HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/24/2017 - Regular
Petitioner: Property Catalyst Group
Request: Obtain a Special Use Permit for mini-warehouse on 3.97 acres in an I-1, Low
Intensity Industrial District
Location: Plantation Road/Hitech Road Intersection
Magisterial District: Hollins
Suggested Conditions: 1. The site shall be developed in general conformance with the concept plan titled
(Special Use Permit) Plantation Storage Master Plan prepared by Balzer and Associates, Inc. dated
November 23, 2016, revised December 8, 2016 and December 12, 2016, subject
to special use permit conditions and those changes which may be required by
Roanoke County during the site plan review process.
2. The building shall be developed in general conformance to the architectural
renderings titled Plantation Storage prepared by Jones & Jones Associates
Architects PC dated December 8, 2016. The proposed conceptual left side
elevation shall generally match the right side elevation.
3. Free standing light poles, including fixture, shall not be more than 25 feet above
grade. All exterior lights shall be down-lit or shielded so as not to direct glare
onto adjoining streets or residential properties.
4. A vehicular entrance shall be prohibited on the property along Plantation Road.
5. Freestanding signage shall be limited to one (1) monument sign in substantial
conformance with the sign detail prepared by Jones & Jones Associates
Architects PC dated December 8, 2016. Digital and LED sign faces are
prohibited. The monument sign shall only be lit from the ground and not cause
glare onto adjacent roads or properties. No neon signage shall be allowed on
the property.
6. A 10-foot planting strip shall be installed on the property along the Hitech Road
and Plantation Road right-of-ways. The planting strip shall meet the
requirements of Sec. 30-92-6(B)2. The outdoor storage areas shall be screened
by a 10-foot landscaped area consisting of large evergreen trees in accordance
with Sec. 30-92.
7. The dumpster enclosure will be constructed with masonry materials that match
those used on the building façade.
Property Catalyst Group is requesting a special use permit to construct an approximately 66,000 square foot
building for mini-warehouse use on a 3.97-acre parcel zoned I-1, Low Intensity Industrial, located at the intersection
of Plantation Road and Hitech Road in the Hollins Magisterial District.
The 2005 Comprehensive Plan indicates that the Future Land Use Designation of this parcel is Core. Core is a
future land use area where high intensity urban development is encouraged. Land uses within core areas may
parallel the central business districts of Roanoke, Salem and Vinton. Core areas may also be appropriate for larger-
scale highway-oriented retail uses and regionally-based shopping facilities. The proposed project is in conformance
Mini-warehouse requires a special use permit in the I-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District. The use and
design standards for mini-warehouse are listed below.
Sec. 30-85-19. Mini-warehouse.
(A) General standards:
1. The minimum lot size shall be two (2) acres.
2. The minimum front yard setback shall be thirty-five (35) feet.
3. No security fencing, security gate or other obstruction to vehicle access shall be permitted in the
required front yard setback or in any buffer yard required pursuant to Section 30-92
4. All interior driveways shall be at least twenty-six (26) feet wide when cubicles open onto one (1)
side only and at least thirty (30) feet wide when cubicles open onto both sides to accommodate
loading and unloading at individual cubicles. Adequate turning radiuses shall be provided, where
appropriate, for a thirty-foot long single unit truck or moving van. Materials and design shall
otherwise conform to the standards contained in section 30-91-4.3, parking area surface standards.
5. No door openings for any cubicle shall be constructed facing any residentially zoned property.
6. The following uses shall be prohibited:
a. Auctions by tenants, commercial wholesale or retail sales, or miscellaneous or garage
b. The servicing, repair or fabrication of motor vehicles, boats, trailers, lawn mowers,
appliances or other similar equipment.
c. The operation of power tools, spray-painting equipment, table saws, lathes, compressors,
welding equipment, kilns, or other similar equipment.
d. The establishment of a transfer and storage business.
e. The storage of flammable, highly combustible, explosive or hazardous materials shall be
7. Outdoor storage areas shall be used for the storage of motor vehicles, trailers, and recreational
vehicles only. All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from adjoining properties by a ten-foot
landscaped area consisting of small evergreen trees and evergreen shrubs in accordance with
Section 30-92.
8. Accommodations for a live-in manager shall be permitted.
Site plan review and building plan review will be required if the special use permit is approved.
Background The property is currently vacant. It is currently owned by Harris Corporation (formerly ITT
Excelis) with Property Catalyst Group as the contract purchaser. Harris Corporation dedicated right-of-way
and easements along the frontage of this parcel for Phase I of the Plantation Road Bicycle, Pedestrian, and
Streetscape Project. Construction of this approximately $4 million improvement project is scheduled to
begin in the spring of 2017.
Topography/Vegetation The site is relatively flat and gently slopes to the front eastern corner of the
property. The lot is completely vegetated with grass.
Surrounding Neighborhood The subject parcel is surrounded by I-1, Low Intensity Industrial, zoning
except for one piece of property zoned C-2, High Intensity Commercial, to the northwest. Surrounding land
uses include industrial, commercial, vacant and residential uses. The vacant parcel to the northwest across
Hitech Road was zoned in 2008 for a hotel use. The residential property to the southeast is zoned industrial
and is currently being marketed for industrial/commercial use.
Site Layout/Architecture The submitted concept plan shows a three story building approximately 66,000
square feet. Approximately 400 units (52,000 square feet) are proposed within the building along with an
office/support area. While an on-site manager apartment will not be constructed at this time, rough-in
plumbing and electric will be completed to accommodate this need at a future date. Units will range in size
p.m. Monday through Saturday). 24 hour access via monitored keypad would be available to certain
business and atypical residential customers. Most residential customers will have access from 5 a.m. to 10
p.m. Architectural renderings and photo simulations of the proposed building are included in the application.
Construction of the building is estimated at 6 to 7 months. If approved, the applicant anticipates an early-
2018 opening.
In addition to the building, the submitted concept plan shows parking spaces for 30 recreational and
oversized vehicles, 7 parking spaces for customers, a loading area across the front of the building, a
freestanding monument sign (- --of-way plantings, a dumpster
enclosure, and the general location of stormwater management facilities. Security fencing is not proposed
at this time. The entire site and building will be monitored with security cameras.
Access/Traffic Circulation Two entrances are proposed on the concept plan. A full entrance on Hitech
Road and a right-in and right-out entrance on Plantation Road. As part of the Plantation Road project, an
entrance will be constructed on the adjacent property to the south that lines up with Milk-A-Way Drive. The
create another crossing of the multi-use trail. Staff has requested that the applicant to work with the
adjacent property owner regarding a cross-access easement to tie into the proposed entrance across from
Milk-A-Way Drive.
Review Agency Comments
The Office of Building Safety, Solid Waste, and Western Virginia Water Authority stated that they
had no comments or that the project had no impact on their services.
Fire & Rescue stated that the project would not increase or affect their services. Fire flow, access,
and other code requirements will be addressed during the site plan review process.
Economic Development stated that the proposed development is aesthetically pleasing, provides
service to the growing Hollins area, and represents taxable new investment along a high traffic
commercial corridor.
Stormwater Operations stated that an adequate receiving channels/piped system may be an issue
at this location. The engineer should provide enough information on receiving systems during the
site plan review process.
VDOT stated that a right and left turn analysis will be required during the site plan review process.
VDOT also stated that the project will need to coordinate with the construction of the Plantation
Road Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Streetscape project to ensure that there are no conflicts with the
proposed improvements.
The 2005 Comprehensive Plan indicates that the Future Land Use Designation of this parcel is Core.
Core is a future land use area where high intensity urban development is encouraged. Land uses within
core areas may parallel the central business districts of Roanoke, Salem and Vinton. Core areas may also
be appropriate for larger-scale highway-oriented retail uses and regionally-based shopping facilities. Due to
limited availability, areas designated as Core are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities.
Suitable land use types include general retail shops, personal services, office and institutional uses, and
limited industrial uses. The proposed project is in conformance with the Coun
Property Catalyst Group is requesting a special use permit to construct an approximately 66,000 square foot
building for mini-warehouse use on a 3.97-acre parcel zoned I-1, Low Intensity Industrial, located at the
intersection of Plantation Road and Hitech Road in the Hollins Magisterial District. The proposed project is
in conformance with the Core Future Land Use Designation where high intensity urban development is
Since Plantation Road is
transportation improvements, staff has suggested special use permit conditions that deal with general
conformance to the concept plan and architectural renderings, exterior lighting, access, signage, buffers,
and dumpster enclosure.
CASE NUMBER: 3-1/2017
PREPARED BY: Philip Thompson
HEARING DATES: PC: 1/3/17 BOS: 1/24/17
ATTACHMENTS: Application Materials
Aerial Map
Future Land Use Map
Zoning Map
I-1 Zoning District Regulations
Core Future Land Use Description
VDOT Letter dated December 14, 2016
Dear Ms. Hooker: Happy Holidays! Thank you for reading this e-mail.
I am Dr. Milagros "Millee" Jorge and my husband is Dr. Mitchell Horowitz. We live at 5126 Blacksburg Rd
in Catawba. Our home is on the parcel of land that begins where the guard rail ends as you make the left
turn from RTE 311 onto Blacksburg Rd. I am writing to provide you my thoughts on why my husband and
I are opposed to re-zoning to allow the request to have an events facility on Blacksburg Rd.
Blacksburg Rd is a rural road in a rural community. We live here because we want to have a rural
lifestyle. We live here because we want to support, through our property taxes and through our
commitment to community, rural living. Allowing the proposed events facility to conduct parties with
music, alcohol use, and potentially illicit drug use common to many venues poses a threat to rural living
in Catawba.
Rural communities are not necessarily equipped to handle the problems that arise from urban business
activities such as ongoing events with large numbers of people; many cars; bringing in services from
other areas to meet the needs of the events; and hiring persons from other localities to service the
worker needs of the events. Such overuse of roads and increased traffic has a negative impact on rural
living. Rural communities should not have to contend with congestion and noise from increased traffic
that is typical in large events such as wedding receptions. In addition, Virginia, and most of the country,
is battling a heroin drug crisis right now. Heroin use, and drug overdoses from heroin, is an ever-growing
problem. Why even introduce the possibility of such a problem into our community by allowing an
events facility on Blacksburg Rd.
In no way do I suggest that the event planners have anything to do with illicit drugs. I am certain they
are honorable and law abiding citizens. However, they do not have control over who participates in the
events. They do not know who will walk through the doors of their events and what is likely to transpire.
Moreover, given the rise in use of recreational drugs and the legalization of the use of marijuana in
many states, persons who come to wedding receptions from other states may travel with their
marijuana and think it is legal in Virginia. This is not an extreme hypothetical scenario; this is the reality
of what occurs in the US and how close the blight of drugs is to every community.
As we are all aware of, Pulaski County has one of the highest drug problems in western Virginia. Solving
drug problems in rural communities is a challenge because of limited resources and limited professionals
and high cost of rehabilitation from drug and alcohol addiction. In Catawba we should make every effort
to protect our children and young adults from exposure to alcohol and drugs. Prevention through
limiting exposure is essential to containing the blight of dependency on alcohol and drugs that is
currently in crisis in Virginia.
We are vehemently opposed to introducing a change to the rural agricultural nature of Blacksburg Rd.
There are many other reasons to oppose this application for change but the greatest of these should be
that we run the risk of introducing to our community a change that will have long lasting negative
effects that will burden the long-term residents and will alter the lifestyle we cherish in Catawba valley.
Thank you allowing me to express my concerns. I hope that you will e-mail or call if you want additional
information. 540-769-9448.
County of Roanoke
TO: Planning Commission
FROM: Philip Thompson, AICP
Deputy Director of Planning
DATE: December 30, 2016
SUBJECT: Valley Management Co. Inc. Rezoning/SUP Petition
At the November 1, 2016, meeting, the Planning Commission continued the Public Hearing on
Valley Management Co. Inc.s rezoning and special use permit petition until the Commissions
January 3, 2017 meeting. The Commission requested additional information from the
applicant. This supplemental information is attached to this memorandum. Also attached are
a memorandum from the Countys Engineering staff, a copy of the 2013 VDOT analysis of the
Starkey Road/Buck Mountain Road intersection (previously emailed to you), the November 1
meeting minutes, and the original staff report packet.
If you have any questions, please contact me by phone at (540) 772-2068 ext. 365 or by email at
Appendix E: Recommended Sign Modifications
*Note: Removal of the 35 MPH speed limit in the eastbound direction on Route 679 is due to the fact that
the speed limit changes to 40 MPH at 0.06 miles east of Route 904. The 40 MPH speed limit sign is visible
to eastbound traffic from the Route 904 intersection, so the signs are creating a mixed message
**Note: Installation of the 35 MPH speed limit in the westbound direction on Route 679 is due to the fact
that the speed limit changes from 40 MPH to 35 MPH at 0.06 miles east of Route 904. However, the
speed limit sign is not posted at the point of speed limit change, but rather after crossing the Route 904
intersection. The existing 35 MPH sign can remain, but a speed limit sign is required at the termini of the
speed zone from 40 MPH to 35 MPH.
Petitioner: Valley Management Co., Inc./Friendship Health and Rehab Center South, Inc.
Staff Note: Throughout this report, staff will refer to the different properties of this project as
the Valley Management Parcels and the Friendship Parcel. The Valley Management
Parcels are comprised of three parcels (087.18-01-38.00-0000, 087.18-01-39.00-0000,
and 087.18-01-54.00-0000) totaling 2.93 acres. The Friendship Parcel is one parcel
(087.18-01-37.00-0000) and is 10.15 acres in size.
Request: Rezone 2.93 acres from R-1, Low Density Residential District, C-1, Low Intensity
Commercial District, and C-1C, Low Density Commercial District with conditions, to
C-2, General Commercial District, remove proffered conditions, and obtain a special
use permit for a nursing home and life care facility. (Valley Management Parcels)
Amend a proffered condition and amend special use permit conditions on a 10.15-
acre parcel zoned C-2CS, High Intensity Commercial, District with conditions and
special use permit. The amended conditions deal with conformance to the concept
plan and architectural renderings, and screening and buffering requirements.
(Friendship Parcel)
Location: 5647, 5665, 5669, and 0 Starkey Road
Magisterial District: Cave Spring
Proffered Conditions: 1. The footprint of the house will not be expanded.
(To be Removed)
Valley Management 2. The location of the parking area required for the office zoning will be in
Parcels substantial conformity with the site plan prepared by Dickson Architects
dated May 30, 1990.
3. There will be no residential or institutional use of the property following
expiration of the current residential leases.
4. Type C screening and buffering will be located where required by the
County staff.
Proffered Condition: 1. The site will be developed in substantial conformity with the
(New) Valley
Management Parcels d by Freeman White subject to those changes
which may be required or permitted by Roanoke County during
comprehensive site plan review.
Suggested Conditions: 1. The site shall be developed in general conformance to the architectural
(Special Use Permit) renderings (exterior elevations and material palette) included in the
Valley Management Comprehensive Concept Plan Starkey Road Senior Living
Parcels prepared by Freeman White dated September 27, 2016.
2. -
than eighteen (18) feet high and arranged so glare is not cast onto
adjoining properties.
3. No trash service or deliveries to the site shall take place between 11:00 pm
and 7:00 am.
4. A business sign for the site shall be limited to a brick monument style sign
not to exceed four (4) feet in height and ten (10) feet in width or a total of
forty (40) square feet.
Proffered Condition: 1. The site will be developed in substantial conformity with the
(Amended) Comprehensive Concept Plan dated December 4, 2012 September 27, 2016,
Friendship Parcel titled arkey Road
, prepared by Freeman White, Inc. subject to those changes
which may be required or permitted by Roanoke County during
comprehensive site plan review.
Suggested Conditions: 1. The site shall be developed in general conformance to the architectural
(Special Use Permit
Amended) prepared by Freeman White, Inc. dated September 2012, and in general
Friendship Parcel conformance to the architectural renderings (exterior elevations and
material palette) included in the Comprehensive Concept Plan titled
27, 2016.
2. Freestan-
than eighteen (18) feet high and arranged so glare is not cast onto adjoining
3. A Type C buffer shall be installed along all property lines except for the
frontage along Starkey Road. If option 2 is utilized, a wood or vinyl stockade
fence and large evergreen trees (instead of large deciduous trees) shall be
installed. A Type C Buffer, option 1 shall be installed along the southern
property line adjacent to Warren Coburn's properties (087.18-01-54.00-0000
and 087.18-01-39.00-0000) to include 2 staggered rows of large evergreen
4. No trash service or deliveries to the site shall take place between 11:00 pm
and 7:00 am.
5. A business sign for the site shall be limited to a brick monument style sign
not to exceed four (4) feet in height and ten (10) feet in width or a total of
forty (40) square feet.
Valley Management Co., Inc. (Valley Management) is proposing to construct a 3-story/4-story building, residential in
character, which would contain 34 independent living units and 20 memory care units. The zoning actions that are
needed in order for this to occur include: rezoning three (3) parcels totaling approximately 2.93 acres from R-1, C-1,
and C-1C to C-2, removing four (4) proffered conditions on one of the three parcels, and obtaining a special use
permit for a nursing home and life care facility on the three properties. Due to topography and construction issues,
Valley Management intends to acquire property from Friendship Health and Rehab Center South, Inc. (Friendship)
approximately 0.39 acre in size for the construction of its proposed building. Since the 10.15-acre Friendship
property contains a proffered condition and special use permit conditions associated with its development, the
proffer and special use permit conditions need to be amended to be consistent with the proposed development. The
properties are located at or near 5647, 5665, and 5669 Starkey Road, Cave Spring Magisterial District.
According to the 2005 Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan, the Future Land Use Designation of these properties
includes Transition, Core, and Neighborhood Conservation. Transition areas are typically buffers between higher
intensity developments such as highways and commercial areas and lower intensity uses such as residential areas.
Core areas are considered areas where high intensity urban development is encouraged and are not appropriate for
tax-exempt facilities. Areas designated as Neighborhood Conservation are where established single-family
neighborhoods are delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged.
A nursing home and a life care facility are allowed as special uses in the C-2 District. Nursing home and
life care facility are defined in the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Nursing home: A use providing bed care and in-patient services for persons requiring regular medical
attention but excluding a facility providing surgical or emergency medical services and excluding a facility
providing care for alcoholism, drug addiction, mental disease, or communicable disease. Nursing homes
have doctors or licensed nurses on duty.
Life care facility: A residential facility primarily for the continuing care of the elderly, providing for transitional
housing progressing from independent living in various dwelling units, with or without kitchen facilities, and
culminating in nursing home type care where all related uses are located on the same lot. Such facility may
include other services integral to the personal and therapeutic care of the residents.
The C-2 District Regulations are included as an attachment.
Background The Valley Management Parcels contained two homes which have been demolished during
the past year. In 1990, the property (5665) along Starkey Road was rezoned for office use with four
proffered conditions. Valley Management is requesting to remove these proffered conditions associated
with an office use. These proffers deal with limiting building footprint, parking area site plan conformance,
extinguishing residential and institutional uses, and buffering.
In 2013, the Friendship Parcel was rezoned from R-1 to C-2CS for the purpose of constructing a nursing
home and life care facility. The building was completed in 2016 and is in operation.
During the past year, Valley Management Co. Inc. has acquired additional neighboring parcels (see
attached map) for future development. This petition represents a portion of the additional purchased
properties. To date, no master plan has been presented by the applicants to the County for these
Topography/Vegetation The Valley Management Parcels have substantial tree growth. In addition, there is
a significant amount of these properties that are located within the 100 year floodplain and floodway. At the
rear of the property, a significant topography change occurs from the floodplain heading north. The
proposed development falls outside of the designated flooplain/floodway area. Removal of existing trees is
needed to construct the proposed development. Efforts should be made to minimize the disturbance to the
existing vegetation. The planting of trees in disturbed areas outside of the building footprint, parking areas,
and travel ways should be required.
The Friendship Parcel is almost completely developed to accommodate the 120 bed facility and parking
area. It includes a large required buffer yard (Type C) along all adjacent residential properties.
Surrounding Neighborhood The properties adjacent to the Valley Management Parcels and Friendship
Parcel are zoned R-1 (Low Density Residential), R-3 (Medium Density Residential), C-1 (Low Intensity
Commercial) and C-2 (High Intensity Commercial). The surrounding neighborhood contains a medical
office, condo and apartment complexes, a church, office, and many residential homes including the
Crescent Heights subdivision.
Site Layout/Architecture The proposed development is for a 3-story/4-story building, residential in
character, approximately 59,400 gross square feet in size that would contain 34 independent living units and
20 memory care units. The maximum roof height would be 67 feet. Approximately 40 new parking spaces
are proposed. Most of these spaces will be located below ground. There is one access off Starkey Road
and two access points tying into the rear parking lot of Friendships Rehab Center. Public water and public
sewer are available to serve the proposed development. A Type C Buffer will be required along the eastern
and southern property lines where R-1 zoned properties exist. Increased setbacks from the side and rear
yards will also be required due to the height of the building above 45 feet. For every foot above 45 feet,
two feet will have to be added to the required yard setback. Exterior elevations including materials palette is
included in the application. According to the application, the proposed development would generate 15 to
20 new jobs. Similar to Friendships Rehab Center, employee shifts would be 7 a.m. 3 p.m., 3 p.m. 11
p.m., and 11 p.m. 7 a.m.
The Friendship Parcel has an existing 120 bed rehabilitation facility/nursing home with associated parking.
The only changes to this existing layout are to remove the buffer yard between it and the proposed
development, add access from the existing rear parking lot to the proposed development, and reduce the
number of independent living units on the concept plan from 10 to 8. No changes are proposed to
Friendships access.
Access/Traffic Circulation VDOT required a full traffic study at the time of the 2013 rezoning. As of this
time, VDOT has stated that the traffic summary provided in the application is adequate and no right or left
turn lanes into the site will be needed for the proposed development. The Average Annual Weekday Traffic
(AAWDT) along Starkey Road is 9,100 vehicles per day.
Fire & Rescue Fire & Rescue staff provided technical comments based on the Fire Prevention Code that
would be addressed during building plan review. Fire & Rescue also provided the following comments on
the proposed developments impact to its services: the potential to add increased fire alarms due to the
activation of smoke detectors or alarms inside the R-2 use due to burnt food if the smoke detectors or
alarms inside the dwelling units are tied to the fire alarm system, it will add the need of a ladder truck for
responses due to it being a multi-story building, and it will increase the medical calls at the facility, which
has the possibility of taxing our EMS system.
Economic Development Economic Development offers no objections to the rezoning and supports the
proposed use for-profit operation.
Community Meeting A community meeting was held on Thursday, October 13, 2016, at the Roanoke
County Administration Center. Approximately 31 citizens attended this meeting. Valley Management and
Friendship representatives were present to discuss their project and answer questions. Questions,
comments and concerns raised by attendees included an increase in stormwater runoff since completion of
the Friendship development, whether the new facility will pay taxes, status of constructing patio homes
shown on Friendships concept plan, plans (master plan) for the other properties purchased by Valley
Management, floodplain issues, inadequate buffer along Crescent Boulevard, maximum building height,
underground garage, rooftop equipment not being screened, property values, encroachment into residential
area, lighting, access to Crescent Boulevard, and future plans for widening Starkey Road.
The Roanoke County Comprehensive Plan designates the Valley Management Parcels as Core and
Neighborhood Conservation and the Friendship Parcel as Transition and Neighborhood Conservation. The
area of the new proposed development is mostly designated Core.
Core is a future land use area where high intensity urban development is encouraged. Land uses within
core areas may parallel the central business districts of Roanoke, Salem and Vinton. Core areas may also
be appropriate for larger-scale highway-oriented retail uses and regionally-based shopping facilities. Due to
limited availability, areas designated as Core are not appropriate for tax-exempt facilities
Neighborhood Conservation is a future land use area where established single-family neighborhoods are
delineated and the conservation of the existing development pattern is encouraged.
Transition is a future land use area that encourages the orderly development of highway frontage parcels.
Transition areas generally serve as developed buffers between highways and nearby or adjacent lower
intensity development. Intense retail and highway oriented commercial uses are discouraged in transition
areas, which are more suitable for office, institutional and small-scale, coordinated retail uses.
The Countys Comprehensive Plan also recommends that Starkey Road be improved to an urban four lane
roadway. The consideration of right-of-way donation should be explored with the applicant.
The purpose of this request is to construct a 3-story/4-story building, residential in character, which would
contain 34 independent living units and 20 memory care units. The necessary zoning actions to make this
happen include rezoning property to C-2, obtaining a special use permit for a nursing home and life care
facility, deleting proffered conditions, amending proffer conditions, and amending special use permit
The proposed development would be consistent with the Core land use designation provided it is not tax-
exempt. Staff has requested information on the fiscal impact of the proposed development from the
applicant, but staff has not received this information to date. Staff has suggested some special use permit
conditions which address conformance to the architectural renderings, lighting, signage and trash
service/delivery time restrictions. Additional conditions (special use permit or proffer) should be considered
that deal with floodplain protection, additional tree plantings of disturbed areas, identified future
transportation needs, and the impact to Fire & Rescue services.
Additional concerns include the piece-meal nature of Valley Managements and Friendships development
and future development and how that will impact the residential nature of the Crescent Heights
neighborhood. What public improvements are being provided to improve the surrounding community?
CASE NUMBER: 9-11/2016
PREPARED BY: Tara Pattisall
HEARING DATES: PC: 11/1/2016 BOS: 11/22/2016
Aerial Map
Zoning Map
Future Land Use Map
Valley Management/Friendship Property Map
VDOT Letter
Fire & Rescue Comments
Ordinance 82890-11
Ordinance 012213-9
C-2, General Commercial District Standards
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The use of the building will be a mixed use consisting of an I-2 Memory Care Unit, an R-2
Independent Living Apartment, and an S-2 parking garage.
There will also be 8 Independent cottages in the rear of the development.
Based upon the R-2 and I-2 uses, and with the parking garage being located beneath these uses,
the building will be required to be protected with an automatic sprinkler system.
A manual fire alarm system will be required throughout the building. In the memory care unit,
smoke detection will be required in the corridors. In the Independent Living Apartment, smoke
alarms will be required to be installed in each unit.
However, Friendship can always go above and beyond and install and interconnect smoke
detectors in other areas of the building and tie them directly to the fire alarm system. They
have chosen to do this in recent developments such as Wellington IV.
If the ŅƌƚƚƩ level of the highest story is greater than 30 feet, a standpipe system is required to be
installed throughout. It is undetermined how high the floor level of the highest story will be.
There will most likely be fire separation from the garage to the remaining portions of the
buildings. The corridors of the I-2 and R-2 use will have some type of smoke or fire separation.
Hydrants will need to be located within 250 feet of the most remote portions of the mixed use
building. Depending upon the use classification of the cottages, a fire hydrant will most likely
need to be located within 500 feet of the front center line of each property.
Depending upon the number of stories, the flow of the hydrants would need to be capable of
providing between 1,000 and 1,125 gpm.
Depending upon the distance that the cottages are located from each other, the required flow
would most likely be 1,000 to 1,500 gpm. This number is higher due to the lack of an automatic
sprinkler system.
Access roads would need to be provided that are at least 20 feet in width and allow access
within 200 feet of the building.
Dead ends greater than 150 feet would be required approved turnarounds.
A fire hydrant would also need to be located within 100 feet of the FDC.
A Knox box would be required as well as Knox FDC caps.
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It has the potential to add increased fire alarms due to the activation of smoke detectors or
alarms inside the R-2 use due to burnt food if the smoke detectors or alarms inside the dwelling
units are tied to the fire alarm system.
It will add the need of a ladder truck for responses due to it being a multi-story building.
It will increase the medical calls at the facility, which has the possibility of taxing our EMS