HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/21/1999 - Adopted Board RecordsAT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-1 OF APPRECIATION TO FENTON F. "SPIKE" HARRISON, Jr. FOR HIS SERVICES AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FROM 1996 TO 1999 WHEREAS, Fenton F. Harrison, Jr. was first elected to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from the Catawba Magisterial District in November 1995, serving from January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1999. WHEREAS, Supervisor Harrison served the County of Roanoke tirelessly and selflessly for a period of four years, devoting many hours to the business of Roanoke County as a member of the Board of Supervisors, and WHEREAS, during his term, Supervisor Harrison served with distinction on the Fifth Planning District Commission, the Fifth PDC Metropolitan Planning Organization, and the Roanoke County Cable Television Committee; and WHEREAS, Supervisor Harrison has also served as a member of the Community Advisory Committee that assisted with the planning and development of the Roanoke County Center for Research & Technology, established a temporary committee of Catawba Magisterial District civic league presidents to deal with issues of concern in that community; and strongly supported the expanded widening of Route 11/460 in West Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, during Supervisor Harrison's term, the construction of the Phase I School projects began, the Fort Lewis Fire Station was expanded, and new several economic development prospects were located in his district. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke 1 County, Virginia, on behalf of all its citizens, does hereby extend its gratitude and appreciation to Fenton F. "Spike" Harrison, Jr. for his many significant contributions to the County as a member of the Board of Supervisors; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors wishes Mr. Harrison continued success in his future endeavors. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSTAIN: Supervisor Harrison A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Holt , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation File Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources K A-122199-2 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER ' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request for additional funding for the February 29, 2000 Presidential Primary Election. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The cost for this election was not included in the 1999-2000 budget due to the fact that the Republican Party did not call for this primary until July 15, 1999. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Estimated cost for this election as follows: Election Officials (641000-1020) $13,000 Ballots — Machine & Paper (641000-3530) 500 Rent of Trucks to move machines (641000-5410) 800 Set up of Machines & Election Day Service (641000-3013) 900 Rent of Voting Places (641000-5430) 210 Total $15,410 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are requested from the Board Contingency funds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of additional funds in the amount of $15,410.00 from the Board Contingency funds. Submitted by, Approved by, Diane St.John Elmer C. Hodge General Registrar County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: H. Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () staff recommendation Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara_ x _ Referred () Minnix — x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Diane St. John, Registrar Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Brent Robertson, Budget Manager A-122199-3 ACTION # ITEM NUMBER E— ;k AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 SUBJECT: Request to Appropriate Funding for the Loch Haven Phase II Water Line Extension COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: / ��,,✓ GY+7i!'K BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Utility Department capital improvement program includes $2,470,000 for installation of future sections of the north transmission line. This construction is scheduled between the years 1999 and 2004. The 1999-2000 budget funded $850,000 of this amount for the section of line between Dow Hollow Road and RCCRT. In July, 1999 the Board approved construction of Loch Haven Phase I at a cost of $370,000. The section of line along Dow Hollow Road is under construction and scheduled for completion in early spring 2000 and Loch Haven Phase I was completed in the summer of 1999. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County and Roanoke City entered into a new water agreement dated September 30, 1999. One of the provisions in the agreement allows Roanoke City to purchase up to 4 MGD of water from Roanoke County when needed and to allow each party to share capacity in water lines of the other party. Roanoke City and Roanoke County further agree to work together to maximize interconnections between the two water systems. The two parties are to agree on a construction plan and allocations no later than December 31, 1999 with construction in place by July 1, 2000. To date Roanoke County and Roanoke City have made interconnections to our systems at Grandin Road, Colonial Avenue, Ogden Road, Challenger Avenue, Peters Creek at Valleypointe, and Peters Creek at North Lakes. These interconnections have allowed the County to provide approximately 4.35 MGD to Roanoke City; however, the County uses approximately 1.0 MGD of water from the City in the Hollins area resulting in a net of about 3.25 MGD. In order to meet the 4.0 MGD capacity from the agreement, additional line capacity in the amount of .75 MGD is still required. The staffs from the two localities have studied various options for providing the additional .75 MGD water to Roanoke City and have agreed that the Loch Haven Phase II (see attached map) water line is the best option for the following reasons: (1) The project is already included in Roanoke County's CIP Program for the year 2004. (2) By increasing the proposed line size from 12 -inch to 16 -inch diameter pipe, capacity will be available for Roanoke County citizens in the Williamson and Plantation Road areas and to provide the additional .75 MGD water to Roanoke City. (3) This project will provide a major direct interconnection between Spring Hollow and the Carvins Cove water treatment facilities. The cost estimate for this project is $650,000 with each locality paying 50% of the cost. It is being proposed that Roanoke County provide all design work, materials, and highway permits at an estimated cost of $325,000. Roanoke City will perform the actual installation with a City Utility Line Services Department crew. If approved, work is expected to commence in early February and be completed within 60 days. FISCAL IMPACT: Roanoke County and Roanoke City will share the $650,000 construction cost on a 50-50 basis. Roanoke County's share will be $325,000. Funds are available in the Water Fund Unappropriated Balance. RECOMMENDATION: Staff feels that not only does this proposal meet the intent of the joint water agreement, but it is beneficial to both parties and is an excellent example of regional cooperation. Staff recommends approval of the project and an appropriation of $325,000 from the Water Fund Unappropriated Balance. BY: APPROVED: Gary Ro Utility E Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) L P.E. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve staff recommendation cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Johnson _ x Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x SS ;;k, A-122199-4 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER 41�:-1-3 - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request for appropriation of $20,617.85 in replacement funds for overtime incurred during the Ft. Lewis Mountain Fire by the Fire and Rescue Department from the Board Contingency Fund COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Roanoke County Fire and Rescue incurred overtime expenses of $20,617.85 while fighting the brush fire on Ft. Lewis Mountain during the week of November 15, 1999. This amount represents 16.8 % of the Fire and Rescue Department's budget for overtime. Typically, overtime is paid in responding to fire and rescue situations which overlap the normal quitting time of our employees or in instances where we must call staff back to duty to handle emergencies. FISCAL IMPACT: Fire and Rescue would like to request the Board's assistance by appropriating replacement funds to Fire and Rescue's overtime budget from the Board Contingency Fund in the amount of $20,617.85. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriating $20,617.85 from the Board Contingency Fund to Fire and Rescue's overtime budget. Respectfully submitted, Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief, Fire and Rescue Approved by, gewl--- le�k - Elmer C. flodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: Harry C. Nickens to approve Johnson _ x Denied () staff recommendation Harrison _ x _ Received () McNamara_ x _. Referred () Minnix _ x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Richard E. Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-5 AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE FILING OF A REQUEST SEEKING RELIEF FROM THE PRECLEARANCE PROVISIONS OF THE VOTING RIGHTS ACT WHEREAS, the Voting Rights Act was enacted by Congress in 1965 to rid the Nation of racial discrimination in the voting process, and Section 5 of this Act requires covered jurisdictions to submit any voting change for approval either to the Department of Justice or to a special court in Washington, D.C.; and, WHEREAS, Congress amended this Act in 1982 to allow jurisdictions to seek relief from the preclearance provisions in order to provide incentives to state and local governments to bring about racial equality of opportunity in the political process; and, WHEREAS, the criteria for relief from the preclearance provisions are linked to the actual record of compliance with the Voting Rights Act within the County over the past 10 years, and that Roanoke County has complied with all of the procedural and substantive requirements of the Act; and, WHEREAS, relief from the preclearance provisions will result in significant cost savings through elimination of administrative costs and burdens associated with preclearance submissions for each and every voting change. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That the County Attorney with the assistance of outside counsel and the Registrar are hereby authorized to take such actions as may be necessary to seek relief 1 from the preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act, and that such actions are hereby approved. 2. That this resolution shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane St. John, Registrar A-122199-6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. — AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Approval of Settlement of Margaret Casey Eminent Domain Proceedings, and Appropriation of Funds Therefor COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 4A-Y--� 44,p,� SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Board of Supervisors discussed this issue in closed meeting on December 7, 1999 with legal counsel and staff. In accordance with these discussion counsel has concluded negotiations with the representatives of Margaret E. Casey to settle this pending eminent domain proceeding. By Resolution dated July 27, 1993 the Board of Supervisors approved the taking by eminent domain of a tract of real estate located on Buck Mountain Rd. for purposes of the installation of a water pump station. A Certificate of Take was filed with the Circuit Court in February, 1995. There is a dispute with respect to certain procedural aspects of this litigation as well as the fair market value of this property. The County has conducted another independent fair marker value appraisal of this property, and this settlement is consistent with this appraisal, taking into consideration the passage of time and the County's use of this property for public purposes. The parties have agreed to settle this litigation. An appropriation of $17,150 is necessary to conclude this matter. FISCAL IMPACTS: Appropriation of $17,150 from Water Fund, Unappropriated Balance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board ratify and approve the settlement of this eminent domain proceeding, and appropriate the sum of $17,150 from the Water Fund, Unappropriated Balance. G:\ATTORNEY\PMM\Utility\casey.rpt.frm 1 1C. Respectfully submitted, �w Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (x) Motion by: H Odell Minnix to approve Johnson _ x _ Denied () staff recommendation Harrison _ x Received () McNamara_ x _ Referred () Minnix — x To () Nickens _ x cc: File Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance G:\ATTORNEY\pmm\Utility\casey.rpt.frm 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 ORDINANCE 122199-7 AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF A .071 ACRE PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED ALONG THE SOUTH LOT LINE OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S MOUNT PLEASANT FIRE STATION PROPERTY (TAX MAP NO. 79.01-3-25) BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Charter of Roanoke County, the subject property has been declared to be surplus, and has been made available for sale; and 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading of this ordinance was held on December 7, 1999; and the second reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on December 21, 1999, concerning the sale and disposition of a .071 acre parcel of real estate located along the south lot line of Roanoke County's Mount Pleasant Fire Station property (Tax Map No. 79.01-3-25), as shown on the attached plat; and 3. That an offer has been received from Ernest Wayne Holland and Jacquelyne K. Holland to purchase this parcel of real estate for the sum of $1,400.00, and this offer is hereby accepted; and 4. That the proceeds from the sale of this real estate are to be allocated to the Mount Pleasant Fire Company; and 5. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of 1 which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. HoltoK, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Donald Gillispie, Division Chief, Fire & Rescue Richard E. Burch, Chief, Fire & Rescue Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 DEC -02-1999 17:18 ao� c 2. 3705 RKE CTY-COM DEV Vx 5407722108 P.01/01 2974 �-,D 145.72 2 N 2926 29.38 b F ROANOKE COUNTY MAP SHOWING THE SALE OF 0.071 AC. DEPARTMENT OF PARCEL BEING CONVEYED To ERNEST & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I JACQUELINE K. BY R.C.B.S. f 1 -so -ss TOTAL P.01 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 ORDINANCE 122199-8 ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE LOCATED AT 2970 AND 2976 STONEBRDIGE CIRCLE IN VINTON FROM DREW DEVELOPERS, INC. AND STONEBRIDGE ESTATES, INC. TO ROANOKE COUNTY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading on this ordinance was held on December 7, 1999; and a second reading was held on December 21, 1999. 2. That the conveyance of this real estate by donation from Drew Developers, Inc. and Stonebridge Estates, Inc. to Roanoke County for storm water control and flood plain management is hereby accepted. Said real estate is more particularly described as 2970 Stonebridge Circle, Vinton, Virginia, Tax Map No. 61.12-2-4, and being Lot 4 of Stonebridge Court (Assessed for $18,000) and 2976 Stonebridge Circle, Vinton, Virginia, Tax Map No. 61.12-2-3, and being Lot 3 of Stonebridge Court (Assessed for $18,000). 3. That there is hereby appropriated the sum of Two Thousand Dollars from the County Attorney's budget for the costs of this transaction. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens to adopt the ordinance and appropriate funds from the County Attorney's budget, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: Supervisor McNamara A COPY TESTE: 4"Z& a �-4,0 A�� Brenda J. Ho on, MC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Paul M, Mahoney, County Attorney John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development K AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 ORDINANCE 122199-9 AMENDING ARTICLE 111. SEWER USE STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 18. SEWERS AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That Section 18-174. Penalty for violations be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 18-174. Penalty for violations. (a) A person who violates the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable by a fine of one thousand dellars ($1,099) not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per violation per day and confinement in jail for not more than twelve months, either or both. In the event of a violation, the control authority shall also have the right to terminate the sewer and water connection. (b) Alternatively or in addition to proceeding under authority of sub -section (a) of this section, the County may provide that administrative civil fines be assessed against any person who violates the provisions of this article or any orders, rules, regulations, or permits issued hereunder or pursuant to the County's Enforcement Response Plan. Such administrative civil fines may be in an amount up to two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per violation per day, the amount to be set by the Utility Director. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues shall be deemed a separate and distinct violation. The enforcement of such administrative civil fines may be had through the courts of the 1 Commonwealth of Virginia in addition to any other legal means available to the County. In addition to the administrative civil fines provided for herein, the County may also recover reasonable attorney's fees, court costs, court reporter's fees, expert witness fees and other expenses of litigation by an appropriate suit at law against any such person found to have violated the provisions of this article or any orders, rules, regulations, or permits issued hereunder or pursuant to the County's Enforcement Response Plan. (b,) (c) Alternately or in addition to proceeding under authority of sub- sections (a) and/or (b) of this section, the County is entitled to pursue all other criminal and civil remedies to which it is entitled under authority of state statutes or other ordinances of the County against a person conducting a prohibited discharge or violating a pretreatment standard or requirement, including, without limitation, injunctive relief. (e) (d) Any person who knowingly makes any false statements, representations or certifications in any application, record, report, plan or other document files required to be maintained pursuant to this ordinance, or wastewater permit, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under this ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine of $1,000 not more than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) per violation, per day, or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. (d) (e) The control authority shall be authorized to implement such other program and enforcement mechanisms as are consistent with regulatory guidelines and are deemed appropriate. 2. This ordinance shall be effective from and after its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the N following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: a4i�4k' 0. A�ffn� Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Circuit Court Roy B. Willett, Judge Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Richard C. Pattisall, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Jonathan M. Apgar, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Joseph M. Clarke, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge John B. Ferguson, Judge Joseph P. Bounds, Judge Ruth P. Bates, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court George W. Harris, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Julian H. Raney, Judge Jacqueline F. Ward Talevi, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library Ray Lavinder, Police Chief Richard Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Law Library, Singleton Osterhoudt Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance O. Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terrance L. Harrington, County Planner Michael Lazzuri, Court Services Elaine Carver, Director, General Services Thomas S. Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation Gardner Smith, Director, Procurement John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue 11 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM - J CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for December 21, 1999, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 11, inclusive, as follows: 1. Ratification of the at -large member of the Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors. 2. Request for acceptance of Smoke Rise Court, Delmar Lane and a portion of Cedarmeade Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 3. Donation of a Storage Tank Lot and related access easement shown on Plat of "Hidden Woods" of Fairway Forest Estates, Section 4, from FFE Development Corporation. 4. Formal approval of plan documents for the County Flexible Benefits ("Beneflex") Plan. 5. Donation of a 30' public access trail and greenway easement across a 5.86 acre parcel of land by David G. Suit and Melanie R. Suit. 6. Adjustment to the appropriation of School Phase I budget surplus. 7. Request for acceptance of Carelton Drive, Ripley Street and a portion of Innsbrooke Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 1 8. Acceptance of Department of Motor Vehicles mini -grants for the following: (a) Child Safety Seats (b) Upgrading the radar unit in the speed monitoring trailer (c) Passive Alco -Sensors 9. Donation of a storm drainage easement on property owned by Jean B. Patterson and Laverne Jack Dempsey and Helen R. Dempsey in the Vinton Magisterial District. 10. Adoption of resolutions of appreciation upon the retirement of: (a) Eudora J. Altice, Finance (b) Thomas R. Brown, II, Police (c) Debbie L. Hogan, Police (d) Kenneth L. Hogan, Parks and Recreation (e) Thomas L. Marshall, Fire and Rescue (f) Woodrow "Buddy" Swisher, Police 11. Request for support of Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce submission of an ISTEA transportation enhancement program application for the Carriage House in Longwood Park. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the Consent Resolution without Item 10, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the Resolutions of Appreciations in Item 10 and read the names into the record, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 2 At'l, , 0 )-k A4�' Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility John Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Diane St. John, Registrar Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Pete Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation 3 A -122199-10.a ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER -T— I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of Committee appointment to the Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors At their December 2, 1999 meeting, the Board of Directors recommended John M. Hudgins, Jr., as an at -large member of the Board of Directors to fill the unexpired term of Ms. Rita Gliniecki, who is now Roanoke County's representative. The term of appointment will be through December 31, 2000. The Bylaws of the Board require that members at - large be ratified by the five participating local governments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the above appointment be ratified by the Board of Supervisors. Respectfully submitted, A/. Mary H. Allen, CMC/AAE Clerk to the Board Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) Approved by, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Blue Ridge Community Services Board of Directors File VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x Harrison _ x McNamara_ x Minnix _ x Nickens _ x December 3, 1999 The Honorable Bob L. Johnson, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Johnson: Rodney P. Furr chairman William L. Lee Vice Chairman Meredith B. Waid Treasurer Susan F. Scheibe secretary Executive Director Fred P. Roessel, Jr., Ph.D. At the December 2, 1999, Board of Directors meeting a resolution was passed to recommend Mr. John M. Hudgins, Jr., 870 Stonegate Court, Salem, as an at -large member of the Board of Directors to fill the.unexpired term of Ms. Rita Gliniecki. The term of appointment would be through December 31, 2000. The bylaws of the Board require that members at -large be recommended by the Board to the five participating localities. All five local governments must ratify the appointment. Your attention to this matter will be very much appreciated. Sincere y, Rodney. urr Chairman y •ll C: Elmer C. Hodge John M. Chambliss, Jr. Mary H. Allen John M. Hudgins, Jr. Executive Offices - 301 Elm Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24016-4001 (540) 345-9841 Fax: (540) 342-3855 TTY: (540) 345-0690 Serving the Cities of Roanoke and Salem, and the Counties of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 21sth DAY OF DECEMBER, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 122199-10.b REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF SMOKE RISE COURT, DELMAR LANE AND A PORTION OF CEDARMEADE DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Additions Form SR -5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineerforthe Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the street meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999, for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street described on the attached Additions Form SR -5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors McNamara Minnix Harrison, Nickens, Johnson Nays: None Absent: None A,�,'opy Teste- Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation N 0 i T7.01 cnOO O O m 3 Y 8 a z a U v Lr) u1 tll S r d D1 rn CIL, i o a. ° L a- 00 o0 m rn m C4 6 � r1 W cx '$ CD m ° W m m a m o • a a r- in n n n p O m v O 01) cn D1 2 cn m z � N W O 0 W A A to 5 H E LI I as U U 4ra 1 W W o D m p m m U z z H s H S u H H m m e S m a I S t F�- C LZ 4 C tL fO A w w z m A M d n a a H m Z A O U U A i ROANOKE COUNTY BROOKFIELD, SECTION I & SECTION 2 DEPARTMENT OF Acceptance of Smoke Rise Court, Delmar Lane and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT a portion of Cedarmeade Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 10 0 PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY oo�w'.�� E/ DESCRIPTION: 59 tg3 23 �� •� �� n a_ ; R 3,, 9r, 0.0 y05 y,62 6� c mZb"y�39 1' �^nv Ln L' 1 te 0 intersection of Delmar Lane. "33.5 r+ •r y \ ,., :o e' b Q c5 Q. 9 \\�r - y 4 0�� s ,� 70 o ; BROOKFIELD, SECTION 2 ROANOKE COUNTY BROOKFIELD, SECTION I & SECTION 2 DEPARTMENT OF Acceptance of Smoke Rise Court, Delmar Lane and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT a portion of Cedarmeade Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. 10 0 PROPOSED ADDITION SHOWN IN GRAY 60 , •0r�� 9'r i'_ o�oN- w\ o � 500 60 =\`�� a DESCRIPTION: �n 0 0 om 0 :res.. N v E yg3' cc ? • o y4 o 60 9 > y h 1. Smoke Rise Court - From the intersection of Delmar Lane to its cul-de-sac. y05 y,62 6� c E 2. Delmar Lane - From the intersection of Cedarmeade Drive to its cul-de-sac. 3. Cedarmeade Drive - From the intersection of Valley Stream Drive to the intersection of Delmar Lane. e :\ 65 v e' b Q c5 Q. 9 \\�r - y 4 0�� s ,� 70 o ; LENGTH: (1) 0.04 Miles (2) 0.13 Miles (3) 0.10 Miles m 147. RIGHT OF WAY: (1) SO Feet (2) 50 Feet (3) 50 Feet �9 f0 ° 1 Z PAVEMENT WIDTH: (1) 30 Feet (2) 30 Feet (3) 36 Feet ss9• h s •\• . .. SERVICE: (1) 3 Homes (2) 6 Homes (3) 7 Homes �rf9.. a-- , A on \ :. �r7B•41 2 129.13 C ^ BROOKFIELD, SECTION 1 S7 -,REAM DRIVE o v VALLEY _ ROANOKE COUNTY BROOKFIELD, SECTION I & SECTION 2 DEPARTMENT OF Acceptance of Smoke Rise Court, Delmar Lane and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT a portion of Cedarmeade Drive into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System. A -122199-10.c ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of a "STORAGE TANK LOT" and related access easement as shown on Plat of "Hidden Woods" of Fairway Forest Estates, Section 4, recorded in Plat Book 17, Page 24, from FFE Development Corporation to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves the donation of the following parcel of land and related access easement in "Hidden Woods" of Fairway Forest Estates, Section 4, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: a} Donation from FFE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation, of the fee simple interest in a parcel of land, consisting of 11,000 square feet, shown and designated as "STORAGE TANK LOT" upon that certain plat entitled "Hidden Woods" of Fairway Forest Estates, Section 4, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ofRoanoke County in Plat Book 17, Page 24; TOGETHER WITH the right to use the New Variable Width Access and Waterline Easement for access to and from the said STORAGE TANK LOT, as shown on the plat of "Hidden Woods," recorded as aforesaid. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. STAFF RECON 4ENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the donation. Respectfully submitted, - 6 V111M.- / 1 Vi kie L. Huffman Assistant County Att rney ACTION Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( 1 cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney Gary Robertson, Director, Utility John Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x 4 O� I c ti 26,018 SF. p N N cl � 20, 027 S. F. '9sr• o� 14 DoE \C 1 �—A=121.69' �� C �O� 0 .hI`C-36 -37 lie \ .MENT-S�1J ----"" \ \ c.3Ar b _k 1-1 o. �5� 34, 933 S F. 33.74' G 30' M.B.L. \ �o ?gQC�!' J S 13'42'26 E\ z Q- 15' P.U.E. ' \ c 0G X61 \ S 53'42'53" E S \ Frio C, 9 11 2g � PARC \\ 10 s ��' \ EL A 50,597 SF. \ 67,816 S.F. (� �g°oy ��� OG \ 1 (SEE NOTE #9, \ \ SHEET 1 r., NEW VARIABLE WIDTH •'L6 \o. ��s �� o STp�rriWRjE,�, 0ACCESS & WATERLINE \ a+, MCir,.1T H \ o EASEMENT �, / N 54'00'00" E °p f o 22.69' 6 ) 00. ^ s¢ , E o� 12z. 9 p0 � o °o '00" 102,550 S.F. All pO S 549931 1� S 27'16'20" IN 15' P.U.E. �9�,9aF,p N 36'12'02" W 25.18' ?�O L o 57.84' ` R . ,o o" O 3 \ 3 .o G' \ NEW VARIABLE WIDTH 00. / �F I \ \ `� ACCESS AND WATERLINE ory N44'41'43"W \ ` EASEMENT oo 129.85' 20' \ � RIABLE WIDTH .D� \ DEED LINE `NE EASEMENTbc DISTANCE 52.87' 21 170.00, 174.68' 3N82 . �' 95.49' o o 32 SS "e ik 8 V 182.39' ^ o �hlK Z STORAGE �ti� 188,58 ENT SE 9S 110,SB�OCK r� 6 �(,�g 1 o TANK T. o LOT. 3 DDED TO 110.00• 11,000 SIF o 0 N � 2/ PLAT BOOR 17, PAGE 24 ,STANCE RADIUS 10000• Io 3.76' CH. 305.00' 2 3.28' ).56' Z.71' CH. 55.00' •0 S.F. EXIST. EXISTING / S 82325,5" X000, T.M.A. TREE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT C.B. DEED BOOK OED TO P.B. PLAT BOOK / TRACT III PG. PAGE 81 .00' R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTY OF 'STANCE RADIUS S.F. SQUARE FEET 4.41' 52 S.S.E. SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT ME D.B.. .3.52 SEARS .65' CH. 25.00' D.E. DRAINAGE EASEMENT PG. 37 •90' CH. 55.00' P.U.E. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT TAX #66.00-1-8 .56' M.B.L. MINIMUM BUILDING LINE .- ® SANITARY SF'Wro Cec�ucT AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10A APPROVING THE REVISED BENEFLEX PLAN DOCUMENT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1999 The undersigned Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors of the COUNTY OF ROANOKE (the Employer) hereby certifies that the following resolutions were duly adopted by the Employer on December 21, 1999, and that such resolutions have not been modified or rescinded as of the date hereof: RESOLVED, that the form of amended Cafeteria Plan including a Dependent Care Assistance Program and Health Care Reimbursement Plan effective 7/1/99, presented this meeting is hereby approved and adopted and that the duly authorized agents of the Employer are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to the Third Party Administrator of the Plan one or more counterparts of the Plan. RESOLVED, that the Employer shall be instructed to take such actions that are deemed necessary and proper in order to implement the Plan, and to set up adequate accounting and administrative procedures to provide benefits under the Plan. RESOLVED, that the duly authorized agents of the Employer shall act as soon as possible to notify the employees of the Employer of the adoption of the Cafeteria Plan by delivering to each employee a copy of the summary description of the Plan in the form of the Summary Plan Description presented to this meeting, which form is hereby approved. The undersigned further certifies that attached hereto as Exhibits A and B, respectively, are true copies of BENEFLEX — COUNTY OF ROANOKE as amended and restated and the Summary Plan Description approved and adopted in the foregoing resolutions. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /6 �(�� - Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance BE BENEFLEX- COUNTY OF ROANOKE SUMMARY PLAN DESCRIPTION TABLE OF CONTENTS I ELIGIBILITY I. When Can I Become a Participant in the Plan?.....................................................................1 2. What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Our Plan? ............................. 3. When Is My Entry Date? ........................... 4. Are There Any Employees Who Are Not Eligible?..................................................... 5. What Must I Do to Enroll in the Plan? ...................... II OPERATION 1. How Does This Plan Operate? ................... III CONTRIBUTIONS 1. How Much of My Pay May the Employer Redirect?............................................................3 2. How is My Compensation Measured Under Our Plan? .................. 3. What Happens to Contributions Made to the Plan? ............................ 4. When Must I Decide Which Accounts I Want to Use? ....................... 5. When Is the Election Period for Our Plan? ............... 6. May I Change My Elections During the Plan Year? .... 7. May I Make New Elections in Future Plan Years? ............................. IV BENEFITS I. What Benefits Are Available? .............. V BENEFIT PAYMENTS 1. When Will I Receive Payments From My Accounts? ................ 2. What Happens If I Don't Spend All Plan Contributions?................................................... 3. What Happens If I Terminate Employment? .................. 4. Will My Social Security Benefits Be Affected? ................: VI HIGHLY COMPENSATED AND KEY EMPLOYEES 1. Do Limitations Apply to Highly Compensated Employees?.................................................9 VII PLAN ACCOUNTING 1. Periodic Statements......................................................................... 9 ................................. VIII GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PLAN I. General Plan Information............................................................10 ........................................... 2. Employer Information ...............................................................10 ............................................. 3. Plan Administrator Information...................................10 ...........:.............................................. 4. Service of Legal Process11 .............................................................................. 5. Type of Administration ...................... 11 ................................................... IX ADDITIONAL PLAN INFORMATION 1. Claims Process X SUMMARY BENEFLEX- COUNTY OF ROANOKE INTRODUCTION We have amended the "flexible benefits plan" that we previously established for you and other eligible employees. Under this program, you will be able to choose among certain benefits that we make available.- The benefits that you may choose are outlined in this summary plan description. We will also tell you about other important information concerning the amended - Plan, such as the rules you must satisfy before you can join and the laws that protect your rights. One of the most important features of our Plan is that the benefits being offered are generally ones that you are already paying for, but normally with money that has first been subject to income and Social Security taxes. Under our Plan, these same expenses will be paid for with a portion of your pay before Federal income or Social Security taxes are withheld. This means that you will pay less tax and have more money to spend and save. Read this summary plan description carefully so that you understand the provisions of our amended Plan and the benefits you will receive. You should direct any questions you have to the Third Party Administrator or your Employer. There is a plan document on file which you may review if you desire. In the event there is a conflict between this summary plan description and the plan document, the Plan will control. Also, if there is a conflict between an insurance contract and either the plan document or this summary plan description, the insurance contract will control. ELIGIBILITY 1 When Can I Become a Participant in the Plan? Before you become a member or a "Participant" in the Plan, there are certain rules which you must satisfy. First, you must meet the "eligibility requirements_" After thatrthe next step is to actually join the Plan on the "entry date." that we have established for all employees. You will also be required to complete certain application forms before you can enroll in the Health Care Reimbursement Plan or Dependent Care Assistance Account. What Are the Eligibility Requirements for Our Plan? You will be eligible to join the Plan as of your date of employment with us. Of course, if you were already a participant before this amendment, you will remain a participant. When Is My Entry Date? Once you have met the eligibility requirements, your entry date will be the first day of the pay period coinciding with or following the date you met the eligibility requirements. 4. Are There Any Employees Who Are Not Eligible? Yes, there are certain employees who are not eligible to join the Plan. They are: -'- Employees who are part-time. A part-time employee is someone who works, or is expected to work, less than 17.5 hours a week. 5. What Must I Do to Enroll in the Plan? Before you can join the Plan, you must complete an application to participate in the Plan. The application includes your personal choices for each of the benefits which are being offered under the Plan. You must also authorize us to set some of your earnings aside in order to pay for the benefits you have elected. However, if you are already covered under any of the insured benefits, you will automatically participate in this Plan to the extent of your premiums unless during the "election period" you elect not to participate in this Plan. - II OPERATION How Does This Plan Operate? Before the start of each Plan Year, you will be able to elect to have some of your upcoming pay contributed to the Plan. These amounts will be placed in special funds or accounts which must be set up for you in order to pay for the benefits you have chosen. The portion of your pay that is paid to the Plan is not subject to Federal income or Social Security taxes. In other words, this allows you to use tax-free dollars to pay for certain kinds of benefits and expenses which you normally pay for with out-of-pocket, taxable dollars. However, if you receive a reimbursement for an expense under the Plan, you cannot claim a Federal income t credit or deduction on your return. ax 2 III CONTRIBUTIONS How Much of My Pay May the Employer Redirect? Each year, for the premium payment benefits provided under this Plan we will automatically contribute on your behalf enough of your compensation to pay for the coverage provided. In addition, you may elect to pay for the benefits that you elect under the Plan. These amounts will be deducted from your pay over the course of the year. However, you may not have us contribute more than $10,000 each Plan Year. 2. How is My Compensation Measured Under Our Plan? Compensation under our Plan means the total cash amount that is paid to you each year. What Happens to Contributions Made to the Plan? Before each Plan Year begins, you will select the non-insured benefits you want and how much of the contributions should go toward each benefit. It is very important that you make these choices carefully based on what you expect to spend on each covered benefit or expense during the Plan Year. Later, they will be used to pay for the expenses as they arise during the Plan Year. 4. When Must I Decide Which Accounts I Want to Use? it You are required by Federal law to decide before the Plan Year begins, during the election period." You must decide two things. First, which benefits you want and, second, how much should go toward each benefit. If you are already covered by any of the insured benefits offered by this Plan, you will automatically become a Participant to the extent of the premiums for such insurance unless you elect, -during the "election period," not to participate in the Plan. 5. When Is the "Election Period" for Our Plan? Your election period will start on the date you first meet the "eligibility requirements" and end 30 days after your "entry date." (You should review Section I on Eligibility to better understand the terms "eligibility requirements and entry date.") Then, for each following Plan Year, the election period is established by the Administrator and applied uniformly to all Participants. It will normally be a period of time prior to the beginning of each Plan Year. The Administrator will inform you each year about the election period. (See the Article entitled "General Information About Our Plan for the definition of Plan Year.) 6. May I Change My Elections During the Plan Year?. Generally, no: You cannot change the elections you have made after the beginning of the Plan Year. However, there are certain limited situations when you can change your elections. You are permitted to change if there is a change in your family status. Currently, Federal law considers the following events to be examples of a change in family status: -- You get married or divorced. -- You have a child or adopt one. -- Your spouse and/or child(ren) die(s). --,Your spouse commences or terminates employment. -- Your or your spouse's employment status changes from full-time to part-time or from part-time to full-time. -- You or your spouse take an unpaid leave of absence. -- Your spouse has a significant change in health coverage directly attributable to your Spouse's employment. There may be other events which are considered to be a change in family status. Also, any election change must be consistent with the reason that such change was permitted. If you have a change in family status, you should contact your Employer, who will provide you with the required forms for changing your benefit elections. 7. May I Make New Elections in Future Plan Years? Yes, you may. For each new Plan Year, you may change the elections that you previously made. You may also choose not to participate in the Plan for the upcoming Plan Year: If you do not make new elections during the "election period" before anew Plan Year begins, we will consider that to mean you have elected not to participate for the upcoming Plan Year. IV BENEFITS 1 • What Benefits Are Available? Under our Plan, you can choose to receive your entire compensation in cash or use a portion to pay for the following benefits or expenses during the year: 0 Health Care Reimbursement Plan: The Health Care Reimbursement Plan enables you to pay for expenses which are not covered by our medical plan and save taxes at the same time. The account allows you to be reimbursed by the Employer for out-of-pocket medical, dental and vision expenses incurred by you and your dependents. The expenses which qualify are those permitted by Section 213 of the Internal Revenue Code. A list of covered expenses is available from the Third Parry Administrator. You may not, however, be reimbursed for the cost of other health care coverage maintained outside of the Plan, or for long-term care expenses. The most that you can contribute to your Health Care Reimbursement Plan each Plan Year is $5,000. In order to be reimbursed for a health care expense, you must submit to the Third Party Administrator an itemized bili from the service provider. Amounts reimbursed from the Plan may not be claimed as a deduction on your personal income tax return. Reimbursement from the fund shall be paid at least once a month. Dependent Care Assistance Account: The Dependent Care Assistance Account enables you to pay for out-of-pocket, work-related dependent day-care cost with pre-tax dollars. If you are married, you can use the account if you and your spouse both work or, in some situations, if your spouse goes to school full-time. Single employees can also use the account. An eligible dependent is any member of your household for whom you can claim expenses on Federal Income Tax Form 2441 "Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses." Children must be under age 13. Other dependents must be physically or mentally unable to care for themselves. Dependent Care arrangements which qualify include: -- A Dependent (Day) Care Center, provided that if care is provided by the facility for more than six individuals, the facility complies with applicable state and local laws. -- An Educational Institution for pre-school children. For older children, only expenses for non -school care are eligible. _ -- An "Individual" who provides care inside or outside your home. The "Individual" may not be a child of yours under age 19 or anyone you claim as a dependent for Federal tax purposes. You should make sure that the dependent care expenses you are currently paying for qualify under our Plan. The law places limits on the amount of money that can be paid to you in a calendar year from your Dependent Care Assistance Account. Generally, your reimbursements may not exceed the lesser of (a) $5,000 (if you are married filing a joint return or you are head of a household) or $2,500 (if you are married filing separate returns); (b) your taxable compensation; (c) your spouse's actual or deemed earned income (a spouse who is a full time student or incapable of caring for himself/herself has a monthly earned income of $200 for one 5 dependent or $400 for two or more dependents). Also, in order to have the reimbursements made to you from this account be excludable from your income, you must provide a statement from the service provider including the name, address, and in most cases, the taxpayer identification number of the service provider on your tax form for the year, as well as the amount of such expense as proof that the expense has been incurred. In addition, Federal tax laws permit a tax credit for certain dependent care expenses you may be paying for even if you are not a Participant in this Plan. You may save more money if you take advantage of this tax credit rather than using the Dependent Care Assistance Account under our Plan. Ask your tax adviser which is better for you. _ Premium Expense Account: A Premium Expense Account allows you to use tax-free dollars to pay for certain premium expenses under various insurance programs that we offer you. These premium expenses include: -- Health care premiums under our self-funded medical plan. -- Dental insurance premiums. Under our Plan, we will establish sub -accounts for you for each different type of coverage that is available. Also, certain limits on the amount of coverage may apply. Your Employer may terminate or modify Plan benefits at any time, subject to the provisions of any contracts providing benefits described above. Also, your coverage will end when you leave employment, are no longer eligible under the terms of any coverage, or when coverage terminates. Any benefits to be provided by insurance will be provided only after (1) you have provided your Employer the necessary information to apply for insurance, and (2) the insurance is in effect for you. V BENEFIT PAYMENTS 1. When Will I Receive Payments From My Accounts? During the course of the Plan Year, you may submit requests for reimbursement of expenses you have incurred. Expenses are considered "incurred" when the service is performed, not necessarily when it is paid for. Your Employer will provide you with acceptable forms for submitting these requests for reimbursement. If the request qualifies as a benefit or expense that the Plan has agreed to pay, you will receive a reimbursement payment soon thereafter. Remember, these reimbursements which are made from the Plan are generally not subject to federal income tax or withholding. Nor are they subject to Social Security taxes. The provisions of the insurance contracts will control what benefits will be paid and when. You will only be reimbursed from the Dependent Care Assistance Account to the extent that there are sufficient funds in the Account to cover your request. 2. What Happens If I Don't Spend All Plan Contributions? Any monies left -at the end of the Plan Year will be forfeited. Obviously, qualifying expenses that you incur late in the Plan Year for which you seek reimbursement after the end of such Plan Year will be paid first before any amount is forfeited. However, you must make your requests for reimbursement no later than 90 days after the end of the Plan Year. Because it is possible that you might forfeit amounts in the Plan if you do not fully use the contributions that have been made, it is important that you decide how much to place in each account carefully and conservatively. Remember, you must decide which benefits you want to contribute to and how much to place in each account before the Plan Year begins. You want to be as certain as you can that the amount you decide to place in each account will be used up entirely. What Happens If I Terminate Employment? If you leave our employ during the Plan Year, your right to benefits will be determined in the following manner: -- You will remain covered by insurance, but only for the period for which premiums have been paid prior to your termination of employment. -- You will still be able to request reimbursement for qualifying dependent care expenses for the remainder of the Plan Year from the balance remaining in your -dependent care account at the time of termination of employment. However, no further salary redirection contributions will be made on your behalf after you terminate. -- You may elect to continue your participation in the Health Care Reimbursement Plan for the remainder of the Plan Year. -- If you elect to- continue your participation in the Health Care Reimbursement Plan, you must continue to make any required contributions to the Plan. -- If you elect not to continue participation in the Health Care Reimbursement Plan, participation will cease and no further salary redirection contributions will be contributed on your behalf. -- If your participation in the Health Care Reimbursement Plan ceases, you will be able to submit claims for health care expenses incurred prior to your date of termination. Under Federal law, you, your spouse, and your dependents may be entitled to continuation of health care coverage. Your Employer will inform you of these rights if you 7 terminate employment. Generally, if we (and any related companies) employed twenty (20) or more employees "on a typical business day" in the preceding calendar year, health plan continuation must be made available for a period not to exceed eighteen (18) months if a loss of benefits occurs because of your termination of employment or reduction of hours, or for a period not to exceed three (3) years for any of the other reasons given in (b) and (c) below. Under certain circumstances, persons who are disabled at the time of termination of employment or reduction in hours or within the first 60 days of COBRA coverage may be eligible for continuation of coverage for a total of 29 months (rather than 18). You should check with your Employer for more details regarding this extended coverage. However, in certain circumstances, this continuation coverage may be terminated for reasons such as failure to pay continuation coverage cost, coverage under another employer's plan (whether as an employee or otherwise, provided the other employer's health plan does not contain any exclusion or limitation with respect to any pre-existing condition of the beneficiary unless the pre-existing condition limit does not apply to, or is satisfied by, the qualified beneficiary by reason of the group health plan portability, access and renewability requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, ERISA or the Public Health Services Act), termination of our health plan, or you (or the person entitled to continued coverage) become entitled to Medicare benefits. However, if you become entitled to Medicare benefits, your dependents may still qualify for continuation coverage. The cost of continuation coverage must be paid by the individual choosing such coverage; however, the cost may not exceed 102% of the cost of the same coverage for a "similarly situated" employee or family member. When the continuation coverage for a disabled person is extended from 18 months to 29 months, the disabled person may be charged 150% (rather than 102%) of the cost of the coverage after expiration of the initial 18 -month period. (a) If you would otherwise lose your health plan coverage under this Plan because of a termination of employment or reduction in hours, you may continue the health plan coverage provided under this Plan. However, this will not be a tax-deductible expense to you, absent unusual circumstances. (b) Your spouse may choose continuation coverage for himself or herself if he or she loses group health coverage for any of the following reasons: (1) your death; (2) your divorce or legal separation; or (3) you become entitled to Medicare. (c) Your dependent children, including a child born to or placed for adoption with the Participant during the period of COBRA coverage, may choose continuation coverage for themselves if they lose group health coverage for any of the following reasons: (1) death of a parent; (2) your divorce or legal separation; (3) you become entitled to Medicare; or (4) your dependent ceases to be a dependent child under the Plan. It is your responsibility to notify your Employer of a divorce, legal separation or other change in marital status, change in a spouse's address, or a child losing dependent status under the plan, within sixty (60) days of the event. It is our responsibility to notify the 'Plan Third Party Administrator of your death, termination of employment or reduction in hours, or Medicare eligibility. 4. Will My Social Security Benefits Be Affected? Your Social Security benefits may be slightly reduced because when you receive tax-free benefits under our PIan, it reduces the amount of contributions that you make to the Federal Social Security system as well as our contribution to Social Security on your behalf. VI HIGHLY COMPENSATED AND KEY EMPLOYEES I. Do Limitations Apply to Highly Compensated Employees? Under the Internal Revenue Code, "highly compensated employees" and "key employees" generally are Participants who are officers, shareholders or highly paid. You will be notified by your Employer each Plan Year whether you are a "highly compensated employee" or a "key employee." If you are within these categories, the amount of contributions and benefits for you may be limited so that the Plan as a whole does not unfairly favor those who are highly paid, their spouses or their dependents. Federal tax laws state that a plan will be considered to unfairly favor the key employees if they as a group receive more than 25% of all of the nontaxable benefits provided for under our Plan. Plan experience will dictate whether contribution limitations on "highly compensated employees" or "key employees" will apply. You will be notified of these limitations if you are affected.. VII PLAN ACCOUNTING Periodic Statements The Third Pnrty Administrator will provide you with a statement of your account periodically during the Plan Year that shows your account balance. It is important to read these statements carefully so you understand the balance remaining to pay for a benefit. Remember, you want to spend all the money you have designated for aparticular benefit by the end of the Plan Year. _ yVIII GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT OUR PLAN Plan. This Section contains certain general information which you may need to know about the General Plan Information BENEFLEX- COUNTY OF ROANOKE is the name of the Plan. z Your Employer has assigned Plan Number 501 to your Plan. The provisions of your amended Plan become effective on 7/1/99. Your Plan was originally effective on 7/1/89. Your Plan's records are maintained on a twelve-month period of time. This is known as the Plan Year. The Plan Year begins on 7/1 and ends on 6/30. 2. Employer Information Your Employer's name, address, and identification number are: COUNTY OF ROANOKE 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018 54-6001572 3• Plan Administrator Information The name, address and business telephone number of your Plan's Third Party Administrator are: TIRGON ADMINISTRATORS, INC. 7130 GLENFOREST DRIVE RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23226 (800) 551-1961 The Third Party Administrator keeps the records for the Plan and is responsible for the administration of the Plan. The Third Party Administrator will also answer any questions you may have about our Plan. You may contact your Employer or the Third Party Administrator for any further information about the Plan. 10 Ll 4. Service of Legal Process The name and address of the Plan's agent for service of legal process are: COUNTY OF ROANOKE 5204 BERNARD DRIVE ROANOKE , VIRGINIA 24018 5. Type of Administration The type of Administration is Third Party Administration. Ix ADDITIONAL PLAN INFORMATION 1. Claims Process You should submit reimbursement claims during the Plan Year, but in noevent later than 90 days after the end of a Plan Year. Any claims submitted after that time will not be considered. Claims for benefits that are insured or self-funded will be reviewed in accordance with procedures contained in the policies. All other general claims or requests should be directed to the Third Party Administrator of our Plan. If a non-insured claim under the Plan is denied is whole or in part, you or your beneficiary will receive written notification. The notification will include the reasons for the denial, with reference to the specific provisions of the Plan on which the denial was based, a description of any additional information needed to process the claim and an explanation of the claims review procedure. If we fail to respond within 90 days, your claim is treated as denied. Within 60 days after denial, you or your beneficiary may submit a written request for reconsideration of the application to the Third Party Administrator. Any such request should be accompanied by documents or records in support of your appeal. You or your beneficiary may review pertinent documents and submit issues and comments in writing. The Third Party Administrator will review the claim and provide, within 60 days, a written response to the appeal. (This period may be extended an additional 60 days . under certain circumstances.) In this response, the Third Party Administrator will explain the reason for the decision, with specific reference to the provisions of the Plan on which the decision is based. The Third Party Administrator has the exclusive right to interpret the appropriate plan provisions. Decisions of the Third Party Administrator are conclusive and binding. 11 X SUMMARY The money you earn is important to you and your family. You need it to pay your bills, enjoy recreational activities and save for the future. Our flexible benefits plan will help you keep more of the money you earn by lowering the amount of taxes you pay. The Plan is the result of our continuing efforts to. find ways to help you get the most for your earnings. If you have any questions, please contact your Employer or the Third Party Administrator. 12 A -122199-10.e ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S 5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Donation of a 30' public access trail and greenway easement across a 5.86 - acre parcel of land (Tax Map No. 77.05-5-16) by David G. Sult and Melanie R. Sult to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Ah?x�_10� SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This consent agenda item involves acceptance of the following easement conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for public access trail and greenway purposes on property located near Garst Mill Park in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: a) Donation of a perpetual thirty-foot (30') public access trail and greenway easement generally running parallel with Halevan Road along the southerly boundary and parallel with Garst Mill Road along the easterly boundary of a 5.86 acre parcel of land being the remaining acreage shown on the Map of Southwoods, Plat Book 6, page 1, subject to the minor encroachment of the existing "barn" structure on the property, from David G. Sult and Melanie R. Sult (Deed Book 1626, page 1088; Tax Map No. 77.05-5-16), as shown on a plat dated December 14, 1999, prepared by Balzer & Associates, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The location and dimensions of the easements have been reviewed and approved by County Community Development staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends acceptance of the easement. Respectfully submitted, Vickie . Huffm Assistant County Attorney ACTION Approved (x) Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) cc: File Vickie L. Huffman, Assistant County Attorney John Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Pete Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison — x _ McNamara_ x Minnix _ x Nickens _ x _ O O M 0 O N 0 O O C� Q m MljOODS BLOCK 2 CL SOGj \ N78'42'00"E 3.00 \ ap0 110,46' Low I (0 -, ~vim 3 / JQO I I W2 to W W O a M o N z Z i a Ix 1 1 i 1 1 I wa co �3 m� W ` 1 U, O r Z� 1 1�� >> o to I I vv im. , �2L 0 I I �ILI- � II U 1 lby�N3 s or M3W er1 _ X X ♦' 9` 7 36'z9z M„00,14.C8S M OVOa Nb��1O/131b'H J �� 0 wW a Lu � N W O O Z Z �- J aY UO -U of O m I 0OWO(W/1 O n } d OW L � W z L,W z CD Q uj �a LL. Qmw o_j W � O J O z c� ri a Q uui N � 1 N �� o U W i u � i u _ O -- Z Z . W O < e OZ z U 1'. r 1- a 3 F� o m o V -O o� Twp O -az n NI-- wo w 0"(..N_ t�N W Z a W JOU 0 C.7¢_0p0 QWWwJan Say>. oF006 o O= Qa Mix Wo 41- dam 11 Q t0 G ^1 v ,rYZ lY c0 F- Z �z WOMOLUm�N0 g�Zr� a3z�az 4"mv,w'» 0gF-=1``'Z�wo=� vv wW� J00wL aafp iWaoZcUU U w Z= OUB oF Z O0 Z �o °a W Lai z 3 m CL O G\ IA �v o wcN Uzi -7 =u J �� 0 wW a Lu � N W O O Z Z �- J aY UO -U of O m I 0OWO(W/1 O n } d OW L � W z L,W z CD Q uj �a LL. Qmw o_j W � O J O z c� ri a Q uui N � 1 N C U _ O -- N �� =z Nvg o o����•. 0 ,rYZ m 3 3 °d ZO a� O O N ~ U a v m a z z Lu m Z J J J �� 0 wW a Lu � N W O O Z Z �- J aY UO -U of O m I 0OWO(W/1 O n } d OW L � W z L,W z CD Q uj �a LL. Qmw o_j W � O J O z c� ri a A -122199-10.f ACTION # ITEM NUMBER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Adjustment of Appropriation of School Phase I Budget Surplus COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: ,Q _� JK'V(�� SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the November 9, 1999 meeting, the Board of Supervisors appropriated $475,000 of the projected excess funds from three projects in the School Board Phase 1 Capital Plan. At that time, the schools estimated remaining funds of $71,962 for Clearbrook Elementary, $71,733 for Burlington Elementary, and $407,618 for Bonsack Elementary. As a result of more complete information, the following funds are actually available and have been reserved in the Phase 1 School Capital budget: $71,962 Unappropriated balance — Clearbrook Elementary 71,733 Unappropriated balance — Burlington Elementary 308.000 Unappropriated balance — Bonsack Elementary $451,695 Total available for other Blue Ribbon projects The appropriation for the school year-end balance should be modified to reflect the actual amount of funds available ($451,695) moving to the Phase I unappropriated balalnce, rather than the projected amount of $475,000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving the above modification to the November 9, 1999 appropriation of Phase I budget surpluses Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance Dr. Deanna Gordon, School Superintendent Brenda Chastain, Clerk, School Board c.� Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, IN REGULAR MEETING ON THE 21sth DAY OF DECEMBER, 1999, ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING: RESOLUTION 122199-10.g REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF CARELTON DRIVES, RIPLEY STREET AND A PORTION OF INNSBROOKE DRIVE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the street described on the attached Additions Form SR -5(a), fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the street meet the requirements established by the Subdivision Street Requirements of the Virginia Department of Transportation, and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999, for comprehensive stormwater detention which applies to this request for addition, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street described on the attached Additions Form SR -5(A) to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1-229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of-way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Resident Engineer for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Recorded Vote Moved By: Supervisor Johnson Seconded By: None Required Yeas: Supervisors McNamara Minnix Harrison Nickens Johnson Nays: None Absent: None A Copy Test Brenda J. H Iton, CMC cc: File Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Arnold Covey, Director, Engineering & Inspections Virginia Department of Transportation }Cc / / k k / � / 7 \ 0 ƒ � \ ; ! _ ) . � ! § / X 7 Lr) $ . C. C. / / / / / � \ \ co e e � ) k En \r,4 _ } ? Lr) ; 'o Lr, ) w # 4 _ \ \ } \ \ \ \ } 5 ■ ; ; ; / { / \ { } { \ \ } \ e } 3 } e } e e ,- _ _ _ e - E w E z _ E a:I _ § w / 2 ~ _ - \ 90 } \ @ . } \ z \ \ - / ] �} 2 CARELTON DRIVE — from Red Lane Extension to its intersection with Innsbrooke Drive. Length 0.241 miles R/W Width. .50' Road Width. .38' Service. Connector INNSBROOKE DRIVE — from intersection with Careiton Drive to its intersection with Ripley Street. Length_ Length --.0.074 .0.074 miles R/W Width. .50' Road Width. 38' Service Connector l RIPLEY STREET — from intersection with Innsbrooke Drive to its inter— section with Mountain Heights Drive. Length_ 0.089 miles R/W Width. .50' Road Width. 38' Service. Connector Road Acceptance for HANGING ROCK ESTATES prepared by Roanoke County. Dept. of Community Develoamen A -122199-10.h ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER: AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request acceptance of Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) mini -grant for child safety seats. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Police Department is in need of an array of child safety seats to conduct child safety seat inspections. The Division of Motor Vehicles has agreed to provide the Department with funding to purchase the child safety seats. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Traffic Unit of the Police Department is actively providing inspections for occupant protection. Part of the inspections includes a review of the type and installation of child safety seats. There are approximately 14 different styles available on the market and this funding would go to obtain the various models for demonstration and inspection purposes. FISCAL IMPACT: The DMV has indicated $1500.00 is available in grant funds and no matching funds are required. The grant period begins October 1, 1999 and runs through September 30, 2000. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends acceptance of the mini -grant from DMV in the amount of $1500.00. SUBMITTED BY: APPRO ED: of of Polic County Administrator t Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x A -122199-10.i ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER: �-- ., AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request acceptance of a Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) mini -grant for upgrading the radar unit in the speed monitoring trailer. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County Police Department applied for a mini -grant to purchase a radar unit to enhance the effectiveness of its speed monitoring trailer. The current radar unit used to collect data is in need of repair and its ranging ability is declining. There are no matching funds required for this mini -grant. The total grant awarded was $1,250.00. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The speed monitoring trailer was built to support County operations by providing the Department with a tool for assessing traffic complaints in specific areas. When construction began on the trailer in 1998, existing radar units were incorporated into the structure. Since that time, through use and age, the performance of this radar unit has decreased significantly. The costs associated with repairing the antenna are nearly equal to purchasing a new replacement. FISCAL IMPACT: The grant period is from November 01, 1999 through October 31, 2000. $1,250.00 was awarded requiring no matching funds. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends acceptance of the mini -grant from DMV. SUBMITTEDAPPROVED: BY: of of Police County Administrator Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x A-122199-10 . j ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER: E. C AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: Request acceptance of Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) mini - grant for Passive Alco -Sensors. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: The Police Department was advised of Passive Alco -Sensor Units suitable for use in sobriety checkpoints. These Passive Units are built into a regular flashlight, and are capable of measuring a person's blood alcohol content by sampling the area surrounding the driver. These units would provide the Department with another tool to enhance highway safety. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Division of Motor Vehicles has agreed to provide the Department $1,230.00 for the purchase of two Passive Alco -Sensor Lights. The grant period is from January 1, 2000 through December 31, 2000. FISCAL IMPACT: This mini -grant of $1,230.00 will cover the costs associated with the purchase of two Passive Light Alco -Sensors. No matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDTION: The staff recommends acceptance of the mini -grant from DMV. SUBMITTED BY: APPRO D: - &" &�� of of Poli e County Administrator Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x A -122199-10A ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: December 21, 1999 AGENDA ITEM: DONATION OF STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS ON PROPERTY OWNED BY JEAN B. PATTERSON (TAX MAP NO. 61.19-10-24) AND LAVERNE JACK DEMPSEY AND HELEN R. DEMPSEY (TAX MAP NO. 61.19-10-21) IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. These consent agenda items involve acceptance of the following easements conveyed to the Board of Supervisors for storm drainage purposes in connection with Drainage Project P-240, Missimer Court, Crofton Subdivision, Vinton Magisterial District of the County of Roanoke: a) Donation of storm drainage easement, of variable width, from Jean B. Patterson, property owner, (Tax Map No. 61.19-10-24) as shown on the map attached hereto (Exhibit "A"). b) Donation of storm drainage easement, of variable width, from Laverne Jack Dempsey and Helen R. Dempsey, property owners, (Tax Map 61.19-10-23) as shown on the map attached hereto (Exhibit "A"). The County's engineering staff has reviewed and approved the location and dimensions of these easements. Staff recommends acceptance of these easements. 1 SUBMITTED BY: rAAA ! r Arnoij Covey, Director Department of Community Deve pment Approved (x) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred ( ) To ( ) ACTION APPROVED BY: C�ra Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Motion by: Bob L. Johnson to approve cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development P" VOTE No Yes Abs Johnson _ x _ Harrison _ x _ McNamara_ x _ Minnix _ x _ Nickens x MERIDIAN OF SECTION No. 2 ' CROFTON' P.B. 7, PG. 18 TAX #71.07-1-33 PROPERTY OF JOSEPH BIBB & JOSEPHINE BIBB D.B. 1193, PG. 1774 ..1 _•:.,: Vii= EXIST. �:,,,;•;; IRON PIN>' Sia r'- 1Os EXIST. 10' \� PUBLICUTILITY EASEMENT (P.B. 7, PG. 1 LOT 27 TAX #61.19-10-24 PROPERTY OF JEAN B. PATTERSON D.B. 1246, PG. 485 EXIST. 25' MINIMUM BUILDING LINE (P.B. 7, PG. 18) NEW 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT COR. BEARING DIST. 1-2 N 38'30'10' W 36.85 - NO 7ES- EXIST. 16' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (P.B. 7, PG. 18) LOT'24 / TAX PRO21 PERTYIOF / MICHAEL W. HOLDREN D.B. 1559, PG. 1746 G EXIST. 16' PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT (P.B. 7, PG. 18) l N 07'41'38' E 107.48' — �'�"*' io rs;r•i NEW 15' I DRAINAGE EASEMENT II r" EXIST. 10' SEWER gR�CK I EASEMENT EXIST• p�EIy1NG I (P.B. 7, PG. 18) \ & FRppAE SLOT 26 I LOT 25 TAX #61.19-10-23 I TAX #61.19-10-22 \ PROPERTY OF PROPERTY OF J�VERNE JACK DEMPSEY BETTY L AYERS es \�/ & HELEN R. DEMPSEY D.B. 1396, PG. 212 /t D.B. 1252, PG. 1004 MISSIMER CIRCLE TO MISS ER 50' R/W LANE LEaEw �E— FENCE D.B. DEED BOGY P.B. PLAT BOGY R/W Rl aYT CF WAY 1. 7HIS PLAT IS BASED AM A CURRENT f7ELD SVRI'EY. 2. 7HIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IH7H 7HE BENEFIT OF A LIM17ED 777ZE REPORT PREPARED BY MAR71N, NORXINS dr LEMON, P.G, DATED 8 ✓ANUARY 1987 THROUGH 5 OC70BER 1999. J 7HE ABODE REfFR£NCED LIM17ED 7771E RORC RT FOUND NO EASEMEN7.$ R/GH7S OF WAY CR RESERVA77ONS NZHIN 7H£ SCaRE OF SAID UM17ED 7771E REPORT, HOWEVER 7HERE MAY EXIST ADD177OVAL ENCUMBRANCES mylay AFFECT THE NEW EASEMENT CREA7ED HEREON. 4. TOTAL AREA OF NEW 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT = 55J SF. 5. 7HIS WAS PREPARED FOR 7HE SOLE PURPOSE OF CREATING THE NEW f5' DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS SHOWN HEREO1/ AND DOES NOT C0NS777U7E AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY SZIRWY. 5.. 7HE NEW 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT SHOWV HEREON DLL7NES 7HE P051770N OF AND ENLARGES THE ENS77NG 10' UNDEFINED DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS RECORDED IN P.B. 7 PG. 1B. PLAT SHOWING NEW 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY LAVERNE JACK DEMPSEYCH AND HELEN R. DEMPSEY ACROSS LOT 26, BLOCK 6SECTION No. 2 "CROFTON" (P.B. 7, PG. 18)VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT A"ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA di SCALE 1" = 30' DATE: 26 OCTOBER 1999 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS -PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA MkAU VQQ- ?r, TAX #71.01-1-33 Lamm PROPERTY OF JOSEPH BIBB 4, FENCE & JOSEPHINE BIBB lkD.B. DEED BOOK D.B. 1193, PG. 1774 P.B. PLAT BOOK iQ R/W R/GHT 6F WAY M ow (•� "�' �Q oOQo o NEW 15' m x Q a %3 F��sn N 3i3 , a DRAINAGE EASEMENT ii �-:,,to \ He 76, `�00•\ COR. BEARING DIST. wko r U-)�v LOT 27 °U 1-2 S 81'03'16' W 29.06' X a W m or ' TAX #61.19-10- 4Un 11p2 2-3 N 70'49'32' W 56.28' ~ m d `i PROPERTY OF <iT 4' 3-4 N 38'05'58" W 52.92' N JEAN B. PATTERSON \ YFys EXIST. ' D.B. 1246, PG. 485 \ FyFyT IRON PIN NEW 15' \ �°e ' EXIST. DRAINAGE EASEMENT 3 \ p� IRON PIN 16) o. / `"'- �^a-::: f' :;•;-"::•i ,• • any;,,,',• �o 0.2' CLEAR EXISTING BRICK\ & FRAME DWELLING / �ip� LOT 26 \ Ary/ TAX #61.19-10-23 LOT 28 $' / / PROPERTY OF TAX #61.19-10-25 \ h LAVERNE J. DEMPSEY ET UX PROPERTY OF = D.B. 1252, PG. 1004 DANA L. UNDERWOOD ET ALS D.B. 1521, PG. 1787 f / / EXIST. 10' PUBLIC UTILITY / EASMENT (P.B. 7, PG. 18) EXIST. 10' PUBLIC UTILITY EASMENT (P.B. 7. PG. 18) —EXIST. 25' / BUILDING G LINE MISSIMER _ (P.B. 7. PG. 18) CIRCLE �; 1 50' R/W m 0 l NOTES` s m L THIS PLAT IS BASED LW A CURRENT f7E1D SURVEY. 2 7H/5 PLAT WAS PREPARED 1H7H THE 8EAE7:1T OF A LIMITED 77ME REPORT PREPARED BY MAR7JN, HOPKINS & LEMOV PC, . DAZED 14 NOVEMBER 1997 7HROVGH 5 OCT78ER 1999. .1 7HE ABOVE REfERENCED LIMITED ATLE REPOIRT fvomo NO EAS£M£Na RIGHTS OF WAY OR RESERVA71A4/S IH7HIN 7HE SCOPE OF SAID 1IM17ED 7771E RLPWr HOH£VER 7HE7?E MAY £Xl'ST ADD/AGWAI ENCUMBRANCFS• IIHai AFFECT 7HE NEW EASEMENT cREA7ED HEREAN. 4. 70TAL AREA OF NEW 15' DRAINAGE EA-q-mmT - Z 075 S:F. 5 7HIS WAS PREPARED FOR 7HE SOLE PURPOSE OF CRE5477NG 7HE NEW 15' DRA/NAGE EASEME]VT AS _W011V HEREON AND DOES NOT CAN5777U7E AN ACTUAL BOUNDARY SURVEY. 8 7HE NEW 15' DRAINAGE EASEiI/£NT SHOKN HEREON DEFINES 7HE P09)70N OF AND ENLARGES THE EWSANG 10' UND£fTNED DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS RECORDED /N P.B. 7, PG 161 PLAT SHOWING NEW 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING GRANTED TO yTjHOP THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE BY PH LIP ALAN MA TIN JEAN B. PATTERSON . U /D/t�o�4�i a No. 1922 ACROSS LOT 27, BLOCK 6 SECTION No. 2 "CROFTON' (P.B. 7, PG. 18) tq� SUR�4 • VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT rt a ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA /\t SCALE 1" - 30' DATE: 28 OCTOBER 1999 LUMSDEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. ENGINEERS -SURVEYORS -PLANNERS ROANOKE, VIRGINIA J `� AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10.1 EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF EUDORA J. ALTICE, FINANCE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Eudora J. Altice was first employed by Roanoke County as an Account Clerk II in the Finance Department; and also served as Account Clerk III; and WHEREAS, Ms. Altice retired on July 1, 1999, as a Payroll Supervisor, after over thirty-five years of services; and during that time helped the payroll system grow from a manual system to a live real time system; and WHEREAS, Ms. Altice maintained a positive and cooperative attitude during these years while moving with the payroll operation to various locations throughout the County, and provided leadership to employees by her example, and joy to her fellow employees with her homemade cakes and candy; and WHEREAS, Ms. Altice was an outstanding and extremely dependable employee who came to work in all kinds of inclement weather to insure that all County employees received their paycheck on time and never missed a payroll date. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to EUDORA J. ALTICE for over thirty-five years of capable, loyal and dedicated 11 A service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: &",0— 0, 4, Brenda J. Holt n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10.m EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF THOMAS R. BROWN, II, POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Thomas R. Brown, II was first employed by Roanoke County as a Police Officer -Deputy Sheriff on November 16, 1975; and WHEREAS, Officer Brown also served as Police Officer in the Uniform Division and retired on July 1, 1999, after over twenty-three years of services; and WHEREAS, Officer Brown served as an excellent role model for new officers and was well liked and respected by his peers; and WHEREAS, Officer Brown could successfully blend "street smart" and "book smart" to apprehend the "bad guy", and his experience and assistance will truly be missed by the department; and WHEREAS, Officer Brown, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to THOMAS R. BROWN, II for over twenty-three years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Ho n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10.n EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF DEBBIE L. HOGAN, POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Debbie L. Hogan was first employed by Roanoke County on September 16, 1978, as a Youth Officer; and also served as a Deputy Sheriff -Youth Officer; Deputy Sheriff -Sergeant for Youth & Family Services Bureau; and Detective; and WHEREAS, Officer Hogan retired from Roanoke County as a Police Officer - Criminal Investigator on November 1, 1999, after over twenty-one years of services; and WHEREAS, Officer Hogan was always willing to put in the extra hours needed to get the job done, and was not content until all the "wheels of justice" had finished turning to complete her case; and WHEREAS, Officer Hogan, through her employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to DEBBIE L. HOGAN for over twenty-one years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, 1 restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: &'kz' Q. �6� Brenda J. Holt &, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999, RESOLUTION 122199-10.o EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF KENNETH L. HOGAN, PARKS & RECREATION WHEREAS, Kenneth L. Hogan was first employed by Roanoke County on June 1, 1969, as an Animal Control Officer and also served as an Animal Control Supervisor; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hogan retired from Roanoke County as a Parks Maintenance Foreman in the Parks & Recreation Department on November 1, 1999, after over thirty years of services; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hogan offered his unique skills and experience to maintain and upgrade County parks; and supported the County street sign shop through his exceptional custom sign fabrication ability; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hogan supported and was committed to the success of all County special events, programs, construction projects, and emergency situations whether day or night; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hogan, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to KENNETH L. HOGAN for over thirty years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: &" , (). Z�"� Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Pete Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10.p EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF THOMAS L. MARSHALL, FIRE & RESCUE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Thomas L. Marshall was first employed by Roanoke County as a Firefighter on December 18, 1972; and WHEREAS, Mr. Marshall retired on June 1, 1999, after over twenty-six years of services; and WHEREAS, Mr. Marshall was an excellent employee who used very little sick time and always successfully completed any project assigned him; and WHEREAS, Mr. Marshall served as a volunteer with the Vinton Fire Department and Vinton Rescue Department during the late 1960's and 1970's and currently serves as Assistant Chief for the Hardy Volunteer Fire Department; and WHEREAS, Mr. Marshall, through his employment with Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to THOMAS L. MARSHALL for over twenty-six years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: /'qu ��& 0 � � Brenda J. Hol n, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Richard Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10.g EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY UPON THE RETIREMENT OF WOODROW B. "BUDDY" SWISHER, POLICE DEPARTMENT WHEREAS, Woodrow B. "Buddy" Swisher was first employed by Roanoke County as a Deputy Sheriff on November 1, 1970; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Swisher also served as Deputy Sheriff/Sergeant; Personnel Training Sergeant; Deputy Sheriff -Services Sergeant; and Police Officer - Sergeant, and retired on November 1, 1999, after over twenty-eight years of services; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Swisher was well respected by his co-workers and supervisors, and his positive attitude and willingness to assist other officers was an inspiration to all; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Swisher was always more than willing to coordinate special events such as recognition cookouts and other social events related to departmental activities; and WHEREAS, Sgt. Swisher, through his employmentwith Roanoke County, has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for its citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to WOODROW B. "BUDDY" SWISHER for over twenty-eight years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. 1 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful, and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 6-d6"L Q J-�Qj�� Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Resolutions of Appreciation file Joseph Sgroi, Director, Human Resources Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police 2 T AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-10.r SUPPORTING THE SUBMISSION OF AN ISTEA TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR THE CARRIAGE HOUSE IN LONGWOOD PARK WHEREAS, in accordance with the Commonwealth Transportation Board construction allocation procedures, it is necessary that a request by resolution be received from the local government in order that the Virginia Department of Transportation program an enhancement project; and. WHEREAS, the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce was established in 1934 and its mission is to create, develop, promote and support quality opportunities in the Salem and Roanoke County communities; and WHEREAS, the Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce has entered into an agreement to establish its office in the historic Carriage House in Longwood Park to provide services to its members and the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County of Roanoke supports the Chamber in its efforts to create a facility which will allow it to continue to provide services to the community; and. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Roanoke requests the Commonwealth Transportation Board to establish the following project: The Carriage House in Longwood Park. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: 1 AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. HoltcK,CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Richard L. Jones, Jr., President, Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-11 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.1-344.1 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each members knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies, and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the Certification Resolution; and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Closed Session File AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 RESOLUTION 122199-12 DEDICATING EIGHT ACRES OF REAL ESTATE LOCATED IN THE MOUNTAIN VIEW FARM TECHNOLOGICAL PARK TO BE USED FOR PUBLIC PARK AND RECREATIONAL USES AND TO BECOME PART OF THE PARK SYSTEM WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke owns eight (8) acres of real estate northwest of State Route 601 (Hollins Road) in the Hollins Magisterial District, being a portion of a forty (40) acre tract of real estate acquired by the County and developed as the Mountain View Farm Technological Park; and, WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 83-47 adopted on March 22, 1983 the Board of Supervisors declared that this real estate is reserved for public use, limited to only recreational activities, and that this reserved real estate shall not become a part of the County's system of parks without further specific action by the Board of Supervisors; and, WHEREAS, on January 12, 1988 the Board amended the protective covenants for the Mountain View Technological Park to address the use of and access to this public park, reserving said eight (8) acres for "other public park and recreational uses", and limiting the public park and recreational activities to "football, soccer, baseball, either adult or youth, and similar endeavors"; and, WHEREAS, the County is now prepared to develop this real estate for public park and recreational uses consistent with its master plan, the protective covenants and the commitments made to its citizens. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1 1. That the eight (8) acres of real estate owned by Roanoke County and located in the Mountain View Technological Park is hereby dedicated to be used for public park and recreational uses, and to become part of the County's system of parks. The use of this real estate is limited to public park and recreational activities, football, soccer, baseball, either adult or youth, and similar endeavors. 2. That this resolution shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Brenda J. Hol n, C C Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Pete Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance John Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 ORDINANCE 122199-13 TO AMEND CONDITIONS ON A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ORIGINALLY CONSISTING OF 302 ACRES LOCATED ON COTTON HILL ROAD, NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT UPON THE APPLICATION OF BOONE, BOONE & LOEB, INC. WHEREAS, by Ordinance 032696-9 the zoning classification of a 302 -acre tract of real estate located on Cotton Hill Road, north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway was changed to PRD, Planned Residential Development District; and WHEREAS, the owner voluntarily proffered in writing, and the Board accepted, conditions which were made a part of the rezoning ordinance and were set out in detail in "A Rezoning Application: Planning and Design Documents for Wilshire, County of Roanoke, Virginia, A Planned Residential Development (PRD), Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. Owner & Developer, dated September 1995, updated March 1996." WHEREAS, Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. has now made application to amend these conditions, said amendments being attached to this ordinance and entitled "Changes to be made to Wilshire Planned Residential Development" dated November 1, 1999; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 23, 1999, and the second reading and public hearing were held December 21, 1999; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on December 7, 1999; and, WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as 1 follows: 1. That attached amendments entitled "Changes to be made to Wilshire Planned Residential Development" dated November 1, 1999 to the Planned Residential Development known as Wilshire located on Cotton Hill Road, north and south of the Blue Ridge Parkway, originally consisting of 302 acres (Tax Map Nos. 96.02-1-1, 96.02-1-2, 97.03-2-5, P/O 97.01-2-17, P/O 96.02-1-46, 96.07-1-6) now comprised of tax map numbered parcels as set out on the attached list entitled "December 21, 1999 - Parcels" in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, are voluntarily proffered by the Owners, are hereby accepted by the Board of Supervisors, and are hereby made a part of and incorporated into Exhibit A -"A Rezoning Application: Planning and Design Documents for Wilshire, County of Roanoke Virginia, A Planned Residential Development (PRD), Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. Owner & Developer, dated September 1995, updated March 1996." 2. That this action is taken upon the application of Boone, Boone & Loeb, Inc. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Approximately 302 acres, as more particularly described on pages 2.a. through 2.m. in the above referenced Exhibit A attached to Ordinance 032696-9 and further described by tax map numbers set out on an attachment to this ordinance entitled "December 21, 1999 - Parcels." 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. On motion of Supervisor Minnix to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following K recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: .&L4ja-I (�- ��� Brenda J. Holto , CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terry Harrington, County Planner John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney W2 Ak A NORTH 44, ral BOONE, BOONE LOEB INC— DEPART= OF PLANNING ck AM ZONING 'AMtND PRD AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999 ORDINANCE 122199-14 AMENDING AND REENACTING SEC. 10-36. PERSONAL AND BUSINESS SERVICE OCCUPATIONS AND SEC. 10- 41. FORTUNE-TELLERS, ASTROLOGISTS, ETC. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PERMIT HYPNOTISTS TO BE TAXED AS OTHER PERSONAL SERVICE OCCUPATIONS FOR BUSINESS LICENSE PURPOSES WHEREAS, hypnosis is now recognized as a legitimate form of alternative medicine and a technique used for personal counseling and therapy practiced by approximately 13,400 hypnotists in the United States; and WHEREAS, currently hypnotists are classified with fortune-tellers, astrologists, palmists and other pseudo -scientific practitioners for purposes of business license taxation under the Roanoke County business license ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on December 7, 1999, and the second reading and public hearing was held on December 21, 1999. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. That Section 10-36. Personal and Business Service Occupations of Chapter 10, Licenses, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and re-enacted as follows: Sec. 10-36. Personal and business service occupations. (a) The annual license tax imposed hereunder for personal or business services, and all other businesses and occupations not specifically listed or excepted in this chapter of the Roanoke County Code or the Code of Virginia, shall be in the amount of thirty-six cents ($0.36) per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of gross receipts from the occupation during the preceding calendar year. Every person whose gross receipts in the preceding calendar year shall be less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) from any personal or business service shall pay the license fee of fifty dollars ($50.00) imposed in § 10-3(a) of this chapter upon commencement of the business and initial application for a license and shall thereafter be exempt from the payment of a license fee or tax, provided that such person continues to qualify for this exemption and otherwise complies with the requirements of this chapter. (b) Personal services shall mean rendering for compensation any personal, business or other services not specifically classified as financial, real estate, professional, or repair services, under this chapter, or rendered in any other business or occupation not specifically classified in this chapter unless exempted from local license tax by Title 58.1 of the Code of Virginia. (c) Those rendering a personal or business service include, but are not limited to, the following: Addressing letters or envelopes Advertising agencies Airports Ambulance services Amusements and recreation services (all types) Animal hospitals, grooming services, kennels or stables Artists Auctioneers and common criers Automobile driving schools Barber shops, beauty parlors, and hairdressing establishments, schools and services Bid or building reporting service Billiard or pool establishments or parlors Blacksmith or wheelwright Boat landings 2 Booking agents or concert managers Bottle exchanges Bowling alleys Business research and consulting services Cemeteries Chartered clubs Child care attendants or schools Child or adult home care registry Cleaning chimneys and/or furnaces Clinical laboratory Coin machine operator Collection agents or agencies Commercial photography, art and graphics Commercial sports Computerized information retrieval service Dance band Dance halls, studios and schools Data processing, computer and systems development services Developing or enlarging photographs Detective agency and protective services Domestic service registry Drafting services Electrolysis or scalp treatment Engraving Erecting, installing, removing or storing awnings Escort service Extermination services Freight traffic bureaus Fumigating or disinfecting Funeral services and crematories Golf courses, driving ranges and miniature golf courses Hauling of sand, gravel or dirt Hospitals, profit and nonprofit Hotels, motels, tourist courts, boarding and rooming houses and trailer parks and campsites House cleaning services Hypnotists Information bureaus Instructors, tutors, schools and studios of music, ceramics, art, sewing, sports and the like Interior decorating Janitorial services Labor service Laundry cleaning and garment services including laundries, dry cleaners, linen 3 supply, diaper service, coin-operated laundries and carpet and upholstery cleaning Limousine service Mailing, messenger and correspondent services Massage therapists Massage technicians Movie theaters and drive-in theaters Musician Nickel plating, chromizing and electroplating Nurses and physician registries Nursing and personal care facilities including nursing homes, convalescent homes, homes for the retarded, old -age homes and resthomes Packing, crating, shipping, hauling or moving goods or chattels for others Parcel delivery services Parking lots, public garages and valet parking Pawnbrokers Personal services, labor agents and employment bureaus Photographers and photographic services Photocopying Physical fitness establishment Physicians registry Piano tuning Picture framing and gilding Porter services Press clipping services Private investigation Promotional agents or agencies Public relations services Realty multiple listing services Renting or leasing any items of tangible personal property Reproduction services Secretarial services Septic tank cleaning Shoe repair, shoe shine and hat repair shops Sign painting Statistical service Storage --all types Swimming pool, other than nonprofit or cooperative Swimming pool maintenance and management Tabulation services Tanning salons Tax preparers (other than professionals listed in section 10-34) Taxicab companies Taxidermist rd Telephone answering services Theaters Theatrical performers, bands and orchestras Towing services Transportation services including buses and taxis Travel bureaus Tree surgeons, trimmers and removal services Trucking companies, intrastate and interstate (unless a certified motor vehicle carrier operating in the Commonwealth of Virginia and filing such annual report as required by section 58.1-2654 of the Code of Virginia) Turkish, Roman or other like baths or parlors Undertaker, embalmer Vehicle title service Wake-up services Washing, cleaning or polishing automobiles Writers Other personal or business service occupations. 2. That Section 10-41. Fortune-tellers, astrologists, etc., of Chapter 10, Licenses, of the Roanoke County Code be amended and re-enacted as follows: Sec. 10-41. Fortune-tellers, astrologists, etc. (a) Every person engaged in business as a fortune-teller, clairvoyant, phrenologist, spirit medium, astrologist, hypnotist, palmist, or handwriting analyst, for which compensation is received, shall pay for the privilege an annual license tax of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), which license shall not be transferred or prorated. (b) Any person who engages in the activities of subsection (a) without obtaining a license shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. 3. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after January 1, 2000. On motion of Supervisor Johnson to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: 5 AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: 4190 - Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Joseph 0. Obenshain, Senior Assistant County Attorney Circuit Court Roy B. Willett, Judge Clifford R. Weckstein, Judge Diane McQ. Strickland, Judge Richard C. Pattisall, Judge Robert P. Doherty, Jr., Judge Jonathan M. Apgar, Judge Steven A. McGraw, Clerk Juvenile Domestic Relations District Court Joseph M. Clarke, II, Judge Philip Trompeter, Judge John B. Ferguson, Judge Joseph P. Bounds, Judge Ruth P. Bates, Clerk Intake Counsellor General District Court George W. Harris, Judge William Broadhurst, Judge Vincent Lilley, Judge Julian H. Raney, Judge Jacqueline F. Ward Talevi, Judge Theresa A. Childress, Clerk Skip Burkart, Commonwealth Attorney Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Magistrates Sherri Krantz/Betty Perry Main Library Ray Lavinder, Police Chief Richard Burch, Chief of Fire & Rescue Roanoke Law Library, 315 Church Avenue, S.W., Rke 24016 Roanoke County Law Library, Singleton Osterhoudt Roanoke County Code Book Gerald S. Holt, Sheriff John M. Chambliss, Jr., Assistant County Administrator Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator Diane D. Hyatt, Director, Finance 0. Arnold Covey, Director, Community Development Terrance L. Harrington, County Planner Gary Robertson, Director, Utility Michael Lazzuri, Court Services Elaine Carver, Director, General Services Thomas S. Haislip, Director, Parks & Recreation Gardner Smith, Director, Procurement John W. Birckhead, Director, Real Estate Assessment Alfred C. Anderson, Treasurer R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of Revenue 7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1999, RESOLUTION 122199-15 CALLING FOR INCREASED DRIVER SAFETY, RESPONSIBILITY AND AWARENESS AMONG COMMUNITIES ALONG VIRGINIA INTERSTATE 81 DURING THE 1999 HOLIDAY DRIVING SEASON AND THROUGHOUT 2000. WHEREAS, according to VDOT, Virginia Interstate 81 is a vital economic and social lifeline for the communities of western Virginia, covering: 325 miles with 90 interchanges; serving 29 colleges; 48 historical districts; and uniting 60% of the state's population, and; WHEREAS, a common danger is posed to the citizens of western Virginia since, according to VDOT, traffic on 1-81 has doubled in the last 10 years, ranging from 30,000 to 60,000 vehicles per day with trucks making up 20 to 40 percent of the traffic mix, and; WHEREAS, each holiday season, traffic is especially heavy because of the number of families and students who travel Virginia 1-8 1, and; WHEREAS, necessary future expansion and improvements to 1-81 will cause increased hazards and disruption, and; WHEREAS, each community along Virginia 1-81 has a vested interest in promoting driver safety. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that: 1. The County of Roanoke will join other municipalities in a call for increased driver safety, responsibility and awareness during the 1999 holiday season and throughout 2000. 2. The County Clerk is authorized to invite other Virginia 1-81 counties to join in this resolution. 1 3. Given the joint nature of this resolution and the need for increased awareness, each participating locality is invited to participate in a joint public announcement of its resolution at a date in the future to be announced. On motion of Supervisor Harrison to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors McNamara, Minnix, Harrison, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY TESTE:&�� Q - / 7 Brenda J. Ho on, CMC Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors cc: File Peter F. Mullen, Contact, 1-81 Covered in Prayer Committee Mary F. Parker, Clerk, Roanoke City Council Forest Jones, Clerk, Salem City Council Carolyn S. Ross, Clerk, Vinton Town Council Other Counties: Augusta Botetourt Frederick Montgomery Pulaski Rockbridge Rockingham Shenandoah Smyth Washington Wythe 2