2/11/1982 - Regular ~ 2-11-82 292 Board of Supervisors Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center Salem, Virginia February 11, 1982 I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day in open session at the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center in Salem, Virginia, this being a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Members present: Board of Supervisors; Chairman Edward C. Park Jr , Vice-Chairman Athena E. Burton, and Supervisors May W. Johnson and Gary J. Minter. Absent: Supervisor Robert E. Myers - Planning Commission members: Chairman W. L. Whitwell, Thomas M. Hufford, James R. Jones, Robert E. Stegall, and Mabel Smith - Absent: None. IN RE: CALL TO ORDER Supervisors Chairman Edward Park called the meeting to order at I 6:50 p.m. and turned the meeting over to Planning Commission Chairman W. L. Whitwell. Chairman Whitwell welcomed everyone to the joint informal meeting and expressed his appreciation for their attendance. Mrs. Smith also expressed her appreciation to the Supervisors for a meeting which she felt has been needed for some time. IN RE: SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - UPDATE Mr. Whitwell reported that the Planning Commission is holding work study sessions to deal with updating the County Subdivision Ordinance to reflect current County needs and conditions. He cited the need for particular attention to the portion which covers rural subdivisions. A meeting was held I with the homebuilders of the area to get input in relation to this ordinance. Mr. Whitwell noted that after all work sessions and studies are completed, all points of the ordinance will be considered and a prepared recommendation will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting in April for consideration. --- ~ ".. 2-11-82 293 !, Supervisor Minter noted that he would like the ordinance to be able to insure that developers meet all the requirements of the code and what . they proffer to do in the subdivision. He stated that possibly a large sign at the entrance to a subdivision would be in order and should list all the requirements and proffered conditions. I Mr. Hufford strongly objected to the Homeowners Association being allowed to "get around" the codes when developing a subdivision. He felt the County should assure the safety of residents through restrictions in the ordinance. Supervisor Burton discussed the fact that density should play a major role in the requirements and restrictions for developing. Discussion on streets in the subdivisions was a major topic and what could and should be done to have streets brought up to standards for acceptance into the Secondary Highway system. Private roads and how they are to be controlled through the ordinance is of major concern. Supervisor Johnson noted that some restrictions should be placed I on development of condominiums. Chairman Park reiterated by adding that too many restrictions without including planning would not be effective. He stated that future planning is essential in order to allow for expanded needs. IN RE: COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - UPDATE Mr. Whitwell informed that a duplicate plan of action is planned for the update of the Comprehensive Plan as for the Subdivision Ordinance. A series of public meetings will be held throughout the County to allow input from citizens for their ideas for future use of vacant land and its develop- ment. Mr. Whitwell, through copies of Va. Code Sec. 15.1-446, reviewed the legal aspect of updating The Comprehensive Plan. The Boards concurred I to allow notice of these meetings through all available means and special notice to interested civic groups. IN RE: INDUSTRIAL SITES Mr. Whitwell suggested that in order to fully study the industrial sites in the County, a "Task Force" should be formed with representatives -, I ~ j ~ 2-11-82 294 I from the Board of Supervisors, Planning Commission, Industrial Development Authority, and any other persons felt necessary. He stated that at least a year of preparation is needed before the County will be ready to attract industry. An economic development planner should be designated to be directly responsible to the Board and County Administrator, according to Mr. Whitwell. Mrs. Burton indicated that a survey of resources for potential development is needed for a basis to establish goals. Chairman Park expressed the idea that before promotions to sell development can take place, utilities must be available on property sites before consideration will be given by potential developers. Zoning must also be in place. Mr. Park stressed the fact that we must plan for the future. Administrator Flanders feels it's the county government's role to explain the necessity for industrial development in the County in order to take some tax burden from homeowners. I IN RE: RECESS At 8:15 p.m. Chairman Whitwell called for a recess. IN RE: RECONVENEMENT At 8:45 p.m. the Boards reconvened in open session by motion of Supervisor Johnson and a unanimous voice vote. IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Supervisor Minter and a unanimous voice vote, the Boards went into Executive session at 8:46 p.m. to discuss personnel and legal matters. I IN RE: OPEN SESSION At 9:35 p.m. open session reconvened and Chairman Whitwell called for a recess and the Planning Commission left the joint meeting. u 2-11-82 295 IN RE: EXECUTIVE SESSION On motion of Supervisor Johnson and a unanimous voice vote, the Board went into Executive session at 9:45 to discuss legal and real estate matters. I IN RE: OPEN SESSION At 10:03 p.m. on motion of Supervisor Burton and a unanimous voice vote, the Board reconvened in open session and on the same motion immediately adjourned its meeting. ~ I I ~