work of the ISTEA Enhancement Program; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors shall forward copies of this resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation, the Commonwealth Transportation Board and to the federal legislators representing Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Eddy to adopt the revised resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTS: Q, q. /,;:J� Brenda J. lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File The Honorable Robert E. Martinez, Secretary of Transportation Members, Commonwealth Transportation Board The Honorable John W. Warner, U. S. Senator The Honorable Charles S. Robb, U. S. Senator The Honorable Robert W. Goodlatte, U. S. Representative The Honorable Rick Boucher, U. S. Representative Fred Altizer, District Administrator, VDOT 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-2.g SUPPORTING SEPTEMBER 21, 1996 THROUGH OCTOBER 19, 1996 AS FALL RIVER RENAISSANCE IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, Virginia is blessed with abundant rivers and other waters throughout the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, Virginia's rivers and waters provide sustenance to her citizens, their communities, and their businesses, which are important for their quality of life and prosperity; and WHEREAS, such rivers and waters are vital natural resources, providing important benefits to fish and wildlife and their habitats; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth's rivers and waters provide opportunities for public boating, hunting and fishing and other forms of outdoor recreation enjoyed by Virginians and our visitors; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth and her citizens should endeavor to conserve and enhance Virginia's rivers and waters so as to ensure their benefits, both now and for future generations; and WHEREAS, individual citizens, businesses and organizations, through their voluntary efforts, can accomplish the most to conserve our natural resources and provide long-term environmental benefits; and WHEREAS, the Fall River Renaissance campaign will encourage caring citizens to conserve and improve the rivers and waters in Virginia and will recognize and honor their exceptional efforts. 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby recognize September 21, 1996 through October 19, 1996, as the FALL RIVER RENAISSANCE in Roanoke County, Virginia; and FURTHER, the Board urges all citizens, businesses and organizations, public and private, to observe and participate in this campaign to conserve and enhance the rivers and waters of Virginia in order that we may enjoy a more beautiful, healthy and prosperous Commonwealth. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: &to�q' , kiww— Brenda J. Holton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File The Honorable George Allen, Governor, Commonwealth of Virginia The Honorable John S. Reid, Virginia House of Delegates RA AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-3 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date"pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Executive Session AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-4 AUTHORIZING ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION AND AN AMENDMENT TO THE',ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY MEMBERS USE AGREEMENT TO AUTHORIZE THE AUTHORITY TO ENGAGE IN OR PROVIDE FOR COMMERCIAL AND/OR RESIDENTIAL GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION ACTIVITIES OR SERVICES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ("County") ; the Council of the Town of Vinton, Virginia, ("Town") ; and the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, ("City") have determined that it is in their best interests to amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") and the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement to authorize the Authority to engage in or provide for commercial and/or residential garbage and refuse collection activities or services, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 28, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, ("Act"); and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; the Council of the Town of Vinton, Virginia; and the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, do by concurrent resolutions provide for amendment of the Authority's Articles of Incorporation to authorize the Authority to engage in or provide for commercial and/or residential garbage and refuse collection activities or services pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held in accordance with the requirements of the Act, including, without limitation, Sections 1 15.1-1243, 15.1-1244, and 15.1-1250(0); and WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority has, by resolution, expressed its consent to the aforesaid amendments. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved as follows: 1. That proper officials are authorized to execute and attest, in form approved by legal counsel, an amendment to the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement authorizing the Authority to engage in or provide for commercial and/or residential garbage and refuse collection activities or services. 2. The authorization of the Authority to engage in or provide for commercial and/or residential collection activities or services pursuant to the Act is hereby approved, and the Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority sets forth and specifies this additional authority. 3. The Articles of Amendment of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority are as follows: ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY RESOURCE AUTHORITY The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; the Town Council of the Town of Vinton of Vinton; and the Council of the City of Roanoke have by concurrent resolution adopted the following amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Resource Authority of Virginia, pursuant to the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 28, Title 15.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended) ("Act") . 2 I. The Articles of Incorporation shall be amended by striking out ARTICLE I and substituting the following: The name of the Authority shall be the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority and the address of its principal office is 37�8 Brambleton kvenae, 1020 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia 24012. -46 II. ARTICLE II of the Articles of Incorporation shall continue to read as follows: The names of the incorporating political subdivisions are the County of Roanoke, Virginia; the City of Roanoke, Virginia; and the Town of Vinton, Virginia. The County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton, as the incorporating political subdivisions, hereby acknowledge, covenant, and agree that these Articles of Incorporation shall not be further amended or changed without the express agreement of each of the governing bodies of each of the incorporating political subdivisions. Neither of the following action shall be taken or permitted to occur by the Authority without the consent of the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke as expressed by the affirmative vote of all City and County representatives on the Authority. (1) Any change in the terms or conditions of design or operation of the Transfer Station located in the City of Roanoke as set forth in the Solid Waste Transfer Facility Design Criteria, dated March 19, 1991, and the Solid Waste Transfer Facility Operating Criteria, dated May 21, 1991, as approved by the City of Roanoke Planning Commission on June 5, 1991, and the Part A and 3 Part B applications for the Transfer Station as approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia, or any expansion or modification thereof or use by any persons or entities other than City, County, or Town of Vinton; (2) Any change in the terms and conditions of the design or operation of the Landfill located in Roanoke County as.set forth in the special use permit and the Landfill Permit Conditions and Operating Policies, Action 62789-10 and Resolution 62789-12, each dated June 27, 1989, and Part A and B applications for the Landfill as approved by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Since the Landfill and Transfer Station are scarce and valuable resources, and because the incorporating political subdivisions have a common interest in insuring that the Landfill is utilized in the best possible and most efficient manner, the incorporating political subdivisions agree that Authority membership and operation and use and operation of the Transfer Station and Landfill shall be governed by the terms and conditions of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement ( "Use Agreement") dated October 23, 19 91. III. The Articles of Incorporation shall be amended by striking out ARTICLE III and substituting the following: The names, addresses, and terms of office of the members of the Board of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority ("Authority") are as follows: Name and Address 1. Diane D. Hyatt P. O. Box 29800 0 Term of Office Roanoke, Virginia 24019 2. B. Clayton Goodman, III P. O. Box 338 Vinton, Virginia 24179 3. Kit B. Kiser 215 Church Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24011 4. Bittle W. Porterfield, III 5. William J. Rand, III P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24019 6. Allan C. Robinson, Jr. 7. Katherine Schefsky The terms of office of each of the members shall become effective on the date of issuance of a certificate of joinder for the Authority by the State Corporation Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-1248 of the Act. The governing body of each participating political subdivision shall appoint the number of members, who may be members of the governing body, set forth opposite its name below: County of Roanoke - four City of Roanoke - two Town of Vinton - one It being the intention of these Articles that the governing body of the County of Roanoke shall always appoint a majority of the members, whenever an additional political subdivision shall join the Authority, such governing body shall be entitled to appoint one or more additional members in order to maintain such majority. 6•" Initially, the governing body of the County of Roanoke shall appoint one member for a four-year term, one member for a three- year term, and two members for a two-year term. Initially, the governing body of the City of Roanoke shall appoint one member for a four-year term and one member for a three-year term. Initially, the governing body of the Town of Vinton shall appoint one member for a four-year term. After the initial terms, each member shall be appointed for a four-year term or until his successor is appointed and qualified. Any additional members appointed by the County of Roanoke to maintain its majority pursuant to the foregoing paragraph shall also be appointed for four-year terms. The governing body of each political subdivision shall be empowered to remove at any time, without cause, any member appointed by it and appoint a successor member to fill the unexpired portion of the removed member's term. Each member may be reimbursed by the Authority for the amount of actual expenses incurred by him in the performance of his duties. IV. The Articles of Incorporation shall be amended by striking out ARTICLE IV and substituting the following: The purpose for which the Authority is to be formed is to exercise all the powers granted to the Authority to acquire, finance, construct, operate, manage and maintain a garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities pursuant to the Act. For purposes of these Articles, and any contracts or documents entered into on behalf of Authority, T "garbage and refuse collection and disposal system and related facilities" shall mean collection and disposal of garbage and refuse at and through a transfer facility owned and operated by the Authority and the associated landfill or disposal operations only. The kuth%wirity z:,hall not be authorized a ...................... to engage in or provide for individ residential or business garbage or refuse r collection activities or services. The Authority shall contract with the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, and the Town of Vinton to furnish garbage and refuse collection and disposal services upon identical terms and conditions including the same schedule or service rates, fees and charges of all types which shall be uniformly applicable to such political subdivisions. subject to the terms of the Use Agreement, the Authority may contract with other political subdivisions to furnish garbage and trash disposal services upon such terms and conditions as the Authority shall determine. The Authority may contract to make host locality payments to Roanoke County and Roanoke City to compensate the County and City in consideration of location of facilities within their communities. It is not practicable to set forth herein information regarding preliminary estimates of capital costs, proposals for specific projects to be undertaken, or initial rates for the proposed projects. V. ARTICLE V of the Articles of Incorporation shall continue to read as follows: The Authority shall serve the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton and, to the extent permitted by the Act 7 and by the terms of these Articles and the Use Agreement, such other public or private entities as the Authority may determine upon the terms and conditions established pursuant to such contracts. VI. ARTICLE VI of the Articles of Incorporation shall continue to read as follows: The Authority shall cause an annual audit of its books and records to be made by the State Auditor of Public Accounts or by an independent certified public accountant at the end of each fiscal year and a certified copy thereof to be filed promptly with the governing body of each of the incorporating political subdivisions. 4. A copy of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement is available for inspection in the Office of the Town of Vinton Manager, Vinton Municipal Building; Office of the Clerk. to the Board, Administration Center, and Office of the City of Roanoke Clerk, Room 456, Municipal Building. available _L11 C1 reasonable and cost efficient: manner; and operation by the Roanoke Valley Resuurc;e kuthority fur of a satnitary jandfill and any related facnilities or conl:ract Such is OPerati011f- important in in spite of any poteni:ia± anti competitive effect, order to provide fur the development and/or operation of fur the County system of garbage and refuse coll-ection and -disposal of Ruallukt=' the Town other governnenta± units of Vinton, and the or px-Lvate entities e-ity of Roanoke as the and such Authority may 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. A copy of the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority Members Use Agreement, as it is proposed to be amended, is available for public inspection in the Office of City of Roanoke Clerk, Room 456, Municipal Building, 215 Church Avenue, SW, Roanoke, Virginia; the office of the Clerk of the Board, Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia; and the office of the Town of Vinton Manager, Town of Vinton Municipal Building, 311 South Pollard Street, Vinton, Virginia 24179. Mary R. Parker, City of Roanoke Clerk Mary Allen, Clerk of the Board Carolyn Ross, Town of Vinton Clerk On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. ITolton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File John R. Hubbard, Chief Executive Director, RVRA Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney William J. Rand, III, Director, General Services Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance X AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-5 AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA TO BE SOLD TO THE VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND DETAILS THEREOF WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors (the "Board") of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County") has determined that it is necessary and expedient to borrow not to exceed $1,300,000 and to issue its general obligation school bonds to finance certain capital projects for school purposes. WHEREAS, the County has held a public hearing, after due publication of notice, in accordance with Section 15.1-227.8, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the "Virginia Code") on September 24, 1996 on the issuance of school bonds in the amount of $1,300,000. WHEREAS the School Board of the County has requested by resolution the Board to authorize the issuance of the Bonds (as defined below) and has consented to the issuance of the Bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Authorization of Bonds and Use of Proceeds. The Board hereby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt and to issue and sell general obligation school bonds of the County in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,300,000 (the "Bonds") for the purpose of financing certain capital projects for school purposes. The Board hereby authorizes the issuance and sale of the Bonds in the form and upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. 2. Sale of the Bonds. It is determined to be in the best interest of the County to accept the offer of the Virginia Public School Authority (the "VPSA") to purchase from the County, and to sell to the VPSA, the Bonds at par upon the terms established pursuant to this Resolution. The County Administrator and the Chairman of the Board, or either of them, and such officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate, are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a Bond Sale Agreement with the VPSA providing for the sale of the Bonds to the VPSA in substantially the form on file with the County Administrator, which form is hereby approved ("Bond Sale Agreement"). 3. Details of the Bonds. The Bonds shall be issuable in fully registered form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof; shall be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds; shall be designated "General Obligation School Bonds, Series 1996"; shall bear interest from the date of delivery thereof payable semi-annually on each January 15 and July 15 (each an "Interest Payment Date"), beginning July 15, 1997, (or such other date as the County Administrator may approve) at the rates established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Resolution; and shall mature on July 15 (or such other date as the County Administrator may approve) in the years (each a "Principal Payment Date") and in the amounts established in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Resolution. 4. Principal Installments and Interest Rates, The County Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to accept the interest rates on the Bonds established by the VPSA, provided that each interest rate shall be ten one -hundredths of one percent (0.10%) over the interest rate to be paid by the VPSA for the corresponding principal payment date of the bonds to be issued by the VPSA (the "VPSA Bonds"), a portion of the proceeds of which will be used to purchase the Bonds, and provided further, that the true interest cost of the Bonds does not exceed eight percent (8%) per annum. The County Administrator is further authorized and directed to accept the aggregate principal amount of the Bonds and the amounts of principal of the Bonds coming due on each Principal Payment Date ("Principal Installments") established by the VPSA, including any changes in the Interest Payment Dates, the Principal Payment Dates and the Principal Installments which may be requested by VPSA provided that such aggregate principal amount shall not exceed the maximum amount set forth in paragraph one.and the final maturity of the Bonds shall not be later than 21 years from their date. The execution and delivery of the Bonds as described in paragraph 8 hereof shall conclusively evidence such Interest Payment Dates, Principal Payment Dates, interest rates, principal amount and Principal Installments as having been so accepted as authorized by this Resolution. 5. Form of the Bonds. For as long as the VPSA is the registered owner of the Bonds, the Bonds shall be in the form of a single, temporary typewritten bond substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A. On twenty (20) days written notice from the VPSA, the County shall deliver, at its expense, Bonds in marketable form in denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof, as requested by the VPSA, in exchange for the temporary typewritten Bond. 6. Payment; Paying Agent and Bond Registrar. The following provisions shall apply to the Bonds: (a) For as long as the VPSA is the registered owner of the Bonds, all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds shall be made in immediately available funds to the VPSA at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption, or if such date is not a business day for Virginia -2- banks or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding such Interest Payment Date, Principal Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption; (b) All overdue payments of principal and, to the extent permitted by law, interest shall bear interest at the applicable interest rate or rates on the Bonds; and (c) Crestar Bank, Richmond, Virginia, is designated as Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for the Bonds. 7. Prepayment or Redemption. The Pfincipal Installments of the Bonds held by the VPSA coming due on or . before July 15, 2007, and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature on or before July 15, 2007, are not subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities. The Principal Installments of the Bonds held by the VPSA coming due after July -15, 2007, and the definitive Bonds for which the Bonds held by the VPSA may be exchanged that mature after July 15, 2007, are subject to prepayment or redemption at the option of the County prior to their stated maturities in whole or in part, on any date on or after July 15, 2007, upon payment of the prepayment or redemption prices (expressed as percentages of Principal Installments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the date set for prepayment or redemption: Dates Prices July 15, 2007 to July 14, 2008, 103% inclusive July 15, 2008 to July 14, 2009, 102 inclusive July 15, 2009 to July 14, 2010, 101 inclusive July 15, 2010 and 100 thereafter ................. Provided, however, that the Bonds shall not be subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities as described above without first obtaining the written consent of the registered owner of the Bonds. Notice of any such prepayment or redemption shall be given by the Bond Registrar to the registered owner by registered mail not more than ninety (90) and not less than sixty (60) days before the date fixed for prepayment or redemption. The County Administrator is authorized to approve such other redemption provisions, including changes to the redemption -3- dates set forth above, as may be set forth in the Bond Sale Agreement. 8. Execution of the Bonds. The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Clerk or any Deputy Clerk of the Board are authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Bonds and to affix the seal of the County thereto. 9. Pledge of Full Faith and Credit. For the prompt payment of the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds as the same shall become due, the full faith and credit of the County are hereby irrevocably pledged, and in each year while any of the Bonds shall be outstanding there shall be levied and collected in accordance with law an"annual ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient in amount to provide for the payment of the principal of, and the premium, if any, and the interest on the Bonds as such principal, premium, if any, and interest shall become due, which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available and appropriated for such purpose. 10. Use of Proceeds Certificate; Non -Arbitrage Certificate. The Chairman of the Board and the County Administrator, or either of them, and such officer or officers of the County as either may designate are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Non -Arbitrage Certificate, if requested by bond counsel, and a Use of Proceeds Certificate setting forth the expected use and investment of the proceeds of the Bonds and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and applicable regulations relating to the exclusion from gross income of interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds. The Board covenants on behalf of the County that (i) the proceeds from the issuance and sale of the Bonds will be invested and expended as set forth in such Use of Proceeds Certificate and the County shall comply with the covenants and representations contained therein and (ii) the County shall comply with the provisions of the Code so that interest on the Bonds and on the VPSA Bonds will remain excludable from gross income for Federal income tax purposes. 11. State Non -Arbitrage Program; Proceeds Agreement. The Board hereby determines that it is in the best interests of the County to authorize and direct the County Treasurer to participate in the State Non -Arbitrage Program in connection with the Bonds. The County Administrator and the Chairman of the Board, or either of them, and such officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Proceeds Agreement with respect to the deposit and investment of proceeds of the Bonds by and among the County, the -4- other participants in the sale of the VPSA Bonds, the VPSA, the investment manager, and the depository substantially in the form on file with the County Administrator, which form is hereby approved. 12. Continuing Disclosure Agreement. The Chairman of the Board and the County Administrator, or either of them, and such officer or officers of the County as either of them may designate are hereby authorized and directed to execute a Continuing Disclosure Agreement, as set forth in Appendix F to,the Bond Sale Agreement, setting forth the reports and notices to be filed by the County and containing such covenants as may be necessary in order to show compliance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 15c2-12. 13. Filing of Resolution. The appropriate officers or agents of the County are hereby authorized and directed to cause a certified copy of this Resolution to be filed with the Circuit Court of the County. 14. Further Actions. The County Administrator, the Chairman of the Board, and such other officers, employees and agents of the County as either of them may designate are hereby authorized to take such action as the County Administrator or the Chairman of the Board may consider necessary or desirable in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and any such action previously taken is hereby ratified and confirmed. 15. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. The undersigned Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held on September 24, 1996, and of the whole thereof so far as applicable to the matters referred to in such extract. I hereby further certify that such meeting was a regularly scheduled meeting and that, during the consideration of the foregoing resolution, a quorum was present. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /&�Q- Brenda J. I461ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors -5- cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent WITNESS MY HAND and the seal of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, this 24th day of September, 1996. (SEAL) &�tll Brenda J. 1461ton, Deputy Clerk Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia CM. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA September 24, 1996 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, held on September 24, 1996, the following persons were present or absent as shown: PRESENT: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson ABSENT: None ABSENT: Upon motion by Supervisor Harrison,the following resolution was adopted by a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors by the following roll call vote, as recorded in the minutes of the meeting: MEMB R VOTE Supervisor Eddy Yes Supervisor Minnix Yes Supervisor Harrison Yes Supervisor Nickens Yes Supervisor Johnson Yes NO. TR -1 EXHIBIT A (FORM OF TEMPORARY BOND) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ROANOKE General Obligation School Bond Series 1996 The COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA (the "County"), for value received, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to the VIRGINIA PUBLIC SCHOOL AUTHORITY the principal amount of Dollars ($ ), in annual installments in the amounts set forth on Schedule I attached hereto payable on July 15, and annually on July 15 thereafter to and including July 15, (each a "Principal Payment Date"), together with interest from the date of this Bond on the unpaid installments, payable semi-annually on January 15 and July 15 of each year commencing on July 15, 1997 (each an "Interest Payment Date"; together with any Principal Payment Date, a "Payment Date"), at the rates per annum set forth on Schedule I attached hereto, subject to prepayment or redemption as hereinafter provided. Both principal of and interest on this Bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America. For as long as the Virginia Public School Authority is the registered owner of this Bond, , Richmond, Virginia, as bond registrar (the "Bond Registrar") shall make all payments of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond, without presentation or surrender hereof, to the Virginia Public School Authority, in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the applicable Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption. If a Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption is not a business day for banks in the Commonwealth of Virginia or for the Commonwealth of Virginia, then the payment of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on this Bond shall be made in immediately available funds at or before 11:00 a.m. on the business day next preceding the scheduled Payment Date or date fixed for prepayment or redemption. Upon receipt by the registered owner of this Bond of said payments of principal, premium, if any, and interest, written acknowledgment of the receipt thereof shall be given promptly to the Bond Registrar, and the County shall be fully discharged of its obligation on this Bond to the extent of the payment so made. Upon final payment, this Bond shall be surrendered to the Bond Registrar for cancellation. The full faith and credit of the County are irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on this Bond. The resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors authorizing the issuance of the Bonds provides, and Section 15.1-227.25 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, requires, that there shall be levied and collected an annual tax upon all taxable property in the County subject to local taxation sufficient to provide for the payment of the principal of, premium, -2- if any, and interest on this Bond as the same shall become due which tax shall be without limitation as to rate or amount and shall be in addition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in the County to the extent other funds of the County are not lawfully available and appropriated for such purpose. This Bond is duly authorized and issued in compliance with and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Public Finance Act of 1991, Chapter 5.1, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the County and the School Board of the County to provide funds for capital projects for school purposes. This Bond may be exchanged without cost at the office of the Bond Registrar for an equal aggregate principal amount of bonds in definitive form having maturities and bearing interest at rates corresponding to the maturities of and the interest rates on the installments of principal of this Bond then unpaid, issuable in fully registered form in the denominations of $5,000 and whole multiples thereof. On twenty (20) days written notice from the Virginia Public School Authority, the County shall deliver, at its expense, this Bond in marketable form, in exchange for the temporary typewritten Bond. This Bond is registered in the name of the Virginia Public School Authority on the books of the County kept by the Bond Registrar, and the transfer of this Bond may be effected by the registered owner of this Bond only upon due execution of an -3- assignment by such registered owner. Upon receipt of such assignment and the surrender of this Bond, the Bond Registrar shall exchange this Bond for definitive Bonds as hereinabove provided, such definitive Bonds to be registered on such registration books in the name of the assignee or assignees named in such assignment. The principal installments of this Bond coming due on or before July 15, , and the definitive Bonds for which this Bond may be exchanged that mature on or before July 15, , are not subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities. The principal installments of this Bond coming due after July 15, and the definitive Bonds for which this Bond may be exchanged that mature after July 15, , are subject to prepayment or redemption at the option of the County prior to their stated maturities in whole or in part, on any date on or after July 15, , upon payment of the prepayment or redemption prices (expressed as percentages of principal installments to be prepaid or the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed) set forth below plus accrued interest to the date set for prepayment or redemption: -4- Dates Prices July 15, to July 14, 103% inclusive July 15, to July 14, 102 inclusive July 15, to July 14, 101 inclusive July 15, and 100 thereafter............... -4- Provided, however, that the Bonds shall not be subject to prepayment or redemption prior to their stated maturities as described above without the prior written consent of the registered owner of the Bonds. Notice of any such prepayment or redemption shall be given by the Bond Registrar to the registered owner by registered mail not more than ninety (90) and not less than sixty (60) days before the date fixed for prepayment or redemption. All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have happened, exist and have been performed in due time, form and manner as so required, and this Bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, has caused this Bond to be issued in the name of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to be signed by its Chairman, its seal to be affixed hereto and attested by the signature of its Clerk, and this Bond to be dated , 1996. COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA (SEAL) ATTEST: By Clerk, Board of Supervisors Chairman, Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, of the County of Roanoke, Virginia Virginia -5- FOR VALUE RECEIVED, transfers unto ASSIGNMENT the undersigned sells, assigns and (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPEWRITE NAME AND ADDRESS, INCLUDING ZIP CODE, OF ASSIGNEE) the within Bond and irrevocably constitutes and appoints attorney to exchange said Bond for definitive bonds in lieu of which this Bond is issued and to register the transfer of such definitive bonds on the books kept for registration thereof, with full power of substitution in the premises. PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL SECURITY OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER OF ASSIGNEE: Dated: Signature Guaranteed: (NOTICE: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a member firm of the New York Stock Exchange or a commercial bank or trust company.) W:\VSA\ROANK\ROANK30.RS3 Registered Owner (NOTICE: The signature above must correspond with the name of the Registered Owner as it appears on the front of this Bond in every particular, without alteration or change.) Y AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 ORDINANCE 092496-6 AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY ADDING ARTICLE II. Regulation of Open Burning., SECTION 9-5, Title., SECTION 9-6, Purpose., SECTION 9-7, Definitions., SECTION 9-8, Prohibitions on open burning., SECTION 9-9, Exemptions., SECTION 9- 10, Permissible open burning., SECTION 9-11, Permits, AND SECTION 9-12, Penalties for violation., AMENDING SECTION 9-18, Enforcement, OF ARTICLE III, Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, REPEALING SECTION 9-3 Burning of woods, brush, leaves, etc. AND SECTION 9-4, Burning of waste material near residence, garage, etc. OF ARTICLE I. In General, OF CHAPTER 9, FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION AND REPEALING SECTION 3-2 Permitted open burning of leaves from trees OF ARTICLE I. In General, OF CHAPTER 3, AIR POLLUTION CONTROL. WHEREAS, regulations of the State Air Pollution Control Board permit transfer of responsibility of regulation of open burning operations from the Board to a locality upon the adoption by the governing body of a locality of regulations governing such open burning operations; and WHEREAS, adoption of an ordinance regulating open burning operations within the County of Roanoke would improve public safety, increase convenience for county residents and businesses seeking to conduct such operations, and meets .the State's requirements for certain types of open burning operations; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 10, 1996; and the second reading and public hearing was held on September 24, 1996. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Chapter 9 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, be amended by the enactment of a new Article II. Regulation of Open Burning, as follows: ARTICLE II. REGULATION OF OPEN BURNING Sec. 9-5. Title. This Article shall be known as the Roanoke County Ordinance for the Regulation of Open Burning. Sec. 9-6. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to protect public health, safety, and welfare by regulating open burning within the County of Roanoke to achieve and maintain, to the greatest extent practicable, a level of air quality that will provide comfort and convenience while promoting economic and social development. This Article is intended to supplement the applicable regulations promulgated by the State Air Pollution Control Board and other applicable regulations and laws. Sec. 9-7. Definitions. For the purpose of this Article and subsequent amendments or any orders issued by the County of Roanoke, the words or phrases shall have the meaning given them in this section. A. "Automobile graveyard" means any lot or place which is exposed to the weather and upon which more than five motor vehicles of any kind, incapable of being operated, and which it would not be economically practical to make operative, are placed, located or found. B. "Clean burning waste" means waste which does not produce dense smoke when burned and is not prohibited to be burned under 2 this ordinance. C. "Construction waste" means solid waste which is produced or generated during construction of structures. Construction waste consists of lumber, wire, sheetrock, broken brick, shingles, glass, pipes, concrete, and metal and plastics if the metal or plastics are a part of the materials of construction or empty containers for such materials. Paints, coatings, solvents, asbestos, any liquid, compressed gases or semi -liquids, and garbage are not construction wastes and the disposal of such materials must be in accordance with the regulations of the Virginia Waste Management Board. D. "Debris waste" means stumps, wood, brush, and leaves from land clearing operations. E. "Demolition waste" means that solid waste which is produced by the destruction of structures and their foundations and includes the same materials as construction waste. F. "Garbage" means rotting animal and vegetable matter accumulated by a household in the course of ordinary day-to-day living. G. "Hazardous waste" means refuse or combination of refuse which, because of its quantity, concentration or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics may: 1. cause or significantly contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating illness; or 2. pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment when improperly treated, stored, 3 transported, disposed, or otherwise managed. H. "Household refuse" means waste material and trash normally accumulated by a household in the course of ordinary day- to-day living. I. "Industrial waste" means all waste generated on the premises of manufacturing and industrial operations such as, but not limited to, those carried on in factories, processing plants, refineries, slaughter houses, and steel mills. J. "Junkyard" means an establishment or place of business which is maintained, operated, or used for storing, keeping, buying, or selling junk, or for the maintenance or operation of an automobile graveyard, and the term shall include garbage dumps and sanitary fills. K. "Landfill" means a sanitary landfill, an industrial waste landfill, or a construction/demolition/debris landfill. See Solid Waste Management Regulations (VR 672-20-10) for further definitions of these terms. L. "Local landfill" means any landfill located within the jurisdiction of a local government. M. "Open burning" means the burning of any matter in such a manner that the products resulting from combustion are emitted directly into the atmosphere without passing through a stack, duct or chimney. N. "Open pit incinerator" means a device used to burn waste for the primary purpose of reducing the volume by removing 4 combustible matter. Such devices function by directing a curtain of air at an angle across the top of a trench or similarly enclosed space, thus reducing the amount of combustion by-products emitted into the atmosphere. The term also includes trench burners, air curtain destructors and over draft incinerators. O. "Refuse" means trash, rubbish, garbage and other forms of solid or liquid waste, including, but not limited to, wastes resulting from residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial, institutional, trade, construction, land clearing, forest management and emergency operations. P. "Salvage operation" means any operation consisting of a business, trade or industry participating in salvaging or reclaiming any product or material, such as, but not limited to, reprocessing of used motor oils, metals, chemicals, shipping containers or drums, and specifically including automobile graveyards and junkyards. Q. "Sanitary landfill" means an engineered land burial facility for the disposal of household waste which is so located, designed, constructed, and operated to contain and isolate the waste so that it does not pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health or the environment. A sanitary landfill also may receive other types of solid wastes, such as commercial solid waste, nonhazardous sludge, hazardous waste from conditionally exempt small quantity generators, and nonhazardous industrial solid waste. See Solid Waste Management Regulations (VR 672-20-10) for further definitions of these terms. E R. "Smoke" means small gas -borne particulate matter consisting mostly, but not exclusively, of carbon, ash and other material in concentrations sufficient to form a visible plume. S. "Special incineration device" means a pit incinerator, conical or teepee burner, or any other device specifically designed to provide good combustion performance. Sec. 9-8. Prohibitions on open burning. A. No owner or other person shall cause or permit open burning or the use of a special incineration device for disposal of refuse except as provided in this ordinance. B. No owner or other person shall cause or permit open burning or the use of a special incineration device for disposal of rubber tires, asphaltic. materials, crankcase oil, impregnated wood or other rubber or petroleum based materials except when conducting bona fide fire fighting instruction at fire fighting training schools having permanent facilities. C. No owner or other person shall cause or permit open burning or the use of a special incineration device for disposal of hazardous waste or containers for such materials. D. No owner or other person shall cause or permit open burning or the use of a special incineration device for the purpose of a salvage operation or for the disposal of commercial/industrial waste. E. Open burning or the use of special incineration devices permitted under the provisions of this ordinance does not exempt or excuse any owner or other person from the consequences, liability, C: damages or injuries which may result from such conduct; nor does it excuse or exempt any owner or other person from complying with other applicable laws, ordinances, regulations and orders of the governmental entities having jurisdiction, even though the open burning is conducted in compliance with this ordinance. In this regard special attention should be directed to 5 10.1-1142 of the Forest Fire Law of Virginia, the regulations of the Virginia Waste Management Board, and the State Air Pollution Control Board's Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution. F. Upon declaration of an alert, warning or emergency stage of an air pollution episode as described in Part VII of the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution or when deemed advisable by the State Air Pollution Control Board to prevent a hazard to, or an unreasonable burden upon, public health or welfare, no owner or other person shall cause or permit open burning or use of a special incineration device; and any in process burning or use of special incineration devices shall be immediately terminated in the designated air quality control region. sec. 9-9. Exemptions. The following activities are exempted to the extent covered by the State Air Pollution Control Board's Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution: A. open burning for training and instruction of government and public fire fighters under the supervision of the designated official and industrial in-house fire fighting personnel; 7 B. open burning for camp fires or other fires that are used solely for recreational purposes, for ceremonial occasions, for outdoor noncommercial preparation of food, and for warming of outdoor workers; C. open burning for the destruction of any combustible liquid or gaseous material by burning in a flare or flare stack; D. open burning for forest management and agriculture practices approved by the State Air Pollution Control Board; and E. open burning for the destruction of classified military documents. Sec. 9-10. Permissible open burning. A. Open burning is permitted for the disposal of leaves and tree, yard and garden trimmings located on the premises of private property, provided that the conditions are met: 1. The burning takes place on the premises of the private property; and 2. The location of the burning is not less than 300 feet from any occupied building unless the occupants have given prior permission, other than a building located on the property on which the burning is conducted; and 3. No regularly scheduled public or private collection service for such trimmings is available at the adjacent street or public road. B. Open burning is permitted for the disposal of household refuse by homeowners or tenants, provided that the following conditions are met: RI 1. The burning takes place on the premises of the dwelling; 2. Animal carcasses or animal wastes are not burned; 3. Garbage is not burned; 4. The location of the burning is not less than 300 feet from any occupied building unless the occupants have given prior permission, other than a building located on the property on which the burning is conducted; and 5. No regularly scheduled public or private collection service for such refuse is available at the adjacent street or public road. C. Open burning is permitted for the disposal of debris waste resulting from property maintenance, from the development or modification of roads and highways, parking areas, railroad tracks, pipelines, power and communication lines, buildings or building areas, sanitary landfills, or from any other clearing operations which may be approved by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal, provided the following conditions are met: 1. All reasonable effort shall be made to minimize the amount of material burned, with the number and size of the debris piles approved by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal; 2. The material to be burned shall consist of brush, stumps and similar debris waste and shall not include demolition material; 3. The burning shall be at least 500 feet from any occupied building unless the occupants have given prior 9 permission, other than a building located on the property on which the burning is conducted; 4. The burning shall be conducted at the greatest distance practicable from highways and air fields; 5. The burning shall be attended at all times and conducted to ensure the best possible combustion with a minimum of smoke being produced; 6. The burning shall not be allowed to smolder beyond the minimum period of time necessary for the destruction of the materials; and 7. The burning shall be conducted only when the prevailing winds are away from any city, town or built-up area. D. Open burning is permitted for the disposal of debris on - the site of local landfills provided that the burning does not take place on land that has been filled and covered so as to present an underground fire hazard due to the presence of methane gas provided the following conditions are met: 1. The burning shall take place on the premises of a local sanitary landfill which meets the provisions of the regulations of the Virginia Waste Management Board; 2. The burning shall be attended at all times; 3. The material to be burned shall consist only of brush, tree trimmings, yard and garden trimmings, clean burning construction waste, clean burning debris waste, or clean burning demolition waste; 4. All reasonable effort shall be made to minimize the LU amount of material that is burned; 5. No materials may be burned in violation of the regulations of the Virginia Waste Management Board or the State Air Pollution Control Board. The exact site of the burning on a local landfill shall be established in coordination with the regional director and the Roanoke County Fire Marshal; no other site shall be used without the approval of these officials. The Roanoke County Fire Marshal shall be notified of the days during which the burning will occur Sec. 9-11. Permits. A. When open burning of debris waste (Sec. 9-10.C.) or open burning of debris on the site of a local landfill (Sec. 9-10.D) is to occur within Roanoke County, the person responsible for the burning shall obtain a permit from the Roanoke County Fire Marshal prior to the burning. Such a permit may be granted only after confirmation by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal that the burning can and will comply with the provisions of this ordinance and any other conditions which are deemed necessary to ensure that the burning will not endanger the public health and welfare and to ensure compliance with any applicable provisions of the State Air Pollution Control Board's Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution. The permit may be.issued for each occasion of burning or for a specific period of time deemed appropriate by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal. B. Prior to the initial installation (or reinstallation, in 11 cases of relocation) and operation of special incineration devices, the person responsible for the burning shall obtain a permit from the Roanoke County Fire Marshal, such permits to be granted only after confirmation by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal that the burning can and will comply with the applicable provisions in Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution and that any conditions are met which are deemed necessary by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal to ensure that the operation of the devices will not endanger the public health and welfare. Permits granted for the use of special incineration devices shall, at a minimum, contain the following conditions: 1. All reasonable effort shall be made to minimize the amount of material that is burned. Such efforts shall include, but are not limited to, the removal of pulpwood, sawlogs and firewood. 2. The material to be burned shall consist of brush, stumps and similar debris waste and shall not include demolition material. 3. The burning shall be at least 300 feet from any occupied building unless the occupants have given prior permission, other than a building located on the property on which the burning is conducted; burning shall be conducted at the greatest distance practicable from highways and air fields. If the Roanoke County Fire Marshal determines that it is necessary to protect public health and welfare, he may direct that any of the above 12 cited distances be increased. 4. The burning shall be attended at all times and conducted to ensure the best possible combustion with a minimum of smoke being produced. Under no circumstances should the burning be allowed to smolder beyond the minimum period of time necessary for the destruction of the materials. 5. The burning shall be conducted only when the prevailing winds are away from any city, town or built-up area. 6. The use of special incineration devices shall be allowed only for the disposal of debris waste, clean burning construction waste, and clean burning demolition waste. 7. Permits issued under this subsection shall be limited to a specific period of time deemed appropriate by the Roanoke County Fire Marshal. Sec. 9-12. Penalties for violation. A. Any violation of this ordinance is punishable as a Class I misdemeanor. B. Each separate incident may be considered a new violation. 2. That Chapter 9 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION, Article I. In General, be amended by the repeal of Section 9-3, Burning of woods, brush leaves, etc., and Section 9-4, Burning of waste material near residence, garage, etc.; 13 3. That Chapter 3 AIR POLLUTION CONTROL, Article I. In General, be amended by the repeal of Section 3-2. Permitted open burning of leaves from trees.; 4. That Article II. Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, be redesignated as "Article III. Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code," of Chapter 9 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION of the Roanoke County Code. 5. That Section 9-18. Enforcement of Article III. Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code, of Chapter 9 FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION of the Roanoke County Code be amended and reenacted, as follows: Sec. 9-18. Enforcement. (a) The Roanoke County Fire Marshal is hereby directed to enforce the provisions of the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code and this5 code. The county fire marshal shall establish such procedures or requirement as may be necessary for the administration and enforcement of said code c'e The county fire marshal is hereby authorized to issue a summons for any violation of the provisions of the code, pursuant to the provisions of Section F-106.:9:$ of said Code. The fire marshal shall coordinate his enforcement activities with the county building official and zoning administrator. The fire marshal shall assign and detail such members of the Roanoke County Fire and Rescue Department as inspectors or other assistants as he may deem necessary in administering and enforcing the provisions of such code M9- 14 MUM- 6. ;:; ?ci a ` ;:.;::;.> :::::::.:::::... .... ...........�...... 's:z:;:;;::;;>;;:;::::::.;:•;:r.;:;:;;.::.;;...........................:...:...... 6. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after September 25, 1996. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. H lton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 15 cc: File Richard E. Burch, Jr., Chief of Fire & Rescue Joseph B. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney Circuit Court G. O. Clemens, Judge Roy B. Willett, Judge Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Richard C. Pattisall, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Joseph M. Clarke, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge John B. Ferguson, Judge Joseph P. Bounds, Judge Ruth P. Bates, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court John L. Apostolou, Judge George W. Harris, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Julian H. Raney., Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library John H. Cease, Police Chief Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Law Library, Singleton Osterhoudt Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Gary Robertson, Director, utility Michael Lazzuri, Court Services William J. Rand, III, Director, General Services Thomas S. Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation Elaine Carver, Director, Procurement John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue 16 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 ORDINANCE 092496-7 TO CHANGE THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF A 1.11 -ACRE TRACT OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 2056 LOCH HAVEN DRIVE(TAX MAP NOS. 36.08-3-6 AND PART OF 36.08-3-5) IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT FROM THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF AR TO THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF I-1 WITH CONDITIONS UPON THE APPLICATION OF DANIEL PETERS WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on August 27, 1996, and the second reading and public hearing were held September 24, 1996; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on September 3, 1996; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the zoning classification of a certain tract of real estate containing 1.11 acres, as described herein, and located at 2056 Loch Haven Drive, (Tax Map Numbers 36.08-3-6 and part of 36.08-3-5) in the Catawba Magisterial District, is hereby changed from the zoning classification of AR, Agriculture/Residential District, to the zoning classification of I-1, Industrial District. 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Daniel Peters. 3. That the owner of the property has voluntarily proffered in writing the following conditions which the Board of Supervisors 1 of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby accepts: (1) No materials will be stored outside. (2) No signage will be placed adjacent to Loch Haven Drive. (3) The use of the property shall be limited to custom manufacturing of woodworking and shop related items. (4) The hours of operation shall be limited to 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday. (5) All business activities shall be conducted within enclosed buildings other than essential loading and unloading. 4. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northwest side of Loch Haven Drive and in the southeast corner of Tract 2A belonging to David J. and Ruth R. Sink, N. 26 deg. 26' 04" W. 256.10 feet to a point; thence N. 62 deg. 21' 30 E. 205 feet to a point; thence S. 26 deg. 26' 04" E. 161 feet to a point; thence S. 63 deg. 39' W. 45 feet to a point; thence S. 26 deg. 26' 04" E. 100 feet to a point; thence S. 63 deg. 39' W..149.72 feet to the point of beginning. 5. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the Ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: ' AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None 2 A COPY TESTE: /'R �' � 0. a24' 4 2 � Brenda J. Ho on, beputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terry Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 3 F�'- 12 CCA 14 2.53Aa _ DEPARIME<vT OF PZAA.NNZNG DANIEL A . PETERS AND ZONING AR _TO 1- 36.08-3-6;* P/o 36.08-.3-5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-8 AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ROANOKE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO MANAGE A GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE WILLIAMSON ROAD CORRIDOR PROJECT WHEREAS, the County has authorized the Williamson Road Corridor Project, a project combining beautification and economic development elements to be accomplished by a public/private partnership between the County, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority (the "Authority"), and property owners along Williamson Road from the Peters Creek intersection area to the Botetourt/Roanoke County line and along Plantation Road area from I-81 to the Sunnybrook Inn ("the Project area"); and WHEREAS, the County seeks to offer financial incentives to property owners in the project area in order to assist said owners in adopting those features from the Williamson Road Hollins Village design guidelines for facade renovations, new signage, landscaping, parking lot redesign, and lighting; and WHEREAS, the County has approved and authorized funding for a mini -matching grant program to property owners who undertake such improvements; and WHEREAS, the County seeks the assistance of the Authority in the management, implementation and fulfillment of this mini - matching grant program. WHEREAS, Section 15.1-1378.13 of the State Code authorizes the Authority to make loans or grants to any person, partnership, 1 association, corporation, or business in furtherance of the purposes of promoting economic development. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That a mini -matching grant program to property owners in the Williamson Road Corridor Project area to undertake certain improvements in accordance with the design guidelines of the "Hollins Village Master Plan" is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That an agreement between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority for the management, implementation, and fulfillment of this mini -matching grant program is hereby authorized and approved. The County Administrator is authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the County, all upon form approved by the County Attorney. 3. That the sum of $23,500, which was previously appropriated to the Department of Planning and Zoning for this Project, is hereby authorized to be transferred to the Authority for the purpose of funding this mini -matching grant program. 4. That this resolution shall take effect from and after the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: oil Brenda J. H ton, Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Terrance L. Harrington, Director, Planning & Zoning Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Timothy W. Gubala, Secretary/Treasurer, IDA V-) This Agreement dated this day of ,1996, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, and the ROANOKE COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the County has authorized the Williamson Road Corridor Project, a project combining beautification and economic development elements to be accomplished by a public/private partnership between the County, the Authority,. and property owners along Williamson Road from the Peters Creek intersection area to the Botetourt/Roanoke County line and along Plantation Road area from I-81 to the Sunnybrook Inn ("the Project area"); and WHEREAS, with the assistance of Hill Studios, P.C., the County has developed a "Hollins Village Master Plan," based upon citizen participation for design guidelines for improvements to the street scape and buildings in the project area; and WHEREAS, the County seeks to offer financial incentives to property owners in the project area in order to assist said owners in adopting those features from the Williamson Road Hollins Village design guidelines for facade renovations, new signage, landscaping, parking lot redesign, and lighting; and WHEREAS, the County has approved an authorized funding for a mini -matching grant program to property owners who undertake such improvements; .and WHEREAS, the County seeks the assistance of the Authority in the management, implementation and fulfillment of this mini -matching grant program. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein, the C-005MOSICOUNTUDA V ") County and the Authority agree as follows: 1. The County hereby transfers to the Authority from the Department of Planning and Zoning the sum of $23,500 for the funding for this mini -matching grant program for beautification and economic development projects to be achieved by public/private partnerships between Roanoke County, the Roanoke County Industrial Development Authority, and property owners in the project area. 2. That the Authority shall implement and manage this mini -matching grant program in accordance with the criteria approved by the County, which is attached hereto and identified as Exhibit A. That the Authority is authorized to make loans or grants to any person, partnership, association, corporation, business or governmental entity in furtherance of the purposes of the Industrial Development and Revenue Bond Act (Chapter 33 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia), including for the purposes of promoting economic development provided that such loans or grants shall be made only from revenues of the Authority which have not been pledged or assigned for any of the Authority's bonds, and to enter into such contracts, instruments, and agreements as may be expedient to provide for such loans and any security therefor, and for such grants, pursuant to Section 15.1-1378.13 of the State Code. The Authority is specifically authorized by the County to encourage and assist property owners or occupants within the project area so designated to improve their respective holdings, by suggesting improved standards for design, construction, maintenance, renovations, and use of such properties and offering encouragement or assistance in other ways including the power to lend money and to make grants to said owners or occupants, directed toward the prevention CAWP51WOSICOUNTY.IDA 2 V-1 and elimination of deteriorating conditions within such project area. 3. The County authorizes Roanoke County planning staff and economic development staff to work with the Authority to develop program documents and forms, upon form to be approved by the County Attorney and the attorney for the Authority, in order to implement the purposes of this program. 4. The Authority shall report to the County on a monthly basis with respect to the management and implementation of this program, including monthly reports for expenditures or appropriated funds, awards of grants, inspection and approval of improvements, and payment of funds to contractors and business owners. 5. The Authority shall approve all grants to owners and contractors under this mini -matching grant program. 6. The Authority shall authorize the payment of grant funds to eligible contractors or business owners in accordance with the criteria herein established, and within the limits of funds appropriated to it by the County. The contractor and/or business owner shall execute a contract with the Authority in order to secure payments for eligible beautification and economic development improvements, all upon form approved by the County Attorney and the attorney for the Authority. CAWP5I\BOS\C u M.mn 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON SEPTEMBER 24, 1996 RESOLUTION 092496-9 CERTIFYING EXECUTIVE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened an executive meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such executive meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the executive meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the executive meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Certification Resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Eddy, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Wlton, Deputy Clerk cc: File Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Executive Session