HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/24/2013 - Regular α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Í«°»®ª·­±®­ Í»°¬»³¾»® îìô îðïí INVOCATION: Pastor John Sharp Fellowship Christian Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: l start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of Page 1 of 6 α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Í«°»®ª·­±®­ ß¹»²¼¿ Í»°¬»³¾»® îìô îðïí Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for September 24, 2013. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov.Our meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring October as National Crime Prevention Month in the County of Roanoke (Richard Crosier, Community Policing Coordinator) 2. Recognition of EMS personnel and Police Officer for rescuing two people from a recent apartment fire (Richard E. Burch, Jr., Chief of Fire and Rescue; Howard B. Hall, Chief of Police) D. BRIEFINGS E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request to appropriate $2,350 Contingency fund (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator) Page 2 of 6 F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE-CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission 1. The petition of Richard L. Atkinson and Kay S. Atkinson to rezone approximately 4.068 acres from R-1, Low Density Residential, District to AR, Agricultural/Residential, District, located at 4835 Poor Mountain Road, Catawba Magisterial District G. APPOINTMENTS 1. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 2. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) H. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes August 27, 2013 2. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Susan M. Bane, Legal Assistant, upon her retirement after more than thirty-seven (37)years of service 3. Confirmation of designation of voting delegate to the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo) conference to be held November 10-12, 2013 4. Confirmation of appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals (Fire Code Board of Appeals) and the Grievance Panel I. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS J. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS K. Page 3 of 6 L. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Local Finance Board Annual Report as of June 30, 2013 5. Proclamations signed by the Chairman 6. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of August 31, 2013 7. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of August 31, 2013 8. Accounts Paid August 2013 9. as of August 31, 2013 M. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to discuss proposed Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy Construction necessary agreements and actions (Daniel R. N. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711.A.3, Discuss or consider the acquisition of real property, for library purposes, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the County ÛÊÛÒ×ÒÙ ÍÛÍÍ×ÑÒ O. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION P. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation declaring the month of September 2013, as the tenth (10th) annual National Preparedness Month in the County of Roanoke (Bill Hunter, Director of Communications and Information Technology) Page 4 of 6 Q. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. The petition of Brambleton Baptist Church to obtain a Special Use Permit in a C-1, Office, District for the operation of a religious assembly on approximately 0.58 acre, located at 4313 Old Cave Spring Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 2. The petition of 3 B Properties LLC, to amend the proffered conditions on property approximately 0.343 acre in size and zoned C-2C, General Commercial, District with conditions, located at 4345 Brambleton Avenue, Windsor Hills District (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 3. Ordinance approving the ninety-nine (99) year Lease of Explore Park from the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority (Doug Blount, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) 4. Ordinance amending Section 5-the Roanoke County Code to provide for an increase in the registration compliance period (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 5. Ordinance creating the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator) 6. Ordinance amending the Roanoke County Code by amending Section 21-74, Application and Certificate of Disability. Exemption for Elderly and Disabled Persons of Chapter 21. Taxation to change the annual filing date to submit an application for an exemption from between February 1 and March 31 of the year for which exemption is claimed to between February 1 and March 15 of  the year for which exemption is claimed(Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Nancy Horn, Commissioner of the Revenue) R. NEW BUSINESS 1.Resolution adopting policies for the protection of private property rights in the development of Roanoke County projects or the adoption of County ordinances S. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMUNICATIONS T. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Charlotte A. Moore 2. Richard C. Flora 3. 4. 5. Michael W. Altizer Page 5 of 6 U. ADJOURNMENT Page 6 of 6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 ÎÛÍÑÔËÌ×ÑÒ ÛÈÐÎÛÍÍ×ÒÙ ÌØÛ ßÐÐÎÛÝ×ßÌ×ÑÒ ÑÚ ÌØÛ ÞÑßÎÜ ÑÚ ÍËÐÛÎÊ×ÍÑÎÍ ÑÚ ÎÑßÒÑÕÛ ÝÑËÒÌÇ ÌÑ ÍËÍßÒ Óò ÞßÒÛô ÔÛÙßÔ ßÍÍ×ÍÌßÒÌô ËÐÑÒ ØÛÎ ÎÛÌ×ÎÛÓÛÒÌ ßÚÌÛÎ ÓÑÎÛ ÌØßÒ ÌØ×ÎÌÇó ÍÛÊÛÒ ÇÛßÎÍ øíé÷ ÇÛßÎÍ ÑÚ ÍÛÎÊ×ÝÛ WHEREAS, Susan M. Bane was hired in January 1973, and has worked within the -Steno II, Clerk-Steno III, Legal Secretary and Legal Assistant during her tenure with Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Bane retired on September 1, 2013, after thirty-seven (37) years and seven (7) months of devoted, faithful and expert service with the County; and WHEREAS, during her time serving Roanoke County, Ms. Bane served with three (3) County Attorneys; and thirty-two (32) members of the board of supervisors; and WHEREAS, she was one of three (3) County employees who were instrumental in examining and recommending the use of desktop personal computers for word processing and other office tasks; and WHEREAS, she received her Certified Professional Secretary certification in 1986; and in 1990 completed the Legal Assistant certificate program from Virginia Western Community College; and WHEREAS, she has served on the Roanoke County Employee Advisory Committee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of ÍËÍßÒ Óò ÞßÒÛ Roanoke County to for more than thirty-seven (37) years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and Page 1 of 2 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. 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Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Direct DepositChecksTotal Payments to Vendors$-$-$4,494,750.48 Payroll08/02/131,227,368.76104,913.711,332,282.47 Payroll08/16/131,138,618.0198,103.131,236,721.14 Payroll08/30/131,329,390.0596,469.661,425,859.71 Manual Checks-1,341.89 1,341.89 Grand Total $8,490,955.69  ɱ®µ Í»­­·±² α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ Ý®·³·²¿´ Ö«­¬·½» ß½¿¼»³§ Ю±¶»½¬ Ü¿²·»´ Îò Ñܱ²²»´´ô ß­­·­¬¿²¬ ݱ«²¬§ ß¼³·²·­¬®¿¬±® ß¹»²¼¿ ï÷Ю±¶»½¬ Ü»­½®·°¬·±² î÷ÐÐÛß Ð®±°±­¿´ Ю±½»­­ ݱ³°®»¸»²­·ª» ß¹®»»³»²¬ ©·¬¸ ͸±½µ»§ α¿²±µ»ô ÔÔÝ í÷ß¹®»»³»²¬­ É·¬¸ α¿²±µ» Ý·¬§ ß÷Ô¿²¼ Ô»¿­» Þ÷Ñ°»®¿¬·±²­ ß¹®»»³»²¬ ì÷Ю±¶»½¬ Þ«¼¹»¬ ¿²¼ ß°°®±°®·¿¬·±² ë÷ͽ¸»¼«´» ±º ß½¬·±²­ Ú±® ݱ³°´»¬·±² ß°°®±ª¿´ ±º Ю±¶»½¬ Ю±¶»½¬ Ü»­½®·°¬·±² ̸» °®±¶»½¬ °®±°±­¿´ ·­ ¬± ½±²­¬®«½¬ ¿² ¿¼¼·¬·±² ±º èôíìç ­¯«¿®» º»»¬ ·² ¬©± º´±±®­ ±²¬± ¬¸» »¨·­¬·²¹ α¿²±µ» Ý·¬§ б´·½» ß½¿¼»³§ ¿¬ ëìðïÞ Þ¿®²»­ ߪ»²«» ·² ¬¸» Ý·¬§ ±º α¿²±µ»ò ̸» ¿¼¼·¬·±² ©±«´¼ ¸¿ª» ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ½±³°±²»²¬­ò í ´¿®¹» ½´¿­­®±±³­ ë Ѻº·½»­ º±® 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Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Page 1 of 1 Q-1  PETITIONER: Brambleton Baptist Church / Jamie D. Cox CASE NUMBER: 17-09/2013 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1 Reading Date: August 27, 2013 Planning Commission Hearing Date: September 3, 2013 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2 Reading Date: September 24, 2013 A. REQUEST To obtain a Special Use Permit in a C-1, Office, District for the operation of a religious assembly on approximately 0.58 acre, located at 4313 Old Cave Spring Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke on this petition. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Megan Cronise presented the staff report. Commissioners discussed the parking arrangements for Sunday mornings and the freestanding sign condition. D. CONDITIONS 1. Only one freestanding sign shall be permitted to serve all office building tenants. E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Woltz made a motion to recommend approval of the petition with one condition. The motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Peters absent. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission ÍÌßÚÚ ÎÛÐÑÎÌ Ð»¬·¬·±²»®ñÑ©²»®æ Þ®¿³¾´»¬±² Þ¿°¬·­¬ ݸ«®½¸ ñ Ö¿³·» Üò ݱ¨ Ѿ¬¿·² ¿ Í°»½·¿´ Ë­» л®³·¬ ·² ¿ Ýóïô Ѻº·½» Ü·­¬®·½¬ º±® ¬¸» ±°»®¿¬·±² ±º ¿ ®»´·¹·±«­ λ¯«»­¬æ ¿­­»³¾´§ ±² ¿°°®±¨·³¿¬»´§ ðòëè ¿½®»ò Ô±½¿¬·±²æ ìíïí Ñ´¼ Ý¿ª» Í°®·²¹ α¿¼ Ó¿¹·­¬»®·¿´ Ü·­¬®·½¬æ É·²¼­±® Ø·´´­ ïòѲ´§ ±²» º®»»­¬¿²¼·²¹ ­·¹² ­¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¬± ­»®ª» ¿´´ ±ºº·½» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¬»²¿²¬­ò Í«¹¹»­¬»¼ ݱ²¼·¬·±²­æ ÛÈÛÝËÌ×ÊÛ ÍËÓÓßÎÇæ п­¬±® Ì·³ Í°»¿®ô ±² ¾»¸¿´º ±º Þ®¿³¾´»¬±² Þ¿°¬·­¬ ݸ«®½¸ô ®»¯«»­¬­ ¿ ­°»½·¿´ «­» °»®³·¬ ¬± ±°»®¿¬» ¿ λ´·¹·±«­ ß­­»³¾´§ ·² ¿ Ýóïô Ѻº·½» Ü·­¬®·½¬ò ̸» ®»¯«»­¬ ·²ª±´ª»­ «¬·´·¦·²¹ ¸¿´º ±º ¿² »¨·­¬·²¹ ±ºº·½» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ´±½¿¬»¼ ±² ¬¸» °¿®½»´ò ßÐÐÔ×ÝßÞÔÛ ÎÛÙËÔßÌ×ÑÒÍ Î»´·¹·±«­ ß­­»³¾´·»­ ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» Ýóïô Ѻº·½» Ü·­¬®·½¬ ©·¬¸ ¿ ­°»½·¿´ «­» °»®³·¬ò ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «­» ¿²¼ ¼»­·¹² ­¬¿²¼¿®¼­ ³«­¬ ¾» ³»¬æ ïòß²§ ±«¬¼±±® ¿½¬·ª·¬§ ¿®»¿ô ­©·³³·²¹ °±±´ô ±® ¾¿´´ º·»´¼ ±® ½±«®¬ ©¸·½¸ ¿¼¶±·²­ ¿ 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Sec. 30-53-1. -Purpose. (A)The purpose of the C-1 office district is to provide for the development of attractive and efficient office uses in the urban service area which serve both community and county-wide needs. The C-1 district allows for varying intensities of office development as part of either a planned office complex or, to a limited degree, small scale office uses. Retail uses are permitted, to a limited extent, where they are supportive of the office environment. The C-1 districts are most appropriately found along or near major arterial streets where existing commercial development has occurred and/or where commercial zoning has been established, or near existing residential development where it would serve as a logical buffer strip between conflicting land use types. Land uses permitted in the C-1 office district are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the transition and core land use categories of the comprehensive plan. Site development standards are intended to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses. (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-53-2. -Permitted Uses. (A)The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type I * Multi-family Dwelling * Two-family Dwelling * 2. Civic Uses Administrative Services Clubs Cultural Services Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, College/University Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Guidance Services Park and Ride Facility * Post Office Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Safety Services * Utility Services, Minor 3. Office Uses Financial Institutions * General Office 8/23/2013 ARTICLE III. -DISTRICT REGULATIONSPage 2of 3 Medical Office 4. Commercial Uses Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Communications Services Personal Services Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 5. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Parking Facility * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant tosection 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Civic Uses Religious Assembly * Utility Services, Major * 2. Office Uses Laboratories 3. Commercial Uses Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation 4. Industrial Uses Landfill, Rubble * 5. Miscellaneous Uses Broadcasting Tower * Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042203-13, § 1, 4-22-03; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-53-3. -Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A)Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet). b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water, or both: a. Area: 15,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is located behind the front building line. 8/23/2013 ARTICLE III. -DISTRICT REGULATIONSPage 3of 3 b. Accessory structures: Behind front building line. 2. Side yard: None. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one (1) street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: When adjoining property zoned R-1 or R-2, forty- five (45) feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased, provided each required side and rear yard adjoining the R-1 or R-2 district is increased two (2) feet for each foot in height over forty-five (45) feet. In all other locations the height is unlimited unless otherwise restricted by this ordinance. b. Accessory structures: 15 feet. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 80 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11) 8/23/2013 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR THE OPERATION OF A RELIGIOUS ASSEMBLY ON 0.58 ACRE LOCATED IN THE C-1 OFFICE DISTRICT AT 4313 OLD CAVE SPRING ROAD (TAX MAP NO. 076.20-01-16.00) WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON THE PETITION OF TIM SPEAR AND JAMIE D. COX FOR BRAMBLETON BAPTIST CHURCH WHEREAS, Tim Spear, on behalf of Brambleton Baptist Church, has filed a petition for a special use permit for the operation of a religious assembly to be located in the C-1 Office District at 4313 Old Cave Spring Road, (Tax Map No. 076.20-01-16.00 ), in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on September 3, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on August 27, 2013; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held on September 24, 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit for the operation of a religious assembly to be located in the C-1 Office District at 4313 Old Cave Spring Road in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2000 Community Plan, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and said special use permit is hereby approved with the following condition: Page 1 of 2 Only one freestanding sign shall be permitted to serve all office building tenants. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 2 of 2 Q-2  PETITIONER: 3B Properties LLC – Sherri Beregovoy CASE NUMBER: 18-09/2013 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1 Reading Date: August 27, 2013 Planning Commission Hearing Date: September 3, 2013 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2 Reading Date: September 24, 2013 A. REQUEST To remove proffered conditions on property approximately 0.343 acre in size and zoned C2C, General Commercial District with conditions, located at 4345 Brambleton Avenue, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke on this petition. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Rebecca Mahoney presented the staff report. Commissioners discussed the outdated proffers. Petitioner spoke and provided background on original rezoning. D. CONDITIONS/PROFFERS None. E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Woltz made a motion to recommend approval of the petition. The motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Peters absent. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission ÍÌßÚÚ ÎÛÐÑÎÌ Ð»¬·¬·±²»®æ í Þ Ð®±°»®¬·»­ ÔÔÝ Í¸»®®· Þ»®»¹±ª±§ λ¯«»­¬æ ̱ ®»³±ª» ¬¸» °®±ºº»®»¼ ½±²¼·¬·±²­ ±² °®±°»®¬§ ¿°°®±¨·³¿¬»´§ ðòíìí ¿½®» ·² ­·¦» ¿²¼ ¦±²»¼ ÝóîÝô Ù»²»®¿´ ݱ³³»®½·¿´ Ü·­¬®·½¬ ©·¬¸ ½±²¼·¬·±²­ò Ô±½¿¬·±²æ ìíìë Þ®¿³¾´»¬±² ߪ»²«» Ó¿¹·­¬»®·¿´ Ü·­¬®·½¬æ É·²¼­±® Ø·´´­ Û¨·­¬·²¹ Ю±ºº»®»¼ ̱ ¾» ½±²­¬®«½¬»¼ ·² ­«¾­¬¿²¬·¿´ ½±²º±®³¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ݱ²½»°¬«¿´ д¿²ò ̸¿¬ ¬¸» ݱ²¼·¬·±²­ ø̱ Þ» °®±°»®¬§ ©·´´ ¾» «­»¼ º±® ¿ ¼®§ ½´»¿²·²¹ »­¬¿¾´·­¸³»²¬ ±²´§ò ̸» ¬±¬¿´ ­¯«¿®» λ³±ª»¼÷æ º±±¬¿¹» ±º ¿´´ ­·¹²­ ±² ¬¸» ­«¾¶»½¬ °®±°»®¬§ ·­ ´·³·¬»¼ ¬± ¿ ³¿¨·³«³ ±º ïðð ­¯«¿®» º»»¬ò Ò± ¾·´´¾±¿®¼­ ©·´´ ¾» »®»½¬»¼ ±² ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ò ÛÈÛÝËÌ×ÊÛ ÍËÓÓßÎÇæ íÞ Ð®±°»®¬·»­ ÔÔÝó ͸»®®· Þ»®»¹±ª±§ô ·­ ®»¯«»­¬·²¹ ¬± ®»³±ª» ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ °®±ºº»®»¼ ½±²¼·¬·±²­ º®±³ ¿ ïçèè ®»¦±²·²¹æ ½´»¿²·²¹ »­¬¿¾´·­¸³»²¬ ±²´§ò ̸» ¬±¬¿´ ­¯«¿®» º±±¬¿¹» ±º ¿´´ ­·¹²­ ±² ¬¸» ­«¾¶»½¬ °®±°»®¬§ ·­ ´·³·¬»¼ ¬± ¿ ³¿¨·³«³ ̸» °«®°±­» ±º 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C-2 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-54-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of this district is to provide locations for a variety of commercial and service related activities within the urban service area serving a community of several neighborhoods or large areas of the county. This district is intended for general application throughout the county. General commercial districts are most appropriately found along major arterial thoroughfares which serve large segments of the county's population. The C-2 district permits a wide variety of retail and service related uses. Land uses permitted in this district are generally consistent with the recommendations set forth in the transition and core land use categories of the comprehensive plan. Site development regulations are designed to ensure compatibility with adjoining land uses. (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-54-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1.Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type I * Multi-Family Dwelling * Two-Family Dwelling * 2.Civic Uses Administrative Services Clubs Cultural Services Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, College/University 1   C-2 District Regulations Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Family Day Care Home * Guidance Services Park and Ride Facility * Post Office Public Assembly Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Safety Services * Utility Services, Minor 3.Office Uses Financial Institutions * General Office Medical Office Laboratories 4.Commercial Uses Agricultural Services * Antique Shops Automobile Dealership, New * Automobile Repair Services, Minor * Automobile Rental/Leasing Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail * Bed and Breakfast * Boarding House 2   C-2 District Regulations Business Support Services Business or Trade Schools Commercial Indoor Entertainment Commercial Indoor Sports and Recreation Commercial Outdoor Entertainment Commercial Outdoor Sports and Recreation Communications Services Construction Sales and Services * Consumer Repair Services Fuel Center * Funeral Services Garden Center * Gasoline Station * Hospital Hotel/Motel/Motor Lodge Kennel, Commercial * Pawn Shop Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Restaurant, General Retail Sales Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 3   C-2 District Regulations 5.Industrial Uses Recycling Centers and Stations * 6.Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Parking Facility * (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1.Civic Uses Adult Care Residences Halfway House Life Care Facility Nursing Home Religious Assembly Utility Services, Major * 2.Commercial Uses Adult Business * Automobile Dealership, Used * Automobile Repair Services, Major * Car Wash * Commercial Indoor Amusement Convenience Store * Dance Hall Equipment Sales and Rental * 4   C-2 District Regulations Manufactured Home Sales * Mini-warehouse * Outpatient Mental Health and Substance Abuse Center Recreational Vehicle Sales and Service * Restaurant, Drive-in and Fast Food * Surplus Sales Truck Stop * 3.Industrial Uses Custom Manufacturing * Landfill, Rubble * Transportation Terminal 4.Miscellaneous Uses Broadcasting Tower * Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 022796-14, § 1, 2-27-96; 042297-14, § 1, 4-22-97; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 102803-15, § 2, 10-28-03; Ord. No. 102505-7, § 2, 10-25-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11) Sec. 30-54-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 1 acre (43,560 square feet). b. Frontage: 100 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 5   C-2 District Regulations 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water, or both: a. Area: 15,000 square feet. b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet, or 20 feet when all parking is located behind the front building line. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: None. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 15 feet. b. Accessory structures: 3 feet. 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. Height limitations: a. Principal structures: When adjoining property zoned R-1 or R-2, 45 feet, including rooftop mechanical equipment. The maximum height may be increased, provided each required side and rear yard adjoining the R-1 or R-2 district is increased two feet for each foot in height over 45 feet. In all locations the height is unlimited unless otherwise restricted by this ordinance. b. Accessory structures: actual height of principal structure. (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 50 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 90 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93) 6   Sign Standards Sec. 30-93-14. Special Signage Districts and Regulations. (A) Off-Premises Signs. As of September 23, 2003, a cap shall be placed on the total number of off-premises sign structures in the county, including all conforming or nonconforming off-premises signs, as defined in this section. 1. Consolidation; Reconstruction of Existing Nonconforming Sign Structures. Existing off-premise sign structures that are nonconforming may be consolidated and reconstructed only in accordance with this section. a. Applications to consolidate or reconstruct an existing off-premises sign structure shall be made to the department of community development. b. Applications to consolidate and reconstruct an existing nonconforming off-premises sign structure will be approved if approval of the building permit application will result in a reduction of the number of total off- premises sign structures in the county, thereby reducing the cap on the total number of off-premise sign structures in the county by the number of the nonconforming off-premise sign structures being removed. c. The applicant for a building permit application may consolidate two (2) single-faced billboard structures into one (1) double-faced structure, which may be a monopole structure. d. No building permit application for the consolidation and reconstruction of an off-premises sign that is nonconforming will be approved unless it is accompanied by a demolition permit for an existing nonconforming off- premises sign, or combination of non-conforming off-premises signs, of at least equal sign area. e. No permit for a consolidated and reconstructed off-premises sign that is nonconforming shall be issued until the existing off-premises sign(s), on the above mentioned demolition permit, are removed. f. The department of community development will review each application submitted under this section to confirm that the square footage of sign area of any consolidated and reconstructed sign structure does not exceed the square footage of the sign area on the sign structure being demolished pursuant to this section, however, the department shall consider the size of the existing sign face on the consolidated and reconstructed sign structure so that the second sign face being added is approximately the same size as the existing sign face on the consolidated and reconstructed sign structure. If the existing sign structure is being converted into a double faced monopole, the sign area of the consolidated and reconstructed sign shall not exceed three hundred seventy-eight (378) square feet, plus ten (10) 1   Sign Standards percent for embellishments, and the height and setback of the sign shall remain the same, or be made more conforming. g. A permit issued by the county to consolidate and reconstruct a nonconforming off-premise sign structure in accordance with this section shall expire five (5) years from the date of issuance. 2. Conforming Off-Premises Signs. a. Legally established off-premises signs, located within the C-2, I-1 and I-2 zoning districts, which meet the location and design standards in this section shall be considered conforming off-premises signs. All other off- premises signs shall be considered non-conforming. b. Tri-vision changeable messages shall be allowed on existing and replaced off-premises signs, located within the C-2, I-1 and I-2 zoning districts, which meet the location and design standards in this section. The minimum dwell time that an image must remain visible shall be ten (10) seconds. The maximum twirl time between image changes shall be three (3) seconds. c. Off-premises signs shall be conforming and be allowed in the C-2, I-1, and I-2 Districts provided the following location and design standards are met: 1. No off-premises sign shall be located within a five hundred-foot radius of an existing off-premises sign, or an off-premises sign for which a valid permit has been obtained, but has not yet been erected. 2. No off-premises sign shall be located within two hundred (200) feet of any residential zoning district, public square, park, school, library, or religious assembly property. 3. No off-premises sign shall be allowed to be installed on any roof structure, nor shall any such sign exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height above the elevation of the nearest edge of the abutting road, from which the sign is visible. 4. Side by side, double and multi-decker off-premises signs shall not be permitted. 5. Any off-premises sign must have a minimum sign setback of forty (40) feet from the centerline of any public right-of-way, or fifteen (15) feet from any front property line, whichever is greater. Any off-premises sign shall have a minimum side and/or rear yard setback of fifteen (15) feet. 2   Sign Standards 6. The maximum size of any off-premises sign on a lot shall be three hundred seventy-eight (378) square feet plus ten (10) percent for embellishments. d. No application for construction of a conforming off-premises sign will be approved unless it is accompanied by a demolition permit for an existing conforming or nonconforming off-premises sign, or combination of off- premises signs, of at least equal sign area. e. No permit for a conforming off-premises sign will be issued until the existing off-premises sign(s) on the above-mentioned demolition permit, are removed. 3  AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 ORDINANCE REZONING 0.343 ACRE LOCATED AT 4345 BRAMBLETON AVENUE FOR THE PUROSE OF REMOVING PROFFFERED CONDITIONS THE PROPERTY, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (TAX MAP NO. 76.20-02-06), UPON THE APPLICATION OF 3B PROPERTIES, LLC WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on August 27, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing were held September 24, 2013; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on September 3, 2013; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 1988, this property was rezoned from B-1 Business to B-2 Business for the purpose of constructing a dry cleaning business on this property; and WHEREAS, the owner at that time proffered certain conditions as part of that rezoning; however, the current owner seeks to remove these conditions in order to expand the potential commercial uses allowed on the property BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following proffered conditions on this property are hereby repealed: “To be constructed in substantial conformity with the Conceptual Plan. That the property will be used for a dry cleaning establishment only. The total square footage of signs on the subject property is limited to a maximum of Page 1 of 2 one hundred (100) square feet. No billboards will be erected on the property.” 2. That this action is taken upon the application of 3B Properties, LLC. 3. That said real estate is more fully described as follows: Being 0.343 acre of real estate located at 4345 Brambleton Avenue and further described as Tax Map No. 76.20-02-06 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 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NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Lease Agreement with the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority for approximately 1,100 acres of real estate located in Roanoke County and Bedford County, known as Explore Park, is hereby approved; and 2. That the rent shall be One Dollar ($1) per year for a total of $99, all of which shall be prepaid in advance; and 3. That the County Administrator or Assistant County Administrator are hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of this real estate, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 5-26.2. “LICENSURE OF DANGEROUS DOGS” OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PROVIDE FOR AN INCREASE IN THE REGISTRATION COMPLIANCE PERIOD WHEREAS, Chapter 5. “Animals and Fowl” of the Roanoke County Code establishes procedures for the identification, keeping, and licensure of dangerous dogs; and WHEREAS, the 2012 Session of the Virginia General Assembly amended Section 3.2-6540 of the Code of Virginia to increase the compliance period for obtaining a dangerous dog registration certificate; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend the County Code in order to bring it into compliance with the Commonwealth’s enabling legislation for dangerous dogs; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on September 10, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing was held on September 24, 2013. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 5-26.2 of the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provided as follows: Sec. 5-26.2. – Licensure of Dangerous Dogs (a) The owner or custodian of any dog found by a court to be a dangerous dog shall, within ten forty-five (1045) days of such finding, obtain a dangerous dog registration certificate or license from the treasurer by Page 1 of 2 paying the fee required by section 5-44 of this Code. The treasurer shall provide the owner or custodian with a uniformly designed tag which identifies the dog as a dangerous dog. The owner or custodian shall affix the tag to the dog's collar and ensure that the dog wears collar and tag at all times. All certificates or licenses issued pursuant to this section shall be renewed annually as required by section 5-44 of this Code. The community service officer shall provide a copy of the dangerous dog registration certificate or license and verification of the owner's compliance with the requirements of this article to the state veterinarian. (b) No dangerous dog license shall be issued until the applicant has filed with the treasurer the insurance certificate required by section 5-26.3(c). The treasurer shall immediately forward a copy of such certificate to the police department and the county's risk manager for review and filing. The risk manager shall immediately notify the community service and/or police officer of any noncompliance with the provisions of section 5-26.3(c) of which the risk manager becomes aware. (c) Any license or renewal required to be obtained under this section shall only be issued to persons eighteen (18) years of age or older who present satisfactory evidence: (1) Of the dog's current rabies vaccination; (2) That the provisions of subsections (a), (b) and (d) of section 5-26.3 have been complied with; and (3) That the animal has been neutered or spayed 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Page 2 of 2 ß T A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 ORDINANCE CREATING THE WESTERN VIRGINIA REGIONAL INDUSTRIAL FACILITY AUTHORITY WHEREAS, pursuant to the Virginia Regional Industrial Facilities Act, Chapter 64 of Title 15.2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended (the “Act”), the governing bodies of Botetourt County, Franklin County, Roanoke County, City of Roanoke, City of Salem and the Town of Vinton, after public hearing, duly advertised, if required by law, have determined that the economies of many localities within the region have not kept pace with those of the rest of the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, providing a mechanism for localities in the creation to cooperate in the development of facilities will assist the region in overcoming this barrier to economic growth; and WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia has recognized that regional industrial facility authorities will enhance the economic base for the member localities by developing, owning and operating one or more facilities on a cooperative basis involving its member localities; and WHEREAS, regional industrial facility authorities and the powers vested in such authorities shall be for the benefit of the inhabitants of the region, and other areas of the Commonwealth, for the increase their commerce, and for the promotion of their safety, health, welfare, convenience and prosperity; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke is authorized by the Act to participate in such regional industrial facility authorities and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, in conjunction with other governing bodies hereby proposes to create Page 1 of 2 the Western Virginia Industrial Authority, a public body politic and corporate created pursuant to the Act; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 10, 2013; and the second reading and public hearing was held on September 24, 2013, and was duly advertised. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. The economic growth and development of Roanoke County, Virginia and the comfort, convenience and welfare of its citizens require the development of facilities; and 2. Joint action through a regional industrial facility authority by Botetourt County, Franklin County, Roanoke County, City of Roanoke, City of Salem and the Town of Vinton will facilitate the development of the needed facilities; and 3. Roanoke County is hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement establishing the respective rights and obligations of the member localities with respect to the authority consistent with the provisions of Section 15.2-6400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia. 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Exemption for Elderly and Disabled Persons of Chapter 21. Taxation to change the annual filing date to submit an application for an exemption from between February 1 and March 31of the year for which exemption is claimed to between February 1 and March 15of the year for which exemption is claimed ÍËÞÓ×ÌÌÛÜ ÞÇæ Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ÝÑËÒÌÇ ßÜÓ×Ò×ÍÌÎßÌÑÎùÍ ÝÑÓÓÛÒÌÍæ ÍËÓÓßÎÇ ÑÚ ×ÒÚÑÎÓßÌ×ÑÒæ This is the second reading of an ordinance amending Section 21-74 of the Roanoke County Code to change the annual filing date to submit an application for the Tax Relief for the Elderly and Disabled program from between February 1 and March 31of the year for which exemption is claimed to between February 1 and March 15of the year for which exemption is claimed. The General Assembly has authorized the governing bodies of counties, cities, and towns to adopt an ordinance to provide for the exemption from, deferral of, or a combination program of exemptions from and deferrals of real estate taxation for elderly or disabled property owners subject to certain conditions and in such amounts as the ordinance may allow and the enabling legislation may authorize. Roanoke County has adopted the exemption instead of deferral program for local real estate taxes for eligible citizens. This real estate property tax relief program is authorized by Article X, Section 6 (b) of the Constitution of Virginia. The exemption is intended to provide relief to those elderly Page 1 of 2  or disabled persons whose real estate property tax burden is deemed to be excessive in comparison with their income and financial worth. When amending portions of the Roanoke County Code that affect taxes or fees, it has been the practice of the Board to hold a public hearing after publishing notices in the newspaper. Since the County Code is adopted by ordinance, the County Charter requires two readings to amend an ordinance. The Charter does provide for a procedure to waive the second reading upon a four-fifths (4/5ths) vote of the Board and to adopt that ordinance as an emergency measure. The primary reason for this request is that due to the large number of participants in the program and the volume of information that must be received by the Commissioner of the Revenue,the turnaround time for the processing the applications before Real Estate bills are printed is relatively short. ÍÌßÚÚ ÎÛÝÑÓÓÛÒÜßÌ×ÑÒæ It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adoption of this ordinance. Page 2 of 2  AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 21-74, APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY. EXEMPTION FOR ELDERLY AND DISABLED PERSONS OF CHAPTER 21. TAXATION TO CHANGE THE ANNUAL FILING DATE TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM BETWEEN FEBRUARY 1 AND MARCH 31 OF THE YEAR FOR WHICH EXEMPTION IS CLAIMED TO BETWEEN FEBRUARY 1 AND MARCH 15 OF THE YEAR FOR WHICH EXEMPTION IS CLAIMED WHEREAS, Section 21-74 of the Roanoke County Code currently establishes that a person seeking an exemption under this division shall file an application for exemption in affidavit form with the commissioner of the revenue between February 1 and March 31 of the year for which the exemption is claimed; and WHEREAS, there are a large number of participants in the program and a high volume of information is submitted to the commissioner of the revenue, a change in the filing date will serve to have the application process proceed more efficiently; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 10, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing were held on September 24, 2013; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 21-74. – Application and certificate of disability of Division 3. – Exemption for Elderly and Disable Persons of Article III. – Real Estate Taxes of Chapter 21. Taxation be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 21-74. - Application and certificate of disability. Page 1 of 2 (a) A person seeking an exemption under this division shall file an application for exemption, in affidavit form, with the commissioner of the revenue, between February 1 andMarch 31 March 15 of the year for which exemption is claimed. Such application shall set forth the names of any related persons occupying the property for which the exemption is claimed and that the total combined net worth, including equitable interests, and the combined income from all sources of the persons specified in Section 21-73 does not exceed the limits prescribed in such section. (b) A person claiming an exemption because he has attained the age of sixty- five (65) years shall be required to file an initial application and make affidavit thereof pursuant to subsection (a) above. This initial application will be valid for a period of three (3) years and in intervening years, once the exemption is granted, such person shall be required only to make an annual certification, on forms to be supplied by the commissioner of the revenue, that the information on the last preceding affidavit filed has not changed so as to violate the limitations and conditions provided in this division. (c) If a person applying for an exemption under this division is under sixty-five (65) years of age, he shall be required to submit annually, the application referred to in subsection (a) above and each such annual application shall have attached to it a certification by the social security administration, the veterans administration, the railroad retirement board or the civil service commission which shall indicate that the applicant has been determined to be permanently and totally disabled such that he is unable to engage in any substantially gainful activities by reason of a medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to last for the duration of such person's life. If such person is not eligible for such certification by any of the above mentioned agencies, a sworn affidavit, by two (2) medical doctors licensed to practice medicine in the commonwealth, to the effect that such person is so totally and permanently disabled is acceptable, so long as the affidavit of at least one such doctor is based upon a physical examination of such person by such doctor. 2. That this amendment to the Roanoke County Code shall be effective from and after its adoption. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2013 RESOLUTION ADOPTING POLICIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY PROJECTS OR THE ADOPTION OF COUNTY ORDINANCES REVISION #2…based on input from Board Work Session dated July 23, 2013, additional review and citizen comments (September, 2013) WHEREAS, private property ownership is the foundation of individual liberty for American citizens; and WHEREAS, in 2012 the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia voted to amend Article 1, Section 11 of the Constitution of Virginia further defining "public uses" and that no private property shall be damaged or taken for public use without just compensation; and WHEREAS, property owners’ rights are subject to the confines of the law and what is prescribed in Roanoke County zoning and other requirements; and WHEREAS, the County intends to manage growth in a positive way acting conservatively and with deliberation when making decisions that will affect our quality of life and that of our children's children as stated in Chapter 2 of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the County seeks to empower our citizens to protect and maintain their neighborhoods and communities from actions that might be a detriment to their peace and tranquility; and WHEREAS, the County has adopted ordinances and programs to preserve the integrity of the surrounding mountains and open space as emphasized in the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan: Resource Preservation; and Page 1 of 7 WHEREAS, the County supports the "right to farm" as found in the Code of Virginia 3.2-301 and encourages mutual respect among farmers, non-farm owners and rural visitors to protect individual property rights, responsibilities and privacy; and WHEREAS, the County seeks to bring a higher degree of communication and transparency between elected or appointed officials and the neighbors affected by zoning and site plan decisions. This is to be done by improving and clarifying the procedures used by both the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors thereby assuring citizens’ input is an integral part of this process in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan goal: To achieve the highest possible level of citizen participation in all elements of Roanoke County government by keeping our citizens informed and educated on public policy issues and maintaining an open, democratic, and easily accessible governmental system; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby agrees to establish the following policies for the implementation and development of County projects. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors as follows: 1) That the Roanoke County Planning Commission develop an Operating Guide or Detailed Procedures for the conduct of meetings; and that citizens be made aware on the Planning Commission website that all the meetings’ audio recordings are available for review at the Roanoke County Page 2 of 7 Administration Building on Bernard Drive, by appointment. Also, these procedures should make it clear that citizens are encouraged to fully express their views on proposed changes. 2) That the Roanoke County Planning Commission and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors require that their detailed Agendas for upcoming meetings and their archived meeting minutes include instructions for searching words or phrases inside their long Portable Document Format (PDF) documents. Written instructions are needed to help the public readily access the information and its potential significance. 3) That Roanoke County residential or agriculturally zoned areas may not be rezoned to commercial or industrial zoning without public notice and public hearings held by the County in the immediate affected area in order to receive public input, prior to the fulfillment of all other rezoning requirements in State Code. The vision and other provisions of the Comprehensive Plan shall also be reviewed at the meetings held by the County on any potential rezoning from residential or agricultural land use. Prime natural assets such as rivers, lakes, parks, and mountains may not be rezoned to commercial or utility use unless there is documented potential quality of life and other cost-benefits to the public in support thereof. 4) That Roanoke County require in the event of a significant rezoning, affected property owners be notified in writing prior to Planning Commission review, and the property owners will be provided an Page 3 of 7 opportunity to participate in an information session where particulars of the plan and possible impact will be available for review. Property owners and/or their representatives may present their opinions of the proposed zoning changes to the Planning Commission and the number of citizen responses and their opinions must be reported by the Planning Commission to the Board of Supervisors as they consider the change. 5) That the Roanoke County Planning Commission and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors establish new time limits for speakers participating in rezoning and site plan development activities. Specifically: a) Registered Associations: Recommend up to 10 minutes be allocated for representatives of a civic, citizens or homeowners’ association registered with the county. Others members may register on the Speakers List, as individuals, and speak as individuals. b) Registered Individuals: Recommend all individuals who are appearing on their own behalf or on behalf of a business shall be allocated 3 minutes to address the Commission. 6) That the Roanoke County Planning Commission establish a Site Plan Review Committee (SPRC) process to be available as a tool for the County Board to vary the uses, heights, setbacks, density, and form of development for proposed site plan exceptions and rezonings. Each zoning area in Roanoke County permits a certain type and level of development “by-right”. Beyond this, certain zoning areas provide for a special exception by “site plan” that allows for greater flexibility and use, Page 4 of 7 density, and form of development. The key to the success of the Site Plan Review Process is that additional development rights serve as an incentive to seek a special exception by site plan and participate in the process. The additional development rights available through a site plan exception are the incentive for the developer to participate in the site plan review process, and the review and negotiation process allows the County to better achieve its goals set forth in The Comprehensive Plan. 7) The SPRC shall be comprised of a SPRC Chair, citizen members, and representatives of the civic groups and neighborhood organizations in Roanoke County impacted by proposed rezoning or site plan exceptions, as a mechanism for the Planning Commission and citizens’ community groups to have input on such proposals prior to the formal public hearings held by the Planning Commission and County Board of Supervisors. A special emphasis is to be placed on inviting citizens to participate in SPRC meetings for proposed site plan exceptions and rezonings. Members of the SPRC will be chosen by the group requesting a review. The review will be conducted by county staff and the SPRC for review when the plan is presented to the Planning Commission. 8) The Site Plan Review Committee process provides a forum in which the site plan applicant, County staff, the Planning Commission, and citizens’ community groups can review, discuss, and comment on proposed site plan exceptions and rezonings, to advise the Planning Commission on the SPRC consensus (pro or con) and any outstanding issues or potential Page 5 of 7 significant community concerns or conditions that warrant further consideration. 9) Also, the Site Plan Review Committee shall make available in a location to be determined by the County Administrator all proposed design documents and revisions of the site plan applicant for the public’s review should interested citizens not be able to participate in SPRC meetings. The site plan review process ends with a formal public hearing before the Planning Commission and the results being documented and reported to the County Board of Supervisors. 10) That the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors should state why the community group’s position and recommendations were denied should the County Board reach a decision contrary to the civic organization or community group’s representative. 11) That Roanoke County Board of Supervisors’ Work Sessions include provision for at least one outside speaker at the sponsoring member’s request, such as a representative of a neighborhood or community group or someone very knowledgeable on the applicable issue, to assist the Board member sponsoring the proposed resolution or ordinance and to add increased perspective (pro and con) for all Board members’ consideration and understanding. 12) That no County officer or employee shall enter upon private property except as authorized by law. Police emergencies, fire events, warrants issued by the sheriff, property inspections and normal social service visits Page 6 of 7 are conducted as required without advance notice. Non-emergency visits to private property must be conducted during the normal work day with advance notice to the property owner. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the County Administrator and such exceptions must be approved by a majority of the Board of Supervisors. Page 7 of 7