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5/22/2012 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda May 22, 2012 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for May 22, 2012. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of Supervisors meetings can also be viewed online through Roanoke County's website at www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov. Our meetings are closed- captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772 -2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call 2. Invocation: Pastor Bruce Chick Sovereign Grace Community Church 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the week of June 4 -8, 2012, as Business Appreciation Week in the County of Roanoke (Jill Loope, Acting Director of Economic Development) 2. Presentation of Virginia Public Library Directors Association Award for Outstanding Facility 2012 (Diana Rosapepe, Director of Library Services) Page 1 of 6 D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to adopt an amended Roanoke County School Budget for the fiscal year 2012 -2013 (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE - CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission 1. The petition of Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. (Panera) to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C -2, General Commercial, District for the operation of a drive -in and fast food restaurant on 1.02 acres, located at 4202 Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2 - 1414.3 of the Code of Virginia (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Chapter 19. - Solicitors and Solicitations, Article II. — Permit for Charitable Solicitations, Section 19 -28. — Permit for Street Solicitation of the Roanoke County Code (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 3. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) 4. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) 5. Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by District) 6. Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors Page 2 of 6 7. Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors (Designee of Richard C. Flora) J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes — April 10, 2012; April 24, 2012 2. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $7,981.73 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for fiscal year 2011/2012 3. Confirmation of appointments to Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District); Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR); Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by District) and the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors 4. Request to enhance the Infrastructure Replacement Capital Fund 5. Resolution requesting acceptance of Olyvia Place into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Resolution approving and adopting the recommendation of the Roanoke County Bonding Committee to schedule a Public Hearing on June 12, 2012 declaring the developer Al M. Cooper Construction, Inc. to be in default under the Cardinal Meadows (Catawba Magisterial District) "Developer's Site Development Agreement" and "Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement" (Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development) M. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance Page 3of6 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of April 30, 2012 5. Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of April 30, 2012 6. Accounts Paid —April 30, 2012 7. Treasurer's Statement of Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of April 30, 2012 8. Proclamation signed by the Chairman O. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to discuss stormwater enforcement (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Work session to discuss Roanoke County Take Home Vehicle Policy (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator) P. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2.3711.A.1 Personnel, namely discussion concerning appointments to the Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT); Court Community Corrections Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) Policy Board; Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission; Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors; Virginia's First Regional Industrial Facility Authority and the Western Virginia Water Authority 2. Section 2.2- 3711.A.1 Personnel, namely discussion or consideration of the performance of specific public officers, namely performance evaluations of the County Administrator and County Attorney EVENING SESSION Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. BRIEFING 1. Roanoke County Real Estate Assessment (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator) Page 4 of 6 S. T. U. 0A W. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Recognition of Save A Ton Energetic Ideas Contest Winners (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) 2. Resolution of congratulations to the William Byrd High School School Girls 200 Medley and 400 Freestyle Relay Team for winning the 2012 Virginia High School League (VHSL) Group AA State Competition NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution granting a waiver to Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions under Section 13 -23 of the Roanoke County Code to the provisions of the County's Noise Ordinance, Article II. Noise of Chapter 13. Offenses - Miscellaneous (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 2. Resolution establishing the salary for the County Administrator and the County Attorney (Diane D. Hyatt, Assistant County Administrator) PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Public hearing on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2012 -2013 and the fiscal year 2013 -2017 Capital Improvements Program (W. Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Ordinance to appropriate funds for the fiscal year 2012 -2013 budget and approval of the Classification Plan for fiscal year 2012 -2013 (W. Brent Robertson, Director of Management and Budget) PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the vacation of a 15 -foot public drainage easement as shown on the plat of Section 8, Falling Creek Estates of record in Plat Book 21, page 20 in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, said public drainage easement being located off Toddsbury Drive between Lots 22 and 23 (now re- subdivided and shown as Lot 22A on a plat of record by instrument #2007 -14385 in the above mentioned Clerk's Office), Vinton Magisterial District (Arnold Covey, Director of Community Development) CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Page 5 of 6 X. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Michael W. Altizer 2. Joseph B. "Butch" Church 3. Eddie "Ed" Elswick 4. Charlotte A. Moore 5. Richard C. Flora Y. ADJOURNMENT Page 6of6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. C -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation declaring June 4 through 8, 2012, as Business Appreciation Week in the County of Roanoke SUBMITTED BY: Jill B. Loope Acting Director of Economic Development APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Ad m i n i strato r COUNTY ADMINIS'TRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMATION: The Honorable Robert F. McDonnell, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, has declared the week of June 4 through 3, 2012, as Business Appreciation Week. This week commemorates all business community partners for their contributions to fostering an attractive and prosperous business environment in Roanoke County. The week's theme for 2012 is "The Year of the Entreprene&'. Business Appreciation Week is celebrated in many venues throughout the State. While Roanoke County honors this tradition, we feel strongly that every week should be business appreciation week based upon the consistent spirit of entrepreneurism and innovation that our business leaders have undertaken to weather a difficult economy. We also wish to recognize the many charitable, civic and philanthropic contributions made by our existing businesses in creating a true sense of community. Mr. Dale Guidry, President and CEO of TMEIC Corporation will be present to accept the proclamation on behalf of the Roanoke County business community. TMEIC announced a realignment of ownership from TM GE Automation Systems to TMEIC Corporation in 2011, resulting in Toshiba and Mitsubishi gaining one hundred percent (100 %) ownership of the Corporation. With their North American headquarters located in Roanoke County and a current employment of over 325 people, TMEIC continues to grow and expand their local employment base, in addition to their offices and subsidiaries in India, Canada and Houston, Texas. TMEIC exhibits all of the qualities that are celebrated during Business Appreciation Week, and we are pleased that they continue to choose Roanoke County to invest and expand their business. Page 1 of 1 C-1 AT %UOUut of YvII2IYTIIkQ OA 183B DECLARING THE WEEK OF JUNE 4-85 2012 AS BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK IN COUNTY OF ROANOKE WHEREAS, Governor Robert F. McDonnell has reco June 4-8, 2012, as BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK in the Commonwealth of Vir and called this observance to the attention of all citizens and, WHEREAS, the Count of Roanoke is proud to have a vibrant base of business and industr which contributes to an emer local econom and WHEREAS, these business partners create wealth in the Count of Roanoke b capital investment and g enerate crucial emplo opportunities and WHEREAS, these businesses produce revenues from which the entire local communit and citizenr profit and WHEREAS, the Count of Roanoke reco that existin businesses pla a vital role in preservin the economic well-bein in buildin a sustainable, flourishin communit and WHEREAS, Vir and its localities reco the man charitable, civic, and philanthropic contributions made b businesses and encoura their continued involvement in communit buildin and WHEREAS, the Board wishes to acknowled the leadership role epitomized b the entire existin business and industr communit and express its admiration and g ratitude to these business partners. NOW THEREFORE, we, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count Vir do hereb proclaim the week June 4-8, 2012, as BUSINESS APPRECIATION WEEK in the Count of Roanoke; and FURTHER, b this proclamation, we g ive notice to our citizens that the industrial and commercial enterprises of the Count of Roanoke can state that this y ear's theme of "The Year of the Entrepreneur" is affirmative, strate and appropriate to achieve a prosperous, proactive communit Presented this 22 da of Ma 2012 -1. C)%-. C. 1 �k � a., Richard C. Flora, Chairman Michael W. Altizer, Vic w-Chairman / /,-) •,- 1) - / , 4 A / - , ostph B. "Butch" Church Eddie "Ed" Elswick aa,,d<!�e Charlotte A. Moore •► I I ►s. ITEM NO. C -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2412 AGENDA ITEM: Presentation of Virginia Public Library Directors Association Award for Outstanding Facility 2612 SUBMITTED BY: Diana Rosapepe Library Director APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator'10 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMAmnON: Roanoke County Public Library was notified on April 26, 2012, that South County Library had been selected to receive the Virginia Public Library Directors Association (VPLDA) statewide award for Outstanding Facility 2612. VPLDA recognized South County for its redefinition of public spaces, technological innovations, welcoming contemporary atmosphere, sensitivity to the environment and enhanced customer service opportunities. The Commons, with its meeting rooms, auditorium, coffee shop and Friends of the Library store, was of special interest as well. The Library staff is, of course, very pleased that South County has received professional recognition - through this VPLDA award and, earlier, through the annual Design Showcase edition of American Libraries magazine. We are equally honored that our citizens have chosen it to receive awards in regional publications as well. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NOS. E -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DA7rE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Request to adopt an amended Roanoke County School Budget for the fiscal year 2012-2013 SUBMIT'rED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: At the May 8, 2012, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board adopted the School Board budget for the 2012 -2013 fiscal year, as it was approved by the School Board at their meeting on April 26, 2012. Subsequently, the School Board has amended this budget. At their meeting on May 16, 2012, the School Board adopted an amended School Budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. An amendment was made to include an additional transfer of $350,000 from the health insurance reserve to provide a full 8.75% increase to the employees hired after July 1, 2010. This change was made to simplify the teachers' pay scale, so that there is only one pay scale instead of two pay scales. The amended School Budget is attached for 'the Board's approval. Dr. Lorraine Lange (Superintendent of Schools) and Dr. Carol Whitaker (Assistant Superintendent of Personnel) will attend the meeting to answer any questions that the Board may have. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approving and adopting the attached amended school board budget for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Page 1 of 1 Roanoke County Public Schools Revised i 2012.- Om Revised 5/16/12 Roanoke County Public Schools School Board Members H. Odell "Fuzz Minnix, Chairman Cave Sprin District Jerr L. Canada, Vice Chairman Hollins District C. Drew Barrineau Windsor Hills District Michael W. Stovall Vinton District David M. W Catawba District Dr. Lorraine S. Lan School Superintendent Penn A. Hod CPA, SFO Assistant Superintendent of Finance David E. Atkins Finance Mana Susan L. Peterson, CPA Finance Mana %--I 593 7 Cove Road, Roanoke, Vir 24019 www res. 02.va.us t Table of Contents loo Execudve Summary School Board Agenda Report ............................................ ............................... 1 -3 MissionStatement ................................................................ ............................... 4 Budget Development Calendar ............................................. ............................... 5 Budget Development Process ............................................ ............................... 6 -8 Basis of Presentation ............................................................ ............................... 9 Budget Summary - All Funds ................................................ .............................10 General Fund Revenues per Pupil .......................................... .............................11 General Fund Revenues ................................................. ............................... 12 -13 Description of General Fund Expenditures by Budget Categories .......................14 General Fund Expenditures per Pupil .................................... .............................15 General Fund Expenditure Summary by Department ............. .............................16 StudentEnrollment ................................................................ .............................17 Historical Fund Balance Data ............... ............................... ..........................000.0 1 8 Other School Funds GrantFund ....................................... ............................... . ............................ 20 -21 Nutrition Fund. o. o o ........ o. 0... 0 .. 0.. 0 0 0. 0. 0 0... 0. 0...... 0 22 TextbookFund ......... 0 ... 0 0. . 0 ... 0. 0... 0 0 ... 0 0... 0.. 0 0 0 ... 0 ................. ............................... 0 ... • 23 CapitalFund ............ ............................... ..................... 0 0 ..... 0. 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 ..... 0 0. 0 .24 DebtFund ......................................... ............................... 0000........................... , ..25 Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund ........... 0 .... 0 .... 0.0......0.00 ... 0 ... 0 0... 0 ... 0 ..................... 26 BusFund.. 0.... 0. 0.. ... 0. 0... 0 0 0. 0 0...... 0 . . . . . . . . . 0 . . 0 0 o27 MEETING DATE: Ma 16, 2012 , AGENDA ITEM: Re to Amend FY 2012-13 School Bud SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The 2012-13 school bud approved on April 26, 2012 has been revised to reflect an additional $350,000 transfer from the school health reserve to fund the 5.75% VRS salar adjustment for emplo hired after Jul 1, 2010 that were not covered under Senate Bill 497 and not included in the bud approved on April 26th. All school emplo eli forVRS covera will receive the VRS salar adjustment in their 2012-13 contract. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached amended bud for 2012-13. In addition, staff recommends that all funded outstandin encumbrances, both operatin and capital, at June 30, 2012, are re-appropriated to the 2012-13 fiscal y ear to the same department and account for which the were encumbered in the previous y ear. This will allow bud amounts for purchases of g oods near the end of the y ear to be rolled into the next bud y ear to cover the invoices received after y ear-end. MEETING DATE: April 26, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Re to Amend FY 2012-13 School Bud SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The School Board is re b state code to adopt an annual school bud b April 1 of each y ear. Despite the fact that the General Assembl had not y et adopted a state bud the School Board adopted a school bud at their meetin on March 27, 2012 in accordance with this provision. Since that time, the General Assembl has passed a state bud which is expected to be approved b the Governor in the next few weeks. The 2012-13 school bud approved on March 27, 2012 has been revised to reflect the final state aid for education and the Superintendent's recommendations to balance the bud The General Fund bud for 2012-13 reflects revenues based on aid for education in the General Assembl bud released on April 19, 2012 via the State Superintendent. The General Fund bud of $132,562,485 reflects an increase of $1,189,215 or 0.9% more than the precedin y ear. The revenue chan include the followin • Increase in state fundin of $905,662. • Level fundin of the local appropriation from the Count Board of Supervisors and a temporar departure from the joint revenue sharin formula. • Decrease in other revenues of $173,080. • Increase in federal revenues of $44,935 from a supplemental stimulus allocation. • Allocation of $1,000,000 from health reserves. The proposed bud does not include school closin or la of full-time contracted emplo It moves the technolo plan purchases out of the operatin bud and into g rant, minor capital, or y ear-end balance fundin sources in order to free up operatin mone to offset a portion of the increase in VRS rates. This bud continues the hirin freeze and man positions that are bein voluntaril vacated throu resi or retirement will not be filled next y ear in order to balance the bud The bud cuts that are recommended to balance to a level funded transfer from the Count include the followin • Reduction in personnel baseline bud from past hirin freezes and 9% reduction in work force (approximatel 220 emplo lower than 3 y ears a • Reduction in fuel and utilit surplus -bud • Elimination of emplo positions due to retirements • Redirection of technolo purchases to other fundin sources (state g rant, y ear-end balance, or minor capital) • Reductions in departmental operatin bud lines • Reduction in purchase of librar books, ma and supplies • Elimination of annual purchase of support vehicles • Reor of administrative positions at Glenvar Hi and Glenvar Middle (due to vacanc in po • Reduction in Superintendent's contin • Reor of summer school pro to ensure that it is self-sustainin • Reduction in travel bud • Reduction in paid football coaches and post-season supplements • Reduction in allocation for textbooks • Reduction in allocation for new school buses The lar impact on the school bud for next y ear is the si increase in VRS retirement related expenditures and the chan in the laws g overnin g the VRS retirement plan. For the first time since the earl 1980's, all school emplo will be re to contribute 5% of their pay into the Vir Retirement S This le also re School Boards to provide an offsettin salar adjustment to school emplo To that end, the General Fund bud reflects salar and benefit ad including the followin • Salaries have been frozen for three y ears. This proposed bud includes a 3% cost of livin increase for next y ear. • Health and dental insurance premiums will remain the same for 2012-13. • The VRS retirement rate will increase from 6.33% to 11.66% (net of the 5% emplo contribution). • All full-time school emplo will be re to contribute 5% of salar as the emplo share of the VRS premium effective Jul 1, 2012. • The School Board is re to provide an offsettin salar adjustment per this le (also known as the "5 for 5 swap"). This bud includes a salar offset of 5.75% and the related emplo pa costs on the salar ad • The deferred compensation matchin pro has been suspended and no new participants will be enrolled. Information on the Other Funds: Grants — No chan recommended to the ori bud approved on March 27, 2012. School Nutrition — This fund is 100% self-sustainin with sales of breakfasts and lunches to students and staff. As re b federal law, the price of lunches will be increased b ten cents in 2012-13. This is not a voluntar increase but is re under the law. The VRS related salar offset and the 3% cost of livin increase are included in the revised bud for this fund. 0J, Textbooks —The local match for textbooks has been reduced b $265,000 but is more than offset b an increase in state fundin of $414,000. The VRS related salar offset and the 3% cost of livin increase are included in the revised bud for this fund. Capital — No chan recommended to the ori bud approved on March 27,.2012. Debt — No chan recommended to the ori bud approved on March 27, 2012. Laptop Reserve — No chan recommended to the ori bud approved on March 27, 2012. The take ho laptop pro for g rades 9-12 will continue under this recommendation. The laptop insurance fee will remain at $50 per y ear. School Buses — The annual allocation for bus purchases will be reduced b $450,000. The School Board ma choose to allocate fundin from other sources includin y ear-end balance or minor capital to purchase buses. The annual transfer for the replacement of support vehicles has been eliminated. This bud was amended to offset the bud cuts needed to balance to final state revenues and the Count transfer to schools. The development of salar scales is underwa and will be presented at the Ma 10, 2012 re School Board meetin for approval. The si dela in the state bud process this y ear ma result in an inabilit to issue emplo contracts before the end of the school y ear. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached amended bud for 2012-13. In addition, staff recommends that all funded outstandin encumbrances, both operatin and capital, at June 30, 2012, are re-appropriated to the 2012-13 fiscal y ear to the same department and account for which the were encumbered in the previous y ear. This will allow bud amounts for purchases of g oods near the end of the y ear to be rolled into the next bud y ear to cover the invoices received after year-end. Roanoke Count Public Schools Mission Statement The mission of Roanoke Count Public Schools is to ensure q ualit y learnin experiences desi to e all students with the skills to adapt and thrive in a chan g lobal environment. Beliefs and Assumptions • All children can learn. • The individual school controls enou variables to assure that virtuall all children can be motivated to learn. • A school's stakeholders are the most q ualified people to implement needed chan • School-b chan is the best hope for reform. "Learnin for all, whatever it takes 1.9 0 Roanoke Count Public Schools Bud Development Calendar November 2011 ■ Identification and prioritization of bud initiatives and bud reductions based on Comprehensive Plan and state forecasts December 2011 ■ Bud kick-off and distribution of Bud Preparation Instructions to staff ■ Bud Development Calendar presented to School Board ■ Bud c discussed with Emplo Advisor Committee ■ Preliminar revenue estimates prepared based on proposed Governor's bud January 2012 ■ Operatin Bud Re submitted to Finance Office b all departments ■ School Nutrition Services, Textbooks, Debt and Grant Bud Re submitted to Finance Office ■ Draft Operatin Bud compilations distributed to Senior Staff ■ Revenue projections updated based on proposed House and Senate bud ■ Public comment on FY2013 Operatin Bud February 2012 ■ Operatin Bud discussions — Superintendent and Senior Staff ■ Joint meetin with School Board and Board of Supervisors ■ Preliminar revenue sessions with local g overnment ■ Preliminar revenue projections updated based on General Assembl action ■ Bud work session with Emplo Advisor Committee March 2012 ■ Bud Summit with School Board and staff ■ Joint Bud Work Session with Board of Supervisors ■ Presentation of Executive Bud Summar to School Board ■ School Board adoption of FY2013 Operatin Bud and Other Fund Bud ■ School Board adopted bud presented to Board of Supervisors April 2012 ■ Public hearin and discussions with School Board, School Staff and Board of Supervisors on Operatin Bud ■ Finance Office distributes per pupil cost for public education in accordance with state law b April 15th Ma 2012 ■ Board of Supervisors adopts FY2013 bud for school s %.1 5 Roanoke Count Public Schools Bud Development Process The School S bud c is divided into a five-step process that includes plannin preparation, adoption, implementation, and evaluation. The process is driven b two objectives: to develop a bud that will provide ever child in the school s with the best possible educational opportunities and to optimize the use of available resources. Within this framework, the School Board attempts to balance the educational needs of students with the resources available to the school s from local, state, and federal sources. Bud Plannin For the fiscal y ear that be Jul 1, the bud plannin process starts the prior y ear when the School Board adopts a bud calendar. The calendar *includes important activities in the bud process and the dates on which important decisions are scheduled. Once adopted, the calendar represents the g uidelines for the preparation and adoption of the bud for the school s Preparation of the School Bud Preparation of the school operatin bud includes input from each school and input from the followin bud committees: Superintendent's Budizet Committee Penn Hod Chairperson Lorraine Lan Superintendent Jerr Canada, School Board Drew Barrineau, School Board Fuzz Minnix, School Board Mike Stovall, School Board David W School Board Allen Journell, Deput Superintendent Carol Whitaker, Assistant Superintendent Jessica McClun Director, PPS/Special Ed Cecil Snead, Secondar Instruction/CTE Rebecca Eastwood, Elementar Instruction Martin Misicko, Director of Operations David Atkins, Bud and Finance Susan Peterson, Bud and Finance Diane H Roanoke Count Senior Staff Budget Committee Penn Hod Chairperson Lorraine Lan Superintendent Allen Journell, Deput Superintendent Carol Whitaker, Assistant Superintendent Cecil Snead, Instruction/CTE Rebecca Eastwood, Instruction Ben Williams, Testin and Remediation Michele Dowd School Counselin Services Fran Kiker, School Counselin Services Emplo Adviso Committee Sarah Hollett, William B HS Ka Thompson, William B MS Linda Carr, Back Creek Laurie A H. L. Horn Miss Chapman, Glenvar Elementar Jackie Divers, Burlin Barbara Buckle Oak Grove Dallas Washburn, Fort Lewis Janet Shaffer, Mount Pleasant Mar Shaffer, Mountain View Ben Williams, Testin Dave Trumbower, Classified Personnel Martin Misicko, Operations David Atkins, Bud and Finance Brenda Chastain, School Board Clerk Darlene Ratliff, Deput Clerk Ed Tutle, Nutrition Chuck Lionber Communit Relations Susan Peterson, Bud and Finance Jason Staples, Penn Forest Son Cline, Glenvar HS Lisa Ha Hidden Valle HS Lori Clark, Clearbrook Nanc Hoffman, Cave Sprin HS Tamm Wood, Northside HS Ann F ' *ardo, Glenvar MS Pe Barker-Meise, Northside MS Marsha Wra Cave Sprin Elementar An Davis, Green Valle R Roanoke Count Public Schools Bud Development Process EmDlovee Advisory Committee (continued Nicole Huffman, Cave Sprin MS Sheree Anderson, W. E. Cundiff Nanc Lon Bonsack Sherrie Siska, Glenvar HS Carol Webster, BCAT Don Hi Maintenance Dann Turman, Transportation Pe Plunkett; W. E. Cundiff Ed Bishop, Glen Cove Karen Cole, Northside HS Am Slate, Masons Cove Kath Curran, Maintenance Denise St. Jean, Nutrition Bud Adoption The bud for the school division for the next fiscal y ear is presented at board meetin and work sessions in Februar and earl March. On or before April I of each y ear, the School Board adopts the next fiscal y ear's bud and submits to the Board of Supervisors for approval. The school division operates as a le separate component unit. However, the school division is fiscall dependent upon the Count of Roanoke with approximatel 49% of the school bud funded b local taxes. The final adoption and appropriation occur in Ma of each y ear. In 2011, the school s received its sixth Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) Meritorious Bud Award for Excellence in the preparation and issuance of the 2010-11 school s Annual Bud document. The award represents a si achievement b Roanoke Count Public Schools and reflects the commitment of the school division and staff to meetin the hi standards of school bud Bud Implementation The fiscal y ear be on Jul 1 of each y ear when the newl adopted bud becomes available for spendin Department administrators receive monthl reports which reflect the bud amount, y ear to date expenditures, encumbrances, and the amount remainin for expenditure. Upon review of these reports, the administrators ma re bud transfers to ali the bud with their spendin priorities. The board members receive monthl and q uarterl y reports of revenues and expenditures to date. Bud Evaluation The last step in the bud process is the evaluation of the financial plan. The results of operation for the fiscal y ear are reported annuall in the School Board's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), which is audited b a certified public accountin firm. The Superintendent's. Annual School Report is also prepared annuall in accordance with re set b the Vir General Assembl For the past eleven y ears, Roanoke Count Public Schools has received two presti awards for its CAFR. The first award is the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reportin from the Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO). This is an international award that reco excellence in preparation and issuance of school s financial reports. The second award received is the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence . in Financial Reportin from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada. The Certificate of Achievement is a national award that reco conformance with the hi standards for preparation of state and local g overnment financial reports. Roanoke Count Public Schools Bud Development Process FY 2012-13 Special Considerations The General Assembl ad their re le session on March 10, 2012 without adoptin a state bud In order to satisf the state re to submit a school bud to the local g overnin g bod b April I of each y ear, the School Board adopted a preliminar bud on March 27, 2012 that reflected incomplete state and local revenue estimates and uncertain chan in the state retirement plan. Subse to that date, the General Assembl adopted a state bud on April 17, 2012. The enclosed bud document represents the revenues and expenditures of the school s as approved in the Conference C bud for 2012-13 and released to school s b the Vir Department of Education on April 19, 2012. Likewise, the Board of Supervisors informed the Superintendent of their intent to temporaril depart from the revenue sharin a and level fund the school s for 2012-13. Those revenue estimates form the basis of this bud revision. The enclosed bud also reflects sweepin chan in the le g overnin g the state retirement s (VRS) be Jul 1, 2012. All full-time contracted school emplo will be re to contribute 5% of their salar to VRS as the emplo share. This portion has been paid b the emplo since the earl 1980's. In addition, the le re that a 5% salar offset be provided to emplo b the School Board. This bud includes a 5.75% VRS salar offset that covers the 5% deduction and the related emplo share of the pa expenses associated with this mandate to prevent a net loss in pa for emplo In addition, a new h VRS plan has been mandated which will replace the current defined benefit plan for future school s hires. The VRS rates for retirement, life insurance, and the retiree health insurance credit included in this bud have all been increased to the rates approved b the General Assembl which are si hi than the current y ear. The School Board anticipates - adoptin a resolution allowin the school s to elect to use the reduced non-professional VRS rate as allowed b law and similar to the state election to pa 70% of the teacher VRS rate for the next biennium. The school s salar scales were impacted b the le VRS chan A two scale option was presented to the School Board at the Ma 10, 2012 board meetin for approval. At that time, the School Board expressed a desire to eliminate the need for two scales b awardin the 5.75% VRS offset to the emplo hired after Jul 1, 2010 which were not eli under the state mandate. This eliminated the need to maintain two different scales for teachers and re the transfer of an additional $350,000 from the school health reserve. The revised salar scales will be presented for School Board approval at the Ma 16, 2012 board meetin so that the emplo contract process can proceed.. Contracts will likel be distributed after the end of the school y ear due to the si dela in the bud process this y ear. A revised School Board bud will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors on Ma 22, 2012 to include this amendment. H4111 Roanoke Count Public Schools Basis of Presentation The accountin s of the Roanoke Count Public School division is or and operated on the basis of self-balancin accounts which comprise its assets, liabilities, fund balances, revenues, and expenditures, as appropriate. School s resources are allocated to and accounted for in individual funds based upon the purpose for which the are to be spent and the means b which spendin activities are controlled. The various funds are as follows: General Fund The General Fund consists of the necessar expenditures for the da operations of the School S for the upcomin fiscal y ear. This includes costs such as teacher salaries, supplies, e and other operatin costs. Grants Fund The Grants Fund accounts for federal, state, and private g rants to provide critical support for the instructional pro School Nutrition Fund The School Nutrition Fund accounts for the revenues and expenditures necessar to operate school cafeterias. The primar source of fundin for this bud comes from cafeteria sales and federal reimbursements for free and reduced lunches. This fund is self-sustainin and does not receive an assistance from the General Fund. Textbook Fund The Textbook Fund consists of the costs associated with the purchase of new textbooks and consumable instructional materials related to the subject area textbooks. This fund is hi subsidized b the School Operatin Bud throu an interfund transfer. Capital Fund The Capital Fund represents state fundin for technolo and small capital projects. Debt Fund The Debt Fund represents the pa of principal and interest for loans used to build/renovate school facilities. i Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund The Insurance Reserves Fund includes the laptop computer warrant reimbursements and the related replacement of parts and batteries. School Bus Fund The School Bus Fund accounts for school bus and support vehicle replacements. 9 Roanoke County Schools Budget Summary -All Funds FY 2012 -13 Budget Budget Increase Percent Fund 201 1 -12 2012 -13 (Decrease) Change General Fund Grants Fund School Nutrition Fund Textbook Fund Capital Fund Debt Fund Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund School Bus Fund Total Funds 131 132 1 1.2% 5 5 (274,185) -5.0% 5,704 5 87 1.5% 798 947 149 18.7% 904 824 9 000 (80,000) -8.8% 13 14 503 3.7% 358,600 358 0 0.0% 910 325 (585,000) -64.3% 159 160 1 0.8% All School Funds Grants Fund- School Nutrition u- 1 . 1 Textbook Fund Capital Fund Debt Fund Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund General ���' \ ,`��` \������ � \� �e\ School Bus Fund Fund Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Revenues Per Pupil FY 2012 -13 Total Revenues 131 132 100.0% 9 Estimated Average Daily Membership 1 139835 Other Revenue Transfers In Sales Tax Federal Revenue 11 Budget 2011 -12 Budget 2012 -13 Percent of 2012 -13 Revenue Per Pupil State Sales Tax 15 13 10.4% 1 State Revenue 50 52,100,605 39.2% 3 Federal Revenue 234 275 0.2% 20 Transfer from County 64 64 48.5% 4 Other Revenue 869,262 815 0.6% 59 Transfers In 703 1 1.0% 98 Total Revenues 131 132 100.0% 9 Estimated Average Daily Membership 1 139835 Other Revenue Transfers In Sales Tax Federal Revenue 11 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Revenues FY 2012 -13 12 Actual 2008 -09 Actual 2009 -10 Actual 2010 -11 Budget 2011 -12 Budget 2012 -13 I Increase (Decrease) State SOQ Revenues State Sales Tax 13,696 14,296,174 15 15,000,000 13,886 (1 State Basic Aid 48 39 35 36,022 36 575,143 SOQ - Vocational Education 896,412 885 755,353 745 447 (297 SOQ - Special Education 5,963 5 5,930 5 5,906 52,071 SOQ - Gifted Education 438 433 419 414 403 (10,514) SOQ - Remedial Education 380,001 375 400 395,789 465 69 Retirement 3 2,416,342 1 2 4 2,372 Social Security 2 2 2 2,383,939 2 (49,595) Group Life 107,180 67,388 83 82,840 149 66 English as a Second Language 187 200 - - - - SOQ - Remedial Summer School 94 119 94,952 - 61 61 Support for School Operating Costs - - - 1 - (1 ) EpiPen Grant - - - - 2 2,659 LCI Hold Harmless - - 850,081 - - - Total SOQ Revenues 76 66,719,839 62 64 64 531,319 Lottery Funded Programs: Lottery 1 - - - - - At Risk 139 124 167 165 260 94 Foster Home Children 323,054 289 210 221,830 234,177 12 Support for Construction/Operating - 1,111,421 - - - - Enrollment Loss 355 361 - - - - Special Ed - Regional Tuition 44 51 66 57,572 60,461 2,889 Remedial Summer School - - - 97 - (97 Voc Ed -State Equipment 19,389 18 16,694 - - - Voc Ed -State Adult Education 10 10 9 - - - Voc Ed -State Occup /Tech Ed 67,426 64 66 84 84,966 - English as a Second Language - - 171 180 201,203 20 Disparity: K -3 441 423,732 - - 345 345 Total Incentive Revenue 3 2,455,497 707 807 1,187 379,518 State Categorical Revenues Homebound Payments 32,325 23 23 25 20 (5,175) Adult Education Basic 12,140 - - - - - State Grant Revenue 62 52,071 50,948 - - - Total Categorical Revenue 106 76,060 74,715 25 20 (5 Total State Revenue 79,962,804 69,251,396 63 65,081 65 905,662 12 Roanoke Count Public Schools General Fund Revenues FY 2012-13 13 Actual 2008-09 Actual 2009-10 Actual 2010-11 Bud 2011-12 Bud 2012-13 Increase (Decrease) Federal Revenue Medicaid Reimbursement 177,171 136,604 128,503 40,365 40,365 Medicaid - Administrative Claimin 81 36,388 40,927 - - Medicaid Cost Report - - 1153,737 - - AFJROTC Reimbursement 47,185 47,311 50,071 47,500 49,000 1,500 Federal Land Use 3,082 2,861 2,465 1,000 1po Federal Grants 3 3,000 492 - - Voc Ed - Carl Perkins Act 136 140,191 146,455 146,000 140 ( 6,000) Federal Stimulus (ARRA) - 3,826 7 - 44,935 44,935 Total Federal Revenue 449,185 4 8 234 2751,300 40,435 Local Revenue/Transfers Local Appropriation-Count 61 ,7375627 613,0663,058 62,33413,696 64,0069,725 64,006,725 Transfer from Count - CSA 2,099,000 2,099,000 1,775,390 - - Transfer from Count - Dental 430,505 432,718 442,275 477,299 477,299 - Transfer from Alternative School - - - 115,081 - (115 Transfer from Internal Services - 1,130,863 - 5881,302 19350,000 7613,698 Total Local Revenue 64 132 64,728 64,559,361 65,187,407 65,834,024 646,617 Other Revenue Interest Income 240,697 67,219 97,476 loopo 80,000 ( 20,000) Student Parkin Fees - - - 50,000 50,000 Rental of School Propert 4 6,073 5,225 - - - Tuition - Re School 74,753 98,076 83,801 80,000 80,000 Tuition - Summer School 68,025 26,113 65,562 85,000 60,000 ( 25,000) Tuition - Summer Ph Ed 610 22,131 19,175 - - Tuition -Adult Education 26,124 22,314 - 55,582 - (55,582) Tuition - Preschool (LEAP) 132,594 155,219 163,683 165,600 163,683 (19917) Other Miscellaneous Revenue 19,137 8,890 11,310 3fi00 3,600 - E -rate Reimbursement 222,191 242,682 224,175 267,280 267,280 Alternative School Recovered Costs 17,220 - - - - Bo Field Recovered Costs - 3,332 2,303 - - Tuition from Other Localities 16,962 15,913 15,913 14,000 13,000 (lpo) Re Alternative School - 39,820 38,200 38,200 38,200 Online Hi School Tuition 88,885 87,450 84,050 60 60 - Total Other Revenue 911,688 795,232 810,873 869 815,763 ( 53 9 499 ) Total General Fund Revenue 145,590,809 138 136,964,053 131 132 1,539,215 13 Roanoke Count Public. Schools General Fund Expenditures b Bud Cate The education of students is a labor-intensive operation that is reflected in the allocation of the financial resources of the school s For the 2012-13 fiscal y ear, contract salaries and frin benefits represent 83% of expenditures in the operatin bud The major department bud areas are described below. *_-1 Classroom Ins expenditures deal directl with the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. This includes the development of curriculum and instructional pro which support the standards of q ualit y and the administration of schools and pro in compliance with state, federal, and school board mandates, policies, and g uidelines. Classroom instruction also includes expenditures associated with educational testin career education pro special education services, homebound instruction, and g uidance services. Personnel is the lar expenditure in the school operatin fund. These departments include the salar and frin benefit costs for classroom personnel, instructional and central office support s taff,. and school administration. Support services are expenditures related to providin transportation for re special, and summer school pro and the maintenance and operation of all school facilities. Central support departments include expenditures for the school board, school superintendent, bud and finance, communit relations, pupil assi and staff development. Propert insurance for school buildin worker's compensation, and fund transfers for debt and textbooks are bud under central support. Special pro capture the cost of providin summer school and adult education classes. 14 Roanoke County Public Schools General Fund Expenditures Per Pupil FY 2012 -13 Estimated Average Daily Membership C 13,835 15 Budget 2011 -12 Budget 2012 -13 Percent of 2012 -13 Cost Per Pupil Classroom Instruction 7,107,792 5,903 4.4% 427 Personnel 106 110 83.1% 7 Central Support 9 9 6.9% 664 Support Services 7 6 5.2% 503 Special Programs 408 360 0.3% 26 131 132 100.0% 9 Estimated Average Daily Membership C 13,835 15 Roanoke Count Public Schools General Fund Expenditures Summar b Department FY 2012-13 Personnel: Actual Actual Actual Bud Bud Increase Instructional Personnel 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (Decrease) Administrative Personnel 9,631,480 9 8,01 1 81562,808 8.,778,768 215,960 Classroom Instruction: 22,183,644 20,588 19,583,885 17,436,272 18 818,405 Instructional Pro - Elementar - 553,066 514,146 569,882 545,707 (24 Instructional Pro - Secondar 11,0365,900 486 492,633 458,111 438,448 ( 19,663 ) Deput Superintendent of Administration 1 1,266,207 1 11,5761)936 1,472,901 (104 Testin and Remediation 278,091 338,915 362,175 389,451 377,767 (11,684) Career and Technical Education 417 471,176 466,739 448 433,291 (15,228) Pupil Personnel and Special Education 634fi19 575,074 800,839 657,789 655,545 ( 2,244 ) School Counselin Services 394 75 85 79,178 76 (2 Media Services 1,859 1,382 41347,701 2,927,926 1 (1 Total Classroom Instruction 5.846.828 5.148.806 8.407.818 7.107.792 5,903,225 (1,204,567) Personnel: Instructional Personnel 83,064,302 75,068,859 72,768,677 68,934 72fi13,576 3 Administrative Personnel 9,631,480 9 8,01 1 81562,808 8.,778,768 215,960 Classified Personnel 22,183,644 20,588 19,583,885 17,436,272 18 818,405 Employee Insurance Benefits - - 522,371 11 101,8569027 ( 492 1 ,217 ) Total Personnel 114,879 104 ,486 100 106,282,194 110 4 Central Support: School Board 245,955 2221,733 233,013 258,308 246,752 (11,556) School Superintendent 55,043 112 109,594 440,276 325,755 ( 114 1 ,521) Bud & Finance 19 17,738,979 17,7285204 8,666 81,2661,355 ( 399,823 ) Communit Relations 42,382 101,360 10,205 16 15 ( 500) Staff Development 365,029 176,853 232,973 230,102 222,825 (7,277) Pupil Assi 116,515 162,510 107,071 120 114 (5,697) Total Central Support 19 18,424,402 18,421,060 9,731 9,1911,956 (539,374) Support Services: Transportation 1,469,025 1,357,559 1,567,358 2,255,440 1,780,440 ( 475,000) Facilities & Operations 4 4,8955497 4,737,214 51,5879762 5,173,036 ( 414 1 ,726 ) Total Support Services 6 6 6 7,843,202 6 (889 Special Pro Summer School 313 232,108 235,088 347,477 2991,505 (47,972) Adult & Continuin Education 55,931 39 18,901 61 61,275 Total Special Pro 369,809 271,667 253,989 408,752 360,780 (47,972) Emer Contin - - - - - - Total General Fund Expenditures 147 135,059,417 134,273,452 131,373,270 132 1 16 Roanoke County Public Schools Student Enrollment 17 September Average Daily Annual Fiscal Year ..��.� Enrollment Membership Growth ............. . .. ... . . . ... . . . . ... . r ...... . 14,600 1995 -96 Actual 13 13 1996 -97 Actual 13 13,863 1.0% 1997 -98 Actual 13 13 0.3% 1998 -99 Actual 13 13 -0.3% 1999 -00 Actual 13 13 0.0% 2000 -01 Actual 13 13,865 0.1% 2001 -02 Actual 13 13 0.5% 2002 -03 Actual 14 14 1.4% 2003 -04 Actual 14 14 1.1% 2004 -05 Actual 14 14 0.6% 2005 -06 Actual 14 14 2.5% 2006 -07 Actual 14 14,777 0.3% 2007 -08 Actual 14,931 14 0.2% 2008 -09 Actual 14 14 -1.0% 2009 -10 Actual 14,583 14 -1.2% 2010 -11 Actual 14 14 -1.5% 2011 -12 Budgeted 14 14,074 2012 -13 Proposed 13, 8 3 5 17 Average Daily Membership Trend 14 900 ..��.� 14;800 14 700 ............. . .. ... . . . ... . . . . ... . r ...... . 14,600 gg Y 4 14,400 14,300 mom 14 200 9 1 b a, 13,900 13,800 WE 13,700 13,600 13,500 4Z?` ZIO Zoo r\°' �' ti' b' f\ ti z o z o z z ti T T IV ® a o ti f 17 Roanoke County Public Schools Historical Data Transfer from County General Fund Fiscal Year Annual Phase 1 Reserve for Total Increase From Percent Ended June 30 Appropriation Capital Proj ects New Schools Appropriation Prior Year Increase as a % Fund June 30 Budget 2001 -02 52,311 2 1 55 3 5.71% 2002 -03 55 2 57 1 2.20% 2003 -04 55,920 2 57 879 1.54% 2004 -05 55 2 57 (501 -0.87% 2005 -06 57 2 59 2 3.92% 2006 -07 59 2,000 61 1,573 2.64% 2007 -08 62,902 2 64 3 5.98% 2008 -09 62 2 64 (687 -1.06% 2009 -10 60 2 62 (1 -2.60% 2010 -11 63 2 65 3 4.80% 2011 -12 64 2 66 940 1.44% 2012 -13 64 2 66 0 0.00% Note: Emergency Fund Balance not included in Operating Fund Balance. IVA General School Operations Fund Balances Fiscal Year Fund Balance Emergency Ended Operating Operating as a % Fund June 30 Budget Fund Balance of Budget Balance 2002 98 4 4.08% 0 2003 102 4 4.10% 0 2004 110,986,972 3 3.31% 0 2005 112,448,453 5 4.79% 0 2006 118 6 5.32% 1 2007 127 6 5.49% 1 2008 135 5 3.91% 2 2009 143 4 3.25% 1,000,000 2010 137 6 5.04% 2 2011 128 9 7.67% 2 Note: Emergency Fund Balance not included in Operating Fund Balance. IVA Roanoke Count Public Schools Other School Funds 2012-2013 PUeY- `C 0 0 *1 cF �xce�'e Roanoke County Public Schools School Grant Fund Revenues FY 2012 -13 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 (Decrease) Federal Grants: Title I, Distinguished Schools - 18 55 - - - Title I, (Stimulus Funds) - 362 347 - - - Title I, Part A 1 983 1 800,000 900 100 Title II, Part A 297,348 320 367 333 285 (48 Title II, Part D 117 15 20 9 - (9 Title III 33 65 45 35 30 (5 Title III, Immigrant and Youth - 12 12 8 - (8 Title IV, Safe & Drug Free Schools 33 31 - - - - Title V. Part A 12 - - - - - Title VI -B Flow -Thru Funds 3 3,046 3 3 2 (328 Title VI -B (Stimulus Funds) - 1 2 - - - Preschool Mini Grant- 1 yr 89,747 88 88 88 88 (195) Preschool Mini Grant (Stimulus Funds) - 84,347 32 - - - Technology Grant (Stimulus Funds) - 23 9 - - - Reg Tech Ed Training 7 - 545 - - - 4,665,417 5 7 4 4 (299 State Grants: Early Reading Initiative 157 159 166 143 154 11 Algebra Readiness 60 56 63 61 87 26 GED Funding 15 15 15 15 15 - High Schools That Work - WBHS 5 4 - - - - Preschool Initiative 423 430 486 494 479 (14 Visually Handicapped Grant 3 3 3,675 3 3 - Learn & Serve - Wolfcreek Walk 47 11 - - - - Learn & Serve - Wolfcreek Watershed 17 21 - - - - Safe Routes to School 13 - - - - - Dual Enrollment 106 144 104 - - - Tobacco Settlement 61 - - - - - Adult Basic Education 96,880 98 84 88 85 (3 General Adult Education - 12 12 8 8 - Special Education in Regional Jail 51 80 98 109 115 5 Jobs for Virginia Graduates 47 39,387 42 - - - Race for GED 61 59 70 - - - 1 1 1 924,189 949,368 25,179 Other Grants: James Madison Autism 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - Total Grant Revenues 5 7 8 5 5 (274,185) K. Roanoke County Public Schools School Grant Fund Expenditures FY 2012 -13 State Grants: Early Reading Initiative Algebra Readiness GED Funding (ISAEP) High Schools That Work - WBHS Preschool Initiative Visually Handicapped Grant Learn & Serve - Wolfcreek Walk Learn & Serve - Wolfcreek Watershed Safe Routes to School Dual Enrollment Tobacco Settlement Adult Basic Education General Adult Education Special Education in Regional Jail Jobs for Virginia Graduates Race for GED Other Grants: James Madison Autism Parent Fair Total Grant Expenditures 158 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 49 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2010-11 2012 -13 (Decrease) Federal Grants: 15 15 - 5 4 - Title I, Distinguished Schools - - 55,123 - - - Title I, (Stimulus Funds) - - 347 - - - Title I, Part A - - 1 800 900 100 Title II, Part A - - 367 333,240 285 (48 Title II, Part D - - 20 9 - (9 Title III - - 45 35 30 (5 Title III, Immigrant and Youth - - 12 8 - (8 Title IV, Safe & Drug Free Schools - - - - - - Title V, Part A - - - - - - Title VI -B Flow -Thru Funds - - 3 3 2 (328 Title VI -B (Stimulus Funds) - 1,280,675 2 - - - Preschool Mini Grant- 1 yr 89 88,856 88 88 88,665 (195) Preschool Mini Grant (Stimulus Funds) - 84,347 32 - - - Technology Grant (Stimulus Funds) - 23 9,704 - - - Reg Tech Ed Training 7 - 545 - - - 97 1 7 4 4 (299 State Grants: Early Reading Initiative Algebra Readiness GED Funding (ISAEP) High Schools That Work - WBHS Preschool Initiative Visually Handicapped Grant Learn & Serve - Wolfcreek Walk Learn & Serve - Wolfcreek Watershed Safe Routes to School Dual Enrollment Tobacco Settlement Adult Basic Education General Adult Education Special Education in Regional Jail Jobs for Virginia Graduates Race for GED Other Grants: James Madison Autism Parent Fair Total Grant Expenditures 158 159 166 143 154 11 60 49 69,711 61 87 26,130 15 15 15 15 15 - 5 4 - - - - 423,004 430 486 494 479,531 (14 3 3 3,675 3 3,918 - 47,270 11,215 - - - - 17 21 - - - - 13 - - - - - 188 71 124 - - - 61 - - - - - 96 98 84,990 88 85 (3 - 12 12 8,392 8 - 51,451 80 98 109 115,116 5 47 39 42 - - - 61 59 70 - - - 1 1 1 924 949 25 2 - - - - - 2 - - - - - 1 2 8 5,508 5 (274,185) 21 Roanoke County Public Schools School Nutrition Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2012 -13 22 Actuals 2008 -09 Actuals 2009 -10 Actuals 2010 -11 Budget 2011 -12 Budget 2012 -13 Increase (Decrease) Revenues: Pupil, Adult & Other Sales 3 3,613 3 3 3 (100 Rebates & Refunds 30 16,197 51,600 20 20 - State Reimbursement 84 83,985 91 80 92 12 Federal Reimbursement 1 1 2 1 2 175 Interest Income 18 4 4 4 4,000 - Other Income - 2 - - - - Transfer from Internal Service - 74,279 - - - - Transfer from General Fund 133 66,806 93 - - - Total Revenues 5 5 5 5,704 5,791 87 Expenditures: Salaries & Related Costs 2 2 2 2,900 3 125 Contractual Services 74 76,994 71 80 80 - Travel 16 16 13 18 18 - Food Supplies 2 2 2 2 2 - Supplies 70 67,288 57,029 90 80 (10 Equipment 100,914 21,745 63 50 30 (20 Unappropriated - - - 16 8 (8 Total Expenditures 5 5,615 5 5 5 87 Beginning Balance 896 977 879 1 1,012,450 - Ending Balance 977 879,472 1 1 1 - Meal Prices: FY 08 -09 FY 09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 Elementary lunch 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.05 2.15 Secondary lunch 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.05 2.15 Reduced price lunch 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 Adult lunch 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.60 2.75 Full priced breakfast 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Adult breakfast 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Reduced breakfast 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Current Reimbursement Rates: Breakfast Lunch Federal - paid meal $0.27 $0.26 Federal - reduced price meal $1.21 $2.37 Federal - free meal $1.51 $2.77 State reimbursement none $0.05 22 Roanoke Count Public Schools School Textbook Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2012-13 Actuals Actuals Actuals Bud Bud Increase 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 (Decrease) Revenues: Sale of Textbooks Other Revenue State Reimbursement Transfer from School Operatin Fund Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries & Related Costs Instructional Materials Consi Textbooks Non-Consi Textbooks Reserved for Lotter Pro-ration Total Expenditures Be Balance Endin Balance Scheduled Adoptions/Purchases: FYI 2-13 - Readin K-5 Science FYI 5-16 - World Lan 125,589 5,341 2,391 10,000 5,000 (59000) 17,514 - 6,183 9,776 5,000 10,000 5,000 1 - 489,953 373,331 787,446 414,115 410,146 1,561,030 1 410,146 145,146 (265 1,595,062 1,572,554 1,512,266 798,477 947,592 149,1 91,030 94,465 83,238 95 96,400 1,303 22,570 41,318 50,462 251,000 25,000 - 1,106,5 85 695,475 963,411 375 230,000 (1451,000) 213,957 444,283 286fi11 228,380 137,407 (90 - - 75,000 458,785 383,785 1,434,142 1,275,541 1,3 83,722 798,477 947,592 149,115 157,582 318,502 615,515 744,059 - - 318,502 615,515 744,059 744,059 23 Roanoke County Public Schools School Capital Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2012 -13 Expenditures: Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 7 2008 -09 2009 -10 2009 -11 2010 -11 2012 -13 (Decrease) 834,028 397,602 - - - School Projects (Pepsi) 60 80 Revenues: 80 - (80,000) Equipment 1 1,664,428 1 Interest Income 147 128 24 - - - Other Income 3 4 297 - - - Soft Drink Commission 60,000 80 80 80 - (80,000) State Technology Bond 804 882 752 726 726 - State Construction Grant 302 - - - - - Federal Stimulus Modernization - 605 444 - - - Sale of Buildings - 2 - - - - Rental Income - 168 48 - - - Proceeds from State Agency 798 - - - - - Proceeds from Bond Premiums 4 - - - - - Proceeds from VPSA Bonds 43 - - - - - Proceeds from EB S Lease - - - 48 48 - Transfer - Bogle Field Reserve - 25 25 25 25 - County Transfer - Bogle Field Reserve - 25,000 25 25 25 - Transfers from Other Funds 10,250,018 14 29,289 - - - Total Revenues 60 18 30 904,000 824 (80,000) Expenditures: Salaries & Related Costs 7 1,710 1 ,763 - - - Contracted Services 642,343 834,028 397,602 - - - School Projects (Pepsi) 60 80 80,000 80 - (80,000) Equipment 1 1,664,428 1 726,000 726 - Stimulus School Modernization - 605,207 444 - - - Technology 314,129 523,418 4 48 48 - Land 158,998 4 485 - - - Building Improvements 13 28 18,310 - - - Bogle Reserve - 50,000 50,000 50 50 - Transfers to Other Funds 285,623 6 18 - - - Debt Service - Other 218 - - - - - Total Expenditures 16,896,195 38 44 904 824 (80 Beginning Balance 16 60 3909 - - - Ending Balance 60 39 25,328 - - - 24 Roanoke County Public Schools School Debt Fund Revenues and Expenditures FY 2012 -13 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 (Decrease) Revenues: Miscellaneous Revenue Transfer from General Fund Transfer from School Fund Total Revenues Expenditures: Principal on G. O. Bonds Principal on Literary Loans Principal on VPSA Bonds Interest on G. O. Bonds Interest on Literary Loans Interest on VPSA Bonds Bank Service Charges Total Expenditures Beginning Balance Ending Balance - - 891 - - - 8,562,785 9,253 8 9,475 9 511 2 2 4 4 4 - 10,892,153 11 14 13 14,112 511 555 575 600 620,000 645 25,000 687 459 447 447,817 447 - 5,367,054 5 7 7 7 427 119 103,031 79 57 32 (24,850) 156 135 121 108 95 (13 3 4,916,855 5 4,841,873 4 97 7 7 7 53 45 (7 10,874 11 14 13 14 503 2 35,418 53 53 45 (7 2 53 45,718 - - - 25 Roanoke County Public School Laptop Insurance Reserve Revenues and Expenditures FY 2012 -13 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 2008-09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 20 -13 (Decrease) Revenues: Interest Income Fees from Students Lost/Damaged Parts Warranty Reimbursements Total Revenues Expenditures: Warranty related: Salaries & Related Costs Miscellaneous Operating (bags) Printing Supplies Small Equipment (batteries) Small Parts - Students Small Parts - Teachers Reserve related: Equipment Laptop Purchases or Reserves Server Cooling System Warranty related: Carts 5th year warranty & batteries Upgrade electric Total Expenditures Beginning Balance Ending Balance 19,191 3,608 2 - - - 213 141 114 208 208 - 5 5 25 - - - 160 187 208 150 150 - 398 339 351,097 358 358 - 28 16 - 21 21 - 17,796 2 - - - - - 22 22 22 22 - 95 85 85 85,552 85 - 9 21 42 20,000 20 - 183 - - - - - - 30 - - - - - 86 - - - 139 125 208 208 - 334 404 275 358 358 - 719 783 718,456 - - - 783 718 793 - - - Note: FY 12 -13 assumes laptop fees charged to grades 9 -12 at $50 per year with laptops going home with students. 26 Roanoke County Public Schools School Bus Fund FY 2012 -13 Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Increase 2008 -09 2009 -10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 (Decrease) Revenues: Interest Income Sale of Machinery & Equipment Insurance Adjust & Refund Transfer from General Fund Total Revenues Expenditures: School bus replacements Support vehicle replacements Total Expenditures Beginning Balance Ending Balance 23,342 4 4,691 - - - 4,137 11 27 - - - - - 27 - - - 810,000 81000 910 910 325 (585 837 826 968 910,000 325 (585 272 667 885 775 325 (450,000) 35 15 169 135 - (135 307 683 1 910 325 (585 775 1 1 1,361,526 - - 1 1 1 1 - - F ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Requests for public hearing and first reading for rezoning ordinances; consent agenda SUBMITTED BY: Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning APPROVED BY : B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS BACKGROUND The first reading on this ordinance is accomplished by adoption of this ordinance in the manner of consent agenda items. The adoption of this item does not imply approval of the substantive content of the requested zoning actions; rather, approval satisfies the procedural requirements of the County charter and schedules the required public hearing and second reading of this ordinance. The second reading and public hearing on this ordinance is scheduled for June 20 2012. The title of this ordinance is as follows: 1. The petition of Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. (Panera) to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C -2, General Commercial, District for the operation of a drive -in and fast food restaurant on 1.02 acres, located at 4202 Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. Maps are attached. More detailed information is available in the Clerk's Office. Page 1 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends as follows: 1. That the Board approve and adopt the first reading of this rezoning ordinance for the purpose of scheduling the second reading and public hearing for June 26, 20 I2 . 2. That this section of the agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth as Item 1, and that the Clerk is authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this action. Page 2of2 � ��) ALTIZER, HODGES, & VARNEY, INC. 20 MIDWAY PLAZA DRIVE, SUITE 200 CUSPS ❑ O'Overni MHand Deliver CHRISTIANSBURG, VIRGINIA 24073 PH. 540-382-9410 FAX 540-382-9492 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL im Roanoke Count Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive Roanoke ,VA 24018 Phone# (540 772-2190 mTFKOJEG F NO' UA I E, March 28, 2012 2011040 Al ILN11ON: Tammi Wood P,anera Bread SUP We are sendin y ou the followin item ❑ drawin ZPlans ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ of Letter ❑ Order ❑ ❑Review Fee Copies Date No. Description 1 3-27-12 1 11 x1 SUP Drawin 1 -- -- Ap Iic ation 1 3-27-12 $40 Application Fee THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below ❑ re ❑ y our use ❑For review ❑ Approval ❑ y our records For distribution ❑ si ❑ Remarks Tammi, let me know if y ou need an additional copies of the color drawn g , Lnor to distribution. ME= From Cla Hod sA201 11201104ftenerah-201 1040 letter of transmittal for first submittal-docx County of Roanoke Community Development Planning & Zoning 5204 Bernard Drive P O Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 -0798 (540) 772 -2068 FAX (540) 776 -7155 For Staff Use Only Date received: Received by: Application fee: PCIBZA date: Placards issued: BOS date: Case Number ALL APPLICANTS Check type of application filed (check all that apply) ❑ Rezoning 9 Special Use ❑ Variance ❑ Waiver ❑ Administrative Appeal ❑ Comp Plan (15.2 -2232) Review Applicants name/address w/zip Agent for Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. Phone: (540) 352 -9410 Altiz er, Hodges, & Varney, Inc. Work: 20 Midway Plaza Dr., Ste 200 Cell #: (540) 449 -2529 Christiansbura, VA 24073 Fax No.: (540) 352 -9492 Owner's name/address wlzip Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. Phone #: (703) 627 -2269 1147 Turnstone Dr. Work: (434) 202 -7433 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Fax No. #: (866) 902 -9267 Property Location 4202 Electric Road Magisterial District: Cave Spring Roanoke, VA 24015 Community Planning area: Cave Spring Tax Map No.: 077.20 -03- 02.00 -0000 Existing Zoning: C2 Size of parcels): Acres: 1.02 Existing Land Use: Restaurant, General REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER AND COMP PLAN (15.2 -2232) REVIEW APPLICANTS (R/S/ WICP) Proposed Zoning: C2 -S Proposed Land Use: Restaurant, Drive -in or Fast Food Does the parcel meet the minimum lot area, width, and frontage requirements of the requested district? Yes V No ❑ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST. Does the parcel meet the minimum criteria for the requested Use Type? Yes V No ❑ IF NO, A VARIANCE IS REQUIRED FIRST If rezoning request, are conditions being proffered with this request? Yes ❑ No V VARIANCE, WAIVER AND ADMINISTRA TI VE APPEAL APPLICANTS (V/WIAA) Variance/Waiver of Section(s) NIA of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to: Appeal of Zoning Administrator's decision to Appeal of Interpretation of Section(s): of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Appeal of Interpretation of Zoning Map to Is the application complete? Please check if enclosed. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF ANY OF THESE ITEMS ARE MISSING OR INCOMPLETE. RISI ICP WAA RI S[ WI CP VIAA RISIWICP N Consultation 8 112" x 11" concept plan Application fee Application Metes and bounds description Proffers, if applicable Justification Water and se er ap lication Adjoining property owners I hereby certify that I am either the owner of the p o e s a tract purchaser and am acting with the knowledge and consent of the owner. Owner's Signature 2 JUSTIFICATION FOR REZONING, SPECIAL USE PERMIT WAIVER OR COMP PLAN (15.2 -2232) REVIEW REQUESTS Applicant Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. The Planning Commission will study rezoning, special use permit waiver or community plan (15.2 -2232) review requests to determine the need and justification for the change in terms of public health, safety, and general welfare. Please answer the following questions as thoroughly as possible. Use additional space if necessary. ......... . .... ..... _ _ ........ Please explain how the request furthers the purposes of the Roanoke County Ordinance as well as the purpose found at the beginning of the applicable zoning district classification in the Zoning Ordinance. According to the district purpose shown at the beginning of the C2 general commercial district in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, the purpose is to "provide locations for a variety of commercial and service related activities within the urban service area." The applicant believes that this application Is in keeping with the definition since the proposed use will provide a service to support the general commercial district as a whole. The purpose of the Roanoke County Ordinance is to provide a method of development that is consistent with good planning practices, which serves the community, and which provides districts that function to support each other by using a development and growth plan that is sustainable. The applicant feels that this request meets the requirements of this purpose, and furthers service to the community by providing an additional service at an established location. We are applying for the special use permit for a drive through due to customer requests: 1) breakfast customers have repeatedly requested a drive through in order to make their morning purchase at Panera more convenient for their morning commute to work; 2) older customers and customers with limited mobility have requested a drive through to better enable them to make purchases at Panera; 3) mothers with young children routinely request a drive through to make it more convenient to use Panera. In general, the existing base of customers is anxious to have the drive through added to "their" Panera. Please explain how the project conforms to the general guidelines and policies contained in the Roanoke County Community Plan. The subject property lies within the "Core's district as shown on the 2005 Future Land Use map. The Comprehensive Plan defines the core area as "appropriate for larger -scale highway - oriented retail uses and regionally -based shopping facilities." As a fast food restaurant adjacent to Tanglewood Mall and other retail shops in the area, the applicant feels that this supporting use enhances other services that are present and compatible with the core district. .......... Please describe the impact(s) of the request on the property itself, the adjoining properties, and the surrounding area, as well as the impacts on public services and facilities, including water /sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation and fire and rescue. The Applicant does not expect any major impacts on surrounding areas or on public services including water /sewer, roads, schools, parks/recreation or fire and rescue. Through the addition of landscaping islands on the site, the construction of the drive through will decrease the net impervious area on the site. Therefore, there should be a net reduction in calculated stormwater peak and volume runoff leaving the site. Existing fre hydrants exist both across the Ogden and the Electric road rights of way from the site. CONCEPT PLAN CHECKLIST A concept plan of the proposed project must be submitted with the application. The concept plan shall graphically depict the land use change, development or variance that is to be considered. Further, the plan shall address any potential land use or design issues arising from the request. In such cases involving rezonings, the applicant may proffer conditions to limit the future use and development of the property and by so doing, correct any deficiencies that may not be manageable by County permitting regulations. The concept plan should not be confused with the site plan or plot plan that is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Site plan and building permit procedures ensure compliance with State and County development regulations and may require changes to the initial concept plan. Unless limiting conditions are proffered and accepted in a rezoning or imposed on a special use permit or variance, the concept plan may be altered to the extent permitted by the zoning district and other regulations. A concept plan is required with all rezoning, special use permit, waiver, community plan ( 15.2 -2232) review and variance applications. The plan should be prepared by a professional site planner. The level of detail may vary, depending on the nature of the request. The County Planning Division staff may exempt some of the items or suggest the addition of extra items, but the followim are considered minimum: ALL APPLICANTS ,#/ a. Applicant name and name of development %/ b. Date, scale and north arrow V c. Lot size in acres or square feet and dimensions V d. Location, names of owners and Roanoke County tax reap numbers of adjoining properties ►� e. Physical features such as ground cover, natural watercourses, floodplain, etc. f. The zoning and land use of all adjacent properties ►� g. All property lines and easements h. All buildings, existing and proposed, and dimensions, floor area and heights i. Location, widths and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent to the development j . Dimensions and locations of all driveways, parking spaces and loading spaces Additional information on r•eguir ed for• REZONING and SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICANTS ►� k. Existing utilities (water, sewer, storm drains) and connections at the site ►� 1. Any driveways, entrances /exits, curb openings and crossovers m. Topography map in a suitable scale and contour intervals n. Approximate street grades and site distances at intersections ►� o. Locations of all adjacent fire hydrants p. Any proffered conditions at the site and how they are addressed q. If project is to be phased, please show phase schedule I certify that all items required in the checklist above are complete. . .............. r� L. Signature of applicant Date 2 . (n -i LO LLJ Lu K) 0 _j " C) Ld o r ) LLJ 0 LLJ LLI 0 0 2 -1 0 -1 c 0 LL- 1 j I 0- >- - o Li -,,9 .0 z LLJ a_ < O(N LL 0 LL Lo ui 0 . < N cr :2 0 0 LLJ :2 Lr) Lo Of �l 0 V (n N 0 in - 0 Li LLJ 04 V) Lu 3: z o W M 0 0 -.4- LLJ 0 LLJ LLJ C) 0)" < C9 z z 0 < -i F� < < < < 0 0 z m oo< m 0 1 1 L� L cn ui , m P- �- , �- m z LI C) q L I] C) Z �- (n > FO (D N < Of W 0 Of U) Ljj 0) C) 0 0- 11 6 LL. Z L) Z Ld Uj _ .4- V) Ld U) 0 Z L ,� 0- -j z - y z F- C ) 0 Q � C) Ld 1- 0 u LLI Z 0 M Of LLI = 0 LLJ L L� (<) LUI Z ryv (;i Lod 0 < C)CL) LL- a- Lj < (.) 6 LLJ 0 (1) IL < of LLJ 0 Z 0� N E 0 < D!f < LLJ (f) < V) a- < L) < < LLI a. 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(OVIdS "3NVd) ONI CIVRIG 39CIM 3ma lk� N a_ > a: < LL m - (A (n -i LO LLJ Lu K) 0 _j " C) Ld o r ) LLJ 0 LLJ LLI 0 0 2 -1 0 -1 c 0 LL- 1 j I 0- >- - o Li -,,9 .0 z LLJ a_ < O(N LL 0 LL Lo ui 0 . < N cr :2 0 0 LLJ :2 Lr) Lo Of �l 0 V (n N 0 in - 0 Li LLJ 04 V) Lu 3: z o W M 0 0 -.4- LLJ 0 LLJ LLJ C) 0)" < C9 z z 0 < -i F� < < < < 0 0 z m oo< m 0 1 1 L� L cn ui , m P- �- , �- m z LI C) q L I] C) Z �- (n > FO (D N < Of W 0 Of U) Ljj 0) C) 0 0- 11 6 LL. Z L) Z Ld Uj _ .4- V) Ld U) 0 Z L ,� 0- -j z - y z F- C ) 0 Q � C) Ld 1- 0 u LLI Z 0 M Of LLI = 0 LLJ L L� (<) LUI Z ryv (;i Lod 0 < C)CL) LL- a- Lj < (.) 6 LLJ 0 (1) IL < of LLJ 0 Z 0� N E 0 < D!f < LLJ (f) < V) a- < L) < < LLI a. LLI of Of C) a. 0 U) 0- < 0 LLJ F < L o Lrj C4 I -- Q Lj > LLJ Zo V) L]i a- Lo 0 > C) 0 r- LLI I V) C) z < u a E L) V) LL] Of < 0 LD nw� Lo -j m (5 < W a C) c or- a- m z LL = LLI V) L/) of >0 U) Ld w o 0 z LLA z x < Es � 0 7) of 0 < . cn CD N �- LLJ M __j Li LLJ zk.z 0 F- 0 LLI V) O C) C) -J w m LL C2 w C) r) < LLI C) JO m Q LLJ 0 LLJ D o 0 --0-0 Ir a_ a-:2 < < D M y Do-Mn 6 C) W _j _j 0 0 0 0 0 ne x �< O� < < < Lij rl� LL rK a_ 0- C) 0 :7 -1 < < M M a_ 0_ a_ [If a_ [)f n 0 0 Q LLJ I U L) S40-16'06"E G� a D C) Li LJ D z 0 Lj_ cq Ld L) sja 00 c� S oVdS ONli [X3 0 C14 0 0 N L) D _0 c) z LL LLJ LL LO z6L Li (If C) LLJ C) v) 0.94' < 0 < Zza N+ CL CD a- U 01-0 z Q IL w C: I � Q� �7- w 0 30Vd ONI IXI z -0 z a- il� cn 0 0 F) N LLJ z -i Lij < LLJ 0 0 1 Lf) a. 00 L) x Ld LD Z C , LLJ Ljj O>- > dS LSI 9 cn 0 < --i c LLJ V) 19 w I C) 0 IS 0 a- C� 0 -j LLJ 0 LLJ (D Z . z < to © N 0 , 2 0 0- 0 0 LLJ m a- o :3 [If Ll� Ljj M Ld LLJ w Of - 1131 0 0 Q -S30,VdS C3dNiS32i 9 0 LLJ r LLJ 0 C-) Z 00, I Q 0 W 0 z ()f OiE YI < OU < LLI C)f > 5 LLJ a- ui < m < 171 0 a_ wMams bu!ISIX3 00 U) — 0 Z 0 - z z - o 0 N X < F- �- o I LLJ C) M N 0 T 0 CD LL LLI m Z Z cn LLI 7 LLJ 3: C� LLI 0 cn -i LO Of D- n LL Z X =) 0) 0 :D N LLJ CC] Lr � Ln LO ui 0: cn Opp 0 x 0 Of 0 0 FL Lo < x Li 0. 9 4' > I 2 .63 0 cm �!PM9PIS U14sl 3 4, XR- _J LLJ 0 LLJ LLJ DNIiS K3 $1 (n V) S3: wd-S, F- N 0 LLJ, o DC 0 C 02 LLJ fl� D (n 0 0 0 a- z 0 O -j LLJ O Ly 0 . <:2 O R1 GNr o N LLJ 0 C-) z S-33 -C < 0 0 Cl) m I I 4 :n3 LLJ M 0 04 (n lo (14 C) D Ld <C m LLJ z C) LLJ in U F-- z 00 L) < 0-0 z > 1. z Z LLJ z V) 0 x 00 N LLJ < N-3C 00 0 C) -7 0-7 —10- ON/ cy Rural Village - Rural Preserve - Conservation = Pricipal Industrial Applicants Name: Roanoke County N Existing Zoning: Department Of Proposed Zoning: p Tax Map Number: Community Development Magisterial District: Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. C2 C2S 077.20-03-02.00-0000 Ca ve Spring Area: 1.02 Acres 30 March, 2012 Scale: 1 " = 200' Applicants Name: Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. Roanoke County N Existing Zoning: C2 Department of Proposed Zoning: C2S p Tax Map Number. 077.20 -03- 02.00 -0000 Community Development Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 1.02 Acres 30 March, 2012 Scale: 1 " = 200' f Applicants Name: Blue Ridge Bread, Inc. Roanoke County N Existing Zoning: C2 Department of Proposed Zoning: C2S p Tax Map Number. 077.20 -03- 02.00 -0000 Community Development Magisterial District: Cave Spring Area: 1.02 Acres 30 March, 2012 Scale: 1 " = 200' ACTION NO. ITEM NO. �G -1_ _ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE "rING DATE AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 22, 2012 Ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2- 1414.3 of the Code of Virginia Paul Mahoney Cou nty Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS BACKGROUND In May of 2008, the Board adopted an ordinance to increase its salaries pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2 - 1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. This section of the State Code and Section 3.07 of the County Charter requires that any increase in Supervisors' salaries be accomplished by ordinance after public hearing between May 1 and June 30. Any increase is limited to an annual five (5 %) percent inflation factor. The Board has adopted a budget which grants a three percent (3 %) salary increase to County employees. In the past, the Board has increased its salary by the same percentage increase awarded to County employees. This ordinance increases the Board member's salaries by three percent (3 %). SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The first reading of this proposed ordinance was held on May 22, 2012; the second reading and public hearing will be held on June 12, 2012. The current salary for Board members is $10,585.80. There is an additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board at $1,800, and for the Vice - Chairman at $1,200. This ordinance increases salaries by three percent (3 %). Page 1 of 2 FISCAL IMPACTS A three percent (3 %) increase would cost $2,487.90 ($497.58 each). The new salary for each Board member would be $17,083.44. Page 2of2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22 2012 ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES of THE MEMBERS of THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS of ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 15.2 - 1414.3 of THE CODE of VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of boards of supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members at $16,585.86 by Ordinance 052703 -20 and further has established the additional annual compensation for the Chairman for the Board to be $1,800 and for the Vice - Chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an inflation factor not to exceed five percent (5 %); and WHEREAS, the 'first reading on this ordinance was held on May 22, 2012; the second reading and public hearing will be held on June 12, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of Page 1 of 2 three percent (3 %) pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $17,083.44 for members of the Board. In addition, the Chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the Vice- Chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1,200. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2012. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H -1 &Yr AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 22, 2012 Ordinance amending Chapter 19. — Solicitors and solicitations, Article 11. — Permit for charitable solicitations, Section 19-28. — Perm it for street solicitation of the Roanoke Count Code Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance makes three amendments to the "street solicitation" requirements for charitable solicitations under Chapter 19 of the Roanoke County Code: 1} it removes the requirement for a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) permit; 2} it adds a requirement for a roster identifying all individuals conducting the street solicitation and 3) it requires the applicant or a "point of contact" to be present at all times and locations that a street solicitation is occurring. On February 22 2005, the Board adopted Ordinance ##022205 -4 which imposed requirements for charitable street solicitations. The County prohibits solicitations From a vehicle on a public road; however, Section 19-28 allows street solicitations subject to the issuance of a permit. This permit application sets out various requirements and limitations on such activities. County staff has been informed that VDOT no longer issues permits as required under Sec. 19- 28(2)e. Therefore it is recommended that this requirement be deleted from the application. The Chief of Police recommends that the applicant provide the County with a roster of individuals who will be conducting street solicitations; and this roster should include the name, address and physical description of each solicitor. In addition it is recommended that the applicant or a "point of contact" be present at the location of the solicitation during all of the dates and times that solicitations will be occurring. This requirement will provide Page 1 of 2 an immediate opportunity to assure compliance with and resole any problems or violations of the permit conditions. This is the second reading of this ordinance; the first reading was held on May 8, 2012. STAFF RECOMMENDA'T'ION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of this ordinance. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER LOCATED AT 5204 BERNARD DRIVE, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, MAY 22 ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19. - SOLICITORS AND SOLICITATIONS, ARTICLE II. — PERMIT FOR CHARITABLE SOLICITATIONS, SECTION 19 -28. — PERMIT FOR STREET SOLICITATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, Section 19 -4 prohibits soliciting from any operator or passenger of a motor vehicle that is in traffic on a public road without a permit for charitable solicitation from the county as outlined in Article II. Sections 19 -21 to 19 -28 of the County Code; and WHEREAS, Section 19 -28. — Permit for street solicitation sets out the steps to allow a charitable organization to solicit from a vehicle on a public road, one of which is submitting to the county a copy of a permit issued by the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for use or occupancy of the public right -of -way at intersections at which solicitations will be conducted during the term of the county's permit; and WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the county that VDOT does not issue such a permit; requiring an amendment to the Section 19 -28 of the County Code; and WHEREAS, to assure compliance with the provisions of this ordinance and all permit conditions, it is necessary that the applicant or other responsible official for the charitable organization be present at the solicitation location at all times when solicitations are occurring; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 8, 2012, and the second reading was held on May 22, 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Chapter 19. — Solicitors and Solicitations, Article II. — Permit for charitable solicitations, Section 19 -28. — Permit for street solicitation of the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 19 -28. - Permit for street solicitation. Page 1 of 4 -The prohibition on soliciting from a vehicle on a public road set forth in section 19 -4(b), above, does not apply to a charitable organization, and its authorized solicitors, which has applied for and been issued a permit under this section and which is in compliance with all other provisions of this chapter. In order to solicit contributions while standing in a public road, a charitable organization must comply with the following requirements: (1) Not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date desired for beginning solicitation, the charitable organization shall submit a complete application to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors for a charitable solicitation permit. In addition to the information required by section 19 -22, the form shall require the charitable organization to provide its full name, the name, address and phone number of a local point of contact for the organization, the desired date(s), time(s) and specific location(s) for soliciting which shall be limited to not more than six (6) intersections with a traffic control signal light, the name, mailing address and phone number of each individual who will be engaged in solicitation activities on behalf of such charitable organization. Further the charitable organization shall provide an agreement or document whereby such organization shall indemnify the county, its officers, employees and agents, and hold the county, its officers, employees and agents, harmless from any and all claims, suits, demands, damages and attorney fees arising out of or related to the acts or omissions of individuals or entities soliciting for such organization. The charitable organization shall have an ongoing obligation to update or correct any information submitted in its application for a solicitation permit so as to maintain all information in the county's possession as accurate. The county may require such additional or supplemental information as may be reasonably necessary to facilitate the direct enforcement of this section and the purposes of this chapter. (2) When submitting a completed application to the county, the charitable organization shall also submit the following: a. Written proof of general commercial liability and property damage insurance coverage issued by a company authorized to conduct business in the commonwealth in the amount of not less than $1,000,000.00 per occurrence that insures the organization and all individuals and entities who may be soliciting on its behalf. The proof of insurance shall include the board of supervisors of the county, as an additional insured and must specify that the insurance is primary over any insurance which the county may carry or any provisions for self- insurance by the county. b. An application permit fee in the amount of $10.00 shall be payable at the time the application is submitted. This fee shall be used to defray the county's cost of processing the application and for insuring compliance with the conditions of any permit issued through monitoring of the public roads. An applicant will be notified in writing of the approval or denial of their request within fifteen (15) days after the county's receipt of a completed application. Within the county's discretion, a portion of this fee may be refunded in the event a permit is denied. Page 2 of 4 C. Written proof that the applicant organization is a charitable organization which has obtained qualification from the Internal Revenue Service as a section 501c(3) entity under the Internal Revenue Code. d. A safety plan which shall describe the measures which the organization will implement during any solicitation period to insure the safety of those participating in its solicitation activities and of drivers and occupants of motor vehicles at intersections where solicitations are permitted. e. A roster listing all of the individuals who will be conducting solicitations. This roster shall include the name, address and physical description of each solicitor. e . I 1 . . . . .. . . . n . . ■ . .. . . . .. . . IL N.0 =I i w, J , ■ & a V a m .. a a .. Wi�111 (3) Additional solicitation activity restrictions shall include the following: a. No more than one (1) permit may be issued to an organization during each calendar year. Permits shall be valid for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of their issuance; b. Solicitation upon a public road in the county pursuant to a permit shall be authorized for no more than four (4) consecutive calendar days, and shall be limited to the period from 9:00 a.m. until one -half (' /2) hour prior to sunset, at the approved location(s) specified in the application and permit; C. Each individual solicitor shall have in his or her possession some form of official identification with a photograph, such as a driver's license and shall wear a high - visibility, reflective safety vest over their clothing at all times; d. A copy of the organization's solicitation permit shall be maintained at each approved solicitation location; e. All solicitors must be at least eighteen (18) years of age or older; ate, f. No solicitor may impede traffic at any time; touching a vehicle or reaching inside a vehicle without the consent of the occupants of the vehicle shall be considered as impeding traffic; and, q. The applicant for the permit or the local point of contact shall be present at the location of the solicitation during the all of the dates and times that solicitations are occurring. If multiple locations are permitted, then there shall be an identified local point of contact for each location. Page 3 of 4 (4) Additional conditions for consideration of and issuance of permits: a. In additional to the provisions of section 19 -24, an application for a solicitation permit under this section may be denied or revoked, in whole or in part, for the following reasons: 1. A solicitation permit has been issued to a charitable organization, and is currently in force, for one or more of the intersections at which the applicant seeks permission to solicit; 2. In the opinion of the chief of police or his designee, approval of the solicitation permit at one or more of the requested intersections is determined to create a reasonable potential for injury to solicitors, other pedestrians or vehicle occupants or an unreasonable potential for disruption to normal traffic flow; 3. The applicant has made a false or materially misleading statement on the application form or in any response to information requested on behalf of the county; and 4. A material violation of the solicitation permit granted under this section or any action by the organization or any individual solicitor acting in its behalf which creates a clear and immediate danger to public safety. b. Issuance of any permit under this section shall not represent an endorsement by the county of any charitable organization that the permittee may represent nor any indication of supervision of or control over the proceeds raised by the organization's charitable solicitations. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Page of ACTION NO. ITEM NO. I.1 -7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Beards SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Beard APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Board of Zoning Appeals (appointed by District) After serving 35 years, Carlton Wright has advised he does not wish to be re- appointed. His term will expire June 30, 2012. Mr. Wright represents the Hollins District. Kevin Barnes, who represents the Cave spring District, has advised he has accepted a job out of State and can only serve until June 2012. His term expires June 30, 2014. 2. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) The following one -year term expired on August 31, 2011: a) James M. Chewning representing the Vinton Magisterial District 3. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) Richard C. Flora has recommended the re- appointment of Max Beyer to represent the Hollins District for an additional three -year term to expire on June 30, 2015. Mr. Beyer has expressed his willingness to serve an additional term and accordingly confirmation of this appointment has been added to the Consent Agenda. Eddie "Ed" Elswick has recommended the appointment of Ssunny Shah to represent Page I of 2 the Windsor Hills District for a three -year term that will expire on June 30, 2015. Confirmation of this appointment has been added to the Consent Agenda. The three -year term of Roger L. Falls who represents the Vinton District will expire on June 30, 2012. 4. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) Richard C. Flora has recommended the appointment of Jesse Freedman to represent the Hollins Magisterial District to complete the term left vacant by Brian Pittenger. This term of office will expire on August 31, 2012. 5. Roanoke county Planning commission (appointed by District) Charlotte A. Moore has recommended the re- appointment of Gene Marrano to represent the Cave Spring District for a four -year term that will expire on June 30, 2016. Confirmation of this appointment has been added to the Consent Agenda. The four -year term of Martha Hooker who represents the Catawba District will expire on June 30, 2012. 5. Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors B. Clayton Goodman II I, County Ad rn i n istrator has recommended the reappointment of Doug Blount to represent Roanoke County on this Board. - this is a two year appointment that will expire on June 30, 2014. Confirmation of this appointment has been added to the Consent Agenda. 7. Total Action Against Poverty (TAP) Board of Directors (Designee of Richard C. Flora) The two -year term of Thomas A. Rotenberry, who is the designee of Richard Flora, expired on May 5, 2012. Mr. Rotenberry has advised he does not wish to be appointed to an additional term. Page 2 of 2 i AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for May 22, 2012 designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 5 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes — April 10, 2012; April 24, 2012 2. Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $7,981.73 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for fiscal year 2011/2012 3. Confirmation of appointments to Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District); Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR); Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by District) and the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors 4. Request to enhance the Infrastructure Replacement Capital Fund 5. Resolution requesting acceptance of Olyvia Place into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE'rING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Request to accept and appropriate funds in the amount of $7,981.73 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia for fiscal year 2011/2012 SUBMITTED BY: Steven A. McGraw Clerk of Circuit Court APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County AdministratorWy COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Technology Trust Funds, representing fees collected by the Roanoke COUnty CirCUit Court Clerk's Office, have been received from the State in the amount of $7,981.73. These funds have been earmarked for the purpose of computer maintenance. These funds need to be appropriated to the Clerk of Circuit Court. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact, one hundred percent (100 %) State funds. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends appropriating $7,981.73 to the Clerk of Circuit court for the fiscal year 2011/2012. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J -3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 22, 2012 Confirmation of appointments to Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District); Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR); Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by District) and the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Board B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: 1. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) Richard C. Flora has recommended the re- appointment of Max Beyer to represent the Hollins District for an additional three -year term to expire on June 30, 2015. Eddie "Ed" Elswick has recommended the appointment of Ssunny Shah to represent the Windsor Hills District for a three -year term to expire on June 30, 2015. 2. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) Richard C. Flora has recommended the appointment of Jesse Freedman, to represent the Hollins Magisterial District to complete the term left vacant by Brian Pittenger. This term of office will expire on August 31, 2012. Page 1 of 2 3. Roanoke County Planning Commission (appointed by District) Charlotte A. Moore has recommended the re- appointment of Gene Marrano to represent the Cave Spring District for a four -year term that will expire on June 30, 2016. 4. Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors B. Clayton Goodman 111, County Administrator has recommended the reappointment of Doug Blount to represent Roanoke County on this Board. This is a two year appointment that will expire on June 30, 2014. Page 2of2 ITEM NO. J -4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Request to enhance the Infrastructure Replacement Capital Fund SUBMITTED BY: Bill Greeves Director of Communications and Information Technology Rob Lig ht Purchasing Manager APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Infrastructure Replacement Capital Fund was established to provide an annual source of funds for the replacement of technology infrastructure equipment. This equipment forms the foundation for all systems used by County employees to provide services and support to County citizens. Staff requests approval to enhance this capital fund by the sale of surplus technology infrastructure equipment, including but not limited to servers, switches, routers, controllers, drives and wireless networking equipment. As equipment and systems are required to be replaced, CommlT will surplus the old equipment and coordinate with the Finance Department to have this equipment sold to other entities. The funds received from these entities will be directed back to the Infrastructure Replacement Capital Fund. These additional funds along with the annual budgeted amount will allow for the continued funding of the Infrastructure Replacement Plan. Page 1 of 2 The County's Charter directs that all funds generated by the sale of real or personal property of the County designated as Surplus will be paid into capital accounts for the purpose of the acquisition, construction, maintenance or replacement of other capital items. Presently, the proceeds of all surplus County personal property including vehicles is placed in the Vehicle Replacement capital fund with the exception of radio equipment which is designated for the Radio Maintenance and Capital Fund per Board action on September 8, 2010. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no net fiscal impact for the County. Approval will result in staff having the ability to maximize the residual value of specialized equipment to support continued funding of the Infrastructure Replacement Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of this request. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J -5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT � HE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 22, 2012 Resolution requesting acceptance of Olyvia Place into the Virginia Department of Transportation Secondary System Tarek Moneir Deputy Director of Development Services B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County of Roanoke requests that the Board of Supervisors approve a resolution to the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) requesting that they accept 0.17 miles of Olyvia Place from the intersection with Buck Mountain Road (VA Sec. Rte 679) in the direction of South to the end of its cul -de -sac. The staff has inspected this road along with representatives of VDOT finds the road is acceptable. FISCAL IMPACT: No County funding is required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends that the Board approve a resolution to VDOT requesting that they accept Olyvia Place into the Secondary Road System. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 20 1 2 RESOLUTION REQUESTING ACCEPTANCE OF OLYVIA PLACE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY SYSTEM WHEREAS, the streets described on the attached Addition Form AM -4.3, fully incorporated herein by reference, are shown on plats recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit court of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the representative for the Virginia Department of Transportation has advised this Board that the street(s) meet the requirements established by the Virginia Department of Transportation's Subdivision Street Requirements; and WHEREAS, the County and the Virginia Department of Transportation have entered into an agreement on March 9, 1999, for comprehensive stormwater detention, which applies to this request for addition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, this Board requests the Virginia Department of Transportation to add the street(s) described on the attached Additions Form AM -4.3 to the secondary system of state highways, pursuant to §33.1 -229, Code of Virginia, and the Department's Subdivision Street Requirements, after receiving a copy of this resolution and all outstanding fees and documents required of the developer, whichever occurs last in time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this Board guarantees a clear and unrestricted right- of -way, as described, and any necessary easements for cuts, fills and drainage, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Residency Administrator for the Virginia Department of Transportation. Page 1 of 1 y � Ing I � zk a� j oh PROPOSED ADDITION(S) IN GREY r � DESCRIPTION LENGTH ROW WIDTH SERVICES Miles Feet Feet Houses olyvia Place; From Buck Mountain Road (route 679) to the end of it's cul-de-sac 0.17 40 28 15 ROANOKE COUNTY ACCEPTANCE of OLYVIA PLACE INTO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SECONDARY COMMUNITY DEVLOPMENT SYSTEM __ _._ _.. ._.. I -- n_ theCounty fRoanoke _o ...--- - - - - -- _______ __ _______ .._---_--------_-.-- - -- - - - -- - - -- _.. By resolution of the governing body adopted May 22, 2012 The following VDOT Form AM- -4.3 is hereby attached and incorporated as part of the governing body's resolution for changes in the secondary system of state highways. A Copy Testee Signed (County C facial): Report of Changes in the Secondary System of State Highways Project/Subdivision Belfair Heights Type Change to the Secondary System of State Highways: I Addition The following additions to the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant to the statutory provision or provisions cited, are hereby requested; the right of way for which, including additional easements for cuts, fills and drainage, as required, is hereby guaranteed: Reason for Change: New subdivision street Pursuant to Code of Virginia Statute: §33.1 -,229 Street Name and/or Route Number Olyvia Place, State Route Number 2049 Old Route Number: 0 • From: Int. of Route 679, Buck Mountain Road To: End, Cul -de -sac, a distance of: 0.17 miles. Recordation Reference: P.B. 30, PG. 54 Right of Way width (feet) = 40 VDOT Form ANI -4.3 (412012007) Maintenance Division Date of Resolution: May 22, 2012 Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. L -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING; OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 22, 2012 Resolution approving and adopting the recommendation of the Roanoke County Bonding Committee to schedule a Public Hearing on June 12, 2012 declaring the developer Al M. Cooper Construction, Inc. to be in default under the Cardinal Meadows (Catawba Magisterial District) "Developer's Site Development Agreement" and "Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement" Tarek Moneir Deputy Director of Development Services B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator�SY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On March 3, 2006, Al M. Cooper Construction, Inc. (Developer), a Virginia Corporation, submitted plans and signed an Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement (ESC) to subdivide a certain parcel of land to be known as Texas Hollow Subdivision in the Catawba Magisterial District. Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit # VB100211 (surety) of $40,520.00 was granted by Valley Bank of Virginia for the said development. Later in same year, the name of said subdivision was changed to Cardinal Meadows. Can August 1, 2006, a Land Subdivider's Agreement (LD) was signed and plans were approved by the County for the Cardinal Meadows. Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit # P003503 (surety) of $447,950 was granted by Sun Trust Bank of Virginia for the said development. On July 28, 2008 Roanoke County approved a partial release of $20,250. as surety reduction to the developer from ESC, and on August 15, 2008, Roanoke County approved a release of $172,2'15.75 as surety reduction to the developer from LD. On January 12, 2009, Valley Bank of Virginia issued Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit # VB100321 (surety) in the amount of $275,744.25 replacing Sun Trust Bank's Letter of Credit originally issued for this development. The project is substantially completed with the exception of the following: Page 1 of 2 • The sediment basin needs to be converted to a storm -water management facility (SWMF); trees need to be removed from the embankment of the SWMF; and, As- builds are needed for the SWMF along with storm -water management agreement. • Corrections for punch list identified by Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT); and proceeding with the road acceptance into the Secondary Road System (SRS). These corrections identified above and proceeding with the road acceptance into the Virginian Department of Transportation (VDOT) Secondary Road System require financial commitment on the developer's part in order to comply with county ordinances. The staff has attempted unsuccessfully to work with the developer to correct these deficiencies and proceed with the necessary steps to complete the project; however the developer has failed to comply with the necessary corrective measures and procedures. "fhe current ESC and LD remaining balance of letter of credits covers the cost of these corrections and fees associated with road acceptance into VDOT SRS. On May 2, 2012, the Bonding Committee reviewed the development's file and considered the facts presented by the staff on the project and voted to declare that the Developer is in default based on the failure to complete this project in accordance with its agreements. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of corrections and completing the obligations to VDOT by having the roads be accepted into the SRS is anticipated to be covered by the funds of the credits with Valley Bank of Virginia and the surety guaranteed by the Letter of Credit #VB100321 and #VB100211 for this project. ALTERNATIVES: I. The Bonding Committee recommends that the Board of Supervisors schedule a public hearing on June 12, 2012, to declare that the Developer is in default of the agreements with Roanoke County to complete the Cardinal Meadows project. II. Reject the Bonding Corrrirriittee recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve alternative I and authorize the staff to schedule a public hearing on June 12, 2012 on the Bonding Committee's recommendation. Attachment Page 2of2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 20 12 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING "rHE RECOMMENDATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BONDING COMMITTEE TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING ON JUNE '12, 2012 DECLARING THE DEVELOPER AL M. COOPER CONSTRUc'rION, INC. TO BE IN DEFAULT UNDER 'rHE CARDINAL MEADOWS (CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT) "DEVELOPER'S SITE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT" AND "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AGREEMENT" WHEREAS, Al M. Cooper Construction, Inc., a Virginia corporation (hereafter "Developer "), as developers of Cardinal Meadows in the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County, on or about March 3, 2006, entered into an Erosion and Sediment Control Agreement (hereafter "E & S Agreement ") with the County of Roanoke and provided an irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by Valley Bank of Virginia in the amount of $40,520 to insure the construction and maintenance of certain erosion and sediment control facilities in connection with the development of Cardinal Meadows; and, WHEREAS, the Developer subsequently, on or about August 1, 2006, entered into a Land Subdivider's Agreement with the County of Roanoke and was granted approval to subdivide a portion of the Developer's property and to record a plat of subdivision for the development to be known as Cardinal Meadows and provided an irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by Sun Trust Bank of Virginia in the amount of $447,960 to insure the construction, completion and maintenance of improvements to the land; and, WHEREAS, Developer has partially complied with its legal responsibilities under the aforesaid E & S and Land Subdivider's Agreements and Roanoke County officials have authorized multiple partial releases but a balance of $275,744.25 remains on Page 1 of 3 deposit with Sun Trust Bank of Virginia to secure the completion of the requirements under the Land Subdivider's Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Bonding committee for Roanoke County meeting on May 2, 2012, at the Roanoke County Administration Building considered the documentation as to the status of this subdivision project and voted to recommend that the Board of Supervisors schedule a public hearing to consider declaring the Developer to be in default and that the County take all necessary actions to collect the outstanding surety proceeds in order to complete this development. NOW THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1 . That a public hearing be scheduled for June 12, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. at the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia, 24018 to hear testimony and proposals from Al M. Cooper Construction, Inc. and Valley Bank of Virginia concerning the recommendations of the Bonding Committee to declare the Developer in default and to collect the proceeds from the letters of credit in order to complete the development of Cardinal Meadows, in accordance with the Land Subdivider's Agreement. 2. That the County Administrator, the Director of the Department of Community Development, his staff and agents, and the office of the County Attorney are hereby directed to provide appropriate notices to the Developer and the Surety of this public hearing, and are further authorized to take such action as may be necessary to fully assert and defend the rights and obligations of Roanoke County in this regard. Page 2 of 3 I This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from the date of its adoption. Page 3of3 GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Audited balance at June 39, 2011 N -1 % of General Fund Revenue 10.59% * Addition of 2010 -11 operations 500,000 Balance at May 22, 2012 $ 20,572,318 Note: On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the Genera Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. * 2010 -11 a range of 10.0% -11.0 % of General Fund Revenues 2010 -11 General Fund Revenues $189,818,185 10.0 % of General Fund Revenues $18,951,819 11.0 % of General Fund Revenues $20,858,000 ** 2011 -12 - Goal of 11 % of General Fund Revenues 2011-12 General Fund Revenues $192,720,943 11 % of General Fund Revenues $21,199,304 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 10.87°/x. The County's goal is to increase the balance over time to 11.0% Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Amount $ 20 10.57% ** Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator W-T)( N -2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the C/P, architectural /engineering services, and other one -time expenditures.) Amount Audited balance at June 30, 2011 $2 Addition of 2010 -11 operations $1 August 23, 2011 Purchase of .454 acre of real estate adjacent to the Roanoke County (40,000.00) Administration Center from Franklin Real Estate Company September 13, 2011 Appropriate funds for the repair of retaining wall at Vinton Library (17,225.00) April 3, 2012 Loan for the acquisition of fire vehicles for Fire and Rescue Dept. (1,587,023.00) Balance at May 22, 2012 $1 Major County Capital Reserve (Projects in the C1P, debt payments to expedite projects identified in C /P, and land purchase opportunities.) Audited balance at June 30, 2011 $152 Addition of 2010 -11 operations $775,522.00 Balance at May 22, 2012 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator $9381151.00 N -3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2011-2012 original Budget $ '1 00,000.00 May 24, 2011 Appropriation for Legislative Liaison (31,020.00) December 13, 2011 Appropriation to remove the delapidated carport structure and install a new roof ('10,000.00) at 5915 Garner Road January 24, 2012 Appropriation for assessment for Appalachian Power Company (APCo) negotiatiol (4,889.35) April 10, 2012 Appropriation for professional services related to the search for new Police Chief (28,150.00) May 8, 2012 Appropriation for Republican Primary Election (24,400.00) Balance at May 22, 2012 Submitted By Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved By B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ?.-IV N O N ` o o � C LL a) sir' I` N M � LO Ltd (D O LO 00 O co 00 N N M N ti It f` O 0 00 N (D LO M 00 N G) CF) M (` NT O LO N M O 00 00 O O O M LO d) Lii 00 1 4 6 O t4 (D I` N r O d; ti M r LO I` M r O O 00 Lfi N M r ' ' r N ' d) LO N r r i (D r 00 I` O O I` N � CF) � C I` I` LO M � r r N 00 r CD � LO O N 00 O a� a 4 4 N N O M O LO N N O NT O LA (D I` r �L r d) � � (D N t4 O r r r O N (D N LO N 1 Z 00 � v a r N M G) O N 00 r t Ea Ltd Il� M ti M (D M (D LSD M d N m N Ltd M CY) 00 LO r I` C r (D I` 00 > N O L LO � !Q N � r L U ' LO v ° M LO I" r (D I` a� N q ' .� p r N LO N O7 N d It O LO (D (D N o0 � d � d M m O7 M M M O _ r NT M t W I` N 00 00 I` O o0 r d) � O .O r m o 0 O M r d a7 � O 07 M r m Q' O 00 r lq N M O ♦"' c R:f LO I` I` CD N O N N � 00 C rl S I` r 00 N r L O L 00 M N C LL N d) d a I` E L LO 00 (D L. r � U a I` LO M O 00 I` (D (D I� d7 � LO I` i--' O M 0 r m N O N ` o o � C LL a) sir' I` N M � LO Ltd (D O LO 00 O co 00 N N M N ti It f` O 0 00 N (D LO M 00 N G) CF) M (` NT O LO N M O 00 00 O O O M LO d) Lii 00 1 4 6 O t4 (D I` N r O d; ti M r LO I` M r O O 00 Lfi N M r ' ' r N ' d) LO N r r i (D r 00 I` O N I` (D � CF) O I` I` LO M � r r N 00 r CD � LO O N 00 r r 4 4 r N O M O LO N N O NT O LA (D I` r � r d) � � (D N t4 O r r r O It (D N LO N O 00 � M r N M co � LSD N 00 r t 00 Ltd Il� M ti M (D M (D LSD M Ltd cr N Ltd M CY) 00 LO r I` M r (D I` 00 N O r LO N N ' LO N LO I" r (D I` ') N q ' r O r N LO N O7 N LO It O LO (D (D N o0 � d � d M CD O7 00 M M CD 0) r NT M t M I` N 00 00 I` 00 N � N N � P- ti M M O M d) (D � O 0 p r- f` � O LO r I` d) o0 LO r o O (D r I` N O N M It N I` N N r I` O O I` 00 14 G; O ti d; Ltj d6 N 4 N O 00 00 f` r (D 00 Ltj 4 00 00 O 00 M Ltd O I` 00 r N (D I� I� O ti M CO 00 I` r I` (D ti 00 r (D O 00 I` I` r r M 00 M r r r CM M (1) (D 00 d) � (D I` qq O M CD r O r r LO N O7 N LO It O LO (D (D I` r o0 � d � d ti CD O7 00 M M CD 0) r NT M t M I` N 00 00 I` O o0 r d) � Lt) d) r (D M O M r a) r O 07 M r r LO 00 r lq N M O M R:f LO I` I` CD N O N N � 00 C rl L0 I` r 00 N r o0 M 00 M N M N d) >' I` LO I` LO 00 (D r � Ln N I� I` LO M O 00 I` (D (D I� d7 � LO I` i--' O M 0 r N N � R: N O N U') a) x N U N x N - c J co 16 - L t6 a) m O O X O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O o O LO LO O O O O O O O O O O � O O O O O O O O O qq O I` N c� O r O O O O O O O M O O O O O O O O O M O 07 'IT U r N O O O LO O Ln O lq O L0 L0 O L0 O L0 O r Ln (D 00 O (D co � O M (D I` o0 (D I` r 00 C) O N ti � LO (D I` LO N LO N O I` O r (D I` I� M (D O r M CD LO U") (D 'IT N 00 r- N E in Oro � a) M LS- N r M M O w p U 00 N E - r U L N N L (a (� + r O U -Fu CLn— r M O M I� O 'IT 'IT r � O N � O LO O r Ltd O O O O r O O O N O N co (D � (D N O 00 00 O 'T I` M co � M O O M O r I` O o0 (D N O 4 (D M O vi d6 c'7 o0 (D M 6 r M O O 14 I` LO O (D � 1 * 00 I` I` O U- M LO 07 LO I` (D I� LO LO (D L.L_ LO a- d N N 00 I` 00 (D N I` (D O N O V V 07 N 00 00 r M M f` O O r I` d7 O I` o0 M O (D 00 d7 I` (D r N d) M t4 I- LO r � O I` r M (D M N CF) d) O 00 r 00 m I` Lid I` 07 1 * O LO M M N r LO 00 I` 00 M N O N � O LO (fl 00 (D O M C 'IT O I r 00 M LO (D 07 (D (D Lf) � 00 C 00 r ti M O 00 r (D � (D � I� 00 � � LO M (D (D CD C N r (D N N 00 r F N M M M M (D N LO O O O O N O N O O O O O LO O O Lf) O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O I` O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O LO N O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln N O O O 00 O LO (3) O r M LO O O LO O CL O O r O LO O I` LO LO O r qlzi 00 07 O (D O LO O 00 (D (D CD (D 00 r N O d) (D LO CD (D q;T � ti M r O � N N LO ('7 O M qm O r 00 C r It It (D I` I` N r M 00 M Lf� r r CM M (1) co N TMM N c a) LL °6 X U A L a) cn CL —>> O a) > (n a- (1) N c a) LL °6 X U m m C: (� ~ t6 O F --- a) (a ch O O a) Cn 4-- X C: } ' LL a) LL cn cn >' p O � X O a) a) (D L N i--' O 0 L m O � LL c a) x N U N x C - c J O 16 - L t6 a) m O O X a) U a) ca O — 4-a v � 4.0 N / 06 c >, CU c� c� J v_ � O 0 0 m O 4-a LL L L U a) L a) L X X O >1 w w 0 c- cn C/) VJ Q E in .- � O J H c O w p U E - 0 U L N N L (a (� + r O U -Fu CLn— �, a E 'cn ° x= � X L- o O o a a) a) O p O :3 Co +r O to +r J C to a) a) � U U m U- 2 0 L Q J a- L.L_ U a- d _ C� O O 'IT d) O r N M qq LO (D I` 00 0) O O r N qq ti 00 r � � V N N N N N N N N N N F M M M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N � O LO d N N p N � M Lt) d) (D r It M O f` Lt) O p r O p M 4- O a� bi) a LO N 1` N M N p d) O LO O f` O (D p O p ' L 00 O O) p f` M tD it r LO tV _N 4 ti f` 00 O 6 1 Z O p 00 (D v a LO (D Ln d O 00 M O r = o (D � f� LO I� f� r r f` d N m r (D 00 LA O d) C) N O r M 9 N It > 00 0') d) to O O 00 � qq L 00 ti N � !Q N � r L U � 00 M V O M M r r a� � I> C) C N M r r N LO 00 N � d D) N LO 1` r (D r (D M m � LA N O 00 00 O _ r M R:f W I` 07 p N N � 00 � O OC .° O 2, m o O 0 M N d O +� M > m (D Q' CC r LO r O C ♦"� O r '-T co � W) Lf7 Lt') r r 00 00 N r S Lt') M M N L O LL L N d M CL 0 > E L O �•�/ �+ O . Q M U a N � O T" (n 0 O O d O O O (D 00 qq O O ti ti O LO O O m N O N � a `r' o o � LL m C sir' r (D tD r f` O LO � M 00 r CY) M LO (D d) r (D O r p O O CY) p CY) ti M N ti M U') LO � N � r r M � O N M O O 06 . 4 M M Lt's r 00 r (D 6 O p 6 O r M N 6 Ln (O O O r r r LO r r r r N N N N N 00 r 00 LO N 1` O O 4 4 LO � 00 00 (D 0) N 4 4 O O M � 4 4 M r 4 4 N 00 O r r (D w N 00 (3) r O � O M r 07 C) LO O Ltd N N p M It (D O Lid N r N 07 N LO M r pj CD r co 4 e M Ln 00 'IT � r ti I` LO Ltd r 0') f` N p O) M N N 00 00 00 � N r CY) LO 00 r O N N r N LO Ltd r r O LO 1� N O p N LO M Lt) d) (D r It M O f` Lt) O p r O p M 0) Ln LO LO 1` N M N p d) O LO O f` O (D p O p 06 00 00 O O) p f` M tD it r LO tV d6 4 ti f` 00 O 6 tD O p 00 (D co LO (D Ln 00 � 00 M O r M I* (D � f� LO I� f� r r f` Re Ln r r (D 00 LA O d) C) N O r M � N It O 00 0') d) to O O 00 � qq 00 00 ti N (D 00 � 00 M LA M r r (D � I> C) C N M r r N LO 00 N � co D) N LO 1` r (D r (D M N � LA N O 00 00 M N r M R:f N I` 07 p N N � 00 � f` LO L M (D to M N M O M M M O (D r LO r d) O r '-T co � W) Lf7 Lt') r r 00 00 N r r Lt') M M N � CY) N Q M 0 N U N (1) Q M N r N � O T" (n 0 O O O O O O (D 00 qq O O ti ti O LO O O O O d) q* Lid Ln r O O O O O N � ti O N 1` C) O CY) O r O r N (3) C) 1` Q) O f` f` (9 d) LA 00 M r N O 00 O N O M � r r r Ltd p LO M 00 O (D ti O Ltd r ti (fl (D O LO O cy) Lr) O M M (D CD O f` ti 00 q- 00 O � N LO � � Q M LO N N CC 00 00 N N N N O N (D r - M 0 LO 00 CY) I` a � cfl � M N M r � M r M r q� N to p � � N to N (n N +r U N N � ti "T f` N O O r N O M O (D � M � 'T O O ti O O T" 00 00 N 07 M (D O W) ;T r LO O � N M � 07 O O 00 O O Lc; f` 1` 4 Oi Lr; r O N 6 00 4 00 00 r O (D (D O O N O O 00 f` 1*- It M 00 00 It M M W) LO 00 O I` 00 M V r I r M M M � 07 M (D f` N N � r 1` d) (D N 00 NT O r O O O Lt) 00 00 N O7 N CD 00 00 LO d) 1` r r r r N (\ 00 M N O O 00 LO d) r r N (D 00 00 (D O) M 00 N d) a) p 00 00 qm Ln O I` 00 c0 r- r f` c0 � � CY) CD 'IT I> M 00 (D W LO w r N r CY) (D 1` D) LO O � M '-T O I* (D W r r Ltd M N r N M 00 LO O C N N M N r M 1` O p O O O O O O O O (D O LO O O Le) O O N N O N N I* O O Ltd 00 O O O r O O O O LO p d) a) � Re 1� O O O O O I` 1` O N r M O r O (D O Lo Ln 00 00 O ' d' LO LO N r (D p � M O (D O Lt's N N ti Ln Ltd LO o Ltd 00 cn 00 it r 00 M O M O N 07 1 * Re W) 00 00 M a- M O O (D N It M LO r 00 O 'IT C) M M M U '> M 07 O r N N M C N `~ E O •L to U •> N 4 N N N 4-j 0 o cn (n U a- Q cn U '> 07 O N N 0n `~ E O •L to U •> N 0n O O N U CD - 0 L N 0 N N cn co O � O • L O d � N cn N U CM O > U) 0) U) N Q 0 • U (1) Q � (n 0 O � N 0 — (_6 4. m LL U > c i v ) N E L L- - N - a (a • U • U 'L Q� C J L Q) O a O 0n O U '� U � •U O L O 'a v N � U O O O O O LL �= L- L- �> t6 O -0 0 c- U) O U) Q C: Cl) ca N O O (L) 0 � J 06 m 0S a � a) c_ c N cl) N to p � � N to N (n N +r U LL c� c 0) CM ° N U N U LL L LL CD 0 0 O O N • N O O N +r N + r C � j U- 0� 0� c U U a, z U) O w O O E N aD L a U- U cn O O O) O O r O N 00 O O r (D O O r � M O N (fl O N O H M H 'T ' H 'T ' H Ltd LO LO H (D (D (D I� 00 00 00 H 07 H O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N 0 N N cz Q I N L L � L !Q N � r U v ° M � G1 p a LU O � � a O O O O L O LL d C E 0 .O U a L. N 4- d O qq ti O M M 0o N M v (V N N 00 Co N d 0) N r M d 4 O N a d coo V M G) VZ CD � O O d) a) N O OM a� r o M O Q� Ltd m = a N o N o ti O � m r V Q N L L � L !Q N � r U v ° M � G1 p a LU O � � a O O O O L O LL d C E 0 .O U a L. N 4- d O = o � (V N M m N N N d 0) N r M d M O coo M M G) VZ CD � ( pp LO 00 M CD O m r o ° O o m = a o o m m o ti O � m r d d m N O N � O O � LL a) i I` I 0o O O co ti ti P- C:) O 00 M M N � r O O I ti CY) C) O co I` f` r p O LA M M ti r N O VII fA ? 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AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CEN "rER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: May 22, 2312 Accounts Paid April 2312 Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ITEM NO. N -6 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors Payroll 34/1 3/12 Payroll 94/27/12 Manual Checks Grand Total Direct Deposit 1 1 Checks Total $ - $ 6 95,419.23 1 1 242,61 3.72 87, 737.44 1,158,194.62 1,141.53 1 9, 388, 745.33 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER N -7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of April 30, 2012. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASH INVESTMENT: S U NTR UST CON 4 4 GOVERNMENT: SMITH BARNEY CONTRA 55,382.70 SMITH BARNEY 37,018 WELLS FARGO 19,000,000.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA 13,670.00 55,087,892.63 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: 181 30,673,919.27 GENERAL OPERATION 17,123,059.58 17 CD: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 4 4,000, 000.00 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 1,075,934.15 MO RGAN STANLEY - JAIL 1 SMITH BARNEY 27,274,874.31 STELLAR ONE 1, 039,407.55 WELLS FARGO 181 30,673,919.27 TOTAL 112, 434, 310.75 05/22/2012 N-8 C�uun # IIf YvuunIIhe ortalli'll j k0A 1838 RECOGNIZING THE TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SHINSHIRO CITY INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, the Shinshiro Cit International Exchan Association was created on Au 1, 1992; and WHEREAS, the Shinshiro Cit International Exchan Association will celebrate its twentieth anniversar on Au 1, 2012 and WHEREAS, Roanoke Count Vir has been involved with Shinshiro, Japan, with the assistance of the International Exchan Association for ten y ears throu a haiku friendship exchan amon its y oun g people in both countries and WHEREAS, Roanoke Count sees g reat value in the exchan of thou and poetr amon thousands of children in Shinshiro, Japan, and the Roanoke Valle durin this meanin annual exchan for the past ten y ears ; and WHEREAS, Roanoke Count has enjo a visit to the fine cit of Shinshiro and, likewise, y our visit to ours and WHEREAS, Roanoke Count has appreciated the dedicated and sincere efforts of man people with the Shinshiro Cit International Exchan Association and Shinshiro Cit includin but not limited to Ma R Hozumi, Former Ma Yoshio Yamamoto, Yoshiaki Koba Hiro Matsumoto, Kae Asai, Saori Matsu ba i,Tatsuo Natsume, Yoshio Naka Haruko Nishikawa, as well as the man parents and teachers who tau the children the art of haiku at a y oun g a THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Roanoke Count has enjo and looks forward to continued g estures of friendship with the Shinshiro Cit International Exchan Association throu the annual haiku friendship exchan with Shinshiro, Japan and THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Roanoke Count con the Shinshiro Cit International Exchan Association on the occasion of its twentieth anniversar and FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED, that Roanoke Count wishes the Shinshiro Cit International Exchan Association man more y ears of success in reachin out in -friendship to the people of the world. Presented this 22nd da of Ma 2012 -, C>" C. '�_k C.4 a, Richard C. Flora, Chairman B. Cla Goodman III Count Administrator ACTION NO. ITEM NO. O -1 '�ir AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: May 22, 2012 Work session to discuss stormwater enforcement Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This work session is the second of two work sessions on enforcement of Roanoke County's storm water ordinance. The first work session was held on January 25, 2011, and it reviewed the recent history of this enforcement requirement, statistics identifying both the successes and areas requiring additional efforts and citizen education and information initiatives. This second work session will discuss the various alternatives to - the costs of compliance and the commencement of future enforcement actions. After the first work session, the Board directed the County Attorney to schedule a series of community meetings in each magisterial district with representatives of homeowners associations responsible for the maintenance of the storm water facilities in their residential developments. These community meetings should occur before beginning any enforcement actions in court. The Board was concerned that these citizens were unaware of their maintenance obligations. Unfortunately too many residential property owners in homeowners associations (HOAs) are unaware of their obligations to maintain the storm water facilities benefitting their developments. A well- maintained and properly functioning storm water facility protects not only their property but also their neighbor's property. Meetings were held as follows: February 7, 2011 — Quarterly Civic League meeting August 30, 20 11 — Vinton Magisterial District (17 HOAs notified) September 8, 2011 — Hollins Magisterial District (34 HOAs notified) October 20, 2011 —Windsor Hills Magisterial District (35 HOAs notified) Page 1 of 5 November 29, 2011 —Cave Spring Magisterial District (33 HOAs notified) February 21, 2012 — Catawba Magisterial District (37 HOAs notified) Summaries of the meeting notes are attached to this report. In addition, over the past five (b) years the County has published informational materials summarizing the obligations of HOAs, published these materials in the REConnection Magazine, published a booklet "Maintaining Your Stormwater Pond or BMP ", a "Practical Guide for Private Owners of Stormwater Facilities in Roanoke County, Virginia", and filmed RVTV episodes on this topic. Purchasers of lots in developments with HOAs and storm water management facilities are provided information at the real estate closing with respect to their obligations as members of the HOA. Staff has provided copies of these publications to homeowners at Roanoke Valley home shows, at Clean Valley Day and to numerous HOAs. The Board of Supervisors adopted the 'First stormwater management regulations in 1990, largely as a result of the damages from the flood of 1985. Detention facilities for stormwater quantity became required for any new development in the County. In 2008, due to Federal and State requirements from the Federal Clean Water Act, the Board adopted a new stormwater management ordinance that added regulations for stormwater quality as well as quantity. Roanoke County has a permit (MS4) from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation that requires us to ensure that all stormwater facilities for quantity and quality are appropriately inspected, maintained and reported. Since the inception of the new code, staff has been actively pursuing compliance with the regulations. As of February 2012 staff has identified 828 commercial, institutional and residential storm water management facilities, and inspected 277 facilities since January 2010. Routine inspections of storm water management facilities ensure that all facilities are adequately maintained and functioning properly. The proper function of these facilities is critical for flood protection, erosion prevention and water quality. Ninety -four (94) (or thirty -four percent (34 %) of these facilities were deemed "adequate" and 189 (or sixty - eight percent (58 %) of total facilities inspected) were "inadequate ". Facilities are deemed "inadequate" based Ripon objective criteria and generally are the result of a failure to perform routine maintenance. Staff performs a routine inspection. Based upon that inspection staff sends an inspection report to the facility owner listing items in need of maintenance. The typical problems are vegetation, high grass and overgrown trees blocking inflow channels, outfall structures, emergency spillways and outfall pipes. Waste and debris often clogs outfall pipes. Trees growing in the embankments will destabilize the embankment. Owners are responsible for maintenance and are given ninety (90) days to complete the identified maintenance needs. If the owner indicates a willingness to commence corrective measures and work begins, then extensions of time are routinely granted. Page 2of5 Only ninety -nine (99) (or thirty -six percent (36 %) of inadequate facilities have been returned to compliance. Upon re- inspection if the required maintenance items or deficiencies are not corrected, a second follow -up letter is sent. If no corrective actions are taken, then a notice of violation is sent, giving the owner an additional thirty (30) days to complete the required work. Persons violating the storm water ordinance are subject to civil and criminal penalties. The County may also bring a civil action to recover costs necessary to abate water quality and public safety concerns arising from a violation. Enforcement of the County's stormwater ordinance is critical. The responsibility for maintenance and repair, as well as the penalties, including the costs of correcting violations and civil penalties, are set out below: Sec. 23 -7.1. - Maintenance inspections of stormwater facilities. (a) The person responsible for the maintenance and repair of stormwater management facilities during construction shall be the permittee. Following the completion and acceptance of construction, the person responsible for the maintenance and repair of stormwater management facilities shall be the land owner. Persons responsible for the maintenance and repair of stormwater management facilities shall perform periodic inspection, maintenance, and repair, in conformance with the applicable maintenance agreement. All inspection, maintenance, and repair activities shall be documented. (b) All stormwater structures and management facilities shall be maintained, repaired, and inspected as required by section 23 -7 of the stormwater management ordinance. (c) In addition to the inspections performed by the land owner, the county shall periodically inspect all stormwater management facilities. In the event that the stormwater management facility has not been maintained and/or becomes a danger to public safety, public health, or the environment, the county shall notify the land owner by registered or certified mail. The notice shall specify the measures needed to comply with the plan and shall specify the time within which such measures shall be completed. If the responsible party fails or refuses to meet the requirements of the maintenance covenant, the county, after reasonable notice, may correct a violation of the design standards or maintenance needs by performing all necessary work to place the facility in proper working condition, and recover the costs from the land owner. Sec. 23 -8.4. - Civil and criminal penalties. (a) Any person who violates any provision of a local ordinance or program adopted pursuant to the authority of the state stormwater management program permit regulations (4 VAC 50 -60) shall be guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine of not less than two thousand five hundred ($2,500.00) Page 3of5 and not exceeding thirty -two thousand five hundred ($32,500.00) or up to twelve (12) months imprisonment for each violation or both. (b) Any person who knowingly makes a false statement in any form required to be submitted under this chapter or renders any monitoring device or method to be maintained to ensure compliance shall be guilty of a felony and shall be subject to a fine of not less than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) nor more than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) and imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than three years for each violation. (c) Any defendant, not an individual, shall, upon conviction of a violation under subparagraph (a) or (b), be subject to a 'Fine of not less than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per for each violation. (d) Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct violation. (e) In addition, the county may elect to seek civil penalties: (1) The county may apply to the circuit court to enjoin a violation or a threatened violation of the provisions of this chapter without the necessity of showing that an adequate remedy at law does not exist. (2) Without limiting the remedies which may be obtained in this section, the county may bring a civil action against any person for violation of this chapter or any condition of a permit. The action may seek the imposition of a civil penalty of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) against the person for each violation. (3) With the consent of any person who has violated or failed, neglected or refused to obey this chapter or any condition of a permit, the county may provide, in an order issued by the county against such person, for the payment of civil charges for violations in specific sums, not to exceed the limit specified in subdivision 2 of this section. Such civil charges shall be instead of any appropriate civil penalty which could be imposed under subdivision 2. (4) The county may also bring civil action to recover costs necessary to abate water quality and public safety concerns from an applicant who violates this chapter or any condition of a permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: County staff has inspected numerous stormwater facilities; it has given notices to the responsible landowners; but facilities have not been brought into compliance. Staff is prepared to commence circuit court actions to compel compliance. Is the Board prepared to authorize enforcement actions at this time? Alternatives: Page 4 of 5 1) The Board could authorize the commencement of enforcement action as provided in the ordinance with the hope that the threat of substantial civil penalties would compel the landowners to take corrective repair measures. 2) The Board could authorize the commencement of enforcement action as provided in the ordinance and appropriate funds for the County to perform the corrective measures to bring the facility into compliance. The County would then attempt to recover the costs of these corrective repair measures from the responsible landowners. 3) The Board could assume responsibility for the maintenance of all stormwater facilities in the County. a. The costs of the assumption of responsibility for all stormwater facilities in the County could be addressed by an increase in the real estate tax levy. b. The costs of the assumption of responsibility for all stormwater facilities in the County could be addressed by implementing a stormwater utility. 4) The Board could take no action, and direct staff to cease enforcement efforts. This will result in revocation of the County's MS4 permit and enforcement actions against the County by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States (EPA). Page 5 of 5 Catawba Magisterial District Stormwater HOA Public Meeting Green Ridge Recreation Center 7:00 PM February 21, 2012 Questions and comments posed during the Stormwater Meeting: 1. Green Ridge Place Resident: We have received a letter from Roanoke County Engineering asking us to sign a maintenance agreement, what is this about? Where is the facility? 2. How did you get the address information for the HDAs? I don't have an HOA, why was I invited to this meeting? 3. Has the Dings Crest stormwater pond been inspected? It is definitely going to fail inspection. 4. Has the Walker's Meadow pond been inspected? 5. Will we get a letter telling us whether our pond passed inspection or not? 5. Several Green Ridge Place residents left their contact information for assistance and education concerning their underground infiltration facilities. *21 people attended the meeting including County Staff and Press. Approximately 12 Maintenance Guides were handed out* Windsor Hills Magisterial District Stormwater HOA Public Meeting Roanoke County Administration Center 7:00 PM October 20, 2011 Questions and comments posed during the Stormwater Meeting: I. Are there really stormwater management ponds that the County does not know about? 2. Can these ponds be maintained easily by homeowners? 3. Laughter at the suggestion that the County take HOAs to court for non - compliance. 4. Our HOA had to raise the monthly fee by $30 dollars for two years just to clean out our facility. 5. What kinds of fees would a stormwater utility have? $3? $ 5? 6. We are already paying for our stormwater facility. We had to raise our dues for this year and next year. If there was a utility, could we get a discount? 7. The problem is when you go to closing, no one reads the documents and no one understands their commitment. S. The developer signs the responsibility for maintenance and liability of a pond over to the HOA (which they run) and continue to expand the development but never reassigns the maintenance and liability responsibility to all new sections equally to make it fair. 9. Our developer never told us we had an HOA, a pond, and didn't collected fees until they got the County's letter requesting maintenance on the pond. Then he formed the HOA, transferred the pond to us, and now we are stuck paying to fix it. 10. People who live in the rural areas are actually benefitting from new development. The inflow of new people keeps their tax rate low. 11. Bill the people without a pond! 12. How often are the ponds inspected? 13. Thank you for the BMP Maintenance Publication -the County did a really great job putting that together and distributing it for our information. 14. Would a tax be better than a utility? 15. No, this is something that no one can be exempted from -even tax exempt churches and non - profits. t6. Is the WVWA a separate entity? Could they just start sending everyone a bill for stormwater along with water/sewer? 17. I think a stormwater utility is the only way to do it. 18. Can I have a list of the ponds that were inspected, and the ones that passed and failed? 19. Can you get a list together for all the residents in this audience of the people who are doing a good job on their stormwater facilities? They may be able to give them some pointers. Notes: We gave out 32 BMP Maintenance Guides at this meeting. Approximately 15 people were in attendance Vinton Magisterial District Stormwater HOA Public Meeting William Byrd High School Cafeteria 7:00 PM August 30, 2011 Questions and comments posed during the Stormwater Meeting: 1. The County should re- allocate current funds to focus on the items it should be taking care of such as utilities and stormwater. 2. What happens if we don't clean out the pond? 3. What happens when our HOA expires? 4. What is a utility fee? 5. I don't mind the idea of a utility. 6. How are the Tidewater localities calculating the stormwater utility? 7. A self inspection questionnaire should be given to residents to lower the cost of adding (county) personnel. 8. Everyone should pay for it! 9. Everybody is a contributor when it comes to water quality. I am not advocating a utility, but if the ponds were to be brought up to current standard, then the County could take care of all facilities. 10. We already pay enough; that is the way it is. 11. I think that it is beneficial for citizens to take ownership of their ponds by cleaning them out, but the County needs to help with furnishing heavy equipment. 12. It is discouraging that VDOT will not pay their fair share. 13. How many ponds are with or without homeowners associations? 14. Can we look at the most cost effective method for maintaining these ponds? 15. County needs to look internally to pay for this program. 16. The County is already one of the highest taxed localities in this region. We should not make that even worse. 17. Inmates? Why can't we utilize them for doing some work? 18. The County needs to educate all citizens on stormwater management, pond maintenance, and water quality. 19. Can't the County make developers cut back on the amount of runoff they create when they build? 20. The County needs to stand strong against developers'. 21. Can the County start fining people for dumping debris, waste, and grass clippings into someone's stormwater pond? Notes: We gave out 56 BMP Maintenance Guides at this meeting. Approximately 50 people were in attendance Hollins Magisterial District Stormwater HOA Public Meeting Green Ridge Recreational Center 7:00 PM September S, 2011 Questions and comments posed during the Stormwater Meeting: 1. I make a living doing energy management. Is the quality of our water worse than it used to be? Or is this just the regulations are getting more strict. 2. How can you target HOA's when there are no regulations for roads, agriculture, etc. There seems to be no equity in this. 3. Where is the responsibility of an individual homeowner that has no pond? 4. Our ponds have been maintained. What about the communities that surround our properties that we treat the water for in our pond? 5. There are probably more people in the County that do not have ponds than do? 6. Why don't we treat the ponds like roads and charge everyone! 7. When rain hits the ground does the water go to the sanitary sewer? When I put my development in I was forced to put in storm sewer and a pond. The people across the street didn't have to do anything! And we're collecting water off the road too. S. Maybe 90% of the rain that we get comes from the roadways. Roofs don't really produce that much runoff, most of that gets absorbed into the ground. VDOT should take responsibility for the runoff from the road. 9. Are we focusing on quality or quantity here? 10. Did anybody look at these retention ponds when the construction was done? Somebody's got to look at that - not a drawing. Somebody checked off on my pond and there was a grate missing. This was never finished by the developer. 11. You said earlier that there are only about 1 0,000 parcels that have a stormwater pond. What are you doing with the other 30,000 parcels in the County? 12. You mentioned earlier that you could increase real estate tax. Would that not be more equitable since it would catch the people who built before the 1990 rule? 13. It would seem to me that everyone should pay since everyone has runoff. 14. If you use a calculation to estimate imperviousness for every one, the rural people would be treated equally. 15. It is not fair that our HOA has to pay 10 -15 thousand dollars to return our pond to standard when VDOT does nothing. 16. Get somebody else for awhile' 17. What assistance can the County give the HOA regarding access easements that people in the subdivision have built on or put fences across. 18. Do you have it written somewhere what we need to do to bring the pond up to standard? 19. What about the County passing a rule outlawing plastic bags? 20. An HOA can't do a special assessment of its homeowners whenever it feels like it -it can only happen at certain times. Note: We gave out 15 B MP Maintenance Guides at this meeting and approximately 14 people were in attendance. Cave Spring Magisterial District Stormwater HOA Public Meeting County Administration Center Board Meeting Room 7:00 PM November 29, 2011 Questions and comments posed during the Stormwater Meeting: 1. Is the developer responsible for the stormwater facility or is my HOA responsible? 2. Our storm ponds work fine, but VDOT messed up the ditches. Water from the road is flooding my pond and actually flooded a home next to my pond. who is going to fix this problem? 3. Someone on Springlawn is trying to blame our pond for flooding his home, but it was water from the street, not our pond. 4. How do I know if my pond has been inspected? Can you add Mason's Crest to the list to be inspected? 5. Our landscape company routinely cares for our ponds and the adjacent property owner inspects it regularly. 6. Cotton Hill Estates Citizen: Our HOA can't charge people; can the county just fix our pond and assess each property owner for the cost? We can't assess our homeowners and no one will volunteer to help fix it or pay their share. 7. I'm on the Homebuilders Association and I am the president of two HOAs. HOAs build up reserves in their accounts to deal with repairs as they are needed so inspection and maintenance of private ponds by its owners is a non- issue. Once you tell us what needs to be done, we will fix it. S. How many HOAs are there in the County? 9. Why isn't the imperviousness of a property already included in our tax structure? 10 . What is Roanoke County going to have to do above and beyond what they are doing today to satisfy the new state requirements and clean up the Chesapeake Bay? 11. Won't Roanoke County have to take ownership of these ponds eventually? 12. Money to fix these ponds and drainage problems is a taxing issue. Roanoke County can deal with it, they always do. 13. Everyone in Roanoke County should pay a fee for stormwater, just like everyone pays taxes toward schools whether they have children or not. 14. No! Why should people who take care of their ponds and pay their HOA fees have to pay twice? 15. Some properties flow to my pond and don't pay anything to maintain it. 16. HOAs have a weak argument (against having to keep their ponds maintained) because they signed up to comply with their HOA declarations and covenants when they purchased their homes. 17. Sunscape Apartments: Will you be publishing alternatives for cost and compliance prior to the public meetings? Will we be notified of the upcoming meetings before they happen? 18. where will the funding come from for projects pending approval? 19. Charlotte Moore announced that she will be having quarterly community meetings starting January 19 to discuss citizen concerns and invited everyone in her district to attend to be heard. * 18 people attended the meeting including County Staff. Approximately 20 Maintenance Guides were handed out* ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 0-2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Work Session to Discuss Roanoke County Take Home Vehicle Policy SUBMITTED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: Board members directed staff to provide the members with a report regarding the practices and procedures by which County employees are permitted to take home county vehicles. A summary by Department of Take Home Vehicles is attached to this report. SUMMARY of INFORMATION: Take home vehicles are governed by language in the Fleet Policy, which states as follows: It is necessary and proper for certain County employees to have County -owned vehicles at their disposal to properly perform assigned duties. This procedure is established to ensure that County vehicles are used in a manner consistent with County goals in "" take -home" applications. At least one of the following standards must be met in order to authorize a Take Home Vehicle for staff: 1. The employee must answer emergency calls involving potential loss of life or property. 2. The employee must routinely attend work - related functions away from the normal work site and outside normal work hours 3. There is a significant, demonstrable economic or service benefit to the County gained by allowing a specific take -home vehicle. Usage of take home vehicles is governed by the following rules: Personal use is prohibited under this policy. However, de minimis personal use, such as travel to lunch, is permitted. ■ Each Department Director requiring the use of take -home vehicles must submit a list for approval to the Administrator. • Vehicles must be garaged within a reasonable distance (75 miles) of the geographic center of Roanoke County unless otherwise approved by &# Coup Administrator. (This language was created to take M& ty consideration the irregularity of the County's borders, so that ever0166 was allowed the same straight line distance from the county courtfidti,46, regardless of the jurisdiction in which they live. This policy has 6666 Ift effect for 15 -20 years and has worked well.) • The take -home vehicle must at all times be used only for official County business. • Because only County employees and business clients are instrrod through the County's self - insurance policy, vehicles should not be used to transport family members or others, except during emer situations. if an emergency arises, approval should be obtained, if possible, from the driver's Department Head. • Alterations or installation of personal equipment are not permitted. In accordance with IRS regulations and Roanoke County Resolution 85-151.F; take - home use of County -owned vehicles is considered taxable proceeds and subject to federal and state taxation. The Board has authorized an assessment of $3.00 per day for qualified drivers to represent the value of personal use of County vehicles for commuting tolfrom work, travel for meals and personal errands between business stops. The majority of the non - public safety vehicles are assigned to inspectors and maintenance technicians who travel From their homes to work and/or on urgency calls, without having to go to a county building to obtain a vehicle. For some of these employees, this was implemented over the past six or seven years to help reduce the mileage arid" fuel use. have provided additional detail for Non Public Safety Departments within the Take Home Vehicle report. The two Assistant County Administrators receive an annual vehicle ao�*nrance and mileage reimbursement. The County Administrator is assigned a take home vehicle per the Administrator's contract. At the Work Session, I will be available to discuss the County's Take Home VeKilo policy and its current program. If you have any questions and wish to forward per to the meeting, please contact and I will provide the requested additional information as soon as possible to the Board members. Take Home Vehicle Summary Date of Report: May 17, 2012 Vehicles Public Safety Take Home Vehicles: Fire and Rescue 16 Police Department 146 Sheriff Department 13 Subtotal for Public Safety Take Home Vehicles 175 Non Public Safety Take Home Vehicles: Community Development 13 Drainage Crew 3 Inspectors 10 County Administrator 1 CommIT D Note: No vehicles are listed as take home for this Department. The Department has three vehicles which are rotated and used by the radio technician who serves weekly call out duty. No vehicle is assigned to an individual. Economic Development 1 Acting Economic Development Director 1 General Services 10 Building Technicians 7 Facilities Manager 1 Assistant Director 1 Director 1 Parks and Recreation Note: The Director is assigned a take home vehicle. A second vehicle is assigned to P &R staff member assigned after hours and weekend duty. This vehicle is not assigned to an individual. Social Services Note: One vehicle is provided to Social Service staff who are assigned after hours and weekend duty. This vehicle is not assigned to an individual Procurement Courier 1 1 1 Subtotal Non Public Safety Take Home Vehicles 27 Total County Take Home Vehicles 247 Total County Vehicles 458 Percentage Public Safety Take Home Vehicles versus total 38% Percentage Non Public Safety Take Home Vehicles versus total 6% z AT REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD of SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22 2012 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of - the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. only such public business matters as were identified in - the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. R -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Roanoke County Real Estate Assessment SUBMIT "QED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: At the meeting, I will provide the Board of Supervisors with an update regarding recent questions regarding the reporting of listed home sale values and the assessment numbers. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Save A Ton Energetic Ideas Contest Winners SUBMITTED BY: Anne Marie Green Lashaunda Anderson Director of General Services APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III Honorable Mention County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: As part of the regional Save A Ton campaign, RC CLEAR recently conducted an "Energetic Ideas" contest in Roanoke County Schools to allow students to submit artwork showing ways to save energy. The winners, all from Glen Cove Elementary, were: Dylan Tran First Place "Cool Air with Less Electricity" Erich Nathaniel Turner Honorable Mention "Help the World Save Energy" Lashaunda Anderson Honorable Mention "Save Energy So We Can Use it" Mason Scott Honorable Mention "Let's Save Energy" Camly Tran Honorable Mention "Sun is Free Energy — Let's Use It" This time has been set aside to present the students with their awards and prizes. Page 1 of 6 Dylan Tran — First Place Page 2 of 6 o e� fi f n . a� uF ' f 'sav Camly Tran — Honorable Mention Page 3of6 Pa 4 of 6 i�e r 41 y a dt a Lashaunda Anderson - Honorable Mention Npk_-� Lik. Page 5of6 e dw A �. low TVA ot% I, t ip , � Nathaniel Turner - Honorable Mention ON p v y Page 6of6 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. S -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution of congratulations to the William Byrd Girls 200 Medley Relay and 400 Freestyle Relay Swim Team for winning the 2012 VHSL State Group AA Championship SUBMITTED BY: Deborah C. Jacks Clerk to the Board of Supervisors APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The William Byrd Girls 200 Medley Relay and 400 Freestyle Relay Swim Team won the 2012 VHSL State Group AA Championship. Coach Krista Martin is expected to attend to accept the resolution, as well as members of the team and their families. The School Board members and Dr. Lorraine Lange, School Superintendent, have also been invited to attend. Pag 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 RESOLUTION OF CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WILLIAM BYRD GIRLS 200 MEDLEY AND 440 FREESTYLE MEDLEY SWIM TEAM FOR WINNING THE 2012 VHSL STATE GROUP AA CHAMPIONSHIP WHEREAS, team sports are an important part of the curriculum at schools in Roanoke County teaching cooperation, sportsmanship and athletic skill; and WHEREAS, the William Byrd High School Girls 200 Medley Relay Swim Team won the 2012 Virginia High School League (VHSL) State Group A/AA Championship on February 1, 2012, at the Christiansburg Aquatic Center with a time of 1 :40.48, setting a new school record; and WHEREAS, the William Byrd High School Girls 400 Freestyle Medley Relay Swim Team also won the 2012 Virginia High School League (VHSL) State Group A/AA Championship with a time of 3:31.80, setting both a new school record and State record; and WHEREAS, State Champion Kali Edsall also won the 200 Individual Medley with a time of 2:04.45, breaking the school record; and WHEREAS, the Lady Terriers are coached by Krista Martin. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia does hereby extend its sincere congratulations to the members of the WILLIAM BYRD HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS 200 MEDLEY RELAY AND 400 FREESTYLE MEDLEY SWIM TEAM: Kacy Edsall, Kali Edsall, Annie Lane and Mackenzie Lingle; for winning the 2012 VHSL State Group AA Championship; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors extends its best Page 1 of 2 wishes to the members of the team, the coaches and the school in their future endeavors. Page 2of2 ej ki I ki��� ITEM NO. T -1 L�ClY AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMIT'rED BY: May 22, 2012 Resolution granting a waiver to Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions under Section 13 -23 of the Roanoke County Code to the provisions of the County's Noise Ordinance, Article II. Noise of Chapter 13. Offenses - Miscellaneous Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions have requested a waiver from the County's noise ordinance under Section 13 -23 of the Roanoke County Code. Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions are planning a 2012 Labor Day Catawba Farm Fest music event to be held on the Catawba Sustainability Center property ending at 11:00 p.m. on Friday, August 31, 2012, and Saturday, September 1, 2012, and ending at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 2, 2012. A copy of the letter from Virginia Tech dated April 11, 2012, is attached to this report. The County noise ordinance now prohibits noise as follows: Section 13 -21 (5) Operating or permitting the use or operation of any instrument, machine or any other device for the production of sound at a volume sufficient to be plainly audible through partitions common to 2 residences within a building or plainly audible at 50 feet or more from such device or its source. Section 13 -19(7) applies an exception to the specific acts declared to be a "noise disturbance" in Section 13 -21: "Sound generated by activities which are an official or approved part of any county or state Page 1 of 2 approved or licensed parade, festival or activity, provided such exemption shall terminate at 10:00 p.m." This event is sponsored by Virginia Tech and falls within this exception. This waiver would allow music and announcements for this event. The attached resolution grants this waiver of the noise ordinance and authorizes the music and announcements to be made from p.m. until 11:00 p.m. on Friday, August 31, 2012, and Saturday, September 1, 2012, and from p.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Sunday, September 2, 2012. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board consider the adoption of the attached resolution. Page 2of2 Vi niaTech April 11, 2012 Mr. Paul Mahoney Roanoke County Attorney P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, VA 24018 Dear Mr. Mahoney: Catawba Sustainability Center 108 N. Jefferson Street, Suite 701 Roanoke, VA 24016 (540) 767 -6114 Fax (540) 767 -6110 Half Acre Promotions, LLC 715 :31je 6F,w, .I will Nr `' rf,in1,) .'•x 128 540) 54 -a- 1876 halfacre pro mo @gmail.com Half Acre Promo Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions are jointly requesting a noise waiver for a 2012 Labor Day Catawba Farm Fest music event to be held on the Catawba Sustainability Center property. Half Acre Promotions, LLC (Anita Blevins and Eric Langston) plan outdoor events that are family friendly, support community sustainability, and showcase regional talent all while increasing economic revenue for local businesses. The Catawba Farm Fest will feature all of these benefits and will help grow the notoriety for diverse music, local farms, and unique art while stimulating tourism dollars within the Roanoke Valley. During Catawba Farm Fest, the planning committee would like to have musicians play amplified music after 10:00 pm and are requesting a noise waiver from the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors for August 31 and September 1, 2012, in which case all amplified music will be turned off on or before 11:00 pm. On Sunday, September 2' live music will end by 10:00 pm. The stage will be located near the base of the mountain, approximately 2,000 feet from Catawba Creek Road; thereby, providing a significant noise buffer so as not to "endanger public health, safety or welfare" as described in Roanoke County's Undue Hardship Waiver (Sec. 13 -23). If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Kay Dunkley, director of the Virginia Tech Roanoke Center, by calling (540) 767 -6103 or e-mail kdunkley @vt.edu Kay will continue to share details and event plans with Butch Church in order to facilitate an outstanding outdoor event. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request. Sincerely, Susan E. Short, Ph.D. Associate Vice President for Engagement pc: Butch Church, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Invent the Future V I R G I N I A P O L Y T E C H N I C I N S T I T U T E A N D S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y AT A REGULAR MEETING FOTHE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 RESOLUTION GRANTING A WAIVER To VIRGINIA 'SEC H'S CATAWBA SUSTAINABILITY CENTER AND HALF ACRE PROMOTIONS UNDER SECTION 13 -23 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE COUNTY'S NOISE ORDINANCE, ARTICLE II. NOISE OF CHAPTER 13. OFFENSES - MISCELLANEOUS WHEREAS, Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions will be holding a 2012 Labor Day Catawba Farm Fest music event on the Catawba Sustainability Center property on Friday, August 31, 2012, through Sunday, September 2, 2012; and WHEREAS, in order to accommodate the planned time frame for the Catawba Farm Fest which is a fancily friendly event which supports community sustainability and showcases regional talent all while increasing economic revenue for local businesses, Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions are requesting a waiver of the County noise ordinance for one hour from 1 0:00 P.M. till 11:00 P.M., on Friday and Saturday, August 31 and September 1, 2012; and WHEREAS, Section 13 -23 of the Roanoke County Code establishes certain standards for the Beard of Supervisors to grant waivers from the provision of the Roanoke County Norse Ordinance to avoid undue hardship upon consideration of certain factors set forth in sub - section (b) of Section 13 -23 and after making certain alternative findings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Page 1 of 2 1. That the provisions of Section 13 -21. Specific acts as noise, sub - section (5) and Section 13 -20. General prohibition of Article II. Noise be WAIVED for a period of one (1) hour until 11:00 P.M. on Friday and Saturday, August 31 and September 1, 2012, 2. That this Waiver is granted specifically to Virginia Tech's Catawba Sustainability Center and Half Acre Promotions for the event scheduled at the Catawba Sustainability Center property on Friday and Saturday, August 31 and September 1, 2012. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. T -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DA'rE: May 22, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Resolution establishing the salary for the County Administrator and the County Attorney SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The salary of the County Administrator and the County Attorney are established by a separate resolution. The attached resolution establishes these salaries for the 2012 -2013 fiscal year. The method for the increase is identical to that of all County employees, as included in the proposed budget. This includes making them responsible for paying the five percent (5 %) employee contribution to VRS, with an offsetting salary increase and an additional three percent (3 %) cost of living increase. FISCAL IMPACT: The new salary for the County Administrator will be $105,300, and the new salary for the County Attorney will be $152,000. The funds for these salary increases are included in the proposed 2012 -2013 budget. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARY FOR THE COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR AND THE COUNTY ATTORNEY WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby establishes the salaries for the County Administrator and the County Attorney for fiscal year 2012 -2013. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the annual salary for the County Administrator shall be increased from $152,000 to $165,300. The County Administrator will now be responsible for paying the five percent (5 %) employee contribution to the Virginia Retirement System. 1. That the annual salary for the County Attorney shall be increased from $140,280 and $152,554, which includes the County longevity supplement. The County Attorney will now be responsible for paying the five percent (5 %) employee contribution to the Virginia Retirement System. 2. That the effective date for the establishment of this salary shall be July 1, 2012. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. U -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEE'rING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 22, 2012 Public hearing on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2012- 2813 and the fiscal year 2013 -2017 Capital Improvements Program Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget B. Clayton Goodman III / County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This time has been set aside fora public hearing for the proposed annual budget for fiscal year 2012 -2013 and the Fiscal year 2013 -2017 Capital Improvements Program. A summary of the proposed budget was advertised in the Roanoke Times on May 15, 2012, and a summary of the budget and information previously discussed with the Board regarding the proposed budget was distributed to all Roanoke County libraries. Beginning late fall, the Board and staff worked closely together to review local revenue estimates, state funding issues, capital improvement projects and other costs of operations. In addition, the Board has met with the School Board, hosted presentations from operating departments and Human Service, Cultural and Tourism agencies to hear and then consider each group's budget requests for fiscal year 2012 -2013. This overview outlines the major issues and service levels that have been addressed in prior work sessions. The remainder of the budget process is as follows: • May 22, 2012 First reading of the appropriation ordinance • June 12, 2012 Second reading of the appropriation ordinance • June 12, 2012 Adoption of annual budget and capital improvements plan Page 1 of 1 County of Roanoke R� V' O� kwoo is a Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2012 -2013 May 22, 2012 Prepared by Department of Management and Budget www.roanokecountyva.gov \ 1838 / 0 1 % I -,1 4 I s 4. County of Roanoke Proposed FY2012-2013 Budget Table of Contents County Administrator's Message ............... ............................... 1 FinancialSummaries ............................... ............................... 11 Proposed FY12 -13 Revenue -All Funds .. ............................... 13 Proposed FY12 -13 Expenditures -All Funds ........................... 14 General Government Revenue Summary FY11- 12 .................... 15 General Government Revenue Summary . ............................... 17 General Government Expenditure Summary ........................... 18 Department Expenditure Summary ......... ............................... 19 Departmental Budget Reductions ........... ............................... 25 Contributions - Health and Human Services ............................. 29 Contributions - Cultural, Tourism and Other ............................. 31 Authorized Position Count ..................... ............................... 33 Additional Funding Requests ( Unfunded) . ............................... 34 Capital and Funding ................................ ............................... 35 FY2013 -2017 Capital Improvement Program ........................... 35 Transfer to Capital Summary ................. ............................... 36 Roanoke County Schools ......................... ............................... 37 BudgetSummary ................................ ............................... 37 0 1 % I -,1 4 I s 4. County of Roanoke County Administrator's Proposed Budget FY2012-2013 Introduction I am pleased to present to the Board of Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County the County Administrator's Proposed FY2012 -2013 Budget. I am appreciative of the Board's guidance and support as we once again developed an annual budget during a period of unprecedented fiscal stress and uncertainty for local governments. I especially appreciate the spirit and dedication of all County employees who have continued to provide high quality services as we struggle to meet the demands and expectations of our citizens in the face of stagnant or declining resources. Although the "Great Recession" officially came to an end in June, 2009, Roanoke County, like most governments across the region, state, and nation, is continuing to deal with its ongoing effects. Roanoke County is fortunate in that we entered this prolonged recessionary period with a strong financial position achieved due to the foresight and prudent actions of the Board and staff by having in place conservative financial and operational policies that have helped us to weather the economic difficulties over the last several years. While these policies have provided fiscal stability and discipline during this difficult period, maintaining current service levels remains a significant challenge as revenues continue to languish and costs and service demands continue to increase. A significant challenge this year has been the delay in approval of the state budget. County staff has been in contact with the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) and the Virginia Municipal League (VML) and has closely monitored the development and final approval of the state budget. The General Assembly adopted the state budget one day before this budget is forwarded to the Board of Supervisors. Whereas, County staff believes it has successfully monitored on -going development of the state budget and has included the changes and amendments which have been presented for approval, it is important to mention to the Board of Supervisors that the final reporting of the adopted budget will not be received until after the presentation of this proposed budget; May 22, 2012 FY2013 Total Gross Operating Budget $365,366,691 Internal Service_ -- General Fund Fund 52.6°: 0.4 %;'` " N Debt Fund- _ ti.L Fah Capital Fund s 0.95°/ Component Unit_- - Schools 43.8% - therefore, it is possible that amendments may have to be offered to address final state budget adoption. We have worked through tough budgets over the past few years and have tried to emphasize a long -term perspective, while maintaining an awareness of the current needs and wants of our stakeholders. We have had to make hard decisions that reflect our revenue constraints, while at the same time honor the budget development guidelines provided by the Board of Supervisors: • No increases in tax rates • Minimize direct service impacts to the citizens • Maintain the County's commitment to Education and Public Safety • Avoid layoffs of existing personnel, to the extent possible Roanoke County Tax Rates FY 2011 -2012 FY 2012 -2013 Real Estate (per $100 assessed value) $1.09 $1.09 Personal Property (per $100 assessed value) $3.50 $3.50 Machinery & Tools (per $100 assessed value) $3.00 $3.00 Page 1 I am pleased that this proposed budget, in all material respects, is consistent with the Board's guidelines and the vast majority of direct citizen - related services remain intact: • Tax rates for real estate, personal property, and machinery & tools for calendar year 2012 are unchanged from the prior fiscal year, even though real estate values slightly declined— meaning that real estate revenues have declined for the year as well • Service levels to the community have essentially been maintained by re- allocating resources to higher - priority service areas and by making minor increases in funding for critical operating areas to compensate for rising costs • Positions were eliminated in the proposed budget through attrition; therefore, no full -time employees lost their jobs because of layoffs Personnel costs represent the largest component of the County's operating budget and, as such, represent the greatest opportunity to reduce expenditures when trying to balance the operating budget. Avoiding employee layoffs is directly related to the Board's desire to minimize service delivery impacts on citizens, as reductions in staffing levels will obviously negatively impact services. While operational funds were reduced in many program areas, these reductions were made, not because these programs lacked value, but because we were forced to prioritize and fund the services that we can afford. The proposed FY2013 Budget can be best characterized as a "maintenance" budget and reflects staff's recommendations for the continuation of high - quality services important to the community; however, it is unlikely the current level of services can be maintained if resources continue to decline —or remain flat. The cost of providing governmental services continues to rise and the demand for many services such as fire and rescue, police, parks and recreation, and social services has increased during the economic downturn. The factors of both cost and demand increases are expected to continue and represent a significant challenge in preparing future budgets that maintain a structural balance between available revenue and expenditures —given our current service - delivery expectations. Without sustained growth in revenues to meet anticipated growth in demand and cost, future budgets will need to consider the possible restructuring of County services and other organizational efficiencies; however, this budget maintains our commitment to providing services that are responsive to our citizens' most critical needs and sustains core public services at an acceptable level that supports the quality of life our residents and visitors expect. Current Economic Environment A local government's ability to fund public services is directly related to the health of the local economy. As advances in technology continue to "globalize" our economic system, local economies are being more and more directly impacted by national and international economic events and their consequences —and in a much quicker time -frame than has occurred in the past. While recent improvements in key economic indicators for the U.S. economy is indeed welcome news, there is still much economic uncertainty locally, regionally, nationally, and globally that we must keep in the forefront of our decision - making: • Prolonged political turmoil in the Middle East and financial speculation in the oil commodities markets continue to create instability in fuel prices Page 2 Fund Summary Increase/ Increase/ FY11 -12 FY12 -13 (Decrease) $ Decrease % General Fund $ 192 720, 943 $ 192, 297, 746 $ (423 -0.22% Component Unit Schools 159, 211,142 160, 201, 034 989 0.62% Capital Projects Fund 4 3474,987 (755,648) - 17.86% Debt Fund 8 8 (17, 630) -0.22% Internal Service Fund 1 1, 378, 859 77,499 5.96% Tota 1 $ 365, 495, 774 $ 365, 366, 690 $ (12%084) -0.04% I am pleased that this proposed budget, in all material respects, is consistent with the Board's guidelines and the vast majority of direct citizen - related services remain intact: • Tax rates for real estate, personal property, and machinery & tools for calendar year 2012 are unchanged from the prior fiscal year, even though real estate values slightly declined— meaning that real estate revenues have declined for the year as well • Service levels to the community have essentially been maintained by re- allocating resources to higher - priority service areas and by making minor increases in funding for critical operating areas to compensate for rising costs • Positions were eliminated in the proposed budget through attrition; therefore, no full -time employees lost their jobs because of layoffs Personnel costs represent the largest component of the County's operating budget and, as such, represent the greatest opportunity to reduce expenditures when trying to balance the operating budget. Avoiding employee layoffs is directly related to the Board's desire to minimize service delivery impacts on citizens, as reductions in staffing levels will obviously negatively impact services. While operational funds were reduced in many program areas, these reductions were made, not because these programs lacked value, but because we were forced to prioritize and fund the services that we can afford. The proposed FY2013 Budget can be best characterized as a "maintenance" budget and reflects staff's recommendations for the continuation of high - quality services important to the community; however, it is unlikely the current level of services can be maintained if resources continue to decline —or remain flat. The cost of providing governmental services continues to rise and the demand for many services such as fire and rescue, police, parks and recreation, and social services has increased during the economic downturn. The factors of both cost and demand increases are expected to continue and represent a significant challenge in preparing future budgets that maintain a structural balance between available revenue and expenditures —given our current service - delivery expectations. Without sustained growth in revenues to meet anticipated growth in demand and cost, future budgets will need to consider the possible restructuring of County services and other organizational efficiencies; however, this budget maintains our commitment to providing services that are responsive to our citizens' most critical needs and sustains core public services at an acceptable level that supports the quality of life our residents and visitors expect. Current Economic Environment A local government's ability to fund public services is directly related to the health of the local economy. As advances in technology continue to "globalize" our economic system, local economies are being more and more directly impacted by national and international economic events and their consequences —and in a much quicker time -frame than has occurred in the past. While recent improvements in key economic indicators for the U.S. economy is indeed welcome news, there is still much economic uncertainty locally, regionally, nationally, and globally that we must keep in the forefront of our decision - making: • Prolonged political turmoil in the Middle East and financial speculation in the oil commodities markets continue to create instability in fuel prices Page 2 • The European debt crisis continues to destabilize global financial markets; thus, inhibiting economic recovery worldwide • The current federal budget impasse makes it unlikely that meaningful budget legislation will be passed in the near future "Thy proposed FY2013 Budget can be best characterized as a "maintenance" budget and reflects... the continuation of high - quality services important to the community." These concerns are relevant to Roanoke County's anticipated economic recovery as the local economy has historically mirrored national economic trends. While our local fiscal environment is showing improvement, it is critical that we closely monitor local, regional, and national economic indicators in order to identify adverse trends in a timely manner that may negatively impact the County's revenues so that corrective measures can be implemented. As the recession subsided and the economy began to grow again, economic recovery was anticipated to be slow and gradual over a long period of time, with "stops" and "starts" among key economic indicators expected. This expectation has been played -out as anticipated since the recession ended in 2009. Weakness in the real estate market persists as housing starts and sales of existing homes remains below normal. In addition, foreclosures continue to be problematic as distressed home sales continue to apply downward pressure on home values. There are encouraging signs as national indicators related to the residential real estate market seem to being gaining momentum; however, there is still uncertainty as to whether we have in fact reached bottom in this crucial segment of our revenue base. Nationally, unemployment is still high; however, recent statistics have shown that employment levels across the US are improving at a rate slightly better than projected a year ago. While Roanoke County's unemployment rate has traditionally been lower than the national average, its current rate is still higher than pre- recession levels, coming in at 5.5% for February 2012. Although higher than it was prior to the economic downturn the County's unemployment rate, like the national trend, has experienced improvement 10.0 $.,�0 Unemployment Rates Feb 2011 ors. Feb 2012 9.5°ra 8.7 ° over the last quarter or so, and is one of the lowest 7.1% unemployment rates in the 5.7 5.5 region. In addition, 3.Wo consumer 2.05/6 confidence, 1.05o inflation, C, -mss manufacturing Roanoke Co Roanoke Virginia Lis Metro output, new car C] February2011 C February x012 sales, used car values, and other key fiscal indicators of economic growth have been trending favorably over the last several months a trend that allows a hint of optimism in developing revenue projections for the upcoming budget. Local Revenue Outlook Roanoke County employs a team - based, consensus - driven approach to revenue projections. Current -year review and future year's revenue estimates are developed by a team of County officials who have a stake in the revenue process and include the County Administrator, Assistant County Administrators, Budget Director, Finance Director, Treasurer, Commissioner of Revenue, Director of Real Estate Valuation, Director of Economic Development, Assistant Director of Community Development, Director of Human Resources, and the Assistant Superintendent of Finance for the Schools. The team discusses fiscal activities relevant to their areas of expertise and then reaches consensus on the assumptions that will be used as the basis for revenue projections. As a result of this process and the current economic outlook outlined above, the Revenue Team developed the following assumptions for the major revenue categories for FY2012 -2013: Assumptions for FY12 -13 Revenue Projections • The real estate market will continue to weaken, with further nominal decline in values expected to continue for at least the next 12 months • Used car values are anticipated to remain strong through 2012 and into 2013 • New car sales are expected to again increase next year as pent - up demand will allow sales of new units to gain momentum Page 3 • Retail sales, meals tax, and recordation taxes are projected to grow moderately due to the improving economy and increased consumer confidence • Business License taxes are expected to recognize moderate growth as business receipts should improve as the economy continues to expand • State revenues are expected to decrease over the near and long -term as aid to localities is expected to shrink as the state continues to struggle with its budget, and federal cost - cutting measures will negatively impact state revenues Total General Government Revenue FY08 -09 through FY12 -13 178,000,000 $175,906,757 176 ,000,000 174,000,000 172,000,000 $1 70,329,5 80 17(),000,000 168,000,000 166,000,000 164,000,000 162,000,000 160,000,000 Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed FY08 -09 FY09 -10 FY 10 -11 FY 11 -12 FY12-13 ■ Tota I General Government Revenue The total FY2012 -2013 revenue budget for Roanoke County's General Government Fund is projected to be $169,742,677, which represents a $1,253,100 decrease over the FY11 -12 adopted budget. The "net" decrease in county revenues is primarily driven by a significant change in reimbursements for specific services currently provided by the Department of Social Services. In FY13, Child Care Services will be paid by the state, thus those funds will not be included in the local budget and the local match will not be needed. This change in state funding will not significantly impact the services provided by the agency as those services will still be provided, they will just be paid by the state instead of the locality. In addition, the state has previously allocated funding for Adult Services. In FY12 that allocation was $75,215, of which $15,043 was local match. The current state budget proposal indicates the state will NOT be allocating any funding for Adult Services in FY13. The impact on our budget will be to reduce the local funds required for our budget. With these 2 changes at the state level, revenues reported for social services in FY12 -13 has been reduced approximately $2 million. As mentioned earlier, constant monitoring of year - to -date revenue collections and the updating of economic assumptions utilized to develop revenue projections will be critically important to the operations of Roanoke County; however, even with this emphasis it is important to be aware of the pitfalls of estimating future revenues. The drastic changes we've experienced in the national and global economies has most likely altered the "cause and effect" assumptions utilized by financial models to project revenue growth that have been used in the past, making it very difficult to anticipate the pace (timing) and magnitude of change in revenue categories essential to the funding of services for our citizens. This situation calls for carefully identifying the assumptions used and then closely monitoring these assumptions to ensure they remain valid. Overall, revenue growth for the current year and next are anticipated to remain virtually stagnant. Current year's (FY12) revenues will only grow by 0.1% compared to FY11, while revenues for FY13, if the reduction in state revenue for social services is factored -out of the total, are projected to grow by only 0.4 %. Details regarding the County's major revenue categories are as follows: • Real estate revenue — Historical analysis indicates that Roanoke County's real estate market generally mirrors national trends; however, the local trend usually lags the national indicators by 12 -24 months. While current national reports indicate improvements in housing starts and assessment values, it is likely that the impacts of the improving real estate market will not be felt in the Roanoke Valley for another budget cycle or so. For calendar year 2012, reassessment of existing properties declined by 1.7% when compared to 2011 values. In addition, new construction only added $48 million, or 0.6 %, to the real estate base for 2012. Combined, real estate values declined overall by slightly more than 1% for 2012. Based on the assumption that Roanoke County lags behind national indicators, an additional 1.5% decline in the taxable real estate base is anticipated for 2013. These assumptions translate to a projected contraction or "loss" of revenue of $1.57 million for FY13. • Personal Property — New car sales for 2012 are expected to exceed 2011 figures, and 2013 sales are projected to continue the upward trend. Also, the values of used vehicles grew approximately 4% over Page 4 $171,412�,0S X170.995.777 — the last year and are expected to remain strong during 2012. These factors have contributed to a slightly optimistic approach to personal property estimates for FY13, resulting in a 2.6% increase over anticipated collections for FY12, resulting in slightly over $1 million in new revenue for this category. While this outlook is slightly positive, recent increases in oil prices causes some concern as rising fuel costs can have a negative impact on both used car values and new car sales. • Sales Tax – Sales tax revenues are one of the few local government revenue sources that respond directly to current economic activity, and are driven primarily by personal consumption expenditures (PCQ. As economic conditions and consumer confidence change, generally, so do sales tax revenue collections. As the economy slowly improves, state and regional projections of retail sales for 2013 are expected to grow nearly 4% for FY13. Given these projections for healthy growth in the state and a positive trend for current local collections, sales tax revenue for the County is projected to increase by slightly over 4% for FY13, resulting in $450,000 of new revenue. • Meals Tax – Historically, meals tax revenue has been one of the County's most stable revenue sources and was one of the last revenue items to show the impact of the recession by contracting by as much as (2.0%) in FY09 and (2.4%) in FY10. A strong rebound in meals tax collections of 5.3% in FY11 and sustained growth projected to be 5.8% in the current year supports a projected growth rate of 5 %, or $335,000 of new revenues, for FY13. • Business License Tax – Business license tax collections are generally an indicator of the health of the local business climate located within the government's boundaries. Roanoke County has a diversified mix of business entities, with a high percentage of these entities with gross receipts of less than $100,000. While this revenue category declined during the throws of the recent recession for 2 successive years, FY11 collections increased substantially. After adjusting for a one -time collection (from a legal settlement), the adjusted growth rate for FY11 was approximately 9%, with an additional growth of over 2% anticipated for FY12. Once again, these positive trends have resulted in a projected increase of 3.85 %, or $500,000 in new revenue, for FY13. • Other local Revenues – In general, many of the County's other revenues are expected to be flat or show minimal growth or contraction; however, there are areas that have recently shown positive signs for growth as economic conditions improve — such as recordation taxes, motor vehicles license fees, and building permits. While there is room for optimism regarding some of these revenue categories, projections for FY13 have prepared conservatively. FY2013 General Government Revenue $169,742,677 Other Re IM Federal 1.93% Common 5.05 Other Local Taxes_` 19.21% General Property Taxes 69.81% • Commonwealth – Projections for state revenues for FY13 indicate a decrease of more than $1.8 million. While state budget allocations have been declining for several years, the primary reason for this reduction is a change in reimbursement methodology for social service programs provided to children. The Roanoke County Department of Social Services will continue to provide these services at current levels; however, the state will now pay the costs of the related services directly, rather than having the locality pay the cost and then being reimbursed by the state. This change necessitates reducing the funds expected from the state by almost $2 million and reducing the County's expenditure budget by a like amount. One of the more troubling items resulting from the state's budget is the reduction of funds related to Telecommunications Taxes and Fees. Due to sweeping changes in 2007 in how these taxes and fees would be assessed and collected, these taxes are now remitted to the state by the taxpayer and the state then submits the locality's share back to the locality —with an administrative charge deducted. The FY13 state budget reflects the fear that localities had about this Page 5 arrangement from its inception by transferring a portion of these funds directly into the state's General Fund, thereby reducing the amount due to the localities. Roanoke County's loss from this funding program change is approximately $187,000. "Overall, revenue growth for the current year and next are anticipated to remain virtually stagnant." On a positive note, the state budget does provide some relief from the succession of reductions absorbed by the County over the last several years. In FY10, the state reduced basic aid support for all localities in Virginia in the amount of $50 million, with this reduction increasing to $60 million in FY11. In FY12 Roanoke County's share of this reduction is $580,000. The proposed FY13 state budget proposed reducing this amount for the localities, with Roanoke County's reduction adjusted to $483,000, or a savings of $97,000. While this relief from the state is not a huge sum of money, it does represent a reversal in recent trends in state funding from Richmond, even if it is in just one lone category. Longer -term projections do not anticipate a return to annually increased funding for localities. Operational and Capital Budgeting As stated earlier, the proposed budget addresses the spirit and intent of the budget development guidelines issued by the Board of Supervisors by providing a budget that maintains existing service levels; however, the decisions made to bring the budget into balance have greatly reduced the ability to meet these guidelines in future budgets unless additional resources are provided for operations. For the third time in the last four budgets, operating departments have seen their operating budgets reduced, totaling approximately $1.3 million in this proposed budget. This fact, combined with significant increases in demand for services in many departments, along with inflationary increases in operating costs over this 4 year period, is creating significant challenges for County staff in maintaining existing service levels. While we have not eliminated or made major changes to core services during the economic downturn, it can be assumed that continually declining resources will, at some point, negatively impact services. I greatly appreciate the attitude and enthusiasm of county staff in dealing with these difficult economic times while keeping the citizens' safety, welfare, and well -being in the forefront of their daily activities. Maintaining Budget Balance During the Recession Staff has been able to develop balanced budgets during the recession without materially reducing or cutting important services. The following represents tactics that have been used in prior, and current, budget development cycles to bring about a balanced budget while protecting core services: • Maintain Stable Tax Rates and Fees • Reduction in Operational Funding for Departments • Reduction of Capital Funding • Elimination of Positions (attrition) • Restructuring and /or reorganizing operations While these tactics have been successful in accomplishing our short -term goals, there is a limit to the amount of reductions to operational funding that can occur while still providing effective, efficient services. Reductions in staffing, training, technology upgrades, capital replacement, and deferral of maintenance combined with greater workloads on remaining staff with fewer resources will ultimately impact services. It is critical that we assess the long- term impacts of these actions when developing future budgets in order to continue our strong financial position and to ensure our operational sustainability in providing our current level of services. Changes in Funding for FY2012 -2013 Even during the most difficult financial times, the cost of providing services continues to rise. While the focus of budget development over the last 4 years has revolved around reducing budget allocations, the reality of our situation is that some operational areas require additional funding to meet stated priorities and legal /contractual mandates. In developing the FY12 -13 budget, various approaches have been considered in order to meet the budget objectives directed by the Board of Supervisors, satisfy the goals of the community, and produce a balanced budget. These considerations, some requiring additional resources and some requiring reduced resources, are discussed in greater detail below. Page 6 Other Opera *gin Transfers 2.1% Transfers to Debt_— Service Fund 10.3% Transfers to(from)_ Capital Fund -1.0% i Transfers to Schaal ----- — 38.0% Operational Expenditure Considerations Personnel and Benefits Costs utiona I Officers 7.9% Administration 0.5% ;ement Services 1.9% Public Safety 14.5% imunity Services 6.6% in Services L0.8% rtmental Roanoke County's largest expense and greatest tool in providing services to our citizens is its employees. As a service organization, the County cannot fulfill its mission and goals without dedicated, loyal workers who take pride in their work and are concerned about the community they serve; however, in order to effect noticeable reductions in overall expenditures necessary in difficult budget times, personnel costs become a logical target to mitigate overall costs. Competing with this need to reduce personnel costs is the constant, conflicting pressure to fund pay and benefits increases for those providing services. Much the same as many governmental workers during the recession, Roanoke County employees have not received a salary increase since July, 2008. It is important to note that during this time -frame the Board of Supervisors has elected to have the County pick -up annual increases in healthcare costs, as well as providing "one- time" bonus payments to employees on two occasions as County finances allowed. As budget planning began this past fall, the Board expressed the importance of trying to include a pay increase for employees in the FY13 budget if the funds were available. I am pleased to report that the proposed budget not only includes the costs associated with the state's mandated requirement that all employees receive a 5% salary increase and the associated VRS "off- set ", but also includes funds for a much needed employee cost of living increase. • Salary and Retirement Increases VRS "Off- Set ": The state made the unprecedented move of mandating that local governments require all employees to pay their share (5%) of the annual VRS retirement contribution. So that employees will not recognize a significant reduction in their take - home pay, the state also mandated local governments to provide employees with a 5% raise to off -set the retirement contribution. While these actions were meant to be cost - neutral, the reality is there is an additional cost to both the employer (Roanoke County) and the employee related to the FICA payments associated with the 5% raise. In order to recognize the additional employer cost and to make the mandated raise cost - neutral to the employee, the proposed budget includes a 5.75% raise, with an estimated cost of approximately $730,804. "Roanoke County's largest expense and greatest tool in providing services to our citizens is its employees." 3% salary increase: Consistent with the Board's desire to provide raises for employees, who have not received one for 4 years, the proposed budget includes a salary increase of 3% at a cost of $1,500,000. VRS Rate Increase: Increasing costs associated with VRS retirement benefits administered at the state level has dictated the need to increase retirement rates to ensure long -term viability of the plan. Initial rates proposed by the VRS Board indicated a rate increase of nearly 4% for FY13, which would have cost Roanoke County nearly $1.9 million. Fortunately, the General Assembly has proposed a "phase -in" of the new rates over the next 3 biennia, which allows Roanoke County to maintain our current VRS rate of 15.05% FY13. With this phase -in provision, we can expect an increase in retirement rates in each of the next 3 biennia. The state will also require the Board of Supervisors to approve a resolution accepting the lower "phased -in" rate and its financial impact over the long -term. Page 7 FY2013 General Government Expenditures $169,742,677 General _Administration • Health Insurance Roanoke County is fortunate that health care costs will not increase for FY13. This was primarily accomplished by making some cost containment changes to our current plan. We will continue to emphasize our Wellness Program with the ultimate goal of not only mitigating future cost increases, but also of cultivating healthy, productive employees in providing services to our citizens. • Workers Compensation Over the last several years, the insurance cost for workers compensation has escalated to a point where we are spending more on claims than we are budgeting for the claims. Fortunately, we have had ample reserves in the Workers Comp fund to cover these shortfalls; however, current claim levels will deplete these reserves in the next year or so. Finance staff has projected that annual contributions to the fund should be increased by $400,000 to cover plan costs; therefore, this budget includes $175,000 as part of a "phased -in" approach to bring the annual contributions to a level necessary to sustain the cost of claims. Next year's budget will also need an additional allocation of $225,000. Capital Improvements The completion and opening of the new Roanoke County Headquarters Library in the spring of this year concludes a series of capital projects costing well in excess of $100 million dating back to 2006. These projects included the County's share of a new regional jail, construction of a new Public Safety Center, 800 MHz radio system upgrade, renovations to the Salem /Roanoke County jail, a new North County Fire Station, Green Ridge Recreation Center, the new County Garage, and the construction of a new Glenvar Library. These capital projects were vital in upgrading important infrastructure and facilities necessary to meet the needs of our residents. While we are proud of these accomplishments, there are now limited funds available for future capital needs. As the economic downturn continued over multiple budget cycles, funding that could be used for capital improvements were reduced, diverted to other needs, or cut entirely in order to fund immediate operational needs. • Joint CIP Program w /Schools $300,000 in additional funding has once again been included in the budget to fund CIP projects with Roanoke County Schools. Under this agreement, the County and School each allocate an additional $300,000 to this fund that allows annual funding to service up to $10 million in debt for capital projects. As part of this agreement, Schools fund projects for 2 consecutive years, then the County funds 1 year of projects. With this allocation, the total annual contribution to this fund for FY13 will be $2,600,000 from the County, which is matched by an additional $2,600,000 from Roanoke County Schools. The County will utilize this fund to leverage $10 million in projects in the FY13 -14 budget year. $25,000,000 $20,000,000 $15,000,000 $10,000,000 $5,000,000 $1) General Government Expenditures FY2011 -2012 Us. FY2012 -2013 2,8% -8.55 1.0% 1.0% Judicial Management Public Safety Community Human Services Administration Services Services E FY 11 -12 ❑ FY 12 -13 Agency Contributions • Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) — The CVB has asked the Board of Supervisors to promote a new program to assist in funding expanded Roanoke Valley marketing promotions. The goal is to greatly increase marketing efforts to attract larger number of tourist visitors and dollars. The first effort is for the County to agree to provide up to two percent of the existing five percent occupancy tax revenues. I am recommending that the County agree to this request, but fund the expanded program over three years. The FY2013 budget provides the CVB with approximately additional $39,000. The CVB also obtained the Board of Supervisors support to request General Assembly approval to increase the five percent Transient Occupancy tax rate. The General Assembly provided that the County may increase its occupancy tax by up to two percent with these additional dollars dedicated to the CVB. This is not a part of the budget and will be discussed outside the deliberations of the FY 2013 budget. Page 8 General Constitutional Administration Officers Community College Access Program (CCAP) – Virginia Western Community College (VWCC) has asked Roanoke County to participate in the CCAP. It is a program that makes college available "tuition - free" to graduates of high schools located in Franklin County and the cities of Roanoke and Salem. Each locality has its own eligibility criteria and supports as many students as possible based on student need and funds available for the program. VWCC requested that Roanoke County fund a pilot program costing $125,000 annually. This program was discussed at a budget work session and Board of Supervisors members asked staff to seek funding which would allow the County to participate in this program. The FY11 -12 budget provides $13,184 to the VWCC Foundation for scholarships. It is recommended that these funds be assign to the CCAP program in the FY12 -13 budget. Additional funds would be sought during the reconciliation of the year -end financial results for FY2012. In the proposed FY 2014 budget, it is recommended that $40,579 currently funding VWCC capital projects, be reassigned to the CCAP program. Departmental Targets – Reductions of $1,280,000 As mentioned earlier in this message, departmental operational budgets were once again reduced in an effort to balance the FY12 -13 budget. After several years of operational reductions, the Budget Team agonized over if it was practical to require further reductions in operating funds for departments who were required to maintain existing service levels. After much deliberation, departments were given target allocations that had been reduced between 5% -10% of FY12 non - personnel operating funds. These reductions, incorporated into the proposed budget, total approximately $1,280,000 and include the elimination of 6 positions, through attrition, in various departments. While 6 vacant positions were eliminated, 4 part -time positions were converted to full - time positions to compensate for increased workload requirements in two departments —a Warrants Clerk for Police and three (3) Social Service positions. The "net" cost of converting these 4 positions to full -time was $32,000. Based on reductions in prior budget years, increases in the cost of operations, and increasing demand for services, it will be extremely difficult to further reduce departmental budgets without reducing the level of services provided. CPMT Transfer – Reduction of $1,000,000 Based on decreasing caseloads and healthy reserve balances that have accumulated over the last several years, the local transfer for CPMT funding is being reduced by $1,000,000. This reduction will not impact current service provided and will ensure adequate reserve balances are maintained for future contingencies if necessary. Fuel (Gasoline and Diesel) – Increase of $157,932 During budget development for FY12, instability in the oil markets and rising domestic prices for gasoline created the need to establish a Fuel Reserve account in the amount of $200,000 to supplement the fuel budgets of departments that require significant amounts of fuel in order to deliver their services — Police, Fire & Rescue, Solid Waste, Building Inspections, and Parks & Recreation, if prices increased to a level that exhausted available budget allocations. Once again, political unrest in the Middle East and speculation in the oil commodities markets have pushed gasoline prices to the $4.00 /gallon level, with further price increases expected this summer. With this uncertainty, the proposed budget included an additional allocation to the Fuel Reserve account of $157,932, bringing the total funds available to $357,932 for FY13. Historically, cost increases for operational needs during the year have to be dealt with by the affected department by reallocating existing funds within their budget; however, reductions in operating budgets over the last several years has limited a department's ability to deal with these increases. This account will be under the control of the County Administrator and will only be allocated when a fuel budget has been depleted and threatens service delivery related to a core service. Departmental Issues and Consideration • Fire and Rescue – Increases in calls for service combined with the continued decline in volunteer fire and rescue ranks demands additional attention to fire and rescue response times; however, current fiscal constraints do not allow the addition of any new personnel in this year's budget. While the department was asked to develop operational reduction scenarios of approximately $190,000, the final decision was to reduce fire and rescue operations by $50,000 and then increase the emergency response transport fees to equalize the rates with the current Medicare reimbursement Page 9 schedule, resulting in additional revenue of $95,000. While the numbers of volunteers for fire and rescue services has been constant, family and job demands on the volunteers has resulted in the decline of their availability to serve call duty at the stations (declining for some time), and it is a trend that is consistent across the country. Societal changes along with significant increases in the demands for training and certifications of volunteers are the primary reasons for these Fire and Rescue I ncidents 14,000 13,,458 1 13,000 12,500 12,000 17.,500 11,417 11,431 1��11 11,000 10,.500 10,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 declines in availability to respond to fire and rescue calls. While Roanoke County still has a strong base of dedicated, highly competent volunteers, the expectation is that volunteer availability to serve (numbers) will continue to erode over time. Given this reality and the ever - increasing workload requirements, full -time staffing issues will have to be carefully examined and considered for increase as our financial situation improves in the coming budget years. • Communications and Information Technology (CommlT) – In our modern era of government, technology is a fact of life that allows us to meet the needs and demands of our citizens in an efficient and effective manner. While the use of technology is necessary in today's environment, there is a cost. Each year, software licensing fees and maintenance contracts increase —it is simply the continuing cost of doing business. For FY13, CommIT's budget was increased by approximately $175,000 to cover these cost increases. • General Services – At budget work sessions, staff discussed with the Board of Supervisors three possible cost saving service reductions. The County operates two 25 cubic yard "Freeloaders ", which are bulk storage trailers citizens can reserve and use over -night and weekends. It has been recommended to discontinue this program at possible cost savings of $40,500. During one budget work session, it was asked if the County could charge for this service. Staff recommended that the county charge $100 for Monday thru Thursday and Friday thru Monday morning. This will provide additional revenues to partially offset the service reduction cost savings. The Department also recommended removing a frozen position and other potential savings to meet the $40,500 projected savings. I recommend that we continue this program with the charge and schedule listed above. If the Board approves this charge, it would require an amendment to the existing County Code. The second item was the No Charge for drop off of debris at the Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) General Services recommended that this free program be discontinued. It was anticipated that eliminating this program will result in more material being collected, transported and disposed at the RVRA Transfer Station by County crews. The net savings was projected at $90,000. At this time I do not recommend this service reduction. I recommend that County staff work with RVRA staff to determine if changes to the program can be implemented to reduce cost, but maintain a minimum level of this free service. The third item was for the County to discontinue paying for condominium /townhome dumpster services. Some condominiums, townhouses and patio homes in Roanoke County are designed in such a manner that dumpster service must be used for trash collection. The County does not offer dumpster service, so in 2006; at direction of the Board of Supervisors the County started reimbursing these organizations based on equitable portion of the cost for dumpster service versus the traditional trash container collection by the County. The Department recommended passing on this charge to these condominiu ms/town homes. This would save the County $33,000. 1 do not recommend this service reduction and the proposed budget includes the $33,000 to continue this service. Page 10 Conclusion I believe this budget will allow Roanoke County to continue to provide excellent services to our taxpayers. The budget continues our commitment to providing for the health, safety, and welfare of our citizens, while also providing for the educational, recreational, and leisure needs of the community. I would like to once again express my appreciation to the Board of Supervisors, County staff, the School Board and staff, and the many citizens who offered input and insight into FY13 budget development by their participation in public hearings, website comments, committee appointments, and other available avenues of public involvement. Although there are still plenty of unknowns regarding future revenue growth and cost increases, the difficult decisions made over the past several years have positioned us well to meet these new challenges. While economic indicators are improving and some of the County's revenues are showing noticeable growth, there are still many challenges to be faced. Real estate values locally are not anticipated to show marked improvement for several more years. In addition, energy cost increases are expected to continue, state funding for local governments are likely to continue its decline. These factors combined with budget reduction actions taken over the last 4 years, including the near elimination of capital funding and significantly reduced departmental operating budgets, makes it more important than ever that we maintain a conservative approach to fiscal decision - making in order to maintain a budget that sustains structural balance, so that we can sustain the services that our citizens want and demand. Page 11 1 !Y• u Page 12 E -94 hhlk� . & f $.- -.MAA 4 1, Roanoke County Adopted FY11 -12 and Proposed FY12 -13 Budget May 22, 2012 Revenues General Fund General Government Communications & Information Technology Comprehensive Services Law Library Public Works Projects S B & T Building Recreation Fee Class Police Special Programs Criminal Justice Academy Fleet Service Center Total General Fund Debt Service Fund - County Capital Projects Fund Internal Service Fund School Operating Fund School Nutrition Fund School Debt Service Fund School Grants Fund School Capital Fund School Textbook Fund School Bus Fund School Laptop Insurance Reserve Total Revenues All Funds Less: Transfers Total Net of Transfers Adopted Adopted FY2011 -2012 FY2012 -2013 $ 170, 995, 777 $ 169, 742, 677 7 7 6 6,127, 799 27 27 175 183 444 444 4,442, 000 5 1 1 202 149 2 2 $ 192, 720, 943 $ 192, 297, 746 $ 8 $ 8 4 3,474, 987 1 1 131, 373, 270 132, 562,485 5 5 13, 654, 394 14,158,141 5 5 904 824 798 947 910 325 358 358 $ 365,495, 774 $ 365, 366, 690 (107,856,516) (107,692,864) $ 257, 639, 258 $ 257, 673, 826 Page 13 Roanoke County Adopted FY11 -12 and Proposed FY12 -13 Budget May 22, 2012 Expenditures General Fund General Government General Administration Constitutional Officers Judicial Administration Management Services Public Safety Community Services Human Services Non - Departmental Transfers to School Operating and Dental Insurance Transfers to (from)Capital Fund Transfers to Debt Service Fund Other Operating Transfers Total General Government Communications & Information Technology Comprehensive Services Law Library Public Works Projects S B & T Building Recreation Fee Class Police Special Programs Criminal Justice Academy Fleet Service Center Total General Fund Debt Service Fund - County Capital Projects Fund Internal Service Fund School Operating Fund School Nutrition Fund School Debt Fund School Grants Fund School Capital Fund School Textbook Fund School Bus Fund School Laptop Insurance Reserve Total Expenditures All Funds Less: Transfers Total Net of Transfers Adopted Adopted FY2011 -2012 FY2012 -2013 $ 2, 900, 259 $ 2 13, 087, 654 13,403, 274 865 860 3 3 23, 922, 567 24, 600,401 11, 076,112 11,188, 569 19, 988, 843 18, 303, 901 11, 298, 810 11, 313, 872 64 64 (1,228,329) (1,631,181) 16 17 4,462, 323 3 $ 170, 995, 777 $ 169, 742, 677 $ 7 $ 7 6 6,127, 799 27 27 175 183 444 444 4,442, 000 5, 223,131 1 1 202,172 149 2 242, 864 2 $ 192, 720, 943 $ 192, 297, 746 $ 8 $ 8 4 3,474, 987 1 1 131, 373, 270 132, 562,485 5 5 13, 654, 394 14,158,141 5 5 904 824 798 947 910 325 358 358 $ 365,495, 774 $ 365, 366, 690 (107,856,516) (107,692,864) $ 257, 639, 258 $ 257, 673, 826 Page 14 County of Roanoke General Government Revenue Summary Preliminary Projections for FY2011 -12 Page 15 *Includes ambulance transport fees % Change Actual FY 2011 -2012 FY12 Amended FY 10 -11 Adopted Prelim Adjust Amended v. FY11 Actual Revenue Real Estate Taxes $87,565 $88,030 ($630,000) 87,400 -0.2% Personal Property Taxes 26,898 27 310,000 27 2.8% Other Property Taxes 3 3 38,000 3 3.7% Local Sales Tax 8 9 50 9 8.2% Telecommunications Taxes and Feec 4 4 (300,000) 3 -6.4% Utility Consumer Tax 3 3 (50,000) 3 -2.2% Business License Tax 6,388 5 275,000 5 -8.4% Bank Franchise Tax 524 525 0 525 0.1% Motor Vehicle License Tax 2 2,020 130,000 2,150 1.1% Recordation and Conveyance Tax 1 1 125 1 17.1% Hotel /Motel Tax 756,308 775,000 (75,000) 700,000 -7.4% Meals Tax 3 3 145 3 5.9% Other Local Taxes 650 711,000 (45,000) 666,000 2.3% Permits, Fees & Licenses 620,885 575,610 (139,050) 436,560 -29.7% Fines and Forfeitures 888 835,400 (100,000) 735,400 -17.3% Use of Money and Property 192 269 (80,000) 189 -1.9% Charges for Services* 3 3 250767 3 0.5% Miscellaneous Revenue 1 1 0 1 -12.4% Recovered Costs 189,030 166,385 0 166,385 -12.0% Commonwealth 9 9 (228,278) 9 -1.0% Federal 4 3 360 4 -3.2% Sub -total Revenue 170,195,049 170,335 36,439 170,371 0.1% % Growth 1.7% 0.1% 0.1% Non - Revenue /Transfers 1 660,607 0 660,607 -45.7% Total Revenue 171 170 36 171 -0.2% Page 15 *Includes ambulance transport fees 1 !Y• u Page 16 E -94 hhlk� . & f $.- -.MAA 4 1, County of Roanoke General Government Revenue Summary Adopted FY 2011 -2012 and Proposed FY 2012 -2013 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget FY 11 -12 FY 12 -13 Real Estate Taxes Personal Property Taxes Other Property Taxes Local Sales Tax Telecommunications Taxes and Fees Utility Consumer Tax Business License Tax Bank Franchise Tax Motor Vehicle License Tax Recordation and Conveyance Tax Hotel /Motel Tax Meals Tax Other Local Taxes Permits, Fees & Licenses Fines and Forfeitures Use of Money and Property Charges for Services Fire & Rescue Fee for Service Miscellaneous Revenue Recovered Costs Commonwealth Federal $88 27,340,000 3 615, 000 9,474,340 4 200, 000 3, 650, 000 5 525,000 2, 020, 000 1 775, 000 3 711,000 575,610 835,400 269,100 622,200 2,522,233 1,126,120 166 9 782 3, 740, 000 $86,460,000 28,370,000 3 9 3, 713, 000 3, 665, 000 6 525 2,175, 000 1 700, 000 3 666, 000 476 760,400 189,100 645,200 2,752,233 1,141,921 166 8,566,271 3,275,000 Total Revenue Transfer from Other Funds Total General Government 170, 335,170 169, 082, 070 660, 607 660 Increase (Decrease) ($1,570,000) 1, 030, 000 55,000 450, 660 (487,000) 15,000 500 0 155 125, 000 (75,000) 335, 000 (45 (99,050) (75,000) (80,000) 23,000 230 15,801 0 (1 (465,000) (1,253,100) X $170 $169 ($1,253,100) Page 17 County of Roanoke General Government Expenditure Summary Adopted FY 2011 -2012 and Proposed FY 2012 -2013 Adopted Budget FY 11 -12 Expenditures Proposed Budget FY 12 -13 Increase (Decrease) General Administration $2,900,259 2 $49,867 Constitutional Officers 13 13,403 315 Judicial Administration 865732 860732 (5,000) Management Services 3 3 33 Public Safety 23,922,567 24 677,834 Community Services 11,076,112 11,188 112 Human Services 20,007,899 18,303 (1,703,998) Non Departmental Employee Benefits 2,675,297 2 (54,930) Internal Service Charges 6 6 (9,378) Miscellaneous 1,976 1,984 7 Transfers To (From) Debt - County 7,461 7 (14,085) Debt - Schools 9 9 511 Schools- Operating 64,006 64 0 Public Works Projects 175,693 183,215 7,522 Capital 4 4 194 Transfer from Capital Fund (5,341,852) (5 (508 Schools - Dental 477,299 477,299 0 Internal Services 933,630 1 132 Comprehensive Services 3,253 2 (1,000 Board Contingency 100 100,000 0 Total General Government $170,995,777 $169,742,677 ($1,253,100) Page 18 Page 19 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2011 -2012 and Proposed 2012 -2013 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change General Government General Administration Board of Supervisors Personnel 245,597 250 4521 1.84% Operating 42,514 42 (500) -1.18% Capital 3,500 4,385 885 25.29% Board of Supervisors Total 291 296 4 1.68% County Administrator Personnel 253 269 15 6.15% Operating 25497 21 (3,500) - 13.73% Capital 2,953 2 - 0.00% County Administrator Total 282 294 12 4.29% Public Information Personnel 159 160 1496 0.94% Operating 18,138 15 (2,300) - 12.68% Capital 4750 4750 - 0.00% Public Information Total 182 181 (804) -0.44% Asst Co Administrators Personnel 327 345 17 5.48% Operating 24,165 24 - 0.00% Capital - - - - Asst Co Administrators Total 351 369 17 5.10% Human Resources Personnel 574,543 616 41 7.31% Operating 131,997 111 (20,000) - 15.15% Capital 3,600 3,600 - 0.00% Human Resources Total 710 732 21 3.09% County Attorney Personnel 516,007 522 6,909 1.34% Operating 29433 26 (2,500) -8.49% Capital 1,500 1,500 - 0.00% County Attorney Total 546 551 4 0.81% Economic Development Personnel 469 464 (5,250) -1.12% Operating 62,535 59 (3,000) -4.80% Capital 4,000 1,600 (2,400) - 60.00% Economic Development Total 535 525 (10,650) -1.99% Total General Administration 2 2 49 1.72% Constitutional Officers Treasurer Personnel 609,212 630482 21,270 3.49% Operating 148 138 (10,883) -7.31% Capital 3 2,000 (1,000) - 33.33% Treasurer Total 761 770 9 1.23% Page 19 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2011 -2012 and Proposed 2012 -2013 Expenditure Budget Page 20 Adopted Proposed 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change Commonwealth Attorney Personnel 976,084 1,024 48,141 4.93% Operating 25,229 42 17 68.97% Capital - 600 600 - Comm. Attorney Total 1 1,067 66 6.61% Commissioner of the Revenue Personnel 717,904 746 28,536 3.97% Operating 57 51 (6,000) - 10.35% Capital - - - - Comm. of the Revenue Total 775 798 22 2.90% Clerk of the Circuit Court Personnel 950792 995 44,672 4.70% Operating 77 70 (7,500) -9.64% Capital - - - - Clerk of Circuit Court Total 1 1,065 37 3.61% Sheriffs Office Personnel 5,132,382 5,359 227 4.43% Operating 3 3 71 2.21% Capital 1 1,010 (118,806) - 10.52% Sheriffs Office Total 9 9701 180 1.89% Total Constitutional Officers 13 13 315 2.41% Judicial Administration Circuit Court Personnel - - - - Operating 237,972 237 - 0.00% Capital - - - - Circuit Court Total 237 237,972 - 0.00% General District Court Personnel - - - - Operating 69,940 69 - 0.00% Capital - - - - General District Court Total 69 69,940 - 0.00% Magistrate Personnel - - - - Operating 1,590 1,590 - 0.00% Capital - - - - Magistrate Total 1 1590 - 0.00% J & DR Court Personnel - - - - Operating 21,086 21 - 0.00% Capital - - - - J & DR Court Total 21 21,086 - 0.00% Page 20 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2011 -2012 and Proposed 2012 -2013 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed Page 21 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change Court Service Unit Personnel - - - - Operating 505,500 505 - 0.00% Capital 5 - (5,000) - 100.00% Transfers 24 24,644 - 0.00% Court Service Unit Total 535 530 (5,000) -0.93% Total Judicial Administration 865 860 (5,000) -0.58% Management Services Real Estate Valuation Personnel 761,467 796 34,962 4.59% Operating 47,998 43 (4,500) -9.38% Capital 3,850 3,350 (500) - 12.99% Real Estate Valuation Total 813,315 843 29,962 3.68% Finance Personnel 1,010,243 1,022 12,433 1.23% Operating 182,260 191 9 5.31% Capital - - - - Finance Total 1,192503 1,214 22,113 1.85% Public Transportation - CORTRAN Personnel - - - - Operating 525,000 500 (25,000) -4.76% Capital - - - - Public Transportation Total 525,000 500 (25,000) -4.76% Management and Budget Personnel 252,406 265 13,144 5.21% Operating 21,006 21 - 0.00% Capital 2,500 - (2,500) - 100.00% Mgmt and Budget Total 275,912 286 10,644 3.86% Procurement Services Personnel 367,699 363 (4,662) -1.27% Operating 25,950 25 - 0.00% Capital - - - - Procurement Services Total 393,649 388 (4,662) -1.18% Total Management Services 3 3 33,057 1.03% Public Safety Police Department Personnel 8 9,307 348,517 3.89% Operating 1,205 1 - 0.00% Capital 728,404 608,404 (120,000) - 16.47% Police Department Total 10,893 11 228 2.10% Page 21 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2011 -2012 and Proposed 2012 -2013 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed Page 22 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change Fire and Rescue Personnel 10,619,548 11 499,317 4.70% Operating 1,746 1 (74,600) -4.27% Capital 662750 687 24,600 3.71% Fire and Rescue Total 13 13478 449 3.45% Total Public Safety 23 24 677 2.83% Community Services General Services Personnel 1,972 2,066,410 93 4.75% Operating 2,906,837 2,903 (3,257) -0.11% Capital 17,012 4,512 (12,500) - 73.48% General Services Total 4 4 77 1.59% Community Development Personnel 3,529 302,243 72,376 2.05% Operating 474,605 492 17,815 3.75% Capital 210,500 168 (41,980) - 19.94% Comm. Development Total 4 4 48 1.14% Building Maintenance Personnel 1 1,263,961 45 3.74% Operating 746,212 686 (59,289) -7.95% Capital - - - - Building Maintenance Total 1 1 (13,670) -0.70% Total Community Services 11 11,188,569 112457 1.02% Human Services Grounds Maintenance Personnel 1,693 1 25,949 1.53% Operating 489,005 511 22750 4.65% Capital 34,000 34,000 - 0.00% Grounds Maintenance Total 2 2 48 2.20% Parks and Recreation Personnel 1724486 1 6,318 0.37% Operating 381458 381 - 0.00% Capital 25,000 25,000 - 0.00% Parks and Recreation Total 2 2 6 0.30% Public Health Personnel - - - - Operating 369,098 413,010 43,912 11.90% Capital - - - - Public Health Total 369 413 43 11.90% Page 22 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2011 -2012 and Proposed 2012 -2013 Expenditure Budget Page 23 Adopted Proposed 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change Social Services Administration Personnel 4,742,639 5,066 324,076 6.83% Operating 488,800 525 36,532 7.47% Capital 1 8750 7 483.33% Social Services Admin Total 5 5,600 367 7.03% Public Assistance Personnel - - - - Operating 5,069,500 2 (2,253,926) - 44.46% Capital - - - - Public Assistance Total 5 2,815 (2,253,926) - 44.46% STARS FTC Personnel - - - - Operating - 38 38 - Capital - - - - STARS FTC Total - 38 38 - Contributions Personnel - - - - Operating 1 1 50420 3.91% Capital - - - - Contributions Total 1 1 290 5 468 1,340 50 - 3.91% Library Personnel 2,419 2,535 116,633 4.82% Operating 842,575 752 (90,057) - 10.69% Capital 33,000 9,000 (24,000) - 72.73% Library Total 3 3,297 2 0.08% VA Cooperative Extension Personnel - - - - Operating 84 81 (3,000) -3.56% Capital - - - - VA Coop Extension Total 84 81 (3,000) -3.56% Elections Personnel 228,937 241 12752 5.57% Operating 89 72 (17,932) - 19.94% Capital - - - - Elections Total 318 313 (5,180) -1.62% Total Human Services 20 18,303 (1,703 -8.52% Non - Departmental Employee Benefits 2 2,620 (54 -2.05% Internal Service Charges 6 6707 (9 -0.14% Miscellaneous 1 5 976 5 500 1 5 984 5 432 7 0.40% Total Non - Departmental 11 11 (56,376) -0.50% Page 23 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2011 -2012 and Proposed 2012 -2013 Expenditure Budget Page 24 Adopted Proposed 2011 -2012 2012 -2013 Increase/ Budget Budget (Decrease) % Change Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt - General 7461 7 (14 -0.19% Transfer to Debt - School 9 9,987 511,097 5.39% Transfer to Capital 4 4,218 194480 4.83% Transfer (From) Capital Fund (5,341,852) (5,850,128) (508,276) 9.51% Transfer to Schools 64 64,006 - 0.00% Transfer to E -911 /ECC - - - - Transfer to Schools Dental Ins 477,299 477 - 0.00% Transfer to Internal Services 933 1,066 132 14.21% Transfer to CPMT- County 1 1 (500,000) - 30.23% Transfer to CPMT - Schools 1599 1 (500,000) - 31.27% Transfer to Public Works ProjE 175,693 183 7522 4.28% Total Transfers to Other Funds 84 83789 (676 -0.80% Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency 100,000 100 - 0.00% Addition to Fund Balance - - - - Total Unappropriated Balance 100, 000 100 - 0.00% Total General Government 170 169 (1,253,100) -0.73% Page 24 County of Roanoke FY12 -13 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Considerations Department Reduction Police $120,000 • Vehicle replacement funding will be reduced. This will result in four fewer vehicles purchased per year (at — $30,000 per vehicle). This still leaves the department with approximately $585,000 in vehicle replacement funding. Fire and Rescue $50,000 • The department will reduce general operating expenses by $50,000 with the goal of minimizing impact to operations, to the extent possible. • Per prior Board approval, the department will also adjust ALS fees to current Medicare rates. This fee increase will generate an additional $95,000 of revenue. In addition, for FY10 -11, $130,000 of ALS fees was collected in excess of budget projections. Therefore, an upward adjustment in ALS fees of $130,000 will be made to recognize the increase in revenue collected. Total increase in ALS revenues will be $225,000. General Services $102,000 • The Freeloader service will change to the "pay- loader" service starting in FY13. Instead of the service being offered at no charge, a $100 fee will be charged for its use. The estimated revenue for these charges will be $20,000. In addition, savings will be realized through the elimination of the position associated with this service through attrition. With the revenue charge and position elimination, net savings of $40,500 will be recognized. • The department's maintenance and repairs budget and other miscellaneous operating funds were reduced by $61,500. The reduction in operating funds continues to decrease the flexibility of the department to meet service demands, and if deferred maintenance is not addressed in the near future, the impact to facility aesthetics and function will be felt by both internal and external customers. Communications and Information Technology $208,855 • Reduced software support budget by $89,750. This reduction allows the department to maintain existing contracts for FY12 -13 but eliminates any contingency funding for support services related to software. • Virtually all offsite training and travel has been eliminated ($21,705), impacting the ability of staff to stay current and plan ahead for technology services. • Contingency funding of $60,000 has been eliminated. The department will not be able to assist other departments with small projects and unanticipated repairs /replacements. • Funding for preventive maintenance and repairs to towers and microwave system has been reduced by $15,400. The department will have to access its capital maintenance account to make up for the reduction, reducing the amount available for the annual maintenance costs of the radio system. • The ECC equipment budget was reduced $15,000, resulting in less on -site inventory and potential delays in repairs while parts are being shipped. Page 25 County of Roanoke FY12 -13 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Considerations Department Reduction Community Development $139,000 • Elimination of a vacant Planner II position for savings of $55,335. The loss of this position will increase the time required to complete project work and day -to -day workload requirements • Elimination of vacant Engineer position for a savings of $64,000. This will impact the performance of the Environment and Storm -water Management Pond inspection. • Reduction in miscellaneous operating expenses. Parks and Recreation $100,733 • A vacant Recreation Program Manager position was eliminated for a savings of $62,420. This resulted in a reorganization of departmental duties at the Brambleton Center. This redistribution of duties will increase employee workloads. • The department transferred a Recreation Programmer position from the County's General Fund to the department's self- funded Fee Class for savings of $38,313. There will be no impact to this move in terms of service levels as the position will simply be funded by fees generated in the Fee Class account. Social Services • The state has taken over the funding for Child Care Assistance. The program still exists but the locality is no longer responsible for payments. Therefore, the workload related to this program remains but the overall result is a net savings. The reduction in revenue of approximately $2 million is offset by an equal reduction in expenditures and the local match is no longer required. $215,000 Board of Supervisors $5,000 • Reduction taken from part -time dollars. Remaining part -time budget is sufficient for current workload; however, changes in the current business climate that result in an increased workload would stress the department's part -time budget. Clerk of the Circuit Court $7,500 • Storage and maintenance contracts for the upcoming fiscal year are anticipated to be lower due to reduction in storage costs. Commissioner of the Revenue $6,000 • Printed forms budget was reduced which could limit the flexibility and availability of various forms associated with business license renewal, business personal property tax filing, and tax relief filing. Commonwealth Attorney $2,000 • Reduction was taken in furniture and office equipment. This will have minimal impact on daily operations; however, deferred replacement could be detrimental in future budgets. Page 26 County of Roanoke FY12 -13 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Considerations Department Reduction County Administration (County Administrator, Assistants, and Public Information) $8,500 • Reductions were taken in various operational accounts, primarily in the areas of special events, training, and software. County Attorney $2,500 • The reduction in professional services will further limit the ability to obtain outside counsel in responding to additional legal obligations, should they arise. Court Service Unit $5,000 • The reduction was taken out of the department's furniture budget. This will have little impact on the department's operations. Economic Development $5,500 • Reduction was taken in travel and training related to marketing activities and conference participation. This will impair the ability of the department to promote Roanoke County through networking and educational opportunities. Elections $7,500 • Reduction was taken from part -time funding. This may affect the timely processing of absentee ballots and voter registrations. Finance $35,000 • A vacant Account Representative position was eliminated. This will impact the ability of the department to have someone at the front desk to greet patrons, answer the phones, and respond to departmental needs and questions promptly. The action will further shift and realign workloads, and change some processes related to surplus property. Human Resources $20,000 • Tuition reimbursement benefit will be completely eliminated. This will be an elimination of a benefit previously offered to Roanoke County employees. Library $75,000 • Funding for the purchase of new books and other materials was reduced. While short - term impact is minimal, in the long -term this will increase wait times for new items, decrease the amount of fines collected, and ages the library's collection. • The department's technology replacement budget was also reduced. This will have the potential impact of more machines out of service and increase wait times for PC use. • The department also reduced a number of other miscellaneous operating expenses. Expense line items are already thin due to previous operating reductions and cost increases. Page 27 County of Roanoke FY12 -13 Budget Development Departmental Budget Reduction Considerations Department Reduction Management and Budget $2,500 • Reduction was taken out of the department's technology replacement budget. This will result in minimal impact to departmental operations in the near -term. Long -term equipment needs will have to be addressed during future budgets. Public Transportation $25,000 • The CORTRAN program was reduced by $25,000. While there is no immediate impact due to this reduction, if transportation grants are reduced then the program would have to be reviewed for efficacy. Real Estate Valuation $5,000 • Citizens will no longer receive reassessment notifications if there is no change in value. This change will allow for a reduction in the department's postage budget. Risk Management $50,000 • The Occupational Nurse position contract was eliminated. In addition, the county's insurance contracts are being renegotiated for a potential savings. Sheriff $65,000 • The department was able to reduce its water budget by $32,000 due to the utility savings resulting from replacement of all of the valves in the jail. • A part -time clerical position will not be filled. This will have a minimal impact on departmental operations. • All non - mandatory training and professional development programs were also eliminated. The impact of this reduction will be minimal due to the fact that mandatory training will still be offered. Treasurer $13,500 • The department reduced a number of miscellaneous operating cost line items. These items were related to collections of delinquent taxes, printed forms, etc. There is minimal impact to these reductions; however, future efforts for collection of delinquent taxes will need to be considered to optimize tax collections. VA Cooperative Extension $3,000 • The department reduced its telephone budget. There is minimal impact from this reduction. Grand Total Department Reductions FY12 -13 $1,279,088 Page 28 FY2O12 -2013 Contributions Health and Human Services Agencies Agency Name FY11 Adopted FY12 Adopted FY13 Request Proposed Adult Care Center of the R V Advancement Foundation American Red Cross Bethany Hall Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valley Blue Ridge Independent Living Center Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc. Blue Ridge Literacy (formerly Literacy Volunteers of Roanoke Valley) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia Bradley Free Clinic Brain Injury Services of SWVA Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP) Children's Trust (formerly Children's Advocacy Center and CASA) Christmas Store Commonwealth Catholic Charities Conflict Resolution Center, Inc. Council of Community Svcs - Info and Referral Center Council of Community Svcs - Nonprofit Resource Center Family Service of the Roanoke Valley Feeding America - Southwest Virginia Good Samaritan Hospice Goodwill Industries of the Valleys Greenvale School Habitat for Humanity LOA Area Agency on Aging Manna Ministries Mental Health America of Roanoke Valley Presbyterian Community Center Rebuilding Together Roanoke Area Ministries Roanoke County Prevention Council Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality Network Roanoke Valley SPCA Roanoke Valley Speech & Hearing Center Saint Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation Salem /Roanoke County Community Food Pantry $8 $400 $3 $1 $4 $900 $600 $1,100 $200 $5 $2 $18 $6 $2 $400 $1 $2 $500 $4 $4,700 $0 $600 $0 $1 $14 $800 $1 $600 $0 $1 $900 $800 $800 $1 $3 $4 $8 $600 $3 $1 $4 $1 $700 $1,100 $800 $5 $2 $19 $6 $0 $400 $1 $2 $500 $4 $4,700 $0 $600 $0 $1 $15 $1 $1 $800 $0 $1 $1,900 $1 $1 $1 $4 $4 $8,900 $1,000 $5,000 $2,000 $5 $10 $6 $2,000 $8 $5,600 $3 $20 $6,840 $2,500 $1 $5 $3 $500 $4 $4 $5 $600 $2 $1 $35 $2 $1 $800 $2,800 $5 $2 $2 $1 $2 $10 $5 $8,900 $600 $3,300 $1,100 $4 $1 $800 $1,100 $900 $5 $2,800 $19 $6,300 $2,200 $400 $1 $2 $500 $4 $4,700 $0 $500 $0 $1 $14 $1 $1 $800 $400 $1,400 $1 $1 $1 $1 $4 $5 Page 29 FY2012 -2013 Contributions Health and Human Services Agencies Agency Name M1 Adopted M2 Adopted M3 Request Proposed Salvation Army Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc. Trust House YWCA of the Roanoke Valley $2,500 $0 $3 $900 $2,900 $600 $3 $1 $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $2,900 $600 $3,700 $0 Total Health and Human Services Agencies $108,600 $114,000 $198,439 $114,600 Social Service Agencies ETAP $247700 $24 ransitiona l Living Center $16,000 $15,700 $24,500 $15,700 $22,900 $14,700 ocial Service Agencies $40,700 $40,200 $40,200 $37,600 Contractual Relationship for Services: The BRBH budget request represents the County's portion of the 10 percent local match that the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities mandates that local Community Service Boards obtain from local governments in its service area. Failure to fully fund this request could result in additional funding cuts from the Commonwealth. Although not funding the full local match could result in state cuts, this has never been enforced in past years when local funding fell short of the required match. (Blue Ridge B Healthcare $162,000 $175,0001 $263,6331 $173,0001 Grand Total Health and Human Services Agencies $311,300 $329 $502,272 $325 Page 30 FY2012 -2013 Contributions Cultural, Tourism Other Agencies Agency Name FY11 Adopted FY12 Adopted FY2013 Request Proposed Art Museum of Western Virginia (Taubman Museum) Contractual Agreement $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $41,700 $3,000 $4,000 $40,000 $500,000 $3,000 $13,250 $20,000 $4,000 $8,000 $24,950 $5,000 $8,000 $15,000 $1,200 $4,950 $2,500 $11,000 $4,000 $6,000 $2,700 $700 $3,000 $5,200 $25,000 $2,000 $3,000 $0 $3,900 $1,000 $10,000 $40,000 $2 $5,000 $40,000 Art Museum of Western Virginia (Taubman Museum) - Roanoke County Schools Education Program Contractual Agreement $41 $41 $41 Arts Council of the Blue Ridge $1 $1 $1,400 Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District $1 $1 $1,000 Center in the Square Operating $33 $34 $33,500 Center in the Square - Igniting Dreams, Energizing Promises Campaign $0 $0 $10,200 Clean Valley Council, Inc $1 $1,600 $1,500 FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway $8 $8 $8,000 Harrison Museum of African American Culture $0 $0 $400 History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va. - O. Winston Link Museum $2 $2 $2,400 History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va. $3 $3 $3,500 Hollins University - The Eleanor D. Wilson Art Museum $17 $16 $15,900 Interstate 81 Corridor Coalition (NEW) $0 $0 $0 Jefferson Center Foundation $1 $1 $1,700 Mill Mountain Zoo $10 $10 $10,200 Miss Virginia Pageant $900 $1 $1,000 Miss Virginia Pageant - TV Sponsorship $2 $2 $2,200 Opera Roanoke $600 $700 $900 Roanoke Higher Education Center $10 $10 $10,200 Roanoke River Basin Association $0 $0 $0 Roanoke Symphony $5 $5 $4,800 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities $1 $2 $2,600 Salem Museum and Historical Society $0 $700 $700 Salem- Roanoke Baseball Hall of Fame $1 $1 $1,400 Salem /Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce - Operating $5 $5 $5,200 Science Museum of Western Virginia - Operating $15 $16 $15,800 Showtimers (NEW) $0 $0 $0 Small Business Development Center $2 $3 $3,000 Tri- County Lake Administrative Commission (TLAC) Smith Mtn Lake $4 $0 $0 Vinton Chamber of Commerce - Business Recruitment $3 $3 $3,900 Vinton Dogwood Festival $1 $1 $1,000 Vinton Historical Society $1 $2 $2,100 Virginia Amateur Sports $39 $40,000 $39,400 Virginia Economic Bridge $0 $0 $0 Virginia Museum of Transportation $4 $4 $4,300 Page 31 FY2012 -2013 Contributions Cultural, Tourism Other Agencies Agency Name FY11 Adopted FY12 FY2013 Proposed Adopted Request Western Virginia Land Trust $2 $2 $2,500 $2,000 $2 $3,000 $2,000 $1 $1,000 $1,000 Williamson Road Area Business Association $1 Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc. $1 Sub -Total $268,480 $269,800 $869,550 $274,900 Dues & Per Capita Contributions: These funding allocations represent memberships in the specific organization and, by nature, must be funded at the full amount to retain membership. Economic Development & Community Investments: These organizations have made prior presentations to the Board and will not participate in the contributions work session. These contributions, in most cases, represent "membership" in the organization; however, the contribution (and the current year's request) is not contractual. Historically, the Board has utilized their discretion in funding increases in contribution requests. Greenway Commission National Association of Counties $1 $1 $1,770 $1,770 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce - Dues $2 $2 $2,630 $2,630 Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission $57 $62 $63,208 $63,208 Salem /Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce - Dues $1 $1 $1 $1 Vinton Chamber of Commerce - Dues $500 $500 $500 $500 Virginia Association of Counties $20 $20 $20 $20 Virginia First Industrial Authority (Contractual Agreement) $34 $34 $34 $34 Virginia Institute of Government Membership $5 $0 $5 $0 Virginia Municipal League $10 $10 $10,518 $10 Virginia Western Community College - Scholarship $13 $13 $0 $0 Virginia Western Community College - CCAP Program $0 $0 $125 $15 Virginia Western Community College - Site Development (Last year of 5 year capital funding request submitted in FY08 -09) $36 $40 $40 $40 Sub -Total $183 $187 $304 $190,205 Economic Development & Community Investments: These organizations have made prior presentations to the Board and will not participate in the contributions work session. These contributions, in most cases, represent "membership" in the organization; however, the contribution (and the current year's request) is not contractual. Historically, the Board has utilized their discretion in funding increases in contribution requests. Greenway Commission $26 $28 $34,400 $34,400 Roanoke Regional Partnership $153 $173 $174,456 $174,456 Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau $161 $162 $208,400 $201,600 Sub -Total $341,882 $364,156 $417,256 $410,456 Grand Total Cultural, Tourism & Other $794 $821 $1 $875 Page 32 County of Roanoke Authorized Position Count Analysis Page 33 Adopted Adopted Proposed Change Department FY 2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY12 to FY13 General Positions Asst. County Administrators 2 2 2 - Board of Supervisors 7 7 7 - Chief Financial Officer - - - - Clerk of the Circuit Court 16 16 16 - Commissioner of the Revenue 14 14 14 - Commonwealth's Attorney 14 14 14 - Communications & Information Technology 80 80 80 - Community Development 55 52 50 (2) County Administrator 2 2 2 - County Attorney 5 5 5 - Economic Development 5 5 5 - Elections 3 3 3 - Emergency Communication Center - - - - Finance 22 22 21 (1) General Services - Admin 3 3 3 - General Services - Bldg Maintenance 21 21 21 - General Services - Solid Waste 35 35 34 (1) Human Resources 8 8 8 - Information Technology - - - - Library 38 40 40 - Management and Budget 3 3 3 - Parks & Rec Grounds Maintenance 32 32 32 - Parks, Recreation & Tourism 26 25 23 (2) Public Information Office 2 2 2 - Real Estate Valuation 12 11 11 - Treasurer 12 12 12 - Total General Positions 417 414 408 (6) Public Safety Positions Fire and Rescue 153 153 153 - Police 153 153 154 1 Sheriff - Confinement of Prisoners 59 59 59 - Sheriff - Office of the Sheriff 25 25 25 - Social Services 91 91 94 3 Total Public Safety Positions 481 481 485 4 Other County Garage 11 11 11 - Green Ridge Recreation Center 8 11 11 - Risk Management 2 2 2 - Total Other Positions 21 24 24 - TOTAL COUNTY POSITIONS 919 919 917 (2) Grant Funded and Fiscal Agent -Only Court Service Unit 4 4 4 - Greenways 1 1 1 - RVTV 5 5 5 - Total Grant and Fiscal Agent 10 10 10 - GRAND TOTAL CLASS PLAN POSITIONS 929 929 927 (2) Page 33 Departmental Budget Meetings Additional Funding Requests (Unfunded) PERSONNEL, OPERATING AND CAPITAL FY2012 -2013 Department Amount Description Fire & Rescue $ 308,892 24 -hr staffing Mt. Pleasant (6 @ $51,482 each) $ 24 Scheduled Overtime - Mt. Pleasant (6 @ $4,000 each) $ 8 Rank Upgrade to Capt (3 @ $2,750 each) - Mt. Pleasant $ 154 24 -hr staffing Back Creek (3 @ $51,482 each) $ 12 Scheduled Overtime - Back Creek (3 @ $4,000 each) $ 360 24 -hr staffing Read Mtn (7 @ $51,482 each) $ 28 Scheduled Overtime - Read Mtn (7 @ $4,000 each) $ 54 LT- Fire Inspector $ 51 Public Educator $ 54 LT Fire Training Officer $ 54 LT EMS Training Officer $ 60 Safety and Health Officer $ 83 Homeland Security Mgr - HSM $ 28 Part Time Operational Medical Director per State Regulations $ 91 Medical Exams, Pagers, PPE, Uniforms for new staff $ 23 EMS Data Reporting System $ 7 Training Center Contribution $ 10 Janitorial Supplies $ 25 Buildings & Maintenance $ 80 Gas, Oil & Grease $ 75 Tire, Tubes, Parts $ 25 Technical Rescue Equipment $ 2 Fee for Forestry Services in Roanoke County $ 4 Internet lines upgrade $ 138 Mobile Data Terminals & Equip $ 25 Computer Replacement Program (15) $ 18 Small capital outlay for replacement of breathing apparatus bottles $ 1,808,663 General Services $ 100,000 Gas, Oil & Grease for rising diesel fuel costs for Solid Waste vehicles $ 100,000 Library $ 35,000 For books $ 35,000 VA Cooperative Extension $ 2,000 Telephone -Line was reduced $3,000 for FY13 $ 500 Training & Ed - Funding eliminated in previous budgets. Currently funded through rollover. $ 500 Dues & Mbrshps- Funding eliminated in previous budgets. Currently funded through rollovr. $ 1 7 000 Misc Operating - Funding eliminated in previous budgets. Currently funded through rollover $ 500 Office Supplies - Funding eliminated in previous budgets. Currently funded through rollover $ 4,500 Grand Total: $ 1,948,163 Page 34 County of Roanoke FY2013 -2017 Capital Improvement Program Summary of Funded Projects Prior Year(s) Department / Project Name Funding 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 2015 -2016 2016 -2017 TOTAL FY13 -17 Total Project Library: Glenvar Library $4,000,000 $2,000,000 (1) $2,000,000 $6,000,000 Project To Be Identified: Project To Be Identified $10,000,000 (2) $0 $0 Total Funded CIP Projects FY2013 -2017 $4,000,0001 $2,000,000 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 1 $2, 000, 000 1 $6, 000, 000 TOTAL 2012 -2013 2013 -2014 2014 -2015 2015 -2016 2016 -2017 FY13 -17 Summary of Funding Sources (1) Previously Appropriated Funds (2) Future Bond Sale Total FY13 -17 CIP Funding $2,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,000,000 $0 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $10,000,000 $2,000,000 $10,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $12,000,000 Page 35 Capital VDOT Revenue Sharing Lawson Payroll System Building and Facility Maintenance Vehicle Replacement NPDES Stormwater Management Park Maintenance Parks and Recreation Incentives Total Capital Economic Development Incentives Cardinal Tecton ITT Mennell PD Lodging Associates Plastics One New Millennium Virginia Blue Ridge Varsity Edward Rose Properties Total Economic Development Incentives Joint Capital With Schools Joint County /School CIP Fund -- Future Debt Total Joint Capital With Schools Total Transfer to Capital County of Roanoke Summary of Transfer to Capital FY2012 -2013 Budget Development Page 36 Proposed Proposed Budget Budget Budget Change 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -13 FY12 to FY13 500,000 100 - (100, 000) 150,000 225 225,000 224 325574 325,574 - 227,942 222727 227 4 200 200 200 - 200, 000 210 210,000 25,000 25 25,000 - $ 1 $ 1 $ 1 $ (95 150 150, 000 150 - 91,166 91 91 175 - - - 300, 000 - - - 80, 000 - - - 16,667 - - - 166, 667 - - - 175, 000 175 - (175,000) - - 15 15 - - 150,000 150, 000 $ 1 $ 416,166 $ 406,166 $ (10 $ 2 $ 2,300,000 $ 2 $ 300,000 $ 2 $ 2,300 $ 2 $ 300,000 $ 4 $ 194 $ 4 $ 4 Page 36 Roanoke County Schools Budget Summary -All Funds FY 2012 -13 Budget Budget Increase Percent Fund 2011 -12 2012 -13 (Decrease) Change General Fund Grants Fund School Nutrition Fund Textbook Fund Capital Fund Debt Fund Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund School Bus Fund Total Funds 131 132 1,18%215 0.9% 5 5 (274,185) -5.0% 5 5 87 1.5% 798 947 149 18.7% 904 824,000 (80,000) -8.8% 13,654 14 503 3.7% 358 358,600 0 0.0% 910 325 (585 -64.3% 159 160,201,034 989 0.6% All School Funds Grants Fund School Nutrition Fund \t \ \�� ��� Textbook Fund .\... � ,,,,,��; \ ,,,: ,:` ,������,a \\ \ \a � \\ \i�• :::::. 3 @;: :ae•.p ?::.;.cl�.ta�.:.r`.r� S. ti`:\ tx .;; ?.!;`�: » :- � ?, \?�� %� \�C\ \ \, :r�;:;..;;�'F�� \'':\ : �s U:,->.\' a• a`•; �, r;! r.:?..! r'. s,:., 1..! ic,...,.\ �, \i:,, :F \�t� \,:`.�. \;,y :�;.\� \„w \� \� ��3 "`�3 k;•:.s:,t^':•: <;i;.: ?... ": t ''s s: \ici. \ . >.t \,.1,.> . :.� e�\ \ 4J \ l Capital a F P � and y °f:•„i•:':[' ?v''[ %s %R�•:; :T, .; Sib::��ta: y . \il!. \2.; ^., cY: •:sY >: , ,: ::n >`. »a:�'i >. f <:a�:;c's �� \ \`!,• b1S': aifi "r t' \ ` \ ii; C`' ��; �Y�t. J...,•:; .:::a >a. ::c!:2 c.,, \4. ,. \b, ro . : , .:1` Debt Fund \ b.. : @:i� \•: Sy�r:Y Cr..o ,k .V• o ::; ?; ::C i?,f;' C'::;f:':!.!:. i; a'^: Y:�� ? :v:: " t.l.:�:'. ,:•` ll \i ":in!:�:'n:Cti�:y. \i. \.. . \ \\ Arc .. \ \.: \, , ,.`l.:a;S ":.;:. ^` �. �,., , :l • .:,t.:l• >'a:? �:::r!:��.Y: .,,�. , . ,i\e: ;•to,.. :•.Y.\ :.i: :.�.::�.s\ , .,, \ �'t ° \` . \ 4 \.A Laptop uran e a to Ins �s- v' s` 2iSS" zn= 1 . i2:.: ��1\,. al..\ . :. -�. \: `, �,:s;.,..:,,:, \ \ \�� \.�\\\\\, \\ \. Reserves Fund :, :,• ' is� w` �: �i!. 24'. .,. \ ::. : : :. ::.. J ::::6: \' �: : \U.:CG \Al}.p \ � , �� \ �d:k:`y2:u .�y \' \�. \ \:. 1� \: \. General School Bus Fund Fund 10 Page 37 0 1 % I -,1 4 I s 4. ACTION NO. ITEM NO. U -2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: May 22, 2912 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance to appropriate funds for the fiscal year 2912 -2013 budget and approval of the Classification Plan for fiscal year 2012 -2913 SUBMITTED BY: Brent Robertson Director of Management and Budget APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman, III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY of INFORMAOnON: The fiscal year 2012 -2013 budget was presented to the Board of Supervisors on April 24, 2012. A public hearing was held on May 22, 2012 to receive written and oral comment from the public concerning the proposed budget and fiscal year 2013 -2917 Capital Improvements Program. Attached for your approval is the Budget Appropriation Ordinance for fiscal year 2912 -13. The total County budget is $355,355,599. This includes all inter -fund and intra -fund transfers. The budget net of transfers is $257,573,825. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The format of the appropriation ordinance conforms to the reporting basis used at year -end in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. This presentation allows the same level of budget comparison as is required by Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for financial reporting purposes. This format will also consistently apply the appropriation on a fund basis for County funds as has been used to appropriate School funds in the past. Staff recommends approval of the first reading of 'the 2012 -2013 fiscal year budget appropriation ordinance. Staff also recommends approval of the attached Classification Page 1 of 2 Plan for Fiscal year 201 2 -2013. The second reading and resolution adopting the budget is scheduled for June 12, 2012. Page 2of2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER LOCATED AT 5204 BERNARD DRIVE, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE 2012 -2013 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, upon notice duly published in the newspaper, a public hearing was held on May 22, 2012, concerning the adoption of the annual budget for Roanoke County for fiscal year 2012-13; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, approved said budget on May 22, 2012, pursuant to the provisions of Section 13.02 of the Roanoke County charter and chapter 25 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this appropriation ordinance was held on May 22, 2012, and the second reading of this ordinance was held on June 12, 2012, pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County charter. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following appropriations are hereby made from the respective funds for the period beginning July 1, 2012, and ending June 30, 2013, for the functions and purposes indicated: County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2012 -2013 Budget May 22, 2012 Revenues: General Fund: General Government $ 169 Communications & Information Technology 7 Comprehensive Services 6 Law Library 27 Public Works Projects 183,215 SB &T- Social Services Building 444 Recreation Fee Class 5,223,131 Police Special Programs 1 Criminal Justic Academy 149 Fleet Service Center 2 Total General Fund $ 192 Debt Service Fund - County $ 8 Capital Projects Fund $ 3 Internal Service Fund - Risk Management $ 1 School Funds: Operating $ 132 Nutrition 5 Debt 14 Grants 5,234 Capital 824 Textbook 947 Bus 325 Laptop Insurance Reserve 358 Total School Fund $ 160 Total All Funds $ 365 Expenditures: General Government: General Administration Board of Supervisors $ 296 County Administrator 294 Public Information 181 Asst. Co. Administrators 369 Human Resources 732 County Attorney 551,349 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2012 -2013 Budget May 22, 2 012 Economic Development 525 Total General Administration $ 2 Constitutional Officers Treasurer $ 770,503 Commonwealth Attorney 1 Commissioner of the Revenue 795,390 Clerk of the Circuit Court 1 Sheriff s Gffice 9,701,196 Total Constitutional Officers $ 13 Judicial Administration Circuit Court $ 237 General District Court 69 Magistrate 1 J & DR Court 21 Court Service Unit 530 Total Judicial Administration $ 860,732 Management Services Real Estate Assessments $ 843,277 Finance 1,214,616 Public Transportation 500 Management and Budget 286 Procurement Services 388 Total Management Services $ 3 Public Safety Police $ 11 Fire and Rescue 13 Total Public Safety $ 24,600,401 Community Services General Services $ 5 Community Development 4 Building Maintenance 1 Total Community Services $ 11,188,569 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2012 -2013 Budget May 22, 2 012 Human Services Grounds Maintenance $ 2 Parks and Recreation 2,137 Public Health 413 Social Services 8,454 Contributions -Human Service, Cultural, Tourism, Dues 1 Library 3 VA Cooperative Extension 81 Elections 313,703 Total Human Services $ 18 Non - Departmental Employee Benefits $ 2 Miscellaneous 1 Internal Service Charges 6 Total Non - Departmental $ 11,312,434 Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt -- General & Schools $ 17 Transfer to (from) Capital (1 Transfer to Schools 64 Transfer to Schools - Dental Insurance 477 Transfer to Public Works Projects 183 Transfer to Internal Services 1 Transfer to Comprehensive Services 2 Total Transfers to Other Funds $ 83,789,804 Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency $ 100 Total General Government $ 169,742 Communications & Information Technology $ 7 Comprehensive Services $ 6 Law Library $ 27 Public Works Projects $ 183 SB&T- Social Services Building $ 4449580 County of Roanoke Adopted FY 2012 -2013 Budget May 22, 2012 Recreation Fee Class Police Special Programs Criminal Justice Academy Fleet Service Center Total General Fund $ 5 $ 1 $ 149,410 $ 2 $ 192 Debt Service Fund - County $ 8 14 Capital Projects Fund $ 3 Internal Services Fund - Risk Management $ 1 School Funds: Operating Nutrition Debt Grants Capital Textbook Bus Laptop Insurance Reserve Total School Funds $ 132 5,791,000 14,158,141 5,234,216 824,000 947,592 325,000 358,600 $ 160 Total All Funds $ 36593665690 2. That the County Administrator may authorize or delegate the authorization of the transfer of any unencumbered balance or portion thereof from one department to another. 3. That all funded outstanding encumbrances, both operating and capital, at June 30, 2012, are re- appropriated to the 2012-2013 fiscal year to the same department and account for which they are encumbered in the previous year. 4. That appropriations designated for capital projects will not lapse at the end of the fiscal year but shall remain appropriated until the completion of the project or until the Board of Supervisors, by appropriate action, changes or eliminates the appropriation. Upon completion of a capital project, staff is authorized to close out the project and transfer to the funding source any remaining balances. This section applies to appropriations for Capital Projects at June 30, 2012, and appropriations in the 2012- 13 budget. 5. That all school fund appropriations remaining at the end of the 2011-2012 fiscal year not lapse but shall be appropriated to the School Capital Fund in fiscal year 2012-2013 as follows: a.) Two - thirds of the year -end balance in the school operating fund will be allocated to the Major School Capital Reserve; b.) One -third of the year -end balance in the school operating fund will be allocated to the Minor School Capital Reserve; 5. That all General Fund unexpended appropriations at the end of the 2011-12 fiscal year not lapse but shall be re- appropriated, as provided by Resolution 122104-4, as follows: a) Forty percent (40 %) of these unexpended appropriations shall be transferred to the un- appropriated Minor County Capital Fund Reserve; b) Sixty percent (60 %) of these unexpended appropriations shall be re- appropriated to the same department for expenditure in fiscal year 2012- 2013. 7. That all General Fund revenues collected in excess of appropriated revenues shall be re- appropriated, as provided by Resolution 122104 -5, as follows: a.) Revenues in excess of budget will first be allocated to the General Fund Unappropriated Balance, until the maximum amount for the current year is met, as specified in the General Fund Unappropriated Balance Policy, as adopted by Resolution 122104-2; b.) The remainder of revenues in excess of budget will then be allocated to the Major County Capital Fund Reserve 8. Rescue fees collected by the Fire and Rescue Department in excess of budgeted amounts will be re-- appropriated and allocated to the Fire and Rescue Capital Reserve. 9. Account balances remaining in the Fee Class collected by the Parks and Recreation Department will be allocated to accounts as defined by the Fee Class Accounts Procedure. 10. That all VRS Plan 2 employees that were hired by Roanoke County prior to May 10, 2011, will receive up to four payments of a supplement to minimize the financial impact on these employees of paying their member contribution for the Virginia Retirement System. Each payment is based on 2.775% of their base salary. These payments will be made in July 2011, January 2012, July 2012, and January 2013. The employee must still be employed by Roanoke County at the time of the payment to receive the supplement. The intent of this supplement is to minimize the financial impact on these employees of paying their member contribution for the Virginia Retirement System for a two (2) -year period. These employees must now pay the five percent (5 %) employee portion of the VRS contribution, but were hired by Roanoke County before this change went into effect. Funds needed to pay the supplement for the two year period will be set aside from the VRS savings resulting from the change to the Plan 2 funding recognized in the 2011 --12 fiscal year. 11. This ordinance shall take effect July 1, 2012. 0 ct 0 0 0 CIO) rm-4 r-d rm-4 0 c� V M 0 Cq c (:q 0 w I n cn a) U L 0 cn te I..L E 2 O a) E a) 0 a) E r (D O LO LO N N M M M M M M Ln W CD W W W O O O O O O O CD Iq M M CO CO CO CO CO CO M M M CO CO CO CO CO CO CO 0) E ._ M (D - CO CO r r - - f` - L(7 L() L(7 L(7 L() M M M M M M - - - - - - I` I` I` I` I` O O O O O - - - - - a0 a0 a0 a0 a0 M M M 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - - - - - - - - f` f` f` ti I` I` ti I` - - - - (D CD M (D (D (D (D (D (D (D CD CD CD CD M M M M u I` ti I` I` I` I` I` I` I` I` I` I` I` ti I` I` ti ti - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M r r N Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq (D (D (D (D CO I` I` I` I` I` I` I` I` M M M M -- r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r T- 04 co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq •o N N N N N N N N N N N N N (D (D (D (D 00 CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Q M r - O O ;T Iq - - I` CO - r r r r r r CD CD CD CD 0 0 - - - - - - r r r r r Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq - - - - - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - - - - - - - - N N N N Iq Iq Iq Iq - - - - Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq ;T Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq 0 CD CD CD CD CD 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z3 L(•) Lf) CO CO CO 00 00 00 00 M M M M M O O O O O O O O N N N N Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq 'q 'q Iq 'q Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co cV O N m m N M M M M M M I` I` I` I` I` Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq Iq 00 00 00 00 co M M M M M M co M M co co co co co co co co r I CO (D CO CO CO (D CO g q q q Iq CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 I` I` I` I` CO CO M M CO M CO co co co co co co co co co co co E (D (D CO CO (D (D (D (D (D I I I I I-- w a w a 00 00 00 00 O O O O M M co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co co ._ = •��— - CO r - - M M r r - C) N - - - - - - r r r r r r N N N N N N - - - - - N N N N N N N N N N - - - - - - - - CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N N N N N N N N - - - - U U LO LO N N N N - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CO CO CO CO (D (D (D (D (D (D (D (D (D CO CO CO CO CO N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 7 W r— r LO O r N N N N I` r CO r r (D r LO r r M (D r N r N r r N CO r N r r r r N MIq r r r r r L G Q) z U cn Q) E E E E E E � O cn 0 cn N (n Z) (n C . 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N m U O H L W m (6 G E i E ^ L W L � C C) N > >, m m C: : W W ` ` O . 2 O L ( (� O 4- u ,0 0 0 C) r r r r r r M M M M M M M M Cr LO LC) LO LO LO LO LO LO Lf 1 Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) Cc) C9) C9) (9) (S ) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ) Cn Cn 0 Cn Cn Cn 0 (3) O CO co M co M M M M( ) N N N N N N N N C` M co co M co co co M N i dr dr dr dr dr dr dr T '1Z r` r` r` r` r` r` r` r` r ) r r r r r r r r r 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0o a dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr z tiI`titir`tir`r`r ) LO LO LO Lo LO LO Ln LO Ls W W W E 0- 0- 0- Cl En O O O V > > > N N d N N N :3 :3 a) O U 0 0 0 c U u E U) C: O M 0 E E E (a (6 c i o E E E E a) a) a U:3 O O O O iw2 LL LLU L L L L L L L L L O O O L L' i r m m C6 C6 C6 (6 m m 0 (n (n (n t ) O O O C C C O O C a) a) a) ) a) a) a) Cz Cz Cz a) a) a i U U U E E E U U C 15 15 15 15 15 15 L C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C2 C ) a) a) () () a) a) a) a) a >C >C X >C >C >C X X > I w w w w w w w W LL a) }' U_ ^� > �✓ L E a) 0- (n CO O _� 73 0 > :3 a) o U) `) E U a) a) E C O C U C O C E • (6 06 C s O U O L L L O , W 2 C/) a) O L o s Q (a s 2 0 0 0 0 (D 0 Q a) r + C1 Z I o o o c O 4 E C to a a a E E .s a) () a U Q U U C -C C C C C) a C C C N M m C C O O C '� r U) U) U) (n cn — L 'F ' n ' � F IQQQo o N00C I I W dr t9) N 00 CA C) M C` • C) r N M 1` CA C) C) C` • r r r r N N dr dr '1Z IN N N N N N N N C` ) M M M M co co co M Cy CO ) N r- Ln JO CA CA CA C') CA CA CA 0 C) C) C) O O O O C Lo Lo Lo Ln Ln Lo Lo V O O C) C) C) C) C) C C) C) C) C) C) C) C) C r r r r r r r r ) CA I M ) C) 00 . r- dr dr I q dr dr dr dr d CA C) m O7 0 m m 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 a U') ) Lo M C) c9) M M M CO CO M M Cf r` r` r` I` I` r` r` rl- M M M co M M M Cf m co m co (Y) co co cY c9)WW W W cO(9) ct i0 CSI r r r r r C` C C O O m m L L O O a) L E O 06 06 o Q (n (n a) , > C C a) � a 0 0 0 0 C O 0 C C 4 a) U E E E E O .S � O(D O(D O O C >� > L L i O O c C C C C C m m 0 0 0 O O C C C a) a) a N a) a) a) a) 0- 0- C En En En En S E E 000 0 0 000 E E E E E E E E X X X X X X X> w w w w w w W LL O N O C C O (n 0 O Q U C I O 4 ±' Q) a) C U E E c a C E L L) U o E z L L E s O 42 � O C O O O O U Cn U U N v u U 0 0 0 0) 'c 5 'u c c c c W (7 u Q 4 m m m m L i C/) n U) u7 C O C C C QQU Q Q Uco C) 00 N I` LO r dr (1 C) C) dr r — r (9) 1` r r r r r r N N C� )IM M M M co M M M CY ) Lr) Lr) Lo N LO LO LO LO Lo Lo ) co co co r dr dr dr dr dr dr ) LO LO LO 00 Cc) Cc) Cfl Cc) Cc) � LO L1) LO C) LO LO LO LO LO Lr) C) C) C) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 00 00 00 C) N N N N N N M M M dr L9) (.0 Cfl L9) Lc) L9) ) C) C) C) co Cn CA CA Cn Cn Cn W O M M M M M M 00 00 00 O') m O m rn m O') ) I r -- r r I W M 00 00 M M M dr dr dr cO I` ti ti I` I` I` 1 LO LO Lr) 00 N N N N N N QC) QD CO W W cO�(D r- ti r- ti ti ti O E E Q o 0 z > > ) � a) a) 0 0 ) a.) '% E E E r U U U E U) L O C � 0 06 : a) o m U cu > > () 4-j (D U C6 U) }, a) L' W L C a) :3 - o o m m -D W LL 0 m a i L L L - m cu ) cn C C C O O i o L 0- i O 1) L L ) U 0 0 L 0- 0- 0- E E E ) a) a) a) X X X I W W W En W � U O L Q) En ) ]z a) R Q C O C O > i E (L) E 0 I Cj 0 0 1 ' L L O O ) T ) (n U) Q >1 4— ) ' O C2 C2 U C) 0 ) Cc) 1` CA • M Lr) LO I r r r LO LO LO ) M M M L L L L L L C C C C C C O O O O O O N N N N N N (1) U) U) (1) U) U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Cz Cz CZ Cl Cl a) a) a) a) a) a) W W W W W W E (n L O O 06 (n Q) O U O U CD > > ^' W L � CO U W m U] a) CO 0 N -F Of L W U L _ C a) W O (6 U O m L) J of LL CD 0 - L00000 L L L L L A- Q Q Q Q Q U U U U 00 0 0 0 0 0 i W M C) Cc) dr 00 O O CO 1` 00 CO 1` 00 r r r r r r 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` M M M M M M Lo Lo LO LO LO LO LO N N N N N N N q dr dr dr dr q r r r r r r r N N N N N N N r r r r r r r 00 00 00 M M 00 00 LO LO LO LO LO LO L9) L9) t9) L9) CO Cc) C CA Cn CA Cn O') CA 0') 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LC) LC) LC) LC) Lo LO LO 1~ 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` I` C O '+-j m a-1 C � L Q) C O Q E C O Cz (n 06 O a) En U > 0 0 U N U >' L O] N N E O C/) a E O E E U U LL m U W 2 U ° cn L L L L L L L C C C C C C C O O O O O O O N N N N N N N (1) U) U) U) U) U) U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E E E E E X X X X X X X W W W W W W W a O 0 C U a) O E C E L a) O ^, 4H O C2 CA 06 > O a) CJ N O N O O U 0 En U � a) U Of m E CO -0 E O C6 E O U O O U :3 O O a) = U W 2 U Cn O �� �� �� �� � LL a_ O O O O O O O O O O O O �-C- a a a a s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 00 N C9) dr 00 CO q q co c9) r` r` 00 r r r r r r r 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 M M M Cf) M M co C4 00 M C)7 I` q 00 (u 1` M N M r r N r CA I` LO r- °ITI (9 r 00 ti Cc) Cc) m M 1` 00 C) coo 00 L 0 cn 7 0 C O U L C O a) L U C/) 0 Cz a) X W O m 4- T a D O U u7 Q N C) r i CA M O q O . 0 Zi . N m U O H O N O C C O (n 0 O Q U C I O 4 ±' Q) a) C U E E c a C E L L) U o E z L L E s O 42 � O C O O O O U Cn U U N v u U 0 0 0 0) 'c 5 'u c c c c W (7 u Q 4 m m m m L i C/) n U) u7 C O C C C QQU Q Q Uco C) 00 N I` LO r dr (1 C) C) dr r — r (9) 1` r r r r r r N N C� )IM M M M co M M M CY ) Lr) Lr) Lo N LO LO LO LO Lo Lo ) co co co r dr dr dr dr dr dr ) LO LO LO 00 Cc) Cc) Cfl Cc) Cc) � LO L1) LO C) LO LO LO LO LO Lr) C) C) C) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 00 00 00 C) N N N N N N M M M dr L9) (.0 Cfl L9) Lc) L9) ) C) C) C) co Cn CA CA Cn Cn Cn W O M M M M M M 00 00 00 O') m O m rn m O') ) I r -- r r I W M 00 00 M M M dr dr dr cO I` ti ti I` I` I` 1 LO LO Lr) 00 N N N N N N QC) QD CO W W cO�(D r- ti r- ti ti ti O E E Q o 0 z > > ) � a) a) 0 0 ) a.) '% E E E r U U U E U) L O C � 0 06 : a) o m U cu > > () 4-j (D U C6 U) }, a) L' W L C a) :3 - o o m m -D W LL 0 m a i L L L - m cu ) cn C C C O O i o L 0- i O 1) L L ) U 0 0 L 0- 0- 0- E E E ) a) a) a) X X X I W W W En W � U O L Q) En ) ]z a) R Q C O C O > i E (L) E 0 I Cj 0 0 1 ' L L O O ) T ) (n U) Q >1 4— ) ' O C2 C2 U C) 0 ) Cc) 1` CA • M Lr) LO I r r r LO LO LO ) M M M L L L L L L C C C C C C O O O O O O N N N N N N (1) U) U) (1) U) U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Cz Cz CZ Cl Cl a) a) a) a) a) a) W W W W W W E (n L O O 06 (n Q) O U O U CD > > ^' W L � CO U W m U] a) CO 0 N -F Of L W U L _ C a) W O (6 U O m L) J of LL CD 0 - L00000 L L L L L A- Q Q Q Q Q U U U U 00 0 0 0 0 0 i W M C) Cc) dr 00 O O CO 1` 00 CO 1` 00 r r r r r r 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` M M M M M M Lo Lo LO LO LO LO LO N N N N N N N q dr dr dr dr q r r r r r r r N N N N N N N r r r r r r r 00 00 00 M M 00 00 LO LO LO LO LO LO L9) L9) t9) L9) CO Cc) C CA Cn CA Cn O') CA 0') 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LC) LC) LC) LC) Lo LO LO 1~ 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` I` C O '+-j m a-1 C � L Q) C O Q E C O Cz (n 06 O a) En U > 0 0 U N U >' L O] N N E O C/) a E O E E U U LL m U W 2 U ° cn L L L L L L L C C C C C C C O O O O O O O N N N N N N N (1) U) U) U) U) U) U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E E E E E X X X X X X X W W W W W W W a O 0 C U a) O E C E L a) O ^, 4H O C2 CA 06 > O a) CJ N O N O O U 0 En U � a) U Of m E CO -0 E O C6 E O U O O U :3 O O a) = U W 2 U Cn O �� �� �� �� � LL a_ O O O O O O O O O O O O �-C- a a a a s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 00 N C9) dr 00 CO q q co c9) r` r` 00 r r r r r r r 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 M M M Cf) M M co C4 00 M C)7 I` q 00 (u 1` M N M r r N r CA I` LO r- °ITI (9 r 00 ti Cc) Cc) m M 1` 00 C) coo 00 L 0 cn 7 0 C O U L C O a) L U C/) 0 Cz a) X W O m 4- T a D O U u7 Q N C) r i CA M O q O . 0 Zi . N m U O H )IM M M M co M M M CY ) Lr) Lr) Lo N LO LO LO LO Lo Lo ) co co co r dr dr dr dr dr dr ) LO LO LO 00 Cc) Cc) Cfl Cc) Cc) � LO L1) LO C) LO LO LO LO LO Lr) C) C) C) r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 00 00 00 C) N N N N N N M M M dr L9) (.0 Cfl L9) Lc) L9) ) C) C) C) co Cn CA CA Cn Cn Cn W O M M M M M M 00 00 00 O') m O m rn m O') ) I r -- r r I W M 00 00 M M M dr dr dr cO I` ti ti I` I` I` 1 LO LO Lr) 00 N N N N N N QC) QD CO W W cO�(D r- ti r- ti ti ti O E E Q o 0 z > > ) � a) a) 0 0 ) a.) '% E E E r U U U E U) L O C � 0 06 : a) o m U cu > > () 4-j (D U C6 U) }, a) L' W L C a) :3 - o o m m -D W LL 0 m a i L L L - m cu ) cn C C C O O i o L 0- i O 1) L L ) U 0 0 L 0- 0- 0- E E E ) a) a) a) X X X I W W W En W � U O L Q) En ) ]z a) R Q C O C O > i E (L) E 0 I Cj 0 0 1 ' L L O O ) T ) (n U) Q >1 4— ) ' O C2 C2 U C) 0 ) Cc) 1` CA • M Lr) LO I r r r LO LO LO ) M M M L L L L L L C C C C C C O O O O O O N N N N N N (1) U) U) (1) U) U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cl Cz Cz CZ Cl Cl a) a) a) a) a) a) W W W W W W E (n L O O 06 (n Q) O U O U CD > > ^' W L � CO U W m U] a) CO 0 N -F Of L W U L _ C a) W O (6 U O m L) J of LL CD 0 - L00000 L L L L L A- Q Q Q Q Q U U U U 00 0 0 0 0 0 i W M C) Cc) dr 00 O O CO 1` 00 CO 1` 00 r r r r r r 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` M M M M M M Lo Lo LO LO LO LO LO N N N N N N N q dr dr dr dr q r r r r r r r N N N N N N N r r r r r r r 00 00 00 M M 00 00 LO LO LO LO LO LO L9) L9) t9) L9) CO Cc) C CA Cn CA Cn O') CA 0') 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 LC) LC) LC) LC) Lo LO LO 1~ 1` 1` 1` 1` 1` I` C O '+-j m a-1 C � L Q) C O Q E C O Cz (n 06 O a) En U > 0 0 U N U >' L O] N N E O C/) a E O E E U U LL m U W 2 U ° cn L L L L L L L C C C C C C C O O O O O O O N N N N N N N (1) U) U) U) U) U) U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E E E E E E E X X X X X X X W W W W W W W a O 0 C U a) O E C E L a) O ^, 4H O C2 CA 06 > O a) CJ N O N O O U 0 En U � a) U Of m E CO -0 E O C6 E O U O O U :3 O O a) = U W 2 U Cn O �� �� �� �� � LL a_ O O O O O O O O O O O O �-C- a a a a s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO 00 N C9) dr 00 CO q q co c9) r` r` 00 r r r r r r r 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 M M M Cf) M M co C4 00 M C)7 I` q 00 (u 1` M N M r r N r CA I` LO r- °ITI (9 r 00 ti Cc) Cc) m M 1` 00 C) coo 00 L 0 cn 7 0 C O U L C O a) L U C/) 0 Cz a) X W O m 4- T a D O U u7 Q N C) r i CA M O q O . 0 Zi . 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ITEM NO. V -1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: May 22, 2012 Ordinance authorizing the vacation of a 15 -foot public drainage easement as shown on the plat of Section 8, Falling Creek Estates of record in Plat Book 21, page 20 in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office, said public drainage easement being located off Toddsbury Drive between Lots 22 and 23 (now re- subdivided and shown as Lot 22A on a plat of record by instrument # 2007 -14385 in the above mentioned Clerk's Office), Vinton Magisterial District Arnold Covey Director of Department of Community Development B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator K�� COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Russell Short, Inc., the owner of Lot 22A (Tax Map No. 51.03- 02 -22) located along Toddsbury Drive within Falling Creek Estates, Section 8, is requesting the vacation of an existing 15 —foot Public Drainage Easement (Exhibit A) in order to develop this lot. The 15 -foot public drainage easement was dedicated by Falling Creek Development, L.C. in May 27, 1998, by plat of record in Plat Book 21, page 20. This 15 - foot public drainage easement ran between Lots 22 and 23 of Falling Creek Estates, Section 8. In September of 2007, Russell Short Inc. the owner of lots 22 and 23 submitted a boundary survey of re- subdivision combining the lots 22 and 23 creating Lot 22A. upon creation of Lot 22A the owners (Russell Short, Inc.) requested that Roanoke County vacate the 15 -foot public drainage easement. It was agreed to by the owner of Lot 22A and Roanoke County that the easement in question would be vacated, provided that the owners of the property provided and dedicated an alternate drainage easement. The alternate drainage easement has been Page 1 of 2 dedicated by deed of easement and accepted by Roanoke county Board of Supervisors and recorded by Instrument # 200810193. At its May 8, 2012, meeting the Board of Supervisors approved the first reading of this Ordinance and established the May 24, 2012, meeting for public hearing. A "Public Hearing Legal Notice" was published twice in the local newspaper indicating the same. Staff received no public opposition to this ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT: No county funding is required. AL`rERNATIVES: 1. Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve this ordinance at the public hearing meeting on May 22, 2012, to vacate the 15 -foot public drainage easement located on Lot 22A, Falling Creek Estates, Section 8. 2. Reject the staff recommendation STAFF RECOMMENDATION: - the staff recommends that the Board approve Alternative 1 and vacate the 15 -foot Public Drainage Easement. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, MAY 22, 2012 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE VACATION OF A 15 -FOOT PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF SECTION 8, FALLING CREEK ESTATES OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 21, PAGE 20 IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT CLERK'S OFFICE, SAID PUBLIC DRAINAGE EASEMENT BEING LOCATED OFF TODDSBURY DRIVE BETWEEN LOTS 22 AND 23(NOW RE- SUBDIVIDED AND SHOWN AS LOT 22A ON A PLAT OF RECORD BY INSTRUMENT # 2007 -14385 IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED CLERK'S OFFICE), VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT WHEREAS, the plat of Section 8 of Falling Creek Estates recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 21, page 20, established a 15' wide public drainage easement between Lots 22 and 23, which lots have been resubdivided and combined creating Lot 22A (Instrument #2007 - 14385); and WHEREAS, an alternate drainage easement has been dedicated and accepted by the County by deed of easement (Instrument #2008 - 10193), therefore public drainage easement described above established in Plat Book 21, page 20 is no longer needed; and WHEREAS, the property owner of Lot 22A has requested the vacation of this unused public drainage easement because it splits the property and limits the flexibility of developing the land to its full potential; and WHEREAS, the public drainage easement is more clearly indicated as "Existing 15' Public Drainage Easement — PB 21 PG 20 (To be Vacated)" on a drawing entitled "Falling Creek Estates, Section 8, Lot 22A — 15' Public Drainage Easement to be vacated" prepared by Roanoke County Department of Community Development and attached hereto as Exhibit A; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, no other property owner will be affected by the vacation of this public utility easement; and WHEREAS, this vacation will not involve any cost to the County and the affected County departments and public utilities have raised no objection; and WHEREAS, notice has been given as required by Section 15.2 -2204 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended); and THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on May 8, 2012, and a second reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on May 22, 2012. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the subject real estate (15' wide public drainage easement, which was dedicated by plat of Section 8 of Falling Creek Estates recorded in Plat Book 21, page 20 and shown on the attached Exhibit A) is hereby declared to be surplus and the nature of the interests in real estate renders it unavailable for other public use. 3. That the subject real estate (15' wide public drainage easement, which was dedicated by plat of Section 8 of Falling Creek Estates recorded in Plat Book 21, page 20 and shown on the attached Exhibit A) be, and hereby is, vacated pursuant to Section 15.2- 2272 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. 4. That all costs and expenses associated herewith, including but not limited to publication, survey and recordation costs, shall be the responsibility of the Petitioner. Page 2 of 3 5. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions as may be necessary to accomplish the provisions of this ordinance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption, and a certified copy of this ordinance shall be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with Section 15.2 -2272 of the Code of Virginia (1950, as amended). Page 3of3 4 r RY oR� SLR ROUTE X y.��WALLE _ VICMTY ,MAP FA TOD S BURY 7wy r �I 4 ,. ,�$,, ,. Existing 15 Public Drainage w 16. � a , �' Easement - PB 21 PG 20 ;, - • - , , (To be Vacated) . l l 20 SAN ITARY SEWER EASEMENT 20 a Easement PB 21 PG 20 Public Drainage instrument # 200810193 )1001 w � Natural Water Course � . f o� 40' R/w APCO f � EASEMENT W .00 - ;.� (DD 367, 1 74) . 2 A . � Tr 4' ❑ on .000 •r�er ° "' � 2z: dro c ° � w ED ~ p�. RUSSELL SHORT INC. LOT 21 C , LOT 22A ALLAN DOUGLAS HUNTER AN � m � � � I E D� x 1,755 o URA J - � � G1"� � �A SAN HU NTER M w ,. a TM 1051.03 - 02-- 22.00 --DOW TM o51 .03-- 02-- 21.00 --ODOO I-- v .jo Ln . ! q* 1 W w ._... i � 6 � :b ti 0 EDwAR4 HOWARQ KA U Not to scale E ROANOKE COUNTY Falling Greek Estates, Section S DEPARTMENT OF Lot 22A --15' Public Drainage Easement COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT To be vacated. MR