HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/27/2017 - RegularINVOCATION: Captain Andy Seiler Salvation Army Roanoke County Board of Supervisors June 27, 2017 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES FLAG Disclaimer: "Any invocation that may be offered before the official start of the Board meeting shall be the voluntary offering of a private citizen, to and for the benefit of the Board. The views or beliefs expressed by the invocation speaker have not been previously reviewed or approved by the Board and do not necessarily represent the religious beliefs or views of the Board in part or as a whole. No member of the community is required to attend or participate in the invocation and such decision will have no impact on their right to actively participate in the business of the Board." Page 1 of 5 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Agenda June 27, 2017 Good afternoon and welcome to our meeting for June 27, 2017. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. Public hearings are held at 7:00 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday of each month. Deviations from this schedule will be announced. The meetings are broadcast live on RVTV, Channel 3, and will be rebroadcast on Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Board of Supervisors meetings can also be viewed online through Roanoke County's website at www.RoanokeCountvVA.gov. Our meetings are closed -captioned, so it is important for everyone to speak directly into the microphones at the podium. Individuals who require assistance or special arrangements to participate in or attend Board of Supervisors meetings should contact the Clerk to the Board at (540) 772-2005 at least 48 hours in advance. Please turn all cell phones off or place on silent. A. OPENING CEREMONIES 1. Roll Call B. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD TO OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDA ITEMS C. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS D. BRIEFINGS 1. Briefing to review with the Board of Supervisors the Contractor Appreciation Program: Excellence in Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control (Cindy Linkenhoker, Stormwater Program Manager) 2. Briefing to update the Board of Supervisors on the Crash Reporting Center (Howard B. Hall, Chief of Police) E. NEW BUSINESS Page 2 of 5 F. PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION 1. Resolution approving Roanoke County's Secondary Road Six Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2018-2023 (David Holladay, Planning Administrator) G. PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2-1414.3 of the Code of Virginia (Due to time constraints, it is requested that, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived per Article V Chapter 2, Section 2-123 (h) of the Roanoke County Code) (Ruth Ellen Kuhnel, County Attorney) H. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $128,290 from the Virginia Department of Social Services and the City of Salem for the County of Roanoke Department of Social Services for fiscal year 2017-2018 (Due to time constraints, it is requested that, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived per Article V Chapter 2, Section 2-123 (h) of the Roanoke County Code) (Joyce Earl, Director of Social Services; Christopher Bever, Director of Management and Budget) 2. Ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $334,515 from a transfer by the Roanoke County School Board to the County of Roanoke for mowing and grounds -keeping of school campuses for fiscal year 2017-2018 (Due to time constraints, it is requested that, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived per Article V Chapter 2, Section 2-123 (h) of the Roanoke County Code) (Doug Blount, Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism) 3. Ordinance authorizing the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to enter into and execute a revision of the Extraterritorial Arrest Powers Agreement with the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton (Howard B. Hall, Chief of Police) 4. Ordinance accepting and appropriating grant funds in the amount of $485,490.59 from the Virginia Information Technology Agency Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Grant Program (Bill Hunter, Director of Communications and Information Technology; Susan Slough. Assistant Director of Communications and Information Technology) 5. Ordinance accepting and appropriating $42,389.50 from the Western Virginia Water Authority for use of the Roanoke Valley Radio System (Bill Hunter, Director of Communications and Information Technology; Susan Slough, Assistant Director of Communications and Information Technology) Page 3 of 5 I. PUBLIC HEARING AND SECOND READING OR ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance amending Article III (District Regulations) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance (John Murphy, Zoning Administrator) J. APPOINTMENTS 1. Budget and Fiscal Affairs (BFAC)(appointed by District and At -Large) 2. Economic Development Authority (EDA)(appointed by District) 3. Library Board (appointed by District) K. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTED BELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDERED SEPARATELY 1. Approval of minutes —April 11, 2017 2. Request to approve fiscal agent agreement for the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (RCACP) 3. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Kathy H. Caldwell, Police Administrative Assistant upon her retirement after over seventeen (17) years of service 4. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Connie J. Clark, Payroll Specialist, upon her retirement after more than eighteen (18) years of service 5. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Lisa W. Greer, Financial Analyst, upon her retirement after more than eighteen (18) years of service 6. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,000 for the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Educational Grant Program 7. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $20,971.04 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia 8. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $5,406.81 from the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Clerk of Circuit Court L. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Page 4 of 5 M. REPORTS 1. Unappropriated, Board Contingency and Capital Reserves Report 2. Outstanding Debt Report 3. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Revenues as of May 31, 2017 4. Comparative Statement of Budgeted and Actual Expenditures and Encumbrances as of May 31, 2017 5. Accounts Paid - May 31, 2017 6. Treasurer's Statement of Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of April 30, 2017 7. Treasurer's Statement of Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy as of May 31, 2017 N. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS 1. Martha B. Hooker 2. P. Jason Peters 3. George G. Assaid 4. Al Bedrosian 5. Joseph P. McNamara O. CLOSED MEETING, pursuant to the Code of Virginia as follows: 1. Section 2.2-3711.A.1 Personnel, namely discussion concerning appointments to the Court Community Corrections Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) Policy Board; Court Community Corrections Program Regional Community Criminal Justice Board; Local Office on Aging Advisory Council, Parks, Recreation and Tourism Advisory Commission; Roanoke Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau Board of Directors; Roanoke Valley Transportation Planning Organization; Roanoke Valley -Alleghany Regional Commission; Roanoke Valley -Alleghany Regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee; Total Action for Progress (TAP) Board of Directors 2. Section 2.2.3711.A.1 Personnel, discussion or consideration of the employment contract of specific public officers, appointees or employees, namely the County Administrator P. CERTIFICATION RESOLUTION Q. ADJOURNMENT Page 5 of 5 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: This time has been Appreciation Program Sediment Control BACKGROUND: June 27, 2017 Briefing to review with the Board of Supervisors the Contractor Appreciation Program: Excellence in Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Tarek Moneir Deputy Director of Development Thomas C. Gates County Administrator reserved to brief the Board of Supervisors on the Contractor : Excellence in Stormwater Management and Erosion and Land development in Roanoke County presents difficult challenges in the minimization and control of erosion and sedimentation and in the management of stormwater runoff due to the steep slopes and highly erodible soils in the region. Because of these challenges, the Department of Community Development wishes to recognize contractors who conduct exemplary work within the County relative to the protection of its natural water resources through: Proper use of onsite erosion and sediment controls Implementation of effective stormwater pollution prevention and good housekeeping measures Proper upkeep and use of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), if applicable, and Proper construction and use of stormwater management best practices Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: All land -disturbing projects that meet the selection criteria will be eligible for this recognition Selection criteria will be based on meeting minimum state requirements and a proactive approach by the contractor to repair control measures following storm or other damage Candidate projects will be submitted to the County's Selection Committee by County inspectors Selection Committee meets monthly to evaluate candidate projects and to review previously -selected projects to ensure continued compliance with the selection criteria. Recognition of Selected Contractors will include: o Permanent Sign posted at selected Project Site o "Certificate of Appreciation" presented o Recognition in It's Just Dirt newsletter o Recognition on County's Stormwater website o Recognition at County -sponsored Erosion & Sediment Control Training events o Press Release Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. D.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Briefing to update the Board of Supervisors on the Crash Reporting Center Howard Hall Chief of Police Thomas C. Gates County Administrator This time has been reserved to brief the Board of Supervisors on the operations of the Crash Reporting Center. Page 1 of 1 t�A txo Lm O 4� 0 O CL .— O O ro ca V m a, M�d0 c m 0 cc O ca O DC O _0 +-0 U C: vi ca O E tu0 U C O E w — U m C) m O 1D M d t i �LM co eq rl V LA 8 Ln N N li m c� L JQ E d t i co Q rl V L 3 X41 4-1 LL Ln L f JQ Q) 1� L JQ E L 8 co Q rl V 4-1 Ln L 0 N m ��//I tL 0 Ln CL W Ln L h N C ry, m rr•: 3 L d h �5 y Ncc } 4� CO N U5 Q D O N 0 N m ��//I tL 0 Ln CL W Ln m bA i O CL cc r - LM m r4 CA C) M00 • 0 r. QP 0 0 LF" Ch OL r.L `: 0 _ r ILP t: L) 0 0 a ,w 0 �= M r_ 0 -•$ r- -� E ap 0 EL a .- � ap c U L LA LA to C3 La +m qFm Li R* Ln D N om 00 � °-, o o m N o om m o r14 IZI- M N I- M N r- M Ln rti• co cn O N N a U (� • • O N U L +�' O Q 0 C O O r.. U O Q N Ec - 4' 4- O iQ N O U f O O 4- Ln N c O 4-E r/ 1 • • O O 0 CLN C f6 cn O N O� m t > > cn O i 0 f6 U = 4- l0 V N = N om 00 � °-, o o m N o om m o r14 IZI- M N I- M N r- M Ln rti• co cn O N N a U (� i ate.+ N N C E U +�' O Q 0 C O O r.. U O Q N Ec - 4' 4- O iQ N O U f O O 4- Ln N c O 4-E °. O N +� a + O c E `� N Q E O U L- N 4- Ln E vj i O >- N O 0 CLN C f6 cn O N O� m t > > cn 4- a+ > Q i 0 f6 U = 4- 4- N cii Q N = 0 O a Q w - D N U GJ •; N O Q O cc O 4- Q O 4-0i 4-0 C GJ � Z U W 4-0 tw ~ m 4-0C U i GJ a El N m ro U 0 O • C .� E O C Q C3- •tw oC U w 2 LM 3 LM0 LL .C: U �C U a� 0 a� co U txo i i i i C6 O C Q � tu0 � p O � U O � U Q � p U LA O O NOW -TRANSFERABLE ig L CL WA LU 0 Ix F I,C-ICUi-H0IJ M Al �J ACTION NO. ITEM NO. F.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Resolution approving Roanoke County's Secondary Road Six Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2018-2023 Arnold Covey Director of Community Development Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Approval of the County's Secondary Road Six -Year Improvement Plan. BACKGROUND: Each year the Board of Supervisors approves the County's Secondary Road Six -Year Improvement Plan and the construction priority list for the upcoming fiscal year. The estimated allocation for the six-year plan is $2,134,790 with $344,967 allocated for fiscal year 2018. DISCUSSION: Roanoke County's Secondary Road Six -Year Improvement Plan includes the following components: Countywide Incidental Improvements ($67,309) Services included under this category include subdivision plan review, right-of-way engineering, preliminary engineering and surveys, traffic services, safety projects, minor drainage improvements, fertilization, and seeding. Rural Addition Program: The rural addition program is a program through which older private roadways meeting certain criteria are brought into the State Secondary Roadway System. This program has a balance of $186,126 for the addition of Harmony Lane. No additional allocations to this program are proposed. Page 1 of 3 Prioritized Projects: ($277,658): Prioritized projects are larger reconstruction projects for existing secondary roadways. In fiscal year 2017-2018, funding allocation for prioritized projects is recommended as follows Cotton Hill Road: $225,087 Moncap Trail: $ 52,571 District Grant - Unpaved (beginning FY21): Beginning in fiscal year 2021, the Roanoke County's Secondary Six -Year Improvement Plan includes additional funding specifically for unpaved road funds. Last year, staff recommended allocating these funds to Ivy Ridge Road, due to the number of homes served, vehicle trips per day, steep grade of the road. Last year, staff also recommended reviewing the traffic counts on Webb Road, based on the number of homes served. Recent traffic counts of 80 vehicles per day make this road eligible for paving, and Webb Road has been added to the unpaved roads program. New Project For This Year's Priority List: Dry Hollow Road Safety Improvements This project will improve travel conditions on Dry Hollow Road, at the Norfolk Southern railroad underpass. Previous funding through the Revenue Sharing program totals $1,226,000. The project requires an additional $959,000 to move to construction. Staff is suggesting programming the remaining required funds through the Secondary System Six Year Improvement Plan. The project will be added to this year's priority list, with funding starting in fiscal year 2018-2019. New Project: Starkey Road / Buck Mountain Road Intersection Improvements This project would improve an existing three-way intersection. Cost estimates are pending survey and preliminary engineering. During a January, 2017 rezoning, the Board of Supervisors accepted a proffer of $80,000 for improvements to the intersection. The FY 2018-2017 Roanoke County Capital Improvement Program includes the project and the proffered funds. In order to add this project to the Secondary System Six Year Improvement Plan, VDOT prefers that construction be fully funded within the six year time frame. Thus, the project is not recommended for addition to the program at this time. With this in mind, VDOT and Roanoke County staff are discussing strategies to move the project forward Page 2 of 3 and leverage the proffered funds. The proffered funds could be used as local match in application to the Revenue Sharing Program. Other grant programs such as the Regional Surface Transportation Program, or Smart Scale may be considered. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommend that the Board of Supervisors adopt the resolution approving the Secondary Road System Six -Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2018-2023 and the construction priority list and estimated allocations for fiscal year 2018. 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and WHEREAS, this Board had previously agreed to assist in the preparation of the Secondary Six -Year Road Improvement Plan, in accordance with Virginia Department of Transportation policies and procedures; and WHEREAS, a public hearing, which was duly advertised on the proposed Secondary Six -Year Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2023 and Construction Priority List and Estimated Allocations for Fiscal Year 2018 was held on June 27, 2017, to receive comments and recommendations on Roanoke County's Secondary Six -Year Road Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2023 as well as the Construction Priority List and Estimated Allocations for Fiscal Year 2018. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the Secondary Six -Year Road Improvement Plan for Roanoke County for Fiscal Years 2018-2023; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors does also hereby approve the Construction Priority List and Estimated Allocations for Fiscal Year 2018; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution duly attested to be forthwith forwarded to the Virginia Department of Transportation Salem Residency Office along with a duly attested copy of the proposed Roanoke County Secondary Six -Year Road Improvement Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2023 by the Clerk to the Board. THE ROANOKE TIMES roanoke.com m Your Community. Your Times. Roanoke Times Order Confirmation for Ad #0000537531-01 Client COUNTY OF ROANOKE-COMM DEV Client Phone 540-772-2080 Account# 6010921 Address PO BOX 29800, , ROANOKE VA 24018 USA Fax EMail Total Amount Payment Amt Amount Due Payment Method Text: Order Notes: Ad Number 0000537531-01 Pick Up Number Production Color Product Run Schedule Invoice Text Run Dates Tag Line Payor Customer COUNTY OF ROANOKE-COMM DEV Payor Phone 540-772-2080 Payor Account 6010921 Payor Address PO BOX 29800, , ROANOKE VA 24018 Ordered By Acct. Exec deborah jacks IegaIsROA $370.96 Status Materials $0.00 Tear Sheets $370.96 0 Ad Type CLS Legal Liner Ad Size 1.0 X 33 Li Placement/Class Proofs Affidavits 0 2 PO Number Color <NONE> Production Method Ad Booker (liner) Production Notes Position Blind Box # Inserts ROA Roanoke Times:: C -Legal Ads - Classified Legal Notices -Legal -Class LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke Cow 2 6/13/2017, 6/20/2017 LEGALNOTICEROANOKECOUNTYBOARDOFSUPERVISORSTHEROANOKECOUNTYBOARDOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROA roanoke.com:Onl Any: C -Legal Ads - Classified Legal Notices -Legal -Class LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke Cow 7 6/13/2017, 6/14/2017, 6/15/2017, 6/16/2017, 6/17/2017, 6/18/2017, 6/19/2017 LEGALNOTICEROANOKECOUNTYBOARDOFSUPERVISORSTHEROANOKECOUNTYBOARDOF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5/22/201711:55:03AM 1 THE RQANOKE TIMES roanoke.com m Your Community. Your Times. Roanoke Times Order Confirmation for Ad #0000537531-01 Ad Content Proof Actual Size LEGAL NOTICE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 27, 2017, in the Board Meeting Room of the Roanoke County Administration Center, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA, to receive public comments on the Secondary System Six -Year Improvement Plan for fiscal years 2018- 2023 and the estimated allocation of funds and construction priority list for Fiscal Year 2018. A draft copy of the plan is available for inspection in the Department of Community Development, 5204 Bernard Drive, Roanoke, VA. Dated: April 28, 2017 Deborah C. Jacks, Chief Deputy Clerk (537531) 5/22/201711:55:03AM ACTION NO. ITEM NO. G.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Ordinance to increase the salaries of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County pursuant to Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2-1414.3 of the Code of Virginia (Due to time constraints, it is requested that, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived per Article V Chapter 2, Section 2-123 (h) of the Roanoke County Code) Ruth Ellen Kuhnel County Attorney Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Increase the salaries of the Board of Supervisors BACKGROUND: In June of 2014, the Board adopted an ordinance to increase its salaries pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. This section of the State Code and Section 3.07 of the County Charter requires that any increase in Supervisors' salaries be accomplished by ordinance after public hearing between May 1 and June 30. Any increase is limited to an annual five (5%) percent inflation factor. DISCUSSION: This is the first reading and public hearing of this proposed ordinance. In accordance with Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke, which requires the establishment of Board salary can occur no later than June 30 of each year, staff is requesting the Board of Supervisors utilize the provision in the County Code Section 2- 123(h), which allows the Board to dispense with the second reading of the ordinance. Page 1 of 2 An affirmative 4/5 vote of the Board is required to waive second reading of the ordinance. The current salary for Board members is $17,425.20. This ordinance would increase the salary effective July 1, 2017, for Board members to $18,035.08 for an increase of $609.88 each. There is an additional annual compensation for the Chairman of the Board at $1,800, and for the Vice -Chairman at $1,200. FISCAL IMPACT: A three point five percent (3.5%) increase in compensation totals $3,283 and includes associated FICA costs. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE TO INCREASE THE SALARIES OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY PURSUANT TO SECTION 3.07 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CHARTER AND SECTION 15.2-1414.3 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Section 3.07 of the Charter of the County of Roanoke provides for the compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors and the procedure for increasing their salaries; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, establishes the annual salaries of members of Boards of Supervisors within certain population brackets; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has heretofore established the annual salaries of Board members at $17,425.20 by Ordinance 062414-11 and further has established the additional annual compensation for the Chairman for the Board to be $1,800 and for the Vice -Chairman of the Board to be $1,200; and WHEREAS, this section provides that the maximum annual salaries therein provided may be adjusted in any year by an inflation factor not to exceed five percent (5%); and WHEREAS, the first reading and public hearing on this ordinance was held on June 27, 2017, while the second reading was waived pursuant to Section 2-123(h) of the County Code. NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordained by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the annual salaries of members of the Board of Page 1 of 2 Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, are hereby increased by an inflation factor of three point five percent (3.5%) pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Roanoke County Charter and Section 15.2-1414.3 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. The new annual salaries shall be $18,035.08 for members of the Board. In addition, the Chairman of the Board will receive an additional annual sum of $1,800 and the Vice -Chairman of the Board will receive an additional sum of $1,200. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2017. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 27, 2017 Ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $128,290 from the Virginia Department of Social Services and the City of Salem for the County of Roanoke Department of Social Services for fiscal year 2017-2018 (Due to time constraints, it is requested that, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived per Article V Chapter 2, Section 2-123 (h) of the Roanoke County Code) SUBMITTED BY: Joyce Earl Director of Social Services APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Appropriation of funding from the Virginia Department of Social Services and the City of Salem in the amount of $128,290 for new Family Services Specialist positions to assist in managing the Child and Family Services caseloads. BACKGROUND: The fiscal year 2018 budget of the Commonwealth of Virginia includes an additional $5.4 million to assist with increased workloads for local Family Services programs statewide. Roanoke County's share of the State funds is $120,620. The City of Salem will contribute $7,670 for their match in accordance with our cost sharing agreement. Therefore a total appropriation of $128,290 is necessary. The additional funding is required to be used to fund new Family Services Specialist positions and may not be used to offset existing position costs. DISCUSSION: The Virginia Department of Social Services recognizes that each year the case management requirements and workloads increase in Family Services. This past year Page 1 of 3 the Commonwealth has seen a number of local departments make headlines for their inability to meet procedural guidelines, showing a lessening ability to keep children safe. To correct this situation, legislation was passed effective July 1, 2017, which will increase the workload of Family Services Specialists. Senate Bill 868 requires local social service departments to respond to valid reports and complaints alleging suspected abuse or neglect of a child under the age of 2 within 24 hours of receiving the complaint. Acceptance of these funds will enable our local department to comply with these new requirements and will enhance the County's timely response to child protective services complaints. The overall impact will be to improve our ability to protect children. The allocated funding will give the Roanoke County Department of Social Services the ability to hire three (3) new Family Services Specialists. Staff is requesting approval by an affirmative vote of four fifths of the Board of Supervisors for waiver of second reading due to the fact that the new State requirements are effective July 1 and our Board of Supervisors only meets once in June and once in July. It is critical for compliance that hiring is accomplished as soon as possible. The Social Services Department is currently recruiting for a vacant Family Services Specialist position and can achieve efficiencies in the hiring process by using the same recruitment to hire these additional positions. Approval will allow the department to increase its capacity to meet new State mandates and protect our vulnerable citizens in a timely manner. FISCAL IMPACT: No new County funding is required. The projected cost for three (3) new full time Family Services Specialists is $151,300. The Virginia Department of Social Services will reimburse the County $120,620, and the City of Salem will reimburse the County $7,670, which is Salem's share of the local cost. The $120,620 in funding will become part of the State's base budget allocation in future years, therefore it is recurring, as is Salem's share. The balance of funding required for the three (3) new positions ($23,010) will be reallocated from the Roanoke County Department of Social Services part-time budget to the full-time budget to provide the County match necessary to accept additional Virginia Department of Social Services funding. The appropriation of funds will be effective with the new fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017. Page 2 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance with waiver of second reading to appropriate $128,290 in additional funding from the Virginia Department of Social Services and the City of Salem, and adding three (3) new full-time Family Services Specialists to the County's Classification and pay plan. Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $128,290 FROM THE VIRIGINIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES AND THE CITY OF SALEM FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 WHEREAS, the 2017 Commonwealth of Virginia approved budget included additional funding to assist with Family Services staff increased workload; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke's share of this funding is $120,620 to support additional Family Services Specialist positions; and WHEREAS, the City of Salem will also contribute $7,670 to support the costs of the new positions; and WHEREAS, the appropriation of these funds from the Commonwealth of Virginia and the City of Salem was not included in the fiscal year 2017-2018 approved budget ordinance; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance before they are expended; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on June 27, 2017, while second reading was waived pursuant to Section 2-123(h) of the County Code. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. That the sum of $128,290 is hereby appropriated from revenue received from the Virginia Department of Social Services and the City of Salem forfiscal year 2017-2018. 2. A total of three (3) full-time positions will be added to the County of Roanoke Page 1 of 2 Classification and Pay Plan. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2017. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: June 27, 2017 AGENDA ITEM: Ordinance to appropriate funds in the amount of $334,515 from a transfer by the Roanoke County School Board to the County of Roanoke for mowing and grounds -keeping of school campuses for fiscal year 2017-2018 (Due to time constraints, it is requested that, upon a four-fifths vote of the Board, the second reading be waived per Article V Chapter 2, Section 2-123 (h) of the Roanoke County Code) SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: Doug Blount Director of Parks Recreation and Tourism Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Appropriation of funding from the Roanoke County School Board in the amount of $334,515 for new Parks positions and operating funding for mowing and grounds - keeping of Roanoke County School campuses. BACKGROUND: The Roanoke County School Board desires to change its approach to managing the maintenance and aesthetics of school campuses by having the Roanoke County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism perform these duties and provide for consistency and efficiency. The School Board has allocated $334,515 in fiscal year 2017-2018 for mowing and grounds -keeping services to fund this agreement. The funding will be utilized to hire new Parks positions and provide operating funds for Parks, Recreation and Tourism to maintain the school campuses. DISCUSSION: The Roanoke County School Board currently maintains twenty-seven elementary, Page 1 of 3 on Cove Road. Campus grounds maintenance is performed by third party contract services or Roanoke County School Board personnel. The Roanoke County School Board wishes to retain the County Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism to assume responsibility for mowing and grounds -keeping at all these facilities. In consideration, the School Board will pay the County the total cost of delivering this service. The allocated funding will allow Parks, Recreation and Tourism to hire five (5) full-time positions (Parks Supervisor, two (2) Motor Equipment Operator II positions and two (2) Motor Equipment Operator I positions) and four to six (4 to 6) seasonal part-time positions necessary to maintain the School Board's property. This change in service will allow for consistency of school campus grounds maintenance. Roanoke County Parks, Recreation and Tourism will maintain the school campuses on the same County weekly mowing cycle for general common areas and then bi-weekly, monthly and annual services for pre -identified specific campus areas. Roanoke County will not maintain the athletic fields at middle or high schools as a part of this program unless they are fields that are currently maintained by Parks, Recreation and Tourism for the needs of youth or adult sports. The Roanoke County School Board will fund the equipment and vehicles needed for this operation. When Roanoke County surpluses any equipment or vehicles from this program, the funds from the sale of the surplus items will be used to support the purchase of replacement equipment and vehicles. Staff is requesting approval by an affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Board of Supervisors for waiver of second reading due to the fact that Roanoke County School Board is ending its contract with its current mowing provider in July. Staff needs several mowing cycles before the 2017-2018 school year begins and the next Board meeting is scheduled for July 25, 2017. It is critical that the hiring of staff for the new mowing and grounds -keeping team occur as soon as possible in order to begin the service in July. Roanoke County is currently recruiting for these positions and can expedite the hiring of the positions if the Board of Supervisors act favorably upon this request. FISCAL IMPACT: No new County funding is required. The projected costs for five (5) new full-time and four to six (4 to 6) seasonal part-time positions is $298,515 and operating funding is $36,000, for a total of $334,515. The Roanoke County School Board will transfer the funds to the County to support the new mowing and grounds -keeping team. The Roanoke County School Board will also provide equipment necessary for the operation. The appropriation of funds will be effective with the new fiscal year beginning July 1, 2017. Page 2 of 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the ordinance by a four-fifths vote with the waiver of second reading to appropriate the funding from Roanoke County School Board and to add five new Parks positions to the County's Classification and pay plan. Page 3 of 3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $334,515 FROM A TRANSFER BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR MOWING AND GROUNDS -KEEPING OF SCHOOL CAMPUSES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 WHEREAS, County and Roanoke County Public Schools staff have reached an agreement for the County to assume mowing and grounds -keeping responsibilities at Schools campuses; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board has approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing this agreement and agreed to provide funding for the services and equipment outlined in the MOU; and WHEREAS, the transfer of funds from the Roanoke County School Board to the County of Roanoke was not included in the fiscal year 2017-2018 approved budget ordinance; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance before they are expended; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on June 27, 2017, while second reading was waived pursuant to Section 2-123(h) of the County Code. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. 1. That the sum of $334,515 is hereby appropriated from revenue received from the Roanoke County Schools Board for fiscal year 2017-2018. 2. A total of five (5) full-time positions will be added to the County of Roanoke Page 1 of 2 Classification and Pay Plan to fulfill the County's obligations under the terms of the MOU. 3. This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 2017. Page 2 of 2 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between The County of Roanoke, Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and Roanoke County School Board The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ("County") and the Roanoke County School Board ("Schools") have entered into this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") this day, , 2017, with regard to mowing and grounds -keeping of School campuses. Purpose To establish an MOU between the County and Schools for mowing and grounds -keeping elementary, middle and high school campuses, exclusive of middle and high school athletic fields unless where otherwise noted in this MOU. II. Background The Schools currently maintain twenty-seven elementary, middle and high schools across Roanoke County. In addition to the elementary, middle and high schools, the Schools maintain a separate facility for administration. Campus grounds maintenance is performed through third party contract services or through Roanoke County School Board personnel. The Schools wish to retain the County's Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism ("Parks & Rec") to assume responsibility for mowing and grounds -keeping at all twenty- seven of the elementary, middle and high school campuses, as well as the central administration campus. In consideration for the County's provision of this service, the Schools shall pay the County the total cost of delivering service. III. Scope The County shall be responsible for general grounds -keeping of the campuses of the Schools' twenty-seven elementary, middle and high schools, and facility for administration. The upkeep and maintenance of School athletic fields, except as where specifically noted in this MOU, shall not be performed by the County. In addition, snow removal services are not included as part of the scope of services under this MOU In order to perform the obligations defined by this MOU, the County will hire, train and supervise all staffing necessary for service delivery. Staffing will generally consist of a full-time Parks Supervisor, two (2) full-time Motor Equipment Operator II positions, two (2) full-time Motor Equipment Operator I positions. Additionally, part-time Parks Maintenance Worker positions will be utilized at the County's discretion to provide the services outlined in this MOU. Page 1 of 7 As part of this MOU, Roanoke County agrees to continue maintenance of those School athletic fields currently used by Parks, Recreation and Tourism for the delivery of recreation programs. Specifically, the County shall maintain the following athletic fields until such time as the County deems the fields to no longer be required for recreational programs: Arnold R Burton ballfields Back Creek Elementary ballfields Bonsack Elementary ballfields Burlington Elementary ballfields Cave Spring Middle School track field Clearbrook Elementary ballfields Green Valley Elementary upper and lower fields Herman L Horn ballfield Masons Cove Elementary ballfield Northside ballfield complex Oak Grove Elementary ballfields Hidden Valley Middle School track field Hidden Valley Middle School baseball and softball field RCPS Administration multi-purpose field W.E. Cundiff Elementary ballfield . In no instances shall the scope, terms or conditions of this MOU be altered without the consent, in writing, of both parties as evidenced by a duly authorized amendment or addendum to this MOU. IV. Term , IF This MOU shall commence July 17, 2017 and remain in effect through June 30, 2018. This MOU may automatically renew for a total of four (4) additional one- year extensions, beginning July 1, 2018 and continuing through June 30, 2022. The MOU will automatically renew each year of the designated period unless either party notifies the other party that they wish to terminate or amend the MOU. Should either party decide to terminate the MOU, a four (4) month notice in writing shall be provided. V. Cost The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that, in order for the County to fulfill its obligations under the terms of this MOU, the County must hire additional staff, including a supervisor who will serve as the director of the mowing and groundskeepers at the Schools and serve as a liaison between the County and the Schools. The County shall recover the full cost of delivery of services outlined in this MOU. For the initial term of this MOU (July 17, 2017 to June 30, 2018), the Schools shall pay the County the sum of $334,515. This amount is the prorated amount of the annualized Page 2 of 7 cost of $347,896. The annualized amount of $347,896 shall serve as the base operating cost for providing the services detailed in this MOU. In addition, the Schools shall provide funding for the replacement of equipment utilized in the performance of this MOU and as detailed in the equipment replacement schedule (attachment #1). On an annual basis, the cost of providing the services defined in this MOU will be adjusted by changes in personnel costs including salary, percentage based benefits, and non - percentage based benefits provided for Roanoke County employees by the Board of Supervisors through adoption of the annual operating budget. In addition to personnel costs, any non -personnel costs for equipment and vehicle repairs, fuel, and other operating supplies required to perform the services outlined in this MOU will be adjusted annually. Payments to the County under this MOU shall be invoiced and payable in quarterly installments on August 31, November 30, February 28, and May 31, of each year of the MOU contingent upon appropriation of necessary funds by the governing body of the Schools. The Schools agree to provide (either through purchase or transfer of title) the following equipment for implementation of this MOU: 1. Two (2) 3/4 ton crew cab 44 pickup trucks 2. Five (5) zero -turn commercial mowers 3. Eight (8) mixed gas commercial weed eaters 4. Six (6) backpack leaf blowers and four (4) handheld blowers 5. Four (4) walk behind commercial mowers and three (3) push mowers 6. Two (2) 16ft-enclosed trailers All above -listed equipment will be included on Roanoke County's equipment and vehicle replacement schedule (as detailed in attachment #1) and transferred to the County's ownership. Costs of future replacement of the equipment shall be borne entirely by the Schools (either through purchase or transfer). The County will provide the Schools a 10 -year replacement plan (attachment #1) for all equipment and vehicles. The schedule will be updated annually based on equipment condition, remaining useful life, and revised cost estimates. Equipment necessary to carry out the terms of this MOU shall be replaced by Schools at the County's sole discretion. The equipment costs are in addition to the base operating cost for each year of the MOU. In the event that Roanoke County, through no fault of the Schools, decides not to renew this MOU for the term set forth herein including the four (4) additional one-year extensions, the County shall transfer back to the Schools all equipment provided to the County. Page 3 of 7 The County agrees at their discretion to provide the following equipment for implementation of the terms of this MOU should a logistics need arise for the mowing operation: 1. One (1) 20 foot equipment trailer to carry zero- turn mowers, walk behind mowers, fuel, weed eaters and blowers. VI. Insurance Coverage The parties to this MOU agree that each shall maintain general liability insurance or the equivalent self-insurance coverage, with a minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), and insurance coverage mandated by the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act. Without waving any defenses of sovereign or official immunity, each party shall be liable for the negligent acts and omissions of its employees, agents, directors, successors, and assigns. VII. Tobacco/Drugs/Alcohol/Weapons The use of tobacco products, electronic cigarettes, nicotine dispensers, alcohol, or drugs, as well as possession of weapons are prohibited on all Roanoke County School property. VII. Responsibilities of the Parties A. County: IL 1. Designate one County employee to act as the liaison with the Schools for purposes of this MOU. 2. Mow, edge, and use backpack blowers to remove grass clippings from walkways and hard surfaces, and perform general grounds -keeping functions for the Schools' twenty-seven elementary, middle and high school campuses, and the Schools' administration facility located at 5937 Cove Road, Roanoke, VA. Mowing shall be conducted no less frequently than once each week. 3. Pick up litter once a week on outdoor school campuses and empty all exterior trash cans once a week. 4. Vegetation control of storm ponds, on a semi-annual basis. The County shall not engage in any repairs or maintenance of ponds or structures outside of vegetation control and Schools shall provide necessary materials and supplies for vegetation control. 5. Application of weed control to all walkways, and non -athletic asphalt surfaces to prevent grass and weeds from growing through the hard surfaces, on an annual basis. Page 4 of 7 6. Leaf removal, which shall be done in November of each year during the term of this MOU. 7. Landscaping of school gateway signage and school building entrances. All landscaping materials such as plants, mulch, soils, etc. related to gateway signage to be provided by the Schools. 8. Provide color coded GIS Maps to Roanoke County Public Schools Administration and School Principals by Roanoke County to show defined areas for mowing and frequency of mowing. 9. The Grounds Maintenance Crew will wear Parks and Rec identifiable uniforms along with County Employee Identification Badges. 10. Utilization of the Roanoke County Sheriff Department's Inmate Crews to assist with storm pond maintenance and weed eating of steep slopes on school grounds with 24 hour notice to the Principal during school hours. The Inmate Crews will only perform mowing around school buildings on days that Schools are not in session. 11. Coordination of work schedule with the Schools during mandatory state testing periods will occur. A testing schedule will be provided in advance by the Schools. No work shall be permitted on the site during testing except as specifically approved by the Principal. 12. Provide Schools with the estimated proposed budget for the mowing and grounds keeping program by February 1 for the following budget year and will be finalized with the Board of Supervisors' adoption of the annual operating budget. 13. No Roanoke County employee performing services under this memorandum of understanding shall have direct contact with any student. B. Schools 1. Schools shall grant County access to their campuses at reasonable times for purposes of fulfilling County's obligations under this MOU. 2. Schools shall not otherwise interfere with County's work to fulfill its obligations under the terms of this MOU. 3. Schools shall retain the right to ask the County to remove or re -assign any personnel working on Schools' campuses under the terms of this MOU, with the understanding that removal or re -assignment of personnel under this MOU may result in delayed completion of the mowing and maintenance that is the basis of this MOU. Removal Page 5 of 7 or reassignment of staff shall be at the sole discretion of the County. Page 6 of 7 r VIII. Contacts The points of contact for this Memorandum of Understanding are: County of Roanoke: Doug Blount Parks, Recreation and Tourism Director (540) 777-6321 Roanoke County School Board: George Assaid Director of Facilities and Operations, Roanoke County Schools (540) 562-3900 Ext. 10151 For the County of Roanoke, VA: k' I I County Administrator For Roanoke County Public Schools: Superintendent Page 7 of 7 Date N � � m O W W N (N (N } m m kLn Lo D LL {h {h Vi O O O a) a) a) a) to to to 'o 0) 0) T N m m m m m m m W W W W m m LD O O O O a a a t Ln Ln Ln Ln a a 0 N r r r l0 } N Ln Ln Ln N a a m m m m r, r, r, r, m m r, O m m a a a t Ln Ln Ln Ln a a V N Ln } O N } LL Vi mN N N N N N N N N N N N Ln Ln Ln Ln N N 0 to to t Ln Ln Ln Ln :t T N to to I� N Ln Ln to to to to c -I c -I c -I c -I to to O N N N O O O O a a a a O O Ln 0 m m t Ln Ln Ln Ln :t N N Lf1 } cy N N � N � O � � N O O LL {h Vi O a a a 00000 O O O O O� N O O O Ol Ol Ol Ol N N N N pl a) M O a a a m m m m Ln Ln Ln Ln m m Lo N O O O Ln o O O O �oo m m m mm O O O m m r, cy 0 N N N N N N O m O m W m W m W m W m ti Ln ti Ln ti Ln ti Ln W m W m O M N o to to M } N W O O O O o Ln Ln O N r r Ln } N N l!1 LL {h {h Vi O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C � c Q c O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln Ln Ln Ln O O O O m m O O O O O O O O `O r� r� O O O O r� r� o V 0 Ln r; Ln r; O O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 O 0 m m m m m m m m m Ln m m N N N N N N N N � LL w t t t t t t t t t t J C C C C C C C C C C OG C GO C GO C GO C GO C GO C GO C GO C GO C GcO C f0 N f0 N f0 N f0 N f0 N i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 i f0 W W W W W W W W W W � O O M M Ln } } } } } } } } } } N N N N N N N N N N cm cm cm com cm cm cm m m i r, r, r, Ln Ln N N N m Ln Ol Ol Ol l0 l0 m v O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O } N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 3 v u Z3 Z3 E Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln CL c E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E v 0 O v in v in N 3t m 3t a 3t V O O c C V V 3t N N N v c v c v Yt N Yt m Yt a Yt v 3 3 3N ro m t N O O O Yt Yt Yt Yt Yt w 00 00 N N N N O N N N N N N 3 N 3 0-- o 0 0 0 Yt Yt N m a 3 3 33 -� t t t 3t 3t 3t 3t O O O O it E E i L CO CO CO 3 3 — Y — Y — Y — Y m -O m -O E N 7t N 3t N m Y Y Y O c O G f0 N f0 N f0 N m N V m V m V m V f0 Y N — N N N f0 f0 C C -6 -6 -6 -6 Q Q Q Q L L _ .CL1 — O V V two .— — O O O O Y ?� ?� ?� V V V V S i i N N N N iF iF iF 7 7 f0 f0 f0 f0 f0 f0 p Lu a� N N N N* * * LL LL m m m m 2 2 H r` 0 O N Ln N ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Ordinance authorizing the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to enter into and execute a revision of the Extraterritorial Arrest Powers Agreement with the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton Howard Hall Chief of Police Thomas C. Gates County Administrator The current extraterritorial arrest agreement is in need of revision. BACKGROUND: In April of 2013, the County of Roanoke, City of Salem, City of Roanoke and Town of Vinton entered into an updated extra -territorial arrest agreement that provides the on - duty police officers of each jurisdiction with authority to exercise arrest powers in all participating jurisdictions. Since that time, the regional information sharing system used by the police departments has changed. As a result, the requirement for notifications is no longer needed. DISCUSSION: In 2013, the police departments in the Roanoke Valley were using the Roanoke Area Criminal Justice Information Network (RACJIN) system to share information. The current extraterritorial arrest agreement references RACJIN and requires a notification of extraterritorial arrests if that system is not used. RACJIN is no longer being used as all of the participating agencies are participating in the state-wide LINX system. For this reason, the notification requirement is no longer needed. The requested revision of the agreement will delete Section 3 "Notifications." All other Page 1 of 2 provisions of the existing agreement will remain the same. FISCAL IMPACT: None STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve first reading of the ordinance amending the Extraterritorial Arrest Agreement with the City of Roanoke, City of Salem and the Town of Vinton. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A REVISION OF THE EXTRATERRITORIAL ARREST POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ROANOKE, THE CITY OF SALEM AND THE TOWN OF VINTON WHEREAS, in October of 1985 the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke entered into an extraterritorial agreement which granted arrest powers to the County Sheriff's deputies and the City's police officers for certain traffic related offenses; and WHEREAS, in April of 1991 an amended extraterritorial agreement was executed by the County and the City to reflect the establishment of the Roanoke County Police Department and certain technical amendments to the Virginia Motor Vehicle Code; and WHEREAS, in April of 2013 an amended extraterritorial agreement was executed by the County of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton expanding the arrest powers of officers in those jurisdictions to any violation of state law and to extend that authority to off-duty officers, except those engaging in off- duty secondary police related employment outside their normal jurisdictions, as a concrete example of governmental cooperation; and WHEREAS, in April 2013 the police departments in the Roanoke Valley were using the Roanoke Area Criminal Justice Information Network (RACJIN) system to share information. The current extraterritorial arrest agreement references RACJIN and requires a notification of extraterritorial arrests if that system is not used. RACJIN is no longer being used as all of the participating agencies are participating in the State-wide LINX system. Since that time, the regional information sharing system used by the Page 1 of 2 police departments has changed. As a result, the requirement for notifications is no longer needed. The requested revision of the agreement will delete Section 3 "Notifications." All other provisions of the existing agreement will remain the same; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1736 of the 1950 Code of Virginia provides that the governing bodies of localities may enter in and become a party to contracts or mutual aid agreements for the use of their joint forces, both regular and auxiliary, their equipment and materials to maintain peace and good order; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-300 of the 1950 Code of Virginia provides for the joint exercise of powers by political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on June 27, 2017, and the second reading was held on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. That the County Administrator is hereby authorized, by and on behalf of the County of Roanoke, to enter into and execute a Revision of the Extraterritorial Arrest Agreement between the Count of Roanoke, the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, and the Town of Vinton. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Page 2 of 2 AMENDMENT TO EXTRATERRITORIAL ARREST AGREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT, made and entered into this day of , 2017, by and between the CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as "Roanoke," the COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as "County," the TOWN OF VINTON, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as "Vinton," and the CITY OF SALEM, VIRGINIA, a municipal corporation of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter referred to as "Salem." WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke, Virginia, County of Roanoke, Virginia, Town of Vinton, Virginia and City of Salem, Virginia entered into an Extraterritorial Arrest Agreement dated April 18, 2013; and NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and other good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows: Paragraph 3 of the original Extraterritorial Arrest Agreement is deleted in its entirety; and the entirety of the Amended Agreement is set forth below. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, officers of the Town of Vinton, County of Roanoke, and the cities of Roanoke and Salem police departments have occasion during the course of their employment as town, county, and city police officers to be on duty outside the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision which employees them; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and the County to bestow extraterritorial arrest powers upon such officers who, while on duty outside the corporate boundaries of the political subdivision which employees them, observe certain offenses committed in their presence, without the creation of any additional liability for the political subdivision where the arrest occurs or its officers and employees; and WHEREAS, Section 15.2-1736 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, provides that the governing bodies of localities may, by proper ordinances or resolutions, Page 1 of 9 enter in and become a party to contracts or mutual aid agreements for the use of their joint forces, both regular and auxiliary, their equipment and materials to maintain peace and good order. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the undertakings of the parties to this Agreement, Roanoke, Salem and the County covenant and agree, each with the other as follows: 1. Definitions -As used in this Agreement, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section. Roanoke- Shall mean the City of Roanoke, Virginia. Salem- Shall mean the City of Salem, Virginia. County- Shall mean the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Town- Shall mean the Town of Vinton, Virginia. Extraterritorial Arrest Power- Shall mean the right, power and authority of an officer of the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, City of Salem, or Town of Vinton police department while in Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke, Salem, or Vinton to stop and effect arrests and otherwise enforce the law with respect to any violation of a state law which an officer would be required to act upon if working a regular tour of duty in their jurisdiction of employment. This section does not apply to, or include officers working in any off duty capacity, otherwise referred to as secondary police related employment. Officer- Shall mean any sworn officer of the respective police departments of Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and the County. On Duty- Shall mean working an assigned tour with the employment law enforcement agency. Off Duty- Shall mean that period of time during which an employee would not normally be scheduled or required to engage actively in the performance Page 2of9 of police duties. This section does not apply to, or include officers working in ant off duty, secondary police related employment. State Code- Shall mean the (1950) Code of Virginia, as amended. 2. Extraterritorial Arrest Power- An officer in Roanoke, Salem, Vinton or the County shall possess extraterritorial arrest power while on duty when any violation of state law becomes known to the officer, or probable cause exists to effect an arrest. This section is not Inclusive of any individual city, county, or town codes which reciprocal agreements do not cover. Any officer effecting or attempting to effect an extraterritorial arrest under or pursuant to this Agreement shall have the same rights, powers and authorities as the officer would possess in making or attempting to make an arrest in the political subdivision employing the officer under similar circumstances. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as requiring an officer to effect an extraterritorial arrest. 3. Responsibility of the Parties- Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and the County agree that to the extent permitted by applicable law, each party to this Agreement will be responsible for the actions, inactions or violations of its officers, employees, and agents in connection with any extraterritorial police activity contemplated under this Agreement, but nothing contained herein shall be construed as a waiver of the sovereign immunity of any locality. 4. Operational Policies- Any officer effecting an extraterritorial arrest shall comply with the operational policies of his own department. Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and the County agree to hold their own officers, respectively, responsible and accountable for compliance with operational policies of the employing department. 5. Cooperative Joint Operations- Pursuant to this Agreement, a law enforcement officer from any of the participating localities who has the rank of lieutenant or Page 3of9 higher may coordinate with a law enforcement officer of another participating locality of the rank of lieutenant or higher to coordinate a joint law enforcement operation that they believe will serve to better protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of their respective locality and the Roanoke Valley. 6. No Effect on Existing Powers -This Agreement shall not supersede, restrict, limit or otherwise impair or affect extraterritorial arrest powers already existing pursuant to § 15.2-1724. Police and other officers may be sent beyond territorial limits; § 15.2-1727. Reciprocal agreements with localities outside the Commonwealth; § 15.2-1728. Mutual aid agreements between police departments and federal authorities; § 15.2-1729. Agreements for enforcement of state and county laws by federal officers on federal property; § 15.2-1730. Calling upon law-enforcement officers of counties, cities or towns for assistance; § 19.2-77. Escape, flight and pursuit; arrest anywhere in Commonwealth; § 19.2-249. Offenses committed on boundary of two counties, two cities, or county and city, etc.; where prosecuted; § 19.2-249.1. Offenses committed within towns situated in two or more counties; where prosecuted; § 19.2-250. How far jurisdiction of corporate authorities extends; and other sections of the State Code or any authority or power existing under the City of Roanoke Charter of 1952 or the City of Salem under the City of Salem Charter. 7. Rights of Officers- While acting under or pursuant to this Agreement, any city officer in the county, any town officer in the city or county, or any county officer in the city shall have all the Immunities from liabilities and exemptions from laws, ordinances and regulations and shall have all the pension, relief, disability, Workers' Compensation and other benefits enjoyed by the officerwhile performing his/her respective duties within the territorial limits of his/her political subdivision. 8. No Backup- This agreement shall not be construed as requiring any city officer to act in the county or town, any town officer to act in the city or county, or any county officer to act in the city or town upon request to supplement or replace routine patrol or enforcement activities. Page 4of9 9. Loss or Damage to Equipment- The localities shall have no liability for any destruction, loss or damage of any motor vehicle, equipment or personal property owned and operated by the other localities in the exercise of extraterritorial arrest power under or pursuant to this agreement. 10.Immunities- This agreement shall not be construed to impair or affect any sovereign or governmental Immunity or official immunity that may otherwise be available to the localities, any officer, agent or employee of the localities. 11. Termination- Any party to this agreement shall have the right to terminate this agreement, with or without cause, by giving written notice to the chief administrative officer of the other parties by certified mail, return receipt requested. Any termination shall be effective 10 days after receipt of notice of termination. 12. Completeness of Agreement- This agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and the County and supersedes ail prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either oral or written. This agreement may be amended only by written instrument signed by authorized representatives of Roanoke, Salem, Vinton, and the County. 13. Gender- Any word importing the masculine gender used in this agreement may extend to and be applied to females as well as males 14. Effective Date- This agreement shall be effective immediately upon its execution by ail of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Roanoke, Virginia has caused this agreement to be signed and attested on behalf of the City by the City Manager and City Clerk, respectively, and the City of Salem, Virginia has caused this agreement to be signed and attested on behalf of the City by the City Manager and City Clerk, respectively, by the Town Manager on behalf of the Town of Vinton, and the County of Roanoke, Virginia has caused this agreement to be signed and attested on behalf of the County by the County Administrator and Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. Page 5of9 CITY OF ROANOKE la City Manager Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: Roanoke City Attorney State of Virginia, County/City of Roanoke, to wit: The foregoing agreement was executed before me this day of , 2017, by City Manager, on behalf of the City of Roanoke, Virginia. My Commission expires: Notary Public Page6of9 CITY OF SALEM City Manager Attest: City Clerk Approved as to form: Salem City Attorney State of Virginia, County/City of Roanoke, to wit: The foregoing agreement was executed before me this day of , 2017, by City Manager, on behalf of the City of Salem, Virginia. My Commission expires: Notary Public Page7of9 TOWN OF VINTON Town Manager Attest: Town Clerk Approved as to form: Vinton Town Attorney State of Virginia, County/City of Roanoke, to wit: The foregoing agreement was executed before me this day of , 2017, by Town Manager, on behalf of the Town of Vinton, Virginia. My Commission expires: Notary Public Page8of9 COUNTY OF ROANOKE County Administrator Attest: Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Approved as to form: Roanoke County Attorney State of Virginia, County/City of Roanoke, to wit: The foregoing agreement was , 2017, by _ of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. My Commission expires: executed before me this day of , County Administrator, on behalf Notary Public Page 9of9 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. HA AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: June 27, 2017 Ordinance accepting and appropriating grant funds in the amount of $485,490.59 from the Virginia Information Technology Agency Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Grant Program Susan Slough Assistant Director of Communications & Technology APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: First reading of an ordinance to appropriate $485,490.59 in grant funding from the Virginia Information Technology Agency Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) grant program for a regional Real -Time Next Generation (NG) 9-1-1 GIS project BACKGROUND: The Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Grant Program is a multi-million dollar grant program administered by the Virginia 9-1-1 Services Board. The purpose of the program is to financially assist Virginia primary PSAPs with the purchase of equipment and/or services that support the continuity and enhancement of wireless E-911. Location data has always been central to 9-1-1 to help direct response teams to the appropriate destination. The ever increasing presence of GIS, paralleled by advances in location technology offer an opportunity to streamline regional data management and access. Within the Roanoke Valley, three local governments share a vision for a collaborative initiative to establish a dynamic regional dataset designed to support the corresponding PSAPs. Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem are looking to leverage GIS to compile, manage and host web based map services that represent the most up-to-date versions of the datasets from each locality. This is Phase II of the project. Phase I was funded for $166,259 in a previous grant. Page 1 of 2 DISCUSSION: This project will create a new Real -Time NG -9-1-1 valid dataset for City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke and City of Salem PSAPs. The data included will be Road Centerlines, Address Building Points and/or Polygons, Emergency Service Zones, PSAP Boundaries, Authoritative Boundaries and County / Municipal Boundaries. This project will support PSAP readiness for future technology and enhance the current efficiency of each PSAP. FISCAL IMPACT: Awarded grant funds total $485,490.59. No local matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling of the second reading on July 25, 2017. Page 2 of 2 Jeacy D. Stem Chairman VDEM Jim Junkins Vice Chaiman Harrisonburg - Rockingham ECC David A. Von Moll Treasurer Comptroller Richard C. Clark Chief of Police City of Galax Terry Ellis Virginia Cable Telecommunications Association Danny Garrison Richmond Ambulance Authority Dennis E_ Hale Chief of Fire & EMS Dinwiddie County Honorable Kevin W. Hall Sheriff of the City of Covington Diane Harding Verizon Wireless Robert Layman AT&T Anthony McDowell Fire Chief Henrico County Jeffrey T. Merriman Verizon Communications Lee W. Miller III Captain Virginia State Police Nelson P. Moe CIO - VITA Kathleen Scay Hanover County Jolena Young Twin County Megan Peterson Office of the Governor COMMONWEALTH of VIRGINIA Virghiii-i 9-1-1 Services Barra! January 24, 2017 Dear Roanoke County PSAP: Dorothy Spears -Dean PSC Coordinator (804)416-6201 Terry D. Mayo Board Administrative Assistant (804) 416-6197 I am pleased to advise you that the Virginia 9-1-I Services Board has approved your FYI grant request. You have been awarded $485,490.59 for your Shared Services NG9-1-1 GIS project, Grant ID 18- 099. Funding for this grant award will be available beginning July 1, 2017. The Grant Payment Reimbursement Process is described in the PSAP Grant Guidelines. Payment will be made on a reimbursement basis only for allowable project costs. ISP staff has already advised grant awardees of any non -allowable items that were included in their grant applications; however, grant awardees are financially responsible for any non -allowable items that are submitted for reimbursement. If you are unsure whether or not a purchase will be reimbursed, particularly with CAD and NG9-1-1 GIS projects, please consult your Regional Coordinator or me before making the purchase. All funding requests must be submitted on the Grant Payment Request Form. Invoice(s) that support the amount requested should be attached to the form at the time it is submitted in order for the request to be processed. Furthermore, a Progress Report is required after completion of the first year of the grant award period. When the project is completed, a Grant Closure Form is needed to close out the grant award. Finally, grant payment requests will be held until all required reports are received. This includes annual True -ups, or any other document required by the Board. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Coordinator or me via email. Congratulations on your grant award! Sincerely, ✓�.�Cld.? � (�4d�OSL1 Lisa Nicholson Public Safety Program Manager Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center --11751 Meadowviile Lane— Chester, Virginia 23836 (866) 482-3911 ---FAX (804) 416-6353 —TTY USERS TDD #71 1—www.va911.org AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AND APPROPRIATING GRANT FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $485,490.59 FROM THE VIRGINIA INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AGENCY PUBLIC SAFETY ANSWERING POINT (PSAP) GRANT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Virginia Information Technology Agency has provided funding for several Public Safety Answering Point grants throughout the Commonwealth; and WHEREAS, advances in location technology offer an opportunity to streamline regional data management and access; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Department of Communications and Information Technology has been awarded a grant from the Virginia Information Technology Agency Public Safety Answering Point Grant Program; and WHEREAS, these funds are specific to creating and establishing a regional dataset used by Roanoke County, the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem Public Safety Answering Points; and WHEREAS, the grant will provide $485,490.59 in State funds and does not require a County match; and WHEREAS, this project will support PSAP readiness for future technology and enhance the current efficiency of each PSAP; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on June 27, 2017, and the second reading was held on July 25, 2017. Page 1 of 2 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. 1. That the sum of $485,490.59 is hereby accepted and appropriated from the Virginia Information Technology Agency to the Department of Communications and Information Technology; and 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. H.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Ordinance accepting and appropriating $42,389.50 from the Western Virginia Water Authority for use of the Roanoke Valley Radio System Susan Slough Assistant Director of Communications & Technology Thomas C. Gates County Administrator First reading of an ordinance appropriating of $42,389.50 from Western Virginia Water Authority (WVRA) for the purchase of radios and for the use of the Roanoke Valley Radio System (RVRS). The WVRA is an existing user of the anolog service of the RVRS and will transition to the digital service provided by the RVRS. BACKGROUND: The Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) has been a user of the Roanoke Valley Radio System since its inception in 2004. When the 2009 digital radio upgrade was completed, six (6) analog channels remained available for those who wanted to avoid the expense of purchasing new equipment. As this analog system approaches end of life, the WVWA has requested to become a subscriber of the RVRS digital service. This ordinance will allow the Western Virginia Water Authority to move from their current analog radio system to the Roanoke Valley Radio System's digital system. DISCUSSION: Roanoke County will receive $31,955.50 from the Western Virginia Water Authority for the purchase of digital radios and accessories necessary for the WVWA to utilize the digital network. Roanoke will receive $10,434.00 annually from the Western Virginia Water Authority for Page 1 of 2 expenses and maintenance costs related to their use of the digital radio system. FISCAL IMPACT: The County will receive revenue of $31,955.50 for the one time purchase of radios to use on the radio system appropriated to the Communications and Information Technology Fund. A recurring revenue of $10,434.00 appropriated to Communication and Information Technology Fund from the Western Virginia Water Authority for reimbursement to offset cost of maintenance and operation of the radio system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the first reading of this ordinance and scheduling the second reading July 25, 2017. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $42,389.50 FROM THE WESTERN VIRGINIA WATER AUTHORITY TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMAITON TECHNOLOGY FUND FOR FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 WHEREAS, the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) has signed an agreement to become a user of the Roanoke Valley Digital Radio System; and WHEREAS, the WVWA has agreed to pay the County of Roanoke $42,389.50 for the purchase of radios and annual maintenance costs for fiscal year 2017-2018; and WHEREAS, funds received from the WVWA will be appropriated to the County's Communication and Information Technology Fund to provide for costs associated with the WVWA use of the Roanoke Valley Digital Radio System; and WHEREAS, Section 18.04 of the Roanoke County Charter provides that funds be appropriated by ordinance before they are expended; and WHEREAS, first reading of this ordinance was held on June 27, 2017, and the second reading was held on July 25, 2017. BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows.. That the sum of $42,389.50 is hereby appropriated from revenue received from the Western Virginia Water Authority (WVWA) to the County's Communication and Information Technology Fund for fiscal year 2017-2018. 2. That this ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of adoption. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. 1.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Ordinance amending Article III (District Regulations) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance Philip Thompson Deputy Director of Planning Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Second reading and public hearing of an ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. BACKGROUND: Community Development staff continually works with the Planning Commission on reviewing the County's development regulations and recommending amendments when appropriate. The proposed amendments contained within this Ordinance represent regular and routine updates to the Zoning Ordinance to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and compatibility with State laws. DISCUSSION: Amendments are proposed only for Article III (District Regulations) of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Proposed changes to Article III would delete two (2) similar sections from the PRD (Planned Residential Development), PCD (Planned Commercial Development), and PTD (Planned Technology Development) Districts. The first section deals with a requirement under the approval of preliminary and final site development plans that states all property within the planned district must be held in common ownership before construction can take place. Given the nature of planned districts being developed over long periods of time, this standard is impractical. The second section proposed for Page 1 of 2 deletion is a requirement that should an approved planned district development fail to commence within a given period of time, the zoning of the property would revert to its original zoning (the zoning designation existing prior to the planned district approval). This section is in conflict with other County and State codes. Staff also proposed to amend Article III to allow guidance services as a by -right use in the 1-1, Low Intensity Industrial, District, and 1-2, High Intensity Industrial, District. This change would make guidance services consistent with other similar uses (medical office) that are currently allowed in the industrial districts. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on these amendments on May 2, 2017. No citizens spoke on this issue during the public hearing. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the proposed amendments. The first reading of this ordinance was held May 23, 2017. FISCAL IMPACT: 0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of Supervisors approve the ordinance to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 ORDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III (DISTRICT REGULATIONS) OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE WHEREAS, the Planning Commission and Community Development staff have identified several areas of the Zoning Ordinance in need of updating that have resulted in the proposal of amendments to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, on May 2, 2017, after proper notice, the Roanoke County Planning Commission held a public hearing on various amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and recommended said amendments to the Board of Supervisors for adoption; and WHEREAS, public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice are valid public purposes for such recommendations by the Planning Commission and action by the Board of Supervisors; and WHEREAS, the first reading of this ordinance was held on May 23, 2017, and the second reading and public hearing was held on June 27, 2017. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors as follows: 1. That the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read and provide as follows: ARTICLE III — DISTRICT REGULATIONS SEC. 30-47. PRD PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30-47-7. Approval of Preliminary and Final Site Development Plans. Note: Text additions are in red font. Text deletions are in red font and struck through. Page 1 of 3 Sec. 30-47-8. . Reserved. SEC. 30-57. PCD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30-57-8. Approval of Preliminary and Final Site Development Plans. Sec. 30-57-9. Failure to Begin Development. Reserved. SEC. 30-61. 1-1 LOW INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-61-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Civic Uses Guidance Services SEC. 30-62. 1-2 HIGH INTENSITY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT. Sec. 30-62-2. Permitted Uses. (A) The following uses are permitted by right subject to all other applicable requirements contained in this ordinance. An asterisk (*) indicates additional, Note: Text additions are in red font. Text deletions are in red font and struck through. Page 2of3 modified or more stringent standards as listed in article IV, use and design standards, for those specific uses. 2. Civic Uses Guidance Services SEC. 30-63. PTD PLANNED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. Sec. 30-63-8. Approval of preliminary and final site development plans. Sec. 30-63-9. FailwFe to begin development. Reserved. 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. Note: Text additions are in red font. Text deletions are in red font and struck through. Page 3of3 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. J.1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: All open appointments BACKGROUND: June 27, 2017 Appointments to Committees, Commissions and Boards Deborah Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator 1. Budget and Fiscal Affairs Committee (BFAC) (appointed by District and At - Large) The following District appointments remain open: Hollins Magisterial District Cave Spring Magisterial District At -Large (2) openings 2. Economic Development Authority (EDA) (appointed by District) Dan Toti, representing the Catawba Magisterial District has resigned. His four-year unexpired term ends September 26, 2018. Billy H. Branch, representing the Cave Spring Magisterial District has resigned. His four-year unexpired term ends September 26, 2017 The following four-year term expired on September 26, 2015: Page 1 of 2 a) Greg Apostolou, representing the Hollins Magisterial District is eligible for reappointment 3. Library Board (appointed by District) The following four-year term expired on December 31, 2016 a) Heather Lawrence, representing the Vinton Magisterial District FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: There is no staff recommendation associated with this agenda item. Page 2 of 2 K AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 RESOLUTION APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM K- CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for June 27, 2017, designated as Item K - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 8 inclusive, as follows: 1. Approval of minutes —April 11, 2017 2. Request to approve fiscal agent agreement for the Regional CenterforAnimal Care and Protection (RCACP) 3. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Kathy H. Caldwell, Police Administrative Assistant upon her retirement after over seventeen (17) years of service 4. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Connie J. Clark, Payroll Specialist, upon her retirement after more than eighteen (18) years of service 5. Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Lisa W. Greer, Financial Analyst, upon her retirement after more than eighteen (18) years of service 6. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,000 for the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Educational Grant Program 7. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $20,971.04 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia 8. Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $5,406.81 from the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Clerk of Circuit Court Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 27, 2017 Request to approve fiscal agent agreement for the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (RCACP) SUBMITTED BY: Rebecca Owens Director of Finance APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Approve a fiscal agent agreement with the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection BACKGROUND: The County of Roanoke has served as the fiscal agent for the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (RCACP) since December 2012. DISCUSSION: The current agreement expires on June 30, 2017, and is recommended for renewal through June 30, 2020. Fiscal agent responsibilities include Accounting, Accounts Payable, Payroll and Purchasing and are outlined on the attached agreement. The RCACP approved this agreement during their budget process. FISCAL IMPACT: The RCACP will pay the County of Roanoke $53,400, $54,720 and $56,100 for fiscal years ending June 30, 2018, 2019 and 2020, respectively to provide fiscal agent services. The annual revenue received for providing this service was included as a recovered cost in the County General Government Budget. Page 1 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the attached fiscal agent agreement with the Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection, in substantially the format submitted, and authorizing the County Administrator to sign the agreement. Page 2 of 2 Fiscal Agent Agreement Between The County of Roanoke, And The Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection This agreement is made the 27th day of June 2017, by and between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ("County"), a political subdivision and county of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and The Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection, an intergovernmental agreement between the County of Roanoke, City of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, and Botetourt County. RECITALS 1. The Regional Center for Animal Care and Protection (Regional Pound) was created by an intergovernmental agreement dated December 11, 2012 between the charter members of the City of Roanoke, County of Roanoke, Town of Vinton, and Botetourt County pursuant to code section 3.26546 of the Code of Virginia which requires the governing body of each county, town, or city to maintain or cause a "pound" to be maintained and allows one or more local governing bodies to operate a single "pound" in conjunction with one another. 2. Section 3.2 of the intergovernmental agreement designates the County of Roanoke to be the fiscal agent until otherwise agreed to by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, and the fiscal agent is required to maintain a program account for the receipt of funds paid by the Participating Localities and fees paid by the general public, and for payment expenses for the operation, maintenance, repairs, and capital improvements to the Regional Pound. AGREEMENT The County is hereby authorized to serve as Fiscal Agent for the Regional Pound as set forth herein. As such, the Regional Pound and the County agree to the provisions outlined below: 1. Maintenance of Books. The County will establish a separate fund(s) on the County financial system to maintain the financial records of the Regional Pound. 2. Pooled Cash. As part of the overall pooled cash concept that is used by the County, the cash of the Regional Pound will be accounted for separately but may be pooled with the cash of the County and other agencies that the County serves as fiscal agent. As such, the Treasurer of the County is authorized to make investments for the pooled cash in accordance with applicable law, including, without limitation, the Investment of Public Funds Act, 2.2-4500 et seq., Code of Virginia (1950), as amended, Page 1 of 4 and the Virginia Security for Public Deposits Act, 2.2-4400 et seq., Code of Virginia (1950), as amended . 3. Negative Cash. As a participant in the pooled cash concept of the County, the Regional Pound may have a negative cash balance from time to time. The Regional Pound agrees to minimize the negative cash to the extent possible. The cash balance must be positive at the end of the fiscal year. 4. Interest Income. At the end of each month, the County allocates interest income earned during that month to all of the funds based upon the percentage participation on the pooled cash. If the net interest income is negative at the end of a month, then negative interest will be allocated to the fund. 5. Loss on Investments. In the unlikely event that the County pooled cash has a loss on an investment through default, market decline, or other reason except for negligence, theft, or legal violations by the County and/or its agents, the Regional Pound will share in the loss using the methodology described in paragraph 4. 6. Revenues. All revenues of the Regional Pound will be deposited with the County Treasurer. 7. Payment of Vendors. The County will make vendor payments for the Regional Pound. These payments will be made in a manner consistent with County procedures. These payments will be combined into the normal County vendor payment process, and as such the check stock used will be the County of Roanoke, and will be signed electronically with the signatures that appear on County checks. Reference to the Regional Pound may be made on the description line of the check. 8. Payment of Payroll. The County will process the payroll for the Regional Pound. These payments will be made in a manner consistent with County procedures and follow the County payroll cycle. 9. Processing of Payroll Taxes. The County will file all payroll taxes for the Regional Pound. 10. Procurement. The County is available for consulting on Procurement activities as requested by the Regional Pound. 11. Risk Management. The County is available for consulting on insurance coverage as requested by the Regional Pound. The Regional Pound will be charged directly for the costs associated with worker's compensation, insurance for property and equipment, and the cost of health insurance not covered by premiums. 12. Financial Reports. The County will work with the Regional Pound staff and Executive Committee to provide meaningful financial reports, as needed, for the Regional Page 2 of 4 Pound on a mutually convenient schedule. This will include monthly and annual financial reports prepared for the Regional Pound's scheduled Executive meetings. 13. Systems. The County will provide access to the County's Financial System. 14. Audit. The County will assemble a review team that will include staff of the Regional Pound and the County. This team will procure an audit firm to conduct the Regional Pound's annual audit. The County will work with the auditors selected to prepare the audit of the Regional Pound. The Regional Pound will maintain overall responsibility for the integrity of the Regional Pound's financial records that are provided to the County and the auditor. The Regional Pound will be charged for the cost of the audit. 15. Errors and Omissions. It is the responsibility of the Regional Pound to ensure that all of the Regional Pound's financial information which shall be provided to the County and\or any audit firm procured by the County on behalf of the Regional Pound is correct, accurate, and complete. 16. Ownership. All funds and obligations of the Regional Pound are the property of the Regional Pound. Upon termination of this Agreement, all funds and obligations will be remitted to the Regional Pound, or its new fiscal agent. 17. Cost. The fiscal agent services outlined above will be provided to the Regional Pound for a fee of $4,450.00 a month ($53,400.00 annually) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2018, a fee of $4,560.00 a month ($54,720.00 annually) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, and a fee of $4,675.00 a month ($56,100.00 annually) for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020. The County has permission to transfer funds from the Regional Pound funds to the County funds by journal entry to pay for this service. 18. Term. This agreement shall begin on July 1, 2017 and shall terminate on June 30, 2020. Further, either the County or the Regional Pound may terminate at any time with one year written notice to the other. In witness whereof, the parties have caused this Fiscal Agent Agreement to be executed by their authorized officers. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY Its: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Page 3 of 4 Its: COUNTY ATTORNEY REGIONAL CENTER FOR ANIMAL CARE AND PROTECTION Its: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Approved as to form: in Its: GENERAL COUNSEL Page 4 of 4 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.3 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Kathy H. Caldwell, Police Administrative Assistant upon her retirement after over seventeen (17) years of service Deborah Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Recognition of the retirement of Kathy K. Caldwell BACKGROUND: Kathy H. Caldwell, Police Administrative Assistant, retired on June 1, 2017, after seventeen years and eight months of service with the Roanoke County Police Department. Ms. Caldwell is unable to attend today's meeting and her quilt and resolution will be mailed to her home. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion associated with this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. Page 1 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Page 2 of 2 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO KATHY H. CALDWELL, POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT UPON HER RETIREMENTAFTER MORE THAN SEVENTEEN (17) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Ms. Caldwell was employed by Roanoke County on October 12, 1999 on a full-time basis; and WHEREAS, Ms. Caldwell will retire on June 1, 2017, after seventeen years and eight months of devoted, faithful and expert service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, during Ms. Caldwell's tenure with the Police Department, she has served with professionalism and dedication in providing services to the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, Ms. Caldwell served as the administrative assistant to three Roanoke County Police Chiefs over the course of 17 years; and WHEREAS, during this time, Ms. Caldwell managed all of the functions of the Office of the Chief with very little direct supervision; and WHEREAS, Ms. Caldwell was able to provide assistance to many citizens of Roanoke County by helping them resolve police -related issues; and WHEREAS, Ms. Caldwell was widely respected by her peers in the Police Department and Roanoke County Government. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to KATHY H. CALDWELL for more than seventeen years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and Page 1 of 2 FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. KA AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Connie J. Clark, Payroll Specialist, upon her retirement after more than eighteen (18) years of service Deborah Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Recognition of the retirement of Connie J. Clark BACKGROUND: Connie J. Clark, Payroll Specialist, retired on April 30, 2017, after eighteen years and seven months of service with Roanoke County's Finance Department. Mrs. Clark is unable to attend today's meeting and her quilt and resolution will be mailed to her home. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion associated with this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO CONNIE CLARK, PAYROLL SPECIALIST, UPON HER RETIREMENTAFTER MORE THAN EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Connie Clark was employed by Roanoke County on September 14, 1998; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Clark retired on April 30, 2017, after eighteen (18) years and seven (7) months of devoted, faithful and expert service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, during Mrs. Clark's tenure as Payroll specialist, she has served with professionalism and dedication in providing payroll services to the citizens of Roanoke County; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to CONNIE CLARK for more than eighteen (18) years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.5 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Resolution expressing the appreciation of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to Lisa W. Greer, Financial Analyst, upon her retirement after more than eighteen (18) years of service Deborah Jacks Chief Deputy Clerk to the Board of Supervisors Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Recognition of the retirement of Lisa W. Greer BACKGROUND: Lisa W. Greer, Financial Analyst, retired on June 1, 2017, after eighteen years and five months of service with Roanoke County's Finance Department. Mrs. Greer is unable to attend today's meeting and her quilt and resolution will be mailed to her home. DISCUSSION: There is no discussion associated with this agenda item. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact associated with this agenda item. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the attached resolution. Page 1 of 1 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE APPRECIATION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO LISA W. GREER, FINANCIAL ANALYST, UPON HER RETIREMENT AFTER MORE THAN EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS OF SERVICE WHEREAS, Lisa W. Greer was employed by Roanoke County on January 6, 1999 as a Financial Analyst; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Greer retired on June 1, 2017, after eighteen (18) years and five (5) months of devoted, faithful and expert service to Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, during Mrs. Greer's tenure as Financial Analyst, she prepared a variety of reports, reconciliations, and financial analyses and worked with Roanoke County Public Schools on grant administration and reconciliation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to LISA W. GREER for more than eighteen (18) years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County; and FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy and productive retirement. Page 1 of 1 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.6 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: ISSUE: June 27, 2017 Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,000 for the Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) Educational Grant Program Susan Slough Assistant Director of Communications & Technology Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $2,000 in grant funding from the Virginia Information Technology Agency Public Safety Access Point (PSAP) program. BACKGROUND: The Virginia Information Technologies Agency awards grant funds from 911 user taxes. The purpose of the program is to financially assist Virginia primary Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) with the purchase of equipment, services and training that support the continuity and enhancement of wireless E-911. DISCUSSION: Each year the Roanoke County E-911 Center has applied for, and been awarded, an educational grant, provided by the Virginia E-911 Services Board. This grant is used to offset the expense of training. FISCAL IMPACT: Awarded grant funds total $2,000. No local matching funds are required. Page 1 of 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $2,000 for the Public Safety Access Point grant program. Page 2 of 2 Jeffrey T. Merriman COMMONWEALTH VIRGINIA Danny Garrison Richmond Ambulance of Authority Virginia 9-1-1 Services Board g Jeffrey D. Stern Dorothy Spears -Dean Chairman PSC Coordinator VDEM (804) 416-6201 Jim Junkins Terry D. Mayo Vice Chaiman Board Administrative January 25, 2017 Harrisonburg- Assistant Rockingham ECC (804) 416-6197 David A. Von Moll Dear Roanoke County PSAP: Treasurer Coordinator or me via email. Comptroller Fire Chief I am pleased to advise you that the Virginia 9-1-1 Services Board has Richard C. Clark ChiefofPolice approved your FYI PSAP Education Program (Individual PEP) grant City of Galax request. You have been awarded $2,000 for 9-1-1 and GIS education and Terry Ellis training opportunities, Grant ID 18-055. Funding for this grant award will Virginia Cable be available beginning July 1, 2017. Telecommunications Association Jeffrey T. Merriman The Grant Payment Reimbursement Process is described in the PSAP Danny Garrison Richmond Ambulance Grant Guidelines. Payment will be made on a reimbursement basis only Authority for allowable costs. All funding requests must be submitted on the PEP Dennis E. Hale Grant Payment Request Form. In order for the form to be processed, Chief of Fire & EMS invoice(s) that support the amount requested should be attached to the Dinwiddie County form when it is submitted. All invoices must be submitted within 30 Honorable Kevin W. Hall calendar days of the end of the education/training event and dated after Sheriffofthe City of Covington July 1, 2017. Finally, grant payment requests will be held until all Hanover County required reports are received. This includes annual True -ups, or any other Diane Harding Verizon wireless documents required by the Board. Robert Layman AT&T If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Megan Peterson Coordinator or me via email. Anthony McDowell Fire Chief Henrico County Congratulations on your grant award! Jeffrey T. Merriman Verizon Communications Sincerely, Lee W. Miller III -7? Captain . � Virginia State Police Lisa Nicholson Nelson P. Moe Public Safety Program Manager CIO - VITA Kathleen Seay Hanover County Jolena Young Twin County Megan Peterson Office ofthe Governor Commonwealth Enterprise Solutions Center — 11751 Meadowville Lane — Chester, Virginia 23836 (866) 482-3911— FAX (804) 416-6353 — TTY USERS TDD #711— www.va9l Lorg ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.7 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 27, 2017 Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $20,971.04 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia SUBMITTED BY: Jill Camilletti Deputy Clerk IV APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $20,971.04 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia. BACKGROUND: Technology Trust Funds represent fees collected by the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office and received from the State in the amount of $20,971.04. In accordance with State of Virginia Code Section 17.1-279, the Circuit Court Clerk's Office shall assess a $5.00 fee called a Technology Trust Fund fee. Each month, the Clerk's Office can request the fees that were assessed the previous month. The code section further states that four dollars of every five dollar fee shall be allocated by the Compensation Board from the trust fund for purposes of obtaining and updating office automation and information technology equipment including software and conversion services; preserving, maintaining and enhancing court records, including, but not limited to the costs of repairs, maintenance, and records, consulting services, service contracts, redaction of social security numbers from land records and system replacement or upgrades and improving public access to court records. DISCUSSION: The funds received from the Commonwealth of Virginia have been earmarked for maintenance needs for the Clerk of Circuit Court, specifically towards the twice yearly Page 1 of 2 maintenance bill from the Supreme Court for maintaining their records, equipment, etc. FISCAL IMPACT: All funds are provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia. No County matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $20,971.04 to the Clerk of Circuit Court for the fiscal year 2016/2017. Page 2 of 2 ACTION NO. ITEM NO. K.8 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: June 27, 2017 Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $5,406.81 from the Commonwealth of Virginia to the Clerk of Circuit Court SUBMITTED BY: Jill Camilletti Deputy Clerk IV APPROVED BY: Thomas C. Gates County Administrator ISSUE: Request to accept and allocate funds in the amount of $5,406.81 to the Clerk of the Circuit Court from the Commonwealth of Virginia BACKGROUND: Technology Trust Funds represent fees collected by the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk's Office and received from the State in the amount of $5,406.81. In accordance with State of Virginia Code Section 17.1-279, the Circuit Court Clerk's Office shall assess a $5.00 fee called a Technology Trust Fund fee. Each month, the Clerk's Office can request the fees that were assessed the previous month. The code section further states that four dollars of every five dollar fee shall be allocated by the Compensation Board from the trust fund for purposes of obtaining and updating office automation and information technology equipment including software and conversion services; preserving, maintaining and enhancing court records, including, but not limited to the costs of repairs, maintenance, and records, consulting services, service contracts, redaction for social security numbers from land records and system replacement or upgrades and improving public access to court records. DISCUSSION: The funds received from the Commonwealth of Virginia have been earmarked for Page 1 of 2 maintenance needs for the Clerk of Circuit Court, specifically towards the twice yearly maintenance bill from the Supreme Court for maintaining their records, equipment, etc. FISCAL IMPACT: All funds are provided by the Commonwealth of Virginia. No County matching funds are required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends accepting and allocating $5,406.81 to the Clerk of Circuit Court for the fiscal year 2016/2017. Page 2 of 2 0 0 � 0 � � J Q � G q r4 2 � M LL \ j 0 77 ƒ g 00 N a ,m u 0 N N 2 un . cl� a a w R 'm o E $ 7 14 CLkD o m r o 2 m a a u k k 2 t / Ln c § u a a ) % , % » ; k Q 0) 2 k \ 00 a \ \ / e ¥ m { \ rn / \ $ r M co k k / _ � \ \ / _ § / � ) \ U \ $ Ln §CL / o § o E = k 2 .§ § ( / o$ e o § 22 { < ~ 2 ° o # f 0 / \ \ g Ero \ ± § d / / / � k % 2 & ° & ° & ° _ # © § k § @ k k \ < 2 < < J � 2 COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CHANGES IN OUTSTANDING DEBT Changes in outstanding debt for the fiscal year to date were as follows: Outstanding June 30, 2016 Additions Deletions General Obligation Bonds $ 4,497,704 $ - $ 856,769 VPSA School Bonds 95,149,806 8,159,100 Lease Revenue Bonds 81,150,705 - 2,740,000 Submitted By Approved By $ 180,798,215 $ Rebecca E. Owens Director of Finance Thomas C. Gates County Administrator Outstanding June 27, 2017 $ 3,640,935 86,990,706 78,410,705 $ 11,755,869 - $ 169,042,346 do 0 0 N0 * o 0 0 0 0 o a e o o e a ao 0 0 a o e, o Ln r CO rr M(O N N Nr LCO NMrO) W M 0 N (Do(nMrn LnrmLn01moa606nO N o) r V' nvLnV roo N o Ip't CD CD Cl C C N V (O M(O NM r- MC? C6 Yr NON c00 6 0 C r N F F O N©� Lo O O 00 0 0 f r Cl Lo 0 m M O N � to (A N nr Ln�rn cV ro(oc L Ln co Ln LQ� cn Nim h o m n a] co L� (D N ep N W Cl) O-1 00 0 Lo OnN (00tH Nco cm CNO r 00 n N T M M M N N O O r N O C O N It NC14.M L r � I No a No Na N NNNa 0 �? a N 0 No 0 o M00 0 0 ( [O (000MN V CKS (0V,0 rLn 03 Or W M 1 N O T 13� (0 n V r N C`) N Lt) V: O CO n N N 0) V ��CO 0) N M Lo V ON 0'T '} co(Dr t`r-O (D r0 00 �OLnO n CO CO CO0 N 00 03 M 0006 M Nr rn Ln Cl) C)LA r Ln r r r r r r^ M Ln�T IN It MnOON(O 0NN0r0"r NrN r V 0100 Lnn O MN0Y-ONrr WrN rW Nr MM N rC' (f c V;, M N00 V V CO Orr N MN N W (000 Ln CON n 00 W N N O r M r C- O" LO M LO r M It m O Co Cn n"j Lr) (1) N n n d) rnCD O Ir (D Mln N nn n "tr 00 M 6i 1n O N O l n r % r M r (O L n 0 r� C r M r r M W c] � Co 00 M O r r - M O 69 O M N O O O0 0 0[ 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O L f) L o O V O O O N 0 C. 0 M 0 0 0 (7 O O 0 0 0 Ln O q O n r 0 0 r O r CO C M O � O O O C? 0 cl CD O Ln n C yam,,, O 0 cq O (O N O V CD CO NMI, 000 Ln 0-'t N V Ln M rLn It p OM In CO TD i0 0 In r Ln Ln O V' C0 (O 0 l"1 (1) u% Lo �t Q'i ("� D CV O 'It (� Ln *- M N Y' 0)M(V cc; MCR M(O (» C14 Cl) 0 0 0 0 0 o O N o o a P P o 0 0 o a a o o N O Ln0 N CA �Y 000 M 0) Mr to V MCO O (o y' r N 00 D c CT) 0 67 N M N (D Ln Ln E` (n n CO N Mid CO r Li) . . toO r- Lo Lo QM C0(O +--0N00f-M N OOr 0) r Ln ? co -,f rLn n (a 00 n 0y -r Or cO o0 a0 00 V o0 a0 N, U, C n W n r (» �N Ln w u goLo Nv7)06 O Ln N7&)M N Co Md M N VNrl r NOQ 05 [��J 0)O. --r. oc in (D tn0 W MO(n 00r Dann to 0-(n co rN 00 � 0) 00 Mr co Qin Ln r M Qi coo V Ln 00 6iM 06 r 00 r Ln CD C. 00 o0� O r0C0 C) C') V' Lnr 'd' m r Ln Lo r N C NCD O(D 00r O rLo W) CI Ln W) M r D7 V 'r (1) M00 M(o rr (Y7 C (O (» O) h Ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C. 0 0 0 00 Ln Ln O n o O 0) N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD <D C3 ^ Ln 0 O O n n 0 0) r n O 01(o 00 4 0 0 C *- 0000[0 CO Q Lo OO Clc r T Ln •"' Ln MOO Co M O Ln 00 Ln O C73 W Ln CO N LnOCD cO CD Ln v(0 n r CJ N 01 Ln N w v Ln rrn V) rNN co Ln OC� 000 r C7 O1 r00M'd'NNLr) OO OD V 00 Ln m n00 � M N N M O M O N r r lt1 � N y N K O C U `O N O 0 L1 d (D N a)' X m N J C X m c (Um N X 0) C i O to V W U3 >+ O m U - (0 F. 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Gates County Administrator COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors Payroll 05/05/17 Payroll 05/19/17 Manual Checks Grand Total Direct Deposit 1,293,573.61 1, 323, 876.05 Checks 50,180.86 56, 575.72 3,065.17 Total $ 8, 501, 784.97 1, 343, 754.47 1,380,451.77 3,065.17 $ 11,229,056.38 A detailed listing of the payments to vendors is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: June 27, 2017 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 30 -Apr -17 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASHINVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON 3,846,709.11 3,846,709.11 CrZsPA=1N �il�►�� SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA (212,970.00) SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 54,007,107.99 WELLS FARGO 14,000,000.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA (76,180.00) 67,717,957.99 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: 2,528,364.06 GENERAL OPERATION 1,266,415.79 1,266,415.79 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 1,088,786.96 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW - JAIL 1,108,999.36 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 342,111.50 UNION FIRST 1,085,871.22 VALLEY BANK/BNC 2,528,364.06 WELLS FARGO 284,036.57 6,438,169.67 TOTAL 79,269,252.56 06/27/2017 ACTION NO. ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER. MEETING DATE: June 27, 2017 AGENDA ITEMS: Statement of the Treasurer's Accountability per Investment and Portfolio Policy, as of 31 -May -17 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: CASHINVESTMENT: SUNTRUST CON 45,348,359.86 45,348,359.86 CrZsPA=1N �il�►�� SCOTT STRINGFELLOW CONTRA (190,298.00) SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 54,006,912.83 WELLS FARGO 14,000,000.00 WELLS FARGO CONTRA (76,450.00) 67,740,164.83 LOCAL GOVT INVESTMENT POOL: 2,529,437.97 GENERAL OPERATION 1,267,476.74 1,267,476.74 MONEY MARKET: BRANCH BANKING & TRUST 1,089,596.38 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW - JAIL 1,109,599.49 SCOTT STRINGFELLOW 370,498.64 UNION FIRST 1,086,101.78 VALLEY BANK/BNC 2,529,437.97 WELLS FARGO 305,117.47 6,490,351.73 TOTAL 120,846,353.16 06/27/2017 I' AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 RESOLUTION CERTIFYING THE CLOSED MEETING WAS HELD IN CONFORMITY WITH THE CODE OF VIRGINIA WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of The Virginia Freedom of Information Act; and WHEREAS, Section 2.2-3712 of the Code of Virginia requires a certification by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby certifies that, to the best of each member's knowledge: 1. Only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting which this certification resolution applies; and 2. Only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Page 1 of 1