8/2/1977 - Special 8-2-77 108 Conference Room Office of the County Executive 302 East Main Street August 2, 1977 2:00 P.M. I A special meeting of the Board of County Supervisors was held on Tuesde qugust 2, 1977, at 11 :00 a.m. in the conference room adjoining the County Execu- ive's office at 302 East Main Street in Salem, Virginia, called at the request )f Supervisors R. Wayne Compton and May W. Johnson for the purpose of considerinc 3 resolution requesting the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia to declare Roanoke County a drought disaster area and any other matter or matters unanimousl~ ~greed upon by the members of the Board. All five members of the Board were in ~ttendance and did execute a form waiving any defects in the notice of said specie 1 meeting. I The Chairman called the meeting to order at 11 :12 a.m. with all Board members; the County Executive; the County Attorney; Mr. Lowell Gobble, the Count Extension Agent; and various members of the news media in attendance. Superviso Compton moved the prepared Resolution No. 1836 requesting the Governor of the rommonwealth of Virginia to declare Roanoke County a drought disaster area. Mr. Gobble commented briefly on the considerable effects being experienced by farmers throughout Roanoke County as a result of the area being approximately 10 inches short of normal rainfall. Following discussion, the resolution, which is filed ~ith the minutes of this meeting, was approved unanimously. The Chairman then commented that one of the purposes of the meeting wa for the Board to discuss its upcoming appearance before the Judges of the Twenty Third Judicial Circuit related to the County's jail, which appearance was schedu pd for later in the same day. At 11:30 a.m., Supervisor Dodson moved that the Boar go into Executive Session to discuss a metter of pending 1 itigation and all five Supervisors voted in the affirmative. Following the Executive Session, the Supervisors returned to open session at 11:57 a.m. on the motion of Supervisor Johnson. This was immediately followed by a motion to recess until later in the afternoon, following the Board s appearance beforethe Circuit Court. At 5:13 p.m. the Board returned to special session on a motion of Supervisor Tompkins, adopted by a unanimous affirmative vote. I Supervisor Tompkins moved that the County Executive and County Sheriff be authorized and directed to negotiate with surrounding localities for short- term agreement to handle the County's overflow of prisoners from the County jai Said motion was adopted by the unanimous voice vote of the Board. Supervisor Tompkins moved that the County enter into an agreement with the City of Roanoke based generally on the City's recent offer to house County prisoners at the rate of $5.98 per day for a period of approximately two years time during which the City wi 11 have constructed a new jail, but with the furthe provision that the City insure that the County's expense of transporting prisone s 8- 2-77 !lQ9 between Salem and downtown Roanoke would not exceed $10,000. Following discussi n, the motion was defeated by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Tompkins I NAYS: Mr. Compton, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Myers Supervisor Dodson moved that architects be directed to proceed to prep re plans for a new County jail, that the County accept Salem's offer of the donatio of certain properties in relation thereto, and that the County proceed to erect a new jail next to the present County Courthouse. Following discussion, the mot on was adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Mr. Compton, Mr. Dodson, Mr. Myers NAYS: Mrs. Johnson, Mr. Tompkins Supervisor Tompkins moved that the County Executive be directed to notify the Circuit Court Judges and the City of Roanoke of the Board's latest ac t i on . The motion was adopted by the unanimous voice vote of the Board. IN RE: ADJOURNMENT This concluded the business before the Board at this time, and on the motion of Supervisor Tompkins and the unanimous voice vote of the Board, the mee ing was adjourned at 5:43 p.m. CHAIRMAN I I I