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5/24/2011 - Regular
z ►o Fir ppa Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda May 24, 2011 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for May 24, 2011. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Our meetings are now closed- captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772 -2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Dan Holloway Unity Church of Roanoke Valley 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Recognition of Roanoke County Detective Christopher S. Welch for receiving the 2011 National Missing Children's Award (James R. Lavinder, Chief of Police) 2. Recognition of Solid Waste Employees for winning and placing in the 2011 Virginia /Maryland /DC American Public Works Association Equipment Rodeo (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) Page 1 of 5 D. NEW BUSINESS 1. Reappointment of Special Assistant for Legislative Relations, authorization to continue an agreement and an appropriation of funds in the amount of $31,020 (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Appeal of a denial of a claim by Vernal D. and Kimber Holbrook (5131 Springlawn Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia), Cave Spring Magisterial District (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) E. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE - CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission 1. The petition of Sandra Finck to obtain a Special Use Permit in a R -1 S, Low Density Residential, District with a special use permit for a multiple dog permit for four (4) dogs on 2.24 acres, located at 2929 Elderwood Road, Catawba Magisterial District 2. The petition of National Park Service /Blue Ridge Parkway, to obtain a Special Use Permit in a AG -3S, Agricultural /Rural Preserve, District with a special use permit to construct a broadcasting tower on 27.612 acres, located off Honeysuckle Road on Poor Mountain, Windsor Hills District 3. The petition of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Town of Vinton, and Cardinal IG Company to amend the covenants, conditions, and Master Plan on 99 acres zoned PTD, Planned Technology Development, District at the Vinton Business Center, located near the 2100 through 2400 block of Hardy Road and the 2100 block of Cardinal Park Drive, Vinton Magisterial District 4. The petition of Carol and Jason Lachowicz to rezone approximately 5.476 acres from AG -3, Agricultural /Rural Preserve, District, C -2C, General Commercial, District with conditions, and C -1 C, Office, District with conditions to AV, Agricultural /Village Center, District and AG -3, Agricultural /Rural Preserve, District, located at 8346 Bent Mountain Road, 8364 Bent Mountain Road, and 8399 Strawberry Lane, Windsor Hills Magisterial District F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending the Roanoke Count y Article III. "Real Estate Taxes ", Division Disabled Person" To Provide Exemptions Mahoney, County Attorney) Code Chapter 21. "Taxation ", 3, "Exemption for Elderly and for Disabled Veterans (Paul M. Page 2 of 5 G. ADOPTION OF PROPOSED BUDGET AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCE 1. Resolution adopting the fiscal year 2011 -2012 budget, including the fiscal years 2012 -2016 Capital Improvement Plan, for Roanoke County, Virginia (W. Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Ordinance appropriating funds for the fiscal year 2011 -2012 budget (W. Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the granting of a fifteen foot utility easement to Appalachian Power on property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map No. 097.05 -01- 26.00) for the purpose of an underground electric power line to the new South County Library facility, Cave Spring Magisterial District (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 3. Clean Valley Council 4. Parks, Recreation and Advisory Commission 5. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC CLEAR) (appointed by District) J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes — April 26, 2011 2. Request to appropriate $14,086.32 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the State for fiscal year 2010 -2011 Page 3of5 3. Request to renew the Fiscal Agent Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority 4. Request to execute a Memorandum of Agreement for participation in the Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Treasurer's Statement of Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of April 30, 2011 5. Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of April 30, 2011 6. Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of April 30, 2011 7. Accounts Paid —April 2011 O. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to review the 2011 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grant (Ray Lavinder, Chief of Police) 2. Work session to discuss an ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code Chapter 13. "Offenses — Miscellaneous ", Article I. "In General ", Section 13 -4. "Discharge of firearms, air guns, etc., generally" by the addition of a new section numbered 13 -4.1. "Discharge of firearms near dwellings" (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 3. Work session to review the funding recommendation for Line of Duty (Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance) Page 4 of 5 P. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2.3711.A.1. Discussion concerning appointments to the Court Community Corrections Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) Policy Board; Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board; Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission; Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission — Metropolitan Planning Organization; Virginia Western Community College Board; Western Virginia Water Authority 2. Section 2.2.3711.A.3. Namely acquisition of property for public use for economic development purposes, where the discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the County 3. Section 2.2- 3711.A.5. Discussion concerning a prospective business or industry or the expansion of an existing business or industry where no previous announcement has been made of the business' or industry's interest in locating or expanding its facilities in the County. EVENING SESSION — 7:00 P.M. Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of congratulations to the William Byrd Girls Swim Team 200 Medley Relay for winning the 2011 VHSL State Group AA Championship S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (John Murphy, Zoning Administrator) T. CITIZENS COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS U. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Eddie "Ed" Elswick 2. Charlotte A. Moore 3. Michael W. Altizer 4. Richard C. Flora 5. Joseph B. "Butch" Church V. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 5 ACTION NO. ITEM IVO. C -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 24, 2011 Recognition of Roanoke county Detective Christopher S. Welch for receiving the 2011 National Missing Children's Award James R. Lavinder Chief of Police B. Clayton Goodman III County AdministratorlS(,— COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On May 18, 2011, Roanoke County Detective Chris Welch received national recognition at - the 10 th Annual Congressional Breakfast on capitol Hill for his efforts in locating a 12 -year- old missing child. Detective Welch was joined at the event by other Roanoke county employees who also worked on the missing child case. The event was organized by the National Center for Missing and Exploited children in partnership with the Fraternal order of Police and the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Background: On December 0, 2010, Tina smith was found murdered in her Roanoke County home. Realizing Smith's 12- year -old daughter Brittany was missing, police issued an Amber Alert fearing she was abducted after the attack by her mother's boyfriend, Jeff Easley. To find Brittany, Roanoke County worked side -by -side with multiple local, state and federal law enforcement agencies as well as the National center for Missing and Exploited Children. These efforts included following up on leads and managing a communications plan that kept the search for Brittany in the national news. Five days into the search a woman who saw the story on CNN recognized Brittany panhandling outside a store in San Francisco, California. The next day four Roanoke county detectives (Detectives Chris Welch, Adam Thompson, Katrina Goodman, and John McPhail) traveled to California to bring Brittany and Easley back to Virginia. Brittany was returned to her family. Easley remains in jail awaiting trial. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C -2 AT A REGULAR MEET - ING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Solid Waste Employees for winning and placing in the 2011 Virginia/Maryland /DC American Public Works Association Equipment Rodeo SUBMITTED BY: Anne Marie Green Director of General Services APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator"OUIr- COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Equipment rodeos are often held in conjunction with public works conferences and represent opportunities for friendly competition in driving and operating various types of Vehicles and equipment. Locally, a regional equipment rodeo was held on April 19 and included competitors from Roanoke, Roanoke County, Salem, Vinton, Western Virginia Water Authority, Lynchburg and Christiansburg. Skills tested included accuracy in driving, speed in completing the course and coordination in picking up and setting down objects, such as trash cans or loose items. Several of the competitors from the local event went to Fredericksburg on May 4th to compete in the rodeo held in conjunction with the 53rd annual conference of the Virginia/DC /Maryland chapter of the American Public Works Association. There were over forty (40) people registered in the event from the mid - Atlantic region and the Roanoke County employees who competed were Tim Burford and Tony Frymier. Both Tim and Tony regularly drive a variety of solid waste vehicles and have a combined service to Roanoke County of almost fifty (50) years. They competed in the automated truck and knuckle boom events. During the automated event, the drivers drove a serpentine pattern around three (3) traffic barrels and traversed a cul -de -sac while Page 1 of 2 "emptying" and replacing four (4) trash containers. They then backed through the same course, including the serpentine and came to a stop as close to a designated line as possible. Possible penalties include hitting cones or barrels, placing the container down outside of - the target, leaving the course area and the distance from stop line. The knuckle boom event involved picking up a brick, moving it to the other side of the vehicle, setting it upright and then placing the end of the boom back into the truck. Tim won first place in the automated category, with no penalties, and received $125 and a $25 gift card from Lowe's. Tony finished third in the same category, with one penalty, and received $25 and a $25 gift card from Lowe's. They also received certificates from the Virginia/DC/Maryland chapter of the American Public Works Association, which will be available at the Board meeting for presentation to the drivers. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D - 1 ?KJ� AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: Reappointment of Special Assistant for Legislative Relations, authorization to continue an agreement and an appropriation of funds in the amount of $31,020 Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This action reappoints Eldon James & Associates, Inc. as Roanoke County's Special Assistant for Legislative Relations. It also continues the agreement with Mr. James previously approved. It adds as a subcontractor Sue Rowland of SR Consulting, Inc. Finally, it appropriates funds for this agreement from the Board Contingency. FISCAL IMPACTS The County will pay Eldon James &Associates, Inc. for the services of the Special Assistant $22,560 annually (240 hours at the rate of $94 per hour). Additional hours will be paid at a rate of $94 per hour and shall not exceed a total of 256 hours annually. This agreement adds a subcontractor, SR Consulting, Inc., to provide additional legislative relations support services with a focus on Comprehensive Services Act issues for the County and its Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT) for a payment of $7,020 annually. The total payment annually is $31,020. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board (i) reappoint Eldon James &Associates, Inc. as Special Assistant for Legislative Relations, and (ii) appropriate $31,020 from the fiscal year 2011- 2012 Board Contingency for these purposes. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated the 1st day of July, 2011, between THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and ELDON JAMES & ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to as the "Special Assistant for Legislative Relations or Special Assistant ". The County wishes to hire a Special Assistant for Legislative Relations to assist the County in strengthening its legislative program with the Virginia General Assembly and Eldon James & Associates, Inc. is willing to provide his personal services to the County in this position. DUTIES The County agrees to employ Eldon James &Associates, Inc. as its Special Assistant to strengthen its legislative program with the Virginia General Assembly. The duties of the Special Assistant shall include but shall not be limited to the following: 1. Assist the County in the development and implementation of its annual legislative program. 2. Maintain regular contact with the Roanoke County Board, the County Attorney, the County's Administrative Staff, and other appropriate County officials regarding issues and areas of legislative action that are of interest to the County and to make recommendations regarding the County's legislative strategy. 3. To attend and participate in appropriate VML/VACO liaison meetings during the time the General Assembly is in session and during the off - session. 4. Develop and maintain regular communication with the County's local legislators, with other members of the General Assembly, with appropriate State Agency heads and State administrative /legislative staff members. 5. During the time that the General Assembly is in session to monitor legislation that is of interest to the County and to maintain an active presence before the General Assembly to represent the County's interests. During the off - session to attend such subcommittee and other meetings as are appropriate. b. To perform all other legislative duties that the County may from time to time assign, including the possibility of some legislative activity with the Federal Government and any other activities that would normally be handled by a Special Assistant for Legislative Relations. 7. Retain as a subcontractor SR Consulting, Inc. to assist the County in its legislative Page 1 of 3 matters and provide legislative relations support services with respect to the Comprehensive Services Act. It is recognized that the unique nature of the duties of the Special Assistant requires a flexible work schedule. Therefore, the Special Assistant is not expected to work a fixed number of hours per week but is expected to work sufficient hours to perform the duties described herein. COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES The County will pay Eldon James &Associates, Inc. for the services of the Special Assistant $22,560 annually (240 hours at the rate of $94 per hour). Payments will be made monthly. Additional hours will be paid at a rate of $94 per hour and shall not exceed a total of 256 hours annually or a total payment of $24,000 annually. In addition the County will pay Eldon James & Associates for the services of SR Consulting, Inc. the sum of $7,020 annually. Payments will be made monthly in the amount of $585.00. TERM This agreement shall be for a term of one year, commencing July 1, 2011. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party, or immediately for cause. Upon termination any compensation due shall be prorated through the date of termination. ASSIGNMENT The Special Assistant shall not assign or transfer this Agreement. However, if the Special Assistant becomes disabled or otherwise unable to perform his duties, the Special Assistant may be authorized by the County to make arrangements with another qualified Legislative Consultant/ Lobbyist to continue, perform and complete the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Special Assistant will monitor the activities of any other Consultant/ Lobbyist that may be selected to fulfill the terms and conditions of the Agreement. REGISTRATIONS It shall be Mr. James' and Ms. Rowland's duty to fulfill registration and disclosure requirements of the Lobbying Disclosure and Regulation Act (Virginia Code Section 2.1 -779 et.seq.) In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this document and agree to abide by its Page 2 of 3 terms and conditions. Approved as to form: COUNTY of ROANOKE 0 B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney ELDON JAMES &ASSOCIATES, INC. 0 L. Eldon James, jr. Page 3of3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D -2 Xrl-- AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 24, 2311 Appeal of a denial of a claim by Vernal D. and Kimber Holbrook (5131 Springlawn Avenue, Roanoke, Virginia), Cave Spring Magisterial District Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Vernal D. and Kimber Holbrook have filed a claim for damages in the amount of $37,198.91 to their property at 5131 Springlawn Ave. The damages arose out of the heavy rainstorms that occurred on Saturday, April 16, 2311, and flooded their home. Mr. Holbrook has requested an opportunity to speak and to present his claim to the Board. The Risk Manager investigated this claim, and in consultation with the County Attorney, decided to deny this claim. It exceeds the authority he has under the County Code. In addition, we determined that the County was not negligent and that the County's actions did not cause the flooding. The County believes this flooding was an "Act of God ". It rained seven inches (7") in the space of two to three (2 -3) hours in this portion of southwest Roanoke County. Portions of Tanglewood Mall and Cave Spring High School were flooded. This rainfall exceeded the one hundred ( 133) year storm calculations. Sewage backed up into the Holbrook basement from floor drains and plumbing fixtures. Surface storm water did not flow into the house from the outside. When this property was developed in 1963, the storm water drainage was adequate based upon the standards in effect at that time. Since that time storm water drainage standards have been increased. If this property were developed today, the drainage system would be deemed inadequate. The County drainage program identified this area as a possible project in 1998; however a neighboring property owner was unwilling to convey an Page 1 of 2 easement to the County for this project. The Board has indicated a reluctance to exercise its powers of eminent domain (condemnation) to take property for project from unwilling citizens. Therefore the project was elin�iinated from the project list. The Code of Virginia established a claims procedure for counties (see Sec. 15.2 - 1245). When a claim is disallowed, the claimant has thirty (30) days to appeal that denial to the circuit court (see Sec. 15.2- 1246). No action shall be maintained by any person against the county until that person has presented his or her claim to the governing body (see Sec. 15.2- 1248). Denial of this claim will allow Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook to proceed to circuit court. STAFF RECOMMENDA'rION: It is recommended - that the Board uphold the denial of this claim and allow the applicants to proceed to seek a judicial remedy. Page 2of2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. E.1 -4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances; consent agenda SUBMITTED BY : Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY : B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS BACKGROUND The first reading on these ordinances is accomplished by adoption of these ordinances in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of these items does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County Charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of these ordinances. The second reading and public hearing on these ordinances is scheduled for June 23, 2011 The titles of these ordinances are as follows: 1. The petition of Sandra Finck to obtain a Special Use Permit in a R -1 S, Low Density Residential, District with a special use permit for a multiple dog permit for four (4) dogs on 2.24 acres, located at 2929 Elde rwood Road, Catawba Magisterial District. 2. The petition of National Park Service /Blue Ridge Parkway, to obtain a Special Use Permit in a AG -3S, Agricultural /Rural Preserve, District with a special use permit to construct a broadcasting tower on 27.612 acres, located off Honeysuckle Road on Poor Mountain, Windsor Hills District. Page 1 of 2 I The petition of the Roanoke county Board of Supervisors, Town of Vinton, and Cardinal IG company to amend the covenants, conditions, and Master Plan on 99 acres zoned PTD, Planned Technology Development, District at the Vinton Busi ness ce me r, located near the 2105 th rough 2400 block of Hardy Road and the 2100 block of cardinal Park Drive, Vinton Magisterial District. 4. The petition of carol and Jason Lachowicz to rezone approximately 5.475 acres from AG -3, Agricultural /Rural Preserve, District, c -2c, General Commercial, District with conditions, and c -1 c, Office, District with conditions to AV, Agricultural /Village center, District and AG -3, Agricultural /Rural Preserve, District, located at 8345 Bent Mountain Road, 8354 Bent Mountain Road, and 8399 Strawberry Lane, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the clerk's Office. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of these rezoning ordinances for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for June 28, 2511 2. That this section of 'the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item(s) 1 -4 , and that the clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Page 2 of 2 E-1 County of Roanoke For Staff Use Onl Communit Development Plannin & Zonin Date j -ec ived: Received b Application fee: PUMA date: 5204 Bernard Drive A o. (::) (3 (0/ :Z Z 11 P 0 Box 29800 Placards issued: BOS date: Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 Le z�2 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7 1 55 Case Number ... ... . . .... .. .. . Z-%-+. 7- LL_ "P+L ic . Check t of a plication filed (check all that appl ❑ Rezonin Special Use ❑ Variance ❑ Waiver ❑ Administrative Appeal ❑ Comp Plan (15.2 -2232) Review . . ....... ... Applicants name/address w/zip, (zt Phone: 1 r�'-� SfS!10 9 M C O V Work: Q Lk� 011- Cell #-. Fax No.: ............... Owner's name/address w/zip Phone #: Work: I LV% LAxO 0 c- Fax No. 4: Propert Location Ma District: � �'�.� � I v Communit Plannin area: Tax Map No.: 144 Existin Zoning: aj Size of parcel(s): Acres: w Existin Land Use.- -LA %2m)" RE-VIEW.- PPLICANTS RI (S ]�FZ :-A� USE WAIVER AAD Comp P N A Proposed Zonin Proposed Land Us . e MOW pU_ P-Q" -T Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width,, and fronta re of the re district? Yes No ❑ IF N05 A VARIANCE IS RE FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the re Use T Yes Y� No ❑ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezonin re are conditions bein proffered with this re Yes ❑ No ❑ W IVE R'A 1AA) A- .......... Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of.the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zonin Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zonin Map to W Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF TBESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. P,/SAV/CP V/AA RISAVICP VhkA R/S/NV/CP V/AA Consultation 8 1/2 ff x I V concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable L Justification Water and s eer application Ad propert owners I hereb certif that I am either the owner of the g rope or the o a or contr dt purchaser and am actin with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Owner's Si 2- ,7IISTYFICATIO FOR REZoNZly� �P��IA� IJS� p�RMI'T WAIVER gR :- �s.z�z23� ��'�I�w.:. C ' R• 7. ESTS Applicant The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or plan (15.2 -2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. qC) r�� `�'lr`o C°sv�-(� —+.-- w i TY� '� ✓�-� f1c. -�Yl � W�+W � C..�rS¢i'UO H Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water /sewer, roads, schools, parks /recreation and fire and rescue. YYN f SXYX4 mil. V - - _ - - - - - - - :i - - • . i - U ICA _. .: Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. if additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. I . Reasons for appeal: 2. Evidence supporting claim: Q � FDAH�� Community Development � .Nx � Planning &,honing division 7839 POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND /OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic - generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a county planner, the county traffic engineer, and/or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reserve the right to request a traffic sturdy at any tine, as deemed necessary.) High Traffic - Generating Land Uses: Single- family residential subdivisions, Multifamily residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units Restaurant (with or without drive -- through windows) Gas station /Convenience store /car gash Retail shop /Shopping center • offices (including: financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) • regional public facilities Educational/Recreational facilities Religious assemblies Hotel /Motel Golf course Hospital /Nursing home /clinic Industrial site /Factory Day care cen a Ba nk Non- specific use requests [load Network Situations • Development adjacent to /with access onto /wi Soo -ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g.., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 460, 11/460, 220, 221, 419, etc) a For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and /or roadway conditions have changed significantly O when required to evaluate access issues 6 Development with ingress/egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, Improvements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, S -Yr Road Plan, etc.) Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and /or safety problem Development would potentially negatively impact existing /planned traffic signal(s) Substantial departure from the Community Plan Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the pear hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day Effective date: April 19, 2005 F 4� R () A tvC)�4�` Community Development '� " _ � Planning & Zoning Division x838 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMNIISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision waiver, Public Street waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Plaguing Conumission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow suffi cient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written continents and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR Z�tAFFIC ANALYSES AND /OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a rezoning, Subdivision waiver, Public Street waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and/or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Dote. a list of potential land uses and situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and/or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant wi be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective date: April 19, 2005 0 1 8 Ol it4- 4 07 I�ld A). Q Te> v il CS Q-T 10 ILI 4 4 C 1 +� 1 � . � Lam' �� �' �. � � - .� ���.?. �'3„ i �z ��..� � � w- : "r. k5. WN -W% 5 e OM al 'j 0 0 0 Cn a Ll [J �� :t � 4 0 .... . .. . 14 N, jg K � .. ...... . ... . -c- �-4vl I -f oj. .. ... ...... Ell E i c V y E . . ... . ... . ROBERT L POFF L I N D A P. POF F BY . ... .. .. .. .. A ii-i A GJ S I E I I A L D I 'S T R I C T R Of N 0 El c 0 li J Y t V R .1, 3 1 t: I A C A L I . I 10 0 9 J l ki Y 1 1 y i`v Z, 4� 0 "NA E, V, S "A ce ........ t. - r• 11 'F= t } A LL.. c A WO - - - MAP- - - - x . p - 1 .: Y. 777 IL r - - x i r �Y s r JL- Ar r Applicants Name: Sandra F►nck Roanoke Count Existing Zoning: R I S De p artment of Proposal" Zoning: RI � Tax flap l�'umcr.� 44,03-05.08.01-0000 on�murrrr�y� ��'1V��opn?�rl� Magisterial District. Catawba area: 2.24 acres 8 March, 20 1 i _ 60 feet V LE t I• , ` a II_ d — Cr rb 1. 4 , • Applicants Name: Sandra Finck Roanoke County � Existing Zoning: R I S Proposed Zoning: R I S Department of Tax Map Number: 44.03- 05.08.01 -0000 Community Development Magisterial District; Catawba Area: 2.24 Acres 8,March, 20 1 i 60 fe et — - n - 1 . Roanoke County Real Estate Data Page I of I County of Roanoke,Virginia Print Help 1 Varci�f Id.- C,,ird Number: 001 of 001 Property Address: 2929 ELDERWOOD RD Unit# Jurisdiction: COUNTY Magisterial District: Catawba Building Name: Census Block: 511 610303003001 Owner Name: FINCK ROBERT L;FINCK SANDRA MCDANIEL Billing Address: 2929 ELDERWOOD RD SALEM VA 24153 Legal Description: TRACT B - FT LEWIS MT Neighborhood: H014 Appraiser: H Utilities: Cl ick liejv lbr contact III 1OTMm 111011 2411 Land Value: 2411 Building Value: 2011 Total Market Value: 44500 165100 209600 Transfers Year /Month Sales Price 0 200112 218000 198510 500 0 0 0 Instrument References Type Number DEED 200122008 DEED 012271986 PLAT 122701989 Foundation: CONTINUOUS FOOTING Sub Floor: SLAB ON GRADE Floor Cover #1: CARPET Floor Cover #2: SHEET VINYL Interior Wall #1: DRYWALL Interior Wall #2: Exterior Wall #1: ALUMINUM OR VINYL Exterior Wall #2: Commercial Structure Frame: Fire Place Description: 1 FIREPLACE Roof Structure: GABLE Roof Cover: ARCHITECTURAL SHINGLES Heat Fuel: GAS Heat Type: AIR- DUCTED Air Condition Type: CENTRAL # Apartment Units: Deeded Acre (AC) or Lot (LT)-. 2.24 AC Calculated Acreage: 2.20121083 In Land Use: N Use Model: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Year Built (Est): 1986 Style: 1.0 STORY Billing Type Class: Flood Certificate: Zoning: 1z IS Zoning Conditions,--01-01/200',;'. Bed Rooms: Lower 0, Base 3, Upper 0, Total 3 Full Baths: Total 2 Half Baths: Total 0 Sub Area Description Sq. Ft. BASE 2056 GARAGE -FIN1 576 PRCH -SCR UNF 192 WOOD DECK 168 NOTICE. Fver effort is made to produce and publish tfre y1lost current and �uxurata Information possible. No vvarranties, e or irtiphed, are provided for the data hei its US& car 3t4 i�i[�'rt r tat t }ii. III all lostances the official count - v rc(,ords shall he Consulted for verif'icati011 cif data http .Heservices.roanokecountyva.gov /engineer /re /a112 .asp ?Parcelld = 044.03 -05- 08.01 - 0000... 3/8/20 1r. 7 r w �'. Y I ' �� 1 ' I L 1 1 1 7 1 L 1. I LM Site 4d 06 r %6'im%' -ir r ti 10 9 qrL '11:7 I % -K A Applicants Name: Sandra Finck Roanoke County Existin Zonin R IS Department of Proposed Zonin R1 Tax Map Number: 044.03-05-08. 01 Communit Development Ma District: Catawba Area: 2.24 Acres 28 March, 201 Scale: 1 100' Roanoke County Department of Community Development Applicants Name: Sandra Finck Existing Zoning: R IS Proposed Zoning: R1 S Tax Map Number: 044.03 -05 -08.01 Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 2.24 Acres 28 March, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 100' Applicants Name: Sandra Finck Existing Zoning: R IS Roanoke County Department of Proposed Zoning: R1 S Tax Map Number. . 044.03-05-08. 01 Community Development Magisterial District: Catawba Area: 2.24 Acres 28 March, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 100' E-2 sm SUiAiJ CRP -TEK Mid ly F�,}� Cc`s �� I �f / �) 0 )/Cl A TI9 &-ve.m melif � �! � • ��l t , il.J� G�J l.l�� t��id Z�LJ`� . V) 0v7 n 014 /��vn !✓a �jD7 -6 i `I - V K00 tine rl 1p N-��� nc�k� � � � , cnr�'� Count of Roanoke Communit Development Plannin & Zonin 5204 Bernard Drive P 0 Box 29800 Roanoke., VA 24018-0798 ( 540 ) 772-2068 PAX ( 540) 776-7155 ALLAPPLICANTV For Staff Use Onl Vo_ t \ C) 0 — 1 �� Date rceelved- Z Received b Application fee- 1) C. I date: /* Placards issued. ROS date: Casc Number 7 Check t of application filed (check all that appl 11 Rezonin 0 Special Use D Variance D Waiver D Administrative Appeal D onip Plan (15.2-2232 RMew Applicants name/addres Phone: & AS - �P) - q 7 741' 2) 3 "s / V AT , r cHAL PAJZK flWwz'F OWt gr*F- PAP-1�fWAle Work: jjj.jXr; /M6LIr " 01 1� IN TFIVANC E W r-EF t:r S ;;Zy - 40 Cell Fax No.: Ailwv,ello JV(_ ;29903%YL t Mich Ad. MAVIQ @,nPS,, 4M Owner's name/address w/zl Phone th PYnT3 LLB . FW V11 Work: ' a r rccA AaAnJIVIN RICAD UWr Fax No. It: Franke acme pette, ti com �3A'7- Y101 Propert Location 0 PC 610WAITiV4 900 Ma District: W1l j r 0; Vj I Communit Plannin area :61eAvAr i6fler IM A'' 'Fax Map No.: 10 A 00 Existing Zonin %..? A Size of parccl(s): Acres: X7. (01 Existin Land Use: P_)r[.kV16U� Toct)ff PER MI To WA I VF, R A ND COMP PLA N ( I S. 2- 2232 R E VIE W A PPL I C A N TV (R IS /W /C P) R )NjN(;j SPECIA L ILVE Proposed Zonin Proposed Land Use: grU> e_r Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and fronta re of the re district? Yes 2 No IJ IF NO., A VARIANCE IS RE FIRST. Does the parcel meet the inininium criteria for the re use'r Yes Q No F1 IF N0 A VAIRJANCE IS RE FIRST If rezonin re are conditions bein proffered with this re Yes I I No NOVA VARIANCE, WAIVER AND A DMINIoNTRA TIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS ( VIWIAA ) Variance/Waiver of Section A I I -A of the Roanoke Count Zonin 0 Appeal of Zonin Administrator's decisio t Appeal of Interpretation of Section of lie Roanoke Counl Zonin rd r - r Appeal of Lriterpretation of Zonin Map to Is the application complete? Please check it enclosed. A 1111 LI C"A"I"I ON W I LL N 0TBE ACC ARE MISSING OR INCOM PIXTE. n oraer "E'DIFANVOl?"111FIS1 EMS RASMCP V/AA RNWA-l' V/A A RISMIC111 V/AA Leo Consultation 8 1/2(1 x I I" co plan I/ Applica Applicalion Motes and bounds description /y/11 Proffers, it pplicable Juslifica-tion Watcr and sewer application Adioininj�- propcirt owners A_ - I I - I hereb certif that I wn either the owner of the propert or the owner's a or contract purchaser and am actin with the: knowled and consent of the owner. SIFE, ATITIC1 $YEMEtY T - XL) Owner's S i tire IQ JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL tJ,SE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN ( 15.2-2232 ) REVIEW RE Applicant -E MOL-LIA117 f 107T01-Mt PhPk FF&LrrnF- Tlie Plannin Commission will stud rezonin special. use- permit waiver or communit plan (I.S.2-2232) review re to dctermine the need and justification for the chan in terms of health, safet and g encral welfare. Please answer the flollowin q ucstions; as thorou as possible. Use additional space if necessar Please explain how the re furthers the purposes of the Roanoke Count Ordinance as well as the pUrpose found at the be of the applicabic zonin district classification in the Zonin Ordinance. -SCE ATTRCHMENr Please explain how the project conforms to the g eneral g uidelines and policies contained in the Itoanoke Count Communit Plan. StE RMCN/nCnlr I - TWFVR-)77ATZLW Please describe the impact of the re q uest on the propert itself, the adjoinin properties, and the surroundin area, as well a.,--, the impacts on public services and facilities, includin water/sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and r reSCUC. SEE ✓i7TFlCH An4,TnonrAt .rvFV2 /Oh T-T 6AI I JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE REQUEST Applicant &r=A 6 �otiZA16 jYATFP1Yt4(, PAPIK _J Theof Zonin Appeals is re b Section 15.2-2309 of the Code of Vir considerthe followin factors before a variance can be g ranted-Please read tyre factors listed below carefull and ire y our own. words,describe hoer the re meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. The variance shall not be contrar to the public interest and shall be in harmon with the intended spirit and purpose ofthe ince. ikn Ordna ' The strict application of th) ordinance would produce undue hardship; a hardship that approaches confise I ation ( as distin from a special pr\.ile or convenience and would prohibit or unre-cilsonabl restrict the use of the propert /V . C� 3. The hal-dship is not shared b offier properties in the, 1 1, m e zonin district or vicinit Such hardships should be addressed b I Inc Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zonin Ndinance. 4. nie variance will not be of a substantial detriment to the- adjacent properties or the chaXcter of the district. JUSTIFICA11ON Foil ADMINISTRATIVE, APPEAL RE460 Q UES'l Applicant l".4 7("E Applicant Ou l u vu Please respond to the followin as thorou as possible. If additlional space is needed, use additional shces of paper. CONCEPT PLAN CHEiCKLIST A concept plan of the proposed pr( jIect must be submitted with the application. The conccpt plan shall g raphicall y depict the land use chan development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address an potential land use or desi issues arisin from the re In such cases involvin rezonin the applicant ma proffer Conditions to limit the future use and development of the propert and b so doin correct an defi i i that ma not be m cicncies -ana permittin re `rhe conccpt plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is requi I red prior to the issuance of a buildin permit. Site plan and buildin permit procedures ensure compliance with State and C'ount development re and ma re i Chan es to the initial concept plan. Unless 11miltin conditions are proffered and . accepted in a rezonin or mposed on aspecial use permit or variance, the concept plan ma be altered to the extent permitted b the zonin district and other re A concept plan is re with all rezonin special use permit, waiver communit plan (15-2-2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared le ca professional site planner. The level of detail ma var dependin on the nature of the re The Count Plannin Division staff ma exempt some of the items or su the add it ionr of eXtra, *Items, but the followin are considered minimum: M APPLICANTS ( 141A - k/ a. Applicant name and 0! .� e �. d 01) V b. Date, scale and north arrow (Ccltepf pion) V c. Lot size in acres or s feet and dimensions P kin t d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke Count tax map numbers of adjoinin properties (_Pared n 1, I/ e. Ph fieaturcs such as -nd cover, natural watercourses, flood lain, etc. (Cweff P61) f The iron in and land use of all adJacent properties Pa oullie-ri V g . All propert lines and easements Pac h. All buildin existin and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and hei ( 00-71ap rjun) i. Location, widths and names of all existin or platted streets or other public wa within or adjacent to the development i JA j . Dimensions and locations of all drivewa parkin spaces and loadin spaces A ddifional information re for R147, ONING" and SPECIA L USE PERMI TA PPLICA N 7 S k. Existin utilities ( water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site MA 1. An drivewa entrances/exits, curb openin and crossovers W/ m. Topo map in a suitable scale and contour intervals (WACYpf PkVt) n. Approximate street g rades and site distances at intersections �i o. Locations oftall adjacent fire h p. An prof erect conditions at the site and how the arc taddressed q . If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certif that all items re in the checklist above are complete. r Si 6f appl&nt Date 0 Communit Development Plannin & Zonin Division P014F.NTIAL OF Nill%rli) 14%m TRAFFIC, ANALYSIS AND TRAF14 1 1 C I M PACT STUDY The followin is a list of potentiall hi traffic- land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed anal of the existin and proposed traffic pertinent to y our rezonin subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit re If y our re involves one of the items on the ensuin list, we recommend that y ou meet with a Count planner, the Count traffic en and/or Vir Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that ma need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite y our application process. (Note thIs fist is not inclu.5ive and the County .5taff and VDOT reserve the fi g ht to re a traffIc stud at an time, as deemed nece.5sar Hi Traffic-Generatin Land Uses: • Sin residential subdivisions, Multi-famil residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwellin units • Restaurant (with or without drive-throu windows) • Gas station/Convenience store/Car wash • Retail shop/Shoppin center Offices (includin financial institutions, g eneral, medical, etc.) • Re public facilities & Educational/Recreational facilities Reli assemblies 0 Hotel/Motel a Golf course a Hospital/Nursin home/Clinic Industrial site/Factor 0 Da care center 6 Bank 0 Non-specific use re Road Network Situations: Development ad to/with access onto within 500--ft of intersection of a roadwa classified as an arterial road ( e. g ., Rte 11, 24 115, 117, 460, 11/460 220, 221, 419, etc) • For new phases or chan to a development where a previousl submitted traffic stud Is more than two ( 2 ) y ears old and/or roadwa conditions have chan si • When re to evaluate access issues Development with in on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widenin improvements,, etc. (i.e. on Lon Ran Transportation Plan,, Six -`fir Road Plan, etc.) Development in an area where there is a known existin traffic and/or safet problem Development would potentiall ne impact existi n plan ned traffic si Substantial departure from the Communit Plan An site that Is expected to g enerate over one hundred (1,00 trips durin the peak hour of the traffic g enerator or the peak hour on the ad streets, or over seven hundred fift (750 trips In an avera da ,Effective date: April 19, 2005 7 Communit Development Plannin & Zonin Division NOTICI� "ro APPi,I ANRI'S FOR REZONING, S I VISIO WAIVER, NJUI LI S "1 "W- , 'l.� 11 WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke Count Plannin Commission reserves the ri to onti nue a Riezon i n Subdivision Waiver, Pub] ic Street Waiver or Speci U se Perni 'it petition i f new or additional information is presented at the public, hearin If it is the opinion of the ma of the Plannin Commissioners present at the h dul l public hearin that sufficient time was not available l plannin staff and/or an outside referral a to ade U atel evaluate and provide written comments and su on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearin then the Plannin Commission ma vote to continue the petition. 'rhis continuance shall allow of time for all necessar reviewin parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and su to be included in a written memorandum b plannin staffto the Plannin Commission. The Plannin Commission shall �consult with plannin staiTto determine if a continuancc ma be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRMFic ANALYSES AND/0 l FFIC IMPACT STUDY 'I"he Roanoke Count Plannin Commission reserves the ri to continue a Rezonin Subdivision Waiver, Public Street I ect Waiver, or Special Use Perm petition if the Count Traffic En or staff from the Vir Department of Transportation re further traffic anal and/or a traffic impact stud that would be beneficial in makin a land use decision ( Note: a list of potential land uses and situations that would 'fate necessl Is fi tirther slud ' prow i(led as part of this applicalion packa This continuance shall allow sullicient time for all necessar reviewin parties to evaluate the re traffic anal and/or traffic impact stud and to provide written comments and/or su to the plannin- g staff and the Plannin Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newl scheduled public hearin date. Effective date: AW 1 fg, 2005 Name of Petition OY) 10ititionees Bignotum GENERAL INFORMATION Application #: PZ- 1100788 Application Type: Planning and Zoning Application Date: 03/31/2011 Activity: Special Use Permit - General Building Type: PROJECT INFORMATION Building Use: Number of Units: Property ID: 1 02.00 --01 .01.01 --0000 Property Address: 0 HONEYSUCKLE Road Secondary Address: Zoning: Agricultural /Rural Preserve Estimated Project Cost: Work Description: SPECIAL USE APPLICATION FOR BROADCAST TOWER CONTACT INFORMATION Role Contact Name Mailing Address Business Phone # Applicant NATIONAL PARK SERVICE OF THE B 199 HEMPHILL KNOB ASHEVILLE, NC US 28803 --8085 Terms and Conditions of Permit The exercise of this permit constitutes agreement with the following terms and conditions: All work performed under this permit will conform with all state and local regulations, rules and policies and shall be a condition of the permit. The code official or his representative shall have the authority to enter the properties) indicated on this permit at any reasonable hour for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the applicable codes. This permit is not transferable and shall become void if any individual, business or corporation, other than those listed above, performs work of any type in relation to the described project. It is a violation of Section 54.1 -1111 of the Code of Virginia to hire or award a contract to an unlicensed contractor and doing so will void this permit. This permit applies only to the work described above. Additional work may require additional permits. The applicant agrees to notify the Roanoke County Inspection Office when the work described herein is ready for inspection. The applicant shall be responsible for providing access to the premises and shall provide any testing equipment or materials that may be required to perform the inspection. Approved copies of all submittal documents are to be on site and available to the inspector at all resonable times. Roanoke County Building Commissioner Applicant is responsible for locating all underground services and utilities prior to excavation. Call Miss Utility at 1 -800- 552 -7001 before you dig. ' Allow required time for marking. Respect the marks. Excavate carefully. Ll Cam a 16, 6 m N-I,, R DC A,lis"T T " Ak A - # k I-* I p It 1 A P P1 1 CAI 40 IN CON S U I "t' . . ON (AW(KIAS1 comsundia �%r;ill �,Ivtlll.rr. �A 11 0sli k :'N' tj I r JL:A i r L i, it 1' 1:111 r 1 It I I L c !1 t JL I o L 1�. I P�f�. . 0 4 t: I c I& _10 rill I I I r JU rL! W I ' hin the. k "if r '► ! - . 1 1 A I I lit o unto k(11 p vk I i 141 k*tjV% 1 1; j 1 1 A II t 1#1 lt,jadonk .41-111 !14 rujuirva par! tit It tit t vkuwt A( j jjjjpjj in I - f . jj � I Irf "uikw4l. Silv Oualicin 41 A . go L 4 J I t DrC I I I I I 1 ; 1 to r: "C k4l"A I, ora Ir v W ku % Ll k I o 9 t I r I t f or e IIr, lit h'-It 44.0 1 1 '1 4 lilt. I ' I I I I 11140 F A TAV.1 I I I 11111C114#16111IN Of Am-.- nau,,0-4:6 OW,* WJi-1 k-vill, I t A. Rk C d z o (6 [ The following infor ni.atioti must be submitted separately ately in ekher a written or mapped forniat. FJ IIIto1111.11rtioll Oil how the proposed site relates to the applicant's existing coniniru ni #wanon systerii in loding ruiniber of other sites N ithin the Roanoke Valley, and the location of the anten -na at each site, I EJ - A neap d the Specific coverage area( desired with any overflow areas denoted separat -ely. A list, with a nisi p, of all the alt:: t sites considered or evaluated to serve the area of this proposed tower i Including Other existing tower sites in the vicinity. This should include any co- locations �:onsidersed and the sl:�ecific. technical, legal air other reasons the other site (s) �t erc� rejected. ry Provide conceptual site plan drawn to scale depicting the location of suppc�rt strtic:.tures, egttipnient enclesk.rres, lraidscaped areas. fences, lighting, access, limits o f disturbed lance, av erage slope oftli -e site, oivnersh find Lt�e of adioirriiw Pro pert etc, Provide, acc uratt'.,J0 scale, ph.otographic simulations showit,ig the relationship of the proposed b roadcast to� , er 111id associated awen-na to the surrounduias. Photo�.fraphic simulations should include the r of my new or modified road or trtility corridors necessary to serve the proposed brotrdcast tower site. El Pr cornputel-Ized terrain analysis showing the visit) iIily of the proposed broadcast tower and antenna at the requested height and location. If new or modilred road:, access or utility cot - ridors are proposed', ille tcrrain analysis shall also show the visibility of these new or modified f- at•ures, 1:1 Provide detail sheet for broadcast lower ltt El Provide an accur des and photograph or the proposed lower struct - tree, incltrding antenna- 0 Pro - vide detail sheet ofkany antenna or devises attached to tower including electrical and tneclianical. spec:,ifcatiwis t antenna systen -is . ... ...... x ry � .,.. -, aw" m 4 Y y i F�.si y � w�.� ... ="�4 -. C- ." ,_ n � •w.a .y q 4 �� ^^q 'i�, �Ja�/' � p y t • � ��" �� L • C[ 1 ��•,- �..� -d � �S �,�, � i �'� w. "-' �Y� .. S ..:�_ � • • � :q F Y {] j F ti:.w•� 1 # p �l �. • ` �i'_ Y i } �. t, L� �,) c��" tr,q i .� t r . tea @� • c. hereby certify thaat: 411 required s — , uhmittakk to the FAA, uY recltritwl kt .Voting t i-dirrance Section 30-87-2D.6, hui. -C becit S bin illell. 0 a1 r°equii - ed on -site balloon or c•orr test it'll/ be 1)el or°rrle(l oil th dales `��~ ..._.:...._- ����• die Plan ning i3uhlic on Me clwe.'i o f the g'ourd qJ'SuI)er - vi,5crr v Iniblic hearing sclredideelfir• 1, th crlw lccrrrr, :vhall be r esponsible o ll ftes crssociwed ii 4th tT ef c� "fh aplV iccrtinn, including the rwi,: onahle cost 0'am cleerned rreceysaiy by the Counw to vei-tb 3 the nee(0 the new broadeast d 1 R ( T i. a L� u re . A. -`r - ,.; w` � R fr w•� a t e. "� .. � �,.• F :.:;,... r .G F T 6! P'TTO/V J LIS T Attachment I - Additimial Information for the Special Use Application AT&T Government Solutions, Inc. Contact (Submitting Application on Behalf of the NPS): T NiALljock, AT&T Pro t Mana 2535 E 40Th Ave Denver, CO 80205 Work#: 407-619-4400 NO.- 5 12-646-5590 Pre-Application Consultation Meetin C011SLIftation mectin wl'th Count Plannin held March 1 ", 2011 aL 9:00am EST. Application Back This Special Use application iS SUbmitted to the Count of Roanoke on behalf of the US Department of Interior Nationcal Pctl'k Service ( NPS ) Blue R Idge Parkwa b AT&T Government Solutions, Ine ( AT&T). The application is for the NPS to receive Roanoke Count approvals to replace their existin Broadcast Tower e with new Broadcast Tower e This new e is re due to the 1725 MHZ fre band that was auctioned off b the Federal Government in 2004 as a result of the president si 'Public Law FOL-494 Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. This bill mandated the NP S relocate from their existin 1725 MHZ Fre q LIC11c y bands. and relocate to 7-8GHZ fi -e hands as mandated b the Commercial Spectrum Enhancement Act. The relocation to the new fre Ninds. re the NPS to replace the current co nimu nications 'in fras true ture as it is not StrUCIL11•I'lil ade q Uate t LI (lie e q uipment re q uired to successfull relocate to the 7-8GHZ fre bands, Application Exceptions, AT&T has received a from the Count Plannin office (Chi-is Patriarca) that the followin applications re are not re for this Special use application. • Metes and bounds description • Water and Sewer application • Proffers Application Page 3, Block Lo ' Please explain how the re furthers, the purposes of the Roanolke Count Ordinance as well as the purpose round at the be of the applicable zonin clistrict class ifica (ion in the Zonin Ordinance. Our pr( to al Understands the COL[nfiCS interests to prcscrve and enhance the scenic and natural beilLit 01" Roanoke,Count and the lon term g oal is to reduce the number and hei of broadcastin towers within the count especiall those on towers located alon or near the rid tops. Our pro furthers the purposes of the Roanoke Count Ordinances in the followin wa The existence of the proposed broadcast tower preserves and enhances the overall sccilic an natural beaut of Roanoke COUnt as it PUlp iS to SUPJ)()rt critical Law Enforcement activities of the Blue Rid Parkwa and Parkwa mission. The new pro replaces an anti g u y tower Ulnvntl bein used b the NPS and installs a new self- supportin tower which redLICCS the overall site footprint. The new tower's dull matte finish improves improved visual effect. The loctition of the new tower is in the irritinediate vicinit of the anti. g u y tower currentl behi used b the N1.) S, This location at the time of the g u y tower install was pt'eviousl determined to provide the lowest visual impact within the County and Blue Ridge Parkway property while being able to adequately meet the coverage/communication objectives of the Blue Ridge Parkway. The proposed tower is not an additional tower within the County, but it replaces the antiquated guy tower currently being used by the NPS. The proposed tower is designed with 20 % additional capacity so that if the NPS Blue Ridge Parkway's communication needs change in the future the structure will be able to provide support w/o requiring additional height or replacement. .Application, ,Page 3, Block 2: Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. Our proposed project supports the Roanoke County comprehensive community plan in the following ways: • The proposed new tower replaces and existing tower in the immediate vicinity of the property. The land use is not being changed and remains consistent with the adjoining property owners land use designations. • The proposed tower supports the Counties community facilities plan which supports the development and sustainment of parks and recreation available to the served public. In addition, the increased communication reliability the proposed tower will provide the NPS provides increased public safety for the Roanoke County public who use the Blue Ridge Parkway for travel /recreation. • The proposed tower supports the Counties Resource Preservation plan by utilizing a previously developed mountain top communications site. Not only does this sustain current view sheds, it utilizes the existing access roads and clearings which over time will minimize any negative impacts to soil stability, soil erosion, or downstream siltation. Application Pa e 3 Block 3: Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water /sewer, roads, schools, parks /recreation and fire and rescue. Our project has minimal impact on the property, adjoining properties, and surrounding area. Due to this being a replacement broadcast tower in a remote part of the County public services and facilities such as water /sewer, roads schools, parks /recreation, and fire and rescue are not adversely effected, or provided added burden to current County operations. The property itself is required to receive the new tower structure and supporting building, generator, fuel tank, and fence. Adjoining properties and the surrounding areas may be impacted due to the visual change from a 85ft guy tower to a 1 loft self supporting tower. However, the new tower is better designed against poor weather and is less of a hazard to adjoining property owners. • The proposed site will be fenced and provides a safer interface between the site infrastructure and the public which should reduce the events where the public is at rick of personal harm. • The proposed tower provides enhanced communications supporting the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Roanoke County public who use the parkway for recreation. Descriptions and other Information Requested by the County: Co- location options with the VA State Highway Patrol (VASHP) were reviewed by the NPS and the VASHP, however a co-- location opportunity did not present itself. Co- location with non - critical communication sites was not selected due to the need ensure site security for Law Enforcement/Ranger communications. The proposed tower is a Raft self - supporting lattice type structure. The decision to use a lattice type structure vs. a monopole was based on the NPS Blue Ridge Parkway maintenance requirements. The design objective was to select similar structures where equipment could be commonly repaired, replaced, or spared. A monopole tower at this location would be the only mono -pole tower at the remote sites servicing the 460mile long communications system. In addition, the lattice type tower is a lower cost solution vs. a monopole which met the budget objectives of this federally funded project. NPS and AT &T are prepared to coordinate the required Balloon test and provide visual/photo analysis of the Balloon from the following locations agreed to during the pre -- application consultation meeting: Glenvar School, view from the tennis courts or entrance rd. (4549 Malus Drive, Salem, VA 24153) G Library, view from about the front door (3917 Daugherty Road, Salem, VA 24153) > Campbell Hills subdivision, view from the road in front of about 6893 Campbell Drive > RR Donnelly, parking lot (6450 Technology Drive, Salem, VA 24153) Tecton Products (5415 Corporate Circle, Salem, VA 24153) > 1 -81 overpass at Dow Follow Road (exit 132) The project has been reviewed by the FAA and it was determined our project "does not exceed the notification requirements ". In addition, our proposed tower will be dull matt blue /gray in color (aged galvanized steel) and will not have any lighting. The proposed new tower will be installed within 90days following the Roanoke County approval of this application. The antiquated guy tower and supporting shelter currently being used by the NPS will be removed within 90 days of the contractor transitioning the radio communications from the old infrastructure to the proposed new infrastructure. The existing guy tower will not be re -used within Roanoke County; the tower will be completely removed, and properly disposed. • The new tower will not have any signs except for those required by the pertaining to human safety or required by the FCC. The site will primarily be powered by commercial power. However, in case of outages a liquid propane generator will be installed as a back -up emergency power source. The unit to be installed is a 15Kw liquid cooled unit produced by Kohler (Model 15REYG) with a weather housing and sound uplift kit. This unit emits a rated 65 dB(A) at 7 m, which is similar to a typical vacuum cleaner. with the added sound uplift kit installed the noise produced is projected upward which makes the sound emissions nearly negligible. The back -up generator requires periodic operation cycles. our planned cycle once every 7 days for no longer than 10 minutes per each cycle. Identification of the locations of existing NPS guy tower to be removed and the proposed new tower for County reference. The GPS location of the proposed new tower is 37° 11' 8.7 "N, 80 10' 6.4" w, the existing guy tower the NPS is currently using is -60ft to the East of the proposed location. 3. o f 1Y, q „F S Site: Poor -NItil .i. - - 1 mver IlliddIc Theiv are man towers En routc viovs to Poor NIm View lookin 2100M 5,11own'll" it. Ul scattered arotuid tip at Poor Nltii: Fim view to NPS shelter 10 n2 32 20N I Roatioke Count Real Estate Data M Purc� "" -h " fi I�x /1�1�+ f� Coun noke, it lin ia Pa e I of I 4 Print IF Hialp INEMZ= Parceild: 102,0001-01A)1.0000 Card Nuinher: 00 1 of 00 1 Propert .Add ress: 0 POOR MOUNTAIN RI) Unit# Jurisdiction: couwry Ma District; Windsor Hills Buildin Name Census Block.- 51161 050 202 Owner Name: PMTS LLC Billin Address: 881 POOR MOUNTAI N RD Deeded Acre (AQ or Lot (LT)-. 27.61 AC Calculated Acrta 29-61103186 BENT MOUNTAIN VA 24059 In Land Use: Y Le Description., TR A SUBD FOR TERRY BENT MTN Nei J007 Use Model: VACANT Appraiser: J Year Built (Est): St Utilities: Billin T Class: ('i re k here for contact inform ation 2011 Land Value: 107400 Flood Certificate: 2011 Buildin Value: 29700 Zonin A63 2011 Total Market Value: 137100 Zonin CondiflionE Transfers Veitr/Month Sales Price 0 200705 0 200705 0 200705 0 0 0 Instrument References T Nuniber PLAT 200707807 DEED 200709023 DEED 200707829 Foundation: Sub Floor: Floor over #11: Floor Cow #2: Inlerlor Wall fl: I nte rior W a 11 #2; Exterior Wall 01: Exterior Wall #'2- Commercial Structure Fr.ime- Fire Place Description: Roof Structure-, Roof 0wer: Ileal Fuel: warr Air Condition T Ot Apartmem Units: Rcd Rooijv%, Lower 0, Base 0, Upper O Total 0 Full Baths: Total 0 Half Baths* Total 0 Sub Area Description S Ft. 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CRO N K N1 A It K W;CRONK ALISON 110NI-YSUCKLL X451 uoNr-.YSUCKUi RD S1.477,900 RD 3S CRONK MARK 110NEYSUCKLE 9400 liONF.YSUCKLE. RD -1392 W;CRONK ALISON 6 RD h 03S 95919• 76- - 13H2 CRONK MARK 414191 110NI-.YStJCKLU X400 liONEYSUCKLE. RD %V;('1A0NK ALISON G RD 1)51)9. 76- CRONK MARK 9515 I10NI:YSUCKLI: 8515 HONEYSUCKLE RD S1 3!, 1011 44.41 4X". W;CRONK ALISON G RONK %t,%RK WJ It, k K A L ISON G 0 I1(J4NIiYSIXKL1; 0 IIONI;,YSt]CKLI;. RD RD 76 CRONK MARK H447 I10NI-YS1.JCKI.F S447 110NUYSUCKLI,-- 111) $31 1 W) 44.0.1-0M 1 WCRONK ALISON C9 RD CRONK MARK H451 110NEYSUCKIT 8451 11UNHYSILICKI-L RD $331.1W 44.0 1-00 Aj W;(*RONK Al INON G 1191 MI (*110,K MARK 9497 44.oi u�)00 W-CIMNK At. ISON (i HONEYSUCKLE. 8497 C ]IONSYSUCKLE" RD ��1 14941 3382 RD I,itt 3/28/2011 Parcels 2LVV Ad Propert Owners - Cont, Pa I of I Faftels, (hi Parcels (hi Nuads A r va'At"A l AN# Inlartlatv "&Iw Ow"d 141ftew M04d Pismo d Optirowity1flivatv Rand Parcel* Aerial Pholo J ZOOG) Town of canton CJtv of Roanoke Cit at Salem Counly of Res,noke s,web.i- t--va. IS/RoanokcV 3/28/2011 ht : ipH iilrioanokecoLiti ,L Parcels 1 , 1 L oJ'O'J*AJ 'TV A I PARCE1,11) Gl"US NVNERNAME FULLADDR ADDIU-'NS1NUN1M-'H STREETNAM E STIM.E.TSUFFIX UN MARKE Al lr" 1) -, 414) 8144 11ONEYSUC K1.1 87-14 11 '. 0 NINE UC KL U RD 384, S600 (w) �111v[ I K3-5749 1,,L[ZAUET11 LEI, IRD , 1163 11 Dc,,7vG2 AGQfE1?En I (RF_F 6kFNCE Slwf FT 7) Nau T J From-, Michael J R Sent: Thursda March 17, 2011 1:52 PM To: naujock@att.com Sub Fw-. Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA ( AVAOOI 51 T I am forwardin this for Mike Mollin who is on leave for the next couple of weeks. Please see the email traffic below re the Poor Mountain Lease. Looks like it 'is all in order. Respectfull Michael R Facilit Mana Pis District 828-350-3821 ext 201 828-350-3829 fax 828-273-3071 Cellular Forwarded b Michael I R ran /BLRI/NPS on 03/17/2011 03:33 PM Michael Mollin 03/17/2011 034N27 PM "Mike R <michael_ .goer >, "Ron Re <Rory—Re To Michael Mollin Chief of Facilities Mana Blue Rid Parkwa 0 - (828)271-4779 C - (828)768-0410 Ori Messa From: Toe 1i Sent: 03/17/2011 08:F02 AM EDT To me ,Cc: Michael Mollin Cc Subject Fw: Fw-. Poore Mountain Lease., Roanoke, VA ( AVA00151 ) I Subject: Re: Fw: Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA (AVA00151) thanks again! meghan.kang @gsa.g ov To 03/17/2011 07:46 Michael_Molling@nps.gov AM cc Joe_Aull @nps.gov Subject Fw: Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA (AVA00151) Hi Guys: Frank Terry sent this agreement..,See below. If you need anything else, please let me know. I will add a copy of his response to our electronic file. Meg Meghan Kang Realty Specialist General Service Administration 20 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 ( 215 ) 446-2857 - office (215) 280 -8349 - Cell - - - -- Forwarded by Meghan A. Kang/3P /RO3/GSA/GOV on 03/17/2011 07:45 AM "Frank Terry" <frank@aerospacet.com> <meghan.kang @gsa.gov> 03/17/2011 07:43 AM To cc Subject Re: Fw: Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA (AVA00151) K t . • �w ====�W. I I Dear Me are Thank y ou for the in-formation re the Forest Service Antenna Lease in Roanoke, Vir I have read the list provided b Mike Mullin g and am in complete a with 'it. I are aware of the project to replace the existin e Thank y ou for y our information. Frank, H. Terr Jr. From-, me To: me Cc: frank Joe — Aull Sent: Wednesda March 16, 2011 4:01 PM Subject: Re: Fw: Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA (AVA00151 Hi Frank: We never received a verification email from y ou regarding y our knowled of the Poore Mounta 'in lease. The a would like to move forward with the renovations, so please send me a response b COB tomorrow. I reall apprecaite y our attention to this matter and feel free to call me if y ou have an q uestions. Thanks, Me ,Me an Realt Specialist General Service Administration 20 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 446-28:57 office (215) 280-8349 Cell Me A. Kan .GO V 03/10/2011 08:06 AM fran,k@aerospacet.com tro Cc Fw: Poore Mountain Lease, Sub 3 Roanoke, VA (AVA00151) Hello Frank: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about the Forest Service Antenna Lease in Roanoke, Virginia. A description of the work is listed below by Mike Molling. The city of Roanoke has requested that you Verify that you are aware of the occuring work. Please review the information below and reply to my email Verifying that you are aware of the project. If you have any questions, please let me know. Sincerely, Meg Kang Meghan Kang Realty Specialist General Service Administration 20 North 8th Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 (215) 446 -2857 - office (215) 280 -8349 - Cell - - - -- Forwarded by Meghan A. Kang/3P /R03/GSA /GOV on 03/10/2011 07:57 AM Michael Molling @nps.gov 02/17/2011 09:53 AM Joe-Aull@nps.gov we cc meghan.kang @gsa.gov Subject RE: Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA (AVA00151) 4 Megan �- The Parkway is in the process of upgrading all of our existing communication sites as part of a parkwide microwave rehabilitation project. Poor Mtn. is one of our communication sites that make up our microwave radio system backbone. What we are planning on doing.at Poor is to replace the existing obsolete facilities with new equipment. We will be replacing the existing building and tower. The new tower will be self supporting, which means it will not need guy wires to support the structure. We are also planning on replacing the existing equipment building, and installing a back up generator. The overall footprint of the new equipment will be the same if not smaller due to the elimination of the guy wires currently supporting the old tower. We have awarded a construction contract and the vendor is planning on starting work on site by April or May, depending on weather at the two sites we have north of Poor Mtn, once they start construction, it will take approximately 30 -60 days to install the new equipment and remove the old equipment. One question that has come up regarding our current lease is regarding review of our existing facility by the FAA. Is there any documentation in our existing leases that indicates that the FAA reviewed our radio system facility? If you find anything please give me a call so we can discuss. I have attached a schematic drawing of the new facilities we are planning for the site. Let me know if you need anything further. (See attached file: Poor Mountain — Conceptual Plan(10- 07- 10 )(2).pdf) Michael Molling Chief of Maintenance Blue Ridge Parkway 199 Hemphill Knob Rd. Asheville, NC 28803 V (828 )271 -4779 ext. 215 C (828 )768 -0410 F (828 )271 -4313 From: Joe Aull /BLRI/NPS Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2 :53 PM To: Michael Molling Cc: meghan.kang @gsa.gov Subject: Poore Mountain Lease, Roanoke, VA (AVA00151) Mike - I spoke with Meghan today and she indicated that the lease provides for our making changes at the site. She doesn't see an issue with the tower replacement, but wants to advise the landowner regarding our plans. I offered your services on that part. Could you let her know when the construction is planned and a summary of what we plan to do that she could share, thanks, Joe 5 Notice Crite-tia Tool FA�A No FLtATZO111 Pa I of 2 a ,,o Aewvaw1- Ea6r-rnEv#vT Federal Aviation Administria -lion The s will be g oin g offlIne at 7 prn ET on Thursda March 31, 2,01 ' 1. for up We, apollo for an inconvenience, ,x OE/AAA Notice Criteria Tool tam Tile re for On with Ilia Fadaral Aviallon Administration for proposed structures var bawd an a number of factors'. hai proximil to an airporl, Inenflon, and fre emitted from the structure, sic, For more details, please reference You must file with the FAA at least 45 da P rior to cansirtsclion If: Y our structure will exceed 2Oft above g round level y our structure will be in proxin-ill to an airport and will exceed the slope ratio y our structure involves construction of a traver-sewa (i.e. hi railroad, waterwa e1c...) y our structure will emit rre and does not meet tho conditions of the FAA Co-[ncal rrl Polic y our structure will be In an insWument approach area and mi exceed part 77 Subpart C y our structure will bo on an airport or hellipart If y ou re ad(filional information re the filin re for your stns tore, please Idientit and contact [he appropria,le FAA fepiresentalive usin the ' I for Cuff Airport on cstruction. or contact tho . .1 1 fm On irpc com lm ction The r below wal assist in appl Part 77 NoUce Crituritl Latitude: DL% 1 1 m V.7 s N LalllaltUde� L Dn M IN Itorizantall 1) ntLl 1YI40 NAD83 Site Elevation (SE)4. DOW (nearest foot sttuctura H*I .(AGL) � (neareist foot) Travors4wa Private Road (Additional hei is added to certain structures under 77.9(c)) Is structure on airport; No Yes Restilts Y ou do not exceed Notice Criteria https:Hocaaa.fa,i. q tiii-edT... 3/28/2011 Notice Criteria Tool 14 Ish Pa 2 of 2 Grp s,,,//oeaa a. fa g ov/ocaaa/extern a I/ i s'Too I s/ n j sp? action— ] i t ice Re iredT... 3/28/20,11 Na-,ujock, T J From: Bruce. Beard@faa. Sent: Monda March 28, 2011 12:42 PM To: Naujock, T J Cc: Francis-Peltier@nps. M1chael_J_R Michael-Mullin Ron Re Gorman, Thomas M Subject RE-.'koanoke VA Your understandin is correct. If written documentation is re j ust print screen t sa notice not re Bruce Beard Air Traffi c, Obstruction Evaluation Group Supervisor, U.S. Operations Ofc: 817-838-1996 http,//oeaaa.faa. /\ FAA A�Kn1ow(,EOGEmE N T From: "Naujock, T J" <rtau qc�ka�ltcm> To® "Francis Pe1tierAn nPs. *Ron ,R .� ps. aov <& s _ z an jS10 Qnp . Cc- "Mj�ha J R xo an(cD-np-s-q0v"<NiwhieP1, eHse[& RynnRnm& >, i h" n S-0 , > "Gorman , Tho mas Mm anv>, "M !Q In 0 1- i ba2l Mollinganas,9W <Mt M Oho gorman 1 &alt, cQran >, Bruce Beard IASWIFAA@F AA Date, 0312812011 12:513 PM Subloci RE: Roanoko VA Francis/Ron.,, We've entered the site inr (per Mr. Beard's ) for OOr MOU11taill in the FAA"s Notice Criteria Tool and the deternliion results indillicated we "do fo no not exceed the tice cri note teria". I unde we should be clear to proceed with this si nat te w/o an f urther coordination with the FAA. We'll P rovide Roanoke Count the attached determination report with the Zonin application. Thank y ou for y our support, T 407-619-4400, M From: 13ruce.Beard@Laa.gov [ faa.go-y ai Ito: Brgce. Beard @ Sent: Monda March 28, 2011 11:33 AM To: Fran05 Pg1Jjg[@ Cc: bJ Hubei :Q1-J-R !nom nps. ► Michael M . xkC &ot Re g o n@ 0125 ,, g o V . _ L 9)att _D Subject: Re: Roanoke 'VA I'm a little confused as to whate-mails have been answered and which one I need to respond to, so sorr about this g oin g out to ever The q uestions bein asked can be answered on our web site. The "Notice Criteria Tool"' will tell y ou if notice to the FAA if re If notice is re y ou can e- file from the same web site. Bruce Beard Air Traffic, Obstruction Evaluation Group Supervisor, U.S. Operations Ofc: 817-838-1996 http://oegga.fgg.( 0/ \0 From Fran Pol To- on Regan Ca).n i2 s. g Cc. Bruce Board/ASW/FAA h.beard0faa. Michael J RyanQqp—s,gqv1, Wichge—lMolfingOngs.goy, natilochgatt,-c-ollri Daln- 0312812011 06--26 AM SubjocL Re: Roanoke VA Thanks Ron. Francis Peltier Special Assistant to the Re Director Southeast Re National Park Service 404 - 507 -5609 franc eltieran Ron Re 03/24/2011 09:19 bruce.beardofaa. AM b.bearl wfaa. Francis Peltier, At1anta/NPS@NPS, Michael Mo1lin Vro ,cc Michael J R E , A ujo c k 0 t t.. Cam Roanoke VA subject Mr. Beard, Thank y ou for y our input with a site in Buena Vista 'VA and the Form 7460-1. Your input allowed the build out. of site to continue. I would like one last time for an email from y ou statin FAA re We are presentl re-buildin another NPS communication site in Roanoke Co. VA. The Count re notif]".cation to FAA for permittin process since Roanoke Re Airport is within the Count Our replacement tower will be 1201 and located 13.82 miles from Roanoke Re Airport. We assume that Form 746C-1 and notification to FAA is not re as per y our prior email statin re Your on r n wi th oiir assumptions should meet the Counties re ccurece Your help is g rew y appreciated. Thanks/rr c-828 779 0408 [attachment "FAA Noi, ification Determination, - NPS Poor Mount- .ain.pdfll deleted, b Bruce Beard/ASW/FAA] 3 1 + 1 y �L IWI F f • 1 yF %•'• 7 1 - 1 i•. � r � r 1 � % ' A, . 1 % l �F • ' ', , LM ` � '••, � � 4m. ' 1 1 1 •� � 1 � � ■ f 1 1• 1 oi • �• 1 1 • L' � ■i ■ L 1 1 � 1 % L 1 5 ■ 1 r 1. • R • ti r •' ' % •' A r F r • • % F ti , r � � � ` 7 ♦ • I 6 I �y r • t 1 L Y• r Jr F, , % • 1 1� 1 1 • 1 , 1• or I. 21 r JE f r 1 rti P . 1 .1 Cr •� T r Ir 1 r 1 { � I 3 • r •rl �. 1 r • 1 _ Y. r 1 1 rY 1 ti xt - - I .. F wp A ge rr r 1 %A 1 te • .•�� '1 a- �•= •. 1 L� 7 ' -�q. '% . r ••.� :,FFLti 1• ti 1 , } 'r 1 L r }� • i •� 1 J # r Ae • fr}� b F w *T r 1 - F 1 _ •' •� ti % Ar ■ `'•1 •r ,.. 11 y■ rl 'r .ti:_•'� . • Ir.ti r 1 �. 7 R a % �i '�• ' � 1 '1 ■ • L 1 � �•.�f —■ 1 ' 1 � J ���1• �r ' F l L• � V- A r - f • � 1 1 ,,: , f d f . •�. ''J x 1 �% 1• � 1 . -� .� • •:: ' • 'ti ,. ', . f ••• .� -■ L0. ti r ti '� r •1 � ` ••� l � � 16 I + L� . 1 ' I L. di C . � r I r •L' �•'. : ti � � 1 � rA - .S � � S L , �; •+� r ,`, �, � 1 •� - � i � - •, ' � - I i • J ti . y � } r � • � • I 1 ,.y � 1 T %1 • ti J '� S ti. r �• . 1 1 1. 1 . 1 �r r •Rr .•.y - .1 ■r� r •'• 1 - 1 a• :r Applicants Name: National Park Service Existing Zoning: A G3 Roanoke County Department of Prop Zoning: AV & AG3 Tax Map Number. . 102.00-01-01.01 Community Development Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 27.612 Acres 12 January, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 400' = Pricipal Industrial Roanoke County Department of Community Development Applicants Name: Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Tax Map Number: Magisterial District: National Park Service A G3S AV & AG3 102.00 -01 -01.01 -0000 Windsor Hills Area: 27.612 Acres 12 January, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 400' E -3 Coun of Roanoke For Staff Use Onl Date receive : Received by: �-.-- Community Development Planning & Zoning Application fee: PCIBZA date: ' 52 Bernard Drive _6 Placards issued: 1305 ate: P 0 Box 29804 Roanoke, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772 -2058 FAX (540) 775 -7155 Case Number 1 2 , 0 ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) Rezoning ❑ Special Use ❑ Variance ❑ Waiver ❑ Administrative Appeal ❑ Comp Plan (15.2 -2232) R Applicants name/address whip Phone: (540) 772 -2045 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors et al (see attached sheet) Work: PQ Box 29800/5204 Bernard Drive Cell # :� Roanoke, VA 24018 Fax No.: (540) 772-2193 Owner's name/address w Phone #: (540) 772 -2005 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors et al (see attached sheet) 'Dark: PQ Box 29800/5204 Bernard Drive Fax No. #: (540) 772 -2193 Roanoke, VA 24018 Property Location Magisterial District: Vinton Properties are located on Hardy Road and on Cardinal Park Drive Community Planning area: v Inton Tax Map Na.: Various Parcels - see attached sheet Existing caning: PTD Size of parcels) :.A Ares: 99 +l acres F Eisting Land Use Business 1 Industrial Park & Vacant REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT, WAIVED ANA] COMP PLAN (15.2 -2232) REVIEW APPLICANT'S (R/S/W/ Proposed Zoni PTD with amended Master Plan, covenants and proffers Proposed Land Use Business 1 Industrial Park Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested.district? Yes 11 No ❑ IF NQ, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes 9 No ❑ IF N% A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes ❑ No ❑ VAR[ANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINrSTRA.T1VEAPPEAL APPLICANTS IWIAA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. RISINVICP VIAA RISIWICP VIAA RISAVICP VIAA Consultation 81/2 x I V concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification ii, Water and sewer application Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the property or the owner's agent or contract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. - Pro ert owners sheet attached P Y Owner's Signature 0) E-3 DRAFT — 4/1/11- VINTON BUSINESS CENTER DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS ARTICLE I - GENERAL DECLARATIONS AND PERMITTED USES A. Purpose The purpose of these Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants are to ensure the orderl development of the Center, to protect the environment, and to provide that the use of the Center will not adversel affect the health and safet of re sidents and workers in the vicinit of the Center, or the use, or development of esi propert within and ad to the Center. B. Definitions Business, or Businesses: The owner(s), lessee(s), or occupant(s), includin prospective owners, lessees or occupants of the Propert Center: Vinton Business Center located in the Count of Roanoke, Vir Center Master Plan: The g eneral development plan and land use plan for the Vinton Business Center, includin infrastructure, road and parcel desi as approved b the Roanoke Count Board of Supervisors. Count Count of Roanoke, Vir Count Administrator: The Administrator of Roanoke Count or his desi Improvements: An and all improvements made to or constructed upon the Propert includin but not limited to roads, buildin structures,, tanks and stora containers, draina and utilit facilities, drivewa and parkin areas, g radin g , landscapin fencin screenin devices, site li communication devices, si and all similar or related structures or improvements. Localities: The Town of Vinton, Vir and the Count of Roanoke, Vir Propert or Properties: The parcel or parcels of land, includin an improvements thereon, located in the Center, as set forth in an deed, 1 DRAFT — 4/1/11 option, lease, a or a of sale applicable to these restrictions. Restrictions: The covenants, desi g uidelines, conditions and restrictions contained in this document. Setback: The minimum distance b which an buildin or structure must be' separated from a street ri or lot line. Town: Town of Vinton, Vir Town Mana The Mana of the Town of Vinton or his desi Transfer: An conve or transfer of title or possessor ri respectin the Propert an portion thereof, or an interest therein, b contact, deed exchan foreclosure (includin a deed in lieu thereof), assi lease, operation of law, or other means, to another person or persons or entit or entities, whether voluntar or involuntar In the case of a non-publicl held corporation, the assi or other transfer of fift percent (50%) or more of its capital stock evidencin control of such corporation shall constitute a Transfer, unless made to the corporation's parent or subsidiar controlled (throu stock ownership) b the corporation. In the case of a partnership, g eneral or limited, a chan of the g eneral partner or the transfer or assi of partnership interests in excess of fift percent (50%) of the partnership interests shall constitute a Transfer. In the case of a limited liabilit compan the transfer of more than fift percent (50%) of its membership interests shall constitute a Transfer. The g rantin g of a mort deed of trust, lien or other encumbrance on or with respect to the Propert shall not be deemed a Transfer, but an foreclosure there under (or deed in lieu thereof) shall constitute a Transfer. C. Applicabilit These Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants, includin the land use re and buildin re shall run with the land and shall be bindin upon all parties havin or ac an ri title, or interest in and to the real propert or an portion thereof, and shall be incorporated in an Transfer of the Propert as covenants runnin with the Propert The Count Administrator shall record applicable documents and revisions associated with these Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants with the Roanoke Count Clerk of the Circuit Court. Invalidation of an of the provisions of these g uidelines and covenants shall in no wa affect an of the other provisions, or parts thereof, which shall remain in full force and effect. D. Land Uses and Development Standards 1. Permitted Uses: Properties within the Center shall be used onl for the followin purposes. Land uses not listed are prohibited. (a) General manufacturin processin or assembl operations where processes, fabrication and products are environmentall clean and efficient. (b) Commercial, office or industrial Rex space (office/warehouse combination). (c) Science, research and technolo businesses, services, or laboratories where processes are environmentall clean and efficient. ( d. ) Business services incidental to an of the fore (e) Accessor uses associated with a principal permitted use in accordance with an established Count standards. Where it is unclear whether or not a particular use of the Center is permitted, the localities shall decide whether or not such use is permitted, and its decision shall be final and bindin upon all persons. Development Standards The use and development of all properties in the Center shall be in accordance w ith ith the standards set forth in Article III. of these Developme Guidelines and Protective Covenants. ARTICLE 11 - ADMINISTRATION AND PROCEDURES A. Improvements, In General No construction, exterior alterations, additions, or renderin to an existin improvement ma be initiated without submission of plans for said improvements to the localities. Interior alterations which do not chan exterior appearances are DRAFT — 4/1/11 permitted without submission of plans, provided such interior chan do not chan an use of propert Review and recommendation of approval with respect to uses and improvements b the localities shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, an permits or approvals re b an local, state or federal law or re Plans will be subject to all applicable federal and state laws and Count ordinances. Pertinent ordinances of the Count include, but ma not be limited to: Zonin Subdivision, Storm Water Mana Erosion/Sediment Control and Steep Slope Ordinance, as amended. B. Subdivision, In General All propert within the Center shall be subdivided in accordance with the Roanoke Count Zonin and Subdivision Ordinances, as amended. C. Project Review Process The proposed use of a propert in the Center must be reviewed and recommended for approval b the localities prior to the transfer of land, or subse transfer. D. Maintenance of Improvements All properties, buildin structures and improvements shall be maintained in a neat, clean and attractive condition at all times. The premises shall be kept free of debris and trash of an sort, and lawns and landscapin shall be kept in a state of g ood repair. Maintenance of landscapin and lawns shall include all necessar plantin cuttin waterin fertilizin aeratin seedin spra prunin and weedin Propert owners shall promptl replace an dead or dama landscapin approved as part of the site plan for the propert Painted and exposed metal surfaces shall be maintained and kept free from peelin or rust. Parkin areas and drives shall be paved and dama pavement or hard surfaces repaired. E. Enforcement Enforcement of these Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants shall be undertaken b the localities. In the event of a violation, the Circuit Court of the Count of Roanoke, Vir shall have the ultimate jurisdiction to enforce or interpret an of the restrictions, conditions, covenants, and liens now or hereafter imposed b these Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants. Failure to enforce an provision contained in these Development Guidelines and Protective Covenants shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the provisions, whether the violation is sin or repetitive. DRAFT — 4/1/11 ARTICLE III: DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN STANDARDS The Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance, as amended and other applicable re shall be met for an development or improvement in the Center. In addition, the followin development and desi standards shall appl A. Site Development 1. Green Development Encour a g ed: Site development and new buildin shall consider and incorporate g reen development options and sustainable development where possible. Development is encoura that is consistent with the U. S. Green Buildin Council's LEER ( Leadership in Ener and Environmental Desi standards. Access Points: Site access points shall be kept to a minimum and consolidated. New drivewa entrances shall be coordinated with existin entrances and adjacent uses for safe traffic circulation. 3. Streets: All streets and roadwa constructed within the Center are dedicated to public use, and shall not be private streets, and as such, are dedicated to all owners and lessees of lots in the Center for the reasonable use and enjo of their properties, includin the free use thereof for the installation, maintenance, and operation of public utilities. Owners of tracts ma construct interior private roadwa that connect to public streets upon approval of a site plan b Roanoke Count B. Buildin 1. Sitin and Location: Buildin shall be located on the site such that the development establishes an attractive and functional arran of buildin and parkin and enhances the natural and man-made features of the Center. Buildin shall be sited on the propert to relate to primar street(s) in the Center. Buildin setbacks shall be consistent with established zonin re and shall consider relationships to buildin on adjacent properties, particularl as it ma affect views and street appearances. 2. ei Buildin hei shall be as set forth b the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance, as amended. Proposed buildin hei shall consider relationships to adjacent buildin hei natural features and scenic vistas. Variable buildin hei are encouraged. DRAFT — 4/1/11 3. Desi All development shall meet the followin desi standards for exterior facades, materials, appurtenances and e (a) General Building Design: The architectural composition, scale, elements, and details of a buildin shall relate to the site's natural features and character of the surroundin area and development. Landscapin shall be an inte component of the exterior desi of an buildin All buildin shall minimize potential impacts from noise, li and traffic. (b) Buildin Facades and Materials: Buildin shall emplo various architectural forms to create visual character and interest. Buildin shall be se with distinct masses of vertical and horizontal elements to minimize bulkiness. Front buildin facades and those facin public streets shall be desi to exhibit attractive architectural features, materials, dimensions and s Brick, stone, architectural masonr and g lass are the preferred exterior materials. Two or more colors are encoura to hi architectural details and materials. Buildin walls are encoura to be variable and not consist of expansive surfaces without a ph and visual break. Buildin entries shall be clearl visible and articulated usin architectural features, elements and materials. Windows shall be visible on all publicl buildin facades. The size and location of windows shall relate to the scale and proportions of the buildin elevation on which the are located. Roofs shall be desi to be an inte component of the architecture of the buildin Roof materials shall be non- reflective. Multiple roof lines and offsets are encoura Also, roof desi are encoura to incorporated " technolo as recommended b LEEK standards. Planned expansion or renovation for all buildin or structures must meet or exceed the q ualit y of the initial structure. V. ol, DRAFT — 4/1/11 (c} Buildin Appurtenances and E Where re roof mounted e and vents shall be located in an inconspicuous location and shall be reasonabl screened from public street views b painted panels, opa screens, or other effective methods. All exterior e shall be desi to minimize noise and shall include appropriate insulation materials or technolo to control outside noise. Exposed features such as g utters, downspouts, vents, towers, etc. shall be desi to match the color of surfaces to which the are attached. (d) Dama or Destro Buildings-- If an buildin or other improvement in the Center is dama or destro b fire, storm, explosives, or otherwise, then all debris resultin from the dama or destruction shall be cleaned and removed within thirt (30) da of the dama or destruction. If an buildin or other improvement is to be reconstructed, such construction shall be within six (6) months of the date of the dama or destruction, or the land shall be g raded and restored to substantiall the condition, which existed prior to initial construction. C. Parkin Loadin Ar eas and Docks Parkin for emplo shall be located in areas that are removed from the primar public street entrance. Parkin for visitors shall be located in close proximit to the main buildin entrance and shall be setback from the public street so as to not interfere with or detract from the primar street views of the buildin All parkin areas shall be landscaped both internall and externall to enhance the architecture of the buildin the site, and the Center. Loadin areas and docks shall be located in areas not visible from public streets and shall be appropriatel screened and landscaped. D. Utilities All utilities shall be located under unless the t of service necessar for normal activities of the industr or business shall prohibit under installation. All development shall be served b public water and public sewer s Low-impact desi (L.I.D) methods of mana storm water shall be considered in desi the development. All storm water mana areas shall be landscaped appropriatel and maintained. Mana areas and drainage DRAFT — 4/1/11 channels shall blend with the landscapin of the site and incorporate natural materials and ve E. Wastes No external waste treatment or stora facilities are permitted. Bulk containers for trash are permitted, provided the are constructed in accordance with the standards for accessor structures. F. Lightin All li in the Center shall be in accordance with li standards established in the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance, as amended. All li in the Center shall be directed inward toward the buildin and shall be shielded and directed downward to control extraneous li or g lare. All li shall be contained within propert boundaries. Where development is located adjacent to buffers and residential properties, dark/ni sk friendl li usin full cutoff li fixtures is encoura so that there is no direct li upward and no g lare. Li of parkin lots, loadin areas and access wa shall be no g reater than 25 feet in hei and kept to the minimum necessar for direction and safet durin operatin hours. Walkwa and buildin entries are encoura to have g round level li or pedestrian scale li not exceedin 15 feet in hei G. Accessor Structures 1. Walls and Fences: Walls and fences shall complement the architecture of the buildin and shall be of materials that architecturall enhance the buildin and the Center. Where fencin is needed, decorative metal fencin is preferred chain-link fencin ma be allowed if approved b the localities. Where retainin walls are re in the front y ard or where the are visible from public areas, wall materials shall be stone or finished masonr Retainin walls hi than 8 feet are discoura Lon expanses of wall surfaces shall be offset and be appropriatel landscaped. As an alternative to traditional retainin walls, " walls"' consistin of architectural concrete block, covered with a rapidl g roundcover, ma be permitted in less visible areas. Terraced wall s are encoura supplemented with plantin on the flat terraces. .0utbuildinLys: All accessor buildin shall be consistent with the architecture of the primar buildin Accessor buildin shall be located behind the primar buildin or shall not be visible from public streets unless approved b the localities. DRAFT — 4/1/11 3. Trash Enclosures: Areas for trash collection shall be accessible for service. All trash areas shall be full enclosed and screened from view b opa fencin and supplemental landscapin Enclosures must be architecturall consistent and compatible with the desi of the primar buildin H. Outside Storage No materials, supplies or e shall be stored on propert except inside a buildin or behind a visual barrier which screens the stored matter from view from streets and ad sites. I. Landscaping Propert and buildin desi shall include appropriate trees, shrubs, open g rass areas, and flowers to enhance development and the Center. Properties shall be developed in accordance with the screenin and landscapin provisions of the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance, as amended. Trees are encoura alon street fronta in parkin areas and adjacent to buildin to complement the buildin scale. Landscapin shall he used to define entrances to buildin and parkin areas, as well as screen accessor structures, loadin areas and outdoor e areas. Plantin islands should exhibit a well- maintained, finished appearance. J. Sins No more than two primar si per business ma be erected on a propert One si ma be attached to the face of the primar buildin and one ma be erected as a g round monument si The si shall be desi to be inte and coordinated with the buildin to complement the buildin desi in scale, color and materials. The buildin si shall not exceed 150 s feet in size or ten percent of the front fa whichever is less. The g round m onument si shall not exceed 60 s feet in size and shall not exceed ten (10) feet in hei Ground monument si ma have two faces. Ground monument si shall be setback a minimum of 25 feet from the front propert line. Si shall not include an motion devices or chan text. Roof si and portable si are not permitted. Directional si shall be located as necessar to direct visitors, customers and emplo to desi parkin or loadin areas. Directional si shall be 3 s feet or less in size. Temporar si for the purposes of construction activit or the sale of real estate shall be as permitted b the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance, as amended. No other temporar si are permitted. WID DRAFT — 4/1/11 K. Temporar Construction Structures and Utilities: Construction activities shall be in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local land disturbin re Site access shall be restricted to one location on the public street. Temporar construction structures, portable offices and other related facilities shall be maintained in g ood condition and arran in a compact and or manner on the site. Facilities shall be situated so that the are unobtrusive and attractive when seen from the road or adjacent properties. All temporar structures and portable facilities shall be removed upon the completion of construction activit and before permanent occupanc of the buildin All temporar construction utilities shall be in a sin unobtrusive ali Distribution to the various areas of construction shall be from an approved, on-site location. Areas for the stora of construction e and materials shall be coordinated and be visuall unobtrusive from the public road and adjacent properties. Mobile e shall be ali in an orderl manner at the end of each work da Construction debris shall not be allowed to accumulate durin construction. It shall be removed dail or located in a visuall screened place if debris is to be removed less fre Open burnin of debris is not permitted. After construction is complete, an temporar barriers, surplus materials, and all trash and debris shall be removed from the site. All backfill materials shall be cleared of an buildin materials, stone, or debris. 10 Z 'ON }aagS X3556 L '0N WLU00 008 8 Rai oa4: I I �} A I �^y I IVMOi XVJ Lest -s *s �0t53 VI IY^ I I .J�I IVOi YI /� \ AV Z6 0t5 �-`� J � I I 910�6Z `dINIONA O2IN '374 ONV021 S 7�d21 ® LIMDJ Q N V IO o ]J1SVM �/�� N WS '03aLS 1SHIJ LOt a D� SLIOA3h f1S• SW3NION3 ONLonSN00 �J]JiNJO SSJNISf18 NOiNIA - Out IDJO )? UJGIIDw 0 L /q/ 9IDO AdH 8 Pau isaQ CD Li o! 0- w z w zzcr3 W o W J W LJ Z a z d W m W WYW OoJdZY L Z (n 1-cn cfo d=,� CD �Wa� <w >- 0 =WO,. 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Er OC) C17 4] ia) L_ z - 0 V ca 0 C: 4— LU Z 0 -C 0 M z 40 F W V) E E E S c: > cn E Ow c: CO 'P cu 5 =3 — 75 — 5 0 0 = CIO -FZ C: < o Cxs '0 0) 0 E C) 41 C'4 .E_ E r — fD 0 ZI 0 LO 0 S r_ �i cu 0 =1 E E 0 c 0 > %&- 0 § 0— 0 0 u CU LN > t o% l 0 Ek c u ra 0 4 0 U 0 c,2 m u R c n - 0. � 0 0 — 0 ra < 0 E :I E LL U_ 0 0 0 cn 0 E 0 c 0 0 A& cn u )2 ch E 0 0 0 0 0 > Ul U) uj cr (L 0 LAAP LL 0 C'4 NPP(7 0 X LU z 01 4- b F3 C Z E 0 C') ci co 27 E 1 0 0 C: 1 E cn :3 AM 0 = 0 > 0 '5 cn > r3 C rs C) 3 Q C) CS CD jr � 0 0 0 w U , 0 0 0 > Ul U) uj cr (L 0 LAAP LL 0 C'4 NPP(7 0 X LU z 01 4- b F3 C Z E 0 C') ci co 27 E 1 0 0 C: 1 E cn :3 AM 0 = 0 > 0 '5 cn > r3 I l ` ` 13W44 aj dk ob A IP j . t s T . or jr At Ik ILL OF L 11'2B RKECTYCIRCOURTCLERK 540 387 6145 t o 3 01 in K 1251 P 6 'OOZ34 3 6 DO Del. Martin law fir ct THIS DEED, made and eotered into this 19th da of 'December 1986 b and between DON&LD Da McDONALD and SARM 14 rKALL Executor ana Executrix of the Estate of Carrie B. McDonald deceasedp parties of the first part, and the TOWN OF VINTONr a municipal Corporation, part of the second part. wUhVAS, Carrie B. McDonald, who departed this life on tb e 6th da of Au 1993,r was the fee simple owner of the hereinafter described propert and 31 WHEREAS,r b said will of Carrie B. McDonald it was P rovided t�hat the Executors -Trustees aho-old have full power to make an sale of the farm propert which saAW Frank 1.;, 14cDonald d eemad jr 4i 4,1 -advisabie, and CS WHERRAS,, Prank 8. KcDonald did consent to the sale of said farm propert an instrument si and acYcnowled a cop of which is attached as an addendum to this deed, and WHEREASo Donald D. Mcbonald and Sarah M. Wall, Executor and Executrix of the Estate of Carrie S* McDonald, did g rant unto the vp Town of Vinton, Vir option to purchase said px�opert and Is WHEREAS the Town of Vinton did exerca"-se said option and re a conve Qf said propert in accordance with saMrM A .(FjXEMPT 'PROM VIRGINIA RECORDATION TAX BY VIRGINIP. CODE .;-" . NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDBI�ATION of FIVE 14UNDRED FORTY SEVEN I THOUSAND F01JR HUNDRIED FIFTEEN AND N01100 DOLLARS ($547,p415.000) Cash in hand paid,, the receipt of which in hereb acktowled p. tho PnrtiP_q of tha fl..r;;t part do hereb g roant and conve with Covenants of Special Warrant of Title unto the part of the e%t ONK Ila jo A. 1' IHM - GU 11 KKCL, l 7 ice+ 19 • +! •„` ,, 1i�,A ' ,.}A.•bl • w ► �• }''ti • "i!. i r : • .. •, ''� :,� +: • �. � • - . a ' -w�' 4 • 1 • . ,�U ( b 1 4Z> ,!. • ' ■ ti.Y��'r.�� • ,�:� r• `�1• ■� � • ; - .'1�+ ��� I'd . ! S�'•s *� -r. �:' SIy a. � }' w .:' , � • �' ..'� �.i • , E,��.`�� %, _ r r �. } • 1 , 1 ti ,, k , , .mow 1 ' r . ' � • r „ • • • s . . ••�,• .1 • ,•,`. ,,. ,'' y' _ . • ' . ' ► • l ., s , i + M � �tiA fir{' ••R '• ' � � ' . . . _ . , '• . �x� l�,� ..•!��•..�� �y1� �� Y� � �• •s•• t'��' ►Y.T�'�,��wY' I��s�ti"• ii I'..t_S `,!% 4: (� r=� •'� • , 1'i��.Ir,V•�a • ' a •' �y.:; a r : a ' s r l� • •� � t i �'t r •• , �• ' : �' • i * ��i Y .. , hr�e`� 7 WN O S+ r f y�i r�lwt Afrw • : i, I �;�. �� �_'►� � + l •• � w , h; .:.•: }•.• �.: ����' r r r�LNAiaL�rr• �.�.�: f W i V� � !'T .ice :.A• �"t?�r� • `, �•.�. • '• i "" '•' ly , f' I r }I • '� ray- ..������ #' f ` :�' ••,� r, � ; _. , •+ j It • , alR E �• _ •, E ' 'r i' ir ►' •• f •• 1 r � E s _ , r I ', , IF AID. r. ` .•fir ` , r , . ;� .' r ..r ■ t . •1 " , • ss , WAM. i OpmPPt i.E�# � C•�T�� ■■ P.G. + E. : +1'i I s . •+ . t + r - t „ : i X 14 , *�. ,. � , • . K 1.25 1 P 00235 I. - k7 second part, all of the following tract or parcel of land � �,� � �._��,• ' ]Tying and being in the Vinton Magisterial Distiict. C of • - Roanoke,, State of Virginia, and more particularly t1escribed as � =+ {{ *ir r . en•.. 11 ' •L* ' 1I " . t• follows to -wit BEGINNING at a point on the s outh si d e of Hardy Ro at ;� �'�"' , ►:; { }:..,! �. the southeast corner where the property of the First • Church of God Trustees intersects¢ thence with Hard Road. the • following courses and distance � S 9 9 40" rR: 272.05 feet to a point; S. 53 39' 15" E. 115. 05 : feet to a point; thence S 57 20 35" E 116.93 feet to a point; thence S. 50 44' 54 E 1r1.2.09 reef to al , •r' � 'r".•'.rf r '_ ' ° :: point t thence ' S 63 40' 20" E 102 feet to a, p oin t; thence S 66 47 55" E 142 .49 feet to a p oint t1:cnc.e S - .tA ■ ��,s:.i . DIN . .„ f • • 68 4 00 55" E 242 feet to a point maned by a set•'= :- -'.r ; 4 l.ron re b ar thence S 69 10 37 05 11 w 19.77 feet t the T ti q n• S i northwest corner of Lot 1 of the Frank E. McDonald Map thence leaving Hardy Road and with the west line of L ot � '� F: , - ` ' i`. } • ;. R 1 Frank E. McDona Ma S 23 46' 05 W 272 feet P;. ��,:� to a p oint at the southwest corner of Lot No. 1; thence with the rear Line of Lot 1, Fr ank E. McDonald Map N 89' 7' 05" E 174.18 feet to a point at the division �•� `d« ,•a 1 t•t ti = C.3 •�.•r' r• 1' line between Lots 1 and 2 Frank E. McDona Ma ; a,' thence w ith the rear lime of Lot 2 S 74 22 5 5" E 120 94 feet to a point at the aivision line' bctweer ' �, H• Y • Lets 2 an 3 Frank E. McDonald Map ,& thence •with the •, rear line of the Frank E. McDonald Ma S 59 00' 55 E ��� . �� P 1 720 feet to a. point on the east line of the drank E. McDona Map; thence with the cast line of the Frank E. £�� ;'�= ���r�'+•4 ,�.;: McDonald Map N 21 59' 05" E 200 feed: to the so uth side v �� • of Hardy Road, thence with Hardy Road the followir�•g �!� ��� r:� . ''�• C�11L'°'' land t� stare s * C ( n r d l �:'�:o = ce . 5 68 0 55 C _. � � • point t hence S a 55' 20 IL5 2nS7 feet to a po hence S 76 19 35" E 118. feet to a p oint ; thence S 791 11' 10" E 117.78 feet to a point,* t h ence S 93 01 ' � �' � �r�R` •• _ 30" E 11 5 feet t off. n t s s ide f Hard � ;•` . � . 5 et o a point v he a h � c � s ,ice �,1��',�'1 • • + Road; thence leaving Hardy Road S 091 43 0 40" west ` i%¢4 � ` `=�`' •�' 242. feet to a fence post. thence S 85 50 05" was �. � } ■A�r +} • 33• feet to a point. thence S 08 46 30" west 255.41 feet to a p oint; thence N $9 27 20 E' 261, t to at point marked by a set iron rebar: thence S 23 .18" ,.j 10" E 219.00 feet to a point at a set lron rebar with an existing fQund iron 17v11 1 y l v O0' right; thence 5 � 1:��•��„�::.�•�: ;?�� 50 11 30" W 616* 63 3 feet to a p oint at which is ti' +�r • .r� t v. ,y located a concrete parkway monument; thence S 81' 22' 5 ' ril i i E + Iq Y 05 W 1340. feet to a point at which is located a w � `+• , concrete a.rkw m on u m ent; hence S p a� um ; t 78 38' 40" w - , ' r, ` 116 0.32 feet to a point at which is l a concrete ' ► parkway monument; thence with the easterly line of dots �' " 4 �'� F �it Via: ,• ;' 4 a' d 3. Section' 7. of Montgomery Vill . N 36 ° 51 � owl 2 •ter+ .•�, •,�►". ..,...r- �r- �- . - -v•� r, r r - - •• -r: -E- r�- i:�� ^ -� -�. t -• i .•�• - ' -. ��,�� - - i , . r: 3 1 ls,;, a •s 1 ' d r. a ,I a!• ' ► 3 'i *-,._= ae •,• ►} ` a ' ,,a,A 11 i•�j. �I�`T■+ � ■ � '�.. � •�.� • r'w ,� � �,.••... 1rlti� � ?•f7 ! - y.• �[� Af � � � Alf f 1�' �. .� � •`I' T : [ - }. . r ,,.,• rti 1 9 'ii „ + , �•1 ■ r . �. �•, , I i t, i 1 �, �■: fl' r' tl�' "��,f • };' ■�+ r 'A } t�fa+l 1 , y • �,�=ii•N �•'e. +• 1 K:�* � r ' �'•� � ,�, .�• „ .f { A.' A , ..%1 ,a.,'•'r' �' �.'��• A n y Y ��. s':' 1 • r h ,• h ■ !IC' - i %r`.; I r` lk j •� � 1' ..II . r+ 1 •• .( 1. '�`' , :r s � .f►!.r• ��• , �• �•� 1 ,��I �+ y �� • '%r• FL - ,�L"'''T :• iE �Er..�' � i : ,' �� • f � 1�' k'�.ti�l J• - .�r �� , � "�s �`��� Y +�-+ ; !7� �,`,� 1 } �d��' fly k .t r' {r� rF I'' •y�• • y�' i'*' 'r A��1 �7��' �`■ • ' " +• �r*''t•• �• t �- 'r L: "'�� }�� r,] =,. { '•� � + ^i� r�f'� �.m: �' ,}�, i. , + I t`► • ' f [ i 1. 1 p f., srtt/v.. J��' E �'�. �■ � � O P �•� � �� r + ,.r s• ' 6. .17":wr dr• .. ,_ ..,.� � ■' � ..�.- �r "rte ; 1� .. R�; 'I' Z ■ j} r•.,, ;,v •1 ,. �••� �31�'r w t s r i, �' L•■E �� F,f` `a "�1�.s11� '"g'1 w�J.a",�!•. A:g drii�,� SLR 1 M r' L ww/ti'� + � - y 4 }�+ - C �`. �' 1 ±: ,, ,�,,�'%>•� • �' i F tr •: R• +►.�: +� •� +�f.ara..► ]��� 1 , - i~s. ' tP 2 4E IF r l } r �'•zti'.• f+ f �' fr Il ''.. - r,✓ Sy f S'r3,+,iE�r k'►° r �»tfr►�i' s. `�y r , � 1 }x.4 .'ti"fiil y� ,9• T' rF� }rtt 41,�j�r,�- �•a�>.'7,1��'�rr� 1� *i��� ���: � e •- ,d• ��'! ` � '•' �'�� i ' t � F� !"TJ � ; � : � t ti i��•�.r; . + qP o " i T v�7. ' � : ;1 1 r+�,j �z1Y� � �' ,�} jr 1r'Y�F'` Rw.��...w =+ L )� Fr' •�'"" r7'e1 l*'�.►� i �iyT7 • t �'� w ' � 'S{ fE• '• ' ! la 11 1 4••.0 r__ W •1. A. J6 rir L ooF 1L+V v t� dpr rfir r' %• ['1•••1 a • [ [ V i I ��.••s..7VI [ r..rLlsl til4 r T# t{a •* it•� rt`1'�.•s.., i . ,.' ,.' • , r+ 1 �.•. , • Iw ,. } r ' .•• ' _ W 'Tr. v W 1 v .L ^r W 1 ■ v•..r vv q Y .�� ; i ,', ti ♦;1 ...ter .1 .. - r �, •. Imo, ■ ' ' 1 '' s.l �' : ' �., r • � O =f t * i r•• r. �'� 1j.F',l"a � A�ay�• , wl }" y. riJ4+!'d'll`�- 'w:'. �[L �i:.::a ;'.a,�a.'A�r,tiMa� S;•e.' . .�ys�;�s• .. � I; ! � r 11 •r'• �I-I ;`.:.. 1.. K 1 25 1 P 0 00236 •t% k,•'rti� r �`� '° • :` `,' 45" W,1 X137.72 f to a point whexe an won eras found; 'yeti' } P� iL.;. 4 .t. • . a �. • t. " tb ence N 00 48 20 E 1333.45 feet t a point w an r r � � r. ■ • , .. w iron rebar was found l thence M 19' 5 2 1 '4 D'' E` 488 • E �.! •.:�' ' 1 • feet to • a point were an iron was found thence N 2 +r'■ A F, �• -.4 �: 4 s �' •�""�`'��, ': ••. • 30' 15" E 626 feet to a point on th south side of ��•I�y .r • t'�, • y.' •'.. ■.'�'' ' '. •�,. Hardy lRo$ the point of 8 - 9GINNING, contai 99.53 a cres a property ,, w•�,��i n � • ,, s how by �ur�'ey showing � of Esta■t � of •'• •.. : ;' ' . ' Carrie Be McDona to be conveyed to the Tower of Vinton ">r�• � ��•��' >�: E � ; ;- !i . '.• , made by Philip W. Neste`„ C.L.S. , 5eptemher 11, 19 8 6 F a ,;. 1 • '„ i • ' :• .•lt... .,. •,. aw ■ r f whi i attached h ere t o an a p a Z' VV+ �►_�- ;'� „� ,; ,� •� s:{ 1 1. . , . ..r • hereo - and ' ���'� i.; , .• / •` � .. , + • r • • r r ■ ,a , I '1 % 1 ' • :.. • BEING a' part. of the sam property conveyed to Car�C�.e Be , �I� ;i'.•� .,. r; ' • McDonald b deed from Sarah A. Bush, a /k /a Sallie A u ` ',� ";; , ••[ ' sh , wi W � b da Fe r f n •r � de da bxua y� o, �. 9 3, �' d i recorded in need Book 236 , page 191, Clerk' s 09tice of #•`�_ •�;���;: _� ' : = • the Circuit Court' of Roanoke County, Virginia, �' � ���-� �• ''.• ` • *This deem is made - subj bet to cill easements r restrictions and f �• r �' : . •� conditions o f reco affecting the here ina de cribed pr op �.r V Ira tt it+' �r s.r r � 1,1 WIt'NESS the following signatures and seals. , .ti • Execut or t e Etta 0 �°`` '����w u�i.1 '"r- %JL-j ■. • `. -t, t ,'' '' Carr ' e B. McDonald eceascd n � ~=1 ��'�'��. 1 (SEAL) • E }.IY. IF�� 4. r ti� r'. Exectr r. o` a Estate o .�,•:. -.:' . •i•'~ ..tom! , a, . " ' C arrie B. Mc dQriald ■ d eceased � _��, °•, , • 1 r ` „,'•:. a STATE OF VIRGINIA AT LARGE � VA ���:Ir •r ' • . s CITY OF Ra,1 NOKE, TO-WIT: jr. ip���;� �' �.,• .f _ • ''. ' . The fo reg oing ns a wa ac know le dged be th -: �r d�,� trim n,. s ac wee qed for me ' � •` , � r , . ti' , `�f � ark 1�J �•�`�,. 1' 3' •, a ■' ■ � .,`e;■ rh���� rte' r • '•�`� day of D ecember, 1986 b D onald D. McDo nald and Sarah A. .. - Wall Executor an d E xecutrix of the Est of C B McDonal decea5ed,, _ + .. •, � ■'` • lljr YY ��,: s _K �r r'�al a 1 �.. r •a ; , ; ■ My cormnission expires. w,aG� 'CI O � ��� ��: : ;• !: � r'N .�• ;s �i .. r!y q r t'• •. r ti• L r , la • Y �l� 1 • • • T ; t• yi �'� I; • • ' . ,4 0ta�,IS + a r � ■■ � ,�� � • 1 •.. 4 ' l 1 aar�.l 1 " r • S' . t rr ` , it ' f � e + r ir,,[; f.' ,! ■J �� r ,l , '\ • • • t o '• • s . 3 ',Yi{ ! j •" ` ,s '�' '• r ,. ; !' ��^ ''Vfk °R Y •I ' .,., ' 1 �'!'. , ""4.ii s :E. . 7• `r • �., t. ■a 1 a, • r, ,,,•�' �,, , ♦ f E. r r} ■a 1-i■,. �•'..•J'r ' E•- i• ' 1+,., } _,1 t 1 ' r r rti iii4• L; y.... tt it Y ,..� " 1,. fit' �[ ■" }�» �iytr; l - R : E ��_'.a• wr til �"' /3V- �� n=�i 3 . etl { a■ • r {' a ■ �1 ' ■a.�"r't.tfl u /R 1'�' t!' Y `' 1 iE. • 1' w ► r., r 1 1 �t� �� t �.�lf l'"" ,''�� ; 1 . a, ' r -` •! ', 1 s s' ri' = r'.■ r. � • i � �•!� • '• S • 1�• �• r }� ■4 r +a►�,�'�1 ,,� L, ` t •, �.' !• �� l {ry t,■,E t 1l s .1,••a 3• •`�,'�' �i= Ira . �• :� t rt f ..� r �. wr _4..• 1 t ,•'�• • - 4a,b 1 ,b a a; ` f t d` r l.3.r �,Eti►a`� �6 i�g,•' • J••'. -�i'i �.• � jr�t!°j' ;'�'� r'�'ti �R �;�:�:�'�r•Er�_ Ir.Fr 7 �` �#a'i }'au r -, ► Arm � , � }r A•••;• te r } l,. t �. w .a►� at . 1 ' J', S • '+ {, " �/ a l� L ."�. s} �� `I r t r r �.. n� .!►• r �e r . r •rr. s airr ■ rtslw s 4 . 1 r r r . ,'y r. n rl. ::•. 44ts:1•f!r .A.� i lti' E, i� a'.•.1•i.�:;' 1 y • t• N tY S .� � ,t. , [ !` r r J i r� ! +�. { ■, �■ 1L �y� d h • �`1Xa r1. ��s- r ^� k wa a • : ►,. r • y r4 � 1��{{{ ■.,li r t . rr?T x �.•. , '�r r SC."a'[ �'I�+'.'�{r��•r`• � + ''r f � r� ]�'!• �• � J •, " ;a i 1 . .�� `r I:l r . r ! I:.!�11 k �.�, t ■r'i�e■ y ay.�.� n 5. •t I 1'•t'•r i f YT �F' ��j R li►�• +,ks 1 rlfr '",� ?.t 4 q ■4 !. s J� � ,.� r . i 1 r tK t r tlTf`•{ r "t', fj� #a..El.' .!V w, iDlllrry.i•..yat.r7kl.�[ 41:' }a4 rt3. iii.. �lJl la l .r a M I a� + . �� ■• , �1,r, a1' r 1 r '7 rrari'A�■ r r Ir. �( r t E �A7 f Y t r ' 1 r ■ r 1■_ . r �•��• �. R , i a:aa ♦ "J;i' s ��* ufl } } 1 e „t rkr• F ■. �•'r � . 5V. �� L4 �a a`E` �« � rl a..;ti,• � �1� 1 �'� '�"' 1 r s�7. �s��a,� '�' � 7�Sai��a �� ' ► " � I ; a . • t: N . J t.. � 1 r � >jrr, '`� �' Y' '' j�• �' ZE, T�: ■ i � ■ e � .{i I s}I',� a ti .. 1 w . r'. 4 � •• ii. A' +rfl'� Ri f{ xvr i ! �!. r,• ti t r E . �, � S. e' �, ! t � 1•,S , , • � it a , . , .. � }.1 1 , i ■}J� ' r , !• , y ..a�. �.ra' ;' �lpti. 7 t ►t 4 � '�, iaSi r � . �, ,•�, �' v, • �•'„ j% i C'� 1` �• .t r. • - ,� 1 , .i.+ Ja4 �R.11 ti '' Ir •■'�rR.. a• 'i'�L, y1 LT : 1 r? v� ■. 'i ��Er.:h��S�,'� ►•��� I•As ° �►' iirtr" r ' ! ti t! Vr' r 1, 4 ' • , al" ..r i i •� !r • s ,f •' r ■ r ► k '1 zf , a r • a h ''1 : r , 1 •.�A•, 'I it l !`a :f+ r F` i ir.l r '�' r 'y_ t' �. _t a ' ryF Irl, [ •. ' 1 1 1 [sS 1 ,aria, +. f i. ;y is il.'�,..r �4• r, Ire M1.:<< .0 �r f �y+ i'1r t `r R �� 'J' +l ii s`i p r rr 1 ■ ' [ j 1E • r r ♦ �• 1 s• V "�, `•'. n r .�. }�•. l'• "• rrr ' L► " ' ! f }' • =4'� 1 ' �� `•Ial �' a■ r• i`..if ru .•!. 1 t 3 �'r• E r. t [• x4 ar IrE!�i .S ; , •' }' r � ' � t la I1 =Y ' �6 �+1. I. L +��] t'� ", v. �'x•, �r•'F +• d kr E►�Sr,�t4.�� � }wy� = tTy 1 !'�r!►ri �7 .� r` ' 1 a ,r■ Lfnl , 1!r^.: Ir • ��� IIR 4' ,1 1 � ^i'; iry +� i�' i'� � rr.• � 1•'..�i""`44ii � *„►�' � � A• 1. s. L f • , •1 r, , . !••1 •., .b , % , a ■ ,r • � � r -! >r tJ E! i. �� ... L ti. �. � � � }� L E k .' E � { a �. ti' r. .�•■ 3 r'r�€ •'.L •�:,.r J�r` � 1• ■ ► +s. y L ,S.■ *'��• # ya ,1k1 � � '� ��• '�.:��` ' i: �� • ..f �i �s. �.,1a �+E ., 'P 1J S '�wF�;� ?' u S,:' t■ r � b �t� ~,lrr !1 � 1 '4 E r i h '[iea, a .r '4 w Pt�l�yrr��{J'�ry,• �}'. -ry ��i�K� �• :,�, T O T AL 1 wO3'• E-4 Count of Roanoke Communit Development Plannin & Zonin 5204 Bernard Drive P 0 Box 29800 Roanoke,, VA 24018-0798 (540) 772-2068 FAX (540) 776-7155 4� �('� �, For Staff Use Only � �` I I �.1` -� � � l Date receive a Received b . -) Z "'ki Phone: 49 1 5q Applicants name/address w/zip Q;:T 6JA Work: �,� Cell Fax No.: e a 9 Z— 9 Owner's nam ddress w/zip eooj Phone : 01, o eJ Work: A,- 4 A I i 55 61 V . W ti, Fax No. 9: 0&/w C vo/ Z Propert Location 4KZe: 49�� 7- -oW7 - -*AJ - Ma Dist LL -S Application fee: POB27kdate- Existin Zonin Size of parcel(s): Acres: 4 Existin Land Use: A i 4o)07—lAt, � e,,ftir 1,�tj REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER AAD COMP PLAN ( 15.2-2232 ) REVIEW APPLICANTS (RIS/W/CP) Placards issued: BOS date: V U 1� iu 7 Case Number /—n Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and fronta re of the re district? ALL APPLICANTS V Ch ck t of application filed (check all that appl Rezonin 0 Special Use 0 Variance 0 Waiver 0 Administrative Appeal 0 Comp Plan ( 15.2-2232 ) Review . -) Z "'ki Phone: 49 1 5q Applicants name/address w/zip Q;:T 6JA Work: �,� Cell Fax No.: e a 9 Z— 9 Owner's nam ddress w/zip eooj Phone : 01, o eJ Work: A,- 4 A I i 55 61 V . W ti, Fax No. 9: 0&/w C vo/ Z Propert Location 4KZe: 49�� 7- -oW7 - -*AJ - Ma Dist LL -S Communit Plannin area: Tax Ma No.: Oe) Existin Zonin Size of parcel(s): Acres: 4 Existin Land Use: A i 4o)07—lAt, � e,,ftir 1,�tj REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER AAD COMP PLAN ( 15.2-2232 ) REVIEW APPLICANTS (RIS/W/CP) Proposed Zonin ,, Proposed Land Use: U 1� iu Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and fronta re of the re district? Yes No 0 IF N0 A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the re Use T Yes 0 No [I IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST , If rezonin re are conditions bein proffered with this re tt? Yes 11 No El VARMNCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRATIVE APPEAL APPLICANTS (WWIAA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) of the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zonin Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke Count Zonin Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zonin Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL INUTISE AUCEFTED lk�-" Y uk- -1-Hhbh I I b ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. P1 -- M rs e r p g i MAR 3 1 2011 R/S/NV/CP V/AA R/S/NV/CP V/AA RISAVICP V/AA DEPAPMOMT OF Consultation 8 1/211 x I V concept plan Applicat e C-� 0 �X I VIUNTY Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, i cab e . E� able -LnP[0E11\.1 Justification Water and sewer application Adjoining 3 2' D 'Ar E IE" T' T OF e � �l U ors pr Proffers, I hereb certif that I am either the owner of the propert or the owner's a or contract pu haser and am actin with the of the owner. ��Twner's Signature JU .IFICATION FOR RE- ZONING SI"ECIAI� USE PERMIT wA] ER :�R COMP PLAN ls.� -za3� R�VIEw . . '. . . . ..... . ........ .. .. ... ...... . '% .. ........ . . . . ... .. % .. ....... . % ... ... % . .. . .......... - - .. RE UE TS ` Applicant C, & L A4c The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2-2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. 774 -S ev /V— 72� I/ 56�-� - 7 7 /��4-r�� �v�c /,�J�rz. �-�s //J vsi,► a IT 4�5 Ate-' A�'J Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water /sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. AS AJv �bd /To�... lnz�J -c'� 01J 7A45 �� sJ � /� tJ/Z./LDl1NJ� / /J ZONING 141STORY FOR LACHOWICZ PROPERTY (L & H COMPANY) 8264 Bent Mountain Road In 1982 this property was rezoned from A -1 to M-2C to be used as a storage area for our construction company. we used it mostly for storage of tools and equipment. church. AG-3. In 1992 the zoning of this area was changed again from M -2C to A- I to be used as a In December, 1992 the county dial a comprehensive rezoning and it went from A--1 to I ant now requesting to have this property rezoned to AV Agricultural/Village Center in order to widen my options for permitted uses. The outside would remain the same and there would be no additional impact on the surrounding area. 8346 Bent Mountain road In 1982/83 this property was rezoned from A -1 to B--2C for a beauty salon. In 1992 the country changed it from B -2C to C -2C with the comprehensive rezoning. I now rent this as a residence so I would like this rezoned to AV which would include single family dwellings. 8399 Strawberry Lane This property was rezoned from A- I to B- I C in 1.983 for the purpose of having an office for our construction business. The county changed that to C -1 C in December 1992. M son now owns this property and lives in it with his family so I would like to rezone this to A.G -3 which would be the same as the approximately 65 acres that I own there. J �^+r-�,x . .. .......... . . 1�`l'� UST�IC.� cIO� , R VA�MN MOIMST Applicant The of Zoning Appeals is required by Section 15.2 -2309 of the Code of Virginia to consider the following factors before a variance can be granted. Please read the factors listed below carefully and in your own words, describe how the request meets each factor. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. 1. The variance shall not be contrary to the public interest and shall be in harmony with the intended spirit and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. The strict application of the zoning ordinance would produce undue hardship hardship that approaches confiscation (as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience) and would prohibit or easonably restrict the use of the property. 3. The hardship is not shared by other properties i e same zoning district or vicinity. Such hardships should be addressed by the Board of Supervisors as amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The variance w�l not be of a substantial detriment to the adjacent properties or the character of the district. 0 _ - . i LSfiIFIAT`IO�N FAIR A,DViIl'!IISTRATlEPPAL REQUEST ..... . . ..... .. ... .... .......... ..... ... .. ........ . .... ... ... .. . ..... .. ..... .... . .. ... ... .. .. Applicant Please respond to the following as thoroughly as possible. If additional space is needed, use additional sheets of paper. CONCEPT` PLAN .CRECKLIST . .... .... ... ..... A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan (15.2 -2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the following are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS a. Applicant name and name of development b. Date, scale and north arrow c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax map numbers of adjoining properties e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties w� g. All property lines and easements h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights Li i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information required for REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site 1. Any driveways, entrances /exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. Signature of applicant Date on GA IV Community Development M z Planning & Zoning Division b tai POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSIS AND /OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The following is a list of potentially high traffic- generating land uses and road network situations that could elicit a more detailed analysis of the existing and proposed traffic pertinent to your rezoning, subdivision waiver, public street waiver, or special use permit request. If your request involves one of the items on the ensuing list, we recommend that you meet with a County planner, the County traffic engineer, and /or Virginia Department of Transportation staff to discuss the potential additional traffic related information that may need to be submitted with the application in order to expedite your application process. (Note this list is not inclusive and the County staff and VDOT reserve the right to request a traffic study at any tune, as deemed necessary.) High Traffic- Generating Land Uses: • Single - family residential subdivisions, Multi-family residential units, or Apartments with more than 75 dwelling units • Restaurant (with or without drive - through windows) • Gas station/Convenience store /Car wash • Retail shop/Shopping center • offices (including; financial institutions, general, medical, etc.) • Regional public facilities • Educational /Recreational facilities • Religious assemblies • Hotel/Motel • Goff course • Hospital/Nursing home/Clinic • Industrial site /Factory • Day care center • Bank • Non - specific use requests Road Network Situations; • Development adjacent to/with access onto/within 500 -ft of intersection of a roadway classified as an arterial road (e.g., Rte 11, 24, 115, 117, 400, 11/400, 224, 221, 419, etc) • For new phases or changes to a development where a previously submitted traffic study is more than two (2) years old and /or roadway conditions have changed significantly • when required to evaluate access issues • Development with ingress /egress on roads planned or scheduled for expansion, widening, improvements, etc. (i.e. on Long Range Transportation Plan, Six -Yr Road Plan, etc.) • Development in an area where there is a known existing traffic and /or safety problem • Development would potentially negatively impact existing /planned traffic signal(s) • Substantial departure from the Community Plan • Any site that is expected to generate over one hundred (100) trips during the peak hour of the traffic generator or the peak hour on the adjacent streets, or over seven hundred fifty (750) trips in an average day Effective elate: April 79, 2005 7 4• OA Community Development . = Planning & honing Division � 1838 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING, SUBDIVISION WAIVER, PUBLIC STREET WAIVER, OR SPECIAL USE PERMIT PETITION PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE PROCEDURE The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver or Special Use Permit petition if new or additional information is presented at the public hearing. If it is the opinion of the majority of the Planning Commissioners present at the scheduled public hearing that sufficient time was not available for planning staff and/or an outside referral agency to adequately evaluate and provide written comments and suggestions on the new or additional information prior to the scheduled public hearing then the Planning Commission may vote to continue the petition. This continuance shall allow suffi cient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the new or additional information and provide written comments and suggestions to be included in a written memorandum by planning staff to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall consult with planning staff to determine if a continuance may be warranted. POTENTIAL OF NEED FOR TRAFFIC ANALYSES AND /OR TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY The Roanoke County Planning Commission reserves the right to continue a Rezoning, Subdivision Waiver, Public Street Waiver, or Special Use Permit petition if the County Traffic Engineer or staff from the Virginia Department of Transportation requests further traffic analyses and /or a traffic impact study that would be beneficial in making a land use decision (Note: a list of potential rand uses and situations that would necessitate further study is provided as part of this application package). This continuance shall allow sufficient time for all necessary reviewing parties to evaluate the required traffic analyses and/or traffic impact study and to provide written comments and /or suggestions to the planning staff and the Planning Commission. If a continuance is warranted, the applicant will be notified of the continuance and the newly scheduled public hearing date. Effective date: April 19, 2445 Name of Petition c t t& (-. Petitioner's Signature N-t L Date a Lachowicz Rezoning Request Current Property Zoning Information Tax Ma Number: 094.00 -01 -57.00 Name: Jason T. & Karen J. Lachowicz Mailiniz Address: 8399 Strawberry Ln. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AG -3 and C -1 C -1 bound as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin, comer to L & H Company property being the original southeasterly corner of the property formerly owned by John D. Blakenship, but now also owned by L &. H Company, said point being located, S 17° 54'27" W 558.65 feet from the southerly side of Va. Sec. Rt. 221; thence with four new division lines through the property of L & H Company, S 72° 05' 33" E 2 10. 00 feet to a point; thence S 17 54' 27' W 2 10. 00 feet to a point; thence N 72° 05' 33" W 210.00 feet to a point; thence N 17 54' 27" E 210.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING and containing 1.0 acre and a being a portion of the property owned by L & H Company and being as shown on a map by T. P. Parker and Son, Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. dated October 31, 1980 and revised February 25, 1983. Tax Mqp Number: 094.00-01-58.00 Name: L & H Company - CID Thomas Lachowicz Mailing Address: 7606 Apple Grove Ln. SW Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zonn: AG -3 and C -2C C-2C bound as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the southeasterly side of Va. Sec. Rt. 221 at the northwest corner of property owned by L & H Company, being also northeast corner of property formerly John W. Blankenship now also owned by L & H Company; thence with south side of Va. Sec. Rt. 221 S 86 57' 54" E 18.66 feet to a point; thence still with Va. Sec. Rt. 221 S 83° 28' 30" E 89.37 feet to a point; thence with two new division lines through the property of L & H Company S 17° 54' 27" W 211.10 feet to a point; thence N 78° 12'45" W 1 06.25 feet to a point on the outside line of the original L & H Company property; thence with the said old line N 17 54'27" E 200.0 feet to the BEGINNING and containing 0.50 acres and being as shown on reap made by T. P. Parker & Son, Engineers and Surveyors, Ltd. dated October 21, 1980 revised on January 9, 1984. New AV Zoned Parcel Information The following is the description for the 4.476 acre parcel to be rezoned AV. The description is as follows: BEGINNING at corner #1 said point being the northeasterly corner of property of Jason T. and Karen J. Lachowicz (Instrument #200502264) said point also located on the southerly right-of-way of Bent Mountain Road (US Rt. 221) thence leaving Lachowicz and with Bent Mountain Road for the following 5 courses; thence N 77° 05' 50" E 225.90' to corner #2; thence with the curve to the right with said curve defined by delta angle of 16° 1 I ' I I", radius of 3 34.26', an arc of 94.43', a chord of 94.12' and bearing N 85° 11' 25" E to corner #3; thence S 17° 54' 27" w 6.64' to corner 4; thence S 86° 57' 54" E 18.66' to corner #5; thence S 83' 28' 30" E 89.37' to corner #6; thence S 70° 29' 22" E 91.86' to corner #7; thence leaving Bent Mountain Road and with a new division line through the property of L & H Company, (D.B. 1174 PG. 178) S 35° 53' 10" w 639.74' to corner #37 said point located on the eastern boundary of Jason T. and Karen J. Lachowicz thence leaving remaining property of L & H Company and with Lachowicz for the following two courses; thence N 64° 27' 33" w 250.40' to comer #38 thence N13' 21' 00" E; 411.27' to corner #1 the place of BEGINNING and containing 4.476 acres and being parcel "B I" as more particularly shown on plat prepared by Lumsden Associates dated March 30, 201 L Adjacent Property owners Tax Ma Number: 094.00 -0 -5 5 .00 Name: James Wistar Jr. & Bivvie Cooper Mailing Address: 8370 Back Creek Orchard Rd. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoninp,: AG -3 Tax Ma Number: 094.00 -0 1- -55.05 Name: Wesley G. & Aundrea Hope Tyree Mailing Address: 8320 Back Creek orchard Rd. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AG -3 Tax Map Number: 094.40 -01 -59.00 Name: James W. Ferguson Mail ing_Address: 1667 Christiansburg Pike Floyd, Va. 24091 Current Zoning: AG -3 Tax M4p Number: 094.00 -01 -64.00 Name: Ferguson Declaration of Trust Mailing Address: 1667 Christiansburg Pike Floyd, Va. 24091 Current Zonin : AG -3 Tax Map Number: 094.00 -01- 61.01. Name: Ferguson Declaration of Trust Mailing Address: 1667 Christiansburg Pike Floyd, Va. 24091 Current Zoning: AR Tax. M Number: 094.04 -01 -61.42 Name: James W. & Joan B. Ferguson Mailing Address: 1667 Christiansburg Pike Floyd, Va. 24491 Current .Zoning: AR & AG -3 Tax. M ap Number: 494.04 -01 -22.00 Name: Mark R. Jr. & Cathy R. Hanabury Mailing Address:_ 223 North Broad St. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AR Tax Mqp Number: 094.04 -01 -24.00 Name: Philip J.11 & Donna L. Mollica Mailing Address: 7521 Countrywood Dr. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AR Tax Mqp Number: 094.04-01-37.00 Name: Daniel A. & Melissa H. Angel Address: 7526 Countrywood Dr. Roanoke, Va. 24418 Current Zoniniz: AR Tax Mqp Number: 094.04-01-38.00 Name: Gibson Barbee VIII Mailing Address: 8501 Bent Mountain Rd Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AR Tax MaD Number: 103.00-01-27.00 Name: J. C. Jr. & Carlyle Poindexter Mailing Address: 5331 McVitty Rd. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AG--3 Tax. MqP Number: 103.00 -01 -33.00 Name: Sherwin Ely Little Revocable Trust Mailin Address: 9127 Lookout Ln. Bent Mountain, Va. 24059 Current Zoning: AG -3 Tax Ma Number: 103.00 -01 -34.04 Name: Ohio State Cellular Phone Co Inc Mailing Address: CID Telephone & Data Systems Inc PO Box 31369 Chicago, IL 60631 Current Zoning: AG-3S. Tax Ma Number: 103.00 -01 -3 5.00 Name: Ohio State Cellular Phone Co Inc Mailing Address: CID Telephone & Data Systems Inc PO Box 31369 Chicago, IL 60631 Current Zoning: AG-3S Tax. Mqp Number: 103.00 -03 -01.00 Name: Christine Edwards Ross Mailing Address-. 3940 Buck Mountain Rd. Roanoke, Va. 24018 Current Zoning: AG -3 SEE SUBDIVISION PLA T d0 4 133HS R D cQ c T FOR BEARINGS AND DISTANCES -t jo UNTAIIN -� CD a BENT U ROUTE 221 500 co o �►- ca RIW VARIES T T I I ° N ° Q 22 m r ©u��°� o '° 'C3 4 = Z3 C LLJ CC Z 1 n � SCIN i2i RI) o Q tC7 a pp !� O ^� t CID M iz to co o z ca ud LL- Lu �? ' �O A%,: O ^QQ a ° © O " � ¢ O U a � UrL �► � A A / Q� � Q© � ol ,� X Lr) rn ©- e`` Z q3 Q V `�, spa` O 1 o `fi - d LLJ ```' toc� zv c� C p� 1 wx� N p I� W Z.. o e �! Z Q J 00 co o uS i II II p N N m O N Q Q7 C' p Z�u� O O Q) 1 G� d U a N .--4 1. c� W U W 4 V w tt- � Lu r O Cr) et 0 p al Cp a0 � O P, L 6 Z LO U 0) c)�,� N o ° o 0 II II II II 2 Z N O o r� I �, (Q D Z3 0 co L' �� �O� �o�C�© N w O ~ Lu N N oO�OQ� O �� I L'scl - N C; ^1 ��` O �` II Q Q IL I . D o U Lc gn Gi a. Q rn �- O -j ` p p! p°O= m < - o Q Q�� 1mU v) 4 1:6 Z �O O w r(v © X c� O Q d'mQ S8152'13 "E - F 57.75 '�- o " p ° d C N f cn u CL v) f \ c ' ? r CQ © pm4 p N w s�62 co % s „ C -2 *23 w c) , 40 W Sa � 17.22' ' ~ '� 6 a °� -ip �� °' o r-: C -3 89'20 N 88'30 20" W ` : ' �' ........ w ko AIN RO �� �� T �pUNT 22� �. BEN U.S. ROUE R fW VARIES o �, 1 }Id'ZOXe Bmp• Lpdwoo lyg4ll \Bue \ti5011 \IIOZ \SBUIMIBIp \:m 1 d' Yo-L 0 -L 0 dwoo V9 0 11 6mp-L dwoOV9 LL \ OUG\ V90 LL\L LO Z\sO'uimejp\:m tiZ{ ti ~r,' f ti' + • ti# fr 11 • 1 1 ' S ■"�ti •��� - •1 r 101 r P.M ti � � -' yyam� • � . 1 ' L ' 1 7 1 1"y •� � r 7 � 1 � 1 �' •• •�7 50 1 .L :1� 1 . 1 ti • r I f _.y�' F • 1 r r ■ 1 1 1 1 ti � S • re ti .1 l 1 1 • � 11 � L r' r 1 S Z • X 1 i• Applicants Name: Jason and Carol Lachowicz Existing Zoning: A G3, C2 C& C 1 C Roanoke County Department of Prop Zoning: AV & AG3 Tax Map Number. . 094.00 -01 -57 & 58.00 Community Development Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Area: 5.476 Acres 7 April, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 400' <C> Site Zoning = AG3 EP AG1 AR AV C1 C2 C2CVOD 12 PCD P RD Roanoke County Department of Community Development Applicants Name: Existing Zoning: Proposed Zoning: Tax Map Number: Magisterial District: Jason and Carol Lachowicz AG3, C2 C & C 1 C AV & AG3 094.00 -01 -57 & 58.00 -0000 Windsor Hills Area: 5.4 76 Acres 7 April, 2011 Scale: 1 " = 400' ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F -1 W4j� AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROAIVOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 24, 2011 Ordinance amending the Roanoke county Code chapter 21. " Taxation ", Article III. "Real Estate Taxes ", Division 3, "Exemption for Elderly and Disabled Person" To Provide Exemptions for Disabled Veterans, and appropriation of $100,400 for the 241 0 -2411 fiscal year Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance provides guidance to County staff in the implementation of the recent Constitutional amendment which provided a real estate tax exemption for veterans with a one hundred percent (100 %) service- connected, permanent and total disability. In November 2010 the voters of the commonwealth of Virginia approved an amendment to the Constitution of Virginia, Article x, Section 6 -A. This amendment exempted from taxation the real property, including the joint real property of husband and wife, of any veteran who has been rated by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs a one hundred percent (100 %) service connected permanent and total disability and who occupies the real property as his or her principle place of residence. The 2411 session of the Virginia General Assembly adopted Section 58.1 - 3219.5 to implement this Constitutional amendment, and to place some limitations or restrictions on localities in - the implementation and application of this constitutional amendment. Under Section 58.1- 3219.0, this legislation directed localities to provide for the exemption from real property taxes for the "qualifying dwelling" and also for the land not exceeding one acre upon which it is situated. The veteran or surviving spouse claiming the exemption must file with the commissioner of the revenue either an affidavit or written statement including the name of the disabled veteran and spouse occupying the property, whether Page 1 of 3 the real property is jointly owned by the husband and wife, certifying that the real property is occupied as the veteran's "principle place of residence", and also documentation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs that the veteran has a one hundred percent 0 00 %) service - connected permanent and total disability. The veteran shall be required to refile this information only if the principle place of residence changes. The surviving spouse of the veteran claiming the exemption shall also provide documentation that the veterans' death occurred on or after January 1, 2011. The surviving spouse of an eligible veteran also qualifies for this exemption so long as the death of the veteran occurs on or after January 1, 2011; the surviving spouse does not remarry and the surviving spouse continues to occupy the real property as his or principle place of residence. This exemption is effective and applicable to the current 2011 tax year. Many veterans have already contacted the Commissioner of the Revenue with questions concerning the application process, their eligibility for this exemption and other similar administrative inquiries. Representatives of the Commissioner of the Revenue, Treasurer, Finance, CommlT, and the County Attorney's offices have met to develop policies and procedures to implement this real estate tax exemption program in Roanoke county in the current tax year. It is recommended that the Board consider the adoption of this ordinance to provide guidance to county staff in the implementation of this real estate tax exemption. The proposed amendment incorporates this exemption into the County's existing real estate tax exemption program for elderly and disabled persons. It utilizes many of the existing administrative policies and procedures already applicable for this category of citizens. The proposed ordinance also provides for a new code section — 21 -51 to specifically address the unique elements of the disabled veteran's exemption. This section clarifies the "principle place of residence" by stating that confinement to a hospital, nursing home or assisted living facility does not eliminate the exemption; it provides a broader definition for "principle place of residence" as well as providing some limitations on that term. It also clarifies eligibility for the exemption to include several unique estate planning devices. It provides for future definition of "disabled veteran" (see Section 21 -51 E). Finally it provides for a deadline for filing claims for this exemption in future tax years between January 1 and March 31 of that tax year. For the 2011 calendar tax year the veteran can file forthe exemption up until December 31, 2011; this is a transition provision for the current tax year only. In addition, it allows for a retroactive refund of real estate taxes if application is made within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the rating determination of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. It is our understanding that in some cases, a veteran's application to this federal agency niay take several years to resolve before a final determination and award is made. Staff is recommending that once that determination is made by the federal agency that the veterans would be eligible to apply to a retroactive refund of real estate taxes back to the date of application to the federal agency. (See Section 21 -51 F). That the first reading of this ordinance is scheduled for May 24 and the second reading is scheduled for June 14, 2011. Page 2 of 3 FISCAL IMPACT: Neither the Constitutional amendment nor the legislation adopted by the General Assembly included any net worth or income limitations on the eligibility for this real estate tax exception. There is uncertainty over the number of eligible veterans owning real estate as their principle place of residence in Roanoke County. The Commissioner of the Revenue's office has identified approximately ninety (go) veterans who might be eligible for this exemption; this total may double before the end of the year. Staff has budgeted a fiscal impact of $300,000 for the July 1, 2011 -June 30 2012, fiscal year. However, this legislation became effective January 1, 2011, and we did not have anything included in - the current 201 0 -2011 budget for this credit. Since the first half real estate is due June 5, 2011 , it is estimated that we will need $100,000 to cover the credit for this first half payment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended (1) that the Board favorably consider the adoption of the attached ordinance, and (2) that the Board appropriate the sum of $100,000 from the General Fund Unappropriated Balance for the 2010 -2011 fiscal year. Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 21. TAXATION, ARTICLE Ill. REAL ESTATE TAXES, DIVISION 3. EXEMPTION FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED PERSON TO PROVIDE EXEMPTIONS FOR DISABLED VETERANS WHEREAS, at the November 2010 referendum, the voters in the Commonwealth of Vir approved a Constitutional amendment exemptin from real propert taxation the principal place of residence of an veteran with a one hundred percent (100% service-connected, permanent and total disabilit and WHEREAS, the 2011 session of the Vir General Assembl adopted Sections 58.1-3219.5 and 58.1-3219.6 to implement the provisions of this Constitutional amendment; and WHEREAS, this le fails to address various administrative matters for the local adri-iinistration of this real propert tax exemption; and WHERAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count intends to provide g uidance and direction to the Count emplo in the implementation of this Constitutional amendment b the adoption of this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first readin of this ordinance was held on Ma 24, 2011, and the second readin was held on June 14, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED b the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count as follows: 1. That the Roanoke Count Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Pa 1 of 5 ARTICLE III. REAL ESTATE TAXES DIVISION 3. EXEMPTION FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED PERSONS, DISABLED Sec. 21- - Administration of division. (a) The commissioner of the revenue, with the approval of the board of supervisors, shall develop such rules and regulations, consistent with the provisions of this division, as are determined necessary for the proper administration of this division. {b} This division shall be construed to allow county personnel administering the program provided for herein all authority granted to the county by section 58.1 -3210 of the code of Virginia. (c) T his division shall be construed to allow county pe adrn in ist r r� �l rrar provided for herein all u#horitrted to the county se 58.1 and 58.1-3219.6 of the Code of Virginia. Sec. 21 -2. - Authorized. La) The commissioner of the revenue shall, upon application made and within the limits provided in this division, grant an exemption of the tax on real property occupied as the sole dwelling house of a person holding title or partial title thereto who is not less than sixty -five (65) years of age or totally and permanently disabled. A dwelling unit jointly owned by a husband and wife may qualify, if either spouse is over sixty -five ( years of age or is permanently and totally disabled. ( b) The commissione of the reve nue shall upon app licati on made and within the limits Provided in this division and Section 21- grant an exempt of 100% of the tax , on real Progeny occupied as the sole dwelling house and principal place of re of a disabled Veteran holding title or partial title thereto. A surviving spouse o a veteran eligible for this exemp shall also qualify for the exe o lonaas the death of the veteran occurs on or afte January - ,, 2011 the surviving si2ouse does not remagy and the surviving spouse continues to occu the real p as his or her principal 1place of residence,. Sec. 21 -3.. - General prerequisites to grant. Exemptions provided for in this division shall be granted only if the following conditions are met: (1) That the total combined income, during the immediately preceding calendar year, from all sources, of the owner of the dwelling and his relatives living therein did not exceed fifty six thousand five hundred sixty -six dollars ($56,566.00); provided, however, that the first ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) of income of each relative, other than the spouse of the owner, who is living in the dwelling shall not be included in such total. (2) That the owner and his spouse did not have a total combined net worth, including all equitable interests, exceeding one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) as of December 31 of the immediately preceding calendar year. The amount of net worth specified herein shall not include the value of the sole dwelling house and lip to one (1) acre of land. Page 2of5 (3) Notwithstandin subsection (1) above if a person q ualifies for an exemption and if that person can prove b clear and convincin evidence that his or her ph or mental health has deteriorated to the point that the onl alternative to permanentl residin in a hospital, nursin home, convalescent home or other facilit or ph or mental care is to have a relative move in and provide care for that person, and if a relative does -then move in for -that purpose, then none of the income of the relative or of -the relatives spouse shall be counted towards the income limit, provided the owner of the residence has not transferred assets in excess of ten thousand dollars ($1 0,000.00} without ade consideration within a three- period prior to or after the relative moves into such residence. (4) For disabled veterans,, see Section 21-81. [SECTIONS NOT CHANGED LEFT OUT] Sec. 21-77. - Amount of exemption. (a) The amount of the exemption provided for in this division is that portion of the tax which represents an increase in tax liabilit since the y ear the taxpa reached a sixt ( 65 ) y ears or became disabled or the y ear ordinances authorizin the exemption became effective, whichever is later. The tax exemption for the elderl became effective, for those who reached a sixt (65) on or before December 31, 1974, in 1974. The tax exemption for those who became totall and permanentl disabled on or before December 31, 1977, became effective for the 1977 tax y ear. (b) Disabled veterans are exempt from all real property taxes on the clualif dwellin and land not exceeding one acre. [SECTIONS NOT CHANGED LEFT OUT] Section 21-81. — Prope fax exemption for qualif ' a di sabled veterans. A. The principal place of residence is the place at which a person's habitation is fixed and to which that g erson. when absent, has the intention of returning, (1) A person can have -onl one principal place of residence. (2) If the veteran is confined to a hos nursina home or assisted IJ facili real estate can still be considered the veteran's principle of residence if: (a) It is occupied by the veteran's spouse or min child.. (b) It is not rented or leased to third parties, or (c) The property is unoccupied. B. A g rincipal Dlace of residence includes the following. ( 1 ) The dwelling, the dwelling site, the surroundina land. not exceeding 1 acre and related improvements located on the 1 acre of real estate, such as g arages, carports, stor buildin swimmin ools', tennis courts, and similar non- a facilities. Pa 3 of 5 a (2) The dwellin ma be a single-famil residence, a unit in a amp complex, - a condominium, a unit in a cooperative housin pro or a manufactured home. C. The g rincipal place of residence does not include land on which aaricultural facilities such as barns, piq--pems, corrals bunk houses, farm ggO pment, sheds and other outdoor buildin are located. D. To be eligible for the exem ion: (11 The real estate must be owned and occupied b a disabled veteran or an unremarried sure ivin- spouse. (a). ' he veteran's ownership of the propert can be limited to a fractional, ioint, or life estate interest. If the veteran ownsa multiple dwellin unit Propel, the exempjion will onl be g ranted to the unit occupied b the veteran as his or her p fima residence. b) The veteran's real estate may be owned by a trust, coroorate mrtnership, or other le entity and the veteran will meet the ownersh reciuirement if each of the following items is true: 1) the veteran or spouse, is a maker of the trust or a principal of the corporate partnership or legal entit 2)-the property was transferred solely for estate plannin purposes, and 3) the veteran or spouse would otherwise be the owner of record. (c) Prop held in a g rantor trust, established by the IRS code, b a disabled veteran or the veteran's survivin spouse can also be exempt from the propert tax providinci 'the property meets all other requirements for exemption. The power to revoke the trust, terminate (the trust or an conve of property to the trust), alter or amend the trust itself, or a- pint a new trustee must be present. i. —A "disabled veteran" is an individual who: (1) Has been honorably d ischarged from membership in the armed forces, of the United States or has received a dischar certificate from a branch of the armed forces of the United States for civilian service reco pursuant to federal law as service in the armed forces of the United States; and (2 Has been rated by the United States I ep art e-nt of Veterans Affairs or its successor a pursuant to fed ' eral law to have a, 1,00 percent service- connected, permarient, and total disability, or (3) Has a determination of Individual Unemplo from the Veterans Administration. I (a Individual Unemolo is a--part of VA's disability co rrrp nsation proQram that- allows A to Pay certain veterans compensation at the 100% rate even thous th VA has not rated their service-connected disabilities at the total level, (b) With a determination of Individual Unemployability, a veteran must be unable to maintain substantially ciaintul e as. -a result of his/her service-connected disabilities. Pa 4 of 5 ( 4) "HonorablIv Dischar means dischar from the armed forces oursuant to a dischar other than a dishonorable or bad conduct discharge. F. Clairns for exemption (1) The deadline for fili claims for a disabled veteran's exemption is m te fr% between January 1 and March 31 of the tax y ear for which the exe i n s g uesd- (2) For the 2011 calendar tai y ear claims for exemr)tion ma be filed up to December 311 20 1 for a f ull 100% of the exemption (3) Claims for exemption and refunds of real estate taxes g reviousl y paid ma be retroactive to the effective date of the ratin determination b the United States E Department of Veteran Affairs or its successor a if the claim is filed with the commissioner of the revenue within thirtv (30) �days of the receipt b t ea pIic ant of the ratin determination. 2. That the sum of $100;000 be appropriated from -the General Fund Unappropriated Balance for the 2010-2011 fiscal y ear, in order to cover the credit for the first half of the 2011 real estate tax bill, which is due June 5, 201 Funds needed to cover -the credit in future y ears will be included in the adopted bud ordinance for that y ear. I That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passa Pa 5 of 5 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DA'rE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution adopting the fiscal year 2011 -2012 budget, including the fiscal year 2012 -2010 Capital Improvement Plan, for Roanoke County, Virginia SUBMITTED BY: W. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman II County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a resolution approving the fiscal year 2011 -2012 budget for Roanoke County, Virginia. This resolution is detailed by fund and includes unappropriated balances for the General Government Fund. The School's budget is included in the overall county budget as presented in the attached resolution. The figures presented for adoption have been developed by staff from budget work sessions with the Board of Supervisors. The proposed budget was submitted to the Board and a public hearing on the proposed budget was held on April 26, 2011. Prepared in conjunction with the fiscal year 2011 -2012 budget, the fiscal year 2012 -2010 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is included as part of this resolution. The CIP summary is attached. On April 20, 2011, there was a public hearing to secure citizen comments on the County's fiscal year2012 -2010 CIP. The adoption of this document does not represent an appropriation of funds. The adoption of the budget is being requested to fulfill our legal requirements of adopting and then having a first and second reading of the appropriation ordinance before July 1, 2011, and to allow adequate time for County and School staff to prepare and disburse employment contracts, institute pay changes and other administrative tasks necessary for final budget implementation. Page 1 of 2 Approval of the County budget is for informative and fiscal planning purposes only and does not actually commit or appropriate funds for expenditure. The commitment of funds will not occur, until the second reading and approval of the fiscal year 2011 -2012 appropriation ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the fiscal year 2011 -2012 Budget and fiscal year 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program. Page 2of2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2411 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011 -2012 BUDGET FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 15.2 -2503 of the 1954 Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that the governing body of the County shall prepare and approve an annual budget; and WHEREAS, said budget shall be prepared and approved for informative and fiscal planning purposes only; and WHEREAS, this budget contains a complete itemized and classified plan of all contemplated expenditures and all estimated revenues and borrowings for the ensuing fiscal year; and WHEREAS, a brief synopsis of said budget was published as required by the provisions of Section 15.2 -2505 of the State Code, and the public hearing as required thereon was held on April 25, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: 1. That there is hereby approved - the annual budget for fiscal year 2011 -2012 for Roanoke County, Virginia, as shown on the attached Schedules. 2. That the preparation and approval of this budget is for informative and fiscal planning purposes only. County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2011 -2012 Budget May 24, 2011 Revenue Estimates Amount General Fund General Government General Property Taxes $ 118 Local Sales Tax 9 Telecommunications Tax 4 Business License Tax 5 Bank Franchise Tax 525,000 Utility Consumer Tax 3 Motor Vehicle License Tax 2 Recordation /Conveyance Tax 1,075,000 Meals Tax 3 Hotel /Motel Tax 775,000 Other Local Taxes 711,000 Permits, Fees & Licenses 575,610 Fines and Forfeitures 835,400 Interest Income 269 Charges for Services 3,144,433 Commonwealth 9 Federal 3 Other 1 Total General Government $ 170,995,777 Communications & Information Technology 7 Comprehensive Services 6 Law Library 27,175 Public Works Projects 175 S B & T Building 444 Recreation Fee Class 4 Criminal Justice Academy 202 Police Special Programs 1 County Garage 2 Total General Fund $ 192 Debt Service Fund - County 8 Capital Projects Fund 4,230,635 Internal Service Fund 1 School Operating Fund 131,373,270 School Nutrition Fund 5 School Debt Service Fund 13,654,394 School Grants Fund 5 School Capital Fund 904,000 School Textbook Fund 798,477 School Bus Fund 910,000 School Laptop Insurance Reserve 358 Total Revenues All Funds $ 365,495,774 Less: Transfers ( 107, 855, 516} Total Net of Transfers $ 257,639,25 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2011 -2012 Budget May 24 2011 Proposed Expenditures Amount General Fund General Government General Administration $ 2 Constitutional Officers 13,087,654 Judicial Administration 865 Management Services 3 Public Safety 23 Community Services 11 Human Services 20,007,899 Non - Departmental 11 Transfers to School operating Fund 64 Transfers to School Insurance - Dental 477,299 Transfers to (from) Capital Fund (1,317,385) Transfers to Debt Service Fund 16,937,402 Transfer to Public Works Projects 175,693 Transfer to Comprehensive Services 3,253 Other 1 Total General Government $ 170,995,777 Communications and Information Technology 7 Comprehensive Services 6 Law Library 27 Public Works Projects 175 S B & T Building 444,580 Recreation Fee Class 4 Criminal Justice Academy 202,172 Police Special Programs 1,000 County Garage 2 Total General Fund $ 192,720 Debt Service Fund - County 8,031,694 Capital Projects Fund 4 Internal Service Fund 1 School Operating Fund 131 School Nutrition Fund 5 School Debt Fund 13 School Grants Fund 5 School Capital Fund 904 School Textbook Fund 798 School Bus Fund 91 0 School Laptop Insurance Reserve 358 Total Expenditures All Funds 365 Less: Transfers $ 1 07,856,516) Total Net of Transfers $ 257,639,258 In addition to the above revenues and expenditures, $2,000,000 from the Unappropriated Balance is appropriated to a Reserve for Contingency for unanticipated or emergency expenditures; and funds allocated to the Unappropriated Fund Balance must be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors before such funds may be expended. County of Roanoke FY2012 -2016 Capital Improvement Program Summary of Funded Projects Department 1 Project Name Prior Year(s) Funding 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 2015 -2016 TOTAL FY12 -16 Total Project Community Development: VDQT Revenue sharing $9,746,000 $100,000 (1 ) $500,000 (1) $500,000 (1) $500,000 (1) $500,000 (1) $2,100,000 $11,846,000 Library: Glenvar Library $500,000 $3,500,000 (2) $2,000,000 (2) $5,500,000 $6,000,000 Project To Be Identified: Project To Be Identified $10,000,000 3 $%000, $10,000,000 Total Fended C1P Projects FY2012 -2016 $10,246,000 $3,600,000 $2, 500, 000 $10, 500, 000 $500, 000 $500, 000 $17, 600, 000 $27,84 000 TOTAL 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 2015 -2016 FY12 -16 Summary of Funding Sources (1) General Operating Fund (2) Previously Appropriated Funds (3) Future Bond Sale $100,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $2100,000 $3,500,000 $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,500,000 $0 $0 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $10 = 000,000 Total FY12 -16 C1P Fending $3,600,000 $2,500,000 $10,500,000 $500,000 $500,000 $17,600,000 County of Roanoke FY2012 -2016 Capital Improvement Program Summary of Unfunded (Deferred) Projects Department 1 Project Name Total Project Cost Beyond FY12 -16 CIP Communications and Information Technology Disaster Recovery Site Upgrades Email Archiving, Retention and Recovery Email System Upgrade /Replacement MCC 7500 Radio Console Replacement $300,000 138 520,000 1,917,250 Emergency 911 Phone System Replacement 1 Communications and Information Technology Subtotal $4,559 Community Development Plantation Road Streetscape Improvements Excavator $2,500,000 130,000 Community Development Subtotal Economic Development Center for Research and Technology Vinton Business Center $2,630,000 $4,004,000 77 5,000 Economic Development Subtotal Fire and Rescue New Oak Grove Station Masons Cove Bunk Room Addition $4,775,000 $8,085,000 500,000 New Hanging Rock Station 8,323,500 Station Generator Program 928,200 MDT Computer System 212750 Station Renovations 472,500 Station Fuel Control System 155,000 Fire and Rescue Subtotal $18 General Services Replacement of three underground fuel storage tanks Construction of new Public Service Center $150,000 12,000,000 General Services Subtotal $12 Library Mt. Pleasant Branch Library Replacement $3 Vinton Branch Library Expansion 5 Library Subtotal $9 Parks and Recreation Sports Lighting Replacement: Walrond Park Ballfields $330,000 Greenways & Trails: Back Creek Greenway Segment in Starkey Park 297,000 Greenways & Trails: Green Hill Park Loop Trail Connector to RR Greenway 264,000 County of Roanoke FY2012 -2016 Capital Improvement Program Summary of Unfunded (Deferred) Projects Department /Project Name Total Project Cost Beyond FY12 -16 CIP Greenways &Trails: Glade Creek Greenway Segment in Vinyard Park 396,000 Greenways &Trails: Walrond Park Perimeter Loop Trail 264 Greenways &Trails: Roanoke River Greenway East, Phase I 530,000 Sports Lighting Replacement: Arnold Burton Softball Complex 250,000 Sports Lighting Replacement: Darrell Shell Park Ballfields 250,000 Green Hill Park: Sports Complex, Amphitheater and Picnic Facility, Phase I 500,000 Camp Roanoke: Renovation to Residential Camp and Retreat Center Standards 267,500 Whispering Pines Park: New Soccer Field, Parking Lot &Picnic Shelter 435,000 Land for Passive Recreation: Phase I 500,000 Walrond Park 300,000 Arnold Burton Softball Complex 300,000 Starkey Park: Soccer Field Lighting and Parking Lot Paving 150,000 Brambleton Center: Renovation to Community Recreation Center Standards 500 Hollins Park 375 Vinyard Park: Greenway Bridge and Playground /Passive Recreation Improvements 545,666 Spring Hallow Reservoir Park: Develop as a Major Regional Park & Tourist Attraction, Phase I Engineering D 962,566 Greenways & Trails: Roanoke River Greenway West, Phase 1 456 Greenways & Trails: Tinker Creek Greenway, Phase 1 450 Parks and Recreation Subtotal $8 Police Criminal Justice Training Academy South County Precinct $2,800,000 416,666 Bomb Disposal Unit 176 Police Subtotal $3 Real Estate Valuation Digital Image Capture $176,666 Real Estate Valuation Subtotal $174 Social Services Office Space and Parking Expansion $6 Social Services Subtotal $8 Grand Total $70 144 170 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2911 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance appropriating the funds for the fiscal year 2011- 2012 budget. SUBMITTED BY: W. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The fiscal year (FY) 2011 -2012 budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors on April 12 2011. A budget public hearing was held on April 25, 2011, to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed budget and FY 2012 -2010 Capital Improvements Program. Attached for your approval is the Budget Appropriation Ordinance for FY 2011 -2012. The total County budget is $355,495,774. This includes all inter -fund and intra -fund transfers. The budget net of transfers is $257,539,258. There is one change to the second reading of the appropriation ordinance that was not included in the first reading of the appropriation ordinance. when the Board of Supervisors elected to have VRS Plan 2 employees pay their five percent (5 %) Virginia Retirement system (VRS) retirement contribution, the Board also approved a salary supplement of five percent (5 %) of annual salary for these employees for a two (2) year period, which will be paid in quarterly increments beginning in July 2011. Paul Mahoney, County Attorney, has indicated that an employee salary supplement must be approved by ordinance. By including this item (item #9) in the appropriation ordinance, this requirement is satisfied. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The format of the appropriation ordinance conforms to the reporting basis used at year -end in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This presentation allows the same level of Page 1 of 2 budget comparison as is required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for financial reporting purposes. This format will also consistently apply the appropriation on a fund basis for County Funds as has been used to appropriate School funds in the past. Staff recommends approval of the second reading of the 2011 -2012 fiscal year budget appropriation ordinance. Staff also recommends approval of the attached Classification Plan for fiscal year 2011-2012. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD of SUPERVISORS of ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 2011-2012 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, a public hearing was held on April 26, 2011, concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2011 -2012; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 24, 2011, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County Charter and Chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 10, 2011, and - the second reading of this ordinance was held on May 24, 2011, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, for the functions and purposes indicated: County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2011 -2012 Budget May 24, 2011 Revenues: General Fund: General Government Communications & Information Technology Comprehensive Services Law Library Public Works Projects SB &T- Social Services Building Recreation Fee Class Police Special Programs Criminal Justic Academy County Garage Total General Fund S 170 7,561,883 6,627,799 27,175 175,693 444,580 4,442,000 1 202,172 2,242 $ 192 Debt Service Fund - County $ 8 Capital Projects Fund $ 4 Internal Service Fund - Risk Management $ 1 School Funds: Operating $ 131 Nutrition 5 Capital 904 Debt 13,654,394 Bus 910 Laptop Insurance Reserve 358,6+0 Grant 5,508,401 Textbook 798,477 Total School Fund $ 159,211,142 Total All Funds $ 365 Expenditures: General Government: General Administration Board of Supervisors $ 291 County Administrator 282 Public Information 182 Asst. Co. Administrators 351 Human Resources 71 0,140 County Attorney 5469940 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2011 -2012 Budget May 24, 2011 Economic Development 535 Total General Administration $ 2 Constitutional Officers Treasurer $ 761 Commonwealth Attorney 1 Commissioner of the Revenue 775 Clerk of the Circuit Court 1,028,559 Sheriff s Office 9 Total Constitutional Officers $ 13,087,654 Judicial Administration Circuit Court $ 237,972 General District Court 69 Magistrate 1 J & DR Court 21 Court Service Unit 535 Total Judicial Administration $ 565 Management Services Real Estate Assessments $ 513 Finance 1 Public Transportation 525,000 Management and Budget 275,912 Procurement Services 393,649 Total Management Services $ 3 Public Safety Police $ 10 Fire and Rescue 13 Total Public Safety $ 23 Community Services General Services $ 4 Community Development 4 Building Maintenance 1 Total Community Services $ 11,076,112 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2011 -2012 Budget May 24, 2011 Human Services Grounds Maintenance $ 2 Parks and Recreation 2 Public Health 369,098 Social Services 10 Contributions -Human Service, Cultural, Tourism, Dues 1 Library 3 VA Cooperative Extension 84 Elections 318 Total Human Services $ 20 Non - Departmental Employee Benefits $ 2 Miscellaneous 1 Internal Service Charges 6 Total Non- Departmental $ 11 Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt - General & Schools $ 16 Transfer to (from) Capital (1,317,3 85) Transfer to Schools 64 Transfer to Schools - Dental Insurance 477 Transfer to Public Works Projects 175 Transfer to Internal Services 933 Transfer to Comprehensive Services 3 Total Transfers to Other Funds $ 84,466 Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency $ 100 Total General Government $ 170 Communications & Information Technology $ 7 Comprehensive Services $ 6 Law Library $ 27 Public Works Projects $ 175 SB &T- Social Services Building $ 4449580 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2011 -2012 Budget May 24, 2011 Recreation Fee Class Police Special Programs Criminal Justice Academy County Garage Total General Fund $ 40. 442,000 $ 1,000 $ 202,172 $ 2 $ 192 Debt Service Fund - County $ 8 Capital Projects Fund $ 4 Internal Services Fund - Risk Management $ 1 School Funds: Operating Nutrition Capital Debt Bus Laptop Insurance Reserve Grant Text Book Total School Funds Total All Funds $ 131,373,270 5,704,000 904,000 13,654,394 910,000 358,600 5,508,401 798,477 $ 159,2 1 1,142 $ 36594959774 2. That the County Administrator may authorize or delegate the authorization of the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one department to another. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 2011, are re- appropriated to the 2011 -2012 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until - the completion of - the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 2011, and appropriations in the 2011- 2012 budget. 5. That all school fund appropriations remaining at the end of the 2010 -2011 fiscal year not lapse but shall be appropriated to the School Capital Fund in fiscal year 2011 -2012 as follows: a.) Two - thirds (2/3) of the year -end balance in the school operating fund will be allocated to the Major School Capital Reserve; b.) One -third (1/3) of the year -end balance in the school operating fund, will be allocated to the Minor School Capital Reserve; 5. That all General Fund unexpended appropriations at the end of the 2010- 2011 fiscal year not lapse but shall be re- appropriated, as provided by Resolution 122104-4, as follows: a) Forty percent (40 %) of these unexpended appropriations shall be transferred to the un- appropriated Minor County Capital Fund Reserve; b) Sixty percent (60 %) of these unexpended appropriations shall be re- appropriated to the same department for expenditure in fiscal year 2011 -2012. 7. That all General Fund revenues collected in excess of appropriated revenues shall be re- appropriated, as provided by Resolution 122104 -5, as follows: a.) Revenues in excess of budget will first be allocated to the General Fund Un- appropriated Balance, until the maximum amount for the current year is met, as specified in the General Fund Un- appropriated Balance Policy, as adopted by Resolution 122104 -2; b.) The remainder of revenues in excess of budget will then be allocated to the Major County Capital Fund Reserve 8. Rescue fees collected by the Fire and Rescue Department in excess of budgeted amounts will be re- appropriated and allocated to the Fire and Rescue Capital Reserve. 9. That all Virginia Retirement System (VRS) Plan 2 employees that were hired by Roanoke County prior to May 10, 2011, will receive up to four (4) payments of a supplement to minimize the financial impact on these employees of paying their member contribution for the Virginia Retirement System. Each payment is based on two point seven seven five percent (2.775 %) of their base salary. These payments will be made in July 2011, January 2012, July 2012 and January 2013. The employee must still be employed by Roanoke County at the time of the payment to receive the supplement. The intent of this supplement is to minimize the financial impact on these employees of paying their member contribution for the Virginia Retirement System for a two year period. These employees must now pay the five percent (5 %) employee portion of the VRS contribution, but were hired by Roanoke County before this change went into effect. Funds needed to pay the supplement for the two (2) year period will be set aside from the VRS savings resulting from the change to the Plan 2 funding recognized in the 2011 -2012 fiscal year. 10. That two million dollars ($2,000,000) from the Unappropriated Fund Balance is hereby appropriated to a Reserve for Contingency for unanticipated or emergency expenditures that may arise during the 2011 -2012 fiscal year; and money allocated to the Reserve for Contingency must be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors before such money may be expended. 11. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 2011. a� 0 0 w 0 0 U c� a a 0 c� V CQ CQ m cq O cq 0 [d CL N i7 U Q a ) co E Q a --A 0] E cu 0] 0] n n v -r-o� LO LO ��� ����� Q] Q] M M M M r- r- r- r- N r- r- r- r- 0 Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca CN CN CN CN N N t^ cD (D aD N N C) M 0 0 0 M M rr 11 CO C CO CO M M CO CO C � LO LO LO LO (d (D - Cd Cd M C7 C7 Cf) Mt Mt Mt Mt qT qT Mt Mt Mt Mt qT qT qT Mt 't 't 't 't 't 't qT OD C6 06 C6 00000o OD OD CO OD OD aD o000000o a Ca rarao a cr) Cf) cr) cr) cr) co co Cf) co co co co co co C') cr) M cr) cr) M cr) u LO c Daaoc OD ODCODG7G7Q7G7Q7 Dc Dcacoco cDrnamamamooasaso00oasooa30oa3mt NNNNNNNNNN rr r rCOMM mt mt COCOCO M COCOCOCOCOCOCO MMM CO C7MMNNNN r- 2 c 0 0 N mt mt mt mt mt t n r- r- r- c cD cD (D r- m N N U CD CD co CD co CD N N N N N N N r- r- r- r- N N N N rn a G7 Q7 rn a rn a rn ai N N N N N N N N N N a a a a CO CO CO C?) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N CO C?) C?) CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO C7 M C') M C?) C?) 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ITEM NO. H -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA rrEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 24, 2011 Ordinance authorizing the granting of a fifteen foot utility easement to Appalachian Power (AEP) on property owned by 'the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map No. 097.05 -01- 26.00) for the purpose of an underground electric power line to the new South County Library facility, Cave Spring Magisterial District Joseph B. Obenshain Senior Assistant County Attorney B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINIS"rRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Appalachian Power is requesting that Roanoke County grant them a fifteen (15') foot utility easement from an existing overhead line for purposes of an underground electric service to the new South County Library facility. A drawing entitled "Proposed Right of Way on Property of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors" plan prepared by AEP, dated April 26, 2011, indicating the proposed location of an underground electric line is attached. Staff has met with officials of AEP on site and has determined the location of the easement will have a minimal amount of impact on County -owned property. FISCAL IMPACT: No funding from Roanoke County will be required for this request. Page 1 of 2 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the granting of a fifteen (115') foot utility easement to Appalachian Power for the purpose of an underground electric line to the new South County Library facility. 2. Decline to authorize the requested easement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative 1. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, MAY 24 2011 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE GRANTING OF A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT TO APPALACHIAN POWER ON PROPERTY OWNED BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (TAX MAP NO, 097.05-01-26.00) FOR THE PURPOSE OF AN UNDERGROUND ELECTIRC POWER LINE TO THE NEW SOUTH COUNTY LIBRARY, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, Appalachian Power Company (AEP) requires a permanent utility easement for purpose of providing electrical service to the new South County Library from an existing overhead electric line; and WHEREAS, granting this utility easement for an underground electric line is necessary for - the operation of the new South County Library; and WHEREAS, the proposed utility easement to the South County Library will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on May 10, 2011, and a second reading and public hearing was held on May 24, 2011 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16-01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to Appalachian Power Company for a utility easement. 3. That donation to Appalachian Power Company of a utility easement for purpose of an underground electric line, as shown on a plat titled "Proposed Right of Way on Property of Roanoke county Board of Supervisors ", prepared by Appalachian Power Company and dated April 26, 2011, is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is Page 1 of 2 hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. �. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 Map No. 3780 - 348 -C4 W. O. No. W002 167101 Prop No. 1 Job No. 11- 100028 THIS AGREEMENT, made this 26th day of Aril , 2011, by and between the BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, herein called "Grantors," and APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY, a Virginia corporation, herein called "Appalachian." WITNESSETH: THAT for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), cash in hand paid to Grantors by Appalachian, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Grantors hereby grant and convey to Appalachian, its successors and assigns, a " non —exclusive " right of way and easement with the right, privilege and authority to Appalachian, its successors and assigns to construct, erect, install, operate, maintain, renew and remove a line or lines, for the purpose of transmitting electric power underground, including electric service lines and extensions there from, in, on, along, over, through, across and under the lands of the Grantors identified as Tax Parcel 097.05 -01 - 26.00 -0000, situated in The Cave Spring Magisterial District, County of Roanoke, State of Virginia. Being a right of way and easement to provide electrical service to the Roanoke County Library at 5690 Merriman Road SW. Said right of way and easement depicted as a Proposed Underground Electric Line on Appalachian Power Company drawing No. V -2138, dated 412612011, entitled, "Proposed Right of Way on Property of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors" attached hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER with the right to Appalachian, its successors and assigns, to construct, erect, install, place, operate, maintain, inspect, repair, renew, add to the number of, and relocate at will, underground conduits, ducts, vaults, cables, wires, transformers, pedestals, risers, pads, fixtures THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND UPON RECORDATION RETURN TO APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY, P.O. BOX 2021, ROANOKE VIRGINIA 24022 -2121 and appurtenances (hereinafter called "Appalachian Facilities "), in, on, along, through, across and under the above referred to premises; the right to cut, trim and/or otherwise control any trees overhanging branches, shrubs, roots, brush, undergrowth, or other obstructions which may interfere with or endanger the safety or use of, Appalachian's Facilities; the right to disturb the surface of said premises and to excavate thereon; and the right of ingress and egress to and over said above referred to premises, for the purposes of exercising and enjoying the rights herein granted, and for doing anything necessary or useful or convenient in connection therewith; also the privilege of removing at any time any or all of said improvements erected or installed in, on, along, through, or across and under the above referred to premises as may be required by Appalachian for the full enjoyment or relinquishment of the rights herein granted. Appalachian agrees to restore and repair any damage to Grantor's property that may be caused by the construction, operation, or maintenance of said easement. The Grantor agrees that Appalachian will not be expected to restore the property to the identical original condition, but rather as near thereto as is practicable, and that the Grantor will cooperate with Appalachian in effectuating such restoration. APPALACHIAN will indemnify and save the Grantor harmless against any and all loss or damage, accidents, or injuries, to persons or property, whether of the Grantor or of any other persons or corporations arising in the manner from the negligence of Appalachian in the construction, operation, or maintenance, or failure to properly construct, operate, or maintain its facilities installed upon the right of way granted by this agreement. B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia joins in the execution of this instrument to signify the conveyance by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, of the real estate conveyed herein pursuant to Ordinance No. , adopted by the said Board of Supervisors on the day of , 2011. 2 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Appalachian Power Company, its successors and assigns. It is agreed that this foregoing is the entire contract between the parties hereto, and that this written agreement is complete in all its terms and provisions. NOTICE TO LANDOWNER: You are conveying rights to a public service corporation. A public service corporation may have the right to obtain some or all of these rights through exercise of eminent domain. To the extent that any of the rights being conveyed are not subject to eminent domain, you have the right to choose not to convey those rights and you could not be compelled to do so. You have the right to negotiate compensation for any rights that you are voluntarily conveying. WITNESS the following signatures and seals. BOARD of SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA am B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia STATE OF VIRGINIA ) TO -WIT: COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2011 by B. Clayton Goodman, III, County Administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia. NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: 3 0' 100' POLE 3780034BC46226 Fk, 0y l iN ROANOKE COUNTY, VA 7.D, 665000 APPALACHIAN POWER COpPANY CIS SERVICES ROANdfE, VIRGINIA PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ON PROPERTY OF ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS olmo ." R V III o. 4/2 "A" CPH AS SHOWN DRA NQ. V�2138 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1.1 -5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DA'rE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) The three -year term of Eldon Karr, Windsor Hills Magisterial District, will expire on June 30, 2011. 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) The following one -year terms expired on August 31, 2010: a) Brian Hooker representing the Catawba Magisterial District (not eligible for reappointment as maximum number of terms served) b) Wes Thompson representing the Windsor Hills Magisterial District (resigned due to health) 3. Clean Valley Council The following two -year terms will expire on June 30, 2011: a) Adam Cohen, the County appointee b) Stephen McTigue, the Board Liaison Page 1 of 2 4. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory commission (appointed by District) The following three -year terms will expire on June 30, 2011: a) Beth Doughty, Cave Spring Magisterial District b) Robert T. Schell, Windsor Hills Magisterial District c) Jerry Williams, At -Large 5. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RC CLEAR) (appointed by District) Ruth Deibler, who represented the Vinton Magisterial District, has moved from the area and is no longer serving on RCCLEAR. Page 2 of 2 i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 24, 2011 designated as Item J Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 4 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes — April 26, 2011 2. Request to appropriate $14,086.32 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the State for fiscal year 2010 -2011 3. Request to renew the Fiscal Agent Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority 4, Request to execute a Memorandum of Agreement for participation in the Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNT'S ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Request to appropriate $14,088.32 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the State for fiscal year 2010 -20 SUBMITTED BY: W. Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman II . �� Tjr_ County Adm COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Technology Trust Funds, representing fees collected by the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's office, have been received from the State in the amount of $14,088.32. "these funds have been earmarked for the purpose of purchasing software, hardware, maintenance and related upgrades to the indexing software utilized by the Courts. "these funds need to be appropriated to the Clerk of Circuit Court so that the necessary computers and equipment can be purchased. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact -one hundred percent (100 %) state funds STAFF RECOMMENDA'rION: Staff recommends appropriating $14,088.32 to the Clerk of Circuit Court for fiscal year 201 0 -2011. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J -3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROAIVOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Request to renew the Fiscal Agent Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman II County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County of Roanoke currently serves as fiscal agent for the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority (WVRJA). The Authority currently has a contract with the County of Roanoke to provide fiscal agent services for $8,333.34 a month, or $100,000 annually. This arrangement will continue through June 30, 2011. As fiscal agent, below is a list of the fiscal agent responsibilities - the Finance Department performs for the WVRJA: Accounting • Prepare all audit entries and coordinate with the auditors • Prepare Annual Financial Report • Management of cash and investments • Bank and account reconciliations • Miscellaneous journal and budget entries, as needed • Fixed Assets • Preparation of health insurance billings and posting of related entries • Reconcile debt trustee bank accounts (four (4) accounts for WVRJA) Page 1 of 7 Accounting Continued • Initiation of escrow payments for debt service • Review of monthly reports for the WVRJA Accounts Payable • Review reports for check run • Print and distribute checks • Prepare and distribute manual checks, as needed Payroll • Set up and maintain benefits in the Lawson payroll system • Create time sheet forms • Set up and maintain employee benefits • Set up and maintain miscellaneous employee deductions • Process time sheets and enter data into payroll systems • Process bi- weekly payroll • Perform balancing procedures each pay day to verify accuracy • Report and pay federal and state withheld taxes each payday • 941 federal and state quarterly tax reporting • W2 tax reports • Annual state tax report • Process quarterly Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) reports and make payments • Monthly Virginia Retirement System (VRS) reporting • State new hire reporting • Process tax liens, child support orders, garnishments, etc. • Perform monthly retirement and life insurance report and payments • Implement rate changes for health, dental, long -term disability, life insurance, and VRS benefits • Process employee terminations such as leave payouts, stop benefits, deductions, etc. • Employee wage verifications • Reconcile insurance billings and make payments • Process tax payments on a bi- weekly basis Purchasing • Issue the request for quotation to vendors, receive quotations back from vendors, negotiate the contract with the vendor, make the award to the vendor, and issue the purchase order or contract • Prepare bids and requests for proposals for all purchases over $50,000 for purchases or services, and all purchases over $30,000 for professional services. Page 2of7 Purchasing continued • Prepare the bid or RFP including the provision of assistance with development of specifications, place advertisement in the newspaper, send notice of bid or RFP to registered vendors, receive the bids or RFP's, negotiate contract, make the award, issue the purchase order or contract, track costs for advertisements and ensure that they are charged to the WVRJA. • Monitor contracts for renewals, price increases and performance issues • Work with departments and vendors to resolve any pricing or performance concerns • Provide current contract information regarding which contracts are available for use by the WVRJA • Audit contracts for compliance • Provide weekly courier service for the WVRJA The attached fiscal agent agreement renews the contract with an increase of the cost to $103,000 annually, or $8,583.34 per month, beginning July 1, 2011. This increased cost reflects the increasing costs for the work performed and the system utilization. FISCAL IMPACT: The Authority will pay - the County of Roanoke $103,000 annually ($8,583.34 a month) to provide fiscal agent services. This cost was included in the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority's approved 2011 -12 fiscal year budget. This arrangement will continue through June 30, 2014. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached Fiscal Agent Agreement with the Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority, in substantially the format submitted, and authorizing the County Administrator to sign the agreement. Page 3 of 7 Fiscal Agent Agreement Between The County of Roanoke, And The Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority This agreement is made the day of May, 2011 by and between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county ( "County "), a political subdivision and county of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and The Western Virginia Jail Authority ( "Authority "), a regional jail authority, created pursuant to Section 53.1 -95.2 of the Code of Virginia. RECITALS 1. The Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority was created by an agreement dated June 24, 2005 between the county of Franklin, Virginia; the county of Montgomery, Virginia; the county of Roanoke, Virginia, and the City of Salem, Virginia. The Authority has all the powers granted a jail authority by law and by the provisions of Articles 3, 3.1 Title 53.1 of the code of Virginia ( 1950), as amended. 2. The Western Virginia Regional Jail Authority adopted By -Laws effective August 4, 2005. Article VII, Section 2 of these By -Laws allows the Authority to designate a fiscal agent and enter into a contract with such agent for this purpose. AGREEMENT The County is hereby authorized to serve as Fiscal Agent for The Authority. As such, The Authority and the County agree to the provisions outlined below: 1. Maintenance of Books. The County will establish a separate fund(s) on the County financial system to maintain the financial records of the Authority. 2. Pooled cash. As part of - the overall pooled cash concept that is used by the County, the cash of the Authority will be pooled with the cash of the county and other agencies that the county serves as fiscal agent. As such, the Treasurer of the county is authorized to make investments for the pooled cash. 3. Negative cash. As a participant in the pooled cash concept of the county, the Authority may have a negative cash balance from time to time. The Authority agrees to minimize the negative cash to the extent possible. The cash balance must be positive at the end of the fiscal year. Page 4 of 7 4. Interest Income. At the end of each month, the County allocates interest income earned during that month to all of the funds based upon the percentage participation on the pooled cash. If cash is negative at the end of a month, as described in paragraph 3, then negative interest will be allocated to the fund. 5. Loss on Investments. In the unlikely event that the County pooled cash has a loss on an investment through default, market decline, or other reason, the Authority will share in the loss using the methodology described in paragraph 4. 6. Revenues. All revenues of the Authority, except for inmate funds, will be deposited with the County Treasurer. 7. Payment of Vendors. The County will make vendor payments for the Authority. These payments will be made in a manner consistent with County procedures. These payments will be combined into the normal County vendor payment process, and as such the check stock used will be - the County of Roanoke, and will be signed electronically with - the signatures that appear on County checks. Reference to the Authority may be made on the description line of the check. 8. Payment of Payroll. The County will process the payroll for the Authority. These payments will be made in a manner consistent with County procedures, follow the County payroll cycle, and be a separate payroll process. 9. Processing of Payroll Taxes. The County will file all payroll taxes for the Authority. 10. Procurement. The County will assist the Authority with Procurement activities as requested by the Authority. 11. Risk Management. The County is available for consulting on insurance coverage as requested by the Authority. 12. Financial Reports. The County will work with the Authority staff and Board to provide meaningful financial reports on a convenient schedule. This will include financial reports to the Authority Board meeting. 13. systems. The County will provide the access of the County's Financial System and Human Resource /Payroll System. 14. Audit. The County will procure an audit firm for the Authority audit as part of the overall procurement process for the County audit. The firm selected may or may not be the same firm that is selected to do the County audit. The County will work with the auditors selected to prepare the audit of the Authority. The Authority will maintain overall responsibility for the integrity of the financial records. The Authority will be charged for the cost of the audit. Page 5 of 7 15. Errors and Omissions. It is the responsibility of the Authority to make sure that all financial information is correct, accurate, and complete. 15. Ownership. All funds and obligations of the Authority are - the property and responsibility of - the Authority. Upon termination of this Agreement, all funds and obligations will be remitted to the Authority, or its new fiscal agent. 17. Cost. The fiscal agent services outlined above will be provided the Authority for a fee of $8,583.34 a month ($103,000 annually). The Authority will transfer funds from the Authority funds to the County funds by journal entry to pay for this service. 18. Term. This agreement shall begin on July 1, 2311 and shall terminate on June 33, 2314. Further, either the County or the Authority may terminate the Agreement at any time with one year written notice to the other. Page 6 of 7 In witness whereof, the parties have caused this Fiscal Agent Agreement to be executed by their authorized officers. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of ROANOKE COUNTY Its: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Its: COUNTY ATTORNEY WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL JAIL AUTHORITY Its: CHAIRMAN Its: LEGAL COUNSEL Page 7 of 7 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J -4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Request to execute a Memorandum of Agreement for participation in the Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator'�C COUNTY ADMINIs'rRATOWS COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Valley- Alleghany Regional Commission (RVARC) is one of forty five (45) organizations out of 225 applications to be awarded a portion of a $100 million Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The RVARC is receiving $625,000 dollars to fund athree -year comprehensive economic, environmental and housing plan for the region. The purpose of 'this Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is to provide a mutual understanding of the membership, structure, decision- making and goals of the Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium (the Consortium). The RVARC is the grantee for the funds from the HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant. On July 27, 2010, the Board of Supervisors authorized Roanoke County's participation in the Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant. A subsequent letter of support was sent from - the County Administrator to RVARC on August 5, 2010, for inclus in the grant application. Page 1 of 2 If the Memorandum of Agreement is executed, a member of the Board of Supervisors would be appointed to the Steering Committee along with an alternate member. A staff member would also be appointed to serve on the Technical Committee. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact as the match requirement can be satisfied by naming a staff person in the Department of Community Development to be Roanoke County's designee in the planning process. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Authorize the County Administrator to execute the Memorandum of Agreement to allow Roanoke County's participation in the Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium. 2. Take no action at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative one. Page 2 of 2 Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium Who We Are The Roanoke Valley Region has come together for the first time to develop a truly comprehensive plan for its long term livability: Sustainable Roanoke Valley, with the following goal. "Create a livable Roanoke Valley by promoting economic vitality, environmental quality, and equal opportunity." The localities within the Roanoke Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA -see map below) are forming a Sustainability Consortium that will guide a three -year process to support the economic, social, and environmental well -being of the Roanoke Valley. Members of the Sustainability Consortium include the following local governments and other regional organizations: • Boteto u rt County • Craig County • Franklin County • Roanoke County • City of Roanoke • City of Salem • Council of Community Services • Roanoke Valley - Alleghany Regional Commission • Roanoke Valley Area MPO The unique characteristics of the Roanoke Valley also present challenges for planning and coordination on a regional basis. The region's physical geography creates a strong delineation between its urban and rural areas and contributes to multiple environmental and policy challenges. The urban core lies within a valley that has a high- density of population, whereas its rural neighbors largely reside outside the surrounding mountains in low- density communities. These and many other elements combine to produce a mismatch of transportation options, economic opportunity, affordable housing, and environmental quality. Further complicating the situation, the Roanoke Valley has a high concentration of local governments in a small geography, which creates challenges that can be difficult to address in a coordinated approach. What We Want to Accomplish To address these issues the Consortium endeavors to undertake a coordinated, regional planning process to ensure the long term economic, social, and environmental well -being of the Roanoke Valley. Central to the process will be identifying how local governments, businesses, and nonprofits can bring Roanoke Metropolitan Statistical Area • VA Department of Transportation • Virginia Western Community College • Western VA Water Authority Our Region's Strengths and Needs The Roanoke Valley has unique assets that have served it well for centuries. The region has a pleasant four - season climate, a low cost of living, and is centrally located on the East Coast, approximately 240 miles southwest of Washington, DC and 200 miles north of Charlotte, NC. The Roanoke Valley is also known for its outdoor amenities, such as the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Appalachian Trail, the Jefferson and Washington National Forests, and Smith Mountain Lake. 1 together their separate efforts to address issues of mutual concern. The plan will identify opportunities that these entities have to become eligible for funding from the three federal agencies participating in the Partnership for Sustainable Communities ( EPA, HUD, & USDOT). It will also include an evaluation of current barriers that may exist due to conflicting federal statutes or uncoordinated program directives. The development of the plan will follow a five phase planning process that will emphasize scenario planning and involvement of traditionally underrepresented populations. Below is a summary of the phases: Phase 1. Identify the strengths and needs of the Roanoke Valley in the areas of housing, transportation, land use, energy and environment, economic and workforce development, health and education, and underserved populations. Phase 2. Build upon the information gathered in Phase I, as well as input from stakeholder groups and the public, to develop a vision of how the Roanoke Valley can sustain its livability. Phase 3. Develop multiple scenarios to assess how future changes could impact the sustainability of the Roanoke Valley. Phase 4. Integrate the visioning, data, and scenarios developed to formulate recommendations to meet the sustainability goals of the region. Phase 5. Create mechanisms to ensure the successful implementation of the plan. 5. hi plena ent I IdentIN &. Track tr a�;tl�s &. Pro' [Jeeds Sustainable 4. Recommend Roanoke Valley 2 "State Ac tk -olls & Vision, Projects Principles, & Goals I Develop stistainability Fr - AIII e%:'!()rl. Five Phase Planning Process Stakeholder and public involvement will be conducted throughout the process. Close to 50 organizations will have membership on a Consortium Stakeholder Committee and will represent the following sectors: • Housing • Transportation • Underserved Populations • Land Use • Energy and Environment • Economic & Workforce Development • Health & Education Products The products of Sustainable Roanoke Valley will include the following: Vision, Principles, & Goals. A clear vision of how the Roanoke Valley can sustain its economic, social, and environmental well- being. Principles to guide measurable action steps to implement the plan. Mapping & Scenario Modeling. Mapping of the region's green and gray infrastructure. Modeling of future policy and land development scenarios and their affect on the region's prosperity and livability. Strategic Initiatives, Policies, & Programs. Recommend strategic initiatives that are ready for immediate action, as well as policy guidelines and programs for implementation by federal, state, or local governments, the private sector, or other organizations. Sustainability Indicators. An inventory of data that will assess the region's current conditions and roadmap for measuring progress towards its goals. Sustainability Framework. A framework to be used as a voluntary, practical guide for Consortium members and other stakeholders in their planning or program development processes. Funding Report. Report identifying the current federal and state funding in the region that could be leveraged achieves plan goals. N MemorandUxMof A Roanoke Valley SustmKnmziUity Consortium Section 1. Purpose The purpose of this Memorandum of Agreement ("MOA")is to provide a mutual understanding of the membership, structure, decision-ma king, and goals of the Roanoke Valley Sustainabi|ity Consortium (""the Consortium"). The Consortium is being formed in order to complete a regional sustainabi|ity plan that is being funded by a $625/000 Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUQ"). Section 11. Introduction The Consortium is a broad-based coalition that is committed to developing aregional sustainaW|by plan ("the p0an") to promote opportunity and livability,, and support the economic social, and environmental well-being of the Roanoke Valley. The Consortium will guide a five-phase planning process that will emphasize broad stakeholder involvement and the inclusion of traditionally underserved or underrepresented populations. These may include groups of individuals who are of an immigrant population (especially non-English or limited English proficiency), live in a rural area, are homeless, have disabilities, racial or ethnic minorities, youth, and faith-based communities. The entire planning process will take approximately three~yearstm complete and have significant overlap among the timing of the various phases. Phase 1 will identify the strengths and needs of the Roanoke Valley in the areas of housing transportation, land' use, energy and environment, economic and workforce development, health and education, and underaerved populations. Phase 2wiU build upon the information gathered in Phase 1, as well as input from stakeholder groups and the public, to develop a vision of how the Roanoke Valley can sustain its livability. Phase 3 focuses on developing multiple scenarios to assess how future changes could impact the sustainabiUty of the Roanoke Valley. Phase 4 will integrate the visioning, data, and scenarios developed to formulate recommendations to meet the sustainabi|itV goals of the region. Phase S will create mechanisms to ensure the successful implementation of the plan. The phases will start on February 15,2O1l and end in February 14,2O14. The Roanoke Valle Regional Commission is the grantee for the funds from the HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant (see contract - Attachment A). The Council of Community Services (°CCS")isa sub-recipient of the HUOfunding and will provide services as described in a separate sub-recipient a Section III. Structure The Roanoke Valley Sustainability Consortium will have different organizational levels that will have distinct roles in developing the plan and engaging all segments of the regional community ,(see or chart in Attachment B). At the top of the decision-makin structure will be Roanoke Valle Sustainabilit Consortium — Memorandum of A I the Steering Committee,, which will be advised by a Technical Committee and staffed by the Project Director. Under the Steering Committee there will be the Stakeholder Committee, which will be composed of representatives from six focus area subcommittees. Below is a detailed description of the membership and responsibilities of the committees. Steering Committee. ASteering Committee will guide the entire process, including the development, review, and adoption of the plan, as well as the guidance and oversight of the Technical Committee and Stakeholder Committees. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the following • Local Governments ' The following local governments within the Roanoke Metropolitan Statistical Area shall appoint one representative from its governing body: The Counties ofBmtetoumt, Craig, Franklin, and Roanoke, as well as the Cities ofRoanoke and Salem. • Roanoke Valley AlleghanV Regional Commission (RVARC) - The RVARC shall appoint one representative from its governing body. w Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVAMPC))-The RVAyNPO shall appoint one representative from its governing body. • [ound|ofCornmmunityServices([cs)-The[[Ssha||appointamnemnberfronnitsBoard of Directors. • Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) - The VWCC President or his/her designee shall be the representative. m Western Virginia Water Authority (m8/m/A) - The VVVWA shall appoint one representative from its Board ofDirectors. • Virginia Department of Transportation (VOOT) - The VDOT shall appoint e representative from the Commonwealth Transportation Board. • Stakeholder Committee Chair Each local government and organization isencouraged to appoint an alternate member tothe Steering Committee to attend in the absence of their primary representative. bispreferred that the alternate be appointed from its governing body. The Steering Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair to serve one-year, renewable terms. Additions to the membership of the subcommittees must be approved by the Steering Committee, and the new member organizations must execute this MOA. The committee shall meet quar or at a special meeting called by the [hair. At least fifty (50) percent of the Steering Committee membership must be present to constitute a quorum for transacting business. Stakeholder Committee. The Stakeholder Committee will be responsible for directing the public involvement process, including outreach to populations traditionally underrepresented in the planning process and reviewing and analyzing the results of each phase of plan Roanoke Valley Sustainabi|ity Consortium - Menorandumof Agreement 2 development. The Committee will becomposed of two representatives from each focus area subcommittee and one equity member from an organization/population that is traditionally underrepresented in the planning process (see introduction for definition).The representatives will be appointed by each focus area subcommittee and the equity member will be selected by the Steering Committee. if during the course of the planning process bis deemed necessary to change the focus, composition, or name ofasubcornnnittee, the Steering Committee shall vote to approve any such changes. The Stakeholder Committee shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair to serve one-year, renewable terms. The Chair of the Committee will also serve as a voting member of the Consortium Steering Committee and will be responsible for communicating consensus stakeholder views to that committee. The Stakeholder Committee will meet bi monthly, or at a special meeting called by the Chair. Focus Area Subcommittees. Focus area subcommittees will be formed to specifically address the issues of housing, transportation, workforce and economic development, hand use, energy and env and health and education. The subcommittees will be composed of representatives from a variety mf organizations whose mission addresses susta(nabi|ityin one of the issue areas listed above. At minimum the organizations included on the subcommittees shall include those identified on the HUD-RVARC contract (Attachment A). Each subcommittee will have at /east one equity member from an organization/population that is traditionally underrepresented in the planning process. Other organizations may join the subcommittees upon approval of the Steering Committee and subsequent execution of this K4<JA. Consortium members may join any or all of the focus area subcommittees, but should choose to vote in the one that best aligns with the work they dn. At least fifty (50) percent of the subcommittee's membership must be present to constitute a quorum for transacting business. Oec(sionsvwU/be made using consensus-based process, in which near-unanimous consensus will be required to advance an item. A facilitator, note taker, and timekeeper will be designated for all meetings. Each subcommittee shall be required to appoint two of its members to serve as voting members on the Stakeholder Committee. Technical Committee. The Technical Committee will be responsible for advising the Project Director (as defined below) onday~to-day management and planning process issues, as well as ensuring eff and effective communication between the Consortium and its member organizations. It will also be responsible for mediating disagreements that may arise between the Stakeholder Committee and the Steering Committee. ft will conduct independent analysis of issues and provide a recommendation to reconcile any differences between the committees. The Technical Committee shall be composed of one appointed staff representative from each of the Consortium Steering Committee member organizations. The committee will meet bi- monthly, orata special meeting called by the Project Director. At least fifty (50) percent ofthe Technical Committee membership must be present to constitute a quorum for transacting business. Decisions will be made using a consensus-based process, in which a near-unanimous consensus will be required to advance an item. A facilitator,, note taker, and timekeeper will be designated for all meetings- Roanoke Valley Sustainabi)ity Consortium — Memorandumof Agreement � Project Director. The RVAR[ will serve as the lead entity in the development of the plan. RVARC will provide staff assistance to the various committees including agendas, notices minutes and memorandums, and will manage the technical planning process, the work of sub- recipients, and consultants. It will be the responsibility of the project director to ensure that the commitments of consortium members are fulfilled to the fullest extent possible. Section IV. Responsibilities of Consortium Members Advance Sustainable Communities. Throu the duration of this MOA, members of the Consortium commit to make good faith efforts to advance, throu policies, programs, and investments, the followin Livabilit Principles: • Provide more transportation choices • Promote equitable, affordable housing • Enhance economic competitiveness • Support existing communities • Coordinate and leverage federal policies and investment • Value communities and neighborhoods Examples of "'good faith efforts" may include considering the regional impact of local planning or zoning proposals; prioritizing investments to underserved communities; adopting Consortium priorities into policy advocacy work; and establishing mechanisms toengage more diverse participants in public policy discussions. Participate in the Consortium. Members will actively participate in Consortium meetings, events and voting in elections for Consortium leadership. Outside of meetings, members will devote time to review work products (as defined in a Consortium Workplan approved by HUD) and provide feedback to improve program effectiveness and inclusiveness. Each Consortium member listed in Attachment C has committed, through letter or resolution,, to a minimum level of in-kind staff assistance. The entire consortium has committed to providing a nnin<rnurn of 5247,549 in local matching funds and/or in kind assistance. Share information about theConsorti~m- Members will be involved inConsortium communications and outreach, undertaking activities to share information about the Sustainable Communities Initiative with colleagues and allied organizations. They will also, where appropriate, use their existing networks of relationships to help identify local and regional partners to participate in planning process and other endeavors. Delegate decision-making. Consortium members agree to delegate responsibility for day decision-making tothe Steering Committee, on which they will be represented by elected or appointed members, as outlined in Section HL Consensus will be the goal of decision- making, but if a decision cannot reasonably be reached, a majority of those present and voting can decide an q uestion. At least fift (50) percent of the Steerin Committee membership Roanoke Valleysusta/nability Consortium — Memoranuum of Agreement 4 must be present to constitute a quorum for transacting business. This same standard shall appl to the Stakeholder Committee. Appoint aprirnery point of contact- Consortium members will each appoint a primary point of contact for the Consortium. This person will be responsible for informing other key people within the local government, agency ororganization of the Consortium's activities. Should the contact leave the member's employment or leadership, the member will appoint a new primary point of contact. Section V. Benefits to Consortium Members Members of the Roanoke Valley SustainabUity Consortium will have access to the follow benefits based on their participation in the process. Eligible to receive program funds. Only Consortium members are eligible to receive federal funds as "sub-redphcnts" in circumstances where they bring unique technical expertise, local knowledge, policy knowledge, or other capacity that will increase the effectiveness of the program. Sub-recipients will be expected to contribute appropriate leveraged resources in the form of staff time or in-kind resources. Designation of additional sub-recipients, other than the Council of Community Services, will require approval of the Steering Committee. Approval must also be obtained from HUD and a separate sub-recipient agreement must beexecuted. Eligible for future funding. Upon completion of regional sustoinabi|hYp|an, our region will become eligible to apply for project implementation funds under the HUD Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant. Additionally, local governments and other organizations in the Consortium are eligible to receive the benefits of Preferred Sustainabi|ity Status (PSS). Such benefits include., but are not limited to, bonus points for selected federal grant applications., access to technical assistance, and other capacity building opportunities that will strengthen future efforts to apply for HUD funding. Access toolls models, and best practices. Consortium members will also have access to the tools, models,, and best practices developed byPVARC, consu��� other Consortium partners through the Sustainable Communities grant. While members are free to use the tools, modify them in consultation with RVARC, and pass them on to others, they must attribute them to the Roanoke Valley Consortium for Sustainable Communities. Members will also be eligible to suggest additional tools to be developed through the Sustainable Roanoke Valley program. Access learning and networking opportunities. Through the Consortium, members will have access tmworking groups, caucuses full Consortium meetings Steering Committee meetings, and other opportunities for peer-to-peer learning. Members and any number of the member"s staff, leadership, and constituents may take advantage of as many of these learning opportunities as they see fit. Groups that meet between full Consortium meetings will publicize their meeting times and agendas to the full Consortium, consistent with open meetings law as Roanoke Valle Sustainabilit Consortium — Memorandum of A 5 Section VII. Miscellaneous Expansion of Consortium Membership. An entit within the Roanoke Metropolitan Statistical Area ma join the Consortium at an time, with the approval of the Steerin Committee. The Steerin Committee ma undertake special outreach to en underrepresented constituencies as needed and will provide notification of an additions to the entire Consortium membership. Chan to Membership Terms. The Steerin Committee of the Consortium ma after consultation with the Consortium members., choose to chan the terms of membership at an time, and will provide written notification of an chan to the entire Consortium membership. Duration of Consortium A This A shall remain in force for the duration of the HUD Sustainable Communities Re Plannin Grant, which is expected to conclude on Februar 15, 2014. Termination of Consortium A An member ma at an time, provide written notice to RVARC of their intent to leave the Consortium. This will result in the termination of an benefits accruin due to membership in the Consortium unless the parties a to the contrar under mutuall acceptable terms. Si This MOA is to be si b a representative of each Consortium member who has the authorit to enter into this MOA on behalf of that entit committin the entit to participate in the Consortium as outlined in this MOA. EXECUTED as of P 2011. Name Title Local Government or Or Si Roanoke Valle Sustainabilit Consortium — Memorandum of Agreement Primar Point of Contact: Name Title I I ITITIT-31 MOS Email Address Mailin Address Roanoke Valle Sustainabilit Consortium -- Memorandum of Agreement Attachment A HUD 404 Contract Assistance Award/ Amendment U.S. Department of Housin and Urban Development Off-tee oC A dministration 1. Assistance Instrunicnt 2. T of Action Lnj Cooperative A Ll Urant Award Amendment 3. Instrument Number 4. Artiendmcrit Number I 5- Effective Date of this Action 6 Conft-ol?4umber VARlP0037-10 February 15, 2011 7. Name and Address of Recipient S. HUD Administerin Office Roanoke Valle Alle Rc Commissfoll HUD, Office of Sustainable Housin and ComTuinifies 313 Luck Ave SW 451 Scvcnth Street, SW Roanoke, VA. Vir 24016-5013 Room 10 180 Wash i n ri, DC 204 Phone- 540-343-4417 Fax: 540 - 343 -44 8a. Narne of Administrator 8b- Telephone Number J. Malcom Smith 202A02-6472 10, Recipient Project Maiw 9- HUD Government 1echnical Representative Jake Gilmer. Sem"or Planner Sunarce Marshall, 202-402-601 Sunaree.K.i\4Lir-,.fiatiCc�hud. 13. HUD Pa Office I I - Assisraticie An-an 12. Pa Method Cost Reimbursement Treasur Check Reimbursement CFO Accountin Center Cost Sharin 0 Advance Check 801 Cherr Street F-1 Fixed Pnicle L:J Auton-aced Clearin House Unit -45, Suite: 2500 Fort Worth, TX 76102 14. Assis(anceArtiourit 15. 11LID Accountin and Appropriation Data Pmvious HUD Amount S 0.00 15a. Appropriation Number 15b. Reservation Number 860/201(m I T UD Amount this action $ 625,000.00 Total HUD Amount 625 Amount Previousl Obli S 0-00 Recipient Amount 247,549.00 Obli hied b this actioln 625,000.00 Total lnsLrun-v,-nt Amount S 872,549-00 Total Obli 625.000.00 16- Description Emplo Identification Number: 54-0722714 Pro SCRPG This instrument sets for the a between the parties as to all terms and conditions, amoums, Lasks, and period of performance. By si this aN;mrd document, the Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with all administrative and financial provisions of Lhis a%vard, This g iant instrument consists of the followin some of which are irworporated b reference. 1. HUDA044 and RIID-1044 Continuation Sheet 2. Grant A Terms and Conditions 3. HUD 424-CBW, Total Bud Summar 4. Grant Deliverables (See HUD 1044 Continuation Sheet) S. Work Plan/Ln Model 6. OMR Circular A-87, A-133 and A-(0 which is incorporated at 24 CFR Part 85 7. Notice of Fundin Availabilit Period of Perfornrance is from Fehruar 15, 2011 to Februar 14, 2014 ( 36 months) 17. Recipient is re to si and retuni three (3) copies of 0 thus document to the HUD Administerin Officc. 19- Recipient (B Name) - Wa Strickland, Executive Director - �- P-- Si & TitIc Date: Previous k-d iti o fis arc obso 18. Recipient is not rc to si this document. 70. HUD ( B y Nan-w John Malcom Srruith, Grant Officer Date: 2-1912O form H 1 044 ( 81% ) ref. Handbook 2210.17 Attachments A - 1 HUD 1044 CONTYNLIATION SHEET INSTRUMENT NO: VARIP0037-10 FRJD MateblLevera 1. BUDGE Amount Amount Direct Labor 180,221.00 $124,097.00 Frin Benefits $28,078.GO $39,713.00 Travel $1 $1,539.00 E $8,000,00 $0.00 Stipp] les/Materia Is $0.00 $0.00 Consultants $386,000-00 $22,200.00 Contracts/Subcontracts $100,000.80 $30,000.00 Construction SO-00 $0.00 Other Direct Cast S I ,154 .+00 $0.00 Indirect Cost $20,307.00 $30,000.00 TOTAL $625,000.00 $247,549-00 If the g q-antee's match/levera contribution is less than $247,549.00,, the Goverment reserves the ri to ne new line items and/or arnounts to satisf the g rantee's re or to reduce the Government's share proportionall The g T=tee shall notif BUD at an time it believes it will not meet its match re In addition, the g rantee shall obtain ffM approval re an chan concernin the intended use of matchin funds. If the g rantee excee& the dollar amount shown above, there will be no impact on the Federal share. 2. AMOUNT OF MS—I SHARE The estimated cost for the perforn-ranee of this g rant is $872,549-00. BLTD shall not be obli to reimburse the Roanoke Valle Alle Re Commission in excess of $625,000.00. The Grantee a to bear without reimbursement From HUD $247,549.00 of the total costs. However, in the event that the Grantee incurs cost in excess of the total estimated project cost of $872,549.00; all such excess costs shall be borne entirel b the Grantee. 3. DELIVERABLES IN ACQOR-DANCE l'r THE NOEA AND APPROVED WORK PLAN AND LOGIC MODL-L A) Final and approved workptan ( 60 da aftcr the effective date of ttie award B) Lo Model (60 da after the effective date of the award) C) Outreaeb to Public Heusin Autboiifies (60 da after the effccilve date of the award) D) Si and GTR-approved Consortium A { t 20 da after t.hc effective date of the award that at the nv171.1-11`111M must include the followin or Attachments A 2 H_LTD 1044 CONTINUATION SHEET Partnersh! Consortium C -1 of Conununit Servi C ' s iccs C Count Stakeholder Partners Arts Council of the Blue Ride Bili-e Rid Indc Livin Center Child Hcaldi Investment Partnership Franklin County — Cit y 0 Roanoke Greater Raanoke Valle Asthma Air Qualit Roanoke Area Dial-A-bide Coalition Roanoke Count Roanoke Valle Re C,onu,riission I Re Chamber of Cnm.mercc Cit of Salcm Roanoke Rc Partnersh' Vireinia Western Communit Co!lce Ruanuke Cool Cities Coalition Roanoke. Re iona I Housin Network Western VA Walcr A ul horit RGC Rcsotirce,,.s. Southeast Rural Conununi A,.sis(ance Total Action A POVCTt PLoi—c" United Wa Westem VA Workforce Devel Board I YWCA of die Roanoke Valle E) Comprehensive Sustainable Communities Re Plan (24-36 months) F) Commitment to participate in performance measureniciii and evaluation conducted b third part G) ActiNritics pertainin to the Re Anal of Impediments 4. fNDIRI:("T COST RATE 46.45% Note: Grantee has a to proecss an indirect cost rate followin HUD"s policies and proccdures. This process should begin no later than 90 da after the execution of this cooperative a 5. KEY PERSONNEL Name Title % of time on the g rant Jake Chimer Senior Planner 46% _1 ) ter Godsc Sustainable Pr Technician 16% Olivia Do - Director of Finance 4% 6, PERIOD OF P E M ORMALNI g E 36 months 7. AUDIT FNFORMATION N!A S. SPPQLAL CONDI ION,; NIA Attachments A - 3 Attachment B Roanoke ValleySustainability Consortium Organizational Chart IO Stee nin g o Cw 0410vow 11 �a'bwf� rW +w k 04 ift - +o � r Attachments A - 4 Attachment C Roanoke Sustainabilit Consortium In-Kind Commitments of Staff Time* *Commitment levels are based on letters provided b Consortium or for purposes of the ori HUD fundin application. Updates to this attachment will be made as new or j oin the Consortium and a revised version will be provided to all members. Cash Contributions Roanoke Valle Alle Re Commission $31,540 Attachments A - 5 Committed Hours Value of Assistance Steerin Committee Members of Communit Services 546 30 - Council Crai Count 41 6,109 Franklin Count 327 16 Cit of Roanoke 600 30,000 Count 496 24"801 - Roanoke Cit of Salem 210 10,501 Western Communit Colle 120 7,801 - Vir g inia Western Vir Water Authorit 120 6,851 Total 2,460 $132,442 Attachments A - 5 Committed Hours Value of Assistance Committee Members - Stakeholder Arts Council of the Blue Rid 120 2,099 Rid Independent Livin Center 120 4,757 - Blue Child Investment Partnership 40 1,782 Roanoke Valle Asthma Air Qualit Coalition 120 2,574 - Greater Area Dial-A-Ride 140 50 5,879 2,284 - Roanoke Roanoke Chamber of Commerce Roanoke Re Partnership 120 8,224 Valle Cool Cities Coalition 140 3 - Roanoke Roanoke Re Housin Network 135 6,752 RGC Resources 120 22,200 Rural Communit Assistance Pro 120 5,999 - Southeast Total Action A Povert 100 5,000 United Wa 150 7,500 Western Vir Work Force Development Board 120 4,501 YWCA of the Roanoke Valle 40 1'.019 Total 1,635 $83,573 Attachments A - 5 ACTION NO. A- 072710 -1.f ITEM NO. 1-7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: Jul 27, 2010 AGENDA ITEM: Re from Roanoke Valle Re Commission to authorize Roanoke Count participation in a Sustainable Communities Re Plannin Grant SUBMITTED BY: Daniel R. O'Donnell Assistant Count Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Cla Goodman III Count Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Wa Strickland) Director of the Roanoke Valle Re Commission ( RVARC) has re that a letter be sent from the Count Administrator providin notification of Roanoke Count participation in a g rant application to the federal g overnment for a g rant that would enable RVARC to develop a re plan for sustainable development that would provide g uidance to participatin local g overnments in future local plannin efforts. Attached to this board report is a detailed explanation of the g rant process and level of involvement asked of participatin communities provided to Count staff b RVARC. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no direct fiscal impact as the match re can be satisfied b namin a staff P person in the Department of Communit Development to be Roanoke Count desi in the plannin process. The staff time allocated is the onl commitment for Roanoke Count Pa 1 of 2 ALTERNATIVES Alternative one is to authorize the Count Administrator to send a letter of support for the Sustainable Communities Re Plannin Grant and to offer staff time in support of the plannin process to be led b the Roanoke Valle Re Commission. Alternative two is to den the re for participation b Roanoke Count RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends alternative one. VOTE-- Supervisor Altizer moved to approve the staff recommendation. Motion approved. cc: Daniel R. O'Donnell, Assistant Count Administrator Arnold Cove Director of Communit Development Pa 2 of 2 Yes No Absent Ms. Moore F-I F-I Mr. Altizer F-I F-I Mr. Flora F F Mr. Elswick ❑ 1:1 Mr. Church: ❑ ❑ cc: Daniel R. O'Donnell, Assistant Count Administrator Arnold Cove Director of Communit Development Pa 2 of 2 106, V 3V N B. CLAYTON GOODMAN III COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Au 5, 2010 Mr. Wa Strickland, Executive Director Roanoke Valle — Alle Re Commission P.O. Box 2569 Roanoke, VA 24010 Dear Mr. Strickland,, TEL: (540) 772.2004 FAX: (540) 561-2884 I am writin to express Roanoke Count support of the Re Sustainabilit Consortium's application to the U.S. Department of Housin and Urban Development for its Sustainable Communities Pro fundin Roanoke Count shares the consensus view of the Consortium that true pro towards re sustainabilit can be achieved b addressin land use, transportation, environmental issues., economic development and workforce development, and housin in a holistic fashion. The need to address these issues has never been g reater or more abundantl clear than it is now as financial stress represented b risin housin and ener costs is borne b households. This same stress is bein felt b local g ovemment in terms of service deliver costs, which are becomin difficult to mana due to decliw'n revenues. The 2005 Roanoke Count Communit Plan supports these needs with the followin themes: Sustainabi l it — Reco that our natural s are vital to providin both economic needs and q ualit y of life for all citizens, sustainable development has been 'incorporated into Count plannin — meetin the needs of the present g eneration without compromisin the abilit of future g enerations to meet their own needs. Q ualit y of Life — The citizens of Roanoke Count reco that there exists a fra balance between economic g rowth and prosperit and the preservation of a wa of life that is cherished b man Proactive steps must be taken to mana g rowth in a positive wa — to act conservativel and with deliberation when makin decisions that will affect our hi q ualit y of life and that of our children's children. Scenic Beaut — The mountains that surround the Count provide a sense of place and are a source of beaut recreational activit and inspiration. Steps must be taken to develop sound conservation policies to sustain the communit q ualit y of life. Counctp Of Roanoke OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR PO Box 29800, 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke,, Vir 240,18-0798 Re - The Count must take the lead in find'in new and innovative wa tolook be its political boundaries for Solutions to the challen of the next century. -1 Mr. Wa Strickland Au 5, 2010 Pa 2 Roanoke Count firml believes in the vital importance of this initiative to the lon term future of our re and is committed to the project's overall success. Roanoke Count is makin the followin contri butions to the Re Sustainabilit Plannin Initiative: Roanoke Count is desi Me Cronise, Principal Planner, as our main representative and contributor to the re initiative. Over a period of the three y ears g rant period, Roanoke Count Is devotin a minimum of 496 hours of staff time to the initiative, which is valued at $50 dollars per hour for a value of $24,800 dollars. This time represents assistance with techrical topics, research, coordination, facilitation and outreach as well as meetin with other Count staff. Roanoke Count is also devotin $750 dollars M' in-kind resources for meetin space., use of e supplies and materials in addition to staff time. Roanoke Count endorses the Re Sustainabilit Consortium's Application to the U.S. Department of Housin and Urban Development and looks forward to collaboratin on this important plannin initiative. Sincerel Cam B_ Cla Goodman, III Count Administrator BCG: me cc: Dan O'Donnell, Assistant Count Administrator GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Audited balance at June 30, 2010 Addition of 2009 -10 operations Amount N -1 % of General Fund Revenue $ 19, 959,122 10.69% * 213,195 Balance at May 24, 2011 $ 20,172,318 10.64% ** Note: Can December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2009 -10 a range of 9.5 %- 10.5% of General Fund Revenues 2009 -10 General Fund Revenues $1186,756 9.5% of General Fund Revenues $17,741,872 10.5% of General Fund Revenues $19,609,438 ** 201 0 -11 a range of 10.0% -11.0 % of General Fund Revenues 2010 -11 General Fund Revenues $189,618,185 10.0 % of General Fund Revenues $18,961,819 11.0 % of General Fund Revenues $20,858,000 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 10.64% which is within the range of our goal for 2010 -11. The County's goal is to increase the balance over time to 11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator N -2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural /engineering services, and other one -time expenditures.) Audited balance at June 30, 2010 Addition of 2009 -10 operations September 28, 2010 Appropriation for option on 5755 Crystal Creek Drive December 14, 2010 Appropriation to purchase one fire vehicle December 14, 2010 Appropriation to replace the Walrond Park ball field lights December 14, 2010 Appropriation to terminate agreement for Jack Smith Industrial Park Amount $1,400,233.20 2 (6 (82,847.00) (150,000.00) (382,632.72) (60,000.00) December 14, 2010 Appropriation to purchase property and house at 5755 Crystal Creek D Balance at May 24, 2011 Maior Countv Capital Reserve $2 (Projects in the CIP, debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.) Unaudited balance at June 30, 2010 $883,539.00 May 12, 2011 Appropriation for the purchase of two acreas from K. W. and ($308,000.00) Nancy A. McNeil for library purposes Balance at May 24, 2011 $577,539.33 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman �, ^ County Administrator ��� N -3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Balance at May 24, 2911 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance $ 48,262.59 Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator Amount From 2919 -2911 Original Budget $ 199 July 13, 2919 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison (24,999.99) December 14, 2616 Appropriation for Special Election January 11, 2011 (19 January 11, 2911 Appropriation for additional audit fees (8 Balance at May 24, 2911 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance $ 48,262.59 Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER N -4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEE'T'ING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of April 30, 2011. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASH INVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON 2 2 GOVERNMENT: SMITH BARNEY CONTRA 19 SMITH BARNEY 52,957 WELLS FARGO 17,014,480.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA 0.00 80,001,908.74 LOCAL GOV'T INVESTMENT POOL: 2,088 21,850,091.95 GENERAL OPERATION 13 13,101 CD: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 2 2 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 1 MORGAN STANLEY - JAIL 1,100,807.41 SMITH BARNEY 15,550,193.45 STELLAR ONE 1 WELLS FARGO 2,088 21,850,091.95 TOTAL 119, 529, 51 5.20 05/24/2011 0 N a �n o N r O 00 I` LO O N M � CC) O M N N � O O O (` r 00 M (C) � O M M O O 00 CC) LO Lf7 d7 O O (D LO I` r � LA N O O M 00 ti N O O O O r 4 N r I` O Lf7 (D r L6 I` M O O 00 6 M Lf7 r O r r r LO 00 N r N N O (D I r M I` I` r N r N d) (.0 I` 00 NT R r (D O I` 00 LO M N O N N r 00 I> r (C) 00 re O 00 M I� O 00 � LO O r 00 M M O N M O N O O � N O M 00 O M 00 � 00 a7 00 N N O7 d7 (D O LO 00 I` N lq N lq rl� lq a7 CD M 00 q;T M M CC) d7 r CD M LO T r N 00 N M N N O 00 r r r r r V - M 07 M I` O � 'IT N r NT C N I` O7 LO O r LO O O O O r O a7 O N O a� a to N � (D N O 00 00 O It I` M to � M O ' L M O r I` O 00 (D N O LO (D M N M O M 00 (D Z to r M O O li ti LO a (D � le m O � O O E- a � O7 LO I� (D 1` LO LO (D d N m I` LO r (D r � I` (D r C d) LO LO d) > r L LO MFG � U I` 00 (C) V CD M I` (D O N a� � � O7 .� a 00 r M M I` O O r I` d7 O I` 00 M O (D 00 d7 m (C) r N d7 M O _ LO r � O f` W (D M N Oyi d7 O 00 r O .O LO m o O jL (D � tm M +� N r > m CO O N lq N lq O LO (C) 00 (D O co C lq O lq r 00 M LO s � Lf7 00 N � L O LL L r � CL 00 � d a (D E L r (D �""' 00 L. (D � U a M 00 (C) cn (D I� � LO (C) C N v r X N m 0 N a �n o N r O 00 I` LO O N M � CC) O M N N � O O O (` r 00 M (C) � O M M O O 00 CC) LO Lf7 d7 O O (D LO I` r � LA N O O M 00 ti N O O O O r 4 N r I` O Lf7 (D r L6 I` M O O 00 6 M Lf7 r O r r r LO 00 N r N N O (D I r M I` I` r N r N d) (.0 I` 00 NT R r (D O I` 00 LO M N O N N r 00 I> r (C) 00 re O 00 M I� O 00 � LO O r 00 M M O N M O N O O � N O M 00 O M 00 � 00 a7 00 N N O7 d7 (D O LO 00 I` N lq N lq rl� lq a7 CD M 00 q;T M M CC) d7 r CD M LO T r N 00 N M N N O 00 r r r r r V - M 07 M I` p 'IT 'IT r NT O N I` O7 LO O r LO O O O O r O a7 O N a7 N to O � (D N O 00 00 O It I` M to � M O O M O r I` O 00 (D N O 4 (D M O M O M 00 (D M to r M O O li ti LO O (D � le 00 � � O O M LO O7 LO I� (D 1` LO LO (D 00 LO I` LO r (D r � I` (D r � d) LO LO d) LO r N (n LO N N 00 I` 00 (C) N I` (D O N O � � O7 N 00 00 r M M I` O O r I` d7 O I` 00 M O (D 00 d7 Ie (C) r N d7 M t4 I> LO r � O f` r M (D M N Oyi d7 O 00 r O 00 LO I` LO I` O7 (D LO M M N r LO 00 I` CO M N lq N lq O LO (C) 00 (D O co C lq O lq r 00 M LO (D Lf7 00 C � ti O r � � 00 � M (D N r (D �""' 00 (D 0) (D � 00 r M 00 (C) cn (D I� � LO (C) C N v r X N CO O N LO a a) N v, N a� LO _ O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I` O O O O O O O O O LO O O O O O O O O Lf) O O O O7 O O O O O O O O O N O O O O O O O O N O 00 LO r M LO O O LO O ��// I.J. O O r O LO O I` LO LO O r qlzi 00 O O (D O LO (D (D 00 O O (D � (` r � N M M O 00 (� r 'IT (D d7 00 (D (D r N O LO (D � M O N LO a7 � r C cn cn � +r P- r- N C� t CO 00 M LO 06 r r ~ M N M 0 o 0 v CO N O r — ° r � O (D r LA LO M r O N LO d7 I� Q7 (C) � Lo LO O O O � M O d7 M ICT N r LO 00 N (D LO Lf7 N M (D 'T (D to CO 00 O O r M � I` O 00 4 M I` O O a7 L6 a7 00 6 a7 - (D O O � 00 O 00 L6 LO O (D LO I* (D I` I` 00 m N LO 00 LO I` I` I*- LO (D CL LO 'IT U CL N f3) d7 r N I` 00 O O O O r N M LO LO O N 1` It 00 I` M N (D M I� O O O r N O7 (D M 00 O I� O 00 N O 1` r O r N r M 00 I` N 1` O O7 It d7 O LO M 00 r d7 � Ltd (9 it LO r N r LO f` 00 O7 N LO � N r N r � N � O f` r 07 it f` r O7 M LO LO Lf7 d7 C O r (D O N (D I` N M O I` 00 � Lf7 (D N 00 I` 0) (D � M C) O N f` N O LO 00 LO LO LO O N O O M O r � N O a M O N LO N N � O O O O O (D O O O O O O O O O O O (D O O O O a7 O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O (D O O O O (D O It a7 O LO M O O O O M c" i O LO LO O O O O LO O O r M r M O O 07 O I` 00 le LO I` N O O O O 00 O O O or) N m LO I` LO LO (D r � I` (D 00 � d) LO LO d) LO r N (n LO I` It N r � 00 M Lr r r M LL 06 X cn co N r m C: M (� A O (n CL - >> O a- N > N (n cn cn X LL 06 X cn m C: (� m O ~ t6 F --- N ch O O cn Cn 4-- X C: �""' LL O cn >' p O v X o a a) v, a� _ O U O O N N N to O 4-a • J U_ cn O 0 4.0 //��►► L ,,,x W cn L J . V ��// I.J. C: o A YJ 0 p � O I..L (..� . >1 (� N v IZ (6 M U cn cn C/) +r Q E C� N � O • J 06 ~ cn N 0 o 0 v O O — ° a � o a 4-j a 0 0 � E E N ° L U cn +r O X �"a X O L L W O a) a) � O p O :3 L- C o +r O to }' J Q a) � CL CL CL CL U J U m 2 0 L CL CL L.L U CL m s= C� O (a ca O 'IT d7 O r N M m 0 ti 00 O7 O O r N It ti 00 r � � V N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 N � a O N Q) I` 1` 00 N 4 4 M � C) f` M r M N O (D (D O f` LA O O r � le � ti T" 00 M 00 U') 00 CO r r co O � O N G') O O Ltd O Gi r r O O (D O O O O 4 r O r Ln 4 O (D C"; O O N (D r r r r N r r r r LO r CD 07 O) d) ti M d) O C) f` 00 00 M f` O LO 00 M O (D O O O Ln O O r M co (D (D N N M N Qo (D M O It LO I� r 1` 00 Qo 1� r LA O d) O 00 M Ltd CF) O 07 f` (D M N Co f` ti CY) N ti (D M O r M O 00 P-� r_ N M I` LO r N N ' r M M M M r N 1- � ti � O N r N O M � (D It (Q ti It O O � O O T" 00 00 N 4- O a� bi) a (D N Ln � r LO O � N M It 07 O O Co O O ' L ti 4 O7 Lj r O N O LO 4 GO N r 1 (D (D � O Z O p 00 f� v It M r 1* 00 a 00 It M r d O d Lid I 00 O r = 'o O N N f` 1� M M M O q O7 d N m ti N N � r 1` d) (D N 00 it O r O O O LA 00 Qo N O7 N O 00 L LO CD 1` MFG � U r r N V O M O 00 M N a� O 00 LO .� O r r N CD 00 00 d O7 M 00 N d) 0) O 00 m 'q tm M O rl Co O _ r f` Co � W O m ' I` M 00 (D O OC .o O �, m o 0 O r d (D E O > U) +� m � Q' O O (D CD r r LO Ln M N r 1` N M 00 S O CD L O LL L d CL N > E �+ M O . L. 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CO r 0 O CO M CO r N F- m A E N U_ Q C Q = U C C) U 0 C a) G1 _ t6 N :3 0 :3 0 otf cn C E CL O cn a'S O 0 C cn cn o ° Z m � m >, �_ c� m O W > O > d J N > m N d Cl) v C L a N a) ® m (1) L O w >, m E L M O OU O G E D (6 W O C � U a m U w U v w o U 0 z C: C F- or) r N M LO r N M'IT 0 I` 00 r N O Cfl o O I` O I` O O I` ti O O 00 00 O 00 O 00 O 00 O 00 O 00 o O O O O c O O O O O O O O O O O O 0c0 O O a) O O O O co O LO co co w co a) CO co CO M r N r co r d7 N d7 r LO M CO CO co P. CO r 0 O CO M CO r N F- m A ACTION NO. May 24, 2611 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Accounts Paid —April 2011 Rebecca E. ]wens Director of Finance ITEM NO. N -7 B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator%R� COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct Deposit Checks Total Payments to Venders $ - $ - $ 4 Payroll 64/6 1/11 1,146,343.69 126 1,266,166.36 Payroll 64/15/11 1,122, 973.46 1 05 y 838.72 1,228 Payroll 64/29/11 1 99,673.31 1,167 Manual Checks - 2 2 Grand Total $ 89266,136.90 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 0-1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2611 AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Work session to review the 2011 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grant James R. LaVinder Chief of Police B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator t3Coe_ COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Although I did ask Chief LaVinder to bring this forward to the Board of Supervisors as believe this is a Board policy decision, I strongly recommend that we do not apply for this grant. The initial first year startup cost from non -grant dollars for the equipment and salary needed is $264,709 according to the Police Department's estimates. These funds have not been budgeted. After the first three years the annual cost for the additional personnel, assuming no current costs increase, is $281,970 per year at current salary levels. Over the four years of the grant the total county cast would be $560,046 according to the Police Department's estimates. I believe the long term costs would actually be significantly higher if the costs of replacing additional vehicles that would be needed after the initial four year period are taken into account. We are currently in the budgetary position of stagnant revenues, increasing fixed costs from fuel, employee benefits and mandated programs, and we are under constant threats of continued cost shifts from the Commonwealth to the localities. To add costs above $660,000 over a four year period plus the added costs of long term fleet expansion is simply not a sound financial decision in these difficult economic times. Therefore I cannot recommend that the Board of Supervisors support this grant application. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The Roanoke County Police Department has a very brief period to submit a Grant for additional officer to be funded under the Department of Justice "Community Oriented Policing Services ". The Police Department is aware of budget issues now (and those projected into the future) and understands that critical needs exist in many areas of County Government. If Page 1 of 2 application is made, there is no guarantee that the County would receive the requested funding. In lieu of letting the deadline pass, the Police Department has requested a brief discussion of the grant with the Board in a work session. FISCAL IMPACT: $11,588 per year, plus equipment, for six officers for a period of three years. The County would be expected to fully fund the positions after three years. ALTERNATIVES: Not apply for the Grant. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: If funding is projected to be available, staff recommends that grant application be made for from one to six officers. Page 2of2 Projected Costs for Six New Officers from COPS Grant First Year: The grant pays for entry level pay and benefits with any amount above base pay being the responsibility of the County. The salary and benefits are paid for three full years with a requirement that the County to retain all officers for at least one full year past the grant's expiration. • The County's annual cost for base salary and benefits for one officer is $45,995 with a total of $281 ,979 for six officers. To remain competitive in the region, new officers are hired at 5% above base salary. If approved, the available monies through the grant reimbursement for hiring six new officers would be $279,282 leaving the County responsible for $11,588 ($1,948 per officer annually). • The initial equipment costs (absent in car camera, radar and MDT at $11,200) are estimated to be $40,500 per officer with a total of $243,000. • Total first year cost is estimated to be $254,709. Second Year thru Third Year: The County would annually be responsible for the $11,688. Fourth Year: The County would be obligated to assume all costs associated with the six officers. • Additional equipment and uniform replacement costs is on an as needed basis and cannot be estimated. Synopsis: The First year cost to the county for six officers is estimated at $254,700. The total of the second and third year costs are estimated at $23,375. Fourth year cost is estimated to be a minimum of $281,970. Year Coun 's Cost and % Total Benefit 1 2 54 1 70 0 ' (4 9.p%) --513,282 281 2 ..--- ............. 11588 (4%) 3 11588 4% 281 4 281 C1 90 % 281,970 I Includes initial cost for police car, leather gear, equipment, radios and accessories for six officers. i K NEW U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE COPS QFFICE OF COMMUNITY OIZIENTED POLICING SERVICES 145 N Sweet, NE, Wasltinurron, D.C. 20"530 April 18, 2011 Dear Colleague: The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) is pleased to announce that we will be accepting grant applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP). Subject to funding availability, approximately $200 million may be available under FY 2011 CHP for the hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers. The FY 2011 CHP solicitation will open on May 2, 2011. The application deadline will be May 25, 201.1, at 8:59 PM, EDT. Please note that applications for this program must be submitted in two parts. First, applicants must apply online via www.grants.gov to complete the SF -424, which is a government -wide standard form required for competitive grant application packages. The SF -424 is intended to reduce the administrative burden to the Federal grants community, which includes applicants/grantees and Federal staff involved in grants - related activities. Once the SF -424 has been submitted, you will receive an e-mail from the COPS Office with instructions on completing the second part of the CHP application through the COPS Office On I ine Application System found on the COPS Office website at www.cops.usdoj,gov Applications must be submitted via the COPS Office Online Application System by 8:59 PM, EDT, on May 25, 241.1, to be considered for FY 2011 CHP funding. CHP is a competitive grant program that provides funding directly to law enforcement agencies having primary law enforcement authority to impact their community policing capacity and problem solving efforts. CHP grants provide 100 percent funding for approved entry-level salaries and benefits for 3 years (36 months) for newly - hired, full -time sworn officer positions (including filling existing unfunded vacancies) or for rehired officers who have been laid off, or are scheduled to be laid off on a specific future date, as a result of local budget cuts. There is no local match requirement or cap on the amount of funding that can be requested per officer position, but CHP grant funding will be based on your agency's current entry -level salary and benefits packages. Any additional costs for higher than entry -level salaries and fringe benefits will be the responsibility of the grantee agency. All agencies' requests will be capped at no more than 5% of their actual sworn force strength reported in their application, up to a maximum of 50 officers. The request of any agency with a sworn force strength less than or equal to 20 will be capped at one officer. At the conclusion of federal funding, grantees must retain all sworn officer positions awarded under the UP grant for a minimum of one year (12 months). The retained CHP- funded position(s) should be added to the grantee's law enforcement budget with state and/or local funds, over and above the number of locally- funded positions that would have existed in the absence of the grant. The COPS Office looks forward to working with your agency. if you would like more information or require technical assistance during the solicitation process, please contact the COPS Office Response Center at 1 .800.421.6770. Sincerely, Bernard K. Melekian Director ADVAi1CING PUBLIC SAFETY THROUGH COMMUNITY POLICING Befo1•e Preparing Your Application The COPS Office wants to ensure that your agency has sufficient time to complete your FY 2011 CHP application once the solicitation opens. We strongly recommend that your agency begin preparations for submitting your application at this time. To minimize delays in submitting your application, please take some time now to address the following items. • Register at www.c.rants. ov to apply for federal funding. In order to apply for a grant, your organization must complete the Grants.gov registration process. The registration process can take between three to five business days or as long as four weeks if all steps are not completed in a timely manner. Therefore, you should register early. You must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database to begin your application with Grants.gov. For additional instructions on how to register with Grants.gov please visit http: / /www.grants.gov /applicants /get registered.isg • All Applicants must have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number prior to submitting an application for COPS funding. A DUNS number is a unique nine or thirteen -digit sequence recognized as the universal standard for identifying and tracking entities receiving federal funds. Please note that obtaining a DLTNS number may take one to two business days. To obtain or verify your DUNS number, please call 1.866-705.5711 or visit www.dnb.com /us. All Applicants must be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database prior to submitting an application for COPS funding. The CCR database is the repository for standard information about federal financial assistance applicants, recipients, and sub - recipients. Applicants must maintain an active CCR registration with current information at all times during the grant application process and, if awarded, the grant award period. If you have an active CCR registration that is set to expire before September 30, 2411, you must renew your CCR registration before completing the application. Please note that the CCR verification process may take up to two weeks to complete. To register or to verify that your CCR registration has not expired, please visit www.ccr.goy Applicants should note that all recipients of awards of $25,004 or more under this solicitation, consistent with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA), will be required to report award information on any first -tier subawards totaling $25,040 or more, and, in certain cases, to report information on the names and total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of the recipient and first -tier subrecipients. If applicable, the FFATA Subaward Reporting System (FSRS), accessible at www.fsrs.gov is the reporting tool recipients under this solicitation will use to capture and report subaward information and any executive compensation data required by FFATA. The subaward information entered in FSRS will then be displayed on www,USAS ending. ov associated with the prime award, furthering Federal spending transparency. Each applicant entity must ensure that it has the necessary processes and systems in place to comply with the applicable reporting requirements should it receive funding. • Visit the "Account Access" portion of the COPS web site at www.co s.usdo'. ov to determine if your agency currently has an active online account and/or ho %v to create one. If you do not remember your password, you can use this site to have a password reminder sent to you. Please note that the COPS Agency Portal ( "Account Access ") has recently been modified. Answers to frequently asked questions regarding the COPS Agency Portal can be found at: htt ://www.co s.usdo'.aov/DefauIt.as ?Item =256G or by contacting the COPS Office Response Center at 1.800.421.6770. • If your agency was never assigned a password or you need assistance creating an account and/or system access, or you would like to verify your agency's correct OR] number, call 1.800.421.6770 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:40 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, or e -mail askcoPst , a1 L1sdoi.P_ov . • Once logged into "Account Access," your agency will be able to add additional user accounts and also update your agency contact and address information. Please take this time to ensure that your agency's Law Enforcement Executive, Government Executive, and point of contact information are current with our office. • You will be required to provide the unique Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) identification number assigned to your agency. The GNIS database is maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior. To look up your GNIS Feature ID, please visit their website at. htttp: / /geonames.usgs.Fov /domestic /index.htm I . ADVANCING PUBLIC SAFETY THROUGH COMMUNITY PO lC1I"slG Spendin A Hurts Police and Fire A I Vir Association of Chiefs of P ... Pa I of I t Fi rl i n - ',r- o t i wes t L A Search Home > VACP News 5 Spendin A Hurts Police and Fire A VACP NEWS Spendin A Hurts Police and Fire A Nevis ...... – W17P April 20, 2011 1 National News Vir a' It ma have kept the federal g overnment from shuttin down, but the bud agreement that President Obama struck with Con will make It harder for some stru cities to keep their police stations and firehouses Monthi Archives staffed. Select one A pro that helps cash-slarved cities hire police officers — which has become hi sou in recent y ears as the economic downturn has forced cities from Camden. N.J., to Oakland, Calif.. to take the rare step of la off police officers — was cut b $52 million 0-♦ The red ucl Ion mean t hat th a pro un wh ich I h a Ju sboe D epartment award s cites g rants th at pa th e fu salar an benefits of new officers for three y ears, will be able to pa for rou 200 fevier officers this y ear than it did last y ear, when it paid for 1,388 officers. N I C F The bud deal also chan the rules g overnin g a similar pro that helps stru cities hire firefi — reducin the g rants so much, union and cit officials said, that man cities ma find themselves unable to take advanta of the pro Wh ile poke and fire protection are paid for mostl b local communities, the federal help has allowed some cities to Va State Police 3D scanner captures maintain services the would have otherwise lost. crime scenes http,//fb.me/ZXptrGCE y ea&da y * r" t , ietweet • fahmritc The bud a also cut millions from pro that allow local law enforcement a to up technolo Docview Newsletter - Ecommerce for includin for crime anal and DNA processin and millions more from a pro desi to help police and fire Crash Reports & Investi http://conta.WfzV%t via departments streamline radio s so the can communicate with each other In emergencies. #constantco n tact Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, said that while the federal g overnment could not, 3 & a% • re* - retweet - favonte and should not, supplant what state and local g overnments did, it had provided vital resources to departments. These cuts Headline McDonnell Declares State of come, he said, 4at a particularl dauntin time for stale and local a Emer Followin Deadl Storms: Read the full story... Gov. Elob McDonnell has declared a state... http://bit.t 3 da � - reo - reined • fmarilr- me ntal h i lives at s alo Next entr 8 M heal resources shrin police bewme front line, y n Read the nL-%v Sprin Smart, Safe & Previous entr Two of 3 new deputy Richmond police chie s from outside depart Sober E-NewsletWr online no,,M -- http: / /eepurl.com/dA[Rz 4 da a repl retwW favonle umre-�L~ TArD Y eroini;, 11yadlin" National Headlines Combirml Feed LMjgarc Ngv,;� F AllE I I Suitt. i) rr. -j http:llwww.vachiefs.or 512/2011 COPS Ftuiding Opportunities Update: FY 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation... Page 1 of 2 Ray Lavinder - COPS Funding opportunities Update: FY 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation will open May 2, 20 11 From: "Tepfer, Sean (USAVAW)" <Sean.Tepfer@a usdoj.gov> To: "Bedford PD - Chief Jim Day (LBURG)" cjday@a bedfordva.gov>, "Blacksburg P... Date: 4/21 PM Subject: COPS Funding Opportunities Update: FY 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP) Solicitation Will Open May 2, 2011 Good afternoon, I know most of you are hurting for personnel. Here is info on the COPS hiring grant that is coming available. 1 Sean Tepfer 3.51 Law Enforcement and Intelligence Specialist US Attorney's office, Western District of Virginia (540 ) 857 -2959 se an.tegfer~ ~ usdoi. oovv x� COPS oriented Policing Services Banner - building Relationships, Solving Problems COPS HIRING PROGRAM WILL OPEN MAY 2 The application deadline will be May 25 2oii, at 8:59 PM, EDT The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) is pleased to announce that we will be accepting grant applications for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 COPS Hiring Program (CHP). Subject to funding availability, approximately $20o million may be available under FY 2011 CHP for the hiring and rehiring of additional career law enforcement officers. The FY 2011 CHP solicitation will open on May 2, 2011. The application deadline will be May 25, 2011, at 5 :59 PM, EDT. Please note that applications for this program must be submitted in two parts. First, applicants must apply online via www.grants.gov to complete the SF - 424, which is a government -wide standard form required for competitive grant application packages. The SF - 424 is intended to reduce the administrative burden to the Federal grants community, which includes applicants /grantees and Federal staff involved in grants -- related activities. once the SF -424 has been submitted, you will receive an e-mail from the COPS Office with instructions on completing the second part of the CHP application through the COPS office online Application System found on the COPS office website at www.co .usdo . ov. Applications must be submitted via the COPS Office online Application System by 5:59 PM, EDT, on May 25, 2011 to be considered for FY 2011 CHP funding. Read the CHP 2oii Invitation Letter for more information CJ file : / /C:1Documents and Settingslrlavinder.EBE\Local Setting s \Temp\XPgrpwisel4DBO3D... 4/25/2011 COPS Funding Oppo rtuniti es Update: FY 2011 COPS H iring Program (CHP) S olici tation... Page 2 o 2 You are subscribed to Funding Opportanit7esfor Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). This information has recently been updated, and is now available You have received this e-mail because you have asked to be notified of changes to the department of Justice's Office of Community oriented Policing Services (COPS) website. Update your subscriptions, modify your password or e-mail address, or stop subscriptions at any time on your Subscriber Preferences Page You will need to use your e -mail address to fog in. If you have questions or problems with the subscription service, please contact sum ort T iovdelivery.com If you have questions about the DOJ Office of Community Oriented Policing Services site, please contact te llcops@usdoi gov Fallow us on Facebook: http ://ww w .facebook.c om /DOJ COPS �r� _ ♦ .. iii = �1• �.Z i��'rJ f ;P! j� i �� ��J `�i'J�V� I Ili I � 1ii��i l •���r' i`] . •it s ': i �'! • I'� , r � ?4 .�rlr �� . iii 'r / � I �} f ie:HCADocuments and SettingsVlavinder.EBE\Local Settings \Temp \XPgrpwisel4DB03D... 4/25/2011 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 0-2 A`-6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 24, 2011 Work Session to discuss an ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code Chapter 13. "offenses— Miscellaneous ", Article I. "In General ", Section 13 -4. "Discharge of firearms, air guns, etc., generally" by the addition of a new section numbered 13- 4.1. "Discharge of firearms near dwellings" Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On May 10, 2011, the Board held a first reading on this ordinance. At that time the Board requested a work session on this ordinance. This ordinance would prohibit the discharge of firearms within one hundred ( 100) yards of homes and occupied dwellings. It has been prepared at the request of Chairman Church. Currently, the Roanoke County Code declares it unlawful to discharge firearms within the County except when lawfully hunting, when safely engaged in target practice, or when lawfully and safely shooting on a licensed range or shooting match (Section 13 -4). It is also unlawful to shoot any firearm in or along or within one hundred (100) yards of any road or street in the County (Section 13 -5). It is unlawful to hunt or trap within 100 yards of any primary or secondary highway in the County (Section 13 -5.2). And finally, it is unlawful to hunt within one hundred (100) yards of any public school or County park (Section 13 -5.3). Copies of these current Code sections are attached to this report. Section 15.2-1209 of the State Code authorizes any county to prohibit the shooting of firearms or arrows from bows "in any areas of the County which are in the opinion of the governing body so heavily populated as to make such conduct dangerous to the inhabitants thereof ". Page 1 of 2 Section 15.2-1210 of the State Code authorizes any county to prohibit hunting with firearms or other weapons "within one -half mile of any subdivision or any area of such county which is the opinion of the governing body is so heavily populated as to make such hunting dangerous to the inhabitants thereof." Copies of these two Code sections are attached to this report. Please advise staff when the attached ordinance should be scheduled for second reading. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE CHAPTER 13. "OFFENSES — MISCELLANEOUS ", ARTICLE I. "IN GENERAL ", SECTION 13 -4. "DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS, AIR GUNS, ETC., GENERALLY" BY THE ADDITION OF A NEW SECTION NUMBER 13- 4.1. "DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS NEAR DWELLINGS" WHEREAS, Section 15.2 -1209 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the governing body of any county to prohibit outdoor shooting of firearms in any area of the county which in the opinion of the board of supervisors is so heavily populated as to make such conduct dangerous to the inhabitants thereof; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has determined that it is dangerous to discharge firearms within one hundred (100) yards of homes and occupied buildings; and, WHEREAS, the County Attorney has provided notice to the Director of the Department of the Game and Inland Fisheries of the adoption of this ordinance as provided in Section 29.1 -528 of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance will be held on May 10, 2011, and the second reading will be held on May 24, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That a new Section 13 -4.1. – Discharge of Firearms Near Dwellings be added to read and provide as follows: Sec. 13 -4.1. - Discharge of Firearms Near Dwellings Page 1 of 2 (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in hunting with a firearm or to discharge a firearm within one hundred (100) yards of a dwelling house or occupied building not his or her own. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in hunting with a bow or to discharge arrows from bows within one hundred (100) yards of a dwelling house or occupied building not his or her own. A "bow" includes all compound bows, crossbows, longbows and recurve bows that have a peak draw weight of ten (10) pounds or more. The term "bow" does not include bows that have a peak draw of less than ten (10) pounds or that are designed or intended to be used principally as toys. The term "arrow" means a shaft -like projectile intended to be shot from a bow. (c) Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor. In addition the court in which the case is prosecuted may, in its discretion, confiscate the firearm or device in question. 2. That this ordinance shall be full force and effect from and after its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 0 -3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to review the funding recommendation for Line of Duty SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman II County Adminis COUNTY ADMINIS'TRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Line of Duty Act was created in 1966 and provides a death benefit to public safety employees killed in the line of duty and insurance benefits for those disabled and their dependents. Until recently, this was a benefit administered and funded by the State of Virginia. Line of Duty benefits includes the following: • Death benefit of $100,000 to include presumption claims • Death benefit of $25,000 for presumption Claims, if within five (5) years of retirement • Continuation of health insurance for disabled employee, surviving spouse and/or dependent children Currently, the County has approximately 375 eligible public safety employees and 471 eligible volunteers. The County has seven (7) employees on the line of duty with County insurance coverage and six (6) dependents. The annual insurance costs are $88,147. Effective July 1, 2011, the cost of Line of Duty benefits will shift from - the State to - the employing local government agency, which will be responsible for funding the cost of all active claims for health care benefits and future claims for death and health care benefits. Local governments have only a few options available to fund all liabilities associated with Page 1 of 10 Line of Duty: • Purchase coverage from the Line of Duty Fund managed by Virginia Retirement System • Opt out of the Line of Duty Fund and individually self -fund • Opt out of the Line of Duty Fund and group self -fund through VACoRP There are several factors to consider in evaluating whether or not to self -fund Line of Duty or group self -fund through VACoRP. Self-Fund Line of Duty Group self -Fund through VACoRP 1. Locality will be responsible for 1. Provision provided by VACoRP in the funding all active claims at the time rate structure to fund the past the locality elects to opt out of the liabilities for members with active Line of Duty Fund claims 2. Locality will be responsible for 2. VACoRP will cover all new claims funding all future claims on annual occurring on or after July 1, 2011, basis including direct and indirect costs imposed by the Department of Accounts 3. Line of Duty claims has a five (5) 1 VACoRP includes a prior acts year statute of limitations. Locality is coverage provision to provide responsible for funding claims that coverage for unknown claims that occurred during that period even if occurred on or after July 1, 2006, the claims are unknown. and which are reported to the member after the member is no longer eligible for participation in the Line of Duty Fund. The group self -fund through VACoRP option is an avenue by which the county is "self - funding" through an intergovernmental contract and will provide the County with protection from exposure to unknown claims that occurred on or after July 1, 2006, and provide funding for past and future claims. This option will also provide claims, risk control, and administrative services. It will allow the County to budget an annual amount for the premium and not have to worry about funding reserves appropriately. Attachment A summarizes the recommendations /decisions of surrounding localities for Line of Duty funding. The County should re- evaluate the funding of line of duty annually. Like our health insurance and worker's compensation, the County will eventually want to self- insure however we need to be in a position to appropriately fund the program and reserves. Page 2 of 10 While our health insurance program is adequately funded our worker's compensation program is under - funded by approximately $400,000 annually. The VACoRP option financially protects the County while allowing time to build reserves to one day self - insure the program. VACoRP received approval from the Bureau of Insurance to provide a group self- insurance funding mechanism for Line of Duty Act benefits. VACo Group Self Insurance Risk Pool (VACORP) was organized pursuant to The Local Government Group Self- Insurance Pools Act, Chapter 27 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia (15.2 -2700 et seq.) which authorizes one or more political subdivisions of Virginia to contract with other political subdivisions to form a group self- insurance pool to provide liability and other coverage for its members. VACoRP does require members to purchase workers' compensation coverage to be eligible for Line of Duty coverage. The Supervisory Board made exceptions for eligible Pool members that were individually self - insured for workers' compensation. This exception was made for Loudoun, Roanoke and York Counties. FISCAL IMPACT: Attachment B shows the projected costs comparison for fiscal year 2011 -2012 and attachment C projected costs for 2011 -2015. As we reviewed at the worksession on April 12 2011, to self - insure is the most expensive option in that we would need to budget reserves for future claims and an initial liability of over $1 million. Also, the deductible options would require us to budget for the deductible in addition to the premium. While VRS is less expensive than the fully insured option, VRS rates are projected to increase fifty -six percent (56 %) in 2013, thirty -eight percent (38 %) in 2014 and twenty eight percent (28 %) in 2015. Funding in the amount of $185,720 was included in the 2011 -12 budget for the Line of Duty. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: At the June 14, 2011 meeting, staff will recommend as new business item the following: 1. Request to approve a resolution to opt out of VRS line of duty fund (Attachment D) 2. Request to authorize the County Administrator to sign an agreement with VACoRP to group self -fund line of duty through VACoRP (Attachment E) Page 3 of 10 0 C v E co Q W a J to ■ C .cm LM L 4-+ a a U) c a cc a� E E a a a� ac ■0 a J+ a a� J L r r r r L C U) r r o r r 0 r r 0 r r 0 r r 0 r r 0 r r 0 C >1 m m m C 0 a) E 0 cn C 0 2 ca co cn c� (v (v C 0 cz > a O Q cn 4-+ o L o +-• o m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L- Q Q Q a a- a- o� a} (D •C a7 a7 a7 Q] (] N N� N N N N N [13 CO (} cd [d co cu CIO [!) C C C C C C C Q} E Q) -0 / ca -0 L 4} -0 0] -0 / a ) m 0 W 0 0 co 0 0 o 0 o *m# 0 U C o C �, �. C o C o_ C o C C 0 _o _o Z C L ❑ C C C C C co co Co co ca co co co C 0 C cn (D 0� a C o C 0 C 0 C 0 C 0 L co ca ca ca ca C C }' C C C C C a) 0 a) a7 0 a) a E E 0 E E cn E E E E E E _ �U N V 0 0 0 0 r 0 ^ 0 L =V Ulm- Ulm- [ V co C [n cJ] cJ] U .9 Cn cn [n cn cn o) C L r r r r L C U) C >1 .0 C] 0 0 oC C 0 a) E 0 cn C 0 2 > 0 0 C a) z C 0 a7 - C 0 >, �_ 0 0 ]- 0 - a 0 cn 0 U L cz Lj- C 0 cz > a O Q cn 4-+ o L o +-• o m 0 19 v CD CL 12 4J O 4- 4=J c6 4mJ N a� 0 4-J 0 N N 0 u a� 4=J 01. o C mom > U . 00 N Lr) r �o LM Lr) C",4 C� C) C) M. C) C) V-1 I W LD N 00 ID Rct V-4 en V-1 00 UD cri 00 cr) Ln 00 en en eq aj r*4 r-I Ln 4) LO r%% cwt rn rrj r.1% cc N r-4 M r-i tD m I.D co r-% C� Lo V-1 00 C",4 cc LD Ca W LM N r-4 4-j 04 00 111 -E o C mom > U . 00 N Lr) r �o LM Lr) C",4 C� C) C) M. C) C) V-1 I 4. 00 r* ID Rct r-% r-I 00 en en r*4 r-I Ln 00 r.1% cc 00 C",4 cc 4-j CL) 4-J 4-J CL 4-0 m CL c Z A" 4-J X Lu 4-1 m GJ aj cu w 0 co Q) tko 4-J 4nd CL > m 111 L u u 0 4. N m G N tt L L 41 4�J V 7 6 C*14 00 L TT r-i 00 0 W r4%% 4=J TT V 1 TT Ln V 1 C) T O �\ Lr) 4 = J m U C:) M N C). � O ca r**4 U N c� L.L N V (3o) Wl O LA e-I e Oct V-1 O N Oct M O N M N O N N e� e-I O N r4 m r4 tt 0 L m V 7 r44 C*14 00 L TT r-i 00 0 K* all. r4%% V 1 TT V 1 TT Ln V 1 C) r r - 00 m rN c� r r444 C) m 00 � � r4 m r44 (3) Lo cr) kD r-i 00 0 C) L C) C m (3) 00 r - 00 rr44 rr44 c� r r-I C) m 00 L7 (3) m m LD (3) Lo cr) kD r-i 00 0 C) L C) UD m 00 r - 00 r-I C� r-I r-I r � r-I m 00 LD 0 a 4-j +-j L CL t r—I r - r— I r-I r—I r I 0 o � c c 0 0 4-j +-j CL CL 0 0 u c� C) °o C) mrk 0 0% � C) C) o Ln r ! f f L CL CL C w V) 0 0 0 u u u Q < Q� 0 o � Attachment D Document to opt out of VRS Line of Duty Fund RC SOLUTION TO SELF FUND LINE OF DUTY ACT CLAIMS WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia has created the Line of Duty Act Fund for the payment of liabilities prescribed by and administered under the Line of Duty Act, § 9.1-400 et sett. of the Code of 'Virginia; and IEREAS, the Commonwealth of Virginia has shifted the cost of paying past and present liabilities under the Line of Duty Act, from the State to local government entities through Item 25 8 of the 2011 Budget Bill; and WHEREAS, (entity name) is automatically included in the Line of Duty Act Fund unless it opts out by June 30, 2012, and chooses to self fund its obligations under the Line of Duty Act; and WHEREAS, (entity name) desires to opt out of the Line of Duty Act Fund and self fund all liabilities relating to its past and present covered employees under the Line of Duty Act; NOW, THEREFORE,13E IT RESOLVED that the governing body of hereby agrees to opt out of the Line of Duty (entity name) Act Fund effective June 30, 2011, and self fund all liabilities relating to its past and present covered employees under the Line of Duty Act effective July 1, 2011. Adopted this day of , 2011. ATTEST: Clerk or Secretary Chairman Page 7 of 10 Attachment E LINE OF DUTY ADDENDUM TO THE MEMBER AGREEMENT FOR VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES GROUP SELF INSURANCE RISK POOL THIS ADDENDUM IS EFFECTIVE IF THE APPROPRIATE CONTRIBUTION IS PAID FOR LINE OF DUTY COVERAGE. THIS AGREEMENT, in addition to the general conditions and agreements contained in the Member Agreement for Virginia Association of Counties Group Self Insurance Risk Pool, which are incorporated herein and made a part hereof, the following provisions apply exclusively to Line of Duty coverage, pursuant to the Line of Duty Act, Chapter 4 of Title 9.1 of the Code of Virginia, between all the parties who are now or may hereafter become Members of the Line of Duty coverage of the Virginia Association of Counties Group Self Insurance Risk Pool (VACoRP), a Group of political subdivisions; WHEREAS, the Members of the Group have agreed to provide for joint and cooperative action to self-insure and to pool their separate liabilities arising pursuant to the terms of the Line of Duty Act ( "LODA "); WHEREAS, the Members intend this Addendum as a mutual covenant of assumption of joint and several liability and shall not be deemed to form or to be a partnership; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and obligations contained herein, which are given by the Group and each Member to each other Member and so accepted by each Member and the Group, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. Membership Each Member hereby agrees that the Group may admit as Members of the Pool only acceptable political subdivisions in the Commonwealth of Virginia or agencies thereof as defined in Chapter 27 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 27 of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia, and rules adopted thereunder relating to the approval of Members and the Group's bylaws, the Board shall be sole judge as to whether or not an applicant shall be admitted to membership. Each Member agrees that a Member may, at the sole discretion of the Board, be terminated fr membership in. the Pool at any time after ninety (90) days notice in writing has been given to such Member, except that a Member may be terminated at any date after thirty (3o) days written notice to such Member for non - payment of contributions or assessments. Except as otherwise expressly provided, no liability shall accrue to the Pool or to the remaining Members for any liability of any terminated Member arising subsequent to the date of termination specified in said notice and such terminated Member shall be separately and solely responsible for any liability arising thereafter. Page 8 of 10 2. Limit of Liability Each and all of the Members jointly and severally agree to assume, pay and discharge any liability under LODA of any and all Member employers; and each Member agrees to pay such assessments as may be required pursuant to paragraph 15 of the Member Agreement. Liability ofvACoRP to the employees of any Member is specifically limited to such obligations as are imposed by law against the employer Member under LODA to the extent applied for and approved by the Group. Upon approval by the Board, liability of VACoRP extends to certain volunteer employees of a Member as specified in LODA upon the Member's compliance with the requirements of LODA. 3. Inspection of Member's Facilities and Records The Board, the Administrator, the Service Agent, and any of their agents, servants, employees or attorneys, shall be permitted at all reasonable times to inspect the Member's work places, plants, works, machinery, and appliances covered by this Addendum, and shall be permitted at all reasonable times within two (2) years after the final termination of the membership to examine Member's books, vouchers, contracts, documents, and records of any and every kind which show or tend to show or verify the contribution which is payable under the terms hereof. 4. Risk Management In the event of an accident or a reported claim, each Member agrees to make immediate provision for the care of his employee, and to give immediate notification of the accident to the Service Agent on the prescribed forms. Costs of such care shall be paid by the Group to the extent required by LODA. 5. Punitive or Exemplary Damages The coverage of the Group shall not apply to punitive or exemplary damages asserted or awarded by or to any employee of any Member under LODA whether because of bodily injury to are employee employed in violation of law, or otherwise. 6. Disbursements The Members jointly and severally covenant and agree that there shall be no disbursements to Members or former Members of the Group out of funds of the Group by way of dividends or distribution of claim reserves until after provision has been made for all obligations of the Group under LODA and except at the discretion of the Board upon application to and approval by the State Corporation Commission, Bureau of Insurance. Page 9 of 10 7. Miscellaneous a. The Group, the Member.which is a party hereto, and each other Member, whether now or to become a Member, agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions of this Agreement b. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions of this Agreement which can be given effect without the invalid provision, and to that end the provisions of this Agreement are severable. c. The Association and each Member agree with each other Member, whether now or to become a Member, to be bound by all the terms and conditions to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WIMREOF, this Addendum is executed on behalf of the Member named herein and by the Group on behalf of the Members collectively, each by a duly authorized representative. �m Authorized Representative Date Name: Member Organization Name VIRGINIA ASSOCIATION OF COUNTIES GROUP SELF INSURANCE RISK POOL (VACoRP) Me Authorized Representative nap 10 of 10 L 1l AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2 -3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. R -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRA - riON CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA rrEM: Resolution of congratulations to the William Byrd Girls Swim Team 200 Medley Relay for winning the 2011 VHSL State Group AA Championship SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Board of Supervisors APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The WiIIiam Byrd Girls Swim Team 200 Medley Relay won the 2011 VHSL State Group AA Championship. Coach Krista Martin is expected to attend to accept the resolution, as well as members of the team and their families. The School Board members and Dr. Lorraine Lange, School Superintendent, have also been invited to attend. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 2011 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WILLIAM BYRD GIRLS SWIM TEAM 200 MEDLEY RELAY FOR WINNING THE 2011 VHSL STATE GROUP AA CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, team sports are an important part of the curriculum at schools in Roanoke County teaching cooperation, sportsmanship and athletic skill; and WHEREAS, the William Byrd High School Girls swim Team 200 Medley Relay won the 2011 Virginia High School League (VHSL) State Group A/AA Championship on February 26, 2011, in Christiansburg, Virginia with a time of 1:43.44, setting a new school record; and WHEREAS, State Champion Kacy Edsall also won the 100 Backstroke with a time of 57.37, breaking her own school record; and WHEREAS, the Lady Terriers are coached by Krista Martin. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that - the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to the members of the WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS SWIM TEAM 200 MEDLEY RELAY: Kacy Edsall, Kali Edsall, Courtney Heck and Annie Lane; for winning the 2011 VHSL State Group AA Championship; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors extends its best wishes to the members of the team, the coaches and the school in their future endeavors. Page 1 of 1 ACTION No. ITEM NO. S -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 24, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance SUBMITTED BY: John Murphy Zoning Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMATION: In June 2009, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff identified several areas of the zoning ordinance to review and update. The proposed amendments would revise and incorporate regulations dealing with, but not limited to: parking and parking structures; solar energy systems; private roads; fuel centers; religious assembly; home occupations; accessory apartments; private stables; multiple dog permits; temporary family health care structures; conditional zoning; enforcement procedures; nonconforming uses; broadcasting towers and the board of zoning appeals including reducing the appeal period for certain use Violations. After several work sessions on these proposed amendments, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 5, 2011 No citizens spoke at the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the amendments by a vote of five to zero (5 -0.) Can April 26, 2011, staff reviewed with the Board the proposed zoning ordinance amendments in a work session. The Board approved the first reading of this ordinance at its May 10, 2011 meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: None Page 1 of 2 ALTERNATIVES: 1. Approve the second reading of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. 2. Take no action at this time. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 24 ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, in June 2009, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff identified several areas of the zoning ordinance to review and update dealing with, but not limited to: parking and parking structures, solar energy systems, private roads, fuel centers, religious assembly, home occupations, accessory apartments, private stables, multiple dog permits, temporary family health care structures, conditional zoning, enforcement procedures, nonconforming uses, broadcasting towers and the board of zoning appeals including reducing the appeal period for certain use violations; and WHEREAS, on April 5, 2011, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on various amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and recommended said amendments to the Board of Supervisors for adoption; and WHEREAS, on April 26, 2011, the Board of Supervisors held a work session on said amendments; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice are valid public purposes for such recommendations by the Planning Commission and action by the Board of Supervisors; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 10, 2011, and the second reading and public hearing was held on May 24, 2011. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: Page 1 of 30 1. That the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE I — GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 30 -15. CONDITIONAL ZONING; GENERALLY. Sec. 30 -15 -4. Amendments and Variations of Conditions. (13) There shall be no amendment or variation of conditions created pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance until after a public hearing by the commission and board advertised pursuant to the provisions of section 15.2 -2204 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. However, where an amendment does not affect conditions of use or density, a local governing body may waive the requirement for a public hearing The cost of all public advertisements shall be the responsibility of the applicant. SEC. 30 -21. ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES. (13) Property owners, permit applicants, and /or establishment owners /managers, as applicable, shall be notified in writing via certified mail of violations of the provisions of this ordinance. The administrator shall, in the notice of violation, state the nature of the violation, the date that it was observed, and the remedy or remedies necessary to correct the violation. The administrator may establish a reasonable time period for the correction of the violation, however in no case shall such time period exceed thirty 30 days from the date of the delivery, mailing or posting of the notice s 'T' except that the administrator may allow a longer time period to correct the violation if the correction would require the structural alteration of a building or structure. .�r.� • - - W 11 - - - .a.. . - - - - - 11 III - 111 V 1, . . . . . M . . . . 111 11 . . . . . .. - - .. (DC) If the administrator is not able to obtain compliance with these provisions in accordance with the procedures outlined above, civil and/or criminal procedures maybe initiated in accordance with county law. SEC. 30 -23. NONCONFORMING USES AND STRUCTURES; GENERALLY. Sec. 30 -23 -2. Nonconforming Uses of Buildings, Structures or Land. Page 2 of 30 (I) If a non - conforming residential or commercial building or structure is damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster or other act of God, such building or structure may be repaired, rebuilt or replaced to eliminate or reduce the non - conforming features to the extent possible without the need to obtain a variance. If such building or structure is damaged greater than 50% and cannot be repaired, rebuilt or replaced except to restore it to its original non - conforming condition, then the owner shall have the right to do so. The owner shall apply for a building permit and any work done to repair, rebuild or replace such building or structure shall be in compliance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code and the County's floodplain regulations. Unless such building or structure is repaired_, of rebuilt or replaced within two years of the date of natural disaster or other act of God, such building or structure shall only be repaired, rebuilt or replaced in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. If the non - conforming building is in an area under federal disaster declaration and it has been damaged or destroyed as of a direct result of conditions that gave rise to the declaration, then the owner shall have an additional two years to repair, rebuild or replace the building or structure. SEC. 30 -24. BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS. Sec. 30 -24 -1. Powers and Duties. (B) The BZA shall have the power and duty to authorize upon appeal or original application in specific cases a variance from the terms of this ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest, when, owing to special conditions a literal enforcement of this ordinance will result in unnecessary hardship. No such variance shall be granted unless the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done. To legally grant a variance, the BZA must be presented evidence and make a finding that: 3. That the granting of the variance will alleviate a clearly demonstrable hardship e % e , I " a I ;EN, as distinguished from a special privilege or convenience sought by the applicant. Sec. 30 -24 -2. Applications for Variances. The BZA shall not consider substantially the same request for one (1) year, unless it is the subject of a motion to re -hear. Sec. 30 -24 -3. Applications for Appeals. (A) Appeals to the BZA may be taken by any person aggrieved or by an officer, department, board, or bureau of the county affected by any decision of the administrator, Page 3 of 30 or from any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by any other administrative officer in the administration or enforcement of this ordinance. Appeals must be made within thirty (30) days after the entry of the decision appealed from by filing with the administrator and with the BZA, a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds thereof. 111111-- ---11V - ---- -- �../1 V �../ r�l V� . --- V Nr'11 - ----V �rr111 V V11Vr11 ---I V - -I-w7 �/ err N111 r�►JV Vr > > An appeal period of ten (10) days may be made for a notice of violation involving temporary or seasonal commercial uses, parking of commercial trucks in residential zoning districts, maximum occupancy limitations of a residential dwelling unit, or similar short -term, recurring violations. The administrator shall forthwith transmit to the BZA all of the papers constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. An appeal shall stay all proceedings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless the administrator certifies to the BZA that by reason of facts stated in the certificate a stay would cause imminent peril to life or property. In such cases, proceedings shall not be stayed unless a restraining order is granted by the BZA, or by a court of record, on application and on notice to the administrator and for good cause shown. Page 4 of 30 ARTICLE II — DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES SEC. 30-28. DEFINITIONS. (C) For the purposes of this ordinance, the words and phrases listed below in this section shall have the meanings described below. Act of God: A natural event, not preventable by any human agency, such as flood, storms, or lightning. Forces of nature that no one have control over, and therefore cannot be held accountahle_ Alley: An open way that affords a service (i.e. garbage collection, delivery, mail) means of access to an abutting property, which allows homeowner or property owner use /access, but is not maintained by any local, state or federal government. BuLfer, riparian: A natural vegetated area left undisturbed or an established vegetated area, adjacent to the bank of a watercourse, through which stormwater runoff flows in a diffuse manner so that the runoff does not become channelized and which provides for infiltration of the runoff and filtering out sediment and other nonpoint source pollutants from runoff before it reaches a watercourse. Disaster: Any (i) man -made disaster including any condition following an attack by any enemy or foreign nation upon the United States resulting in substantial damage of property or injury to persons in the United States and may be by use of bombs, missiles, shell fire, nuclear, radiological, chemical, or biological means or other weapons or by overt paramilitary actions; terrorism, foreign and domestic; also any industrial, nuclear, or transportation accident, explosion, conflagration, power failure resource shortage, or other condition such as sabotage, oils spills, and other injurious environmental contaminations that threaten or cause damage to property, human suffering, hardship, or loss of life; and (ii) any natural disaster including any hurricane, tornado, storm, flood, high water, wind - driven water, tidal wave, earthquake, drought, fire, communicable disease of public health threat, or other natural catastrophe resulting in damage, hardship, suffering, or possible loss of life. Identification sign: A permanent sign displaying only the name of a subdivision, multifamily housing project, shopping center, industrial park, office park, church, school, public or quasi - public facility or similar use type. Page 5 of 30 Lighting plan: A plan showing the location, height above grade, type of illumination, type of fixture, the source lumens, and the luminous area for each source of light proposed. Parking area: An area provided for the temporary parking of operable motor vehicles and bicycles, includin an y related aisles, parking spaces, ingress and egress lanes, turnin and maneuvering areas, private gara ges, incorporated landscaped areas, and similar features meeting the requirements established by section 30 -91 but not includin an y part of a public right -of -way or public street. Parking, off-street: Spaces on premises rather than on the street for the temporary parking of one (1) or more operable motor vehicles and bicycles conforming � parking area standards of section 30 -91. Parking structure: A structure, or portion thereof, composed of one (1) or more levels or floors used for the temporary parking of operable motor vehicles and which may include other permitted uses. A parking structure may be totally below grade (as in an underground parking garage) or either partially or totally above grade with those levels being either open or enclosed. For purposes of this definition, a parking structure includes a building for a standalone parking facility use or a structure for parking which is accessory to a permitted principal use. Pasture: An area covered with grass or other plants used or suitable for rg azin by horses or ponies. Recreational vehicle: A vehicle which can be towed, hauled or driven, designed and used as temporary living accommodations for recreational, camping or travel uses only. Recreational vehicles shall include travel trailers, pick -up campers, motor homes, tent trailers or similar devices used for temporary mobile housing � n" "'L3e �l boats and personal watercraft. Solar collector: Any device used to collect direct sunlight for use in the heating or cooling of a structure, domestic hot water, swimming pool or for the generation of electricity_ Solar energy: Refers to radiant energy (direct, diffuse, and reflected) received from the sun. Solar eneM system: Any solar collector or other solar energy device along with its ancillary equipment whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for space heating, space cooling, electric generation or water heating_ Temporary e family health care structure: A transportable residential structure, providing an environment facilitatin _ a caregiver's provision of care for a mentally or physically impaired person, that (i) is primarily assembled at a location other than its site of installation, (ii) is limited Page 6 of 30 to one occupant who shall be the mentally or physically impaired person, (iii) has no more than 300 gross square feet, and (iv) complies with applicable provisions of the Industrialized Building Safety Law and the Uniform Statewide Building Code. Underground structure: A structure that is entirely or the majority of the structure is below rg ade. Undeveloped land: Land in its natural state before development. SEC. 30 -29. USE TYPES; GENERALLY. Definitions: Fuel center: Any building, structure, or land used for the dispensing, sale or offering for sale at retail of any vehicle fuels, oils or accessories. This use can be a standalone business or accessory to another business. Outdoor gathering: Any temporary organized gathering expected to attract five hundred (500) or more people at one time in open spaces outside an enclosed structure. Included in this use type would be music festivals, church revivals, carnivals and fairs, and similar transient amusement and recreational activities not otherwise listed in this section. Such activities held in public parks university campuses or on public school property shall not be included within this use type. Parking facility, : A principal u Use of a site for surface parking or a parking structure unrelated to a specific use which provides one or more parking spaces together with driveways, aisles, turning and maneuvering areas, incorporated landscaped areas, and similar features meeting the requirements established by this ordinance. This use shall not include a parking ifffie.141411 structure accessory to a permitted principal use such as a private garage in a residential or agricultural district Restaurant, drive -in or fast food: An establishment primarily engaged in the preparation of food and beverages, for either take -out, delivery or table service, served at a counter, a drive - up or drive through service facility or by curb service. Typical uses include drive -in or fast food restaurants or coffee shops. Scrap and salvage services: Places of business primarily engaged in the storage, sale, dismantling or other processing of uses or waste materials which are not intended for reuse in their original forms. Typical uses include towing services, paper and metal salvage yards, Page 7 of 30 automotive wrecking yards, junk yards, used tire storage yards, or retail and /or wholesale sales of used automobile parts and supplies. ARTICLE III — DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30 -36. AV AGRICULTURAL /VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -36 -2. Permitted Uses. (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30- 19. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 4. Commercial Uses F»Pl Ct' ntPr* SEC. 30 -41. R -1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -41 -2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Stable, Private* 4-2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment* Multiple Dog Permit* -23. Civic Uses -34. Miscellaneous Uses (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30 -19. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. MEN �WAMJLWMA Page 8 of 30 JL Xi V L4t 21. Residential Uses WA wr -32. Civic Uses 3.. Commercial Uses SEC. 30 -42. R -2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. See. 30 -42 -2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Multiple Dog Permit* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30 -19. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses .glgIW>&' Am W vvyw� SEC. 30 -47. PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. See. 30 -47 -2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted in the planned residential development district. However, no use shall be permitted except in conformity with the uses specifically included in the final master plan approved pursuant to section 30 -47 -5. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 4. Commercial Uses Filial ('PntPr Page 9 of 30 See. 30 -47 -3. Site Development Regulations. (A) Each planned residential development shall be subject to the following site development standards. 9. Streets in the PRD district may be public in accordance with VDOT and county standards or may be private in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook In reviewing the PRD preliminary master plan, the commission may recommend, and the board may approve, one or more private streets within the proposed district. SEC. 30 -51. NC NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. See. 30 -51 -2. Permitted Uses. (13) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30- 19. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Commercial Uses Fuel Center* SEC. 30 -53. C -1 OFFICE DISTRICT. See. 30 -53 -3. Site Development Regulations. General standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see article IV, use and design standards. (13) Minimum setback requirements. 2. Side yard: None. SEC. 30 -54. C -2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Page 10 of 30 . .. 3111 . 111, . . . . . . TV JLLJLJL . IVFJLJL .. . . . .. f i - - - • -- --- -- -- -- - -. -- - - 'WF I W .- . JL%w/%./t1 1-Wr%w/JLJLJLJL.LI 1%./M11 .. . - JLJLJL SEC. 30 -54. C -2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Page 10 of 30 Sec. 30 -54 -2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 4. Commercial Uses Flip] cpntpr* SEC. 30 -57. PCD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -57 -3. Site Development Regulations. (A) Each planned commercial development shall be subject to the following site development standards: 5. Public streets in the PCD district shall be built in accordance with VDOT and Roanoke County standards. In reviewing the PCD preliminary master plan, the commission may recommend, and the board may approve, one or more private streets within the proposed district. 1 2 jFi3iVTLaA1e stfeet , Private residential streets in the PCD district shall be built in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Construction details for private residential streets shall be submitted with the PCD preliminary master plan. Sec. 30 -57 -7. Revisions to Final Master Plan. (B) All other changes in the final master plan shall be considered minor amendments. The administrator, upon receipt of a written request of the owner, may approve such minor amendments. 1. If the administrator fails to act on a request for a minor amendment to the master plan within 4-5 30 calendar days, it shall be considered approved. SEC. 30 -58. CVOD CLEARBROOK VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -58 -4. Permitted Uses and Use Restrictions. Page 11 of 30 (B) Unless prohibited in 30- 58 -4(A) a special use permit shall be required for all uses listed as a special use in the underlying zoning district. In addition, the following uses shall require a special use permit within the Clearbrook village overlay district. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified, or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Commercial Uses Flip] cpntpr* SEC. 30 -61. I -1 LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -61 -2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 6. Miscellaneous Uses Parking Facilitie-sX* SEC. 30 -62. I -2 HIGH INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -62 -2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 6. Miscellaneous Uses Parking Facilitie-sX* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30- 19. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Commercial Uses Flip] cpntpr* Page 12 of 30 SEC. 30 -63. PTD PLANNED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -63 -3. Site Development Regulations. (A) Each planned technological development shall be subject to the following site development standards: 5. Public streets in the PTD district shall be built in accordance with VDOT and Roanoke County standards. In reviewing the PTD preliminary master plan, the commission may recommend, and the board may approve, one or more private streets within the proposed district. , and :4 Private residential streets in the PTD district shall be built in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke Count Design Handbook. Construction details for private residential streets shall be submitted with the PTD preliminary master plan. Sec. 30 -63 -7. Revisions to Final Master Plan. (B) All other changes in the final master plan shall be considered minor amendments. The administrator, upon receipt of a written request of the owner, may approve such minor amendments. 1. If the administrator fails to act on a request for a minor amendment to the master plan within 4-5 30 calendar days, it shall be considered approved. SEC. 30 -71. EP EXPLORE PARK DISTRICT. Sec. 30 -71 -3. Permitted Uses. (D) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30 -19. An asterisk ( *) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Miscellaneous Uses Broadcasting Tower* Page 13 of 30 ARTICLE IV — USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS SEC. 30 -81. AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY USES. Sec. 30 -81 -5. Stable, Private. (A) General standards: D���e -�t -ales iN n D ^ �' ����t�c��s�i�se��t�rt�e PP iq 11 4: 1. Minimum lot size: Two (2) acres. 2. A private stable shall be permitted only when accessory to a single - family dwelling. -23 . , I qE) ^ fir L iIIfli1 - C I10 TGTL b 1 - OW LA H L] L n I i or L A 4 nro c7�T No more than one (1) horse or pony shall be permitted for eve (2) acres of pasture area. -34. Stables - , corrals, and other confined areas shall be setback at least 50 feet from any property line. For the purpose of this section, perimeter fencin of a yard shall not be considered a confined area. 45. Private stables shall brebare and follow a management blan for resbonsible and environmentally safe management of all animal wastes. Such plan shall be approved, when required by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water. Animal waste shall not create a nuisance or health hazard to adj oining property owners. 6. A plot plan shall be required showing the location of the single- family dwelling, the location of the required horse or pony shelter, the location and type of fencing, and the acreage of pasture. 7. A special use permit shall be required on lots less than five (5) acres in an R -1 zoning district. SEC. 30 -82. RESIDENTIAL USES. Sec. 30 -82 -1. Accessory Apartments. (A) Intent. Accessory apartments afford an opportunity for the development of small dwelling units designed to meet the special housing needs of Silt, i persons with fixed or limited income, and relatives of families who live or desire to live in the county. Accessory apartments provide a degree of flexibility for home owners Page 14 of 30 with changing economic conditions and /or family structure, while providing a reasonable degree of protection for existing property values. In addition, these provisions are provided to formally recognize previously established apartments and provide for improved safety and physical appearance. (B) General standards: 1. An accessory apartment shall ^N'ub° eoNsid°r °d be permitted by as an accessory use to a detached single family residence aee°ssory „tt,v,..�,;�v � ,.,,,;tto,a ; „�.�o,.�,,,, ire 2. An accessory apartment may be located in a structure other than the principal structure on the lot if a special use permit has been obtained by the property owner. -23. Maximum floor area: Upon completion of the construction, the accessory apartment shall not contain more than fifty (50) percent of the finished floor area of the principal dwelling unit located on the same lot, but in no case shall the accessory apartment exceed 1,000 square feet. -34. Only one accessory apartment shall be allowed on any one lot or parcel, and the owner of the property shall reside on the premises. 45. Exterior entrances to the an apartment in a principal structure shall be located so as to appear as a single family dwelling. -56. Minimum floor area of the apartment: Three hundred (300) square feet. 67. One parking space shall be required in addition to required parking for the principal dwelling and no separate driveway shall be permitted except as otherwise permitted in the subsections below. -78. Health Department approval of sewage disposal shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit for an accessory apartment. (C) Additional standards in the AG -3 and AG -1 districts: 1. An accessory apartment may be permitted by rig in a building other than the principal building provided: a. The parcel contains a minimum of three (3) acres. b. The building in which it is located complies with all Se. tb ffie"'KE applicable zoning requirements for a principal building. Additional standards in the AV, AR and residentially zoned districts: Page 15 of 30 1. A detached accessory apartment may be permitted in a building other than the principal building with a special use permit provided: a. The parcel meets the minimum lot size requirement of the zoning district it is located in. b. The accessory building shall comply with all applicable zoning requirements for a principal building_ c. A separate driveway shall be permitted for a detached accessory apartment on parcels larger than two (2) acres. (DE) General standards in the C -1 and G2 districts, independent of the general standards above: Sec. 30 -82 -3. Home Occupations, Type I and Type II. (B) General standards: 3. There shall be no outside storage of goods, products, equipment, or other materials inconsistent with a residential use associated with the home occupation. No toxic, explosive, flammable, radioactive, or other hazardous materials used in conjunction with the home occupation shall be used, sold, or stored on the site. The sale of firearms as a home occupation shall be prohibited. 4. There shall be no sale of goods or products not produced on the premises except for an individual representative for cosmetics or crafts for offsite events 6. L . Deliveries related to the home occupation shall be limited to the United States Postal Service, parcel delivery services, and messenger services. The commercial delivery by tractor trailer of materials or products to or from the premises shall be prohibited. (C) Additional standards for all Type I home occupations: 8. No advertising through local media, including telephone books, flyers, and the internet shall call attention to the residential address of the home occupation. Sec. 30 -82 -4. Multiple Dog Permit. (A) General standards: Page 16 of 30 4. A special use permit shall be required on lots less than five (5 acres in an R - or R -2 zoning district. Sec. 30 -82 -9. Manufactured Home Park. (H) Streets and walkways: 1. Private streets shall be allowed within a manufactured home park 21 21 i °s+ri i t I T° and shall be constructed in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. stfvets %vX v 4X fJL FJL4,A T �J O� OF f 42F LAMP ]Atq� AD'A 0-01162040-F S400tS ! . ! .. a . WAN . • - 4 -52. Manufactured home lots not served by a public or private street may be served by a walkway, trail or bikeway, provided such pathway serves the front, rear, or side of the manufactured home lot. Each pathway shall be constructed of a hard - surface, or gravel material, and shall have a minimum width of three (3) feet. Sec. 30 -82 -13.1. Single Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option). (F) Street and access requirements. 1. All residential lots within a cluster subdivision shall have frontage on and access to a publicly dedicated or maintained street or a private4-y street constructed in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Page 17 of 30 . m. 114.1m . . . / m "WW . . . /. A Fill M ILWAL MW mujillu 11 1 rZI W . I I . I I• 94Lw,-9Lw`IJ Et`IJ��■ = .0 a; mm u 0 941 %W-Mlm onto III III, 11111!Iill IN its a 11 'a MI VI V I I V Far "Ca m rM or. . I I I I . MILWALIR M Oil I I 11 1 11 1 I I I . 0 111 1 1 11 ,111111 1 1 1b 1bIWAm%-wMV-W%-wLN-% . 11 ji " j, I W- 1 1111 I •• • m• V I L�l<SML'WA nl e ee b / 0 01 e e e e WWI • I I . I I I 1b bi Fill M ILWAL MW mujillu 11 1 rZI W . I I . I I• 94Lw,-9Lw`IJ Et`IJ��■ = .0 a; mm \ I A7 am m=NLMJE e ee b / 0 01 e e e e • ' • • - I . 1 • . . .. . . . . • . . .. MI • • 11 • • 6 8 WW VW • 6 11 MW • RI I • 4 WIN 1111 ILMM I • 6 NLWAWA V 1 � log IF a v IMIA W. • I I • I • I ELIwA I • Ill 1 1 1 1 b III VVII I • I 1 1 1111,111111 ' 1111 . . . . • • I V I V I • 'm •� I I • I I 1 1111 I •• • m• V I I. WA MLWA I 'R 1 11 W - I • • I. �i���\ R����\ �����•. ��i�i�i����n�\ �J���Jr•.s �r���•_ ���R�Jmas= IO\VlsO , / • ' • • - I . 1 • . . .. . . . . • . . .. MI • • 11 • • 6 8 WW VW • 6 11 MW • RI I • 4 WIN 1111 ILMM I • 6 NLWAWA V m 11 dell 111111�fte Ili � W�j �W' �11�"Mtwwo IF 1 qp 11111 V 11 11 11 1V 1b % I 1 11 Ill 11 1 1 MILW1111,31101 ELVA M 9 0 LWAIIIIIIIIII NJ I ill w g al • I I • I • 0 11111111 1 ,h I. a • • I • - I I I • • WAR P. I m R I • ' • • - I . 1 • . . .. . . . . • . . .. MI • 1111111ir • - - • pill 1 • - • I sommooLWASE I • I I • I • I . • • • • No m o m I a m v NV lffe 9 6 0 Ile WZ • I• • I • I I • • �VIA 6 LVA �g�ag� Page 18 of 30 211, S 6/ LA-FOOtSo A.11I %, x %11 �.3 F %./.& ' �/�s�viw»>w� pc��row�or+ 1 v v h Hitt +c�rno "'Lv�l CIhauJdor Width " JLJL XY "Jill v v K%1W IIII.R.11. JL 1-1 %W 111) - 111 111 W e' ON I 44 4 AM i _ - .. �l�i. Jul- J1M141R- 1 INN Ilt- J0I9<��J�IR- J1lR�J v -11- an 4-6 4-A$ 4 LO him. - - 11 .. l ow . I will I w NIP 11 1 11 11 1 1 11 1 VA �mW&'4LwA'wA'wA" M N 0 11 gill I I gill 11 - ... 11111 11 VA - - .. - 111 111 W e' ON I i- - • oom - El AM i _ - .. �l�i. Jul- J1M141R- 1 INN Ilt- J0I9<��J�IR- J1lR�J Sec. 30- 82 -14. Townhouses. (B) General standards: 9. . If utilized, private roads shall be constructed in accordance with the private road standards specified in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Sec. 30- 82 -16. Temporary Portable Storage Containers. Page 19 of 30 (B) General standards: 7. Temporary portable storage containers cannot be located in the floodway or floodplain overlay district without meeting the standards in section 30 -74, as nmPndPri -78. Temporary portable storage containers shall be permitted on a lot for a period not to exceed thirty (30) consecutive days within a six (6) month period. For extensive construction projects a written extension maybe granted by the zoning administrator. .99. Maximum cumulative size of temporary portable storage containers on a property shall not exceed one hundred thirty (130) square feet. X10. There is a limit of one (1) portable temporary storage container per lot. 4811. A zoning permit shall be required to be obtained prior to the placement of a temporary portable storage container by the department of community development with sufficient information, as determined by the zoning administrator, to determine compliance with all applicable regulations such as: a. Size of container b. Location C. Delivery date d. Removal date e. Purpose of container f. Container provider contact information. SEC. 30 -83. CIVIC USES. Sec. 30 -83 -3. Community Recreation. (A) General standards: 1. Any parking lot, outdoor activity area, swimming pool, or ball field or court which adjoins a residential use type shall be landscaped with one row of small evergreen trees in accordance with section 30 -92 along the property line adjoining the residential use type. Where night -time lighting of such areas is proposed, large evergreen trees shall be required. Sec. 30 -83 -5. Educational Facilities. (A) General standards: Page 20 of 30 1. Any parking lot, outdoor activity area, ball field or court, or stadium which adjoins a residential use type shall be landscaped with one row of small evergreen trees in accordance with section 30 -92 along the property line adjoining the residential use type. Where night -time lighting of such areas is proposed large evergreen trees shall be required. In residential districts, the maximum building g overage shall be 40 percent and the maximum lot coverage shall be 60 percent of the total lot area. Sec. 30 -83 -7. Park and Ride Facility. (A) General standards: 2. Park and ride facilities shall comply with the park facility standards listed in section 30 -87 -4. Sec. 30 -83 -9. Religious Assembly. In residential districts, the maximum building coverage shall be 40 percent and the maximum lot coverage shall be 60 percent of the total lot area. (BC) In the AG -3, AG -1 and AR districts, the maximum building coverage shall be ���:JnLJ4VA (2A) 30 percent and the maximum lot coverage shall be fifty (50) percent of the total lot area. (G In the AG -3, AG -1, AR, and R -1 districts a special use permit shall not be required for the expansion of an existing use provided all of the following conditions are met: a. The total gross floor area of the expansion itself does not exceed 15,000 square feet; and b. The gross floor area of the expansion is not more than two hundred (200) percent of the existing gross floor area; and C. The expansion does not include a principal worship area expansion of more than fifty (50) percent of the existing permanent seating. All other expansions must obtain a special use permit. (DE) Additional standards in the G2 district: 1. All new religious assembly uses require a special use permit. Page 21 of 30 2. Expansions of existing uses are permitted by right. SEC. 30 -84. OFFICE USES. Sec. 30 -84 -3. Financial Institutions. (A) General standards: 1. All drive - through windows shall conform to the standards for drive - through facilities contained in section 30- 91 -4-06. SEC. 30 -85. COMMERCIAL USES. Sec. 30 -85 -3. Automobile Dealership, New. (A) General standards: 1. Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off - street parking areas as required in section 30- 4-4 -4.3, parking area surface standards. Sec. 30 -85 -4. Automobile Dealership, Used. (A) General standards: 1. Outdoor display areas in conjunction with automobile sales shall be constructed of the same materials required for off - street parking areas as required in section 30- 4-9 -4.3, parking area surface standards. Sec. 30 -85 -14.5. Fuel Center. General standards: 1. Bulk storage of fuel shall be undergyround pursuant to the standards established by the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2. Fuel dispensers shall be located at least 30 feet from any public street right -of -way, and shall be located at least 100 feet from any adjoining residential use tape. Page 22 of 30 3 . When adj oining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use ta pe• Sec. 30- 85 -16. Gasoline Station. (A) General standards: 2. Fuel dispensers shall be located at least 30 feet from any public street right -of -way, and shall be located at least 100 feet from any adjoining residential use type. 3. When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use ta pe• (B) Additional standards in the AV and NC districts: Sec. 30- 85 -24. Restaurant, Drive -In or Fast Food. (A) General standards: 2. A special use permit shall not be required for any fast food restaurant that is located within a shopping center (excluding outparcels) A_:flLX d that provides delivery service but does not propose drive -in or curb service. SEC. 30 -87. MISCELLANEOUS USES. Sec. 30 -87 -3. Outdoor Gatherings. (A) General standards: 2. In addition, a detailed plan shall be submitted of all facilities to be provided in accordance with the following guidelines: Page 23 of 30 I III 1b, W III 1b 1b 11 11 111 a 9 a M WW'IIIII= I � 0 I LVA LWI 1! 9 111 % I I I I � MI I I I I oil 11 W 8 W W� I WI %I W V 0.5111 1 ... - W. .. WAR - - Sec. 30- 85 -24. Restaurant, Drive -In or Fast Food. (A) General standards: 2. A special use permit shall not be required for any fast food restaurant that is located within a shopping center (excluding outparcels) A_:flLX d that provides delivery service but does not propose drive -in or curb service. SEC. 30 -87. MISCELLANEOUS USES. Sec. 30 -87 -3. Outdoor Gatherings. (A) General standards: 2. In addition, a detailed plan shall be submitted of all facilities to be provided in accordance with the following guidelines: Page 23 of 30 e. Any lighting installed for the gathering shall be directed away from adjoining properties and public rights -of -way, and shall not exceed One one -half (0.5) foot candle measured at the property boundary of the site. Sec. 30 -87 -4. Parking Faciliti-e*y. (A) General standards: 2. Structured parking facilities shall comply with section 30- 91 -4.5, parking structures _ SEC. 30 -88. ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES. Sec. 30 -88 -2. Accessory Uses: Residential Use Types. (A) Residential use types may include the following accessory uses, activities or structures on the same site or lot: 9. Temporary family health care structures in accordance with section 15.2- 2292.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. Page 24 of 30 ARTICLE V — DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. SEC. 30 -90. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS. Sec. 30 -90 -1. Information Required. 11. Off - street parking areas and parking spaces including handicapped spaces, loading spaces, shopping cart corrals, and walkways indicating type of surfacing, size, angle of stalls, width of aisles, and a specific schedule showing the number of spaces provided and the number required by this ordinance. SEC. 30 -91. OFF STREET PARKING, STACKING AND LOADING. Sec. 30- 91 -2.2. Recreational Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle Parking. (A) In the AR district and in all residential districts: 1. Except for vehicles parked within multi - family developments all utility trailers and recreational vehicles, shall be parked behind the front building line, unless space is provided in a completely enclosed garage or other building. For the purposes of this section only, a corner lot that fronts on two (2) streets shall have only one (1) front building line in accordance with section 30- 100 -7. In the case of a unique house configuration the zoning administrator shall determine the parking location for the recreation vehicle, based on having no interference on sight distance in accordance with section 30- 100 -8. Sec. 30- 91 -3.2. Spaces for Disabled Parking. (A) Generally, the number of parking spaces reserved for the disabled, except for single- and two - family dwellings, shall comply with the following table and shall count toward the minimum number of off - street parking spaces required. Total Off - Street Parking Required Parking for Disabled Required 1 to 25 1 26 to 50 2 51 to 75 3 Page 25 of 30 76 to 100 4 101 to 150 5 151 to 200 6 201 to 300 7 301 to 400 8 401 to 500 9 501 to 1,000 2 percent of total 1,001 and over 20 plus 1 for each 100 over 1,000 (B) Disabled parking aisle and space dimensions shall comply with the current edition of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code. Sec. 30- 91 -3.3. Minimum Parking Required. (E) Commercial Use Types Equipment Sales and Rental See Schedule A Fuel Center 1 space per employee plus required stacking space Funeral Home 1 space per 4 seats in main chapel, plus 1 space per 2 employees, plus 1 space per company vehicle Sec. 30 -91 -3 4. Maximum Off - Street Parking. Sec. 30 -91 -3 5. Shared Parking. Sec. 30- 91 -4.5. Parking Structures �. General standards: 1. Parking structures shall be subi ect to the minimum yard. setback and height requirements applicable in the zoning district in which the structure is located, except for below grade parking structures. 2. All parking structures with at least one wall fagade exceeding 100 feet in length shall incorporate vertical or horizontal variation in setback, material, or fenestration along the length of facades visible from a public right -of -way. Access and Circulation standards: Page 26 of 30 1. Parking spaces and aisles shall conform to the standards set forth in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. 2. Parking spaces, aisles, approach lanes and maneuvering areas shall be clearly marked with directional arrows and signage to ensure the safe and efficient flow of vehicles. (C) Lighting: 1. Parking, access and pedestrian areas shall have adequate illumination for security and safety, and shall comply with section 30 -94, exterior li 2. Exterior li ghtin g fixtures shall be energy efficient with standards and fixtures (poles, vertical supports) not exceeding a height of 15 feet measured from the surface of the parking area. Landscaping: 1. Landscaping for parking structures shall be provided in all yards pursuant to perimeter landscaping requirements for surface parking areas. However, where the location of such structure with respect to property boundaries and adjacent structures will substantially inhibit the growth of required trees, such trees ma be located along another perimeter of the site in a manner approved b the administrator. 2. Parking structures shall not be required to provide planting islands or landscaped medians within the parking structure. 3. A minimum of five (5) percent of the area of the top level of a parking structure must be permanently landscaped where the top level of the structure has a four (4) foot or less vertical distance from street grade or is directly accessible from the street. 4. Top level landscaping shall consist mainly of evergreen planting material, such as groundcover and small shrubs, and may include large pots that have a minimum diameter of three (3) feet measured from the inside of the planter and a minimum height of three (3) feet. 5. Parking structures located entirely below grade shall incorporate the required perimeter landscaping into the overall landscaping plan for the site and shall be designed to have adequate soil depth above the parking structure to ensure healthy tree and landscape growth. Sec. 30 -91 -5 1. Bicycle Parking Standards. Sec. 30 -91 -5 2. Motorcycle Parking Standards. Page 27 of 30 Sec. 30 -91 -5 3. Mass Transit Options. SEC. 30 -92. SCREENING, LANDSCAPING, AND BUFFER YARDS. Sec. 30 -92 -6. Applicability of Regulations and Requirements. (F) Additional screening requirements: 1. All refuse service (dump sters/containers) and outdoor storage areas in all zoning districts shall be screened from surrounding views per section 30 -92 -5 and as shown in the Roanoke County Design Handbook. Height of screening must be a minimum of six (6) feet. 2. Ground level and roof top mechanical equipment shall be screened or landscaped per section 30 -92 -5 and as shown in the Roanoke County Design Hanclhonk_ SEC. 30 -100. MISCELLANEOUS. Sec. 30- 100 -2. Yard, Setback Coverage, and Height Requirements. A structure that is entirely below grade (underground) shall be exempt from the minimum setback requirements of that zoning district. In the case of a unique setback for a partially underground structure, the administrator shall determine the setback for the structure based on having no interference on sight distance with section 30- 100 -8. Portions of an underground structure which are below grade shall not be counted when calculating lot or building coverage. Sec. 30- 100 -13. Solar Energy Systems. The purpose of this regulation is to promote the safe, effective and efficient use of solar energy systems installed to reduce the on -site consumption of utility supplied energy and /or hot water while protecting the health, safety and welfare of adjacent and surrounding land uses. Solar energy systems are permitted in any zoning district and may be installed upon receipt of the necessary permit(s) from the County and subject to the followin use and design standards: 1. General standards: Page 28 of 30 a. The design of the solar energy system shall conform to applicable industry standards. b. A solar energy system shall provide power for the principal use and /or accessory use of the property on which the solar energy system is located and shall not be used for the generation of power for the sale or donation of energy to others, although this provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit net meterin. C. A solar energy system connected to the utility grid shall provide written authorization from the local utility company acknowledging and approving such connection. d. All mechanical equipment associated with the operation of a solar enemy system shall be considered ground level equipment and shall be screened from any adjacent property per section 30-92-5. e. Solar collectors shall be placed such that concentrated solar radiation or glare shall not be directed onto nearby properties or roadway f. If a solar energy system is abandoned or is in a state of disrepair it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to remove or repair the solar energy s stem. 2. Roof - Mounted Solar Energy Systems: a. A roof - mounted system may be mounted on a arincibal building or an accessory building. b. A roof - mounted system shall not exceed the maximum building height for the type of building (principal or accessory) it is mounted to based on the underlying zoning district; and shall not be more than three (3) feet higher than the finished roof to which it is mounted. In no instance shall any part of the solar energy system extend beyond the edge of the roof. C. The minimum roof - mounted system setback shall be equivalent to the principal structure or accessory structure setback requirements of the underlin „ zoning district. 3. Ground - Mounted and Pole - Mounted Solar Enemy Systems. a. A Laround- or bole- mounted system shall conform to the accessor structure setbacks of the underlyina zoning district; and shall not exceed 15 feet in total heir b. The surface area of a around- or pole- mounted system, regardless of the mounted angle, shall be calculated as part of the overall lot coverage. Page 29 of 30 The surface area of a ground- mounted system shall not constitute more than ten (10) percent of the allowable lot coverage or 1,000 square feet, whichever is less. C. All exterior electrical lines from a ground- or pole- mounted system to any building or other structure shall be located underground. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Page 30 of 30