HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/10/2011 - Adopted Board RecordsAT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 10 2011 RESOLUTION 051011 -1 OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA APPROVING A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE SOUTH PEAK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia (the "County ") on August 24, 2010, created the South Peak Community Development Authority (the "CDA ") pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act, Chapter 51, Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the "Act "), to finance certain infrastructure improvements benefiting property within the CDA District (the "CDA District "), including, but not limited to, public road and intersection improvements, public utilities (including water, sewer, gas and electric lines), parking facilities, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, traffic signals, storm water management and retention systems, street lights and landscaping improvements (collectively, the "Public Improvements "); and WHEREAS, Slate Hill I, LLC (the "Developer ") proposes to undertake, on property of approximately sixty two point five (62.5) acres located in the CDA District, the development of a mixed -use project consisting of commercial, retail and residential components, to be supported by the Public Improvements; and WHEREAS, the Developer proposes to enter into a Development, Acquisition and Financing Agreement (the "Development Agreement ") among the Developer, the County and the CDA to provide for the construction of the Public Improvements by the Developer, their conveyance to the CDA upon completion and the financing of the Public Improvements through the issuance of revenue bonds by the CDA: Page 1 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: 1. Representations and Findings The Board of Supervisors hereby finds and determines that providing the Public Improvements is necessary or desirable to meet the increased demands placed on the County as a result of development within the CDA District. 2. Approval of Development Agreement The Development Agreement is hereby approved in the form on file with the County Administrator. The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the County Administrator, either of whom may act, are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Development Agreement with such completions, omissions, insertions and changes not inconsistent with this Resolution as may be approved by the officer executing the Development Agreement, his execution to constitute conclusive evidence of his approval of any such completions, omissions, insertions and changes. The officers and employees of the County, or their designees, are authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the County such instruments, documents or certificates, and to do and perform such things and acts, as they shall deem necessary or appropriate to carry out the transactions authorized by this Resolution or contemplated by the Development Agreement; and all of the foregoing, previously done or performed by such officers or agents of the County are in all respects approved, ratified and confirmed. Approval of the Development Agreement pursuant to this Resolution does not constitute approval of the issuance of any bonds by the CDA. 3. Effective Date This Resolution shall take effect immediately. Page 2of3 On motion of Supervisor Moore to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Altizer, Flora, Elswick, Church NAYS: None A COPI( )fESTE: eborlah C. Jacks cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 10 2011 ORDINANCE 051011 -2 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF APPROXIMATELY TWO (2.0) ACRES OF REAL ESTATE (TAX MAP NO. 79.01 -4 -22) FROM K. W. AND NANCY A. MCNEIL FOR LIBRARY PURPOSES, VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, on April 15, 2011, Roanoke County entered into a contract of sale, subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors, with K. W. and Nancy A. NcNeil for the purchase of approximately 2.0 acres of real estate for the purchase price of $300,000 in the Vinton Magisterial District for library purposes; and WHEREAS, the County now wishes to approve and ratify the execution of said contract and purchase this real estate; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter directs that the acquisition and conveyance of real estate interests be accomplished by ordinance; the first reading of this ordinance was held on April 26, 2011, and the second reading was held on May 10, 2011; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the contract of sale dated April 15, 2011, for the acquisition of approximately two (2.0) acres of real estate (Tax Map No. 79.01 -4 -22) for the sum of $300,000 is hereby approved and ratified and further that the acquisition of said real estate is hereby authorized and approved. 2. That the sum of $306,000 is available in the Major Capital fund to pay all of the costs of this acquisition, and is hereby appropriated for this purpose. This Page 1 of 2 amount is for the purchase price of this real estate and for the various closing costs to complete this transaction. 3. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administrator are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this real estate, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the ordinance, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Altizer, Flora, Elswick, Church NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Deborah C. Jacks cc: Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 10 2011 RESOLUTION 051011 -3 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 10, 2011 designated as Item I Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 -2, as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes —April 12, 2011 2. Confirmation of appointment to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission On motion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Altizer, Flora, Elswick, Church NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Deborah C. Jacks ACTION NO. A- 051011 -3.a ITEM NO. 1 -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 26, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Confirmation of appointment to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission Chairman Church has appointed Larry Peterson to fill the unexpired term of David Watt, which expires June 30, 2012. Confirmation has been placed on the Consent Agenda. VOTE: Supervisor Altizer moved to approve the staff recommendation. Motion approved. cc: Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Arlain Martin, Secretary, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Commission Yes No Absent Ms. Moore F F Mr. Altizer F F Mr. Flora F F Mr. Elswick F F Mr. Church F F cc: Pete Haislip, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Arlain Martin, Secretary, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Commission AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 10 2011 RESOLUTION 051011 -4 CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2 -3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Church to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Altizer, Flora, Elswick, Church NAYS: None A COPY TESTE: Deborah C. Jacks AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 10 2011 RESOLUTION 051011 -6 RESCINDING RESOLUTION 062210 -1 AND REQUIRING PLAN 2 EMPLOYEES TO PAY THE EMPLOYEE'S CONTRIBUTION TO VIRGINIA RETIREMENT SYSTEM (VRS) UNDER § 414(h) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE WHEREAS, the Virginia General Assembly, in its 2010 session passed legislation creating a separate retirement plan for employees hired on or after July 1, 2010, (hereafter referred to as "Plan 2 Employees "). The legislation stipulates that Plan 2 Employees will pay their five percent (5 %) member contribution and that, absent other action by the employer, such contribution will be paid through salary reduction according to Internal Revenue Code § 414 (h) on a pre -tax basis; and WHEREAS, the legislation allowed certain employers, including the County of Roanoke, Virginia, to pay all or a portion of the member contributions on behalf of its Plan 2 Employees as an additional benefit not paid as salary; and WHEREAS, on June 22, 2010, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted Resolution 062210 -1 which elected to pay all of Roanoke County Plan 2 Employees member contributions; and WHEREAS, the election to pay all or a portion of the member contributions on behalf of its Plan 2 Employees as an additional benefit not paid as salary shall remain in effect for the fiscal year July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, and shall continue in effect beyond the end of such fiscal year absent a subsequent resolution changing the way the five percent (5 %) member contribution is paid; and WHEREAS, employee contributions that are picked -up as an additional benefit not paid as salary are not considered wages for purposes of VA Code § 51.1 -700 et Page 1 of 2 seq. nor shall they be considered salary for purposes of VA Code § 51.1 -100 et seq.; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, Virginia now desires to rescind its June 22, 2010, election to pay its Plan 2 Employees' member contributions to VRS and to require said Plan 2 employees to pay the five percent (5 %) member contribution beginning July 1, 20'11. NOW "f H EREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That Resolution 052210 -1 is hereby rescinded. 2. That effective the first day of July, 2011, the County of Roanoke, Virginia shall require its Plan 2 Employees to pay the five percent (5 %) member contribution for the Virginia Retirement System under Section 414(h) of the Internal Revenue Code. On motion of Supervisor Altizer to adopt the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Altizer, Elswick, Church NAYS: Supervisor Flora A COPY/fESTE: Deboiah C. Jacks cc: Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. A- 051011 -5 ITEM NO. Q -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 10, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Request to rescind the authorization to pick -up the employee's contribution to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) for Plan 2 employees SUBMITTED BY: Diane Hyatt Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: In an effort to limit the increasing cost of VRS retirement contributions, the 2010 General Assembly made major changes to the retirement benefits for employees hired after July 1, 2010. These employees participate in VRS Plan 2. The General Assembly gave VRS employers the following options: 1. Your employees can pay the five percent (5 %) member contribution 2. You can pick up between one and five percent (1 and 5 %) of the member contribution with the balance paid by the employee. Effective July 1, 2010, the County of Roanoke made the election to pick up the five percent (5 %) member contribution. This election remains in effect until the County submits another resolution. Any change becomes effective the beginning of the next fiscal year, and will affect all Plan 2 members hired since July 1, 2010. At a work session earlier today, the Board discussed the issues related to rescinding this previous action and passing along the five percent (5 %) member contribution to the Plan 2 employees effective July 1, 2011. This change would impact forty (40) employees that were hired since July 1, 2010, but the majority of the impact would be on future hires. Page 1 of 3 Within approximately twenty (20) years, all County employees will be Plan 2 employees and the savings will be tremendous. FISCAL IMPACT: The savings to the County from passing along the five percent (5 %) employee contribution to the Plan 2 employees is estimated to be $148,859 for 2011 -2012. The cost to hold- harmless the current Plan 2 employees for one year is $63,362. This additional cost can be absorbed within the first year savings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the following: 1. Adopt the attached resolution to pass along the five percent (5 %) employee contribution to the Plan 2 employees, beginning July 1, 2011. 2. Approve a salary supplement for the Plan 2 participants that were hired between July 1, 2010 and May 10, 2011, payable in two installments in the 2011 -2012 fiscal year (in July 2011 and January 2012) so that they are held - harmless for this change for one year. Language will be added to the second reading of the 2011 -2012 Budget ordinance to approve this salary supplement. 3. Any new hires after May 10, 2011, are hired with the knowledge that they will pay their own employee contribution for VRS effective July 1, 2011, and they will not receive a supplement. Page 2of3 VOTE: Supervisor Altizer moved to approve a salary supplement for the Plan 2 participants that were hired between July 1, 2010 and May 10, 2011, payable in four installments over the 2011 -2012 fiscal year and the 2012 -2013 fiscal year (in July 2011, January 2012, July 2012 and January 2013), so they are held harmless for this change for two (2) Years and to add language for this change to be added to the second reading of the 2011 -2012 Budget ordinance to appropriate and approve this salary supplement. Motion approved. cc: Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Page 3of3 Yes No Absent Ms. Moore F F Mr. Altizer F F Mr. Flora ❑ M F Mr. Elswick F F Mr. Church F F cc: Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Page 3of3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 10 2011 ORDINANCE 051011 -7 REAPPORTIONING THE REPRESENTATION IN THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BY ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ELECTION DISTRICTS, BY ESTABLISHING VOTING PRECINCTS THEREFOR, INCORPORATING A MAP SHOWING THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID DISTRICTS AND PRECINCTS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE WHEREAS, on May 10, 2011, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held a public hearing to receive comments on developing guidelines for the redistricting of Roanoke County in accordance with the decennial census; and WHEREAS, on March 8, 2011, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted Guidelines for the 2011 Redistricting of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, on March 8, 2011, March 29, 2011 and April 12, 2011, the Board of Supervisors held work sessions on various redistricting options; and WHEREAS, legal notice of a public hearing concerning the adoption of an ordinance establishing magisterial districts for the County of Roanoke was provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, the first reading on this ordinance was held April 26, 2011; and the second reading and public hearing was held on May 10, 2011; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of SUPERVISORS of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That there shall be established in Roanoke County five magisterial or election districts to be known and designated as follows: Catawba Magisterial District Page 1 of 24 Hollins Magisterial District Vinton Magisterial District Cave Spring Magisterial District Windsor Hills Magisterial District from each of which there shall be elected one member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; and 2. That the outside boundaries of the five magisterial districts shall be as follows: Catawba Magisterial District Beginning at the common corner between Roanoke /Craig /Montgomery counties; thence with the line between Roanoke /Craig counties along the crest of North and Brush Mountains in a northeasterly direction to the common corner in the line between Roanoke /Craig /Botetourt counties; thence with the line between Roanoke /Botetourt counties in a southeasterly direction to Interstate 81; thence with Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence in a southerly direction with Interstate 581 to its intersection with Woodhaven Road (Route 628); thence in a southeasterly direction with Woodhaven Road (Route 628) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117), said point being on the northerly corporate boundary of the City of Roanoke and the northerly right -of -way of Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence in the southwesterly direction of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and with the City of Roanoke corporate line to its intersection with Cove Road (Route 116); thence with Cove Road (Route 116) and with the City of Roanoke corporate line in a westerly and southwesterly direction to its intersection with the east corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the east corporate line of the City of Salem in a northwesterly direction to Electric Road (Route 419); thence with the east corporate line of the City of Salem and Electric Road (Route 419) to Interstate 81 and the north corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the north corporate line of the City of Salem and Interstate Page 2 of 24 81 in a southwesterly direction into the west corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the corporate line of the City of Salem in a southerly direction to a point of intersection with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence in a southerly direction with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) to a point where it intersects with a gas transmission line at the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob (elevation 2683); thence with the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob and with the crest of Poor Mountain, the dividing line between the Catawba and the Windsor Hills Magisterial Districts, in a westerly and southwesterly direction to its intersection with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612); thence following the ridge line of Poor Mountain in generally southwesterly direction to a point of intersection with Honeysuckle Road (Route 916) at the Roanoke /Montgomery County line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery County line in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District Beginning at a point on the east side of Electric Road (Route 419) and the north side of Keagy Road (Route 685) a common corner on the City of Salem /City of Roanoke /Roanoke County boundary; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the east side of Electric Road (Route 419) in asouth - southeasterly direction to the intersection of Glen Heather Road (Route 713); thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Glen Heather Road (Route 713) in an easterly direction to the intersection with Grandin Road Extension; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Grandin Road Extension in an easterly direction to the west outside boundary of Taryn Hill Subdivision; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke to Garst Mill Road (Route 682); thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Garst Mill Road (Route 682) in an east - northeasterly direction to the intersection of Grandin Road Extension; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the south side of Grandin Road Extension in an easterly direction to the center of Mudlick Creek; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke to Page 3 of 24 Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence leaving the corporate line of the City of Roanoke and with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) in a southwesterly direction to Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence southerly with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) to Dawnwood Road (Route 691); thence with Dawnwood Road (Route 691) in a southerly direction to the Roanoke /Franklin county line; thence with the Roanoke /Franklin county line as it meanders in a southwesterly direction along the crest of Blue Ridge Mountains to its intersection with the Roanoke /Floyd county line; thence with the Roanoke /Floyd county line westerly to its intersection with the common corner of the Roanoke /Montgomery/Floyd county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line in a northerly direction to the crest of Poor Mountain at its intersection with Honeysuckle Road (Route 916); thence along the crest of Poor Mountain in a generally northeasterly direction thence continuing along the crest of Poor Mountain and Twelve O'Clock Knob to a point where a gas transmission line crosses the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob (elevation 2683) at Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 695); thence with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) in a northerly direction to its intersection with the corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the corporate line of the City of Salem in an easterly and northerly direction to Keagy Road (Route 685); thence in a northerly and easterly direction with Keagy Road (Route 685) to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419) to place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Beginning at a point where Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) crosses the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a southerly direction until Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) intersects Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) to its intersection with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a northerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667), extended to the Roanoke /Franklin county line; thence with the Roanoke /Franklin county line in a southwest to northwest direction as it meanders Page 4 of 24 along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to a point where Dawnwood Road (Route 691) crosses said Roanoke /Franklin county line; thence in a northerly direction with the Dawnwood Road (Route 691) to its point of intersection with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) in a northerly direction to its intersection with Bent Mountain Road (Route 221); thence in a northeasterly direction with Bent Mountain Road (Route 221) to a point where said route enters the City of Roanoke; thence with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a southeasterly and easterly direction until it intersects with the western side of Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) at the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Beginning at a point of intersection of Interstate 81 and the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence with Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence in a southerly direction with Interstate 581 to Woodhaven Road (Route 628); thence in a southerly direction with Woodhaven Road (Route 628) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and the corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence in an easterly and southerly direction with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke to a point of intersection with Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a northeasterly direction with Challenger Avenue (Route 460) to its intersection with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence in a northerly and westerly direction with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line to the place of beginning. Vinton Magisterial District Beginning at a common point between Botetourt and Roanoke counties and Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a southwesterly direction to the City of Roanoke corporate line; thence in a southeasterly direction along the said City of Roanoke's corporate line to the northern -most corner of the corporate line of the Town of Vinton; thence following the courses of the corporate line between the Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke in a westerly and southerly direction to a point at the corner of the Town of Vinton corporate line at the Roanoke River and on the City of Roanoke Page 5 of 24 corporate line; thence continuing with the City of Roanoke corporate line in a south and southwesterly direction until the said City of Roanoke corporate line intersects Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668); thence continuing with Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) in a southerly direction until its intersection with Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) until its intersection with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a northerly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) to its intersection with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667) extended to the Roanoke /Franklin county line; thence following the Roanoke /Franklin county line as it meanders in a northeasterly and northerly direction to the Roanoke /Bedford county line to the place of beginning. 3. That the outside boundaries of the thirty -two voting precincts shall be as follows: BENNETT SPRINGS PRECINCT - 107 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke /Montgomery county line at the top of Catawba Mountain; thence with the crest of Catawba Mountain in an easterly direction to the top of McAfee Knob; thence with the crest of Tinker Mountain in an easterly direction to the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line in a southeasterly direction to Interstate 81; thence west with Interstate 81 to its intersection with Interstate 581, thence north with Interstate 581 to its intersection with Loch Haven Lake Drive; thence north with Loch Haven Lake Drive to Timberview Road (Route 1404); thence in a westerly direction with Timberview Road (Route 1404) to the Western Virginia Water Authority (Carvins Cove Reservoir) west property line; thence north with the Western Virginia Water Authority (Carvins Cove Reservoir) west property line to the topographic crest of Brushy Mountain; thence with the crest of Brushy Mountain in a southwesterly direction crossing Mason Creek to the intersection of Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311) at its intersection with Dutch Oven Road (Route 863); thence north with Route 311 to Plunkett Road (Route 874); thence west with Plunkett Road (Route 874), to a point where Mason Creek crosses under Plunkett Road (Route 874); thence Page 6 of 24 in anorth- northwesterly direction with Mason Creek to its intersection with Old Catawba Road (Route 864); thence south with Old Catawba Road (Route 864) to its intersection with Bradshaw Road (Route 622); thence with Bradshaw Road (Route 622) in a westerly direction to the Roanoke/ Montgomery county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Mason Cove Fire Station - Voting Place BENT MOUNTAIN PRECINCT - 301 Beginning on the Roanoke /Montgomery county line at the top of Poor Mountain at the intersection of Honeysuckle Road (Route 916); thence following the ridge line of Poor Mountain in a generally northeasterly direction to its intersection with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612); thence continuing in a generally southwesterly direction with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612), down the slope of Poor Mountain to an elevation of 2800 feet; thence following the 2800 feet contour elevation of Poor and Bent Mountains in a generally southern direction to the contours point of intersection with the AEP Company high tension Roanoke - Claytor transmission line; thence easterly with the AEP Company high tension Roanoke - Claytor transmission line down the slope of Bent Mountain to the topographic elevation 2000 feet at a branch of Back Creek; thence with the topographic elevation 2000 feet in a southeasterly direction with the base of Bent Mountain to Dividing Spring Branch; thence southerly with Dividing Spring Branch as it meanders to the Roanoke /Franklin county line at Slings Gap; thence with the Roanoke /Franklin county line in a westerly - southwesterly direction to the Roanoke /Floyd county line; thence with the Roanoke /Floyd county line westerly to the Roanoke /Floyd /Montgomery county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District Bent Mountain Fire Station - Voting Place Page 7 of 24 BONSACK PRECINCT — 402 Beginning at a point on the intersection of the Blue Ridge Parkway and the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence in a southwesterly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway to the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob; thence with the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob in a westerly direction to a point on the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a north - northwesterly direction to its intersection with Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a northeasterly direction to the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line to the place of beginning. Vinton Magisterial District Bonsack United Methodist Church —Voting Place BOTETOURT SPRINGS PRECINCT - 204 Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 81 and Deer Branch Creek; thence south with Deer Branch Creek to Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) in a westerly direction to its intersection with Wood Haven Road (Route 628); thence with Wood Haven Road (Route 628) west to its intersection with Interstate 581; thence north with Interstate 581 to Interstate 81; thence east with Interstate 81 to the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Life Church - Voting Place BURLINGTON PRECINCT- 202 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Williamson Road (Route 11) and Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence west with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to its intersection with Wood Haven Road (Route 628) and the north corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with the north corporate limit of the City of Roanoke in an east/southeasterly direction to Florist Road (Route 623); thence with Florist Road (Route 623) leaving the north corporate limit of the City of Roanoke in a northerly direction to Williamson Road (Route 11); thence north with Williamson Road (Route 11) Page 8 of 24 to the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Burlington Elementary School - Voting Place CASTLE ROCK PRECINCT -305 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Electric Road (Route 419) and Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence southwesterly with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to its intersection with Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745); thence in a northwesterly direction with Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745) to its intersection with South Roselawn Road (State Route 690); thence with South Roselawn Road (Route 690) in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Roselawn Road (Route 689); thence in a northerly direction with Roselawn Road (Route 689) to the crossing location of the AEP Company high tension Glen Lynn - Hancock Electric Transmission line; thence with Appalachian Power Company high tension Glen Lyn - Hancock Electric Transmission line in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Brahma Road (Route 1687); thence northwest with Brahma Road (Route 1687) to Longhorn Road (Route 1688); thence north with Longhorn Road (Route 1688) to Castle Rock Road (Route 702); thence in a westerly direction with Castle Rock Road (Route 702) to Stoneybrook Drive (Route 1316); thence north /northeasterly with Stoneybrook Drive (Route 1316) to Electric Road (Route 419); thence in a southeasterly /easterly direction with Electric Road (Route 419) to its intersection with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) being the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District Cave Spring Baptist Church - Voting Place CATAWBA PRECINCT - 101 Beginning at the common corner between Roanoke /Craig /Montgomery counties; thence with the line between Roanoke /Craig counties along the crest of North and Brush Mountains in a northeasterly direction to the common corner in the line between Roanoke /Craig /Botetourt counties; thence with the line between Roanoke /Botetourt Page 9 of 24 counties in a southeasterly direction to the crest of Tinker Mountain; thence with the crest of Tinker Mountain in a westerly direction to the top of McAfee Knob on Catawba Mountain; thence continuing in a westerly direction with the crest of Catawba Mountain to the Roanoke /Montgomery county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Catawba Recreation Center - Voting Place CAVE SPRING PRECINCT - 503 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Colonial Avenue (Route 720); thence east with Colonial Avenue (Route 720) to Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687); thence continuing east with Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687) to Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence southwest with Chaparral Drive (Route 800) to Merriman Road (Route 613); thence with Merriman Road (Route 613) southeasterly to Cartwright Drive (Route 1726); thence with Cartwright Drive (Route 1726) in a southwesterly direction to Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897); thence with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897) in a westerly direction to Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) in a northerly direction to the place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Church of the Holy Spirit - Voting Place CLEARBROOK PRECINCT - 505 Beginning at a point in the City of Roanoke corporate line where Franklin Road (Route 220) south exits the City; thence with the southerly corporate boundary of the City of Roanoke in the northeasterly direction to a point where it intersects Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668); thence in a southerly direction until Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) intersects Mayland Road (Route 667); thence in a southeasterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) until it intersects with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a northeasterly direction with Bandy Road (y Route 666) to its intersection with Old Virginia Springs Road (Route 667); thence southeasterly with Old Virginia Springs Road Page 10 of 24 (Route 667) extended to the Franklin County line at the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains; thence with the Roanoke /Franklin county line in a southwesterly to northwesterly direction as it meanders along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to Merriman Road (Route 613); thence northerly along Merriman Road (Route 613) until it intersects the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a southeasterly and northeasterly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway until it intersects Franklin Road (Route 220); thence northerly with Franklin Road (Route 220) to the place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Clearbrook Elementary School - Voting Place COTTON HILL PRECINCT - 501 Beginning at Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) at its intersection with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897); thence with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) in a southeasterly direction to Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence south with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) to Dawnwood Road (Route 691); thence in a southerly direction with Dawnwood Road (Route 691), if extended would intersect to the Roanoke /Franklin county line; thence in an easterly direction with the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Roanoke /Franklin county line to Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a northerly direction with Merriman Road (Route 613) through Starkey to Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897); thence with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897) in a westerly direction to the point of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Penn Forest Elementary School - Voting Place GARST MILL PRECINCT - 306 Beginning at a point on Electric Road (Route 419) where the west fork of Mud Lick Creek crosses Electric Road (Route 419); thence with the west fork of Mud Lick Creek as it meanders in a northeasterly direction to the southerly corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a northeasterly and Page 11 of 24 southeasterly direction to a point where it crosses Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) in a southwesterly direction to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419); thence with Electric Road (Route 419) in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District 419 Library - Voting Place GLENVAR PRECINCT - 103 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke /Montgomery county line where Interstate 81 intersects that line; thence with the said Interstate 81 in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with the western most corner of the City of Salem corporate line; thence in a generally northeasterly direction with the said City of Salem corporate line to a point where Butt Hollow Creek intersects said City of Salem corporate line; thence in a northerly direction with Butt Hollow Creek to its intersection with Texas Hollow Road (Route 641); thence in a northerly and easterly direction with Texas Hollow Road (Route 641) to its intersection with Paint Bank Road (Route 913); thence in a northwesterly direction with Paint Bank Road (Route 913) to its intersection with the AEP power line; thence following the AEP power line in an easterly direction to its intersection with Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311); thence in a northerly direction with Catawba Valley Drive (Route 311) to its intersection with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain; thence west with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain to its intersection with Forest Acre Trail (Route 700); thence with Forest Acre Trail (Route 700) back to the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain; thence with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain to its intersection with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line to the point of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Glenvar Middle School — Voting Place GREEN HILL PRECINCT - 106 Beginning at a point on Interstate 81 at its intersection with the City of Salem corporate Page 12 of 24 limits; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Salem in a southerly direction and with the south corporate line of the City of Salem in an easterly and southerly direction to its intersection with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) in a southerly direction to a point where it intersects with a gas transmission line at the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob; thence with the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob and with the crest of Poor Mountain, the dividing line between Catawba and the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, in a westerly and southwesterly direction to the intersection of Poor Mountain Road (Route 612); thence following the crest of Poor Mountain in a generally southwesterly direction to its intersection with Honeysuckle Road (Route 916) on the Roanoke /Montgomery county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line in a northerly direction to Interstate 81; thence in a northeasterly direction with Interstate 81 to the point of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Fort Lewis Baptist Church - Voting Place HOLLINS PRECINCT - 206 Beginning at the intersection of Interstate 81 and the Roanoke /Botetourt county Line; thence with Interstate 81 in a westerly direction to Deer Branch Creek; thence south with Deer Branch Creek as it meanders to Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence easterly with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to its intersection with Williamson Road (Route 11); thence in a southeasterly direction with Williamson Road (Route 11) to its intersection with Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence in a southeasterly direction with Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821) extended until it intersects the east fork of Carvins Creek; thence northeasterly with Carvins Creek as it meanders until it intersects Plantation Road (Route 115); thence in a northwesterly direction with Plantation Road (Route 115) until it intersects Williamson Road (Route 11); thence with Williamson Road (Route 11) in a easterly direction until it intersects the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Page 13 of 24 Hollins Library - Voting Place HUNTING HILLS PRECINCT - 507 Beginning at a point where Electric Road (Route 419) intersects the corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence in a southeasterly direction with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke and partially with Franklin Road (Route 220) to a point where the said Franklin Road (Route 220) intersects the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence with the Blue Ridge Parkway in a southwesterly and then northwesterly direction to its intersection with Merriman Road (Route 613); thence in a northerly direction with Merriman Road (Route 613) to Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a northeasterly direction with Starkey Road (Route 904) to its intersection with the Norfolk Southern railway line; thence in a northerly direction with the Norfolk Southern railway line to its intersection with Benois Road (Route 633); thence in an easterly direction with Benois Road (Route 633) to its intersection with Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a northerly direction with Starkey Road (Route 904) to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419); thence in a northeasterly direction with Electric Road (Route 419) to the place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Celebration Church of God - Voting Place LINDENWOOD PRECINCT - 405 Beginning at a point of intersection of the east corporate limit of the City of Roanoke and the topographic crest of Stewart 's Knob; thence in a northeasterly direction with the topographic crest of Stewart's Knob to the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence in a northeasterly direction with the Blue Ridge Parkway to the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence south with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line to its intersection with the Roanoke /Botetourt /Bedford county line; thence with the Roanoke /Bedford county line in a southerly direction to the Roanoke River; thence west with the Roanoke River to Wolf Creek at the east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton; thence north with Wolf Creek and the east corporate limit of the Town of Vinton to the City of Roanoke corporate line; thence in a northerly direction with the City of Roanoke corporate line to the place of Page 14 of 24 beginning. Vinton Magisterial District William Byrd High School - Voting Place MASON VALLEY PRECINCT - 102 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke /Montgomery county line at its intersection with Bradshaw Road (Route 622); thence in an easterly direction with Bradshaw Road (Route 622) to its intersection with Old Catawba Road (Route 864); thence north with Old Catawba Road (Route 864) to its intersection with Mason Creek; thence with Mason Creek in a southerly direction to its intersection with Plunkett Road (Route 874); thence in an easterly direction with Plunkett Road (Route 874) to its intersection with Catawba Valley Road (Route 311); thence in a southerly direction with Catawba Valley Road (Route 311) to the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain; thence leaving Catawba Valley Road (Route 311) with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain to its intersection with Forest Acre Trail (Route 700); thence in a westerly direction with Forest Acre Trail (Route 700) back to its intersection with the topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain; thence with topographic crest of Fort Lewis Mountain in a westerly direction to the Roanoke /Montgomery county line; thence with the Roanoke /Montgomery county line in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Mason Cove Elementary School - Voting Place MOUNTAIN VIEW PRECINCT - 203 Beginning at a point on the Roanoke /Botetourt County line at its intersection with Williamson Road (Route 11); thence in a westerly direction with Williamson Road (Route 11) to its intersection with Plantation Road (Route 115); thence in a southerly direction with Plantation Road (Route 115) to a point where it intersects with the north corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence northeasterly with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke as it meanders until it intersects with Read Mountain Road (Route 611); thence in an easterly direction with Read Mountain Road (Route 611) until it intersects Page 15 of 24 with the crest of Read Mountain Extended; thence northeasterly with the crest of Read Mountain until it intersects with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence northwesterly with the said Roanoke /Botetourt county line to the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Mountain View Elementary School - Voting Place MOUNT PLEASANT PRECINCT - 406 Beginning at the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton and the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke at the Roanoke River; thence with the Roanoke River in a southeasterly direction to the Roanoke /Bedford county line; thence in a southerly direction with the Roanoke /Bedford county line to the Roanoke /Franklin /Bedford county line; thence in a southerly direction with the Roanoke /Franklin county line along the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains to Old Virginia Springs Road extended (Route 667) ; thence in a northwesterly direction with Old Virginia Springs Road extended (Route 667) to its intersection with Bandy Road (Route 666); thence in a southwesterly direction with Bandy Road (Route 666) until it intersects with Mayland Road (Route 667); ;thence in a northwesterly direction with Mayland Road (Route 667) until it intersects Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668); thence in a northerly direction with Yellow Mountain Road (Route 668) until it intersects with the southern corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the southern corporate line of the City of Roanoke in a northeasterly direction to the place of beginning. Vinton Magisterial District Mount Pleasant Elementary School - Voting Place MOUNT VERNON PRECINCT -506 Beginning at a point on Colonial Avenue (Route 720) and the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with Colonial Avenue (Route 720) in a southwesterly direction to Brambleton Avenue (Route 221); thence in a northeasterly direction with Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) to the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke in a southeasterly direction Page 16 of 24 to the place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Brambleton Center - Voting Place NORTHSIDE PRECINCT - 104 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) and Wood Haven Road (Route 628); thence in a northwesterly direction with Wood Haven Road (Route 628) to its intersection with Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in a southerly direction with Green Ridge Road (Route 629) to its intersection with Twilight Road (Route 1577); thence in an easterly direction with Twilight Road (Route 1577) to its intersection with North Lake Drive (Route 1524); thence in a southeasterly direction with North Lake Drive (Route 1524) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117); thence east with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to the place of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Northside High School - Voting Place NORTH VINTON PRECINCT - 403 Beginning at the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton at Virginia Avenue; thence with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke ; thence with the northeasterly corporate line of the Town of Vinton to its intersection with Mountain View Road (Route 651); thence with the corporate line of the Town of Vinton in a southerly easterly direction until its intersection with Washington Avenue; thence with Washington Avenue in a westerly direction to South Pollard Street; thence with South Pollard Street in a southwesterly direction to Virginia Avenue at First Street; thence with Virginia Avenue in a westerly direction to the place of beginning. Vinton Magisterial District Vinton Baptist Church - Voting Place OAK GROVE PRECINCT - 304 Beginning at a point on the east side of Electric Road (Route 419) and on the north side Page 17 of 24 of Keagy Road (Highway 685) being a point on the Roanoke County /City of Salem /City of Roanoke boundary; thence with the west corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the east side of Electric Road (Route 419) in asouth - southeasterly direction to the intersection with Stoneybrook Drive (Route 1316); thence in a southwesterly direction with Stoneybrook Drive (Route 1316) to Castle Rock Road (Route 702); thence in an easterly direction with Castle Rock Road (Route 702) to Longhorn Road (Route 1688); thence south with Longhorn Road (Route 1688) to Brahma Road (Route 1689); thence southeast with Brahma Road (Route 1689) to the crossing of the AEP Company high tension Glen Lyn - Hancock electric transmission line; thence with the AEP Company high tension Glen Lyn - Hancock electric transmission line in a southwesterly direction to Roselawn Road (Route 689); thence northwest with Roselawn Road (Route 689) to Mount Chestnut Road (Route 692); thence west with Mount Chestnut Road (Route 692) to the crossing location of a gas pipeline; thence with this gas pipeline in a northerly and then westerly direction to its intersection with the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob at Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694); thence with Twelve O'Clock Knob Road (Route 694) in a northerly direction to the corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the corporate line of the City of Salem in an easterly direction to the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District Oak Grove Elementary School - Voting Place OGDEN PRECINCT - 504 Beginning at a point on Colonial Avenue (Route 720) and the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with Colonial Avenue (Route 720) in a southwesterly direction to Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687); thence east with Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687) to Starkey Road (Route 904); thence northeast with Starkey Road (Route 904) to Electric Road (Route 419); thence northeast with Electric Road (Route 419) to the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence north and westerly with the south corporate limit of the City of Roanoke to the place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Page 18 of 24 Green Valley Elementary School - Voting Place ORCHARDS PRECINCT - 205 Beginning at a point of intersection of the Roanoke /Botetourt county line and Challenger Avenue (Route 460); thence in a southwesterly direction with Challenger Avenue (Route 460) to a point on the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke in anorth - northwesterly direction to its intersection with Read Mountain Road (Route 611); thence in a westerly direction with Read Mountain Road (Route 611) until it intersects with the crest of Read Mountain extended; thence northeasterly with the crest of Read Mountain until it intersects with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line; thence southeasterly with the Roanoke /Botetourt county line to the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Bonsack Baptist Church - Voting Place PENN FOREST PRECINCT - 502 Beginning at a point at the intersection of Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687) and Chaparral Drive (Route 800); thence with Chaparral Drive (Route 800) in a southwesterly direction to Merriman Road (Route 613); thence southeasterly with Merriman Road (Route 613) to Cartwright Drive (Route 1726); thence in a southwesterly direction with Cartwright Drive (Route 1726) to Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897); thence east with Crystal Creek Drive (Route 897) to Merriman Road (Route 613); thence with Merriman Road (Route 613) in a southeasterly direction to Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a northeasterly direction with Starkey Road (Route 904) to its intersection with the Norfolk Southern railway line; thence north with the Norfolk Southern railway line to its intersection with Benois Road (Route 633); thence in an easterly direction to Starkey Road (Route 904); thence in a northerly direction with Starkey Road (Route 904) to Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687); thence with Penn Forest Boulevard (Route 687) in a westerly direction to the place of beginning. Cave Spring Magisterial District Page 19 of 24 Cave Spring High School - Voting Place PETERS CREEK PRECINCT - 105 Beginning at the intersection of Wood Haven Road (Route 628) and Interstate 581; thence north with Interstate 581 crossing Interstate 81 to its intersection with Loch Haven Lake Drive; thence northerly with Loch Haven Lake Drive to its intersection with Timberview Road (Route 1404); thence in a westerly direction with Timberview Road (Route 1404) to the Western Virginia Water Authority (Carvins Cove Reservior) west property line; thence north with the Western Virginia Water Authority (Carvins Cove Reservoir) west property line to the topographic crest of Brushy Mountain; thence with the topographic crest of Brushy Mountain in a southwesterly direction crossing Mason Creek to the intersection of Catawba Valley Road (Route 311), Dutch Oven Road (Route 863), and the AEP power line; thence in a westerly direction with the AEP power line to its intersection with the east fork of Dry Branch; thence with the hollow which is the east fork of Dry Branch in a southerly direction as it meanders to a point where Dry Branch divides into an east and west fork at the north corporate line of the City of Salem; thence with the north corporate line of the City of Salem and in a generally northeasterly direction to its intersection with Electric Road (Route 419); thence with the east corporate line of the City of Salem in a south and then northeasterly direction to a point on the City of Salem, Roanoke County, and City of Roanoke line at Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence in a northeasterly direction with Green Ridge Road (Route 629) to its intersection with Cove Road (Route 780); thence in an easterly direction with Cove Road (Route 780) to its intersection with Peters Creek Road (Route 117): thence in a northeasterly direction with Peters Creek Road (Route 117) to its intersection with North Lake Drive (Route 1524); thence in a northwesterly direction with North Lake Drive (Route 1524) to its intersection with Twilight Road (Route 1577); thence in a westerly direction with Twilight Road (Route 1577) to its intersection with Green Ridge Road (Route 629); thence north with Green Ridge Road (Route 629) to its intersection with Wood Haven Road (Route 628); thence east with Wood Haven Road (Route 628) to the place of beginning. Page 20 of 24 Catawba Magisterial District Glen Cove Elementary School - Voting Place PLANTATION PRECINCT - 201 Beginning at a point where Williamson Road (Route 11) intersects Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence southeasterly with Williamson Road (Route 11) until it intersects Florist Road (Route 623); thence in a southeasterly direction with Florist Road (Route 623) until it intersects the north corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence in an easterly direction with the north corporate line of the City of Roanoke until it intersects Plantation Road (Route 115); thence in a northwesterly direction with Plantation Road (Route 115) to a point where the said road intersects the east fork of Carvins Creek; thence with the east fork of Carvins Creek in a southwesterly direction as it meanders to a point opposite the center line extended of Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821); thence northwesterly with the center line of Clubhouse Drive (Route 1821) to its intersection with Williamson Road (Route 11) the place of beginning. Hollins Magisterial District Roanoke Valley Christian Schools - Voting Place POAGES MILL PRECINCT - 302 Beginning at the intersection of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) and Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745); thence in a northwesterly direction with Ran Lynn Drive (Route 745) to its intersection with South Roselawn Road (Route 690); thence with South Roselawn Road (Route 690) in a northeasterly direction to its intersection with Roselawn Road (Route 689); thence in a northwesterly direction with Roselawn Road (Route 689) to Mount Chestnut Drive (Route 692); thence west with Mount Chestnut Drive (Route 692) to the crossing location of a gas pipeline; thence with this gas pipeline in a northerly then westerly direction to its intersection with the crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob; thence with the topographic crest of Twelve O'Clock Knob and Poor Mountain in a westerly - southwesterly direction to Poor Mountain Road (Route 612); thence in a generally southwesterly direction with Poor Mountain Road (Route 612) down the slope Page 21 of 24 of Poor Mountain to an elevation of 2800 feet; thence following the 2800 -foot contour elevation of Poor and Bent Mountains in a generally southern direction to the contours point of intersection with AEP Company high- tension Roanoke - Claytor transmission line; thence easterly with the AEP Company high tension Roanoke - Claytor transmission line down the slope of Bent Mountain to the topographic elevation 2,000 feet at a branch of Back Creek; thence with the topographic elevation 2,000 feet as it traverses in a southeasterly direction with the base of Bent Mountain to Dividing Spring Branch; thence southerly with Dividing Spring Branch as it meanders to the Roanoke /Franklin county line; thence with the Roanoke /Franklin county line easterly to its intersection with Dawnwood Road (Route 691); thence in a northerly direction with Dawnwood Road (Route 691) to its intersection with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690); thence in a northerly direction with Poage Valley Road Extension (Route 690) to the intersection of Route 221; thence with Route 221 to the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District Back Creek Elementary School - Voting Place SOUTH VINTON PRECINCT - 404 Beginning at the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton at Virginia Avenue; thence with Virginia Avenue in an easterly direction to South Pollard Street at First Street; thence with South Pollard Street in a northerly direction to Washington Avenue; thence with Washington Avenue in an easterly direction to Wolf Creek being the east corporate line of the Town of Vinton; thence with Wolf Creek and the east corporate line of the Town of Vinton in a southerly direction to the Roanoke River; thence in a westerly direction with the Roanoke River and the south corporate line of the Town of Vinton to Tinker Creek being the east corporate line of the City of Roanoke and the west corporate line of the Town of Vinton; thence with Tinker Creek in a northwesterly direction to the place of beginning. Vinton Magisterial District Charles R. Hill Senior Center - Voting Place Page 22 of 24 WILDWOOD PRECINCT — 108 Beginning at a point where Butt Hollow Creek intersects Interstate 81 and the City of Salem corporate line; thence in a generally northeasterly direction with the said City of Salem corporate line to a point where Dry Branch forks into an easterly and westerly fork; thence with the easterly fork of the said Dry Branch as it meanders in generally a northwesterly direction to where this branch or hollow intersects with the AEP power line; thence following the AEP power line in a westerly direction to its intersection with Paint Bank Road (Route 913); thence in a southeasterly direction with Paint Bank Road (Route 913) to its intersection with Texas Hollow Road (Route 641); thence in a westerly and then southerly direction with Texas Hollow Road (Route 641) to its intersection with Butt Hollow Creek; thence in a southerly direction with said Butt Hollow Creek to the place of beginning. Catawba Magisterial District Fort Lewis Elementary School — Voting Place WINDSOR HILLS PRECINCT - 303 Beginning at the City of Roanoke corporate line where Electric Road (Route 419) intersects Glen Heather Drive (Route 713); thence easterly then southerly with the corporate line of the City of Roanoke to a point where the said corporate line intersects Mud Lick Creek; thence with the west fork of Mud Lick Creek as it meanders in a southwesterly direction to Electric Road (Route 419); thence north with Electric Road (Route 419); to the place of beginning. Windsor Hills Magisterial District Our Lady of Nazareth Catholic Church - Voting Place 4. That certified copies of this ordinance shall be mailed by the Clerk to the local electoral board, the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the State Board of Elections, and the Division of Legislative Services. 5. That this ordinance shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page 23 of 24 On motion of Supervisor Moore to adopt 'the resolution, and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Moore, Altizer, Elswick, Church NAYS: Supervisor Flora . "Y TESTE: FV "MIA hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance 051011 -7 adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supe,;yisors on May 10, 2011. Deborah C. Jacks) Clerk to the Board iupervisors cc: Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney Judith Stokes, General Registrar Roanoke County Electoral Board Virginia State Board of Elections Secretary of the Commonwealth Virginia Division of Legislative Services Page 24 of 24