HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/23/2014 - Regular Roanoke County Board of Supervisors September 23, 2014 INVOCATION:Assistant Pastor Brett Pagan Brookhill Baptist Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: “Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board.” Page 1 of 6 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda September 23,2014 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for September 23, 2014.Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced.The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of Supervisors meetings can also be viewed online through Roanoke County’s website at www.RoanokeCountyVA.gov.Our meetings are closed-captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium.Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A.OPENING CEREMONIES (3:00 p.m.) 1. Roll Call B.REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TOOR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C.BRIEFINGS 1.Briefing and presentation by Virginia Amateur Sports, Inc. on the 2014 Subway Commonwealth Games of Virginia (Peter Lampman, Virginia Amateur Sports) D.NEW BUSINESS 1.Resolution accepting for publication and conceptual phase consideration the unsolicited proposal from HHHuntfor Murray Run Natural Stream Restoration Project under the Public Private Recreational Facilities and Infrastructure Act (PPEA) of 2002 (Richard L. Caywood, Assistant County Administrator; Paul Mahoney, County Attorney) Page 2 of 6 E.FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1.Ordinance approving the amendment of five (5) of the seven (7) agreements with telecommunication companies at 220 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia (“DSS Building”) (Ruth Ellen Kuhnel, Senior Assistant County Attorney; Richard L. Caywood, Assistant County Administrator) F.SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1.Ordinance accepting and appropriating $39,078.43 to the Roanoke County Public Schools for various grants and supplements (Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance) 2.Ordinance approving an agreement between the County of Roanoke and Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperative for the use of space on tower sites and appropriating $6,000 to the County Radio Replacement Fund (Bill Hunter, Director of Communications and Information Technology) G.APPOINTMENTS 1.Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Review Committee (appointed by District) 2.Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission (appointed by District) H.CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDAARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1.Request to accept and allocate grant funds in the amount of $37,876 from the U. S. Department of Justice’s Bulletproof Vest Partnership tothe Roanoke County Police Department for the 2014 award solicitation 2.Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Glenna O. Ratcliffe, Economic Development Administrative Assistant, upon her retirement after more than seven (7) years of service 3.Confirmation of appointment to the Grievance Panel(at Large) Page 3 of 6 4.Request for adoption of Drainage Maintenance Projects for fiscal year 2014- 2015 5.Resolution requested the Virginia Department of Transportation and Commonwealth Transportation Board to fund projects for the fiscal year 2016- 2021 Six-Year Improvement Program 6.Resolution requesting the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization fund a list of projects for thefiscal year 2016-2021 Regional Surface Transportation Program 7.Resolution requesting the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVAMPO) fund a Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) project for expansion and completion of the Tinker Creek Greenway in Roanoke County, Virginia 8.Request to accept and allocate a donation in the amount of $341.67 from Supervisor Al Bedrosian to the Debt Fund I.CITIZENS’ COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS J. REPORTS 1.General Fund Unappropriated Balance 2.Capital Reserves 3.Reserve for Board Contingency 4.Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of August 31, 2014 5.Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of August 31, 2014 6.Accounts Paid – August 31, 2014 7.Treasurer’s Statement of Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of August 31, 2014 8.Annual Report of the County of Roanoke Local Finance Board K.WORK SESSIONS 1.Work session to review the preliminary financial results for June 30, 2014, for the County of Roanoke (Rebecca Owens, Director of Finance) Page 4 of 6 2.Work session to discuss weed ordinanceenforcement as requested by Supervisor Joseph B. “Butch” Church(Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney) L.CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1.Section 2.2.3711.A.1 Discussion or consideration ofthe employment and appointment of specific public officers, appointeesor employees, namely the County Administrator 2.Section 2.2.3711.A.1 namely discussion concerning an appointment to the South Peak CDA; Total Action Against Poverty Board of Directors(At-Large) 3.Section 2.2.3711.A.3 Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the Board of Supervisors EVENING SESSION M.CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION N.PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1.Recognition of Daniel Norman, a Fire and Rescue volunteer who pulled a young man from a burning vehicle(Richard E. Burch, Jr., Chief of Fire and Rescue) O.PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OFORDINANCES 1.The petition of Ibnsina Karkenny to obtain a special use permit to expand the square footage of an existing convenience store by ten percent (10%)or greater in a AV, Agricultural/Village Center, District, on approximately 1.15 acres, located at 2938 Jae Valley Road, Vinton Magisterial District (Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) 2.The petition of Tracy Bryant to amend special use permit conditions to operate a garden center in a AVS, Agricultural/Village Center, District with a special use permit on a 0.763–acre portion of an approximately 1.94-acre parcel, located at 7796 Bent Mountain Road, Windsor Hills Magisterial District. The amended conditions would allow for the addition of a propane filling station to the existing garden center(Philip Thompson, Deputy Director of Planning) P.CITIZEN COMMENTS AND COMUNICATIONS Page 5 of 6 Q.REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Charlotte A. Moore 2. Al Bedrosian 3. Joseph B. “Butch” Church 4.P. Jason Peters 5. Joseph P. McNamara R.ADJOURNMENT Page 6 of 6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA,HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAYSEPTEMBER 23, 2014 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING FOR PUBLICATION AND CONCEPTUAL PHASE CONSIDERATION THE UNSOLICITED PROPOSAL FROM HHHUNTFOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE MURRAY RUN STREAM RESTORATION PROJECTUNDER THE PUBLIC- PRIVATE EDUCATION FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE ACT OF 2002 WHEREAS, the Public-Private Education Facilities and Infrastructure Act of 2002 (PPEA) allows the Roanoke CountyBoard of Supervisorsto create a public-private partnership to develop projects for public use; and WHEREAS, by Resolution 051303-4 the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted procedures for the implementation of the PPEA by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, HHHunthas submitted an unsolicited proposal under the provisions of the PPEA for the Murray Run Stream Restoration Project; and WHEREAS, theInterimCounty Administrator has reviewed this unsolicited proposal and has recommended to the Board of Supervisors this unsolicited proposal be formally accepted for review. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1.That there is a public need forthe restoration of MurrayRun to address an environmental problem and to improve the water quality of this stream. 2.That it chooses to accept the HHHuntunsolicited proposal for publication andconceptual phase consideration. Page 1 of 2 3.That it will proceed to use procedures developedthat are consistent with procurement of other than professional services through “competitive negotiation”, since doing so is likely to be advantageous to the County andthe public based upon either (i) the probable scope, complexity or urgency of need, or (ii) the risk sharing, added value, increase in funding or economic benefit from the project would otherwise not be available. The scope and complexity of the development of aCriminal Justice Academy requiresan innovative approach, such as competitivenegotiation, to the design and construction of a new facility. 4.That the County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is directed to post and publish the required notice thus allowing an opportunity for competing preliminary proposals to be submitted. Due to the complexity of the proposed project and the County’s desire to encourage competition, the notice shall state that competing proposals must be submitted on or prior to November 14, 2014, to be considered, rather than the minimum of forty-five (45) daysallowed by the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Public Private Educational Facilities and Infrastructure Act. The County Administrator is also authorized and directed to take such other actions as may be necessary to implement this resolution. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMNISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 ORDINANCE APPROVINGTHE AMENDMENT OF FIVE (5) OF THE SEVEN(7)AGREEMENTS WITH TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANIES AT 220 EAST MAIN STREET, SALEM, VIRGINIA (“DSS BUILDING”) WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County (the “County”) has entered into five(5)leases and two(2)licenses(the “Agreements”) currentlywith varying expiration dates and renewal options at a County-owned building known as the Department of Social Services (DSS) Building(the “Building”),formerly known as the Salem Bank and Trust Building, located at 220 E. Main Street, Salem, Virginia 24153; and WHEREAS, three(3) of the long-term leases were assumed with Roanoke County’s purchase of the Building on May15, 2001, authorized by theBoard by Ordinance 041001-10 and the other four(4)agreements have been entered into at various other times throughout the life of the ownership of the Building; and WHEREAS, all of the agreements had varying terms which contractually must be honored by the County; and WHEREAS, the County approved a comprehensive building renovation (by Ordinance062513-11authorizing an appropriation of funds to finance various public facility projects), which will require replacement of the roof and displacement of the tenants; and WHEREAS, County staff has been working torelocate tenants and alter the agreements without material breach while retaining the income stream from the contractsand minimizing costs to the project; and Page 1 of 4 WHEREAS, Roanoke County and the tenants have agreed, subject to this approval, to amend each of the agreements to reflect new locations of the equipment and other adjustments to each accordingly. WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on September 23, 2014, and the second reading of this ordinance was held onOctober 14, 2014. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the following Agreements are amended to read and provide as follows: Current Agreement: a)AT&T(Lease):Original ten-year term ended June nd 2008, in second(2)five-year option expiring2018, have an existing option New Amendment: expiring June 2023,currently paying $1,513 permonth; No changes to the economic terms, however the location of the leased area th changed from the roof to the interior fifth (5) floor, and costs associated with outfitting said space are includedin the overall capitalrenovation project. New “Rooftop Space” and new “Building Space” exhibits required to designate the new Leased Premises. Current Agreement b)CoxCom (License)::Original term July 2012 for five(5) years expiring 2017, and automatic year-to-year renewals, either party can No terminate with thirty (30) days’ notice, currently paying $75per month; New AmendmentRequired: No changes since they are currently in the basement not to be materially disturbed. Current Agreement c) City of Salem(Lease)::Original term May 1, 2010, expiring 2015, one(1) five-year renewal term expiring 2020, no current rent Page 2 of 4 payment but consideration is the City maintaining a fiber optic connection between the DSS Building and the Roanoke County Court Services Building; No New AgreementRequired : Staff hasdetermined that the equipment is not on the roof at this time sono changes needed to agreement, although the agreement preserves fiber optic cable arrangement with City of Salem not connected to this building renovation. Current Agreement: d)Lumos (License):Original five-year term October 1, 2013, expiring 2018, and automatic year-to-year renewals, either party can New terminate with thirty (30) days’ notice, currently paying $75 per month; Amendment: Rent increases to $175per monthin exchange for premium equipment positionand reimbursement for Roanoke County providing conduit;premises moved from rooftop to basement. Details to be determined once contractor is awarded and has input. Current Agreement: e)Ntelos(Lease):Original five-year term ended January nd 31, 2001, with three(3) five-year options, in second(2) five-year option expiring January 31, 2016, with one remaining five year option ending January 31, 2021, currently paying $1,984 per month, escalating fifteen New Amendment: percent (15%) at five-year option renewal date; Granted an additional five-year termthrough January 31, 2021, no change in rent or escalation terms, with Landlord reimbursing Tenant up to twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) in verifiable relocation costs. Current Agreement: f)U.S.Cellular(Lease):Original twenty-year term ends October 2018, with two(2)five-year options ending 2028, current monthly Page 3 of 4 rate is $2607.55 with annual escalations tied to the Consumer Price Index; New Agreement: Grant two(2) additional five-year options through the year 2038, rent remaining the same, afifteen percent (15%) escalation of rent at the five-year option renewal. Current Agreement: g)Verizon(Lease):Original term five-year term ended October 2007, with four(4), five-year options, currently in secondfive-year option ending October 2017, currently paying $1,380 per month, escalating by New Agreement: five percent (5%) at each renewal optionanniversary;No term changes except exhibit changes to reflect new rooftop location, and addition of one(1)parking space to the lease at one thousand dollars ($1,000) per month for Tenant to place a generator, which shall run on a year- to-year term.Rent total will become $2,380, combining the two(2)revenue streams once the parking space is made available to Verizon. 2.That the annual rents derived from the above named agreements are hereby appropriated to the former Salem Bank and Trust Buildingaccount. 3.That the County Administrator or an Assistant County Administrator, or any other person that either person designates is hereby authorized to execute a lease agreement oramendment on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and to execute such other documents and take such further actions as are necessary to accomplish this transaction, all of which shall be upon form and subject to the conditions approved by the County Attorney. 4.That this ordinance shall be effective on and from the date of its adoption. Page 4 of 4 AMENDMENT Building and Rooftop Option and Lease Agreement This Amendment, dated the ____ of __________, 2014, modifies that certain “Building th and Rooftop Option and Lease Agreement” dated March 6, 1998, made by and between East Main Street Properties, L.L.C. (now assumed by the County of Roanoke, Virginia) as Landlord and Triton PCS Property Company, L.L.C. (operating as AT&T)as Tenant, concerning a base station site on the roof ofthe building, located at 220 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia, (the Building.) Whereas, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisorspurchased the Building from East Main Street Properties, L.L.C. on May 15, 2001, assuming the Lease. Whereas, this Lease had an original ten (10) year term which expired in June 2008. nd Tenantis in their second (2) five (5) year option periodexpiring June 2018, with one option remaining five (5) year option expiring June 2023; Whereas, the Building’s roof had deteriorated into a state of disrepair that requires replacement of the roof; Whereas, the Landlordand Tenanthave agreed to relocate Tenant’s equipment to an th interior space on the fifth (5)floor of the building, withthe antennae remaining on the roof but in a different placementto correct the problems associated with operation the Building, which will necessitate a new Exhibit denoting the new Premises; Whereas,the Landlordand Tenanthave agreed to modifySectionsB (2)and (14) of the Lease. Whereas, Ordinance ____________________adopted by the Board of Supervisors on __________, 2014, approved an amendment to the Lease. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: I.1. Section B. 2.Usewhich sets forth the description of the Premises, is hereby deleted in its entirety and now reads: “Landlord does hereby grantTenant the right, during the Term (as defined below): (i) Rooftop Space”“Penthouse to mount up to twelve (12) antennas on the “and the Space” Exhibit B-2 as described on and at the heights shown on the attached REVISED 2014 as Tenant determines are necessary for the purposes of operating a wireless facility; (ii)to install transmission links and related communications th equipment in the 11 foot, 5 inches by 13foot, fifth (5) floor space as Tenant shall deem necessary for the purpose of operating a wireless facility (the equipment and Building Space.” any improvements within the “)The “Rooftop Space”, the Exhibit B-2 “Penthouse Space”, andthe “Building Space” will together comprise REVISED 2014. ” ** The Landlord represents that it will provide fencing, exterior cage, antenna mounts and a cable entry port on the “Rooftop Space.” ***The “Building Space” will have temperature controlled space with the costs of the power to be borne by the Tenant. 2. Section B 4: Rent: No changes made to the rent. 3. Section 14: Notices is hereby amended to read “If to Landlord to: County of Roanoke, Virginia; Attention Finance Department; P.O. Box 29800; 5204 Bernard Drive; Roanoke, Virginia 24018; with a copy to County of Roanoke, Virginia; Attention County Attorney’s Office; P.O. Box 29800; 5204 Bernard Drive: Roanoke, Virginia 24018. If to Tenant to:_____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 4. All relocation costs are to be borne by the Tenant. II.In all other respects, the Lease remains as originally written, and is hereby affirmed without change. This Lease may be executed in duplicate with each having the effect of an original. The submission of this Lease for examination does not constitute an offer to lease the Premises and this Lease becomes effective only upon the full execution of this Lease by the parties hereto. III.This Amendment is executed by a duly authorized administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Ordinance ______________________adopted by said Board on __________________, 2014. WHEREFORE, the parties have caused this Amendment to be duly subscribed below and are bound as of the day and year first above written. #/5.49 /& 2/!./+%Ǿ 6)2').)! By: _____________ Title:____________________________________________________ !¯¯±®µ¤£  ² ³® ¥®±¬Ȁ 2® ­®ª¤ #®´­³¸ !³³®±­¤¸ 4%.!.4Ȁ 42)4/. 0#3 02/0%249 #/-0!.9Ǿ ,ȁ,ȁ# By: Title:__________________________________________________________ !¯¯±®µ¤£  ² ³® ¥®±¬Ȁ Lessee Site Name: Downtown Salem Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement Amendment One To Lease dated October 23, 2002 This Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement Amendment One(“the First Amendment”), dated _____ of __________________, 2014, modifies that certain “Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement” dated October 23, 2002 made by and between Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, with its principal offices located at 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, Virginia, 24018, “Lessor” and CellcoPartnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, with its primary officelocatedat One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AW100, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920, “Lessee” (the “Lease”). Whereas, the Building’s roof had deteriorated into a state of disrepair that requires replacement of the roof; Whereas, the Lessor and Lessee have agreed to relocate Lessee’s equipment to a permanent platform rising above the roof which will necessitate a new Exhibit denoting the new Premises; Whereas, Lessor has also agreed to leaseto Lesseea parking space of 8’x18’ to place a generator, for the additional rent of one thousand ($1,000.00) per month; and Whereas, Ordinance ___________ adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia on ____________, 2014, approved an amendment to the Lease. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following: 1.Exhibit A to the Lease is hereby replaced with revised Exhibit A-1attached hereto and incorporated herein. 2.Exhibit A-2 attached hereto is hereby incorporated into the Lease. 3.Section 1 of the Lease,“Leased Premises”,is hereby amended to include the following: “LESSOR also leases to the LESSEE one hundred forty-four square feet (144 sq ft) of ground space within the area depicted in Exhibit A-2for its generator and sufficient space for the installationof conduit from the generator to the Building. The Premises shall also include this ground space.”Section 1 is also modified to the extent necessary to conform to Exhibit A-1 and A-2. Lessee Site Name: Downtown Salem 4.Commencing November 1, 2014, the annual rent shall be Thirty One Thousand Forty- Four Dollars ($31,044.00) 5.Section 6 of the Lease, “Rent for Extension Terms”,is hereby replaced with the following: “Annual rent for each five (5) year renewal term shall increase 15% over the annual rent for the immediately preceding five (5) year term.” 6.Section 13 of the Lease, “LESSOR’s Access to the Premises”,is hereby amended to include the following: “Subject to the terms of this Section 13, any servicing or testing of the generator, must be outside the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, except in case of an emergency.” In all other respects, the Lease remains as originally written,and is hereby affirmed without change. In the event of a conflict between the terms of the Lease and the terms of this First Amendment, the terms of this First Amendment shall control. This First Amendmentmay be executed in duplicate with each having the effect of an original. The submission of this First Amendmentfor examination does not constitute an offer to lease the Premises and this First Amendment becomes effective only upon the full execution of this First Amendmentby the parties hereto. This First Amendment is executed by a duly authorized administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Ordinance __________________ adopted by said Board on ____________________, ______. ,¤²²®±Ȁ "® ±£ ®¥ 3´¯¤±µ¨²®±² ®¥ 2® ­®ª¤ #®´­³¸Ǿ 6¨±¦¨­¨  By: _____________ Title:____________________________________________________ Date: !¯¯±®µ¤£  ² ³® ¥®±¬Ȁ LesseeȀ #¤««¢® 0 ±³­¤±²§¨¯ £ȝ¡ȝ  6¤±¨¹®­ __________________________________________________________ By: $ µ¨£ 2ȁ (¤verling Title:___!±¤  6¨¢¤ 0±¤²¨£¤­³ .¤³¶®±ª_ Date: WRW dengiseD AERAESAEL morFtprecxE SSELE RIWNOZIREV .oNnoisiveR TNEMECALPER TOLGNIKRAP etaD &,FOOR,CAV H-SSD .oNtce 80221jorP YTNUOCEKONAOR RR LESSEE EQUIPMENT PLATFORM PREMISES LESSEE 12'-4" OF 2)1 (PAGE A-1 EXHIBIT WRW Designed VERISON ASSIGNED ANTENNA LOCATIONS Excerpt From Revision No. REPLACEMENT Date ROANOKE COUNTY DSS - HVAC, ROOF, & PARKING LOT 12208Project No. LOCATIONS LOCATIONS RR ANTENNA ANTENNA ASSIGNED ASSIGNED LESSEE LESSEE ASSIGNED LOCATIONS LESSEE ANTENNA OF 2)2 (PAGE A-1 EXHIBIT OF 1)1 (PAGE A-2 EXHIBIT SITE NAME: DOWNTOWN SALEM RPH 9.16.14 PREPARED BY AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: PENNINGTON LAW FIRM,L.L.C. P.O. BOX 2844 COLUMBIA, S.C. 29202 COMMONWEALTHOF VIRGINIA) ) CITY OF SALEM) TaxMap #: 106-13-6 MEMORANDUM OF BUILDING AND ROOFTOP LEASE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT TO LEASE DATED OCTOBER 23, 2002 This Memorandum of Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement Amendment One To Lease dated October 23, 2002(“Memorandum”) is made this _____ day Board of Supervisors of of_______________, 201__,by and between Roanoke, Virginia, with its principal offices located at 5204 Bernard Drive, Cellco Partnership d/b/a Roanoke, Virginia, 24018,hereinafter “Lessor”, and Verizon Wireless , with its principal offices located at One Verizon Way, Mail Stop 4AW100, Basking Ridge, New Jersey 07920, hereinafter “Lessee”. 1.Lessorand Lesseeentered into a Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement onOctober 23, 2002(the “Agreement”), whereby the Lessor currently leasesto Lesseecertain space on the Lessee’s rooftop (the “Building”)and rights for utilities, ingress, egress and access (collectively, the “Premises”), all on the Lessor’s property at 220 East Main Street, Salem, Virginia, and as more particularly describedin the Agreement. 2.Lessorand Lesseeentered into a Building and Rooftop Lease Agreement Amendment One to Lease Dated October 23, 2002,dated _________________, 201___ (the “FirstAmendment”). Pursuant to the terms of the FirstAmendment, the Premises leased to Lessee ismodified to include the space depicted in Exhibit A-1 and to includeone hundred forty-four square feet (144 sq ft) of ground space within the area depicted in Exhibit A-2 for its generator, together withsufficient space for the installation of conduit from the generator to the Building. 3.Except for the limited purpose stated above, this Memorandum is not intended to replace, supersede or release Lessee’s rights under any memoranda previously recorded in connection with theAgreement. 4.Acopy of the Agreement and FirstAmendment is on file in the offices of Lessorand Lessee. 5.The terms, covenants and provisions of the Agreement and First Amendment shall extend to and be binding upon the respective administrators, successors and assigns of Lessor and Lessee. \[REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK\] \[SIGNATURES APPEAR ON NEXT PAGE\] 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hereunto and to a duplicate hereof, Lessorand Lesseehave caused this Memorandum to be duly executed on the date first written above. Lessor: Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia By: Name: _____________________ Title: _____________________ COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA: :SS COUNTY OF ROANOKE: I, ___________________, a Notary Public for said County and the Commonwealth of Virginia, do hereby certify that ___________________, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that s/he is Board of Supervisors of RoanokeCounty, Virginia, ___________________ of and that s/he executed the foregoing Memorandum on its behalf. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of , 201__. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 3 Lessee: Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless By: Name: David R. Heverling Title: Area Vice President Network STATE OF MASSACHUSETTS: :SS COUNTY OF WORCESTER: I, ___________________, a Notary Public for Worcester County and State of Massachusetts, do hereby certify that David R. Heverling, to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is Area Vice President Cellco Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless, Network of and that he executed the foregoing Memorandumon its behalf. Sworn to and subscribed before me this _____ day of , 201__. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 4 AMENDMENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES AND LICENSE AGREEMENT This Amendment, dated the ______ of __________________, 2014, modifies that certain “Telecommunications Facilities and License Agreement” (“Agreement”) made by and between th the Lumos Networks Inc. dba Lumos Networks (“Lumos”) dated the 5day of September,2013, allowing Lumos to maintain its telecommunications facilities (“Facilities”) at the building located at 220 E. Main Street, Salem Virginia (“Property”) to provide services including voice, video, data and other telecommunications to Owner’s tenants; and Whereas, the Agreement has an original five (5) year term which expires September 30, 2018, which would continue thereafter month to month until one party terminates the Agreement; Whereas, the Building’s roof had deteriorated into a state of disrepair that requires replacement of the roof; Whereas, the parties have agreed to relocate Lessee’s equipment from a rooftop location to a basement locationwhich will necessitate a new Exhibit denoting the new Facilities; Whereas, Ordinance #____________________ adopted by the Board of Supervisors on _________________, 2014, approved this Addendum to the Agreement. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenantscontained herein, the parties agree to the following; 1.The first paragraphof the Agreement prior to the enumerated terms and conditions shall be amended to read “Lumos agrees to pay Owner one hundred seventy-five ($175.00) monthly as rent for use of the Property.This payment of $175 per month shall begin on July 1, 2015 and continue as long as this Agreement is in effect.” 2.Section 4 “Obligations of Owner” is hereby modified to add a second paragraph which reads: “Owner agrees to provide: (i) an AC power circuit,(ii) external generator plug/port which shall be wired back to the safety disconnect of Facilities of agreed specifications to be attached to Exhibit A, (iii) access to a a40 amp breaker service with proper indoor ground, and (iv) use of conduits for the OSP fiber route and a 4”conduit to the rooftop junction box. 3.ADDITION OF NEW PARAGRAPH 10: “Facilities Premises”: Lumoshas the ability to place equipment will shall include a Emerson Cabinet (55”x33”x30”), a 12”x12”x10” “CFIT” cross connect boxon the basement floor (as indicated on Exhibit A: Floor Space Diagram) to house the tenant’s communications equipment. The surrounding space is known as “common area” and all authorized parties shall have a right of ingress and egressfrom that area. Owner acknowledges the purpose of the cabinet and its contents and shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety and functionality of the immediate area.SEE EXHIBIT A. In all other respects, the Agreement remains as originally written, and is hereby affirmed without change. This Agreement may be executed in duplicate with each having the effect of an original. The submission of this Agreementfor examination does not constitutean offer regarding the Property and this Agreement becomes effective only uponthe full execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto. This Amendment is executed by a duly authorized administrator of Roanoke County, Virginia, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Ordinance __________________adopted by said Board on ___________________, 2014. WHEREFORE, the parties have caused this Amendment to be duly subscribed below and are bound as of the day and year first above written. #/5.49 /& 2/!./+%Ǿ 6)2').)! By: _____________ Title:___________________________________________________ !¯¯±®µ¤£  ² ³® ¥®±¬Ȁ 2® ­®ª¤ #®´­³¸ !³³®±­¤¸ ,5-/3 .%47/2+Ǿ ).#ȁ By: Title:__________________________________________________________ !¯¯±®µ¤£  ² ³® ¥®±¬Ȁ C102 CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 10' 1" = basementpointof new to relocation bedesignated fiber our penetration can Lumos to Equipment conduit create new we the the so the in in the andpull 2'' accommodate building outside space to from a backLumos to to need connect Pullbox Lumos placed thethe route We the of to C103 SITE/STAKEOUT/EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 10' A 1" = 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 C104 LANDSCAPING PLAN & DETAILS CONTOUR INTERVAL = 1' GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 10' 1" = C105 MISCELLANEOUS/E&S CONTROL DETAILS TYPICAL SECTION - PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT TYPICAL 60° PARKING STALL LAYOUT AND HANDICAP PARKING TYPICAL DETAIL - CURB STOP TYPICAL PARKING STALL LAYOUT A 4 4 Ntelos pullstringsthroughrooftop.toaccessadditionalthrough.pullcabinet up Lumos pull would to right andused basementcustomer our place the pulled new carrier designated routed services. withstopped an be to on the Please that will back conduit area feasibly another be to a conduit the so and fiber place up our Ntelos can end. the LBs 3'' in chaseway conduitbe Ntelos' platform ifutilize space from can a the and This as can proposed need well Lumos on placed points Note: to leasecable their both This box Welike the as Project Overview Project Overview Current Project Current Project Cellular Leases Cellular Leases: Major Changes Attachment A Supts Memo No. 201-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services FY 2015 (School Year 2014-2015) Equipment Allocation by School Division Total Division Division CTE Enrollment Floor Enrollment-Based Division NameEquipment No.SY 2013-2014EntitlementEntitlement Allocation - $ 001 ACCOMACK COUNTY2,781$2,000.00$7,155.32$9,155.32 002 ALBEMARLE COUNTY4,087$2,000.00$10,515.57$12,515.57 003 ALLEGHANY COUNTY837$2,000.00$2,153.54$4,153.54 004 AMELIA COUNTY466$2,000.00$1,198.99$3,198.99 005 AMHERST COUNTY2,217$2,000.00$5,704.19$7,704.19 006 APPOMATTOX COUNTY1,748$2,000.00$4,497.48$6,497.48 007 ARLINGTON CITY7,841$2,000.00$20,174.36$22,174.36 008 AUGUSTA COUNTY7,612$2,000.00$19,585.16$21,585.16 009 BATH COUNTY156$2,000.00$401.38$2,401.38 010 BEDFORD COUNTY4,013$2,000.00$10,325.18$12,325.18 011 BLAND COUNTY428$2,000.00$1,101.21$3,101.21 012 BOTETOURT COUNTY3,540$2,000.00$9,108.18$11,108.18 013 BRUNSWICK COUNTY1,194$2,000.00$3,072.08$5,072.08 014 BUCHANAN COUNTY2,089$2,000.00$5,374.85$7,374.85 015 BUCKINGHAM COUNTY1,125$2,000.00$2,894.55$4,894.55 016 CAMPBELL COUNTY2,248$2,000.00$5,783.95$7,783.95 017 CAROLINE COUNTY1,475$2,000.00$3,795.07$5,795.07 018 CARROLL COUNTY4,292$2,000.00$11,043.02$13,043.02 019 CHARLES CITY COUNTY491$2,000.00$1,263.31$3,263.31 020 CHARLOTTE COUNTY1,312$2,000.00$3,375.69$5,375.69 021 CHESTERFIELD COUNTY15,365$2,000.00$39,533.10$41,533.10 022 CLARKE COUNTY1,160$2,000.00$2,984.60$4,984.60 023 CRAIG COUNTY524$2,000.00$1,348.22$3,348.22 024 CULPEPER COUNTY4,593$2,000.00$11,817.48$13,817.48 025 CUMBERLAND COUNTY464$2,000.00$1,193.84$3,193.84 026 DICKENSON COUNTY1,389$2,000.00$3,573.80$5,573.80 027 DINWIDDIE COUNTY1,266$2,000.00$3,257.33$5,257.33 028 ESSEX COUNTY472$2,000.00$1,214.42$3,214.42 029 FAIRFAX COUNTY58,715$2,000.00$151,069.70$153,069.70 030 FAUQUIER COUNTY8,379$2,000.00$21,558.60$23,558.60 031 FLOYD COUNTY971$2,000.00$2,498.32$4,498.32 032 FLUVANNA COUNTY1,938$2,000.00$4,986.34$6,986.34 033 FRANKLIN COUNTY5,309$2,000.00$13,659.69$15,659.69 034 FREDERICK COUNTY9,406$2,000.00$24,201.00$26,201.00 035 GILES COUNTY1,152$2,000.00$2,964.02$4,964.02 036 GLOUCESTER COUNTY2,658$2,000.00$6,838.85$8,838.85 037 GOOCHLAND COUNTY1,415$2,000.00$3,640.70$5,640.70 038 GRAYSON COUNTY1,165$2,000.00$2,997.47$4,997.47 039 GREENE COUNTY1,071$2,000.00$2,755.61$4,755.61 040 GREENSVILLE COUNTY1,905$2,000.00$4,901.44$6,901.44 041 HALIFAX COUNTY3,702$2,000.00$9,524.99$11,524.99 042 HANOVER COUNTY6,787$2,000.00$17,462.49$19,462.49 043 HENRICO COUNTY23,726$2,000.00$61,045.38$63,045.38 044 HENRY COUNTY5,792$2,000.00$14,902.42$16,902.42 Page 1 of 3 Attachment A Supts Memo No. 201-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services FY 2015 (School Year 2014-2015) Equipment Allocation by School Division Total Division Division CTE Enrollment Floor Enrollment-Based Division NameEquipment No.SY 2013-2014EntitlementEntitlement Allocation - $ 045 HIGHLAND COUNTY142$2,000.00$365.36$2,365.36 046 ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY2,228$2,000.00$5,732.49$7,732.49 048 KING GEORGE COUNTY1,778$2,000.00$4,574.67$6,574.67 049 KING AND QUEEN COUNTY189$2,000.00$486.28$2,486.28 050 KING WILLIAM COUNTY1,009$2,000.00$2,596.09$4,596.09 051 LANCASTER COUNTY380$2,000.00$977.71$2,977.71 052 LEE COUNTY1,985$2,000.00$5,107.27$7,107.27 053 LOUDOUN COUNTY26,125$2,000.00$67,217.84$69,217.84 054 LOUISA COUNTY1,533$2,000.00$3,944.30$5,944.30 055 LUNENBURG COUNTY877$2,000.00$2,256.46$4,256.46 056 MADISON COUNTY829$2,000.00$2,132.96$4,132.96 057 MATHEWS COUNTY691$2,000.00$1,777.90$3,777.90 058 MECKLENBURG COUNTY2,736$2,000.00$7,039.54$9,039.54 059 MIDDLESEX COUNTY525$2,000.00$1,350.79$3,350.79 060 MONTGOMERY COUNTY3,881$2,000.00$9,985.55$11,985.55 062 NELSON COUNTY1,690$2,000.00$4,348.25$6,348.25 063 NEW KENT COUNTY1,260$2,000.00$3,241.89$5,241.89 065 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY521$2,000.00$1,340.50$3,340.50 066 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY514$2,000.00$1,322.49$3,322.49 067 NOTTOWAY COUNTY1,233$2,000.00$3,172.42$5,172.42 068 ORANGE COUNTY3,167$2,000.00$8,148.47$10,148.47 069 PAGE COUNTY2,278$2,000.00$5,861.14$7,861.14 070 PATRICK COUNTY1,618$2,000.00$4,163.00$6,163.00 071 PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY8,331$2,000.00$21,435.09$23,435.09 072 POWHATAN COUNTY2,378$2,000.00$6,118.43$8,118.43 073 PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY1,227$2,000.00$3,156.99$5,156.99 074 PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY4,322$2,000.00$11,120.21$13,120.21 075 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY44,385$2,000.00$114,199.58$116,199.58 077 PULASKI COUNTY2,218$2,000.00$5,706.76$7,706.76 078 RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY243$2,000.00$625.22$2,625.22 079 RICHMOND COUNTY519$2,000.00$1,335.35$3,335.35 080 ROANOKE COUNTY7,482$2,000.00$19,250.68$21,250.68 081 ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY2,033$2,000.00$5,230.77$7,230.77 082 ROCKINGHAM COUNTY5,761$2,000.00$14,822.66$16,822.66 083 RUSSELL COUNTY1,437$2,000.00$3,697.30$5,697.30 084 SCOTT COUNTY2,171$2,000.00$5,585.83$7,585.83 085 SHENANDOAH COUNTY3,563$2,000.00$9,167.36$11,167.36 086 SMYTH COUNTY4,011$2,000.00$10,320.03$12,320.03 087 SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY1,201$2,000.00$3,090.09$5,090.09 088 SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY15,262$2,000.00$39,268.08$41,268.08 089 STAFFORD COUNTY16,578$2,000.00$42,654.06$44,654.06 090 SURRY COUNTY541$2,000.00$1,391.96$3,391.96 091 SUSSEX COUNTY662$2,000.00$1,703.28$3,703.28 092 TAZEWELL COUNTY3,314$2,000.00$8,526.70$10,526.70 Page 2 of 3 Attachment A Supts Memo No. 201-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services FY 2015 (School Year 2014-2015) Equipment Allocation by School Division Total Division Division CTE Enrollment Floor Enrollment-Based Division NameEquipment No.SY 2013-2014EntitlementEntitlement Allocation - $ 093 WARREN COUNTY2,826$2,000.00$7,271.11$9,271.11 094 WASHINGTON COUNTY5,837$2,000.00$15,018.20$17,018.20 095 WESTMORELAND COUNTY1,072$2,000.00$2,758.18$4,758.18 096 WISE COUNTY3,466$2,000.00$8,917.78$10,917.78 097 WYTHE COUNTY3,144$2,000.00$8,089.30$10,089.30 098 YORK COUNTY2,892$2,000.00$7,440.92$9,440.92 101 ALEXANDRIA CITY4,558$2,000.00$11,727.42$13,727.42 102 BRISTOL CITY1,327$2,000.00$3,414.28$5,414.28 103 BUENA VISTA CITY633$2,000.00$1,628.67$3,628.67 104 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY757$2,000.00$1,947.71$3,947.71 106 COLONIAL HEIGHTS CITY1,084$2,000.00$2,789.06$4,789.06 107 COVINGTON CITY242$2,000.00$622.65$2,622.65 108 DANVILLE CITY3,376$2,000.00$8,686.22$10,686.22 109 FALLS CHURCH CITY838$2,000.00$2,156.12$4,156.12 110 FREDERICKSBURG CITY1,132$2,000.00$2,912.56$4,912.56 111 GALAX CITY794$2,000.00$2,042.91$4,042.91 112 HAMPTON CITY10,574$2,000.00$27,206.18$29,206.18 113 HARRISONBURG CITY2,666$2,000.00$6,859.44$8,859.44 114 HOPEWELL CITY2,351$2,000.00$6,048.96$8,048.96 115 LYNCHBURG CITY4,379$2,000.00$11,266.87$13,266.87 116 MARTINSVILLE CITY1,486$2,000.00$3,823.38$5,823.38 117 NEWPORT NEWS CITY11,560$2,000.00$29,743.09$31,743.09 118 NORFOLK CITY8,964$2,000.00$23,063.76$25,063.76 119 NORTON CITY168$2,000.00$432.25$2,432.25 120 PETERSBURG CITY2,226$2,000.00$5,727.35$7,727.35 121 PORTSMOUTH CITY5,992$2,000.00$15,417.01$17,417.01 122 RADFORD CITY286$2,000.00$735.86$2,735.86 123 RICHMOND CITY8,289$2,000.00$21,327.03$23,327.03 124 ROANOKE CITY4,420$2,000.00$11,372.36$13,372.36 126 STAUNTON CITY1,057$2,000.00$2,719.59$4,719.59 127 SUFFOLK CITY8,072$2,000.00$20,768.71$22,768.71 128 VIRGINIA BEACH CITY33,591$2,000.00$86,427.35$88,427.35 130 WAYNESBORO CITY1,374$2,000.00$3,535.21$5,535.21 131 WILLIAMSBURG CITY - JAMES CITY CO.2,218$2,000.00$5,706.76$7,706.76 132 WINCHESTER CITY1,691$2,000.00$4,350.83$6,350.83 135 FRANKLIN CITY491$2,000.00$1,263.31$3,263.31 136 CHESAPEAKE CITY18,576$2,000.00$47,794.78$49,794.78 139 SALEM CITY2,780$2,000.00$7,152.75$9,152.75 142 POQUOSON CITY1,017$2,000.00$2,616.67$4,616.67 143 MANASSAS CITY2,662$2,000.00$6,849.14$8,849.14 144 MANASSAS PARK CITY1,832$2,000.00$4,713.61$6,713.61 202 COLONIAL BEACH185$2,000.00$475.99$2,475.99 207 WEST POINT475$2,000.00$1,222.14$3,222.14 SCHOOL DIVISIONS TOTAL:567,464$262,000.00$1,460,046.16$1,722,046.16 Page 3 of 3 Attachment A, Memo No. 074-14 March 28, 2014 CARL D. PERKINS CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ACT of 2006 PUBLIC LAW 109-270 U. S. CENSUS BUREAU INCOME YEAR 2012 - POVERTY DATA NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION (NCES) COMMON CORE DATA SY 2011-12 STUDENTS AGES 5 - 17 SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 PERKINS SECONDARY PROGRAMS ALLOCATIONS GRANT FUNDS ALLOCATION - July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Age 5 - 17 70% of Entitlement 30% of Entitlement Age 5 - 17 SY 2014 - 2015 EA NO.SCHOOL DIVISIONChildren in Allocated Based on Allocated Based on EnrollmentTotal Entitlements PovertyPovertyEnrollment 001ACCOMACK 1,531$96,756.685,132$20,909.21$117,665.89 002ALBEMARLE1,546$97,704.6613,104$53,389.37$151,094.03 003ALLEGHANY451$28,502.462,599$10,589.06$39,091.52 004AMELIA357$22,561.811,780$7,252.22$29,814.03 005AMHERST893$56,436.134,526$18,440.19$74,876.32 006APPOMATTOX549$34,695.902,310$9,411.59$44,107.49 007ARLINGTON2,173$137,330.0321,892$89,194.15$226,524.18 008AUGUSTA1,338$84,559.4010,743$43,770.00$128,329.40 009BATH84$5,308.66674$2,746.07$8,054.73 010BEDFORD1,470$92,901.5810,562$43,032.55$135,934.13 011BLAND142$8,974.17866$3,528.33$12,502.50 012BOTETOURT482$30,461.615,051$20,579.19$51,040.80 013BRUNSWICK622$39,309.382,030$8,270.79$47,580.17 014BUCHANAN845$53,402.613,310$13,485.87$66,888.48 015BUCKINGHAM605$38,235.002,059$8,388.94$46,623.94 016CAMPBELL1,431$90,436.858,371$34,105.80$124,542.65 017CAROLINE825$52,138.644,317$17,588.67$69,727.31 018CARROLL998$63,071.964,348$17,714.97$80,786.93 019CHARLES CITY CO.159$10,048.54804$3,275.72$13,324.26 020CHARLOTTE513$32,420.762,096$8,539.69$40,960.45 021CHESTERFIELD5,366$339,122.3759,200$241,197.41$580,319.78 022CLARKE213$13,461.252,065$8,413.39$21,874.64 023CRAIG163$10,301.33708$2,884.59$13,185.92 024CULPEPER1,276$80,641.107,808$31,811.98$112,453.08 025CUMBERLAND375$23,699.381,478$6,021.79$29,721.17 026DICKENSON541$34,190.312,484$10,120.51$44,310.82 027DINWIDDIE661$41,774.114,453$18,142.77$59,916.88 028ESSEX423$26,732.901,627$6,628.85$33,361.75 029FAIRFAX14,829$937,168.36177,606$723,616.64$1,660,785.00 030FAUQUIER848$53,592.2111,244$45,811.21$99,403.42 031FLOYD438$27,680.882,042$8,319.68$36,000.56 032FLUVANNA401$25,342.543,800$15,482.27$40,824.81 033FRANKLIN CO.1,564$98,842.237,500$30,557.10$129,399.33 034FREDERICK1,609$101,686.1513,035$53,108.25$154,794.40 035GILES421$26,606.512,445$9,961.62$36,568.13 036GLOUCESTER784$49,547.515,795$23,610.46$73,157.97 037GOOCHLAND256$16,178.782,399$9,774.20$25,952.98 038GRAYSON513$32,420.761,864$7,594.46$40,015.22 039GREENE419$26,480.113,014$12,279.88$38,759.99 040GREENSVILLE702$44,365.252,612$10,642.02$55,007.27 041HALIFAX1,489$94,102.355,840$23,793.80$117,896.15 042HANOVER1,170$73,942.0818,531$75,500.49$149,442.57 043HENRICO6,417$405,543.8549,654$202,304.32$607,848.17 044HENRY2,083$131,642.177,463$30,406.36$162,048.53 045HIGHLAND42$2,654.33217$884.12$3,538.45 046ISLE OF WIGHT699$44,175.655,519$22,485.95$66,661.60 048KING GEORGE433$27,364.894,092$16,671.96$44,036.85 049KING & QUEEN191$12,070.89757$3,084.23$15,155.12 050KING WILLIAM248$15,673.192,252$9,175.28$24,848.47 051LANCASTER331$20,918.661,300$5,296.56$26,215.22 052LEE1,201$75,901.223,594$14,642.96$90,544.18 053LOUDOUN2,729$172,468.3165,585$267,211.69$439,680.00 054LOUISA810$51,190.674,706$19,173.56$70,364.23 055LUNENBURG510$32,231.161,637$6,669.60$38,900.76 056MADISON364$23,004.201,847$7,525.20$30,529.40 057MATHEWS187$11,818.091,180$4,807.65$16,625.74 Page 1 of 3 Attachment A, Memo No. 074-14 March 28, 2014 CARL D. PERKINS CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ACT of 2006 PUBLIC LAW 109-270 U. S. CENSUS BUREAU INCOME YEAR 2012 - POVERTY DATA NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION (NCES) COMMON CORE DATA SY 2011-12 STUDENTS AGES 5 - 17 SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 PERKINS SECONDARY PROGRAMS ALLOCATIONS GRANT FUNDS ALLOCATION - July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Age 5 - 17 70% of Entitlement 30% of Entitlement Age 5 - 17 SY 2014 - 2015 EA NO.SCHOOL DIVISIONChildren in Allocated Based on Allocated Based on EnrollmentTotal Entitlements PovertyPovertyEnrollment 058MECKLENBURG1,205$76,154.024,791$19,519.88$95,673.90 059MIDDLESEX287$18,137.931,226$4,995.07$23,133.00 060MONTGOMERY1,741$110,028.349,610$39,153.84$149,182.18 062NELSON433$27,364.891,983$8,079.30$35,444.19 063NEW KENT281$17,758.742,938$11,970.24$29,728.98 065NORTHAMPTON531$33,558.331,809$7,370.37$40,928.70 066NORTHUMBERLAND385$24,331.371,494$6,086.98$30,418.35 067NOTTOWAY645$40,762.942,357$9,603.08$50,366.02 068ORANGE751$47,461.965,239$21,345.16$68,807.12 069PAGE716$45,250.023,669$14,948.54$60,198.56 070PATRICK615$38,866.992,510$10,226.44$49,093.43 071PITTSYLVANIA1,850$116,916.969,245$37,666.72$154,583.68 072POWHATAN358$22,625.014,436$18,073.51$40,698.52 073PRINCE EDWARD759$47,967.552,407$9,806.79$57,774.34 074PRINCE GEORGE676$42,722.096,438$26,230.22$68,952.31 075PRINCE WILLIAM7,721$487,954.5081,937$333,834.32$821,788.82 077PULASKI985$62,250.384,590$18,700.95$80,951.33 078RAPPAHANNOCK162$10,238.13898$3,658.70$13,896.83 079RICHMOND CO.248$15,673.191,177$4,795.43$20,468.62 080ROANOKE CO.1,229$77,670.7814,454$58,889.65$136,560.43 081ROCKBRIDGE556$35,138.293,317$13,514.39$48,652.68 082ROCKINGHAM1,662$105,035.6711,802$48,084.66$153,120.33 083RUSSELL920$58,142.494,430$18,049.06$76,191.55 084SCOTT819$51,759.453,667$14,940.39$66,699.84 085SHENANDOAH1,057$66,800.666,177$25,166.83$91,967.49 086SMYTH1,157$73,120.504,810$19,597.29$92,717.79 087SOUTHAMPTON551$34,822.292,880$11,733.93$46,556.22 088SPOTSYLVANIA2,588$163,557.3423,817$97,037.14$260,594.48 089STAFFORD1,668$105,414.8627,333$111,362.31$216,777.17 090SURRY183$11,565.30928$3,780.93$15,346.23 091SUSSEX361$22,814.611,141$4,648.75$27,463.36 092TAZEWELL1,537$97,135.876,552$26,694.69$123,830.56 093WARREN913$57,700.105,329$21,711.84$79,411.94 094WASHINGTON1,416$89,488.877,383$30,080.41$119,569.28 095WESTMORELAND553$34,948.691,726$7,032.21$41,980.90 096WISE1,557$98,399.846,246$25,447.96$123,847.80 097WYTHE925$58,458.484,401$17,930.91$76,389.39 098YORK911$57,573.7012,547$51,120.00$108,693.70 101ALEXANDRIA CITY2,386$150,791.2812,396$50,504.78$201,296.06 102BRISTOL CITY767$48,473.142,409$9,814.94$58,288.08 103BUENA VISTA CITY217$13,714.041,221$4,974.70$18,688.74 104CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY1,063$67,179.854,175$17,010.12$84,189.97 106COLONIAL HEIGHTS CITY444$28,060.072,884$11,750.22$39,810.29 107COVINGTON CITY185$11,691.70942$3,837.97$15,529.67 108DANVILLE CITY2,559$161,724.596,330$25,790.20$187,514.79 109FALLS CHURCH CITY67$4,234.292,183$8,894.15$13,128.44 110FREDERICKSBURG CITY834$52,707.433,270$13,322.90$66,030.33 111GALAX CITY389$24,584.161,274$5,190.63$29,774.79 112HAMPTON CITY5,010$316,623.7621,588$87,955.57$404,579.33 113HARRISONBURG CITY1,332$84,180.214,793$19,528.03$103,708.24 114HOPEWELL CITY1,109$70,086.984,284$17,454.22$87,541.20 115LYNCHBURG CITY2,769$174,996.258,688$35,397.35$210,393.60 116MARTINSVILLE CITY781$49,357.922,317$9,440.11$58,798.03 117NEWPORT NEWS CITY7,114$449,593.1029,948$122,016.55$571,609.65 118NORFOLK CITY9,030$570,681.1533,461$136,329.50$707,010.65 119NORTON CITY172$10,870.12904$3,683.15$14,553.27 Page 2 of 3 Attachment A, Memo No. 074-14 March 28, 2014 CARL D. PERKINS CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION ACT of 2006 PUBLIC LAW 109-270 U. S. CENSUS BUREAU INCOME YEAR 2012 - POVERTY DATA NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION (NCES) COMMON CORE DATA SY 2011-12 STUDENTS AGES 5 - 17 SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 PERKINS SECONDARY PROGRAMS ALLOCATIONS GRANT FUNDS ALLOCATION - July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 Age 5 - 17 70% of Entitlement 30% of Entitlement Age 5 - 17 SY 2014 - 2015 EA NO.SCHOOL DIVISIONChildren in Allocated Based on Allocated Based on EnrollmentTotal Entitlements PovertyPovertyEnrollment 120PETERSBURG CITY1,691$106,868.424,534$18,472.79$125,341.21 121PORTSMOUTH CITY4,558$288,058.1015,261$62,177.59$350,235.69 122RADFORD CITY325$20,539.471,573$6,408.84$26,948.31 123RICHMOND CITY9,586$605,819.4323,336$95,077.41$700,896.84 124ROANOKE CITY4,142$261,767.5913,094$53,348.63$315,116.22 126STAUNTON CITY725$45,818.812,681$10,923.15$56,741.96 127SUFFOLK CITY2,607$164,758.1114,420$58,751.12$223,509.23 128VIRGINIA BEACH CITY9,249$584,521.5970,978$289,184.28$873,705.87 130WAYNESBORO CITY814$51,443.463,274$13,339.19$64,782.65 131WILLIAMSBURG CITY1,355$85,633.7710,975$44,715.23$130,349.00 132WINCHESTER CITY888$56,120.144,103$16,716.77$72,836.91 135FRANKLIN CITY475$30,019.221,271$5,178.41$35,197.63 136CHESAPEAKE CITY5,442$343,925.4539,468$160,803.70$504,729.15 139SALEM CITY504$31,851.973,916$15,954.88$47,806.85 142POQUOSON CITY125$7,899.792,232$9,093.79$16,993.58 143MANASSAS CITY1,195$75,522.037,154$29,147.40$104,669.43 144MANASSAS PARK CITY408$25,784.933,019$12,300.25$38,085.18 202COLONIAL BEACH112$7,078.22593$2,416.05$9,494.27 207WEST POINT74$4,676.68762$3,104.60$7,781.28 TOTALS189,135$11,953,020.931,257,332$5,122,723.25$17,075,744.18 Page 3 of 3 Attachment A Memo No. 200-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services WRS for the Commonwealth and/or Other Industry Certification Assessments Allocation listed by School Division June 2014 and School Year 2014-2015 CTE Div. School Division School Division Name Enrollment No.Allocation - $ SY 2013-2014 001ACCOMACK COUNTY 2,781$1,500.36 002ALBEMARLE COUNTY 4,087$2,204.95 003ALLEGHANY COUNTY 837$451.56 004AMELIA COUNTY 466$251.41 005AMHERST COUNTY 2,217$1,196.08 006APPOMATTOX COUNTY 1,748$943.05 007ARLINGTON CITY 7,841$4,230.24 008AUGUSTA COUNTY 7,612$4,106.70 009BATH COUNTY 156$84.16 010BEDFORD COUNTY 4,013$2,165.03 011BLAND COUNTY 428$230.91 012BOTETOURT COUNTY 3,540$1,909.84 013BRUNSWICK COUNTY 1,194$644.17 014BUCHANAN COUNTY 2,089$1,127.02 015BUCKINGHAM COUNTY 1,125$606.94 016CAMPBELL COUNTY 2,248$1,212.80 017CAROLINE COUNTY 1,475$795.77 018CARROLL COUNTY 4,292$2,315.55 019CHARLES CITY COUNTY 491$264.90 020CHARLOTTE COUNTY 1,312$707.83 021CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 15,365$8,289.46 022CLARKE COUNTY 1,160$625.82 023CRAIG COUNTY 524$282.70 024CULPEPER COUNTY 4,593$2,477.94 025CUMBERLAND COUNTY 464$250.33 026DICKENSON COUNTY 1,389$749.37 027DINWIDDIE COUNTY 1,266$683.01 028ESSEX COUNTY 472$254.65 029FAIRFAX COUNTY 58,715$31,676.87 030FAUQUIER COUNTY 8,379$4,520.49 031FLOYD COUNTY 971$523.86 032FLUVANNA COUNTY 1,938$1,045.56 033FRANKLIN COUNTY 5,309$2,864.22 034FREDERICK COUNTY 9,406$5,074.56 035GILES COUNTY 1,152$621.51 036GLOUCESTER COUNTY 2,658$1,434.00 037GOOCHLAND COUNTY 1,415$763.40 038GRAYSON COUNTY 1,165$628.52 039GREENE COUNTY 1,071$577.81 040GREENSVILLE COUNTY 1,905$1,027.75 041HALIFAX COUNTY 3,702$1,997.24 042HANOVER COUNTY 6,787$3,661.61 043HENRICO COUNTY 23,726$12,800.25 044HENRY COUNTY 5,792$3,124.80 045HIGHLAND COUNTY 142$76.61 046ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 2,228$1,202.01 Page 1 of 3 Attachment A Memo No. 200-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services WRS for the Commonwealth and/or Other Industry Certification Assessments Allocation listed by School Division June 2014 and School Year 2014-2015 CTE Div. School Division School Division Name Enrollment No.Allocation - $ SY 2013-2014 048KING GEORGE COUNTY 1,778$959.24 049KING AND QUEEN COUNTY 189$101.97 050KING WILLIAM COUNTY 1,009$544.36 051LANCASTER COUNTY 380$205.01 052LEE COUNTY 1,985$1,070.91 053LOUDOUN COUNTY 26,125$14,094.51 054LOUISA COUNTY 1,533$827.06 055LUNENBURG COUNTY 877$473.14 056MADISON COUNTY 829$447.25 057MATHEWS COUNTY 691$372.80 058MECKLENBURG COUNTY 2,736$1,476.08 059MIDDLESEX COUNTY 525$283.24 060MONTGOMERY COUNTY 3,881$2,093.81 062NELSON COUNTY 1,690$911.76 063NEW KENT COUNTY 1,260$679.77 065NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 521$281.08 066NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 514$277.30 067NOTTOWAY COUNTY 1,233$665.21 068ORANGE COUNTY 3,167$1,708.61 069PAGE COUNTY 2,278$1,228.99 070PATRICK COUNTY 1,618$872.92 071PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY 8,331$4,494.60 072POWHATAN COUNTY 2,378$1,282.94 073PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 1,227$661.97 074PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY 4,322$2,331.73 075PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY 44,385$23,945.84 077PULASKI COUNTY 2,218$1,196.62 078RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY 243$131.10 079RICHMOND COUNTY 519$280.00 080ROANOKE COUNTY 7,482$4,036.56 081ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY 2,033$1,096.81 082ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 5,761$3,108.08 083RUSSELL COUNTY 1,437$775.27 084SCOTT COUNTY 2,171$1,171.26 085SHENANDOAH COUNTY 3,563$1,922.25 086SMYTH COUNTY 4,011$2,163.95 087SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 1,201$647.94 088SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 15,262$8,233.89 089STAFFORD COUNTY 16,578$8,943.88 090SURRY COUNTY 541$291.87 091SUSSEX COUNTY 662$357.15 092TAZEWELL COUNTY 3,314$1,787.91 093WARREN COUNTY 2,826$1,524.64 094WASHINGTON COUNTY 5,837$3,149.08 095WESTMORELAND COUNTY 1,072$578.35 096WISE COUNTY 3,466$1,869.92 Page 2 of 3 Attachment A Memo No. 200-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services WRS for the Commonwealth and/or Other Industry Certification Assessments Allocation listed by School Division June 2014 and School Year 2014-2015 CTE Div. School Division School Division Name Enrollment No.Allocation - $ SY 2013-2014 097WYTHE COUNTY 3,144$1,696.20 098YORK COUNTY 2,892$1,560.24 101ALEXANDRIA CITY 4,558$2,459.05 102BRISTOL CITY 1,327$715.92 103BUENA VISTA CITY 633$341.51 104CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY 757$408.40 106COLONIAL HEIGHTS CITY 1,084$584.82 107COVINGTON CITY 242$130.56 108DANVILLE CITY 3,376$1,821.36 109FALLS CHURCH CITY 838$452.10 110FREDERICKSBURG CITY 1,132$610.72 111GALAX CITY 794$428.37 112HAMPTON CITY 10,574$5,704.70 113HARRISONBURG CITY 2,666$1,438.31 114HOPEWELL CITY 2,351$1,268.37 115LYNCHBURG CITY 4,379$2,362.48 116MARTINSVILLE CITY 1,486$801.70 117NEWPORT NEWS CITY 11,560$6,236.65 118NORFOLK CITY 8,964$4,836.10 119NORTON CITY 168$90.64 120PETERSBURG CITY 2,226$1,200.93 121PORTSMOUTH CITY 5,992$3,232.70 122RADFORD CITY 286$154.30 123RICHMOND CITY 8,289$4,471.94 124ROANOKE CITY 4,420$2,384.60 126STAUNTON CITY 1,057$570.25 127SUFFOLK CITY 8,072$4,354.87 128VIRGINIA BEACH CITY 33,591$18,122.44 130WAYNESBORO CITY 1,374$741.28 131WILLIAMSBURG CITY - JAMES CITY COUNTY2,218$1,196.62 132WINCHESTER CITY 1,691$912.30 135FRANKLIN CITY 491$264.90 136CHESAPEAKE CITY 18,576$10,021.81 139SALEM CITY 2,780$1,499.82 142POQUOSON CITY 1,017$548.67 143MANASSAS CITY 2,662$1,436.16 144MANASSAS PARK CITY 1,832$988.37 202COLONIAL BEACH 185$99.81 207WEST POINT 475$256.26 TOTAL SCHOOL DIVISIONS:567,464$306,148.48 Page 3 of 3 Attachment A Memo No. 199-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services Industry Certification Examinations, Licensure Tests, and Occupational Competency Assessments Allocation by School Division June 2014 and School Year 2014-2015 School Division CTE Div. Industry School Division Name Enrollment No.Certification SY 2013-2014 Allocation - $ 001ACCOMACK COUNTY 2,781$6,472.18 002ALBEMARLE COUNTY 4,087$9,511.62 003ALLEGHANY COUNTY 837$1,947.94 004AMELIA COUNTY 466$1,084.52 005AMHERST COUNTY 2,217$5,159.59 006APPOMATTOX COUNTY 1,748$4,068.10 007ARLINGTON CITY 7,841$18,248.26 008AUGUSTA COUNTY 7,612$17,715.31 009BATH COUNTY 156$363.06 010BEDFORD COUNTY 4,013$9,339.40 011BLAND COUNTY 428$996.08 012BOTETOURT COUNTY 3,540$8,238.59 013BRUNSWICK COUNTY 1,194$2,778.78 014BUCHANAN COUNTY 2,089$4,861.70 015BUCKINGHAM COUNTY 1,125$2,618.20 016CAMPBELL COUNTY 2,248$5,231.74 017CAROLINE COUNTY 1,475$3,432.75 018CARROLL COUNTY 4,292$9,988.71 019CHARLES CITY COUNTY 491$1,142.70 020CHARLOTTE COUNTY 1,312$3,053.40 021CHESTERFIELD COUNTY 15,365$35,758.76 022CLARKE COUNTY 1,160$2,699.65 023CRAIG COUNTY 524$1,219.50 024CULPEPER COUNTY 4,593$10,689.23 025CUMBERLAND COUNTY 464$1,079.86 026DICKENSON COUNTY 1,389$3,232.60 027DINWIDDIE COUNTY 1,266$2,946.34 028ESSEX COUNTY 472$1,098.48 029FAIRFAX COUNTY 58,715$136,646.62 030FAUQUIER COUNTY 8,379$19,500.34 031FLOYD COUNTY 971$2,259.80 032FLUVANNA COUNTY 1,938$4,510.28 033FRANKLIN COUNTY 5,309$12,355.57 034FREDERICK COUNTY 9,406$21,890.46 035GILES COUNTY 1,152$2,681.03 036GLOUCESTER COUNTY 2,658$6,185.93 037GOOCHLAND COUNTY 1,415$3,293.11 038GRAYSON COUNTY 1,165$2,711.29 039GREENE COUNTY 1,071$2,492.52 040GREENSVILLE COUNTY 1,905$4,433.48 041HALIFAX COUNTY 3,702$8,615.62 042HANOVER COUNTY 6,787$15,795.29 043HENRICO COUNTY 23,726$55,217.20 044HENRY COUNTY 5,792$13,479.64 045HIGHLAND COUNTY 142$330.47 046ISLE OF WIGHT COUNTY 2,228$5,185.19 Page 1 of 3 Attachment A Memo No. 199-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services Industry Certification Examinations, Licensure Tests, and Occupational Competency Assessments Allocation by School Division June 2014 and School Year 2014-2015 School Division CTE Div. Industry School Division Name Enrollment No.Certification SY 2013-2014 Allocation - $ 048KING GEORGE COUNTY 1,778$4,137.92 049KING AND QUEEN COUNTY 189$439.86 050KING WILLIAM COUNTY 1,009$2,348.23 051LANCASTER COUNTY 380$884.37 052LEE COUNTY 1,985$4,619.66 053LOUDOUN COUNTY 26,125$60,800.37 054LOUISA COUNTY 1,533$3,567.73 055LUNENBURG COUNTY 877$2,041.03 056MADISON COUNTY 829$1,929.32 057MATHEWS COUNTY 691$1,608.16 058MECKLENBURG COUNTY 2,736$6,367.46 059MIDDLESEX COUNTY 525$1,221.83 060MONTGOMERY COUNTY 3,881$9,032.20 062NELSON COUNTY 1,690$3,933.11 063NEW KENT COUNTY 1,260$2,932.38 065NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 521$1,212.52 066NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY 514$1,196.23 067NOTTOWAY COUNTY 1,233$2,869.54 068ORANGE COUNTY 3,167$7,370.52 069PAGE COUNTY 2,278$5,301.56 070PATRICK COUNTY 1,618$3,765.55 071PITTSYLVANIA COUNTY 8,331$19,388.63 072POWHATAN COUNTY 2,378$5,534.29 073PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY 1,227$2,855.58 074PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY 4,322$10,058.53 075PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY 44,385$103,296.62 077PULASKI COUNTY 2,218$5,161.92 078RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY 243$565.53 079RICHMOND COUNTY 519$1,207.86 080ROANOKE COUNTY 7,482$17,412.76 081ROCKBRIDGE COUNTY 2,033$4,731.37 082ROCKINGHAM COUNTY 5,761$13,407.50 083RUSSELL COUNTY 1,437$3,344.31 084SCOTT COUNTY 2,171$5,052.54 085SHENANDOAH COUNTY 3,563$8,292.12 086SMYTH COUNTY 4,011$9,334.75 087SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY 1,201$2,795.07 088SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY 15,262$35,519.05 089STAFFORD COUNTY 16,578$38,581.76 090SURRY COUNTY 541$1,259.06 091SUSSEX COUNTY 662$1,540.66 092TAZEWELL COUNTY 3,314$7,712.63 093WARREN COUNTY 2,826$6,576.91 094WASHINGTON COUNTY 5,837$13,584.37 095WESTMORELAND COUNTY 1,072$2,494.85 096WISE COUNTY 3,466$8,066.38 Page 2 of 3 Attachment A Memo No. 199-14 August 1, 2014 Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services Industry Certification Examinations, Licensure Tests, and Occupational Competency Assessments Allocation by School Division June 2014 and School Year 2014-2015 School Division CTE Div. Industry School Division Name Enrollment No.Certification SY 2013-2014 Allocation - $ 097WYTHE COUNTY 3,144$7,316.99 098YORK COUNTY 2,892$6,730.51 101ALEXANDRIA CITY 4,558$10,607.77 102BRISTOL CITY 1,327$3,088.31 103BUENA VISTA CITY 633$1,473.17 104CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY 757$1,761.76 106COLONIAL HEIGHTS CITY 1,084$2,522.78 107COVINGTON CITY 242$563.20 108DANVILLE CITY 3,376$7,856.92 109FALLS CHURCH CITY 838$1,950.27 110FREDERICKSBURG CITY 1,132$2,634.49 111GALAX CITY 794$1,847.87 112HAMPTON CITY 10,574$24,608.73 113HARRISONBURG CITY 2,666$6,204.55 114HOPEWELL CITY 2,351$5,471.45 115LYNCHBURG CITY 4,379$10,191.19 116MARTINSVILLE CITY 1,486$3,458.35 117NEWPORT NEWS CITY 11,560$26,903.43 118NORFOLK CITY 8,964$20,861.80 119NORTON CITY 168$390.98 120PETERSBURG CITY 2,226$5,180.54 121PORTSMOUTH CITY 5,992$13,945.10 122RADFORD CITY 286$665.60 123RICHMOND CITY 8,289$19,290.88 124ROANOKE CITY 4,420$10,286.61 126STAUNTON CITY 1,057$2,459.94 127SUFFOLK CITY 8,072$18,785.86 128VIRGINIA BEACH CITY 33,591$78,175.89 130WAYNESBORO CITY 1,374$3,197.69 131WILLIAMSBURG CITY - JAMES CITY COUNTY2,218$5,161.92 132WINCHESTER CITY 1,691$3,935.44 135FRANKLIN CITY 491$1,142.70 136CHESAPEAKE CITY 18,576$43,231.68 139SALEM CITY 2,780$6,469.86 142POQUOSON CITY 1,017$2,366.85 143MANASSAS CITY 2,662$6,195.24 144MANASSAS PARK CITY 1,832$4,263.59 202COLONIAL BEACH 185$430.55 207WEST POINT 475$1,105.46 TOTAL SCHOOL DIVISIONS:567,464$1,320,651.41 Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,2014 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING $39,078.43TOTHE ROANOKECOUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLSFOR VARIOUSGRANTS AND SUPPLEMENTS WHEREAS,the Virginia Department of Education allocates funds for school divisions for secondary Career and Technical Education equipment on an annual basis. Staff estimated an initial budget appropriation of $8,096. The Virginia Department of Education notified Roanoke County Public Schools that the actual appropriation for this year is $21,250.68, which requires an additionalsupplemental appropriation of $13,154.68; and WHEREAS, theVirginia Department of Education notified Roanoke County Public Schools that the actual Perkins Grant will be $136,560.43. The budget currently contains $132,086, which requires an additional supplemental appropriation of $4,474.43; and WHEREAS,The Virginia Department of Education notified Roanoke County Public Schools that theyhave been allocated $4,036.56 for Workplace Readiness Skills testing and/or other industry certification assessments. This requires an appropriation of $4,036.56; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Education notified Roanoke County Public Schools that they have been allocated $17,412.76 for certain Career and Technical Education (CTE) industry certification examinations, licensure tests and occupational competency assessments for students enrolled in CTE classes that are eligible for such examination. This requires an appropriation of $17,412.76; and Page 1of 2 WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on September 9, 2014, and the second reading was held on September 23, 2014. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1.That the sum of $39,078.43is hereby appropriated to the Roanoke County Public Schools; and 2.That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 ORDINANCE APPROVING AN AGREEMENTBETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE AND CRAIG BOTETOURT ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE FORUSE OF SPACE ON TOWER SITES AND APPROPRIATING $6,000TO THE COUNTY RADIO REPLACEMENT FUND WHEREAS, Roanoke County staff recommends approval of an agreements with Roanoke County and Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperativefor installation of equipment on the Fort Lewis Mountain Radio Site; and WHEREAS, Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperativewill reimburse Roanoke County for use of thesite; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on September 9, 2014,and the second reading was held on September 23, 2014. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1.That agreements between Roanoke CountyandCraig Botetourt Electric Cooperative for the use of the FortLewis Mountain towers be entered into; and 2.That the sum of $6,000is hereby appropriated to the County’s Radio Replacement Fund(463010) to offset costs incurred for maintaining the radio system; and 3.That the Interim County Administrator, or an Assistant County Administrator, is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf Page 1 of 2 of the Board of Supervisors in this matter as are necessary to accomplish the lease of this property, all of which shall be approved as to form by the County Attorney. 4. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2 of 2 County of Roanoke CommIT 5925CoveRoad Roanoke, Virginia 24019 ANTENNA SITE USEAGREEMENT This Antenna SiteUseAgreement(“Agreement”) for Ftlewisis entered into this ____day of ___________, 2014 between Roanoke, County, Virginia (“County”) and Craig Botetourt Electric Cooperative(“Craig Botetourt Electric COOP”). For good and valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: Premises. 1. Countyis the owner of a telecommunications tower (the “Tower”) and an equipment shelter (“The Shelter’) located on a parcel of land (“Land”) as described on Exhibit A annexed hereto (the Tower, the Shelter and the Land are collectively the “Property”). Craig Botetourt Electricdesire to usespace within the Shelter and space upon the Tower (collectively, the “Premises”) in such amounts and in such locations as described on Exhibit B annexed hereto, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. USE. 2.The premises shall be used by Craig Botetourt Electric for the transmission and reception of radio communication signals on various frequenciesand for the installation, maintenance and operation of necessary facilities, including,but not limited to, transceivers and antennas. Countyagrees to cooperate with Craig Botetourt in obtaining at Craig Botetourt Electricsexpense any licenses, permits and other approvals required for Craig Botetourtuse of the Premises. Term. 3.This Agreementshall be for an initial period of three (3) years (“Initial Term”) commencing on Sep1, 2014 (“Commencement Date”). Craig Botetourt Electricshall have the right to extend the Initial term for two (2) successive three (3) year periods (each a “Renewal This Agreement shall be automatically Term”) on the terms and conditions set forth herein. renewed for each successive Renewal Term unless either County or Craig Botetourt Electric sends written notice of non-renewal to the other no later than ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the Initial Term or any Renewal Term, such notice to be provided in accordance with Paragraph 13 of this Agreement. Reimbursement. 4. (a)For the Initial Term, Craig Botetourt Electricshall pay Roanoke CountyFive Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per month as a reimbursement for utilities and maintenance costs associated with upkeep of the premisesand equipment. This Reimbursementshall be payable on the first day of each month in advance at the address set forth in Paragraph 13, or at the option of the Craig Botetourt Electric, as a lump sum due on September1 of each term or renewal term of thisagreement. (b)For any Renewal Term, Reimbursement will increase by no more that 10% percent during any 3 year period. Increase will be based on the current Consumer Price index during the three (3) year period. (c)Countygrants Craig Botetourtthe right to draw electricity from the existing electric supply within the Premises and the Building. (d)If this Agreementis terminated prior to its expiration, reimbursementshall be prorated to the date of termination. Interference. 5. (a) Craig Botetourt Electricshall operate the Craig Botetourt’s Facilities as defined in 6(a) in a manner that will not cause interference to Countyand any Lessees of the communications site; provided that their installation predates the Craig Botetourt’s Facilities. All operations by Craig Botetourtshall be lawful and in compliance with all FCC requirements. (b)Subsequent to the installation of the Craig Botetourt’s Facilities, Roanoke County shall not permit its Lessees or licensees to install new equipment on the property if such is likely to cause interference with Craig Botetourt’s operation. If any such interference occurs Roanoke County Lessee shall immediately shut down any on site equipment causing such interference. Roanoke County Lessee shall have 60 days to rectify such problems causing interference and at no time shall Roanoke County Lessee use such equipment until interference is corrected. If such use occurs other than for testing it shall be deemed a material breach by Roanoke County. In the event any such interference occurs, Craig Botetourt Electricwill be notified by phone or email at Craig BotetourtAdministration Office. Craig Botetourt shall have the right, in addition to any other rights that it may have at law or in equity, to terminate this Agreement. Improvements; Liability; Utilities; Access. 6. (a) Craig Botetourt Electrichas the right to erect, maintain, and operate on the Premises radio communications facilities, including, but not limited to, transmitters and receivers and all related equipment, radio transmitting and receiving antennas and supporting structures thereto (“Lessee Facilities”). In connection therewith, Craig Botetourt Electric has the right to do all work necessary to prepare, maintain and alter the Premises for Craig Botetourt Electric’s business operations and to install transmission lines, connecting the antennas to the transmitters and receivers. All of Craig Botetourt’sinstallation work shall be performed at Craig BotetourtElectric’s sole cost and expense and in a good and workmanlike manner in accordance with Craig Botetourt’sspecifications. Title to the Craig Botetourt Electric’s Facilities shall be in Craig Botetourt’s.Craig Botetourt Electrichas the right to remove all Craig Botetourt Electric Facilities at its sole expense on or before the expiration or earlier termination of the term, provided Craig Botetourt Electricrepairs any damage to the Premises cause by such removal. (b) Craig Botetourthas the right to improve the present utilities on the Premises and to install new utilities (including, but not limited to, standby power generator for Craig Botetourt’s exclusive use at a location on the Property acceptable to both parties). Craig Botetourtalso has the right to bring utilities across the Property in order to service the Premises. Countyshall, atCraig Botetourt’srequest, execute necessary documents evidencing such utility easement rights. (c)Countyshall provide to Craig Botetourt’semployees, agents and subcontractors access over the Property to the Premises 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at no charge to lessee. Termination. 7. ThisAgreement may be terminated without further liability on (30) days prior notice as follows: (a) by either party upon a default of any covenant or term hereof by the other party, which default is not cured with sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice of default, provided that the grace period for any monetary default is ten (10) days from receipt of notice: (b)by Craig Botetourt Electricif it does not obtain or maintain any license, permit or other approval necessary to the installation and operation of the Craig Botetourt Facilities: or (c)by Craig Botetourt Electric if Craig Botetourt determines that the Premises are not appropriate for is operations for economic or technological reasons, including signal interference: or (d)TheCounty may terminate this Agreement for cause if the County determines that the Craig Botetourt Electric’s actions pose a risk in violation of any federal or state law, regulation or ordinance applicable to public health, safety or welfareinwritten notice, or if the Craig Botetourt Electric’s actions result in the issuance of a legal Notice of Violation of any public health, safety or welfare law, regulation or ordinance andCraig Botetourt Electricis unable to cure the conditions specified in the County’s notice or the legal Notice of Violation within the time prescribed therein, then County may immediately terminate this Agreement, by written notice to the Craig Botetourt Furthermore, this agreement must automatically terminate coincident Electric with RoanokeCounty, Virginia’s lease of said property. Taxes. 8.If personal property taxes are assessed, Craig Botetourt Electric shall pay any portion of the taxes directly attributable to the Property. Insurance. 9. (a) Craig Botetourt Electric shall procure, maintain, and pay for a public liability policy, naming Countyas an additional insured, with limits of $1,000,000 for bodily injury. $1,000,000 for property damage, $2,000,000 aggregate, with a certificate of insurance to be furnished to Countywithin 30 days of written request. Such policy shall provide that termination or cancellation will not occur without at least 15 days prior written notice to County. (b)Neither party shall be liable to the other (or to the other’s successors or assigns) for any loss or damage caused by fire or any of the risks enumerated in a standard fire insurance policy withan extended coverage endorsement. Destruction of Premises. 10.If the Premises or Facilities are destroyed or damaged, Craig Botetourt Electricmay elect to terminate this Agreementas of the date of the damage or destruction by notice given to Countyno more than forty-five (45) days following the date of any such damage or destruction. In such event, all rights and obligations of the parties shall cease as of the date of the damage or destruction. Condemnation. 11. (a)If a condemning authoritytakes all of the Property, or a portion sufficient to render the Premises unsuitable for Craig Botetourt Electric’suse, this Agreementshall terminate as of the date the title vests in the condemning authority. Sale of all or part of the Property to a purchaser with the power of eminent domain in the face of the exercise of power shall be deemed a taking by condemnation. (b)Craig BotetourtElectricmay claim andrecover from the condemning authorityan award for Craig Botetourt Electric’smoving expenses, business dislocation damages, Craig Botetourt Electric’spersonal property and fixtures and the unamortized costs of anyimprovements paid for byCraig Botetourt Electric. Hold Harmless. 12. Craig Botetourt Electric agrees to hold Countyharmless from any and all claims arising from the installation, use, maintenance, repair or removal of the Craig Botetourt ElectricsFacilities, except for claims arising from thenegligence of County, its Employees, agents or independent contractors.This paragraph shall not be deeded a waiver of any sovereign immunity or other immunity which either party to this agreement may be entitled to claim. Notices. 13.All notices, requests, demands and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered, sent by facsimile or by and overnight courier providing proof of service, or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: If to County: County of Roanoke, Virginia P.O. BOX 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Attention: Director of General Services If to Shawn C. Hildebrand Craig Botetourt ElectricCooperative Address:P.O. Box 265 New Castle, VA.Zip Code Title and Quiet Enjoyment: 14. Countywarrants that it has full right, power, and Craig Botetourt Electric to execute thisAgreement and has goodand marketabletitleto the Property. Countyfurther warrants that Craig Botetourt shall, provided Craig Botetourt is not in material default, have the quiet enjoyment of the Premises. Assignment. 15. Either party may, upon noticeto the other party, assign or transfer its rights and obligations arising under this Agreementto any of its governmental entities or affiliates, or to a successor by consolidation or merger. In all other instances either party may assign or transfer its rights and obligations only upon written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be withheld or delayed unreasonably. Successors and Assigns. 16. ThisAgreementshall run with the Land, described on Exhibit A. Craig Botetourt Electricshall have the right to submit this Agreementfor recordation to the appropriate governmental agency having jurisdiction over the Property. This Agreementshall be binding upon and insure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors and assigns. Waiver of County’sLien. 17. Countywaivesany lien rights it may have concerning the Craig Botetourt ElectricFacilities which are deemed Craig Botetourt’s personal property; and Craig Botetourt Electrichas the right to remove the same at any time without County’sconsent. Tower Marking and Lighting Requirements. 18. Countyacknowledges that it, and not Craig Botetourt Electric, shall be responsible for compliance with all tower or building marking and lighting requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (“FAA”) or the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”). Countyshall indemnify and hold Craig Botetourt Electricharmless from any fines or other liabilities caused by County’sfailure to comply with such requirements. Should Craig Botetourt Electricbe cited by either the FCC or FAA because this site is not in compliance and should Countyfail to cure the conditions of noncompliance within the time frame allowed by the citing agency, Craig Botetourt Electric may either terminate this Agreement immediately on notice toCountyor proceed to cure the conditions of noncompliance at County’sexpense. Miscellaneous. 19. (a)This Agreementconstitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties, and supersedes all offers, negotiations and other agreements. There are no representations or understanding of any kind not set forth herein. Any amendments to this Agreementmust be in writing and executed by both parties. (b)If any provision of this Agreementis invalid or unenforceable with respect to any party, the remainder of this Agreement or the application of such provision to persons other than those as to whom it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and each provision of this Agreementshall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Dated as of the date first above written. County of Roanoke, Virginia ATTEST/WITNESS: By:_______________________ Its:_______________________ _______________________ Craig Botetourt Electric, Virginia ATTEST/WITNESS: By:_______________________ _______________________ Its:_______________________ STATE OF _______________________ ) CITY/COUNTY OF ________________ ) On this ___day of ____________,2013 before me, a Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Virginia, personally appeared ____________________ andacknowledged the said Agreementto be for use and purpose therein mentioned, and on oath statedhe/she __________ was authorized to execute saidAgreement. WITNESS my hand and the official seal affixed the day and year first above written. ________________________________ Notary Public NRN My Commission expires: ____________ STATE OF _______________________ ) CITY/COUNTY OF ________________ ) On this ___day of ____________,2013 before me, a Notary Public in and for the Commonwealth of Virginia, personally appeared ____________________ and acknowledged the said Agreement to be for use and purpose therein mentioned, and on oath stated he/she __________ was authorized to execute said Agreement. WITNESS my hand and the official seal affixed the day and year first above written. ________________________________ Notary Public NRN My Commission expires: ____________ Exhibit A The Property location is a parcel of land lying atop of the geographical location known asFt. Lewis Mtn. Roanoke County, Virginia. The Geodetic coordinates of the Property are as follows: 37 Degrees – 18’ – 32.1” N. Latitude 80 Degrees – 09” – 35.2” W. Longitude The telephone exchange of the Property is: 540-561-8055 Craig-Botetourt Antenna Requirement for Ft. Lewis Mtn. The utility needs to have 2 antennas for the Ft. Lewis site. The first antenna is VHF, and would need to be located at as high a point on the tower that is available for maximizing the coverage from the site. At this point, it is anticipated that the antenna used would be a 9 dB directional dipole facing roughly 30° East of due North, side-mounted. nd antenna would be UHF and directional, at this point considering a 120° sector antenna, 6 dB gain, The 2 at approximately 350° azimuth. The transmitted signal in the VHF system would be the highest allowed by the FCC for a repeater at the elevation ofthe antenna. The emission will be the true 6.25 bandwidth channel, 4K00F1E (and associated data emissions), which is ultra-narrow band digital in NXDN digital format. This frequency pair is not yet assigned, but the coordination would be tested for non-interference for the site before acceptance. The signal in the UHF system will be approximately 40W ERP for linking with a remote site. The UHF emissions will be the same type as the VHF. Again, this frequency pair is not yet assigned, but the coordination would be tested for non-interference for the site before acceptance. VHF Antenna Proposed: RFS model 340 Length 22.5’ Weight 40# UHF Sector Antenna Proposed Comtelco model BSAX450C6-120 Length (horizontal) 37” Weight 12# EXHIBIT B The premises shall consist of the following: (a) Floor space in the Shelter which floor space shall be sufficient in size to accommodate Lessee’s one (1) equipment cabinet, having a foot print of 72”HeightX19” Width 28”Depth’ together with clearance of approximately two feet in front and 1’ in rear of the cabinet to facilitate servicing the equipment. (b) Space on the Tower at the approximate height of TBD feet for two (2) antenna mount for the installation of radio transmitting and receiving antenna, and for one1 5/8”or smaller cable run. The exact location of the antenna mounts shall be determined jointly by the parties after a physical inspection of the site by CO & Craig Botetourt Electricengineers. Jurisdiction's HandbookPage 1of 1 NIJ StandardsGlossaryBVP Manuals OMB #1121-0235 Section Status > Application History > Application (Expires: Summary 10/31/2016 ) 1. Registration 1.1Agency Information 1.2Agency Contacts Application Profile 2. Application Participant ROANOKE COUNTY 2.1Application Profile Fiscal Year 2014 2.2Manage Application Number of Agencies Applied 0 2.3Review Application Total Number of Officers for 233 2.4Submit Application Application 3. Payment Number of Officers on 233 Approved Sub-Applications 3.1Bank Information Unspent BVP Funds 3.2Print Bank Form$23,695.05 Remaining 3.3Manage Receipts Unspent BVP Funds Obligated $4,860.00 3.4Payment Request for Vest Purchases 3.5Payment History 4. Status 4.1Current Status Application Details 4.2LEA Status Date Submitted to BVP:05/13/14 4.3Application History Application Status: Approved by BVP 5. Personal Information 5.1User Profile Application Summary for FY2014 Regular Solicitation 5.2Change Password Applicant Quantity Total Cost Date Status Submitted Approved by Logout ROANOKE COUNTY 68 $37,876.00 05/01/14 BVP POLICE DEPARTMENT View Details BVP HELP DES K (Tol-Free 1-877-758-3787) l Approved by Roanoke County 20 $11,573.18 04/15/14 BVP Sheriff's Office View Details Totals from LEA's: 88 $49,449.18 Award Summary for FY2014 Regular Solicitation Funds Type Eligible Award Date Status Amount Approved Approved by Regular Fund $49,449.18 $23,669.94 07/28/14 BVP Grand Totals: $49,449.18 $23,669.94 htts://rants.o.usdo.ov/bv/vests/roles/urisdiction/histor/asummar.s?alYea...93201 pgjpjgpjypp_yjpppr//4 Page 1of 1 Debbie Jacks - Fiscal Year 2014 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Awards From BVP <bvusdo.ov> :p@jg Date 8/18/2014 8:51 PM : Subect Fiscal Year 2014 Bulletroof Vest Partnershi Awards j:pp Dear BVP applicant, The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is pleased to inform you that your agency will receive an award under the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) solicitation. These funds have been osted to your account in the BVP System. A complete list of FY 2014 BVP awards is available p at: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bvpbasi/. The FY 2014 award may be used for National Institute of Justice (NIJ) compliant armored vests which were ordered after April 1, 2014. The deadline to request payments from the FY 2014 award is August 31, 2016, or until all available funds have been requested. Awards will not be extended past that date, and any unused funds will be forfeited. Please see the following websites for a list of NIJ compliant vests: Ballistic Vests: http://nij.gov/nij/topics/technology/body-armor/compliant-ballistic-armor.htm Stab Resistant Vests: http://nij.gov/nij/topics/technology/body-armor/compliant-stab-armor.htm As a reminder, all jurisdictions that applied for FY 2014 BVP funding certified that a mandatory wear olicy was in place for their jurisdiction. BJA will be conducting reviews of the mandatory wear policies p as funds are requested from the BVP System. For more information on the BVP mandatory wear policy, lease see the BVP Frequently Asked Questions p document: http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bvpbasi/docs/FAQsBVPMandatoryWearPolicy.pdf$. Finally, please visit the following page for checklists and guides for each step of the BVP rocess: http://ojp.gov/bvpbasi/bvpprogramresources.htm p For questions regarding the BVP Program or your award, please do not hesitate to contact the BVP Help Desk at vests@usdoj.gov or 1-877-758-3787. Thank you BVP Program Support Team file:///C:/Users/dacks/AData/Local/Tem/XPGrWise/5418262CPO1DOMAIN-L...916201 jpppp_A_P//4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO GLENNA O.RATCLIFLFE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, UPON HER RETIREMENTAFTER MORE THAN SEVEN (7)YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS,Glenna O. Ratcliffewas employed by Roanoke CountyonAugust 6, 2007; and WHEREAS, Ms. Ratclifferetired on September 1, 2014, after seven (7) years and one (1) month of devoted, faithful and professional service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS,Ms. Ratcliffe,through heremployment withthe Economic Development DepartmentofRoanoke County, has been instrumental in providing excellent staff support, a spirit of cooperation and concern for improving the quality of life and providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, throughout her tenure with Roanoke County,Ms. Ratcliffeserved as Recording Clerk to the ten (10)-memberEconomic Development Authority,where she managed themeeting agendas, minutes andnotices. She alsomaintained the financial and legal records of the Authority, including bond confirmations and related correspondence;and WHEREAS, Ms. Ratcliffe performed departmental budget and financial oversight functions including monitoring multiple departmental and capital accounts, processing invoices, preparing payroll and budget reports;and WHEREAS, Ms. Ratcliffe assisted the Directorandstaff in business development related activities including proposal preparation, power point presentations, certificates of appreciation and the coordination of marketing materialsfor use with new and existing Page 1 of 2 businesses; and WHEREAS, Ms. Ratcliffe served as theOffice Manager, Technical Contact and Records Managerfor the Department, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke GLENNA O. RATCLIFFE County to for more than seven (7)years of capable, loyal, and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER,the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMONWEALTH TRANSPORTATION BOARD TO FUND PROJECTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2016-2021 SIX- YEAR IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Six-Year Improvement Program is the Commonwealth Transportation Board’s plan for identifying funds anticipated to be available for highway and other forms of transportation construction; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year Improvement Program is updated annually to assist in the allocation of federal and state funds for interstate and primary highways; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors reviewed a list of four(4) projects forSix-Year Improvement Programfunding at a work session on September 9, 2014; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors supports the list of four (4)projectsforSix-Year ImprovementProgram funding, as well as supports the ongoing efforts for the Roanoke River Greenway and Plantation Road Project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED bythe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1.That the Board of Supervisors requests the Virginia Department of Transportation and Commonwealth Transportation Boardto fundthe following list of projects for the fiscal year 2016-2021 Six-Year ImprovementProgram: a.Interstate 81 Widening from Exit 118 to Exit 150 b.Interstate 73 Construction and Improvements to Existing Route 220 Page 1 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ROANOKE VALLEY AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FUNDA LIST OF PROJECTS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2016-2021 REGIONAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization reviews applications for funding through the Regional Surface Transportation Program and makes recommendations for project funding to the Commonwealth Transportation Board; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors reviewed a list of six(6) projects for Regional Surface Transportation Programfunding at a work session on September 9, 2014; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors supports the list of six(6) projectsfor Regional Surface Transportation Program funding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thatthe Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginiarequests the Roanoke Valley Area Metropolitan Planning Organization fundthe following list of projects for the fiscal year 2016-2021 Regional Surface Transportation Program: 1.Plantation Road Project – Lila Drive Intersection 2.Plantation Road Project – Friendship / Carvin’s Creek BridgeReplacement 3.Plantation Road Project – Friendship Lane Reconstruction 4.Plantation Road Project – Phase 2 5.Exit 140 Park and Ride Page 1 of 2 6.West Main Street Pedestrian Improvements – Phase 2 Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSOF ROANOKE COUNTYHELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTERON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ROANOKE VALLEY AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (RVAMPO) FUND A REGIONAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (RSTP) PROJECT FOREXPANSION AND COMPLETION OF THE TINKER CREEK GREENWAY INROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS,the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, Botetourt County, the Town of Vintonand the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commissiondesire to exhibit unanimous support for all RSTP applications involving the Tinker Creek Greenway submitted to RVAMPO with the goal of expandingand completing the Tinker Creek Greenway in all four(4)jurisdictions;and WHEREAS, the Tinker Creek Greenway alignment is designated as a Priority Two Greenway in the 2007 Update to the Roanoke Valley Conceptual Greenway Plan and is planned to connect the Roanoke River Greenway to Carvins Cove Natural Reserve;and WHEREAS, the Tinker Creek Greenway Conceptual Master Plan was developed by the Roanoke Valley Greenway Commission and Virginia Tech landscape architecture studentsin the Landscape Architecture Department, in cooperation with the City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton and Roanoke Countyin Spring2000, to identify potential routes for the Tinker Creek Greenway between Fallon Park and Carvins Cove Natural Reserve;and WHEREAS, the Tinker Creek Greenway has been completed between (1) the Roanoke River Greenway and Fallon Park in the City of Roanoke, and (2) Carvins Cove Page 1 of 2 Natural Reserve and the trailhead parking lot north of Interstate 81 in Botetourt County and Roanoke County;and WHEREAS, Botetourt County has developed a Comprehensive Trail Plan to direct the expansion and enhancement of its trail inventory to include establishing trail connections to the Tinker Creek Greenway for the benefit of residents in southern Botetourt County, eastern Roanoke County and other trail users;and WHEREAS, the focus of the RSTP applications is to expand and complete the Tinker Creek Greenway between Fallon Park in the City of Roanoke and the trailhead parking lot north of Interstate 81 in Roanoke Countyas well as into Botetourt County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisorsrequests the RVAMPOfundprojectsfor the expansionand completionof the multijurisdictional Tinker Creek Greenway in the localities of the City of Roanoke, Roanoke County, Bote tourt County and the Town of Vinton. Page 2 of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B?C;CA1?5&%4%3CLA%;' Y;#LL<CL<1#'%@5D#3#;?% "#!+%K&)#$-M P;'%<FH;@5N<#;2F%<25EH'P;'<#FH;@5N<#;2F%<25EH' GC;'1;$%;?U5D#3#;?% O%FH2%5G<%@1'5X1;'C; GH3'H<#35B;<1?IA%;' BAL3CU%%5D%;%F1'2 "3#;;1;$5=5VC;1;$ J&!@H I#")( !)#$ 012?%33#;%CH2 K"#!-> "-%L9) 1Q<#<U J( (,&6#; 3# -,*-+./0  ! + +*+ +63+.++.+*+.+6+.+!.+8++8+*+8+6+8+,+8+ +8+.+8+81+(++(+*4 ACTION NO.___________________ ITEM NUMBER_______J-7________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: September 23, 2014 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 31-Aug-14 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASH INVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON13,085,707.6613,085,707.66 GOVERNMENT: SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA18,596.00 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 62,012,746.24 WELLS FARGO15,428,571.42 WELLS FARGO CONTRA(47,141.43)77,412,772.23 LOCAL GOV'T INVESTMENT POOL: GENERAL OPERATION 8,170,625.648,170,625.64 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST1,080,082.25 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW - JAIL1,102,186.61 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 20,706,743.25 UNION FIRST3,065,773.55 VALLEY BANK2,503,851.90 WELLS FARGO3,988,736.3532,447,373.91 TOTAL 131,116,479.44 09/23/2014 J-8 County of Roanoke, Virginia Funds Invested in the VML / VACO OPEB Pooled Trust Portfolio I Annual Report to the Board of Supervisors Prior FiscalFiscal Year EndedCumulative YearsJune 30, 2014Total Beginning Balance$ 3,185,838.00$ 4,125,767.49$ - Contributions 3,224,274.00 50,283.00 3,274,557.00 Investment Income 2,464.19 1,517.33 3,981.52 Membership fee (5,000.00) - (5,000.00) Program and bank fees (13,370.28) (5,644.98) (19,015.26) Net unrealized gain (loss) 917,399.58 533,554.80 1,450,954.38 $ 4,125,767.49$ 4,705,477.64$ 4,705,477.64 The OPEB pooled trust fund is a fund set up to pay for the future liabilities associated with the provision of post-retirement health insurance benefits to retirees. The annual contributions based on an actuarial study that projects future costs associated with current employee data. The latest actuary report projects a trust fund contribution of $49,852 for FY14-15. The above schedule summarizes the funds that are under the responsibility of the Local Finance Board. These funds are invested in the VML /VACO OPEB Investment Pool, Portfolio I, as authorized by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. The contributions to the OPEB Trust Fund have generated a gain (net of fees and expenses) of 30.4% since its inception. The Local Finance Board of the County of Roanoke, Virginia has met all of its obligations for FY 2013-14. The Local Finance Board members are Kevin Hutchins, Penny Hodge, Paul Mahoney, and Rebecca Owens. Submitted by: Penny Hodge Chairman, Roanoke County Local Finance Board County of Roanoke PRELIMINARY AND UNAUDITED FINANCIAL REVIEW September 23, 2014 JUNE 30, 2014 14 - Revenues 13 - Financial Summary 2 General Fund Revenues 3 14 - Expenditures 2013 4 - Financial Summary General Fund Expenditures 5 Review of Prior Approvals 6 Prior Approval Request to carryover year end balance for Social Services renovation - Social Services Renovation Project 7 $292,611 - project Review of Encumbrances 8 Review of Encumbrances 9 Department Rollover Requests 10 Department Rollover Requests 11 County - 12 Year Summary - 5 Questions 13 PART I - CODE OF THE COUNTY Chapter 13 - OFFENSES—MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE IV. WEEDS AND TRASH ARTICLE IV. WEEDS AND TRASH Sec. 13-151. Definitions. Sec. 13-152. Penalty. Sec. 13-153. Cutting of weeds and grass required. Sec. 13-154. Removal of trash required. Sec. 13-155. Report of violation. Sec. 13-156. Inspection of site of violation: notice to cut weeds or remove trash. Sec. 13-157. Performance of work by county; collection of costs. Sec. 13-158. Exemption. Sec. 13-159. Littering prohibited. Sec. 13-151. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Abatement cost:The county's cost of labor, equipment and supplies for, or the contract price of, and any charges to, the county, with respect to the removal and disposal of weeds or trash from a parcel. Enforcement agent:The county administrator or his designee. Litter:All waste material and disposable packages or containers but not including the wastes of the primary processes of mining, logging, sawmilling, farming or manufacturing. It includes, but is not limited to, the packages, wrappings and containers, cigarettes and tobacco products, bottles, glass or metal containers, plastic, and paper products. Litter receptacle:A container with a capacity of not less than ten (10) gallons, constructed and placed for use as a depository for litter. Owner:Any person shown by any public record to have an interest in real estate lying in the county upon which a public nuisance exists as of the date of the abatement of the public nuisance under this section. Owner shall also mean the occupant of any parcel of real estate, including but not limited to, any person in possession thereof having charge thereof as an executor, administrator, trustee, guardian or agent, and the beneficiary of any easement or right of use thereof. Parcel:Any real estate or any interest therein, situate, lying and being in the county in any areas zoned for residential, business, commercial, or industrial uses or in any subdivision. Publicnuisance:Any act or activity the causing or maintaining of which is such an inconvenience or troublesome matter as to annoy, injure or damage the public at large or a substantial portion of the community or a considerable number of persons, and from which any resulting damage is not specifically apportionable to any one (1) member of the community. Subdivision:Any tract or parcel of land divided into two (2) or more lots or parcels, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, as otherwise defined in the Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance. Trash:Abandoned personal property, garbage, refuse, rubbish, litter or debris. Roanoke County, Virginia, Code of Ordinances Page 1 PART I - CODE OF THE COUNTY Chapter 13 - OFFENSES—MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE IV. WEEDS AND TRASH Weedsmeans grass, weeds, bushes, poison ivy, poison oak or any other vegetable growth, other than trees, ornamental shrubbery, flowers and garden vegetables. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-152. Penalty. (a)Any owner who violates section 13-153(a) or any other provisions of this article pertaining to section 13-153(a), or who violates section 13-154 or section 13-159, shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) for the first violation, or violations arising from the same set of operative facts. The civil penalty for subsequent violations not arising from the same set of operative facts within twelve (12) months of the first violation shall not exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). Each calendar day during which the same violation is found to have existed shall constitute a separate offense. In no event shall a series of specified violations arising from the same set of operative facts result in civil penalties that exceed a total of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) in a twelve-month period. (b)Any owner who violates section 13-153(b) or any other provisions of this article pertaining to section 13-153(b) shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00). (c)In lieu of imposition of a fine or civil penalty, the court may order the defendant to perform community service in litter abatement activities. (d)Classifying violations under this article as civil penalties shall preclude prosecution of violations as a misdemeanor. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-153. Cutting of weeds and grass required. (a)It shall be unlawful for any owner of any vacant developed or undeveloped property, including such property upon which buildings or other improvements are located, within the boundaries of platted subdivisions or any other areas zoned for residential, business, commercial or industrial use, to permit weeds of more than twelve (12) inches in height within two hundred fifty (250) feet of property developed for residential use. (b)The owner of occupiedresidential real property shall cut the grass or lawn area of less than one-half (½) acre on such property when growth of such grass or lawn area exceeds twelve (12) inches in height. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-154. Removal of trash required. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any parcel or property to allow the accumulation of trash on any parcel or property. The owner of any parcel or property shall maintain all exterior property areas in a clean, safe condition free from the accumulation of trash. Failure to comply with this provision shall also constitute a public nuisance. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-155. Report of violation. Any person aggrieved by the presence of weeds or grass in violation of section 13-153 or the accumulation of trash in violation of section 13-154 may report such presence to the enforcement agent. Roanoke County, Virginia, Code of Ordinances Page 2 PART I - CODE OF THE COUNTY Chapter 13 - OFFENSES—MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE IV. WEEDS AND TRASH (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-156. Inspection of site of violation: notice to cut weeds or remove trash. Upon receipt of a report as referred to in section 13-155, the enforcement agent shall cause the site of the reported violation to be inspected pursuant to applicable constitutional and statutory provisions. When the enforcement agent has determined from such reports and inspections or otherwise that a violation in fact exists, he shall notify the owner of the land or parcel upon which the violation exists to cut or cause to be cut theweeds or grass complained of, or to remove the accumulation of trash, within ten (10) calendar days of the delivery, mailing or posting of the notice. Such notice shall be in writing, shall be delivered by hand or mailed to the last known address and if the owner of the property cannot be found within the county after a reasonable search, notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the owner and a copy of the notice shall be posted on the property in a conspicuous place, and shall be complied with by such owner. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-157. Performance of work by county; collection of costs. If such weeds or grass are not cut, or the accumulation of trash is not removed, within the required time as provided for in the notice under section 13-156, the enforcement agent shall cause such weeds or grass to be cut, or the trash to be removed, and the abatement cost and expense thereof to be assessed against the owner of such property. The assessment shall be collected by the county as taxes and levies are collected. Every charge for cutting grass on vacant property or removal of trash which the owner of any property shall have been assessed and which remains unpaid shall constitute a lien against such property on parity with liens for unpaid taxes. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-158. Exemption. The director of community development or his/her designee may exempt from the application of this article any parcel which is owned by the county or upon which the county has an easement for stormwater management facilities, and includes riparian buffers, reserved open space, floodplain preservation areas, or other environmentally sensitive areas as defined in the county stormwater management ordinance and design manual, or which are critical to the environmental health of the ecosystem, or which are required by a state or federal agency. (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 13-159. Littering prohibited. It shall be unlawful and a violation of this article for any person to drop, deposit, discard or otherwise dispose of trash or litter in or upon any public or private property within Roanoke County without the private property owner's consent, including but not limited to any street, sidewalk, park, vacant or occupied lot, except in public receptacles, or in authorized private receptacles provided for public use. When a violation of the provisions of this section has been observed by any person, and the matter dumped or disposed of in the street, highway, right-of-way or private property has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall be presumed tobe the person ejecting such trash, garbage refuse, litter, or debris, provided that such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence. Roanoke County, Virginia, Code of Ordinances Page 3 PART I - CODE OF THE COUNTY Chapter 13 - OFFENSES—MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLE IV. WEEDS AND TRASH (Ord. No. 052609-9, § 2, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 111213-16, § 1, 11-12-13) Roanoke County, Virginia, Code of Ordinances Page 4 M AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member’s knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies;and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. _______________ ITEM NO. ______N-1_________ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: September 23, 2014 AGENDA ITEM: Recognition of Daniel Norman, a Fire and Rescue volunteer who pulled a young man from a burning vehicle SUBMITTED BY: Richard E. Burch, Jr. Chief of Fire andRecue APPROVED BY: Daniel R. O’Donnell Interim County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On Saturday, August 30, 2014, at about 6 p.m. Daniel Norman was at his home in the 6700 block of Bradshaw Road when he received a message that there was a vehicle accident just down the road. The accident involved a truck that left the roadway,striking a fence and then hitting a treebefore coming to a stop. Daniel immediately responded to the scene from his home and found a car engulfed in flames in a pasture with the driver trapped inside. Daniel tried to open the doors but they were jammed, so he broke out the back window, removed the seatbeltfrom the driverand pulledthe young man through the back windowand away from the car. Once he pulled the victim a safe distance from the car, he then had to extinguish flames on the victim’s clothing and provide medical treatment without any supplies while waiting for the ambulancethat was in route. The medic unit soon arrived and medicallytreated and packaged the patient for helicopter transport tolocal Level 1 Trauma Center at Roanoke Memorial Hospitalwith life threatening injuries. Sadly, the patient passed away the next day. Without Daniel’s heroic actions, this young man would have died at the scene of this accident in a fully engulfed car. Page 1 of 2 Daniel Norman has been a volunteer with Roanoke County since he joined the Catawba- Masons Cove Rescue Squad in 2010 and became an Emergency Medical Technician. Soon after, in January of 2011, he joined the Catawba Volunteer Fire Company and received his Firefighter-Level 2 certification in 2012. Page 2 of 2 O-1 PETITIONER: Ibnsina Karkenny CASE NUMBER: 7-9/2014 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1Reading Date: August 26, 2014 Planning Commission Hearing Date: September 2, 2014 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2Reading Date: September 23, 2014 A.REQUEST To obtain a special use permit to expand the square footage of an existing convenience store by 10 percent or greater in a AV, Agricultural/Village Center, District, on approximately 1.15 acres, located at 2938 Jae Valley Road, Vinton Magisterial District. B.CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke. C.SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Philip Thompson presented the staff report.Commissioners had questions about parking, buffers and use of the expanded space. Mr. Thompson stated that there wasadequate parking and buffers in place. Mr. Karkenny responded that the space would be used for additional refrigerators, storage and possible gift shop. He stated that it would not be used for a fast food restaurant use. D.CONDITIONS E.COMMISSIONACTION Mr. James made a motion to recommend approval of the special use permit petition.The motion passed 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: XConcept Plan XVicinity Map XStaff Report XOther Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission Page 1 of 1 STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Ibnsina Karkenny Request: To obtain a special use permit to expand the square footage of an existing convenience store by 10 percent or greater in a AV, Agricultural/Village Center, District, on approximately 1.15 acres Location: 2938 Jae Valley Road Magisterial District: Vinton EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Ibnsina Karkenny is seeking a special use permit for a ten percent or greater expansion (1,221 square feet) to the existing 1,520 square foot Convenience Store on an approximately 1.15 acre parcel located at 2938 Jae Valley Road. This expansion will result in the convenience store total square footage for the site of approximately 2,740 square feet. This site is located in the AV, Agricultural/Village Center zoning district and is designated as Suburban Village on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. The Suburban Village land use designation is where generally lower intensity commercial, institutional and residential growth exists. Land Use Types for this designation include services supporting the agricultural community, small scale community and regional attractions providing recreation, suburban densities of up to six units per acre, and convenience retail establishments supplying limited goods and services to village residents. Additional businesses are encouraged that focus on ecotourism supply for niche outdoor markets. Land Use Determinants are locations where low to middle density residential, institutional and commercial uses are established, on the fringe of the urban service area, and served by an arterial highway with a well-defined secondary street. Physical land characteristics, primarily topography provide suburban development opportunities and utility are in close proximity to the urban service area where expansion of these services is expected. 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 30-23-2(F) of the County Zoning Ordinance states: Sec. 30-23-2. Nonconforming Uses of Buildings, Structures or Land. (F) Any legally established use which existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance, or any subsequent amendments, shall not be considered a nonconforming use where a special use permit is now required for establishment of such use. The use shall be allowed to continue operation, as well as reconstruct or structurally alter the building or structure without the necessity of obtaining a special use permit. However, approval of a special use permit shall be required, in accordance with section 30-19, when either of the conditions below are present, in the opinion of the zoning administrator. a. There is a ten (10) percent or greater net increase in the square footage of the use or structure proposed for expansion or enlargement; or b. The expansion or enlargement will substantially alter the site design and layout as it relates to circulation, parking or other site characteristics so as to adversely affect surrounding properties. c. This section shall not apply to broadcasting towers and associated antenna allowed by right 1 as set forth in section 30-87-2(B). In the AV zoning district, a Convenience Store is permitted only with a special use permit. eded goods for household consumption, such as prepackaged or prepared food and beverages, and limited household supplies and hardware. This use may include fuel pumps and/or the selling of fuel for motor vehicles. Typical uses include neighborhood markets and country stores. There are several use and design standards for the Convenience Store use. These standards include limited sale of foods prepared on site, regulations regarding the exterior display of merchandise, and prohibition of the display of veh thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area. A Type C buffer is required on the site along the residential use property line and will be required on the site along the area where the addition is constructed and a depiction of the Type C buffer yard is included in the Attachments section of this staff report Roanoke County site development and building permit reviews will be required. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background The existing 1,520 square foot structure on the site was built as a convenience store in approximately 1972. The Karkenny family purchased the property in August 2004 and have owned and operated the store until the present time. County records indicate that since the Karkenny family has owned the property, there have been two permits issued for this business including upgrading the fuel tanks and installing new canopy signage on the site. Topography/Vegetation The majority of the segment of the site fronting Jae Valley Road is an asphalt parking lot, fueling area canopy area, tank and dumpster areas, and the existing business structure. The remaining area of the site is a relatively flat, grassy area surrounded on the eastern and southern perimeter by mature trees, a seasonal watercourse and some mature brush. Surrounding Neighborhood All properties surrounding this site and on both sides of Jae Valley Road are zoned AV, Agricultural/Village Center zoning district. The subject site and the properties on the eastern side of Jae Valley Road in this vicinity are designated Suburban Village Future Land Use and the properties on the western side of Jae Valley Road in the vicinity of the subject site are designated Neighborhood Conservation Future Land Use. A modular metal commercial building is located on the parcel immediately north of the site and the Mount Pleasant Library is located on the parcel adjoining the site on the northeastern section of the property line. There is a single family residence on the eastern side of the site and an undeveloped paper street (Rainelle Street) located along the southern property line. Across Jae Valley Road on the western side is the Brookfield residential subdivision and the parcels bordering to the north of the subdivision are the location of the Mount Pleasant Fire and Rescue building. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture The existing 1,520 square foot, white aluminum and vinyl exterior building on the site was built as a convenience store in approximately 1972 and is located on the northwestern area of the site. This building is one story with an overhang located on the front and a partial side of the building. The area surrounding the building on the western and southern sides is asphalt and areas on the northern and eastern sides are grassy. There are two pumps with a canopy covering both pumps located south of the building. There are two gasoline pumps covered by a canopy on the southern area of the site and a partially screened area where a propane gas tank and a dumpster with no screening are located. This site has three 2 curbed access points from Jae Valley Road but the parking area in not curbed. There are two freestanding signs on the site, one is a wooden two- The canopy the sides. There are no attached signs located on the building that are visible from the right-of-way. Outside Agency Comments The Roanoke County Zoning Administrator, Building Safety, Economic Development, and Stormwater Management departments reviewed the application and stated there were no comments or objections to this proposed convenience store expansion. Roanoke County Schools and the Western Virginia Water Authority also stated there were no comments or objections. The County Fire and Rescue department review stated The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) review comments stated that the application was unclear concerning the use of the proposed addition. The VDOT review stated that the expansion of the existing of the existing entrances. The review then stated that if the proposed addition is intended for another use, such as a restaurant/fast food or something similar in nature, then improvements to the layout of the existing entrances would be required and would be at the sole responsibility of the developer. The review comments also stated that the VDOT Road Design Manual must be adhered to where applicable for commercial entrances including but not limited to commercial entrance spacing and intersection sight distance. A Land Use Permit will also be required for any proposed construction within VDOT rights-of-way and any changes to the existing drainage system should be included in the review. 4.CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN This area of Jae Valley Road and this site are both identified as part of the Suburban Village Future Land Use designation. The Suburban Village future land use designated areas are areas where environmental, building and site design innovation is utilized. This Future Land Use designation is located in areas where the following is applicable: Established low to middle density residential, institutional and commercial uses On the fringe of the urban service area, Served by an arterial highway with a well-defined secondary street and Where utility services are in close proximity to the urban service area and where expansion of these services is expected. Land Use Types for this designation include: Services supporting the agricultural community, Small scale community and regional attractions providing recreation, Suburban densities of up to six units per acre, and Convenience retail establishments supplying limited goods and services to village residents. 5.STAFF CONCLUSIONS This application is for the expansion of an existing convenience store business which has been in existence since 1972. It is zoned Agricultural/Village Center and in the Purpose section of this zoning district, uses are 3 listed restaurants, and similar small service and personal service businesses. There is a three thousand square feet (3,000) gross floor area maximum in this zoning district. The Suburban Village Future Land Use designation lists desirable uses such as low to medium residential, institutional and commercial uses that are currently established and are served by an arterial highway. These desirable use types are represented in the vicinity of this site. The immediate Jae Valley Road area surrounding this site consists of generally flat topography with some sloped areas around the interior property borders and it is in close proximity to public utility services which either currently exist or are in the proximity to proposed urban service area utility expansion. CASE NUMBER: 7-9/2014 PREPARED BY: Tammi Wood HEARING DATES: PC: 9/2/2014 BOS: 9/23/2014 ATTACHMENTS: Application Aerial Map Zoning Map Future Land Use Map Site Photos Various Applicable Zoning Ordinance Sections Section 30-23-2 Section 30-36 AV Agricultural Village Center District Section 30-85-13 Convenience Store Use & Design Standards Type C Buffer Yard Illustration Design Guidelines 4 Site of Front Expansion Proposed of Area Area Buffer Rear Sec. 30-23-2. Nonconforming Uses of Buildings, Structures or Land. (A) Where, at the effective date of this ordinance, or amendment thereto, lawful use exists of buildings, structures or land, individually or in combination, which use is no longer permissible under the terms of this ordinance as enacted or amended, such use may be continued provided: 1. The use is not discontinued for more than two (2) years, or; 2. The use is not converted or replaced, in whole or in part, by a use permitted in the district regulations, or; 3. The buildings or structures containing the nonconforming use are maintained in their then structural condition. (B) No nonconforming use shall be enlarged, intensified or increased, nor intensified to occupy a larger structure or building than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or subsequent amendment of this ordinance, with the exception that an existing, nonconforming, single-family residential structure and use in a commercial or industrial zoning district shall be allowed a 50 percent increase (either one time or cumulative) in the square footage of the use or structure in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance. (C) No nonconforming use shall be moved in whole or in part to any portion of the lot or parcel unoccupied by such use at the time of the adoption or subsequent amendment of this ordinance. (D) No building or structure not conforming to the requirements of this ordinance shall be erected in connection with the nonconforming use of land. (E) Where nonconforming use status applies to a building or structure, removal of the building or structure shall eliminate the nonconforming status of the building or structure or land. (F) Any legally established use which existed prior to the adoption of this ordinance, or any subsequent amendments, shall not be considered a nonconforming use where a special use permit is now required for establishment of such use. The use shall be allowed to continue operation, as well as reconstruct or structurally alter the building or structure without the necessity of obtaining a special use permit. However, approval of a special use permit shall be required, in accordance with section 30-19, when either of the conditions below are present, in the opinion of the zoning administrator. a. There is a ten (10) percent or greater net increase in the square footage of the use or structure proposed for expansion or enlargement; or b. The expansion or enlargement will substantially alter the site design and layout as it relates to circulation, parking or other site characteristics so as to adversely affect surrounding properties. c. This section shall not apply to broadcasting towers and associated antenna allowed by right as set forth in section 30-87-2(B). (G) A manufactured home park legally established prior to June 1, 1986 that is not designated with the R-MH overlay district shall be allowed to continue operation in conformance with the provisions contained in section 30-82-9(L) provided the use as a park has not been discontinued for a period of more than two (2) years. (H) Notwithstanding (A) through (G) above, a nonconforming manufactured home existing on an individual lot of record that has served as an active dwelling for at least six (6) months may be replaced with another manufactured home provided: (1) The replacement home is installed on the lot within two (2) years of the removal of the home to be replaced, and; (2) The replacement home is installed in approximately the same location on the lot, and is installed to comply with the district setback regulations for principal structures, and; (3) The installation of the replacement home complies with the use and design standards for manufactured homes contained in section 30-82-5(B). (I) If a non-conforming residential or commercial building or structure is damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster or other act of God, such building or structure may be repaired, rebuilt or replaced to eliminate or reduce the non-conforming features to the extent possible without the need to obtain a variance. If such building or structure is damaged greater than 50% and cannot be repaired, rebuilt or replaced except to restore it to its original non-conforming condition, then the owner shall have the right to do so. The owner shall apply for a building permit and any work done to repair, rebuild or replace such building or structure shall be in compliance with the Uniform Statewide Building Code and the County's floodplain regulations. Unless such building or structure is repaired, rebuilt or replaced within two years of the date of the natural disaster or other act of God, such building or structure shall only be repaired, rebuilt or replaced in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. If the non-conforming building is in an area under federal disaster declaration and it has been damaged or destroyed as of a direct result of conditions that gave rise to the declaration, then the owner shall have an additional two years to repair, rebuild or replace the building or structure. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 1, 6-22-93; Ord. No. 42694-12, § 1, 4-26-94; Ord. No. 82394-10, § 1, 8- 23-94; Ord. No. 62795-10, § 1, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 111301-11, § 1, 11-13-01; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08; Ord. No. 101210-4, § 1, 10-12-10; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11) AV District Regulations SEC. 30-36. AV AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT. Sec. 30-36-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the AV, agricultural/village center district is to establish areas which will serve as the focal point for cultural and commercial activity of the rural service areas of the county, as envisioned in the comprehensive plan land use category of the same name. The density recommended for these areas is intended to average between one (1) and three (3) units per acre. Small country stores, family restaurants, and similar small service and personal service businesses, in addition to public and institutional buildings such as schools, post offices and places of religious assembly, are commonly found at these crossroad locations. These areas bring a sense of community to the surrounding rural areas, with an emphasis on providing the essential goods and services to rural residents, but are not intended as employment destinations for urban residents. New development should therefore be carefully considered for its compatibility with the surrounding development and the purpose and intent of this district. Any expansion of these areas should be contiguous to existing village center areas to avoid leap-frog commercial development. Similarly additional development may warrant additional public services, such as community sewer and water systems. (Ord. No. 042799-11, §§ 1f., 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-36-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture * Stable, Private * Wayside Stand * 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type II * Manufactured Home * 1 AV District Regulations Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit * Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Attached * Single-Family Dwelling, Detached Two-Family Dwelling * 3. Civic Uses Administrative Services Clubs * Community Recreation * Cultural Services Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Family Day Care Home * Park and Ride Facility * Post Office Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Safety Services * Utility Services, Minor 4. Office Uses Financial Institutions * General Office * 2 AV District Regulations Medical Office * 5. Commercial Uses Agricultural Services * Antique Shops * Bed and Breakfast * Consumer Repair Services Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Restaurant, General * Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 6. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30 asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Stable, Commercial * 2. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems * Multi-family Dwelling * Townhouse * 3. Civic Uses 3 AV District Regulations Adult Care Residences Cemetery * Crisis Center Halfway House Life Care Facility Nursing Home Utility Services, Major * 4. Commercial Uses Automobile Repair Services, Minor * Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail * Boarding House Business Support Services Commercial Outdoor Sports and Recreation Construction Sales and Services * Convenience Store * Convenience Store * Equipment Sales and Rental * Fuel Center* Funeral Services Garden Center * Gasoline Station * Kennel, Commercial * Mini-warehouse * Restaurant, Drive-in or Fast Food * 4 AV District Regulations Retail Sales * 5. Industrial Uses Construction Yards * Custom Manufacturing * Recycling Centers and Stations * 6. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4- 22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 30-36-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 25,000 square feet b. Frontage: 85 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. Lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 15,000 square feet b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 5 AV District Regulations 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet b. Accessory structures: 3 feet 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. All structures: 45 feet (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 35 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 75 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) 6 Use & Design Standards Commercial Uses Sec. 30-85-13. Convenience Store. (A) General standards: General standards: 1. Limited sale of foods prepared on the premises may be allowed provided no more Limited sale of foods prepared on the premises may be allowed provided no more 1. than twenty (20) percent of the floor areas is devoted to seating facilities. Seating than twenty (20) percent of the floor areas is devoted to seating facilities. Seating areas in excess of this shall constitute a fast food restaurant. areas in excess of this shall constitute a fast food restaurant. 2. Exterior display of merchandise for sale is allowed under the following Exterior display of merchandise for sale is allowed under the following 2. conditions: conditions: a. On a paved walkway within three (3) feet of the building. On a paved walkway within three (3) feet of the building. a. b. Ice machines and soft drink vending machines, in operating condition, b.Ice machines and soft drink vending machines, in operating condition, shall be stored under roofed areas. shall be stored under roofed areas. 3. The display of vehicles "for sale" is prohibited. The display of vehicles "for sale" is prohibited. 3. (B) Additional standards in the NC district: 1. No convenience store shall exceed two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area. 2. When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use type. (C) Additional standards in the AV district: Additional standards in the AV district: 1. No convenience store shall exceed three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross 1.No convenience store shall exceed three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area. floor area. 2. When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with 2. Section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the Section 3092 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the - residential use type. residential use type. (D) Additional standards in the EP district: 1. No convenience store shall exceed three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area. 2. Where adjoining a residential or civic use type, a minimum one hundred-foot setback shall be required. 3. No independent advertising through local media shall call attention to the Explore Park location of the business. 1 #§ ¯³¤±ΕȀ, ­£²¢ ¯¨­¦ &¨¦´±¤ΑȁΑΒ4¸¯¤#"´¥¥¤± wƚğƓƚƉĻ/ƚǒƓƷǤ5ĻƭźŭƓIğƓķĬƚƚƉ AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 ORDINANCE GRANTING A SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO EXPAND THE SQUARE FOOTAGE OF AN EXISTING CONVENIENCE STORE BY TEN PERCENT (10%) OR GREATER IN AN AV, AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICTONAPPROXIAMTELY 1.15 ACRESLOCATED AT2938 JAE VALLEY ROAD(TAX MAP NO. 079.01-04-24.00-0000)VINTONMAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON THE PETITION OFIBNSINA KARKENNY WHEREAS,Ibnsina Karkenny has filed a petition for a special use permit to expand the square footage of an existing convenience store by ten percent (10%)or greater in an AV, Agricultural/Village Center District located at2938 Jae Valley Road (Tax Map No.079.01-04-24.00-0000) in the VintonMagisterial District; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on September 2, 2014; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter onAugust 26, 2014; the second reading and public hearing on this matter was held onSeptember 23, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINEDby the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1.That the Board finds that the granting of a special use permit to Ibnsina Karkenny to expand the square footage of an existing convenience store by ten percent (10%)or greater in an AV, Agricultural/Village Center District on approximately 1.15 acres located at 2938 Jae Valley Roadin the Vinton Magisterial District is substantially in accord with the adopted 2005Community Plan, as amended,pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and that it Page 1 of 2 shall have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighborhood or community, and said special use permit is hereby approved. 2.That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinancebe, and the same hereby are, repealed. The provisions of this special use permit are not severable. Invalidation of any word, phrase, clause, sentence or paragraph shall invalidate the remainder. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoningdistrict map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 2 of 2 O-2 PETITIONER: Tracy Bryant CASE NUMBER: 8-9-2014 st Board of Supervisors Consent 1Reading Date: August 26, 2014 Planning Commission Hearing Date: September 2, 2014 nd Board of Supervisors Hearing & 2Reading Date: September 23, 2014 A.REQUEST To amend existing special use permit conditions to allow for the addition of a propane filling station for an existing garden center use.This portion of the property is zoned AVS, Agricultural/Village Center, with special use permit, on approximately 0.763acre in size located at 7796 Bent Mountain Road,Windsor HillsMagisterial District. B.CITIZEN COMMENTS No citizens spoke. C.SUMMARY OF COMMISSION DISCUSSION Rebecca Jamespresented the staff report.Commissioners clarified the two amended conditions (condition #2 and condition #9) and discussed the building permit review process. The applicant was asked about the design of thetank and explained it wouldmeet all Building Code regulations.Ms.Bryant also clarified the location of the proposed tank. D.CONDITIONS 1.The ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to Bent Mountain Road right-of-way. Within the planting strip, one small evergreen tree shall be planted ever ten linear feet. The landscaping requirements shall comply with the requirements contained in Section 30-92. 2.There shall be no sale or storage of fertilizers or pesticides on the site. The sale of storage of petroleum products on site shall be limited to the propane filling station. 3.As part of site plan review the limits of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated flood way shall be established by a Virginia licensed surveyor or engineer and permanently marked on the ground. 4.No equipment or products shall be stored in the FEMA designated flood way. 5.As apart of site plan review a Virginia licensed engineer shall prepare a plan designed to prevent bulk products stored from encroaching into the FEMA flood way. 6.No temporary portable signs may be used on the property. 7.Only a monument sign shall be used as a freestanding sign. The sign shall have a maximum height of seven feet and no greater than twenty- eight (28) square feet of copy area. Page 1 of 2 O-2 8.There shall be no grinding, chipping or processing of mulch, raw wood or other product on the site. 9.There shall be no wholesale distribution from the site. E.COMMISSION ACTION Mr. Woltz made a motion to recommend approval of the petitionwith the two revised conditions (conditions #2 and #9) for the special use permit. The motion passed 5-0. F. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE None. G. ATTACHMENTS: XConcept Plan XVicinity Map XStaff Report XOther Philip Thompson, Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission Page 2 of 2 STAFF REPORT Petitioner: Tracy Bryant Request: To amend existing special use permit conditions to allow for the addition of a propane filling station for an existing garden center use. This portion of the property is currently zoned AVS, Agricultural/Village Center District, with special use permit. Location: 7796 Bent Mountain Road Magisterial District: Windsor Hills Existing Conditions: 1. The ten-foot planning strip shall be provided adjacent to Bent Mountain Road right-of-way. Within the planting strip, one small evergreen tree shall be planted every ten linear feet. The landscaping requirements shall comply with the requirements contained in Section 30-92. 2. There shall be no sale or storage of fertilizers, pesticides or petroleum products on site. 3. As part of site plan review the limits of the FEMA designated flood way shall be established by a Virginia licensed surveyor or engineer and permanently marked on the ground. 4. No equipment or products shall be stored in the FEMA designed flood way. 5. As a part of site plan review a Virginia licensed engineer shall prepare a plan designed to prevent bulk products stored from encroaching into the FEMA flood way. 6. No temporary portable signs may be used on the property. 7. Only a monument sign shall be used as a freestanding sign. The sign shall have a maximum height of seven feet and no greater than 28 square feet of copy area. 8. There shall be no grinding, chipping or processing of mulch, raw wood or other product on this site. 9. There shall be no wholesale distribution or sale of products from the site. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Tracy Bryant proposes to add a propane filling station, 16 feet in length and 4 feet in diameter, to the existing garden center use at 7796 Bent Mountain Road. The business, Back Creek Mulch and Topsoil, has been in operation since 2001. The existing garden center use is currently zoned AVS, Agricultural/Village Center District with special use permit. There are nine existing conditions associated with the garden center use. Mr. Bryant is requesting to amend two of those conditions. Those two conditions prohibit the sale of propane as currently approved. It is anticipated that the proposed propane filling station will have a minimal impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed use meets the requirements of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and conforms to the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. 1 1. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Section 30-29-5 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance defines a garden centerestablishments or places of business primarily engages in retail or wholesale (bulk) sale, from the premises, of trees, shrubs, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, plants and plant materials primarily for agricultural, residential and commercial consumers. Such establishments typically sell products purchased from others, but may sell some material which they grow themselves. Typical uses included nurseries, plant stores and lawn and garden centers. A garden center use is allowed in the AV zoning district with a special use permit per Section 30-36-2(B) 4. Section 30-85-15 provides use and design standards for a garden center as follows: (A)General Standards: 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of-way. Within this planting strip, one (1) large deciduous, large evergreen or small deciduous tree shall be planted every thirty (30) linear feet. Such plantings shall otherwise comply with the landscaping requirements contained in Section 30-92 2.The storage and/or display of goods and materials in the planning strip required above shall be prohibited. (B) Additional standards in the AV district: 1. When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use type. Roanoke County building permit review shall be required, including Fire Marshal review. No new buildings or additional changes to the site are proposed. 2. ANALYSIS OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Background The property, 7796 Bent Mountain, is split zoned: AVS, Agricultural/Village Center District, with special use permit and AR, Agricultural/Residential District. The existing garden center use (Back Creek Mulch and Topsoil) operates on the front portion of the property, adjacent to Bent Mountain Road. upy the single- family dwelling on the property. Tracy Bryant rezoned the front portion (0.763 acre) of the 1.94 acre tract in 2001 from AR to AV and obtained a special use permit to operate a garden center use. The following conditions were imposed with the approval: 1.The ten-foot planning strip shall be provided adjacent to Bent Mountain Road right-of-way. Within the planting strip, one small evergreen tree shall be planted every ten linear feet. The landscaping requirements shall comply with the requirements contained in Section 30-92. 2.There shall be no sale or storage of fertilizers, pesticides or petroleum products on site. 3.As part of site plan review the limits of the FEMA designated flood way shall be established by a Virginia licensed surveyor or engineer and permanently marked on the ground. 4.No equipment or products shall be stored in the FEMA designed flood way. 5.As a part of site plan review a Virginia licensed engineer shall prepare a plan designed to prevent bulk products stored from encroaching into the FEMA flood way. 6.No temporary portable signs may be used on the property. 2 7. Only a monument sign shall be used as a freestanding sign. The sign shall have a maximum height of seven feet and no greater than 28 square feet of copy area. 8.There shall be no grinding, chipping or processing of mulch, raw wood or other product on this site. 9.There shall be no wholesale distribution or sale of products from the site. Topography/Vegetation The property is located on the lower side of Bent Mountain Road. The front of the parcel, zoned AVS, is generally flat and situated between Martins Creek on the southeast and Back Creek to the south. The majority of this portion of the parcel has been cleared of vegetation, but the north and south sides have some mature vegetation that acts as a buffer to the adjacent properties. A large portion of the parcel is within the FEMA 100-year floodway and floodplain. Surrounding Neighborhood The surrounding adjoining properties are zoned AR, Agricultural/Residential District and AV, Agricultural Village Center District The surrounding AR and AV zoned parcels are all single- family dwellings or vacant parcels. 3. ANALYSIS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Site Layout/Architecture There is an existing gravel road from Bent Mountain Road to the rear of the property, which is the portion zoned AR. The residential use consists of a one-story dwelling, cabin and garage. The existing garden center use occupies the front of the parcel, zoned AVS. There are currently several areas of bulk storage for mulch and topsoil on the level area adjacent to Bent Mountain Road. There are no structures on this portion of the property. There is an existing sign and access for the garden center use. The AR zoned portion of the property is not used in conjunction with Back Creek Mulch and Topsoil. The applicant is proposing to add a propane filling station to the existing garden center use. As a result of the 2001 rezoning and special use permit request, conditions were imposed that prohibited the sale or storage of petroleum products. A concept plan has been submitted showing the location of the propane filling station and all the required regulations. The tank will be sixteen feet in length and four feet in diameter. There is a locking cabinet located at one end of the tank that houses a hose and pump. The cabinet is four feet in length and four feet in width and four and half feet in height. The tank and cabinet will be surrounded by eight concrete bollards, five feet tall and eight inches in diameter. The tank will sit on a six foot by eighteen foot concrete pad. No additional signage is proposed on the site. Access/Traffic Circulation The subject parcel is accessed from Bent Mountain Road via an existing entrance that currently serves the existing garden center and residential use. The Virginia Department of Transportation had no comments on this request. Fire & Rescue/Utilities s: 1.The water gallon capacity of the tank is not listed. The tank is only listed as a 16 foot long by 4 foot wide tank. If the tank is between the size of 125 to 1,200 water gallons, then it needs to be installed at least 10 feet from buildings, public ways, or lot lines of adjoining properties. If the tank is between 1,201 to 2,000 water gallons, it needs to be installed at least 25 feet away from a building, public way or lot line. 2.LP gas equipment shall be installed in accordance to the Fuel Gas Code, NFPA 58, and the Virginia Statewide Prevention Code (SFPC). 3.be allowed within 25 feet of a point of transfer, while filling operations are in progress. 3 4. Weeds, grass, brush, trash and other combustible materials shall be kept a minimum of 10 feet from LP containers. 5.If the tank has the possibility of being exposed to vehicle damage, approved vehicle impact protection needs to be provided. 6.A minimum of an 18 pound dry chemical fire extinguisher with a B:C rating shall be provided. These requirements will be addressed during the Building Permit Review process. Economic Development - No objections to this request. Building Safety The Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code requires minimum separation between the proposed tank and buildings, public ways or lot lines of adjoining properties. This requirement will be addressed during the Building Permit Review process. 4.CONFORMANCE WITH ROANOKE COUNTY COMMUNITY PLAN This site is designated Village Center on the future land use map of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. A future land use area which serves as the commercial and institutional focal point of surrounding rural residential and farming establishments. By nature, the majority of commercial and institutional activities in Village Center areas are designed, scaled and marketed to best serve the product and service needs of the residents from the surrounding rural areas. Acceptable land use types include single-family residential, establishments that provide retail goods and services to the surrounding village residents, schools, religious assembly facilities and small scale agricultural productions and services. 5.STAFF CONCLUSIONS It is anticipated that the proposed amended garden center use will have a minimal impact on the surrounding neighborhood. The proposed use meets the requirements of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and conforms to the Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan. If the Planning Commission chooses to recommend approval of this petition staff suggests the following amended conditions, remaining existing conditions will remain as is: 2. There shall be no sale or storage of fertilizers or pesticides on the site. The sale or storage of petroleum products on site shall be limited to the propane filling station. 9. There shall be no wholesale distribution from the site. CASE NUMBER: 8-9/2014 PREPARED BY: Rebecca M. James HEARING DATES: PC: 9/2/2014 BOS: 9/23/2014 ATTACHEMENTS: Application Ordinance 022701-12 Aerial Map Zoning Map Land Use Map Photos AV District Standards Garden Center Use and Design Standards 4 AV District Regulations SEC. 30-36. AV AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTER DISTRICT. Sec. 30-36-1. Purpose. (A) The purpose of the AV, agricultural/village center district is to establish areas which will serve as the focal point for cultural and commercial activity of the rural service areas of the county, as envisioned in the comprehensive plan land use category of the same name. The density recommended for these areas is intended to average between one (1) and three (3) units per acre. Small country stores, family restaurants, and similar small service and personal service businesses, in addition to public and institutional buildings such as schools, post offices and places of religious assembly, are commonly found at these crossroad locations. These areas bring a sense of community to the surrounding rural areas, with an emphasis on providing the essential goods and services to rural residents, but are not intended as employment destinations for urban residents. New development should therefore be carefully considered for its compatibility with the surrounding development and the purpose and intent of this district. Any expansion of these areas should be contiguous to existing village center areas to avoid leap-frog commercial development. Similarly additional development may warrant additional public services, such as community sewer and water systems. (Ord. No. 042799-11, §§ 1f., 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) Sec. 30-36-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Agriculture * Stable, Private * Wayside Stand * 2. Residential Uses Accessory Apartment * Home Beauty/Barber Salon * Home Occupation, Type II * Manufactured Home * 1 AV District Regulations Manufactured Home, Emergency * Multiple Dog Permit * Residential Human Care Facility Single-Family Dwelling, Attached * Single-Family Dwelling, Detached Two-Family Dwelling * 3. Civic Uses Administrative Services Clubs * Community Recreation * Cultural Services Day Care Center * Educational Facilities, Primary/Secondary * Family Day Care Home * Park and Ride Facility * Post Office Public Parks and Recreational Areas * Religious Assembly * Safety Services * Utility Services, Minor 4. Office Uses Financial Institutions * General Office * 2 AV District Regulations Medical Office * 5. Commercial Uses Agricultural Services * Antique Shops * Bed and Breakfast * Consumer Repair Services Personal Improvement Services Personal Services Restaurant, General * Studio, Fine Arts Veterinary Hospital/Clinic 6. Miscellaneous Uses Amateur Radio Tower * Wind Energy System, Small* (B) The following uses are allowed only by special use permit pursuant to section 30-19. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 1. Agricultural and Forestry Uses Stable, Commercial * 2. Residential Uses Alternative Discharging Sewage Systems * Multi-family Dwelling * Townhouse * 3. Civic Uses 3 AV District Regulations Adult Care Residences Cemetery * Crisis Center Halfway House Life Care Facility Nursing Home Utility Services, Major * 4. Commercial Uses Automobile Repair Services, Minor * Automobile Parts/Supply, Retail * Boarding House Business Support Services Commercial Outdoor Sports and Recreation Construction Sales and Services * Convenience Store * Equipment Sales and Rental * Fuel Center* Funeral Services Garden Center * Gasoline Station * Kennel, Commercial * Mini-warehouse * Restaurant, Drive-in or Fast Food * 4 AV District Regulations Retail Sales * 5. Industrial Uses Construction Yards * Custom Manufacturing * Recycling Centers and Stations * 6. Miscellaneous Uses Outdoor Gatherings * (Ord. No. 42793-20, § II, 4-27-93; Ord. No. 82493-8, § 2, 8-24-93; Ord. No. 62795-10, 6-27-95; Ord. No. 042799-11, § 2, 4-27-99; Ord. No. 072605-7, § 1, 7-26-05; Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4- 22-08; Ord. No. 052609-22, § 1, 5-26-09; Ord. No. 030811-1, § 1, 3-8-11; Ord. No. 052411-9, § 1, 5-24-11, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) Sec. 30-36-3. Site Development Regulations. General Standards. For additional, modified, or more stringent standards for specific uses, see Article IV, Use and Design Standards. (A) Minimum lot requirements. 1. Lots served by private well and sewage disposal system; a. Area: 25,000 square feet b. Frontage: 85 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 2. Lots served by either public sewer or water: a. Area: 20,000 square feet b. Frontage: 75 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. 3. Lots served by both public sewer and water: a. Area: 15,000 square feet b. Frontage: 60 feet on a publicly owned and maintained street. (B) Minimum setback requirements. 5 AV District Regulations 1. Front yard: a. Principal structures: 30 feet. b. Accessory structures: Behind the front building line. 2. Side yard: a. Principal structures: 10 feet b. Accessory structures: 10 feet behind front building line or 3 feet behind rear building line. 3. Rear yard: a. Principal structures: 25 feet b. Accessory structures: 3 feet 4. Where a lot fronts on more than one street, front yard setbacks shall apply to all streets. (C) Maximum height of structures. 1. All structures: 45 feet (D) Maximum coverage. 1. Building coverage: 35 percent of the total lot area. 2. Lot coverage: 75 percent of the total lot area. (Ord. No. 62293-12, § 10, 6-22-93, Ord. No. 111213-15, § 1, 11-12-13) 6 Use & Design Standards Commercial Uses Sec. 30-85-15. Garden Center. (A) General standards: 1. A ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to any public street right-of- way. Within this planting strip, one (1) large deciduous, large evergreen or small deciduous tree shall be planted every thirty (30) linear feet. Such plantings shall otherwise comply with the landscaping requirements contained in section 30-92 2. The storage and/or display of goods and materials in the planting strip required above shall be prohibited. (B) Additional standards in the AV district: 1. When adjoining a residential use type, a Type C buffer yard in accordance with Section 30-92 shall be provided along the property line which adjoins the residential use type. (Ord. No. 042208-16, § 1, 4-22-08) 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2014 ORDINANCE AMENDING EXISTING SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITIONS TO ALLOW FOR THE ADDITION OF A PROPANE FILLING STATION FOR AN EXISTING GARDEN CENTER USE IN AN AVS, AGRICULTURAL/VILLAGE CENTER, DISTRICT WITH A SPECIAL USE PERMIT ON A 0.763 ACRE PORTION OF AN APPROXIMATELY 1.94 ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT 7796 BENT MOUNTAIN ROAD, WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, UPON THE PETITION OF TRACY A. BRYANT WHEREAS, Ordinance 022701-12 adopted on February 27, 2001,rezoned a 1.94 acre parcel of real estate located in the 7700 block of Bent Mountain Road (portion of Tax Map #095.01-01-45.00-0000) to AV, Agricultural/Village Center District and granted a special use permit with conditions for the operation of a garden center upon application by Tracy A. Bryant; and WHEREAS, the applicant, Tracy A. Bryant, has filed a petition to amend the existing special use permit conditions to allow the additionof a propane filing station at the existing garden center; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter on September 2, 2014; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held a first reading on this matter on August 26, 2014; and a second reading and public hearing on this matter on September 23, 2014. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1.That the Board finds that amending the conditions of a special use permit granted to Tracey A. Bryantfor an existing garden center located at 7796 Bent Page 1of 3 Mountain Road(portion of Tax Map # 095.01-01-45.00-0000) (Windsor Hills Magisterial District)to allow for the addition of a propane filing station is substantially in accord with the adopted 2005 Community Plan, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-2232 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, that it shall have a minimum adverse impact on the surrounding neighbourhood or community, andthereforesaid special use permitconditions are hereby AMENDED and APPROVED to read and provide as follow: a)The ten-foot planting strip shall be provided adjacent to Bent Mountain Road right-of-way. Within the planting strip, one small evergreen tree shall be planted ever ten linear feet. The landscaping requirements shall comply with the requirements contained in Section 30-92. b)There shall be no sale or storage of fertilizers or pesticides on the site. The sale or storage of petroleum products on site shall be limited to the propane filling station. c)As part of site plan review the limits of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)designated flood way shall be established by a Virginia licensed surveyor or engineer and permanently marked on the ground. d)No equipment or products shall be stored in the FEMA designated flood way. e)As a part of site plan review a Virginia licensed engineer shall prepare a plan designed to prevent bulk products stored from encroaching into the FEMA flood way. f)No temporary portable signs may be used on the property. g)Only a monument sign shall be used as a freestanding sign. The sign shall have a maximum height of seven feet and no greater thantwenty-eight (28) square feet of copy area. h)There shall be no grinding, chipping or processing of mulch, raw wood or other product on the site. i)There shall be no wholesale distribution from the site. 2.That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its final passage. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same hereby are, repealed. The provisions of this special use permit are not severable. Invalidation of any word, phrase, clause, sentence or Page 2of 3 paragraph shall invalidate the remainder. The Zoning Administrator is directed to amend the zoning district map to reflect the change in zoning classification authorized by this ordinance. Page 3of 3