8/11/1981 - Regular r 8-11-81 44 Board of Supervisors Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center Salem, Virginia August 11, 1981 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day in open session at the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center in Salem, Virginia, this being the second Tuesday and the first regular meeting of the month of August. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Myers called the meeting to order at 6:00 p. m. IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION Supervisor White moved that the Board go into Executive session to discuss real estate, legal and personnel matters; adopted by unanimous voice vote. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Chairman Myers again called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. IN RE: INVOCATION Rev. Curtis E. Nester from Turner Memorial Baptist Church lead the invocation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited in unison. IN RE: APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Supervisor Johnson and a unanimous voice vote of the Board members the minutes of the meetings for July 21 and July 28, 1981 were approved as submitted. IN RE: ITEMS SUBMITTED FOR INFORMATION ONLY On motion of Supervisor Johnson and a unanimous voice vote, the following items were received and filed: (1) Referrals to Planning Commission (2) Delinquent Taxpayers List (3) Accounts Paid for June, 1981 I I I. I I I 8-11-81 4~ Alfred Anderson, Treasurer, reminded the Board that the delinquent taxpayers list is composed of 1980 personal property; 1981 personal property; and 1980 first and seccnd half of real estat@. Mr. Anderson st~ted this list will be certified to the Clerk. IN RE: PUBLICATION OF DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS LIST Alfred Anderson requested per~is3ion of the Board to publish the 1978 delinquent taxpayers' list in the Roanoke Times. On metion of Superviso Terry and a unanimous voice vote, permission was granted to publish said list. IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2930 AUTHORIZING THE TREASURER OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO INVEST IN BANKERS' ACCEPTANCES' THROUGH ANY BANK OR TRUST COMPANY AUTHORIZED TO TRANSACT EUSINESS IN ROANOKE COUNTY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as fellows: 1. That the Treasurer of Roanoke Co~nty be, and ,he ~ereby is authorized pursua~t te Section 2.1-328,2 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to invest unexpended or surplus money in funds or accounts of which said Treasurer maY have custody or control in Bankers' Acceptances through any bank or trust company authorized to do business in Roanoke County, Virginia; and 2. That an attested copy of this resolution be ferthwith forwarded to the Treasurer of Roanoke County. Adopted en motion of Superviscr Johnson and the following recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry, White, Johnson, Park and Myers NAYS: None IN RE: REQUEST OF ~~RY LEE FOR A USE NOT PROVIDED FOR PERMIT TO * OPERATE A PArkf ~EADING BUSINESS AT 5929 ~JILLIAMSON ROAD IN THE HO~LINS MAGISTE~IAL DISTRICT. * DENIED * Fiplding Logan, Jr., Attorney, was present to support this request. No one appeared in opposition. Mr. ~ogan stated that Mr. and Mrs. Lee have been in the area for 20 years and desire to purchase the property in question to be used as a residence and a palm reading business. He said this location is in a business district ~nd would not create a problem. Supervisor ~fuite moved to go along with the recomme~dation of the 8-11-81 46 ... PlGnning Commissioil and deny said request; adopted by the followi~g recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry, White, Johnson, Park and Hyers NAYS; None I At 7:30 p.m. Supervisor White left the meeting to attend the Republican Mass Meeting. IN RE: REQUEST OF BENT MOUNTAIN AWJS&~ENT PARK, INC. FOR A USE NOT PROVIDED FOR PEP~IT FOR A STRING BAND FESTIVAL TO BE HELD ON A l30.7l-ACRE PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED ON BENT MOTTNTAIN ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROUTE 221 AND O~! THE EAST SIDE OF ROUTE 221 AND ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROUTE 889 IN THE WINDSOR HTLL~ MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. * * *APPROVED * * * P~ul D. Hollyfield ~as present to support this request. No one Gppcared in opposition. Supervisor Terry questioned Mr. Hollyfield in regard to his renting the property for a class reunion. Hp said some complaints had come to his Mr. Hollyfield explained the class W2S responsible for obtaining I attentio~. the necessary permits and that ~o problems arose. Jam2s Buchholtz, Cou~ty Attorney, informed the Board that it probabl ~as legal to rent the property unless it was en a regular basis. FHTAL ORDER The property is situated on Benr Mo~ntRin on the west side of Route 221 and on thp eaqt side of State Route 889 joining both roads and contains approximately 130.71 2cres; A more complete description of the property may be found in Deed Book 711 on Page 378, Deed Book 73~ on Page 174 and in Deed Book 476 on Page 523, in the Clerk's Office. of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County together with ~ll rights of ingress and egress over the la~ds of the Petitione s and su~h other perso~s as he has a right by the law to use. This permit ; s granted with the follo\'!ing conditions: I (a) The "Use Not Provided For" granted herein shall remain in for~e ar-d effect for o~e three-day weekend eve~t to be conducted bet~een September 18; ann 20, 1981. (b) On the weekend of the evenr, tne hours of operation ~ill be from 6:00 to l2~00 Midnight on Friday, 12:00 Noon to l2~00 Midnight on Saturday; and from 12:00 Noon to 6:00 p.m. on Sund~y. (c) That police protection for the evenrs be provided for at the expense of the petitio~ers by following the recommendations Gf aild in close cooper~ticn with the Sheriff of Roanoke County. I I I I I I 8-11-81 1 47 (d) Petitioners will provide one (1) privy for each 100 persons present at the event, one sewage dump station to serve campers, (trailers), adequate dumpsters and trash containers to contain trash pending removal and an approved vater supply. (e) The property shall be used in accordance with the plat submitted by the petitioner. (f) A woven wire fence at least 54 inches in height with at least t~o strands of barbed wire will surround the spectator area and f~lr g8tes shall be installed for the entrance. (g) A sign shall be posted at each entrance g~te depicting restriction specified by t~e Sheriff of Ro~noke County. (h) Additi~nal lighting ~ill be ~dded to the spectator area to insure that t~e grounds are sufficiently lighted. (i) lihite signs with black lettering shall be pe~manently displayed en the restrooms tv enable spectators tc knew where they are lccated and permanent inside lighting shall be installed in the s~me ~estrooms. The Zo~ing Ordinance and Zoaing Map of Roanoke Co~nty as they relate to t~e p~emises in questi0n s~all and are hereby accordingly amended to reflect the adopted of this resolution. On ~otion of Supervisor Terry and adopted ~y t~e following recorded vote. AYES: Superviscrs Terry, Johnson, P~rk and Myers NAYS: :t'~one ABSENT: S1..!pervisor White IN RE: REQUEST OF ELMER E. AND BESSIE M. CARTER TO REZ8NE fROM OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT B-1 TO INDUSTRIAL DISTP.ICT M-Z A PARCEL OF LA~D CONTAINING 0.35-ACRE, BEING 3704 B~~BLETON AVENUE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. 1< *APPROVE * * Mr. Carter ;;as in attendance to suppcrt this request. :t'~o o~e appeared in opp0sition. Supervisor Johr.sor. stated this lnt comes under the "Gr,::mdfather" clause and shculd be approved. ~IN.^.L ORDER NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED th~t t~e aforementi~ned tr~ct of land, more particularly described below, be rezoned from Office and Residential District B-1 to Industrial District M-2. All of Lot No.1, Section No.4, according to the Map of Maunt Vernon Heights, which said map is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of t~e County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, in Plat Book 2, Page 67; and BEING the same property conveyed to Hcpe Harris Chappel, the female grantor herein, by deed from Helen Roberts Reed and husband, dated March 22, 1945, and recorded in the Clerk's Office afcresaid in Deed Book 320, Page 435. Property s~all only be used for t~e operation of a welding shop and for automobile mechanical rep~irs. No body and fender work will be done. "..-- 8-11-81 8 4 , , " , EE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this ardcr be transmitted to the Ccunty Planner ~nd that he be and hereby ic directed to ref12ct that change on the official zoning maps of t~e Ccunty. Adopted on ~otion of Supervisor Johnson and upon t~e fellcwing I recorded vote: AYES: Supervicors Terry, Johnson, Park and Myers NAYS: Nene ABSENT: Supervisor White IN RE: REQUEST OF JOHN LEE DAVENPORT TO REZONE FROM AGRICULTURE * DISTRICT A-I TO OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT B-1 A * PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING 0.3-ACRE LOCATED NORTH OF THE * APPROVED INTERSECTION OF FALLOWATER LANE AND BERNARD DRIVE APPROX-* IMATELY 180 FEET ~RO~1 STATE ROUTE 419 IN THE CAVE SPRING * ~AGISTERIAL DISTRICT. * Stephen ~. Yost, Attorney, was present to SUpPOyt t~is request. No one appeared in opposition. On motion of Supeyvisor Johnson and the following recorded vot~, the request was ~ppYovcd. FINAl, ORDER I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supeyvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the ~ppLoximate 0.30 acre tract, located North of the intersection ef Fallowater Lane and Beynard Drive, approximately 180 feet from State Route 419, be, ~nd the same heyeby is, rezoned from Agricultur District A-I to Office and Residential District B-1, said parcel being-more p8rticularly descyibed as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at ~ point at the northwesteYly corner of the herein- after described pyoperty where it intersects with the nerth- easternmost point of the property of H. W. Carter (Roanoke County Deed Book 650, Page 285); then~e with the H. W. CarteY property line S. 340 47' East 188.47 feet to a pnint in the northeyly Yight of way line of Fallowater Lane; thenc2 with the northerly right of way line of Fallowater Lane, S. 470 38' West 85.08 feet to an old pin; thence with ~ curve to the right, whose arc is 28.13 feet, radius is 15.00 feet and tangent is 20.~1 feet to an old pin in the easterly right of way line of Bernard Drive; thence N. 250 00' West 200 feet to an old pin; thence leaving the easterly right of way of Bernard Drive, N. 500 32' East 50.95 feet to an old pin, be~ng the PLACE OF BEGINNING, as shown on that certain plat prepared by T. p, Parker & Son, Engineers and Surveyors, dated June 29, 1981. I BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the County Planner be, and he hereby is, directed to reflect this change in znning on the zoning maps of the County. On motion of Supervisor Johnsen and adopted by the following recorded votes: ~ 8-11-81 1 49 AYES: Supervisors Terry, Johr..son, Park and Myers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor White I IN RE: REQUEST OF LYNN BRAE FAFNS AND BILLY H. B~~NCH TO REZONE * FROM OFFICE AND RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT B-1 TO RESIDENTIAL * DISTRICT R-3 LOTS 1 AND 2, SECTION 1, SOUTHERN PINES * APPROVED SUBDIVISION, LOCATED AT THE CORNER OF OVERLAND DRIVE AND * STARKEY ROAD IN THE CAVE PRING M~GISTERIAL DISTRICT. * Geoffrey Straughn was present to support this request_ No one appeared in opposition. FINAL ORDER NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the aforementioned tract of l~nd more particularly described belo~, bp rezoned from Office ~nd Residential District B-1 to Residenti~l District R-3. I BEGINNING at the point of ir..tersection of a curve, r~dius 20 feet, also the intersection of Overland Drive ~nd Starkey Road, thence S. 890 la' 00" E. 271).0 feet, thence S. 010 55' W. approximately 240 feet to the southerly boundary of old Lot 2, Sec. 1, Southern Pines Subdivision, thence, with said lot line N. 88005' W. approxim~tely 285.5', thence N. 020 la' W. approxim~tely 12 feet, ther..ce N. 030 45' E. 150.0 feet, thence N. 060 45' E. 74.6 feet to point 0f beginning. Being the major portions of Lots 1 and 2, Sec- 1, Southern Pines Subdivision. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this order be tr~nsmitted to the County Planner and that he he and hereby is directed to reflect that changp on the official zoning maps of the County. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Johncon ~nd upon the follo~in~ recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry, Tohnson, Park; and Myers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor White I IN RE: BIO-GRO SYSTR~S, INC. Mr. D. Lylp. Jarrett, TII was present as representative of Bio-Gro Systems, Inc. and presented a slide presentation on applying sludge to farm- land. He answered questions of the Board or.. the nutrients cor..tained in the sludge ~nd its effect on the f~rmland. Mr. Jarrett further explained the st~te and health department regulations they must adhere to in order to apply the sludge, 8-11-81 ~() After SO!!le di.scussion, the Bo~rd directed Leonard Leaske from the Utility Department to arrange ~ meeting with the County agent to look into this matter and make a report to the Board at the next regular meeting. IN RE: COMMUNICATION FROM THE POSTAL SERVICE A letter from the United States Post~l Service was sent to the Board explaining the proposed expansion of the Salem Post Office. On motion of Supervisor Park and a unanimous voice vote; the letter was received and filed. IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2931 ACCEPTING THE DONATION OF WATER A~m SEWER LINES INSTALLED WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF SECTION ~ OF THE SPRING GROVE SUBDIVISION AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ADMINIST~~TOR TO DULY AUTHENTICATE SUCH ACCEPTANCE AS ~A~E AND PROVIDED BY LAW. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1. That the affer of Tempo Homes, Inc. to donate the wat~r a~d s~wer lines installed in Section 4 of Spring Crove Subdivision in Roanoke County to the Board of Supervis~rs of Roanoke County be, ~nd it hereby ic;; ac~epted; and 2. That upon receipt of a duly ex~cuted deed, upon ~ fo~m approved by the County Attorney, from Tempo Homes, Inc. co~veying the hereinabGve ~entioned water a~d sewer lines to the Board of Supervisors, the County Administr~tor is nerpby authorized to authenticate the acceptance there~f as made and provided by Section 15.1-286 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. Adopted on motion of Sup~rvisor Park and the following recorded vote. t.~YES: Supervisors Terry; Johnson, Park and Myers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor White IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2932 WAIVINC CERTAIN REQUIR~1ENTS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY WATER ORDINANCE IN REGARD TO THE ~~ISTLE KREEK SUBDIVISIm! . BE IT RESOLVED by th~ Board of Supervi30rG of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That the provision~ of the Roanoke County Water Ordinance as I I I .... --::- I I I 8-11-81 l 51 . . " .. . .... c::-. . .. ,." ....... .... .. ..... . " .. ...... .. . .".. contained in Section 20.1-16 of the Roap-oke County Code be, and they hereby ::lre ~:ahTed insofar as the same relates to th2 prevision of requiring ~onnection to the Coullty ~ater system only ~s s~me relates to Kristle Kreek Subdivision; provided however, this waiver shall in no way obviate the construction standards of the Roanoke County Water Ordinance ill relation to any water system constructed or developed in said subdivision; and 2. That the Clerk to this Board is hereby directed to forthwith transmit an attested copy of this resolution to the appropriate developer of the Kristle Kreek Subdivision. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Park and the following recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Johnson, Park and Myers NAYS : Non~ ABSENT: Supervisor Hhite ABSTAIN: Supervisor Terry IN RE: OUT OF TOWN TRAVEL REQUESTS On motion of Supervisor Park and a unanimous vsice vote, the following travel requests were approved. (1) C. Dennis Fisher, Neil Daugherty and Larry ~og~n - 9/13/81 to 9/18/8 Virginia Beach, ~irbinia. (2) Gary A. Huff - 9/13/81 to 9/15/81 - Williamsburg, Va (3) Gary L. Creasy - 9/13/81 to 9/15/81 - Williamsburg, Va. (4) Starlena Patton - 9/13/81 to 9/15/81 - Willi~msburg, Va. (5) W~ync Compton, Virginia Farrow and Sylvia Few - R/16/81 to 8/18/81 Ch~rlottesvill~, V~. IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2933 REJECTING CERTAIN BIDS FOP.. COMPUTER EQUT.PMF.NT AND AUTHORIZING COUNTY PERSONNEL TO ORDER rERTAIN COMPUTER EQUTPMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: 1, That the bids for the purchase of co~puter hardware and ssftwarc submitted to the Board of Supervisors by Univac and D~ta Ceneral and all other bids except these of Hewlett Packard and IBM Data Processing Division are hereby reje~ted and the County purchasing agent is hereby directed to express the County's appreciation to the bidders for the submission of these i--- ~ 8-18-81 52 bids; and 2. That the County Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to order the equipment specified in the separ~te bid documents sub~itted by IBM Data Processing Division and Hewlett Packard, ~espectively. Adopt~d on motion of Superv;so~ Park and the following recorded vote. I AYES: Supervisors Terry, Johnson, Park and Myers None NAYS: ABSENT: Supervisor White IN RE: COUNTY ADMINIST~~TOR & FIRE COORDINATOR POSITIONS Bruce Mayer, Interim C0unty Administrator, informed the Board that he had plac~d an advertisement for the position of Cou~ty Administrator and for a County Fire ~nd Emergency Corodinat0r. Mr. Mayer said he h~d discussed the County A~ministrator position with George Long, Executive Director of Virginia Association of Counties and he suggested this advertisement be placed in NACO's newsp3per and in the Internat;.on3l City Management Associatio ryewsletter published twice monthly. I Mr. Maye~ st3ted he will not seek the County Administrator's position on 3 permanent basis cince he desires to pursue the field of law for which he had worked long ani! hard, but would be willing to help the Board find a replacement for this position. Mr. M~yer furthpr informed the Board that due to an accident, exterysive damage has been done to the Fort Legis firp station now under construction. Tommy Fuqua, Interim Fire Coordinator, ctated the accident occu~red over the weekend when a car ran into the front portion of the building causing some damage. The insurance company has not contacted Thor, the contractor, and when he hQS a report from them h2 would submit such information to the Board. I Supervisor Terry stated that approximately $7 million dolla~s will be needed to ex~anrl or construct 3 ne~ courthouse facility for Roanoke County and that since the voters did not want to construct en County-owned property I I I .. ~ 8-11-81 53 . . .. , . . . . .. . . . . . . .. in North County, the new faciliTY will he located in the City of Salem. This ~atter ~ill be presented on the ballot for the November elections and the voters can decide if they desire to pay for the facility with R two year tax increasp or by way of bond i!".sup whi ch would ul ti1T!ately increase the cost Through interest, Supervisor Johnson reminded the public "it's not whether we do it, but, how do ~'!e p3.Y fer ir." Supervisor Terry moved to authorize the County AtTorney TO place this referennum on the November ballot for $7 million dollars; adopted by the following recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry, Johnson, Park and Myers NAYS: !'Tone ABSENT: Supervisor White. Chairman Myers stated he would like to appoint a committee of John Chambliss, Director of Finance, Bruce Mayer, Tnterim County Administratol and James Buchholtz, County Attorney, to work up a docu~ent giving all the particulars, figures and all related inform~tion on the differen~e in paying for the facility by bond iss~e, or by tax increase, and submit this information to the Board and let the public know ~hat they will be voting on. IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2934 AUTHORIZING THE CLERK TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO ~XECUTE THE NECFSSARY AGREEMENT TO CONTINUE THE COUNTY'S ROLF. AS FISCAL AGENCY FOR THE INFORMATION AND REFERRAl. PROGR.<\M. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of R03.noke County, Virginia, <::s follows: 1. That the Clerk to this Board i~ hereby authorized and directed to executp the necessary agree~ent upon a form approved hy the County Attorne)T in order for the County to continue its role as 8 fiscal agency for the Information ~nd Referral Program through a grant pr0gr~m sron~ored by the ROAnoke VRlley Council of C0mmunity ServjceH, Inc.; and 2. That an ~ttested copy of this resolution be forwarded TO the Roanoke Valley Council of COIlL1T!unity Services, Inc. ~dopted on motion of Supervisor Johnson an~ the following recor~ed vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry, Joh!lson, PR.rk and Myers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor White ~ r 54 8-11-81 IN RE: APPROPRIATION RESOLlTTION NO. 2935 - INFORMATION & REFER~~L GRANT DESCRTPTION Cl"lss: Fund: Grant: Class: Fund: Gr~nt ; AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: IN RE: ACCOUNT NUMBER INCREASE (DECREASE) Expenditures Gr::!nt Projects Info~a~io~ & Referral 60-6-64024-'160S0 $6,875.00 I Revpnul?s Grant Projests Tnformation and Rpferral 60-5-64024-41990 $6,825.00 Adopten by the following recorded vote a~d motion of Supervisnr Johnson. Supervisors Terry, Johnson, Park and Myers None SClpervisor lfui te CIRCUIT COURT EXPENSES John Chambliss, Dire~tor of Financ8, s~bmitted a report, filed ~ith the minutes of this mpeting, explaini!1g the County's shRre of expenses fol'" C01Jrt Rervices within the 23rd ,Judicial Circ~it "lnd the prorat.<l. shRre, based upon propu!ation, is $46,464.76. Requpsted permission to p~y County'Q sh~re, RESOLUTION NO. 2936 I DESCRIPTION Class: Fund: Dept: Object: Dept: Object: AYES: NP_YS. ARSENT: IN RE: INCREASE (DECREASE ACCOUNT NUMRER Expenditnres General Operati~g Circuit Court Purchase Servir.es 03-6-02101-30090 $14,465. Contingent Balanr.e Unappropri::!ted Balance Oi-6-99999-99999 (14,46'1) Adopted on moti0n of Supervisor Terry and the following re~orQed vote. Supervisors Terry, ]oh~so~, P~rk and Myers None Supervisor White RnANOKE r.OUNTY EMPLOYBES' HEALTH PLAN John Chambliss. stated to the Roard that J.awrence Co Musgrove, I Administrator of the Insurance Plan, informs him th"lt the insurance comp.<lny providjng the excess insDrance to county employees, will also i~sure tbe actuA.l insurance plan for :in aggragare amount of $300,000 Rt a cost of approximately $4,000 based !'pon the number of emp!oypes participating. He asked autnorizarion to .<lllow M~. M~sg,ove to purchase this additional insur;:incp. I I I . .. . AYES: NAYS: t\.BSFNT~ IN RE: -., 8-11-81 55 . ., . .- . . . . u.--:- n__. . Ado~ted on motion of Supe~visor Terry and the following recorded vote. Supervisors Te!"ryc Johnson, Park. and Myprs None Su~ervisor White. SCHOOL ADMINIST~4TION GRANT Thp StRte Department of Education has money availRble in the Preschool Tncpntive Mini Gr~nt project for preschool programs. Since Roanoke County is pli~ible for this fund they W0uln like an appropriRtion of $3,43~.0( which will be 1001:: reimbursable for thi s projpct. RBSOT,UTTON NO. 2937 DESCRIPTTON Class~ Fund: Proj ect: Class: Fund: Project: ACCOTTNT NUMRER INCREASE (DECREASE) Exppnditures Federal ProgrRms Federa] Progr~ms Funn Expenses 25-6-25000-00000 $3,435 Revenues Federal Progra~s P~e-School Incentive 25-5-85GOO-00000 $3,435 Adopten on motion of Supervi~or Terry and the following recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry; Johnson, Park ann Myprs NAYS: ABSF.NT~ IN 'RE: None Supervisor Whitp WAR MEMORIAL Sena~or William Hopkins WRS prespnt in the meeting Rnd informed thosp in attendance thet he is ~ampaign chai!"man of the Roanoke Valley War Memorial co~~ittee to build a valley-uide war memorial in rpcoenition of World WRr I, World War II, Korpan Conflict and Vietnam War 0eceased sprvicemen Senator Hopkins presented architertuRl concept~ of the proposed war mpmorial ann is asking each local government to nonate funds for the p~rpose of erectine this memorial. DESCRIPTION Class: Fund: De~t: Object~ Dept: Object: RESOLDTION NO. 2938 INCREASE (DECREASE) ACCOUNT NUMBER Expenditures General ~ontributions to Organization War Memorial Commission 03-6-09104-56062 $5,000 Contingpnt Balance Unappropriated Ba'an~e 03-6-99999-99999 ($5,000) Adopted on motion of Supervisor Terry and th~ following recorded ~Totp. AYES: Supervis0rs Terry, .Tohnson, Park Rnd Myers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supprvisor White ~ 8-11-81 56 IN RF: RESOLUTION NO. 2939 DESIGNATINC' THE NA.11E OF AN UNN.h.ME!) PRIVATE ROAD IN T~E CATAWBA ~~GIST~RIAL DTSTRICT AS BROGAN !.ANF. BF. IT P.ESOLV~D by th'" BO'lrd of Supervicoorf': of Roanoke COllnty, Virginia, as follo~s: J.. T~at pursua~t t~ Se~tion 1~.1-379 of the Code of Virginia, ~s a~ended) the gover~ing bony of any co~nty may, by resoluti0n d~ly ~do~ted, name strcet~, rnads, and alleys therpin, outside the corp0rate limits of tov~s; except fo~ th8se pri~ary highw2Ys ~onforming to Sectio~ 33,1-12 of the Code of Vi~ginia, as amended; a~d 2. That that certai~ st~eet off the westside of Wildwood Ro~d between the Salem city limits and Route 714 in the Catawba M?-gisteriaJ District be a"-d hereby is desig~ated ap Brngan Lane. Adopten on ~otion of S~pe~viRor ~erry and the followi~g recorded vo~e. ".YES: SuperviQorQ Terry, Johnson, Par~ and Myprs NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervis0r ~it'" IN RE: RESOLU~ION NO, 2940 ACCEPTTNG A CERTAIN BTD MADE TO. THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR A ONE YEAR K~TNTENANCE CONTRACT Tn SERVIr.E EQUIPME!'!T A~ THE Ro.ANOKE COUN~Y-SALF.M JAIL FACILITY. BE IT RESOLVED by t0e Bnard of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, Vireinia, 'lS follows' 1. ~har th8t certain bid of Mech'lnical Mai~tenanre, Tnc., bein; th~ lowest conformi~g bid, in the amount of $2,880.00, upon all ~nd singular the terms an~ conditions of th'" in"it~tion to bid, the srecifi~ation~ of rhe County of Roanoke, the bidder's pro,os~l and the proviso~s of this rpsolution, be, an~ thp sa~e is hereby ACCEPTED; and 2. That the COllnty Administ:::-atC'r is hereby autho:::-ized and directed to enter i~to Q one year c8nt~act upon a for~ approved by the County Attorney with Mech~ni~al Maintenance, Inc. for this service; and 3. That alJ other bidco for said service ~re hereby rejected a~d the Cnunry Clerk is direct~d to so notify such bidders and express the County's appreci~ti8n fer submitting 3uch bids. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Joh~so~ and the followine re~orded vote. AYES ~ Supervisors Terry, Tohnson, Park and Mye~s NAYS: ABSRNT: None Supervisor Whit~ I I I , I I I ~ 8-11-81 57 , .' . ", ' - .. -, - . , . - -. ..... .. ... IN RE: RESOL~TION NO. 7941 ACCEPTING A CBRTAIN BID MADE TO THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE FOR THE DRILLING OF APPROXIMATELY TWELVE NEW WATE!? WET.LS TO SERVE ROANOKE COUNTY RESIDENTS. EE 1'1' RESOVLED by the Bnard of Supervisors of Roanoke CountYt Vireinia, BS follows: 1. 'I'har that certain bid of Nelson Roanoke Cor~or~tion in the amount of $13,600.00 per well tn drill ~pproximate17 twelve new water ~!ell s to se!'ve Roanoke COllnty re!'ddents t u~on ~ll .<I.nd singular tl:.e i~vitation to bidt ~he ~idder's prop~sal, t~e specjfications of ~oaTIoke County and the provisions of this rpso1ution, be. and he~eby is accepted; .<Ind 7. That the County AdminiRtrator is herpby .<Iuthorized and directed to enter into a ~onrract u~on a fo~m approved by the Cou~ty Attcrney with Nelson Roa~oke Corporation for the drilling of th2se ~ells. Adopted on ~ot;on of Supervisor var~ and the following re~orded vote. AYES ~ Su~ervisors Terry, !oh~son, Park and Myers N.^.YS: None ABSENT: Sup2rvisor White IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 29L.2 AlTTHORIZING THE COHNTY OF ROANOKR TO FNTFR INTO A LEASE/PURCHASE CONTRACT WUH vAUI, B. WILLIAMSt INC. FOR THE LEASE/PURCHASE OF A SAVIN 775 PHOTO COPIER. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Sl1perviRors of Roanoke C01-1nty, Virginia, aR follows: 1. That the COU'2ty of Roanoke is here1:y aEthorized to e~ter into a 1ease/pur~hase contract with Paul B. Williamst Inc. for the purchase of a S~vi~ 775 photo copier ~t $119.41 per month fnr t~irty-six (36) mo~th~ plus a maintenan~e c~ntract costing $295 00 per year; and . 2. Th~t the County Adminisrrator is hereby a~thnrized and directpd to execute these contractR upon a form aprroued by the County Atto!'ney. Adopted on moti0n of Supervisor Jnhn~on and the following recorded vote. AYES: ~upprvisors Terry, JohnRon, Park and MyerR NAYS: None ABSENT: S~pervisor White I~~ RE ~ EMERGENCY REPLACEMENT nF THE UNLEADED GASOLINE PUMP AT FIRE ~TA'I'ION #3 - CAVE SPRING Chairman Myers sugeesred a used pump 'be pnrchased for the fi.re ~ R-11-8l 58 station if one cOllld he found. Sllpe:rvicoor Terry moved to ?PprOVP the appropri? tinn of $1 ~ 000.00 in ordpr to go ahead wi!:h the pnrcnase of A. pump and to find a used pU!!lp if' possible. APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION NO. ?943 DESCRIPTION HTCREASF. (DECREASE) ACCOUNT NUMBER rlass: Fund: D,=pt~ Object: Ec-:pendit-ures General Fire DeTlartment Pllrcnase of Equipment 03-6-03201-70010 Sl,OOO D<=>pt: Obj ect: rontingent Balance UnaPTlropriated Balan~e 03-6-99999-99999 ($1,000) AdoTlten on motion of Supervisor Terry and the following recorded vote. AYES: Supervisors Terry, Johnson, Park: and Myers NAYS: None ABSENT: Supervisor Whit<=> IN RE: CITY OF SALEM'S RESOLUTIoNS #410 AND # 411 Rpsolutions are filed with the minutes of this meeting. On motion nf S'-!pervisor Park and a unanimolls voice vote, !:he resolution #410 relating to bulk ~'7ater s!!pply WClS taken llndpr consideration, Thp resolution #411 rel~ting to the Virgi~ia Cooperative Ec-:tension service was received in file. IN RE: "RESOLUTION NO_ 2q44 TO VACATE SECTION 1, HUNTRIDGE SUBDIVISION IN THE VINTON MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT BY COTTNTY LAND VFNTT_TRE RESOLVED: That,pu:rsllant to Se~tiC'n lS.1-482(a) of t-he rode of Virginia of 19_"0, ::>s amended, the BORrd of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby approve t~e v?cation of a certain s'-!bdivision locat<=>d ip Roanoke County, Vir~inia, known as Se~tion l~ Huntridge, a map of which is dated J'-!ly 13, 197q and is of rpcord in P1Rt Book 9, a!: page 140 in the office of the r.lerk of the Circuit Court- of Roanok<=> County, VirginiA.; and FURTHER RESOLVED that-, Timot-hy W. Gnbala, Secretary of the Roanoke r.ounty Planning Commission be and hprehy is apTlointed as ::>gent for the Board of Supprvisors, a De,..la:ration of VacatioTl for said subdivision as eviilence of the ap~roval of the Board of Sup~rvisors of Roanoke Count-y of the vacation of said subnivision and tne map thereof. Adopted on motion of Supprvisor Edward Park a~d the following rpcorded vote. I I I AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: I 8-11-81 59 - Supervisors Terry, Johnson~ Park and Myers None Supervisor White Charles Osterhoudt. Attorney, was prpsent and informen the Board thar thpy previously approved a rezoning of property an Route 460 at Stare Route 604 ~nd requested the ~bove resolution be approven so that a new revised map may be dedi~ated. IN RE: APPOTNTMENTS Chairman Myprs 'Ceql!ested that all ap~ointments listed on the agenda be held 0Vey; approved by unanimous voice vote. IN RE: TABELLEVUE GARDEN CLTTB RAFFLE Supervisor Park stated he has a request from the LaBpllevup Garden Club fnr a raffle ~ermit to raffle a quilt. He infoymed that the Club turns O'.Ter rhe proceeds tn a fund for development of a park in the area. Mr. Park moved that all fees for the permit be waived; adoptec'l by the following yec0rded vote. I AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: IN RE: Supprvisors Terry, Johncon, Park and Myers Nonp Supervisor White EXFCUTIVE SESSION O~ morion of Supervisor Terry and a unanimous voice vote, the Boarn went into Executive session at 8:55 p.m. IN RE: OPEN SESSION I On motion of Supervisor Johnson and a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvenpd in open spssion at 9:25 p.m. Supervisor Terry staten he ~ould like to go on record as endorsing tbe expansion of the Woodrum Field runway. He said we have more flie;ht!" in Roanoke than anywbere in the United States with this number of runways. 8-11-81 60 IN RE: RESOLUTION NO. 2945 AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY TO MAKE AN OFFER TO THE TR IPLE "T" CORPORATION FOR THE PURCHASE OF MT EASEMENT AND, IN 1HE EVENT THE OFFER IS REJECTFD, AUTBORIZING TBE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INSTITUTE CONDEMNATTON PROCEEDINGS. RE IT RESOLVED DY the B0ard of ~upprvjsors of Ro?no~e County, Virginia, 1. That- thp County Administyator is hereby aut:horized and directed I :=!s follows: to offer One Ht'lldred Forry Dollars ($140) to T:::-iple "T" Corporatio~ for th", purchase of a~ easement approximately fifty (50) feet long ~cross the Corpor~tiQn's property for "se in the completion of the wAter line projpct along Cave Spring Lane; and 2. That in thp event the offer is rejecred hy Triple "T" Corporation, the County Attorney is authorized and directed to i~stiture condemn2tion proceedings to 0bt~in this easement, Ad0pt~d on motion of Supprvisor Terry and the Following recordpd vote. AYES: Supervisor.s Terry, Johnson, Park and Myers NAYS: ~:onp ABSENT: Supervisor T.Jb.i t e I IN RE: ADJOURNMH:NT On motion of Supep7isor Tprry and a u~animm.!s voice vote, the Board anjourned at 9:?8 p.m. fp~}ft/II- . I