1/20/1995 - Special January 20, 21, 1995 49 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Administration Center 5204 Bernard Drive S. w. Roanoke, Virginia 24018 January 20, 1995 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Roanoke County Administration Center, this being a special meeting for the purposes of a Planning Session with the School Board on Friday, January 20, 1995 and a Planning Session with the Planning Commission on Saturday, January 21, 1995 IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Minnix called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. The roll call was taken. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix, Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens (arrived at 12:15 p.m.) MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; Diane Hyatt, Finance Director, John M. Chambliss, Assistant County Administrator, Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Brent Robertson, Budget Manager OTHERS PRESENT: School Board Chairman Frank Thomas, School Board members Jerry Canada, Tom Leggette, (Absent: 50 January 20, 21, 1995 r- Maurice Mitchell and Michael stovall) School Superintendent Deanna Gordon, Director of Budget and Data Management Jerry Hardy IN RE: REVENUE PROJECTIONS Director of Budget and Data Management Jerry Hardy presented the projected revenues that the School Board anticipates from the state. Budget Director Brent Robertson presented reports on the anticipated local and state revenues, proposed reductions from the State, major expenditure issues, and an update on the 1995-96 CIP and budget process. ~ Preliminary Budqet Discussion The following issues were discussed: ( a) There was Board consensus to hold off construction of the jail unless it was considered a regional jail for funding purposes. (b) School Superintendent Gordon updated the Board on the new Cave Spring High School. Mr. Hodge suggested Virginia Public School Authority funding for the school, but there was Board consensus to hold a bond referendum in November. (c) Supervisors Nickens, Eddy, and Minnix requested that a Paid Time Off Policy for employees be reconsidered during the budget discussions on the early retirement program. (d) Supervisors Kohinke and Nickens expressed support for equal salary increases for both School and County employees. (e) Supervisor Nickens asked staff to inform the Employee Advisory Commi ttee about the teacher salary work session to be held on January 24, 1995. January 20, 21, 1995 51 IN RE: RECESS IN RE: At 1:45 p.m., Chairman Minnix declared a recess. RECONVENEMENT At 2:00 p.m., Chairman Minnix reconvened the meeting. IN RE: OPERATION OF FIRE AND RESCUE Fire and Rescue Chief Tommy Fuqua reviewed the accomplishments from the 1994-95 budget year which included: (a) hiring Volunteer Coordinator; (b) installing emergency generators; (c) installing opticom Activators, (d) hiring three ALS personnel for the Town of Vinton; (e) additional funding used for EMS Training; (f) received applications for part-time ALS personnel at Fort Lewis; (g) formed an Ad-Hoc Committee to make recommendations on implementation of previous f ire and rescue management studies. In response to questions, Chief Fuqua advised that part-time employees will be filling the gaps until volunteers are recruited, and that one rescue company has still not completed the audit and has not received County funds. Mr. Hodge advised that he would like to study whether it would be more efficient to add more stations or have the stations more strategically located around the county. There was board consensus to study the possibility of charging for rescue calls. Assistant County Administrator John Chambliss advised that the Ad Hoc committee will meet with the Board of Supervisors 52 January 20, 21, 1995 - in a work session when they have completed their report. IN RE: DISCUSSION OF OTHER ISSUES SUGGESTED BY BOARD MEMBERS ~ Economic Develooment Uodate and Board of Suoervisors Particioation Economic Development Director Tim Gubala presented the 1994 Economic Activity Report which described the development highlights for the past year and presented the department goals for 1995. The Board agreed to proceed with the goals outlined in the Acti vi ty Report and asked Mr. Hodge to look at including economic development funds in the November bond referendum. ~ CUstomer Service and Survey of citizen Satisfaction There was Board consensus to develop a citizen satisfaction survey. Mr. Hodge advised that the survey would be conducted by July 1, 1995. There was discussion on establishing methods to disseminate more positive information to the citizens. There was general consensus to provide more information. Suggestions included reinstituting the newsletter, providing more information about County departments on the government access television channel, focusing on cost comparisons with other localities to provide services, providing explanations on issues such as real estate assessments and increases to water and sewer rates before January 20, 21, 1995 53 - they are sent out to citizens. ~ Increased citizen Involvement in County Government Mr. Hodge reported that there will be more involvement from citizens in the budget process, and he has already invited members of the ci vic Leagues to participate. He also advised that the citizens will be very involved on the visioning steering Committee. ~ Reqionalization Efforts Mr. Hodge reported that he and the other local administrators are waiting for the results of the Towers Perrin regionalization study. FOllowing receipt, he will schedule a work session with the Board. ~ Reinventinq Government Supervisor Eddy suggested that the county let citizens know that the Board and staff are looking for ways to save money and either streamline or privatize some operations. Mr. Hodge described several ongoing projects including regional decal enforcement and a recent agreement to let the county use the Roanoke City garage when necessary. Supervisor Nickens suggested washing vehicles at the ci ty garage also. There was Board consensus to study establishing an incentive fund for departments to retain a portion of their budget savings. L- Viewsheds. Blue Ridqe Parkway and Ridqeline Protection Supervisor Eddy asked if office space could be found 54 January 20, 21, 1995 ~ for the Friends of the Parkway organization. Supervisor Nickens suggested the possibility of using vacant County office space. The Board directed Mr. Hodge to attempt to find space in County facilities. Supervisor Eddy will inform the Friends of the Parkway. ~ Additional Tooics Suqqested bv Board Members (a) Staff Cutbacks: Supervisor Eddy suggested looking at staff reductions during the budget process. Mr. Hodge suggested waiting until the General Assembly completes their budget process before making any decisions, and advised that it may be necessary to reduce programs. (b) Staff Retreat: Supervisor Eddy asked if comments made by staff at their retreat should be discussed. Mr. Hodge suggested that this be discussed at the Saturday visioning process. (c) RVTV Video of Board Meetings: Mr. Hodge advised that the Board of Supervisors meetings will be televised live beginning on January 24. (d) Mission statements: Supervisor Eddy asked if each department will have a mission statement. Mr. Hodge responded that mission statements will be included in departmental budget information. Supervisor Eddy suggested that each department's budget include a description, mission statement, objectives and service delivery. (e) Stormwater Detention Basins: Supervisor January 20, 21, 1995 55 ~ Johnson asked for an update on the Regional Homebuilders Association's request that the County take over stormwater detention basins. County Attorney Paul Mahoney responded that the staff is collecting model ordinances and will bring a proposed ordinance to the Board in February. IN RB: RECESS TO SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1995 Chairman Minnix left The Board recessed at 4:40 p.m. at 4:00 p.m. IN RE: RECONVENEMENT ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1995 Vice Chairman Kohinke reconvened the meeting at 8: 30 a.m., Saturday, January 21, 1995. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Chairman H. Odell "Fuzzy" Minnix (arrived at 8:35 p.m.), Vice Chairman Edward G. Kohinke, Supervisors Lee B. Eddy, Bob L. Johnson, Harry C. Nickens None Elmer C. Hodge, County Administrator; Paul M. Mahoney, County Attorney; Mary H. Allen, Clerk; John M. Chambliss, Assistant county Administrator, Don C. Myers, Assistant County Administrator, Terry Harrington, Planning and zoning Director, Jon Hartley, Assistant Planning and zoning Director, Janet Scheid, Planner Dr. B. G. Sheppard, Facilitator, Commission members Martha Hooker, Robinson, William Todd Ross, Al G. Sr., and Donald R. witt Planning A. Kyle Thomason, IN RE: JOINT SESSION WITH PLANNING COMMISSION The session was led by Dr. B. G. Sheppard, a 56 January 20, 21, 1995 F= = facilitator who led the participants through several activities and exercises designed to look at the visioning process and develop a mission statement for Roanoke County. All those attending participated in setting work norms and objectives for the session. The participants divided into groups to discuss and present back to the participants their ideas on the following items as they pertain to Roanoke County: (a) unique competencies, (b) organizational philosophy, (c) performance objectives, (d) trends that will affect Roanoke County, (e) whom do we serve, (f) structures that support or hinder the organization, (g) Broad Action Programs (h) a mission statement. The participants reviewed several potential mission statements and voted on the following as a beginning draft: "Roanoke County..a unique community in partnership with its citizens and government striving for a preferred, creative and progressiv;e future." IN RE: ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Submitted by: Y?Z~fl.~ Mary H. Allen, Clerk