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4/23/2013 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors April 23, 2013 INVOCATION: Pastor James L. Armentrout St Marks Lutheran Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Page 1 of 6 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda April 23, 2013 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for April 23, 2013. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of s website at www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov.Our meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request for approval of fiscal year 2013-2014 Cable Television Budget (Elaine Bays-Murphy, Cable Access Director) 2. Resolution of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approving the issuance of an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 in revenue bonds to be issued by the Economic Development Authority of the City of Roanoke, Virginia for the benefit of Kissito Healthcare, Inc., for the financing or refinancing of certain improvements to its facilities specifically known as Page 2 of 6 Kissito Village of Roanoke, Hawthorne Facility, 1884 House of Facility and Kissito Pace II Facility, in the County of Roanoke, Virginia (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE-CONSENT AGENDA: 1. T Permit in a C-2S, General Commercial, District with Special Use Permit to increase a drive-in and fast food restaurant by more than ten percent (10%) on approximately 1.296 acres, located at 4369 and 4377 Electric Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District. 2. The petition of Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C-2, General Commercial, District for the operation of a religious assembly on approximately 11.685 acres, located at 5248 Hollins Road, Hollins Magisterial District. 3. The petition of Mount Union Church of the Brethren Trustees to obtain a Special Use Permit in an AR, Agricultural/Residential, District for the operation of a religious assembly on approximately 5.45 acres, located at 9240 Bent Mountain Road (near its intersection with Airport Road and Tinsley Lane), Windsor Hills Magisterial District. 4. The petition of Seaside Heights, LLC to amend the proffered conditions and proffered Master Plan and to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C-2S, General Commercial, District with Special Use Permit for the operation of a drive-in and fast food restaurant on approximately 2.088 acres, located at 4510 Brambleton Avenue, Cave Spring Magisterial District. G. APPOINTMENTS 1. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 2. Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) Page 3 of 6 H. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes March 26, 2013 2. Confirmation of appointment to the Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors 3. Request to accept a donation of $100 by check made payable to the Police Department 4. Request to authorize execution of an updated contract with the Unified Human Services Transportation System, Inc. to provide the CORTRAN services for Roanoke County from July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014 5.Request to amend the scope of services for the A/E contract with Holzheimer, Bolek and Meehan for additional Construction Management and Project Administration Services 6. Request to approve a resolution to authorize the execution of the Virginia Association of Counties Risk Pool (VACORP) Line of Duty Act (LODA) Trust Agreement I. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS J. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS K. L. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of March 31, 2013 Page 4 of 6 5. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of March 31, 2013 6. Accounts Paid March 31, 2013 7.Quarterly Report Community Development Activities 8. Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program 9. io Policy as of March 31, 2013 M. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session tormwater Management Program (Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development Services) N. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: . 1. Section 2.2.3711.A3 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, namely acquisition or lease of property for use as offices for the Department of Social Services, where the discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the County EVENING SESSION O. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION P. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the month of May 2013 to be Asthma Awareness Month in Roanoke County (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) Q. BRIEFING 1. Roanoke Valley Preservation Foundation on National Historic Preservation Month (May) (Deedie Kagey) R. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Public hearing on the proposed budget for fiscal year 2013-2014 and the fiscal year 2014-2018 Capital Improvements Program (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator; Jimmy Lyon, Budget Analyst) Page 5 of 6 S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. The petition of April Caudle to obtain a Special Use Permit in a R-2, Medium Density Residential, District for the operation of a family day care home on approximately 2.00 acres, located at 5629 Cove Road near the Glen Haven, Montclair Estates and Glen Cove subdivisions, Catawba Magisterial District (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 2. Ordinance amending Section 5- Code to provide for an increase in fees for dangerous dogs (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) T. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMUNICATIONS U. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. 2. 3. Charlotte A. Moore 4. Richard C. Flora 5. Michael W. Altizer V. ADJOURNMENT Page 6 of 6 The RVTV-3 Staff is carried on the County’s payroll and benefit system. 104 Video Productions Last year, Roanoke Valley Television produced a total of for the (32) three localities and their school systems. RVTV produced the following for the County: Half Hour Television Shows, (16) Original Video Productions and RVTV covered (22) Live Board Meetings. An entire list of video productions is included the Budget Packet. RVTV monthly television shows include: “Roanoke County Today,”and “Accent Excellence.”RVTV also produces two quarterly TV shows, “Roanoke County Business Gold AVA Award Partners,” & “Recreation Television.”RVTV-3 was awarded a for the Gold PRSA Summit Award New RVTV-3 Website Design www.rvtv.org and a for Website Development. RVTV utilizes Social Media through the RVTV Facebook Page & the RVTV YouTube Channel. RVTV Capital Equipment improvements include the purchase and Two Complete Robotic Camera Systems installation of for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Room and Roanoke City Council Chambers. FISCAL IMPACT: $382,917. The fiscal year 2013-2014 Total Operating Budget request is Roanoke County’s $168,483. share (44%)of the RVTV budget request is The RVTV Operational Budget has been supplemented from the RVTV Operating Surplus Account for the past four (4) years for a total of $150,324 in funds used. The fiscal year 2013-2014 budget request does not include partial funding from the RVTV Surplus Account. ALTERNATIVES: Alternative 1: Adopt the fiscal year 2013-2014 RVTV Operating Budget. Alternative 2: Do not adopt the fiscal year 2013-2014 RVTV Operating Budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Roanoke Valley Regional Cable Television Committee recommends that the Board adopt Alternative 1, and approve the fiscal year 2013-2014 RVTV Operating Budget. I would be pleased to answer any questions. Page 2 of 2 To: Roanoke Regional Cable Television Committee From: Elaine Bays-Murphy, Director of Cable Access Date: April 3, 2013 Re: FY 2013-2014 Operating Budget Proposal BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Roanoke Valley Television, RVTV Channel 3, is a Government & Educational Access Station, serving the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, the Town of Vinton and their respective school systems. RVTV-3 was created in 1992 as an agreement between the three localities to form a Government & Educational Access Station. The Virginia operational budget for RVTV is provided by the three local governments, and it is funded through the * Communications Sales and Use Tax Revenue paid by Cox Communications (*Attachment Page 5). The RVTV budget amount paid by each locality is based on the proportion of Cox Customers located in each jurisdiction. For calendar year 2012, Cox Communications paid to the Commonwealth a total of $2,461,352.The Amounts do not represent the adjusted Commonwealth paid the three localities their appropriate share. * amount paid by the Commonwealth to the localities. $1,239,874 City of Roanoke: * $1,112,341 County of Roanoke: * $109,137 Town of Vinton: * Total: $2,461,352 VA Communications Sales & Use Tax Revenue Currently, RVTV employs five full time staff members. RVTV-3 produces original videos, monthly television shows, and covers live government meetings. Roanoke Valley Television produced the following in 2012: 60 Original Television Shows (12) Inside Roanoke, (12) Roanoke County Today, (12) Spotlight On City Schools, (12) Accent Excellence, (4) Roanoke County Business Partners, Total Production Minutes: 1,800 minutes (4) Recreation Television, (4) PLAYVision 57 Regular Government Meetings (24) Regular Roanoke City Council, (22) Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, (11) City Council Briefings 41 Original Video Productions * (Attachment Page 6) Ex. Successes & Challenges RCPS, Regional Synthetic Drugs, Forum on Uranium Mining, High Ground Anniversary, PSAs: Anti-Bully, Arts & Entertainment Conference, Leadership College Total Production Minutes: 397 minutes (Entire List Page 7) Additionally, Roanoke Valley Television covered numerous special events including ground breakings, dedication ceremonies and news conferences. The approximate rate for video production work in the private RVTV Production Value for TV Shows & Video sector is $1,500 per finished minute. The approximate Productions is $3,295,500 (Total value does not include Government Meetings). Two Complete RVTV-3 Capital Equipment improvements include the purchase and installation of Panasonic Robotic Digital Camera SystemsRoanoke County Board of Supervisors Room & within the Roanoke City Council Chambers. 1 BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On January 6, 2012, RVTV-3 launched the New RVTV-3 Website www.rvtv.org. Gold AVA Award Gold PRSA Summit Award The RVTV Website was awarded a and a for Website Design & Development. RVTV-3 also has both a Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Roanoke-Valley-Television-RVTV-3/309417588746 and YouTube Channel http://www.youtube.com/user/RoanokeValleyTV?feature=mhee. RVTV-3 Awards Gold PRSA Summit Award Gold AVA Award RVTV-3 Website Development RVTV-3 Website Design 2 FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed FY2013/2014 Operating Budget request is $382,917. The current FY2012/2013 budget amount of $378,813was partially funded by theRVTV Operating Surplus Account in the amount of $15,000,making the total funding provided by the localities $363,813. The RVTV-3 Operational Budget has been supplemented from the RVTV Operating Surplus Account for the last four years totaling the amount of $150,324in funds used. Budget Year RVTV Surplus Funds 2012/2013 15,000 2011/2012 47,580 2010/2011 46,723 2009/2010 41,021 150,324 Total 15.6% of the $2,461,352paid by Cox Communications The proposed $382,917 is approximately for the VA Communications Sales & Use Tax. *Amounts do not represent the adjusted amount paid by the Commonwealth to the localities. $1,239,874 City of Roanoke: * $1,112,341 Roanoke County: * $109,137 Town of Vinton: * $2,461,352 Total: The Operational Budget for RVTV is provided by the three localities based on the proportion of Cox Customers located in each jurisdiction. ( Cox calculates the percentage of subscribers (December 31, 2012) in each locality as follows:2011 number of subscribers in parenthesis) Locality Subscribers Percentage City 23,692 52% (24,510)(51%) County 20,221 44% (21,000)(44%) Vinton 1,994 4% (2,084)(5%) Total 45,907 100% (47,694)(100%) Based on the above percentages, each member’s contribution to the FY2013/2014 budget of $382,917 is: 2012/2013 Budget 2013/2014 Budget 15,000 ( Funded from RVTV Surplus) City $185,545 $199,117 County $160,078 $168,483 Vinton $18,190 $15,317 Total $363,813 $382,917 *In addition to the City’s above share of $199,117, the City will also pay $3,360 for closed captioning for City Council Briefings. 3 ATTACHMENTS: RVTV Proposed 2013 – 2014 Budget 2012-2013 BudgetProposedRemaining% Expended 2013 - 2014 Balance (01/31/13) 1010 Regular 192,967.00 209,851.00 84,751.19 59.61 2100 FICA 14,762.00 16,055.00 6,832.44 57.44 2200 Retirement – VRS 36,683.00 21,091.00 7,908.93 62.50 2202 Deferred Comp Match (650 x 3) 1,950.00 1,950.00 750.00 61.54 2300 Group Health Insurance 37,652.00 37,652.00 13,519.10 64.10 2310 Group Dental Insurance 1,900.002,003.00 648.55 62.51 2400 VRS Life 2,547.00 2,497.00 936.25 31.78 2500 Long Term Disability Insurance 487.00 673.00 436.60 65.06 2750 VRS Retiree Health Credit 464.00525.00 176.10 45.81 3013 Professional Services – Other 27,500.00 27,500.00 17,064.80 38.68 (Closed Captioning) 3013A CC – City Council Briefings * City Only 3204 Repairs Vehicles (By Garage) 300.00 300.00 237.50 20.83 3209 Repairs (Other Equipment) 1,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 20.00 3305 Maintenance Service Contracts 750.00 550.00 750.00 00.00 (Telephone) 5210 Postage 50.0050.00 29.00 42.00 5230 Telephone 3,400.00 3,400.00 1,384.28 59.29 5233 Internet 1,390.00 1,390.00 555.80 60.01 5235 Cellular Phones (2 Smart Phones) 1,200.00 1,200.00 599.20 50.07 5305 Motor Vehicle Insurance 1,200.001,200.00 51.00 95.75 5308 General Liability Insurance 2,550.00 2,730.00 374.00 85.33 5420 Lease/Rent of Buildings 41,303.00 42,542.00 17,448.54 57.76 (8 x $3,510.01 4 x $3,615.31) 5501 Travel (Mileage) 100.00100.00 100.00 00.00 5520 Dinner Meetings & Luncheons 150.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 5801 Dues & Association Membership 308.00 308.00 00.00 100.00 (Public Relations Society of America) 6010 Office Supplies – General 500.00500.00 114.62 77.08 6013 Small Equipment & Supplies 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,091.57 45.42 6014 Video Supplies 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,830.89 29.23 6080 Gas, Oil & Grease 1,500.001,500.00 841.32 43.91 6091 Tires,Tubes & Parts 200.00200.00 88.24 55.88 Total$378,813.00 $382,917.00 159,595.50 58.60% Amount funded fromRVTV -$15,000.00 -$00.00 Surplus Account (273500) $363,813.00 $382,917.00 Member Localities *In addition to the City’s share of the above budget of $382,917, the City will also pay $3,360 RVTV expended 98.33% of the 2011/2012 Budget. for closed captioning for City Council Briefings. 4 RVTV Financial Report Current Account Balances as of January 31, 2013 273200 (Operating Budget) .................................................................$159,595.50 273450 ( Cox Cable Capital Grant) ......................................................$1,024,059.58 (Balance includes accrued interest.) 273500 (Operating Surplus) .................................................................$24,661.07 ($15,000 Minimum Balance to be maintained in the account) Account 273500 (Operating Surplus) represents the unused funds from the Operating Budget since 1992. RVTV does not lose these funds at the end of the fiscal year, rather they are rolled over into this savings account which may be used for future capital purchases or the operating budget. 2012 Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Revenue Paid by Cox Communications to the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Benefit of the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton Starting on January 1, 2007, the Virginia Communications Sales and Use Tax Act of 2006 (Va. Code 58.1-645 et seq.) required Cox Communications, as well as other cable television providers, to pay a five percent (5%) sales or use tax to the Commonwealth of Virginia in place of paying franchise fees to the localities, including the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, and Town of Vinton. Under the Act, the Commonwealth pays the amount of revenues it receives from cable television providers, like Cox, to the localities. $2,461,352. For the calendar year 2012, Cox Communications paid to the Commonwealth of Virginia a total of The Commonwealth of Virginia paid to the three localities the appropriate share of this total amount as a Amounts do not represent the adjusted amount paid by the replacement amount for the franchise fees. * Commonwealth to the localities. $1,239,874 City of Roanoke: * $1,112,341 Roanoke County: * $109,137 Town of Vinton: * $2,461,352 Total: 5 RVTV 2012 Edited Video Productions Title Client Length Lead-Safe PSA City of Roanoke :60 (2) Anti-Bully PSA City Schools :30 ea. Medieval Faire PSA County of Roanoke :30 RRCACP (Animal Control & Protection) City/County/Town 6:00 Teacher of the Year City Schools 15:00 Regional Synthetic Drugs Conference City / County 14:00 Arbor Day PSA County of Roanoke :30 Lipizzan Stallions PSA County of Roanoke :30 Adopt-A-Street PSA City of Roanoke :30 Flag Day/High Ground Anniversary Town of Vinton 52:00 State of the City Address City of Roanoke 33:00 Forum on Uranium Mining in VA City of Roanoke 120:00 Vinton Dogwood Festival PSA Town of Vinton :30 Convocation Video City Schools 10:00 Citizens Police Academy PSA County of Roanoke :30 Vinton Farmers Market PSA Town of Vinton :30 Pack the Bus PSA County Schools :30 VH1 Music Video Entry City Schools 4:00 Hollins Fall Festival PSA County of Roanoke :30 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony County of Roanoke 25:00 Brownfield Grant PSA City of Roanoke :30 Regional Tourism Workshop PSA County of Roanoke :30 Tri-Wizard Tournament PSA County of Roanoke :30 Project Awesome PSA County of Roanoke :30 RoCo Alert PSA County of Roanoke :30 State of the County Address County of Roanoke 51:00 Successes & Challenges RCPS City Schools 12:00 Arts & Entertainment Conference PSA County of Roanoke :30 Recycling Tips PSA County of Roanoke :30 Tons of Fun PSA County of Roanoke :30 Leadership College PSA City of Roanoke :30 (12) Library Happenings City of Roanoke 7:00 min. ea. Total Minutes Produced 397 minutes 6 2012 Total Video Productions Total Productions City of Roanoke Roanoke County Town of Vinton 104 53 48 3 Percentage 51% 46% 3% 7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 RESOLUTION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONCURRING WITH THE ISSUANCE OF AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $12,000,000 IN REVENUE BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA FOR THE BENEFIT OF KISSITO HEALTHCARE, INC., FOR THE FINANCING OR REFINANCING OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS TO ITS FACILITIES SPECIFICIALLY KNOWN AS KISSITO VILLAGE OF ROANOKE, HAWTHORNE FACILITY, 1884 HOUSE FACILITY AND KISSITO PACE II FACILITY, TWO OF WHICH ARE IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Economic Development Authority of the City of Roanoke, Virginia (“Authority”) has considered the application of Kissito Healthcare, Inc., an Illinois non-profit corporation (the “Borrower”), requesting the issuance of the Authority's revenue bonds in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 (the “Bonds”) to be issued at one time or from time to time to assist the Borrower in financing or refinancing the acquisition, construction and equipping of facilities (such facilities being referred to herein as the “Facilities”) and the acquisition, construction and equipping thereof, to be located in the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County, Virginia and to be used for: (a) paying the costs of the acquisition and renovation, by Kissito Village of Roanoke, Inc. located at 5300 Hawthorne Road, in Roanoke County, Virginia 24012, a 144-unit affordable housing facility for the elderly, on an approximately 5.03 acre tract of land (the “Hawthorne Facility”); (b) repaying the temporary financing by means of which Kissito 1884 House, Inc., acquired 1884 House, a ten (10)-unit affordable housing facility for the elderly, located on an approximately 0.149 acre tract of land located at 301 Gilmer Avenue, City of Roanoke, Virginia 24016 (the “1884 House Facility”); (c) paying the costs of renovating the 1884 House Facility; (d) paying Kissito PACE of Roanoke, Inc.’s costs of Page 1 of 3 leasehold improvements to, and equipment and furnishings for, its leased premises located at 5251 Concourse Drive, Roanoke County, Virginia 24019 (the “Kissito PACE I Facility”), in which it offers its Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (“PACE”); (e) providing certain initial deposits into the funds and accounts established under the Indenture, including a debt service reserve fund for the Series 2013 Bonds; and (f) paying certain costs of issuance of revenue bonds (the “Series 2013 Bonds”) for such purposes (the “Project”); and other expenses in connection with the issuance of the Bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority held a public hearing on the Borrower’s application on March 20, 2013, as required by Section 147(f) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”), and Sections 15.2-4905 and 15.2-4906 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Virginia Code”). Section 147(f) of the Code also provides that the governmental unit having jurisdiction over the issuer of private activity bonds and over the area in which any facility financed with the proceeds of private activity bonds is located must approve the issuance of the bonds. WHEREAS, the Authority has the ability to issue bonds to finance facilities in Roanoke County, Virginia (the “County”); two of the facilities comprising the Project are located in the County; and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia (the “Board”) constitutes the highest elected governmental unit of the County. WHEREAS, the Authority has recommended that the Board of Supervisors concur with the issuance of the Bonds. WHEREAS, a copy of the Authority's resolution approving the issuance of the Bonds, subject to the terms to be agreed upon, a certificate of the public hearing and a Fiscal Impact Statement have been filed with the Board of Supervisors. Page 2 of 3 NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 1. The Board of Supervisors concurs with the issuance of the Bonds pursuant thereto by the Authority for the benefit of the Borrower, as required by Section 147(f) of the Code and Sections 15.2-4905 and l5.2-4906 of the Virginia Code to permit the Authority to assist the Borrower in financing or refinancing the Project. 2. The concurrence with the issuance of the Bonds does not constitute an endorsement to a prospective purchaser of the Bonds of the creditworthiness of the Project or the Borrower. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. Page 3 of 3 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 F-2 F-2 F-2 F-2 HOLLINS RD F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-3 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 íÅÎ×Ê ûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈûØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐ é×ÊÆÓÙ×É í û åÍÊÑÈÍÚ×Ì×ÊÖÍÊÏ×ØÇÎØ×ÊÈÔ×ùÍÎØÓÈÓÍÎÉÍÖ ÷ÄÓÉÈÓÎÕùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈØÛÈ×ØòÛÎÇÛÊà íÈÔ×ÊÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝÝ éàìêíò÷ùèûùèóæ÷àêÍÛÎÍÑ×ùÍÇÎÈÃìÇÚÐÓÙðÓÚÊÛÊÃàõÐ×ÎÆÛÊúÊÛÎÙÔà ùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈûíàûØØé×ÊÆÓÙ×Éàûí ùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÌÔÛÉ×ÈÓÏ××ÄÈ×ÎÉÓÍÎ àíûûØØé×ÊÆÓÙ× ùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÌÔÛÉ×ÈÓÏ××ÄÈ×ÎÉÓÍÎØÍÙ VACORP LODA TRUST The undersigned Counties, Cities, Towns, and Regional Jails of the Commonwealth of Virginia (“Grantors”) being authorized and directed to so, do make this trust agreement dated June 29, 2012 with VACORP, a local government risk sharing pool, which is an instrument of the government of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as Trustee (“the Trustee”). The Trustee and any successor Trustees are all referred to herein as “the Trustee.” The name of this trust agreement is the “VACORP LODA TRUST dated June 29, 2012” (“Trust”) and is effective July 1, 2012. ARTICLE 1 TRUST PROVISIONS A.Transfer of Assets and Liabilities. Contemporaneously with the execution of this trust, Grantors (hereinafter “Members”) do transfer to the Trustee of the Trust all liabilities appertaining to any claim which they may have prior to July 1, 2011 under the Line of Duty Act pursuant to §9.1-400 et seq. of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended (“Act”) and do promise to timely pay for said liabilities. B.Line of Duty Act Trust Fund. By entering into this Trust, each Member Acknowledges that they have opted out of the Commonwealth of Virginia Line of Duty Act Trust Fund. C.Eligibility of Members. Each member shall purchase liability insurance from Trustee covering claims under the Act. Likewise each member shall timely pay to Page 1 of 5 the Trustee all premiums for said insurance and monies for claims prior to July 1, 2011. In the event a Member purchases insurance from other than the Trustee, the Trustee and this Trust shall have no liability or obligation to such Member. D.Administration of Claims. During the existence of this Trust, the Trustee shall administer all pre-July 1, 2011 claims of its members under this Trust, shall provide the administration of all claims and shall provide insurance to insure against claims under the Act to all Members on or after July 1, 2011. E.Insurance & Payments by Members. Each Member is obligated to purchase liability insurance for claims under the Act from the Trustee and pay the Trustee those payments for insurance and claims as provided for under the Act, which payments must be timely made. If a payment is overdue by thirty (30) days, or if an insurance premium payment is not made within thirty (30) days of the invoice date, then the Trustee shall not provide claims administration, insurance or payment to claimants, until payments are brought current and all insurance coverage is purchased from the Trustee. ARTICLE II TRUSTEE PROVISIONS A.Trustee’s Management Powers. The Trustee shall have the powers granted by law and the powers in Sections 64.2-105, 64.2-777 and 64.2-778 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, as in effect on the date of the signing of this agreement. These sections are incorporated in this agreement by this reference. Page 2 of 5 B.Trustee’s Compensation. The Trustee, or any successor Trustee, shall receive compensation for services rendered. The corporate Trustee, or any successor corporate Trustee, shall receive compensation for services rendered according to their list of fees published from time to time. C.Resignation of Trustee. The Trustee may resign as Trustee by notice to the Members. The resignation shall take effect upon the effective appointment of a successor Trustee. D.Successor Trustee. The Trustee shall have the right to designate a successor Trustee who shall be any natural person or corporation having trust powers, which shall be effective upon the resignation or termination of corporate existence of the Trustee. Such designation shall be made while such Trustee is serving as Trustee by an instrument executed by the Trustee during and by the successor Trustee. In the event that the Trustee does not appoint a successor Trustee or a successor Trustee does not appoint its successor Trustee, which it shall have the privilege to do hereunder, the Members shall have the right to appoint a Trustee. E.Actions of Prior Trustee. No Trustee serving under this agreement shall be responsible for or required to inquire into any acts or omissions of a prior Trustee. Page 3 of 5 ARTICLE III RIGHTS RESERVED BY MEMBERS A.Revocation and Amendment. Members reserve the right to opt out of this Trust by a writing signed by the Member and delivered to the Trustee. All obligations of Member to the Trust shall be paid by Member prior to opting out. Any amendment that changes the duties or compensation of the Trustee shall require the consent of the Trustee. B.New Members. Members agree that new members as defined by the Act may become Members if the Trustee accepts them. ARTICLE IV MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS A.Protection from Claims. To the extent permitted by law, the principal and income of any trust shall not be liable for the debts of any beneficiary or subject to alienation or anticipation by a beneficiary, except as otherwise provided. B.Governing Law. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of Virginia. C.Signatures. This trust may be executed in counterparts and electronically. Page 4 of 5 WITNESS the following signatures and seals: The Trustee accepts the terms of the VACORP LODA TRUST dated June 29, 2012. VACORP By: ____________________________ Administrator, Officer COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF , To-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of________, 2013, by ____________________, Trustee, ____________________ of VACORP, on behalf of VACORP, who is identified and known to me. Notary Public Name of County/Jail/City/Town By: _________________________ Authorized Person COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA CITY/COUNTY OF__________________, To-wit: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _______, 2013 by ____________________, on behalf of ____________________, Grantor, who is identified and known to me. _________________________ Notary Public Page 5 of 5 ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. _______P-1________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: April 23, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Proclamation proclaiming the month of May 2013 to be Asthma Awareness Month in Roanoke County SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Roanoke Valley Asthma and Air Quality Coalition has requested that the Board proclaim the month of May 2013 as Asthma Awareness Month in Roanoke County. Stuart Tousman, Professor of Psychology and Chairman of the Roanoke Valley Asthma and Air Quality Coalition will attend the meeting to accept the proclamation. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE MONTH OF MAY 2013 TO BE ASTHMA AWARENESS MONTH IN ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, asthma has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, affecting almost 25 million people and in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and approximately 8000 children and adults in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the cost of hospitalizations and emergency room visits for asthma in Virginia is over 135 million dollars a year; and WHEREAS, asthma is one of the leading causes of childhood hospitalizations, long-term illness, and school absenteeism, accounting for nearly 10.5 million missed school days each year; and WHEREAS, research and literature demonstrate that asthma-related hospitalizations and deaths are preventable with public awareness and asthma education to improve the knowledge of Virginians and healthcare professionals; and WHEREAS, the Greater Roanoke Valley Asthma and Air Quality Coalition support asthma management and control, public awareness, and education in order to enable all Virginians to identify and reduce their exposures to environmental triggers in homes, schools, and places of employment so they can decrease asthma episodes and risk of death. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors do hereby “Asthma Awareness Month” proclaim the month of May 2013 as in Roanoke County. Page 1 of 1 County of Roanoke Proposed Budget Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Prepared by Department of Management and Budget www.roanokecountyva.gov County of Roanoke Proposed FY2013-2014 Budget Table of Contents County Administrator's Message……………………………………….5 Financial Summaries………………………………………………………15 Proposed FY13-14 Revenue - All Funds……………………………15 Proposed FY13-14 Expenditures - All Funds………………..………16 General Government Revenue Summary FY12-13…………………17 General Government Revenue Summary FY13-14…...………….…19 General Government Expenditures 13-14………………..…………20 Department Expenditure Summary………………………………….21 Contributions to Local Agencies…………………………...…………27 Authorized Position Count Analysis……………………..……………31 Additional Funding Requests …………...…………………...………33 Capital and Funding………………………………………………………35 FY2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program………………………35 Capital, Economic Development Incentives and Debt Summary…36 Roanoke County Schools…………………………………………………37 Budget Summary………………………………………………………37 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Fund1,553,8591,702,631 School Operating Fund132,912,485133,799,052 School Nutrition Fund5,791,0005,818,000 School Debt Service Fund14,158,14114,177,897 School Grants Fund5,234,2165,113,019 School Capital Fund824,000845,488 School Instructional Resources Fund947,592945,575 School Bus Fund325,000325,000 School Laptop Insurance Reserve358,600305,600 Total Revenues All Funds$365,891,690$367,918,376 Less: Transfers (107,692,864) (108,516,047) Total Net of Transfers$258,198,826$259,402,329 Roanoke County Adopted FY12-13 and Proposed FY13-14 Budget AdoptedProposed FY2012-2013FY2013-2014 Expenditures General Fund General Government General Administration$2,950,126$2,961,923 Constitutional Officers13,403,27413,415,184 Judicial Administration860,732810,732 Management Services3,233,4363,178,502 Public Safety24,600,40124,815,893 Community Services11,188,56910,962,574 Human Services18,303,90118,817,536 Non-Departmental11,312,43411,664,875 Transfers to School Operating and Dental Insurance64,484,02565,045,319 Transfers to (from)Capital Fund(1,631,181)(202,184) Transfers to Debt Service Fund17,434,41416,294,134 Other Operating Transfers3,602,5463,204,600 Total General Government$169,742,677$170,969,088 Communications & Information Technology$7,654,599$8,179,339 Comprehensive Services 6,127,799 5,227,799 Law Library 27,175 27,175 Public Works Projects 183,215 184,481 S B & T Building 444,580 444,580 Recreation Fee Class 5,223,131 5,379,462 Police Special Programs 1,000 1,000 Criminal Justice Academy 149,410 149,410 Fleet Service Center2,744,1602,770,000 Total General Fund$192,297,746$193,332,334 Debt Service Fund - County$ 8,014,064$ 6,999,924 Capital Projects Fund 3,474,987 4,553,856 Internal Service Fund1,553,859 1,702,631 School Operating Fund132,912,485133,799,052 School Nutrition Fund5,791,0005,818,000 School Debt Fund14,158,14114,177,897 School Grants Fund5,234,2165,113,019 School Capital Fund824,000845,488 School Textbook Fund947,592945,575 School Bus Fund325,000325,000 School Laptop Insurance Reserve358,600305,600 Total Expenditures All Funds$365,891,690$367,918,376 Less: Transfers (107,692,864) (108,516,047) Total Net of Transfers$258,198,826$259,402,329 County of Roanoke General Government Revenue Summary Preliminary Projections for FY2012-13 % Change ActualFY13 AmendedFY 2012-2013 FY 11-12AdoptedPrelim AdjustAmendedv. FY12 Actual Real Estate Taxes$87,435,119$86,460,000($389,440)86,070,560-1.6% Personal Property Taxes27,624,39828,370,000(110,241)28,259,7592.3% Other Property Taxes3,747,3693,670,000243,8083,913,8084.4% Local Sales Tax9,237,6589,925,000(314,024)9,610,9764.0% Communications Tax3,951,0693,713,00048,6203,761,620-4.8% Utility Consumer Tax3,572,4153,665,000(64,083)3,600,9170.8% Business License Tax5,848,4406,075,000(21,865)6,053,1353.5% Bank Franchise Tax492,877525,000(32,123)492,8770.0% Motor Vehicle License Tax2,130,4242,175,0001632,175,1632.1% Recordation and Conveyance Tax1,274,0431,200,00050,0001,250,000-1.9% Hotel/Motel Tax758,679700,00066,266766,2661.0% Meals Tax3,759,1513,965,000(36,687)3,928,3134.5% Other Local Taxes628,817666,000(12,836)653,1643.9% Permits, Fees & Licenses648,331476,560231,175707,7359.2% Fines and Forfeitures793,542760,40049,012809,4122.0% Use of Money and Property164,193189,100(24,907)164,1930.0% Charges for Services*3,746,8373,397,433281,8683,679,301-1.8% Miscellaneous Revenue1,030,5331,141,921(146,929)994,992-3.4% Recovered Costs 184,809166,38518,424184,8090.0% Commonwealth8,971,0428,566,2711,0778,567,348-4.5% Federal3,600,4533,275,00003,275,000-9.0% Sub-total Revenue 169,624,544169,082,070(162,722)168,919,348-0.4% % Growth-0.3%-0.3%-0.4% Non-Revenue/Transfers872,237660,6070660,607-24.3% Total Revenue170,496,782169,742,677(162,722)169,579,955-0.5% *Includes ambulance transport fees County of Roanoke General Government Revenue Summary Adopted FY 2012-2013 and Proposed FY 2013-2014 AdoptedProposed BudgetBudgetIncrease FY 12-13FY 13-14(Decrease) Real Estate Taxes$86,460,000$85,000,000($1,460,000) Personal Property Taxes28,370,00028,845,000475,000 Other Property Taxes3,670,0003,975,000305,000 Local Sales Tax9,925,0009,950,00025,000 Telecommunications Taxes and Fees3,713,0003,763,00050,000 Utility Consumer Tax3,665,0003,665,0000 Business License Tax6,075,0006,250,000175,000 Bank Franchise Tax525,000525,0000 Motor Vehicle License Tax2,175,0002,215,00040,000 Recordation and Conveyance Tax1,200,0001,300,000100,000 Hotel/Motel Tax700,0001,055,000355,000 Meals Tax3,965,0004,050,00085,000 Other Local Taxes666,000666,0000 Permits, Fees & Licenses476,560476,5600 Fines and Forfeitures760,400810,40050,000 Use of Money and Property189,100164,100(25,000) Charges for Services645,200930,200285,000 Fire & Rescue Fee for Service2,752,2332,792,23340,000 Miscellaneous Revenue1,141,921994,336(147,585) Recovered Costs 166,385166,3850 Commonwealth8,566,2719,264,932698,661 Federal3,275,0003,275,0000 Total Revenue169,082,070170,133,1461,051,076 Transfer from Other Funds660,607835,942175,335 Total General Government $169,742,677$170,969,088$1,226,411 County of Roanoke General Government Expenditure Summary Adopted FY 2012-2013 and Proposed FY 2013-2014 AdoptedProposed BudgetBudgetIncrease FY 12-13FY 13-14(Decrease) Expenditures General Administration$2,950,126$2,961,923$11,797 Constitutional Officers13,403,27413,415,18411,910 Judicial Administration860,732810,732(50,000) Management Services3,233,4363,178,502(54,934) Public Safety24,600,40124,815,893215,492 Community Services11,188,56910,962,574(225,995) Human Services18,303,90118,817,536513,635 Non Departmental Employee Benefits2,620,3672,584,997(35,370) Internal Service Charges6,707,6357,245,446537,811 Miscellaneous1,984,4321,834,432(150,000) Transfers To (From) Debt-County7,447,3366,296,282(1,151,054) Debt-Schools9,987,0789,997,85210,774 Schools-Operating64,006,72664,568,020561,294 Public Works Projects183,215184,4811,266 Capital4,218,9474,380,040161,093 Transfer from Capital Fund(5,850,128)(4,582,224)1,267,904 Schools-Dental477,299477,2990 Internal Services1,066,3311,067,119788 Comprehensive Services2,253,0001,853,000(400,000) Board Contingency100,000100,0000 Total General Government $169,742,677$170,969,088$1,226,411 County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2012-2013 and Proposed 2013-2014 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2012-20132013-2014Increase/ BudgetBudget(Decrease) % Change General Government General Administration Board of Supervisors Personnel 250,118 247,183 (2,935)-1.17% Operating 42,014 42,114 0.24%100 Capital 4,385 4,285 (100)-2.28% Board of Supervisors Total 296,517 293,582 (2,935)-0.99% County Administrator Personnel 269,339 266,356 (2,983)-1.11% Operating 21,997 21,997 0.00%- Capital 2,953 2,953 0.00%- County Administrator Total 294,289 291,306 (2,983)-1.01% Public Information Personnel 160,798 160,978 0.11%180 Operating 15,838 16,838 1,0006.31% Capital 4,750 3,750 (1,000)-21.05% Public Information Total 181,386 181,566 0.10%180 Asst Co Administrators Personnel 345,118 337,589 (7,529)-2.18% Operating 24,165 24,165 0.00%- Capital - - -- Asst Co Administrators Total 369,283 361,754 (7,529)-2.04% Human Resources Personnel 616,520 643,223 26,7034.33% Operating 111,997 111,997 0.00%- Capital 3,600 3,600 0.00%- Human Resources Total 732,117 758,820 26,7033.65% County Attorney Personnel 522,916 522,343 (573)-0.11% Operating 26,933 26,933 0.00%- Capital 1,500 1,500 0.00%- County Attorney Total 551,349 550,776 -0.10%(573) Economic Development Personnel 464,050 462,984 (1,066)-0.23% Operating 59,535 59,535 0.00%- Capital 1,600 1,600 0.00%- Economic Development Total525,185 524,119 (1,066) -0.20% Total General Administration 2,950,126 2,961,923 11,7970.40% Constitutional Officers Treasurer Personnel 630,482 629,240 (1,242)-0.20% Operating 138,021 138,021 0.00%- Capital 2,000 2,000 0.00%- Treasurer Total 770,503 769,261 (1,242)-0.16% County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2012-2013 and Proposed 2013-2014 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2012-20132013-2014Increase/ BudgetBudget(Decrease) % Change Commonwealth Attorney Personnel 1,024,225 1,027,905 3,6800.36% Operating 42,629 42,629 0.00%- Capital 600 600 0.00%- Comm. Attorney Total 1,067,454 1,071,134 3,6800.34% Commissioner of the Revenue Personnel 746,440 741,412 (5,028)-0.67% Operating 51,950 51,950 0.00%- Capital - - -- Comm. of the Revenue Total798,390 793,362 (5,028) -0.63% Clerk of the Circuit Court Personnel 995,464 994,942 (522)-0.05% Operating 70,267 71,354 1,0871.55% Capital - - -- Clerk of Circuit Court Total 1,065,731 1,066,296 0.05%565 Sheriff's Office Personnel 5,359,625 5,339,060 (20,565)-0.38% Operating 3,331,163 3,475,066 143,9034.32% Capital 1,010,408 901,005 (109,403)-10.83% Sheriff's Office Total 9,701,196 9,715,131 13,9350.14% Total Constitutional Officers 13,403,274 13,415,184 11,9100.09% Judicial Administration Circuit Court Personnel - - -- Operating 237,972 237,972 0.00%- Capital - - -- Circuit Court Total 237,972 237,972 0.00%- General District Court Personnel - - -- Operating 69,940 69,940 0.00%- Capital - - -- General District Court Total 69,940 69,940 0.00%- Magistrate Personnel - - -- Operating 1,590 1,590 0.00%- Capital - - -- Magistrate Total 1,590 1,590 0.00%- J & DR Court Personnel - - -- Operating 21,086 21,086 0.00%- Capital - - -- J & DR Court Total 21,08621,086 - 0.00% County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2012-2013 and Proposed 2013-2014 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2012-20132013-2014Increase/ BudgetBudget(Decrease) % Change Court Service Unit Personnel - - -- Operating 505,500 455,500 (50,000)-9.89% Capital - - -- Transfers 24,644 24,644 0.00%- Court Service Unit Total 530,144 480,144 (50,000)-9.43% Total Judicial Administration 860,732 810,732 (50,000)-5.81% Management Services Real Estate Valuation Personnel 796,429 795,777 (652)-0.08% Operating 43,498 48,498 5,00011.49% Capital 3,350 3,350 0.00%- Real Estate Valuation Total 843,277 847,625 4,3480.52% Finance Personnel 1,022,676 1,031,560 8,8840.87% Operating 191,940 191,550 (390)-0.20% Capital - - -- Finance Total 1,214,616 1,223,110 8,4940.70% Public Transportation - CORTRAN Personnel - - -- Operating 500,000 420,000 (80,000)-16.00% Capital - - -- Public Transportation Total 500,000 420,000 (80,000)-16.00% Management and Budget Personnel 265,550 270,660 5,1101.92% Operating 21,006 21,006 0.00%- Capital - - -- Mgmt and Budget Total 291,666286,556 5,110 1.78% Procurement Services Personnel 363,037 368,889 5,8521.61% Operating 25,950 27,212 1,2624.86% Capital - - -- Procurement Services Total 388,987 396,101 7,1141.83% Total Management Services 3,233,436 3,178,502 (54,934)-1.70% Public Safety Police Department Personnel 9,307,835 9,254,075 (53,760)-0.58% Operating 1,205,846 1,415,846 210,00017.42% Capital 608,404 608,404 0.00%- Police Department Total 11,122,085 11,278,325 156,2401.40% County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2012-2013 and Proposed 2013-2014 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2012-20132013-2014Increase/ BudgetBudget(Decrease) % Change Fire and Rescue Personnel 11,118,865 11,178,117 59,2520.53% Operating 1,672,101 1,667,012 (5,089)-0.30% Capital 687,350 692,439 5,0890.74% Fire and Rescue Total 13,478,316 13,537,568 59,2520.44% Total Public Safety 24,600,401 24,815,893 215,4920.88% Community Services General Services Personnel 2,066,410 2,054,854 (11,556)-0.56% Operating 2,903,580 2,979,443 75,8632.61% Capital 4,512 4,512 0.00%- General Services Total 4,974,502 5,038,809 64,3071.29% Community Development Personnel 3,602,243 3,317,342 -7.91%(284,901) Operating492,420 489,340 (3,080)-0.63% Capital 168,520 171,600 3,0801.83% Comm. Development Total4,263,183 3,978,282 (284,901) -6.68% Building Maintenance Personnel 1,263,961 1,243,560 (20,401)-1.61% Operating 686,923 701,923 15,0002.18% Capital - - -- Building Maintenance Total1,950,884 1,945,483 (5,401) -0.28% Total Community Services 11,188,569 10,962,574 (225,995)-2.02% Human Services Grounds Maintenance Personnel 1,719,850 1,719,107 (743)-0.04% Operating 511,755 514,446 2,6910.53% Capital 34,000 34,000 0.00%- Grounds Maintenance Total2,265,605 2,267,553 1,948 0.09% Parks and Recreation Personnel 1,730,804 1,749,940 19,1361.11% Operating 381,458 377,145 (4,313)-1.13% Capital 25,000 25,000 0.00%- Parks and Recreation Total2,137,262 2,152,085 14,823 0.69% Public Health Personnel - - -- Operating 413,010 500,358 87,34821.15% Capital - - -- Public Health Total 500,358413,010 87,348 21.15% County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2012-2013 and Proposed 2013-2014 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2012-20132013-2014Increase/ BudgetBudget(Decrease) % Change Social Services Administration Personnel 5,066,715 5,024,967 (41,748)-0.82% Operating 525,332 540,669 15,3372.92% Capital 8,750 1,250 (7,500)-85.71% Social Services Admin Total5,600,797 5,566,886 (33,911) -0.61% Public Assistance Personnel - - -- Operating 2,815,574 2,815,574 0.00%- Capital - - -- Public Assistance Total 2,815,574 2,815,574 0.00%- STARS FTC Personnel - - -- Operating 38,325 38,325 0.00%- Capital - - -- STARS FTC Total 38,32538,325 - 0.00% Contributions Personnel - - -- Operating 1,340,888 1,690,465 349,57726.07% Capital - - -- Contributions Total 1,690,4651,340,888 349,577 26.07% Library Personnel 2,535,837 2,596,834 60,9972.41% Operating 752,518 774,295 21,7772.89% Capital 9,000 14,000 5,00055.56% Library Total 3,297,355 3,385,129 87,7742.66% VA Cooperative Extension Personnel - - -- Operating 81,382 87,097 5,7157.02% Capital - - -- VA Coop Extension Total 81,382 87,097 5,7157.02% Elections Personnel 241,689 242,050 0.15%361 Operating 72,014 72,014 0.00%- Capital - - -- Elections Total 314,064313,703 361 0.12% Total Human Services 18,817,53618,303,901 513,635 2.81% Non-Departmental Employee Benefits 2,620,367 2,584,997 (35,370)-1.35% Internal Service Charges 6,707,635 7,245,446 537,8118.02% Miscellaneous 1,984,432 1,834,432 (150,000)-7.56% Total Non-Departmental 11,312,434 11,664,875 352,4413.12% County of Roanoke Department Expenditure Detail Adopted 2012-2013 and Proposed 2013-2014 Expenditure Budget Adopted Proposed 2012-20132013-2014Increase/ BudgetBudget(Decrease) % Change Transfers to Other Funds Transfer to Debt-General 7,447,336 6,296,282 (1,151,054)-15.46% Transfer to Debt-School 9,987,078 9,997,852 10,7740.11% Transfer to Capital 4,218,947 4,380,040 161,0933.82% Transfer (From) Capital Fund(5,850,128) (4,582,224) 1,267,904-21.67% Transfer to Schools 64,006,726 64,568,020 561,2940.88% Transfer to E-911/ECC-- -- Transfer to Schools Dental Ins 477,299 477,299 0.00%- Transfer to Internal Services1,066,331 1,067,119 0.07%788 Transfer to CPMT-County 1,154,000 954,000 (200,000)-17.33% Transfer to CPMT-Schools 1,099,000 899,000 (200,000)-18.20% Transfer to Public Works Proje 183,215 184,481 1,2660.69% Total Transfers to Other Funds 83,789,804 84,241,869 452,0650.54% Unappropriated Balance Board Contingency 100,000 100,000 0.00%- Addition to Fund Balance - - -- Total Unappropriated Balance 100,000 100,000 0.00%- Total General Government 169,742,677 170,969,088 1,226,4110.72% FY2013-2014 Contributions Cultural, Tourism, and Other Agencies FY12FY13FY14FY14 AdoptedAdoptedRequestProposed Agency Name $0 Arts Council of the Blue Ridge (closed December 15, 2012)$1,400$1,400 $2,500 Blue Ridge Land Conservancy (formerly Western Virginia Land Trust)$2,000$2,000$2,000 $4,000 Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District$1,000$1,000$1,000 $35,000 Center in the Square Operating$34,700$33,500$33,700 $100,000 Center in the Square - Igniting Dreams, Energizing Promises Campaign$0$10,200$10,200 $3,000 Clean Valley Council, Inc$1,600$1,500$1,600 $14,500 FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway$8,500$8,000$8,400 $20,000 Harrison Museum of African American Culture$0$400$800 History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va. - O. Winston Link $2,500 $2,900$2,400$2,500 Museum $3,500 History Museum & Historical Society of Western Va.$3,700$3,500$3,500 $18,582 Hollins University - The Eleanor D. Wilson Art Museum$16,700$15,900$16,000 $5,000 Interstate 81 Corridor Coalition (request is for 3 year commitment)$0$0$0 $5,000 Jefferson Center Foundation$1,800$1,700$1,800 $15,000 Mill Mountain Zoo $10,300$10,200$10,300 $1,200 Miss Virginia Pageant$1,000$1,000$1,000 $4,950 Miss Virginia Pageant - TV Sponsorship$2,500$2,200$2,300 $2,000 Opera Roanoke$700$900$900 $20,000 Roanoke Higher Education Center$10,500$10,200$10,300 $4,000 Roanoke River Basin Association$0$0$0 $6,000 Roanoke Symphony$5,200$4,800$5,000 $2,600 Roanoke Valley Sister Cities$2,700$2,600$2,600 $700 Salem Museum and Historical Society$700$700$800 $2,800 Salem-Roanoke Baseball Hall of Fame$1,400$1,400$1,500 $5,200 Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce - Operating$5,200$5,200$5,200 $25,000 Science Museum of Western Virginia - Operating$16,000$15,800$15,700 $5,000 Small Business Development Center$3,000$3,000$3,000 $1,000 Tri-County Lake Administrative Commission (TLAC) Smith Mtn Lake$0$0$0 $4,000 Vinton Chamber of Commerce - Business Recruitment$3,900$3,900$4,000 $1,000 Vinton Dogwood Festival$1,000$1,000$1,000 $5,000 Vinton Historical Society$2,100$2,100$2,400 $39,400 Virginia Amateur Sports$40,000$39,400$38,000 $5,000 Virginia Museum of Transportation$4,600$4,300$4,600 $2,700 Williamson Road Area Business Association$2,000$2,000$2,400 $1, Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc.$1,000$1,000000 $1,000 Sub-Total$188,100$193,200$367,132$193,500 FY2013-2014 Contributions Cultural, Tourism, and Other Agencies FY12FY13FY14FY14 AdoptedAdoptedRequestProposed Agency Name Dues & Per Capita Contributions: These funding allocations represent memberships in the specific organization and, by nature, must be funded at the full amount to retain membership. $1,770 National Association of Counties$1,770$1,770$1,770 $2,630 Roanoke Regional Chamber of Commerce - Dues$2,630$2,630$2,630 $63,442 Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission$62,937$63,208$63,442 $1,000 Salem/Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce - Dues$1,000$1,000$1,000 $500 Vinton Chamber of Commerce - Dues$500$500$500 $20,391 Virginia Association of Counties$20,458$20,391$20,391 $34,255 Virginia First Industrial Authority (Contractual Agreement)$34,255$34,255$34,255 $5,000 Virginia Institute of Government Membership$0$0$0 $10,893 Virginia Municipal League$10,241$10,518$10,893 $125,000 Virginia Western Community College - CCAP Program*$0$0$125,000 N/A Virginia Western Community College - Scholarship$13,184$15,354$0 Virginia Western Community College - Site Development N/A $40,579$40,579$0 ( FY12-13 was last year of 5 year commitment) Sub-Total$187,554$190,205$264,881$259,881 * The VWCC site development and scholarship allocation from FY12-13 is being rolled into the FY13-14 CCAP Program request along with an additional $69,187 in order to fully fund the program's $125,000 request. Community Investments: These organizations have made prior agreements with Roanoke County for annual funding. The FY13-14 figures presented below represent the organizations' expecations for contribution/membership for the next fiscal year. Art Museum of Western Virginia (Taubman Museum) $40,000 $40,000$40,000$40,000 Contractual Agreement Art Museum of Western Virginia (Taubman Museum) - $41,700 $41,700$41,700$41,700 Roanoke County Schools Education Program Contractual Agreement $34,300 Greenway Commission$28,000$34,400$34,300 $175,033 Roanoke Regional Partnership $173,756$174,456$175,033 $447,168 Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau$162,400$201,600$447,168 Sub-Total$445,856$492,156$738,201$738,201 Grand Total Cultural, Tourism & Other$821,510$875,561$1,370,214$1,191,582 FY2013-2014 Contributions Health and Human Services Agencies FY12FY13FY14FY14 AdoptedAdoptedRequestProposed Agency Name Adult Care Center of the Roanoke Valley$8,900$8,900$8,900$8,800 Advancement Foundation$600$600$1,000$600 American Red Cross$3,500$3,300$5,000$3,300 Bethany Hall$1,100$1,100$5,000$1,300 Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Roanoke Valley$4,400$4,300$5,000$4,400 Blue Ridge Independent Living Center$1,000$1,000$10,000$1,000 Blue Ridge Legal Services, Inc.$700$800$6,291$900 Blue Ridge Literacy $1,500 $1,100$1,100$1,200 (formerly Literacy Volunteers of Roanoke Valley) Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest Virginia$800$900$7,020$1,000 Bradley Free Clinic$5,200$5,200$5,600$5,400 Brain Injury Services of SWVA$2,800$2,800$3,000$2,900 Child Health Investment Partnership (CHIP)$19,100$19,200$20,944$19,300 $6,840 Children's Trust (formerly Children's Advocacy Center and CASA)$6,600$6,300$6,300 Christmas Store$0$2,200$2,500$2,300 Commonwealth Catholic Charities $400$400$1,000$500 Conflict Resolution Center, Inc.$1,200$1,100$5,000$1,400 Council of Community Svcs - Info and Referral Center$2,900$2,800$3,000$2,800 Council of Community Svcs - Nonprofit Resource Center$500$500$500$500 Family Promise (formerly Roanoke Valley Interfaith Hospitality $1,500 $1,000$1,000$1,000 Network) Family Service of the Roanoke Valley$4,100$4,100$4,100$4,100 Feeding America - Southwest Virginia$4,700$4,700$5,000$4,900 Goodwill Industries of the Valleys $600$500$600$600 Greenvale School$0$0$2,000$300 Habitat for Humanity$1,700$1,600$1,700$1,600 LOA Area Agency on Aging$15,000$14,900$36,620$15,100 Manna Ministries$1,000$1,000$2,500$1,200 Mental Health America of Roanoke Valley$1,000$1,000$1,000$1,000 Mountain View Humane (NEW)$0$0$37,604$0 Presbyterian Community Center$800$800$800$800 Rebuilding Together$0$400$2,800$500 Roanoke Area Ministries$1,500$1,400$5,000$1,500 Roanoke County Prevention Council$1,900$1,900$2,500$2,100 Roanoke Valley SPCA$1,000$1,000$3,000$1,400 Roanoke Valley Speech & Hearing Center$1,700$1,600$2,000$1,700 Saint Francis of Assisi Service Dog Foundation$4,000$4,000$10,000$4,700 Salem/Roanoke County Community Food Pantry$4,900$5,000$5,000$5,000 FY2013-2014 Contributions Health and Human Services Agencies FY12FY13FY14FY14 AdoptedAdoptedRequestProposed Agency Name Salvation Army$2,900$2,900$3,000$3,000 Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc.$600$600$5,000$600 Trust House$3,800$3,700$5,000$3,500 YWCA of the Roanoke Valley$1,000$0$0$0 Total Health and Human Services Agencies $114,000$114,600$234,819$118,500 Social Service Agencies TAP$24,500$22,900$24,500$22,300 TAP - Transitional Living Center$15,700$14,700$15,700$14,600 Total Social Service Agencies $40,200$37,600$40,200$36,900 ContractualRelationship for Services: The BRBH budget request represents the County’s portion of the 10 percent local match that the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities mandates that local Community Service Boards obtain from local governments in its service area. Failure to fully fund this request could result in additional funding cuts from the Commonwealth. Although not funding the full local match could result in state cuts, this has never been enforced in past years when local funding fell short of the required match. Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare$175,000$173,000$260,635$175,000 Grand Total Health and Human Services Agencies$329,200$325,200$535,654$330,400 County of Roanoke Authorized Position Count Analysis AdoptedAdoptedProposedChange FY2012 FY2013 FY2014 FY13 to FY14 Department General Positions Asst. County Administrators2- 2 2 Board of Supervisors7- 7 7 Clerk of the Circuit Court16- 16 16 Commissioner of the Revenue14- 14 14 Commonwealth's Attorney14- 14 14 Communications & Information Technology804 81 85 Community Development5246(4) 50 County Administrator2- 2 2 County Attorney5- 5 5 Economic Development5- 5 5 Elections3- 3 3 Finance22- 21 21 General Services59- 58 58 Human Resources8- 8 8 Library401 40 41 Management and Budget3- 3 3 Parks, Recreation & Tourism57- 55 55 Public Information Office2- 2 2 Real Estate Valuation11- 11 11 Treasurer12 - 12 12 Total General Positions4141 409 410 Public Safety Positions Fire and Rescue153- 153 153 Police153- 154 154 Sheriff848484- Social Services91- 94 94 Total Public Safety Positions481- 485 485 Other Green Ridge Recreation Center11- 12 12 Fleet Service Center11- 11 11 Risk Management2- 2 2 Total Other Positions24- 25 25 TOTAL COUNTY POSITIONS9191 919 920 Grant Funded and Fiscal Agent-Only Court Service Unit4- 4 4 Greenways1- 1 1 Regional Ctr for Animal Control and Prot.-1 - 1 RVTV5- 5 5 Total Grant and Fiscal Agent101 10 11 GRAND TOTAL CLASS PLAN POSITIONS9292 929 931 Departmental Additional Funding Requests PERSONNEL, OPERATING AND CAPITAL FY2013-2014 AmountAmount DepartmentRequestedApprovedDescription Community Development $ 4,700 Planning Commission Salaries - Line item underfunded. $ 6,000 Electric(street lights) - Increase in costs over past two years - line item underfunded. $ 10,700 $- Commissioner of Revenue$ 37,864Tax Clerk III - Audits (Self Supporting position). Cost offset by revenue collection potential. $ 6,000Printed Forms needed to create revenue $ 1,000Increase in telephone expense $ 2,000Contractual increases in leases $ 1,500Training and Education to keep certification current $ 2,000NADA books to assess Personal Property $ 2,000Replacement of older data processing equip $ 52,364$ - Communications & Info Tech $ 57,922 $ 60,771Software Support - Projected increase for various programs (NADA, Pictometry etc.) $ 8,122 $ 8,122Software Support - Projected increase for various programs (Emerson, Gencore etc.) $ 49,014 $ 49,014Software Support - Projected increase for various programs (Reverse 911, CALEA etc.) $ 60,568 $ 60,568Internet lines - Disaster Resilience & Glenvar Library $ 15,374 $ 15,374Maintenance Contracts - Motorola System Upgrades $ 9,000 $ 9,000Training & Education - Motorola Onsite Training $ 202,849 $ 200,000 Finance - Risk Mgmt $ 225,000$ - Workers Compensation is underfunded as shown in actuarial report Fire & Rescue $ 307,99224-hr staffing Mt. Pleasant (6 @ $51,332 each) $ 24,000 $ 24,000Scheduled Overtime - Mt. Pleasant (6 @ $4,000 each) $ 8,499Rank Upgrade to Capt (3 @ $2,833 each) - Mt. Pleasant $ 153,99624-hr staffing Back Creek (3 @ $51,332 each) $ 12,000Scheduled Overtime - Back Creek (3 @ $4,000 each) $ 359,32424-hr staffing Read Mtn (7 @ $51,332 each) $ 16,000 $ 28,000Scheduled Overtime - Read Mtn (7 @ $4,000 each) $ 54,774LT- Fire Inspector $ 51,332Public Educator $ 54,774LT Fire Training Officer $ 54,774LT EMS Training Officer $ 59,844Safety and Health Officer $ 83,081Homeland Security Mgr - HSM Medical Exams, Pagers, PPE, Uniforms for new staff $ 91,600 EMS Data Reporting System $ 23,000 Training Center Contribution $ 7,200 Janitorial Supplies $10,000 Buildings & Maintenance $ 25,000 Gas, Oil & Grease $ 95,000 Tire, Tubes, Parts $ 75,000 Technical Rescue Equipment $ 25,000 Fee for Forestry Services in Roanoke County $ 2,250 Internet lines upgrade $ 4,000 Mobile Data Terminals & Equip $ 138,000 Computer Replacement Program (15) $ 25,500 Small capital outlay for replacement of breathing apparatus bottles $ 18,000 $ 1,791,940$ 40,000 General Services$ 43,163Equipment Technician for Welding Shop to repair PR&T snowblowers, lawn mowers, etc $ 7,500$ 7,500 Additional utility costs for 419 Library which is empty but not closed Costs to provide regular building maintenance to 419 Library which is empty but not $ 7,500$ 7,500 closed $ 1,925,000Replace 7 aging 2000 & 2004 garbage trucks ($275,000 each) due to normal wear and excessive mileage $ 1,983,163$ 15,000 Departmental Additional Funding Requests PERSONNEL, OPERATING AND CAPITAL FY2013-2014 AmountAmount DepartmentRequestedApprovedDescription *Library$ 41,08941,089$ Glenvar Library - Senior Library Assistant to handle anticipated increase in circulation and customer services requests. *All costs are estimates based $ 420 $ 420Glenvar Library - Alarm contract maintenance on So County experience $ 3,144 $ 3,144Glenvar Library - 2 Self Check Out Equipment maintenance $ 36,000 $ 36,000Glenvar Library - Electric - Building size has tripled; heavy technology load $ 2,400 $ 2,400Glenvar Library - Water - Higher visitor county/program attendance $ 2,400 $ 2,400Glenvar Library - Sewer - Higher visitor county/program attendance $ 1,547 $ 1,500Glenvar Library - Janitorial Supplies - Higher visitor county/program attendance $ 86,953$ 87,000 Parks, Recreation & Tourism $ 32,500$ -Fuel for Grounds Maintenance - Projected $40,000 shortfall Police$ 66,029$ Professional Services - Fees associated with Crim Justice Academy, Meth Lab Cleanup, 10,000 Fed Gov Retreat & selection & hiring of Officers $ 32,683$ Vehicle Repair line item underfunded- $ 23,887$ Air Cards & Cell Phones needed for communication with Mobile Data Terminals. FY13 23,887 projected deficit $37,670 $ 10,000$ Used for drugs and informants in narcotics investigations. Line item underfunded.- $ 6,664$ K-9 acquisition, training and equipment (housing, medical fees & food)6,664 $ 17,346$ Gas, Oil & Grease16,736 $ 42,288$ Garage Parts. Costs continue to increase. Line item underfunded.- $ 26,534$ Ammunition. Increase in costs. FY13 Projected Deficit - $25,0001,534 $ 7,825$ Uniforms. Supplier increased costs 6%. FY13 Projected Deficit - $8,000.4,825 $ 36,354$ Computer Devices/Replacements for Mobile Data Terminals. Life Expectancy is 4 years. 36,354 Purchase approx 11 (@$4,500) each year which is 25% of total units. $ 269,610 $ 100,000 Real Estate Valuation $ 3,925 $ 5,000 Minimum needed to mail reassessment notices AJE/OMB #12 Sheriff $ 1,000 $ 1,000Maintenance of State Mandated X-Ray machine testing. Line item underfunded. $ 4,5004,500$ Training - Annual Taser Re-certification. Line item underfunded. Currently covered by rollover. $ 10,000$ Gas, Oil & Grease - due to price fluctuations this is difficult to project. Amount is a deficit 3,600 $ 14,500 $ 14,500Inmate Meals - Price per meal increased by 2.2% ($1.7149 to $1.7513 per meal) $ 10,000 $ 10,000Inmate Medical Costs - These are unpredictable. Amount is a deficit estaimate. $ 900$ Maintenance Support cost increase for Jail Management System (JMS) - Jail computer 900 system. $ 40,900 $ 34,500 Social Services $ 41,000* $ 30,524Two part-time social workers ($15.39 per hr & $13.96 per hr/1,040 hrs each) $ 2,335FICA associated with Part-Time salaries $ 8,550Software for two computers received from VA Dept of Social Services $ -REMOVED - Lease/Rent for additional space currently rented by Cisco ($1,666 per month) $ 41,409$ - Treasurer $ 34,452 Treasurer Clerk I to handle delinquent collections which increases revenue VA Cooperative Extension $ 5,715 $ 2,115Increase to fringes from 23.75% to 29.25% $ 1,000Telephone - Current budget is $1,300. FY12 Actual - $1,739. $ 500Training & Ed - Currently funded through rollover. FY12 Actual - $65 $ 600Dues & Mbrshps - Currently funded through rollover. FY12 Actual - $584 $ 1,000Misc Operating - Currently funded through rollover. FY12 Actual - $1,084 $ 500Office Supplies - Currently funded through rollover. FY12 Actual - $866 $ 5,715$ 5,715 Grand Total: $ 4,781,480$ 487,215 * Funds transferred from full-time personnel due to turnover savings; this amount is not included in the Amount Approved column as it is not additional (i.e. - new) funding. County of Roanoke FY2014-2018 Capital Improvement Program Summary of Funded Projects Prior Year(s) TOTAL Funding2013-20142014-2015FY14-18 Department / Project Name2015-20162016-20172017-2018Total Project Project To Be Identified: $20,000,000 Project To Be Identified$10,000,000(3)$10,000,000(3)$20,000,000 Total Funded CIP Projects FY2014-2018$0$10,000,000$0$0$10,000,000$0$20,000,000$20,000,000 TOTAL 2013-20142014-2015FY14-18 2015-20162016-20172017-2018 Summary of Funding Sources $0 (1) General Operating Fund$0$0$0$0$0 $0 (2) Previously Appropriated Funds$0$0$0$0$0 $20,000,000 (3) Future Bond Sale$10,000,000$0$0$10,000,000$0 Total FY14-18 CIP Funding$10,000,000$0$0$10,000,000$0$20,000,000 County of Roanoke Summary of Transfer to Capital FY2013-2014 Budget Development ProposedProposed BudgetBudgetBudgetChange 2011-122012-132013-14FY13 to FY14 Capital VDOT Revenue Sharing100,000 - - - Bent Mountain Community Center- - 15,000 15,000 Lawson Payroll System 225,000 225,000 225,000 - Building and Facility Maintenance325,574 325,574 325,574 - Vehicle Replacement222,727 227,207 164,466 (62,741) NPDES Stormwater Management200,000 200,000 200,000 - Park Maintenance210,000 210,000 210,000 - Parks and Recreation Incentives25,000 25,000 25,000 - Total Capital1,308,301$ 1,212,781$ 1,165,040$ (47,741)$ Economic Development Incentives Cardinal 150,000 150,000 150,000 - Tecton91,166 91,166 - (91,166) Virginia Blue Ridge175,000 - - - Varsity- 15,000 15,000 - Edward Rose Properties- 150,000 150,000 - Total Economic Development Incentives416,166$ 406,166$ 315,000$ (91,166)$ Joint Capital With Schools Joint County/School CIP Fund--Future Debt2,300,000$ 2,600,000$ 2,900,000$ 300,000$ Total Joint Capital With Schools2,300,000$ 2,600,000$ 2,900,000$ 300,000$ Total Transfer to Capital4,024,467$ 4,218,947$ 4,380,040$ 161,093$ Roanoke County Schools Budget Summary - All Funds FY 2013-14 BudgetBudgetIncreasePercent Fund2012-132013-14(Decrease)Change General Fund132,912,485133,799,052886,5670.7% Grants Fund5,234,2165,113,019(121,197)-2.3% School Nutrition Fund5,791,0005,818,00027,0000.5% Instructional Resources Fund947,592945,575(2,017)-0.2% Capital Fund824,000845,48821,4882.6% Debt Fund14,158,14114,177,89719,7560.1% Laptop Insurance Reserves Fund358,600305,600(53,000)-14.8% School Bus Fund325,000325,00000.0% Total Funds160,551,034161,329,631778,5970.5% All School Funds Grants Fund School Nutrition Fund Instructional Resources Fund Capital Fund Debt Fund General Laptop Insurance Fund Reserves Fund School Bus Fund éèûööê÷ìíêè ì×ÈÓÈÓÍÎ×Ê ûÌÊÓÐùÛÇØÐ× ê×ËÇ×ÉÈéÌ×ÙÓÛÐçÉ×ì×ÊÏÓÈÖÍÊöÛÏÓÐÃøÛÃùÛÊ×ôÍÏ× ðÍÙÛÈÓÍÎ ùÍÆ×êÍÛØ ïÛÕÓÉÈ×ÊÓÛÐøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈùÛÈÛÅÚÛ ùÍÎØÓÈÓÍÎÉîÍÎ× ÷ä÷ùçèóæ÷éçïïûêã April Caudleisrequesting a Special Use Permit to operate a family day care home out of her residence located at 5629 Cove Road, Catawba Magisterial District.This request for a Special Use Permit is theresult ofa change in state code effective July 1, 2012, that requires the local zoning administrator to sign off on new licenses and renewals for all family day care homes. Since the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance requires a Special Use Permit for the operation of a family day care home, the Zoning Administrator was unable to approve her license.Ms. Caudlethen filed for the Special Use Permit. Ms. Caudle has been fully licensed by the state for over 8years for the care of no more than 12children. Afamilydaycarehomeisdefinedasbeingasinglefamilydwellinginwhichmorethanfivebutlessthan13 individualsarereceivedforcare,protectionandguidanceduringonlypartofatwenty-four-hourday.Individuals relatedbyblood,legaladoptionormarriagetothepersonwhomaintainsthehomeshallnotbecountedtowardthis total.Thecareoffiveorlessindividualsforportionsofadayshallbeconsideredasahomeoccupation. The 2005 Comprehensive Plan indicates that the Future Land Use Designation of this propertyis Neighborhood Conservation.Neighborhood Conservationis afuture land use areawhere established single-family neighborhoods are delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged.Acceptableland use types include single-family residential, neighborhood institutional centers and low-impact commercial entities. ûììðóùûúð÷ê÷õçðûèóíîé é×ÙÈÓÍÎ ê ï×ØÓÇÏø×ÎÉÓÈÃê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈê×ÕÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉ é×ÙÈÓÍÎ öÛÏÓÐÃøÛÃùÛÊ×ôÍÏ× 1.Family day care homes, where applicable, shall comply with the Minimum Standards for Family Day Care Homes established by the Virginia Department of Social Services, as may be amended. When a license is required, a copy of the license to operate a family day care home, approved by the Virginia Department of Social Services, shall be presented to the administrator prior to the issuance of a business license or certificate of zoning compliance to operate a family day care home. ûîûðãéóéíö÷äóéèóîõùíîøóèóíîé Background–In fall 2012,Ms. Caudlecame into the County in order to obtain a zoning verification letter for 1 her family day care home as part of her recertification process through the state. Although she had been operating out of the Cove Roadlocation for 8years, staff could not produce the letter as the operation of a family daycare home required a special use permit for its operation.Ms. Caudle was hesitant to spend the required money for the rezoning and any potential change of use modifications to her home. She spoke with staff several times and finally decided to submit herapplication in February 2013in an effort to come into compliance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance in order to receive the necessary verification for state recertification. Surrounding Neighborhood–The location of the family day care home is on Cove Road near the jurisdictional boundaries of Roanoke City andthe City of Salem. All of the adjoining properties are also zoned R-2and containsingle family homes.The property is bordered on one side by a medium density residential development. On the other side are single family homes. Green Ridge Baptist Church is located across the street. ûîûðãéóéíöìêíìíé÷øø÷æ÷ðíìï÷îè Site layout–The family day care home operates out of Ms. Caudle’stwo-story residence located on Cove Road.The day care operates only on the first floor with the second floor used exclusively as a private residence. The day care operation has in place a kitchen area that is in compliance with state standards, a laundry room, an office and a bathroom.An outdoorplay area is also present that is screened with a 6’ wood slat fence. State compliance–The minimum standards for family day care homes as established by the Virginia Department of Social Services have been met to permit a maximum of twelve children to be cared for at the facility. The facility has been inspected by the state and verified to meet the minimum standards. Ms. Caudle’scertification to operate the facility was valid through January, 2013, at which time she began the renewal process coinciding with her Special Use Permit application. Architectural Assessment–Prior to the submission of the special use permit application, staff advised Ms. Caudleto hire an architect to perform an architectural assessment for the property to determineits suitability as a family day care home. As such, Rife + Wood Architects were hired to carry out the assessment.The results of that assessment found the facility to be acceptable for the provision of a family day care center. Ms. Caudle was also advised to speak with the County building officials to determine what improvements to her home would be needed to obtain a change of use. Fire Marshal–The Roanoke County Fire Marshal’s office had several comments tied to the change of use process that with formally be undertaken if the issuance of the Special Use Permit is successful. They did indicate the property was not in receipt of any violations or that there were any pre-existing, outstanding violations of fire code on the property. Access/Traffic Circulation–VDOT had several commentsregarding obtaining a commercial entrance permit as well as an access management exemption for sightdistance due to the speed of traffic on Cove Road. VDOT notedthe use may result in an increase in the potential traffic generated from the site over and above the typical residence use.It was also noted that a Land Use Permit will be required but no entrance improvements will be required.At the time of this report, Ms. Caudlehas been working with VDOT to obtain these requirements. 2 ùíîöíêïûîù÷åóèôêíûîíñ÷ùíçîèãùíïìê÷ô÷îéóæ÷ìðûî As previously noted, the property is classified as Neighborhood Conservation. In addition to the traditional residential land use types, this designation also allows both neighborhood institutional centers and commercial establishments. The use type of a family day care home blends elements of both the small- scale institutional centers and commercial establishments that are encouraged within these areas. Its use also meets the established land usedeterminates for the Neighborhood Conservation designation with regards to the existing land use patterns, zoning, access and location within the urban sector. As the family day care home use is contained at the rear of the existing single family residence and all of the outdoor play areas are screened with both landscaping and fencing, the family day care home is generally in conformance with the Roanoke County Community Plan. éèûööùíîùðçéóíîé As the family day care home has been in operation without incident for over 8 years, it can be expected that its continued operation will have no or minimal impacts on adjacent properties. The architectural assessment confirms the structure is suitable for the operation of the family day care home. Additionally, the operation is fully certified by the state. With the limitation of only 12children, any sort of traffic impacts generated by the proposed use should be minimal. ùûé÷îçïú÷ê ìê÷ìûê÷øúãèÛÊÛìÛÈÈÓÉÛÐÐ ô÷ûêóîõøûè÷éìù úíé ûèèûùôï÷îèéûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎïÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉ û×ÊÓÛÐìÔÍÈÍÕÊÛÌÔ âÍÎÓÎÕïÛÌ öÇÈÇÊ×ðÛÎØçÉ×ïÛÌ éÓÈ×óÎÉÌ×ÙÈÓÍÎìÔÍÈÍÕÊÛÌÔÉ ê âÍÎÓÎÕøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈê×ÕÇÐÛÈÓÍÎÉ 3 SEC. 30-42. - R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-42-1. - Purpose. (A) The purpose of the R-2, medium density district is to establish areas in the county within the urban service area where existing low-middle to middle density residential development (one (1) to six (6) units per acre) is primarily located and land areas which appear generally appropriate for such development. These areas are consistent with the neighborhood conservation land use category, and where public services warrant, the development land use category as recommended in the comprehensive plan. This district is intended to provide reasonable protection to existing single family residential neighborhoods, while accommodating a diversity of alternative housing options. These areas are designated based on access to roads, sewer and water, and schools with suitable capacity to accommodate development at the stated density. Older neighborhoods where smaller platted lot sizes exist are also included where opportunities exist for additional in-fill development. (Ord. No. 042799-11, § 1f., 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-42-2. - Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1.Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Occupation, Type I * Manufactured Home * Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit* Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Attached * Single-Family Dwelling, Detached (For Zero Lot Line Option - *) Single-Family Dwelling, Attached and Detached (Cluster Subdivision Option - *) Temporary portable storage containers * Two-Family Dwelling * 2.Civic Uses Community Recreation * Park and Ride Facility * Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Minor 3.Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1.Residential Uses Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Townhouse * 2.Civic Uses Adult Care Residences Cemetery * Crisis Center Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Family Day Care Home * Utility Services, Major * 3.Commercial Uses Boarding House Golf Course 4.Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042500-9, § II, 4-25-00; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11) Sec. 30-42-3. - Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. All lots served by private well and sewage disposal systems: a. Area: 0.75 acre (32,670 square feet). b. Frontage: 90 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. Lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 7,200 square feet. b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet. b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. 5. The expansion of a legally established nonconforming structure into the required side or rear yard shall be permitted provided the expansion does not encroach into the required yard any greater than the existing encroachment. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: 45 feet. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet, or 25 feet provided they comply with the setback requirements for principal structures. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 30 percent of the total lot area for all buildings and 7 percent for accessory buildings. 2. Lot coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 8, 4-26-94) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A FAMILY DAY CARE HOME LOCATED AT 5629 COVE ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 36.20-01-37) CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON THE PETITION OF APRIL CAUDLE WHEREAS, April Caudle has filed a petition for a special use permit for the operation of a family day care home at 5629 Cove Road (Tax Map No. 36.20-01-37) in the Catawba Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on April 2, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on March 26, 2013; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on April 23, 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to April Caudle for the operation of a family day care home located at 5629 Cove Road in the Catawba Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2005 Community Plan, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and that it shall have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood or community, and said special use permit is hereby approved. Page 1 of 2 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The provisions of this special use permit are not severable. Invalidation of any word, phrase, clause, sentence or paragraph shall invalidate the remainder. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5-44. “TAX IMPOSED” OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN FEES FOR DANGEROUS DOGS WHEREAS, Chapter 5. “Animals and Fowl” of the Roanoke County Code establishes procedures for the identification, keeping, and licensure of dangerous dogs; and WHEREAS, the 2012 Session of the Virginia General Assembly amended Section 3.2-6540 of the Code of Virginia to increase the fees for dangerous dogs; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the County Code in order to bring it into compliance with the Commonwealth’s enabling legislation for dangerous dogs; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on April 9, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing was held on April 23, 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 5-44 of the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provided as follows: Sec. 5-44. - Tax imposed. (a) An annual license tax is hereby imposed on dogs or cats required to be licensed under this division in the following amounts: (1) Male dog or cat: Ten dollars ($10.00). (2) Female dog or cat: Ten dollars ($10.00). (3) Neutered or spayed dog or cat: Five dollars ($5.00) with a veterinarian's certificate that the dog or cat has been neutered or spayed. Page 1 of 2 (4) Kennel for up to twenty (20) dogs: Twenty-five dollars ($25.00). (5) Kennel for up to fifty (50) dogs: Thirty-five dollars ($35.00). (6) Dangerous dog, as declared by any general district court or circuit court of this commonwealth or by a community service officer pursuant to section 5- 26.1(c)(2) above:Fifty($50.00)(inadditiontotheotherapplicablefeesherein). One Hundred and Fifty dollars ($150.00) (in addition to the other applicable fees herein). All certificates shall be updated and renewed for a fee of Eighty-Five dollars ($85.00) and in the same manner as the initial certificate was obtained (in addition to the other applicable fees herein). (b) A three-year license tax is hereby imposed on dogs or cats required to be licensed under this division in the following amounts: Three (3) times the rate specified in (a)(1), (2) and (3) above, less ten (10) percent. (c) No license tax shall be levied under this section on any dog that is trained and serves as a guide dog for a blind person or that is trained and serves as a hearing dog for a deaf or hearing impaired person. As used herein, the term "hearing dog" means a dog trained to alert its owner, by touch, to sounds of danger and sounds to which the owner should respond. (d) In no event shall the treasurer pay any refund of the license tax imposed by this section. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Page 2 of 2