HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/19/2014 - Regular
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and
Roanoke County School Board
Board Room,Roanoke County Public Schools
Administration Center Building
5937Cove Road, Roanoke, Virginia24019
February 19, 2014, 6:00 p.m.
A. Roanoke County School Board Call to Order - Chairman C. Drew
B. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Call to Order Joseph P.
1. Proposed revenue sharing formula change
2. Fiscal year 2014-2015 priorities
3. Employee raises
D. Glenvar High School project overview and timing
E. Discuss future meetings
F. Other
Page 1 of 1
Memorandum of Understanding between
Roanoke County School Board and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors
Regarding the Revenue Sharing Formula
This Memorandum of Understanding was made and entered into this ___ day of
______, 2014 by and between the Roanoke County School Board and the Roanoke
County Board of Supervisors regarding the revenue sharing formula.
During each annual budget preparation cycle, School Board staff and County staff shall
meet along with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each board to determine the
increase or decrease in the operating allocation to schools from the County. It is the
intent of this Memorandum of Understanding to establish a formula to share revenues
and through the application of this revenue sharing formula avoid unnecessary
budgetary conflict, provide a stable and verifiable allocation method, and demonstrate
good stewardship of the taxpayer dollars.
The key elements of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) are as follows:
Increases and decreases in County population impact demand for County
services and should be factors in the allocation of county revenues to schools.
Increases and decreases in student enrollment impact staffing and school
infrastructure and should be factors in the allocation of county revenues to
The provision of education services is by its very nature labor intensive and
requires the dedication of a significantly higher portion of the school budget to
personnel costs than the like allocation for county services. A payroll factor
should be included in the allocation formula to account for this difference in
personnel costs that limit budget flexibility on the school side.
In order to arrive at a revenue sharing methodology that addresses the key elements
above, the allocation formula includes the following calculations:
1. Establish a three year rolling average index for the changes in county population
and student enrollment. Using a rolling average eliminates significant
fluctuations from year to year while recognizing that these trends affect the
provision of services. The statistics used for this index will be derived from
publicly available sources as follows:
County population - Population numbers published in the statistical section
of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (County
Student enrollment - Average Daily Membership (ADM) published in the
statistical section of the Roanoke County Schools Comprehensive Annual
Financial Report (School CAFR) and the Budget and Salary Scales
(adopted budget).
2. Calculate a payroll factor using the percentage of school personnel budget to
total personnel budget for the County and the Schools for the current year. The
payroll factor should be applied to the change in the three year rolling average
index and then applied to the current year index to arrive at a net tax allocation
change for the new budget year.
3. Apply the net tax allocation change to the allocation percent calculated in the
prior year to arrive at the new percent of adopted budget net taxes. This percent
is then applied to the projected County revenues for total general property taxes
and total other local taxes as published in the Roanoke County Annual Financial
Plan (General Fund Summary of Revenue) less the amount budgeted as pass
through expenditures to the Convention Visitors Bureau (previously committed by
Board of Supervisors action) to arrive at the increase or decrease in the school
4. New economic development incentives will be subtracted from the county
revenue projection and added back when each incentive arrangement expires.
5. The increase or decrease in the school transfer is then added to or deducted
from the transfer to schools for the previous year to arrive at the total transfer to
schools for the next budget.
Other elements of the MOU include:
1. This Memorandum of Understanding will be reviewed annually and amended as
deemed appropriate by the Roanoke County Public School Board and the
Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. There is an expectation of stability in the
formula but annual reviews will be performed to ensure all factors are working as
intended along with the acknowledgement that there may be a need for a
temporary adjustment if or when there are extreme financial pressures,
insufficient new revenues, or significant mid-year changes in revenue forecasts.
2. This Memorandum of Understanding and the allocation of revenues are subject
to annual appropriations by the Board of Supervisors.
3. The School Board approved this Memorandum of Understanding on _____ __,
2014; and the Board of Supervisors approved this Memorandum of
Understanding on _____ __, 2014.
Roanoke County School Board Roanoke County Board of Supervisors
Chairman Chairman
Date: Date:
Calculation of School Transfer
Instructions: Update highlighted cells each year with current information. All other cells are formulas.
Calculate 3-Year Average:
ADM (1)Population (2)ADM/Population
Avg. of FY 2012-1441,874279,199
Avg. of FY 2013-1541,628279,768
(1) ADM per adopted School Budget - Student Enrollment Table and School CAFR Table
(2) Population from CAFR Table 12
Calculate Net Allocation Change:
Difference in the ADM/Population Index0.1184
Payroll Factor65%
ADM/Population Index times Payroll Factor0.076982
Divide ADM/Population Index by Avg. of FY 2013-15 Index0.005174
Net Allocation Change (1-.005174)0.994826
Calculate Increase/(Decrease) in School Transfer:
School Transfer $ 65,045,318$ 65,933,510$ 888,192
Property and Local Taxes 151,259,000154,133,350
Lodging Tax-Roanoke Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (447,168) (467,168)
Economic Development Incentives - -
Net total taxes$ 150,811,832$153,666,182
Percentage of School Transfer/Net Total Taxes43.1301%
Net Allocation Change applied to Percentage of School Transfer42.9070%
Comparison of State Revenues in Governor's Budget, House Budget, Senate Budget,
and General Assembly Budget
As of December 16, 2013 - Governor's Budget
Current YearNext Year
ApprovedGovernor'sInc (Dec)
SOQ Programs:
Sales Tax Appropriation13,886,793 14,403,255 516,462
Basic Aid36,247,075 38,375,275 2,128,200
Vocational SOQ447,553 531,426 83,873
Gifted SOQ403,675 409,459 5,784
Special Education SOQ5,923,490 5,723,718 (199,772)
Prevention, Intervention, Remediation465,104 592,409 127,305
Retirement3,896,340 4,817,680 921,340
Social Security2,334,294 2,352,213 17,919
Group Life149,184 165,526 16,342
Remedial Summer School SOQ67,505 93,677 26,172
Compensation supplement- - -
Addl Assistance with VRS, PreK, inflation630,559 - (630,559)
67,464,63864,451,572 3,013,066
Lottery Funded Programs:
Foster Care323,344 244,625 (78,719)
At Risk260,503 329,300 68,797
K-3 Class Size358,979 451,918 92,939
Alternative Education- 121,196 121,196
Special Ed - Regional Tuition41 1,2755,593(25,682)
CTE - Equipment (breakout into 3 lines)8,096 - (8,096)
CTE - Adult Ed1,517 - (1,517)
CTE - Occup/Tech Ed59,387 84,876 25,489
ESL167,921 151,597 (16,324)
1,399,1051,221,022 178,083
Categorical Programs:
Special Ed - Homebound23,799 26,713 2,914
26,71323,799 2,914
State Operating Revenues65,696,393 68,890,456 3,194,063
State Grants:
Adult Ed Basic8,392 8,392 -
Special Ed - Jails (regional jail)116,074 93,318 (22,756)
Virginia Preschool Initiative479,531 551,617 72,086
Reading Intervention136,644 145,751 9,107
Mentor Teacher Program9,321 9,321 -
Algebra Readiness85,153 94,250 9,097
GED Funding (ISAEP)15,717 15,717 -
850,832 918,366 67,534
838,259787,429 50,830
Technology VPSA
726,000726,000 -
Alternative Education - move to state in FY15
-15,280 (15,280)
School Nutrition & Breakfast
108,71595,000 13,715
Balance to DOE Printout68,170,934 71,481,796 3,310,862
\\Bos\bos\Board Meetings\2014\02-19-2014\Notes\RevBudget-State-2-19-14 joint mtg_1
Comparison of State Revenues in Governor's Budget, House Budget, Senate Budget,
and General Assembly Budget
As of December 16, 2013 - Governor's Budget
Current YearNext Year
ApprovedGovernor'sInc (Dec)
State revenues - Operating Fund only68,890,456
Factor out sales tax estimate used by state(14,403,255)
Local estimate of sales tax13,886,793
Factor out Alternative Ed from state (Bedford)(121,196)
Factor in Alternative Ed based on Salem program15,280
Factor out Career & Tech Ed estimate by state(84,876)
Factor in Career & Tech Ed based on actual p/y69,000
Adjusted state revenues - operating fund68,252,202
Increase (decrease) in operating fund2,555,809
Mandatory VRS rate increases:
Professional group (11.66% to 14.50%)2,051,847
Non-professional group (5.22% to 5.90%)42,986
VRS retiree health credit (1.11% to 1.18%)50,574
VRS life insurance (1.19% to 1.33%)109,997
Net impact on school budget for 2014-15
\\Bos\bos\Board Meetings\2014\02-19-2014\Notes\RevBudget-State-2-19-14 joint mtg_1
Planning for Glenvar High School Funding and VPSA Bond Issues
Glenvar High School Funding Timeline
– The following dates are planned for SB and BOS action in
order to ensure the optimal use of the summer construction months for beginning the Glenvar High
School renovation project. The issuance of VPSA bonds is coordinated by school and county staff and
involves a significant amount of paperwork and coordination with bond counsel with certain required
resolutions. This schedule identifies the dates in which those resolutions must be considered for approval
in order to begin construction in June 2014, complete the project in August 2015, and ensure the full
funding of the project.
Funding Sources:
FY12-13 $10 million borrowing deferred – Joint County and School Plan
FY14-15 $10 million borrowing planned – Joint County and School Plan
Major Capital Amount to be determined – School cash reserves on hand
Action to date:
October 27, 2011 $100,000SB appropriates cash reserves for feasibility study of GHS
July 12, 2012 $50,000SB appropriates cash reserves to move mobile classrooms to site
June 6, 2013 $1,347,687SB appropriates cash reserves for A&E
June 13, 2013 SB adopts Reimbursement Resolution
July 9, 2013 BOS adopts Reimbursement Resolution
January 23, 2014 $70,000SB appropriates cash reserves for value engineering
Estimated future dates (:
Best Case Scenario)
Feb 6, 2014 Value engineering presentation to SB
Feb 19, 2014 Joint SB & BOS meeting incl. review of GHS project and timeline
Mar 31, 2014 Design work and final bid specs completed
April 1, 2014 RCPS issues RFP for construction contract
April 30, 2014 RFP proposals due back to RCPS
May 8, 2014 SB approval of contract award and request for VPSA bond sale (RESOLUTION)
May 13, 2014 BOS – public hearing and 1 reading for bond sale (RESOLUTION)
May 27, 2014 BOS – 2 reading for bond sale and adoption (RESOLUTION)
May 28, 2014 Release of award to low bidder
June 9, 2014 Begin construction (cash funds in Major Capital Reserve to fund expenses until
bonds become available in Nov 2014)
July 2014 VPSA application released for Fall 2014 bond issue
Aug 2014 VPSA application due (includes SB and BOS resolutions)
Oct 2014 VPSA sells bonds
Nov 2014 Funds available to school system
Updated 2/7/14