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5/8/2012 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda May 8, 2012 NOTE: An audit committee meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the Third Floor Training Room of the Roanoke County Administration Building. Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for May 8, 2012. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov.Our meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Reverend Jack Richards, Jr. Mountain Pass Baptist Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the week of May 20 through 26, 2012, as Emergency Medical Services Week in the County of Roanoke (Richard E. Burch, Jr., Chief of Fire and Rescue) Page 1 of 4 D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing to provide the Board of Supervisors an update on streetlights (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt the Roanoke County School Budget for the fiscal year 2012-2013 (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator; Minnix, Chairman, Roanoke County School Board; Dr. Lorraine Lange, Superintendent of Schools and Penny Hodge, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Roanoke County Schools) 2. Request to appropriate funds in the amount of $24,400 for the June 12, 2012, Republican Primary Election (Judith Stokes, Registrar) F. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Chapter 19. - Solicitors and Solicitations, Article II. Permit for Charitable Solicitations, Section 19-28. Permit for Street Solicitation of the Roanoke County Code (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Ordinance authorizing the vacation of a 15-foot public drainage easement as shown on the plat of Section 8, Falling Creek Estates of record in Plat Book drainage easement being located off Toddsbury Drive between Lots 22 and 23 (now re-subdivided and shown as Lot 22A on a plat of record by instrument #2007-14385 i Magisterial District (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) G. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance approving the lease of the residential dwelling at Camp Roanoke (Tax Map No. 83.00-01-16) in the Catawba Magisterial District owned by the Board of Supervisors (Doug Blount, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) 2. Ordinance authorizing the granting of a non-exclusive ten (10) foot wide easement to Lumos Networks on property owned by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Tax Map No. 027.13-04-01.00) for the purpose of an underground communications system (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) Page 2 of 4 H. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 3. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) 4. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) 5. Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors (Designee of Richard C. Flora) I. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes March 27, 2012; April 3, 2012 2. Request to approve a resolution and accept and appropriate $232,833 each year for fiscal years 2012-13 and 2013-14 from the Department of Juvenile Justice for the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) grant 3. Request to approve a Memorandum of Agreement between The Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice and the County of Roanoke for supervision of county employees working in the Life Skills Mentoring Program in conjunction with the Court Service Unit 4. Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts 5. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $1,000 to the Roanoke County Public Schools 6. Confirmation of appointments to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) Page 3 of 4 7. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $105,029.33 from the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to purchase training equipment 8. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $5,000 from City of Roanoke for Save A Ton Campaign J. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS K. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS L. M. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Charlotte A. Moore 2. Michael W. Altizer 3. 4. 5. Richard C. Flora O. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to review fiscal year 2012-2013 budget development (W. Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2.ram and preparation for the 2013 Session of the Virginia General Assembly (Paul M. Mahoney, County P. ADJOURNMENT Page 4 of 4 Û¨¸·¾·¬ß ͬ®»»¬Ô·¹¸¬ß°°´·½¿¬·±² Ü»½»³¾»®ïí¬¸ôîðïï ß°°´·½¿¬·±²Ì±¬¿´ É . úñ / k±Ã 4 ùª¼£± 33 ££Õ É Ü£ªÆ ݱ¬±ºÑ°»®¿¬·±²øÛ´»½¬®·½·¬§÷ .x1.È44 É£¼£ x.È44«£ªÆ 4x4È44 É£±±¼£ xx0È,,«£ªÆÆ 4x444 êüíêòðð ̱¬¿´ üíêòðð¨ïî³±²¬¸ãüìíîòððß²²«¿´Ñ°»®¿¬·±²¿´Ý±¬øÛ´»½¬®·½·¬§÷ Û¨¸·¾·¬Þ ͬ®»»¬Ô·¹¸¬ß°°´·½¿¬·±²Î»½»·ª»¼ Ö¿²«¿®§îìß°®·´îéôîðïî ß°°´·½¿¬·±²Ì±¬¿´ É 3. úñ 34 k±Ã 2 ùª¼£± 2, ïê Û£ÉÆ«£`êÐÆk±Ãkƪ±ÃÐÆ«£È ££Õ É Ü£ªÆ ݱ¬±ºÑ°»®¿¬·±²øÛ´»½¬®·½·¬§÷ 2x32È44 É£¼£ x.È44«£ªÆ 30x/,È/. É£±¼£ x0È,,«£ªÆ ïêüéðòëê ̱¬¿´ üéðòëê¨ïî³±²¬¸ãüèìêòéîß²²«¿´Ñ°»®¿¬·±²¿´Ý±¬øÛ´»½¬®·½·¬§÷ ÕøÆ3.±ÃÐÆÆ30£k±ª2kÃÃ㪱ªÐêêТkªÐ£kª_ê ªø£«¡È ݱ¬±º×²¬¿´´¿¬·±²±²»¬·³»»¨°»²»º±®î´·¹¸¬ãüíêðîòèì AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER LOCATED AT 5204 BERNARD DRIVE, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19. - SOLICITORS AND SOLICITATIONS, ARTICLE II. – PERMIT FOR CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS, SECTION 19-28. – PERMIT FOR STREET SOLICITATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, Section 19-4 prohibits soliciting from any operator or passenger of a motor vehicle that is in traffic on a public road without a permit for charitable solicitation from the county as outlined in Article II. Sections 19-21 to 19-28 of the County Code; and WHEREAS, Section 19-28. – Permit for street solicitation sets out the steps to allow a charitable organization to solicit from a vehicle on a public road, one of which is submitting to the county a copy of a permit issued by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for use or occupancy of the public right-of-way at intersections at which solicitations will be conducted during the term of the county’s permit; and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the county that VDOT does not issue such a permit; requiring an amendment to the Section 19-28 of the County Code; and WHEREAS, to assure compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and all permit conditions, it is necessary that the applicant or other responsible official for the charitable organization be present at the solicitation location at all times when solicitations are occurring; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 8, 2012, and the second reading was held on May 22, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Chapter 19. – Solicitors and Solicitations, Article II. – Permit for charitable solicitations, Section 19-28. – Permit for street solicitation of the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 19-28. - Permit for street solicitation. Page 1 of 4 The prohibition on soliciting from a vehicle on a public road set forth in section 19-4(b), above, does not apply to a charitable organization, and its authorized solicitors, which has applied for and been issued a permit under this section and which is in compliance with all other provisions of this chapter. In order to solicit contributions while standing in a public road, a charitable organization must comply with the following requirements: (1) Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date desired for beginning solicitation, the charitable organization shall submit a complete application to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for a charitable solicitation permit. In addition to the information required by section 19-22, the form shall require the charitable organization to provide its full name, the name, address and phone number of a local point of contact for the organization, the desired date(s), time(s) and specific location(s) for soliciting which shall be limited to not more than six (6) intersections with a traffic control signal light, the name, mailing address and phone number of each individual who will be engaged in solicitation activities on behalf of such charitable organization. Further the charitable organization shall provide an agreement or document whereby such organization shall indemnify the county, its officers, employees and agents, and hold the county, its officers, employees and agents, harmless from any and all claims, suits, demands, damages and attorney fees arising out of or related to the acts or omissions of individuals or entities soliciting for such organization. The charitable organization shall have an ongoing obligation to update or correct any information submitted in its application for a solicitation permit so as to maintain all information in the county's possession as accurate. The county may require such additional or supplemental information as may be reasonably necessary to facilitate the direct enforcement of this section and the purposes of this chapter. (2) When submitting a completed application to the county, the charitable organization shall also submit the following: a. Written proof of general commercial liability and property damage insurance coverage issued by a company authorized to conduct business in the commonwealth in the amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence that insures the organization and all individuals and entities who may be soliciting on its behalf. The proof of insurance shall include the board of supervisors of the county, as an additional insured and must specify that the insurance is primary over any insurance which the county may carry or any provisions for self-insurance by the county. b. An application permit fee in the amount of $10.00 shall be payable at the time the application is submitted. This fee shall be used to defray the county's cost of processing the application and for insuring compliance with the conditions of any permit issued through monitoring of the public roads. An applicant will be notified in writing of the approval or denial of their request within fifteen (15) days after the county's receipt of a completed application. Within the county's discretion, a portion of this fee may be refunded in the event a permit is denied. Page 2 of 4 c. Written proof that the applicant organization is a charitable organization which has obtained qualification from the Internal Revenue Service as a section 501c(3) entity under the Internal Revenue Code. d. A safety plan which shall describe the measures which the organization will implement during any solicitation period to insure the safety of those participating in its solicitation activities and of drivers and occupants of motor vehicles at intersections where solicitations are permitted. e. A roster listing all of the individuals who will be conducting solicitations. This roster shall include the name, address and physical description of each solicitor. e.A copy of a permit issued by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for use or occupancy of the public right-of-way at intersections at which solicitations will be conducted during the term of the County's permit. (3) Additional solicitation activity restrictions shall include the following: a. No more than one (1) permit may be issued to an organization during each calendar year. Permits shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of their issuance; b. Solicitation upon a public road in the county pursuant to a permit shall be authorized for no more than four (4) consecutive calendar days, and shall be limited to the period from 9:00 a.m. until one-half (½) hour prior to sunset, at the approved location(s) specified in the application and permit; c. Each individual solicitor shall have in his or her possession some form of official identification with a photograph, such as a driver's license and shall wear a high- visibility, reflective safety vest over their clothing at all times; d. A copy of the organization's solicitation permit shall be maintained at each approved solicitation location; e. All solicitors must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or older; and, f. No solicitor may impede traffic at any time; touching a vehicle or reaching inside a vehicle without the consent of the occupants of the vehicle shall be considered as impeding traffic; and, g. The applicant for the permit or the local point of contact shall be present at the location of the solicitation during the all of the dates and times that solicitations are occurring. If multiple locations are permitted, then there shall be an identified local point of contact for each location. Page 3 of 4 (4) Additional conditions for consideration of and issuance of permits: a. In additional to the provisions of section 19-24, an application for a solicitation permit under this section may be denied or revoked, in whole or in part, for the following reasons: 1. A solicitation permit has been issued to a charitable organization, and is currently in force, for one or more of the intersections at which the applicant seeks permission to solicit; 2. In the opinion of the chief of police or his designee, approval of the solicitation permit at one or more of the requested intersections is determined to create a reasonable potential for injury to solicitors, other pedestrians or vehicle occupants or an unreasonable potential for disruption to normal traffic flow; 3. The applicant has made a false or materially misleading statement on the application form or in any response to information requested on behalf of the county; and 4. A material violation of the solicitation permit granted under this section or any action by the organization or any individual solicitor acting in its behalf which creates a clear and immediate danger to public safety. b. Issuance of any permit under this section shall not represent an endorsement by the county of any charitable organization that the permittee may represent nor any indication of supervision of or control over the proceeds raised by the organization's charitable solicitations. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Page 4 of 4 ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. _____H.1-5__________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 8, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Board APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) After serving 35 years, Carlton Wright has advised he does not wish to be re- appointed. His term will expire June 30, 2012. Mr. Wright represents the Hollins magisterial district. Kevin Barnes, who represents the Cave Spring magisterial district, has advised he has accepted a job out of State and can only serve until June 2012. His term expires June 30, 2014. 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) The following one-year term expired on August 31, 2011: a) James M. Chewning representing the Vinton Magisterial District, one-year term will expire on August 31, 2011 3. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) Joseph B. “Butch” Church has recommended the re-appointment of Larry Peterson to represent the Catawba District for an additional three-year term to expire on June 30, 2015. Confirmation of this appointment has been added to the Consent Agenda. Page 1 of 2 Joseph B. “Butch” Church has recommended the re-appointment of Donna Wooldridge to represent the Catawba District for an additional three-year term to expire on June 30, 2015. Confirmation of this appointment has been added to the Consent Agenda. 4. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) Bryan Pittenger, who represents the Hollins Magisterial District, has resigned. His term of office is due to expire on August 31, 2012. 5. Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) Board of Directors (Designee of Richard C. Flora) Thomas A. Rotenberry, who is the designee of Richard Flora, two-year term will expire on May 5, 2012. Mr. Rotenberry has advised he does not wish to be appointed to an additional term. Page 2 of 2 I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM I- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 8, 2012, designated as Item I - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes – March 27, 2012; April 3, 2012 2. Request to approve a resolution and accept and appropriate $232,833 each year for fiscal years 2012-13 and 2013-14 from the Department of Juvenile Justice for the Virginia Juvenile Community Crime Control Act (VJCCCA) grant 3. Request to approve a Memorandum of Agreement between The Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice and the County of Roanoke for supervision of county employees working in the Life Skills Mentoring Program in conjunction with the Court Service Unit 4. Request to accept and appropriate a Local Government Challenge Grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Virginia Commission for the Arts 5. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $1,000 to the Roanoke County Public Schools 6. Confirmation of appointments to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) 7. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $105,029.33 from the Virginia Department of Health, Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to purchase training equipment Page 1 of 2 8. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $5,000 from City of Roanoke for Save A Ton Campaign Page 2 of 2 ÓÛÓÑÎßÒÜËÓ ÑÚ ßÙÎÛÛÓÛÒÌ ÌØ×Í ÓÛÓÑÎßÒÜËÓ ÑÚ ßÙÎÛÛÓÛÒÌ ¾»¬©»»² ¬¸» ݱ³³±²©»¿´¬¸ ±º Ê·®¹·²·¿ô ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ¼¿§ ±º ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁô îðïîò É×ÌÒÛÍÍÛÌØæ ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ¬¸» ݱ«²¬§ ¸¿ ®»½»·ª»¼ º«²¼·²¹ ¬¸®±«¹¸ ¬¸» ݱ³³±²©»¿´¬¸ ±º Ê·®¹·²·¿ º±® ·³°´»³»²¬¿¬·±² ±º ¬¸» Ê·®¹·²·¿ Ö«ª»²·´» ݱ³³«²·¬§ Ý®·³» ݱ²¬®±´ ß½¬ ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ¬¸» ݱ«²¬§ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ݱ³³±²©»¿´¬¸ ±º Ê·®¹·²·¿ ¼»ª»´±°»¼ ¿ °´¿²ô ¿°°®±ª»¼ ¾§ ݱ«²¬§ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Í«°»®ª·±® ¿²¼ ¬¸» ÜÖÖ ¬¸¿¬ °®±ª·¼» º±® ¬¸» ¸·®·²¹ ±º ÉØÛÎÛßÍô ¬¸» °¿®¬·» ©·¸ ¬± ®»¼«½» ¬± ©®·¬·²¹ ¬¸» «²¼»®¬¿²¼·²¹ ±º ¬¸» °¿®¬·» ½±²½»®²·²¹ ¬¸» д¿² ¬¸¿¬ »¬ º±®¬¸ ±°»®¿¬·±²¿´ô ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬·ª» ¿²¼ ´±¹·¬·½¿´ «°°±®¬ °¿®¿³»¬»® ¬± ¾» «»¼ ¿ ¹«·¼¿²½» º±® °®±ª·¼·²¹ ¼·®»½¬·±² ¿²¼ «°°±®¬ ¬± α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ »³°´±§»» ¿·¹²»¼ ¬± ¬¸» Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º Ö«ª»²·´» Ö«¬·½» ·² ½±²²»½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¬¸» Ê·®¹·²·¿ Ö«ª»²·´» ݱ³³«²·¬§ Ý®·³» ݱ²¬®±´ ß½¬ øÊÖÝÝÝß÷ò ÒÑÉô ÌØÛÎÛÚÑÎÛô ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ½±²¬¿·² ¬¸» «²¼»®¬¿²¼·²¹ ±º 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and mixed media, which includes the Facebook page and website, www.saveaton.org. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funds are required.This is a contribution provided by the City of Roanoke of $5,000 for the Save A Ton Campaign. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriation of a $5,000 contribution, allocated to the EECBG account 528100 in a separate line item dedicated to Save A Ton promotional activities as requested by the City of Roanoke. Page 2 of 2 General Assembly Budget FY2012 and FY2013-2014 Issues of Interest to Roanoke County HB/SB 1300 (FY2012 - Current year) The following is a summary of items contained in HB/SB1300, the budget bill to amend the current year budget (FY12) that ends June 30, 2012. This “caboose budget” makes changes to the final months of the final year of the two year biennium. State aid and transfer payments to local government VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org) State assistance to local law enforcement (HB 599) Conference report:No changes to funding levels (accepts Governor’s budget). Governor: No changes in this fiscal year to the level of funding approved by the 2011 General Assembly ($172.4 million). The FY12 distribution numbers can be seen here. Rolling stock taxes Conference report:Accepts Governor’s amendment. Governor: Aligns appropriation for distribution in accordance with the Governor’s economic advisory council’s revenue forecast; this decreases the appropriation for rolling stock taxes by $300,000, bringing the total distribution to $5.9 million for this year. (Item 255) Administration VML staff contacts: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org), Mary Jo Fields (mfields@vml.org) Compensation Board Jail per diems Conference report:Accepts Governor’s amendment. Governor: Adds $4.6 million to support the actual number of state prisoners in local or regional jails during this fiscal year (Item 67.30) State Board of Elections - Elections Administration Presidential primary funding Conference report:No amendment, so the appropriation in the introduced budget is accepted. Governor: Adds $3 million to pay for the March 6, 2012, presidential primary. Of this amount, $2.73 million can be used to reimburse localities for expenditures associated with the primary and up to $270,000 may be used to cover costs incurred by the State Board of Elections. (Item 470 J.) 1 Education VML staff contact: Mary Jo Fields (mfields@vml.org) Direct Aid to Education Conference report:Reduces funding by an additional $2.98 million. Governor:Reduces funding by $20.4 million in FY12 (reduction of $39 million in general fund and increase of $18 million in lottery funds). The reductions primarily reflect changes in average daily membership projections and participation. (Item 132) Health & Human Resources VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org) Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families Caseload and use changes Conference report:Accepts Governor’s amendment. Governor: Reduces state appropriations by $24.83 million to reflect the anticipated reduction in caseload and caseload expenses. Program costs have been declining for the past three years due to localities using more community-based programs and using fewer residential programs. The caseload has seen less growth as well; the forecast shows minimal increases in expenditures for the current year and the next biennium. This reduction does not restrict funding for eligible children or families in the program. (Item 274) Line of Duty VML staff contact: Mary Jo Fields (mfields@vml.org) Eligibility work group . Conference report: Strikes language establishing task force, but includes language on a work group made up of legislators and administration officials in HB 1301 (the 2012-14 budget). Item 258 #1c Governor: Language requires the Secretaries of Finance and Public Safety and the Governor’s Chief of Staff to convene a work group to review the process for determining eligibility for Line of Duty benefits. The purpose is to look at cost efficiencies and determining a fair and equitable division of responsibility between the state and localities for Line of Duty Act costs. The study is to be completed by July 1, 2012. (Item 258 G) Administration of LODA benefits Conference report: Does not address; amendments to HB 1301, the 2012-14 budget, address some administrative issues. Governor: Did not address. Transportation VML staff contacts: Neal Menkes (nmenkes@vml.org), Joe Lerch (jlerch@vml.org) State Transportation Infrastructure Bank : Conference reportAllocates the $67.2 million of year-end surplus for transportation as follow: (1) $28.7 million to Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (VTIB); (2) $28.7 million to initially capitalize the Intercity Passenger Rail Operating and Capital Fund. The fund was created 2 in 2011 to pay operating and capital costs for Amtrak intercity regional service. By 2013 the Commonwealth will be required to cover these costs; and (3) $9.8 million to Mass Transit Trust Fund which provides direct aid to local transit agencies (Item 452 #1c andItem 452 #2c). Governor: Deposits two-thirds ($67.2 million) of year-end general fund surplus to the Virginia Transportation Infrastructure Bank (VTIB). (While state code requires that these surplus revenues be deposited to the Transportation Trust Fund, appropriation act language can override this provision). The VTIB was created as part of the Governor’s 2011 omnibus transportation legislation to provide direct loans to private and governmental entities for the construction and capital maintenance of the state’s transportation and transit infrastructure. Up to 20 percent of the VTIB funds are available as grants to localities, with the remainder available as low interest loans to private or public entities. In order to be eligible for grants, local governments must demonstrate that the specified project cannot be financed on reasonable terms or would otherwise be financially infeasible without the grant (Item 452 G). 3 HB/SB 1301 – FY13 and FY14 State aid and transfer payments to local governments VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org) State assistance to local law enforcement (HB 599) Conference report:AcceptsGovernor’s budget. Governor: Maintains the FY2012 funding level of $172.4 million during FY 2013 and FY 2014. The Code of Virginia states that the program’s funding growth is tied to the anticipated rate of growth in the state general fund, which is projected to grow at 3.3 percent in FY 2013 and 4.5 percent in FY 2014. The proposed level of funding does not meet the Code requirements. (Item 395) Recordation Taxes Conference report:Accepts Governor’s budget. Governor: Maintains the $40 million in funding each year of the biennium. (Item 265) Rolling Stock Taxes Conference report:Accepts Governor’s budget. Governor: Maintains the FY 2012 funding level of $5.9 million each year of the biennium. (Item 265) Communications Sales and Use Tax : Conference report AcceptsGovernor’s budget. Governor: Reduces the funding level to $440 million each year of the biennium, a reduction of $20 million from the FY 2011 and FY 2012 levels. (This used to appear under Taxation.) (Item 265); Also, transfers $114,775 in sales and use tax revenues each year to the Department of Taxation to pay for administering the tax (Section 3-1.01 CC.) Rental vehicle tax distribution Conference report:Accepts the Governor’s introduced budget amendment. Governor: Increases the amount of rental vehicle taxes distributed to localities by $3 million from the FY12 level, to a total of $36 million each year of the biennium. (Item 265) Transfer payments from local governments to the state (local aid to the Commonwealth) Use of local ordinance fines and fees for state teacher retirement payments Conference report: Three related items in the budget are targeted squarely at local government law enforcement agencies and the local fines and fees they generate. The first item directs that all local fines and fees collected by General District Courts, Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Courts, and Combined District Courts be deposited directly into the State Treasury (Item 40 #2c). A second item requires the Auditor of Public Accounts to annually calculate the amount of total fines and fees (for violations of state laws and local ordinances) collected by these courts, and then determine the localities in which total local fines and fee collections exceed 40 percent of the total collections. Using the APA’s calculation for FY11, the State Comptroller is directed to deduct half of the amount in excess of 40 percent from any current payment of local fines and 4 fees before remitting to the localities their remaining collections. When the State Comptroller has recovered in total the half of the amount exceeding 40 percent, he shall pay all local collections monthly directly to the locality’s treasury. The State Comptroller shall deposit the withheld funds into the Literary Fund. (Item 3-6.04 #2c) The third item uses these local funds to supplant state funds currently going into the State Literary Fund to be used for the state share of costs towards state-mandated teacher retirement (Item 139 #8c) Governor: Not addressed in introduced budget. Across-the-board reductions to Aid to Localities Conference report:Accepts Governor’s introduced budget. Governor: Decreases the across-the-board reductions from the current $60 million a year to $50 million in FY13 and $45 million in FY14. (Item 472) Administration VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org), Mary Jo Fields (mfields@vml.org) State Compensation Board Sheriffs’ offices Conference report:Accepts Governor’s introduced budget. Governor: Restores $7.37 million each year in funds that were initially reduced in the last biennium as a result of failed legislation to establish a Public Safety Fund fee. (Item 68) Pittsylvania jail expansion Conference report:Removes $1.76 million for the biennium in jail operating funds based on the indefinite delay in opening this jail expansion. (Item68 #1c) Governor: Included language and funding for this and other expanded jails. State Electoral Board Compensation of Electoral Boards Conference report: Accepts Governor’s budget. Governor: Decrease of $160,686 to eliminate the current state supplement currently given for counties with towns. (Item 88 B, wording pertaining to a supplement based on the number of towns in a county is deleted.) The executive budget document notes: “Localities can supplement the state's compensation.” Reduced printing and mailing costs Conference report: Accepts Governor’s budget. Governor: Eliminates funding for printing and mailing absentee and voter registration applications to localities ($77,290 each year). Instead, the state will make electronic copies of the applications for localities to print as needed (and localities will incur the costs). (Item 87) 5 Compensation and benefits VML staff contact: Mary Jo Fields (mfields@vml.org) Local retirement rates : Conference report Give localities the option to pay: 1) The contribution rate certified by the VRS Board of Trustees for the biennium; or 2) For 2012-2014, 70% of the June 30, 2011 Board- certified rate or the 2012 rate, whichever is higher; for 2014-2016, 80% of the June, 2013 Board- certified rate or the 2012 rate, whichever is higher; For 2016-2018, 90% of the June, 2015 Board-certified rate or the 2012 rate, whichever is higher; and for 2018-2020, 100% of the June, 2017 Board-certified rate or the 2012 rate, whichever is higher. (Item 468 #7c) VRS is sending localities additional information. Governor: Did not address in introduced budget. Five percent employee contributions Conference report: Exempts state elected officials and some judges exempted from the requirement to pay the 5 percent member contribution. (Item 4-6.03#1c) Does not address local employee contributions, but SB 497 requires all local employees to pay the 5 percent member contribution, and requires all employers to give a salary increase to employees who have to start paying the contribution. Governor:No amendment to change the payment of member contributions for Plan 1 employees. (Item 468 K) State employee bonus Conference report: Reserves $77.2 million for a bonus for state employees on Dec.12, 2012. The funding is contingent on FY12 revenue collections exceeding the official forecast and on discretionary unspent general fund appropriations.( Item 468 #5c). The “Local Aid to the Commonwealth” payment of $60 million in FY12 will help the state fund bonuses for state employees. Governor: Funds a three percent bonus for state employees effective Dec. 1, 2012 provided agency savings are achieved and other criteria are met. (Item 468 N) Salary increases Conference report: Reserves $54.7 million for a 2% salary increase for state classified employees on July 10, 2013, and state-supported local employees on August 1, 2013. Funding contingent on the state revenue forecast not being revised downward. (Item 468 #4c) Governor: No salary increase included in budget. Retirement rates for constitutional officers/employees Conference report: Does not address so the rate of 2.13 percent in the introduced budget is accepted. Governor: Bases the state share of retirement costs for constitutional officers and employees on the lower of either 2.13 percent or the rate for the local political subdivision. (Item 75 Q) No locality has a rate lower than 2.13 percent; this policy action simply lowers state contributions to retirement for constitutional officers and their employees. Note also that state law requires that enhanced benefits be granted sheriffs’ deputies; these enhanced benefits drive up the cost of retirement, but the state pays very little of that mandate. Line of Duty Act benefits administration Conference report: Adds language to require that effective July 1, 2012, localities that do not participate in the VRS fund will pay benefits directly for the Line of Duty Act. Item 268 #1c. 6 Adds language to states that non-participating localities are not responsible for contributing to VRS administrative cost of managing the statewide program. Item 268 #2c Continues current process for eligibility determination, including payments to the State Comptroller for payment of fees for eligibility determination. Governor: Did not address. The budget includes $1.7 million each year to pay state costs associated with the line of duty act (Item 469 I). Line of Duty Act work group Conference report:Directs governor's chief of staff to lead a work group made up of the secretaries of Finance and Public Safety and one member each of the Senate Finance and House Appropriations committees to review the current process for determining eligibility of state and local Line of Duty Act recipients and the funding responsibility between the Commonwealth and its localities. Report due by Oct. 1, 2012. The purpose is to examine cost efficiencies and determine a fair and equitable division of financial responsibility for Line of Duty Act program costs. Recommendations are due to the governor and the General Assembly no later than Oct. 1, 2012. (Item 268 #3c). Governor: Established an administration workgroup in the FY12 budget. Line of Duty Act: OPEB trust Conference report: Authorizes localities to fund benefits required under the Line of Duty Act through trusts that they have established to pay for OPEBs (Other Post Employment Benefits). Item 268 #4c Governor: Did not address. Local supplements for state employees Conference report: Includes language requiring the written agreement between the state and any locality that provides a supplemental salary payment to a state employee or class of state employees. Item 468 #2c Governor: Did not address. Education VML staff contact: Mary Jo Fields (mfields@vml.org) Direct Aid to Education The big picture Conference report: Adds $112.1 million in additional direct aid in FY13 and $100.5 million in FY14 over the introduced budget. Detailed information, including required state and local costs by school division are available in a memorandum by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Governor:Total state funding (general and non-general fund) increases by $195.2 million in FY13 and by $243 million in FY14 (over the adopted budget for FY12). 7 Teacher retirement/fringe benefit rates Conference report: Accepts rates in introduced budget (see table below). See explanation below on non-personal support inflation factor for explanation of funding for retirement, inflation or VPI costs. Governor: Sets an employer retirement contribution rate of 11.66 percent for teachers (the current budget funds a 6.33 percent rate). (Item 468, G2) Funded Retirement/Fringe Benefit Rates FY12 FY13 FY14 Teacher rate (Employer Share) 6.33% 11.66% 11.66% Employee Share 5.00% 5.00% 5.00% Group Life (Employer Share) 0.28% 0.48% 0.48% Group Life (Employee Share) 0% 0.71% 0.71% Retiree Health Care Credit 0.60% 1.11% 1.11% Non-instructional support staff VRS rate (employer) 7.53% 10.23% 10.23% Total Instructional Benefit Percent (Employer Share) 14.86% 20.90% 20.90% Total Non-professional Support Benefit Percent (Employer 15.46% 18.36% 18.36% share) Non-personal support inflation factor Conference report:Provides $55 million in FY13 and in FY14 in one-time allocations for additional assistance to school divisions to support increased VRS employer contribution rates, non-personal inflation costs, and one-time costs associated with Virginia Preschool Initiative programs. The allocated amounts are based on the proposed retirement rates included in the Governor’s budget, the reduction in the Governor’s budget based on not funding inflation, and the reduction in Virginia Preschool Initiative program costs based on the funding methodology changes included in the Governor’s introduced budget. The allocated amounts were based on weighting of 20 percent for the costs of retirement contribution rates, 65 percent for the reduction based on not funding inflation costs, and 15 percent based on VPI reductions as calculated in the Governor’s introduced budget. School divisions may decide how much to allocate to each of the three purposes (VRS, non-personal expenditures, and/or VPI). No local match is required to receive the additional state funds. (Item 139 #10c) Governor: Eliminates the use of an inflation factor in calculating the state share of the cost of non personal support items, which results in a reduction of state funding of $54.4 million in FY13 and $54.6 million in FY14. Non-personal support items includes recognition of the costs of health insurance, utilities and transportation, to name a few components. This policy change would mean that the state would base its reimbursements on 2010 costs. Literary Fund-local fines Conference report:An increase of $1 million a year from the Literary Fund to pay for teacher retirement, and a decrease in state general fund support for public education by the same amount. The state takes a portion of local fines and puts them in the Literary Fund. The result is that fines collected by local law enforcement would be used to pay teacher retirement. (Item 139 #8c) Governor: No item. 8 Other Education Local library aid Conference report:Adds $295,436 in each year to restore the two percent reduction contained in the introduced budget for state aid to public libraries. (Item 239 #1c) Governor: A two percent reduction ($295,436) each year in state library aid. Item 239 Health & Human Resources VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org) Comprehensive Services Act for At-Risk Youth and Families Caseload/funding reductions Conference report: Reduces state funding by an additional $7.3 million in FY13 and by $10.5 million in FY14 to reflect lower caseload growth. (Item 283#1c) Governor: Reduces state funding by $12.776 million in FY13 and $9.586 million in the second year to reflect anticipated reductions in caseloads and program costs. Program expenditures have declined over the past three years. (Item 283) Wrap-around services in public schools Conference report: Restores $2.2 million each year to the mandated pool for wrap-around services for children with special education needs to prevent their placement in more restrictive and expensive special education settings (like private day school or residential placements). (Item 283 #3c) Governor: Moves this service from the mandated pool to the non-mandated pool for a state savings of $5.40 million each year. This service was put under the mandated service pool by the State Executive Council, and is not addressed by the Code of Virginia. Funding of $700,000 is being added to non-mandated pool to offset a part of the loss of funds. (Item 283) Study on impact of changes in match rates Conference report: Language requires the Office of Comprehensive Services to evaluate the impact of the changes to the state and local match rates for services provided through the CSA program on the treatment outcomes of children served by the program. This report is due Oct. 1. The state made changes to the community-based and residential match rates during FY10 to push more community-based services and to dissuade communities from making or keeping more expensive residential placements. (Item 283 #4c) Governor: Not addressed in the introduced budget. Judicial Department VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org) Mandated repair/replacement of court facilities Conference report:Continues the suspension of the authority of circuit courts to enter orders requiring localities to repair or replace court facilities if the yare deemed out of repair. This language first appeared in the 2009 approved budget. (Item 42 #2c) Governor: Does not address. Public Safety VML staff contact: Janet Areson (jareson@vml.org) 9 Department of Criminal Justice Services State assistance to local law enforcement (HB 599) Conference report:Accepts Governor’s budget. Governor: Maintains the FY12 funding level of $172.4 million during FY2013 and FY2014. The Code of Virginia stipulates that the program’s funding growth is tied to the rate of growth in the state general fund, which is projected to grow at 3.3 percent in FY2013 and 4.5 percent in FY2014. As such, the proposed level of funding does not abide by the language in the Code.(Item 395) 10 County of Roanoke General Government Revenue Summary Adopted FY 2011-2012 and Proposed FY 2012-2013 AdoptedProposed BudgetBudgetIncrease FY 11-12FY 12-13(Decrease) Real Estate Taxes$88,030,000$86,460,000($1,570,000) Personal Property Taxes27,340,00028,370,0001,030,000 Other Property Taxes3,615,0003,670,00055,000 Local Sales Tax9,474,3409,925,000450,660 Telecommunications Taxes and Fees4,200,0003,713,000(487,000) Utility Consumer Tax3,650,0003,665,00015,000 Business License Tax5,575,0006,075,000500,000 Bank Franchise Tax525,000525,0000 Motor Vehicle License Tax2,020,0002,175,000155,000 Recordation and Conveyance Tax1,075,0001,200,000125,000 Hotel/Motel Tax775,000700,000(75,000) Meals Tax3,630,0003,965,000335,000 Other Local Taxes711,000666,000(45,000) Permits, Fees & Licenses575,610476,560(99,050) Fines and Forfeitures835,400760,400(75,000) Use of Money and Property269,100189,100(80,000) Charges for Services622,200645,20023,000 Fire & Rescue Fee for Service2,522,2332,752,233230,000 Miscellaneous Revenue1,126,1201,141,92115,801 Recovered Costs 166,385166,3850 Commonwealth9,857,7828,566,271(1,291,511) Federal3,740,0003,275,000(465,000) Total Revenue170,335,170169,082,0701,253,100 () Transfer from Other Funds660,607660,6070 Total General Government $170,995,777$169,742,677($1,253,100) County of Roanoke General Government Expenditure Summary Adopted FY 2011-2012 and Proposed FY 2012-2013 AdoptedProposed BudgetBudgetIncrease FY 11-12FY 12-13(Decrease) Expenditures General Administration$2,900,2592,981,549 $81,290 Constitutional Officers13,087,65413,403,274 315,620 Judicial Administration865,732860,732 (5,000) Management Services3,200,3793,223,974 23,595 Public Safety23,922,56724,600,401 677,834 Community Services11,076,11211,161,569 85,457 Human Services20,007,89918,282,230 (1,725,669) Non Departmental Employee Benefits2,675,2972,648,515 (26,782) Internal Service Charges6,717,0136,707,635 (9,378) Miscellaneous1,976,5001,984,432 7,932 Transfers To (From) Debt-County7,461,4217,447,336 (14,085) Debt-Schools9,475,9819,987,078 511,097 Schools-Operating64,006,72664,006,726 0 Public Works Projects175,693183,215 7,522 Capital4,024,4674,218,947 194,480 Transfer from Capital Fund(5,341,852) (5,850,128)(508,276) Schools-Dental477,299477,299 0 Internal Services933,6301,064,893 131,263 Comprehensive Services3,253,0002,253,000 (1,000,000) Board Contingency100,000100,000 0 Total General Government $170,995,777$169,742,677($1,253,100) ݱ«²¬§±ºÎ±¿²±µ» ÚÇïîïíÞ«¼¹»¬Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬¿´Þ«¼¹»¬Î»¼«½¬·±²Ý±²·¼»®¿¬·±² Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬Î»¼«½¬·±² б´·½»üïîðôððð Ê»¸·½´»®»°´¿½»³»²¬º«²¼·²¹©·´´¾»®»¼«½»¼ò̸·©·´´®»«´¬·²º±«®º»©»®ª»¸·½´» °«®½¸¿»¼°»®§»¿®ø¿¬¢üíðôððð°»®ª»¸·½´»÷ò̸·¬·´´´»¿ª»¬¸»¼»°¿®¬³»²¬©·¬¸ ¿°°®±¨·³¿¬»´§üëèëôðð𷲪»¸·½´»®»°´¿½»³»²¬º«²¼·²¹ò Ú·®»¿²¼Î»½«»üëðôððð ̸»¼»°¿®¬³»²¬©·´´®»¼«½»¹»²»®¿´±°»®¿¬·²¹»¨°»²»¾§üëðôððð©·¬¸¬¸»¹±¿´±º ³·²·³·¦·²¹·³°¿½¬¬±±°»®¿¬·±²ô¬±¬¸»»¨¬»²¬°±·¾´»ò 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resolution as its Legislative Program for the 2012 session of the Virginia General Assembly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following legislative initiatives are submitted for its legislative program for the 2012 session of the Virginia General Assembly for its favorable consideration and adoption. 1. Comprehensive Services Act Since its foundation in 1992, the Virginia Comprehensive Services Act (CSA) has led the nation by consolidating funding sources and carefully coordinating treatment services for children with severe and significant needs. This care coordination has proven successful in both meeting needs for individual children, and in proving that state and local responsibility and cost sharing can and does work. Therefore, the General Assembly should require that any changes in CSA law, policy or implementation guidelines (by the CSA State Executive Council) benefit not only the State but also the local governments that share in the funding of CSA. Furthermore, the General Assembly and the SEC must direct the state Office of Comprehensive Services staff to work closely with local governments in a manner that further enhances the collaborative partnership established in the CSA and improves the outcomes observed in this special population of children. It is clear that the recent changes in the state/local rate sharing, in addition to other program improvements, have led to enhancements in community service capacity. Any proposed changes to the current rate structure should be resisted, leaving the current rate structure in place during the 2012-2014 Biennium. Page 1 of 5 The Board / Roanoke County supports the current structure under the CSA law that invests in the local Family Planning and Assessment Team (FAPT) and Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT) the responsibility to ensure that the proper services are selected for each child, to be provided by properly licensed providers, and at reasonable costs to the public; and opposes any changes to the CSA program that would shift costs from the state to local governments. 2. VRS Roanoke County is gravely concerned about the failure of the General Assembly to adequately fund the Virginia Retirement System as recommended by its actuaries. Only three times between 1995 and 2011 has the General Assembly paid the recommended contribution, while local governments have fully funded their recommended contributions toVRS. Roanoke County requests the General Assembly to fulfill its promises to its public employees, and adequately fund VRS as recommended by its actuaries,and restore VRS to an actuarially sound status. Roanoke County requests the General Assembly to maintain local discretionary authority to determine the share paid by local government employees and school board employees. Roanoke County opposes shifting additional costs to localities, such as the Line of Duty Act. 3. The General Assembly ordered local governments in Section 15.2-2223.1 Roanoke County requests the General Assembly to adopt legislation repealing this mandate and providing that this be made optional for local governments. 4. Roanoke County requests the General Assembly to expand local taxing authority and to grant counties the same powers as cities and towns with respect to local taxing authority. 5. Roanoke County opposes efforts by the General Assembly to fund the operating budget of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) by imposing a on solid waste disposed at public solid waste disposal facilities (landfills). 6. The G transfer responsibility to maintain secondary roads to counties. It is not fiscally prudent to proceed with this plan (i) without bringing these roads up to current, required standards, (ii) without expanding local replacement revenue Page 2 of 5 authority, and (iii) without addressing the costs to the taxpayers of Virginia and inefficiencies of duplication arising from over 100 local transportation departments. This ill- will only increase the costs to the taxpayers of Virginia by shifting required and necessary transportation costs onto the backs of the residential real estate taxpayer and homeowner.Roanoke County opposes this devolution plan, and requests the General Assembly to reject it. 7. Local Government State Funding and Mandates As the General Assembly produces an annual budget, it is requested that if the General Assembly is required to further reduce local government funding that it also investigate the need to reduce or eliminate state mandates in relationship to the budgetary cuts. For the past two years the General Assembly has required local governments to either arbitrarily cut state-supported local programs or to appropriate funds to the Commonwealth to pay an additional portion of these required costs. State revenues have improved while local government revenues have remained stagnant (being substantially reliant upon real estate assessments). Roanoke County requests the General Assembly to eliminate the requirement for (current year amount exceeds $569,000). 8. The 2011 General Assembly has instructed the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC) to study the effects of changing the Business Professional, Occupational and Licensing (BPOL) tax from a tax calculated on the basis Roanoke County opposes efforts by the General Assembly to reduce local sources of revenue. 9. Roanoke County supports the extension of passenger rail service from º®±³ Þ®·¬±´ ¬¸®±«¹¸ α¿²±µ» ¿²¼ ±² ¬± Ô§²½¸¾«®¹ ¿²¼ ¬¸»² ¬± É¿¸·²¹¬±²ô ÜòÝòô Ê·®¹·²·¿ ©·¬¸±«¬ °¿»²¹»® ®¿·´ »®ª·½»ò ̸» îððð Ù»²»®¿´ ß»³¾´§ °®±ª·¼»¼ üç ³·´´·±² ·² °®»´·³·²¿®§ º«²¼·²¹ º±® ¬¸· ·³°±®¬¿²¬ »½±²±³·½ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ·²·¬·¿¬·ª»ò ̸» ݱ«²¬§ «°°±®¬ ¬¸» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ͬ¿¬» º«²¼·²¹ ²»½»¿®§ ¬± °´¿½» ¬¸» »®ª·½» ·²¬± ±°»®¿¬·±²ò Ю·±®·¬§ ¸±«´¼ ¾» ¹·ª» ¬± ·²¬·¬«¬·²¹ °¿»²¹»® ®¿·´ »®ª·½» ¾»¬©»»² α¿²±µ» ¿²¼ Ô§²½¸¾«®¹ô ¬± »²¿¾´» ®»·¼»²¬ ±º ¬¸· ®»¹·±² ¿½½» ¬± °¿»²¹»® ®¿·´ »®ª·½»ò This is a regional proposal supported by the localities in the Roanoke region. 10.icensing and 73, 76, Section 15.2-2108.19, et seq.). These corrections should strengthen the Page 3 of 5