HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/29/1987 - RegularOFR ANp F a z 18 50 a 88 SFSQUiCENTEt1N P A Beautifu/Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE TowitA of Avattakr January 29, 1987 Mr. Ed Reynolds 4033 Blandfield Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Mr. Reynolds: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This is to advise that at their meeting held on January 27, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to appoint you as a member of the Recreation Commission for a three year unexpired term which ends June 30, 1988. You will be filling the unexpired term of James Daughtridge. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed, or re -appointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. Both of these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for your willingness to accept this appointment. Ver u rs a Z 2 18YINS 88 s s0111CENTI.VOI A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C vnnty of Ivanakr January 29, 1987 Mr. James Daughtridge 1591 S. Pacific Drive Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Mr. Daughtridge: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Recreation Commission. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. mha Very Bob L. Johnsoh Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 O ROAN a Z 2 a 18 UR 88 sFSQU10ENTENN P A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Tnuutp of TRoauokr January 29, 1987 Mr. Wilmore T. Leffell, President Temp -0 -Matic Inc. P. 0. Box 291 Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Mr. Leffell: BOARD OF SUPERVIS( BOB JOHNSON. CHAIF HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DIS LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIF WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DIS ALAN H. BRI CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DIS STEVEN A. MCC CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DIS HARRY C. NICI VINTON MAGISTERIAL DIS This is to advise that at their meeting held on January 27, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint you as a member of the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals for a four-year term beginning December 12, 1986, and expiring December 12, 1990. The Board appreciates your service to this committee in the past years. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of the Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We are also sending you a copy of the Conflict of Interest Act. Both of these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Virginia General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before the Clerk of the Roanoke County Circuit Court. May I suggest that you phone Mrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk at 387-6208 and arrange to have the oath administered. On behalf County, please your willingness mha Enclosures of the Supervisors and the citizens of Roanoke accept our sincere thanks and appreciation for to accept this appointment. Ve Bob L. Jo Roanoke C CC: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes bn. Chairman ty Board of •Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 0 p0AN a z z a 18 88 SFSQUICENTENN P A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Tvuuty of lvauvkr Mr. Bernard Hairston 6031 Oriole Lane S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Hairston: BOARD OF S BOB JOHr HOLLINS Mf LEE GARRETT. WINDSOR HILLS MA A CAVE SPRING MA STE' January 29, 1987 CATAWBA MA HA VINTON MA This is to advise that at their meeting held on Ji 27, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to aF you as a member of the Community Corrections Resources Boai a one-year beginning January 28, 1987, and ending Augus 1987. You will be filling the unexpired term of Micha Lazzuri. State law provides that any person elected, re -el( appointed, or re -appointed to any body be furnished a copy c Freedom of Information Act; your copy is enclosed. We arl sending you a copy of the Conflicts of Interest Act. Bc these have been amended by the 1984 Session of the Vir General Assembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of R, County, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciatic your willingness to accept this appoin Rnt. V Bob L. Joh*fion, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha Enclosures CC: Michael J. Lazzuri, Court Services P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 O AOAN 2 z a 18 1601888 SFSDUICENTVA"041 A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C nunty of Evauckr January 29, 1987 Mr. Stephen A. Mancuso General Manager Greater Roanoke Transit Company 12th & Campbell Avenue S.E. Roanoke, Virginia 24032 Dear Mr. Mancuso: BOARD OF SUPERVISOR BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC' LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMA% WINDSOR HILL. MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC' ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRINT; MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC' STEVEN A. MCGRAN CATAWB4 MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC' HARRY C. NICKENE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC' Attached please find one executed copy of the Service Agreement enabling GRTC to provide limited service to and from Edinburgh Square. This contract was approved by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at their meeting on January 27, 1987. mha Sincerely, Mary H. Allen Acting Deputy Clerk P.O. BOX 29800 - ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 ROAN a 2 150.018YU 88 x SFSQUICENTE-104 ' A Beautifid Beginning January 29, 1987 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE Mr. Hoyt C. Rath 815 Mason Road Vinton, Virginia 24179 Dear Mr. Rath: BOARD OF SUPERVISOR BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMA HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI, LEE GARRETT, VICE-CHAIRMA WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRI( ALAN H. BRITTL CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRI( STEVEN A. MCGRA' CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRI( HARRY C. NICKEN VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC This is to advise that at their meeting held on January 27, 1987 the Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to reappoint youasamemberoftheCourtServiceUnitAdvisoryCouncil - YouthandFamilyServicesAdvisoryBoardforatwo-year term beginningJanuary27, 1987, and expiring January 26, 1989. The Boardappreciatesyourservicetothiscommitteeinthepastyears. State law provides that any person elected, re-elected, appointed or reappointed to any body be furnished a copy of theFreedomofInformationAct; your copy is enclosed. We are alsosendingyouacopyoftheConflictofInterestAct. Both ofthesehavebeenamendedbythe1984SessionoftheVirginiaGeneralAssembly, and a copy of each amendment is attached. It is necessary that you take an oath of office before theClerkoftheRoanokeCountyCircuitCourt. May I suggest thatYouphoneMrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk at 387-6208 andarrangetohavetheoathadministered. On behalf of the Supervisors and the citizens of RoanokeCounty, please accept our sincere thanks and appreciation foryourwillingnesstoacceptthisappointment. Very truly yours,. Bob L. Johns Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha Enclosures CC: Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes Michael J. Lazzuri, Court Services P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 o aoAN kF 2 a 18 SO 88 SFSQI/ICENT1091 A Beautiful Beginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C nixnty of TRoattokp January 29, 1987 Mr. Michael J. Lazzuri 5812 Knowles Drive S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Lazzuri: BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT. VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT The Board of Supervisors have asked me to express their sincere appreciation for your previous service to the Community Corrections Resources Board. Allow me to personally thank you for the time you served on this Board. Citizens so responsive to the needs of their community and willing to give of themselves and their time are indeed all too scarce. mha Very truly yours Vci-'' Bob L. Johns , Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors P.O. BOX 29800 • ROANOKE. VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • (703) 772-2004 ROAN F ti d2 Cnjrltrtt 1838 ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ACTION AGENDA JANUARY 27, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meetingmeetingsareheldonthesecondandfourthTuesdayofeach. montRegh2:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00Tuesdayofeachmonth. Deviations from this scheduleowillebeourthannounced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (2:00 P.M.) 1 - Roll Call 2• Invocation: John Chambliss Assistant County Administrator 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS NONE C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDAITEMS. NONE D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1• Resolution of Appreciation Upon the Retirement of LG/AHB Martha Matthews. URC 2• Presentation of Annual Employee Services Awards E. NEW BUSINESS 1• Request from the City of Roanoke for support of federalandstatefundingfortheRoanokeRegionalAirportterminalbuilding. FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION - AHB MOTION/LG SECOND - URC AHB/LB URC LG/SAM URC AHB/SAM URC 2. Approval to enter into agreement with Greater RoanokeTransitCompanyforlimitedservicetoandfromEdinburghSquare. 3. Authorization for Utility Director to constructOff-site water facilities in certain cases. 4. Authorization to execute a reimbursement agreement forsewerlineinstallationinMerrimanEstates. F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS BLJ REQUESTED A WORK SESSION ON THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN INCLUDINGCHANGES, ETC. FOR 2/10/87 ECH REQUESTED A WORK SESSION ON EXPANSIOSN OF THE SEWER SYSTEM ON2/10/87. fL9jWD G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS BRITTLE - 1) REQUESTED A REPORT ON THE FEASIBILITY OF TELEVISING BOARDMEETINGSFORCABLETV. REPORT WILL BE ON 2/10/87 AGENDA. 2) ASKED IF DEADLINES FOR BUSINESS LICENSES, DOG TAGS, TAXES, ETC. COULD BE EXTENDED DUE TO THE BAD WEATHER. PMM STATED THATDATESARESETBYORDINANCEANDCOULDNOTBECHANGED. ASKED IF THECOUNTYADMINISTRATORCOULDINSURETHATOFFICESREMAINOPENININCLEMENTWEATHERIFTHEDATESCOULDNOTBEEXTENDED. BLJREQUESTEDTHECOUNTYADMINISTRATORTOCHECKOTHERLOCALITIES ONTHEIRPROCEDURES. 3) ONE OF THE FIVE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION IS OUTOFTHEAREAANDANOTHERAPPOINTMENTNEEDSTOBEMADE. PMM STATEDTHEREWOULDHAVETOBEANAMENDMENTTOTHEJUDGE'S ORDER AND HEWILLINVESTIGATEANDREPORTBACKTOTHEBOARD. 4) REQUESTED THAT BOARD MEMBERS RECEIVE A LIST FROM THE DEPTS. OF ANY MEETINGS PERTAINING TO THEIR DISTRICT. 5) BRITTLE MOTION TO MOVE THE BEGINNING TIME ON THE SECONDMEETINGOFTHEMONTHTO3:00 P.M. AND KEEP THE FIRST MEETING OFTHEMONTHAT2:00 P.M. NICKENS SECOND - URC CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARECONSIDEREDBYTHEBOARDTOBEROUTINEANDWILL BEENACTEDBYONERESOLUTIONINTHEFORMORFORMSLISTEDBELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BEREMOVEDFROMTHECONSENTAGENDAANDWILLBECONSIDEREDSEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meeting - January 5, 1987 2. Request for Bingo Permit from the Vinton MooseLodge #1121. 3. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to theBuildingCodeBoardofAdjustmentsandAppeals, the Community Corrections Resources Board, theCourtServiceUnitAdvisoryCouncil - Youth andFamilyServices, and the Recreation Commission. HCN/LG - UVV K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of VirginiaSection2.1-344 (a) 2, 6, CONCERNING AIRPORT CONTRACTREDLANEANNEXATION, FRIENDSHIP MANOR LITIGATION ANDREALESTATE EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) M. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizingtheconveyanceofsurplusrealestate, "Cooks BLJ/AHB Bottom" Property. 2ND READING - 2/10/87 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 21, "Taxation" of theRoanokeCountyCodeprovidingforpaymentsinlieuofrealpropertytaxation, imposing a servicechargeoncertainrealproperty; valuation, 3 calculation of service charge, exemptionstherefrom, appeals. HCN REQUESTED THAT LETTERS BE SENT TO ORGANIZATIONS AFFECTED BYTHISORDINANCEPRIORTOTHE2NDREADING. HCN/BLJ 2ND READING - 2/10/87 3. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a right of way across the Blue Ridge Parkway. AHB/BLJ 2ND READING - 2/10/87 N. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizingtheconveyanceofsurplusrealestate, Old BentMountainFireStation. LG/HCN URC - AHB ABSENT 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of .017 acre SAM/LB of real estate from the Catawba Hospital. URC-AHB ABSENT 0. PUBLIC HEARINGS (WILL BE HEARD AT 7:00 P.M.) 187-1 Request from Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation for resolution to the General Assemblytoclassifyanddesignateasexemptfromtaxation, pursuant to Section 6(a) (6) of Article X of theConstitutionofVirginia, property located in theCountyofRoanoke. BLJ/AHB AYES-AHB,LG,SAM,BLJ NAYS-HCN 187-2 Petition of JELCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., to amend the existing conditions on the rear portion of the property located north and east ofMickorMackonRoute221intheCAVESPRINGMAGISTERIALDISTRICT. HELD OVER FROM DECEMBER 16, 1986. PETITIONER HAS REQUESTED A CONTINUANCE UNTIL FEBRUARY 24, 1987) CONTINUED UNTIL 2/24/87 4 187-3 Petition of SPRINGWOOD ASSOCIATES to amend the conditions on a 0.606 acre parcel to allow construction of a retail business, located adjacent to 3513 Brambleton Avenue in the WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. CONTINUED UNTIL 2/24/87 187-4 Petition of WILLARD N. AND KATHERINE B. JAMES requesting rezoning of 4.68 acres located at 6858 Quail Place from R-1 Residential to RE Residential Estates to allow no more than four horses for pleasure located in the HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. BLJ/AHB - URC 187-5 Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to add an Emergency Communications Overlay ZoningDistrict. SAM MOTION TO APPROVE ORDINANCE AND THAT STAFF IMPLEMENT APOLICYFORIMPLEMENTATION. BLJ SECOND - URC P. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Q. REPORTS 1. Accounts Paid for December 1986 2. Statement of Expenditures for six months ended December 1986. 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Development Data Report R. ADJOURNMENT ADJOURNED TO 2/2/87 AT 1:00 P.M. TO GO INTO EXECUTVE SESSION TO DISCUSS RED LANE ANNEXATION SUIT 5 O FtOANO F 1839 l ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA JANUARY 27, 1987 Welcome to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors meeting. Regular meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at2:00 p.m. Public Hearings will be heard at 7:00 p.m on the fourthTuesdayofeachmonth. Deviations from this schedule will beannounced. A. OPENING CEREMONIES (2:00 P.M.) 1. Roll Call. 2. Invocation: 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag. B. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS C. REQUESTS TO POSTPONE, ADD, OR CHANGE THE ORDER OF AGENDAITEMS. D. PROCLAMATIONS, RESOLUTIONS, RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS 1. Resolution of Appreciation Upon the Retirement of Martha Matthews. 2. Presentation of Annual Employee Services Awards E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Request from the City of Roanoke for support of federal and state funding for the Roanoke Regional Airport terminal building. 2. Approval to enter into agreement with Greater Roanoke Transit Company for limited service to and from Edinburgh Square. 3. Authorization for Utility Director to construct off-site water facilities in certain cases. 4. Authorization to execute a reimbursement agreement for sewer line installation in Merriman Estates. F. REQUEST FOR WORK SESSIONS G. REQUESTS FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS H. APPOINTMENTS I. REPORTS AND INQUIRIES OF BOARD MEMBERS J. CONSENT AGENDA ALL MATTERS LISTED UNDER THE CONSENT AGENDA ARE CONSIDERED BY THE BOARD TO BE ROUTINE AND WILL BE ENACTED BY ONE RESOLUTION IN THE FORM OR FORMS LISTEDBELOW. IF DISCUSSION IS DESIRED, THAT ITEM WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA AND WILL BE CONSIDEREDSEPARATELY. 1. Minutes of Meeting - January 5, 1987 2. Request for Bingo Permit from the Vinton Moose Lodge #1121. 3. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, the Community Corrections Resources Board, the Court Service Unit Advisory Council - Youth and Family Services, and the Recreation Commission. K. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS L. EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 2.1-344 (a) 2, 6, EVENING SESSION (7:00 P.M.) M. FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES 2 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the conveyance of surplus real estate, "Cooks Bottom" Property. 2. Ordinance amending Chapter 21, "Taxation" of the Roanoke County Code providing for payments in lieu of real property taxation, imposing a service charge on certain real property; valuation, calculation of service charge, exemptions therefrom, appeals. 3. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of a right of way across the Blue Ridge Parkway. N. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 1. Ordinance accepting an offer for and authorizing the conveyance of surplus real estate, Old Bent Mountain Fire Station. 2. Ordinance authorizing the acquisition of .017 acre of real estate from the Catawba Hospital. O. PUBLIC HEARINGS (WILL BE HEARD AT 7:00 P.M.) 187-1 Request from Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation for resolution to the General Assembly to classify and designate as exempt from taxation, pursuant to Section 6(a) (6) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia, property located in the County of Roanoke. 187-2 Petition of JELCO CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., to amend the existing conditions on the rear portion of the property located north and east of Mick or Mack on Route 221 in the CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. HELD OVER FROM DECEMBER 16, 1986. PETITIONER HAS REQUESTED A CONTINUANCE UNTIL FEBRUARY 24, 1987) 187-3 Petition of SPRINGWOOD ASSOCIATES to amend the conditions on a 0.606 acre parcel to allow construction of a retail business, located adjacent to 3513 Brambleton Avenue in the WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. 187-4 Petition of WILLARD N. AND KATHERINE B. JAMES requesting rezoning of 4.68 acres located at 6858 Quail Place from R-1 Residential to RE Residential 3 Estates to allow no more than four horses for pleasure located in the HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. 187-5 Petition of the ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to add an Emergency Communications Overlay ZoningDistrict. P. CITIZENS' COMMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS Q. REPORTS 1. Accounts Paid for December 1986 2. Statement of Expenditures for six months ended December 1986. 3. Board Contingency Fund 4. Development Data Report R. ADJOURNMENT 4 AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION 12787-1 OF APPRECIATION TO MARTHA H. MATTHEWS UPON HER RETIREMENT WHEREAS MARTHA H. MATTHEWS was first employed in January of 1952 as a Typist in the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, Martha H. Matthews has also served as a teacher in the County School System, as a typist in the office of Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court, and since July, 1962, as Secretary -Bookkeeper and Account Clerk in the Roanoke County Library System. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Martha H. Matthews for her 31 years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE nary H. Allen Acting Deputy Clerk 1/28/87 CC: File D -I AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION M OF APPRECIATION TO MARTHA H. MATTHEWS UPON HER RETIREMENT WHEREAS MARTHA H. MATTHEWS was first employed in January of 1952 as a Typist in the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, Martha H. Matthews has also served as a teacher in the County School System, as a typist in the office of Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court, and since July, 1962, as Secretary -Bookkeeper and Account Clerk in the Roanoke County Library System. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County expresses its deepest appreciation and the appreciation of the citizens of Roanoke County to Martha H. Matthews for her 31 years of capable, loyal and dedicated service to Roanoke County. FURTHER, the Board of Supervisors does express its best wishes for a happy, restful and productive retirement. On motion of Supervisor 0, seconded by Supervisor M, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: 0 NAYS: 0 A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen Acting Deputy Clerk ITEM NUMBER D SUPERV AT A RE VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOK LAR MEETING OF THE BOARD F COUNTY ADMINISTRATION SORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, ADMINISTRATIION CENTER. MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Service Award Presentation COUN'T'Y ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: J SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Each year the Board of Supervisors recognizes employees for their years of service to the County. In accordance with the Roanoke k, employees are recognized in incrementsCountyEmployeeHandboo of five years' service with a certificate of recognition or a service pin. In September, the Board of Supervisors approved a proposal to present the employee service awards at a Board of Supervisors' meeting in January. In previous years, the presentation was made at the annual dinner dance; however, the presentation was changed in an effort to increase employee recognition. Attached for your review and presentation is a list of the 1986 service award recipients. We congratulate these dedicated employees. SUBMITTED BY: D. K. Cook Director of Human Resources APPROVED: Elmer C. Hod e County Administrator RESOLUTION: YES NO ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion By: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred ( ) McGraw Nickens To ROANOKE COUNry SERVICE AWARD RECIPIENT'S Mary Hicks Robert S. Lamb JaTms E. Robertson Iris S. Groff Joan A. Nelson Linda S. Gailey Edward E. Burford Ernest R. Miller, Jr. Charles L. Paitsel Garland H. Rucker Phyllis W. James 30 Year Award Reci ipent County Administrator 2 Year Award Recipient J Refuse 20 Year Award Recipients Sheriff Policinq and Social Services Social Services 15 Year Award Recipients Edna F. Lawson Sarah S. Alls Darlene H. Dudding Sherman A. Cable John W. Birckhead, Jr. Mason W. Ferris Timothy L. j=ndson Charles R. Hart Jack J. Heidman Vickie G. McCorkle Stephen P. Huff Michael J. Simpson James T. Nininger, Jr. Phillip W. Carper Billy H. McDaniel Dallas W. Parrish Fannie S. Bolden Freddie L. Cooper, Jr. Elizabeth A. Boitnott Katherine S. Davis Total 1 Total 1 Investigations Sheriff -communications Refuse Refuse Refuse Refuse Total 3 Social Services Total 6 10 Year Award Recipients Data Processing Finance Finance Coriamnications Assessor Utility Maintenance Sheriff Policinq and Investigations Sheriff Policing and Investigations Sheriff Policing and Investigations Sheriff Policing and Investigations Sheriff -Jail Sheriff -Jail Construction & Building Services Buildings and Grounds Buildings and Grounds Buildings and Grounds Library ribrary Recreation Recreation William R. Hammond, Jr. Sarah M. Yeager Jean D. Thonpson Social Services Social Services Social Services 5 Year Award Recipients total 2 2 Margaret E. Carver Data Processing Richard L. Rock Communications Linda P. Powell Commissioner of Revenue Louise R. Eakin Assessor Donald R. Carroll Utility Maintenance Danny E. Spangler Utility Maintenance Francis W. Burkart, III Commonwealth's Attorney Vincent A. Lilley Commonwealth's Attorney Walter L. Delaney, Jr. SheriffPolicinq and Investigations Patricia F. Harrington Sheriff -Policing and Investigations Paul B. MrElvein Sheriff Policinq and Investigations Linda C. Bolen Sheriff Policing and Investigations Jeffrey M. Swortzel Sheriff Policinq and Investigations Michael J. Warner Sheriff Policing and Investigations Floyd D. Sweetenburg Sheriff -,Tail Barry L. Tayloe Sheriff -Jail N. Geneva Wallace Sheriff -jail Gary L. Robertson Public Facilities Oather A. Covey Development Review Ricky L. Akers Refuse Roy L. Crook, Jr. Refuse Jean K. Clinevell Library Margaret G. Mitescarver Library Donald E. Ford Recreation Sharon B. T inkous Recreation Paul E. Nester Recreation Starlena S. Patton Recreation Barbara S. Bangura Social Services Barbara G. Cosgrove Social Services Deborah G. Goolsby Social Services Joan H. Lyons Social Services Beverly C. 6bbber Social Services total 32 1-7-87 JW ITEM NUMBER E AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Request from the City of Roanoke for support of federal and state funding for the Roanoke Regional Airport Terminal Building COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On January 13, 1987, the County received a letter from Roanoke City Manager W. Robert Herbert requesting official support from Roanoke County for federal and state funding for the new airport terminal building at the Roanoke Regional Airport. Roanoke City is requesting $6,827,389 from the federal government and $6,093,571 from the State. They have submitted pre -applications to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Virginia Department of Aviation for these amounts. These funding requests are based on the best estimate of total project cost and total eligible item costs. While the Regional Airport Commission is not yet in place allowing Roanoke County full participation, we are aware of the importance of these improvements to the economic development in all of western Virginia, and recognize and support the need for the City to go forward in securing the maximum eligible funding from both the federal government and the Commonwealth of Virginia. FISCAL IMPACT None. Roanoke City is asking only for the County's official endorsement of federal and state funding for the airport terminal building. RECOMMENDATION The County of support appropriate Administrator for funding b agencies. E - f recommends that the aesabee sent to tthe e approved, and cop le Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE ACTION & Z::; &6 No Yes Abs Approved (j Motion by: d b ,,. r . Brittle Denied () 5 e a n Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To __._ Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION 0 URGING THE UNITED STATES AND AND COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA TO RECOGNIZE THE CRITICAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMPROVEMENTS AT ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT, AND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF WESTERN VIRGINIA, AND FURTHER URGING THE UNITED STATES AND COMMONWEALTH TO PROVIDE THE MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENT AT SUCH AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Whereas, Roanoke Regional Airport, Woodrum Field (the Airport") services the air transportation needs of all western Virginia; WHEREAS, adequate air transportation is essential to the economic development of western Virginia, and improvements at the Airport will affect the future growth of communities relying on the Airport for their air transportation needs; WHEREAS, the Airport was not built to handle its present volume of passenger traffic, and construction of a new terminal of approximately 80,000 square feet with a double -loading concourse at a cost of approximately $22,000,000 is necessary to meet the air transportation needs of western Virginia; and WHEREAS, because of the impact of these needed improvements at the Airport on interstate commerce and economic development of the entire region, the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia should provide the maximum eligible 04' Federal and State funding, respectively, for the required improvements at the Airport. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. The United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia are urged to recognize the critical relationship between much needed improvements at Roanoke Regional Airport, Woodrum Field, and the economic development needs of all western Virginia and to provide the maximum eligible Federal funding through the Federal Aviation Administration and the maximum eligible State funding through the Virginia Department of Aviation for such terminal improvements. 2. The Deputy Clerk is directed to forward an attested copy of this resolution to the Honorable John W. Warner, Member, United States Senate; the Honorable Paul S. Trible, Jr., Member, United States Senate; The Honorable James R. Olin, Member of Congress, Members of the General Assembly representing Roanoke County, and Mary F. Parker, Clerk, City of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor 0, seconded by Supervisor 0, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: 9 NAYS 0 A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION 12787-2 URGING THE UNITED STATES AND AND COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA TO RECOGNIZE THE CRITICAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN IMPROVEMENTS AT ROANOKE REGIONAL AIRPORT, AND THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL OF WESTERN VIRGINIA, AND FURTHER URGING THE UNITED STATES AND COMMONWEALTH TO PROVIDE THE MAXIMUM ELIGIBLE FEDERAL AND STATE FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENT AT SUCH AIRPORT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: Whereas, Roanoke Regional Airport, Woodrum Field (the Airport") services the air transportation needs of all western Virginia; WHEREAS, adequate air transportation is essential to the economic development of western Virginia, and improvements at the Airport will affect the future growth of communities relying on the Airport for their air transportation needs; WHEREAS, the Airport was not built to handle its present volume of passenger traffic, and construction of a new terminal of approximately 80,000 square feet with a double -loading concourse at a cost of approximately $22,000,000 is necessary to meet the air transportation needs of western Virginia; and WHEREAS, because of the impact of these needed improvements at the Airport on interstate commerce and economic development of the entire region, the United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia should provide the maximum eligible Federal and State funding, respectively, for the required improvements at the Airport. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: 1. The United States and the Commonwealth of Virginia are urged to recognize the critical relationship between much needed improvements at Roanoke Regional Airport, Woodrum Field, and the economic development needs of all western Virginia and to provide the maximum eligible Federal funding through the Federal Aviation Administration and the maximum eligible State funding through the Virginia Department of Aviation for such terminal improvements. 2. The Deputy Clerk is directed to forward an attested copy of this resolution to the Honorable John W. Warner, Member, United States Senate; the Honorable Paul S. Trible, Jr., Member, United States Senate; The Honorable James R. Olin, Member of Congress, Members of the General Assembly representing Roanoke County, and Mary F. Parker, Clerk, City of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor Brittle, seconded by Supervisor Garrett, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk E 1/28/87 CC: The Honorable John W. Warner The Honorable Paul S. Trible, Jr. The Honorable James R. Olin The Honorable C. Richard Cranwell The Honorable G. Steven Agee The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum The Honorable A. Victor Thomas The Honorable J. Granger McFarlane The Honorable Dudley J. Emick, Jr. Mary F. Parker, Clerk, City of Roanoke File 9-/2 78 17-3 ITEM NUMBER F- ATAT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Authorization to execute an agreement with Valley Metro COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County Administrator has engaged in negotiations with the Greater Roanoke Transit Company (Valley Metro) to enable GRTC to provide limited service to and from Edinburgh Square. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of this service will be born by GRTC in accordance with the adopted fare schedule. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors authorize the County Administrator to execute said agreement on behalf of Roanoke County upon review as to form by the County Attorney. Submitted by: 41 Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied Brittle Received ( ) Garrett - Referred Johnson To McGraw Nickens 0- G' . -mc- Greater,Roani ke Transit Co. 12th & Campbell Ave., S.E. P.O. Box 13247 - Roanoke, Virginia 2 ..- Phone: 703/982-22222 1C__ January 5, 1987 Mr. Elmer Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke Post Office Box 3800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 Dear Mr_. Hodge: Attached please find two originals of the Service Agreement that we discussed in November 1986. As I mentioned during that conversation, the agreement will enable GRTC to pro- vide limited service to and from Edinburgh Square. The cost of this service will be borne entirely by GRTC. The agreement has already been executed by the appropriate representatives of GRTC. If the wording is acceptable, therefore, I ask that you have the agreement executed by the appropriate representatives of the County and that you then return one of the originals to me. Your doing so will be appreciated and please do not hesitate to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely Stem A. Mancuso General Manager SAM/cl Enc r___1 — 2__ THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 1986, between GREATER ROANOKE TRANSIT COMPANY (GRTC), a Virginia corporation with its principal office located at 12th and Campbell Avenue, S.E. Roanoke, Virginia, and the COUNTY OF ROANOKE (County), a political subdivision of the Common- wealth of Virginia WITNESSETH WHEREAS, GRTC desires to work cooperatively with County to improve transportation opportunities for all Roanoke Valley residents; and WHEREAS, this effort can be regarded as a significant step in furthering City of Roanoke and County cooperative relations for the benefit of the citizens of the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, GRTC is authorized to operate mass transit service along a certain route commonly known as "Huntington Court;" and WHEREAS, County desires to enter into a contract with GRTC to extend mass transit service to Edinburgh Square located in Roanoke County; subject to certain terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, County is empowered to enter into this Agree- ment pursuant to Section 15.1-526.2 of the Code of Virginia 1950), as amended; WHEREAS, The County Administrator of County has been authorized to negotiate and enter this Agreement by the Board of Supervisors of County; and WHEREAS, GRTC's Board of Directors has authorized GRTC's General Manager to enter into this Agreement on its behalf: NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and obligations of each as hereinafter set forth, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1) GRTC shall provide bus service to and from Edinburgh Square located in Roanoke County, in accordance with Exhibits A and B hereto attached and incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement. 2) The adopted fare schedule of the GRTC will apply to the service extended to Edinburgh Square. a"2 3) Passenger counts of persons boarding or alighting at Edinburgh Square will be made daily during each month and such counts shall be the basis for revenue credit for that month. Calculations, in accordance with the formula described in Exhibit B, of the price of providing service to Edinburgh Square will be made monthly, and the calcu- lations will be based on the system cost of operating a mile of mass transit service for that particular month. Should there be deficits during the first three months of operation, GRTC shall absorb the cost of these deficits. 4) In order to provide satisfactory service, GRTC shall provide, operate and maintain buses suitable for such operation. GRTC shall also provide the personnel to operate and maintain the buses, and GRTC shall have full control over and be responsible for hiring and super- vision of such personnel as well as for the payment of all salaries and wages, workers compensation and all other benefits of such personnel. Further, GRTC shall provide liability insurance coverage in the same amount as GRTC provides for its non -County operations, for the operations hereunder. It is the intention of the parties that in the undertaking herein described, GRTC shall be an independent contractor. 5) This agreement shall be in effect for a minimum of three (3) months. 6) This agreement shall remain in effect beyond the initial term of three (3) months until either party terminates the agreement. Such termination shall be effective immediately upon either party providing the other with written notice of termination. 7) The failure of either party to observe and perform its obligations hereunder shall not be deemed a default or breach hereof if such failure is the result of fire, explosion, flood, work stoppage, riot, communications or power supply failure, failure or malfunction of equipment or other cause beyond the party's control. But written notice of such cause shall promptly be given by it to the other. Nevertheless, if any failure so caused has continued or clearly will continue, for a period of at least thirty days, the party entitled to notice hereof may, by written notice to the other promptly given, terminate this Agreement as of the date specified therein. 8) No waiver, alteration, or modification of any of the provisions hereof shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of the parties hereto. Except as herein expressly provided to the contrary, E -z the provisions of this Agreement are for the benefit of the parties hereto and are not for the benefit of any other person and any assignment of this Agreement by either party without written consent to the other shall be void. 9) This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The undersigned represent that they have authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their names to be signed to duplicate hereof, each of which shall have the force and effect of the original, and the respective p=eals to be thereto affixed and attested, by their duly authorized officers. ATTEST: n GREATER OANO E TRANSIT COMPANY ewe t /t- sy ATTEST: COUNTY OF; ROANOKE n;i•nr City .iic; c:::9 q_ /2787 `1 ITEM NUMBER " AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Off -Site Water Facilities COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The County Water Ordinance authorizes the Director to issue a credit of up to one-half of the off-site facilities fees for off-site facilities such as pump stations and storage reservoirs that are required to be installed by a Developer. The Ordinance further provides for a reimbursement agreement between the Board and the Developer when the cost of the off-site facilities required by the County exceed the credit available and when such facilities are determined by the County to be in their best interest. With the Board's authorization, we have given credits and entered into a reimbursement agreement with Boone, Boone, & Loeb, Inc. for water facilities within Canterbury Park III. Our experience with the first use of the credit/reimbursement agreement policy indicates that we are paying top dollar for pump stations and storage facilities. The reason for the higher cost for facilities is that the Developer contracts with a General Contractor for the work. The General Contractor contracts with a supplier, who in turn contracts with the person that actually installs the facility. Although this is normal construction practice, our final cost includes an overhead and profit for each party involved. For most pump stations and water storage reservoirs required for a given development, the County would save considerable money if they would contract directly with the person providing the pump station or storage reservoir. Additional savings could be realized by grouping several pump stations and storage reservoirs into one contract which would result in lower costs. We are presently reviewing development plans that include four 90,000 gallon storage reservoirs and three pump stations. Staff requests that the Utility Director be further authorized to use one-half the off-site facility fees to construct the off-site facilities. The credit policy would still be used for oversized mains and when it would be the least costly method of providing the facilities. FISCAL IMPACT: The County could realize a facilities by constructing these reimbursement to the Developer. RECOMMENDATION: F —3 15-25% savings on off-site water facilities instead of credit or Staff recommends that the Utility Director be authorized to construct off-site water facilities instead of authorizing credits to the Developer when such construction would be the least cost to the County, and when the cost is less than one-half the total off-site facility for the development. Specific authorization from the Board will be requested when the cost would exceed one-half of the off-site facilities fees for the development. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Clifford aig, P.E. Elmer C. Hod Utilities Director County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred To ACTION T" Motion by: VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson v' McGraw Nickens 19 - /,2 -Z8 /'-S ITEM NUMBER -4-g— AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Reimbursement Agreement for Sewer Line Installation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Mr. B. Lee Henderson, Jr., has installed a sewer line extension as part of the Merriman Estate Development. He has also provided an additional easement across his property in order that the sewer can serve the adjoining land. Mr. Henderson has requested a reimbursement agreement for the cost of this sewer line. The reimbursement agreement will be limited to 75% of the sewer availability charge for the three lots in Merriman Estates and one additional lot located north of Lot #1, if they connect within the next 5 years. The reimbursement agreement will be for $375 per lot for a maximum reimbursement of $1,500. The agreement would be for a period of 5 years. FISCAL IMPACT: Total connection fees collected for sewer service will be reduced by a maximum of $1,500. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the County Administrator be authorized to excecute a reimbursement agreement for the sewer line installation in Merriman Estates in accordance with the existing Reimbursement Policy for sewer facilities. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: P CQ;Zza'o ("Sa Cliff o raig, P.= Elmer C. Hodg ' Utilities Director County Administrator ACTION VOTE No Yes Abs Approved (T- Motion by: Denied%i'Lc ,ALIA cz44,,,Brittle Received ( ) Garrett Referred Johnson To McGraw r/ Nickens f/ - AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BAORD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION NO. 12787-6 APPROVING AND CONCURRING IN CERTAIN ITEMS SET FORTH ON THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AGENDA FOR THIS DATE DESIGNATED AS ITEM J - CONSENT AGENDA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That that certain section of the agenda of the Board of Supervisors for January 27, 1987, designated as Item J - Consent Agenda be, and hereby is, approved and concurred in as to each item separately set forth in said section designated Items 1 through 3, inclusive, as follows: 1. Minutes of Meeting - January 5, 1987. 2. Request for Bingo Permit from the Vinton Moose Lodge $1121. 3. Confirmation of Committee Appointments to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, the Community Corrections Resources Board, the Court Service Unit Advisory Council - Youth and Family Services and the Recreation Commission. 2. That the Clerk to the Board is hereby authorized and directed where required by law to set forth upon any of said items the separate vote tabulation for any such item pursuant to this resolution. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk 1/28/87 CC: File Committee File Bingo File S -i Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Cente 3738 Brambleton Avenue, SW Roanoke, Virginia 24015 January 5, 1987 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being the Reorganizational Meeting for 1987. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER County Administrator Elmer C. Hodge served as Chairman Pro Tempore and called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Supervisors Alan H. Brittle, Bob L. Johnson, Lee Garrett, Steven A. McGraw, ani Dr. Harry C. Nickens MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; John Hubbard, Assistant County Administrator of Public Facilities; John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator of Management Services, Timothy Gubala, Assistant County Administrator of Community Development; Mary Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk; Janet Holt -Johnstone, Public Information Officer; Linda Lehe, Assistant County Attorney; D. Keith Cook, Director of Human Resources IN RE: OPENING CEREMONIES The invocation was given by John Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator for Management Services. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present. IN RE: ORGANIZATION OF COUNTY BOARD 1. Election of Officers January_.. _1987 -- --- ------ a. Chairman - Chairman Pro Tempore Elmer C. Hodge ailed for nominations for the position of Chairman. Supervisor ickens nominated Bob L. Johnson. There were no further ominations. Mr. Johnson was elected Chairman for the year 1987 y the following roll call vote: YES: Supervisors Garrett, Johnson, Brittle, McGraw and Nickens NYS: None Supervisor Johnson thanked the other Board members for lecting him and presented the following remarks: While it is usually the purpose of this discourse to ay the ground work for the coming year in regard to goals and bjectives, I would choose first to reflect briefly on the past. f history is indeed a predictor of the future, and I believe it s, then one has to look forward to 1987 with great anticipation. We have, in my estimation, turned the corner in Roanoke ounty. We have turned that corner in two critical areas. The first, and possibly most important, is what one of my onstituents referred to as a "renewed sense of pride" in Roanoke ounty. The credit for renewed confidence in our County jovernment is directly attributable to our staff and our team effort. We have assembled a truly dedicated and highly motivated group of employees. I only wish each of our constituents could see first hand the excellent job they do. The second of our critical areas in 1986 dealt with ong range goals and objectives. We have, with the support of ur citizens, set forth a water project which will serve the alley's water needs well into the twenty-first century. We articipated in regional planning for long term solutions to our ransportation problems, public health and safety concerns, s well as economic development. In short... in 1986 we stablished a program which made Roanoke County a full partner in his great valley. 7-1 January 5, 1987 In 1987 however, I see the need to focus our efforts internally. By that, I mean moving from the theoretical or planning stage into the implementation stage. One of the pitfalls of setting such lofty and desirable goals is the frustration of not achieving results in a timely fashion. I can only assume that patience in this instance will be its own rewar To this end I would look to 1987 for: Implementation of our 75/25 program for economic development. Timely completion of our emergency communications system E-911) A fully operational regional airport commission. upgrading of our County zoning ordinance. Streamlining of our County procedures. It has and will continue to be the responsibility of this Board to set the direction for this County. In this endeavor I would but ask each of us to remember what attached us to Roanoke County in the first place. For most Of us, it was the exceptional quality of life provided by affordable housing and a quality school system for our sons and daughters. This is certainly still true and will be so in the future. Our responsibility for both the short and long term will be to ensure the = mP opportunities for future generations. There is no doubt in my mind that we have both the proper plan and staff to implement such an undertaking. It is with an equal sense of pride and humility that I accept the position of Chairman of this Board. With God's help and your support, I truly look to 1987 as a great year for Roanoke County." b. Vice Chairman - Chairman Johnson asked for nominations for Vice -Chairman. Supervisor Brittle nominated Lee Garrett to the position. There were no further nominations January 5,_ 1987 - - Supervisor Garrett was elected Vice Chairman for the year 1987 by the following roll call vote: YES: Supervisors Garrett, Johnson, Brittle, McGraw and Nickens NAYS: None 2. Length of Term of Chairman and Vice Chairman - Supervisor Brittle moved that the terms for the Chairman and Vice Chairman be one (1) year terminating at midnight December 31, 1987. The motion carried by the following role call vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, Johnson, Brittle, McGraw and Nickens NAYS: None 3. Adoption of By-laws and Rules of Order 4. Schedule of Board Meetings for 1986 - Supervisor Garrett moved to approve the prepared resolution with the staff's recommendation that the meetings commence at 2:00 p.m. rather than 3:00 p.m. as in 1986. Supervisor Nickens stated that he would prefer the 3:00 p.m. starting time because that would still allow ample time to conduct the County's business. The prepared resolution providing for the adoption of by-laws and rules of order, and the schedule of Board Meetings for 1986, with the staff's recommended starting time of 2:00 p.m. was carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, Johnson, Brittle, and McGraw NAYS: Supervisor Nickens RESOLUTION 1/5/87-1 ESTABLISHING A MEETING SCHEDULE FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR CALENDAR YEAR 1987 AND ADOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR SUCH MEETING BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as f l'^Ws: 1. That for calendar year 1987 the regular meetings of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at the Roanoke County J -I January 5, 1987 Administration Center on Brambleton Avenue, SW, Roanoke County, Virginia. The first meeting of each month shall commence at 2:0 o'clock p.m. The second meeting of each month shall commence at 2:00 o'clock p.m.; provided, however, that all public hearings shall be scheduled for this meeting and that said public hearing shall commence at 7:00 o'clock p.m.; and 2. That the rules of parliamentary procedure for the conduct of all Board meetings shall be Robert's Rules of Order; provided, however, these rules are amended as follows: that a second to a motion shall be required in order to consider that motion; that the chairman may make motions, second motions, participate in debate and vote on all matters considered by the Board. On motion of Supervisor Garrett and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, and Johnson NAYS: Supervisor Nickens 5. County Board Membership on Various committees Commissions and Boards - The following Supervisors will serve on the listed committees, commissions and boards for Roanoke County Supervisor Brittle Western Virginia Development Corporation Fifth Planning District Commission (2 -year term expires 6/30/89) Liaison to the Commonwealth's Attorney Clean Valley Committee Vice Chairman Garrett Audit Committee Social Services Board (4 -year term expires 1/1/90) Airport Advisory Committee Liaison to The Commissioner of Revenue Chairman Johnson State Emergency Services Committee (As Chairman) Regional Partnership (As Chairman) Fifth Planning District Commission (2 -year term expires 6/30/87.) Audit Committee Airport Advisory Committee Liaison to the Clerk of Circuit Court Supervisor McGraw Cablevision Committee January 5,.._1987__ Volunteer Fire Chiefs Committee Liaison to the Treasurer Blue Ridge Region Commission Supervisor Nickens Cablevision Committee Transportation and Safety Commission (1 -year term expires x/1/87) River Project Committee Liaison to the Sheriff IN RE: RESOLUTIONS AND AWARDS Chairman Johnson presented a resolution of appreciation to Supervisor Brittle for his chairmanship of the County Board during the year 1986. Chairman Johnson moved to approved the prepared resuiution. Supervisor Nickens seconded the motion. RESOLUTION 1/587-2 OF APPRECIATION TO ALAN H. BRITTLE FOR HIS CHAIRMANSHIP OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR 1986 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors does hereby express its profound and most sincere appreciation to Alan H. Brittle for his dedication, creativity and excellence in the performance of his many vital responsibilities during his tenure as Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors during 1986; and WHEREAS, Alan H. Brittle has served with great distinction during this period of time. It is, therefore, altogether fitting and proper that his enlightened concern, meaningful initiative and hours of devotion to the needs of the citizens of Roanoke County be duly recognized and honored. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the citizens of Roanoke County and on its own part, expresses heartfelt appreciation to Alan H. Brittle for his many significant contributions to Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Nickens, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, Johnson, Brittle, McGraw, Nickens NAYS: None nuary 5, 1987 IN RE: EXECU'-VE. SESSION Chairman Johnson moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to the Code of Virginia 2.1-344 (a) (1) and (6) to discuss a personnel matter, and pending litigation concerning Friendship Manor and the Red Lane annexation suit. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Nickens and carried by a unanimous voice vote. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT At 11:45 a.m. Chairman Johnson adjourned the meeting. Bob L. Johnson, Chairman 5-1 a - ITEM NUMBER AT A VREGULAR IRGINI ELDNATOTHEHROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HEL MEETING DATE.. January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Request for Bingo Permit for the Vinton Moose Lodge 1121 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Attached is a request fromthet ae Vinton has beenN evilewed21 oand Bingo Permit for 1987. Th PPicatio approved by R. Wayne Compton, Commissioner of the Revenue, and the $25.00 fee has been paid. SUBMITTED BY: Mary H. Allen Acting Deputy Clerk APPROVED BY: e v Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved (,-r Motion by: Brittle t- Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw To Nickens O . 0 N L Z a 18 fur 88 SFSQUICENTENN P A BeaatiplBeginning COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR ELMER C. HODGE C oixntjj of Ivaujakr January 29, 1987 Mr. Robert D. Lawrence 511 Highland Avenue S. E. Roanoke, Virginia 24013 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BOB JOHNSON. CHAIRMAN HOLLINS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT LEE GARRETT, VICE-CHAIRMAN WINDSOR HILLS MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ALAN H. BRITTLE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAW CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENS VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT Dear Mr. Lawrence: At their regular meeting on January 27, 1987 the County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the request of the Vinton Moose Lodge No. 1121 for a permit for Bingo. The fee has been paid. to be you may consider this letterwhere conducted. permit, d is to be suggest it be displayed on the premises conducted. The State Code provides that raffle and bingo permitstherefore, the permit will be issued on a calendar -year basis; however, is only valid expire December 31, 1987. This permit, for the dates specified on your application. if I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 772-2005. Very truly yours, V00-' j_ y... Bob L. John on, Chairmari.. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors mha CC: Commissioner of the Revenue Superintendent of Department of Fiscal Management Commonwealth Attorney County Treasurer County Attorney Mr. Billy G. Cornett, 1039 Washington Avenue, Vinton v caac 0 • ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24018-0798 • ( 703) 772-2004 ROANp F O RpANp J z /• CAi 0 Z z COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA a? a 1838 183a COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT RAFFLES OR BINGO ame or raffle permit. Application is hereby made for a bingo g and State laws, This application is made subject to all County may ordinances, rules, and regulations now agre dcto by thor e under - enacted hereafter and which are hereby signed applicant and which shall be deemed a condition under which this permit is issued. All applicants should exercise extreme care to questionsBingoBingogames accura- cy of their responses to the followinggTgtle ions. 401 et. seq. and raffles are strictly regulated by . Section of the criminal statutes oketCountyhe gCode. inia CThesa elaws authorize 4-86 et. se . of the the County Board of Supervisors to conduct a reasonable investiga- rior to granting a bingo or raffle permit. The Board has tion p application to grant or deny the sixty days from the filing of anali at revoke the permit of any permit. The Board may deny,suspend, organization found not to be in strict compliance with county and state law. these Any person violating county or state regulations concerning who permits shall bofgthetgrossOf areceipts fromClass 1 ngoebiror. raffles for any uses any part purpose other than the lawful religious, charitable, is specifi- or educational purposes f expense shall Cally organized, except for reasonable operating exp be guilty of a Class 6 felony. THIS APPLICATION IS FOR: RAFFLE PERMIT Name of Organization check one) BINGO GAMES Street Address Mailing Address City, State, zip Code % ,t1 TD U ' Purpose and Type of Organization /g feF'w !?` When was the organization founded?,% GJ L Ile 1 J Roanoke County meeting place? Zl/ y 6 W, Has organization been in existence in Roanoke County for two con- tinuous years? YES_ NO Is the organization non-profit? YES I,NO Indicate Federal Identification Number # d G Attach copy of IRS Tax Exemption letter. Officers of the Organization: % 1r0U/ZiYc/ Cr r Q i -dot h G ° / v A'iry s Address: Address: i C f3//Z b oti' Y vf I r W )'0 Secretary: Treasurer: - Address • S i F7 wtFc G Address: M ac 8 Member authorized to be responsible for Raffle or Bingo opera- tions: Name P E7 c i t,) e /N c' e Home Address Phone jqV (o.2°7g Bus. Phone b V )33< A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF CURRENT MEMBER- SHIP MUST BE FURNISHED WITH THIS APPLICATION. Specific location where Raffle or Bingo Game is to be conducted. RAFFLES: Date of Drawing Time of Drawing BINGO: Days of Week & Hours of Activity: Sunday 7'-Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday From To From To From To From_ Too_ From To From To From To I J- 2 - BINGO: Complete the following: Legal owner(s) of the building where BINGO is to be conducted: Name: IJP t/D %i?U(a5 10 d %/tel Address: f% GL%//r`TbY %y'i1QJ County N bee State Zip Is the building owned by a 501-C non-profit organization? e 5 Seating capacity for each location: S..0 D Parking spaces for each location: --,too ALL RAFFLE AND BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 1 - 19 1. Gross receipts from all Bingo games or Instant Bingo dar year period. BINGO 1st Quarter /a it d 2nd Quartera'0. L 3rd Quarter3q /0 1,4,b 4th Quarter 0 G 9 7 Kd Total sources related to the operation of by calendar quarter for prior calen- INSTANT BINGO 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter/0, AS 3rd Quarter Y)6f , 4th Quarter( 3, T5 Total443-V-1719 2. Does your organization understand that it is a violation of law to enter into a contract with any person or firm, associa- tion, organization, partnership, or corporation of any classifica- tion whatsoever, for the purpose of organizing, managing, or con- ducting Bingo Games or Raffles?C S 3. Does your organization understand that it must maintain and file complete records of receipts and disbursements pertaining to Bingo games and Raffles, and that such records are subject to audit by the Commissioner of the Revenue. 4. Does your organization understand that the Commissioner of the Revenue or his designee has the right to go upon the premises on which any organization is conducting a Bingo game or raffle, to perform unannounced audits, and to secure for audit all re- cords required to be maintained for Bingo games or raffles? 3 ALL BINGO APPLICANTS MUST ANSWER QUESTIONS 20 - NOTARIZATION RAFFLE APPLICANTS, GO TO NOTARIZATION. 27 BEFORE 20. Does your organization understand twoato calendaro days ingames hanyall not be conducted more frequently calendar week? y0,5 t it is 21. Does your organization understand tharecords based ron § 18ed to . 2 - completecomplete records of the bingo g Code 340.6 of the Code of Virginia and §4.98 of Roanoke County must include the following: a. A record of the date: quantity, and card value of instant binress of go supplies purchased, as well as the naendanddwritten the supplier of such instant bingo supplies, urchase of in - invoice or receipt is also required for each p stant bingo supplies? >[ laved, A record in writing of the dates on which Bingo is b. and the the number of people in attendance on each date amount of receipts and prizes on each day? These records must be retained for three years.) ame prize or jackpot C. A record of the name and address of each individual to whom a door prize, regular or special Bingo g from the playing of Bingo is awarded? d. A complete and itemized record oefallreceipts gand disbugrandse- ments which support, and that agree annual reports required to or derbe tonpermit audit? res must be maintained in reasonable_ only 22. Does your organization understand that instant Bingo maya be conducted at such time as regular Bingo game is in progress, and only at such locations and at such times as are specified in this application? anization understand that the gross receipts in 23. Does your org laying of instant Bingo the course of a reporting year from the p may not exceed 33 1/3% of the gross receipts of an organization's Bingo operation? ye.5 — 24. Does your organization understand it may not sell an instant Bingo card to an individual below sixteen years of age? C' 25. Does your organization unoperations derationsnd hthat exat an ceedzorloare hex- gross receipts from all bingo P calendar year shall have been pected to exceed $75,000 in any granted tax-exempt status pursuant to Section 501 C of the United States Internal Revenue Service? y 2 S Certificate must be attached.) I 14. Has your organization attached a complete list of its member- ship to this application form? ization attached a copy of its bylaws to this 15. Has your organ application form? *93 — 16. Has the organization been declared tion under the Virginia Constitution for or If yes, state whether exemption. or both and identify exempt property exempt from property taxa - statutes? ZA_!5 property, real, personal pro P S specific type and purpose of the organization. 11. State the s J l L_ E" am+ e— V" lg, Is this organization incorporated in Virginia? y name and adress of Registered Agent: if yes, ;i a / dam oN /3lov-e - 0 ed istered with the Virginia Department 19. Is the organization reg Pu solicitations to the Charitable of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs p Solicitations Act, Section 57-48fhe Virginia Code? If so, attach copy o registration.) Has the organization been granted an exemption from registration Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs. by the Virg ( If so, attach copy of exemption.) J ALL RAFFLE APPLICANTS DESCRIBE TO NOTARIZATION. O BE RAFFLED, VALUE OF SUCH ARTICLES, AND PROCEED Article Description Fair Market Value L NOT VALID UNLESS COUNTERSIGNED The above application, having been found in due form, is approved and issued to the applicant to have effect until December 31st o this calendar year. 1l L C-1 . L Date The above application is not approved. Date Commissio er of the e enue Commissioner of the Revenue Does our organization authorizesCertificate this use cat 26. Do Ypancymust be obtained or be on fil the proposed location?____V' awards or prize money organiza 27. Does Y excess of the following amounts are our tion understand that or merchandise valued in illegal. — a. No door prize shall exceed twenty-five dollars. b. No regular Bingo or special Bingo game shall exceed One Hund- red dollars. ne c. No jackpot of any nature whatsoever fhaackpotepdrio es awarded Dollars, nor shall the texceedonealmtThousand Dollars. in any one calendar day RIZATION: THE FOLLOWING OATH MUST BE TAKEN BY ALL NOT A APPLICANTS enalties of perjury as set I hereby swear or affirm under theeiPiat that all of the above forth in §18.2 of the Code of Virg knowledge, information, and truto thef my statement areuestions havebbeenestoanswered. beliefs. q Signed by: Title ame day of /)/ 1A 19 Subscribed and sworn before me, this F5f .rvG-lea A Home Address' Niv commission expires: 19 L tart' Public RETURN THIS COMPLETED APPLICATION TO: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE p.O. Box 3900 Roanoke, VA 24015 7 al Report 5, Does your organization undne tofdtheaRevenueaonlor before must be filed with the Commissio the first day of November of each calendar year for which a per- mit has been issued? 6, Does your organization understand that if gross receipts ex - thousand dollars during any calendar quarter, an addi- ceed fifty tional Financial Report must dayeoffuquarter j&a later than sixty days following the l th ailure to 7. Does your organization cause automaticfrevocation lle of financial reports when due shallhall Bingo game the permit, and no such organization shall conduct n lyfiled and a or raffle thereafter until such report is p p new permit is obtained?_le S 8, Does your organization understand that each Financial Report must be accompanied by a Certificate, verified ny Blunder ao to raffle Board of Directors, that the proceeds ofa s, charitable, commu- have been used for these lawful, nity, or educational purposes for which the organization is spe- cifically chartered or organized, and that the operation vlofBingo of games or raffles ho vre gbeTitle 18 2 ofn in athe Code ofnce with eVirginia? Article 1.1 of Chap 9, Does your organization understand that a one percent auditfeeofthegrossreceiptsmustbepaidtotheCountyofRoanoke upon submission of the annual financial report due on or before the first of November? / P your organization understand that this permit is valid 10. Does y at such locations, and for only in the County of Roanoke and onlyts application? such dates, as are designated in the permit 11. Does your organization understand that no person, except a bona fide member of any such organization who shall ha vprbeenta member of such organization for at least ninety days, opera - such participation, eme shall participate in the maraffle, lee, and no person tion, or conduct of any bingo game or ement, shall receive any remuneration for participating in manag operation, or conduct of any such game or raffle? our organization attached a check for the annual permit12. Has y g to the County of Roanoke, fee in the amount of $25.00 payable Virginia? our organization found 13. Does y tion understand that any orgaoandRaffle ordinance or 518.2 - in violation of the County Bingoauthorizing this permit is subject 340.10 of the Code of Virg person shareholder, agent, to having such permit revoked and any p member or employee of such organization who violates the above to having such permit revoked and any person, shareholder, agent, to ee of such organization who violates the above member or emp y referenced Codes may be guilty of a felony? 4 d BY-LAW ARTICLE I TITLE Lodge No. The name and title of this lodge shall be World under the Codge No. nand LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE, chartered by the Supreme Lodge Wlfntt General Laws for the institution and regulation of member lodges. ARTICLE II Enrollment Fee Enrollment fee for admission to membership in this lodge shall not be less than $20.00 except upon dispensation issued by the General Governor, permitting a lesser fee. ARTICLE III Dues and ABC DOLLAR The membership dues including ABC Dollar, shall be X-0.00 mer year, payable annually, semi-annually, or quarterly in advance. + ARTICLE IV Meetings The regular meetings of this lodge shall be held on o! A ight, at, i00 PON* ARTICLE V These By-laws, or any part thereof, may be amended at any meeting by tmajority vLawsoof members present, provided however, that such amendments are not in ting. Such amendmentstheOrderandthatallproposedamendmentsshallbepresentedinwrishallnotbecomeeffectiveuntiltheyhavebeensubmittedinduplicatetotheGeneralGovernor_ and approved by him in writing. ARTICLE VI These By-laws herein set forth are supplementary to the Laws of the Order and all matters_ perta}xiing to the government of this Lodge, not covered by the foregoing By -lav -s, shall be governed by the Constitution and General Laws for the Institution and Regulation of Member Lodges. ITEM NUMBER_= 3 OKE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD EN NOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE RO MEETING DATE.. January 27, 1987 SUBJECT. Confirmation of Committee Appointments COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: t now beus The following Board of Supervisor nominations have sbeeAll nomineesmade andmhave agreed confirmed by the to serve. Buildin nap_ Board of Adjustments and Appeals Mr. Wilmore T. Leffell was serve another MTfour- yea Leffellrsterm, term District. . nominated by Supervisor representing the Vinton will expire December 12, Nickens to Magisterial 1990. Communit Corrections Resources Board Supervisor Johnson to fill Mr. Bernard Hairston was nominatedLazzuri. His term will expire the unexpired term of Michael J. August 13, 1987. court Service Unit Advisor Council -Youth and Famil Services Advisory Board Hoyt Rath was no serve ominated by Supervisor Nickens isterial Mr. Hoy re resenting the Vinton Mag another two-year term, P 1989. District. Mr. Rath's term will expire January 26 Recreation Commission was nominated by Supervisor Nickens to fill the Mr. Ed Reynolds r term of James H. Daughtridge, Vinton unexpired three-yeam will expire June 30, 1988. Magisterial District. His ter APPROVED BY SUBMITTED BY: Elmer C. Hodge Mary H. Allen County Administrator--------------- Acting Deputy Clerk ---------------------------------- VOTE ACTION No Yes At Motion by: ' Brittle Approved — Denied Garrett Received ( Johnson McGraw — w Referred J To Nickens — ITEM NUMBER M AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Sale of surplus real estate, Cooks Bottom, City of Salem Tax Map No. 255-1-1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: fes/ C' % . trA _ -'"' '"'^ f ' SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On January 6, 1987, the County received an offer to purchase the "Cooks Bottom" real estate located in the City of Salem and owned by the County. This property consists of approximately 14.391 acres. The first reading on the proposed ordinance is scheduled for January 27, 1987; the second reading is scheduled for February 10, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this proposal by the adoption of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, 141W. Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Brittle Received ( ) Garrett Referred Johnson To McGraw Nickens M-,) AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOAD OFOSS ORS OF ROANOKE RANOKECOUNTYADMINISTRATION COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE JANUARY 27, 1987 CENTER ON TUESDAY, ORDINANCE ACCEPTING OFFER AUTHORIZING CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE, "COOKS BOTTOM" PROPERTY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real estate was held 27, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on on January roximately February 107 1987. This real estate consists of app of Salem, Tax Map No. 255-1-1. been 14.391 acres located in the City eceied for the Cooks 2. That offers having b rv in the Bottom property, the offer of is hereby accepted and all other amount of offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- ehalf of Roanoke cute such documents and take such actions on b nt as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro Cou y the County perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by Attorney. ITEM NUMBER M '02— KE AT A REGULAR MEETING HROANOKE OOUNTYERVISOS OF ADMINISTRATIONNOCENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA UINDAT THE ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 ervice charge on tax-exempt real SUBJECT: Ordinance imposing a s estate COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Code of Virqinia, 58.1-3400 et seq. authorizes the ate. Theest imposition of a service charge nthat goalPt Thel leffective date proposed ordinance accomplishes for this ordinance shall sbaffanuaryglonla8private college or uni8 ( however, a - versity on faculty a 1989) - Thismay not be imposed until January 1, This service charge shall not exceed 20% of the randal estate tax rate of the County institution). tution) Se of f Thisarateyis found in housing of an educational proposed Section 22-65 W. This service charge is based upon County enditures and for the for the purpose of furnishing police and fire protection collection and disposal of refuse. The cost of public school education shall be inaloned in this ning faculty and astaff housingmount in eoflan educa- service charge impose tional institution. The expenditures for services not provide for certain real estate exaenditli service is currently fundedbe be consideredl whena calculation, nor shall cby another service charge. Under proposed Section 21-65 (a), the following property is subject to the service charge: property owned by any political subdivision ( however, by contract the County cannot impose a service charge upon pro- perty owned by the City of Salem within Roanoke County); non-profit, private or public, burying grounds or ceme- teries; library, medical library, incorporated public library, law college or other institutions of learning; property owned by any benevolent or charitable association and used by it exclusively for lodge purposes or meeting rooms; empted by classification on and after July 1, property ex 1971 (e.g• volunteer f irl scouts, 4H squads, Clubs, churches and SPCA, boy scouts and g religious associations); ion on and after July 1, 1971. property exempted by designat ides for certain exemptions from Proposed Section 21-66 prov this service fee. Sub -section (d) provides that the Board. may exempt certain classes of organizations from the service charge. Proposed Section 21-67 provides for an appeals mechanism. The adoption of a service fee ordinance is consistent with the settlement of the litigation between Friendship the County. for First reading for this proposed ordinance is scheduled 10, January 27, 1987; the second reading will be held on February 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: It is anticipated that the he County. service charge will generate 85,000 per year in revenue to RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board consider this proposed ordinance for adoption. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney VOTE ACTION No yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied t Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens M -2 AR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS PERVINTY ORSO ADMINISTRATION AT A REGULAR HELD AT THE ROANOK 1987 COUNTY, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, CENTER, APTER 211 O ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROANOKEH COUNTY CODE TAXATION OF PROVIDING FOR PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF REAL PROPERTY TAXATION, IMPOSING A SERVICE CHARGE ON CELCULATIONAINLOFROPERTYSERVICE VALUATION, CA APPEALS CHARGE, EXEMPTIONS THEREFROM, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 34 of Title 58..1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended ( Section Chapter 21 "Taxation" of the Roanoke County 58.1-3400, et se q Code is hereby amended and reenacted as follows: ARTICLE III. REAL ESTATE TAXES Division 3. Service Charge on Certain Real Property Charge -- Calculation and valuation ServiceSection21-65. rovisions of Section 58.1 mpos a 0 pouf a) pursuant to the p is hereby _ the Code of Virginia, a service chargeestate collected from, the owners of all rer o erty taxation and shall n which is exempted from property except property owned by the Commonwealth) 3 ate within the county under paragraphs 1 58. 1P pand all sections in Artic eof Chap - 4, and 7 of Section 58.1-3606, tion 58.1-3609 et seq.) and 4 (Section 58.1-3650 et seq. ter 36 of Title 58.1. Such service charge shall be assessed annually by b) expend - the of the revenue based ntnwhi h the county exp ss- ssessed value of the comm a is assess- ed, tax exempt real estatethedyear in which such charge ass and ed, in the year preceding police and fire protection d ed, for the purpose of furnishing P The cost of public for the collection and disposal of refuse. tion shall be included in such amount in determiningoflan school educa imposed on faculty and staff housing the service charge in P amount received from federal or educational institution. Any is specifically designated for the above- mentioned cof state gran P The ur oses shall not be contheerealiestatermining all not bepurposesP such services for providing provided for certain real estate s nor shall for services not p considered in the calculation ofthe whenraiservicegis currently such expenditures be considered funded by another service charge. M, 2 c) The service charge rate shall be determined by dividing the expenditures determined pursuant to sub -section b), above, by the assessed fair market value of all real estate locatedwithinthecounty, including nontaxable property, ed in hundreds of dollars. hrealestatefinthe the revenue land books first publish and list all exemptofthecountyinthesamemanner as taxable real estate. d) The servicechargert axrate rate sof lthe notexceed eor tf if ty percent (20%) nty of the real housing of an educational percent (50%) of faculty and staff institution. e) The service charge imposed by this Article shall be billed by and payable to and collected by the treasurer on or before June fifth and December fifth of each tax year. Section 21-66. Exemptions. a) Real estate owned by the United States government or any of its instrumentalities hi a l not be .included in the assessed value of all property b) In the anti tic andfhisto tical signif icanceforshalllpur- poses of this section, not be taken into account. c) Buildings with land they actually occupy, together with additional. adjacent land reasonably necessary for the conven- ient use of any such building, located within the county, shall be exempt from such service riu chesrge lortrelbgiousnbodies.and wholly fully owned and held by c and exclusively used for religiousoor religious body orhe for use asc a of the minister of any monastery, cloister or abbey or (ii) religious convent, nunnery, used or operated exclusively for nonprofit private educational or charitable purposes, other than faculty or staff housing of any such educational institution. The service charge shall also not be applicable to public roadways or property held for future construction of such roadways. d) The board of supervisors of the county may exempt any class of organization set out in §58.1-3600 et seq. from the service charge imposed pursuant to this Article. Section 21-67. Appeals. Any person aggrieved by the assessment or the valuation of real estate for purposes ocorrectionArticle thereof Y If P he commisly to e commission of the revenue for sioner finds that the assessment or valuation is erroneous, he M shall correct the same. Any person aggrieved by the decision of as the commissioner may appeal to the circuit court fthe county provided in Section 58.1-3984 of the Code of Virginia. 2. The effective date for the provisions of this ordin- ance shall be January 1, 1988; however, the effective date for isions of this ordinance as they may apply to faculty and the prow shall be January staff housing of a private college or university 1, 1989. ITEM NUMBER M-" a PERVISORS ANOKE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OTSADMINISTRAT ON RCOENTER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDAT THE ROANOKE,RVA., ONCOYTUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBSTAcquisition of a right of way Blue Ridge Parkway COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: S. Depart - has engaged in riegotiations with theU. underground The County ht of way These ment of the Intel lines acquire aacrosstheBlueRidge Parkway• water and sewe parkway land for a distance of approxi- utility lines will be on P round). The purpose of these utility mately 875 feet all underg water and sewer service to the resi- lines is to provide community dents in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke of the proposed will be held on The first reading osed ofor 27, 1987; the second reading is scheduled. January February 10, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: costs and expenses will be paid from the Clearbrook pro - Any jest. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the adop- tion of the proposed. ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Brittle Denied ( ) Garrett Received ( ) Johnson Referred McGraw Nickens To IN REPLY REFER TO: L3031 United States Department of the Interior NATIONAL PARY SERVICE January 5, 1987 Mr. Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator County of Roanoke 3738 Brambleton Avenue Roanoke, Virginia 24018 Dear Mr. Hodge: BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY 700 Northwestern Bank Building Asheville, North Carolina 28801 We are enclosing an original and three copies of grant forunderground water and sewer lines acrossonSection1-N in Roanoke County. M-3 a right-of-way the Blue Ridge Parkway lease sign all copies of If you find this instrument in ace. please return the original the grant in the appropriate sp forward them to the and three copies to us so that we may Director of the National Park Service for final execution. An executed copy will be returned to Y Sincerely, Gary Everhardt superintendent Enclosures AT A REGULAR MEETING OFATHTHEBOARD ROANOKESCOUNTYSADMINISTRATOION OF KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD 1987 CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, HE ORDINANCE ARHT OFTHORIZING WAY ACROSSTTHEBACQUISITION OFFA BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the acquisition of a right oway across the Blue Ridge Parkway was reading on this matter was held on January 27, 1987. A second f held on February 10, 1987. 2. That this right of way grant is for underground he Blue Ridge Parkway. This water and sewer lines across t project will provide community water and sewer service to the residents in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke County. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to execute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said property, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. ITEM NUMBER N KE AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF NOKE COUNTYERVISORS OF ADMINISTRATIONNO COUNTY, VIRGINIA HDAT THE RCENTER INROANOKE,VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT*- Sale of surplus real estate, Old Bent Mountain Fire Station Tax Map No. 111-1-17 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR' S COMMENTS: 4 o SUMMARY OFINFORMATION: 1986, the County received an offer from a On December 18, Tax Map roximately . 443 of ancitizentopurchasetheoldBentSlststofnapp re Station, No. 111-1-17. This property Mr. Willey and Mr. Chambliss acre located on State Route 221• sus real estate. have reviewed this offer and weare in sell thissurplus that the County h rocedure to should commence the p The first reading on the proposed ordinance was held on r 13, 1987; the second reading is scheduled for January 27, January 1987. RECOMMENDATION: Board consider this It is recommended that attached o dinanb eyproposalbytheadopts Respectfully submitted, iI Paul M. Mahoney _4nCountyAttorney VOTE ACTION No Yes Abs Approved ( ) Motion by: Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 ORDINANCE ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE, OLD BENT MOUNTAIN FIRE STATION BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on January 13, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on January 27, 1987. This real estate consists of approximately 4 4 3 of an acre located on State Route 221, Tax Map No. 111-1-17. 2. That offers having been received for the old Bent Mountain Fire Station, the offer of the amount of offers are rejected; and in is hereby accepted and all other 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 ORDINANCE 12787-7 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE, OLD BENT MOUNTAIN FIRE STATION BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on January 13, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on January 27, 1987. This real estate consists of approximately 443 of an acre located on State Route 221, Tax Map No. 111-1-17. 2. That offers having been received for the old Bent Mountain Fire Station, the offer of David W. Peters in the amount of $30,000 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. 1 . On motion of Supervisor Garrett, seconded by Supervisor Nickens and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk 1/28/87 CC: County Attorney Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Main Library Real Estate Assessor Roanoke Law Library File C) ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: February 10, 1987 SUBJECT: Sale of surplus real estate, Cooks Bottom, City of Salem Tax Map No. 255-1-1 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: 41,4-- JN SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: On January 6, 1987, the County received an offer to purchase the Cooks Bottom" real estate located in the City of Salem and owned by the County. This property consists of approximately 14.391 acres. The first reading January 27, 1987; the February 10, 1987. FISCAL IMPACT: r on the proposed ordinance was held on second reading is scheduled for. Since this property is Utilities Fund, the proceeds the Utilities Fund. RECOMMENDATION: included in the Fixed Assets of the from its sale must be returned to It is recommended that the Board favorably consider this proposal by the adoption of the attached ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved (,r Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To ACTION Motion by: i-Le,fzC/Ln1_ VOTE No Yes Abs Brittle ``- Garrett ,.-- Johnson - McGraw Nickens AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1987 ORDINANCE 21087-10 ACCEPTING AN OFFER FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF SURPLUS REAL ESTATE, "COOKS BOTTOM" PROPERTY BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County, a first reading concerning the sale and disposition of the hereinafter described real estate was held on January 27, 1987. A second reading on this matter was held on February 107, 1987. This real estate consists of approximately 14.391 acres located in the City of Salem, Tax Map No. 255-1-1. 2. That offers having been received for the Cooks Bottom property, the offer of the City of Salem in the amount of 162,500 is hereby accepted and all other offers are rejected; and 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the conveyance of said pro- perty, all of which shall be upon form approved by the County Attorney. On motion of Supervisor Nickens, seconded by Supervisor Brittle, and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk ni,n/o*7 CC: File County Attorney Commonwealth's Attorney Magistrate Main Library Sheriff's Department Roanoke Law Library Real Estate Assessor AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELDDRAT THE E, ROANOKEE IN MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 ITEM NUMBER 1 V L'' OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER TUESDAY, SUBJECT: Acquisition of real estate 0.17 acres, Catawba Hospital Tax Map No. 7.00-1-5 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The Director of Real Estate Assessments has engaged in dis- cussions with the Catawba Hoshotaitalmforsthe tpurposeionto sof expanecure ding ti.onal real estate from the p the fire station in this area in order to improve public safety. Catawba Hospital would convey wthelocatedCounty north ofmthel existing 0.17 of an acre of real estate which is lot. Catawba Hospital will donate this property to the County. The County would be responsible for any and all costs involved in this transfer (for example, the preparation of the deed, survey, filing fees, etc.). FISCAL IMPACT: Any and all costs incidental ( to est m e transfer of this real estate, payable from bond proceeds RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt the proposed ordin- ance and authorize the County Administrator to execute such docu- ments and take such steps as may be necessary to accomplish this transaction. Respectfully submitted, Q'ta Paul M. Mahoney County Attorney Approved ( ) Denied ( ) Received ( ) Referred To Motion by: ACTION Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens VOTE No Yes Abs AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF .017 ACRE OF REAL ESTATE FROM THE CATAWBA HOSPITAL BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That pursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the Charter of Roanoke County a first reading concerning the acquisi- tion of the hereinabove described real estate was held on January 13, 1987. The second reading on this matter was held on January 27, 1987. 2. That the County shall acquire this real estate from. the Catawba Hospital for the purpose of expanding the fire sta- tion in the vicinity of the Catawba Hospital in order to improve public safety. Catawba Hospital will donate this real estate consisting of approximately 0.17 acre is portion of Tax Map No. 7.00-1-5) to Roanoke County. The County will pay any costs in- volved in this conveyance. 3. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke County as are necessary to accomplish the acquisition of said real estate, all of which shall be upon a form approved by the County Attorney. ORS OF MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ESCQUNTYSADMINISTRATOON KE AT A REGULAR HELD AT THE ROANOK 1987 COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, CENTER, ORDINANCE 12787-8 AUTHORIZING OF REALE ESTATE ACQUISITION FROM THE CATAWBA HOSPITAL BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: hat ursuant to the provisions of §18.04 of the l• T P the acquisi- Charter of Roanoke County a first reading concerning tion of the hereinabove described real estate was held on held on January 13, 1987. The second reading on this matter was January 27, 1987' That the County shall acquire this real estate from 2. the fire sta ur pose of expanding the Catawba Hospital for the P P improve the vicinity of the Catawba Hospital in order to tion in real estate safety. Catawba Hospital will donate this publicortion of Tax Map No. consisting of approximately 0.17 acre (a P 7.00-1-5) to Roanoke County. The County will pay any costs in- volved in this conveyance. That the County Administrator is authorized to exe- 3. cute such documents and take such actions on behalf of Roanoke re necessary to accomplish the acquisition of said County as a roved by the real estate, all of which shall be upon a form app County Attorney- Supervisor On motion of Supervisor McGraw, seconded by Garrett and upon the following recorded vote: Supervisors Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, AYESJohnson NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Brittle A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk 1/28/87 CC: County Attorney Commonwealth AttorneyMagistrate Main Library Real Estate Assessor Roanoke Law LibraryFile ITEM NUMBER AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTER IN ROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Accounts Paid - December 1986 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Payments to Vendors: $1,858,901.30 Payroll: 12/12/86 Bi -weekly $325,251.30 12/24/86 Bi -weekly 336,124.66 661,375.96 661,375.96 2,520,277.26 A detailed listing of the payments is on file with the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors. SUBMITTED BY: Diane D. Hyatt Director, Department of Finance APPROVED: Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator ACTION VOTE Approved ( ) Motion by: No Yes Abs Denied ( ) Brittle Received ( ) Garrett Referred Johnson To McGraw Nickens 5 z COUNTY OF ROANOKE STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1986 BUDGET EXPENDED % GENERAL ADMINISTRATION BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 94,171 $ 54,336 58 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR 269,541 135,112 50 PERSONNEL 186,295 88,159 47 COUNTY ATTORNEY 126,308 69,091 55 COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE 439,698 187,647 43 TREASURER 407,739 137,143 34 ELECTIONS 120,914 60,840 50 FISCAL MANAGEMENT SUPERINTENDENT OF FISCAL MANAGEMENT 97,499 35,140 36 COUNTY ASSESSOR 544,559 224,529 41 CENTRAL ACCOUNTING 333,739 153,027 46 PROCUREMENT 194,778 88,006 45 MANAGEMENT & BUDGET 64,883 17,504 27 JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION CIRCUIT COURT 91,801 6,191 7 GENERAL DISTRICT COURT 21,145 4,090 19 MAGISTRATES 730 244 33 J & D DISTRICT COURT 6,546 2,999 46 CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT 446,823 177,503 40 COMMOMEALTH'S ATTORNEY 277,452 133,314 48 PROBATION OFFICE 33,825 19,927 59 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICING & INVESTIGATING 3,515,555 1,590,138 45 HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION 960 47 5 FIRE 1,722,287 774,550 45 RESCUE SQUAD 467,688 218,510 47 EMERGENCY SERVICES 36,958 19,036 52 CONFINEMENT/CARE OF PRISONERS 1,778,644 880,168 49 ANIMAL CONTROL 149,759 74,289 50 PUBLIC FACILITIES SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC FACILITIES 221,795 93,471 42 STREET LIGHTS 110,845 36,393 33 ENGINEERING 214,377 162,013 76 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 1,441,490 558,914 39 PARKS & RECREATION 992,701 390,094 39 DRAINAGE 175,079 31,797 18 REFUSE 1,360,433 548,128 40 PARK DEVELOPMENT 8,833 26,376 299 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 169,796 42,973 25 COUNTY OF ROQ0E STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1986 HEALTH I SOCIAL SERVICES PUBLIC HEALTH SOCIAL. SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PUBLIC ASSISTANCE INSTITUTIONAL CARE MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES DEVELOPMENT SUPERINTENDENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING 6 ZONING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PLANNING COMMISSION CONSTRUCTION BUILDING SERVICES NON -DEPARTMENTAL LIBRARY EXTENSION & CONTINUING EDUCATION EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS TO SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS MISCELLANEOUS FLOOD DISASTER EXPENSE ANNEXATION EXPENSE TOTAL TRANSFERS REIMBURSABLE EXPENDITURES DEBT SERVICE TRANSFER TO INTERNAL SERVICE TRANSFER TO SCHOOL OPERATING FUND TRANSFER TO YOUTH HAVEN II CAPITAL PROJECTS TRADER RESERVE FOR BOARD CONTINGENCY UNAPPROPRIATED BALANCE TRANSFER TO UTILITY CAPITAL TOTAL TRANSFER ITEMS NAND TOTAL 359,693 89,924 25 1,689,870 894,874 53 893,986 332,746 37 51,500 6,017 12 94,984 34,992 37 100,096 54,673 55 240,654 112,239 47 88,497 53,870 61 98,684 47,208 48 19,581 8,298 42 196,911 94,855 48 1,008,412 485,853 48 89,700 20,718 23 420,562 54,069 13 539,915 515,177 95 24,600 24,600 100 770,452 247,781 32 0 2,759 0 0 0 0 22,813,743 10,122,352 44 0 1,438 2,074,544 2,028,912 98 143,270 0 0 24,994,710 6,035,504 24 356 0 0 2,483,198 0 0 116,654 0 0 500,000 0 0 315,195 0 0 30,723,927 8,065,854 26 f 53,537,670 $ 18,188,206 34 4-2 6 K y N II94l000 rG N Oo +O W M mUJ1 U,11 pp pp pp U/11 pp U11 imp X0, 1 O. W' + V S.J N? V V rO N W r r rte.. N O O O W V N WJIW$s M V 1 j W " W' W W- W-- -O V T? UI VI W yyO W m W r 1 n n r V m O W Voff, Icy% i wrN io7S iGi5?f iS...'..a..•omr7" -. zp V W [+11 W O t O N V m O N 1111 3" ± 8 +U1 +U 8 8O , f p ni O y U} NyI / m+ W . T r Q v O i .N- SA WN V OO ol p h t M F F 'M • F h R F M 52 ccrry + g y 5.q yg Q Q? 5m COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA RESERVE FOR BOARD CON17INGENCy Original Budget 7-1-86 November 26, 1986 Health I December 16, 1986 December 16, 1986 January 13, 1987 January 13, 1987 nsurance Coverage for Retired County Employees Planning Commission Travel Board of Equalization Board of Supervisors and Management Staff Planning/ Goal Setting Work Session Volunteers Training Seminar Balance of Board Contingency at January 13, 1987 Submitted by, Diane D. Hyatt Director of Finance 129,000 6,300) 2,046) 4,000) 6,500) 2,500) 107 6_54 DEVELOPMENT DATA REPORT ROANp/ ROANOKE COUNTY z DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT a= 1 3% JANUARY 1987 EWA NI 0 t/i 411 UWAAU4J- J-4aa 1244 atid ja n. a 23 S V' 7 maw Ol 7 it V C of 1Y row 37 Z E+ a H W HU Wh Oa a cnE U wh0 a a 0w HW aa EO U N E U aQ. o 0 0 0 0 10 O O O O O .4 W O O O O O V 0 H Ul O M O ON N N IT O to N Q, C O c0 O H ro N r-1 C0 1 4JID o ID tD CL r r r o E\ \ \ \ O H .--I 1-4 N U .-4 .--1 .--1 .-I rov 0 0 o O o rn r o o r o 0 0 O O O O O M N O O Ul O O O O O v c O M M C c M O O O U1 M N Ln N .--1 N d' O D1 N O rn 1 o r1 r 00 r C H 1-1 1 N 1J iJ 17 11 U7 U7 U7 U7 Ill a) a7 U7 U) a) N U1 V7 C C C C T a) a C C a) C C C O O O O O O W O O O 11 J-1 1J 1J N a) a7 4J 41 Q) 1J 1J 1J ro ro ro ro U u u ro ro ro ro ro u >4 U 4 ro ro ro w W N Q) U N 7 C 7 (1) a) 7 a) a) a) yJ 17 yJ JJ ri i) IJ a• 4-7 4-7 4-) U) U) 1-1 1-4 U7 .-I H •-1 a a a a a s a a a 0 0 0 0 O O C O 1J 1J iJ }J 00 O O L 1J O J,J 1J 3J k.0 00 co 1" ko m 00 00 00 00 1" co kD 00 00 00 \ \ \ 00 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ m \ \ O O N \ "T M V' to N 00 m \ 1n 03 r H H —4 O r1 H N H N N .--I H N .--1 M \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 p ,..1 ,-{ \ .-1 r-1 N N O O N N 1 .-1 H .-1 —4 .-1 .--1 .--1 1-4 .-t 1-1 a to U 7 ro O C:+ N U OD co ro N v7 rn 1n 1r) to o C .-1.-1 kD kD 1 ko D kD ao m H U1 c0 00 O o0 O c0 w ID co co 00 00 W N co 00 00 co co m 1n 1n a) \ r M Ul 00 m r1 V' W M M N v lD i 4 1J Ln N N 1-1 1 N 4 1 1 4 i N V' N N ro \ O Cl O Q w lD N N r co M V' Vv VT C' r 00 O m r -i 1 1 J-1 to U 7 ro O C:+ N U U n C .-1.-1 1J 4 O 1 r1 a) A c iJ ro ro H ro 11) ro JJ iJ L 0 w Ij U) z a a a 3 lJ .--1 a) U .--1 bl ti-+ O ro N O ul E r O x 1 a 0) s 4J O ro O o ro W to O O U L .--4 7 0.) 0 v) .-1 w O 3 N to O U C a) C •--1 0 E O b c r-1 b U ro 0 ro ro O u z 3 H x m Ds H1 a r-1 .-1 .--1 a) •H rl r-1 ro ro ro ro JJ ^1 ro 0 ro .,4 al It ro 4-7 IJ aJ IJ a) W 4.1 iJ 1J W 4.) yJ JJ Q) a) (L) a) 1% w Q) a) a) W a) a) 0) a a a a 0 rz x x 0 a a a N 4J W roa. ro ro 1J O c +.) 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Q nN. t o 'n In 0 0 I c-, O T N QNI wvalva c v CO 0 0 .-I -q I O -4t0 w• ro.- 1: 01 vQwordN .-,N ° vo y a N v a., uc coa) 14v roo 4J 3 741 U U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 1 O,p00p 0000 p p1 V y„0 o' a I O ON a p0 1 1 1 1 1 r- 1000. 0tr)0000 p O 00 O 1.1 „pro N a 4-JU N b ryry cn Ln I I 1 I I aT .-1 tN' 10 TT O pN • , 1 OO 10MTTMNtOOr')Otp tD 1 O Op Mry I N Lna vauc> n0• C1 Q/ N 1 l0 l0 O N n O, -IN OONN M r -I 01T r-1 N .-•I V' -4 T T M M M t0 .p 1.•) 1 1 r-1 0N r•1 O O trr N 04 i cn w co x Q) N T ko 11 r 1 V> O E '-'1 HLO wu U1•f i v 14 I I I 1 1 U ON^ Ln av M to 0 F CY' O0 O 0 C)O 00w1100 1 1 O 1 O O p O W O p 0 0 O1t011 cx ,1 I I M o I v v i i m l I C) [ O O o p1 1 b to •-1 co co I 1 0 0 p v I I 00 00 O t0 -I I ' a % T C co I, O M ID ^ . . 1 I pTMPPMI Ln V) O MCOTMN I N benI N o fnNOOP IN r-N0004wZNMp D N T E N u In N co W. a N T N F r-4 to. N 0 T DN 1 N NI11I .-1j0 I 1 1 I 1 N 1 trlNN O t!1 1 1 N .-t I 1 Ln .- t Lna 0w N v 1 v ro 0 x C ° 4 C NOQ1 N 1l L Z7 Q) ...1 b D. N i.1 .d a 11 C tb N 4..1 •r1 . 0 N O v ro1 a ms, U O wr c H'0. N Q QI 1.) c1 x\ uroro. Q nN. QNI wvalva c aa1 7a w• ro.- 1: 01 vQwordN .-,N ° vo a N v a., uc coa) 14v roo 4J 3 741 U U 0 0 rb- N N p1 V y„0 C .-I a11.7 u 3 N 11•-1 ,•-1 N 1 7° aU CzmaV O 1.1 „pro N a 4-JU N c D r-QUiow=14J0 ani1>r x O vauc> n0• C1 Q/ N 1 64; 1 04 i cn w x Q) wu ITEM NUMBER " KE AT A REGULAR MEETING ODAT F ROANOKE COUNTYSADMIN STRATION UPERVISORS OF RCOENTOER COUNTY, VIRGINIA HINDROANOKE, VA., ON TUESDAY, MEETING DATE: January 27, 1987 SUBJECT: Consideration of tax exempt status for Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS: / f I ,% SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Manor Apartment Village Corporation has applied Friendship supporting their to the County of Roanoke for a Board resolution supporerty taxes efforts to secure exemption from statelacati on nd lovasocaifiled pursuant from the General Assembly. Their app provides that before to S 30- 19.04 of the Code of Virginia which p applicant must the General Assembly may act on the request, the app provide either 1) a resolution rt thetocalresong body suP- lution,eor12) evidence porting or refusing to pp placed the request before the governing that the applicant has body, which then refused to act. The General Assembly may grant tax exempt status either by assing a " classification" bill exempting an entire class of pro - pass a " designation" bill granting tax exempt perty or it may p The latter procedure is request - status to one special applicant. application, ed by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation rocedure since there is no class exemption Spec ialrgranttmentSfromhthe General it must follow in seeking provision is attached Assembly is outlined in §30-19.0s Thisto prove that they are for your review. ( Applicants seeking included in one of the class Revenue.) ns pursue their request before the Commissioner of th 81-/ In considering this request, the Board should consider the legal basis for tax exemption. In Virginia all exemptions must be derived from Article X, §6 of the Virginia Constitution, which grants tax exempt status to several classes of property. No other types of property may receive a tax exemption. Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation is attemptingo qualify its owner for under 6 (a) (6), which includes Property used by religious, charitable, patriotic, historical, benevolentby al, or public park and playground purposes, as may be provided classification or designation by a three-fourths vote of the mehe bers elected to each House of the General Assembly. its effect Board should consider this app light upon similarly situated persons; similar commercial or "for pro- fit" operations; type, degree, and magnitude of essential local ided; and consistency with existing Board government services prov policy. iously considered similar applications This Board has prev ry 14, 1984 t for tax exempt status. On FebruagomesoofdRoanoke the requests of McVitty House, Inc., McVitty Valley, Inc., Friendship OnnorSeptemberent 23,V1986getherBoard deniedn a Friendship Manor, Inc. request of Edinburgh Square. The Board on January 13, 1987, authorized the settlement of certain pending litigation between Friendship Manor ApartmentThis Village Corporation, Friendship Manor, Inc. and the County. settlement agreement requires that the Board will adopt a refoo u a tion of support to be submitted to the General Assembly statute designating Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corpora- tion as exempt from taxation. FISCAL IMPACT: See County Administrator's memo dated January 13, 1987. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board favorably consider the attached resolution. Respectfully submitted, Elmer C. Hodge County Administrator Approved Denied Received Referred To Motion by: ACTION 87_/ VUTZ No Yes Abs Brittle Garrett Johnson McGraw Nickens 4 OF FtOANO L_ 2 COUNTY ADMINISTRATORELMERC. HODGE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: M E M O R A N D U M Roano e Co ty Board of SupervisorsElmerC. Ho ge County Administrator January 13, 1987 BOARD Op SUPERVISORS ALAN H. CAVE BRITTLE, CHAIRMANSPRINGMAGISTERIALDISTRICTBOBJOHNSON, VICE CHAIRMANHOLLINSMqGISTERIALp15TRICT GAIReTTWINDSORHILLSMAGISERALDISTRICT STEVEN A. MCGRAWCATAW13AMAGISTERIALDISTRICT HARRY C. NICKENSVINTONMAGISTERIALDISTRICT Settlement of Taxation Issue with Fri settlement Attached endship Manor between for the Board' taxation dis Roanoke s consideration is aManorpate. The County and Friendshi proposedandnegotiatedwith settlement was proPosedP Manor d therepresentingbothparties, County staff and by FriendshipmonthsthatifbeanequitableTheBoardhasindiatedattorneysPreferabletodososettlementcouldinrecentlegalcourse, rather than t be reached, it wdesiredbIbelievethe ° continue would residents y the Board agreement °n an uncertainOfFriendshipanditshouldachievestheincreasesPManor ,,h° have minimal i equityinfees, impact on thearenotabletoaffordlarge Commissioner Let me Of Revenueforby Commendingentitiesofthishavingaddressed t he BoardRoanokeCounttypewhichhaveissueof and the Count y' The Preponderance been prev' taxing However, and our attorne Of evidence Y untaxed instateYshavepreparedisinfavoroftheSection501 (c 3jj'' and precedent an excellentornot, entities do not clearly define Case. the In reaching the such as Friendship whetherbenefitsprovidedpr°p°sed agreement P Manor are taxableimpactthatfulltotheelderly' we have consideredrecognizedthattaxationmiandthehandicappedandthe citizens, services theycorporations are assets We have also cor Friendship provide and to our community, pay for P Manor likewise recognizes jobs for ourasservicesrendered, and gnizesaspectsofitsoperationt° permit its obligationtothataretaxationclearlybusinessOfthose taxes and Basically, the and operationsservice fees agreement calls forbased hi the assessed a combination ofFriendship°f Friendship value of real125,000, Manor for the P Manor. The estateandfutureYearendingfiscalimpactonunlessthewill 9 June ill behastoPeratyareexpanded. ThhrOXimately thatwamou been ex anapplytaxeStothose underlyin amount functions g Philosophythatareclearly R O, BOX 3800 . Z" 2 18%--1 business operations. For example, the convalescent center which operates as a hospital has been taxed. Those apartments, which are occupied by the elderly and critically handicapped who require extensive medical care, are not taxed but are charged a 20 percent service fee. This is consistent with the Board's policy of granting tax relief for the elderly the lderly areand a paxed Those apartments which are not occupied by as any other apartment complexes in the County. As a consideration for settlement, Friendship Manor has requested all taxes, penaltif,s, and interest prior to July 1, 1 to be be exonerated. This; has been estimated by the approximately $1,603,090.31, but is in contention, and would probably be considerably less should the Board choose to litigate the matter. The Board has also been asked to assist in resolving the issue with the state in this session of the General Assembly. In conclusion, it is staff's recommendation that the Board accept the settlement offer of $125,000, that prior years' taxes be exonerated, that necessary public hearings be expedited, and that Friendship Manor's request for assistance with the General Assembly be provided. ECH/mha WOODS, ROGEAS & HAZLEGROVE ' 105 FRANKLIN ROAD, S.W. P.O. BOX 720 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24004-0720 TELEPHONE 703 9824200 DIRECT DIAL NUMBER 982-4244 January 20, 1987 The Honorable Rgbert hnsonr SupervisorsChairman Roanoke County Board of P.O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24018-0798 Re: Friendship Manor Apartment Villa e Cor oration Dear Mr. Johnson: This letter is in support of the application of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation for the approval by your Board of legislation to designate the above corporation exempt s from taxation in the county of Roanoke pursuant to the provision of Section 30-19.04 of the Code of Vir inia and Section 6 of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia. Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation is a nonstock, ncharter under the provisions of nonprofit corporation granted a Chapter 2 of Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia in November, 1967. It is one of three nonstock, nonprofit corporations under the umbrella of the Friendship Manor providing care and housing for the aged. The other two corporations are Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc., and Friendship Manor, Inc. Home The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 2 A ed has property in the City of Roanoke and Friendship for the g Friendship Manor, Inc. has property in the County of Roanoke. rtment Village Corporation has property both in the City Manor Apa orations of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke. All three corp have the same directors and executive committees which meet at the same time. gaged in this endeavor for over Friendship Manor has been en earsIt has been on the leading edge in the develop twenty years. of life ment Of facilities addressed to improving the quality in the Roanoke Valley* available for the aged and the handicapped It is today Virginia's largest retirement community. It is dedi- cated to serving retired people and providing the kind of o their declining years lifestyle which will allow them to enjoy with dignity in pleasant, comfortable surroundings. As a nonstock, nonprofit corporation, there are no stockholders of Friendship Manor Apartment village Corporation; and there is no way in which any individual or group of indivi- duals lawfully divert the resources of the corporation to duals it r own advantage. In the event the corporation dissolves, thea oration as is expressly provided in the charter of the corp follows: d) In the event of the dissolution of the corporation or the winding up be Of it' irs, the corporation's assets shallreli- affaxclusively to charitable, distributed e literary or educational gists, scientific, The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 3 organizations which would then qualify under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and its regulations as they may exist or as they may hereafter be amended. Article II of the Articles of Incorporation of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation presently reads, in part, as follows: The purpose for which the corporation is formed and the business and objects to be carried on and promoted by it are as follows: a) To operate, insofar as its capacity may reasonably permit, medical facilities, including provisions for mental health center, and to furnish services specifically designed to promote the health, security, happiness and usefulness in life of those persons who may apply for the same, the charge for such faci- lities and services to be predicated upon the provisions, maintenance and operation thereof on a nonprofit, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, nonreligious basis. b) The corporation is irrevocably dedi- cated to, and operated exclusively for chari- table nonprofit purposes; and no part of the income or assets of the corporation shall be distributed to, nor inure to the benefit of, any individual. Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has met the requirements of the federal government and was accorded tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) shortly after it had been chartered. Annual reports as to the continued activities of the corporation are required; and the federal tax exempt status of The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 / Page 4 the Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has never been questioned. Of course, the federal income tax status is accorded great weight in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the corporation is likewise exempt from Virginia State income taxes. The Friendship Manor admissions policy is stated in all of its literature as follows: "Applicants are admitted without regard to race, sex, religion or national origin." Financial information other than the information required by federal or state regulation for Medicare/Medicaid or other public assistance programs are not required as a condition of admission. Thus, an applicant's financial resources are not used as a criteria for determining admissibility. Financial planning and assistance is provided for patients who request such as a means to help them meet the cost of their care. Patients who exhaust their finan- cial resources while residents of Friendship Manor have not been discharged based on their inability to pay. HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FRIENDSHIP MANOR COMPLEX. Friendship Manor had its genesis in a resolution of the district conferences of the first and southern districts of the Church of the Brethren in 1959 in which the district board was instructed to appoint a committee to look into the possibility of building a home for the aging in the Roanoke area. The committee report was received in 1960 with the recommendation that such a The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 5 7-/ home be built in the Roanoke Valley; that it be sponsored by the Church of the Brethren; that its title be held in a separate cor- poration with a Board of Directors composed mostly of laymen; that the membership of the Board be composed of members from the two districts of Virginia with remaining members to be appointed at large; and that a capital gifts campaign be conducted to carry through on the report. The report was approved and the Church proceeded to implement it. A very successful and productive public solicitation was undertaken in the Roanoke Valley. More than $300,000.00 was contributed to the Church of the Brethren, which funds were in turn used to acquire the first parcel of land for the Friendship Manor Complex and to supplement borrowed funds to complete the first Friendship Manor facility. A separate corporation was created to hold title to the real estate, known as the Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc. By deed dated June 23, 1963, of record in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court for the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 1131, page 231, a tract containing 9.50 acres lying on the south side of Hershberger Road was conveyed to this cor- poration. Construction began shortly thereafter on the first facility in the Friendship Manor Complex known as Manor East. Construction of Manor East was financed primarily by a loan guaranteed by the Federal Housing Administration under the provi- The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 6 67_/ sions of Section 231 of the National Housing Act. The Section 231 program of the Federal Housing Administration was specifi- cally created for the purpose of encouraging construction of homes for the aged because neither the private sector nor state or local governments were meeting this growing need adequately. Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc., was char- tered and a contract for construction let in March, 1965. A deed of trust to secure the payment of an indebtedness in the amount of $1,200,000 over a period of 40 years at an interest rate of 5-1/4% was recorded in May, 1965. On May 11, 1965, the Articles of Incorporation of the Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc. were amended to meet the federal requirements for this loan. Application was immediately made by Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc., to the Internal Revenue Service for quali- fication under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code as a tax exempt, nonprofit home for the aged; and promptly granted. This exemption has continued from that time forward to the present. The land upon which Manor East was constructed was placed on the land books in the office of the Commissioner of Revenue of the City of Roanoke in the name of Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc., but it has never been assessed for taxes by 0 The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 7 the City of Roanoke. Manor East was opened in November, 1966 as a Nursing Home with 40 beds and 72 units as a Home for the Aged. The facility has operated continuously since that time as a home for the aged. In the year following the opening of Manor East it became apparent that additional facilities for the elderly were needed in the Roanoke Valley and 6.5 acres of the original 9.5 acre tract were set aside for the purposes of creating separate apart- ment facilities. A separate corporation was created known as Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation (the Applicant) and title to the 6.5 acres transferred to it. Its Articles of Incorporation were issued in November, 1967, and the first of the 52 units was constructed shortly thereafter. The construction of these 52 units (known as Apartment Village) was financed partly by public subscription and partly by the sale of life leases. Additional apartment facilities known as Manor West containing 68 units were constructed on another portion of the 6.5 acres acquired by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation in the City of Roanoke beginning in the year 1972. Construction was again financed largely by the sale of life leases. Under the life lease arrangement, an apartment is sold for a flat sum payable at the time of purchase. The purchase price is based on the size of the apartment and the cost of construction. 87-/ The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 8 Inasmuch as each purchaser will have a different life expectancy based on age at time of purchase, the value to the purchaser of the unit or annuity purchased will vary for each purchase. The amount by which the purchase price exceeds the value to the purchaser as established by the Internal Revenue Code is deduct- ible by the purchaser as a charitable contribution to the cor- poration for federal and state income tax purposes. If the amount paid by the purchaser is less than the value of the annuity (and this is frequently the case) no gain or loss is recognized to the purchaser. You are referred to Internal Revenue Ruling 72-438 and Internal Revenue Ruling 55-388 for a fuller explanation of the tax aspects of these transactions. For accounting purposes, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation does not treat the money received from the purchaser at the time of acquisition as earned at the time it is paid, but the portion not treated as a contribution is amortized over his life expectancy as rental would be. If a purchaser is not yet ready to move into the purchased apartment at the time of acquisition or if, after moving in, the purchaser must move from the apartment permanently for health reasons or because of an inability to care for himself or for a change of heart, the Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation will sublease his apartment for him and reimburse him 87,/ The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 9 at an amount equal to eight percent of the entire purchase price annually, or, in the alternative, at purchaser's option, the eight percent may be applied to his charges at whatever other Friendship Manor facility he may reside. The life lease arrange- ment thus serves the purchaser very well: by guaranteeing living quarters for his lifetime in a complex which can also provide for his medical needs; by providing a source of funds to replace his medical costs in later years; and reducing the likelihood that he would have to rely on governmental assistance for his medical or other needs in the years ahead. We have gone into some detail as to the financing, construc- tion and use of Apartment Village and Manor West located in the City of Roanoke but owned by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation because all of the apartment units located in the County of Roanoke and which are the subject of this application were constructed, financed and are used in substantially the same manner. All of the properties of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation in the City of Roanoke (including Manor West which was completed in 1973) were exempted from taxation by action of the Commissioner of Revenue of the City of Roanoke from 1967 until an unsuccessful effort in the year 1982 to subject them to real property taxation by the City of Roanoke. An effort to sub- The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 10 187-1 ject these properties to taxation was suspended when the General Assembly of Virginia, with approval of the City Council, voted to place these properties in exempt status. We mention the exempt status of these properties in the City of Roanoke and the similarity in their history to the properties in the County which are the subject of this application because it is expressly provided in Section 6 of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia, which became effective on July 1, 1971, that: all property exempt from taxation on the effective date of this section shall continue to be exempt unless otherwise provided by the General Assembly. In addition, the statutes enacted subsequently in execution of the new Constitution, provided in part as follows: The following classes of property (which includes the property in question) exempt from state and local taxation on July 1, 1971, shall continue to be exempt from taxation, state and local, including inheritance taxes, under the rules of statutory construction applicable to this section prior to July 1, 1971. (portion in parentheses added) The debates of the House of Delegates concerning the inten- tion of the General Assembly in inserting the grandfather clause referred to above are particularly instructive. It is expressly stated on page 626 of the debates of the House of Delegates by e -I The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 11 Delegate Carrington Williams, one of the principal authors of these provisions: our intention here is to continue any lawful exemption that exists now under the grandfather clause ... Thus, it will be apparent that Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has a very strong argument that the exemption which was obtained in the past in the City of Roanoke continues to apply to the properties of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation lying in the County of Roanoke even though they were constructed after July 1, 1971. Returning to our historical narrative: recognizing the importance of the availability of quality medical facilities to serve the growing Friendship Manor population, the Board deter- mined that the next step should be the construction of a separate convalescent center to serve the Friendship Manor facilities and the anticipated increase in aged population with the addition of other facilities. Because of the separate nature of the facili- ties which were to be provided by the new convalescent center and the separate means of financing the same, and to avoid placing in jeopardy the excellent financing arrangement with reference to Manor East, it was decided that a separate corporation should be created for the new convalescent center to be devoted primarily to medical services. Accordingly in March, 1970, a charter was e%"_/ The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 12 obtained for Friendship Manor, Inc. As before, the same mana- gers, officers and directors were retained as in the other two corporations. It also became apparent, as the Friendship Manor facilities were expanding, that there would not be adequate lands available to satisfy the requirements of the complex as it continued to grow. A special public solicitation was undertaken in 1967 to finance the purchase of additional land and a sum of approxi- mately $100,000.00 was raised for this purpose. Subsequently, another successful campaign was undertaken in the year 1971 to raise funds for the purchase of additional land. As a result, Friendship Manor, Inc., with the assistance of the Church of the Brethren, purchased in 1970 three parcels of real estate in Roanoke County known as the C. C. Crockett lands, lying on the north side of Hershberger Road as follows: Tract A, containing 2.88 acres; Tract B, containing 3.42 acres; and Tract D, containing 5.97 acres. (Tracts B and D are now owned by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation.) In December, 1971, the Internal Revenue Service granted an exemption from federal income taxes to Friendship Manor, Inc., as a corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes under the provisions of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Friendship Manor, Inc. then proceeded to 1 7i l The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 13 arrange for the construction of a convalescent center. Financing for the construction of the convalescent center was arranged through Industrial Development Bonds in the amount of $3.46 million issued by the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke County, Virginia. The project was completed in late 1974 with 253 beds. Shortly after completion of the convalescent center, Friendship Manor undertook the construction of two small apart- ment villages on Tract B. Regency I, with 26 units, was completed in 1976; and Regency II, with 28 units, was completed in 1978. Construction of Regency I and Regency II was financed primarily from the sale of life leases in much the same manner as Apartment Village and Manor West. At one time inquiry was made of the Attorney General of Virginia as to whether the facilities of Friendship Manor, Inc., would be exempt from taxation. The Attorney General acknowledged by letter dated December 26, 1974, that the convalescent center was a hospital within the meaning of Section 58-12(5) of the Code of Virginia and was, therefore, exempt from property taxation. Friendship Manor has relied on this letter from that time forward. The Attorney General at the same time advised that the apart- ment portion of the property of Friendship Manor, was not exempt r The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 14 from taxation. However, it was felt that this portion of the opinion was based on erroneous information. Accordingly, after careful review, the Honorable Ed Natt, County Attorney for Roanoke County, determined that Regency I and Regency II were tax exempt as well and advised Mr. Billy K. Muse, Commissioner of Revenue for Roanoke County, by memorandum dated January 24, 1975, that such apartments should be accorded tax exempt treatment. Friendship Manor has relied on the memorandum from that time forward. A number of other parcels along Hershberger Road were purchased from time to time after the decision was made to construct a convalescent center. By deed dated November 27, 1973, recorded in Deed Book 986, page 375, J. R. Canterbury, Special Commissioner, conveyed 4.12 acres known as Tract C Crockett property) adjoining the earlier parcels on the north to Friendship Manor Retirement Community, Inc. (and subsequently Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation). Funds for the acquisition of these and other properties became available from benevolent gifts and operating revenues. At the same time as construction of the convalescent center was going forward, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation undertook the construction of 92 additional apartment units for the elderly to be known as Manor North on Tract D (Crockett 0 lG..,+d' ...1 The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 15 lands). They were identical in use to the properties earlier constructed and known as Apartment Village and Manor West, and construction was financed as before by the sale of life leases. Manor North opened in the Winter of 1974 and the Spring of 1975. The need for the facilities already being provided by Friendship Manor and for other facilities to serve the aged popu- lation continued to grow; and the waiting lists continued to expand. In the Fall of 1976, a very careful survey was made by the staff and management of Friendship Manor as to the contem- porary and anticipated need for nursing home beds, homes for adults, and apartments for the elderly with nursing facilities available. As a result, it was resolved to endeavor to raise additional funds for purchase of additional land as it became available. In March, 1977, property adjoining the convalescent center, known as the Fallon property, became available. By deed dated April 1, 1977, of record in Deed Book 1061, page 764, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation acquired two par- cels adjoining the convalescent center on its west side in Roanoke County, totaling approximately 25.55 acres, from Fallon Florist, Inc. This was a very fortunate development. This property has been available as other needs have become apparent. For example, in 1980 a computer center to serve the entire Friendship Manor The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 16 community was constructed on the northwest corner of this parcel. This structure, now known as the Fallon Building, houses the accounting operations, the computer operations, medical supplies inventory and the purchasing department. The cost of construc- tion was financed as part of a bond issue to be mentioned later. The Fallon property was taken off of the land books at the direction of the assessor's office at the end of 1977. However, it was returned to the land books by the present Commissioner of Revenue in 1981 and placed in a separate section entitled nontaxable" where it remained until December, 1983. A value was placed on the land and improvements by the Commissioner of Revenue. And in 1984, one-half acre of the Fallon property was leased by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation to Friendship Properties, Inc. (a newly created, wholly-owned subsidiary) for use of two medical clinics to serve the entire Friendship Manor community as well as the adjoining areas of the city and county. At the time of execution of the above lease to Friendship Properties, Inc., in January, 1984, the County Assessor was notified of the lease and advised that this property should be assessed as a leasehold interest on the land book, subject to property tax, as it was a separate enterprise conducted for pro- fit. These parcels were taxed for the year 1984 and succeeding years and are willingly paid. The Honorable Robert Johnson 7. January 20, 1987 Page 17 One other major improvement has been added to the Fallon property. In 1985, a 24 -unit apartment building known as the Wellington was added to the group. It was constructed, financed and will be used as are all other Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation apartment units. The first units were occupied in December of 1985. Although not part of the Fallon property, a laundry to serve the convalescent center was constructed in 1979 on the 4.12 acre tract to the north of Manor North. There are no present plans for immediate construction of any additional facilities on the Fallon property. However, the long- range plan provides for construction of a cultural center and possibly one additional 24 -unit apartment building on the Fallon property. This covers all of the property of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation located on Hershberger Road; and we now turn your attention to the Lakeview property which is located further north on Williamson Road. The need became apparent for facilities for occupants who were unable to provide for their own needs and yet not so disabled physically as to require hospitalization. Within the spectrum of care available within the Friendship Manor complex, this level of care would lie between care for those not so ill as The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 18 87_i to require the facilities of the convalescent center and those capable of independent living within the apartments. We call this sheltered care and will have more to say about this later. Accordingly, by a series of deeds dated in the months of July and August, 1976, from Anita D. Lee and others, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation acquired title to additional par- cels of real estate, lying in Roanoke County, containing approxi- mately 112 acres of land, being a part of or adjoining the property formerly identified as Lakeview Motor Lodge. The pro- perty was purchased with funds accumulated from operations, bene- volent gifts and the assumption of substantial outstanding indebtedness. For the years 1977, 1978 and 1979, substantially all of the Lakeview properties were placed on the land books of the County of Roanoke in the name of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation at the same assessed value as for the grantor for the preceding year (1976). For the period from purchase of the Lakeview tracts until removal from the land book in early 1980, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation continued to manage these properties and to pay real estate taxes on them because they were not yet integrated into the Friendship Manor operation and program of care for the elderly. At the request of Friendship Manor, three parcels of this series of acquisitions were kept on the land books and taxed for The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 19 67—/ all years after acquisition until the present. The Commissioner of Revenue's records show in one instance, for example, that the properties had been removed by error and that they were reinstated upon the written advice of Dr. Lawrence Rice of Friendship Manor. It was the view of Friendship Manor that pro- perties that were engaged in a business for profit not related to the purposes of the Friendship Manor community should be subject to real estate taxes. Those parcels not exempt and assessed on the land book for 1980 to the present included rental properties occupied prin- cipally by tenants not of retirement age, amenities, a road leading to a property of another, a club house rented to groups for profit, and rental properties not related to sheltered care. The properties purchased in the Lakeview acquisition were con- verted for use for sheltered care and retirement living during most of the year succeeding their acquisition. By August, 1978, the conversion had been completed; prior thereto, in May, 1978, the Board of Friendship Manor voted unanimously to undertake the construction of an additional 120 beds at the convalescent center and to remodel the facilities at Lakeview to care for at least 200 sheltered care persons. Financing the construction of the additional facilities was arranged through the Industrial Development Authority of Roanoke The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 20 County, a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The total amount of money borrowed for the construction of these additional facilities was $9,860,000.00 including in part the discharge of the earlier indebtedness to the Industrial Development Authority secured by the convalescent center. To secure this indebtedness the Industrial Development Authority issued two separate bond issues of even date secured in part in the first instance by all the properties of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation in the city and county of Roanoke, and in the second instance, by all of the properties of Friendship Manor, Inc., which were in Roanoke County. By two deeds of trust dated October 1, 1979, the bond issue was arranged and financing proceeded. The use of the Lakeview facility as a sheltered care center is pursuant to license as a Home for Adults issued by the State Department of Health. The remodeling of the facilities at Lakeview to care for at least 200 additional sheltered care per- sons and the construction of the computer center mentioned earlier was completed during the Winter of 1980 with the funds arranged through the bond issue. In addition to the above, two other apartment complexes have been completed in the Lakeview area, being the Regency III building of 28 units and the Friendship Manor Estates of 13 The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 21 187 1 units, both of which were completed in the Summer of 1981. There are also four single-family attached dwellings adjoining the 13 units in Lakeview Manor Estate which were completed in 1985. The construction of all of these units was financed by the sale of life leases. DEGREES OF CARE AVAILABLE IN FRIENDSHIP MANOR A) Independent Living. The spectrum of services available in the Friendship Manor community is indeed broad. Perhaps the least institution oriented area of care is classified under the general heading of independent living. This permits the use of apartments specially equipped for the elderly. Beginning with the Apartment Village in 1970, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation now has 338 separate living units, 116 of which are in the City and 212 of which are in Roanoke County. There are 391 occupants of these units, 129 of which are in the City and 262 of which are in the County. Most of the residents of the Friendship Manor apartments, all of which are owned by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, are the owners of life leases. There are approxi- mately 10% of the life lessees who have not yet chosen to live there. Occupants of these apartments as sublessees and of those The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 22 apartments which have reverted to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation upon the death of the purchaser make up the remainder of the population. Admission to or participation in life leasing is limited to the elderly or the handicapped. If an application is made for these or any of the other facilities of Friendship Manor, it is the policy of Friendship Manor to accept them in the order in which they are received without regard to race, creed, color, or religion. Independent living apartments are totally integrated with the convalescent center or the sheltered care community. Each occu- pant can live in his own apartment and perform services for him- self_ to the extent that he is able. There is a monthly maintenance fee. A Registered Nurse is on duty at all times to answer the needs of any occupant; and, of course, the con- valescent center is near by. We are told that the nurses make an average of 125 individual calls to the apartments each week. Homemakers and aides are available to all the occupants of apartments as needed. Hot meals can be ordered and brought to the apartment of the occupant on request. This is a service of particular value to those with special diet needs and there are a number of people in the apartment facilities who require special individual diets. Friendship Manor is able to supervise their eating and to provide them with food for their diet as indicated. The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 23 Bear in mind that many of the occupants of the apartments are blind, deaf, terminally ill, or suffering from any of a number of limiting physical disabilities. These apartments are constructed in such a way they they can live there comfortably with access to such services as may be needed. At our request, the supervisor of Health Services of Friendship Manor made a survey of three of the apartment units to identify the health needs of the occupants. This information is available because separate health records and charts are kept on each individual occupant. Although the compilation of this information required considerable effort, it was quite instruc- tive. The units we checked are Regency I and Regency II, located near Hershberger Road, and Regency III located in the Lakeview complex. We believe they are representative of all of the other apartment units, including the apartments located in the City of Roanoke. This survey reveals that the average age of the 131 occupants of these apartments is 75.4 years. An effort was made to classify the occupants based on the diagnoses revealed by the health records. Our supervisors classified 31 of the 131 occu- pants as "fairly well." However, 88 are classified as "fairly well to severe" and 17 have become deceased since admission. The residential nurse available to the units has had occasion to make one or more calls to 85 of the 131 occupants; and 36 have The Honorable Robert JohnsonJanuary20, 1987 Page 24 used the health care or sitter services provided by the Ho_ Health A enc me 9 y of Friendship Manor which is based in the Lakeviewproperty. Twenty-one of the 131 occupants have had occasion to useoccupationaltheca the therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy facili- ties available through the convalescent center; 55 havelaborator used theyandelectrocardiogram; 47 have used the X-ray; 40 haveusedthespecialdietaryservices; 51 have availed themselthefreetransportation; 46 have used the vvs of guest ties available for visitors. In addition apartment facili- ties varying numbers of theoccupantshavehadoccasiontousethefollowing available through the convalescent Cen services ter; pastoral service; Podiatrist; barber and beauty shop; special maid service; phar- macy and pharmaceutical counseling; phar recreational services; andambulance. The records available for this survey also included info - mation as to wh y the r occupants choose Friendship Manor for theirretirementresidence. While there are a number of reasonsexpressed, the reasons which seem to Predominate are security, availability of medical services, the assurance of supportivecarewhenneeded, the opportunity to associate with persons ithesameage n 9 group, and freedom from burdens of living alone orwithrelatives. Friendship Manor is unique in bein So man g able to meetyoftheseneeds. The Honorable Robert JohnsonJanuary20, 1987 Page 25 The Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporationownerormanager is the the land subject g of all of the apartment buildings anduponwhichtheyarelocatedincludingnotonlythose which aretolifeleasearrangements, but also thosseparatel e which areyrentedonamonth-to-month basis. The total amounlifeleaseapartmentincome t of including apartment rent, main- tenance charges and other income for the fiscal30, 1986, was $816,279.00. ThYear ending June e life lease apartment expense, however, was $958,914.00 leaving a net .loss from the oOfthelifeleaseapartmentsof Aeration 142,635.00. This comareswithanetlossp from life lease apartments of P $238'217.00 inthefiscalyearendingJune301985and $225,801.00 fromthefiscalyearendingJune30, 1984. H) Sheltered Care. We have earlier mentioned the concept of shelteredShelteredcareunitsarea care. part of the Lakeview facilities ownedbyFriendshipManorApartmentVillageCorporation. There areapproximately200separateunitsintheshelteredcareOftheLakeviewfacilities part of the complex. The care is concept of sheltered to provide for the needs of those who can no longer behandledsatisfactorilyinamore conventional home for adults andyetarenotreadyforthefull-time care of the concenter. Sheltered care is something convalescent short of the intermediatecarewhichisprovidedintheconvalescentcenter. The Honorable Robert JohnsonJanuary20, 1987Page26 At considerable expense, the Lakeview properttothispurposein1978. ThY was converted The sheltered care facilities are pri- marily for single persons, persons entirely alone in the world, who have no one to care for their needs. The sheltered care co - cept is unique to Friendshi n p Manor: all meats are furnished andeverythingisdoneforthepatient, including laundry, bathing, administration of medicines, and nursing servictlnuousl es which are con- y available. The ratio of nuregistered rsesnursesandaides pproxilicensed to patients is a , mately 15 to 1 at theshelteredcareunitatLakeview. There is a central dining room for those who wish to use itaswellassectionaldiningareasforthoseunabletodineinthecentraldiningroom. There is a continuous enclosed wal.kwaaccesstothecentraldiningY for area. Everythin mbulator g is constructed toenablethesemi -a Y residents easy access throughout thecomplex. Nursing stations are strategically located to provideoptimumcare. And, of course, immediate nursing services areavailableona24hourbasis. There are several sections within the shelteredOnesectionofthesheltered care unit. care unit is for the senile, thosewhoarenolonger able to orient to the time of day or the foodtheyareeatingandyettheyarenonviolentandofwithoutcanbetakencarefull-time attention. The facilities themselves are 14007-1 The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 27 constructed with the communication devices which are available in artments for quick access to nurses. There are signals all the a P when they are opened so that on windows and doors indicating thing those charged with their care will be quickly aware of every that takes place. There are specially constructed plumbing facilitiesilities and other things to make life comfortable and safe. are separate sec - Other sections of the sheltered care facility o are fairly tions for those who are semibedfast and those wh clear mentally and those of limited disabilities. The sheltered care units are licensed as a home for adults by the State Department of Health and Welfare. They are inspected b the Department of Health for the food facilities; the 1 forY Department of Welfare for the operation; by the Fire Marsha P inspections safety; indeed, there are 14 separate state and local insp of these facilities to make sure that they are meeting the appropriate standards. re is very much a cost saver to The concept of sheltered cans the State of Virginia and the federal government. Those persons who meet the needs and income tests of the State and who would instances be care otherwise be eligible for Medicaid can in many less expense. for in the sheltered care facility at considerably m in the sheltered care There is a set charge for every roo unit according to its size. This cost, however, takes care of 1B P7.1 The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 28 all the other amenities which are provided. The cost of the ser- vicee is billed directly to the patient. There are a number of private pay patients in the sheltered care unit. in addition, p Forty-eightAgerant. Forty- 9 there are others who are on the State old Ag g of the 181 people presently in the sheltered care units are assisted by the state government in this fashion. Under these circumstances, the State pays the individual and the individual in turn pays Friendship Manor. The grant is substantially less for an individual than the charge which would otherwise have been made by Friendship Manor. Since persons eligible for these grants are without other means, the difference is a subsidy pro' vided by Friendship Manor. Treating the sheltered care income sep arately for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986, the total income was $1,425,792-00 subject to expenses of $1,501,330.00, leaving a net loss from the ares with a net gain of sheltered care of $75,538.00• This comp 33,041.00 from the sheltered care operations for the fiscal year ndin June 30, 1985, and a loss of $109,112.00 for the fiscal e 9 year ending June 30, 1984. The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 29 C) intermediate, Skilled and Acute Skilled Care in the Convalescent. Center. We hope we have made it clear to this point that there are a number of degrees or levels of care available in the Friendship Manor complex. The least degree of care is that available for de endent living in the apartments. The next degree of care is in p there that available in the sheltered care units. And finally, are three other degrees of care, all of which are available only through the convalescent center ( which is the real estate title in the name of Friendship Manor, Inc.): intermediate care, skilled care and acute skilled care. in as much as we are not asking for the General Assembly to designate Friendship Manor, Inc., as a tax exempt institution, we are not going to burden this letter with great detail about the convalescent center ehensive medical facility, except to say that it is a compr including professional services in the nature of physical therapy, speech and occupational therapy, laboratory work, s, diagnostic services and the like, with all of the facili- x-ra y ties associated with an acute care hospital except the facilities for major surgery. All of these institutional services are on f the apartments call to meet the requirements of the occupants o or the sheltered care. ve no difficulty in arguing that the pro - Accordingly, we haartment Village Corporation perties of Friendship Manor Ap The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 30 are dedicated to providing care for the aged in a very real and health related sense. OPERATING LOSS OF FRIENDSHIP MANOR .APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION We have already called attention to the fact that both the apartment facilities and the sheltered care facilities of loss. Friendship Manor Apartment village Corporation operate at a This loss is made up in a number of ways. In the past this has required that substantial sums be borrowed from Friendship Manor, Inc., the owner of the convalescent center, and the Home for the Aged, Church of the Brethren, Inc., the two other faci- lities in the Friendship Manor Complex. The amounts due from Friendship Manor Apartment village Corporation to these two affiliates as of the end of the last two fiscal years ending June 30 are as follows: 1986 1985 Friendship Manor, Inc. $4,234,962 $3 773, 782 Home for the Aged Church 508,531 of the Brethren, Inc. 536,078 The interest payable on these indebtednesses is substantial and can be expected to remain so for many years. There is also one other source of means to make up for the deficit from the operation of Friendship Manor Apartment village Corporation, and this is gifts and bequests. For c67—/ The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 31 the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986, gifts and bequests to Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation totaled 787,951.00. This is an unusually large amount because of one specific bequest in the neighborhood of approximately 400,000.00. More representative are the gifts and bequests for the year ending June 30, 1985 of $34,306.00, and for the year ending June 30, 1984 of $71,675.00. Included in the above total of gifts and contributions is that portion of life lease purchases treated as a contribution by the Internal Revenue Service of $299,635.00, for the year ending June 30, 1986; $20,100.00 for 1985; and $4,494 for 1984. The large contribution for 1986 arises from the fact that a new apartment building was sold during that year. This unusually large bequest of $400,000.00, plus the coin- cidence of sale of new units enabled Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation to show an operating profit of $129,689.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1986. However, this compares with the more representative unrestricted loss of $789,891.00 for the previous year and $665,808.00 for the year ending June 30, 1984. Accordingly, we have no difficulty in arguing that Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation is a nonprofit organization. i FAI The Honorable Robert Johnson January 20, 1987 Page 32 RELIGIOUS ASSOCIATION, HOSPITAL AND ASYLUM As you have undoubtedly been advised, legal significance does attach to the character of the institution seeking exemption as to whether it is a religious association, a hospital or an asy- lum. Inasmuch as Judge Trabue has indicated that he would rely on dictionary definitions in making the determination as to hospital or asylum status, it is our feeling that the Friendship Manor Village Corporation meets these tests easily. In this regard, it is also important to recognize that the entire Friendship Manor community has developed under the super- vision and guidance of the Church of the Brethren motivated by a sincere christian desire to provide facilities for persons whose hard work and sacrifices have enriched the quality of life in the community in which they are privileged to live and work - the elderly of the Roanoke Valley. The Friendship Manor Complex has provided facilities in which these persons may live during their declining years in dignity and comfort attended by loving, caring professionals responsive to their needs. The Friendship Manor community has grown because the Church of the Brethren was a Pioneer in recognizing the need for such facilities in the Roanoke Valley and because it has provided people of vision ever conscious of the growing list of the available opportunities to improve the facilities for the care of the elderly. The strong 0 e7— / The Honorabl1987bert Johnson January 20, Page 33 influence of the Church of the Brethren throughout this develop- ment has been quite apparent. More than half_ of the Board of In Directors have been nominees of the Church of the Brethren' addition, Friendship Manor is listed as an affiliated institution of the Brethren Church in the national yearbook of the Church. Dr. H. L. Rice, Administrator of Friendship Manor, is an ordained minister of the Church of the Brethren; and Dr. Denver Davis, d Ba tist Minister, is employed as Chaplain at Friendship ordaine p Manor. There is also a small chapel on the premises of the Con- valescent center. CONCLUSION The properties of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation operated exclusively for charitable and benevolent purposes in the County of Roanoke are entitled to be designated t from taxation pursuant to the provisions of Article X, exem p Section 6(a)(6) of the Constitution of Virginia and the Board o supervisors is respectfully requested to recommend to the General Assembly of Virginia the enactment of a statute appropriate thereto. Respectfully submitted, FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORAT N Byits Attorney RESPONSE BY FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMEONT VILLAGE CORPORATION INQUIRIES SUGGESTED BY 30-19.04(B) OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA 1, Whether the org anizationis exempt from taxation pursuant to S 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 195 . ANSWER: Friendship Manor Apartment VillageisexemptfromFederalandState IncomCorporation 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Taxes pursuant to Code. A copy of this determination is attache . annual alcoholic beverage Whether a current the 2. es has been issued by license for serving alcoholic beverages anization, for use Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to such org on such property. ANSWER: No. any director or officer of the 3• Whether compensation in excess of a reasonable organization is paid other compensation for p allowance for salaries or renders. services which such director or officer actually the Board of ANSWER: There are twenty-one members of Directors, eight of whom serve on the Executivepaid any Committee. No director of the corp f the Board who compensation except for the President oNo is also a member of the Board of Dationoin.excess fofcar of the corporation is paid co p reasonable allowance for salaries. of such Whether any part of the net eaindivgidual, and 4• such an organization inures t benefit ffthe service provided by whether any significant portion funds received from donations, generated by rants. As. used in organization is g State or Federal g rovding of contributions or local, State shall include the P other this subsection, the contribution of in kind or personal services or material services. profit ANSWER: (a) This is a nonstock, non oration and no part of the net earnings inures corp to the benefit of any individual; and b) Charitable contributions to the corporation are summarized as follows: Total FYE 7/1/84 $ 71,675.00 FYE 7/1/85 $ 34,306.00 951 00 Life Lease Portion 4,494.00 20,110.00 299,635.00 MkM FYE 7/1/86 $787, No State or Federal grants are used byc) individuals. the corporation except Old Age Grants to for the 5. Whether the organization prvices ovides ser common good of the public. ANSWER: Yes• of Whether a substantial part of the activities 6. propaganda, or otherwise and whether the the organization involves carrying any political ting, to influence attempting, articipates in, or intervenes in, organizationp candidate for public office. campaign on behalf of any ANSWER: No. Policy, or practice of the regulation, tion, P oll basis of religious 7. No rule, on the organization discriminates conviction, race, color, sex or national origin. ANSWER: Correct. other criteria, facts and e lad ptionc of whiches g, Any such the governing body deems Pertinent to resolution. r to ANSWER: Please see our leJte anuary 20a11987• of the A supervisors dated Board of Sup Respectfully submitted, FRIENDSHIP MANOR APARTMENT VILLAGE CORPORATION BY: Its ttorney M. Caldwell Butler Woods, Rogers & Hazlegrove Attorneys at Law p. 0 • Box 720 Roanoke, Virginia 24004-0720 2 - BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA A resolution to the General Assembly supporting tax exemption of property owned by Friendship ManorApartmentVillageCorporationandusedforcharitable and benevolent purposes on a non-profit basis. WHEREAS, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has requested this Board, pursuant to Section 30-19.04 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to adopt a resolution addressed to the General Assembly to to classifyand a6 a) designate6) of Articlex Xexemptfromfthe taxation, pursuant Constitution of Virginia, property located in the County of Rfor charitable and benevolent Roanoke, owned by it and used purposes; and WHEREAS, a public hearing at which all citizens had an opportunity to be heard with respect to the request of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation was held by the Board on January 27, 1987; and WHEREAS, the provisions of subsection B of Section 30-19.04 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, have been examined and considered by the Board; and WHEREAS, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, 1-3650.151 of the Code of Virginia, as pursuant to Section 58 amended, has been classified and designated as to its properties in the City of Roanoke, as a charitable and benevolent organization within the context of Section 6(a)(6) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia; BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke supports the classification and designation of as a charitable and benevolent Friendship Manor, Inc. organization; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board supports the exemption from taxation of property located in the County of Roanoke, owned Friends by i tnforor Acpharitable and artment gbenevolent purposes e Corporation, and used excxc lusively y on a nonprofit basis. AT A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKECOUNTY, VIRGINIA,HELD AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION CENTERONTUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1987 RESOLUTION 12787-9 TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLYSUPPORTINGTAXEXEMPTIONOFPROPERTYOWNED BYFRIENDSHIPMANORAPARTMENTVILLAGE CORPORATION AND USED FOR CHARITABLE AND BENEVOLENT PURPOSES ON A NON-PROFIT BASIS WHEREAS, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has requested this Board, pursuant to Section 30-19.04 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to adopt a resolution addressed to the General Assembly to classify and designate as exempt from taxation, pursuant to Section 6(a) (6) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia, property located in the County of Roanoke, owned by it and used for charitable and benevolent purposes; and WHEREAS, a public hearing at which all citizens had an opportunity to be heard with respect to the request of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation was held by the Board on January 27, 1987; and WHEREAS, the provisions of subsection B of Section 30-19.04 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, have been examined and considered by the Board; and WHEREAS, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, pursuant to Section 58.1-3650.151 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has been classified and designated as to its properties in the City of Roanoke, as a charitable and benevolent organization within the context of Section 6(a) (6) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia; BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke supports the classification and designation of Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation as a charitable and benevolent organization; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board supports the exemption from taxation of property located in the County of Roanoke, owned by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, and used exclusively by it for charitable and benevolent purposes on a non profit basis. On motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Brittle and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, and Johnson NAYS: Supervisor Nickens A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk 1/28/87 CC: File Commissioner of Revenue Real Estate Assessor County Attorney The Honorable J. Granger Mcfarlane The Honorable Dudley J. Emick, Jr. The Honorable C. Richard CranwellTheHonorableG. Steven Agee The Honorable Clifton A. Woodrum The Honorable A. Victor Thomas F CAN' 0KE TI`!FS$ W AD NU MREF — 1 1216315 / '? -7— PULL IS HER' S EEE _ $81.32 WCQDS RJGEPS HA ZL EGRQVE PC BCX 720 RC ANCKE VA 24004 PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at Its meet- S TA T r VIRGINIA ing onthe 27thdayofJanuary, 1987, at the Roanoke County I T Y OF R CA NQ K E Administration Center in Roanoke, Virginia, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, will A I % I T ( URL T CA rI QN hold a Public hearing on the following matter, to -wit: To provide citizens an oppor- tunity to be heard with respect to a request to the Board of It {THE UNDERSIGNED) AN Supervisors from Friendship Manor Apartment Village C,_ FF I C EP FTIhES — W QF LQ C XPi PURA TI Corporation, pursuant to Sec - tion30asa oftheCodeofeso- Q,1 f WHICH CQ R— P(}F- AT ION IS pUBLi SHEF'. gutta,asamended,forareseQFTHEF~ Q ANI iOK ETIMES WGF{ L —AJ Lia $ A r5ene addressed to the General Assembly to classify ' s A I L Y NEWSPAPERp!)BLISHEL IN ROANQK and designate pursuant exempt from TATEVIGI"dIA, [}Q CERTIFY TIIATTT?E$AN'EXC a)( 6)orticletosecflonof the - atution of Vlre ia,proertystcaten VCT I C c WASS D U L I $ } j) I SAID NE 7nIS PA ?' ONON Ilocatedin the County ofCountyof Roanoke, owned by Friend - P,$ THE FOLLOWING DATES ; ship Manor Apartment V11- Corporation, and used for religious, charitable or be- 1 1 t3 ]EVENING nevolent purposes. All members of the public inter- U1/20/87 EVENING ested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place WITNESS , THIS 21ST DAY OF JANUARYUAY aforesaid. A ting eputyActingDeputyClerk 9 8 7 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors6n f 16315) –_– OFF IC EF IS S IGNA URE----- RD OF ISORS BEFORE THE UYp' OF ROANOKE, VVIRGINIAFOR THE COUNTY A resolution to the General Assembly supporting tax exemption of property owned by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporaatioannaandused- profitfor charitable and benevolent purposes WHEREAS, Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation has requested this Board, pursuant to Section 30-19.04 of the Code q as amended, to adopt a resolution addressed to from he of Virginia, to classify and designate as exempt General Assembly of Article X of the pursuant to Section 6(a) located in the County of taxation, P erty Constitution of Virginia, prop Roanoke, for charitable and benevolent owned by it and used purposes; and an WHEREAS, a public hearing at which atotcitihe zrequesa of beheardwith respect opportuity to ent Village Corporation was held by theFriendshipManorApartm Board on January 27, 1987; and WHEREAS, B of the provisions of subsec , have been ctexamion in9 examined andd of the Code of Virginia, as amended, considered by the Board; and Manor Apartment Village Corporation, Friendship Virginia, as WHEREAS, to its pursuant to Section 58.1-3650.151 and tdesignat d as amended, has been class fie Roanoke, as a charitable and properties in the City benevolent organization within the context Ofof Section 6(a)(6 of Article X of the Constitution o BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the County supports the classification and designation of of Roanoke supe artment Village Corporation as a charitableFriendshipManorApartment and benevolent organization; and cated in the CountyBEITFURTHERRESOLVEDthattheBoardsupports the exemptionofRoanoke, from taxation of property loand Manor Apartment Village Corporation, owned by Friendship Purposes used exclusively by it for charitable and benevolent p P on a nonprofit basis. 2 - On Motion of Supervisor Johnson, seconded by Supervisor Brittle and the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, and Johnson NAYS: Supervisor Nickens A COPY - TESTE Mary H. Allen Acting Deputy Clerk PUBLIC NOTICE Please be advised that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at its meeting on the 27th day of January, 1987, at the Roanoke County Administration Center in Roanoke, Virginia, at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, will hold a public hearing on the following matter, to -wit: To provide citizens an opportunity to be heard with respect to a request to the Board of Supervisors from Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, pursuant to Section 30-19.04 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, for a resolution addressed to the General Assembly to classify and designate as exempt from taxation, pursuant to Section 6(a)(6) of Article X of the Constitution of Virginia, property located in the County of Roanoke, owned by Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation, and used for religious, charitable or benevolent purposes. All members of the public interested in the matter set forth above may appear and be heard at the time and place aforesaid. Mary H. Allen, Acting Deputy Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH IN THE EVENING Roanoke County Board of Supervisors EDITION OF THE ROANOKE TIMES & WORLD NEWS ON: January 13 and January 20, 1987 PLEASE SEND BILL TO: Woods, Rogers & Hazelgrove105FranklinRoadS. W. Roanoke, Virginia 24004-0720 WOODS, ROGERS & HAZLEGROVE 105 FRANKLIN ROAD, S.W. P.O. BOX 720 ROANOKE, VIRGINIA 24004-0720 TELEX 3792815 TELECOPIER 703 982-4216 TELEPHONE 703 982-4200 DIRECT DIAL NUMBER 982-4244 January 6, 1987 Mr. Elmer Hodge County Administrator P. O. Box 29800 Roanoke, Virginia 24015 In re: Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation: Request for Public Hearing and Resolution by Board of Supervisors Dear Mr. Hodge: Please be advised that we represent Friendship Manor Apartment Village Corporation. We intend to request the as General Assembly of Virginia to designatesand classito fy, st. exempt from State and local taxation, p Art. X, § 6(a)(6), property used by the above corporation for religious, charitable or benevolent purposes. We therefore respectfully ask, in accordance with the procedure described in Va. Code § 30-19.04, that you place the agenda for the Board meeting of January 27, 1987, this request for a resolution by the Board in support of suchexemptionandsetitforpublichearingtobeheldatthe January 27, 1987, Board of Supervisors' meeting. on We also enclose, for your approval, a Public Notice to published in The Roanoke Times & World News on January 13, and January 20, 1987. Will you please let us know of your approval at your eariest convenience as we must have it in hands of the publisher by noon on January 9, 1987. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation. Very truly yours, j/4 VL M. Caldwell Butler MCB/agm be 1987 the X3.7 - y PETITIONER: WILLARD AND KATHERINE JAMES CASE WMER: 1-1/87 Commission Hearing Date: January 6, 1987 Planning Date; January 27, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing 1. RBQUEST from R 1 Will Residential and Katherine James to rezoneehorse 4.6ocatedtatc6858 Quail Petition of Wi Residential Estates to keep Residential, to RE, Magisterial District. Place in the Hollins Mag 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in Opposition was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. None. 4, PROFFERED CONDITIONS agricultural property limited to single family detached dwellings and a. Use of prop commercial feeding of livestock or wl for 11 or uses except the or the sale of products purposes, the keeping of swine, wholesale on the premises. r of horses and/or Ponies will be limited to a maximum of four. b. The numbe ponies. C. There will be no other agricultural animals other than horses and/or 5. COMMISSIONER'S MOTION, VI)TE AND REASON The notion Mrs. Flippen moved to approve the petition with proffered conditions. carried with the following roll call vote: AYES: Witt, Eddy, Jones, Flippen, Winstead NAYS; None ABS; None 6. DISSEC TING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS Concept Plan (8ix vicinity Map (gi" x 11") Staff Report Other: NPlanning Commission Secretary Robert S alzer, V ICINITY MAP M EADWOOD N60o3>, LOT 6 49 00 , 30 F I.P. FND S 55°52 X30 E' 360.06' I.P. FNO W Vo Y s30 I.P.FND J O n /SO 30 , F 4 o 4'6 8 ACRES o9 C c/p.,, fn Q Cr Lu U R3EAN 4 F' D.'s, MAPw X9.2 dor 3 Mrcined22.7 porcho4PoreA h x 4 N N L97 15 p TAX. N 2 7.16 -06-09 hM 2 tv 4. I AC. c 2Zg 6. \ I.PFND / 3 PROPERTY OF IF,°ge,°ne W.O. CRUTCHFIELC ET ALS I.P. SET --0N 55 I•20 LPIPE wO k TAX NO. 28.13-01-3 20100 W FND ^ in LOT 16 ' N19°2000"E ff ` N a 0 40.70 DRILL d S 70027'30"E NKER/ o'L HOLE SET 23.5' 9 606 j 47.0 R.R.SPIKE p ' / Well Hoe. I 70. 0 SET^ `... DRILL O HOLE FND / O IXoN C6,,.. I.P. SET EY f O D eft y 2c /`fl0 1 _ ,. t' : o N n , .. . • w . ;. o °p z 0 CURVE DATA A D z, C) R: 149.75' PROPERTY OF ti Fr. Shed rr ogrn L=ISO.65' R.D. a J. E. BYERS Iw '0 T-103.14' Ch S10001'38"W Y NO 2716-06-14 I.P. SETa•f 169.89 io a moo\ N 58030'00" W 0 - o.... > - . 2 7.5 T I.P. SET-. 0 204.43' I.P. SET o.z Mi. To o_ p_ +-N 56046 'OO"W m N58°3d00 Woul2TAX. NO S29 030"W v%m 27.16-06-13 I. PIPE 20.02 " 70 FND R.R. SPIKE SET !^ PROPERTY OF TAX NO. 2 7. 16-06-10 v W r L.H. TUCK, JR. 9 M.W. TUCKCj 7 r s r nve•e a 9 14,v, 8400 l ry AV . SUMMERDEAN3 `' r 9y P; `/ • / QO / _ tiP SUNNYBROOK 9p/ON ' MEADEYWO SUTAMERGgE+% p` u i'\jflieF ENti 1,.' AMY/ i 15 II5 co ,. euieI'M a ; Nj621 RDS oDv[rrr14C R,'u Ae puNuiN 601 ? LL MOUNTAI M .9 ltCN.S[N. p.., . Ewrtl yyo a P rgUNclAt8,9 , i 01.0 + o 37 4(EENFIELD c tgjoL AA, 5 RD.\— a OR 51 616-11 616, R a o 1 w° nilQ OyO 7. IIIPIN ITV MAD Is v ..... s....n f87 z< wnDTU 11 V il\ I is ROANOKE COUNTY Willard & Katherine James DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT R-1 to RE l 5e N/A e. Architecture: Not applicable to petition. N/A f. Screening and Landscape: Not applicable to petition. N/A g. Amenities: Not applicable to petition. N/A h. Natural Features: Not applicable to petition. TRAFFIC N/A i. Street Capacities: Not applicable to petition. N/A j. Circulation: Not applicable to petition. UTILITIES N/A k. Water: Not applicable to petition. N/A 1. Sewer: Not applicable to petition. TAX BASE 2 S. No increased revenue; no increased service demand. ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 U. Water: 2 V. Soils: 2 W. Noise: N/A x. Signage: Not applicable to petition. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY A8 7_ y This area is designated as Neighborhood Conservation. The petitioner's proposal is consistent with the defined land use policies and types. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Proposal is consistent with land use policies and types. (2) Existing residence and barn facility will be used for residential living and keeping of horses. (3) No additional demand on service delivery. b. Weaknesses: (1) Although proffers do specify keeping of agricultural animals, horses are not specifically defined and the number of animals to be kept is not stated. DRAINAGE N/A m. Basin: Not applicable to petition. 2 n. Floodplain: No impact on the existing floodplain. PUBLIC SERVICES N/A o. Fire Protection: Not applicable to petition. N/A p. Rescue: Not applicable to petition. N/A q. Parks and Recreation: Not applicable to petition. N/A r. School: Not applicable to petition. TAX BASE 2 S. No increased revenue; no increased service demand. ENVIRONMENT 2 t. Air: 2 U. Water: 2 V. Soils: 2 W. Noise: N/A x. Signage: Not applicable to petition. 6. PLAN CONSISTENCY A8 7_ y This area is designated as Neighborhood Conservation. The petitioner's proposal is consistent with the defined land use policies and types. 7. STAFF EVALUATION a. Strengths: (1) Proposal is consistent with land use policies and types. (2) Existing residence and barn facility will be used for residential living and keeping of horses. (3) No additional demand on service delivery. b. Weaknesses: (1) Although proffers do specify keeping of agricultural animals, horses are not specifically defined and the number of animals to be kept is not stated. 18-7_-,-1 STAFF REPORT CASE NUMBER: 1-1/87 PETITIONER: WILLARD & KATHERINE JAMES REVIEWED BY: ROB STALZER DATE: DECEMBER 29, 1986 Petition of Willard and Katherine James to rezone a 4.68 acre tract from R-1, Residential, to RE, Residential Estates to keep horses, located at 6858 Quail Place in the Hollins Magisterial District. 1. NATURE OF REQUEST a. Conditional request to rezone the property for the sole purpose of keeping horses on a 4.68 acre tract with an existing single family home. b. Attached concept plan and zoning vicinity map describes purpose more fully. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS a. Conditions will limit use of property to single family detached dwellings and agricultural uses except the commercial feeding of livestock or fowl for commercial purposes, the keeping of swine, or the sale of products at retail or wholesale on the premises. Although specific, conditions do not specify horses or the number of animals to be kept. b. No VDH&T entrance permit or County site plan review will be required. 3. SITE CHARACTERISTICS a. Topography: Rolling and adjacent to Tinker Creek. b. Ground Cover: Some tree cover on slopes and adjacent to stream. 4. AREA CHARACTERISTICS a. Future Growth Priority: Situated within the Hollins Community Planning area. Designated as a high growth area. Currently served by urban services. 5. LAND USE IMPACT ASSESSMENT Rating: Rate each factor according to the impact of the proposed action. Use a scale of 1 through 5. 1 = positive impact, 2 = negligible impact, 3 = manageable impact, 4 = disruptive impact, 5 = severe impact, and N/A = not applicable. RATING FACTOR COMMENTS LAND USE COMPATIBILITY 2 a. Comprehensive Plan: 1985 Comprehensive Development Plan has placed this area within a Neighborhood Conservation land use area. Low density residential development is a highly encouraged activity within this land use category. The keeping of horses, if limited in number, on almost five acres should not be disruptive in anyway. 2 b. Surrounding Land: Primarily low density residential and the floodplain of Tinker Creek. 2 C. Neighboring Area: Same as above. 2 d. Site Layout: Existing barn at the rear of property will be used as will existing Dost and rail fence and nast,:ro area_ VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A4•_8 acre parcel of land, ) generally located'81-5/8 wail r lace ) noanoke, 'lira. within the Hollins ) PETITION Magisterial District, and ) recorded as parcel in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner ,:illarc N. anc Katherine 13. J;mes respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following: 1) The Petitioner is the owner of the above -referenced parcel of land. 2) The property is presently zoned under the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as 2-" Residential District. 3) The property is designated ''ei_rhborhooL !'onserva tiorl in the Future Land Use Guide of the Roanoke County Comprehensive Development Plan. 4) Your Petitioner now desires to have this property rezoned as Pesiaential state District for the purpose of resiains anL keePi iT horses for rl r Page 2 of 2 WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully requests that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended and that the above -referenced parcel of land be rezoned as set out in number 4. FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this petition be referred by the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. B Respectfully submitted, L E G A L N O T I C E is hereby given to all interested persons that the Notice at t Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing Roanoke County Room at the m. on Tuesday, January 27, 1987, in the Community 7 P S. W•' e County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke and Katherine B. Roanoke, Virginia, on the petition of Willard N. James requesting rezoning of, 4.68 acres located at 6858 Quail Place in the Hollins magisterial district. from R-1 Residential to RE Residential Estates is Rezoning no more than four requested to permit the Mr. and Mrs. James to keep horses for pleasure. approval, with The Roanoke County Planning Commission recommends proffered conditions. handicapped persons Roanoke County will provide assistance to siring to attend public hearings. Such individuals are requested de 7031 772-2018) to contact the County office of Human Resources i if special provisions are necessary for attendance. Given under my hand this 7th day of January, 1987• len,-?,Acting Deputy Clerk Mary H. Board of Supervisors Roanoke County PLEASE PUBLISE TIMESE& EWORLDNEWSIS EVENING EDITION OF THE ROANOK January 13 and January 20, 1987 PLEASE SEND THE BILL TO: Mr. Willard N. James 6858 Quail Place 24019 vi,r a, nia VIRGINIA: Page 1 of 2 BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY A 4.38 acre parcel of land, ) generally located 858 ^uail Mace ) within the w ollins ) Magisterial District, and ) 28.13-J;-,.. . recorded as parcel #27-16-3-"- in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) RECOMMENDATION TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitioner .illar(, anc.. Katherine 3. Fames has filed with the Secretary to the Planning Commission a petition to rezone the above -referenced parcel of land from -1, aesiaential District to Ft esic.ential-'state District for the purpose of resicinz enc keepint hor,es for pleasure WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission which, after due legal notice as required by Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a public hearing on January 6, , 19 87; and WHEREAS, at that public hearing all parties in interest were afforded an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration has recommended to the Board of County Supervisors that the rezoning be approved with proffered conditions Page 2 of 2 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Plann-ingrecommendstotheBoard Commission of County Supervisors that the above - referenced parcel of land be zonari R_r7 o _ District. The above action was adopted onmotionofCarolnFlien xs k'ic4 x Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwanduponthefollowingrecordedvote: AYES: Witt, Eddy, Jones, Flippen, 14instead NAYS: None ABSENT: "Zone Respectfully submitted, Rob Stalzer, Secretary Roanoke County Planning COmmisssion VIRGINIA: /S -. BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Page 1 of 2 ROANOKE COUNTY A • acre parcel of land, generally located OrO nail :lace icanoke, 'Ta within the L' ollins FINAL ORDER co Magisterial District, and recorded as parcel # 7.1>- in the Roanoke County Tax Records.) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: WHEREAS, your Petitionerboner :lllar , ani {" therine B. Jame fLj did petition the Board of County Supervisors to rezone the above - referenced parcel of land from i "e=sicentialCDDistrictto =?- -1 esicenti,?1 -s"al Ln"'"' e Districtof - esicin for the purpose C:) anc kee lin_ ?:arses for Leasure WHEREAS, after due legal notice, a. the Planning Commission did holdapublichearingofthepetitionon1/7 19 87 , at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to beWHEREAS heard; and after full consideration, the Board of CountSupervisorsdeterminedthattherezoningber y a b oved NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that the aforementionedland, which is contained in the Roanoke County Tax Ma parcel of 23.13-01-34. 1 71' 06-Q2_ and recorded in Deed Book Iz 1$ 4S. Ps as Parcel below and legally describedberezonedfromR-1 Residential RE -Residential Estates District to District. VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTY SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY acre parcel of land, ) a I l generally located `- 58 u it lace ) PROFFER oanoke, «. OF CONDITIONS within the ?'ollins Magisterial District, and Jl_4.128 - recorded as parcel # CIO in the Roanoke County Tax Records. ) UPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: TO THE HONORABLE S accord with Sec. 15.1-491.1 et seq. of the Code of Being in a Zoning Virginia and Sec. 21-105E. of the Roanoke County 111C t m,,1 J A T ain Ordinance, the Petitioner: hereby voluntarily proffers to the Board of Supervisors of Li Roanoke County, Virginia the following conditions to the CD rezoning 0 of the above -referenced parcel of land: istrict, -ie are a rr M for the es c ential - state In a.;: -vin, the uses con+-' ainea in IUem excei t CD interestec only in obtain.n ^ ricultur-1, anu Item 5we11 horses on o (;in le family Getache e".,oula like to keen. i: rested in the other allowable usesa. the coraraercial .... • inLe b ,/ a r • - . `. he only charges CIC t. is prole rty ana are notitems 2, >, > > such a.s container in or.in J is the per, ssion to v e V:oulr like frorr the e:en:, have horses. The number of horses and/or ponies will be limited to a maximum of four. There will be no other agricultural animals other than horses and/or ponies. 4Res tf lly s mitted, Peti o r Legal Description of Property: DEP. e_r1 ACSsheet, Page 2 of 2 BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order betheSecretaryofthePlanning Commithe to Commission and that he be directed toreflectthatchangeontheofficialzoningmapofRoanokenokeCounty. on motion of Supervisor Johnson, Second byanduponthefollowingrecordedvote: and AYES; Brittle, Supervisors Britp , Garrett, McGraw, sickens, JohnsonNAYS: None ABSENT: None Roanoke County Board of SupervisorsMaryH. Allen, Acting Depute Clerk CC: Oepartment of DevelopmentRealEstateAssessor kl do BEGINNING at a railroad spikc :.ut c'i till' i tLLi.»i•IJ1'(rhx•i n.lY 20 foot perpetual right of way,x int 1-)c leaving of the 0.2 miles west of Va. Sec. Rte. 1913ct'als;ithence line of propertyleaving said of L.H. Tuck, Jr., herein described point of Beginning and following the property30' 00" W. 60.00 feet to an iron N. 58 and the Tuck property, N. 56° 46" 00" thence continuing with the Tuck property, & J.E. pipe; an in on the line of the E.S. erty W. 204.43 feet tthencerwith the Byers property and the prop. Byers property; ° 58.49 feet to an iron pn, N. 19 0010011 E• 12° 03' 00" W. herein described, between. said properties, N. thence continuingdrill hole; thence continuing with the said 190.27 feet to 89° 25' 00" E. 106.08 feet to a drill hole; E. properties, N. ro erties, N. 19 20' 11 between the p P between said thence continuing thence continuing20 00" 40.70 feet to an iron pipe; Tinker Creek, N. 55° W. 148.20 properties and crossing thence ekr to an iron pipe set on the westmerdean subdivision; t feet Map No. 3 of S generally corner to Lot 15, herein described and 136.00 feet with Lot 15 and the property N. 320 17' 00 E. down the center of Tinker Creek, thence continuing to a point in the center of Tinker Creek the with Lot with Tinker Creek, N. 00° 50' 00" W. 90.85 feet in the center 19 corner to Lot 6 eine des°c°ribed, N. 600 37 30 of Tinker Creek, with Lot 6 and 6 of Meadwood and the property E. 49.00 feet to an iron pin; thence°c52t1301nE. 360.06 feet to S. 55 the property herein described, between said properties, an iron pin found; thence continuing in found on the west 0 30" E. 150-09 feet to tan ironipth the west side of S. 30 53' street); an iron pin found, side of Quail place (a, 30" W. 122.13 feet to thence S. 36° 39 et als. property; 30,E W. Quail Place, 52 corner to the W.O. Crutchfield, S. 44° with the Crutchfield property, 70 27' 30" E. 23.5 feet continuing point; thence S. foot reserved 127.10 feet to a p ro ertytoarailroadspikesetinthemiddleofa3thencewiththeCrutch081eW. 58.03 strip for road widening; thence S. 440 35' ty the center of said reserveandthe proper , thence following curve to the left feet to a point; equals a strip and the property herein described 180.65 feet ( chord whose radius is 149.75 and whosto a point on the north side of W. 169,89 feet) ht Of way; thence with S. 100 O1 38 ri58° 30' 00" W. 27.57 the aforementioned 20 foot perpetual wa N• the north side of said right of y the said 20 foot an iron pin at the terminusof W. 20.02 feet to the feet to S, 29° perpetual right of way being a parcel of land containing parker as shown on plat prepared by T. p. point of BEGINNING and being 1986, 4.68 acres and being Ltd. dated October 20, Son, Engineers and Surveyors, and attached to the hereinafter described deed; said plat being deed dated conveyed unto the grantors by husband ro erty Body and Thelma A. Body, BEING the Sa1986, Prom Dennis W. October 27, and wife. ll87-.j5 PETITIONER: ROANOKE COUNTY pLANNING CCWISSION CASE NUMBER: 5-1/87 Planning Commission Hearing Date: January 6, 1987 Board of Supervisors Hearing Date: January 27, 1987 1. REQUEST amend Petition of the Roanoke County Planning 1Commis communications ningto ediRstrict• County Zoning Ordinance to add an emergency comma 2. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION No one in opposition was present at the Planning Commission Public Hearing. 3. SIGNIFICANT IMPACT FACTORS a. None. 4. PROFFERED CONDITIONS a. None. 5• CODM4ISSIONER'S MOTION, VOTE AND REASON Mrs. Flippen moved to approve the petition. following roll call vote: AYES: Witt, Eddy, Jones, Flippen, Winstead NAYS: None ABSENT: None 6. DISSENTING PERSPECTIVE a. None. 7. ATTACHMENTS r p Concept Plan (82" x 11") Nie Vicinity Map (82" x 11") Staff Report other: Ordinance The motion carried with the Robert St lzer, Planning Commission Secretary 8`7--5 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF pERVISORS OF ROANOKE IN RE: M71" ENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE,) APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF THE ) PETITION COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO ADD AN Eb1ERGEL`dCY ) O ,RLAy ZONING DISTRICT To THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY Planning Commission V REAS , your Petitioner the Roanoke County respectfully files this petition pursuant to Section 21-105 of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and would respectfully show the following:stem that transmits 1) Roanoke County operates a microwave system emergency communications for emergency services, fire protection, and law enforcement. 2) To protect the public transmission of emergency communications, the height of structures and objects of natural growth should not obstruct any transmission path. 3) ounty your petitioner therefore desires to amend the Roanoke Cloning Zoning Ordinance to add an Emergency Communication District to protect the public transmission of emergency communications. requests that the Zoning WHEREFORE, your Petitioner respectfully Ordinance of Roanoke County beamended and that a new overlay district lementary zoning map Prepared• be established and that a new supp petition be referred FURTHER, your Petitioner requests that this p to the Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for its consideration and recommendation. Respectfully submitted, aJame E. Lehe, Alternate Secretary Roanoke County Planning Commission r rn..4- 87-5 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE L IN RE: mfr TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OFA ) THE CODE OF THE ) TION APPENDIX REO'A COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ADD AN EMERGENCY iUN ) OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT PlanLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE CONY Commission has TO THE HONG County ning the Roanoke Commission, a WHEREAS, your Petitioner, County Planning to the Roanoke Emergency petition to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance tofiledwiththe Secretary add an Zoning District. mmission which, Communication Overlay g WHEREAS, the petition was referred to to 1.1 Planning of the Code of required by Sectio 1987; after due legal notice as req public hearing on January 6 Virginia of 1950, as amended, did hold a and all parties in interest were afforded WHEREAS, at that public hearing rtunity to be heard; and an oppo 1 Commission, after due consideration as WHEREAS, the Planning that the amendment be recommended to the Board of County Supervisors nt and approved - NOW, above referenced amendment ed on NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that map be established. The above action was adopted supplementary zoning recorded vote: and uponFlippen the following motion of Carolyn Winstead AYES: Witt, Eddy, Jones, Flippen NAYS; None ABSENT; None Jambs E. Lelia Alternate Secretary T,5 noke County Planning Commission 8'7- s E. Permits. 1) Any application for a building permit for construction on any property located beneath an estimated transmission path or within one hundred feet to either side of a path shall be referred to the Planning Officer of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services. 2) The applicant shall satisfy the Planning Officer that the proposed structure will comply with the height and use limitations of this section. 2. Revise Section 21-4-3 by adding provisions for a new supplementary map as follows: Sec. 21-4-3 SUPPLEMENTARY MAPS Supplementary maps which are declared to be a part of the Official Zoning Map shall include: The Reaaeke Eeunty Fleedpla-in Map and the ReaneRe Mtja}e-jpa} A-rpert geii}ag Map a) the Roanoke County Floodplain Map, b) the Roanoke Municipal Airport Zoning Maps, and c) the Emergency Communications Zoning Map. 97-5 VIRGINIA: BEFORE THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN RE: AMENDMENT' TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE,) APPENDIX A OF THE CODE OF THE ) COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, TO ) FINAL ORDER ADD AN EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS } OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT ) TO THE HONORABLE SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUN'T'Y: WHEREAS, your Petitioner, Roanoke County Planning Commission did petition the Board of County Supervisors to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to add an Emergency Communications Overlay Zoning District. WHEREAS, after due legal notice, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on January 6, 1987, at which time, all parties in interest were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, after full consideration, the Board of County Supervisors determined that the amendment be approved NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Zoning Ordinance, Appendix A of the Code of Roanoke County, Virginia, be amended as shown in Exhibit "A." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the "Roanoke County Emergency Communications Zoning Map" be added as a supplement to the Official Zoning Map of Roanoke County. ADOPTED on motion of Supervisor McGraw and upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Brittle, Garrett, McGraw, Nickens, Johnson NAYS: None None Mary H. Allen Acting Deputy Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors cc: File Department of Planning and Zoning County Attorney Commonwealth Attorney Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library ATA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORSCOUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD AT THE ROANOKECOUNTADMINOF ROANOKECENTER, ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 27 ISTRA TION 1987 ORDINANCE 127=0 AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTYORDINANCETOADDANEMERGENCYCOMMUNICATIONSOVERLAYZONINGDISTRICTZONING RLA Y BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: l• Revise Articleaddin V. Special Public Interest Regulations by9anewSection21-63 as follows: A. Purpose. This section restricts the heightobjectsofnaturalgrowth, g Of structures andprotecttheTheseheightrestrictionsemergency public transmission of communications forYservices, fire protection, and lawenforcement. This zone is established for thePurposeOfpromotingthehealthwelfareofthe , safety,general Section 21_1 Public, and other sand general Of this ordinance. Purposes required byseekstoprotectagainstthelossOftlifethiszonepropertyfromfire, flood, health, orcouldresultfromtheinterferenceorotherotherdangerwhichcommunications. emergency B. Overla Zonin Provisions. The zoning provisions of this section shall betotheunderlyingzoningshownontheOfficial Zodistrict classificationseasays provisions, this section shall Map. Asasvarlaytheunderlyingzoningdistrictprovisions. suPPlement to ons. C. Establishment of Zones. This section establishes certain EmergencyCommunicationZones. These zones shall includethelandlyingbeneathandwithinonehundredfeettoeithersideofthetransmission all of emergencyof 100) communications from a microwave atransmissionsystem. These zones areRoanokeCount shown on a map entitledpreparedyEmergencyCommunicationsunderthedirectionofthePlanningOf icerfortheDepartmentofFireandEmerencThismaOfficer p shall be kept as a g Y Services. Zoning map. supplement to the Official D. Hei ht and Use Limitations. o eke ea0- eyo a a No ec'ea1 ,p ae ee 5,a Uc Otor o a . 0 e efiy e ata cY' ° yca c X04 ac a, ry o tia ee cY c° e ° tir a' Syae e 11l fico a e q , eVa e c ak- yo 5 . a ea e o ce5 . efi ted yc ty o e y g Sed t c` b a dee e 4 e cy c , e ea e,c e? ea o Ir- , l2 efie,g ea e p e& e a' a a 4 ot . 1° 1 0 sed yi r 1 CO 5ec 4" e ° 9 y Ay y5 re 4e fi 0 yaha e' e t:si 5 o y yo' C a a' Y' e4 ba g'o'd y° or eo4.,e 09 a fiy a Q° ygi ° t oea ba 4a age aaay e a 4iite l ,,,eyg 2,V, a5 ° R x, 45 c a e ,g e Se a 1 fia4 4' 2A b a a 'e ICA, e yg S} 4 c 110e sl a 2 • g c • 21 a.y g , e+e a , ay' o, i' Se efie ti° may $ F 00 g p00 t0 Isa ycatoo g raea ` o`I 4 a e g r0Xe c0 yca gec° to : lj be g° a erc c° cG av ae V, ea o yic et lj ret- c . o. e e cG a l/ Y,e ` 0 S%-,v 0N10w yrg est lj i0r 0 tre Gad e Of, ra % 0Y' rgor a yg° 5 5 4 A' S • fore A cc4 Ac qs • Yi • A 1/28/87 CC: Zoning Administrator Director of Planning, Zoning & GrantsCountyAttorney Commonwealth's AttorneyFile Magistrate Main Library Roanoke Law Library LEGA L NO'T'ICE OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TME R(]A1VpKE COLWry BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given to all interested Persons that the Roanoke County Board ofSupervisorswillholdaPublic }.earing at 7;00 p. M. the Roanoke County Administration Center, 3738 Brambleton Tuesday, January 27, 1987' at Virginia to hear the followingr Avenue, SW requests: in Roanoke, 1• Petition of the Roanoke County planningZoningOrdinancetoadd Commission amend the Roanoke Countyan to Communications Overlay Zoning District. All plans and ordinances are available for inspectionDevelopment, Room 600, 3738 Brambleton Avenue, Roanoke, Vir in the Department of ginia. Roanoke CountySuchindividualsarerequestedtocontathefountnssirin will provide assistance to handicappedg to attend Public hearings. 703/772-2018 if special y office of Personnel Servicesprovisionsareneededforattendance. Given under my hand this 8th day of January, 1987. Please publish evening editionRoanokeTimes & kbrld-NewsJanuary13, 1987 January 20, 1987 clary Allen, ting Deputy ClerkRoanokeCountyBoardOfSupervisors