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11/12/2013 - Regular
α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Í«°»®ª·±® Ò±ª»³¾»® ïîô îðïí INVOCATION: Reverend Loraine Taylor Grace Assembly of God PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: l start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of Page 1 of 7 α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ Þ±¿®¼ ±º Í«°»®ª·±® ß¹»²¼¿ Ò±ª»³¾»® ïîô îðïí Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for November 12, 2013.Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of te at www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov.Our meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Proclamation recognizing November 23, 2013 as National Adoption Day in the County of Roanoke (Joyce Earl, Director of Social Services) D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing from RCCLEAR to present Climate Action Plan (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Resolution establishing the Policy for Integrating Bicycling and Pedestrian Accommodations in Roanoke County transportation projects (Richard L. Caywood, Assistant County Administrator) Page 2 of 7 2. Resolution adopting standards of conduct for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 3. Resolution adopting a legislative program for the 2014 session of the Virginia General Assembly and petitioning the General Assembly to favorably consider the topics and issues addressed herein (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 4. Request to participate in the United Way Bank On Roanoke Valley (BORV) program (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator) 5. Resolution authorizing a litter prevention program for Roanoke County; requesting the Virginia Department of Transportation to permit the erection of public service signage in the right-of-way and transferring $7,676 from the Board of Supervisors Contingency Account to fund this program (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) 6. (B. Clayton Goodman III, County Administrator) 7. Resolution authorizing a grant application to the Department of Environmental Quality for the Glade Creek Natural Stream Restoration-Water Quality Improvement Project Vinyard Park-Phase I (Tarek Moneir, Deputy Director of Development) F. REQUEST FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS AND FIRST READING OF REZONING ORDINANCE-CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of these items does not indicate support for, or judge the merits of, the requested zoning actions but satisfies procedural requirements and schedules the Public Hearings which will be held after recommendation by the Planning Commission 1. The petition of Gary and Tamera Tickle to rezone approximately 0.93 acre from C-1, Office, District to C-2, General Commercial, District and to obtain a Special Use Permit for the operation of a car wash, located at 1905 Electric Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District 2. The petition of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to rezone approximately 0.5 acre from R-1, Low Density Residential, District to C-2, General Commercial, District, located at 3319 and 3323 Westmoreland Drive, Cave Spring Magisterial District Page 3 of 7 G. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $1,179,050.50 and presenting øÜ«» ¬± the results of operations for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013 ¬·³» ½±²¬®¿·²¬ô ·¬ · ®»¯«»¬»¼ ¬¸¿¬ô «°±² ¿ º±«®óº·º¬¸ ª±¬» ±º ¬¸» Þ±¿®¼ô ¬¸» »½±²¼ ®»¿¼·²¹ ¾» ©¿·ª»¼ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ±®¼·²¿²½» ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¿ ¿² »³»®¹»²½§ ³»¿«®»ò÷ (Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance) 2. Ordinance accepting and appropriating $2,760.11 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Virginia Department of Emergency Management for reimbursement of expenditures related to the June 2012 Derecho storm (Joey Stump, Division Chief) 3. Ordinance accepting and appropriating $96,906 to Roanoke County Public Schools for various grants (Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance) 4. Ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $100,000 from the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority to Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism for Building and Park Improvements at Explore Park (Doug Blount, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) 5. Ordinance amending Section 15-10. Behavior of the Roanoke County Code to permit the use, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages at Roanoke County facilities (Doug Blount, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism;Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney and Diana Rosapepe, Director of Libraries) 6. Ordinance accepting and appropriating a grant in the amount of $5,172 from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs for the repair of the existing burn building (Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief of Fire and Rescue) 7. Ordinance repealing Section 18-64 and Section 22-71 of the Roanoke County Code and adopting new Section 18- ion 22- (Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) 8. Ordinance appropriating funds in the amount of $116,000 from the Minor øÜ«» ¬± ¬·³» ½±²¬®¿·²¬ô ·¬ · Office at the Roanoke County/Salem Jail ®»¯«»¬»¼ ¬¸¿¬ô «°±² ¿ º±«®óº·º¬¸ ª±¬» ±º ¬¸» Þ±¿®¼ô ¬¸» »½±²¼ ®»¿¼·²¹ ¾» ©¿·ª»¼ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ±®¼·²¿²½» ¿¼±°¬»¼ ¿ ¿² »³»®¹»²½§ ³»¿«®»ò÷ (Anne Marie Green, Director of General Services) Page 4 of 7 H. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance authorizing the abandonment of an existing cross access easement, the granting a new cross access easement, and the acceptance of a stormwater management and drainage easement Glenvar Library and Richfield Retirement Community (Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) I. APPOINTMENTS 1. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 2. Roanoke County Community Leaders Environmental Action Roundtable (RCCLEAR) J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes October 8, 2013 2. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Sharon l. Reynolds Communications Officer II, upon her retirement after twenty-seven (27) years of service 3. Donation of a police dog to the Roanoke County Police Department 4. Request to approve the revised Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission Bylaws 5. Confirmation of appointments to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission 6. Request to change the Employee Handbook-Flexible Leave Program (FLP) Cash-In Policy 7. Resolution amending the Policy for Use of Unexpended Appropriations at Year End 8. Resolution amending the policy for Roanoke County Capital Reserves to include the Technology Reserve Page 5 of 7 K. REQUESTS FOR WORK SESSIONS L. REQUESTS FORPUBLIC HEARINGS M.MENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS N. REPORTS 1. General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2. Capital Reserves 3. Reserve for Board Contingency 4. Report of Claims Activity for the Self-Insurance Program 5. Quarterly ReportCommunity Development Activities O. WORK SESSIONS 1. Work session to discuss a lease for a water tower for North County (Richard L. Caywood, Assistant County Administrator) P. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711.A.29. Discussion of the award of a public contract for road construction involving the expenditure of public funds and discussion of the terms or scope of such contract, where discussion in open session would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the County ÛÊÛÒ×ÒÙ ÍÛÍÍ×ÑÒ Q. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION R. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance approving a lease between Roanoke County and the Western Virginia Water Authority for the location of awater tank (Richard L. Caywood, Assistant County Administrator) S. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Frank R. Radford and Mary E. Radford to remove the proffered condition regarding signage on property approximately 0.06764 acre in size and zoned C-2C, General Commercial, District with conditions, located at 2210 Electric Road, Windsor Hills District (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) Page 6 of 7 2. State Central Bank, to amend the Planned Residential Development Master Plan to remove the trails section and remove the lighting section for Loblolly Mill, Inc., on Sterling Road which measures approximately 104.4 acres, øб¬°±²»¼ «²¬·´ Ü»½»³¾»® ïîô îðïíô ¿¬ ¬¸» Vinton Magisterial District ®»¯«»¬ ±º ¬¸» °»¬·¬·±²»®÷ 3. Barry and Donna Tucker to obtain a Special Use Permit in a R-1, Low Density Residential, District for the operation of a bed and breakfast on approximately 1.054 acres, located at 6716 Timberline Circle, Windsor Hills Magisterial øÉ·¬¸¼®¿©² ¿¬ ¬¸» ®»¯«»¬ ±º ¬¸» °»¬·¬·±²»®÷ District 4. Ordinance amending various sections of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 5. Code by additional definitions to Section 13- Section 13--15 T. CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMUNICATIONS U. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. 2. Charlotte A. Moore 3. Richard C. Flora 4. 5. Michael W. Altizer V. ADJOURNMENT Page 7 of 7 ÎÝÝÔÛßÎ ÝÔ×ÓßÌÛ ßÝÌ×ÑÒ ÐÔßÒ Ñ½¬±¾»® îðïí Ы®°±»æ RCCLEAR seeks to build awareness and affect significant reductions in county-wide energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas emissions by providing useful information and practical solutions to citizens and businesses. The ultimate outcome is the for the safety, security and enjoyment of future generations. Ю·³¿®§ Ѿ¶»½¬·ª»æ To increase awareness and effect subsequent reductions of local energy use by developing and implementing a diverse menu of offerings that will ultimately reduce GHG Emissions over a 10 year period 30% reduction by 2020. ÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁÁ Û¨»½«¬·ª» Í«³³¿®§ The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors adopted the Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), Cities/Counties for Climate Protection (CCP), Greenhouse Gas reduction model in August of 2007. ICLEI outlines 5 Milestones that need to be achieved in order to successfully participate in the program. After having completed Milestones 1&2, it was decided to form a to help plan and implement a strategy for GHG reduction. Subsequently, RCCLEAR was formed by the Board of Supervisors to meet the criterion of creating and executing a plan for a successful county-wide GHG reduction program. This Climate Action Plan is based in part on the information provided in the 2007 (Baseline) and 2008, 2009 and 2010 Roanoke County Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories and other relevant data.A brief summary of the CCP 5 Milestones follows along with the emissions data and GHG reduction target contained in Milestones 1 & 2. ×ÝÔÛ× Ó·´»¬±²» ï The Roanoke County Greenhouse Gas Inventory Summary The 2011 community wide emissions inventory, found to be 1.66 million tons of CO 2, was completed in April2013. RCCLEAR has used the emissions reports to provide direction and focus in developing recommendations for the next 10 years by focusing attention on the top 4 categories in the two major areas; sector and source. 2010 Carbon Emissions Energy Source Electricity - 55% Gasoline - 28% Natural Gas - 7% Page 1 of 11 Diesel - 6% All others - 4% 2010 Carbon Emissions by Sector Transportation - 34% Residential 33.6% Commercial - 21% Industrial - 9% Waste - 2% ×ÝÔÛ× Ó·´»¬±²» î Establish a Reduction Target Roanoke County has targeted a 3% GHG reduction per-year from 2010 through 2020, or a 30% overall reduction over the baseline year of 2007. ×ÝÔÛ× Ó·´»¬±²» í Finalizing the Climate Action Plan RCCLEAR spent approximately one year identifying a preliminary climate action plan (CAP) that was submitted to ICLEI and was used for the Community component of the Stimulus Grant from DOE. We will continue to work to finalize the CAP as we work on an ongoing basis to identify programs, partnerships and strategies to reach our ICLEI goal of GHG reduction of 3% per year. ×ÝÔÛ× Ó·´»¬±²» ì Implement the Climate Action Plan RCCLEAR will identify, recommend, and assist in implementing educational resources and programs that can be sustained over time and will achieve long term emission reductions in the County. ×ÝÔÛ× Ó·´»¬±²» ë Monitor Progress and Report Results Goals for programs and education initiatives that are established in the Climate Action Plan will be tracked as well as the Coverall emissions change. Page 2 of 11 Û²»®¹§ ݱ²»®ª¿¬·±² ¿²¼ ÙØ٠λ¼«½¬·±² Ю±¹®¿³ Target Sectors: Based on the information provided in the 2007 through 2010 Roanoke County Carbon Emissions Reports, RCCLEAR has decided to target the sectors representing the top four emitters and they are listed below in order of most to least CO emissions: 2 Transportation Residential Business (Commercial, Industrial) Institutional (churches, schools) Target Source Reduction: In addition to investigating and directing programs to Sectors (above) responsible for carbon emissions, it is also important to implement educational programs and tools based on the sources of GHGs and these too are listed below in order of most to least CO emissions: 2 Electricity Gasoline Natural Gas Diesel Potential Activities, Tools and Resources Education and information campaigns directed at target sectors focusing on emissions sources. Public programs available to citizens and businesses featuring such things as incentives, energy conservation strategies, and weatherization. Partnerships and shared programs will be cultivated with the various local governments and stakeholder groups in order to maximize resources and outcomes. Energy audit programs for residences, businesses and institutions. Specific, low-cost, tools and DIY resources will be investigated for each sector. Page 3 of 11 Ю±¹®¿³ ׳°´»³»²¬¿¬·±² Energy Education Campaign: Through the use of focus groups and investigation of best practices, RCCLEAR has determined that the most important factor in successfully promoting energy conservation and GHG reduction across all sectors and all sources is the need for energy education. During the planning phase it also became apparent that there is a lack of awareness in the community regarding climate change. To craft suitable messages and educational materials, RCCLEAR recommends that a comprehensive, ongoing, energy and GHG education campaign be the primary focus of this community- wide, climate action plan. Some key elements of this plan include: Development and implementation of a joint educational campaign with neighboring municipalities. (completed via SaveaTon) Development of a logo and brand for the environmental message(completed, Saveaton) A primary goal will be to support and promote the educational efforts of Saveaton. Support periodic and strategic energy messaging via local media outlets Promote readily accessible internet messaging on the Roanoke County website with easy to find, user friendly resources Promote the message and program participation via social media outlets (Facebook, etc.) Initiate regular energy information placement in Roanoke County E-newsletter. Facilitate periodic energy conservation installments on RVTV Disseminate educational energy materials via participation in a diverse variety of community events. Request creation of a full-time, Community Energy Educator (CEE) position to promote energy conservation in all sectors of the County. The goal being considerable community-wide energy savings, leading to job creation, which in turn will enhance the tax base. CEE will apply for a variety of available State, Federal (DOE) and private foundation energy conservation related grants as they become available, to help fund the position. The CEE will also administer grants. partnership with Hollins University) ÍÛÝÌÑÎ ÍÌÎßÌÛÙ×ÛÍ Ì®¿²°±®¬¿¬·±²æ scattered development and mixed urban/rural areas, does not easily lend itself to public transportation. However, this will focus on transportation strategies that have potential for improvement with the assistance of Ride Solutions, a program of the Regional Page 4 of 11 Commission as well as on our own transportation education. In prioritized order: Develop educational PSA to be aired in local broadcast media to include a wide range of vehicular energy conservation tips such as limiting idling, planning trips, maintenance of vehicles, use of public transportation and purchase of economical, low emission vehicles. Develop and utilize an energy efficient transportation presentation that can be presented at a wide variety of events Work with Valley Metro to increase regional bus service Promote bicycle friendly infrastructure, especially bike lanes, in the County. Facilitate faster implementation of Greenway Construction. Identify and recommend employer incentives for carpoolers and clean commuters. Support ongoing transportation education via effective use of media. Increase the number of Park-n-Ride sites. λ·¼»²¬·¿´ : Perhaps the most effective way to reach the largest audience is to utilize existing networks and resources to spread the message.This can be accomplished by having participate in numerous, existing, varied, group activities and events in order to achieve message saturation.. RCCLEAR will develop a flexible presentation format that is highly informative and engaging and can readily work in a variety of situations. By working with partners that have the expertise in these areas and utilizing existing educational materials we can effectively implement our educational mission in the community. The residential program will consist of the following tools and activities in order of priority: Encourage residents to calculate their potential energy savings by visiting Saveaton.org Preparation and dissemination of antool kitto homeowners and renters containing no/low cost, DIY, simple measures proven to reduce energy consumption. (Appendix A) Present public workshops and seminars via Energy Ambassadors, RCCLEAR and Saveaton partners. (Utilize RCCLEAR Brochure, and RCCLEAR PowerPoint 2, 8/24) Produce or encourage the production of short videos by RVTV to assist homeowners with energy savings projects. Page 5 of 11 Establish a permanent free (or low cost) energy audit program to be offered to County residents on a first come, first serve basis as was done in the EECBG project. Audits will be performed by the CEE who will be a certified energy auditor. Identify and develop weatherization incentives and rebates. Promote the idea of a modest property tax rebate or limited tax-freeze for those performing significant energy improvements. Develop a multimedia energy library (YouTube) that can be customized for different occasions. Recruit and utilize credible to take the message to residents. Identify and promote existing financing opportunities, rebates and incentives and publicize appropriately. Develop and employ a tracking mechanism or database for energy savings and COreductions for programs offered by Roanoke County. Track results in ICLEI 2 software as appropriate. Þ«·²»æ Businesses will be asked to participate in energy awareness training programs for their employees using the RCCLEAR provided guidelines for improved practices that will reduce their energy bills and carbon footprint, while emphasizing the valuable benefits to the bottom line - it makes good business sense to reduce energy consumption. Engage the 100 largest companies in the County as partners and potential ambassadors. Develop an energy conservation mentoring program Green Biz program. (Or partner with the City?) Develop and deliver green business and energy conservation seminars for local businesses. Establish a permanent, on-going free (or low cost) business energy audit program Identify certified weatherization contractors for commercial applications Solicit funding to underwrite business programs via motivated partners (Banks) Identify permanent funding, grants etc. to support these programs. Page 6 of 11 ײ¬·¬«¬·±²¿´æ Schools: The goal with regard to K-12 schools is to facilitate and support energy education in cooperation with administration, so as to promote a similar message in the schools as is presented in the community energy education messages promoted by RCCLEAR. Offer support to the Roanoke County Student Advisory Committee on the Green Ribbon Week activities and other projects. Provide resources and support to Earth Day activities in the schools. λ¹·±²¿´ ײ·¬·¿¬·ª» : Save A Ton: Southwest Virginia is fortunate to have several municipalities (Roanoke, Roanoke County and Blacksburg) and other groups, including the Regional Commission, working together to save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The intention is to capitalize on this synergy by actively presenting a unified message. The initiative has resulted in a joint education program and brand, called SaveATon, which now can be promulgated via cooperative use of all forms of media. SaveATon is being administered by the RVARC in the person of the Ridesolutions Coordinator and governed by an Executive Committee comprised of staff from Roanoke, Salem, Blacksburg, RVARC and Roanoke County. Specific goals include: Explore and develop permanent funding mechanisms in order to get the word out. Devise and carry out an on-going, highly visible, marketing and PR campaign. Determine methodologies to measure impact on energy consumption and behaviors. Promote Saveaton within each of the organizations. Identify various incentives for participation by residents and businesses. Develop an energy conservation mentoring program. Þ«¼¹»¬æ A target annual budget will be developed and permanent funding procedures devised, including: County General Fund support Fundraisers Grant writing Corporate Sponsorships Page 7 of 11 ß¼¼»²¼«³ ï Ô±½¿´ ﮬ²»® There are many opportunities for partnerships with existing local organizations to build on the environment. ᬻ²¬·¿´ ﮬ²»®æ ßÛÝÐ Energy conservation, energy audits and weatherization ßÛÝÐñÛÍ Green Living and Energy Expo, community education ݱ³³«²·¬§ ر«·²¹ ﮬ²»® É»¿¬¸»®·¦¿¬·±² - Energy conservation, energy audits and weatherization and community education ÝÒÎ îðíð Carbon neutral region by 2030, web based educational resource ËÍ Ù®»»² Þ«·´¼·²¹ ݱ«²½·´ ÍÉÊß GHG reduction thru improved building design and operations, industry and community education Û¿®¬¸½®¿º¬ Ê·®¹·²·¿ - GHG reduction thru improved building design and operations industry education α¿²±µ» λ¹·±²¿´ ر³»¾«·´¼»® ß±½·¿¬·±² Green Steering Committee, industry and community education Ù± Ù®»»² Ê·®¹·²·¿ GHG reduction for municipalities ر´´·² ݱ´´»¹» Ê·®¹·²·¿ É»¬»®² ݱ³³«²·¬§ ݱ´´»¹» α¿²±µ» ݱ´´»¹» ÌßÐ Weatherization program α¿²±µ» Ý·¬§ Ý·¬·¦»² º±® Ý´»¿² ¿²¼ Ù®»»² ó GHG reduction Í«¬¿·²¿¾´» Þ´¿½µ¾«®¹ GHG reduction Ý·¬§ ±º Í¿´»³ ó GHG reduction α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ Û¨¬»²·±² Í»®ª·½» ßÛРα¿²±µ» Ù¿ Ê·®¹·²·¿ Ì»½¸ α¿²±µ» λ¹·±²¿´ ݸ¿³¾»® ±º ݱ³³»®½» Ô±½¿´ Ó»¼·¿ ÎÊÌÊ Î±¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ ͽ¸±±´ Page 8 of 11 ßÐÐÛÒÜ×ÝÛÍ ß°°»²¼·¨ ß RCCLEAR Climate Action Plan Residential Initiatives: ENERGY SAVER TOOLKITS May 2013 Activity:Preparation and dissemination of energy saver to homeowners and renters containing no/low cost, do-it-yourself (DIY), simple measures proven to reduce energy consumption. Purpose: To enable residents to have an immediate impact on their home energy expenses by providing, easy to install, DIY energy conservation items. The expectation being real savings on utility bills and serving as an incentive to pursue further measures, such as weatherization, which will have potential for sizeable energy savings. What to Include- Caulk, weatherstripping, CFLs, insulating foam, outlet gaskets etc. Donations from local home improvement stores Northwest True Value. Donations from HVAC, landscaping, window replacement, and roofing companies. RCCLEAR brochure, handouts, instructions, rebate information/application and a toolkit survey Saveaton.org information and bumper sticker/bookmark. Additional energy goodies purchased by the County subject to available funds Donated vs. funded items- RCCLEAR members will use their various connections and contacts to obtain donations. At the RCCLEAR meeting, prior to an event, the members will elect and/or volunteer who is responsible for acquiring toolkit items. Based on available funds, County General Services may be able to buy some items. Need to keep an inventory list of Energy Saver toolkits, contents and recipient database. How to Assemble- RCCLEAR members and General Services staff will assemble tool-kits. Page 9 of 11 How to Distribute- RCCLEAR members volunteering for events/presentations/workshops. Realtors/Real Estate Companies RCCLEAR members will educate realtors consumption and the monetary benefits. The seminars will conclude by distributing toolkit vouchers to interested participants; realtors that they may gift to new homebuyers. The Realtors, in turn, will provide RCCLEAR with a list of recipients so the committee may follow up. Participating Boy and Girl Scout Troops- Boys and Girl Scouts have an Energy Use Badge. RCCLEAR members network with local troops to distribute toolkits as one of the requirements/options for earning the badge. Who and Where to target: Direct - County owner-occupied houses and condos: 26,753 Renter-occupied apartments:7,933 ïôìëï Total for Sale in Roanoke Give Realtors tool kits to distribute to new home buyers Neighborhoods of Roanoke County 23, many have neighborhood associations and HOAs to target. Over 50 Real Estate Companies PP presentations to educate the Realtors so they can advise sellers on the advantages of energy efficiency and what a great selling point it is. Community Events Energy Efficiency and Conservation presentations at the South County Library give away tool-kits as door prizes Green Living and Energy Expo Annual Home Show Earth Day Saturday Work Shops Free Tool-kit How to Follow Up- After each event, presentation, workshop, etc., using the quiz/pledge or any other personal info gathering technique, an RCCLEAR member/volunteer will perform the follow-up. Due to the fact that most toolkits will be distributed as door prizes ¿²©»®¿µ and/or presents, there should be a follow up to any questions and to questions that measure the usefulness and necessity of the items in the toolkits. Include a survey that can be mailed back or taken on-line. Possible Promoters/ Promotions Advertise on Outside.com (with ride solutions and Clean Valley Council). Presentations to local Boy and Girl Scout Troops. Page 10 of 11 Utilize the local Boy and Girl Scout troops to distribute tool-kits, the RCCLEAR and Save-A-Ton message (for badge credit). Power Point presentations at Roanoke County Parks and Recreation / Greenridge. 75-100 churches in Roanoke County- RCCLEAR members present to their own congregation and other members/ volunteers present at the more progressive churches in the County. Create events/presentations at South County Library, Brambleton Center and other County venues. Page 11 of 11 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE POLICY FOR INTEGRATING BICYCLING AND PEDESTRIAN ACCOMMODATIONS IN ROANOKE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors finds that bicycling and pedestrian accommodations are fundamental travel modes and integral components of an efficient transportation network; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes the need to accommodate these travel modes into the planning, funding, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the County’s transportation network to achieve a safe, effective and balanced multimodal transportation system; and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Transportation Board adopted the policy for Integrating Bicycles and Pedestrian Accommodations on March 18, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has previously rejected bicycling and pedestrian accommodations in various transportation projects due to the costs for such accommodations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to reconsider this policy and to establish a policy integrating bicycling and pedestrian accommodations into all County transportation projects. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Policy for Integrating Bicycles and Pedestrian Accommodations into all County transportation projects is hereby established; and Page 1 of 2 2. That this policy shall be in effect from and after the date of its adoption unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors; and 3. That a copy of this policy is attached to this Resolution and incorporated by reference. Page 2 of 2 Virginia Department of Transportation Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations 1. Introduction Bicycling and walking are fundamental travel modes and integral components of an efficient transportation network. Appropriate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations provide the public, including the disabled community, with access to the transportation network; connectivity with other modes of transportation; and independent mobility regardless of age, physical constraints, orincome. Effective bicycle and pedestrian accommodations enhance thequality of life and health, strengthen communities, increase safety for all highway users, reduce congestion, and can benefit the environment. Bicycling and walking are successfully accommodated when travel by these modes is efficient, safe, and comfortable for the public. A strategic approach will consistentlyincorporate the consideration and provision of bicycling and walking accommodationsinto the decision-making process for Virginia’s transportation network. 2. Purpose This policy provides the framework through which the Virginia Department of Transportation will accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians, including pedestrians with disabilities, along with motorized transportation modes in the planning, funding, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of Virginia’s transportation network to achieve a safe, effective, and balanced multimodal transportation system. Forthe purposes of this policy, an accommodation is defined as any facility, design feature, operational change, or maintenance activity that improves the environment in which bicyclists and pedestrians travel. Examples of such accommodationsinclude the provision of bike lanes, sidewalks, and signs; the installation of curb extensions for traffic calming; and the addition of paved shoulders. 3. Project Development The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) will initiate all highway construction projects with the presumption that the projects shall accommodate bicycling and walking. Factors that supportthe need to provide bicycle and pedestrian accommodations include, but are not limited to, the following: project is identified in an adopted transportation or related plan x project accommodates existing and future bicycle and pedestrian use x project improves or maintains safety for all users x project provides a connection to public transportation services and facilities x project serves areas or population groups with limited transportation options x project provides a connection to bicycling and walking trip generators such as employment, x education, retail, recreation, and residential centers and public facilities project is identified in a Safe Routes to School program or providesaconnection to a x school project provides a regional connection or is of regional or state significance x project provides a link to other bicycle and pedestrian accommodations x 1 Virginia Department of Transportation Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations projectprovidesaconnection to traverse natural or man-made barriers x project provides a tourism or economic development opportunity x Project development for bicycle and pedestrian accommodations will follow VDOT’sproject programming and scheduling processandconcurrent engineering process.VDOT will encourage the participation of localities in concurrent engineering activities that guide the project development. 3.1 Accommodations Built as Independent Construction Projects Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations can be developed through projects that are independent of highway construction, either within the highway right-of-way or on an independent right-of- way.Independent construction projects can be utilized to retrofit accommodations along existing roadways, improve existing accommodations to better serve users, and install facilities toprovide continuity and accessibility within the bicycle and pedestrian network. These projects will follow the same procedures as those for other construction projects for planning, funding, design, and construction. Localities and metropolitan planning organizations will be instrumental in identifying and prioritizing theseindependentconstructionprojects. 3.2Access-Controlled Corridors Access-controlled corridors can create barriers to bicycle and pedestrian travel. Bicycling and walking may be accommodated within or adjacent to access-controlled corridors through the provision of facilities on parallel roadways or physically separated parallel facilities within the right-of-way. Crossings of such corridors must be provided to establish or maintain connectivity of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. 3.3Additional ImprovementOpportunities Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations willbe considered in other types of projects.Non- construction activities can be used to improve accommodations for bicycling and walking.In addition, anyprojectthat affects or could affect the usability of an existing bicycle or pedestrian accommodation within the highway system must be consistent with state and federal laws. 3.3.1 Operation and Maintenance Activities Bicycling and walking should be considered in operational improvements, includinghazard elimination projects and signal installation. Independent operational improvements for bicycling and walking, such as the installation of pedestrian signals, should be coordinated with local transportation and safety offices. The maintenance program will consider bicycling and walking sothatcompleted activities will nothinderthe movement of those choosing to use these travel modes. The maintenance program may produce facility changes that will enhance the environment for bicycling and walking, such as the addition of paved shoulders. 3.3.2Long Distance Bicycle Routes Long distance bicycle routes facilitate travel for bicyclists through the use of shared lanes, bike lanes, and shared use paths, as well as signage. All projects along a long distance route meeting the criteria for an American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2 Virginia Department of Transportation Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations (AASHTO)orManual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) approved numbered bicycle route system should provide the necessary design features to facilitate bicycle travel. Independent construction projects and other activities can be utilized to make improvements for existing numbered bicycle routes. Consideration should be given to facilitating the development of other types of long distance routes. 3.3.3Tourism and Economic Development Bicycling and walking accommodations can serve as unique transportation links between historic, cultural, scenic, and recreational sites, providing support to tourism activities and resulting economic development. Projects along existing or planned tourism and recreation corridors should include bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. In addition, the development of independent projects to serve this type of tourism and economic development function should be considered and coordinated with economic development organizations at local, regional, and state levels, as well as withother related agencies. Projects must also address the need to provide safety and connectivity for existing and planned recreational trails, such as the Appalachian Trail, that intersect with the state’s highway system. 3.4Exceptions to the Provision of Accommodations Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations should be provided except where one or more of the following conditions exist: scarcity of population, travel, and attractors, both existing and future, indicate an absence of x need for such accommodations environmental or social impacts outweigh the need for these accommodations x safetywould be compromised x total cost of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations to the appropriate system (i.e., x interstate, primary, secondary, or urban system) would be excessively disproportionate to theneed for the facility purpose and scope of the specific project do not facilitate the provision of such x accommodations (e.g., projects for the Rural Rustic Road Program) bicycle and pedestrian travel is prohibited by state or federal laws x 3.5Decision Process The project manager and local representatives will, based on the factors listed previously in this section, develop a recommendation on how and whether to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians in a construction project prior to the public hearing. The district administrator should confirm this recommendation prior to the public hearing. Public involvement comments will be reviewed and incorporated into project development prior to the preparation of the design approval recommendation. When a locality is not in agreement with VDOT’s position on how bicyclists and pedestrians will or will not be accommodated in a construction project, the locality can introduce a formal appeal by means of a resolution adopted by the local governing body. The resolution must be submitted to the district administrator to be reviewed and considered prior to the submission of the design approval recommendation to the chief engineer for program development. Local resolutions must be forwarded to the chief engineer for program development for consideration during the project design approval or to the Commonwealth 3 Virginia Department of Transportation Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations Transportation Board for consideration during location and design approval, if needed for a project. The resolution and supporting information related to the recommendation must be included in the project documentation. The decisions made by VDOT and localities for the provision of bicycle and pedestrian travel must be consistent with state and federal laws regarding accommodations and access for bicyclingand walking. 4. Discipline Participation in Project Development VDOT will provide the leadership to implement this policy. Those involved in the planning, funding, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the state’s highways are responsible for effecting the guidance set forth in this policy. VDOT recognizes the need for interdisciplinary coordination to efficiently develop, operate, and maintain bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. Procedures, guidelines, and best practices will be developedor revised toimplement the provisions set forth in this policy. For example, objective criteria will be prepared to guide decisions on the restriction of bicycle and pedestrian use of access-controlled facilities. VDOT will work with localities, regional planning agencies, advisory committees, and other stakeholdersto facilitate implementation andwill offer training or other resource tools on planning, designing, operating, and maintaining bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. 4.1 Planning VDOT will promote the inclusion of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations in transportation planning activities at local, regional, and statewide levels. These planning activities include, but are not limited to, corridor studies, small urban studies, regional plans, and the statewide multimodal long-range transportation plan.To carry out this task, VDOT will coordinate with local government agencies, regional planning agencies, and community stakeholder groups. In addition, VDOT will coordinate with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT) and local and regional transit providers to identify needs for bicycle and pedestrian access to public transportation services and facilities. 4.2 Funding Highway construction funds can be used to build bicycle and pedestrian accommodations either concurrentlywith highway construction projects or as independent transportation projects. Both types of bicycle and pedestrian accommodation projects will be funded in the same manner as otherhighway construction projects for each system (i.e., interstate, primary, secondary, or urban).VDOT’s participation in the development and construction of an independent project that is not associated with the interstate, primary, secondary, or urban systems will be determined through a negotiated agreement with the locality or localities involved. Other state and federal funding sources eligible for the development of bicycle and pedestrian accommodations may be used, following program requirements established for these sources. 4 Virginia Department of Transportation Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations These sources include, but are not limited to, programs for highway safety, enhancement, air quality, congestion relief, and special access. VDOT may enter into agreements with localities or other entities in order to pursue alternate funding to develop bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, so long as the agreements are consistent with state and federal laws. 4.3 Design and Construction VDOT will work with localities to select and design accommodations, taking into consideration community needs, safety, and unique environmental and aesthetic characteristics as they relate to specific projects. The selection of the specific accommodations to be used for a project will be based on the application ofappropriate planning, design, and engineering principles. The accommodations will be designed and built, or installed, using guidance from VDOT and AASHTO publications, the MUTCD, and the Americans with Disabilities ActAccessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). Methods for providing flexibility within safe design parameters, such as context sensitive solutions and design, will be considered. During the preparation ofan environmental impact statement (EIS), VDOT will consider the current and anticipated future use of the affected facilities by bicyclists and pedestrians, the potential impacts of the alternatives on bicycle and pedestrian travel, and proposed measures, if any, to avoid or reduce adverse impacts to the use of these facilities by bicyclists and pedestrians. Duringproject design VDOT will coordinate with VDRPT to address bicyclist and pedestrian access to existing and planned transit connections. Requests for exceptions to design criteria must be submitted in accordance with VDOT’s design exception review process. The approval of exceptions will be decided by theFederal Highway Administration or VDOT’s Chief Engineer for Program Development. VDOT will ensure that accommodations for bicycling and walking are built in accordance with design plans and VDOT’s construction standards and specifications. 4.4 Operations VDOT will consider methods of accommodating bicycling and walking along existing roads through operational changes, such as traffic calming and crosswalk marking, where appropriate and feasible. VDOT will work with VDRPT and local and regional transit providers to identify the need for ancillary facilities, such as shelters and bike racks on buses, that support bicycling and walking to transit connections. VDOT will enforce the requirements for the continuance of bicycle and pedestrian traffic in work zones, especially in areas at or leading to transit stops, and infacility replacements in accordance with the MUTCD, VDOTWorkArea Protection Manual, and VDOT Land Use 5 Virginia Department of Transportation Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations Permit Manual when construction, utility, or maintenance work, either by VDOT or other entities, affects bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. VDOT will continue to research and implement technologies that could be used to improve the safety and mobility of bicyclists and pedestrians in Virginia’stransportation network, such as signal detection systems for bicycles and in-pavement crosswalk lights. 4.5 Maintenance VDOT will maintain bicycle and pedestrian accommodations as necessary to keep the accommodations usable and accessible in accordance with state and federal laws and VDOT’s asset management policy. Maintenance of bike lanes and paved shoulders will include repair, replacement, and clearance of debris. As these facilities are an integral part of the pavement structure, snow and ice control will be performed on these facilities. For sidewalks, shared use paths, and bicycle paths built within department right-of-way, built to department standards, and accepted for maintenance, VDOT will maintain these bicycle and pedestrian accommodations through replacement and repair. VDOT will not provide snow or ice removal for sidewalks and shared use paths. The execution of agreements between VDOT and localities for maintenance of such facilities shall not be precluded under this policy. 5. Effective Date This policy becomes effect upon itsadoption by the Commonwealth Transportation Board on March 18, 2004, and willapply toprojectsthat reach the scoping phase after itsadoption. This policy shall supersede all current department policies and procedures related to bicycle and pedestrian accommodations. VDOT willdevelop or revise procedures, guidelines, and best practices to support and implement the provisions set forth in this policy, and future departmental policies and procedural documents shall comply with the provisions set forth in this policy. 6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION ADOPTING STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County intends to adopt standards of conduct to provide guidance to the Board members in the conduct of the public’s business; and WHEREAS, these standards summarize some of the ethical obligations undertaken by each Board member upon his or her election to this position; and WHEREAS, working for the common good of all the citizens of Roanoke County is the Board’s primary goal. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors hereby adopts the following as standards of conduct to be followed by members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in the transaction of public business and in Board meetings. 1. The members agree to maintain confidentiality regarding matters discussed in Closed Session. The members agree that the consequences of failing to maintain confidentiality following a Closed Session could result in harm to the County and public censure. 2. The members agree to focus on issues with no personal or verbal attacks or stereotyping of the other members. 3. The members agree to focus on what is “best” for all of Roanoke County and its citizens and leave partisanship behind. Page 1 of 2 4. The members agree to listen before judging and to understand the other person’s point of view. 5. The members agree to treat all persons with respect, courtesy and fairness. 6. The members agree to share information that is relevant to matters under consideration by the Board. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM FOR THE 2014 SESSION OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND PETITIONING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO FAVORABLY CONSIDER THE TOPICS AND ISSUES ADDRESSED HEREIN WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has identified major legislative issues of Statewide concern to be considered by the 2014 session of the Virginia General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the Board adopts this resolution as its Legislative Program for the 2014 session of the Virginia General Assembly. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following legislative initiatives are submitted for its legislative program for the 2014 session of the Virginia General Assembly for its favorable consideration and adoption. 1) Oppose the elimination of the authority of local governments to adopt Business, professional and occupation license taxes (BPOL) and machinery & tools taxes (M&T), unless a comparable locally controlled replacement source of local tax revenue is authorized to replace the eliminated local tax revenue. These local taxes comprise approximately 6% of Roanoke County’s local tax revenues or $8,000,000 annually. 2) Support legislation placing the Virginia Comprehensive Services Act’s State Executive Council (SEC) under the Administrative Process Act (Sec. 2.2-4000, et seq.) of the Code of Virginia. The SEC is not currently subject to the procedural due process protections found in the Administrative Process Act like other state agencies. This would provide the County with an opportunity to address changes in rules and regulations developed by SEC that would impact its CSA program. 3) Legal Notices Roanoke County requests the General assembly to eliminate the requirement for publication of legal notices in newspapers. Roanoke County spent over $18,000 in legal notice publication costs last year. Paid circulation of newspapers is dropping. More citizens are getting their information from the internet. Page 1 of 2 4) Civil Penalties for Local Ordinances (Sec. 15.2-901) Amend Sec. 15.2-901.C and D of the Code of Virginia to increase the authority of local governments to impose civil penalties for violations of local ordinances requiring the removal of trash or cutting of grass and weeds. Currently the civil penalty is limited to $50 for the first violation and $200 for subsequent violations within a 12 month period. 5) Delay the Implementation of the Stormwater Regulations and Devolution of Program Enforcement to Localities. Less than 10.5% of Roanoke County drains into the Chesapeake Bay. Local governments are struggling to meet the regulatory deadlines established by the Commonwealth. Prioritizing and dividing regulatory and enforcement responsibilities among those portions of the Commonwealth between those localities that drain into the Chesapeake Bay and those that do not or that have limited impact on the Bay would simplify this complex and costly transition. Delaying implementation for one year for those localities with less than 11% of their land area draining into the Bay would better enable the Commonwealth and those localities to implement these extensive and costly regulatory and enforcement requirements. 6) Fully fund the Commonwealth’s Obligation to Pay its Portion of is Virginia Retirement System Obligations. The General Assembly should fully fund its unfunded liabilities in VRS and restore VRS to an actuarially sound status. Only three times since 1995 has the General Assembly paid the recommended contribution, while local governments have fully funded their recommended contributions to VRS. That the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors is directed to send an attested copy of this resolution to Governor-elect Terry McAuliffe, Senator John S. Edwards, Senator Ralph Smith, Delegate Greg Habeeb, Delegate Onzlee Ware, Delegate Chris Head, Stephanie Moon, Roanoke City Clerk; Members of the Roanoke City Council; Kevin S. Boggess, Clerk for Salem City Council; Members of the Salem City Council; Clerk for the Town of Vinton; Members of the Vinton Town Council and the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission, and the Virginia Association of Counties. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A LITTER PREVENTION PROGRAM FOR ROANOKE COUNTY; REQUESTING THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF PUBLIC SERVICE SIGNAGE IN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AND TRANSFERRING APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO FUND THIS PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has identified the prevention of littering as an important public responsibility, and littering is an increasing problem in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, litter has an adverse effect upon the aesthetics and appearance of our neighborhoods, streets and public parks, it damages and clogs our storm drains and storm sewers, it contributes to crime and trespassing, and it creates a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, the Board hereby finds that increased enforcement efforts to combat the litter problem are a valid public purpose to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that increased public service and informational advertisements to promote public education about this problem will achieve the goal of reducing litter in the County; and WHEREAS, the creation of a Litter Prevention Program is a valid public purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Litter Prevention Program for Roanoke County is hereby authorized and approved. This program includes a public awareness marketing Page 1 of 2 campaign including signage at high traffic intersections, signage on County vehicles and at County facilities, billboard advertising, and the County website. Examples of the signage are attached as Exhibit 1 to this Resolution. 2. That this Program includes expanded enforcement initiatives to include a warning letter to citizens (Exhibit 2). Any citizen may report a litter violation to the County; the Police Department would contact the citizen to verify the report, check DMV records, and if the facts are consistent, send the warning letter. 3. That the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is hereby requested to permit Roanoke County to erect short duration (thirty (30) days or less) public service informational advertisements in and along the public right-of-way of State maintained roads in Roanoke County. 4. That these public service informational advertisements shall inform and educate the public about the problems of littering and the illegal disposal of trash on public and private property. 5. That each sign location would be reviewed for safety concerns including sight distance, post design and existing signage. 6. That the transfer of $7,676 from the previously appropriated Board Contingency account to Parks, Recreation and Tourism to fund this Litter Prevention Program is hereby authorized. 7. That this Resolution shall be effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION WAVING FEES ASSOCIATED WITH THE INSTALLATION OF WATCH FOR CHILDREN SIGNS IN THE 5600 BLOCK OF ROUTE 649, DRY HOLLOW ROAD WHEREAS, in 1998, the Board of Supervisors adopted policies for the installation of “Watch For Children” signs on certain secondary streets in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the policy requires payment of fees totaling $300, to be paid by the citizen petitioning for the signs; and WHEREAS, a citizen of Dry Hollow Road approached the Board of Supervisors on behalf of a neighbor, asking if the fees for the “Watch For Children” signs could be waived; and WHEREAS, on behalf of the Catawba Magisterial District Supervisor, in a letter dated September 24, 2013, County staff asked the petitioner to proceed with all necessary steps prior to the Board of Supervisors evaluating the fee waiver request; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of all necessary documents, the Catawba Magisterial District Supervisor requests that the Board of Supervisors consider waiving the fees in the amount of $300. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Roanoke County Board of Supervisors hereby waives the fee of $300, for the installation of “Watch For Children” signs in the 5600 block of Route 649, Dry Hollow Road. Page 1 of 2 AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator is authorized to execute agreements with the Virginia Department of Transportation for the installation of “Watch For Children” signs. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A GRANT APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FOR THE GLADE CREEK NATURAL STREAM RESTORATION – WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT VINYARD PARK – PHASE I WHEREAS, Glade Creek in Vinyard Park is heavily eroded and this erosion threatens the County’s existing athletic fields and contributes to excessive sediment in this creek and to the Roanoke River; and WHEREAS, the Glade Creek Natural Stream Restoration Project would improve the water quality of the creek, it would stabilize this creek, it would improve water quality, and would assist the County in meeting its Total Maximum Daily Load requirements; and WHEREAS, there is a matching grant opportunity through the Department of Environmental Quality Virginia Stormwater Local Assistance Fund to improve water quality in local streams. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia as follows: 1. That County staff is directed to submit a grant application to the Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Stormwater Local Assistance Fund for the Glade Creek Natural Stream Restoration at Vinyard Park. 2. That this is a fifty percent (50%) match grant. The estimated cost for this project is $949,200. The matching funds from the County are estimated to be $474,600. If the County is awarded this grant then the matching funds from the County would be appropriated in fiscal year 2014-2015 and fiscal year 2015-2016. Page 1 of 2 3. That subsequent action by the Board would be required in order to accept this grant. If the County is awarded this grant and it is accepted by the Board, then this project shall be included in the County’s Five Year Capital Improvements Program for review and prioritization. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,179,050.50 AND PRESENTING THE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2013 WHEREAS, KPMG LLP completed their audit of the financial operations of the County of Roanoke for the year ended June 30, 2013; and WHEREAS, a work session was held with the Board of Supervisors on October 22, 2013 to review the financial results for the County of Roanoke for the year ended June 30, 2013; and WHEREAS, general fund revenues were $978,954 above budget and will allow the County of Roanoke to allocate $194,239 to the Unappropriated Balance and $784,715 to the Major Capital Reserve by policy and budget ordinance 052813-2; and WHEREAS, expenditure savings were $3,665,481 and will allow $658,144 to be transferred to the Minor Capital Reserve, $615,591 for department rollovers, $418,145 for encumbrances, and $1,220,351.60 for expenditures that will occur in the 2013-2014 fiscal year by policy and budget ordinance 052813-2; and WHEREAS, a Technology Reserve will be established and $200,000 appropriated from year-end funds; and WHEREAS, security improvements at the Roanoke County Administration Center will be implemented and $100,000 appropriated from year-end funds; and WHEREAS, additional funding for the Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection (RCACP) to cover anticipated budget overages in the amount of $50,000 will be appropriated from year-end funds; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the Flex Leave Cash Out Program for employees will allow up to 80 hours cash out during 2013-2014 and $231,717.99 will be appropriated from year-end funds for this purpose and anticipated termination benefits; and WHEREAS, funds from the year-end balance from Library Services and Assistant County Administrator budgets will be appropriated to the Vinton Library Project in the amount of $171,531.51; and WHEREAS, the South County Library project will be closed out and remaining funds of $275,801 be appropriated to the Vinton Library Project; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Glenvar Library Project will have remaining funds of which $150,000 will be appropriated to the Vinton Library Project with $75,000 transferred now and upon completion of the project the remaining $75,000 transferred to the Vinton Library project; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, this is an emergency measure due to the fact that this item is closing out the fiscal year 2012-2013 and the second reading of this ordinance has been dispensed with by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Board of Supervisors. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $1,179,050.50 is hereby appropriated for the purposes as follows: Page 2 of 3 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 3 of 3 Attachment I County of Roanoke Summary of Operating Fund Revenues and Expenditures For the Year Ended June 30, 2013 BudgetActualAmount Revenues: Real Estate Taxes$ 86,460,000$ 86,201,288$ (258,712) Personal Property Taxes 28,370,000 28,721,780 351,780 Other Property Taxes 3,670,000 3,903,856 233,856 Local Sales Tax 9,925,000 9,609,987 (315,013) Communication Sales and Use Tax 3,713,000 4,056,283 343,283 Consumer Utility Tax 3,665,000 3,664,460 (540) Business License Tax 6,075,000 6,153,741 78,741 Bank Franchise Tax 525,000 416,918 (108,082) Motor Vehicle License Tax 2,175,000 2,126,212 (48,788) Recordation and Conveyance Tax 1,200,000 1,379,699 179,699 Hotel/Motel Tax 840,102 866,157 26,055 Meals Tax 3,965,000 3,825,958 (139,042) Other Local Taxes 666,000 611,804 (54,196) Permits, Fees and Licenses 680,890 690,377 9,487 Fines and Forfeitures 760,400 803,636 43,236 Use of Money and Property 208,169 136,972 (71,197) Charges for Services 681,633 846,020 164,387 Rescue Fees 2,795,233 2,727,108 (68,125) Miscellaneous Revenue 1,245,907 1,134,455 (111,452) Recovered Costs 242,415 224,782 (17,633) Intergovernmental Revenue (State/Federal) 12,624,989 13,366,199 741,210 Other Financing Sources 1,346,733 1,346,733 - g,,,, Beginning Balance 24,711,432 24,711,432 - $ 196,546,903$ 197,525,857$ 978,954 Use of excess revenue collections: Transfer to Unappropriated Balance per policy (current balance $21,072,318) $ 194,239 Appropriate to Major Capital Reserve (current balance $1,438,161) 784,715 $ 978,954 Expenditures: Personnel 54,803,345$ $ 53,807,117$ 996,228 Operating 32,285,037 29,615,784 2,669,253 Transfers 88,386,203 88,386,202 - Unappropriated Balance 21,072,318 21,072,318 - $ 196,546,903$ 192,881,421$ 3,665,481 Uses of unspent expenditure appropriations: Rollover for outstanding purchase orders$ 418,145 Department request for rollover per policy 615,591 Transfer to Minor Capital Reserve per policy (current balance $3,744,587) 658,144 Rollover for prior approvals 1,973,601 $ 3,665,481 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $2,760.11 FROM THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY AND THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENDITURES RELATED TO THE JUNE 2012 DERECHO STORM WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke declared a state of emergency on June 30, 2012, and operated the County Emergency Operations Center until Friday, July 6, 2012; and WHEREAS, the emergency declaration request from Virginia was approved and a federal declaration approved; and WHEREAS, the County has submitted over $350,000 of expenditure reimbursements for three (3) separate projects under federal requirements; and WHEREAS, partial payment was received on all three (3) of the submissions to date; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013, and the second reading was held on December 10, 2013. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $2,760.11 is hereby accepted and appropriated from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Virginia Department of Emergency Management as reimbursement to the Parks and Recreation Department; and Page 1 of 2 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $96,906 TO ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS FOR VARIOUS GRANTS WHEREAS, The Roanoke County Public Schools Driver Education program received a $1,000 grant to develop and improve safe driving habits for teen drives; and WHEREAS, The Virginia Department of Education provided a grant in the amount of $95,906 to be used for replacing the analog cameras with digital technology camera systems at Cave Spring and William Byrd High Schools’; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013, and the second reading was held on December 10, 2013. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $96,906 is hereby accepted and appropriated to the County School Board for Roanoke County for various grants. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000 FROM THE VIRGINIA RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AUTHORITY TO ROANOKE COUNTY PARKS, RECREATION, AND TOURISM FOR BUILDING AND PARK IMPROVEMENTS AT EXPLORE PARK WHEREAS, on September 24, 2013, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County approved a ninety-nine (99) year lease of Explore Park; and WHEREAS, described in the lease it prescribes that the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority will transfer $100,000 to Roanoke County in October of 2013 and the remaining Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority funds in January of 2014 for the purpose of renovating the Taubman Building, Mount Union Church, Brugh Tavern and park grounds surrounding the structures ; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013, and the second reading was held on December 10, 2013. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriated from the sources and for the purposes as follows: Page 1 of 2 Funding Source FacilityRepairsBudget VRFA transfer Taubman Building Deck repaired/replaced $40,000 Water system repairs HVAC repairs/replacement VRFA transfer Mount Union Interior painting/repairs $40,000 ChurchRepair to porch and columns Exterior and interior painting Interior repairs Water system repairs HVAC repairs Road repair Tree pruning Grounds and landscaping repairs VRFA transfer Brugh Tavern Water system repairs $75,000 Interior repairs estimate Electric repairs Will spend Elevator repairs remaining Food equipment repairs balance of Parking lot/road repairs $100,000 towards repairs 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15-10. BEHAVIOR OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PERMIT THE USE, CONSUMPTION, OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT ROANOKE COUNTY FACILITIES WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County intends to increase the use of limited County-owned park and library facilities through the selective permission to use, consume, or possess alcoholic beverages thereon; and WHEREAS, the Board intends to allow the use, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages at these facilities for a limited number of meaningful events with a positive impact to the community; and WHEREAS, the limited and restrictive permission to use, consume, or possess alcoholic beverages on certain County-owned properties would provide financial benefits for tourism and fund-raising; and WHEREAS, the Parks, Recreation and Advisory Commission and the Library Board have both approved this policy; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013; and the second reading and public hearing were held on December 10, 2013. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors as follows: 1. That the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Sec. 15-10. - Behavior. No person in any park shall: Page 1 of 3 (1) Intoxication. Enter upon or be in or remain in a park while under the influence of alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance as defined by the Drug Control Act of the Code of Virginia, except as authorized by a permit from the director. (2) Taking a drink or tendering same. Take a drink of any alcoholic beverage or tender a drink thereof to any other person, whether accepted or not, except as permitted by Section 4.1-308C of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, or as permitted by a permit issued by the director. (3) Domestic animals. Be responsible for the entry of a dog or other domestic animal into a park unless carried, led by a chain, strap or rope, or kept in a wagon, automobile or other vehicle by chain, rope or strap. Dogs, cats or other domestic animals shall not be permitted to enter any lake, pond, fountain, swimming pool, stream, all special event areas and tournaments, ball fields or food and beverage concession area within any park or recreation area. Service dogs shall be excluded from the provisions of this regulation. All domestic animal waste must be disposed of in a proper manner (i.e. scooper or plastic baggie) by owner. No non-working animal or pet shall be allowed at special events in county parks. Non- working animals or pets include, but are not limited to, dogs, cats, horses, reptiles or other animals that are present at a special event other than for the express purpose of assisting an individual with a disability. Also excluded are those animals or pets which are an attraction and/or a part of the special event. (4) Fires. Build or attempt to build a fire except in such areas and under such regulations as may be designated by the director. No person shall drop, or throw or otherwise scatter lighted matches, burning cigarettes, cigars, tobacco paper or other inflammable material within any park area, or on any highway, road or street abutting or contiguous thereto. (5) Closed areas. Enter an area posted as "Closed to the Public" or "No Trespassing" or otherwise "closed" in accordance with section 15-11(b) of this chapter. No person shall use or abet the use of any area in violation of posted notices. (6) Going onto ice. Go onto ice on any of the waters except such areas designated as skating areas and posted as such. (7) Disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace. Cause inconvenience, annoyance, or alarm to another by doing any of the following: a. Engaging in fighting, in threatening harm to persons or property or in violent or turbulent behavior; Page 2 of 3 b. Making unreasonable noise or offensively coarse utterance, gesture or display, or communicating unwarranted and grossly abusive language to any person; c. Insulting, taunting, or challenging another under circumstances in which such conduct is likely to provoke a violent response; d. Hindering or preventing the movement of persons on a public street, road or right-of-way, or to, from, within or upon public property, so as to interfere with the rights of others and by any act which serves no lawful and reasonable purpose of the offender. e. Creating a condition which is physically offensive to persons or which presents a risk of physical harm to persons or property, by any act which serves no lawful or reasonable purpose of the offender. (8) Exhibit permits. Fail to produce and exhibit any permits from the Director upon request of any police officer or park attendant who shall request to inspect the same. (9) Interference with permittees. Disturb or interfere unreasonably with any person or party occupying any area, or participating in any activity, permitted by a permit. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Page 3 of 3 POLICY FOR USE, CONSUMPTION, OR POSSESSION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AT ROANOKE COUNTY FACILITIES Roanoke County has the opportunity to increase use of Roanoke County-owned property and revenue by allowing outside groups to host events that include the service of alcoholic beverages. The term “alcoholic beverage” refers to beer, wine, and mixed beverages as defined in the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act. In this context, the term “use, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages” pertains only to alcohol service by permitted outside groups on County-owned property. PART I: AUTHORIZATION 1.Departments must request authorization from the County Administrator to issue permits allowing public use of alcoholic beverages at the following County-owned properties: Green Hill Park, Explore Park, Camp Roanoke (out of summer camp season), South County Library and Glenvar Library. 2.Authorization may be denied based on lack of need and other considerations, such as but not limited to potential disruption to the County’s daily business, facility availability and staffing. 3.The County Administrator may rescind a permit at any time, with or without cause. 4.The department director or designee will be responsible for the administration of the permitting process. 5.County funds may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages. 6.All state and local laws and ordinances regarding alcoholic service must be obeyed. PART II: APPLICATION 1.A group or individual (“Applicant”) wishing to serve alcoholic beverages at an event on Roanoke County property must complete a Roanoke County Alcoholic Beverage Use application and apply for the appropriate Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (“Virginia ABC”) Banquet License. 2.The Applicant must be at least 21 years of age and present a valid form of identification. Page 1 of 3 3.The Applicant must attend the event and be responsible for ensuring that no person under the age of 21, or 21 and older but intoxicated, will be served or allowed to consume any alcoholic beverages. 4.The submitted application must be complete and accurate. Permission may be denied for any application that is incomplete, inaccurate, or misleading. 5.Alcoholic beverages may be served only during the times and dates, and in the areas specified in the application. 6.After the application receives preliminary approval, a tentative reservation is issued. The reservation is not confirmed until: a.The Applicant presents an original Virginia ABC Banquet License and a copy is made for the Applicant file. b.A security deposit is paid, in an amount determined by the department, to cover the cost of damages to County property or unanticipated costs to the County as a result of the use of County property. If there are no such costs, the security deposit will be returned, without interest, to the applicant within 30 calendar days following the event. The security deposit can be made by cash, credit card (when this option is available), or by certified check made payable to “Treasurer, Roanoke County.” A returned check or denied credit will automatically cancel the reservation. A reservation confirmation will not be issued unless both criteria are met at least days prior to the event. 14 7.The reservation may be cancelled at any time at the sole discretion of Roanoke County, with or without cause, and the County shall have no liability arising from the cancellation of any such permit. 8.The Applicant is required to indemnify the County, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, its agents, volunteers, sponsors and employees from any liability associated with the use, consumption, or possession of alcoholic beverages on County property. 9.The Applicant must provide adequate liability insurance covering the applicant, the entity represented, and the County and its officers, agents, and employees from any such liability in the amount of as set $1,000,000 forth by Roanoke County’s Office of Risk Management. PART III: MISCELLANEOUS Page 2 of 3 1.All applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations apply. 2.All events serving alcohol must last six (6) or fewer hours. 3.Alcohol service must cease thirty (30) minutes before the scheduled close of the event. 4.Alcohol must be served and consumed in defined spaces only. No alcohol is to be served or consumed in parking areas, and no alcohol is to be taken off premises. 5.The bar must be tended at all times. 6.A department designee or ABC official shall be allowed free access to the applicant’s event. 7.No one under the age of 21 will be allowed to supervise the event or sell or serve alcohol. 8.The applicant may be required to pay for extra security and building maintenance depending on the nature and size of the function. The department director will provide the final determination for security needs of a rental and or event. 9.Departments retain the right to refuse to permit alcohol consumption anywhere on County-owned property and to deny a reservation based on the type of event or the type of alcohol to be served. 10.Any violations of these rules or state or local laws during an event may result in a citation by police, immediate termination of an event, and forfeiture of the damage deposit and/or additional fees and penalties. Furthermore, the individual may be prohibited from attending or hosting another event at any Roanoke County facility. 11.Departments may have additional rules and regulations based on differences in event sites and staffing structures. Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,172 FROM THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FIRE PROGRAMS FOR THE REPAIR OF THE EXISTING BURN BUILDING WHEREAS, Roanoke County, Roanoke City, City of Salem and the Town of Vinton participate jointly in the Roanoke Valley Regional Fire/EMS Center; and WHEREAS, these same localities shared in the construction costs to replace the twenty-two (22) year old burn building previously used for fire training; and WHEREAS, a replacement facility was dedicated on September 11, 2009, and has seen numerous live burns in the simulated environment since that time; and WHEREAS, in preparation for the second burn for the regional academy, malfunctions in the burn props were encountered resulting in the props not firing or lighting; and WHEREAS, temporary repairs were made to make the building operational for the graduating class; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County Fire and Rescue department applied for a Department of Fire Programs burn building repair grant from the Virginia Department of Fire Programs and was awarded $5,172 for critical repairs to the burn building; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013, and the second reading was held on December 10, 2013. Page 1 of 2 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $5,172 is hereby appropriated from the Department of Fire Programs for the repair of the burn building to the Fire Department. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE REPEALING SECTION 18-64 AND SECTION 22-71 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION18-64 “CONNECTIONS TO PUBLIC OR PRIVATE SEWERS” AND SECTION 22-71 “CONNECTION REQUIRED” WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has required mandatory connections to public water and sewer systems for over forty (40) years in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare of all of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the Board agreed to continue to enforce its mandatory connection ordinances when the County conveyed its public water and sewer systems to the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) in 2004; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that revisions to the mandatory connection ordinances will clarify these requirements while continuing its commitments to the WVWA and the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing was held on December 10, 2013. BE IT ORDIANED BY THE Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That Section 18-64 “Connections to public or private sewers; compliance with article; inspection of septic tank systems; when permits under article become null and void.” of the Roanoke County Code is hereby repealed: It shall be unlawful for any septic tank system to be installed or repaired in the county except upon a permit as required in this article. If a public or private sewer is within three hundred (300) feet of the buildings for which the septic tank is to be installed or repaired, or as required by the concurring resolution under § 15.2-5137 of the Code of Virginia, the owner shall be required to connect to the public or private sewer, if the Page 1 of 4 owner of the latter and the elevation permits such connection. No septic tank system shall be installed or repaired in this county except upon such permit as required in this article. All materials used shall strictly comply with all of the specifications required by this article. No septic tank system or any part thereof shall be covered until it has been inspected and approved as complying with the approved plans of the health department. The health department shall not approve the installation of a septic tank system unless so installed, nor permit it to be covered up unless it complies with the plans and specifications as set forth in this article. All permits automatically become null and void six (6) months after date of issue unless they are renewed in writing by the health department. 2. That Section 22-71 “Connection Required” of the Roanoke County Code is hereby repealed: Except as provided below, all occupied buildings located within the county on lots having less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet, less than one hundred fifty-foot road frontage where the WVWA owned water system is at the lot line, or within a street or easement adjoining such lot line, or as required by the concurring resolution under § 15.2-5137 of the Code of Virginia, shall be connected with such system. The connection fee shall be in accordance with the current schedule of charges for initial water connections. The owner or tenants occupying such buildings shall use the county owned system for water consumed or used in and about the premises on which such buildings are located. The provisions of this section shall not apply to occupied buildings located on lots utilizing a water supply in existence at the time this chapter is adopted. Should the owner of the water system desire to replace such water supply or should he desire to make repairs exceeding twenty-five (25) percent of the replacement cost of the entire water system, such owner shall conform to the requirements of this chapter. 3. That Section 18-64 “Connections to public or private sewers” is hereby adopted: Sec. 18-64 - Connections to public or private sewers (a) It shall be unlawful for any septic tank system to be installed or repaired in the county except upon a permit as required in this article. (b) All occupied buildings located within the county on lots where the WVWA owned sewer system is at the lot line, or within a street or easement adjoining such lot line, or as required by the concurring resolution under § 15.2-5137 of the Code of Virginia, shall be required to connect to the public or private sewer, if elevation permits such Page 2 of 4 connection. No septic tank system shall be installed or repaired in this county except upon such permit as required in this article. All materials used shall strictly comply with all of the specifications required by this article. No septic tank system or any part thereof shall be covered until it has been inspected and approved as complying with the approved plans of the health department. The health department shall not approve the installation of a septic tank system unless so installed, nor permit it to be covered up unless it complies with the plans and specifications as set forth in this article. All permits automatically become null and void eighteen (18) months after date of issue unless they are renewed in writing by the health department. (c) Buildings constructed and occupied prior to the date of the adoption of this ordinance (December 10, 2013) shall be exempted from the requirement to connect to such system. (d) Buildings constructed on a lot created as a “family exempt subdivision” under Sec. 29-4.4 of the County Code shall be exempt from the requirements to connect to such system. 4. That Section 22-71 “Connection Required” is hereby adopted”: Sec. 22-71 Connection Required (a) All buildings located within the county where the WVWA owned water system is at the lot line, or within the street or easement adjoining such lot line, or as required by the concurring resolution under § 15.2-5137 of the Code of Virginia, shall be connected with such system. (b) The connection fee shall be in accordance with the current schedule of charges for initial water connections. The owner or tenants occupying such buildings shall use Page 3 of 4 the WVWA owned system for water consumed or used in and about the premises on which such buildings are located. (c) Buildings constructed and occupied prior to the date of the adoption of this ordinance (December 10, 2013) shall be exempted from the requirement to connect to such system. (d) Buildings constructed on a lot created as a “family exempt subdivision” under Sec. 29-4.4 of the County Code shall be exempt from the requirements to connect to such system 5. That the provisions of this ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of its adoption. Page 4 of 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $116,000 FROM THE MINOR CAPITAL RESERVE TO GENERAL SERVICES FOR THE RENOVATION OF THE MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY/SALEM JAIL rd) Judicial Circuit has two (2) WHEREAS, the Magistrate for the Twenty-third (23 offices, one of which is located in the Roanoke County/Salem Jail; and WHEREAS, for several years, the County has been identifying ways to renovate the office in order to provide more space for equipment, two (2) hearing areas and a secure rest room facility; and WHEREAS, during the past six (6) months, the General Services Department has been working with the Sheriff Department and the Chief Magistrate, along with Virginia A&E, to create a workable solution, given the space constraints in the lobby in the jail; and WHEREAS, the project was put out to bid and the lower responsible bid for construction received was $148,000; and WHEREAS, due to the anticipated difficulty of the project a contingency of $52,000 is recommended; and WHEREAS, total project costs with contingency are estimated at $200,000; and WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $84,000 are currently appropriated to the project; and WHEREAS, the remaining funds for the project in the amount of $116,000 are available for appropriation in the minor capital reserve: and Page 1 of 2 WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, this is an emergency measure due to the time constraints imposed by the bid process and the second reading of this ordinance has been dispensed with by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Board of Supervisors. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the sum of $116,000 is hereby appropriated from the minor capital reserve to the Department of General Services for the renovation of the Magistrate’s Office at the Roanoke County/Salem Jail. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. ________H-1_________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 12, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance authorizing the abandonment of an existing cross access easement, the granting a new cross access easement, and the acceptance of a stormwater management and drainage easement – Glenvar Library and Richfield Retirement Community SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: On December 1, 2011, the County entered into an agreement with Richfield Retirement Community (“Richfield”), which provided that Richfield would relinquish its easement rights to use an access easement across the Glenvar Library property, and upon completion of the expansion and reconstruction of the Glenvar Library, the County would convey to Richfield a new access easement. The parties agreed that upon the completion of the reconstruction of the new library, they would execute a deed of easement to abandon the old easement and to create a new easement. Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter requires that the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance authorizes three actions: 1) The abandonment by Richfield of the twenty-four foot (24’) access easement across the Glenvar Library property 2) The granting of a new twenty-four foot (24’) access easement to Richfield across the Glenvar Library property 3) The acceptance of a new stormwater management and drainage easement from Richfield All of these actions are shown on the attached plat titled “Easement Plat for Tax Map Page 1 of 2 #55.13-01-02.02 & Tax Map #55.09-01-20.02 for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors,” prepared by Thompson & Litton and dated September 18, 2013. The first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the ordinance. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ABANDONMENT OF AN EXISTING CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT, THE GRANTING OF A NEW CROSS ACCESS EASEMENT, AND THE ACCEPTANCE OF A STORMWATER MANAGEMENT AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT - GLENVAR LIBRARY AND RICHFIELD RETIREMENT COMMUNITY WHEREAS, by deed of exchange of easements dated December 19, 1996, and recorded in the Roanoke County Circuit Clerk’s Office in Deed Book 1529, page 1305, the County and Richfield Retirement Community conveyed certain easements to each other; and WHEREAS, due to the expansion and reconstruction by Roanoke County of the Glenvar Library, the County and Richfield Retirement Community entered into an agreement dated December 1, 2011, which provided that Richfield would relinquish its easement rights to use the “New Twenty-Four foot (24’) Cross Access Easement” granted by the above mentioned deed of easement and upon completion of the expansion and reconstruction of the Glenvar Library, the County would convey to Richfield a new access easement; and WHEREAS, further the agreement provided that Richfield would convey to the County a stormwater management easement on its property identified as Tax Map #55.09-01-20.02; and WHEREAS, the abandonment of the above mentioned cross access easement and the granting of a new cross access easement to Richfield Retirement Community and the acceptance of a stormwater management and drainage easement from Page 1 of 3 Richfield Retirement Community will serve the interests of the public and is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter, the acquisition and disposition of real estate can be authorized only by ordinance. A first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing of this ordinance was held on November 12, 2013. 2. That pursuant to the provisions of Section 16.01 of the Roanoke County Charter, the interest in real estate to be conveyed is hereby declared to be surplus, and is hereby made available for other public uses by conveyance to Richfield Retirement Community for a cross access easement. 3. That conveyance to Richfield Retirement Community of “Twenty-four foot (24’) Cross Access Easement” to replace the hereby abandoned “Shaded Portion of Existing Twenty-Four foot (24’) Cross Access Easement (PB 19, PG 86) To Be Abandoned” all as shown on a plat titled “Easement Plat for Tax Map #55.13-01-02.02 & Tax Map #55.09-01-20.02 for the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors,” prepared by Thompson & Litton and dated September 18, 2013, is hereby authorized and approved. 4. That acceptance from Richfield Retirement Community of a “Proposed Stormwater Management and Drainage Easement” located on Tax Map 55.09-01-20.02 as shown on the above mentioned easement plat is hereby authorized and approved. 5. That the County Administrator, or any Assistant County Administrator, is Page 2 of 3 hereby authorized to execute such documents and take such further actions as may be necessary to accomplish this conveyance, all of which shall be on form approved by the County Attorney. 6. That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 3 of 3 J AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for November 12, 2013, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes – October 8, 2013 2. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Sharon l. Reynolds Communications Officer II, upon her retirement after twenty-seven (27) years of service 3. Donation of a police dog to the Roanoke County Police Department 4. Request to approve the revised Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission Bylaws 5. Confirmation of appointments to the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission 6. Request to change the Employee Handbook-Flexible Leave Program (FLP) Cash-In Policy 7. Resolution amending the Policy for Use of Unexpended Appropriations at Year End 8. Resolution amending the policy for Roanoke County Capital Reserves to include the Technology Reserve Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO SHARON L. REYNOLDS, COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER II, UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER TWENTY-SEVEN (27) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Sharon L. Reynolds was hired on August 1, 1986, and has worked as a Dispatcher, Communications Officer, Communications Officer II, and a Lead Communications Officer during her tenure with Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Reynolds retired on November 1, 2013, after twenty-seven (27) years of devoted, faithful and expert service with the County; and WHEREAS, during her time serving Roanoke County, Ms. Reynolds, who began her career working for the Sheriff before there was a 911 system in Roanoke, has supported both citizens and first responders through fire, floods, and earthquakes as the calm reassuring voice behind the radio and telephone. Ms. Reynolds has been a trainer and mentor to a whole new generation of Communications Officers, participating in their selection and both classroom and on-the-job training. Her knowledge and professionalism have been recognized by her peers, police and fire; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of SHARON L. REYNOLDS Roanoke County to Lead Communications Officer for twenty- seven (27) years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 1 of 1 BY-LAWS FOR THE ROANOKE COUNTY PARKS, RECREATION AND TOURISM ADVISORY COMMISSION Revised October 11, 2013 The Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission has adopted the following articles in order to facilitate its powers and duties in accordance with the provisions of the State Code of Virginia, Chapter 8, Sections 15.1-271 and 15.1-272 and the ordinances of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Article 1 That there is hereby created a Commission to be known as the Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission, hereinafter referred to as “the Commission”. Article 2 Purpose of the Commission The Commission shall serve as an advisory body to the Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Department hereinafter referred to as “the Department” and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. The Commission shall serve as a liaison between the Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director hereinafter referred to as the “Department Director”, the Board of Supervisors, and the citizens of the community. The Commission may be asked to consult with and advise the County Administrator, the Department Director, the Department management staff and the Board of Supervisors in matters affecting policies, programs, personnel, finances, and the acquisition and disposal of lands and properties related to the total community recreation program, and to its long-range, projected program for the Department. Article 3 Membership Section 1. The Commission shall be appointed by the Board of Supervisors according to the following schedule: two members from each of the Magisterial Districts in the County and one member At Large from the County of Roanoke. The Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism shall serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member of the Commission. Section 2. The Commission shall consist of thirteen (13) members. The Board of Supervisors shall appoint members for a term of three (3) years on varying years so that no more than five (5) members are being replaced in any one (1) year. There will be two Commissioners per magisterial district and one at-large Commissioner. There will be two additional Commission seats filled by two members of the Virginia Recreation Facilities Authority. Should the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority disband then the Commission will revert back to eleven (11) members. The terms shall expire on June 30th of each year. Section 3. Attendance at Commission meetings is imperative, and acceptance of appointment constitutes an obligation to attend and participate in monthly meetings to the fullest extent. Three (3) consecutive absences or four (4) absences in any 12-month period, except in the case of illness or emergency, will be considered non-committal and will be addressed on an individual basis. Non-committal members may be asked to resign from the Commission or upon request for removal by the Board of Supervisors. Furthermore, excessive partial attendance at meetings will be addressed on an individual basis, resulting in possible resignation or request for removal by the Board of Supervisors. Section 4. The Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors may, by and with consent of the Commission, on recommendation of the Commission, remove any member of the Commission for misconduct or neglect of duty. Section 5. Vacancies occasioned by removal, resignation, or otherwise shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors by the Department Director, and shall be filled in like manner as original appointments, except that the term of office is restricted to the unexpired term of office. Section 6. Commission members shall serve without monetary compensation. If previously approved by the Department Director and the Commission Chairperson, members can be reimbursed for travel and subsistence to professional recreation meetings, conferences and workshops, and such reimbursement being made in compliance with the general policies of Roanoke County. Article 4 Officers Section 1. The Officers of the Commission shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and/or Past Chairman. The Officers shall be elected at the organizational meeting in October to serve for one (1) year with each officer position rotating forward, or until a successor or vacancy occurs. Commission members must have served one (1) full year before being eligible for election to an officer position No officer shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position. Section 2. The Commission shall adopt by-laws, rules and regulations governing its procedure that are consistent with the provisions of the State law and the approved ordinance as set forth by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Article 5 Meetings Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held the third Thursday of each month during the year. Section 2. Special meetings shall be called by the Chairperson or upon the written request of at least two (2) members; the time and place to be designated in the notice of such call. Section 3. The time and place for the meeting shall be designated by the Chairperson. Section 4. The first regular meeting in October of each year shall be called the organizational meeting. The purpose of this meeting shall be the election of officers, the presentation of the annual report, reviewing the inventory report, and other business that may need to come before such meetings. Section 5. The majority of the members present in person at any duly constituted meeting shall have the full authority of the Commission, except the amendment of these By-Laws, and provided that no fewer than seven (7) members shall constitute an annual meeting. Section 6. All meetings are open to the public. Section 7. Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed in the By-Laws and decisions reached only after full consideration and debate on the issue in question. Section 8. The following shall be the order of business of the Commission, by the Rules of Order may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Commission. Section 9. Order of Business a. Call to Order b. Roll Call c. Consideration of minutes of last regular meeting and of any special meetings held subsequently and their approval or amendment. d. Unfinished Business e. Reports (as necessary to conduct business) f. Petitions and Communications g. New Business h. Other Business i. Adjournment Section 10. Commission meeting minutes will be prepared and distributed by a Department staff member. Meeting minutes will be distributed at least one (1) week prior to the next Commission meeting. Section 11. Seven (7) Commissioners present at a meeting constitutes a quorum to conduct business. Article 6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Commission Section 1. The Commission shall make recommendations for the following: establishment of supervised recreation and tourism activities for the County; to set apart for use as parks, playground, recreation centers, water areas, or other recreation areas and structures, any lands or buildings owned by or leased to the County and for approval by the Board of Supervisors, and may suggest improvements of such lands, buildings, and structures as may be necessary to the recreation program within those funds allocated to the Department; in the construction, equipping, operation and maintenance of parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, and all buildings and structures necessary or useful to Department function; in regard to other recreation facilities which are owned or controlled by the Department of leased or loaned to the Department. Section 2. The Commission shall advise in the acceptance by the County any grant, gift, bequest or donation of any personal or real property which is to be made available for public recreation purposes and which is judged to be of present or possible future use for recreation or parks. Section 3. The Commission shall advise and provide comments and input in the area of Department staffing levels and needs recommended by the Director, contingent upon appropriate funding in the Budget. Section 4. The Commission shall interpret the services of the Department to the community and interpret the needs and desires of the community to the Department and as necessary or requested to the Board of Supervisors. Section 5. The Commission shall determine and establish the general policies to be followed in carrying out the purpose for which the Commission was established. Section 6. Financial Duties and Responsibilities: The Commission shall have no authority to enter into any contract or incur any obligation binding the governing body of Roanoke County. a. The Commission shall provide advice and input to the Department Director during the budget preparation process. The Commission shall offer an endorsement to the County Administrator, through a vote during a Commission meeting, that the annual budget is sufficient to finance the programs of the Department and is necessary for the welfare of the residents of the County of Roanoke. The budget shall be submitted to the County Administrator to hear the requests. b. The Commission shall offer an endorsement to the Board of Supervisors via the County Administrator through a vote during a Commission meeting that a budget for capital improvements acquisition and development prepared by the Department Director is in accordance with the Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Tourism for the County and is sufficient to meet the needs of the residents of the County of Roanoke. Section 7. Planning Duties and Responsibilities: a. Participate in the development of the Master Plan for Parks, Recreation and Tourism in cooperation with the Department and the Planning Commission for the acquisition and development of an adequate system of parks, facilities, and recreational programs for the residents of the County of Roanoke. and update same yearly, consistent with the Master Plan. b. Investigate and determine the needs and interest of the community for recreation facilities and programs and recommend a recreation program to meet these needs. c. Provide advice and guidance to the Department regarding modifications, additions and deletions to Department programs and projects to meet the needs and mission of the Department. Article 7 Section 1. Director’s Relationship: The Director shall have a continuing responsibility to explain the organization, responsibilities, and working relations to the Commission, explain program objectives to them in details of organization, and assist in all matters of interest to the operation of the efficient program. He is an ex-officio member (by virtue of this office) and attends committee meetings. He keeps the Commission informed concerning the interests, needs, objectives, progress, plans and other factors of importance to them. The Director shall be the official medium of communication between the employees of the Department and the Commission. Section 2. Chairperson: The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings, sign official papers, appoint committees, call special meetings when he or she deems it advisable, and perform all such duties as usually handled by a chairperson, except when such duties are properly delegated. The Chairperson may succeed his or her self and shall be elected from among the members who have served more than one (1) year. Section 3. Vice-Chairperson: The Vice-Chairperson of the Commission in the absence of the Chairperson shall perform all the duties of the Chairperson. The Vice-Chairperson shall be charged with the responsibility to see that all standing and temporary committees function as planned by the Commission. Section 4. Secretary: The Secretary shall perform the usual duties pertaining to the office. In the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, the Secretary shall perform all duties of the Chairperson. In the absence of all elected officers, the Commission shall elect a Chairperson Pro Tempore who shall perform the duties of the Chairperson; The Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a full and true permanent record of all meetings of the Commission. This includes regular meetings plus reports of standing committees shall be the custodian of all documents committed to his/her care. The Secretary shall issue, or cause to be issued, notices of the regular and special meetings. Also, the Secretary shall issue minutes of the previous meeting to the Commission prior to the meetings. The Secretary may elect to delegate the record keeping and distribution of meeting minutes to a Department staff member. Article 8 The Commission shall make full and complete reports to the Roanoke County Administrator and/or Board of Supervisors as requested and at such other times as the Commission deems appropriate. The fiscal year of the Commission shall conform to that of the governing body of Roanoke County. Article 9 Amendments These By-Laws may be amended by the membership of the Commission at a meeting at which there is a quorum, held after reasonable notice to the members of the Commission, and upon concurrence of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. APPROVED BY: November 12, 2013_______ _______________________________________ DATEChairperson, Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission Edited by: Doug Blount (October 11, 2013) ÊÎÚß ×ÎÙ×Ò×ß ÛÝÎÛßÌ×ÑÒßÔ ßÝ×Ô×Ì×ÛÍ ËÌØÑÎ×ÌÇ September 29, 2013 Mr. Doug Blount Director, Roanoke County Parks, Recreation & Tourism 1206 Kessler Mill Road Salem VA 24153 Dear Mr. Blount, The Board of Directors of the Virginia Recreational Facilities Authority met on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 and in accordance with the terms of the Explore Park lease, the VRFA has appointed the following to serve as the VRFA appointees on the Roanoke County Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Advisory Commission: Mr. David A. Hurt 814 Truman Hill Road Hardy VA 24101 540-598-9645 trumanhillfarm@yahoo.com Mr. William H. (Bill) Tanger Post Office Box 1750 Roanoke VA 24008 540-366-2228 bill.tanger@verizon.net Sincerely, K.C. Bratton VRFA Chairman KCB:jc cc: Mr. B. Clayton Goodman III Ê·®¹·²·¿ λ½®»¿¬·±²¿´ Ú¿½·´·¬·» ß«¬¸±®·¬§ б¬ Ѻº·½» Þ±¨ ëðëô Ê·²¬±²ô Êß îìïéç AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY,VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE POLICY FOR THE USE OF UNEXPENDED APPROPRIATIONS AT YEAR END WHEREAS, as a result of frugal management practices at both the departmental and administrative levels of County government, various County departments have completed the fiscal year with actual expenditures being less than budget appropriations; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has previously adopted Resolution 042396-5 on April 23, 1996, establishing the Policy for the Use of Unexpended Appropriations at Year End; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors amended this policy by adopting Resolution 122104-4 on December 21, 2004, to fund capital reserves and to provide incentives to reduce annual expenditures below appropriations while maintaining the high quality delivery of public services; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to amend this policy to establish a funding source for the Technology Reserve, while still maintaining funding for Capital Reserves and providing incentives to reduce annual expenditures below appropriations. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the Policy for the Use of Unexpended Appropriations at Year End is hereby amended as follows; and Page 1 of 2 2. That this amended policy shall be in effect for the unencumbered expenditure savings from fiscal year 2013-2014, and the subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors; and 3. That this policy change shall take precedent over existing language in Item #6 of budget ordinance 052813-2 for fiscal year 2013-2014 Page 2 of 2 County of Roanoke Policy for Use of Unexpended Expenditure Appropriations at Year End I. Background At the end of a fiscal year, unspent expenditure appropriations generally lapse and revert to a reserve or fund balance within the fund in which the appropriations originated. In some cases it is desirable to reappropriate a portion of these funds to allow for the completion of projects or purchases in process. The County provides for these instances by including wording in the Appropriation Ordinance that encompasses encumbrances, capital projects and school funds. The National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB) has issued guidelines representing standards of excellence in governmental budgeting that include the preparation of policies and plans for capital asset acquisition, maintenance, and replacement (Principle 2; Element 5; Practice 5.2). This policy addresses this standard. II. Purpose This policy would establish guidelines to fund the Minor County Capital Reserve, the Technology Reserve, and to distribute unspent funds at year end to departments for needed expenditures. This additional departmental funding will provide an opportunity for departments to invest in items that will assist them in meeting their service delivery objectives. Encouraging frugal management practices will provide a more flexible environment and allow innovative and efficient approaches to servicing our citizens. III. Performance Standard Departments will not engage in practices, for the purpose of solely generating savings that will adversely affect the quality of service delivery, unless approved by the County Administrator and/or the Board of Supervisors. IV. Policy Guidelines A. When the County's accounts are closed out at the fiscal year-end, the unencumbered expenditure savings will be allocated as follows: a. Fifty-five percent (55%) of the unencumbered expenditure savings from each departmental budget of the General Fund will be designated for reappropriation to that department in the following fiscal year, b. Ten percent (10%) will be allocated to a Technology Reserve for technology prioritized by the Technology Governance Committee and approved by the County Administrator, and c. The remaining thirty-five percent (35%) of the unencumbered expenditure savings will revert to the Minor County Capital Reserve for future capital projects approved by the Board of Supervisors. B. Requests for the reappropriation of departmental funds will be evaluated and approved by the County Administrator on an item-by-item basis. These funds are “non-recurring”; therefore, the use of these funds can only be used for Page 1 of 2 expenditures such as vehicle replacement, computers, renovations, training or other purposes that relate to the department's mission and do not require expenditures in future fiscal years. These funds cannot be used for salary increases, additional personnel or expansion of services. C. The use of Technology Reserve funds are governed by a separate Technology Reserve Policy D. The use of Minor Capital Reserve funds are governed by a separate Capital Reserve Policy Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION AMENDING THE POLICY FOR ROANOKE COUNTY CAPITAL RESERVES TO INCLUDE THE TECHNOLOGY RESERVE WHEREAS, one of the measures of a fiscally well managed locality is the adoption of formal fiscal policies; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes the need to fund capital projects, including technology projects; and WHEREAS, it is important to the Board of Supervisors to fund some capital and technology projects on a pay-as-you-go basis; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has previously adopted Resolution 122104-3 on December 21, 2004, establishing a Policy for Capital Reserves; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to amend this policy to establish a Technology Reserve. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows; 1. That the Policy for Roanoke County Capital Reserves is hereby amended as follows; and 2. That this policy shall be in effect for fiscal year 2013-2014, and the subsequent fiscal years unless otherwise amended by the Board of Supervisors; and 3. That this policy change shall take precedent over existing language in Item #6 of budget ordinance 052813-2 for fiscal year 2013-2014 Page 1 of 1 County of Roanoke, Virginia Policy for County Capital Reserves I. Background The County of Roanoke recognizes one of the keys to sound financial management is the development of a systematic way to fund capital projects, including technology projects. In addition to the Debt Policy, the County believes it is important to set up a funding stream and guidelines to fund some capital and technology projects, or portions thereof, on a pay-as-you-go basis. The National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting (NACSLB) has issued guidelines representing standards of excellence in governmental budgeting that include the preparation of policies and plans for capital asset acquisition, maintenance, and replacement (Principle 2; Element 5; Practice 5.2). This policy addresses this standard. II. Purpose This policy will establish guidelines to set aside reserves to fund County capital projects, including technology projects III. Policy Guidelines for Major County Capital Reserve a. The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes a Major County Capital Reserve for the purpose of accumulating funds to pay-as-you-go for County Capital projects identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan that is adopted by the Board of Supervisors b. Funds will be deposited into the Major County Capital Reserve from the following sources: i. As specified in the Policy for Use of General Fund Revenue in Excess of Budget at Year End, the revenues in excess of budget will be allocated first to the General Fund Unappropriated Balance to the extent required, and next to the Major County Capital Reserve ii. Any additional funds that the Board of Supervisors appropriates to the Reserve c. Funds may be allocated from the Major County Capital Reserve for the following purposes: i. Cash outlay for projects identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors Page 1 of 3 ii. Debt payments to expedite projects identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan adopted by the Board of Supervisors iii. Land purchase opportunities, even if they are not included in the County Capital Improvements Plan IV. Policy Guidelines for Minor County Capital Reserve a. The Board of Supervisors hereby renames the County Capital Fund Unappropriated Balance as the Minor County Capital Reserve. b. Funds will be deposited into the Minor County Capital Reserve from the following sources: i. As specified in the Policy for Use of Unspent Expenditure Appropriations at Year End, the unencumbered expenditure savings will be allocated 55% to the department, 10% to the Technology Reserve, and the remaining 35% to the Minor County Capital Reserve ii. As specified in the County Charter, the proceeds from the sale of land and fixed assets, unless specifically appropriated otherwise by the Board of Supervisors, will be deposited to the Minor County Capital Reserve iii. Any additional funds that the Board of Supervisors appropriates to the Reserve c. Funds may be allocated from the Minor County Capital Reserve for the following purposes: i. Cash outlay for minor County capital projects. These are projects that are not normally in the County Capital Improvements Plan, and are usually less than $500,000 ii. Architectural and engineering services for all capital projects, whenever possible iii. Other one-time expenditures iv. Major County Capital Projects as identified in the County Capital Improvements Plan, adopted by the Board of Supervisors Policy Guidelines for County Technology Reserve V. a. The Board of Supervisors hereby establishes a County Technology Reserve for the purpose of accumulating funds to pay-as-you-go for County technology projects identified and prioritized by the Technology Governance Committee, and approved by the County Administrator. Page 2 of 3 b. Funds will be deposited into the County Technology Reserve from the following sources; i. As specified in the Policy for use of Unexpended Appropriations at the End of Each Fiscal Year, the unencumbered expenditure savings will be allocated 55% to the department, 10% to the Technology Reserve, and the remaining 35% to the Minor Capital Reserve ii. The proceeds from the sale of IT equipment iii. Any additional funds that the Board of Supervisors appropriates to the Reserve c. Funds may be allocated from the Technology Reserve for the following purposes: i. Cash outlay for projects identified and prioritized by the Technology Governance Committee and approved by the County Administrator ii. Debt payments to expedite projects identified and prioritized by the Technology Governance Committee and approve by the County Administrator and the Board of Supervisors Page 3 of 3 N-1 GENERAL FUND UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA % of General AmountFund Revenue Unaudited balance at June 30, 2013$21,072,31810.96%* Balance at November 12, 2013$21,072,31810.90%** Note: On December 21, 2004, the Board of Supervisors adopted a policy to increase the General Fund Unappropriated Balance incrementally over several years. *2012-13 - Goal of 11% of General Fund Revenues 2012-13 General Fund Revenues$192,297,746 11% of General Fund Revenues$21,152,752 **2013-14 - Goal of 11% of General Fund Revenues 2013-14 General Fund Revenues$193,332,334 11% of General Fund Revenues$21,266,557 The Unappropriated Fund Balance of the County is currently maintained at 10.90%. The County's goal is to increase the balance over time to 11.0% Submitted ByRebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved ByB. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator N-2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CAPITAL RESERVES Minor County Capital Reserve (Projects not in the CIP, architectural/engineering services, and other one-time expenditures.) Amount Unaudited balance at June 30, 2013$3,744,587.00 June 25, 2013Ordinance appropriating funds for capital projects(789,839.00) July 9, 2013Ordinance appropriating funds for repairs at Courthouse(65,000.00) October 22, 2013Ordinance appropriating funds for Roanoke County Criminal Justice Academy(324,262.00) Balance at November 12, 2013$2,565,486.00 Major County Capital Reserve (Projects in the CIP, debt payments to expedite projects identified in CIP, and land purchase opportunities.) Unaudited balance at June 30, 2013$1,438,161.00 $ June 25, 2013Ordinance appropriating funds for capital projects(938,161.00) Balance at November 12, 2013$500,000.00 Submitted ByRebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved ByB. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator N-3 RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Amount From 2013-2014 Original Budget100,000.00$ July 9, 2013Reappointment of Special Assistant for Legislative Relations(32,400.00) August 13, 2013Assessment of Appalachian Power Company negotiations(7,993.00) Balance at November 12, 2013$59,607.00 Submitted ByRebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Approved ByB. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. ________O-1_______ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 12, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Work session to discuss a lease for a water tower for North County SUBMITTED BY: Richard Caywood Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: For many years a significant portion of North County has experienced limited water pressure that has negatively impacted residents and businesses. Specifically, limited water pressure has required a booster pump for the Green Ridge Recreation Center. Inadequate water pressure for fire flow has also limited the viability of many potential development sites. In addition to these issues, many residents experience limited water pressure especially in upper levels of their homes and also must use booster pumps to achieve adequate water pressure. This is simply an issue of water pressure. Water supplies are adequate. In order to alleviate these issues, an additional water tower is needed in the North County area generally in the vicinity of the I-81 / I-581 interchange area. The water tower would need to be constructed on high ground at an elevation of 1,240’ or higher. The tower would need to reach a top elevation of approximately 1,400’. For a cylindrical tank, the capacity needed would be 500,000 gallons and for an elevated tank the capacity needed would be approximately 250,000 gallons. For either design overall tank height would be approximately 120’ above the surrounding ground at the recommended site. On March 27, 2012, The County Board of Supervisors rejected the request of the Western Page 1 of 3 Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) to place a water tower at 4968 Northridge Lane near Northside High School. Since that time, County Staff and WVWA have worked to evaluate alternate sites. A total of nine (9) potential sites were evaluated by County and WVWA staff. These nine (9) sites were also evaluated by Delta Airport Consulting, Inc. to determine potential impacts to the Roanoke Regional Airport. The two (2) most viable sites were further studied to determine their potential impacts to instrument approaches and departures from the airport as well as any impact to future runway extensions. Based on current zoning, water main accessibility, elevation, land availability, and potential impact to R1 zoned areas; a portion of the southwest corner of the Greenridge Recreation Center parcel is the preferred location for the tank. This site would be leased from the County by the WVWA. Since the current zoning is I-2 no Board of Supervisors action would be required other than approval of the lease since the use is by right in I-2. The WVWA has budgeted the funds necessary to construct a cylindrical tank in North County. A spherical or elevated tank, which may be more aesthetically pleasing, is possible, but is anticipated to cost one and one half to two (1½ to 2) times as much as the cylindrical tank. The additional funding that would be required to construct a spherical tank has not been identified by either the WVWA or Roanoke County. In order to assist the Board of Supervisors, computer generated renderings of both tank designs have been developed. In the draft lease agreement, Roanoke County would retain design and aesthetic approval over the tank. The County would also share equally with the WVWA any revenues that may be generated by communication equipment that may be located on the tank. The design life of the tank is one hundred (100) years and the initial term of the lease as drafted is forty (40) years at $1 a year. Staff has contacted the owner of the one privately owned resident who lives closest to the proposed tank site. A citizen’s information meeting will be held prior to the second reading at the Green Ridge Recreation Center. FISCAL IMPACT: If a cylindrical tank is approved, there would be no negative fiscal impact from this action. The County could also receive substantial revenues from its share of any future communication leases. The County could also benefit from economic growth that could be spurred by enhanced water availability. If an elevated tank design is desired by the Board there would be additional cost beyond the budgeted amount that would need to be negotiated with the WVWA. ALTERNATIVES: Eight (8) additional sites were evaluated by County and WVWA Staff. Page 2 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the lease ordinance scheduled for later today. Page 3 of 3 ROA Water Tank Airspace Analysis Delta Project VA 13080 Delta Airport Consultants, Inc. 9711 Farrar Court, Suite 100 Richmond, Virginia 23236 Corporate Office: 4044 Bunch Walnuts RD Chesapeake VA 23322-2874 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ 2 LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ 3 LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................... 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................ 5 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 6 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 7 WATER TANK SITE 1 AND 2 DETAILED ASSESSMENT ...................................................... 7 FINDINGS ...................................................................................................................................... 8 CONCLUSIONS........................................................................................................................... 18 Page of LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. FAR Part 77 Horizontal Surface for RWY 16/36 at KROA .......................................... 8 Figure 2. RWY 34 Diverse Departure ICA Penetration ................................................................ 9 Figure 3. LPV Final and Missed Approach Segments Plan and Profile View ............................ 12 Figure 4. Example Lines of Minima Legend ............................................................................... 13 Figure 5. LDA with Glideslope Final and Missed Approach Segments ...................................... 14 Figure 6. LDA Final and Missed Approach Segments ................................................................ 14 Figure 7. Category A Circling Area ............................................................................................. 15 Figure 8. ILS and Localizer RWY 34 Approach Minimums....................................................... 15 Figure 9. RNAV (GPS) RWY 34 Approach Minimums ............................................................. 16 Page of LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Two County-Selected Water Tank Sites .......................................................................... 7 Table 2. FAR Part 77 Horizontal Surface Penetrations ................................................................. 8 Table 3. Diverse Departure RWY 34 Results ................................................................................ 9 Page of EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Western Virginia Water Authority is planning to build a water tank with a 500,000 gallon capacity on one of nine potential sites in Northern Roanoke County. In order to provide adequate water pressure throughout the service area a top elevation of 1,400’ above sea level is desired. These sites are located on the ridgeline approximately 1-2 miles northwest of the Roanoke Regional Airport. Roanoke County recognized these sites were in or near the line of site for the approach to Runway 16 and the departure for Runway 34 at the Airport. Based on preliminary consultations with the Roanoke Regional Airport Commission, the County contracted with Delta Airport Consultants, Inc. (Richmond, VA) to perform an analysis of the potential sites and their impacts, if any, to Airport Operations. Given the proximity of the water tower sites (and their height) to the Airport, an airspace notification is required in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 77. Part 77 defines the dimensions of airspace around an airport that should be protected from obstructions that would impact air navigation. The notification is done using an FAA Form 7460-1 through an electronic data submission process. The FAA is required to assess the project and provide a notice of “hazard” or “no hazard” to air navigation. The FAA’s determination is often required by localities to obtain approval for projects that have significant vertical development. The FAA often coordinates with the airport operator prior to issuing a notice and decision. The initial phase of this study reviewed nine (9) potential locations for a water tower. The locations were given a cursory review based on Part 77 airspace requirements and ranked in order of least to most impact on aviation operations. Two siteswere selected for further review. This review included a more in depth review of the Terminal Instrument Procedures (TERPS) which govern the exact routes used by pilots in their final approach and takeoff. The in-depth review evaluated the approach and departure procedures for arrivals and departures at each end of each runway. The TERPS analysis resulted in both sites 1 and 2 having the potential for development without impact to aircraft operations to and from Roanoke Regional Airport. There is no impact to the currently published aircraft approaches, nor are thereexpected to be impacts on foreseeable operations. Page of INTRODUCTION All airports have airspace requirements that are codified in the FAR,Part 77. The airspace requirements vary based on the type of aircraft and the availability of a ground based instrument approach landing systems or satellite based (GPS) approach. These approach systems aid pilots in safely navigating and landing in lower visibility conditions such as fog and rain. Aircraft operations in lower visibility minimums require larger areas around the airport to be clear of vertical obstructions, especially off the runway ends. In addition to Part 77 Airspace, the flight paths for approach and departures to a runway also provide more exact routes for pilots. These are known as Terminal Procedures (TERPS). These paths can be evaluated with noted or future obstructions. It is possible to designate a Part 77 airspace obstruction as “not a hazard”. However, this requires a TERPS analysis and the approval of the FAA. The Roanoke Regional Airport has two runways. The runways have published approach and departure procedures for three of the four runway ends. In some cases, there is more than one instrument approach procedure dependent on the type of navigation equipment the aircraft has on board. The better equipment allows approaches to be made with a ceiling (height of clouds above the airport) as low as 200’ and visibility (how far the pilot can see in front of his aircraft) of ½ mile. At most large airports, including Roanoke, the protected airspacesurface extends out from the runway end at a slope of 50’ horizontally for each 1’ of vertical rise. What this means is that at one mile from the end of the runway, the protected surface is 52.8’ above the runway elevation. The Roanoke Regional Airport is surrounded by rising terrain that penetrates the Part 77 airspace surfaces.Terrain obstructions restrictthe ability to obtain the lowest instrument approach weather minimums. Any additional vertical development near the airport or airspace surfaces that can extend for up to 10 miles from the airport must be assessed for potential impact. The next step for the Water Authority from an FAA perspective is to identify the exact location and top elevation of the proposed water tower and file a Form 7460, “Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration”. This form will be reviewed by the FAA and data entered into the airspace system. The FAA will provide a notice of “hazard” or “no hazard” for the proposed project. In many cases, the FAA will coordinate or request concurrence of the airport before the FAA decision and notice is provided. The completion of this assessment should assist the Authority in the selection of a water tower site that will meet its technical requirements, and be determined as “no hazard”by the FAA,and also be acceptable to the Airport. Page of SCOPE The Western Virginia Water Authority is planning to build a water tank with a 500,000 gallon capacity on one of nine potential sites. As part of this project, Delta/Bevins Perrywas asked to completetwo separate assessments: An initial assessmentof all nine locations. Based on this assessment the county would then select the top two site candidates. A more detailed assessment of the top two site candidates based on land use considerations and water system requirements. WATER TANK SITE 1 AND 2 DETAILED ASSESSMENT Specific information on the two site candidates is contained in Table 1. Table 1. Two County-Selected Water Tank Sites NAMELocation \ElevationAddressParcel ID Number WT 1-79.994111 37.336839 (1400ft MSL)Green Ridge Recreation Center026.18-01-15.00 WT 2-79.999266 37.338957 (1400ft MSL)Adjacent to 7222 Thirlane Road026.18-01-12.02 Initial assessment findings werepresented to the Water Authority on 7 Aug 2013. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Richard Caywood, Assistant County Administrator, County of Roanoke, provided Delta/Bevins Perrywith one location (Water Tank 1). After consulting with the Water Authority, Mr. Caywood provided the second location (Water Tank 2)on 9 Aug 2013. For this report, Mr. Caywood stated that Delta/Bevins Perry should use 1400 ft Mean Sea Level (MSL) asthe maximum height for both water tanksites (includes terrain and water tank height). The consultant team then evaluated each of the twowater tank sites relative to the following criteria: Federal Air Regulations (FAR) Part 77 surfaces Diverse Departureassessment for RWY 34 approach final and missed approach segments The Localizer Type Directional Air (LDA) RWY 06 approach final and missed approach segments The ILS RWY 34approach final and missed approach segments The RNAV(GPS) RWY 34 approach final and missed approach segments Page of FINDINGS FAR Part 77 The Horizontal Surface is a flat surface that is 150 ft above the airport elevation. It is created by tangentially joining 10,000-ft circles around each RWY threshold (see Figure 1). Both of the proposed water tank sites will penetrate the Part 77 Horizontal Surface. No other Part 77 surfaces are penetrated. Table 2.FAR Part 77 Horizontal Surface Penetrations Horizontal Surface Name:MSL(ft)Surface Height(ft)Amount of Penetration(ft) WT 11400132575 WT 21400132575 Figure 1. FAR Part 77 Horizontal Surface for RWY 16/34 at KROA Page of Diverse Departure For the two sites, WT 1penetrates the Initial Climb Area (ICA), see Figure 2, for the Diverse Departure to RWY 34. Though this penetration exists to the ICA, aircraft are only authorized to depart from RWY 34 under Visual Flight Rules (VFR). The penetration should not adversely impact the departure surface. Neither of the proposed water tank sites penetrate the Diverse Departure Diverse A Area. Figure 2. RWY 34 Diverse Departure ICA Penetration Table 3. Diverse Departure RWY 34 Results ×Ýß ß®»¿ Ò¿³» ß³±«²¬ ±º λ¯«·®»¼ ÝÙ Í«®º¿½» Ø»·¹¸¬ л²»¬®¿¬·±² λ¯«·®»¼ Ý´·³¾ Ì»®³ ß´¬·¬«¼» ÓÍÔ øº¬÷ øº¬÷ øº¬÷Ù®¿¼ øº¬÷ øº¬÷ ÉÌ ï ïìðð ïîéê ïîí ìîî ïìéì Ü×ÊÛÎÍÛ ß ß®»¿ Í«®º¿½» Ø»·¹¸¬ ß³±«²¬ ±º λ¯«·®»¼ Ý´·³¾ λ¯«·®»¼ ÝÙ Ò¿³» ÓÍÔ øº¬÷ øº¬÷ л²»¬®¿¬·±² Ù®¿¼ Ì»®³ ß´¬·¬«¼» ÉÌ î ïìðð ïìèð Ò±²» ͬ¿²¼¿®¼ Òñß Page of Instrument Approach Procedures The initial quick assessment concluded that none of the proposed nine water tank locations had any impact on any of the published instrument approach procedures to RWY 06 and RWY 34. From those nine proposed locations, two were selected as likely candidates for the future construction of a water tank. The Western Virginia Water Authority willmake a final site selection at some future date. This assessment is intended to provide a closer examination of the two sites and confirm finding of no impact on the approach procedures to RWY 6 and RWY 34. To understand some of the information presented below it is important to define some key terms and concepts: Key Terms Decision Altitude(DA): A DA is a specified minimum altitudeexpressed in ft MSL in a precision instrument approach procedure at which the pilot must decide whether to initiate an immediate missed approach if they do not see the required visual references or to continue the approach. Height Above Touchdown (HAT): This is the height of DA above threshold elevation. Minimum Descent Altitude(MDA):The lowest altitude, expressed in ft MSL to which descent is authorized on final approach or during circle-to-land maneuvering in execution of a standard instrument approach procedure where no electronic glideslope is provided. Circling MDA: A statement of MDA and visibility required for the circle-to-land maneuver. Descent below the established MDA is not authorized during an approach unless the aircraft is in a position from which a normal approach to the RWY of intended landing can be made and adequate visual reference to required visual cues is maintained. Threshold Elevation: Elevation of the RWY threshold in ft MSL Touchdown Zone Elevation: The highest RWYelevation in ft MSL within the first 3000 ft from RWY threshold Airport Elevation: The highest point of an airports useable RWYs in ft MSL Instrument Landing System (ILS): A precision approach procedure with both lateral and vertical navigation Lateral Navigation (LNAV): A non-precision approach procedure with lateral navigation only Page of LNAV/with Vertical Navigation (VNAV): A non-precision approach procedure with both lateral and vertical navigation Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance: A non-precision approach procedure with both lateral and vertical navigation Required Obstacle Clearance (ROC): A buffer of airspace between the aircraft and the segment surface being evaluated Key Concepts In the past, instrument approach procedures could be classified as being either precision or non-precision. The primary difference being that therewas a vertical guidance component associated with precision approach procedures. However, with the introduction of Area Navigation (RNAV)with vertical guidance, those past definitions became inadequate. Today instrument approach procedures are usually classified as being with or without vertical guidance. RNAV procedures that have vertical guidance are still classified as being non-precision approach procedures. To keep things somewhat in order, those procedures with vertical guidance (e.g., ILS, LPV, LNAV/VNAV) publish a DA versus an MDA. As mentioned above for precision approaches, once an aircraft reaches the DA the pilot must decide whether to initiatean immediate missed approach, if they do not see the required visual references,or to continue the approach. The MDA is the lowest altitude, expressed in ft MSL, to which descent is authorized on final approach. In both cases, a certain amount of ROC is provided to protect the aircraft. Figure 3 1 demonstrates this concept for an LPV procedure: 1 The LPV and ILS final and missed approach segments are also identical with minor differences in the construction and evaluation of the missed approach. Page of Source: FAA Figure 3.LPV Final and Missed Approach Segments Plan and Profile View Page of Figure 4 is provided to assist the reader in understanding the lines of minima associated with 2 each procedure: Source:FAA Figure 4.Example Lines of Minima Legend The following instrument approach procedures pass through the area of the proposed water tank sites and are, therefore, of primary concern to the Water Authority and are discussed in greater detail: LDA RWY 06 When localizers are aligned within 3° of the RWYthey are identified as “localizers.” When the 3 alignment exceeds 3°, as is the case for the LDA RWY 6, they are identified as “LDA facilities.” An LDA procedure is considered to be a non-precision approach procedure because it provides no vertical descent (glideslope) information. However, the LDA to RWY6 is rather unique in that there is an associated glideslope. Aglideslope provides the capabilityfor a more stabilized and therefore saferdescent,whichallows for lower line approach minima (S-LDA/GS 6). Additionally, because there is a glideslope a DA versus an MDA is published. Figures 5 and 6 depict the two proposed water tank sites inrelation to the final and missed approach segments for an LDA with and without a glideslope. Note that both locations are well outside the final and missed approach segments. Figure 7 shows the Category A circling area. While both water tank sites fall withinthe Category A circling area, circling is not authorized northwest of RWY 6/24. 2 The threshold elevations for RWYs 6 and 34 are 1152 ft and 1143 ft respectively. The airport elevation is 1175 ft. All elevations are in ft MSL. 3 The LDA RWY6 is approximately 15° offset from RWY 6 centerline. Page of Figure 5.LDA with Glideslope Final and Missed Approach Segments Figure 6.LDA Final and Missed Approach Segments Page of Figure 7.Category A Circling Area ILS RWY 34 Figure 8 depicts the approach minimums for the ILS and associated localizer procedure to RWY 34. With a DA 1793 ft MSL (Category A-Caircraft), the missed approach surfacewould begin 11,275 ft (1.86 NM) from threshold. The missed approach extends 9861 ft along the RWY centerline from DA. After a short distance from DA, the missed approach begins an upward slope (28.5:1) from a height of 1435 ft MSL for a distance of 8401 ft. At the end of this segment, the missed approach surface would be 1730 ft MSL (430 ft above the proposed water tank). The aircraft is assumed to be 200 ft above DA at this point or 1993 ft MSL. Aircraft flying localizer minimums would be even higher. Circling is authorized to RWY 6 and RWY 24 but not to RWY 16. Source: FAA Figure 8.ILS and Localizer RWY34 Approach Minimums Page of RNAV RWY 34 The RNAV (GPS) RWY 34 approach has several different lines of minima for different approach types (see Figure 9). Source: FAA Figure 9.RNAV (GPS) RWY 34 Approach Minimums All the approach minima for this RWY are very high due to the many obstacles located in the final and missed approach segments of the various procedures. Construction of the LPV and ILS final and missed approach segments are very similar. Note the second line of minima in Figure 9 above (LPV DA #). Aircraft flying this line of minima must be able to maintain a 400 ft/NM climb gradient to 2800 ft at which point they can resume anormal rate of climb (i.e., 200 ft/NM). This climb gradient allows those aircraft to descend to a lower DA. With a DA 1543 ft MSL, the missed approach surface would begin 6645 ft (1.08 NM) from the runway threshold. The missed approach extends 9861 ft along the RWYcenterline from DA. After a short distance from DA, the missed approach begins an upward slope (28.5:1) from a height of 1288 ft MSL for a distance of 8401 ft. At the end of this segment, the missed approach surface would be 1583 ft MSL (183 ft above the proposed water tank). Even without the climb gradient, the proposed water tank sites do not impact this, or the other RNAV approach types to this RWY. With the climb gradient an aircraft would be at an approximate height of 2250 ft MSL. The missed approach instructions are for aircraft to “Climb to 2100 then make a climbing left turn to 5000 on a heading of 125°…”. So aircraft will have started their left turn long before reaching the end of the initial portion of the missed approach segment. FUTURE RWY 16 EXTENSION The approved Proposed Airport Layout for Roanoke Regional Airport shows a future extension of RWY 16-34. It is proposed that RWY 16 be extended 1890 feet to the north sometime after 2025. The primary purpose of the runway extension will be to provide a longer takeoff run for aircraft departing to the south, i.e. the opposite direction from the proposed water tower sites. Page of Because of mountainous terrain on the approach to RWY 16, there are currently only visual approaches to RWY 16 (and only visual departures from RWY 34). We do not anticipate that there will be any instrument approaches to RWY 16, therefore there will be no approach procedure impacts caused by the proposed water tower sites. As far as Part 77 surfaces are concerned, the horizontal surface will not change due to the future runway extension, therefore the impact of the proposed water towers to the horizontal surface does not change. An extension of RWY 16 will not cause the proposed water towers to penetrate any other Part 77 surfaces. In this report the missed approach procedures for LDA RWY 6, ILS RWY 34, and RNAV RWY 34 were analyzed because missed approaches from these procedures are in the vicinity of the proposed water tower sites. Any extension of RWY 16 will have no impact on missed approach procedures for any of these instrument procedures, therefore the proposed water tower sites have no impact. Finally, the proposed extension of 1890 feet is not enough to cause either of the proposed water tower sites to penetrate the Diverse Departure Diverse A surface for aircraft departing RWY 34. In addition a runway extension of 1890 will shift the trapezoidal shaped Diverse Departure ICA surface, and cause both WT-1 and WT-2 to fall outside of the ICA, therefore eliminating the penetration to that surface. Page of CONCLUSIONS Based on a combined terrain and water tank height equaling 1400 ft MSL, neither proposed sites 1 or 2 have any significant impactto FAR Part 77 surfaces, the Diverse Departure to RWY 34, or any of the currently published instrument approach procedures. In some cases (e.g., the LDA to RWY 6) the proposed sites fall outside the final and missed approach segment of the procedure completely. For all the other procedures, the DA or MDA for the procedures are so highthat the missed approach surfaces for aircraftexecuting a missed approach would be well above either water tank site. Finally, both sites fall within an area where circling is not authorized (i.e., northwest of RWY 6-24). Due to limitations imposed by surrounding mountain terrain, we do not anticipate the approval of any new instrument approaches that would be adversely impacted by either of the proposed water tower sites. The next step for the Water Authority from an FAA perspective is to identify the exact location and top elevation of the proposed water tower and file a Form 7460, “Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration”. This form will be reviewed by the FAA and data entered into the airspace system. The FAA will provide a notice of “hazard” or “no hazard” for the proposed project. The water tower will be required to have obstruction lighting installed on the water tower in accordance with FAA obstruction lighting standards. This assessment and the FAA decision, that should include consultation with the Airport, should be documented in the engineering and land use assessment for the site. Page of Q AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. ________R-1_______ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 12, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance approving a lease between Roanoke County and the Western Virginia Water Authority for the location of a water tank SUBMITTED BY: Richard Caywood Assistant County Administrator APPROVED BY: B. Clayton Goodman III County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The information that follows, as well as additional supporting material, was presented in a work session with the County Board of Supervisors held on November 12, 2013, prior to the first reading of this ordinance. For many years a significant portion of North County has experienced limited water pressure that has negatively impacted residents and businesses. Specifically, limited water pressure has required a booster pump for the Green Ridge Recreation Center. Inadequate water pressure for fire flow has also limited the viability of many potential development sites. In addition to these issues, many residents experience limited water pressure especially in upper levels of their homes and also must use booster pumps to achieve adequate water pressure. This is simply an issue of water pressure. Water supplies are adequate. In order to alleviate these issues, an additional water tower is needed in the North County area generally in the vicinity of the I-81 / I-581 interchange area. The water tower would need to be constructed on high ground at an elevation of 1,240’ or higher. The tower would need to reach a top elevation of approximately 1,400’. For a cylindrical tank, the capacity needed would be 500,000 gallons and for an elevated tank the capacity needed would be approximately 250,000 gallons. For either design overall tank height would be Page 1 of 3 approximately 120’ above the surrounding ground at the recommended site. On March 27, 2012, The County Board of Supervisors rejected the request of the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) to place a water tower at 4968 Northridge Lane near Northside High School. Since that time, County Staff and WVWA have worked to evaluate alternate sites. A total of nine (9) potential sites were evaluated by County and WVWA staff. These nine (9) sites were also evaluated by Delta Airport Consulting, Inc. to determine potential impacts to the Roanoke Regional Airport. The two (2) most viable sites were further studied to determine their potential impacts to instrument approaches and departures from the airport as well as any impact to future runway extensions. Based on current zoning, water main accessibility, elevation, land availability, and potential impact to R1 zoned areas; a portion of the southwest corner of the Greenridge Recreation Center parcel is the preferred location for the tank. This site would be leased from the County by the WVWA. Since the current zoning is I-2 no Board of Supervisors action would be required other than approval of the lease since the use is by right in I-2. The WVWA has budgeted the funds necessary to construct a cylindrical tank in North County. A spherical or elevated tank, which may be more aesthetically pleasing, is possible, but is anticipated to cost one and one half to two (1½ to 2) times as much as the cylindrical tank. The additional funding that would be required to construct a spherical tank has not been identified by either the WVWA or Roanoke County. In order to assist the Board of Supervisors, computer generated renderings of both tank designs have been developed. In the draft lease agreement, Roanoke County would retain design and aesthetic approval over the tank. The County would also share equally with the WVWA any revenues that may be generated by communication equipment that may be located on the tank. The design life of the tank is one hundred (100) years and the initial term of the lease as drafted is forty (40) years at $1 a year. Staff has contacted the owner of the one privately owned resident who lives closest to the proposed tank site. A citizen’s information meeting will be held prior to the second reading at the Green Ridge Recreation Center. FISCAL IMPACT: If a cylindrical tank is approved, there would be no negative fiscal impact from this action. The County could also receive substantial revenues from its share of any future communication leases. The County could also benefit from economic growth that could be spurred by enhanced water availability. If an elevated tank design is desired by the Board there would be additional cost beyond the budgeted amount that would need to be negotiated with the WVWA. Page 2 of 3 ALTERNATIVES: Eight (8) additional sites were evaluated by County and WVWA staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of the lease ordinance and establishing the second reading for December 10, 2013. Page 3 of 3 S-1 PETITIONER: Frank R. Radford and Mary E. Radford CASE NUMBER: 21-11/2013 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1 Reading Date: October 22, 2013 Planning Commission Hearing Date: November 4, 2013 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2 Reading Date: November 12, 2013 A. REQUEST To remove the proffered signage condition on property approximately 0.6764 acre in size and zoned C2C, General Commercial District with conditions, located at 2210 Electric Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke on this petition. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Rebecca Mahoney presented the staff report. Commissioners discussed conformance with C-2, General Commercial District signage regulations. D. CONDITIONS/PROFFERS E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Jarrell made a motion to recommend approval of the petition. The motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Woltz absent. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING THE PROFFERED CONDITIONS ON PROPERTY APPROXIMATELY 0.06764 ACRE IN SIZE AND ZONED C2C, GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT WITH CONDITIONS, LOCATED AT 2210 ELECTRIC ROAD, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, (TAX MAP #76.07-02-52), UPON THE APPLICATION OF FRANK R. RADFORD AND MARY E. RADFORD WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing were held November 12, 2013; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on November 4, 2013; and WHEREAS, legal notice and advertisement has been provided as required by law. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the proffered conditions on property approximately 0.06764 acre in size and zoned C2C, General Commercial District with conditions, located at 2210 Electric Road (Tax Map #76.07-02-52) in the Windsor Hills Magisterial District, is hereby AMENDED as set out below: 1. That the property will be developed in substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by T. P. Parker and Sons under date of November 3, 1988, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit “1”. 2. That the property will only be used as a convenience store with gasoline pumps. 12 Page of 3. That there will be a maximum of 4 multi-grade gasoline pumps placed on the property. Buffhide tanks or equivalent will be utilized with a computer monitoring system. 4. Signage shall not exceed 30 square feet on the freestanding sign to be placed near the intersection of Route 419 and Glen Heather Drive; identification sign on the building not to exceed 55 square feet; plus an 18 square foot gas identification sign.” 54. All lighting will be directed away from the adjoining residential properties with lighting not to exceed sixteen (16) feet in height. 3. That this action is taken upon the application of Frank R. Radford and Mary E. Radford. 4. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. 22 Page of S-2 PETITIONER: State Central Bank CASE NUMBER: 22-11/2013 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1 Reading Date: October 22, 2013 Planning Commission Hearing Date: November 4, 2013 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2 Reading Date: November 12, 2013 A. REQUEST To amend the proffered conditions and the Planning and Design documents for Loblolly Mill by removing the sections dealing with trails (Postponed by the Applicant) and lighting. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke on this petition. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Tara Pattisall addressed the commission stating that all six property owners had not signed the petition at this time, and State Central Bank requests to postpone the hearing. D. PROFFERED CONDITIONS E. COMMISSION ACTION None. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission éèûööê÷ìíêè ì×ÈÓÈÓÍÎ×Ê éÈÛÈ×ù×ÎÈÊÛÐúÛÎÑ ê×ËÇ×ÉÈèÍÛÏ×ÎØÈÔ×ÌÊÍÖÖ×Ê×ØÙÍÎØÓÈÓÍÎÉÛÎØÈÔ×ìÐÛÎÎÓÎÕÛÎØø×ÉÓÕÎØÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÉÖÍÊ ðÍÚÐÍÐÐÃïÓÐÐÚÃÊ×ÏÍÆÓÎÕÈÔ×É×ÙÈÓÍÎÉØ×ÛÐÓÎÕÅÓÈÔÈÊÛÓÐÉÛÎØÐÓÕÔÈÓÎÕ ðÍÙÛÈÓÍÎéÈ×ÊÐÓÎÕêÍÛØèÛÐÐìÓÎ×ðÛÎ×ÛÎØïÓÐÐôÍÇÉ×ðÛÎ× ïÛÕÓÉÈ×ÊÓÛÐøÓÉÈÊÓÙÈæÓÎÈÍÎ ÷ä÷ùçèóæ÷éçïïûêã Loblolly Mill is a planned residential community in the Vinton magisterial district which was rezoned in 2006 and revised in 2007. Currently, five of the lots in the development are under private ownership, with State Central Bank owning the remaining 34 lots.State Central Bank is seeking to amend the Planning and Design documents, which are proffered conditions, for Loblolly Mill. The applicant seeks to remove the following sectionsdealing with trails and lighting from the Planning and Design documents: ûÎ×ÈÅÍÊÑÍÖÌ×Ø×ÉÈÊÓÛÎ ×ËÇ×ÉÈÊÓÛÎÈÊÛÓÐÉÅÓÐÐÚ×ÌÊÍÆÓØ×ØèÔ×É×ÈÊÛÓÐÉÅÓÐÐÚ×ÈÔÊÍÇÕÔÍÇÈÈÔ× Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÎØÅÓÐÐÙÍÎÎ×ÙÈÈÔ×É×ÌÛÊÛÈ×Ø×Æ×ÐÍÌÏ×ÎÈÛÊ×ÛÉÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ÍÌ×ÎÉÌÛÙ×ÔÓÉÈÍÊÓÙÖ×ÛÈÇÊ×ÉÛÎØ ÛÎÃÍÈÔ×ÊÉÓÈ×ÛÏ×ÎÓÈÃèÔ×ÈÊÛÓÐÉÇÊÖÛÙ×ÅÓÐÐÚ×ÏÇÐÙÔÍÊÌ×ÛÕÊÛÆ×ÐÛÎØÅÓÐÐÚ×ÛÏÓÎÓÏÇÏÍÖªÅÓØ× ûÎÃÛÎØÛÐÐÉÈÊ××ÈÐÓÕÔÈÓÎÕÉÔÛÐÐÚ×Ê×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÓÛÐÓÎÉÙÛÐ×ÛÎØÉÈÃÐ×Ó×ÌÍÉÈÏÍÇÎÈ×ØÐÓÕÔÈÓÎÕÛÎØ ÉÔÛÐÐÎÍÈ×ÄÙ××Ø ªÓÎÔ×ÓÕÔÈèÔ×ÐÓÕÔÈÓÎÕÉÔÛÐÐÚ×ÈÍÌÉÔÓ×ÐØ×ØÈÍÙÛÉÈÛÐÐÐÓÕÔÈÛÎØ ÍÊÕÐÛÊ×ØÍÅÎÅÛÊØûÐÐ ÉÈÊ××ÈÐÓÕÔÈÉÍÎÈÔ×ìÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÅÓÐÐÎÍÈ×ÄÙ××Ø ÅÛÈÈÉûÐÐÐÓÕÔÈ×ÏÛÎÛÈÓÎÕÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ÍÇÈÉÓØ×ÍÖÛÎÃÔÍÇÉ× ÐÍÙÛÈ×ØÍÎÛÐÍÈÍÎÈÔ×ìÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÅÓÐÐÓÎÙÐÇØ×ÛÉÔÓ×ÐØÍÎÈÍÌÈÔÛÈÙÛÇÉ×ÉÈÔ×ÐÓÕÔÈÈÍÉÔÓÎ×ØÍÅÎÎÍÈÇÌÍÊ ÍÇÈøÇÉÑÈÍØÛÅÎÐÓÕÔÈÉÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÚ×Ì×ÊÏÓÈÈ×ØûÐÐÐÓÕÔÈÉÍÎÈÔ×ÍÇÈÉÓØ×ÍÖÛÎÃÔÍÇÉ×ÍÎÛÐÍÈÍÎÈÔ×ìÊÍÌ×ÊÈà ÅÓÐÐÎÍÈ×ÄÙ××Ø ÅÛÈÈÉûÐÐÐÓÕÔÈÓÎÕÉÔÛÐÐÚ×ÛÊÊÛÎÕ×ØÉÍÓÈØÍ×ÉÎÍÈÙÛÉÈÕÐÛÊ×ÍÎÛØÒÛÙ×ÎÈÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÓ×ÉÛÎØ ÉÍÈÔÛÈÎÍÏÍÊ×ÈÔÛÎ ÖÍÍÈÙÛÎØÐ×ÉÙÊÍÉÉÛÎÃÛØÒÛÙ×ÎÈÌÊÍÌ×ÊÈÃÐÓÎ× According to the applicant, the trails are no longer a desired amenity and are viewed as more of a liability issue for potential residents of the development. All open space lots and easements will remain unchanged and will still be usable for all residents of the development including the existing pond, creeks, mill house, and covered bridge. Street lighting is also no longer a desired amenity as it does not fit in with the rural character of the development. The internal traffic will be minimal and street lighting is not warranted. ûììðóùûúð÷ê÷õçðûèóíîé The current proffer states that the property will be developed in substantial conformance with the “Planning and Design Documents for: Loblolly Mill a Planned Residential Community” prepared by Balzer and Associates, Inc. Since this document is being proposed to be changed, it constitutes a change to the proffered condition which has to be approved through the rezoning process. ûîûðãéóéíö÷äóéèóîõùíîøóèóíîé Background – In 2006, 94.229 acres were rezoned from AG-3 to PRD to construct the Loblolly Mill development. In 2007, 10.363 adjacent acres were rezoned from AG-3 to PRD and included in the development. The master plan was also revised. All of the roads (private) in the developmenthave been constructed. So far, the development has onlya portion ofone home located at 3930 Mill House Lane (owned by Michael and Cynthia Sacocci,)which obtained a building permit in March 2012but has never finalized construction. Building permits were also filed for a lot at 3875 Tall Pine Lane (owned by Loblolly Crawford,) in August2010, but were later withdrawn due to inactivity. The subdivision went into foreclosure resulting in the majority of the lots coming into ownershipby State Central Bank.Due to the terrain of the development, the trails which were originally part of the PRD have become prohibitive to buildand the current owners are no longer interested in this as an amenity. State Central Bank is also seeking to remove the condition requiring decorative light posts, which are also no longer desired. ûîûðãéóéíöìêíìíé÷øø÷æ÷ðíìï÷îè The applicant seeks to remove the trail and lighting sections of the Planning and Design documents. No trails or lighting have been constructed or installed at this time. There were no comments from any other County entities regarding this project as the roads have already been reviewed and were constructed during earlier phases. This petition does not seekto amend the scope of the existing PRD, just to amend the two sections in the Planning and Design documents. ùíîöíêïûîù÷åóèôêíûîíñ÷ùíçîèãùíïìê÷ô÷îéóæ÷ìðûî The property is designated Developmenton the County’s Future Land Use Map. Development is afuture land use area where most new neighborhood development will occur, including large-scale planned developments which mix residential with retail and office uses. Innovation in housing design and environmental sensitivity in site development is a key objective. The development is in conformance with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Removing the trail and lighting sections from the Planning and Design documents does not change this finding. éèûööùíîùðçéóíîé Loblolly Mill PRD was approved in 2006, however,since then it has seen little development beyond the construction of the private roads. The applicant is seeking to remove sections of the Planning and Design documents dealing with trails and lighting. With the full support of the current property owners, there is no anticipated impact on them, nor any future buyers. The PRD still providesmultiple amenity areas throughout the development. ùûé÷îçïú÷ê ìê÷ìûê÷øúãèÛÊÛìÛÈÈÓÉÛÐÐ ô÷ûêóîõøûè÷éìù úíé ûèèûùôï÷îèéûÌÌÐÓÙÛÈÓÍÎïÛÈ×ÊÓÛÐÉ û×ÊÓÛÐìÔÍÈÍÕÊÛÌÔ âÍÎÓÎÕïÛÌ öÇÈÇÊ×ðÛÎØçÉ×ïÛÌ S-3 PETITIONER:Barry and Donna Tucker CASE NUMBER: 23-11/2013 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1 Reading Date: October 22, 2013 Planning Commission Hearing Date: November 4, 2013 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2 Reading Date: November 12, 2013 A. REQUEST To obtain a Special Use Permit in an R-1, Low Density Residential District for the operation of a bed and breakfast on approximately 1.054 acres, located at 6716 Timberline Circle in the Falcon Ridge Estates Subdivision, (Withdrawn by Applicant) Windsor Hills Magisterial District. B. CITIZEN COMMENTS Three citizens spoke on this petition: 1. Geri Walters, 6769 Parkway Drive – Will this use open the neighborhood up to other businesses? What does the Special Use Permit cover? Believe this is an ongoing business and the listing says the whole house can be rented out. 2. Patrice Katz, 6710 Timberline Circle and Kim Richards, 6742 Parkway Drive and Falcon Ridge HOA – Do not want business in the neighborhood, opening the door for future development, will criminal background checks be performed on guests? Concerned about security, sex offenders, future home sales, impact on property taxes, traffic and negative impacts to the neighborhood. HOA bylaws indicate single-family residential homes only. Distributed 18 letters from neighborhood residents. C. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Megan Cronise presented the staff report. Commissioners discussed limiting the number of visits per month to two, the uniqueness of AirBnB.com, the differences between a typical bed and breakfast and this proposed use, background checks on guests, crime reports for the business and security concerns. The Commission requested research on crime, security and other incidents related to AirBnB.com rentals for the nd December 2 meeting. D. CONDITIONS 1. The bed and breakfast use shall have only one guest room. E. COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Peters made a motion to postpone action on the petition to the December 2, 2013, meeting in order to receive additional information from staff. Motion passed 4-0 with Mr. Woltz absent. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: X Concept Plan X Vicinity Map X Staff Report X Other Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING VARIOUS SECTIONS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, beginning in January of 2013, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff identified several areas of the zoning ordinance to review and update resulting in the proposal of amendments to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendments to Article I (General Provisions), Article II (Definitions and Use Types), Article III (District Regulations), Article IV (Use and Design Standards), and Article V (Development Standards) hereby revise and incorporate regulations dealing with, but not limited to: enforcement procedures; definitions; use types; maximum building coverage; maximum lot coverage; minimum lot frontage; minimum front yard setback; home beauty/barber salon; temporary portable storage containers; religious assembly; antique shops; golf course; fine arts studio; bed and breakfast; home occupations; agricultural services; new automobile dealership; used automobile dealership; business support services; commercial outdoor sports and recreation; construction sales and services; equipment sales and rental; mini- warehouse; general restaurant; retail sales; family day care home; veterinary hospital/clinic; consumer repair services; personal improvement services; automobile rental/leasing; drive-in or fast food restaurant; recycling centers and stations; convenience store; industry, type I; construction yards; multi-family dwelling; townhouses; site development plans; off street parking, stacking and loading; and п¹»ï±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí screening, landscaping and buffer yards; and WHEREAS, on August 6, 2013, after proper notice, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on various amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and recommended said amendments to the Board of Supervisors for adoption; and WHEREAS, on August 27, September 10, and October 8, 2013, the Board of Supervisors held work sessions on said amendments; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice are valid public purposes for such recommendations by the Planning Commission and action by the Board of Supervisors; and, WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing was held on November 12, 2013. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That the following sections of the Zoning Ordinance are hereby amended to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE I – GENERAL PROVISIONS. SEC. 30-6. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS. (A) ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ ¿®» »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ ¿ α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ ¦±²·²¹ ¼·¬®·½¬æ Commercial Districts ÒÝ Ò»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ ݱ³³»®½·¿´ Ü·¬®·½¬ Ýóï Ѻº·½» Ô±© ײ¬»²·¬§ ݱ³³»®½·¿´ Ü·¬®·½¬ Ýóî Ù»²»®¿´ Ø·¹¸ ײ¬»²·¬§ ݱ³³»®½·¿´ Ü·¬®·½¬ п¹»î±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí ×ÒÌ ×²¬»®½¸¿²¹» Ü·¬®·½¬ øλ»®ª»¼÷ ÐÝÜ Ð´¿²²»¼ ݱ³³»®½·¿´ Ü»ª»´±°³»²¬ Ü·¬®·½¬ ÝÊÑÜ Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ Ê·´´¿¹» Ѫ»®´¿§ Ü·¬®·½¬ SEC. 30-21. ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES. øÞ÷ Ю±°»®¬§ ±©²»®ô °»®³·¬ ¿°°´·½¿²¬ô ¿²¼ñ±® »¬¿¾´·¸³»²¬ ±©²»®ñ³¿²¿¹»®ô ¿ ¿°°´·½¿¾´»ô ¸¿´´ ¾» ²±¬·º·»¼ ·² ©®·¬·²¹ ª·¿ ½»®¬·º·»¼ ³¿·´ ±º ª·±´¿¬·±² ±º ¬¸» °®±ª··±² ±º ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ׺ ¿² ¿¬¬»³°¬ ¬± ²±¬·º§ ¬¸» ¿°°®±°®·¿¬» °¿®¬§ ª·¿ ½»®¬·º·»¼ ³¿·´ · «²«½½»º«´ô ¬¸»² ¿ ²±¬·½» ±º ª·±´¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¾» °±¬»¼ ±² ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ò ̸» ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® ¸¿´´ô ·² ¬¸» ²±¬·½» ±º ª·±´¿¬·±²ô ¬¿¬» ¬¸» ²¿¬«®» ±º ¬¸» ª·±´¿¬·±²ô ¬¸» ¼¿¬» ¬¸¿¬ ·¬ ©¿ ±¾»®ª»¼ô ¿²¼ ¬¸» ®»³»¼§ ±® ®»³»¼·» ²»½»¿®§ ¬± ½±®®»½¬ ¬¸» ª·±´¿¬·±²ò ̸» ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® ³¿§ »¬¿¾´·¸ ¿ ®»¿±²¿¾´» ¬·³» °»®·±¼ º±® ¬¸» ½±®®»½¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ª·±´¿¬·±²ô ¸±©»ª»® ·² ²± ½¿» ¸¿´´ «½¸ ¬·³» °»®·±¼ »¨½»»¼ ¬¸·®¬§ øíð÷ ¼¿§ º®±³ ¬¸» ¼¿¬» ±º ¬¸» ¼»´·ª»®§ô ³¿·´·²¹ ±® °±¬·²¹ ±º ¬¸» ²±¬·½»ô »¨½»°¬ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® ³¿§ ¿´´±© ¿ ´±²¹»® ¬·³» °»®·±¼ ¬± ½±®®»½¬ ¬¸» ª·±´¿¬·±² ·º ¬¸» ½±®®»½¬·±² ©±«´¼ ®»¯«·®» ¬¸» ¬®«½¬«®¿´ ¿´¬»®¿¬·±² ±º ¿ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±® ¬®«½¬«®»ò ARTICLE II – DEFINITIONS AND USE TYPES. SEC. 30-28. DEFINITIONS. øÝ÷ Ú±® ¬¸» °«®°±» ±º ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ô ¬¸» ©±®¼ ¿²¼ °¸®¿» ´·¬»¼ ¾»´±© ·² ¬¸· »½¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¸¿ª» ¬¸» ³»¿²·²¹ ¼»½®·¾»¼ ¾»´±©ò Residential chicken keeping æ ̸» µ»»°·²¹ ±º «° ¬± ·¨ øê÷ º»³¿´» ½¸·½µ»² ø¸»²÷ ·² ²±²ó ¿¹®·½«´¬«®¿´´§ ¦±²»¼ ¿®»¿ ¿ ¿² ¿½½»±®§ «» ¬± ¿ ·²¹´» º¿³·´§ ®»·¼»²½» «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¬¸» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ »¬ ±«¬ ·² ½¸¿°¬»® ëô ÜÏÔÐÜÑÊÜÏÙ×ÎÆÑÊØÚÉÔÎÏ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ º±® ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ½¸·½µ»² µ»»°·²¹ò Temporary portable storage containers æ ß °«®°±»ó¾«·´¬ô º«´´§ »²½´±»¼ô ¾±¨ó´·µ» ½±²¬¿·²»® ©·¬¸ ·¹²¿¹» ±² ±²» øï÷ ±® ³±®» ±º ·¬ ±«¬»® «®º¿½» ¬¸¿¬ · ¼»·¹²»¼ º±® ¬»³°±®¿®§ ¬±®¿¹» ±º ¸±«»¸±´¼ ¹±±¼ ¿²¼ñ±® »¯«·°³»²¬ò Í«½¸ ½±²¬¿·²»® ¿®» «²·¯«»´§ ¼»·¹²»¼ º±® »¿» ±º ´±¿¼·²¹ ¬± ¿²¼ º®±³ ¿ ¬®¿²°±®¬ ª»¸·½´»ò Wind energy system, small æ ß ©·²¼ »²»®¹§ ½±²ª»®·±² §¬»³ ½±²·¬·²¹ ±º ¿ ·²¹´» ©·²¼ ¬«®¾·²»ô ¿ ¬±©»®ô ¿²¼ ¿±½·¿¬»¼ ½±²¬®±´ ±® ½±²ª»®·±² »´»½¬®±²·½ô ¸¿ª·²¹ ¿ ®¿¬»¼ ²¿³»°´¿¬» ½¿°¿½·¬§ ±º ²±¬ ³±®» ¬¸¿² º·º¬§ øëð÷ µ·´±©¿¬¬ øµÉ÷ º±® ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ «» ¿²¼ ²±¬ ³±®» ¬¸¿² ±²» ¸«²¼®»¼ øïðð÷ µÉ º±® ±¬¸»® «»ò Ú±® ¬¸» °«®°±» ±º ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ²»¬ ³»¬»®·²¹ô Ê·®¹·²·¿ ݱ¼» y ëêóëçìÞ ´·³·¬ ¬¸» »´»½¬®·½¿´ ¹»²»®¿¬·²¹ º¿½·´·¬§ ¬± ¿ ½¿°¿½·¬§ ±º ²±¬ ³±®» ¬¸¿² ¬»² øïð÷ µ·´±©¿¬¬ øµÉ÷ò SEC. 30-29. USE TYPES; GENERALLY. п¹»í±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Ü»º·²·¬·±²æ Accessory apartment æ ß »½±²¼ ¼©»´´·²¹ «²·¬ ©·¬¸·² ¿ ¼»¬¿½¸»¼ ·²¹´»óº¿³·´§ ¼©»´´·²¹ ©¸·½¸ · ½´»¿®´§ ·²½·¼»²¬¿´ ¿²¼ «¾±®¼·²¿¬» ¬± ¬¸» ³¿·² ¼©»´´·²¹ò ײ ¬¸» ßÙóï ±® ßÙóí ¼·¬®·½¬ô ¿ »½±²¼ ¼©»´´·²¹ «²·¬ ±² ¬¸» ¿³» °¿®½»´ ¿ ¬¸» ¼»¬¿½¸»¼ ·²¹´»óº¿³·´§ ¼©»´´·²¹ ©¸·½¸ · ·²½·¼»²¬¿´ ¿²¼ «¾±®¼·²¿¬» ¬± ¬¸» ³¿·² ¼©»´´·²¹ò Administrative services æ Ù±ª»®²³»²¬¿´ ±ºº·½» °®±ª·¼·²¹ ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬·ª»ô ½´»®·½¿´ ±® °«¾´·½ ½±²¬¿½¬ »®ª·½» ¬¸¿¬ ¼»¿´ ¼·®»½¬´§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ½·¬·¦»²ò ̧°·½¿´ «» ·²½´«¼» º»¼»®¿´ô ¬¿¬»ô ½±«²¬§ô ¿²¼ ½·¬§ ±ºº·½»ò Adult business ³»¿² ¿²§ ¿¼«´¬ ¾±±µ¬±®»ô ¿¼«´¬ ª·¼»± ¬±®»ô ¿¼«´¬ ³±¼»´ ¬«¼·±ô ¿¼«´¬ ³±¬»´ô ¿¼«´¬ ³±ª·» ¬¸»¿¬»®ô ¿¼«´¬ ²·¹¸¬½´«¾ô ¿¼«´¬ ¬±®»ô ¾«·²» °®±ª·¼·²¹ ¿¼«´¬ »²¬»®¬¿·²³»²¬ô ±® ¿²§ ±¬¸»® »¬¿¾´·¸³»²¬ ¬¸¿¬ ®»¹«´¿®´§ »¨°´±·¬ ¿² ·²¬»®»¬ ·² ³¿¬¬»® ®»´¿¬·²¹ ¬± °»½·º·»¼ »¨«¿´ ¿½¬·ª·¬·» ±® °»½·º·»¼ ¿²¿¬±³·½¿´ ¿®»¿ ±® ®»¹«´¿®´§ º»¿¬«®» 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Reserved. Sec. 30-29-1. Agricultural and Forestry Use Types. 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Residential Use Types. 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Office Use Types. 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Industrial Use Types. 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Miscellaneous Use Types. 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SEC. 30-32. AG-3 AGRICULTURAL/RURAL PRESERVE DISTRICT. п¹»íêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Sec. 30-32-2. 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Site Development Regulations. п¹»í鱺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí øß÷ Ó·²·³«³ ´±¬ ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ò íò Ô±¬ »®ª»¼ ¾§ ¾±¬¸ °«¾´·½ »©»® ¿²¼ ©¿¬»®æ ¾ò Ú®±²¬¿¹»æ éë ê𠺻»¬ ±² ¿ °«¾´·½´§ ±©²»¼ ¿²¼ ³¿·²¬¿·²»¼ ¬®»»¬ò øÞ÷ Ó·²·³«³ »¬¾¿½µ ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ò ïò Ú®±²¬ §¿®¼æ ¿ò Ю·²½·°¿´ ¬®«½¬«®»æ íëí𠺻»¬ò øÜ÷ Ó¿¨·³«³ ½±ª»®¿¹»ò ïò Þ«·´¼·²¹ ½±ª»®¿¹»æ íð íë °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ´±¬ ¿®»¿ò SEC. 30-41. R-1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-41-2. Permitted uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Residential Uses îò ر³» Þ»¿«¬§ñÞ¿®¾»® Í¿´±² ö Í·²¹´»óÚ¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÚ±® Æ»®± Ô±¬ Ô·²» Ñ°¬·±² ó ö÷ Í·²¹´»óÚ¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ ö Í·²¹´»óÚ¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ ¿²¼ Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±² ó ö÷ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÆ»®± Ô±¬ Ô·²» Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ö п¹»í豺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Civic Uses íò Ú¿³·´§ Ü¿§ Ý¿®» ر³» ö Commercial Uses ìò Þ»¼ ¿²¼ Þ®»¿µº¿¬ ö Miscellaneous Uses ìëò øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Residential Uses ïò ß½½»±®§ ß°¿®¬³»²¬ ö ر³» Þ»¿«¬§ñÞ¿®¾»® Í¿´±² ö Civic Uses îò Ú¿³·´§ Ü¿§ Ý¿®» ر³» ö Commercial Uses íò Þ»¼ ¿²¼ Þ®»¿µº¿¬ ö Ù±´º ݱ«®» ö Sec. 30-41-3. Site Development Regulations. øÜ÷ Ó¿¨·³«³ ½±ª»®¿¹»ò ïò Þ«·´¼·²¹ ½±ª»®¿¹»æ íð íë °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ´±¬ ¿®»¿ º±® ¿´´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¿²¼ é °»®½»²¬ º±® ¿½½»±®§ ¾«·´¼·²¹ò SEC. 30-42. R-2 MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-42-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò п¹»í籺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Residential Uses ïò ر³» Þ»¿«¬§ñÞ¿®¾»® Í¿´±² ö Í·²¹´»óÚ¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ ö Í·²¹´»óÚ¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÚ±® Æ»®± Ô±¬ Ô·²» Ñ°¬·±² ó ö÷ Í·²¹´»óÚ¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ ¿²¼ Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±² ó ö÷ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÆ»®± Ô±¬ Ô·²» Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ö Civic Uses îò Ú¿³·´§ Ü¿§ Ý¿®» ر³» ö øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Residential Uses ïò ر³» Þ»¿«¬§ñÞ¿®¾»® Í¿´±² ö Civic Uses îò Ú¿³·´§ Ü¿§ Ý¿®» ر³» ö Commercial Uses íò Ù±´º ݱ«®» ö Sec. 30-42-3. Site Development Regulations. øÜ÷ Ó¿¨·³«³ ½±ª»®¿¹»ò п¹»ìð±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí ïò Þ«·´¼·²¹ ½±ª»®¿¹»æ íð íë °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ´±¬ ¿®»¿ º±® ¿´´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¿²¼ é °»®½»²¬ º±® ¿½½»±®§ ¾«·´¼·²¹ò SEC. 30-45. R-3 MEDIUM DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-45-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Residential Uses ïò ر³» Þ»¿«¬§ñÞ¿®¾»® Í¿´±² ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÚ±® Æ»®± Ô±¬ Ô·²» Ñ°¬·±² ó ö÷ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ ¿²¼ Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±² ó ö÷ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô ߬¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÝ´«¬»® Í«¾¼·ª··±² Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Í·²¹´» Ú¿³·´§ Ü©»´´·²¹ô Ü»¬¿½¸»¼ øÆ»®± Ô±¬ Ô·²» Ñ°¬·±²÷ ö Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ö øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Residential Uses ïò ر³» Þ»¿«¬§ñÞ¿®¾»® Í¿´±² ö Civic Uses ïò îò Industrial Uses îò íò Miscellaneous Uses íò ìò п¹»ìﱺêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí SEC. 30-46. R-4 HIGH DENSITY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-46-2. 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PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. п¹»ìêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Sec. 30-47-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» °´¿²²»¼ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¼·¬®·½¬ò ر©»ª»®ô ²± «» ¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ »¨½»°¬ ·² ½±²º±®³·¬§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» «» °»½·º·½¿´´§ ·²½´«¼»¼ ·² ¬¸» º·²¿´ ³¿¬»® °´¿² ¿°°®±ª»¼ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóìéóëò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Residential Uses ïò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ö Commercial Uses ìò Ù±´º ݱ«®» ö λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ù»²»®¿´ ö SEC. 30-51. NC NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-51-2. Permitted uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ͬ¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Civic Uses ïò λ´·¹·±« ß»³¾´§ ö Ы¾´·½ п®µ ¿²¼ λ½®»¿¬·±²¿´ ß®»¿ ö λ´·¹·±« ß»³¾´§ ö Commercial Uses íò λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ù»²»®¿´ ö øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Commercial Uses ïò п¹»ìí±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Ê»¬»®·²¿®§ ر°·¬¿´ñÝ´·²·½ SEC. 30-53. C-1 OFFICELOW INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-53-1. Purpose. øß÷ ̸» °«®°±» ±º ¬¸» Ýóï ±ºº·½» ´±© ·²¬»²·¬§ ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ · ¬± °®±ª·¼» º±® ¬¸» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ±º ¿¬¬®¿½¬·ª» ¿²¼ »ºº·½·»²¬ ±ºº·½» ¿²¼ ½±³³»®½·¿´ «» ·² ¬¸» «®¾¿² »®ª·½» ¿®»¿ ©¸·½¸ »®ª» ¾±¬¸ ½±³³«²·¬§ ¿²¼ ½±«²¬§ó©·¼» ²»»¼ò ̸» Ýóï ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿´´±© º±® ª¿®§·²¹ ·²¬»²·¬·» ±º ±ºº·½» ¿²¼ ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¿ °¿®¬ ±º »·¬¸»® ¿ °´¿²²»¼ ±ºº·½» ½±³°´»¨ ±®ô ¬± ¿ ´·³·¬»¼ ¼»¹®»»ô ³¿´´ ½¿´» ±ºº·½» ¿²¼ ½±³³»®½·¿´ «»ò λ¬¿·´ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ô ¬± ¿ ´·³·¬»¼ »¨¬»²¬ô ©¸»®» ¬¸»§ ¿®» «°°±®¬·ª» ±º ¬¸» ±ºº·½» »²ª·®±²³»²¬ò ̸» Ýóï ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿®» ³±¬ ¿°°®±°®·¿¬»´§ º±«²¼ ¿´±²¹ ±® ²»¿® ³¿¶±® ¿®¬»®·¿´ ¬®»»¬ ©¸»®» »¨·¬·²¹ ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¸¿ ±½½«®®»¼ ¿²¼ñ±® ©¸»®» ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¦±²·²¹ ¸¿ ¾»»² »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ô ±® ²»¿® »¨·¬·²¹ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ©¸»®» ·¬ ©±«´¼ »®ª» ¿ ¿ ´±¹·½¿´ ¾«ºº»® ¬®·° ¾»¬©»»² ½±²º´·½¬·²¹ ´¿²¼ «» ¬§°»ò Ô¿²¼ «» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» Ýóï ±ºº·½» ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿®» ¹»²»®¿´´§ ½±²·¬»²¬ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±² »¬ º±®¬¸ ·² ¬¸» ¬®¿²·¬·±² ¿²¼ ½±®» ´¿²¼ «» ½¿¬»¹±®·» ±º ¬¸» ½±³°®»¸»²·ª» °´¿²ò Í·¬» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿®» ·²¬»²¼»¼ ¬± »²«®» ½±³°¿¬·¾·´·¬§ ©·¬¸ ¿¼¶¿½»²¬ ´¿²¼ «»ò Sec. 30-53-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Commercial Uses ìò ß¹®·½«´¬«®¿´ Í»®ª·½» ö ß²¬·¯«» ͸±° Þ»¼ ¿²¼ Þ®»¿µº¿¬ ö ݱ²«³»® λ°¿·® Í»®ª·½» л®±²¿´ ׳°®±ª»³»²¬ Í»®ª·½» øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Commercial Uses íò п¹»ì챺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí ß«¬±³±¾·´» 벬¿´ñÔ»¿·²¹ λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ü®·ª»ó·² ±® Ú¿¬ Ú±±¼ ö λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ù»²»®¿´ λ¬¿·´ Í¿´» Industrial Uses ìò 뽧½´·²¹ Ý»²¬»® ¿²¼ ͬ¿¬·±² ö SEC. 30-54. C-2 GENERALHIGH INTENSITY COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-54-1. Purpose. øß÷ ̸» °«®°±» ±º ¬¸· ¼·¬®·½¬ · ¬± °®±ª·¼» ´±½¿¬·±² º±® ¿ ª¿®·»¬§ ±º ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¿²¼ »®ª·½» ®»´¿¬»¼ ¿½¬·ª·¬·» ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» «®¾¿² »®ª·½» ¿®»¿ »®ª·²¹ ¿ ½±³³«²·¬§ ±º »ª»®¿´ ²»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ ±® ´¿®¹» ¿®»¿ ±º ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ò ̸· ¼·¬®·½¬ · ·²¬»²¼»¼ º±® ¹»²»®¿´ ¿°°´·½¿¬·±² ¬¸®±«¹¸±«¬ ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ò Ù»²»®¿´ Ø·¹¸ ·²¬»²·¬§ ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿®» ³±¬ ¿°°®±°®·¿¬»´§ º±«²¼ ¿´±²¹ ³¿¶±® ¿®¬»®·¿´ ¬¸±®±«¹¸º¿®» ©¸·½¸ »®ª» ´¿®¹» »¹³»²¬ ±º ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ù °±°«´¿¬·±²ò ̸» Ýóî ¼·¬®·½¬ °»®³·¬ ¿ ©·¼» ª¿®·»¬§ ±º ®»¬¿·´ ¿²¼ »®ª·½» ®»´¿¬»¼ «»ò Ô¿²¼ «» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ·² ¬¸· ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿®» ¹»²»®¿´´§ ½±²·¬»²¬ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ®»½±³³»²¼¿¬·±² »¬ º±®¬¸ ·² ¬¸» ¬®¿²·¬·±² ¿²¼ ½±®» ´¿²¼ «» ½¿¬»¹±®·» ±º ¬¸» ½±³°®»¸»²·ª» °´¿²ò Í·¬» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ®»¹«´¿¬·±² ¿®» ¼»·¹²»¼ ¬± »²«®» ½±³°¿¬·¾·´·¬§ ©·¬¸ ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ ´¿²¼ «»ò Sec. 30-54-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Commercial Uses ìò ß«¬±³±¾·´» Ü»¿´»®¸·°ô Ò»© ö ݱ²ª»²·»²½» ͬ±®» ö λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ü®·ª»ó·² ±® Ú¿¬ Ú±±¼ ö п¹»ì뱺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Civic Uses ïò λ´·¹·±« ß»³¾´§ ö Commercial Uses îò ß«¬±³±¾·´» Ü»¿´»®¸·°ô Ë»¼ ö ݱ²ª»²·»²½» ͬ±®» ö λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ü®·ª»ó·² ±® Ú¿¬ Ú±±¼ ö Industrial Uses íò ײ¼«¬®§ô ̧°» × SEC. 30-58. CVOD CLEARBROOK VILLAGE OVERLAY DISTRICT. Sec. 30-58-4. Permitted uses and use restrictions. ̸» «» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¹±ª»®²»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» «²¼»®´§·²¹ ¦±²·²¹ ¼·¬®·½¬ ·² ©¸·½¸ ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ · ´±½¿¬»¼ ¿ ¸±©² ±² ¬¸» ±ºº·½·¿´ ¦±²·²¹ ³¿°ô »¨½»°¬ ¿ ±¬¸»®©·» ³±¼·º·»¼ ¾»´±©æ øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±¸·¾·¬»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬æ Commercial Uses îò ß«¬±³±¾·´» Ü»¿´»®¸·°ô Ë»¼ øÞ÷ ˲´» °®±¸·¾·¬»¼ ·² íðóëèóìøß÷ ¿ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ º±® ¿´´ «» ´·¬»¼ ¿ ¿ °»½·¿´ «» ·² ¬¸» «²¼»®´§·²¹ ¦±²·²¹ ¼·¬®·½¬ò ײ ¿¼¼·¬·±²ô ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¸¿´´ ®»¯«·®» ¿ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ô ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Commercial Uses îò ݱ²ª»²·»²½» ͬ±®» ö λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ü®·ª»ó·² ±® Ú¿¬ Ú±±¼ ö п¹»ì걺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Sec. 30-58-6. Special Regulations in the Clearbrook Village Overlay District. ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ °»½·¿´ ®»¹«´¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¿°°´§ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ò øß÷ Ô¿²¼½¿°·²¹ò λ¯«·®»¼ ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ ¸¿´´ ½±³°´§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² »½¬·±² íðóçîóìëòï ±º ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò SEC. 30-61. I-1 LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-61-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Civic Uses îò ˬ·´·¬§ Í»®ª·½»ô Ó¿¶±® ö ˬ·´·¬§ Í»®ª·½»ô Ó·²±® ˬ·´·¬§ Í»®ª·½»ô Ó¿¶±® ö Commercial Uses ìò λ¬¿«®¿²¬ô Ù»²»®¿´ λ¬¿·´ Í¿´» øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Industrial Uses îò ݱ²¬®«½¬·±² Ç¿®¼ ö SEC. 30-62. I-2 HIGH INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-62-1. Purpose. øß÷ ̸» °«®°±» ±º ¬¸» ×óîô ¸·¹¸ ·²¬»²·¬§ ·²¼«¬®·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ · ¬± °®±ª·¼» ¿®»¿ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» «®¾¿² »®ª·½» ¿®»¿ ©¸·½¸ ½±²¬¿·² »¨·¬·²¹ ³±®» ·²¬»²·ª» ·²¼«¬®·¿´ «» ±® ¿®» «·¬¿¾´» п¹»ì鱺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí º±® «½¸ ¿½¬·ª·¬·»ò ̸»» ¿®»¿ ½±·²½·¼» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» °®·²½·°¿´ ·²¼«¬®·¿´ ´¿²¼ «» ½¿¬»¹±®§ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸» ½±³°®»¸»²·ª» °´¿² ¿²¼ ¿®» ¼»·¹²¿¬»¼ ¾¿»¼ ±² ¬¸» «·¬¿¾·´·¬§ ±º ¬¸» ´¿²¼ ·² ¬»®³ ±º ´±°» ¿²¼ º®»»¼±³ º®±³ º´±±¼·²¹ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ®»´¿¬·ª» ®»³±¬»²» ¿²¼ ¿¾»²½» ±º «¾¬¿²¬·¿´ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ©¸·½¸ ½±«´¼ ¾» ¿¼ª»®»´§ ¿ºº»½¬»¼ ¾§ «½¸ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ò ײ ¿¼¼·¬·±²ô ¬¸» ¿ª¿·´¿¾·´·¬§ ±º ¿¼»¯«¿¬» »©»® ¿²¼ ©¿¬»® ½¿°¿½·¬§ô ¿½½» ¬± ¿®¬»®·¿´ ®±¿¼ ²»¬©±®µô ¿²¼ °®±¨·³·¬§ ¬± ®¿·´ ¿²¼ ¿·®°±®¬ º¿½·´·¬·» ±® ¬¸» ·²¬»®¬¿¬» ¸·¹¸©¿§ §¬»³ ¿®» ³¿¶±® ½±²·¼»®¿¬·±²ò Ü·¬®·¾«¬·²¹ ¬¸»» ¿®»¿ ¿®±«²¼ ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ ·² ¿ °´¿²²»¼ ³¿²²»® ¬± ½®»¿¬» »³°´±§³»²¬ ½»²¬»® ©·¬¸·² ½´±» °®±¨·³·¬§ ¬± ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¹®±©¬¸ ¿®»¿ ¿²¼ ®»¼«½» ¸»¿ª§ ¬®¿ºº·½ ¹»²»®¿¬·±² ±º ·²¼«¬®·¿´ «» · »²½±«®¿¹»¼ò Sec. 30-62-2. Permitted Uses. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ «¾¶»½¬ ¬± ¿´´ ±¬¸»® ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Civic Uses îò ˬ·´·¬§ Í»®ª·½»ô Ó¿¶±® ö ˬ·´·¬§ Í»®ª·½»ô Ó·²±® ˬ·´·¬§ Í»®ª·½»ô Ó¿¶±® ö Industrial Uses ëò ײ¼«¬®§ô ̧°» × ¿²¼ ̧°» ×× ×²¼«¬®§ô ̧°» ×× øÞ÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ «» ¿®» ¿´´±©»¼ ±²´§ ¾§ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ °«®«¿²¬ ¬± »½¬·±² íðóïçò ß² ¿¬»®·µ øö÷ ·²¼·½¿¬» ¿¼¼·¬·±²¿´ô ³±¼·º·»¼ ±® ³±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿ ´·¬»¼ ·² ¿®¬·½´» ×Êô «» ¿²¼ ¼»·¹² ¬¿²¼¿®¼ô º±® ¬¸±» °»½·º·½ «»ò Industrial Uses íò ײ¼«¬®§ô ̧°» ××× ö ARTICLE IV – USE AND DESIGN STANDARDS. SEC. 30-82. RESIDENTIAL USES. Sec. 30-82-2. Home Beauty/Barber Salon. п¹»ì豺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí øß÷ ײ¬»²¬ò ˲¼»® ½»®¬¿·² «²·¯«» ½·®½«³¬¿²½» ¿ ß ³¿´´ó½¿´»¼ ¾»¿«¬§ ¿²¼ñ±® ¾¿®¾»® ¸±° ³¿§ ¾» ¿² ¿°°®±°®·¿¬» «» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¿ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼©»´´·²¹ò ̸» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿²¼ °®±½»¼«®» º±® »¬¿¾´·¸·²¹ «½¸ «» ¿®» ·²¬»²¼»¼ ¬± ´·³·¬ ¬¸» ½±°» ¿²¼ ²¿¬«®» ±º «½¸ «» ¿²¼ ·²«®» ½¿°¿¾·´·¬§ ½±³°¿¬·¾·´·¬§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ °®±°»®¬·»ò øÞ÷ ײ ¬¸» ßÙóíô ßÙóïô ¿²¼ ßÎ ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿²¼ ·² ¿´´ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¸¿´´ ¿°°´§ô ·² ¿¼¼·¬·±² ¬± ±¾¬¿·²·²¹ ¿ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ º®±³ ¬¸» ¾±¿®¼ ±º «°»®ª·±® °«®«¿²¬ ¬± Í»½¬·±² íðóïçæ ïò ̸» ¿°°´·½¿²¬ ¸¿´´ «¾³·¬ ¼±½«³»²¬¿¬·±² ¬¸¿¬ ¿² ·²º·®³·¬§ »¨·¬ ©¸·½¸ °®»ª»²¬ »·¬¸»® ¬¸» ¿´±² ±°»®¿¬±® ±® ¿ °»®³¿²»²¬ ±½½«°¿²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¼©»´´·²¹ «²·¬ º®±³ ®»¹«´¿®´§ ´»¿ª·²¹ ¬¸» ¼©»´´·²¹ ¬± °«®«» ¹¿·²º«´ »³°´±§³»²¬ò îïò ̸» ¿´±² ¸¿´´ ¾» ´·³·¬»¼ ¬± ±²» øï÷ ½¸¿·® ±²´§ò íîò ̸» ®»¬¿·´ ¿´» ±º ¾»¿«¬§ ¿²¼ ¾¿®¾»® «°°´·» ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±¸·¾·¬»¼ò ¿´´±©»¼ ¿ ¿² ¿½½»±®§ «» ¬± ¬¸» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾»¿«¬§ñ¾¿®¾»® ¿´±² «»ò ìò ̸» °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¹®¿²¬»¼ º±® ¿ °»®·±¼ ±º ±²» §»¿® ¿²¼ ³¿§ ¾» ®»²»©»¼ ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬·ª»´§ º±® «½½»·ª» ±²» §»¿® °»®·±¼ °®±ª·¼»¼ ¬¸» ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±® ¸¿ ²±¬ ®»½»·ª»¼ ©®·¬¬»² ½±³°´¿·²¬ º®±³ ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ ®»·¼»²¬ò Sec. 30-82-3. Home Occupations, Type I and Type II. øÞ÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ìò ̸»®» ¸¿´´ ¾» ²± ¿´» ±º ¹±±¼ ±® °®±¼«½¬ ²±¬ °®±¼«½»¼ ±² ¬¸» °®»³·» »¨½»°¬ º±® ¿² ·²¼·ª·¼«¿´ ®»°®»»²¬¿¬·ª» º±® ½±³»¬·½ ±® ½®¿º¬ º±® ±ºº·¬» »ª»²¬ò ëìò ̸» ¬§°» ¿²¼ ª±´«³» ±º ¬®¿ºº·½ ¹»²»®¿¬»¼ ¾§ ¿ ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¾» ½±²·¬»²¬ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¬®¿ºº·½ ¹»²»®¿¬·±² ½¸¿®¿½¬»®·¬·½ ±º ±¬¸»® ¼©»´´·²¹ ·² ¬¸» ¿®»¿ò ײ ¿¼¼·¬·±²ô ¬¸» ´±¬ ±® °®±°»®¬§ ±² ©¸·½¸ ¬¸» ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² · ½±²¼«½¬»¼ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¸¿ª» ¿²§ °¿®µ·²¹ °¿½» ¿¼¼»¼ ¬± ·¬ ¼«®·²¹ ¬¸» ¬·³» ¬¸» ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² · ¾»·²¹ ½±²¼«½¬»¼ô ²±® ¸¿´´ ¿²§ °¿®µ·²¹ °¿½» ¾» «»¼ ¬¸¿¬ ©¿ ²±¬ ½«¬±³¿®·´§ ±® ®»¹«´¿®´§ «»¼ °®·±® ¬± ¬¸¿¬ ¬·³»ò êëò Ü»´·ª»®·» ®»´¿¬»¼ ¬± ¬¸» ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¾» ´·³·¬»¼ ¬± ¬¸» ˲·¬»¼ ͬ¿¬» б¬¿´ Í»®ª·½»ô °¿®½»´ ¼»´·ª»®§ »®ª·½»ô ¿²¼ ³»»²¹»® »®ª·½»ò ̸» ½±³³»®½·¿´ ¼»´·ª»®§ ¾§ ¬®¿½¬±® ¬®¿·´»® ±º ³¿¬»®·¿´ ±® °®±¼«½¬ ¬± ±® º®±³ ¬¸» °®»³·» ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±¸·¾·¬»¼ò éêò ̸» ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ·²½®»¿» ¼»³¿²¼ ±² ©¿¬»®ô »©»®ô ±® ¹¿®¾¿¹» ½±´´»½¬·±² »®ª·½» ¬± ¬¸» »¨¬»²¬ ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸» ½±³¾·²»¼ ¼»³¿²¼ º±® ¬¸» ¼©»´´·²¹ ¿²¼ ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² · ·¹²·º·½¿²¬´§ ³±®» ¬¸¿² · ²±®³¿´ ¬± ¬¸» «» ±º ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ º±® ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ °«®°±»ò п¹»ì籺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí èéò Ò± »¯«·°³»²¬ ±® °®±½» ¸¿´´ ¾» «»¼ ·² ¿ ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ©¸·½¸ ½®»¿¬» ²±·» ·² »¨½» ±º êð ¼Þøß÷ ³»¿«®»¼ ¿¬ ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ ´·²»ô ±® ª·¾®¿¬·±²ô ¹´¿®»ô º«³»ô ±¼±®ô ±® »´»½¬®·½¿´ ·²¬»®º»®»²½» ¼»¬»½¬¿¾´» ¬± ¬¸» ²±®³¿´ »²» ±ºº ¬¸» °®»³·» ±® ¬¸®±«¹¸ ½±³³±² ©¿´´ò ײ ¬¸» ½¿» ±º »´»½¬®·½¿´ ·²¬»®º»®»²½»ô ²± »¯«·°³»²¬ ±® °®±½» ¸¿´´ ¾» «»¼ ©¸·½¸ ½®»¿¬» ª·«¿´ ±® ¿«¼·¾´» ·²¬»®º»®»²½» ·² ¿²§ ®¿¼·± ±® ¬»´»ª··±² ®»½»·ª»® ±ºº ¬¸» °®»³·» ±® ¬¸®±«¹¸ ½±³³±² ©¿´´ò çèò Ò± ¿½¬·ª·¬§ ·² ½±²¶«²½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¿ ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¾» ½±²¼«½¬»¼ ¾»º±®» éæðð ¿ò³ò ±® ¿º¬»® ïðæðð °ò³ò ¬¸¿¬ ¿¼ª»®»´§ ·³°¿½¬ ±® ¼·¬«®¾ ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ °®±°»®¬§ ±©²»®ò ïðçò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» «»¼ ·² ½±²¶«²½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¿ ̧°» × ±® ̧°» ×× ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ±® «»¼ ¿ ¿ °®·²½·°¿´ «» ±® °®·²½·°¿´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±® ¬®«½¬«®»ò øÝ÷ ß¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ º±® ¿´´ ̧°» × ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±²æ ëò ̸» ¿´» ±º ¹±±¼ ±® °®±¼«½¬ °®±¼«½»¼ ±² ¬¸» °®»³·»ô ±® °®±ª·¼·²¹ »®ª·½» ©¸·½¸ ·²ª±´ª» ¬¸» ½±²«³»® ½±³·²¹ ¬± ¬¸» °®»³·» ¸¿´´ ¾» ´·³·¬»¼ ¬± ²± ³±®» ¬¸¿² ¬»² øïð÷ ½«¬±³»® ±® ½´·»²¬ ·² ¿²§ ±²» øï÷ ©»»µ °»®·±¼ °»® ¼¿§ò Þ¿¾§ ·¬¬·²¹ º±® º·ª» øë÷ ±® ´» ½¸·´¼®»² ¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ò êò Ô»±² ·² ¬¸» ¿°°´·»¼ ¿®¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ô °®±ª·¼»¼ ¬¸» ½´¿ ·¦» º±® ¿²§ ´»±² ¼±» ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ º·ª» øë÷ ¬«¼»²¬ ¿¬ ¿²§ ±²» øï÷ ¬·³» ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ ¬»² øïð÷ ¬«¼»²¬ ·² ¿²§ ±²»ó©»»µ °»®·±¼ °»® ¼¿§ò øÜ÷ ß¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ º±® ¿´´ ̧°» ×× ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±²æ ìò Ô»±² ·² ¬¸» ¿°°´·»¼ ¿®¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ô °®±ª·¼»¼ ¬¸» ½´¿ ·¦» º±® ¿²§ ´»±² ¼±» ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ º·ª» øë÷ ¬«¼»²¬ ¿¬ ¿²§ ±²» øï÷ ¬·³» ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ ¬»² øïð÷ ¬«¼»²¬ ·² ¿²§ ±²»ó©»»µ °»®·±¼ °»® ¼¿§ò Sec. 30-82-9. Manufactured Home Park. øÔ÷ ײ ³¿²«º¿½¬«®»¼ ¸±³» °¿®µ »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ °®·±® ¬± Ö«²» ïô ïçèêô »¨·¬·²¹ ³¿²«º¿½¬«®»¼ ¸±³» ³¿§ ¾» ®»°´¿½»¼ ©·¬¸ ³¿²«º¿½¬«®»¼ ¸±³»ô ½±²·¬»²¬ ©·¬¸ »½¬·±² íðóèîóêëøÞ÷î °®±ª·¼»¼ ¿´´ ±º ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¿®» ³»¬æ ¿ïò ̸» ³¿²«º¿½¬«®»¼ ¸±³» ³»»¬ ¬¸» ·¼» ¿²¼ ®»¿® §¿®¼ »¬¾¿½µ º±® ¿½½»±®§ ¬®«½¬«®»ô ¿ °»½·º·»¼ ·² ¬¸» «²¼»®´§·²¹ ¦±²·²¹ ¼·¬®·½¬ô º®±³ ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ ´·²» ±º ¬¸» °¿®µå ¿²¼ ¾îò ̸» ³¿²«º¿½¬«®»¼ ¸±³» · ¿²½¸±®»¼ ¿²¼ µ·®¬»¼ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» °®±ª··±² ±º ¬¸» Ê·®¹·²·¿ ͬ¿¬»©·¼» ˲·º±®³ Þ«·´¼·²¹ ݱ¼»å ¿²¼ôò п¹»ëð±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Sec. 30-82-11. Multi-family Dwelling. øÞ÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ëò Û¿½¸ ̸» ³·²·³«³ »°¿®¿¬·±² ¾»¬©»»² ³«´¬·óº¿³·´§ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¸¿´´ ¾» »°¿®¿¬»¼ ¾§ º±®¬§ øìð÷ ¬©»²¬§ øîð÷ º»»¬ ¾»¬©»»² º¿½·²¹ ´·ª·²¹ ¿®»¿ò ̸· »°¿®¿¬·±² ³¿§ ¾» ®»¼«½»¼ ¬± ¬©»²¬§ øîð÷ º»»¬ ©¸»² ¾±¬¸ ³«´¬·óº¿³·´§ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ½±²¬¿·² ©·²¼±©´» ©¿´´ò êò ɸ»®» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¿®» °´¿½»¼ ¿¬ ®·¹¸¬ ¿²¹´» ø²·²»¬§ øçð÷ ¼»¹®»»÷ ¬± ±²» ¿²±¬¸»® ¿²¼ ¾±¬¸ ·²¬»®·±® ©¿´´ ¿®» ©·²¼±©´»ô ¬¸» ³·²·³«³ »°¿®¿¬·±² ±º ¾«·´¼·²¹ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¬©»²¬§ øîð÷ º»»¬ò λ»®ª»¼ò Sec. 30-82-14. Townhouses. øÞ÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ íò ̸» ³·²·³«³ »°¿®¿¬·±² ¾»¬©»»² ¿²§ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ½±²¬¿·²·²¹ ¿ ¹®±«° ±º º·ª» øë÷ ±® ³±®» ¬±©²¸±«» «²·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» º±®¬§ øìð÷ º»»¬ º®±³ ¿²§ ±¬¸»® ¬±©²¸±«» ¾«·´¼·²¹ò ̸» ³·²·³«³ »°¿®¿¬·±² ¾»¬©»»² ¿²§ ¬±©²¸±«» ¾«·´¼·²¹ ½±²¬¿·²·²¹ ¿ ¹®±«° ±º º±«® øì÷ ±® ´» ¬±©²¸±«» «²·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¬©»²¬§ øîð÷ º»»¬ º®±³ ¿²§ ±¬¸»® ¾«·´¼·²¹ ½±²¬¿·²·²¹ ¿ ¹®±«° ±º º±«® øì÷ ±® ´» ¬±©²¸±«»ò Sec. 30-82-16. Temporary Portable Storage Containers. øß÷ ײ¬»²¬ò Ì»³°±®¿®§ ᮬ¿¾´» ͬ±®¿¹» ݱ²¬¿·²»® °®±ª·¼» ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ °®±°»®¬§ ±©²»® ¬»³°±®¿®§ ¬±®¿¹» °¿½» º±® ¸±³» ®»³±¼»´·²¹ô ®»´±½¿¬·²¹ô º·®» ¿²¼ñ±® ©¿¬»® ¼¿³¿¹»å ¿²¼ ½´»¿²·²¹ ±«¬ ¿¬¬·½ô ¾¿»³»²¬ô ¹¿®¿¹» ±® ±¬¸»® ¿¬¬¿½¸»¼ ¬±®¿¹» ¿®»¿ò øÞ÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ïò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ±²´§ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ±² ´±¬ ©·¬¸ ¿ °®·²½·°¿´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±® ¬®«½¬«®»ò îò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» «»¼ ·² ½±²¶«²½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¿ ¬§°» × ±® ¬§°» ×× ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ±® «»¼ ¿ ¿ °®·²½·°¿´ «» ±® °®·²½·°¿´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±® ¬®«½¬«®»ò íò ß´´ ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ¼·°´¿§ ¬¸» ½±²¬¿·²»® °®±ª·¼»®ù ½±²¬¿½¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ò Í·¹² ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ½±²¬¿·² ¿²§ ±¬¸»® ¿¼ª»®¬··²¹ º±® ¿²§ ±¬¸»® °®±¼«½¬ ±® »®ª·½»ò ìò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» ·²¸¿¾·¬»¼ò п¹»ëﱺêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí ëò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸±«´¼ ¾» ´±½¿¬»¼ ±² ¿ °®±°»®¬§ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ »½¬·±² íðóïððóèô ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ±¾¬®«½¬ ª»¸·½«´¿® ±® °»¼»¬®·¿² ¬®¿ºº·½ô ±® ¾» ´±½¿¬»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¿²§ ®»¯«·®»¼ ´¿²¼½¿°»¼ ¿®»¿ò д¿½»³»²¬ ±² Ê·®¹·²·¿ Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º Ì®¿²°±®¬¿¬·±² øÊÜÑÌ÷ ®·¹¸¬ ±º ©¿§ °®±°»®¬§ ¸¿´´ ®»¯«·®» ©®·¬¬»² ¿°°®±ª¿´ º®±³ ÊÜÑÌò êò Ü«» ¬± ¬¸» ¬»³°±®¿®§ ²¿¬«®» ±º ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»®ô ´±½¿¬·±² ·² ¿ ¼®·ª»©¿§ ±® §¿®¼ ³¿§ ¾» ¿½½»°¬¿¾´»ò éò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ½¿²²±¬ ¾» ´±½¿¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» º´±±¼©¿§ ±® º´±±¼°´¿·² ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ ©·¬¸±«¬ ³»»¬·²¹ ¬¸» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ·² »½¬·±² íðóéìô ¿ ¿³»²¼»¼ò èò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ±² ¿ ´±¬ º±® ¿ °»®·±¼ ²±¬ ¬± »¨½»»¼ ¬¸·®¬§ øíð÷ ½±²»½«¬·ª» ¼¿§ ©·¬¸·² ¿ ·¨ó³±²¬¸ °»®·±¼ò Ú±® »¨¬»²·ª» ½±²¬®«½¬·±² °®±¶»½¬ ¿ ©®·¬¬»² »¨¬»²·±² ³¿§ ¾» ¹®¿²¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¦±²·²¹ ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±®ò çò Ó¿¨·³«³ ½«³«´¿¬·ª» ·¦» ±º ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ±² ¿ °®±°»®¬§ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ ±²» ¸«²¼®»¼ ¬¸·®¬§ øïíð÷ ¯«¿®» º»»¬ò ïðò ̸»®» · ¿ ´·³·¬ ±º ±²» øï÷ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬»³°±®¿®§ ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® °»® ´±¬ò ïïò ß ¦±²·²¹ °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ ¬± ¾» ±¾¬¿·²»¼ °®·±® ¬± ¬¸» °´¿½»³»²¬ ±º ¿ ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¾§ ¬¸» ¼»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º ½±³³«²·¬§ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ©·¬¸ «ºº·½·»²¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ô ¿ ¼»¬»®³·²»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¦±²·²¹ ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±®ô ¬± ¼»¬»®³·²» ½±³°´·¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¿´´ ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¹«´¿¬·±² «½¸ ¿æ ¿ò Í·¦» ±º ½±²¬¿·²»® ¾ò Ô±½¿¬·±² ½ò Ü»´·ª»®§ ¼¿¬» ¼ò λ³±ª¿´ ¼¿¬» »ò Ы®°±» ±º ½±²¬¿·²»® ºò ݱ²¬¿·²»® °®±ª·¼»® ½±²¬¿½¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ò SEC. 30-83. CIVIC USES. Sec. 30-83-6. Family Day Care Home. øß÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ п¹»ëêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí ïò Ú¿³·´§ ¼¿§ ½¿®» ¸±³»ô ©¸»®» ¿°°´·½¿¾´»ô ¸¿´´ ½±³°´§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» Ó·²·³«³ ͬ¿²¼¿®¼ º±® Ô·½»²»¼ Ú¿³·´§ Ü¿§ Ý¿®» ر³» »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» Ê·®¹·²·¿ Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º ͱ½·¿´ Í»®ª·½»ô ¿ ³¿§ ¾» ¿³»²¼»¼ò Sec. 30-83-9. Religious Assembly. øß÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ïò ß²§ ±«¬¼±±® ¿½¬·ª·¬§ ¿®»¿ô ©·³³·²¹ °±±´ô ±® ¾¿´´ º·»´¼ ±® ½±«®¬ ©¸·½¸ ¿¼¶±·² ¿ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ «» ¬§°» ¸¿´´ ¾» ´¿²¼½¿°»¼ ©·¬¸ ±²» øï÷ ®±© ±º ³¿´´ »ª»®¹®»»² ¬®»» ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ Í»½¬·±² íðóçî ¿´±²¹ ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ ´·²» ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ ¬¸» ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ «» ¬§°»ò ɸ»®» ²·¹¸¬ó¬·³» ´·¹¸¬·²¹ ±º «½¸ ¿®»¿ · °®±°±»¼ ´¿®¹» »ª»®¹®»»² ¬®»» ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ò îò ɸ»² ¿ °´¿½» ±º ®»´·¹·±« ¿»³¾´§ ¿¼¶±·² ¿ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ «» ¬§°»ô ¿ ̧°» Ý ¾«ºº»® §¿®¼ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ Í»½¬·±² íðóçî ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±ª·¼»¼ ¾»¬©»»² ¬¸» °¿®µ·²¹ ¿®»¿ø÷ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ «» ¬§°»ò íò Û¨°¿²·±² ±º »¨·¬·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ò øÞ÷ ײ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ô ¬¸» ³¿¨·³«³ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ½±ª»®¿¹» ¸¿´´ ¾» º±®¬§ øìð÷ °»®½»²¬ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ³¿¨·³«³ ´±¬ ½±ª»®¿¹» ¸¿´´ ¾» ·¨¬§ øêð÷ °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ´±¬ ¿®»¿ò øÝ÷ ײ ¬¸» ßÙóíô ßÙóï ¿²¼ ßÎ ¼·¬®·½¬ô ¬¸» ³¿¨·³«³ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ½±ª»®¿¹» ¸¿´´ ¾» ¬¸·®¬§ øíð÷ °»®½»²¬ ¿²¼ ¬¸» ³¿¨·³«³ ´±¬ ½±ª»®¿¹» ¸¿´´ ¾» º·º¬§ øëð÷ °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ´±¬ ¿®»¿ò øÜ÷ ײ ¬¸» ßÙóíô ßÙóïô ßÎô ¿²¼ Îóï ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿ °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ º±® ¬¸» »¨°¿²·±² ±º ¿² »¨·¬·²¹ «» °®±ª·¼»¼ ¿´´ ±º ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ½±²¼·¬·±² ¿®» ³»¬æ ¿ò ̸» ¬±¬¿´ ¹®± º´±±® ¿®»¿ ±º ¬¸» »¨°¿²·±² ·¬»´º ¼±» ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ º·º¬»»² ¬¸±«¿²¼ øïëôððð÷ ¯«¿®» º»»¬å ¿²¼ ¾ò ̸» ¹®± º´±±® ¿®»¿ ±º ¬¸» »¨°¿²·±² · ²±¬ ³±®» ¬¸¿² ¬©± ¸«²¼®»¼ øîðð÷ °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ ¹®± º´±±® ¿®»¿å ¿²¼ ½ò ̸» »¨°¿²·±² ¼±» ²±¬ ·²½´«¼» ¿ °®·²½·°¿´ ©±®¸·° ¿®»¿ »¨°¿²·±² ±º ³±®» ¬¸¿² º·º¬§ øëð÷ °»®½»²¬ ±º ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ °»®³¿²»²¬ »¿¬·²¹ò ß´´ ±¬¸»® »¨°¿²·±² ³«¬ ±¾¬¿·² ¿ Í°»½·¿´ Ë» л®³·¬ò øÛ÷ ß¼¼·¬·±²¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ·² ¬¸» Ýóî ¼·¬®·½¬æ ïò ß´´ ²»© λ´·¹·±« ß»³¾´§ «» ®»¯«·®» ¿ Í°»½·¿´ Ë» л®³·¬ò п¹»ëí±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí îò Û¨°¿²·±² ±º »¨·¬·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ò SEC. 30-85. COMMERCIAL USES. Sec. 30-85-1. Agricultural Services. øÞ÷ ײ ¬¸» Ýóï ¿²¼ Ýóî ¼·¬®·½¬ ¿²§ ±«¬¼±±® ¬±®¿¹» ¿®»¿ º±® ¿¹®·½«´¬«®¿´ »¯«·°³»²¬ ¿©¿·¬·²¹ ®»°¿·® ¸¿´´ ¾» °´¿½»¼ ·² ¿ ¬±®¿¹» §¿®¼ò ̸» ¬±®¿¹» §¿®¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» º«´´§ ½®»»²»¼ º®±³ °«¾´·½ ª·»© ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» »¬ ¾¿½µ ¿¬ ´»¿¬ ±²» ¸«²¼®»¼ øïðð÷ º»»¬ º®±³ ¿²§ ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ò Sec. 30-85-2. Antique Shops. øß÷ ײ ¬¸» ßÎ ¿²¼ ßÊ ¿¹®·½«´¬«®¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬æ Sec. 30-85-3. Automobile Dealership, New. Sec. 30-85-4. Automobile Dealership, Used Reserved. øß÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ïò Ñ«¬¼±±® ¼·°´¿§ ¿®»¿ ·² ½±²¶«²½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¿«¬±³±¾·´» ¿´» ¸¿´´ ¾» ½±²¬®«½¬»¼ ±º ¬¸» ¿³» ³¿¬»®·¿´ ®»¯«·®»¼ º±® ±ººó¬®»»¬ °¿®µ·²¹ ¿®»¿ ¿ ®»¯«·®»¼ ·² »½¬·±² íðóçïóìòíô °¿®µ·²¹ ¿®»¿ «®º¿½» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ò îò ß ¬»²óº±±¬ °´¿²¬·²¹ ¬®·° ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±ª·¼»¼ ¿¼¶¿½»²¬ ¬± ¿²§ °«¾´·½ ¬®»»¬ ®·¹¸¬ó±ºó ©¿§ò íò ̸» ¬±®¿¹» ¿²¼ñ±® ¼·°´¿§ ±º ³±¬±® ª»¸·½´» ·² ¬¸» °´¿²¬·²¹ ¬®·° ®»¯«·®»¼ ¿¾±ª» ¸¿´´ ¾» °®±¸·¾·¬»¼ò ìò Û¨¬»®·±® ¼·°´¿§ ±® ¬±®¿¹» ±º ²»© ±® «»¼ ¿«¬±³±¾·´» °¿®¬ · °®±¸·¾·¬»¼ò ëò ß²§ ª»¸·½´» ©¸·½¸ · ³··²¹ ³¿¶±® ³»½¸¿²·½¿´ ±® ¾±¼§ °¿®¬ ±® ¸¿ª» ¾»»² «¾¬¿²¬·¿´´§ ¼¿³¿¹»¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» °´¿½»¼ ·² ¿ ¬±®¿¹» §¿®¼ò ̸» ¬±®¿¹» §¿®¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» º«´´§ ½®»»²»¼ º®±³ °«¾´·½ ª·»© ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» »¬ ¾¿½µ ¿¬ ´»¿¬ ±²» ¸«²¼®»¼ øïðð÷ º»»¬ º®±³ ¿²§ ¿¼¶±·²·²¹ ®»·¼»²¬·¿´ ¼·¬®·½¬ò Sec. 30-85-8. Bed and Breakfast. øß÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ çò ß °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ ±² ´±¬ ´» ¬¸¿² º·ª» øë÷ ¿½®» ·² ¿² Îóï ¦±²·²¹ ¼·¬®·½¬ò п¹»ë챺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Sec. 30-85-24. - Restaurant, Drive-In or Fast Food. øß÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ïò ß´´ ¼®·ª»ó¬¸®±«¹¸ ©·²¼±© ¸¿´´ ½±³°´§ ©·¬¸ ¬¸» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ º±® ¼®·ª»ó¬¸®±«¹¸ º¿½·´·¬·» ½±²¬¿·²»¼ ·² Í»½¬·±² íðóçïóïðêò îò ß °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ º±® ¿²§ º¿¬ º±±¼ ®»¬¿«®¿²¬ ¬¸¿¬ · ´±½¿¬»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¿ ¸±°°·²¹ ½»²¬»® ø»¨½´«¼·²¹ ±«¬°¿®½»´÷ ¬¸¿¬ °®±ª·¼» ¼»´·ª»®§ »®ª·½» ¾«¬ ¼±» ²±¬ °®±°±» ¼®·ª»ó·² ±® ½«®¾ »®ª·½»ò íò Û¨°¿²·±² ±º »¨·¬·²¹ «» ¿®» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ¾§ ®·¹¸¬ò øÞ÷ ײ ¬¸» ÛÐ Ü·¬®·½¬æ ïò ß °»½·¿´ «» °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ º±® ¿²§ ¼®·ª» ¬¸®±«¹¸ º¿½·´·¬·»ò Sec. 30-85-24.5. Retail Sales ò øÝ÷ ײ ¬¸» ßÊ Ü·¬®·½¬æ ïò λ¬¿·´ ¿´» ¸¿´´ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ ¬¸®»» ¬¸±«¿²¼ øíôððð÷ ¯«¿®» º»»¬ ·² ¹®± º´±±® ¿®»¿ò SEC. 30-88. ACCESSORY USES. Sec. 30-88-2. Accessory Uses: Residential Use Types. øß÷ λ·¼»²¬·¿´ «» ¬§°» ³¿§ ·²½´«¼» ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ¿½½»±®§ «»ô ¿½¬·ª·¬·» ±® ¬®«½¬«®» ±² ¬¸» ¿³» ·¬» ±® ´±¬æ ïïò Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® °®±ª·¼» ¬¸¿¬ ¬¸»§ ³»»¬ ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ¬¿²¼¿®¼æ ø¿÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ±²´§ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ±² ´±¬ ©·¬¸ ¿ °®·²½·°¿´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±® ¬®«½¬«®»ò ø¾÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» «»¼ ·² ½±²¶«²½¬·±² ©·¬¸ ¿ ¬§°» × ±® ¬§°» ×× ¸±³» ±½½«°¿¬·±² ±® «»¼ ¿ ¿ °®·²½·°¿´ «» ±® °®·²½·°¿´ ¾«·´¼·²¹ ±® ¬®«½¬«®»ò ø½÷ ß´´ ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ¼·°´¿§ ¬¸» ½±²¬¿·²»® °®±ª·¼»®ù ½±²¬¿½¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ò Í·¹² ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ½±²¬¿·² ¿²§ ±¬¸»® ¿¼ª»®¬··²¹ º±® ¿²§ ±¬¸»® °®±¼«½¬ ±® »®ª·½»ò ø¼÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» ·²¸¿¾·¬»¼ò п¹»ë뱺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí ø»÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸±«´¼ ¾» ´±½¿¬»¼ ±² ¿ °®±°»®¬§ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ »½¬·±² íðóïððóèô ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ±¾¬®«½¬ ª»¸·½«´¿® ±® °»¼»¬®·¿² ¬®¿ºº·½ô ±® ¾» ´±½¿¬»¼ ©·¬¸·² ¿²§ ®»¯«·®»¼ ´¿²¼½¿°»¼ ¿®»¿ò д¿½»³»²¬ ±² Ê·®¹·²·¿ Ü»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º Ì®¿²°±®¬¿¬·±² øÊÜÑÌ÷ ®·¹¸¬ ±º ©¿§ °®±°»®¬§ ¸¿´´ ®»¯«·®» ©®·¬¬»² ¿°°®±ª¿´ º®±³ ÊÜÑÌò øº÷ Ü«» ¬± ¬¸» ¬»³°±®¿®§ ²¿¬«®» ±º ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»®ô ´±½¿¬·±² ·² ¿ ¼®·ª»©¿§ ±® §¿®¼ ³¿§ ¾» ¿½½»°¬¿¾´»ò ø¹÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ½¿²²±¬ ¾» ´±½¿¬»¼ ·² ¬¸» º´±±¼©¿§ ±® º´±±¼°´¿·² ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ ©·¬¸±«¬ ³»»¬·²¹ ¬¸» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ·² »½¬·±² íðó éìô ¿ ¿³»²¼»¼ò ø¸÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¸¿´´ ¾» °»®³·¬¬»¼ ±² ¿ ´±¬ º±® ¿ °»®·±¼ ²±¬ ¬± »¨½»»¼ ¬¸·®¬§ øíð÷ ½±²»½«¬·ª» ¼¿§ ©·¬¸·² ¿ ·¨ó³±²¬¸ °»®·±¼ò Ú±® »¨¬»²·ª» ½±²¬®«½¬·±² °®±¶»½¬ ¿ ©®·¬¬»² »¨¬»²·±² ³¿§ ¾» ¹®¿²¬»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¦±²·²¹ ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±®ò ø·÷ Ó¿¨·³«³ ½«³«´¿¬·ª» ·¦» ±º ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ±² ¿ °®±°»®¬§ ¸¿´´ ²±¬ »¨½»»¼ ±²» ¸«²¼®»¼ ¬¸·®¬§ øïíð÷ ¯«¿®» º»»¬ò ø¶÷ ̸»®» · ¿ ´·³·¬ ±º ±²» øï÷ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬»³°±®¿®§ ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® °»® ´±¬ò øµ÷ ß ¦±²·²¹ °»®³·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ ¬± ¾» ±¾¬¿·²»¼ °®·±® ¬± ¬¸» °´¿½»³»²¬ ±º ¿ ¬»³°±®¿®§ °±®¬¿¾´» ¬±®¿¹» ½±²¬¿·²»® ¾§ ¬¸» ¼»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º ½±³³«²·¬§ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ©·¬¸ «ºº·½·»²¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ô ¿ ¼»¬»®³·²»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¦±²·²¹ ¿¼³·²·¬®¿¬±®ô ¬± ¼»¬»®³·²» ½±³°´·¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¿´´ ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¹«´¿¬·±² «½¸ ¿æ ·ò Í·¦» ±º ½±²¬¿·²»® ··ò Ô±½¿¬·±² ···ò Ü»´·ª»®§ ¼¿¬» ·ªò λ³±ª¿´ ¼¿¬» ªò Ы®°±» ±º ½±²¬¿·²»® ª·ò ݱ²¬¿·²»® °®±ª·¼»® ½±²¬¿½¬ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²ò ARTICLE V – DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS. SEC. 30-90. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLANS. п¹»ë걺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí øÞ÷ Í·¬» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ °´¿² ®»¯«·®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ ¸¿´´ ¾» °®»°¿®»¼ ¾§ ¿ °®±º»·±²¿´ »²¹·²»»®ô ¿®½¸·¬»½¬ô ±® ´¿²¼ «®ª»§±®ô ´¿²¼½¿°» ¿®½¸·¬»½¬ ±® ±¬¸»® ´·½»²»¼ °®±º»·±²¿´ ©¸± · ®»¹·¬»®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ݱ³³±²©»¿´¬¸ ±º Ê·®¹·²·¿ ¿²¼ · ½±²¼«½¬·²¹ ¬¸»·® °®¿½¬·½» ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ »½¬·±² ëìòïóìð𠻬 »¯ò ±º ¬¸» ݱ¼» ±º Ê·®¹·²·¿ô ¿ ¿³»²¼»¼ò Ó±®» ¬®·²¹»²¬ ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ³¿§ ¾» »¬¿¾´·¸»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» α¿²±µ» ݱ«²¬§ ݱ¼» ±® ¬¸» ݱ¼» ±º Ê·®¹·²·¿ò ̸· ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ³¿§ ¾» ©¿·ª»¼ ¾§ ¬¸» ¼·®»½¬±® ±º ½±³³«²·¬§ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ·º ¬¸» ¬§°»ô ½¿´» ¿²¼ñ±® ´±½¿¬·±² ±º ¬¸» °®±°±»¼ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ¼±» ²±¬ ²»½»·¬¿¬» «½¸ °´¿²ò Sec. 30-90-1. Information Required. øß÷ ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ ·²º±®³¿¬·±² ¸¿´´ ¾» ®»¯«·®»¼ ±² ·¬» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ °´¿² «¾³·¬¬»¼ ¬± ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ º±® ®»ª·»©æ ïçò ß² »®±·±² ¿²¼ »¼·³»²¬¿¬·±² ½±²¬®±´ °´¿² ¿²¼ ¼»¬¿·´ ¸»»¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» «¾³·¬¬»¼ º±® ·¬» ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ·²ª±´ª·²¹ ¬¸» ¹®¿¼·²¹ ¼·¬«®¾¿²½» ±º ¹®»¿¬»® ¬¸¿² ¬»² ¬¸±«¿²¼ øïðôððð÷ ¯«¿®» º»»¬ ±® ¿®»¿ô ±® ±²» ¬¸±«¿²¼ øïôððð÷ ½«¾·½ §¿®¼ ±º ³¿¬»®·¿´ ·² ÜÚÚÎËÙÜÏÚØÆÔÉÕÉÕØúÎÈÏÉÄjÊøËÎÊÔ±² ú Í»¼·³»²¬ ݱ²¬®±´ Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ò Sec. 30-90-2. Format of Plans. øß÷ Í·¬» °´¿² ¸¿´´ ¾» «¾³·¬¬»¼ ±² ¸»»¬ ²± ¹®»¿¬»® ·² ·¦» ¬¸¿² ¬¸·®¬§ øíð÷ ¾§ º±®¬§ó¬©± øìî÷ ·²½¸»ò ß ¸»»¬ ·¦» ±º ¬©»²¬§óº±«® øîì÷ ¾§ ¬¸·®¬§ó·¨ øíê÷ ·²½¸» · °®»º»®®»¼ò ̸» ½¿´» ±º ¬¸» °´¿² ¸¿´´ ²±¬ ¾» ¹®»¿¬»® ¬¸¿² ±²» ·²½¸ »¯«¿´ ¬»² øïð÷ º»»¬ øïãïð÷ô ±® ´» ¬¸¿² ±²» ·²½¸ »¯«¿´ º·º¬§ øëð÷ º»»¬ øïãëð÷ò д¿² ¸¿´´ ¾» ¼»·¹²»¼ «·²¹ ¿² »²¹·²»»®·²¹ ½¿´»ò ̸» ¼·®»½¬±® ±º ½±³³«²·¬§ ¼»ª»´±°³»²¬ ³¿§ ¿°°®±ª» ¿ ´»»® ½¿´» «½¸ ¿ ïãïðð °®±ª·¼»¼ «ºº·½·»²¬ ¼»¬¿·´ · °®±ª·¼»¼ ¬± ·²«®» ½±³°´·¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¿´´ ¿°°´·½¿¾´» ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ±º ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½» ¿²¼ ¿²§ ±¬¸»® ®»¯«·®»³»²¬ ±® ±®¼·²¿²½» ±º ¬¸» ½±«²¬§ ±® ݱ³³±²©»¿´¬¸ò д¿² ³¿§ ¾» «¾³·¬¬»¼ ·² ¿ ¼·¹·¬¿´ º±®³¿¬ ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ ݱ«²¬§ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ò SEC. 30-91. OFF STREET PARKING, STACKING AND LOADING. Sec. 30-91-3. Number of Parking Spaces Required. Sec. 30-91-3.3. Minimum Parking Required. ËÍÛ ÌÇÐÛ ÐßÎÕ×ÒÙ ÎÛÏË×ÎÛÜ øÛ÷ Commercial Use Types ß«¬±³±¾·´» Ü»¿´»®¸·°ô Ò»© Í»» ͽ¸»¼«´» ß ß«¬±³±¾·´» Ü»¿´»®¸·°ô Ë»¼ Í»» ͽ¸»¼«´» ß SEC. 30-92. SCREENING, LANDSCAPING, AND BUFFER YARDS. п¹»ë鱺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ Æ±²·²¹Ñ®¼·²¿²½»ß³»²¼³»²¬Ò±ª»³¾»®ïîôîðïí Sec. 30-92-2. Administration. øÞ÷ Ô¿²¼½¿°·²¹ ®»¯«·®»¼ ¾§ ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½» ¸¿´´ ¾» °´¿²¬»¼ ¼«®·²¹ ¿² ±°°±®¬«²» °´¿²¬·²¹ »¿±²ô ¿²¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» ·² °´¿½» ¿²¼ ·² ¹±±¼ ½±²¼·¬·±² °®·±® ¬± ¿ º·²¿´ ½»®¬·º·½¿¬» ±º ¦±²·²¹ ½±³°´·¿²½» ¾»·²¹ ·«»¼ º±® ¬¸» ·¬»ò ̸» °®±°»®¬§ ±©²»® ·² ¿½½±®¼¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» »¨·¬·²¹ ´¿²¼½¿°» ±®¼·²¿²½» ¸¿´´ ·³³»¼·¿¬»´§ ®»°´¿½» ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ ©¸·½¸ ¼·» ò ߺ¬»® ¬¸» ·«¿²½» ±º ¿ º·²¿´ ½»®¬·º·½¿¬» ±º ¦±²·²¹ ½±³°´·¿²½» º±® ¿ ·¬»ô ·¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¬¸» °®±°»®¬§ ±©²»®ø÷ ®»°±²·¾·´·¬§ ¬± ³¿·²¬¿·² ®»¯«·®»¼ ½®»»²·²¹ô ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ ¿²¼ ¾«ºº»® §¿®¼ò øÝ÷ Ì»³°±®¿®§ ·®®·¹¿¬·±² ³«¬ ¾» °®±ª·¼»¼ ¬± ·²«®» »¬¿¾´·¸³»²¬ò ß ¼»½®·°¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ¬§°» ±º ·®®·¹¿¬·±² §¬»³ «»¼ ¬± »¬¿¾´·¸ ¬¸» ´¿²¼½¿°» · ®»¯«·®»¼ ¬± ¿½½±³°¿²§ ¬¸» ·¬» °´¿²ò ×®®·¹¿¬·±² §¬»³ ¿®» »²½±«®¿¹»¼ ©·¬¸ ´¿²¼½¿°» ³¿¬»®·¿´ô ©¸·½¸ ½¿²²±¬ «®ª·ª» ±² ²¿¬·ª» °®»½·°·¬¿¬·±²ò ß´´ °´¿²¬ ³¿¬»®·¿´ ³«¬ ³»»¬ ß³»®·½¿² ß±½·¿¬·±² ±º Ò«®»®§³»² Í°»½·º·½¿¬·±² º±® ²±ò ï ¹®¿¼»ò Ò¿¬·ª» °´¿²¬·²¹ ¿®» »²½±«®¿¹»¼ ©¸»² ½±³°¿¬·¾´» ©·¬¸ ¬¸» «®®±«²¼·²¹ ´¿²¼ «»ò Ûª»®§ »ºº±®¬ ¸±«´¼ ¾» ³¿¼» ¬± ·²½±®°±®¿¬» ¸»¿´¬¸§ »¨·¬·²¹ ¬®»» ·²¬± ¬¸» ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ °´¿²ò Ú±® ²¿¬·ª» °´¿²¬ ´·¬·²¹ ®»º»® ¬± ¬¸» ¼»°¿®¬³»²¬ ±º ½±²»®ª¿¬·±² ¿²¼ ®»½®»¿¬·±²ø÷ °«¾´·½¿¬·±² »²¬·¬´»¼ þÒ¿¬·ª» д¿²¬ º±® ݱ²»®ª¿¬·±²ô 묱®¿¬·±²ô ¿²¼ Ô¿²¼½¿°·²¹óÉ»¬»®² Ê·®¹·²·¿óÓ±«²¬¿·² λ¹·±²òþ Sec. 30-92-4. Enforcement Procedures and Penalties. Sec. 30-92-4.1. Landscaping provisions in the Clearbrook village overlay district. øß÷ ß°°´·½¿¾·´·¬§ò ïò ̸» º±´´±©·²¹ ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ °®±ª··±² ¸¿´´ ¿°°´§ ¬± ¿´´ °®±°»®¬§ ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ò îò ̸»» ¬¿²¼¿®¼ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¼»»³»¼ ¬± «°°´»³»²¬ô ¿²¼ ¾» ·² ¿¼¼·¬·±² ¬±ô ¬¿²¼¿®¼ º±«²¼ ·² »½¬·±² íðóçî ±º ¬¸· ±®¼·²¿²½»ò øÞ÷ Ù»²»®¿´ ¬¿²¼¿®¼ñ°»½·º·½¿¬·±²ò ïò ß´´ ´¿²¼½¿°» °´¿² ®»¯«·®»¼ º±® «» ©·¬¸·² ¬¸» Ý´»¿®¾®±±µ ª·´´¿¹» ±ª»®´¿§ ¼·¬®·½¬ ¸¿´´ ¾» °®»°¿®»¼ ¾§ ¿ ®»¹·¬»®»¼ ´¿²¼½¿°» ¿®½¸·¬»½¬ô ±® ½»®¬·º·»¼ ²«®»®§³¿²ò îò ß´´ ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ ¸¿´´ ¾» ¿´·ª» ¿²¼ ·² ¹±±¼ ½±²¼·¬·±² ¿¬ ¬¸» ¬·³» ±º °´¿²¬·²¹ò ß´´ ´¿²¼½¿°·²¹ ¸¿´´ ¾» ³¿·²¬¿·²»¼ô ¿²¼ ®»°´¿½»¼ô ¿ ²»½»¿®§ ¬± ·²«®» ½±²¬·²«»¼ ½±³°´·¿²½» ©·¬¸ ¬¸»» °®±ª··±²ò íò ɸ»®» °»½·º·»¼ô ¿´´ ¼»½·¼«±« ¬®»» ¸¿´´ ¸¿ª» ¿ ³·²·³«³ ½¿´·°»® ±º ¬©± ¿²¼ ±²»ó¸¿´º øîòë÷ ·²½¸» ¿¬ ¬¸» ¬·³» ±º °´¿²¬·²¹ò Ûª»®¹®»»² ¬®»» ¸¿´´ ¸¿ª» ¿ ³·²·³«³ ¸»·¹¸¬ ±º »·¹¸¬ øè÷ º»»¬ ¿¬ ¬·³» ±º °´¿²¬·²¹ò п¹»ë豺êí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ÜÎßÚÌ 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That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. п¹»êí±ºêí Ò±¬»æÌ»¨¬¿¼¼·¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬òÌ»¨¬¼»´»¬·±²¿®»·²®»¼º±²¬¿²¼¬®«½µ¬¸®±«¹¸ò ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. _______S-5________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: November 12, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance amending Article IV. “Weeds and Trash” of the Roanoke County Code by additional definitions to Section 13- 151. “Definitions”, by clarifying Section 13-152. “Penalties”, and by adding a new Section 13-159. “Littering Prohibited.” SUBMITTED BY: Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: BACKGROUND: Supervisor Moore has sponsored this ordinance to expand the County’s efforts to address the widespread problem of littering in Roanoke County. In May of 2009 the Board adopted Ordinance #052609-9, which imposed civil penalties for certain weeds and trash violations. This action is authorized by Sec. 15.2-901 of the Code of Virginia. The authority to impose civil penalties is limited by Section 15.2-901 C. and D. This ordinance has been used primarily to address weeds and grass violations. Sec. 10.1-1418.1 of the Code of Virginia expands civil penalties for the improper disposal of solid waste. Although local governments are not authorized to adopt local ordinances to parallel this section, this law of the Commonwealth does authorize owners of real estate to commence a civil action against persons who improperly dispose of solid waste, and if successful, the court may impose a civil penalty up to $5,000. Section 13-13 of the Roanoke County Code addresses the unlawful disposal of rubbish or other waste material in the County. A violation of this ordinance is a Class 1 misdemeanor. The proposed ordinance retains this criminal penalty for egregious violations. If the decision is made to pursue civil penalties, then the County must forgo criminal prosecution. SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: This ordinance amends Sections 13-151 “Definitions” by adding a definition of “Litter” and Page 1 of 2 “Litter Receptacles”. This ordinance amends Sec. 13-152 “Penalties” by adding an opportunity for the court to impose community service in litter abatement activities in lieu of a civil penalty, and it clarifies that pursuing civil penalties precludes criminal misdemeanor prosecution. This ordinance adds a new provision, Sec. 13-159 to provide for a more specific prohibition on littering, and the motor vehicle littering presumption. The first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board favorably consider the adoption of this ordinance Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2013 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE IV “WEEDS AND TRASH” OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, BY ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS TO SECTION 13-151 “DEFINITIONS”, BY CLARIFYING SECTION 13-152 “PENALTIES”, AND ADDING A NEW SECTION 13-159 “LITTERING PROHIBITED” WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors finds that litter is an increasing problem in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors hereby finds that increased enforcement efforts to combat the litter problem are a valid public purpose to protect the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, this ordinance is authorized by Section 15.2-901 and Article 3. Of Chapter 14 of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on October 22, 2013, and the second reading and public hearing were held on November 12, 2013. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as follows: 1. That the following sections of the Roanoke County Code be amended to read and provide as follows: Article IV. “Weeds and Trash” Sec. 13-151. - Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Page 1 of 5 Abatement cost: the County’s cost of labor, equipment and supplies for, or the contract price of, and any charges to, the county, with respect to the removal and disposal of weeds or trash from a parcel. Enforcement agent: The county administrator or his designee. Litter: All waste material and disposable packages or containers but not including the wastes of the primary processes of mining, logging, sawmilling, farming or manufacturing. It includes, but is not limited to, the packages, wrappings and containers, cigarettes and tobacco products, bottles, glass or metal containers, plastic, and paper products. Litter Receptacle: A container with a capacity of not less than 10 gallons, constructed and placed for use as a depository for litter. Owner: Any person shown by any public record to have an interest in real estate lying in the county upon which a public nuisance exists as of the date of the abatement of the public nuisance under this section. Owner shall also mean the occupant of any parcel of real estate, including but not limited to, any person in possession thereof having charge thereof as an executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or agent, and the beneficiary of any easement or right of use thereof. Parcel: Any real estate or any interest therein, situate, lying and being in the county in any areas zoned for residential, business, commercial, or industrial uses or in any subdivision. Public nuisance: Any act or activity the causing or maintaining of which is such an inconvenience or troublesome matter as to annoy, injure or damage the public at large or a substantial portion of the community or a considerable number of persons, and from which any resulting damage is not specifically apportionable to any one member of the community. Subdivision: Any tract or parcel of land divided into two (2) or more lots or parcels, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, as otherwise defined in the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. Trash: Abandoned personal property, garbage, refuse, rubbish, litter or debris. Weeds means grass, weeds, bushes, poison ivy, poison oak or any other vegetable growth, other than trees, ornamental shrubbery, flowers and garden vegetables. Page 2 of 5 Sec. 13-152. - Penalty. (a) Any owner who violates section 13-153(a) or any other provisions of this article pertaining to section 13-153(a), or who violates section 13-154 or section 13-159, shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first violation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty for subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within twelve (12) months of the first violation shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each calendar day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violations arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) in a twelve-month period. (b) Any owner who violates section 13-153(b) or any other provisions of this article pertaining to section 13-153(b) shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00). (c) In lieu of imposition of a fine or civil penalty, the court may order the defendant to perform community service in litter abatement activities. (d) Classifying violations under this article as civil penalties shall preclude prosecution of violations as a misdemeanor. Sec. 13-153. - Cutting of weeds and grass required. (a) It shall be unlawful for any owner of any vacant developed or undeveloped property, including such property upon which buildings or other improvements are located, within the boundaries of platted subdivisions or any other areas zoned for residential, business, commercial or industrial use, to permit weeds of more than twelve (12) inches in height within two hundred fifty (250) feet of property developed for residential use. (b) The owner of occupied residential real property shall cut the grass or lawn area of less than one-half ½ acre on such property when growth of such grass or lawn area exceeds twelve (12) inches in height. Sec. 13-154. - Removal of trash required. Page 3 of 5 It shall be unlawful for the owner of any parcel or property to allow the accumulation of trash on any parcel or property. The owner of any parcel or property shall maintain all exterior property areas in a clean, safe condition free from the accumulation of trash. Failure to comply with this provision shall also constitute a public nuisance. Sec. 13-155. - Report of violation. Any person aggrieved by the presence of weeds or grass in violation of section 13-153 or the accumulation of trash in violation of section 13-154 may report such presence to the enforcement agent. Sec. 13-156. - Inspection of site of violation: notice to cut weeds or remove trash. Upon receipt of a report as referred to in section 13-155, the enforcement agent shall cause the site of the reported violation to be inspected pursuant to applicable constitutional and statutory provisions. When the enforcement agent has determined from such reports and inspections or otherwise that a violation in fact exists, he shall notify the owner of the land or parcel upon which the violation exists to cut or cause to be cut the weeds or grass complained of, or to remove the accumulation of trash, within ten (10) calendar days of the delivery, mailing or posting of the notice. Such notice shall be in writing, shall be delivered by hand or mailed to the last known address and if the owner of the property cannot be found within the county after a reasonable search, notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the owner and a copy of the notice shall be posted on the property in a conspicuous place, and shall be complied with by such owner. Sec. 13-157. - Performance of work by county; collection of costs. If such weeds or grass are not cut, or the accumulation of trash is not removed, within the required time as provided for in the notice under section 13-156, the enforcement agent shall cause such weeds or grass to be cut, or the trash to be removed, and the abatement cost and expense thereof to be assessed against the owner of such property. The assessment shall be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected. Every charge for cutting grass on vacant property or removal of trash which the owner of any property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property on parity with liens for unpaid taxes. Sec. 13-158. - Exemption. Page 4 of 5 The director of community development or his/her designee may exempt from the application of this article any parcel which is owned by the county or upon which the county has an easement for stormwater management facilities, and includes riparian buffers, reserved open space, floodplain preservation areas, or other environmentally sensitive areas as defined in the county stormwater management ordinance and design manual, or which are critical to the environmental health of the ecosystem, or which are required by a state or federal agency. Sec. 13-159 Littering Prohibited. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this Article for any person to drop, deposit, discard or otherwise dispose of trash or litter in or upon any public or private property within Roanoke County without the private property owner’s consent, including but not limited to any street, sidewalk, park, vacant or occupied lot, except in public receptacles, or in authorized private receptacles provided for public use, When a violation of the provisions of this Section has been observed by any person, and the matter dumped or disposed of in the street, highway, right-of-way or private property has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed to be the person ejecting such trash, garbage refuse, litter, or debris, provided that such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. Page 5 of 5